
topylithis i don't know :(12:00
Thundercrackersafrican, don't see why not12:00
rainerHi there, just got a short question: I got Ubuntu now running on two maschines and wanna use one just as x display so I added the other to xhost, but still can't open the display, anybody can tell me why?12:00
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Thundercrackersafrican, the sources are in the ubuntu servers12:00
Thundercrackersafrican, feel free to d/ld12:00
topylifrancisco: anyway, it's 1AM, i have to go to bed12:00
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safricanThundercracker: awesome. Thanks!12:00
CarlKstarhaw1, when you do the install, pick "server" at the boot promt, that will not install anyhting other than what you need to run apt-get12:00
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Gokhan-is there going to be a release today?12:01
computerguy867has anyones gdeskelets stopped working after the hoary gdesklets update that came out in the last day or two12:01
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franciscotopyli, no problem. Thanks for all your help :)12:01
starhaw1thank you very much thats all for today I am going to try the new cd  now and again thank you12:01
BurgundaviaGokhan-: friday, got bumped due to the gnome 2.10.1 release12:01
Gokhan-Burgundavia, thanks...12:01
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topylifrancisco: by all means. there are others here you can ask :)12:02
kevogodDo you know when Ubuntu CDs will be shipped? (how many days after release)12:02
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computerguy867does anyone have any suggestions for fixing them?12:02
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yfirkevogod: I got my warty CDs about 2 weeks after Warty was released (if that helps). I live in NA12:03
kevogodThanks, yfir.12:03
kevogod(and CarlK)12:03
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safricanThundercracker: mind if i ask you fi they are where you can d/l the ISOs or on a different mirror ?12:04
brrrtcrimsun: i have no idea what i did wrong :(12:04
thullydoes anyone know how to change the bitrate you're ripping at in Sound Juicer?  This is baffling me quite a bit...12:04
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Jimbobthully: What version of s-j?12:05
thullythe one in Hoary RC12:05
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Thundercrackersafrican, that is a good question....one that i don't know the answer to unfortunately ..its prolly on the wikki or maybe some one here knows12:05
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thullyBTW, I want to rip to MP312:05
kroWhere can I find policy describing the criteria used for adding packages to a stable release of Ubuntu?12:06
safricanThundercracker: alright - thanks12:06
kroLike for instance, once hoary releases, what criteria is necessary to add an update?12:06
toresbehow can I switch off unicode?12:06
yfirkro: packages aren't really added to a stable release. mostly just security updates12:07
LadyRoottoresbe, dpkg-reconfigure locale12:07
toresbeLadyRoot: bahhhhhhhh12:07
dcraventhully, I'm not sure you can. IIRC it is hardcoded to make it less confusing... As silly as that sounds.12:07
toresbeI should be shot12:07
Burgundaviakro: new packages are added to a stable release, only to the next release12:07
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toresbePackage `locale' is not installed and no info is available.12:08
LadyRoottoresbe, dpkg-reconfigure locales12:08
kroWhy are there 3 repositories?  For hoary it looks like there is a hoary secction, a hoary-updates, and a hoary-security12:08
thullywhat does it use, BTW?  I'm thinking probably 128, or maybe VBR...12:08
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toresbeI thought it *was* locale12:08
toresbeoh well12:08
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dcraventhully, lemme look at the code.12:08
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e_machinistDoes anyone here have any experience with installing MOHAA under Ubuntu?12:09
brrrtcrimsun: is C-Media Electronics CMI9761 mixer the problem ?12:09
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brrrtcrimsun: it seems i have a C-Media Electronics CMI9761 mixer12:10
toresbeLadyRoot: thanks :)12:10
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LadyRoottoresbe, no problem12:10
brrrtcrimsun: but it works on suse12:10
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brrrtcrimsun: and on the ubuntu live-cd12:11
thullyalso, I've been trying to get Sound Juicer working with AAC format (by way of gstreamer-faac).  I duplicated the instructions for MP3 format for AAC (changing MP3 references to appropriate values for AAC) and I get huge, unreadable files.  any way to fix this?12:11
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shivyhya :-)12:11
shivyI have a question, where is my gameport under Ubuntu ?12:12
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toresbeshivy: where it always has been, behind your computer ;)12:12
toresbeshivy: what do you mean?12:12
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dcraventhully, I'm not seeing the bitrate set anywhere obvious just yet...12:12
shivyI know but I mean :-) hehehe Where in /dev12:12
toresbeshivy: /dev/js0 /dev/js1 ...12:12
shivyor js0 ?12:13
membreyaanyone managed to successfully get OO.o2 and an AMD64 working yet?12:13
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shivyok this is whats up I have a laserpen for gameport which is used for reading barcodes12:13
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shivyNow how could I do this ...its on js012:14
dcraventhully, you might want to try grip... It's a bit more flexible I hear. Have a look.12:15
ubllHow necessary is a firewall in Ubuntu?12:15
CarlKstarhaw1, did kb3 complain about "unable to find cdrdao" ?12:15
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kbrooksubll, very necessary, imo, if you are running a server on it or browsing the web12:16
CarlKhmm, no starhaw anymore...12:16
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thullywhat about ripping to AAC?  any clue how to get that going (I actually added the info to RestrictedFormats wiki for this, but discovered that the ripped files were unreadable).12:16
ubllkbrooks, can you reccomend me a firewall similiar to Zonealarm?12:16
CarlKkbrooks, in Ubunto, the default is "no open ports" so what would the firewall do?12:16
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kbrooksubll, "similar"? with all the bells and whistles?12:17
ubllkbrooks, I like the "learning" ability of it. When I open an app it asks if I would like it to have access or not12:17
kbrooksubll, Well,12:17
CarlKWin boxes need a FW because they are like swis chease (no offence to the Swiss)12:17
Thundercrackerubll, iptables should do everything you want12:17
dcraventhully, I dunno what AAC is, so I'll not be much help :)12:17
bufalo73ubll, choose the  one you like. there are many... and free12:18
Thundercrackerubll, you prolly want a front end to help you set it up12:18
kbrooksubll, unfortunaely, no firewall FWIK provides support for that12:18
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ubllAlright, thank you all for the advice.12:18
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kbrooksubll, iptables is just a firewall12:18
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kbrooksubll, recommendation:12:18
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ubllkbrooks, I'll look into it12:19
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CarlKubll, unless you start installing servers, I don't think a FW will do anything12:19
thullyAAC= Advanced Audio Codec, also sometimes known as mp4, works on iPods12:19
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Thundercrackerkbrooks, yeh thats actually quite good12:19
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kbrooksThundercracker, i find it good, too.12:19
diemanheh, totem feels sort of heavy duty to play .wav files with :)12:19
Thundercrackerubll, also just by not starting services you don't need you effectively don't need a firewall unless you want to do rate-limits and stuff like that12:20
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ubllthundercracker, I have a simple desktop atm. I think a firewall might be overkill but I'm used to windows12:21
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ubllI'll try firestarter12:21
VjazAnyone else annoyed by the fact that now that Nautilus no longer opens extra windows, the "single window" seems to bounce around when moving in directories?12:21
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VjazIt seems to me that Nautilus still opens a new window for each directory, but it just closes the old ones.12:22
thatsomebody have try kubuntu?12:22
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diemanVjaz: yes, its awful, i hate it too12:22
diemanVjaz: try double middle clicking12:22
speedy2782what is better, more reliable, faster, more versatile- open or koffice12:23
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Nikos__can anyone tell me how to download SIMULTANEOUSLY more than one files with wget ?12:23
dcravenVjaz, In gconf-editor set /apps/nautilus/preferences/no_ubuntu_spatial to true. You need to create the key yourself, as a boolean.12:23
LeeJunFanthat: many people. There is also a #kubuntu channel.12:23
dcravenVjaz, I know it's silly, but if you want it back to normal, that's how.12:23
thattnk you sorry for ot :)12:23
LeeJunFanthat: it's not really OT.12:23
thatthat's right12:23
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gordonjcpcrimsun: the noapic etc. line works for me12:24
LeeJunFanthat: kubuntu and ubuntu are really the same thing with a different default desktop environment.12:24
gordonjcpcrimsun: thanks for your help, that's got it12:24
dcravenNikos__, open more terminals? :)12:24
thatbut my very question is if apt repositories are the same of the 5.04 RE12:24
LeeJunFanthat: yes, kubuntu and ubuntu use same repositories.12:24
speedy2782what is the best office suite?12:25
LeeJunFanspeedy2782: MS Office.12:25
Nikos__dcraven its time consuming12:25
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Nikos__istn there a command ?12:25
=== LeeJunFan ducks! :)
Thundercrackerubll, its all good. Its always difficult to understand a new way of doing things12:25
Amaranthspeedy2782: OpenOffice.org if you want completeness, AbiWord and Gnumeric if you want speed12:25
Vjazdieman, dcraven: Thanks.12:25
dcravenspeedy2782, you'll probably get as many answers as there are office suites. I like Abiword/Gnumeric myself.12:25
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dcravenVjaz, no sweat.12:25
Amaranthspeedy2782: Although Abiword and Gnumeric are really good with MS Office compatibility too12:25
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ubllOh, one other question. What's a good Genesis emulator?12:26
VjazHm... double middle clicking seems ok I guess. I'll use that until it's made more sane.12:26
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loaofwar3hi i have a printer problem12:27
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LeeJunFanAm I the only one who either a) doesn't reboot every day, or b) has Xorg eating large amounts of ram?12:27
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loaofwar3i tried to ask in the ubuntu foroms but nobody would answer12:27
dcravenubll, I see dgen in synaptic.12:27
ublldcraven, thank you :)12:27
loaofwar3can someone help me?12:27
dcravenEwww.. Anyone else noticing a change in some ubuntu-artwork colours as of a few hours ago?12:27
holycowlao just ask12:28
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icecubewheb is the final relese 5.04 or should i start downloading RC12:28
holycow-+oh heh12:28
holycowsorry -_-12:28
dcravenloaofwar3, you asked on the forum like 10 minutes ago dude...12:28
Burgundaviaicecube: this friday12:28
holycowlao, check www.linuxprinting.org for compatability12:28
punkrockguy318Burgundavia, i thought the release date was set for today12:29
punkrockguy318Burgundavia, did they back it up?12:29
loaofwar3it is pefectly compatible12:29
Burgundaviapunkrockguy318: they bumped to friday to allow testing of gnome 2.10.112:29
jncpunkrockguy318: there's no way they'd release it;  printing is broken in OpenOffice for amd6412:29
icecubefriday it is i'll wait tell friday :)12:29
punkrockguy318jnc, oh12:29
jnci've tried asking about who i can help out to fix that12:29
jncbut i get the runaround from overworked devs12:30
punkrockguy318nvidia-glx is also broken12:30
punkrockguy318and i'm hoping they fix they fork bomb holes12:30
jncwell nvidia is unsupported12:30
punkrockguy318this is true12:30
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punkrockguy318jnc, it's working alright, except for the permssions..12:30
jncpunkrockguy318: so really what you're saying is "i hope i learn how to fix it myself" ;)12:30
holycowlao nothing obvious that i can think of, i gotta get back to work, sorry wish i was of more help12:31
loaofwar3jnc: punkrockguy318: there's no way they'd release it;  printing is broken in OpenOffice for amd64? is this true?12:31
punkrockguy318jnc, i know how to fix it, i was just hoping that it would be fixed by default12:31
loaofwar3i have amd64 and ooo doesnt print12:31
jncloaofwar3: i keep saying it.   it's in bug tracker (the summary of the bug isn't making this obvious)12:31
punkrockguy318loaofwar3, did you update today? there was an ooo update12:31
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jncsearch bugzilla.ubuntu.com for 'spadmin'12:31
brrrti still have no luck with my via82xx/CMI976112:32
jncpunkrockguy318: take a look at the same bug and you can see for yourself what version12:32
loaofwar3i updated today but still no luck12:32
brrrthas anyone a hint for me, please?12:32
jnci posted on it the version that is not working for me12:32
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punkrockguy318jnc, i'm not using amd6412:32
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dcravenOh my, the new Human colours are nasty!12:33
punkrockguy318dcraven, in a good way?12:33
jncdcraven: #ubuntu-graphicsflamewars  i believe12:33
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dcravenWell.. should I maybe say different.12:33
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punkrockguy318it was a shock at first, but i guess i kind of liek themn12:33
jnci like the earthtones12:33
dcravenpunkrockguy318, if you like red/brown.12:33
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dcravenjnc, hehe I guess it's already been discussed :)12:33
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jncdcraven: bright colours are hard to use for a long time, i'd say12:34
jncespecially with 1000:1 contract LCD panels12:34
punkrockguy318dcraven, i'd like to see gtk start to use seperate color/engine themes... like kde... i REALLY like the Human engine, but i'm not to fond of the earthtones12:34
jncyou know what i mean.  retnia-scalding bright.12:34
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dcravenMaybe I'll get used to this, but I quite liked the duller brown I must say.12:34
dcravenpunkrockguy318, I like the earthtones, but if I saw any earth that was this colour, I'd avoid it.12:35
=== jnc grins
dcravenHmm.. Maybe it's not that bad.12:35
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dcravenGotta be original though for sure... heh12:36
jncdcraven: just you wait, next thing y'know you'll be painting the walls in your kitchen that colour12:36
BurgundaviaPEI look something like this12:36
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sanmarcos Hi, I am getting a very weird error, when i try to su, and I put the right passwd, I get auth failed, and I try changing it with ro single at boot.. this is weird, a few days ago I had probelms with all my permissiones being changed, any ideas?12:36
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punkrockguy318sander_, you need to do a sudo su12:36
jncsanmarcos: su root is disabled12:36
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jncsanmarcos: 'sudo bash'  is what i use12:36
punkrockguy318or that12:37
sanmarcosjnc: I am in debian12:37
jncsanmarcos: there's a channel for that12:37
punkrockguy318i've been seeming to have a problem... my middle mouse button doesn't work12:37
accusersanmarcos: 'sudo su' will do the business12:37
sanmarcosall apathetic people, nobody answers12:37
sanmarcossudo: must be setuid root12:37
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punkrockguy318how can I troubleshoot this?12:37
jncsanmarcos: that sounds like #debian alright12:37
sanmarcosaccuser: can it have anything to do with /bin permissiones being fscked?12:37
jncsanmarcos: did you make a backup?12:38
sanmarcos-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root those were the old perms12:38
sanmarcos-rwxrwxrwx  1 root root thats what I have now12:38
accusersanmarcos: ohh - that is significant12:38
jncsanmarcos: i would check for rootkits, then restore from backup if you don't find something12:39
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jncif you do find something, don't bother calling the feds unless there's more than 10kusd damages12:39
dcravenjnc, hehe.. restore from backup...12:39
jncdcraven: some of us still do backups, ya'herd.12:39
sanmarcosjnc: I dont think I was hacked12:39
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kbrooksI neeed the latesdt firestarter12:39
jnckbrooks: wal-mart.   you mean software though12:40
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jnci wonder how similar firestarter is to fire...   i mean fwbuilder12:40
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kbrooksjnc, no12:40
kbrooksi meann gurd dog12:40
dcravenI'm gonna go to the forum and read the bazillion different flame threads about the new colour.12:41
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sanmarcossee but I can login12:41
sanmarcosor else I wouldnt be here12:41
sanmarcosI just cant su, or su to another user12:41
punkrockguy318I'm having mouse problems.. My middle button does not work.. What steps should I take to diagnos this problem?12:43
i0n_st0rmwhat's the date for hoary becoming the "current" release again?12:43
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i0n_st0rmsweet thanks12:44
administratorI already have it ;P12:44
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i0n_st0rmi'm on it right now.. was just trying to figure out when they would be marking it officially as being the current stable12:45
jnci0n_st0rm: my campaign is to make sure the devs are aware of OpenOffice failing to print for amd64 platform and Hoary12:46
i0n_st0rmnow doesn't that just make your day?12:46
jnci0n_st0rm: bug has been submitted, and i'd say this is a major feature for business casual users12:46
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Rebroadkernel 2.6.10-25 works on my PC, but sometime after that version, they've introduced a bug.. anyone know who I should notify about this please?12:46
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jncit used to work12:46
jncnow it don't.  what gives?  dunno.12:47
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jncRebroad: have you submitted a bugzilla.ubuntu.com report?12:47
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dazed|ubuwhere are most of the icon files located?12:47
Rebroadjnc: I'm not sure. let me check my emails to see if what I submitted was one of those.12:47
i0n_st0rmjnc: hopefully just a minor oversight that will be fixed in a near-future update12:48
flodineis there a new release on friday12:48
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jnci0n_st0rm: i realise, though myself i do not know enough to debug this problem12:49
prothdazed|ubu: /usr/share/pixmaps12:49
jncand it seems the devs are so busy preparing for release, they will miss this12:49
i0n_st0rmflodine: it seems that hoary becomes the current release friday, if that is what you are asking12:49
jncalso meanwhile I have made the decision to depend on Ubuntu Hoary for my day-to-day business12:49
jnci won't complain, though I feel it is important that they fix this before release12:50
jncor a lot of people for amd64 are going to be submitting bugs12:50
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i0n_st0rmjnc: look on the bright side.. even if they fail to fix that specific issue before release, they will be ahead of microsoft on the bugs-on-release issue12:51
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jnci0n_st0rm: the bright side is so much brighter when your desktop is brown.12:51
brrrtcrimsun: i got it!12:52
i0n_st0rmjnc: while i do use the default background in ubuntu, i will likely not do so for an extended time12:52
brrrtcrimsun: aktivating all channels in alsamixer was a BAD idea !12:52
jnci0n_st0rm: i keep telling myself "down. load. new. wall. paper"12:52
jncit never happens!12:52
i0n_st0rmi've just not gotten around to it12:52
whiskey_2yes i would say oo is nice but not necessary unless you just  want to use it12:52
brrrtcrimsun: i had to  deactivate "IEC958 C" , now i can hear sound :)12:53
i0n_st0rmi'll likely just end up throwing on one of my standard wall papers and call it a day12:53
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whiskey_2abi/gnumeric/gimpshop/glom fairly cover the basics12:53
jncwhiskey_2: gnome-office ?12:53
whiskey_2jnc, what is gnome-office?12:53
jncwhiskey_2: meta package for what you just mentioned, i think12:54
whiskey_2jnc, yes it would be nice to have one metapackage install for those12:54
jncgimpshop and glom?12:54
whiskey_2jnc, yes they are nice12:54
jnci haven't heard of glom before12:55
whiskey_2jnc, man where have you been12:55
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whiskey_2jnc, go over to www.glom.org and learn something12:56
jncaccess work-alike12:57
imkaafter a recent upgrade, ndiswrapper is not loaded at boot. it says smthg like "modprobe.conf exists but doesn't include modrpobe.d". i'm running hoary12:57
imkaany ideas what is up?12:57
CrashTECHI am having trouble building ndiswrapper so that I can install my linksys wireless card, can anybody provide some insight?12:57
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imkaCrashTECH, what's the problem?12:57
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e_machinistHow goes it?12:57
whiteknightCrashTECH, what are you running, you don't need to build ndiswrapper.12:57
CrashTECHver 4.1012:58
jncwarty. hm..12:58
CrashTECHI was following a how-to from the forums12:58
whiteknightCrashTECH, its really easy, have you got hold of the ndiswrapper-utils package?12:58
imkadoes anyone have a clue to my problem? ^^12:58
i0n_st0rmlol damn.. how do i find and kill a running process?12:58
whiteknighti0n_st0rm, ps ax12:59
imkai0n_st0rm, top12:59
CrashTECHI wasnt able to find the utils package.12:59
i0n_st0rmah thanks.. it's been quite a few years since actually getting into that12:59
CrashTECHI have no network connection in *nix from the if not in windows12:59
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CrashTECHI was trying to get either the wired or wireless lan going12:59
imkaafter a recent upgrade, ndiswrapper is not loaded at boot. it says smthg like "modprobe.conf exists but doesn't include modrpobe.d". i'm running hoary12:59
whiteknightCrashTECH, http://packages.ubuntu.com/warty/misc/ndiswrapper-utils12:59
i0n_st0rmthere we go01:00
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i0n_st0rmwhiteknight: thanks :)01:00
whiteknightimka, does it work manually?01:00
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whiteknighti0n_st0rm, no worries01:00
flipyi want to control all modules loaded at boot, where can i check modules being loaded? (i want to check the acpi support)01:01
imkawhiteknight, yes. it worked before automatically01:01
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xiaogilhow to choose the default chinese font for the system ?01:01
CrashTECHso that package will have what I need in it?01:01
xiaogilfor gnome ?01:01
imkawhiteknight, should i use modprobe -C?01:01
whiteknightCrashTECH, yeah that and also the windows .inf for the card01:01
CrashTECHI have the drivers downloaded and transfered via usb drive01:02
whiteknightimka, try ndiswrapper -m (i think, from memory)01:02
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imkathanks. brb01:03
whiteknightwhen i get my programming skills up to date i'm going to write a gui to set up ndiswrapper!01:03
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CrashTECHthat would be nice WK01:04
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whiteknightCrashTECH, it'll be a while though :)01:04
Sauron21Hi....I was wondering if anyone could tell me what IN BLOODY HELL IS.......sry about that.....its just that I have just installed ubuntu and I seem to have a slight problem.....I dont know the root password....that I didnt give the computer in the first place.....01:04
Sauron21could anyone help me out here?01:05
CrashTECHi would do the same, but yeah, I am not quite that versed yet myself01:05
whiteknightSauron21, there isn't a root password01:05
i2oboDudedoes any one know if they have fixed the GRUB issue when installing ubuntu in a SATA and PATA HD configuration?01:05
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Sauron21...there isent?01:05
whiteknightSauron21, just use sudo and your other password01:05
hyphenatedSauron21: there isn't one. you use 'sudo' instead of logging in or using 'su -' to get root01:05
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Sauron21so all commands that I before did as su....I now must do sudo ?01:06
CrashTECHI am going to try to get that working, brb01:06
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Sauron21thats was.....different...01:06
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e_machinistHow do I run the fglrx control panel?01:06
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whiteknightSauron21, you could activate the password (though a lot of people don't agree with it!)01:06
whiteknightSauron21, something like sudo passwd01:07
hyphenatedSauron21: instead of doing 'su -' to get a root shell and then running a bunch of commands, you prefix any commands that require root privileges with 'sudo'01:07
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hyphenatedeg: sudo apt-get update01:07
Sungcaanyone use the hoary verison of ubuntu ?01:07
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e_machinistDoes anyone know how to run or access the fglrx control panel?01:07
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BurgundaviaI think01:08
flodinehow do i configure my satas01:08
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e_machinistBurgundavia, yah, I tried that... keeps saying command not found.01:08
Burgundaviais a qt app01:09
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CrashTECHAGH... now it wont mount my usb drive01:09
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e_machinistahh, I get it. Thanks Burgundavia.01:09
whiteknightCrashTECH, type dmesg to see the kernel info01:09
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whiteknightCrashTECH, and see if there is an error01:09
CrashTECHyep... did that. it says it found a usb mass storage dev at 1001:10
CrashTECHno error01:10
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whiteknightCrashTECH, you could manually mount it...01:10
CrashTECHbefore it was showing up as sda1 or something01:10
libbenI want nice icons on my desktop... displaying cpu usage, mem usage, empty space, etc etc... is it gdesklet the thing for me?01:10
whiteknightCrashTECH, it might have moved to sdb101:10
libbenor should i use anything else?01:10
dcravenSo like now I have to adjust the colours in my Ubuntu gvim theme...01:10
Sauron21does anyone have opera running with ubuntu?01:11
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whiteknightlibben, right click on the top bar in gnome and add to panel then select system monitor01:11
CrashTECHit says it is /dev/scsi/host5/bus0/target0/lun001:11
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libbenwhiteknight, not the thing i want01:12
libbeni want it on desktop..01:12
libbencute pngs and info to it =)01:12
whiteknightlibben, gkrellm01:12
ctr-anyone know how I can reset my gnome desktop to the stock gnome desktop ?01:12
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IRCMarkhi, I've just updated from warty to hoary but I can't find synaptics now, can you tell me where it is?01:13
whiteknightCrashTECH, that is the true place though it usually has a link to sda1 or sdb101:13
libbenwhiteknight, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1851 so this aint the thing ?01:13
ago73for external repositories to go with hoary, should I choose unstable or testing?01:13
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IRCMarkhi, I've just updated from warty to hoary but I can't find synaptics now, can you tell me where it is? please help me01:14
whiteknightIRCMark, systems -> administration ->01:15
goldfishi have the same problem01:15
goldfishim using xfce though :/01:15
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whiteknightlibben, it might be :) i quite like gkrellm01:15
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goldfishwhen i try run synaptic from the terminal it says command not found01:16
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cikilincan anibody tell me haw i restore the panel?01:17
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IRCMarkI can't find synaptics in my Sistem > Administration01:17
dcravencikilin, what does that mean? Is yours gone?01:17
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whiteknightIRCMark, perhaps it wasn't installed! got to a console and sudo apt-get  install synaptic01:18
cikilinthe panel witch contains the thrash i just delete by mistake01:18
cikilinfrom down01:18
diegocikilin: right click on an existing panel and go to new panel01:18
diegocikilin: then add the trash applet to it01:18
diegohow what?01:19
cikilinto add?01:19
NigelenkiI need to print a .ps file01:19
Nigelenkito something other than what lpr prints to01:19
diegoright click on the panel, select to panel, select Trash, select add01:19
Nigelenkispecifically, to a pdf01:19
diegocikilin: above was to you and i meant 'add to panel'*01:20
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cikilinif i minimize a window it goes to left of the screen01:21
cikilinnot down01:21
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scottjfor some reason rhythmbox says it can't play my mp3s and muine is seg faulting when I try to play one, yet totem plays them fine. any ideas?01:22
chibifsUsing Xine totem?01:22
occyWhat is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running01:22
occykernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] 01:22
whiteknighthehe now when i go to firefox it welcomes me to the ubuntu 5.04 hoary hedgehog release01:22
crimsun/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build01:22
scottjchibifs, yeah01:23
occywhat should I apt-get install?01:23
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crimsunso you need linux-headers-$(uname -r)01:23
occycrimsun: heyaz01:23
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crimsunoccy: hi01:23
occycrimsun: just apt-get install that huh.01:23
chibifsThat would be the main thing then, Try re-installing Gstreamer.01:23
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chibifsMight be borken.01:23
CrashTECHw00t... after taking the usb drive out, then rebooting, then plugging it bakc in, it showed up.01:23
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carlos_any E17 users here?01:24
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ago73hoary: unstable or testing external repositories?01:24
soni still dontknow what a kernel is *harumph*01:24
chibifsKernel is the very core of the Operating system, it communicates with the hardware.01:24
diegoson: the core of the OS01:24
scottjchibifs, which of all the gstreamer packages?01:24
scottjcarlos_, sometimes01:24
sonoh ok01:24
chibifsscottj - Probably all of them. :P01:25
carlos_scottj how may I install it? does it have many dependencies?01:25
chibifsI'm not sure on the exact problem, but gstreamer is picky! D:01:25
jlduggerhey, is there a way to mount a .iso onto the filesystem? the guide im reading says to use mount -oloop but i get an error saying there are no /dev/loop# devices =(01:25
HrdwrBoBsudo modprobe loop01:25
scottjchibifs, is there any easy command to do that instead of apt-get removing all and then installing them all?01:25
carlos_scottj I am interested in 17 or maybe CVS in case it's got new stuff01:26
jlduggerHrdwrBoB, thanks.01:26
chibifsDo it with synaptic, and re-install them. Command line is SO last week :D01:26
diegocommand line is next week actually01:26
lokscottj, gstreamer0.8-mad01:26
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jlduggerman, i remember when synaptic brought the GUI to its knees.01:26
chibifsAnd it will fluxuate each and every week. :P01:26
jlduggerstupid triangle widgets totally crushed the experience01:27
chibifsBah! Doughnut.01:27
jlduggerthey've improved and i bought a new computer01:27
diegojldugger: heh, yeah :)01:27
occyE: Couldn't find package linux-headers-2.6.10-4-38601:27
scottjcarlos, it's cake, once you figure it out :) I wrote instructions for Foresight Linux at http://wiki.foresightlinux.com/index.php/Enlightenment and it's mostly the same with ubuntu, but I haven't checked to see how many differences there are01:27
whiskey_2i saw the strangest comment on slashdot today....someone said how come all the businesses see free software as "bad" but don't mind pirating commercial software.01:28
whiskey_2it is somewhat hypocritical01:28
scottjwhiskey_2, get a job. business don't pirate software on the whole, and they think free software is bad because normally there's no one to call and fix it for them01:29
whiskey_2scottj, this government will not let me have a job for 11 years now....so that is out....and "if it aint' broke, why fix it?"01:29
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HrdwrBoBthe government won't let you have a job?01:30
occycrimsun: think I'll need to dist-upgrade to get linux-headers?01:30
occyI'm running Hoary, and haven't apt-get dist-upgraded in a whiel.01:30
occyerrr while.01:30
diegowhiskey_2: does that make you 4 years old?01:30
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diegoi don't think a 4 year old can type that well01:30
whiskey_2HrdwrBoB, uh...no...i have had some disagreement with the government for many years and the FBI says they are shitting on me!01:30
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scottjwhiskey_2, ha! you think you're bad stuff eh?01:31
whiskey_2scottj, uh ...no....there are just some unresolved issues.01:31
imkaafter todays hoary upgrade, esound is not working properly. i get the "drums" when loading gdm, but after starting gnome, esd doesnt seem to work. no sound with rhythmbox, but i can play music in xmms, but only with alsa. any ideas?01:31
scottjwhat did you do that was so major the FBI gives a hoot about your employment? my guess is imagination.01:31
imkai don't even get the gnome startup sound01:32
whiskey_2scottj, well i was fired for not being a nigger....i was told that the blacks needed a black role model.01:32
XannixI am very new to Ubuntu/debian based systems all together, how/where do i set the root password on a new install of ubuntu01:32
scottjwhiskey_2, anyway, businesses aren't piraters nearly as often as home users.01:32
diegoXannix: why would you?01:32
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scottjwhiskey_2, and the fbi cares why?01:32
imkaXannix, "sudo su" enter your password, "password" and set your roor password01:33
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imkaanyone else having problems with esd under hoary?01:33
sysrq... why? just use sudo -s01:33
whiskey_2scottj, well hey i did not say home users were not....but there seem to be many businesses that don't mind saying hey joe see if you can get a copy of this.01:33
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BurgundaviaXannix: for your information, Ubuntu uses sudo to do most things, so you really don't need a root password01:33
diegoXannix: imka meant the `passwd` command01:33
imkadiego Xannix yea sorry01:33
Xannixahh is that why01:34
goldfishanyone use root-tail on ubuntu?01:34
diegoi miss cable, i used to have 5mbps and now i only have 3 :(01:34
whiskey_2scottj, i have no idea why the FBI does what it does...they don't give out information....about all you can do is argue with them.01:34
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scottjwhiskey_2, they're typically small businesses. any decent sized business has multi-million-dollar offices in charge of just one thing, buying software.01:34
imkaany clues why esound stopped working after todays upgrade?01:34
XannixIt looks similar to Fedora but thing seem very different01:34
whiskey_2scottj, well if that is what you believe i am not going to argue with you.01:35
scottjwhiskey_2, it's not what I believe, it's what I've seen and anyone can see if they work for a big company or even go to visit.01:35
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FirefoxKal-linuxcan anyone tell me how to install a .deb in GUI?01:37
interanyone here know how to add/remove boot services from ubuntu? (update-rc.d removes the whole boot script but I just want to keep it from loading)01:37
whiskey_2scottj,  well i did work for a big company some 20 years ago and you would be surprised in those days how many used their zerox machines to make illegal copies of materials.01:37
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diegointer: i think you're supposed to remove a symlink somewhere01:38
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whiskey_2scottj, so you have what you see and i have what i see.01:38
occyanyone recommend doing an upgrade with hoary now?   I'm running Hoar currently, but it's a few weeks old.01:38
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diegooccy: no large reason why not01:38
interdiego, thats what I thought but according the debian boot services documentation your not supposed to touch the symlinks o_O01:38
occy606 upgraded, 9 newly installed, 2 to remove and 2 not upgraded.01:39
occyNeed to get 447MB/448MB of archives.01:39
occyAfter unpacking 81.8MB of additional disk space will be used.01:39
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xiaogilhow to tell the system which font to use for which language ?01:39
cikilincan anybody tell :when mimimize a window is not going down is going left of the screen01:39
rob_hey can anyone help me here:01:39
cikilinand i want it down01:39
diegointer: well i think there's an updaterc or rcupdate proggie that touches the symlinks for you...i don't know. that stuff was better back on gentoo01:39
rob_rob@here-be-dragons:~/Desktop$ ./waste01:39
rob_./waste: error while loading shared libraries: libwx_gtk2u_xrc-2.5.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:39
rob_it's in /usr/lib01:40
interdiego, hmmm01:40
scottjwhiskey_2, what was the company that you worked for that said "hey joe go see if you can download photoshop off IRC"?01:40
akkinter: update-rc.d will remove the symlinks for you, but they come back in an upgrade.01:40
interdiego, thanks...I think the updaterc program actually removes the whole script from /etc/init.d01:40
occyscott: heh01:40
crimsunrob_: ltrace it01:40
diegointer: meh, **shrug**01:40
interakk, isn't there away to just tell ubuntu _not_ to load a service without blowing it away?01:41
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rob_ltrace: "./waste" is ELF from incompatible architecture01:41
akkinter: I finally ended up writing a script that keeps a list of services I want turned off: it calls apt-get update, apt-get -f dist-upgrade, then update-rc.d for each disabled service.01:41
interdiego, ya...seems kinda lame01:41
whiskey_2scottj, no company ever told me that and i have never seen photoshop01:41
=== mike998 [user66@CPE0050bf78a2a0-CM014080207323.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
rob_i downloaded the waste client from the sf site01:41
scottjwhiskey_2, that's what I thought.01:41
interakk, ugh01:41
whiskey_2scottj, so why spew nonsense.01:41
njanakk, rcconf? sysv-rc-conf?01:41
HrdwrBoBum it's not nonsense01:41
interakk, sounds like the debian boot services standard needs some work01:41
whiskey_2scottj, sounds like you have some kind of hidden agenda with a biased mind01:41
i2oboDudeno flash player for amd64s?01:41
HrdwrBoBsmall companies I have found will pirate things01:41
akkinter: Yes, it does.  But debian people seem happy with it.  I don't know about rconf, that njan just mentioned, though.01:42
njanHrdwrBoB, s/small/all/01:42
HrdwrBoBbut generally many would prefer open source01:42
scottjwhiskey_2, alright, now I see why the FBI might be after you01:42
HrdwrBoBnjan: yes but small companies it's a company thing01:42
interrcconf?  never heard of it01:42
rob_wine: L"Z:\\usr\\home\\rob\\Desktop\\waste" is a Unix binary, not supported01:42
akkinter: The funny thing is: it's such a FAQ that debian has a bunch of pages about complicated-and-temporary ways to do it01:42
mike998has anyone got sim city 3000 running on their box?01:42
=== x_or [~cdawson@sub19-181.member.dsl-only.net] has joined #ubuntu
HrdwrBoBlarger companies it's generally people, not a company thing01:42
rob_crimsun: ideas?01:42
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whiskey_2scottj, well so what....at least i don't use the law to murder helpless women by starving them to death or otherwise.01:42
akkinter: with rude remarks aimed at people who want something more permanent.01:42
njanHrdwrBoB, it's a people thing in small companies too, the difference is that when one person pirates software in a small company it affects the whole business, whereas with larger businesses it generally affects only a portion of it.01:43
interakk, well...I think i'll just remove the symlinks manually o_O01:43
rob_rob@here-be-dragons:~/Desktop$ file waste01:43
rob_waste: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.2.0, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped01:43
scottjwhiskey_2, how is the FBI using the the law to starve helpless women?01:43
x_orI think I have gnome-pilot setup correctly, but I am unsure what app I use to view my data.  Is this jpilot?  Is there a way to sync using gnome-pilot but use jpilot?01:43
interakk, debian ppl aren't always the niecest ;)01:43
whiskey_2scottj, well they support this goddammed government.01:43
interakk, nicest*01:43
scottjnjan, most large businesses have site licenses for about everything imaginable.01:43
HrdwrBoBwhiskey_2: they support ANY government01:43
HrdwrBoB.. that's their job01:43
akkinter: They refer people who want non-rude behavior to ubuntu. :-)01:44
whiskey_2scottj, and this government murders helpless women by starving them to death...a la  Shiavo case.01:44
rob_i'd kill for some insight here01:44
scottjwhiskey_2, they're law enforcement, what do you expect?01:44
njanscottj, not in my experience. Most vendors nowadays don't do such a thing as a 'site license', it's all per-seat.01:44
njanscott, 5,000 seat license for borderware firewalls? sure. Site license? no. :)01:44
akkinter: (actually there are lots of nice debian people, in addition to the less nice ones)01:44
interakk, hehe...or a stable distro that isn't 10yrs old01:44
=== mello [~mello@c-67-162-226-133.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
interakk, ah...i liked the gentoo ppl the most01:44
interakk, just my expereince though01:44
CrashTECHhrm... apparently ndiswrapper loaded the driver, but the pcmca driver isnt there, so the card is not physically detected01:45
=== akk hasn't tried gentoo, maybe some day
interakk, don't ;)01:45
rob_someone, anyone?01:45
=== jldugger [~jldugger@adsl-68-94-167-5.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
interakk, nice ppl...bad distro idea01:45
=== scottj tried gentoo the other day, but gave up after a couple hours of installing it. they're not joking when they say it takes days.
=== dazed| [~dazed@host-208-60-229-142.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
i0n_st0rmhrm.. how do i see what to remove to get rid of old unused kernels again? updated to k7 and want to be rid of the 386 ones cluttering me up01:46
whiskey_2and there is a real damn problem with this government...the damn Mexicans want to kill little children...a la Gonzalez Case of Colorado....and the niggers want to take over the world for the niggers and all their benefits systems...and the lying Jews go along with anything that makes them money.01:46
diegoscottj: days is an understatement. to get a gentoo system working similar to a ubuntu system takes weeks for a non-1337 haxx0r01:47
jlduggeri0n_st0rm, well, synaptic can let you search for linux-kernel packages01:47
John__whiskey_2: the hell?01:47
diegowhiskey_2: tone down the racism would you?01:47
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whiskey_2diego, hey what do you expect from an insane person.01:47
i0n_st0rmi suppose it could.. i'm just more used to doing things hands-on (i originally started back into linux with gentoo, so i'm more used to dealing with command line :))01:47
=== scottj invites whiskey_2 to #ubuntu-locos
jlduggerhey, is swat availble in hoary?01:48
FirefoxKal-linuxcan anyone tell me how to install a .deb in GUI?01:48
diegoi0n_st0rm: i wasn't trying to say that gentoo is bad for it. i think it's wonderful for learning, but i'm here in #ubuntu because _most_ of that hands-on work is done for me on ubuntu and i can just _use_ the os01:48
diegojldugger: let me check01:48
diegojldugger: samba web admin tool? yeah01:49
x_or"...and the niggers want to take over the world for the niggers and all their benefits systems.."  You talking about welfare here?  Corporate welfare is the real problem, social welfare is miniscule comparatively.  Racists are easily confused by the papers.01:49
goldfishFirefoxKal-linux: it's handy to install from command line01:49
jlduggerhmm. im in warty right now, and i get a depends error01:49
i0n_st0rmhehe i know :)01:49
goldfishFirefoxKal-linux: dpkg -i file.deb01:49
scottjchibifs, reinstalling gstreamer didn't do it. the error I get is "Could not open resource for writing." then "Could not pause playback"01:49
FirefoxKal-linuxgoldfish, i know... but it doesn't offer... GUI?01:49
rob_somebody... help me!01:49
jlduggercant figure out where it got the package description from though01:50
=== norris_ [~norris@user-1120p3i.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
i0n_st0rmdiego: i was just saying that i'm more used to doing everything hands-on, so i try that route first :)01:50
goldfishFirefoxKal-linux: oh right, sorry01:50
melloman i love xchat01:50
akkFirefoxKal-linux: Maybe synaptic has an option to install a deb?01:50
mellobut i don't know how to change the color01:50
whiskey_2x_or, hey don't tell about damn papers...just walk to the local food stamp lines and look whos there.01:50
goldfishirssi all the way01:50
mellocould someone help me change the text colors01:50
FirefoxKal-linuxakk, i want to know where..?01:50
=== akk wonders what happens if you doubleclick on a .deb in nautilus
scottjwhiskey_2, there are lots of forms of welfare besides foodstamps.01:50
crimsunrob_: are you on amd64?01:50
=== drasko [~drasko@kds12-077.ptt.yu] has joined #ubuntu
FirefoxKal-linuxakk, it opens the application installer01:50
jlduggerFirefoxKal-linux, I don't think there is one yet.01:50
=== FirefoxKal-linux wishes it acts more better
x_orYep, 'cause we don't fund education here in the US, so people have no choice.  You see what you want to see anyway.  Most people on welfare work full time, btw.01:51
whiskey_2x_or, those damn niggers and Mexicans have 15 children each and don't give a shit about them except how many food stamps they can get.01:51
=== darmou [~darmou@CPE-144-137-5-71.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
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x_orYou are completely delusional, but I know enough to know you won't change by me telling you that.01:51
draskohi all. How to share internet connection between two ubuntus. Mine is and other is
whiskey_2x_or, no i won't01:51
billyocwhiskey_2 == typical red welfare stater.01:51
mellowhiskey_2: shush man, nobody wants to hear this01:51
scottjx_or, but he'll sure amuse us :)01:51
FirefoxKal-linuxHow to get Firestarter to use dhcp3?01:51
diegodrasko: do you have a router then or are you feeding one off the other?01:51
jlduggerFirefoxKal-linux, maybe file a feature request with synaptic01:52
akkFirefoxKal-linux: Isn't the application installer what you want?01:52
scottjwhiskey_2 = typical white-trash redneck inbred west-virginia folk01:52
FirefoxKal-linuxakk, it only can add/remove what's on the CD01:52
draskodiego, one to another. 01 is a gateway01:52
whiskey_2scottj, make that Greek.01:52
=== bwlang [~bwlang@bb-66-55-211-238.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu
akkFirefoxKal-linux: Doesn't it have someplace to change that?  I think I remember seeing that.01:53
x_orBut, you might look into how much this country spends on military compared to the next twenty countries.  If you looked closely, you'd realize we could spend a little more on social programs and there would be shorted welfare lines.  But, again, Fox News would rather you don't think about that.01:53
diegodrasko: i imagine you just configure the slave to have an ip of and a default gw of
=== i2oboDude [~i2oboDude@adsl-065-006-162-240.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
FirefoxKal-linuxakk, i can't find it.01:53
jlduggerFirefoxKal-linux, in synaptic?01:53
diegodrasko: on the master i'm not sure...probably some sort of tunneling01:53
whiskey_2x_or, piss on the social programs...why should all those niggers and Mexicans get food stamps for their bastards when this government won't even let me talk to my wife and kids for 11 years.01:54
FirefoxKal-linuxjldugger, hmm tell me where please01:54
i2oboDudewoohoo I installed the Nvidia drivers, umm is there a way to get rid of the Nvidia Spash screen?01:54
akkFirefoxKal-linux: I just looked: you can change repositories in the Settings menu, but I don't see anything to install a single .deb.01:54
FirefoxKal-linuxakk, that's sucks01:54
scottjwhiskey_2, because your wife and kids have a restraining order against you because you're crazy?01:54
John__because they realize how idiotic you are?01:54
CrashTECHis there an easy way to edit grub so that it loads windows by default instead of Ubuntu?01:54
billyocscottj: rofl01:54
akkFirefoxKal-linux: Maybe there's some other program that can do it; sorry, I don't know, never looked.01:54
whiskey_2scottj, well there is more to it than what is on the surface.01:55
John__scottj: nice01:55
diegoi2oboDude: yes there is, modify your xorg.conf file (hoary) to have Option "NoLogo"01:55
x_orwhiskey_2:  I honestly, honestly, sympathize with you.  I agree our government is completely fucked up, but they manipulate people into thinking the problem is with the people at the bottom, not the ones at the top.01:55
i2oboDudethanks you01:55
x_orThe history of the US is using the poor against each other.01:55
jlduggerFirefoxKal-linux, if you're looking to install stuff over the net, look at settings-> repositories01:55
whiskey_2x_or, well now it may be just everyone not some here or there.01:55
diegoCrashTECH: i'm sorry you want to do that but edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and put the Windows one before the others01:55
bwlangCrashTECH: yes... just change default to whatever then number windows is on your system01:55
diegoi2oboDude: np01:56
CrashTECHdiego till i get all my drivers and stuff working....01:56
diegoCrashTECH: meh, how bad is the situation?01:56
=== iceaxe18 [~iceaxe18@c-67-168-9-215.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
CrashTECHno network, no sound, no pci/pcmca... nothing01:56
CrashTECHHP Pavilion zx5000 lappy01:57
diegoCrashTECH: ouch01:57
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rob_crimsun: sorry for the late reply, but yes01:57
x_orSee, tort reform should not be about making sure corporations are limited in the amount they pay out when they injure someone, but about making sure you are not put in a situation where you cannot talk to your kids.  But, guess which one GW is going after?  Not to help you...01:57
i2oboDudediego, is there a good 3d demo to test out how my card opperates in 3d?01:57
CrashTECHits all HP stuff... and Texas Inst01:57
dcravenI'm on a ze5610 right now!01:57
diegoi2oboDude: run `glxgears`01:57
diegoi2oboDude: and then play tuxracer, lol01:57
rob_crimsun: i should be able to run a 32-bit program... i have the emulation libraries01:57
=== xiaogil [~xiaogil@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== John__ appluds x_or
John__applauds even01:58
jonathan_is there software for ubuntu like bearshare or Winmx01:58
CrashTECHdcraven: how do I get all this crap working then? Will HP provide me drivers for *nix?01:58
scottjanyone played wargus?01:58
merlin__Does someone know where I can get /usr/lib/autofs/autofs-ldap-auto-master from (required by autofs). auto-apt search autofs-ldap-auto-master returns empty01:58
akkFirefoxKal-linux: someone tells me that nautilus may do it if you're root, but that's not much help (don't want to have to run X as root ...)01:58
=== NeoCool [~neocool@] has joined #ubuntu
i2oboDudeIs there a linux modern game demo like Doom3 or something... ehehe i have a 6600gt01:58
dcravenCrashTECH, no.. Don't even bother looking for HP support...01:58
cefdiego: or scorched3d *grin*01:58
diegoi2oboDude: doom3 works on linux01:58
CrashTECHthen my options are... ?01:59
jlduggeri2oboDude, ut2k4 works well01:59
FirefoxKal-linuxakk, me too... too dangerous01:59
=== mello [~mello@c-67-162-226-133.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
i2oboDudeoh what... dope!01:59
dcravenCrashTECH, Is it wireless network you are having trouble with or ethernet?01:59
dcraven or wired...01:59
CrashTECHbecuase I really would like to be able to dual boot... FC picked up the eth, but its display support for the lappy was aweful01:59
CrashTECHi cant get either network to work01:59
rob_crimsun: i am modestly begging you01:59
=== geneo93 [~kane@1Cust4554.an4.det15.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
dcravenOkay well let's start with wired... Is it a National Semiconductor like mine?02:00
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CrashTECHUbuntu picks up all the right names for the hardware, it just doesnt know what it is.02:00
dcravenCrashTECH, oh.. Well that's not gonna be the same.. How about wireless, Broadcomm?02:00
jlduggeris it just me, or is the playlist editor in beep-media-player messed up?02:01
dcravenCrashTECH, well it seems as though these lappies are quite different after all.02:01
scottjanyone else find it amusing that whiskey_2 would use ubuntu?02:01
CrashTECHwell, the wireless is a card, not built in02:01
jlduggerhumanity towards others02:01
billyocwhat with black people on the web site and all.02:01
CrashTECHthe cardbus is by Texus Inst i think02:02
scottjanyone know, is ubuntu zulu?02:02
rob_crimsun: ya there?02:02
CrashTECHThe digital media card reader is by TI i know...02:02
=== scottj thinks it would be funny if it were afrikaans
=== Fleebailey33_ [~andy@c-67-163-138-215.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
CrashTECHhey, i got a couple errors here...02:03
=== Lous [~debian@234.Red-83-41-119.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
dcravenCrashTECH, have a look in the forums if you haven't already. This stuff is asked all the time so I'm sure someone asked about the same hardware.02:03
CrashTECHI checked aroudn today, didnt find anything specific... it doesnt seem too many people use zx5000s02:03
CrashTECHwhere is the boot log located? there were some modprobe errors02:04
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dcravenCrashTECH, don't search the laptop model, but the components.02:04
=== plagerism [~plagerism@CPE00606771c662-CM013419900473.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
dcravenCrashTECH, try "dmesg".02:04
akkTI chips often aren't well supported, might need extra work.02:04
i2oboDudeI how do i RUN a .run file? its the ut2k4 demo file, do I do  ./filename.run?02:04
jlduggeri2oboDude, two ways02:05
dcraveni2oboDude, chmod 755 filename && ./filename02:05
=== awb4422 [~awb4422@grd1975.urh.uiuc.edu] has joined #ubuntu
jlduggereither make it executable and ./filename.run it, or sh filename02:05
jlduggersh filename is easier02:05
crimsunrob_: are you running it from within a 32-bit chroot?02:05
=== tritium [~rimbert@12-202-90-180.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunrob_: or have you tried obtaining a 64-bit version of waste?02:05
i2oboDudewhats sh?02:05
jlduggernot sure02:05
=== jldugger checks man sh
awb4422If i want to get qt on my machine, do I only need to install libqt3-dev?02:06
dcraveni2oboDude, it just runs the file as a bash program.02:06
=== ToothAway [~toothpick@pcp01993813pcs.plsntv01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rob_crimsun: no, no02:06
rob_crimsun: where could i get a 64-bit version?02:06
dcraveni2oboDude, man sh02:06
ToothAwayWhat keeps the livecd from being the install cd?02:06
dcraven... if interested.02:06
diegoToothAway: time02:06
i2oboDudehehee, sorry i forget about the MAN pages from time to time02:07
CrashTECHwell, at least one of the errors had to do with my usb...02:07
CrashTECHmy keyboard and mouse didnt work02:07
dcraveni2oboDude, no biggie ;P .. Sometimes people avoid them on purpose :)02:07
rob_crimsun: any ideas?02:09
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rob_or how to build it?02:09
akkawb4422: -dev are if you want to build qt programs.  You shouldn't need that to run them.02:09
merlin__does anyone know how auto-apt search really works?02:10
libbenwhat is applications/system tools/Add-Remove program ? is it something u should use instead of --purge? or synaptic complete removal?02:10
crimsunrob_: it seems to be specifically for 32-bit OSes, which means you need to install a 32-bit chroot. Search the wiki for "debootstrap".02:10
libbenmerlin__, apt-cache search PROGRAMNAME02:10
rob_ack okay02:10
mellofellas, how do i configure x-chat 2.4.1 to open urls in a new tab in firefox?02:10
=== thundrcleeze [~thundrcle@c24.241.234.183.jvl.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
merlin__libben: yeah, but that doesn't work for many files. Try this: auto-apt search autofs-ldap-auto-master02:10
akkawb4422: I seem to have ended up with libqt3c102-mt = Qt GUI Library (Threaded runtime version)02:10
rob_crimsun: i could build it myself, right?02:10
=== Clintology [~Clint@nr30-69-61-185-210.fuse.net] has joined #ubuntu
rob_crimsun: don't go anywhere... i'll be right back02:11
akkawb4422: I don't run a lot of qt stuff but I think that's enough for the basics.02:11
merlin__libben: autofs-ldap-auto-master ended up being in autofs-ldap, but I had to grep for it in /var/lib/apt/lists/* because auto-apt didn't work02:11
awb4422akk: I'm trying to build mythtv on my machine...02:11
libbennever used auto-apt02:11
awb4422this is the error I'm getting... from what i've seen, google tells me I need "my own" installation of qt02:11
awb4422Starting MythTV server: mythbackendQSettings: error creating /home/andrew/.qt02:12
akkawb4422: Ah, okay, then you will need the -dev, and possibly libqt3-headers and qt3-dev-tools and such02:12
dcravenmerlin__, you don't like synaptic?02:12
awb4422Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed02:12
geneo93i use qt apps that required qt-desinger02:12
billyocgeneo93: something requires the *designer*?02:13
geneo93moc files and a few others02:13
billyocah, ic02:13
merlin__dcraven: synaptic is nice, but doesn't tell which package has file foo. Also, it's not command line :)02:13
dcravenOmg I don't miss those moc files...02:13
=== revs_ [~revs@81-178-232-11.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
dcravenmerlin__, I see.02:13
merlin__In many years of using debian, I never really found out why auto-apt only works for some files and not all02:14
dcravengeneo93, so why would a qt application require designer? Are you trying to compile them?02:14
dcravenJust curious.02:14
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geneo93dcraven:  yes they have to be compiled02:15
serendipityhow much hd space does a starndard installation take?02:15
awb4422dang i've installed almost every qt3 package for ubuntu...and echo $QTDIR doesn't bring anything up still02:15
=== Buddyo- [id@adsl-69-109-229-23.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
dcravengeneo93, I doubt they need designer to build, but of course I could be mistaken.02:16
Buddyo-ubuntu :D02:16
geneo93serendipity:  about 3 gigs for standard install02:16
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geneo93dcraven:  yes it has libs it need for compiling02:17
dcravenawb4422, you could always set it yourself if need be (using export).02:17
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serendipity433 ppl and no ops ;D02:17
dcravengeneo93, well that's just weird.02:17
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=== george_ [~george@adsl-67-38-18-15.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
george_hey everyone02:18
dcravenserendipity, there were 500+ earlier today. I was suprised.02:18
geneo93well one app is for chat and file sharing dcraven02:18
=== Fleebailey33_ is now known as Fleebailey33
george_hey anyone know why my sound isnt working?02:18
george_i have a toshiba satellite02:18
goldfishi had to add some boot parameters to get my sound working02:19
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george_uhh let me check02:19
awb4422dcraven - is that by export PATH QTDIR="/usr/share/qt3"02:19
dcravengeorge_, try running alsamixer and make sure that no channels are muted and that PCM is turned up.02:19
awb4422in /etc/profile?02:19
dazed|where is the menu config file for gnome?02:19
dcravenawb4422, minus the PATH part.02:19
george_how do i get into alas mixer?02:19
stackis anyone else experiencing full lockups from visiting certain sites in firefox and mozilla?02:20
goldfishgeorge_: run it from command line02:20
george_im in alas mixer02:20
goldfishgeorge_: alsamixer02:20
dcravengeorge_, in a terminal, type "alsamixer" minus the quotes.02:20
=== kbrooks [~kyle@CPE0050ba557516-CM000039d12a5d.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
dcravenstack, I did once earlier this week, but I'm not sure what site it was now... I didn't pay attention.02:21
awb4422dcraven - is there something I need to do to update /etc/profile to register with something to notice the changes?02:21
george_ok heres what my alsa mixer shows02:21
stackdcraven, i;m getting it from an ant.apache.org site, i believe the ant beta cvs view02:21
george_y33_ is now kno02:21
dazed|where is the menu config file for gnome?02:21
dcravendazed|, I don't think there is one for gnome 2.10.. You need to use a 3rd party app. There is one in the forums.02:21
crimsungeorge_: what model satellite?02:21
george_one sec02:21
george_Card: Intel 82801DB-ICH4                                                      Chip: Realtek ALC250 rev 2                                                    View: Playback                                                                Item: Master02:22
stackdcraven: this is the one im crashing on: http://cvs.apache.org/dist/ant/v1.6.3beta102:22
george_and its a sattelite m35x-s30902:22
dazed|how can i find where the icons are located for specific apps?02:22
dcravenawb4422, there probably is a better way, but you could always source it.02:23
geneo93dcraven:  if you would like to try this app its on cvs under unizone02:23
george_crimsun u get that?02:23
crimsungeorge_: yep02:23
dcravenstack, I am able to view that URL.02:23
crimsungeorge_: did you say you're using Hoary or Warty?02:23
dcravengeneo93, I'm not much of a qt guy anymore :)02:24
george_crimsun: hoary02:24
stackdcraven: my computer completely locks when I go there... http://live.gnome.org/Luminocity does it too02:24
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jonohi all02:24
crimsungeorge_: lsmod output onto pastebin.com, please02:24
dazed|anyone know how can i find where the icons are located for specific apps?02:24
geneo93dcraven:  it uses muscled server02:24
george_crimsun: what is that?02:24
kbrookso f it02:25
dcravenstack, I wonder what that is... I don't see anything too fancy on those sites.02:25
kbrooksi need the kde control center. everything in it. package?02:25
crimsungeorge_: type ,,lsmod'' (without the quotes) and paste the output onto http://pastebin.com02:25
kbrooksi need the kde control center. everything in it. package?02:25
Riddellkbrooks: kcontrol!02:25
george_crimsun: it went to fast to read and exited02:26
stackdcraven: it doesn't even load the page, i just get a title in the title bar, and then lock!  I get mouse movement, but nothing interacts and i cant switch to consoles either02:26
dcravenkbrooks, kcontrol02:26
crimsungeorge_: open a terminal.02:26
dcravenerr.. little late :)02:26
george_crimsun: got it02:26
george_ok ill paste02:27
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stackdcraven: i think im going to ssh into this box and force it again, to see what happens02:27
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dcravenstack, that's weird.02:27
george_crimsun: now what do i do02:27
george_crimusn: i posted it02:27
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CrashTECHthe drivers that fail to load during boot up are shpchp.ko and pcichp.ko it says the operation is not permitted02:28
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diegoCrashTECH: those can safely be ignored02:29
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CrashTECHi think that is why my wlan isnt working tho02:29
george_crimsun: uu there?02:29
diegoCrashTECH: it's not02:29
diegoCrashTECH: add those to /etc/hotplug/blacklist if you don't want them to here them complain. it's a common error02:30
crimsungeorge_: please be patient02:30
george_crimsun: ok02:30
CrashTECHwhen I do ndiswrapper -l it says "linksys hardware not present" but the card is plugged in02:30
crimsungeorge_: please paste the output of amixer onto pastebin02:31
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occycrimsun: any faster mirrors I can use.  This one is slooooow:   14% [88 kaddressbook 1133124/2062kB 54%]                       19.8kB/s 5h23m16s02:31
occycrimsun: I'd want to use an official mirror (if there is such a thing)02:32
george_crimsun: posted02:32
=== Gavrila [~stefy@62-101-126-230.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
dazed|anyone know how can i find where the icons are located for specific apps?02:33
Gavrilais there any ubuntu installer with 2.6.1102:33
serendipityi got a stupid q02:33
occyserendipity: so ask it.02:33
tritiumdazed|, dpkg -L <app>02:33
geneo93george_:  you should have gotten url to paste here though02:33
serendipityp 2 is i386 correct? what procs r i686?02:34
occyserendipity: yah02:34
geneo93p2 is 68602:34
occyserendipity: pentium* is i38602:34
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occytechnically it's 68602:34
=== QMario [~qmario@adsl-65-68-73-98.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
QMarioHow do I put Windows printer drivers into the /var/lib/samba/printers file?02:34
serendipitywill a i686 distro run on a p2 then?02:35
geneo93occy:  pentium is 58602:35
GavrilaI don't think s02:35
geneo93serendipity:  yes02:35
crimsunoccy: there are a number of different country-based mirrors02:35
uphuOh this is crowded, to crowded to ask a question and get a response?02:35
occycrimsun: got a url handy?02:35
george_serendipity: it should have a i386 version02:35
occycrimsun: something that lists them?02:35
Gavrilaanyway nobody answered my only ubuntu question02:35
QMarioHow do I put Windows printer drivers into the /var/lib/samba/printers file?02:35
Gavrilais there any installer with 2.6.11???02:35
BFCis 5.04 final coming today? (thought thats what it said in the slashdot interview)02:36
uphuIt's safe to run i386 on an AMD64 right?02:36
tritiumBFC, Friday02:36
Gavrilauphu: yes02:36
CrashTECHI have these 2 messages: PCI: Cannotallocate resource region 0 of device 0000:00:14.0 and the same thing for region 4 if 14.102:36
serendipityi feel bad asking about a different distro on here ;X02:36
george_Gavrila: Yes, after u burn the iso boot it and look02:36
BFCtritium: thanx02:36
diegoQMario: please don't repeat yourself. there are already 431 others in here, this channel doesn't need more traffic02:36
george_Gavrila: Its sorta like DOS02:36
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Gavrilageorge_: what are u talkin about?02:37
occycrimsun: don't see them on the site... (not anything that would indicate what I'd need to put in my /etc/apt/sources.list that is.02:37
crimsunoccy: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Archive02:37
=== occy looks
george_Gavrila: you askeda bout an installer is it one to actually install the OS or programs02:37
occy(and bookmarks)02:37
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Gavrilageorge_: if u read more carefully, I asked for an ubuntu installer based on a 2.6.11 kernel02:38
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uphuOk, you know in the ubuntu installer?  Ok nevermind, well I did all of it up to the point where it asks for the resolution I want.  I check all the ones my monitor can handle, but then once I get to the end of the installer my screen is showing all these funky colors like it's trying to display a resolution that it can't.  I'm suppose to check the resultions my monitor can handle, right?  Or is it the other way around?02:38
crimsungeorge_: mute the External Amplifier02:38
george_Gavrila: i believe the rc is 2.6.1102:38
rob_crimsun: doesn't work in the chroot either02:38
Gavrilano it's not02:39
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Gavrilait's 2.6.10-502:39
george_crimsun: how?02:39
FirefoxKal-linuxcan I update from 5.04 RC to 5.04 Final?02:39
tritiumFirefoxKal-linux, sure02:39
GavrilaFirefoxKal-linux:  sure apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade :)02:39
FirefoxKal-linuxwhen is 5.04 come out?02:39
crimsungeorge_: amixer sset 'External Amplifier' off02:39
stackso, http://cvs.apache.org/dist/ant/v1.6.3beta1 makes my X server go to 100% CPU, this is the latest hoary by the way02:39
diegowhat's the command to erase a cd-rw? graveman (on hoary) is failing and just giving me a generic error message02:39
stackany ideas on what's causing this?02:40
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uphuno one knows? aw, crud ball...02:40
FirefoxKal-linuxanyone got a CD from Ubuntu? i wanna know what the CD looks like02:40
rob_FirefoxKal-linux: I've got two02:40
george_crimsun: still nothing02:40
rob_FirefoxKal-linux: they're nice... google for it02:41
rob_many results02:41
FirefoxKal-linuxI can say this disto of linux is getting like OSX :)02:41
phlaegelanybody using perl plugins in gaim? does gaim in hoary support them?02:41
george_order one02:41
george_shipit is free!02:41
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dazed|tritium: i did that dpkg -L <app> and its not bringing up icon files02:42
tritiumdazed|, it lists all files in the package, not just the icon (if there's one)02:42
FirefoxKal-linuxi will send my AOL cds back to shipit02:42
rob_worked now crimsun02:42
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EricNeonmorning all ~02:43
george_crimsun: still nothing man02:43
akkphlaegel: I have one that wasn't working, but I just discovered I didn't have sox installed.  I think the perl plugin part is working.02:43
occy:/  This mirror isn't that fast either.02:43
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phlaegelakk: hm. I can't even get them to show up in the prefs list02:44
uphuIn the ubuntu installer I get to the point where it asks for the resolution stuff.  i know this is a stupid question but what do I do?!02:44
uphuDo I check off the one's my monitor can handle? or the one's it can't?02:45
diegouphu: make sure the ones you want are selected02:45
uphuI did that02:45
diegothen proceed.02:45
uphubut then it won't display it02:45
thundrcleezenot necessarily the ones it can use, just the ones you want it to use02:45
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syn1i cant find xfce in the apt-get02:46
syn1what repos do i need02:46
akkphlaegel: Oh, hmm, just realized I'm running an xchat I built myself anyway, so I'm not a good test case.02:46
uphuWell my monitor can do 1280 x 1024.  It can do 1024 x 768 but when I do that... and it boots... the screen is all multicolored02:46
occydo you have to escape .  in sed?02:46
occyand : ?02:46
occyor just the /'s02:46
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diegouphu: multiple colors? oh no!02:46
crimsunsyn1: it's called 'xfce4'02:46
crimsunsyn1: and it's in universe02:47
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uphuyou talking to me?02:47
george_crimsun: anyother suggestions?02:47
crimsungeorge_: I'm looking02:47
uphuI mean the multicolors looks like it's displaying something which it can't handle02:48
syn1crimsun: E: Couldn't find package xfce402:48
george_crimsun: ok sweet thanks02:48
uphubut normally my monitor prints "out of bounds" if it is02:48
crimsunsyn1: enable universe02:48
Mestaphelesdcraven: I finished upgrading sid to hoary.  There was not much software to upgrade from sid to hoary, or sarge to sid for that case.  I did do a server upgrade though02:48
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knucksanyone here have problems printing? Ubuntu seems to recognize the printer but doesnt want to print02:48
Mestaphelestry differeent drivers02:49
knucksthis worked on the old version..02:49
Xeon3Dhow can I limit the speed of apt-get ?02:49
regeya_a little underwhelmed by the gimpshop announcement02:49
Mestaphelesin gnome highlight the printer icon, right click properties02:49
crimsungeorge_: what jack is it plugged into?02:50
knuckson the previous hoary update02:50
Mestaphelesand select a diff driver from one of the tab02:50
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george_crimsun: it is integrated as far as i know02:50
uphuquestion: I finished installing the distro but there is nothing on the screen when I boot.02:50
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crimsungeorge_: no, your output (speakers/headphones)02:51
knucksdoesnt want to print02:51
syn1who's Christian Marillat02:51
zenroxuphu try doing a alt+ctrl+f1-602:51
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Mestaphelesthere is more than one driver for most printers, and they don't always work from on version to another or one distro to another02:52
george_crimsun: laptop speackers02:52
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uphuzenrox: uphu try doing a alt+ctrl+f1-6:  Are you kidding or being serious?02:52
adobbiesyn1: Debian devel02:52
uphuI never heard of that combo02:52
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knuckshm wow it doest even recognize it now02:53
adobbiesyn1: he also packages things like lame and mplayer02:53
syn1adobbie: high in the food chain or ?02:53
zenroxuphu, that will get you to a console login so you can fix drivers for your vidcard02:53
adobbiesyn1: think he does gnome stuff but I can check for you02:53
crimsungeorge_: toggle whatever setting 'PCM Out Path & Mute' is using alsamixer02:53
uphuThat might be it!02:53
Sauron21Hi...I was wondering if anyone could tell me why apt-get gives me this idiotic message when I try to install a .deb file...."E: Couldn't find package ~~~~.deb" ??02:53
uphuSee, it's plugged into my video card right now02:53
occyis it always slow doing apt-get update  ?02:53
uphumaybe if I plug it into my mobo02:53
occyno matter your mirror?02:53
uphuI dunno02:53
occyonly getting 11k/sec02:54
occyshould be getting 400k/sec02:54
zenroxuphu,  is it a nvidia card02:54
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george_crimsun: dude im a newb sorry to be sorta helpless but a little more detail02:54
uphuoh boy, is this a common problem?02:54
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zenroxask in #nvidia uphu02:54
occyzendog: heyaz02:54
crimsunoccy: please consider what time it is02:54
complxorafter i set up bluetooth on my comp i can't send files throught nautilus because the send to button doesn't appear can somone help me?02:54
Xeon3Ddoes anyone know how to limit apt-get's download speed...02:55
occycrimsun: time to get ill?02:55
occycrimsun: ;)02:55
crimsunoccy: it's barely one day before release, there's a lot of syncing occurring02:55
dazed|tritium: for example i know GAIM has an icon...but it did not list it.. :(02:55
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Xeon3DSauron21,  use dpkg -i file.deb02:55
occycrimsun: ahhh02:55
occycrimsun: did not know that.02:55
uphubut, I selected all resolutions that my monitor can handle, thanks for the help though02:55
george_crimsun: i muted the pcm02:55
occyzenrox: err hey :)02:55
ubuntuhi! Wow, this is the first time I've used IRC X Chat02:56
tritiumdazed|, it's in gaim-data02:56
occyubuntu:  /nick foo02:56
crimsungeorge_: I think you'll want to be able to hear sounds ;)02:56
thundrcleezeI'm getting an error of "no screens found" after I updated, and X won't start.02:56
Sauron21it worked.....atleast I think it did...02:56
crimsungeorge_: so muting PCM might not be the smartest choice ;)02:56
george_crimsun: lol id think so02:56
spadescomplxor: you install gnome-bluetooth?02:56
george_crimsun: ok what should i do lol02:56
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ubuntucan anybody tell me if I can use my floppy drive if I'm using the Live CD or not?02:57
ubuntuI heard I have to change fstab02:57
syn1will xfce run smoother/faster than gnome on a P3 600Mhz 128MB laptop?02:57
thundrcleezeyou should be able to, Ubuntu02:57
zenroxhay occy02:57
Blissexsyn1: yes.02:57
zenroxhow it going02:57
crimsungeorge_: use alsamixer to toggle that setting02:57
Sauron21thx Xeon3D....it worked...:D02:57
complxorspades, yea i did02:57
tritiumdazed|, most are in /usr/share/pixmaps02:57
occyzenrox: never did get that silly phone thing working.02:58
george_crimsun: to toggle my pcm out?02:58
syn1Blissex: thanks02:58
zenroxoccy join #ubuntuforums02:58
dazed|well i pointed my menu generator to that folder but it didnt pickup a few of em so im looking for specific ones02:58
ubuntubut when I try to mount it says fd0 doesn't exist02:58
syn1well, the moment of truth02:58
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Blissexsyn1: GNOME is notoriously a bit heavy on small machines, especially if you dont disable a lot of the cool features. Nautilus is also particularly heavy.02:58
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tritiumubuntu, perhaps the floppy module is not loaded?  lsmod | grep floppy02:59
dazed|ok i found em tritium but i need to convert .png to .xpm are there any specific apps that can do that02:59
idn_1hi, anyone having trouble with gnome bit torrent, basically there are no errors but its not downloading02:59
idn_1btw bt works in windows02:59
tritiumdazed|, imagemagick can do that easily02:59
ubuntulet me see02:59
Blissexsynic: XFCE is good though. But also try disabling all the cool GUI things, like animations, antialiasing, backgrounds, ...02:59
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crimsungeorge_: no, your 'PCM Out Path & Mute'02:59
tritiumdazed|, the program is called "convert" (part of imagemagick)02:59
sophie_msumutritium: hello any e16 user out there ?03:00
dazed|sooo i dooo need that huh lol03:00
tritiumsophie_msumu, hi03:00
george_crimsun: i have 2 optins post 3d or pre 3d03:00
fallstormidn_1, are you on a router or something?03:00
ubuntuOK, I used the command you said tritium and it shows this:floppy                 54864  003:00
idn_1yeah i am, but its not the router i think03:01
idn_1because it works ok in winxp03:01
flodineis there a ubuntu release soon03:01
kbrookscan i ping the chan? ping03:01
kbrooksflodine, certainly03:01
kbrooksfriday afaik03:01
^thehatsrule^ping? pong!03:01
fallstormBT requires certain ports to be open because it links your download to your upload... if the router isn't forwarding those ports to your Ubuntu machine, BT either won't download or will download extremely slowly03:01
tritiumubuntu, okay, then the module is in fact loaded03:01
fallstormTry setting your router's DMZ IP adress (or the router's option for "Send everything to this IP") to your Ubuntu IP03:02
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ubuntuOK. I'm pretty new to linux and didn't get exactly what you want me to do fallstorm03:03
thundrcleezewhat's the command to reconfigure x.org's display?03:03
fallstormubuntu, huh?03:03
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george_crimsun: neither options seem to make a difference03:04
CarlKthundrcleeze - xorgcfg or xorgconfig ?03:04
ubuntuI don't know what you mean by setting my router's DMZ...03:04
complxoranyone has any idea on why the send to bluetooth isn't appearing on my context menu?03:04
tritiumthundrcleeze, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:05
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Marble2How come when I go to System -> Lock Screen, it doesn't lock my screen03:05
thundrcleezetritium, it doesn't seem to be a command.03:05
tritiumthundrcleeze, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:06
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george_crimsun: i ahve to go soon if you find any additional info please email me at skaterkid1212@sbcglobal dot net03:07
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syndgeorge_: .net too much?03:08
thundrcleezehe's thinking this is usenet :)03:08
george_synd: worried about email scourers03:08
syndgeorge_: good point03:08
george_what none of those on IRC?03:08
cefmust admit, I'm quite happy that this dual AMD64 server I have here is running ubuntu (hoary)03:09
syndcef: nice, isnt it?03:09
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kbrooksi want to import a key03:09
cefnow, if only the winbind package was in main... *sigh*03:09
thundrcleezeeh, I always give out it in a /msg.  Of course, this channel does have 400 people in it.03:09
syndwow xfce is so much better for low end laptops03:09
cefsynd: well I'm running quite a few ubuntu boxes, but the amd64 is the only one running as any sort of server03:09
george_crimsun: got my email?03:09
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spadescomplxor: you can use command line: gnome-obex-send filename03:10
syndcef: i see03:10
george_someone pass on my email to crimsun03:10
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george_PEACE OUT03:11
syndis there any way to login from one ubuntu computer to another on the same LAN..?03:11
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cefsynd: just find it annoying that while samba is in main, winbind (which is really part of any samba install where you've got a Windows domain on a Windows PC) isn't. *sigh*03:11
Sumidosynd: y xfce is great for that. I'm looking for the new xffm though . . .03:11
tritiumsynd, ssh (you need to install openssh-server on the one you want to login to)03:11
syndwith the ability to see and control the desktop on that computer?03:11
thundrcleezeare there any "easy to use" terminal irc programs?03:12
syndthundrcleeze: i dont think easy and terminal should be in the same sentance03:12
paul__easy and irc probably shouln't either03:12
tritiumthundrcleeze, irssi03:13
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sophie_msumusynd: you do use xfce for real ?03:13
syndtritium: with the ability to see and control the desktop on that computer?03:13
thundrcleezethanks, tritium03:13
syndsophie_msumu: i'm on it right now.03:13
mlambiesynd: check out xnest, rdesktop (the terminal server client) and enabling XDMCP on the target machine (through the GDM login configuration)03:13
tritiumsynd, no03:13
flodineis ubuntu 5.04 buggy?03:13
Jamminpotato_flodine, no03:13
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kbrooksno bugs anymore03:14
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thundrcleezetritium, do you know offhand where to get the program?  It's not in any of the repositories I have, but it's referred to.03:14
uph1so anyway, I tried that.  I boot into ubunto, everything on the screen is scrammbled.  I do ctrl-alt-f1, everything in the prompt is scrammbled.  What is this?03:14
mlambiesynd, tritium: I use x11vnc to control the *actual* desktop displayed on a remote machine03:14
syndmlambie: is it easy to set up?03:14
Jamminpotato_uph1, sounds liek a video problem03:15
tritiumthundrcleeze, apt-cache search irssi should find it (irssi-text, for example)03:15
paul__sounds like a monitor refresh problem03:15
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uph1yes but how do I fix it :)03:15
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uph1I kinda know what the problem is already03:16
zenroxuph1, tell your bios to load thegf card first03:16
zenroxor disabe the onboard one03:16
uph1Yea, the thing about that is I never figured out how to disable it because I could never find it in bios03:17
mlambiesynd: you need to add x11vnc to the session in GNOME, but the x11vnc website shows you how, and there's ubuntu packages03:17
syndmlambie: alright, ill check that out03:17
uph1However, I did try booting with my onboard and nothing appeared on the screen.  Makes me think it is disabled (I forget how I did it though)03:17
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zenroxuph1, dig out your mobo manual03:18
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uph1My mobo manuel is squat03:18
Jamminpotato_uph1, on some mobos its a jumper03:19
Jamminpotato_to enable onboard or not03:19
mlambiesynd: I then setup a password in ~/.vnc/passwd using vncpasswd on my laptop. i added an icon that links to "/usr/bin/vncviewer -passwd /home/mlambie/.vnc/passwd duke:0" where duke is my server, and :0 is the display03:19
uph1What do you mean jumper?03:19
montana_uphl: cable you have to adjust on your mobo under different circumstances (bus speed, etc)03:20
syndmlambie: ah... i see03:20
mlambiesynd: i click that and it brings up the VNC session without asking for a password. note though it only seems to like one single session at a time, and x11vnc has crashed on me a few times after about two weeks.03:20
uph1you guys are making this too hard.  So if I just disable the onboard you think that will fix it?  Why would the onboard be effecting it anyway?03:21
mlambiethat's no problem because this machine is on a home lan raping bit torrents, so a reboot isn't anything i can't live with every few weeks or so.03:21
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mlambieand that's only been once or twice; it's farily stable. ssh etc will still respond, just vnc is dead03:21
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syndmlambie: oh ok. well i just wanna have it to be able to check my Gaim running on a computer in my room while im at other places in the house working on other ubuntu computers03:22
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mlambiecan yo unot be logged in on all the computesr with GAIM? will it log you out when you log in elsewhere?03:22
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syndmlambie: yes, but you cant check what messages were left on the other computer03:23
syndand thats what i wanna do..03:23
billy`When I minimize my my programs, then arent showing up in my menu bar, does anyone know what may cause this?03:24
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syndanother unrelated thing.. when I use xfce or KDE my wireless connection (using ndiswrapper) works fine and continuously, but when i use gnome.. it drops seemingly randomly.. ive used xfce for the past week straight without a single drop.03:25
billy`alright, thanks guys!03:25
synddoes the ability to keep the wireless connection have to do with the type desktop i have running?03:25
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pauliukasHow can I install Skype on Ubuntu?03:27
montana_Question, what is Skype? I installed at but when I run it it does nothing.03:28
pauliukasIf I do with the .deb file, I always get an error message saying that "the program cannot be displayed"03:28
pauliukasmontana_, The world's most popular voice chatting client www.skype.com :-)03:28
merlin__Is this is a known problem with the multiuniverse release file?03:28
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merlin__Failed to fetch file:/auto/corpsoftware/ubuntu/dists/hoary/Release  Unable to find expected entry  multiuniverse/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)03:28
montana_okay, how do i whisper? i can tell you how to get skype if you want03:29
pauliukasmontana_, Go ahead.03:29
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montana_make sure you have universal repositories first. then $ sudo apt-get install libqt3c102-mt03:29
syndmontana_: /msg <nick>03:29
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syndmontana_: or /query <nick>03:30
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pauliukasThis is the error message that I get: http://img171.exs.cx/img171/395/screenshot4zr.png03:32
syndamerican idol is the worst show ever03:32
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syndpauliukas: you gotta dpkg -i <.deb file here>03:34
pauliukassynd, Thanks03:34
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syndpauliukas: ps, i like the OSX background03:35
pauliukassynd, I'm a mac-wanabee03:35
liberie_anyone here know if ubuntu support more than 4GB of ram (any special kernel ?)03:35
pauliukasCosts too much for my budget, right now03:35
syndpauliukas: seen the new Mac Mini?03:36
syndpauliukas: im a mac freak03:36
pauliukassynd, Yeah... but still03:36
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pauliukasIt's like steve jobs saying that it's ONLY 620$ canadian!03:36
syndpauliukas: haha. understandable03:36
MrRaggahi, is it a known problem, that ubuntu does not find the partition table when installing in vmware?03:36
pauliukasWhile I can get the best rig for 1400 here!03:36
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pauliukasAlso. While I'm here...03:37
pauliukasHow can I disable the evolution-data-server taking up 30mb of my RAM?03:37
syndpauliukas: true. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v43/pmartin245/DSCN0553.jpg & http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v43/pmartin245/DSCN0554.jpg03:38
pauliukasI'll be glad to use another email client as long as I canf ree up that RAM03:38
pauliukassynd, Show off...03:38
syndpauliukas: why not just uninstall it?03:38
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pauliukassynd, apt-cache uninstall?03:39
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pauliukasOr how do I proceed?03:39
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geneo93pauliukas:  apt-get remove (app)03:39
pauliukasgeneo93, Ah. thanks03:40
syndpauliukas: or, you can mark for removal in synaptic03:40
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pauliukassynd, What's that?03:40
MrRaggahttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15308 ;) <-- seems to solve my problem with vmware ;)03:40
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pauliukasCan anyone tell me when will the 3D accelerated X is gonna come out?03:41
synda GUI package manager, basically apt-get type stuff03:41
pauliukasThese "lagging" windows are killing me!03:41
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pauliukassynd, Where can I find it?03:41
^thehatsrule^lol... its fast for me :P03:42
EricNeonjdub, mailing list is ok?03:42
syndload up root terminal03:42
syndtype synaptic03:42
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pauliukasohhh. ammazing!03:42
^thehatsrule^lol... its in the gnome menu too03:42
complxori burnt the ubuntu disc in my computer, now i am trying to install it on my dad's laptop but i get checksum error03:42
pauliukasmuahhahahah! Uninstallation spree!03:42
complxoranyone knows what might be wrong?03:42
hyphenatedcomplxor: does it work on your computer?03:43
complxori installed ubuntu with that disc03:43
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geneo93check the md5sum of iso03:43
complxorand i recieve the same error with the fedora core 3 boot disk03:43
danielsA mix-up that led to a stillborn baby being sent away and washed with dirty linen would not happen again, a Melbourne hospital said today.03:43
danielsA Melbourne newspaper reported today that the stillborn foetus, delivered at the Royal Women's Hospital, was accidentally placed in the hospital laundry system.03:43
danielssorry, stupid mouse03:43
syndpauliukas: you can click on Status and see what you have installed03:43
hyphenatedit could be that the drive on your dad's laptop is more fussy about the media than the one on your machine03:43
goldfishwhat login manager does ubuntu use?03:43
complxorso do you have any recommendation?03:44
hyphenatedgoldfish: the gnome one03:44
pauliukasIf I uninstall Evolution, it says that "ubuntu-dekstop" will be also uninstalled?03:44
geneo93complxor:  it take about 128 mb of ram for install files03:44
smouchecomplxor, I found I could only get a good disk if I burned at the slowest possible speed.03:44
pauliukasSo does this means that Evolution is equivalent to IE on Windows?03:44
complxorbut i don't have the iso anymore so i can't burn it03:44
smouchepauliukas, no I think that's just a metapackage03:45
syndpauliukas: youre fine03:45
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pauliukassmouche, synd, So it's safe to delete ubuntu-dekstop?03:45
syndpauliukas: evolution is a whole suite..03:45
smoucheI believe so pauliukas.03:45
darkgamer20has the offical 5.04 release been released becuase i haven't seen any news on it03:46
pauliukasYeah. I don't want to end up with a computer without an OS!03:46
synddarkgamer20: no03:46
synddarkgamer20: this friday it will be03:46
complxoranyone can help me?03:46
darkgamer20synd: was it delayed?03:46
synddarkgamer20: believe so.03:46
^thehatsrule^download it?03:46
geneo93darkgamer20:  the 8th03:46
smouchepauliukas, get synaptic.  It's quite informative about various packages, and usually indicates which are metapackages that you can safely remove.03:46
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synddarkgamer20: it was sposed be released today03:46
syndsmouche: he's on synaptic03:47
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darkgamer20synd: yea cause they said it would be released on the 6th today03:47
hyphenatedcomplxor: no private messages please03:47
complxorsorry bro03:47
complxorwell best thing i can do is burn disc again on slowest speeD?03:47
darkgamer20synd: dose it matter if i install today or on friday?03:47
hyphenatedit's worth a try03:47
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pauliukasstill one prob...03:47
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pauliukasIf I remove evolution0data-server03:48
smoucheIt wouldn't hurt, complxor.03:48
pauliukasIt wants to remove gnome03:48
complxorok thanks03:48
pauliukasis thta a metathing also?03:48
synddarkgamer20: id just wait til friday03:48
EricNeonjdubare you here?03:48
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darkgamer20synd: ok thanks03:48
EricNeonsmurfix, are you here03:48
darkgamer20see ya03:48
syndpauliukas: weird03:48
syndpauliukas: maybe its best to just leave on there hmm03:49
airmikeyanyone get mplayer or gdesklets running on amd64 ?03:49
geneo93pauliukas:  killall evolution03:49
pauliukassynd, But damn! 32 megs! That's worse than windows services!03:49
syndwell its worth a try03:50
airmikeyyes ,no maybe ,kinda ?03:50
syndyou can always, reinstall ; )03:50
pauliukasyeah. Thanks03:51
syndhaha, kidding.03:51
pauliukasWhy do you think I came to Linux: reliability03:51
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pauliukasI reinstall windows eevry year or so because of all the build ups!03:51
syndi know this.03:51
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geneo93pauliukas:  if you dont want evolution install kubuntu03:52
pauliukasSo you were always happy with the Evolution 32mb datacerver?03:52
pauliukasgeneo93, I hate KDE...03:52
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pauliukasI like Gnome for it's Mac OS X wanabee look03:52
pussfellerkontact is alot more functinal than evolution03:52
syndpauliukas: it dont look too much like osx :p03:52
syndi think xfce looks more like osx03:52
geneo93pauliukas:  you can get mac looks with kde as well03:53
smouchepauliukas, if you hate it you hate it, but I used to hate it to, and I have to say the new version of kde is incredibly better.03:53
syndat least it has a window theme of aqua03:53
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pauliukasgeneo93, I've used 2 years of KDE now... I didin't like it03:53
pauliukasIt was buggy03:53
pauliukasit crashed when I wanted to move an icon03:53
SirGrokI have a problem: I was upgrading to 5.04 via apt-get dist-upgrade and my system crashed. Now I try to boot up and I can't start X11... I can get into the recovery mode (and I finieshed up apt-get dist-upgrade) but it still isn't booting... Any ideas.03:53
pauliukasall sorts of unexplainable things happened03:53
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syndi dont like kde, it has a winxp feel03:54
hyphenatedit has whatever feel you tell it to have03:54
geneo93pauliukas:  its you and only you then i used it for 6 years and never had problems03:54
syndwell i dont wanna have to tell it anything03:54
windexh8erSirGrok:  Did you have nvidia drivers installed?03:54
SirGrokYes I do.03:54
FackamatoSirGrok: Check the X log.03:54
syndanyone use fluxbox?03:55
pauliukassynd, So... How do I install XFCE :-)?03:55
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LithiWhens the next public / non preview release of Ubuntu? 14th?03:55
SirGrokFackamato: I am somewhat of a linux n00b.... I have only been on it for about 6 months. Is it /etc/X11/ somewhere?03:55
syndpauliukas: apt-get install xfce403:55
windexh8erSirGrok, then more than likely your kernel got bumped and nvidia.ko is still in your old modules directory...03:55
pauliukassynd, Excellent. Muahhahahahah!03:55
smoucheI never understand why people say that, synd.  If anything, gnome seems more windowish to me, because it's harder for me to get it to do what I want.  Kde lets me make my setup vastly different-seeming from windowsXP...03:55
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SirGrokwindexh8er: How would I fix taht problem?03:55
Arniahyphenated: You can't alter some things I view as quite important... button order, HIG, typography (for some reason KDE's text layout engine positions the text very very tightly and it bothers me)03:56
windexh8erSirGrok, seemingly you could try to remove the old install from apt (of nvidia-glx, or whatever) and then reinstall, and reboot...03:56
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pauliukassynd, root@paulius:/home/paulius # apt-get install xfce403:56
pauliukasReading Package Lists... Done03:56
pauliukasBuilding Dependency Tree... Done03:56
pauliukasE: Couldn't find package xfce403:56
pauliukasroot@paulius:/home/paulius #03:56
smoucheBut I'm not too happy with either gnome or kde right now; gnome crashes my panels constantly, kde crashes the file browser.03:57
syndsmouche: try xfce?03:57
windexh8erSirGrok, it's easier to just install the Nvidia drivers from the package Nvidia puts out.  Ubuntu doesn't handle new kernels and those types of modules well...03:57
syndpauliukas: you need the repos03:57
=== Markrian [~Markrian@82-68-11-182.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
SirGrokwindexh8er: I will try that... What is the command apt-get purge nvidia-glx ?03:57
pauliukassynd, ....03:57
complxoris there a way to skip the checksum check03:57
smouchexfce4 with rox-filer is probably what I'll settle on, synd.  It's very nice and very fast03:57
resiakpauliukas: Looks like you need universe03:57
pauliukassynd, What's that?03:57
syndpauliukas: one sec03:57
pauliukassynd, Okey-dokey03:57
syndpauliukas: http://ubuntuguide.org/temp/#extrarepositories03:58
windexh8erSirGrok, that should work...03:58
SirGrokI will try. Thanks a lot. Back in a flash.03:58
windexh8erK.  Good luck...03:58
=== Arnia wonders why so many techies are obsessed with pointless speed gains
windexh8erArnia, because they have nothing better to do.  :)03:59
ArniaJust found out the spec of a machine my friend bought... I have to ask who needs 2 gigabyte ethernet cards03:59
pauliukassynd, I'll try that now03:59
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syndpauliukas: make sure you dont put the $03:59
pussfellerhds wont even write that fast03:59
smouchespeed for what?  The only speed I care about is not having to see a damn cursor telling me what I already know- that I'm waiting!03:59
cefArnia: I've got a machine here that has 2 gigabit cards and 1 100baseTX card in it.. all on board *sigh*04:00
windexh8erYeah, but if you had a huge DB with a ton of RAM and you were doing a shitload of transaction Gb cards are a must...04:00
Arniacef: These are add ons04:00
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Arniawindexh8er: Yes, but he just wants it to play games and code04:00
cefthe only real reason dual gigabit would be useful is for failover/redundacy04:00
syndsmouche: whats rox-filer?04:01
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cefor if it's a router (one in, one out)04:01
windexh8erArnia, well then I guess he'll be ahead of the curve for a few years.  :)04:01
SirGrokwindexh8er: It is telling me when I try to run apt-get purge nvidia-glx it tells me that purge isn't an option.04:01
cycomcan I use debian apt sources for ubuntu?04:01
Arniawindexh8er: He just thinks its cool to have the fastest system he can get. He's the sort who will do a stage 1 gentoo with agressive optimisation to get a few clockcycles04:01
pussfellerroxfiler is a file manager04:01
windexh8erSirGrok, then just apt-get remove nvidia-glx04:01
smouchesynd, it's just a file browser, beautifully designed and quick04:01
cefSirGrok: 'apt-get --purge remove'04:01
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syndsmouche: avail from apt-get?04:01
pussfelleri dont like the way it resizes, drives me nuts04:02
smouchesynd, I'm not sure; probably in universe...04:02
pauliukasyay! Now I get a broken package error?04:02
smoucheIt works very well with xfce04:02
cefcycom: for usual packages no, for special repositories (ie: commercial packages), then you can, but be careful04:02
pauliukasAnyway of simply downloading the .deb file?04:02
cycomcef: ok04:02
durwas today the official release of 5.04?  Because I don't see it anywhere, just the RC04:02
smoucheI use it in kde to, because I love the way it presents info.04:02
pussfellerwhat is ubuntu going to do abut the new java-openoffice meld04:03
cycomcef: I can't find kismet and stuff like that.  Does that just mean there aren't packages for it, or what?04:03
flodineanyone running 64bit here04:03
cefcycom: try adding universe (see /etc/apt/sources.list)04:03
cycomoh, ok.04:03
cefflodine: dual AMD64's (amongst other things)04:03
hawkefriday in what timezone?04:03
smouchesynd, I'm not sure if it's called "rox-filer" or just rox, actually.  I think there's a whole distro put out called rox, using xfce and zero install...04:04
pussfellerdid you get any noticable boost with amd64?04:04
cefcycom: like debian has main, contrib and non-free, ubuntu has main restricted and universe04:04
pussfellerim thinking about getting a laptop with an amd64 in it04:04
cefcycom: and multiverse as well, but lets not go there yet04:04
flodineare there repository for 64 bit04:05
christian_I bought a amd64 last summer from compaq, its pretty nice.  Haven't tried 64 bit verison of linux yet htough04:05
smouchepussfeller, I have one.  I'm having problems with the cpu throttling, and things are sluggish.  But I'm an ignoramus, so your mileage might be better.04:05
flodinenew ones04:05
cycomcef: soucef: thank you04:05
flodineholla back04:05
hawke^thehatsrule^: friday in what timezone?04:05
pussfellersmouche, i guess, at least on these gateway laptiops i was looking at, unless its plugged in, it caps itself at 700mz04:05
smoucheI'm not using 64 bit kubuntu, because all this chmod stuff is still confusing to me...04:05
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Pluk64bit ubuntu is working just fine here :) i like it04:06
pussfelleri cant wait to get it so I can run linux on a modern machine04:06
flodinepluk do you have munine or mplayer installed04:07
smouchepussfeller, you're right, but even plugged in, I can't seem to change any settings; anyway, it's nowhere near as fast as when I'm using (32 bit) windows...04:07
Plukdont notice a speed change though.. they  are both fast04:07
pussfellerthis legacy equipment is starting to get old04:07
HrdwrBoBthat's why they call it legacy04:07
pussfellerheh, that was a bit redundant04:07
hawkepussfeller: how legacy?04:07
Plukyeah i have mplayer installed but cant play wmv cuz theyre 32bits only04:07
smouchebut frankly, amd64 was an impulse buy for me, I'm a total flaming noob with all this.04:07
pussfellerp3, p2, and a k604:07
regeyapussfeller, I'd love to put that in my .sig: "<pussfeller> this legacy equipment is starting to get old"04:07
pussfellerjust leave out the <pussfeller> :)04:08
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smouchejust how low can you go with ubuntu in terms of cpu and ram, I wonder?04:08
hayif u dont want a gui pretty low i'd imagine04:09
pussfellerit runs on my p2 400mz ok, but i got an nvidia in there and that gives it some boost i think04:09
cefcycom: no problem04:09
HrdwrBoBsmouche: you wouldn't want much lower than a P2 class machine04:09
hawkepussfeller: It works fine on my p3 400 as well.04:09
smoucheyeah, hay, I should have said "with a gui"...;-)04:09
geneo93smouche:  386 with 128 mb of ram04:09
rymanhi guys, anyone using Hoary and have sound problem ?04:09
hawkepussfeller: your quote submitted to bash.org as well. :-)04:09
pussfellerplayed divx5 avis over the lan smoothly04:10
cefflodine: amd64 is a released architecture on ubuntu (unlike debian)04:10
HrdwrBoBand 256 mb ram to run a few things, 128 should work04:10
pussfellerim going to be famous!04:10
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complxorwhats the best way of burning the ubuntu disk?04:10
complxordao, tao, or raw?04:10
geneo93386 is before pentium04:10
pussfellerthat k6 works great as a server with gentoo on it04:10
hawkegen: Yeah, just a bit.04:11
pussfellerno gui04:11
HrdwrBoBcomplxor: doesn't matter04:11
cefI'm guessing that 386 won't work with ubuntu.. 486 is probably the minimum..04:11
smouchepussfeller, funny you mention divx-- they play really smoothly on my nvidia via lan too-- but I can't get dvd's to play decently at all!04:11
lim_hi all04:11
complxorwhat speed should i pick?04:11
pussfellersmouche, you might need to tweak some things, i dont think its supposed to run that badly04:11
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lim_smouche: have you enabled DMA in DVD ?04:12
pussfelleri would post to the forum and/or mailing lists about it04:12
cefcomplxor: whatever the disk you're burning onto and the writer have in common04:12
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=== smouche smacks forehead. DMA, of course!
smouchethank you pussfeller and lim_ -- I'll check04:12
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pussfellerxvids strain the p2 tho04:13
=== cef wants DMA on his AMD64 DVD writer, but can't get it with any default kernel *sigh*
pussfellersome more than others04:13
cycomcef: do I have to do something like env-update to get apt to see the new config?04:13
cefcycom: try 'apt-get update'04:13
cycomthat's what I'm doing now04:14
cefcool.. should pull down any new sources you've added04:14
pussfelleronly thing i dont like about that gateay laptop im looking at is it has ati card in it, and only a 64 mb and i don't know how good the state of ati drivers on linux is04:14
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Pluktheyre getting better pussfeller04:15
HrdwrBoBpussfeller: if you want 3d .. it kinda works...04:15
Plukstill lacking acpi though04:15
smouchepussfeller, I get the feeling nvidia is much better supported than ati, but I could be wrong...04:15
Plukand on a laptop you prolly want acpi support :)04:15
HrdwrBoBsmouche: in general yes04:15
lim_i'm having troubles with suspend to ram in ubuntu 5.04 and a Samsung M40.. any with this similar problem ?04:15
HrdwrBoBthe ati free driver is much better than the nvidia free driver04:15
HrdwrBoBbut the ati binary driver is much worse than the nvidia binary driver04:15
=== cef hates how his amd64 machine gives "HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted" when he runs 'hdparm -d1' on the DVD drive in question
pussfellernvidia puts out regular drivers that are close to their windows ones in functinality, while the ati drivers,  i dont know04:16
Plukati free driver even has dynamic clock in it04:16
Plukit can adjust your gpu corespeed04:16
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pussfelleris the free driver better for ati?04:16
Plukonly for 2d04:16
smoucheHrdrBoB, what's the difference between the free driver and the binary driver?  I've never been clear on this -- I'm just using what I got with my default install04:16
HrdwrBoBsmouche: the default is the free driver04:17
rymanhi can someone help me with my sound ? I'm on Hoary .04:17
christian_Is there anyway to send my processor calculations to my gpu hehe j/k04:17
cycomshoot. I just needed to apt-get -f install04:17
HrdwrBoBit works for the most part04:17
HrdwrBoBbut does not support all acceleration or 3d acceleration or TV out etc etc04:17
pussfelleryou have nvidia smouche ?04:17
pussfelleryou should get the binary drivers04:17
smoucheyes, pussfeller -- geForce404:17
pussfellerthe ones released by nvidia04:17
=== Mestapheles [~Captain@d142-59-231-163.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
pussfellerits on the wiki somewhere how to do it04:18
syndim trying to play a stream in Music Player, but im getting this error "There is no element present to handle the stream's mime type audio/mpeg."04:18
geneo93pussfeller:  i have ubuntu's 7174 installed and they are just fine04:18
HrdwrBoBsynd: apt-get install gstreamer0.8-plugins iirc04:18
smoucheall right, this is great info-- thanks everyone04:18
syndHrdwrBoB: thanks bud04:19
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Mestapheleshmmm rhythmbox i still broken in hoary04:19
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geneo93HrdwrBoB:  does that install mad as well04:20
=== pauliukas [~paulius@MTL-ppp-152195.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
rymanMestapheles, do you have sound in Hoary ?04:20
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rymanI can't get any sound in Hoary even though rhythmbox is working04:20
Mestaphelesxmms works really good04:20
pauliukasXFCE is nice@!04:20
rymanMestapheles, can you help me with the sound ?04:20
ellstritium: hey Mike what is up04:20
pauliukasBut... How can I change the resolution and refresh rate in it?04:20
rymanI dont' have any sound even boost up sound04:20
Mestapheleshold on I made a wiki04:20
tritiumells, Hi Steve - just working hard.  You?04:20
rymanoh ok04:20
syndpauliukas: try settings, its the tool looking icon in the dock04:21
ellstritium: just hangin out, took the kids to soccer practice04:21
pauliukassynd, Then what..04:21
syndHrdwrBoB: E: Couldn't find package iirc04:21
christian_what version of xfce will ubuntu 5.04 have?04:22
smouchehmm, that's a good question, pauliukas; I noticed my display seems degraded on xfce compared with kde-- I'm not sure where you'd find a setting for that...04:22
christian_does anyone know which version will be in the repository?04:22
syndpauliukas: no idea either.04:22
pauliukasokkkk. Back to gnome04:22
montana_is anyone willing to help me install Cedega? I've read the readme, but am sort of confused.04:22
tritiumchristian_, is already there04:22
casimirpauliukas, if you have gnome installed, try running gnome-display-properties04:22
christian_tritium, thanks :)04:23
Mestaphelesryan: hope that helps04:23
_antoniohi friends04:23
_antoniocould anyone explain me what version is going to be release on april 8?04:23
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synd_antonio: hoary final04:23
_antoniois diferent than http://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/.?04:24
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_antoniorelease candidate i mean04:24
=== underlord [~underlord@c211-30-113-130.carlnfd2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
_antoniothen i should wait until april 8 to get that release?04:25
smoucheI don't understand why 16 bit color looks better hthan 24 bit on my amd64! (and in windows, I can run 32 bit color depth) yeah, I should try the nvidia driver...04:25
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geppyWhere can I get gnome-config?04:25
syndsmouche: i can never tell a difference04:25
smouchesynd, I normally can't either, except with gradient images, like some linux wallpaper, and for example the backgrounds used by open office 2.  I just see bars instead of smooth gradients.  Very patchy.04:26
=== pauliukas [~paulius@MTL-ppp-152195.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
montana_how do I run a script from the terminal?04:27
goldfishmake sure it is executable04:27
goldfishyeah that :)04:27
geppyCome on, gnome-config has _got_ to be in a package, somewhere.04:27
thundrcleezewith chmod +x04:27
smoucheI would expect that moving down to 16 would make the gradients worse, but it actually improved things slightly.04:27
pauliukaschmod 777 filename04:27
thundrcleezenot +x, pauliukas?04:28
danielsgeppy: gnome-config is from gnome 1.x, not 2.x04:28
syndsmouche: weird04:28
casimirmontana_, alternatively you can use sh [scriptname] 04:28
dazed|whats a good ftp program04:28
sysrqgeppy: libgnome-dev: /usr/bin/gnome-config04:28
geppydaniels: Oh!04:28
crimsunsysrq: older gnome version04:28
pauliukasthundrcleeze, oh...04:28
sysrqcrimsun: and?04:28
synddazed|: samba04:28
crimsunsysrq: and not what he thinks he wants.04:28
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montana_casimir: thanks, that one worked04:29
dazed|samba is an ftp program?04:29
syndbelieve so?04:29
sysrqcrimsun: he asked for gnome-config, gnome2 doesnt provide it04:29
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dazed|i believe samba is windows networking04:29
dazed|not ftp04:29
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crimsunsysrq: that's the point daniels and I are making04:29
John__so I've come to the conclusion that Eric Clapton is Gordon Freeman04:29
haysamba is used to create shared folders so windows computers can access them, and vice versa04:29
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smoucheand if you just want, say, a linux box to access a windows share, but not vice-versa, you don't need the full Samba package; just the smb-client, I think...04:31
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membreyaso who here knows python/qt? :P04:31
geneo93samba-common also04:32
dazed|so anyone know a good ftp program?04:32
hayclient or server04:32
PacoBCNgftp, dazed|04:32
=== xf_ [~i@ppp250-64.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
dazed|ahh thanks04:33
syndhow can i add some radio stations to Music Player04:33
christian_When people say free as in beer, is it just a rhyme or is there free beer...if so where is it?04:33
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PacoBCNsynd, try streamtuner, you'll find hundreds04:33
syndPacoBCN: where? apt-get?04:33
PacoBCNsynd, yes04:33
geneo93dazed|:  if you have kde there is kbear04:34
xf_question; the RC ISO's, have they been updated at all in the last 2 weeks or so?04:34
syndPacoBCN: gotcha, thanks bud04:34
christian_apt-get install free.beer-1.10-1?04:34
dazed|neg on the kde gnome all da way lol04:34
xf_and, wasn't hoary due for release a few days ago, or am i getting confused?04:34
syndxf_: yes04:34
PacoBCNsynd, no problem and enjoy it04:34
syndxf_: today, actually. and now its due on the 8th04:34
xf_oh, right, what's the hold up?04:34
xf_just, i'm about to do another  hoary install, i'd like to avoid needing to download 300mb or so of packages _again_ if i can just download a later ISO :)04:35
syndxf_: you'd have to ask the devs :P04:35
xf_are methods of building iso's such as jidgo supported?04:35
syndxf_: just wait til friday04:35
xf_but, but, i want to install it now! :p04:35
membreyanoone here can help with python/qt? I'm just trying to use scons to configure a program and it's saying QT not found04:36
=== geppy [~geppy@c-67-162-233-164.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
Plukmembreya, you prolly need libqt3-dev04:37
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Plukor libqt3-mt-dev04:37
membreyaPluk: tried em both :(04:37
flodinehelp guy my mplayer wont play avi files do i need a file for it?04:38
flodineholla back04:38
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syndFailed to execute child process "xmms" (no such file or directory).04:40
syndapt-get install xmms ?04:41
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syndi get the error "Failed to execute child process "xmms" (no such file or directory)."04:43
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syndhow do i fix? apt-get install xmms ??04:44
jlduggerthat is a wierd error04:44
jlduggerhow'd you accomplish that?04:44
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syndjldugger: trying to play a stream in streamtuner04:44
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syndany idea?04:44
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=== Jazon [[U2FsdGVkX@d137-186-179-98.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
jlduggeryea, xmms is the name of the program04:45
blahrususe beep-media-player04:45
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Jazonhow is everyone tonight?04:45
Whifflesynd, sounds like you need to install xmms..04:45
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syndWhiffle: doing that now.. hope so!04:46
xMaximexis there a way to install iTouch for logitech media keyboard ?04:46
Whiffleshould work,04:46
xMaximexto get the volume key works04:46
membreyahow do I tell if I have QT installed? :|04:46
blahrusanyone know how to build transcode from source because it is not in the amd64 tree04:46
WhifflexMaximex, hotkeys04:46
christian_is beagle available for hoary?04:46
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xMaximexWhiffle, thanks04:47
Jazoncan anyone tell me if ubuntu will work with my HP Media Center m1080n ???  Fedora Core 3 is REALLY difficult...04:47
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thundrcleezeHow does Knoppix work, Jazon?04:49
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xMaximexcool, that work04:49
Jazonnot well at all - it stretches off of the screen.... can't really use it04:49
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smoucheDoes anyone know if mono apps work with kde?  I installed mono, but I couldn't get Tomboy or Muine to work04:51
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syndis it me or does xmms look extremely like winamp04:53
Whiffleit can use the same skins04:53
syndis this a coincidence.. ?04:53
Whifflei doubt it04:53
syndsame people make it?04:53
Whifflebut there isn't a winamp version for linux04:53
syndwell, of course04:54
Whiffleim not sure04:54
syndit'd be called linamp :p04:54
chibifsOr beep-media-player? :D04:54
chibifsBecause XMMS smells old, like GTK 1.x04:55
Whiffleyeah i use xfmedia04:55
syndbeep media player?04:55
smouchesynd, are you talking about stream-tuner --?  It works with totem if you have that.04:55
syndsmouche: yeah, but when i click Tune In, it wants to use xmms04:55
smoucheyou can change that04:56
smoucheJust click edit-prefs- applications in stream tuner04:56
syndim ok with xmms though, it reminds me of the FEW things i use to like on windows04:56
Whifflesynd, edit ~/.streamtuner/config04:56
Whiffleor be crazy and use the gui lol04:56
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smoucheI always disliked winamp myself, so, heh heh, xmms reminds me too much of windows! ;-)04:57
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cycomwhy does apt-get kernel-source only have the sources for 2.6.9, and not for 2.6.1004:57
syndWhiffle: GUI? who uses those?!04:57
Whifflesynd, not me!  i came from gentoo :D04:58
syndWhiffle: i use Matrix-encoded prompt. yes, i can read vertically scrolling matrix code04:58
Whifflewhazzat cycom ?04:58
=== auto [~jason@pcp0010989523pcs.detrtc01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rymando you guys have sound on Hoary ?04:59
flodineneed help with mplayer wont play movies04:59
Whiffleryman, yes04:59
=== sunpascal [~sunpascal@61-229-169-232.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu
montana_ryman, sure do04:59
autono sound problems here04:59
Nekohayoryman, yep yep04:59
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rymanI don't have any sound on Hoary. my sound card is Creative 2zs04:59
xMaximexwhy beep is better than xmms ?04:59
Nekohayoryman, unplug your USB webcam :)04:59
rymancan someone help me with the sound ? I'm new to linux04:59
smouchehey, synd, this streamtuner is awesome!  I just set it to work with xine-ui -- even better!04:59
rymanNekohayo, I dont have USB webcam04:59
Whiffleyeah streamtuner rocks05:00
Nekohayooh well too bad, I was guessing05:00
cycombut yeah, what the heck? I can't get kernel-source-2.6.1005:00
montana_lol, thats what was wrong with my sound, tried to output sound to my usb camera05:00
Nekohayomontana_, everyone I've seen with a logitech webcam couldn't get sound XD05:00
cycomhehe. microphone speaker05:00
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syndsmouche: nice!05:01
sunpascalhey, anyone know how to uncompress 7z files in ubuntu?05:02
syndsmouche: i have xine too lol why did i bother with xmms?!05:02
smoucheIt just amazes me how well my laptop soundcard (nvidia I think) is working with kubuntu; and I even have decent speakers on here...05:02
cefok, anyone with kernel skills want to suggest where to start in getting DMA working on an AMD 8111 IDE chipset? hdparm simply reports "HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted" if I try enable DMA05:02
syndsmouche: me too. im on this old school toshiba p3 600mhz05:02
=== Markrian [~Markrian@82-68-11-182.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
syndlaptop at that05:03
Rene_SYikes, Ubuntu looks a tad rusty05:03
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Whifflelinux likes my computer05:03
=== TheOneCaledor [~caledor@cpe-68-203-229-149.gt.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Whifflewindows hates it05:03
nasboyIs anybody else having problems with rhythmbox importing files?05:03
syndi think windows hates everything05:04
Nekohayoryman, you don't get any sound, any at all? do you have an onboard sound card too?05:04
smoucheThis "Xiph" thing ion streamtuner is great, never heard of it -- Live365 takes forever to load, though.05:04
cefsunpascal: p7zip, .. it's on sourceforge or downloadable from http://www.7-zip.org/05:04
montana_anyone know why warcraft 3 would think i have windows 95 installed when i have the latest cvswine?05:04
Nekohayoryman, if you got an onboard sound card, deactivate it from bios05:04
syndsmouche: i like the shoutcast ones05:04
syndsmouche: winamp baby! : )05:04
=== smouche is getting pumped with this stream: http://radio.hbr1.com:19800/ambient.ogg
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PacoBCNif you want some good streaming radios check somafm.com05:05
rymanNekohayo, i have i have onboard soundcard05:05
msh_coudl someone help me with ubuntu's init process?05:05
Whifflemsh_, whats it doing?05:05
rymanlet me try to deactive it05:05
Nekohayogood luck ryman05:05
Whiffleyeah try and deactiveate the onboard, mine was giving me trouble too05:05
msh_its not doing anythign wrong05:05
msh_its just that im used to slackware05:06
rymanNekohayo, thanks05:06
msh_and this is different05:06
smoucheI'm getting addicted to full-screen visualizations-- I think 64 mb dedicated video memory must be helping there-- very smooth05:06
cefsunpascal: there is also an experimental debian package you could try out (should work in this case). hold a sec05:06
cycomdammit. why can't I get the 2.6.10 sources?!05:06
smoucheI used to dismiss that stuff before, always turned it off05:06
msh_i want it to boot to console, and then i log in and startx05:06
msh_but it seems to have a scritp in rc.d that starts gdm05:06
sunpascalcef, does it work with file roller?05:06
nasboyIs anybody else having problems with rhythmbox importing files?05:07
Whifflemsh_, sudo update-rc.d remove gdm default05:07
=== Pol [~pol@eu212-87-120-198.adsl.euphonynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Whiffleshould do it i think05:07
Polhello :)05:07
Whifflemaybe not..05:07
msh_kzetts@ubuntu:~ $ sudo update-rc.d remove gdm default05:07
msh_update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/remove: file does not exist05:07
msh_kzetts@ubuntu:~ $05:07
Polis it possible to install Ubuntu with only a live CD ?05:07
Whiffleyeah im trying to remember which one it is05:07
=== etzerd [~etzerd@ool-4357b56b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
syndmsh_: please, goto #flood if you need to paste a few lines05:08
etzerdhello room05:08
=== smouche is grooving to (finally) great multimedia on linux... where's that bong?
msh_hey synd, go to #gofuckyourself05:08
syndsmouche: haha!05:08
cefsunpascal: no idea.. I'd doubt it... command line interface05:08
sysrqmsh_: update-rc.d gdm remove05:08
sysrqmsh_: and next time, change the man page05:08
etzerdis peck here tonight?05:08
Whiffleok  here we go05:08
cefsunpascal: but you never know.. you may be able to teach fileroller to use it somehow05:08
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Whifflesudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove05:08
Whiffleshould do it05:08
smoucheI'm really impressed with these, what are they called, goob? visualizations.05:08
msh_just did it05:08
sunpascalok, thanks cef05:09
etzerdcan someone tell me how to install real player in ubuntu?05:09
Whifflenow i need to figure out how to re-add it lol05:09
msh_si there anyway to install xorg instead of xfree?05:09
msh_ill just remove em in synaptic05:09
Whifflemsh_, xorg comes with hoary05:09
msh_then compile xorg formsource05:09
msh_hoary sint released as stable yet05:10
Whiffleoh well05:10
Whiffleit will be in a couple days05:10
msh_oh ya?05:10
Whiffle8th i think05:10
msh_today is 6th?05:10
smoucheetzerd, unless you're using the 64 bit distro, the instructions on www.ubuntuguide.com for installing RealPlayer will work05:10
cefsunpascal: here's the i386 deb: http://http.us.debian.org/pub/debian/pool/main/p/p7zip/p7zip_4.14.01-1_i386.deb05:10
Nekohayoanybody knows a blog / news site that relates only to Xorg stuff?05:10
etzerdok let me check the web site05:11
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jncNekohayo: i think there are some, ask in #freedesktop05:12
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Nekohayothanks jnc05:12
Xeon3Ddoes anyone have sound on embebbed flash movies? (Firefox)05:13
Whifflei think so05:14
Xeon3DI don't.05:14
montana_yup, watching some right now on newgrounds05:14
Xeon3Dman.. I am watching stuff on NG as well.05:14
Xeon3Dbut I get no sound!05:14
jncXeon3D: amd64 here, i'm lucky if i get flashed at a bar05:14
Whiffleyep they work for me too..05:14
syndhow can i pull whats playing in my xmms and store it as a string so i can maybe put it as a status thing on gaim?05:14
Xeon3Dwhat shuld I do...05:14
Xeon3Dsynd, check for gaim plugins... I'm sure there's one for that.05:15
Whifflesynd, xmms-infopipe does that, and theres a gaim plugin to do it05:15
Xeon3Dmontana_, why the question?05:15
syndgood deal05:15
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syndis xmms infopipe in apt-get?05:15
jncsynd:  there's a gaim plugin for rhythmbox05:15
Xeon3DI'm gonna try and reinstall the flash plugin...05:16
jncsynd: apt-cache search infopipe05:16
plagerismIs it possible to use the fglrx driver(with tv out) to create two dependant displays? Or is a single dual head display the best I am gonna get??05:16
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plagerismindependent I mean05:16
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smouchesynd, what's a "status thing"  on gaim-- ?05:17
etzerdSnouche: the address www.ubuntuguide.com does not exist.05:17
cefok, anyone with kernel skills want to suggest how to get DMA working on an AMD 8111 IDE chipset? hdparm simply reports "HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted" if I try to enable DMA05:17
smouchesorry etzerd, let me check...05:17
smouchehang one05:17
syndsmouche: away message, user info05:17
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Whiffleman I am so glad I saved my hotkeys config from gentoo..05:17
smouchemy bad, etzerd, that's www.ubuntuguide.org05:18
=== jason___ [~jason@c-66-41-244-200.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
smoucheah, synd-- I see- but you mean you just want to display the url of what you're listening to ...?05:18
syndsmouche: kinda, and id like for it to display what's playing05:19
syndsmouche: some internet radio sites send the info of whats playing and some dont05:19
calchmm less than 48hr until hoary is declared erm stable yea ;)05:19
=== holycow [~a@S0106000fb51e6051.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
flodinedo we have to download a new then05:20
syndi love proton radio05:20
syndflodine: yes05:20
Whiffleim jsut going to update..05:20
montana_synd: we cant just update?05:21
syndmontana_: yes05:21
syndthats what i meant05:21
montana_okay, phew05:21
smouchesynd, maybe you can help me with this:  when I click on those streamtuner stations, xmms, or totem or whatever plays the stream, but what I want is streams to queau up in the playlist--05:21
=== nullaresnata [~alea@cb-217-129-175-184.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu
syndif youre up to date now, then it shouldnt be much of an upgrade i dont think05:21
syndsmouche: hmm.. i see what youre saying.05:21
smoucheI can't get them to do that-- they just replace the previous streams.  The bookmarks are ok in streamtuner, but I really want to save a playlist05:21
jsgotangcoyou have to update early *grin*05:22
jsgotangcobut then05:22
jsgotangcowe will probably have gnome 2.10.105:22
jsgotangcoso that would be hefty yes05:22
smouchethe current application command is "totem %q" (or xmms %q) -- I don't know what the q is for, or if there's another string I should try to have stuff just apended to the playlist...05:22
nullaresnataHello all, just a question. What are the yast/drake utils equivalent on ubuntu (if any)?05:23
syndsmouche: i think you may have to manually add it05:23
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syndsmouche: i think q is for queue05:23
jsgotangcothere are none05:24
jsgotangcoubuntu uses the gnome admin tools05:24
syndsmouche: i wonder if you can replace it with another string that queues to the end of the current playlist05:24
nullaresnataThat should do the trick.05:24
=== sunpascal [~sunpascal@61-229-169-232.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu
jsgotangcothe only ubuntu specific app at the moment is Ubuntu Update Manager which is a frontend of a frontend05:24
smouchesynd, exactly.  That's what I need...05:24
jsgotangcobut there are some python stuff thats ubuntu specific as well05:25
nullaresnataNoticed that on the live cd.05:25
nullaresnatathe frontend to the frontend ;) good point.05:25
cartel_anyone use citrix ica?05:25
danielscef: for me, it was module load order; ide-generic was getting loaded but not ide-ck804 or whatever it is05:25
smoucheguess I'll google it... I never liked winamp, er xmms playlists!  in windows I use foobar2000 -- open source and awesome05:25
=== whiskey_1 [~whiskers@adsl-68-89-172-7.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
jsgotangcoUbuntu Update Manager is a simplified synaptic in which synaptic is a gui for apt05:26
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nullifiedobento reformatt my computar!05:26
nullifiedjust kidding.05:26
syndsmouche: i cant find anything05:26
syndsmouche: in the help file05:26
danielscef: try throwing amd74xx in /etc/modules before ide-generic05:26
nullifiedobento = lunch05:27
nullifiedor, your lunch..05:27
nullifiedhoary is greatsville.05:27
Whiffleanyone have trouble with composite and the latest nvidia drivers?05:27
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nullifiedWhiffle, not i05:28
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Whiffleit keeps locking X up on me05:28
Whifflecomputer will still shut itself down if i hit the powerbutton05:29
Whiffleso its not toally locked up05:29
cefdaniels: I'05:29
cefdaniels: I'll give it a shot..05:29
nullifiedin X11R6 you mean, or XFree86?05:29
nullified(or does xfree86 even do xcomp..?)05:29
cefdaniels: basically can't turn on dma on my dvd writer in the dual AMD64 *sigh*05:29
danielsnullified: xfree86 doesn't have composite support05:29
danielscef: yeah, i had the same problem with my amd6405:30
calccef: what does it say?05:30
nullifiedxcomp is... useless anyway... heh05:30
cycomhow the hell do I get 2.6.10 sources?! apt-get says it doesn't exist!05:30
calcthat may be due to the loading of the ide-generic happening before the chipset driver05:30
etzerdSnouche: what is the difference between hoary and warty?05:30
cefcalc: HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted05:30
smoucheI got it-- using zinf05:30
Whiffleim an eye candy junky05:30
calcah nm i see daniels already told you that05:30
calcmdz had told me to remove ide-* from /etc/modules completely05:30
calci had the same problem on my box05:31
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nullifieddaniels, nvidia drivers + x.org are terribly troublesome.05:31
cefand yeah, lsmod seems to tell me the same05:31
smoucheI can set preferences to append streams to the playlist instead of playing immediately.  Zinf is a nice player, btw...05:31
calci would guess that anyone with more than one ide chipset will have that problem05:31
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nullifieddaniels, if you want transparency so badly, i suggest metisse.05:31
calcor that uses sata and pata05:31
montana_how do i edit config files that are locked?05:31
etzerdBecause I just update my sources.list all the lines that start with "deb" have something like hoary. now the one I just copy form ubuntu.org has a sample where all of the are warty05:31
flodinedoes mplayer have problem05:32
smoucheetzerd, warty is the stable release, hoary is the development release (soon to be stable)05:32
syndsmouche: zimf?05:32
calccef: yea making the ide chipset driver load first will fix it05:32
cefcalc: well this has sil3114, amd74xx and i've got a 3w9xxx in there as well05:32
smoucheZinf-- I think it's in universe, nice basic player05:32
calccef: i doubt ide-generic will steal from 3ware05:32
smoucheI simply couldn't find a setting like that in xmms, but maybe I missed it.05:32
calcand since sil3114 is sata it may not on it either05:32
cefcalc: true.. but I'm booting off the 3ware *grin*05:32
etzerdso I can keep both of them on my sources.list and update it. That won't cause any problem05:33
danielsnullified: dude, I use neither nVidia nor Composite05:33
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=== calc thought daniels had nvidia sli box
danielscalc: i have an nforce chipset, yeah05:33
smouchesynd, Zinf seems like kind of a cross between beep player and rhythm box-- it'll scan your folders for media, etc05:33
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calcdaniels: ah05:34
danielsthe graphics card, however, uses totally open drivers05:34
nullifiedoh crap.05:34
=== vybegallo [~sgenchev@pcp09255249pcs.olathe01.ks.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nullifiedwe allll know i meant wiffle, right?05:34
cefcalc: now if the bug that is supposed to be fixed in regards to the 3w9xxx module in ubuntu's kernel (it's really an upstream problem) was actually fixed, I'05:34
syndsmouche: nice nice, im getting it now05:34
cefI'd be really happy!05:34
nullifieddo ATI cards work on Linux with 3D yet?  heh.05:34
=== nullified shivers
calcnullified: just for 4-5 years05:34
Whifflewhat what?05:35
Whifflei saw my name..05:35
nullifiedcalc, haha yeah...05:35
=== bestadvocate [~rob@net222.mercyhurst.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Whiffleyeah ATI's work, but its pita.05:35
etzerdNouche: my last question to you: Should I sace the sources.list with both warty and hoary?05:35
=== MrParker [~scott@d150-3-120.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
nullifiedWhiffle, pita-ful05:35
calcbinary drivers are evil, don't use them05:35
nullifiedcalc, hai.  i want a nice via 3d card... heh.05:35
calcs/drivers/software/  don't use any of it ;)05:35
SiRrUsgood evening05:35
bestadvocatehello persones05:36
MrParkerAnyone feel like answering a newbies questions? :P05:36
calcintel makes nice 3d accel hardware with open source drivers05:36
calclike i915G/i945G05:36
bestadvocateMrParker: shoot!05:36
=== kdp [~kylepenne@resnet-47-22.dorm.utexas.edu] has joined #ubuntu
syndMrParker: sure05:36
delltony_i wish ubuntu or whoever would fix the xorg-fxglrx-driver (the ati thing) where it would one make the frame rate faster as the offical ati one and second make an actually xorg.conf file instead of xfree8605:36
MrParkerokay, this is my second distro of linux (I had mandrake and hated it, this was a suggestion from a friend)05:36
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MrParkeranyway, I have an IDE drive and a SATA drive05:37
MrParkerI ubuntu onto my IDE drive05:37
MrParkerit installed the drivers for my SATA controller fine05:37
MrParkerI can see the SATA controller in the device manager thing05:37
MrParkerand I can see my drive attached to the controller05:37
=== vybegallo [~sgenchev@pcp09255249pcs.olathe01.ks.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
MrParkerit says that my drive is at /sys/block/sda/sda105:38
flodinehow did you do that with the satas05:38
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MrParker(it's an NTFS partition)05:38
MrParkerI cant access my files on there05:38
smouchesynd, rats!  there's a fly in the ointment with Zinf; it's not playing all the streams that xmms, totem etc, can, for some reason.  Saying they don't exist...05:38
MrParkerI dont know how to get to them05:38
SuperLagGentlemen, I have an issue after this Ubuntu install that disturbs me.  The LED for my hard drive is solid, and I'm not sure why.05:38
bestadvocateok do you know how to use mount from the command line?05:38
SuperLagIt doesn't flash, it looks like almost constant activity05:39
MrParkerI do, relatively yes05:39
syndsmouche: which ones.. ill try on mine05:39
cefdaniels: I've got a LOT of small things for Hoary+1.. small fixes and suggestions.. like: default ext3 options for normal installs to boost the number of reboots before an fsck05:39
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bestadvocatemount -t ntfs -o rw /dev/sda1 /media/*emptyfolder you make yourself* might pull it off?05:40
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smouchesynd, Zinf is playing all Xiph streams, but no shoutcast ones -- there's probably a plug-in for that-- checking synaptic...05:40
cefdaniels: oh, and getting rid of inetd (I'm working on exactly how to do it properly)05:40
=== sasuke is now known as notsasuke
notsasukeheh, cool.05:40
MrParkerokay let me try that05:40
bestadvocateMrParker make sure to make the folder first05:40
haywhat does it mean if the text when booting is red?05:40
calcrw access to ntfs isn't all that useful05:40
syndsmouche: im playing shoutcasts ones fine.. without an extra plugin05:40
=== cef waits for an fsck to finish on a 380 gig ext3 partition *sigh*
notsasukei deleted every directory but /home, then installed ubuntu.... and now i log into gdm, and BAM, my old KDE desktop... ubuntu-ized from debian :D05:40
MrParkerI shall05:40
bestadvocateMrParker: oh and dont forget ot use sudo05:40
Whiffleanbody in here done usplash?  im trying to decide if i should put forth the effort05:41
calccef: xinetd?05:41
=== SirGrok [~jeff@cpe-066-061-099-016.midsouth.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
smouchehmm, weird -- anyway, I'm adding some stuff for Zinf...05:41
cefcalc: well, it'd make it easier for people to install xinetd anyway05:41
=== kakalto [~kakalto@wired-210-54-56-110.ps.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
MrParkerI love oyu05:41
cefcalc: tried removing the netkit-inetd package lately? it netbase depends on it *sigh*05:41
MrParkerthanks a bunch, worked perfectly05:41
bestadvocateoh and you can make that automatically mount05:42
calccef: ah05:42
bestadvocatejust mess with /etc/fstab (i can tell you the line to write if you want)05:42
danielscef: cool05:42
syndgodddddd i have to do my microprocessors class homework >:O05:42
matt_MrParker, be careful with writing on ntfs05:42
cefcalc: ass-backwards dependancies and a few files in the wrong packages that need to be moved05:42
matt_MrParker, its almost better not to use write support at all05:42
syndanyone have any knowledge with the Z80 Processor?!?05:42
danielsdelltony_: it's great that you have these suggestions, but if making fglrx faster was as easy as saying 'i'll make fglrx faster now', i'd do it.  do you have any specific suggestions on what to do?05:43
Fackamatosynd: it's 8bit ,P05:43
MrParkerif I use the regular browser05:43
bestadvocateMrParker: just change the rw into ro if you you dont want to mess up the NTFS05:43
MrParkerand go to media05:43
kakaltocould someone please help me? I installed japanese input support, and I've messed around with the files involved with this, and now when I press SHIFT+SPACE, japanese doesn't activate, but if I log in in japanese, pushing SHIFT+SPACE activates japanese input/05:43
calcsynd: you can't run ubuntu on it ;)05:43
calcsynd: what question?05:43
MrParkerI already changed it05:43
Wyldwhere abouts do you install new mouse cursors .. and how to i activate them into usage?05:43
danielsdelltony_: (bearing in mind that 8.12.10 will go straight into breezy, and I'm in the middle of preparing packages of that now.)05:43
MrParkerbut if I go in with the file browser05:43
MrParkerand go into media and into 'sata' (the folder I created05:43
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cefdaniels: you're going to ubutnu down under I assume?05:43
delltony_no i wasn't really complaining i was just curious cause i always have to uninstall the ati one05:43
MrParkerit goes back to the media directory and I cant see it again05:44
smouchewell, anyway, synd, streamtuner is freaking wonderful!05:44
delltony_for libmessa to upgrade05:44
delltony_then put it back in05:44
syndFackamato: yes it is : )05:44
=== closure [~ubel@adsl-065-013-010-009.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
syndFackamato: i jsut started the class today05:44
delltony_cause the frame rates with the one on ubuntu is like 400fps where with ati's its 400005:44
danielscef: yeah, fo'sho05:44
bestadvocateMrParker: it?  im confused05:44
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syndcalc: dunno, have to look at the lab for tomorrow05:44
MrParkerthe file browser05:44
cefdaniels: *grin*05:44
calci haven't used z80 in many years so i probably don't remember any of it :\05:45
syndsmouche: yes sir05:45
syndsmouche: im glad i found it05:45
bestadvocateMrParker: your saying it does not show in Places-->Computer, but does in /media/sata?05:45
syndsmouche: what kinda music you listening to?05:45
cefdaniels: about to get 4 weeks off.. 1 week doing nothing, 1 week at lca, 1 week at UDU, and 1 week doing nothing.. and with my new lappy, I now can actually build stuff without waiting a month05:45
MrParkerNo, if I go into console I can see it. and browse its contents05:46
=== OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp02542642pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MrParkerif I use the GUI browser it shows the folder05:46
MrParkerhowever the folder picture for it has an X on it05:46
MrParkerand when I try to enter it, it resets itself05:46
bestadvocateMrParker: thats because your browser does not have sudo access05:46
SirGrokI feel like a total idiot saying this: I can't get my sound to work (doh! n00b shouts headed my way). I just reinstalled 5.04 from scratch and I just can't seem to get the sound working.05:46
bestadvocateMrParker: you need to chmod it05:46
MrParkerbut theres not a little 'lock'05:46
MrParkerjust the x05:47
SirGrokI have an audigy 2 card and onboard sound (audigy is my main card. I think everything is configured correctly)05:47
bestadvocateMrParker: i could be wrong... i dont have ntfs05:47
=== akk [~akkana@adsl-69-105-235-1.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
smouchesynd, right now, I'm listening to some jazz; I had some electronica on before05:47
WhiffleSirGrok, if you don't need the onboard sound, disable it in bios, that will make things alot simpler.05:48
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syndsmouche: oo nice. im an electronica guy myself (breakbeats, trance, house)05:48
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notsasukekvirc is archaic, so is kdevelop ;p05:48
notsasuke(in hoary)05:48
SirGrokWhiffle, I thought that I had done that... I must not have. I will go and give that a spin. Back in a flash.05:48
danielscef: hhe, nice :) sounds awesome.  amd64 laptop, I assume?05:48
kakaltocould someone please help me? I installed japanese input support, and I've messed around with the files involved with this, and now when I press SHIFT+SPACE, japanese doesn't activate, but if I log in in japanese, pushing SHIFT+SPACE activates japanese input05:48
MrParkerdr-x------  1 root root 8192 2005-04-02 17:54 sata05:49
thullyany gstreamer experts in here?  I want to create a GNOME audio profile for the AAC format used on iPods, so that I can rip music to AAC.  How would I go about doing this?05:49
=== darmou [~darmou@CPE-144-137-5-71.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Whifflekakalto, I'd love to help ya but I don't have a clue where to start05:49
MrParkerhow would I make this so its not a root dir?05:49
bestadvocateMrParker chmod it (man chmod to figure it out)05:49
kakaltoWhiffle, it's the attitude that counts :P05:49
cefdaniels: unfortunately not.. P4 3.2 Ghz HT05:49
=== nullaresnata [~alea@cb-217-129-175-184.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu
cefdaniels: cost me $0, so I'm not complaining too much05:49
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Whifflekakalto, only 2 languages for me... english and sarcasm :D05:50
Whiffleneither of which help you05:50
verden01Hi i'd like to know how to download ubuntu using bittorrent?05:50
bestadvocateMrParker: or chown it(but i dont know how to chown)05:50
kakaltoWhiffle, considering I speak those two fluenty aswell, no05:50
danielscef: heh05:50
=== dromedary [~dromedary@pcp02679811pcs.nash01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bestadvocateMrParker: chwon is safer but the most unsafe and easy way should be "sudo chmod 777 /media/sata"  _unsafe though_05:51
geneo93verden01:  wait till saturday05:51
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geneo93verden01:  it will be final05:51
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verden01but how do i install and use bittorrent?05:52
delltonyok back sorry about that had to reinstall my ati driver05:52
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syndok time to go back down to my other computer, brb05:52
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MrParkerchmod 777 didnt do anything though05:52
MrParkerfile permissions are still the same05:52
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cefdaniels: nVidia GeForceFX 5200.. 1440 x 900 screen (grr!)05:52
geneo93verden01:  get mldonkey-gui05:52
smoucheisn't bittorrent installed by default with hoary-gnome?05:52
bestadvocatechown 777 /media/sata?05:52
WhiffleMrParker, what does your fstab say about that drive?05:52
flodineshould i use ex3 or reiser for os05:52
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cefdaniels: btw: the AMD64 now has DMA! yay!05:53
verden01thanks is that for windows or linux?05:53
bestadvocateWhiffle: he has yet ot add it to fstab as far as i know05:53
Whifflethat would help..05:53
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MrParkerhow do I view fstab?05:53
bestadvocateWhiffle: do you know the propper way to mound a NTFS for fstab?05:53
danielscef: ah, word :)05:54
bestadvocatemore /etc/fstab05:54
MrParkerit doesnt show it05:54
smouchesynd, good listening-- cheers!  I'm gonna hit the sack; maybe with my laptop playing in my ear all night... ;-)05:54
Whifflei havn't mounted ntfs, but I used umask=000 for my fat32.  although you'd probably want read only..05:54
HillTopMrParker, bestadvocate,  in fstab the use of the user or users parameter will set the permissions for you  - right?05:54
cefdaniels: hotplug is a pain.. 3 network cards in that machine.. one of them randomly becomes eth0, even though I added modprobe aliases05:54
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danielscef: bleh05:55
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bestadvocateHillTop that sounds right...05:55
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MrParkerWhiffle, it doesnt show me the drive in fstab05:55
cefdaniels: so now the first ethernet driver is in /etc/modules too *grin*05:55
Whiffleprobably need to add a line for it then05:55
bestadvocateMrParker /etc/fstab is there isnt it? its a small text file?05:55
MrParkerbestadvocate, yes it is, but my sata drive does not show05:56
bestadvocateright you need to add it yourself05:56
cefdaniels: now to try and burn something.. *grin*05:56
MrParkerno idea how to do that :P05:56
bestadvocatesudo gedit /etc/fstab05:56
bestadvocatethen you add a line something like .... (one min i need to figure this out)05:57
GhostFreemanWhats the package needed to do translucent windows in Linux05:57
MrParkerwhy does it put my sata drive in /sys/block /05:57
WhiffleGhostFreeman, xorg composite05:57
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cefdaniels: so, who should I eventually poke about getting a package moved from universe to main?05:58
bestadvocate/dev/*whatever you put in the mount command i dont remember*       /media/sata     ext3    ro,user 0       005:58
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bestadvocateMrParker: do you got that?05:58
danielscef: which package?05:58
SuperLagGentoo has rc-status to see which services are running... is there something equivalent in Ubuntu?05:58
cefdaniels: winbind05:58
MrParkerbestadvocate I didnt have a /dev/anything in the mount command05:58
danielscef: dunno, you'll have to find someone to stand up and support it05:58
cefdaniels: tends to be useful if you want to run a samba server and auth against a windows PDC05:59
MrParkerohhhhhhhhh hold on05:59
bestadvocateMrParker do you rember what i told you to type earlyer?05:59
cefdaniels: might have to chat to whoever maintains samba05:59
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MrParkerbut wouldnt it be ntfs? not ext3...06:00
bestadvocateMrParker: etc/fstab is just a variation of that  (what part said /dev/something06:00
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bestadvocateMrParker; OOPPS yes06:00
flodineis reiser better faster ext306:01
MrParkerbestadvocate okay I have added it to fstab06:01
bestadvocateMrParker: i just cut and pasted my own line :)06:01
MrParkerbestadvocate what does that do? :P06:01
bestadvocatewhats the line say (just make sure you got it right....06:01
SuperLagany of you guys have issues with high I/O to the hard drive in Ubuntu06:01
Whiffleflodine, supposedly reiser is faster, i dont have any experience with ext3 though06:01
Whifflereisers worked great for me as long as I have solid hardware06:01
MrParker/dev/sda1       /media/sata     ntfs    ro,user         0       006:01
xMaximexwhat should i use to play dvd movie ?06:02
bestadvocateMrParker: I am hoping this will make ubuntu automatically detect your Harddrive06:02
flodinemy satas are slow why06:02
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MrParkerbestadvocate should I restart?06:02
bestadvocateMrParker: note this will be READ ONLY, if you want to change that make the ro, into rw06:02
mebaran151_I need to get done some scoring06:03
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mebaran151_anyone know the best app to do that06:03
bestadvocateMrParker, (you could its easyer than a little command line work)06:03
mebaran151_I am willing to do text entry06:03
Whifflei get 51 mb/s out of my 7200 rpm 8mb cacha ATA-13306:03
MrParkerbestadvocate does this require me rebooting the kernal?06:03
mebaran151_5 stave work06:03
bestadvocateMrParker: not really required06:03
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mebaran151_any of you guys musical fellows06:03
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bestadvocatemembaran151: i like music....06:04
bestadvocateI have 6 days worth of playlist on my computer :)06:04
bestadvocatein ogg format :)06:04
flodineanyone runing satas06:04
SuperLagflodine: yes06:04
flodinemy drives are slow as f06:04
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cefwhat's the best way to add a user to a group, without killing all the existing groups they're a member of?06:05
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Whiffleflodine, what do you get when you run "sudo hdparm -tT /dev/sda"06:05
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gardionHas anyone gotten newsgroups to work with evolution?06:06
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revildab[tm] question: with a recent update to hoary, is it normal to be apt-get upgrading 160mb worth of stuff every 3-5 days?06:06
syn1im getting some odd odd odd errors with stream tuner06:06
gardionFor some reason I can add a new account but when I try loading the folders it freezes at loading.06:06
bestadvocategardion: didnt they disable that back in like 1.5 or something rediculous (its like removing applications:///, i mean reallly!)06:06
syn1(streamtuner:7449): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_ref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed06:06
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Whiffleyeah hoary has had lots of updates as of late06:06
syn1(streamtuner:7449): Pango-CRITICAL **: _pango_engine_shape_covers: assertion `PANGO_IS_FONT (font)' failed06:07
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syn1(streamtuner:7449): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_ref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed06:07
syn1(streamtuner:7449): Pango-CRITICAL **: _pango_engine_shape_shape: assertion `PANGO_IS_FONT (font)' failed06:07
syn1Pango-ERROR **: file shape.c: line 75 (pango_shape): assertion failed: (glyphs->num_glyphs > 0)06:07
MrParkerNo such luck06:07
revildab[tm] thanks, thats what i figured, with the release fast approaching06:07
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syn1anyone know what those errors are associated with??06:07
MrParkerI got 'special device /dev/sda1 could not be found' at the start06:08
gardionbestadvocate: It seems that you should be able to do it in evolution.  You can add newsgroup accounts06:08
Arniabestadvocate: applications:/// was removed because of the change to using freedesktop.org's menu specs... they're in the process of building a replacement06:08
dcravenmembaran151: Does rosegarden do what you need?06:08
akksyn1: Fonts, generally.06:08
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syn1akk: and how do i get em?06:08
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bestadvocateArnia: it would IMHO be more responsible to remove it _after_ a replacement was around06:08
cefwhat's the best way to add a user to a group, without killing all the existing groups they're a member of? (for usermod, you need to specify all the groups a user is to be a member of)06:09
akksyn1: It sounds like streamtuner is trying to open fonts that are garbled, but maybe they're just not there.06:09
syn1akk: hmm..06:09
akksyn1: I don't know streamtuner; I wonder if it's missing a dependency, or needs a config file tweaked, or something?06:09
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jncbestadvocate: i vote yes to removing non freedesktop.org stuff on a modern highpower desktop06:10
andrewskihas anyone experienced freezing in hoary with openoffice, galeon, or evolution?  it's driving me up a wall.06:10
Arniabestadvocate: Most users don't mess around with the menu layout, and I think it was considered a greater priority to share the same menu spec as XFCE, KDE etc than to have menu editing first time. Time based releases mean prioritising but the rewards for doing that are massive06:10
flodinewhiffle you there06:10
mebaran151No one can answer my scoring question!06:10
ArniaPlus the old menu handling code used vfolders :p06:10
andrewskimebaran151: i can.  a thousand.06:10
revildab[tm] Question:also, is a 'debian' entry in the gnome applications menu normal for hoary?06:10
mebaran151oh really06:10
jncrevildab[tm] : probably not06:11
mebaran151anyway, anyone know a good app for music notation06:11
Arniarevildab[tm] : Have you been using debian repositories?06:11
mebaran151I am wiling to deal with text entry06:11
xMaximexwhat should i use to play dvd movie ?06:11
jncmebaran151: lilypond ?06:11
bestadvocateArnia: it is a _very_ basic funcition though.....  i mean i dont even want to install KDE because of all the clutter it would cause06:11
andrewskimebaran151: rosegarden?  brahms?  lilypond?06:11
xMaximextotem-xine and xine does not work06:11
haymebaran151: a piece of paper and a pen06:11
mebaran151hay, haha06:11
revildab[tm] yeah,  but only for like 2 or 3 packages that ubuntu didnt have06:11
mebaran151that is what I am doing06:11
flodineWhiffle you ready06:11
mebaran151rosegarden never worked06:11
Whiffleyeah im here, more or less06:11
mebaran151brahms is sort of weird06:11
dcravenmebaran151, does this do it? -->http://www.rosegardenmusic.com/06:11
andrewskimebaran151: weird?06:11
dcravenmebaran151, nevermind.06:12
jncmebaran151: lilypond i think is the one that is near perfect06:12
mebaran151it doesnt do 5 band staving correctly06:12
Arniarevildab[tm] : Debian likes adding its own menu if you use its repositories.06:12
andrewskimebaran151: he was kind of conservative, but very good music IMO.06:12
Arniamebaran151: lilypond06:12
Whiffleyeah im ready06:12
mebaran151Brahms was genius06:12
flodineok 1720 MB in  2.00 seconds = 857.99 MB/sec06:12
revildab[tm] :\ dammit06:12
mebaran151amazing harmony06:12
Whifflewhat abou the next number?06:12
flodine156 MB in  3.01 seconds =  51.85 MB/sec06:12
revildab[tm] Arnia: any way to edit that out manually?06:12
mebaran151but doesnt lilypond need a midi file first06:12
andrewskimebaran151: i've heard good things about lilypond (you can see the finished product on their site), but i've never used it myself.06:12
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flodineslow or ok06:12
Whiffleyeah it should be faster than that, thats exactly what mine gets and I don't have sata06:12
Arniamebaran151: No... not at all. Its a proper typesetting system for music06:12
andrewskimebaran151: no, i'm pretty sure you do it in text.06:12
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jncmebaran151: lilypond is industrial strength typesetting for music notation06:14
Arniamebaran151: It uses latex to do the rendering (its effectively latex macros)06:14
andrewskiso no one has any freezes in hoary? O_o06:14
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Whiffleandrewski, i do, but only if i use xorg composite06:14
jncandrewski: i've got my fair share of troubles in hoary/amd64, but i'm waiting until the release is over before i beat up on the developers06:14
dcravenAnd LaTeX is sexy.06:14
andrewskijnc: well, now would be the time to iron out bugs....06:14
flodineWhiffle and if i move a file or movie to a diffrent drive my sys is slow06:14
jncandrewski: not really06:14
jncandrewski: devs are too busy06:14
andrewskijnc: when better than between RC and final?06:14
Arniabestadvocate: It may be a basic function to you, but it isn't a base function (if you see the difference). And like I said, they wanted to move away from the horrible vfolders code and allow the use of cross-DE apps ASAP06:14
SiRrUsand after they move on to the next release06:14
andrewskiWhiffle: i have it *enabled*, but not using it in any apps....  would that make a difference?06:14
jncandrewski: i went through this already.   you should aim for the next release, not this one06:15
Whifflexcompmgr is what kills it on mine, i have composite enabled but its not being used06:15
jncandrewski: accordingly, the devs are quite busy with getting this release ready06:15
andrewskiWhiffle: and do you have any freezes as such?06:15
bestadvocateArnia: I see your point :) it just makes me a little upset, (this whole thing has been urking me for some time, it really hampers the user experinece, expecially with buggy menu entries like d4x :*(06:15
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andrewskijnc: ready for release... wouldn't they want to have as few bugs as possible?  isn't that (part of) the point of running the development version before it's ready?06:15
Arniabestadvocate: People have written menu editors for freedesktop.org format menu entries if you really want one now06:16
Whiffleandrewski, not really, since i stopped runnig xcompmgr,06:16
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dcravenandrewski, do you use inotify?06:16
Whiffleflodine, you might play with hdparm a bit and make sure you've got all the decent settings on06:16
andrewskiWhiffle: then i'm at a loss....06:16
andrewskidcraven: no06:16
jncandrewski: i think their goal is first and foremost to make it install properly, which i hear has been a problem06:17
Arniabestadvocate: Its just a typical priority issue. But think, its a time-based release cycle so you know exactly when the next version will be out and until then you have a fairly nice stopgap06:17
jncso, other priorities perhaps06:17
flodineWhiffle where is that at06:17
Whiffleandrewski, does it freeze in any other os's06:17
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Whiffleflodine, should be installed already, although its a terminal based app06:17
andrewskiWhiffle: uh, no other OSes here. :)  it didn't in gentoo though.06:17
andrewskijnc: yeah, you're right; those don't qualify as bugs....06:17
Whiffleandrewski, yeah mine worked great in gentoo too lol06:18
andrewskiWhiffle: hmm.06:18
Whiffleandrewski, i was getting some nasty freezes up until today but i reset my bios and its been happy since.06:18
Whiffleandrewski, you might scroll through the output of "dmesg" and see if theres any obvious errors...06:19
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andrewskiWhiffle: problem is that i can use my computer for days but if do specific (and unreproducible) things in specific apps, X freezes.  (i can still ssh in and kill it though.)06:19
=== bestadvocate throws his gnome accross the room in frustration
Arniabestadvocate: Another issue or the same one?06:19
andrewskiWhiffle: would any errors in dmesg be there before it freezes, or only when it does?06:19
=== bestadvocate yells "where i want my e17" and pouts :) same one
Whiffleandrewski, yes thats ahppened to me, in firefox mostly, but it hasn't done it in the last few hours06:20
sunpascalI'm new to linux. Can anyone tell me how to create shortcuts in nautilus?06:20
andrewskiWhiffle: hours?  sheesh.06:20
Whiffleandrewski, well, it used to do it alot more, i havn't had any problems with it since i reset my bios06:20
Whiffleandrewski, and i didn't have any trouble before some of the more recent updates06:20
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Arniasunpascal: either right click 'make link' or drag with the middle mouse button to where you want the link to be and select make link from the popup menu that appears06:20
andrewskiWhiffle: so the dmesg errors?  should i look now or when it freezes?06:20
Reblendedshould I reformat or can I just wipe my drive first before installing UB?06:20
Whiffleandrewski, both ? :D06:21
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andrewskiWhiffle: fair enough. ^_^06:21
samuelhello all06:21
samuelcan anyone tell me the password for root on ubuntu? i dont remember puting one in???06:22
samuelfirst time on ubuntu for me06:22
Arniasamuel: You don't have one :)06:22
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dcravensamuel, it's your user password.06:22
Whiffleit doesn't have one06:22
nomasteryodasamuel, there is not06:22
Arniasamuel: Use sudo06:22
dcravensamuel, the first user you made. Use sudo.06:22
sunpascalok, thanks, arnia. I have no idea why I didn't see this myself...06:22
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Espectro(i bet this is a new question) where is hoary final?06:23
andrewskiEspectro: not out yet.  see /topic06:23
samuelok... im a little fuzzy here... ubuntu doesnt have a root user?06:23
samuelthe first user i made has no access to synaptic06:24
Whifflewell, it does, but there isn'at a password for it06:24
Espectroandrewski: i asked because there isn't a topic with this info06:24
andrewskisamuel: you don't switch as such.  you use sudo to gain root privileges temporarily.06:24
jncsamuel: ubuntu has a root user with disabled password.  use 'sudo bash' to gain root shell instead06:24
RexMsamuel: i was a little confused, as well... i noticed if you enter your user password into synaptic.. it works06:24
saik0how can I change my gateway and primary DNS IPs from the console?06:24
Whifflefirst thing i did was make a password for root06:24
Espectrobut all right, i was checking all day, and thought it got delayed06:24
andrewskiEspectro: well, as you can see, the topic says the RC is out.  that is, not final. :P06:24
ArniaThere is no need for root06:24
andrewskisaik0: ifconfig06:24
jncsamuel: the idea is one password for the whole box on most computer installs06:24
Whifflesaik0, edit /etc/network/interfaces06:24
Espectroandrewski: well, but it doesn't say "hoary delayed to friday" that should be useful06:24
ArniaWell... not for most users :)06:24
dcravensamuel, when you run synaptic as your user it will ask for a password. Enter your user password.06:24
andrewskiEspectro: you said where, not when. :P  i understand you now. ^_^06:25
Reblendedand don't forget it06:25
saik0andrewski, I tried man ifconfig. maybe I was'nt looking hard enough06:25
Espectroany idea of the reason of the delay? some showstopper bug?06:25
Whifflei like having a root user, i tire of typing sudo all the time06:25
samueli see....06:25
andrewskiwell, Whiffle's suggestion was also good. :)06:25
dcravenYeah, I really wish the delay could be added to the topic.06:25
samueli dont like this...06:25
dcravenEspectro, GNOME 2.10.106:25
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samuelhow do i get root back!!!!!06:25
dcravensamuel, do a "sudo passwd" to get root back.06:26
Espectrooh i see06:26
RexMsamuel: check the ubuntu wiki ;)06:26
andrewskisamuel: you have to precede every command with "sudo "06:26
jason_so when are we going to officially pretend hoary is stable?06:26
closureor just use root terminal06:26
andrewskijason_: heh, that's good. :)06:26
dcravenjason_, Friday.06:26
Espectroand it wouldn't have made sense to release kubuntu before ubuntu itself...06:26
RexMhoary is stable for me06:26
samuelmuch better06:26
Espectroseriously guys, add it to the topic06:26
dcravenEspectro, it's only a couple of days man :)06:26
Espectroit SHOULD be there06:26
samueli like root06:26
andrewskisamuel: got it now?06:26
Whifflesamuel, i agree, i hate sudo06:26
samuelfeel safer06:26
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andrewskisamuel: yeah, i like root too, but i understand the use of sudo too.06:27
closuresamuel, umm it's definitely not safer06:27
samuelthanks for the help guys...06:27
closureyou can screw yourself up real nice06:27
andrewskiclosure: you couldn't do that with sudo?06:27
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samuelclosure, i know, but i use a real easy password on my normal user account...06:27
closureandrewski, yeah but it seems harder to me when you have to type sudo and think aobut it06:27
pussfellerits harder to screw up when you have to type sudo before each command06:28
ArniaAll passwords should be hard to guess :)06:28
closure*shrugs* lol use a better pass?06:28
andrewskiclosure: well, a good lesson is to think about every command you type as root. :)06:28
samuelthe ubuntu wiki is a good place to start after switching from debian?06:28
closureandrewski, yeah06:28
closurethat's what i was implying06:28
Whifflei'm used to doing everything as root under gentoo, and i much prefer it to typing sudo all the time06:28
closureroot terminal/root login you can easily break stuff06:28
andrewskiclosure: but typing five characters doesn't really help that AND is a nuisance. :P06:28
Espectroi like macosx approach, it caches sudo for a few minutes06:28
pussfellerif you ever deleted everything cause you accidently added a "/" to something....06:28
Espectroso i dont have to type it each second06:28
samueli quite like the way the menus are arranged06:28
Whiffleand for one thing... sudo doesnt' seem to work with autocomplete..06:28
andrewskiEspectro: doesn't sudo?06:29
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samuelvery nice "out of the box"06:29
closureandrewski, yeah i just figure the nuisance of it will teach you to stay out of root unless you damn well need to do something06:29
andrewskiWhiffle: yeah... :(06:29
pussfellertype the command then press home and type sudo06:29
Espectroandrewski: err, now that you say it, it *should*, i guess i am nuts06:29
andrewskiclosure: well, if you need to do many somethings, it's downright counterproductive.06:29
thullyI have a question about ripping CDs - I've been ripping with lame, and this seems slower than iTunes on Windows.  Is it supposed to be like that?06:29
Espectroperhaps that cache time could be increased to please some guys06:29
dcravenEspectro, all sudos do that.06:30
closureandrewski, yeah it most certainly is. but if you don't know what you're doing you're better off taking your time to begin with06:30
andrewskithully: you may be encoding with lame, but not ripping....06:30
andrewskiclosure: "taking your time" to think about what you do as root. :P06:30
thullyOK - ripping then encoding with lame, I meant06:30
Espectroyeah i know like i said i was nuts06:30
Whiffleyeah ill keep root06:30
andrewskiclosure: sorry, i'm not trying to troll; sudo's use just seems limited.06:30
closureandrewski, i'm agreeing with you i was just letting him know being logged in as root it's not safe06:30
Whifflethully, i use "abcde" its wonderful once you get it setup06:30
thullywhat's that do?06:30
pussfellergrip is nice too06:30
Whiffleits a ripping/encoding app06:31
andrewskiclosure: *potentially* not safe, but there are simple precautions.06:31
Espectroback on friday i guess... see ya06:31
andrewskithully: well, it'll depend on your ripper then.  cdparanoia takes a while, but it tries to avoid errors in ripped files.06:31
kurrosthully: lame may take a bit longer than itunes encoder (i think it uses bladeenc?) for quality reasons. but make sure your cd-rom drive is using DMA as well06:31
Whifflei've got it setup so when I put in a cd, it automatically grabs everything off CDDB, and starts ripping to my music directory in 192 kbps mp3 :D06:31
andrewskithully: i'd recommend grip.06:31
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mebaran151I need to get midi working on my PC now06:32
umarmungandrewski: you mean su is limited compared to sudo06:32
mebaran151I have an Audigy 206:32
dcravenOh yeah damn the no DMA default.06:32
andrewskiumarmung: obviously, that's not what i meant.06:32
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umarmungandrewski: well but it is, there is nothing you cannot do with sudo06:32
mebaran151it compalins that I dont have an Emu Hwdep device loaded06:32
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jncsudo is not intrusive06:32
jncw/ a proper keyring it works well to improve security habits06:32
mebaran151what module provides the emu synth06:32
umarmungandrewski: but there are some tricks you cannot do with su06:32
thullyOK - I actually was fooling with FAAC, trying to get AAC encoding working - but, I can't get iPod compatible files out of it  - so, I guess I'll stick with MP306:32
andrewskiumarmung: yes, but it's limited to one-command invocations.  without tab completion, it's a nuisance.06:33
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umarmungandrewski: sudo -s06:33
umarmungandrewski: sudo su , whatever you want, chose!06:33
samuel_aaaaaaah! this is just too sweet! there is no KDE installed!!!06:33
thullyHow do you turn on DMA?06:34
jncthully: perhaps 'hdparm'06:34
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akkthully: hdparm /dev/whatever -d106:34
akk(If it works.  Sometimes it refuses.)06:34
andrewskisamuel_: why is this so sweet?06:34
pussfellerno apt-get install enemy-territory?06:34
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andrewskipussfeller: i downloaded it and it installed just fine; i don't think they can because of licensing.06:35
dcraventhully, hardparm /dev/hdc will tell you if it is already enabled (assuming /dev/hdc is hte correct optical drive)06:35
kakaltoArtemis3, are you in?06:35
mebaran151my hdparm never works06:35
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mebaran151it always compalins of an deprecated ioctl06:35
andrewskimebaran151: do you have it set up wrong?06:35
mebaran151what do I do06:35
thullyis the way to enable it by default?06:35
ekwinixhey guys, how do i modify what i see when i right click on my desktop?06:35
mebaran151I dont know06:35
pussfellerim emerging it, so it cant be liscencing... maybe they dont wanna clog the bandwidth with huge games06:36
thullys/the/there a06:36
andrewskipussfeller: but you can emerge sun's java too....  can't do that in ubuntu.06:36
Whifflei kind of miss portage :D06:36
samuel_andrewski, im not a fan of KDE... i guess its just a personal thing... sorry...06:36
kakaltome too06:36
pussfellerit has its really good points06:36
LevanderAnyway to know when hoary will stop being a "release candidate" and just start being a regular release?06:36
WhiffleLevander, very soon..06:37
Levandercool, is there a web page or something that says that?06:37
andrewskisamuel_: no problem, i don't use it either.  i was just wondering why you were so happy it's not installed.  was it before?  did you come from another distro?06:37
ekwinixdamnit. i just used some of my quota getting warty :/06:37
tritiumLevander, Friday06:37
Levanderi've looked, can't find06:37
pussfellerbut kde takes a day on this box, and the last 2 times, crashed my computer on compiling.. dont ask me how06:37
kakaltoLevander, do a search at the top of ubuntulinux.org for release06:37
andrewskipussfeller: are you on ubuntu?06:37
Whifflexfce is the way of the future! :D06:37
pussfellermy other box is06:37
andrewskiWhiffle: Xfce!  hear hear!06:37
pussfellerthis one will be soon, i imagine06:38
Whifflelol xfce made my day the 2nd time i installed it06:38
kakaltoyay for xfce06:38
LevanderFriday? The repositories will probably hosed all weekend.  Haven't checked, can I upgrade Ubuntu off the sunsite mirrors?06:38
Whiffletried all the *boxes , too minimal, and gnome/kde are too bloat for me...06:38
Levanderkakalto: did that search, don't see any page that says "releasing the 8th"06:38
andrewskiWhiffle: yes, indeed.06:38
closurei've been using synaptic to install stuff and nothing is showing up on my menu's06:39
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closureany ideas?06:39
closurei'm in kubuntu06:39
kakaltoLevander, look at the links, one is a calender06:39
samuel_andrewski, the first distro i tried a looooong time ago was mandrake... didnt like it then... dont like it now06:39
Whifflesamiam, me too06:39
dcraventhully, put something like this in /etc/hdparm.conf to make it permanent --> http://www.pastebin.com/26828506:39
andrewskisamuel_: i wondered.  me too. :)06:39
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Whifflesamuel, yeah i never got mandrake to work right for me06:39
andrewskiclosure: are you installing kde apps?06:40
closurewell yeah06:40
reedI can't burn the hoary live iso06:40
pussfellerit never upgraded properly when I tried it, even after the initial install06:40
closurei mean x apps06:40
closurebitchx-gtk and just now qtorrent06:40
ekwinixsamuel_: when i right click on my desktop and then click "open terminal" is there a way of finding out what that actually does? and can i edit what i see on that right click? there has to be aconfig file somewhere...?06:40
reedit burns really fast but then the CD doesn't complete the install06:40
andrewskiclosure: well, perhaps the menu needs to be regenerated?  dunno how....06:40
reedi think it doesn't copy the cloop file correctly06:40
reedI'm using Hoary to burn it06:40
ArniaWhiffle: re su/sudo -- use sudo -s then06:40
closureandrewski, yeah i'd imagine maybe a reboot would do it06:40
tritiumclosure, not every app has a proper .desktop file yet to comply with freedesktop.org standards, so they won't all show up in menus06:41
closurebut that takes far too much time06:41
ArniaIt creates a root shell without needing to open up root to the outside06:41
andrewskiclosure: a logout should suffice.06:41
Xeon3DApparently Ubuntu has a flaw while playing flash movies...06:41
dcravenreed, turn down the burn speed a bit?06:41
closurewell then it doesn't work06:41
Levanderkakalto: okay, found it, i'd actually seen that before, but looked like it had been written a while ago.  I've never seen a software schedule being taken seriously any longer than a month or two (i'm a software developer for a living), so I just ignored it.06:41
andrewskiclosure: don't reboot if you don't have to... and you usually don't unless you upgrade your kernel. :)06:41
samuel_hmm... php-mysql isnt in the packages... if i put the debian in there is it ok?06:41
Whifflei'm a su person06:41
samuel_ekwinix, you can make a nautilus script06:41
andrewskiekwinix: in preferred applications, pick a terminal.  i bet that'd do the trick.06:41
ArniaWhiffle: alias sudo -s to su then :)06:41
kakaltoLevander, it's probably been updated fairly recently06:41
reedok i'll try it06:41
Levanderare they still making updates to hoary?  If we go ahead and upgrade now is it gonna be 100% the same stuff?  Or, is it gonna be 99.99% the same stuff?  How serious are the issues they are still working on?06:42
andrewskiArnia: why not alias su to sudo -s?  save typing....06:42
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Arniaandrewski: That's what I meant to say :)06:42
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andrewskiArnia: ah. ^_^06:42
Arniaandrewski: I always reverse stuff like that :/06:42
kakaltoLevander, I expect 99.99%06:43
bestadvocatehey why does my swap drive in cfdisk say "swap / Solaris"?06:43
ekwinixandrewski: HOLLA! gnome-terminal - got it in one. cheers ;)06:43
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kakaltobut, Levander, I think you could upgrade now, then just update in a few days06:43
andrewskiekwinix: don't holla, it's late here and people are sleeping. :P06:43
Levanderkakalto: but u have any reason to believe this? u've seen the developer's mailing list where they've talked about it?06:43
Levanderthe more people who've upgraded before me, i figure the less bugs I find06:43
andrewskiLevander: that's what i'd recommend too; the reps are bound to be busy when it's officially released.06:43
Levanderandrewski: who are the reps?06:44
andrewskiLevander: no, the repositories... what you sync with.06:44
SpyDHi all, I have configured nyself into a bad corner, can anyone tell me how to disable the screensaver from a terminal?06:44
jncLevander: ;)06:44
andrewskiLevander: i think it's safe to assume 99.9% since they put it off a few days.  obviously, they're not done. :P06:44
jncHolla at this representin' gnome-terminal06:44
chibifsJungle Boogie, doodldadoo doodldadoo?06:44
samuel_is there any way to change the gnome menus?06:44
jncsamuel_: yes, and no06:44
bj_hello, is anyone runniing the new nvidia drivers in hoary? 7174 i think06:45
Levanderu know i just found the ubuntu mirrors, i wonder why they're not just using sunsite?  Their are sunsite mirrors everywhere and most distributions are in susite.  At least last I checked, it's been a couple of years.06:45
jncsamuel_: it's being worked on as part of the freedesktop.org spec06:45
andrewskibj_: me.06:45
samuel_jnc, hmmm......06:45
chibifsIndeed, bj_, and Flawlessly.06:45
jncsamuel_: the people to beat up on are in #freedesktop06:45
samuel_jnc, so not yet?06:45
reeddoes the hoary live cd have the capability of installing hoary?  if so what is the difference between it and the hoary install cd?06:45
andrewskijnc: why so?06:45
bj_andrewski, can you use xcompmgr or will you desktop lock up06:45
kakaltoreed, no, livecd can't install, I don't think06:45
jncsamuel_: Ubuntu will follow whatever the grand high nerd decrees is the way to manage menus on modern desktops06:45
andrewskibj_: my desktop's been locking up occasionally without it. :P06:45
kakaltoreed, it's gentoo's livecds that can install06:45
jnchis/her nerdliness, if you will06:45
samuel_jnc, hahahahaha06:46
andrewskijnc: why is that a #freedesktop concern?06:46
jnca bit of a pope saturation here in the states06:46
reedkakalto, thanks06:46
Burgundaviareed: live cd can't install, but the live cd and the install cd use the same hardware detection, and thus should work and look the same06:46
jncit's everywhere.   makes me say things i don't really mean06:46
kakaltoreed, no problem ;)06:46
bj_andrewski,  niice haha. well im concerned because i cant get into KDE because i set  it to use compostiting features, and plus xcompmgr looks good.06:47
kakaltoalthough, Burgundavia, the livecd screwed up my mouse, but did the install? No.06:47
jncandrewski: freedesktop makes it so, ubuntu follows suit06:47
andrewskibj_: well, turn it off?06:47
Burgundaviakakalto: then that would be a bug06:47
bj_oh its off06:47
andrewskijnc: but gnome doesn't provide an editor.  why is that freedesktop's concern?06:47
kakaltothe livecd isn't directly ubuntu, is it?06:47
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bj_but it shouldnt be!06:47
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Burgundaviajnc, andrewski: techically, freedesktop says what goes, gnome follows, ubuntu follows gnome06:47
Burgundaviainsert kde where gnome is as well06:47
andrewskiBurgundavia: yes, i'm not confused there.06:47
syndugh im getting an error while trying to upgrade06:48
andrewskiBurgundavia: i don't understand why jnc is saying to bug freedesktop for not providing a menu editor in gnome.06:48
Burgundaviathat is not freedesktops problem06:48
syndE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem06:48
Burgundaviait is gnome's problem06:48
SpyDi have configed a screensafer that my video card does not like, so the second i open the screensaver config dialog my desktop locks up, I have a minute or so then the saver kicks in and locks me up, so i really need to fins where the setting is stored in a config file and change it via terminal or text editor :(06:48
andrewskiBurgundavia: yes, i know.06:48
syndso i do dpkg -- configure -a and it just sits there06:48
Burgundaviaand it mask the underlying issue, which is that the packages need to be updated to include .desktop files06:48
andrewskiBurgundavia: i have a menu editor in Xfce.  it's called gvim. :D06:49
syndSetting up openoffice.org-gtk-gnome (1.1.3-8ubuntu2) ... // debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process // run-parts: /usr/share/openoffice.org-debian-files/hooks/postinst.d/prelink exite d with return code 106:49
synddpkg: error processing openoffice.org-gtk-gnome (--configure): // subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 // Setting up sound-juicer (2.10.1-0ubuntu1) ...06:49
syndand it just sits there06:49
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RexMsynd: i believe the term for that is, PWNED ;x06:50
syndsynd: right06:50
syndRexM: right06:50
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kakaltocould someone please help me? I have no support for japanese input when logged in in english, but if I log in in japanese, it works?06:50
RexMthat actually make sense to me... but.. i dunno, i'm no linux expert06:51
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bestadvocatesee yah persones06:51
isamgood morning all .. there is this issue that I had been facing for some time .. when using the Nvidia driver, KDE 3.4 fails to login .. the whole system hangs up at KDE Splash showing time06:51
bj_OK another one. howcome the memory usage panel applet  doesnt report the right amount.06:51
jnckakalto: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales06:51
isamwhen I switch from nvidia to nv things work fine06:51
bj_It goes up to 100% usage sometimes06:51
kakaltojnc, thanks06:51
isamand when I use a light Window Managers things go fine as well06:52
jnckakalto: good luck.  i have a korean friend and worked with him to make korean work on ubuntu06:52
kakaltodoesn't work06:52
jnckakalto: it's easier than it is for most distros, but still takes some work06:52
kakaltoI already have the japanese locale installed06:52
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jncjp_*UTF8  something like that06:53
kakaltoI already installed it06:53
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jncnot sure.   sleepy time for jnc06:54
kakaltog'night jnc06:54
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kakaltothanks anyway06:54
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kkathmangood evening all :)06:56
kakaltogood afternoon.06:56
kkathmanand good afternoon to you too :)06:56
Whiffleits almost midnight here...yall are crazy!06:57
kakaltoI don't suppose you know much about lanugage support?06:57
kkathmanditto here Whiffle :)06:57
Myrttimorning all06:57
kakaltospecifically, japanese?06:57
mlambieit's 1PM here :)06:57
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kakaltosomeone had to :P06:57
mlambieand i'm going to work06:57
kkathmankakalto, Im never quite sure what to say...perhaps "Good Day?"06:57
Whifflehow about "hello"06:57
kakaltoor "hi"06:57
kakaltoor "yo, wazzup niggas"06:58
Whifflei like that last one06:58
kakalto(no offence intended or reccomended)06:58
Reblended does ubuntu has a kind of sleep mode?06:58
Whiffle"yo wazzup homies, hows the cheese?"06:58
Burgundaviakakalto: I realize none intended, but it is best to avoid such talk06:58
WhiffleReblended , i'm not sure, it might..depends on your hardware06:58
kkathmanwazzup ma brothas?06:58
kakaltoBurgundavia, true that.06:58
Myrttisexual inequality06:59
Myrttiwhat about me06:59
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Burgundaviasalut root__06:59
kkathmanhmm good point Myrtti I apologize whole heartedly :)06:59
root__Does anyone here know how where I can find E17 debs ?06:59
Burgundaviaroot__: E17 hasn't been released yet, afaik07:00
ReblendedWhiffle: sounds like most people just leave their machine running... hmm no one likes standby or hibernate?07:00
kkathmanI woke up this morning to 118 updates from yesterday to Hoary...that was alot I thought :)07:00
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root__I know there are .debs that are upgraded every while or so.07:00
root__There are Ubuntu users that have them.07:00
WhiffleI shut mine off at night, my hardware doesn't do standby well07:00
pussfelleris it "nohide" you use for exports when you have differnt parttions mounted on a share and you want to share them all07:00
Whiffleif i have something to download or compile ill let it run07:00
Burgundaviathe ones in hoary are E1607:00
Whifflebut it takes less than a minute to boot so I dont really worry about it07:00
Burgundaviaroot__: http://xcomputerman.com/pages/archives/2003/03/02/e17-debian-packages/07:01
Whifflealthough its great in the winter to keep my dorm room warm :D07:01
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Burgundaviaroot__: just be careful about what you install and from where07:01
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kkathmanbest to stay within the Ubuntu/Debian family I suspect07:01
root__Or CVS.07:01
root__Well my system isn't mission critical.07:01
kkathmantrue that07:02
root__The only reason I'm not using Gentoo is because I don't have time to compile everything, and GRP has bad support.07:02
Dethreadthe only thing I like about Gentoo are the forums07:02
kkathmanHave heard only bits and pieces about Gentoo actually07:02
Whifflegentoo forums rock07:02
Whifflei still use them sometimes07:02
kakaltothe reason I don't use gentoo is my soundcard isn't supported :(07:02
pussfellergood tuts and how toos07:02
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Whiffleonly thing I didn't stick with gentoo is i got lazy and tired of compiling, other than that i lvoed it07:03
Reblendedhttp://linux.about.com/library/cmd/blcmdl1_apmsleep.htm  < does this write the ram to the HD?07:03
syndwhats the lib i need for xmms to work with mp3s and such?07:03
kkathmanyeah Im not into doing a ton of compiling07:03
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root__Gentoo is great.07:03
pussfellerim just tired of having to fix things and configure things07:03
root__Does anyone know any Gensplash like thing I could get going for Ubuntu ?07:03
pussfellerim tired tired tired of it07:03
root__Well for new hardware Gentoo is great.07:03
root__I'm 16 and Gentoo was easiest for me.07:04
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kkathmanI tried RH9, Libranet, FC3 and now Ubuntu, and the latter seems to be best for me and my environment at least for now07:04
kakaltoFC3 was alright07:04
Whiffleyeah once I figured out what hardware I had, gentoo was smoooth for me07:04
kakaltobut there was something funny about it07:04
scottjanyone know how to change /proc/cpufreq from userspace to performance?07:04
kkathmanFC3 was heavy tho07:04
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Whiffleroot__ , usplash07:04
Reblended suspend2disk  ... will this write the current RAM to the Harddisk... ?07:04
kakaltomaybe I'm just not used to a bloated distro07:04
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syndughh how do i get music player to play radio streams...07:04
syndit just freezes on me07:04
kkathmansynd what player are you using?07:05
syndi need some sort of lib and i cant remember what it is07:05
scottjanyone know how to make firefox pretend to be IE (have it tell the web servers it's IE)07:05
syndkkathman: Music Player07:05
WhiffleReblended , I think what you're looking for is "swsusp2"07:05
kkathmansynd, you might need the gstreamer player07:05
syndkkathman: xmms does the same thing07:05
ReblendedI use dBpowerAMP07:05
Reblended to rip07:05
syndkkathman: yeah, thats it07:05
kkathmansorry not player, engine07:05
ReblendedWhiffle: thx man07:05
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syndkkathman: i cant remember what the whole engine name was07:06
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root__So about E1707:06
kkathmangstreamer08 something..you can find it with apt-cache search07:06
root__Who knows where I can go about that ?07:06
santiagohi, anyone could help to verify a broken dependency for sl-modem-daemon ?07:06
Burgundaviaroot__: read the 3rd comment on that page07:06
pussfellergstreamer plugins?07:06
Burgundaviasantiago: sure07:06
ReblendeddbpowerAMP ignores copy protection07:06
chazwurthroot__: I installed it from cvs on a Debian box some weeks ago, wasn't too hard07:06
chazwurthroot__: which isn't to say that everything worked smoothly :P07:06
scottjBurgundavia, what page?07:06
kkathmanI couldnt ever get Amarok to play CD's with any engine, but everything else did, and Kaffeine does radio streams too07:06
Burgundaviasantiago: confirmed07:07
Burgundaviasantiago: file in Malone07:07
rymanBurgundavia, can you help me with the sound ?07:07
Burgundaviasantiago: https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/distros/ubuntu/+bugs07:07
santiagoBurgundavia, thanks07:07
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Burgundaviascottj: http://xcomputerman.com/pages/archives/2003/03/02/e17-debian-packages/07:07
kkathmanLinux sound seems to be the biggest bugaboo07:07
santiagoBurgundavia, i haven't reported a bug in ubuntu07:08
Burgundaviasantiago: that is for Universe stuff07:08
Burgundaviasantiago: bugzilla.ubuntu.com for anything that is in main07:08
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santiagois that malone?07:08
Burgundaviasantiago: malone != bugzilla07:09
Burgundaviamalone is the new replacement07:09
santiagoBurgundavia, i see...07:09
pussfelleranyone using mpd on ubuntu?07:10
santiagoBurgundavia, the reportbug doesn't work?07:10
Burgundaviasantiago: are you signed in?07:10
Burgundaviasantiago: malone is very beta at this point07:10
kakaltowhat are some kde media players?07:10
Reblendedhoary hedgehog is latest?07:10
santiagoBurgundavia, signed where?07:10
Burgundaviait is being tested by the universe stuff, then the main stuff will be moved over07:10
Burgundaviasantiago: logged in07:10
scottjso what happened to hoary today? did they find some release critical bug?07:10
BurgundaviaReblended: yes, hoary is almost released. should be this friday07:11
kakaltoor saturday for me :(07:11
Burgundaviascottj: moved back to allow testing of Gnome 2.10.107:11
santiagoBurgundavia, not yet, loggin in...07:11
Reblendedoh wait... I'm looking at 5.04 release candidate?07:11
rymanBurgundavia, is it mean by this friday. the sound is going to work ?07:11
kkathmanReblended, yes07:11
BurgundaviaReblended: there is newer07:11
Reblendedso, the live cd candidate is ok to give it a go.. and I can wait till Friday?07:12
rymando i need to download new one or I can just update the package from my comp ?07:12
kkathmanReblended, you could download and burn the CD, then just get the updates to bring it up to date07:12
Reblendedoh sweet07:12
Wyldi'm thinking of using esd .. so i can have multiple streams going through like teamspeak, xmms, and a game (usually WoW or NWN at the moment) .. any advice?07:12
Reblendedok.. may I install from the live cd as well?07:12
scottjBurgundavia, boy am I glad I didn't wait for the release to install it07:12
HrdwrBoBWyld: buy a soundblaster live :)07:12
HrdwrBoB(no, I'm serious)07:13
kkathmanReblended, well you can try it from the Live CD, but it wont physically install it to your hard drive07:13
Reblendedoh.. bummer.. ok thx07:13
Wyldhehehe .. i'm using my onboard sound .. nforce2, so whilst its not a SB, its not half bad07:13
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pussfellerryman alot of stuff in the reposotories is different than what on the rc disk, so you could just dist-upgrade07:13
pussfellerthat might fix your problem07:13
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HrdwrBoBWyld: no the point is, a soundblaster live is reasonably cheap and the driver allows multiple streams at once07:14
rymandist-upgrade ?07:14
Wyldahh kay07:14
pussfelleryes, it updates everything07:14
chazwurthand the sound is great07:14
HrdwrBoBso realistically that's the best option07:14
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rymani've been updating. I just downloaded and installed 97 packages today07:14
scottjanyone know of a really good game for linux that's not very well known? The best one I've been able to find is cube (http://wouter.fov120.com/cube/), but I'd like something new.07:14
Whifflei got my santa cruz for 12 bucks, its made me smile :D07:14
e_machinistHey, has anyone gotten MOHAA running under Ubuntu?07:14
=== Wyld wonders if I have an old SB in the garage
Wyldtime to go searching me thinks07:15
kkathmanWyld I saw a few on eBay recently07:15
EvilIdlere_machinist: Do you have a link to the installer?07:15
pussfellerwhat kinda card is it anyways07:15
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HrdwrBoByou can get them for $35AU iirc07:15
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Burgundaviascottj: try glest07:15
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pussfellerscottj, enemy territory fortress07:16
Burgundaviascottj: neverball?07:16
Reblendedyou can't play 3D windows games on ubuntu!07:16
Reblendedno way07:16
e_machinistEvilIdler, http://www.icculus.org/~ravage/mohaa07:16
EvilIdlerscottj: There's also a UFO clone with the Quake engine07:16
Whifflesure you can07:16
EvilIdlere_machinist: Cheers. I'll see if I have the box somewhere around here :)07:16
Whifflewine, cedega..07:16
e_machinistAnyone know how to get MOHAA to actually run under Ubuntu? It installs fine, SDL always gives me the error that it can't start the opengl subsystem.07:16
pussfellerboth the serious sam games work with icculus patches07:17
Whifflei had Warcraft 3, MOH, etc under regular wine in gentoo, havn't triedi n ubuntu07:17
Reblendedubuntu will make me the enemy of Bill?07:17
Whiffleanyway im out, tired07:17
EvilIdlere_machinist: It's based on the Quake 3 engine, isn't it?07:17
e_machinistReblended, I'm using the linux build of MOHAA.07:17
e_machinistEvilIdler, yes.07:17
Reblendede_machinist: looking it up07:17
EvilIdlere_machinist: Investigate the +ref_gl flag while I try to find my game :)07:17
pussfellerif you have an actual error, you could try #icculus07:17
Whiffleone of these days im going to completely blow away my windows partition, but that won't be till after college :(07:17
scottjEvilIdler, what's UFO?07:17
ReblendedI'm not a gamer, just had that question07:18
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e_machinist+ref_gl flag? oh man... I don't know where that would be located at.07:18
Reblendedwhat are RPMs?07:18
kakaltofor red hat, fedora, mandrake, etc.07:19
pussfellerred hat, mandrake, tohers07:19
EvilIdlerscottj: UFO:Enemy Unknown, also known as XCOM, is one of the greatest turn-based tactical/strategy games ever. Some people wrote a nice clone, which you shoud find from linuxgames.com or happypenguin.org07:19
Burgundaviascottj: look for ufoai07:19
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ReblendedI remember xcom! had it on a 3.507:19
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EvilIdlerReblended: I've bought the game many times over, whenever a new system came along :)07:20
Reblendedlol EI07:20
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ReblendedI've never owned a console07:20
e_machinistEvilIdler, where is the +ref_gl flag located at?07:20
Reblendedonly pc's07:20
=== whiskey_2 [~whiskers@adsl-68-88-234-57.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
BurgundaviaUFO is a serious cult game. There has never been a good sequel07:20
santiagobye ubuntu07:20
santiagoBurgundavia, thanks07:20
Reblendedl8r sant07:20
=== vessuvius [~vamiller@12-223-227-68.client.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
Burgundaviasantiago: np07:20
EvilIdlere_machinist: It can be added to the command line, or in the base/config file, I think07:21
santiagoubuntu's great07:21
rymanBurgundavia, if I install warty will my sound work ?07:21
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EvilIdlere_machinist: Downloading now, and I found the CDs07:21
rymanand is it easy to upgrade to hoary later on ?07:21
e_machinistbase/config would be in the MOHAA install directory?07:21
EvilIdlere_machinist: Either that, or if Icculus was awake, in your home directory07:21
vessuviusanyone running hoary yet? I'm installing it now07:21
EvilIdlere_machinist: Might be a .loki folder, .mohaa or something07:22
Reblendedlinux halflife is opensource?07:22
EvilIdlervessuvius: Lots of people running Hoary here :)07:22
EvilIdlerReblended: Nope07:22
vessuviuscool :)07:22
Reblendedahh k07:22
e_machinistEvilIdler, by default the game installs in /home/username/mohaa folder07:22
EvilIdlerReblended: There's no source released for the actual HL engine07:22
vessuviusI've installed a bunch of distros over the past week or so...07:22
e_machinistthe .mohaa etc would be hidden I assume.07:22
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EvilIdlere_machinist: No such thing as hidden to the command line :)07:22
hayvessuvius: u should've waited until friday when the stable release comes out07:23
e_machinistTrue. haha.07:23
stuNNede_machinist LOL funny nick :)07:23
Reblendedcommands easy to learn in UB?07:23
e_machiniststuNNed, why is it funny?07:23
kakaltohow do I make the uim input method switcher be on by default?07:23
vessuviusoh well :)07:23
EvilIdlere_machinist: You're not sickly thin, by any chance?07:23
stuNNede_machinist as in emachines machinist?  the way i read it...sorry07:23
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Reblendedhow to play dvd's in ubuntu?07:24
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wezzerogle is one alternative, yes07:24
EvilIdlerReblended: Ogle, VLC, Xine, MPlayer, and more07:24
wezzeris hoary released?07:24
Reblendedtx EI07:24
EvilIdlerwezzer: Tomorrow07:25
vessuviusI kept having problems with bind on fedora, could get it to resolve on the dns server, but not on my other machines, so I was lookin around and thought I'd just start the whole thing over again with ubuntu07:25
ice_1963go get fadora07:25
wezzerEvilIdler: ok, thanks07:25
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EvilIdlervessuvius: Do you need full bind? I know I've seen some minimal workalikes07:25
Reblendedwezzer: Friday07:26
Reblended(almost Tomorrow)07:26
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vessuviusEvilIdler... I just wanted a very small local domain... a couple machines07:26
pussfellerdnsmasq is pretty cool, dont know how it stacks up to major dns needs tho07:27
vessuviusbut I want dns, not host files07:27
BurgundaviaReblended:  the easiest way to play dvds in to install libdvdcss2 out of the debian marilliat repo07:27
BurgundaviaReblended: totem will then be able to play dvds07:27
ReblendedI hope what you have said makes sense with time.07:27
BurgundaviaReblended: should autoplay as well07:27
EvilIdlervessuvius: Yeah, but there might be alternatives to bind just for small LANs, a step above hostfiles07:27
pussfellerdnsmasq handles the host names and does dhcpotionally too07:27
BurgundaviaReblended: see www.ubuntu.com/wiki/RestrictedFormats07:27
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vessuviusEvilIdler, I hope so :)07:28
vessuviusI had it working just fine on the dns server... makes me wonder if it was my router, but I set it up right I thought07:29
e_machinistEvilIdler, I found a .loki file and a .mohaa file... nothing in the mohaa file, but the .loki has some junk in there.07:29
vessuviuscould ping the dns machine, but never get a response on port 5307:29
e_machinistI meant directory, haha.07:29
Reblendedmy mom wants to still be able to use *gasp Outlook Express to download her Hotmail... use wine and installn OE?07:30
vessuviususe thunderbird and tell her to quit being such an old lady07:30
BurgundaviaReblended: try thunderbird on her07:30
BurgundaviaReblended: very similar07:30
Vandrei_JaquesReblended, use the Thunderbird is very good and superior of OE07:30
dazed| i have a question someone might be able to answer...on my laptop...my ubuntu login screen the res is way off and the screen is too big for the monitor and all i can see is the login box (its all i need but...) , but when i log into gdm then the res is perfectly fine what do i need to do to fix this?07:31
Reblendedok... but no incorporation with hotmail?07:31
=== kakalto [~kakalto@wired-210-54-56-110.ps.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
pussfelleroe doesnt do that anymore anyways unless you pay or have an old account07:31
Reblendeduhh... :-) still works in OE 5 on win 98 machine07:31
Burgundaviadazed|: hmm07:31
EvilIdlere_machinist: It's installing now..took some massaging, since it's an AMD64 system07:32
dazed|its an x thing i belive Burgundavia07:32
Reblended(not playing for hotmail btw)07:32
mcrawforheya - how do I get GDM to use my .Xclients file?07:32
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BurgundaviaReblended: only works in oe and o, as it is not pop they speak to each other07:32
e_machinistEvilIdler, I see, you lucky devil.07:32
Reblendedyes.. http.. not pop07:32
gardionAnyone remember where the release scheduel for ubuntu is?07:32
gardionI've seen it on their site but I can't remember where.07:33
vessuviusI'm sure someone's hacked it as a plugin for thunderbird07:33
Reblendedoh sweet07:33
Burgundaviagardion: going to be released this friday07:33
Reblendedthx for the hope07:33
Arniadazed|: I'm having that problem too. ATI card?07:33
Burgundaviagardion: 5.10 in Oct sometime07:33
Reblendedin 28 yours07:33
dazed|nahh its an onboard hp card arnia07:33
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gardionBurgundavia: I remeber also seeing a schedule for what would be released when.   But thanks for letting me know about friday release.07:34
mcrawfordoes anyone know?  I remeber being able to drop a .Xclients file into my homedir on other distros, and have that start my WM and so forth...07:34
dazed|Arnia, i have been asking for weeks i doubt well get this fixed hahah07:34
Burgundaviagardion: they haven't picked a date for Breezy 5.10 yet07:34
vessuviustry that07:34
e_machinistEvilIdler, did it take forever to install the junk on the first CD for you as well?07:34
EvilIdlere_machinist: CD2 was just done - now it's asking for CD107:35
Reblendedthx ves!07:35
mcrawforhmm - is there another ubutu channel for techical questions?07:35
Burgundaviavessuvius: that is nice, never heard about it07:35
Xeon3DIs anyone here using an NVidia SoundStorm as an "audio card" ?07:35
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pussfelleryou could use gotmail and pipe it to procmail and then at least, she would have her hotmail in her inbox07:35
Burgundaviamcrawfor: not really07:35
pussfellertho she wouldnt be able to send07:35
Burgundaviamcrawfor: shoot07:35
e_machinistEvilIdler, oh yah, that is what I meant. The first install cd, or CD 2. haha.07:35
mcrawfor.xclients - i remember using that in my homedir to start my wm07:35
Xeon3Dmcrawfor, what's bugging you...07:35
=== aug [~aug@c-24-21-22-254.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mcrawforcan I do that with ubuntu?07:36
EvilIdlere_machinist: CD1 was really quick07:36
chavomcrawfor, use .xsession07:36
EvilIdlere_machinist: Or the first CD or whatever :)07:36
mcrawfori'll try that07:36
e_machinistEvilIdler, haha.07:36
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chavomcrawfor, it will come up as default07:36
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EvilIdlere_machinist: The progressbar isn't updating while it's working, though07:36
chavoor custom07:37
e_machinistEvilIdler, yah, it does that on CD1 /second install CD.07:37
vessuviusI'm a bit worried... when in the install does it ask you about the placement of the mbr?07:37
EvilIdlervessuvius: I think it figures it out. If you make Linux partitions on any other drive than hda, it'll ask you if you'd rather have the MBR there07:38
kakaltocan I have 2 versions of a program installed at the same time, eg. Firefox normal, then firefox-different-language?07:38
mcrawforchavo: Perfect!07:38
mcrawforthanks a million07:38
vessuviusoh there it did :)07:38
chavono problem07:38
mcrawfornow - where should i have found that out myself?07:38
Reblendedis there a similar program to SpaceMonger for UB? <visual hard disk analysis by file size>07:38
vessuviusut oh07:39
vessuviuscan't install grub on /dev/hda2 fatal error!07:39
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ReblendedI can in windows, Kaka07:39
Reblendedcan't you install under another user?07:39
EvilIdlere_machinist: The disc labelled #1 is definitely taking forever07:40
e_machinistEvilIdler, once you get it installed and try to run it tell me what happens for you.07:40
e_machinistEvilIdler, you using Nvidia or ATI card?07:40
EvilIdlere_machinist: By the way, my game is called "Allied Advance". Must be the Euro name..07:40
EvilIdlere_machinist: NVidia. Just tested glxgears, and got 3621fps. I guess that's OK.07:40
scottjBurgundavia, is glest available for linux? on the site all I see is .exe for windows07:40
e_machinistThe installer says "Allied Assault" on mine.07:40
vessuviusut oh07:40
Reblendedso just about any program that has TUX next to it, should work on UB?07:41
e_machinistEvilIdler, which beta installer did you download?07:41
EvilIdlere_machinist: The installer says Assault, yes. The game box can't agree :)07:41
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Burgundaviascott: yes07:41
e_machinistEvilIdler, oh, haha. Weird.07:41
vessuviusI have xp installed on /dev/hda1, and have it set /boot on /dev/hda2, so I want to install grub there... but the install keeps failing on there :-(07:41
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vessuviusany ideas?07:41
EvilIdlere_machinist: mohaa-lnx-1.11-beta307:41
Burgundaviascottj: deb http://apt.linex.org/ cl juegalinex07:42
EvilIdlere_machinist: Trying to launch it now..07:42
vessuviusdoes grub care what filesystem its installed on? I just used reiserFS for everything07:42
scottjBurgundavia, how can I check what other games that repository has?07:42
EvilIdlere_machinist: I get an error about not being able to load default.config07:43
Burgundaviascott: just going to the website07:43
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EvilIdlere_machinist: Do you have a default.config file anywhere in the game directory?07:44
locomortohey guys07:44
MM2vessuvius: I got failed grub install also, but lilo installed fine :)07:44
asubedii installed gstreamer-ffmpeg but when i play mpeg4 files, i do not get sound07:44
locomortogrub has always worked fine for me07:44
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locomortoand thtas across two hoary, one wart and one Fedora core 3 installs07:45
asubediis there a way to get sound while playing mpeg4 files?07:45
vessuviushmmm I don't want lilo :-p07:45
kakaltolocomorto, same with me, 2 gentoo, 3 fedora core, 4 or 5 ubuntu warty07:45
kakaltono problems with grub07:45
kakaltoso long as I keep it simple07:45
=== andrek [~andrek@ti531210a080-6021.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
Reblendedcedega can run windows apps too?07:46
e_machinistEvilIdler, no, do you?07:46
ReblendedI love freeware07:46
kakaltoalthough it's more aimed at games07:46
vessuviusI'm going to try with /dev/hda2 as ext307:46
kakaltoReblended, I think WINE is more aimed at applications07:46
EvilIdlere_machinist: No, and the game refuses to start without it :/07:46
nomasteryodano, crossover office07:46
ReblendedKaKalTo: so, if I install both wine and Cedega... so I have to install 2x?07:47
nomasteryodaworks very nicely07:47
Reblendedif I want to try it out with both?07:47
Burgundaviaif you running aps, use crossover office07:47
Burgundaviathey employ the lead wine hacker07:47
e_machinistEvilIdler, mine will go past that part saying it can't exec config.cfg or whatever, then it tries to enable the graphics.... SDL_GetError, could not load opengl07:47
Burgundaviatransgaming, who put out cedega, have given NO source code back07:47
e_machinistPretty annoying.07:47
nomasteryodai have installed Dreamweaver MX with flash under crossover07:47
locomortoyes they have07:47
nomasteryodaand IE07:47
Reblendedcool, Nom07:47
kakalto is crossover free?07:48
locomortocedega have released the source07:48
Reblendedand the plugins work too!07:48
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EvilIdlere_machinist: I ran strace to find where it wanted the file, and created an empty file. Still won't go any further :/07:48
locomortoyou really need to get your facts staight and stop knocking what you dont know07:48
nomasteryodanominal cost07:48
nomasteryodato help cover development07:48
kakaltoif I could find a place to supply me...07:48
Reblendedthey gotta eat too07:48
Burgundavialocomorto: but it can't be merged back into the wine tree07:48
nomasteryoda,,,uno, pay for beer07:48
scottjanyone know how to make firefox say it is IE?07:48
Reblended< dry07:48
locomortoand thats their fault?07:48
vessuviusI want to install grub on /boot right?07:48
nomasteryodaadd the extension07:48
Burgundaviascottj: user agent switcher07:49
Reblendedscottj there's an extension07:49
e_machinistEvilIdler, I have a very interesting idea. I'll brb. Don't go anywhere.07:49
locomortoscottk, yes get the user agent switcher extension07:49
EvilIdlerThe only code Cedega isn't giving back is some special code for the copy protection07:49
nomasteryodauser agent switcher07:49
locomortoor something like that07:49
Burgundavialocomorto: they said they would at the beginning07:49
EvilIdlere_machinist: Making food. Too low on energy to go anywhere.07:49
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=== Reblended pauses irc chat to rest eyes
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Reblendedok. resume07:50
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Reblended=] 07:50
=== locomorto Dances :D-/-<
=== locomorto Dances :D-|-<
=== locomorto Dances :D-\-<
Reblendedsry for being redundant... irc chat LOL07:50
vessuviusGrub gets installed to /boot right? When I'm dual booting and have /dev/hda1 as my windows partition07:51
EvilIdlerThe Cedega source, apart from some fancy CDROM code, is available from their CVS to anyone. No need to pay.07:51
scottjEvilIdler, are there debs?07:52
EvilIdlervessuvius: Grub is told on what drive to look for the /boot directory07:52
EvilIdlerscottj: Only source for non-paying customers. You get binaries if you pay the five bucks per month.07:52
vessuviusI need to install Grub somewhere besides the mbr, because I want to use ntldr for dual booting07:53
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Reblendedso, I need to learn to compile the source?07:53
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Reblendedis that where "make" comes in?07:53
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vessuviusI think I have generally chosen /dev/hda2 (/boot)07:53
nomasteryodavessuvius, why?07:53
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nomasteryodai keep windows on it's own drive07:53
nomasteryodaand let grub bootload07:53
vessuviusnomasteryoda... cuz I did it that way once and it worked :)07:53
vessuviusI don't want to give windows 80 gigs07:53
vessuviusI have an 80 gig and a 250 gig07:54
nomasteryodait does, but i dont' ever want Windows in control of the boot07:54
vessuviusntldr does a fine job of booting, and it is easy to configure07:54
rover_danhi,all. i plan to update pure debian|sarge using unbuntu|hoary srclist. whether it will cause serious consequences?07:54
AntiochHoary freeze soon! =)07:54
nomasteryodavessuvius, yea, ok07:54
Burgundaviarover_dan: I have heard of people doing is successfully07:54
EvilIdlerGrub is slightly easier, and more flexible, than ntldrt07:54
nomasteryodaEvilIdler, well said07:54
scottjanyone know how to extract a single frame from a dvd? I could just take a screenshot, but I wonder if I could get better quality some other way.07:54
BurgundaviaAntioch: hoary freeze already happened, hoary release soon07:54
AntiochBurgundavia really? I thought final freeze was scheduled for the 8th?07:55
BurgundaviaAntioch: freeze != release07:55
Reblendedwhat changes, the kernel?07:55
jmiHi - when I try to run apt-get dist-upgrade, the package xserver-org just hangs at "Preconfigrig packages..." - any idea how to get round this?07:55
vessuviusbut to get a dual boot system using grub takes more work I think07:55
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TrendKillin what group do you have to be to be able to sudo?07:55
AntiochBurgundavia yea, I know that. The wiki said the freeze was on the 8th, not the release07:55
BurgundaviaAntioch: release is on the 8th07:56
danielsjmi: if you could run export DEBUG_XORG_PACKAGE=developer, export DEBUG_XORG_DEBCONF=developer, and then try it again, that'd be much appreciated07:56
danielsAntioch: final release is tomorrow07:56
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rover_danwow,glad to hear that.07:56
vessuviusthere it worked for some reason07:56
scottjwhat's a good gnome id3 tag editor?07:56
vessuviusthat's odd07:56
jmidaniels: I'll ty that just now07:56
vessuviusall I changed was the file system on /boot from reiser to ext3, and then Grub would install there07:57
da_bon_bonEvilIdler: it is also available, with all the candy, on www.torrentspy.com :P07:57
AntiochBurgundavia, daniels -- I look forward to it..07:57
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vessuviusdoes that make any sense?07:57
nomasteryodavessuvius, yes07:58
EvilIdlerda_bon_bon: Hehe07:58
rover_dani have installed xorg and gnome2.10 using unbuntu srclist.but my main bar is shaking now. what's the problem?07:58
EvilIdlerrover_dan: Sit still?07:58
nomasteryodahow i used to do it is posted there07:58
nomasteryodanow i just set it in grub07:58
Sp4rKysomebody have a dell laptop with hoary ? i have any issues with acpi?07:58
rover_danEvilIdler pardon?07:59
EvilIdlerrover_dan: How is the bar shaking?07:59
Sp4rKyWhat's the correct charset here ?07:59
montana_how can i unlock a folder? how do i log in as root or the owner?07:59
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EvilIdlerrover_dan: Are elements moving, is the whole bar changing placement?07:59
vessuviusyeah, nomasteryoda, that's the setup I run08:00
rover_danEvilIdler, nope. just shakes in the same place:(08:00
=== Shufla [~shufla@router.kkzabrze.com.pl] has joined #ubuntu
Shuflahello :)08:01
Sp4rKyI s UTF-8 here ?08:01
jmidaniels: $OWNERS does not equal $CHOICES: "xserver-xorg" != ""08:01
rover_danEvilIdler, no element is move08:01
jmidaniels: $OWNERS has only one value; shared/default-x-server will not be asked08:01
jmidaniels: then it hangs08:01
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danko123456Hi, do you guys like KDE? I mean, does anyone have a reason why that would be needed?08:03
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nomasteryodavessuvius, need i say more... grub is easier08:03
Burgundaviadanko123456: some people like it, therefor it should be included08:03
danko123456I think it is first of all, very new...08:03
danko123456WHy do you think they like it?08:03
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ShuflaKDE is very consistent...08:03
EvilIdlerrover_dan: Have you checked the gnome.org forums/mailinglists or whatever they have?08:03
Burgundaviadanko123456: ask in #kubuntu if you want to know what a kde user thinks08:03
nomasteryodacause it looks nice, smells new and sucks up that RAM we paid high dollar for08:04
rover_danEvilIdle,looks liked the appearance of electromagnetic interference, but the rest parts of the screen is fine08:04
danko123456Right, good answer, thanks.08:04
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rover_danEvilIdleok.i will check it out08:04
Reblendedso, kde is just eyecandy?08:04
nomasteryodaReblended, more or less08:04
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nomasteryodahas some options gnome doesn't have08:04
Shuflabut not just08:04
Shuflakde is workable08:04
Reblendednomasteryoda: it's an addon?08:05
nomasteryodabut you get what you pay for.... i prefer KDE08:05
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nomasteryodaReblended, you can apt-get install KDE08:05
nomasteryodalook at the wiki08:05
Reblendedk thx08:05
Shuflaor use kubuntu :D08:05
Reblendedhmm k08:05
coughcoolcan I apt-get codecs for totem?08:06
locomortoand the gstreamer one08:06
Shuflaw32codecs are in multiverse...?08:06
Burgundaviaonly on debian marilliat08:07
locomortopeople dont have universe and multiverse enabled?08:07
Shufladefault uni/multi verse is disabled08:07
coughcoolpackage name just w32codecs?08:08
vessuviusdoes the ubuntu install disk act as a rescue disk too?  I need to boot now to copy the bootsector from /boot so that I can use it to dual boot08:08
Shuflai wonder when apt-get download backend will be based on torrents :)08:09
vessuviusI know on redhat I did something like boot: root=/dev/hda508:09
vessuviusand it would mount everything for me so I could copy08:09
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vessuviusthere I got it08:09
coughcoolloco: thanks for the pointer08:09
vessuviuslinux root=/dev/hda508:10
=== violet [~exis@ti221110a080-11310.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
maarthi! is that Ubuntu 5.04 release candidate same as Final will be?08:10
violethey is installing woarty a good idea?08:10
vessuviusut oh kernel panic08:10
locomortopretty much08:10
Shuflaviolet: i don't think so08:11
SuperLagviolet: not with Hoary coming out in the next few days08:11
Myrttiviolet: say what?08:11
Myrttihoary or warty08:11
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Reblendedhoary hedgehog08:11
violetim tired08:11
Myrttiyes it's worth it08:11
violetso yeah08:11
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e_machinistEvilIdler, my idea was shot to hell... you had anything work yet?08:11
Shuflahoary RC installed just fine yesterday...08:11
coughcooli just install RC on my laptop08:11
Reblendednice and speedy UB server =] 08:11
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violethmm ill install it then08:12
EvilIdlere_machinist: Nope, and I'm now struggling with UT2004 AMD64 :/08:12
Reblendedwhat's the apt name for wine?08:12
Reblendedlol ez08:12
lunitikReblended: 'wine' ... its in universes08:12
ShuflaReblended: apt-cache search wine08:12
da_bon_bonReblended: bloody mary08:12
Reblended< wiki for universes?08:12
Reblendedrofl dabon08:12
locomortobest wiki ever08:13
Reblendedmultiverses, universes... head spun08:13
e_machinistEvilIdler, that is strange.08:13
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dazed|who in here uses fluxbox with ubuntu?08:14
locomortoanyone here got their intel wireless 2000b/g on Insipiron 8600 to work08:14
locomortoi installed the drivers fine08:14
locomortoi just want to know how to turn on the hardware switch08:14
kakaltodazed|, I've tried it, but I don't use it..08:14
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Shuflaok, i've got to go, bye bye :>08:16
e_machinistEvilIdler, Quake 3 Arena still runs great for me.... just can't seem to get MOHAA to want to run.08:17
=== Sp4rKy_new [~Sp4rKy@wifisrv.univ-rennes1.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Reblendedhow do I edit wmv's in ub?08:17
Sp4rKy_newPlease, somebody have a dell laptop with hoary ?08:17
locomortoi do08:17
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Sp4rKy_newI have some issues with acpi08:18
Sp4rKy_newcould you help me ?08:18
dazed|does anyone USE fluxbox with ubuntu?08:18
locomortosuch as?08:18
Reblendedfunny, hoary install is 26 megs smaller than live08:18
EvilIdlere_machinist: UT2004 runs great here, too, but my system now lacks sound. Grr.08:18
danielsjmi: woah08:19
ReblendedEI, whole system?!08:19
danielsjmi: i've ... never seen that happen, ever08:19
BurgundaviaI have to kill esd before I run glest or Quake308:19
EvilIdlerReblended: XMMS can't find devices, sound server crap disabled08:19
Reblendedkill all sound?08:19
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EvilIdlerI don't use esd or anything. Arts was loaded, but I killed it.08:19
locomortohave you tried setting it to esd?08:20
Sp4rKy_newHybernate function don't work08:20
EvilIdlerI'm in KDE.08:20
EnspyronEvilIdler how did you get UT2k4 running on Ubuntu? I take it this is about that. Did you just use the version that you can get in the store?08:20
Sp4rKy_newand sleep consume a lot of energy08:20
EvilIdlerEnspyron: Regular edition (DVD), with AMD64 binaries08:20
Reblendedhmm, Sp4rKy?  suspend2disk08:20
locomortoAlso there is a option in system somewhere (look for sound) and it lets you start up the sound server08:20
EvilIdlerEnspyron: Framerate seemed good, but without sound, there's less stress on the system :P08:21
Sp4rKy_newReblended , what can i do ?08:21
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EnspyronWow... so what's the deal... does ubunu not support your soundcard?08:22
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Enspyronor do you need directx stuff?08:22
Enspyronut2k4 is openGL right08:22
Reblendedthere's one more08:22
ReblendedSparky... google this: swsusp208:23
Kennyjb402Help, I install a new video card...how do i run the config program?08:23
e_machinistEvilIdler, I cannot find very much information about mohaa under linux...08:23
locomortowhat vide card?08:23
EvilIdlere_machinist: That beta is old, I guess :/08:23
Kennyjb402not sure a friend gave it to me08:24
Sp4rKy_newi look at this, thanks a lot08:24
e_machinistFound a lot of the exact same problem that I have... but nobody has posted their solution.08:24
e_machinistEvilIdler, is it? I'm not aware of a newer one???08:24
e_machinistDid you find a newer one?08:24
EvilIdlere_machinist: No, Icculus just hasn't worked on it in a while08:24
EvilIdlerHope I can get NWN working, too.08:25
Reblendedfluxbox is supposed to be what?08:25
e_machinistEvilIdler, yah, you would assume that you would be able to get mohaa running off that beta3 though.08:25
e_machinistSince so many others have.08:25
Sp4rKy_newlibdvdcss are absent in hoary servers ?08:25
jdubSp4rKy_new: of course :)08:25
Kennyjb402how can I congig it?08:26
EvilIdlere_machinist: It's a static binary, so there's not much I can replace of libs :/08:26
Reblendedfluxbox is another kde?08:27
Sp4rKy_newjdub, i have to download sources?08:27
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nessmukreblended....damnsmalllinux is a good look at fluxbox....pretty cool small usb install08:27
BurgundaviaSp4rKy_new: nope, just use debian-marillait08:28
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Reblendednessmuk usb install? I can run live usb? =008:29
BurgundaviaKennyjb402: what kind of video card?08:29
ReblendedI can't boot to usb08:29
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Kennyjb402not sure a friend gave it to me08:29
e_machinisthmm, kinda dissappointing... so close... yet so far.08:29
NormDKenny:  You'll need to know exactly what video card it is.  Ask your friend...08:29
Reblendednessmuk: am I missing something here?08:29
Kennyjb402ok thnx08:29
BurgundaviaKennyjb402: is it an ATI or an NVIDIA?08:29
Kennyjb402print to small for my eyes to see lol08:30
jdubSp4rKy_new: it's easily found elsewhere (videolan site, for example)08:30
scottjanyone have recommendations on really good internet radio stations (few commercials preferably)08:30
Sp4rKy_newBurgundavia, what's debian-marillais ?08:30
Kennyjb402thought i could run modprobe or something08:30
Burgundaviascottj: what kind of music?08:30
BurgundaviaSp4rKy_new: www.ubuntu.com/wiki/RestrictedFormats08:30
Reblendedhow do I boot from my thumbdrive?08:30
jmidaniels: any suggestions 'though?08:31
nubuntukenny : are you using it right now?08:31
Kennyjb402im on my wifes computer08:31
scottjBurgundavia, anything, I'm picky but like good music in every genre08:31
danielsjmi: no idea, sorry, aside from try dpkg --purge --force-depends xserver-x{org,free86} first and apt-get install xserver-xorg? (but back up your config first)08:31
Burgundaviascottj: if you like world music, try  http://www.village900.ca/08:32
locomortoto back xorg conf08:32
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Burgundaviascottj: comm. free08:32
Kennyjb402i gess i08:32
Kennyjb402i gess i'll have to reinstall08:32
locomortosudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /08:32
BurgundaviaKennyjb402: can you run system-->admin-->device manager08:32
scottjBurgundavia, yeah, used to be a huge fan of world music (afro celt, radio tarifa, etc) but that was years ago. I'll give it a try, if the page ever comes up08:32
BurgundaviaKennyjb402: you shouldn't need to reinstall08:33
Burgundaviascott: is a college radio station08:33
jmidaniels: OK, I'll give that a try later on. I'm about to add another disk to copy all the data on to first - cheers!08:33
nubuntukennydevice manager08:33
danielsjmi: no worroes.  let me know if you find anything interesting08:33
Kennyjb402cant get int ubuntu becase i change my video card08:34
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nubuntukenny: use the standard vga driver to start X08:34
scottjBurgundavia, another good college station is kexp.org, although for the good stuff they have they also have tons of trash08:34
=== locomorto yawns
nubuntukenny: edit xorg.conf08:35
Kennyjb402thnx i'll try it08:35
locomortowhat vid card did you get now08:35
nubuntuthere should be some standard entrys for vga, just uncomment them08:35
nessmukreblended...sorry, away. You asked about using flux with ubuntu, I just said I like dsl....and yes, it is one of many small distros, like Beatrix, made special to run off usb08:35
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Reblendednessmuk: np, thx, dsl is another windows mgr?08:36
deFrysknubuntu, is it not easyer to use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:36
locomortono DSL is another distro08:36
Reblendedahh thx08:36
locomortoits is a Live Cd one though, but it loads completly into memory, and is very small08:36
locomortoit is primarily aimed at older hardware08:37
Reblendedohh yah,, *amn small yes08:37
ReblendedI'm getting that... 50 megs08:37
Kennyjb402i get a "gtk-warning cannot open display"08:37
Reblendedthx loco08:37
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locomortoyou can add stuff to it though, just copy .dsl files too the root direcoty and they are loaded as well on startup (i added Freeciv among others)08:37
ReblendedI want to try running dsl off my SD card08:37
nessmukno....it's a complete distro, 50 meg, to have your entire setup portable on a usb stick. Look at the site for dsl and Beatrix....they really show it clearly08:37
scottjBurgundavia, no mp3 stream?08:38
Burgundaviascottj: nope08:38
Sp4rKy_newsorry, i haven't seen the gpg issue over hoary :)08:38
Reblendedlocomorto: why run dsl on top of ubuntu?08:38
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Reblendedyou just like it that well?08:38
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lunitikReblended: why not?08:38
locomortoi dont08:38
Kennyjb402nubuntu: I get a 'gtk-warning cannot open display"08:38
locomortoi used it as a resuce Cd a few times though08:38
nubuntukenny: mhm...run xorgconfig08:39
lunitiknubuntu: gtsudo08:39
Reblendedwell, nice to know if I put a file into root it will run at startup?08:39
locomortoonly the ones in the dsl repo (linked from the front page)08:39
Reblendedlinux has spyware problems?08:40
locomortonot really08:40
lunitikReblended: I don't even know of a linux spyware tool...08:40
locomortoa really old version of mozilla might get you spyware08:40
locomortobut i think thats still only for windows08:40
Burgundaviaafaik spyware + linux = not found08:41
lunitiklocomorto: Mozilla doesn't support ActiveX ... so its unlikely...08:41
Reblendedand never will support active x?08:41
Reblendedwhat about running wine and IE>..08:42
locomortoa few spyware things did get realesed for it, but the vunerabilites for them were pacthed. I read it at the mozillazine site08:42
Reblendedie uses active x?08:42
lunitikReblended: yes, ie does..08:42
dazedanyone use fluxbox with their ubuntu in here?08:42
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Reblendedso, I can still get spyware through using wine08:42
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lunitikReblended: sure... but it would only effect the wine files  :/08:42
Reblendedic. thx08:42
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=== lunitik let a virus loose on a wine environment once... was funny
Reblendedcan I install more than one wine?08:43
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NormDI vaguely remember an article about a month ago where someone attempted to install malware via wine...only one out of the lot got anywhere, but still didn't completely work. : )08:43
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Sp4rKy_newdo you know all the link in the web ? :)08:44
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Reblendedmake = compile?08:46
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scottjwhy does apt-get take forever at 99% waiting for headers? years ago when I first started using debian I never had to wait for it to do this08:48
munkiscottj, doesn't here08:48
Sp4rKy_newReblended, yes, i think08:49
Reblendedyes to install multiple wines? or make = compile?08:49
Sp4rKy_newReblended, yes for make = compile,in fact, make do all the action defined in Makefile08:50
Sp4rKy_newdepend of the argument you write after make08:50
Reblendedwhat should I use to edit WMV's?08:51
raghuhi all08:52
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raghuThe following packages have unmet dependencies:08:52
raghu  gcc-3.3: Depends: cpp-3.3 (< 1:3.3.5) but 1:3.3.5-8ubuntu2 is to be installed08:52
raghuE: Broken packages08:52
raghu how to solve this?08:52
locomortoapt-get install build-essential08:52
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zenroxraghu, do a sudo apt-get build-essential08:52
zenroxthen try to compile agine08:53
raghulocomorto zenrox: thx08:53
raghulocomorto zenrox: let me try08:53
Reblendeddo I need to install an anti virus program for wine?08:54
locomortonot really08:54
raghulocomorto zenrox: no luck08:54
Reblendedok.. can I save the files I create outside the wine environment?08:54
raghulocomorto: no luck08:55
locomortoyou can get anti-virus for linux though. I think theres something in the forum about f-protect08:55
locomortoraghu: not shure why08:55
Burgundaviaantivirus for linux is a waste of time, to be honest08:55
Reblendedso, y bother08:55
locomortoraghu: what are you compiling08:55
zenroxraghu,  what happed08:55
deFryskBurgundavia, until you get infected that is08:56
locomortoreblended: yes, its in ~HOME/.wine08:56
BurgundaviadeFrysk: there are no linux virii in the wild08:56
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raghuzenrox: when i do apt-get install gcc08:56
locomortoreblended: ~HOME/.wine/*08:56
raghuzenrox:build-essential: Depends: gcc (>= 3:3.3) but it is not going to be installed08:56
raghu                   Depends: g++ (>= 3:3.3) but it is not going to be installed08:56
raghuE: Broken packages08:56
locomortoare you on warty?08:56
zenroxraghu,  enable your universe repostory08:56
raghulocomorto: yes08:57
locomortoyou might need to upgrade to hoary to get access to those features08:57
Reblendedftp://ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distributions/damnsmall/mydsl/    <  how do I launch dsl from my thumbdrive (in windows) I dont see an exe08:57
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Piggeldican't login via ssh after update anymore (as regular user)08:57
locomortojust sudo gedt /etc/apt/sources.list and replace warty with hoary08:57
Piggeldican someone help?08:58
dumbuserwhere can I get mplayer?08:58
locomortothen apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade, apt-get upgrade08:58
locomortoapt-get install mplayer08:58
chibifsInternet 5000.08:58
dumbuserwhat do I need to add to my /etc/apt/sources.list?08:58
locomortouniverse and mutliverse repos. Check out www.ubuntuguide.org for what to put in08:59
zenroxlocomorto,  www.ubuntuguide.org/temp for hoary08:59
dumbuserAh.  I only had the universe, not the multiverse.  I'll try that.  thanks08:59
locomortozenrox: theres aink to that on the front page ;)09:00
zenroxdint notice09:00
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Piggeldican t login with ssh after system update yesterday any recommendations?09:00
locomortodid you check your firewall config?09:00
Piggeldi< me09:01
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Piggeldii can log in with root... (after permitrootlogin yes in sshd_conf firewall is not running09:01
locomortono idea then. try asking on the forums09:02
Reblendedwww.ubuntuguide.org/temp 40409:02
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super_dude2ok help me plz im learning to be a C++ programmer and i dontknow how to compile and run my files on linux is there a defult editor?09:03
nibblesmxtry vim09:03
Piggeldii tried to do this but found no hints09:03
Xeon3Dvim for newbies?09:03
nibblesmxtry gedit09:03
nibblesmxtry emacs (if you have the guts, hehe)09:04
Piggeldiauth.log says account expired.. but i can log in local..09:04
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Xeon3Dsuper_dude2, do an apt-get install program . program being nano for a console one, and gedit for a graphic one...09:04
super_dude2it dosnot have a compiler i think09:04
Xeon3Dsuper_dude2, apt-get install gcc09:04
nibblesmxtry writting g++ on the console09:04
super_dude2command not found09:04
nibblesmxif it says something like "no input files"09:04
nibblesmxthen you DO have a compiler09:05
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Xeon3Dhe doesn't09:05
locomortosuper_dude2: apt-get install build-essential and apt-get install kdevelop09:05
Reblendedcan I boot from a thumbdrive while inside windows?09:05
=== TrendKill [~adfgsdfg@modemcable187.4-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Reblended(with dsl)09:05
da_bon_bonin a lens cleaner cd, where should the cleaning brush be located, ideally ?09:05
Xeon3Dsuper_dude2,  write sudo apt-get install g++ on a terminal09:05
locomortoda_bon_bon so it goes over the lens part09:06
TrendKillhey guys, wasnt today the release date for hoary?09:06
locomortono the 8th09:06
TrendKillcool, thnax09:06
Piggeldiafter system update i can't log in as reg. user via ssh. local login via console still works... root login via ssh works too. any recommendations09:06
nibblesmxdunno... i received my warthy cd rom but i made a dist upgrade to hoary like 1 month ago09:06
super_dude2it says no input files now that i did the install09:07
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nibblesmxnow try coding a program09:07
nibblesmxand then compile it09:08
topyliyou don't ask for much super_dude2. "how to write a program and compile it" :)09:09
Reblendedanything but format root09:09
nibblesmxi dont want to be rude, but RTFM09:09
Reblendedtry Make, topy09:10
pussfelleryou can learn c in 21 days, I saw the book09:11
super_dude2iv got the book09:11
rdw200169c'mon, you could do it in a week if you tried09:11
nibblesmx"learn C in 24 hours", i think that one is more effective09:11
pussfeller3 chapters a day09:11
super_dude2 so how do i doit09:11
Reblendedy wouldn't I want UB to use all my screen resolutions?09:11
rdw200169object oriented programming on the other hand...09:12
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pussfellerif you wanna learn to program, start with ruby or python or such09:12
ReblendedMy Laptop is a sony with a funky video card that won't do digital scaling... so when it goes to 640x480 it's a little tiny area in the middle of the screen.. any way around this with UB?09:12
super_dude2and why cant i edit any folders xsept home??09:13
fsapohi.. i dont know if its the right place to ask for it but.. btw09:13
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fsapoanyone knows any tool to convert mpc files to mp3?09:13
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fsapoReblended, is it free?09:14
jimarko_Whats the easiest way to go about updating GTK?09:14
Reblendednot oss, but free09:14
fsapoReblended, where can i find it?09:14
pussfelleron linux?09:14
pussfellerfoobar2000 does it on windows09:14
Xeon3Dsuper_dude2, cause you're not root.09:14
fsapoReblended, thanx09:14
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Xeon3Dinside your home folder use normal commands.. outside your home folder use sudo command09:15
pussfelleryou can use mpc tools to do it too if you install them09:15
super_dude2But im the only one on my computer so i have to be i havent set any other acounts09:15
pussfellerwhich, i dont think they are native to ubuntu09:15
Reblendedfsapo: http://www.dbpoweramp.com/dmc.htm give this a try  < good luck!09:15
fsapoReblended, www.dbpoweramp.com but it doesnt seem to have a linux version =/09:16
nibblesmxsuper_dude2, ubuntu by default, does not allow you to use the root account09:16
pussfellersuper_dude2, linux is set up for multiusers09:16
da_bon_bonin a lens cleaner cd, where should the cleaning brush be located, ideally ?09:16
pussfellerin any case, it keeps you from screwing things p accidentally09:16
nibblesmxtry the "whoami" command09:16
fsapoReblended, dont have wine here :( and dont have a windows partition =/09:16
super_dude2so how do i edit them cause it wont save cookies from web sites09:16
fsapoReblended, just linux =[09:16
Reblendedfsapo: http://forum.dbpoweramp.com/showthread.php?t=700209:16
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pussfellerdoes foobar work under wine09:17
=== Pizbit [~Pizbit@203-79-124-44.adsl.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
super_dude2in root terminal im root in terminal in lukes :) thats my name :)09:18
Reblendedfsapo: still there?09:18
fsapoReblended, yes i m09:18
Reblendedfsapo: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/10353509:18
duncanmto make totem use xine, isn't there a gconf setting to set?09:18
fsapoReblended, reading the threads09:18
Burgundaviaduncanm: install totem-xine09:19
duncanmBurgundavia: i've done that, i'm trying to do the same thing on another distro09:19
Reblendedfsapo: http://www.rarewares.org/mpc.html  < direct transcoder09:19
Reblended=] 09:19
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Burgundaviaduncanm: no diea09:20
duncanmoh well09:20
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super_dude2so im both?09:20
Reblendedcan I change the startup logo in UB?09:20
Reblended< it's sacrilidge I know > but can I?09:21
fsapoReblended, thanx.. i ll try downlading some of it hope it works on linux :(09:22
Reblendeddid you get that last link?09:22
super_dude2ok guys here a huge problem i have but cant get fixed i tried a few days ago but dint get it fixd so what do i do to get MY MUSIC TO PLAY!09:22
Pizbitsuper_dude2: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats09:23
jimarko_Hey guys, I'm having trouble updating GTK for gimp 2.2.4, and if i go to uninstall GTK via synaptic which will then allow me to install the latest GTK from source, i find there are too many dependancies based on the current GTK. What is the best way to go about updating GTK?09:23
super_dude2it  dont make any nosis not even startup09:23
=== Reblended makes a note to plug in speakers
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=== super_dude2 has already plugged in te spekers im not that dumb
ReblendedI read something, Super, that said he had to kill the sound server?09:24
Wyldhow to i *force* an unmount/eject of a cdrom?09:24
Reblendedbut I'm just guessing here09:24
PizbitReblended: No sound server at startup09:25
Duluuwhen will hoary released?09:25
pussfellerfsapo, http://musepack.net has binaries you can use, you can write scripts around them09:25
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PizbitDuluu: Apparently on the 8th, are you an impatient sod like me?:)09:25
PizbitWyld: Why do you need to force it?09:26
Wyldits telling me its busy09:26
violeti have begun learning perl, but im out of ideas for things to write, got any novice things i can write in my newly installed ubuntu? :D09:26
fsapopussfeller, i ll take a look thanx09:26
pussfellerWyld, you cant if its being used by a program, like, you are in the directory in nautilus or the shell or something09:26
Wyldand there's nothing open but xchat09:26
DuluuI liked warty, but there are so many old packages. And I'd like to install newest ones09:26
pussfellerithink you can try umount -f tho09:26
PizbitWyld: Open up a terminal, lsof | grep whereyourCDromismounted09:27
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=== Pizbit bets it's gam_server
Reblendeddist-upgrade > I don't have to reinstall all my programs?09:27
sHerMiesomebody have problems with gaim?09:27
nibblesmxReblended, no, you dont have to09:28
Reblendedwhew, thx nib09:28
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Reblendedhow can I mount cd's?09:28
WyldPizbit, brw-rw----  1 root cdrom 3, 0 2005-04-07 13:40 /dev/hda09:28
PizbitReblended: You don't mount music cds.09:28
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PizbitWyld: That it *not* where the cdrom is mounted09:29
Sp4rKy_oldReblended, sorry, but i don't succeed to install suspend function, if you could help me ...09:29
fsapopussfeller, thanx this should work.. i can decode to wav and then reeconde to mp3 :)09:29
ReblendedI have a win program that I can mount iso's as cd's09:29
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PizbitReblended: Hum, yeah you can mount isos on the loopback device.09:30
Reblendedthx piz09:30
WyldPizbit, okay, its shown me the directories of all the things i just copied from the cdrom09:30
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Wyldbut the windows are now all closed09:30
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PizbitWyld: paste the result in www.pastebin.com09:30
sHerMiesomebody have problems with gaim?09:31
pussfellerfsapo, i had a python script somewhere that does it09:31
Piggeldican't log in via ssh anymore... firewall is deactivated... root login works but no regular user? any recommendations?09:31
PizbitWyld: And then tell me the link09:31
fsapopussfeller, i m thinking about it right now09:31
fsapopussfeller, i have all the rush discography to do it O_O09:32
fsapopussfeller, and i dont know python nor shellscript =/09:32
PizbitWyld: That's not what i said to do, I said to use lsof. Paste the results of this into pastebin "lsof | grep /media/cdrom0"09:32
fsapopussfeller, the decode to wav worked :D09:32
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PizbitReblended: mount -o loop -t iso9660 file.iso /mnt/place09:33
Sp4rKy_oldi would to install swsusp2, must i compile my kernel or just patch ?09:34
fsapoanyone could helpme with a little shell script? :(09:34
PizbitWyld: As I figured:) Try: kill 8278;eject09:34
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Wyldthanks man09:35
PizbitNo probs:)09:35
Wyldso what caused that ..09:35
Pizbit*shrug* gam_server wouldn't let go or wasn't told too09:36
=== xiaogil [~xiaogil@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Reblendedwhat font creator is recommended?09:36
jimarko_Why is it that when you click on URL links, firefox opens up but never actually follows the link, instead just dropping you on the default home page09:36
pussfelleryou can try mine, but I dont know if it will work on your system09:36
ReblendedSp4rKy's question answered yet?09:37
fsapopussfeller, i little shell script would work like taking the .mpc file convertin to temp.wav the encoding with lame and deleting the sources.. but i dont know how shellscript works =/09:37
Sp4rKy_oldReblended, no09:38
PiggeldiApr  7 08:41:47 localhost sshd[11894] : Account olaf has expired09:38
PiggeldiApr  7 08:41:47 localhost sshd[11894] : Failed none for invalid user olaf from ::ffff: port 33048 ssh209:38
Piggeldiany ideas how this could be solved?09:38
Piggeldiusers exist and can login local09:38
Sp4rKy_oldi think limit time is out09:39
Sp4rKy_oldyou can define this in the user & group menu (over gnome)09:39
darkawhat's the difference between /media and /mnt? should my harddrive mountpoints be in /mnt and my cdrom in /media?09:40
pussfelleri think this one will work and handle all the titles and such if you put mppdec somewhere in the path09:40
mjrdarka, /media should be for removable drives and/or media09:41
mjrdarka, so hd mount points in /mnt, rather09:41
=== zerokarmaleft [~zerokarma@ip68-12-45-133.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sp4rKy_oldthe /media is the default path from cdrom, used by most soft09:41
mjrdarka, if there's no other sensible point for it09:41
Sp4rKy_oldthe /mnt path is the default from all the user-defined mountpoints09:41
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Echylohmm can somebody help me? when I'm working with firefox it random freezes my whole desktop, and It occurs when trying to download something09:42
Sp4rKy_oldreally nobody know the solution for my issue with swsusp2  ???09:43
=== synd [~phillip@h29.15.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
Reblendedtime and date settings: only 24hr clock available or can I choose 12hr (am:pm)09:43
=== Piggeldi is away: Auto-away after 5 mins idle (wech am 7th Apr, 07:43:58)
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syndanyone using streamtuner?09:44
Sp4rKy_oldi think you can choose 12hr09:44
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Reblendedhmm, but where. =] 09:44
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Sp4rKy_oldDBAudio ERROR: DBAudiolib initialization failed.09:44
Sp4rKy_oldMessage: fmt 5, channels: 209:44
Sp4rKy_oldHow can i resolve this ?09:44
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styx2005when does hoary final come?09:46
Pizbitjimarko_: Still there?09:46
fabbionetomorrow morning09:46
fabbionein approx 24 hours from now09:46
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styx2005ok, thanks09:47
fsapoplease where can i find a basic tutorial to write a simple shell script for converting files?09:47
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fabbionefsapo: what do you need to do exactly?09:48
=== Piggeldi`afk is now known as Piggeldi
eruinI cant wait for hoary to get out so I can start getting new dev updates :D09:49
fsapofabbione, just take something.mpc decode it to temp.wav then encote temp.wav to mp3 using lame09:49
eruinI haven't had to visit bugzilla in ages, which annoys me :P09:49
fsapofabbione, i have the mpc decoder.. but to make it one by one would take ages =/09:49
fsapofabbione, i dont know how tho get the filenames and using loop in shellscript =/09:50
eruinfsapo: I have a small perl script that I used to convert wma to mp309:50
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ReblendedSp4rKy: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Software_Suspend_v209:50
eruinfsapo: I suppose changing it to convert mpc to wav wouldnt be that difficult09:50
=== balor [~balor@amdpr.it.bton.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
fsapoeruin, that should be simple09:50
balorIs the Eclipse IDE in Hoary Universe?09:50
fabbionefsapo: man bash09:51
jimarko_Pizbit: yep, i'm still around09:51
eruinfsapo: http://appelsinjuice.org/wma2mp3.pl09:51
fabbionefsapo: in the documentation search for "for"09:51
fsapoeruin, thanx i ll take a look09:51
=== lancellor [~abinadid@conr-adsl-209-169-96-208.consolidated.net] has joined #ubuntu
fsapofabbione, but how i m going to find out how to get the file names?09:51
fabbionefsapo: also.. you can look at some scripts in /etc/init.d/ as an example09:51
Pizbitjimarko_: Did you change anything in the 'Preferred Applications' preferences for the web browser?09:51
fabbionefsapo: the same way you do in shell09:51
pussfellerfsapo, i just tested my script on ubuntu and it works, to ogg anyways09:51
jimarko_Pizbit: Not that i know of :_S09:52
fsapofabbione, thanx i ll take a look09:52
Reblendedwith the new dist-upgrade will the kernel come patched with the hibernate script?09:52
fabbionefsapo: a script is nothing more than a defined sequence of commands that you would run manually09:52
lancellordoes anyone have some problems using xmms???09:52
Pizbitlancellor: Yeah, it uses and out of date toolkit09:52
fsapofabbione, yes i know it.. but i dont know how shell script takes the filenames09:52
Myrttiyou guys want to participate in something?09:52
fabbionefsapo: it depends if you want N file names or one file names.. it really depends on what you need to do09:53
Myrttiie. screenshot?09:53
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eruinMyrtti: ?09:54
lancellori installed xmms with $ sudo apt-get install xmms and when i lunch the player does not make any sound and when i push a button stop working09:54
kfcHello. has anyone has got experience in setting up Maya??09:54
fsapofabbione, i need it to convert all files in a dir like music01.mpc music02.mpc and output music01.mp3 music02.mp309:54
fsapoeruin, i ll try changing your script.. thanx09:55
fabbionefsapo: start with this:09:55
lancellorany help with the experts???  newbie09:55
Piggeldiafter update yesterday i get the following errors when trying to log in via ssh... and login does not work... any recommendations?09:55
PiggeldiApr  7 09:02:16 localhost sshd[12488] : Account olaf has expired09:55
PiggeldiApr  7 09:02:16 localhost sshd[12488] : Failed none for invalid user olaf from :: ffff: port 33063 ssh209:55
PiggeldiApr  7 09:02:20 localhost sshd[12488] : error: Could not get shadow information f or NOUSER09:55
fabbionefor i in `ls /path/to/the/dir/*.mpc`; do echo $i; done09:55
fabbionefsapo: ^^09:55
fabbionethat is the loop you need09:56
garrutMyrtti: what do you mean?09:56
PizbitPiggeldi: Read that first line carefully. I think it might be telling you something09:56
fabbioneand echo will only prints the file name09:56
=== atp14 [~ATP@c-24-126-88-123.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
fabbionefsapo: from there you can expand and change as much as you want09:56
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Myrttigarrut: something like http://irssi.org/themes/roses.png09:56
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PiggeldiPizbit i did... but my local account works.. and i don't know where to search for this expiration now09:56
eruinis there a gui tool out there to configure apache2?09:57
pussfellerlancellor, did your sound work before09:57
Echylodamn, can please somebody explain me why my browsers(firefox, mozilla) freeze my whole ubuntu when surfing?09:57
Echyloeruin, webmin09:57
eruinEchylo: smells like flash to me :P09:57
eruinEchylo: does that work with ubuntu?09:57
lancellorthe music player is working09:57
eruinkk, thanks ;>09:57
PizbitEchylo: nvidia drivers?09:58
EchyloI use them yes09:58
PizbitWhat version?09:58
Echylobut it just freezes09:58
Echylohow do I check?09:58
BeTafsapo: what's your mpc decoder ?09:58
PizbitEchylo:  apt-cache show nvidia-glx09:58
pussfellerlancellor, rythmbox?09:58
lancellori guess09:58
eruinEchylo: what do I do after installing webmin? ;)09:58
pussfelleris it off09:58
teardropi'm trying to install a real player plugin and a quicktime plugin both for firefox what do i need to do here?09:59
pussfellercause only one thing can use the sound card in linux09:59
lancellori had to download a plug in for mp309:59
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teardroplancellor, what did you use?09:59
PizbitEchylo: *shrug* the problem is all over the nvidia forums, be danged if I know why the ubuntu folk used that version09:59
eruinpussfeller: since when?09:59
pussfellersince forever09:59
Echylohmm ok09:59
super_dude2about the root acount etc and how i typed the whoami command how come i still cant save stuff normaly09:59
eruinpussfeller: which is why we use stuff like esd10:00
balorpussfeller: that is untrue10:00
munkipussfeller, you a tottaly wrong there10:00
PizbitEchylo: File a bug on https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ , search first though10:00
Echylowith what browser?10:00
Echylowhich one works ?10:00
balorpussfeller: some cards have no hardware mixer, so like eruin said you have to use esd10:00
lancellorteardrop, i do not what you mean..  plug in??10:00
pussfelleri guess i must imagine having to type kill all artsd or esd10:00
PizbitEchylo: Just use firefox, oh, and have a read of this and/or paste it in with your bug report http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=3185810:01
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fsapopussfeller, it almost worked... but its nome renaming the file to .wav :(10:01
munkipussfeller , I can play both mplayer and xmms at the same time..10:01
pussfellerwith artsd, i have mixing10:01
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fsapofabbione, thanx :D10:01
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teardroplancellor, never mind i misunderstood10:01
munkiand i'm not running esd10:02
munkior arts10:02
eruinurk, I really hate google directory10:02
lancellordid anybody have the same problem??10:02
munkieruin , why so ?10:02
eruinmunki: because it keeps popping up when I search10:02
eruininstead of real search results :o10:02
munkieruin , heh :)10:02
munkilearn ! :P10:03
pussfellerfsapo, you want my script, you would just have to change a few things for using lame10:03
lancellori'm trying to migrate from windows but before i do that i have to make this work10:03
PizbitEchylo: Comment that you're seeing the problem here https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=866110:03
lancellorand i have no idea what i'm doing but i'm making progress10:03
fsapopussfeller, hehe i forgot to change one line.. i ll try it out again :P10:04
PizbitEchylo: Don't forget to specify which version of the drivers you're using10:04
eruinhow does one login to webmin after installing it?10:05
fsapopussfeller, now it looks like that its working :D thanx a lot10:05
lancellorother question does anybody know what is xlink kai???10:06
Echylofirst trying to fix it ;)10:06
fsapoBeTa, i using this one http://musepack.net/index.php?pg=lin10:06
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fsapopussfeller, decoding of file './Rush - 08 - Working Man.mpc'         to file './Rush - 08 - Working Man.wav' :D10:07
froudcan anyone tell me if there is a single file that defines all the desktop menu system and where it is located?10:07
pussfellerfsapo, now you need to add the tags10:08
gordonjcpmorning all10:08
fsapopussfeller, now it worked perfectly :D10:08
fsapogordonjcp, moRning!10:08
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fsapopussfeller, id3 tags u mean? i dont mind about it.. i have all the rush discography to convert =/10:08
xamdmhi @ all is there a way to find out which packages provides th ui_main.h ???10:08
pussfellermppdec doesnt pass on any meta information which is odd10:08
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teardrophow exactly do i install a .bin file?10:10
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pussfellersh .bin10:10
xamdmteardrop, chmod 777 filename, and then ./filename10:10
teardropwhich one?10:10
Polis it possible to install Ubuntu with only a live CD ?10:10
fsapopussfeller, thanx a lot! it worked... i ll modify it to automatically remove the mpc files.. i have a backup :)10:10
ReblendedPol: I wish10:10
PolReblended: how?10:11
=== corp [~Salva@106.Red-83-34-155.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
xamdmteardrop, maybe both :-)10:11
ReblendedI'm still wishing lol10:11
ReblendedI was told no10:11
teardroppussfeller, do i need to be root to do such activity10:11
xamdmanyone knows whick package provides ui_main.h ??10:11
xamdmteardrop, yes10:11
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teardropit says i can't execute this binary file10:12
corpi want to install hoary10:13
teardropi'm trying to install the Helix Player plugin for firefox10:13
teardrophas anyone done this already?10:13
corpbut i only have a wireless network interface10:13
corpi assume this may be a problem10:13
teardropcorp, is that a problem?10:13
eruinshouldn't be a problem10:13
corpdoes it come with ndiswrapper?10:13
corpi need that in order to use my wireless card10:13
eruinthat could be a problem10:14
corpwell, i guess i'll just find a wireful plug somewhere10:14
lancellorby you all10:14
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pussfelleri had to run over to the other house like 5 times and burn cds with only 1 file on them to get my lynsys working :)10:15
kakaltoWhat are some kde media players?10:15
kakaltolike juk, for example10:15
corpmine is a linksys10:15
corpseems to work fine with ndiswrapper10:15
xamdmkakalto, amarok kaffeine10:15
pussfellersome of the lyksys have differnt chipsets tho10:15
corpwell ndiswrapper just lets you install the windows driver directly10:16
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pussfellermine turned out to be a broadcom and worked with ndiswrapper10:16
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pussfellernow i need to flash the wap, i wish i had gotten the gs as i guess it has more ram10:16
fsapopussfeller, what does it mean? :D Endelig ferdig! Alt gikk visst bra...10:17
pussfeller? looks like something germanic or slavic10:17
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eruinfsapo: ~ "finished", basically10:18
fsapoeruin, :D10:18
kakaltocheers, xamdm10:18
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Reblendedwhy double compress with tar.gz when you can just 7z?10:19
tuananhany emacs users there?10:19
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padraig_(miscellaneous hello)10:19
tuananhanyone familiar with fonts in emacs?10:20
cikilinafter upgrade what should i 'll do to listen music?10:20
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Reblendedspeaking of fonts, know of a good font creator?10:20
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xamdmkakalto, using kubuntu ??10:20
kakaltonah, but there was a specific media player was after (amarok), as I hear it's pretty good10:21
xamdmkakalto, jeah, its great10:21
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kakaltowhere can I get it?10:21
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xamdmwarty ore hoary ??10:21
Reblendedapt-get kakalto mebe?10:21
xamdmjust try apt-get install :-)10:21
eruinyou want hoary, ofcourse10:21
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eruinand the url to get it is in the /topic10:21
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thoreauputicamarok isn't in the warty repos10:22
cikilinafter upgrade what should i 'll do to listen music?10:22
thoreauputicas far as I can see10:22
kakaltoso you're telling me I should upgrade10:22
eruinthoreauputic: it is.10:22
Pizbitcikilin: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats10:22
kakaltoeruin: ?10:22
eruinthoreauputic: err, it isn't ;P10:22
xamdmkakalto, there will be only an old version in warty, so jou should compile it yourselv ore upgrade to hoary :-)10:22
kakaltothere is no version in warty10:22
kakaltoI'll compile it myself, perhaps?10:22
xamdmkakalto, universe multiverse ??10:22
eruinamarok is in main10:23
kakaltois it?10:23
kakaltoI can't find it10:23
spanglesontoastdude just convert your mp3 files etc to ogg vorbis :P10:23
thoreauputiceruin: onlt on hoary10:23
xamdmkakalto, http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/index.php/Download10:23
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xamdmkakalto, but it should be available via apt-get10:24
spanglesontoasthow do I see which version I have?10:24
kakaltoxamdm, not under warty10:24
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thoreauputicxamdm: as has been pointed out already, not in warty10:24
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spanglesontoasthow do I get mplayer working10:24
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xamdmkakalto, i used warty for a while and i used amarok, maybe i compield it myself can't remember10:25
caffinatedspanglesontoast: install it?10:25
kakaltoI suppose I'll just compile it myself10:25
caffinatedspanglesontoast: you probably want the GUI as well10:25
kakaltothat's just ./configure then make then sudo make install, right?10:25
spanglesontoastwell it won't install10:25
fsapopussfeller, thanx a lot man.. soon u ll be able to listen to the songs converted by your script in my radio http://radio.ytsejam.com.br just paste it in xmms or winamp :D10:25
xamdmthoreauputic, sry, just reading half, trying to find ui_main.h ...10:25
closurethis is simply not working out for me10:25
closurecan anyone take me step by step through installing a plugin for firefox to play video/audio on websites?10:26
thoreauputickakalto: you'll probably need a whole bunch of -dev libraries to compile it10:26
fsapoclosure, just a moment10:26
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kakaltoI already have a lot of -dev libraries10:26
caffinatedspanglesontoast: that's a little vauge.10:26
closurefsapo, k thank you10:26
bestadvocateis it just me or has sound juicer gotten even slower?10:26
kakaltoI have compiled before, I'm just not sure if it's the same with every compilation10:26
caffinatedspanglesontoast: does it error?  what does it do?  (or not do?)10:26
spanglesontoastwell basically It keeps saying I'm missing things10:27
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caffinatedok, like what things?10:27
spanglesontoastlike the gstreamer8.0 plugins which I cannot install10:27
thoreauputickakalto: well, i'd expect you to need kde related ones, of coourse10:27
lewwyok guys, im sitting it kubuntu right now, and hell, the harddrive is thrashing itself to holy hell10:27
Burgundaviaspanglesontoast: have you read through www.ubuntu.com/wiki/RestrictedFormats ?10:27
Pizbitspanglesontoast: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats10:27
kakaltoI suppose I'll just go through until I hit an error, rectify it, then start again10:28
fsapoclosure, just download this shell script and run it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22646&highlight=users+script+firefox10:28
thoreauputiclewwy: try running `top` in a terminal to see what's doing it10:28
spanglesontoastwell I can't install the plugins10:28
fsapoclosure, it will download and install everything u need.. all plugins and stuff to play videos :)10:28
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thoreauputicspanglesontoast:  www.ubuntuguide.org for info on mplayer install10:29
lewwythoreauputic, what does wa stand for?10:29
lewwyoh lol10:29
Pizbitfsapo: Ooh,t hat looks interesting:)10:29
spanglesontoastyea I read that10:29
lewwythoreauputic, it was reindexing my HDD god knows why10:29
spanglesontoastbut it says nothing about the errors10:29
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closurefsapo, i am in kubuntu this will still work right?10:29
thoreauputiclewwy: wa ? i don't know10:29
fsapoPizbit, very interesting :)10:30
bestadvocateanyone have a preferred ripper with quality control?10:30
lewwythoreauputic, im guessing its probably HDD write or something10:30
fsapoclosure, yes just run it.. u have to need wget installed10:30
=== kzm [~ketil@sefirot.ii.uib.no] has joined #ubuntu
fsapoclosure, it will download and install everything for u10:30
closureshould i close firefox while installing this?10:30
bestadvocatei am going to try out goobox, riperx and grip....10:30
fsapoclosure, no.. it will work when u restart it :)10:30
kzmanybody know about latency problems with the Hoary kernel?10:30
fsapoclosure, u are not in windows anymore :D10:31
closurei know this10:31
kzmI've run latencytest, and am puzzled by the results.10:31
closurei'm learning!10:31
closuregive me some credit10:31
closurei've blazed through most of this10:31
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fsapoclosure, i m just kidding...10:31
fsapoclosure, i just left windows in the past :) 100% linux now10:31
closurenow when i get another hard drive the desktop is going kubuntu as well10:31
fsapoclosure, nice10:31
spanglesontoastplz someone help10:32
closureoh crap ass the script stalled10:32
PizbitStalled, or downloading stuff?:)10:32
kzmwhat's the problem, spangle?10:32
bestadvocateok goobox is crap...10:32
kakaltoWhat are some gnome media players?10:32
kakaltolike rhythmbox, for example?10:32
Pizbitkakalto: beep-media-player rules10:32
closurewget http://download.ubuntuforums.org/ubuntusetup/ubuntusetup.sh10:32
PizbitLIke xmms, but GTK2 (ie, it looks nicer)10:32
kakaltobmp was alright10:32
Burgundaviamuine is a good music player10:32
=== Pizbit sues mpd!
=== Pizbit uses
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closureconnection is timing out connecting to people.debian.org10:33
kakaltoI didn't particularly like the bmp / xmms look10:33
kzmI like (g)mplayer for music as well as video.10:33
fsapoclosure, :(10:33
bestadvocatekakalto: beep media player is basically the more modern gnomish version of XMMMS10:33
spanglesontoastI can't install mplayer10:33
kakaltompd, muine, gmplayer?10:33
Gavrilahi all, how can I use the installer net configuration script, post installation?10:33
kzmwhy not?10:33
bestadvocateok what Pizbit said10:33
Pizbitclosure: Neither can I (get there)10:33
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closurewhat to do then?10:34
spanglesontoastcan't I just tell you what error i get10:34
spanglesontoastE: Package mplayer has no installation candidate10:34
fsapoclosure, u r getting error to download the files with the script?10:34
fsapor u*10:35
closurei believe so10:35
Burgundaviaspanglesontoast: have you enabled multiverse and universe and added debian marillait?10:35
kzmspangle, you on Hoary?10:35
Pizbitspanglesontoast: That's because it's not called mplayer10:35
bestadvocaterhythembox is one of the fiew default gnome applications i use regurally10:35
Pizbitspanglesontoast: apt-cache search mplayer and choose the one for your cpu type10:35
fsapoclosure, some ftp may be down =/ btw to install it all by hand u ll get a lot of work to do10:35
closureit's saying 99% [Connecting to people.debian.org (] 10:35
kzmTry mplayer-586?10:35
spanglesontoastI think I'm on hedgehog10:35
closureand not doing anything10:35
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Gavrilahow can I use the installer net configuration script, post installation?10:35
kzma non-hoary one, then? :-)10:36
Burgundaviaclosure: people.debian.org seems to be timing out recently. They are having some sort of issue10:36
Burgundaviaclosure: what package were you looknig for?10:36
fsapoGavrila, what do u want to config?10:36
closurei'm not real sure10:36
spanglesontoastyea on hoary10:36
closurelet me look at the shell script10:36
Gavrilafsapo: my nnetwork10:36
Pizbitclosure: I guess wait a while/day or so and try again and hope they've solved their problems10:36
GavrilaI hadn't my eth recognized in installation10:36
kzmdid you set up ftp.nerim.net in sources.list?10:36
fsapoGavrila, what kind of network? just a lan?10:36
Gavrilano no my eth interface10:36
kzmdid you search for mplayer in synaptic?10:37
kzm(or apt-cache search mplayer)10:37
gordonjcpclosure: traceroute people.debian.org - doesn't look happy from my end10:37
gordonjcpsl-hp1-3-0.sprintlink.net ( is the last host that responds10:37
Gavrilathe question isn't how to configure a ethernet card, rather how to run the configuration tool the installer uses to configure it :D10:37
closurehrm i seem to not have traceroute10:38
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closurewonder how that worked out10:38
fsapoGavrila, ubuntu didnt detected your card? u can just use the gnome network-config10:38
spanglesontoastwhat does apt-cache search mplayer10:38
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cikilincommand line is the terminal?10:38
fsapocikilin, yes it is :P10:38
Pizbitcikilin: Yes10:38
Gavrilafsapo: no it didn't I had to install a 2.6.11 kernel for it... but I 've got kbuntui installed, so no gnome :)10:38
thoreauputicspanglesontoast: try it and see for yourself10:38
closureBurgundavia, i'm not sure can you look at the script and see for me? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22646&highlight=users+script+firefox10:39
cikilinand why do not install a player10:39
cikilinshould i type sudo first?10:39
bestadvocatewoh! goobox actually has more features than sound juicer :-o  i cant beilive they alow quality control but sound juicer does not10:39
closureoh wtf10:39
closureit's just apt-get updating10:39
kzmAnybody know how to get firefox to pass mms:// streams directly to mplayer?  Somebody said about:config, but I can't find the relevant setting.10:39
closurethe last part of the update isn't working for some reason10:39
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spanglesontoastsaying it's missing some libs10:40
closurei'm asuming this is some sort of repository? can i change that some how?10:40
Gavrilaanyway I know how to configure an eth card by hand... it's only I want to use ubuntu scripts... anyone knows how?10:40
kzmspangles: you're unable to run apt-cache?10:41
Burgundaviaclosure: I think that script is sort of nice10:41
spanglesontoast          Depends: libsvga1 but it is not installable or10:41
spanglesontoast                        svgalib-dummyg1 but it is not installable10:41
spanglesontoastyea I ran it10:41
=== Echylo [~Echylo@108-180.245.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
spanglesontoastbut says missing some libs10:41
thoreauputicspanglesontoast: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats  << all relevant stuff here10:41
fsapoGavrila, sorry.. but i dont know how to do it by hand in ubuntu :(10:41
closureBurgundavia, yes i don't think it is the script10:41
Burgundaviaclosure: but it installs build-essential10:41
cikilinbecause i ./flashplayer-installer and sais that no comand ......10:41
closurei think it is  my repositories10:41
closurecause it finaly failed saying "there was a problem with apt-get update"10:41
kzmStrange - I have it available (libsvga1, that is)10:42
fsapoclosure, it updates your repositories10:42
Gavrilaisn't there anone who knows about  ubuntu installer scripts?10:42
kzmCheck your sources-list?10:42
ArniaI can't apt-get either10:42
spanglesontoasthow do i ?10:42
Burgundaviaclosure: I had to drop a people.debian.org repo because I couldn't get through10:42
closurefsapo oh grea10:42
ArniaIts saying Error 111, Connection Removed10:42
closureso it fucked them10:42
Reblendedjust get videolan - forget the restricted formats10:42
ArniaRefused sorry10:43
closurehow do i redo them to not have people.debian.org and run that shell script?10:43
kzm(any way tell which repository a package is found in?)10:43
Pizbitkzm: apt-cache show package gives some information10:43
thoreauputickzm: apt-cache policy <package>10:43
closureit's going after gnome anyhow and i don't even use gnome10:43
fsapoclosure, dont know... never looked at the script.. it just worked here10:44
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closurewell hells bells10:44
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closurethat most certainly is the problem10:44
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closurewtf is that?10:45
closureBurgundavia, that's what it is trying to get from people10:45
onnoHow do you check the O.S of a webserver.... For example is cnn.com running unix, linux or NT10:45
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onnothere is a site where you can check?10:45
onnodoes anybody know it10:45
Burgundaviaclosure: that can be dropped. It is now in universe10:45
Pizbitclosure: cd/dvd burning program10:45
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pdomsHow am I supposed to close down a new login... like undo the making of it? (on a normal legal way plz;))10:46
closureBurgundavia, are you looking at that script by chance?10:46
closurecan you tell me how to remove that from the script10:46
closurewhich lines?10:46
Burgundaviaclosure: haven't look at the script10:46
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closuredo you mind glancing10:46
closureit's quite short10:46
Burgundaviaclosure: I did10:47
spanglesontoasthow do I add universe?10:47
Burgundaviaclosure: can't be removed easily10:48
Burgundaviaspanglesontoast: see www.ubuntu.com/wiki/RestrictedFormats10:48
Burgundaviaclosure: the change would need to be in a file on the server10:48
thoreauputicspanglesontoast: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto10:48
closurethe sources list?10:49
Reblendedhow do I bind shortcuts to my winkey?10:49
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pussfelleronno, netcraft.com10:50
closureReblended, that looks so wrong10:50
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spanglesontoastcan't find a way to add universe on that site burgundavia10:50
spanglesontoastit just says 40410:50
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pdomsHow to close down a session opened with "new login" please?10:50
thoreauputic spanglesontoast: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto10:50
eruinanyone here know how to use CIA with berlios.de ?10:51
Sp4rKy_oldanyone know how to use correctly sound over hoary ?10:52
borgistause sound correctly?10:52
borgistahow do you mean?10:52
Sp4rKy_oldI can't play sound !10:53
spanglesontoaststill lost thoreauputic how to add repos10:53
borgistaWhat is your soundcard?10:53
Sp4rKy_oldwhen i try to play somtehing with xmms, it crash...10:53
borgistait crashes?10:53
borgistado you have sound for other things?10:53
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cikilinEnter [F] inish to begin copying files, or [P] revious to go10:54
cikilinback to the previous prompts: [F] 10:54
borgistait shouldn't be crashing.10:54
cikilinwhat sould i do?10:54
thoreauputicspanglesontoast: um...it tells you *exactly* how to add them - just read it10:54
syndare there any weather things to put in the panels similar to whats in gnome.. but for xfce instead?10:54
spanglesontoastdoesn't it's a different version of synaptic10:54
Sp4rKy_oldfor divx i believe10:54
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-6-105.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
borgistaSo it plays for video?10:55
Sp4rKy_oldand when i run "test" over system > pref> mutlimedia system ...10:55
borgistadoes it work with ESD?10:55
borgistathe test.10:55
spanglesontoastit's me........10:55
MyNameIsChrisWow, anyone seen this http://www.google.com/intl/xx-piglatin/?10:56
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Reblendedis DUN supported in UB?10:56
borgistaright-click xmms main window. go Options > Preferences & at the Output Plugin go with the eSound Output plugin.10:56
Sp4rKy_oldyes i thonk, how can i verify it ?10:56
borgistajust try the instructions i gave you.10:56
borgistathat should clear it up.10:56
spanglesontoastdeb http://www.grawert.net/ubuntu/ warty universe10:57
spanglesontoastmines not warty10:57
spanglesontoastit's the hoary10:57
fsapoMyNameIsChris, wtf is it?10:57
fsapoMyNameIsChris, latin? O.o10:57
MyNameIsChrisGoogle in pig latin10:57
fsapowhat is "pig" latin?10:57
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cikilini just install a real player and i dont know where is it10:58
borgistapig latin is sort of "vulgar" or "common" latin.10:58
borgistabut not really.10:58
thoreauputicspanglesontoast: so substitute "hoary" for "warty"10:58
Reblendedread that fsapo10:58
spanglesontoastI just looked on that site10:58
borgistamost people take "pig latin" to be jibberish.10:58
spanglesontoastand it has hardly any packages on there10:58
syndyou take the first letter of a word, put it at the end, and ad "ay"10:58
cikilini just install a real player and i dont know where is it10:58
borgistait should be in /usr/bin cikilin10:59
borgistaif you go to synaptic you could find out where it installed.10:59
ReblendedI'm not going to have broadband in a month.. can I dial out somehow?10:59
cikilini want to use it10:59
fsapoReblended, lol.. people from google are all crazy i think10:59
syndthey have some powerful fucking technology10:59
Reblendedgoogle didn't invent pig latin\10:59
fsaposome people says that google will rule the world.. and its not very difficult to believe 10:59
syndi was about to say that11:00
Reblendedblame it on google11:00
syndeither them or apple ; )11:00
ReblendedI want my modem to work with UB!11:00
bestadvocatecikilin do a search for it11:00
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Reblendedis it possible?11:00
Reblendedis there DUN in ubuntu?11:00
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fsapothis website is a very good one :) http://www.justfuckinggoogleit.com/11:00
Reblendeddial up networking11:00
borgistaI believe there is.11:01
spanglesontoastis hoary a test project?11:01
thoreauputicReblended: of course - try running sudo pppconfig11:01
Burgundaviaspanglesontoast: hoary is the development release until tomorrow, when it becomes the stable release11:01
pdomsCan anyone explain me what a Nested Window is ?11:01
syndfsapo: thats so tru11:01
Reblendedthx thore11:01
spanglesontoastdoes it still matter if I'm using it now11:01
Reblendedcrazy oogleGay11:01
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oleneHEY!  I know you're IN HERE.11:01
Burgundaviapdoms: in waht context11:01
spanglesontoastwill it auto become the stable11:01
spanglesontoastafter a few updates?11:02
syndfsapo: some people ask me the DUMBEST questions, and im just man just fucking google it11:02
flipyi'm getting this warning: sh: play: command not found11:02
pdomsBurgundavia, from new login... I can choose nested option "-n" or not11:02
thoreauputicpdoms: a window within a window that runs e.g another session of gnome11:02
closureis there anybody who can change that forum file?11:02
borgistaHoary for me is REALLY stable.11:02
oleneI WANT MY VODKA!11:02
closureor post an edited one?11:02
ReblendedoogleGay is my second brain11:02
Burgundaviapdoms: that means in a small window11:02
Burgundaviapdoms: ala another application11:02
MyNameIsChrisolene, One day at a time11:02
fsaposynd, i do it too.. we have a portuguese one www.useaporradogoogle.com11:02
bestadvocateBurgundavia: will they imidately open up the next release development?11:02
pdomsbut I don't understand what's different nested or not nested ^o)11:02
Burgundaviabestadvocate: ask the devs11:02
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thoreauputicpdoms: try it and see11:03
Reblendedporra dog is portuguese for f***?11:03
pdomsk, bbl reboot11:03
Reblendedpoor dog. :(11:03
Burgundaviawhy is he rebooting?11:03
fsapoReblended, no...11:04
thoreauputicBurgundavia: because he doesn't know any better I guess11:04
fsapoReblended, porra means a lot of things hehe11:04
bestadvocatehas anyone elses burned cds look like they caught a bad case of Pyrite?11:04
Burgundaviathoreauputic: windows refugee prob11:04
thoreauputicBurgundavia: yep11:04
bestadvocatei need to start buying better blanks11:05
borgistabestadvocate: what?11:05
Burgundaviathoreauputic: installed XP for my bro the other day. 6 hours11:05
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Burgundaviahad to install, remove and reinstall SP211:05
bestadvocatePyrite, that "desease" that fossil's get.11:05
spanglesontoastreally wanting mplayer to work11:05
Reblendedthat portuguese link translated: Somebody finds that you she is an idiot because was dull in not checking the Google before making a question. They had given one to you link for this site for trick. The fact of you to have followed link test that they has reason.11:05
ReblendedI wait that this helps.11:05
ReblendedIt has a good day.11:05
Sp4rKy_oldsorry, i'm diconnected11:05
bestadvocatemy cds are falling apart... (expecailly the ones I got 5 years ago....11:05
fsapoReblended, and "do google" means "the google" in this phrase :P11:06
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Reblendedthe "use google ring"11:06
Sp4rKy_oldso, please help me for my sound issue11:06
Reblendedand his hibernate issue too11:06
borgistaSp4rKy_old: did you follow my instructions?11:06
syndhow do you force quit a program in term??11:07
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Reblendedmay I go to bed now please?11:07
Sp4rKy_oldi don't see your instruction, my connection crash before11:07
closuresynd ctrl+c11:07
fsapoReblended, that phrase could be translated as use the fucking google11:07
thoreauputicsynd: ctrl-C if it's in the foreground11:07
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syndthoreauputic: in xfce too?11:08
Reblendedg'night all! and thanks11:08
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fsapoReblended, night!11:08
thoreauputicsynd: makes no difference - bash is bash11:08
Reblendedoh sorry.. g' morning!11:08
Reblendedsleep time  =] 11:08
fsapoReblended, =] 11:08
cikilinhelp me11:08
fsapocikilin, whats your problem?11:08
cikilini want a player to install11:08
syndthoreauputic: im pressing ctrl c, nothings happening11:08
fsapocikilin, wich player?11:08
syndim trying to force close xmms11:08
cikilinanyone to listen music11:09
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fsapocikilin, like winamp you mean?11:09
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MyNameIsChriscikilin, What music?11:09
thor|breaksynd: killall xmms11:09
fsapocikilin, try xmms11:09
cikilini am new in linux11:09
fsapocikilin, are u using hoary?11:09
cikilinthe site pls11:09
syndthor|break: thanks, that worked11:10
fsapocikilin, just go to System -> administration -> synaptic package manager11:10
fsapocikilin, then try searching xmms11:10
fsapocikilin, if it dont find i ll say how u are gonna find it :)11:11
cikilinit is there11:11
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fsaposo.. just install it :)11:11
cikilinhow pls11:11
fsapothen right click on it. Install package :)11:12
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kakaltoI thought that part was more or less intuative11:12
fsapokakalto, haha it is :D11:12
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cikilinit does not appear install11:13
kakaltodid you click apply?11:13
cikilinjust mark for installatio11:13
fsapoyes mark for installation then click apply11:13
kakaltothere's an apply button at the top11:13
cikilin10x a lot11:14
kakaltolol, woops11:14
kakaltohas anyone ever tried to select ALL of the packages, then click "mark for installation"?11:14
kakaltoI might have crashed synaptic...11:14
cikilinis downloading11:15
cikilinis good?11:15
fsapokakalto, lol11:15
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kakaltoThat'd be my stupidity quota for today11:15
closurenice nice nice i love thunderstorms11:15
bestadvocatekakalto: that would be a little slow if you had universe and multiverse on :-011:15
closurewhoops wrong window11:15
kakaltoyeah, marking 13000 packages for installation could take a while11:15
fsapoclosure, i was wondering wtf were u talking about hauahau11:16
kent_Whats the irc command to take back a nick that belongs to you? /release or something like that right?11:16
fsapokakalto, lol11:16
fsapokent_, retrieve?11:16
bestadvocateheehehe i wonder if I have the disk space to do that :-)11:16
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fsapokent_, dunno too haha11:16
kakaltolol, bestadvocate11:16
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kakaltoI was wondering how much space it would require to install all 14000 packages in the apt-get11:17
fsapokent_, nickserv recover11:17
cikilini just install it11:17
=== Nermal [~pprior@pc2.packadsl.ftech.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
bestadvocatedoesnt apt-get have like a default cache max of like 2 gigs?11:17
cikilinwhere is the xmms player?11:17
Nermalis the name of the new testing version something like "breezy badger" ?11:17
MyNameIsChrisNermal, Sure is11:17
Nermalcikilin, /usr/bin/xmms ?11:17
fsapocikilin, great applications -> Sound & video -> xmms11:17
fsapocikilin, or just go to Run and the type xmms or in a terminal11:18
bestadvocateohhh i was having fun pronouncing hoary ans whorey11:18
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kakaltocikilin, it might not show up on the applications menu until you restart X11:18
kakaltobestadvocate, how is it meant to be pronounced?11:18
fsapocikilin, just go to application -> run application -> xmms11:19
kakaltoI thought it was meant to be pronounced hoary :P11:19
kentfsapo, i solved it.  I msg'ed help to nickserv :)  thanks.11:19
kakaltoI mean whorey11:19
bestadvocatei think like hooo raaay!11:19
borgistahoary does sound almost exacly as "whorey"11:19
fsapokent, u r welcome :)11:19
cikilinand if i want a shortcut?11:19
bestadvocateyah thats one slutty hedgehog :)11:19
kakaltowhat about the next one11:19
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kakaltothe 'breezy badger'11:20
fsapocikilin, right click on the top bar.. add application launcher11:20
bestadvocatewe need to develop sexual inuendos for this distros name.....11:20
Elyseumwhenever i want to edit my console profile it crashes, how do i solve this,11:20
=== declan [~declan@213-202-137-17.bas502.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu
bestadvocatebad grrrrrrr?11:22
cikilina mp3 cd needs something else to play a song?11:22
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pdomsI understand what nested is, http://users.pandora.be/doms/Schermafdruk-4.png =)11:22
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fsapocikilin, mp3 cd?11:23
nubbeAnyone know when hoary will become stable?11:23
syndnubbe: its already quite stable11:23
xamdmjeah :-)11:23
nubbek, thank u11:23
syndnubbe: officially tomorrow11:23
borgistaAnd I agree with synd11:24
kakaltofunny how hoary will just suddenly become stable tomorrow, innit?11:24
nubbeyeah yeah11:24
borgistaYes, innit.11:24
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JaneWhi acid11:24
ac-idjesus h..11:24
=== Sp4rKy [~Sp4rKy@wifisrv.univ-rennes1.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ac-iddidnt think there were so many people11:24
syndthink again11:24
ac-idgo TSF11:24
ac-idand ZA!11:24
JaneWacid: I am aka 'Nuffing'11:24
=== verden01 [~verden@cor6-ppp501.ade.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Burgundaviaac-id: techically, not TSF, canonical11:25
syndI NEED TO SLEEP!11:25
Burgundaviaac-id: same man, different org11:25
MyNameIsChrissynd, Only the weak sleep11:25
Sp4rKyanybody know how to install a dell printer over hoary ?11:25
JaneWac-id: you need help, or just generally browsing?11:25
verden01what at 7pm11:25
closurepdmos is that a remote desktop?11:25
closureerr pdoms is that a remote desktop?11:25
syndverden01: its 530am here.11:25
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verden01wow and no sleep yet  :-)11:26
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syndnot at all11:26
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ac-idah right11:27
verden01when is the final release of ubuntu?11:27
syndim gonna go outside and have a cig11:27
ac-idk crap my tunnel is slow on me :(11:27
syndverden01: tomorrow11:27
ac-idsoonish isnt it?11:27
syndverden01: hoary stable is out tomorrow11:27
borgistaFinal release??? Never!...but Hoary comes out OFFICIALLY tomorrow.11:27
pdomsclosure, nopz11:27
pdomsclosure, it's a local login, my dad's account ;)11:27
verden01so if i do an apt-get update and upgrade i should download the latest files?11:27
borgistaverden01...you have to change all the instance of "warty" to "hoary"11:28
syndhave you guys found any distro that comes with as much or more and is as easy to use as ubuntu?11:28
verden01i'm running hoary RC now11:28
=== murci [~murci@dD5E000F9.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
kakaltowarty is going to be supported for another year?11:28
closurepdoms, do you know about how to remote desktop an xp box?11:28
MyNameIsChrissynd, Fedora Core is uber-easy and has alot of packages11:28
ac-idNovell Linux Desktop11:28
ac-idim busy doing a comparitive summary with the two11:28
kakaltoI think FC has too many packages, myself11:29
kakalto4 cds worth...11:29
borgistabut Novell Linux isn't free.11:29
pdomswith vnc is an option.. I don't know if it's possible to use windows xp remote desktop system11:29
murcii don't like rpm-packages11:29
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murcidependecy problems11:29
syndMyNameIsChris: FC3?11:29
verden01Libranet is great but ubuntu is not bloated and has the ability of debain so you can install more packages if desired11:29
MyNameIsChrissynd, Yes11:29
ac-idthe fact it comes on 1cd owns11:29
MyNameIsChrissynd, Core 4 is out soon I think11:29
murcii think mepis is pretty good too11:30
syndMyNameIsChris: fc3 is debian, like ubuntu right?11:30
kakaltored hat11:30
MyNameIsChrissynd, NO11:30
Bazzisynd, no redhat :p11:30
syndholy shit11:30
syndi just woke the monsters11:30
cikilinhow can i listen music?11:30
borgistaEveryone jumped!11:30
cikilinon ubuntu?11:30
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cikilinor see movies?11:30
kakaltocikilin, try www.ubuntuguide.org11:30
verden01ubuntu is the only distro so far to recognise all my hardware on my AMD6411:30
kakaltolook at some stuff there11:30
fsapocikilin, did xmms worked?11:30
pdomsciao guys11:31
fsapoverden01, ubuntu rlz :)11:31
lunitikcikilin: 'sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad && rhythmbox &'11:31
verden01FC3 is rpm based11:31
syndi have many friends that swear by red hat.. i had to go the other way : )11:31
fsapopdoms, see ya!11:31
=== song [~aslanhali@dsl81-215-41201.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu
cikilinyes but i do not know to add from cd11:31
MyNameIsChrisI guess it is good to have experience with Redhat's system config tools11:31
lunitiksynd: good reasoning11:31
borgistai was never really happy with red-hat based distros.11:31
verden01hey debain based distro's rule11:31
fsapoverden01, :)11:31
verden01they just work11:31
cikilinor linux is not seeing it11:31
lunitikMyNameIsChris: not really... its not like they are complicated  ;)11:31
kakaltored hat is tried & tested many many times, I suppose11:31
fsapocikilin, u need to mount the cd11:32
lunitikkakalto: and Debian isn't?11:32
MyNameIsChrisBut Redhat is very common business OS11:32
kakaltolunitik, depends11:32
syndi think ill stick with ubuntu11:32
syndmaybe ill try out fc4 when it comes out11:32
murcii think i'll stick with mepis :)11:32
verden01kubuntu is great also11:32
syndi hate* kde11:32
verden01as i like KDE11:32
kakaltoI mean, look at debian, everyone uses either testing or experimental, no-one uses stable11:32
kakaltostable is too old11:32
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syndxfce is for me : )11:32
kakaltostable is too stable11:33
MyNameIsChrisI am a Gnome guy11:33
lunitiksynd: I keep trying Fedora... hoping it will be decent... they make good choices... but packaging tools are always lame  :(11:33
verden01but i've found gnome in ubuntu hoary to be much better11:33
kakaltosynd, xfce is for me too :)11:33
syndstable IS NO FUN!11:33
murcihere we go again with DE-flames ;-)11:33
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lunitiksynd: although, yum does keep getting better...11:33
MyNameIsChrislunitik, You can use apt with FC11:33
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lunitikMyNameIsChris: eh... but it still sucks... crap repositories11:33
murciMyNameIsChris, the rpm-repositories aren't very good11:33
willemWill ubuntu have java and w32codecs in ports in the future?11:33
bestadvocatei need audacity, Pearl jam has a 13 min song with 10 min of blank air :)11:33
cikilin10x :)11:34
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thoreauputicwillem: no, because of legal issues11:34
syndbestadvocate: apt-get install audacity11:34
fsapowillem, i dont think so.. cause ubuntu just have open source software11:34
MyNameIsChrislunitik, True, Debian is elite at package management11:34
bestadvocate;) ty synd11:34
verden01thats the beauty of debain you can run stable, testing or sid so it suits many people11:34
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lunitikMyNameIsChris: Fedora (Seth) just tries to fulfill too many use cases... and loses sight of things that matter to most11:34
murciverden01, almost every distribution has that11:35
syndanyone run damnsmall?11:35
bestadvocateverden01: i dont think running debian stable is really that much of an option for most poeple ;-)11:35
kakaltoverden01, but if they acutally want to use their linux, stable is a stupid idea11:35
murcinot the most recent version11:35
MyNameIsChrisI was just answering synd's question, it is easy and has alot of packages11:35
verden01but debian is better :)11:35
murcisynd, hard disk install sucks11:35
lunitikMyNameIsChris: He is only just now starting to figure out that loading the entire repo every time you even search is annoying11:35
verden01i agree testing or sid for me11:35
murciDS hard disk install that is11:35
syndmurci: whatcha mean?11:35
MyNameIsChrislunitik, Yeah, I hate that11:36
syndmurci: its only like 50MB apparently11:36
murcisynd, well, i tried to install DS to hard disk a few times, but it's not a terrific installer11:36
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murcithe system u end up with is not really useable11:36
murciit's great as a livecd11:36
murcifast and everything11:36
syndah i see11:36
lunitikMyNameIsChris: actually... it loads the headers... but yeah... annoying... in FC4, they took that out... now it only looks for whats changed... and loads that11:36
thoreauputicsynd: right, 50MB - but not debian compatible ( different X for one thing)11:36
lunitikMyNameIsChris: cuts down time a lot...11:36
syndit looks quite stripped down11:36
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murciyup, business card :)11:37
thoreauputicsynd: good for old machines11:37
lunitikMyNameIsChris: although, FC4t1 pretty much sucked for the most part... that was about the only thing that seemed decent11:37
murcithoreauputic, hmmm, but not as good as vector for that11:37
lunitik(I have no idea how they create _THAT_ many bugs in what is stable software upstream  >:| )11:37
thoreauputicmurci: depends how old the machine is, but yeah :)11:37
syndi wonder if i could get DS on my palm11:38
murcithoreauputic: vector makes a 100MHz cpu lightning fast ;-)11:38
murcisynd: i'm afraid not :)11:38
MyNameIsChrissynd, What Palm have you got11:38
MyNameIsChrisI have a Zire11:38
JimbobDoes anyone know if Daniel Holbach is on IRC?11:38
bestadvocateanyone use audactity?11:39
syndi had a zire 7111:39
MyNameIsChrissynd, I really like my Zire 72, does everything I need it to11:39
syndthey are nice11:39
MyNameIsChrisWhich Tungsten?11:39
bestadvocateaudacity or whatever its called? cause i got a "error instalizing io layer"11:39
kakaltobestadvocate, I've used it once or twice11:39
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kakaltobut I installed it from the livecd onto windows :P11:39
pussfellermy m105 rules you all11:40
bestadvocateaggg! nm11:40
kakaltomy QL pwns11:40
syndMyNameIsChris: tungsten t511:40
MyNameIsChrissynd, Nice11:40
murcinow that m105 s high tech ;-)11:40
bestadvocatefrom livecd onto windows? thats possible?11:40
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thoreauputicbestadvocate: you could try "sweep" instead of audacity - does similar things11:41
murciit's only a shame that those palms and ppc's are so expensive11:41
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bestadvocatesweep? ok all  i need to do is cut off a seciton of an ogg file11:41
kakaltobestadvocate, you put the livecd into the drive under windows, it comes up with a program installer thing11:41
murcipocketpc's, not powerpc's :)11:41
Burgundaviawhat package in the dictionary panel applet in?11:41
thoreauputicbestadvocate: apt-cache show sweep11:42
syndpowerpcs are expensive too : )11:42
syndi have 5 :x11:42
=== lunitik wonders if anyone has played with terminatorx ?
bestadvocatei am already installing it (i use synaptic btw)11:42
murcibut they don't fit in your pocket ;-)11:42
=== TiffOn [user@218.Red-217-126-197.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
lunitikLooks pretty cool... wondering if I should try it out...11:42
thoreauputicBurgundavia: dict.org has problems currently , BTW11:42
murcisynd: give me one ;-)11:42
bestadvocatekakaloto live cd for ubuntu? or something else?11:43
MyNameIsChrissynd, me too. Got any iBooks?11:43
syndmy mac mini can fit in a cargo pocket : P11:43
Burgundaviathoreauputic: I know that. I want to fill a bug regarding the error message11:43
thoreauputicBurgundavia: try test.dict.org instead11:43
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thoreauputictest.dict.org works here11:43
Burgundaviathoreauputic: ok, but the error message shouldn't be another window11:43
syndMyNameIsChris: i sure do : ) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v43/pmartin245/DSCN0553.jpg11:43
thoreauputicBurgundavia: yeah, it's a bit of a mess I agree11:44
murcisynd: lmao, you mac freak! :)11:44
Burgundaviathoreauputic: I lose the error message everytime11:44
thoreauputicBurgundavia: and currently "dict" in a terminal doesn't wok, of course11:44
Burgundaviathoreauputic: do you have an answer to my original question?11:44
murciipod and everything... i'm happy with my zen touch ;-)11:44
syndmurci: once you go mac, you never go back11:44
bestadvocatehaha i like sweep its ghetto fabulous:)11:44
syndthers the other side : )11:45
kakaltothat took a while11:45
MyNameIsChrissynd, wow, you're giving me all that?11:45
thoreauputicBurgundavia: I don't know the package for it, no, sorry11:45
kakaltoI selected everything, and "mark for installation"11:45
MyNameIsChrissynd, thanks alot11:45
kakaltoit took over 20mins to figure out it's not possible :P11:45
murciunfortunately, i need windows for some programs11:45
odysseyis the ubuntu login screen changing to whats on the ubuntu website?11:45
Burgundaviaodyssey: that is old, from warty11:45
syndmurci: like what?!11:46
thoreauputicBurgundavia: hav eyou tried apt-cache search gnome-panel | grep applet or similar ?11:46
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murcireally to big things to emulate11:46
syndthe ONLY reason i have windows right now is so that i can use itunes music sharing with the music on that HDD throughout my house11:46
Burgundaviathoreauputic: got it11:47
syndand god damn apple wont do itunes for linux11:47
murcithey wouldn't profit a lot11:47
odysseyBurgundavia, the 5 people standing around in a circle?11:47
syndthey ported it from osx to windows.. i mean osx to linux wont be shit11:47
murciyou have a point11:47
Burgundaviaodyssey: 5 people in circle is the new login screen11:48
lunitiksynd: crossover can do it... so can pymusique afaik11:48
lunitiksynd: which I think has a gtk port11:48
syndlunitik: crossover?11:48
murcicrossover office11:48
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murcitru, pymusique, forgot about that11:48
lunitiksynd: yes... codeweavers...11:49
syndpymusique is just for buying off the itunes store11:49
syndbuying without the DRM encoded at the end of the file11:49
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murcii hate drm11:49
xamdmsynd, mtdaapd11:49
nubbeI'm looking for something like g-spot and utils to fix broken movies, any tips?11:50
murcicertainly when it's used to protect prn ;-)11:50
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bestadvocatenote to self: dont update ubuntu artwork....11:50
xamdmsynd, ist sreams music like iTunes :-)11:50
bestadvocatehey has anyone else been paying attention to the whole nautilus ubuntu modifcations scandle?11:50
murcinot me :)11:50
xamdmsynd, and there is a pro tunesbrowser (does the same with a gui)11:50
ac-idlol i think ive used synaptic about 3 times11:51
murcicuz i don't use ubuntu, but this looked like a fun irc-channel ;-)11:51
ac-idim so used to using apt-get11:51
syndxamdm: can i stream music from other computer on my network?11:51
Plukabout spatial orsomthing?11:51
Jimbobbestadvocate: "modifications scandal"?11:51
Plukdunno though not using nautilus11:51
xamdmsynd, do jou want to listen ore to stream ??11:51
bestadvocateJimbob: emphasis added for dramatization11:51
ac-idits a pity though that u dont have a choice between kde and gnome11:51
ac-idinstallation wise that is11:51
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keffomodprobe -v -r fglrx11:52
Plukac-id use the kubuntu cd vor installing ubuntu with kde11:52
keffoFATAL: Module fglrx is in use.11:52
Jimbobbestadvocate: Erm, OK, what "modifications" did they do, and why is it dramatic?11:52
ac-idalso there is not much geared towards wireless either11:52
syndxam, id just like to listen for right now11:52
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keffoi want to unload it damnit11:52
ac-idim speaking on behalf of the idiots i work with11:52
murcii'm trying to change from kde to xfce, but i'm so used to kde...11:52
syndxamdm: id just like to listen for right now11:52
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xamdmsynd, try tunesbrwoser, just google for it, ore JTunes :-)11:52
syndmurci: i didnt like kde at all : /11:52
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jonohi all11:52
codemacDoes anyone here use the screen command?11:52
=== Pluk likes xfce a _lot_
bestadvocatethey switched the effects fo middle click and center click11:52
bestadvocate(duh i ment left click)11:53
ruffianHiddenWolf, my computer slows down sometimes when i run firefox. Anyone know why?11:53
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murcisynd: well, i've used gnome for a while, but then changed to kde11:53
nubuntubestadvocate: what a scandal, indeed11:53
syndi had gnome running on my p3 600mhz 128mb laptop and it ran ok, then i put xfce on it and it's doing so so so much better11:53
closurecodemac, sometimes what do you need?11:53
syndPluk: i love it too11:53
bestadvocatendeed nubuntu :)11:53
Jimbobbestadvocate: You mean middle-click opens, and left-click selects?11:53
ruffianHi , my computer slows down sometimes when i run firefox. Anyone know why?11:53
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murciruffian: which extensions do you have installed?11:54
MyNameIsChrisHave you tried seeing how many resources it uses in top?11:54
codemacclosure, I am having problems with it and aterm11:54
gsuveg * Restarting Common Unix Printing System: cupsd11:54
lunitikJimbob: middle keeps parent open... left closes parent and opens child11:54
gsuvegcupsd: Child exited on signal 15!11:54
gsuvegboing. an amd64 box :(11:54
ruffianmurci, what do you mean by extensions?11:54
bestadvocateJimbob: left click opens and closes windows, middle click opens window and leaves old window closed (its all on the ubuntu dev list)11:54
closurecodemac, i do too i have no idea what to tell you it's not the easiest thing to figure out11:54
codemacclosure, instead of showing my prompt correctly it shows a bunch of crazy characters11:54
Jimbob"eh" :-)11:55
murciruffian: you can install extensions like "adblock" to block ads etc. But i assume you have none of those installed?11:55
bestadvocateanyone know what glame does?11:55
codemacclosure, yet in xterm everything works fine11:55
ossiiii know, it sounds lame, but - i cant get php4 running with apache2, can anyone give any hint, where i should change anything? i have warty ubuntu, and i havent changed a lot11:55
lunitikmurci: firefox or epiphany being discussed?11:55
closurewait you're screening an x program?11:55
ruffianmurci, it's running version 1.02 . I have flash plugin, mplayer plugin11:55
murcilunitik: firefox sometimes slows down ruffian's comp11:55
HiddenWolfruffian, because firefox is a memory-hog11:56
nubuntuglame = audio editing11:56
syndwhat do i do after i downloaded the .tar.bz file ? ?11:56
murciruffian: well, i must say, yesterday I had a lot of troubs with firefox slowing down my puter too11:56
codemacclosure, I mean I type "screen" in aterm, and everything is funky.  If I type "screen" in an XTerm, everything is fine11:56
ruffianHiddenWolf: That was a typo before with your name :)11:56
murciI even switched back to mozilla11:56
thoreauputicHiddenWolf: umm - I have 30 tabs open in firefox and evrything runs fine11:56
nubuntusimilar to audacity11:56
closurethat is rather odd though11:56
fsapolol my desktop rlz :D http://img228.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img228&image=screenshot8mg.jpg11:57
closureseems like it would be the other way11:57
ruffianmurci: mozilla runs faster? I though firefox is supposed to be the light-weight version of mozilla?11:57
ac-idfirefox sits on top of mozilla11:57
ac-idor is built on it rather11:57
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MyNameIsChrisMozilla is an entire suite of stuff, firefox is just a browser11:57
murciruffian: in my case, mozilla runs faster, since firefox blocks  :)11:57
codemacYeah, it really does11:57
thoreauputicac-id: no it just uses the gecko rendering engine11:57
murciMyNameIsChris: you can install the mozilla-browser seperately, you don't have to install the whole suite11:58
smurfixEricNeon: ?11:58
bestadvocateMozilla is soon to be known as seamonkey anyway11:58
ruffianmurci: ok11:58
lunitikmurci: if firefox is hogging memory for him... its a bad idea to have him use mozilla-browser...11:58
HiddenWolfthoreauputic: firefox uses 175mb for me11:58
nubbehow do I fix a broken .avi in ubuntu?11:59
MyNameIsChrismurci, I didn't know that never used Mozilla11:59
lunitikruffian: try epiphany or galeon11:59
MyNameIsChrisBut I have to fly11:59
EricNeonwe will link www.ubuntu-zh.org to www.ubuntu.org.cn11:59
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murciI liked galeon a lot11:59
zbowlingI love galeon11:59
murcibut firefox is so easy to use11:59
ruffianlunitik: Yea i will give them ago. And the thing is, my computer is quite fast...AMD 3000+ with 512MB ram, so it's quite strange11:59
murcimemory shouldn't be the problem ;-)12:00
bestadvocateyah if you got mem problems use oh crap whats that one called with the 500 kb install?12:00
ruffianWhich browser comes with gnome?12:00
murcigaleon, no?12:01
murciit's been a while since i last used gnome12:01
murcior epiphany?12:01
thoreauputicbestadvocate: maybe dillo ?12:01
bestadvocateyah thats the ticket12:01
ruffianah ok12:01
zbowlingi wouldn't say ether one come with gnome ;-)12:01
zbowlingsince they both use gtkembedmoz12:01
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lunitikruffian: yeah... I never looked at mem usage for firefox on gnome before... wow... I hit 100mb with 5 tabs... I've had like 15 or so open before, but not actually noticed real slow down...12:01
thoreauputicbestadvocate: dillo is OK but limited ( no java, frames etc or https )12:02
lunitikruffian: that must have been using a lot of mem though...12:02
fsapoanyone knows a good mp3 server to xchat like sprjubox or omneserv?12:02
murcilunitik: wow, that's insane12:02
ruffianlunitik: yes indeed12:02
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bestadvocatethereauputic: if you computer is limited, best to limit your browser too...12:02
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zbowlinggnome is getting better :-) i'm on the gnome/mono teams and we are getting money from novell and putting bountys to lower memory ussage though out gnome and that includes firefox12:03
lunitikzbowling: they should have a team devoted to firefox mem usage... thats crazy to me... never even noticed it before though12:04
ericfI have a question about gnome-btdownload in hoary. I was happy to see it supports resuming, but when I quit it after downloading 20MB of a cd-image, it then resumes at 14 mb. Is 6MB lost?12:04
codemacIt might be cached, but not written to the drive12:04
bestadvocatezbowling: your on the mono teams? whats up with the amd64 sid builds?12:04
Bazzifirefox mem usage isnt exactly a gnome issue, is it?12:04
ericfcodemac: So that means the program should write it to drive before exiting, right?12:05
ruffianShouldn't the firefox moziila team suppose to handle that?12:05
zbowlingbestadvocate: I'm not on the debian/ubuntu mono build teams even though lately I've been helping more that i care for :-)12:05
lunitikzbowling: haven't used a computer with less then 512 RAM in a while though (my last comp had 512, this one has 640) ... I'd imagine people would get quite a hit from that on older hardware...12:05
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bestadvocatezbowling: cool :)12:05
zbowlingwell this machine is 256mb and it runs wonderful with gnome12:05
codemacericf, maybe it is uncleanly exiting for some reason12:05
=== lunitik still needs to figure out wtf the thin holes in the front of his PC are for...
ericfcodemac: No I quit it on purpose to test the resume function.12:05
bestadvocatealright X is acting funny i gtg12:05
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Bazziheh the new ubuntu artwork is cool12:06
murcii feel like pizza12:06
ruffiani will brb12:06
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mhalehello all12:06
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murcibye all :)12:06
thoreauputica lot of firefox mem is virtual mem - it has 47MB resident here, the rest is vitual12:07
codemacericf, ok.. well I know that bittorrents utilize a lot of caching.  The section may not have finished downloading.  4megs is one of the larger sizes for a part, but it seems reasonable that if it didn't finish downloading the part before you quit that it would go ahead and try to download that part again12:07
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HrdwrBoBcodemac: yes because it's hash based12:08
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HrdwrBoBif the hash doesn't match12:08
HrdwrBoBit redownloads the data12:08
codemacericf, and there you have it12:08
ericfcodemac: Yes, that indeed makes sense. It's just that 4mb would seem so big to me. This is about the ubuntu-hoary live-cd, by the way.12:08
ericfHrdwrBoB: Ah, ok. Thank you. I think that will do12:09
codemacYeah, 4 is kinda big, but it all depends on the torrent's author12:09
ericfNow I stopped it at 94, and it resumed at 84... But anyway, resuming works to a certain degree, which is nice12:10
ericfcodemac: But what is a torrent author? Does he specify the segment size?12:10
zbowlingnot sure if the it still works12:11
zbowlingsince sun changes some links around12:11
zbowlingbut its nice/fun12:11
codemacericf, When a torrent is created, the "author" gets to choose what size to make the segments12:12
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ericfcodemac: Ok, i see12:12
cikilini want to install jre-1_5_0_02-linux-i586-rpm.bin.torrent12:12
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cikilincan i?12:12
zbowlingrpm = icky nasty boom12:13
cikilinhow i install jre-1_5_0_02-linux-i586-rpm.bin.torrent?12:14
dryzerwhere i can find a webpage who explain how install the least possible package... to have the most simple system !?12:14
zbowlingcikilin: its rpm12:14
mz2zbowling, why's rpm (via alien) so evil? i haven't had any problems with the few alien-created .deb packages i've installed12:14
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ericfI'm inflicting free software on my girlfriend here, she's happily running ubuntu now. But I mounted her windows drive as a subdir in her homedir. It's fat32. Because all permissions must be the same, I made it executable to make the directories work. But now when she opens a .txt file, nautilus says "Hey, this is an executable file! Do you want to run it, or open it?". What a smart way to avoid this message every time opening a file?12:14
Bazzicikilin download, unpack, alien -i %filename%12:14
mz2everyone seems to have very negative views of alien :)12:14
cikilinand if is rpm?12:14
Bazziuse alien12:14
Bazzimz2 yeah, its evil :P12:15
Bazziit didnt work for me for exactly that package12:15
nubuntuciklilin: download the torrentfile first12:15
cikilini want to have a program to download12:15
thoreauputicmz2: alien is OK but rpm packages don't always contain everything that's needed12:15
nubuntutake your pick12:15
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cikilinhow i 'll install that12:16
ac-idwhat wireless tools are there for configuring a wireless card in Ubuntu?12:16
nubuntuac-id : vim :)12:16
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ruffianI think i found the problem12:16
ruffianIt's the swf player12:17
ruffianit's hogging a lot of usage12:17
ruffianbdzone   11938 26.0  0.4  13276  2260 ?        Sl   20:09   0:35 swf_play --xid 37748781 --plugin12:17
ruffianbdzone   11941 27.1  0.5  13684  2760 ?        Sl   20:09   0:36 swf_play --xid 37748782 --plugin12:17
ruffianbdzone   11944 25.6  0.4  13416  2448 ?        Sl   20:09   0:34 swf_play --xid 37748783 --plugin12:17
nubuntucikilin: y don't you use apt-get to install java?12:17
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gomezericf: system > preferences > file management > behaviour > view...12:18
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ruffiani will bbl12:19
debiuntuafter update throuth ubuntu srclist, my Sarge is monster now:(12:19
bob2ericf: you can use the fmask and dmask mount options to address that, I think12:19
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debiuntuIt's possible that i turn my debiuntu back to ubuntu base system?12:20
cikilini took bittorent12:20
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bob2debiuntu: not easily12:20
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cikilincan y help me?12:21
debiuntuhmm.... :(12:21
Okyshey all!12:21
gomezdebiuntu: you can force versions on everything but.. yuck12:21
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debiuntugomez, how to do that?12:21
ericfgomez and bob2 : Thank you both, very useful :)12:21
Nermalcikilin, don't bother with bitttorrent for that, just grab it from java.sun.com12:22
cikilinbob2 to install bittorrent first step pls12:22
declanquick impression: some of you will have seen how ubuntu is shooting up the distrowatch charts.  It's now not just no. 1, but way way ahead of everyone.  Even at the 6months count it is over a hundred hits ahead of Mandrake.  Obviously some groups are doing this on purpose, or is it just that there is a new release tomorrow?12:22
Nermaland you don't want the rpm.bin file anyway12:22
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Nermalcikilin, follow http://ubuntuguide.org/#jre12:23
Burgundaviadeclan: it is difficult to spoof the distrowathc charts12:23
bob2cikilin: same as installing everything else12:23
Burgundaviadeclan: one hit per IP per day12:23
declanIs it?12:23
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thoreauputicdeclan: that's a very cynical view :)12:23
bob2cikilin: wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto, bittornado is the package12:23
declanNow, its a question12:23
BurgundaviaI see it12:23
Nermalcikilin, no point12:23
declanI'm surprised that's all.  I've seem other things like that elsewhere.12:23
gomezdebiuntu: hmm... in synaptic you could remove all repositories but the ubuntu ones...12:23
bob2debiuntu: I don't think anyone would care enough to try to fake distrowatch12:23
Nermalcikilin, you don't want the rpm.bin file anyway12:23
bob2declan: I don't think anyone would care enough to try to fake distrowatch12:24
declanGood, it seemed counterproductive, were it the case.12:24
thoreauputicdeclan: Ubuntu is just very popular right now - it may drop a bit when the novelty wears off12:24
Burgundaviaanybody else having slow cd writing?12:24
declanI like the thing myself, and type to you all from it.12:24
gomezdebiuntu: then filter the installed list for local or obsolete packages and then force their versions to the ubuntu ones12:24
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declanJust amazed at its sudden rise12:24
NermalBurgundavia, hdparm -d 1 /dev/hdc ?12:24
thoreauputicdeclan: yoper was similar a while ago, then dropped down12:24
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Nermaldma seems to be disabled on cd drives in ubuntu :|12:25
thoreauputicdeclan: the free CDs help, I'm sure :)12:25
BurgundaviaNermal:  using_dma    =  1 (on)12:25
declanNow doubt.  I'll be giving them out, whenever they arrive.12:25
bob2Nermal: yes, since lots of chipsets/drives are broken and screw up if you enable it12:25
NermalBurgundavia, what command gave you that12:25
Nermalbob2, not that many..12:25
Burgundaviahdparm /dev/hdc12:25
debiuntugomez, i used only ubuntu repositories when i update12:25
bob2Nermal: sudo hdparm -c1 /dev/hdc12:25
bob2Nermal: (to enable dma on hdc)12:25
Nermalbob2, ffs ?12:25
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bob2Nermal: ?12:26
cikilini installed it12:26
debiuntugomze, but how can i  force their versions to the ubuntu ones? excuse me, i'm a newbie12:26
bob2Nermal: nothing to do with BSD's Fast File System, no12:26
gomezdebiuntu: good, well it's just a cause of switching versions... or have I not understood your situation correctly?12:26
Okysany one proficient in wireless networks on toshiba laptops12:26
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cikilini dont konw where is it12:26
bob2Okys: the brand usually isn't related to any problems12:26
Nermalwell.. I just GAVE him the command to turn it on, he gave me a useless respone - not indicating whether that was the result of running the command or just checking if it was on, and then you tell me how to enable FDMA12:26
Burgundavianermal, bob2: that is what is so odd, is that I have enabled dma and 32 bit.12:26
debiuntugomez, yep. i used pure debian before12:26
Nermalcikilin, final time.. won't help you. you don't want the rpm.bin file .. follow http://ubuntuguide.org/#jre12:27
Okysbob2 ok i subtract the toshiba :)12:27
bob2Nermal: "useless" is in the eye of the beholder in this case12:27
bob2Nermal: paste the output to #flood12:27
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Nermalbob2, WHAT output ?12:27
thoreauputicNermal: attitude, please....12:28
Nermalthoreauputic, surrounded by retards12:28
gomezdebiuntu: so you started with debian and then upgraded to ubuntu? (hoary?)12:28
bob2Nermal: please stop it12:28
bob2if you're frustrated, go have a cuppa or something12:28
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Nermalsome berk attempting to install bittorrent to download the wrong file when the right file doesn't require bittorrent to require for example, despite 3 attempts to inform him of the correct choice12:29
debiuntugomez, yep. Sarge updated to hoary. I thinked the pure unbuntu is too huge for me12:29
Nermalhmm.. no tea :|12:29
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Nermaljust coffee :|12:29
thoreauputicNermal: welcome to IRC help for new users... :)12:29
xophErdebiuntu, huge in what way?12:29
mz2what package do i need to make qt apps be able to use the plastik/lipstik theme? it works on my desktop computer but on on my laptop12:29
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Nermalthoreauputic, why can't they just read the advice ?12:30
mz2it's not in the list in qtconfig12:30
Burgundaviamz2: you might have a better time at #kubuntu12:30
thoreauputicNermal: if I knew that, I'd be glad to tell you ;-)12:30
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BurgundaviaNermal: I found that it was simply that the channel was busy with one person12:30
supertedDid an update change colors on the "selected color" in evolution ?12:30
BurgundaviaNermal: so I helped them one on one and it worked12:30
debiuntuxophEr, CD default install. i favour to build my mansion from a base system12:31
thoreauputicNermal: sometimes IRC can be a bit confusing/intimidating for new users, too12:31
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Nermalthe channel traffic level isn't helped by responses having to be repeated 3 times12:31
gomezdebiuntu: if you know that much then you should be able to figure out your own mess :)12:32
thoreauputicNermal: unfortunately, this is the way it is - this isn't a channel for experienced users,, really - I guess we have to expect it12:33
thoreauputicNermal: i agree it's annoying :)12:33
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Nermalyears of tech support have eroded my patiance :)12:33
Nermals/a/e ?12:33
debiuntugomez, but i suppose i don't :(   i think there must be a way to return to base system,but i have never tried it before12:34
bob2debiuntu: might just be best to reinstall12:34
gomezdebiuntu: just remove all the packages you've installed12:34
gomezdebiuntu: debfoster much help12:34
gomezdebiuntu: frankly, I'd take bob2's advice12:35
bob2Nermal: the trick is to head down to the pub before people on IRC drive you mad12:35
cikilini read the site but i dont know wich is the torrent for ubuntu download for12:35
debiuntugomez & bob2, thx a lot.12:35
Burgundaviacikilin: what are you trying to do again?12:35
cikilinto install bittorent12:35
Nermalcikilin, forget torrents12:35
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Nermaljust download the bin file from java.sun.com12:36
gomezdebiuntu: no problem, I just popped in because I hadn't used IRC in ages and found nice client to try - I should really get back to work ;)12:36
Burgundaviacikilin: do you have your heart set on azerus?12:36
cikilinthe bin file?12:37
Nermalcikilin, are you trying to install java ?12:37
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george_hey everyone12:37
Burgundaviacikilin: there is a bittorrent client in hoary already12:37
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Nermalcikilin, then, for the 3rd time, read http://ubuntuguide.org/#jre12:38
george_cikilin: and it is sweet12:38
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cikilini am verry dumb12:38
cikilinand i know nothing12:39
jazzkais there any weblog of the latest news of ubuntu? or a rss feed link?12:39
Burgundaviacikilin: no you are not, just not understanding it12:39
Okyshow to i configure yenta socket12:39
=== Nermal utilises /ignore
thoreauputiccikilin: if you read the link Nermal gave you and follow the instructions carefully, you will succeed12:39
cikilinyou know for me is verry dificult also technical english too12:39
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NermalBurgundavia, if you can't understand "read this url" 3 times, I'm surprised you can feed / dress yourself12:40
thoreauputiccikilin: what is your first language ?12:40
Burgundaviawhat I was about to ask12:40
BurgundaviaNermal: that is very rude, and not to the Ubuntu CoC12:40
Nermaloh dear12:40
BurgundaviaI suspect English difficulties12:40
Burgundaviawhich is fine12:40
thoreauputicNermal: it could be a language issue - go easy on the poor guy12:40
Burgundaviamy french is terrible12:40
Burgundaviaand my swedish is nonexistant12:41
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Okyshow do i reconfigure the kernel?12:41
Okyswhats the commande12:41
NermalOkys, why would you want to ?12:41
Okys- e12:41
BurgundaviaOkys: what are you looking to do?12:41
Okysget my internal wireless going12:42
Okysfrom what i understand it needs a yenta socket12:42
Nermalmost / all kernel drivers are built as modules in ubuntu anyway12:42
spidermake configure12:42
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NermalOkys, thats already enabled12:42
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Okysis iwconfig correct to find wireless cards12:43
jazzkais there any scanner support in ubuntu?12:43
jazzkaan epson scanner12:43
Nermaljazzka, scsi is your best bet12:43
Burgundaviajazzka: if it is usb, just plug it in12:43
Okysit reckons i have no wireless extensions12:43
NermalOkys, what wireless device ?12:43
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theineOkys: What's your wireless card?12:43
Okysits in my toshiba 460012:44
jazzkaBurgundavia, that doesnt seem to work12:44
Okyssatelitte pro12:44
EricNeonbye every body12:44
NermalOkys, how about you do some work.  go to google, find the specs and help us to help you ?12:44
Okys:S spoze that doesnt really answer the question huh12:44
theineOkys: but you don't know the card's chipset?12:44
Nermalmaybe lspci12:44
Nermalyou may need to install linux-restricted-modules12:45
Nermalfor things like ipw support iirc12:45
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theineNermal, that's not installed by default?12:45
Nermaltheine, don't think so12:45
Nermalnot sure though12:45
theineNermal, than that can be very well the reason of course12:46
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=== Nermal rocks back and forth
ArniaNermal: ipw2200 is definitely installed by default12:46
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ArniaIt found my centrino with no problems at all12:46
ArniaDunno about ipw2100 though12:46
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theineNermal, at least it's neither a dependency of ubuntu-base nor of ubuntu-desktop12:48
MyNameIsChrisI just installed apache via apt on warty and I keep getting 403's, I am in the user and group in httpd.conf12:48
cikilini get the torrent12:48
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=== Nermal /ignores
=== langenberg [~langenber@ip51cdbc65.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
njanMyNameIsChris, check the permissions on the files you're trying to access via apache12:49
langenbergWhat's the difference between hoary and 5.04 on the ubuntu mirrors?12:49
theineipw2200 is in linux-image, not in linux-restricted modules12:50
MyNameIsChrisnjan, I own them12:50
thoreauputiclangenberg: hoary is 5.0412:50
langenbergthoreauputic: they are exactly the same?12:50
njanMyNameIsChris, and apache is running as the same user?12:50
thoreauputiclangenberg: 5.04 is the version number for hoary12:50
=== Nermal clears to get cikilin off his screen and let the rage subside
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langenbergOn this mirror: /5.04/ /hoary/ /releases/5.04/ /releases/hoary12:51
ArniaNermal: Please be more respectful :/12:51
Jefishow to disable automatic time update?12:51
NermalArnia, HAR12:51
Jefison system boot12:51
thoreauputicNermal: we don't need to deal with your anger problem - please keep it to yourself, OK ?12:52
MyNameIsChrisnjan, I started apache as sudo root, and I gave myself as user full privelages to index.htm12:52
Burgundaviacikilin: what is 1st language?12:52
Nermalrunlevel control I guess12:52
Nermalthoreauputic, just tired of idiots12:52
theineJefis: you can use update-rc.d12:52
njanMyNameIsChris, apache should automatically drop privileges and run not-as-root when it starts, depending upon what you have in your apache config files12:52
Jefisit should be stored in init.d/ files, but which one :)12:53
njanMyNameIsChris, therefore, in order for apache to see them they need to be world-readable12:53
Nermalif he can understand "I got the torrent" he should be able to understand 3 lines of "you don't need the torrent"12:53
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theineJefis: I guess it's ntpdate: sudo update-rc.d ntpdate remove12:53
MyNameIsChrisnjan, it says YOU don't have permission. What would you suggest I do12:53
Jefisupdate-rc.d: /etc/init.d/ntpdate exists during rc.d purge (continuing)12:54
Jefis Removing any system startup links for /etc/init.d/ntpdate ...12:54
Jefis   /etc/rcS.d/S51ntpdate12:54
thoreauputicJefis: OK that should do it :)12:54
Jefisare you sure?12:54
MyNameIsChrisnjan, got it12:54
MyNameIsChrisnjan, Thanks anyway12:54
thoreauputicJefis: that's what update-rc,d is  for, yes12:55
theinewhen are the scripts in rcS.d executed?12:55
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thoreauputicJefis: and the ntpdate program is what does the time sync12:55
MyNameIsChrisnjan, sometimes it helps to just rtfm. Or in this case rtfcf12:55
pdomsJimbob, my pc crashed yesterday and had to go.12:56
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pdomsbtw: it works after reboot =)12:56
mhalehello all12:56
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pdomsAre you guys also experiencing crashes sometimes?12:57
roshamboi have a slight issue with hoary in that when i unplug the power cord from my laptop, the little icon in the top right does not change over to a battery icon - it stays on the power cord icon. the battery strength is reported correctly though. does anyone have any ideas where i might start looking to fix this?12:58
Okysorinoco i believe12:58
Okysorinoco_cs i believe12:58
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pdomsNothing works anymore like ctrl + f7 .. but when I push power button it closes down normally ^o)12:58
pdomsthat SUX12:58
theineOkys, that should be well supported I think12:58
theineOkys, do you know how to use pastebin?12:59
Okysim not on the machine that im trying to get happnin so it probably doesnt apply12:59
theineOkys, go on http://www.pastebin.com and try to post the output of lspci12:59
Okystheine type it you mean :)12:59
theineOkys, oh... ok12:59
Okysi cant even get the eth0 happnin01:00
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Okysotherwise i would be on the lappy01:00
theineOkys, what does ifconfig say?01:00
theineOkys, lo end eth001:00
theineOkys, ?01:00
ac-idthis channel pwns01:01
Okysgot unplugged01:01
spanglesontoastanyone know much about via 001:01
spanglesontoastignore that01:01
spanglesontoasterm does anyone know how to set the default audio for gnome01:01
MyNameIsChrisnjan, Sorry for the volley of stupid questions but let's say I need to reinstall php4 and still have the .deb in /var/cache/...01:01
Okystheine lots01:02
thoreauputicMyNameIsChris: apt-get install --reinstall will reinstall the one in the cache01:02
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theineOkys, lots of output?01:02
MyNameIsChristhoreauputic, Thanks01:02
theineOkys, how many interfaces?01:02
njanthoreauputic, beat me to it :P01:02
Okystheine yep01:02
MyNameIsChristhoreauputic, still a noob to Debian package management01:02
theineOkys, 2?01:02
thoreauputicMyNameIsChris: :)01:03
Okyslink encap Ethernet HWaddr bla bal bla01:03
Hmmmmso how many hours to go for the Hoary release?01:03
Okyslo Link encap: local loopback01:03
MyNameIsChristhoreauputic, works, Thanks01:03
Okyseth0 and lo01:03
thoreauputicMyNameIsChris: no worries :)01:03
theineOkys, but how many interfaces are listed? lo and eth0?01:03
Okystheine eth0 and lo01:04
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dballesterhi to all01:04
Okysdballester hi01:04
theineOkys, alright, but eth0 isn't working?01:04
theineOkys, try sudo modprobe orinoco_cs01:05
Okystheine host unreachable01:05
Okystheine k01:05
theineOkys, but it's got an IP address and so on?01:05
MyNameIsChrisHmmm, I have restarted apache but it still sends a .php as a downloadable file01:05
dballesterexists in ubuntu some type of tool like chkconfig to configure start/stop of daemons ( services ) by runlevel ?01:05
Okystheine whats that do?\01:06
theineOkys, how do you connect your laptop to the internet?01:06
theineOkys, ADSL?01:06
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Okysdepending on OS wireless in other deb dist... wire fbsd ... wireless xp01:07
Okysohhh sorry01:07
bestadvocateanyone know how to convert a wma file into ogg or mp3?01:07
theineOkys, anyway, what did 'modprobe orinoco_cs' do?01:07
Okystheine ADSL01:07
Okystheine just gave me a new line...pronmt01:07
MmikeDOMAhi all... anyone has info on what is the support for GF4MX440 Tv-Out in Ubuntu?01:07
bestadvocateare there any programs to do this?01:07
theineOkys, so you connect your laptop directly to an ADSL modem?01:08
Okystheine through wireless router01:08
saik0bestadvocate, i remeber mplayer being able to transcode it, forgot how01:08
theineOkys, ok, than try ifconfig again and look for  a new interface01:08
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Okystheine OK01:08
bestadvocatesaik0 for some reason I cant even convince mplayer to _play_ the files (at least using the ubuntu build)01:09
Okystheine eth0 and lo01:09
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Okysdamn i gotta go.....01:09
Okysarrrgggghhhhh late01:09
theineOkys, you'll get it working eventually01:09
Okystheine haha i reckon01:09
Okysim glad it isnt my only box01:10
bestadvocatestupid wma errr01:10
thoreauputicbestadvocate: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats01:10
Okystheine thanks for your help mate01:10
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thoreauputicbestadvocate: you need w32codecs from one of the repos on that page01:11
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MrRaggahi, are there any online sources for ubuntu?01:11
bestadvocatethoreauputic: I have amd64 the repos dont seem to work for me01:11
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thoreauputicbestadvocate: ah, you may be out of luck - dunnonif there are amd64 versions01:12
theineOkys, no problem...01:12
thoreauputicdunno if *01:12
bestadvocatethoreauputic besides i dont want ot play the files really, i rather convert the file01:12
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thoreauputicbestadvocate:  mencoder or something like that , IIRC01:12
ac-idi cant find mplayer in sources01:13
carambolis smart package manager useable in ubuntu?01:13
theineac-id: you need to enable the multiverse repository01:13
spanglesontoastis there a way to control which sound card is the main one for gnome?01:13
ac-idi thought universe was enough01:13
_nicholashow long do ihave to wait for the cds to arrive?01:13
theineac-id: no, you need multiverse too01:13
ac-idi have too many repo's already01:13
zzyberi have a laptop PII 300Mhz 128Mb ram and my girlfriend is running XP pro and Ms Office on it. Its really slow and im on my way to install a linux system on her laptop. Is Ubuntu the right choice or should i go for a redhat 6.2 with kernel 2.2? How about office, can i use openoffice and if not what choices do i have?01:14
theineac-id: really? how many do you have?01:14
ac-idabout 1201:14
ac-idbut im using some of debians too01:14
spanglesontoastgo for ubuntu mate01:14
MyNameIsChrisnjan, Could you help me get php working with apache01:14
theineac-id: why?01:14
spanglesontoastmy p3 is slower than that01:14
thoreauputiczzyber: redhat 6.2 is ancient history01:14
bestadvocatesmart package manager? is that apt-get?01:14
ac-idsecurity related stuff01:14
zzyberthoreauputic, but its fast01:14
langenbergIs Kubunut officially supported and does it contain the same level of quality?01:14
ac-idu got that url for that multiverse?01:14
theineac-id: like what? i'm just curious...01:15
bob2yes, try it and see01:15
zzyberthoreauputic, a PII is also ancient :-)01:15
thoreauputiczzyber: have a look at vectorlinux01:15
ac-idi work for a government01:15
ac-idim not at liberty to say :/01:15
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bestadvocatelangenberg: i guess,.,,01:15
spanglesontoasthow can I choose which sound card to use for gnome?01:15
thoreauputiczzyber: yeah, I have a pentium 200 running debian woody :)01:15
theineac-id: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and replace all occurencies of "main restricted" with "main restricted universe multiverse"01:16
ac-idtheine, url?01:16
bestadvocatespangelsontoast: i dont know I have a sound card i cant use thats agravating me!01:16
ac-idok thanks01:16
carambolyep, bestadvocte01:16
langenbergzzyber: I'm about to setup a PII 450 with Ubuntu, I hope it's a bit usefull.01:16
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carambolihave apt it alredy01:16
=== spanglesontoast kicks a nearby rock
theineac-id: you don't need sperate lines for universe and multiverse01:16
adobbielangenberg: depends on how much ram you have01:17
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theineac-id: just in case you want to keep your sources.list neat...01:17
bestadvocatelangenberg: i have seen it running (quite slowly) on a p101:17
langenbergadobbie: 256MB01:17
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thoreauputiclangenberg: should be fine01:17
adobbielangenberg: that's what I have for my desktop system. PII 450 with 256MB of PC10001:18
langenbergadobbie: Running gnome then?01:18
zzyberlangenberg, you will probably be satisfied with linux itself but xorg and maybe gnome will slow it down and if you then ty to open som office app from openoffice it will really take time01:18
adobbielangenberg: yep01:19
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bestadvocatelangenberg: if its too slow go ahead and get xfce01:19
langenbergIt's for my sister and my parents, I can't run anything like fluxbox on it by that reason.01:19
ac-idthanks theine01:19
bestadvocateok nm then01:19
tomcat__hey all, I've got a problem. I'm trying to access a data drive from an old windows system. I've got it in, and I know I can "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hdwhateve /media/ntfs" to mount it, but my problem is, I don't know if the drive is fat32 or ntfs...01:20
theineac-id, no problem01:20
bestadvocatei dont know if kde or gnome is faster...01:20
tomcat__<---- very new to linux01:20
thoreauputiclangenberg: icewm is very windowsish - might be oK for them01:20
bestadvocatetry and see if it work01:20
spanglesontoastcan anyone here tell me how to select a different sound card using gnome?01:20
langenbergbestadvocate: If they get a bit used to gnome they maybe could work with xfce a bit, but they are used to WinXP, so I was also considering KDE>01:20
zzyberthoreauputic, vectorlinux is interesting but its really the same as ubuntu, it all comes down to debian vs slackware. I will try ubuntu but it will probably be a disepointment (pardon my english)01:20
theinetomcat__: try both01:21
ac-idi started on Slackware01:21
ac-idbut slackware doesnt have apt-get01:21
ac-idor ports01:21
xophEranyone here who has got a usb-adsl modem working ?01:21
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tomcat__Ah, good advice. had somehow thought I'd screw things up... guess i *would* get an err msg... hmmn01:21
zzyberac-id, exactly01:21
langenbergac-id: It has slapt-get, swaret.01:22
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adobbielangenberg: use apps like Abiword and Gnumeric instead of OO.org01:22
ac-idit does?01:22
ac-idsince when?01:22
ac-idboy o boy im behind01:22
ac-idwhats the latest release?01:22
langenbergadobbie: I haven't worked with those, but do they offer the same quality when using .doc files?01:23
ac-idnothing new there01:23
adobbieac-id: My roomate used apt-get on RedHat9 and Mandrake, and that was more than a year ago01:23
langenbergac-id: Yes, it's a third party tool.01:23
adobbielangenberg: no they suck just like OO.org does01:23
ac-idyes but you can use rpm's on debian too01:23
zzyberadobbie, adobbie yes i probably will use gnome original office01:24
ac-idpackage management is excellent with synaptic01:24
langenbergadobbie: OO.o does that very fine, I haven't got any probs with MS Office docs.01:24
langenbergac-id: http://software.jaos.org/#slapt-get01:24
ac-idu cant really compare it with much else01:24
ac-idother than FBSD ports01:24
langenbergac-id: slapt-get is an APT like system for Slackware package management. It allows one to search slackware mirrors and third party sources for packages, compare them with installed packages, install new packages, or upgrade all installed packages. Great for scripting as well.01:24
bestadvocateOO.o has problems using too much java blaaah01:24
ac-idand, well, something thats native to the OS01:24
ac-idlangenberg, but still 3rd party?01:24
adobbiebestadvocate: only in the new, unreleased version01:24
ac-idand secure?01:24
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tomcat__Hey all... ok, maybe I don't have the drive in properly... if it's the slave on the primary ide chain, shouldn't it be 'hdb'?01:25
zzyberread somewere that redhats own 2.4 kernel kicks ass and is far better than 2.6.1101:25
bestadvocateadobbie: thats going to be a problem with breezy most likely01:25
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langenbergac-id: yes, It's usefull for upgrading one or two packages, but don't upgrade your system with it. Most likely to brak something.01:25
pdomsWhere can I find the drivers for my Lexmark X5150 .. ? Ubuntu detects it.. but no drivers for this one ??01:25
bestadvocateadobbie: it might actually be a good reason to run hoary once its stable :)01:25
adobbiebestadvocate: I see it as good news.  quality of gcj and competitors is going to go up :)01:25
ac-idtheine, after updating i still cant find mplayer :/01:26
ac-idmaybe compile it myself maybe?01:26
adobbiepdoms: http://www.linuxprinting.org/01:26
pdomsadobbie, thanks01:27
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pdomsadobbie, damn also not listed there ^o)01:28
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ac-idmail the novell linux desktop developers to write a driver01:29
ac-idthey'll have it done in under 2 days01:29
adobbiepdoms: hope that Lexmark has Linux drivers on their site :)01:29
ac-idthen just use it on ur Ubuntu01:29
MyNameIsChrisac-id, that is exploiting the poor soles at Novell. So cruel01:29
ac-idsouls, and not really, they'd love to do it01:30
ac-idseeing as they're supporting open source and all01:30
pdomsadobbie, i'm lucky :o :)01:30
ac-idim also looking for lexmark drivers01:31
MyNameIsChrisac-id, No, I meant soles01:31
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ac-idi have a c912 and a w82001:31
ac-idMyNameIsChris, in that regard i guess ur right01:31
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MyNameIsChrisac-id, Glad you see it my way01:32
=== bestadvocate glares at MyNameIsChris and ac-id
bestadvocatebad evil!01:33
ironwolfwhat do I put in the uri: line of the printer setup for a printer I have shared on another host via cupsys ?01:33
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MyNameIsChrisGlare was like the worst attack a Pokemon could know01:34
MyNameIsChris"I got rid of hypnosis for this?" They would say01:34
turfhi! where could a down load a macromedia flash player for my ubuntu installed i a ppc?01:34
HiddenWolfturf: macromedia.com01:35
pdomsAny1 got an idea of how to run an .HQX file?01:35
HiddenWolfpdoms: google01:35
turfHiddenWolf: i did download did from there but i got un here its not for ppc01:35
ac-idanyone have a source for me that would allow me to apt-steal mplayer?01:35
ac-idmine dont seem to have such luxuries01:35
HiddenWolfturf, there must be a flash player in universe, not sure if it's for ppc also01:36
ac-idtarball for me it is then :/01:36
ironwolfac-id: add multiverse and universe to your sources?01:36
ac-idi did01:37
ac-idand nothing01:37
HiddenWolfac-id, add the marillat repro's01:37
ac-iddeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty-security main restricted universe multiverse01:38
ac-iddeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty-security main restricted universe multiverse01:38
HiddenWolfac-id, https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BreakMyUbuntu01:38
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xophErwhere can I get ubuntu devel tools as debs?01:38
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HiddenWolfac-id, you should add them to archive.ubuntu.com, not to security.ubuntu.com01:38
thoreauputicxophEr: most are in the repos01:38
HiddenWolfxopher, apt-get install build-essential01:39
xophErbut If I want to install them offline..01:39
xophErmy friend needs them so he can install his adsl-modem :)01:39
thoreauputicxophEr: build-essential is on the CD AFAIK01:39
FackamatoI can't add a printer in Ubuntu. I run the add printer thing, specify SMB (it's shared on a windows xp sp2 computer), type in the IP, username, password, printer type etc etc, press "apply" and it doesn't show up.01:39
FackamatoWhat's up with this?01:39
xophErthoreauputic, ok. how about the kernel source? is it there too?01:40
HiddenWolfxophEr, doubt it01:40
turfHiddenWolf: ok thanks, i'll try to look again01:40
pdomsIs it possible to install rpm packages on ubuntu? ^o)01:41
thoreauputicxophEr: no - also he probably only need the linux-headers, not the source01:41
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HiddenWolfturf, search for flash in synaptic01:41
xophErhe needs the source, he has to compile a kernel with usbatm-support01:41
HiddenWolfturf, flashplayer-mozilla and flashplayer-nonfree01:42
HiddenWolfxophEr, download the .deb and burn it to a cd01:42
HiddenWolfxophEr, dont' forget to download the .deb of the ubuntu kernel patches when you do01:42
adobbiepdoms: yes, if you really need to you can use 'alien'01:43
HiddenWolfpdoms, better to go and search for a .deb tho. converting rpms can mess you up.01:43
pdomsadobbie, thanks i'll check it out01:43
pdomsthis stupid lexmark shit discriminates01:44
pdomsSuse or Redhat :-//01:44
HiddenWolfpdoms, doesn't postscript work?01:44
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ac-idpdoms, im having the same problem01:44
ac-idi have a c912 and w82001:45
ac-idboth not working01:45
ac-idbusy trying to break things left right and centre01:45
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willemWhat happend to the cool login screen?01:45
adobbieloading firmware is another lame thing you have to do with some printers too01:45
theineFackamato: look, that 'lpstat -p' tells you01:45
pdomsHiddenWolf, don't really know what you mean with postscript (i know that's the language sent to printers)01:45
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HiddenWolfpdoms, lots of printers are already supported by the printer manager and it's drivers01:46
HiddenWolfhave you tried just adding it?01:46
adobbieHiddenWolf: he said it wasn't on the list.  also not on linuxprinting.org01:46
pdomsYes, but the right type isn't listed01:46
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burgermannlo :)...01:47
pdomsbut Ubuntu recognises it right.. but the driver aint listed01:47
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thoreauputicpdoms: sometimes choosing a driver for a similar model works01:47
pdomsthoreauputic, already tried that one time, gonna keep trying now =)01:47
burgermannwhen I try to install java runtime plugin in firefox it says I have to do it manually01:47
willemWhat happen to the Human Circle of Friends?01:47
HiddenWolfadobbie: can you install from a tar.gz instead of rpm01:47
HiddenWolfburgermann, download java from sun, then use www.ubuntuguide.org to help you through the process01:48
ac-idcompiling from source isnt hard at all01:48
thoreauputicwillem: if you want it back you can probably install it :)01:48
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willemwhere to find the good old one?01:48
adobbieHiddenWolf: you found it on the Lexmark site?01:48
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willemthe new photo is a real amature photo01:49
HiddenWolfadobbie: No, I don't own a lexmark printer, just offering a suggestion01:49
burgermannHiddenWolf, gr8 thx01:49
pdomsIf I find the source it's no problemo01:49
HiddenWolfburgermann, be adviced, just pasting the commands will fail, the guide does it for, and the version you'll be downloading is .0.201:50
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pdomsIt aint working with chosing similar printers01:51
thoreauputicwillem: http://www.prodigyweb.net.mx/espinomiguel/ubuntuart.html01:52
willemthank you01:52
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zzyberis it possible to move windows between desktops in ubuntu gnome? And also move to another desktop if i put the mouse pointer to the edge of my desktop01:54
thoreauputiczzyber: you can move the windows by dragging them on the pager01:55
ac-iddo u not have the workspace switcher widget?01:55
ac-idright click on ur taskbar and click on add01:55
ac-idworkspace switcher should be at the bottom01:56
burgermannHiddenWolf, then I have no idea what to do :S01:56
zzyberthoreauputic, yes on the pager i know but i tries xfce and there i can turn on the function to drag a windows to another desktop just moving to the edge01:56
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pdomsdamn shit, don't tell me I have to develop my own drivers huh :p :-//01:59
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JefisHow to make konqueror to remember that Menubar is hidden, if i press CTRL+M and close konqueror it doesn't remmeber02:00
xophErwhere can I find ubuntu kernel-sources for the kernel shipped with hoary 5.04 rc (2.6.10) ?02:01
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sanitarioxophEr: apt-get install linux-source-2.6.1002:01
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HiddenWolfburgermann, just follow the instructions on ubuntuguide, but substitute .0.1 for .0.2 :)02:02
apokryphosJefis: Either Alt + F3 > Advanced > Special Window Settings, or you'll have to change the default executable for it02:02
xophErsanitario, I need to download the package separately, and not via apt.02:02
Gavrilaanyone using ASROCK COMBO Z motherboard???02:02
apokryphosJefis: as a note, you will generally have more luck in #kubuntu02:03
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burgermannHiddenWolf, oh of course =P, thx02:03
thoreauputicxophEr: with apt, using the -d switch will just download it02:03
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xophErI know, but Im not on ubuntu now and I dont plan adding ubuntu repositories to my debian installation, so I need a link.02:04
thoreauputicxophEr: warty or hoary?02:04
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_d4vidhi all02:06
thoreauputicxophEr: somewhere here probably >> http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/02:06
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sanitarioxophEr: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.10/linux-source-2.6.10_2.6.10-34_all.deb02:07
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ac-idbut warthog doesnt come with that kernel02:08
ruffianAnyone know why there is no sound, in the flash player on mozilla?02:08
thoreauputicac-id: that was for hoary02:08
ac-idsome of us dont have hoary yet :/02:08
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thoreauputicac-id: indeed, i don't either :)02:08
ac-idbut we will soon!02:09
Florschits coming tomorrow, isn't it?02:09
ac-idcouple hours time02:09
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Florschoh ok...having ubuntu not one week and somethings new will come...02:09
ac-idits like waiting outside a toy store for a new toy02:10
spanglesontoastwhich is the main file that the sound settings are located?02:10
Florschfor me everything is new and i have still some problems...so not this way of waiting for me02:10
SiRrUshow much will be different from what can be installed at present02:11
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Florschi don't know...i even don't know where i can change somethin about my fan...it is running and running...02:12
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spanglesontoastdoes anyone know how to set the main soundcard for gnome02:15
darko__Hi, can someone help me with a script that automatically grabs the pid of x and renices it to 0?02:15
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corzahey guys could someone help me out with bootsplash?02:17
closuredoes anyone know how to change the spellcheck file in ubuntu?02:17
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Kamping_kaisercloseure: what app02:17
closurei have american english and i'd like to have UK english02:17
Kamping_kaisercorza in what way?02:17
closurewell really the whole system02:18
closureor just gaim i guess?02:18
theineFlorsch: What kind of laptop do you have?02:18
ac-id--> SiMpLy_ReD (rae@sg-4354.telkomadsl.co.za) has joined #east_london02:18
ac-id<acid> hey lovey love luff02:18
ac-id<-- SiMpLy_ReD has quit (Ping timeout)02:18
ac-id<excession> lol, perhaps 3rd time lucky ?02:18
ac-id<acid> maybe i should start with "hey lovey love fuck you bitch mother fucken whore slut shitface"02:18
ac-id<acid> maybe that would force some sort of remark or response02:18
corzaKamping_kaiser: well i need it to load up on GRUB i guess? i have the theme installed02:18
ac-id<excession> u never know02:18
Florschi have an Asus M600002:18
ac-idmy bad02:18
ac-idmy bad bad bad bad02:18
ac-id(synaptic:10050): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme directory scalable/emblems of theme Flat-Blue has no size field02:18
corzaKamping_kaiser: but i'm worried so i just want to be guided so i dont do anything stupid02:18
Florschan i think i have to flash my bios02:18
Kamping_kaisercorza warty or hoary?02:18
ac-idhow to break synaptic02:18
Kamping_kaisersystem -> admin -> login screen setup02:19
ptlodarko__, function nice0() { echo renice -n 0 `pidof $1`; }02:19
Kamping_kaisernot sure closure, look around02:19
corzaKamping_kaiser: i'm talking about a splash screen..02:19
marceloDoes anyone knows what happened with "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu" repository????02:20
marceloIt was working til yesterday02:20
SiRrUscorza dont think there is one with hoaary02:20
Florschkeine, but i even don't know where i could have a look, what energie management is running02:20
corzaSiRrUs: mm hmm?02:20
Kamping_kaisercorza grub im not sure. havent looked yet...02:20
theinecorza, have you looked at http://wiki.nanofreesoft.org/index.php/UsplashHowDoesItWork ?02:20
thoreauputicmarcelo: probably a lot of uploads/ syncs happening with hoary happening tomorrow02:21
ac-idk maybe its not the theme02:21
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theineFlorsch: does /proc/acpi exist?02:21
ac-idmy synaptic just dies when i try to mark mplayer for installation02:21
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marcelothanks thoreauputic02:21
theineFlorsch: and /proc/apm ?02:21
Florschi will have a look02:21
thoreauputicmarcelo: try again in a few hours maybe02:22
marcelook, thanks02:22
theineFlorsch: do you know whether your laptop supports APM ?02:22
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theineFlorsch: if it does, I'd suggest to gor for that02:22
Florschacpi exist02:22
FlorschAPM i don't know02:23
theineFlorsch: and /proc/apm ?02:23
gnrfanis there a new date for hoary release?02:23
Florschno it doesn't exist02:23
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theineFlorsch: then you're using ACPI02:23
Florschok and there is an mistake with my bios02:23
theineFlorsch: buggy DSDT table?02:23
thoreauputicgnrfan: tomorrow02:23
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Florschif i understand the wiki right, yes02:24
Florschbut there is an new bios...so i will flash it02:24
theineFlorsch: do that02:24
gnrfanthoreauputic: nice.. wanted to burn and distribute a hundred CDs for a conference this sunday02:24
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Florschthx for help02:24
theineFlorsch: np02:24
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tuppaso, has the edit Applications menu issue been sorted yet?02:25
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thoreauputictuppa: amaranth's menu editor >>  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21390&highlight=menu+editor+hoary02:27
Jerubmore than once a second I get a message in my syslog02:28
JerubApr  7 22:27:27 localhost udev[10985] : removing device node '/dev/vcsa9'02:28
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Jerubalong those lines02:28
Jerubany idea what's causing that?02:28
CharlieSuguys.. just installed..  how come i cant play MP3s?02:28
thoreauputicCharlieSu: license issues02:28
bet0xCharlieSu: you want play MP3's with Gnome ?02:28
CharlieSuwith Xmms or something02:28
thoreauputicCharlieSu: enable universe repo and install gstreamer0.8-mad02:29
CharlieSui cant even play .oggs02:29
bet0xthoreauputic: :p02:29
CharlieSuwhat is univers repo?02:29
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bet0xCharlieSu: apt-cache search ogg and apt-cache search mp302:29
bet0xThat give a list of apps to install02:29
bet0xor use Synaptic02:29
thoreauputichttp://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto  << CharlieSu02:30
bet0xi have a problem with my GTK programs02:30
bet0xsome programs have the fonts too small02:30
bet0xVERY small02:30
CharlieSuso Ubuntu will never have out of the box mp3 support?02:30
JerubI don't remember having to add mp3 support02:31
apokryphosNot unless the laws change, no.02:31
thoreauputicCharlieSu: the licensing issues won't allow it02:31
CharlieSuwhat else is it missing?02:31
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CharlieSui never had these problems with Gentoo02:31
apokryphosdivx/xvid support. All easy to implement02:31
bet0xCharlieSu: this is not gentoo02:32
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GhostFreemantomorrow, Hoary final02:32
bet0xits Ubuntu GNU Linux02:32
=== bet0x using Hoary :p
thoreauputicCharlieSu:  www.ubuntuguide.org  << all this is available and pretty straightforward02:32
GhostFreemanI thought it was Ubuntu GNU/Debian02:32
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CharlieSuhoary final is tom?02:33
roo_CharlieSu, Ubuntu is different in its philsophy to gentoo. you can read about that on the ubuntu website.02:33
Jerubhttp://www.ubuntuguide.org/ has really clear instructions on how to get that stuff working02:33
CharlieSuGhostFreeman, how do you know that?02:33
roo_CharlieSu, the fix for restricted formats is extremely easy.02:33
apokryphosGhostFreeman: they're not mutually exclusive02:33
GhostFreemanUbuntu is built on Debian, right?02:33
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NormDhttp://www.ubuntuguide.org/temp/ for the hoary version...02:33
apokryphosDebian is built on Linux, right? ;-)02:33
bet0xGhostFreeman: hum02:34
bet0xGhostFreeman: Ubuntu Debian GNU/Linux02:34
bet0xRemember Linux dude02:34
bet0xUbuntu not are using Hurd ;)02:34
apokryphosIt might be based on Debian, but it is not Debian.02:34
bet0xIts a little updated, wit other philsophy02:34
bet0xeasy to use02:35
lunitikapokryphos: umm... yeah it is... its Debian SID with customizations  :/02:35
bassMonkeyso, when is the final release due for hoary? some say tomorrow, some yesterday...02:35
bet0xmore than Fedora i think02:35
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bet0xbassMonkey: tomorrow02:35
lunitikapokryphos: every six months... they sync with Debian, and apply the same customizations again02:35
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bet0xbut i see some updates right now02:35
bet0xim downloading 270 MB in updates02:35
lunitikapokryphos: that said... makes sense that they work close to Debian... cuz then its less work for them02:35
dballesterexists in ubuntu some type of tool like chkconfig to configure start/stop of daemons ( services ) by runlevel ? TIA02:35
thoreauputicbassMonkey: the 8th02:35
CharlieSuis Hoary really going Final tommorow?02:35
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apokryphoslunitik: That still doesn't make it *Debian*. It is a seperate distribution.02:35
roo_lunitik, http://www.netsplit.com/blog/work/canonical/ubuntu_and_debian.html02:36
lunitikapokryphos: most all of the people working on Ubuntu are DD's... and Ubuntu hires the guys that wrong both dpkg and apt...02:36
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lunitikapokryphos: those are pretty important things in the Debian community...02:36
apokryphoslunitik: I know :).02:36
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apokryphosThat still doesn't make it Debian, the fact that you say "most are also Debian DDs" emphasises the bifurcation, too.02:37
NormDI've been updating incrementally a time or two daily...I take it I won't need to do anything special to "upgrade" to the official release tomorrow, other than perhaps wait for the servers to stop being hammered?  : )02:37
lunitikapokryphos: they forked to allow them to have primary say on things like sudo being used... it is very much still Debian though02:37
thoreauputiclunitik: the Ubuntu patches get passed back to Debian, so everyone benefits02:37
wezzeris it easy to upgrade from warty to hoary?02:37
apokryphoslunitik: "Fork" already presupposes a seperate distribution. It is *very* alike to Debian, based on it, and has that backbone -- but it is not Debian.02:38
apokryphoslunitik: try telling that to the people in #debian ;-)02:38
GNAMehy! time to work! time to correct last bugs!02:38
wezzerI can't wait :)02:38
GNAMtesting! testing!02:38
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GNAMany idea about TIME of tomorrow release?02:40
bet0xcan any read this02:40
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bet0xThe following letter is being sent in name from  Hipatia  and Lot to the President of the Nation, its Ministers and Secretaries of State involved in the plan "My PC" to demand the invalidity of the plan and a total reframing of the same one02:40
bet0xMy country needs our help02:41
bet0xMy President sells pcs with MS shittys02:41
plagerismAny chance someone knows of a howto on creating debian packages for ati proprietary drivers. hoary 64bit only has 8.8.25, but to rectify a problem I am having I need 8.10.1902:41
bet0xand only MS02:41
bet0xand intel too02:41
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bet0xand not give chances for free software02:41
bet0xi see cheaps pcs on eeuu ie02:42
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bet0xon my country a intel are expensive02:42
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bet0xi know about pcs more cheap02:42
ac-idits a pity the default installation cd doesnt have an option to resize a partition02:42
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_ReDRuM_whats the correct way to start portmapper/nfs?02:42
ac-idbefore installation02:42
ac-idpeople might get scared that they might lose all their precious MS data02:42
theineac-id: precious?02:43
darko__is hoary an easy distro to customize like arch-linux for example?02:43
theineac-id: just kidding...02:43
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thoreauputic_ReDRuM_:  /etc/init.d/portmap start02:43
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thoreauputic_ReDRuM_: similar syntax for nfs-kernel-server and so on02:44
_ReDRuM_and whats the right way to add it to startup , symlink it to those sysv dirs?02:44
_ReDRuM_s/sysv/System V/02:44
thoreauputic_ReDRuM_: tht's done on install if you use apt02:44
decklinac-id: really? first hit on google: http://mlf.linux.rulez.org/mlf/ezaz/ntfsresize.html. not that i've tried it.02:44
_ReDRuM_err... im a proper apt newbie :) how do i tell apt to install it?02:45
thoreauputic_ReDRuM_: you don't need to mess with those scripts if you install with apt02:45
ac-iddecklin, i meant in the installation02:45
ac-idput in cd, push enter, etc02:45
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ac-idit doesnt have the option to resize02:45
thoreauputic_ReDRuM_:  sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common  IIRC02:45
decklinac-id: did you read that page? i'm referring to the news item labeled "feb 24".02:46
_ReDRuM_only need the client so nfs-common ? *tries it*02:46
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ac-iddecklin, apologies02:46
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ac-idand (yay)02:46
_ReDRuM_works fine... tho tis missing nlockmgr02:47
decklinac-id: of course, porting the equivalent code for FAT over from fips would be nice, too, but i don't have time :)02:47
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da_bon_bonhey, i wanna clean my cd rom lens. i removed the dirve out of bay. can someone guide me further, please ?02:48
_ReDRuM_da_bon_bon: you can buy discs that do that02:49
Jerubdon't you use a cleaner 'cd' to clean a drive?02:49
da_bon_bon_ReDRuM_: didnt work for me02:49
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cavedive1Hi guys. Does anyone know if the installer is changed in the new hoary release =02:51
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thoreauputiccavedive1: AFAIK it's about the same, with a few minor differences like "server" instead of "custom"02:51
thoreauputicit still isn't graphical if that's what you mean...02:52
ac-idSzabolcs Szakacsits02:53
ac-idthat is you02:53
deuce868I never got the kick for graphical installer02:53
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_ReDRuM_i just removed my .mozilla dir and now firefox doesnt load... any ideas?02:55
_ReDRuM_n/m i think its a kubuntu thing02:55
GNAMwe must start our download at same time from ubuntu servers.02:55
apokryphosNo... that would be KDE-related stuff :)02:55
apokryphosyou really shouldn't go around removing .mozilla ;-). You'll likely have to reinstall (with purging when you remove).02:55
_ReDRuM_why not when i built mozilla by hand i could remove it whenever i felt like :P its a user dir shouldnt matter...02:56
apokryphosGNAM: you mean the torrent :P02:56
=== _ReDRuM_ purges and removes
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cavedive1thoreauputic: no i understand it won't ba graphical, and I don't want that either,02:57
apokryphos_ReDRuM_: wouldn't matter because it's a user dir? =) I agree that it should replace it, (kde does so with .kde) but I don't quite know what mozzy is like02:57
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_ReDRuM_thats how it behaved when i built it manually02:57
_ReDRuM_its something else wrong anyway02:57
_ReDRuM_i think cause i did chown -R redrum: /home/redrum02:57
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_ReDRuM_several things are now malfunctioning02:58
apokryphosno group specified in the chown? Though, that shouldn't matter, everything in ~ should belong to you02:58
_ReDRuM_thats what i thought... none the less...02:58
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deuce868yea, but something might have been using the group permissions02:58
_ReDRuM_anyhow, brb02:59
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bestadvocateIm a pirate arrrrr!  i stole me some software.03:01
bestadvocateubuntu they call it, hahaharrr I even got their secret code!03:02
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thoreauputicbestadvocate: Black helicopters : ETA 3 minutes03:03
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bestadvocatenarrry ever there was a day when ye coppers caught meh torrents!03:03
thoreauputicharrr, ye scurvy Ubuntu crew !03:04
bestadvocateUbuntu, linux for Pirates!03:04
lunitikthoreauputic: I dont' think it counts as stealing if its free...03:05
bestadvocateARRR i stole it fair and square!03:05
thoreauputiclunitik: heh - just going along with the pirate theme... :)03:05
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NormDI dunno....there's a few "grey areas" for stealing...check out "luxuriousity"s sales on ebay, and website, rebranding open-source packages to mom 'n' pops...03:07
george_anyone here very experienced with cedega?03:07
NormDnot stealing, per se, but cheezy as heck.03:07
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thoreauputicNormD: is the source code supplied? If not it's probably a GPL violation...03:08
=== bestadvocate chases NormD with a pirate sword!
innodonn1Ubuntu 5.04 release candidate for i386 gives me a package error despite verifying correctly on both iso and during install (from http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/releases/5.04/array-7/hoary-install-i386.iso).03:09
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=== thoreauputic hands bestadvocate a "cutlass" ;-)
apokryphosinnodonn1: that's not the RC, it's array 7.03:09
bestadvocatethat ubuntu thar is mine!03:09
innodonn1what is?03:09
apokryphosBut it certainly shouldn't give you errors anyway, and it hasn't for many many others, so I'm inclined to think it's not on the ISO side03:10
apokryphosinnodonn1: /topic03:10
apokryphosinnodonn1: if you want, you can wait a day for official ;-)03:10
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innodonn1Darn...ok I'll get that. One day you say? Haven't got that long :)03:11
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thoreauputicapokryphos: I hope the servers have extra cooling for tomorrow ;)03:11
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keffois it time.. tomorrow?03:11
innodonn1So is that like a snapshot I've got?03:11
apokryphoshehe. No worries; you can always upgrade later03:11
NormDI vaguely remember it is included. but he merely rebrands packages like blender, OO, Gimp...and certainly doesn't "use with permission" any images. So I think he skirts the GPL whilst stumbling into a copyright morass.03:11
_ReDRuM_was to do with me not rebooting the whole system and only restarting X after updating03:11
darkpetercan u help me ?03:11
keffothoreauputic, hoary goes offi tomorrow?03:11
apokryphosinnodonn1: arrays are more of a snapshot, RC is slightly more prepared03:12
apokryphosthoreauputic: you've gotta propound the goodness of torrents :P03:12
_ReDRuM_delayed problem :)03:12
innodonn1K thanks a ton03:12
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darkpetercan u help me ??03:12
thoreauputicdarkpeter: no, we already decided you are beyond help ;-)03:13
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darkpeterjust for now, i've just installed xfce by apt03:13
thoreauputicdarkpeter: just ask :)03:13
george_I don't suppose anyone can help me with a question on Cedega?03:13
darkpeterbut there is a problem, xfce isn't in the boot list03:13
darkpeterin the selection of windows manager03:13
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apokryphosYou mean desktop environments ;)03:14
george_ah well, guess I'll keep trying to figure it out.  later03:14
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darkpeterwhat can i do :s03:14
martinaldhi, where can i request a package to be put in universe?03:14
martinald(if they take requests that is :)03:14
keffois it tomorrow hoary goes official?03:14
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thoreauputickeffo: yes03:15
apokryphosmartinald: they do; one sec03:15
keffokewl, can I expect alots of updates then? ;P03:15
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apokryphosmartinald: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/UniverseCandidates03:15
niklsdo you know a good program to adjust divx subtitles time?03:15
Ex-CyberI'm having problems with gstreamer's theora playback being extremely jerky (CPU isn't pegged, and the audio stream plays smoothly), is there anything I can do to fix this short of installing mplayer or totem-xine?03:16
martinaldmuchas thankyous03:16
NormDheh.  maybe "official release on the 8th!" or somesuch should go in /topic...I suspect that's going to get asked over and over today....: )03:16
spanglesontoastplz someone help me sort my soundcards03:16
spanglesontoastotherwise I may just ditch this distro03:16
martinaldEx-Cyber: i had the same problem! i just put totem-xine on03:16
thoreauputicdarkpeter: if you make a ~/.xsession file and put xfce in it, you can choose "system session" from GDM03:16
martinaldbasically i think it's gstreamer isn't ready yet03:16
apokryphosdarkpeter: have you done this: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2005-April/028746.html ?03:16
thoreauputicdarkpeter: there are other ways, but a bit complicated to explain on IRC03:17
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spanglesontoastis there any settings for gnome for the sound on the desktop?03:17
darkpeterthx all ;)03:17
darkpeteri will try that03:17
jovianhow can I take a screenshot of something playing in tototem03:17
hhow many hours til hoary stable?03:17
=== apokryphos can't believe there wasn't a wiki article made for xfce...
apokryphosnot many users, I guess.03:17
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darkpeterit's just because i make apt-get install xfce :s03:18
darkpeter^^ not xfce403:18
langenberg /usr will be one of the biggest parts of a install, right?03:18
darkpeterfuck ^03:18
garrutspanglesontoast: system - preferences - sound03:18
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garrutjovian: alt+printscreen03:19
thoreauputicdarkpeter: ah, yes03:19
apokryphosdarkpeter: :)03:19
spanglesontoastyea but i cannot adjust which soundcard it's for03:19
Ex-Cybermartinald: I kind of got that impression too... it seems to basically work, but has enough issues that I'm not sure why it was chosen as the "out-of-the-box" solution03:19
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Kamping_kaiserhow do i install a deb file downloaded off the net?03:21
jovianthx garrut03:21
keffodpkg -i file.deb03:21
t3rroris there a reason that i wouldn't have a synaptic-manager anymore if i upgraded to hoary from warty last night?03:21
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garrutdpkg -i03:21
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niklsdoes someone know a good way to adjust divx subtitles time to a film?03:22
Kamping_kaiserthanks ppl03:22
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Guakahi, my bugreport is buggy... it doesn't actually send the bugs!03:22
t3rrornikls there is a way to do that in mplayer03:22
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niklst3rror: how?03:23
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alerodgomhi, i am having problems with live cd and the external modem, it does not dial to call the isp03:23
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alerodgomany idea why?03:23
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:fabbione] : Ubuntu Help | Support Information: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/ | kbuntu on #kubuntu and #kubuntu-dev | Ubuntu 5.04 release candidate: http://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/
spanglesontoastsort my audio plz!!!!!!!!03:24
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:fabbione] : Ubuntu Help | Support Information: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/ | kubuntu discussion in #kubuntu and #kubuntu-dev | Ubuntu 5.04 release candidate: http://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/
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spanglesontoastthink I'll give up with linux03:24
fabbionesorry for the topic floods :)03:24
vessuviusDoes anyone have a dual boot ubuntu/wnxp9(or 2k) setup using Grub as the boot loader, not NTLDR?03:24
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:fabbione] : Ubuntu Help | Support Information: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/ | kubuntu discussion in #kubuntu and #kubuntu-devel | Ubuntu 5.04 release candidate: http://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/
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zzyberwhats up with fileroller and rar? I cant unrar files and i have rar-2.8 and unrar-nonfree installed, i can unrar from command line but fileroller wont handle it? What can i do?03:25
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Funraiserdoes someone know how cedega works?03:25
spanglesontoastsound never works with linux sucks.03:26
spanglesontoastwhy should I buy a new sound card for a new os03:26
spanglesontoastI give up03:26
keffoFunraiser, watcha mean?03:26
spanglesontoastgoing back to windows where stuff works03:26
Funraiserif u have cedega 4.3 and the windows game, what do u do?03:26
langenbergspanglesontoast: you are weak.03:26
thoreauputicspanglesontoast: what isn't working? mp3 or ebverything?03:26
spanglesontoastI want to switch the main soundcard other03:27
keffoFunraiser, well.. you type cedega startfile.exe03:27
his xfce very hard to get going in ubuntu?03:27
keffoh not at all03:27
Funraiseru run the game from the cdplayer?03:27
his it apt-gettable03:27
thoreauputicspanglesontoast: can you disable the one you don't want in BIOS ?03:27
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spanglesontoastwell I want to swap them over03:28
spanglesontoastcos I still want to use them03:28
langenbergspanglesontoast: .asoundrc03:28
spanglesontoasthow do I access that file?03:28
langenbergspanglesontoast: or in the alsaconf03:28
Kamping_kaiserhi lucychili03:28
apokryphosh: sudo apt-get install xfce403:28
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alerodgomhelp with external modem in ubuntu live cd not working to pick up call to isp03:28
FunraiserKeffo u let the game in the cdplayer?03:28
langenbergspanglesontoast: ~/.asoundrc03:28
ArdieMhaw can i change roots password ?03:28
lucychiligreets kk03:28
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Funraiseror u make a copy of it in a file somewhere?03:28
=== apokryphos thinks h must highlight on every other sentence :P
green_ArdieM, "sudo passwd"03:29
keffoArdieM, sudo passwd03:29
spanglesontoastyea where is it?03:29
t3rrorspanglesontoast > you should use a slocate command to find itr03:29
keffoFunraiser, whatcha mean?03:29
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Funraiserhow does cedega know where the game is?03:29
green_odd question.. anyone here using synergy with hoary?03:29
thoreauputicspanglesontoast: ~ means your home dir :)03:29
spanglesontoastit's not in there03:30
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t3rrorit is a hidden file03:30
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langenbergspanglesontoast: Are you already giving up at this stage? There is more to explore ;)03:30
thoreauputicspanglesontoast: it's a dot file (hidden file)03:30
green_spanglesontoast, "ls -al"03:30
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spanglesontoastyea I know it's hidden03:30
spanglesontoastit doesn't exist thou03:30
Funraiserkeffo do u have to download the game from transgaming or u can use a disc that has the game on it?03:30
keffoFunraiser, oh ofc.. you just need cedega.. and you can run your cdgames, whatever..03:31
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keffocedega's just an translator03:31
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lucychiliis there a fix for printing mailmerge that avoids all the labels after the first one being black?03:32
vessuviusWhat do people prefer for their filesystem?  ReiserFS or Ext3 or?03:32
spanglesontoastjust said it's no where to be found03:32
t3rrorwhat kind of sound card are you trying to use?03:32
flipyi can't get any multimedia player to work. beep-media-player and xmms get stuck, sox also and i don't know about alsaplayer... what's wrong with it? using hoary03:32
thoreauputicspanglesontoast: look at /etc/alsa then03:32
spanglesontoastwhat file in there?03:32
ShogoHi.. Im trying to install mplayer with the guide from www.ubuntuguide.org on 5.04, But I cant seem to find the libfontconfig1 libvorbis0a packages when I try to use apt-get03:32
ShogoAny ideas ?03:32
spanglesontoastterror it's an onboard and pci card03:33
spanglesontoastI want the pci to still be there03:33
t3rrorwhy do you want to use both?03:33
spanglesontoastone for headphones and mic03:33
spanglesontoastthe other for music03:33
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vessuviusWhat size do you think / needs?03:34
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spanglesontoaststill haven't got my bass and centre working03:34
spanglesontoastusing xmms03:35
spanglesontoastI can switch to that card03:35
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Funraiserkeffo, thanks i'll try03:35
cyberix_Why doesn't the keyboard indicator change anything?03:35
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cyberix_If I choose greek layout I'll still get to write only latin characters.03:36
cyberix_Finnish layout works well.03:36
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spanglesontoast+ the /etc/alsa/ has nothing to do with the sound card alias03:37
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Shuflahello :)03:39
flipyi can't get any multimedia player to work. beep-media-player and xmms get stuck, sox also and i don't know about alsaplayer... what's wrong with it? using hoary03:40
Shuflai've got problem with horizontal refresh on my monitor. I've run dpkg-reconfigure -p low xserver-xorg and then choosed 1152x...@75Hz. but my monitor still works with 60Hz. what's wrong?03:40
cyberix_flipy: How about totem?03:40
lunitikspanglesontoast: you're trying to teach someone about /lib/modules/`uname -r`/modules.alias on IRC?03:40
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bet0xhttp://comic.escomposlinux.org/ecol-199-e.png <-- It's hard to be a hacker no ?03:41
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bet0xa couple of humor for this channel :p03:41
spanglesontoastI'm trying to switch my soundcard over03:41
lunitikspanglesontoast: ahh... you're just stating an issue... bag03:41
mjrShufla, hmh, 1) report a bug, and 2) perhaps try to edit /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 or, on Hoary, xorg.conf to give the actual values that your monitor can do in the Monitor section03:41
spanglesontoastso it appears as the other soundcard03:41
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Shuflamjr: it's hoary-rc. warty and hoary'2004 was changing these values correctly.03:42
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lunitikspanglesontoast: you know what the other soundcards module is?03:43
lunitikspanglesontoast: rmmod thatmodule03:43
lunitikload it again later if you want  :/03:43
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lunitikspanglesontoast: sounds like you don't want to use the other one at all though?03:43
spanglesontoastI only want to use it for headphones03:43
Kamping_kaisershufla make sure you restart gdm and X03:43
spanglesontoastthe other I want to use all the time03:43
Shuflathat's in my xorg.conf file:HorizSync       30-68, VertRefresh     50-7003:44
lunitikspanglesontoast: to make sure it doesn't show up at all (after reboot for instance) add it to /etc/hotplug/blacklist also03:44
ShuflaKamping_kaiser: i'm running dpkg-reco... without running gdm.03:44
spanglesontoastwhat does that do?03:44
lunitikspanglesontoast: bah... for that usecase... what I said doesn't really work...03:44
Fackamato<theine> Fackamato: look, that 'lpstat -p' tells you03:44
Fackamatoit gives me nothing03:44
lunitikspanglesontoast: adding it to blacklist would have it not get activated at boot...03:44
mathmatthow do you restart gnome after logging out and using CTRL-ALT-F1?03:45
wezzerctrl+alt+[backspace] 03:45
lunitikmathmatt: /etc/init.d/gdm restart03:45
spanglesontoasthow do I find out the current sound modules loaded?03:45
lunitikwezzer: from tty0 ?  umm, no03:45
thoreauputicspanglesontoast: lsmod03:45
Shuflaspanglesontoast: try lsmod | grep -i audio03:45
wezzerach, if using tty0, then of course that doesn't work03:45
Shuflablah, grep snd03:46
mathmattthanks lunitik and wezzer03:46
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lunitikShufla: :P was about to say something about that   ;)03:46
FackamatoI can't add a printer in Ubuntu. I run the add printer thing, specify SMB (it's shared on a windows xp sp2 computer), type in the IP, username, password, printer type etc etc, press "apply" and it doesn't show up.03:46
FackamatoWhat's up with this?03:46
spiralFackamato: did you do this with the sudoed account ?03:47
thoreauputicFackamato: you have samba installed?03:47
spanglesontoastsnd_opl3_lib           10816  1 snd_cmipci03:47
spanglesontoastthink that's the one03:47
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spanglesontoasthow do I blacklist it?03:47
mathmattlunitik: just curious, what does CTRL-ALT-F1 actually do?03:47
Fackamatothoreauputic: smbfs? or what?03:47
ShuflaFackamato: look at logs in /var/log/cups/03:47
lunitikspanglesontoast: thats onboard C-Media usually...03:47
spiralspanglesontoast: /etc/hotplug/blacklist03:47
thoreauputicspanglesontoast: put it in /etc/hotplug/blacklist03:47
Fackamatospiral: tried both03:47
spanglesontoastnope it's a pci03:47
spanglesontoasthuh what just the name03:47
lunitikmathmatt: restarts the x server ... issues basically what I just said...03:48
Shuflaoh my god :(03:48
Shufla268MB to update...03:48
mathmattlunitik: OK, thanks!03:48
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spanglesontoastit's a text file?03:48
Shuflawell. i'll try to change monitor settings after update03:48
spiralspanglesontoast: sure03:48
lunitikShufla: its the day before release though... so last but one dist-upgrade for hoary...03:49
Shuflatime left: 7d 20h 45m 10s :(03:49
spiralShufla: rtc ?03:49
lunitikShufla: hahahha... yeah.... wait till tomorrow, and dist-upgrade then...03:49
Shuflalunitik: well. tomorrow is release day?03:49
Shuflai'll wait03:49
Shuflaspiral: nope... synaptic download time... :(03:50
lunitikShufla: ahaha... if you go via shipit ... it'd prolly get there faster than that though...03:50
spanglesontoastbe back soon03:50
spanglesontoastI'll tell ya if it took effect03:50
spiralShufla: what kind of connection do you have ?03:50
spiralShufla: rtc ?03:50
Shuflalunitik: but DVDs aren't shipipted :(03:50
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lunitikShufla: how much of the extra stuff on the DVD do you use though?03:50
Fackamatothoreauputic: do I need samba installed? or just smbfs03:50
Shuflaspiral: ahh... "great polish monopolist ADSL shared with p0rn lover freak :("03:50
lunitikShufla: cuz it installs all the same shit03:50
Shuflalunitik: well. i'd like to use my native language, which is not shipped on CD.03:51
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thoreauputicFackamato: I don't know, to be honest - i have a linux-only network with NFS03:51
lunitikFackamato: to access... just smbclient03:51
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georgeCan anyone tell me fully what X is in linux?03:51
Shuflalunitik: but i'll torrent DVD. and spread shipped CD through neigbourhood03:51
georgeor at least how to exit the x server in gnome, heh03:52
lunitikgeorge: it is the protocol used to display GNOME etc on the screen...03:52
mjrgeorge, X isn't in linux, per se; it runs on top of Linux, and provides basic windowed graphical input/output, which the desktop environments use03:52
lunitikgeorge: /etc/init.d/gdm stop03:52
georgethanks =)03:52
Shuflahuh... cups-smb isn't in main...?03:53
lunitikgeorge: /etc/init.d/gdm start or restart to (gasp) restart it03:53
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bet0xhow i configure the composite extencion under linux and transset too03:53
bet0xon my Xorg03:54
keats_hi guys. i can't play mp3s with rhythmbox03:54
keats_in xmms it works fine03:54
wezzer-keats_: type in to the console03:54
thoreauputickeats_: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad03:54
keats_but rhythmbox doesn't seem to regnize mp3s03:54
wezzer-sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad03:54
keats_i did that03:54
FackamatoI have both samba, smbfs, smbclient installed03:54
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Shuflabet0x: manually editing xorg.conf. google for it.03:54
Fackamatostill no printer appears in when I try to add one in the printer administrator03:54
Fackamato( "Printers" ), I'm trying to add a samba shared printer..03:55
keats_gstreamer0.8-mad is already the newest version.03:55
keats_0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.03:55
keats_wezzer i'm using warthy if that makes a difference :)03:55
Shuflageorge: http://www.x.org/X11_protocol.html03:56
thoreauputickeats_: try sudo gst-register0.803:56
georgethanks =)03:56
wezzer-that might solve some things out03:56
Fackamatothis is the log:03:56
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FackamatoE [07/Apr/2005:13:38:50 +0200]  add_printer: bad device-uri attribute 'smb://user:pass@'!03:56
FackamatoE [07/Apr/2005:15:50:40 +0200]  add_printer: bad device-uri attribute 'smb://user:pass@'!03:56
FackamatoE [07/Apr/2005:15:54:36 +0200]  add_printer: bad device-uri attribute 'smb://user:pass@Lars/hp'!03:56
georgeI'm pretty new to linux, and to ubuntu too of course03:56
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scooxme too03:57
lunitikFackamato: try what this dude says  http://lists.samba.org/archive/samba/2002-May/042991.html03:57
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spanglesontoastok that works03:57
keats_thoreauputic, it doesn't work03:58
keats_i did it but the same problems03:58
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thoreauputickeats_: OK - it was worth a try - sometimes helps03:58
ShuflaFackamato: hm... try to connect with 'smbclient -L -U user%pass' to see what's there. and then 'smblicent -U user%pass //'03:58
lunitikFackamato: actually... ignore that... haa03:58
keats_thx anyways03:58
keats_any ideas? please :)03:58
scooxanyone knows of an app for editting keyboard layouts03:58
thoreauputickeats_: do you have system sounds?03:59
bet0xShufla: how i add composite at stat my GDM ?03:59
bet0xon a file in ~/.xsession , no?03:59
keffo hm03:59
samuelhello all03:59
keffosystem -> settings -> sessions03:59
keffoadd your command line there..03:59
Shuflabet0x: hm... i thought that composite extension is configured into xorg.conf file...04:00
RpJ_Hi .. someone can answer me a question about an a ipw2100 ?04:00
keats_thoreauputic, i guess that if i can listen to music in xmms in have it, or am i wrong ?04:00
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RpJ_Seems that it can't find my ap but i think is well configured04:00
RpJ_And it happens since I've upgraded to hoary04:00
Shuflathey're closing streets in my city :( arghh :(04:01
thoreauputickeats_: rhythmbox uses gstreamer - xmms probably is using mpg123 or similar04:01
keffoShufla, why?04:01
spanglesontoastok so gnome only specifies the soundcard04:01
samuelanyone know of a tool to see what packets are being sent and recieved in the LAN by a third computer (one thats not sending or recieving)? im having trouble with my router and want to see if things are being sent at all04:01
spanglesontoastif theres one there04:01
hightideis it really true that ubuntu really ship it free?04:01
hightideis it really true that ubuntu really ship it free?04:01
ArdieMhow can i mount windows partitions ?04:01
apokryphoshightide: yes04:01
thoreauputichightide: yes04:01
spanglesontoastall I need now is my subwoofer working04:01
apokryphosArdieM: have you checked the Ubuntu guide?04:01
keffothoreauputic, is there a time set for hoary stable?04:01
ArdieMcould you gimme the link ?04:01
ArdieMi didnt knew that there is one .. sorry04:02
thoreauputickeffo: tomorrow (april 8)04:02
keffo www.ubuntuguide.org04:02
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apokryphosno problem04:02
ArdieMah damn04:02
keffothoreauputic, yey, i kna.. just thought about any specific time04:02
ArdieManother problem04:02
keats_thoreauputic, yes i have them04:02
ArdieMmy firefox isnt working04:02
Shuflakeffo: because of John Paul's. there are some "walks" (argghhh... with prayers, I don't know how to say it in english)04:02
ArdieMit starts and freezes04:02
keats_thoreauputic, i can listen to the sounds gnome makes04:02
keffoi see04:02
ShuflaArdieM: run firefox from terminal. any output?04:02
keffoArdieM, hm, its not like.. your just lazy ? ;P04:02
Florschcan someone tell me, how i can find out if an my acpi is loaded?04:03
lunitikFackamato: two things... other box is up?  and while its up... did you try to just 'Global Settings > Detect LAN Printers'?04:03
ArdieMthere is but nothing important04:03
FackamatoShufla: weird, says I don't have permissions (NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED making remote directory \test) when I DO have permissions04:03
hightideapokryphos: how many cd's the ubuntu have? i've just registered today, and i have choosen the default which is 10 CD's is it really 10 CD's?04:03
thoreauputickeats_: hmm - dunno - you could try sudo dpkg-reconfigure gstreamer0.8-mad04:03
Fackamatolunitik: yup, it didn't detect anything, and yes, the box is up04:03
ShuflaFackamato: ask your network admin...04:03
thoreauputickeats_: it seems to be a gstreamer problem04:03
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ShuflaFlorsch: dmesg | grep -i acpi04:03
apokryphoshightide: I don't really think there is a "default" (though it starts on 10). But yes, Canonical have deep pockets.04:03
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spanglesontoastsurely someone know something about via04:04
Shuflahope they have endless pockets :D04:04
Fackamatoit showed up now04:04
FackamatoShufla: hahaha, I'm the network admin ;P04:04
georgesorry to bother you again, one last question though.  How do I set my default run level?  I want to set it as such that I don't boot directly into x, but to a vga console (at least that's what my graphics driver wants me to do)04:04
langenberggeorge: /etc/inittab04:05
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hightideapokryphos: how many days would be the shipment of CD's will it take? i'm from Philippines04:05
Florschshufla: thx04:05
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georgethanks again =)04:05
georgeleaving channel, hopefully to restart and finish graphics card driver installation04:05
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apokryphoshightide: I think they mention that they won't come until at least mid-April04:05
langenbergWhen is the next ubuntu release?04:05
keats_thoreauputic, hmmm is that fixable ?04:06
thoreauputicgeorge: killing gdm is all you need to install your driver04:06
lunitiklangenberg: tomorrow04:06
Shuflalangenberg: on october'0504:06
Shuflaah... indeed04:06
thoreauputickeats_: did you try the reconfigure command I posted?04:06
Florschseems to be installed...but how can i make changes...my fan is running without interrupt although i flashed my bios today04:06
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langenbergNo I'm planning to use it on some workstations in a company, if it will not be released within a few months I'll crap Warty. Don't wanna use RC's at a company.04:07
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langenberggrap* :P04:07
keats_thoreauputic, still nothing04:07
langenberggrab** :P :P04:07
lunitiklangenberg: each release gets security fixes for a year.04:08
lunitikuhh... 18 months... warty has a year left... my bad04:08
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hightideapokryphos: from what country they ubuntu linux came from?04:09
=== apokryphos is wondering if the new site template is being saved for official release
hightideapokryphos: from what country that ubuntu linux came from?04:09
lunitikhightide: technically Isle of Man ... England04:09
apokryphoshightide: it's UK-based, but I imagine they have several branches04:09
keffoafrica ;P04:10
lunitikkeffo: eh... Canonical isn't registered in Africa04:10
hightidewhoahhhhhhhhhhh that's nice04:10
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langenberglunitik: What does that mean? In what way can I upgrade the workstations when I new ubuntu has been released?04:10
lunitikkeffo: just the owner is from there  :)04:10
keffoi kna04:10
apokryphoslangenberg: by changing one file and putting in two commands04:10
thoreauputickeats_: this is a desperation measure, but you can try  sudo init 1 to go right down to single user level, then ctrl-D to get back to X and gdm - it might kick-start your sound system04:10
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langenbergapokryphos: I'm not in a cryptic mood right now ;)04:11
lunitiklangenberg: for a business... look into apt-proxy04:11
lunitiklangenberg: (if you haven't already)04:11
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thoreauputiclangenberg: upgrading is trivially easy04:11
benmorning guys04:11
apokryphoslangenberg: basically, to upgrade from, say, Warty to hoary, you only have to change one file (sources.list) and put in two commands: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:12
rickdangerousben, afternoon04:12
keats_thoreauputic, shouldn't a simple restart do the same thing ?04:12
benrickdangerous, afternoon to you then :-D04:12
thoreauputickeats_: yes, it *should*04:12
langenbergthoreauputic: okay, just needed to know that. :)04:12
rickdangerousben ;)04:12
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hightideapokryphos: so it means that the shipment is free, and the cd's are free too right?04:12
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apokryphoshightide: precisely.04:12
lunitikhightide: yes04:12
thoreauputichightide: right04:12
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hhightide: yep04:13
apokryphoswhat a helpful bunch we are ;-)04:13
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hightidethanks lunitik, thoreauputic, blacklabel04:13
langenberglunitik: I'll take a look at apt-proxy, It's a sort of cache, isn't it.04:13
langenberglunitik: but 3rd party?04:13
Florschi have installed the package powernowd, how can i proove if it is used or how can i use it...the same command isn't working04:13
thoreauputiclangenberg: no, it's in the repos04:14
bestadvocatehave you guys been to the mplayer homepage?04:14
lunitiklangenberg: basically... it sets up a local repository... so you can better dictate what the users get...04:14
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lunitiklangenberg: saves a lot of bandwidth...04:14
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lunitiklangenberg: then just have the boxes apt-get dist-upgrade via cron once a week or something... and they can all stay up to date without killing your bandwidth  :)04:15
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lunitiklangenberg: its a Debian tool ... not really 3rd party... although not officially supported by Ubuntu afaik (although it ought to be  >:|)04:16
bestadvocatewww.mplayerhq.hu , did you know the patten law passed?04:16
lunitiklangenberg: it is in Universe (unsupported but free software)04:16
lunitikbestadvocate: yes04:17
habibAll: does anyone had audacity or hydrogen runs fine?04:17
lunitikbestadvocate: passed like a month ago (more like a couple weeks ago... but yeah)04:17
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bestadvocatelast I remeber Poland had voted it down :(04:17
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Frost^good day folkd04:17
Frost^folks even04:17
lunitikFrost^: sup04:18
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ptlobestadvocate: actually it didn't pass but the council chairman said 'we're going to use it anyways', or something like that04:18
Frost^I was wondering if any or you could tell me if it is possible to upgrade ubuntu cleanly, from one release to another04:18
lunitikbestadvocate: nerim and mplayer still host the codecs though... so no big deal to me  :P04:18
thoreauputicFrost^: yes04:18
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bestadvocatedevelopments going to die out....04:18
Frost^how simple is it to do so?04:19
lunitikbestadvocate: umm... not really... its just illegal for more people now...04:19
Kamping_kaiserapt-get update && apt-get install04:19
apokryphosFrost^: very simple04:19
apokryphosPyre: tell Frost^ ubuhoary04:19
PyreFrost^: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GuideToHoary04:19
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Kamping_kaiserapt-get dist-upgrade rather04:19
bestadvocateoh... but the mplayer homepage says they may not bee there later04:19
thoreauputicFrost^: edit one file ( /etc/apt/sources.list) ; apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade04:19
lunitikPyre: botsnack04:19
lunitikapokryphos: damnit... you suck @ bots04:20
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Frost^oh, that's nice04:20
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Frost^well I just installed hoary on qemu, I was asking for future upgrades04:21
apokryphosFrost^: sure; same method, but no editing of sources.list04:21
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exalteddo you accept comments on Ubuntu System?04:21
Frost^no no apokryphos you were right with your comment :)04:21
thoreauputicexalted: no, we censor all of them ;-)04:22
exaltedthoreauputic, hmm my bad then...04:22
apokryphosWe can't guarantee your safety on this channel.04:22
Frost^I was refering to how easy it would be upgrading to ubuntu 6 for example, if and when it comes out04:22
thoreauputicexalted: just kidding :)04:22
lunitikapokryphos: is it possible to teach the bot things?  (ie, Pyre foo is bar ... and have it add it to the database?)04:22
apokryphosFrost^: always the same method :)04:22
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exaltedthoreauputic, so is it an yes?04:22
brrrthello hello,04:22
thoreauputicexalted: feel free :)04:22
lunitikPyre trey is god04:22
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apokryphoslunitik: he's a little primitive at the mo; query him and type "help" for what he can do so far04:23
Shuflare :(04:23
occyhow can you find out who maintains a package?04:23
occy(that you don't have downloaded already)04:23
brrrtcould anyone tell mi if cat  /dev/hda > /dev/hdd is a safe way to clone my harddisk (i am on a live cd now)04:23
carsoncoccy: apt-cache show packagename04:23
carsonc(assuming you've done an apt-get update)04:23
exaltedI hate Ubuntu specific dependencies... Ex: I want to remove ubuntu-sounds package, he wants to remove gdm!!! (i did mentioned about this before)04:24
ShuflaI've got HorizSync 37.5kHz and VertRefresh 75Hz hardcoded into config. but monitor still operates in 60Hz. These values are from manual ;(04:24
lunitikapokryphos: is he even a blootbot?04:24
habibHow do I disable sistem sound?04:24
apokryphoslunitik: erm, what's that? :)04:24
exaltedhabib, any sound?04:24
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darkersatanicbrrrt: Try   dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdd04:24
lunitikapokryphos: apt-cache show blootbot04:24
lunitikapokryphos: it is what most of the bots in #debian-bots are04:25
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apokryphoslunitik: nope; python bot04:25
darkersatanicbrrrt: Although that may break your partition table. Safer to do it a partition at a time.04:25
lunitikapokryphos: nice place to start04:25
apokryphoslunitik: Yeah, checked that channel not too long ago. Cool bots04:25
apokryphoslunitik: my brother's project ;-). Custom coded.04:25
darkersatanicbrrrt: Safer even than that to copy the data with a tool that understands filesystems, like tar.04:25
exaltedhabib, you want to disable all sound available by the system. or just killing sound server?04:26
brrrtdarkersatanic: but dd copies blockwise04:26
Florschsudo stands for the password, or?04:26
ArdieMhow can Failed to run gdmsetup as user root:04:26
exaltedflodine, super user do04:26
ArdieM Unterprozess endete mit dem Status 1#04:26
ShuflaX-server isn't listening to values provied in monitor section :(04:26
brrrtdarkersatanic: so if there are any bad blocks ...04:26
ArdieMwhat does that mean ? whyt to do ?04:26
bestadvocatestupid eu04:27
habibexalted: I wanna run audacity, but it says that04:27
darkersatanicbrrrt: But cat will have the same problems as dd.04:27
darkersatanicbrrrt: Like I said, safer to use tar.04:27
habibthere is I/O error04:27
Madeyewhats the path of ubuntu default sounds themes ?04:27
exaltedhabib, ...04:27
ArdieMsorry---- again: i get this error while starting that autologin menu: "Failed to run gdmsetup as user root:04:27
ArdieM Unterprozess endete mit dem Status 1" what to do ?04:27
habibexalted: yes04:27
ShuflaMadeye: look in /usr/share/sounds/04:28
thoreauputicexalted: can't you just reinstall gdm after removing ubuntu-sounds?04:28
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exaltedthoreauputic, it installs ubunut-sounds with gdm auto.04:28
ShuflaArdieM: run it from terminal sudo gdmsetup04:28
exaltedhabib, didn't you asked to disable system sounds?04:28
ArdieMShufla: yes it works ... thanks04:29
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thoreauputicexalted: why not just disable system sounds?04:29
exaltedthoreauputic, is it the same?04:29
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exaltedthoreauputic, or just a workaround?04:29
thoreauputicexalted: try it and see04:30
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habibexalted: tahts what programs  says04:30
exaltedthoreauputic, don't think so.. i'm pretty sure04:30
thoreauputicexalted: well, it should silence the theme sounds I think04:30
occycarsonc: danke ;)04:30
exaltedhabib, can't help you with this info. sorry04:30
ShuflaArtemis3: how did you installed ubuntu? you've come warty->hoary path?04:30
thoreauputicexalted: or just find the sounds, rename them, substitute ones you want04:31
Shuflai've unplugged KVM switch...04:31
exaltedthoreauputic, this is just like deleting a lonk to an application while the whole application stays on the system. don't you agree with me?04:31
gholenHi! How do I edit my /etc/fstab file to get acces and automount for my USB-Devices?04:31
samueldoes anyone know of hybernate? is it necessary to have as much swap as you do memory?04:31
exaltedthoreauputic, lonk = link04:31
carsoncbitte, occy04:31
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Shuflasame :(04:31
samueldoes anyone know of hybernate? is it necessary to have as much swap as you do memory?04:32
thoreauputicexalted: hmm - well, I guess so - but if it's the sounds you don't like, you can change them04:32
Shuflasamuel: afair memory have to be dumped somewhere...04:32
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Shuflasamuel: and the rule is, that you should have twice amount of swap than memory04:32
samuelShufla, is there any way to dump it in the main /partition?04:32
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thoreauputicexalted:  ` locate sound | grep gnome or something...04:33
Shuflasamuel: you can have mount-looped swap.04:33
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dballesterhightide, anybody knows if exists an irc channel to talk with ( a lot of good luck ) dpkg developers O:D ? tia04:33
samuelShufla, i know the rule, but i just upgraded my memory04:33
exaltedthoreauputic, in a way yes, i don't like them, but on the other hand, if i don't need them i simply have to remove that package. but this dependencie threads me saying "next time i will have difficulties of updating system"04:33
Rvhas anybody some issues using apt for warty ?04:33
samuelso i have more memory now than swap04:33
Shuflasamuel: ok. then use mount-looped swap. google for `swap loop linux'04:33
Rvfor example, I'm trying to install vlc and xine04:33
exaltedRv, what issue?04:33
samuelShufla, mount-looped swap?04:34
samuelShufla, thanks04:34
brrrtdarkersatanic: but when i use tar i will have to setup the MBR manually ?04:34
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thoreauputicRv: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats04:34
thoreauputicoh he's gone already ;/04:35
exaltedthoreauputic, as to my very personal opinion this is a weak side of ubuntu, and not a good policy... have to change it as soon as possible.04:35
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ArdieMis hoary final out ?04:35
thoreauputicexalted: heh - write a bug report/ feature request :)04:35
exaltedthoreauputic, have to :)04:35
Shuflaeh... i hope that idea-patents won't survive in europe...04:35
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gholenHi! How do I edit my /etc/fstab file to get acces and automount for my USB-Devices?04:35
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Shuflabut that software isn't correct with ubuntu philosophy04:36
exaltedgholen, wait a min04:36
HiddenWolfgholem, it should do that automaticly04:36
whiskey_2man i can't believe all these people getting all those restricted codecs from Hungary04:36
whiskey_2and they think it is funny04:36
gholenexalted: ikej, sorry04:36
HiddenWolfwhiskey_2, would you have us do without dvd, wma and stuff?04:37
xiaogilhow to run the command : cat myfile | grep AA'any char'BB ?04:37
Shuflawhiskey_2: eastern europe countries aren't accessible with US and other patents.04:37
thoreauputicwhiskey_2: ?04:37
Frost^does ubuntu include a configuration GUI of some sort?04:37
whiskey_2HiddenWolf, well it ain't none of my business04:37
exaltedgholen, wrong alarm sorry, couldn't find that doc. for ya04:37
ShuflaFrost^: yes, for most utils.04:37
thoreauputicwhiskey_2: in sane countries these things are legal04:37
whiskey_2thoreauputic, well whatever04:37
Frost^Shufla, can you please tell me how do I get to it?04:38
xiaogilHow to look for ABC+"any character"+DEF in gedit ?04:38
HiddenWolfwhiskey_2, I wouldn't do it if I could avoid it, but where I live, it's legal, and I believe any non-free standard should be shot down04:38
ShuflaFrost^: what would you like to get configured?04:38
Shuflaxiaogil: does it have regexp search?04:38
ArdieMhow can i upgrade my os to the newest ubuntu ?04:38
Frost^oh well I was thinking more of a cetral configuration unit?04:38
exaltedanyway i can paste you my aut0-mount string for a fat32 partition, if you know how to modify it for an USB device, that good.04:38
Frost^printers for example04:38
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Shuflaxiaogil: regexp: /^ABC.*DEF$/04:38
xiaogilShufla: should be because it works for \t04:39
exaltedArdieM, what are you using right now?04:39
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Shuflaxiaogil: it'll match 'blabla ABCsadsadDEF asdsadsad'04:39
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knubbzeI would like to have a php that generates a live screenshot of my screen04:40
knubbzebut apache is running as www-data04:40
knubbzeand I am ckiewiet - so basically04:40
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exaltedArdieM, if u want to leave your system as it is, but just upgrading to hoary, please edit /etc/apt/source.list file, and replace all the uncommented strings saying warty to hoary; and then apt-get update then apt-get dist-upgrade04:40
knubbzehow can I get import to screenshot the screen of user "ckiewiet"04:40
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xiaogilShufla: thanks a lot04:40
ArdieMexalted: but there is a newer release then hoary isnt it ?04:41
knubbzelike import -window root -user ckiewiet /var/www/img/livescreenshot.png04:41
exaltedArdieM, yeah04:41
ArdieMi want the latest04:41
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thoreauputicknubbze: you just need the imabemagick suite04:41
knubbzei have imagemagick installed04:42
knubbzedoes that like - suffice?04:42
exaltedArdieM, oh i'm sorry then the whole paragraph that i wrote is still valid, just instead of hoary you have to write new version's name04:42
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ArdieMexalted: so do i have to change warty to Breezy ?04:42
apokryphosNo, Breezy is not out...04:42
exaltedArdieM, theorically, i'm not sure all of the mirrors have breezy, give it a try04:42
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Shuflai've screened irc session :>04:43
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thoreauputicArdieM: breezy starts after hoary04:43
exaltedArdieM, you see apokryphos told that it isn't out yet04:43
ArdieMyeah :)04:43
pregoI've installed gstreamer-plugins, and w32codecs, but Totem does not display videos. However kaffeine does. What am I missing? (I've run also gst-register)04:43
exaltedthoreauputic, hoary released today right?04:43
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gholenexalted: okej04:43
xiaogilShufla: it doesn't work... what can i write to look for : 1.'any_char'.2 ? Or 1.*.2 ?04:43
ArdieMprego: fuck off totem just do a: "apt-get install vlc"04:43
hohlraumso whats the deal with all the ESD and OSS defaults for sound?04:43
ArdieMprego: its the best player04:43
Shuflaxiaogil: try without ^ and $04:43
thoreauputicexalted: the 8th ( today here)04:43
pregoArdieM: better than mplayer itself?04:44
ArdieMprego: IMO its the best04:44
b_e_n_ztotem supports dvd menus04:44
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ArdieMprego: plays nearly evrything (vlc)04:44
exaltedthoreauputic, yeah? :) where do you live???04:44
Shuflaxiaogil: shufla@atari:~$ echo "ABCasdsadDEF" | egrep ^ABC.\*DEF\$04:44
thoreauputicArdieM: it's nice, but xine works better for me...04:44
thoreauputicexalted: Australia04:44
Xappevlc supports dvd menus too04:45
ArdieMlol we have th 7th04:45
pregoArdieM: Oh, thanks, I'll check the vlc. "Video Land Client" isn't it?04:45
exaltedArdieM, anyway in a couple of days you will be able to do this process04:45
ArdieMVideo Lan04:45
thoreauputicFri Apr  8 00:45:17 EST 200504:45
GNAMVLC is also the best in windows04:45
ArdieMexalted: okay cool ill give it a try in a week or smth.04:45
ArdieMGNAM: yes youre right04:45
nydustI am thinking on using ubuntu on my server? is this smart?04:46
ArdieMbut windows is not the best on pc04:46
xiaogilShufla: ok, then i don't know how to make it work in gedit (only \t works in it)04:46
hohlraumnydust: debian is the one god on the server.. obey him.04:46
exaltedArdieM, all right, consider that u're doing a very potent upgrade, hope nothing fails.. BACK UP BEFORE! :)04:46
Shuflaxiaogil: i'm in X back, i'll check it right now04:46
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Xappevlc is quite bad at playing windows media though04:46
Xappe.wmv and such04:46
ArdieMexalted: ive nothing to lose.. expect my 200GB hdd04:47
thoreauputicXappe: xine seems to handle wmv quite well04:47
Elektrolyyttikonhmm what is the easiest way to cut part from png image and save it? i have scrot installed and set to take picture every 30s. with thumbail but apart of that i want to have other picture of one zone in the screen taken automatically.. i have also got image magic but dont know how to do it04:47
exaltedArdieM, it's nothing believe me :)04:47
whiskey_2what is with all those Lizard djvu files...what is so special about djvu04:47
Xappeubuntu lives very happily on my 300 GB Maxtor drive :)04:47
ArdieMElektrolyyttikon: THE GIMP04:47
hohlraumwell i verified with the Fedora developers.. they are nuking redhat graphical boot and are going to boot directly into the main xserver and display boot messages in GDM .. thats insanely cool.04:47
hohlraummight even make it into FC404:48
Shuflaxiaogil: well. gedit do not support regexps, sorry.04:48
ArdieMElektrolyyttikon: ive made my homepage www.ardiem.tk with THE GIMP04:48
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ElektrolyyttikonArdieM: i have gimp what im trying to do is that my pc takes picture automatically when im not at home..04:48
ElektrolyyttikonArdieM: well that i have done.. but need tu cut part of the image04:49
Shuflasorry :)04:49
whiskey_2anyway i don't see why anybody needs all those codecs...because most people rip ogg files straight from gstreamer04:49
exaltedhave a nice day, see you04:49
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Rvback ...04:49
xiaogilShufla: ok, thanks for your help!04:49
hohlraumwhiskey_2: most people use ogg? .. you're insane.04:49
Shuflaxiaogil: try more advanced editor.04:49
Rvso I told that I had some dependancy problems with warty04:49
Rvusing apt04:49
xiaogilShufla: like which one ?04:49
ArdieMElektrolyyttikon: you just want to cut something out... then use the cut tool from gimp04:49
thoreauputicRv: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats04:50
ArdieMi dont know whats your problem... or am i missunderstanding you ?04:50
whiskey_2hohlraum, hey this dude came in here the other day and was worried about his hard drive because he invested so much time ripping 2000 ogg files04:50
hohlraumwhiskey_2: what country are you from? :)04:50
whiskey_2hohlraum, hell if i know...my papers aren't straight04:50
ElektrolyyttikonArdieM: dont you understand? i need that to happen every 30s automatically... can gimp do that?04:50
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Shuflaxiaogil: use synaptic and search "Name and desc" with string "text editor"04:51
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Shuflaxiaogil: have you ever tried `vim'? :D04:52
thoreauputicElektrolyyttikon: I think you need to look at the facilities of imagemagick and write a script04:52
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Shuflaxiaogil: if you're looking for something better with gui activate `universe' repository and then do searches for text editor04:52
thoreauputicElektrolyyttikon:  mogrify/ import / convert  etc etc04:53
Shuflaxiaogil: or even multiverse04:53
Elektrolyyttikonthoreauputic: yeah.. i just found... gues.. but now i need to see the coordinates of my mouse to get it..04:53
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Rvthoreauputic: but I even have troublies while installing GPL software as VLC/Xine/Xmms04:53
Shuflawow... sources.list configuration in Hoary is quite nice :D04:53
thoreauputicRv: have you enabled universe and multiverse etc ? as well as the ones on that page?04:54
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thoreauputicRv: and reloaded/ updated ?04:54
hohlraumShufla: .. except you can't disable an entry.. only remove it.. which is kinda lame.. (unless i missed that option)04:54
Florschis there an easy way to update to hoary or do i have to install everything new?04:54
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_ReDRuM_anyone know how to make X recognise new fonts installed (like msttcorefonts) ?04:55
Shuflahohlraum: lame or not. but there's progress. well, more bugreports, but i like it :D04:55
Rvreloaded updated ... ? I'll see04:55
hohlraumShufla: yep it is nice.04:55
Shufla_ReDRuM_: msttfcore... package manage it automagilcy.04:55
_ReDRuM_it didnt for me :/04:55
_ReDRuM_theyre not showing up04:55
thoreauputicRv: reload in synaptic, or do sudo apt-get update04:55
nydusthohlraum, what release do you think is best? where do i get the netinstaller?04:55
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csjhello, I want to install svg2png but:04:55
csjlibsvg-cairo1: Depends: libfontconfig1 (>= 2.3.0) but 2.2.3-4ubuntu7 is to be installed04:55
csjE: Broken packages04:55
_ReDRuM_theyre in the font dir but not available04:55
Shuflai'd like to be hired by canonical as tester... i've managing so many installations :D04:55
csjhow to fix it?04:55
hohlraumnydust: use the new installer and just install Sarge .. its damn near the stable version right now.04:56
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nydusthohlraum, where are the new installer?04:57
hohlraumnydust: lemme check04:57
Shuflaxiaogil: aahhh! there's section editors in synaptic.04:57
Florschno i meant, can i start update it by using apt-get upgrade04:57
Florsch- start04:57
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hohlraumnydust: http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/04:57
Rene_SGood Morning04:57
nydusthohlraum, thanks you are an angel04:58
xiaogilShufla: i'll relog and try my newly installed vim for gnome...04:58
whiskey_2what is with all those Lizard djvu files...is there a linux ripper for djvu04:58
thoreauputicFlorsch: change all warty to hoary in /etc/apt/sources.list. then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:58
Shuflaxiaogil: poor you :D newvimcomer :D04:58
hohlraumnydust: the netinst i386 will probably be fine for you if your machine is on the internet.04:58
Florschok, i will try, i am the absolut beginner with linux04:59
xiaogilShufla: i used vim quite a lot before, but i just want something gaphical that use regexp04:59
GhostFreemanWhat do I haveta do to have a completely bugfree web browser in Warty?04:59
hohlraumxiaogil: for searching or for search and replace?05:00
xiaogilfor search and replace05:00
hohlraumxiaogil: gedit doesn't support that? (I haven't checked)05:00
thoreauputicGhostFreeman: heh- completely bug-free ??05:00
xiaogilhohlraum: unfortunately not05:00
nydusthohlraum, where can i get guides for debian? i am quite new with linux, and i am starting to really understand ubuntu... love it.. I am not using other os..05:01
GhostFreemanMozilla crashed twice because I attempted to copy/paste from Flash Player05:01
hohlraumxiaogil: if you are a vim user though as Shufla said .. gvim should work.05:01
thoreauputicGhostFreeman: I personally have the binary for firefox from mozilla.org installed05:01
GhostFreemanI should upgrade05:01
hohlraumnydust: further down that page.. under Documentation.. read the Installation manual.05:01
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GhostFreemanI would use Firefox but it no longer runs in Warty. Hopefully upgrading to Hoary will fix it05:02
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hohlraumnydust: does that machine have any other OS on it?05:02
GhostFreemanMozilla is just too bloated. Epiphany is too.05:02
hohlraumnydust: then i wouldn't worry about breaking anything.. you can always reinstall it for practice  :)05:02
thoreauputicGhostFreeman: firefox is running fine in wart here with about 30 tabs open05:02
nydusthohlraum, i am a tester for my office, so if all works for me, we are going to change all the desktops to ubuntu...05:03
GhostFreemanit used to work fine for me05:03
GhostFreemannow it crashes when I start it up05:03
nydusthohlraum, thats true05:03
hohlraumGhostFreeman: probably just your .mozilla/firefox/* files got corruptedsome how.05:03
GhostFreemanthat means i would need to use Synaptic to reinstall05:04
pregoGhostFreeman: have you installed flash plugin???05:04
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thoreauputicGhostFreeman: no, just rename/delete the files in ~/.mozilla/firefox05:04
GhostFreemanyeah, I habe05:04
Florschthoreauputic: i now have a error while using apt-get update05:04
thoreauputicGhostFreeman: you should get a clean default firefox that way05:04
pregoGhostFreeman: and you are using COmposite extension??? (shadows et al)05:04
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thoreauputicFlorsch: check your sources.list05:05
pregoGhostFreeman: OK, FYI flash plugin crashes Mozilla when Composite extension is enabled (even if it is not being used)05:05
thoreauputicFlorsch: unless it's an auth warning - you can ignore those05:05
Florschi changed all warty to hoary, is there something else to do?05:06
ArdieMElektrolyyttikon: than you have to write a script for ksnapshot or smth like that ...05:06
GhostFreemanI dont know what composite is05:06
hohlraumFlorsch: pray to the upgrade gods.05:06
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xiaogilI can't find the command to look for any number that begin with 1 and end with 3 with the search/replace tool of gvim05:06
GhostFreemanregardless, deleting the old userfiles fixed it05:06
thoreauputicFlorsch: sudo apt-get update05:06
Florschits german...i can't connect to some directories05:06
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pitti_liveThis is Mr. Pitti speaking live from the PowerPC CD05:06
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pitti_liveKamion, fabbione: ppc dvd/live works!!!!05:07
GhostFreemanNow how do I change the ball icon? I want the old Firefox logo instead05:07
pitti_livethis thing really boots *happy happy joy joy*05:07
hohlraumGhostFreeman: yeah i hear you.. not sure what they are thinking with that icon.. it blows05:07
thoreauputicGhostFreeman: there's a trade mark issue with the firefox icon05:07
xiaogilIt always says "pattern not found"05:07
hohlraumGhostFreeman: believe i heard a rumor that Ubuntu is coming out with its own theme soon.05:07
GhostFreemanoh dear05:07
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hohlraumGhostFreeman: icon theme that is.05:07
GhostFreemanthats nice but I like the current FF logo more05:08
GhostFreemanwho do I moan at for a fix?05:08
thoreauputicGhostFreeman: nothing the Ubuntu people can do about that, I'm afraid05:08
synicGhostFreeman: you want me to send you the regular one?05:09
thoreauputicGhostFreeman: mozilla foundation trademark/branding05:09
hohlraumGhostFreeman: i'm using one that isn't quite as nice. http://www.gnomelook.org/content/show.php?content=1456005:09
synicGhostFreeman: sec.05:09
Rene_SAn Icon theme for Ubuntu would be nice05:09
hohlraumGhostfreeman: they don't look as good at 32px05:09
GhostFreemanMozilla Foundation is getting to be rather elitist, dont ya think05:10
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Florschwhen i start upgrade: 491 aktualised, 0 new installed, 0 deleted, 260 not aktualised, there has to be 286 MB downloaded! does this sound good?05:11
Tomcat_Florsch: How long not updated?05:11
nydustI am running a sales office and we need a crm solution, is there any good crm for linux?05:11
synicGhostFreeman: http://synic.ath.cx/firefox05:11
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Florschthe system is only runnig since 1 week05:11
Derechi there :-)05:12
Shuflai've forgotten my meeting with friend (girl) hopefully she called me and said is cancelled. i can play with my sweet ubuntu :D05:12
Florschbut this should be the upgrade to hoary05:12
thoreauputicFlorsch: actually for a dist upgrade from warty that's quite low...05:12
calcis there a way to force gnome menu to refresh itself without logging out?05:12
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pregonydust: perhaps "facturalux".05:12
thoreauputicFlorsch: make sure you are running ` sudo apt-get dist-upgrade `05:12
Florschah ok...do i also have to 'sudo apt-get dist-update' ???05:13
thoreauputicor "smart upgrade"05:13
pregocalc: gamin should do that... AFAIK05:13
calcah so gamin is sucking like usual then :\05:13
pregocalc: or fam in case of warthy05:13
calcgamin never seems to work well for me05:13
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thoreauputicFlorsch: no, if you've done update just run the dist-upgrade05:13
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Florschok thx a lot i will take a try05:14
pregocalc: it does not work perfectly, sure05:14
calcit seems not to work more often for me than it does work05:14
calceg 90% of the time i save stuff to the desktop it doesn't appear05:14
pregocalc: I'm not terribly happy with it, either05:15
DerecQuestion: I want to totally reset my GNOME desktop env. I can delete my ~/.gnomes directory but I am not %100 sure which dirs to delete without braking stuff ... ?05:15
Florschok, now it is a lot more: 747 aktualised, 162 new, 15 deleted, 0 not aktualised. 560 mb has to be downloaded05:15
hightidedoes ubuntu supports D-Link USB device modem? bec. my modem really really sucks darm USB modem05:15
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thoreauputicFlorsch: that's more like it05:15
pregoDerec: there are more directories involved, such .gconf AFAIK05:15
thoreauputicFlorsch: I think that will be right05:15
Florschok thx a lot...then i will start it05:16
pregohightide: don't know, but you might give it a try with a live-CD...05:16
Derecprego: I know I did it once but I need to know which dirs de to delete05:16
AcidWolfstill trying to get ASF movie files to play no luck :( but i got my windows box next to me so does anyone know of a good windows based up preferably something free to Convert my ASF's into something else05:17
AcidWolfoh and should i convert them in Mpegs or into DiVx05:17
GhostFreemanAnyways, I let my dad have my Ubuntu live CD, and now he wants me to install it05:17
DerecI don't remeber those dirs. : I feel silly now...05:17
GhostFreemanI think he likes it05:17
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thoreauputicDerec: ~/.metacity probably as well05:18
Derecthoreauputic: ha thanks anyway I will wipe those dirs and see what happens!!! learning by try-erros :-)05:19
Derechhhhmmm errors ...i mean05:20
t3rrorcan anyone direct me to a place to get free fonts?05:20
pregoDerec: check also the contents of ~/.config05:20
thoreauputicDerec: pretty safe - they get regenerated05:20
hawke_Derec: removing .gnome2 and .gnome should get pretty much everything.05:20
Derecciao, see you later :-)05:20
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t3rrori remember a while back there was a python script that let you download a shit-ton of fonts from some place05:20
Derecyes I know it gets re-generated.. that what is very cool :-)05:20
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t3rrorthe web interface made the process slow, but someone made a script to speed it up05:21
thoreauputict3rror: apt-cache search fonts | grep ttf05:21
thoreauputict3rror: that should keep you busy for a while ;)05:22
Shuflanice... k3b runs oobox... i'll try to burn some nice ;) DVDs :D05:22
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t3rrorthx thoreauputic05:22
pregot3rror: there is also the msttcorefonts package05:23
archangel_X19hey guys just looking to find out how to upgrade to the smp kernel in Hoary?05:23
pregot3rror: AFAIK does what you say, and installs "Times New Roman", "Arial" et al.05:23
AcidWolfstill trying to get ASF movie files to play no luck :( but i got my windows box next to me so does anyone know of a good windows based up preferably something free to Convert my ASF's into something else05:23
nydustprego, its spanish, any english apps?05:24
pregoAcidWolf: did you try vlc?05:24
AcidWolfvlc doesnt work05:24
pregoAcidWolf: :-(05:24
AcidWolfits cause i dont have w32codecs installed05:24
AcidWolfand w32codecs arent available for PPC05:24
thoreauputicAcidWolf: so install them05:24
Shuflahm... i'm more and more impressed with hoary...05:24
pregoAcidWolf: Oh, I see.05:25
thoreauputicah I see05:25
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AcidWolfi even emailed Christian Marrillat to try get source05:25
AcidWolfhe says they dont exist05:25
AcidWolfthe code was extracted from RealPlayer and so on and so forth05:25
thoreauputicAcidWolf: if you feel adventurous,, install mac-on-linux and use proprietary players in os-x on linux :)05:25
pregoAcidWolf: Afaik w32codecs are Windows files actually, used thanks to Wine technology05:26
thoreauputicAcidWolf: I do that here, and actually mostly use the mac version of vlc in mol05:26
whiskey_2AcidWolf, nobody messes with mpeg or divx anymore...they are all ripping to theora now05:26
AcidWolfwell i dont even have my OS-X disks anymore05:26
AcidWolfmy laptop bag got stolen05:26
AcidWolfand they were in there :(05:26
whiskey_2AcidWolf, and they have that Helix player or something05:26
AcidWolfwell heres my problem05:27
thoreauputicAcidWolf: find a friendly mac user with discs, I guess05:27
pregowhiskey_2: really?05:27
Xappethey who? ;)05:27
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whiskey_2prego, hey don't you watch what is going on05:27
AcidWolfcant play the ASF's i have a windows box i can convert on so i can keep them on my laptop05:27
AcidWolfso now i need to find a converter05:27
pregowhiskey_2: not really. Is Theora being widely used??05:27
AcidWolfsomeone here mentioned one the other day to me05:27
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AcidWolfbut i cant remeber it05:27
AcidWolfsomething DUB05:27
AcidWolfim not sure05:27
Xappevirtual dub?05:28
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whiskey_2prego, well just look around you05:28
AcidWolfgood be virtual DUB05:28
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pregowhiskey_2: arround me... I only see divx avi and wmv :-((05:28
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thoreauputicAcidWolf: if you have a network, you could configure to play stuff on an i386 box using remote X ( a bit tricky perhaps)05:29
AcidWolfyes a bit tricky05:29
AcidWolfi cant even get my 2 machines to network05:29
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AcidWolfthe windows box is way to stuborn05:29
pregothoreauputic: don't expect realtime performance, though05:29
AcidWolfso now these movies i have to move with a flash drive05:29
AcidWolftakes forever05:30
Anon6622hey all. one small question: ubuntu or kanotix for hd-install? and why?05:30
thoreauputicprego: no, it would be laggy for sure05:30
Shuflaare there any tools to manipulate access control lists with gui? any enhacment to nautilus?05:30
whiskey_2prego, well you need a microscope or something to open your eyes05:30
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beowuffflux, what do you think the answer will be if you ask that in #ubuntu?!?05:30
GhostFreemanI'm using the internet?05:31
deuce868he thinks it will be LFS05:31
pregothoreauputic: I've tested DVD (Xine/mplayer) through X11... it was really laggy; however the scaling was done at Xserver so it was same laggy at fullscreen than at normal view. I think there are specific choices to do that kind of remote-playback05:31
flux^_^i understand that, beowulff, but i just want to know the advantages of ubuntu over kanotix05:31
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flux^_^it's not a very strange question in that manner05:32
GhostFreemanwhen I upgrade to Hoary05:32
pregowhiskey_2: :-)05:32
gjchello, I need help to generated an openssl certificate request without passphrase05:32
flux^_^i've asked the same at #kanotix05:32
beowuffflux, Ah, okay. Just needed some clarity to the question. What is Kanotix?05:32
GhostFreemanwill I need to reinstall/update every X11 app on my system or is X.Org reversed engineered or something05:32
deuce868never used kanotix...advantages of Ubuntu is a great workstation OS that uses the same tech as debian05:32
flux^_^kanotix is a debian-live cd, which can be installed with no hassle.05:32
deuce868I like same experience with Ubuntu I take to my debian servers05:32
thoreauputicflux^_^: I haven't used Kanotix, but Ubuntu is easier to set up than Debian ( i have both)05:33
gjcI run ./CA.sh -newreq, but it always requests a PEM passphrase05:33
GhostFreemanUbuntu is the most accessible Linux distro i've used05:33
John__I want to get a baboon and teach it to knife fight05:33
John__that'd be awesome05:33
gjcobviously I don't want to type a passphrase at system startup to initiate the web server05:33
John__just have it attack people randomly05:33
flux^_^i've seen the installation screenshots of ubuntu. kanotix doesn't really have an installation.... it just runs.05:33
thoreauputicflux^_^: I've heard good things about kanotix- it's up to you really: if you like KDE there's kubuntu as well05:34
jobezoneGhostFreeman, no, you have to reconfigure anything, it's just x.org05:34
beowuffflux, I've found that ubuntu 'just runs' for me as well. Easy install, apps I want to use by default, easy update. Perfect.05:34
GhostFreemanso I would need to reconfigure xine?05:34
jobezoneGhostFreeman, no, you only need to reconfigure x.org05:35
flux^_^hmpf. this is why linux is so difficult. choices ;)05:35
GhostFreemanoh ok05:35
GhostFreemanI was about to say05:35
flux^_^hey, thanks y'all, i'll go on and read some more05:35
John__just imagine a baboon running up out of nowhere and knifing a guy in the stomach05:35
John__that'd be funny05:35
GhostFreemanthe more I hear about Hoary the more I start to hate it05:35
beowuffI'm about to try setting up ubuntu as a server. Currently I've got it installed as a desktop and a laptop workstation.05:35
John__in a very disturbing gross kind of way05:35
deuce868flux, dual boot is your friend05:35
jobezoneGhostFreeman, you can do that by running "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"05:35
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flux^_^i'm going to dualboot with win32. still need it for commercial progs05:35
flux^_^tripleboot :p05:36
GhostFreemanI still use Windows for gaming05:36
John__tripleboot... fuck man05:36
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flux^_^yeah i'd rather not.05:36
deuce868I'm about to take down my windows machine, don't game enough and need another server :-)05:36
John__just find a computer on eBay05:36
gjcanyone? certificates without passphrase?05:36
jobezoneGhostFreeman, you might not even need to reconfigure. It was working fine for me when I upgrade.05:36
PizbitHeh, tripple boot, I've meet people booting 4 or 5:)05:36
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thoreauputicJohn__: not necessarily absurd05:36
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John__I don't even do dualboot05:36
GhostFreemanMy friend booted Debian, Win2K and BSD05:37
John__I'd rather have dedicated systems05:37
John__it's much nicer that way05:37
thoreauputicJohn__: some people do testing on a new distro/ distros05:37
flux^_^finally: ubuntu is upgradable like debian with dist_upgrade?05:37
GhostFreemanI boot Ubuntu i686, i386, and WinXP05:37
AcidWolfhmmmmmm ok Virutaldub doesnt work05:37
deuce868flux yep05:37
jobezoneFlik, yep05:37
AcidWolfthis is b0rked05:37
John__thoreauputic: yeah, I know. I'm just saying05:37
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GhostFreemanon my other system at work I have Gentoo i686 and Win2K05:38
burgermannHello :)05:38
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jobezoneanyone here tried blogfish?05:39
jobezonean applet05:39
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GhostFreemanI'm going to install Ubuntu on my old laptop because Windows ME is shit05:39
burgermannerhm, when I first installed KDE it asked me how I wanted it to act.. I could choose from Gnome style/layout, KDE, Windows and another one. I choose KDE but how do I undo it?05:39
ShuflaUbuntu's Humanity - Nothing Else Matters ;)05:39
GhostFreemanUbuntu or DEATH05:39
John__CAKE OR DEATH?!05:39
John__sorry, made me think of that05:40
Dr_Willisburgermann,   i belive theres some 'pkg-config kde' or 'pkg-config kdm' command.05:40
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Dr_Willisburgermann,  many packages got some sort of interactive script to config things.  but i never have figured out how to find what scripts are there to use. :P05:40
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thoreauputicburgermann: there's a kde-startup wizard command, but I can't remember it, sorry05:41
burgermannDr_Willis, hehe well I don't know anything about it so :S05:41
burgermannthoreauputic, ye, that's the one =)05:41
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Dr_Williskde has ots own first time config tool -  (i think i missread the question) :P i forget its name also.. like thoreauputic05:41
ShuflaUbuntu - One05:41
thoreauputicburgermann: maybe google ` kde start wizard `05:41
Dr_Willisits all setable in the theme/controls anyway :P05:42
EnspyronWhat makes ubuntu better than other linux distributions?05:42
dialtonegreat  work with bazaar-ng guys! :)05:42
burgermannI'll try #kubuntu05:42
EnspyronI wonder05:42
John__the calendar05:42
GhostFreemanUbuntu is the Linux distro for people curious about trying out Linux05:42
XappeEnspyron: the look, the feel, the easy configuration and the community05:42
John__I like the community myself05:42
thoreauputicEnspyron: good package management and policy, easy to use05:43
Dr_WillisEnspyron,  http://ubuntuguide.org/   For one.. :P it has well done 'getting started docs'05:43
John__I have yet to meet a single person that's a prick05:43
John__everyones very nice, none of that "omg, you don't know how to do that? HAHAHAH YOU SUCK!"05:43
GhostFreemanUbuntu is the most accessible distro i've used. And that's saying something.05:43
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GhostFreemanif you know what I mean by "accessible"05:43
MarkrianJohn__, yup, I was just witness to terrible rudeness in #debian05:44
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Dr_WillisJohn__,  ive seen many USERS in here asking questions in a 'pricklike' Maner. :P05:44
dballesterhi to all05:44
EnspyronSo would you choose ubuntu over other major distro's like fedora or suse?05:44
dballesterfrom ubuntu newbie to unbuntu newbie : How can i know the packets installed in my ubuntu machine? Something like the rpm -qa in rpm package systems05:44
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thoreauputicDr_Willis: yes, we aren't immune, unfortunately05:44
Dr_Willisdballester,  i just use synaptic and check the info on the packages05:44
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GhostFreemanEnspyron: I would05:45
burgermannwee it's kpersonalizer =D05:45
John__Dr_Willis: I haven't witnessed it, but sure it's bound to happen, but it's not common enough for me to have seen it many times05:45
Dr_Willisi still need to hone my apt skills.05:45
dballesterDr_Willis, i need to put the output into a shell script variable05:45
Dr_Willisseems too often that 'support' in the linux channels has become "linux 101 hand holding personal tutorials"05:45
thoreauputicEnspyron: the community is a big plus05:45
Dr_Willispeople are too used to NOT thinking.. thanks billG.05:45
MarkrianEnspyron, I would too - but Novell Linux Desktop, or SuSE 10, are going to seriously rock05:46
GhostFreemanSuSE is too corporate05:46
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GhostFreemanGo back to your roots, Linux.05:46
John__Dr_Willis: true enough, be vague in your answers but not too vague to where they can't do anything05:46
MarkrianGhostFreeman, er... :p it's still linux :p05:46
thoreauputicDr_Willis: we'll see more of that - lots of win converts are trying ubuntu05:46
John__I'm still pretty shit though05:46
beowuffI'm using Suse Linux Enterprise Edition 9 right now.05:46
John__so I'm not a very good source for answers05:46
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beowuffThe problem is they are becoming the Microsoft of Linux.05:46
Markrianbeowuff, I don't know about that05:47
Shuflabeowuff: why?05:47
beowuffThey want you to use thier GUI to do all the administration. But none of it works. At least with Suse you have the ability to go CLI and fix things. IF you can figure out where they put stuff.05:47
MarkrianNovell are driving a lot of the most interesting projects in linux at the moment05:47
Dr_AevilDr_Willis: I appreciate what you're saying, but I prefer the attitude I've seen in the ubuntu channels a lot to the one I see in the debian channels.  People need to learn that if they haven't got anything nice to say they should just say nothing at all.  I agree with John__ in that sense.05:47
EnspyronOk, so I want to switch to ubuntu, but there is some stuff on my current windows partition. If I convert it to FAT32, would it be easily accesable? (I heard it is possible to use FAT32 partitions in linux somehow?)05:47
MarkrianLike Beagle, Xgl, Evolution etc etc05:48
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Shuflabeowuff: they are also pushing linux into enterprise. that's nice. no more talks with boss about `is it reliable'?05:48
MarkrianEnspyron, correct - but you can access NTFS partitions as read-only05:48
Markrianwithout problems05:48
ShuflaEnspyron: you can use read/write NTFS tricky Wine driver...05:48
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GhostFreemanI rewrote my drive as FAT3205:48
Dr_WillisDr_Aevil,  Yep. ya got that right.05:48
MarkrianShufla, I wouldn't ;o05:48
John__the problem is after a while people get this elitist attitude because they use linux and then you get people just being pricks acting like they're better than everyone, even other linux users. And they forget they were once new to this stuff.05:48
ShuflaEnspyron: or use read-only from linux and read-only driver from windows05:49
xiaogilhow to find a string containing \[1-99] \* where \* excludes a numbers ?05:49
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GhostFreemanJohn__: It all goes back to the same apathy Linux noobs had for Microsoft05:49
beowuffShufla, Yes, it's nice to see more linux being used. I just wish that if they are going to release something for corps, and it has a gui that your supposed to use. Make it work...05:49
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thoreauputicJohn__: that's where the Ubuntu Code of Conduct comes in - to be fair, it's easy enough to get frustrated if you spend any amount of time trying to help new users05:50
Shuflabeowuff: there's long way. linux have more choices in gui, which makes it inconsistent.05:50
matthijs_Where can I define the services to start at boot time?05:50
beowuffShufla, otherwise, why bother with the gui?05:50
Enspyronthanks for answering my questions... I will start using ubuntu soon...05:50
John__true enough05:50
Shuflabeowuff: hm. you are still able to do anything with vim+cvs, gui is just for brave testers.05:50
John__but if you find yourself getting so upset you feel the need to be liek "FUCK OFF NEWB!" you should probably take a break05:50
thoreauputicJohn__: indeed, yes :)05:51
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MarkrianJohn__, what most newbies don't understand is that it's really in their best interest to read and find things out for themselves - the Ubuntu Wiki is just brimming with EXCELLENT information05:51
GhostFreemanstill, walk in an IRC channel and say you use KDE and all the sudden "FUCK OFF BACKSTABBER" is echoed 20,000 times in three seconds05:51
Dr_WillisJohn__,  ive seen people come into help rooms "DEMANDING" to be told their own phone # - since the phone company changed it and they couldent figure it out..05:51
John__I know that, but some people just can't comprehend at the same levels as others05:51
beowuffShufla, Ah, but SLES9 is suppose to be designed to work "out of the box" with Yast. Every try their implimentation of LDAP? If something doesn't work right, first thing I do is go CLI and try to rip out LDAP. Usually fixes the problem.05:51
Shuflahm... if you're newbie and you're upset of this, just wait. ppl like here (and me ;)) are going to make linux more 'normal-people-friendly' but still sexy, reliable, fast (*)05:52
Dr_WillisSome people dont want to put forth any effort to learn or think. "MS-Lemming-Zombie" comes to mind.05:52
Shufla(*) fast - as soon as xorg will be faster :>05:52
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John__but you just have to be patient05:52
John__people learn05:52
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John__or they die05:52
jobezone"configure-debian" in Universe is an app which allows you to easily choose in a menu the packages you want to reconfigure (as long as they have debconf questions).05:52
PizbitDr_Willis: Hehe, I havn't heard that term before.05:52
John__so either way it works out05:52
thoreauputicMarkrian: as has been mentioned, they are often used to windows and not having to do their own research: so thay expect the community to give them all the answers05:52
Dr_WillisPizbit,  I made it myself. :P05:52
GhostFreemanor Google05:52
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GhostFreemanor Wikipedia05:52
PizbitDr_Willis: It's a keeper:)05:52
MarkrianWell, imo, computers aren't nearly useful enough for the general public :p05:53
Shuflabeowuff: hm. i'm using suse. and SuseConfigs autoconfiguration often gives me clues about complicated things like LDAP and so.05:53
MarkrianThey cause so many more problems than they solve05:53
John__I think it's the general public isn't motivated enough to use computers properly05:53
thoreauputicMarkrian: A lot of people would be better off with a notebook and pencil ;-)05:53
John__you have all these people with amazing systems, only using them to check email05:53
John__makes poor me sad05:53
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GhostFreemanNo, the general public can use computers05:53
Dr_WillisToo often i find that "User Friendlyness"  turns into "Total lockout of any options" in  things these days. :()05:54
GhostFreemanits just that when it gets covered in 20 layers of complicated bullshit they slack off05:54
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roo_John--, why, what would u do if you had an "amazing computer"?05:54
Shuflaimho computers, as complete systems are stalled in evolution. there're just more and more colorfull.05:54
Dr_WillisOne could take say a PalmPilot - and make a Huge one - that  has a nice monitor and network card/modem - and do much of what people do.05:54
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John__my computers are too shit to game and do 3d modeling05:54
Dr_Willisactually i think i saw that done..05:54
Markrianthoreauputic, well, I have a Palm Tungsten T3 and frankly I'd be much better off with a pencil and paper :p05:54
MarkrianI'm looking to sell it actually05:55
thoreauputicroo_: computers can do amazing stuf with graphics and sound :)05:55
roo_John--, wow, game.. so when you say general public arent motivated to use them properly, u mean they dont want to game.. ;)05:55
Dr_WillisI like the -->   http://www.pepper.com/products/specifications.html05:55
GhostFreemanCounter Strike is serious business05:55
Dr_Willisits a neat little  specilized pc.  that would do 90% of what my wife needs.05:55
roo_thoreauputic, yes, they can also be used as tools. checking email is a job for many people, a computer is a good tool to get the job done.05:55
John__no, I'm just saying I'd like to game, but mostly 3d modelling05:56
John__I'm saying I can't even game05:56
John__let alone 3d model becuase I can't afford a proper machine to do so05:56
GhostFreemanI have a Dream-level Alienware system, and at work I have a mid-level Dell with a 9700 Pro05:56
Dr_WillisHeh - for way TOO many people 'gameing' is the 'total use' of pc's05:56
Markrianimo until computers handle speech recognition with near human accuracy, and can interpret questions and reply with a useful answer, they won't be useful for the general public05:56
roo_John--, have you tried blender? whats the specs of ur machine?05:56
John__I'm interested in creating games05:56
tomekHallo - I have just installed Ubuntu (for the first time, erlier gentoo, debian, ...) - and I have one basic questions - What happend with the ROOT ? (no question during instalation) ...05:56
GhostFreemanGet Blender and fuck with the game engine05:56
roo_Dr_Willis, sad enough, you're right.05:56
GhostFreemanbest way to get the aesthetics of game design05:57
Markriantomek, root account has been disabled for security reasons05:57
Dr_Willistomek,  its a security issue. use the 'sudo' command - root's login ability has been disabled.05:57
Markrianyou use sudo for everything05:57
GhostFreemanDr_Willis: That or overclocking05:57
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Dr_Willisyour root password is the same as the initial users password.05:57
roo_John--, ive run blender on a PII with 96Mb ram.05:57
Dr_WillisGhostFreeman,  you dont hear much about overclocking these days .05:57
Dr_WillisGhostFreeman,  heh - ive been going the "QUiet Pc" design on my last 2 machines05:57
roo_John--, what are the specs of your puter?05:58
dcravenI'm thinking the home page for Firefox maybe should default to the Ubuntu FAQ.05:58
tomekDr_Willis: well it is not, but hopefully sudo will work ...05:58
GhostFreemanstill, the forums I post on, its a competition for that extra mark in 3DMark05:58
GhostFreemanand it drives me mad05:58
roo_GhostFreeman, time to find a new forum? :)05:58
PizbitGhostFreeman: It's simple05:58
GhostFreemannah, its interesting. I've been able to up my system speed with use of clever cooling05:58
John__gig of ram, gforce2 integrated, AthlonXP 2000+05:58
Shuflahm... using DVD-burner w/o DMA is quite...ssss...llll...oooo...www...05:58
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John__but my system gets bogged down when I try to run the animations05:59
matthijs_Where can I define the services to start at boot time? I need to run portmap at the default runlevel. I know the gentoo/slackware way, but not debian :)05:59
tomekAny way - first impression is really astonishing ... I must congratulate you gentelmen (and Ladies) !05:59
John__usually crashes05:59
PizbitGhostFreeman: Spend a good $50-200k on a super awesome computer and smash everyone elses scores05:59
Frost^is there a way to view a list of all the packages in ubuntu's repositories?05:59
jobezoneif you install "fortunes-debian-hint" from universe, you can then run "fortunes debian-hint" and have hints on how to administrate debian. Using in conjunction with wanda the applet, it's just a click away.05:59
John__which pisses me off05:59
PizbitGhostFreeman: Then say, right, can we ignore the scores?:) Most would agree05:59
roo_John--, ?!?!? WHAT?! you're crazy and insane. you dont design games because YOU have no motivation.05:59
GhostFreemanI have Dream-level Alienware, which i've added better fans and cooling on05:59
roo_John--, most 3D apps will run fine with that computer, especially beginner's tutorials.05:59
MarkrianFrost^, what's wrong with Synaptic or aptitude?05:59
John__yeah I know06:00
John__but when doing the animations my system crashes06:00
Dr_AevilShufla: you're making that obeservation or you want to know how to turn it on? :) hdparm -d1 /dev/path if the latter06:00
GhostFreeman2.8GHz P4EE, 1GB DDR, 9800XT (which i'm upgrading to X800 after the price is comfortable).06:00
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roo_John--, crashes? in what OS?06:00
Frost^Markrian, I was looking for a place outside the distro itself :)06:00
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roo_John--, ...  thats ur answer. have you tried Blender?06:00
MarkrianFrost^, google ubuntu packages - there's a site which does it06:00
Florschi try to change the owner of a folder with  $ sudo chown -R my_username /where my folder is06:00
roo_John--, do you use Ubuntu?06:00
John__yes, but not on this machine06:01
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whiskey_2you know i don't know how these Linux people are doing all this...I heard they already ripped a copy of the new star wars film and it is not even in the theatres yet.06:01
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ShuflaDr_Aevil: after hdparm -d1 /dev/hdd06:01
Shuflahdd: DMA disabled06:01
Shuflahdd: ATAPI reset complete06:01
Frost^thanks Markrian06:01
Dr_AevilFrost^: http://packages.ubuntu.com/06:01
Florschbut it isnit working06:01
Frost^oh, thanks :)06:01
GhostFreemanI've been looking for that site, thanks06:01
MarkrianDr_Aevil, whoa, when did that happen?06:01
Dr_AevilMarkrian: that particular URL, maybe today :)06:02
MarkrianNo wonder I hadn't heard of it :)06:02
roo_John--, maybe you should spend more time setting up Ubuntu/Gnu/Linux on your machine than bitching about how "shit" your computer is.06:02
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Markrianwell, know of it06:02
Dr_AevilMarkrian: it's been runing unofficially for a while though06:02
roo_John--, then you could do the things you say u wana do.06:02
beowuffShufla, Hmmm... Thanks for the pointer to suseconfig. I'll have to check that out some more. Might help ease the pain of administration :-)06:02
ShuflaDr_Aevil: http://bajtek.ankom.net/~shufla/hdd_dma - these are problems with DMA :(06:02
yo2luxhi all06:03
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Shuflabeowuff: n/p. BTW I think that with such system as SLES you are obliged to read docs carefully...06:03
roo_Shufla, that hdparm error looks nasty. have you got your IDE kernel module loaded?06:04
jacquesmerdei thought hoary final was coming out today...06:04
beowuffShufla, Yeah. I haven't run suseconfig on this box yet, as I'm a bit timmid. But I'm putting together a test box right now that I can break.06:04
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Shuflaroo_: my hda is working well with DMA.06:04
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yo2luxi see on www.distrowatch.com ubuntu linux is the best now . Is true ?06:04
thoreauputicjacquesmerde: 8th April - today here but not everywhere yet06:04
roo_Shufla, also, what kernel are you running? [uname -a] 06:04
Shuflabeowuff: that's good :D 'test box to break'06:04
Dr_Willisyo2lux,  its da sexiest. :P06:04
=== lunitik cries @ blootbot suckage :(
roo_yo2lux, its ranked first. First!=Best :)06:04
Dr_AevilShufla: hmph, odd. I've got to go out now - it might be a driver issue, or something odd about the system - a conflict of some sort.06:04
Shuflaroo_: 2.6.10-5-386 hoary06:04
jacquesmerdethoreauputic, its the 8th here too06:05
yo2luxroo_ first is because many users use the distro ?06:05
ShuflaDr_Aevil: ok. just reporting.06:05
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thoreauputicjacquesmerde: we're in the same country, mate06:05
jacquesmerdethoreauputic, its been the 8th here for over two hours...and i want my full version NOW!06:05
cikilindo have ubuntu bittorrent or something like this?06:05
Dr_Willisubuntu is getting so popular.. i may need to move onto another more obscure disrto - so i can stay more 'leet' then the others. :P06:05
cikilinwhere is it pls06:05
Shuflaroo_: i'll switch to -k7, cos of my AMD proc.06:05
thoreauputicjacquesmerde: well, too bad then ;)06:05
MarkrianDr_Willis, Kubuntu! :)06:05
Dr_Williscikilin,  thers plenty of mirror sites out. :P06:05
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roo_yo2lux, HPD = hits per day.06:05
Dr_WillisMarkrian,  been there done that.. :P06:06
roo_Shufla, which proc is it?06:06
cikilinbecause i downlod some and i cant listen06:06
GhostFreemanoh shit06:06
Shuflaroo_: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2400+06:06
GhostFreemani'm getting all types of hell because I once distributed one of my programs under the MIT License06:06
Shuflaroo_: that's funny, but with hoary i've got many irritating issues, which didn't happened with warty.06:07
thoreauputicDr_Willis: LFS for ultimate |337ne55 ;-)06:07
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roo_Shufla, 386 shud be fine for ur proc.06:07
beowuffShufla, I've got an Athlon XP 2000+ at home running the k7 kernel. Haven't seen any errors. I'll check for this one at lunch.06:07
jacquesmerdethoreauputic, thanks for the emotional support06:07
Dr_Willisthoreauputic,  last i used LFS - it was more  "Cut and paste and watch" linux.. :P06:07
whiskey_2who in the world figured out all those IP numbers in blocklist.org06:07
jacquesmerdethoreauputic, where in oz are you?06:07
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roo_Dr_Willis, heh, i agree.06:07
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Shuflaroo_: i know. but i'm amd lover, and i've got to prove all this intel-users that (anything ;) )06:08
roo_Dr_Willis, i setup LFS, thought it was a bit overrated.06:08
thoreauputicjacquesmerde: oh, somewhere south of Sydney :)06:08
jacquesmerdethoreauputic, i'm south of sydney too!06:08
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Shuflabrb, nv binary...06:09
whiskey_2does anybody know who sat down and calculated all those ip numbers at blocklist.org06:11
whiskey_2how did they find out that information06:12
eric__can I switch from warty to hoary by editing /etc/apt/sources.list, s/warty/hoary/g, apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade like in debian or is there another process for ubuntu ??06:12
Pizbiteric__: You can06:12
lunitikeric__: uhh... yeah06:12
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eric__Pizbit : is it the recommanded approach ?06:13
Florschyou can eric__06:13
jacquesmerdethoreauputic, ooh, ubuntulinux.org has taken off the release candidate ad from its front page...i'm getting excited...06:13
thoreauputicwhiskey_2: from men in black coats and sunglasses *g*06:13
eric__is it the recommanded approach ?06:13
tomekok - another basic question - How to add more repositories - it looks like there are only "Security Updates" for 5.04 aviable - How to get to Debian repositories ?06:13
Florschi don't know i do it like that06:13
Pizbiteric__: One of them, yeah06:13
whiskey_2thoreauputic, that reminds me of an old song called "I wear my sunglasses at night"06:13
eric__Pizbit : ok; what are the others ??06:13
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Pizbiteric__: The other is you do the exact same thing, but using synaptic:)06:14
eric__and is there still major nfs bug is hoary ?06:14
thoreauputictomek: from hoary release, new stuff will be in breezy06:14
eric__oups is there still major nfs bugs in hoary ??06:14
thoreauputictomek: using debian repos isn't recommended06:14
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tanekpossible tho06:15
eric__tomek : remember even if ubuntu is based on debian, it's not the same distro06:15
whiskey_2thoreauputic, hey you ever heard that son06:15
eric__tanek if you really want to then just add a deb line to /etc/apt-/sources.list06:15
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whiskey_2why would anybody wear their sunglasses at night06:15
sigtanek: and don't come back here crying cause your system is broke06:15
taneki've got a warty with both hoary, sarge and sid packages06:15
thoreauputictanek: sure, if you can fix your sytem when it breaks ;)06:15
taneknothing has broken yet :P06:16
sigtanek: "yet"06:16
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tanekbut i've just got apps etc from other distros06:16
tomekthoreaputic: I have installed 5.04 - it all looks very nice - but now I would like to install something usefull - Should I install 4.10 release to get to wider repository database, or I can stay with this one and simply add more sources to the package manager ... ?06:16
thoreauputictanek: well, whatever works for you :)06:16
tanekvery few libs and stuff06:16
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tanekhad to get a few libs to get mplayer working06:16
tanekall that's not working properly is synaptic :P06:17
tanekbut who cares06:17
ice_1963whiskey_2 go home =)06:17
andreas_I need to divide my 120GB Ubuntu drive to free some space for two seperate backup partitions. How do i go about doing this?06:17
jacquesmerdeubuntu final should be ready to dload as soon as everyone wakes up on the 8'th. like presents under a christmas tree06:17
whiskey_2ice_1963, well first i have to figure out where that is.06:17
tanekjacquesmerde: GMT +/- ?06:18
tanekI'm in Sweden, GMT +1 I think :P06:18
andreas_jac: Could just wait for the cd and the upgrade until then06:18
=== vrln [~vrln@a80-186-23-55.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
eric__is hoary stable now ?06:18
jacquesmerdetanek, its the 8th already here06:18
tanekwoah, its 18:20 on the 7th here06:18
vrlnanyone know if the ubuntu liveCD (hoary) has memtest86?06:18
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andreas_eric: Has been for a long time but tomorrow it is officially06:19
p88hi all I have a question on key generation:06:19
jacquesmerdeeric__, TODAY it is officially...06:19
p88if the generation of an 8192 bits long key takes 10 minutes.. how long does the generation of a 16384 bits long key take? is there a way to calculate that?06:19
eric__ok cool thx06:19
thoreauputicFri Apr  8 02:19:28 EST 200506:19
jobezonetomek, Universe contains hundreds of packages synched from debian unstable.06:19
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tanekp88 10^2 min probably?06:19
Shuflaooo... babylon zoo :>06:20
jacquesmerdewhats with this universe and multiverse sync'ing? why bother? why not just get off straight from debian's teet?06:20
p88I thought about that but I was thinking of 7 bits vs 8 bits which is the double06:20
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p88tanek: maybe 10^2^2... 8 times06:20
tanekp88: ah, yeah.. maybe06:20
andreas_How do i divide a working hoary partition into 3?06:20
tanektry :P06:20
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Shuflahow nice... cursor with shadow :>06:20
tanekwell, so i think ill get hoary now then :P06:21
tomekjobezone: well - SuSe guys have their Packman, there must be something "typical" for Ubuntu, where you can get mplayer, lyx, latex and so ...06:21
ali_Talking about Hoary... Is it sure it will be out tomorrow ?06:21
jobezonejacquesmerde, you can suck off straight debian's teet, and after a while you'll mostly have a debian system.06:21
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tanekas its 8th already for some people06:21
jobezonetomek, right, Universe06:21
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Florschali it is out06:21
jobezonetomek, open Synaptic, Configurations, Repositories06:21
ali_It should had been released yesterday but they pushed the release date from the 6th to the 8th06:21
jacquesmerdejobezone, i mean when getting packages from uni or multiverse...not the other repos...06:22
ali_Florsch > The __Final__ release ?06:22
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eric__multiverse ??06:22
thoreauputictomek: multiverse for "non-free"06:22
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eric__ok ok06:22
Florschas i understand yes...because it is the 8th for some people06:22
ali_the 8th for _some_ people ? I don't understand06:22
Florschtime differences06:23
andreas_ali: Timeline, timeline06:23
eric__does hoary contain zsnes or snes9x or something like that ?06:23
thoreauputicFri Apr  8 02:23:19 EST 200506:23
andreas_thore: Please help me06:23
thoreauputicali_: ^^^06:23
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ali_Hi thoreauputic06:23
ali_oh, looooooool :)06:23
thoreauputichi ali06:23
andreas_I need to divide a Hoary partition into 3 partitions but don`t know how06:23
EnspyronI just tried burning the ubuntu ISO twice with nero. It failed at both... Why?06:23
ali_Ok I'm on GMT (Morocco), that's why I didn't really understand06:24
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EnspyronI can extract the ISO file06:24
ali_A lil' question for people who installed the final Hoary : did they finally add this user-friendly graphic installer ?06:24
EnspyronSo why can't I just burn it with nero06:24
thoreauputicEnspyron: you burn it as an image06:24
Enspyronyeah I know06:24
jobezonetomek, /tomek did you got it, how to add the universe and multiverse repositories in synaptic?06:25
thoreauputicEnspyron: else you get an unbootable file06:25
andreas_jobe: sources.list06:25
EnspyronI'll try downloading the iso again... maybe its corrupted or something06:25
thoreauputicEnspyron: check the md5sum06:25
tritiumali_, no06:25
=== ali_ is disappointed
ali_tritium> I think they said they would add it...06:26
ali_thoreauputic> http://www.ubuntulinux.org/download/06:26
jobezonetomek, /tomek Try installing ubuntu-quickguide from synaptic, and read it from the Gnome Help browser06:26
tritiumali_, no, there were not plans to do so.06:26
thoreauputicEnspyron: supplied on the download site06:26
ali_I don't see any Final version there, just the release candidate06:26
tomekjobezone: not really - I am not used to GUI tools ...06:26
ali_tritium> Oh, I'm sure I've read so...06:26
tritiumali_, not for Hoary, no06:27
ali_ok.. for the next version after Hoary ?06:27
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tomekjobezone: and this "universe" sounded to me like a joke at first (it isn't - is it ?) ....06:27
beowuffAll I'm seeing on the mirrors is for the rc... Are you sure the final has been released?06:27
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EnspyronOh, I can verify whether the file is corrupt or not with the md5sum?06:27
ali_yes, I have the same thing than you beowuff06:27
thoreauputictomek: universe= "Free" packages not supported by Ubuntu, but fine "multiverse"= "non-free" packages06:28
thoreauputicEnspyron: correct06:28
tomekthoreauputic: yeap - nen distro - new nomenclature ... :)06:29
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thoreauputictomek: yeah :)06:29
jobezonetomek:I don't know how advanced are you in using linux, but if you're just starting, you should probably install ubuntu-quickguide and give it a read.06:29
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EnspyronHow do I use the md5sum?06:30
sterwillI upgraded one of my servers to Hoary RC yesterday, and I think there's a critical bug in the snmpd package.  Is it too late to be fixed for release?06:30
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archangel_X19what is the absolute bleeding edge kernel out now for p4?06:30
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jacquesmerdeask bill gates?06:30
thoreauputicEnspyron: if you are in windows, google for an md5sum checker06:30
Enspyronok ty06:31
tomekjobezone: I've been using linux exlusively for more than 5 years now - but this Ubuntu has simply suprised me ... I just need some time to recover :)06:31
ali_thoreauputic> I ask again, I don't find this final release on the official ubuntu site... :)06:31
thoreauputicarchangel_X19: no, 2.6.11 at least is available06:31
tritiumarchangel_X19, no, 2.6.11 (but it's not supported - no linux-restricted-modules)06:31
beowuffWow... K3B has a built in MD5 checker...06:31
thoreauputicali_: because it isn't there, I guess?06:31
archangel_X19yea but I really like unsupported stuff06:32
archangel_X19sense of danger06:32
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tritiumali_, not until tomorrow06:32
thoreauputicali_: i assume UTC is the date change06:32
archangel_X19how do I install apt-get install.......06:32
archangel_X19whats the command06:32
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ali_archangel_X19> you don't need to install it, it is already done06:32
jobezonetomek: so you're more into linux than I am, I've been using it non-exclusively06:32
sterwillIs there a better place to ask about my snmpd package bug?06:32
beowuffSo, since I'm UTC -8, that means at... 4pm?06:32
ali_tritium> that's what I told thoreauputic, but he says it is already released...06:32
thoreauputicali_: I said no such thing06:33
jobezonearchangel_X19, "  sudo apt-get install  "06:33
ali_I don't think the final release depends of our local time, it depends of the time where the developpers depose it !06:33
archangel_X19ali_, is it my default?06:33
tritiumali_, not for about 16 hours06:33
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ali_tanek as its 8th already for some people06:34
ali_jobezone tomek, right, Universe06:34
ali_I don't understand...06:34
jacquesmerdehow long will it take all the ibiblo mirrors to start hosting the new ubuntu once the devs release it?06:34
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apokryphosSomeone mentioned around morning time for UK, for the time of release06:34
ali_archangel_X19> yes, apt-get is installed by default with your Ubuntu06:34
crimsunjacquesmerde: ibiblio mirrors within hours06:34
apokryphosMorning GMT06:34
archangel_X19does it have an smp version?06:34
ali_To use it, type "sudo apt-get install <your_application>" in the Terminal Shell06:34
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thoreauputicali_ , I merely said it's the 8th here: i didn't say it was released yet06:34
RocDocusing Hoary: want to setup kiosk computer. How to stop Ubuntu from seeing rest of network?06:34
ali_ok, sorry06:34
ali_and it will be released in how much hours ?06:35
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jacquesmerdecrimsun, wait,  stupid question. its more of an issue of how often my stupid local ibiblio mirror decides to sync06:35
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apokryphosali_: I just said: someone mentioned morning GMT time as a rough estimate06:35
thoreauputicsee you all later - happy d/l ing :)06:35
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tomekjobezone: non / non-non, meaby it sounded to strick - I didn't mean to make a boasting-like impression. Any way, I'll try now to connect myself to this Universe ...06:36
ali_bye thoreauputic06:36
jacquesmerdeif i have to use bittorrent...where do i get the .torrent?06:36
Myrttiis someone else having problems with jpg-saving06:36
ali_apokryphos> and I just ask for the time it will be released.06:36
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Myrttiwith gimp or other programs?06:36
libbenjacquesmerde, use google for that06:37
archangel_X19ali_, how do I install the smp version of 2.6-11?06:37
astro76jacquesmerde: on the mirrors right along side the ISOs06:37
ali_And I wasn't talking to you, apokryphos, but to thoreauputic06:37
libbensorry my fault =) taught u ment warez =)06:37
apokryphosali_: and I just said, there's only a rough estimate at this time06:37
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libbennot legal torrent for ubuntu =)06:37
jacquesmerdeastro76, sorry! forgot to scroll down!06:37
jobezoneTomcat_, it didn't sound that at all.. Good luck :) I've read somewhere that Debian is the distribution with the most number of packages in it's archives, and ubuntu inherits them all, so you'll get a big selection of stuff06:37
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ali_apokryphos> so there is an estimation of this time... and I would like to no it06:38
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apokryphosali_: how many times shall I say it? :) Morning GMT06:38
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jobezonewhat's is the estimation in GMT?06:38
jacquesmerdejobezone, in related news, ubuntu is the distribution with the most packages in its archives which will screw it up06:38
jobezonejacquesmerde, now I get your nickname06:39
Anubisitems I download to my desktop are not appearing06:39
ali_archangel_X19> try apt-cache search 2.6-11 and download the package u need06:39
Anubiseven afer I ctrl R06:39
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Anubisright now I'm in xfce06:39
ali_ok, thanks then apokryphos :)06:39
jobezoneMorning GMT? Of what day, April 08?06:39
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beowuffAnubis, xfce doesn't have icons on the desktop.06:39
GarathorHi, i just installed Ubuntu (Hoary RC) on my notebook. I am wondering, is there any repository with Adobe Reader 7?06:39
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ali_I didn't read it, there's too fast chatting for my little eyes, so I can't read some sentences06:40
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beowuffAnubis, also, in gnome there was an old bug with the same problem. Downloaded items not appearing. Should have been fixed in an update.06:40
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lunitikbeowuff, Anubis: you can use rox to add icons to your xfce desktop...06:40
jobezoneIt's about GMT 17:40 april the 7th, so it will take a while still06:40
jacquesmerdewhat are these .template files on the mirrors?06:40
Anubislunitik, thx06:40
jobezonejacquesmerde, I never had a problem installing packages from universe. You shouldn't probably go upgrading the system with universe activated.06:41
lunitikAnubis, beowuff: apt-cache show rox-filer06:41
lunitikIt's not in warty though... and is in universe06:41
archangel_X19ali_, I download headers right?06:41
Anubisbeowuff, gnome seems broken on my box after the latest updates, fonts not appearing leaving the taskbars blank?06:41
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Anubislunitik, thx06:41
beowuffAnubis, Haven't run into that one.06:42
jacquesmerdejobezone, so how do i install discrete universe packages (like fluidsynth) without turning my system into a universe-infested break-a-thon?06:42
ali_it is right, I think06:42
beowuffLunitik, been meaning to try xfce/rox. Work good?06:42
ali_why do you want to install a kernel, archangel_X19  ?06:42
archangel_X19lol I'm tweaking06:42
Anubislunitik, I only have rox-filer?06:42
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lunitikbeowuff: I haven't used 4.2.x yet... but last I tried it... its quite nice...06:43
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ali_archangel_X19, > hum... you have a weird sense of humor :p06:43
AnubisPackage rox is not available, but is referred to by another package.06:43
pdomsUbuntu doesn't fall under Caldera OpenLinux, right?06:43
AnubisI'm using 4.206:43
lunitikAnubis: umm... thats what I said to get...06:43
lunitikpdoms: umm... no06:43
pdomslunitik, do you mean no you're not right?06:43
archangel_X19ali_, I just want to see how it runs on my system but I need to get the headers right?06:43
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lunitikpdoms: yes... it doesn't fall under OpenLinux06:44
archangel_X19reformatting doesn't bother me06:44
pdomslunitik, okdio thanks06:44
lunitikpdoms: Caldera OpenLinux is SCO's old verson of Linux06:44
GarathorThere is no repository with Adobe Reader 7?06:44
ali_yes you need the headers...06:44
pdomsso drivers for that won't work on ubuntu lunitik ?06:44
jobezonejacquesmerde, I don't know, what does it depend on?06:44
Dr_WillisGarathor,  ubuntuguide.org - has details.06:44
ali_ans the kernel image I think06:44
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archangel_X19cool I'm on it06:45
lunitik(which is kinda funny... cuz they distributed a Linux distro... which means they gave permission for others to do the same via GPL... but now are sueing for that action...06:45
jobezonejacquesmerde, installing stuff that will depend on other stuff which messes with libraries is a bit dangerous.06:45
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lunitikpdoms: umm... OpenLinux's latest kernel was something like 2.4.15  :/06:45
lunitik(so no, they won't work)06:45
jacquesmerdejobezone, ladcca2, libc6, libc6.1, libjack, etc...06:45
libbenubuntu should have feh installed from start =)06:46
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jobezonejacquesmerde, I dont know, dude06:48
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x_orAnyone know a channel to help troubleshoot IMAP-courier?  I cannot seem to connect any clients to the IMAP server, though I see it up.  Do I need to specially configure a different password or something?06:51
nydustsuse Openexchange Server <--- is there something like this for ubuntu06:51
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x_orNo channel access there...06:52
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Hannes_can I acces NFs drives from windows?06:54
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Kamping_kaisernot natively06:55
ali_see you later, bye06:56
bestadvocatewooohoo gnomebaker made it into the repos!06:56
Hannes_Kamping_kaiser: any freeware tools?06:57
bestadvocatehey is transcode supposed to be in the universe for i386rs or in marriat?06:57
AgrajagHannes_: yes you can, and natively06:57
AgrajagGet unix services for windows06:57
Agrajagfrom MS's website06:58
tritiumbestadvocate, marillat06:58
bestadvocatebummer: i need it for amd64...06:59
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Nekohayoanyone experiencing lag from bluefish and gedit?06:59
bestadvocatemarillat only has libdvdcss on amd64.06:59
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Smevenanyone know where i can get help with an apple ipod in linux?06:59
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bestadvocatehow do you install a deb package you downloaded by hand?07:00
Nekohayobestadvocate, sudo dpkg -i yourpackage07:00
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difetahey all! How can i find out what package provides the file gl.h?07:01
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bitsmashdifeta: is that your video driver?07:01
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libbenblackout here... what to type to check the mem.07:02
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bestadvocatethanks Nekohayo07:02
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jobezonedifeta, install 'apt-file'07:02
whiskey_2i still don't see why ubuntu went to all the trouble to get kernel 2.6.10 working and then not take advantage of reiser407:02
trygvebwAFAIK Reiser4 is propietary?07:03
difetajobezone, k thanks07:03
whiskey_2trygvebw, oh it is?...I did not know07:03
jobezoneor go to http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages#search_contents07:03
bestadvocatewoh hey i found working transcode for AMD64 (marillat moved the repos! someone know if this needs to be wiki documented?)07:04
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vrlntrygvebw: no it isn't07:05
mjrbestadvocate, dunno, but you need to tell me ;)07:05
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pdoms"Please use the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\Software\Fonts\LogPixels to set the screen resolution and remove the "Resolution" entry in the config file" <-- any1 know how to fix this in english? :)07:05
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pdomsit's a wine error07:05
vessuviusDoes anyone know where the kernel sits and what its name is for hoary?07:05
bestadvocatehttp://hpisi.nerim.net/ has the info on repos, where should i put this in the wiki? at the bottom of Restricted formats page?07:05
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trygvebwvessuvius, run "uname -r" in a console. The kernel is in /boot07:06
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whiskey_2i wonder if those blocklist.org files are what is making xdcc not work here07:06
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Dr_Williswhiskey_2,  you testing out that peer guardian?07:08
vessuviustrygvebw, I'm trying to tell Grub where it is, can't boot into it right now :-/07:08
tritiumwhiskey_2, there are many people who still don't trust reiserfs07:08
bestadvocatehehe i have like over a dozen repos listed on my sources.list07:08
tritiumI had massive filesystem corruption with reiserfs07:08
whiskey_2Dr_Willis, no...there is nothing i want to download...except perhaps gnome-office07:09
trygvebwi've only had corruption with ext3, not reiserfs3.07:09
Dr_Willisi had reiserfs  issues - but it was year+ ago. :P07:09
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whiskey_2trygvebw, well i never had any problems with reiser3...but the head crashed07:09
Dr_Willisthen again - computers are prone to screwing up when you need them most :P07:10
bestadvocateive only had filesystem corruption on ntfs, its called "Windows"07:10
gordonjcptell you what though07:10
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gordonjcpI've got 25-year-old 8" floppies that still read perfectly07:10
vessuviusDoes anyone run iTunes through WINE?07:10
vessuviusI've got a dual boot system just so I can use my iPod07:11
gordonjcpand I've got brand new 3.5" floppies that last a week07:11
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yg_homeis there any specific time on Apr 8th when the 5.04 is scheduled to be released ?07:11
GhostFreemanno, because we all get our music illegally07:11
bestadvocategordonjcp i've got 2 week old cds that are scratched to hell :)07:11
vessuviusI get mine illegally too, but I put it on the pod07:11
tritiumGhostFreeman, not all of use07:11
vessuviusI thought I read something about crossover working for iTunes07:12
vessuviusI don't really want to play from iTunes, but I want to sync with my iPod07:12
GhostFreemanYou should07:12
GhostFreemanbut I would suggest running iTunes in Windows or OS X07:13
vessuviusdamn :-/07:13
gordonjcpnot everyone's got Windows07:13
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vessuviusa whole os for one program07:13
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GhostFreemanIsnt there a Linux iPod syncing program07:13
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gordonjcpvessuvius: AFAIK you can just mount the iPod as usb-storage or a firewire disk07:13
tritiumvessuvius, you can try winetools from winehq.com.  Perhaps you can get iTunes running under wine with it.07:13
gordonjcpthen copy the mp3s across07:14
vessuviusI think I'll do that07:14
vessuviusI want to reinstall TODAY... do you think it will matter for an upgrade to the release of hoary if I go with hoary rc or warty?07:15
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vessuviusI know I should just wait until tomorrow, but my class got cancelled today07:16
eric__hey anyone can help me with keyboard problem; I have a white apple keyboard with 2 usb ports.  I cant get the apple key to act as altcar; which is really important in a ca-enhanced keyboard07:16
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eric__and the eject key don't work; I was told this was a feature added in hoary  (the eject key to work) but still don't work07:16
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vessuviusDoes anyone here use LVM?07:18
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hohlraumvessuvius: on an FC1 box yes.. sup?07:18
alexsmithTrying to make ndiswrapper on Ubuntu, I have /usr/src/linux, but it claims it can't find the source in the directory it's looking. I checked on the apt for kernel-source, and the version for the current running kernel isn't on there..07:18
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vessuviushohlraum, I just wondered if there is a reason to or not07:19
hohlraumalexsmith: make sure you have the linux-headers stuff installed.07:19
vessuviusI know its better if you need to add a disk later or whatnot07:19
netsacknautilus has started closing the parent window whenever i double-click on a sub-directory. did the default behavior change with a recent update? (i'm on hoary.)07:19
=== ove [~ove@18.82-134-62.bkkb.no] has joined #ubuntu
korsppl, sorry for dumb question - how do i configure fonts on ubuntu? (not new to *nix/x window at all, but new to ubuntu/debian). Adding fonts to fontpath/fc's path works, but, seems like there is "ubuntu-way". Tnx!07:20
hohlraumvessuvius: sooner or later it'll be the default option on all distro's I would imagine.  unless you are building a server and wanna do RAID though its probably not worth the additional knowledge.07:20
alexsmithThanks, hohlraum07:20
gordonjcpvessuvius: I use LVM07:20
=== spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
hohlraumnetsack: System / Preferences / File Management.07:20
vessuviushohlraum, that's what I figured... I like tinkering too much I think07:20
vessuviusgordonjcp: any particular reason?07:21
hohlraumvessuvius: its definately useful knowledge.07:21
gordonjcpvessuvius: yeah, I had a 200G drive and didn't know how I wanted it split up07:21
hohlraumvessuvius: i do use it.. like i said.. on an FC1 server.. cuz wanted to do software RAID 1.07:21
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netsackhohlraum, there's no auto-close parent option in there.07:22
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vessuviusraid 1 is mirroring right?07:22
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hohlraumvessuvius: yes.07:22
Reblendedhttp://www.hitachigst.com/hdd/research/recording_head/pr/index.html < the future of storage07:22
Reblended(the near future)07:23
netsackhohlraum, maybe you were suggesting i fix this by turning off spatial? i like spatial, but the auto-close of the parent windows is new all of a sudden and i want to turn that off.07:23
Reblendedis there a Linux picasa?07:23
=== cHris [~cHris@ACB1A208.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
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vessuviushmmm ok, so I have another question then... I have to hard drives... 80 and 250... I want about 20 gigs on the 80 to backup to the 250... would mirroring or just a backup program be a better option... I just need to recover certain data if I hose the system or if one disk dies07:24
trygvebww00t, new ubuntulinux.org look XD :P07:24
vessuviusto = two07:24
hohlraumnetsack: nope.. i thought there was an option to turn off auto close.. you are correct there isn't.  its probably a gnome registry mod.. lemme check07:24
cHrisWhen will come the FINAL Hoary Stable release?07:24
trygvebwcHris: tommorrow07:25
cHrisand what is to say about the "Release Candidate Release" ?07:25
cHrissry 4 my english :p07:25
kentnetsack, hohlraum, there is.  Wait a second and il show you. Its in gconf.07:25
trygvebwcHris: that was a few days ago07:25
=== archangel_X19 [~archangel@cpe-069-132-111-250.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
cHrisand WHAT is this? =)07:25
whiskey_1all this arguing about linux vs windows.....since 70% of linux is gnu....they are both the same...they say either fork over your money or fork over your IP07:25
Reblendedrelease candidate, is that just getting a jump start?07:25
trygvebwthe RC is a pre-release07:25
=== kzm [~ketil@133.80-202-98.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
cHristrans_err, thanks ;)07:26
cHrisokay tomorrow i will upgrade :-D07:26
kentnetsack, hohlraum, in gconf (apps -> nautilus -> preferences ->  no_ubuntu_spatial.  Press that one, and its off.07:26
Reblendedso, if I don't have broadband... don't use linux?07:26
vessuviushas anyone running the rc had any issues?07:26
hohlraumkent: yep.. just located it as well.07:26
trygvebwvessuvius: no07:26
kzmHeh...issues with Hoary?  I have.07:26
trygvebwvessuvius: i have been running Hoary since october, and i have had nearly no issues/problems07:26
archangel_X19has anyone in here tried 2.6.11?  I need the command line to stop gnome from freezing07:26
netsackkent, hohlraum, thanks. is there any information i can read more about that?07:26
=== Dr_Willis [~willis@12-202-192-44.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu
vessuviustrygvebw, do you know anything about how an upgrade will work from the rc to the release?07:27
=== AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-96-168.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
trygvebwvessuvius: It will work very good :)07:27
archangel_X19Reblended, if you don't have broadband updating ubuntu or any linux will be a biotch07:27
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trygvebwI have used the same installation all the way from October to now :)07:27
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netsackkent, that did it. thinks are back to normal.07:27
Reblendedthx arch, bumma07:27
Reblendedmaybe I can do it wireless broadband07:27
Dr_Williswithout broadband... life is a  Biotch07:28
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sgarrityWhat's the password for the default UBUNTU account ont he Live CD?07:28
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trygvebwsgarrity, ubuntu ?07:28
archangel_X19Dr_Willis, very true very true07:28
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Reblendedany issues installing Ubuntu on a PCG-FX190 Vaio laptop?07:28
=== _kaz [~kaz@c-67-169-234-208.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
eruinsgarrity: I hope you're sitting on a hoary livecd ;-)07:28
Reblended< gonna try live cd in a few07:28
archangel_X19Reblended, just drive around your neighborhood after the install with your laptop and a wireless card and use someone else07:28
vessuviuswas configuring software raid 1 very tough?07:28
eric__anyone have apple keyboard and got it working correctly with ubuntu, with full support of eject key and apple key ?  and volume keys ?  I would need help to make them work07:28
kzmGood luck, vessuvius - it seems to work for most people, so statistically there should be a good chance that it'll work for you.07:28
computerguy867is the final hoary release tomm?07:29
sgarrityThe "ubuntu"  password isn't unlocking the  screen for me07:29
Reblendedthx arch >=] 07:29
=== halibut [foo@cpc1-lewi1-4-0-cust133.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
vessuviusI'm at the option screen right now :)  got rid of all my partitions07:29
trygvebwcomputerguy867, yes07:29
archangel_X19lol no prob07:29
computerguy867do you know when its being posted/07:29
computerguy867i cant wait!07:29
trygvebwcomputerguy867, as early as possible tomorrow, i gues07:29
trygvebwcomputerguy867, as early as possible tomorrow, i guess07:29
whiskey_1it is simply a question of what you pay with...either you pay with your intellectual improvements or you pay with money07:29
Reblendedgotta log in... user is ubuntu and pass too? or is it root and ubuntu07:29
hohlraumvessuvius: never done it with debian/ubuntu.. fedora has a very easy graphical installer for it.07:29
archangel_X19anybody here successfully used 2.6.11?07:29
=== myles_ [~myles@CPE0050181121d5-CM0012254493da.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
vessuviusI'll give it a try and give you guys a report :)07:30
whiskey_1so what is the difference between linux and windows07:30
trygvebwI would say that the current Hoary repositories is stable now... i don't think they'll make any big updates to tomorrow07:30
eruinarchangel_X19: no07:30
Reblendedahem, whiskey07:30
trygvebwwhiskey_1, you have to try it to see07:30
sgarrityIt's the 5.04 preview release Live CD that I'm trying to unlock the screen for.07:30
halibutwhat is ubuntu like for someone relatively new to linux?07:30
Reblendedwhiskey: I'm on windows right now, but not any longer than tomorrow... I hope07:30
hohlraumwhiskey_1: one starts with an 'l'07:30
eruinhalibut: sweet as 'ell :)07:30
beowuffhalibut, heaven.07:30
trygvebwhalibut, very good. Ubuntu is designed to be easy to use07:30
archangel_X19eruin, does anyone know the command like "ionotify" to keep gnome from freezing?07:30
notosis there ani command to control sound from commadn line?07:30
Reblendedhalibut: try the live cd... I just tried mepis and if it's anything like ubuntu.. I"M SOLD07:30
trygvebwarchangel_X19, it's "inotify"07:31
vessuviushohlraum, so you have to use LVM if you want to use software RAID 1?07:31
vrlnhalibut: and while it's user friendly, it's not "too user friendly" ie, you still learn gnu/linux and not some distros management tools most of the time07:31
computerguy867im running on hoary right now (been updating since one of the earlier realses).  Im hoping when I reinstall tomm I wont be having all the problems Im having with it now07:31
archangel_X19trygvebw, what does it do?07:31
sgarritySo, with the 5.04 preview release Live CD, when the screen is locked, username: ubuntu, and password: ubuntu should unlock it?07:31
hohlraumhalibut: its good.. but debian's installer is still pretty amatuerish compaired to the graphical installers most other distros use.07:31
kzmcomputerguy867, what are your problems?07:31
trygvebwarchangel_X19, it disables the inotify feature, which is not needed except for Beagle07:31
bestadvocatehey dudes dvd::rip is telling me "rar command (for vosub compression) is not found: rar 2.8.0 not found NOT OK"  anyone know how to fix this and/or install the "rar command"?07:31
halibutthank you eruin beowuff Reblended vrln hohlraum07:31
trygvebwbestadvocate, apt-get install unrar07:31
archangel_X19trygvebw, have you tried it in 2.6.11?07:31
=== osmandemirhan [~osman@dsl81-214-61255.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu
trygvebwarchangel_X19, no, i'm running 2.10-4, because i didn't want to recompile my WLAN drivers :)07:32
computerguy867gdesklets doesnt work, the gnome workspace switcher applet for the panel doesnt work right07:32
Reblended< a little worried about my sony winmodem... "trying to wrestle it into submission" is a common quote07:32
bestadvocatetrygvebw: i have unrar-nonfree do you think thats where the confict is?07:32
computerguy867mozilla crashes07:32
hohlraumbestadvocate: add multiverse to your repo list.07:32
archangel_X19trygvebw, lol I hear that07:32
trygvebwbestadvocat, nol, it should work07:32
kzmOh - well there are a few glitches like that, right.07:32
kentI see in the screenshots on ubuntu from Hoary that there is an "About Ubuntu" under System.  But I run Hoary and updates every day, but I have no About Ubuntu there. Its not a real issue for me, but it is still strange..07:32
beowuffhalibut, I would definatly give the live cd a try. And probably try some other live CD's like suse and knoppix. That way you'll see how good ubuntu is!07:32
halibutI have tried suse knoppix mandrake07:32
kzmI guess there's no way to downgrade to Warty again :-(07:33
halibutdidn't like mandrake07:33
trygvebwkent: You DO run "apt-get dist-upgrade" right?07:33
hohlraumbestadvocate: you should be good then.. i think there is a separate rar package thogh.07:33
trygvebwkzm: Why would you want to?07:33
archangel_X19trygvebw, enter it as command line or the other thing?07:33
=== topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3pa5.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
halibutbeowuff, I preffered knoppix from all that I tried so far07:33
trygvebwarch: What?07:33
=== phobosanger [~shmoolik@] has joined #ubuntu
Reblended< gonna try knoppix knext, already tried mepis live... very sweet gui07:33
phobosangerhello :)07:33
trygvebwMEPIS is using KDE, while Ubuntu is using GNOME07:33
trygvebwphobosanger, hello07:33
computerguy867I dont think using an earlier release and updating produces the same result as just downloading the final realse.  What do you all think?07:33
=== nooneyouknow [~michael@82-43-188-94.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ReblendedIC, ty try07:33
kzmtrygvebw: short story: because it worked, and hoary doesn't.  Long story: http://www.ii.uib.no/~ketil/ubuntu-prob.log07:33
trygvebwcomputerguy867, it is! :)07:33
Reblendedhiya phobosanger07:33
kenttrygvebw, No, im not a fan of terminals so i Use synaptic and the upgrade-manage. But yes, i do dist-upgrade.07:33
beowuffhalibut, knoppix is nice, but I really like Ubuntu best from all that I've tired.07:33
trygvebwkzm: norsk? :)07:33
trygvebwkent: ok :)07:34
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kzmGreit for meg - men litt ekskluderende?07:34
computerguy867i guess I just did something wrong then07:34
archangel_X19trygvebw, when you choose a kernel, underneath it gives options to enter in a command line or something else like startup07:34
Reblendedhow to launch the console in Ubuntu?07:34
pdoms"Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".07:34
pdoms" this I get alot when I do glxinfo | grep rendering .... I feel something is seriously wrong.. any help?07:34
vessuviushohlraum, do you know any good guides for the LVM?07:34
trygvebwarchangel_X19, what do you mean?07:34
Reblended< does ubuntu live come with an IRC client?07:34
kzmBasically, I have a latency issue.  And I'm damned if I can figure it out.07:34
bestadvocatewhat video codecs can the default totem read?07:34
phobosangeri    have a problaem with  SKyp  i can connect but i can't send or resive any massages =\ did any of u cam cross this problem ?07:34
trygvebwReblended, yes, XChat07:34
Reblendedsweet! thx tryg07:34
phobosangerand i feel fine thank Reblended07:34
memoryleaki have a problem with my notebook, since i started ubuntu, the fan is allways working07:34
archangel_X19trygvebw, do I enter inotify in a command line for the 2.6.11 kernel?07:35
Reblended=] 07:35
hohlraumvessuvious:  no.. i'm sorry i don't..07:35
computerguy867whats the default kernel going to be for hoarys final release?07:35
bestadvocatewhats the most "free" video codec to encode vidio too?07:35
trygvebwarchangel_X19, you enter it in the kernel options by pressing "e" and "e"07:35
Reblendedmemoryleak, linux is cool, but at the speeds you are going, let the fan run07:35
trygvebwcomputerguy867, 2.6.11, i guess07:35
archangel_X19trygvebw, thanks man bbl (maybe)07:35
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vessuviusreading from raid 1 is faster, correct?07:36
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whiskey_1bestadvocate, right now the theora lib is a popular free video codec07:36
sgarrityeruin: I should be able to unlock the screen from the Hoary live CD with the password "ubuntu"?07:36
akkmemoryleak: How long have you been up?  Maybe it's doing updatedb or something, and just hasn't finished that job yet?07:36
hohlraumvessuvius: you have two drives right?07:36
Reblended< wants to know if it is possible to make ubuntu look like Mac OS from the very first point of startup?07:36
memoryleakakk: 20 min07:36
trygvebwsgarrity, there is no password07:36
kzmmemoryleak, do you run the frequency applet in the toolbar?07:37
trygvebwReblended, you can download a theme07:37
hohlraumvessuvius: you are thinking of raid 0 (striping)07:37
bestadvocatewhiskey_1: i dont think (not sure though) that theora is avalable for dvd:rip07:37
memoryleakkzm, yes07:37
whiskey_1bestadvocate, free in the sense of money...but not free because if you use it like any other linux program...you must fork over your intellectual property if you distribute anything07:37
akkmemoryleak: If you run top from a terminal, what does it show as the top cpu hogs?07:37
sgarritytrygvebw: how do I unlock the screen then?07:37
Reblendedtrygvebw, sweet,,, and it will change the complete look from even the startup screen?07:37
kzmmemoryleak, well - is it full throttle, or does it slow down?07:37
trygvebwsgarrity: just press enter when you're asked for the password07:37
trygvebwReblended: No, but i'm sure you can modify that too :)07:37
memoryleakakk: 1 %07:37
Reblendedtrygvebw, this I've gotta see07:38
trygvebwReblended, take a look at gnome-look.org07:38
hohlraumvessuvius: but yes.. it is faster now that i think about it.07:38
Reblendedtry ty07:38
memoryleakakk: between 0 and 3 %07:38
sgarritytrygvebw: Yeah, when I press enter, it says "Login Cancelled"07:38
halibutshould I go with RC version of live cd?07:38
trygvebwsgarrity: :|07:38
akkmemoryleak: What is between 0 and 3%?07:38
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trygvebwhalibut: yes, or you can wait till tomorrow07:38
memoryleakakk, the cpu usage07:38
hohlraumvessuvius: here is a good reference http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/R/RAID.html07:38
akkmemoryleak: What are the top cpu-using programs?07:38
halibutwhat happens tommorow trygvebw ?07:38
sgarrityanyone else know how to unlock the screen in the Hoary Live CD?07:38
trygvebwhalibut, Ubuntu Hoary Stable is released :)07:38
halibutwhat bizarre names!07:39
memoryleakmetacity, cpufreq and at most xfree8607:39
halibutI think I will download tommorow then07:39
halibutthanks :)07:39
=== Nakkel [~nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #ubuntu
ReblendedI'm looking forward to an OS that will be nice to my dying HD07:39
akkmemoryleak: cpufreq?  Wonder if that's freaking out for some reason ...07:39
trygvebwhalibut: :)07:39
bestadvocatewhats the diffrence between default video codec and default container format?07:39
Reblendedis there a Ghosting program I should try?07:39
trygvebwReblended: You mean like Norton Ghost?07:39
whiskey_1Reblended, dd or partimage if you want an interface07:40
Reblendedtrygvebw yes07:40
=== carambol [~Karambol_@g192087.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
whiskey_1Reblended, there is a dd for windows07:40
memoryleakakk, what now?07:40
Reblendedoh nice! oos, Whiskey?07:40
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akkmemoryleak: I think you need someone who knows about cpufreq.  I don't have any cpus it works on, afaik.07:40
Reblendedwhiskey googlled dd download... hmm07:41
Reblendedwhiskey is it under another name?07:41
pdomspdoms@DenBrommer:~$ glxgears07:41
pdomsXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".07:41
pdoms Nvidia worked properly before.. any1 an idea of how to fix this? I tried reinstalling nvidia but no succes :(07:41
=== akk wonders why dist-upgrade just spun up my not-currently-mounted cdrom even though I'm not running nautilus
whiskey_1Reblended, nah..give me a minute and i will try to find it for you07:41
memoryleaknow i killed cpufreqd, and the fan is still working with full speed07:41
trygvebwakk: It searches your CD-ROM for updated packages07:41
Reblendedwhiskey much oblidged =] 07:41
=== jnoon [~jnoon@c-24-4-137-83.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
vessuviushohlraum, if I stick a disk that I've used the LVM on into a windows machine, (and say I formatted some partitions in fat) would it still be able to read them?07:41
trygvebwakk: to stop it from doing it remove your CD-ROM from your /etc/apt/sources.list file07:41
jnoondoesnt hoary final come out this month? anyone know the day?07:42
nooneyouknowdoes anyone know how to set read permissions for users on a reiserfs diskdrive?07:42
memoryleakakk, should i reboot ?07:42
trygvebwjnoon: tomorrow07:42
akktrygvebw: Ah, IC.  Thanks.07:42
halibutis it safe to write to ntfs partitions?07:42
vessuviussomebody needs to make that the topic :-p07:42
nooneyouknowive got it as my second drive and i cant get access as read or write without sudo07:42
nooneyouknowno, its not safe to write to ntfs partitions.07:42
akkmemoryleak: I suppose it couldn't hurt.  I wonder if there's a way to disable cpufreq somewhere?07:42
trygvebwhalibut: If you use CaptiveNTFS, yes, mostly07:42
trygvebwbut theres always some risks07:42
nooneyouknowwell, not if you have anything really important on them.07:42
Reblendedrestore deleted files?07:42
jnoontrygvebw, nice... do you know what i do to get it... i am on hoary-dev (i think thats what you call it)07:42
whiskey_1Reblended, well i can't copy the url...but i got the binary and source if you want them07:43
memoryleakakk, i uninstalled cpufreq07:43
akkmemoryleak: It seems to be run from /etc/init.d/powernowd07:43
vessuviusDoes anyone have a good book to recommend for beginning linux users07:43
Reblendedwhiskey can you paste the binary file name?07:43
=== twentyone [~Olivier@gradignan-1-82-228-73-23.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
trygvebwjnoon: It will be announced on the official site.07:43
akkmemoryleak: Oh, that would do it too.  It'll be interesting to hear if that helps.07:43
Reblendedwhiskey I'll search that =] 07:43
trygvebwIf i understand you right :)07:43
jnoonok thanks07:43
vessuviusI've got a csci degree, just need a good resource to tell me how things work07:43
whiskey_1Reblended, yes or i could just email it to you07:43
=== mello [~mello@c-67-162-226-133.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Reblendedwhiskey not unless I want an angry host letter =] 07:43
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whiskey_1Reblended, well ok...the filename is dd-0.3.zip07:44
sgarrityso, apparently you can't unlock the screensaver on the LiveCD at all?07:44
Reblendedwhiskey tyvm07:44
whiskey_1Reblended, you go get it07:44
=== Nekohayo [~Kiddo@ip216-239-75-19.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu
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BauhnCan anyone help me with configuring so that when i double-click on a directory it doesn't open in a new window..?07:44
=== ArdieM [~ArdieM@p54B265E2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Reblendedwhat's dd stand for, whiskey?07:44
=== ernstp [~ernstp@k13d217-2.kam.afb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu
memoryleakakk, can you advise me an other cpu frequency control programm?07:45
ArdieMi cant find packages like unrar or azureus via apt... could somebody gimme some repos ?? (warty amd64)07:45
NekohayoBauhn, go in the gnome menu, system tools, configuration editor07:45
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whiskey_1dd stands for dumb duplicator07:45
=== Bazzi- [Bastian@pD954E986.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nekohayothen apps, nautilus, preferences07:45
Reblendedwhiskey thx07:45
akkmemoryleak: No, sorry, I don't have any cpus that support that (just an older p3 that auto-switches).07:45
=== ericb_ [~eric@modemcable234.48-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
akkmemoryleak: Maybe try back here periodically, someone who knows might show up?07:46
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Reblendedwhiskey I'm hoping it will work to rescue a 200g drive that has physical damage07:46
memoryleakakk, and for intel centrino ?07:46
cikilini am verry curios why windows went to left of the screen on comand minimize07:46
=== hor [~hor@pD9FD3FD6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
netsackif i started with hoary preview and have been doing apt-get update every couple of days since then, do i still need to do a dist-upgrade?07:46
memoryleakakk, yes i will be here periodically07:47
pussfellerthe hpijs drivers for my photosmart are only showing what looks like photo paper in the option, whats up with that07:47
pussfelleri cant select legal or letter07:47
memoryleakakk, i will reboote to see if something changes07:47
BauhnNekohayo, where in the configuration editor?07:47
Nekohayothen apps, nautilus, preferences07:47
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Nekohayoand there's an option "always use browser"07:47
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ermovessuvius, no offense, but how did you get a csci degree without getting to know at least on flavour of *NIX? Try taking a look at http://tldp.org/guides.html and go from there07:48
memoryleakakk, maybe the configuration of the fan is still the same before the uninstall. of cpufreq07:48
grahamozhello i need some help07:48
cikilini am verry curios why windows went to left of the screen on comand minimize07:48
=== darksatanic [~hugo@81-5-136-19.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu
grahamozhow do u install ndsiwrapper ?07:49
BauhnCan anyone help me with configuring so that when i double-click on a directory it doesn't open in a new window..? or what the "section" is called in the system configuration menu07:49
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Reblendedapt-get install ndiswrapper ?07:49
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grahamozgraham@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper07:50
grahamozReading package lists... Done07:50
grahamozBuilding dependency tree... Done07:50
grahamozE: Couldn't find package ndiswrapper07:50
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NekohayoBauhn, I just told you07:51
cikilinE VREUN ROMAN?07:51
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vessuviusDoes anyone have a recommended sizing of partitions?  I have plenty of disk space, but don't want free space set aside for / or /usr that is never going to be filled... I know I need 250MB or so /boot and twice RAM for swap, but other than that I've not much of a clue07:51
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Earthencan some recommend a good video editing program for Ubuntu07:51
trygvebwEarthen: Kino07:51
Earthenis it atp-getable07:51
grahamozhmm i wonder why i can't install ndiswrapper07:51
NekohayoBauhn, "Nekohayo then apps, nautilus, preferences // Nekohayo and there's an option "always use browser""07:51
trygvebwvessuvius: I have never used anything else than just / and swap07:51
ningoEarthen, yes07:52
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trygvebwEarthen: yes, but remember to unlock universe07:52
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memoryleakakk, it helped!07:52
BauhnNekohayo, sorry, i missed that07:52
trygvebwgrahamoz, have you unlocked ndiswrapper in the source file?07:52
EarthenI was hoping that Cinelerra would be but sady it is not07:52
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cikilincan i download from torrents sites music?07:52
Earthenthanks anyway07:52
grahamozhow do u do that07:52
memoryleakakk, just removed cpufreq07:52
trygvebwcikilin, what do you mean?07:52
vessuviustrygvebv, I've heard its more secure to put things like /var etc on different partitions, in case a program goes wild... and I like the idea of my /home being on a separate partition in case I hose the os07:52
mikkelso, If i download a .deb-file from the web, what should I do to install it?07:52
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cikilini wanna download some music and i don't know how07:53
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pussfellerit keeps telling meI am not in the sudoers file07:53
akkmemoryleak: Cool!  Fan no longer spinning all the time?07:53
Myrttiis anyone else having problems with Gimp's jpg-saving?07:53
trygvebwvessuvius: it's just a waste to but everything else than /home / and swap on different partitions07:53
pussfellercikilin, nicotine or mldonkey07:53
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akkMyrtti: I've been able to save jpg but I've had trouble with loading images from the web.07:53
NekohayoMyrtti, no problem here07:53
trygvebwpussfeller: Have you created a new user on your own?07:53
grahamoztrygvebw,  how do u unlock it07:54
vessuviusyou really think so trygvebw?07:54
trygvebwvessuvius: yeah07:54
akkMyrtti: I think there's something a little wrong with the libraries gimp uses for various image formats on hoary.07:54
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trygvebwvessuvius: on older distributions it could've been smart, but not on Ubuntu07:54
pdomsWhat's the easiest way to rip an audio cd on my hd?07:54
trygvebwgrahamoz, http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories07:54
Reblendedyou said UB will run Cinelerra?07:54
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trygvebwpdoms, sound-juicer07:54
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vessuviusyou're making sense actually07:55
trygvebwvessuvius, :P07:55
Myrttiakk: time to cross fingers and send silent cries to Gaia that an update to those libraries will be released soon would be appropriate, then...07:55
cikilini wanna download some music and i don't know how07:55
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vessuviusmaybe /var too though... keep the website separate07:55
=== haich [~haich@189.Red-83-37-199.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
matthijs_I ran `usermod -G hal [my_usrname] , so I've deleted myself from all groups, how can I add them back without root user?07:55
pussfellercikilin, i told you what programs, 2 of many you can use for p2p07:55
trygvebwmatthijs: Use the GNOME user tool07:55
=== HillTop [~chatzilla@cpe-204-210-35-9.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
trygvebwcikilin, gtk-gnutella, xmule07:56
matthijs_trygvebw: gives an error07:56
akkMyrtti: I actually hadn't updated in a little over a week, so for all I know it's fixed now (just updated, haven't run gimp again since then)07:56
trygvebwmatthijs_, which error?07:56
cikilinwhere is it?07:56
PyreI don't know cikilin. They're not connected to IRC.07:56
=== CountDown [~Thaddeus@dhcp-45-124.media.mit.edu] has joined #ubuntu
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trygvebwcikilin: apt-get install it07:56
vessuviusboot /var /tmp swap /home /07:56
memoryleakakk, no :)07:57
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akkMyrtti: Nope, just tried it, still broken.  But I can save jpg, so my problem isn't exactly the same as yours.07:57
matthijs_trygvebw: Failed to run users-admin:07:57
matthijs_ Child terminated with 1 status07:57
vessuviusbut then I still need some idea of how big / should be or its a waste :-p07:57
trygvebwhm :|07:57
trygvebwvessuvius: depends on your use07:57
CountDownAnyone here use Latex on Ubuntu?07:57
matthijs_trygvebw: because I don't have the rights I think.07:57
vessuviusI don't know my use hehe :)07:57
memoryleakhow can i add a panel into another panel?07:57
cikilinwhere are the programs07:57
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=== inva|id [~invalid@adsl-210-30-56.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
trygvebwmatthijs_, you would have been asked for the root password07:57
CountDowncikilin: What programs?07:57
inva|idhow would I call uptime, to print everything /but/ the first argument (current time) ?07:58
trygvebwcikilin, application menu?07:58
akkMyrtti: Oh, wait, actually I think the problem I was seeing might be fixed after all.07:58
trygvebwor start them from a console07:58
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cikilini am new07:58
cikilini ubuntu07:58
matthijs_trygvebw: there is no root passwd in ubuntu07:58
sigman uptime07:58
trygvebwmatthijs_, sorry, i mean your user password :)07:58
cikilindont know to find the programs07:58
Reblendedmatth shocked!07:58
pussfellercikilin, what program specifically did you apt-get07:58
trygvebwcikilin: have you looked in your Applications menu?07:58
vessuviustrygvebw do you prefer reiser or ext3?07:58
CountDowncikilin, Check the "Applications" menu item in the upper left corner of the screen.07:58
matthijs_trygvebw: matthijs@tails:~$ sudo -s07:58
matthijs_matthijs is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.07:58
Reblendedmatth it's automatically disabled?07:58
trygvebwvessuvius, reiserfs07:58
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trygvebwvessuvius, i think it's a lot more stable07:59
CountDownLatex on Ubuntu?07:59
matthijs_trygvebw: that's why the GNOME user thingie also doesn't work07:59
inva|idsig, man uptime does not provide any information to filtering the output07:59
cikilinwho is the one?07:59
trygvebwmatthijs_, add yourself to /etc/sudoers, then :)07:59
grahamoztrygvebw,  how do u unlock the source07:59
CountDowncikilin: The one to do what?07:59
matthijs_trygvebw: I don't haver permission for that, need root for that.07:59
_dwaynehow do i get postfix to listen on eth0?07:59
vessuviusdo I need to make "/boot" bootable?07:59
BauhnNekohayo, i cant find it.. Becuase it's on swedish it doesn't say "nautilus" anywheere and i cant find it..?07:59
siginva|id: try ps top or other stuff07:59
trygvebwmatthijs_, :|07:59
cikilinto download some music07:59
matthijs_trygvebw: I'm in an endless loop hwaaa!08:00
trygvebwmatthijs_, you may try starting in single-user mode and adding yourself to /etc/sudoers08:00
lamont_dwayne: hoary or warty?08:00
matthijs_trygvebw: How do I start single user from grub?08:00
inva|idsig, I have, they just print extra stuff on top of uptime08:00
trygvebwmatthijs_, select your ubuntu entry, press e, choose init, set it to /bin/bash08:00
lamont_dwayne: vi /etc/postfix/master.cf, see the lines ending with smtpd -  one gets deleted, the other gets the IP removed from the front of it...08:00
matthijs_trygvebw: thank you!08:00
=== alexsmith [haunteduni@HauntedUnix-student-pdpc.aboutmandrake] has joined #ubuntu
alexsmith#modprobe -fr ndiswrapper // modprobe -l | grep ndis // /lib/modules/2.6.8-3-386/misc/ndiswrapper.ko // ls -l /lib/modules/2.6.8-3-386/misc/ndiswrapper.ko // ls: /lib/modules/2.6.8-3-386/misc/ndiswrapper.ko: No such file or directory -- Any ideas why that's happening?08:01
pussfellercikilin, gtk-gnutella,mldonkey,xmule,nicotine are all programs that download music08:01
trygvebwmatthijs_, np :)08:01
vessuviusDo I make /boot bootable or /08:01
lamontsmtp      inet  n       -       -       -       -       smtpd08:01
lamont_dwayne: like that ^^08:01
_dwaynelamont: Thanks08:01
trygvebwvessuvius, i *don't* think that you have to do any of them bootable, but in case, just make /boot bootable :)08:01
cikilinwhere are the programs pls08:01
vessuviusthnx :)08:01
=== hendrik_sticher [~hendrik@dialin-212-144-045-011.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
vessuviustrygvebw,do you format everything reiser?08:02
pussfellercikilin, sudo apt-get install nicotine :)08:02
trygvebwvessuvius, yeah08:02
vessuviusok :)08:02
trygvebwexcept for swap, o/c :P08:02
Amaranthwow, the ubuntu community can pull their own slashdot effect08:02
vessuviusof course :)08:02
trygvebwAmaranth: what? :P08:02
vessuviusI want swap on the outside of the disk too right?08:02
netsackif i started with hoary preview and have been doing apt-get update every couple of days since then, do i still need to do a dist-upgrade?08:02
vessuviusand boot on the inside08:02
Amaranthsomeone said new layout on the ubuntu website, i tried to go, slow as hell08:02
trygvebwvessuvius, what do you mean?08:02
trygvebwit is very nice :)08:03
MrParkerhello peopling08:03
whiskey_1Reblended, there is one thing...if you are going to use dd for windows to clone windows partitions you better check with Microsoft about additional fees08:03
vessuviusThe outer sectors of the disk should have more data per revolution08:03
vessuviusrather than the very inside sector08:03
cikilintried to sudo apt-get install nicotine sias not available08:03
Reblendedwhiskey am I supposed to laugh?08:03
trygvebwvessuvius: i don't think that that matters for linux08:03
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trygvebwcikilin, look at ubuntuguide.org08:03
=== mello [~mello@c-67-162-226-133.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
whiskey_1Reblended, no...i am just saying they windows is a restricted program to only paying customers08:03
vessuviusI don't think it makes any working difference, but perhaps a slight performance boost08:03
Reblendedwhiskey I'm not backing up windows.. and if I were, I own a legit xp disk08:04
trygvebwvessuvius: yeah, probably :) so put / on the outside08:04
libbencant u play .vob files with totem?08:04
astro76Reblended: you might as well laugh, he never makes sense, it's restricted this and restricted that08:04
whiskey_1Reblended, oh..i see08:04
trygvebwlibben: google for vob files ubuntu08:04
Reblendedastro be kind =] 08:04
Reblendedwhiskey thx tho08:04
vessuviusI think ideally swap should be closest to the file you access most so that the head isn't moving all over hell between what you're using and swapping08:04
Reblendedwhiskey one thing I don't get is the dvd libs... why all the fuss?08:04
CountDownWhere is the algorithm.sty stylesheet for latex?  In Debian stable it's in tetex-extra.  It seems to have been removed in the unstable and Ubuntu versions.08:04
Dr_WillisHmm.. found my old webcam.. :P whats the program to check it out see if it works :P08:05
astro76Reblended: well apparently linux can't play dvds and mp3s, don't you know ;)08:05
kebikatabeh, kdevelop is older than my .kdevelop project file...08:05
trygvebwDr_Willis, video4linux?08:05
Reblended=p ha08:05
trygvebwkebikata, :P08:05
kebikataas in, it won't open my projects...08:05
memoryleakakk, now its runs again all the time08:05
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Reblendedastro yah I know... it can only play divx rips08:05
whiskey_1Reblended, well..i don't care about dvd...i only bought two of them....but some of these people are willing to pay and some just want to download the codecs and decryption for free from Hungary08:05
Dr_Willistrygvebw,  i was thinking there was some gnome-cam prog. :P08:05
whiskey_1Reblended, but it is none of my business08:06
Reblendedwhisk I guess, hungary, copywrite free...08:06
MrParkerI own a computer store, just went to ubuntu on all demo machines in my store as microsoft threatened to sue me over something incredibly stupid08:06
bestadvocatewoohoo i have started my first ripping!08:06
MrParkerheya bestadvocate08:07
MrParkeragain :P08:07
Reblendedso, I'd load this < http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=20075 > and my ubuntu would startup looking like it's loading OSX?08:07
Reblendedbest congrats08:07
=== thoreauputic [~debianarc@wolax9-206.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
whiskey_1MrParker, hey well don't think gnu won't sue you if you do something stupid08:07
MrParkernot much, yourself?08:07
trygvebwDr_Willis, google08:07
x_orI cannot find anything in the wiki for enabling SpamAssassin.  Anyone know how to find a howto?08:07
bestadvocatethat took like 3 hours of messing around...08:07
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trygvebwReblended: yeah08:07
MrParkerwhiskey_1 I'm not doing anything stupid, microsoft is :P08:07
whiskey_1MrParker, well ok08:07
lunitikMrParker: possible to ask what they wanted to sue for?08:07
Reblendedtrygvebw cool! so from the very moment I press the pwr button... all os x?08:08
bestadvocateMrParker:still havent done that paper :-008:08
trygvebwx_or: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2236208:08
Dr_Willistrygvebw,  silly trygvebw  google's not a webcam program.. its a search engine. :P08:08
Reblendedtry thx08:08
thoreauputicfor anyone interested - mandrakesoft has changed its name to mandriva08:08
MrParkerYeah, we buy used computers from wholesalers that come with COAs affixed to them. Our wholesaler told us this was license to put windows 98 on them. So we did.08:08
trygvebwDr_Willis, XD08:08
lunitikthoreauputic: hahaha08:08
Dr_Willistrygvebw,  actually i was thinkig i saw some prog in the default gnome menus.. but cant find it now.08:08
thoreauputicmandrake+ connectiva08:08
Reblendedand next mandriva >  monrovia?08:08
MrParkerAs the computers were supposed to be licensed themselves for 9808:08
trygvebwDr_Willis, moment...08:08
thoreauputiclunitik: true - just got an email from them :)08:08
MrParkerAccording to microsoft the COA isn't considered a license without the original manual of all things.08:09
lunitikthoreauputic: sounds pretty lame... but hey... its better than Madrakesoft08:09
trygvebwDr_Willis, http://camorama.fixedgear.org/08:09
MrParkerSo without transfer of ownership of the MANUAL we cant load 98 on the machines08:09
whiskey_1MrParker, well win98 is a sunk cost for me...so we got it all working with free software08:09
lunitikuh... mandrakesoft08:09
Reblendedtrygvebw uhh, the 22362 thread, this is thunderbird banter?08:09
MrParkerhowever XP will not run on these machines, they're old08:09
thoreauputiclunitik: haha - yes it's an improvement I guess08:09
=== beowuff [~beowuff@c-67-183-115-164.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MrParkerand they dont offer an option to buy a COA for 98 either08:09
whiskey_1MrParker, and thanks to clamav for windows and clam mail for windows it works quite well08:09
MrParkeras they dont support it08:09
trygvebwReblended: Oh, maybe, moment...08:09
Reblended=] 08:10
trygvebwIt should already be integrated, but...08:10
MrParkerI figured just use ubuntu for demo08:10
trygvebwi'm testing08:10
=== HiddenWolf [~hidden@136.130.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu
vessuviustrygvebw do you think 20 GB is plenty for /?08:10
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trygvebwvessuvius, yup, more than enough :)08:10
kebikatavessuvius: is it your only partition?08:10
ennteeAnyone else having an issue using the flash plugin in Hoary? Every flash enabled website crashes the browser when I have it installed?08:11
=== jintxo [~jintxo@18.Red-83-42-87.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Reblendedyo whiskey  http://uranus.it.swin.edu.au/~jn/linux/rawwrite/dd.htm08:11
vessuviuskebikata... no, /, swap, 50GB for /var, 200 GB for /home, then I'll have a backup partition08:11
=== Goshawk [~Goshawk@host63-109.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
trygvebwenntee: Have you installed it using the Ubuntuguide HOWTO?08:11
kebikatavessuvius: weird, why do you split them up like that?08:11
alexsmithOkay - I have a problem..  ndiswrapper -l says net8180 driver present, hardware present. modprobe ndiswrapper gives a strange error in dmesg: http://rafb.net/paste/results/t2MXE481.html08:11
ennteetrygvebw: yep08:11
trygvebwkebikata, he thinks it is a good way :)08:12
trygvebwbut maybe it is :)08:12
vessuviusif a sector goes bad, it usually just happens on one partition08:12
kebikatawell, that's sort of obvious.08:12
bestadvocatewell my computer seems to be handeling rhythembox running with a dvd ripping and a cd ripping and 2 downloads + xchat fairly well08:12
kebikatawhat i was asking was WHY08:12
vessuviusso if they are split, you can recover your data even if say /boot goes to hell08:12
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JefisHow to disable automatic pppoe connection on boot?08:13
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trygvebwhm... suddenly became quit here :P08:13
vessuviuseven on windows I had system partition and a data partition... so if I screwed up something and wanted to rebuild, I could just reinstall the os on the one partition, and all my data would still be on the data partition08:13
vessuviusno need to backup08:13
=== glide [~glidetoth@adsl-68-75-28-107.dsl.wotnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
JefisHow to disable automatic pppoe connection on boot?08:14
vessuviusso I went from win2k to xp, and never had to backup any of my records that were on the data partition08:14
trygvebwJefis: Try asking on the forums :)08:14
vessuviusmake sense?08:15
inva|idsig, I got it to work with uptime | cut -b 11-08:15
=== Echylo [~Echylo@108-180.245.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
trygvebwvessuvius, make sense: no such target: sense08:15
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bestadvocatei should close some programs i dont need.....08:16
vessuviusthat's why I backup to fat... so I can always just throw it in a windows machine and get it back08:16
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=== farias [~farias@200-158-80-9.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
BauhnCan anyone help me with configuring so that when i double-click on a directory it doesn't open in a new window..? i got some help before, but couldn't solve it then08:18
JefisHow to disable automatic pppoe connection on boot? :)08:18
glide4him9NickServ REGISTER glide4him908:18
trygvebwBauhn: moment...08:18
fariasNo manjo nada08:19
fariasNem sei o que fazer, pois  o primeiro contato.08:20
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=== JDahl [~qwerty@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2u1-63.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_WillisDrat - My QUickCamMessenger - is aparently not well supported in linux.08:20
fariasSe algum puder que ajudar que se habilite.08:21
akkWebcams are such a problem in linux.08:21
whiskey_1Reblended, just remember Microsoft wants their money and gnu wants their intellectual improvements and you can get sued either way08:21
fariasDe preferencia em Portugues do Brazil.08:21
Dr_Willisakk,  heck - they tend to be a probem in windows as well08:21
davixwhat neat games can I get for linux, such as Enemy Territory?08:21
Dr_WillisBest Webcam I got for windows -- is the PS/2 Eye TOy! ;P08:21
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trygvebwdavix: Look at happy penguin08:21
davixwill do, tnx08:22
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fariasNo sei usar o menu para entrar no Windows.08:22
Rebroadah... anyone here want any help getting luminocity working?08:22
trygvebwdavix: http://www.happypenguin.org/08:22
=== eric__ [~eric@modemcable234.48-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
CarlKbooted from the live CD, it errored, no more blanks handy so I can't just burn another - but I have the ISO on the local drive: umount /cdrom, mount /hda4... mount -o loop hda4.../hoary-live.iso - get "mount: could not find a spare loop device" - Is there something I can do about this?08:22
trygvebwHow did it error? Which error?08:23
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Dr_WillisCarlK,  what are you planng on doing with the live cd anyway?08:23
CarlKread error, fails md5sum08:23
CarlKruning glxgears to see if it is any better than my gentoo install08:23
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fariasTank you08:24
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Dr_WillisCarlK,  what video card you got anyway?08:24
trygvebwCarlK, you need to install 3D drivers to get 3D-accel08:24
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Dr_WillisCarlK,  UGH!08:24
Dr_Willisso one may get ya 20. vs 21 :P08:25
CarlKi get 30fps woo!08:25
x_orI'm having trouble logging into imap.  I see mail properly (I assume properly) when I use mail as the mail client.  However, thunderbird cannot login (password refused) to the imap server.  Anyone know how to troubleshoot?08:25
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GhostFreemanwhat time for Hoary final tomorrow?08:26
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trygvebwGhostFreeman: You should ask on #ubuntu-devel08:26
=== LeeColleton [~lc@dsl231-061-247.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
Earthenis there a repository where i can apt-get open office 2.008:26
CarlKno, you shoulnt ;)08:26
trygvebwEarthen: The official Ubuntu Hoary08:26
CarlKor... lets all go ask and watch the fireworks!08:27
Earthenmmm i didn't see it there08:27
trygvebwsudo apt-get install openoffice.org208:27
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Rebroadwhat does openoffice2 do that openoffice1 doesn't?08:28
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Dr_WillisIts a higher version # - so its better!08:28
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trygvebwRebroad: Lots of things, improved usability, userfriendly-ity, supports more formats like OpenDocument etc.08:28
Reblendedsoon, I will say bye bye XPatooie08:29
Earthenit can open worperfict files08:29
RebroadDr_Willis: and you are a doctor of....?08:29
ReblendedDr of bruce08:29
trygvebwEarthen: I think so, *checking*08:29
=== Schn [eu@200-160-71-122.user.ajato.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
LeeColletonmy computer has a CF reader built into it.  How can I make CF media automount on insert?  Right now I'm using "pmount -t vfat /dev/hde1" and it's a PITA08:29
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Reblendedi love pita bread08:29
CarlKLeeColleton - is it a toshiba laptop 6100?08:29
=== Dr_Willis is a Dr of Loveology
trygvebwEarthen: Yes, it can :)08:29
Reblendedand you love Bruce Willis?08:29
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honeCarlK, I have an ibm with one08:30
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kkathmangreetings all :)08:30
nydustwhen i am running dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b i get make *** path error 2 how do i correct this08:30
Earthenyeah i know thats the differance between 2.0 and the older one08:30
RebroadI can't believe I've been spending days using jhbuild to download, configure, compile and install 215 packages when I only needed it to do 17...08:30
LeeColletonCarlK: no it's an IBM X3008:30
CarlKI hear the 6100's is some priorty thingy that has no documentaion, so no open source support :(08:30
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honeCarlK: yeah I have an ibm x31, can't get it to automount either08:31
Reblendedwhiskey... intellectual improvements? aka: outhinking microsoft?08:31
LeeColletonCarlK: the CF drive works through a PCMCIA interface08:31
ReblendedTrue is it not, that Microsft uses a linux server for their email?08:31
kkathmanI am trying to copy files from an samba share (i.e. a windows box) to my linux box and its giving me an access denied message, how can I fix this...I've tried to get to the smb:// share itself and change permissions and for some reason it keeps trying to get me to change the name08:31
RebroadReblended: it might be08:31
t3rrorwhat do you all use to display system information on your desktop?08:31
eric__hey hoary is still full of bugs guys08:31
CarlKwell, mine looks like a USB device (i think) but lsusb doesn't even show a device, jsut a 3rd usb hub08:32
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RebroadReblended: when they first took over hotmail, they tried to port it to MS servers, and had to revert back to linux08:32
Dr_Willis"True is it not   "     <-- A Jedi Soon You will be..08:32
thoreauputict3rror: GKrellM08:32
Reblendedthis is of course, back in the early NT days... when their server would bog at 50%08:32
=== ReleaseX [~anon@adsl-66-143-146-172.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
kkathmaneric__,  well name me a piece of software that doesnt have bugs :)08:32
t3rrori was wanting something that listed cpu usage, mem usage, network usage, disk space, time, weather, that kind of shit08:32
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ReblendedLOL yes, rebroad.. that's the time08:32
=== sime_ [~sime@c211-30-187-243.rivrw1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Reblendedso windows will just be another linux rewrite one of these days08:32
TSWoodVt3rror: gkrellm08:32
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Dr_WillisReblended,  i doubt that.08:32
thoreauputict3rror: GKrellM08:32
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kkathmant3rror, I use gkrellm08:32
Reblendedoh good, whew08:33
eric__kkatchman : well I don't expect it to be bug free I expect that when installing a package it works or at least near to..08:33
trygvebwkkathman, TeX :D:D:D08:33
TSWoodVt3rror: There is a gnome weather applet too.08:33
t3rrorsweet, thanks08:33
kkathmantrygvebw, ??08:33
RebroadReblended: Windows is becoming more like linux, and linux is becoming more like MS Windows in various ways08:33
honeLeeColleton: can you get yours to mount w/ the label?08:33
ReblendedTSWoodV yes, I saw it in the mepis live cd.08:33
honeLeeColleton: or dowe have to specify it08:33
thoreauputicthe gnome weather applet works fine08:33
ReblendedRebroad, is the meld bad?08:33
trygvebwkkathman, just kidding :)08:33
t3rrori will look for that also08:33
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TSWoodVeric__: Been on hoary for months.  No big problems installing anything.08:33
ReblendedRebroad: it's a fact, whom you hate you emulate08:33
kkathmaneric__, which package are you having issues with?08:34
sime_hrm, 5.04 release candidate ? Wasn't there a candidate on the 30/31 of March ?08:34
trygvebwTSWoodV, same here08:34
trygvebwsime_, yes08:34
eric__kkatchman : not only hoarty installed apache 1.3 AND apache 2, that leads to massive conflicts, but the php4-common package refused to install because /usr/share/doc/php4-common/php.ini wasn't existing I had to create a blank one first08:34
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sime_trans_err, rc2 ?08:34
thoreauputict3rror: just right click the panel, choose the weather applet08:34
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RebroadReblended: well, not always, but when it's competition, usually08:34
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trygvebwsime_, there is no rc208:34
ReblendedRe =] 08:34
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TSWoodVeric__: How are you installing stuff?  What repos are you using08:34
kkathmanso anyway, can anyone tell me how to change permissions on a samba share?08:35
RebroadReblended: like you emulated the first 3 letters of my nick..? :)08:35
eric__the default ones TSWoodV, universe and others08:35
kkathmanIm just trying to copy a file from my windows box over to linux08:35
sime_trygvebw, then dates busted on the front page of ubuntu:  "5.04 Release Candidate available!  2005-04-07"08:35
eric__TSWoodV : I just uncommented /etc/apt/sources.list08:35
Rebroadkkathman: don't try. do :)08:35
ReblendedRebroad: you were first, yes. but I did not know your nick until today... I'm from #blender08:35
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Schnwhat's the kernel to be in the 5.04 release?08:35
trygvebwsime_, no, that's just todays date :)08:35
TSWoodVkkathman: First off, have you added your smb user via smbpasswd?08:35
trygvebwSchn, 2.6.1108:35
Reblended#blender heads laud ubuntu08:35
RebroadReblended: "laud"?08:36
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sime_trygvebw, but it should be the date of the news item... like the rest of the news posts08:36
Reblendedlaud = high praise08:36
nydustwhat app do i use to connect on remote desktop (client)08:36
Schntrygvebw: thx, 2.6.11 is fassst08:36
Etapienwhats the default password while using the live cd08:36
kkathmanTSWoodV not sure, I used to be able to do this when I first installed Ubuntu with no probs with no passwords08:36
Rebroadwhy is it that smbfs causes apps to freeze when the network gets unplugged?08:36
trygvebwsime_, then maybe it's the last time it's updated :)08:36
Etapienlike to unlock the screen saver08:36
trygvebwbecause there was no RC today :)08:36
Rebroadnydust: I like grdesktop08:36
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honeSchn: faster than what?08:36
Reblendedopensource free dictionary?08:36
kkathmanRebroad, hehe thanks Yoda :)   I wish to, let me put it that way :)08:36
TSWoodVkkathman: My bad.  You're accessing a Windows share via Samba, not sharing to a Windows box, right?08:36
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Schnhone: faster than 2.6.1008:37
yfiranyone had any luck getting gmailfs to work?08:37
Rebroadyfir: i tried but failed08:37
honeSchn: really/08:37
honeSchn: what are the changes?08:37
kkathmanTSWoodV  yes....just trying to move a file from a windows box on my local network from there to my linux box08:37
yfirRebroad: me too. I wonder if it's something Google has changed on their end...08:37
sigyfir: use gmail-notify in repo's08:37
Rebroadyfir: Did you get "fusermount: old style mounting not supported"?08:37
Reblendedkkat email?08:37
Schnhone: i tried with kanotix, both kernels, it boots aprox 3 secs faster with .1108:38
TSWoodVkkathman: Does your linux password match your Windows password?08:38
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Reblendedi've used AIM to move files...08:38
honeSchn: oh nice08:38
kkathmanReblended, email?08:38
Reblendedwindows with zonealarm can get stuffy08:38
honeSchn: I should compile a 2.6.11 kernel then08:38
Schnhone: lets see what happens with ubuntu08:38
honeSchn: ok08:38
Reblendedkkathman: it can get so painful moving files with XP...08:38
Rebroadanyone know an easy way to set up "internet connection sharing" on ubuntu ?08:38
Reblendedor get it to communicate with even another xp machine...08:38
keffohmm. anyone knows what the iconname for 'unknown document08:38
vessuviusWill a  samba share show up for someone on OS X? Or will I need something special for those users?08:39
eric__Rebroad : shorewall howto ??08:39
ReblendedI"ve use AIM to move files. lol08:39
thoreauputicRebroad: install firestarter] 08:39
Rebroadeirc__: ta08:39
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Rebroadthoreauputic: I tried firestarter, but it didn't offer a share option08:39
thoreauputicRebroad: it does here08:39
kkathmanTSWoodV, this morning I did a chown on my htdocs directory from root. Im suspcious that this might have messed up the access08:39
Rebroaderic__: ta08:39
thoreauputicRebroad: one click and you have NAT08:39
eric__Rebroad : ?08:39
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kkathmanTSWoodV, I simply got tired of being blocked using Konqueror to move files around08:40
Rebroaderic__, thoreauputic: which is better? firestarter or shorewall?08:40
thoreauputicRebroad: never tried shorewall08:40
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kiwnixshorewall is more powerfull08:40
vessuviusdoes anyone here use anything besides bind for dns?08:41
eric__but vim-based ;)08:41
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Rebroadkiwnix: well, they both use iptables, don't they?08:41
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whiskey_1Reblended, no...this is a serious issue....if you get caught using linux (mostly gnu) and trying to create anything commercial without also distributing your intellectual improvements (source) for free...you will be in trouble.08:41
kiwnixRebroad, yes, but shorewall is more configurable, exposes more iptables options08:41
Rebroadwhiskey_1: only if you try to include GPL source code08:42
Reblendedwhiskey you are referring to exclusively programming... not flash fla's etc08:42
whiskey_1Reblended, you either pay with money or you pay with your intellectual improvements....get it08:42
=== frank__ [~frank@HSE-QuebecCity-ppp3501035.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Reblendedgot it08:42
thoreauputicwhiskey_1: and only if you redistribute08:42
Rebroadkiwnix: ah. thanks08:42
whiskey_1thoreauputic, yes08:42
frank__Hey I just installed Ubuntu (AMD64) for the first time!08:42
kiwnixReblended, but... firestarter is easyer08:42
trygvebw-awayfrank__, congrats :)08:42
Rebroadwhiskey_1: you can use GPL apps, to create your commercial product08:43
topyliit depends on how complicated a setup you are trying to do. something like firestarter will make a nice iptables setup for any normal home lan08:43
Reblendedwhiskey so, THAT's why the linux companies have to offer source and services08:43
Rebroadwhiskey_1: but you can't modify existing GPL products and re-sell them as commercial08:43
LeeColletonhone: I don't think the disk is labled (blank in properties), but I can specify a folder in /media08:43
trygvebw-awayRebroad, but then your product has to be GPL'ed too08:43
Reblendedfirestarter? can't find it... only flash firestarter08:43
Rebroadno.. only has to be GPLed if it is a modification of a GPL product08:43
ReblendedRebroad: I've heard of people selling Blender and saying it's a commercial 3D package08:43
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kiwnixReblended, 500 http://es.archive.ubuntu.com hoary/universe Packages <- apt-cache policy firestarter08:44
trygvebw-awayRebroad: Oh?08:44
Rebroadis Blender a modification of an original GPL product? i.e. obtained through the GPL?08:44
Reblendedwhiskey_1 what about selling software under GNU and also giving the source?08:44
trygvebw-awayRebroad: You know PearPCvsCherryOS?08:44
trygvebw-awayBlender is GPL08:44
thoreauputicReblended: firestarter is in universe08:44
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Rebroadbecause it's possible for products to be dual licensed - where there's a GPL version, and a non-GPL version that can be sold08:44
trygvebw-awayReblended: That's possible08:44
frank__Is it supposed to be possible to install any package from  debian testing/unstable?08:44
kiwnixfor example QT has dual license08:45
kkathmanfrank__, theortetically, yes08:45
Reblendedso, that's what makes GNU keep alive and shared... I still like it08:45
frank__in reality?08:45
thoreauputicfrank__: no08:45
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trygvebw-awayfrank__: yes, but packages from the ubuntu repos whihc includes most are recommended08:45
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kiwnixFracture, possible... but i think not recomended (You can trash your system)08:45
eric__hey I got a problem with apache server; I don't know why but php isn't working, I added a handler for php and added index.php to the list of indexes..  but still don't work..  and I couldn't find anything in the logs08:45
kiwnixmmm, frank_ sorry08:45
kkathmanfrank__, its like there may be differences occassionally, so it isnt an absolute yes08:45
trygvebw-awaykiwnix, you mean frank__, right :P08:45
thoreauputicfrank__: risky to use debian packages08:45
Reblendedwhite lightening_1: I have no programming knowledge to share (yet) but one day, I will contribute =] 08:46
beowuffIs there a switch to synaptic to use ubuntu packages by default, and ONLY use debian if the ubuntu doesn't exist?08:46
kkathmanthoreauputic, I havent had any probs with the few that I have done...why would there be probs...they are just deb packages08:46
trygvebw-awayfrank__, as long as you don't replace important system packages, all will be OK :)08:46
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trygvebw-awaykkathman, well, but deb packages are unpacked to being programs or libraries :)08:46
Reblendedapt-get install shorewall ? and this is similar to zonealarm? (net access control and request)08:47
thoreauputickkathman: because some ubuntu packages have extras and can cause issues, and because it can do weird stuff to updates08:47
frank__if I try to install a 32bit package, will it get the relevant 32bit libraries?08:47
trygvebw-awayfrank__: what do you mean?08:47
Reblendedwhiskey: question.. so what about offering a software for linux created on a windows machine? thus not offering source?08:47
kkathmanthoreauputic, and thats why you check before you dpkg (dpkg by the way is Debian unpkg) hehe08:47
kiwnixReblended, if you want zonealarm-like, firestarter is best suited08:47
frank__I have the AMD64 version08:47
thoreauputickkathman: you can "pin" stuff08:47
Rebroadwhiskey_1: for instance. you could write a commercial program in python (which is GPL) and sell it, but if you were to make modifications to python itself, then you would be required to distribute the modifications that you made to python.08:47
mjrReblended, Rebroad, btw, Blender was originally a proprietary product, but the community bought it under the GPL for wasit 50 or 100k through donations08:48
Reblendedkiwnix thx... so apt-get install firestarter08:48
mjr(dollars or euros, I forget)08:48
kkathmanthoreauputic, lol there are ubuntu pkgs that dont install quite right even :)08:48
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thoreauputickkathman: I use debian -you don't need to explain dpkg to me :)08:48
Dr_Willismjr,  yea - i recall itbeing comercial at one time.08:48
frank__And heard that to use the flash plugin, for example you need the 32bit version of firefox08:48
Reblendedcorrect  euros, mjr08:48
trygvebw-awayReblended, Linux can run both closed and open-source programs, of coursse08:48
kiwnixReblended, shorewall is more "tought and difficult"08:48
Reblendedyep. but licensing was the question... l8r guys08:48
kkathmanthoreauputic, okie dokie :)08:48
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mjryes, 100k euros it seems08:49
Rebroadwhat is "blender"?08:49
=== Rebroad is too lazy to google :-s
trygvebw-awayblender: 3D modeller08:49
frank__3d ray tracing program i think08:49
trygvebw-awayblender is like maya08:50
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LeeColletonhow do I relabel an existing VFAT volume?08:51
RebroadI was right - what I said about writing commercial programs in python - wasn't i?08:51
libbenhow do i get this to play smoothly on ubuntu? http://www.enote.se/~honken/kittencannon.swf08:51
trygvebw-awayRebroad: What did you say? Python programs can be commercial.08:51
libbeni can play it... but it lags... and stutters08:51
RebroadI said "for instance. you could write a commercial program in python (which is GPL) and sell it, but if you were to make modifications to python itself, then you would be required to distribute the modifications that you made to python."08:51
libbeni have flashplayer-mozilla08:51
trygvebw-awayRebroad: right :)08:52
trygvebw-awaylibben: It works fine here08:52
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thoreauputicRebroad: the GPL of course doesn't stop you selling a program - you just need to make the source available08:53
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Rebroadthoreauputic: yes, but only the source to your python modifications - the source to your program can remain private.08:53
vessuviusGPL is just intended to stop people hiding behind a weird convergence of copyright and trade secret law that converges in software08:53
thoreauputicRebroad: not if you want torelease it under the GPL08:54
thoreauputicRebroad: that's the point of the GPL08:54
libbentrygvebw-away, well... it dont plays smoothly for me... and my system is 40 times to being able to play it smothly... so i really wonder what im missing.08:54
thoreauputicRebroad: you can release it under another license though08:54
Rebroadthoreauputic: if you release it under the GPL, then it's not commercial then.08:54
vessuviuscopyright is supposed to give you a monopoly for a limited time as an incentive for you to make the work public... but if you only distribute binaries, you're not making the work public, and current law still lets you receive the monopoly benefits/08:54
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keffohmm. anyone knows what the iconname for 'unknown document' is? i mean.. i installed this icontheme-set, and if i name a file for example .blablabla the icon of .blablabla (since its not a know fileformat) gets very big.. just like it doesnt exsist08:55
thoreauputicRebroad: nothing stops you from selling a GPL program08:55
lunitikvessuvius: more clearly; it is intended to ensure someone doesn't steal your code just because you give it away...08:55
Rebroadthoreauputic: i know. but if it's GPL then people can share it without purchasing it08:55
thoreauputicRebroad: yes08:55
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lunitikvessuvius: it is meant to ensure colaboration rather than allow others to keep their changes from others...08:56
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Rebroadthoreauputic: so if you want to make money, you don't release it under GPL exclusively.08:56
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lunitikvessuvius: Stallman's whole reasoning was because he hates that he couldn't fix a bug himself due to not having acess to sourcecode...08:56
vessuviusits meant to make you distribute the source so that you don't get monopoly profits without giving something to the public08:56
lunitikHe wanted to ensure that wasn't possible again08:57
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thoreauputicRebroad: well, Mandrake for instance, or Redhat charge for their GPL distros08:57
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frank__Yeah they make money off support08:57
Rebroadthoreauputic: admin costs I guess.. but it's legal to download it from another source if it's GPL08:58
thoreauputicRebroad: but the idea is you are paying for the nice package and convenience08:58
thoreauputicRebroad: yes08:58
holycowi love the gpl08:58
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lunitikholycow: I like it in theory... although in practice, it is defended poorly08:58
Rebroadwhereas Lindows OS, for instance, even though based on Linux would not be legal to download using edonkey without paying for it...08:58
vessuviusyou don't have the right if someone is charging to use the software always though... making the source available for vieweing does not mean you make it available for running08:58
frank__Do the server distribution from redhat have proprietary configuration tools?08:58
thoreauputicRebroad: Linspire *cough* *cough* charge for click-n-run downloads of stuff you can get with apt for nothing08:59
libbenis there any bot in here that generates a log and paste all urls to it and updates it to an html?08:59
vessuviusOf course its tough with pirating etc08:59
libbenurlbot in otherwords =)08:59
holycowthe gpl idea was so far ahed of it's time, in retrospect rms is a genious08:59
libbenwould be nice and good... to be able to see all links in a channel.08:59
holycowwhat kind of computing world would it now be without gpl?08:59
holycowno source forge, no fresh meat08:59
lunitikRebroad: its illegal for them to not offer the source code... they copyright the collection, not the parts08:59
holycowall of the internet run on proprietary software08:59
lunitikRebroad: Fedora does the same.08:59
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lunitikholycow: no09:00
trygvebw-awayholycow: but msforge and msmeat :P09:00
holycowhaha try09:00
holycowtrygvebw-away, even09:00
neighborleeholycow, very expensive no doubt LOL..scary...09:00
Rebroadlunitik: "copyright the collection"? what do you mean?09:00
=== zendog salutes :)
lunitikholycow: 70% of the internet uses at least one peice of open source code09:00
holycowneighborlee, *nod* very scary indeed09:00
dniprofirst time here09:00
Rebroaderm.. tcpip is open source!09:00
Rebroadtherefore 100% of the internet :>09:00
lunitikRebroad: in Red Hat's case... you cannot copy the collection of all software... and you cannot copy there graphics...09:00
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holycowlunitik, yes, i should say that probably the net uses mostly stuff run on bsd licencing but regardless... it would be a very scary world indeed09:01
thoreauputicholycow: apache is open-source >> 70%09:01
lunitikthoreauputic: I just said that09:01
dniproanyone can help me for apache ?09:01
Rebroadlunitik: ah.. so it's not legal to edonkey redhat distros...?09:01
trygvebw-awaydnipro, whats your problem?09:01
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thoreauputiclunitik: oh, so sorry for repeating - please excuse my stupidity09:01
lunitikRebroad: technically, no... not the RHEL software09:02
dniproI would like to change the document root. I was previously on mandrake but on ubuntu it is not the same !09:02
lunitikthoreauputic: it is quiet alright... just dont' do it again  :P09:02
guru3dnipro: /etc/apache2/conf/ ?09:02
frank__What is it about  RHEL that you cant distributr?09:02
vessuviusI keeping getting "sdb: assuming drive cache: write through" in the kernel... from my iPod I think09:02
guru3(or /etc/apache/conf/ if apache 1.x)09:02
=== thoreauputic bows and scrapes appropriately
lunitikfrank__: the whole thing09:02
dnipromoment ...09:03
lunitikfrank__: you can take the source code, compile it, and distribute that ....09:03
=== lionel_ [~lionel@ip-128.net-82-216-65.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu
InitMassat which time will "final" be released?09:03
frank__Is it ALL opensource?09:03
vessuviustomorrow, init09:03
trygvebw-awayInitMass: As early ass possible, i guess :)09:03
lunitikInitMass: tomorrow09:03
guru3trygvebw-away: 'ass possible' ?09:03
trygvebw-awayguru3: as possible, of course :P09:03
InitMassat 00 GMT?09:04
lunitikfrank__: no... much is not in RHEL ... like Stronghold for instance... and their Application server... I do not believe you can get full source code for those09:04
guru3vessuvius: i read something about this once...09:04
GhostFreemanthe new site looks ass uglu09:04
Rebroadi guess you could create a linux distro full of GPL software, but if you include one copyright picture with it, then the whole thing becomes copyright....?09:04
=== trygvebw-away loves the new site design :D
dniproI am back is it on /etc/apache2/apache2.conf ?09:04
guru3dnipro: yeah09:05
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guru3there should be, suprise, a DocumentRoot directive in there09:05
holycowback ... thoreauputic good point :)09:05
frank__On which debian is ubuntu based? testing or unstable?09:05
guru3but then also you must change the propertise of the new directory via a <Directory ...> directive09:05
lunitikGhostFreeman: it was voted on... should have taken part in the discussions ...09:05
guru3simply remaning the old one should suffice09:05
zendogcan i ad the agnula repositories to a ubuntu warty system, without messing up too much?09:05
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trygvebw-awayfrank: the part of it that is based on debian is based on unstable, i think09:05
GhostFreemanOh god, my eyes :(09:06
vessuviusthis whole install of software all I keep seeing every two or three lines "sdb: assuming drive cache: write through"09:06
dniproand what do I have to change I didn't find the DocumentRoot I had ?09:06
Rebroadubuntu hoary seems to be using a rather old gtk+ i notice...09:06
frank__So if I install a debian package, should I install unstable rather than testing?09:06
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trygvebw-awayRebroad: Oh?09:06
guru3dnipro: sure there is no conf/ sub directory?09:06
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mikkelerr, what happened to the ubuntu-site?09:06
trygvebw-awayfrank__: For 3rd party packages it doesn't really matter, but choose unstable/SID if possible09:06
trygvebw-awaymikkel: The design has been updated, and there is lots of visitors so it is slow09:07
dcravenI like the new website.09:07
=== lunitik wonders why there is a debian menu in the screenshots?
frank__are there a lot of people running the AMD64 version?09:07
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zzybercan i get comments on reiserfs vs ext3, i cant decide09:07
mikkeltrygvebw-away: well, is it still running plone?09:07
lunitikfrank__: i386 is more popular of course... but its used09:07
trygvebw-awaymikkel: yes, but a much nicer skin :P09:07
Rebroadzzyber: I think reiserfs is better if you have lots of really small files, so i heard09:08
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mikkelah, okay :)09:08
dcravenzzyber, I just decided to use reiserfs in my last install. Usually I use ext3. Quite frankly I don't notice any difference.09:08
guru3zzyber: word is reiserfs is supposed to be better for smaller files09:08
guru3at least, i think that's what i remember09:08
zzyberRebroad, yes a read that but what does many small files meen?09:08
trygvebw-awayzzyber: i've always used reiserfs, and i think it's more stable09:08
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Rebroadzzyber: no idea!09:09
zzyberdcraven, i have used both ext3 and reiserfs and i havent either noticed any diffrens09:09
guru3zzyber: snall files means < 4KB i think09:09
beowuffWhere are the monthly wallpapers stored on the file system?09:09
guru3small too09:09
trygvebw-awayzzyber: reiserfs' journal recovery/chkdsk is faster09:09
trygvebw-awaybeowuff: apt-get install ubuntu-calendar*09:09
lunitikbeowuff: dpkg -L ubuntu-calendar09:10
mikkelis it harmful to use packages from the main debian repository?09:10
frank__is ntfs write useable?09:10
beowufftrygvebw-away: already installed. Just looking for them on the system.09:10
lunitiktrygvebw-away: chances are he already has them installed...09:10
vessuviusIt looks more like apple's site... the buttons I hate now09:10
trygvebw-awaybeowuff: They should be in the wallpaper selector already :)09:10
zzyberthanks for your input on reiserfs vs ext3.........hmm, how about reabillity?09:10
thoreauputichmm...the screenshot thumbnails seem to have gone missing...09:11
beowufftrygvebw-away: not in the selector, but says installed...09:11
libbenhow to check ur ram mem info.. and no top09:11
trygvebw-awayzzyber: /me has never had any problems with reiserfs at all :)09:11
trygvebw-awaylibben: ps? man ps09:11
libbeni do mostly ps fuxa09:12
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lunitikthoreauputic: you see: http://maitri.ubuntu.com/theopencd/ubuntu/img/ubuntu1_tn.jpg09:13
neighborleeanyone else getting ;Error: API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module is version 1.0.7167, but09:13
neighborleethis library is version 1.0.7174 < error today from update ??09:13
lunitikthoreauputic: cuz they are showing up fine here on the site...09:13
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zzyberwounder why so many distributions have ext3 as default? Redhat for example.........why choose ext3 as default if reiserfs is proven better and more stable? No i have used reiserfs and i havent had any problems, now i have a brand new disk and are going for a fresh installation, i think i will go for ext309:13
lunitikStill want to know why that has a Debian menu09:13
Jefishow to disable default pppoe connection && and startup on boot09:13
thoreauputiclunitik: looking now09:13
Rebroadext3 is an extension to ext2, whereas reiserfs was written from scratch with journalling in mind, so I'd expect reiserfs to be better.... I'm using ext3 on my system :)09:14
=== frank__ [~frank@HSE-QuebecCity-ppp3501034.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
trygvebw-awaylunitik: search the forums :)09:14
drewcorehi. i installed hoary a few days ago, and then started using xfce and fluxbox... now, all of my gnome apps start really slowly (maybe two minutes to load... i can sudo users-admin and check my email before it ever opens). any ideas?09:14
yfirzzyber: ext3 is older and more established. both reiser and ext3 are rock solid, so don't worry too much about your choice.09:14
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Jefishow to disable default pppoe connection && and startup on boot09:15
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yfirzzyber: if you do ALOT of small file exchanges theoretically Reiser is the choice, not sure what that means though09:15
zzyberyfir, you are probably right, tough choice when there are no choice :-) Maybe i go for a FAT :-)09:15
neighborleezzyber, one could take a que from linspire possibly..they ship  with reiser4 which they 'claim' is unbreakable and they charge for their OS..if its good enough for them somehow I trust it....I use reiser4 here in hoary and ic no problems although i've not been running it for long periods yet09:15
thoreauputiclunitik: I see the thumbnails on the link, but they don't show on the main site at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/screenshots/09:15
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lunitikthoreauputic: I see them... strange09:16
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zzyberneighborlee, thanks for that! Yes that was a good argument.09:17
lunitiktrygvebw-away: I see nothing about it... other then questions about how to add it... not about why it is there...09:17
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yfirzzyber: i've used both reiser and ext3 on this particular laptop since the warty RC. no problems at all, and no noticeable difference. just pick one :)09:18
neighborleezzyber,np glad I could be of service ;-)09:18
Rebroadanyone know how to get around "/usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.a(glxcmds.o)(.text+0x2eea): In function `glXGetMscRateOML':: undefined reference to `XF86VidModeQueryVersion'09:18
Rebroad" please??09:18
thoreauputiclunitik: even weirder - they render in dillo but not in firefox!09:18
lunitikthoreauputic: haha... I'm using Firefox here...09:18
neighborleeto me reiser seems much faster and the data tests seem to back that up...09:19
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jintxohey guys what's the better ftp server in hoary (with security in mind)? there's quite a few of them :-p09:19
PLAYBOY^Greetings to all can give me any good sites with music09:19
lunitikthoreauputic: that is strange though... I say... just kick your puter a few times  :P09:19
thoreauputiclunitik: I just tried both09:19
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thoreauputiclunitik: I'm giving it a lecture and telling it to straighten up ;)09:19
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neighborleePLAYBOY^, http://www.heartseed.org/TheCarpenters09:20
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lunitikthoreauputic: :P09:20
PLAYBOY^neighborlee thanks09:20
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neighborleePLAYBOY^, you betcha09:20
whiskey_1hey neighborlee still doing that heartseed thing09:20
lunitikPLAYBOY^: shoutcast.com09:20
whiskey_1you still hung up on them Carpenters09:20
trygvebw-away<dholbach> 8 utc is planned [release date] 09:21
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whiskey_1neighborlee, how is your game coming along09:22
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beowuffI'm surprised all the ubuntu monthly wallpapers have mostly nude people on them... I thought there'd be more variety...09:22
Shuflabeowuff: don't you know, that linux is sexy? :D09:22
guru3beowuff: lol09:23
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beowuffShufla, yes, but how am I to explain that to my girlfriend?09:23
neighborleewhiskey_1, its going very well thx..09:23
whiskey_1neighborlee, hey glad to hear that...09:24
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[Phaedrus] hehe.... beowuff09:24
[Phaedrus] she questions you about a wallpaper?09:24
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beowuffPhaedrus, Um... yes... she's a little bit self concious09:24
Shuflabeowuff: huh. don't you know, that linux zealots do not have g-f? :>09:24
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[Phaedrus] she sounds like a keeper beowuff09:25
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CarlKwhat is the apt-cache command to show me what provides nsupdate?09:25
thoreauputiclunitik: bizarre - dillo and firefox are giving me different default renderings for ubuntulinux.org (picture in dillo, none in firefox...) :/09:25
eric__I have a really really weird issue with the apache/php server in ubuntu, php isn't verbose at all !  I don't know what09:25
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neighborleewhiskey_1, long road but someone must do it <wink>09:25
whiskey_1neighborlee, that is right09:25
eric__what's the problem, in warty it was all working, now I transpose to hoary and nothing works :(09:25
JefisHow to disable automatic pppoe internet connection & configuration09:25
beowuffPhaedrus, She actually said something to the effect of "If your going to have a mostly nude girl on your screen, I'd prefer it was me."09:25
CarlKaccording to http://linux.yyz.us/nsupdate, "you will need to install both the bind (for dnssec-keygen) and bind-utils (for nsupdate)" but bind-utils didn't seem to do it for me09:25
Bazzi-beowuff then make it so.09:26
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[Phaedrus] beowuff, perfect... tell me you jumped at the chance09:26
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JefisHow to disable automatic pppoe internet connection & configuration09:26
JefisHow to disable automatic pppoe internet connection & configuration09:26
lunitikthoreauputic: you have images from outside sites or whatever turned off in Firefox?09:26
CarlKno way09:26
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nooneyouknowgood site with music PLAYBOY^09:26
libbenany graphical way to unpack rar?09:26
lunitikthoreauputic: cuz they aren't coming directly from ubuntulinux.org ...09:26
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thoreauputiclunitik: aha - good thinking! I probably do - checking09:26
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beowuffI actually was hoping for a way to mix the pictures up a bit. That's why I was looking forward to monthly pics... But I'll have to look for another way now. Besides, I get to see her IRL. Why would I want to put up a pic?09:27
nooneyouknowPLAYBOY^, you heard of darwinia? its the bloke wo does the music.09:27
nooneyouknowyou should listen to the trusk stuff. its fucking great. im listening to it now09:27
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[Phaedrus] beowuff: hope someone puts up some wallpapers for you09:28
ShuflaI've got mouse with clickable wheel09:28
Shuflaplugged into PS/209:28
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trygvebw-awayShufla: haven't everyone got one?09:28
Shuflawheel (but 4/5) works well, but 3rd one do not work...09:28
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libbenshould i install mplayer also? even though i can play the most formats with totem?09:28
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thoreauputiclunitik: yup - that was it - thanks for the tip: i do that to block annoying ads on some sites :)09:28
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beowuffPhaedrus, I wonder how hard it would be to port ubuntu's monthly pics to make beowuff's monthly pics...09:28
libbeni wanted to play a vob file..09:28
randyHello all.09:28
thoreauputiclunitik: firefox is now behaving itself ;-)09:29
nooneyouknowdoes anyone know how to set the permissions on a reiferfs partition so a user can write to it?09:29
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lunitikthoreauputic: haha... you know there is an AdBlocker extension?09:29
trygvebw-awaynooneyouknow, add user to the permissions09:29
nooneyouknowit doesnt say in the fstab or mount man and i cant seem to do it.09:29
nooneyouknowthat only seems to let me read it.09:30
nooneyouknowah, wait.09:30
nooneyouknowmaybe ive done something really dumb.09:30
nooneyouknowcheers trygvebw-away09:30
thoreauputiclunitik: yeah, I have that too - and the flash block extension - i just wasn't remembering the option for pictures09:30
[Phaedrus] beowuff: i havent even seen the monthly pics... i am trying to find them as we speak09:30
InsanitaryHi. I have a problem. I donwloaded the haory live CD, and well...i have a lucent WinModem, and it does not seem to pick up my modem09:30
InsanitaryIs there an external app that may fix tis?09:31
=== SirFred [~mteira@124.Red-83-39-24.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
randyIn Redhat I had a /etc/rc.d/init.d/rc.local startup script that ran stuff at boot.  How would I do this in Ubuntu (Hoary Hedgehog)?  I can't see that the dir exists.09:31
thoreauputiclunitik: I used to use a hosts file with bad guys redirected to as well - but I don't bother any more09:31
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SirFredIs k3b supported here or should I better ask in #kubuntu ?09:31
e_machinistAnyone else having trouble with the Ubuntu website?09:31
trygvebw-awaySirFred: i use k3b09:31
SirFredPerhaps it's not a k3b problem, anyway.09:31
trygvebw-awaye_machinist, it's design is being updated and there is a lot of load09:32
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trygvebw-awayi can access it fine, though.09:32
SirFredtrygvebw-away: My problem is that it gets stuck on the "Scanning for CD devices"09:32
trygvebw-awaySirFred: Are you running it as root or normal user09:32
e_machinisttrygvebw-away, hmm... the new website doesn't seem to be optimized for standards compliant browsers like Opera yet.09:32
SirFredtrygvebw-away: The process got deeply locked in kernel. D state.09:32
zzyberi found a good site on reiserfs vs ext3 thing! http://staff.osuosl.org/~kveton/fs/09:32
SirFredtrygvebw-away: As normal user.09:32
lunitikhttp://channels.debian.net/paste/  <-- someone should do something like this for #ubuntu ... pretty cool... and notifies the channel of what they pasted... so what happened yesturday (having to go find the dudes paste myself) doesn't happen anymore...09:33
SirFredtrygvebw-away: Then I tried as root, but a pair of k3b processes were locked in the kernel yet.09:33
SirFredI mean where already locked in kernel.09:33
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trygvebw-awaye_machinist, oh? i can access it all fine09:33
trygvebw-awaywith opera and firefox09:33
zzyberseems that reiserfs should be the choice and its a lot of development there,09:33
beowuffI did a search in synaptic for ubuntu. Came up with ubuntu calander and each individual month. When installed, it put them under /usr/share/backgrounds.09:33
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nakatahmm, amarok doesn't seem to be able to play mp3s ... am i missing something?09:34
trygvebw-awayubuntu release time: http://www.distrotalk.net/viewtopic.php?t=40409:34
libbenany graphical way to unpack rar alot of rar files?09:34
thoreauputice_machinist: it is compliant - i checked it with dillo09:34
e_machinisttrygvebw-away, I can access it, there are some formatting problems and some gateway problems though.09:34
trygvebw-awaynakata, #kubuntu, but you need to install coedecs09:34
[Phaedrus] ah... cool.. thanks09:34
SirFredtrygvebw-away: Does it works fine for you?09:34
trygvebw-awaye_machinist, weird...09:34
trygvebw-awaySirFred, yes09:34
nakatatrygvebw-away: sure i do.  ok.09:34
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SirFredtrygvebw-away: Are you on a k7 kernel or a i686 one.09:35
e_machinistahh, I resolved it... no actually just clearing the cache has decided that it would like to run now.09:35
trygvebw-awaySirFred: i'm on a i686 kernel, 2.6.10-409:35
Shuflahurray! that was KVM again :>09:35
libbencan i make if i install rar... will the file roller auto handles unpack rar files?09:35
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SirFredPerhaps I should downgrade, I'm on a 2.6.10-5-k709:35
libbenlol... that sentence was really weird and shitty =)09:36
lunitiktrygvebw-away-fo: you're getting way to excited... it'll just be a simple apt-get dist-upgrade... maybe a couple packages  :/09:36
SirFredI'm going to restart with an older one, I think it's a kernel problem, or hald or something at this level.09:36
beowuffApparently my gfriend isn't the only one... http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/sounder/2004-December/001304.html09:36
libbenI have alots of rar... and ive installed rar apt-get install rar.... file roller... will that handle unpacking the rar then?09:36
oris_wolfbanedoes anyone know how i can check how much ram i have?09:36
thoreauputice_machinist: it gets a tick from dillo - which is avery pedantic browser :)09:36
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libbentop oris_wolfbane09:36
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[Phaedrus] yeah i just saw that post beowuff :)09:37
thoreauputicoris_wolfbane:  cat /proc/meminfo09:37
kakaltowhen upgrading to hoary, should I replace my bash.bashrc configuration file?09:37
=== lunitik can't wait for Grump/Breezy to open though 8)
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libbenoris_wolfbane,  cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal09:37
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SirFredlunitik: What's that?09:37
kakaltonew version09:38
lunitikSirFred: next release... will sync back up with Sid... so I get all the new stuff I've been waiting on since freeze09:38
lunitikfreezes suck09:38
SirFredlunitik: Well, I think it's the only way to stabilize ubuntu.09:38
lunitikactually, Grumpy = devel repo ... Breezy = next release09:38
oris_wolfbanethoreauputic, libben, thanxs09:38
vessuviuswhat's the easiest way to get java up and running?09:38
kakaltovessuvius, go to www.ubuntuguide.org09:39
lunitikSirFred: I used Sid for 3 1/2 years... rarely drastic issues...09:39
encKe`check this out for java instructs ------------->http://www.ubuntuguide.org/09:39
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SirFredlunitik: Yes, but think about minor bugs.09:39
encKe`lol ...im slowww09:39
kakaltoso, when upgrading to hoary, should I replace my bash.bashrc configuration file?09:39
kakaltoor keep my current09:39
lunitikSirFred: If I don't notice them... they don't really exist  :)09:39
e_machinistSid has been around for that long? thats a long time.09:40
SirFredlunitik: A moving target on anoter moving target09:40
lunitikSirFred: and the combination of apt-listbugs and hold avoids other issues09:40
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SirFredlunitik: I'm not as lucky as you. I have a lot of problems with my Duron machine.09:40
thoreauputickakalto: why replace it?09:40
kakaltothoreauputic, it's asking me09:40
kakaltoI'm just wondering if the hoary bash.bashrc is any different from the warty?09:41
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thoreauputickakalto: ah I see - probably a change to bash completion or something - I'd say change it then09:41
kakaltothen add my java back in?09:41
lunitikSirFred: how much of that have you filed?09:41
SirFredlunitik: Most of them.09:41
lunitikSirFred: cuz if you haven't filed any with a decent priority, they are unlikely to be fixed by tomorrow09:42
thoreauputickakalto: ah woops - you want to keep tha java stuff, yeah09:42
SirFredlunitik: But there was no solution for some of them, perhaps it's a hardware fail.09:42
davenkakalto: isn't there an option to compare them?09:42
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libbenI have alots of rar... and ive installed rar apt-get install rar.... file roller... will that handle unpacking the rar then?09:42
kakaltoyeah, but I don't know how to use compare09:42
SirFredlunitik: On the other way, my pentium III machine works really fine on ubuntu09:42
icebalmwhy does ubuntu have the latest nvidia drivers but the fglrx drivers are 3 months old?09:42
thoreauputiclibben: have you tried?09:42
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kakaltothoreauputic, I don't know how compare works09:43
libbenwell... ive just opened the one of the files.. and it dident complained...09:43
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libbenbut the size only says 2 gb..09:43
lunitiklibben: it says it can use unrar (its suggested, thus can be used)09:43
thoreauputickakalto: just do a back up of your old file then09:43
WeirdAlCan someone recommend an HTML IDE that isn't vim?09:43
kakaltowhere's bash.bashrc kept?09:43
thoreauputickakalto: you can always swap them that way09:43
WeirdAlSomething in wot I can do HTML and PHP in a nice way.09:43
icebalmWeirdAl: nano09:43
lunitikSirFred: yeah... then probably hardware issues09:43
libbenbut why does it say my .iso in there is 2 gb =) ? when all files are around 4.4 gb09:44
thoreauputickakalto: /etc09:44
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PLAYBOY^nooneyouknow, can you give me this site I has made restart and you have forgotten it this darwinia09:44
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nooneyouknowi prefer the trusk stuff, but his electronic shit is real good to.09:45
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thoreauputiclibben: the ISO will expand to 4gig or so09:46
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thoreauputiclibben: actually less I think09:46
e_machinistAnyone that uses Xfce know how to add items to the menus such as Xfce>System> various stuff.09:46
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libbenthoreauputic, any program to burn a dvd.iso?09:47
e_machinistI can't figure it out, tried the menu editor... that doesn't seem to have the right stuff.09:47
nooneyouknowif you like that you should check out ( http://www.8bitpeoples.com/_artist_nfo/nfo_i_cactus.html )09:47
nooneyouknowhis names khonner and hes just been signed to warp.09:47
drspinI upgraded to hoary yesterday -- I get higher framerates on my graphics :) YAY! but games are jerky...09:47
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thoreauputiclibben: ? an ISO is an ISO as far as I know09:47
libbeni coulde burn iso with just right klick the file and write to disc when ive inserted a blank dvdr?09:47
nooneyouknowthe i,cactus ep is on archive.org09:47
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drspinmy DMA is on X69 for the HD and X66 for the CD drives09:47
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thoreauputiclibben: I don't have a DVD but I guess so09:48
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cevansWhe I start audacity, all of the UI text is blank. Does anyone know what would cause this? (running hoary)09:48
drspinguess one of my CD's is blacklisted for DMA :(09:48
drspinbut even still...09:48
libbenso i dont need gnome baker ?09:48
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thoreauputiclibben: gnome baker is nice to have....09:49
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thoreauputiclibben: it does music and stuff09:49
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drspinI tried Gnome Baker this morning -- it's slow --09:49
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drspinbut it beats having to install k3B :/09:49
SirFredWell, k3b works fine on 2.6.10-1-k709:49
e_machinistk3b is icky.09:50
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thoreauputicdrspin: you can configure speed - did you try it?09:50
libbenI mostly burn dvd.img and dvd.iso's and it would be nice to burn some music cds.... no mp3... music cds for stereos....09:50
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linuxboywhats the best/correct way to upgrade to hoary ?09:50
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drspinthoreauputic: I meant the converting of files is slow --09:50
libbenwich one to prefer? k3b or gnome baker?09:50
tritiumlibben, there's also graveman09:51
drspinlinuxboy: follow the instrctions on the Wiki09:51
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libbentritium, but wich one to prefer?09:51
e_machinistheh, why don't you give him the link drspin.09:51
tritiumlibben, I use graveman.  k3b can't burn a music CD from mp3s09:51
drspinbecause simply typing upgrade hoary in the search box reveals MORE than enough information...09:52
sysrqtritium: yes it can09:52
tritiumsysrq, not by itself.09:52
e_machinistdrspin, I was being sarcastic... sorry you couldn't be there for it.09:52
libbenbut gnome baker can?09:52
drspintritium: the default Ubuntu install of k3b allows burnin of audio cd's from mp309:52
sysrqtritium: graveman doesn't do it by itself either, it's a frontend just as k3b is09:52
SirFredtritium: I can drag mp3 files on k3b to make an audio CD.09:53
SirFredtritium: What do you mean with "not by itself" ?09:53
drspine_machinist: LOL a little slow this morning09:53
e_machinistdrspin, no prob, happens.09:53
drspinso anyone wanna help me figure out some of these dmesg errors?09:53
icebalmwhy does ubuntu have the latest nvidia drivers but the fglrx drivers are 3 months old?09:53
libbenwhy dont ubuntu has the newest newest =) driver.09:53
libbenits 71.77 now09:53
tritiumk3b couldn't do it last week.  perhaps something has recently changed09:53
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sysrqI did it several months ago with k3b09:54
SirFredtritium: Just make a new audio CD, and drag mp3 files on the project.09:54
linuxboydrspin: searching for "upgrade hoary" un the wiki search bring..... Nothing09:54
SirFredtritium: I've made it months ago09:54
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e_machinistlinuxboy, heh, you are right... I just assumed drspin would be correct.09:55
linuxboye_machinist: ;)09:55
tritiumWell, I tried to create a new audio CD, added some mp3s, and k3b didn't know what to do with them.09:55
kentNice to see that coaster has working packages for ubuntu now.  It cant burn audio yet, but that will come some time in the future.. i hope :)09:55
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SirFredtritium: Extrange09:56
davenlinuxboy: you have to use the search in the top-right ;-) you can get to that from any page09:56
davenlinuxboy: must admit i just tried it as well :) i did the upgrade and was suddenly worried i'd not done it the best way ;)09:56
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trygvebwtritium, you have all codecs, right?09:57
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e_machinistexcept in opera, which seems to not format that coerrectly.09:57
tritiumtrygvebw, yeah, I'm not worried about it.  Thanks, though.09:57
drspinOMG why is everything so slow??09:57
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aquariusWhat should I put in /etc/network/interfaces if I want to bring an interface up and have it get an IP from me by DHCP, rather than me getting an IP from it?09:57
linuxboydaven: i just wanna keep my pc tidy when i upgrade, like ive just installed a fresh hoary09:57
linuxboydaven: no missing things09:57
LinuxJonesaquarius, you can do that in network-admin09:58
drspinlinuxboy: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryUpgradeNotes09:58
tritiumaquarius, iface eth0 inet dhcp, for example09:58
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tritiumor man interfaces09:58
trygvebwlinuxboy: it won't be messed up09:58
davenlinuxboy: well, i upgraded warty and after a reboot to pick everything up it was fine.  you want the bit in drspin's link with the apt-get intsructions09:58
aquariustritium, oh! I thought that meant "bring the interface up and get a dhcp address for it", not "bring it up and let it get one from *me*".09:58
daventrygvebw: are there any differences doing up with apt-get to installing from scratch?09:58
linuxboytrygvebw: i just dont want packages to be missed...09:59
Breberhi all...09:59
tritiumaquarius, I mis-read your question.  See the man page for interfaces09:59
trygvebwdaven: Not very many. You won't know what the standards are, but...09:59
trygvebwlinuxboy: They won't be :)09:59
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Breberanyone here using ubuntu with a PowerBook?09:59
LinuxJonesdaven, upgrade should work just fine09:59
linuxboyalso, how much free hard disk space do i need for it ?10:00
linuxboyand, do i need to kill the backports ?10:00
daventrygvebw, linuxboy: apt-get hasn't let me down yet.  i've got pretty much hooked on debian since trying redhat, suse and others. i'm using ubuntu for my normal comp10:00
trygvebwlinuxboy: about 300mb more10:00
trygvebwdaven: okey10:00
aquariustritium: I couldn't see anything in interfaces(5) about it :(10:00
davenlinuxjones: cheers - it did indeed :)10:00
tritiumaquarius, you can specify the IP address you want in /etc/network/interfaces10:01
linuxboytrygvebw: doesnt it need space to do the upgrade? to unzip and stuff ?10:01
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e_machinistunzip? ack, such a horrible word... unpack sounds better.10:01
trygvebwlinuxboy: how much free space do you have?10:01
linuxboytrygvebw: 1.1gig10:01
aquariustritium, I know I can specify it as static, but the thing on the other end is expecting to get a dhcp address from me, and I don't know what I have to put in my /e/n/interfaces to enable that.10:01
e_machinist1.1gig isn't much free space.10:01
trygvebwbut AFAIK it's enough10:02
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AndyRevening all10:02
trygvebwjust do a apt-get clean before upgrading10:02
linuxboyill *try* clear some10:02
trygvebwAndyR, hello10:02
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tritiumaquarius, the "thing" on the other end?  If you use dhcp, you don't need to specify the address.10:02
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dcravenMan I hate linux...10:03
aquariustritium, so the dhcp server doesn't need to mention its end of the interface in /e/n/interfaces at all?10:03
kentaquarius, is the problem that you want the other computer to get a ip etc  from dhcp on your computer? that way you have to configure a dhcp server on your computer..10:03
drspinnever in my life has Gaim crashed on me and it just did... WTF is going on... since I upgraded to hoary my FPS has increased but my system usabliity sucks -- everything is slow and it lags10:04
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tritiumaquarius, see kent's question.  Are you trying to setup a server?10:04
aquariuskent, yes. But do I not have to mention something about the interface on my computer in /ec/network/interfaces?10:04
cikilinon ubuntu where can u see gnome?10:04
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trygvebwcikilin, what do you mean?10:04
aquariustritium, sort of. the "thing" on the other end is a Zaurus, which connects by USB using usbnet.10:04
Shuflacikilin, that's joke...?10:04
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trygvebwgnome is the environment. desktop, menus, bars, panels etc.10:05
cikilini wanna download some music for hours10:05
thoreauputiccikilin: gnome is in your face as soon as you boot :010:05
Shuflacikilin, AFAIR you've got to run ubuntu.10:05
kentaquarius, I have never setup a dhcp-server, but I dont think you do that in /etc/network/interfaces, that file is for your local cards. I think uoi have to look in to configuring a dhcp server, and that is done some where else..10:05
cikilinand i cant get the point10:05
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LinuxJonescikilin, you have a black console screen ?10:05
trygvebwcikilin: GNOME is what you get when you're done starting Ubuntu10:05
aquariuskent: ok. I'm getting there with it anyway, I think. Cheers for the pointers!10:05
cikilini wanna download some music for hours10:06
cikilinhow i do that?10:06
tritiumaquarius, you don't setup dhcp there.  You'd install a separate package.10:06
tritiumHowever, using usbnet with a Zaurus doesn't require a dhcp server.10:06
LinuxJonescikilin, did you install warty or hoary ?10:06
thoreauputiccikilin: are you saying you have no graphical user interface?10:06
libbenso what was the conclusion fellas? k3b or gnome baker?10:07
cikilinno warty10:07
cikilinwhat is that?10:07
trygvebwlibben: gnomebaker :P10:07
thoreauputiccikilin: you can't start gnome? Or what?10:07
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Shuflaargh :(10:07
Shuflanext f*cked applet written for ie and ffox dies :(10:08
ishis it possibly to update to the amd64 release without doing a fresh install (from i386)10:08
davencikilin: why do you want to know about gnome?10:08
cikilinbut warty?10:08
kentlibben, graveman and gnomebaker both works well for me.  k3b does not look so nice with gnome, but it works..10:08
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thoreauputiccikilin: what are you trying to do?10:08
Shuflaish, yes. but do not do it @ home...10:08
thoreauputiccikilin: it's not clear at all what your problem is10:08
cikilinto download some mp310:08
libbenso gnome baker it is... allthough i have a dvd.iso and it should work to burn with nautilius-cd-burner10:08
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LinuxJonescikilin, ok login to Ubuntu in the console screen, and type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 (rnter your user passoword when prompted) When it asks for a video card driver to use select vesa. You can probably accept the defaults for everyting else. Then re-boot10:09
thoreauputiccikilin: so fire up your browser and download them...10:09
aquariustritium: I've installed udhcpd, and told it to listen on usb0. usb0 shows in ifconfig -a. this should mean that the thing connected to the other end of usb0 can get a dhcp address from me?10:09
AndyRhas hoary gone stable yet?10:09
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tritiumaquarius, you don't need a server.  I'm going to find a URL for you.  Give me a minute...10:09
thoreauputicAndyR: no, it's still wobbling...;)10:09
ShuflaAndyR, tommorow is the Release Day10:09
LinuxJonesthoreauputic, X is not configured on cikilin's system yet10:10
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thoreauputicLinuxJones: that's what I was trying to find out - thanks10:10
LinuxJonesthoreauputic, :)10:10
drewcoreany idea why my gnome apps are starting so slow?10:11
AndyRdvd image with both live and install is cool10:11
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cikilinhow i install warty?10:11
cikilinor hoary?10:12
libbendownload horay cd image10:12
davencikilin: warty and hoary are different versions of ubuntu.10:12
libbenand install it from booting the cd on bootup10:12
davencikilin: if you just want to download music, you don't need ubuntu10:12
davencikilin: (necessarily)10:12
libbenfrom www.ubuntulinux.com10:12
delirehas there been any talk of ubuntu having it's own unique icon set? speaking from a strictly aesthetic perspective, i think the default (and ancient) gnome icons hold the look of Ubuntu back a little. i'd be interested to know how many Ubuntu users never touch the default icon set.10:12
thoreauputiccikilin: if you type ` cat /etc/issue ` what does it say/10:13
Shuflacikilin, that's funny. you're using xchat and you asking such questions...10:13
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thoreauputicdelire: the "home" icon has been replaced here - I can't bear it10:13
delirethoreauputic: it must be about 6 years old that icon. i wonder why it's lived so long?10:14
cikilinit is saying that i have warty10:14
delirethoreauputic: a house for an old and tired gnome ;)10:14
thoreauputicdelire: there are a few svg icons buried somewhere that I found...10:14
thoreauputicdelire: I agree10:14
fruggleare there any other ubuntu channels out there?10:14
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davencikilin: do you have a picture of a foot in the top-left of your screen?10:15
Shuflafruggle, #kubuntu for kubuntu10:15
delirethoreauputic: hmm i think ubuntu should get a little brave, make a few executive decisions in that department. art.gnome.org has some fine contenders10:15
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thoreauputicfruggle: yes, #kubuntu, #ubuntu-devel #ubuntu-motu and several other languages as well10:15
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fruggleShufla: Kbuntu urgs  ;)10:15
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davencikilin: because that means you're probably installed and working ok10:15
Shuflafruggle, shufla: error: `urgs' Syntax error...10:16
frugglethoreauputic: thx10:16
davencikilin: i think you might be ready to download music.  have you tried playing a CD to see if it works?10:16
fruggleShufla: i just dont like the K in front of the untu ;)10:16
cikilini tried and it must be ripper10:16
cikilinto listen it10:16
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Shuflafruggle, ah... well. that's nice, that so young ubuntu has a fork with kde.10:17
davencikilin: i don't understand what you mean.  what happened when you tried to play a cd?10:17
thoreauputiccikilin: what is your language?10:17
gabaugwhat's the best program for keeping track of time spent on projects?10:17
cikilini cant hear it10:17
cikilini dont know why10:17
Shuflabesides i've earned my first developer money using WindowMaker :>10:17
LinuxJonesShufla, that's not a fork10:18
cikilinthe cd from cdrom was playing but not hearing10:18
Shuflagabaug, commercial10:18
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fruggleShufla: yea many people out there seem to like it very much ... however i dont ;)10:18
davencikilin: i'm sorry but i haven't tried to play music on my machine10:18
davencikilin: but now we know that you tried to play a cd and the sound didn't work, maybe somebody can help10:18
ShuflaLinuxJones, it's only my low knowledge of english. flavour?10:18
davencikilin: have you definitely got speakers plugged in and switched on?10:18
kentcikilin, you dont hear any sound when playing files? Try to open the mixer (and show all mixers) and raise them all. A lot of times there is problems with the mixer lowering some of the mixers..  :(10:18
Shuflafruggle, you've got choice. that's good.10:18
thoreauputiccikilin: you probably need digital output with xmms or beep media player10:18
cikilinyesm :010:18
davencikilin: ;-)10:18
gabaugShufla: is that the name or a program or a though-fragment?10:18
cikilinif i put a cd into cd rom without ripper can hear10:19
davencikilin: and you're trying to rip a CD into MP3s?10:19
thoreauputiccikilin: OK you can hear the CD then?10:19
Shuflagabaug, i think, that many good project planners are commercial.10:19
gabaugShufla: yeah, well, I'm asking in #ubuntu hoping to hear about some good FOSS oens10:20
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Shuflagabaug, try freshmeat for web based and java based.10:20
cikilinthis is my second day in linux-ubuntu10:20
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thoreauputiccikilin: the default ripper (sound juicer) will make ogg files - but to make mp3 you need other programs/libraries10:21
cikilinhow do that?10:21
davencikilin: ogg files are just as good as mp3s if you only want to play the  music on your computer.10:21
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thoreauputiccikilin: you need to enable the universe repository and install something like grip and lame10:22
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thoreauputicactually might need multiverse for that as well10:22
daventhoreauputic: i'll bow to you here and listen - i only normally use linux as a server so i've not used it much for sound :)10:22
LinuxJonescikilin, what's language do you speak ?10:22
thoreauputicdaven: the difficulty is language I think (hope)10:22
daventhoreauputic: 100% certain10:23
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davencikilin: it's great that you're trying ubuntu - i'm sure you'll like it!10:23
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LinuxJonescikilin, I don't know if there is a Romanian irc channel that might be of some help10:23
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Funraisercan we make audio CDs with K3b?10:23
cikilinwhere is universe repository?10:23
dcraven_Okay, I like Linux again.10:23
LinuxJonescikilin, let me get you a link10:24
deliredcraven: ;)10:24
ompauldcraven, so you thought you didn't but that was a mistake :)10:24
FunraiserIs it possible to make audio CDs with K3b?10:24
dcraven_ompaul, yeah, my wireless was actin' crazy on me.10:24
thoreauputiccikilin: if you read and understand this it will help >> http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats10:24
LinuxJonescikilin, >> http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/UniversePackages10:24
dcraven_Seems to be working again now.10:24
delireFunraiser: yes10:25
Funraiser100% sure?10:25
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Funraiserfrom mp3 for example?10:25
ompauldcraven_, that  is not nice10:25
Shuflano more beer10:25
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falcon3what program should i use to print a dvd cover to its right size?10:25
delireFunraiser: not sure about that. there will be a utility for that somewhere.10:25
dcraven_Funraiser, I did it with k3b about a year ago.10:25
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kakaltoGuys, I just upgraded from warty to hoary, and it screwed up X10:25
thoreauputicfalcon3: maybe glabels10:25
kakaltoso I can't get any visuals10:25
delirefalcon3: i think dvdauthor has some feature like this, or a similar program10:25
dcraven_Funraiser, I assume it still does :)10:26
Funraiserdcraven, u mean an audio CD form MP3s?10:26
kakaltowhat should I do?10:26
falcon3kakalto: reconfigure10:26
tritiumkakalto, are you using nvidia?10:26
kakaltowhat command?10:26
dcraven_Funraiser, is there anything else? :)10:26
falcon3kakalto: dunno, i got ati10:26
tritiumsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:26
Funraiserdcraven, u tried an audio CD from MP3s?10:26
dcraven_Funraiser, ...10:26
falcon3tritium: he might have xfree if he is warty10:27
thoreauputickakalto: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:27
dcraven_Funraiser, I dunno how else to say it dude.10:27
delireFunraiser: 'apt-cache search audio mp3' cd returns k3b, and another interesting option: mp3roaster - A Perl hack for burning audio CDs out of MP3/OGG/FLAC files10:27
kakaltothoreauputic, that's not installed10:27
delireFunraiser: see 'apt-cache show k3b'10:27
kakaltothoreauputic, I thought that warty used xf86?10:27
libbenhow sensitive is gnome baker on doing stuff in the background? can i surf around as usual and chat with gaim and irc?10:27
delireFunraiser: sorry .. 'apt-cache search mp3 audio cd'10:28
dcraven_Funraiser, I dragged mp3 files into k3b, then burned them. Then I put the CD into a cd player that CANNOT play mp3 files, and I heard the music through the attached speakers.10:28
thoreauputickakalto: warty yes - I thought you upgraded to hoary10:28
tritiumfalcon3, not after upgrading to Hoary10:28
kakaltothoreauputic, yes, but it doesn't seem to have installed xorg10:28
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dcraven_kakalto, check to see that the nvidia module is loaded --> "lsmod | grep nvidia"10:29
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Funraiser...that Nerolinux isn't working10:29
Funraiserall right thanks all10:29
kakaltodcraven_, yes, nvidia is loaded10:29
kakaltoI think it just didn't install xorg10:29
kakaltoso should I just apt-get install xorg?10:29
tritiumkakalto, but your real problem is that your upgrade went awry10:29
dcraven_kakalto, Oh.. This is a clean install?10:30
mainerif you're running kde,k3b works great10:30
libbenhow sensitive is gnome baker on doing stuff in the background? can i surf around as usual and chat with gaim and irc?10:30
delirelibben: try it perhaps?10:30
thoreauputiclibben: works fine here10:30
cikilini put enable on warty10:30
daventritium: i remember when i upgraded to sarge i had to update and dist-upgrade a few times?10:30
maineror use gnome f.m. option10:30
delirelibben: depends on your system specs to some degree10:30
cikilinhow download now?10:30
daventritium: do you think that might help kakalto?10:30
thoreauputiclibben: how much RAM and CPU have you got there?10:30
dcraven_kakalto, if you a GNOME man, see if the ubuntu-desktop package is installed maybe...10:30
falcon3thoreauputic: glabels does not have a template for DVD covers,10:30
kakaltodcraven_, no, upgrade10:30
tritiumdaven, that should not be necessary10:30
libbenp4 1.7 768 ram... no ddr stuff..10:30
libbenmaybe a restart of x would clear some ram up =)10:31
kakaltodcraven_, it should be, although I don't primarily use gnome10:31
falcon3delire: dvdauthor is only for creating dvds, not labeling/covers10:31
thoreauputicfalcon3: OK - it was a guess - thanks for the info10:31
Funraisermainer u talking to me? (with the De Niro accent)10:31
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kakaltoah well10:31
daventritium: k - must admit i don't think i had to when i upgraded ubuntu.  although i found apt-get update/upgrade today hasn't been working so well for ubuntu10:31
tritiumkakalto, did you follow: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryUpgradeNotes10:31
delirefalcon3: right though there is a related app. let me check10:31
kakaltoI'll sort it out tonight10:31
libbenthoreauputic, what do u have for desktoping?10:31
dcraven_kakalto, then maybe x-window-system? That should bring in xorg I think.10:31
falcon3delire: that would be very kind of you10:31
dcraven_Or not.10:31
thoreauputiclibben: desktoping? you mean like gnome and fluxbox?10:31
delirefalcon3: ahah "cdlabelgen - generates front cards and tray cards for CDs and DVDs"10:31
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Funraisermainer, where is the gnome f.m option?10:32
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dcraven_Man I gotta make a decent IM client...10:32
Funraisermainer, how do i do that?10:32
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deliredcraven: gaim doesn't suit you?10:32
falcon3delire: that seems terminal based :o10:32
libbenthoreauputic, yeah... normal usage... working and playing10:33
delirefalcon3: oh well..10:33
dcravendelire, gaim drives me crazy.10:33
delirefalcon3: see freshmeat.net10:33
thoreauputiclibben: I switch between fluxbox and gnome10:33
mainerFunraiser: sorry,meant gnome File Manager,i.e.nautilus10:33
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delirefalcon3: what about "kcdlabel - CD cover creator for KDE"10:33
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falcon3aptgetting it10:34
Burgundaviafalcon3: glabels also does cd labels10:34
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tritiumglabels is quite nice :)10:34
dcravenI've heard great things about glabels.10:34
falcon3Burgundavia: i need DVD covers !10:34
libbenwhy switching?10:34
dcravenThere's another!10:34
libbenI used fluxbox before10:34
Burgundaviafalcon3: same size10:34
thoreauputicBurgundavia: I suggested that but he thinks it doesn't have DVD templates...10:34
Burgundaviafalcon3: covers10:34
falcon3Burgundavia: no its not !10:34
libbennow im on gnome10:34
dcravenDVD/CD... What's the diff?10:34
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falcon3dcraven: size10:35
Burgundaviafalcon3: you mean for the boxes10:35
delireopenbox plays nicely with gnome. use it as your ultra-light window manager of choice10:35
dcravenfalcon3, stretch them.10:35
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falcon3dcraven: and Burgundavia: i mean the box thingies10:35
jaco^hi all10:35
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JordanAUi upgraded from warty to hoary, ndiswrapper quit working and X wont start, any suggestions???10:35
Burgundaviafalcon3: you can roll your own size in glabels10:35
tritiumfalcon3, you can specify a custom size in glabels10:35
falcon3dcraven: u seem not to understand10:35
tritiumBurgundavia, ;)10:35
dcravenfalcon3, no. I don't understand at all :)10:35
falcon3tritium and Burgundavia : i'll try glabels again then10:35
thoreauputiclibben: I use gnome on irc so I can answer questions about it :)10:36
Burgundaviaglabels is a little wierd in hoary though10:36
falcon3!!! too much people highlighting me10:36
Burgundaviatext is borked10:36
dcravenI'm highlighting you :)10:36
falcon3dcraven: u a child or smth ?10:36
dcravenfalcon3, haha.. Not at all. Just in a lame mood.10:36
thoreauputicfalcon3: retain your sense of humour :)10:36
dcravenfalcon3, but thanks for the compliment :)10:37
dcraventhoreauputic, lol10:37
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falcon3thoreauputic: its to late to retain any of my humor10:37
JordanAUthoreauputic: have you heard of any problems with ndiswrapper and x not starting after a hoary upgrade?10:37
dcraventhat of course assumes u = you and smth = something10:37
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delireJordanAU: no i haven't..10:37
JordanAUdelire: strange huh?10:38
thoreauputicJordanAU: what I know about ndiswrapper could be written on a postage stamp10:38
QMarioHow do I place files into a Root folder?10:38
dcravenQMario, can you be more specific?10:38
JordanAUthoreauputic: that is much more than me :)10:38
dcravenQMario, like "sudo cp filename /root/" ?10:38
delireJordanAU: yes, very. can you look at the X logs in /var/log/..? look for 'EE' == errors10:39
QMarioHow do I paste files into a Root access folder?10:39
QMarioHold on..10:39
thoreauputicQMario: please don't /msg people without asking10:39
dcravenQMario, Oh. Like with Nautilus? Beyond me.10:39
JordanAUdelire: i am on my windows boot but will try to get some logs and get back.10:39
delireJordanAU: in a terminal you can use 'less' on a file and then use '/' to search.10:39
delireJordanAU: ok, good luck10:40
cikilink:why if i put a cd into cdrom it can not hearing?10:40
JordanAUdelire: what is the extension on a log file?10:40
^thehatsrule^eek, wrong chan :/10:40
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delireJordanAU: if you're using XFree86 it'll be /var/log/XFree86.0.log10:41
WeirdAlCan Ubuntu automatically convert MP3s into CDA format to burn?10:41
JordanAUdelire: great i will open it and then save it as a .txt file and open it in windows10:41
delireJordanAU: for X.org (the new X system) it'll likely be X.org.log (i don't use it.. check with others)10:41
cikilink:why if i put a cd into cdrom it can not hearing?10:41
WeirdAlOr will I need a special program?10:41
AndyRanyone else in uk watching hackers on ch5?10:41
JordanAUdelire: how would i know which one?10:41
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delirethoreauputic: if JordanAU has upgraded to hoary he'll be running X.org for sure?10:42
thoreauputiccikilin: possibly your cdrom is not connected to the sound card10:42
casimirdelire, X.org is Xorg.0.log10:42
delireJordanAU: you'll only have one or other10:42
thoreauputicdelire: should be, yes10:42
davencikilin: i thought you said that if you turned the ripper off you could hear the cd?10:42
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delireJordanAU: according to others it will be X.org.log10:42
occyhey..... anyone here remember the name of that GPL'ed alternative to vmware?10:42
davenoccy: q-something10:42
cikilinonly if i ripper10:42
occydaven: hmmm10:42
occythat's it10:42
davenoccy: yes - qemu10:42
delireJordanAU: sorry *** Xorg.0.log ***10:42
occyqemu :)10:42
occytx guys10:43
=== delire doesn't use X.org
=== darGor use X.org
JordanAUdelire: great, also i only updated my main restricted repository, should i have upgraded them all?10:43
cikilinif my cdrom is not connected to the sound card how i connect?10:43
thoreauputicJordanAU: yes10:43
delireJordanAU: yes, you should have10:43
davencikilin: have you ever managed toplay a cd in your ubuntu computer?10:43
JordanAUcould that have caused my proble,10:43
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delireJordanAU: i'd say so10:44
thoreauputiccikilin: you can use digital output with xmms or beep-media-player10:44
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ewrjqwewtf.. ubuntu never let me set the root password during installation10:44
thoreauputiccikilin: that's how I play CDs here10:44
JordanAUaha, i wish the wili had mentioned that, i sat there and thought about it forever, my rationale was to try one part and if everything else works, do the rest10:44
davenewrjqwe: ubuntu doesn't have a root password... it's on the wiki :)10:44
thoreauputicewrjqwe: that's normal10:44
delireJordanAU: if you want to upgrade from the commandline you can 'sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade'10:44
delireJordanAU: errm sudo apt-get upgrade10:45
casimirewrjqwe, all root acces is through sudo, no root passwd10:45
ewrjqwei can't login as root with a blank pass10:45
JordanAUyeah i need to get ndiswrapper up and running first10:45
delireJordanAU: this may be useful as you can't get into X currently10:45
casimirewrjqwe, sudo bash for a root terminal10:45
JordanAUewrjqwe: type sudo before commands to act as root10:45
tritiumewrjqwe, see this: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo10:45
daventritium: you beat me to it :)10:45
ewrjqwethat's new10:45
tritiumno, not new10:45
ewrjqwefirst time i've ever seen in that in a distro10:45
Tux-RoxHow do I set up a USB Wireless card in Hoary? The Networking Gnome systems tool is crap and is not showing the USB WiFi device, though it is seen in /var/log/messages and the driver is loaded for it, prism_usb.....10:46
=== thoreauputic makes a mental note to create an alias for the root/sudo question
JordanAUtux-rox ndiswrapper10:46
davenewrjqwe: i think it's to get people away from the windows idea of logging on as admin/root10:46
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davenewrjqwe: i don't find it a pain at all now, although it annoyed me at first10:46
JordanAUTux-Rox: i answered too quickly  maybe not...10:46
ewrjqweah well, i suppose it is "linux for humans"10:46
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thoreauputicewrjqwe: sudo isn't new - the implementation is perhaps10:46
Tux-RoxJordanAU, ndiswrapper even though it has a kernel module?10:46
falcon3i added some aliasses in /etc/profile, but they dont load automatically, i alwasy need to do source /etc/profile, any help plz ?10:47
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tritiumdaven, ;)10:47
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cikilinwith xmms does not work10:47
ewrjqweyeah, i use sudo frequently10:47
JordanAUTux-Rox: no i spoke without fully reading what you said10:47
ewrjqwethanks for the info10:47
thoreauputiccikilin: it will if you configure digital output10:47
Tux-RoxJordanAU, :-)  no worries10:47
CarlKis ubuntu-users mail list very quite (like no message in the last 4 hours) ?10:47
JordanAUewrjqwe: you can create a root account10:47
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LeeColletonhow do I relabel VFAT volumes?10:47
ewrjqwethis'll work.. :)10:48
thoreauputiccikilin: look at the CD plugin configuration in xmms10:48
casimirewrjqwe, yeah, you get used to it, sudo bash becomes as much second nature as su10:48
JordanAUdelire: be right back wish me luck10:48
tritiumsudo -s10:48
tritiumor sudo -s -H10:48
delireJordanAU: luck ;)10:48
darGorhey, if a partition which i have only mp3s, videos etc.. it's NTFS; i rename it on VFAT, so i've permission to write/read with my ubuntu. i CAN do that? any file will be deleted? (??)10:49
JordanAUdelire: actually i changed my mind, i am going to physically move my comuter over to the router and plug in with ethernet and finish the upgrade10:49
thoreauputiccikilin: in options -preferences -in xmms10:49
cikilinwhere is plugin configuration?10:49
delireJordanAU: ok, wise10:49
libbenhow to burn dvd image... cant see any dvd-image button... or should i just import it from cd-image button?10:49
thoreauputiccikilin: ^^^10:49
casimirtritium, sudo -s... cool!10:49
tritiumcasimir, :)10:49
tritiumThat'll save you some typing!10:49
deliredanGor: from what i've heard changing NTFS to fat32 is dangerous.10:49
Tux-RoxHow do I set up a USB Wireless card in Hoary? The Networking Gnome systems tool is crap and is not showing the USB WiFi device, though it is seen in /var/log/messages and the driver is loaded for it, prism_usb.....10:50
supertedWhat's wrong if I got ubuntu-calendar but none of the calendar wallpapers in the wallpaper dialog?10:50
thoreauputiccikilin: right click on xmms. choose options > preferences . cd audio10:50
delirelibben: many use 'k3b' i use growisofs10:50
JordanAUTux-Rox: what is the card called?10:50
darGordelire: cus u know with fuckin' NTFS i can only view, but not write anything10:50
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libbenso no one has burned dvd with gnome baker?10:50
deliredarGor: blame M$, the *decided* that at some point10:50
libbenjust that it supports it ? =)10:51
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JordanAUdarGor: you can execute too :)10:51
tritiumlibben, I don't have a DVD burner ;)10:51
Tux-RoxJordanAU, It's a prism2 based DLink DWL-12210:51
mainerdelire: anothe convert,huh:))10:51
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casimirtritium, also works if you like tcsh or zsh or csh or mudsh10:51
darGorJordanAU: how?10:51
thoreauputicdarGor: you can't convert NTFS to fat without losing your data10:51
tritiumcasimir, super10:51
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deliremainer: M$ sure helps them along ;)10:51
libbenwhat is the option Burnfree before u hit burn? is it like the overburn feature in windows program?10:51
cikilini go xmms proprieties10:51
dcravendarGor, they got ya!10:52
drewcoredo you think that having my usr partition at the end of my drive would cause programs to load slowly?10:52
darGorthoreauputic: okay10:52
QMarioDoes anyone know where the printer drivers are placed?10:52
libbenI should do a hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc before i burn =) lol10:52
mainerlibben,far as i know,yes10:52
deliredarGor: i advised a friend to take the time out to back up the whole NTFS partition and simply convert it to fat32 or an ext3 Linux fs10:52
dcravenQMario, like where on your filesystem or which package they are found in?10:53
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deliredarGor: an NTFS --> fat32 conversion will always be damaging.10:53
QMarioWhere on the filesystem.10:53
darGordelire: yeah it'll fuck up all10:53
casimirwhat's the option to have dma on ide-cd on at boot?10:53
QMarioThe filesystem.10:53
darGordelire: if i change ntfs to ext3, on fuckin windoze, i couldn't view fils10:53
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thoreauputicdarGor: can you vary your expletives a bit please?10:54
kentcasimir, have you looked at /etc/hadparm.conf? It gets read on boot.10:55
deliredarGor: for sure.. if you need to read/write across partitions, from either OS,  you're best backing it all up and converting it to fat3210:55
libbenso "burnfree" == overburn or !=10:55
casimirkent, I'll check it out10:55
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dcravenQMario, I dunno where they are kept.'10:55
WeirdAlMP3 > CDA a la Nero -- is this possible?10:55
WeirdAlOr am I going to have to use Windows again?10:55
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cn__WeirdAl, use k3b10:55
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delireWeirdAl: use k3b10:55
QMarioHow can Windows access them on the network?10:56
tritiumWeirdAl, or graveman, gnomebaker10:56
delireQMario: samba10:56
dcravenQMario, I normally let Windows load its own printer drivers.10:56
kentWeirdAl, to burn mp3s to audio, use k3b, graveman, gnomebaker..10:56
dcravenQMario, you are using cupsd?10:56
QMarioWhat is that?10:56
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delireQMario: sorry you were talking about printers..10:56
WeirdAlk thanks. Sourceforge was no help :)10:56
QMarioWhat is cupsd?10:56
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delirean advanced printing system for Linux10:57
dcravenQMario, CUPSD == Common Unix Printing System Daemon I believe.10:57
TrixisityHey eveyone greetings from Holland10:57
thoreauputicQMario: common unix printer system10:57
TrixisityAnyone here uses an optical desktop set10:57
delireTrixisity: hej10:57
Trixisityhey delire10:57
dcravenQMario, is the printer physically plugged into a Linux box or a Windows box?10:57
thoreauputicdcraven: yours is more accurate :)10:57
cikilink:on xp i put a cd into cd-rom and ask for sart playinf and it is playing10:57
Tux-RoxHow do I set up a USB Wireless card in Hoary? The Networking Gnome systems tool is crap and is not showing the USB WiFi device, though it is seen in /var/log/messages and the driver is loaded for it, prism_usb.....10:57
delireTrixisity: nope, just work here..10:57
dcraventhoreauputic, oh I'm precise baby!10:57
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cikilinnow i want to do the same for ubuntu10:58
thoreauputicdcraven: heheh :)10:58
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delireTrixisity: 'optical desktop set'?10:58
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jameisis there some sort of patch or a way to have the @#$$#@ linux kernel kill processes that are completely killing the system10:58
TrixisityLike a wireless keyboard and mouse10:58
delirei don't know what that is Trixisity10:58
jameisI mean come on rhythmbox just took down my whole system..10:58
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delireTrixisity: ahah10:58
delireTrixisity: sure10:58
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cikilincan anybody help me?10:59
Trixisityand you use it on Linux?10:59
Trixisitywhat brand?10:59
thoreauputicjameis: uh... killall rhythmbox or pkill or kill -9 ...10:59
dcravencikilin, System->Preferences->Removeable Drives and Media10:59
kentcikilin, There is a tool in the menu that configures that kind of action. You can get the computer to automaticly open a cdplayer when you insert a audio-cd. In Hoary its in System, i guess its there in Ubuntu Warty also.. Look for it.10:59
delireTrixisity: i have used many over the years.. it's all USB as far as the kernel is concerned10:59
jameisthoreauputic yah well uhh if you can't use the system at all cause the process is not only sucking cpu but also memory that isn't an option..10:59
kentcikilin, as dcraven says.11:00
aestetixq: just d/led and burned the livecd, ran it on laptop... boot screen came up just fine, but the rest of the loadup is so dim I can barely see it. Any fix?11:00
TrixisityI got a PS/2 version11:00
Trixisityfrom sweex11:00
delireTrixisity: and it doesn't work?11:00
Trixisityjust got windows drivers11:00
thoreauputicjameis: yah well we're here to help, but getting mad won't solve your problem11:00
cikilinwhere is system?11:00
TrixisityI didnt thought it needed much drivers11:00
Trixisityjust plug in and work11:00
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Trixisitybut it seems the other way11:01
kentcikilin, the menu on the panel?11:01
dcravenjameis, you need to purchase a laptop so that you can ssh in and kill the process ;)11:01
jameisthoreauputic: well my question still stands. If the system is completely hosed because of a process how can you kill it the only way is really if the kernel did it since it still takes sysrq functions.11:01
delireTrixisity: have you tried it in Linux? ubuntu will provide the drivers for using that. they are fairly standard11:01
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jameisdcraven funny I am talking to you on that laptop ;) The system was completely hosed...11:01
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jameisbut it was still computing and sysrq still worked11:01
kentcikilin, If you run Ubuntu warty, then its perhaps cald something else. I dont remember what :)11:01
holycowaestetix, are you sure your laptop isn't one of the older ones with the thingy on the side of the lcd to adjust that manually?11:01
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Trixisityyeah I'm on ubuntu right now11:01
cikilinsystem configuration?11:01
jameisso the linux kernel should have been able to kill it..11:01
Trixisitycoulden't find anything in synaptic11:01
holycowsome laptops like gateways have a brightness switch via keyboard ... like ctrl/ up or down key11:01
delireTrixisity: ahah so it's working..11:02
aestetixIt is and has, but I didn't think it was an issue because the Ubuntu boot loader shows up fine.11:02
aestetixAnd it's toggled on max brightness.11:02
Trixisityhaha no11:02
ompauljameis, if it is a standard build the machine should be able to auto recover if you can't get in easily11:02
TrixisityI'm now on a normal one11:02
Trixisitywith a wire11:02
delireTrixisity: ok if it doesn't work when you plug it in, then just restart X. eg log out and log back in.11:02
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Trixisityok I'll try that11:03
aestetixI've run other livecds (gentoo, knoppix, etc) and they've worked fine.11:03
TrixisityFirst gonna check some sites11:03
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Trixisitythen I'll try that11:03
ompauljameis, however it takes time ..11:04
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delireTrixisity: even try a reboot if you want to be truly sure..11:04
jameisompaul uhh 30 minutes of chugging away isn't long enough?11:04
delirejameis: what's up? a process eating your system memory>11:04
Trixisityyeah I did that before11:04
dcravenI made a sexy gvim colorscheme.11:04
Trixisitybut it didn't work11:04
TrixisityI'll try it again in a minut11:05
jameisdelire yes and the kernel isn't smart enough in the 2.6 series to do anytihng about it within a timely manner.11:05
ompauljameis, can you get onto that box?11:05
cikilini went there and enable media......and not hearing11:05
delirejameis: have you tried a pkill <process>?11:06
delirejameis: or a straight kill -9 <process>11:06
jameisthe system is still computing I can move my mouse but I cannot get in to the system AT ALL not remotely not in fronit of me haven't you guys ever had a process that is taking not only cpu or memory it kills the system completely IE you cannot use it at all11:07
jameisthat was the situation I had11:07
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jameiswhcih in turn requiresw some sort of kernel action to get rid of the offending process11:07
jameisand appaerntly there isn't one cause 20 minutes or so of chugging still produced nothing11:07
delirejameis: hasn't happened to me in many years..11:07
dcravencikilin, do you hear system sounds? As in, if you type "aplay /usr/share/sounds/question.wav" in a term, do you hear the drums?11:07
jameisdelire well try loading say 70 gigs of mp3s with rhythmbox and enjoy your system dying..11:07
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delirejameis: 70gigs!?11:07
dcravenjameis, I've only seen that happen in programs that I write.11:08
delirejameis: i hope you have DMA11:08
cikilinyes i do11:08
jameisyes I have dma11:08
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dcravencikilin, have you ever heard a sound out of that CDROM ever? In any operating system?11:08
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jameisand I just lost an email since thudnerbird obviously has no @#$@# recovery mechanism damn..it is pooring today11:08
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cikilini have two hards11:09
delirejameis: well i use a console jukebox called pytone. it chugs for about 10 minutes while grepping through my filesystem looking for mp3's..11:09
cikilinone with xp11:09
cikilinand working11:09
DooDhi guys11:09
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DooDi have a problem11:09
zenwhenwhat is it11:09
cikilinanother for two days ubuntu11:09
DooDi've installed the hoary from cd11:09
redPandahi all11:09
kbrookson guarddog11:09
DooDand i can't seem to be able to install kdevelop11:09
kbrookshow do i open 6667 to the web11:09
DooD Depends: kdelibs4 (>=4:3.4.0) but it is not installable11:10
DooD Depends: libqt3c102-mt (>=3:3.3.3) but it is not installable11:10
DooD Depends: autoconf  but it is not installable11:10
DooD Depends: automake  but it is not installable or11:10
DooD automake1.9  but it is not installable or11:10
DooD automake1.7  but it is not installable11:10
DooD Depends: kdebase-bin  but it is not installable11:10
DooD Depends: kdevelop3-data but it is not going to be installed11:10
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DooD Depends: kdevelop3-plugins but it is not going to be installed11:10
delireDooD: do you have universe repositories enabled? then an apt-get update?11:10
DooDhere's what it says11:10
DooDanyone can help me out?11:10
kbrooksDooD, NO PASTING11:10
dcravencikilin, I don't know where to look. I don't play music on the CD nor do I have any cd music. Have a look on the forum maybe?11:10
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delireDooD: you need to apt-get update11:10
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thoreauputicDooD: you just lost any good will you were hoping for11:10
libbenany sfv checker for linux ?11:10
ompaulDooD, use pastebin.com or some such please11:10
dcravenDooD, use pastebin for that.11:10
dcravenyeah.. what ompaul  said.11:11
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DooDi did11:11
disturbed1par2 commandline can check sfv's11:11
dcravenLooked like it was in the channel to me.. Sorry.11:11
^thehatsrule^its a site ^^11:11
pantzhi people - couldn't find anything to do with a roadmap on the site - can someone tell me if Hoary is due this week?11:11
cikilinsound card where can i found?11:11
^thehatsrule^pantz, i think so11:11
thoreauputicpantz: 8th of April11:11
pantzthoreauputic, where did you pull that from?11:12
dcravencikilin, I don't know what you mean.11:12
delireDooD: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install kdevelop11:12
thoreauputicpantz: mailing list and staements on the wiki11:12
dcravenIf there ever were ops in here we could put the release date in the topic... Novel idea.11:13
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delireDooD: your package list is out of sync with what is on the servers.11:13
cikilini wana know if i have sound card11:13
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delirecikilin: lspci | grep Audio11:13
pantzthoreauputic, so everything is still on track for a release tomorrow?11:13
DooDdelire can we chat in private11:13
thoreauputicpantz: as far as I know11:13
DooDi need to paste11:13
delirecikilin: actually 'lspci | grep audio'11:13
delireDooD: did you do what i suggested?11:14
pantzcool! - can't wait11:14
dcravengrep -i audio will work :)11:14
cikilindone i have] 11:14
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DooDi did11:14
TrixisityHey Delire11:14
Trixisityit works!11:15
delireDooD: i can't chat privately now, i have to leave.11:15
pantzhttp://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryReleaseSchedule :)11:15
TrixisityI don't know what it is11:15
delireTrixisity: ahah cool ;)11:15
Trixisitybut I rebooted for the 3th time11:15
Trixisityand now it works11:15
Trixisitylet's hope it stays this way11:15
dcravenDooD, www.pastebin.com11:15
delireTrixisity: hmm, weird. well i hope it stays that way ;)11:15
DooDwell thanks anyways11:15
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libbencouldent burn the dvd.iso... why gooood whyyyy... anyone? i clicked Burn cd image...11:15
DooDdc what's that11:15
libbencouldent find a dvd image button11:15
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delireDooD: np, ask the others about adding the 'universe' and 'multiverse' pacakge repositories to be sure all dependencies are covered11:16
delireok out..11:16
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dcravenDooD, paste stuff there, then paste the link here.. Saves flooding this channel with garbage like you did.11:16
DooDi added universe multivers to sources.list already and did aptitude update and apt-get update11:16
DooDuhh i see11:17
DooDthanks dc11:17
DooDnice suggestion11:17
dcravenDooD, no problem.11:17
cikilinstill can not hear the cd11:18
ompaulcikilin, did you hear any music as the machine started up?11:19
thoreauputiccikilin: do you have a nearby Linux Users Group? That might be the best way for you - the language difficulty is too much on IRC I think11:19
cikilinyesv i heart11:19
cikilinno i dont have nearby11:19
dcravencikilin, maybe this thread can help --> http://tinyurl.com/4vzk611:19
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thoreauputicdoes anyone else think loading 70 Gigs of mp3s into rhythmbox at one go is a litlle bit ambitious?11:21
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bur[n] ernew release tomorrow right?!?!?11:21
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bur[n] erthoreauputic: 3 gigs is ambitious11:21
bur[n] errhythmbox isn't usable11:21
ArniaMuine copes well with loading my 25Gb music collection at once11:22
dcraventhoreauputic, I'd say so. Something like Musik might handle it with an sqlite backend.11:22
ArniaIt also searches it quickly11:22
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thoreauputicbur[n] er: that's what I thought :)11:22
dcravenbur[n] er, yes.. Tomorrow.11:22
=== bur[n] er uses amarok
bur[n] erbut the kdelibs are ridiculus11:22
bur[n] erit gets up to about 250+ megs of RAM use11:22
QMarioWhy can't Windows use my printer driver over the network?11:22
QMario(16:22:47) QMario: Windows tells me that the driver is invalid.11:22
dcravenI'd rather go silent.11:23
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martinaldhi all. i'm having problems with totem yet again :(11:23
bur[n] eramarok has nice album covers though :)11:23
dcravenQMario, Is it because the driver is for Linux?11:23
bur[n] erbeep-media-player is nice too11:23
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martinaldbasically i started using the xine version over the gstreamer one because ffmpeg isn't good enough to play back xvid yet. however, now i have no mp3 playback11:23
bur[n] erQMario: shared from a linux box?11:23
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theinenice new website design11:24
QMarioYes, then how can Windows use my driver?11:24
dcraventheine, yeah it's nice.11:24
jc-dentoni've played a bit with ubuntu now11:24
jc-dentonand i just got one question11:24
bur[n] ermartinald: there's always gstreamer0.8-mad11:24
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jc-dentonwhy did u choose gnome instead of kde11:24
VerithraxHow do I get grub off my MBR?11:24
bur[n] erQMario: put the driver on windows first11:24
jc-dentonit sucks as hell11:24
martinaldso could someone explain how i get both good xvid playback and mp3 playback at the same time with totem :)? i've added the w32codecs to my folder and that works fine but no mp311:24
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QMarioYes, it is shared on a Linux computer.11:24
bur[n] erjc-denton: kubuntu11:24
vrlnjc-denton: there's kubuntu too11:24
martinaldbur[n] er: "i started using the xine version over the gstreamer one"11:24
dcravenQMario, I didn't know it needed to. I have a printer plugged into my Linux box, shared using cupsd, and Windows prints to it using it's own drivers.11:24
dcravenQMario, hold up a sec.11:25
bur[n] ermartinald: my bad... bit backwards... xine should play mp3s11:25
mcrawfordoes hoary have a nice framebuffer boot screen?11:25
bur[n] ermcrawfor: yes11:25
bur[n] ermcrawfor: no splash screens... yes11:25
bur[n] er...yet11:25
mcrawforsplash screens?11:25
bur[n] ernevermind ;)11:25
martinaldit doesn't. can someone help me troubleshoot it please11:25
bur[n] ermartinald: what are you trying to play mp3s with?11:26
bur[n] ertotem?11:26
mcrawforhow about better support for susending to disk/ram?11:26
bur[n] ermcrawfor: wiki... and yes, there is support11:26
dcravenQMario, maybe this will help? It's similar to what I did --> http://tinyurl.com/52mxz11:26
bur[n] ermcrawfor: even in the gnoem menu11:26
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thoreauputicmartinald: I have xine working, but I also have mpg123 installed (dunno if that makes any difference)11:26
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bur[n] ermartinald: use beep-media-player and see if it works11:27
mcrawforbecause when I try to do the whole echo 'disk' > /sys/acpi/state thing - nothing happens at all11:27
martinaldwell i did have both xine and mp3 working at one stage but it's broke now...11:27
bur[n] erif not... apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad11:27
martinaldi want to use totem11:27
jc-dentonbur[n] er: yes sure11:27
bur[n] erjust try it for kicks :)11:27
mcrawforbut acpi give accurate info about my batter/lid/etc11:27
bur[n] ersee if something plays mp3s11:27
martinaldplease could you listen to me burner?11:27
bur[n] ertry thrymbox11:27
jc-dentoni installed kubuntu desktop11:27
martinaldyes something plays mp3s11:27
martinaldgstreamer plays mp3s11:27
bur[n] ertotem-xine does not11:27
mcrawforrhythmbox is very nice in recent versions11:27
jc-dentonbut it's not really finished yet11:27
martinaldi'm using totem-xine because ffmpeg playback sucks11:27
jc-dentonmuch stuff missing..11:27
bur[n] errhythmbox is ass ;)11:27
holycowi saw rhythmbox has and ipod location now11:27
bur[n] ermartinald: understandable11:27
holycowby as bur[n] er said, it's still ass11:28
mcrawforbur[n] er: really?  It sure used to be, but I have been impressed with recent versions11:28
jc-dentonrhytmbox is wanna-be-iTunes11:28
libbenis there anhttp://hem.passagen.se/standby/linux/terminal-sfv_xchat_.png11:28
libbendamit... wrong channel11:28
mcrawforbur[n] er: no more crashing, quick updates of huge amount of songs, etc.11:28
dcravenI'm outta here for a bit. My wife is taking me to KFC! Wheeee!!11:28
dcravenGood luck QMario.11:28
dcraven..and everyone else too :)11:28
bur[n] ermcrawfor: libaudiofile0 is loaded?11:28
martinaldi've installed mpg123, no playback11:28
mcrawforbur[n] er: what?11:28
QMarioThank you!11:28
bur[n] ermcrawfor: i meant martinald  ;)11:29
martinaldand how would i go about doing that?11:29
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thoreauputicmartinald: no playback of mp3 with mpg123? not even in a terminal?11:29
bur[n] eraw man, i'm sorry, i cant troubleshoot... i gotta go11:29
martinaldno in totem11:29
bur[n] ertotem plays my mp3s ;)11:30
bur[n] ersee ya11:30
martinaldnope no mp3 in mpg12311:30
martinaldi'm typing mpg123 filename.mp3, is that right?11:30
thoreauputicmartinald: yes, that should play11:30
martinaldok, it's not11:30
martinaldmy mp3s play fine in muine tho11:31
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martinaldand also rhythmbox11:32
libbenanyone has burned dvds with gnomebaker? i dident had any luck on it... and the sfv checked it OK11:32
martinaldthoreauputic: i don't understand, all this was working before11:32
thoreauputicmartinald: I know little about sound, but crimsun (who does know ) was advising people to use esd for sound here a few days back, if I remember correctly11:32
martinaldhow do i set it?11:33
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thoreauputicmartinald: I'm on warty so I'm probably not much help11:33
martinaldok sure but isn't there some pointy-clicky stuff i can do to have xine use a different sound server? like gstreamer-properties; just for xine11:34
thoreauputicmartinald:   gnome-sound-properties  ?11:34
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martinaldno because my gnome sounds work fine11:34
martinaldit's just xine and mpg1211:34
thoreauputicI'm just guessing, frankly11:34
ObsidiansI'm using Hoary, how can I manually edit the applications menu? The menueditor messed it up a little bit.11:34
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martinaldok. so anyone else got any ideas?11:35
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GrockHI is there a way to compile the sources for a kernel module while I'm compiling the kernel?11:35
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thoreauputicmartinald: doesn't xine have such settings in the preferences or other config dialogues ?11:35
martinaldi'm using totem-xine lol :( no preferences11:36
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Grockif that question seems strange it's because it's about adding a module not included in the linux-source11:36
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Grockinstead of doing it seperate can I do It all at once?11:37
_d4vidky all11:37
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=== ompaul gets head wrecked something does not work but the person uses lol which is laughing out loud - so much prozac so little time :)
carltonWhat does "Release Candidate" mean?11:39
ompaul72% [385 openoffice.org-bin 34504292/41.7MB 82%]                 86.7kB/s 19m34s <-- too slow11:39
borgistaIt means it's the candidate to be released.11:39
thoreauputicmartinald: for what it's worth - i have totem-xine and xine-ui here: totem xine crashes all the time, xine-ui works fine...11:39
LadyRootwhat is on top of ubuntulinux.org new page? in opera browser it is not working!11:39
borgistaIt's an Ubuntu log...and the right, some tabs.11:40
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LadyRootyes, the tabs are not functioning properly11:40
borgistamy tabs work fine.11:40
borgistabut i'm using firefox.11:41
LadyRootmine not11:41
borgistaThen switch to firefox. =)11:41
LadyRootI dont want, i want a well coded page :p11:41
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borgistaAnd that means giving up functionality?11:41
thoreauputicLadyRoot: you aren't the first Opera user to have problems with that page, if that's any consolation11:41
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LadyRootthoreauputic, ok, thanks, just noticed it11:42
thoreauputicLadyRoot: I checked the page - it's standarrds compliant according to the dillo bug checker anyway...11:42
DooDit seems archive.ubuntu.com is down11:42
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DooDif you want to use archives you should use us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu11:42
GoshawkDooD, not for me11:42
thoreauputicLadyRoot: seemsto be an Opera quirk of some kind11:42
apowis there a way to install ubuntu via network?11:43
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ompaul LadyRoot that is a functional page - I wonder should you report a bug to Opera? ----->!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"11:43
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LadyRootthoreauputic, maybe in opera 8 something is fixed, will try11:43
gdshi everyone11:43
DooDnot for you what11:43
gdsI've got a big problem :-)11:43
ompaulgds, well not telling it won't half it11:44
gdsI have move a swap partition over11:44
gingermarkHey guys, hope everyone is well. Was wondering if anyone could recommend a good program for Ubuntu that converts & resizes images?11:44
borgistathe GIMP.11:44
DarthFroggingermark: GIMP11:44
borgistaThat's what I use.11:44
gdsand resume does not work :-(11:44
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thoreauputicgingermark: or imagemagick for cli11:44
gingermarkIs cli?11:44
ompaulcommand line interface11:45
gdsI modified fstab11:45
thoreauputicgingermark: command line interface11:45
gingermarknewbie here11:45
ompaulgingermark, well we are new every day at something11:45
gingermarkI'll try again with GIMP11:45
thoreauputicgingermark:  http://applications.linux.com/article.pl?sid=05/03/29/152521711:45
TrendKillanyone have a link to a howto for libdvdcss in hoary?11:45
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gdsI haved to add noresume to boot the system11:46
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xamdmTrendKill, just download the debian-package :-)11:46
thoreauputicTrendKill:  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats11:46
gdsompaul, I can't understand " well not telling it won't half it"11:46
ompaulgds, a problem shared is a problem halved11:47
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ompaulgds, :-)11:47
TrendKillthoreauputic, thanks11:47
thoreauputicno worries :)11:47
LadyRootthe Opera 8 beta3 browser shows the ubuntulinux.org web site OK, must have been a bug in earlier version11:48
xamdmTrendKill, http://download.videolan.org/pub/libdvdcss/1.2.8/deb/11:48
GrockHI is there a way to compile the sources for a kernel module while I'm compiling the kernel?11:48
ObsidiansHow can I edit the application menu? I'm using Hoary.11:48
thoreauputicLadyRoot: ah - good to know - we can inform people: thanks11:48
ompaulGrock, that question does not make sense11:48
xamdmObsidians, http://manny.cluecoder.org/packages/gnome-menu-editor/11:48
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Grockompaul: srry i meant to say extra modules, as in not included in the linux kernel sources11:49
thoreauputicObsidians: or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21390&highlight=menu+editor+hoary11:49
ObsidiansYeah, I have that. But I've got things in my menu that it doesn't show, that it put there when I tried to use it. Like an extra copy of some of the menus.11:49
carltonWhere's the best reference for playing DVDs with Totem or Xine? PPC platfrm11:49
thoreauputiccarlton: problem with codec availability on ppc11:50
gdsompaul, thanks for yours interest11:50
thoreauputiccarlton: I use mac-on-linux for multimedia video11:50
ompaulGrock, you should make the modules after the kernel11:51
carltonWill it work on my 400mhz G3?11:51
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sebastianif i use xine i hear some noise obove my sound11:51
sebastianis there somethig like noise reduction?11:51
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thoreauputiccarlton: I don't know - mine is a 1.2 GHz iBook11:51
carltonThanks Tho :)11:52
thoreauputiccarlton: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/MacOnLinuxHowto11:52
Grockoh I was hoping to compile using the kernel package tool with my fast computer copy the .deb over to the slow one and dpkg -i the kernel and modules on the slow computer11:52
gdsThere's an italian channel here?11:52
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gdsthanks thoreauputic11:53
ompaulgrock this should help http://www.captain.at/programming/kernel-2.6/11:53
TrendKillxamdm, thanks11:53
Grockthanks I'll take a look11:53
apowis there a way to install ubuntu via network?11:53
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lamont_rapow: not officially11:53
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lamont_rapow: however, you might look in dists/hoary/main/installer-i386 or so11:54
witlesshi guys.  just wondering how you got firefox to use native gnome dialogs in firefox, when this doesn't appear to be available in debian-unstable...?11:54
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stazichhey guys, how to eject a cdrom through shell?11:55
witlesseject /dev/<device> , i think11:55
ompaulstazich, type eject11:55
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thoreauputicwitless: your other question would be better in #ubuntu-devel - but they are kind of busy today :)11:57
ompaulreally bad bug :) CDplayer can't id  lots of good CDs like queen greatest hits III  - grip can do it in a moment11:57
stazichmy mac is 333, os9 worked much more stable and a bit faster.. anyone has any suggestions? i tried installing xfce, helped but not much11:57
ompaulthoreauputic, you don't say :)11:57
thoreauputicompaul: can't imagine why :)  *grin*11:58
lamont_rthoreauputic: no.  is #ubuntu question11:58
lamont_rthoreauputic: ah, nm11:58
thoreauputiclamont_r: about firefox?11:58
lamont_rwitless: we have a gnome god11:58
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ompaul343 megs of stuff downloaded and installed11:59
ompaulman this box needed a bit of an upgrade11:59
gdsI have a big problem with resume (suspend)... how must I configure Ubuntu? I moved space partition over11:59

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