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cartel_ | hey all | 01:54 |
cartel_ | malone is broken in konqueror displaying bugs | 01:54 |
mpt | cartel_: Broken in what way? | 04:18 |
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lamont | daf: you around? | 10:53 |
lamont | File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/shtoom/ui/gnomeui/prefs.py", line 59, in setupDialog | 10:59 |
lamont | notebook = gtk.Notebook(spacing=8) | 10:59 |
lamont | grumble | 10:59 |
lamont | ECHAN, I guess. | 10:59 |
SteveA | EBYGUM | 11:02 |
SteveA | the yorkshire error | 11:02 |
carlos | lamont: I have the same problem | 11:03 |
carlos | lamont: daf did a new package last week that seems to fix that | 11:03 |
lamont | carlos: note that removing the spacing=8 in both occurances fixes it. | 11:03 |
carlos | not sure if it's available at p.u.o | 11:03 |
lamont | carlos: ah, I have p.u.c | 11:03 |
carlos | lamont: it's fixed already in svn server so :-) | 11:03 |
carlos | lamont: isn't it the same? | 11:03 |
carlos | ubuntu.com or ubuntulinux.org... | 11:03 |
lamont | yeah | 11:04 |
lamont | shtoom_0.2+svn20050304-1 | 11:04 |
lamont | the other cool? part is that I get no pretty gui box when I start it if .shtoomrc exists | 11:05 |
lamont | that and we don't have a company shtoom phonebooke | 11:05 |
carlos | lamont: daf is playing with asterisks, the sip server | 11:06 |
lamont | most cool | 11:06 |
carlos | lamont: do you have installed the gnome package for shtoom? | 11:06 |
lamont | yes | 11:06 |
carlos | then, select the gnome ui | 11:06 |
carlos | and you should get the "pretty" gui box | 11:07 |
lamont | doh | 11:07 |
lamont | yeah | 11:07 |
=== lamont looks at the rest of the prefs | ||
carlos | ui=gnome | 11:08 |
carlos | inside the [shtoom] section | 11:08 |
lamont | yeah | 11:10 |
daf | hi | 11:11 |
daf | I'll see if I can finish the new packages today | 11:12 |
daf | they need tweaking to look in /usr for the sound files | 11:13 |
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mdke | if anyone's here, do you know where the merge account request page is | 03:50 |
salgado | mdke, if you go to https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/people, you'll see a link there | 03:53 |
mdke | oh yeah | 03:54 |
mdke | it was hiding | 03:54 |
mdke | thanks salgado :) | 03:54 |
salgado | mdke, no problem. it's indeed a little bit hidden. I'll make it more visible | 03:59 |
mdke | salgado, :) | 03:59 |
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