
=== daven [~davesheep@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
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sladenthis URL is 404:02:28
sladenand http://www.ubuntulinux.org/search?SearchableText=low+memory&Title=&Description=&created%3Adate=1970%2F02%2F01+00%3A00%3A00+GMT&created_usage=range%3Amin&pt_toggle=%23&portal_type%3Alist=AmazonItem&portal_type%3Alist=Discussion+Item&portal_type%3Alist=Document&portal_type%3Alist=Event&portal_type%3Alist=Favorite&portal_type%3Alist=File&portal_type%3Alist=Folder&portal_type%3Alist=HelpCenter&portal_type%3Alist=HelpCenterDefinition&portal_type%3Alist=H02:29
sladenoh foobar02:29
sladenthat is ugly beyond belief02:29
sladenredirects to a URL that says:02:30
=== Flonne [~rhx@S0106000f663654db.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
FlonneBleh. Routers should not be allowed to die.02:55
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=== jsgotangco [~jsg@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== Burgundavia [~Burgundav@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
jsgotangcojeezz i was playing around win a windows server 2003 here at home and i broke it with sp106:34
Burgundaviawindows is fun eh?06:35
Burgundaviaeven the stable version breaks a lot06:35
jsgotangcoit is fun06:35
jsgotangcoim laughing so hard06:35
Burgundaviasp1 is the big new one eh?06:36
jsgotangcoits bigger than an apt-get dist-upgrad06:36
jsgotangcoits like 400MB06:36
Burgundaviadamn gnomebaker froze06:36
jsgotangcowhen i rebooted the box it said "installation failed"06:37
jsgotangconow i dont know if its fixed or not hehe06:39
Burgundaviaand this waht millions of people place thousands of dollars in trust every day06:39
jsgotangcoheh heres a good one06:39
jsgotangcowhen i turn on the firewall06:39
jsgotangcoit wants to reboot06:39
Burgundaviapretty soon, when you start a program, it will want to reboot06:40
jsgotangcoim reading the release notes06:40
Burgundaviaactually, they say longhorn will have more hotpatching06:40
jsgotangcothey reduced protocol exposure to SMB, lanman, ldap06:40
jsgotangcoi wonder how this affects samba clients06:40
jsgotangcooh well i will play around with the other box later06:41
Burgundaviaprobably not much06:51
FlonneWouldn't Windows hotpatching require a total rewrite of the services and kernel?07:27
jsgotangcourrkk if that is so, does that mean the whole system was rewritten07:30
FlonneUnless Microsoft is just lying again...07:33
Burgundaviacould be07:33
Burgundaviathis is on the unofficial longhorn spec sheet07:33
BurgundaviaIt may also slip07:33
FlonneAny hotpatching is more hotpatching, though.07:33
FlonneThey could make config files hot-patchable. =P07:34
Burgundaviaand hotpatching is good07:34
Burgundaviaread that07:35
Burgundaviais funny07:35
jsgotangcodog it dog haha07:43
=== froud-away is now known as froud
Burgundaviasalut froud 07:45
froudAfrican Greetings07:45
=== froud sips at coffee
jsgotangcohi froud07:45
froudInvisible_Pink_U ??? Hmmm07:45
Burgundaviawe were having a religion debate in #wikipedia07:46
froudargh, religion, nooooooo07:46
jsgotangcofroud: your email about the branched r87107:47
Burgundaviathere was a gentleman of christian persusian, who was trying to convince us that homosexuality was a sin07:47
jsgotangcofroud: will doing a checkout make a new wc?07:47
jsgotangcoso there will be 2 wc? trunk and branch?07:47
jsgotangcohomosexuality is a sin in the judeo-christian beliefs but nowadays every religion should be liberal on such issues07:48
froudyes if you are using eSvn just do browse then change the string trunk to branch and then click browse07:48
froudfrom there you can do checkout07:48
jsgotangco https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/branch/ ?07:52
froudjsgotangco: yes07:52
froudjsgotangco: most of the heavy moving is now done07:52
froudjsgotangco: I am just developing the make system07:53
froudmy focus is to complete the gnome first, that way we can merge back to trunk sooner07:53
jsgotangcosvn list https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/branch/ --recursive --verbose --non-interactive 07:54
jsgotangcosvn: URL 'https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/branch' non-existent in that revision07:54
jsgotangcoerror (1)07:54
froudhttps://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/branches sorry07:55
=== froud is still in the early morning fog
jsgotangcohmm its taking a while i guess its working07:57
froudBurgundavia: seems like this person is a hardliner, personally I dont care what a persons sexual proclility is07:58
froudyou will see thr branches folder07:58
froudthen click it07:58
froudit will expand the folders in the branch07:58
froudselect restruct07:58
froudand do a checkout on that07:59
froudBurgundavia: everyone is entitled to a religion07:59
froudand everyone is entitled to thier sexual preference08:00
jsgotangcook i see the branch08:00
froudnice do you see the sub folders08:00
jsgotangcorestruct -> build -> common, etc08:00
jsgotangcooh its the same structure08:01
froudmore or less08:01
jsgotangcobut it now has kde08:01
froudand generic08:01
froudlibs have moved08:01
jsgotangcook i just select restructure and click on check out08:01
jsgotangcoand i make a new wc right08:02
froudyes in a new folder outside your trunk08:02
jsgotangcogotcha..the only thing i notice is08:03
jsgotangcothat when i did a co08:03
jsgotangcoi dont see the progress08:03
froudyou should see prgress08:03
froudgive it a second08:03
jsgotangcook there she goes...08:04
=== jsgotangco is beginning to like esvn more
froudneeds to get the file list from th e.svn on the repos08:05
froudThis is what Baz needs08:05
froudjsgotangco: I am still building the make files etc and have not checked them in yet08:06
froudjsgotangco: I will soon do a checkin for the gnome folder08:06
froudthen perhaps you would like to help me integrate the other folders08:06
jsgotangcoyes i would ill familiarize myself with the branch then08:07
froudOK, remember what you are looking at is still unstable08:07
froudso nothing works08:07
jsgotangcoits expected08:08
froudas I said I will do the first make for gnome and then perhaps you can do generic and kde08:09
froudthat way you will get an understanding of the make system08:09
froudI also suggest we document it in the wiki once we get  further08:09
froudthat way when we merge to trunk people will have something to follow08:10
jsgotangcook ill make some notes on this conversation as reference08:10
froudFlonne: ping08:10
FlonneMy router died.08:10
froudHi, ooo sorry about that08:11
FlonneIt's amazingly difficult to find ISA cards there days. :(08:11
froudFlonne: r you up to hacking the restructure in the branch08:11
jsgotangcoor mobos with ISA slots either08:11
FlonneI managed to get access to a Mac today, so I'll be testing netboot stuff tomorrow.08:11
=== jsgotangco needs an ISA mobo for an old test tooling kit
FlonneIs the planned restructure documented in any way?08:12
froudFlonne: in my head08:12
=== Flonne maintains a 486 running oBSD.
froudFlonne: most of the heavy moving is done08:12
FlonneSoftware routers are great.08:12
FlonneSo what would you want me to do? Verify XSLT structures?08:12
froudFlonne: now I am building the make system, based on the methods used for autogen08:13
froudI will do a checkin for the gnome folder as a sample app08:13
froudan when I do post it to the list08:13
froudFlonne: we are in branches/restructure08:14
jsgotangcowhat happens to trunk we keep it as is at the moment and just commit some stuff?08:15
froudFlonne: jsgotangco: I am not sure there is anything you can do until I do the make checkin for gnome08:15
jsgotangcook no rush08:15
FlonneHmm... I'll need to check out the level below trunk.08:15
froudjsgotangco: trunkgoes on as it is. If there are commits we merge them to the branch08:15
froudFlonne: dont you already have it08:16
FlonneNot on this laptop.08:16
FlonneI was experimenting with Ubuntu amd64 while my router was down.08:17
froudjsgotangco: we will merge changes in trunk to the branch so that we can easily merge branch back to trunk08:17
froudFlonne: an08:17
jsgotangcook i get the branch -> trunk trunk ->branch flow now08:17
FlonneHow many branches do you plan to introduce?08:18
FlonneCore + KDE/Gnome?08:19
Flonne(With core being trunk)08:19
jsgotangcoi see a kde in restructure08:19
froudFlonne: restructure is going to be trunk08:20
froudI have created folders for gnome, kde, generic08:20
FlonneBranches are one of those things that make Subversion great. :)08:20
froudlibs has moved08:20
froudkde generic and gnome will have their own libs08:21
froudthere is still commons08:21
FlonneSo the plan is basically to place basesystem stuff in generic, then export against the Gnome or KDE branches when required?08:21
froudso generic is stuff that is not desktop specific08:21
froudgeneric holds the FAQ Guide08:22
froudand LearnLinux08:22
froudFAQ Guide will be profiled08:22
froudlearn linux is cli08:22
froudso no desktop stuff08:22
froudso the genral rul of thumb is that generic is for documents that sepak about cli only or have application to both KDE and GNOME08:23
froudthe faq guide for example08:23
froudit is mostly GNOME now08:24
froudbut we can easily apply much of the stuff to kde08:24
FlonneWill generic become trunk after the restructure?08:24
froudSince it is a qanda set08:24
froudthe whole of restructure becomes trunk08:24
froudwhatever we do in the restructure/ will be merged into trunk/08:25
FlonneAh. I see it now.08:25
froudI branched at r87108:25
jsgotangcosome changes in trunk must reflect in restructure right08:25
froudso our first r in the branch is r87208:25
jsgotangcobut restructure changes become trunk in the end08:26
froudjsgotangco: yes08:26
jsgotangcook its so clear now08:26
froudjsgotangco:  see svn book about branches08:26
froudthat should explain the concept08:27
froudOk any more questions I must do work now08:28
jsgotangcoill just read the link and finish this branch thing08:29
froudI will commit the make system only tonight08:29
froudthat way you can see how it will work08:29
froudafter that we will be able to replicate it for generic and kde08:29
froudthen we need to sort the entities08:30
froudglobal.net is going to slpit08:30
froudthere will be global-fr.ent08:30
froudthis will make compensation for i18n08:31
froudand we will have folders for menus in each language and the documents08:31
jsgotangcothat is really nice08:31
froudthe make system will build the omf files, pots and pos08:32
FlonneCan't wait to see your plan in action.08:32
jsgotangcowe're not worthy!08:32
froudbasically I want the system to manage all and if we create a new doc it should be easy to integrate08:33
froudalso for package it should be easy to packaged each book by itslef or the whole gnome or kde or generic08:33
FlonneWith special consideration being given to translations, right?08:33
froudyes, I want translations to be fire and forget08:34
froudwe make a pot we get back po08:34
FlonneIncluding pos for new docs?08:34
froudthe system generates omf-fr etc08:34
froudwe make pot not po08:34
froudthe translators give us back po08:35
jsgotangcoi think we should fix conventions as well08:35
froudwe add po to svn and make xml-nn08:35
jsgotangcolike we had problems on the po.diff patches08:35
froudI know about &quot; we should use <quote></quote>08:35
froudany others08:36
jsgotangcowe'll see along the way08:36
FlonneI was wondering why you weren't using tags like that...08:36
FlonneYou have to work. =P08:36
froudwell dudes, speak later08:36
froudvery happy you too will be ther eto help08:36
FlonneI hope I can help. :)08:37
frouduh huh08:37
jsgotangcoi just finished co of branch08:37
froudjsgotangco: ok08:37
jsgotangcodoes that mean i create a new wc on esvn?08:37
jsgotangcoworkspace i mean08:37
froudyou can08:37
froudthat will make it easier for you to switch between them08:37
jsgotangcook i thought trunk and branch can be used at the same time08:37
froudThey can if you do a checkout on repos/08:38
=== Flonne installs esvn on all systems.
froudbut this will create tags08:38
froudand the tags folder is large08:38
=== froud is glad to here it. Perhaps Flonne and jsgotangco what to hack the eSvn documentation
jsgotangcook workspace is fine08:39
froud you can do checkout from svn at eSvn web site08:39
froudI know of one or two bugs in the document08:39
froudand improvements are always welcome08:40
jsgotangcook that can be arranged08:40
jsgotangcounemployment is bliss08:40
froudLet me know if you have patches and I will patch the sources for you.08:40
froudI mean on eSvn now08:40
froudok dudes bye for now08:41
=== froud is now known as froud-work
FlonneStudent approaching finals here. ^^08:41
jsgotangcohmm branch is still bare08:42
FlonneIs the bottom pane in the eSvn window used to display changes?08:43
jsgotangcothats the output log08:44
jsgotangcoyou see commands issued and stuff08:44
=== jsgotangco just started using esvn a few days ago
=== Skywind [~Skywind@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Burgundaviayou mean mandrivel09:02
FlonneDifferent name, same garbage. :)09:02
Burgundaviaanother example of corprate branding gone wrong09:02
jsgotangcowhat a crappy name09:02
FlonneThat's what I thought when I first heard it, jsgotangco.09:02
jsgotangcojeezz #ubuntu-devel is smoking09:02
FlonneThen I realized where it came from...09:03
FlonneAfter that, I just started laughing. ^^09:03
jsgotangcoit sounds like a monkey specie09:03
FlonneConectiva was Brazilian, right?09:03
FlonneAnd Drake's documentation was already filled with typos and severe grammatical mistakes...09:03
jsgotangcoi used to like rh documentation09:04
FlonneBut RH is professional (though I really can't stand their management interfaces). Drake is like a cheap hack.09:04
jsgotangcoyou think we can go to that level of documentation in the future?09:05
FlonneI'm hoping to spend most of the summer improving the quality of what exists already...09:06
FlonneI'm sure it'll happen eventually. :)09:06
jsgotangcoyes we'll evolve eventually09:07
FlonneSome good changes seem to be on the way.09:07
=== Skywind [~Skywind@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mvirkkilWhere's the faqguide?10:30
froud-workin trunk or branch?10:31
froud-workin trunk it is in the root of trunk10:31
mvirkkilHoary's faq guide. FOr end users.10:31
froud-workmvirkkil: you want to write or you just want to read?10:31
mvirkkilI mean on the web. So that I can point people to it.10:31
mvirkkilfroud-work: Read10:32
froud-worka bit outa date though10:32
froud-workand should be used with caution10:32
mvirkkilThat's the old one. I mean a more official version of this: www.ubuntuguide.org10:32
Burgundaviawhich should be used with a great deal fo caution10:32
mvirkkilARGH.. Wrong paste10:32
Burgundavia /temp is hoary10:33
mvirkkilHmm.. Though that seems to be a bit out of date too..10:33
froud-workmvirkkil: we need to update it for hoary10:33
froud-workit is warty10:34
mvirkkilnever mind then.10:34
froud-workyou can get the source in svn and update it if you want10:34
froud-workmvirkkil: I know Burgundavia will also be working on the FAQ Guide, perhaps you can work together?10:39
jsgotangcobrb gotta reboot x10:40
froud-workwhat is it with him and rebooting10:41
froud-workI never saw a person reboot so much10:41
Burgundaviawindows refugee10:42
Burgundaviagot rebootitis10:42
froud-worklets ask him :-)10:43
=== jsgotangco [~jsg@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
froud-workjsgotangco: you have rebootitis?10:51
froud-workwhy do you keep having to reboot?10:51
jsgotangcoblah i was testing stuff on my X10:52
Burgundaviastill lol10:53
froud-workjsgotangco: you dont hav eto reboot for that10:53
jsgotangcoi just did X10:53
jsgotangconot the whole system10:53
froud-workAh ok10:53
Burgundaviawhy the freak did it take so long?10:53
=== froud-work was wondering the same
Burgundaviaseen those bandwidth charts?10:53
jsgotangcowell i do other stuff10:53
jsgotangcoi dont connect to freenode in an instant10:54
froud-workBurgundavia: what chart?10:54
jsgotangcojeezz look at that spike10:54
Burgundaviano slashdot yet10:55
Burgundaviaand distrowatch only has kubuntu10:55
jsgotangcoshould my gnome reflect 2.10.1?10:55
froud-workwhat charts are those?10:55
jsgotangcoabout gnome is still 2.10.0 here10:55
Burgundaviafor an ubuntu mirror10:55
Burgundaviafor today10:55
jsgotangcoand my circle of friends is still the old one10:56
froud-workthat is hectic10:57
froud-workwonder how many downloads10:57
jsgotangcohoary gets to live while the pope is about to be buried10:58
froud-workoh well bury the pope and give birth to hoary :-)10:58
froud-workno bad omens here :-)10:59
jsgotangcoand breezy is now conceived11:00
froud-workoh the pleasure of building six books of 600 pages with one command "make books"11:09
jsgotangcoummm what do we do at the moment while waiting for you to do stuff on branch11:11
froud-workrean svn book11:13
jsgotangcogood  idea11:14
=== jsgotangco [~jsg@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== maskie [~maskie@196-30-109-150.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
froud-workmaskie: it is not call more time yet.11:41
=== sivang [~sivang@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu-doc
froud-worknice they have use the same style as kubuntu for the web page12:38
jsgotangcohehehe maybe i should move to kubuntu12:39
jsgotangcoit looks so solid12:39
froud-workjsgotangco: rock dude12:39
Burgundaviagives me windows nightmares12:39
froud-workIt's not the interface that counts12:39
froud-workits the stability12:39
jsgotangcorock solid apps12:39
BurgundaviaI must admit12:40
Burgundaviagraveman and gnomebaker failed on me12:40
Burgundaviaso I was forced to use a qt app12:40
BurgundaviaI had to use k3d12:40
Burgundaviaor it is k3b ;)12:40
jsgotangcothats not so bad12:40
=== froud-work waves his hand in front of Burgundavia's eyes and says, "You will come to Kubuntu."
=== Burgundavia resists
froud-workresistance is futile the force is strong with Kongi :-)12:41
jsgotangcobut i will probably need a new box to break stuff to make good work on docs12:41
froud-workyep good excuse for the wife12:42
froud-worknow you have a reason to go into that computer store she always pulls you away from :-)12:42
Burgundaviathere is a guy on #ubuntu that is being very annoying12:42
Burgundaviabut not enough to justify kicking12:42
daventhere's a line between breaking the rules and just annoying people12:46
davenunfortunately :)12:46
Burgundaviaunfortunately he hasn't crossed it12:47
Burgundaviahe seems drunk to me12:47
jsgotangcook im out12:48
jsgotangcowhat a long day12:48
Burgundaviadaven: have we met?12:48
Burgundaviawere you at Mataro?12:48
=== froud-work [~froud@ndn-165-146-40.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
daveni'm afraid not - i'm just a random!12:49
daveni found ubuntu a few weeks ago after trying debian for a while12:49
daveni'm really impressed with it12:49
Burgundaviadon't recognize your nick12:49
daventhanks - hi! :)12:49
Burgundaviawe usually (don't) talk about docs here12:49
jsgotangcoim out12:49
jsgotangcowe talk about homosexuality and the pope12:49
davenin my work i'm a technical writer, currently, so i thought i'd hang around ;-)12:49
BurgundaviaI was a help desk monkey12:50
froud-workdaven: welcome12:50
Burgundaviaand then I quite12:50
jsgotangcobye bye12:50
froud-workjsgotangco: cheers12:50
davenhi, froud-work.12:50
froud-workdaven: you got experience with Docbook12:50
davenhelp desks can be stressful, i hear ;-)12:50
jsgotangcohi daven, bye daven nice to see you hope you hang out more12:50
davennah - the company i work for use dita - i've only been doing the job a few months12:51
Burgundaviamy ex, who wasn't at the time, tells me shoulders were knots12:51
daventhanks jsgotangco :)12:51
Burgundaviaand I started grinding my teeth12:51
Burgundaviaat night12:51
daventhat doesn't sound healthy ;)12:51
froud-workdaven: DITA you have DITA experience you will get on just fine with Docbook12:51
davencool - hopefully at some point i might try and get involved.  i've thought about contributing before, but i want to make sure i can commit myself first12:53
froud-workdaven: we all dowhat we can12:53
froud-workdaven: therein is the power12:54
froud-workwe could use more technical writers12:55
=== froud-work goes to make coffee
Burgundaviabah coffee12:56
froud-workdaven: where r you located12:57
daventhe uk12:57
davenah - you can see that from the profile thing12:57
froud-workok cool so we in the same time zone12:57
daveni'm in the south12:57
froud-workI am in South Africa12:57
davenwow - i guess so :)12:57
Burgundaviais 4 am here12:58
froud-workBurgundavia: is in Canada, but he is not sure which side12:58
froud-workSo is Flonne 12:58
froud-workKinnison: is also in the UK12:58
BurgundaviaKinnison: works for Canonical12:58
BurgundaviaI got him into this channel12:58
froud-workand I think mdke is in AU12:59
BurgundaviaI think he is too lazy to remove it from his autojoin12:59
daveni think it's really cool the way that the internet breaks down geographical barriers12:59
froud-worksure, well you are welcome to join our doc effort. Look around and if you have any questions we r here to help01:00
daventhanks - i appreciate the welcome01:00
froud-workBurgundavia: nice to see our release notes roaming around the mailing lists01:02
froud-worklug lists that is01:02
Burgundaviawhich lists?01:02
froud-workthe ones in co.za 01:03
froud-workCharles Majola01:03
froud-work was kind to send it01:03
froud-workBurgundavia: did you know that the size of the docteam has quadrupled since xmas01:04
Burgundaviahas it01:04
Burgundaviano wonder I don't recognize most people01:05
froud-workwe are getting old dude01:05
=== Burgundavia ponders his grey hairs
froud-worktrickie too01:05
=== Burgundavia does really actually have grey hair
Burgundaviawe have lost a lot though01:05
Burgundavialike plovs01:05
froud-workhey where is plovs01:05
froud-workhe was cool01:06
froud-workdont see him these days01:06
BurgundaviaI never saw a goodbye message01:06
BurgundaviaI met him at Mataro01:06
froud-workme neither01:06
Burgundavianice guy01:06
froud-workvery cool01:06
froud-workgeeze I wish enrico would leave amsterdam already01:06
froud-workI miss him01:06
Burgundaviawhat is he doing there?01:06
froud-workhe works for ARPA01:07
froud-worksome org in Italy01:07
froud-workyeah not the dead one01:07
froud-workanyway back to work01:08
Burgundaviait is DARPA now01:08
froud-workwell I still have to hack this book I am writing01:08
froud-workdats it01:09
Burgundavialots of italian I really don't understand01:09
froud-workthnk we need to speak to the main boz dude and let him know we need him here more01:09
froud-workah lunch arrived01:09
froud-workhis boss keeps sending him away01:10
=== froud-work stuff a cheese and tomato sandwhich into his mouth
froud-workmy backside hurts from so much sitting 01:11
=== froud-work has got to get a pair of those ubuntu jocks
froud-workoh and the license plate frames01:16
Burgundaviamy ex wanted a thong01:16
froud-workyeah now that's what I am talking about01:17
froud-workLove the bib01:19
=== Liz [~Liz@fixed-203-87-27-63.nsw.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-doc
froud-workhey Liz 01:20
froud-workyou want an ubuntu thong01:20
froud-workEvery Linux Chick should have one01:21
froud-work"for humanity"01:21
Lizheh.i dont like thongs01:21
froud-workLiz: then a teddy perhaps01:22
Lizyes...i like the teddys..hehe01:22
Lizpity they dont have other colours01:22
Lizwhite just doesnt suit me01:22
Lizid use the tote bag01:23
froud-workLiz: now you're getting picky01:23
Lizcarry my ubuntu discs in it01:23
Lizive never like white01:23
Lizironic considering its my surname01:23
froud-workLiz: shopping could be difficult with you .. . need lot sof patience 01:23
Lizmost definitely !01:23
Lizi hate shopping..lol01:24
Lizso when i have to do it...im picky as anything01:24
froud-workMy wife too01:24
Burgundaviashopping is difficult with most women01:24
Lizor ill buy on impulse01:24
BurgundaviaI think it has to do with wiring in the brain01:24
Burgundaviaand I am not being sexist01:24
froud-workI have to drag he into the ladies section and buy for her01:24
froud-workmakes for fun in the undies section01:24
froud-workI know more about make-up than she does01:24
Lizmine wouldnt know what to buy if he had to take me there01:25
Lizgood for your wife !01:25
Lizi dont wear make up either01:25
Lizand my skin looks and feels younger than most 20 year olds who wear alot01:25
froud-workOh nice01:25
Burgundaviaaussie sun is not kind either01:25
Lizooh..nice looking wiki01:25
=== froud-work starts to like Liz more and more
Lizand the homepage is nice looking too01:25
Lizi rarely go out in the sun if i can help it01:26
Liznew zealand is cooler than aussie01:26
davenif you like to avoid the sun, i recommend the uk01:26
froud-workNah cold, give me the African bush01:26
Liztoo much rain for me01:26
froud-workhot and swetty summer nights01:27
froud-workslip sliding away ...01:27
=== froud-work grows horns and has to curb from getting raunchy
froud-workwork will fix that01:28
froud-workc ya 01:28
Lizbye bye01:28
Lizooh ooh before you go01:28
Lizill post in forums instead..heh01:28
Burgundavianow you have piqued my interest01:29
froud-workyeah me 201:29
=== froud-work thinks Liz is holding out on us
Lizoh its on hte learning linux site01:30
Lizits not ubuntu doc stuff01:30
froud-worksure what about it01:30
Burgundaviathat is fine01:30
Burgundaviamostly we don;t talk about docs here anyway01:30
Lizwhen you open up the course..is there a way to get it to tell you where you were last?01:31
Lizspecially if yu leave before you finish that module01:31
froud-workHmm, dunno01:31
froud-workyou mean under moodle01:31
froud-workI just do the src01:31
Lizno worries..thats why i thought id ask in forums instead01:32
froud-workriaan does the moodle stuff01:32
froud-workLiz: when you gonna start contrbuting to the LearnLinux src01:32
Lizok ill send the query to him then01:32
Lizcontributing how?01:33
froud-workyou can checkout the docbook src01:33
Liztheres rarely anyone online in there when im on01:33
froud-workyes quite place01:33
froud-workbut if you want the src you can do a checkout via svn01:33
Lizthe local uni has installed debian on their pcs just recently01:33
Lizive forwarded the url to some of those interested in learning more ab out linux01:34
froud-workhere is the svn info01:34
froud-workthere are loads of bugs that we can fix01:34
Lizis there?..ill have a look see then01:35
froud-workOh and I have a copy of the src in ubuntu-doc svn01:35
Lizbut i dont wanna commit to more than i can handle right now01:35
Lizand i need to reget allt he ubuntu-doc svn as well01:35
froud-worksmall pieces from many does lots01:35
Lizhmm..good point01:35
froud-workwell I am off to work01:36
froud-workc ya01:36
Lizbye bye01:37
mdkehi all01:46
mdkehi corey01:47
=== froud-work nods
mdkehow's things?01:47
mdkehi froud-work 01:47
mdkewhats all this about me being australian?01:47
mdkeshameless lies01:47
froud-workmy mistake you are in NZ01:48
froud-workI think01:48
davennoted :)01:48
froud-workmdke: did I get it right01:48
=== mdke kicks
mdkei'm in the UK01:48
froud-workOh no now Daven has company01:48
Burgundaviamdke is a proud englishman01:48
Burgundaviahe even has the mold to prove it01:48
mdkehi daven 01:48
froud-workmdke: meet daven 01:48
mdkeBurgundavia, heh01:48
BurgundaviaI live on the 'wet coast'01:49
froud-workso who is it that is in au01:49
mdkemary and trickie iirc01:49
froud-workBurgundavia: you see the team has quadrupled01:49
davenhi mdke01:49
Burgundaviait did01:49
froud-workah yes trickie01:49
mdkefroud-work, hows the build stuff going?01:50
froud-worktell you tonight01:50
Lizim the one from new zealand01:54
Liztho i live in australia01:54
BurgundaviaI was about to say01:54
BurgundaviaI wondered when nz became part of NSW01:54
Lizis that mary from sydney?01:54
mdkehi Liz01:55
Lizhi mdke 01:55
Lizi think it is..marys part of linuxchix..as am i01:55
mdkeyes she is01:55
mdkei spied on her website01:55
Lizyep.it was mary who told me about the documentation team for ubuntu01:55
Lizat the last chix meeting01:55
froud-workmdke: did you get your commit account sorted yet01:58
mdkenot sure01:59
mdkefroud-work, maybe elmo hasn't had time yet01:59
Burgundaviaelmo has been kind of busy01:59
mdkeOT: does anyone know where current network speed is to be located?02:00
mdkei presume it can be found somewhere in /proc or something02:01
Burgundaviawhat do you mean network speed?02:01
mdkenetstream[eth0: Receiving 0 B/s, Sending 0 B/s] 02:01
Burgundaviawhat do you want that for?02:02
Burgundaviagraph is a better representation02:02
mdkesomeone in #ubuntu-it asked me, he wants to test his lan i guess02:02
mdkeyou know a prog?02:03
Burgundaviahe wants to test throughput?02:03
mdkeguess so02:03
Burgundavianot off hand02:03
BurgundaviaI love WP02:04
Burgundaviacheck out todays feature article02:04
=== mdke gets out Union Jack
davencaptain slackbladder?02:07
Liznite all02:59
mdkemy god we need to rethink the wiki helponediting pages03:04
mdkeseems people can't help but destroy the wiki03:04
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shadowingmdke, hi, mister samboc send me to you04:36
mdkehi shadowing 04:36
mdkewhere is sambox04:36
shadowingmdke, i'm a member of the canadian local team04:36
mdkeshadowing, pleased to meet you04:37
mdke<-- matt04:37
shadowingmdke, don'T know04:37
mdkewhassup antoine?04:37
shadowingi'm here to have some informations about translation04:37
shadowingmdke, in fact i proposed myself to translate in french the cancadian loco page04:38
shadowingthat the point04:38
shadowingi don't have any clues how to do that04:39
shadowingbut i'm ready to learn04:39
mdkeyou mean this page: http://www.ubuntu-ca.org?04:39
mdkewell that page is probably hosted by sabmoc?04:40
shadowingand he told me to mention also rosetta ???04:40
mdkeok i'll explain04:40
mdkeRosetta is a system of translation which allows users to translate components in ubuntu04:40
mdkeits _fairly_ easy, you just log on, choose the relevant package you wish to translate, and go04:40
mdketranslating an independent website is different04:41
shadowingbut ubuntu does have french ?04:41
shadowingwe're taolking about 2 differents thinks here04:41
shadowingthe website and ubuntu04:41
mdkeubuntu has french, but there is always more translating to do as things are updated04:42
mdkeas far as the site is concerned, you need to speak to the site administrator04:42
mdkewhich i assume is alex04:42
shadowingok and how do i know what have to be translate in ubuntu04:42
mdkerosetta will tell you what is done and what needs to be done04:43
mdkebut the system is fairly young at the moment04:43
shadowingand where did i find this rosetta04:43
mdkeIf you like I will give you the email address of a guy who contributes actively to the french translating team04:43
mdkehang on a tic04:49
mdkein any case, you can subscribe and ask questions on the ubuntu-translators and rosetta-users mailing list04:50
mdkehis name is Claude04:52
mdkehe can tell you whether there is a french translating team04:52
mdkeas for the canadian website, I think you need to talk with alex about it04:52
shadowingok thanks04:53
shadowingfor all04:53
mdkenot a problem04:53
shadowingi'll try to figure it out what i have to do04:53
mdkerosetta is found here:04:53
mdkeyou can use your ubuntu.com login and password04:53
shadowingok i'll try04:54
mdkebye :)04:55
mdkeany more questions just come back04:55
=== jsgotangco [DaWorm@info10-4.info.com.ph] has joined #ubuntu-doc
jsgotangcowassup dawg04:59
jsgotangcowow the the main site is so slow05:03
mdkemaybe we've been slashdotted05:04
mdkefrom the best-release-name-evar dept.05:05
jsgotangcoi was at #ubuntu-devel a few hours ago and everyone was there05:05
jsgotangcoit was crazy05:05
jsgotangcolike it was about  to launch a shuttle05:05
jsgotangcoYes, Mr. CEO, we're going with Hoary Hedgehog (Score:4, Funny) 05:06
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jsgotangcoarrgghh we're toast..im just going to fix wiki stuff later05:36
=== froud-work [~froud@ndn-165-146-40.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mdkejsgotangco, what's happened?05:36
jsgotangcoits so slow on my side05:37
mdkeyeah here too05:38
mdkei think ubuntu only has 2 mirrors05:38
jsgotangcoi havent checked the dl link but i hope it had more torrent links05:40
mdkewell torrents don't use mirrors05:41
mdkei believe05:41
jsgotangcoits more encouraged i believe05:41
KinnisonTorrents are certainly encouraged05:41
mdkei would say essential05:41
mdkehi Kinnison 05:41
Kinnisonhi mdke05:42
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jsgotangcoit would be nice if the release notes for il8n were also available on the site05:52
mdkegood idea05:54
mdkebut there is no multilanguage stuff on the site afaik05:54
mdkeits all on the various ubuntu-xx.org05:55
jsgotangcohmmm but other big projects like mandriva publish them release notes in different languages in one page or at least a link05:56
jsgotangcothe wiki does have il8n links but not on the main page05:56
jsgotangcoat least for the new release anyway05:56
mdkeyeah i know05:57
mdkecanonical would have to employ about 10 people on the site if they wanted to make it decent imo05:58
jsgotangcoi wouldnt mind hehehe *grin* after all i am uemployed05:58
jsgotangcoi just noticed it thats all05:58
jsgotangcobut then, they were frantically doing finishing touches on the main site05:59
jsgotangcoa few minutes before the official announcement by mdz05:59
jsgotangcoif i remember right sabdfl was the one who edited the announcement at the main page because no one remembered about it06:00
mdkeas froud said to me the other day06:00
mdkethat's opensource06:00
jsgotangcohehe charge it to experience were learning06:01
jsgotangcoits fun06:01
mdkeits ok for us to learn06:02
mdkebut the website should be a bit more professional i think06:02
jsgotangcoi agree06:02
mdkethe website bugs don't get assigned/fixed06:02
mdkemaybe it could be raised at the CC or TB meeting 06:02
jsgotangcoi think the whole team should meet onetime before UDU so we can have stuff to present06:03
mdkewell its not really a docteam issue IMO06:03
mdkethe stuff we've discussed on list is of course06:03
mdkebut not this issue06:03
jsgotangcojust a suggestion06:03
mdkei'll try and raise it at one of those meetings06:03
mdkesee if they think its the appropriate forum06:04
mdkewhere are the releasenotes btw jsgotangco ?06:10
jsgotangcothe published one?06:12
mdkeyou know anything about an xml2html tool?06:14
jsgotangcono sorry06:14
=== froud-work is now known as froud
froudoh oh06:18
mdkehey boss you know how to convert xml to html?06:18
froudsure xmlto06:19
froudyou write an xslt06:19
jsgotangcojeezz wikipedia is fast06:19
froudwhat type of xml is it06:19
mdkefroud, i was thinking perhaps a conversion without having to do anything06:19
mdkefroud, its releasenotes06:19
frouduse docbook xsl06:20
jsgotangcoi was just wondering why the i8ln releasenotes not published on the web as well06:20
=== mdke installs busily
mdkedo i need docbook-xsl and xmlto?06:21
froudxsltproc --xinclude --stringparam base.dir dirname $(HTMLXSL) quickguide/quick-guide.xml06:21
froudyou want to transform our release notes06:21
froudor some others06:21
froudmake rn06:21
froudyou should have docbook dtd, xsl, xsltproc, xmllint installed06:22
froudin trunk do make rn06:22
froudthen it will do the rest for you06:22
mdkedocbook dtd?06:23
mdkei can't find it with apt-cache search docbook|grep dtd06:23
=== mdke 's head swims
froudsudo apt-get install docbook-xsl06:26
mdkeok i can understand that06:26
froudsudo apt-get install docbook06:26
jsgotangcoid love to do this later when my head is clear of alcohol06:26
froudsudo apt-get install xmllint06:26
froudsudo apt-get install xsltproc06:26
jsgotangcoill just log :D06:26
mdkejsgotangco, shame on you06:27
froudoh instaled by xsltproc06:27
mdkeok i have those06:27
froudgo to trunk06:28
froudmake rn06:28
froudthen look in the build/06:28
froudyeah no need to work hard once it is scripted06:29
mdkeits only made -fr and -xh06:29
froudit is there06:30
froudthere you go then06:30
mdkebut it has made the english, french and xhosa version06:30
mdkenot the other languages for some reason06:30
froudthat is what we had at the time06:30
mdkeoh i c06:31
mdkeis it difficult for me to make one manually?06:31
mdkeam trying that command you posted06:32
mdkeno good06:33
mdkehtmlxsl command not found06:34
froudsvn up in trunk06:35
frouddo make rn06:35
mdkethanks man06:35
mdkeok i'm just unlucky06:36
=== froud [~froud@ndn-165-132-215.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mdkefroud, thanks for doing that06:37
mdkei am unlucky tho06:37
froudmdke: no problem06:37
mdkethe italian one doesn't build06:38
mdkemust be an error in the xml06:38
froudhold lemme check06:38
froudI am not happy that we never got the translations in06:41
froudperhaps we can do them as an update06:42
froudmdke: svn up06:42
frouddo make rn06:42
froudThis is why I am gonna script it all for next release. Fire and forget06:42
froudtoo many things to update close to release06:42
mdkewe didn't get the translations in?06:43
mdkei didn't know that06:43
froudNot they are in06:43
froudthe html06:43
froudthe xml is there06:43
froudwe did not ship html06:43
jsgotangcoyou mean the html for the site06:43
mdkeyou nearly gave me heart failure06:43
froudno all the xml that was in got shipped06:43
jsgotangcothats what we were talking about before you came back06:43
froudyeah the html never got shipped06:44
froudyou have italian now:-)06:44
mdkeyeah thanks :)))06:44
mdkei'm gonna send around06:45
froudbasically the new build system will not rely on anyone updating the make file06:45
froudso long as there is an xml it will do it automatically06:45
froudso as soon as we svn add a po file we will get an xml and html06:46
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mdkeok i need to go06:50
mdkethanks a million froud 06:50
froudno worries c ya06:50
mdkecya soon06:50
jsgotangcook im gonna sleep06:57
jsgotangcosee ya06:57
froudjsgotangco: c ya06:57
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hspranghy, I'd like to ask, if somebody knows what happend to the howto section on the ubuntu website?09:49
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