
claydohthe default login for Linspire is root, but of course noobs may not understand what thats all about12:02
=== JaZy84 [~cgjazinsk@cpe-66-68-236-148.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
smoucheat least mepis has the modicum of sense to give the root account red wallpaper!  Don't know if other distros do that...12:03
=== Xeon3D [~xeon@bl5-204-45.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #kubuntu
Beinerismouche: hehe, stolen from SUSE12:04
gdhI can understand people in Windows logging in as Administrator (or giving their own username Admin rights) because so much Windows software is written to assume full rights :(12:04
smoucheI find sudo gives me all the power I really need to completely trash my system, anytime I like...12:04
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claydohsame here smouche lol12:05
smoucheBeineri, how is SUSE, btw?12:05
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smoucheI've got a 200 gig drive I want to fill up with distros...12:05
Beinericlaydoh: the default login is "Administrator"? :-) http://shots.osdir.com/slideshows/slideshow.php?release=293&slide=3112:05
Beinerismouche: good12:05
claydohBeineri: whats in a name  ? :)12:06
smoucheis SUSE debian derived, or more like red hat?12:06
gdhSuSE is more like Red Hat12:06
claydohbut yes the re is still the opportunity to add users12:06
Beinericlaydoh: I use it12:06
gdhit's rpm-based12:06
thoreauputicsmouche: mandrake used to do the red wallpaper thing - I haven't looked recently though12:07
Beinerigdh: and except rpm, what has it in common with Red Hat? :-)12:07
smouchewith mandrake, thoreauputic , I was just seeing red all the time, so I didn't realize there was a wallpaper change...12:07
gdhNo idea, never used either. =)12:07
thoreauputicrofl @ smouche :D12:07
claydohBeineri: I haven't in a long long time, the setup does it explain a little about that? I remember something like that12:08
claydohbut it has been a while12:08
Tm_Thi guys12:08
smoucheI owe Mandrake big time for one thing though -- this was years ago -- it inspired me to learn to read french, because their english documentation was so horrible...12:08
thoreauputicsmouche: my last mandrake atempt, urpmi wanted to download 26MB of source lists: at that point I wiped it and went back to debian 12:09
smoucheI was such a noob, thoreauputic , I let it install eeevvvveeerrryyythhhinnngggg...12:09
smoucheman pages in swahili, woo hoo!12:10
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gdhsmouche: LOL... 'you never know!' :)12:10
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thoreauputicsmouche: when I was a newb, I thought *all* man pages were written in Swahili ;)12:10
coolerhow do i mount my hd ?12:10
smoucheI keep hoping I'll find a man page in something resembling english... ;-)12:10
spikebthoreauputic they are.12:10
smouchelol thoreauputic 12:11
thoreauputicspikeb: seems that way sometimes, yeah ;-)12:11
gdhthoreauputic: No, you're thinking of SGML ;)12:11
coolerhow do i start a root session?12:11
smoucheeven "man man" confuses me.  fuhgettabout "man woman".  I enjoy the confusion there...12:11
smouchevive la difference!12:12
spikebman man might not be approved by your state's laws12:12
gdhcooler: You don't. Get over it. :)12:12
thoreauputicsmouche: try ` make sense `12:12
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coolergdh: why not?12:12
gdhcooler: why on earth do you need to log in as root?12:13
smouche"man woman"  -- "no manual entry for woman."  Hmmm, have to try automatic entry then...12:13
gdhcooler: you have full sudo rights as it is12:13
cooleri wanna mount my hd12:13
gdhcooler: so precede the command with sudo :)12:13
thoreauputiccooler: sudo mount /dev/hd* /mnt/whatever12:14
thoreauputicor /media/whatever12:14
smouche"man mount" is pretty good reading, cooler12:14
lz1gjdcan i make it mount each time automatically12:14
coolerthanks, i know how to use mount12:14
lorenhmmh 1 sec i''ve give you my mount comman..oh oh well12:14
gdhsmouche: man mount ... hmm I think I saw that on the late night shopping channels... looked a bit scary :)12:15
thoreauputicsmouche: if you are fluent in Swahili, of course...12:15
lorensudo mount /dev/hdb1  /media/windows/ -t ntfs -o umask=022212:15
loreni use that one ;)12:15
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andrewskiwell, i'm going well with the nv drivers.12:15
andrewskistrange, that i'd need it for kde when i didn't in gnome/xfce.12:15
smouchethis is how un-linux ready I still am:  I have absolutely no idea why I would want to mount, say, a samba share, as opposed to simply browsing it via smb-client -- but the smb browser or whatever it's called wants to mount stuff.  easier to just use regular file browser to see those drives...12:16
cooleri can mount a ntfs as read-write ?12:17
gdhsmouche: Only KDE apps using KIOSlaves will be able to see things via "smb://machine/share"12:17
smoucheI can barely mount a stamp on an envelope without getting it stuck to my tongue...12:17
andrewskicooler: no, there's very limited support but it's dangerous.12:17
gdhsmouche: when you mount with smbfs, then all apps can see the remote files12:17
smoucheah hah, gdh -- so that's why konqueror can do it, but not rox-filer?  I was wondering about that... thanks12:18
gdhsmouche: Precisely :)12:18
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smoucheandrewski, what about not mounting the drive, but reading and writing to it via smb-client, is that dangerous too?12:19
andrewskismouche: any writing.12:19
andrewskireading should be fine, but i don't know much about samba.12:19
gdhsmouche: No that's not dangerous because the remote machine is actually translating network -> NTFS.12:19
andrewskigdh: oh. :)12:20
gdhand if the remote machine is a Windows box, then NTFS is native to that platform12:20
smoucheoh boy -- I've been backing stuff up to ntfs via smb-client.. from linux to windows, that is...12:20
andrewskismouche: listen to gdh :)12:20
gdhandrewski: It makes a refreshing change to hear that :)12:20
gdhI'm surprised nobody's done an 'ndiswrapper' for NTFS up to now12:21
andrewskii'm sure it's been tried.12:21
gdhin the same way that SysInternals did NTFS for Win98, etc.12:21
smouchethanks, andrewski, gdh -- I'm being paranoid, cause I trashed a drive last night -- but I think windows did that all by itself...12:21
gdhsmouche: Better to be too careful than to lose a whole ton...12:22
spikebhey i have a question12:22
spikebanyone else having a problem installing kubuntu because it trys forever to contact the security updates server?12:23
coolerok... i will download kubuntu-install so12:23
smoucheI looked at it as simply being like downloading stuff from any server, that a safe translation had to be happening... but I'm ignorant and paranoid, due to years of windows usage...12:23
smoucheanyway, I can manage without a Samba server for now, I think...12:23
spikebbtw, kubuntu uses the ubuntulinux.org servers right?12:25
spikeb(for apt, security, etc)12:25
andrewskispikeb: yes, it's mostly ubuntu but with kde on the cd.12:27
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smoucheare the servers holding up under the strain of the new stable release?12:27
Riddellsmouche: gb.ubuntu has had problems, others are fine12:28
gdhsmouche: well, www.ubuntulinux.org was dead for many hours this afternoon...12:28
smoucheI want to burn various flavors of the live and install cds, to hurl at my friends left and right... 12:28
smoucheguess I'll wait a couple days to start some bittorrents... unless there are mirrors?12:29
gdhsomeone posted torrent links earlier...12:29
smoucheI wish there were an ubuntu-xfce distro already...12:30
spikebit's better now12:30
spikebsmouche gotta have people who know how to do the packaging and know the installer, first12:30
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andrewskiman, i think kde's file dialog window is crappy.  i've grown to love gtk's new one.12:33
spikebandrewski the new xfce file manager will have a mode based on the gtk file selector12:33
smouchelooking at the logs for x-chat today -- this is all I found for torrents -- http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/12:34
andrewskispikeb: yeah, i know.  xfce's my usual DE.  i'm just griping about kde's "open file" dialog, hard to browse. :)12:34
smoucheI like the rox file manager myself.12:35
smoucheworks beautifully with kde and xfce12:35
spikebandrewski you should get together people for XFUbuntu heh12:35
gdhrox is quite interesting, just not integrated with anything else :)12:35
andrewskismouche: yeah, i use it now, but i'm quite interested in thunar (xfce's)12:35
andrewskispikeb: hmm, didn't know about it.  where is it?12:36
gdhoh no hang on I'm thinking of something else12:36
andrewskii.e. is there a group?12:36
spikebandrewski it's not, there's been talk, but there's no group yet12:36
smoucheit's so much more pleasant to change views and see details on permissions, etc, in rox-filer.12:36
smoucheand it has never crashed on me.12:37
andrewskismouche: over what?12:37
smouchecompared to konqueror, I mean, andrewski12:37
spikebandrewski all that is basically needed is some folks who know how to modify the installer to install xfce by default, and of course xfce-default settings12:37
spikebandrewski and make an iso12:37
andrewskismouche: ah, never used konq.12:37
andrewskihow can i load my gnome/gtk settings in kde?12:38
smouchekonq kongs out freak-uently12:38
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mikmaksmall question : stable release will only get security updates or can it get bug fixes too ?12:39
andrewskimikmak: i think it gets same-version bugfixes, but not version changes.  can anyone confirm that or refute me? ;P12:40
Tm_Tif there's any12:40
spikebandrewski confirm12:40
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mikmakso for example, it would not get kde 3.4.1 ?12:40
mikmakbut some bug fixes could be backported in kde 3.4.0 packages ?12:41
cafeinacan someone help me installing a kde locale ?12:41
smoucheI think that's right andrewski; what happened with me with warty vs hoary, is that before it was officially stable seemed far more stable in fact that warty...12:41
andrewskismouche: yes, it's often good to upgrade versions of things. :)12:42
smoucheI mean, hoary was "more stable than warty" for me... typos!12:42
andrewskixfree -> xorg e.g.12:42
andrewskione of the pitfalls of a release distro.12:44
smoucheheh heh, I can't wait to see the servers groaning under the traffic in another six months!12:44
andrewskianother is server drag. :P12:44
smouchewhere will this distro be in another, say three years!?  12:44
andrewskiKortor: front?12:44
Kortorandrewski: side12:44
smoucheandrewski, or anyone, have you tried "zero install"  ?  the rox desktop (xfce oriented, I think) uses that for all packages...12:46
spikebsmouche it'll have the latest and greatest kde and gnome then too!12:46
spikebsmouche excites the crap out of me12:46
andrewskismouche: no, rox isn't really xfce-oriented.12:46
andrewskismouche: and i haven't used it, but it sounds interesting.12:46
=== smouche takes hands, both of them, off keyboard and backs away slowly...
smoucheglad to hear it spikeb ! ;-)12:47
spikeblol :)12:47
gdhsmouche: Riddell was interviewing the devels of that recently12:48
gdhsmouche: so if he's still awake, he's probably the guy to speak to12:48
smouchezero install?12:48
gdhsmouche: Yes.12:48
spikebis Riddell somebody official?12:48
gdhRiddell is Jonathan Riddell, one of the main Kubuntu people.12:49
andrewskiso no one knows how to load gnome settings on kde startup?12:49
smoucheit seems like a great idea; I'm gonna try it on my (oh the pain) just reformatted large hd on my (formerly windows) box...12:49
spikebholy buckets12:49
gdhspikeb: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/JonathanRiddell12:49
spikebsmouche i'm going to be setting up either ubuntu or kubuntu for my brother in law, probably tonight.12:49
smoucheapt-get is great, but zero install sounds very intriguing...12:49
andrewskispikeb: which one?12:50
spikebandrewski i haven't decided which yet.12:50
smouchegonna let him decide which one, spikeb, show em both live cd's?12:50
andrewskispikeb: wanna talk about it? :P12:50
spikebsmouche nope, he doesn't care heh12:50
spikebandrewski sure :)12:50
andrewskispikeb: hmm, show him screenshots?  ask him if he want a lot of configurability?12:51
spikebandrewski i know he doesn't want a lot of configurability. he uses two things on his computer - his browser, and his media application12:51
smoucheI'm trying to think which one is going to mean more technical support from you, or more of a pissed off wife (or sister?) for him...12:52
andrewskispikeb: hmm, maybe gnome would be better then.12:52
spikebyeah that is what im thinking12:52
smoucheyeah, gnome...12:52
spikebless tweaking for me12:52
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gdhGNOME doesn't provide many options because it is Already Perfect, etc.12:52
Riddellgdh: never heard of zero install12:52
andrewskii'm still undecided on which is better... less features and good defaults or decent defaults but a lot of configurability.12:53
gdhRiddell: It must've been a dream then :)12:53
smoucheset up some nice drawers for him, and the cool weather applet on a panel, he'll be happy.12:53
spikebMY wife, on the other hand, is going to run kubuntu - she does more, and likes KDE's configurability12:53
andrewskiwhy is the default graphic (used in the kubuntu login screen) pixelated and ugly?12:53
spikebi havent seen it heh12:53
gdhRiddell: ah now I understand.... "[Sun Apr 3 2005]  [01:52:26]  <Riddell>   anyone got questions about zeroconf support oin KDE?"12:54
Riddellandrewski: screenshot?12:54
andrewskiit's rather distracting from the otherwise slick install/startup :)12:54
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gdhwell, I was close :)12:54
spikebyeah zeroconf is not zeroinstall ;)12:54
smoucheany image with gradients looks horrible on my amd64 for some reason -- but- this weird, setting xorg to use 16 bits instead of 24 improved things a lot there...12:54
Riddellgdh: zeroconf very differnt :)12:54
gdhmy memory is very random-access....12:54
andrewskiRiddell: how do i take a screenshot quickly in kde?  besides import?12:54
Myrth|Don't suppose any of you kind folks could give me a bit of help, hmm?12:55
Riddellandrewski: ksnapshot12:55
gdhandrewski: Ctrl-Prtsc ? :)12:55
gdhor ksnapshot, yeh.12:55
spikebpossibly Myrth|12:55
smoucheksnapshot is a great app!12:55
andrewskigdh: where does ctrl+prtsc save the file?12:55
smouchemuch much better than the gnome thing for screenshots12:55
spikebi used to use gimp for SSs12:56
gdhandrewski: Clipboard, same as in Windows12:56
Myrth|I'm using the kubuntu liveCD, and I need to change the network settings to get it to network through my wlan card, not the ethernet12:56
smoucheandrewski, I can't get prtsc to work for some reason...12:56
andrewskigdh: and where do i save it?12:56
cafeinaI installed kubuntu and chose my locale (polish) during the installation, but it's not there..everything is in english and I can't choose it from the control center. In kynaptic it is "installed" though.. 12:56
gdhandrewski: paste it into KolourPaint12:56
gdhor any other graphics app12:56
gdh(or just use KSnapshot :)12:56
spikebhow come kde doesn't use kindustrial or qt-industrial?12:56
Myrth|On the KDE Control Module for Network Settings, it saids I need root access to modify the settings and to click the 'Administrator Mode' button to allow access12:57
smoucheoh my, it does work! hah hah, I didn't realize I could view the image in klipper, !12:57
Myrth|But there's no 'Administrator Mode' button12:57
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gdhsmouche: Ooh that's cool :D 12:57
Myrth|Is there another way to run it as root?12:57
gdhsmouche: A new thing learnt every day!12:57
spikebMyrth| i think you are automatically the administrator in the livecd12:57
andrewskismouche: yeah, just realised that too. :)12:57
smoucheandrewski, you're much better off using ksnapshot, I think12:57
Myrth|Yeah - but you need to click the 'Administrator Mode' button to get root access12:58
andrewskismouche: nope, can't do it while loading the fullscreen splash.12:58
smoucheyou can set it for fullscreen, window, region, very nice12:58
smoucheah, I see, andrewski12:58
Myrth|All the buttons are greyed out12:58
spikebMyrth| try typing sudo kcontrol in a terminal window12:58
spikebthat should launch it as root for sure12:58
Myrth|Hmmm... maybe it's the screen resolution that's blocking the button12:59
andrewskismouche: though in the future, i may bind prtsc to it. ;)12:59
cafeinahow do I enable a new locale in KDE ? 12:59
andrewskicafeina: in the control center?01:00
Tm_Tcafeina: from Control Centre01:00
smoucheok, now that I've got a couple of screenshots in klipper, it is, of course, acting sludgy and slow -- is there any way I can remove one entry from klipper without clearing the whole history?01:00
cafeinaI have it installed, but in the control center I can't choose it01:00
cafeinaonly USA locale is there01:00
Tm_Tsmouche: yes01:00
smouchehow do I do that, Tm_T -- I can't figure it out...01:00
Tm_TI don't remember =)01:01
Tm_Tbut I have done it01:01
andrewskiRiddell: http://img29.exs.cx/img29/9670/kubuntugraininess0ei.png01:01
Tm_Tsmouche: try klipper help01:02
andrewskiRiddell: the text is grainy around the edges and the logo isn't very crisp.01:02
Riddellandrewski: what's the resolution of your monitor?01:03
gdhandrewski: I think that's simply a 1024 graphic stretched to 128001:03
spikebyeah it might be01:03
andrewskiRiddell: yeah, i'm at 128001:03
gdhand the algorithm used for the stretch is very simple01:04
andrewskibut still, that's more grainy than just a stretched graphic would be....01:04
spikebnot really01:04
=== haggai waves to Riddell
spikebdepends on the file format01:04
gdhAaah! That's what kipi-plugins are for :)01:04
=== gdh was just looking for resize plugin in Gwenview
smouchenope, Tm_T, the klipper manual ain't any help on this...01:05
andrewskihmm... looks like it's significantly smaller than my screen (chosen as background and centered)01:05
spikebwhat the heck is kipi?01:05
smouchejust have to clear the whole thing...01:05
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spikebandrewski yup01:05
=== alex [~alex@user-1972.l4a.c1.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
gdhspikeb: google says http://extragear.kde.org/apps/kipi/01:06
Riddellfile /usr/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/kubuntu/Background.png01:06
Myrth|Yay, Kubuntu now works with my wi-fi network01:06
Riddell/usr/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/kubuntu/Background.png: PNG image data, 1024 x 768, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced01:06
Myrth|Thanks guys :D01:06
spikebah HA01:06
spikebgdh/google: thanks ;)01:06
alexi just entered the internet with my brand new kubuntu installation!!!!!!!!!!01:06
spikebyay alex :)01:06
Riddellandrewski: yep, that's my fault01:06
Myrth|Happiness all round ^___^01:07
spikeband yay Myrth|01:07
gdhalex: I hope you had permission from its father :)01:07
Riddellandrewski: could you file a report in bugzilla01:07
andrewskiRiddell: i don't get it... it's not ideal?01:07
alexah ha01:07
Myrth|Anywho, back to irc.esper.net01:07
alexone problem01:07
alexhow can i use root?01:07
=== gdh bangs the gong
spikebalex sudo01:08
smoucheeasy answer, alex.  You don't.  You use "sudo" and your password instead.01:08
andrewskigdh: :D01:08
alexexplain please01:08
gdhandrewski: If I had a lever which would cause the floor to open up... :)01:08
Riddellandrewski: well the kdm login theme and the wallpaper are both SVGs but ksplash uses PNGs so the best answer is to get ksplash using SVG but using a larger PNG would be a quick fix01:08
spikebalex if you're running an app that needs root privs, it will ask for them. if you want to run a command wiht it, you type sudo command01:08
haggaiRiddell: *yawn* so you're up, must be time for me to go to bed :)01:08
spikebalex and type your password when asked, with either method01:08
Riddellhaggai:  :)  maybe when I go to australia I'll get sensible sleep patterns01:09
haggaiRiddell: no when you go to australia you'll be awake during the european day ;) night01:09
andrewskiRiddell: i'll assume you know what you're talking about and just file the bugreport.  under what should i file it?01:09
Riddellandrewski: kubuntu, ksplash (or kdebase if ksplash isn't in there)01:09
andrewskiRiddell: and you'll get the CC, right?01:10
alexok, thanks01:10
Riddellandrewski: yep, it'll come through on the kubuntu-bugs mailing list01:10
andrewskiRiddell: ok, great.  thanks.01:10
spikebalex you're welcome :)01:10
andrewskibugzilla site?01:10
spikebbugzilla.ubuntulinux.org IIRC01:10
andrewskiis it down/01:11
alexanother problem, i can't use kynaptic01:11
gdhandrewski: Be sure to file a bug about that too :)01:11
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spikebandrewski it's bugzilla.ubuntu.com01:11
gdh_ReDRuM_: woo01:11
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_ReDRuM_uniq: thanks for the openvpn tip it's *exactly* what i was looking for :)01:11
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alexit asks for a password, i enter mine, press ener, and nothing happens01:11
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gdhloren|goldeneye: don't forget to shoot your ugly sidekick01:12
andrewskispikeb: i still can't connect. :/01:12
spikebandrewski works here01:12
spikebgdh amen to that lol01:12
andrewskispikeb: hmm, is konq messed up?01:12
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spikebdont think so andrewski01:12
andrewskispikeb: An error occurred while loading http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com:01:12
andrewskiCould not connect to host bugzilla.ubuntu.com.01:12
loren|goldeneyerofl gdh lol, i need to play something i really need a vacation lol, so exhausted01:12
gdhhey, play a dancing-mat game :)01:13
gdhfeel the adrenalin01:13
gdhit's better having drunk half a bottle of whisky first01:13
spikebandrewski works here, although slowly01:13
gdhand better still if there's nobody else to record the event on video :)01:14
andrewskispikeb: damn, i didn't even get as far as configuring konq!01:14
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andrewskihey, under power control, it says "Your computer seems to have a partial ACPI installation. ACPI was probably enabled, but some of the sub-options were not - you need to enable at least 'AC Adaptor' and 'Control Method Battery' and then rebuild your kernel."  is there any way around this?01:15
_ReDRuM_turn off ACPI power management in BIOS?01:16
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andrewskihmm, didn't even know that was possible.  i'll have to do that.01:17
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andrewski_ReDRuM_: so the bios acpi overrides the kernel's settings?01:17
_ReDRuM_i figured the kernel probably read BIOS if it couldnt find anywhere else to get settings from01:17
_ReDRuM_maybe you can feed it ACPI=OFF type kernel command line option too.01:18
gdhor is it 'noacpi' ?01:18
_ReDRuM_(don't know tho)01:18
andrewskiwouldn't that turn it off in the kernel though?01:18
_ReDRuM_gdh: no idea i dont have it on this isnt a laptop :)01:18
gdhyes it would01:18
andrewskii want it on in the kernel so i can take advantage of it. :P01:19
andrewskiand i'm not on a laptop either, but i still have acpi support, right?01:19
_ReDRuM_why do you want it - the power management side of it is useless unless its laptops really01:19
gdhACPI on desktops is used for nice things like speedstep and hibernation I think...01:19
gdhalthough tbh I disable it all because I've never understood how it works01:19
_ReDRuM_i only use hibernation for windoze01:20
_ReDRuM_linux stays on01:20
andrewskiindeed, hibernation would be one.  monitor turning off would be another.01:20
_ReDRuM_speedstep? pointless :)01:20
alexi'm not logged in as root, how can edit and save etc/apt/sources.list?01:20
_ReDRuM_good for laptops to save power01:20
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andrewski_ReDRuM_: desktops use a lot of power too and i'm not made of money. :P01:21
_ReDRuM_alex: sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list01:21
spikebso is java ever going into multiverse ?01:21
_ReDRuM_andrewski: your CPU doesnt burn much more than your lightbulb01:21
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_ReDRuM_spikeb: unlikely cause its restricted licence wouldnt allow you to put suns jre in there, i dont know why they dont put blackdown in but im sure they have a good reason01:22
andrewski_ReDRuM_: with two HDs even?01:22
_ReDRuM_spikeb: it's only a minor inconvenience, goto suns site and install it with the auto-extracter01:22
alexi get an error: "kate: ERROR: Communication problem with kate, it probably crashed."01:22
spikeb_ReDRuM_ only reason i care is i want my mom to be able to point and click to a java installation heh01:22
smouchealex, I get that kate error all the time!01:23
_ReDRuM_andrewski: tbh no idea how much power an HD uses - your CPU wouldnt burn much more than a lightbulb even with 2 hds in... i was talking about speedstep01:23
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smoucheI don't understand it at all...01:23
alexsmouche: so, what's the problem?01:23
andrewski_ReDRuM_: tbh i don't even know what speedstep is and if it's CPU scaling, i'm not interested. :P01:23
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_ReDRuM_andrewski: it is01:23
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smoucheIf I knew, alex, I wouldn't have the problem anymore -- ;-)01:23
_ReDRuM_one of the things ACPI lets you do apparantly01:24
_ReDRuM_i think of all that as "laptop features01:24
smoucheI use nano if edit system files anyway01:24
andrewski_ReDRuM_: yeah, true.  i really only want hibernation and monitor control, especially now that xfce supports session saving.01:24
andrewski_ReDRuM_: to summarise :P, i'll try disabling the bios acpi.01:25
spikebme too smouche01:25
_ReDRuM_andrewski: go and turn on all the ACPI stuff in bios then :)01:25
_ReDRuM_instead of turning it off01:25
_ReDRuM_maybe that will work.01:25
andrewski_ReDRuM_: i'll toggle. ^_^01:25
spikebyeah sometimes that does do the trick01:25
spikebdid it on my old computer01:25
gdhspeedstep  / cpufreq is good to keep noise down when all you're doing is talking shit on IRC :)01:26
_ReDRuM_gdh: nothing can help the machine I irc from it's got 7 fans in it01:26
_ReDRuM_sounds like a bloody lawnmower01:27
gdhErk :)01:27
gdh_ReDRuM_: If you tell me you have a water kit or neon lights, I'll have to kill you =01:27
smoucheyeah, gdh, my laptop fan almost never comes on -- running amd64 at 798 MHz most of the time.01:27
_ReDRuM_gdh - i do have neons :)01:27
gdhuh oh :)01:27
alexsmouche: what's the solution?01:27
smouchealex?  solution to what?01:27
_ReDRuM_gdh - huge black tower monstrosity with blue neon fans on every orifice01:28
=== spikeb fires up bittorrent to help share kubuntu install cd
alexsmouche: the error, is there anothe editor i can use?01:28
smoucheif you're talking about kate krashing, I don't know.  Konqueror krashes on me too.01:28
_ReDRuM_KDE just crashes01:28
spikebsmouche sounds buggy :(01:28
_ReDRuM_it's not all that stable01:28
gdh_ReDRuM_: And you used to be a Gentoo user, right?01:28
spikebwhy not?01:28
_ReDRuM_gdh: not anymore01:28
_ReDRuM_im using kubuntu now :)01:28
_ReDRuM_ive still got a gentoo machine but not this one01:29
smouchealex, sorry -- use "sudo nano" instead of "sudo kate" in the instructions someone gave you above.01:29
gdh_ReDRuM_: Why am I not surprised you used Gentoo at some point? :)01:29
spikebif kde isn't all that stable, i should hold off on having my wife try kubuntu. :(01:29
_ReDRuM_gdh: we all make mistakes :P01:29
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gdhI have a 5-yr old P3-650 and I simply can't warrant upgrading given how little useful computing I do...01:30
alexsmouche: ok01:30
_ReDRuM_spikeb: important stuff like openoffice doesn't crash01:30
gdhIRC, web and mail doesn't need 3GHz of grunt.. :|01:30
andrewskii like how the fonts are configurable outside of the theme in kdm. :)01:30
spikeb_ReDRuM_ the environment itself is kind of important...heh01:30
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=== Kortor [Bersirc@0-1pool175-203.nas18.minneapolis1.mn.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu
_ReDRuM_spikeb: eh i guess, i think the productivity bonuses and flexibility outweigh the minor disturbances in a few kde apps...01:31
andrewskiit's the little things....01:31
_ReDRuM_kde > * shh01:31
spikebthe little things are why i personally use a mac as my everyday machine :P01:31
alexsmouche: it woked!!!01:32
smouchegood!  alex01:32
_ReDRuM_anyone else get ctcps from perv?01:32
spikebi didnt01:32
andrewskispikeb: not a bad idea.01:32
gdhnop, you must just be the sort perv's after01:33
andrewskiooh, now that i'm using kde, how do i get kompose to work?01:33
_ReDRuM_gdh: eh, who'd blame him.01:33
smouchespeaking of woks, I've got to get myself something to eat; damn, I should have gotten out of this house while the sun was still up...01:33
smoucheadios all, have fun01:33
_ReDRuM_smouche: ciao01:33
Kortoroh, I got a couple good jokes here01:34
Kortorwell, not jokes so much, but you'll see01:34
Kortor"The 8-ball is truer than anyone thought! Long before Outlook came out, the 8-ball predicted it! 'Outlook not good'!"01:34
Kortoroh yeah, and this is a funny oxymoron01:34
KortorMicrosoft Works01:34
_ReDRuM_ooold :)01:35
gdhHeh old =)01:35
Tm_Tuh, absinthe <301:35
gdha la military intelligence...01:35
_ReDRuM_here's another one, kotors jokes :)01:35
gdhTm_T: agh bad bad shit...01:35
Tm_Tgdh: nope, sweeet <301:35
_ReDRuM_Kortor: the outlook one was amusing01:35
Kortor_ReDRuM_: Meh. :P01:36
_ReDRuM_hmm. how to stop my desktop looking like complete shite...01:36
gdhthe only joke I can think of at the moment would probably cause widespread offence :)01:36
Tm_Tgdh: what's wrong with absinthe?01:36
_ReDRuM_gdh: i hear that...01:36
gdhTm_T: wormwood? nice....01:37
_ReDRuM_any other theme sites but KDE look?01:37
spikebnot that i know of01:37
Tm_Tgdh: who says you should drink it too much ;)01:37
gdhFeh :)01:37
Tm_T_ReDRuM_: there is, just goolge ;)01:37
_ReDRuM_Tm_T: you google.01:38
Tm_T_ReDRuM_: I'll do that01:38
gdhthemes - feh... I have a plain background and no icons =)01:38
_ReDRuM_gdh: i've been corrupted by www.deviantart.com while i was in windows01:38
Tm_Tgdh: who need icons, Konsole is all you need ;)01:38
_ReDRuM_still worth checking out for desktop pictures and prints for your home/office if your into that01:38
gdhreally need to be www.DebianTart.com01:39
gdhI know one of the guys who admins that site...01:39
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gdhI just don't 'do' graphics....01:39
gdhless is more...01:39
DooDhello guyd01:39
alexdoes anyone know, where i can get realplayer?01:39
DooDdo you people suggest installing kubuntu?01:40
Kortorgdh: tell it anyway. wont offend me. :P01:40
Tm_TDooD: YES!01:40
DooDis it compareable to gnome?01:40
alexi definately do01:40
Tm_TDooD: KDE is much better than gnome!01:40
alexDooD: yes, i do01:40
gdhalex: sure, it's in multiverse01:40
alexDooD: i agree01:40
DooDwhat does kde have that gnome doesn't01:40
gdhalex: put this line in /etc/apt/sources.list01:40
alexgdh: is that in the default apt source list?01:40
gdhdeb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary multiverse01:41
andrewskiDooD: qt.01:41
Tm_Tgdh: Simply enough?  http://xob.kapsi.fi/~tm_travolta/kuvat/temp/capture_irssi.png01:41
DooDwhat else01:41
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gdhthen install package 'realplayer'01:41
DooDcause i can install qt on gnome too01:41
andrewskiDooD: a more robust consistent desktop, IMO.01:41
Tm_TDooD: much easier to use01:41
alexgdh: merci01:41
andrewskiDooD: yes, but gnome doesn't use it.  kde does.01:41
Kortor_ReDRuM_: You can make things look pretty nice by using parts of different things on kde-look and combining them. I set myself up a really nice one with parts of 2 different themes01:42
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Tm_TKortor: capture ?01:42
gdhTm_T: Ah you lose points on the 'metal' background kicker and Gaim and GMPlayer ashtray icons :)01:42
DooDwhat about graphics01:42
DooDis kde good in graphics01:42
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Tm_Tgdh: gmplayer?01:42
KortorTm_T: Was on my old debian. Moday ill set it up on my new kubuntu and give ya a screenshot01:42
andrewskiDooD: it doesn't have support for SVG icon themes (yet).01:42
Tm_TKortor: nice01:42
gdhTm_T: that's what it looked like anyway - the blue 'Play' icon ?01:42
andrewskiDooD: what else do you mean?01:43
Tm_Tgdh: its firestarter, firewall gui01:43
DooDi want 3d graphics01:43
KortorTm_T: I used the color scheme from BlueIce and AKDC Corona as a windeco. it made a really nice steel blue theme.01:43
gdhahh a GNOME app anyway so the background of the ashtray icon is ugly :)01:43
KortorTm_T: And Smooth KDE - Blue Binary as a background01:43
Tm_Tgdh: yes, but I don't care01:43
andrewskiDooD: dunno01:44
Tm_TKortor: sound's nice01:44
gdhTm_T: I shouldn't care, but that kind of thing would annoy me :)01:44
DooDthanks for the help01:44
alexgdh: the installation is asking for where it's been downloaded to01:44
KortorTm_T: It was. ill show you monday, if you're around01:44
DooDi think i'll try it out01:44
Kortorbye all01:44
andrewskiDooD: but the gimp is GTK (like Gnome)01:44
=== incubii [~incubii@cor9-ppp438.hay.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
gdhalex: Ah OK follow the directions? chances are you have to download the .bin or .rpm version of the realplayer from Real.com 01:45
gdhit should give you links.... I've never used that crap so I don't know the details...01:45
DooDi already have gimp on my pc01:45
DooDwhat about imagej01:45
DooDdoes it work under kde?01:45
Tm_TDooD: I think it will01:45
Tm_Twhy not01:46
andrewskiDooD: well, IMO there are some apps that can't be duplicated in kde that won't theme correctly.  there's the (bit buggy) gtk-qt engine though.01:46
incubiihmmm i dont like konversation, still prefer xchat01:46
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DooDi see01:46
DooDi have kdevelop installed on my gnome01:46
andrewski_ReDRuM_: blech :)01:46
DooDdo you think i'll have trouble with it when i install kubuntu01:47
_ReDRuM_andrewski: before i reformatted my KDE was slick lookin - now its one ugly mess :P01:47
gdhRedo from start01:47
andrewski_ReDRuM_: at least you admit the folly of your ways. :P01:47
_ReDRuM_andrewski: it wasnt about the "look at this" it was the spyware joke :P01:47
psnincubii: what's your problems with konversation?01:47
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=== _ReDRuM_ used Baghira theme before reformat
incubiiits ugly and clunky01:48
andrewskiah, ok. :)01:48
_ReDRuM_doesn't work in kubuntu for me01:48
psnincubii: ah that was helpfull... not01:48
incubiidoes baghira have any bugs ?01:48
_ReDRuM_incubii: worked for some other guy who uses it with kubuntu but doesnt work for me :(01:48
andrewskiis there a good style to go with baghira?01:49
_ReDRuM_baghira style? :)01:49
andrewski_ReDRuM_: hmm, didn't see that one.  geez! O_o01:49
Tm_Tincubii: don't use graphical client, use irssi ;)01:49
incubiiah ok.01:49
_ReDRuM_i liked baghira style01:50
incubiiis it very big in size?01:50
Tm_TI use baghire01:50
Tm_TDeep Purple - Jam Stew01:50
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=== _ReDRuM_ wonders how a KDE channel got filled up with a bunch of minimalist nerds :)
incubiiyes i know you use irssi :P01:50
andrewski_ReDRuM_: lol, that is ironic.01:51
Tm_Tincubii: yes I bet ;)01:51
andrewskisomeone should add that to the topic. :)01:51
Tm_T_ReDRuM_: nerds?01:51
Tm_T_ReDRuM_: nebies ;)01:51
gdh_ReDRuM_: :))01:51
andrewskiso what must one do to take advantage of compositing in kde?01:52
Tm_Tbah, maybe I just shut my X and use my 1G ram more effectively ;p01:52
incubiimy windows fox uses bblean01:52
incubiinon of the admins know how to use it01:52
_ReDRuM_your windows fox?01:52
_ReDRuM_is that your girl or your pc? :)01:52
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=== _ReDRuM_ genuinely wondered for half a second
incubiimy pc :P01:53
Tm_Tuhm, sorry guys, but I'm off ->01:53
incubiimy girl is sleeping01:53
_ReDRuM_Tm_T: oh. :( mye01:53
incubiibye Tm_T 01:53
gdhTm_T is off... well at least we know what the smell was, now.01:53
=== _ReDRuM_ digs gdh for being a keyboard bully
_ReDRuM_he is a proper mon tho innit :)01:54
gdhhey 10/10 people who expressed a preference chose gdh01:54
gdh.... although I may have slipped them a fiver beforehand.01:54
_ReDRuM_gdh: such cheap syphocants.01:55
_ReDRuM_gdh: where do you shop? :)01:55
gdh_ReDRuM_: shop for what?01:55
incubiigo lo01:56
spikebi wonder if ubuntu/kubuntu PPC is better than it was with the warty release heh01:56
gdhspikeb: Not if you listen to Roey  :)01:57
incubiiwoa i actually mounted my ipod on kubuntu release without touching fstab01:57
incubiirock on01:57
_ReDRuM_vi > kubuntu > kde > everything  > *01:57
_ReDRuM_K THX.01:57
gdhSorry, Roey has AMD64 'issues' not PPC, my mistake01:57
gdh_ReDRuM_: LOLWTFBBQ!!!!!!11111!!!111oneeleven!!!1111101:58
spikebonly issues i had with warty and ppc were keyboard related01:58
andrewskiso can one use compositing in kde?01:58
gdh... one can if one believe one can.... <ting>01:58
gdhnow everyone say 'Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm'01:58
spikebyes andrewski, if one has it enabled01:59
andrewskiwow, you've all gone loopy.01:59
incubiithere is no KDE01:59
_ReDRuM_there is only vi01:59
gdhapt-get install nirvana01:59
andrewskispikeb: i do (in xorg.conf), can i enable it for kwin?01:59
incubiispikeb: im using kubuntu on PPC right now01:59
spikebandrewski yes. 01:59
spikebincubii how is it?01:59
andrewskispikeb: how?01:59
spikebandrewski dont ask how. i don't know heh01:59
andrewskiheh... i'll look around the wiki.02:00
incubiithe release version is so much better. I had problems with xpallete on bootup, kb not working, sound etc, but after a clean install of it everything appears to be working correctly02:01
incubiieven the keyboards special keys work02:02
gdhhm, that's a useful feature. everything is listed twice in konq's 'detail view'02:02
gdhjust in case I missed it the first time...02:02
incubiiincase you missed it the first time gdh02:02
incubiiyay lag02:02
gdhwoo echo :D02:02
=== incubii hugs lag
spikebincubii very good02:03
spikebincubii how bout the number pad?02:03
incubiidont blame me im on 28.8kb dialup  :P02:03
gdhwow even better it only does it in my homedir02:03
incubiiyes even that works02:03
spikebvery good02:03
incubiiexcept for the fact my clear button is now numlock02:03
spikebincubii then the issues are gone :)02:03
=== _ReDRuM_ [~windows@cpc1-brig4-5-0-cust169.brig.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
gdhmm rox is very good and *FAST*02:04
_ReDRuM_how to crash konversation 101. disconnect from all servers, press reconnect02:04
_ReDRuM_rox isnt exactly konqueror02:04
_ReDRuM_it's better than 98% of the shite out there tho.02:04
gdhfor basic file navigation it, er, rox :)02:05
_ReDRuM_i used it before KDE owned me02:05
incubiiall i need to test now spikeb is if DVDs will crash konq or not02:07
gdhI dunno... GTK looks altogether much more clean as a pure widget set. but KDE as a whole environment has far more choice...02:07
andrewskiwow, kynaptic leaves much to be desired...02:07
gdhandrewski: Yes, it's rather early :)02:07
andrewskigdh: oh, it's only recently being developed?02:07
gdhupdate, search and dist-upgrade.. that's about it :)02:07
incubiiyeah kynaptic would be better if it at least showed the description not in a tool tip02:07
andrewskimakes more sense then.02:08
_ReDRuM_kynaptec is a joke02:08
_ReDRuM_install kpackage02:08
andrewskikpackage?  is that another apt frontend?02:08
incubiieveryone keeps telling me kpackage is a nice replacement but i prefer synaptic, or the konsole with apt02:08
=== _ReDRuM_ tends to use console apt but favours kpackage for a GUI client
_ReDRuM_you only prefer synaptic cause your use to it :)02:09
gdh_ReDRuM_: I like breathing =)02:09
incubiiim use to kpackage also02:09
=== _ReDRuM_ is telling the windows users there is no microsoft there is only vi
gdhIt works well for me .. can't see any need to switch :)02:09
incubiion everything but debian02:09
_ReDRuM_incubii: heh bad memories? :P02:10
andrewskiwell shoot, GTK apps are colored with kde.  that's crap.02:10
incubiiwe use vi on windows at work _ReDRuM_ 02:10
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_ReDRuM_incubii: respect.02:10
_ReDRuM_a minor butchering but hey if you cant fix it a vi-shaped band-aid is all good.02:10
incubiiit works nicely02:10
_ReDRuM_until it crashes your hd02:11
incubiinever had that problem02:11
lorenanyone used Yoper?02:12
_ReDRuM_the problem ive had with windows... it works fine, flawlessly, i wonder why everyone complains... i think "must be configd wrong, n00bs" sit around in my microsoft castle enjoying the microsoft total dominion thing going on... then out of the blue, b00m, microsoft hotfix crashes my hd02:12
_ReDRuM_thats a true story02:12
incubiii havent hotfixed my boxes yet02:12
_ReDRuM_incubii: IPs? :D02:13
incubiiits more stable without them02:13
andrewskibut not *at* you, _ReDRuM_ :)02:13
gdhOur cheapo HP ScanJet worked until a recent IE 'fix' managed to kill its stupid IE+Javascript based interface02:13
incubiiand i still have yet to get malware or viruses02:13
=== gdh kisses Billyboy Gates
incubiiheh gdh02:13
incubiiget in line02:13
_ReDRuM_incubii: if you run a windows user account not admin like most of the n00bs its reasonably safe from malware..02:13
_ReDRuM_still trashed my hd tho02:14
=== incubii does
gdh_ReDRuM_: Unfortunately, most Windows software hasn't a fucking clue about that.02:14
gdh_ReDRuM_: NOT ADMIN PRIVS?!?!???! WTF?!?!?!???!!?!?!02:14
incubiiyeah thats true gdh02:14
gdhso you need to piss about with cacls.exe or other shit just to 'make it work'02:14
andrewskithat's one of the big things i try to tell my computer-savvy windows friends.02:14
incubiithey usually chuck a hissy fit cause they cant write to a regkey02:15
gdhincubii: Yes :(02:15
_ReDRuM_it doesnt help that most windows apps are coded crapply and expect admin privs02:15
gdhand hey there's no cacls.exe for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE....02:15
gdhlame lame lame02:15
incubiii work for a tradin company and all the software requires users to write to regkeys they shouldnt touch. its such a security hole 02:15
gdhwhat UNIX app would get away with needing to write to /usr ?02:15
incubiigdh, regedt3202:15
_ReDRuM_incubii: whats it worth? ill write you a wrapper that remaps them elsewhre :)02:16
incubiiallows you to set privs on regkeys02:16
gdhincubii: you're shitting me? really?02:16
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gdhWill have to investigate that 'next time' :)02:16
incubiiregedit doesnt, but regedt32 does02:16
_ReDRuM_incubii: that just exasperate the problem allowing them to write to barred locations02:16
_ReDRuM_and removes my possible paycheck :)02:17
=== _ReDRuM_ slaps incubii
gdh_ReDRuM_: I agree, but if the source is closed, and it's already been purchased, and it 'has to work' .. what are you going to do? :/02:17
incubiiwe have 20 devs :P02:17
_ReDRuM_gdh: i know windows well - i can make those processes do anything.02:17
_ReDRuM_me is very familiar with API hijacking02:17
=== _ReDRuM_ even
andrewskihow do i switch from gdm to kdm?02:17
gdhandrewski: hm, deja vu :)02:17
gdhupdate-alternatives ?02:17
andrewskigdh: ooh, you can use that?  nice.02:18
gdhor be nasty and hack the symlinks youtself?02:18
incubiilol i removed both and added one02:19
gdhincubii: you're using xdm? :)02:19
incubiinah, kdm02:20
incubiiwhen i had the xpallete problems i had to put gdm on to make it go away02:20
incubiinow that its all fixed i can use kdm again02:21
_ReDRuM_anyone recommend a good kde theme that isnt baghira and doesnt look like someone pressed the fill button in gimp then went "AH! MINIMALIST!" ?02:21
incubiido encrypted DVDs say they are encypted on the case or shoudl i just assume they all are?02:21
_ReDRuM_incubii: if its commercial and its not porn its crypted02:22
gdhincubii: If they have a region code on the outside02:22
gdhit's crypted02:22
incubiiah ok02:22
_ReDRuM_gdh: never even noticed dvds had region codes02:22
_ReDRuM_i know they do on the discs but not on the cases02:22
incubiiyesh all mine show the region code on the case02:23
incubiithough sometimes its hard to find02:23
_ReDRuM_ever found anything commercial and not porn that wasnt crypted?02:23
gdhlittle icon of a globe with a number in it02:23
gdh_ReDRuM_: Yeh things liek cartoons and some sports DVDs are regionless02:23
=== alex [~alex@user-1972.l4a.c1.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
alexis there a p2p programme i can get from kynaptic?02:24
incubiisome documentries arent region encoded02:24
_ReDRuM_gdh - where you from again?02:24
_ReDRuM_alex: mldonkey02:24
alexmerci: _ReDRuM02:25
gdh_ReDRuM_: I'm originally from Belfast in NI but now live in the Grim North in Chorley, Lancs.02:25
_ReDRuM_np, if the interface is stupid and doesnt work just goto console and type mlnet& then it will02:25
gdhI see you're in Brighton-ish ...02:25
_ReDRuM_gdh: ah! a paddy :D02:25
gdh_ReDRuM_: Let's not go there, eh? :)02:25
_ReDRuM_born and bread02:25
_ReDRuM_gdh - suits me fine its full of drunken guinesses monkeys :)02:26
=== _ReDRuM_ comfortably sits 200 miles out of reach from gdh's pint glass
=== gdh wheels out the 'Northern Ireland is not Ireland' record :)
gdhIt's amazing the number of ignorant cunts out there, mostly English it must be said =)02:27
=== spikeb informs the IRA on gdh
=== rubyier [~rubyier@201009180007.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu
_ReDRuM_gdh: we just don't have the time to learn about potato farms :)02:27
gdhspikeb: heh, I already have hotline numbers on my mobile ;)02:27
gdh_ReDRuM_: True, pasta is a much better alternative02:27
gdhand much faster to cook02:28
_ReDRuM_at least you admit it02:28
_ReDRuM_who said the micks were thick :P02:28
incubiibetter be careful or ill make a dingo take your baby02:28
spikebheh gdh02:28
_ReDRuM_i hear southern irelands actually a pretty sweet place if you got the money02:29
gdh_ReDRuM_: By the same logic, living in Brighton you'll obviously be a rampant homosexual =)02:29
incubiitouche, gdh02:29
_ReDRuM_gdh: heh... yeh... touche... same old same old :)02:29
_ReDRuM_u know what they wanted to do here?02:29
_ReDRuM_they put bloody pink flood lights on the pavilion02:30
_ReDRuM_and made it pink02:30
gdhfantastic :)02:30
_ReDRuM_poiffter pink02:30
_ReDRuM_goddam wankers02:30
gdhI'd vote for that =)02:30
_ReDRuM_you bastard.02:30
gdhhahaha :)02:30
gdh'Vote early and vote often'02:30
_ReDRuM_how dare they desecrate the local landmarks02:30
incubiipink floodlights, sounds like a gay ray02:30
_ReDRuM_they've ruined this city02:31
incubiiwell go complain to your local council member ?02:31
_ReDRuM_the rumors are true brighton really is overrun by the gayer than fay mafia02:31
_ReDRuM_incubii: heh. i bet they're noofters too.02:32
gdhincubii: Yes, find your nearest member and start to stimulate interest in yourself.02:32
incubiithey might listen then02:32
=== _ReDRuM_ opens a beer
_ReDRuM_look what you made me do.02:33
gdh'A woman walks in to a bar and asks for a double-entendre, so the bloke behing the bar gave her one.'02:33
=== _ReDRuM_ mutters
gdhThat's the level of mu humour :)02:33
_ReDRuM_gdh: my jokes would get me k-lined :)02:33
gdhTo recap on the one from earlier - what's brown and half eaten?02:34
gdhthe pope's easter egg.02:34
gdhwhoops :)02:34
gdhI'll, uh, get me coat :)02:34
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=== coreymon77 [icechat5@Toronto-HSE-ppp3703335.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
_ReDRuM_and the level of refinement came toumbling down... and stopped off in gdbs local for a guiness02:34
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BrazmetalDoes someone here stream radio?02:35
gdhI live round the corner from a pub I've never been in02:35
_ReDRuM_im barred from the pub round the corner :)02:35
gdhI find tiny local pubs are a bit intimidating, tbh02:35
gdh_ReDRuM_: I'm not sure if that's something to be proud of :)02:35
_ReDRuM_i bet theres a hogshead or somethin in town02:35
=== _ReDRuM_ isnt proud of it, is amused by it
alexi'm having problem with the ml donkey core, where is it?02:36
_ReDRuM_the guy was going on all night like he was a kung-fu expert or something then goes hit me02:36
gdhI guess I mostly can't stand the constant sport on TV pubs show02:36
_ReDRuM_he asked me to02:36
gdhsport bores me to tears02:36
gdhnice :)02:36
gdhso you did... 02:36
gdhand since /he/ was a regular...02:36
_ReDRuM_guess his kung-fu was beer talk :)02:36
coreymon77can somebody help me here02:37
incubiilol he hasnt done kungfu for very long if he creates violence02:37
gdhcoreymon77: we can try.02:37
_ReDRuM_incubii: i genuinely expected him to do some mad shit and stop me did02:37
coreymon77k thanks02:37
_ReDRuM_he had me hook line and sinker.02:37
coreymon77heres my problem02:37
gdh_ReDRuM_: LOL so you smacked him one straigh tin the face and won friends :D02:38
=== dimmak [~rroper@lsanca1-ar55-4-65-118-030.lsanca1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
_ReDRuM_gdh: yeh, then slapped him about for giggles02:38
=== _andrewski [~andrew@pool-70-110-221-32.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
_andrewskihmm... using konversation.  hmm...02:38
coreymon77i just upgraded from the kubuntu preview release to the newest final kubuntu through apt02:39
_ReDRuM__andrewski: english cultutre, the ocassional bar fight is par the course :)02:39
coreymon77using the command apt-get dist-upgrade02:39
coreymon77so after its done02:39
_andrewski_ReDRuM_: huh?  you want to fight me because i'm using konversation?02:39
gdh_andrewski: Konv is nice - I'm very fond of it02:39
coreymon77i restart my computer and try to load kde02:39
_ReDRuM__andrewski: yeh... i said that.02:40
gdhcoreymon77: we're still listening....02:40
coreymon77it does its whole first run time wizard02:40
coreymon77and i go through it02:40
_andrewski_ReDRuM_: heh.  well, you're in kde.  what do you use?02:40
coreymon77but after that02:40
gdh_ReDRuM_: Are you lookin' at my client? are ya? eh? EH?02:40
_ReDRuM__andrewski: konversation02:40
coreymon77im not in kde right now02:40
coreymon77im in windows02:40
coreymon77kde wont work02:40
alexdoes anyone know where to find the kml donkey core?02:40
_ReDRuM_gdh: it's a bit shy02:40
coreymon77let me finish here02:40
_ReDRuM_CTCP]  Received CTCP-VERSION reply from gdh: 02:40
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: we're looking02:41
coreymon77so once the wizard thing is done02:41
coreymon77a blue line appears on my screen that says02:41
coreymon77starting interprocess communications02:41
coreymon77and then it just stays there02:41
_andrewskiany way for konversation to color users' nicks like xchat?02:42
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: dumb question - but have you rebooted?02:42
coreymon77i tried that02:42
incubiicoreymon77: did you upgrade use KDE or kubuntu-desktop ?02:42
coreymon77a few times02:42
coreymon77i went into the konsole02:43
coreymon77and typed sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:43
gdh_andrewski: yes. configure konv -> appearence > colors -> color nicks02:43
gdh ?02:43
coreymon77and then i let it do its thing02:43
_ReDRuM_gdh: handy.02:44
coreymon77why does it stay at the start communications thing02:44
coreymon77when it show that02:44
coreymon77my computers activity light isnt even flashing02:44
incubiii must admit _ReDRuM_ after seeing my virtual desktops up like you said yesterday its much easier02:45
coreymon77whats the problem here02:45
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_ReDRuM_incubii: they're good stuff :)02:45
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incubiiit would be nice how ever if i could configure sysstray to obey virtual desktops though02:45
_ReDRuM_systray? different icons in the bottom right for diff desktops?02:46
=== _ReDRuM_ likes all the systray stuff on all desktops and never tried to config it
coreymon77y does it just stay there not moving02:46
incubiiamarok is in desktop 202:46
incubiiim on desktop102:46
_ReDRuM_you can make the windows from the desktops only appear on their own taskbar02:46
incubiii dont want its icon there02:46
incubiiyea i got that02:46
_ReDRuM_file a feature request to kde02:47
_ReDRuM_cant be hard02:47
spikebthe notification area isn't supposed to be desktop specific02:47
_andrewskithat doesn't seem like the point of the systray though....02:47
_ReDRuM_i agreee but it would be so simple to add they might od it anyway02:47
_ReDRuM_all you need is a seperate table of tray icons for each desktop02:47
spikebone feature we definately won't see in gnome for a logn time heh02:48
_ReDRuM_gnomes belong with hobbits on my bookshelf02:48
_andrewskispikeb: perhaps not, but for the (good) reason you mentioned above.02:48
incubiii do like how amarok draws the OSD on all desktops though :D02:48
=== _andrewski is now known as andrewski
psnincubii: why not just disable the systray icon for amarok?02:49
=== incubii rolls 20d20 killing your gnome instantly
incubiicause i still use it02:49
coreymon77is anyone know what the problem is02:49
gdhcoreymon77: No idea, sorry :/02:50
incubiionly i only want it on the desktop the application is on02:50
incubiiits just a niggly thing :P02:50
coreymon77damn it02:50
psnincubii: don't see a point to it in that case... but that's just me02:50
_ReDRuM_#gnome: 01:49]  <_ReDRuM_> there's a bug in my konquerer! it's been renamed nautilus! heeelp!02:50
incubiiso KDE is just sitting there doing nothign while it loads up coreymon77  ?02:50
gdh_ReDRuM_: bloody troll :)02:51
coreymon77it just sits there02:51
_ReDRuM_trolls vs gnomes :)02:51
incubiiyeah my KDE use to do that too, but it would start up after 15 mins02:51
incubiithe release fixed it for me though02:51
coreymon77on the kubuntu logon screen (after ive logged on of course) with a blue line that say starting interprocess comunications02:51
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: goto a console , kill x and kdm etc and try running startkde02:52
_ReDRuM_see if it gives you usefukl error messages02:52
incubiiall i can suggest is downloading the release and doing a fresh install02:52
incubiithats how mine was fixed02:52
coreymon77so what exactly do i do02:52
gdhand learn to fear the dist-upgrade demon :)02:52
incubiiif only PCs came with a decent pc speaker like this G402:53
coreymon77type kilall [whatever] 02:53
_ReDRuM_ctrl+alt+f1, ps -A f, *look for processes beginning with X or kdm*, kill -9 <process number>, when all dead run startkde on its own see if it gives you any clues02:53
coreymon77which things do i kill02:53
incubiii have no problems with dist-upgrade at work. only when they were going through all the testing, sometimes it would break KDE but then i knew that would happ[en02:53
coreymon77and is this before i log in or after02:53
incubiibrb xchat time02:54
=== smouche [~bc@cpe-24-90-94-112.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
coreymon77i have to restart my computer to get into kubuntu so i need to know what to kill, how to kill it and when i go into the console (before/after i log in)02:55
_ReDRuM_ps -A f will make it quite obvious02:55
_ReDRuM_and if you get stuck02:56
_ReDRuM_install irssi02:56
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_ReDRuM_then come on irc from console :)02:56
_ReDRuM_[01:54]  * _ReDRuM_ tosses bright blue K at a group of nearby gnomes02:56
_ReDRuM_their channel is too quiet :)02:56
=== incubii [~incubii@cor9-ppp438.hay.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
=== NumPy [~numPy@cpe-66-25-254-156.gt.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
coreymon77can u just give me instructions02:57
gdh_ReDRuM_: They've all gone back to sleep beside their pond.02:57
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Riddellcoreymon77: why do you need to restart?02:57
_ReDRuM_[01:57]  <_ReDRuM_> plz make gnome more like kde :P your licensing and ethos rules but the integration drools... one day you gnomes can be a modern desktop too <302:58
incubiiah this is much better02:58
Riddell_ReDRuM_: #kubuntu is a troll free zone02:58
incubiilol _ReDRuM_ 02:58
_ReDRuM_just as well i was trolling in the gnome room then :P02:58
=== _ReDRuM_ has packed it in now
_ReDRuM_only a little fun :)02:58
=== stego [~stego@client-132-p-2-lns.winn.dial.virgin.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== incubii has a Dagger +3 to Trolls
coreymon77cause i have a dual boot computer02:59
coreymon77in order to do this02:59
coreymon77(to talk to u people)02:59
coreymon77i have to be in window03:00
incubiionly dual boot?03:00
coreymon77which i am now03:00
coreymon77in ordder to get into kubuntu03:00
_ReDRuM_there is no need for windows :D goto a console and type apt-get install irssi03:00
coreymon77oinly dual boot03:00
_ReDRuM_when its done type irssi03:00
_ReDRuM_and then you can irc from console until you get it working03:00
_ReDRuM_alt+number switches windows in irssi (i think)03:00
coreymon77i need windows for a few things03:00
_ReDRuM_like what?03:01
gdhneeds it for evil03:01
coreymon77certain programs that wine cant open03:01
_ReDRuM_to dual boot into and slow down the flow of information... for your CCE encoder to pirate dvds? :P03:01
coreymon77and my internet doesn work until kde boots up03:01
gdhmy guess is for Flash MX2004 :)03:01
coreymon77so i cant do that03:01
_ReDRuM_gdh: he woulda said straight away if it was03:02
coreymon77thats one of them03:02
gdhhah :)03:02
coreymon77but there are others03:02
gdhI've tried many ways of running that shit in Wine and failed.03:02
Riddellcoreymon77: when at the kubuntu login screen press control-alt-F1 to get to a console.  sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop to kill the login  then startx to  start kde from the command line and see if it gives any error messages03:02
_ReDRuM_gdh: lost cause.03:02
coreymon77so can i have some instructions so i can try this out03:02
smoucheI've got a 220 gig hd to partition; I think I'm gonna have a Suse-kubuntu-mandrake shootout on there... 03:02
lorengdh: wine has been imporved lately ;) it doesn't run everything but it's deffinatly getting better03:02
coreymon77ya no kidding03:03
gdhloren: I've noticed.. and wine-tools helps immensely03:03
smouche(i know kubuntu will win, but what the hell...)03:03
lorengdh: tell me about it phew god i love wine-tools XD03:03
_ReDRuM_i think windows will win and he will remove the linuxes :)03:03
coreymon77what do wine-tools do03:03
incubiii cant use wine03:03
incubiiim on PPC03:03
=== _sander [~sander__@pool-68-161-12-187.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
lorencoreymon77: configures wine for you03:03
lorenppc? nice03:03
loreni didn't think mac people would be able to let go of mac for linux03:03
coreymon77although thats a bit of a pain03:03
gdhcoreymon77: http://wine.sourceforge.net/apt/hoary/03:03
coreymon77since my windows drive is ntfs03:04
gdhcoreymon77: sets up a sensible fake_windows dir03:04
=== smouche using Bela Lugosi voice -- "I do not drink... wine."
=== Latem [~ubuntu@CPE000129d034b0-CM00e06f23bb4e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
gdhwith MS DLL's IE6 MDAC DCOM, etc.03:04
lorenhey im curious03:04
_ReDRuM_gdh: butchery :)03:04
loreni have my my NTFS computer hooked up to my linux computer03:04
gdh_ReDRuM_: Yep, but works like a charm03:04
lorenunder ~/.wine/ there is a fake_windows and drive_c how do i copy DLLS and stuff to make wine work better?03:05
incubiiCaptive NTFS03:05
gdh'Hello good butcher, I'll have half a pound of your finest warez, please'03:05
_ReDRuM_i would never subject my linux to native 9x junk :P03:05
coreymon77captive ntfs03:05
coreymon77is buggy03:05
gdhjeez so it does exist?03:05
gdha wrapper around NTFS.SYS ?03:05
_ReDRuM_captive ntfs causes some lufis driver to munch all my RAM03:06
coreymon77and my windows/linux computer is the same one03:06
lorentrue, at least linux reboots though when they do happen. true, at least linux reboots though when they do happen03:06
_ReDRuM_funny cause when i used it 3 years ago on BSD it worked fine, now they added all that crap to it its buggy as hell03:06
loreni have my my NTFS computer hooked up to my linux computer. under ~/.wine/ there is a fake_windows and drive_c how do i copy DLLS and stuff to make wine work better?03:06
incubiiive had not problems with Captive NTFS on my knoppix remasters03:06
_ReDRuM_incubii: admittedly, havent tried it on knoppix, id also wager knoppix isnt the most recent (buggy) incarntation...03:07
smouchewine is still so bleeding edge it should just be called blood.  03:07
_ReDRuM_how can you call wine bleeding edge it only emulates a 9x API :)03:07
coreymon77knoppix is quite good actually03:07
incubiii use winex03:07
coreymon77whats that03:07
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: nobody said it wasn't.03:07
incubiiwell i did03:07
incubiitill i moved to PPC03:07
lorendon't you mean cedega?03:07
lorenif i moved to PPC i'd try BeOS03:08
smoucheI mean as in being in perpetual "development" stage only.  L-users like me need not apply.  03:08
_ReDRuM_BeOS sucks03:08
coreymon77what is winex 03:08
incubiii dont acknowledge that name03:08
_ReDRuM_it is another OS/203:08
_ReDRuM_should have been, but wasn't03:08
=== _ReDRuM_ has used BeOS
lorenBeOS, is being developed as HaikuOS03:09
lorenand it boots in 10 seconds03:09
smoucheReDRuM -- omg, you just dissed my favorite os of all time!! 03:09
_ReDRuM_and OS/2 :)03:09
lorenlike 2 years ago03:09
incubiiwinex is wine with heaps of directx support03:09
lorenso wonder how it boots now?03:09
=== gdh is an old Amiga fan :)
coreymon77i try what you told me to do03:09
_ReDRuM_smouche: it's not the OS fault its stupid people not recognising quality, now its left abandoned by the lay-by to rot, hense its suckiness03:09
=== thoreauputic_ [~debianarc@wolax6-114.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
lorencoreymon77: whatis ZetaOS?03:09
incubiiis Beos 5 pro code + yellowtab code + haiku code03:10
coreymon77if it doesnt work (eg gives me an error message) i come back03:10
coreymon77if i dont come back03:10
coreymon77that means it works03:10
incubiiloren, ZetaOS is BeOS but they got a license to the source code before palm acquired it03:10
coreymon77(or if i come back and say im in linux)03:10
incubiithen they added their own code and code from HaikuOS03:10
lorenyea? hmmh mwhaha nice03:10
coreymon77if i dont come back03:10
lorenPalm acquied it? hmmh damn they beat me rofl03:11
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incubiiunfortunatly it sells for $100 US03:11
coreymon77thank you very much for your help everyone03:11
incubiiwhich sucks cause i want to try it out03:11
lorenowch crap03:11
loreni want to try it too03:11
smouchebut what do I know, I roll over easy for an os that boots in ten seconds, from a windows directory (not partition, directory!) if you want it too, has great hardware recognition, and is a breeze for newbies while being apparently easy for hackers to write plug-ins for...03:11
lorennot use03:11
lorenrofl XD03:12
incubiiDr Dos 7.03 boots in 10 seconds on my Cyrix 75 8mb edo03:12
incubiii use it to play divxs, and music03:12
smouchePalmOne bought the orig. BeOs.  Guess they're just sitting on it, to keep it out of the hands of competitors.03:12
lorenright now im watching SkyOS03:12
lorenthat's about it for me thou03:12
incubiimind you it can only play them in mono 640x48003:12
smoucheI haven't tried the open source BeOs projects03:12
_ReDRuM_windows restarts from hibernation in about 10 seconds on one of my machines )03:12
incubiielse it chugs03:12
lorenWindows sucks03:13
coreymon77bye every one (for now?)03:13
_ReDRuM_but im not the only person using it03:13
gdhWith sales of Palm handhelds falling through the floor, I think they have bigger issues on their plate =)03:13
_ReDRuM_so windows it has...03:13
coreymon77thanks for your help03:13
lorenwin = "crash happy virus magnent" ~ I'll always remember that quote03:13
incubiiwin2k3 is a nice OS03:13
incubiibut nothing compared to kubuntu03:13
lorenyea? hmmh03:13
_ReDRuM_win2k3 is crap, ever tried exchange?03:13
coreymon77its still windows though03:13
_ReDRuM_its  a memory hungry whore03:13
coreymon77bye everyome03:13
lorenrofl XD03:13
_ReDRuM_seriously it uses like 500mb just to do nothing with03:14
incubiiwe use openexchange03:14
=== thoreauputic_ is now known as thoreauputic
smoucheif they could put BeOs on their  palmtops, "Palm desktop" could become a major competitor03:14
coreymon77i may be back03:14
coreymon77but if im not thanks for your help03:14
lorenOpenExchange? is that a linux server platform?03:14
gdhcoreymon77: OK no worries- bye :)03:14
gdhloren: SuSE sold that...03:14
lorenoh rofl XD03:14
gdhloren: Hardly open, cost nearly as much as MS Exchange :)03:14
_ReDRuM_win2k3 has a fast network stack, an integrated interface, support for some semi-popular proprietary m$ technologies and a wide range of device drivers03:15
lorenXD im seeing a future scaryness Novell = Microsoft? lol03:15
_ReDRuM_leaving that aside, linux wins on practically everything else03:15
_ReDRuM_i think novell are all good03:15
incubiiwin2k3 rocks as a LiveCD03:15
lorenNovel Linux 1003:15
_ReDRuM_and they are providing a viable alternative03:15
gdhNovell are doing Good Shit at the moment03:15
lorenwin2k3 is a liveCD?03:15
gdhNetware is nearly dead, but it's nice to see Novell are re-inventing themselves03:15
incubiiBarts PE03:15
_ReDRuM_novell are providing a real viabile alternative to win2k3 for click-monkey college boys03:16
lorengdh: yeah? i havn't really tried them recently i gave up when 8.2 never installed well it installed but the only thing i saw on the screen was 1's and 0's03:16
_ReDRuM_incubii: its microsfts PE bart just popularised it :)03:16
gdhloren: I've never used SuSE....03:16
incubiiWin PE is homosexual03:16
lorengdh: oh rofl XD03:16
incubiiit cant do fuck all03:16
lorenwhat the fuck is PE?03:16
lorenPersonal uhm Extravaganza?03:16
_ReDRuM_PE = pre-install windows03:16
gdhwhat's 'XD' ?03:16
gdhloren:  :)03:17
=== difekta [~DIFEKTA@h-68-164-169-190.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #KUBUNTU
lorenoh that crap03:17
incubiiPreinstall Environment03:17
_ReDRuM_its a bit like a knoppix minus minus cd03:17
lorenXD is like cross bread X_x and =D03:17
_ReDRuM_works nice for running things like acronis data recovery utils03:17
gdhhalf manga, half cute...03:17
gdhall shit =)03:17
incubiii use Barts PE to break passwords, recover hard disks etc03:17
lorenhow much is SuSE currently selling for?03:17
gdhloren: I think Novell dumped the commercial aspect of SuSE03:18
gdhloren: no longer 'free demo' ISO with full ISO of previous version03:18
loren0_o you can't be serious03:18
incubiithe price of one night with my mum03:18
_ReDRuM_novell are pushing their own "modern groupware" package on linux03:18
gdhI could be very wrong... but that's what i've bene lead to believe03:18
lorenwell at least they're pushing linux03:18
_ReDRuM_and tbh its probably good, novell have a reputation for this sort of thing from back in the day after all :)03:18
lorenmeh it's all good gdh03:19
gdhand suddenly things liek GroupWare have Evolution + Kontact plugins...03:19
lorenwhat is GroupWare btw?03:19
_ReDRuM_i almost installed SuSE03:19
gdhalhtough their Client 32 for Win95 was a PITA03:19
Riddellgdh: GroupWise03:19
gdhRiddell: Sorry, oh great one :)03:19
lorenwhat is GroupeWise?03:19
_ReDRuM_but uncommercial vers have no decent security support i read on novell site so i thought id try a few others and this and this stuck03:20
gdhRiddell: Do you sit 24/7 watching this crap? :)03:20
Riddelland last I heard the Kontact people were gloating that evolution didn't have a plugin despite the best efforts of the ximian side of novell03:20
_ReDRuM_riddell loves it03:20
lorenyes i do03:20
gdhI just wish KIOSlaves supported the server talking to the client so IMAP IDLE support was a possibility..03:21
gdhbit of an architecture faux pas that one :||03:21
lorenZetaOS looks weird03:21
Riddellgdh: all part of the service03:21
lorenit has potential if they hire someone to upgrade the GUI03:21
lorenat least for users03:21
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lorenwhat would be really cool03:22
_ReDRuM_one of my best pals is a GUI guru :)03:22
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lorenis a alt-tab like application thing, where you hold shift space and a menu comes up with tons of application icons grouped by what they do, that'd be a pimped out menu03:23
ubuntuI wonder.. is the live distro capable of actually mounting the osx partitions?03:24
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incubiino idea Artan 03:24
lorenKubuntu Live?03:24
incubiii blew away OS X for this03:24
Artanwould prolly work, if just knew the fstype03:24
_ReDRuM_wouldnt be hard to modify it03:24
Artankubuntu live yeah03:24
gdhheh, kernel modules are there for 'hfs' and 'hfsplus'03:25
gdhisn't hpfs an os/2 thing?03:25
_ReDRuM_mount -t ufs -o ufstype=openstep /dev/darwin /mnt03:26
gdhOS/X uses Sun's UFS?03:26
_ReDRuM_ufs is sun? :)03:26
Artannone of those work.. /:03:26
gdhI always thought so.03:26
incubiiyes i typoed03:26
_ReDRuM_Artan: whats the error from the one i gave you?03:26
Artan_ReDRuM_: the usual wrongfs or superblock03:27
Artanfdisk claims HFS tho.. 03:28
_ReDRuM_dunno :| sorry03:28
ArtanApple_HFS in the dsecr tho.. hmm03:28
gdhanything in dmesg ?03:29
_ReDRuM_Artan: same site i got that mount command from said it was HFS03:29
gdhlike a 'version greater than supported' ?03:29
lorenApple_HFS? that apply filesystem?03:29
Artanoh well.. Ill debug it more tomorrow.. but feels a tad of an essential loss in a ppc live cd ..03:29
lorenPPC Live Cd hmmh03:29
lorennever really though about those existing03:29
Artanit doesnt know apple_hfs at all03:30
Artanloren: out with the new release.. 03:30
_ReDRuM_build a different kernel and put it back on the disk?03:31
_ReDRuM_ive heard ubuntu kernels are quite strange tho03:31
loreni dislike em03:31
incubiiyeah they actually work03:31
lorenthey have problems with jackd03:31
Artanoh well.. gnight people.. thanks for the effor.. (:03:31
lorennot for me03:31
=== _ReDRuM_ read about people having lots of problems running them under xen cause they interface all differently
loreneven though i did nothing03:32
_ReDRuM_hows ubuntu behave if you compile a vanlilla 2.6.11 yourself on it?03:33
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lorenno idea03:33
lorenwhat is Vanilla?03:33
gdhnot patched :)03:33
_ReDRuM_stock - standard03:33
gdhDebian used to /heavily/ patch the kernel until Herbert Xu stormed off over some 'disagreement' regarding translations :)03:34
_ReDRuM_fedora for instance behaves fine if you rip out its kernel and slot a stock one in03:34
gdhnow they have a kernel team who keep a much more lean kernel03:34
lorennever knew that one XD03:34
_ReDRuM_they should stop messin with the kernel and make more gui admin tools03:35
loren(my evil plans are almost complete...)03:35
incubiihow do i repackage an rpm into a deb03:35
gdhloren: Ahh you have the white cat to stroke..03:35
gdhincubii: 'alien'03:35
_ReDRuM_incubii: alien  does it automatically03:35
gdhjust be aware of the dependencies issues bla bla bla03:35
lorengdh: indeed03:35
incubiiis it on kubuntu or do i have to get it03:35
_ReDRuM_apt-get install alien03:36
lorenhows Kubuntu Final compared to Kubuntu RC103:36
gdhalien is a dirty hack03:36
incubiiwell i cant find the source to libdvdcss2 on vlc website03:36
_ReDRuM_linux package managers are a dirty hack :)03:36
incubiiand theres a rpm for ppc03:36
lorenhows Kubuntu Final compared to Kubuntu RC103:36
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gdhloren: Ur, exactly the same?03:37
gdhloren: probably a few bugs fixed underneath- none that i'venoticed03:37
lorengdh: really? hmmh, i thought Final would be better03:37
incubiimuch better loren03:37
gdhcertainly no major changes03:37
incubiifixes all my PPC problems03:37
lorenincubii: what's fixed that you've personally noticed03:37
loren(im on RC1)03:37
_ReDRuM_nothing changed on my i38603:37
gdhwell, incubii is a Mac weenie who'll we excuse :)03:37
incubiii use X86 too :P03:37
_ReDRuM_updating the system from RC1 to final caused apt to download... nothing.03:38
incubiixpallete, keyboard, sound were all issues03:38
gdhyes yes, dear :)03:38
lorenPPC isn't bad it's just not comon, well actually it is bad because it's more propriatary03:38
Riddellloren: few small changes and pmount is in03:38
incubiii was given this Dual 1.42ghz G4, so i thought i would put it to use :P03:38
_ReDRuM_mind u i was a late RC adopter perhaps it was different03:38
lorenah god, i've been hating to mount my NTFS each time03:38
_ReDRuM_loren: put it in fstab03:38
lorenftab sudo mount?03:38
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lorenthe config file03:39
_ReDRuM_sudo vi /etc/fstab03:39
_ReDRuM_look at the other entries and copy them :)03:39
_ReDRuM_replace vi with your editor of choice03:39
lorenah XD03:39
lorenowner@ubuntu:~$ sudo kate /etc/fstab03:39
lorenError: "/var/tmp/kdecache-owner" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.03:39
lorenLink points to "/var/tmp/kdecache-root"03:39
lorenkate: ERROR: Communication problem with kate, it probably crashed.03:39
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_ReDRuM_chown -R root: /var/tmp/kdecache-owner03:40
lorenwhat does that command do?03:40
_ReDRuM_changes kdecache-owner to be owned by uid 0 :)03:40
=== _ReDRuM_ has no idea if it will help
lorenah XD03:40
IceGuest_5its me again03:40
incubiifor anyone after a deb package for libdvdcss2 on PowerPC, http://honk.physik.uni-konstanz.de/~agx/linux-ppc/debian/mplayer/libdvdcss2_1.2.8-0.0_powerpc.deb03:41
_ReDRuM_but it corrects what its complaining about03:41
smoucheloren - lol - that exact thing just happened to me!  using nano instead to check fstab...03:41
smouchekate does that a lot03:41
lorenyea? hmmh03:41
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coreymon77i had some problem03:41
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_ReDRuM_kedit might work for you people with kate troubles03:42
incubiii always use vi03:42
coreymon77bbbbbbbiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggg long error message when i typed in startkde03:42
_ReDRuM_nedit is a gnome editor worth noting if kde misbehavies03:42
_ReDRuM_incubii: /whois _ReDRuM_03:42
obe1does kubuntu/ubuntu support DVD playing, out-of-the-box? like in kaffeine?03:42
smoucheyeah, kedit is pretty nice.  But why is kate so temperamental?03:42
lorenapt-get install Xine03:42
_ReDRuM_smouche: dunno... she behaves ok for me.... but a lot of KDE is tempremental03:43
Riddellobe1: only unencrypted DVDs03:43
obe1oh ok, but I wasn't sure if there was any political issues with DVD css and kubuntu...03:43
smoucheoops, I don't even have kedit, just kwrite...03:43
_ReDRuM_also i dotn use her much since shes not vi so maybe you just use enough to expose the bugs03:43
coreymon77redrum: can i have some istructions for connecting to this channel in konsole03:43
incubiioh my DVD play back works after 5 errors pop up03:43
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: apt-get install irssi03:43
incubiibut it stutters badly03:44
smouchewell, anyone, for system files I use nano...03:44
coreymon77i got that03:44
_ReDRuM_ /server irc.freenode.net03:44
_ReDRuM_... you get the idea03:44
coreymon77not really03:44
_ReDRuM_once connected to freenode03:44
_ReDRuM_type /join #kubuntu03:44
_ReDRuM_and then you will be here03:44
_ReDRuM_so 1) type irssi (preferably as non-root) - 2) type /server irc.freenode.net - 3) type /join #ubuntu03:45
_ReDRuM_if you get any errors about nicknames type /nick coreymon7703:45
coreymon77do i type irc /server irc.freenode.net03:45
coreymon77and it will automatically connect me to this channel?03:45
_ReDRuM_btw these are standard irc commands and will work on all irc clients03:45
_ReDRuM_no you need to type /join #kubuntu after03:46
_ReDRuM_on seperate lines03:46
_ReDRuM_ /server irc.freenode.net03:46
_ReDRuM_ /nick coreymon7703:46
_ReDRuM_ /join #kubuntu03:46
loreni remember when i first learned IRC, i wondered why they didn't make it simplet03:46
lorenand i realized it's easier to type than click lol03:46
lorenleast for me :P03:46
_ReDRuM_loren: as most things become with time... but that takes intimate knowledge of the system03:47
coreymon77i typed irssi in the konsole and it said bash irssi...03:47
incubiikeyboard is quicker then the mouse if you know all the shortcuts03:47
_ReDRuM_it said what?03:47
lorenyeah? hmmh03:47
smoucheyeah, loren, that's true for stuff like apt-get vs synaptic too; trouble is, knowing what to type!03:47
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_ReDRuM_smouche: apt-cache search "whatever ud type into kpackage"03:47
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smoucheyep yep _ReDRuM, I'm learning, bit by bit...03:48
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: you need to replicate error messages explicitly "bash irssi" doesnt help much :/03:49
smouchebut I love kpackage!  That's a gui done right!  much better than synaptic, and - please, kubuntu devs -- drop kynaptic from default install -- it's pitiful03:49
_ReDRuM_it had other characters in there03:49
coreymon77doesnt matter03:49
coreymon77it will work03:49
coreymon77i think03:50
incubiikaffeine plays DVDs better then VLC03:50
incubiino stutter03:50
coreymon77see you soon03:50
_ReDRuM_just write down what i said it should work, before doing all that type: apt-get install irssi03:50
_ReDRuM_and you should be all set.03:50
coreymon77i already installed the thing03:50
coreymon77ill see u soon03:50
_ReDRuM_ok :)03:50
coreymon77hopefully :-p03:51
smoucheI've never been able to get vlc working right for me in linux, ironically.  The windows vlc client is awesome!03:51
_ReDRuM_smouche: .... mine works....03:51
_ReDRuM_smouche: idle curiosity... indulge me? open a console03:51
incubiioh now it lags03:52
incubiipoo poo03:52
_ReDRuM_# md5sum `which vlc`03:52
_ReDRuM_type that (without the #)03:52
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smoucheReDRuM, I don't have it installed now.  I last tried it a few ubuntu versions ago...03:52
lorenthere's a thousand people in #gentoo03:52
_ReDRuM_i was already to build vlc for ubuntu since ppl said it didnt work03:52
_ReDRuM_(and i love it)03:52
_ReDRuM_but it works fine for me03:53
incubii2bb852dd8ef548d57a9d6d554fd2e9fc  /usr/bin/vlc03:53
_ReDRuM_your vlc is not the same one as mine03:53
_ReDRuM_update it03:53
smouchewell, I'll try it again, _ReDRuM_ -- haven't used it on my current setup yet.03:53
gdhloren: That sounds like an almost irresistable invitation for trolling03:54
incubiilol it is03:54
incubiii use the PPC one03:54
gdha thousand lamers to scam03:54
_ReDRuM_oh :)03:54
lorenah rofl03:54
gdh_ReDRuM_: want to step forward as our representative?03:55
_ReDRuM_was always helping people in #gentoo03:55
_ReDRuM_but nobody could help my problems03:55
_ReDRuM_they are clueless03:55
gdhof course, all fucking 1337 wannabes03:55
lorenreally? ROFL03:55
loreni honestly know jack about linux myself03:55
lorenso erm, im no one to say damn n00bs rofl03:56
gdhI gn0w UNIX l0l I can w4tch s0urc3 c0mp1l3 l0l0l0l0l03:56
lorenbut i at least know my stuff to some degree03:56
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incubiithey couldnt help me either03:56
_ReDRuM_gdh: some of them arent to be fair there is a hardcore of amd 64 geeks in there too03:56
_ReDRuM_they dont know jack about anything cept amd 64 tho.03:56
loren[18:57]  [Kick]  You have been kicked from channel ##slackware by . (banned: loren - debian spammer/flooder - phrag)03:57
lorenthat sucks, i didn't do shit03:57
gdhI'd be proud of that03:57
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_ReDRuM_#slackwares alrite stop trolling one of my fave distros :P03:57
gdhbanned from #slackware l0l03:57
gdh0h gn0w!03:57
lorenthis is the first time i've joined that channel03:58
incubiiyay vlc doesnt lag now03:58
lorenand i dont even like debian03:58
lorenaside from Ubuntu03:58
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smoucheand I don't like kde, aside from kubuntu03:58
_ReDRuM_loren: some of the opers are quite heavy handed and i think have a hefty mirror collection...03:58
incubiiwhats the keyboard shortcut to switch virtual desktops03:58
_ReDRuM_we often had arguments :)03:58
lorenno wonder, there are only 100 people in the channel ROFL03:59
lorenSlackware got distro of the year03:59
_ReDRuM_loren: not many people would use slack this day and age you still have to put modprobes in your inti scripts03:59
gdhloren: Yes, 1996.03:59
lorenthe other hundreds got banned03:59
smouchehmm, incubii, I use Ctrl-tab for that, but maybe you mean something else ...03:59
lorenXD rofl03:59
lorenwhy did it get voted Distro of the year then03:59
lorenim curious, coz i couldn't even install the damn thing03:59
lorenit gave me setup errors04:00
_ReDRuM_cause if you know your way around linux internals its flexible, easy to control and lightweight04:00
smoucheCtrl Alt left or right arrow also04:00
lorenhmmh interesting04:00
incubiirunning DVD fullscreen on one desktop and chattin on another04:00
incubiithats so cool04:00
gdhslack is a nice base dist to learn a unix environment in04:00
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gdhlearn about compiling errors / linking / library issues04:00
loreni'll pass atm ;)04:00
coreymon77hi everyone04:01
gdhthen once you learn that core, move to a real dist04:01
lorenim still a user/game developer04:01
_ReDRuM_gdh: most of those errors are fixed in 4 commands :)04:01
lorenand i cant get involved in OS development coz i'll get distracted04:01
coreymon77redrum: im in konsole04:01
gdh_ReDRuM_: hey I'm trying to be kind here :)04:01
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: ello04:01
lorenredrum and gdh you know alot04:01
_ReDRuM_loren: its the booze.04:01
gdhI don't, but I bluff well.04:01
gdhoops ;)04:01
coreymon77redrum: so? now what?04:02
lorengdh: gdk_knowlege > loren_knowlege :P04:02
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: flick to another console (alt+f2)04:02
incubiimy OSD for volume change doesnt appear now04:02
_ReDRuM_alt+f1 will get you back04:02
smoucheI just hooked my laptop up to my monsoon speakers, and stream tuner is freakin' awesome!04:02
incubiibut still works04:02
gdhloren: It probably balances out. I can't code for shit.04:02
_ReDRuM_in that console su - <user account name> (if your logged in as root not a user)04:02
gdhloren: I write some bad Perl and bad shell... that's about it.04:02
_ReDRuM_otherwise just login as a user04:02
_ReDRuM_then run: startkde04:02
_ReDRuM_see what it says04:03
lorengdh: really? hmmh weird, i can code basic C++ PHP and MYSQL but know shit about linux aside from which of that many distros i like and dislike04:03
_ReDRuM_btw the - in the su is important if your not logged in as a user04:03
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lorengdh: at least you're able to write pearl and shell ;) lol04:03
incubiiim a perl nut04:03
coreymon77redrum: dont you mean sudo -s?04:03
gdhloren: I'm a systems / network person - programming bores the tits off me04:03
incubiibut i dont do squat in linux04:03
incubiiits all windows04:03
gdhI will code when I need to.04:03
lorengdh: rofl, nice, :P that's why04:04
=== _ReDRuM_ is the kind of geek who likes writing libraries
incubiilol im sys/net admin too gdh :d04:04
coreymon77redrum: dont you mean sudo -s?04:04
gdhcool =)04:04
incubiii code my own tools though cause the devs cant understand what i want04:04
lorenim a uhm, sponge?04:04
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: no i meant what i typed :)04:04
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lorenloren: im a learning computer encyclopedia04:04
loren0_o i wrote my name )_o weird04:05
lorendidn't even notice04:05
gdhincubii: heh, one of our junior codies managed to kill our main database the other day.. I got a panicked phone call "the website's stopped working!!!" 04:05
_ReDRuM_(for once)04:05
coreymon77redrum: okay i typed in su coreymon and my root password04:05
gdhincubii: turns out they ran this....04:05
coreymon77redrum: now what04:05
gdhincubii: http://gdh.ca/query.txt04:05
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: it's su - coreymoon04:05
_ReDRuM_the '-' is important04:05
_ReDRuM_better yet - just logout04:05
_ReDRuM_and login on that console04:05
_ReDRuM_as coreymon04:05
_ReDRuM_they have the same effect04:06
lorendamnit konquer load the damn page faster04:06
lorentaking forever04:06
gdhincubii: Yes, 23 million rows queried... FFS !!04:06
lorenstill loading04:06
_ReDRuM_when your in as coreymon - type: startkde04:06
lorenoh is that it? rofl04:06
_ReDRuM_and see what errors it gives04:06
gdhWe have a seriously diseased db structure.04:06
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_ReDRuM_if you have X and kdm/kdm type processes running - kill them first04:06
coreymon77redum: okay i typed in su - coreymon04:07
_ReDRuM_ps -Aww | grep X04:07
_ReDRuM_kill it all04:07
lorenima go look for dinner04:07
_ReDRuM_ps -Aww | grep kdm04:07
_ReDRuM_kil lthem all too04:07
hussamhi, I need help setting network connection in kubuntu04:07
_ReDRuM_kill -9 <process number>04:07
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coreymon77hussam: what kind of network connection04:07
loren|lookin4dingod fucking damnit04:08
_ReDRuM_do both grep commands again to check no X/kdm stuff is running04:08
loren|lookin4dinoh finally it let me change my name04:08
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coreymon77hussam: not wireless?04:08
hussamI manually entered IP, gatway and netmask04:08
hussamno lan04:08
_ReDRuM_hussam: for your ISP? dhcpd should sort that out for you...04:08
hussambut I can't seem to be able to add the dns ip04:08
coreymon77hussam: what typed of lan04:09
coreymon77:hpna wireless?04:09
coreymon77any routers?04:09
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: ill brb when you done those command let me know04:09
hussambut I have to enter the settings myself04:09
coreymon77hussam: do you use a router?04:09
hussamnom I don't use router. i already entered ip, gateway and netmask, how do I enter dns?04:10
coreymon77well if you were using a router i would know04:10
_ReDRuM_hussam: nano -w /etc/resolv.conf04:10
coreymon77but since you arent04:10
coreymon77im not sure04:10
_ReDRuM_in ther add lines consiting of: nameserver <ip>04:11
_ReDRuM_these are old school linux ways and probably not the debian/kubuntu ways but they will work for you04:11
coreymon77hussam: does anything happen when you type into the adress bar of your web browser04:11
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_ReDRuM_hussam: just add the lines to resolv.conf like i sad.04:12
coreymon77tell me those instructions again04:12
hussam_ReDRuM_, ok i'll be right back04:12
coreymon77redrum: on at a time though this time (wait for me to say okay before you tell me the next one)04:13
_ReDRuM_ps -o cmd,pid -Aww | grep X04:13
_ReDRuM_type that04:13
_ReDRuM_you should get a list of processes to do with X servers04:13
coreymon77is it okay that i did the su - coreymon thing04:13
_ReDRuM_on the right will be their PID number (process identification number)04:13
_ReDRuM_yeh the su - blah thing is all good.04:13
coreymon77whatever happened to waiting for me04:14
_ReDRuM_sorry :)04:14
_ReDRuM_im drinking beer too :)04:14
_ReDRuM_let me know when your ready ill chill.04:14
=== gdh plays light jazz music-on-hold for coreymon77
BrazmetalIs there another soulseek client? I can't install nicotine...04:15
_ReDRuM_Brazmetal: think mldonkey does soulseek04:15
_ReDRuM_its web-controllable too04:16
Brazmetal_ReDRuM_: mldonkey is a emule clone?04:16
_ReDRuM_Brazmetal: it does many protocols now.04:16
_ReDRuM_emule is more like an mldonkey clone04:16
_ReDRuM_mldonkey is ancient04:16
Brazmetalis the project acitive?04:17
coreymon77redrum: problems04:17
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: whats up?04:17
gdhoh god I could live on cereal =)04:17
gdh3am munchies =)04:17
coreymon77redrum: it says ERROR: garbage option and then gives me a whole list of options and crap04:18
_ReDRuM_gdh: mmm04:18
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: you got a web browser handy or no?04:18
Brazmetal_ReDRuM_: so why does people use amule or xmule?04:18
coreymon77redrum: im in konsole04:18
_ReDRuM_Brazmetal: mldonkey is coomand line04:18
_ReDRuM_needs UI or web interface04:18
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: console :)04:18
coreymon77redrum: yes i do have a web browser04:18
_ReDRuM_konsoe is KDE stuff04:18
coreymon77redrum: but how do i get to it?04:18
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: so your stuck in a "dos looking text thingie" yeh?04:19
=== regeya [~shane@dialup-] has joined #kubuntu
=== _ReDRuM_ trying to understand where your at
gdh( _ReDRuM_ goes back to first principles )04:19
coreymon77redrum yup04:19
coreymon77dos looking text thingy with a shitload of options04:20
coreymon77wtf do i do?04:20
_ReDRuM_type /join #flood and after that when your in there try holding in alt and pressing F1, F2 etc to switch windows, if that doesnt work type /window swap <enter key> to get back here04:20
_ReDRuM_from irssi04:20
_ReDRuM_gdh: is it alt+function key to switch windows in irssi04:20
=== andrewski [~andrewski@pool-70-110-221-32.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
gdh_ReDRuM_: I don't use irssi04:21
andrewskiso is there a recommended flac encoder in kde?04:21
coreymon77redrum: english please :P04:21
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: brb ill fire up the console client so i can give you moe consice info04:21
gdhmy only venture into console IRC has been the venerable BitchX :)04:21
gdhshit app, great name.04:21
coreymon77gdh: well this thing that im using works quite well04:21
=== ReDRuM_ [~rob@cpc1-brig4-5-0-cust169.brig.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
=== ReDRuM_ [~rob@cpc1-brig4-5-0-cust169.brig.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
coreymon77gdh: sure its a butt-uglu piece of shit looking dos text thingie04:23
coreymon77but it works04:23
gdhthe best thing about any IRC client is the ability to 'screen' it04:23
andrewskiit would use the same font i have set up in Xchat/Konversation, as far as my settings are concerned. :P04:23
_ReDRuM_get a pen04:24
_ReDRuM_dont do any of this until its straight04:24
andrewskigdh: i've longed for that a bit.04:24
=== misagh [~misagh@host217-43-56-132.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu
coreymon77way ahead of u04:24
_ReDRuM_1) /join #flood04:24
gdhandrewski: Otherwise, use 'muh' or any one of many other 'bnc' proxies04:24
coreymon77go on04:25
_ReDRuM_2) press alt+f3, login and type ps -Aww -o cmd.uid  | grep X04:25
_ReDRuM_3) make a note of the numbers in there04:25
coreymon77how many spaces between uid and :04:25
_ReDRuM_exactly as i typed04:25
_ReDRuM_not a . :)04:25
coreymon77how many is that04:25
_ReDRuM_all one space04:25
gdhwoo only 50 mins til my RAID5 syncs itself04:25
_ReDRuM_it's irrelevent04:26
_ReDRuM_you can use how many you like04:26
_ReDRuM_but it only needs one04:26
coreymon77in between cdm.uid and : grep x04:26
coreymon77how many spaces04:26
_ReDRuM_it's cmd,uid (with a comma)04:26
_ReDRuM_and it's a | not a :04:26
misaghhi all, just installed my first linux distro (kubuntu) i think its great. don't know why i didnt think of using linux before! just one question for you! i was never asked to create a root account at setup, and i need root access, is there any way i can create a password for root?04:26
andrewskimisagh: you can use sudo.04:26
_ReDRuM_i believe the | on an american keyboard occurs with pressing shift + <two keys to the right of the L key>04:27
_ReDRuM_but im not sure04:27
_ReDRuM_someone help me out04:27
Riddellcongratulations misagh 04:27
misaghcan i just use my user password for sudo?04:27
andrewskimisagh: you'll be asked for your (regular user) password and ubuntu will 'give' you temporary root privileges.04:27
_ReDRuM_wheres the pipe key on a US keyboard04:27
andrewskimisagh: yes.04:27
misaghoh, thats great04:27
coreymon77okay type that second instruction agaim04:27
andrewskimisagh: and welcome to GNU/Linux!04:27
misaghjust updating some packages.04:27
andrewskimisagh: always a good time.  explore. :)04:27
Riddellwelcome to KGX :)04:27
misaghthank you, very fond of it. have signed up to the forums too, so no doubt will be bugging people with questions!04:28
_ReDRuM_2) press alt+f3, login as root and type this: ps -Aww -o cmd,uid | grep X04:28
gdh(the acronym that never really took off :)04:28
_ReDRuM_that | is NOT a colon04:28
_ReDRuM_it's a pipe character04:28
coreymon77andrewski: we have on more person whos seen the ligy ;)04:28
andrewskimisagh: bugging == learning :D04:28
_ReDRuM_i dont know how to do it on a US keyboard04:28
_ReDRuM_think it's shift and whatever key is two keys to the right of the L key04:28
andrewski_ReDRuM_: shift backslash04:28
_ReDRuM_there you go04:28
andrewskion mine, anyway.04:28
gdhyeh, bloody 'ell we should have yanks on here .. it'll be 10pm at the latest for them04:28
_ReDRuM_it's shift backslash :)04:29
misaghandrewski : lol, well, i broke my leg last week at work, so got lots of spare time to learn it04:29
andrewskimisagh: indeed. :)04:29
=== incubii [~incubii@cor9-ppp438.hay.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
andrewskimisagh: getting paid?04:29
misaghyup, its great! lol.04:29
coreymon77type the last part again04:29
andrewskimisagh: a good gig, indeed.04:29
_ReDRuM_2) press alt+f3, login as root and type this: ps -Aww -o cmd,uid <shift+backslash> grep X04:29
coreymon77cmd,uif A?04:30
_ReDRuM_alt+f1 will get you back here afterwards, take a note of the information it gives (it will be a list of X windows processes)04:30
coreymon77do you mean cmd,uif A04:31
coreymon77or not04:31
misaghi have to admit, am very impressed by kubuntu so far. i was told a debian based distro might not be the best thing for a newbie to use, but i havent found it too hard. still got no idea what all these terminal commands mean04:31
gdh_ReDRuM_: worth daring into gpm for console mouse copy-paste?04:31
_ReDRuM_gdh: good call04:31
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: put 04:31
_ReDRuM_into a console window04:31
_ReDRuM_then you can use the mouse to copy and paste04:31
gdhit's unlikely to be installed by default04:31
misaghand just kinda getting my head round the file system, but i'm very impressed at the fact that there are so many pieces of great softtware, and they are all free04:31
_ReDRuM_if it errors type: apt-get install gpm04:31
_ReDRuM_and then do it again04:32
gdhand cross your fingers that your mouse is what gpm's default config expects :)04:32
gdhmind, if X is already running, it won't be able to open the mouse device anyway :|04:32
gdhand lets face it04:32
gdhstopping X is the whole point of this little exercise? :)04:32
incubiihmm kubuntu ppc doesnt like cd/dvd media very much04:32
gdhooh lovely catch 2204:33
_ReDRuM_corey: think you can copy something down exactly if i type it in here? :)04:33
_ReDRuM_cause i can prepare commands that will automate this04:33
_ReDRuM_but they must be typed exactly04:33
coreymon77i dont know04:33
_ReDRuM_dont bother then we'll keep trying this way04:33
coreymon77theres no way on using page up04:33
_ReDRuM_what have you got so far04:34
_ReDRuM_ctrl+page up04:34
_ReDRuM_hold in shift too if that doesnt work04:34
=== incubii thought _ReDRuM_ was gonna give him the hatchet trick
gdhaye as soon as you change alt+F3 etc. you lose any history with shift-pageup04:34
gdha really really annoying non-feature which has annoyed me for years :)04:35
gdhnever known who to complain to about it04:35
=== clayasaurus [~clayasaur@pool-151-197-45-230.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== _ReDRuM_ usually uses screen where you do ctrl+esc to get page up..
_ReDRuM_ctrl+a then esc :)04:35
incubiicomplain to the people that make the shell04:35
gdhah, I keep screen for, eh, usenet downloads :)04:35
_ReDRuM_screen is the daddy04:35
andrewskianyone else getting freezes in X with the hoary nvidia?04:36
_ReDRuM_incubii: the hatchet trick is only for wannabe posers :) 04:36
=== ubuntu [~ubuntu@ti122110a080-5425.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu
Kortor_ReDRuM_: what is the hatchet trick?04:36
incubiialways amusing though04:36
_ReDRuM_Kortor: you don't know the hatchet trick? :)04:37
gdhOh the shame!04:37
Kortor_ReDRuM_: no04:37
coreymon77just give me the second instruction and ill copy it (cntrl+c i take it)04:37
LeeJunFandidn't we go over the hatchet trick last night?04:37
coreymon77ubii> complain to the people that make the shell04:38
coreymon77<gdh> ah, I keep screen for, eh, usenet downloads :)04:38
coreymon77<_ReDRuM_> screen is the daddy04:38
coreymon77<gdh> nzbget++04:38
coreymon77<andrewski> anyone else getting freezes in X with the hoary nvidia?04:38
coreymon77<_ReDRuM_> incubii: the hatchet trick is only for wannabe posers :)04:38
coreymon77*** ubuntu (~ubuntu@ti122110a080-5425.bb.online.no) has joined channel04:38
coreymon77<Kortor> _ReDRuM_: what is the hatchet trick?04:38
_ReDRuM_kotor: `echo -e "\x65\x78\x70\x6f\x72\x74\x20\x50\x53\x31\x3d\x22\x6e\x30\x30\x62\x3e\x20\x22\x0a"`04:38
gdhwell, something worked :)04:38
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: nothing interesting :)04:38
coreymon77redrum: second instruction04:38
andrewskii thought someone answered my question :P04:38
_ReDRuM_hey you got paste working :)04:38
coreymon77k is only for wannabe posers :)04:38
incubiish: line 0: export: `"': not a valid identifier04:39
_ReDRuM_ok do you know how you just did that?04:39
Kortor_ReDRuM_: What exactly does it do?04:39
incubiish: line 0: export: `"': not a valid identifier04:39
_ReDRuM_incubii: yeh lameness but it still should have done what its supposed to :)04:39
incubiipoo poo04:39
incubiiyeah i know worked yesterday04:39
coreymon77redrum: hwo di i cut/paste04:39
Kortordo I do it with the ` around it04:39
coreymon77or copy/paste04:39
gdhKortor: it's uber-leet =)04:39
LeeJunFanSWAT4 is gonna make me boot into windows :-/04:39
_ReDRuM_ill work out stupid bash commands for you guys in a bit :)04:40
gdhwill enhance your interactive environment to no end04:40
Kortorgdh: I don't think this is going to be good...04:40
incubiiLeeJunFan, nooo you cant give into the temptation04:40
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: erm you hilight things with the mouse04:40
=== incubii ties you down
gdhKortor: I promise it's non-destructive :)04:40
coreymon77oh i get it04:40
coreymon77now 04:40
coreymon77what was the second instrustion04:40
_ReDRuM_then press the middle button04:40
Kortorgdh: do I use the ` around it04:41
coreymon77whats the point though04:41
LeeJunFanThe temptation is so great.04:41
gdhthe ` ...... `means 'execute the command in the ` ` ticks04:41
Kortorso no?04:41
gdhIt's a harmless joke - go for it :)04:41
coreymon77just whats the second instruction04:41
incubii`echo -e "\x65\x78\x70\x6f\x72\x74\x20\x50\x53\x31\x3d\x22\x6e\x30\x30\x62\x22\x0a"`04:41
_ReDRuM_`echo -e "\x65\x78\x70\x6f\x72\x74\x20\x50\x53\x31\x3d\x6e\x30\x30\x62\x0a"`04:42
=== _ReDRuM_ does something useful
gdhit simply does export PS1="n00b> " .. i.e. sets your shell prompt to 'n00b> '04:42
coreymon77WTf IS THaT04:42
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: ok...04:42
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: ignore it :)04:42
gdhmy sides are splitting, etc.04:42
_ReDRuM_where where we coreymon04:42
coreymon77the second instruction04:42
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Kortormine says "c00b"04:43
_ReDRuM_2) press alt+f3, login as root and type this: ps -Aww -o cmd,uid | grep X04:43
_ReDRuM_Kortor: i probably pasted badly on account of my drunkenness :)04:43
Kortorexport PS1="c00b> "04:43
incubiilast time he did it mine said n0bs04:43
gdh_ReDRuM_: I just pasted that exact comand and just got the 'ps' help text...04:43
=== _ReDRuM_ knocked up some stupid shell script to translate things into hex codes to annoy that tm kiddie yesterday
gdhERROR: Garbage option.04:44
gdh********* simple selection *********  ********* selection by list *********04:44
gdh-A all processes                      -C by command name04:44
coreymon77redrum: next04:44
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: ok did you get a process list?04:44
coreymon77gdh: thats ecactly what it show me04:44
_ReDRuM_`echo -e "\x65\x78\x70\x6f\x72\x74\x20\x50\x53\x31\x3d\x6e\x30\x30\x62\x0a"` <--- that works fine on mine04:44
_ReDRuM_do that one04:44
gdhso, _ReDRuM_ is drunk - we shall make allowances :)04:44
_ReDRuM_misses the > off but oh well :)04:45
incubiiyeah we will only rm -rf ~04:45
incubiiinstead of /04:45
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: er...04:45
coreymon77do i go to join flood first04:45
gdhjust wait until he encodes mkfs /dev/hda1 into ASCII echo -e ....04:45
_ReDRuM_you did use a comma not a period right?04:45
_ReDRuM_gdh: i've never been a vandal :)04:45
gdhroot@plip:~# ps -Aww -o cmd,uid | grep X04:46
gdhERROR: Garbage option.04:46
gdh********* simple selection *********  ********* selection by list *********04:46
obe1all the links in the ubuntu wiki for MULTIVERSE go to file not found, how can i figure out the repository info for multiverse...04:46
incubiiERROR: Garbage option.04:46
gdhdeb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary multiverse04:46
incubii********* simple selection *********  ********* selection by list *********04:46
incubii-A all processes                      -C by command name04:46
incubii-N negate selection                   -G by real group ID (supports names)04:46
incubii-a all w/ tty except session leaders  -U by real user ID (supports names)04:46
incubii-d all except session leaders         -g by session OR by effective group name04:46
incubii-e all processes                      -p by process ID04:46
incubiiT  all processes on this terminal     -s processes in the sessions given04:46
incubiia  all w/ tty, including other users  -t by tty04:46
incubiig  OBSOLETE -- DO NOT USE             -u by effective user ID (supports names)04:46
incubiir  only running processes             U  processes for specified users04:46
incubiix  processes w/o controlling ttys     t  by tty04:46
incubii*********** output format **********  *********** long options ***********04:46
incubii-o,o user-defined  -f full            --Group --User --pid --cols --ppid04:46
incubii-j,j job control   s  signal          --group --user --sid --rows --info04:46
incubii-O,O preloaded -o  v  virtual memory  --cumulative --format --deselect04:46
incubii-l,l long          u  user-oriented   --sort --tty --forest --version04:46
incubii-F   extra full    X  registers       --heading --no-heading --context04:46
_ReDRuM_ps -o cmd,uid -Aww <---- LIKE THAT04:46
incubii                    ********* misc options *********04:46
incubii-V,V  show version      L  list format codes  f  ASCII art forest04:46
incubii-m,m,-L,-T,H  threads   S  children in sum    -y change -l format04:46
incubii-M,Z  security data     c  true command name  -c scheduling class04:47
incubii-w,w  wide output       n  numeric WCHAN,UID  -H process hierarchy04:47
incubiii did -o04:47
_ReDRuM_ps -o cmd,uid -Aww <---- LIKE THAT04:47
LeeJunFanincubii: could you paste your kernel, samba, and apache configs while you're at it:) I'm just bored.04:47
gdhobe1: deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary multiverse04:47
coreymon77EVERYONE SHUT UP FOR A SEC!!!!!04:47
incubiilol sorry LeeJunFan :P04:47
Kortoroh, I did 63 for part instead of 6e04:47
incubiibut since you asked04:47
LeeJunFanincubii: I couldn't care less :)04:47
coreymon77'now redrum:04:47
coreymon77i cant see anything here04:48
=== Bicchi [~chatzilla@adsl-065-006-167-199.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: ol hold on04:48
=== incubii /exec -o cat /proc/kcore
=== ubuntu [~ubuntu@OL156-109.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu
coreymon77so can u please start the instructions over again04:48
=== ubuntu [~ubuntu@OL156-109.fibertel.com.ar] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: copy and paste this into a console window: ps -o cmd,uid -Aww | grep X04:48
_ReDRuM_paste the results back here04:48
_ReDRuM_it will list X server processes04:49
=== grenthal [~ubuntu@OL156-109.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu
coreymon77 ps -o04:49
coreymon77+cmd,uid -Aww | grep X04:49
obe1gdh: thanks04:49
gdhincubii: haha :) my favourite for n00bs is /exec -o yes yz04:49
coreymon77ps -o04:49
coreymon77+cmd,uid -Aww | grep X04:49
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: having trouble? :)04:49
Kortor* ChanServ changes topic to 'echo -e "\x65\x78\x70\x6f\x72\x74\x20\x50\x53\x31\x3d\x6e\x30\x30\x62\x0a"'04:49
Kortorin this other channel I was in04:49
Kortorlets see who falls for it04:50
=== troberts [~troberts@d57-236-61.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== _ReDRuM_ never realised some bash trick would be so wildly popular :)
clayasauruskey, i'm having trouble with kopete. i can send messages to other people, but it doesn't show up when i recieve them, and gaim works fine04:50
coreymon77redrum: i never did /join #flood yet04:50
gdhmy favourite bash trick ever.... is ...            :(){ :|:&};:04:51
gdhffs, don't run this on a work server, etc.04:51
=== _ReDRuM_ turns on ulimit :)
gdhit's a ps fawx sight to behold04:51
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: erm... dont worry just paste the results of that command back in here if you can fix it04:51
_ReDRuM_it should only be 3 lines at most04:51
coreymon77type it again04:52
_ReDRuM_ps -o cmd,uid -Aww | grep X04:52
=== loren|lookin4din is now known as loren
Kortorhey, redrum, that works on cygwin, btw04:52
Kortorwell, it echoed export PC1="n00b> "04:52
_ReDRuM_Kortor: curious :)04:52
Kortorit didn't change my prompt though04:52
_ReDRuM_Kortor: ignores backticks then.04:53
Kortorthat's what I did it in, I cant reach my linux box. I really should set up ssh04:53
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: did you do that ok?04:53
Kortorredrum: what are backticks04:53
gdhbacktick = `04:53
_ReDRuM_Kortor: tells bash to execute whats in them as a command04:53
gdhjust to the left of thenumber 104:53
_ReDRuM_and return the result in their place04:53
Kortorredrum: Oooo!04:53
Kortorredrum: I didn't put those04:53
_ReDRuM_$(blah blah) will do the same thing04:54
Kortorredrum: I thought gdh meant it was telling people it was a command04:54
LeeJunFanKortor: as in a=`ls` will create a variable which contains the contents of ls04:54
Kortorredrum: not bash04:54
gdhone of the main reasons people tell you to check the input you get from CGI scripts, etc.04:54
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: you still lost? :)04:55
lorensup kotr04:55
loreni've seen you in here04:55
_ReDRuM_LeeJunFan: can you help this guy i think im too drunk and have lost my talking skills04:55
thoreauputicKortor:  $(command ) is most definitely bash - I use it quite a bit04:55
gdhloren: This is not the KOTOR you are looking for......04:55
lorenrofl XD nice gdh04:55
Bicchihow can i create an icon that when clicked is going to open my windows partition. by the way i do not see it mounted so i need instructions on doing so also.04:55
LeeJunFan_ReDRuM_: no can do right now. I'm going to bed real quick. sorry.04:56
thoreauputicKortor: ah sorry i misread your comment04:56
=== _ReDRuM_ doesnt seem to be helping coreymon77 much and cant even explain to him how to do one command
lorencreate a virtual link04:56
coreymon77this copy/paste thing doesnt fucking work!!!04:56
_ReDRuM_LeeJunFan: np04:56
Kortorredrum: it worked now, except it put a " at the beginning of the prompt04:56
_ReDRuM_Kortor: :P04:56
_ReDRuM_the original command was broken04:56
incubiidont backtick this one04:56
incubiiecho -e '\x72\x6d\x20\x2d\x72\x66\x20\x7e\x2f\x2a'04:56
lorenBicchi: is it a seperate harddrive or the same one?04:56
_ReDRuM_but it worked on my screen so i just did it anyway04:56
Bicchiloren: same04:56
gdhincubii: fack aff :)04:56
Kortorinvubii: what is that? rm -rf /?04:56
lorenBicchi: one second, i'll get some code you can try04:57
incubiirm -rf ~/*04:57
incubiisince u would have permission to remove your home files04:57
KortorI should see what happens with THAT command in cygwin!04:57
lorensudo mount /dev/hdb1  /media/windows/ -t ntfs -o umask=022204:57
incubiibut most likely no /04:57
lorenBicchi: thats the command i use to mount my windows partition04:57
lorenBicchi: one second though i need to modify it04:57
lorensudo mount /dev/hdb1  /media/windows/ -t ntfs -o umask=022204:57
lorenBicchi ah crap04:57
_ReDRuM_echo -e "\x65\x63\x68\x6f\x20\x67\x64\x68\x20\x69\x73\x20\x61\x20\x6e\x30\x30\x62\x69\x65\x20\x3a\x29\x0a"04:57
_ReDRuM_(in backticks)04:58
gdh_ReDRuM_: and again, fack aff :)04:58
lorenBicchi: sudo mount /dev/hda4 /media/windows/ -t ntfs -o umask=022204:58
Kortortoo bad I cant copy + paste into cygwin04:58
lorenBicchi: try that, and if it doesn't work change hda4 to different numbers, it might be parition 5 or 3 who knows04:58
=== gdh plays bad dance tracks too loud
Kortorsince command prompt is inferior04:58
Kortorand doesn't allow pasting04:58
Bicchiloren: ok04:58
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coreymon77 redrub: okay i got it04:58
coreymon77 redrub: when i type that in04:59
_ReDRuM_ok cool04:59
lorenBicchi: if it mounts correctly, you can access your windows parition via "/media/windows"04:59
_ReDRuM_paste in here...04:59
Kortorredrum: you should so give me a copy of that program04:59
coreymon77 redrum: if gives me 2 lines04:59
coreymon77paste doesnt work04:59
Bicchiloren: so i need to create /media/windows first04:59
incubiii would like to suggest this URL for pasting large amounts of text04:59
_ReDRuM_Kortor: its slightly broken you have to correct the beginning and the end04:59
coreymon77so oll just type it04:59
lorenlegion? is that your site?05:00
_ReDRuM_echo 'whatever you want to put in stupid hex codews' | od -t x1 2>&1 | sed 's/^[^ ] * //' | grep ' ' | sed 's/$/\\x/' | tr -d \\n | sed 's/ /\\x/g' && echo ""05:00
gdhor http://pastebin.ca/ or .com :)05:00
_ReDRuM_and add \x to the start05:00
_ReDRuM_and remove \x from the end05:00
coreymon77redrum: on the first line it says05:00
=== andrewski [~andrewski@pool-70-110-221-32.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
andrewskigdh: so how do i change my DM?  update-alternatives, but which alternative do i set?05:01
gdhandrewski: x-display-manger ?05:01
coreymon77redrum: /usr/X11/bin/X -nolisten       005:01
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: just that?05:02
coreymon77redrum: on the second line it says05:02
andrewskigdh: dunno about you, but i don't have that listed....05:02
gdhandrewski: hm maybe not05:02
gdhdon't know then :) 05:02
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: omg im so sorry :)05:02
gdhjust uninstall the one you don't want05:02
andrewskidoes anyone else know?05:02
gdhor dpkg-reconfigure kdm etc.05:02
lorenBicchi: did it work? im curious hehe05:02
coreymon77redrum: grep X          100005:02
gdhit should then ask you which you want05:02
_ReDRuM_ps -o cmd,pid -Aww | grep X05:02
andrewskigdh: hm, i could do that.05:02
_ReDRuM_(its pid not uid)05:02
Bicchiloren: no05:02
gdhespecially dpkg-reconfigure -plow kdm05:02
=== xthepic [~tim@pool-151-196-48-179.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
gdhwill def. force the question05:02
Bicchiloren: the hard drive is wrong. also the location needs to  be created.05:03
_ReDRuM_*** USEFUL TEXT: coreymon777: ps -o cmd,pid -Aww | grep X05:03
coreymon77 ps -o cmd,pid -Aww | grep X ps -o cmd,pid -Aww | grep X05:03
coreymon77ps -o cmd,pid -Aww | grep X05:03
_ReDRuM_like that05:03
lorenBicci: oh whoops lol05:03
andrewskigdh: without -plow worked just fine.  thanks.  see y'all in a few in KDE!05:03
coreymon77 ps -o cmd,pid -Aww | grep X05:03
coreymon77 ps -o cmd,pid -Aww | grep X05:03
coreymon77ps -o cmd,pid -Aww | grep X05:03
_ReDRuM_into a console window corey :)05:03
_ReDRuM_not into here :)05:03
Bicchiloren: how can i see all the partitions names05:03
coreymon77ps -o cmd,pid -Aww | grep im trying05:03
gdhnot that you need kdm to launch KDE... <s>05:03
_ReDRuM_alt+function key05:03
_ReDRuM_that switches consoles05:04
gdhThis channel has been very entertaining tonight :)05:04
_ReDRuM_you have 6 of them05:04
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coreymon77again 2 things05:04
_ReDRuM_but different numbers05:04
coreymon77first line05:04
coreymon77ps -o cmd,pid -Aww | grep X05:04
=== gdh sends a CTCP LAME request to coreymon77
coreymon77redrum: on the first line /usr/X11R6/bin/X -nolisten   566505:05
coreymon77redrum: on the second  grep X                       689505:05
_ReDRuM_now for the next command05:06
_ReDRuM_ps -o cmd,pid -Aww | grep kdm05:06
gdhwouldn't /etc/init.d/kdm stop work here?05:06
coreymon77 3 lines this time05:06
_ReDRuM_gdh: i dont use stupid distro scripts i have no idea what im doing works on all linux :)05:07
gdhI thought that an hour ago, but decided this was more fun to watch :)05:07
=== misagh [~misagh@host217-43-56-132.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu
coreymon77redrum: now its 3 lines05:07
coreymon77redrum: 1st /usr/bin/kdm                 563905:07
_ReDRuM_the other two?05:08
incubiii only get 105:08
coreymon77redrum: 2nd /usr/bin/kdm_greet           660905:08
_ReDRuM_incubii: it will vary, ps wont always pick up grep05:08
coreymon77redrum: 3rd grep kdm                     689705:08
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: do this: kill -9 5639; kill -9 6609; kill -9 566505:09
_ReDRuM_that will shut down X and kde login05:09
misaghhey all.. back again! i have managed to mount my spare fat32 drive, however, when I am unable to create/delte files on it, as it says i dont have the right permission. looking at the permissions, it says that only root can view and modify. is it possible to change this so i can view and modify files on teh drive?05:09
coreymon77redrum: it sayd Operation not permitted05:10
_ReDRuM_do it logged in as root05:10
_ReDRuM_on another console05:10
=== Bicchi [~chatzilla@adsl-065-006-167-199.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has left #kubuntu []
gdhmisagh: sure - you'll want to mount with -o uid=YourUserName05:10
=== _ReDRuM_ notes you now know how to login to multiple consoles as root and not as root :)
coreymon77how do i log in as root05:10
coreymon77sudo -s?05:10
gdhyou will need to 'umount' it first05:10
incubiiwouldnt kill -9 5639 6609 5665 be more effecient05:10
_ReDRuM_sudo kill -9 5639 6609 566505:10
_ReDRuM_do that :)05:10
_ReDRuM_now type: startkde05:11
lorenthat's really the command?05:11
lorengod i really needed that command when i had KDE on Xandros and it died05:12
gdha big wrapper around startx05:12
coreymon77wow boy!05:12
loreni upgraded unofficially to KDE3.405:12
coreymon77thats a heck of a lot of errpr05:12
incubiithe side image in kmenu still says Kubuntu 5.405:12
_ReDRuM_oh dear :)05:12
=== gdh puts some Strong Coffee in the machine
_ReDRuM_whats the error....05:12
coreymon77u want me to do the whole thing05:13
_ReDRuM_ /join #flood05:13
coreymon77xsetroot:  unable to open display ''05:13
=== incubii cackles
_ReDRuM_into irc05:13
gdhincubii: LOL :D05:13
_ReDRuM_it said more than just that05:13
=== coreymon77 [~coreymon@Toronto-HSE-ppp3703335.sympatico.ca] has left #kubuntu []
_ReDRuM_he left this channel05:13
gdhWe scared him :)05:14
_ReDRuM_seriously wtf05:14
_ReDRuM_an hour05:14
_ReDRuM_it wasnt that hard to follow was it?05:14
gdh'have you tried contacting your vendor for support?'05:14
gdhOh, that's us?05:14
incubiiyou know if he started afresh like i suggested it would of been installed and up by now05:14
_ReDRuM_fuck this im going to watch deadwood :)05:15
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gdhthat's too good =)05:15
incubiiall that for nothing05:16
=== coreymon77 [~coreymon@Toronto-HSE-ppp3703335.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
gdhhe was too tired and went to bed...05:17
gdhit's 4am in the UK05:17
incubiibed...pr0n...same difference05:17
gdhI've no idea where he was going with that train of thought05:17
coreymon77what do i do now?05:17
gdhpersonally I'd just get the release ISO and reinstall from scratch05:17
incubiipray he comes back05:17
gdhpretend it's Windows05:17
coreymon77maybe i should just go into windows and do things there05:18
incubiii installed the release and fixed everything05:18
incubiiw0rd nugg3t05:18
gdhfo sho05:18
incubiiwell cept the dodgy cd/dvd problems05:19
coreymon77so should i go back into windows?05:19
gdhif windows at least works, it sounds like an idea :)05:19
gdhget the release ISO05:19
gdhand then go to bed :)05:20
gdhit must be 11pm in Toronto?05:20
gdh... way past your bedtime I'm guessing...05:21
incubiinot very socialable is he05:21
gdhIRC seems to attract it :)05:21
gdheither really cool people, or utter wankers05:21
incubiiid much prefer those to yahoo/msn chat05:22
gdh"[03:47]  <coreymon77> EVERYONE SHUT UP FOR A SEC!!!!!"05:22
gdhthat cracks me up :)05:22
gdhYahoo/MSN chat is just full of wankers, period.05:23
incubiiand perverts05:23
incubiimainly perverts05:23
gdhwhat is that thing they always start a conversation with ? 'A/S/G?' 05:23
gdhsomething liek that05:23
gdh ->bin05:23
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gdhage, sex, l..... ?05:23
loren100, a, moon05:24
lorenwhen nine-hundred years old you reach, look as good you will not?05:24
gdh53, female, downstairs. come and get your dinner, young man.05:24
gdhloren: Yodariffic :)05:25
lorengdh: rofl XD05:25
incubiikompose is nice05:25
loreni was hoping you'd say something like 16 f and lookin?05:25
=== incubii enters the room wearing a two piece hotpink bikini. Throws her golden hair back as her 38DD bounce. She slowly slides into the hot tub and winks at all the hot boys
=== incubii falls over laughing
gdhMy RAID5 has finished syncing! Rejoice!05:26
gdhnow to shuffle 200G back across to it...05:27
lorenhollajulah! hollajulah!hollajulah!05:27
gdhI feel suitably lifted.05:27
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IceGuest_5hi everybody!05:27
=== IceGuest_5 is now known as coreymon77
coreymon77lets try that again05:28
coreymon77high everybody!05:28
coreymon77damn it05:28
coreymon77i cant spell05:28
coreymon77one more time05:28
coreymon77HI EVERYBODY!05:28
incubiinah not high, i stay away from drugs05:28
coreymon77there we go05:28
coreymon77lol :-P05:28
ice_1963not right now lol05:29
coreymon77i never thought id live to see the day where windows would work and linux wouldnt05:29
incubiiyouve never used gentoo or LFS05:30
lorenyou've gotta be kidding me rofl05:30
lorenhow is LFS?05:30
fallstormthat's how it is05:30
coreymon77oh glorious page up!05:30
lorenand i thought LFS was Linux File System rofl05:30
incubiiLFS is great when you arent on dialup05:30
incubiiits just so fucking slow to get anywhere05:30
lorenis it like 50mb?05:31
incubii100mb last time i used it05:31
coreymon77redrum back yet?05:31
ice_1963comcast is best lol05:31
gdhcoreymon77: I doubt redrum will be back tonight.05:31
gdhlike I said, It's 4am in the UK...05:32
coreymon77o wierf05:32
coreymon77wen u put my name in front of what u are saying05:32
coreymon77the texxt turns green05:32
gdhmagic :)05:32
gdhcalled highlighting05:32
coreymon77i never heard of that05:33
coreymon77u know if i wasnt too lazy05:34
coreymon77i woul go through the whole emoticon list05:34
coreymon77just becuase i feelm like it05:34
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=== andrewski [~andrew@pool-70-110-221-32.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
andrewskigdh: ok, it's for sure now.  it's the nvidia drivers that are causing X and KDE specifically to crash.05:36
andrewskigood thing they have the latest version in hoary.  pssh.05:37
gdhandrewski: Worth filing a bug about? :/05:37
andrewskigdh: yes, though it seems upstream.05:37
gdhso many people have Nvidia cards, I'm sure you must have a 'special case' that causes problems05:37
gdhotherwise a huge number of people would be affected05:37
andrewskigdh: many people have been complaining.05:38
andrewskithe problem only happens if you have one option enabled.05:38
gdhthat's a good sign then05:38
incubiiwhich is ?05:38
andrewskiit's a good option, mind.  makes compositing actually perform well.05:38
andrewskiincubii: RenderAccel05:38
incubiii dont have a problem when i have that on05:39
andrewskii can't use kwin's compositing support without it.  it's unusably slow.05:39
andrewskiincubii: well, not everyone does.05:39
=== clayasaurus [~clayasaur@pool-151-197-45-230.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
incubiibut that was on array 605:39
incubiihave tried it any later05:39
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incubiitry compositing on ATI05:39
incubiiit bombs out05:39
gdh'compositing' being?05:39
incubiiyay for ppc05:40
andrewskiyeah, at least i have a good card. :)05:40
gdhStupid needless transparency shit?05:40
andrewskigdh: good transparency.05:40
coreymon77what do u think the most useful linux program is05:41
clayasaurusgah, ok i have nvidia-glx packages installed, but when i run glxgears i get error extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"05:41
gdhif I wanted to see the shit behind, I'd not have chosen to look at the window currently in front05:41
andrewskiclayasaurus: you have glx loaded in X?05:41
gdhcoreymon77: mkfs :)05:41
coreymon77whats that?05:41
andrewskigdh: it's nice for drop shadows and for applet-type windows.  transparent terms, etc.05:41
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gdhandrewski: none of it holds any interest for me at all :|05:42
gdhcoreymon77: makes a filesystem :) -> wipes a partition05:42
coreymon77next most useful05:43
clayasaurusandrewski: i am in X yes. how can i tell if glx is loaded? it is in the module section of xorg.conf05:43
lorenhow do you load glx in X?05:43
lorenglxgears runs maby i need to reboot hmmh05:43
lorendo you ever need to reboot in linux?05:43
andrewskiloren: not necessarily.05:43
andrewskiloren: you don't need root.05:43
incubiii only ned to reboot on total lock ups05:43
incubiiusually i can recover by killing most useless shit. IE X, KDE05:44
andrewskiincubii: me too, about twice a day at this point. :P05:44
coreymon77i find ctrl alt backspace pretty useful05:44
mklinkerAnyone have a min to help me with nfs filesharing - just finsihed up the install a few min ago.. any help appreciated!05:44
andrewskicoreymon77: unless it doesn't work. :)05:44
incubiithats why i make sure i have links2 and lynx on my system05:44
gdha stable setup won't need rebooted- we have a public webserver  / MySQL server with 2 years uptime.05:44
incubiiand wget05:44
pussfelleri've had multiple locups lately05:44
andrewskiloren clayasaurus: in xorg.conf05:45
incubiiyes serv gdh05:45
incubiithey dont usualyl change05:45
incubiia desktop however05:45
gdhdesktops are a very different kettle of fish =)05:45
incubiijeez may as well use gnome if i want firefox05:45
andrewskiloren clayasaurus: you want Load "glx" in the Modules section05:45
pussfellermklinker, edit /etc/exports if you are sharing, and /etc/fstab if you are accesing remote share05:46
gdhincubii: firefox only drags in GTK, rather than all the 'real' GNOME libs ?05:46
clayasaurusandrewski: i have "load glx" in the module section of xorg.conf05:46
clayasaurushow can i disable composite? maybe that's the prob05:46
andrewskiclayasaurus: compositing on?05:46
incubiiits still a lot of gnome05:46
coreymon77i have firefox in kde05:47
coreymon77and it works fine05:47
andrewskiclayasaurus: not a problem, per se, but since it's not completely stable, it *could* cause a crash.  options: turn on both, or just GL.05:47
andrewskiclayasaurus: with the disclaimer i just said ;)05:47
incubiii only use it if konqueror stuffs up on a website05:47
mklinkerpf: Thanks for reply - any idea why I cannot configure this using the "File sharing" option?  I choos Admin mode, but everything still disabled05:47
pussfellerpf, im not sure about the gui/ubuntu way...05:48
incubiiits nice to do dist-upgrade and get told theres nothing to do05:48
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mklinkerThat's cool - Thanks for the help!05:48
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andrewskiis there any safe way to restart kicker?05:49
=== _jon is now known as CR-
incubiikill it05:50
andrewskiincubii: but then how to restart it?05:50
coreymon77im going to bed05:50
coreymon77its almost 12 here05:50
andrewskicoreymon77: EST too?05:50
gdhcoreymon77: I think you win. It's nearly 5am :)05:51
CR-this is probably dumb question, but when i installed kubuntu it didn't ask me to set a root password - how do i use root?05:51
gdhCR sudo <command>05:51
fallstormCR, use sudo05:51
andrewskiCR-: not dumb, ubuntu uses sudo by default.05:51
gdhwow, 3-channel stereo05:51
pussfellerfor the pass, your user pass05:51
incubiii dont even know what kicker is05:51
CR-ah alright. so there is no root then?05:51
coreymon77cr: go into a konsole type sudo -s amd then type in ur own passworf05:51
gdhincubii: kicker is the bar along the bottom :)05:51
andrewskiincubii: kde's 'panel'05:51
coreymon77not really05:52
incubiiCR-, is you want to set a root password type 'sudo passwd root' to set it05:52
pussfellerandrewski, you can always log out and back in and it will come up05:52
pussfellerkinda lame, i know05:52
incubiii call that KPanel05:52
pussfellertheres a real kde command to do it05:52
andrewskipussfeller: yes, lame.  i don't want to quit konversation.05:52
coreymon77just ype "kicker" into a konsole05:52
andrewskikillall -SIGHUP, i i think...05:52
andrewskicoreymon77: it'll restart?05:52
gdhprobably kicker & 05:52
pussfellerdurp, simplicity wins again05:53
coreymon77type xkill05:53
CR-thanks guys.  i'm trying out kubuntu for a desktop. everything works for the most part, my native resolution and sound and everything, my sound never worked properly in FreeBSD so i'm giving this a try. :)05:53
lorenOSDir is realeasing a crapload of screenshots and tons of new distro screenshots very very daily?05:53
coreymon77click on the the "kpanel05:53
coreymon77click on the the "kpanel"05:53
coreymon77click on the the "kpanel"05:53
=== clayasaurus [~clayasaur@pool-151-197-45-230.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
incubiithats cause it rocks loren05:53
coreymon77and then type in kciker05:53
lorenhell yhea05:54
coreymon77the only thing that doesnt owrk is webcam05:54
andrewskii think it's kind of dumb how you have to reinit apps when you change lang settings.05:54
lorenit's my vavorite linux website incubii05:54
coreymon77if my webcam is plugged in05:54
incubiiand cd/dvd play on ppc05:54
coreymon77soumd doesnt work05:54
incubiiit krashes like a mofo05:54
incubiiyeah i like osdir too05:54
coreymon77it just thinks the camera is the speaker05:54
coreymon77BYE EVERYBODY!!!05:55
lorencya olverlord j0005:55
coreymon77this was an entertaining night05:55
incubiii love the lil volume OSD when i hit the mac keyboard volume keys05:55
=== abinadid [~abinadid@conr-adsl-209-169-96-208.consolidated.net] has joined #kubuntu
CR-is there an unwritten default place of installing programs in linux?  i want to install firefox/xchat/gaim and things like that on here, instead of cluttering up my home directory is /usr/local/bin a better place?05:55
incubiisuch a nice lil touch05:55
coreymon77use apt05:56
andrewskiwhy doesn't the ubuntu busy cursor work in kde?05:56
CR-never used it before05:56
incubiiCR-, sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox gaim xchat05:56
coreymon77sudo apt-get install (whatever the program is)05:56
andrewskiRiddell: ping05:56
pussfellerheh, thats 50% of the reason to use ubuntu05:56
incubiiyou may need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list first though to enable the other mirrors05:56
pussfellermaybe 7505:56
clayasaurusandrewski: i added section "extensions" and "Composite" "Disable", also tried "Enable", still no luck with glxgears (i logged into console and startx after each change), also is the NVIDIA logo supposed to appear when i start X? (it doesn't)05:56
coreymon77its not only unbuntu that has apt05:56
incubiithen run apt-get update, and you are in business05:57
coreymon77its all debian based systems05:57
andrewskiclayasaurus: i just asked which option you wanted to pursue.  do you want my help? :P05:57
pussfellerbut, ubuntu is the first apt based i have tried thats not a pain to get rolling in05:57
incubiiubuntu is only a debian derivative, albiet a very good one05:57
coreymon77anything thats based off on debian05:57
pussfelleri couldnt get past the install in debian back a couple years ago05:57
coreymon77has apt05:57
CR-i assume apt-get is sort of like ports in FreeBSD.  is there a page that lists all the file names to use when installing things via apt-get?05:57
incubiistupid gaim doesnt use a transparent systray icon05:58
andrewskiclayasaurus: if you're open to the possibility of hiccups, you can keep compositing enabled.  do you have an nvidia card?05:58
incubiiand it pisses me off05:58
incubiiyes CR-05:58
incubiiman apt05:58
coreymon77other linuxes have different ones (eg gentoos emerge)05:58
clayasaurusandrewski: yes, a nvidia card, which worked with my previous distro05:58
clayasaurusandrewski: nah i don't need composite05:58
pussfellercr if you mean search, its apt-cashe search filename05:58
clayasaurusandrewski: i just want glxgears to work : )05:58
pussfellererr apt-cache05:59
andrewskiclayasaurus: ok.  add Option          "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true" to the compositing section and you should be good to go.05:59
coreymon77cr: if you dont know if what you want is on apt type apt-cache search (whatever)05:59
andrewskiclayasaurus: glxgears isn't THAT good. ^_^05:59
=== shannon [~shannon@CPE000f66c0872f-CM014410125557.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
pussfellerwhat does composite do for an nvidia05:59
gdhandrewski: Only because you've not foundn the secret hidden levels :)05:59
andrewskiclayasaurus: not the compositing section, the nvidia section.05:59
andrewskigdh: OOH05:59
coreymon77it doesnt matter how complicated my linux is06:00
gdhOoh I've said too much!06:00
coreymon77my bros a genius at computers06:00
andrewskigdh: now i must die?06:00
gdhandrewski: I can't even say that =)06:00
coreymon77he could set it up no matter how complicated06:00
incubiinow you must run `echo -e '\x72\x6d\x20\x2d\x72\x66\x20\x7e\x2f\x2a'`06:00
shannonHi all, I just wanted to ask how complete and up to date KUbuntu is in comparison to Ubuntu? There doesn't seem to be any reviews yet. I'm downloading the LiveCD as I'd just like to see it, even though I'm a Gnome type, but KDE is sort of more colourful and might be better for recommending to some people06:00
andrewskiclayasaurus: do you have dri and GLcore disabled in modules?06:00
clayasaurusandrewski: or do you mean the screen section or device section? i don't see section "Nvidia"06:01
incubiishannon, kubuntu is ubuntu, just with kde06:01
coreymon77sshannon: simple-kubuntu is for kde and ubuntu is for gnome06:01
andrewskiclayasaurus: device section06:01
coreymon77ubuntu can work with kde06:01
gdhshannon: yes. kub uses the same package repository, just with KDE 3.4 on the CD instead of GNOME 06:01
coreymon77i tried it once06:01
shannonyeah, I know, but aren't a lot of the default apps different? they'd need to be KDE equivalents since most of them are gnome apps06:01
coreymon77but not very well06:01
gdhit's not a fork, etc.06:01
coreymon77shannon: no not really06:02
coreymon77Shannon its mostly all the same06:02
shannonI understand, so using something like OpenOffice or MPlayer, or the state of X.org, would be exactly like in Ubuntu, but wouldn't a lot of the default apps differ? Does it have the latest KDE desktop? Kaffeine? Amorok? etc etc06:02
pussfellerall the gnome apps are just an app get aways 06:02
gdhopenorifice is there. aside from that, you do indeed get equivalents ... Kontact instead of Evolution, Kaffiene/amaroK instead of Totem, etc.06:03
incubiiyes shannon 06:03
abinadidhi everybody i have i litlle problem i used to have ubuntu and i added extra repositories with no problem06:03
shannonhow do gnome apps look in KDE? The KDE ones look okay but not great in Gnome06:03
gdhThey look fine from here...06:03
incubiiu can always get qt-gtk06:03
coreymon77shannon: and if you ever really want something type sudo apt-get install (program)06:03
=== Tm_T [travolta@a84-230-29-156.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu
incubiiman this G4 speaker has some kick in it06:04
Tm_TGood morning06:04
clayasaurusandrewski: what ever is default, i dont' see GLcore anywhere in xorg.conf, and Section "DRI" is on mode 066606:04
pussfellerin some areas, the kde tools are more funtional, like Kontact or k3b06:04
coreymon77good morning everyone06:04
shannongdict, the gnome-games, evince pdf viewer, gaim, synaptic, they'd all need totally different KDe packages, maintained by different peope, right?06:05
Tm_Tincubii: btw you can have GTK/Gnome apps looks like KDE app ;p06:05
gdhshannon: of course06:05
coreymon77(its 12:05 for me and thats techniaclly the morning ;) )06:05
incubiii know but im not the one asking :P06:05
pussfellerothers, the gnome gtk ones are better, like the gimp, xchat gaim06:05
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clayasaurus*restarting x*06:05
gdhkdict, kpdf, Kopete, kypaptic....06:05
Tm_Tcoreymon77: 070606:05
shannonYes, from what I hear KDE is more functional in some areas, suggesting KUbuntu might work better out of the box. Does KDE have any functional drawbacks over Gnome?06:05
incubiii prefer xpdf06:05
shannonKypaptic? really?06:05
incubiiit makes you drool06:06
shannonDoes KUbuntu hav kpdf?06:06
incubiikynaptic is crud right now06:06
gdhkynaptic is a very early piece of work06:06
gdhshannon: yes it does.06:06
pussfelleryeah kde is alot more customizable and kongy has alot of great tools built into it06:06
coreymon77shanon: i find kde much simpler/more user firendly06:06
coreymon77than gnome06:06
Tm_Tuuh, sweeeet06:06
andrewskishannon: it's arguably more resource-hungry.06:06
lorenthats why i dont use gnome06:06
CR-kde seems to be more feature rich than gnome, I tried out the livecd of ubuntu last night and it looked alright, i like kde though, plus you can install the things i liked about ubuntu in kubuntu like gaim, firefox, xchat and evolution06:06
abinadidbut know with kubuntu i used this code in the shell   "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"06:06
lorenGnome has just got gnome-look.org which makes it feel niceer i guess06:06
gdhI'd say KDE is generally faster than GNOME.06:07
lorenbut still, if you have a nice pc and you're gonna have linux go KDE06:07
shannonSo... how is the maintenance and update time of these KDE equivalent packages? As good as the gnome ones?06:07
andrewskimust restart to disable BIOS ACPI... brb06:07
gdhnautilus seemed to be 'too slow' on this pe-65006:07
pussfellerkate blows gedit out of the water, not trying to be obnoxious...06:07
=== kakalto [~kakalto@wired-210-54-56-153.ps.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu
gdhKDE feels much slicker06:07
abinadidsudo: gedit: command not found   and this is what i get back06:07
lorengdh: are you sure about that one lol? i never could get KDe to run fast on older machines, while gnome zoomed06:07
coreymon77shannon: its no different from gnome06:07
CR-KDE is really gotten fast since 3.x06:07
CR-it's nice06:07
gdhloren: Heh, different people , different experiences :)06:07
pussfelleryeah kde has gotten much faster 06:07
lorengdh: true XD06:07
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incubiinautilus is so slow and memory hogging for me06:08
pussfelleri dont know what they did06:08
lorenCR-: really? hmmh you mean since 3.0+06:08
smoucheshannon, all I know is my touchpad wouldn't work properly with gnome without tweaking, but with kubuntu, perfect out of the box.  Also, gnome kept nagging me about my wireless, which I don't use, kubuntu nicely just ignores it... 06:08
Tm_TMy desktop use ~140M ram ;p06:08
CR-yes. :p06:08
incubiiat least konq 'seems' to run faster06:08
shannonAre you sure it's called kypaptic? google has no results for it06:08
gdhOK it's 5am, time to go to bed... nna....06:08
gdhshannon: kynaptic06:08
CR-bye gdh 06:08
lorenlol, konq still runs like crap for me ;) :P06:08
coreymon77shannon: i personally prefer kde over gnome, kdes more customizable, way more user friendly, looks better,is simple, is faster and has much more features06:08
shannonthanks gdh06:08
incubiimines using 195mb but i have about 25 windows open06:09
pussfellerdoes nautilus have ftp and sftp built in like knqy?06:09
smouchebut the choice of default apps needs improvement, kynaptic is a joke, kate is very unstable...06:09
incubiiplying a dvd and using amarok06:09
incubiiso im very happy06:09
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lorenyou can do that?06:09
lorenoh whoops lol06:09
incubiikate unstable?06:09
lorenwhat's playing the DVD06:09
incubiiits never crashed once for me06:09
Tm_TI use mplayer to play DVD:s06:09
pussfellerkate unstable?06:09
incubiiused it for years and never had a problem06:09
incubiikaffiene to play dvd06:10
smoucheon my system it is, loren.  And I've noticed other people reporting crashes too.  Gedit never crashed on me.06:10
lorenTm_T do you like Mplayer? i heard they got shutdown by the EUC or something06:10
incubiivlc and xine-ui jerk06:10
abinadidwhat is the problem with this i also went iand look for the file on "/etc/apt/sources.list"       i found it but don't let me save anythingtellme that i'm not the owner06:10
smouchein fact, I'm apt-getting gedit right now, heh heh...06:10
Tm_Tloren: not yet, and I love mplayer06:10
coreymon77smouche: what? would you rather be using wordpad (blech-windows :p)06:10
pussfelleri had it mess up tonight on my gentoo box cause it wanted to check recent files that were on a nfs mount that was down, but thats the first time i ever had a problem with kate06:10
incubiibut cd/dvd playback on pcc is krashing often so its not reliable enough06:10
incubiiabinadid, sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list06:10
smoucheweird comparison, coreymon7706:10
coreymon77actually no06:10
incubiiyou have to edit that file as root06:10
shannonIt's really the state of maintenance and up to date-ness of the KDE KUbuntu packages as compared to the Gnome Ubuntu ones that I'm interested in06:10
kakaltokde is funny06:11
coreymon77kate is the kde equivallent of wordpad06:11
abinadidthanks i'm going to try thids right know06:11
Tm_Tkakalto: nope06:11
pussfellerwordpad doesnt have a shell and syntax highlighting in it....06:11
kakaltoTm_T, just IMO06:11
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abinadidincubii thanks06:11
incubiikate shits all over wordpad06:11
smouchewordpad is a simple rich text word processor, not an editor06:11
coreymon77they are the same things06:11
=== clayasaurus [~clayasaur@pool-151-197-45-230.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
coreymon77no bye06:12
coreymon77now bye 06:12
incubiii code in kate, id hate to do the same in wordpad06:12
pussfellerwordpad cant even see unix EOL chars06:12
coreymon77i have to go to sleep now06:12
Tm_Tanybody know how I can edit my KDM sessions??06:12
coreymon77im tired06:12
CR-hoping into xchat. brb06:12
pussfellernotepad++ is good for win tho06:12
Tm_Tpussfeller: plah06:12
KortorTurboPad is a good program for coding in win06:12
coreymon77bye guys06:12
smouchein windows, I loved metapad.  Really miss that thing06:12
pussfelleri tried jedit but that was beyond me06:12
Tm_Tsmouche: nano ;p06:12
incubiii use textpad on windows06:13
incubiior vi06:13
clayasaurusandrewski: when i add... Option    "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true" under the xorg.conf device section, the x server fails to start, saying it couldn't find the screen06:13
pussfellertheres a nice gui vim too for win06:13
incubiidepends which one i remember at the time06:13
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shannonWell, I look forward to when this LiveCd downloads06:13
Kortorsmouche: what is metapad? and why do you miss it? is it gone?06:13
incubiii use Jedit on OS X06:13
smouchemetapad is only for windows, Kortor.06:13
pussfellerclayasaurus, do you want a copy of a working xfree config for nvidia06:13
Kortorsmouche: ah06:14
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Tm_Tumh, how I can edit my KDM sessions??06:14
clayasauruspussfeller, yes plz : )06:14
abinadidand knok incubus how i edit the file06:14
smouchewish someone would port it; it's not being developed any longer06:14
incubiiyou are using vi to edit?06:14
pussfellerlets see if i can dcc thru this networking mess i have06:14
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smouchekate crashes if I try to use it with sudo.  annoying.  So I only use nano for system file editing.06:15
abinadidyes just how you told me to06:15
incubiipush the letter i for insert mode06:16
Tm_Tsmouche: I use only nano ;p06:16
incubiithen go, delte type what you want06:16
incubiipush escape to leave it06:16
incubiithen type06:16
incubii:wq! to write your changes and quit06:16
abinadidok the just paste the repositories from the ubuntu guide???06:16
incubiiusing your mouse06:17
smoucheI'm not a programmer, so a lot of editors are overkill for me; I liked metapad for the one stupid little thing: you could have http:// urls highlighted automatically, and clickable, like with Word or Open Office (I think) but much better.06:17
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smouchemetapad is great for organizing bookmarks, etc06:17
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pussfellerhmm xchat freexes upon trying to dcc a file06:19
Tm_TYou're not gonna believe this06:19
smoucheKate is cool, though!   there must be some sort of tweaking I can do somewhere to keep it (and konqueror) from krashing...06:19
=== andrewski [~andrew@pool-70-16-155-158.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
Tm_Tmy FF uses KDE candy <306:19
andrewskiany way to have kwin 'remember' apps' locations?06:20
Tm_Tmuah, way too nice06:20
=== Kortor_ [Bersirc@0-1pool180-222.nas19.minneapolis1.mn.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu
Kortor_stupid windows06:21
Kortor_I HATE using windows06:21
smouchewhy does the window manager need to remember apps' locations?06:21
andrewskismouche: because i like to have my apps start up in the same place every time.06:21
smoucheoh i see06:22
smoucheYeah, you can do that--06:22
smoucheright click on title bar06:22
incubiisave session06:22
smouchehang on06:22
smoucheclick on "advanced"06:22
andrewskiincubii: i do that automatically on logout, but it doesn't save the position.06:23
smoucheand "special window settings"06:23
incubiirightclickt title->advanced window->position_>remember06:23
Tm_Tincubii: just look: http://xob.kapsi.fi/~tm_travolta/kuvat/temp/capture_FF.png06:23
smoucheandrewski, it's very cool once you figure out the settings and experiment06:24
abinadidincubii"  "/etc/apt/sources.list" E212: Can't open file for writing        thi is what i got06:24
andrewskismouche: so under Position, it says 0,491.  is that where it is now?06:24
Tm_Tandrewski: yes06:25
incubiiooo purty06:25
smoucheandrewski, I think you can click something to analyze what the current settings are for the given window...06:25
Kortor_Ooo... I found what channel ChanServ is in!06:25
incubiidid you use 'sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list' ?06:25
smoucheyeah, "detect window properties" in the "window" tab06:25
Tm_Tincubii: all gtk apps follows qt/KDE theme :p06:26
andrewskismouche: well, i had gotten to that section in control center before, but didn't know if that was it.  they way you sent me, all the properties are already there. :)06:26
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abinadidyes sir06:26
andrewskiTm_T: even pseudo-gtk ones like ff06:26
Tm_Tandrewski: yes!06:26
incubiiwhats your stats script ?06:26
incubiihmm well its saying you dont have permission to write06:26
Tm_Tandrewski: just look that pic06:26
abinadidyes 06:27
andrewskiTm_T: that wasn't a question.06:27
incubiieither that or its already in use06:27
Tm_Tandrewski: ah, I see06:27
smouchekde does seem to make one run hither and yon to configure stuff -- I always have to go on a tedious hunt just to change the color of my desktop font!06:27
abinadidshoul i check to see if wrote the changes???06:27
incubiigo for it06:28
Tm_TBut now I start conf my FluxBox =)06:28
incubiiif it hasnt make sure you used sudo and nothing else has it open06:28
Tm_Tso see ya ->06:28
abinadidi use sudo06:28
abinadidand i type my password06:28
pussfellerdang it, no wonder that things slow, aptget overwrote my XFConfig06:29
abinadidhow i get permission to write on /etc folder06:32
membreyaabinadid: use sudo ? :P06:33
incubiiare you just enabling the other repositories ?06:34
abinadidi'm tryng to add more06:34
abinadidyou know the ones from the guide06:34
incubiinever read it06:34
abinadidcheck it out everithyng worked on ubuntu but last night i change to kubuntu and i can't  even change the repositories06:36
incubiideb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat stable main06:37
incubii deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat unstable main06:37
incubii deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat testing main06:37
abinadidthat guide is good for newbies like me06:37
incubiiyou want to add those?06:37
abinadidthere is other multiverse06:37
kakaltois there a package to make kde automagically mount my usb drive?06:37
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abinadidwhatever you think is the best you the extpert06:38
incubiisudo kedit /etc/apt/sources.list06:39
incubiitry that06:39
andrewskiare there 'rocker gestures' available for konqueror?06:41
smoucheandrewski, I think so...06:41
smouchecheck Control Center, in the accessibility section, I think06:42
abinadidkedit command does not exist is what i got06:43
andrewskiso after an afternoon of configuring kde (and i am slightly sorry it takes that long), i think i'll use it another day.  coming from xfce, it's a bit heavier than i'm used to (and reminds me of past days with windows), but it performs quite well and has a full-featured desktop with many options that remind me of GTK programs i'm comfortable with. :)06:44
smouchewould anyone know how I might get the special application buttons working on my laptop, like volume controls, etc?  I mean the extra buttons, not on the keyboard06:44
smoucheandrewski, I understand your weariness!  I felt the same way ;-)06:46
andrewskismouche: and i didn't find any rocker gestures.  i'll hit the web.06:46
andrewskikakalto: hotplug?06:46
kakaltoit didn't mount when I put it in06:46
andrewskikakalto: are you running hotplug?06:47
smoucheabinadid, substitute the name of whatever text editor you have for "kedit" in incubii's instructions...06:47
andrewskikakalto: and does it work when you mount it manually?06:47
kakaltoI haven't tried yet06:47
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incubiikedit ?06:47
kakaltodoes it matter which port it's in?06:47
incubiiyou have to install that06:47
abinadidlet me see06:47
smoucheincubii, you told him to "sudo kedit" !06:47
andrewskikakalto: dunno.  you need to be running hotplug and it has to work when you mount it manually.06:48
incubiii meant to say kwrite06:48
kakaltohow do I find out where my usb thing is?06:48
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kakaltowhich device it is?06:48
smouchesudo "whatever the hell works" 06:48
abinadidyou are right i don't think i have it install06:48
lorenim not sure, i know tons of people have had those kinds of problems06:48
smoucheabinadid, try "sudo nano"06:49
abinadidok 06:49
smoucheloren, what is XD?  I keep seeing that on here...06:49
andrewskismouche: X-D06:49
andrewskia smiley :)06:50
andrewski:) == happy06:50
andrewskiXD == I've had way too much sugar!06:50
abinadidi got it thank you guys 06:50
abinadidyou guys kick ass06:50
smouchegod you geeks even have smileys that require translation ;-)06:50
crimsun"you geeks"?06:51
crimsunyou're the one commenting on it on irc :P06:51
smouchethen what's XP, "nah nah nah nah!"06:51
andrewskismouche: yeah, please.  i've just picked up on that from seeing people use it.06:51
=== ithiel [~ithiel@cpe-65-24-53-36.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
ithielhi guys06:51
incubiiwe try abinadid 06:52
smoucheouch, sorry, please translate "you geeks" as all you folks who know 8000 times more than me about computers - !06:52
ithielsmouche, you aren't the flattering type of person are you?06:52
smouchehow about, "techies" ?, "computer literates"? 06:52
ithieltechie works with me06:53
andrewskihey, come on.  smouche meant no ill.06:53
smoucheithiel, I was trying to be complementary, believe it or not!06:53
ithiel ;)06:53
=== smouche can't tell whether he offended the hackers, the noobs, or both... hangs head and goes looking for lost bottle of scotch
incubiiid rather be called sex machine06:54
smoucheisn't "incubii" plural?  you sex machines, you06:55
incubiilol shhh ;)06:56
=== smouche found lost bottle of scotch
=== smouche will only share it with succubii
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bettsedoes anyone know the name of the package that has a mouseover popup under kunbuntu showing the name and use of programs from the taskbar?  screenshot example: http://shots.osdir.com/slideshows/slideshow.php?release=306&slide=3506:58
ubuntuhi all06:58
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=== lEo is now known as __lEo__
__lEo__Hi Ithiel06:58
__lEo__ am testing kubuntu live06:59
andrewskibettse: AFAIK, that's just part of kicker.06:59
__lEo__really, really cool06:59
kakaltohow do I mount a usb drive?07:00
smouchebettse, I think that's "enable mouseover effects"07:00
kakaltoI don't know where it is07:00
__lEo__I am a long time mandrake user (ex redhat, ex ex slackware)07:00
smoucheyou can access that in the panel configuration screens07:00
__lEo__I'll probably switch to kubuntu, mandrake is still stake with kde 3.2 ... and next release will use 3.3 :-(07:01
smouche"enable icon mouseover effects" in the appearance tab07:01
smouchebettse, I hated that effect after a  while, so I turned it off.07:01
__lEo__stuck I meant so say, it's pretty late over here07:02
andrewskikakalto: man mount07:02
kakaltoandrewski, I doubt that tells me where my usb drive is eg. /dev/blahblah07:03
andrewskikakalto: yes, but i don't know where it is. :P07:03
kakaltohow do I find out?07:03
bettsesmouche, do you know if its a 3.4 new feature?07:04
andrewskikakalto: look through /dev ?07:04
smouchebettse, I think so.07:04
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kakaltoI highly doubt I will just spot it in the middle of 700+ devices07:04
smoucheit's a pretty effect, but distracting after a while.07:04
smouchedid you find it, bettse?  07:04
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coolerhowhow! i just installed kubuntu!07:07
__lEo__allright, gotta go, this is lovely, cheers!07:08
andrewskismouche: were you asking about multimedia keys?07:08
smoucheyes, andrewski, for an hp laptop...07:08
andrewskismouche: did you see kmilo?07:08
smoucheno, I haven't -- 07:09
smoucheoh, kmilo is installed -- how do I check that?  "kmilo" in console didn't work...07:10
andrewskismouche: dunno, just found it myself. :)07:10
smouchehmmm, seems mainly for thinkpads and vaios, and a few others...07:11
smoucheI'm thinking there's a file somewhere where I can add hardware controls; I have a vague memory of tweaking my touchpad somewhere...07:12
smoucheit amazes me that kde doesn't seem to have a global key binding option for mute and volume control, or does it?07:13
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andrewskismouche: i think the issue is X, but i'm not sure.07:13
lorenwhis is the normal volue control for KDE?07:13
smouchemaybe in xorg.conf07:13
ithielits in multimedia07:13
ithielyou can execute it from console as well07:14
ithielalsamixer is a little more specific07:14
ithielalsamixer is CLI only07:14
ithielwant some more volume controls?07:14
ithiel :P07:14
smoucheithiel, that's not what I'm looking for, but thank you.07:14
smouchekmix I know about.07:14
kakaltowhy does kubuntu not automatically mount my usb flash drive?07:15
andrewskismouche: i think that was in response to loren's question. :)07:15
andrewskikakalto: hotplug!07:15
smoucheoops, sorry ithiel, you were replying to someone else...07:15
smouchemy bad07:15
kakaltoandrewski, how do I make it run automatically?07:15
kapbuntukubuntu is very nice07:16
kapbuntuim on the live cd now :)07:16
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andrewskikakalto: dunno, but there are probably more people that could help you in #ubuntu.  if there's a file called hotplug in /etc/init.d, then you could use update-rc.d to set it to start on boot.07:16
smoucheyeah, ithiel, loren.  kmix is handy when it's in the tray too as a quick main volume slider or mute button; I use a mixer in my bottom panel07:17
kapbuntuI wonder though, is lipstik really preferable to plastik?07:18
andrewskikapbuntu: i just switched about 10 minutes ago.  i like it.07:18
kapbuntuto lipstik or to plastik?07:18
andrewskikapbuntu: from plastik to lipstik.07:19
kapbuntumy next install will be kubuntu probably07:19
kapbuntubut hopefully that won't be for a while07:20
kapbuntumy debian system is setup pretty nice, I dunno if I want to change just for x org and a bit of consistency07:20
kapbuntuits really very nice, and the livecd seems amazingly fast07:20
andrewskikapbuntu: maybe you could upgrade nicely, since ubuntu is debian-based?07:21
kapbuntufrom what I've heard its not such a good idea07:21
kapbuntuhorror stores abound07:21
andrewskiah, ok.07:21
smouchecan anyone recommend a good but reasonably cheap tv tuner card that they know works with linux?  since I imagine my ati all in wonder card will never be supported...07:22
smoucheand my desktop pc is my only tv!07:22
smoucheyeah, you're right kapbuntu, I borked myself good just by upgrading from warty to hoary when I had a lot of backported stuff on warty.  Spectacular mess resulted.07:24
kapbuntusmouche: the happague is always a good choice07:24
smouchei imagine installing kubuntu-desktop on top of a lot of debian stuff might be tricky, but I don't know...07:25
kapbuntualthough the models with hardware mpeg encoding are not cheap07:25
smouchethanks, kapbuntu!07:25
kapbuntusmouche: I know they are well supported, but I don't use one myself, so make sure you do some reasearch07:25
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kapbuntuthe wintv pvr are cheap but no hardware encoding, but for watchin tv I think they are fine and supported by most linux tv apps07:26
smoucheI will, kapbuntu.  My main consideration is, would an external tuner, usb2 be an option... then I could move the thing from desktop to laptop...07:26
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kapbuntusmouche: this thing? http://www.hauppauge.com/html/usb_data.htm07:28
andrewskiheh, you have to install libgtk-1.2 to install (super)karamba.  stupid piece of crap xmms.07:28
smouchethanks dude!07:28
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kapbuntusmouche: but I dunno about linux support07:29
kapbuntuthere is a page for an experimental 2.4 kernel driver but I don't see 2.6 anywhere07:29
smoucheexcellent pages there, kapbuntu -- thanks!  I'll google around07:30
=== ice_1963 [~gary@pcp08931637pcs.brghtn01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
abinadidwich is better kaffeine or m player07:30
smoucheI think I should be able to find something easily; it seems mainly ati that's a bastard for incompatibility...07:31
kapbuntuabinadid: imho kaffeine07:31
kapbuntusmouche: ati basically sucks under linux07:31
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kapbuntuI only buy nvidia cards07:31
kapbuntudunno about their tv tuners though07:32
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smoucheI have nvidia on my laptop... nice if it had a tuner!07:32
abinadidthanks i don't want to have two or tree different media players doing the same thing07:32
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Bicchihow can install the gcc.07:33
smoucheabinadid, I've got about a dozen media players, 'cause none of them manage to do everything I want! (yet)07:33
abinadidwhat about xine07:33
kapbuntuabinadid: mplayer is good for some of the other tools that come with it, specifically mencoder which is something you don't get with the xine engine07:33
kapbuntusmouche: what do you want?07:33
abinadidshoul i get all of them??07:34
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kapbuntuI find for playback amarok + kaffeine does what I want07:34
smouchexine is typically what kaffeine and totem and other players run on top of, abinadid; and you can get xine-ui as a really nice gui for xine07:34
abinadidtalking a bout amarok how do you enable the equalizer07:34
kapbuntuabinadid: you'll want to build mplayer yourself, it can take advantage of SIMD instructions, and you build xvmc for accelerated mpeg decoding if you have an nvidia or certain via graphics chips07:35
andrewskismouche: isn't kaffeine a gui for xine?  xine-ui is ugly IMO07:35
abinadidi have an ati all in wonder07:35
kapbuntukaffeine uses xine engine for playback07:35
smouchetoo much to go into kapbuntu; but some players handle streamtuner better than others, kaffeine loads videos off my lan much much faster than other players, xmms doesn't seem to have all the plug-ins it needs,07:35
smoucheblah blah  blah07:36
kapbuntuits not a gui per-se, it does other things like has its own playlist handling and its own osd and such I believe07:36
smoucheI need to weed out this stuff and settle on just a couple things I like07:36
kapbuntuxmms sucks compared with amarok07:36
kapbuntuamaroK handles streams very well07:36
smouchezinf or beep for audio, xine-ui for video, maybe kaffeine cause it's quick and useful for previews...07:36
kapbuntuwhy not use kaffeine over xine-ui07:37
kapbuntuits supperior in my opinion07:37
smoucheandrewski, you can get nicer skins for xine-ui07:37
Bicchiwhere is synaptic, how do i use it. i am new here07:38
andrewskismouche: even still, i like the standard widgets of the DE. :)07:38
andrewskiBicchi: you in kde?07:38
andrewskiBicchi: system -> synaptic07:38
smouchelol andrewski07:38
Bicchiandrewski: i only have kynaptic. is it the same07:39
ice_1963knaptik  lol07:39
andrewskiBicchi: synaptic is much more functional, but uses GTK.  use synaptic for now.07:39
smoucheBicchi, kynaptic is only good for one thing:  downloading synaptic or kpackage!07:39
Bicchii do not have synaptic installed07:39
smouchesudo apt-get install synaptic07:40
=== thechitowncubs [~thechitow@c-67-175-52-127.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Bicchismouche: now i do :) thanks07:41
thechitowncubsI installed kubuntu like this apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:41
thechitowncubsand then when i try to login with gnome it won't load07:41
Tm_Tuh uh!07:42
Tm_Tmaybe I really should sleep07:42
=== smouche left stream-ripper running for a couple of hours accidentally and now has an insane amount of music to drink scotch to
kapbuntujust remote desktoped in from my debian box07:42
Tm_TI'm pissed off07:43
thechitowncubsanyone know what happened?07:43
andrewskithechitowncubs: is it available in Sessions?07:43
smoucheBicchi, no problem.  I like synaptic a lot, just for reading the info on the packages; I'm not an apt-get wizard yet like most of the folks on here!07:44
smouchekynaptic seems really pointless to me.07:44
andrewskismouche: eventually, it'd be nice to use in KDE so that you don't need to run GTK07:44
thechitowncubsandrewski: yes07:45
smouchewell yeah, but what's wrong with having gtk?  there are other gtk apps I like too...07:45
kapbuntusynaptic is good for that07:45
ice_1963you can run synaptic in kde ?????07:46
kapbuntuI mean aptitude is good07:46
kapbuntufor viewing package descriptions07:46
smoucheI like kpackage!07:46
kapbuntuif you aren't afraid of curses07:46
thechitowncubshere is the symptoms: when i try to login w/ gnome, it seems to work, but my background doesn't show and the panels remain white07:47
thechitowncubswith nothing on them07:47
andrewskismouche: yes, but not everyone.  plus, if that's the first gtk app you run, it takes longer to load the other libs.07:47
smoucheI'm sure you're right, andrewski; I'm a total ignoramus on the points of divergence between these systems07:48
thechitowncubsIs anyone capable of helping me07:48
andrewskismouche: i'm kind of a nitpick. :P07:49
andrewskithechitowncubs: did you enable the gtk-qt engine?07:49
thechitowncubsI don't think so07:50
smoucheI have noticed, andrewski, that the terminal output in synaptic is always complaining about not finding gnome this or gnome that! and "falling back" on something else... I don't care, as long as I get my packages!07:50
thechitowncubsHow would I go about doing that07:51
smouchethechitowncubs, you might have more luck in #ubuntu, or hang here for a while, someone might log in anytime who can help you with that07:51
thechitowncubsi tried #ubuntu07:51
Tm_Tthechitowncubs: did you tried apt-get update && apt-get upgrade ?07:53
andrewskihow do i move applets around kicker?07:53
smouchekapbuntu, it looks like hauppauge supports RedHat and Suse, anyway...07:54
smoucheso in principle I should be able to find one of their cards that'll work for me... cool07:55
andrewskihow do i move applets around kicker?07:55
Tm_Tandrewski: right-click next of applet ;)07:55
smoucheandrewski, most of them you can just drag, some of them you have to -- yeah, what Tm_T said...07:56
andrewskihmm, i'll have to turn on the little handle. :)07:56
Tm_Thah, this just looks grazy07:56
andrewskiok, thanks.  goodnight!07:57
Tm_TIt's morning!07:57
=== kapbuntu [~ubuntu@c-67-170-193-18.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
kapbuntucool, got composite extension running07:57
kapbuntudoes the nv driver support RenderAccel or only the nvidia driver?07:57
smouchekapbuntu, I haven't upgraded my -- whoa, what happened?  mass "quit" ? that was weird...07:58
kapbuntusmouche: its called a netsplit07:59
kapbuntuyour new to irc huh?07:59
kapbuntufreenode is made up of a group of servers, thats what happens when one server loses its connection to the pool07:59
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kapbuntuand now they are back :)08:01
smouchejesus, it's 2:00 am here-- hah hah, !08:01
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smouchewelcome back, ya'll08:01
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thechitowncubswhere do you change the sound system kde uses08:04
kapbuntuanyone running breezybadger already?08:04
Tm_T_thechitowncubs: Control Centre08:04
smouchedont' tempt me kapbuntu ;-)08:04
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thechitowncubsWhere in the Control Centre?08:04
Tm_T_badgerbadger ] ;=08:04
kapbuntuthechitowncubs: Control Center -> Sound & Multimedia -> Sound System08:04
thechitowncubsi don't see any option to change it08:04
kapbuntuI usually just turn off arts08:05
kapbuntuthechitowncubs: try killall artsd, that should do it08:05
thechitowncubsI am trying to change it so it uses ESD08:05
kapbuntuits on the second tab08:05
kapbuntuits called Hardware I think08:05
kapbuntuwhere it says select audio device08:05
kapbuntuthere is a dropdown and you can select esd fromt here08:06
thechitowncubsgot it08:06
thechitowncubsim trying to get Skype to work in gnome08:06
kapbuntuyou're welcome08:06
smoucheone thing I'm grateful for, sound on my laptop just works! no tweaking required.  amazing; before linux was always a bastard to configure sound08:06
kapbuntuthats trouble, full-duplex has been a problem with my board08:06
kapbuntusmouche: what kind of laptop?08:06
kapbuntuer what model I mean08:06
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smouchehp pavilion, amd64, nvidia sound card08:07
kapbuntuuses intel8x0 right?08:07
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kapbuntufor sound I mean08:07
smouchedon't know, kapbuntu08:07
smoucheI only used soundblaster cards before08:08
kapbuntulsmod | grep snd08:08
kapbuntusmouche: you know how to use the konsole?08:08
smoucheyeah, hang on!08:08
smouchesnd_intel8x0   -- ep08:08
kapbuntuyeah my main machine has an intel8x0 soundcard08:09
kapbuntuthis one has an old emu10k card08:09
kapbuntuer emu10k1 rather08:09
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kaplanfxthis machine is much faster than my test machine though08:10
smouchewhat is ac97, btw?  I've got it, apparently, but enabling volume for it in kmix doesn't seem to change anything08:10
kaplanfxeven though the sound card is onboard POS08:10
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kaplanfxsmouche: its an audio codec08:10
kaplanfxfor standards compliant audio08:11
thechitowncubsDoes anyone use skype?08:11
kaplanfxI don't know in detail08:11
kaplanfxthechitowncubs: I have it installed but I don't have a mic08:11
smoucheah, yeah, I think some xvid or divx or ogm or whatever video files use that ...?08:11
kaplanfxare you trying to test?08:11
smoucheno, kaplanfx, just wondering what all the info in lsmod | grep snd meant...08:12
thechitowncubsBecause i want to use it with gnome, but i can't seem to get it to work correctly08:12
thechitowncubshere is what i can do: if i do sudo killall -9 esd08:12
thechitowncubsthen run skype08:12
kaplanfxsmouche: nope, its a hardware codec, soundcards use it to be standards compliant, and it can also be programmed onto a chipset so you don't need a special board for sound08:12
thechitowncubsit works, but it has extremely bad echo for the person i am talking to and no other sounds work while talking to him08:13
kaplanfxsmouche: its basically soft-audio08:13
kaplanfxits uses cpu or chipset time, instead of having an audio processor08:13
smouchethanks for the info, kaplanfx -- that was going to be my next question -- why would a codec appear in a hardware profile! ;-)08:13
kaplanfxsmouche: and when I said trying to test I mean thechitowncubs 08:13
smoucheheh heh, sorry08:14
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kaplanfxthechitowncubs: skype uses oss I believe, it needs /dev/dsp all to itself08:14
kaplanfxso other things that use the audio output (i.e. esd) take control and won't let skype use it08:14
=== smouche goes looking for the bottle he hid earlier, and wishes he'd been drunker when he hid it...
thechitowncubskap: it works perfectly under KDE08:15
kaplanfxthechitowncubs: hmm08:15
bur[n] erI have Ubuntu right now, but would like to try Kubuntu.  Could it be as simple as 'apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' and then relogging into KDE from gdm?08:15
kaplanfxmust work with arts as well or something08:15
kaplanfxbur[n] er: you need kubuntu-settings or something too08:16
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bur[n] erthe default-settings... i saw that too, thanks kaplanfx 08:16
bur[n] ernothing deeper is different in kubuntu than ubuntu right?08:16
thechitowncubsi'm sad08:16
kaplanfxbur[n] er: you may end up with kdm instead of gdm08:17
kaplanfxI've never done it myself, so I don't know if it asks08:17
kaplanfxit may also mess with your gtk theme08:17
kaplanfxI think it installs and sets up the qt-gtk theme from freedesktop08:18
bur[n] erhrm... worth exploring though :)08:18
bur[n] erthanks kaplanfx 08:18
kaplanfxno prob08:18
bur[n] erqt-gtk used to break my gnome in debian08:18
bur[n] erwe'll see if it's fixed here :)08:18
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kaplanfxthere is some info on the wiki somewhere, and I think on kubuntu.org in the documentation section08:18
bur[n] erkaplanfx: thanks for the feedback08:20
kaplanfxbur[n] er: no prob08:20
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smouchethis is strange, linux gazette is available via apt-get?  it came up in a search for something else in synaptic--08:31
Tm_Tsmouche: you didn't knew?08:31
smoucheit wants to install a bunch of perl stuff along with it... 08:31
Tm_Tso? ;)08:31
smoucheworthwhile to download?  isn't that available on the web?08:32
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Tm_Twho said you _should_ download it08:32
smouchethat's what I'm asking, dude08:33
smouchejust wondering why it needs all that perl stuff; what, does it have it's own reader application or something?08:33
smouchecool; I had no idea-- checking it out in kpackage; surprised I didn't have those protocols installed already...08:36
smouchelooks more fun to read than man pages anyway ;-08:36
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Tm_Tsmouche: man man ;p08:37
martinjh99Hey guys!08:38
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martinjh99A question - How would I go about installing Kubuntu without the Kubuntu default tweaks?  I don't like the way Konq opens up folders in new tabs instead of a new window.08:39
martinjh99It seems to also ignore the setting for opening up in a new window too.08:40
smouchedammit, hell, I thought I liked kpackage; it was fine for info, but it won't let me install without asking for a "root password" and it's not accepting my usual password.  Back to apt-get install...08:41
ataxicsmouche: i had the same issues08:41
ataxicyou'll need to use your user passwd08:41
martinjh99SMouche> try synaptic.. Works under KDE too you know!08:42
ataxickynaptic looks better with the rest08:42
ataxicand does the same thing for me08:42
martinjh99Also you can install gtk2-engines-qt-gtk to make Gnome apps look more like the rest of KDE...08:42
smoucheyeah, I know, thanks martinjh99, I use synaptic.  I like the way kpackage presents the info on dependecies etc.08:43
smouchekynaptic is next to useless for me.  anyway, I'm getting used to the command line ...08:45
ataxicweird i dont miss anything compared to synaptic08:46
ataxicin my world08:46
smoucheataxic, it's weird, buy kpackage wouldn't accept my user password, nothing...08:46
smoucheheh, let me try something...08:46
ataxictry it with synaptic, or does that work for you?08:46
ataxicjust to test the password issue08:46
ataxicanyway, gtg, i have to go to work08:47
ataxicdoing some overtime 08:47
smoucheI got it!  ataxic -- if I open kpackage with "sudo kpackage" I can avoid that error.08:48
ataxici thought you were already doing that08:48
martinjh99Anyone got an answer for installing Kubuntu without the Kubuntu settings?  08:48
ataxiclaters, i'm off08:48
smouchesynaptic I have no problem with, nor with installing with apt-get on the cli, it's just convenient to browse info in kpackage, and be able to install from there if I feel inclined.08:48
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incubiiw0rd nugg3t09:19
incubiihmm it appears the SMP kernel does not allow the additional keys to work on my mac keyboard09:21
Tm_Toh, kernel?09:21
incubiiit works on uni processor09:23
incubiibut nopt in smp09:23
incubiibut it could be something else that is preventing it09:23
incubiiim trying to figure that out09:23
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loreni've gotta go to sleep, cya all later09:39
TestDummyAnybody up that could answer a question? (I know it's late, at least it is here) 09:39
shogoukimaybe (i've answered a question)09:40
incubiiwhats the question09:40
=== incubii is australian its ok
TestDummyOkay, well.09:41
ztonzymorning all :)09:41
TestDummyI screwed up. I went to download Kubuntu, and got the download started, left the room, came back about 20 minutes later, noticed I was downloading the the LiveCD version and not the install one.09:41
incubiithats debatable ztonzy 09:41
TestDummyI was intending to download the installer one, so my question is..09:42
shogouki10am in my beautyfull country :)09:42
TestDummyCan I still install it with the LiveCD version?09:42
ztonzyincubii, I know, but here it is (sweden)09:42
incubiii honestly dont know TestDummy , the general consensus is no you cant install from the livecd09:42
incubiialthough it would be a nice feature they should consider09:42
incubiii could modify my knoppix installer scripts09:43
ztonzya button in the menus ;) ?09:43
=== ztonzy ducks
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incubiilol when knoppix first started off Fabian and i were coding installers for knoppix09:43
incubiicould just mod the knoppix one09:43
incubiiits very good09:43
TestDummyAnd that would work?09:44
incubiiwell iom not saying you should do it09:44
incubiiim just saying its not hard to do09:44
shogoukiit would reduce the number of cd sent :)09:44
incubiiit would mean id need lots of help setting up qemu09:45
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incubiiTestDummy, you will have to get the installer cd09:45
TestDummyI don't know if I really have the bandwidth left to do that..09:46
shogouki~600mo is nothing09:46
incubiiit is on 28.8kb dialup09:47
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TestDummyI'm on cable09:47
incubiiim on the above09:47
shogoukiyou have quotas ?09:47
TestDummyI think so..09:47
TestDummyThey say I do09:47
incubiii still download ISOs on dialup09:47
TestDummyBut I've gone over them09:47
TestDummyAnd they haven't done much09:47
jibraelwhy incubii why?09:48
TestDummySo theoretically, yes. But I guess no in a way09:48
incubiii cant afford the installation of ADSL09:48
jibraelimo dialup should be illegal and adsl should be free, basic human rights and all u know?09:48
shogoukior dialup could be a sort a justice sanction09:49
TestDummyMy old dial-up provider sucked >_<09:49
ztonzydownloading the ISO is good speed again since release ;)09:50
jibraeli mean even here in south africa most sane ppl have dsl09:50
jibraeland its expensive and kinda shitty, with a 3gig cap...09:50
jibraelbut they only cap international once u hit it so I just vpn into work and use works dedicated line09:50
shogoukii wonder how many countrys are represented in this chan09:51
jibraelprolly alot09:51
jibraeldefinitely alot in ubuntu chan09:51
jibraelcos i mean its a great os09:52
dimmakanybody in here use kontact? i decided to play around with it and am already annoyed by an apparent default resource error that duplicates everything... anybody get the same thing when they use it?09:52
jibraelits actually half pulled me from gentoo09:52
jibraelall i can say is09:52
jibraelgam 1.1.4 for the win09:52
shogoukii switched from mandrake/mandriva two days ago09:52
shogoukikubuntu is evil :)09:52
ztonzyshogouki, hehe feel the power :P ?09:52
dimmaki am using the autopackage for gaim09:53
dimmakso i am at 1.2.1 with no problems09:54
shogoukii think (k)ubuntu lacks a general control center like yast or drakconf09:54
jibraelwell i left kubuntu downloading at work on friday09:54
jibraelthats why it rocks shogouki 09:54
jibraelsuse = lets open yast to change the time09:54
jibraelthen rebuild all ur config files after u changed the time09:54
jibraelbit of an overkill for a gui'fied date command?09:55
=== TestDummy remembers suse doing that
jibraelany apt09:55
jibraelis ur central control09:55
dimmaki have problems with time... it likes being utc09:55
jibraelits all u need09:55
ztonzyfast download here for the iso --> 700 kB7s :)09:56
jibraelblah ztonzy 09:56
ztonzytoo bad my connection is way faster...but it never reaches the top09:56
jibraelso yeah i'll look at the kde'fied ubuntu at work next week09:56
shogoukidonwload via the torrent09:56
ztonzyshogouki, hm would it be faster ?  hmm 700 kB/s is pretty ok for me09:57
jibraelbut i never been a kde fan so :/09:57
jibraelbut maybe thats cos i only used it on rpm distros where everything sucks anyway09:57
ztonzy355 MB since couple of minutes :)09:57
ztonzyor 36509:57
shogoukiztonzy: i dont know but torrent is the best way to spread the iso :)09:57
ztonzyshogouki, true09:57
jibraelall i can say is thank some higher being for ubuntu, i dunno why this all didn't happen years ago?09:59
jibraelbut i do know why commerical distos don't use deb packages09:59
jibraelcos they don't have a packaging community10:00
jibraeland my work insists on using suse whereever possible :/10:01
shogoukithats not so bad10:02
jibraeli guess?10:03
dimmakbetter than insisting on windows10:03
dimmakor handfuls of poop10:03
jibraelthey like debian but we can't use it10:03
jibraelcos of oracle10:05
ztonzyiso finished downloaded10:05
incubiiugh oracle10:05
=== incubii stabs oracle
jibraeli know10:05
jibraelwell its oracle or db210:05
jibraelso like10:06
jibraelworse or hell no worse10:06
jibraeli am just like10:06
jibrael"why don't we use postgres?"10:06
incubiiwe are switching from MySQL to Oracle10:07
jibraelunfortunately oracle has accountability10:07
jibraelsummin opensource db's lack10:07
jibraelat worst u can just sue oracle10:07
jibraeltho i would run anything on postgres10:09
jibraeli mean google is just highly modified postgres at the core of it10:09
incubiiyeah i suggested postgres and they just looked at me weird10:10
jibraeldidn't know what it was?10:10
incubiigonn apay though the nose to use oracle10:11
jibraelpostgres needs some serious awareness10:11
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jibraeli mean its prolly better than oracle10:11
jibraelu can write function is almost any language10:11
_manuelJoin #ubuntu-es10:11
jibraelits got kickass replication10:11
incubiiwhat is #ubuntu-es ?10:12
jibraelits damn fast10:12
jibraeland its easy to setup10:12
jibraelwhile we're at it its secure aswell10:12
shogoukithink its ubuntu for spanish10:12
jibraeland NO one knows about it :/10:12
_manuelchannel from spanish users10:12
jibraelthanks _manuel but i don't speak spanish hehe10:12
_manuelHow play mp3?10:13
_manuelwith amarok10:13
jibraelapt-get install xmms10:13
ztonzy_manuel, from? you mean for ?10:13
incubiisudo apt-get install amarok-engines10:14
jibraelor that :P10:14
incubiiits your best choice10:14
_manueland usu gstreamer10:15
_manueland use gstreamer10:15
Tm_Tmy tweaks made gtk unstable :p10:22
Tm_Tgaim crashes quite easily10:23
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eckharti have a problem with a kubuntu installation (not mine)10:27
eckhartit does not detect any portable devices10:28
eckhart(usb sticks, camera in mass storage mode, card reader etc.)10:28
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JefisI found bug :)10:29
Jefisinstall kde-edu, and try to run kmplot :)10:30
jibraelwhat happens?10:31
Jefisit shows that kmparts is missing part :)10:32
Tm_T"could not find KmPlot's part"10:33
Jefiskmplot's missing part :)10:33
Tm_Tvery useful app10:33
jibraelthats a bit of a problem :P10:33
Jefisany ideas how to fix it?;)10:34
eckhartanyone an idea to my problem?10:36
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jibraeleckhart: i remember reading summin about that10:37
jibraeleckhart: i'll try remember where heh10:37
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jibraeleckhart: u tried booting with the usb stick plugged in?10:40
eckhartno, not yet10:40
eckhartjust hotplug10:41
jibraelu ever booted with a usb stick in?10:42
jibraelthe device might not have ever been created10:42
jibraeltry booting with it plugged in so that /dev/sda1 or whatever it is gets created10:43
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eckhartjibrael: well, did that10:45
eckhartjibrael: seems to work now10:45
=== vinsee [vinse@adsl-69-109-170-37.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
vinseedoes nayone how to input/read chinese?10:46
jibraelgreat eckhart :)10:46
jibraelu shouldn't need to boot with it plugged in again10:46
jibraelthe device should remain there10:47
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carambolvinsee, http://ubuntuguide.org10:48
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shmoolikhello i have just installed Kubuntu and i don't have Kedit... how can i edit file ?10:49
vinseeno carambol.10:50
vinseenot on there.10:50
OorwormHi, are all the codec to watch divx, xvid, ... already installed with Kubuntu or do you have to get them somewhere?10:51
Oorwormgot my mp3's to work10:51
OorwormI think Kate is an editor10:52
caramboltry wiki,vinsee10:52
vinseewiki.. where?10:52
shmoolikthanks Oorworm 10:52
carambolon the (k)ubuntu site there is a link to the wiki10:53
carambolor try google it10:53
Oorwormotherwise try 'nano' in console10:53
Oorwormwith 'nano' u can also edit10:54
OorwormI'm new to Kubuntu & Linux to10:54
shmooliky all the GTK apss loook so bad =\10:54
eckhartjibrael: what's the reason for that10:54
eckhartjibrael: i'm always interested in reasons ;-)10:55
jibraeleckhart: its just that the kernel never creates a device node for usb sticks until it finds one on boot10:55
jibraelits pretty stupid if u ask me10:55
OorwormWhere can i get the codecs to watch everything? xvid, wmv, divx, ....?10:56
jibraelbut then there are lots of stupid things about the linux kernel heh10:56
jibraellots of good thinsg too mind u10:56
Oorwormit's very confusion when u come from XP10:56
Oorwormlike me10:56
Oorwormi use a dual boot now10:56
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jibraelOorworm: sudo -s apt-get install gnome-vlc10:58
jibraelthat'll install videolan10:58
OorwormGnome? but i use KDE10:58
jibraelOorworm: sudo -s apt-get install vlc-kde11:00
jibraelthat should do the trick :)11:00
Oorwormthanks dude11:00
Oorwormi also keep on getting an SIGSEGV error in Kaffeine player11:01
Oorwormany solvation to that?11:01
jibraeluse amarok?11:01
jibraeldunno my kde knowledge is sparse11:01
jibraelmy knowledge of kaffine even sparser11:02
dimmakjust update everything and pray11:02
Oorwormvlc-kde doesnt work: /usr/bin/apt-get: /usr/bin/apt-get: cannot execute binary file11:02
dimmakrun kaffeine -w... and make sure you have everything they way it wants stuff11:02
jibraeldimmak has the right idea11:02
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Oorwormwhich is the best movie player in KDE?11:07
Oorwormamorok is for audio i think11:07
jibraelOorworm: vlc plays movies well11:08
dimmaki get audio issues with vlc and i like having multiple applications that reqire sound going... so i prefer kaffeine and amarok since i have no problems running them simultaneously... i use vlc a lot too... fantastic player. anything cross platform is a plus11:10
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incubiilets see if the new kernel hates my cd/dvds11:11
incubiiawesome KDE is grinding to a halt11:13
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jibraellol incubii 11:17
incubiii put a cd/dvd in the drive11:18
jibraeli heard kubuntu is a bit sluggish?11:18
incubiiand kioslaves brings KDE to a grinding halt11:18
incubiionly does it on PPC kubuntu though :|11:18
dimmaki haven't had sluggish problems but i also haven't compared it to ubuntu11:18
incubiignome prevents me from using linux11:18
dimmakand i am sure there is a lot more potential for better performance on a ppc machine11:19
incubiiwell yeah im looking forward to the next release11:19
incubiithis already shits all over Yellow Dog Linux11:19
dimmaki do find that i take a lot fewer steps backwards when climbing forwards with this distro11:20
dimmakof course the climb can be steep with people shooting at me... but at least their aim is lousy11:21
jibraeldimmak: k/ubuntu shits over any other desktop distro11:22
incubiibrb being spa,,ed11:22
dimmakyeah... i am happy i found it11:23
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incubiiwell my cd/dvd troubles are definatly a KDE thing11:30
incubiifailsafe has no troubles playing them11:30
shmoolikhello how can i add back all the DT icons? ( e.g. trash ,my machine,...)11:31
=== cliva [~cliva@host-84-222-35-89.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu
incubiii had to make them all again :)11:33
clivaGood morning to all!11:33
shmoolikgood morning man cliva 11:33
clivacan i ask a question about languages in kde ?11:33
clivaHow can I add Italian language in KDE?11:34
shmooliksure !11:34
shmoolikkeybord layout or just some support ?11:34
incubiifuck it work snow11:34
incubiii think not having DMA on crashes it badly11:35
incubiiwhere would i enter hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc to in the startup scripts ?11:35
clivaNot the keyboard layout, the programs and menus language11:35
kakaltocliva, try sudo apt-get install language-pack-it11:37
shmoolikstart kynaptic go to KDE  DT enviroment11:38
clivaok I'll try it, thank you11:38
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kakaltobut you'll have to get special versions of OpenOffice & Firefox if you have it11:38
kakaltoand go "sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales"11:38
kakaltoto add your language11:38
shogoukicliva: apt-get install kde-i18n-it11:38
kakaltothat too11:38
verden01kakalto, have you done a clean install of kubuntu?11:40
kakaltoverden01, yup11:40
kakaltoworks good now11:40
kakaltoalthough I can't use the nvidia drivers without screwing up X11:40
kakaltoXorg doesn't seem to like the nvidia drivers with my card11:41
kakaltorobin__, hi.11:41
verden01i have an ati card11:41
robin__is there already another development tree, so I can change my apt sources.list to that ?11:41
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kakaltoI don't think it's out yet11:41
verden01kakalto, so what do you think?11:41
kakaltohello ubuntu11:41
kakaltoverden01, kde is actually quite nice after customising it :D11:42
verden01its great11:42
verden01hi ubuntu 11:42
danonlinedotnetAccording to the kubuntu faq page. mp3 support requires installing akode-mpeg from universe. I have universe selected for Hoary Hedgehog, Updates, and Security Updates, but I can't find that package. What am I doing wrong?11:42
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robin__is there work going on a synaptics with kde GUI ?11:43
robin__and the update manager11:43
verden01synaptic will run on kde just sudo apt-get install synaptic11:43
incubiidanonlinedotnet, sudo apt-get install amarok-engines11:43
kakaltodanonlinedotnet, check your sources.list and make sure universe is in there11:43
ubuntuhow are you ?11:43
kakaltoincubii, that wouldn't make akode-mpeg show up, would it?11:44
robin__verden01 I know that, but I would like a synaptic wich uses kdelibs11:44
incubiiamarok plays mp3s11:45
kakaltoit's not as good as synaptic, but it's getting there11:45
incubiiso im assuming something it installs does11:45
robin__kakalto that is not really the same11:45
kakaltoincubii, not without the mp3 thing, does it?11:45
incubiiwell it doesnt play anything unless i install that package11:45
kakaltorobin__, it isn't?11:45
robin__kakalto is does the same job :) but anyway I like synaptic better for some reason11:45
verden01hey i use synaptic with kde and think its great11:46
kakaltoit's 'cause synaptic is better at the moment11:46
kakaltobut by next release, kynaptic should be much better11:46
incubiii hope so11:46
kakaltoso do I11:46
kakaltoconsidering I like kde now11:47
robin__kakalto: hehe ok :)11:47
kakaltoit's set up the way my xfce was before :D11:47
robin__one other question, How do I install kubuntu, and remove all ubuntu stuff (meaning all gnome like applications)11:47
danonlinedotnetAny problem with synaptic under kde other than looking a little wierd?11:48
robin__because I don't like gnome application shown up in my kde and vice versa11:48
kakaltodanonlinedotnet, nope11:48
kakaltorobin__, just use kmenuedit and tailor it to your tastes :D11:48
robin__it there a simple way, or should I remove everthing with synaptic / apt11:49
robin__kakalto: I want it off my disk :)11:49
kakaltosynaptic isn't the easy way?11:49
kakaltothat's news11:49
robin__well so there is no one magic command like switch_to_kubuntu_and_removes_ugly_gnome_stuff ?11:49
robin__I guess not...11:51
kakaltorobin__, yeah, it's called downloading kubuntu iso and burning, and wiping hard disk, and installing kubuntu from the start :P11:51
kakaltowhich I, obviously, couldn't be bothered doing11:51
kakaltoeven though gnome crashes on my com11:51
incubiii did it11:52
jibraelum u don't need to reinstall to switch to kubuntu?11:52
incubiiworked perfectly11:53
kakaltojibrael, no, you don't11:53
kakaltojibrael, only if you want to COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY remove GNOME & co.11:53
jibraelkakalto: but thats silly ur gonna need gnome libs eventually11:53
robin__oh one thing, does kubuntu still got a dependancy on xserver-xorg ?11:54
robin__because i;m using xserver-xfree8611:54
incubiiwell its better to have the libs then the entire thing11:54
buzxorg is default11:54
buznot sure if xfree works11:54
jibraelxorg > xfree11:54
buzbut i wouldnt be using xfree anway11:54
buztoo outdated11:55
robin__buz I know, but I switched to xorg because of videocard11:55
robin__xorg doesn't support my i845 good11:55
buzi thought xorg had better support far and by large11:55
robin__onboard intel thing, it won't get higher res than 800x600, so probing goes wrong I think, xfree works perfectly11:56
robin__excepts whan I last wanted to install kubuntu is want to remove xfree 11:56
robin__so that was a problem for me11:56
robin__* -typo's11:56
jibraelrobin__: it'll be rough but basicly remove xorg and install xfree it should be ok11:57
robin__ok I think i will try it11:58
jibraelit will give dependancy crap but just do it anyway11:58
robin__what is the status fo the amd64 port ? Is it stable ?11:59
robin__cause last time I tried it (months ago) it crashed like hell11:59
kakaltowhat's the package kde needs to burn mp3's as audio?12:00
kakaltoas cdr, I mean12:00
kakaltoin k3b, I mean12:00
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kakaltonever mind12:02
kakaltoI found the article12:02
incubiiany of you use pre-linking ?12:04
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robin__incubii well I have used it 12:07
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incubiiwas there any noticeable speed increase ?12:07
[fab] Riddell: I added the QtGTK thing12:08
[fab] to wiki12:08
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robin__incubii: well I don't know anymore, didn't think so12:09
verden01robin__, i have kubuntu AMD64 and it works great12:09
robin__incubii: tryout 12:09
kakaltocan k3b write ogg files to cdr by default?12:09
robin__verden01: cool, i'm running debian64 which runs okay, i could try an upgrade to ubuntu12:09
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EvilIdlerI have a slight problem with automounting on one computer here. USB storage automounts, but CDs don't on the kubuntu-desktop..12:10
verden01if yu install kubuntu they have a seperate iso for AMD6412:10
Silensiushttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/dvd/20050407.2/hoary-dvd-i386.iso   why i can't get it whith wget ?12:11
uniqtoo big for wget i guess..12:13
EvilIdlerwget isn't able to handle larger than 32-bit sizes, perhaps?12:14
jibraelSilensius: what does it say?12:14
jibraelEvilIdler: i downloaded it with wget on friday12:14
jibraeloh wait12:15
=== jibrael blushes
EvilIdlerIs there a torrent for that DVD?12:16
jibraelmust be?12:16
jibraelwhats on the dvd lots of packages?12:16
EvilIdlerI'd very much like the DVD edition for my growing local network :)12:16
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jibraelEvilIdler: even better solution, setup NFS on a machine and mount every machines /var/apt/cache/archives there?12:17
EvilIdlerNo idea why CDs wouldn't be automounting, while USB storage is?12:17
EvilIdlerjibrael: I've also got "satellite sites", i.e. computers for my relatives :/12:18
EvilIdlerjibrael: None of them have broadband, so a DVD is handier12:18
EvilIdlerI'll get the DVD later, copy to local disks, and keep it synced with Uninett.12:20
Silensiusjibrael : ok it work nox thanks12:21
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incubiiah now its just kaffeine that crashes every time i quit it12:32
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Verwilstyeah i have that too :)12:32
incubiiKDE use to mass lock up when i put cd/dvds in the drive12:34
incubiifixed that by turning dma on12:34
incubiinow its just kaffiene12:35
incubiiluckily i have vlc12:35
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incubiimatrix looks nice12:36
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=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:incubii] : test
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:incubii] : Kubuntu 5.04 Is Out! http://www.kubuntu.org/hoary-release.php | Feedback please: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KubuntuHoaryReleaseComment
incubiithats not good12:40
incubiisomeone needs to topic lock12:40
DiThian 's' is missing12:41
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=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:incubii] : Kubuntu 5.04 Is Out! http://www.kubuntu.org/hoary-release.php | Feedback please: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KubuntuHoaryReleaseComments
markcjust installed 5.04, how do I get a root shell... sudo anything still asksf ro a pw ?12:42
DiThisudo su12:43
DiThiI put an alias su='sudo su' on /etc/bash.bashrc12:44
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DiThior change root password12:44
incubiisudo passwd root12:44
DiThiand more secure lol12:45
markcthat still asks me for a password12:45
DiThithe same as the user pass12:46
jibraelwhat u need root for that sudo -s can't do?12:46
markcthat's why I am here asking, because I thought sudo anything was meant to be "the way" ?12:46
markcbecause I have a lot of configuration to do and I have always teaditionally done it as root in a root shell12:46
DiThimarkc: I think there is no root password, it works by using sudo and your user pass12:47
markcwhat might the default root password be anyway ?12:47
DiThimarkc: so all you need is changing pass with sudo passwd root12:47
_guMuTpoBusing expert install you can set a root passwd12:47
markcYES!... doh, use the users pw for root!!!... oh well12:48
markcme happy now, thank you DiThi -)12:49
_guMuTpoBcould any1 tell me whats minimum size of partition to install kubuntu ?12:50
DiThikubuntu with kde or only the base system?12:50
markcwhoa... my install just totally froze trying to ifconfig an interface... root access sure is jinxed with kubuntu!12:52
DiThimy fresh installed kubuntu needs 1,5 gb12:52
_guMuTpoBim trying to install it on a 2.4gb part but it fails, though for ubuntu its fine12:52
DiThiso 2 gb is ok12:52
verden01has anyone got kubuntu and then insatlled ubuntu-desktop?12:52
_guMuTpoBbut it refuses, says not enough space in /var when there's at least 1.8g available at the same time12:53
DiThimaybe it needs to copy .debs12:53
_guMuTpoBbut those packages are only ~ 500mb , space should not be a problem12:54
_guMuTpoBi tried server minimum install ~300mb then apt-get install kubuntu-desktop12:57
_guMuTpoBbut then had problems with X complaining about some authority stuff12:57
uniqtry to do: apt-get clean, first.12:58
uniqfor the space issue.12:58
uniqdid x complain when kdm should start or what? 12:59
_guMuTpoBnope, I dont remember exactly but it wasnt kdm involved12:59
uniqok.. so kdm started? 12:59
_guMuTpoBunfortunately not01:00
_guMuTpoBX itself refused to start :)01:00
uniqwhen started by kdm ? 01:01
uniqor when you started x manually?01:01
_guMuTpoBi use startx01:01
DiThigrep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:01
uniq_gumutpob: with 'exec startkde' in ~/.xinitrc ?01:02
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_guMuTpoBim pretty new to linux and I use just startx :)01:02
uniq_gumutpob: I'd suggest installing kdm, and make it start :)01:02
DiThi /etc/init.d/kdm restart01:03
_guMuTpoBthx will try that01:04
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dvoidwhy ...why why do i type my own user password when using kdesu   ?  wtf hapend to root?01:06
_guMuTpoBsomewhere I read using archive-copier/copy=false as boot option to avoid copying the additional packages in kubuntu01:06
incubiiits called security01:06
dvoidis it secure to let my normal useres start synaptic?01:06
incubiiwell you could remove yourself from the sudoers file01:07
_guMuTpoBbut it didnt work either01:07
incubiiand enable root01:07
DiThidvoid: root has no password now, use 'sudo passwd root' for setting one01:07
dvoidhow do i remove users from sudoers?01:08
uniqremove the lines.. (iirc)01:08
dvoidnow thats nice, kuser crashes when i try to remove a user from admin group01:10
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dvoidnow i cant even run kdesu01:14
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_ReDRuM_uniq: whats the command to set package dependencies to being "ok" again on apt? :)01:17
dithiwhen i removed a user from admin group from kuser, entire sistem hanged up O_o01:17
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DiThihi _ReDRuM_ 01:17
_ReDRuM_i think its something piped to dpkg --set-selected or similar01:17
uniq_redrum_: like remove hold? 01:17
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miklHow do I add myself to the mysql group?01:17
uniqecho package install|dpkg --set-selections01:17
_ReDRuM_er i dunno, i just want it to stop complaining about a missing dependency that shouldnt be a dependency :)01:17
_ReDRuM_miki: usermod -G mysql <username>01:18
_ReDRuM_or just go vipw01:18
_ReDRuM_et vi /etc/group01:18
uniqouch.. don't recommend stuff like that :)01:18
_ReDRuM_and add your self to the end of the list of names01:18
uniqit's evil.01:18
DiThimikl: or use kuser01:18
_ReDRuM_yeh dont listen to me theres proper ways to do these things :)01:18
_ReDRuM_only listen to my dirty hackery if nobody sane's around to help you :)01:19
uniq_redrum_: you can edit the depends in /var/lib/dpkg/status or something.. 01:19
uniqthat's an evil hack too..01:19
_ReDRuM_right up my street then :)01:19
_ReDRuM_uniq: someone was complaining the other day about not having enough primiary partitions free so i told him to backup his bootsector with dd and create another partition table with just a primary in the free space :)01:19
_ReDRuM_then switch back and forth01:20
_ReDRuM_how's that for a horrid kludge? :P01:20
uniqhehe.. nice one.01:21
DiThihow do you get boot sector?01:22
DiThidd if=/dev/hda copies my entire disk!!01:24
DiThiwhat do you do? copy some mb and use it?01:24
_ReDRuM_dd if=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1 of=bootsector01:25
DiThithe boot sector is 512b long?01:25
DiThii didn't knew it01:25
incubiihow do i stop services01:26
=== spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
_ReDRuM_theres more program code in there than that, i dont know exactly how lilo/grub/etc put their code on the disk (they will have to locate it then jump to it from the boot sector cause MBR always = 512 bytes)01:26
incubiiive forgotten how to, lol01:26
DiThihow do you edit that boot sector? setting it as loopback?01:26
uniqincubii: update-rc.d -f service remove01:26
_ReDRuM_DiThi: use fdisk :P01:26
uniqwith sudo01:26
DiThifdisk fails01:27
uniqhello spiral.01:27
DiThicannot read file01:27
_ReDRuM_ok then dd it off with that command i give before01:27
_ReDRuM_and open in whatever you feel like01:27
_ReDRuM_be careful tho diti :)01:28
_ReDRuM_bootsectors have the disk geometary information in01:28
_ReDRuM_as well as bootstrap code01:28
uniqdoesn't matter when it's just the backup file.01:28
_ReDRuM_you can edit the file to your hearts content01:29
_ReDRuM_but dont write it back to the disk :)01:29
_ReDRuM_not unless you know it's safe to01:29
_ReDRuM_and you will know that just cause you know - if you dont know its not safe :)01:29
=== _ReDRuM_ doesnt know if linux will even let you with the disk in use
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_ReDRuM_never did get rid of slack :)01:31
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_ReDRuM_its still there01:31
DiThimy entire system hanged up ONE MORE TIME!!01:32
_ReDRuM_DiThi: driver problem? 01:32
DiThicould i use xfree86 instead xorg?01:32
DiThidon't know01:32
_ReDRuM_what video driver you using?01:32
=== incubii [~incubii@cor9-ppp2336.hay.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
_ReDRuM_is that the one from nvidia or the opensource attempt?01:33
DiThithe open one01:33
_ReDRuM_use the official one01:33
_ReDRuM_its in restricted01:33
DiThishould I use the official one?01:33
incubiinow thats a good OS01:33
incubiinot one open port01:33
DiThi$ nmap localhost01:34
DiThibash: nmap: command not found01:34
_ReDRuM_incubii: set default incoming iptables policy to reject - no more open port :)01:34
DiThihow can we live without nmap?!01:34
_ReDRuM_DiThi: apt-get install nmap01:34
incubiii just removed the two services listening01:34
_ReDRuM_root@delta:~ # nmap01:34
_ReDRuM_-su: nmap: command not foun01:34
incubiipostfix and cupsys01:34
DiThii know lol01:34
=== _ReDRuM_ does just fine without it on most systems :)
incubiisudo apt-get install nmap01:34
_ReDRuM_i dont want it on my kubuntu01:35
_ReDRuM_im sure most newbies dont either01:35
incubiii was proposing a security ubuntu but why bother it would take a lot to topple Auditor01:36
_ReDRuM_wtf is auditor?01:36
_ReDRuM_sounds interesting01:36
incubiido you know knoppi-std ?01:36
dvoidanyone else that get constant crashes when trying to set a password trough kuser?01:36
incubiiok think 300+ security tools01:36
incubiiall designed for breaking, testing, etc01:37
_ReDRuM_Dsniff, nessus?01:37
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dvoidkuser krashes all the time..cant do anything01:37
_ReDRuM_was right the first time01:37
incubiii will get you the list01:37
_ReDRuM_dvoid: set it with the console...01:38
dvoidhehe yesss..but the kuser version included seems to be a bad one01:38
_ReDRuM_oh my god it has queso on01:38
_ReDRuM_that program is ancient01:38
_ReDRuM_thats not much of a security kit01:39
_ReDRuM_more like a 1998 script kiddies home dir01:39
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incubiinah if you want that get whoppix01:39
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_ReDRuM_oh wait01:39
_ReDRuM_theres mre than the first table :)01:39
=== _ReDRuM_ didnt scroll the page
incubiiwhoppix uses metasploit01:40
incubiiits just a database of exploits01:40
incubiiif more useless01:40
_ReDRuM_those arent exploits....01:41
_ReDRuM_they're tools01:41
DiThinice tools page01:41
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incubiidoesnt metasploit do a lot of the work for you ?01:42
=== _ReDRuM_ didnt even notice it had that
_ReDRuM_i think metasploit is just some handy program libraries for writing sploits with01:43
_ReDRuM_theres some exploits01:43
_ReDRuM_prepare to be shocked at host how horribly insecure linux is :)01:44
incubiiyeah in know its not secure but its a damn sight better then windows01:45
_ReDRuM_most of the linux problems are local01:45
_ReDRuM_windows has more remote holes01:45
incubiii got banned from Univeristy networks for escalating my windows account to have SYSTEM privledges01:45
_ReDRuM_shatter attack?01:45
=== _ReDRuM_ hasnt done anything like that for a long time
incubiithe schedule program runs with SYSTEM privs01:46
incubiiso i just made it run task manager, kill explorer and launch explorer again with system privs01:46
incubiilike 1 mins work01:46
_ReDRuM_incubii: if you worked in a shop you could use windows escalation to install a keylogger, grab the supervisors passwords, change the price of selected items to rediculously low, have someone from out the area come in and buy them all, and sell them on ebay for a profit :)01:47
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incubiisupervisor password?01:48
incubiiwhats a password01:48
incubiiim no hacker but i already know too much to be trusted by the average user01:50
incubiii have to shutup about what i can do so i can make money freelancing01:50
_ReDRuM_having knowledge doesnt make everyone untrustworthy incubii :)01:51
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_ReDRuM_besides if you wanted to be mischevious then its better if your victims dont know you at all and failing that they shouldnt know you know anything about technology01:52
jibraelin highschool we wrote a dos emulation, back then (netware 2) if u stuck in an incorrect password there was like a 1 min timeout on that pc, so we filled up every space in the computer center cept for 1 running our emulation, the sys admin would come in try login and get an wrong password situation then one of us would graciously offer up our pc for him to use, mean while we grabbed his password01:53
incubiii just found it odd that as soon as someone found out i could break their password they were hesitant to talk to me01:53
_ReDRuM_jibrael: crude but effective :)01:53
jibraelafter we did that we created a user is netware who's username was the alt + 255 ascii char looks like a blank space and gave it supervisor privs01:53
incubiiyeah who cares if its a dirty job, as long as it does the task at hand01:54
_ReDRuM_incubii: why are you telling random people you can crack their passwords? how would you feel if someone said "dude i can pick your front door - look check this out woo im in your house!"01:54
jibraelthe user also happened to sit at the very bottom of the list in netware so it never got noticed01:54
jibraelthen we loaded games onto the file server01:54
_ReDRuM_jibrael: high school hacks are always about the games :)01:55
jibraelof course :)01:55
incubiii wasnt telling random people i was having a discussion about password security with other admins01:55
jibraelwe finished doom 1 espisode 1 in 4 player co op on a daily basis01:55
=== _ReDRuM_ used to put games on all the systems too until he got greedy and started selling other students grade A coursework to the dummies who in true dummy style proceeded to open it next to the geeks who made it
incubiiwe played 11 player rott at school01:55
incubiithat was fun01:55
jibraelwe used to play warcraft 101:56
jibraeland c & c 1 aswell01:56
jibraelwas good stuff01:56
_ReDRuM_rott heh01:56
_ReDRuM_i remember that01:56
_ReDRuM_that game was awesome01:57
incubiiWinRott is great01:57
incubiibrings back great memories01:57
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jibraelgl quake thnx01:57
incubiiyeah i play quake and quake 2 still01:58
incubiiQuake 1 Painkeep01:58
=== _ReDRuM_ remembers playing doom over null modem cables
_ReDRuM_duke nukem that was cool too01:59
incubiilol we played 4 player diablo 1 over daisychain01:59
_ReDRuM_there was a room you went in and he'd go "aha! i aint afraid of no quake"01:59
_ReDRuM_quake did kill him tho01:59
incubiiits a shame DNF is really DNTF02:00
_ReDRuM_diablo was great02:00
=== _ReDRuM_ doesn't keep up on games anymroe
incubiiduke nukem forever -> duke nukem taking forever02:00
_ReDRuM_ah :)02:01
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smouchelol incubii02:01
_ReDRuM_i read there was only 10,000 web pages in 199502:01
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incubiii wish there were only 10000 now02:01
incubiiit would be easier to find things02:02
_ReDRuM_it's too weird thinking my poxy home page (the only one i ever had) was one of the first 10000 sites on the web02:02
smouchei wish there were 100000 fewer with flash intros02:02
_ReDRuM_one of the first people to pollute it than nonsense02:02
_ReDRuM_flash is ghay02:03
incubiii hate going to teeny bopper sites02:03
incubiiwith their bright pink crap and system halting javascript effects02:03
incubiiand then theres the java and flash menus02:03
incubiion top of the streaming audio and video02:03
incubiiand all it says is "him im sexy mumma"02:03
smoucheI used to use opera mainly for that reason, one keypress, and goodbye horrible design!02:03
incubii":tee hee:"02:04
_ReDRuM_incubii: find their guestbook and put stuff like ' admin_password=stopplayinghanson #02:04
=== incubii 's GF loves hanson
_ReDRuM_why oh why...02:04
incubiiyes you can imagine my dismay when they started touring australia02:05
smouchehanson's still around?  er, are still around?02:05
_ReDRuM_incubii: pelt em with tomatoes02:05
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smouchepelt em with kango krap02:06
incubiihanson concerts have many many hot chicks taking their tops off02:06
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incubiithat was the highlight of my torture02:06
_ReDRuM_incubii: hmm. interesting02:06
_ReDRuM_it's just not worth it.02:06
smoucheseeing that with a gf could be a strain; forces you to keep eyes glued on the stage...02:07
_ReDRuM_if i had to sit through hanson concert it would be, "ReDRuM, you are under arrest for ReDRuM.... you do not have to say anything..."02:07
incubiithey'll die soon02:08
=== incubii cackles
_ReDRuM_maybe if i took a catapult or something would be ok :)02:08
_ReDRuM_pelt em with shot from a black widow02:08
_ReDRuM_why they gunna die?02:08
jibraeli dunno about u guys02:09
incubiii dunno02:09
spiralhmmm... any new about the final DVD of kubuntu hoary ?02:09
jibraelbut i low girls of low moral fibre02:09
incubiii wa sthinking of the real life version of rm -rf /02:09
jibraeleasy drunk chicks are ++02:09
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_ReDRuM_of course02:10
_ReDRuM_jibrael: give them X they're even better02:10
insanekanekdesu doesnt work (it hangs when I press OK) ... is this a known problem ?02:10
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=== _ReDRuM_ just ran kdesu and nothing happened
_ReDRuM_whats kdesu?02:10
_ReDRuM_needs a command line02:11
insanekane_ReDRuM_: its the window asking for the root password when doing admin stuff02:11
incubiinever had a problem with it insanekane 02:11
_ReDRuM_insanekane: ah right...02:11
insanekane_ReDRuM_: for e.g., run kypantic and you see kdesu02:11
smouchecan anybody help me with this -- kuser won't let me create a new user -- I keep getting 02:11
=== _ReDRuM_ doesn't use kynaptic :)
smouche"cannot create home folder for <user> , it is null or empty"02:11
_ReDRuM_smouche: i can tell you how to add the user from the shell if that helps02:11
insanekaneincubii: i installed the liveCD to harddisk ... do you think that could be the problem ?02:12
smoucheyes please02:12
incubiiit can do that?02:12
smouchethank you _ReDRuM_02:12
_ReDRuM_normal user normal group?02:12
insanekanesmouche: adduser <username>02:12
incubiiwell its quite possible that is the reason why02:12
incubiithey may have forgetton to change something02:12
insanekaneincubii: what do u mean ?02:12
smouche_ReDRuM_ - I'd like new user to have same priv's as my default user02:12
insanekaneincubii: are you talking to me ?02:12
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linkini will now test kubunutu :D see you all later... bye02:13
smouchethanks insanekane02:13
_ReDRuM_smouche: you can do what insanekane said since this distro apparantly has that adduser script02:13
insanekaneincubii: ok ... well, this "install" method ... its not provided with the liveCD02:13
incubiiprelinking has been going for 15 mins now :|02:13
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insanekaneincubii: i did it manually02:13
incubiioh ok02:13
insanekaneincubii: but i dont see why kdesu should stop working as a result02:13
smoucheok, I'm doing man adduser for options -- thanks folks!02:13
incubiicoudl you just renmove it add install it again02:14
_ReDRuM_smouche: man useradd02:14
jibraeladduser script ++02:14
_ReDRuM_thats better02:14
smouchebut dammit I wish kuser worked...02:14
_ReDRuM_doesnt ask you loads of stupid questions02:14
insanekaneincubii: i doubt that is the issue ... since i havent touched anything really during the install ... cept for generating my own initrd image02:14
jibraeladding users on solaris is such a task tho :/02:14
smoucheuseradd vs adduser???02:14
_ReDRuM_smouche: adduser is a script useradd is a normal unix command02:14
jibraellike useradd on solaris doesn't make the home dir for u02:15
jibraeldoesn't make the group02:15
_ReDRuM_jibrael: you cant tell it to?02:15
incubiiwell i can say there is no issue from the install cd02:15
_ReDRuM_it doesnt on linux unless you tell it to02:15
smouchecool, _ReDRuM_ thanks02:15
incubiithat i am aware of02:15
jibraelnah like u know normal useradd -d /home/myuser -g myuser myuser02:15
jibraelfor example02:15
insanekaneincubii: hmm ..02:15
jibraelon solaris that will make the user but nothing else02:16
jibraelinfact it would fail02:16
jibraelno such group02:16
_ReDRuM_jibrael: heh ... you need to add -m on linux to make homedirs tho02:16
insanekaneRiddell: i "installed" the liveCD to my hdd, and now kdesu doesnt work ... any idea why that could be happening ?02:16
_ReDRuM_otherwise it doesnt make them02:16
smoucheif kde wanted to be very nice to newbies, every graphical front end to something like kuser would have basic cli commands spelled out on the first screen for reference--02:17
=== _ReDRuM_ never tried adding a user to a non-existanrt group
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_ReDRuM_smouche: the KDE help system is a good way to read man pages02:17
_ReDRuM_smouche: it has all the unix man pages in it02:17
smouchesomething like, if kuser doesn't work for you, try cli - useradd blah blah blah02:17
_ReDRuM_smouche: i think it's supposed to work :)02:18
smouche_ReDRuM_, that's true.  It is more pleasant than in a terminal02:18
=== _ReDRuM_ finds it more efficient too for some reason
jibraelsolaris commands are still back in the 70's02:18
_ReDRuM_i often use firefox to read man pages02:18
jibraelits a bit riduclous02:18
Riddellinsanekane: what doesn't work about it?02:19
_ReDRuM_jibrael: slowlaris  sucks :)02:19
smouche_ReDRuM_, dumb question-- how do I use firefox for that --02:19
incubiii have run command applet in kpanel so i just type #whatever02:19
_ReDRuM_smouche: by typing unix commands into google :P02:19
_ReDRuM_smouche: you can also install a copy locally but i never bothered i just type them into google02:19
incubiii love web shortcuts02:19
smoucheheh heh02:19
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_ReDRuM_the whole perl documentation is on the web too02:20
_ReDRuM_which is very handy02:20
_ReDRuM_perl is the swiss army chainsaw of unix :)02:20
incubiiand win3202:20
smouchepython documentation is great on the web too.02:20
=== _ReDRuM_ used perl under windoze too
incubiicause i only use it on win3202:21
_ReDRuM_python must die02:21
=== _ReDRuM_ doesnt like the snake
smouchewell, I assume it is.  I can't program anything past "hello world"02:21
_ReDRuM_python coders have comment phobia02:21
smouchehell of a lot of python installed with ubuntu, seems like...02:21
incubiiyeah i noticed that too _ReDRuM_ 02:21
_ReDRuM_a lot of people use python these days02:21
insanekane_ReDRuM_: python coders dont need comments ... unlike perl :)02:21
_ReDRuM_i just dislike it02:21
=== _ReDRuM_ doesnt need perl comments but supplies them anyway
insanekaneRiddell: after pressing "OK" it hangs :/02:22
_ReDRuM_shit i comment bash scripts :)02:22
=== smouche appreciates _ReDRuM_ 's perls of wisdom
insanekane_ReDRuM_: anyway ... im a python coder, and i do comment code02:22
_ReDRuM_insanekane: the exception proves the rule02:22
_ReDRuM_but good stuff :)02:22
incubiicomments help when you come back to your scripts 6 months later and go, fucking hell what the fuck was i thinking?!02:22
smoucheeverything should be commented to death.02:22
_ReDRuM_keep it up teach your moronic peers how to be real programmers02:23
insanekaneincubii: scripts ??? what scripts ??? you mean python *programs* ;)02:23
jibraelpython rocks me02:23
_ReDRuM_smouche: don't bother with redundant comments like "setting iterator to zero"02:23
insanekane_ReDRuM_: its the same in every language ..02:23
_ReDRuM_insanekane: most code i download is well commended... except python02:23
insanekane_ReDRuM_: some open source projects do that as a kind of ... closed-sourceness02:24
smoucheactually, what I want is a kind of wiki-like system for man pages, where users and noobs like me could add notes right in the pages, add topics, bookmarks etc02:24
insanekane_ReDRuM_: possibly because python is well readable ...02:24
_ReDRuM_insanekane: good for them, might as well add sed scripts to rename all their veriables XdfhDF84 while theyre at it02:24
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_ReDRuM_insanekane: only cause you know python02:24
=== _ReDRuM_ was digging around in portage internals for example
jibraelwell if u don't know python why u looking at code?02:25
_ReDRuM_and its like "yeh well done guys wtf is this garbage supposed to do"02:25
insanekane_ReDRuM_: well, i was able to read python very well after 4 days of learning Python02:25
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_ReDRuM_jibrael: having need to modify python programs02:25
=== dithi is now known as DiThi
_ReDRuM_jibrael: besides - that is the best way to learn code02:25
_ReDRuM_read its source02:25
_ReDRuM_which is another reason why everything should be well commended02:25
DiThifinally installed nvidia official driver debian way :D02:25
jibraeli finding actually coding random crap is the best way to learn02:25
insanekane_ReDRuM_: otoh, perl code .. even if commented is very sore on the eyes02:25
jibraelperl is just nasty :/02:26
smouchewhat about ruby?02:26
insanekaneRiddell: could it be because I set a root password ?02:26
LeeJunFanperl is to programming what Windows is to operating systems.02:26
incubiii read stuff on ruby rail02:26
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incubiilooks nice02:26
_ReDRuM_ruby is good02:26
_ReDRuM_perl > *02:26
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_ReDRuM_ruby is good too.02:26
_ReDRuM_python SUCKS.02:26
insanekane_ReDRuM_: plus, the fact that indentation is a part of the syntax makes it even better02:26
jibraeli'd rather write scipts in php before i wrote in perl02:26
markcphp roolz... woops, wrong channel :-)02:27
_ReDRuM_jibrael: possibly cause you don't know perl02:27
jibraelphp has its place i guess02:27
Riddellinsanekane: no.  what  are you trying to run?02:27
_ReDRuM_is pythons regex handling really equal to perls?02:27
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insanekaneRiddell: im trying to run kynaptic ..02:27
smouchebest language for total non-programmer to start with (not counting html or java-script) ?02:27
insanekaneRiddell: but that is not the issue ... it happens whenever i need kdesu02:27
insanekanesmouche: python02:27
=== _ReDRuM_ has to admit he's never tried doing complex data parsing in python - or anything else after looking at a few python programs without any comments and deciding that python programmers need shooting
jibraeli dunno how much regex crap perl has but python has more than enough02:28
_ReDRuM_jibrael: perl is a regex monster - that is why it's handy...02:28
smouchethanks insanekane02:28
insanekanesmouche: np02:29
smoucheregex, that stuff I must learn...02:29
_ReDRuM_jibrael: obviously to learn code you need to write your own code too - but other peoples code should serve as a better reference than a man page02:29
_ReDRuM_and so far no python programs i've seen do02:29
incubiiinteresting prelinking has stopped openoffice from loading02:29
insanekane_ReDRuM_: i doubt you have seen much python code02:29
jibraeli just wish all other languages were as documented as php02:29
jibraelgotta give php that much02:29
_ReDRuM_insanekane: your right i just said a second ago i only looked at a few :P02:29
jibraelits documented to death02:29
_ReDRuM_jibrael: also - why's it seem so damn slow?02:30
jibraelpython seemed slow?02:30
_ReDRuM_things like portage and bittorent python clients seem to hog all the ram and resources and run like crap02:30
jibraeli dunno its always been pretty quick for me02:30
insanekanehmm ..02:30
insanekanejibrael: me too02:30
jibraelas far as higher languages go02:30
jibraelits not c or anything :P02:30
_ReDRuM_lets think of somthing02:30
_ReDRuM_ill write it in perl and C02:30
_ReDRuM_you write it in python02:30
_ReDRuM_and we can benchmark :P02:30
insanekane_ReDRuM_: i do some complex GUI work with PyQt .. and its quite fast02:30
jibrael_ReDRuM_: i don't use python for speed02:31
_ReDRuM_GUI is always going to be fast its GUIs...02:31
markccan anyone think of the kde 3.4 program that sits in kicker and allows screen res changes ?02:31
_ReDRuM_they're just using a few API calls to draw windows02:31
smoucheok, gentlemen, write me a stand-alone personal wiki server02:31
jibrael_ReDRuM_: i use it for productivity02:31
_ReDRuM_and the libraries they use will be written in C02:31
_ReDRuM_jibrael: what about ruby?02:31
smoucheto run with idiot-proof install on kubuntu02:31
=== _ReDRuM_ has nothing against ruby
insanekane_ReDRuM_: i said complex work ... which includes sorting of 100k+ records on-demand02:31
smoucheor something like Tomboy, without mono02:31
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insanekane_ReDRuM_: the sorting/processing being done by python02:32
_ReDRuM_insanekane: sorting records isnt complicated02:32
ithielyou're still here?02:32
markcah... krandrtray02:32
smouchestill here from when? about five hours ago?  back from short sleep, yes02:32
jibraelwhere we gonna find a flat file with 100k records?02:33
_ReDRuM_insanekane: take a look at portage and see if it's a well written python program cause that is one of the main things that put me off python02:33
jibraeland why is any program using a flat file db?02:33
_ReDRuM_jibrael: could generate one with perl and/or python :)02:33
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DiThialmost any word that starts with k could be a kde app 02:33
_ReDRuM_jibrael: cause they dont want to link with gdbm or berkely, etc? :P02:33
insanekane_ReDRuM_: i havent seen portage ... since i do not use gentoo02:33
jibraelsqlite is better than flat file02:33
LeeJunFaneither way it's the wrong tool for the job. Take that flat file, insert into mysql , select with an order by, and be done with it faster than either perl or python can :)02:34
=== _ReDRuM_ would wager sqlite is very slow compared to berkeley db
=== amundsen [~gagarin@230.Red-80-39-1.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
DiThisqlite rocks for one file databases02:34
insanekaneLeeJunFan: not when the sorting/processing is client-specific02:34
incubiiamarok uses sqlite02:34
insanekaneLeeJunFan: eg. Locale aware sort where clients can set their own locales02:34
_ReDRuM_i guess its handy for something more complicated than a simple hash/key pair and not requiring a full RDBS02:34
=== _ReDRuM_ wouldnt bother and would just require mysql
jibraelsqlite has removed flat file forever02:35
jibraeli dunno can anyone think of a reason to use flat file over sqlite?02:35
_ReDRuM_LeeJunFan: heh insert file is disabled on my mysql :P02:35
incubiiask the people that only know flat file02:35
_ReDRuM_"massive security risk"02:35
insanekanejibrael: when the data you get is flat-file obviosly, you need to use flat file02:35
jibraelwell yeah02:36
insanekanejibrael: most apps provide csv-files ... eg: CD/ISIS02:36
smouchedoes anyone use mono in kde?  I want to try tomboy and muine, but I had no luck getting mono apps to run, so I uninstalled it...02:36
insanekanejibrael: err .. CDS/ISIS02:36
_ReDRuM_LeeJunFan: but on a dev system good idea02:36
smoucheand the tomboy web site is no help...02:36
_ReDRuM_smouche: no... looked at mono tho looks interesting02:36
jibraelreading csv is not hard tho02:36
jibraelevery language has csv wrappers02:37
smoucheseems like the gnome crowd is into mono... don't know what the issues are if any for using it in kde...02:37
_ReDRuM_why insert file is a bad idea - someone gets sql injection then starts insert filing things like /etc/passwd02:37
insanekaneRiddell: btw, this after I "installed" the LiveCD to disk ... do you think that could be the problem ?02:37
jibraeland it can be sorted prior to export02:37
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insanekanejibrael: not always02:37
smoucheI really want tomboy, and beagle (I think that's a mono app too) eventually...02:37
insanekaneRiddell: basically, im trying to make an hdd-installer for the LiveCD with PyQt02:38
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linkinI've installed kubuntu 5.04, but... i can start x... but... i can't any picture on my screen :'(02:39
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=== incubii [~incubii@cor9-ppp2336.hay.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
linkin*I can't see any Picture on my Screen02:40
incubiiawesome 02:40
insanekanelinkin: if you can start x ... then ??02:40
=== incubii stabs prelinking for fucking openoffice over
insanekanelinkin: what do u see after starting X ?02:40
linkinI've installed it some secounds before02:40
linkinso it will come a ugly... colerfully screen with some black elemets02:41
Riddellinsanekane: don't see why it should be the problem, it shouldn't need a password but it should still all work02:42
linkinbut... i can't recognize something...02:42
insanekaneRiddell: it just hangs after pressing "OK" ... the OK remains depressed and the action doesnt continue02:42
insanekaneRiddell: is there a bug tracker for kubuntu ?02:42
Riddellinsanekane: bugzilla.ubuntu.com02:43
insanekaneRiddell: thanks02:43
ithielmouthwash tastes good02:43
linkinhas someone the same problem? :P02:44
insanekaneRiddell: is there any way to get kdesu to work from commandline ? i tried eg "kdesu kynaptic" .. but no dialog comes up and nothing happens02:46
insanekaneRiddell: i want to try and strace it02:46
_ReDRuM_sudo kynaptic02:46
_ReDRuM_better yet02:46
_ReDRuM_apt-get install kpackage02:46
insanekane_ReDRuM_: no :) i want to use kdesu :)02:46
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insanekane_ReDRuM_: dude, the problem is not with kynaptic .. its with kdesu02:46
=== dithi is now known as DiThi
_ReDRuM_if your using it for inclusin in your own program then theres likley an API call for it?02:46
DiThistill the same problem02:47
_ReDRuM_i would imagine that it should be abstracted02:47
DiThiit must be kernel 2.6.1102:47
_ReDRuM_so then they can remove kdesu in future and your programs wont break02:47
Riddellinsanekane: command line works for me02:47
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insanekane_ReDRuM_: no im not using for including in my own program ... i just want to fix it (and figure out if it is something to do with the way I installed since that affects my livecd->hdd installer)02:47
_ReDRuM_insanekane: strace kdesu <blah>02:47
_ReDRuM_might give you some clues02:47
_ReDRuM_strace -f -o logfile kdesue <blah>02:48
insanekane_ReDRuM_: err02:48
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buzwhy can't my custom kernel load my root fs? (i have XFS compiled statically, so that can't be it)02:48
DiThithe 2.6.11-1 in ubuntu is buggy02:48
_ReDRuM_im going to try installing 2.6.1102:48
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_ReDRuM_and see if it screws up for me too02:49
Jefiswhy i cant edit menu anymore?02:49
DiThii've heard that after the release of 2.6.11 there was several revisions02:49
_ReDRuM_oh crap, whats the right way to make apt forget about dependencies again? :)02:49
=== _ReDRuM_ googles
Jefisi cant edit my kmenu, cant save :)02:50
Jefiswhat to do?02:50
_ReDRuM_insanekane: i want command to make it forget so i can go back to using apt...02:50
_ReDRuM_i dont want apt-get -f either cause i dont want them "fixed"02:51
DiThifound it02:51
_ReDRuM_its the dependencies that r broken not my system02:51
DiThi"[PATCH]  drm missing memset can crash X server.."02:51
_ReDRuM_DiThi: scarey02:51
Jefishelp me :)02:51
=== _ReDRuM_ doesn't bother upgrading then
DiThii'm sure that's the problem02:51
_ReDRuM_DiThi: hmm02:52
DiThii'll upgrade to
_ReDRuM_could build the ubuntu kernel and apply the patch if its not too complicated02:52
DiThii upgraded to 2.6.11-1 because it's the last precompiled kernel in ubuntu02:52
incubiiany clues why openoffice appears to load then doesnt02:52
_ReDRuM_DiThi: i've heard ubuntu kernel is not stock kernel and misbehaves with other kernels...02:52
ithielkynaptic is pretty nice02:52
insanekaneRiddell: ok ... i get another error, which i think is related: unable to lookup terranova via gethostbyname()02:52
_ReDRuM_it's second hand info02:52
_ReDRuM_but thats what i heard02:52
insanekaneRiddell: any idea how to fix that ?02:52
ithielcustomized kernel?02:52
DiThithen i'll compile from source02:53
ithielcan you verify that redrum?02:53
_ReDRuM_DiThi: yeh... and apply patch02:53
_ReDRuM_ithiel: apt-get the source its in the repo :)02:53
linkin....help :'(02:53
ithielI know where it is02:53
linkinplease... help :(02:53
_ReDRuM_ithiel: so get it then diff it to the vanilla  kernel :P02:53
ithielI wonder what changes were made...02:53
insanekane_ReDRuM_: i get an error: unable to lookup terranova via gethostbyname()  - any idea how to fix that ?02:53
linkinno one want / can help me with my Graphiccard problem :((02:53
Jefiswhy i can't edit kmenu anymore?02:53
_ReDRuM_ithiel: i heard its the ways it accesses devices02:53
Jefiswhy i can't edit kmenu anymore?02:54
DiThiand patch with swsusp2, supermount, bootsplash...02:54
smouchethis is bizarre -- I just created a new user, and when I logged into it for the first time, it entered xfce!  I don't mind, but I'm surprised it didn't log into kde like my main user, by default...02:54
_ReDRuM_linkin: did you try using the official nvidia driver not the opensource one?02:54
ithielI just came to kubuntu from Yoper, Gentoo, Slack personally02:54
insanekaneDiThi: what is swsusp and supermount ?02:54
Jefiswhy i can't edit kmenu anymore? :)02:54
DiThiswsusp2->software suspend, like hibernating in win02:54
linkin_redrum_: I can't see something on my screen... so i can't install the driver :(02:54
_ReDRuM_ithiel: my usb works fine...02:55
_ReDRuM_linkin: do it from console...02:55
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ithielI meant along the lines of an improvement redrum02:55
ithielmaybe the manner in which it deals with external devices, HDD, USB?02:55
insanekaneDiThi: and supermount ?02:55
DiThisupermount: a mount virtual filesystems, it's great for removable media, specially for cds02:55
ithielI should grab my USB drive and test it actually02:55
insanekaneDiThi: aha super :)02:55
linkin_redrum_: how? I come from Suse... so there is no need to use the console :P ... I havn't typed any Root password02:55
_ReDRuM_ithiel: it was sound specifically the person who mentioned it had probs with02:55
shogoukiJefis: damn dont use bold or color02:55
ithielah I see02:56
Jefisdamm help me :)02:56
DiThiinstead of mounting /dev/something /something -t type02:56
shogoukiJefis: i dont think someone will help you after that02:56
DiThimount none /something -t supermont fs=type,dev=/dev/something02:56
linkin_redrum_: is there any "default" root password?02:56
Jefisdamm :(02:56
DiThithen you mount something once02:56
_ReDRuM_linkin: no, just do sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx02:56
DiThiand you can remove the media at any time02:56
insanekaneDiThi: and it takes care of it afterwards ?02:56
insanekaneDiThi: any clue how to get bootsplash working with kubuntu ?02:57
linkin_redrum_: i must install my usb-DSL-Modem first... but I can't install it... without X :(02:57
_ReDRuM_linkin: sec02:57
linkin_redrum_: ok :)02:58
ithielg2g, cya latr02:58
_ReDRuM_linkin: theres no guarantee this will work - but try this cd /etc/X11 ; cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.orig02:59
_ReDRuM_then edit xorg.conf, find your video card section02:59
DiThiinsanekane: http://bootsplash.de/02:59
insanekanewhat does it mean when it cant find my hostname via gethostbyname() ? does it mean that localhost isnt configured properly ?02:59
_ReDRuM_and replace the driver "nv" bit with vga02:59
jibraelwhat hostname u getting?02:59
insanekaneDiThi: are you working on these projects ?02:59
_ReDRuM_so it looks like Driver "vga"02:59
_ReDRuM_then try running x02:59
_ReDRuM_if it doesnt work replace the file with the origina03:00
insanekanejibrael: i just get errors whenever i sudo ... i think thats why kdesu doesnt work for me03:00
linkin_redrum_: is the driver "fbdev" on the cd?03:00
_ReDRuM_linkin: it's in apt if it's not03:00
_ReDRuM_hmm i lie03:00
_ReDRuM_no its not03:00
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Jefisdamm, i can't change my kmenu, something wrong with permisions03:01
_ReDRuM_linkin: just use vga then install your DSL driver03:01
_ReDRuM_then install the official nvidia drivers03:01
linkinoki :D03:01
_ReDRuM_i had to go through similar crap on an nvidia machine running mephis03:01
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_ReDRuM_tho kubuntu worked ok03:01
=== Cloney is currently installing Kubuntu on Virtual PC 7 in OS X. Seems to be working.
DiThiinsanekane: for bootsplash, you need to patch kernel, patch bootscripts and install themes03:01
insanekaneDiThi: hmm ..03:01
smoucheJefis, next time be patient; people aren't always going to reply to you if they don't know how to help with your problem; it's silly to expect everyone to drop what they're doing just to tell you that..03:01
_ReDRuM_Cloney: i think there is a native PPC version of kubuntu?03:01
insanekaneDiThi: are you doing it yourself for kubuntu ?03:01
linkin_redrum_: ok,  i will be back soon :) Thanks ;)03:02
_ReDRuM_smouche: and i'm definately not going to do any research on his problem with that flooding he did03:02
CloneyThere is, but I need an x86 Linux platform for testing. It also saves having to reboot, although obviously at the cost of a lot of speed.03:02
DiThiinsanekane: i had done it with debian03:02
Jefissorry :)03:02
DiThiinsanekane: deb http://debian.bootsplash.de unstable main03:02
insanekaneDiThi: and it worked ok ? you have a blog where you talked abt ur experience ?03:02
CloneyBesides, there's a certain element of just trying it to see if it works.03:02
_ReDRuM_Cloney: cool :)03:03
insanekaneDiThi: that source provides prepatched kernels ?03:03
smoucheIt's like the NYC subway -- people bounce themselves off the doors, and bang and yell at the conductor to open them... 03:03
DiThiinsanekane: no, it provides the patches03:03
DiThiinsanekane: and themes03:03
insanekaneDiThi: oh right ..03:03
DiThiand utilities03:03
smoucheme, I just stand close enough to the doors, look plaintively toward the conductor, and stay ready to jump in IF he opens them03:03
linkin_redrum_: could i use mc for this? :D03:04
DiThiinsanekane:  apt-cache search bootsplash03:05
linkin_redrum: or can't i use it, because... there isn't any function for it :D03:05
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_ReDRuM_to do what ? change the X config file?03:06
_ReDRuM_just use nano03:06
linkinnano? :D03:06
linkinnice name :D03:06
Rickdangerousnano > pico03:07
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insanekanehmm ..03:07
Rickdangerouseven >=03:07
_ReDRuM_Rickdangerous: vi >>>>>> :D03:07
linkin_redrum_: i think, i need to login as superuser03:07
insanekaneRiddell: it works now ... basically it was because i didnt have a /ets/hosts file with my local hostname in it03:07
_ReDRuM_linkin: use the sudo command03:07
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_ReDRuM_linkin: sudo nano <file>03:07
jibraelvim for teh win03:07
_ReDRuM_linkin: if you want to login as super user do this - "sudo passwd"03:07
_ReDRuM_and you can set a root password03:07
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_ReDRuM_is there a bot in here you can do things like tell user> su03:08
Rickdangerousno need to login as root since there's sudo -s...03:08
linkin_redrum_: thats a nice system :) it's completly new for me03:08
judeRickdangerous: or sudo -i if you want the full root environment03:08
_ReDRuM_linkin: ah. well, kubuntu discourages using root account and thinks you should use sudo03:08
=== _ReDRuM_ doesnt agree
_ReDRuM_it's your system, your call :)03:09
Rickdangerousjude, yes, right.03:09
haydenwhats up03:09
Rickdangerous_ReDRuM_, but there's no need to *login* as root.03:09
Rickdangerous_ReDRuM_, it's just a (bad) habit.03:09
_ReDRuM_Rickdangerous: personally i set a root password and removed sudo03:09
_ReDRuM_sudo is a bad habit unless you make a seperate user account for it03:10
Riddellinsanekane: oh interesting, well make sure you have that file created properly with your install scripts :)03:10
_ReDRuM_your every day account is far more likely to be compromised than your root account03:10
_ReDRuM_and if you have sudo for your every day account you just gave them root access03:10
markcever tried remastering kubuntu using sudo... insanity03:10
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mdkei've heard a few reports of dist-upgrade after relase leading to problems with timezones/hardware clocks. is this known?03:10
Rickdangerous_ReDRuM_, then you shouldn't su - on an x terminal.03:11
Rickdangerous_ReDRuM_, key presse s can be caught.03:11
Riddellmdke: dist upgrade won't do anything wrong, people seem to be having issues changing their timezone03:11
insanekaneRiddell: yes i will :) actually ... i am collecting all such info for the installer in a wiki page ... does wiki.ubuntu.com allow me to create my own wiki page ? or is there such a page already ?03:11
judenetworking - can anyone tell me where to put my default gateway route so it is added at boot?03:12
_ReDRuM_Rickdangerous: it's still more complicated than just typing sudo bash as soon as they have your account :)03:12
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mdkeRiddell, problems I've heard are: dist-upgrade after release, timezone goes wrong and hardware clock gets set to UTC instead of local time03:12
_ReDRuM_id notice if strange keyloggers were in my process list03:12
_ReDRuM_im always looking at it03:12
jibraelfact is how on earth is anyone gonna catch keypresses on a linux box?03:12
markcjude: /etc/network/interfaces (on stock debian anyway)03:12
jibraeli mean03:12
judemarkc: ta03:12
jibraela)they get local access to teh box03:12
SecDWizarHOUDY :)03:12
jibraelwell if they got local access to ur box03:12
Riddellinsanekane: yes you can create pages on the wiki, you just need to create an account for yourself first03:12
jibraelur screwed03:13
Rickdangerous_ReDRuM_, I believe passworless sudo is ddangerous too, you should enter password everytime...03:13
insanekaneRiddell: is such a page already exising ? ie, for creating an installer for kubuntu LiveCD ?03:13
Rickdangerousor find a better authentication way.03:13
_ReDRuM_Rickdangerous: but your only entering your local password 03:13
SecDWizarmay  I ask a question  ?03:13
Riddellinsanekane: no idea, search works well on the wiki though03:13
RickdangerousSecDWizar, you don't have to ask :)03:13
insanekaneRiddell: hehe :) sorry to bother you so :)03:13
Riddellno problem03:14
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SecDWizarwell It's only polite :)03:14
mdkeRiddell, no?03:14
linkinwill be back soon, bye03:14
wellsohi ppl03:14
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Riddellthat's what I'm here for :)03:14
judeoff to reboot and see if routing survives...03:14
_ReDRuM_Rickdangerous: every system has its flaws, i just don't believe sudo is any safer than root account for the reasons i outlined above so i dont use it. i think its good to make default on a distro to make newbies in particular think about what they are doing with their root account - but personally for me - i dont see the benefit unless you make a seperate account just to sudo from - that would be more secure03:14
markcinsanekane> is there an installer from the liveCD somewhere ?03:14
Riddellmdke: I havn't done a dist-upgrade, don't see why it would affect your timezone though03:14
insanekaneRiddell: someone told me sometime back that amu was working on such an installer ??03:14
insanekanemarkc: several places - morphix installer, knoppix installer etc03:14
Riddellinsanekane: dunno, but he is the live CD dude so worth asking him03:14
wellsou all big KDE fans?03:15
mdkeRiddell, i don't know, i'm just reporting some separate people have told me of this problem.03:15
insanekaneRiddell: oh ok .. thanks :)03:15
SecDWizarI've accidantly installed gstreamer plugin, wich installed half of gnome, now I don't know what was installed, so how do I remove it ? 03:15
insanekanewellso: yeah me !!! :)03:15
ataxicwellso: i'm 85kg on 1.9003:15
ataxicnot that big03:15
Rickdangerous_ReDRuM_, true, especailly you are using closed MP source games, web browsers with holes etc.03:15
Riddellwellso: secretly we all like DOS, but that's not around any more so we had to convert to KDE03:15
jibraelwell on gentoo i just run as normal user and just su to do stuff03:15
Rickdangerous_ReDRuM_, I seuup an untrustes account for i.e. playing a MP game.03:15
insanekaneRiddell: what abt BASIC ? ;)03:16
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wellsoi moved from warty to kubuntu and its sweet, but confusing for nwebs like me03:16
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SecDWizarwell I guess you guys can't be disturbed...03:16
_ReDRuM_Rickdangerous: it would be nice if i didn't constantly need root but i'm a tinkerer so unfortunately i have an account that can su as my default :)03:16
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_ReDRuM_SecDWizar: there is a command to do that i just dont remember it ill go loooking in the manpage if you cant be bothered.03:17
Rickdangerous_ReDRuM_, since you are power user you know how to use root login but for newbies; they should *never* login as root.03:18
wellsodo I need an additional firewall for kubuntu?03:18
jibraelwell i dunno03:18
jibraelnewbs should login as root03:18
jibraelthey'll learn what NOT to do pretty quick03:18
jibraeli mean u only rm -rf / once03:19
SecDWizar_ReDRuM_: what manpage? apt-get? or what? I'll read it at once03:19
_ReDRuM_SecDWizar: apt-cache showpkg <gstreamer-plugin>03:19
_ReDRuM_it will show you all the dependencies03:19
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_ReDRuM_so you can just remove them03:19
jibraelwellso: ur running linux hehe, firewall... not needed03:19
_ReDRuM_Rickdangerous: i'm inclined to agree03:20
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Rickdangerousjibrael, > /-i ;)03:20
_ReDRuM_Rickdangerous: i think the default install with no root access is a good idea03:20
jibraeland k/ubuntu listens on no interfaces by default03:20
incubiiStarting nmap 3.75 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2005-04-10 23:20 EST03:20
incubiiAll 1663 scanned ports on localhost.localdomain ( are: closed03:20
incubiiNmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.161 seconds03:20
_ReDRuM_and if they dont know how to open up root they probably shouldnt :)03:20
haydeni installed kubuntu to my laptop and when i close the lid it goes to screen with a blinking "_", how do i get back to my kde desktop ?03:20
incubiikubuntu listens to SMTP and IPP03:20
jibraelincubii: only on localhost03:20
Rickdangerous_ReDRuM_, but caching password for sudo too long is open to some trojan/virus attack I suppose03:21
incubiistill thats more then i needed03:21
jibraelincubii: so ur safe :P03:21
wellsowhy dont i need one, just because its more secure by nature?03:21
incubiii dont need them anyway03:21
_ReDRuM_Rickdangerous: uhuh03:21
Rickdangerous_ReDRuM_, of course relatively open.03:21
_ReDRuM_Rickdangerous: just sit around and wait for them to sudo and viola :)03:21
jibraelwellso: firewalls block access to ports on an internal network that may be needed there but that u don't want outsiders to be able to connect to03:21
Rickdangerous_ReDRuM_, yeah same as the root login.03:22
jibraelsince k/ubuntu listens on no external interfaces no one can connect to your computer in any manner03:22
wellsocool, thats great03:22
_ReDRuM_so the only function of sudo in my eyes is 1) give users limited root access 2) stop people doing stupid things with root03:22
Rickdangerousjibrael, web browsers can execute malicious code sometimes for example.03:22
Rickdangerousjibrael, nenevermind.03:22
markcand if linux does start a daemon on a port there is a good chance you do not want to block it :)03:23
jibraelsince we don't use ie :P03:23
_ReDRuM_jibrael: dont believe for a second your linux box is safe03:23
SecDWizar_ReDRuM_: I'm not sure it's what I need, as probbly some dependencies are required for other apps. I thought that a log to show me what was installed (by me) was more like it.03:23
jibrael_ReDRuM_: i don't i got plenty of ports listening03:23
_ReDRuM_there was a png exploit just like the microsuck jpeg one recently03:23
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_ReDRuM_installing linux does NOT automatically make your box more secure03:23
_ReDRuM_its mostly because using it encourages better practices03:23
_ReDRuM_the way i use windows is almost as secure03:24
acidmaxdhello everyone03:24
wellsoim running a smoothwall proxy for my LAN, its set up to block most ports as default03:24
_ReDRuM_without using an admin account for every day things03:24
jibraeli was saying a default ubuntu install listens on no outside interfaces thats all03:24
_ReDRuM_SecDWizar: apt wont let you remove things that are needed so try and remove all of it :)03:24
incubiistupid question, will dosemu run on ppc ?03:24
acidmaxdi have some troubles, and i was wondering if someone other has them: Konqueror (the file manager) crashes constantly03:24
Rickdangerousincubii, try qemu03:24
SecDWizar_ReDRuM_: OK will give it a try, thanks a buch03:24
smoucheacidmaxd, I have that problem!03:24
acidmaxdeven if it is not started03:24
smouchebut I don't have a solution!03:25
jibraeldon't use kde so, and in gnome i don't use naut so file managers bother me not heh03:25
incubiiyea i was going to, just curious :)03:25
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acidmaxdthe machine is sitting idle, and then - boom, Konqueror crashes03:25
insanekanehello all03:25
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jibraelterm > fm03:25
smoucheacidmaxd, are you using amd64, by any chance?03:25
acidmaxdwhen i open the Home folder, the rotating logo doesn't stop rotating03:26
_ReDRuM_jibrael: no outside interfaces are a good thing but they are just one chain in the link, it doesnt automatically make you safe either03:26
acidmaxdsmouche: no, i38603:26
_ReDRuM_i.e the recent png exploit...03:26
wellsoanother newb ques, how do I disable resolutions as the login is always 1600 X 1200 which is a bitch on my monitor. Once logged on tho it changes to me pref res.03:26
_ReDRuM_so then graphic files become able to take over your pc03:26
linkin__redrum_: i can't see something in the console..03:26
acidmaxd... and when i close the window, after 2-3 minutes there is a crash03:26
_ReDRuM_linkin_: you cant see anything in console?!?!03:26
haydenwheres the best place to mount samba shares?03:26
_ReDRuM_is that what you mean?03:26
jibrael_ReDRuM_: yeah but thats not a linux flaw and a firewall won't in most cases help against that03:27
smoucheI mean your hardware -- not the kubuntu version -- I'm using i386 too, but on an amd64 laptop03:27
acidmaxdhayden: i use /mnt/samba03:27
insanekane_ReDRuM_: any URLs on this recent PNG exploit ?03:27
_ReDRuM_hayden: somewhere under /media03:27
linkin__redrum_: only black and white cubs03:27
jibrael_ReDRuM_: he asked if he needed a firewall i said not really and explained why thats all03:27
acidmaxdsmouche: i did not have this problem with the preview release03:27
smoucheacidmaxd, the rotating logo thing, I have that too -- but only if I open konqueror from the "quick browser" in the panel03:28
linkin_-cubs +pixels03:28
_ReDRuM_insanekane: http://www.networksecurityarchive.org/html/Bugtraq/2004-10/msg00274.html03:28
acidmaxdsmouche: exactly as i do03:28
wellsoim runnin dual boot with XP and being a windows user by nature I thought I might need a third party firewall app03:28
smouchea bug report was filed on that -- somebody with very similar problem, but I don't know the status of it...03:28
_ReDRuM_does anyone know if ubuntu boots a framebuffer by default03:28
acidmaxdsmouche: after i close the window=, `ps ax` shows konqueror still running03:28
=== _ReDRuM_ is trying to understand why linkin has no visual in console either
linkin__redrum_: do you noticed what problem i have? :D03:29
acidmaxdsmouche: 2-3 minutes later this konqueror crashes03:29
_ReDRuM_linkin_: yes i noticed im trying to think why.03:29
smouchekate crashes on me too, acidmaxd -- I wonder if the problemm is related03:29
haydenhow can i mount samba shares at startup using /etc/fstab without needing to type a password when the system starts up?03:29
wellsoi have probs with kate running with sudo03:29
linkin__redrum_: first boot... i see first: black and white pixels... and after it... nice colors :D03:29
acidmaxdsmouche: reading the debugging dump i saw something like that: Konqueror::ListDirs:: ... bla-bla03:29
linkin__redrum_: but i could change normaly to the console03:30
_ReDRuM_linkin_: does it at any point give you readable text?03:30
_ReDRuM_linkin_: so you can login in console right?03:30
linkin__redrum_: no...03:30
acidmaxdsmouche: where is the Bugzilla?03:30
_ReDRuM_linkin_: press ctrl+alt+f1 to switch to console from X03:30
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_ReDRuM_linkin_: if it gives you readable text during the bootup you will be able to do that03:31
smouche? acidmaxd03:31
_ReDRuM_osrry guys ive got work to do03:31
=== _ReDRuM_ afk
insanekane_ReDRuM_: ciao03:31
smouchedon't remember exactly, acidmaxd, sorry03:31
linkin__redrum_: thanks for everything, bye ;)03:31
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insanekaneacidmaxd: bugzilla.ubuntu.com03:32
acidmaxdinsanekane: yeah, i've figured that03:32
smoucheI'm having fewer crashes now that I use rox to browse files, but I still get them sometimes, like you said, when konqueror isn't even (supposed to be) running03:32
insanekaneacidmaxd: :)03:32
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acidmaxdsmouche: i've used some daily builds and the preview release - they were rock-solid03:33
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smoucheacidmaxd, I checked firefox history -- try somewhere in here: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=800903:34
smoucheacidmaxd, I'm using an upgraded final release candidate03:34
smoucheacidmaxd, what's your hardware?03:35
acidmaxdsmouche: updated ?!03:35
acidmaxdsmouche: do i need to re-download it03:36
smoucheno, why, acidmaxd?03:36
acidmaxd< smouche> acidmaxd, I'm using an upgraded final release candidate03:36
smoucheer, I don't know -- I have a feeling I'd have this bug even with a new fresh install03:37
acidmaxdsmouche: mine is fresh03:37
haydenin konqueror when im looking at my home dir how can i get the window on the left like folder view in windows xp?03:37
smoucheI think it's a hardware thing, maybe my video driver...?03:37
Riddellhayden: F903:37
acidmaxdsmouche: hardware: PIII Xeon 500 MHz, 256 MB SDRAM, Matrox G400 (mga)03:37
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smoucheacdmaxd, well -- that's way different from my hardware!  so that isn't the problem, I guess!03:38
smoucheI haven't heard too many people screaming about this issue (except me) before, so it doesn't seem to affect too many folks -- weird03:39
linkin___redrum_ (or someone else :P): i will get the same screen :'(03:39
linkin__I've made 2 pictures from it...03:39
smoucheacidmaxd, does kate crash on you a lot too, or refuse to open?03:40
acidmaxdsmouche: i don't use kate, sorry03:40
acidmaxdsmouche: no, kate opens well03:41
smouchewell, acidmaxd, kate has seemingly random problems too, like konqueror.03:42
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linkin__here... http://linkin.mine.nu/kubuntu/pictures/03:42
linkin__(for the pictures from the console)03:42
acidmaxdi've deleted everything kde-related on my home directory, started from scratch, without effect03:43
acidmaxddamn, just switched to KDE after 4 years of GNOME :(03:43
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psnacidmaxd: hmm which widget style do you use?03:43
smoucheI feel your pain, acidmaxd. 03:44
acidmaxdpsn: everything Plastik03:44
acidmaxdicons are Nuvola03:44
psnacidmaxd: hmm ok, I had some problems with lipstik03:44
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andrewskiwhy can't i install kvim and gvim at the same time?!03:45
incubiiwhat sort of problems psn03:46
insanekaneacidmaxd: do you now like KDE better ? ;)03:46
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smoucheI may give up on kde on this machine anyway, if the konqueror crashes don't stop.  I really like xfce4 anyway...03:46
psnincubii: random crashes... they disappeared when I switched to plastik03:47
clivaGood afternoon to all!!03:47
clivaI'm the only that today can't update apt-get?03:47
clivaOr there is a server owercrowding?03:48
smouchepsn, what were you using before plastik?03:48
psnsmouche: lipstik03:48
incubiii was runnin combo plastik/lipstik, think ill try all plastick to see what happens03:48
smoucheI had "kde2" or whatever, trying plastik now, to see if it helps!03:49
andrewskihmm, me too with the crashes.  knew i shouldn't have worn lipstik.03:49
incubiiyou coulda least worn a dress 03:50
acidmaxdpsn: so, should i switch to Liptik?03:50
acidmaxdLipstik i mean03:50
smoucheweird, I don't even have lipstik listed in window decorations...03:51
acidmaxdsmouche: it's a Style03:51
incubiistupid smp kernel preventing special keys03:51
psnacidmaxd: well lipstik didn't work for me, maybe it does for you...03:52
smoucheok, plastik it is then, goodbye lipstik -- crossing fingers.  03:52
acidmaxdwhat fonts are you using?03:53
acidmaxdi use microsofts'03:53
incubiii use what it comes with03:53
acidmaxdincubii: i hope that you have enabled autohinting03:54
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smoucheshit!!! konqueror also crashes about every other time I try to save a theme!!03:54
incubiisi have AA on03:55
incubiiif thats what you mean03:56
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smouchealright, I'm ending this kde session and switching to xfce just for some aggravation relief -- see you soon03:57
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haydenwhenever i am in the kde control center and i click administrator mode, it just sits there 03:58
acidmaxdincubii: no, if you edit /etc/fonts/local.conf and uncomment the section about autohinting, the fonts will be way better03:59
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acidmaxdsmoucheXF: have you tried to disable kubuntu's KDM theme?04:01
acidmaxdsmoucheXF: and replace it with a more standart one04:01
smoucheXFacidmaxd, no I haven't04:01
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judehow can i add more styles/window decs?04:03
acidmaxdjude: you can get some styles from http://www.kde-look.org and install them via Control Center04:05
judeacidmaxd: ta04:05
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insanekaneRiddell: another problem: i get an error with kmix that is cannot use/connect/whatever to /dev/dsp ... so no sound ... any idea how to fix ?04:06
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andrewskiacidmaxd: "install them via Control Center"?04:06
andrewskiacidmaxd: where do you have to download them to?04:06
Riddellinsanekane: probably no sound driver installed04:06
acidmaxd(i haven't practiced my Engligh much, sorry) :)04:06
insanekaneRiddell: hrmm ...04:06
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andrewskiacidmaxd: no, your english is fine, i just don't know how to do that. :P04:07
acidmaxdRiddell: are the Konquerors' random crashes a known issue?04:07
acidmaxdandrewski: Control Center -> Appearance and Themes -> Theme manager04:09
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andrewskiacidmaxd: where do i download them?04:10
Riddellacidmaxd: nope04:10
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acidmaxdRiddell: can i explain, or just fill a bug report?04:10
smoucheXFRiddell, what's the definition of "known issue" ?  there are bug reports on it...04:10
insanekaneRiddell: i hope you are not planning on removing kolourpaint .. and i hope you *do* remove kwrite/kate and use kedit instead (defaults)04:11
acidmaxdsmoucheXF: unfortunately, i can't browse Ubuntu's Bugzilla: Secure connection: fatal error (10) from server, transmission failure.04:11
hungeracidmaxd: I can not even register there...04:12
shogoukiinsanekane: kedit isnt useless now ?04:12
acidmaxdhunger: i cannot login :)04:12
acidmaxdhunger: probably cookies/proxy related04:12
smoucheXFhmm, did you try that direct page link I gave you before?  I can't find it now, 'cause I'm in a different user session, don't have my history list04:12
acidmaxdthis one: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=800904:13
smoucheXFRiddell, I agree with insanekane re kedit vs kate...04:13
Riddellinsanekane: kolourpaint you'll notice is there but hopefully the next version will have Krita04:13
Riddellwhat advantage does kedit have over kate or kwrite?04:13
insanekaneRiddell: kedit supports non-Latin very well ... but others dont04:14
andrewskiRiddell: where did you want me to file that kubuntu.png bug?04:14
Riddellandrewski: which kubuntu.png bug?04:14
smoucheXFkedit doesn't crash, kate is great but overkill for non-programmers, kedit is quicker, kate can be easily installed by those who want it.04:14
insanekaneRiddell: kolourpaint also supports non-Latin ... i dont know abt Krita though .... Karbon doesnt support non-Latin and should be removed (its not there now though)04:14
andrewskiRiddell: the one we were talking about yesterday, with the grainy login/background picture.04:14
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insanekaneshogouki: no, kedit is very nice :)04:15
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acidmaxdKGpg doesn'g support signing non-latin text either :(04:15
Riddellandrewski: on bugzilla.ubuntu.com  under kubuntu and against ksplash or kdebase04:15
hungeracidmaxd: Nope... I want to report that mail is broken for me... and I can not register because I keep loosing the mail with the login info.04:15
insanekaneacidmaxd: it doesnt ?? it worked for me ...04:15
smoucheXFand Riddell, I'm not the only newbie to be presented with advice to "sudo kate" to edit a system file, only to have a message like this: "blah blah kate probably crashed"04:15
andrewskiRiddell: ksplash/kdebase... got it, thanks.04:15
smoucheXFso I use nano instead, or kedit04:15
underlordwhy is the only bloody thing that can play music on my system now beep media player?? what makes it special??04:16
andrewskiunderlord: ever looked into mpd?04:16
Riddellinsanekane: kate supports non-latin text fine here, but I'm not much of a user adminitadly, what's the issue?04:16
insanekaneunderlord: what abt juk/amarok ?04:16
acidmaxdunderlord: did you install akode-mpeg?04:16
andrewskiunderlord: not to totally ignore your question. :P04:17
underlordjuk/amarok skip ever since i installed a nic04:17
insanekaneRiddell: oh many many issues ... beginning with wierd cursor handling ... and no, it doesnt support non-Latin very well04:17
underlordno, i didnt04:17
andrewskiunderlord: well, if you're interested: www.musicpd.org04:17
underlordi dont use mp3 though, so i wouldnt expect mpeg to be neccisary04:17
insanekaneRiddell: selections not rendering well, non-logical cursor movements, etc etc04:17
acidmaxdinsanekane: i am trying to sign some cyrillic text with KGpg... the result is: ???? ?? ???? ???04:17
underlordandrewski: i will have a look04:17
insanekaneacidmaxd: change your encoding to utf-804:17
acidmaxdinsanekane: tried that04:18
insanekaneacidmaxd: whenever you see "???" with unicode it means encoding is incorrect04:18
judeis there any way to browse or search the list of packages available?04:18
andrewskianyone have any tips on managing konqueror as brower and filemanager?  i want shortcuts for both in my custom menu, but i don't know how.04:18
Riddelljude: apt-cache search foo  or kynaptic04:18
insanekanejude: kynaptic04:18
andrewskijude: synaptic, if you want more features.04:19
judethanks guys04:19
=== smoucheXF is just for the torture of it gonna see if konqueror krashes as often if used in xfce as in kde...
underlordandrewski: erm, im not trying to make my pc in to a jukebox, i just want the sound to work without skipping, i dont see why mpd would be good04:19
andrewskiunderlord: it's just an alternative.  works as a daemon, so when you restart X (or sit in the CLI), you don't have to stop your music.  that's all.04:20
underlordandrewski: i never sit in cli lol04:20
underlordim a gui person, konsole is as close as i come04:20
andrewskiunderlord: my computer's not a jukebox, but i use it.  very nice, keeps track of your library and updates much more quickly than amarok.04:20
underlordcan amarok use it? i like amarok's gui alot04:21
andrewskiunderlord: even still, if you restart your session, your music keeps on playing.04:21
andrewskiunderlord: no, amarok can't.  there are other kde clients though.04:21
smoucheXFRiddell, why is kynaptic installed by default, as opposed to kpackage?04:21
andrewskiunderlord: and gtk, php, CLI, ncurses, python, etc. :P04:21
underlordsomeone mentioned akode before - apt describes it as a library for arts - i dont have arts turned on, it makes skipping worse, sound goes straight to alsa04:22
acidmaxdsmoucheXF: maybe because kynaptic is debian-specific04:22
insanekaneacidmaxd: before you type, try setting View->Unicode (utf-8) encoding04:22
smoucheXFisn't kpackage?04:22
acidmaxdinsanekane: just tried that :)04:22
andrewskismoucheXF: no, can do RPMs and others too.04:22
smoucheXFah, thank you04:22
andrewskiso how does one manage konqueror to open as a web browser?04:23
acidmaxdinsanekane: maybe the problem is in the way i use cyrillic on my computer04:23
insanekaneacidmaxd: maybe04:23
DiThikfmclient openProfile webbrowsing04:23
acidmaxdinsanekane: directly from X, with Xkboptions04:23
smoucheXFandrewski, normally it opens in that mode if you "konqueror" in a konsole...04:23
acidmaxdinsanekane: because i would like to switch between groups with Alt+Shift04:24
andrewskismoucheXF: huh, i just added it to my custom menu from that little picker...04:24
acidmaxdinsanekane: haven't managed to made it under KDE (under GNOME is OK)04:24
smoucheXFanyway, andrewski, why not just make a launcher to any page you want to start out with, associating konqueror with it?04:25
andrewskismoucheXF: that's a separate issue, i'd like it to save my sessions, but i don't know if it does that.04:25
acidmaxdthese little annoyances may drive me back to gnome :(04:27
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andrewskiyeah, i hear that.  i've never liked the filemanager/browser combination....04:28
andrewskiif it were easier to manage, sure, but O_o04:28
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smoucheXFhuh, annoying as hell that konqueror doesn't have a toolbar button for "show hidden files" or a default keybinding for that...04:29
andrewskiwell, wouldn't drive me back to gnome, but i'd switch browsers. :P04:29
smoucheXFI set up a keybinding in kde, but now I have to do it again for xfce04:29
andrewskiDiThi: didn't even see your message. :P04:29
smoucheXFI wish the konq devs would steal some of rox-filer's great interface features...04:29
apokryphoserr, why is the filemanager/browser combination annoying? 04:30
andrewskiacidmaxd: what's the problem?  keyboard layouts?04:30
andrewskiapokryphos: because i want to open a browser and it keeps opening ~04:30
DiThiandrewski: put an url04:31
apokryphosandrewski: that's because you've set "~" as your homepage04:31
DiThithen save the profile04:31
hungerandrewski: Put in a url and go and save the profile for webbrowsing.04:31
andrewskiDiThi: i want a menu launcher and i don't want it to open a specific page.04:31
acidmaxdandrewski: can't switch them with Alt+Shift04:31
andrewskihunger: i saved it with no windows open; why does it open ~?04:31
apokryphosdon't make it load a specific page then, put "about:konqueror" as the homepage04:31
DiThihelp->konqueror intro04:31
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andrewskiacidmaxd: and you scoured the settings?04:32
DiThipreferences->save profile webbrowsing04:32
acidmaxdandrewski: or at least with Ctl+Shift04:32
andrewskiDiThi: ok, i'll check it out.04:32
hungerandrewski: Dunno. It works fine for me.04:32
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acidmaxdandrewski: yes, and searched google for this. other people are also annoyed because of this04:32
andrewskiacidmaxd: dunno, but if you can h/o, i'll check it out.04:33
hungerandrewski: Maybe it needs some url? Have you tried giving about:konqueror or about:blank?04:33
andrewskihunger: well, i want it to start up with my last session (if it can save), or with an empty interface.04:34
andrewskihunger: i'll look into it, but i'm helping an ubuntu newb ATM. :P04:34
apokryphosEmpty interface is do-able, last session page might be04:35
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andrewskihow can i manually edit the menu to see exactly what's being launched?04:38
uniqright-click - edit? 04:39
acidmaxdanyone managed to use gmail (the full interface, not the plain one) with konqueror?04:39
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andrewskiacidmaxd: h/o i'll try.04:39
acidmaxdandrewski: "h/o" ?04:39
andrewskiuniq: right-click on what?04:39
andrewskiacidmaxd: hold on04:39
uniqandrewski: the K-menu right? - right click on the menu entry you'd like to edit.04:40
uniqand edit.04:40
smoucheXFdoes anyone know how or if I can create a launcher in a panel that would work the way the calendar applet works, for example?04:40
andrewskiuniq: nope, a custom desktop mesu.04:40
smoucheXFwhat I mean is, click once, app appears04:40
smoucheXFclick again, it goes away04:40
acidmaxdsmoucheXF: you need an applet for this04:40
uniqandrewski: ok.04:41
acidmaxdsmoucheXF: OR, you could place your programs in the tray04:41
smoucheXFI'd like to be able to do that with, say, a text file, for quick reference, without having to move the mouse...04:41
andrewskiuniq: i guess i could try to open that in the menu editor, but i dunno which file it is. :)04:41
acidmaxdsmoucheXF: right-click on the launcher, Properties, Application, Advanced04:41
acidmaxdsmoucheXF: "Place in system tray"04:41
uniqandrewski: what menu is this?04:41
uniqor what is it.04:42
smoucheXFacidmaxd, the tray - yeah, that might work.... thanks04:42
andrewskiuniq: i made a short menu (a la xfce) that activates on right-click on the desktop.  added launchers inside control center.04:42
acidmaxdsmoucheXF: create a launcher executing for example: "kate mytextfile.txt" and place it in the system tray04:43
andrewskiuniq: added everything as if it were a menu entry, so i didn't actually see what's being launched beneath the surface.04:43
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andrewskiacidmaxd: what do you mean, full interface?04:43
uniqandrewski: ahh.. understand.. 04:44
smoucheXFandrewski, do you know how I can get xfce to swap the the left button for the middle button for accessing the window menu on the desktop?  04:44
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andrewskismoucheXF: don't think you can... #xfce <--!04:44
smoucheXFthanks, acidmaxd !04:44
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acidmaxdandrewski: gmail has two interfaces - a plain HTML one (working on Konqueror) and JavaScript-rich one, not working in Konqueror04:45
smoucheXFandrewski, I hate having to hit two mouse/touchpad buttons at once!04:46
andrewskiacidmaxd: how do i switch?04:46
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acidmaxdandrewski: http://gmail.google.com/gmail?nocheckbrowser or http://gmail.google.com/gmail?nobrowsercheck04:47
acidmaxdandrewski: you can login to the full interface that way, and the result is that nothing is working04:47
smoucheXFhmmm, funny, I thought gmail automatically adjusted itself to the browser, with a nag -- anyway, it works fine with elinks, text only (except attachments...)04:47
andrewskiacidmaxd: it loads for me04:47
=== Riddell spots insanekane on KubuntuPeople and goes yay!
acidmaxdandrewski: clicking on Inbox does nothing04:48
andrewskiacidmaxd: ah, yes.  same here.04:48
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insanekaneRiddell: LOL04:49
acidmaxdsmoucheXF: yeah, plain old non-JS slow interface for Konqueror, rich, fast interface for MSIE/Opera/Mozilla04:49
insanekaneRiddell: see KubuntuInternational on kubuntu main page04:49
smoucheXFacidmaxd, I love opera, but for some reason it just looks awful on kubuntu for me, don't know how to fix that.  Hideous.04:51
andrewskismoucheXF: yeah, same here.  you'd think it'd use kde styles or something. :/04:52
andrewskismoucheXF: and for you, are the fonts really small?04:52
amiroffandrewski, and kioslaves would be nice too :)04:52
andrewskiamiroff: what are thosee?04:52
smoucheXFyes, andrewski, and ragged looking.  It was easy to get the fonts looking decent in firefox, but opera, yuck.  I gave up.04:53
amiroffwell, to open diffrent stuff from different media or remote media04:53
andrewskiamiroff: hmm.04:53
amiroffandrewski, so say, you could open a html file from a samba share04:54
andrewskiamiroff: ah, i see.  frankly, if it would just theme correctly, at least that'd be a place to start.04:54
amiroffandrewski, don't you like konqueror?04:55
smoucheXFhmm, I think someone was explaining to me that the absence of a kioslave was the reason that rox-filer couldn't browse my samba shares... 04:55
amiroffit's really good these months04:55
amiroffsmoucheXF, rox-filer does not have kioslaves support, that's natural04:55
smoucheXFamiroff, I would love konqueror, if it didn't freakin' crash on me all the time04:55
amiroffonly kde apps have one04:56
smoucheXFthat's what I meant, amiroff, just noting that I was beginning to understand the kioslave concept... ;-)04:56
andrewskiamiroff: kinda.  i appreciate the configurability, but there are some things i miss.04:56
amiroffsmoucheXF, interesting, it does not crash on me, maybe I did not stress test it enough :)04:56
smoucheXFit's a problem that only seems to happen to a select few...04:57
amiroffif only firefox was not so unresponsive and slow,04:57
smoucheXFacidmaxd, you still there?  04:57
amiroffit's much much faster and responsive on windows damn it :(04:57
smoucheXFamiroff, you're right about firefox! that's aggravating04:57
Tm_TFF is light and fast!04:58
acidmaxdsmoucheXF: yes04:58
=== smoucheXF notes for clarity that konqueror as file browser crashes a lot, but web browsing, it seems fine
amiroffTm_T, are you OK budd?04:59
andrewskiamiroff: opera is kinda the perfect browser for me, but its attempts to be OS-general makes it kinda hard to look consistent with any environment.04:59
amiroffTm_T, what's so fast about firefox? it lags here like turtle04:59
smoucheXFamiroff, I think there's stuff on the wiki about changing some config stuff for firefox that perks it up a lot04:59
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andrewskiamiroff: but i'm using it. :P04:59
acidmaxdandrewski: Plastik + Freestyle on Opera looks good05:00
amiroffsmoucheXF, I nkow, disabling ipv6 will make it load sites faster, but I am talking about interface slowness05:00
acidmaxdOpera 8 beta 3 crashes from time to time05:00
andrewskiacidmaxd: i can't get it to look like plastik... how'd you do it?05:00
acidmaxdmost notably when logging out from gmail05:00
smoucheXFandrewski, I much preferred earlier versions of opera, and the themers have gone insane.  horrible themes, I had to really dig for a skin that wouldn't make the freakin' scrollbar flash at me.  Hate that crap05:00
Riddellacidmaxd: freestyle?05:00
acidmaxdRiddell: freestyle the opera style :)05:00
andrewskismoucheXF: well, i just want it to look like KDE. :P05:00
smoucheXFI prefer non kde apps to not look like kde, myself, andrewski!  05:01
andrewskiwhat i don't get is that the "Windows" skin (which really means 'native' == Qt) looks like crap.05:01
acidmaxdKicker is silver-gray and Freestyle is like that05:01
andrewskismoucheXF: ok.05:01
smoucheXFheh heh, great thing about linux, to each their own --;-)05:02
acidmaxdsmoucheXF: the most beautiful and simple Opera skin is Fresh05:02
andrewskismoucheXF: kinda, but opera can't show native qt well. :/05:02
acidmaxdandrewski: looks like Qt 1.x :)05:03
andrewskiacidmaxd: ah, is that it?05:03
smoucheXFalright  guys, darn, now you're making me want to get opera again, what the hell, why not -- I love the keyboard shortcuts!05:03
andrewskiacidmaxd: hmm, any way to get one that will use ubuntu's qt?05:03
acidmaxdOpera is good but i missed the integration of Konqueror with the rest of the KDE stuff (Kaffeine, AmaroK)05:03
andrewskismoucheXF: and rocker gestures, flexible interface, etc. :P05:04
acidmaxdandrewski: tried a couple of native themes, none managed to make it right05:04
smoucheXFand real full screen, and one touch enlargement !05:04
smoucheXFopera is great for reading long html docs, ebooks and so forth...05:05
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=== andrewski goes to scour the opera forums...
=== smoucheXF is apt-getting opera
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andrewskismoucheXF: you can do that?!05:06
smoucheXFno, heh heh, you can't! 05:06
smoucheXFI forgot, need to get it from opera site... heh heh05:06
andrewskiacidmaxd: well, where did you get yours?  i got mine from debian.05:06
andrewskino no, from opera's site. :P05:07
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acidmaxdthere are .debs on opera's site05:07
acidmaxdbut please download Opera 8 beta 305:07
acidmaxd7.5 is a mess05:07
andrewskiacidmaxd: well, do they use qt 1.2?  maybe that's the problem....05:08
acidmaxdandrewski: they use the available Qt if you choose shared version05:09
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andrewskihmm, opera depends on libqt3c102... is that current?05:09
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shmoolikhello i need a little help plz :) i want to get the trash back  to the DeskTOP how can i do that ?05:09
insanekaneandrewski: it looks like it05:09
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andrewskithen why does it look like crap?05:10
shmoolikwhat looks like crap andrewski  ?05:10
uniqshmoolik: make a link to url trash:/05:10
Beineriuniq: wrong05:11
andrewskishmoolik: opera's native skin05:11
uniqbeineri: ok, maybe not the proper way.. but it works.05:11
Beineriuniq: no, it doesn't05:11
uniqyes it does.05:11
uniqi've just tested.05:11
shmoolik=\ i dont'  use opera sorry can't help =\ andrewski 05:11
uniqyou can empty it and all.05:11
Beineriuniq: it doesn't reflect the trash's state correctly05:11
shmoolikthanks uniq 05:11
andrewskishmoolik: that's ok, i didn't ask. :P05:11
uniqbeineri: ahh.. correct.05:12
uniqshmoolik: did you get that? 05:12
shmoolikuniq, yeah but it does not work =\05:12
acidmaxdBeineri: so, which is the correct way?05:13
Beinerishmoolik: generally 'cp $KDEDIR/share/apps/kdesktop/directory.trash ~/Desktop/"05:13
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shmoolikBeineri,  but i can just link it right ?05:14
acidmaxdBeineri: acidmax@dev:~/Desktop$ ls05:15
acidmaxddirectory.autostart  directory.desktop  directory.templates  directory.trash05:15
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acidmaxdbut there is nothin on my Desktop :(05:15
Beinerishmoolik: why?05:15
andrewskiacidmaxd: did you turn icons off?05:15
acidmaxd"Show icons on desktop" is checked05:15
Beinerishmoolik: sorry, cp $KDEDIR/share/apps/kdesktop/directory.trash ~/Desktop/trash.desktop05:15
shmooliki dont' want  to 05:15
shmooliki don't want to "hurt" my orginal settings 05:16
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shmoolikcp: cannot stat `/share/apps/kdesktop/directory.trash': No such file or directory*05:16
andrewskidoes konqueror save sessions?05:17
uniqshmoolik: /usr/share.... and so on.05:17
Beinerishmoolik: cp /usr/share/apps/kdesktop/directory.trash ~/Desktop/trash.desktop05:17
acidmaxdstill nothing on the Desktop05:17
joe_are you just now talking about how to get the trashcan onto the desktop?05:18
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joe_Because I am wondering about that too.05:18
acidmaxdi would like Home too05:18
shmoolikoh... DAMN me i thought that $KDEDIR takes me to kde folder =\05:18
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acidmaxdcp /usr/share/apps/kdesktop/directory.trash /home/acidmax/Desktop/trash.desktop05:19
acidmaxdacidmax@dev:~/Desktop$ ls05:19
acidmaxdsorry, nothing!05:19
shmooliki have thanks  05:19
uniqthen you'll have to enable icons on the desktop.. i guess.05:19
acidmaxduniq: they are enabled05:20
uniqrefresh your desktop? 05:20
acidmaxdanother strange thing - the new on-mouse-over beauties dissapeared05:20
shmoolikmay b u need to restart your X .......05:20
Beineridunno then, maybe it caused by the way the Kubuntu packages are patched to not show the trash on the desktop initially...05:22
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acidmaxdRiddell: is there any way to remove Kubuntu's KDM theme? I would like a standart one05:22
shmoolikone little thingy plz... does any one here knows whats the name of the package that fix the  gtk+ to qt ?05:22
uniqacidmaxd: control center.05:22
Riddellacidmaxd: edit /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc05:22
Beinerishmoolik: gtk2-engines-gtk-qt or alike05:23
joe_What I am doing so far is to make trash:/ a bookmark, so I can access it via konqueror05:23
shmoolikthanks Beineri 05:23
Riddellshmoolik: you also need to remove the Hidden=true in trash.desktop05:23
shmoolikhow can i do that Riddell ?05:24
acidmaxdRiddell: this one: Preloader=/usr/bin/preloadkde  ?05:24
Riddellshmoolik: open it in your favourite text editor05:24
Riddellacidmaxd: err no, the one about the Theme05:24
joe_this one:  Theme=/usr/share/apps/kdm/themes/kubuntu05:25
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Riddellor just UseTheme05:25
Beinerijoe_: bookmark? There is Go/Trash05:25
joe_there is?05:25
CloneyHmm, will 4.3Gb fit a relatively compact Ubuntu distribution nicely?05:25
Riddellhmm, Go->Wastebin needs in icon05:26
joe_I feel so stupid all of a sudden.05:26
[fab] joe_: no dude05:26
acidmaxdRiddell: thanks a lot05:26
gdhCloney: Yes05:26
BeineriRiddell: what bastard added a Hidden=True there? ;-)05:26
gdhCloney: normal install levels out at 1.5G, so you'l have plentyof space for data.05:27
RiddellBeineri: dunno, must have been someone desperatly trying to remove the desktop Wastebin icon :)05:27
shmoolikRiddell,  should i just commant the line?05:27
Riddellshmoolik: aye05:27
BeineriRiddell: damn Ubuntu-look-alike contest :-)05:28
uniqhehe :)05:28
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acidmaxdKonqueror crashed when I changed Hidden=false to true05:28
andrewskiso, i ask again: does anyone know any way to have my GTK settings (themes and fonts) loaded in KDE?05:28
acidmaxd#4  0xb7c736e9 in QMap<KIO::ListJob*, KDirLister::KDirListerPrivate::JobData>::detachInternal () and so on...05:28
Cloneygdh: ta, just sizing a Virtual PC disk.05:28
Riddellandrewski: not possible.  you're doing it the wrong way around, install gtk-qt theme and set gtk to use qt settings05:29
andrewskiRiddell: sorry, i just want them loaded for GTK programs.  that's not too much to ask, is it? ;)05:29
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andrewskiRiddell: i'd probably use gtk-qt if it didn't trash my theming in gnome/xfce. :)05:29
SpookyETI downloaded Kubuntu.  If I want to play with Gnome, is it easily installable over Kubuntu?05:29
gdhSpookyET: Yes.05:30
BeineriRiddell: maybe you can also read the "wastebin" mail on kde-artists? :-)05:30
acidmaxdSpookyET: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:30
uniqandrewski: you can always start gnome-settings-deamon or what it's called.. to get your gtk-apps look like in gnome.. 05:30
andrewskiuniq: ok, i'll try that, thanks.05:31
RiddellBeineri: yes, it's there along with 916 other unprocessed e-mails.  I'll get back to icon administration someday05:31
=== [fab] does not envy Riddell
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Riddell[fab] : fancy taking over maintainership of Umbrello?05:32
andrewskiuniq: hmm, it loads the background too.  blech.05:32
[fab] Riddell: go away Riddell 05:32
[fab] no!05:32
[fab] :)05:32
Riddelloh well, worth a shot :)05:32
BeineriRiddell: did you ask Oliver? :-)05:33
shmoolikthanks man u helpd me alot :)) 05:33
uniqandrewski: hum.. then i don't know.05:33
andrewskiuniq: it's ok, i'll put up with the default widgets.05:33
RiddellBeineri: oliver wants to leave too :(  taking up too much of his time bless him05:33
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Riddellalso somebody has to keep an eye on the hundreds of lines of code he writes each week05:34
acidmaxdi will reinstall kubuntu, so konqueror might eventyally disappear. bye for now!05:34
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andrewskicrap, must restart to get settings back...05:35
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andrewskiwhy doesn't kubuntu human cursor theme work on all types of cursors (e.g. window resizing)?05:42
Riddellandrewski: tis a good question05:42
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andrewskiRiddell: should i file a bugreport about that too? :)05:42
Riddellthe cursor theme was kinday last minute, I didn't do it very thoughly (e.g. kdm doesn't have it)05:43
Riddellandrewski: yes please05:43
andrewskiRiddell: you're such a friendly dev. :)05:43
judeisn't it based on the jimmac theme?05:44
judewhy not just use that?05:44
andrewskijude: industrial IIRC.05:44
scotdbCan kubuntu work like "Mandrake Move" (using a USB to store a /home) ?05:44
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andrewskijude: i'm assuming that the kubuntu theme was made because there wasn't one that looked like this for kde.  fair assumption?05:45
andrewskitest: hi05:45
Riddelljude: isn't what?05:45
andrewskiscotdb: i don't see why not.05:45
testA question for org : how can you edit the start resolution of xorg ? It starts with 1024 75HZ and switches to 1024 60Hz as I chose it in KDE ...05:46
mluser-homeDoes anyone know what the root password is for the live cd version of Kubuntu?05:46
testhi andrewski05:46
Riddellmluser-home: there is none05:46
judeandrewski: ah right - http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=655005:46
judejimmac :)05:46
testhi jude05:46
mluser-homeSo how is one supposed to change system settings?05:46
judehi test05:46
mluser-homeLike changing the network settings05:46
andrewskijude: tell Riddell; maybe that'll help resolve it.05:46
judeokay - hey, Riddell...05:47
Riddellwell I just stole it from Human, don't know where they stole it from05:47
mluser-homeRiddell: I'm trying to bring up eth0 using ifconfig, but I need root priviledges05:47
andrewskiRiddell: i don't think it's stolen, just b0rked.05:47
Riddellmluser-home: sudo ifup eth005:47
scotdbandrewski : I guess I need to work out how to make /home/ubuntu mount as a USB separately ?05:47
mluser-homeAhhh, ok.. thanks :D05:47
andrewskiscotdb: yes, AFAIK.05:47
andrewskiscotdb: except i think you mean /home/username?05:48
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=== smouche is living in SIGSEGV
scotdbandrewski : I've just booted off the live CD and it seems to boot into a user called ubuntu 05:48
andrewskiscotdb: oh, i see.  i thought you meant on an ubuntu installation.05:49
scotdbNo, I'm talking live CD : so I can go to any machine anywhere and still have all my settings and files !!!05:49
andrewskiscotdb: oh, so you want an entire ubuntu installation on a usb drive?05:49
gdhandrewski: no, jsut his homedir :)05:50
smouchedammit, I'm beginning to miss nautilus, konqueror hates me so much...05:50
shogoukijuste the home05:50
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scotdbgdh : exactly05:50
gdhthat's been a KNOPPIX feature for years05:50
scotdbSo I can carry my environment with me as a CD and a USB key !!!05:50
andrewskiah, i see!05:50
shogoukithat would be great05:50
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andrewskii think it'd be great to have it all on just a usb key. :P05:50
gdhscotdb: That isn't difficult to do - just needs a couple of symlinks..05:51
scotdbandrewski : I guess that would be possible with the latest 1 gig keys (of course I'd need to know how to boot from a USB key too)05:52
smouchewhy does konqueror segfault so much?05:52
andrewskiscotdb: yeah, i think you need a floppy/cd to do that, unless you have a really new computer. ;P05:52
andrewskismouche: you getting backtraces and reporting them?05:52
RumoHi, is there someone who can help me with a kaffeine related problem?05:52
andrewskiRumo: ask away.05:52
RumoKaffeine crashes when I try to open a second file05:53
scotdbandrewski : I have a really new computer <G> : but lack the knowledge05:53
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andrewskiscotdb: mine's four years old and i lack the knowledge too.  you beat me. :P05:54
mth`MAWHi Folks05:54
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haydenwhats the a good program to edit c programs with?05:54
smoucheit's already reported as bug 8009, with some dupes.  Should I report anyway, andrewski?05:54
andrewskismouche: no, i don't think so.05:55
scotdbandrewski : I have one of those too : I now call it my home server : just thinking that I can't be guaranteed that the out-of-town locations would have that "new computer"05:55
shogoukiscotdb: just change the boot sequence in bios, i think05:55
RumoHas someone here problems with kaffeine in hoary, too?05:55
andrewskihayden: kvim?05:55
MAWSpitauK-vim has a gui05:55
andrewskiRumo: it crashes for me too.05:55
shogoukikdevelop ?05:55
andrewskiRumo: seems like we should report this. :)05:56
smoucheI don't think bug 8009 is getting much attention; it seems to occur to very few people...05:56
andrewskismouche: well, if that's your problem, it's only going to irritate the devs to post another.05:56
andrewskiRumo: you want to?05:57
Beinerikvim is dead05:57
andrewskiBeineri: huh?05:57
andrewskismouche: but if you have more information to add, that's always a good way to poke the devs/CCers.05:57
Beineriandrewski: let me try to remember its "new" name ;-)05:57
RumoI've never done that before, so - ok I'll do it05:57
judei have just connected a compact flash card reader - it popped up an icon, i clicked on it to get at the files, no worries. Now I can't see how to unmount it - there's nothing in the right-click menu that offers me the option...05:57
shogoukikvim has problems with accents (french version) :/05:57
judehow do I unmount the CF?05:58
smoucheyeah, I'll add some comments to the thread, just confirming the other guys stuff, with variations...05:58
andrewskiRumo: well, i'm reporting two currently. :)  bugzilla.ubuntu.com, make sure you paste the backtrace.  let me know if you need help.05:58
andrewskiRumo: (it's good to learn how to report bugs.)05:58
Rumook, thank you05:58
Beineriandrewski: http://www.yzis.org/ , http://dot.kde.org/1109040670/05:58
andrewskishogouki: unicode?05:58
shogoukiandrewski: pb append in kvum menus05:58
Rumofirst question: should I report it to kde.org or to ubuntu.com?05:59
andrewskiRumo: good question.  Riddell?05:59
smouchethank god I turned off that awful breaking glass error alert sound; I'd be batty by now...05:59
andrewskismouche: yeah, no kidding.05:59
smouchethat  thing could induce a heart attack.06:00
andrewskiBeineri: meh.  vim's not dead.06:00
Beineriandrewski: i talked about kvim06:00
smoucheheh, vim and vigor, eh.  not vim and, er, rigor...06:00
andrewskiBeineri: hmm, so yzis is just another 'frontend' for vim?06:00
andrewskiBeineri: albeit a better one?06:00
Beineriandrewski: no frontend, new editor I believe06:01
judehow do I unmount a cf card?06:01
shogoukiit provides kparts iirc06:01
Rumoandrewski - someone else reported the bug at kaffeine.sourceforge.net already06:01
andrewskiRumo: add yourself to the CC and call it a day. :)06:01
andrewski(if you want to, that is.)06:01
smouchesorry, not to sound ungrateful to the wonderful developers, and I'm not a techie, but, how can a distro be declared "stable" when a major component segfaults constantly, even if for only some users?06:03
andrewskismouche: it's hard to uncover all bugs for all users.06:03
andrewskismouche: perhaps the problem is a unique combination of configuration options, the theme you're using, the files you're trying to view, etc.06:04
smoucheIt didn't need to be uncovered, the bug was reported, andrewski! and if it couldn't be solved, then how is it a "stable" version?06:04
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andrewskismouche: i'm not commenting on the stability of (k)ubuntu.... ;)06:05
smoucheif the file browser is vulnerable to all that, andrewski, it doesn't speak well of the file manager...06:05
andrewskismouche: well, you conclude from that what you will. :P06:05
andrewskismouche: and i don't know about that bug, could you post a link?06:05
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smoucheI'm just pissed cause all this konqueror angst reminds me too much of windows06:06
andrewskiRiddell: ping?  which package has the kubuntu cursors?06:06
smouchejust a sec, andrewski06:06
judekonqueror is sorting files before dirs - can I reverse that? (I use text view)06:06
andrewskismouche: understood.  sorry you're having trouble; konq (when working) is quite nice.06:06
smoucheandrewski:  http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2005-March/000145.html06:06
=== apokryphos is happy to have never had his Konqueror his crash without making it do so
andrewskismouche: vid card/driver?06:08
smoucheThere are workarounds and possible leads in that thread, but I wish it would just work out of the box!  ok, I'm done whining now.06:08
Rumoanyone out there who uses lirc?06:08
smoucheandrewski, nvidia, default driver -- I don't think it's my hardware, someone with a completely different configuration had exactly the same issues06:08
andrewskismouche: did you have the problems mentioned about previews?06:08
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andrewskismouche: ok, i've just had lots of problems with apps crashing with the nvidia drivers.06:09
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andrewskismouche: what about https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=8009#c8 ?06:09
smoucheok, thanks for sympathizing, andrewski -- I'll try a new driver, hope for the best ...06:10
andrewskismouche: well, try other things first.06:10
andrewskismouche: i just turned off RenderAccel and i'm good.06:10
smoucheis that in xorg.conf, andrewski?06:10
andrewskismouche: yeah, but you should know if you have it enabled.  it's part of the compositing support.06:11
smouchehmm, that page doesn't want to load, andrewski...06:11
andrewskismouche: it's just the 8th comment of that bug you gave me.06:11
martxhi there how can i get the ATI 3d drivers?06:11
smouchethanks andrewski!06:11
andrewskismouche: check it out, it's possibly a way to hone in on the problem.06:12
smoucheandrewski:  will do.06:12
Rumoandrewski - you're not talking about kaffeine right now, are you? I installed the new nvidia drivers yesterday...06:12
andrewskiRumo: well, that could be it.  you and/or i could try restarting X with the nv driver....06:12
andrewskiRumo: not a bad idea. :)06:13
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Rumohmm, ok Ill do it06:13
Rumosee you in a few minutes06:13
andrewskiRumo: ok.06:14
andrewskiapokryphos: but if bob2 wants us to talk in here, we may as well.06:15
apokryphosIf it's not kubuntu-specific, then it doesn't really need to be in here, but it could be. Either is fine.06:16
=== MZE is now known as MindZEye
crimsunandrewski: find the name of a cursor file, then dpkg -S it06:17
andrewskicrimsun: ah, good point.06:18
\shguys...is there a metapackage for kde development in the hoary repos?06:18
andrewskicrimsun: you're everywhere! :P06:18
\shi need to install all kde-headers etc.06:18
smoucheandrewski, I don't have any entries in xorg.conf for "RenderAccel" ...06:18
Beineri\sh: kde-devel06:19
haydenhow do i get a graphical grub menu?06:19
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andrewskismouche: ok.  that's not it then. :P06:19
Rumoandrewski - still same problems with kaffeine06:19
andrewskiRumo: ok, that's not it then. :P06:19
\shBeineri: for kde 3.4 and kubuntu?06:19
andrewskicrimsun: still getting used to package management in ubuntu; i found it much easier in gentoo.06:20
crimsunit's definitely different.06:20
andrewskicrimsun: yeah, apt-cache, dpkg, and apt-get.  all that stuff was combined into gentoo's emerge.06:20
andrewski*most* of that stuff, to be fair.06:20
Beineri\sh: sure06:21
crimsunthe deity guys prefer separating things06:21
andrewskicrimsun: deity ~ debian?06:22
crimsunwhile it's nice to have a single entry point for package management, I tend to agree that separating them out is preferable06:22
andrewski\sh: kde or kde-base06:22
crimsunandrewski: deity is the dpkg list, also includes apt06:22
andrewskicrimsun: i suppose, it just makes the learning curve look a little different.06:22
andrewskicrimsun: ah.06:22
andrewskiwhere are kde cursors installed?06:22
crimsunif I had kubuntu-desktop installed, it would be easier ;)06:23
\shBeineri: have it...if i install kdevelop3 i will get at least the things i need :)06:23
apokryphosandrewski: you're overexaggerating the issue. If you put the wrong package it's not the end of the world, they'll change it. 06:23
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andrewskiapokryphos: ok, i'll stop. :)06:24
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Bicchii am trying to delete a group of folders that are part of root, but i can not login as root. how can i do so06:24
_ReDRuM_kpdf wont view pdfs i make with ghostscript but acroread (which is broken in the repo) will :/06:24
_ReDRuM_any non-acrobat alternative available?06:24
apokryphosBicchi: you can use sudo in terminal06:24
_ReDRuM_kpdf.... what else?06:24
Bicchiapokryphos: but i get the directory not empty message06:25
apokryphosBicchi: so use the appropriate option with rm; i.e. -r (in this case)06:25
apokryphosbe careful with it though ;-). It'll remove all the contents of that folder06:25
Bicchiapokryphos: yes, it work06:27
judeis there a way to make konqueror in file mode to show dirs before files?06:27
uniq_redrum_: kghostview06:27
Bicchiapokryphos: thanks06:27
_ReDRuM_i think kpdf maybe doesnt like embedded fonts?06:27
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apokryphosjude: View > Sort > Folders first06:27
judeapokryphos: terrific thanks06:27
coreymon77does anyone remember me06:28
apokryphosshould we? :P06:28
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coreymon77does anyone remeber me from last night06:29
coreymon77i was the one talking with redrum about the kde problem06:29
judeapokryphos: that option isn't there when konq is in text view06:29
apokryphosjude: text view? Do you mean tree view?06:30
coreymon77is redrum here?06:30
\shhmm...whats missing are the xorg development files...whats the name of the package?06:30
judeapokryphos: nope View > View Mode > Text View06:30
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apokryphosjude: eek, that is ugly :P. It's not supported because it sorts things differently there. You can group all folders together, but I doubt youc an have folders first06:31
judeapokryphos: it's been my default mode since kde 3 and always had dirs first until kubuntu06:32
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apokryphos\sh: libx11-dev06:32
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\shapokryphos: after searching x-window-system-dev ;)06:33
apokryphosthe one I mentioned there is the x headers...06:33
apokryphosjude: odd. Trying to think how it would be done...06:33
\shapokryphos: oh ok :)06:33
apokryphosAh, the one mentioned there was the metapackage; it likely pulls in the one I mentioned anyhow.06:34
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_P_apokryphos: no upgrade for  some  days  or  is  it  my  problem ?06:35
apokryphosjude: this is odd. It puts folders all together at the bottom, but seems to refuse to put 'em at the top06:35
tim_h_Hello All06:35
tim_h_I plan to switch 50+ Desktop PC from Debian testing to (k)ubuntu. Usually I deploy Debian with a refernce install copy it over using knoppix to the PCs HD. Will this work with kubuntu as well or are there any traps (Hardwaredetection)? The PCs have different Hardware.06:35
judeapokryphos: indeed - it's been bugging the hell out of me :)06:35
apokryphos_P_: nope. There was a small freeze period for hoary, and it's no longer "in developement" now, remember :P06:35
uniqjude: would be great if you post it on bugzilla.ubuntu.com06:35
_P_thanks 06:36
=== jude heads for bugzilla
_P_so  we ll wait  for new  name  and new  devel repository06:36
abbashow can  setup java for ppc06:37
Blissexabbas: thats a good question... I doubt that Sun does PPC Java stuff. But I would guess that IBM has PPC Java VMs.06:37
Blissexabbas: and I think that BEA also has PPC Java VMs.06:38
apokryphosjude: have you tried 3.4 on anything other than Kubuntu? Was the problem there?06:38
judethis is my first 3.406:38
_ReDRuM_is it possible to create sparse files on reiser?06:38
membreyahmmm what would people recommend...koffice or oo.o?06:38
Blissextim_h_: have a look at Debian's FAI package, it probably works with Ubuntu too.06:38
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_ReDRuM_membreya: oo personally...06:39
apokryphosjude: It might be worth asking in #kde whether others have that problem, so you know whether to post on bugzilla.ubuntu.com or bugs.kde.org06:39
membreya_ReDRuM_: AFAIK possible but not advisable06:39
_ReDRuM_membreya: how? the dd trick just made me a 4 gig file06:39
membreyadd trick ? :)06:39
tim_h_Blissex: Thanks. But FAI is for different reasons not an option for me.06:40
_ReDRuM_dd if=/dev/zero of=sparsefile bs=1M count=1 seek=102406:40
uniqmembreya: for real office work with windows cooperation i'd recommend oo.o.06:40
_ReDRuM_cept with 4gig not 1mb06:40
_ReDRuM_thats apparantly supposed to make a sparse file06:41
coreymon77redrum: hi again@06:41
_ReDRuM_seen it in several places saying it makes sparse files...06:41
_ReDRuM_coreymon77: where did you go last night? :)06:41
coreymon77where did you go?06:41
membreyaok uniq just that OO.o 2 doesn't work on amd6406:41
coreymon77they told me you went to sleep06:41
_ReDRuM_you left then i went and watched deadwood06:42
_ReDRuM_i did after watching deadwood06:42
coreymon77you told me to join #flood06:42
coreymon77so i did06:42
_ReDRuM_but not to leave here?06:42
coreymon77and then you left06:42
_ReDRuM_did you get whatever was the problem fixed?06:42
coreymon77redrum: i was in konsole you idot06:42
_ReDRuM_your the idiot06:43
coreymon77i could only be in one channel at a time06:43
_ReDRuM_thats bs06:43
_ReDRuM_you can be in multiple channels at once06:43
=== _ReDRuM_ shrugs
coreymon77what ive decided to do06:43
=== _ReDRuM_ goes back to work
coreymon77is get the ubuntu iso06:43
coreymon77make sure that works06:43
coreymon77and then install kubuntu via apt in ubuntu06:43
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lao_vhi guys..how can i join kubuntupeople?06:44
coreymon77whenever i connected to one channel06:44
coreymon77i disconnected from the other06:44
apokryphoslao_v:  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HelpingKubuntu06:45
_ReDRuM_oh wait06:45
_ReDRuM_the sparse file trick is working :)06:45
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lao_vyes..but how do i add my name there?06:46
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apokryphoslao_v: oh, if you're helping out already, then you can just edit the wiki page06:47
abbaskubuntu recognise my usb camera and teh icone is on the deskop but i can't mount it06:47
apokryphoslao_v:  need to sign in with your account06:47
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coreymon77redrum: so will that work?06:47
_ReDRuM_i dont know, must be my idiocy06:48
lao_vthanks apokryphos06:48
abbaskubuntu recognise my usb camera and teh icone is on the deskop but i can't mount it06:49
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andrewskihow do i turn off the menu shadows?06:52
tim_h_any idee why gwenview doesnt use my default language (German)?06:53
judeandrewski:  kcontrol > style06:53
andrewskijude: thanks!06:54
smouchehey, andrewski, as that bug report thread indicated, the culprit (one of them anyway) does indeed seem to be the navigation panel...06:54
judeandrewski: it's under effects06:54
smouchelosing that pane does seem to help a lot...06:54
andrewskijude: yeah, i found it.  i expected it to be searchable. :P06:54
andrewskismouche: hey, great.06:54
smouchetook me  a while to figure out how to get konqueror to open the way I want (or rather, the way I'll settle for) by default..06:55
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andrewskismouche: yeah, i'm still getting there too.  where did you read about it?06:55
smoucheandrewski, now I just hope that that change clears up the random konqi segfaults too...06:56
smoucheandrewski, you mean setting default views for konqueror?06:56
andrewskismouche: yeah.  i'd want one for web browsing and one for filemanagement.06:57
smouchein the main toolbar, "Settings"06:57
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glass-eyeman, kubuntu rocks06:58
smoucheif you set up the view the way you like, including I think url, then save the view profile, it'll open that way by default06:58
andrewskismouche: ok, but how do i make menu launchers for each?06:58
smoucheyou know, andrewski, I think there's already a panel applet for that06:59
andrewskismouche: i deleted them. :P06:59
smoucheyeah, dude, there's a "konqueror profiles" applet button for the panel07:00
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andrewskismouche: oh, no, i see that.07:00
hungerDamn! This KDE stuff is so damn fragil!07:01
andrewskismouche: what i want is menu launchers.  konq-browser and konq-filer or something.07:01
=== hunger curses KDE for crashing all the time.
_ReDRuM_hunger: heh07:01
smoucheit's a "special button"  -- andrewski, this button does that!07:01
andrewskismouche: i got it, and it's a workaround, but how do i add *menu* launchers?07:02
_P_uff  i don't like  this  kubuntu 07:02
_P_everithing  works  07:02
smoucheoh, I see...07:02
_P_no problem  to  resolve 07:02
andrewski_P_: heh07:02
=== andrewski thought that when he switched from gentoo.
_P_i am here  tryng  to  broke  something  just  to  stauy  here solving 07:02
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Tm_T_P_: here's one: how I add fluxbox into my KDM session list?07:03
andrewskismouche: and why can't i delete profiles?07:03
=== apokryphos is getting bored with Hoary stable. Eagerly awaiting unstable/crashing bleeding-edge
hungerapokryphos: So do I... maybe all those crashes will start to disappear then.07:03
Tm_Thunger: haha07:04
hungerOr maybe they will once I get myself a better laptop.07:04
_P_i just need  kmobiletools07:04
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andrewskihunger: did you file bugreports or investigate?07:04
smoucheheh, trying midnight commander -- getting "window size is too small for nano"  well, that never stopped it before!  gosh, nano is cute. nano-nano07:04
andrewskismouche: you're loopy.07:04
hungerandrewski: I can not register with the bugtracker, so I did not.07:04
gdhor run memtest86 overnight as that's the knee-jerk developer reaction to crashing :)07:04
lao_vdo i need special previlege to create my wiki page?07:04
gdhi.e. blame the hardware =)07:04
andrewskihunger: you could still search.07:04
andrewskihunger: and why couldn't you register?07:05
hungergdh: My laptop will burn down the house if I ran memtest all night long.07:05
hungerandrewski: Because I have not yet managed to set up postfix to work properly in kubuntu, so it keeps loosing my mail.07:05
gdhhunger: sounds like a quality piece of kit :) Maybe Kubuntu is just too much for it to deal with? ;)07:05
andrewskihunger: you don't have mail via the internet?07:06
hungergdh: My boss found an opportunity to save a few bucks:-(07:06
gdhhunger: Ah yeh I hear that :( 07:06
hungerandrewski: Of course the mail comes through the internet!07:06
smouchehmm, guess I don't know the true purpose of midnight commander... must investigate... can I get each pane to show a different folder or page...?07:06
smouchesorry, talking to myself, nano-nano-nano07:07
hungergdh: I ordered myself a thinkpad... that one should be more stable:-)07:07
andrewskihunger: so why can't you just load up an internet mailer and register?07:07
gdhhunger: Yum :)07:07
hungerandrewski: Because I have no account with an internet mailer:-(07:07
hungergdh: If only ibm was able to deliver... :-(07:08
andrewskihunger: well, that's what i meant.  so where does your mail go?  just sit in an unaccessible server until you download it?07:08
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hungerandrewski: And I would like to grab my mails from my normal account...07:08
=== grahamoz [~graham@CPE-138-130-133-234.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #Kubuntu
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=== smouche turns off link view in midnight commander profile, and, as so often with konqueror, wonders why there's no default keybinding for that...
hungerandrewski: It still sits on my server, but postfix keeps loosing it once fetchmail collects it.07:09
andrewskihunger: well, why don't you set up a client that works? :P07:09
_ReDRuM_smouche: whats link view? something to do with symlinks?07:10
hungerandrewski: Fetchmail works fine... postfix messes it up:-(07:10
_ReDRuM_hunger: install qmail :P07:10
gdhhunger: Wietse would bite your head off if he heard you saying 'Postfix is losing my mail'07:10
hungerandrewski: I used to use exim, but ubuntu-something depends on postfix.07:10
repeteJust started up the Kubuntu Live CD... very nice :-)07:10
=== _ReDRuM_ looks
andrewskihunger: you could use kmail/evolution.07:10
hungerandrewski: Yes, or I could just fix postfix:-)07:11
smoucheno _ReDRum_, it's just the setting for linking the two views in midnight commander -- that's "link" the verb --  "link the views"07:11
andrewskihunger: either way...07:11
grahamozhey how do i put ndiswrapper to load at boot up ?07:11
hungerandrewski: I don't want to rely too much on kmail since I keep switching mailers.07:11
Beineri_ReDRuM_: linked views07:11
hungergrahamoz: Don't do it... use proper drivers!07:12
andrewskihunger: understood.  i wish that evolution and kmail could coexist. :/07:12
smoucheman, midnight commander is awesome (well, the konqueror profile called that, anyway-- haven't tried the original)07:12
hungerandrewski: I hate evo, so I have no problem with that...07:12
andrewskihunger: ok.07:12
grahamozhmm ok how do u get the  proper drivers to work07:12
_ReDRuM_hunger: im not sure what the lsb package does, anacron is obviously needed but would work just as well with any mailer as postfix, the rest is waffle and you could delete it without problem07:13
grahamozits a net gear WG11107:13
hungerandrewski: But since I might end up using mutt I do all my filtering in procmail, fetching with fetchmail and delivery with proper sendmail.07:13
smoucheI wish I could figure out a way to set konqueror to the midnight commander profile as default...07:13
_ReDRuM_you could remove postfix, use equivs to make a fake postfix and install qmail :)07:13
=== _ReDRuM_ cant see what difference it would make, a MTA is a MTA
_ReDRuM_course you could always fix postfix :P07:14
hungerandrewski: So I only need to fix one place whenever my mailsetup changes.07:14
hunger_ReDRuM_: Neither do I... Dunno why the ubuntu stuff does not simply depend on a "smtpd" or something and have postfix/etc. provide that.07:15
hungergrahamoz: No idea... I thought you were on a centrino.07:15
_ReDRuM_hunger: it has a number of silly dependencies :/07:15
grahamozno hunger 07:15
grahamozthats why i'm using ndiswrapper 07:16
grahamozto use this device07:16
_ReDRuM_hunger: i guess tho if you know what your doing it doesnt matter too much can just remove them and use equivs07:16
_ReDRuM_and if you dont know what your doing it stops you breaking it :)07:16
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hungergrahamoz: Maybe this terrible and illegal clutch of ndiswrapper is the way you need to go:-(07:16
hungergrahamoz: update-rc.d does not work for you? assuming ndiswrapper has a script in /etc/init.d07:17
=== hunger grumbles about stupid free software people that manage to make the usage of their own project illegal (like the ndiswrapper people did IMHO).
grahamozwell i don't know07:19
_ReDRuM_dont use it then :P07:19
grahamozi just want my wireless to work07:19
grahamozand it sees my wireless adaptor07:19
_ReDRuM_i guess you need it for your wifi eh07:19
hunger_ReDRuM_: I don't... the stupidity is still annoying me.07:20
_ReDRuM_hunger: i havent read the licence, but stupid licences can often be neutered with a single layer of abstraction07:20
_ReDRuM_i.e write a wrapper round ndiswrapper07:20
hunger_ReDRuM_: What kind of idiot uses the GPL for a software that needs proprietary code to work?07:20
_ReDRuM_hunger: oh what by depending on the microsoft binaries? :)07:21
_ReDRuM_(windows bins)07:21
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_ReDRuM_hunger: make a small bin that does nothing07:21
hunger_ReDRuM_: Using the MS binaries is perfectly legal here!07:21
_ReDRuM_make ndiswrapdumblegalfix project07:21
_ReDRuM_and supply the source for your null driver07:21
hunger_ReDRuM_: But using them together with ndiswrapper is not because those idiots picked the wrong license.07:22
_ReDRuM_then it should be legal i think?07:22
_ReDRuM_since it no longer needs the windows binaries07:22
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_ReDRuM_it can run with your null binary :)07:22
hunger_ReDRuM_: ndiswrapper is GPL... so it forces all code it is linked with to become GPL. Since they do not own the copyright to the MS stuff they can not do that, which makes it illegal for the user to use ndiswrapper.07:23
hunger_ReDRuM_: Well, for all users but Microsoft of course... But I doubt that they will need that hack.07:23
andrewskiis there any way to auto-refresh in konqueror while viewing files?07:23
_ReDRuM_oh yeh i see what you mean should have been LGPL but there must be a way around it07:24
kalevalis anybody here using kubuntu on a powerbook?07:24
smoucheyes andrewski, click on the gear logo07:24
_ReDRuM_lgpl would have be ok i think?07:24
hunger_ReDRuM_: The only way is to change the license.07:24
smoucheer, no sorry07:24
smouchethat opens a new instance07:24
_ReDRuM_hunger: can they even change the licence?07:24
hunger_ReDRuM_: Anything BUT THE GPL should be OK!07:24
andrewskismouche: i can hit reload, but i'd rather not.07:24
_ReDRuM_i didnt think you could revoke gpl07:24
smouchedoh!  "auto refresh" you said...07:24
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jibrael_ReDRuM_: the copy right owner can do whatever he/she pleases with the license07:25
grahamozhow do run a file as root07:25
miklgrahamoz: sudo file07:25
jibraelthat is a major weakness of gpl07:25
_ReDRuM_hunger: get their code, mangle it with sed/perl scripts so it's unrecognisable and say you made an equivilent :P07:25
yosshi some non kde apps (firefox or streamtuner) are really ugly under kde what can i do to make it 'cleaner' ?07:25
_ReDRuM_(not strictly legal but nobody could prove you didnt)07:25
hunger_ReDRuM_: That is what is so fucking stupid about the whole thing! There are hundreds of OSS licenses and these idiots end up picking the one that makes it illegal!07:25
miklgrahamoz: as in sudo /home/mikkel/bin/screendump.sh07:25
hunger_ReDRuM_: That is illegal as well;-)07:26
grahamozdid not work07:26
_ReDRuM_hunger: nobody could prove you did it :)07:26
_ReDRuM_obviously - you never did07:26
smouchewell, I finally managed to fool the system menu into opening konq in midnight commander mode by default... wonderful!07:26
andrewskismouche: how?07:26
jibraelscenario -> loser writes crappy half broken app releases it GPL, open source community likes its idea and gets together and fixes said app so it works awesome, however because of GPL flaws the original author still owns all rights on said software, he then revokes GPL license and makes it commercial, GPL exploits 10107:26
hunger_ReDRuM_: Well, I don't need ndiswrapper. I just get upset by the stupidity of the whole enterprise.07:26
grahamozgraham@graham:~$ sudo /home/graham/dldrinstall.run07:27
grahamozsudo: /home/graham/dldrinstall.run: command not found07:27
hunger_ReDRuM_: And of course can they change the license.07:27
_ReDRuM_hunger: e-mail them :P07:27
_ReDRuM_rave and rant07:27
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hunger_ReDRuM_: I did:-(07:27
mikljibrael: well, the code that's been released under GPL is still released under GPL07:27
_ReDRuM_hunger: didnt they love it?07:27
mikljibrael: he might release it under another license, but that doesn't take away your right to use the version released under GPL07:28
jibraelsure mikl07:28
yosssomeone does know answer for this question ? :07:28
yosshi some non kde apps (firefox or streamtuner) are really ugly under kde what can i do to make it 'cleaner' ?07:28
hunger_ReDRuM_: They say they do not care about what is legal for the users... the code is GPL and it is not their problem if users violate the license.07:28
jibraelbut it still sucks imo07:28
_ReDRuM_hunger: rofl07:28
_ReDRuM_cocks :)07:28
jibraelmy point is the lame idea that the original author owns all changes made to said software07:28
smoucheandrewski, a lot of renaming and saving in the "configure view profiles" part of Settings in the konq menu07:28
jibraeland is aloud to do as he wishes with them07:29
miklyoss: get gtk2-engines-gtk-qt ;)07:29
jibraeleven re release them as opensource07:29
_ReDRuM_mikl: that doesnt work for me for some reason07:29
_ReDRuM_how do i activate it?07:29
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andrewskismouche: do you know if it's possible to delete some of the 'standard' view profiles?07:29
smoucheI basically renamed the midnight commander profile to "file management"07:29
yossmikl: thanks :-)))07:29
jibraelerr non opensource that is07:29
mikl_ReDRuM_: there should be a menu for figdgeting around with gtk-qt in the control-panel :)07:29
deadcoreheit vunich belvont gpl, neis vit gojik horirt leinnin viom Haukknd, und strough.07:29
mikl_ReDRuM_: if it's installed, that is :)07:30
smouchenope, andrewski, I don't...07:30
hungerandrewski: Find them and use rm on the files?07:30
smoucheI just wish there were a way to set global keybindings for those profiles...07:30
andrewskihunger: well, i think they're system defaults, so they're being 'inherited'....07:30
_ReDRuM_miki i did install it, it has its files on disk... but its not on control panel where i can see it?07:30
_ReDRuM_GTK styles and fonts?07:30
deadcorerunstruff mousse bein07:30
hungerandrewski: So what? sudo rm them;-)07:30
mikl_ReDRuM_: yes, that's the one :)07:30
andrewskihunger: meh.07:31
_ReDRuM_why does gaim still look like ugly junk then :P07:31
grahamozwhy can't u login as root :(07:31
apokryphosbecause it's an ugly app? ;-)07:31
jibraelit may look junk07:31
_ReDRuM_oh wait07:31
jibraelbut gaim 1.1.4 rocks07:31
hungergrahamoz: sudo su -07:31
_ReDRuM_i changed it to use Qt not KDE07:31
_ReDRuM_and suddenly it works07:31
andrewski_ReDRuM_: how do you change that?07:31
mikl_ReDRuM_: try changing the settings to "Use my KDE style in GTK applications" :)07:31
hungergrahamoz: Because logging in as root is a really BAD idea.07:31
_ReDRuM_andrewski: in the console under appearance -> gtk07:31
=== _ReDRuM_ is now known as _ReDer
_ReDererr control panel07:31
grahamozthis os is made for n00bs rite ?07:32
=== _ReDer is now known as _ReDRuM_
andrewski_ReDer: hmm, ok.07:32
andrewskigrahamoz: not necessarily. :P07:32
miklgrahamoz: not really07:32
jibraelno grahamoz its made for ppl tired of shitty rpm crap07:32
_ReDRuM_grahamoz: if you dont push it too hard its ok for noobs :)07:32
miklgrahamoz: but it's well suited for newbies :)07:32
deadcorefal hoit razi und schittenz 07:32
grahamozbrb reboot07:33
_ReDRuM_andrewski: now changing back to KDE works too... perhaps it's cause i restarted KDE since installing now07:33
=== linkin__ [user@Ea02c.e.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #kubuntu
deadcorerighten raziech figgekn linux, Helentokke finz bit c, und im unstrunhoff c++07:34
miklgooood morning Germany ;)07:34
Tm_Toh fuck07:34
linkin__huihui... :D07:34
Tm_T_ReDRuM_ o/07:34
andrewskiis qtparted the preferred app for kde?07:35
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deadcorehaha vindermaul constiuch trikkenfos undverich raizecroft07:35
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apokryphosdeadcore: #ubuntu-de ?07:35
miklandrewski: well, it's good for what it does07:35
smoucheandrewski, thanks for the moral support regarding my konqi crashes, my work around seems to be, um, working!  wish I could help you with your launcher issues -- ;-)07:35
andrewskiapokryphos: that's not german. :P07:35
apokryphoswhat is it?07:36
andrewskismouche: s'all good.07:36
mikllooks like flemish07:36
andrewskiapokryphos: dutch?07:36
=== smouche is dancing madly to streamtuner and loving kubuntu again...
_ReDRuM_is there a switch i can throw to apt to tell it to overwrite existing files?07:36
judeI have to be off - I'm too hungry to concentrate - see you all later, and thanks for the help07:36
=== difekta [~DIFEKTA@h-68-164-186-1.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #KUBUNTU
trans_errhow can i get gstreamer to support ACC?07:36
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deadcoreducroft mauch buen Halfax, Nedderhann07:37
_ReDRuM_--force-overwrite i guess07:37
miklack, so many questions and so little time :)07:37
=== _ReDRuM_ tries it (wondered cause files it should overwrite dont belong to any package)
Tm_Ttrans_err: plugin07:37
trans_errTm_T: right, but is it in the repository?07:37
Tm_Tat least in universe07:37
=== graham [~graham@CPE-138-130-133-234.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
Beineriapokryphos: that doesn't look like German :-)07:38
grahamdamn it i need root07:38
trans_errwhat is it called?07:38
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Tm_Ttrans_err: don't remember, try apt-cache search ;)07:38
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deadcorelinkin: froch menit aschn Nedderhann?07:38
trans_errTm_T: i am-- i can't find it07:38
apokryphosBeineri: to my ignorant language ways it sure does :D07:38
linkin__Deadcore: Neine, leider nicht07:39
Tm_Ttrans_err: what? you enabled universe from you'r sources.list?07:39
trans_errTm_T: of course07:39
deadcorenein #ubuntu-nl ? :(07:39
linkin__Deadcore: Yes :D07:39
linkin__Deadcore: geh in den raum, da bist du unter freunden :D07:39
trans_errunless its named something strange07:39
apokryphosdamn, no #ubuntu-uk07:40
linkin__Deadcore: Viel spa da ;)07:40
=== abinadid [~abinadid@conr-adsl-209-169-96-208.consolidated.net] has joined #kubuntu
linkin__Deadcore comes from netherland07:40
abinadidwhats up07:41
Tm_Ttrans_err: hmm, just install _all_ gstreamer plugins ;)07:41
Tm_Ttrans_err: I bet it is there ;p07:41
grahamozi must say this is better then mandrake07:41
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grahamozjust one problem sb live 24bit is not working :(07:41
Tm_Tcheck mixer ;)07:42
grahamoznothing 07:42
trans_errTm_T: still no acc support :C07:42
deadcorehauk fitch, bad english :(07:43
deadcore<-- me bad english07:43
trans_errI'll just compile it in I guess07:43
linkin__Deadcore: Kannst du deutsch sprechen?07:44
linkin__Deadcore: sprichst du niederlndisch?07:44
lancellori start using linux like two years ago i used a few diffrent distros but to be honest with you i don't know anything about commands and stuff 07:44
deadcoregerman connections class 107:44
miklWir sprichst nicht so gut deutsch - or whatever 07:45
deadcorenederhann, niederlndisch dialiect07:45
andrewskiich spreche ein bisschen deutsch07:45
Beinerimikl: "wir sprechen..."07:45
miklBeineri: if you say so, I was never good at german ;)07:46
lancellorbut with kubuntu i almost do what i was doing with windows and i'm really excited about it i'm making more progress than with other distros07:46
linkin__Deadcore: welche sprache sprichst du den?07:46
linkin__Deadcore: Als muttersprache?07:46
mikllancellor: Preaching to the choir? ;)07:46
lancellorand it is all thans to you guys just want to let you know07:46
deadcoreNederhann :\07:47
da_bon_bonis shipit shipping kubuntu cds in the default package ?07:47
deadcoreHalfax, Netherlands07:47
deadcoreall mi life ^^07:47
Beinerida_bon_bon: no07:47
da_bon_bonBeineri: atleast the packages of kde, then ?07:48
deadcorelinkin_: und ihr location?07:49
Beinerida_bon_bon: no07:49
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da_bon_bonBeineri: damn! btw, how do u know ?07:50
Beinerida_bon_bon: I read the FAQ :-)07:50
andrewskideadcore: brauchst du hilfe?07:50
deadcorehalvich mau tandle raich07:51
apokryphosKubuntu is a "Community Project", so it doesn't really get money from dear Canonical. Only really support for archives etc. 07:51
andrewskideadcore: was?  sprichst du kein deutsch?07:51
Beinerideadcore: /join #ubuntu-nl07:51
jibraelcanonical is sweet07:52
da_bon_bonBeineri: i need to login just to read the FAQ? ! :P07:52
Beinerida_bon_bon: no07:52
apokryphosda_bon_bon: http://kubuntu.org/faq.php07:52
andrewskideadcore: #ubuntu-nl, ja?07:52
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andrewskideadcore: bitte07:53
da_bon_bonoh i was trying the shipit faq, apokryphos Beineri 07:53
Beinerida_bon_bon: if it doesn't mention Kubuntu, then it doesn't contain it.07:53
da_bon_bonhey, mark shuttleworth can fly to the space and back, but cant pay for two bit cd's that cost Rs. 7 !07:54
Beinerida_bon_bon: shipit does two CDs afaik, live and install07:54
da_bon_bonah, right, Beineri 07:55
Tm_TBeineri: jep07:55
da_bon_boni wouldnt need the cds in the first place. but i havent updated from DAYS and the backlog is ~350mb and over a 2kbps nett connection , its HELL!07:56
apokryphoswell, more since they do PowerPC/AMD64 too07:56
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andrewskismouche: so which panel was it that caused konq to crash?  i want to test it.07:56
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deadcoresmash multiperson sturff?07:58
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apokryphosWhat do people think of the new site template?08:00
da_bon_bonapokryphos: its great. but its meant to be same like ubuntu.com site, right ?08:03
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apokryphosda_bon_bon: talking about the ubuntu one here (not kubuntu), right?08:04
grahamozhey why wont this work08:04
grahamozapt-get install kwin-style-baghira08:04
apokryphosubuntu.com and ubuntulinux.org are the same08:04
andrewskiwhy are the scrollbars funny-colored in konversation?08:04
apokryphosgrahamoz: is Universe enabled?08:04
grahamozroot@graham:/home/graham/baghira-0.6e # apt-get install kwin-baghira08:04
grahamozReading package lists... Done08:04
grahamozBuilding dependency tree... Done08:04
grahamozPackage kwin-baghira is not available, but is referred to by another package.08:04
grahamozThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or08:04
grahamozis only available from another source08:04
grahamozE: Package kwin-baghira has no installation candidate08:04
da_bon_bonapokryphos: no, i meant that if its meant to look like ubuntu.com , then it looks great and the colors are just - well -  cool!08:05
grahamozhow would i know08:05
da_bon_bongrahamoz: rafb.net/paste08:05
da_bon_bongrahamoz: dont paste in the channel, use the site i just gave you08:05
grahamozoh ok08:05
apokryphosgrahamoz: check your /etc/apt/sources.list08:05
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apokryphossee whether the line with "Universe" is commented out08:06
apokryphos95 nicks.. we *are* getting popular. =)08:07
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da_bon_bonapokryphos: 9608:07
tekhello again apokryphos08:07
apokryphoshi :)08:08
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grahamozyeah they are08:08
grahamozup the top08:08
=== sorin [~sorin@24-196-233-44.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
da_bon_bongrahamoz: then try tomorrow08:09
tekkcmshell bug is resolved on the latest system i just installed, very cool.08:09
sorinRunnig Kubuntu under vmware08:09
sorinWhat's the defaul root password?08:10
robin__sorin same as first user08:10
robin__sorin btw there is no root08:10
apokryphosThere is no root password -- ubuntu uses sudo08:10
robin__sorin only sudo08:10
glass-eyei am WAY impressed with kubuntu08:10
apokryphosgrahamoz: Ah, there's a problem with the package08:11
tekalso way impressed with kubuntu, working on getting one of my PR buddies to install it. that should also get kubuntu a little press, or at least more press08:11
glass-eyei started the install last night, it discovered all of my network cards, my soundcard (which no other distro has ever done) and KDE is up and running 08:11
glass-eyesweet stuff08:11
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apokryphosgrahamoz: I can give you a repository with it, though, if you want08:12
Tm_Tglass-eye: and when you find nice style&deco ... uuh, sweet08:13
sorinIs there a command that kills x more gracefully than killX?08:13
eXhumedHi. I have a centrino laptop, and I installed Kubuntu 5.04 on it. My wireless network interface was detected as eth1, but i can't connect to my wireless network, cause "iwlist eth1 scan" shows no avaliable networks. When i boot my laptop with windows, it connects fine. It looks all normal, except when I try to change the channel of eth1, it says "Operation not supported" 08:14
sorindamn, kde is pretty08:14
insanekanesorin: how about pressing Ctrl+Alt+Backspace08:15
insanekanesorin: it is, it is !! :)08:15
sorini want to install vmware tools, and i can't do that with x started08:15
glass-eyeanyone know the shortcut key for "fast user switching" off the top of their head?08:15
insanekanesorin: aha ..08:15
apokryphossorin: you can logout with dcop.. not sure if there's a command for killing x08:15
apokryphos(with dcop)08:16
insanekanesorin: in that case, what u need to do is startup in console mode08:16
tekyeah, kde 3.4 is slick, im really interested to see what its gonna change into with kde4.008:16
sorini got apt-get install ubuntu-desktop running in a kde konsole window08:16
insanekanesorin: edit /etc/inittab08:16
insanekanesorin: and there you can change it to console mode on the next start08:16
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insanekanesorin: also, you can do "init x" where x is a umber (i think 2, 3 or 4 should work)08:17
sorinI'll just killX, install that thing and startX08:17
insanekanesorin: hmm ... but that wont kill kdm ..08:18
apokryphossorin: you can just logout and then press Ctrl + Alt + Backspace; more graceful.08:18
sorinI wonder how much server resources would be saved if all distros would supply only the minimum install with no apps and have a global AutoPackage repository from where all users of all distros can install their sofware.08:20
insanekanesorin: hehe ..08:21
insanekanesorin: that will start a flamewar ... be careful :)08:21
insanekanesorin: maybe a better way to save server resources is to use bittorrent :)08:22
sorinI know that Autopackage is like setup.exe on windows.  In theory that repository would be like download.com08:22
insanekanesorin: there many problems in having a windows like install mechanism ... the first of which is security :)08:23
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GhostFreemanAnyone know how to setup an individual clock for GMT08:24
GhostFreemanerm...nevermind I figured it out08:24
GhostFreemancarry on with your business08:24
insanekaneGhostFreeman: we havent stopped ;)08:24
sorinubuntu-desktop installed.  no restart required:-)08:25
insanekanesorin: absolutely :)08:25
sorindo you know if that gtk-kde package works with all programs or only those that are aware of it???08:25
GhostFreemanit seems to be one hour ahead of GMT08:25
insanekanesorin: you mean gtk-qt-engine ?08:26
GhostFreemanis GMT 19:2608:26
insanekanesorin: it works with all programs except those that make their own (bloody) L&F system (like OOo)08:26
sorindownliding it from autopackage08:27
insanekanesorin: is it for kde 3.4 ? (as in does it provide the kcontrol module for kde3.4 ?)08:28
sorinActually, it looks better than .MSI. 08:29
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bobesponjamy kubuntu iso is on an external usb hd, is there a way to boot from it?08:30
sorinIt would be cool if someone designed Qt-Gtk08:30
insanekanesorin: :)08:30
_ReDRuM_sorin - i think it works with any gtk...08:31
insanekane_ReDRuM_: i think he means the other way around ... using gtk themes in qt :)08:31
_ReDRuM_why would you want to do that?08:31
=== JaZy84 [~cgjazinsk@cpe-66-68-236-148.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
sorinso kde programs look native while runnig in gnome08:32
_ReDRuM_just delete gnome08:33
_ReDRuM_problem solved :)08:33
sorincreate a winforms driver and i'll delete it08:33
=== glass-eye is quickly becoming a [k] ubuntu fanboy
GhostFreemanwhat country in Date/Time is GMT08:33
insanekanesorin: winforms ??08:33
sorinWindows Forms08:33
insanekaneGhostFreeman: London ?08:34
glass-eyeGhostFreeman: greenwich08:34
glass-eyegreenwich mean time = gmt i believe08:34
gdhLondon isn't a country despite what Londoners would like you to think :)08:34
insanekaneGhostFreeman: great britian08:34
GhostFreemanI dont see Greenwich on the list08:34
insanekanegdh: ;)08:34
insanekaneGhostFreeman: united kingdom08:34
lancellordoes anybody is into xbox???08:35
_ReDRuM_can't find any decent window decor for kde :/08:35
sorininsanekane: mono's Windows Forms08:35
GhostFreemanI don't think you understand what I am trying to say here08:35
=== gudix [~gudix@84-122-9-111.onocable.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu
GhostFreemanIn the Clock - Configure menu, I can't set it as GMT08:35
sorinI'd like DogmaX, GfxOasis, TriAX for KDE08:35
lancelloryou know playing online modchips, linux o xbox etc08:36
MAWSpitau_ReDRuM_: What about knifty?!08:36
gdhGhostFreeman: Timezones -> Europe -> London ?08:36
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GhostFreemanLondon's set to DST but ok08:36
GhostFreemanthat works08:36
=== sorin is now known as SpookyET[Kubuntu
=== SpookyET[Kubuntu is now known as SpookyET|Kubuntu
GhostFreemanI think that's how I have GMT set in GNOME...i'm not so sure. Who cares08:36
gdhthere isn't a 'force GMT/UTC' setting since it doesn't make much sense...08:37
kalevalis anyone here using kubuntu on a PowerBook?08:37
_ReDRuM_MAWSpitau: hmm ill see if thats one of the zillion i tried :)08:37
MAWSpitauI do like it.. It is simple AND looks quite goot.08:38
tek<Kaleval> have thought of downloading it and trying to isntall it on my powerbook, havent had the time yet though08:38
kalevali just want to know how well the hardware is supported08:38
_ReDRuM_id rather have "complex but stunning" than simple but quite good :P08:38
=== _ReDRuM_ tries it out anyway
=== _ReDRuM_ hates blue :P
MAWSpitauI have it it orange..08:40
_ReDRuM_you can recolor it?08:40
MAWSpitauso you do not have to take that  colot08:40
MAWSpitauof course08:40
_ReDRuM_does the deb package work or shall i build it?08:40
_ReDRuM_also: http://www.deviantart.com/view/12986265/08:41
_ReDRuM_his background buttons of the taskbar are transparent08:41
_ReDRuM_but my taskbar seems to ignore me when i tell it to be transparent :/08:41
MAWSpitauto be honest... until now I am not using kubuntu08:41
SpookyET|KubuntuIn what menu is KDM located?08:42
=== whiskey_1 [~whiskers@adsl-68-92-206-251.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
phunkyI can only connect to a network when the cable is plugged in when I boot. Does anyone know why that would be? Is there a way to force it to register the  connection?08:43
hungerHow do I fix up my email in the ubuntu wiki?08:43
GhostFreemanHow do I take a screenshot in KDE08:46
hungerGhostFreeman: Printscreen?08:46
GhostFreemanand if that dosen't work?08:47
hungerGhostFreeman: ksnapshot (in Graphics submenu)08:47
=== ronny-- [~Ronny@pD9EC5B3F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
tekyou can also do a screenshot from inside of gimp08:47
hungertek: There is no gimp in kubuntu.08:47
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tekapt-get install gimp08:47
hungertek: There is no gtk and I'd like to keep it that way;-)08:47
teknow you have gimp if you have uncommented your sources.list file in /etc/apt08:48
tekone of the very first things i installed was gimp and openoffice208:48
=== JaZy15 [~cgjazinsk@cpe-66-68-236-148.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
hungertek: One of the first things I removed was OO.o1 :-)08:48
=== SpookyET [~not4_u@24-196-233-44.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
=== hunger might end up reinstalling that at some point though.
SpookyETcould anyone please tell me where rc0.d to rc6.d located?08:49
hungerSpookyET: /etc08:49
tekopenoffice2 is getting pretty slick, specially if you have setup java and can do the mysql stuff with base08:49
Tm_Tsodipodi <308:50
hungertek: I don't want that pseudo-free stuff.08:50
tekfor me i have to, this is a work machine and i have to work to pay the bills for all the things in life that are not free.08:51
teklike BEER! 08:51
=== LeeJunFan [junfan@64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #kubuntu
hungertek: Sorry, I am a bit fanatic with the stuff I put on by private boxes.08:51
GhostFreemanhere's the popular question -- How do I set alpha transparency08:51
SpookyETNone of the pre-built vmhgfs modules for VMware Tools is suitabel for your running kernel.  Do you want this program to try to build them for your system (you need to have a C compiler installed on your system)?08:51
hungertek: I am not so picky about the stuff on the office compis.08:51
SpookyETPlease tell me that Kubuntu comes with gcc08:51
tekthat is ok SpookyET, i understand08:52
GhostFreemanwhats the point of Linux if it dosen't have gcc08:52
SpookyETno gcc08:52
GhostFreemanif it dosen08:52
GhostFreemanuse sudo apt-get to install gcc08:52
SpookyETcould you tell me the command please08:52
apokryphossudo apt-get install build-essential08:52
Zugotis there a kde apt applet?08:53
Zugotlike the gnome one?08:53
hungerZugot: There is, but it sucks.08:53
Zugothunger: ah... i've been looking for a project to start up08:53
GhostFreemanI use Synaptic08:54
hungerZugot: You are better of using apt directly. IMHO that is better and faster than all the frontends.08:54
Zugothunger: that isn't the point08:54
Zugoti want an applet08:54
Zugotkubuntu needs an applet ... ubuntu has one08:54
=== SeFoKumA_ [zienaga@70.Red-81-44-202.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
hungerZugot: What should that applet do?08:54
Zugotthe same thing the gnome one does08:55
hungerZugot: Which is?08:55
Zugotreminds you if you have updates and allows you to install them08:55
GhostFreemanhere's an idea08:55
hungerZugot: There is none of that.08:55
Zugoti can't easily run apt-get... 08:55
Zugoter i can easily run it08:55
GhostFreemanget the source and make your own frontend08:55
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Zugotbut that ain't the point08:56
hungerZugot: IIRC the wiki states that one is needed.08:56
SpookyETcrap tha wasn't enough08:56
Zugotwell that'll give me a reason to start up kdevelop08:56
hungerZugot: I think nobody would stop you writing one;-)08:56
SpookyETit wants /usr/src/linux/include08:56
SpookyETthe header files for the kernel08:56
hungerSpookyET: Of course. You are building a module after all.08:57
crimsunvmware is a PITA to set up08:57
Zugotcrimsun: yeah it is... trying running it on amd6408:57
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crimsunyou'll need both linux-source-2.6.10 and linux-headers-$(uname -r)08:57
hungerSpookyET: there should be headers for the kernels in some deb...08:57
SpookyETare those files in a different dir or not available08:57
Zugotvmware and vpnc are the only things keeping me on 32bit linux08:57
crimsunand you'll need to hack the Makefile and make prepare08:57
SpookyETwhat's the command to get those?08:57
crimsunthen try to build the vmware junk08:58
hungerSpookyET: But that reminds me: I still need to install qemu;-)08:58
crimsunSpookyET: sudo aptitude install linux-source-2.6.10 linux-headers-$(uname -r), of course08:58
hungercrimsun: Do you really need the linux-source deb? I thought the headers were enough.08:59
Zugoti use vmware everyday08:59
=== JaZy84 [~cgjazinsk@cpe-66-68-236-148.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Zugotwe are getting to buy 10 copies of GSX server at the job08:59
Zugotcan't wait08:59
=== Imrahil [~Imrahil@c68.185.170.245.mad.wi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
SpookyETi downloaded the new 5.0.13124 build of workstation09:00
=== smouche [~bc@cpe-24-90-94-112.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
crimsunhunger: you need the source because you need to change the top-level Makefile, then ,,make prepare''09:00
lancellorhow do i open a folder with permission to write  like "usr/bin"09:00
crimsunhunger: vmware's build procedure is completely brain-dead09:00
hungercrimsun: Oh, didn't know that...09:00
LeeJunFanWhere is vmware's phantom 64 bit support?09:00
crimsunin fact, you could probably get away with not installing linux-headers-$(uname -r) for vmware, but you'd need it to build regular/sane kernel modules09:01
SpookyETcrimsun: damn.  I never done that stuff before.  The only make system I used is MSBuild09:01
lancellori download kai for linux but i have to put a bin file i that folder but tellme i'm not the owner09:01
SpookyETdo you have the modified makefile?09:01
=== NeoEcoS [~sebas@cable200-116-131-47.epm.net.co] has joined #kubuntu
crimsunSpookyET: no, you can modify it manually09:02
NeoEcoSanyone can giveme the kubuntu cd repository source09:02
crimsunit wouldn't do me much good anyhow; I'm at work using a live cd09:02
crimsunNeoEcoS: meaning...?09:02
NeoEcoSsomething like deb iso:[etiqueta de tu kubuntu]  / unstable main restricted09:02
SpookyETI know.  I just don't know what to modify09:02
NeoEcoSi need the /etc/apt/sources.list line where say CD repository09:03
crimsunNeoEcoS: I have the old one: #deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 4.10 _Warty Warthog_ - Unofficial i386 Binary-1 (20040915)] / unstable main restricted09:03
crimsunNeoEcoS: you'll have to dig around for the new one09:04
SpookyETwhat's the equivalent of startX in ubuntu09:04
crimsunSpookyET: the same startx09:04
SpookyETon some systems, it's startX09:04
SpookyEToh crap. it started gnome09:05
crimsunyou shouldn't need to use startx. Instead, use ,,sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start'' or ,,sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start''09:05
crimsunsince you're in this channel, I venture you'll want the latter09:05
=== andrewski [~andrew@pool-70-16-155-158.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
NeoEcoScrimsun do U know where is kde on the Kubuntu CD, i'm on ubuntu, but like to install kde09:06
andrewskiso has anyone gotten compositing to work in KDE with nvidia?09:07
Zugoti run ubuntu on my laptop09:07
crimsunNeoEcoS: simply install kubuntu-desktop09:07
crimsunNeoEcoS: if you're using Ubuntu, that is. Kubuntu already includes KDE.09:07
Zugoti run ubuntu on my laptop.  is there a way to detect that i don't have a network cable plugged and and to try to bring up wlan0 on boot?09:07
GhostFreemanis there a panel for monitoring network use?09:09
ZugotGhostFreeman: yes there is09:10
SpookyETgnome is fast, but ugly as hell09:10
NeoEcoScrimsun i think you don't understand what i want, i want to install kde from kubuntu cd09:10
SpookyETcirca 199509:10
andrewskiZugot: dunno, but you could ask also in #ubuntu09:10
andrewskiSpookyET: are you talking about the default widget theme?09:11
GhostFreemanNeoEcoS: Try mounting the CD and use Synaptic09:11
andrewskiSpookyET: because there are IMO better themes out there for GTK than for Qt.09:11
SpookyETthe widgets are okay09:11
SpookyETbut the icons09:11
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andrewskiSpookyET: the default ones again, i'm assuming?09:11
GhostFreemanI like the way GNOME looks09:11
andrewskiSpookyET: you can change them just as you can in KDE. :P09:12
GhostFreemanit tries to avoid ripping off Windows, IMO09:12
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andrewskiGhostFreeman: yes, i appreciate that.09:12
SpookyETClearLooks widgets are okay09:12
crimsunNeoEcoS: meaning you're currently running Ubuntu but would like to install KDE?09:12
andrewskiSpookyET: yes, perhaps the most usable-and-elegant theme i've seen. :)09:12
SpookyETafter i installed vmware tools09:13
SpookyETno more 1600x120009:13
GhostFreemanZugot: What's the name of that panel/applet to monitor network use?09:13
SpookyETis that even legal09:13
NeoEcoScrimsun, YES, GhostFreeman, there's a problem i got the iso, i have it mounted on /mnt/iso/ do you know how i can add it to repository sources ??09:13
SpookyETrefresh rate 4809:13
GhostFreemangive me a second09:13
crimsunNeoEcoS: you just need to add a deb cdrom line similar to what I pasted above09:14
GhostFreemanyeah, that09:14
andrewskisweet friggin' mother.  konq has a file size view!09:14
SpookyETclear looks with Krystal would look super09:15
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andrewskiSpookyET: yes, indeed.  i think they should make a clearlooks style for KDE. :)09:15
NeoEcoScrimsun it' dosen't works09:15
crimsunNeoEcoS: did you update first?09:15
SpookyETi was talking about the other way around09:16
GhostFreemanOne thing i'm already liking about KDE -- being able to edit the menus without any problems09:16
NeoEcoSyes, it said i got a error on line X of sources.list09:16
GhostFreemanGNOME 2.10 fails in that department09:16
andrewskiGhostFreeman: yes, xfce has that, but not gnome.  what the heck is that? :P09:16
GhostFreemaneither the GNOME devs think its real cute09:16
GhostFreemanor they need more donations09:17
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GhostFreemanI liked being able to edit my menus with Nautilus09:17
SpookyETis there a mode where you can hide gtk apps from the menus in KDE and KDE apps from te menus in gnome?09:17
andrewskiSpookyET: hmm, that would be nice.09:18
Zugotin konq, is there a way to get to the google search bar by using a key press?09:18
andrewskiZugot: you can search google in the location bar.  not exactly what you asked, but maybe you'll find you like that better.09:18
jerryZugot: I do two keypresses09:18
andrewskiZugot: gg: or google:09:18
jerryZugot: CTRL+O and then tab09:18
jerrydoes anyone use Kontact against an LDAP address book ?09:19
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NeoEcoScrimsun... any idea09:19
crimsunNeoEcoS: paste your sources.list onto http://pastebin.com09:20
glass-eyeanyone recommend a USENET reader?09:21
SpookyETrafb.net/paste is better imho09:21
andrewskii agree with SpookyET09:22
SpookyETthere was onther one even better, but can't remember it.09:22
andrewskiSpookyET: deadbeefbabe.org?09:23
SpookyETi like the login screen09:23
SpookyETis that from kde or ubuntu?09:23
andrewskiSpookyET: what?09:24
SpookyETthe login screen09:24
SpookyETthose two icons on the buttom-left are really cool09:24
andrewskiSpookyET: screen from what?09:24
andrewskiSpookyET: kdm login screen?09:25
jerryyeah cheers to the artist09:25
SpookyETi suspect gdm isn't as cool09:25
andrewskiSpookyET: ah, yeah, that's from kde.09:26
SpookyETnot just that it looks good, it's functional in a fisher-price cool way09:26
andrewskiSpookyET: gdm's ubuntu theme isn't as cool, but gdm itself is a bit better IMO.09:26
SpookyETthe only thing i don't like is the return button09:26
andrewskiSpookyET: and the theme could be cool in GDM. :P09:26
glass-eyekdm is about 1000X better than what it used t obe09:26
andrewskiSpookyET: yeah, me either.09:26
glass-eyecan anyone recommend a good USENET reader for KDE?09:26
NeoEcoScrimsun now i do it09:27
andrewskiglass-eye: just search synaptic for "news reader"09:27
SpookyETi can recommend the best one for windows09:27
andrewskiglass-eye: akregator is one, but i don't use one.09:27
glass-eyeyeah, grabit rocks09:27
glass-eyeandrewski: isn't that for RSS feeds?09:27
crimsunNeoEcoS: excellent09:27
andrewskiglass-eye: dunno. :)09:27
NeoEcoSyep, thanks09:27
andrewskiglass-eye: search for usenet then.09:27
andrewskithe thing i'd like to see in a DM is the ability to switch users on-the-fly like (gasp) windows xp's fast user switching.09:28
glass-eyeandrewski: kdm has it in 3.4 i believe09:28
tekakregator is for rss and its pretty nice09:28
andrewskiglass-eye: really?!  how?09:28
glass-eyei just know that in the Kmenu it shows "Switch Session"09:29
SpookyETis there a keyboard in kde like the one in windows accessories? my num button is fried, and linux does not enable num by default09:29
glass-eyeerrr..."Switch User"09:29
andrewskiglass-eye: true.  i actually mean the functionality where the screensaver automatically 'detaches' from your session and allows you to relogin or another user to login.09:29
andrewskiglass-eye: though what you point out is close. :)09:30
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hungerandrewski: The screensaver has a "launch new session" button.09:30
glass-eyeandrewski: ahh, gotcha09:30
andrewskihunger: ooh, nice.09:30
=== andrewski remembers why he used to like KDE.
SpookyETKDE can't start anymore09:31
andrewskiand SpookyET forgets... ;P09:31
SpookyETno write access to /home/sori/.ICEauthority09:31
hungerandrewski: And in K->Switch user is the same functionality as is in the KDM.09:31
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andrewski* andrewski remembers why he used to like KDE.09:31
andrewski<SpookyET> KDE can't start anymore09:31
andrewski<andrewski> and SpookyET forgets... ;P09:31
SpookyETi forget about what09:32
SpookyETi installed gnome09:32
=== Sparhawk_ [~sparhawk@c-67-175-214-254.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
andrewskiSpookyET: why you like KDE... n/m, it was a joke.09:32
SpookyETnow KDE won't start09:32
insanekaneSpookyET: what do u mean KDE wont start ? do you mean that GNOME starts by default ?09:33
SpookyETno, i mean it won't start09:33
SpookyETit gives me errors that it acccess foo and bar09:34
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SpookyETgnome won't start either09:34
SpookyETconsole works09:34
SpookyETor not09:34
Zugotwhat kernels are you using?09:34
SpookyETit's because of vmware09:35
SpookyETvmware is spiting errors09:35
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teki still haven't installed vmware since i installed kubuntu, need to though.09:36
SpookyETmaybe you can help me to do it09:36
SpookyETi got 5.0.1312409:36
teki am flipping back and forth between systems right now, i have a system im setting up for a customer. not sure which version i have, its not that old though and ran fine under debian-sarge09:37
tekwhat happens when you run the vmwareconfig thing09:37
Zugothow do i revert to a previous version of the nvidia driver?09:37
gdhSpookyET: all you should need is the linux-headers package to match your kernel, plus basic gcc / libc6-dev09:37
gdhthat's all I've needed with VMWare 3.x and 4.x09:38
SpookyETi installed vmware09:38
tekyou might need the full source, for some reason i recall having to do that last time but i also built my own kernel09:38
tekwhich might be why i remember it. 09:38
tekwhat are the error messages09:39
=== Cloney boots Kubuntu in Virtual PC. Woop, works.
teki do recall i broke it by setting up my kernel without loadable modules last time but that was a simple fix. 09:41
GhostFreemanis tea time really a useful application09:41
gdhGhostFreeman: Certainly if you're obsessive about tea :)09:42
=== Derreck [~derreck@pa-phlpsbrg-cmts1a-166.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu
GhostFreemanwish I had some earl grey right now09:42
andrewskiGhostFreeman: all i have is peppermint; i could go for some echinacea.09:43
GhostFreemanZugot, you there. I still can't figure out that network applet09:43
tek<--prefers eXsspresso  make mine a 32 ouncer09:44
ZugotGhostFreeman: i'm trying to find it09:44
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bobesponjadoes kubuntu comes with qemu?09:47
gdhbobesponja: Yes, I just installed it :)09:47
bobesponjagdh: it's on the install cd?09:47
gdhbobesponja: No it's in universe...09:48
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hungerDamn, no new stuff for days in (k)ubuntu!09:48
gdhbobesponja: 3MB of download - tiny :)09:48
=== hunger wants to upgrade!
bobesponjagdh:  is there a way to install ubuntu from a floppy or from my /dev/hda1/kubuntu.iso? my cd drive is dead :(09:48
gdhbobesponja: Haven't a clue...09:48
gdhbobesponja: It'll certainly be possible, but I don't know how.09:49
bobesponjagdh: some guy on #ubuntu told me to do it with qemu, therefore my auestion09:49
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GhostFreemanit would be a lot of floppies09:49
GhostFreemanand/or internet access09:49
andrewskibobesponja: maybe a network install?09:50
bobesponjaandrewski: like how?09:50
_philquestion for anyone.... why does the kmenu not show all the menus?????09:50
andrewskibobesponja: theoretically, you could mount another computer's cdrom.09:50
_philmenu items I mean09:50
gdhGhostFreeman: I guess an old style 'slackware rescue disk' would be able to mount partitions aleady on the drive then mount an iso via loopback..09:50
andrewski_phil: which ones aren't showing?09:50
gdhGhostFreeman: I don't know how you'd then launche the Ubu installer09:50
GhostFreemani guess you could fit a network install on a floppy09:51
hungerWhy does almost every KDE app crash when I am closing them?!09:51
_philgames, etc.. they show up in kmenueditor thingie but not on the actual menu09:51
andrewski_phil: dunno.09:51
_philyeah...menu editor has them all but only a handful are showing up09:51
_ReDRuM_hmm konquerer just started opening all new folders into tabs within the same window09:51
_ReDRuM_how can i stop that/09:51
Tm_T_ReDRuM_: conf ;)09:52
andrewski_ReDRuM_: konqueror has been bugging me too.09:52
_philmissing games, toys, science and math09:52
_philbut all showing up in menu editor09:52
_ReDRuM_yeh where in conf tm09:52
_ReDRuM_do you know?09:52
=== _ReDRuM_ doesn't think you know
bobesponjaandrewski: maybe i could use the livecd (to ease the pain), mount a cdrom with nfs and install it from there09:52
andrewskibobesponja: livecd... remotely, you mean?09:53
_ReDRuM_andrewski: konquer my desktop? it's konquering me...09:53
andrewski_ReDRuM_: lol, yeah.09:53
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bobesponjaandrewski: no local, I then mount a cdrom remotly and install it from there or maybe that's not the way it works :)09:54
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_philcan anyone help me or have the same problem with the menu items?? should I reinstall? it was doing the same thing with the PR as well09:55
andrewskibobesponja: i thought your cd drive was messed up???09:55
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exekhi all :)09:56
_ReDRuM_i got a file - Theme.rc that's suppsed to set up a new splash screen. how do i install it?09:57
andrewski_phil: and you have programs installed in those categories, yes?09:57
=== _ReDRuM_ goes for a smoke
bobesponjaandrewski: it is messed up, every time I try to install a linux distro it fails copying all files although the other cd are working good on all my other computers, I can run koppix and ubuntu livecd though09:57
GhostFreemanhey guys09:58
_philIm assuming so ... I installed games like lbreakout and I'm assuming it wsa put under games09:58
GhostFreemanHow can I get a different background than the Kubuntu one?09:58
_philright click on the desktop09:58
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ataxicor right click09:58
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andrewskibobesponja: oh.  then yes, i think you could do that.  especially since you'd have all of ubuntu's installation tools on the livecd.  better ask in #ubuntu or look on the wiki though.09:58
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bobesponjaandrewski: thx09:58
_philis there a configuration file for the kmenu that I can manually edit?09:59
_philinstead of menu editor?09:59
andrewski_phil: i'm sure there is, but i don't know where. ;P10:00
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andrewskiGhostFreeman: control center -> appearance -> background10:00
fishii have one question : is this distro is easy to use ? im at all newbie i use linux only for 8months 10:02
Beineri_phil: there is no single file controlling the whole menu10:02
GhostFreemanFishi: I've only been using Linux for two months10:02
andrewskifishi: yes, you should be good.  which other distros have you used?10:02
fishii use suse and mandrake 10:03
Beineri_phil: http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Standards_2fmenu_2dspec10:03
GhostFreeman(K)ubuntu is the most accessible distro i'm aware off 10:03
fishiand i wanted to use sth new , better10:03
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fishii was wondering because its basicly maked on debian and i heard that debian isnt so easy to use so im asking10:04
fishisorry for bad english10:04
andrewskifishi: yes, ubuntu would probably be for you.  it's easier than debian but takes advantage of its package management (much better than RPMs).10:04
=== _ReDRuM_ sighs
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_ReDRuM_now firefox isnt opening10:04
andrewskifishi: and which DE have you used?10:05
_ReDRuM_it all worked so well... now its falling apart10:05
fishiDE ?10:05
andrewskifishi: desktop environment... KDE/Gnome/Xfce...10:05
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fishikde and gnome10:06
andrewskifishi: then pick your poison (that's an idiom) and install away! :D10:06
fishiim downloading it now :] 10:06
andrewskifishi: which one?10:06
andrewskifishi: (k)ubuntu?10:06
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andrewskifishi: nice, have fun.10:06
kkathmanhey all :)10:07
fishithx for info andrewski  :]  10:07
Pyre Hasta luego, amigo. 10:07
andrewskifishi: good luck!10:07
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huhmz_Hi im trying to change locale in KDE to swedish but only english is available, what package should i install?10:08
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huhmz_language-pack-sv is installed and i have swedish locales generated10:09
insanekanehuhmz_: sudo apt-cache search kde-i18n10:09
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Zugoti really wish kde would recognize my camera as a camera instead of removeable media10:10
huhmz_oh and whats the name of the repository with even more stuff than universe? i seem to recall like an "uber universe" ?10:10
insanekanehuhmz_: multiverse10:10
huhmz_thank you kind sir10:10
tek<Zugot> your camera is removable media, it has a CF card of some form of memory and that is all it needs to access10:12
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_ReDRuM_andrewski: ctrl+alt+backspace fixed it10:15
andrewski_ReDRuM_: LOL10:16
kkathmanhey _ReDRuM_ !10:16
sebasHi, I'm trying a custom 2.6.11, and I'm getting the following error:10:16
sebas * Starting Hardware abstraction layer:10:16
sebas22:13:24.880 [W]  hald.c:302: Your kernel does not support capabilities; some features will not be avail10:16
kkathman_ReDRuM_:  Got Samba working like a champ now :)10:16
sebasDid I miss some feature or patch? 10:16
Zugottek: it could be smarter...  all sony cameras use the same  format... so when i plug my camera in, it detects the folder format and launches a photo app10:17
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Zugoti realy like the firefox search10:18
Zugoti miss it when i use konq10:18
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bobesponjaZugot: you mean the google search? there is that in konq too las time I checked10:19
Zugotbobesponja: nah... the find command <ctrl-f>10:19
CiusI've recently updated to using kubuntu, but I have a question10:20
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bobesponjaZugot: ah yeah, that's kool though I can live without it10:20
\shjust released my first package for ubuntu/kubuntu :)10:20
chavoZugot, type ahead find is in konq also.10:21
\shqinx-1.4 is spreading the (k)ubuntu world :)10:21
CiusI noticed that kubuntu eats a lot of ram, whereas ubuntu didn't.  I assume this is because of kde, is anyone else experiencing this?10:21
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smouchenot me, Cius.  10:22
\shanybody who wants to test it qinx kwin style/decoration/color-scheme?10:23
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insanekane\sh: screenshot ?10:23
tek<Zugot> and what are you using now to view the pics on your camera in linux?10:24
CiusI must have something going thats eating up ram then.  under ubuntu, I averaged about 80 megs or so of ram idling, but under kubuntu, its more like 220 megs idle.10:24
kkathmanCius: you have to understand that yes it will use memory, but its pretty efficient10:24
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Ciuskkathman, thats cool, I was just wondering if it was normal.10:25
lucik spreek dutch10:25
kkathmanhi luc, sophie10:25
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insanekane\sh: hmm ... nice ... but i wouldnt switch10:26
\shinsanekane: qnx photon style 10:26
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kkathmanCius I wish I knew a few secrets on memory optimization, but right now Im using around 480mb of 512, but no swapping, and Im running alot of stuff :)10:26
\shinsanekane: but u could test it :)10:26
\shi like it, thats the reason why I packaged it :)10:26
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g4m8i7what's the default root password for kubuntu?10:26
\shinsanekane: nice for laptops10:26
\shg4m8i7: sudo10:26
g4m8i7w00t, thanks10:27
chavog4m8i7, it's disabled10:27
g4m8i7kubuntu virgin ;)10:27
\shsudo su -10:27
\shand u r root10:27
SpookyETmy xconfig went foobar10:27
g4m8i7mm ok10:27
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kkathmanCius: you can do a Ctrl-Esc to see everything thats running ,  or from a terminal session run "top"10:27
SpookyET1376x1032 48Hz10:27
tek\sh you are not root the first user added to the system is setup in sudo as a sudo user10:27
tekthe file is /etc/sudoer10:27
tekto become root or do any admin type of stuff you type your password when you run sudo su10:28
Ciuskkathman, I used KSysGuard to see how much ram it was taking up after I tried to open OO.o writer and it took longer than I'm used to.  I was looking at my processes and noticed that xorg apparently takes up a lot of memory.10:28
tekor if prompted by a box for the root password.10:28
\shtek: well...it's just like windows xp...the first user has admin or superuser privs10:28
kkathmanCius: thats pretty normal, on my system it takes up about 6%10:29
tekYUCK!!! dont say that10:29
tek\sh it is nothing like xp.10:29
tekxp never asked your for a password10:29
SpookyETWhat's the commnad to make kubuntu scan the hardware again.  I don't know all the supported resolutions from the top of my head.10:30
g4m8i7thanks much, guys:)  I like kubuntu much more than Mandrake, and I just installed it10:30
Ciuskkathman, the vmsize field is what indicates mem usage per process, right?10:30
smoucheCius, ditto what kkathman says -- I'm amazed how much I can run with 512 Mb, and it's even pretty ;-)10:30
insanekaneSpookyET: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:30
g4m8i7everything just works... it's amazing10:30
tekunless you set it up to do so and with xp nothing prevents you from setting up 1000 users all on the same box with admin priviledges10:30
tekyou can not do that with linux 10:30
chavotek, you could do that if you wanted to.10:30
kkathmanCius: do a 'top' in a terminal and you'll see a column that says %MEM10:31
teksure if you edited the /etc/sudoers file and set them all up in there10:31
Ciuskkathman, I'll try that real quick, thanks10:31
kkathmanCius: I wouldnt be surprised that XORG is your top vote getter :)10:31
chavowell, you'd still have to use sudo though.10:31
\shtek: well..the prof version of course10:31
kkathmansmouche:  Howzit goin today?10:31
tekbut each one would get prompted for their password each time they did something that required more permissions than that of a regular user, 10:31
SpookyETinsanekane: do i have to killx before that?10:31
chavoyou can set sudo up to not propmt for password also.10:32
teki setup winblows all the time, xp home and pro and admin around 350 boxes 10:32
insanekaneSpookyET: possibly10:32
chavotek, sounds like fun :)10:32
tektrust me, nothing remotely similar in how its handled and personally while i do use sudo i prefer root has a real password10:32
Ciuskkathman, yea, around 6 or so10:32
kkathmanCius: yep sounds about right10:33
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chavotek, I know it's different, but I was just stating that you could do the same in Linux.10:33
kkathmanthats just to be expected I guess10:33
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tekif you use sudo and i crack your account i have root on your box with only one password10:33
edgarhi everybody!!10:33
Ciuskkathman, this might be a newb ?? but waht is artsd?  that one yanks up about 6 or so eery now and then10:33
chavoIt's not smart, or easy, but it can be done.10:33
\shtek: well...I'd been asked every single time10:34
kkathmanCius: artsd is a sound daemon for KDE10:34
smouchehey, kkathman -- I was off fiddling with streamtuner -- how ya doin'?10:34
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kkathmansmouche: doing good...thanks for asking :)10:34
tekwell you can also pipe /dev/random into /boot/vmlinuz but there is not valid reason to do it.10:34
chavoDuring the Mandrake setup, there's an option to disable the root password.10:34
smouchedoing good for all the noobs, heh heh10:35
nargHeh, I join in the middle of a sudo/su flamewar?10:35
kkathmanCius: when you set up your sound there are several engines you can use, artsd is just one of them10:35
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Ciuskkathman, I've got a soundcard in my comp, but I'm not using it right now.  I don't have any speakers.  Would it be okay to kill artsd?10:35
SpookyETwhat do you use to list process10:35
SpookyETi thought it was proc10:35
insanekaneSpookyET: ps ax10:35
insanekaneSpookyET: man ps10:35
HiveMindis it usual for more then one instance of a process to be running on kde? (like 6 instances of getty?)10:36
kkathmanCius: You can kill it I imagine10:36
smoucheCius, with no speakers you've been spared the single most stressful event in a new kubuntu installation, imho --10:36
edgarhi anyone have problems with skype? sounds problems or have solved?10:36
smouchethe dreaded "sound of breaking glass" ;-)10:36
kkathmanCius: not sure why it started tho, but my system has it running also10:36
Ciusllathman, I'll try it and see what happens.  Thanks for the answers though.10:37
kkathmanCius: let me know what happens ... glad to be of help10:37
smouchekde error message sound alerts took months off my life till I disabled them10:37
chavoHiveMind, getty's are your virtual terminals10:37
kkathmancrimsun might be able to answer the artsd question tho10:37
SpookyETi heard that kubuntu supports hibernate10:38
edgarno i haven't got sound10:38
edgarfor talking10:38
_ReDRuM_andrewski: my stupid konquerer problem came back10:38
_ReDRuM_it hates me10:38
andrewskiheh, sorry.10:38
HiveMindoh.. but theres other ones also10:39
edgari made the changes from the forum and nothing happens10:39
_ReDRuM_any of you know how to shrink the size of the title bars for windows too? (minor niggle i cant seem to work it out with knifty)10:39
chavo_ReDRuM_, it depends on the window decoration10:40
chavo_ReDRuM_, Plastik for instance is stuck on Huge.10:40
nargHrm, is it fairly painless to switch x to a diffrient video card? (Planning on getting of my integrated crap soon ;p)10:40
insanekanenarg: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:41
chavoOthers can be configured. I am working on a smaller version of plastik, along with a simpler version of the plastik qt style.10:41
kkathmanchavo: you know anything about why artsd starts up even though Im not using it anywhere?10:41
nargnod, hoped dpkg could reconfigure it to a dif one.10:41
chavokkathman, did you look in the sound and multimedia prefs?10:42
edgaranyone use skype?10:42
Beineri_ReDRuM_: choose a smaller window title font :-)10:42
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chavoYeah plastik does get smaller with a smaller font, but then you can't read the titles.10:43
g4m8i7why does kuser crash when I try to enable the root account?  I'd feel better if the password were separate from my own10:43
chavoIt's still got like 10 pixels between the text and the border.10:43
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kkathmanchavo:  well yes, the only thing that kind 1/2way applies is maybe disabling sound?10:43
edgari'm having problems with skype and the sound10:44
ataxicedgar: does your sound work?10:44
kkathmanwhat is it in Linux that controls what gets loaded on startup?10:44
ataxiccan you hear kde sounds or hear a mp3 play etc10:44
insanekanekkathman: init ?10:44
insanekanekkathman: /etc/init.g10:45
insanekanekkathman: /etc/init.d10:45
tekaudio working perfect on my system, been listening to di.fm for 3 days now10:45
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sophie_msumu"Elves and Dragons!" I says to him.  "Cabbages and potatoes are better10:45
sophie_msumufor you and me."10:45
sophie_msumu-- J. R. R. Tolkien10:45
chavokkathman, it depends. there is a script called startkde that launches KDE. it's in $KDEDIR/bin/startkde10:45
kkathmaninsanekane: thanks :)10:45
edgaryeah sure10:46
kalevalis there any way to install the contents of the live cd onto a hard drive? (sort of like knoppix's install scripts?)10:46
edgarbut not in my skype10:46
insanekanekaleval: yes10:46
insanekanekaleval: but u will have to do it manually for now10:46
chavokaleval, there's a way, but it's not easy.10:46
insanekanekaleval: ie, no scripts/gui/etc10:46
kkathmanI just wondered if artsd was in one of those files, and I could remove it or something10:46
insanekanekaleval: http://www.willmer.com/kb/2005/02/installing-ubuntu-hoary-from-livecd/10:47
tekonly problem i have had with the k2hd script was the partitioning, it doesnt allow you to setup partitions other than the one partition10:47
insanekanekkathman: no, you need artsd for KDE to work (afaik)10:47
kalevalinsanekane: thanks10:47
chavokkathman, you can compile kde to not use arts, but I believe kubuntu's version depends on it.10:47
kkathmaninsanekane: well, I just went to the control center, and turned off network sound, and that apparently stopped artsd, and KDE is working fine10:48
kalevaler... on second thought, i'll just download the install cd. i'm not into mucking around right now10:48
kalevalthanks anyway guys10:48
kkathmanat least I dont see artsd anymore when I do a ctrl-esc10:48
insanekanekkathman: hmm ... thanks for the info10:48
kkathmanyeah and its not in "top" either :)10:50
kkathmanhmm learn something new everyday10:50
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zabufirefox keeps crashing on me :(10:53
apokryphoszabu: use Konqueror ;)10:54
sophie_msumuapokryphos, konqueror is dope10:54
sophie_msumuit looks like the pope10:54
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apokryphosKonqueror looks sexy as ever here :P10:54
smoucheI like konqueror in "midnight commander" mode, but that's it!10:55
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abinadidhow do i install this software "kaid-"10:56
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tektar -xjvf kaid*10:58
insanekaneabinadid: doesnt it come with installation instructions ?10:58
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apokryphosit likely has an INSTALL file, or README.10:58
tekthat will uncompress the file10:58
_jrk<--noob question here (can't find answer)  anyone know why screensavers would not run on 5.0.4?10:58
tekcause the desktop looks to damn good to waste time on a screensaver??? no i don't know10:59
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_jrkx.org working fine, opengl working fine, can't get a single saver to run... clock stops and get entry in kdm.log but nothing appears on screen. it's weird11:00
tekwhat is the entry in the log file say specifically?11:00
abinadidthere is two files one is the tar one supossed to go in the usr/bin11:00
_jrkSetGrabKeysState - disabled11:00
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abinadidthe other one on /etc11:00
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_jrkSetGrabKeysState - enabled    when i click to bring it back to life11:00
_jrkthat's in messages also11:01
smoucheI wish that fewer screensavers were installed; I got worn out disabling most of them, and finally just said, screw it, blank screen11:01
abinadidbut when i tried to copy the file did not letme 11:01
familyi have a question for kubuntu : the firefox font is somehow from gnome and very small ... where can I change it ?11:01
tekno idea, have to look into it and i don't have the time right now ..... sorry, perhaps someone else does though?11:01
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apokryphosfamily: download the gtk2-engine-gtk-qt package11:02
familyapokryphos : thanks :o)11:02
smoucheI'm amazed at how efficient kde is with a lot of stuff running; I'm near maxed out on ram, and no apparent performance hit11:03
apokryphosfamily: then, from kcontrol you can alter GTK fonts/style11:03
gdhfamily: Just for completeness - the name is gtk2-engines-gtk-qt 11:03
gdh(engines rather than engine)11:03
apokryphosbah :P11:03
_jrksmouche... a lot of that "maxxed out" is probably just filesystem caching11:03
gdhapokryphos: :)11:03
_jrkso nobody has ever heard of a problem running the screensavers? I was afraid of that 11:04
familythank you, have a nice evening :o)11:04
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ztonzyapokryphos, evening :)11:05
ztonzybeen cleaning, doing laundries here most of the day *proud*11:06
apokryphosztonzy: you can alter voice control from changing shortcuts in kmix11:06
apokryphoshehe. Congrats ;)11:06
ztonzyvoice ?11:06
apokryphos*sound control11:06
ztonzybut we didnt talk about voice ?11:06
apokryphosyou just have to Right_click and configure shortcuts11:07
ztonzyI tried...but my keyboard buttons didnt react11:07
apokryphosbut you got the configure shortcuts dialogue up?11:08
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apokryphosDarn. You likely need drivers for your keyboard11:08
ztonzyhmm, I wonder if my keyboard isn't detected properly11:08
ztonzythere isn't any EX-10011:08
_ReDRuM_nobody disagreed with my emerge apt-get11:09
ztonzybut there's Logitech Cordless Desktop11:09
andrewski_ReDRuM_: i would say more like apt-get portage.11:09
_ReDRuM_too many trolls on freenode must have rendered them immune :P11:09
_ReDRuM_andrewski: yeh i could do that if i wanted to end up with a bunch of broken gentoo ebuilds on my system that randomly misbehave on recompiles after synching :P11:10
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andrewski_ReDRuM_: it's just too bad apt doesn't do things as well as portage.  maintenance things.11:11
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_ReDRuM_andrewski: it's not portage that i have anything against (apart from it being written in python and therefore slow) it's just bugs in the ebuilds...11:12
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=== GhostFreeman [~ghostfree@] has joined #kubuntu
andrewski_ReDRuM_: yeah.  although it's quite fast, if you ask me.11:12
andrewski_ReDRuM_: compiling is not, though. :P11:12
GhostFreemanHey, guys, how can I get default back in Firefox11:12
andrewskiGhostFreeman: default configuration?11:12
GhostFreemanKDE crashed, and now I can't access default in GNOME11:12
sebas_ReDRuM_: I'm not sure if python is the reason why portage is slow, emerge -help does a stat() on _all_ ebuild files, it might also be just bad programming.11:13
sebas(Just an example)11:13
sebass/the reason/the only reason11:13
_ReDRuM_andrewski: it's not, for instance using the support tools like equery or qpkg to search for a package.... wow... find /var/db/pkg -type d -name '*blah*' so much faster11:13
GhostFreemanyeah, default configuration11:13
andrewski_ReDRuM_: hmm, true.11:13
andrewskiGhostFreeman: i think you could rm the .mozilla/<something weird> dir... i *think*11:14
_ReDRuM_sebas: compare eix (gentoo apt-cache written in C) to the python one (I forgot it's name) - and you will see a big difference in speed11:14
GhostFreemanwould I haveta reinstall all my extensions11:14
_ReDRuM_for rebuilding the database - not for searches (a tiny one for searches)11:14
sebas_ReDRuM_: Yeah, I know, but maybe eix is just written better (and also in another language) ... 11:14
andrewskiany way to make the mouse wheel scrolling not change focus?11:14
_ReDRuM_sebas: yeh, another language... that's what i said was my only niggle with portage itself - such a complex program should be written in C for speed reasons11:15
GhostFreemanI'll need to reinstall all my extensions -- that's the part I hate11:15
sebasSure, python is slower than C, but that's no explanation for emerge --help doing that sort of things on so much files.11:15
=== claydoh [~claydoh@] has joined #kubuntu
sebasThe truth might be somewhere in between there.11:15
_ReDRuM_it's unbeliveable how slow searching the package database is11:16
_ReDRuM_anyways - what do i care i've only got one gentoo system left and she will be retired soon :P11:16
sebasNothing compared to compiling KDE :>11:16
=== _ReDRuM_ is still seeing a slow trickle of reported bugs to gentoo bugzilla filter into his seperate gentoo bugzilla with subfolders mail dir :P
_ReDRuM_bugs that i reported that is11:17
_ReDRuM_i used to sit down for an hour every few days fililing bug reports11:17
_ReDRuM_that shouldnt be necessary :P11:18
sebasOTOH, the Gentoo people are often the first who notice compiler problems (merely due to the variance of systems), so we should probably be thankful :D11:18
sebasPeople like you, _ReDRuM_, actually :-)11:18
sebas(no offence intended)11:18
_ReDRuM_people like me what?11:19
=== _ReDRuM_ didn't understand enough to be offended
andrewskii must say, i dig kompos.11:19
sebasWho are filing all the bugs that are eventually ironed out before other distros use the packages11:19
_ReDRuM_oh right :)11:19
tek<_ReDRuM_>  awesome thing to do, while it is a pain in the arse it is what makes linux improve at the speed it is. 11:19
=== abinadid [~abinadid@conr-adsl-209-169-96-208.consolidated.net] has joined #kubuntu
teknever underestimate the power of bug reports11:19
tekor importance11:20
sebasWhat I tried to say is that Gentoo probably has positive side-effects for other distros.11:20
_ReDRuM_well - heh had people been able to help me out with my problems like i spent countless hours helping the other gentoo users out then perhaps i would have stayed but my systems needed to work and they would break - nobody would or could help me so it had to go11:20
andrewskisebas: yes, it is perhaps the most bleeding-edge of any distro.11:20
_ReDRuM_andrewski: didn't you know it's cool to bash gentoo? :P11:20
tekahh, break-my-gentoo.. almost as much fun as playing a game of control-panel11:20
=== _ReDRuM_ finally has kde looking ok again
GhostFreemanI was able to cp my old settings to a new FF profile11:21
_ReDRuM_ahh sweet.11:21
_jrkanyone know what could possibly cause the screensavers to not run? using 5.0.4, ati, x.org   everything works, including h/w accel11:22
GhostFreemanstill, i'm not touching KDE again until some major bugfixes are done11:22
cartel_gooda morning all11:22
GhostFreemanI was looking at screensavers. screensavers11:22
andrewski_ReDRuM_: i've had my days. ;P11:22
GhostFreemanand it just froze up -- had to hard boot11:23
cartel_GhostFreeman: what are you whining about?11:25
GhostFreemansystem crash while looking at screensavers11:25
cartel_GhostFreeman: if you found a bug in kde, bugzilla.kde.org11:25
andrewski_ReDRuM_: screenie? :P11:25
_jrkit doesn't crash when i run a screen saver. the screen just stops updating and nothing else shows. when i click, it comes back to  life as if i stopped running a saver11:25
tekmy major problem with kubuntu so far has been konqueror locking up periodically. had to go back and start using firefox again. 11:25
cartel_GhostFreeman: Xscreensaver?11:25
_ReDRuM_woa - gimp with gtk-qt engine is sweet - now all they need to do is work the look of the kde file dialogs into gtk, and make the kde ones work more like the gnome ones, and we have one hell of an OS11:25
GhostFreemanno, the screensaver cp11:25
cartel__ReDRuM_: we already have one hell of an os.11:26
andrewski_ReDRuM_: oh, that's it? :P11:26
cartel_GhostFreeman: the screensaver part in kcontrol made you crash?11:26
cartel_GhostFreeman: previewing OpenGL screensaver?11:26
GhostFreemanits likely11:26
insanekane_ReDRuM_: or maybe convert gnome/gtk file dialogs into KDE/Qt ones ... and we still have one hell of an OS :)11:27
cartel_GhostFreeman: and that hosed your .kde?11:27
_ReDRuM_cartel_: i'd say we have maybe 1/2 of a hell of an OS. satan isn't too worried just yet. there's still plenty of room for improvement :)11:27
cartel__ReDRuM_: satan is very worried :p11:27
_ReDRuM_insanekane: heh yeh thats what i was trying to say :P11:27
insanekane_ReDRuM_: make the kde ones work more like the gnome ones <- ???11:27
cartel__ReDRuM_: the balance of power has already shifted :)11:27
cartel_the gnome picker is SHIT11:27
andrewskiinsanekane: that sounds like a better idea to me; the GTK one is better IMO.11:28
=== TSDgeos [~tsdgeos@aacid.developer.kde] has joined #kubuntu
cartel_GhostFreeman: so it killed all your settings and kde wont even boot you say?11:28
GhostFreemanno, kde will boot11:28
insanekaneandrewski: i rather like the KDE one ;)11:28
andrewskicartel_: you can't preview, it's too complicated, and it's hard to browse.11:28
GhostFreemanbut that part freezes it up and I haveta hard boot11:28
_ReDRuM_insanekane: the gnomeish ones do handy things like allowing you to type "blah" to hilight file "blahhhh" - kde really needs that11:28
andrewskiinsanekane: oh, i misunderstood you. :P11:28
GhostFreemanI can boot back into KDE and GNOM11:28
cartel__ReDRuM_: thats a wishlist bug :)11:28
_ReDRuM_it's my biggest gripe with kde.11:29
cartel__REDRuM_: bugs.kde.org / launchpad.ubuntu.com11:29
_ReDRuM_bigger than the random sig 11's11:29
=== TSDgeos [~tsdgeos@aacid.developer.kde] has left #kubuntu ["M'envaig"]
chavo_ReDRuM_, you can do that in kde also, just put the focus on the file list, and then type what you're looking for.11:29
=== GhostFreeman [~ghostfree@] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"]
_ReDRuM_chavo: it always keeps highlighting the beginning of files for be like typing "blah" higlightits "band, lamp, alpha and halo"11:30
cartel_GhostFreeman: you know that Xscreensaver has the most bleeding edge / hackerish X code there is right? its pretty much a free for all, and most importantly, jwz wont do shit if it caused a crash for you UNLESS you file a bug report11:30
_ReDRuM_if your one works differently... pfft. i want your one :P11:30
chavo_ReDRuM_, you just have to type quickly to get the second letter and so on.11:30
insanekane_ReDRuM_: yeah ur right ... KDE doesnt have that11:30
insanekanechavo: really ?11:30
_ReDRuM_chavo is insisting it does....11:31
=== _ReDRuM_ tries it fast
=== _ReDRuM_ opens a konquie window
chavo_ReDRuM_, you were talking about the file selector.11:31
_ReDRuM_he's right11:31
_ReDRuM_if you type it fast it works11:31
cartel_my biggest gripe about kde isnt really about kde, its about web pages11:31
chavobut konq does it also11:31
cartel_not displaying correctly in konq :)11:31
cartel_thats not konqs fault, its lazy web coders :)11:32
chavocartel_, bugs.kde.org11:32
_ReDRuM_it needs to be slowed down11:32
_ReDRuM_thats way too fast11:32
_ReDRuM_i have to put it in at fast enough to type at least 60-70wpm11:32
motaboyc'mon guys. let's start coding for kde :D11:32
cartel__ReDRuM_: you mean... you need an option to be able to change its sensitivity11:32
chavoyeah, you have to type the next letter pretty quickly, but it works when you get used to it.11:32
cartel__ReDRuM_: file a wishlist bug its pretty trivial :)11:32
_ReDRuM_it is now it has the feature...11:33
chavoOh no, not another option in Control Center.11:33
_ReDRuM_it was major before it had it.11:33
=== _ReDRuM_ is amazed he never once typed quick enough to activate that feature in KDE file manager
chavo_ReDRuM_, I'll look into it.11:33
chavoMaybe not an option, but slowing it down a little bit.11:33
=== sony [~sony@AToulouse-152-1-22-239.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
_ReDRuM_cool :)11:33
_ReDRuM_i could do it myself if i stopped being lazy it cant be harder than changing an integer :P11:34
=== _ReDRuM_ know she isn't the only user affected by this tho
_ReDRuM_she? he.11:34
insanekaneoh yeah it works :)11:34
=== sony is now known as h320
cartel_chavo: it can go in accessibility.11:34
Tm_Tplah, why I'm not sleeping11:35
_ReDRuM_the default should be slower since chavo is the only person i've ever mentioned this to who realised KDE really does have that feature11:35
=== h320 [~sony@AToulouse-152-1-22-239.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
_ReDRuM_and i've been moaning about it for months :)11:35
insanekaneok .. 3am here .. time to sleep .. cya all11:35
=== apokryphos is really annoyed that the amarok script isn't working again in Konversation
cartel__ReDRuM_: i agree its pretty useless :)11:36
insanekanecya _ReDRuM_, 11:36
chavoEither that or it should be documented.11:36
=== SpookyET [~not4_u@24-196-233-44.cpe.ga.charter.com] has left #kubuntu []
cartel_CRAP i forgot my headphones again11:36
_ReDRuM_bye kane11:36
_ReDRuM_i guess whoever put it in thought "eh power user feature" without realising they themselves must be a GUI filemanager power user ++ :P11:38
_ReDRuM_any suggestions for further improving the prettyness of kde: http://xs404.xs.to/pics/05140/snapshot4.jpg11:39
_ReDRuM_i know it's shallow but i like a sexy desktop :P11:39
Tm_T_ReDRuM_: dropshadow11:40
=== apokryphos didn't realise the "/amarok" has been deprecated :P
_ReDRuM_appearence -> style -> effects dropshadow?11:40
_ReDRuM_cause it's on... it just doesn't work on my system for some reason...11:40
_ReDRuM_nothing in that tab does except menu translucency11:41
_ReDRuM_probably for the same reason the baghira theme window titlebars dont work11:41
=== www [~fuck@AToulouse-152-1-22-239.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
_ReDRuM_eh im happy.11:42
=== www [~fuck@AToulouse-152-1-22-239.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
=== _ReDRuM_ stops fooling with the GUI :)
andrewski_ReDRuM_: what's the weather desklet?11:42
_ReDRuM_andrewski: liquid weather for superkarama11:42
andrewski_ReDRuM_: ok.11:43
_ReDRuM_superkaramba is in the repo11:43
=== _sony [~fuck@AToulouse-152-1-22-239.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
_ReDRuM_you have to download liquid weather but it doesnt need compiling11:43
andrewskianyone been able to get kwin's drop shadow with nvidia cards?11:43
_ReDRuM_andrewski: it's flakey with my ATI too11:43
Tm_Tandrewski: yes11:43
_ReDRuM_andrewski: which driver you using? opensource or official?11:43
andrewski_ReDRuM_: official causes it to freeze.11:44
_ReDRuM_Tm_T: sure easily, you just clicked the button and it worked for you.11:44
andrewskiTm_T: any freezing problems?11:44
=== _sony [~fuck@AToulouse-152-1-22-239.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
Tm_Tandrewski: no11:45
_ReDRuM_andrewski: i remember setting up nvidia official drivers on another system and having a headache with it but by fooling around with the nvidia specific options in xorg.conf it eventually behaved itself11:45
andrewskiTm_T: what instructions did you follow?  i haven't been able to get it to work.11:45
Tm_T_ReDRuM_: I installed drivers and configured my xorg.conf11:45
andrewski_ReDRuM_: i couldn't get a good combination of those.11:45
Tm_Tandrewski: done it my own way11:45
_ReDRuM_Tm_T: paste your settings?11:45
andrewskiTm_T: could you paste your xorg.conf?  i've tried a lot of stuff.11:45
Tm_TI'll do that11:46
_ReDRuM_http://pastebin.ca <--- good place to paste them to11:46
andrewskiTm_T: i'm assuming you're using the latest driver?11:46
Tm_Tandrewski: I think so11:46
andrewskiTm_T: well, hoary, right?11:46
Tm_Twhat else =)11:46
andrewskiTm_T: then yes. ;P11:46
apokryphosWho here knew about the /cmd with konversation? Prints output of a command in konvi. i.e.11:46
apokryphosLinux ubuntu 2.6.10-5-k7 #1 Tue Apr 5 12:56:05 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux11:47
cartel_guys can you try running khotkeys from konsole11:47
_ReDRuM_cool :) /exec -o from bitchx :P11:47
_ReDRuM_Linux delta 2.6.10-5-386 #1 Tue Apr 5 12:12:40 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux11:47
apokryphoscool eh?11:47
_ReDRuM_yeh... kinda useless but fun :P11:47
cartel_tom@shockwave:~/octopus$ khotkeys11:47
cartel_ERROR: Communication problem with khotkeys, it probably crashed.11:47
andrewskiTm_T: just use my nick when you respond; i'll brb.11:47
Tm_T_ReDRuM_: why 386 kernel?11:47
_ReDRuM_should have the option to output it to just local also11:47
apokryphosUptime: 9 hours and  minutes11:47
=== matti [~matti@c-4dac72d5.012-129-73746f30.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu
_ReDRuM_Tm_T: cause i heard there was problems with the 2.6.11 so i haven't bothered changing it until they fix the problems with 2.6.1111:48
_ReDRuM_my system is working adequately...11:48
Tm_T_ReDRuM_: I Mean why 2.6.10-5- _386_ 11:48
_ReDRuM_Tm_T: lazyness.11:48
tek 14:48:23 up 2 days, 6 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.36, 0.4611:48
Tm_T00:50:09 up 40 days,  5:39, 10 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.0011:49
_ReDRuM_10 users?11:50
_ReDRuM_how many shells you need :P11:50
Tm_T_ReDRuM_: I'm not the only user11:50
_ReDRuM_on your local system?11:50
_ReDRuM_what the other guys doing on your desktop?11:50
apokryphoscartel_: but that isn't the place for user support11:50
=== narg is away: on
=== narg is now known as Narg|Away
Tm_T_ReDRuM_: that's my irssi server :p11:50
_ReDRuM_oh :)11:51
Tm_T_ReDRuM_: I use it trough ssh11:51
Tm_Tand many others11:51
_ReDRuM_running an irc server... heh haven't done that since i was 1511:51
Tm_T00:51:30 up 79 days,  4:38, 62 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.10, 0.0911:51
_ReDRuM_used to have one in new zealand and some script kiddie dos'd it so badly he took out ove 90% of new zealands connectivitiy for several minutes11:51
Tm_Tother irssi box11:51
_ReDRuM_suffice to say we became friends after that heh11:52
_ReDRuM_easier than having that happen every few days11:52
Tm_T_ReDRuM_: no, not irc server, thats different :p11:52
_ReDRuM_i thought irssi was an irc client? is it a file server?11:53
Tm_Tjust box where we run irssi11:53
_ReDRuM_oh to bounce from?11:53
=== _ReDRuM_ still confused :)
Tm_Tno bounce11:53
_ReDRuM_what purpose is it?11:53
Tm_T_ReDRuM_: I connect to ti by ssh and use it like local :p11:53
Tm_Tdoesn't matter where you are, same irssi ;p11:54
=== _ReDRuM_ categorises that with bouncing even though they are not the same :)
_ReDRuM_like you say - doesnt matter - same irssi11:54
Tm_Tbouncing is way different11:55
_ReDRuM_Tm_T: i know the technical distinction, to me it is the same thing, ircing from a different host...11:55
Tm_Thmm, our main server is down, so I only have 2 irssi running :/11:56
_ReDRuM_addict :P11:56
Tm_Thang him11:57
_ReDRuM_spammer gets 9 years jail :)11:57
\shthe right place for kwin-styles/decoration/color-schemes and .desktop files for those is?11:57
=== SpookyET [~not4_u@24-196-233-44.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
\sh./usr/share/apps/kwin ?11:57
Tm_T\sh: there's place in your home dir11:57
_ReDRuM_\sh: you can put them in your own directory if its only for your use11:57
=== _ReDRuM_ usually makes a half-assed deb package with debinstall and chucks them in /usr/share/apps/kwin mind you.
SpookyETi wish there was apt-get uninstall ubuntu-desktop11:58
_ReDRuM_debinstall? checkinstall11:58
_ReDRuM_SpookyET: you can't do that?11:58
_ReDRuM_why won't it let you?11:58
\sh_ReDRuM_: this is for me also the only correct place...but lintian is warning me ;)11:59
SpookyETubuntu-desktop is not a known package11:59
Tm_Tso you don't have it11:59
_ReDRuM_apt-cache show ubuntu-desktop11:59
_ReDRuM_you probably already removed it11:59
_ReDRuM_but what you want to do is remove those dependencies11:59
SpookyETit's there11:59
SpookyETi got gnome installed11:59
_ReDRuM_if you have kubuntu-desktop installed you should be able to remove them all just fine since kubuntu and your gnome apps will protect the needed bits...12:00
SpookyETi tried apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop12:00
_ReDRuM_\sh: you can put them in ~/.kde/share/apps/kwin12:00
apokryphosSpookyET: that won't do anything; it's a metapackage12:00
SpookyEThow do you remove it?12:00
apokryphosSpookyET: you want to remove all gtk etc?12:01
SpookyETi want to remove all ubunto-desktop12:01

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