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truluxI got it!12:58
siretartgnarf. did anyone succeeded to build javahl on amd64?01:00
siretartnever mind. (and my english gets worse the later the evening... :/)01:16
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carthikHi all, could someone field a question about how I could improve 1 specific package in the Universe? I tried the wiki and am still groggy from it :)02:33
ogracarthik, you start with setting up a pbuilder chroot: http://ubuntulinux.org/wiki/PbuilderHowto02:37
ograthen download the source package, change it, build a testpackage in your pbuilder, test it, if it works, build a source package, sign it and give it to someone to upload...02:38
carthikogra, thank you, another project I work for has had some problem with the .deb, which is why I asked. I'll start from where you suggested.02:39
ogra...oh and make sure to have no warnings from lintian (the package checker) if the package is built...02:40
carthikthank you. i will02:40
carthikogra, the page you referenced has a small typo, and is locked... "setup a chroot for build Ubuntu packages using pbuilder." (the first line) should be "building" not build. Sorry for nitpicking :)02:42
ogracarthik, i'll tell it to dholbach, he'll change it for breezy anyway the next days...02:42
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tsengwho is niall on irc04:55
tsengniall sheridan04:56
HostingGeektseng: you can whois everyone i look at about 9 people that i thought maybe...05:01
HostingGeekWarning: thoreauputic is an impostor (look at his whois)05:02
tsengmaybe he's not here.05:02
thoreauputicHostingGeek: I am indeed an imposter -version me if you doubt it :)05:03
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hspranggood morning! :)10:47
ajmitchhi hsprang10:48
hsprangajmitch, for you, good morning might not really fit  :)10:50
hsprangajmitch, so, good evening to you!10:54
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AstralJavaIt still applies to me, so I'll return the compliment. :)11:25
=== AstralJava rubs his sleepy eyes
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Usiuok https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/InstalacjaIKonfiguracjaGNUGadu2WUbuntu fixed11:59
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herve*yawn* hello!03:28
ogramorning herve03:31
hervemorning, yes :-)03:31
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kokehi all!05:00
tsenghey dude.05:00
ograhey koke05:00
ograkoke, youre not on the worldmap yet ?05:00
kokeogra: when I tried it was deleted :(05:01
kokethe wiki now is a mix between the old and new layout :)05:02
ograbroswer cache  ?05:03
kokeogra: not sure, the https pages look completely with old layout05:05
kokethe others have the same layout but new colors :)05:06
ograhmm, here i have the new layout everywhere05:06
hervectrl+shift+r to completely refresh05:08
kokehehe, ubuntu.com looks new, ubuntulinux.org looks old :D05:10
ograkoke, hah, now we know where you live :)05:14
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\shg'afternoon people :)05:41
ograyo \sh05:42
truluxanyone knows why maths package does not show up accents?06:05
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hervetrulux, you changed any font?06:34
truluxherve: no, it doesn't work even with roman or any other font06:34
truluxbut it works outside the ams math mode06:35
truluxso, everything has correct accents, looking good06:35
truluxexcept when we put them inside the amsmath block06:35
herveas I remember, the math mode is quite picky about fonts06:36
hervesince its symbols are glyphs06:36
herveI was about to ask you :-)06:45
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herveheya jbailey !06:49
jbaileyHeya herv!06:49
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hervewell will Freenode accept utf8 nicks? :-p06:50
Mithrandirheh, it won't accept accented chars, but norwegian ones are fine.06:51
truluxherve: fixed :)06:52
truluxMithrandir: haha, \aacute06:53
truluxso cute tag06:53
Mithrandirtrulux: that doesn't work here either, but if it works for you.. :)06:54
truluxit does for me, yep06:55
truluxit helps me to finish my physics work and start working out that gcc-3.4-hardened stuff06:55
herveso it's way important!06:56
truluxa bit ;D06:56
truluxI've missed a big bunch of updates: 367MB of upgrade!06:56
herveand hoary is out too :-p06:56
truluxI know06:57
herveho so you don't have that much to catch up ;-)06:57
truluxI was just too busy with school06:58
truluxyou can compare the amount of junk I use to say on holidays and when I've started school06:59
truluxI could be scared if someone shows up a graph06:59
herveand you're probably more serious than I was with school06:59
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trulux(March 2005) ^^^^^^^^\_____/\___ (April 2005)07:00
truluxherve: oh, it's just that I'm planning to get out of it to join a special program, it cuts one year of school, so, I get in university one year before07:01
truluxinstead of waiting 2 more years of blatantly stupid, embarrassing, junk secondary/pre-university school07:01
herveI think I get it07:02
truluxhehe, in short, I'm putting special effort in school this trimester07:04
truluxit's fun that I have done school-related work here for first time, they may get worried on the possibility of that fscking trulux getting the papers copied somewhere called "LaTeX"07:05
trulux"No, really, it's not that LaTeX you have used the past weekend. It's of my own home-brew."07:06
truluxherve: btw, do you know how I could make a sun eclipse model with povray? I've b0rked my earth model07:07
=== trulux is a noob on povray
truluxherve: btw, did you have a look on the new libssp packages?07:13
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hervef... !07:15
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dholbachcrimsun: how are you?07:18
crimsundholbach: not too bad, getting ready to grab some coffee and head back to work. Yourself?07:19
dholbachcrimsun: still tired, was out with mvo yesterday, celebrating hoary's release :-)07:19
dholbachbut i'm fine :-)07:19
crimsundholbach: ah, quite a few brews? :)07:19
dholbachyes, wasn't really used to it anymore  :-))07:20
crimsunok, back in a bit07:20
schweebomg, dholbach's alive :)07:25
dholbachschweeb: of course! :-)07:25
dholbachhey schweeb :-)07:26
schweebwhats up07:26
=== schweeb is just waking up
schweebI want my breezy, so I can have more fun07:27
truluxhey dholbach , woka!07:27
dholbachschweeb: hahaha... have more breakage in the first place :-)07:28
truluxcrimsun: coffee, that makes me thinking... I need a cup of that!07:28
dholbachthe first days will be bumpy :-)07:28
ograthe first month07:30
herveheya dholbach !07:31
dholbachhey herve!07:32
dholbachso where do we go from here? "reset" our todo lists? ;-)07:32
dholbachbut malone won't give us a doesnt-built-with-gcc4-list07:33
dholbachor didnt-make-python-transition :-)07:33
truluxchrist, what's happening who is building with gcc4?07:33
=== trulux feels confused
schweebwe might, trulux07:34
ogratrulux, gcc4 will be the default for breezy07:34
schweebthe gcc4 transition is going to be hell07:34
truluxogra: finally? ok07:34
dholbachschweeb: will be fun! :-)07:34
truluxok, anyone knows a friendly gcc hacker who can help me with the last bits porting of SSP to gcc-4.0?07:35
schweebdholbach: yea, but I'll be useless07:35
=== schweeb isn't a developer
hervedholbach, the idea is to automatically file bugs with a common tag07:35
dholbachherve: yes07:35
fabbionei think the gcc-4 transition will be more smooth than you think07:35
fabbionethe real issue are the c++ libs07:35
dholbachschweeb: we'll manage and you'll be of great help07:35
fabbioneand apps that are written as shit -> drop them07:36
fabbioneschweeb: trust me, the transition it's easier than you think07:36
schweebas long as we're taking that radical approach, sweet :)07:36
fabbionewell for universe you can07:36
ograyay, fabbione is here07:37
fabbionehey ogra07:37
ograhi :)07:37
dholbachfabbione: how was the party?07:38
fabbionei was just passing by on the fly07:38
schweebit would be ideal if we started breezy in the next week or so, since I'm taking a week's vacation soon :)07:38
fabbionei need to go and cook dinner07:38
fabbionedholbach: it was good07:38
fabbioneschweeb: i think we will open breezy dances pretty soon07:38
dholbachfabbione: i urged mvo to get his car ready, but he didnt :-/07:38
schweeboh goody goody07:39
fabbionebut if it is not during this week, it will be after UDU mostlikely07:39
schweebUDU is at the end of the month, right?07:39
ogralast week07:39
fabbioneafaik lamont and elmo will be working on rebuilding the archive with gcc-4.007:39
fabbioneand see how bad it is the situation07:39
fabbionebut to do that07:39
fabbionethey need doko to upload another gcc-4 version07:40
fabbionekinda complicate07:40
fabbionebut again07:40
fabbionedon't worry too much07:40
schweebalright, off I go07:40
dholbachi dont, it will be fun :-)07:40
dholbachbye schweeb07:40
schweebgonna go watch Sin City at the theater07:40
fabbionei am off too07:40
dholbachbye fabbione07:40
fabbionecya tomorrow07:40
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schweebspeak of the devil07:41
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herveho look behind you! it's night!10:32
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ajmitchmorning all!11:17
dholbachhey ajmitch11:18
ajmitchwhat's up?11:18
dholbachhttp://blog.steve.org.uk/index.php/archives/2005/04/10/ubuntu/ <--- that was me :-)11:18
=== ajmitch waits for a web browser to thrash into memory ;)
=== dholbach gives ajmitch a cookie
dredgdholbach: brainwashing the masses then?11:19
dholbachdredg: we don't need that :-)11:19
ajmitchbah, someone asking for documentation & examples for one of my debian packages11:20
ajmitchnobody needs docs11:20
dholbachjust assume he wants to write those and write a charming mail back11:21
ajmitchno, it's more that he didn't check 'info treecc' - the docs are already there ;)11:22
ajmitchand the other doc on the website probably can't be included11:22
dholbachsmurfix and phurballphredd surely got their coordinates wrong :-)11:30
dholbachi think i'll go to bed for now... bye11:33
ajmitchbye dholbach !11:33
dholbachbyeeeeeeeeeeeee :-)11:33

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