[12:01] SpookyET: and keep just kubuntu-desktop stuff? [12:01] then i'll install the base gtk and figure out to fix gtk-qt for firefox [12:01] should note that it'll remove firefox etc. [12:01] ok [12:01] Then you can use the debfoster command [12:01] <_ReDRuM_> SpookyET: ubunto-desktop is just a metapackage - that means it doesnt contain anything except a couple of documents and it *depends* on all of the things you want to remove [12:02] Pyre: tell SpookyET debfoster [12:02] SpookyET: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24403 [12:02] <_ReDRuM_> debfoster? woooo new command :) [12:02] <\sh> _ReDRuM_: no..i need it for a package [12:02] <_ReDRuM_> \sh: that is the right directory [12:03] <_ReDRuM_> SCENARIO 5)You want to remove all of kde and kubuntu and go back to ubuntu-desktop <--- that's a bit backwards :P [12:03] isn't it a little late for debfoster? [12:03] <\sh> _ReDRuM_: i can't install a .desktip for a global system wide kde package in $HOME [12:03] <_ReDRuM_> debfoster also kills orphans like deborphan [12:04] <_ReDRuM_> (so the docs say) so it should still be useful to you [12:04] <_ReDRuM_> \sh: .............. [12:04] <_ReDRuM_> what you said when you came in this room \sh - that is the right directory. [12:05] <\sh> _ReDRuM_: ok...forget what I said === claydoh [~claydoh@] has joined #kubuntu [12:05] <_ReDRuM_> 22:57] <\sh> ./usr/share/apps/kwin ? [12:05] wtf, I have 3 irssi running in different places :p [12:06] <\sh> _ReDRuM_: ok..if this is the right location, why linitian is warning me, that it is the wrong place? [12:06] <_ReDRuM_> i have no idea what linitian is but its lying [12:06] <\sh> i mean the test of lintian for desktop files is quite stupid === apokryphos [~apokrypho@host-84-9-32-99.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu === claydoh [~claydoh@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:07] sorry, was d/c -- likely missed any comments addressed to me (if any were made) [12:07] <_ReDRuM_> yeh your right that apropis guy he really is... [12:07] <_ReDRuM_> ... oh HI aprokyphos :) === eleazar [~eleazar@dhcp16464013.woh.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:07] ah, I forgot, that xorg.conf ... === _brainless [~brainless@p3E9C393C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [12:08] just a second -> [12:08] Right, I've got Kubuntu up to Xorg level in Virtual PC, but the screen's knackered. [12:08] <_ReDRuM_> apokryphos: room was strangely silent :) [12:08] hehe === _brainless [~brainless@p3E9C393C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === bobesponja [pat@bassano-1-81-57-4-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:11] <\sh> riddell: ping [12:11] Tm_T: lol, i just came back to check. i didn't have to scroll up. :P [12:11] heh [12:12] just a moment, I put it on web [12:12] <_ReDRuM_> Cloney: none of us have experience with virtual PC :) [12:12] <_ReDRuM_> sorry === apokryphos_ [~apokrypho@host-84-9-35-30.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:13] d/c *again* === dimmak [~dimmak@lsanca1-ar55-4-65-118-030.lsanca1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === apokryphos_ is now known as apokryphos [12:14] No problem. I'm trying to hotswitch resolutions with Ctrl+Alt+- on the login screen, but it's not working. [12:14] <_ReDRuM_> Cloney: try editing xorg.conf and changing the Driver "whatever" bit where it says your display to vga [12:16] A good idea, but it's never offered to let me set a root password. Time I read the manual, perhaps ^^ [12:16] <_ReDRuM_> sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf [12:16] <_ReDRuM_> it doesnt want to let you set the root password because it assumes if you cant work it out you shouldnt be using root :) [12:17] <_ReDRuM_> you can get around it by typing sudo passwd [12:17] <_ReDRuM_> that lets you set a root pass [12:17] Ah, right. I'm used to setting it at install time. [12:17] <_ReDRuM_> also - some people think root shouldn't have a password and should remain locked [12:18] <_ReDRuM_> i think they get few if any real benefits from it but i understand their reasoning :) === claydoh [~claydoh@] has joined #kubuntu [12:18] Hmm, I'm confused here - I need a root password to set the root password. === apokryphos [~apokrypho@host-84-9-35-247.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu === Pyre [~Pyre@host-84-9-35-247.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:19] <_ReDRuM_> Cloney: sudo wants your user password not root password [12:20] andrewski: http://xob.kapsi.fi/~tm_travolta/temp/xorg.conf.temp [12:20] Tm_T: thanks... [12:20] andrewski: not yet fully configured but works fine in my box [12:21] Tm_T: well, i'll compare modules/options with mine. [12:21] do that [12:21] Tm_T: FWIW, how old is your card? [12:21] <_ReDRuM_> fx 5700 [12:21] yes [12:21] quite new [12:21] Tm_T: i wonder if that's the problem. [12:21] uhm? [12:21] <_ReDRuM_> andrewski: i got official drivers working on a geforce 440 MX [12:22] _ReDRuM_: with compositing in kwin? [12:22] _ReDRuM_: how old is that card? [12:22] <_ReDRuM_> several years [12:22] <_ReDRuM_> 2001 ? [12:22] yes, something like that [12:22] gf2 :p [12:22] _ReDRuM_: mine too. [12:22] _ReDRuM_: so there's hope. :P [12:23] _ReDRuM_: so you have compositing? [12:23] <_ReDRuM_> i dont know what it is so i have no idea :) [12:23] _ReDRuM_: hmm, because i can use kde with it disabled. [12:23] <_ReDRuM_> i couldnt even get into X at all with the card at first [12:23] <_ReDRuM_> had to mess around with it loads [12:24] <_ReDRuM_> what is compositing [12:24] <_ReDRuM_> i could find out later [12:24] \sh: pong [12:24] _ReDRuM_: real transparency and such. [12:24] andrewski: "real" [12:24] <_ReDRuM_> how do you know if its on and not being done by software [12:24] <\sh> Riddell: 5 minutes ? [12:25] _ReDRuM_: I bet you can tell when you try [12:25] Hmm. Looks like X just isn't happy in Virtual PC. [12:25] _ReDRuM_: xorg.conf, section "Extensions" [12:25] Tm_T: true. :P [12:25] Tm_T: hmm, i thought you were supposed to disable dri? [12:25] <_ReDRuM_> i dont even have it on on this system [12:26] <_ReDRuM_> so undoutably - i didnt have it on on the other one :) [12:26] _ReDRuM_: you should try. maybe it'll work for you. :P === redissexy [~redissexy@201009184119.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu [12:26] <_ReDRuM_> i will when its not busy [12:26] <_ReDRuM_> im building disk images with it === _ReDRuM_ tries it with the ATI [12:27] Tm_T: maybe it's "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true" === ubuntu [~ubuntu@cm101103.red.mundo-r.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:27] Tm_T: i had that on, but it is known to cause bugs. :P [12:27] hi [12:27] Tm_T: oh, no... i had it commented out. [12:28] brb! === apokryphos_ [~apokrypho@host-84-9-32-241.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu === infodroid [~AI@infodroid.user] has joined #kubuntu === andrewski [~andrew@pool-70-16-155-158.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === _peter [~peter@] has joined #kubuntu [12:30] <_ReDRuM_> andrewski: perhaps this might be helpful? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20769&page=1 === apokryphos_ is now known as apokryphos [12:32] _ReDRuM_: perhaps. theoretically, i know how to enable it, but it freezes. likely nvidia's fault. ;P [12:32] <_ReDRuM_> heh [12:32] <_ReDRuM_> anything else i should know before i restart X to see what this looks like on me ATI? === _ReDRuM_ just followed that guide [12:33] _ReDRuM_: pray hard and long [12:33] <_ReDRuM_> lol [12:33] _ReDRuM_: yeah. [12:33] _ReDRuM_: composite? [12:33] and pay me ;) [12:33] It's just really slow; unusable. === _ReDRuM_ gives Tm_T some spare change [12:34] <_ReDRuM_> brb :) [12:34] apokryphos: well, on old systems.... === g4m8i7 [~Azureus@] has joined #kubuntu === redissexy [~redissexy@201009184119.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu === Quinn_Storm [~quinn@pa-bethlprk-cad1-grp2b-189.pittpa.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:35] Where does smbpasswd write the password flies to? === _ReDRuM_ [~rob@cpc1-brig4-5-0-cust169.brig.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:37] <_ReDRuM_> it says both of the extensions are unknown options :/ [12:37] <_ReDRuM_> any suggestions? === gabe123 [~gabe@] has joined #kubuntu === claydoh [~claydoh@] has joined #kubuntu [12:41] can someone tell me where icons are stored? for example, i'm looking for the icon for beep-media-player [12:41] gabe123: start looking from /usr/share [12:42] oh come on, use find if you can ;p === seven_six_two [~fathead@HSE-Toronto-ppp302286.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [12:43] anyone know if ed2k or any donkey clc would be available in any of the ubuntu repositories? [12:44] or kubuntu? [12:45] not that i mind building it by hand. I thought i'd save time by asking before i add more repositories and search for it again === _andrewski [~andrew@pool-70-16-155-158.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:46] <_andrewski> Tm_T: hard freezing going on. :P [12:47] <_andrewski> Tm_T: damn latest drivers. i don't understand why the ubuntu devs updated to them. === Zugot [~bryan@pcp0010860530pcs.longhl01.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === SeFoKumA [~zienaga@70.Red-81-44-202.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:53] haha [12:53] nvidia working fine :p === apokryphos [~apokrypho@host-84-9-34-135.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:06] I have a freaking strange problem here. [01:06] Friend of mine installed redhat on his laptop. [01:07] Didn't know how to use it, reinstalled windows. [01:07] System starts, and GRUB sits and hangs. [01:07] No disk drive. [01:07] Unable to boot from a bootable CD. [01:07] Suggestions? [01:07] start over, boot into a knoppix disk (assuming you have one) and run this [01:08] dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/hda bs=512 === owner [~owner@69-12-132-188.dsl.static.sonic.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:08] that will get rid of the partition table and then you can reinstall windows or wahtever your wanting [01:08] I can't get it to read a bootable CD though. [01:08] hmmh, a good number of people in #kubuntu [01:09] owner: even more earlier ;-) === owner is now known as loren [01:09] then get a boot floppy, toms rootboot disk should do it [01:09] :) apokryphos [01:09] no floppy drive, laptop. :\ [01:09] hi :) [01:09] will it boot from a usb key? === aprill2k [~aprill@c-24-63-194-15.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:09] how do i make a Desktop link that will run as root in KDE? [01:10] anyone in here do any music recording on Kubuntu? [01:10] aprill2k: try adding this to it X-KDE-SubstituteUID=true [01:10] aprill2k: add kdesu to the command [01:11] can that system boot from a usbkey? [01:11] ok, thanks [01:11] neom: isn't there a parameter you can pass to the boot loader? like noxxx? [01:11] I can't get it to boot from anything. [01:11] infodroid - I was wondering about that, I didn't know what to tell it though. [01:11] what is the bootloader on it, grub or lilo? and what is the laptop [01:12] grub [01:12] toshiba a40\ [01:12] loren, try audacity [01:12] well you should be able to get it to boot then, hold on i have a grub tutorial on one of my websites that will walk you through it [01:12] neom: one sec i can look it up for yuo [01:12] tnx [01:13] http://linuxdojo.net/index.php?option=news&task=viewarticle&sid=103 [01:13] article is called get your grub on === JaZy84 [~cgjazinsk@cpe-66-68-236-148.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:14] neom: have you tried adding pci=noacpi to the grub line? [01:14] infodroid beat me to it... lol [01:14] I can't get to the drub config. [01:15] hehe [01:15] The laptop starts, and then GRUB comes up, and it hangs. [01:15] there is also a hyperthreading issue on some systems don't remember the incantation [01:15] And thats it. [01:15] neom: its weird that grub itself hangs [01:15] ht=off or something like that [01:15] He fucked the second stage start when he installed windows over it, I suspect. [01:16] well that article i pointed out goes over how to repair grub as long as you boot to a grub prompt it will get you up and running [01:16] as long as you didnt hose any of the linux partitions. [01:16] I can't get a grub prompt. [01:16] windows is mutually hostile to every other OS out there. [01:17] i haven't used the new versino of the livecd, i just installed kubuntu. in general, using grub, you press "e" and then you can edit the boot line. [01:17] then my friend you are truly ..... hosed. [01:17] you need to be able to boot from something or at least into a grub prompt [01:18] how can you not boot from a cd yet were able to install anything? [01:19] i would start by checking out your settings in the bios to make sure that is not what is preventing you from booting into the cd === DooD [~Me@] has joined #kubuntu [01:19] I can't get to the bios either. [01:19] hi guys [01:19] I'm tying to find a circuit diagram for it. [01:19] I installed kubuntu and my jedit doesn't work anymore neither on gnome nor kde [01:19] So I can find the cmos batt. [01:19] any idea how I could fix it [01:23] you need to boot from a cd, if you were able to install windows or redhat or ....ANYTHING... you had to be able to boot from a cd to do that. check your cd on another system to make sure you have a bootable cd to begin with. [01:24] What happened is, he has some stupid toshiba password thing set on startup. [01:24] And because of it, I can't select the device to boot from. [01:24] most laptops i have opened up do not have a bios reset pin that i have seen. only desktops or servers... which in thinking about it is kind of strange [01:25] oh, LOL, i have a friend who did something as stupid as that, encrypted his HD then promptly forgot his password he incrypted it with. [01:25] noem: press f12 [01:25] DooD dosn't work. [01:25] Tried it. [01:25] top of the line crypto there. [01:25] noem: did you try the customer support on toshiba [01:26] noem: I'm sure there's a way to reset the password [01:26] toshiba tech support. [01:26] noem: if i remember right they even have a software you can access their setup from [01:26] not going to do you any good if you can not boot from a cd right? [01:27] you need to reset the bios which it sounds like he has knackered up really good and locked himself out for extra good measure === gorgone [~gorgone@pD9553A0E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === bur[n] er [~norml@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu [] === LeeJunFan [junfan@64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:33] LeeJunFan: welcome :) [01:33] hello. [01:37] hello lee [01:40] Lee o/ [01:41] http://xob.kapsi.fi/~tm_travolta/kuvat/temp/capture_kapsi.png === blenderhead [~Blenderhe@adsl-218-178-232.jax.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu === theandrewski [~andrewski@pool-70-16-155-158.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:46] can someone help me setup my soundcard? [01:46] FFS [01:46] L8tr people,got to get back to the real world === redissexy [~redissexy@201009184119.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu === darkaudit [~bpack@pool-151-205-52-3.clrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:48] ahoy hoy [01:48] hullo === darkaudit is having Juk issues... error connecting to Musicbrainz server when trying to guess tag info === Beineri [~Beineri@binner.kde] has left #kubuntu ["CARRIER] === _jsubl2 [~jsubl2@] has joined #kubuntu === LWATCDR [~LWATCDR@69-171-187-188.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu === guillaumeh [~gh@vandoeuvre-2-81-56-99-20.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:56] Hello all I have a minnor problem. My audio seems to have stopped working. [01:56] It worked fine under Gnome but under KDY nothing is comming out the speakers? [01:57] KDE that is === guillaumeh [~gh@vandoeuvre-2-81-56-99-20.fbx.proxad.net] has left #kubuntu [] [02:02] LWATCDR: do you have arts running? and in which apps are you trying? [02:02] Never mind I got it fixed. I went to the KDE Center and manualy set the sound system to OSS. [02:02] I had tried XMMS and Kconversations notifies. [02:03] theandrewski: is there a way to move between KDE and GNOME? [02:03] LWATCDR: logout? [02:04] LWATCDR: what do you mean specifically? [02:04] When I log out It does not give me an option for GNOME anymore [02:04] LWATCDR: in gdm? [02:05] Just default, KDE, and failsafe. [02:05] oh yeah, this is #kubuntu [02:05] LWATCDR: hmm, what's /usr/share/xsessions list? [02:06] actually I installed Ubuntu and then did an upgrade to Hoary then did an apt-get kbuntu-desktop [02:06] I use SuSE at work but thought I would give Ubuntu a try since I heard so much good stoff. === verden01 [Daniel@dsl-] has joined #kubuntu === Quinn_Storm [~quinn@pa-bethlprk-cad1-grp2b-189.pittpa.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:08] HI [02:08] all that is there is kde.desktop [02:08] LWATCDR: hmm, h/o [02:08] in usr/share/xsessions [02:08] LWATCDR: is gnome-session installed? [02:10] I never uninstalled gnome. [02:10] But it is not in the directory. [02:10] LWATCDR: lol, well of course then! [02:10] LWATCDR: install gnome! [02:10] Okay but I had nome. [02:10] But I had nome. [02:10] oh, sorry misread! [02:10] Gnomme [02:10] i read "i never installed gnome." :P [02:10] It is okay I can not type type today. [02:11] New keyboard. === yehuda [~yehuda@pchacker.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #kubuntu [02:11] LWATCDR: check on the status of gnome-session. that's the package that 'owns' the gnome.desktop file. [02:11] and now would I do that? === Quinn_Storm [~quinn@pa-bethlprk-cad1-grp2b-189.pittpa.adelphia.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [02:12] LWATCDR: which would you prefer: synaptic/kynaptic or the CLI? === redissexy [~redissexy@201009184119.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu [02:17] cli [02:17] I am used to the command line === darkaudit [~bpack@pool-151-205-52-3.clrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:17] LWATCDR: ok. 'apt-get install gnome-session'. === sebas [~sebas@vhe-382306.sshn.net] has left #kubuntu [] [02:18] LWATCDR: install it if it's not already. === theandrewski is now known as andrewski [02:27] andrewski: thank you, now I know how I can add manually sessions into KDM session list =) [02:27] Tm_T: well, that's also true. :P [02:28] andrewski: 'cause I compiled fluxbox and now I can add it easily, just look hows kde is there :p [02:29] andrewski: I almost done it that way but I thought it's not that way =) [02:29] Tm_T: yup. ;) i did that a while back with xfce 4.2 before it was in the reps. [02:29] el stupido [02:29] Thanks it is there now === darkaudit keeps getting 'error connecting to musicbrainz server' when trying to get tag info with Juk [02:29] darkaudit: you sure it's configured correctly? [02:30] Tm_T: I'm not sure. I haven't found anything in .xsession-errors that would suggest something was wrong === dewey [~dewey@c-67-160-122-96.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === SpookyET [~not4_u@24-196-233-44.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:38] hi [02:38] I modified xorg.conf to include 1600x1200; why doesn't kde's desktop config not show it in the dropdown? [02:45] SpookyET: oh, your display don't support such [02:46] look from errorlogs [02:46] my display supports it [02:46] i'm typing this from 1600x1200 75Hz from windows [02:46] X thinks it doesn't [02:46] How do I tell it that it does? [02:46] look from errorlogs [02:46] there you find the answer [02:47] where is it saved? [02:47] hmm, don't remember... try find xsessionlog etc [02:48] somewhere in /var I think === idk152 [~daniel@ca-arcdca-cuda1-c1q-9.arcdca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:49] xorg.0.log === mEESY [~col`mEESY@host217-43-104-247.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:51] I wish there was a repository of xorg.conf files:-) [02:51] I have a KDS Visual Sensation 19sn [02:52] lo folks. was wondering if anyone could help me out with a wee problem i've got here. Just installed kubuntu on a different computer to this one, and am no getting any sound. when i try to play a cd through kscd, it says 'error getting freedb entry' . i also tried going into control centre > sounds+multimedia>sound system .. and the sound system is definately enabled. [02:52] SpookyET: kds has monitor specs on their web site [02:53] i just ran kInfoCenter and it seems like the soundcard has been installed. its an onboard card btw. kinfocenter says ' Installed drivers : Type 10 : ALSA emulation' [02:54] however lower down, it says 'synth devices : not enabled in config' and also 'midi devices : not enabled in config'. [02:55] does any1 know how i can resolve this sound problem? [02:55] mEESY: maybe your volumes are down or muted? [02:55] KDS VS-19sn [02:56] kds? [02:56] ah, yes [02:57] mEESY: and you propably don't need hardware midi/synth, so it's irrelevant [02:57] lol.. i have thought of that. i turned up my volume [02:57] on my speakers , and through kmix [02:58] i think it has something to do with the error i get that says 'error getting freedb entry' [02:58] mEESY: nope [02:58] tho i dont actually know what that means. lol [02:58] max 1600x1200 76Hz [02:58] mEESY: it have nothing to do with playback, it's just trying to get tracknames from internet === olivier [~olivier@dsl-141-226.aei.ca] has joined #kubuntu [02:59] oh right, lol.. that computer is not connected to the internet [02:59] ok, so irrelevant errormessage [02:59] mEESY: check cables [03:00] ensure that its in right jack === olivier [~olivier@dsl-141-226.aei.ca] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [03:00] hmm [03:00] k.. will do [03:01] I learn to use english better with you =) [03:02] any idea where I'd config the musicbrainz settings? Amarok is giving the same error. [03:03] darkaudit: maybe the service is offline? [03:03] darkaudit: I never use it so I don't know [03:03] nope... the ppl in #musicbrainz say the service is up [03:03] ok then [03:03] configs are broken [03:04] see amarok setup [03:05] well, all cables are fine, i have tested with my headphones in too, still get the same thing! no sound. have turned everything in kmix up to full too! [03:05] hmm [03:06] mEESY: try play some mp3 or other [03:07] well i just went into control center > sounds and multimedia > sound system and clicked on 'test sound' and got nothing. same when i click on test 'midi' === phxguy [~phxguy@ip24-251-194-72.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:07] its a strange problem really, as before using kubuntu on that computer, i installed mepis, and the sound worked, but all of a sudden i got an error that said 'cpu overload, sound system shutting down' [03:08] then again, mepis ran VERY slowly for some reason, however this seems to run just fine [03:09] hmm... libmusicbrainz2 *and* libmusicbrainz4 are installed... [03:09] is it possible to make konversation have a semi-transparent background? [03:11] phxguy: ah, don't use konversation, buggy and bloat [03:11] phxguy: use irssi ;p [03:12] works fine for me Tm_T [03:12] at least for the moment === hayden [~hayden@203-219-130-10-qld.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [03:12] phxguy, I don't think you can do that with konversation, but with x-chat you can. [03:12] yuk [03:12] =) [03:12] amarok <3 [03:13] but mplayer <3<3 [03:13] smouche: yeah i know you can in X-chat but i have a problem getting the colors right in it [03:13] it's ugly :/ [03:13] Tm_T: if you have alink ill check it out [03:13] phxguy: irssi.org [03:14] I bet he won't use irssi =) [03:14] I know, phxguy, it's tricky. Mostly white text with a dark semi-transparency over not too fancy wallpaper helps for me... [03:15] smouche: pic? === Cius [~Cius@pcp564276pcs.rthfrd01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:16] hi [03:16] Tm_T, stop busting our chops. why would you want a pic of something "ugly". irssi rocks, yes, I know, but I have other stuff to learn on my plate first... [03:16] I have a question about running multiple WMs under kubuntu. [03:16] irssi is funny it all these *themes* for it but they all look the same [03:17] Tm_T -- 'course irrssi with a sem-transparent konsole is very cool... ;-) [03:17] phxguy: oh, war away from same [03:17] I used kynaptic to get icewm-common and related dependencies, now I'm thinking I have to edit an X11 file to tell kubuntu I wanna choose between kde and icewm on startup. Could someone tell me which file it is I have to eit? === _hayden [~hayden@203-219-130-10-qld.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [03:18] Cius: just add icewm.desktop in your /usr/share/xsessions === _hayden is now known as blacklabel [03:19] smouche: I know, I have annoying habit, take it as a joke ;p [03:19] Tm_T, do I have to put anything in the file or do I simply create a file called icewm.desktop? [03:19] wow theres a shit load of scripts for it though... might have to download it [03:20] I do, Tm_T :P [03:20] phxguy: it's already installed ;p [03:20] in kubuntu? [03:20] phxguy: kubuntu have it in normal install, with a good reason! [03:20] hmm [03:20] <_jrk> i asked on here earlier but hoping someone entered who might know... anyone know of a reason why the screen savers would not work in kubuntu? mobility 9000/ati/ and h/w accel all work fine. [03:21] yeah, but they don't tell us about it, phxguy -- they have Tm_T for that... ;p [03:21] _jrk: x-files stuff, ati sucks in linux [03:21] lol [03:21] smouche: thanks x) [03:21] it wasn't in my kmenu..... whats the command for it [03:21] phxguy- just open konsole [03:22] and type irrssi [03:22] ok then what [03:22] voila [03:22] o kewl [03:22] set transparency in konsole "schemas" etc [03:22] how do i connect and stuff [03:22] wheres the manual :0 [03:23] icewm.desktop is already in my /usr/shar/xsessions directory, yet when I rebooted a while ago, I got no option to load icewm rather than kde... [03:23] phxguy: /server irc.whatever.com [03:23] you could also run it in konqueror, if you set the konqueror view profile to "midnight commander" -- [03:23] phxguy: irssi.org have good manual [03:23] what do i install if i wish to make java programs? [03:24] Cius: uhm? [03:24] Tm_T: do i need a plugin to show the users list on the side or something [03:24] blacklabel: java runtime environment and maybe sdk [03:24] Tm_T, say again please? I'm not sure what uhm is... [03:24] phxguy: why you need that? [03:24] ok [03:25] Tm_T: uh so i know who the hell is there :) === jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #kubuntu [03:25] phxguy: /names (or shortly /n) [03:26] you don't need to konw who's just sit in here idling, do you? [03:26] i suppose not but it woulld be nice [03:27] hmm, I'll try rebooting again, see if maybe I just missed something. [03:27] uhm, why he reboot? [03:28] ok, some tweakin' & cryin' -> [03:30] think ill stick with my bloated gui irc client [03:30] rofl [03:30] that's what happened with me; too much homework involved in irssi... [03:30] i just wanna chat not have to remember a bunch of /set command and crap like that [03:31] good software just works [03:31] with minimal user intervention [03:31] phxguy: I use gaim for IRC. [03:32] It's very easy for this. [03:32] so is kopete [03:32] Oh, right, I'm im #*K*ubuntu. :) [03:32] I like xchat. I ignore most of the confusing stuff; as long as I can easily log chats, I'm happy. [03:33] i use to use gaim but you can't set yourself as invisible in yahoo or msn [03:33] but I do want to learn irssii -- damn, that's a hard name to remember exactly -- when I have some time [03:33] xchat for windows is good. transparency work real good [03:34] and you can see what you type [03:34] unlike it linux partner [03:35] oh well im outta here [03:40] heh [03:40] irssi is easy to use [03:41] and most of all, I don't need to run it on my own box === smouche [~bc@cpe-24-90-94-112.nyc.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:43] =) [03:44] but if I like it doesn't mean you have to like it === wbniv [~wbniv@user-0c6sjae.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu === Mussi [~Mussi@mussi.user] has joined #kubuntu [03:48] hmm [03:48] Mussi: oh, nice domain =) [03:48] hostname I mean [03:48] Tm_T: :) === andrewski [~andrewski@pool-70-16-155-158.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:50] aha... there are upstream bugs filed on musicbrainz... [03:50] anyone with both kde and gnome installed? [03:50] andrewski: got that here [03:51] darkaudit: you have duplicate menu entries? [03:51] not at the moment... I haven't run update-menus on this system yet... [03:52] hmm... [03:52] just ran it, and gnome-panel gobbled up resources [03:53] at 78% cpu usage and 15% memory === idk152 [~daniel@ca-arcdca-cuda1-c1q-9.arcdca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:55] =) [03:55] up to 85% cpu usage :( === pussfeller [~todd@d187.rtcol.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:57] andrewski: running update-menus in gnome crashes gnome-panel :( [03:57] oops... it just recovered [03:58] lemme go check something... brb [03:59] =) [04:01] anyone know of a good flac/vorbis editor for kde? i've been using easytag.... === regeya [~shane@dialup-] has joined #kubuntu [04:02] andrewski: you want edit what? [04:02] Tm_T: flac/vorbis comments. [04:02] ah [04:02] yeah, whoops. :P [04:02] kid? [04:02] Tm_T: i'll look. [04:02] kid3 to be precise [04:03] id3 doesn't sound promising... [04:03] nope [04:03] I haven't tried it [04:03] but it was in my Kmenu =) [04:03] Tm_T: ah. === encKe` [~encKe`@ppp-70-249-172-30.dsl.mdldtx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:04] swedish? [04:05] Tm_T: huh? [04:05] encKe I mean [04:07] lol...oh srry Tm_T , didnt see ya there [04:07] no encKe is a small comet === encKe` is a space nut [04:07] nice [04:08] can I eat you? [04:08] ;p [04:09] sure....what the hell [04:10] guys, there could be children here. === andrewski gets queasy. === nbhusain [~nbhusain@r200-40-249-180-dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #kubuntu [04:10] haha [04:10] andrewski: I'm child(ish) [04:10] k [04:10] Tm_T: and you're talking like that?! shame on you! === nbhusain [~nbhusain@r200-40-249-180-dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [04:12] andrewski: I shame... I've been bad, so spank me please [04:12] aw geez. LOL [04:12] gotcha! === g4m8i7 [~Azureus@] has joined #kubuntu [04:15] how do I add the universe to my source list? I tried the instructions on the kubuntu website, but they don't work [04:16] UniversePackages [04:16] eh? [04:16] uhm [04:16] wiki.ubuntu.com/UniversePackages === cheeeong [~cheeeong@cm73.omega172.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu [04:17] thanks [04:17] crimsun: heya [04:17] Roey: hi [04:17] (again) [04:17] crimsun: I'm havin [04:17] er [04:18] well I had trouble with kubuntu but since I installed kanotix at the moment, it's a moot point. [04:18] and this debian/sid is also giving me problems [04:18] but anwyay [04:18] ok. *blinks* === Roey cries. Grandfather died this morning. Fine way to cap four weeks of hell with my system [04:20] sorry to hear. A friend's uncle passed away from leukemia yesterday as well. [04:21] :( [04:21] one da [04:21] one day [04:22] I will make a machine that keeps people from dying [04:22] and if they do die === LWATCDR [~LWATCDR@69-171-187-188.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:22] then the machine will make them undie === LWATCDR [~LWATCDR@69-171-187-188.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [04:22] and then everyone's grandparents and uncles will live forever. [04:22] <_jrk> how about making a person who keeps my machine from dying? [04:23] _jrk: crimsun and andrewski and the rest here are pretty much it [04:24] Roey: make this eternal-life machine if it also makes people sterile. [04:25] true story: there are too many people on this planet. [04:25] regeya: bah [04:25] regeya: the planet's fine [04:25] regeya: the planet is bigger than people [04:25] uh...yeah. [04:25] funny thing [04:25] regeya: the planet can brush us off in the blink of an eye [04:25] like ants. [04:25] precisely [04:25] <_jrk> we'll be off the planet anyway if we can just live another 100 years :) [04:26] regeya: ya know what? "this planet" can hold a thousand times the people alive today. [04:26] regeya: I say, change the governments [04:26] changethe way people live [04:26] and Im sure we'll be able to make blight-resistant food for all those people [04:26] change the fucking mentalities that govern where we can live and how. [04:26] regeya: there is enough food for everyone today. [04:26] see, I had a subtle point there [04:26] regeya: the problem is with the governments that don't make it available to people [04:27] regeya: wtf do you think is going on in North Korea, eh? [04:27] go back, read again, think about the implications [04:27] regeya: what do you think is going on in Ehtiopia? You've seen the kids that are stick-thin and have flies crawling on their eyeballs? it's bullshit. [04:27] regeya: if they are like that, it's due to their governments. [04:28] regeya: american farmers are *overproducing*. The US Government has to bail them out. [04:28] <_jrk> there are also enough RAM chips for everyone in the world. when the hell is someone going to give me another gig for my server machine? da man is holding me down! [04:28] regeya: where do you get off saying that we need more food? === NumPy [~numPy@cpe-66-25-254-156.gt.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:28] NumPy: awesome nick [04:28] hm [04:28] hey, what's this /ignore thing to? [04:28] do even [04:29] Roey: thanks =) [04:29] regeya: it's obvious [04:29] regeya: you can ignore by doing /ignore $hostmask [04:29] Roey: or nick [04:30] damn, it's morning again? [04:30] Tm_T: it never worked for me :( [04:30] Roey: depends what client [04:30] Tm_T: *mumble mutter grumble* [04:30] fucking xchat fuck it === marc [~marc@lsanca2-ar25-4-46-120-183.lsanca2.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:31] regeya: if you don't wan't to see what I'm saying, just /ignore *!*@*.fi for example [04:32] that ignores all finn hosts :p === HillTop [~chatzilla@cpe-204-210-35-9.san.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:33] "those finns are only making trouble, ignore them!" [04:33] ;) [04:34] Tm_T: I see you're from .fi, so English isn't your native language. Sorry. Guess sarcasm flies over the heads of most non-English-speakers [04:34] haha [04:34] I should have checked that [04:34] :-( [04:35] sarcasm and selfirony, yes, that's me ;p [04:37] the weird thing about Konversation is that they don't have an /unignore...I've not found a faster way than to pull up a dialog box [04:38] hmm [04:38] maybe I should try Konversation and look how it works [04:38] how can i install windows fonts in kubuntu? [04:38] kde settled on an IRC client yet :) [04:39] pussfeller: wha? [04:39] ksirc / kinversation [04:39] konversation > ksirc imho [04:40] hmm [04:40] gaim is allright [04:40] ah [04:40] but irssi <3 [04:41] i can never get the windows split the way i want em [04:41] or chatzilla [04:41] blacklabel, slap 'em in a folder. you can install them via the Control Center if you wish [04:41] mirc on wine roolz [04:41] ! [04:41] mirc sucks [04:42] I hate mirc [04:42] all preference [04:43] :) [04:43] se on makuasia sanoi koira kun persettns nuoli [04:43] though if you're a loyal gnomer you'd make it your patriotic duty to use whatever the official irc client would be...though to be fair, the average user doesn't irc (so told to me by a gnome and ubuntu dev, don't remember who tho) [04:44] hm === carlos [~carlos@81-202-156-113.user.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:45] is there any gnome irc clients? === carlos [~kals@81-202-156-113.user.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:47] Tm_T: xchat roxors. [04:47] nope === andrewski is in it now. [04:47] Greetings Tm_T ! [04:47] kkathman: hullo [04:47] Tm_T: what do you use in kde? [04:48] andrewski: irssi [04:48] Tm_T: so what's wrong with xchat? [04:49] andrewski: hmm, I don't like it's appearance & functionality & it have to run locally [04:49] Tm_T: dunno, search synaptic? [04:49] Tm_T: i do like it's appearance and functionality. that's why i found konversation easy to get used to. [04:49] andrewski: oh, I need to search what? [04:50] Tm_T: apt [04:50] erm, why? [04:50] i like konverstation [04:50] Tm_T: look for other clients. i don't know of any. [04:50] Zugot: almost as good as xchat. :P [04:50] andrewski: as I said, I use irssi [04:50] yeah almost [04:50] Tm_T: yes, but you were looking for a gnome client, no? [04:51] andrewski: ah, just thinked, if there's any [04:51] gee its like, ok irc is irc...what more do you need than either Konvo or Xchat :) [04:51] kkathman: you know irssi? [04:51] kkathman: an IRC daemon that connects on login and has various frontends--GTK/QT/CLI. :P [04:51] Unless you are an op or something [04:51] kkathman: but maybe it's just me... ^_^ [04:52] yeah Ive seen the blurbs on irssi :) [04:52] its not like the old days [04:52] i used to run an efnet server [04:52] no I know what it is [04:52] about 8 years ago.. [04:52] =) [04:52] Linux startup is very slow. Maybe we can cheat. Start only a part of the processes, start X, then start the rest. [04:52] I used mIRC on windows for a long time and tweaked the hell out of that for years being an op [04:53] now Im just chattin :) hehe === darkaudit [~bpack@pool-151-205-52-3.clrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === claydoh is now known as claydoh|snores === zabu [~alex@c-24-16-74-233.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:53] irssi is nice that it has its own skins and themes..thats kinda kewl tho [04:53] andrewski: sorry I took so long... I have a Debian menu in KDE, but not in GNOME [04:54] darkaudit: no worries, i'll figure it out later. :P [04:54] kkathman: I use it's default outfit [04:54] Tm_T: how is it on memory...pretty efficient?? Compared to xchat or konvo? [04:55] kkathman: well, irssi is shell app so it doesn't waste memory =) [04:55] thats kewl I guess [04:55] lovely <3 [04:55] Ive seen the web site, but is it something that you actually apt-get from a distro or not? [04:55] kkathman: this irssi is running on p200/64Mt ram =) [04:56] andrewski: as you saw earlier, it took about five minutes of gnome-panel maxing out system resources before it finally gave up. [04:56] kkathman: it's in normal Kubuntu install === webwiz [~john@cpe-66-24-23-165.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:56] ahh ok [04:56] doesn't happen when I'm out of gnome [04:58] Tm_T: I guess they just dont put irssi on a menu anywhere :) === larry [~larry@c-24-8-37-18.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:58] kkathman: no because it's shell program [04:58] ubuntu is cool [04:58] yah [04:58] just say "irssi" in Konsole [04:58] right [04:59] I might finally break down and try it sometime :) [04:59] but I don't run irssi locally [04:59] Tm_T: I did finally figure out my Samba problems :) [04:59] ah, good [04:59] so now I have a fully functional file server [04:59] kkathman: what was it? [04:59] Tm_T: I had forgotten to set up some parms in the smb.conf file [05:00] Tm_T: once I did that...it was a breeze! [05:00] kkathman: your file server is separate linux box ? [05:00] Tm_T: yep [05:00] kkathman: ok then, run irssi in there, just connect to it usin ssh ;p [05:00] hmmm not a bad idea :) === JaZy15 [~cgjazinsk@cpe-66-68-236-148.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:01] kkathman: and launch irssi inside screen [05:01] you know screen right? [05:01] the file server is like a very bare bones machine now..and I am sharing a net cable :) [05:01] yep [05:01] but I was amazed how easy it was finally [05:02] I had read somewhere that samba was going to "replace" nfs as the preferred file sharing mode [05:02] but I cant see that on a pure linux network [05:03] kkathman: my shell/file server is "very powerful" 200MHz pentium pro with 64Mb RAM :p [05:03] finally [05:03] kkathman: and this irssi is running on it [05:03] after hacking xorg.conf for a while, it works [05:03] ROFL...well I got this litte HP Pavillion with 96 mb on it...celeron [05:03] ubuntu needs YaST === darkaudit [~bpack@pool-151-205-52-3.clrk.east.verizon.net] has left #kubuntu [] [05:03] haha [05:04] YaST? muah === ttf [~tom@p83.129.2.99.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #kubuntu [05:04] Tm_T: I need to reconfigure it tho...cuz its a warty machine and booting in to a desktop manager...I just want it to boot to the command line...not start X [05:04] Tm_T: but I dont know how to tweak that yet [05:05] It's just a pretty gui. I'm sure that the package manager part of YaST can be made to use apt-get [05:05] kkathman: hmm, there was instructions for that in debian site [05:06] ahh ok I'll check that out [05:06] I need to get a new hoary DL anyway, last one I had was a pre [05:06] is there a mac os x like dock for kde / karamba ? === kkathman_ [~kkathman@h-66-167-95-102.dllatx37.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:07] heh just started an irssi session :) [05:07] Here it is from the irssi session :) [05:08] =) [05:09] kkathman: you started irssi inside of screen ? [05:09] nope just in a terminal [05:09] Ive heard of screen but never run it [05:09] kkathman: uhm, screen is shell app [05:09] yes [05:10] try it [05:10] just never really run it [05:10] just "screen irssi" [05:10] ok [05:10] one sec I'll try [05:11] hmmm doesnt really look any different [05:11] when you wan't to leave irssi, then hold ctrl down and press first a and then d [05:11] and release ctrl [05:12] I wonder if the newest irssi automatically starts screen? [05:12] anyone use mpd? [05:12] kkathman: screen and irssi is whole separatew thing [05:12] kkathman: do what I said [05:12] well irssi looks the same in terminal as it does in screen :) [05:13] kkathman: it is the same, except ... [05:13] try it [05:13] ok...so that brought me back to the term prompt :) [05:13] yes [05:13] and irssi is still running inside screen [05:13] oh? [05:13] hmm [05:14] and to get back to it? [05:14] you can go back in typing "screen -r" [05:14] whoa [05:14] heh kewl "_ [05:15] so you can use same irssi where ever you are [05:15] nice :) [05:15] you can shut down your workstation and irssi is still running :p [05:15] LOL [05:15] that's why I use irssi [05:16] that's why I don't run irssi in my workstation =) [05:16] Yeah if I can find a way to not boot into X, then my file server will be complete [05:16] Tm_T: Found out something interesting today about artsd [05:16] tell me [05:17] You can go to the control center, go to the sound and multimedia and uncheck the "enable sound" [05:17] and artsd stops [05:17] which is kewl if you dont use that engine [05:17] so? [05:17] ah [05:17] or in my case, dont want sound [05:18] that frees a good amount of memory... artsd is little pig [05:18] =) [05:18] I think thats a change, because alot of people were saying that artsd was mandatory for Kubuntu...doesnt seem so now [05:18] well, I have 1G ram in this workstation and half of it in my other Workstation [05:19] Tm_T: what is "getty" and why would I have like 6 instances running (they take no memory it seems) [05:20] kkathman: man getty [05:20] ahh ok [05:21] =) [05:21] I also seem to have two things...ksysguard and ksysguardd running. [05:21] kkathman: btw do you know why women are so complex? [05:22] Tm_T: well I've been married to the same woman for 27 years...I would finally like to know :) [05:23] try man woman ;p [05:23] Tm_T: maybe there is a way to make them UNcomplex? lol [05:23] just try "man woman" in your Konsole [05:23] no manual entry for woman hehe [05:24] oldie goldie [05:24] love it :) [05:24] really old joke =) === GilaMnstr [~ccambly@toronto-HSE-ppp4023213.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu === coreymon [~coreymon@toronto-HSE-ppp3954311.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [05:24] kkathman: but try "man man" ;p === coreymon is now known as coreymon77 [05:24] whoa, there really is! [05:24] lol of course :) [05:24] hi everyone [05:25] hullo [05:25] hey corey :) [05:25] anyone here that i know from earlier [05:25] ? === seven_six_two is now known as Bad [05:25] Bad =) [05:25] coreymon77: maybe me? [05:25] lol. I was trying for Bad Religion === coreymon77 is now known as coreymon77tmt === Bad is now known as NOFX === coreymon77tmt is now known as coreymon77tmtwhe [05:26] haha === NOFX is now known as Screeching === kkathman tries to figure out how to get more computers on his wireless network :) === Screeching is now known as Screeching-Wease === coreymon77tmtwhe is now known as coreymon77 [05:27] tmt: where you here last night [05:27] Im going to have to upgrade to a G [05:27] when i had trouble following redrums instructions [05:27] coreymon77: I think I did [05:27] coreymon77: thats ok I have trouble following his instructions sometimes too [05:27] no [05:28] it was that i was in a konsole login === Screeching-Wease is now known as Seven_Six_Two [05:28] because my kde didnt work [05:28] hm [05:28] and konsoles copy/paste thing is really termpermental [05:28] heh [05:28] with gpm? [05:28] or gdm? [05:28] something like that [05:28] ya [05:28] gpm [05:29] its REALLY termpermental [05:29] gpm? [05:29] i only use ctrl keys, so i've not had a prob with it [05:29] Tm_T, the package for mouse use in console [05:29] when you do a konsole login [05:30] Seven_Six_Two: oh, ofcourse [05:30] gpm allows you to use your mouse and to copy/paste things [05:30] but iit barely works [05:30] then don't use it [05:30] =) [05:30] can you use the middle(wheel) button in kde like you can in gnome? [05:31] Seven_Six_Two: what you mean? [05:31] yes you can [05:31] aah, paste [05:31] if you have a wheel mouse, push it down [05:31] focourse [05:31] that will copy highlited text and also paste [05:31] has anyone had a problem with kde starting and hoary? [05:32] Seven_Six_Two: it's can be anything what happens on middlebutton [05:32] by the sound of the question, id say you did, GilaMnstr [05:32] Seven_Six_Two: because it's configurable [05:32] yep :-) [05:32] Tm_T, I'm sorry, what do you mean? [05:32] oh i see === kkathman figures he can take his laptop and run off the wireless and use the cable for a spare linux box :) [05:32] haha [05:32] gilaminstr: when starting kde, does a blue bar appear and it says starting interprocess comunication and then it just stays there? === kkathman now attempts to find a place for yet another computer :) [05:33] coreymon77, let me know if it works better for you [05:33] no from the greeter I login then the screen goes blank then returns to the greeter [05:33] I can failsafer [05:33] coreymon77: Is your xorg.conf ok? [05:33] GilaMnstr, have you uninstalled anything, or had a crash recently? [05:34] sevensixtwo: thats what i was here for yesterday [05:34] but i just installed ubuntu and the atped kubuntu and now it works [05:35] oh cool [05:35] i installed kubuntu-desktop yesterday too === smouche [~bc@cpe-24-90-94-112.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:35] no I fresh installed yesterday and installed gcc and a couple other other packages... it worked fine I'm trying to figure out what I installed to make it stop working. [05:35] does it do what i described [05:35] can you get into failsafe and look over your logs? === tim_h [~Tim@p54A1EC30.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:36] yes... which logs are interesting [05:36] erm...your x log, and any others really. there could be an error before the greeter that affects your X [05:36] gilamnstr: what you have to do is download a fresh ubuntu iso [05:36] install that [05:37] and the apt kubuntu [05:37] thats what i did [05:37] coreymon77, a complete reinstall? that's why linux is nice. it's usually fixable [05:37] heh [05:38] Seven_Six_Two: Yeah...like NO registry to bloat and get messed up :) [05:38] kind of the whole point in having most settings in text format [05:38] kkathman, exactly [05:38] sevensixtwo: thats what i did, i just downloadded ubuntu [05:38] and then apted kubuntu [05:38] a bit of a pain [05:39] but it works [05:39] heh [05:39] me too, but it was to try it, not because i got an error [05:39] Seven_Six_Two: This weekend I had a client that had a system on the fritz...how easy it would have been to fix in Linux...but NNoooooooooo [05:39] tis what I'm hoping... the only thing I have found is kdm_greet: [XXXX] Can't open default user face [05:39] lol. I won't even help my friends with windows anymore [05:39] You cant just off load the files then load them back...because of that god-forsaken registry === laszlok [~chatzilla@] has joined #kubuntu [05:40] GilaMnstr, word for word? [05:40] erm... ver batim? [05:40] Apr 10 13:12:58 localhost kdm_greet[7461] : Can't open default user face [05:42] I wonder if it is a network thing... I installed and was running on a wire... then switched to lan [05:42] er wireless === chavo [~chavo@47.sub-70-213-90.myvzw.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:44] GilaMnstr, i think your passwd file is damaged. do you have a backup? [05:45] do you get any PAM errors? [05:46] No since it is a fresh install, and no for the PAM errors === tim_h_ [~Tim@p54A1DB75.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:46] I think the pw is messed too [05:46] I seem to have 2 root pw's that work [05:47] GilaMnstr, so do I, but I authorized it in user config. i set second one so i can use su normally === hayden [~hayden@203-219-130-10-qld.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [05:49] anyone using kaudiocreator? === coreymon [~coreymon@toronto-HSE-ppp3954311.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [05:49] GilaMnstr, sorry i couldn't help. that isn't enough for me to go on. me personally, that is. most people know more though [05:50] andrewski, i have used it [05:50] Seven_Six_Two: can you open the handbook for it? [05:50] I'm fairly seasoned with other distro's but this is new to me too [05:50] Seven_Six_Two: it doesn't work for me.... [05:50] Thanks tho [05:50] np [05:51] andrewski, seems i don't have it installed right now [05:51] Seven_Six_Two: the program, or the doc? [05:51] either [05:51] Seven_Six_Two: yeah, didn't notice a doc package, but i'll look closer.... === lexhider [~lexhider@dip-220-235-87-4.vic.westnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === coreymon is now known as coreymon77 [05:51] hello [05:51] oh i'm not sure there is. I thought it came with kde docs [05:52] can somebody tell me how to add backports to apt [05:52] Seven_Six_Two: me too... [05:52] "The requested help file could not be found. Check that you have installed the documentation." [05:52] how can i make my kde panel blend with the desktop background? [05:53] coreymon77, there is a section about that on www.ubuntuguide.org [05:53] why dont you just tell me what to do? [05:53] hayden, yes. you can make it transparent and also translucent and tinted [05:53] coreymon77, because i don't know, but i know where the info is [05:54] http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html [05:55] and where can i find how to add the unstable backports? [05:56] sorry...i don't know === jsgotangco [~jsg@] has joined #kubuntu [05:57] does anyone else here know how? [05:58] oh no [05:58] please don't add backports. [05:59] why anyone wan't to use unstable (unless it's debian) [06:00] kubuntu is bedian [06:00] nonono [06:01] ubuntu is based on debian [06:01] just like knoppix is [06:01] and [06:02] kubuntu rocks! [06:02] coreymon77: do you remember when last debian stable was announced? [06:02] every single linux ive tried (and believe me thats a lot) has been based off of debian [06:02] =) [06:02] hm. [06:03] haven't tried slack, fedora, gentoo, suse, etc. then. [06:03] yes, I use debian in my shell/file server [06:03] ive never actually sed the real debian though [06:03] coreymon77: debian itself is quite different =) [06:03] especially Stable [06:03] all i know is its more complicated [06:03] no it's not === freex [~freex@] has joined #kubuntu [06:04] 2.2 [06:05] kernel for debian 3.0 r4 [06:05] haha [06:05] yes === jsubl2 [~jsubl2@] has joined #kubuntu [06:05] because it must be _stable_ to be Debian Stable [06:06] I found that out the hard way. try using agp on 2.2 [06:06] haha [06:06] Seven_Six_Two: err, you used Debian stable and needed agp? [06:06] Tm_T, I didn't know what I was getting in to [06:07] heh [06:07] It sucks then =) [06:07] my fault for not reading the docs [06:07] haha [06:09] What are the main differences, besides packaging, between Ubuntu and Debian. I just thought it was a debian -deviant with its own set of packages? [06:11] uhm [06:11] ubuntu/kubuntu focus on gnome or kde [06:11] but you can easily have both [06:11] same installer [06:11] kkathman: sorry, my english isn't well enough to let me explain [06:12] Seven_Six_Two: well, you can install KDE or Gnome or whatever as easily on Debian [06:12] Seven_Six_Two: well I heard from someone yesterday that it wasnt possible just to take a debian package (from a debian repos) and expect it to run properly in Ubuntu [06:13] Tm_T: your english is probably better than mine :) [06:13] and Im from Texas :) [06:13] Tm_T, true, but doesn't debian default to having both? [06:13] Seven_Six_Two: debian have nothing default? === Roey is now known as HomeRoe === HomeRoe is now known as HomeRoey [06:14] at least I never installed Debian without choosing every package by myself =) [06:14] Tm_T, haha it takes so long. i don't remember. maybe i selected both. [06:14] no none instead of one or the other. [06:15] uh, uhm, what? [06:15] ubuntu/kubuntu are easier to install for sure [06:15] maybe [06:15] maybe not [06:16] well it sure didn't take me hours to do [06:17] has anyone used p2p yet? I didn't see anything in apt [06:17] hm, I installed debian into my shell/file server less than 1h and still got most of the packages form the net [06:17] wow. i got endless streams of questions from the installer [06:18] using the dvd [06:18] I know when I was looking for a linux distro that worked on my hardware, debian installed, but there was a glitch somewhere but I forget what it was [06:18] Funny, Red Hat 9 couldnt even recognize my ethernet card...its a really basic one too :) [06:19] heh. never used rh [06:19] sevensixtwo: do you mean amule or limewire [06:19] rh sucks [06:19] yes like those [06:19] or ed2k [06:19] commercial linux, what a laugh [06:20] I tried fedora core 3 and wow its heavy....it like tore up my little 96mb system [06:20] my favourite so far is slack [06:20] amule is ed2k === _dark [~dark@] has joined #kubuntu [06:20] Seven_Six_Two: what do you think is the leanest? [06:20] same network, different program [06:20] sevensixtwo: apt-get install amule [06:21] kkathman, from what i've used, slack. [06:21] thought so [06:21] it's a little harder to use though [06:21] Seven_Six_Two: but its also the hardest to install for a novice too right? [06:21] slack and debian [06:21] right [06:22] from my exp [06:22] but i'm adventurous, not learned [06:22] kkathman: yes, FC3 is heavy if you allow it to install all the crap :p [06:23] Gentoo is supposed to be kinda difficult too [06:23] Ever heard of Coyote Linux or Damn Small LInux? [06:23] time consuming I'd think, but not super hard [06:23] DSL is old friend =) [06:23] dsl yes [06:24] I got a disk with a book that had those on it, Debian, Gentoo, DSL and Coyote [06:24] LFS \o/ [06:24] interesting choices [06:24] Yeah I thought so too === whiskers [~whiskers@adsl-68-90-232-129.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:25] i get some of mine from Linux:Format magazine [06:25] heh [06:25] i finally got the doggone printer to work...it took several days [06:25] haha [06:25] lol [06:25] Seven_Six_Two: I got this with the Linux Bible 2005 Edition I bought recently [06:25] whiskers, back it up === blacklabel [~hayden@203-219-130-10-qld.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [06:26] how do i add a second panel? [06:26] Seven_Six_Two, well i need to get a boot disk with pcopy [06:26] the epson finally printed a ubuntu test page with lots of colors [06:27] i never though i was going to get this ubuntu to work [06:27] cups changed so much [06:27] blacklabel: uhm, right click on panel -> add to panel -> panel -> [06:27] =) [06:28] and foomatic-configure is broken with the new cupsys [06:28] this was hell [06:28] you have knoppix? === GilaMnstr [~ccambly@toronto-HSE-ppp4023213.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [06:30] wow... it was my shell... I changed my default shell to tcsh... from bash [06:31] Tm_T: is that the only way? because i want one panel to be transparent and the other one not [06:32] and if when i try to change the transparency they both chagne [06:33] hmm [06:33] that's the only way I know [06:33] IF you don't get some panel app [06:33] ok thats alright [06:35] Installing hoary on my little HP again...I think what I'll do is put XFCE on that one, since its lighter...I'd rather go just to a command line only, tho [06:35] kkathman: WMaker! <3 [06:36] surely there is a command somewhere in the init stuff that keeps the system from going into X ? [06:36] Tm_T: WMaker? [06:36] Windowmaker [06:37] a light desktop? [06:37] see I'd rather not even call up X at all...since this computer will be 100% print server [06:37] sorry FILE server [06:37] well, http://www.windowmaker.org/ [06:38] kkathman: I check that boot thing for you, wait a second ... [06:38] k [06:39] I can always just put a blurb in the forums and someone would probably answer it...no need to bother Tm_T [06:42] kkathman: just edit your /etc/inittab [06:43] that propably helps [06:43] ahh ok...just remove the startx thing probably right? [06:44] and if there's line "id:5:initdefault" change number to be 2 or 3 [06:44] I think that's it [06:45] hah..printed 3 separate page...one from browser..one ubuntu test page and one cups test page....that is enough...i don't want to waste this expensive ink [06:45] heh [06:45] whiskers: working fine then? [06:46] Tm_T, yes seems so..but i have to make some adjustments to get the scanner part of it working...i did it before on gentoo and i can do it again on ubuntu if they have libusb [06:47] but ink is too expensive to use it [06:47] yeh [06:47] Tm_T: Hmm interesting... my system which boots to KDE, has a default level of 2...id:2:initdefault :) [06:47] heh [06:47] uhm [06:48] so then just make sure it doesn't init KDM then =) [06:48] or X [06:49] Tm_T: I dont see it in the inittab, so I wonder if thats in init.d ? [06:49] might be [06:49] weird though, start shell login AND graphical login :p [06:50] yah [06:51] hmmm I dont even see where its starting GTK, KDE or even X [06:51] KDM ? [06:52] i think level 5 [06:52] is kompsoe part of the kubuntu install? [06:52] or 6 [06:52] kompose rather === hayden [~hayden@203-219-130-10-qld.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [07:00] kaplanfx: kompose? I think... no, not in mine [07:00] hmm [07:00] maybe I should suggest it on the wiki [07:01] do that === kaplanfx is now known as fx === fx is now known as n === n is now known as kaplanfx [07:02] err [07:02] what's that [07:02] whats what? [07:02] heh [07:03] kaplanfx: why you play with you nick, I ment =) === hunger [~hunger@pD954A8AA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:04] Tm_T: oh, conversation in another channel [07:05] =) [07:05] kids ;) [07:05] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KubuntuComments near the bottom, someone already suggested kompose :) [07:05] haha === kaplanfx will probably switch over to kubuntu at the october release [07:05] umm? === difekta [~DIFEKTA@08e34b69ff34a182.node.tor] has joined #KUBUNTU === difekta [~DIFEKTA@05a053a6003a788f.node.tor] has joined #KUBUNTU === difekta is now known as BROKEN_LADDER [07:11] kaplanfx: you mean, you wait next kubuntu release? === xlogik [~knoppix@h-67-100-206-53.cmbrmaor.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:15] Tm_T: maybe, I've been playing with the live cd mostly [07:16] Tm_T: ok its the menu.lst file under /boot/grub/menu.lst [07:16] im not ready to give up my debian sid system yet, but kubuntu is showing much promise [07:16] Tm_T: thats what you change to boot into command line...you put a 3 on the end of the splash line [07:16] ahaa [07:17] kkathman: so the init 5 was in there? [07:17] Tm_T: no [07:17] err [07:17] I dunno the workings, but just talked to someone that just did it on his machine [07:17] ok [07:18] I think it do somethinw with init anyway === owner [~owner@69-12-132-188.dsl.static.sonic.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:19] what package do i need to downlaod to get WMA support [07:19] owner: haaa, ou use gstreamer? === owner is now known as loren [07:20] TM_T not yet does it support WMA? [07:20] or perhaps mplayer? [07:20] not yet [07:20] =) [07:20] loren: what "apt-cache search wma" tells ? [07:20] give any hits? [07:21] well that is just about it for ubuntu...we have dvd burners working without error and printing and i know i can get scanning working again with gimpshop...so that is all i can think of....i am not messing with dvd reading or any of that stuff...other than dvd backups and writes [07:21] 1 moment [07:21] whiskers: no no no, don't install gimpshop! [07:21] i already did [07:21] root@ubuntu:/home/owner # apt-get cache wma [07:21] E: Invalid operation cache [07:21] arrrr [07:21] ugh [07:21] whiskers...where did you get the pkg? [07:21] loren: check my line [07:22] loren, i think it's w32codecs [07:22] kkathman, i compiled it from source and it too was hell [07:22] yeah thats what I thought [07:22] Seven_Six_Two: is that a package or a project? [07:22] whiskers: I traced a few links to someone that claimed to have had a deb pkg..but it didnt work [07:22] but anyway it is all basically working except for the proprietary stuff which i don't mess with [07:22] whiskers: then it's allright, Ive been warned that apt-getting gimpshop overrides some libs :/ [07:23] Im afraid Im still doing my graphics stuff in Windows [07:23] package [07:23] Tm_T, yes it does...but no real harm done...just don't update gimp after you compile it...it works ok [07:23] heh [07:23] i's not in release i don't think. maybe multiverse [07:24] well if i knew how to make a deb package i would make it for you...but i don't [07:24] so do it yourself...it is not impossible..just difficult [07:24] with alien? [07:24] whiskers: I tried to use just gimp but it just doesnt have the functionality that Photoshop does Im afraid :) [07:24] kkathman: what? [07:24] kkathman, no...gimpshop is not photoshop by any means since photoshop cost $700 and i can't afford to even see it [07:25] kkathman: I installed gimp into my win2k when I got tired of photoshop :p [07:25] kkathman, but it does scan and print perfectly so that is all i care about in order to get efax-gtk working [07:25] hehehe [07:25] whiskers: lol...well I was lucky, I knew a friend that was getting rid of his computer and he gave me his old 7.0 Photoshop for $50 [07:25] so you like GIMP than Photoshop [07:25] freex: yes [07:25] freex, gimp is ok with me...and i cannot afford photoshop [07:26] Tm_T: your requirements must be quite rudimentary === da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has joined #kubuntu [07:26] kkathman: er, rudi.. what? [07:26] whiskers: for a free prog gimp is okie dokie :) [07:26] kkathman: its great =) [07:26] Tm_T: Gimp isnt near the program Photoshop is [07:26] but then its free :) [07:26] kkathman, yes it is more than i will ever use...i just need it for efax-gtk [07:26] whiskers: thats kewl :) [07:26] kkathman: yes, but I don't like photoshop :/ [07:27] whiskers: Im a web designer...so I have a very high level of requirements...its mandatory for me :) [07:27] Tm_T: it has a fairly long learning curve, but I ve used it alot and know it very well [07:27] kkathman: so then photoshop is for you [07:28] Tm_T: Yep :) I used to use Paint Shop Pro....almost as good and less than $100...a much better low cost alternative [07:28] kkathman: and if you really need new photoshop, "It's all in the internet" ;) [07:28] kkathman: I like PSP very much [07:29] Tm_T: yeah its great...has about 90% of what Photoshop has, but for 1/7th the price [07:29] Tm_T: New Photoshop? [07:30] Tm_T: You mean Photoshop CS? [07:30] kkathman: yes [07:30] Tm_T: Yeah, its got alot more "photo" stuff in it, but the basic graphics creation hasnt changed much [07:30] now i just have to get one of those cheap linfaxmodems working and efax-gtk should be ready to go [07:30] Tm_T: Had I not gotten PS7 for $50 I'd still be using PSP [07:31] i hope debian compiled support into the kernel [07:31] kkathman: almost all my friends have newest photoshop, and I don't know even one who's paid for it :p [07:31] or ubuntu [07:32] kkathman: those criminals... thoh [07:33] Tm_T: hmmm I guess you can get bootleg copies I get emails everyday offering them === ztonzy [~ztonzy@c-c546e055.560-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu [07:34] kkathman: =) [07:34] kkathman: illegal copies [07:34] Tm_T: Probably off of IRC channels I'd bet :) [07:34] kkathman: nope [07:35] Tm_T: I see the warez channels....I just figured they are the ones sending out ISOs [07:35] :) [07:35] imho warez is stealing :/ [07:35] Tm_T: it is [07:36] Tm_T: But then lets say 10 of you get together, throw in $70 each and get Photoshop...you get a legit copy, burn the disk 7 times [07:37] :) [07:37] Tm_T: then you go to cracks.am and get a keygen for PS7 and get your own serial...voilla 1 legit and 6 bootlegs [07:37] yeah === chavo [~chavo@47.sub-70-213-90.myvzw.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:37] but still criminal afaik [07:37] don't like it [07:38] Or...you can install linux and get everything for free basically [07:38] kkathman, well not me...i don't like any of that commercial software except my one copy of win98 that i paid for so it is a sunk cost [07:38] kkathman: yes, that what I do =) [07:38] Tm_T: thats why Im disappointed I have to use Photoshop and Flash on my Win box...nothing like it in Linux [07:38] kkathman, and i don't want to do it again [07:39] kkathman, uh...yes there is but i am not going to get into that [07:39] whiskers: maybe you can find someone in the forums to help you make a deb pkg or ubuntu pkg [07:40] kkathman, i have no idea...but i still have my complete build directory and all they have to do is make install from there...the compilations have already been successfuly made [07:40] whiskers: yes there is what? I know about gimp..but Havent seen anything for Flash, and I doubt it runs under wine very well :) [07:41] kkathman, well there is a lot of gnu dhtml out there and you can do similar things with it that you can do with flash [07:41] kkathman: actually even my DOS6.22 is original, I have sertificate and all =) [07:41] kkathman, i lost my dos but i did get a successful boot on a flat memory model 32bit version of freedos [07:42] kkathman, it is exciting but only one app works..the bash shell [07:42] whiskers: well I imagine I wont get rid of my win box anytime soon, but I've switched all my development over to Linux..I just do the graphics in Photoshop and Swishmax [07:42] kkathman, well i am not into graphics....i can't even use blender or k3d [07:42] whiskers: haha..might as well load linux on it ;) [07:43] kkathman, no i like freedos32....it is exciting without all that multitasking stuff....great for embedded systems too [07:43] what console command would tell me how much space I have left on an disk? [07:43] whiskers: oh absolutely it is :) [07:46] kkathman: df [07:46] regeya: thank you :) [07:46] df -h for human-readable [07:47] excellent :) === dimmak [~rroper@lsanca1-ar55-4-65-118-030.lsanca1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === jorgelv2001 [~jorgelv20@] has joined #kubuntu === linkin__ [user@pD956A388.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:57] well i am tired now ...see you later. === whiskers [~whiskers@adsl-68-90-232-129.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:58] 08:59 < whiskers> well i am tired now ...see you later. [07:58] =) [07:58] It's morning here =) === dimma1 [~rroper@lsanca1-ar55-4-65-118-030.lsanca1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:08] uh, some breakfast would be nice === kaplanfx [~kaplanfx@c-67-170-193-18.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:09] it is <08:00> o'clock -.- [08:10] my head is ... does pain... === buz [~buz@217-162-134-188.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu [08:12] linkin__: you are from France/Germany? [08:12] germany :D [08:12] uh [08:13] Good morning from north :) [08:13] hehe :D [08:13] thanks :D you, too :) [08:13] I'm from Finland :) [08:13] oh, nice country :) [08:14] thanks [08:14] i have to configurate my kubutu... -.- [08:14] hah [08:14] this shit usb-Modem gets my to the hospital... [08:14] doing it a whole week =) [08:14] haha [08:15] usb-modem = shit [08:15] first thing is... -.- i can't see something on my screen (until i start kubuntu... x don't want to show my something :D) [08:16] after it... i have to press ctrl+alt+f1 to get to console... -.- i tell ya, nice pictures i get so see ;) [08:16] haha [08:17] http://linkin.mine.nu/kubuntu/pictures/ [08:17] ^ [08:17] ^^ [08:17] hmm, so you're saying your xorg.conf id broken? [08:17] there are two of them [08:18] haha [08:18] nice pics =) [08:18] yes, something like that ;) but i've reinstalled it yesterday, so... i've changed my xorg.conf... -.- now i could start kubuntu with my console :D [08:18] linkin__, bad monitor ;) ? [08:18] now i have to install my usb-driver... by console o.O! [08:19] no [08:19] ^^ [08:19] not monitor :P it's the graphiccard ;) [08:19] hehe [08:19] after installing, i could download the nvdia driver... and install it... [08:20] hope it will work perfectly :)... [08:20] has someone else the geforce 6600gt? :D [08:20] nope [08:21] there's something wrong in my desktop too: http://xob.kapsi.fi/~tm_travolta/kuvat/temp/ [08:21] ;p [08:21] soon 2 years old FX5600 , works flawless [08:21] I have 5700 [08:21] you're all lucky -.- [08:21] =) [08:22] (nice desktop tm_t :) [08:22] I also got a remade GeForce2pro ---> Quadro2Pro :) [08:22] thanks [08:22] but I Dont use it right now [08:22] linkin__: still working on it [08:22] wonder which one is best making 3D [08:23] 3d ... oh... this dream will never come true for me :( [08:23] linkin__, ah...start play with Blender ! [08:23] www.blender3d.org [08:24] need my morningshower... [08:24] i hope, i could sometimes see something in 2D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [08:24] k ;) [08:24] lol [08:24] linkin__, you in terminal now ? [08:24] no, windows ;) [08:24] eeeeww === john [aqfgp97zhv@p0lden.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:24] i've to download all drivers... -.- [08:24] ^^ [08:24] well....bbl [08:24] k [08:24] cYa [08:25] What kind of channel is this? [08:25] kubuntu international :P [08:25] Tm_T: Well, that little tidbit about the menu.lst, didnt do a dang thing :( [08:25] Tm_T: still boots to gnome :) === linkin__ is now known as linkin === amadeus [~amadeus@80-218-117-103.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu [08:26] bah [08:27] kkathman: oh, theres must be a way to turn it off [08:27] Tm_T: Yah bah...stinks...with only 96mb on that system I dont want X and gnome running :) [08:27] heh [08:27] kkathman: I use X and Wmaker in p200/64mb ram :p [08:28] works fine [08:29] well I will try that window maker then [08:29] is that an apt-pkg? [08:29] kkathman: try fluxbox too [08:29] both suppose to be [08:29] ok [08:30] you might like flux more [08:32] 3d desktop switcher =) [08:32] muah, really take some cpu :p === ger2 [~ger2@apeldoorn.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu [08:33] hi [08:33] i've got a question about the new kubuntu release.. Anyone? [08:33] Tm_T: do you remember if the wmaker install automatically put the choice on the sessions menu? [08:34] ger go ahead and ask [08:35] okay, thanks! I've downloaded kubuntu a while ago, and done the (hundreds of) updates with Synaptic. Is there a point why I should download and install the new release or is that not nessesary? [08:36] kkathman: if you use apt-get, then yes [08:37] ONE question :D could someone tell me a way, to move folders from /boot to /opt ? [08:37] eh. I use apt-get through synaptic.. [08:37] ger2: use apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, it keeps you uptodateC [08:37] mc doesn't work, i think :) [08:37] linkin: mv [08:37] okay thanks! [08:37] mv! [08:37] ah [08:38] mc? [08:38] is that the same like mc? :D [08:38] midnight commander :) [08:38] aha? :D [08:38] ^^ [08:38] mv is just "move" command [08:38] mc is something like "Konquerer" [08:38] yes =) [08:38] Tm_T: Got it installed..no problems :) [08:38] kkathman: good [08:39] Another question: With Mandrake, you get a startup menu with the users that can login so you dont have to type the username. Is this possible too with Kubuntu? [08:39] ger2: yes [08:39] Tm_T: however, why is gnome-terminal running at the same time...I logged out of that session [08:39] Tm_T: how can I achieve this? [08:39] TM_T: is there a way to copy a folder AND move it anywhere? [08:39] ger2: trough Control Centre [08:40] linkin: cp as "copy" ;p === insanekane [~Rajeev@] has joined #kubuntu [08:40] after it? :D [08:40] kkathman: err, Wmaker is just windowmanager :) [08:41] ??? [08:41] ^^ [08:41] linkin: just copy to somewhere safe and then you can move it as you like [08:41] aha... he doen't copy it to the clipboard? [08:41] err [08:42] clip board is in X [08:42] ^^ [08:42] k :D [08:42] so console Ain't using it [08:42] the command have to look like this: cp [08:43] right? :D [08:43] Tm_T: do you know if it depends on gnome? [08:43] Tm_T, I think i found it, going to reboot to check it :) Thanks! [08:43] I'm new, at this... system [08:43] AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! [08:43] OMG!!!! [08:44] he makes a copy in the same folder! [08:44] Tm_T, just started a new session, but it doesnt seem to work.. [08:44] ah... [08:44] ^^ [08:44] k, i've understand it ;) Thanks tm_t :) [08:45] kkathman: no, wmaker is gnome-compatible, so apps running in both as well ;p [08:45] linkin: cp source destination ;p [08:45] yes [08:45] ^^ [08:46] linkin: man if you have trouble [08:46] that is something like a tutorial, i think ;) [08:46] or "help" :D [08:46] man as manual [08:47] man man is good way to start =) [08:47] ah k :D (nearly) :D [08:47] k [08:47] hmm, what is k stand for? [08:48] i will now test it ;) cYa later :D [08:48] k = okey [08:48] ah [08:48] -e+a [08:48] ^^ [08:48] *okay ;) [08:48] because I read it "kyll" [08:48] aha [08:48] means ok or yes =) [08:48] off to bed...night all ...thanks Tm_T !! [08:48] good night ;) [08:48] kkathman: sleep well [08:48] ^^ [08:48] :) [08:49] thanks :) [08:49] well GIMP's frozen rendering lol [08:49] k, no it's time to go... === loren <3 Gimp [08:49] cYa === linkin [user@pD956A388.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #kubuntu [] [08:49] bye [08:49] loren: Gimp <3<3 [08:49] hehe [08:49] GIMP totally kills [08:49] it can do SOOO many things Photoshop cant [08:49] haha [08:49] and it's freee XD [08:50] only thing i really wish was that it was all in one window as having so many windows is a pain in the but [08:50] loren: like, you can't lost paint tool in Photoshop? [08:50] ;) and more! [08:50] loren: it's just good [08:50] yea [08:50] to have all separate windows [08:51] you think so? hmmh [08:51] i wish there was a built in option [08:51] you can use multiple monitors more efficiently [08:51] i was gonna try GIMPship but erm, it didn't like me when i tried to install lol [08:51] yea? hmmr === ger2 [~ger2@apeldoorn.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu [08:51] right no im doing the mistake of rendering 16 animated frames 1280x1024 of some swirl? [08:52] i did it by accident [08:52] oh there's a cancle button 0_O hmmh [08:52] well only 6 to go why not see what it does [08:52] haha [08:52] what REALLY is the difference between BSD and Linux? [08:52] loren: there suppose to be cancel somewhere :) [08:53] loren: err, different os [08:53] Hi, i'm back. TM_T: I found the option to show the userlist, but it didn't work. Perhaps it has something to do with the other 'theme' that kubuntu has on the frontpage? (With the 2 icons in the down-left corner) [08:53] Tm_T: yeah but it's only 5 left of 16 might as well see what it does [08:53] Tm_T: but is there any code_base difference? like BSD more efficient or something supposedly [08:53] ger2: hmm, I don't think so but try [08:53] loren: err, in some cases BSD is more efficient, it depends [08:54] Tm_T: ah, hmmh, very cool, hmmh lol can't think of what to say lol [08:54] maby i should join #freebsd or somethign [08:55] TM_T: I did, but it didnt work [08:55] ger2: hmm, let's see... [08:55] what the hell, another channel is spamming me with porn linux [08:55] haha [08:56] i thought that was completly against the rules on freenode [08:56] loren: it is, send abuse [08:56] how do i do that? [08:56] #please_register is the channel name [08:56] haha [08:56] loren: www.freenode.net ? [08:57] i try to join a bsd channel and somehow get spammed with porn links hmmh, interesting [08:57] good place to start [08:57] loren: there is spammer in that channel [08:57] ah [08:57] ger2: you enabled "Enable passwordless logins" ? [08:58] nope [08:59] oh. tm_t: no, is that nessecary? [08:59] how do you get someone's ip on irc? [08:59] i can only ping em [08:59] or you cant to prevent DDOS [08:59] ger2: is it obvious? ;p [09:00] tm_t: with mandrake, you click the user after which you can enter the password [09:00] ger2: ah you mean that! [09:01] sorry, I thought you want passwordless login [09:01] no :) [09:01] loren: use /whois [09:01] i think i might have tried that, thanks though ill try [09:01] it gives to you a hostname =) [09:03] tm_t: Is it possible? [09:03] ger2: so you ticked users -> show list? [09:03] in loginmanager settings [09:05] tm_t: Yes, that's what i did [09:05] tm_t: well, it already was ticked.. (?) === ubuntu [~ubuntu@d211-31-66-249.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [09:05] yes [09:05] tm_t: but it just didnt work [09:05] ger2: then pick the users you want into list [09:05] damn it's like im in the #admin channel but no one's there :( and no one in the freenode channel is really doing anything also :( [09:06] tm_t: I've done that [09:06] hmm [09:07] uhm [09:07] well, now it's tricky =) [09:07] tm_t: I see my stunned expression copied ;) [09:07] haha [09:07] does kubuntu have its own loginmanager or something? [09:07] no idea [09:07] i cant seem to theme the login manager very erm, easily? [09:07] because i've never seen the 2 icons in the lower corner [09:08] or that could be something for 3.4 [09:09] ger2: Kubuntu uses KDM [09:09] ok [09:09] so all you see is from it [09:09] afaik [09:10] afaik? === ubuntu is now known as n00buntu [09:11] what does that mean? [09:12] as far as I know [09:12] oh :) [09:13] i've seen the process running on my box [09:13] n00buntu: :) [09:13] so that's true [09:13] how ya all going? [09:13] in the future, people will develop entire languages using only acronyms [09:14] windows xp rules!! [09:15] better not say that here lol [09:15] you'll get bashed [09:15] lol [09:15] n00buntu: stop that or I'll kick your ass [09:15] ] ;= [09:16] pussfeller: I hope not [09:16] loren: aergh [09:16] only joking! [09:16] lol [09:16] I'm not [09:16] loren: please stop [09:16] I really hate it [09:16] erm cough cough** back on subject lol [09:16] x) [09:16] :) [09:17] you would not hit a man with glasses! [09:17] ,,|, [09:17] im still yet to install 5.04 final [09:17] i like xp [09:17] haha i have glasses [09:17] n00buntu: wouldn't I ? [09:17] Tm_T rofl [09:17] =) [09:17] stop it! [09:17] haha i'm an MCSE :) [09:18] I'm not playing with you anymore :/ [09:18] ger2: what? [09:18] :D [09:18] does samba work with that crippled network sharing in xp home? [09:19] mr msce [09:19] haha, i dont have home, but it should work fine [09:19] i was a tad disappointed to discover that [09:19] You dont need a domain to share folders or printers [09:19] actually, thot it was very lame to cripple it [09:19] XP home just cant logon to a domain [09:19] no passwords [09:20] might have to see if samba works on cygwin [09:20] XP sucks [09:20] really hate it [09:20] compared to... [09:21] its the best i have seen them come up with [09:21] Windows and Linux have both their good and bad sides [09:21] err, linux, bsd, solaris ... [09:21] ger2: yes, but I still hate it [09:21] my mom can't even send an attatchemtn with out help and you want her to run anything linux? [09:21] why then? [09:21] I'm glad I don't have to use windows [09:22] Tm_T i'm glad im no longer bound to using it [09:22] the kids are a different story, im teaching them from youth, but the older folks are clueless [09:22] pussfeller: err, my sister learned to use linux in one week =) [09:22] yes, my point [09:22] unless yer really old :) [09:22] pussfeller: she's 27 [09:23] i put kubuntu on the boys box [09:23] =) [09:23] ger2: got it working? [09:24] no, nothing [09:24] ok, I try it on my box [09:24] i'm googling with "show list" kdm kubuntu [09:24] =) [09:24] but no results... [09:24] really tho, old people just don't get computers at all [09:24] they don't understand even simple things like, using the mouse wheel to scroll [09:24] ger2: check ubuntu support pages [09:24] what are you trying to do [09:24] yeah, thanks [09:25] I want to show a few users on the logon screen, so we dont have to type the names [09:25] pussfeller: so where's the difference, if it's hard then linux isn't harder, right? [09:25] theres a login manager in kde control center or some such [09:25] i've configured it but it just doesnt listen :( [09:25] and linux is not hard to use [09:26] yes, I try if I get any luckier, wish me luck -> [09:26] its not as easy as windows, altho kubuntu comes a long way [09:26] pussfeller: I think linux is easier =) [09:26] its easier to fix things thats for sure [09:26] I was going ;) -> [09:27] if windows burps on a core level, you are hosed [09:27] even if i change the background, it doesnt listen to the configchange [09:27] at least, I am [09:27] does anyone know where i can check if kdm is the loginmanager? [09:27] ehen you installed kubunut, it runs a script that changes it [09:27] 0_o XPDE doesn't have a channel on here [09:27] strange [09:28] ohh [09:28] where can i configure it? [09:28] and there has to be a setting in etc for itsomewhere [09:29] ok gimp homework done, next webdesign, literature, math and biology :P [09:30] i wonder if i should write a pros/cons about photoshop/GIMP [09:30] any suggestions for a anything-goes paper for homework? [09:30] sudo grep -r "kdm" /etc/ will provide some useful clues [09:31] the libertarian/linux axis? [09:32] libertarian? [09:32] like the OSS Axis? [09:32] ger2: bah, I even rebooted, ain't helping [09:32] pussfeller: checking [09:32] anti-authoritarian idealists [09:33] ps ax | grep kdm [09:33] hmmh, very good i think im gonna write about something like that [09:33] yes, it's running [09:33] pussfeller: something like, about the OSS structure, how it works, and erm, [09:33] pussfeller: why it's quickly growing to a dominate position [09:34] if its running it will be there [09:34] i think i heard some people talking about how some parts of kde were not working so well, maybe thats one of them [09:34] i know you have to be root to change login stuff [09:34] its a slow train coming :) [09:35] KDM? i had problems with KDM boot something [09:35] it killed my computer [09:35] KDM Greeter [09:35] that's what it was [09:35] hmm [09:36] well, i'm giving up for now.. I'll be back ;) [09:37] Thanks for your help! [09:37] np [09:37] err, what help? [09:38] alot of the old timers who were part of the early internet were libertarians and socialist anarchists [09:38] Linus Toveralds [09:38] how do you spell that? [09:38] Torvalds [09:38] thanks TM_T [09:38] i think hes a commie tho [09:38] loren: np === MindZEye [~mindzeye@seanparsons.plus.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:39] loren: I should know how to spell a local hero's name ;p [09:39] over 40 different languages! ;p [09:39] is MEW from finland [09:39] wha? [09:40] Tm_T: XD haha, :P i'm still getting there lol, i'm writing a paper though and couldn't find the spellcheck button lol [09:40] some band from around that part of europe [09:40] Tm_T: if it were to be in any spell check it'd be in OpenOffice.org's [09:40] i can never remember where they are from [09:41] pussfeller: MEW? I'll check === ralph1 [~ralph1@66-214-31-21.lb-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:41] loren: er, too many lol:s [09:42] you use lol as period or what? [09:42] :p [09:42] Tm_T: something like that ;) . [09:42] Tm_T maby i can use period as lol haha [09:42] ^-^ [09:43] haha . the paper almost caught on fire and i was ready to jump . (example) [09:43] i always wondered, how the hell do japanese people type in japanese [09:43] hm [09:43] they don't have words [09:44] just a gazilion symbols [09:44] good question [09:44] i think they type in english [09:44] i've seen a japaneese keyboard [09:44] it's the same [09:44] i have seem em in movies typing japanese tho [09:44] symbols to describe a word? [09:44] yes they use a variety of chinese [09:45] no letters [09:45] yes [09:46] like "television" is two "marks", a box and a moving picture or something [09:46] don't remember === kmanTFM [~kman@p5.pub.ro] has joined #kubuntu [10:07] I've solved the puzzle, thanks to ubuntuforums [10:07] here it is: [10:07]
There is an easy way to make KDM follow the rules of kcontrol.
[10:07] 1. Open /etc/kde2/kdm/kdmrc in your favourite text editor (with root privilegies, preferably using sudo)
[10:07] 2. Scroll down until you see the section "[X-*-Greeter] " Scroll down some more, until you see the line "UseTheme=true".
[10:07] 3. Change the line you just found to "UseTheme=false"
[10:07] 4. KDM will now follow the settings you set in kcontrol. The login box will be a window, though.
[10:07] [10:07] [10:08] [10:08] [10:08] [10:08] [10:08]
[10:08] __
[10:08] wh [10:08] never mind the html [10:08] didn't know it would paste that also [10:09] hmm === Gavrila [~Gavrila@62-101-126-230.fastres.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:20] hi there [10:20] I've got a problem mounting a vfat partition [10:20] go on [10:20] root@Punkov:/home/stefy # LANG="C" mount /dev/hda2 /musica [10:20] mount: /dev/hda2 already mounted or /musica busy [10:21] obviously mtab doesn't show it as moutned [10:21] otherwise I won't be here asking :) [10:21] Gavrila: say "mount" [10:21] is it listed there? [10:21] no, of course :) [10:22] ok literature done, 3 pages XD [10:22] root@Punkov:/home/stefy # dmesg | grep hda [10:22] ide0: BM-DMA at 0xff00-0xff07, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio [10:22] Gavrila: ok then, try force it [10:22] hda: Maxtor 6Y080L0, ATA DISK drive [10:22] hda: max request size: 128KiB [10:22] hda: 160086528 sectors (81964 MB) w/2048KiB Cache, CHS=65535/16/63, UDMA(133) [10:22] hda: cache flushes supported [10:22] Tm_T: how can I force it? [10:22] man mount [10:22] -f [10:23] =) [10:23] really ?? I read it a lot of times... always missed it :P [10:23] heh [10:23] why would it not show up [10:23] hm [10:23] actually -f stands for fake [10:23] not force [10:23] haha [10:24] so I'm not the only one needing to read man mount : [10:24] :) [10:24] reading once more* [10:25] my wrieless is sooo slow [10:25] so any hint about this issue^? [10:25] Gavrila: ok, try -move otion [10:25] option === linkin___ [~linkin@i3ED6B692.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu [10:26] OR try first unmount it [10:26] sometimes it helps [10:26] i have never had that happen [10:26] i have double mounted stuff [10:27] pussfeller: it depend what filesystem you have [10:28] +s [10:28] root@Punkov:/ # LANG="C" mount -v --move -t vfat /dev/hda2 /musica [10:28] mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda2, [10:28] missing codepage or other error [10:28] In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try [10:28] dmesg | tail or so [10:29] I'm really clueless [10:30] you tried unmount it? [10:30] sure === sparkling [epoc@host26-51.pool81117.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [10:30] it says it's unmounted === sparkling [epoc@host26-51.pool81117.interbusiness.it] has left #kubuntu [] [10:31] eh [10:31] so it's busy? [10:31] err [10:31] "ok" [10:31] root@Punkov:/ # LANG="C" umount /dev/hda2 [10:31] umount: /dev/hda2: not mounted === enver555 [~enver555@] has joined #kubuntu [10:32] hi [10:32] i have some problems [10:32] I repeat, it's not a common thing, otherwise I won't be asking for help... google didn't help and I really don't understand what's happening [10:32] Gavrila: sorry can't think what's wrong [10:33] when i upgrade from my kubuntu hoary prerelease to kubuntu hoary release [10:33] Gavrila: try force unmount, it might make difference [10:33] I'm beginning to think there's something wrong with the vfat module [10:33] the kdelibs-data package fails to install [10:33] Gavrila: might be [10:33] Tm_T: I don't know how to force anything with mount/umount [10:33] someone can help me to fix this? [10:33] Gavrila: man umount [10:34] enver555: you used apt-get distupgrade? [10:35] root@Punkov:/ # LANG="C" umount -fv /dev/hda2 [10:35] Could not find /dev/hda2 in mtab [10:35] umount2: Invalid argument [10:35] umount: /dev/hda2: not mounted === thoreauputic [~debianarc@wolax6-087.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [10:36] hm [10:36] Gavrila: so there's nothing I can help right now, sorry [10:37] thank you anyway for your time :) === Duloup [~Duloup@d83-179-10-162.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #kubuntu [10:38] np [10:39] I've problem too with mounting of my 7. Partition === linkin___ is now known as _linkin_ [10:40] <_linkin_> the partition is formated with FAT32 [10:41] err [10:41] Gavrila: haha, you not believe this =) [10:41] _linkin_: so its vfat [10:41] _linkin_: same errors? [10:42] <_linkin_> a bit different [10:43] <_linkin_> i have written this: [10:43] is that a module or int he kernel [10:43] <_linkin_> /dev/hdd7 /media/windows/hdd7 vfat umask=000 0 0 [10:43] <_linkin_> in the fstab file [10:44] <_linkin_> he tells me... that there is a error on line 11 in fstab (line 11 is the line, I've written here) [10:45] _linkin_: umask=000 ? [10:45] why [10:45] <_linkin_> yes?... [10:45] <_linkin_> http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#automountfat [10:45] <_linkin_> ^^ [10:45] lsmod | grep fat [10:45] I never use such "umask" thing [10:46] <_linkin_> i don't know, what the hell that thing is! [10:46] <_linkin_> you though, that i must delete this "umask" from the line? [10:46] Tm_T : i can't use apt-get distupgrade [10:47] i use apt-get upgrade [10:47] enver555: why can't? [10:47] have you updated your repos? [10:47] <_linkin_> (with =000) [10:47] yes daily [10:47] but apt-get says me that operation it's invalid [10:47] enver555: and you use hoary repos? [10:48] yes [10:48] hmm [10:48] enver555: I might missplelled it [10:48] yes [10:49] apt-get dist-upgrade [10:49] _linkin_: I normally use ro,user,noauto [10:49] enver555: eh, don't blame me, I haven't slept at all last night =) [10:49] fails the same that making apt-get upgrade [10:49] hehehe [10:49] uhm [10:49] i don't blame you [10:50] what is the errormessage? [10:51] fails to install kdelibs-data [10:52] and this make fails kdelib [10:52] <_linkin_> Tm_T: (like this: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/sample/fstab_automountfat) ? [10:52] root@kropotkin:/home/enver555 # apt-get dist-upgrade [10:52] Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho [10:52] Creando rbol de dependencias... Hecho [10:52] Tal vez quiera ejecutar `apt-get -f install' para corregirlo. [10:52] Los siguientes paquetes tienen dependencias incumplidas: [10:52] kdelibs: Depende: kdelibs-data (>= 4:3.4.0-0ubuntu3) pero 4:3.4.0-0ubuntu2 est instalado [10:52] E: Dependencias incumplidas. Pruebe de nuevo usando -f. [10:52] this is the console output is in Spanish [10:54] enver555: translate last line to me [10:54] something "use -f to fix ? [10:54] " [10:54] yes [10:54] i probe apt-get -f install [10:54] and fails also [10:54] enver555: use LANG="C" before any command, before pasting the messages [10:54] like LANG="C" apt-get install [10:54] =) [10:55] OK [10:55] i don't know [10:55] this [10:55] enver555: use "fi" please [10:56] Gavrila: you don't have any "local guru" who might help? [10:57] hehe where? :) [10:58] I may shout loud at home.... wait [10:58] haha [10:58] me shouting [10:58] no... nobody answered my call :D [10:58] x) [10:58] so you don't have any friend ho might help [10:58] I guess it's an Hal problem [10:58] +w [10:58] hal/dbus [10:58] ok then [10:59] no I haven't got any [10:59] I'm the guru... o-o [11:00] haha [11:00] bad luck === yussef [~yussef@] has joined #kubuntu [11:03] root@kropotkin:/home/enver555 # LANG=fi apt-get -f install [11:03] Reading package lists... Done [11:03] Building dependency tree... Done [11:03] Correcting dependencies... Done [11:03] The following extra packages will be installed: [11:03] kdelibs-data [11:03] The following packages will be upgraded: [11:03] kdelibs-data [11:03] 1 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded. [11:03] 212 not fully installed or removed. [11:03] Need to get 0B/8012kB of archives. [11:03] After unpacking 0B of additional disk space will be used. [11:03] Do you want to continue [Y/n] ? y [11:03] perl: warning: Setting locale failed. [11:03] perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: [11:03] LANGUAGE = "es_ES:es:en_GB:en", [11:04] LC_ALL = (unset), [11:04] LANG = "fi" [11:04] err [11:04] are supported and installed on your system. [11:04] perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C"). [11:04] locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory [11:04] locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory [11:04] locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory [11:04] cut it [11:04] Preconfiguring packages ... [11:04] (Reading database ... 101734 files and directories currently installed.) [11:04] :) [11:04] Preparing to replace kdelibs-data 4:3.4.0-0ubuntu2 (using .../kdelibs-data_4%3a3 .4.0-0ubuntu3_all.deb) ... [11:04] Unpacking replacement kdelibs-data ... [11:04] dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kdelibs-data_4%3a3.4.0-0ubuntu3_a ll.deb (--unpack): [11:04] trying to overwrite `/usr/share/icons/default.kde', which is also in package kn etworkconf [11:04] Errors were encountered while processing: [11:04] /var/cache/apt/archives/kdelibs-data_4%3a3.4.0-0ubuntu3_all.deb [11:04] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [11:04] sorry i don't have fi [11:04] ;-) [11:04] enver555: actually neither do I [11:05] ? [11:05] it's fi_FI.utf8 or something [11:06] enver555: just move or rename that icon thing, that should fix it === golanx [~golan@81-174-12-108.f5.ngi.it] has joined #kubuntu [11:11] hehehe [11:11] the icon doesn't exists [11:12] err [11:12] that's folder === cam__ [~cam@ppp138-147.lns1.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:13] this maybe a package error [11:13] hi, i have a lcd monitor and in gnome it works fine but under kde the fonts look fluro [11:13] they dont look right and hurt my eyes [11:13] doesn't exist no folder or icon with that name [11:13] cam__: check your desktop resolution [11:14] res is fine [11:14] enver555: interesting [11:15] yes of course [11:16] 2am and more homework to do at 6am [11:16] night night === |`TUX`| is now known as `TUX` === enver555 [~enver555@90.red-62-101-186.user.auna.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:19] i'm here [11:20] my xchat breaks [11:20] oh yeah xchat [11:20] did you say something? [11:20] xchat :/ [11:21] is there a kdenative irc client supporting python scripting?> [11:21] hm [11:21] xchat is to my knowlege the onl? [11:21] only* [11:21] cartel_: hm, tried irssi? ;) [11:22] ok, I'm going to shower -> [11:23] <_linkin_> cYa ^^ [11:23] Tm_T: console irc client supporting python? [11:24] cartel_: dunno, check irssi.org [11:24] i want to move from using console irc client attatched thru ssh to using a gui [11:25] :) [11:26] gah last update 2002 [11:26] there's something really wrong with my system - X is taking up 2.7GB of mem :( [11:27] <_linkin_> o.O!!! 2.7GB!!!! [11:27] yup === gassique [~gassique@ppp30-3.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #kubuntu === rohandhruva [~rohandhru@] has joined #kubuntu === rohandhruva is now known as da_bon_bon [11:29] <_linkin_> i think, it is normaly, that linux use all your mem for it self... if he needs some space, he cleans the mem and put the things into it... (sorry for my bad english :( ) === cartel_ is now known as cartelcXe [11:30] <_linkin_> mem != HDD Space? [11:30] <_linkin_> mem = the other thing... like "clipboard" ? [11:31] <_linkin_> ^^ === da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has joined #kubuntu === _michael [~michael@dsl-202-72-142-204.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [11:33] well, I'm using ksysguard and Xorg have a VmSize of >2.7GB and a VmRss >650MB [11:35] I'll restart X now === cheeeong [~cheeeong@cm73.omega172.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu === hunger [~hunger@pD954A8AA.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #kubuntu [] === hunger [~hunger@pD954A8AA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === Pointwood [~Pointwood@] has joined #kubuntu [11:39] <\sh> if anyone wants to test [11:40] <\sh> http://ubuntu.linux-server.org/qinx-1.4/ === SeFoKumA [~zienaga@70.Red-81-44-202.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:40] <\sh> qnx photon insprired style,decoration,color-scheme...(C) by david johnson... === Pointwood [~Pointwood@] has joined #kubuntu === raphinou [~rb@bidibule.office.be.easynet.net] has joined #kubuntu === keugenesan [~eugenesan@bzq-82-81-198-185.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #kubuntu === raphinou [~rb@bidibule.office.be.easynet.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:47] hi all, can anyone tell me what is wrong with kubuntus soundsystem? I have to shut it down to have arts applications to work? [11:47] yes [11:47] maybe [11:47] i make this a lot [11:48] try to upgrade [11:48] i upgrade my system [11:48] did it help? [11:48] yes [11:48] i upgrade and i don't have problems with sound [11:48] system [11:48] there is no new packages for 5.04 release [11:49] oh [11:49] even not in universe [11:49] your upgrade [11:50] what sound card do you have? [11:50] kmail is so slow (in imap ssl: 17000 mails in inbox and Maildir: 4000 mails in inbox) I had to install thunderbird. Do you also experience this? [11:50] i use kmail [11:50] and works well for me [11:51] but i use pop not imap [11:52] I use VIA8235, and amarok locks up on strartup and noatun plays a while and then die. While system sound manager works fine :-( [11:52] hmm [11:53] i don't have so much experience with sound system on mother board [11:53] but i don't like [11:53] it fails a lot [11:54] never had a single problem. It uses standart AC97 codec. There is something in Kubuntu default sound config.. [11:55] I think they made heavy changes to ARTS server. And there is no info on subject. [11:55] Is there and Develop Channel for Kubuntu? === yuxel` [~opera@] has joined #kubuntu [11:56] kubuntu-dev or kubuntu-devel [11:56] i forget the exactly name === sparkling [~sparkling@host26-51.pool81117.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [11:58] it's devel [11:58] hi all [11:59] i've downloaded the iso of kubuntu 5.04 final, i've tried to install so boot from cd, start the hardware recognization but when it arrives at "ide-cd: loaded successfully" then "ide [success] " it freezes [11:59] do you know what is? [12:00] sparkling: what type of IDE contrroller do u haVE? [12:00] sparkling: cd is broken? [12:00] the cd is not broken [12:00] the ide is a normale eide hard disk [12:00] no sata or scsi hard disk [12:01] i've normally installed the ubuntu distro some days ago qithout problems [12:01] without* === pussfeller [~todd@d187.rtcol.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:02] now i'm trying to check the md5um of the cd [12:02] sparkling: try to pass to kernel ide=nodma (or something) it may help. [12:04] to do that do i have to write it on initial boot option? === ztonzy [~ztonzy@ztonzy.artist.blender] has joined #kubuntu [12:06] the checksum si correct [12:06] now i try the string === cartelcXe is now known as stonedcoder [12:08] sparkling: yes u will have to press while it offers to tap Enter or type server, and see how called it's default kernel and add ide-nodma after default name. [12:08] (press TAB i ment) === dvoid [~dvoid@c-215fe155.2010-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu [12:09] ok tnanks [12:09] thanks [12:09] i try :D === pussfeller [~todd@d187.rtcol.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:10] good luck, google may help you with roght syntax [12:10] ok :D === _mike [~mike@c220-237-67-219.kelvn1.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [12:11] <_mike> hi === yuxel` [~opera@] has left #kubuntu [] [12:19] hm === dimmak [~rroper@lsanca1-ar55-4-65-118-030.lsanca1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === dimmak [~rroper@lsanca1-ar55-4-65-118-030.lsanca1.dsl-verizon.net] has left #kubuntu [] === fiore [~fiore@host-84-222-138-200.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu === carambol [~Karambol_@g192132.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu === dimma1 [~rroper@lsanca1-ar55-4-65-118-030.lsanca1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === dimmak [~rroper@lsanca1-ar55-4-65-118-030.lsanca1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:57] folks, this is freaky: suddenly I can't start any new processes, can't even use my panels to launch programs, [12:58] task bar won't even work, [12:58] smouche: err, tried in konsole? [12:58] konsole, and x-chat, and other processes already visible are working [12:59] I got an error about "inter process communication authentication failed" or something like that [12:59] your dcop has died? [12:59] yeah, dcop stonedcoder [12:59] no more kde programs? [12:59] exactly [12:59] go to konsole and type: dcopserver ?? [12:59] how do I restart.. [01:00] without the ?? [01:00] so [01:00] thanks... [01:00] lol [01:00] # dcopserver [01:00] np [01:00] it's already running === mepisman [~mepisman@CPE-144-137-23-236.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [01:01] cool now try and launch something from kde [01:01] I mean it was already running when I typed that command-- or so it told me [01:01] try killall -hup dcopserver [01:01] killall <3 [01:01] everything's frozen, except konsole and xchat === allee [~ach@allee.exgal.mpe.mpg.de] has joined #kubuntu [01:02] ok, done . [01:03] =) [01:03] haha [01:04] are there any nice ftp client for kde ? [01:04] <_linkin_> kbear [01:05] thx [01:05] <_linkin_> np === bc [~bc@cpe-24-90-94-112.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:06] gftp! [01:06] <_linkin_> joa [01:06] hah hah hah Tm_T -- you'll love this-- [01:06] <_linkin_> ! [01:06] <_linkin_> thats the better one ;) [01:06] (this is smouche here, maybe with different name--) [01:06] guess what irc client I'm using? [01:06] bc: s ohit me then :) [01:07] bc: IRSSI! <3<3 [01:07] this dcop business must be an evil plot of yours [01:07] 14:08 CTCP VERSION reply from bc: irssi v0.8.9 - running on Linux i686 [01:07] to get me to use irssi! [01:07] muahhaha [01:07] from failsafe mode! [01:07] bastard! ;) [01:08] hihi [01:08] um, who was helping me before? sorry [01:08] that "killall -hud (?) dcopserver" or whatever worked-- sort of! [01:08] wasn't me ] ;= [01:09] but I think I could have ended that session less -- dramatically... [01:09] configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check [01:09] just kill your X and restart it [01:10] I recommend to hit ctrl-alt-F1 end then kill X :p [01:11] ok -- will try - thanks [01:12] "arguments must be process or job id's" === wido [~wido@matrix.heim7.tu-clausthal.de] has joined #kubuntu [01:12] moin [01:12] kill x and what else, Tm_T? [01:13] is reiser4 supported by the ubuntu kernel? [01:14] bc: restart it [01:14] Tm_T it won't let me kill it! [01:14] bc: saying what? [01:14] got root? [01:14] kill x -- I get "arguments must be process or job id's" [01:15] bc: either `killall X` or pkill or find the process ID number with ` ps aux | grep -i X ` [01:15] thnks thoreauputic - [01:15] bc: kill needs a number, killall doesn't [01:16] trying that -- [01:16] killall, no process killed [01:16] killall X ? [01:16] bc: try it with sudo [01:16] sudo killall X === bc grabs a pencil [01:17] ok sudo first, then the other stuff... [01:17] haha === incubii [~incubii@cor9-ppp2533.hay.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [01:17] incubiiiii === Nakkel^ [~nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #kubuntu === wido [~wido@matrix.heim7.tu-clausthal.de] has left #kubuntu ["If] [01:18] boooooogers...i mean Tm_T [01:18] :P [01:18] /usr/X11R6/bin/X runs as root, so root privileges are needed to kill it outright [01:18] sudo isn't doing it-- trying ps aux etc... [01:19] whats up people [01:19] bc , if gdm is running you can do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop [01:20] I can't find kmail in the K menu. Shouldn't it be in the "internet" section? [01:21] <\sh> raphinou: kontact [01:21] <\sh> start it and u find kmail. [01:22] \sh: actually, I wanted to set a shrtcut to kmail specifically === uoiduob [zoubert@arkana.iiens.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:25] kmail seems much faster now. It was completely unuable this morning, but seems ok now. === uoiduob is now known as mathieu === mathieu is now known as wololo === Chameleon22 [~serg@220-244-235-173-vic-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === wololo is now known as wololoooo === bc [~bc@cpe-24-90-94-112.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === bc was smouche, is in failsafe purgatory, irssi life-line, don't laugh Tm_T! [01:29] au secours! hilfe ! help! [01:31] HI [01:31] anyone experience with synce? [01:32] thoreauputic: following your instructions I managed to kill the x process... [01:32] but now I can't start "ksm server" === ger2 is now known as Vorik [01:33] bc: I haven't followed what you were doing - I just suggested ways to kill X ;) [01:33] "no write access to /home... .IceAuthority" blah blah [01:33] my dcop whatchamallit died [01:34] bc: OK just do ` sudo rm ~/.ICEauthority [01:34] it will regenerate [01:34] thank you! wish I knew how this happened -- kde just stopped working except for konsole and x-chat [01:35] you can change its ownership, but blowing it away is quicker and easier [01:35] bc: .ICEauthority chages if you run X apps as root, for example (so don't) [01:35] *changes [01:35] <\sh> raphinou: edit the k menu then :) [01:36] \sh: already done, thx ;-) === xlogik [~knoppix@h-67-101-122-109.cmbrmaor.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:36] ok, I'm hitting ^alt f1 for this -- see you in a bit i hope... === ozz [~ozz@modemcable168.123-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu === ozz [~ozz@modemcable168.123-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [01:39] ok, I think I got a handle on this, thanks thoreauputic -- it's been educational [01:40] unfortunately, now I have to go to work! [01:40] bc: no worries: that .ICEauthority thing usually happens when you try to run X apps as another user - particularly root. You should avoid doing that === keugenesan [~eugenesan@bzq-82-81-198-185.cablep.bezeqint.net] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [01:41] I didn't, as far as I know, thoreauputic -- but I don't know what you mean exactly by "X apps" ... lol Tm_T -- there are easier ways to make converts to irssii [01:41] than magically trashing my sessions! ha hahhh hhah! [01:42] bc: graphical apps :) apps that run in pretty windows ! [01:42] thoreauputic: all I was doing before the ICEauthority warning was -- running in failsafe with blue wallpaper and a term window === Gavrila [~stefy@62-101-126-230.fastres.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:43] =) === EddieX|Study [~eddie@h238n5c1o1052.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:43] before that, when dcop died, I don't know how that happened [01:43] bc: failsafe mode runs as root, AFAIK - hence the issue [01:44] well, there I am then. Pretty f*&&*8ing damn useless as a failsafe! [01:44] bc: I commit nothing! [01:44] aaargh -- I'll figure out these catch 22's another time-- yes, I know, Tm_T [01:44] but I may be wrong, since I don't ever use "failsafe" mode, preferring to use a tty login instead [01:44] I could have used a non graphical term for this !! [01:45] =) [01:45] bc: sure [01:45] I was kind of in a rush [01:45] jesus [01:45] yes? === bc shoots Tm_T [01:45] haha [01:46] bc: when troubleshooting, single user mode in a tty is better IMO [01:46] ie init 1 [01:46] but in level 1 you have no networking, of course [01:46] hmmm === SeFoKumA [~zienaga@70.Red-81-44-202.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:47] thanks for your help guys-- gotta go [01:47] and boot windows, just to check my mail till I get this linux thing working !!! aaargh bye [01:47] ctrl-alt-F1 -- F6 are options === ztonzy [~ztonzy@ztonzy.artist.blender] has joined #kubuntu [01:49] thoreauputic: when you are in tty already, only alt-F? is required :) === archster [~user@ip70-185-137-149.lu.dl.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:51] can someone point me to a change log .. from kubuntu-hoary-install-i386.iso - 30-Mar-2005 00:22 584M ** to ** kubuntu-5.04-install-i386.iso - 07-Apr-2005 07:18 572M [01:52] Tm_T: thanks :) I actually *did* know that ;) [01:53] Tm_T: you can use alt + arrow to change, too :) [01:55] has anyone manged to setup the java plugin in konqueror? [01:56] on x86, yes [01:56] on ppc, fuck no [01:56] lol === _andy [~andy@mail.krico.komi.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:57] u [01:57] incubii: I can't do it on x86... how did u do that [01:57] I've installed of course the j2sdk (i need the sdk) [01:57] its was a matter of installing the plguin and telling konq to rescan [01:57] never did anything else [01:57] I did so but he doesnt' see [01:58] it doesn't see it* [01:58] sorry I was thinking in Italian :P === smouche [~bc@cpe-24-90-94-112.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:58] wb smouche :) [01:59] incubii: which version of java plugin? [01:59] wow. that was not fun. But educational [01:59] smouche: working now? [01:59] thanks, thoreauputic -- heh heh, at least I managed to get back to normal (?) without rebooting! [01:59] woo hoo! [01:59] 1.4.2 [02:00] smouche: back on xchat in Linux - good man ! [02:00] good thing I wrote that stuff down... [02:01] smouche: ah, pencil and paper are the most useful texhnology of all *grin* [02:01] *technology [02:01] well, thoreauputic , I know I was an idiot -- I could have started x-chat in the "failsafe" mode -- but, hell, I had a term window running, [02:01] thought I'd make Tm_T happy! [02:01] using irssi (sp?) [02:01] smouche: irssi is very useful if X takes a holiday :) [02:02] can someone point me to a change log for kubuntu [02:02] yeah, good thing I wrote that stuff down -- since I don't know how to set automatic logging in irssi yet ;-) [02:03] wish I knew why I got that "interprocess communication" authentication error, whatever the hell it was, in the first place === _linkin_ [~linkin@i3ED6B179.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu [02:03] smouche: http://irssi.org/ <-- plce to go to be thoroughly confused by the many options of irssi [02:03] you didnt stick you floppy in the drive [02:04] alright, really truly off to work now, just wanted to thank you again, thoreauputic , and Tim_T-- [02:04] lol thoreauputic - I know, and there are like 8000 scripts [02:04] smouche: you're welcome [02:04] have a good day, er night? er... anyway bye! === closure [~ubel@adsl-065-013-010-009.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu === freex [~freex@] has joined #kubuntu [02:15] when are packages in universe updated? how much often? [02:15] just install a fresh hoary, but Konqueror crash every now and then [02:15] how often* === Kdo_Vasco [~Kdo_Vasco@213-140-22-71.fastres.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:16] freex, you've noticed [02:16] is this a know bug? [02:16] freex, i'm not sure what the hell it is [02:16] is there a patch for this one? [02:16] freex, no idea, i've just noticed people complaining about it [02:17] freex, mine crashes as well but i limit my complaints cause half the time i think it's my fault [02:17] but today alone i've had 3 crashes i think === _linkin_ [~linkin@i3ED6B179.versanet.de] has left #kubuntu [] [02:17] yeah, thats might be also possible but its a fresh install hoary and i got it almost every time [02:18] i feel like it wants to be part of my desktop [02:18] is it the new wall paper or somethin? [02:18] this is really frustating [02:20] thoreauputic: eh, irssi is powerful for everyday use =) [02:21] Tm_T: I don't disagree :) [02:23] freex i get it when i am exploring my file system [02:23] it will crash when i put it in the background [02:25] thoreauputic: just ctcp version me ;p [02:26] Tm_T: my ctcp version reply is more interesting :) try it ! [02:27] is there a patch for this one? [02:28] i like KDE a lot but its sad to know this is happening [02:30] Tm_T: ctcp version me and check your msg buffer ;-) [02:31] can someone point me to a change log .. from kubuntu-hoary-install-i386.iso - 30-Mar-2005 00:22 584M ** to ** kubuntu-5.04-install-i386.iso - 07-Apr-2005 07:18 572M [02:31] or just tell me what was changed and if it requires another download [02:32] archster: just do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [02:34] ok ... what about for the live cd's there are the same 2 releases [02:35] I don't understand that there is no change log available for either ubuntu or kubuntu and the http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/hoary-changes/2005-April/date.html isn't exactly what I'm looking for [02:35] archster: april 7 is the final release I guess ( actually released on the 8th ) [02:35] I just want a list .. like other distros have .. [02:35] ok [02:35] archster: you might ask where the changelog is in #ubuntu-devel [02:36] archster: there must be one somewhere [02:37] archster: for format would you like it in? [02:38] http://www.slackware.com/changelog/current.php?cpu=i386 <-- something like that === Verwilst [~verwilst@] has joined #kubuntu === pv [~pv@jt11-57-1.tky.hut.fi] has joined #kubuntu === thoreauputic_ [~debianarc@wolax6-106.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [02:41] thoreauputic: ok, I'll do that :) === da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has joined #kubuntu [02:42] thoreauputic: err [02:42] haha [02:43] incident :p [02:45] Tm_T: hehe [02:46] lame [02:46] i ran the automated script to install plugins and such to firefox and it did not support mp3 === thoreauputic_ is now known as thoreauputic [02:49] thought I might have figured out a work around by goint to https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KubuntuHoaryReleaseKnownProblems ... but I can't get it to load ?? will it load for you thoreauputic ? [02:49] ah finally [02:50] .. as soon as I left the browser it loaded .. lol [02:50] archster: the site is under strain and slow the last few days [02:50] k [02:56] err, test self-generated locale -> === LeeJunFan [junfan@64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #kubuntu === SeFoKumA [~zienaga@70.Red-81-44-202.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === pussfeller [~todd@d187.rtcol.com] has joined #kubuntu === omni_lonnie [~lonnie@leepcL-145.sub-l.lee.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:12] ok, this is great =) [03:12] those default utf-8 locales sucks [03:13] 'cause I need ISO-8859-15 locale [03:13] so I generated one =) [03:15] Tm_T: why do you need latin 15? [03:17] Riddell: I tell you, 99% of irc channels (and actually other systems too) is latin-9 [03:18] I mean what I use [03:18] Riddell: you use utf-8 then? you must love if whole screen looks like this: pp [03:19] If that shows buggy [03:19] all the kde irc channels are utf-8 zones, we have to be international [03:21] yes [03:21] Riddell: BUT I mostly irc in finnish channels === TechLord_Work [~TechLord-@rchp4.rochester.ibm.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:22] Tm_T: all the more reason why they should be utf-8 :) [03:22] Riddell: nope === gsuveg [~gsuveg@f0441.fixip.pool.eol.hu] has joined #kubuntu [03:22] re [03:23] Riddell: how to tell all over 40 000 finnish irc users to set their clients to use utf-8 ? [03:23] where can i edit file type + default apps ? [03:23] Tm_T: get the coolest most elite ones to use utf-8 and the rest will have to follow [03:23] Riddell: bah, I'll kick your ass [03:23] gsuveg: Konqueror Settings -> Configure Konqueror [03:26] Riddell: thanks === indro_ [~indro@84-72-117-219.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu [03:28] Riddell: works [03:29] <\sh> riddell: hey :) [03:29] Riddell: its funny: use quanta + cervisia, click to file to edit, and open bluefish ;) === glass-eye goes crazy and puts kubuntu on all his linux machines [03:30] glass-eye: that's plain sanity [03:31] gsuveg: hmm, we should fix that === mds [~mds@host9-220.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [03:31] \sh: yo yo === spikeb [~spikeb@c68.117.109.96.hay.wi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu === spikeb [~spikeb@c68.117.109.96.hay.wi.charter.com] has left #kubuntu [] [03:32] glass-eye: noooooooo!!1 === _spjoe [~spjoe@M205P022.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu [03:32] glass-eye: at least leave debian into your web server okay? [03:33] Tm_T: i don't have a server...so its all good :) [03:33] haha [03:33] kubuntu makes good sense for a web server [03:33] nah [03:33] Debian <3 [03:33] i installed kubuntu on my desktop at home on saturday, i played around with it and installed it in 15 minutes on my laptop...i'm liking this [03:34] the debian desktop was always a little harsh in my opinion, i liked the distro but kubuntu makes that all better [03:34] anyway...off to work [03:34] <\sh> Riddell: i resolved all the warnings from lintian...but not the .desktop warning...not myfault ;) [03:34] \sh: the .desktop warning are a beastie in lintian [03:35] \sh: and done the .orig.tar.gz thing? [03:36] glass-eye: debian is not meant to be as in desktop ues :) [03:36] use [03:36] but it's the ultimate server distro =) [03:36] unless you prefer BSD or Solaris or other [03:36] debian is just as good in either place, kubuntu is just as better in either place === difekta [~DIFEKTA@] has joined #KUBUNTU === billytwowilly [~chris@S0106000c413a2c0c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu === yuxel` [~opera@] has joined #kubuntu [03:54] <\sh> Riddell: added everything also the kthememanager theme [03:54] <\sh> Riddell: http://ubuntu.linux-server.org/qinx-1.4 [03:55] <\sh> but now i have a strange thing [03:56] <\sh> PSI + gnupg :) [03:56] <\sh> i select my key in the account options [03:56] <\sh> trying to connect to the jabber server [03:56] <\sh> nothing happens [03:56] <\sh> remove the key ... i can connect [03:56] <\sh> the connection and authentication is ok [04:00] \sh: it seems to run configure twice [04:01] <\sh> riddell: hmmm....the first one, it compiles [04:01] <\sh> the secondone i don't know...i thought it was correct ;) [04:02] it seems to run configure again before the install [04:02] <\sh> hmmm..wait a moment :) I'm using the cbds tools [04:03] <\sh> Riddell: he does it with another package as well.. [04:03] <\sh> strange === claydoh|snores is now known as claydoh [04:05] \sh: which package? === Skaman [~skaman@host63-34.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [04:06] \sh: I think the kde.mk that comes with cdbs is out of date [04:06] hi guys [04:06] can anybody help me [04:06] ? [04:06] \sh: try apt-get source kdelibs and using the kde.mk from there [04:06] i have 1/2 system in ITalian 1/2 in eng [04:07] kde is in US-eng [04:07] Skaman: what's in italian and what's in english? [04:07] all the rest in Italian [04:07] Skaman: that'll be because the kde-i18n packages arn't on the CD [04:07] Skaman: sudo apt-get install kde-i18n-it [04:07] i made the upgrade from ubuntu to kubuntu [04:08] via apt-get [04:08] O_o [04:08] anyway let me try [04:08] i'm gettin the package [04:08] yeah, we need to get language-support sorted for KDE [04:08] thnx [04:08] kde rox [04:08] ^^ [04:09] i tired to use gnome for a while but i can't [04:09] tried *oops* [04:09] <\sh> riddell: can u check the rules file? could it be that autotools.mk is one entry too many? [04:10] \sh: looks fine to me, try using the kde.mk from a recent kde package === KaiL_ [KaiL@pD958B339.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:10] thnx rideel [04:10] <\sh> riddell: build starts now ;) [04:11] and how can I remove all Gnome Stuff?? === ubuntu [~ubuntu@40.tst911.com] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu is now known as _ubuntu === mikl [~mikkel@] has joined #kubuntu === _ubuntu is now known as ubuntu === ubuntu is now known as _ubuntu_ [04:16] <\sh> Riddell: the same with kde.mk from kdelibs [04:16] bah === _ubuntu_ is now known as pim [04:17] don't ye just have autoconf [04:17] s/have/hate/ [04:17] err [04:17] autoconf is ok [04:17] <\sh> riddell: i commented in the autotools [04:17] <\sh> now [04:17] <\sh> restart build === EddieX|Study [~eddie@h238n5c1o1052.bredband.skanova.com] has left #kubuntu ["Lmnar"] [04:20] stop [04:23] After updating from ubuntu to kubuntu how can i clean my system from gnome packages? [04:23] Skaman: apt-get remove libgtk2.0-0 [04:23] --purge :) [04:23] and this way i clean allll?????? [04:23] as if i installed kubuntu directly? [04:24] Skaman: that removes gtk and everything depending on it [04:24] ook === linkin [user@Ea04c.e.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #kubuntu [04:26] thnk u very very much [04:26] removing 410 mb of trashes [04:26] ^^ === linkin [user@Ea04c.e.strato-dslnet.de] has left #kubuntu [] === _piotr [~piotr@dfs237.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === Alch_the_Est [~chatzilla@dsl29-205.uninet.ee] has joined #kubuntu [04:31] <`TUX`> hi [04:31] <`TUX`> there is a gui or applet of powernowd? === mikl [~mikkel@] has joined #kubuntu === uniq [charlie@] has joined #kubuntu [04:33] `TUX`: you tried apt-cache search it? === bernd [~bernd@laptopbernd.sign-lang.uni-hamburg.de] has joined #kubuntu [04:34] <`TUX`> yes [04:34] <`TUX`> i have powernowd running now [04:35] <`TUX`> but i can't find any applet [04:35] <`TUX`> for the systray [04:35] hm [04:35] kde-look.org? === _luigi [~luigi@] has joined #kubuntu [04:36] klaptopdaemon might be able to do that, but it doesn't work, if you aren't on a laptop..:( [04:36] :) === pv [~pv@jt11-57-1.tky.hut.fi] has joined #kubuntu === haggai_ [~halls@i-83-67-20-196.freedom2surf.net] has joined #kubuntu === ronny-- [~Ronny@pD9EC5AF9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [04:40] <\sh> riddell: the same without autotools.ml [04:40] <\sh> -l+k === bernd [~bernd@laptopbernd.sign-lang.uni-hamburg.de] has joined #kubuntu [04:45] kdetv in kubuntu? === haggai_ is now known as haggai [04:46] KaiL_: if not, install it [04:46] not even on the ubuntu servers :/ [04:53] k so this whol konq crashing thing needs to be fixed lol [04:54] isn't that a kde bug? === linkin [user@Ea229.e.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #kubuntu === linkin [user@Ea229.e.strato-dslnet.de] has left #kubuntu [] === _spjoe is now known as spjoe === spjoe is now known as MASTER^OF^THE^KN [04:57] KaiL_, i'm not sure [04:57] i've had hoary pretty much the whole time i've had ubuntu [04:58] someone said they upgraded to hoary and it crashes more [04:58] what crashes there? khtml? [04:58] what crashes? konqueror [04:58] i only use Konq for browsing my file system [04:58] and it crashes when i put it in the background or run another app [05:00] hmm === haggai [~halls@i-83-67-20-196.freedom2surf.net] has joined #kubuntu === _root [~root@ppp83-237-12-112.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #kubuntu [05:02] WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! << how to get rid of this warning with apt 0.6? [05:03] <_root> hello === buz [~buz@217-162-134-188.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu [05:08] any nforce 4 users here? === skaman [~skaman@host63-34.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu === skaman [~skaman@host63-34.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [05:14] hey guys do I have to use different sources.list in kubuntu? [05:14] i upgraded from ubuntu === zAo^ [~zao@zAo.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu [05:15] skaman: nope, same sources === _fabe [~fabe@u15-167.dsl.vianetworks.de] has joined #kubuntu [05:18] KaiL_: install gnupg [05:19] uhm, is installed... [05:20] I am teh bomb [05:20] KaiL_: then you are probably using unauthenticated soures [05:20] deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary main restricted universe multiverse [05:21] ruh-roh [05:21] KaiL_: should be fine === _ubuntu [~ubuntu@cm-81-9-176-137.telecable.es] has joined #kubuntu [05:24] Riddell: I've upgraded from debian/sarge, that might cause the problem? === Pointwood [~Pointwood@] has joined #kubuntu [05:29] <\sh> riddell: i tried another alternative .. no change [05:31] man, timeout on apt setup in the installer is crappy [05:31] \sh: hmm, fooey. put what you have on your webserver and I'll try and take a look at it sometime [05:31] <\sh> well..i think i have it right now...i know where the mistake is [05:31] \sh: oh? [05:32] <\sh> ok...now I know...so i'll have to fix it...will tell u later what issue it was...stupid me === SuperCatFrog [~root@80-192-168-123.cable.ubr02.blac.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [05:33] hi - is it possible to get libdvdcss in kubuntu? [05:33] SuperCatFrog: from marillat === spjoe [~spjoe@M201P027.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu [05:34] riddell - what's marillat? === spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:35] SuperCatFrog: a repository, see apt-get.org [05:35] ok thanks === _dave [~dave@d51A40445.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu [05:37] <_dave> hello === _dave is now known as Oorworm [05:38] gday [05:38] hi [05:38] Got Kubuntu installed? [05:38] Oorworm: sure do :) [05:39] hehe [05:39] I'm new to linux and Kubuntu, but i like it... [05:39] just a little strange with all the codes and stuff comparing to Windows [05:40] Oorworm: codes? [05:40] i tried to add repositories, but it dosn't seem to function correctly [05:40] i followed this guide: http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories [05:41] everything seemed ok, but when i did apt-get update afterwards i got an error [05:41] what's the error? [05:42] 99% [Packages gzip 0] 97B/s 13s [05:42] gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file [05:42] Fout ftp://ftp.nerim.net testing/main Packages [05:42] Subproces gzip gaf de foutcode 1 terug [05:42] 3780kB opgehaald in 2m2s (30,9kB/s) [05:42] Ophalen van ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/dists/stable/Release Unable to find expected entry main/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?) is mislukt [05:42] Ophalen van ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/dists/testing/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz Subproces gzip gaf de foutcode 1 terug is mislukt [05:42] Pakketlijsten worden ingelezen... Klaar [05:42] E: Ophalen van sommige indexbestanden is mislukt, deze zijn of genegeerd, of er zijn oudere versies van gebruikt. [05:42] it's in dutch. Hope u can read it [05:43] doenst seem to find some packages or so i think... [05:44] the other ones update fine [05:44] Oorworm: chances are marillat doesn't have amd64 [05:45] to i delete them from the sourceslist or do i have to find them from somewhere else? [05:45] do i [05:45] oorworm - delete that line and add a different one (check it supports AMD64 first) [05:46] apt-get.org allows you to search by package and by arch (x86-64) [05:46] how do i know which ones i need or need to add and where do i find them? === Pointwood [~Pointwood@] has joined #kubuntu [05:46] oorworm - apt-get.org [05:46] k, i'll take a look [05:46] thx Frogmaster ;-) [05:47] argh! arts is burning my ears [05:47] .....must.....wait.....for.....xinelib.....to....download === JaZy84 [~cgjazinsk@cpe-66-68-236-148.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:50] does anybody else notice the appalling sound quality of arts, or is it just me? [05:51] its like im listening to 32kbps wma files (slight exaggeration) [05:52] hey Supercat, which packages should i need to perfectly view divx, xvid,... ? [05:52] ooworm - just apt-get install mplayer should do the job [05:53] although im new to all things debian - im a recent gentoo convert, so im not sure how mplayer is packaged [05:55] thx [05:55] s'ok === gnumdk [~gnumdk@ANantes-252-1-26-191.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [05:55] hello [05:56] hello [05:56] i've got a problem with kubuntu, no way to set X default cursor, i want to set it as a global system settings, so i change /usr/lib/X11/icons/default/index.theme like in debian, but it doesn't work [05:57] gnumdk - possibly /etc/skel? [05:57] :) [05:57] yeah, but my problem it that knemo use system cursor, it doesn't use user one, don't know why [05:58] hmmm [05:59] could you symlink /usr/lib/X11/icons/default to the dir of your favourite cursor theme? === ubuntu [~ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu === _mgaib [~mgaib@pD9FF5488.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:00] SuperCatFrog: doesn't work [06:00] oh === Pointwood [~Pointwood@] has joined #kubuntu [06:00] ive no idea then [06:00] ok, thanx [06:00] hello? [06:00] hullo [06:00] hello [06:00] looking for seb128 from ubuntu [06:00] this is the first time I've used IRC sorry. [06:01] ubuntu: no problemo, so what's in your mind then? [06:01] mmm, just checking out ubuntu using a live cd. want to see what all the fuss is about. === _mgaib is now known as TuxBot [06:02] ubuntu - which distro would you be potentially converting from? [06:02] tentatively... MEPIS [06:03] MEPIS really impressed me with it's ease of use, but the lack of support is atrocious. === TuxBot [~mgaib@pD9FF5488.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === JaZy15 [~cgjazinsk@cpe-66-68-236-148.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:03] not to mention various hardware issues. === kosmo [~kosmo@adsl-66-142-143-46.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:04] ubuntu - was there any particular tool in mepis that made the ease of use? (something like mandrakes *drake programs?) [06:04] mmm, not really. more like good for a quick install and a good array of programs. [06:05] I'm happy enough using synaptic or kpackage for package management. System management was OK overall. === TuxBot [~mgaib@pD9FF5488.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:05] ubuntu - if you use real debian repositories, ubuntu has the same packages as mepis, kindof [06:06] hmmm, I understand they are both debian-based. [06:06] thing is MEPIS is all pre-configured for the most part. [06:06] most things work quite well without intervention. === Pointwood [~Pointwood@] has joined #kubuntu [06:07] Howdy all, in 5.04 kubuntu have to issue xhost + each boot, didn't have to do this in preview release, why the change? [06:07] ubuntu - kubuntu seems to have preconfigured just about everything for me === _cmf [~lou@adsl-83-100-174-57.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #kubuntu [06:07] kosmo - maybe a security enhancement. just put it in your ~/.xinitrc file [06:07] hmmm, ok fair enough then. easy enough to add firefox + skype and other things? [06:08] you'l probably have to add other repositories, but apart from that, just apt-get [06:08] (or kynaptic) [06:08] SuperCatFrog - thanks [06:08] ubuntu, don't you have to buy mepis? [06:08] ubuntu, i hadn't even heard of that distro till someone mentioned it here [06:09] i couldn't see any high points to it though personaly [06:09] nono, It's free. [06:09] oh i was understanding it to be like mandrake and such where you have to pay for parts of it [06:09] hmmm, well moving from suse to it was a big step in the right direction for me personally. RPM's just get to me... === TuxBot [~mgaib@pD9FF5488.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [06:09] not that I know of... [06:10] ubuntu - rpm's just get to everybody [06:10] *shrugs* i was happily nested here in ubuntu when i read it [06:10] although I did buy the book "Point and Click Linux" for a customer of mine. [06:10] this ubuntu + KDE is just bomb diggity though if you ask me [06:10] super - lol, i have begun to notice that. [06:10] only complaint i have is there's no easy way to put video/audio into firefox === JaZy84 [~cgjazinsk@cpe-66-68-236-148.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:10] well atleast mp3 support hasn't been added yet [06:11] closure - yes i have preferred KDE for some time. yeah that's the issue that worries me too. [06:11] i'm unsure of wav [06:11] i just got this script that auto installed a bunch of crap but i still can't hear mp3s and video like wmp will not play [06:11] though i don't believe there is a wmp codec for linux [06:11] ouch [06:11] closure - mp3 is working out the box in amarok [06:12] however it did add serious java support [06:12] SuperCatFrog, not on my box [06:12] mmm, well dvd jon supposedly produced one a while back. [06:12] closure - wma and wmv have mplayer plugins [06:12] SuperCatFrog, i got xmms [06:12] SuperCatFrog, but i can't use it for a plugin in firefox [06:12] super - yeah but the wmv is buggy as hell. [06:12] i got all my crap playing pretty much === gnumdk [~gnumdk@ANantes-252-1-26-191.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [06:12] i got xine for video and xmms for audio [06:12] that's all straight [06:12] but i can't get it to play inside of firefox [06:13] i don't know how to set that up [06:13] damn it took me forever to get libcss running on Suse... so glad I can just apt-get it for debian based distros. [06:13] ubuntu: /nick something === ubuntu is now known as Solaris [06:13] lol === Solaris is now known as Solaris444 [06:14] good move Solaris444 [06:14] sorry about that! [06:14] closure - in gentoo, i used a package called menplayer [06:14] im not sure if its in debian or not though [06:14] never heard of it... [06:15] SuperCatFrog, and that added video/audio to firefox? [06:15] like on web pages and such [06:15] closure yes, i think so [06:15] hrm [06:15] let me see if it's in here [06:15] it worked in opera, which uses netscape plugins (like firefox) [06:15] damn though there seems to be a serious lack of good media players for both Linux AND windows. [06:16] the base kubuntu live cd seems pretty bare. does it support automounting? [06:16] nope no plug in >8-/ [06:17] solaris - amarok for music, mplayer or xine for video - you cant go wrong with those two [06:18] *three, you cant go wrong with those _three_ === _mgaib [~mgaib@pD9FF5488.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === _mgaib is now known as TuxBot [06:18] lol [06:18] well amorak seems pretty decent. just ran it now. [06:19] the reason i list two video players is mplayer is better than xine, except for dvd's. also the xine library as output for amarok is much nicer sounding than arts, and there isn't an mplayer out plugin [06:19] i assume it comes with the default kde libraries? === spjoe [~spjoe@M394P012.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu [06:19] solaris - you assume what comes with the default kde libs? [06:19] amorak. [06:19] yes [06:19] cool. [06:19] as of 3.4 iirc [06:20] i suspected as much. i think kde 3.4 is easily a match for winxp... [06:20] solaris - i thought the same about kde 3.1.4 (the first version of kde i used) === kosmo [~kosmo@adsl-66-142-143-46.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:21] Solaris444, xmms [06:21] is the way [06:21] or BMP [06:21] interesting. my first version was 3.2 (rc1 i think). [06:21] beep media player or whatever but i think it's just a skinned xmms [06:22] closure - xmms has always been an issue for me. the lag between playback and action is too high. [06:23] Solaris444, try bmp [06:23] i prefer the playlist style media players, like juk and amarok. i prefer amarok to juk because it supports xine-lib for audio out and because its so pretty (downloading album covers, downloading lyrics, etc) [06:23] SuperCatFrog, there is a playlist in xmms/bmp [06:23] >8-P [06:23] super - that gets brownie points in my book. [06:24] you click the thing that says "PLS" or something like that [06:24] and an equalizer [06:24] it's just like winamp [06:24] i know, but i mean media players that have an interface based around the playlist, not with the playlist looking like an afterthough [06:24] mmm, no i think i see what he means. [06:24] *afterthought [06:24] ahh [06:24] i don't like all my shit in one place and i definitely don't like it cached in the player [06:25] i've got like 200+ gigs of shit though so it is kind of confusing when it's all in one place === bhna [~andreas@p54B82EFB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [06:25] heh. [06:25] fair enough. === kunta [~kunta@fb38.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [06:26] closure - also amarok supports monitoring directories, so if you add a file to one of your audio dir's, amarok will add it. plus you can have smart playlists (when i use it long enough to have a score for the songs, i can select just the top 70 songs so i dont have to listen to my gf's crap) [06:26] and botton line amarok does not play on my comp [06:26] can't say my collection is anywhere near that long. [06:27] what os you running? [06:27] err bottom [06:27] Solaris444, hoary + kde [06:27] on this computer [06:27] i've got a few though [06:27] closure - why doesn't it run on your comp? is amarok a memory/processor hog? [06:28] SuperCatFrog, honestly i don't know [06:28] (doesn't slow me down at all so ive not noticed, and its never near the top of `top`) [06:28] it just doesn't open [06:28] closure - ok cool. sounds like you got something decent there. [06:28] oh rite, odd [06:28] it says 'file type not supported' or something [06:28] 2.4.1 Linux 2.6.10-5-386 [i686/448.31MHz] [06:28] she's a smoker lol [06:28] lol [06:29] this is just a little project laptop i got from a friend [06:29] it had 98se on it [06:29] and it drove me nuts constantly crashing and running like urine so i ordered ubuntu and i think it's great [06:29] i dont know what i'd do without my athlon-xp-2000+ and gig of ram. i think i'd really suffer if i couldn't have those specs [06:30] my desktop is a 2.4ghz and 128+512 ram [06:30] that runs xp though [06:30] i think i'd really suffer if i had to run XP too# [06:30] it needs to be reworked though i haven't had anywhere to put my files === _buz [~buz@217-162-134-188.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu [06:31] on that thing i don't think i'd run linux [06:31] not with all the issues with media [06:32] i really just want a damn PPC [06:32] heh. [06:32] damn you must have that thing stuffed with HDD's and memory. [06:32] incidentally, anyone checked out the OOo 2.0 beta yet? === dealmo720 [~amadeus@80-218-117-103.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu === spjoe [~spjoe@M394P012.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu === raphinou [~rb@bidibule.office.be.easynet.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:32] <\sh> ok..now it for sure...i have a long night in front of me...f*cking digital tv stuff === _justin [~justin@mac21.biof.uu.se] has joined #kubuntu === KaiL_ [KaiL@pD958B339.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === bhna [~andreas@p54B82EFB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === Vorik [~ger2@apeldoorn.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu [06:32] no i've got a couple other boxes running as file servers pretty much === pegaz [~pegaz@nowyport.pl] has joined #kubuntu === JaZy15 [~cgjazinsk@cpe-66-68-236-148.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:33] are there 64-bit flash, java players and acrobat reader? === zane [~zane@S010600062509d805.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:33] can't seem to install them [06:33] ok nite all. it's 1am here. [06:34] thanks for the advice etc. :-) [06:34] night Solaris444 [06:34] oorworm - there's gplflash - that might run on amd64, as might blackdown java [06:34] nite solaris [06:34] or ibm-java might run on amd64 [06:34] no idea about acrobat [06:34] cant you run them in 32bit mode? [06:35] don't know. Surfing the web here and tried to install them but thet say that there is no package for my browser,... [06:36] for your browser? [06:36] oic === puckman [~puckman@] has joined #kubuntu [06:36] Hello [06:37] I just re-installed kubuntu but the hardware clock of my machine was set to 1904 [06:37] hello [06:37] so now all the files on my system think they were made in 1904 [06:37] is there a way to correct this? [06:37] puckman -as root, do this: === puckman waits for it :) [06:38] find . | xargs touch [06:38] that should update all your files timestamps to the current date [06:38] it'l take a while though [06:39] erm [06:39] set the clock properly first though, or you'l just be setting them to 1904 again [06:39] I set the clock [06:39] argh [06:39] my keyboard layout is differnt :P [06:39] dont know where the pipe is [06:39] eek [06:39] Supercat > Can you tell me where to get the w32codecs, cause "sudo apt-get install w32codecs" doesn't work [06:39] if your in X, copy it [06:39] I wish someone did a mac keyboard mapping [06:40] ooworm - mplayerhq.org has them [06:40] k thx [06:40] Oorworm: look at ubuntu wiki restricted formats marilat [06:41] i'll take a peep [06:41] thx [06:41] ive got to get back to gentoo so i can record homo+gay for my GF in mythtv [06:41] cya's === jsubl2 [~jsubl2@] has joined #kubuntu [06:42] actually, i'l be back in a minute, i'l come back from there [06:42] anybody else noticed problems with hald seem to make konqueror crash [06:44] supercat, I did that [06:44] but it does not do anything === LeeJunFan [junfan@64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:44] "find . | xargs touch" right? === toastie [~ubuntu@ip70.125.78.64.susc.suscom.net] has joined #kubuntu === archster [~user@ip70-185-137-149.lu.dl.cox.net] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:49] this is fun === bhna [~andreas@p54B82ADB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [06:51] bhna> Marilat doens't have amd64 codecs [06:52] hi what is the diffrent between packeges linux-kernel-header and linux-headers-2.6.10-5 [06:52] Oorworm: sorry :-( [06:52] Supercat> is it possible that mplayerhq.org doens't exist? can't find there website... [06:52] No probs bhna. Thx 4 trying to help [06:53] http://www.mplayerhq.hu/homepage/design7/news.html [06:53] thx dude [06:54] could someone version check me please? [06:54] and pm me === SuperCatFrog [~bob@80-192-168-123.cable.ubr02.blac.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [06:59] hello again [07:00] ok, i downloaded the codecs [07:00] how can i install/use them? [07:00] hi [07:01] oorworm - there's instructions on the mplayerhq site, although if there is a package available you should use that === zane [~zane@S010600062509d805.gv.shawcable.net] has left #kubuntu [] [07:03] brb [07:03] oorworm..... you dutch by any chance? [07:03] yep [07:03] belg [07:03] ah, belg aint dutch [07:03] hehe [07:03] but i speak dutch [07:04] Flemish. [07:04] Dont say it is dutch, my pervious employer paid me 3000 quid extra a year because I spoke belgium [07:04] :P === frede [~frede@i5387C184.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu === Jefis [~jefis@] has joined #kubuntu [07:08] general error: missing L0 device in ifconfig [07:11] back === dimmak [~rroper@lsanca1-ar55-4-65-118-030.lsanca1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === ger2 [~Vorik@apeldoorn.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu === _fiore [~fiore@host-84-222-139-157.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu === Jefis [~jefis@] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:30] oi... my arts setup lacks the ability to decode mp3s, what do i have to do to rectify this? === dimmak [~rroper@lsanca1-ar55-4-65-118-030.lsanca1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:32] nakata: akode-mpeg from universe [07:33] amazing [07:33] Riddell: <3 <-love [07:34] that only took... one week to fix [07:35] you're welcome [07:35] it is in the FAQ [07:35] forget the faq, it should be in suggested packages when you install arts or amarok ;/ === gerylive [~gerylive@h239n3fls34o1105.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:36] nakata: no it should not, because of license issue [07:37] suggested, not depend! [07:37] well, they can't even suggest it ;p [07:38] it's unofficial, you know? [07:38] it's not allowed to say, that it exists? [07:38] license where? [07:38] nakata: mpeg isn't a "free" format [07:39] sure it is. [07:39] eh [07:39] where isn't it free? [07:40] err, sorry, I can explain it by finnish :p [07:40] that's fine [07:40] <_buz> anybody know how i can print from osx to a cups printer on kubuntu (osx uses cups and ipp, too) [07:40] nakata: eli selitn suomeksi [07:40] nakata: EPO countries, US and elsewhere [07:41] Riddell: thank you, my english is quite restricted === paul__ [~paul@cpe-24-168-66-58.si.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === paul__ [~paul@cpe-24-168-66-58.si.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] === zAo^ [~zao@zAo.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu [07:43] Riddell: it was something to do 'bout patent issue right? can't remember exactly [07:44] hm, maybe I should doublecheck my lines =) [07:45] afair somebody might have some patents on mpeg, they are normally not allowed to use, as they worked on mpeg development... [07:45] :) [07:46] ...whose are currently *not* valid in the EPO countries... === gerylive [~gerylive@h239n3fls34o1105.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:46] eh, telia [07:47] Tm_T: yes [07:47] KaiL_: they are approved by the EPO [07:48] Riddell: doesn't make them valid, as they are software patents === mr_clark [~mrclark@S01060004e24de2fb.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:48] Hi guys. Just wanna say thanks for a great distro! === pv_ [~pv@jt11-57-1.tky.hut.fi] has joined #kubuntu === dimmak [~dimmak@lsanca1-ar55-4-65-118-030.lsanca1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === Cturtle [~Cturtle__@a213-84-50-38.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu === ger2 [~Vorik@apeldoorn.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu === F_for_Fragging [~sander@a82-92-1-250.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu === bur[n] er [~norml@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:55] anyone use amarok? and can you tell me how to use gstreamer with amarok rather than arts? === mr_clark [~mrclark@S01060004e24de2fb.ok.shawcable.net] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:56] bur[n] er: change the engine [07:56] how? gstreamer isn't there [07:57] bur[n] er: you have to intsall gstreamer first [07:57] i have gstreamer0.8-mad and all gstreamer plugins [07:58] bur[n] er: install amarok-engines [07:59] hrm... htat's not available [08:00] amarok-gstreamer [08:00] bur[n] er: its in the repo [08:00] <_candyban> Hi guys [08:00] bur[n] er: amarok-engines and amarok-gestreamer [08:01] hrm.. i don't see it, but i'll check again [08:01] <_candyban> Can anyone point me to some *good* documentation how to hook up some external device for input? (e.g. I want like 4 buttons to control my pc) === SeFoKumA [~zienaga@70.Red-81-44-202.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:02] <_candyban> I don't want to buy expensive hardware ... and I don't want to study to become some phd in electricity and/or electronics ... I know (a bit) of high level programming [08:03] bhna: in breezy maybe? [08:03] i'm using hoary and it's not there [08:03] <_candyban> Anyone? [08:03] bur[n] er: you need the universe repo [08:03] nevermind :) [08:04] i was using warty's universe :) [08:04] thanks all === zAo^ [~zao@zAo.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu [08:04] bur[n] er: ;-) === _candyban [~candyban@dD5773D35.access.telenet.be] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === _alex [~alex@84-104-152-170.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #kubuntu === _alex is now known as lexNL [08:06] hiya guys. [08:07] trying out the new kubuntu, I am finding that kaffeine crashes when playing a video file (a divx avi, as luck would have it) [08:07] any ideas? === pv_ is now known as pv === membreya [~membreya@c211-28-78-53.sunsh3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [08:09] lexNL, did as well with me [08:09] i got xine instead [08:09] it works ok === ger2 [~Vorik@apeldoorn.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu [08:10] closure: but I don't think i can get lirc to controle xine via irkick :) good point though. [08:10] i'll check out if xine is installed :) === skaman [~skaman@host63-34.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [08:11] hi guys do anyone of u experienced konqueror crashes in the new version of kubuntu? [08:11] what is lirc? [08:12] i crash every minute :S [08:12] lirc is a infrared handler if i don't mistake [08:12] closure: my remote controle, driver lirc, kde program to make it control kde programs: irkick. === tek [~tek@pervasivenetwerks.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:13] like tv remote control? [08:14] closure: yeah, like that. Only I bougt it with my tv-card. But I could have used my tv remote I guess. [08:14] everyone: both xine and kaffeine crash when trying to play a video. any ideas? [08:14] hrm not if xine doesn't work [08:14] everything else crashes for me [08:14] including "totem-xine" [08:14] ow... [08:15] hmm. [08:15] not sure how that works since it seems like it's just a different front end for the same program [08:15] yeah, the xine-ui package also doesn't play. [08:15] and kaffeine as front-end doesn't help. [08:15] i have same problem with konqueror & kopete :S [08:15] always crashin [08:16] skaman: yeah, I read... just konqueror for browsing the web, or also browsing files [08:17] lexNL, i use it for browsing files that's all [08:17] and it still crashes occasionaly === sorin [~sorin@24-196-233-44.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:17] ow... hmm, more luck here. I haven't actually had konqueror crash [08:17] i just reset my config for it though i've yet to reboot [08:17] how can i fix it? [08:18] I don't want to install the enire gnome. What libraries do I need to run Firefox in KDE? [08:18] just use apt-get man [08:18] sorin: usually kynaptic or synaptic figures that out automatically [08:18] skaman: well, you could erase konqueror's config files and start it again. [08:18] see if that is better. [08:18] sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox [08:18] skaman: does it crash on one directory, or just random? [08:19] random [08:19] & kopete too [08:19] where can i find config fles? [08:19] yeah, never had much luck with kopete myself, so given up on that. === membreya [~membreya@c211-28-78-53.sunsh3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has left #kubuntu [] [08:19] skaman: in /home/yourname/.kde/config [08:19] konquerorrc - just rename it and restart kde... log out / log in. [08:20] not sure if that is all there is to konq config files though. [08:21] i dont have /home/yourname/.kde/config O_o [08:21] everyone: with a fresh install, when I open "storage media" and click on a partition without a green triangle, i get an error complaining about fstab. [08:21] everyone: so, how do I "mount" these partitions automatically? === insanekane [~Rajeev@] has joined #kubuntu [08:21] skaman@Ska-box:~$ ls /home/skaman/.kde [08:21] Autostart cache-Ska-box share socket-Ska-box tmp-Ska-box [08:21] skaman@Ska-box:~$ [08:22] kde/share/config [08:22] :) [08:22] missed the share [08:22] i rename it [08:22] there are a few konq files there. [08:22] & restart? [08:22] yeah, log out, log in. [08:22] don't bother booting [08:22] ok [08:22] stay there i can explain how to mount [08:22] the hd === membreya [~membreya@c211-28-78-53.sunsh3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [08:23] skaman: i know how to do it manually, but it'd like storage media to do it! [08:23] that's the whole point of that program! [08:23] just add the devices in etc/fstab [08:23] with option noauto [08:23] yeah, but then I am doing it! it automatically mounts my thumbdrive! [08:23] I finally decided. I'm going to buy an iPod. I tried the free ipods way, but only got 2 referrals. [08:23] i think that is a hotplug problem [08:24] well, hotplug works as my thumbdrive/memorystick whatever works perfectly and gets mounted and just works [08:24] now my other partition on my harddisk. [08:24] I can't just click on them and see them! [08:25] it works with the difficult memorystick, but not my normal partitions !? [08:25] are they in /etc/fstab? [08:25] nope. [08:25] u haveto add them [08:25] neither is my thumbdrive I am guessing! [08:25] any tool to do that for me? === candyban [~candyban@dD5773D35.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu [08:25] like kfstab-automate orso ? [08:25] yes but thumbdrive is an hotplug device [08:25] Is there some kind of serial device detection program? [08:25] dunno [08:26] hmm. [08:26] good one [08:26] to detect for example what? === skaman [~skaman@host63-34.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [08:27] who was it htat was talking aobut lirc? [08:27] lexNL: mouse [08:27] closure: I was :) [08:27] lexNL: but I don't want to use it in X ... I already have a PS/2 mouse connected [08:27] lexNL, so you say like a universal remote will work if i have an infared thing on my laptop? [08:27] candyban: you have a mouse, but you don't want x to use it? [08:28] lexNL: I just want to figure out how to use the serial port to control external devices [08:28] closure: hmm, no experience with infrared on laptops, but I am thinking yes... [08:28] lexNL: I have a PS/2 mouse which is working fine ... I want to use the serial mouse just to capture input and output from the serial port [08:28] lexnl: ah, ok. you'll have to edit the etc/x11/xorg.conf file for that... [08:29] candyban: ^ [08:29] candyban: like a serial sniffer /monitor ? [08:29] lexNL: no, I don't want X ... [08:29] candyban: not sure if debian / (k)ubuntu has a tool for that. [08:29] lexNL: I just want to see (in a terminal) e.g. when I click button 1 [08:29] oh! I get it. [08:30] lexNL: and I don't want it to interfere with my current mouse on PS/2 [08:30] lexNL: just think of it as a generic serial device which happens to be a mouse [08:30] http://sourceforge.net/projects/serialsniffer/ [08:30] or something. [08:30] hmm. you could just do something like cat /dev/ttyS0 orsomething... but I really aah, uniq has something [08:31] ok worked! [08:31] skaman: no more konq crashes? [08:31] hmm. amazing, it actually worked :) [08:31] first promising hit on google :) === MZE [~mindzeye@seanparsons.plus.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:31] lexNL, how do i know what play is and such [08:31] lexNL: what worked? [08:31] candyban: the x not reacting to serial port is an x config issue. You should be able to make it ingore serial mouses... [08:31] or does it recognize the remote control or something? [08:31] let's see [08:32] candyban: hmm, skaman's thing. [08:32] closure: read up the lirc.org website. [08:32] no more crashes [08:33] i hope [08:33] :P [08:33] closure: the idea is to setup the lirc deamon, then program that deamon with a script in which you say which thing is which button. Then you can set up things like irkick to make the key do something [08:33] lexNL:mount your hd with the option noauto [08:33] and whan cliking [08:33] they will mount [08:33] skaman: in the /etc/fstab? [08:33] yes [08:33] ok, will do that. === thoreauputic [~debianarc@wolax7-094.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === lexNL notices star trek is about to begin. === lexNL offline to watch it! [08:34] bye all! Thanks for helping. === lexNL [~alex@84-104-152-170.cable.quicknet.nl] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === JaZy84 [~cgjazinsk@cpe-66-68-236-148.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === membreya [~membreya@c211-28-78-53.sunsh3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has left #kubuntu [] === jontiz [~jontiz@c-27eee253.15-3-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu === skaman [~skaman@host63-34.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu === hunger sighs. Why is .deb associated with kate? === KevManU [~KMks@p5082959F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === thoreauputic is now known as thor|caffeine-fi === sorin [~sorin@24-196-233-44.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu === lex [~lex@alesia-5-82-66-232-152.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:53] hunger not sure i have noticed that though === thor|caffeine-fi is now known as thoreauputic [08:53] what should it be associated with? so i can set that? === motaboy [~motaboy@host36-36.pool80182.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu === gdh [~gdh@80-192-144-33.cable.ubr06.wi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === xukun [~xukun@gt1989.uvt.nl] has joined #kubuntu [08:57] Is there a taskman in KDE? [08:59] closure: debs should be associated with ksynaptic or kpackage === JaZy84 [~cgjazinsk@cpe-66-68-236-148.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:02] sorin: like 'ksysguard' ? === JaZy15 [~cgjazinsk@cpe-66-68-236-148.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:03] task manager [09:03] that lists all the taskts and you can kill them or change the ThreadPriority [09:04] kmanTFM, thanks [09:05] sorin: that's what ksysguard does. [09:05] I seem some sensors [09:07] change to the processor view, tabs.. [09:07] over the sensor graphs.. === KevManU [~KMks@p5082959F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === sparkling [catodo@ppp-155-137.26-151.libero.it] has joined #kubuntu [09:14] hi all [09:15] hello. [09:15] i've installed in this moment kubuntu but i can only set 640x480 [09:15] is it possible to set more? [09:15] i've an ati [09:16] ok.. sure it's possible. === spar|{ling [catodo@ppp-155-137.26-151.libero.it] has joined #kubuntu [09:16] how' [09:16] dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [09:16] how? [09:16] ok tnx [09:16] now i try === MZE is now known as MindZEye [09:16] start konsole, and run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg === membreya [~membreya@c211-28-78-53.sunsh3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [09:20] does kubuntu have an install DVD at all ? === coreymon77 [~coreymon@toronto-HSE-ppp3954311.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu === JuNkPhreak|UnIx [~JuNkPhrea@tw4858.plantx.sbis.net] has joined #kubuntu === richard [~richard@host217-44-230-22.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:23] hi everyone [09:24] ok all done uniq [09:24] how can i re-configure the kde language? === sorin [~sorin@24-196-233-44.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:24] hi guys [09:26] does anyone talk around here? === msumu [~asmatiks@ip-71.net-81-220-96.nantes.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #kubuntu [09:28] why is it so quiet here? === TestDummy [testdummy_@user-v8lmefn.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:29] somebody say something!!! [09:29] hello [09:30] is there a way to browse the repository with apt-get like you can do with ports? === _nicolas [~nicolas@aut75-1-81-57-2-14.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:30] well some of us has jobs } [09:30] I'm trying to see if Beagle is there. === _nicolas [~nicolas@aut75-1-81-57-2-14.fbx.proxad.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [09:31] sorin: you can use kynaptic or aptitude [09:31] so on kubuntu are there good apt-get repos [09:32] i just installed suse 9.2 for my wife and its a pain on apt-get for repos /deps [09:32] It couldn't find half the stuff I wanted to install and one of the thing its found is an older version [09:32] =| === octave_octet [~nicolas@aut75-1-81-57-2-14.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:32] Hi, [09:32] going to try this distro see whats up === TestDummy has scary thoughts about his old Suse 9.1 install. Dependancy hell was not a fun place :( [09:32] if not back to mandriva :[ [09:32] testdummy: have you done apt-get update lately? [09:33] What do you mean? [09:33] ive been having hell on apt-get repos [09:33] coreymon77: KDE is boring [09:33] then when i get them there are gpg sigs problemxs [09:33] that s why this channel is born dead [09:33] kde why is that [09:33] sorin: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryBeagleInstallHowto === _-InMa-_ [~Sunday@81-203-229-31.user.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:33] <_-InMa-_> hola! [09:33] msumu: if you'd like to troll how about joining #ubuntu instead? === spektr [~th@M984P013.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu [09:34] lol [09:34] no kidding [09:34] JuNkPhreak|UnIx: don't go KUBUNTU === delphi [~richard@host217-44-230-22.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:34] msumu: #ubuntu is the place for gnome lovers [09:34] If I understand correctly future upgrades of upstream softwares (like in Debian Unstable) will appear in universe ? Am I right ? [09:34] and why is that [09:34] closure: Dunno... maybe kynaptic? Or just have it saved to disk? [09:35] closure: Can kynaptic install debs? [09:35] msumu i used all kinds of desktop managers i like kde so .... [09:35] hunger: Yes [09:35] JuNkPhreak|UnIx: try UBUNTU the real [09:35] ive dled them all [09:35] hunger: It can do litttle beyond that but he can at least do that [09:35] from the site will try them all [09:36] dling to my sparc box [09:36] haggai: I speak the truth that 's why you so.... [09:36] but don't worry about it, you kubuntu dudes just smart enough to ... [09:36] hahahaaha [09:36] octave_octet: Never used it:-) === coreymon77 [~coreymon@toronto-HSE-ppp3954311.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [09:37] JuNkPhreak|UnIx: twice : please try UBUNTU [09:37] msumu: go to #ubuntu [09:37] JuNkPhreak|UnIx: kde has to many things on it [09:37] lol msumu well thing is i can choose any distro i want to try at am [09:37] any time [09:37] thats all your pref === mluser-work [~mfindley@] has joined #kubuntu [09:38] Any new debs yet? [09:38] not mine === Beineri [~Beineri@binner.kde] has joined #kubuntu [09:38] if i dont like i will go back to mandrake [09:38] no biggy === pv [~pv@jt11-57-1.tky.hut.fi] has joined #kubuntu === ^downclimb^ [~johnson@host-69-145-229-49.cac-co.client.bresnan.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:40] testdummy: have you ever typed in apt-get update into a konsole === Cloney [~blah@81-86-239-126.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:41] msumu why come in to this channel and flame it just dont get it === membreya [~membreya@c211-28-78-53.sunsh3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has left #kubuntu [] === TD|Blah [testdummy_@user-v8lmefn.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:42] Ack! I hate lag =( === rzei_ [~rzei@62-237-147-189.hpna.wlannet.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:43] This is absoultely hilarious === bhna [~andreas@p54B82ADB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [09:43] testdummy: did you ever type that? [09:43] The server in Oregon does lag but the in Finland is fine [09:43] The irony.. [09:43] Huh? [09:44] Type what? === _administrator [~administr@c-dfc972d5.02-98-73746f36.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu === _administrator is now known as _DAB_ === ztonzy [~ztonzy@c-3d46e055.560-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu [09:45] JuNkPhreak|UnIx:don't get mad at me . y all know how pissy kde is. [09:45] sa well as mandrake === sladen_ [paul@starsky.19inch.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:46] ... [09:46] If it makes msumu feel any better, I've used Ubuntu with Gnome before [09:46] I couldn't get used to it [09:46] and === membreya [~membreya@c211-28-78-53.sunsh3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [09:47] lol please its just a desktop get over it [09:47] Yeah [09:47] Where's the 'real men use a framebuffered console and no X' contingent when you need them? [09:47] TD|Blah: the problem with kde is the fact that the menu kinda bitchy [09:48] like in windows [09:48] ? [09:48] lol === TD|Blah is now known as TestDummy [09:48] omg dude stop im dieding lol [09:48] gnome isnt perfect ether lol === membreya [~membreya@c211-28-78-53.sunsh3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has left #kubuntu [] === Dinofly [~dinofly@vbo91-1-82-238-217-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:49] just be glad we use linux in gen === lonnie [~lonnie@leepcL-145.sub-l.lee.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:49] JuNkPhreak|UnIx: pfff not especially gnome is better but kde is simply the worst [09:50] well that your opinion now inst it [09:50] <_DAB_> Hello :) How do I execute alsaconf in kubuntu? I have alsa-utils installed... [09:50] hello [09:50] KDE users are, on the whole, less prone to go into Gnome channels and start little fires. [09:50] also not alot going on with gnaome last time i check on there sites looked pretty dead [09:50] gnome [09:51] <_DAB_> sudo: alsaconf: command not found [09:51] <_DAB_> is what I got [09:51] <_DAB_> any idea? [09:51] hello, i have a very little question [09:51] Is it even installed? [09:51] i have a palm pilot and it is seen by dmesg [09:51] Cloney: I am not a gnome user, just an anti-kde :) [09:51] <_DAB_> TestDummy: yeah [09:51] but i don't know which device in /dev is associated with it [09:51] Would you mind being anti-KDE somewhere else? [09:51] how can i know that ? [09:52] <_DAB_> TestDummy: well... alsa-utils is installad so alsaconf should be installed.. === insanekane [~Rajeev@] has joined #kubuntu [09:52] Perhaps an empty channel, or a vacuum jar, or the public library. [09:52] well then why come in here and pfft off kde ? [09:53] Cloney: you c@ck suck@ === sparkling [~catodo@ppp-52-137.26-151.libero.it] has joined #kubuntu === tortoise_ [~tortoise@81-86-196-118.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:53] junkphreak|unix: /ignore him :) === sparkling [~catodo@ppp-52-137.26-151.libero.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === sparklink [~catodo@ppp-52-137.26-151.libero.it] has joined #kubuntu === sparklink [~catodo@ppp-52-137.26-151.libero.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [09:53] This is the wrong channel for cock sucking too. Try #irchelp if this is confusing you. === sparkling [~catodo@ppp-52-137.26-151.libero.it] has joined #kubuntu [09:53] <_DAB_> does anybody know how to use alsaconf? === astro76 [~james@astro76.user] has joined #kubuntu === sparkling [~catodo@ppp-52-137.26-151.libero.it] has joined #kubuntu [09:54] hi all again [09:54] but now from kubuntu :D === bhna [~andreas@p54B82ADB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [09:55] Hi all! [09:55] _DAB_: alsamixer in terminal [09:55] <_DAB_> msumu: thx! [09:55] <_DAB_> :) [09:55] no [09:56] Dinofly: what's up ? [09:56] does anyone knows how to find out what entry in /dev is associated with a device listed in dmesg ? [09:56] just some lag msumu ;) === narg [~narg@dsl-65-171-97-106.tcq.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:57] Dinofly: is the device mounted ? if yes "mount" in terminal and you 'll have the information [09:59] Dinofly: what's up ? [09:59] it is not a hard drive [10:00] it is a palm pilot [10:00] (and sorry for my english ;)) [10:00] you may have an icon on the desktop [10:00] i don't have one [10:01] how do you know that your palm is mounted then ? [10:01] kpilot doesn't detect my palm pilot because he is searching it in /dev/pilot [10:01] ah ok [10:01] msumu: i don't think that a palm must be mounted [10:01] how can i set "cd.." like "cd .." ? i remember that i have to modify a file like bashrc or something but i don't remeber well.... [10:01] it is not usb mass storage [10:01] dinofly: is it connected via usb or serial? [10:02] sparkling: alias [10:02] uniq: usb [10:02] Dinofly: oui mais c synchronis pareil en fait [10:02] Dinofly: exactly where are alises? === jsubl2 [~jsubl2@] has joined #kubuntu [10:03] sparkling: i'm not an expert but i think you should edit your .bashrc or .bash_profile file === msumu [~asmatiks@ip-71.net-81-220-96.nantes.rev.numericable.fr] has left #kubuntu ["Client] [10:04] ok tnx now i try [10:04] and type man alias to know how to use this command [10:04] it is simple but i don't know it :p [10:05] dinofly: I guess you've got it on /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyUSB1.. if that helps.. [10:06] I don't have a palm.. so i'm just guessing. [10:06] uniq: it seems you're right because dmesg said this: [10:06] usb 1-1.2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 6 [10:06] visor 1-1.2:1.0: Handspring Visor / Palm OS converter detected [10:06] usb 1-1.2: Handspring Visor / Palm OS converter now attached to ttyUSB0 [10:06] usb 1-1.2: Handspring Visor / Palm OS converter now attached to ttyUSB1 [10:06] but /dev/ttyUSB* doesn't exist ! [10:07] Dinofly: sorry for my level but where are the bash file for alias? === KevManU [~kevin@p5082959F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [10:07] in your home directory sparkling [10:08] but the files beginning with a dot are not shown by default [10:09] ok founded :P [10:09] i'm searching bash but it is .bashrc [10:09] tnx [10:10] uniq: ttyUSB0 and ttyUSB1 are created when i push the hotsync button [10:10] but kpilot doesn't see my palm === Pol [~pol@eu212-87-99-178.adsl.euphonynet.be] has joined #kubuntu [10:11] Hello, what's the name of the kde default theme under kubuntu ? [10:11] dinofly: do you have access to the devices? ttyUSB* ? [10:11] (I guess the devices have group-ownership dialout?) [10:12] erfff you're right uniq i'm stupid [10:12] i don't have read access === Dinofly is stupid [10:12] thanks !!! [10:12] it works? [10:12] testdummy: one question for you [10:12] Okay. [10:12] not tested but it should work now :) [10:12] lets hope so. [10:13] Pol: i think it is plastik [10:13] Dinofly: and the color theme ? [10:13] testdumy: about your apt problem [10:13] What about it? [10:13] Pol: lipstik [10:13] testdummy: have you ever typed sudo apt-get update into a konsole window? [10:14] bhna: do you know where to get it? [10:14] Nah, I've just done sudo apt-get install =| [10:14] http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=18223 [10:14] ok [10:14] testdummy: thats your problem [10:14] Pol: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=18223 [10:14] after i've modified the bash maybe i've to reboot? [10:14] or is already done? [10:14] the reason you cant find anything in apt is because you never update it [10:14] =( [10:14] So how do I use that command? [10:15] testdummy: open up a konsole window [10:15] I'm gonna need to reboot :| [10:15] no you dont [10:15] (I didn't boot into Linux this morining x_x) [10:15] oh [10:15] I run a dual-boot on here [10:15] that would make sense [10:15] okay [10:15] sparkling: re-login is enought. [10:15] reboot into linux [10:16] ok tnx [10:16] or just run the script from the console [10:17] cd;./.bashrc [10:17] all done :D [10:17] would do it. === TestDummy [~testdummy@user-v8lmefn.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu === hippie [~hippie@pc-200-74-48-197.trinidad1.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #kubuntu === hippie [~hippie@pc-200-74-48-197.trinidad1.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === hippie [~hippie@pc-200-74-48-197.trinidad1.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:21] testdummy: okay you in linux? [10:22] Yep [10:22] okay [10:22] so open up a konsole window [10:22] Okay [10:22] is it open? [10:22] Uh huh [10:22] okay [10:23] so [10:23] in the console\ [10:24] type in sudo -s [10:24] and then your password [10:24] Okay === dimmak [~dimmak@lsanca1-ar55-4-65-118-030.lsanca1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:25] now type [10:26] apt-get update === raphinou [~rb@bidibule.office.be.easynet.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:26] Whoa [10:26] what? [10:26] Er, let me guess [10:26] What does that do? [10:27] updates all of the repositories for apt with new files [10:27] tons of files are being added to apt every day [10:27] Ah, I thought that's what it did [10:28] now just type in apt-get update a few more times (each time waiting for it to first before typing it again) and then your all set [10:28] ? [10:28] You mean I'm suppossed to do that more than once? === Elsidox [~Elsidox@CPE-69-76-103-192.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:29] since you have never done it before [10:29] yes [10:29] normally [10:29] o [10:29] no [10:29] Hm... [10:29] coreymon77: why would you need to type it more than once in one day? [10:31] delphi: testdummy has never done it before [10:32] sure, i understand, but it only needs to be done once? [10:32] not if he hasnt donge it before ever [10:33] Hm... okay, I did it like twice for now. [10:33] I still have another problem though [10:33] thats good for now [10:33] It won't see my XP drive.. [10:33] remeber to do that often from now on\ [10:33] you should a only have to apt-get update once to be current on the repositories... [10:33] It says "mount: can't find /dev/hda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab" === lonnie is now known as omni_lonnie [10:34] testdummy: ttry getting back into root in a konsole window [10:34] Okay [10:34] then type konqueror (once you are in root) [10:34] and then try it [10:34] oh ya === dvoid [~dvoid@c-215fe155.2010-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu [10:34] Same thing [10:34] coreymon77: but doesn't it just update with all of the sources in the sources list all at once? [10:34] and your windows drive is in media://windows [10:35] There is a bunch of output though [10:35] doesnt matter [10:35] Still doesn't do anything [10:35] delphi: not fully if you havent done it before (as far as i know) [10:35] I do that, get the list of drives, click one, error message [10:36] testdummy: go to the top folder (/) in the root knoqueror [10:36] coreymon77: interesting, i didn't know that. [10:36] Okay [10:37] testdummy: do you see a folder called "media" [10:38] Yes I do, theres "cdrom" and "cdrom0" in it [10:38] No other drives [10:38] nothing called "windows" [10:38] Nope [10:39] Or whatever else it'd be called (Last few one's I've used called disk0part1 and hda1) [10:39] usually i use wvdial command to start internet connection and i tap ctrl+c in the same terminal to stop it...is it possible to make it with kron? to connect is simple..i only set sudo wvdial but how i can stop the connection with an automatic commando? [10:40] sparkling: try kppp [10:40] testdummy: wait a sec [10:40] let me check [10:40] i've tried but i don't know why but dont work === bhna [~andreas@p54B82E99.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:40] for a kde app.. and if you'd like a console-app.. try pppconfig, and use pon to connect.. and poff to disconnect. [10:41] testdummy: i got it === SpookyET [~not4_u@24-196-233-44.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:41] in a konsole window [10:41] first type [10:41] Does BitRock register with your package management? [10:41] sudo mkdir /media/windows [10:42] then type sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows/ -t ntfs -o umask=0222 [10:42] then lastly type sudo umount /media/windows/ [10:42] tnx uniq i'll try it [10:43] okay? [10:43] Okay [10:43] Just a second [10:43] okay [10:43] tell me when [10:44] Okay, there we go [10:44] Messed up the first time because I said "unmask=0222" instad of "umask=0222" [10:44] =| [10:44] But, yeah, after I fixed that, did the rest no problem [10:44] Now what? [10:45] 0222 ? [10:45] I use 022.. [10:45] I'm just going off what he said [10:45] I'm not sure [10:45] try 022. [10:45] can i use another file manager instead of konqueror? [10:46] testdummy [10:46] did it work? [10:46] better: is there another file explorer installed of default? [10:46] I get a folder but nothing in it [10:46] sparkling: like what? - konq is very powerful imho. [10:46] sparkling: but sure you can.. you can start which ever application you'd like. [10:46] you have to go into the folder as root [10:46] with the root knoqueror [10:47] Okay. [10:47] Blah [10:47] Nothing [10:48] at the moment i'm using konq to surf the web and to surf files...and is not so usefull :P [10:48] but probably is becouse i need to install firefox to wurf web [10:48] oh ya [10:48] testdummy: do this [10:49] type [10:49] sudo mount -a [10:49] into konsol [10:49] e [10:49] Still nothing [10:49] reestart x [10:50] Okay.. === AMIGrAve [~AMIGrAve@90.193-201-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #kubuntu === LeeJunFan [junfan@64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #kubuntu === sorin [~sorin@24-196-233-44.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu === TestDummy [~testdummy@user-v8lmefn.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu === sorin is now known as SpookyET|Kubuntu [10:53] Still nothing === coreymon77 [~coreymon@toronto-HSE-ppp3954311.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [10:54] testdummy: what is it you're trying to do? === sladen_ is now known as sladen [10:54] testdummy: ill ask my bro when he gets home [10:54] he will know what to do === MZE [~mindzeye@seanparsons.plus.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:55] uniq: Just mount a ntfs drive as read-only === lonnie [~lonnie@leepcL-145.sub-l.lee.net] has joined #kubuntu === TestDummy [testdummy_@user-v8lmefn.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu === KevManU [~kevin@p5082959F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #kubuntu ["Bye4Now"] === _sorin [~sorin@24-196-233-44.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu === _lonnie [~lonnie@leepcL-145.sub-l.lee.net] has joined #kubuntu === _sorin is now known as SpookyET|Ubuntu === JaZy84 [~cgjazinsk@cpe-66-68-236-148.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:08] testdummy: add something like: "/dev/hda3 /media/windows ntfs ro,umask=022,dmask=022 0 0" to /etc/fstab [11:08] that will mount /dev/hda3 to /media/windows. [11:08] hda3?? [11:08] It's hda1 last I checked [11:08] you'll have to change that to fit your setup. [11:08] And how would I add that to whatever [11:09] I'm not sure [11:09] ok. [11:09] start konsole. [11:09] Okay [11:09] sudo -s [11:09] Got that [11:10] echo ""/dev/hda3 /media/windows ntfs ro,umask=022,dmask=022 0 0" >> /etc/fstab [11:10] make sure you use two >'s [11:10] Alrighty [11:10] done? [11:10] Yeah [11:10] now.. did you change /dev/hda3 to /dev/hda1 or what? [11:11] Uh... whoops. I didn't =| [11:11] ok. [11:11] Just a second [11:11] no problem. [11:11] don't run the command once again. [11:11] just edit the file. [11:11] How? [11:11] use nano or something. [11:11] nano /etc/fstab === stonedcoder is now known as cartel_ [11:11] Okay. === eckhart [~eckhart@eckhart.wikipedia] has joined #kubuntu [11:18] hi, does a kubuntu default installation filter some outgoing connections? [11:21] does exist a small and light pop3 client (like magic mail monitor if you know) that i can checkk all my accounts, it should download only the headers and i can delete directly the message from the server, then after that i can download the correct mail with TB for example... [11:23] sorry, just forget my question === _lonnie is now known as omni_lonnie === legion [~legion@12-218-2-23.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:27] My aRTs Control applet doesnt work [11:27] when I add it to a panel [11:27] ill give you the error message [11:27] it doesnt add === eckhart [~eckhart@eckhart.wikipedia] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === firas [~firas@lev92-3-82-232-52-249.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:28] hey [11:28] The aRts Control applet could not be loaded. Please check your installation. [11:28] thats what I get when I try and add it to a panel, and it doesn [11:28] doesn't add [11:28] in what folder can I find my kmail mails? [11:29] anyone? === klaus [~klaus@70.Red-83-44-221.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:30] hallo [11:31] hola [11:31] eo === Gavrila [~stefy@62-101-126-230.fastres.net] has joined #kubuntu === coreymon77 [~coreymon@toronto-HSE-ppp3954311.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu === Gavrila [~stefy@62-101-126-230.fastres.net] has joined #kubuntu === smouche [~bc@cpe-24-90-94-112.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === MZE is now known as MindZEye [11:40] how do I get firefox? [11:40] sudo apt-get install firefox doesnt find it [11:40] do i have to compile it from source? [11:40] <_P_> mozilla-firefox [11:40] <_P_> sudo apt-cache search firefox === TestDummy [testdummy_@user-v8lmefn.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:41] what is apt-cache [11:41] legion: type sudo apt-get update first [11:41] then to the install fiefox thing [11:41] coreymon: did already [11:41] coreymon77: mozilla-firefox did the trick [11:45] When I try and add the aRts control applet to a panel, I get this error: 'The aRts Control applet could not be loaded. Please check your installation.' How do I find out what the problem is? [11:47] anyone know why i keep getting an error complaing about /usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/inex.html cannot be found when starting firefox? [11:47] It doesn't exist? [11:47] Just try changing the homepage [11:47] Fixed it for me :| [11:48] did you have the same problem then? [11:48] Before, yes. After, nope [11:48] done, and fixed. thanks :) === delphi hugs kubuntu === KaiL [KaiL@pD958B339.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:49] kdm from kubuntu looks cool. === legion gropes Kubuntu. === TestDummy [testdummy_@user-v8lmefn.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:52] KaiL: thanks :) === peek [~peek@] has joined #kubuntu [11:55] hm, where to enable kubuntu-kmenu-side.png? [11:55] is there a UI pref for this? [11:56] is it normal that amarok comes with no sound system? === gds [~ilpirata@] has joined #kubuntu [11:57] kubuuntu rox :P [11:58] firas i have xine engine [11:58] KaiL: see SideName=kubuntu-kmenu-side.png in /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/config/kickerrc [11:58] hrm, anyone else having trouble with amarok instability? [11:58] and then see ~/.kde/share/config/kickerrc [11:58] narg: try using the xine engine [11:58] narg: does your amarok comes with an engine? === gds [~ilpirata@] has left #kubuntu ["Sto] [11:58] ah [11:59] firas: no. [11:59] it came default with a blank wierd one :p [11:59] narg: sudo apt-get install amarok-engines === _riri [~riri@beg33-1-82-233-85-225.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:59] err... how is amarok working if it doesnt come preloaded with an engine? [11:59] ah, thanks [11:59] I assumed the blank one was a bug. [12:00] narg: yes i think so, what a shame [12:00] :) [12:00] narg [12:00] check aim [12:01] ok. [12:01] are you even seeing my msgs?