
AMIGrAveoops, I forgot eric3 which have the same problem as qtorrent concerning the API change in PyQt12:23
cartel_guys can someone try to launch khotkeys12:28
cartel_tom@shockwave:~/octopus$ khotkeys12:29
cartel_ERROR: Communication problem with khotkeys, it probably crashed.12:29
Riddellcartel_: that's known12:31
Riddellnot sure if we have a bugzilla entry for it12:32
cartel_Riddell: cool12:33
=== cartel_ wants khotkeys >_<
cartel_amarok is wierd12:48
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Riddellcartel_: then use juk12:58
cartel_Riddell: i worked it out :)01:06
AMIGrAvebye all01:14
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Riddellmore kubuntu downloads than ubuntu ones :)05:14
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superkittyHi all07:49
=== Buga [~burjang@csomalin.csoma.elte.hu] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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Riddellhello su09:43
Riddelloh, gone09:43
=== motaboy [~motaboy@host91-41.pool80182.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel

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