
nargI cant see yours12:01
nargyou seeing mine?12:01
nargI thought something was screwy...12:01
peekany one here uses kmobiletools?12:01
=== darkaudit [~bpack@] has joined #kubuntu
legionwhen was the last time you saw my msgs?12:01
legionthat would explain a lot12:02
nargI thought you went by kortor? :p12:02
nargdays ago...12:02
legioni do12:02
=== legion is now known as Kortor
Kortorlegion is my new account name12:02
Kortorso it auto set my name to legion12:02
Kortorwhen i joined12:02
KortorWe are called Legion, for we are many.12:02
Kortorso thats weird that youre not seeing my msgs12:02
Kortorits a cool quote12:03
=== darkaudit wonders if my musicbrainz problem would be solved by doing a reinstall with apt-build... alledgely the latest package of libmusicbrainz4 was done without net support enabled
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peektesting konversation12:08
delphiseems to work :)12:08
peekyeah very good12:09
KortorWhen I try and add the aRts control applet to a panel, I get this error: 'The aRts Control applet could not be loaded. Please check your installation.' How do I find out what the problem is?12:10
=== kkathman [~kkathman@h-66-167-95-102.dllatx37.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu
smouchehi kkathman!12:12
=== _thierry [~thierry@d213-103-24-110.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #kubuntu
narggah, I installed amarok-engines package to amarok, and lo and behold, nothing plays at all anymore.12:12
nargwho packaged this thing? :p12:12
peeknarg, try killall -9 artsd12:13
kkathmanwhat does Open office use, to assign permissions to files that it writes?12:14
nargstill foobared peek.12:14
peekwhat is the error that is giving u12:14
nargnothing. It just doesnt play, and basicly acts like all tracks are 0 seconds long.12:15
nargit starts playing, and goes to the next track a second later12:15
peeknarg, you have the sound working?12:15
nargall while playing nothing12:15
kkathmanhey smouche..how goes it today?12:15
peekis it a windows playlist?12:15
nargor not,12:15
nargsound just stopped working.12:15
nargsound recently stopped working, and the playlist is generated by amarok itself.12:16
=== coreymon77 [~coreymon@toronto-HSE-ppp3954311.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
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joseay alguien?12:19
josehi all12:19
=== narg [~narg@dsl-65-171-97-106.tcq.net] has joined #kubuntu
nargwhee... restarted kde sound system hardcrashed x, but got it worked when I booted my computer ;p12:20
nargwow, I think I changed tenses no less than three times in that sentance.12:21
nargI love what irc does to grammar.12:21
peekdon't tell me..12:21
nargHrm, kde sound is working again, not sure I want to open amarok though...12:22
Kortorkicker: WARNING: cannot open applet: libartscontrolapplet because of Library files for "libartscontrolapplet.la" not found in paths.12:22
Kortoranyone know where to get that lib?12:22
coreymon77testdummy: i know what to do about your windos drive12:23
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=== HomeRoey is now known as Roey
coreymon77add to /etc/fstab12:26
TestDummyI tried that12:26
coreymon77add: /dev/hda1 /media/windows ntfs umask=0222,rw,user 0 012:26
coreymon77do you have those 3 options?12:27
KaiLrw for ntfs?12:27
KaiLis that secure now?12:27
coreymon77but user to mount as non-root12:27
coreymon77that's the important part12:27
nargheh, starting up bugged amarok. If I quit, it hardfroze x :P12:28
KaiLI'd say, that's a bug12:29
nargheh, its done it before.12:29
nargdidnt this time though12:29
nargtrying to fix it.12:29
=== glass-eye [~slide@] has joined #kubuntu
=== TestDummy is confused
KortorSo I was told in #kde that they think this is probably an issue with my distro instead of kde.12:31
Kortorkicker: WARNING: cannot open applet: libartscontrolapplet because of Library files for "libartscontrolapplet.la" not found in paths.12:31
Kortorwhen i try to add aRts control applet to my panel12:31
Kortorit doesnt seem to be anywhere on my hd, as far as i can tell12:31
KaiLpackage "arts" installed?12:31
kkathmansmouche: I found out how to boot to command line now...very nice for a file server :)12:31
nargwhy kortor, just use the buildin volume manager :p12:31
TestDummycoreymon77: What do you mean by "add"12:34
Kortornarg: shhhh... i want to stick it on a panel. :(12:35
KortorKaiL: Yes12:35
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=== elmenda [~elmenda@62-15-89-132.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #kubuntu
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smoucheyeah, kkathman!12:57
=== RandomWhim [~browndand@12-217-177-231.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu
smoucheI learned how to rescue myself without rebooting, using irssi to connect to this channel from a command line!12:57
RandomWhimVery nice12:58
Kortori set my konsole up correctly again12:58
glass-eyei hate konsole12:58
Kortori love what i just did to it!12:58
smoucheI like konsole, but I know nothing, nothing!12:59
glass-eyeyou killed it?12:59
=== SpookyET|Ubuntu [~sorin@24-196-233-44.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
Kortorit stays shaded at the top of the screen, completely out of sight till i move my mouse up there12:59
Kortorthen it pops out12:59
glass-eyethe fonts in konsole are really hard for me to read...no matter what i change them to12:59
glass-eyeEterm fonts are nice though12:59
Kortorwhat file is it that is global bash profile?12:59
smoucheEterm is too tiny for me01:00
KaiLglass-eye: you can also make the fonts bigger :)01:01
glass-eyeKaiL: its not the size01:01
glass-eyethey just look fuzzy01:01
Kortorso where do I get libartscontrolapplet.la01:02
Kortori get this error trying to add aRts Control Applet to panel01:03
Kortorkicker: WARNING: cannot open applet: libartscontrolapplet because of Library files for "libartscontrolapplet.la" not found in paths.01:03
Kortori have installed arts and kdemultimedea01:03
=== darkaudit likes aterm
smouchehave you tried "Bitstream Vera sans mono" for konsole, glass-eye?  only one that looks good for me...01:03
glass-eyesmouche: i'll have to give it a try01:04
Kortorwhere is the sound change thingy01:04
Kortori cant find it01:04
=== Borg^Queen [~Borg^Quee@h-67-101-199-69.nycmny83.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu
Borg^Queenhey  people01:05
Kortorwhy cant i remove kynaptic?01:05
Kortorwhen i try it tried to remove kubuntu-desktop01:05
=== hhup [~hhup@i-83-67-16-178.freedom2surf.net] has joined #kubuntu
cartel_how annoying i cant have 3d and xinerama at same time :(01:06
RiddellKortor: because it's part of kubuntu-desktop01:07
KaiLcartel_: which hardware?01:07
Borg^QueenKortor: have you tried to remove it with a no deps option. I don't remember what it is.01:07
RiddellKortor: does no harm to remove kubuntu-desktop, it's just a meta package01:07
Borg^Queena meta package is a package containing a discription yes?01:07
Borg^Queenor instructions01:07
RiddellBorg^Queen: it's a package that doesn't contain any files itself, just depends on other packages, kubuntu-desktop and kde are examples01:08
Borg^QueenWhat do you mean by depends on01:08
Borg^QueenWhat function does it server?01:08
Riddelldepends means it requires other packages to be installed01:08
Riddellit just means you can tell it to install kubuntu-desktop and it'll install all the kubuntu programmes01:09
=== flo [~flo@rai21-2-82-235-214-58.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
Kortorriddel: nod01:09
Borg^Queenohh ok01:09
KortorCan anyone give me a copy of their libartscontrolapplet.la01:09
Kortori seem to be missing it01:09
Borg^Queen`That's part of the kdemultimedia-devel package01:10
RiddellKaiL: search on packages.ubuntu.com01:10
Riddellor like Borg^Queen says 01:10
Borg^QueenI've had to research soo much with RH01:10
KaiLthat was Kortor :)01:10
Borg^QueenSo how does everyone like kubuntu?01:11
Borg^QueenI'm on a distro quest.01:11
KortorI love Kubuntu01:11
cartel_its awesome01:11
KortorThanks, Borg^Queen01:11
Kortoreveryone else was telling me it was kdemultimedia01:11
Borg^QueenKortor: been there suffered that01:12
Borg^QueenThey're sort of right.01:12
smoucheI love kubuntu, but it doesn't always love me back. <sigh>  Story of my life...01:12
KortorBorg^Queen: Heh.01:12
smouchekonqueror hates me, but kaffeine gets me going, and keeps me up all night!01:12
cartel_kubuntu is debian, kde3.4 and xorg..01:12
Borg^Queensmouche: explain01:12
cartel_match made in heaven01:12
Borg^QueenHow is the community?01:13
Borg^QueenI'm an idealist, so the community is important.01:13
cartel_well the community is debian, so its great01:13
RiddellBorg^Queen: I love the community, they havn't flamed me once01:13
smoucheI'm inexperienced with linux, Borg^Queen -- I've had my share of frustrations learning it.  and some apps seem buggy -- but on the whole01:13
KortorThis channel isn't as bitter as #debian01:13
Borg^QueenI've been to some debian channels and they were horrible.01:13
smouchegreat experience01:13
Borg^Queenlol Riddell 01:13
cartel_some of them01:13
cartel_smouche: i greatly prefer it to windows01:14
KaiLKortor: will come with the time :)01:14
KortorKaiL: Bother. :(01:14
Borg^QueenKaiL: what will come with time?01:14
KaiL#debian has problems with it immence size01:14
cartel_Borg^Queen: give you an example... i work in an office that is still using exchange and wintendo servers (we are planning to migrate away to kolab2)01:14
KaiLaround 1000 users01:14
cartel_Borg^Queen: my windows xp hard disk died, i threw in a new one and installed kubuntu... full integration to all our network out of the box 01:15
smoucheflamethrowers aren't available in the (k)ubuntu repositories, Riddell.  Licensing issues , I think... ;-)01:15
cartel_Borg^Queen: plus i no longer have to use wintendo ;)01:15
KaiLkubuntu is 2 or 3 days after the release and there are 80 in a european night......01:15
Borg^Queencartel_: sweet01:15
smouchelinux connects to my windows shares more easily than windows does!01:15
Borg^QueenKaiL: I hope it doesn't become like those debian channels01:16
Borg^Queensmouche: I found that to be true also01:16
Borg^Queenand to mac01:16
KaiLBorg^Queen: in which way?01:16
cartel_smouche: network folders rules! kde rules!01:16
Borg^Queencartel_: I'm adding wintendo to my Linux Terminology Book01:16
cartel_amarok rules!01:16
smouchekaffeine rules!01:16
cartel_openoffice2 rules!01:17
smouchewell, kaffeine works, anyway!01:17
cartel_gtk2-engines-gtk-qt rules!01:17
KortorWhat program gives me Media Control applet?01:17
Borg^QueenWhy did they start calling dir folders?01:17
RiddellBorg^Queen: more user friendly or something, there was a big discussion about it01:17
cartel_Borg^Queen: familiarity for wintendo droids?01:17
Borg^QueenKortor: right click on your kicker taskbar01:17
Borg^QueenGot to add applet01:17
Borg^QueenYou'll see it in there.01:17
KortorBorg^Queen: I know how to add applets... it's not in there01:17
Borg^QueenUnless you're talking about kmix01:18
cartel_Borg^Queen: 'folder' is a good name. directory takes longer to type01:18
KaiLbad, that kicker-applets depends on gtk1.201:18
RiddellKaiL: it does?01:18
Borg^Queencartel_: wintendo driods, you made my book twice lol01:18
smoucheand "folder" suits the icon -- what would a "directory" icon look like, a phone book?  ;-)01:18
KaiLit depends on xmms...01:18
cartel_Borg^Queen: kde needs an option for how stupid to treat its users01:18
KaiLwhich is gtk1.201:18
Borg^Queencartel_: yes01:19
cartel_or perhaps, when you boot into kde for the first time, it gives an intelligence test.. and configures itself appropriately...01:19
Borg^QueenThere should be two modes: I'm a win user and I have a brain.01:19
cartel_Error: you are too stupid to own a computer.01:19
KortorBorg^Queen: Ah, I needed the kicker-applets package.01:19
Borg^QueenOh yes Kortor that would help lol01:20
smouchethere's a kicker applets package?  01:20
KaiLcartel_: ehy, don't make all supporters workless!01:20
KortorBorg^Queen: :P01:20
Borg^QueenI just assumed you had it01:20
=== debrihmi [~ubuntu@user-69-73-11-136.knology.net] has joined #kubuntu
cartel_Borg^Queen: droid is a derogative term for a person with only one clearly defined job01:20
KortorBorg^Queen: Nope. Didn't even know there was such thing till KaiL said something about it01:20
Borg^QueenWell thanks people. You've convinced me to give it a shot. Thank you very much for your kindness.01:20
cartel_Borg^Queen: below that is a drone, who has to be told all of what to do01:21
debrihmidoes anyone know know i can keep the cd drive spinning while in my ubuntu session so i can have quick access?01:21
Riddellcartel_: does that make me the kubuntu droid? :)01:21
cartel_Riddell: you have other responsibilities?01:21
Borg^Queenhey my drones are very intelligent01:21
=== Borg^Queen assimilate Riddell
Riddellnot really, I just look after kubuntu01:21
Borg^Queenadd an s in there01:21
cartel_im sure hed like that01:21
smoucheI saw that coming01:21
Borg^QueenRiddell: you do what?01:21
RiddellBorg^Queen: make kubuntu01:22
cartel_Borg^Queen if you assimilate me can i see your tits01:22
Borg^QueenExcuse me?01:22
smoucheAlice Krige can assimilate me anytime01:22
Riddellcartel_: "not appropriate dude" as jdub would say01:22
Borg^QueenI should beat you within a inch of your life01:22
cartel_but you cant01:22
Borg^QueenNot yet. I'm homing in on your location as we speak01:22
Borg^QueenNext time the bell rings, beware.01:23
cartel_ring ring 01:23
Borg^QueenI take it cartel_ it the looney one here?01:23
Borg^QueenRiddell: you make kubuntu?01:23
Borg^QueenYou're  devel?01:23
cartel_ok i need a kde app for doing network mapping like visio/dia01:24
cartel_such a thing exist?01:24
Borg^QueenYes, http://kde-apps.org01:24
Borg^QueenSearch there01:24
RiddellBorg^Queen: yes, they don't call me Elite Kubuntu Riddell for nothing01:24
cartel_Riddell: pff you arent elite, you're Mostly Harmless01:24
Borg^QueenI didn't know they called you that.01:24
KaiLcartel_: you cried about Xinerama and 3D - which hardware?01:25
Borg^QueenWell I must say I'm impressed. Not because you're a devel but because you're in here with the users01:25
tek<cartel_> look for cheops, it does network discover and will map your network out01:25
cartel_KaiL: ati01:25
KaiLuhm, ok01:25
cartel_tek: cheops! i havent heard that word for a while01:25
cartel_KaiL: 9200se 01:25
=== Riddell loves his users
cartel_KaiL: with a pci card as the second monitor01:26
Borg^Queenaww how sweet01:26
KaiLah, 2 different cards.... no dualhead...01:26
Borg^QueenOh another question. Does kU include devel packages?01:26
cartel_Borg^Queen: kdesdk et al are included01:26
Borg^QueenAnd, is it hard to build a package for ku?01:26
KaiLBorg^Queen: it does.01:26
Borg^QueenI like to compile and create my own packages01:27
KaiLnot really, it's the same as for debian ;)01:27
KaiLI only don't see any use in it01:27
=== lexhider [~lexhider@dip-220-235-84-168.vic.westnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
KaiLor did I missunderstand you?01:29
cartel_tek: im looking for something i can prototype network layouts on01:30
Borg^QueenKaiL: what didn't you understand? I'm lost.01:30
KaiLdo you want to build additional packages (good idea) or recompile existing ones (waste of cpu time)01:31
Borg^QueenBoth, most existing ones. I do a lot of pro bono work with people that can't afford any net connections 01:32
Borg^QueenSo I bring the sources with me when I update or give them a computer.01:32
=== _P_ [~princoscr@host-84-220-130-79.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu
Borg^QueenI do this until they can afford a connection.01:32
=== membreya [~membreya@c211-28-78-53.sunsh3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
=== Phr3ak [~phreak@junkphreak.us] has joined #kubuntu
Phr3akhello all01:35
Phr3akquestion just installed kubuntu and need to set a root passwd01:36
RiddellPhr3ak: why?01:36
Riddellwhy set a root password?  (not why install kubuntu :)01:36
Phr3akso i can change things01:36
RiddellPhr3ak: sudo is your friend01:37
Phr3akdunno been trying01:37
Phr3aksudo yea01:37
Borg^QueenI'd like to create a root account and not use sudo. How do I do that. Is there a URL?01:37
Phr3aki guess single user mode ?01:38
Phr3akfor now sudo will work01:38
RiddellBorg^Queen: why?01:38
Phr3aktrying to set nvidia drivers01:38
Borg^QueenI'm going to have to look into it.01:38
=== _P_ [~princoscr@host-84-220-130-79.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu
KaiL"sudo su" for a rootshell and set a root-pw there (with 'passwd')?01:39
Borg^QueenRiddell: I'm just acustomed to working that way.01:39
Phr3akme too01:39
Borg^QueenPerhaps I'll give it a shot.01:39
Phr3akunix admin01:39
Phr3akbut will work on it bbl01:39
Borg^QueenRiddell: Is there a url on how to do this?01:40
KaiLthe Idea above doesn't work?01:40
Borg^QueenI don't know, I wrote it down though01:40
RiddellBorg^Queen: sudo passwd  will do it01:41
Riddellbut you should give sudo a chance01:41
Borg^QueenI will.01:41
Borg^Queensudo passwd will create a usable root account?01:41
=== carambol [~xarambol@g192132.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu
Riddellit'll set the root password01:42
KaiLhmm, how does the line for the user look in /etc/sudoers?01:42
=== foox [~foox@vol75-7-82-229-176-13.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
caramboli cant install mplayer with apt and synaptic01:42
KaiLcarambol: use xine :p01:42
carambolhow i get mplayer-nogui?01:42
Borg^QueenRiddell:  how to you log in as root?01:43
KaiLBorg^Queen: su (after that)? :)01:43
RiddellBorg^Queen: don't01:43
Borg^QueenYou can't?01:43
Riddellnot from kdm01:43
\shriddell: i fixed the double configure 01:43
Riddell\sh: rocking, what did you do?01:44
\shriddell: hehe..i checked your rules file from konversation....01:44
Borg^QueenWhy was that done?01:44
carambolxine..no installation cadidate01:44
RiddellBorg^Queen: because logging in as root is wrong wrong wrong01:44
\shifeq (,$(TEST))01:45
\sh        # To circumvent: fakeroot debian/rules TEST=1 binary01:45
\sh        [ ! -d debian/.svn ] 01:45
\sh        [ ! -d ./CVS ] 01:45
Borg^QueenAh, so you've discovered people chatting as root and the like01:45
KaiLBorg^Queen: get a rootshell with 'su' (or sudo su)01:47
\shRiddell: so today i will upload the packages to my webserver, and everybody can review...in the moment i'm too tired to put my fingers on the touchpad...i have to sleep now....18 hours of work :(01:47
Riddell\sh: sweet dreams01:47
=== KaiL totally dislikes to have a way to become root without a password...
RiddellKaiL: sudo01:48
\shRiddell: c u later this day :)01:48
Borg^QueenI had a long discussion with someone about his distro. you don't need to put in a pswd to become root01:48
Borg^QueenI tried to tell him it was a bad idea01:49
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KaiLRiddell: hm, how to configure sudo to ask for a pw?01:49
RiddellKaiL: it does by default01:50
KaiLnot here...01:50
RiddellKaiL: remove NOPASSWD from sudoers01:50
KaiLeigher I'm blind or there is none01:50
=== Phr3ak [~Phr3ak@junkphreak.us] has joined #kubuntu
Borg^QueenWell thank you people, for your time and patience.01:53
Borg^QueenRiddell: thanks01:53
Phr3akok all fixed01:53
Phr3aki must say im liking this distro01:53
Phr3akcan i add more media ? for kynaptic01:54
RiddellPhr3ak: you have to do it by hand in /etc/apt/sources.list01:56
Phr3akyou know of some places i can get soome good repos ?01:56
Phr3akto add to it01:57
Phr3aki want like vlc01:57
Phr3akand kmplayer01:57
Phr3akand all the codecs01:57
billytwowillyare there grumpy groundhog repositories yet? is pykde updated in them?01:57
cartel_grumpy groundhog? you mean breezy badger?01:58
=== billytwowilly thought the next one was grumpy groundhog
cartel_where do the names come from?02:00
cartel_where the wild things are?02:00
billytwowillyit is breezy badger02:01
billytwowillyanyway, are there repositories and is an updated pykde in them?02:02
Riddellbillytwowilly: no and no02:03
cartel_eg debian naming is toy story characters02:03
billytwowillydarn and darn;)02:03
cartel_ubuntu naming comes from where02:03
billytwowillypykde is kinda important;)02:03
cartel_billytwowilly: reportbug on the version thats in ubuntu now02:03
billytwowillyprobably african crap..02:03
cartel_i think its from a childrens book02:04
cartel_and no its not african02:04
cartel_there are no badgers or hedgehogs in africa02:04
billytwowillyhow about warthogs?02:04
cartel_there are warthogs02:04
Kortorhow do I take the clock off 24hr time02:04
billytwowillyright click on it and select configure02:05
Kortorthen what02:05
cartel_right click and say date and time02:05
cartel_then go to time & dates02:05
cartel_set time format to the other choice02:05
cartel_with ampm02:05
cartel_then logout and log back in02:06
=== Kortor [~legion@12-218-2-23.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu
Kortorwhat format do i use for singledigit time02:08
KortorHH:MM:SS is double digit time02:08
Kortori tried H:MM:SS02:08
Kortorbut that didnt work02:08
KaiLRiddell: doesn't work :(02:09
RiddellKaiL: what doesn't?02:09
=== knoppix__ [~knoppix@h-67-100-206-146.cmbrmaor.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu
KaiLto get sudo to ask a pw02:10
=== jake [~jake@pcp01944993pcs.canton01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
KaiLI guess it's a problem related to my update from debian sarge...02:11
Kortoroh, got it02:12
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=== legion is now known as Kortor
=== hunger [~hunger@p54A67E80.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
Kortorwhen I end my session, Kopete closes with error SIGSEGV, and then it doesnt start up again when i log back in even though it is part of my saved session and kde is set to load my saved session02:15
=== sorin [~sorin@24-196-233-44.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
Phr3akis there away to veiw the pkg avaible in apt-get ?02:22
RiddellPhr3ak: apt-cache search foo02:23
Phr3aksorry havent used it much foo02:23
je4dPhr3ak: try kynaptic02:31
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Phr3akwell dont you need to add more repos 02:32
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darkaudithmm... I found my problem with Juk and amaroK... couldn't retrieve tag info...02:33
darkauditsomehow libtunepimp-bin was compiled without mp3 support... did apt-build --reinstall install libtunepimp-bin and problem solved02:34
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judeis there an smp kernel for kubuntu?02:41
judeall thses nicks and no-one awake? amazing02:42
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Riddelljude: yes  apt-cache search linux smp02:45
judeHi Riddell - thanks :)02:45
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Phr3akdarn need more repos :}02:48
smoucheanybody know how I can type a cedilla in linux?  Us-intl (dead keys) layout doesn't seem to include one...02:51
judeI don't even know what one is02:52
judecan you find a unicode number for it and use that?02:53
=== smouche is pissed that gnu-linux and computing in general is so anglo-centric that alternate keyboard layouts are a total pain...
judeah, I'm english so it's all good here02:53
kkathmansmouche what do you want to change?02:54
judewhat is a cedilla anyway?02:54
smoucheI need to type a cedilla!02:54
judewhat does it look like?02:54
smouche(the curly thing under the c, used in french)02:54
kkathmanOhhh....ahhhhh...pfffft :)02:54
judeah right, thanks02:54
kkathmanjust kiddin smouche :)02:55
smouchein windows, the (wonderful) US-intl layout uses the apostrophe key for that, doesn't work with the incredibly crappy linux version02:55
judeyou can't type those as sperate chars afaik - you need a font that has all the variants in it02:55
kkathmansmouche: maybe you have to install a different language?02:55
judeah, wait02:55
smouchejude, the problem isn't the font -- if it were, I'd be getting either question marks or little boxes in place of the characters02:56
judeunicode 00b8 here looks like one02:56
smouchethe fonts can handle it, it -- dammit02:56
smoucheit's the layout--02:56
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judesorry, I'll shut up - I don't understand enough to help :/02:56
CygnusX1Anyone got hoary doing myth yet?02:57
smoucheI'd ask on a french channel, but they probably use a complete french keyboard, which is zerty -- oops "azerty" 02:57
smouchedon't want that!02:57
judewhere are you smouche?02:57
smoucheNYC, jude02:58
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judesmouche: hehe I'd assumed you were somewhere non-english02:58
KortorKopete doesn't open up when I login, even though KDE is set to load a manually saved session and I saved the session with Kopete open02:58
smouchewell, like I said, jude -- NYC! so you assumed right -- ;-)02:58
smoucheI'm one of these mutant Americans who actually employs - badly - more than one language occasionally.02:59
judekeep it under your hat or they'll have you in guantanamo03:00
smoucheat least I like to be able to spell people's names correctly!03:00
=== Kortor slaps smouche.
Kortorare you calling me a mutant?03:00
=== kkathman calls INS and reports smouche for being a revolutionary :)
pussfellerheh, "the day my butt went psycho" audio cd come with flacs and oggs on it03:00
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smoucheKortor -- can you type a cedilla?  And if so, could you send it to me by carrier pigeon please?03:00
pussfellerwho would have thot03:00
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Kortorsmouche: i didnt mean online. :P03:01
smoucheit's not like I'm asking for the moon, or a euro sign or one of those funky german beta sign thingies...03:01
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smouchejust a f&*)_%$ing cedilla!03:02
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Kortorsmouche: you could always boot up a windows disk... :P03:03
smoucheKortor, that gets old---03:03
Kortorsmouche: eh?03:03
smouchelinux should be embarrassed that windows has better support (apparently) for languages other than English03:04
kkathmanIs this what you need smouche....or just I say smouhe ?03:04
Kortoroh, we have it to03:04
kkathmanyeah it was very hard03:04
smoucheyeah, let me copy paste that sucker right there!03:04
smouchewhat you do, use a character picker?03:04
smouchethat cheating!03:04
kkathmanI just went to the Insert menu, clicked on "special character "03:04
kkathmanno it ISNT cheating03:04
smoucheyeah figured.  me, like just typing...03:05
kkathmanits just using the resources :)03:05
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Kortortheres also kcharselect03:05
kkathmanwell at least I could do it :)03:05
smouchewhat I want to know is which human language uses this :   ?  Kilingon?03:05
nargprobably a romance language03:06
smoucheI mean, an accent over the c?  who knew?03:06
nargor a germanic one03:06
kkathmanI dont thing Klingon is human03:06
smoucheit is now03:06
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smoucheprobably more Americans speak Klingon than French03:06
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kkathmanhmm... nah... I dont know one person that speaks Klingon...but several that speak French03:07
narghey now, a good 3 peaple in my school take french class :p03:07
kkathmanwell I take that back..there was this woman I was with once...and she spoke something....but thats another story03:07
kkathmanMy daughter speaks French :)03:08
smoucheI found that french class is often a good way to not learn french03:08
CygnusX1kkathman, For the record, a psychiatric hospital in Oregon was looking for a counselor that could speak Klingon. :-)03:08
kkathmanCygnusX1: hmmm.... Well everything kinda is open in Oregon I think03:08
smoucheI can't speak it for shit, but I learned to read it very well, and understand it from internet radio03:08
kkathmanI think there is an underground movement to trade out Puerto Rico for Oregon as a state03:08
CygnusX1http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/West/05/13/offbeat.no.more.klingon.ap/ 03:09
smoucheme, I'd trade Texas for Quebec anytime03:09
CygnusX1I could go for trading California for Puerto Rico.03:09
=== kkathman emails Mr. Worf to see if he's busy
kkathmansmouche hey watch it now....we might make that trade...we've always wanted to be independent again :)03:10
smouchevive la Quebec libre03:10
smouchehmm, I know, what I should be doing is googling the heck out of this question-- or find a french linux wiki or sumthin'03:11
CygnusX1is Evolution included with Kubuntu?03:11
smouchedon't think so...03:12
RiddellCygnusX1: no03:12
kkathmanCygnusX1: yes03:13
CygnusX1heh heh03:13
CygnusX1Full circle03:13
kkathmanboth in Gnome and KDE03:13
smouchekkathman, your daughter speaks French-- good for her! and you!03:13
kkathmannot me smouche, I cant speak a word of it...so when she gets mad I dont know what she's saying03:13
smoucheI waited till I was pushing forty till I made any effort at other languages03:13
kkathmanI just send her to her room03:13
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smouchehmmm, you should google french profanity, just in case, kkathman ;-)03:14
smouchekkathman, you're in Texas?03:15
smouchedidn't mean to knock Texas there, heh heh03:16
kkathmanyeppers...all my life :)03:17
kkathmannot a prob03:17
jsubl2i am in dallas03:17
smoucheI have cousins in Texas.  They're rich, have a county named after them.  The bastards!  They don't know us poor folk from Adam...03:18
kkathmanwe are the brunt of many jokes, mainly because we are the only state that was given the actual option to secede at any time03:18
smoucheso instead, you take over the whole country? ;-)03:18
kkathmanwell we could, but we are all too busy doing other things right now :)03:19
smoucheyeah, you red-staters do have your plates full!  03:21
kkathmanLOL...yeah...like withholding the oil you yanks need during the winter :)03:22
smouchemy great-grand uncle (or great-great -- ) was a Texas ranger. actually.03:22
kkathmanwow...thats kewl :)03:24
smouchekkathman-- I have a feeling we might manage better without heat than you folks could without AC... :-)03:24
smoucheweird coincidence:  I took a girl out to dinner once, her family was from Texas,03:25
kkathmanhmm... I dunno smouche, as long as there are margaritas and a pool nearby, we can withstand the heat, but -15 is kinda hard :)03:25
smoucheshe mentioned she was descended from the outlaw (ie psychopath)03:25
smoucheJohn Wesley Hardin03:25
kkathmanohh yeah03:25
smouchemy great-whatever arrested that guy03:25
kkathmandid she just wanna get that out in the open to see if you'd bolt?03:25
kkathmanLike...ohh by the way psychopathia runs in my family03:26
smoucheBob Dylan added a g to Hardin's name and wrote a song about him03:26
kkathmanyeah all my roots are from Germany I think...I was born in Dallas tho and still live here in the Metroplex03:27
kkathmanjsubl2: You live in Dallas proper or the burbs?03:28
smouchesorry to be so off topic folks!03:28
smoucheheh heh03:28
kkathmanaint no big thang...no questions :)03:28
smoucheeverything is kopacetic in kubuntuland03:30
smouchehmm, a dvd just finished playing a while ago, buy my cpu is still throttled all the way up, fan working hard...03:31
jsubl2kkathman: Little elm03:31
smouchekaffeine seems to do that03:31
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kkathmanjsubl2: Ahhh ok...Im in Coppell03:32
smoucheI cannot get power applet to let me switch performance mode-- is there a way from the command line that I can force the cpu to chill out?03:33
kkathmansmouche: my kaffeine does that too, even when Im done.  I have to go in and kill the process03:33
smouchewhich process?  kaffeine has exited alright-- let me check top...03:34
kkathmansmouche: either do a ctrl-esc  or in term, do a top, check the top vote getter, and if its not critical, kill it03:34
jsubl2i put mplayer in the chroot and then build kmplayer on the 64 bit side.  that fixes up konqueror pretty good03:34
smoucheoh wow, kaffeine is still in there, listed twice, hmm03:34
smouchekilling it...03:34
kkathmanyeah you need to kill the process03:34
kkathmanthat will release your CPU03:34
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smouchewow, magic, kkathman, thanks!03:35
smouchekind of scary how fast the fan went off, and cpu back down to 798 Mhz, instantly!03:36
cartel_comments on murdock's blog entry re sarge vs the hoary hedgehog03:36
jsubl2cartel_: url?03:36
smouchewell, if I had any talent and knowledge, I'd try to write a script to do that automatically every time kaffeine finishes playing a dvd.03:36
jsubl2don't know but at least kubuntu keeps moving.. debian seems to be stuck in the mud for some time now03:38
CygnusX1I am getting a Non-ubuntu CD-ROM detected error while trying to install.03:38
kkathmansmouche: np prob  :)03:39
kkathmanCygnusX1: not sure I understand what you are saying there03:39
=== smouche enjoys the silence, and proceeds to shatter it with streamtuner...
CygnusX1I am trying to install Kubuntu 5.04.  At the "Detect and mount CD-ROM" portion of the install, it is giving me the above error.  My MD5SUM was good.03:40
kkathmancartel_: interesting03:41
smouchefolks, does anyone know how I can get streamripper to rip ogg streams?  it just shuts down if I try it with ogg (I can play them, just not rip them)03:41
kkathmancartel_: sounds a little like Ian is a bit jealous....they only wish their installs went as smooth as Ubuntu;s03:41
jsubl2debian is getting farther and farther behind.03:42
kkathmansmouche: yer one KDE right...why not try KaudioCreator?03:42
smoucheubuntu install is great, though a lot of people, me included, have had problems with CD's we've burned...03:42
kkathmanjsubl2: absolutely....debian is like the "heathkit" of its day....03:42
kkathmanDebian has tried to hold on to "purity" so to speak and everyone else is improving and making advanced03:43
jsubl2tis a shame.. i run kubuntu because i can not get kde3.4 in debian without going to unofficial repos03:43
kkathmanadvances I mean03:43
CygnusX1Anyone have any idea on this error?  Found someone with the same issue in the forum:  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2515303:43
kkathmanbbl - dinner time :)03:43
=== kkathman is now known as kkathman-away
smoucheI l check it out kkathman-- but streamripper works directly from streamtuner, very easy, but only for shoutcast streams...03:43
cartel_kkathman-away: yeah03:43
cartel_jsubl2: yeah sarge wont even get kde3.4 or xorg, thats for sarge+103:44
cartel_jsubl2: hopefully branden can turn it around03:44
jsubl2but,  don't get me wrong... ubunutu and kubuntu have attracked some talented folks.  that are doing what debian should be doing03:44
smouchedoh, didn't know I had kaudiocreator installed already! heh heh03:44
smoucheone of these days I just have to look in these menus...03:45
jsubl2cartel_: i unsubscribed from my last debian mail list today.03:45
cartel_im hoping there will be some flowback from ubuntu up to debian03:45
smouchecartel_, I think I asked a devel that once, and I think he said yes, there was... or maybe he was referring to gnome... 03:46
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StRhi there...03:49
jsubl2cartel_: the article referred to at the bottom is pretty interesting also... http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/reports/5744/1/03:49
StRanyone knows what pkg shoyld I install to get ncurses-devel?03:49
smoucheanswering my own question, almost :03:50
smouche".ogg streams - these are not yet fully supported. You can rip them to a single file, but you can't yet split them or relay them."03:50
CygnusX1I just tried in expert mode and it looks like the installer is having trouble loading IDE modules.03:51
CygnusX1ide-mod, ide-probe-mod, ide-detect, and ide-floppy03:52
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Kortormy nasty wmas successfully converted to ogg04:03
Kortori had some wmas from when i use to use windows04:03
=== Kortor shudders.
smouchecould somebody do me a favor -- if anyone has streamtuner, could you check something for me in the preferences?04:06
smoucheI messed up the syntax in a command string in there, wondering what the defaults were...04:06
smouchegoogling for it, but no luck so far04:07
jsubl2smouche: which item in prefs04:08
smouche"record a stream"04:09
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smouchethanks jsub1204:09
smoucheunder applications04:09
jsubl2x-terminal-emulator -e streamripper %q04:10
smouchethat's it!  thanks!04:10
smouchedamn fine kommunity in k-ville!04:11
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CygnusX1Thank you for all of your help.  Good aye!04:14
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glass-eyeanyone know off the top of their heads what package the X header files are in?04:47
=== DF [~df@60-240-111-34-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
DFI just installed Kubuntu 5.04 hoary, and when I set the resolution to 1024x768, the text is really large and this is very annoying. How can I fix it?04:53
RiddellDF: kcontrol->look->fonts04:54
DFRiddell: Thanks. I'm a XFCE user at heart, but it's not in the repo's, and I'm too lazy to install it otherwise. Plus, I think KDE3.4 is nice. One more question, when I press Ctrl+Tab, it changes virtual desktops, but I use that key combination for some apps. How can I disable that key combo in KDE?04:56
smouchein Control Center, -> Regional and accessability04:57
RiddellDF: kcontrol  regional->keyboard shortcuts04:57
DFThanks again :)04:57
Riddell/really/ need to get rid of kcontrol for breezy04:57
smouchekeyboard shortcuts, DG04:57
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DFAlso, where do I set the font size for that bloody KDE clock04:58
smoucheI love configuring shortcuts in kde; nice that the windows logo key, whatever it's called, is available , with no "prior commitments" !04:59
DFFound it, don't worry!04:59
DFI should rip out my Windows keys.04:59
smouchehey, that's a useful key!04:59
DFOK, I should scratch the Windows logo off it. :)05:00
smoucheWell , yes, DF !05:00
smoucheslap a k on it or something, or a penguin.. 05:00
DFOoh, FreeSans is a nice font :)05:00
smoucheThey should sell decals05:00
DFI'll slap on an X :)05:00
DFNot a K05:00
=== DF is an XFCE user at heart, KDE is too slow for him :P
smoucheanything but "konqi"05:01
DFBut I cannot live without KDE05:01
smoucheI use XFCE to , when I want fewer distractions05:01
DFI need K3b and Ark05:01
DFDo you use Kubuntu?05:01
smoucheme? yep05:01
jsgotangcoKubuntu rocks05:01
DFI have tried more distros than my friend, and he's been using Linux for > 10 years LOL05:02
DFsmouche: Can you please help me install XFCE?05:02
smoucheDF -- it's easy -- do you have universe enabled?05:02
smoucheI think it's in there05:02
DFOh damn, I forgot to check my repo's I AM AN IDIOT!05:02
DFI have tried a helluva lot of distros, and I liked Gentoo and Slackware the most, but Slackware wouldn't work with 2.6, and Gentoo wouldn't work with ati-fglrx05:03
smoucheif you're using synaptic or kpackage it's easy anyway-- sorry, I'm not good with apt-get yet -- xfce has a LOT of packages...05:03
DFSynaptic :)05:03
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DFMy favourite is "emerge APPNAME" :P05:03
DFCan you possible send me your sources.list?05:04
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smouchehmm -- DF- you'll laugh, but I'm not even sure where my sources list is! lol05:04
DFsmouche: LOL /etc/apt/sources.list -- Have you been using a Deb-based distro for long?05:05
smouchejust a sec05:05
DFsmouche: Fair enough. I used to use Mepis and Debian in the oast.05:05
kkathmansmouche you probably need to check that file for sure :)05:05
DFI'll check the Ubuntu guide :)05:05
kkathmanI have a working hoary sources.list if you want it, smouche05:06
smouchedeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary main restricted universe multiverse 05:06
DFkkathman: Could I have that too please? :)05:06
smouchedeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary-security main restricted 05:06
smouchedeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary-security main restricted05:06
DFvim rocks05:07
smouchedeb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ stable main 05:07
smouchedeb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main 05:07
smouchedeb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ testing main05:07
DFDon't worry05:07
smouchethat's it05:07
DFI copied the sources.list from the Ubuntu guide.05:07
DFIt seems suss that the root account was disabled. I enabled it manually. :)05:07
smouchehell, I edited it before -- just don't have a head for addresses!05:07
DFFair enough :)05:08
DFGPG error :(05:08
kkathmancan you guys cut and paste from your irc?05:08
smoucheso far, I haven't borked my sytem with those repos yet...05:08
DFkkathman: Yes, I use X-Chat 2.4.105:08
smoucheI just use klipper05:08
smouchehighlight it, and it's in there05:09
DFI hate klipper :P05:09
kkathmanok smouche and DF go to #sourcelist05:09
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Phr3akquestion how do i install a .deb05:19
jsgotangcosudo dpkg -i *.deb05:19
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mrmanicis it possible to retrofit kubuntu onto a debian sid install?05:33
crimsunnot without essentially dist-upgrading to kubuntu, no05:34
cartel_crimsun: even then you cant really, you will need to use apt pinning to dselect all sid packages05:34
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crimsuncartel_: nah, you can do it without pinning. I just did it this morning to test.05:35
mrmaniccrimsun: what is dist-upgrade going to break?05:35
crimsunmrmanic: nothing that I experienced. You'll just end up more with Kubuntu than Sid.05:36
mrmanicI'd be ok with that05:36
mrmanicI think I want a total kubuntu system, but I don't want to do a clean install because I don't want any downtime.05:37
crimsunhonestly, a clean install will be better05:37
crimsunI'm going to blow away my eight year-old Debian install for it, heh05:38
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jsgotangcowhat is the flowchart app for kde?05:38
mrmanicfor kde?05:38
mrmanicnot umbrello?05:38
mrmanicumbrello is a uml modeler05:38
jsgotangcoi got it05:39
jsgotangcoi thought it was dia but it was a gnome app05:39
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flammenbringerall those annoyed by archives shown in the konqueror sidebar/folder view, go to http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=98070 and give it your maximum votes!05:42
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jsgotangcothats not a bug they call it a feature hehehhe...*joke*05:43
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flammenbringeryeah, reminded me of a so-called operating system05:45
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smoucheI had to turn off that sidebar panel anyway, with it showing konqueror was always crashing.  05:46
flammenbringerno stability problems here. what version did those crashes occur with?05:46
smouchehoary 05:49
smouchelast release candidate05:49
smouchethere's a bug report on it, can 't remember the number05:49
flammenbringerreally strange that is, i have no problems here05:49
jsubl2i have the crashes too.. 4:3.4.0-0ubuntu1805:49
smouchehappens to very few people it seems05:49
smouchemainly happened when opening konq from the system menu applet in the kicker05:50
smouchelogo would spin endlessly; there were also random konq crashes when it wasn't even being used05:51
smoucheanyway, turning off the navigation panel stopped the problem for me05:51
smoucheand now I use krusader or rox-filer anyway05:51
flammenbringermaybe it's because the first thing i did was removing the logo05:51
flammenbringer;) kde is sure on its way to be a complete substitute for windows05:52
smoucheit's also becoming a complete substitute for sleep ... ;-)05:53
smouchetoo much fun05:53
flammenbringerwell, for me the earlier mentioned bug earned that status05:53
flammenbringeri don't blame the complete de05:54
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xwingsno one here ?05:59
kkathmansmouche...sorry was on #ubuntu trying to get a compile answer05:59
smoucheyeah, kkathman, I saw -- any luck?06:04
kkathmanI dunno06:06
kkathmanI wasnt sure what to do after the ./configure06:06
kkathmanbut that seemed to complete06:06
kkathmanI typed "make"06:06
kkathmanand that went off and did some stuff06:06
kkathmanbu I launched gaim afterward, and its the same version as before...so Im not doing something right06:07
smouchehow much disk space do you need for compiling a program like that?06:07
kkathmanI dunno06:07
kkathmanI got plenty06:07
fallstormwhat's the problem?06:07
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kkathmanfallstorm: ahh I was trying to compile something06:07
kkathmanand I dont know how ;)06:08
kkathmanpretty basic06:08
fallstormwhat are you trying to compile and what's it doing?06:08
kkathmanwell at least Im honest :)06:08
kkathmanfallstorm: its the latest gaim06:08
fallstormgenerally ./configure, make, sudo make install06:08
kkathmanI got the source...did the extract and the ./configure06:08
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smouchekkathman, uh, maybe, since you had a previous version on there ...06:08
smouchethis may be dumb , but06:09
smouchewhat if you logged out and back in?  or did you do that?06:09
kkathmanfallstorm: I typed make06:09
kkathmannow I do what?06:09
kkathmansudo make install ??06:09
fallstormsudo make install06:09
fallstormyeah.. that copies the executable file to somewhere else on your system, probably either /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin06:09
kkathmanok thats running now06:10
fallstormtry running it and see what happens06:10
kkathmandoes that put it in usr/bin??06:10
kkathmanor do I need to transfer it06:11
fallstormit should have put it there06:11
fallstorm(sometimes they end up in other bin directories though)06:11
StRKcontrol crashes the full system when I use the nvidia-glx driver....06:11
kkathmanhmm well when I launch its still the previous version06:12
fallstormok, from the command prompt locate -u and then locate gaim06:12
fallstormit's put it somewhere else06:12
kkathmancd /06:12
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fallstormyou'll see a lot of pixmap files06:12
fallstormerr, that should be sudo locate -u, sorry06:12
kkathmanyikes a ton of stuff :)06:13
kkathmanwelcome back DF06:14
fallstormhehe... ignore all the pixmap stuff, what you're looking for is at the cop06:14
fallstormone of them is /usr/bin/gaim, that's the ubuntu/kubuntu gaim06:14
fallstormthere's another one, might be /usr/local/bin/gaim06:14
DFkkathman: Can I add you to IM?06:14
DFsmouche: Can I add you to IM?06:14
kkathmanAIM: StarbuckKork06:15
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kkathmanfallstorm: 06:17
kkathmanfallstorm: that was it06:17
fallstormcool :)06:17
kkathmanit was in usr/local.bin06:17
kkathmankewl I just did my first major compile..I've accomplished something new :)06:18
smoucheDF -- hey!06:18
smoucheI wondered away06:18
kkathmanhe left again smouche06:18
smouchecongrats kkatman06:18
kkathmansmouche did you get my IM info?06:19
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kkathmansmouceh you use AIM or what?06:19
kkathmanahhh I cant type06:19
fallstormhehe... Just wait until you attempt a kernel compile06:19
smoucheyeah, but I don;t haave it set up on here at the moment...06:19
kkathmansmouche: you use AIM or what?06:19
kkathmanfallstorm: not gonna happen I dont think :)06:19
smouchei can't type either!06:19
kkathmanfallstorm: maybe in a few months when I get to know Linux better06:20
kkathmanbut dang..I love this !!06:20
fallstormhehe :)06:20
kkathmanfeel like Im back in the ol hobbiest days06:20
danikatahow to use nmap ?06:20
smoucheheh heh kkathman, now i have to piece together the logs on your compile experience from 3 or four different channels... lol06:21
xwingsem ... i got a question. i just insta  ubuntu and found out about kubuntu. what is the fastest way to upgrade to kubuntu ? apt-get ?06:21
kkathmansmouche...I'll give them to you06:21
smouchehard to look over your shoulder in several rooms at once!06:21
smouche(I got m-- np!)06:21
kkathmandid you see the ones on #ubuntu with bob2 ?06:22
smouchekkathman, I think my yahoo instant messenger is bca_ny -- but I haven't used it in weeks-- so I m not sure..06:22
kkathmanhe gave me the right libs...and fallstorm was nice enough to give me the correct steps :)06:22
kkathmansmouche, well when you get it up and running let me know06:23
Riddellxwings: kubuntu.org/faq.php  knows all06:23
smouche(heh heh, maybe when I manage to compile my own gaim!)06:23
Tm_TRiddell: not all, like meaning of life ;p06:24
Tm_Tsmouche: err, use autoinstaller06:24
RiddellTm_T: kubuntu is the meaning of life06:24
Tm_TGood morning folks06:24
smoucheTm_T, heh heh-- you had to be there...06:24
kkathmanTm_T: !!!06:24
Tm_Tsmouche: I tried it, works great06:24
kkathmanTm_T: Great to see you !! Good morning to you (evening here)06:24
kkathmanTm_T: I just compiles my first source :)  06:25
smoucheTm_T rescued me this morning by being an irssi evangelist last night --;-)06:25
Tm_Tkkathman: how's going?06:25
kkathmanTm_T:  going well...learned something new today...and thats great!06:25
Tm_TI learned too (yesterday)06:25
Tm_Tthe most irritating problem06:26
smoucheme too, a few things, only forgot half of them!06:26
kkathmanI got the new gaim 1.2.1 and compiled it (first time for me)06:26
kkathmanlol smouche06:26
smouchewrote 'em down, and eventually, I'll remember what I wrote 'em down on!06:26
Tm_Tthat's too easy06:26
kkathmansmouche: thats me...I want to remember to put that somewhere for safe keeping...then forget where that is06:27
kkathmanTm_T:  I got mine from gaim.sf.net06:27
Tm_Tkkathman: eh, used that autopackage&autoinstaller?06:28
kkathmannah I downloaded the source and did the whole thing from scratch06:28
Tm_Tit was most unpainful upgrade =)06:28
kkathmanautopackager and autoinstaller??06:28
kkathmanplease explain06:28
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Tm_Tit installs and compiles it automagically06:29
smoucheTm_T, if you'd told him that before he would have missed out on all the fun06:29
Tm_Tjust answered yes twise and that's it =)06:30
Tm_Tyes =)06:30
Tm_Tum, freezing06:30
kkathmanyeah 06:32
kkathmanI mean anyone can do it THAT way :)06:32
Tm_Twell, compiling isn't that hard either06:33
kkathmanTm_T: where are you located anyway...Im in Texas06:33
Tm_TNorth Carelia, Finland06:33
kkathmanI think you are the first person I've ever talked to from Finland :)06:34
kkathmansmouche: where are you at ?06:34
smoucheTm_T, heh, maybe I mentioned this already, but I lived in Helsinki for about a year, when I was a baby06:35
Tm_Tsmouche: you did? Uh, nice :)06:35
smouchekkathman, I'm in New York City06:35
smouchedon't remember it though!06:35
Tm_Tsmouche: so, come to see your childtime home some time, yes? ;)06:35
smouchetoo bad06:36
smouchewish I did06:36
smoucheI will06:36
smouchebut only in the summer!06:36
kkathmansmouche: Great..I made my first visit up to NYC February 200406:36
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smoucheain't the internet great?06:37
smoucheI wonder where DF is from, not the us...06:37
Tm_Tsmouche: what's wrong in the other seasons?06:37
kkathmanTm_T: I got that wmaker installed..and I found out definitively how to boot to command line06:38
smouchenothing wrong, but I want to see that midnight sun!06:38
Tm_Tsmouche: aa, I see :)06:38
kkathmanTm_T:  you were close....change the inittab from run state 2 to 106:38
smoucheI should have said, "especially in the summer..." ;-)06:38
Tm_Theh, bit different than debian then06:39
smoucheI was in Anchorage, Alaska, for a couple hours waiting for a flight; in December -- at 10 in the morning it was still night!06:39
Tm_Tsmouche: I bet you would like to come at autumn when everything is dirty and dark etc :p06:40
Tm_Tsmouche: eh, normal06:40
smoucheheh heh06:40
Tm_Tsmouche: in december, we have daylight just a few huors06:40
smoucheI grew up in a very cold climate -- North country, New York State, but nothing like Finland, probably06:41
Tm_Tactually this is quite pleasant climate06:41
Tm_Twe have a real winter, and we have a real summer06:41
smoucheand real saunas!06:42
smoucheI don't know which is the greater Finnish invention, Linux, or saunas!06:42
Tm_Tand traditionally you get drunked and bunr the sauna down06:42
smoucheand jump in a snow bank!06:43
Tm_Tsnow bank?06:43
smoucheThat's what we did where I come from -- jump in the snow after a sauna06:43
Tm_Ta yes06:43
Tm_Tsmouche: you ever swimmed in the lace when it have 1 feet thick ice on it?06:44
smouchekkathman lives in a large sauna.  It's called Texas.06:44
smouchenope, I haven't!06:44
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Tm_Tthat's chilly :p06:44
smouchejesus, !06:44
Tm_Ta normal finnish hobby06:45
smouchefriends of mine used to get drunk and drive on it, but swimming?  no!06:45
Tm_Tactually it's quite healthy06:45
smouchehah hah; no wonder you guys kicked the Russians's ass!  tough bastards!06:45
usdoes anyone know where I can get info on getting my wifi going on kubuntu?06:45
Tm_Tus: ubuntu.org/documents/ ?06:46
usI'll check that Tm_T 06:46
Tm_Tsmouche: eh, not really kicked, but stopped them, yes06:46
=== smouche needs sleep; he actually thought that us was talking about his "wifie" not his wifi...
smoucheheh, Stalin got the surprise of his life, there...06:48
usshe's already on ubuntu.  :)06:48
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Tm_T"she" :p06:50
kkathmansmouche: its not that steamy...down near Houston it is tho06:50
Tm_Tkkathman: eh, sauna is not always steamy you know?06:50
moj0risingOK. she's inflatable but she's still a she!06:50
kkathmanhey membreya !!06:50
Tm_Tkkathman: we used to have sauna up to +100'c :p06:51
moj0risingUbuntu's docs area does not seem to have anything about wireless.06:51
Tm_Tjust imagine that heat06:51
kkathmanTm_T: what sauna's do you have that arent steamy?06:51
smoucheboiling point?  Madmen!06:51
Tm_Tkkathman: hot!06:52
smouchesauna's are dry, one's I've been in06:52
kkathman200+ thats like quite dangerous :)06:52
kkathmansmouche:  you dont have the hot rocks and you pour the water over them?06:52
Tm_Tkkathman: well, I've been in steamy sauna what was ~120'C and that was hot!06:52
moj0risinganyone got any idea on how to set up a new wireless card in ubuntu?06:53
kkathman120C thats WAY over 200 F...thats cant be healthy06:53
Tm_Tkkathman: yes but heat is the key06:53
smoucheI sometimes have hot rocks, but I let nubile wood nymphs pour scotch over them.06:53
Tm_Tkkathman: why not?06:53
kkathmanmoj0rising: is it a pcmcia?06:53
kkathmanhmm..does your system recognize it?06:53
moj0risingI have lights06:54
moj0risingifconfig does not show it.06:54
kkathmanmoj0rising: no I mean does Linux see it?06:54
moj0risingthat's about all I can tell thus far.06:54
Tm_Tkkathman: just come visit and you'll know why people consider us as crazy nation :p06:54
moj0risingnot sure.06:54
moj0risinghow to ceck in ubuntu.06:54
kkathmanlol Tm_T 06:54
moj0risingI have no graphical tools to make it easy for me. :)06:55
kkathmanmoj0rising:  I forget that file to check your hardware...but you could type dmesg at a terminal and see if your log file saw it at boot06:55
kkathmanTm_T: whats the file that has a list of all your hardware?06:56
Tm_Tmoj0rising: graphic tools don't always make it easier ;)06:56
membreyahiya kkathman 06:56
Tm_Tkkathman: eh, dunno06:56
moj0risingkkathman: it does see it.06:56
kkathmanahh thats good then06:56
kkathmanif the system saw it :)06:56
moj0risingI know which file your talking about but can't remember the name either.06:56
kkathmanmembreya: what is that file that shows your hardware?06:57
moj0risingwell, then.06:57
moj0risinghow can I get it to show up in ifconfig.06:57
membreyadmesg? :P06:57
kkathmanthats the log file06:57
kkathmanbut isnt there some file somewhere that shows a list of your devices?06:58
membreyalspci ? :P06:58
=== kkathman frantically looks through his journal
membreyalol I had to reinstall today..so what did I do .. I downloaded the kubuntu ISO ... waited an hour for it ...just going through my files now, I already have it :P06:58
cartel_membreya: the new iso...06:59
kkathmanahhh lol06:59
cartel_kkathman: /proc/pci too06:59
membreyacartel_: yes06:59
StRanyone knows how to make cedega use arts to paly sound?07:00
kkathmanmoj0rising: try this:  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14987&highlight=wireless+pcmcia07:00
moj0risingdarn. I can't find that file either.07:00
kkathmancartel thats what I was remembering :)07:00
membreyakkathman: you could always use kinfocentre :P07:01
moj0risingall right.07:01
kkathmanmoj0rising: heres something else for you;  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24538&highlight=wireless+pcmcia07:01
moj0risingI think it's OK.07:02
kkathmanmembreya: sure thats true...I was trying to be all geeky and stay command line focussed :)07:02
moj0risingI copied that url though.07:02
Tm_Tbah, some idle ->07:02
kkathmanmoj0rising: those came from the forums...you can go there and search for entries that might help you :)07:02
moj0risingthis is kind of silly -- I just did ifconfig eth1 up07:02
moj0risingand wala!07:02
kkathmanohh haha07:02
moj0risingI don't have an access point but that's all I really wanted.07:03
moj0risingI'm quite sure I'll be all right now.07:03
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moj0risingGoing on a trip tomorrow and I could use the wifi.07:03
kkathmanmoj0rising: great! good luck and enjoy!07:03
moj0risingThanks for your help, guys/ gals.07:04
moj0risingI will. Going to vancouver. Can't wait!07:05
moj0risingGonna go pack. Thanks again!!07:05
kkathmanwow I just realized that I have a geForce2 nVidia in my machine 07:05
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kkathmanWhen I bought the parts to put this one together I have a guy that I get all the stuff from and he put it all in a box and just gave it all to me07:06
kkathmanI put it together...I didnt even take a look at the vid card07:06
smoucheheh heh07:07
kkathmanI thought he was just giving me a cheap card07:07
smouchegood deal.07:08
kkathmanamazing that you can build a system now for around $30007:08
kkathmanall new parts07:08
smoucheI want to resurrect my old pentium07:10
kkathmannow I just need to watch the ads and get me a nice 100 - 250gb drive07:10
smoucheuuuuuuuuggh - don't remind me, my 220 gig drive spontaneously lost its file system yesterday...07:11
kkathmanoooooooooooo thats not good07:12
smoucheI'm enjoying using my laptop instead of the desktop box -- much quieter!07:12
smouchefreakin' desktop sounded like a twenty year old refrigerator07:12
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smoucheall right -- I'm off to bed, productive day in kubuntu-learning land, eh kkathman?07:14
kkathmanyes sir!07:14
kkathmanyou have a good night :)07:14
kkathmancya tomorrow07:14
smoucheyou too!  'night07:14
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kkathmanDoes anyone know how to set the default browser to something other than Konqueror?07:25
loreni think it's in control panel07:26
lorenhave you installed firefox?07:26
kkathmanyes, but I prefer Opera, because its much faster for my system07:27
kkathmanbut yes I have ff07:27
lorenah hmmh, let me check07:27
kkathmanI checked the Control Center and did not see a place to change the default, but I may have missed it07:29
lorenhmmh im not sure kkathman, i could swear i've seen it in the control center somewhere, but it's like one of those options you can't find when you need it07:30
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lorenim actually searching myself07:30
lorenit might also be under the file association manager07:30
kkathmanloren: yes I know those ;)07:32
kkathmanIm trying too07:32
lorensorry i can't find it off the top of my head, but since it's KDE related, you could probably get an answer in a bigger channel providing it's General for KDE07:32
kkathmanthanks :)07:32
lorenmaby #kde or #gentoo would be more of a help, or #debian07:32
lorenthere's a lot of people in there07:32
kkathman"ill try there07:32
chavoIt's in KDE Components -> Component Chooser07:32
kkathmanthanks chavo :)07:33
chavono problem07:33
kkathmanchavo...problem tho07:35
chavoWhat's up?07:35
kkathmanchavo.. it askes for the browser, but when I navigate to it...its in /usr/bin/opera and it doesnt like that07:35
kkathmansays 'must be a local"07:36
chavojust type in opera, it's in your $PATH so it will find it.07:36
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kkathmanok I'll try that07:37
kkathmanyep that worked...excellent chavo, thank you!07:39
lorenopera renders pages quicker?07:39
lorencoz i know konqi sucks07:39
loren(rendering pages)07:39
kkathmanloren: well, I think so, others might disagree, but on my little 96mb memory box it did and on my 512 box it does too07:40
kkathmanits faster than firefox for me07:40
lorenah :)07:40
lorenvery good07:40
kkathmanFirefox seems to take a long time to load07:40
loreni remember always wondering why websites loaded incorrectly for me, but then i figured out for me it was just DNS issues07:41
lorenand i needed to att into my hosts file? something like that lol07:41
kkathmanwell for me, at least, Opera seems faster07:41
lorenKonqui renders slow, Firefox is faster, and Opera i really never had/have the time to try07:41
loren /yet lol, kindof sucks you have to pay07:42
kkathmanunder kubuntu, Konq was faster than firefox for me07:42
lorenreally? 0_o how strange that is07:42
lorenKonqui is a snail for me 0_o07:43
kkathmanyeah...I dunno, every box is different07:43
loreni could always Wine Internet Explorer rofl ;) ;)07:43
kkathmanyou got diff motherboards, diff FSBs etc07:43
kkathmanFirefox sails on my Windows box though07:43
lorenthat's true, and different configurations as well07:43
lorenwow, strange lol07:43
lorenim proud to say that im on a ASUS board lol07:44
lorenthey sell them at my local computer store for like 100-30007:44
kkathmanyep me too07:44
lorengood board07:44
kkathmanI just tried a new one for my Linux box Loren07:44
loreni especially like how they power off if there's a surge07:44
lorenreally? NICE kkathman!07:44
kkathmanI got that A7V400-MX - its a micro ATX in an ATX case tho07:45
loren:O so is it fits in a smaller case? or erm07:45
kkathmanit can07:45
lorenvery nice07:45
kkathmanbut I didnt need all the PCI slots07:45
lorenwell smaller sells better07:45
kkathmangot an AMD 2500+ Semperon07:45
lorenespecially since girls think mac minis are cute? or something07:46
lorenah, i got a AMD 2600+ :P07:46
lorenAthlonXP though07:46
kkathmanboard, processor and 512MB memory for 15007:46
lorenon this computer though i think i have a P4 Hyperthreaded 2.4 GHz something, dunno07:46
lorenwow, holy07:46
lorenvery nice deal07:46
lorenVERY nice deal07:46
crimsunheh, I have a Pentium II/266. You all make me sick.07:47
kkathmanyes very...the guy I do business with is so kewl07:47
loreni'll tell you the specs of this whitebox i got next to me lol07:47
kkathmanI turn alot of business his way, so he reciprocates07:47
loren2GB Ram, 2.8Ghz Asus board, only 8x DVD-RW though, and erm... complete with 3"12' floppy drive07:47
kkathmancrimsun...but you know, you probably are so far ahead of us in knowing how to tweak linux to get every drop of power out of it07:48
kkathman2gb RAM..wow are you dual booting with Windows or is that a standalone LInux?07:48
lorencrimsun put linux on one of these boxes he'd totally kill it, i just stik a nice easy to use one because i'm not concerned about speed as long as it's not slow07:48
lorenbut this is a work computer im on so erm, "weeps"07:49
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kkathmanloren seriously you can build your own...goto newegg.com and get the components :)07:49
loreni bought my FlatPanel from them07:50
lorenmy OWN computer isn't nothing special but it gets the job done, it's good for me07:50
kkathmanWe have a Fry's down here...discount electronics with a very nice cpu components area07:50
loren128mb Nvidia Geforce FX 5500, 512 Ram, Asus Deluxe something board, and erm AMD Athlon 2600+ processor07:50
kkathmanI have 5 computers im my office here ... 2 linux 3 XP07:50
lorendamn you! lol07:51
kkathmanloren thats a nice computer tho :)07:51
lorenyeah it's 2 years old ;) bought it for like 6-70007:51
kkathmanloren I do alot of web graphics/design work on the side07:51
lorenah, same here07:51
kkathmanI have this mega win box07:51
kkathmanthen another AMD 1800XP box for my wife07:52
lorenyou use GIMP at all?07:52
loren=D nice07:52
kkathmanyeah I kinda do, but I have Photoshop 7 on my win box07:52
kkathmanso Im spoiled07:52
lorenHELL YEAH! really really nice07:52
kkathmanheres the best part...I got it for $5007:52
loreni've got Photoshop7 from a friend07:52
lorenhe worked for HP07:52
loreni got mine free XD07:53
kkathmanlucky dog07:53
kkathmanbut yanno once you use PS7 its hard to use anything else07:53
loreni honestly can't tell you how sad it is how many legal expensive cds we have, but none of them have CD Keys, it's really really sad actually07:53
lorenyea, i dont even like Photoshop CS, i stick with 707:53
kkathmanso I do my graphics there, my flash in SWISHmax and then move those to my Linux box and do the rest of the development07:53
loreni think we have like 5 different legit versions of windows, maby more07:54
kkathmanI have Dreamweaver MX 2004 on the Winbox too...its nice07:54
lorenthere's a flash project to develope program to use Flash on Linux07:54
kkathmanthere is??????07:54
loreni dont think it's through WINE, i think the application is independent07:54
kkathmanman that would be terrific!07:54
kkathmanthats good07:55
kkathmanWine scares me...I dont run it07:55
lorenim not sure the current progress, but i did take note of it and i think i read somewhere that they had Macromedia's support? 0_o maby that was something else07:55
lorenlol, Internet Explorer + Wine07:55
lorenThey've been actually skeptical that wine can get viruses lol07:56
kkathmanI locked onto SWISH a few years ago07:56
lorenbut they dont think the virus could have enough permisions to do any damage07:56
kkathmanbegan using that instead of Flash, then SWISHmax came out and it included ActionScripting07:56
kkathmanyeah its like a super layer above Flash07:56
lorenit can save in the Flash Format?07:56
lorenand do you need FlashMX?07:57
lorenor whatever07:57
lorenah no wonder, so it is LEGAL that someone develope their own product that can save flash formats, i was wondering lol07:57
lorenwasn't sure if .flash was propriatary07:57
kkathmanthere are a couple of things out there....a product called Glanda does it too07:57
lorenyou know what i've been wondering07:58
lorenwhy hasn't apply converted itunes and quicktime to linux?07:58
lorenit'd KILL!07:58
kkathmanwhat you cannot do, is create a Flash source and open the source in SWISH or vice versa07:58
kkathmanin Swish its like an swi file..in Flash its an fla file07:58
kkathmanyou can check it out:   www.swishzone.com07:59
loreni was thinking about buying flashmx actually08:00
loreni think i also might have gotten it from a friend, but never really taken interest so got rid of it08:00
kkathmanloren..honestly, dont....get Swish instead...you can save alot of money08:00
lorenyeah? heh08:00
kkathmanI got Flash from that same guy I got Photoshop and Dreamweaver...I never got into either..but my oldest son is a guru08:00
kkathmanHow much is Flash now?08:01
lorenno diea lol08:01
lorenprolly a couple hundred08:02
kkathmanits $50008:02
lorenhaha lol08:02
kkathmanjust check on the Macromedia site08:02
kkathmanSwish is like 10008:02
kkathmanget it and at least play with it a little, the tutorials are good on the site08:03
lorenit's only for windows?08:03
lorendamn :(08:03
lorenmy other computer got the blue screen of death the other day08:03
kkathmanI know of nothing out there in open source that creates flash stuff08:03
lorenand i can't reinstall windows coz i have 6 years of work on the drive and dont have anywhere to move it to08:04
kkathmanI used to see that screen alot under 98 and 98se08:04
kkathmanloren...here's an idea on that in fact08:04
kkathmango to your local computer store...pay $40 and get a hard drive enclosure box08:04
lorenhaha :P08:05
kkathmanthen watch the sales...and get yourself a hard drive maybe a 100gb08:05
lorenthat is a good idea lol08:05
loreni was considering it, but at the moment i have a few things i need to buy first08:05
kkathmanthen hook that into that box...and USB it to your computer....goes at USB 2.0 and you can back it up!08:05
loren:P yeah!08:05
kkathmanI think you can get a 100gb drive for around $60 now if you watch the sales08:05
kkathmansometimes you can get as low as 50c a gb08:06
lorenother day i saw like 80gb for like 100 rofl08:06
loreni could prolly newegg it08:06
kkathmanyeah thats not good08:06
lorencompusa ;) rofl08:06
kkathmanprices are below $1 a gig now08:06
lorenhigh prices year round08:06
lorenthis might be it08:07
=== PD_ [~Priyadars@] has joined #kubuntu
kkathmannewegg has a 160gb EIDE drive for $8708:08
kkathmanthats almost 50c/gig08:08
PD_Hi guys, so hows the all new Kubuntu08:08
kkathmanhey PD...its good :)08:08
lorenim still yet to install it im on RC108:08
PD_kkathman: am gonna install it on my laptop now08:08
kkathmanwhy not just do an apt-get update and then a dist-upgrade/08:09
lorenPD_ yeah? cool, i like Kubuntu, it's great for home use, but i wish they'd have less problems with Jack :(08:09
PD_loren: whats Jack08:09
lorenit's the underlaying layer for music recording applications08:10
PD_ohh IC08:10
lorenvery long and drawn out answer ;) that's the simple answer lol08:10
kkathmanahhh ok08:10
lorendid you just Jumpship from windows?08:11
PD_well will let you guys know hows it doing on my laptop as soon as i finish transferring some data08:11
lorenUbuntu's gonna plague08:11
lorenepsecially with those free cds08:11
lorenHOLY SHI,...hmmh08:13
loren250GB HD for 13008:13
lorenNewEgg, Western Digital08:13
kkathmanyeah saw the one I want:  160gb, 8.9ns seek, 8mb buffer, 7200rpm...$9008:14
lorenah 08:14
kkathmanthats almost a crime its so cheap :)08:14
lorenvery good deal08:14
kkathmanso loren...for $100 you could have a full backup08:15
kkathmanyou could offload everything (using Win backup) .. reinstall a new OS, then restore back08:15
lorenkkathman: very good :P yeah08:15
=== loren <3 NewEgg
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shad0w1ewhat's better: kdm or gdm ??08:27
shad0w1eim migrating from ubuntu to kubuntu...08:28
Riddellkdm kdm kdm08:28
shad0w1ek thanks08:28
PD_shad0w1e: dosent matter as long as you log into kde :)08:28
shad0w1eoriginally I had ubuntu + kde08:28
shad0w1enow im adding in kubuntu-desktop08:29
shad0w1eare there any real advantages?08:29
PD_kde gives you everything I guess08:29
shad0w1edamn so im wasting my time..08:29
shad0w1ewill kde automount network drives and flash drives now?08:29
PD_I find it easier to work around, so many tools08:30
PD_have to see that, in kubuntu08:30
shad0w1egnome automatically finds samba shares08:30
shad0w1ekde does as well, in SUSE08:30
PD_but one distro doing all that, I have seen is mdk08:30
shad0w1ei know how to mount08:30
shad0w1ebut I want automounting08:30
PD_just make entries in /etc/fstab and start automounter08:31
shad0w1eof course, if its possible08:31
Riddellwell smb:/ for smb shared, media:/ for removable media and remote:/ for network drives08:31
shad0w1e i need to make an entry for every windows shared folder on every computer, yes ?08:31
Riddellshad0w1e: you can browse with smb:/  or make entries with remote:/08:32
shad0w1ei didnt know that. thanks08:32
shad0w1ebye guys, thanks a bunch!08:33
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PD_the installations just gets easier and easier08:39
PD_whats the difference between xorg and xfree8608:40
Riddellxorg is good while xfree86 are evil08:41
PD_I didn't get the whole point Riddell08:41
Riddellxfree86 use a closed development model and changed their licence to a restrictive one, xorg are very open to all contributors and have an unrestricted licence08:42
Riddellthere's not much development that happens on xfree86 these days08:43
tim_h_how do I make gimp and other gtk apps start in my prefered language?08:50
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_pilotwho am i?08:57
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pilot_i am meself! yay!08:59
PD_I just finished instlling kubuntu on my nx7010 laptop, everythings working fine09:00
PD_kubuntu gave me a default resolution of 1280x800 too09:00
PD_its great09:01
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shad0w1ehelp: how do i set kdm to autologon to kde ?09:47
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jsgotangcowhats a good vpn client for kde?09:50
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nldkTo all that did the hard work: Well done!!09:51
nldkGreat result09:51
nldkjsgotangco: I use OpenVPN both on the server and client side09:52
nldkWorks fine for me09:52
nldkeasy to configure09:52
jsgotangcodoes it have a kde gui?09:52
jsgotangcook ill check it out first09:52
jsgotangcoit shouldnt be that hard09:52
nldkit's easier than FreeSwan09:53
nldkbased on SSL09:53
nldkjsgotangco: Just found KVpn - http://home.gna.org/kvpnc/en/index.html09:54
jsgotangconldk, thanks ill check it out09:55
nldkIs there anyone that has problems with the Kubuntu KDE session starting up slow?09:56
nldkMy KDE session hangs on "Initializing System Services" each time I log in after a reboot09:57
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nldkAnyone there?10:13
PD_nope nldk10:13
PD_it was slow for the first time10:13
nldkAre there any log files that can help - I tried .xsession-errors and syslog10:14
PD_nldk: do you have enough free space on your disk10:14
cartel_smoke it up ubuntu d00ds!10:15
PD_my kde had got stuck once when my free spce was zero10:15
nldkYep - I have about 100 GB free space10:15
nldkI also tried log in with root - same problem10:15
PD_nldk: was it fast before, or is this like this from the first time itself10:15
nldkthe very first time after installing Kubuntu it was fast10:16
nldkafter that it started slow10:16
PD_try making a new user from the command line and try logging in aith that user10:16
nldkI thought it was the NIC I installed - but I tried it after I removed the module and this didn't help 10:17
nldkI already tried that :-)10:17
nldkwhile it's hangning, my floppy led lights up shortly after appr. 1 minute10:18
nldkthen after 1 minute more, KDE starts.10:18
PD_hmm, its out of my hands10:20
nldkmine too... ;-)10:20
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mrmanicthanks a lot, crimsun 10:32
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_-InMa-_buenos dias11:18
_-InMa-_good morning11:18
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Ninoi have installed kubuntu. Whatever my screen refresh is maybe 60 Hz. how can i configure this? why does it not allowe 85 Hz in the Control Center in KDE?11:52
\shnino: crt or tft?11:56
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KaiLI guess your monitor sends no ddc or sends nonsence11:56
_haydeni installed ndiswr,apper and to get it to connect to a wireless network i have to type sudo dhclient wlan0, is it possible to do this on startup, if so how?11:56
Nino\sh: crt11:57
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NinoKaiL: so what? how to configure it?11:57
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KaiLBlackLabel:  "iface wlan0 inet dhcp" and "auto wlan0" (2 lines) in /etc/network/interfaces11:58
BlackLabelok thanks11:58
\shNino: xorgconfig and set it by hand11:58
\shok...last build for qinx...and then i need to get hands on my reviewers11:59
KaiLNino: as \sh said. Which graphics card?11:59
NinoKaiL: some nividia, geforce 2 mx ?11:59
KaiLafair there was a problem with ATI fire gl "eating" the info...11:59
KaiLgf2mx should work, so it's the monitor, which sucks...11:59
Ninoi thought ubuntu wants to be a dummy user linux?12:00
\shNino: u can't expect a software to workaround errors in the hardware..sorry12:00
KaiLah, or is your screen resolution extrem high?12:00
NinoKaiL: yes, how to setup the monitor? it is a iiyama VM 450 pro 19" flatscreen12:00
KaiLis that something very old?12:00
NinoKaiL: i tried a lower resolution, did not help...12:01
\shhmmm...last time i used a crt...it was 85hz for 1280x102412:01
Ninowindows detects the monitor i think12:01
NinoKaiL: 5 years old :/12:01
\shand I hat to set it in the XFree86config12:01
KaiLthere's a problem, that crts often report their highest working resolution, not the "normal" one...12:01
\shNino: take the data of your monitor manual and set it by hand12:02
Ninobut it is x.org i thought?12:02
KaiLx.org 6.8.2-10 :)12:02
KaiLxorg.conf, without ig ;)12:02
Ninowell, yes... hmmm12:02
Tm_TKaiL: yes :p12:02
Ninoso we are back in editing config files?12:03
KaiLNino: tried to set a lower res in kde controlcenter?12:03
NinoKaiL: yes12:03
\shKaiL: it's not changing the frequencies if the monitor doesn't support it....12:04
KaiL\sh: maybe allow a better res after a x restart with the better prefs?12:05
KaiLNino: try to lower the resolution in xorg.conf12:06
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\shKaiL: if the frequencies are supported...i'n not quite sure, but my old sony monitor had to be tied on the frequencies12:06
_ReDRuM_what he's looking for his v/hsync or something?12:06
Ninowindows detects the correct monitor, the monitor is a very common one... (was a very good one 5 years ago)12:06
_ReDRuM_you can make linux detect it too12:07
_ReDRuM_open up a console12:07
_ReDRuM_type ddcprobe12:07
_ReDRuM_tell you all you need to know about it12:07
KaiL_ReDRuM_: kubuntu does that12:07
_ReDRuM_oh right :)12:07
KaiLbut that doesn't always help12:07
_ReDRuM_well it bloody should do! :P12:07
KaiLfor example my 15" CRT get's 1280x1024 @56Hz with ddc.....12:07
=== _ReDRuM_ just got woken up after 3 hours sleep by some telemarketer
Ninoi can look the sync up in my handbook but i hoped kubuntu will detect it itselfe12:08
_ReDRuM_KaiL: too much for it12:08
\shNino: it has nothing todo with kubuntu12:08
KaiL_ReDRuM_: it works12:08
_ReDRuM_sounds like it should be capable even tho its crappy12:08
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KaiLbut it flickers like hell12:08
Ninook, wait, i will boot to kubuntu...12:08
KaiLand Nino has the same problem. many others like this are reported at pro-linux.de...12:08
_ReDRuM_thats just cause xorg always chooses the highest res it can12:08
\shit has something to do with your monitor :) 12:09
_ReDRuM_the autodetect from it which personally i dislike about it too12:09
_ReDRuM_you can always delete the mode lines from xorg.conf :P12:09
_ReDRuM_sed -i 's/"1028x1024"//' xorg.conf12:09
Ninojust to mentione it again : i would like linux more then windows. whatever only if there is not need for console usage anymore AND it is not a quasi commercial windows like SuSE or RedHat12:10
Tm_TNino: actually I like linux because it's powerful console :p12:11
malteNino, what's wrong with SuSE or RedHat (fedora?)12:11
Tm_Tmalte: commercial shit12:12
Tm_Tfedora is allright, almost12:12
Ninoi like console, too. but i like mouse and big buttons, too. the perfect OS would simply be and ask me with voice what i want .... like the enterprise ship computer ;)12:12
Tm_Thell no12:13
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KaiLNino: the screen requests a res, it get's this.12:13
Tm_Tfar away from perfect12:13
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NinoTm_T: it must read your mind?12:13
\shNino: u have more console work to do on suse or redhat than on ubuntu12:13
Tm_TNino: hell no12:13
Tm_TNino: my fingers are more reliable and faster than my mouth12:14
\shNino: and my opinion is, whenever u do work on the console, u know more about your system. that's the reason why, windows users are being punished with viruses, trojans and stuff like that...they don't know anything about their system12:14
Nino\sh: yes :/ but i want to spend my time programing c++ and not configuring the OS all the day12:14
\shNino: then do it :)12:14
\shNino: code c++ :) 12:15
malteTm_T, wtf are you talking about? is it bad because it's commercial?12:15
\shNino: u don't have to configure your system...buy a tft be happy use kdevelop and start coding :)12:15
Tm_Tmalte: yes!12:15
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Tm_Tmalte: don't take it too serious ;)12:15
malteTm_T, right :)12:15
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malteit's an awfully stupid opinion nevertheless ;)12:16
Tm_Tthank you =)12:16
\shbut my opinion isn't worth it to think about...i'm using now for 9 years linux on the desktop12:16
Tm_T\sh: One year behind, and still hate windows12:17
Tm_T\sh: the problem with windows is, even if you know how it works, there's not much you can do about it12:17
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\shTm_T: i'm not hating windows...:) i can't use it...too stupid to work with it..i see it every day in the office...12:18
Tm_T\sh: I've been using windows 2, 3.0, 3,11(wfw), both 95, both 98, ME, NT4, 2K and that fucking XP12:18
=== _ReDRuM_ also likes linux cause its a powerful console
Tm_T_ReDRuM_ <312:19
_ReDRuM_tho kde is pretty sweet too :)12:19
Tm_Tyes =)12:19
_ReDRuM_btw i spent 12 hours yesterday coding12:19
_ReDRuM_and the system CRASHED12:19
_ReDRuM_because of reiserfs12:19
Ninowell, the problem is clear, you want an OS to configure for hobby. i want one that is most simple to use :/ 12:19
_ReDRuM_trashed all my work12:19
_ReDRuM_had to salvage would i could with a hex editor12:19
_ReDRuM_from the raw disk12:19
Tm_TNino: no, you can do all your work in console12:20
NinoKDE is nice :) but installation and configuration of linux...12:20
Tm_TNino: console isn't only for configuring12:20
_ReDRuM_Nino: he is correct, it's not to do with a hobby (tho it is fun) it's simply more productive when you know it.12:20
NinoTm_T: so why did MS move from DOS to Windows?12:20
_ReDRuM_you cant compare DOS to linux console12:21
\shNino: wait for kde4windows :)12:21
_ReDRuM_DOS is an out of date crappy backwards OS from the 80s12:21
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_ReDRuM_linux is a powerful modern distrubtion that lets you do powerful things12:21
Tm_Tand windows wasn't really any better12:21
jpclHi people. I just installed kubuntu.... Ok, it's very nice... However, how can I get into root? 12:22
Ninoddcprobe says VESA BIOS extension not detected12:22
jpclI am not able to "su"12:22
\shjpcl: sudo su -12:22
Tm_Tactually I spen't more time tweaking and fixing my windows than my linux ever =)12:22
_ReDRuM_for instance like editing the xorg.conf file i mentioned earlier, i wanted to remove the occurances of mode lines from it such as "1024x760" so what do i do? howd i do that in dos? in linux console i just type: sed -i s'/"1024x768"//' xorg.conf12:22
_ReDRuM_and its done12:22
_ReDRuM_thats just a minor example12:22
\shjpcl: but finally u should read the manual :) 12:22
_ReDRuM_the two are nothing alike - the only similarity between them is you type at them12:22
Ninoddcprobe says VESA BIOS extension not detected12:22
Tm_T\sh: "manual? where's that?" ;p12:23
jpclsudo su - ?!? Lol... ok..... and the password is the same as I entered into my created user, is that it? 12:23
Nino\sh: ddcprobe says VESA BIOS extension not detected12:23
\shjpcl: man sudo12:23
\shTm_T: i don't know ;) 12:23
_ReDRuM_jpcl sudo -s12:23
_ReDRuM_use that.12:23
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KaiLhmm, dualscreen + overlay doesn't work?12:23
Ninowhat is this?12:23
Tm_T\sh: maybe it's eatable ;)12:23
Nino\sh: ddcprobe says VESA BIOS extension not detected12:23
\shTm_T: sure about that ;)12:24
_ReDRuM_Nino: ... what make/model of minitor is it?12:24
Nino_ReDRuM_: it is an IIyama 19" 12:24
KaiLwhat's the package name for ddcclient?12:24
Ninofrom 199912:24
\shNino: hmmmm.....i'm not a good guy for your help...I'm not using crts sind 2 years? and 2 years before, xfree was state of art and i changed modelines12:24
KaiLah, xresprobe12:25
_ReDRuM_nino is that the exact error?12:25
KaiLddcprobe only tests the primary display?12:26
_ReDRuM_cause i just googled for it and seeing as ddcprobe source code is opensource you'd think it would come up with the ddcprobe source code at least as a hit :/ nobody in the world seems to have your problem with that error12:26
KaiL..or just plain fails, as here...12:26
_ReDRuM_KaiL: i should think so12:26
_ReDRuM_Nino: do you know anymore about your monitor model name than illyama 19 inch?12:27
_ReDRuM_i.e like e485s or whatever12:27
_ReDRuM_should say on the label on the back of it12:27
Nino_ReDRuM_: sorry, it required a sudo12:28
_ReDRuM_... :P12:28
jpcl\sh: Ok, but which manual do you refer to? The kubuntu documentation seems to be a "turn ubuntu into kubuntu"12:29
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KaiLgrr, for my CRT I can lower the refeshrate, but not the resolution12:29
\shjpcl: ubuntu is the basement..so think about it .12:29
KaiLopposite for the TFT ;)12:29
_ReDRuM_KaiL: http://pastebin.ca12:29
_ReDRuM_dump your xorg.conf in it12:29
KaiL_ReDRuM_: ddc for the TFT (on screen 0), manually set for the CRT on #112:30
\shanybody there who has time to test a package?12:30
Nino_ReDRuM_: well it says 1600x1200@85 :/ for 1280x1024@75 (it should support 100Hz here :/)12:30
jpcl\sh: Well, I gess it was stupid to duplicate efforts.... of course...... I'm still sleeping today, I'm sorry for asking stupid questions...12:30
jpcl\sh: blood level in my cofee is still very high today12:31
_ReDRuM_it's probably the default level12:31
\shjpcl: well...i was working 18 hours yesterday...so forgive my sarcasm ;)12:31
_ReDRuM_scroll up a bit it should say the max somewhere else in the output12:31
_ReDRuM_alternately just do sudo dexconf12:31
_ReDRuM_and let it be done automatically12:31
Nino_ReDRuM_: anyway, the screen is at 60 Hz :///12:31
_ReDRuM_Nino: you in X now?12:32
\shi forgot the preview picture ;) all again fck12:32
Nino_ReDRuM_: yes12:33
_ReDRuM_Nino: open the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf and paste it into http://pastebin.ca12:34
_ReDRuM_or dcc me it12:34
_ReDRuM_also paste the entire output of ddcprobe12:35
KaiL_ReDRuM_: ever tried ddc + dualhead playing?12:35
_ReDRuM_KaiL: i've got dualhead but only use the primary display12:35
_ReDRuM_so not really.12:35
KaiLI've just tried12:35
KaiLas far as I can see, this has several had sideeffects:12:36
=== _ReDRuM_ thinks that a dualhead should have the same config for both heads ?
KaiL- ddcprobe gets confused12:36
_ReDRuM_so just use the first heads config12:36
_ReDRuM_ill try it here12:36
_ReDRuM_since i do have two heads...12:36
KaiL- you can't change the res on #112:36
KaiL- overlay (as in xawtv) is broken12:37
Nino_ReDRuM_: http://pastebin.ca/938912:37
_ReDRuM_KaiL: ... works for me12:37
_ReDRuM_turn the second head off and duplicate its config12:37
_ReDRuM_from the first one12:37
KaiLwhat works?12:38
KaiLddcprobe: http://pastebin.ca/939012:39
KaiLboth Monitors can send valid ddc12:40
_ReDRuM_edidfail <---- it ended with that/12:41
_ReDRuM_Nino: did you paste your ddcprobe output yet?12:41
_ReDRuM_KaiL: tried googling for edidfail ?12:41
KaiLnot jet12:41
_ReDRuM_nino: i need it to check your xorg.conf is in order12:42
=== CellarDoor [~CellarDoo@d211-31-239-132.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
Nino_ReDRuM_: http://pastebin.ca/938912:43
Nino_ReDRuM_: http://pastebin.ca/938912:43
CellarDoorevening all12:43
_ReDRuM_Nino: thats your xorg.conf url....12:43
_ReDRuM_i want your ddcprobe output too12:44
_ReDRuM_hi cellar12:44
=== phunky [~phunky@cpc3-rdng8-5-0-cust132.winn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
KaiLwhy is the mouse 'ImPS/2', not 'auto'?12:44
CellarDoorfolks Im a n00b, I just installed kubuntu last night and was wondering how I set up a root password as its not in the install12:44
_ReDRuM_KaiL: maybe cause its imps/2? :P12:44
KaiLNino: there are timings set and there's a res of 1600x1200 set12:44
CellarDoorhowdy ReDRuM12:44
KaiL_ReDRuM_: "auto" always work, no matter what it is12:45
KaiLis used on knoppix12:45
_ReDRuM_oh right.... heh12:45
=== _ReDRuM_ just has a standard ps/2 mouse and knows nothing of mouse autodetetcs
_ReDRuM_KaiL: it looks weird to me cause his h/vsync dont look high enough for 100mhz12:45
_ReDRuM_im wondering if it was an interlace res12:45
NinoKaiL: the resolution is ok, but the Hz is 60 !!!12:45
KaiLimho the package should stop asking for the mouse and always use auto :)12:46
KaiLVertRefresh 50-8512:46
KaiL...so never above 85 Hz12:46
_ReDRuM_KaiL: blame dexconf not xorg :P12:46
_ReDRuM_it doesnt ask12:46
_ReDRuM_just does it auto12:46
_ReDRuM_or do you mean xorg should autodetect and not have an option for it?12:47
CellarDoorI was hoping to install libdvdcss, jre etc, set up kynaptic... but I'm not gonna get far without a root password12:47
_ReDRuM_Nino: we heard you before... but you dont seem to be able to read properly and have failed to paste the output of your ddcprobe into pastebin.ca so we cant do much else until you do12:47
KaiLif you install the package, it askes for some values (at least does on stock debian)12:47
=== _linkin_ [~linkin@i528C1833.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu
KaiLthere is asked for way to much rubbish imho12:47
_ReDRuM_instead you just kept repeating your first url at me like i am hard of reading :/12:48
KaiLCellarDoor: enter your user pw in that dialog ;)12:48
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_ReDRuM_KaiL: stock debian is ghay12:48
_ReDRuM_too out of date12:48
=== incubii [~incubii@cor9-ppp293.hay.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
_ReDRuM_sarge/sid yeh sure but not very stable are they...12:48
KaiLwoody = software museum12:49
KaiLsarge = a release, which had been nice in summer 200412:49
KaiLsid = not much better12:49
_ReDRuM_debian thinks stable is somewhere  you keep your horses cause thats how old woody is12:49
CellarDoorDebian hurties my brain, installs old stuff pfft12:50
KaiLgnome 2.8, kde 3.3.2, xfree 4.3? nice - if you are in 200412:50
Ninohey, scrollto iiyama at http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-21984.html12:50
KaiLVertRefresh 43-60 must result in <=60Hz12:51
_ReDRuM_Nino: why dont you paste your ddcprobe output into pastebin too...12:51
_ReDRuM_cause im wondering12:52
_ReDRuM_if it just chooses default settings lower than what it should12:52
_ReDRuM_or if it really is being dumb12:52
=== _ReDRuM_ read that forum post
Nino_ReDRuM_: http://pastebin.ca/939112:52
_ReDRuM_i dont recommend just throwing random numbers into those boxes12:52
_ReDRuM_it can blow up your monitor12:52
_ReDRuM_but its your monitor :)12:52
_ReDRuM_tbh most modern monitors are sensible and turn themselves off if you set them too high12:53
KaiL050 ctiming: 1600x1200@6012:53
KaiL053 ctiming: 1600x1200@8512:53
KaiL...ubuntu grabs the first..? :)12:53
Nino_ReDRuM_: i could look correct values up in my monitor handbook (as i did for several other linux distros in the past years) but i do not want to :/ ubuntu should do this itself!12:54
=== _ReDRuM_ wonders why neither of you have a line like monitorrange: 30-72, 50-120
KaiLNino: and it selects 1600x1200@60?12:55
_ReDRuM_Nino: unfortunately kubuntu is free software and unlike microsoft couldn't afford to pay the huge fees to use VESA DDC so the work that makes use of it is reverse engineering12:55
NinoKaiL: yes12:55
_rooti don't find the pakage to install kdevelop, what it?12:55
Nino_ReDRuM_: ah :/12:55
KaiLcould somebody with a WORKING CRT+ddc paste his results?12:55
\shapt-get install kdevelop312:55
_ReDRuM_Nino: it works for 99% of people - but not everyone :(12:56
_ReDRuM_KaiL: i could but my monitor is shite12:56
_ReDRuM_unless you want 1024x768@85 as your res :)12:56
Ninounfortunately it does not work for my desktop nor for my sony vaio 12:56
_ReDRuM_Nino: if you have the book look up the hsymc and vsync values if theyre in there12:57
KaiL_ReDRuM_: I only want to see, why ubuntu uses the first ctiming, not the last12:57
=== SuperCatFrog [~bob@80-192-168-123.cable.ubr02.blac.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
SuperCatFroghi - does kubuntu come with the fuse patchset?12:57
_ReDRuM_Kail hold in ill paste12:58
Nino_ReDRuM_: i am already doing this. what means otion DPMS ?12:58
KaiLmaybe we have a way to make this at least a bit better12:58
Ninois this energy saving=12:58
KaiLNino: yes12:58
_ReDRuM_yeh dpms is power savings12:58
CellarDoorok folks Im dumb but could I mebbe get a hint ?12:59
KaiL_ReDRuM_: uhm.. uses is 1024?12:59
KaiLwithout any manuall work..?!?12:59
_ReDRuM_naw it defaulted to ctiming: 1280x1024@6012:59
_ReDRuM_60mhz hurts my eyes12:59
CellarDoorI don't have a root password12:59
SuperCatFrogcellardoor - sudo is your friend12:59
KaiLCellarDoor: use sudo01:00
CellarDooryeh but it always asks me for a password01:00
_ReDRuM_CellarDoor: if you dont know how to set a root pass you shouldnt have one - use sudo :P01:00
Ninook, how to restart X ?01:00
KaiL_ReDRuM_: and 1280x1024@60 is the first 1280-mode, it ignores the later ones....:)01:00
_ReDRuM_nino+ctrl+alt+backspace should do the trick01:00
_ReDRuM_Kail - there is only one later one and it says "dtiming" not "ctiming" so presumably its different01:00
KaiLhm, right..01:01
Nino_ReDRuM_: ah :) i remembered right :)01:01
_ReDRuM_cellardoor - think about it - sudo lets you run shit as root so if you ran passwd as root what would happen.01:01
KaiLbut then, why it grabs the first for Nino ?!01:01
_ReDRuM_cellardoor - if u cant work that out your better off using sudo incase you do something to damage root :P01:01
Nino_ReDRuM_: ok, monitor remains black :/ ... rebooting01:02
_ReDRuM_KaiL: i dont know, i assume its because neither of your ddcprobes had monitorrange: 30-72, 50-120 <------ that01:02
_ReDRuM_Nino: it will still remain black01:02
BlackLabelhow can i make the fonts look better on my kubuntu laptop?01:02
_ReDRuM_what did you do through random values in for h/vsync?01:02
Nino_ReDRuM_: not random, correct values from my monitor handbook01:02
SuperCatFrogblacklabel - use a different font, anti-alaising? 01:03
_ReDRuM_Nino: very suspect...01:03
KaiL_ReDRuM_: ah01:03
CellarDoornevermind, i figured it out myself01:03
=== CellarDoor [~CellarDoo@d211-31-239-132.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
KaiLmonitorrange are the 2 values for xorg.conf?01:03
_ReDRuM_[12:01]  <_ReDRuM_> cellardoor - think about it - sudo lets you run shit as root so if you ran passwd as root what would happen. <--- yeh he figured it out himself...01:03
Ninodamn, it does not switch to tty 7 !01:04
_ReDRuM_Nino: so you got a console login?01:04
_ReDRuM_or another black screen01:04
Ninoconsle login01:04
_ReDRuM_then press alt+f701:05
_ReDRuM_see if it will switch01:05
Ninoi did , doesn t help01:05
KaiLNino: could you try to comment out the values for HorizSync and VertRefresh at all (with # in fornt of the line)?01:05
KaiLmaybe Xorg own ddc is better :)01:06
_ReDRuM_ps -o cmd,pid -Aww | grep X01:06
_ReDRuM_check X is running01:06
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Ninouhm, ok, wait, :/ resotred old file and rebooted :/ wait a second01:07
_ReDRuM_Nino: thats not necessarily the best idea, if you left the "broken one" in place then so long as X wasnt already running01:07
_ReDRuM_you could type "startkde"01:07
_ReDRuM_and see the errors it gave01:07
_ReDRuM_might have been helpful01:07
KaiLor sudo "/etc/init.d/kdm restart" :)01:08
Ninook, i will repeate the stuff01:08
_ReDRuM_KaiL: i have to admit im not that hot with kubuntus init scripts im still a slackware hack :P01:08
KaiL"/etc/init.d/<name> restart" is valid for all debian versions ;)01:09
_ReDRuM_KaiL: i didnt know it had a seperate init script for kdm01:09
KaiLas it's a daemon...:)01:09
_ReDRuM_thats normal sysv stuff - the scripts01:09
_ReDRuM_some doesnt do it that way01:09
_ReDRuM_neither gentoo nor slack does iirc01:10
\sh_ReDRuM_: gentoo does it the other way...01:10
_ReDRuM_yeh with an rc.conf01:10
\sh_ReDRuM_: /etc/init.d/xdm start/stop/restart and has the login manager setting in rc.conf01:10
_ReDRuM_heh in mephis01:12
_ReDRuM_i had to ddcprobe myself for the right config01:12
_ReDRuM_how backwards is that not even trying to autodetect01:12
_ReDRuM_or maybe it did and it just failed miserably like you guys are having trouble now :/01:13
KaiLat least TFTs are easier for DDC01:13
KaiLWAY easier :)01:13
_ReDRuM_mephis fucked up on my tft :P01:13
_ReDRuM_it didnt even install ddcprobe01:13
KaiLwell, xorg has it's own ddc...01:14
_ReDRuM_it didnt work on my tft :P01:14
KaiLso NORMALLY you don't need to set anything01:14
_ReDRuM_has high enough refresh tho01:14
=== sorin [~sorin@24-196-233-44.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
KaiLTFT doesn't even flicher at 60Hz01:14
Nino_ReDRuM_: the init.d/KDM restart reports no error01:14
haggaiNino: sorry your monitor config didn't work out of the box.  Please make sure you file a bug report (bugzilla.ubuntu.com) to make sure we can fix this01:15
_ReDRuM_any multiple of 25 above 50 is ok01:15
Ninohaggai: ok01:15
_ReDRuM_Nino: dont do it that way then do it this way... can you cut and paste into that window? if your familiar with process management kill X and kdm then type startkde to see the errors01:15
_ReDRuM_haggai: unless you have a better idea?01:15
_ReDRuM_Nino: (thats with your editied xorg.conf in place)01:16
haggai_ReDRuM_: not really, I'm not very used to solving X problems01:16
Tm_TI use 60Hz on my both crt01:17
Tm_Tno flickerin01:17
_ReDRuM_Tm_T: some people cant see it01:17
_ReDRuM_it depends on your eyes01:18
Tm_Tslow ones o/01:18
KaiLto much alcohol? ;))01:18
_ReDRuM_nino - if you can cut/paste this will do the trick: kill -9 `ps -o cmd,pid -eww | grep 'X ' | grep -v grep | sed 's/.* \(.*\)/\1/'` `ps -o cmd,pid -Aww | grep kdm | grep -v grep | sed 's/.* \(.*\)/\1/'`01:18
_ReDRuM_otherwise ill talk u through it :P01:18
Tm_T_ReDRuM_: nice code =)01:18
KaiLuhm, this X sucks... brb (with only TFT)01:18
Tm_TKaiL: too much wormwood01:19
_ReDRuM_Tm_T: heh01:19
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_ReDRuM_Tm_T: you should see my code to auto-download the latest slackware for a mini embedded/vps slackware build :P01:19
_ReDRuM_if you like ugly regex :P01:19
Tm_Tmaybe later ;p01:19
Tm_TI finish this novel first ;p01:20
_ReDRuM_for i in `cat ${chroot_list_file} | sed -n '/^{\//,/}$/{s/^{//;s/,.$//;/^\/'${category}'/!d;p}' | sed 's/^\(.*\.[ta] [sg] [cz] ,\)\?\/[^/] \{1,\}\/\(.\{1,\}\)-\([^-] \{1,\}-\)\{2\}[^-] \{1,\}/\2/' | sort | uniq`; do cat ${slack_list_file} | sed 's/^<[^>] \{1,\}> <[^>] \{1,\}>\([^<] \{1,\}\)<.*$/\1/' | grep 'tgz$' | grep $i; done | sort | uniq | sed "s;^;${mirror_site}/${category}/;;p;s/$/.asc/"01:20
Tm_Tand that's still short one :p01:20
=== KaiL [KaiL@pD95D5866.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
Tm_TKaiL: hullo :p01:20
_ReDRuM_categories=`sed -n '/^{\//,/}$/{s/{\?\/\([^/] \{1,\}\).\{1,\}/\1/;G; s/\n/&&/; /^\([ -~] *\n\).*\n\1/d; s/\n//; h; P}' ${chroot_list_file}`01:20
=== _ReDRuM_ stops pasting regex
Tm_TKaiL: I scared you or what?01:21
\shI'm dancing on two weddings at the same time right now01:22
\shlearning debian packaging and sending new gentoo ebuilds in..I'm crazy01:22
KaiLgrr, still no overlay..?!?01:22
_ReDRuM_none of you buy ATI01:23
_ReDRuM_theyre shite for linux01:23
=== Lord-Phoenix [~epahl@60-234-142-206.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu
\sh_ReDRuM_: why? it's working here :)01:23
_ReDRuM_i cant have composite01:23
_ReDRuM_you cant have composite01:23
\shi mean, i can't change it ;)01:23
KaiLand ddcprobe works now..:)01:23
_ReDRuM_\sh: do you have it setup with hardware opengl?01:23
KaiLmonitorrange: 31-67, 59-6101:23
\sh_ReDRuM_: yeah01:23
_ReDRuM_KaiL: handy01:23
=== F_for_Fragging [~sander@a82-92-1-250.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu
_ReDRuM_\sh: turn composite on and you wont :/01:23
\sh_ReDRuM_: oh this i did a couple of times...it's slow and buggy and I don't like it...if i want to have shadows underneath my windows, i'll by an apple ;)01:24
_ReDRuM_i spent 5 hours tryin to setup my xorg.conf before i finally learned enough that composite doesnt work with ATI drivers01:24
=== _ReDRuM_ now knows far more than he ever wanted to know about ATI drivers
Ninois there no xorg config tool!?!?!?!01:25
_ReDRuM_\sh: i installed KDE to solve my longing for an apple :/01:25
BlackLabelwhats an alternate msn messenger app for kde ?01:25
_ReDRuM_BlackLabel: amsn01:25
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KaiLwith nvidia composite is like russian roulette01:25
\shBlackLabel: kopete01:25
Ninois there no xorg config tool!?!?!?!01:25
BlackLabelalternate to kopete01:25
_ReDRuM_kopete isnt an msn alternative its more like gaim :P01:25
_ReDRuM_BlackLabel: what i said.01:25
BlackLabelyea i know, just 2 ppl said kopete01:25
_ReDRuM_BlackLabel: i also use kopete01:25
Lord-Phoenixwhere can i find a list of kubuntu hoary repositories?01:25
_ReDRuM_but you will like amsn.01:25
_ReDRuM_Nino: yeh its automatic and already done it for you....01:26
\sh_ReDRuM_: u scared the shit out of me now ... please tell the next time that it looks like a windows app ;)01:26
_ReDRuM_your not supposed to have to edit it01:26
_ReDRuM_\sh: it looks and acts a lot more apple like than windows like :)01:27
_ReDRuM_which is a good thing01:27
_ReDRuM_mac os x > *01:27
\sh_ReDRuM_: but it looks like msn messenger ... that was scaring01:27
KaiLNino: once there was a kxconfig01:28
_ReDRuM_\sh: oh haha01:28
_ReDRuM_you mean amsn :p01:28
_ReDRuM_yeh ...01:28
BlackLabel_ReDRuM_: yep01:28
\sh_ReDRuM_: yeah ;)01:28
KaiLwhere it has gone? noone knows..01:28
BlackLabel_ReDRuM_: til i get one ill be using this :)01:28
\shok...now it's time to prepare coffee and have a shower01:28
Lord-Phoenixexcuse me, does anyone know where i can find kubuntu hoary repositories?01:28
_ReDRuM_BlackLabel: i've stopped wanting an apple since ive been using KDE cause it does some handy things apple doesnt like fish://01:28
_ReDRuM_Lord-Phoenix: in your source.list file?01:29
_ReDRuM_BlackLabel: using SSH servers like idrives01:29
nldkLord-Phoenix: Use kynpatic or synaptic 01:29
\sh_ReDRuM_: the best is it's using ssh instead of sftp ;)01:29
nldkit will do the work01:29
_ReDRuM_\sh: yeh its way cool.01:29
_ReDRuM_it even works when the remote system doesnt have perl01:29
_ReDRuM_tho doesnt give pretty icons01:29
\sh_ReDRuM_: better than the nautilus implementation01:30
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_ReDRuM_something about gnomes...01:30
_ReDRuM_they belong in the garden.01:30
Lord-Phoenix_ReDRuM_: i want to add some more sources is what i mean01:30
_ReDRuM_Lord-Phoenix: i dont know if there are a lot of different sources01:30
nldkLord-Phoenix: Isn't Universe enough?01:31
KaiLhmm, kxconfig doesn't exist any more?01:31
nldkLord-Phoenix: sources can be added to /etc/apt/sources.list by the way01:31
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Lord-Phoenixnldk: which one is universe?01:31
SuperCatFrogdoes anybody know where i can get the kde media control from?01:32
_ReDRuM_Lord-Phoenix: enable multiverse too01:32
SuperCatFrog*kde mediacontrol kicker applet01:32
_ReDRuM_it does still exist01:32
nldk## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'universe'01:32
nldk## repository.01:32
_ReDRuM_i could make a half-assed deb of it if you really want it01:33
=== SeFoKumA [~zienaga@142.Red-81-44-121.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
nldkLord-Phoenix: Check the file /etc/apt/sources.list and find the following: 01:33
nldk## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'universe'01:33
nldk## repository.01:33
SuperCatFrog_redrum_ - you talking to me?01:33
_ReDRuM_SuperCatFrog: nope01:33
BlackLabel_ReDRuM_: i just installed amsn, its alright, if i could integrate the pretty-ness of kopete with how amsn works it will be good01:33
Lord-Phoenixi can't resolve archive.ubuntu.com01:33
_ReDRuM_BlackLabel: install qt-gtk engine01:33
SuperCatFrogblacklabel - kopete is more integrated than amsn01:34
ztonzydoes anyone have problems with write-access now and then in Kubuntu (KDE) ?? to their /home dir ?01:34
BlackLabelyea i know01:34
=== Pol_ [~pol@eu212-87-99-178.adsl.euphonynet.be] has joined #kubuntu
_ReDRuM_BlackLabel: gtk is gnome tech01:34
SuperCatFrogblacklabel - ignore that last comment, i didn't read what you said properly01:34
nldkuse kynaptic or synaptic01:34
_ReDRuM_use neither use kpackage01:34
nldkor kpackage01:34
=== _ReDRuM_ doesnt know what that kynaptic nonsense is about
=== ztonzy got a bad start this morning
_ReDRuM_kpackage is much better01:35
_ReDRuM_annoyed me that removing it also removed kubuntu-desktop01:35
nldkkynaptic is not very good. However, it's installed ny default01:35
KaiLkpackage only eats RAM like hell01:35
nldksynaptic does the trick for me01:36
_ReDRuM_KaiL: i never noticed01:36
=== _ReDRuM_ tends to use apt anyway :P
KaiLI use apt too01:37
nldkAnyone having problems with KDE session hang ups at "Initializing system services"01:38
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_ReDRuM_handy - theres an expert here :P01:38
nldknot very long... :-)01:38
KaiLdo you want 89 "me not" now, or just silence? :)01:39
nldkI guess the silence is enough...01:40
Tm_Tdamn I'm tired01:42
_ReDRuM_goto bed :P01:42
nldkwhat time is it?01:43
Nino_ReDRuM_: ok, i forgot to add the *new* name of the monitor to the screen section. now the new config file works. i also updated the md5sum as it is described in the beginning of the config file... is this a good idea`01:43
KaiL43 more :)01:43
=== incubii [~incubii@cor9-ppp293.hay.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
_ReDRuM_md5sum for an xorg.conf?01:43
_ReDRuM_it wont hurt but sounds redundant to me01:44
=== KevManU [~kevin@p50828E3B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
_ReDRuM_mine doesnt mention md5sums...01:44
_ReDRuM_Nino: perhaps you could post in your bug report to ubuntu what settings you used and the output of your ddcprobe/what monitor you got01:45
_ReDRuM_maybe help someone else coming in from having the same bad expeirnece you did01:45
Ninowhat is the urle01:46
_ReDRuM_[12:15]  <haggai> Nino: sorry your monitor config didn't work out of the box. Please make sure you file a bug report (bugzilla.ubuntu.com) to make sure we can fix this01:46
SuperCatFrogive installed amarok-xine but amarok still lists only <no engine> under the output engine01:46
Ninohm :/ still no 100 Hz in 1280x1024 :/ only 85 :/01:46
_ReDRuM_turn it down to 7501:47
_ReDRuM_see if its better01:47
incubiiis there a way to make middle mouse button close a tab in konq, like you can in firefox ?01:47
_ReDRuM_it might be depends on your eyes01:47
=== abbas [~abbas@cable-195-162-223-114.upc.chello.be] has joined #kubuntu
_ReDRuM_multiples of 25 work better for a lot of people01:47
Nino85 is ok :/ whatever i would prefere 100 ;)01:47
incubiiSuperCatFrog, amarok-engines01:47
_ReDRuM_cause your eyes see in about 2501:47
incubiii had the same problem but i installed all of them and xine showed up :)01:47
sorinHow do you launch some of the komponents of KDE.  Sometimes the taskbar crashes.  Now, my desktop crashed.  I can't see icons.01:47
_ReDRuM_sorin kicker launches the "taskbar"01:48
SuperCatFrogincubii - still no01:48
sorinwhat about the deskop01:48
incubiii know this is a stupid question but have you quite amarok and reloaded it ?01:48
_ReDRuM_i dont know my desktop never crashed01:49
SuperCatFrogsorin - alt+f2 i think for krun, kdesktop is the desktop, kicker is the taskbar01:49
SuperCatFrogincubii - yes01:49
_ReDRuM_ltos of people have trouble with amorak01:49
incubiiits great when it works01:49
_ReDRuM_yeh heh01:50
incubiibut ive never had a problem with installing all engines01:50
=== _ReDRuM_ likes it
_ReDRuM_good combination :)01:50
SuperCatFrogi'l try removing everything and installing it again01:50
incubiiwhats nicotine01:50
_ReDRuM_soulseek client01:50
_ReDRuM_good one01:50
incubiino good on my dialup01:50
=== _ubuntu [~ubuntu@82-135-206-225.ip.takas.lt] has joined #kubuntu
_ReDRuM_heh nope they are nazis and will ban you constantly01:51
sorinsupercatfrog tanks01:51
SuperCatFrognow ive just got arts01:51
=== _ReDRuM_ does some work
sorinfor some reason though ctr+alt+f1-7 don't work.  Neither does crl+alt+backspace01:51
=== narg_ [~narg@dsl-65-171-97-106.tcq.net] has joined #kubuntu
Nino_ReDRuM_: ok, next problem: my pc has two soundcards, where can i switch the default soundcard?01:53
nldknino - try your BIOS, that's the easiest way01:53
nldk(that's what I did..)01:53
Ninoone is onboard, one is PCI.01:53
Ninocant turn it of01:53
incubiihmm doesnt virtual desktops support pasting between each other ?01:54
Ninowhere to set up what sound card is used by KDE?01:54
KaiLonboard is also PCI :)01:54
nldkStrange bios - normally you should be able to disable it01:54
_ubuntuhey. how i can open up a file browser?01:54
nldkControl Center - Sound & Multimedia - Sound System - Hardware01:55
nldkHere you choose what card to use01:55
Lord-Phoenixi've got a problem: kde doesn't recognise my root password whenever i try to access any configuration stuff01:56
_ReDRuM_Lord-Phoenix: bug in kde01:57
_ReDRuM_use sudo to run kcontrol01:57
Lord-Phoenixahh...its working now that i installed sux....01:58
=== _ReDRuM_ googled for it cause he has the same problem and just saw people on bugs.kde.org going "its a known issue"
Lord-Phoenixsux - wrapper around su which will transfer your X credentials01:58
nldkwrapper around su which will transfer your X credentials01:58
SuperCatFrogwhats the tool used in ubuntu to handle packages01:59
Lord-Phoenixbefore that it wouldn't give me access to the display....sux created an Xauthority file for me so i don't think i need it now01:59
_ReDRuM_so now it works automatically?01:59
Lord-Phoenixi believe so01:59
_P_i use  sux 01:59
_P_and  i  love it01:59
=== _ReDRuM_ tries
_ReDRuM_doesnt work for me01:59
_P_i am  still  no gay :D02:00
_P_why  not _ReDRuM_ ?02:00
_ReDRuM_how should i know wtf not02:00
=== cdickman [~cdickman@pD9EEC8D7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
_ReDRuM_it just doesnt work :)02:00
_P_did  you  create  a  root passwd?02:00
_ReDRuM_err... 02:00
_ReDRuM_yeh :)02:00
Lord-Phoenix_ReDRuM_: why doesn't it work?02:01
_ReDRuM_Lord-Phoenix: you tell me you said it would :P02:01
_ReDRuM_i installed sux02:01
_ReDRuM_fired up kcontrol from the menu02:01
_ReDRuM_clicked on font admin02:01
_ReDRuM_entered root pass02:01
_ReDRuM_"invalid password"02:01
_ReDRuM_same as always02:01
Lord-Phoenix_ReDRuM_: no i mean i could just 'su' and be able to run things now02:01
_P__ReDRuM_:   sux  is  only  a  replace with X  of  su 02:01
_ReDRuM_whats the difference between that and su -p02:02
Lord-Phoenix_ReDRuM_: before when i did a 'su' and ran something it would say something like cannot connect to screen :0:002:02
SuperCatFrogin synaptic, only amarok and amarok-arts have the ubuntu logo next to them, the rest of the engines dont, even though they are installed02:02
Lord-Phoenixok, when i close my laptop screen it turns off the display to the monitor i have hooked up.....is there any way to stop this?02:02
_ReDRuM_Lord-Phoenix: try doing su -p02:02
_ReDRuM_works for me...02:02
=== _ReDRuM_ removes sux
KaiL"sux"? nice app name....02:04
_P_KaiL:  :D02:04
nldkwell, obviously it sux02:04
_ReDRuM_nldk: hehe02:04
nldkbit corny02:04
JuNkPhreak|UnIxwell liked the distro just not ready with enough repos :[02:04
KaiLsux sux, because it is sux? ;)02:05
_ReDRuM_nldk: but corny in a disparaging fashion which makes it that much more funny :)02:05
nldkbtw, I have no problems with the sudo stuff in KDE (my root is disabled)02:05
_ReDRuM_nldk: su normally wipes out the environment thats why they had probs with it02:05
_ReDRuM_but if you su -p it doesnt02:05
Lord-Phoenixthe kubuntu install was a bit random....so good yet so broken02:06
=== _ReDRuM_ has sudo disabled :)
cdickmananyone had problems with qemu/tapdevices on kubuntu?02:06
_ReDRuM_Lord-Phoenix: it's still better than any other distro apart from maybe slack :)02:06
nldkok - I wasn't following the whole conversation. I'll stop barging in...02:06
_ReDRuM_and slack is an administrative nightmare02:06
_ReDRuM_too manual02:06
Lord-Phoenix_ReDRuM_: yes and no...the fact that all the repository urls had a . in front of them 02:07
Lord-Phoenixwas pretty annoying02:07
_ReDRuM_Lord-Phoenix: erm... mine worked out the box... that is random02:07
Lord-Phoenixamarok was installed, but no engines were02:07
nldkboth (k)ubuntu are fantastic!02:07
Lord-Phoenixon first boot, network didn't work at all02:07
_ReDRuM_my armorak came able to play mp3, wma, etc02:07
Lord-Phoenixneither did my usb keyboard02:07
_ReDRuM_scam :/02:07
nldkpackage management has never been easier02:07
SuperCatFrogis there anyway to tell amarok where to find the xine plugin?02:07
Lord-Phoenix2nd boot, pretty much everything worked tho02:07
_ReDRuM_guess i was just lucky02:07
Lord-Phoenixmind you, this IS an HP laptop which makes things a bit funky anyway....but it played fairly nicely with mandrake02:08
=== _ReDRuM_ shivers
_ReDRuM_really poor manager :)02:08
nldkI installed ubuntu on appr. 10 different machines and had only few problems02:08
Lord-PhoenixRPM is GOD02:09
_ReDRuM_rpm sucks horribly :P02:09
_ReDRuM_apt owns it02:09
Lord-Phoenixit can't be the devil, because if RPM was the devil, it would be terribly addictive ;P02:09
_ReDRuM_aye there's truth in that.02:10
=== _ReDRuM_ is now known as GoD-vs-SaTaN
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GoD-vs-SaTaNfear me.02:11
=== GoD-vs-SaTaN is now known as _ReDRuM_
Nino_ReDRuM_: thx for all your help, bye :)02:13
_ReDRuM_you pretty much did it on your own02:13
=== __P__3 [~princoscr@host-84-220-128-96.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu
=== KaiL wonders, how some people select their nicks
_ReDRuM_kail: by typing /nick <nickname>02:14
KaiLfalling on their keyboard? :)02:14
incubiihmm can you have more then on python class in the same file ?02:15
_ReDRuM_cat /dev/urandom </nick02:15
nldkspilling their coke, i guess02:15
SuperCatFrogkail - my nick comes from a short story i thought up and told my gf as a bedtime story, for a joke02:15
nldkwell, "nl" stands for the Netherlands and "dk" for Denmark02:16
nldkbut who cares?02:17
KaiL..and you sit somewhere between? :)02:17
=== mepisman [~mepisman@CPE-143-238-228-59.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
nldkNo I was born in one and live in the other02:17
_ReDRuM_Qt: 3.3.302:17
_ReDRuM_KDE: 3.4.002:17
_ReDRuM_kde-config: 1.002:17
SuperCatFrogonce upon a time, there was a cat. it was walking through the park and it walked under a tree. as it was passing the tree there was a strong gust of wind, and a frog fell out of the tree and landed on the cats back. the frog grew a small cape and the two were bound together. the (now) supercatfrog flew off into the sky. They were flying round and they saw a dog who the cat new, called tara. somebody was being mean to tar02:17
_ReDRuM_sorry... playing with konversation :)02:17
SuperCatFrogthats the story behind my name02:18
SuperCatFrog*who the cat knew02:18
nldkI'd rather use my first name but that one's already used02:19
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nldkin use that us02:19
SuperCatFrogi used to use mBob (my name is bob) but that sounded too much like m-bop - the hanson 'song'02:19
KaiLyes, chances for unused nicks are small on freenode...02:20
KaiLesp. on common names02:20
incubiiyes i use to call myself Mephisto since the days of bbc, except it became way to common :)02:20
nldkincubii - the deamon (not daemon...)02:21
nldkis there a succubii too?02:21
incubiionly if i play a female character in a game02:21
incubiiunles syou are refering to my GF02:21
incubiiincubi , is the correct plural but incubii looks better02:22
=== jenton [~jenton@203-206-246-50.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
nldki didn't know there were more than one...02:22
=== _ReDRuM_ [~windows@cpc1-brig4-5-0-cust169.brig.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
nldkbesides the being the deamon - it's a good rockband too02:22
incubiiwell there must be if they needed a plural of the word, lol02:23
=== Pop_pa_FrEaK [~poppafrea@mctn1-2369.nb.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu
nldkthat's the start of a nice discussion - which probably doesn't belong here02:23
incubiii have a name for the next ubuntu02:24
jentonhey y'all just installed kubuntu 5.04 - very nice - everything "just works" - right down to the printer02:24
incubii"Winnie the Pooh"02:24
jentonkudos to all involved02:24
KaiLjenton: additional mouse buttons?02:25
incubiiglad yours worked out of the box(cd)02:25
KaiL(ok, bad joke, they can't be autodetected..)02:25
jentononly two buttons - but scroll wheel does work02:25
nldkso, how can we help you jenton?02:26
ftugrulanyone using ATI Radeon with fglrx drivers with Kubuntu please?02:26
KaiLnldk: the mouse? ;)02:26
nldkwhat mouse?02:27
Lord-Phoenixshit...now i gotta redownload java :(02:27
KaiLnldk: his buttons :)02:27
KaiL<KaiL> jenton: additional mouse buttons? <jenton> only two buttons - but scroll wheel does work02:27
nldkerrr... huh,huh02:27
=== incubii squeeks
nldkwell, I only have 2 buttons too02:28
KaiLit is possible02:28
nldkand a wheel!02:28
SuperCatFrogany last suggestions for my amarok-xine problem before i have to compile from source?02:28
KaiLSuperCatFrog: what's wrong with it?02:28
=== SeFoKumA [~zienaga@201.Red-83-43-82.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
SuperCatFrogkail - amarok doesn't let me use xine as an output plugin even after i installed amarok-engines (and restarted amarok)02:29
=== KaiL starts amarok the first time ever
=== nldk just did the same
=== incubii uses amarok frequently :)
nldknice program02:30
incubiicant think of anything else though SuperCatFrog 02:30
SuperCatFrogdoes anybody know how it was compiled (im starting to miss gentoo where i knew everythings compile options)02:31
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KaiL....Dream Dance 1-34 (more or less..) on hd, so this might take a while...02:32
=== KaiL REALLY needs a faster computer
Pop_pa_FrEaKdownloading kde for ubuntu through apt-get... is it easy to convert ubuntu to kubuntu ?02:33
Pop_pa_FrEaKor should I just download the iso ?02:33
pointwoodapt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:34
KaiLhmm, at "engines" is only a blank one, which...02:34
nldkjust keep in mind that you in that case will run both gnome and kde along side02:34
KaiL...doesn't work02:34
nldkwith all the programs in the menus02:35
nldki mean - gnome progs in kde menu and vice versa02:35
=== KaiL tries to install amarok-arts
incubiiamarok-engines works fine for mine, installed all the engines available to amarok02:37
KaiLincubii: can you select xine?02:37
incubiixine,arts and gstreamer is available02:38
KaiLuhm, lol02:38
Lord-Phoenixdoes kubuntu have gstreamer mp3 support? if so, what part of gstreamer do i need?02:39
KaiLamarok-arts installed. result: xine visible, arts not02:39
incubiiLord-Phoenix, by installing amarok-engines you will get streamer support02:39
incubiiof course you could just install the gstreamer bits02:39
KaiL...and now I even see arts there02:40
incubiibut a fresh install does not support mp3 playback from what ive gathered02:40
Pop_pa_FrEaKI think slowly linux distros will be phazing mp3 support out as mp3 is not free 02:40
Lord-Phoenixincubii: i have gstreamer support, but in amarok it say s gstreamer can't play mp3s02:40
incubiiwell i can play mp3s off my ipod fine02:40
KaiLremoving amarok-arts again (as it's unused..)02:40
KaiLnow I can still select xine 02:41
KaiL..which still doesn't work...02:41
KaiLreinstalling arts ;)02:42
incubiiman im glad i didnt have that much trouble on my PPC this time02:42
SuperCatFrogall i see is arts and null02:42
KaiL"There was an error loading libamarokarts" hmm02:43
Pop_pa_FrEaKbrb rebooting for kde to take effect02:43
KaiLno, amarok doesn't like me02:45
SuperCatFrogamarok in kubuntu doesn't like me either02:45
=== SuperCatFrog considers going back to gentoo
KaiLuhm, wrong02:47
SuperCatFrogwhats wrong?02:47
KaiLDream Dance 29 CD2 doesn't like me - some 0 byte files there02:47
Lord-Phoenixi wish i was in gentoo right now....that would mean that my motherboard wasn't broken :(02:47
=== Silensius [~silensius@208-148.241.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #kubuntu
Silensiusabbas@cable-195-162-223-114:~$ sudo -s -H abbas02:48
Silensiusabbas is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.02:48
Silensiussudo -s -H abbas02:49
Silensius  after this command i have the result what i send up02:49
Silensiuswhy :) ?02:49
Tm_Tabbas is not the first uesr?02:49
Silensiusyes it is02:50
KaiLha, now it works02:50
SuperCatFrogkail - you got xine output working?02:50
Tm_TKaiL: what?02:50
KaiLSuperCatFrog: yes02:50
Tm_Txine yuk02:50
Tm_Tmplayer <302:50
SuperCatFrogtm_t - for amarok output, dont tell me you use arts or i'l shun you02:50
SuperCatFroglike this:02:51
Tm_TSuperCatFrog: no I'm not telling you that02:51
KaiLwell, I've just selected xine (is that possible for you?), and tried a *non* 0Byte-file :)02:51
=== martinjh99 [~martin@pc-62-30-33-77-pr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
=== SuperCatFrog shuns users of arts
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SuperCatFrogkail - its not in the list in amarok for me02:51
KaiLSuperCatFrog: can you select xine?02:51
=== martinjh99 [~martin@pc-62-30-33-77-pr.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"]
SuperCatFrogkail - if you mean from amarok's select an output engine window, no02:52
SuperCatFrogthats my problem - it doesn't show up in the list02:52
Tm_TSilensius: did you enabled root password ?02:52
incubiiim playing through the xine engine right this minute02:52
KaiLif not: install amarok-arts, start amarok, select xine, try, remove tha arts-shit, wonder,02:52
Tm_TSilensius: then use it02:52
incubiii didnt do anything other then install amarok-engines from fresh kubuntu ppc install02:53
Silensiusok i try02:53
=== Pop_pa_FrEaK [~poppafrea@mctn1-2369.nb.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== Tm_T uses one of his virtual desktops for only root consoles
Pop_pa_FrEaKfollowed the steps for integrating kde into ubuntu but I still get the gnome desktop but I do get kdm for login 02:54
Pop_pa_FrEaKthink I'll just download kubuntu02:54
SuperCatFrogpop-pa-freak - from kdm click sessions > kde02:54
nldkPop_pa: when you login - you should choose your session02:55
Pop_pa_FrEaKahhh ok that's what I did wrong 02:55
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Pop_pa_FrEaKthanx for the help 02:55
Tm_T"what, I can choose??!" ;p02:55
Pop_pa_FrEaKI'm still going to grab kubuntu anyways for a backup02:55
Pop_pa_FrEaKTm_T, :p02:55
SuperCatFrogxine still isn't in my outputs list02:55
Tm_Tjust joking ;p02:55
Pop_pa_FrEaKlol np 02:56
Pop_pa_FrEaKwe're all a community here so joking is allowed02:56
incubiihmm i dont like that theres no updates to anything02:56
incubiijust because theres a release shouldnt stop dev02:56
=== incubii gets nervous
SuperCatFrogpop_pa_freak - as is shunning:02:57
=== SuperCatFrog shuns users of arts
SuperCatFrogincubii - apparently now its released we're only getting security updates, and you have to add the next distro to your sources list when its announced02:58
=== Pop_pa_FrEaK [~poppafrea@mctn1-2369.nb.aliant.net] has joined #Kubuntu
incubiifair enough02:59
incubiiill just switch 02:59
Pop_pa_FrEaKman kubuntu loads kde faster then suse02:59
incubiion my work box that is02:59
nldkkubuntu rocks02:59
incubiikubuntu makes you its bitch03:00
SuperCatFrogsuprisingly, kubuntu seems faster than my heavily optimised kde with prelinking03:00
SuperCatFrogbut i might just be seeing through the "new shiney distro" rose glasses03:00
SuperCatFrog*heavily optimised gentoo with prelinking03:00
incubiiprelinking killed my openoffice03:00
SuperCatFrognever given me any problems03:00
incubiilol i dont care though caus ei have office 2003 on my windows box03:01
SuperCatFrogincubii - there's an undo option to prelink- do man prelink03:01
=== brutuli [~Zerbiatto@pcm3134.dti.supsi.ch] has joined #kubuntu
brutuliHi all03:02
Pop_pa_FrEaKhow does one update grub loader ?03:02
incubiiok doin that now03:03
incubiihope it works03:03
SuperCatFroguse grub - im not sure of the commands, you'l have to google for those (there's good docs at gentoo.org though)03:03
nldksudo update-grub that is03:03
brutuliKde doesn't render correctly the fonts, anybody knows what's the problem?03:03
incubiirenders mine fine03:04
Pop_pa_FrEaKnldk, that's it ? no other configuration ?03:04
incubiigot a screen shot ?03:04
SuperCatFrogbrutuli - make the screenshot a high quality png, or the fonts will look crap anyway03:04
nldkPop: it depends on what you want to do03:04
incubiiyay that fixed the problem SuperCatFrog 03:04
Pop_pa_FrEaKjust update it to a newer version but keep same settings 03:05
incubiiwell sort of03:05
incubiinow it loads half way03:05
brutuliSuperCatFrog OK, but how can I do it? 03:05
=== thoreauputic [~debianarc@wolax8-116.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
nldkeven though you update grub, the settings don't have to change03:06
nldkwhat settings should change?03:06
Pop_pa_FrEaKok kewl will try it out03:06
SuperCatFrogbrutuli - ksnapshot or something like that, then press save and choose png03:06
Pop_pa_FrEaKnldk, have you seen the look of suse 9.2 grub ?03:08
Pop_pa_FrEaKits more graphic 03:08
nldkok - I've seen Mandrake's. I know what you mean03:08
Pop_pa_FrEaKlike to get grub looking lke that03:09
nldkI haven't looked at changing grub to something graphical in ubuntu03:09
Pop_pa_FrEaKok I'll look on the web03:09
nldkit's on my list - but very long down03:09
Pop_pa_FrEaKthanx for the help that you have given 03:10
Pop_pa_FrEaKnldk, you got an ati card ?03:10
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Pop_pa_FrEaKok i'll look in the forums 03:11
nldkgoog luck03:11
Pop_pa_FrEaKthank you03:12
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=== __P__3 is now known as _P_
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fredjoin /#velug03:19
SuperCatFrogargh! why would: configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check03:19
thoreauputicSuperCatFrog: sudo apt-get install build-essential03:20
SuperCatFrogx includes?03:21
fredhello, has anyone installed mplayer?03:22
=== skaman [~skaman@host78-34.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu
fredwould you mind explaining how?03:22
skamanhi guys anyone experiencing the konqueror crashes?03:23
skamani'm experiencing crashes on all system and alla apps03:23
fredkonqueror has been rock solid stable on my box03:23
SuperCatFrogfred-  i added a repository, cant remember which one - search for mplayer on apt-get.org03:24
SuperCatFrogthoreauputic - which package contains x includes?03:24
fredok, thanks for the tip... will do03:24
KaiLdeb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main << for mplayer (and other like that)03:24
fredoh there it is03:24
fredwhat about the gui for mplayer?03:25
thoreauputicSuperCatFrog: I don't know - my guess is you need the x-window-system-dev package or similar (I'm not a coder)03:25
KaiLkplayer or kmplayer - should be there too03:25
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SuperCatFrogthoreauputic - neither am i, i just want amarok and mythtv cvs03:25
fredhmm never used kplayer... is it good? I like mplayer a lot03:26
thoreauputicx-window-system-dev - X Window System development components  << this helped me with building X related stuff03:26
KaiLSuperCatFrog: for what amarok cvs?03:26
SuperCatFrogkail - i needed the xincludes (in x-window-system-dev) to build amarok from cvs03:27
KaiLyes.. but why from cvs?03:27
thoreauputicSuperCatFrog: I suggest 2 things 1) see if you can get a list of needed libs from the web site or the README etc 2) Use apt-cache search <keyword from configure> or whatever spits an error out03:28
SuperCatFrogjust thought i might as well try it out03:28
SuperCatFrogthoreauputic - ok thanks03:28
amadeusapt-get install lame --> doesn't work what can I do?03:28
SuperCatFrogamadeus - apt-get.org - search for lame and add the repository03:28
thoreauputicamadeus: you need universe and multiverse repositories03:28
amadeuswhere can I get them03:29
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thoreauputicSuperCatFrog: that's rather bad advice - this isn't debian03:29
SuperCatFrogthoreauputic - ok03:29
thoreauputicamadeus: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats03:29
amadeusthanx and merci!03:30
thoreauputicamadeus: and www.ubuntuguide.org03:30
thoreauputicde rien :)03:30
thoreauputictu sais qu'il y a un canal #ubuntu-fr ?03:31
Riddell /list #ubuntu-fr03:32
Riddell#ubuntu-fr 61 Des questions ? http://www.ubuntu-fr.org/03:32
Riddelltres popular03:32
thoreauputicet aussi #ubuntu-de si tu n'est pas Suisse Romand03:32
incubiisweet go an amarok python display script for xchat03:33
Riddellthoreauputic: qu'est ce c'est Suisse Romand?03:33
thoreauputicla Suisse Romande, c'est la Suisse Francophone03:34
thoreauputicGeneve , Neuchatel etc je crois03:34
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thoreauputicRiddell: You're a Scot, are you not?03:37
Riddellthoreauputic: oui, c'est vrai03:39
thoreauputicah, bon, je ne l'imaginais pas :)03:39
thoreauputicumm.. actually that's bad French, sorry 03:40
thoreauputicmine I mean :)03:40
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amadeusund was isch mit schwizerdtsch?03:41
incubiichin chin o tabemuska?03:41
thoreauputicamadeus: sorry, i lived in Geneva so Swiss German isn't my strong point :)03:41
amadeusgonitschiwa sorry03:42
thoreauputicheheh - I'm only semi-bilingual. except for a smattereing of simple Fijian ;)03:43
=== _user d
incubiii speak english, perl, pascal, batch03:43
thoreauputicincubii: :)03:44
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=== incubii is playing:[["Rob Zombie - Super Beast" by "" from the album ""] ] Quality:[[192/44] ] Position:[[0:09 of 3:42] ] Volume:[[67%] ] Played:[[Once before] ] Rating:[[Good] ]
incubiicool python script03:45
fredKail: kynaptic shows me mplayer, but it does nothing when I tell it to install it03:46
KaiLtry manually - maybe kynaptic sucks because of the gpg stuff03:47
da_bon_bonincubii: u mean bash not batch, huh ?03:47
fredI did, but it does not work either... it gives dependency errors03:47
fredmplayer-386: Depends: libfontconfig1 (>= 2.3.0) but 2.2.3-4ubuntu7 is to be installed03:48
fredDepends: libvorbis0a (>= 1.1.0) but 1.0.1-1 is to be installed03:48
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incubiino batch03:49
incubiias in dos/windows03:49
incubiii can do bash also03:49
thoreauputicfred: looks like your sources are messed up03:49
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fredhow did they get messed up?03:50
thoreauputicfred: did you follow a howto on setting up repositories?03:50
thoreauputicdo you have universe and multiverse ?03:50
fredI'm just using the ones that come by default in sourcers.apt, I have only added the one for mplayer03:51
fredyes, I did uncomment the lines for universe too03:51
thoreauputicfred: ah, well you need a bit more I think: read http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats03:52
fredok let me see03:52
thoreauputicand make sure you reload/ sudo apt-get update03:52
fredshould I run that command now?03:53
thoreauputicnot until you fix your repositories03:53
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thoreauputicyou will need multiverse for mplayer I think - read the wiki03:54
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fredI'm going to read it carefully... thanks for your help!03:54
fredKubuntu rocks! :)03:54
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thoreauputicfred: :)03:55
thoreauputicwww.ubuntuguide.org is another good resource03:55
fredyes, I am familiar with that one03:56
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amadeusand witch do you use as a MULTIVERSE repository?03:56
SuperCatFroghow do i install a .deb i have downloaded (opera from opera.com)04:01
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SuperCatFrogunless somebody knows where i can apt-get opera from04:01
fredSuperCat: you have to use the dpkg command... (dont remember the exact syntax)04:02
SuperCatFroganother question, does anybody know how to get xosd to work with kmix? or is it a compile time option?04:03
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JefisHow to change KDE charset?04:04
mdpolarisI have gotten most of Kubuntu working great, but i'm having trouble with the wireless configuration editor in Control Center.  I can make all the changes I want, but it only uses the settings in /etc/network/interfaces  and it doesn't seem to update that as well.  Anyone else see that problem?04:07
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nldkI have the same problem04:09
nldkI stopped using the WLAN setting in Control Center04:09
nldkand only use /etc/network04:10
mdpolariscool...I wonder if it's an official bug04:10
BlackLabelwhen i close the lid of my laptop the screen goes blank... how do i back to kde?04:11
nldkmdpolaris, what wireless nic do you use?04:11
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mdpolarisi have a broadcom g band (i forget the exact info), but i have to use ndiswrappers04:12
mdpolarisit's integrated into my presario 2175 laptop04:12
mdpolarisare you using ndiswrappers for your drivers as well?04:13
nldkI have several machines running with wlan04:14
nldkon some I use ndiswrapper04:14
nldksome are autodetected04:15
nldkand on some i needed to get a driver from sourceforge04:15
mdpolarisand none of them work with the control center wireless?  Well i feel better it's not just me  hehehe04:16
mdpolarisi found the exact card BTW, BCM43pcg_DeviceDesc="Broadcom 54g MaxPerformance 802.11g PCMCIA"04:16
nldknone of them....04:16
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_haydenwhen i close the lid of my laptop the screen goes blank, how do i make it go back to kde (or not make the screen blank in the first place)>04:17
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mdpolarishayden, i have had that happen before...somtimes it comes back right away other times a little longer and soimetimes doesn't seem to comeback at all04:19
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mdpolariswhat worked for me sometimes was to switch to a console  ctrl+alt+F2  and back to the xserver ctrl+alt+F704:20
BlackLabelhmm ok04:20
fredthe how-to for addidng MULTIUNIVERSE is not available... does anyone knows what I need to add to my sources.list ?04:23
amadeusdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary multiverse04:24
amadeusdeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary multiverse04:24
fredok let me try it04:25
amadeusand apt-get update04:26
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leafwHi. Does anyone know how to add a "print" action to the konqueror contextual menu04:27
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fredamadeus: look what I get04:29
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fredW: GPG error: ftp://ftp.nerim.net unstable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 07DC563D1F41B90704:30
Tm_Tfred: so get the public key04:30
fredhmmm ok let me look into that04:30
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linkin_reDRuM_: You has tell me, that I've to change my xorg.conf, right?04:31
linkin-has +have04:31
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edulixhi !04:32
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SuperCatFroghi - anybody know where i can get taglib-devel from? ive searched apt-get.org04:38
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Tm_Ttry sourceforge.net, I think a taglib is a project there04:39
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fredok, I added marillat and multiuniverse, but keep getting the dependency problem04:40
fredmplayer-386: Depends: libfontconfig1 (>= 2.3.0) but 2.2.3-4ubuntu7 is to be installed04:40
fredDepends: libvorbis0a (>= 1.1.0) but 1.0.1-1 is to be installed04:41
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Tm_Tfred: so take older version of mplayer then04:43
fredhmmm it looks to me like mplayer is too old for the libs installed04:44
frednot the other way around04:45
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SuperCatFrogdoes anybody know where to get xine-config from?04:55
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azadhi.. are the ubuntu.com apt servers outdated/broken somehow? i don't get any update for apt-get since several days04:56
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Tm_Tazad: hah, they don't update if there's nothing to update :p04:58
azadmm but that's quite unusual isn't it? i'm using hoary btw.04:58
SuperCatFrogazad - no more updates except security now04:59
Tm_Tyes, and it sucks04:59
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StRhi there!04:59
SuperCatFrogazad - wait until the next distro is announced (cant remember what its called) and add that to your sources04:59
azadhm.. hoary won't get any further updates?04:59
AruvielHello. Is  it "Breezy" the next development version?04:59
Tm_Tthat's it :/04:59
azadi see05:00
SuperCatFrogyep - breezy05:00
kkathmanthats why its called "stable" - its a pretty common concept05:00
azadthanks, where can i find out when it's new05:00
azaderm.. when there's something new05:00
kkathmanthat doesnt mean, tho, that programs arent being updated, such as gaim etc05:00
Tm_Tkkathman: but it's already old version :p05:01
kkathmanyou just have to subscribe to various newsfeeds or whatever to know when those are available05:01
SuperCatFrogazad - i dunno, ive just added breezy now, but im not sure if its gonna work05:01
SuperCatFrogdidn't work05:01
azadmhh okay, thanks05:01
kkathmanTm_T: the gaim in hoary is an older version, but stable05:01
brutuliHi all, I'm here again, (with myne problems)05:01
azadI think i'll have a close look at the ubuntu page05:01
Tm_Tkkathman: I rather use newest version, there's bugfixes etc :p05:02
kkathmanTm_T: The best thing to do, is use Kontact and subscribe to KDE news feeds and see whats being updated individually05:02
kkathmanTm_T: yep you can get gaim, for instance, from the sourceforge vault - I compiled the newest last night in fact05:03
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Tm_Tkkathman: I used that autopackage, really easy one =)05:03
SuperCatFrogtm_t - how do you use autopackage? ive heard a lot about it, but not how to use it05:04
kkathmanTm_T: yep thats a good one for sure..you got that from sourceforge too right?05:05
Tm_TSuperCatFrog: just try it ;p http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/gaim/gaim-1.2.1.x86.package?download05:05
Tm_Tkkathman: yes05:05
kkathmanI did it the hard way...went to the gaim.sf.net home page and downloaded the source :)05:06
kkathmanwelll not that hard actually05:06
Tm_Tcompiling is normally quite easy05:07
SuperCatFroganybody know how to install the kde media control?05:07
Tm_Tyou don't have it?05:07
SuperCatFrogno, its not listed under applets05:07
SuperCatFrogoh wait05:07
Tm_TI bet it is05:07
SuperCatFrogit is, i must have missed it this morning (not enough caffine)05:07
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Tm_Tspeaking of it, gotta buy some food ->05:08
SuperCatFrogfoods for women - just lick the mould behind the fridge05:08
SuperCatFrogbrb bru05:08
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azadhm Tm_T: howto install that autopackage?05:10
brutuliWhere kde takes the right DPI? In which configuration file? In gnome all is fine but in kde the fonts and icons dimensions are totally different05:10
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membreyabrutuli: go to your control center05:11
membreyaand change the fonts05:11
kkathmanSuperCatFrog: On my first cup right now...partly unconcious so if I say something that doesnt make sense or repeat repeat myself, please disregard05:11
brutulimembreya ok here I am05:12
membreyapersonally, I took mine all down to about 1005:12
Chameleon22how would i go about manually (via a console)  burning a dvd iso?05:12
brutulimembreya I have changed the fonts, i took all down to 8, but in some application they are gigant05:13
SuperCatFrogback with bru05:13
Tm_Tmembreya: my all fonts are size 8 =) 05:14
SuperCatFrogkkathman - my gf has to goto the hospital and have her blood taken first thing in the morning, before she's eaten or drunk anything, and she's making me not eat or drink too just to be mean05:14
SuperCatFrog*in a few days05:14
membreyatoo small for me Tm_T, I'm running 1152x864 on a 17"05:14
kkathmanSuperCatFrog: Now thats not fair...maybe you can talk her into a huge breakfast after the blood letting :)05:15
SuperCatFrogwell people having blood taken makes me feel funny at the best of times (im really realy scared of needles) so i might die, if im not in here next week, you know why05:16
Tm_Tmembreya: I run 1280x1024 in my 17" and sometimes want fonts even smaller05:16
kkathmanTm_T: wow thats small...Im with membreya Im at 1280 x 1024 so size 8 would be very small...10 is about right05:16
SuperCatFrogmwhaha! i have the most up to date amarok build _in__the__world_05:16
pussfellerkaudiocreator is saying user no permission for /dev/cdrom05:17
SuperCatFrogargh! still no xine plugin!05:17
Tm_Tpussfeller: check your fstab05:17
Tm_Tbut the foodstore ->05:17
pussfellerTm_T, it should be looking in /media/cdrom?05:18
azadTm_T: how did you install that via autopackage? how does that work?05:18
kkathmanSuperCatFrog: Funny story, my youngest son was about 6 yrs old and had an infection so they came in to prick his finger to get some blood. He was very calm throughout the whole thing..until after the guy was done. Then he hauled off and kicked the lab tech in the shin.. He limped away.05:18
pussfellerkadiou** that is05:18
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pussfellerjeez,just think what he will do to the dentist05:19
SuperCatFrogkkathman - i hate injections (hate having blood taken more), and at school a few years ago i had to have a meningitis jab, i was talking to my friend and i could feel it go in, but the pain went away. i was talking to my friend and moved to the side thinking the nurse had finished - that hurt05:20
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kkathmanSuperCatFrog: YEOUCH!!!05:21
SuperCatFrogkkathman - thats exactly what i said05:21
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membreyaSuperCatFrog: learn your lesson..stay away from needles!05:31
membreyaI got a tattoo to try and get over my fear of needles..you think it worked? :P05:31
kkathmanAnyone here use Kopete?  If so, do you like it?05:32
SuperCatFroglol i bet not05:33
SuperCatFrogkkathman - yes, its ace05:33
SuperCatFrogkkathman - its by far the best IM client i  have ever used05:33
membreyabetter than gaim? :|05:33
kkathmanSuperCatFrog: someone has created a version that allows changing the default theme05:33
kkathmanso I thought I might try it.05:34
kkathmanSuperCatFrog:  here's the link:  http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=2227105:34
kkathmanI get the newsfeeds from KDE Apps and KDE Look...tells me what things are new each day05:34
SuperCatFrogi use that style - its very nice05:34
SuperCatFrogso do i kkathman05:35
kkathmanSuperCatFrog: Ok..kewl I think I might test that out and see what its like. :)05:35
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SuperCatFrogyep, there are about 10 styles built in too, just go configure kopete > appearance > chat window05:36
membreyakopete supports file transfers right ?05:36
membreyanow I just need to find an IM that does webcam05:36
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kkathmanmembreya: yeah I have a cheap cam, and still have to go to windoze to talk to my son at college using AIM05:37
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membreyagaim-vv does it05:38
membreyabut good luck compiling it05:38
kkathmanSuperCatFrog: you know of any other decent news feeds for Linux application release news?05:39
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membreyagod..it's so hard with kopete to find out if the person has you or not :P05:39
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LISPoh my god, how many ubuntu non-believers there are :P05:41
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kkathmanLISP:  most are Debian users wondering why they arent the fastest growing distro :)05:42
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Tm_Tazad: autopackage?05:42
azadalready got it, thanks05:42
LISPkkathman: debian may not be the fastest growing, but it's sure one hell of a monster05:42
LISPkkathman: good one i mean05:42
LISPkkathman: and that damned installer got to me too :P05:43
kkathmanLISP:  oh sure, but its unfriendly...which is why Ubuntu has blossomed I think05:43
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Tm_Tkkathman: what?05:43
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Tm_Tunfriendly? doesn't say hello?05:43
LISPtm_t: c'mon man05:43
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LISPtm_t: i had to dig up lots of stuff05:44
LISPtm_t: and my ac97 wasn't working even after dxs_support change :|05:44
Tm_Tbut to be serious, I love sarge:s installer05:44
kkathmanTm_T: you think the Ubuntu installer is bad?  hmm05:45
Tm_Tthere shoul be kkathman there is not enough choises05:46
LISPkkhatman: it's right05:46
LISPkkhatman: and ubu doesn't come with xmms05:46
kkathmanTm_T: I installed debian on a machine, the installer isnt cryptic but it didnt pick up all my hardware, and didnt configure X very well either. 05:46
LISPkkhatman: or xine05:46
membreyacool, you can copy files to konsole with d n d :P05:47
StRmembreya: d n d   <-- Dungeons and Dragons!!!05:47
Tm_Tkkathman: yes, that is a flaw05:47
membreyalol drag n drop ya goose :P05:48
Tm_Tkkathman: but there should be an otion to "advanced user" to have more custom install05:48
StRTm_T:  there is...   @ startup... there is "expert"05:49
kkathmanTm_T: I could give the Ubuntu installer to my wife and she could install it :)   Now my wife isnt stupid, but she's also not a computer expert either. LOL05:49
Tm_TStR: you can pick every separate package there?05:51
StRTm_T: I think so...05:51
Tm_TStR: you can choose how your mouse is configured?05:52
Tm_Tyou can choose the installer get packages from the net?05:52
kkathmanDoes anyone know if Ubuntu has an RSS feed?  I notice that Debian DOES have a new application RSS feed.05:52
StRTm_T: yes... I think  expert is the full  debian installer....05:52
Tm_TStR: it is?05:52
StRTm_T: I use the normal because it is faster, and then I configure all by hand  ;)    // slackware way to do things  ;)05:53
Tm_Tso what am I complaining then :p05:53
StRTm_T: LOL05:53
Tm_TI gotta check that05:53
Tm_Thmm, no, I wont05:54
LISPkkhatman: rss mit firefox :D05:54
membreyahow do I get my kopete to look like the clean theme? I've installed it ..but still no good 05:54
kkathmanthanx :)05:54
kkathmanmembreya: you just dl'd from KDE apps?05:54
Tm_Tcan't turn this off (my preciousss), can't turn my other workstation off (my jukebox atm), can't turn my server off either :/05:55
membreyalike, their picture has the persons display picture as a big picture in the chat window..mine's a piddly little one05:55
kkathmanI think SuperCatFrog was the one that is using that theme in fact05:56
membreyayo SuperCatFrog *slaps*05:56
SuperCatFroghi - does anybody know where i can get cdrecord-prodvd from?05:56
SuperCatFrogive tried apt-get.org and its not in multiverse or universe05:57
SuperCatFroghello membreya - sorry, i was busy05:57
Tm_TSuperCatFrog: is it in debian repos ?05:58
SuperCatFrogmembreya - open kopete, click configure kopete > appearance > chat window > import > select the xlst (iirc) file05:58
SuperCatFrogtm_t - dunno, its not in any of the default repos's05:58
Tm_Tgoogle it then ;)05:59
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SuperCatFrogoh ye, google05:59
Tm_Tthe almighty uncle-google05:59
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membreyaSuperCatFrog: still doesnt make mine look like the website's :(06:06
kkathmanmembreya: Mine does06:07
membreyamaybe I just need to wait for someone to send me a message06:07
kkathmanmembreya: well, Im not connected to anyone yet tho06:07
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membreyamembreya@hotmail.com ...call me ..call me now :P06:08
kkathmanmembreya: whats your nick I'll connect06:08
LISPi know it sounds silly, but removing the non-debian marked gnome package will result in the whole gnome desktop being removed? 06:12
LISPor is it just a dummy package?06:12
SuperCatFrogmembreya - its only for the chat window06:12
SuperCatFrogLISP - try it in synaptic and see what it tries to remove06:12
LISPnothing, just gnome06:13
LISPi forgot to say i installed some goodies06:13
LISPwhich are not essential anyway06:13
LISPmaybe those installed gnome? not sure really06:13
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mr_clarkHi guys. I'm having a blonde moment. I've just done my 3rd install of Kubuntu and for this install I can't seem to install synaptic. It doesn't appear in the list of packages I can install with kynaptic. Any idea why?06:17
membreyamr_clark: because it's part of ubuntu ? :P06:18
mr_clarkBut I could install it on the other two installs of ubuntu.06:18
membreyaworks fine for me06:18
membreyacheck your repo06:18
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SuperCatFrogargh! my global shortcuts for amark aren't global - any idea's why?06:23
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NonphasisHmm, I suppose crash bugs are still fixed even if Kubuntu is released?06:42
Nonphasis(speaking of the crash on trying to play streaming music)06:44
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SuperCatFrogback to gentoo to record homo+gay06:55
kkathman_ReDRuM_: Hey good morning to ya :)06:55
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AruvielHello again. Have anyone else had problems with networking with their (k)ubuntu?06:59
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Aruvielit's weird that I have to unplug my power-cable of my modem to get it working again07:00
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_linkin_i want to say THANK YOU for you help :D07:08
_linkin_i could now use my geforce 6600 gt :D with 3d ;)07:08
_linkin_thank you :DDD07:08
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_ReDRuM_he seems happy.07:09
spiralhmm, still any new of a kubuntu final dvd ?07:13
Riddellspiral: not heard any, try poking haggai to see if he's tested it07:13
gdh_ReDRuM_: Does that coreymon guy still hassle you from the weekend? :)07:14
spiralhaggai: any new of a dvd for final kubuntu ?07:15
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membreyaRiddell, spiral: is this what you're looking for ? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/dvd/current/07:18
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Riddellmembreya: we're looking for people to test them so we can release them as official hoary kubuntu dvds07:22
membreyathere goes the value in this place ;)07:22
membreyaRiddell: If i knew they were there this morning, I would have grabbed a copy :|07:22
Riddellyou could grab one now?07:22
membreyaRiddell: the value comment was aimed at thoreauputic :P07:22
membreyaRiddell: why? I just did a fresh install ;)07:23
Riddelloh well, no harm in another07:23
Tm_TRiddell: kubuntu dvd? me me me 0/07:23
RiddellTm_T: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/dvd/current/07:23
Tm_Twops, huge head07:23
Riddelltesters welcome07:23
spiralRiddell: it's not a final ?07:27
buznow that the release is over, what repository do i need to use to keep the update goodness flowing? *G*07:29
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gdhRiddell: DVD = live + install (main + universe) ?07:32
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BeineriDVD = live + install + i18n/l10n + *-devel07:33
CloneyWell, I got Kubuntu working in Virtual PC. It moves like treacle, though.07:33
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gdhRiddell: Ah cool07:33
CloneyDoes Kubuntu contain the entirety of Ubuntu with some extra bits added in, or does it actually remove things like Synaptic?07:34
gdhBeineri: Ah cool :)07:34
=== Cloney thinks he might have to use Fluxbox to get any kind of usable speed here, so he'd need the Gnome package manager bits.
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excitonanyone know about iBooks and the airport extream? I know there is no dirver for it yet but have they got to 50% on it yet?07:36
kkathmanCloney: xfce might be an alternative as well as windowmaker (wmaker)07:36
buzexciton: i don't think so 07:37
CloneyDo Kubuntu/Ubuntu support WMs other than the defaults?07:37
buzwhat i'm wondering about wrt to airport extreme: why not use the osx drivers akin to ndiswrapper for linux?07:37
buzlinux x86 i mean07:37
Alvzi have a problem i cant connect to internet is there a network config or something ?07:38
excitonbuz: Thanks but for the osx drivers to work I belive is a problem with the hal but I could be wrong07:39
excitonThe hal that BSD uses and Linux uses are rather different.07:40
buzthey are probably still closer related than win and linux HAL07:40
buzbut its probably not worth the bother for the few users that actually want to replace osx with linux07:40
buzmost of the ones that care enough will probably simply get powerbooks and use pc cards..07:41
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excitonbuz: I'm sure thats true and I think thats sad I will grant exposa or whatever it is called makes you feel sexy using it but Ubuntu/Kubuntu is so much better over all 07:42
buzfor the target audience, osx is far and away much better07:42
buzsince my whole family is on osx, i never had to fix a box once07:42
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buz(except my own ;-)07:43
superkittyHey all07:43
excitonyeah they are hard to break and can be locked down but but a real user osx just does not cut it07:43
buzmhh i know quite a few hardcore users that use it07:44
buzit's essentially a bsd with a pretty gui (i don't particularly like the gui tho) after all07:44
excitonI do to but I just don't think it has the power as Linux or true BSD07:44
superkittyanyone using SMB4k?07:44
excitonbuz: Yeah the gui is really bad07:44
buzthe finder is just plain crap07:44
buzwhomever wrote it surely didnt use it one second07:45
excitonyep and seems to lock up offten07:45
excitonI hate it's gui for the same reason I hate gnome07:45
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buzi thin kgnome is ugly on top of that07:46
excitonI hate in not having a "FULL" address bar everywhere07:46
buzapple at least has a consistent look and feel (but i hate metal, fugly stuff)07:46
=== buz needs to know what SATA raid chipsets are supported by linux
excitonthe idea of this is where we think you will go so thats all we are going to make easy to get to is way to MS07:47
buz(k)ubuntu that is07:47
buzmhh windows gui ain't so bad07:47
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buzuntil a few months ago, i still preferred it over kde 3.207:47
excitonno I like the m$ gui07:47
Tm_Tit's ugly07:47
buzit's ugly but it does the job07:47
excitonbut I was talking more to the way they treat the users07:47
buzOSX is beautiful but gets in my way 07:48
buzKDE is well balanced there07:48
excitonyep and a quick skin fixes everything lol07:48
excitonI will say gnome has something on kde on speed but nothing else07:48
edulixI'm hvng _big_ problems of sudden system slowness after working with my machine a while. sometimes even a reboot doesn't fix it (it needs two reboots)07:48
Tm_Texciton: I use "old style theme" IF I have to use xp07:48
buzyikes luna07:49
excitonTm_T: I would just patch the uxtheme.dll and run something like the cha ninja skin or one of my own 07:49
buzworst theme ever07:49
edulixthis seems a a 486 executing kde right now, and it started being slow some seconds ago, while I was not doing nothing in particular07:49
buzedulix: does top say anything at all?07:49
buzran out of swap space?07:49
buzuuh i mean physical ram07:49
buzso it started to swap?07:50
excitonI hate the Red close button and Green start button thing they did what was just to playschool07:50
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Tm_Texciton: I bet there's a way to change those colors07:50
excitonTm_T: yeah it's called skinning07:50
edulixbuz: I've alreeady hav been watching that. doesn't seem so, belive me; I have 256 mb of ram, and I have now 800 mb of swap07:50
buz256mb ram is far too low07:51
Tm_Tbuz: not is not07:51
Tm_Tbuz: I run KDE in 64Mb ram just fine07:51
excitonTm_T: I was one of the first GUI hackers on xp I was using reshack and putting my own bmp's into the files by hand long b4 there was apps to do it for you lol07:51
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buzi won't even touch a sub 512 box07:51
buzfor any real use, i wouldn't go below 1gb07:51
edulixbuz: no it's not. and everything works like a charm normally, but suddently this happens07:52
Tm_Tbuz: hah, I hate if desktop use more than 150Mb ram =)07:52
buzare you running kaffeine? that starts to eat cpu at times07:52
buzright now top says xorg uses 150mb (incl. sharedlibs i guess) alone07:52
Verwilstlol kubuntu doesn't have many updates eh... :p07:52
edulixbuz: II've been running multiple distros in my 256 mram rof ram boxes and trust me, 256 is good enough07:52
buzand another 150mb for firefox07:52
Tm_Tbuz: wtf07:53
Tm_Tbuz: 140Mb total, apps in 4 desktops :p07:53
excitonmy iBook has 256. KDE and gnome run just fine!07:53
excitonwith like 800 in swap07:53
buzdon't even get me started about osx in 256mb07:54
superkittyHow do i add a home file to the desktop or panel?07:54
buzsuperkitty: add konqueror /path to your home07:54
excitonlol but buz I was just starting to like your rants lol07:54
edulixbuz: even if I restart X everything slow 07:54
buzand chose a fitting icon07:54
excitonbuz: you run kubuntu or ubuntu? being here I would guess K but just got to ask07:55
edulixbuz: but if I restart kubuntu once or even sometimes it needs to be done twice, then everything returns to work in a normal and fast manner07:55
buzi hate gnome07:55
buzbut maybe its related to me using xinerama07:55
Tm_Tbuz: there is usually something wrong if FF take more than 20Mt ram =)07:55
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excitonlol I wish I could dang powerful ati card with sad drivers lol07:56
buznot even under win i could get by with less than 60mb ram for it07:56
Tm_Tbuz: what? ehhh07:56
buzyeah ati isn't exactly what one wants for linux07:56
buzmaybe i shouldn't be using all those extensions07:57
excitonbut I like KDE much better I just feel gnmoe is to mac-ish07:57
buzbut then again i "neeeed" them07:57
skamanguys i have random apps crashes do u think that this could be related to be updating from ubuntu to  kubuntu?07:57
excitonI just can't give up DRI lol07:57
Tm_Tskaman: nope07:57
excitonso I just have a black screen and one working one 07:57
excitonbetter then two that just don't work at all lopl07:58
skamani haven't got only konqueror crashes as many other people07:58
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skamankopete kaffeine and many other apps too07:58
Tm_Tskaman: not even once07:58
skamanmaybe a fresh install07:58
Tm_Tno crashes, just wide smile :)07:58
skamansolves the problem?07:58
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superkittybuz thanks07:58
edulixwell I'm going to reboot, because typing is imposible (it freezes and thus it's difficult), cursor doesn't move smoothly, konversation updates message list like if it were rendering it (you know, _that's_ slowness..), etc07:58
Tm_Tskaman: maybe, maybe not07:58
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skamanunder gnome all worked well07:59
excitonI just got a copy of ubuntu and spent the last few days updating and downloaded everything for kde, Over dial-up cuz I hate gnome07:59
edulixnoone have had this problem yet ? maybe the people that had them just switched to other distro hehe. this never happennde to me in suse, in this same machine08:00
excitonedulix: How do you like suse?08:00
Tm_Tsuse :/08:01
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edulixedulix: it at least have a very good configurator and akde by default08:01
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edulixtalking to myself? lol. that was for exciton08:01
excitonyeah I hate what the fedora crew did with making it a pain to change desktops from gnmoe08:01
edulixBTW, there's an ongoing effort to port yast to debian/kubuntu, called yast4debian. stay tunned ;)08:02
superkittyanyone know how to set up samba ?08:02
excitonbut right now I'm running Mandrake on my main sys and am thinking about going to suse or deb08:02
Tm_Tedulix: yast to deb? why?08:02
Tm_Texciton: deb08:02
edulixI think my problem might be related to ati driver, because II don't notce slowness in the ttys08:02
Tm_Tso don't use those drivers08:03
excitonI am leaning more to deb but it's still in the air 08:03
edulixTm_T: yast4debian, hahaha why not ? it's  avery powerful tool!08:04
excitonI may just do kubuntu on my main sys and just update that lol08:04
edulixTm_T: there are no other drivers for my card...08:04
Tm_Tedulix: err, and apt-get is not powerful?08:04
excitonso far I am love'n kubuntu but I just need to get apache php and mysql on it and I'll be happy08:05
excitonedulix: what ati card do you have?08:05
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edulixTm_T: what does have Yast have to do with Yast?? Yast  ControlCenter08:05
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Tm_Thmm hmm08:06
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buzyast is a deeply evil piece of code08:07
excitonreally the only thing keeping me on Mandrake is the Mandrake control center is so useful for somethings08:07
edulixexciton: ATi Radeon 75000 mobility 750008:07
edulixbuz: you are also :-)08:07
excitonwhat driver are you using?08:08
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buzevil? me? most definitely (the only person still not believing it is my gf)08:08
excitonbuz: gf's are like that lol08:08
buzthey won't even believe if you tell them08:08
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edulixexciton: they have already ported 4 modules of Yast Control Center, and they intend to port all of them. Yast is so powerful because it is also so featureful and useful. yeah, it's a bit slow and it's useer intrface is a nightmare, but..08:09
excitonbuz: Yep. You just have to sure them by teaching them html/php and c/c++ thats what I do lol08:09
excitonedulix: lol08:10
edulixexciton: I'm using the only driver existing (AFAIK) for  it: "ati". the one shipped with (k9ubuntu.  ati propietary driveer dosn't doesn't work with my card, I belive08:10
sorinDoes anyone knows if it is possible to move a VMware installation to the actual disk to boot normally?08:10
buzedulix: and of course it tends to overwrite everything you carefully did by hand08:11
buzdrakconf is at least halfway sensible wrt to that08:11
excitonedulix: I ask cuz my roommate has the same card in his iBook G308:11
excitonedulix: and is not having the problems like that08:12
buzedulix: what series of ibook are you using08:12
edulixexciton: I only suggested that it could be that becaouse if it's not ram nor swap, and cpu usage doesn't seems strange to me, then what else could be ?08:12
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excitonlol there is 4 ati cards in this house a 7500m a 9200m a 8500pro and a 860008:13
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excitonso I have a little exp with ati and linux lol08:13
buzand none of them does composite grrr08:14
edulixBTW, I must tell you guys that watching konversation nearly "rendering" / slow updating the messages sent to the channel is a strange "experience" :P08:14
buzmy next box will have nvidia, thats for sure08:14
Borg^QueenHey people. Quick question. We're trying out kubuntu live on a ppc, we can't find kwikdisk. It is present under another command?08:14
Borg^Queenedulix: that happens to me when I'm editing film.08:14
edulixbuz: this laptop have an ati only because I didn't buy it, ut my father gave me it :P08:14
excitonedulix: yeah I got my iBook the same way it was given to me08:15
edulixBorg^Queen: but with film or with konversation ? hehehe08:15
Borg^QueenKonversation renders in slow motion like its on drugs whilst editing film. The film work remains unaffected.08:16
excitonspeaking of it anyone know about klaptop08:16
Borg^QueenAbout kwikdisk on a live cd?08:16
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Borg^QueenDid kubuntu do away with kwikdisk?08:16
excitonmy batt. tray icon is messed up08:16
malteBorg^Queen, i can't even find it in the repository08:17
Borg^QueenSo it's gone?08:17
edulixso, any ideas what could be making my system go suddently so slow ?08:17
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Borg^Queenedulix: a heavy background function.08:17
excitonedulix: do you have a cdrom in your tray?08:17
Borg^Queenuse ctrl esc to call ksysguard and see what's up08:18
excitonlike the ubuntu/kubuntu disks?08:18
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mkhanhi i am new to kubuntu and linux itself08:18
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Borg^Queenexciton: are you running a live CD on a MAC?08:18
Borg^Queenhello mkhan 08:19
edulixBorg^Queen: I prefer using top, it doesn't take much time to launch  it,and knowing that my system is now so slow...08:19
excitonbecause if I have (The only one I have had in this cdrom is ubuntu) ubuntu in the cdrom it lags up bad08:19
mkhanwhen i tried to do an update using the update manager, i got these messages W: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>08:19
leafwHi all! I'm chatting from a live cd on an ibook G3 ! Congratulations to whoever is responsible, this machine works really nice with kubuntu live!08:19
mkhancould anybody tell me what does it mean, and how to do the updates08:19
Borg^Queenleafw: congrats08:19
excitonBorg^Queen: no I'm running ubuntu ppc installed and downloaded KDE 08:19
edulixone thing I've noticed is that Xorg and gamin/gam_server usually  take more cpu cycles than normally when system becomes slow08:20
bhnaanybody with a nvidia geforce 5500 card here?08:20
Borg^Queenmkhan: it means the package you wanted to download is corrupt maybe?08:20
edulixexciton: I have no cdrom in my tray08:20
mkhanhow do i fix it ?08:20
Borg^QueenTry redownloading08:20
excitonedulix: okay it was just an idea because like I said it slowed my system down08:20
mkhani am not downloading any specific package 08:21
mkhaneven if i do a apt-get update08:21
mkhani get the same message08:21
edulixbhna: I wish I had :P08:21
bhnaedulix: ;-)08:21
excitonyeah me too08:21
Borg^Queenmkhan: I don't know.08:21
mkhanthanks ...anybody else08:21
Borg^Queenmkhan: what app are you using?08:22
Borg^QueenHmm odd08:22
bhnaglxgears 1.300 is slow ofr an 5500 nvidia, isnt it?08:22
Borg^Queenmkhan: did you update your server repository?08:23
mkhanyeah i did that08:23
mkhanbut even then i am getting these messages08:23
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mkhanearlier it was fine...i started getting these messages for the past 2 days08:23
edulixI'm no watching top and I see that cpu usage is in fact at about 85-95 all the time08:24
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bhnaedulix: wich program eat 80 % of cpu08:24
excitonedulix: I'm not sure it's your vid card doing that08:25
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excitonsound's more like a run away program all in all08:25
edulixbhna: noone ! it's not only one08:25
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excitonlol on my system 3Dc pings my cpu at 100%08:25
Borg^Queendoes anyone have kwikdisk?08:26
bhnaBorg^Queen: look at kde-addons08:26
edulixXorg takes abot 40-50% (average) artsd 20-30, konqueror ~8, a lot of 1%, etc08:26
Borg^Queenbhna: you're a genius08:26
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edulixI meant that a lot of programs take ~1%08:27
bhnaBeineri: maybee ;-) but i'm not shure08:27
Borg^Queenbhna: this is a live cd08:27
Borg^QueenSo it doesn't have it on a live cd.08:28
edulixit seems that everyone is busier than normal. artsd normally doesn't take more than 5%, and Xorg is usally not even shown,  Ibelive08:28
bhnaBorg^Queen: oh? sorry08:28
edulixbhna: what's in kde-look  ?:P08:28
Borg^Queenbhna: sorry, you answered my question kiddo08:29
buzedulix: xorg gets serious cpu time at times on my box08:29
=== Borg^Queen squeezes bhna brain.... affectionately
leafwquestion: default root pwd of live CD ?08:29
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excitonbuz: xorg is taking no more then 6% on my sys08:30
Borg^Queenleafw: root for root08:30
Borg^Queenleafw: my pleasure08:30
buztry moving some apps around and watch at top08:30
Borg^QueenThank you humans BBL08:30
edulixbuz: don't move any window,  maiixmze konsole, and then watch at it. I don't think it takes more than 10% on average08:30
buzwell on average, without moving stuff, it's probably below 10%08:31
buzsomewhere around 5 or 7 i'd say08:31
edulixbuz: moving apps ? that like crazy.  I barely can move the mouse man!08:31
excitonbuz: wow moving a window around jumps it to 50%+08:31
buzi've even seen 80%+ when moving stuff08:31
buztry moving it for a few seconds08:31
buzuntil it doesn't quite keep up with repaints08:31
excitonthat did not take long lol08:31
buzeasily tops 80% then08:32
buz(say what you want, but X11 is crap)08:32
edulixit's not if you activate composite and configure kwin to use it ..08:32
excitonI just can't wait for XGL or whatever they will be calling it08:33
edulixthen moving windows becomes smooth and top doesn't notice it08:33
leafwBorg^Queen: can't login in to root nor run su. Any suggestions? All I want to do is to mount te hd08:33
excitonedulix: speaking of witch can you point me to a howto on composite?08:33
excitonleafw: sudo mount /foo/bar /foo/bar08:34
leafwexciton: thank you, let's see08:34
edulixexciton: if you have a nvidia card it's a matter of adding two lines to xorg.cconf and ativating somethhing in kcontrol08:35
buzexciton: no composite for ati08:35
edulixexciton: there must be something in the ubuntu's wiki08:35
edulixbuz: I think that latest ati propietary driver  version have support for composite, but  I'mnot sure08:36
buzwhere can i get those?08:36
excitonbuz: there is composite for ati it's just a pain my roommate set it up on his iBook but he gets a starnge green hue on everything08:36
buzi'll probably still get gforce 6200 in my new box ;-)08:36
buzused to be ati fanboy (primarily because its hard to find fanless nvidia stuff)08:36
excitonati is much better power for the money but because they suck at making linux drivers us linux users are outed08:37
buzi don't care much for power08:38
edulixwell I'm going to post a message to the mailing list about my problem. apart from cpu usage, what else should I provide (any log info I haven't noticed yet ?)08:38
buzi want a dual dvi card without fan and proper linux support, that's all08:38
buzpci express would  be a plus but not ultimate requirement08:38
excitonlol well starting getting systems now cuz in a few years I'm sure they are going to make it really hard to run linux ;)08:39
buzthe chinese won't care for TCPA and other expensive, useless crap08:39
buzand i will start importing chinese hardware and get RIIIICH08:40
edulixBBr, I 'm rebooting !08:40
excitongl edulix 08:40
buzROTFL http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=145831&cid=1221480908:41
buzmust be somewhat uncomfortable to do that in your office, no?08:41
excitonbuz: LOL08:44
leafwany clue on how to mount an Apple hfs08:44
leafwmount -t hfs fails08:45
buznot really08:45
buzbut i know that osx can use UFS which in turn should be supported by linux and is a much better FS than HFS anyway08:45
leafwwell, I' just testing08:45
leafwis hfs supported in kubuntu live cd powerpc ?08:46
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sorinapt-get install java?08:50
buzsorin: ubuntuguide.org08:51
excitonnope no java08:51
_membreyajava is non-distributable..can't apt-get it :P08:51
sorinhow do you find out which process locked a file, so i can kill it?08:51
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sorini downloaded the java bin08:52
crimsunsorin: lsof <the file>08:52
sorini can see it in ksysguard, but i don't see an install window.  I have no idea what it is doing08:52
bhnasorin: http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/backports/dists/hoary-extras/restricted/binary-i386/08:53
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King_Bradhow would i go about upgrading my XFree86?08:53
buzuuhh kubuntu uses xorg08:54
sorincrimsun: it displayed nothing08:54
King_Bradhow would i upgrade it?08:54
buzand its pretty current right now08:54
buzyou can still do apt-get update && apt-get distupgrade if you like, of course08:54
buzgot any specific trouble?08:54
King_Bradthen how would i fix libxrender ?08:54
King_Bradmy wife (GenericQueen) is getting some weird error with that file08:55
buzdid you try removing it and readding it in synaptic?08:55
GenericQueensays its buggy08:55
GenericQueenno bu i will08:55
buzwhat card have you got?08:55
GenericQueennvidia tnt 08:56
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sorinbhna: thank you08:57
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freak_hi !08:57
shogoukii've got a problem with my centrino08:57
bhnasorin: my pleasure ;-)08:57
shogoukiubuntu# ifup eth008:58
shogoukiIgnoring unknown interface eth0=eth0.08:58
shogoukianyone have seen this pb before ?08:58
freak_Who knows why don't have the possibilities to configure network ............. like drakconf under Mandrake08:58
shogoukieth0 is listed lile a wireless extension in iwconfig08:58
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bhnafreak_: look at knetworkconf08:59
freak_okay but drakconf is a global menu09:00
freak_Kubuntu has only kcontrol to configure ??09:00
sorinisn't kynaptic supposed to launch? It launches Ark09:00
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bhnafreak_: yes09:03
sorinbhna: To which app do I feed that deb file?  Kynaptic doesn't want it.09:04
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freak_It's so poor 09:05
freak_However Kde 3.4 is very good09:05
King_Bradsorin: use dpkg -i <package name>09:05
buzuse kpackage or synaptic09:06
buzkynaptic is next to useless09:06
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freak_or apt-get install ... :)09:06
edulixhey ! I'm back09:06
King_Bradis Tridnet Blade 3d video card supported in Kubantu?09:07
King_Brador Nvidia TNT?09:07
edulixI think I've found the problem: it appears that everything slowdown just when my laptop fans start to spin vigorously09:08
sorinSo, why is it included if it's next to useless???09:08
edulixdoes it make sense ? :P09:08
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bhnaopen the konsole, dpkg install *.deb09:09
bhnaopen the konsole, dpkg --install *.deb09:10
sorini installed it09:10
buzedulix: could be that your cpu throtthles at that point?09:11
edulixbuz: my cpu is always at 1.2 Ghz09:11
edulixat least that's what cat /proc/cpuinfo tells me09:12
buzsorin: who knows. it looks pretty.09:12
edulix(even if it can reach 1.7 Ghz)09:12
buzsynaptic is fugly09:12
erhanhey why kubuntu dont give firefox?09:12
erhann the package09:13
bhnaerhan: konqueror is the default browser09:13
erhanyea its 09:13
bhnaerhan: apt-get install mozilla-firefox09:13
erhan:) i know it 09:14
erhanjust i was thinkin it 09:14
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_ubuntuhey people09:15
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freak_Firefox powa ;)09:17
UberNoobok this is interesting. 09:17
UberNoobNice live cd09:17
edulixbuz: actually, blue-imac: uhm, it could make sense the throutling thingie, because when everything gets slow, I see that cpu usage averages 85-95%, and it's not 1 program but all of them09:18
UberNoobThere are some things I don't like but I think it's because I'm on a live cd09:18
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edulixlet's see where can I see what happens and how to modify my prefeerncies09:18
freak_I'd like to install opera web browser en kde to test pages to my web agency but it doesn't exist in sources list package !09:18
UberNoobok later people. Off to do an actual install09:19
edulixfreak_: I've ben ther,e but didn't find anything related to heat or fans spinning :P09:20
freak_it'll be Wine + IE09:21
buzfreak_: did you get IE to work in Wine?09:21
buzif so, how?09:22
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freak_I gonna use Wine in order to obtain IE on Linux09:22
freak_If anyone knows how to obtain IE on linux, I' ll your suggestions09:23
buzthere's a script out there, didn't work for me though09:24
bhnabuz: http://sidenet.ddo.jp/winetips/config.html09:24
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freak_It's just to test web pages before release09:24
buzbhna: didnt work for me.09:24
freak_ok 09:24
buzi tried it three times09:24
leafwany ideas on mounting a macosx hfs+ partition09:25
amumount -t hfsplus /dev/hdaX /mountpoint09:25
leafwamu: fails09:26
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amuwhat's the error message? 09:26
leafwand -t ufs - o ufstype=openstep fails too09:26
leafw"HFS+-fs: unable to find HFS+ superblock"09:26
amuis it a mac partion with journal or a native ? 09:26
leafwwhich means it's not a hfs+, but I know it should be09:27
leafwit's a macosx home directory09:27
buzi think osx 10.3 uses journal by default09:27
amuwhat says less /proc/partitions09:27
leafwit's 10.2.8 by the way09:27
leafwI'm in kubuntu live cd on ibook G309:28
amuyep 10.3 uses hfsplus 09:28
leafwwith macosx 10.2.8 installedi n the hda09:28
amuleafw: try mount -t hfs 09:28
leafwcan't find hfs filesystem ..09:29
amulsmod |grep hfs 09:29
leafwprints hfsplus, hfs and nls_base09:29
leafwI believe hda5 is the system and hda6 is the home dir, but can't mount it09:30
amucould you paste the last lines of dmesg, after running mount -t hfs 09:30
amucheck it with less /proc/pationions ... it says the size and you problably remember how big is your home 09:31
leafwVFS: Can't find a HFS filesystem on dev hda6.09:31
leafwhow odd:09:32
freak_do you use SUDO ,09:32
leafwthe /proc/partitions can be put by 'tab', but then says:09:32
leafwsudo: /proc/partitions: command not found09:32
amuleafw: you're sure hda6 is you home ? 09:33
buzi don't think osx uses split partitions by default09:33
leafwI've tried them all09:33
leafwhda1 to 609:33
amuleafw: more /proc/partitions09:33
buztry launching qtparted to see what there exactly is09:33
leafwhda5 mounts, and shows only ln files.09:33
freak_no sudo is to be root on your system 09:33
freak_sudo mount -t hfs .............09:34
leafwfreak_: doen't work09:34
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_-InMa-_buenas noches, good night.09:34
leafwamu: qtparted not found, this is a livecd and may be limited09:34
buzyeah i think it's not in the default install09:35
freak_df -h 09:35
amuleafw: install it ... sudo apt-get install qtparted09:36
leafwin the livecd ?is it possible ?09:36
freak_you'll know which partition is mounted09:36
amusure 09:36
amuwe have full read/write support on the live :)09:36
leafwshit apt-get may not be properly configured09:36
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freak_edit /etc/apt/source.list09:37
amusudo apt-setup ? 09:37
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leafwthe sources.list looks ok to me09:38
freak_sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade09:38
freak_sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade09:38
brk3whats the story with kynaptic.. i cant seem to get a description of what package im installing like on synaptic..09:39
buzsudo apt-get moo09:39
freak_freak@freaklaptop:~ $ sudo apt-cache search qtparted09:39
freak_qtparted - A parted frontend using QT09:39
leafwno package qtparted09:39
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freak_are you in multiverse universe ?09:40
edulixnow i my fan has just started to spin09:40
amuleafw: you've to enable universe for qtparted09:41
edulixand yeah, the problem was with that: now everything is slow again. and you know what ? in klaptop system-tray I can see that my freq scaling is at 75%09:41
edulixand the bad when normally I put it in 0%09:41
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=== buz was right hehe
leafwthanks for the efforts but this is not going in09:42
edulix*but* just clicking in 0% just doesn't do anything09:42
edulixit keeps being stubborn in 75%09:42
edulixand also, in klaptop the setting  "turncpufreq to 75% when fan start to spin" is hidden. where cann i cofigure it by hand ?09:43
buzare you root?09:45
buzmaybe only root can change that09:45
amuleafw: i'm not sure about the live, on a "installation" hfs and hfsplus partions can be mounted, write access is bit difficult, but also works  09:45
freak_either change root passwd or use sudo09:46
freak_sudo passwd root09:46
freak_or sudo comand............ 09:46
edulixbuz: well, klaptop is not being executed with root user of course09:47
edulixlet's try09:47
edulixanyway, that's only a temporal solutionn: ext time the fan starts to spin I would need to do the same..!09:47
leafwI've neevr used apt-get to install from a .deb file09:49
leafwthe man doesn't say anything09:49
leafwis it possible ?09:49
edulixdpkg -i <deb files>09:50
leafwok, thank you09:50
freak_but you need to have the deb file with dpkg -i , contrary to apt-get 09:51
leafwtrue, I downloaded it.09:51
amuare there any germans here? 09:51
buzswiss, if that helps09:52
leafwhow funny, qtparted lists hdb and not hda09:52
leafwhdb is the cdrom09:52
freak_French if that helps :D09:52
freak_no it's the slave disk09:53
amusorry not, we need to translate kubuntu.de 09:53
freak_hda ( master )09:53
freak_hdb ( Slave )09:53
freak_is that true ?? :$09:53
leafwfreak: live cd kubuntu is slightly odd in this respect09:53
amuany volunteer 09:54
buzhuh its not even related to kubuntu09:54
leafwok NOW09:55
leafwsorry sudo qparted did it09:55
amubuz: ? 09:55
buzkubuntu.de talks about gnoppix09:55
leafwhda5 is not only the system but everything09:55
leafwand it's hf+09:55
leafwand it's hfs+09:55
amubuz: arg, www.kubuntu.de09:55
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buzaah kubuntu.de != www.kubuntu.de09:55
amubuz: i've to fix that, sorry09:56
buzi could do the frontpage09:56
buzbut i lack the time for docs or wiki09:56
amuthat would be nice, hold on, i need a full upgrade and a server fix09:57
leafwexcuse me for my stupidity, but sudo mount -t hfsplus -r /dev/hda5 /mnt/macosx5  finally did it09:57
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leafwit fooled me that the mount -t hfs /dev/hd5 didn't fail and reported just 4 symlinks09:57
buzbut it would have to wait until thursday09:57
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Lokewhats the image preview program which is embedded in konqueror in kubuntu called?09:58
Lokethx :-)09:58
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Lokedoes anyone know if kubuntu will be offered through shipit?09:59
tim_h_btw. gwenview doesnt has my native language (german) in kubuntu09:59
amubuz: ok, server fixed10:00
buzi won't get round doing it until thursday10:00
freak_Loke : No i only take on ubuntu cause it's not possible on Kubuntu at the moment10:00
buzwhere could i send it to?10:00
amubuz: by mail, sendfile whatever you prever 10:01
amubuz: that's ok, we've to start the translations, every help is welcome 10:01
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trekehrmm kate 3.4 doesnt come with a filtype for C++ code any more10:07
freak_bye and thanks everyone :)10:08
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leafwthank you all. Bye10:11
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mikmakis there a ubuntu pkg for the flashplugin-nonfree of debian ?10:19
mikmak(=> the real macromedia flash ;)10:19
amulibflash-mozplugin ? 10:21
mikmakDescription: GPL Flash (SWF) Library - Mozilla-compatible plugin10:21
mikmaknot the good one ;)10:21
amuGPL _is_ the good one ;)10:22
malteno, it sucks :)10:22
mikmaknot for flash ;)10:22
mikmak(if you want to use real flash)10:22
malteit's easy to d/l and install it manually though mikmak 10:22
mikmakmalte: yes, but I _hate_ doing so in debian10:22
maltewhy? which browser are you using?10:23
mikmaknot a browser problem, but I prefer my apt to manage it10:23
mikmakso i get updates automatically etc10:23
malteit's one file :)10:23
mikmakyes but debian downloads it itself :)10:23
malteor two perhaps10:23
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maltei bet there are unofficial repositories which have it though10:24
mikmakit really sucks to not have it in ubuntu imho10:24
mikmakthere is no good GPL thing for flash10:24
maltei agree10:24
mikmakso basically it means ubuntu does not support flash at all ;)10:25
mikmak(which is bad :)10:25
maltethey don't include proprietary stuff i reckon10:25
=== coreymon77 [~coreymon@toronto-HSE-ppp3954311.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
coreymon77hey redrum10:26
coreymon77guess where im talking from?10:26
mikmaklinux-restricted-modules-2.6.10-5-686 - Non-free Linux 2.6.10 modules on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV <= nvidia ;)10:26
Riddellcoreymon77: Kubuntu?10:26
mikmak(must be a joke to not include flash if they include nvidia ...)10:26
coreymon77redrum: you got it10:27
coreymon77i finally got it to work10:27
coreymon77and the funny part is10:27
maltemikmak, mkay :)10:27
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coreymon77its works way better than before10:27
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amumikmak: why a joke, if the licnce forbit it, it can be redistributed, it's impossible to make legal packages10:28
coreymon77i wonder if it working better has anything to do with having ubuntu as its base?10:29
mikmakamu: debian does it fine ...10:29
mikmakamu: why not ubuntu ?10:29
amumikmak: debian. who even didnt allow not to package non-gpl docu on their debs? you will say they offer a fucking nonfree sucking plugin like flash? 10:32
amuwhat's the packagename ? 10:32
trekemikmak: different projects have different opinions on the legality of doing things10:32
mikmakamu: flashplugin-nonfree :)10:32
mikmaktreke: flashplugin-nonfree does not contain anything nonfree actually10:33
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mikmakamu: i am thinking for end users, are you asking them to go to macromedia 's website , understand what they tell you, download the file, unpack it (if they ever understand what it tells), then (the best!) move this file to the plugin directory of your browser10:34
mikmakyou are not talking to an end user10:34
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LeeJunFanEverything easy is not good.10:36
amumikmak: right, there will be in feature something easier than intalling debs, you just click on the webpage and it installs all your soft10:36
mikmakLeeJunFan: ubuntu is not good then10:36
mikmakLeeJunFan: it's meant to be easy for end users10:36
mikmakamu: s/feature/future/ ?10:36
LeeJunFanIf you give ability to install everything with a simple click you end up with windows. A system where it so easy to install spywware and viruses people don't even know they did it.10:37
amumikmak: err right :)10:37
LeeJunFanmikmak: it's meant to be easy in terms of linux, not computers.10:37
mikmakLeeJunFan: in terms of users10:37
LeeJunFanAgain - if you make ubuntu stupid enough for joe dumbass then people with an IQ won't want to us it. And for the time being linux belongs to geeks. period.10:38
amuLeeJunFan: dude we have gpg sigs we can authenticate them, that's all no problem 10:38
mikmakLeeJunFan: use debian then, ubuntu has no more things10:38
LeeJunFanmikmak: ubuntu is pretty much debian with more up to date packages.10:39
amuLeeJunFan: it must be more easy as it is possible10:39
mikmakLeeJunFan: the goal of ubuntu is to make it (debian) easy for end users afaik10:39
mikmakelse it's just stupid10:39
mikmakjust add an apt source in debian, and we are done10:39
mikmakand if you have nvidia, I dont see any reason to provide an easy way to install flash (flash is way more important than nvidia on linux for end users)10:40
mikmakto +not provide10:40
amu95% of all desktops are windows, probably 1% runs linux, fro those 1%, 0.01% know how to install a deb,packages 10:41
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mikmakthat's where synaptic/kynaptic are important10:42
LeeJunFanI'm not saying that linux won't eventually be desktop ready, but the fact is that it isn't now, either get over it or move on. Just quit bitchin'.10:43
amumikmak: yep10:43
amuLeeJunFan: linux on a desktop is still too difficult, if you installed/run a Mac once a time, you know what i'm talking about   10:45
mikmakLeeJunFan: my point is that (k)ubuntu should have provided flashplugin-nonfree (since it's clear that they provide binary stuff -like nvidia-) , it's way more important for users to be able to surf on the web than 3d. (it's a GPL-oriented choice, and imho a bad one)10:45
LeeJunFanamu: right - it'll just take time.10:46
mikmakamu: Mac has the advantage to know what hardware it will find ;)10:46
mikmakthat makes it a lot more easy10:46
amumikmak: that's 1 point the other is the software, which you use10:46
LeeJunFanmikmak: You've got a point there. It doesn't make sense IF the reason is licensing.10:46
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amuc&p, drag&drop 10:47
trekemikmak: the difference is that nvidia gives redistribution permission. The terms of the flash license may not allow that.10:48
mikmaktreke: with flashplugin-nonfree, there is _no_ problem10:48
mikmakit's more free than the nvidia pkgs are ;)10:49
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_tomany kubuntu experts present?11:26
Riddell_tom: deep down we're all experts11:28
_tomsure, we are :-)11:28
Boogiemanexcept me. i'm the stupid questions guy11:28
=== flammenbringer [~flammen@dsl-084-058-014-230.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
Riddell_tom: did you have a question?11:29
_tomthe mouse wheel will not work, not even an xev event :-(11:29
Riddelldo you have         Option          "ZAxisMapping"          "4 5"  in /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:31
_tomi have, yes11:32
_tomPS/2 mouse, protocoll imps/211:32
Boogiemanmy main question is, is kubuntu as easy as mandrake it is now.11:33
gdhdoes 'fuimps/2' exist as a proto in xorg?11:34
gdhI had to use that with one intellimouse I had...11:34
Tm_TBoogieman: easier?11:34
gdhalthough this was a few years ago11:34
hungerI have not seen updates to hoary for days. Is that intended? How can I upgrade to the development version?11:35
_tomwho do i know whether it exists?11:35
BoogiemanTm_T i need a nearly fool proof linux. otherwise i cant use it11:35
gdh_tom: read the manpages :)11:35
=== edulix [~edulix@136.Red-80-59-147.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
Tm_TBoogieman: try live-cd first ;)11:35
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glass-eyeC# will probably be a little faster in some circumstances because it makes you use explicit casting rather than late binding11:35
BoogiemanTm_T that is what i download at the monent11:35
_tomgdh: won't help :-/11:36
hungerBoogieman: There is no foolproof linux!11:36
=== spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
Tm_Tthere is no foolproof os at all!11:36
=== _ubuntu [~ubuntu@175.Red-81-36-55.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
hungerBoogieman: Whenever someone makes linux foolproof some other idiot runs of to improve the fools!11:36
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=== kevins [~kevins@213-202-158-166.bas503.dsl.esat.net] has joined #kubuntu
gdhTm_T: No, for fools are so ingenious :)11:37
kevinshi, i was just tryin to rip a cd into mp3 with grip but i don't know what encoder i need,any help?11:37
Tm_Tkevins: kubuntu wiki ?11:38
Boogiemanand a community that is willing to answer beginner questions is always good for everyone. because when you have low knowlegde how shall you find the information sources the "experts" want you that you had read before begging to ask them11:38
hungerkevins: Go to #ubuntu with the gnome problems!11:38
hungerkevins: Use konqui if you are in debian.11:38
Boogiemanbut when he does it under kunbuntu?11:38
kevinswell i'm usin kubuntu i just have the same problem with kaudiocreator11:38
Tm_Thunger: no need to yell all the time?11:39
hungerBoogieman: He can't as there is no Gnome stuff in kubuntu.11:39
hungerTm_T: I am yelling? I see my text in (mostly) lowercase.11:39
hungerBoogieman: At least not by default...11:40
kevinsya i downloaded it through the respositories11:40
hungerkevins: You don't like audiocd:/ url in konqui?11:41
_tomanybody getting a wheel mouse to work with kubuntu?11:42
kevinsit doesn't have mp3 encoding11:42
hungerkevins: That should be set up for you on the kubuntu install... although I have not tried that yet.11:42
Tm_Thunger: ! ;)11:42
kevinsalls i need is the name of the encoder11:43
gdhlame ?11:44
gdh"lame - LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder"11:44
gdhalthough of course.. it is :)11:44
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hungerkevins: Looks like no mp3 encoder is installed...11:45
kevinsgdh; thanks11:46
gdhkevins: you'll need multiverse for that, etc.11:46
gdhdeb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary multiverse11:47
hungerkevins: Just installing lame does not include it in audiocd:/11:52
=== _edulix [~edulix@136.Red-80-59-147.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
kevinsgdh, thanks that worked11:57
=== smouche [~bc@cpe-24-90-94-112.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu

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