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bob2so how do I close a bug from the bug page?09:45
bob2afaict I have to go find the corresponding task page09:45
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TreenaksI'm getting complaints from upstream translators that a lot of .po's are missing from rosetta, and that people are re-doing their work12:23
Treenaks(which has been done for ages)12:23
=== xLobeznox [~xveganx@] has joined #launchpad
xLobeznoxI register in ubuntu bugzilla but I obtain no e-mail12:28
carlosTreenaks: can you concrete where is the problem? we are importing now all .po files automatically so if there are some .po files missing it's a bug (talking about Ubuntu translations)12:32
carlosxLobeznox: could you ask at #ubuntu or #ubuntu-devel, we don't handle that bugzilla12:33
xLobeznoxI am not sure if it is a ubuntu issue, maybe launchpad?12:37
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carlosxLobeznox: bugzilla is not using launchpad12:45
carlosxLobeznox: only the website12:45
carlosxLobeznox: only the *Ubuntu* website12:46
xLobeznoxyes, I know but I mean if the website is not working OK12:46
xLobeznoxbecause I dont receive e-mail 12:46
carlosxLobeznox: but if you have problems with Bugzilla, it's not related with Launchpad12:46
xLobeznoxhe mandado ya dos registros, y no recibo el e-mail12:46
carlosxLobeznox: en bugzilla?12:47
xLobeznoxpues no se, como sabes eso?12:47
carlosxLobeznox: desde donde los has mandado?12:47
carlosxLobeznox: bugzilla.ubuntu.com, www.ubuntu.com, launchpad.ubuntu.com?12:48
carlosxLobeznox: eso es Malone, no bugzilla :-)12:48
xLobeznoxusa launchpad para el registro en bugzilla, creo12:48
xLobeznoxa ver, yo he accedido ahi desde bugzilla de ubuntu12:48
xLobeznoxpara registrarme y tener acceso al bugzilla12:49
carlosxLobeznox: Malone es el sistema de seguimiento de fallos integrado con launchpad12:49
xLobeznoxdale a "ubuntu universe" y de ahi accede a launchpad.ubuntu.com12:50
carlosya veo la confusin :-)12:50
xLobeznoxyo no me habia fijado que fuesen dos sistemas diferentes12:50
carlospara universe estamos usando ya el nuevo sistema de seguimiento de fallos llamado Malone12:50
xLobeznoxde hecho no entiendo muy bien que hacen12:50
xLobeznoxeres devel de ubuntu?12:51
carlosxLobeznox: tienes cuenta en www.ubuntu.com?12:51
carlosxLobeznox: de launchpad12:51
xLobeznoxno se que es12:51
xLobeznoxno tengo cuenta en www.ubuntu.com12:51
carloslaunchpad es el servidor de aplicaciones que estamos desarrollando en Canonical, integra Rosetta (para traducciones), Malone (para bugs) y Soyuz (para desarrollo de la distribucin)12:52
xLobeznoxque completito12:52
carlosxLobeznox: vale, entonces tienes que crearte una (que supongo, es lo que intentas hacer y no te va)12:52
carlospuedes decirme tu direccin de correo?12:52
xLobeznoxhe usado lobezno@sindominio.net12:53
carlosxLobeznox: lo que te falla es la opcin de "registro"?12:54
xLobeznoxyo le doy a registrar, y avanza, todo bien12:54
xLobeznoxpero luego no me llega el e-mail12:54
carlosy ests seguro que no te lo elimina algn filtro antispam? (es una posibilidad...)12:55
Treenakscarlos: abiword12:56
Treenakscarlos: and Dutch12:56
xLobeznoxpues no se, me llega bastante spam de fuera desde ahi12:56
xLobeznoxvoy a probar con otro email12:56
carlosxLobeznox: El from es de: noreply@canonical.com12:57
carlosTreenaks: yeah, that one is not (yet) fixed12:57
carlosTreenaks: is there any way to get all .po files from abiword from their site?12:58
carlosTreenaks: I know they are not using .po file by default12:58
Treenakscarlos: there is a complete PO import for "Dutch (Netherlands)"12:58
Treenakscarlos: but not for plain Dutch (which is the same..)12:58
Treenaks(is=should be)12:58
carlosTreenaks: because Abiword are not using correctly the language codes, the use 'code-country' instead of just 'code'12:59
carlosTreenaks: and the person who imported it, selected the code_country language as the .po file has it01:00
carlosbut that's another issue we will fix soon from Rosetta01:00
carlosTreenaks: If you can give me a link to all current .po files in Abiword, I will fix that situation.01:00
Treenakscarlos: I don't know anything about abiword upstream01:01
carlosTreenaks: can you ask to the people is complaining about Rosetta? or forward them to me? (carlos.perello@canonical.com)01:03
Treenakscarlos: OK, I will01:03
xLobeznoxhe estado mirando tu blog01:04
xLobeznoxtambien eres gnomero01:04
xLobeznoxuna cami de mono xD01:04
carlosxLobeznox: efectivamente :-)01:05
xLobeznoxdeberia incluirse un theme negro en gnome dentro de gnome-themes-extras01:06
xLobeznoxyo ahora solo uso black-marble jeje01:06
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mdkecarlos, ping06:59
carlosmdke: pong06:59
mdkei noticed the rosetta faq page has forked ;)07:00
carlosforked? I renamed it and added a link in the old URL so people finds the new one (without the 's')07:00
mdkenormally if you rename a page, the previous page is deleted and all the links in the wiki are updated automatically07:00
carlosmdke: I know07:01
carlosbut I sent an announcement using the old URL07:01
mdkebecause of the email?07:01
mdkeok i get it07:01
mdkei'll add a note not to delete it07:01
carlosok, thanks07:02
mdkehow's it going otherwise?07:02
carlosfine, thanks :-P07:03
carlostoo much pending mail07:03
mdkegood luck07:04
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