
froudgood night all12:08
mdkenight froud :)12:08
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mdke189 wiki edits in the last 24 hours or so12:10
smsee you12:22
mdkebye sm12:22
mdkesee ya again soon12:22
=== sm waves
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jsgotangcohi Burgundavia05:18
jsgotangcohmmm im getting confused at kvio's interface..it seems to want to be visio but it cant06:04
Burgundavia<troll> KDE is just trying to imitate Windows anyway </troll>06:04
jsgotangcobah at least it works most of the time06:05
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froudAfrican Greetings07:35
jsgotangcohi froud!07:36
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jsgotangcohi dave!08:26
Burgundaviasalut daven 08:26
Burgundaviaevening still here08:27
Burgundaviafor another 33 minutes08:27
daven07:30 here :)08:27
davenjsgotangco: i'll have to change it so it doesn't try to log me on as dave - dave is *always* gonna be someone else's ;-)08:28
Burgundaviathat is why you choose something like mine08:28
BurgundaviaI have never had a nick conflict and never will08:28
daveni lack the imagination :)08:29
Burgundaviayou only need to be imaginative once08:29
jsgotangcoahh its only 2:30pm here08:29
daveni quite like a short nick - trying to type jsgotangco correctly at this time of the morning...08:30
davenah - although i *have* just discovered tab-completion ;)08:30
jsgotangcodaven, yes that is corrrecgt08:31
jsgotangcoBurgundavia, 08:31
jsgotangcoKinnison, 08:31
jsgotangcomvirkkil, 08:31
jsgotangcono just tabbing crazy08:31
Burgundaviathere is an annoying bug with my notifier08:32
Burgundaviait only pops up if i am on another tab08:32
Burgundaviaeven if I am at another workspace08:32
jsgotangcoi am reading the svn book08:32
davenburgundavia :)08:34
jsgotangcofroud: is it advisable to do stuff in trunk at the moment? I want to try something out in translating some stuff08:43
froudYou can work on your working copy and test stuff08:43
froudif you commit I will merge it into branch. If we need it in branch, that is.08:44
froudremember while testing things you can always revert08:44
jsgotangcook gotcha08:45
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jsgotangcobut there hasnt been much activity in trunk but i understand that09:18
froudnot much, but people are welcome to work in trunk09:30
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mdkemorning all10:22
mdkeso are we getting cracking on the guides yet?10:23
jsgotangcowell i am experimenting stuff on trunk at the moment10:23
mdkewhat sort of stuff?10:25
jsgotangcooh just some il8n stuff that i might pass to some team10:26
mdkeoh right10:26
mdkeyou mean i18n ;)10:27
jsgotangcoi was having a word war with someone from debian-tl on il8n stuff he thinks im diverting and doing something that is going against debian tl10:27
jsgotangcowhat did i say?10:27
jsgotangcoi said il8n10:27
mdkewith a 1 (one) not an l (ell)10:28
mdkejsgotangco, what have you been diverting?10:28
jsgotangcoits just trash talking bleah10:29
mdketl war10:29
mdkeso when do we get to work on the guides?10:29
froud_mdke: feel free to work in trunk. No stopping you10:31
jsgotangcoadminguide.xml looks yummy10:31
froud_dig in 10:31
=== froud_ hands mdke spoon, fork and knife
mdkefroud_, right. presumably it is desirable to use the more stable wiki pages?10:31
jsgotangcoim kind excited on what i saw in branch10:31
froud_then work in branch10:32
jsgotangcobut branch always changes heh10:32
mdkewhat is the difference?10:32
mdkei thought the branch was just for you to write scripts and stuff10:32
jsgotangcomdke, branch has some new stuff that will be merged into trunk10:32
froud_the dir structure is changed10:32
mdkeok so they will be merged? changes won't be lost?10:33
froud_no changes will be lost inside document content10:33
jsgotangcohmmm it shouldnt10:33
froud_I must go back to work10:33
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jsgotangcobut i would probably start working on branch when breezy truly opens10:34
jsgotangcobut no stopping us from improving trunk10:34
mdkewell i'm a bit more confident working on content than I am on structure of xml documents, so I am keen that the documents I work on have already agreed structures10:34
mdkeand also I'd like to know whether to use the more stable wiki documents for content10:35
jsgotangcogood idea10:35
jsgotangcowe can always revert anyway10:35
mdkedid we get our accounts yet?10:36
jsgotangcoi have not received anything yet10:36
mdkethe request probably was drowned in a million emails10:36
jsgotangcohmmm i'm thinking of doing a blog10:36
mdkeanyway we can work without accounts10:36
mdkeright i have to go to school10:37
mdkesee ya10:37
jsgotangcook see ya10:37
jsgotangcooh mr. sun, sun mr. golden sun, please shine down on me10:45
KinnisonMorning all10:46
jsgotangcoKinnison, hi10:47
Burgundaviasalut Kinnison 10:49
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jsgotangcoarrgghh why cant gnome and kde apps get together11:52
Kinnisonyears of rivalry11:53
Burgundaviathey are slowly11:53
Burgundaviasee the cool things with pdf11:53
Burgundaviaand the talks regarding gconf and kconfig11:54
jsgotangcoyesshh is kinda cool knowing that is happening11:55
jsgotangcoBurgundavia, would it be advisable if i just use <quote> instead of &quot11:59
Burgundaviafor what?12:00
jsgotangcofor "" sign12:01
jsgotangcoi am experimenting stuff on trunk12:01
Burgundaviano idea, ask froud12:01
mvirkkiljsgotangco: You mentioned me?12:03
Burgundaviamvirkkil, he was goofing around12:03
jsgotangcosorry bout that12:04
mvirkkiljsgotangco: No problem.12:04
jsgotangconice a usb disco dance floor in /.12:05
jsgotangcook see you guys later12:28
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froud-workwhew, long day04:19
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brenxfirst time here04:39
brenxand my english is not good04:40
brenxbut I am ubuntu user04:40
froud-workcool, how long have you been using it04:40
brenxcan I ask some questions04:40
brenxmot really long04:40
brenxbut it is my only system on computer now04:41
froud-workwhere are you from?04:42
froud-workAh, OK04:42
froud-workso what questions do you have?04:42
brenxdo U know where is that04:42
brenxbut just cheking how does this work04:43
brenxdon't have a lot of time now04:43
brenxmust go back to work04:43
froud-workhow does what work04:44
froud-workor ubuntu?04:44
brenxx-chat ubuntu comunity, ...04:44
froud-workAh ok, I see. No problem. We do documentation etc. when we feel like it. So this is the Docteam Channel04:45
brenxsorry 4 bugging04:45
brenxmust go now04:45
froud-worknot bugging anyone you are welcome, c ya04:46
brenxc ya04:46
=== froud-work thinks to himself, "Strange."
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mdkehi all06:07
mdkehows doing?06:09
Burgundaviahey sm06:46
jjesseslow day today in the channel?06:46
froudshhh, we're busy06:47
smhey all06:47
smmdke: yes, just rename that page with the problematic <-> 06:47
smhttp://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/WebBrowsingSlowIVP6IVP4 -> rename form at bottom, or edit form06:48
mdkeoh i c06:48
mdkewill do06:49
smand do paste that bug report.. thanks06:50
mdkehave done06:50
Burgundaviahe leader to particpape07:05
Burgundaviaanyboyd else see just raw unicode?07:05
jjesseon wht?07:05
jjesseon what?07:06
Burgundaviahe leader to particpape07:06
jjessei see he leader to particp a pe07:06
jjessehe leader to particp07:06
jjesseand then characters07:06
mdkei see some crazy stuff07:06
Burgundavia|00| something like that, both with four chars?07:06
jjesseso do you know you've in the linux world for a while when you start typing thier commands on a windows box07:07
mdkeBurgundavia, yeah07:07
jjessewhat do you mean ls is not a validcommand07:07
Burgundaviathat is raw unicode07:07
Burgundaviayour font has no way of displaying it07:07
mdkespecifically, 00,0807:07
mdkei haven't got many fonts installed tho07:07
Burgundaviathat seems to be bksp07:08
Burgundaviaoe huats: your IRC client is really broken07:08
Burgundaviajoe huats: we're seeing all your backspaces07:08
Burgundaviathat is from #dashboard on gimpnet07:08
Burgundaviawhere I pasted it from07:08
mdkeBurgundavia, are you making the technical board meet later?07:08
Burgundaviatoday, technical board?07:08
Burgundaviaerr forgot about it07:09
mdkein 3 hours circa07:09
Burgundaviamaybe I will grap some sleep and them come to the meeting07:10
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mdkebody clock not following the crowd eh?07:10
mdkeok maybe see you later Burgundavia07:13
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froudgroup question08:46
froudthe moving of files in now over in branch08:46
froudthe make system is not finished08:46
froudbut we dont need the make system to write08:46
froudanyone think it a good idea for me to merge the branch back to trunk?08:47
Burgundaviado we need the make system until say Aug?08:48
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Burgundaviamy argument would be merge so we can start writing08:50
froudYeah that is what I am thinking. People seem scared to write in trunk while I am in branch :-) dunno why, guess not clearly understanding merging and branching08:52
mdkefor what its worth, i agree09:00
froudmdke: cool09:01
mdkealthough that's not the reason we're not writing in trunk09:01
frouddoing a dry run now09:01
mdkeBurgundavia, get any sleep?09:01
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froudanyone else agree that I merge now09:09
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claudefroud: in the restructure branch, you didn't provide language folders for images09:48
froudI was wondering about that. do you think we should09:48
claudeyes, for localized screenshots09:49
froudyou sure we gonna do i18n screenshots09:50
claudeof course :)09:50
froudwhew that will be hectic09:50
froudwho is gonna do them09:50
froudfor each language09:50
claudebut we should find a system to default to english when there isn't localized ones09:51
claudei'm sure you'll find a way to script that ;-)09:52
froudI have the way, if you have the people to do the captures09:53
=== claude looks in the air
froudwell I will do it and default to C unless nn09:55
mdkesurely the capturing won't be hard09:57
mdkewe can do it ourselves ;)09:57
froudI see mdke and claude are volunteering themselves09:58
claudeespecially mdke09:58
mdkei'm happy to do some bulk screenshots09:58
=== froud looks at mdke who points to claude, who points to mdke
claudei'm confident with French team09:59
claudewe are the champions09:59
smgo FRANCE :)10:00
smor whichever french-speaking country you are in 10:00
claudeHop Schwiiz10:01
mdkewhos gonna stick up for us at the meeting?10:01
=== sm mutters "go french".. "yay french team"
mdkego england10:03
froudThis svn server is gonna pop10:03
smsee that's not fair either10:04
froudhowoo cum to soud afrika10:04
claudedo i have to do something special to join ubuntu-meeting ?10:05
mdke/j #ubuntu-meeting10:05
mdkethere you go :)10:06
claudestill not very familiar with xchat10:06
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mvirkkilIs this BOF about restricted formats? http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDownUnder/BOFs/UbuntuDevelopment/MultiMedia10:29
mvirkkilmdke: General brainstorming (Birds Of a Feather [flock together] ) meaning people with similar interests coming together. 10:30
mdkenot sure about that page10:30
mdkeif you want information on how to use restricted formats in Ubuntu there is a page on the main wiki10:31
mvirkkilmdke: No, I know all that. 10:31
mdkeso what is it you would like to do?10:32
mvirkkilmdke: I'd like to add some suggestions about how to go about integrating restricted formats in to ubuntu, if that BOF is about it.10:33
mdkepossibly: its for the meeting in Australia10:33
mvirkkilmdke: I've been working on the gnome-app-install stuff.10:33
mvirkkilmdke: Yeah, I know.10:34
mvirkkilmdke: But if it's about generally improving the legal multimedia stuff I really don't want to spam them about restricted formats.10:34
mdkenot sure10:34
mvirkkilYes, I figured as much ;-)10:34
mdketry #ubuntu-devel10:35
mvirkkilWell, another question: Why is there a separate wiki for UDU?10:35
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mdkemvirkkil, its being tested10:35
mdkenot sure why10:35
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