
dokohmm, dholbach not here?12:02
tsenghe finally passed out from the mad committe spree during hoary12:02
tsengand will sleep for the next week12:02
dokook, that's better anyway12:03
tsengim joking of course12:05
kokemaybe he is fixing another whole distro while breezy archive is set ;)12:14
ajmitch_dholbach was off travelling..12:16
ajmitch_he's probably having withdrawal symptoms12:16
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dokokoke, in the meantime you may want to start with http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/UniverseCxxTransition12:17
ajmitch_doko: but we don't know when the auotsyncs will start again..12:22
ajmitch_the first few weeks of breezy will be a fun ride12:23
kokeerr, but now there are no uploads, IIRC12:23
kokehoary is frozen, and there's no breezy atm, am I ok?12:24
dokosure, and before that happens, we should focus on main first.12:24
ajmitch_once breezy opens, we've all got to compete with dholbach for number of uploads ;)12:24
kokeajmitch: first I'll need to be able to upload12:24
ajmitch_doko: so gcc-4.0 is going to be default for breezy?12:25
dokoI wouldn't be surprised if yes12:25
kokeI guess I'll be at UDU without my key on the ring12:25
=== ajmitch_ hopes sarge releases soon so there isn't too much distance between breezy & etch
ajmitch_koke: then you can harass elmo in person ;)12:25
ajmitch_and we can sign your key12:25
kokebut then, I'll put my hand on elmo's shoulder and I'll say, "dude, I've just traveled half of the planet to see my key on the ring, would you do that for me?"12:26
=== ajmitch_ wants to get back to zope stuff, uni seems to have eased up a little for now
ajmitch_there looks to be a good number of people going to UDU now12:31
kokeerr, how was the UniverseCXXTransition page generated?!?12:33
siretarthow to check in pyhton if a strings starts with '__'?12:34
kokeI'm wondering why debian-policy package is on that list :P12:34
kokesiretart: IIRC , my_string.startswith("__")12:34
JanCthat's what I thought too  :)12:35
kokeIn [2] : s.startswith("--")12:35
kokeOut[2] : True12:35
kokes was "--ab"12:35
siretartkoke: woah! thanks. pyhthon's impressing me more and more :)12:35
ajmitch_koke: looks like a grep for 3.4 in bugs :)12:36
kokeI see :D12:36
ajmitch_yeah, python is a nice language12:36
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schweebw00t. I got a new job.12:51
JanC( I hope ;) )12:52
ajmitch_congrats, schweeb01:03
schweebI'm very excited01:04
kokethat's great :D01:05
schweebtoo bad I'm not of legal drinking age, I'd be at the bar half ini the bag now01:07
ajmitch_schweeb: how old are you?01:09
schweebbe 21 on May 2201:10
ajmitch_iirc the legal drinking age is 18 in .au, if you're going to UDU ;)01:10
schweebI'm not ;_;01:10
schweebwhat days is UDU?  I'll probably be starting during it... I start April 2901:10
ajmitch_april 25-3001:11
kokeajmitch: I hope that01:11
kokeI'm 2101:11
kokehmmm, that's ok everywhere :D forget it01:12
schweebI think the US is pretty much the only place where the age is 21... most everywhere else it's either if you're taller than the bar, if you're 16, if you're 18, or if you're 19 (in Canada)01:12
jbaileyschweeb: 18 or 19 in Canada, depend son the province.01:22
jbaileyschweeb: It practice about 30% of the population of Canada can drink at 18. =)01:25
JanCdrinking age is 16 in Belgium for beer & wine, 18 for things like whisky01:30
jbaileyStrange to differentiate like that.  I haven't met many 16 years olds who could stomach whiskey. =)01:31
JanCand when I was in the US when I was 19, we always found places that would sell us beer  :P01:31
JanC(well, beer, more like dishwashing water ;)01:32
kokeanyway I'm already 21 and I keep drinking wine every weekend :D01:39
=== koke sleep()
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=== tseng clears out his hoary-changes imap dir
JanChm, the new way to sell your hosting services: http://www.realroot.com/  :P01:58
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ajmitchdoko: should we be putting some of these lists into malone, since we're going to be using it heavily for breezy (I hope)?03:04
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ajmitch_hi ogra05:14
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HostingGeekDoes anyone know who that guy is on IRC?05:49
crimsunI think it's high time we pushed monotone into universe.06:03
crimsunperhaps even main.06:03
crimsunfor now, universe06:03
spaceywhats special about monotone?06:05
Burgundavialinux likes it06:05
spaceyLinus Torvalds began working on an interim solution called "git" in the absence of BitKeeper06:06
spaceysays kerneltrap.org06:06
crimsunwell, I just noticed that whole bk debacle (yes, I live under a rock)06:07
Burgundaviasee the footnote06:07
crimsunand I noticed I have several monotone repos in ~06:07
crimsun(a python mp3 player I wrote, a branch of alsaplayer with wxwidgets ui, and my /etc as of mid last year)06:07
=== crimsun updates pbuilder and has at it
JanCheh, canonical is working on bazaar-ng to replace bitkeeper  ;-)06:09
crimsunsounds good to me :)06:10
crimsunit's used for the ubuntu kernels among many other things06:10
Burgundaviaa bitkeeper killer is the description I have heard06:10
JanCbazaar-ng is only used for bazaar-ng at the moment06:10
JanCbazaar-ng != bazaar06:10
crimsunJanC: good point.06:11
Burgundaviawhen does breezy open. I need more crack of the day06:11
JanCthe bazaar-ng developer said he wil have something more generally useable in about 3 months06:11
HostingGeekwhen will the merge be start/finished with debian sid?06:12
JanCHostingGeek  : you want his free beer ?06:12
HostingGeekJanC: YES!06:13
JanCsorry, don't know the guy06:13
JanChm, there is at least one Australian "Tim" on #ubuntu06:15
JanC(use /who #ubuntu )06:16
HostingGeekwhere is koke?06:21
HostingGeekI want to teach him howto login to udu06:21
HostingGeekpoor guy had to add it to his blog...06:21
crimsunit appears 0.18 may make it into Debian quite soon06:39
=== ajmitch returns
ajmitchhi all06:42
crimsun'lo ajmitch06:42
HostingGeekwhen will the merge be start/finished with debian sid??????06:43
HostingGeekwhats the diffrence in between the ubuntu kernel and the debian kernel?06:46
ajmitchgrab it & take a look06:47
HostingGeek(i don't have anywhere else to ask)06:47
HostingGeeki am not that 133706:47
JanCwoah, another Ubuntu-Debian flame thread on /.   :P06:52
JanCthey're going to do this every day or what?06:52
spaceywhat do they care that ubuntu packages don't work anyway :p arent we taking the package from debian in the first place06:53
schweebschweeb = drunk06:53
schweebI love ghetto bars.06:53
jaldharspacey: if there must be a fork there must but gratuitous divergence should be avoided.  What Ian is saying that got lost in the flames is that Debian should pull its socks up and release sarge already06:55
spaceyand binary compatible seems quite crappy to me, if debian only releases once every 5 years or something06:55
jaldharspacey: where he is wrong is thinking that not working on ubuntu would make that happen faster06:55
spaceyjaldhar, yeah06:55
ajmitchnow it's only been ~3 years since woody released, not 5 ;)06:56
jaldharactually the latest point release of woody was only a few weeks ago :)06:56
HostingGeekI belive debian should be a package system and that all06:57
HostingGeekalways moving06:57
HostingGeekthen distros like ubuntu take a snapshot and make something out of it06:57
spaceyi don't understand why they are referring to rpm world and stuff, wasnt the beauty that all software was available in the repo's anyway. especially for debian itself06:58
jaldharHostingGeek: I've made that argument in the Debian lists before06:58
HostingGeekso stable would have apache 2.0.53 by now06:58
HostingGeekdebian should just be a source distro muwhahahaha (Please don't ever do this!)06:58
HostingGeek(unless everything gets writen in python)06:59
JanCwell, if everything should be written in Python, you'd better install "Cleese OS"  :)07:00
jaldharspacey: just throwing it all into a repository is easy.  The QA is the value add over RPM distros07:00
JanCthe QA is also their problem I guess  :)07:01
=== Amaranth heads for bed
JanCthere being so many packages for so many architectures that there are always some things broken that hinder release...07:03
spaceyfunny comments in ian's blog07:06
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schweebjbailey: in practice, I've been drinking since I was 16 :P07:13
ajmitch16 is probably quite late to start drinking in NZ ;)07:14
spaceyive been practicing since 14 or 15 :p07:16
schweebnew job celebrations rule07:18
=== schweeb falls asleep
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desrtgreetings, masters08:09
desrthow is the universe?08:09
ajmitchfrozen :)08:10
ajmitchwe can't work on it until breezy opens08:10
desrti guess that disproves heat death08:10
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dokoajmitch: sure, you can put these into malone, but AFAIK this cannot be done automatically08:39
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UsiuAnybody here >08:45
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tsengmorning dudes10:34
Treenakshey tseng10:35
tsenghow goes?10:35
Treenaksbrain is fried from implementing some weird internal stuff here10:37
Treenaks(mail-related address lookup stuff... major case of NIH)10:38
tsengi just suck it up and use outlook at work right now10:39
tsengthey have exchange 5.5, evolution is no love10:39
Treenakstseng: oh, that's not the problem, that part is nice and POP310:40
Treenakstseng: the problem is that we forward mail for our customers... and those addresses need looking-up10:40
tsenghula will be cool for that stuff, but its way off =/10:45
tsengright now it wont even send me mail because i dont have an MX record or some such10:45
tsengworks from every other mta10:46
dredgyeah, sendmail legacy feature10:46
dredgif you can't find the mx, send to the A10:46
tsengi dont think it sends to the A10:46
Treenakstseng: we're using powermail, but with a custom oracle backend10:46
tsengit just fails to deliver anything10:46
dredgsendmail does. hula clearly does not10:46
tsengthats pretty crap10:47
tsengi wonder if its a setting in that horrid admin thing10:47
Mithrandirit should send to A, if not it's severly broken10:48
Mithrandiranyhow, including a MTA in a calendar server is so broken10:48
dredgit's groupware. nuf said :)10:48
MithrandirI want a good calendar app, dammit10:49
tseng<brandon@smarterits.com>; originally to brandon@smarterits.com (unrecoverable error)10:49
tsengThe host 'smarterits.com' is unknown or could not be looked up10:49
tseng ----- transcript of session follows -----10:49
tseng>>> MX Lookup10:49
tseng<<< DNS Host unknown10:49
tsengit must mean the MX, because their is certainly a working record10:49
Treenaksnot having an MX should be an offence punishable by death10:49
dredgbut you should have an MX10:49
tsengwhy would I make an MX pointing at the same box?10:49
MithrandirTreenaks: no, it shouldn't.10:50
dredgbecause that's what mail exchanger records are for?10:50
TreenaksMithrandir: yes, it should.10:50
tsengno, its not10:50
Mithrandirfalling back to A is just fine.10:50
tsengits for pointing at a different box in cases where you need to10:50
Treenaksyou can't register .nl domains if you don't have valid MX records for your domain..10:51
Treenaksthey quote some RFC10:51
Burgundaviacool. I want one --> http://infralynx.nrl.navy.mil/photoGallery/ChicagoI.htm10:52
Burgundaviasorry, wrong channel10:55
Burgundaviajust noticed10:55
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kokegreat :D11:18
fabbionehey guys11:21
dredghey fabbione :)11:22
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fabbionehi dredg11:23
kokehi again11:23
fabbionei am seeking for a volunteer?11:23
fabbioneto package 2 little applications11:24
dredgyup, sure11:24
fabbionedredg: are you up to it?11:24
fabbionei will review them personally, but they are pretty simple11:24
dredgnot immediately as i have some work to do11:24
dredgis it urgent?11:24
fabbionedredg: not at all11:25
fabbionethere are 2 sources.. aoetools and vblade11:25
=== dredg nods
dredgok, i'll have a look at them later11:26
fabbionedredg: in 2/3 days would be fine...11:27
fabbionethey are very simple.. it won't take you more than that to do them properly11:27
fabbionei want them in the archive as soon as breezy open11:27
fabbionesince they are the userland tools from some new kernel features11:28
fabbionebut they are really cute and i would like to test them.. specially the vblade part :)11:29
dredgyeah, this looks pretty neat11:29
Treenaksfabbione: is there hardware that understands this?11:29
fabbioneTreenaks: yes, there is a kernel driver for the generic protocol, developed by an hw manufacturer11:30
Treenaksfabbione: cool11:30
fabbionethe vblade is a userland tool/daemon that can simulate the hardware :)11:30
fabbionethat would solve a lot of my HD problems :)11:30
fabbionewithout using nfs11:30
fabbionein combination with GFS it would be the rock :)11:30
Mithrandirfabbione: looked into iSCSI?11:31
ajmitchlooks quite useful11:33
ajmitchwhat kernels have the features needed?11:34
fabbioneMithrandir: doesn't that require a shared scsi chain?11:34
Mithrandirfabbione: scsi over IP?11:35
Mithrandirno, shouldn't11:35
fabbioneMithrandir: nope i didn't.. but i think it is the same concept, isn't it?11:35
fabbioneas aoe11:35
Mithrandirmore or less, yes11:35
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pvhWhat package has libwine.so.1 in it? I can't find it anywhere and I've installed libwine*11:42
pvhI'm running, of course, the latest and greatest in Hoary technology.11:42
Treenakspvh: what needs it?11:42
pvhTreenaks: wine11:42
Treenakspvh: apt-get install wine11:42
pvhOf course I did that.11:43
pvhAnd I've googled on the topic as well.11:43
TreenaksI've apt-get installed wine.. and it works fine11:43
pvhCould you tell me if you see it when you type11:43
pvhdpkg -L libwine | grep libwine.so11:43
pvhHmm. What version do you have?11:44
Treenaksii  libwine        0.0.20050310-1 Windows Emulator (Library)11:44
pvhI have 1.1, which is in universe.11:44
Treenaksit is?11:44
TreenaksI have this from universe11:44
Treenaksoh wait11:45
Treenaksit's truncated11:45
Treenaksit's really 1.111:45
Treenaksbut dpkg -l likes to break its own output11:45
pvhWell then, how on earth could I be missing those files?11:45
pvhMaybe I should remove it and reinstall.11:45
Treenaksyou could try that11:45
=== fabbione -> food :)
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Treenakspvh: what was the problem?11:48
pvhI haven't the froggiest. I can only assume the files got clobbered at some point by something else I did.11:49
Treenaksdisk full?11:50
=== dredg finds that alias dpkg="COLUMNS=200 dpkg" works
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jbaileyschweeb: Right.  I meant legally. =)01:12
=== ajmitch needs to set aside some beer money :)
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ajmitchnight all :)01:35
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tseng|workhm dholbach really did crash02:03
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tseng|workhah i would have never thought of that02:16
tseng|worki need a power converter for australian plugs02:16
thomtseng|work: heh, yes02:16
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zookoIs there an established protocol for me to say "Dear Ubuntu: Would you please consider supporting [My Pet Tool]  and moving it from universe to main?"?05:35
ograzooko, the ubuntu-devel mailing list and the TechincalBoard05:36
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ograhey herve07:29
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dholbachhey herve07:37
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ajmitchmorning all09:10
crimsunmorning ajmitch09:11
ograhi ajmitch09:20
crimsunevenin' ogra09:20
ajmitchwhat's up?09:21
ograwriting a long mail to u-devel09:31
ograhum, not long, bit it took some time to express what i mean....09:32
ograhey koke09:32
ograkoke, so we actually meet in UdU ?09:33
kokeogra: yeah :D09:33
ograyippie :)09:33
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ajmitchgood day09:45
diamondthere we go09:50
truluxany thoughts on making an Ubuntu conference in Europe, like the one in Matar :)09:55
truluxExtremadura could rock09:56
dredgeurope? who the hell lives in that place?09:56
truluxthe local government in Andaluca has an agreement with Canonical for working on an Ubuntu derivated distribution09:56
diamonddredg: no-one worth talking to09:57
truluxdredg: I live in that place, and I hope there were reasons to make the conf. in Matar09:57
truluxdiamond: really?09:57
hervedredg, er... aren't you Irish? ;-)09:57
dredgdiamond: yer.09:57
=== dholbach [~daniel@p54A6699D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
diamondtrulux: ,-)09:58
diamonddholbach: hey09:58
dredgdholbach: will you be around at 5am? :)09:58
ajmitchhi dholbach09:58
dredgdholbach: feeling masochistic? :)09:58
dholbachdredg: think so :-)09:58
dholbachhey diamond, dredg, ajmitch :-)09:59
=== ajmitch wishes he had a faster cd writer :)
=== dholbach wishes he was more used to a laptop keyboard
=== dholbach cries silently
ajmitchjust burning a hoary live cd to play with at work09:59
=== dredg wishes he had cake
hervedholbach, remove the gloves ;-)09:59
dholbachdredg: hrmmmm cake10:00
ajmitchok, burnt, time to run to work ;)10:00
tritiumdholbach, using ogra's laptop, or did you get your own?10:00
ogratritium, he already left :(10:00
dholbachtritium: my sister's :-)10:00
dredgsweet zombie jesus 5am10:00
=== dredg sighs
ogradredg, wrong timezone ;)10:01
ogradredg, we can sleep 1h longer here10:01
dredgogra: given my usual luck with sleep i'll probably be still awake10:01
dredgheh, 5 new MS vulns. announced this evening10:03
=== dholbach [~daniel@p54A6699D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ograhmm, koke, could you move your site from the MaintainerCandidates page ?10:11
kokeogra: ok, I'll do10:11
=== diamond flees
ajmitch_live cd not so great on work computer :(10:29
=== motaboy [~motaboy@host91-41.pool80182.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
hervebye all!10:47
tritiumThank you dholbach and ogra :)10:58
dholbach*waiting* :-)10:58
ajmitch_eek, didn't realise there was meeting now10:59
dredger? what have i missed?11:00
tritiumThanks for that ajmitch_ :)11:00
ajmitch_tritium: my humblest apologies for not getting reviews done :(11:01
dholbachnew-package-for-hoary-universe and doc/devel-team-cooperationg11:01
tritiumajmitch_, no worries :)11:01
ajmitch_tritium: 1 beer voucher, redeemable at UdU? ;)11:02
tritiumajmitch_, I wish I could be there!11:02
tritiumthanks crimsun :)11:02
tritiumThank you everyone.11:04
dredgshit, was completely unaware of a meeting11:04
crimsunnp. CC will essentially be a rubber stamp.11:04
tritiumThat was a nice surprise :)11:04
crimsunwelcome aboard, mike11:04
ajmitch_dredg: as was I11:04
dholbachcongratulations michael :-)11:04
ajmitch_tritium: well done :)11:04
dredgtritium: congrats :)11:04
=== tritium does a happy dance
tritiumI am humbled by your support :)11:05
ajmitch_now this means you have to WORK! ;)11:06
dholbachhahaha :-)11:06
tritiumajmitch, I will :)11:06
=== HostingGeek [~HG@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dholbachtritium: you seemed to have quite a lot of followers :-)11:06
tritiumdholbach, that was very nice11:07
dholbachROCK :-)11:07
ajmitch_now all you need is the tshirt :)11:07
tritiumIs there one?11:07
tritiumI knew one was being talked about...11:08
ajmitch_not yet, afaik11:08
tritiumogra, regarding the CC, I was pursuing the universe maintainer exception: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/processes/newmember11:08
tritiumThat does not appear to require CC approval11:08
dholbachwe should rework our docs :-)11:09
ogratritium, MOTU requires membeship11:09
crimsunyep, need to be a member to be a maintainer ;)11:09
tritiumogra, yes, but "Maintainership through this process implies membership...:11:09
crimsuntritium: yes, but you still need CC approval11:10
Amaranth"Temporary (Pre-Hoary) Universe Maintainer Exception"11:10
dholbachand have a motu-meeting deciding over t-shirt--logo :-)11:10
ograwhich you onlygain through the CC11:10
tritiumcrimsun, okay, the wording is rather unclear than11:10
crimsuntritium: at this point, it will be a rubber stamp, since the TB has already approved you.11:10
tritiumCool :)11:10
AmaranthWait, to be a maintainer in universe for my own software I have to do all this stuff?11:10
tritiumAmaranth, I realize it was pre-hoary.  Nevertheless, that was what I was pursuing.11:11
crimsunAmaranth: that's correct if you meant for upload privileges.11:11
dholbachAmaranth: yes, such a process is completely inevitable11:11
AmaranthOh, I meant just to make the packages and give them to one of you.11:11
dredgAmaranth: there's not a lot to it really.11:12
dholbachAmaranth: no, just for MOTU status and upload privileges11:12
tritiumThe CC meeting is in just under 7 hours, correct?11:13
crimsunmidnight, heh11:13
crimsunyeesh ;)11:13
ajmitch_dholbach: shall we begin the initiation? ;)11:13
crimsunback in a bit11:13
dredgbah, if i had known about the TB meeting i'd have poked diamond with the great stick of "get the hell in there" :)11:13
dredgwe need rdf feeds11:14
dholbachdredg: :-)11:14
tritiumYou guys are the best.  I can't thank you enough for supporting me.11:14
dredgdholbach: and beer! and blackjack!11:14
tritiumWorking with you all has been a privelege.  I look forward to continuing it.11:14
dholbachblackjack? hrm...11:15
dholbachtritium: same goes out to you... good to have you here :-)11:15
tritiumOkay, I must excuse myself.  I have to meet with my advisor.11:16
tritiumTake care all, and I'll see you later on.11:16
dredghmm, so sleep now (if i can, i'm out of sleeping tablets) or stay awake til 511:16
dredgnight tritium11:16
dholbachbye tritium11:16
tritiumsee you11:16
=== tritium waves
dholbachi'll be off to bed soon too11:16
ograbye tritium11:16
=== dredg can't decide
=== tritium [~mrimbert@ee213-dhcp-9.ecn.purdue.edu] has left #ubuntu-motu ["Leaving"]
siretartevening, folks11:17
dholbachhey siretart11:17
ograhi siretart11:17
dholbacheveryone who wants to become member-> tomorrow 4 utc11:18
dholbachapril 13th, 4 utc to be exact11:18
siretarthi dholbach, hello ogra11:18
siretart4 utc is 6 in the morning in germany, yes?11:18
dholbachsiretart: yes11:19
siretartawfully early ;)11:19
dholbachin summer times :-)11:19
ajmitch_4pm here for me, not too hard :)11:19
dredgajmitch_: bastard :)11:19
\shdholbach: prerequisite for a member? ,-)11:31
dholbach\sh: some kind of evidence for "working" in ubuntu11:31
dholbach... any ... :-)11:31
\shdholbach: a well :)11:32
dholbachand signing the CoC11:32
\shyeah...what about "hating documentation"?11:32
\shnext time :) first of all i will send in some packages ;)11:32
dholbach\sh: beg your pardon?11:32
Amaranth4 utc is 11pm here11:33
\shdholbach: well...I'm fighting here with the debian packaging manual ;)11:33
dholbach\sh: i think this has nothing to do with the process of becoming member :-)11:34
\shdholbach: nono ;) but i will apply for a membership the next time...not this time :)11:34
dholbachgood one :-)11:35
tsengdholbach: !11:35
dholbachtseng: ? :-)11:36
ogradholbach, looks like we can do  beachvolleyball game MOTU vs main ;)11:36
dholbachYES :-)11:36
Amaranthat ubu?11:37
Amaranthsomeone needs to setup a video stream11:37
dholbachAmaranth: jdub surely will11:37
thomheh, rocking11:38
dholbachi think, i'll be off to bed now... have a nice evening :-)11:38
=== dredg wishes he was going to udu
=== siretart joins dholbach. gn8 everyone, cu tomorrow! (or better: later ;) )
dholbachbye siretart11:39
dredgnight dholbach, siretart11:39
crimsunnight dholbach11:39
ogradholbach, will you attend CC ?11:40
dholbachbye dredg, jani11:40
dholbachogra: yes11:40
ograoh, great...11:40
=== dredg will be there too
dredgajmitch can make breakfast11:40
dholbachwoohoo, exactly, give ajmitch something todo :-)11:40
\shwell...today was a nice day...laying in bed, laptop on the hips...and learning how to use dpatch, writing rules files, oracle lintian warnings, crashing firefox with 86 tabs opened11:41
crimsunjust use cdbs's dpatch module ;)11:41
\shcrimsun: well...too late :)11:41
\shfunny thing is: if you want to package a library source11:41
=== dholbach puts something else on his hips for a "perfect day" description ;-)
=== D-FENZ [~dfenz@220-253-93-90.QLD.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dholbachbye :-)11:43
\shyou need to know, that all the debian stuff wants to have as destdir $(CURDIR)/debian/libfoo and $(CURDIR)/debian/libfoo-dev, if don't do this, u sit at your desk, just like me, and do 10 hours of rtfming11:43
=== ajmitch_ make breakfast? huh? :)
dredgajmitch_: just toast and coffee for me, thx ;)11:44
ajmitch_oh sure11:44
ajmitch_you want to come to NZ to collect it then?11:44
dredgyes, if you're paying for the flights ;)11:45
ajmitch_if I could do that, I'd be flying instead11:46
ajmitch_it's only the other side of the world :)11:46
=== dredg sighs
dredgguess it'll be cold pizza for brekkie then :)11:46
=== ajmitch_ probably has distant relatives in that area
thom20 hours or so of flight just for brekkie seems a little OTT11:47
dredgthom: not if i can convince ajmitch to bring it here.11:47
thomdredg: true, true11:48
ogradredg, at least the egg will be cold11:48
thomdredg: but if you came this way you could stay for UDU ;-)11:48
ograyeah !11:48
dredgthom: dude, i wish11:49
ajmitch_more MOTUs at UDU, excellent :)11:49
dredgif someone wants to fund me... :)11:49
ajmitch_I think there's at least 5 or 6 of us there?11:49
thommore of you to get beat at volleyball ;-)11:49
dredgthom: yeah, we irish people don't get to see the sun that often so outdoors just doesn't happen :)11:50
ograajmitch_, yup11:50
ajmitch_ogra: so whose team will you be on?11:50
ograhmm, good question *g*11:50
thomdredg: *g*11:50
dredgthom: but that's ok, it's a defeat i could gracefully accept11:51
=== ajmitch_ spends a little too much time sitting at a desk
thomajmitch_: i think we all do, really11:52
=== ogra dont
=== dredg works from home.
ograi always work in my armchair11:53
dredgfar too much time at a desk11:53
thomogra: work harder then, slacker ;-)11:53
=== thom grins, ducks, runs
ograthom, i'll get you ..... on sunday11:53
thomogra: you're here for LCA? rocking! :-)11:54
ajmitch_ah, I wish I could be there for LCA again11:54
ajmitch_adelaide was fun11:54
ograthom, nope...i'll be there for a week sydney ;)11:54
thomogra: ah, heheh :-)11:54
thomajmitch_: yeah11:54
ajmitch_I hope to see you all here in Dunedin in 200611:54
thomajmitch_: too right, omnic would never speak to me again if i didn't ;-)11:55
dredggah, 11pm again11:55
=== dredg organises dinner
dredgand in this case, dinner will also be breakfast. yes! cold pizza! winner! ;)11:56
ajmitch_yes, about time I got breakfast11:57
=== ajmitch_ has been at work for a couple of hours, is hungry now :)
\shi compiled this bloody lib with -Wl,-share -fPIC and it won't be recognized as shared lib and lintian is bugging me :(11:57
=== thom waits for jdub to wait up to get breakfast
fabbionethom: is already morning there?11:58
=== Mithrandir ponders going to bed
=== fabbione should do the same
thomfabbione: 8am11:58
fabbionethom: hmmm i need to wake up in 5 hours and 30..11:59
fabbionethat's almost a call to bed11:59
fabbionebut 2.6.12 is looking too good :)11:59
dredgfabbione: or you could just stay awake11:59
tsenghey dudes12:00
Mithrandirthom: so you're just 8 hours ahead.  That means I have to slack off eight hours or catch up 16.  Joy.12:00
Mithrandirheya dude12:00
dredgtseng: hey12:00

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