
dredgtseng: argh, git. you noticed my promise to perlify your nowplaying script12:01
dredgnow i'll have to do it :-/12:01
ajmitch_dredg: what's wrong with python?12:01
tsengdredg: caught you!12:02
dredgi prefer perl? i know perl already? i don't want to half learn another language and produce even tattier looking things?12:02
dredgand most importantly, perl is ideally suited to my brain. python looks far too logical and sane12:03
ajmitch_yeah, that is true12:03
dredgtseng: i cry :c12:04
dredgtseng: nah, only kidding. useful script12:04
=== herzi [~herzi@d006098.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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tsengyeah i agree with your summaryh12:04
tsengecho "<br>" is the worst12:05
tsengbut i do the same thing in php at times12:05
tsengwhen i need to expand a variable in with the html12:05
=== dredg nodnods
tsengecho "<td>$value</td>"12:05
tsengjust did that today12:05
tseng2 dimensional array :(12:05
tsengof snmpwalk output :(12:05
dredgtseng: that said i'm a huge fan of being lazy :)12:08
tsengyeah dude12:08
tsengi think i wrote a function to do it12:09
tsengin bash12:09
tsengwhat would it look like in perl12:09
=== koke [~koke@adsl229-164.unizar.es] has joined #ubuntu-motu
HostingGeekkoke: you poor thing12:14
HostingGeekkoke: you want me to show howto login?12:14
dredgtseng: i'd also like muine-shell if it gave a decent return value12:16
tsengdredg: yeah12:16
tsengsee my gross hacks around that12:16
dredgi saw12:16
dredgi whimpered12:16
tseng# wow this is gross. muine-shell doesnt seem to return 1 on failure, however.12:17
tsengps aux | grep mono | grep muine > /dev/null12:17
tsengif [ $?  == "0" ] ; then12:17
tseng    is_playing12:17
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [+o tseng] by ChanServ
tsengHostingGeek: could you not come back in here please?12:17
tsengHostingGeek: as in ever.12:17
HostingGeekwhat did i do?12:19
tsengyou were an ass to a top contributor12:19
tsengbeyond that, i could make you a list12:20
HostingGeektseng: i was being sicastic over his blog...12:20
tsengusing caps, ignoring repeatedly requests not to use caps, badgering motus, being off topic, claiming other peoples work as your own, and generally being counterproductive12:20
tsengwhen most people are poking fun at someone, they are a) friends with them, b) use emoticons to show that they are joking12:21
HostingGeektseng: also i don't think he got what i said as he peered out to soon12:21
tsengget a clue12:21
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [+q *!*HostingGe@*.exetel.com.a] by tseng
HostingGeekwhen was the last time i used caps?12:21
HostingGeekbesides for a nick?12:21
tsengugh stupid thing12:22
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [+q *!*HostingGe@*.exetel.com.a] by tseng
HostingGeektseng: any ubuntu conbiruder is my best friend12:22
tsengmy client sucks, freenode doesnt support that12:22
tsengoh well, play nice12:22
HostingGeekoh ok12:22
fabbionetseng: mind does...12:22
tsengfabbione: for some reason mode +b is ending up +q12:23
HostingGeektseng: well as you are going to australia soon i might want to say its au not just a...12:23
HostingGeektseng: because it is +q12:23
=== HostingGeek wonders if anyone else besides me reads Planet Ubuntu
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [-o tseng] by tseng
\shHostingGeek: i'm reading12:37
HostingGeek\sh: you saw koke comment...12:38
\shHostingGeek: posted when?12:38
HostingGeek\sh: yestersay i think12:38
\shhttp://koke.amedias.org/2005/04/11/ill-be-there-upside-down/ ?12:39
\shyes I read it..nothing new ;)12:40
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ajmitch_ogra: so what's the plan for universe maintenance for breezy? wait until the sync-from-sid deluge?01:20
ograajmitch, i think we'll make plans in UdU, we'll have to cope with the gcc4 transition for a hell of a lot of packages01:21
ajmitch_nothing as simple as the python transition, either01:22
ajmitch_UdU isn't too far away, thankfully01:23
ograyep...thats intentional :)01:23
ajmitch_yeah, I can't wait to get out of dunedin for a few days :)01:24
ograi cant wait to see your side of the world ;)01:24
dredgwill jdub be rigging up udutv! ?01:24
schweebalmost definitely01:25
dredgi predict it will be a ratings smash01:25
schweebhe brought it to lca01:25
ograhe did this in mataro too, but we had no access to the router, so there was no outbound connection01:25
thomhrm, talking to him yesterday it's not likely we'll have the infrastructure for it01:25
thomwe shall see01:25
ograthom, thats what i was fearing...01:25
thomif we can just get it all recorded and push it later that would still rock01:26
ograwould be nice to have a livestream and irc discussion at the bof :)01:26
dredgi dunno, that could lead to some editing....01:26
ajmitch_being .au, it'd probably break the bank for internet traffic01:27
schweeboh crap01:32
schweebis there a CC meeting tonight?01:32
ajmitch_0400 UTC they say01:33
schweebso midnight my time01:33
=== schweeb put himself on the list for membership
=== zerokarmaleft [~zerokarma@ip68-12-45-133.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
schweebgood thing I decided not to go to the bar tonight!01:35
schweebstill have more celebrating left in my system for gettin this new job, hehe01:35
thom(recorded stream plus annodex would be sweet)01:36
thomschweeb: congrats, where/what?01:36
schweebthom: contracting to DaimlerChrysler doing Solaris Backup Admin01:37
schweebso, a lot of perl coding and dealing with SANs and tape backup systems when they fail01:37
schweebI'll be making a lot more $$$ than someone my age should be making ;)01:38
=== schweeb is pretty hyped
thomschweeb: well, commiserations on the perl thing, but otherwise, nice01:39
schweeb<3 perl01:39
thomi realised the other day i've entirely forgotten all the perl i used to knpw01:40
schweebyou a python convert?01:40
schweebthe python I've seen makes no sense to me, so I haven't even bothered trying to learn it01:41
ajmitch_schweeb: yeah, probably a lot more than I'm getting doign php coding :)01:41
ograschweeb, beware, if you once started you cant stop anymore....01:41
schweebajmitch_: undoubtedly01:42
ograand eventually python will slowly replace all your perl knowledge01:42
schweebI quite enjoy perl01:42
\shogra: quite true01:42
ograi did too...01:42
schweebit makes me feel all warm and fuzzy01:42
ajmitch_we all know that python is the one true way, there is no other01:43
ajmitch_(cue other fanboy reponses) ;)01:43
schweebajmitch_: luckily I never got roped into PHP at my existing job... I did all the admin type stuff01:43
schweebwhich worked out great, cause my resume is uber padded01:43
ajmitch_I'm doing mainly php, only a little bit of admin01:43
schweebI like a good mix of coding and admin01:44
schweebthe one part of my current job I despise is helpdesk01:44
ajmitch_for good reasons01:45
schweebhi, zorglub01:45
zorglubthe UniverseCandidates wikipage says that the package must build on warty main.01:45
zorglubIs it that it hasn't been updated ?01:45
ograseems like01:45
schweebI would imagine so.01:45
zorglubbut I guess it's for the currently unstable distrib, right ?01:46
ajmitch_one would assume so01:46
zorglubso not hoary anymore01:46
zorglubok, just wanted to be sure :)01:46
=== schweeb ponders how many Universe packages would ACTUALLY build on warty main right now from hoary
tsengwe dont really use the candidates page01:46
tsengnow that we have motutodo01:46
ajmitch_build without relying on other crack that is dragged in from elsewhere :)01:46
tsengcandidates was for stuff we wanted the canonical guys to do01:46
ajmitch_schweeb: lots would fail01:46
ogratseng, nope01:46
tsengogra, nope01:46
schweebajmitch_: I'd guess like 70% or higher would fail01:47
ogratseng, it was also propagated to the ML for a long time during MOTU01:47
ajmitch_I thought the candidates page was originally intended for users to submit packages themselves?01:47
tsengdholbach and i direct everyone to MOTUTodo01:47
ajmitch_that is where those packages are put now01:48
ogratseng, http://ubuntulinux.org/wiki/MOTURecruitment01:48
ajmitch_and now UniverseCandidates is used for package suggestions01:48
\sh14 hours of ming compile only because of lintian01:48
ograits a popular page we shouldnt loose01:48
zorglubok, I guess the MOTUNewPackages is for when you have packages you think are ready, then01:48
schweebany of you guys gonna be around for the CC meeting?  feel like saying "schweeb rocks" :)01:48
ogra(last edited 22 hours ago )01:48
\shogra: i think my laptop is melting01:49
\shcan call the hp service again ;)01:49
ajmitch_schweeb: I may be around - I'll be working in the lab @ uni when the meeting starts01:49
ogratseng, its been propagated for a long time now, if you guys want to redirect to MOTUTodo, please do it there too01:50
schweebajmitch_: you a member (I can never keep track of all of them)01:50
tsengof course he is01:50
schweebI assumed so :)01:51
schweebI know he's DD01:51
ajmitch_schweeb: I'm a MOTU01:52
ajmitch_(and DD, but that doesn't matter much here)01:52
zorglubhum, another question. Which page is the proper one to ask for an update of a package (resynch on sid, in my case)01:52
zorglub(well, for when breezy is open)01:53
schweebconsidering the DD process is more stringent than MOTU, it's not exactly a bad thing to have if you wanna be MOTU :)01:53
ograzorglub, universe will get synced completely once....01:53
ajmitch_zorglub: when breezy opens, it'll sync again01:54
zorgluboh ok01:54
thombreezy is teh open01:54
ajmitch_and we'll have a mad job of merging patches, etc of things we've changed01:54
ograzorglub, so MOTUToSync isnt really interesting at this stage01:54
ajmitch_'open', but not syncing yet :)01:54
zorglubI couldn't find much doc on the universe processes01:55
ograeverything below this page....01:55
ajmitch_you'll see a lot of links from there01:56
zorglubyes, but it's mainly coordination stuff01:56
ajmitch_most from our resident WikiMaster01:56
ograzorglub, there is the MOTUNewPackagesPolicy describiung the process for all NEW packages we include for example....01:57
ograor MOTUPackages for packages that loosly have a own maintainer01:58
zorglubok, thanks for the pointers02:07
=== dredg [niall@binky.blacknight.ie] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsengdid i miss the meeting?02:34
tsengor some such02:34
schweebtseng: midnight02:35
tsengforget that, dude.02:35
tsengi need to go to philly tommorow02:35
=== jaldhar [~jaldhar@pcp09354467pcs.jersyc01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
schweebtseng: what for?03:04
tsengto get a passport03:05
ajmitchouch, that'll be expensive to get one so soon03:07
schweebare you going to UdU or something, tseng?03:08
ajmitchyep :)03:10
=== ajmitch thankfully got his passport for lca'04
\shi'm getting crazy03:12
\shshared lib package: libfoo_major.minor & libfoo-dev_major.minor ... lintian is bugging me: no shlibs control file usr/lib/libfoo.so.major.minor but i have a shlibs.local file03:14
=== kurros [~wade@92-14.26-24.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shfinally i have it03:21
=== bradb [~bradb@modemcable087.14-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
thom*cough* first breezy universe upload to me! ;-) (it'll move to main soon)03:30
schweebbreezy's open03:31
schweebwhat'd you upload?03:31
thomschweeb: yes03:31
thomit's the new readahead package, just needs to be seeded into main03:31
=== schweeb changes his news reader to breezy-changes
schweebit's not in gmane yet03:32
ajmitchit's a good excuse for me to use my gmail account03:32
schweebI have a gmail account I've used only like 3 times, heh03:35
desrtbreezy power!03:36
schweebis that like desert power in dune? :p03:36
ajmitchschweeb: I hadn't used mine until I signed up to track the users & changes lists03:36
desrti have a friend who named his livejournal "desrtpower" after me :)03:37
schweebajmitch: I <3 gmane03:37
ajmitchschweeb: yeah, it is great03:37
schweebI used to subscribe to LKML03:38
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schweebI neglected to check that folder for 3 months...03:38
schweebbig mistake.03:38
desrtrun out of disk space?03:39
schweebI got a decent bit of space on my colo03:39
desrtso uh03:39
desrtsudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list03:39
desrtsudo apt-get update03:39
desrtthis isn't sufficient :)03:39
desrtalthough, i do have a spiffy new version if lame03:40
crimsunoh jeez.04:06
crimsunbreezy's open?04:06
crimsunbetter get my "oh sh*t" handle ready04:06
thomyup, game on04:06
thommdz' announcing to -devel shortly04:07
crimsun(it's already announced)04:07
thomah, just got here04:07
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ograhi sz_ :)04:19
dredgogra: pulling an allnighter?04:19
=== ogra gives sz a big *smack*
ogradredg, she sits aside ;)04:19
dredgi see :)04:20
crimsunok, pbuilder updated, time to start the updates!04:20
ajmitch_great :)04:21
ajmitch_reminds me to update my pbuilder..04:22
Amaranthbreezy's open?!?04:22
crimsunbetter prep my script to autoload $package's Debian BTS page04:23
crimsunI have a feeling I'm going to be applying a lot of patches to make things compile with gcc-4.004:24
ajmitch_hi bddebian04:24
thomcrimsun: friad so04:24
dredgmmm sushi04:25
ajmitch_bddebian: what's up?04:25
bddebianNada.  You?04:26
=== sushi [~sz@p5089DA77.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu-motu ["Verlassend"]
Amaranthdo i dare say something about breezy on #ubuntu?04:26
Amaranthjust to tease people of course, since there is nothing new in it :)04:26
dredgteasing fanboys is a dangerous practise04:27
schweebdon't say breezy, or you'll get the ricers all asking questions about it :p04:27
AmaranthHostingGeek might attack me :/04:27
crimsunlet the official announcement reach them first.04:27
AmaranthI told him I wasn't working on my menu editor anymore and he filled my scrollback with "NOOOO..." :P04:27
Amaranthyeah, it was scary04:28
dredgthat's just not right04:29
AmaranthI'm still working on it, if that's what you mean. :)04:29
dredgoh no, the hg reaction04:29
Amaranthah, yeah04:29
Amaranthmy scrollback is only about two screens though04:29
dredgeven still04:29
dredghere's hoping that he doesn't ever breed04:30
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ajmitch_dredg: now, be nice :)04:46
schweebwhy can't I fast forward 65 minutes... I just want the damn CC meeting to start :p04:48
ajmitch_staying up late?04:48
dredgajmitch: sorry, it's 4am, i'm tired, cranky and currently having a minor crisis in my head :)04:49
schweebajmitch_: it'll be midnight here04:51
schweebbut, I was a bit hung over all day today04:51
ajmitch_aha :)04:55
bddebianDIE SITH SCUM!05:01
schweebsomeone watchin some star wars?05:03
=== tritium [~mrimbert@12-202-90-180.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
crimsunheh, I just edited MOTU to add tritium's nick, too05:05
crimsunwhat a wacky sense of timing05:05
tritiumHey crimsun :)  I just got the email about the change.  Thanks!05:06
crimsunany NEW packages we agreed could be uploaded that haven't been (and didn't make it into Hoary due to time)?05:08
tritiumcrimsun, asking me?05:09
crimsunwell, everyone, really.05:09
crimsungoing to look at the relevant wiki pages, need to update MOTUXfce first05:09
bddebianschweeb: Actually playing KotOR II :-)05:09
tritiumI didn't think we could add new packages at this point.  If that's the case, I can try to fix up the problems with my packages.05:10
tritiumI figured I'd plan on getting them into Breezy05:10
crimsuntritium: can't blame you since you just joined. Breezy's now open.05:11
tritiumoh, okay.  So that would be the plan then...05:11
tritiumcrimsun, thanks for the info ;)05:12
ogracrimsun, no rush, we'll see a big automated sync that might change all dependencys....05:12
crimsunnp, though the honours aren't mine :)05:12
crimsunogra: yep, I'm holding off touching packages that will be hit by the sync05:12
tritiumogra, that sure was a nice surprise for me this afternoon05:13
bddebianmoin moin05:43
dredgand to make sure i wake up at 9: at> muine-shell -l /home/niall/loud.m3u05:47
crimsun12 mins to CC05:48
=== dholbach [~daniel@p54A6535E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dholbachhey schweeb :-)05:50
tritiumHello dholbach :)05:50
ajmitch_hey dholbach!05:50
siretartmoin dholbach05:50
schweebdholbach: I got that job05:51
dholbachwoohoo! PARTY!05:51
dholbachschweeb: ROCKING!05:51
ajmitch_you'll be glad to see you can upload again :)05:51
tritiumCongrats schweeb :)05:51
dredgso.. will diamond arrive of his own accord or will i have to phone him? :)05:51
=== dholbach takes schweeb to the dance floor and does the crazy dance... again
siretartschweeb: congratulations! :)05:51
ograschweeb, nice :)05:51
schweebmakin enough money that I'll be puttin school on pause for a while ;)05:52
ajmitch_alright, time for me to go off & do some paid work05:52
ajmitch_might reconnect from the lab :)05:52
dholbachdid my eyes deceive me or did breezy open?05:52
schweebyour eyes are fine05:53
crimsunit's open.05:53
=== dholbach starts uploading ;-)
=== diamond_ [~diamond@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dholbachhey diamond_05:53
diamond_dholbach: hey. what a horrible time of the morning -)05:53
dredgdiamond_: and with 1.5mins before i started plaguing your phone05:53
diamond_dredg: i so win05:53
dholbachdiamond_: did dredg call you?05:53
diamond_dholbach: nah, i managed to drag myself here just in time to avoid that05:54
dholbacheven better :-)05:54
=== diamond_ pokes nickserv to claim his nick back
=== dredg is veh veh tired
diamond_dredg: did you sleep?05:54
diamond_dredg: aieee05:55
dredgdiamond_: what are those sleeping tablets you mentioned before?05:55
dholbachso you guys are all set on CommunityCouncilAgenda?05:55
diamond_dredg: noctura05:55
tritiumdholbach, I added myself05:56
dredgdiamond_: must get some tomorrow05:56
schweebI'm on05:56
tritiumsay, where do you see that breezy repos opened?05:56
dredgdiamond_: and `/nickserv ghost' is probably what you want05:56
schweebtritium: u-d mail list05:56
tritiumah, of course...05:56
dholbachwhat about AdamIsrael? StoneTable, you're here?05:56
diamond_dredg: 'set kill' is actually more use. don't want to have to do this manually everytime05:56
dredgdiamond_: and you should probably set nick enforcement if the nickserv allows it05:56
diamond_dholbach: yup05:57
diamond_dredg: *nod*05:57
schweebdholbach: he went ot bed actually05:57
schweeblemme see if I can wake him up05:57
dholbachtritium: mail on ubuntu-devel05:57
tritiumdholbach, si, gracias :)05:57
=== dholbach just subscribed to breezy-changes
dredgdiamond_: actually, i've been compiling sunbird and reading 'the confusion'05:58
schweebdholbach: yea, think he's definitely in bed :-05:58
schweeber :-/05:58
dredgmostly the latter, though the former is a highly involved process that i couldn't bring myself to watch05:58
dredgors :)05:58
diamonddredg: did you read those 2 files i gave you? "i'll probably cringe when i read this later" and "i am legend"?05:59
dredgdiamond: nope. i am lazy. plus i forgot05:59
diamonddredg: hah. you suck -)05:59
dredgi'm tending to forget a lot lately05:59
dredgi blame lack of sleep06:00
diamondright. i should join ubuntu-meeting, right?06:00
schweebmy clock says midnight!06:00
dredgmy clock says 0500. i cry :(06:01
diamondschweeb: my body says die -)06:01
dholbach and you all have good wiki pages, rock06:01
schweebdiamond: hehe06:01
diamondhmm. i wonder if i die from tiredness could i get membership post-humously -)06:02
dredgdiamond: no, but your corpse might.06:03
diamonddredg: that'd do just fine06:03
dredgdiamond: the worms might disagree06:03
diamonddredg: i might disagree with them too ,-)06:04
dredgdiamond: you'd be dead though, so you most likely wouldn't06:04
diamonddredg: i mean digestively06:04
dredgdiamond: quite true06:05
dredgdiamond: you see mail no.2 i sent to meteor?06:06
diamonddredg: no06:06
dredgdiamond: http://niall.evil.ie/random/meteor2.txt06:07
diamonddredg: hah. nice06:07
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crimsunnight all08:26
tritiumGood night crimsun :)08:26
dholbachbye crimsun08:26
schweebnight fellas08:27
tritiumgood night schweeb08:27
diamondnite all08:27
tritiumnight diamond08:27
siretartwoah, I was delivered about 40 mails of ubuntu-devel mails08:28
dholbachbye schweeb, diamon :-)08:28
thomyeah, jdub just moderated a bunch of mail08:28
siretartah, ubuntu-devel is moderated? this explains the good signal/noise ratio :)08:29
tritiumI'm exhausted...08:34
dholbachbye tritium :-)08:34
tritiumGood night, dholbach, and everyone else.08:35
dholbachi'm having breakfast now08:35
tritiumyum...I can't wait for morning.  I'm hungry already.08:35
tritiumI'll be traveling, but I'll be in touch.08:35
siretartexcellent idea, breakfast..08:35
=== tritium [~mrimbert@12-202-90-180.client.insightBB.com] has left #ubuntu-motu ["Leaving"]
fabbionedredg: you around?08:47
dholbachfabbione: after 426246h without sleep, i think he wanted to read for another hour and drop into bed08:49
fabbioneyeah well it's not like i am really fresh08:49
fabbionei slept barely 4 hours this night :)08:49
dholbachi slept 5... got up for CC meeting08:50
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hspranggood morning!09:21
dholbachhey hsprang09:23
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\shguys...i slept only 3 hours :) and after yesterdays session I'm not a beginner to debian stuff anymore...now I'm a semi-pro ;)11:18
d3vic3already? O_o11:18
\shd3vic3: i don't really know...I sat 14 hours on my laptop to get rid of one lintian message...read many documentations, set up apt repositories and stuff, read more documentation and more only to figure out that "dh_makeshlibs" is the solution...;)11:20
\shwell, ebuilds are much easier, even rpms ;)11:20
\shthe lintian checks are quite hard ;)11:20
\sh and I see that breezy is open11:22
Mithrandir\sh: I don't know about how ebuilds work, but http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2005/03/31/packaging.html is fairly interesting in the context of dh_makeshlibs and debian packages.  Some of the problems he's describing there (hidden dependencies) can't show up in a Debian system.11:25
\shMithrandir: well..my problem was, packaging a sharedlib. everything was allright, but lintian bugged me about "there is no shlibs control file" and I tried to figure out, why11:27
Mithrandirshared libraries are hard.11:27
Mithrandirbut then shared libraries are always hard.11:27
MithrandirI've seen fairly core packages in gentoo get it wrong too (convert broken cause libjpeg or something bumped it soversion)11:28
\shMithrandir: yeah..but most of the time in gentoo the upstream is mistaken and the ebuild author has to create patched11:29
\shMithrandir: but here was everything ok...only this bl11:30
\shbl**dy shlibs.local was wrong..11:30
Mithrandir\sh: it's more a result of a broken dependency and the packaging system's inability to spot and track that.11:30
\shother way: if i have a shared lib lets say libfoo.so.major.minor, it depends in libc.so.6 and ld-linux.so.211:31
\shwhat is the correct shlibs.local?11:31
=== Seveas [~seveas@ksl403-uva-142.wireless.uva.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shfunny thing is, i checked some sample sources out of the ubuntu repos, but wherever i checked, i didn't found a shlibs.local file...libao2, xine-lib nowhere11:34
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Mithrandirtseng: rock!01:13
Treenaks\sh: dh_makeshlibs01:17
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\shTreenaks: yeah ;)01:18
\shTreenaks: after 14 hours I found it ;)01:19
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Treenakshu Shufla01:20
Treenakshi, too01:20
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=== StoneTable yawns
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kokehey, could someone help me with english jargon02:00
kokeI don't understand the jcarnie's comment at http://koke.amedias.org/2005/04/11/ill-be-there-upside-down/#comments02:00
dredgkoke: that's not english. that's something else entirely02:03
ajmitchit's a joke..02:03
=== Amaranth goes to bed
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bddebianGood morning03:59
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StoneTablehey dholbach05:27
dholbachhey StoneTable05:27
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bddebianHeya tritium06:35
tritiumWhat's up, bddebian ?06:36
bddebian"work"  :'-(06:36
tritiumAh, at least you're 1/2-way done with the day now...06:36
bddebianOne would think :-)06:37
tritiumworking late?06:38
bddebianUsually these days.. :-)06:38
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tritiumAny news on the CC meeting time?06:54
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=== herve [~hcauwelie@ip-3.net-81-220-179.nice.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
herveI see breezy is open07:35
bddebianHeya herve07:35
Mithrandirindeed it is07:35
hervebut the changes are posted in changes.hoary... oO07:36
Treenaksdoes anyone have a clue on how I could get a dump of the 8k of memory one of my PCI devices has?07:48
Treenaks(        Memory at d0206000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=8K] )07:48
hervewrite a C program to access that mem area?07:50
hervebut would the kernel allow it?07:50
hervebeing root, surely07:50
Treenaksherve: I'd probably have to use some weird /dev stuff07:50
Treenaksor /proc07:50
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herveI don't think /proc allow that sort of introspection07:51
hervebut some char device probably07:51
TreenaksI'm trying to figure out how to get my PCI7x21 to work07:52
Treenaks(flash card reader in my laptop)07:52
Treenaks(104c:8033, the datasheet claims it's "a Flash Media controller in ATA mode")07:52
Treenaks(but it's an "unknown mass-storage device")07:53
hervethat makes me think I have a sd card reader not detected07:53
herveor the cards inserted are not detected07:54
Treenakswell, it's in my PCI list.. but no driver gets loaded to claim/use i t07:54
Treenaksso I'm actually thinking of creating a driver.. but for that I need specs07:54
Treenaksand time07:54
Treenakstime I can get07:55
Treenaksbut the specs..07:55
Treenaksti.com doesn't have them07:56
Treenaksand I don't really know how to contact companies like that07:56
=== Treenaks = hell at communicating with strange companies
herve"give me your specs or be doomed!"07:56
hervesure it doesn't help :-)07:56
Treenaksherve: I don't even know how to contact them.. calling seems like it'll be pointless07:57
herveha! the sd card *is* detected but "cardmgr[8651] : unsupported card in socket 0"07:57
TreenaksI don't know enough about electronics to complete their "Mail customer support" form07:57
Treenaksso all I need is someone who's good at extracting info from TI persons07:58
MithrandirTreenaks: /proc/kmem?07:58
herveTreenaks, contact a salesman and say you bring a partnership for linux support ;-)07:58
Mithrandirdd if=/dev/kmem skip=3491782656 count=8192 | od07:59
Mithrandirmight work07:59
=== Treenaks prepares for a horrible crash
Treenaksdd: reading `/dev/kmem': Bad address08:00
Treenaksmaybe /dev/mem08:00
herveTreenaks, isn't adding this device to some list of known mass-storage device enough?08:00
Treenakssame error :(08:00
Treenaksherve: some ATA driver probably..08:00
MithrandirTreenaks: should be easy enough to write a kernel module to dump it, though08:01
Treenakshttp://www-s.ti.com/sc/ds/pci6421.pdf -- page 19 for the definition of "ATA driver" and "Flash Media", and page 145 for all I've been able to find08:03
Treenaks(wow, evince is FAST)08:03
Treenaksanyway, this is just a description of the PCI config area.. which is very similar to most stuff I've seen08:05
ograTreenaks, hal device manager should have more infor in the BIOS device08:08
ogra(its ripped off kmem)08:08
Treenaksogra: I have the address.. just not the contents08:08
TreenaksI don't believe dmidecode:08:10
Treenaks        Portable Battery08:10
Treenaks                SBDS Manufacture Date: 1985-08-2508:10
ograhmm, i guess your bios chip reports only a 5 there....08:11
Treenaksprobably :)08:11
Treenaksogra: no. it puts a 4 there :)08:11
Treenaksogra: 2005-08-25 is in the future08:11
TreenaksI think I need to poke TI.. but where08:18
ograTreenaks, i guess you should wait and try 2.6.12 if it hits breezy....08:19
Treenaksogra: there's no reference of the PCI id in google.. except for lspci -n listings08:20
Treenaksso I think there's no driver08:20
ograon my machine even 2.6.11 recognizes 50% more of the devices08:20
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ograi think the driver will be quite generic, its just not known by the kernels pcimap yet08:21
ograsince you said its a pcmcia device....08:21
hervethat's my guess too08:21
Treenaksogra: it's not a pcicia device08:21
ogradidnt you talk about cardmgr above ?08:22
Treenaksthat was herve08:22
hervethat was me08:22
ograah, yup, just scrolled up...08:22
ograsorry ...08:22
Treenaksit's on the same PCI bus as the cardbus controller...08:23
Treenaksbut that's a different bus than the card in the slot08:23
hervebut I'm interested by how adding support for my card reader too ;-)08:23
Treenaksherve: is it visible using lspci?08:25
hervemy pcmcia port yes08:25
ograor in lshal/hal device manager08:25
hervebut my guess about this laptod is that all the media base is a (collection of) usb device(s)08:25
herveer, wrong gues08:26
Treenaksherve: does the card reader show up? :)08:26
hervethe card reader is not on the media base08:26
herveTreenaks, yes08:26
Treenaksherve: could you paste?08:26
herveand inserting a card is detected08:26
Treenakshm.. here I have this:08:26
Treenaks0000:02:06.3 Unknown mass storage controller: Texas Instruments: Unknown device 803308:26
Treenaks0000:02:06.3 0180: 104c:803308:26
herveApr 13 19:56:59 localhost kernel: cs: memory probe 0xa0000000-0xa0ffffff: clean.Apr 13 19:56:59 localhost cardmgr[8651] : unsupported card in socket 008:27
herveApr 13 19:56:59 localhost cardmgr[8651] :   product info: "RICOH", "Bay1Controlle08:27
hervethere are two pcmcia ports declared...08:27
herveI bet the second one is a builtin card reader...08:28
hervebecause I only have a single external port08:28
TreenaksI've done my research.. my reader is weird :)08:28
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herveby the way08:39
herveisn't kernel 2.6.11 slowly entering breezy?08:40
crimsunand oh boy does it have crack08:40
crimsunlots of it.08:40
herveI saw 2.6.11 header upload08:40
herveand since it was in universe previously...08:40
ograonly the headers....08:40
herveas a start?08:41
ograi know fabio just prepared a highly experimental 2.6.12 image for upload...08:41
herveI wonder about the point of this otherwise08:41
hervehigly? *g*08:41
ograhe said so in -devel08:41
ograbut currently we'll have to wait until all the toolchains are in place08:42
hervehmm... saw mdz's post... I quite less tempted to update breezy now ;-)08:45
ograi'm pretty sure it wont be very usable the first days.....08:45
ograbut at least you can update your hoary a bit :)08:46
herveI'll upgrade after UDU now08:46
ogra(with broken stuff indeed)08:46
herveyes, I'll selectively upgrade, thanks synaptic!08:46
crimsunheh, I'm running off a livecd anyhow, so it really doesn't matter ;)08:47
hervenice idea!08:47
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\shok..guys of motu...if you don't review, i will spam your motunewpackages ;)08:59
\shok...i will perform now a (K)ubuntu session and put it as flash file on my blog09:01
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hervesomeone knows about some certutil command shipped with mozilla?09:22
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=== ajmitch waits for people to wake up :)
\shI'm awake ;)09:53
ajmitchgreat :)09:53
ajmitchbddebian: you up & about? ;)09:54
bddebianajmitch: Of course!09:54
ajmitchso what's new?09:54
bddebianI want to kill myself.  You?09:54
ajmitchbtw, you haven't happened to send any hardware yet, right?09:54
ajmitchah, crawled out of bed09:54
ajmitchregretting getting up09:54
bddebianajmitch: No, sorry.  When are you "leaving" again?09:55
ajmitchend of next week09:55
bddebianI guess I'm overnighting it then eh? :-)09:58
ajmitchfor that cost, I shoul get a new laptop ;)09:58
ajmitchit's certainly not urgent09:58
ajmitchbddebian: so have you installed fresh ubuntu goodness yet?10:02
=== dholbach [~daniel@p54A63D81.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchdholbach!! :)10:05
dholbachMOTU love: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/UniverseCxxTransition10:05
ajmitchso what shall we work on today? ;010:06
dholbachdoko 's been DAMN busy10:06
ograhey, we dnt transition c++ .... do we ?10:06
dholbachogra: you have a problem with c++?10:06
ajmitchogra: breezy will have fresh gcc-4.0 crack10:06
ograafaik g++ will stay 3.310:07
ajmitchplenty of packages that'll need fixed in universe10:07
ajmitchare you sure?10:07
ograpretty much10:07
ajmitchfrom what i heard it'll be a c++ transition as well10:07
ograonly gcc4.010:07
ajmitchABI goes 102->100210:07
ograat least thats what they were talkinmg about the last hrs10:08
tseng|workisnt gcc 4.0 supposed to have some hardcore code path optimizers10:08
tseng|workpredictive stuff10:08
dokoogra: yes, but only for two or three weeks10:09
dholbachdoko: i'm absolutely amazed... you're an absolute workhorse10:09
tseng|worki wonder if i should upload mono now10:09
ogradoko, oh, i thought for the whole breezy time... thanks for clearifying10:09
ajmitchtseng|work: it doesn't look like binaries are being built yet for breezy10:09
ogratseng|work, there are no working buildds yet :) but you could queue it10:10
ajmitchogra: so we were both right, in a way :)10:10
crimsunhey, when you squash the table spacing on UniverseCxxTransition, it doesn't seem that bad!10:11
ajmitchI'm glad none of my packages are on there10:12
dholbachsome of mine are10:12
ajmitchlike gtkmm10:12
ajmitchyou've got about 20x more packages that you've touched than anyone else ;)10:12
dholbachon that list?10:13
ajmitchno, in general10:13
ajmitchI can't tell from that list10:13
ajmitch20x is a rough guess :)10:13
dholbachyou must have misread something :-)10:13
=== ajmitch feels like writing some tools
bddebianajmitch: Sorry.  Yes, it has a nice shiny new ubuntu install :-)10:17
ajmitchbddebian: I mean on your systems, that you use :)10:18
bddebianajmitch: No, since there isn't an Ubuntu GNU/Hurd yet.. ;-)10:18
ajmitchwell, get to work ;)10:18
bddebianGive me a build system :-)10:19
ajmitchdon't you have spare hardware?10:19
=== ajmitch hacks some selinux stuff
bddebianajmitch: Spare hardware?10:29
crimsunmm, excellent. monotone just hit sid today. :)10:29
ajmitchbddebian: a build system..10:30
ajmitchcrimsun: excellent.. I might check that out one day10:30
JanChm, a new educational project that has debian packages: http://edukalibre.org/software ?10:34
bddebianajmitch: I have a build system, I need somewhere to host all the debs :-)10:36
dholbachi'll be off for now... see you later10:42
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hervenight all!11:30

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