
_edulixNormally I can change cpu throttling doing an echo 0 > /proc/acpi/processor/CPU0/throttling, but when fan start to spin throttling raises 7 (75%) and it doesn't obbey me12:00
=== tumamaenbikini [boliyo@] has joined #ubuntu
libbenill take it that gnome inherits the path from gdm and gdm gets it from somewhere,... cause i can execute my shellscript when im in gnometerminal everywhere... but if i try to launch it from xchat /exec -o myshell it wont start... i need to type the whole path... and a /exec -o echo $PATH in here shows me that it aint in my path... and ive started xchat from gnome menu.. doesnt xchat inherits the path as gnometerminal does ?12:00
femvPeople is there anyway i can disable somethings that ubuntu does when it is starting up the sys??12:01
Lefunguscrimsun, thanks for the help12:01
vessuvius81taddeus, what architexture are you running on?  A regular intel-based pc?12:02
camcorderI need to reconnect cable to switch to make connection come back12:03
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camcorderthat really sucks, btw, it detected eth card at port 21, i doubt it used to be like that on fedora12:03
z0mbixanyone know how to remove postfix without removing ubuntu-base?12:03
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lamontz0mbix: sure.  upgrade to breezy in a few weeks.12:04
lamontubuntu-base is just a meta package to drag in all the base pacakges.12:04
lamontpostfix is a base package (currently)12:04
lamontergo, removing postfix will remove ubuntu-base12:04
lamontand have no other effect12:04
vessuvius81if so, download ubuntu-5.04-install-i386.iso from http://us.releases.ubuntu.com and burn it to a cd12:04
z0mbixi know, but i want to keep ubuntu-base for future upgrade reasons12:04
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_edulixwell, at least I would like to know how can I tell ubuntu to not load acpi_cpufreq kernel module at boot so that it just cannot change cpu throttling12:05
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_edulixI've added it to /etc/hotplug/blacklist but it'ss till being loaded at boot12:05
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femvcs : pcmia_socket0 unable to apply power.... anybody know what to do ??????12:05
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libbenanything better to use when u use msn? i only use msn12:08
zenwhenamsn is ok12:08
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ailleantsiandoes anyone know a good pcimca card that has linux drivers that is compatible with ubuntu?12:09
ailleantsianwlan card12:09
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ray__anyone got ideas how to fix these sounds probs?12:11
femvis it a good thing to do to edit xorg.conf and change via by vesa ???12:11
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FC-tookialguien habla espaol???12:12
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FC-tookihola garut12:13
FC-tookicolaborame con unas cosillas sobre ubuntu12:13
FC-tookio con una sola por ahora12:13
femvfc-tooki que buscas12:14
camcorderhow can I make ubuntu to assing lower ip to eth0?12:14
FC-tookies q hoy instale ubuntu12:14
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mike_camcorder: is it DHCP or static IP?12:14
FC-tookiy yo uso dial up, como lo configuro en ubuntu???12:14
FC-tookino se como le hago12:14
camcordermike_: static ip12:14
camcordermike_: but why matters?12:15
FC-tookini como creo un archivo para conectarme12:15
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femvq tal si12:15
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avidadoes ubuntu support dvd recording ?12:15
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mike_camcorder: edit /etc/network/interfaces to have the IP you want.12:15
mike_camcorder: it matters because with DHCP, you're going to get what the DHCP server gives you, pretty much.12:15
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camcordermike_: ah sorry :P, i watned to ask, how can i make ubuntu to assign lower IRQ not ip ..12:17
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iocasteanyone use blackbox 0.70?12:17
mike___camcorder: oh. That, I don't know. I'm pretty sure it's more a function of the BIOS than of the OS12:17
camcorderwell i thiink problem is that, irq21 is too much and after some time my connection wents down, i have to hook down the cable from switch and hook up to make connectin com back12:18
mike___is this a USB network interface or something?12:18
camcordermike_ : i couldn't find place to make bios non-pnp os compatible, but indeed kernel 2.4+ shoudl be pnp ready12:18
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mike___yah, it should. what's /proc/interrupts say?12:19
argothhey guys, could anyone help? I've got a problem configuring xorg. the problem is my radeon 960012:19
camcorderit assigns at 2112:19
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camcorderwell dunno, my problem is my connection went down after some time12:19
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camcorderand only wayt to bring it back is to hook down, and hook up from switch12:20
femvpeople how can i disable pcmia lookup on startup ??????12:20
mike___poke around in your BIOS some more... there might be something to do it.12:20
mike___whoops, gotta go12:20
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Reblendedhow do I display two desktops at once and  have two users sharing the same computer (two mice and keyboards)12:21
argothso, is there an ati pro on? :-)12:21
kdpfor any napolean dynamite fans12:21
hackeronwell, been using ubuntu for 4 days now: - unfortunately I still consider it one of the worst distributions I ever tried with fedora a close second :'(12:21
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Reblendedwhy hackeron? works excellent for me12:22
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hackeronReblended: I gave a link with a text file explaining why12:22
EricColemanwhat does "Failed to load HAL" mean?12:22
Reblendedhackeron, reading it now12:22
hackeronReblended: there's 51 points there :)12:23
Reblendedlol, I"m sorry dave, but I'm afraid I can't do that, EricColeman12:23
jordanaui am using sudo apt-get -d install <program> to download files to save to cd. where are they stored?12:23
kdphackeron: you can take screenshots of only certain parts of the screen12:23
argothso noone can help me with my radeon 9600 problem?12:23
Reblendedhackeron, bummer, well, if you read more about ubuntu... the codes are downloaded with apt-get...12:23
hackeronkdp: yeah? how?12:23
imperfect-argoth: what's the issue?12:23
kdphackeron: man import12:23
_membreyahmmm using an AC97 soundcard and some apps are complaining that /dev/snd/seq doesnt exist..whats the best way to go about this ?12:23
EricColemanUbuntu installs on my Compaq Presario R3000, i used the linux noapic option that i found in the wiki12:24
WiFi_Net_GuyLInuxJones and njan, if you're still on, sorry for not responding back. Had to go to a meeting.12:24
hackeronkdp: no, from that gnome screenshot app. Ubuntu is a desktop oriented distribution, I shouldnt have to use the console.12:24
EricColemanbut when gnome loads up, i get just 2 toolbars at the top (no icons what so ever) a blank bg, and a box that said "Failed to load HAL"12:24
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kdphackeron: then use the gimp12:24
EricColemanI -do- get the pretty login screen ;)12:24
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kdphackeron: Acquire -> Screenshot12:24
hackeronReblended: I did read about ubuntu, the guide isnt accurate. Also, finish reading the point, I did get mpeg4 working, but no thanks to the ubuntuguide.12:24
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hackeronkdp: there's no part of window, only single window, thats not what I want12:25
hackeronkdp: you can do single windows with alt+print-screen.12:25
Reblendedhackeron, what's better than ubuntu for ease of use (for a beginner)12:26
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hackeronReblended: err, pretty much anything else out there, Xandros, Ark, Mepis, Mandrake, SuSE, etc are all far better in my opinion.12:26
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holycowhackeron, thanks for the single window screenshot tip, i didn't know that12:26
hackeronReblended: my most favoured is Ark atm12:26
smouchehackeron, a better screenshot app comes with kubuntu -- ksnapshot12:26
Reblendedty hackeron12:26
hackeronholycow: np :)12:26
membreyahttp://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo <---will this guide work given that it's referring to OSS?12:26
holycowhackeron, your just bitter12:26
hackeronsmouche: yeah, I know :)12:27
holycowhackeron, shutup and start coding :)12:27
smoucheI imagine you could simply use that in gnome12:27
hackeronholycow: heh, I am actually, not for ubuntu though.12:27
chavohackeron, most of those points are about gnome.12:27
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argoth/tell imperfect- did you get my messages?12:27
hackeronsmouche: hmm, lets see how easy it is to remap the key :)12:27
holycowhackeron, *nod* all cool, no single distro can make everyone happy12:27
hackeronchavo: yeah, well...12:27
chavoWhich is godawful, thank God for kubuntu.12:27
=== ploum [~ploum@19-43.CampusNet.ucl.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu
ploumI think I 've a bug on hoary12:28
ploumRight Click > properties of any multimedia file on the desktop crash nautilus !12:28
Reblendedhackeron, at arklinux.org right now... very compatible? I have a sony vaio and I've heard  they can be persnickety12:28
kdpplous: this has already been filed12:28
Reblendedhackeron, Ark is debian?12:28
argothimperfect-: well i guess that means no :-)12:28
kdpploum: its a problem w/totem-xine12:29
ploumkdp, thx !12:29
hackeronReblended: well, they use apt4rpm and I think were based on redhat6 or something originally.12:29
ploumdo you know the bug number ? (on ubuntu or gnome bugzilla ?)12:29
=== lughdailh [~lughdailh@62-15-245-143.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #ubuntu
csjhi all, when I install a new package, I want it refresh the gnome-menu, so I `killall gnome-panel` but then gaim in the system-tray gone , is that normal?12:29
argothwell, I didn't manage to make the 2D and 3D acceleration work.12:29
jordanaui am using sudo apt-get -d install <program> to download files to save to cd. where are they stored?12:30
argothi tried different Drivers settings like ati, fglrx and radeon .. with no success12:30
EricColemanhow do I tell why HAL won't load?12:30
holycowi love x, i love xdmcp, ubuntu rocks so hard12:30
hackeronReblended: they hacked the crap out of hotplug and added all binary drivers possible. I think they meet most of my requirements here:
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kdpploum: its on both, see https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=807612:31
argothfglrxinfo says:12:31
Reblendedhackeron, ty, got some reading to do12:31
hackeronReblended: no pppoa, but they already added it to cvs and pppoe works great. Ndiswrapper is supported, but no auto dialog when you insert windows driver cd yet.12:31
argothXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".12:31
argothdisplay: :0.0  screen: 012:31
argothOpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org12:31
argothOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect12:31
argothOpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.2.1)12:31
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argothargh, sorry12:31
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hackeronReblended: PS, that essay is a work in progress, I only started work on it a few days ago after a ubuntu dev angered me :)12:32
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kdpploum: just for my sake, what type of video card do you have?12:33
=== boodle [~Bill@72-254-153-111.client.stsn.net] has joined #ubuntu
argoth*sigh* .. :-) well i guess i'll google a bit more ... *desperate*12:34
boodleHiya, any "Brezzy Badger" feeds available yet?12:34
holycowhackeron, lol12:35
holycowdude your a world class moron12:35
holycowyou need to change your page title12:35
hackeronholycow: heh, thanks :)12:36
Nigelenkibank hax0red12:36
holycowWhat makes a good Linux Distribution ... change to --> What 'hackeron thinks' makes a good Linux Distribution12:36
holycowseriously, your an idiot :)12:36
Nigelenkiloser 0, bank 112:36
=== trans_err [~trans_err@hc652729c.dhcp.vt.edu] has joined #ubuntu
hackeronholycow: heh, sure :)12:36
membreyaholycow: before you pick on someone, make sure you get it right yourself...in the context you used it .. the phrase should have been "dude, you're a world class moron" :P12:36
jordanauholycow, do you know where apt-get stores downloaded files?12:36
kdpmore bugs in windows...http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=technologyNews&storyID=8160126&src=rss/technologyNews12:36
Nigelenkiit looks like that web site I reported to Regions got taken over by regions, who subsequently put a big notice about not asking for your information in e-mail on the site12:36
Dr_Aeviljordanau: /var/cache/apt/archives/12:37
hackeronholycow: also, you can ofcourse be a bit more specific like mention what you disagree with :)12:37
jordanauDr_Aevil, gracias12:37
=== Oliver [oliver@ehaworth.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu
holycowmembreya, to put up a page and consider your opinion to somehow be representative of 'the answer' 'for everyone' automatically qualifies the writer as such12:37
Dr_Aeviljordanau: np :)12:37
holycowat the very least as arrogant12:37
membreyalol holycow ..that's why you don't read personal webpages? :P12:37
Oliverquick question, is there a package list somewhere for Ubuntu?12:38
jordanauDr_Aevil, may i ask you how you know? i did whereis apt and apt-get and got nothing12:38
holycowmembreya, :) of course, it's the stink of 'holier than thou' that usually gets such postings categorised in the stinky column tho :)12:38
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trans_errany programs which seem to use audio (ie. mplayer, xmms, amarok) seems to segfault12:38
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trans_errany ideas why this would be happening?12:38
Olivertbird: thanks, not so easy to find that link on the site :)12:38
holycowjordanau, somewhere in /usr/share12:38
trans_errcould it be hardware related?12:38
tbirdOliver, np12:38
membreyatrans_err: try #kubuntu ;)12:38
trans_errmembreya: why because i mentioned amarok?12:39
hackeronholycow: lol, clever you. You didnt even read the first few paragraphs eh? :)12:39
membreyathat's the one trans_err, and have you tried doing a trace on the program?12:39
jordanauholycow, thanks i found it in /var cause of Dr_Aevil , excuse the randomly pointed question12:39
holycowmembreya, and and lol your post is correct an insults sucks when you misspell it12:39
imperfect-what were you looking for12:39
trans_errmembreya: well forget i said amarok and just say xmms12:39
imperfect-and doesn't anyone believe in locate?12:39
darkaudittrans_err: I just stepped in... what's the prob?12:40
holycowjordanau, oh! shoot my mistake sorry, that sounds right12:40
camcorderseems like when I auto-negotiate again, eth start workign again12:40
membreyatrans_err:: see above12:40
trans_errdarkaudit: segfaulting on audio12:40
EricColemanpost-install on a compaq laptop HAL fails to load, where can I find out why?12:40
trans_errdarkaudit: mplayer, xmms, et cetera12:40
kdplocate is good...very good12:40
membreyaand it does make a bit of a difference since kubuntu uses ARTSD12:40
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hackeronholycow: but yeah, I guess "Ability to get online" is a silly requirement. You're right.12:40
trans_errmembreya: im using straight alsa12:40
Dr_Aeviljordanau: I don't remember sorry :) something I found out somehow over the years but it's mentioned in the apt-get man page12:40
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jordanauDr_Aevil, np just wondering if there was a better method than whereis12:41
holycowhackeron, well you are entitled to your opinion :)  i don't generally spend time reading about 'absolute world views' however, i preffer a collaborative approach provided all parties like to play fairly12:41
imperfect-jordanau : locate.12:41
imperfect-jordanau: locate is your friend.12:41
holycowhackeron, *nod* why not start your own distro tho?  obviously you can do a better job right?12:42
kdpas is updatedb :-)12:42
holycowhackeron, maybe base it even off of ubuntu work so you don't haveto redo all their patching?12:42
membreyatrans_err:: have you tried running a trace on the app to see where it's segfaulting at?12:42
hackeronholycow: heh, I already have large portions of the code ready, and several specifications ;)12:42
Dr_Aeviljordanau: for packages you can also see where they stick their files by typing dpkg -L <package name>12:42
trans_errmembreya: playing with that now12:42
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holycowhackeron, cool, have fun :) let us know when you have an iso ready12:43
=== chuck [~chuck@CPE0006258ec6c2-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Aeviljordanau: so for example, dpkg -L apt12:43
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membreyadamn the ubuntu mailing list is busy..just over a month and I have 5400 messages in the folder for it :P12:43
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hackeronholycow: and I'm basing if off LFS, great "distribution".12:43
imperfect-anyone got a 7200rpm laptop drive theyw wanna sell12:43
hackeronholycow: it wont be an iso ;)12:43
imperfect-muh powerbook needs bigger balls12:43
holycowhackeron, rofl, hahaha12:43
holycowhackeron, i'm out, :) i won't even try it12:44
holycowhackeron, thats a hell of a lot of work, wow12:44
trans_errmembreya: nothing useful at all12:44
hackeronholycow: yeah, think of it as an apt-build with working watch files and auto version discovery.12:44
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holycowhackeron, to be sure, don't let me discourage you at all, go for it, sounds cool12:45
hackeronholycow: its amazing that over 80% of packages on apt have a broken watch file12:45
holycowhackeron, so basically a debian / gentoo hybrid?12:45
hackeronerr, on debian rather12:45
imperfect-hackeron : uhm, let me discourage you12:45
imperfect-hackeron : it's a pointless waste of time ;)12:45
hackeronholycow: not exactly, I'll reveal detail when I have more code to show for it :)12:45
jordanauDr_Aevil, thanks again, BTW i just ran apt-get clean hope that didnt mess anything up12:45
imperfect-hackeron: please, for the love of god, take up violin or something12:45
holycowhackeron, allright, coolies12:45
hackeronimperfect-: I play the piano ;)12:46
imperfect-hackeron : play violin too!12:46
imperfect-hackeron: do what you have to do to not waste your life on such an endeavor12:46
kdphackeron: but can you play both parts of "piano phase" at the same time?12:46
hackeronkdp: what?12:46
kdpif not, get to work! mwahahahaha...i wish i could play piano12:46
=== kenix [~kenix@dsl81-214-29199.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu
kdphackeron: its this piece by steve reich, very cool :-) you should check it out12:47
imperfect-i've got this piece of software for my powerbook12:47
hackeronkdp: I can play the second Hungarian Rhapsody by Liszt -- hard, hard piece :)12:47
imperfect-called blue phone elite12:47
imperfect-man it's neat12:47
kenixtrk varm trk12:47
imperfect-it syncs with my addressbook12:47
imperfect-and when my phone rings12:47
hackeronkdp: hmm, ok, I will.12:47
kdphackeron: bah, Liszt.  Banging on a piano.12:47
imperfect-the picture of the person and their phone number is superimposed on my laptop screen via bluetooth12:47
imperfect-it's the shit12:47
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Dr_Aeviljordanau: nah, it just wipes the debs in the local archive12:48
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busfahrerExcuse me, can Ubuntu be used for a server system (as opposed to a desktop system)?12:50
spadesbusfahrer: yes it can12:51
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ricardo_hi all12:51
busfahrerThanks, I'll have to give it a try. :-)12:51
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Jet2k5can someone help me?12:51
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imperfect-Jet2k5 : you need #telepathic_ubuntu12:52
Jet2k5this is getting real annoying, ubuntu can't burn my cd's correctly12:52
imperfect-Jet2k5 : over there they can read your mind!12:52
femv         does anybode knows how to disable pcmia look up at startup ????????????????????12:52
ricardo_do nvidia driver make ubuntu 5.04 freeze atstartup?12:52
Jet2k5I can't update through a cd12:52
hackeronbusfahrer: any linux distribution can, if you're going to run anything serious though (as in not a toy), consider something more server oriented like http://www.debian-hardened.org/12:52
ricardo_at startup12:52
Jet2k5I've already had to re-install because the other net update fucked up my computer pretty damn bad12:52
Telephmm, I really need to get rid of my highlight for this channel :D12:52
darkauditricardo_: not on my box, it doesn't12:52
dockaneis it possible that a dvdrom cant read any dvds but keeps on reading cds ?12:52
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Jet2k5E: Prior errors apply to /cdrom//pool/main/u/util-linux/util-linux_2.12p-2ubuntu2_i386.deb12:53
Jet2k5Extracting templates from packages: 46%ad file descriptor12:53
Jet2k5that's the error from synaptics12:53
Jet2k5and the md5sum matched up, and the burning was successful, but it keeps on saying it's a bad burn or somethign12:53
EricColemandoes anyone know why HAL wouldn't start in 5.0.4?12:53
EricColemani get the login screen, but after login I get a blank bar at the top & bottom of the screen12:53
EricColemanand a message that says "Failed to load HAL"12:54
ricardo_darkaudit, my ubuntu box worked well until today. it freezes on nvidia spashscreen. should I reinstall?12:54
Jet2k5your not the only one with freaking problems12:54
Reblendedhackeron, awesome thesis... great links...12:54
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imperfect-I'm sorry EricColeman I can't let you do that.12:54
Jet2k5mine are getting to the point where I'm about to dump ubuntu down the trash with mdk and all the others12:54
EricColemancan't let me do what?12:54
Jet2k5do what I'ma bout to do12:54
imperfect-Jet2k5 ; Dude. I've been using linux for 10 years... and i feel like drop kicking it every 2 hours.. don't feel bad ;)12:55
hackeronReblended: thanks :) -- you're the first person not to flame it :)12:55
alexwillmerlooking at the /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-5/.config for 5.04 it appears CONFIG_NET_RADIO was not set in the built kernel, am I interpreting this correctly?12:55
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imperfect-alexwillmer : If it's in .config, yep prolly nod12:55
imperfect-er not12:55
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ny0Sorry.what is ibernation in ubuntu?12:55
imperfect-alexwillmer : if it says CONFIG_NET_RADIO=n12:55
EricColemanwhy is it every time I ask about HAL I get some message saying "Sorry, I can't let you do that"12:56
EricColemanin this chat?12:56
imperfect-Jet2k5 : I downloaded a hoary iso and it worked fine the first time...12:56
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imperfect-EricColeman : 2001, a space Oddessy.12:56
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imperfect-it was a move12:56
imperfect-er movie12:56
hackeronReblended: did you follow the link to the list of audio/video editing applications? -- took me a while to put that together :)12:56
imperfect-the computer was named HAL12:56
imperfect-nevermind ;)12:56
EricColemani tried reinstalling12:57
EricColemanwhere can I find a log of why it wouldn't start?12:57
alexwillmerimperfect-, actually it says # CONFIG_NET_RADIO is not set, but if that's true surely no wifi would work in 5.04?12:57
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imperfect-NET RADIO could be ham radio support for all I know12:57
imperfect-google that setting12:57
imperfect-or look at the kernel documentation directory12:58
imperfect-there's all kindms of cool info in there12:58
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qmananyone know if you can put something other than a aiport card in ibook?01:01
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alexwillmerok, surprising but according to this http://www.ussg.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0407.2/0561.html01:02
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goonieis there anything one needs to know about post upgrade from warty to hoary? will it all be configged or is there something one needs to do right away?01:02
kaouetegoonie: i think you can go with the eyes closed :> but maybe check the wiki01:03
qmangoonie: I just let it rip, worked fine01:04
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jbaileygoonie: Read the release notes.01:04
jbaileygoonie: They're packed full of goodness. =)01:05
holycowinteresting, installing vsftpd generates in a similar startup message with the [ok]  at the end, i love that01:06
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membreyavsftpd ? :|01:06
imperfect-vsftpd is an annoying piece of shit01:06
imperfect-everyone should know that01:06
holycowi'm trying it out, i read it was good :)01:06
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holycowi've used proftpd forever01:06
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holycowimperfect-, just out of curiosity, what things don't you like about it?01:07
imperfect-holycow: one thing inparticular is lack of site-to-site copy01:07
imperfect-holycow: that's really my only beef.01:07
imperfect-holycow: and it's insanely restrictive default install config01:07
imperfect-holycow: but it wouldn't be very secure if it were useable ;)01:07
bob2to be fair, only warez people seem to use fxp01:07
holycowlol imperfect- considering it's ftp, insanely restrictive is appealing to me01:08
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=== imperfect- looks at the floor.
pvocearrghhh...I have the /dev/lp0 permission denied...Ive added lpr to the lp group....any other ideas?01:08
imperfect-bob2: dunno why you gotta make me feel like a leper01:08
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busfahrerI always say "If it's good enough for kernel.org, it's good enough for anybody."01:08
yyc747__I have a friend who recently got a free old iMac.  I want him to use linux, but he has been resistant. he's willing to try it on this iMac.  will hoary ppc be high enough quality to win him over?01:08
bob2depends what he wents in an OS01:09
imperfect-yyc747__: Have him use OS X Panther, it's BSD, it's just as good and it looks a hell of a lot nicer.01:09
membreyaimperfect-: don't forget..Tiger's out soon :D01:10
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imperfect-membreya: yeah but panther sucks on old iMacs01:10
yyc747__bob2: he's a fairly power-user... but he does want a certain amount of polish.  will it run at a usable speed with gnome?01:10
membreyapanther is 10.2 right?01:10
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imperfect-membreya : it's prolly a G3 w/o AltiVec and boy do it suck01:10
imperfect-panther 10.301:10
imperfect-jag was 10.201:10
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imperfect-yyc747__: PANTHER.01:10
membreyanot a huge mac freak .. I just think OSX is pretty01:10
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imperfect-yyc747__: I'm telling you.. it's the best of both worlds01:11
dcahrakoscan anyone help me, I just started using ubuntu but im not sure how to install apps and stuff01:11
imperfect-dcahrakos : synaptic01:11
membreyadcahrakos: ask away dude01:11
Jimbobimperfect-: No, it's the best to date of both worlds.01:11
imperfect-Jimbob: best to date. Whatever ;)01:12
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membreyafreeBSD..how can you go wrong ;)01:12
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Jimbobimperfect-: What I mean is, there's plenty of places where OSX could Suck Less(tm) but doesn't.01:12
imperfect-Jimbob: right now it's the coolest thing on the market for useability and unixellence01:12
dcahrakossynaptic says I need to be root user01:12
Evasoanybody knows why Wg511 "made in china" wireless card doesn't work on hoary?01:12
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imperfect-Jimbob: I don't know... I use fink. and I'm happy as a lark01:12
membreyadcahrakos: just type in your password01:13
imperfect-Evaso: ubuntu is african.. hell01:13
pvocenopers...Im not sure if its an lp or a foomatic issue01:13
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membreyaEvaso: nope..worked perfectly for me01:13
dcahrakosit says, you must run this program as root user01:13
imperfect-Jimbob: don't get me wrong I'm not trying to use it in an enterprise.. im just trying to use it for computer geekness ;)01:13
Evasomembreya: do u have a "made in china" version?01:13
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membreyaEvaso: nfi ..the card is around here SOMEWHERE I hate wireless..especially when I just have gB ethernet to the PC's around here01:14
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FC-tookicomo compilo mi modem en ubuntu??????01:15
dcahrakosah, ok, I got synaptic open now01:15
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bob2yyc747__: an old imac will probably not be much fun with gnome01:15
bob2yyc747__: depends how old and much ram, of course01:15
JimbobGod I hate the word "enterprise"01:16
membreya...unless it's in reference to ncc-1701 Jimbob :P01:16
Jimbobmembreya: Well, yeah, but *that* enterprise isn't going to touch OSX, Linux, or Windows :-)01:17
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membreyagod ..could you imagine if the enterprise ran on any of those OS's :P01:18
JimbobScotty really would be a miracle worker?01:18
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Jimbob"Fire!" "Um..." "Damnit, Fire!" "I'm looking for the button now, sir..."01:19
mebaran151my xpdf segfaults on my amd64 setup01:19
mebaran151what do I do01:19
mebaran151the Enterprise ran old CPM DOS01:20
mebaran151everyone knows that01:20
membreyaspeaking of...did you see, Richard Branson is naming his first commercial space craft "Enterprise" ... and it will be deemed VSS (as in USS 1701) *rolls his eyes*01:21
Quest-MasterLooks like Debian's founder isn't very happy with us01:21
zxcI'm read the wiki on restricted formats, but I still don't understand how to get them.01:21
propagandhi83Quest-Master, its not just the founder01:21
Quest-Masterpropagandhi83: I know01:22
maddlermebaran151... my xpdf works fine (amd64 too)01:22
Dr_AevilQuest-Master: what in particular are you reading?01:22
mebaran151mine is segging01:22
mebaran151I wonder what it could be01:22
Quest-Masterpropagandhi83: I'm very disappointed with most of Debian and it's community in general01:22
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propagandhi83have a look at slashdot01:22
mebaran151should I try a purge and reinstall01:22
Quest-MasterSlashdot, propagandhi8301:22
maddlermebaran151... try...01:22
propagandhi83me also01:22
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propagandhi83but the way i see it if ubuntu developers can make debian what it lacks now, Ubuntu is a good thing01:23
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propagandhi83debian is living in the stone-age in comparison01:23
zxcanyway to play .mpg...it says it's not supported01:23
membreyamaybe they will do a microsoft on ubuntu and claim it for infringements :P01:23
mebaran151does it matter that I messed up cups01:23
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linuzoHello I just installed kubuntu and I was wondering why my sound isnt working..01:23
mebaran151installing gimp print 5.001:23
maddlermebaran151... I don't think so...01:23
membreyalinuzo: elaborate01:24
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maddlermebaran151... cups should only be needed when printing IMHO01:24
mebaran151because cups relies on it and vice versa01:24
mebaran151depends I should say01:24
Dr_Aevilyeah, I read the /. post Quest-Master.  Be interesting to see how it all turns out.01:24
ThiefHello, im having problems with ubuntu install. Its installs all teh way, but the GRUB loader refuses to go past "GRUB loading stage 1.5, Please Wait . . ."01:25
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linuzomembreya, ok Mandrake my sound was working fine.. Now I install kubuntu and it isnt working..01:25
propagandhi83Thief - whats your architecture01:25
membreyalinuzo: not working for somethings? or not working for everything?01:25
membreyaThief: does it give a grub error after that?01:25
linuzomembreya, kmix says there is a sound driver but I get no sound01:25
queuetueReading slashdot ... I wonder if Ubuntu's success is going to force debian to actually release something for a change.:)  (I kid, I kid!)01:25
kanuhaIs there anything special I need to do to get a linksys wireless pci card to work?01:25
membreyaalso have you checked your DMA settings in your BIOS01:25
ThiefError 2101:25
propagandhi83linuzo, is the sound icon crossed out01:26
membreyalinuzo: open kmix and make sure nothing is muted01:26
ice_1963i holp lol01:26
goonielinuzo~ unmute the mixer ?01:27
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linuzomembreya, I opened and nothing is muted..01:27
DocUbwow, mplayer takea awhile to install ;)01:27
propagandhi83THIEF: http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-grub/2003-02/msg00082.html01:27
linuzolet me check something01:27
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membreyalinuzo: what type of soundcard?01:27
linuzoits cmi9761 AC9701:28
queuetueHow do I share printers?  I know cups does it, but I can't tell how to turn it on...01:28
lixeis this syntax ok for hosts.deny: ALL:,, ?01:28
linuzovia82xx: Assuming DXS channels with 48k fixed sample rate.01:28
linuzo         Please try dxs_support=1 or dxs_support=4 option01:28
linuzo         and report if it works on your machine.01:28
linuzothats in dmesg01:28
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zxcI tried to mount my disk and it's appearing in computer but it says "mount: according to mtab, /dev/sda4 is already mounted on /share01:29
zxcmount failed"01:29
zxcwhat do I do?01:30
queuetuezxc, What are you trying to do?01:30
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zxcmount my datashare drive which is fat3201:30
zxcso it appears in computer01:30
propagandhi83linuzo - check these steps (the'yre for mandrake, but i'd assume it'll work)01:30
Thiefit worked, thanks01:30
zxcqueuetue, I think I set it as /share when setting up but how do I mount this?01:31
membreyawhich one Thief ?01:31
Thiefthe error 21 link you gave me ( http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-grub/2003-02/msg00082.html)01:31
queuetuezxc, sounds like it's already mounted... do an ls /share .01:31
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kanuhaHelp getting a linksys pci wireless card working01:31
membreyaoh ok01:31
linuzopropagandhi83, ok I will try ty01:32
zxcqueuetue: "Customising  Internet  Recycled  System Volume Information  Work01:32
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BackSlaSh83hi all01:32
zxcqueuetue, that's my stuff01:32
propagandhi83Thief - perhaps u can log that solution01:32
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queuetuezxc, Sounds like it's mounted...01:32
zxchow do I get it in computer01:32
zxcso I can browse?01:32
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membreyapropagandhi83: common problem :P01:33
queuetuezxc, It's obviously on your computer.  just go to /share ...01:33
decklinzxc: it's under Filesystem01:33
membreyazxc: are you running ubuntu or kubuntu?01:33
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=== queuetue suddenly realizes this a nautilus reference... I cant stand "file browsers"...
zxcah decklin thanks01:33
lixeis this syntax ok for hosts.deny: ALL:,, ?01:34
membreya9.30 am ...smoko time :D01:34
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pugiohey how can I determine what kernel version I'm running? (hoary 5.04)01:34
queuetueIt's ALL UNDER FILESYSTEM. The rest of those buttons are a sham.  (Nautilus really irritates me. :) )01:34
queuetuepugio, uname -a01:34
decklinqueuetue, :-)01:34
membreyapugio: cat /proc/version01:34
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pugiogreat thanks!01:35
queuetuepugio, less /boot/grub/menu.lst01:35
queuetuemembreya, Come on, gimme another one. :)01:35
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odysseyanyone know what acpi=ht in grub conf does?01:36
membreyals /boot/01:36
membreyaha queuetue :P01:36
queuetueodyssey, hyperthreading01:36
Quest-MasterMan, I must say01:36
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membreyaht can bite my amd64 ass :P01:37
Quest-MasterNautilus is one of the worst designed programs I've ever seen01:37
membreyaQuest-Master: it has nothing on konqueror :P01:37
odysseyqueuetue, thanks01:37
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queuetueQuest-Master, Yesh, almost as bad as every ther graphical file-broser ever invented.:)01:37
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queuetueodyssey, Welcome.01:37
Quest-MasterWell then, I guess I'll add an IMO to that01:37
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propagandhi83I dont know why you'd use gnome as opposed to KDE01:38
membreyaqueuetue: give konqueror some credit, it's a file browser (has inbuilt archive tools) and is also a web browser :)01:38
queuetue"Explorers" are for eople who can't figure out how the tab key works. :)01:38
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benz240question: how do i change the resolution before it boots fully?01:38
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] BreliC[propagandhi83, well, i used kde for quite a while and just switched over to gnome because it's quicker, sleeker, and less cluttered01:38
virtualdwhat's the default web browser string in System/Settings/Prefered applications?01:38
benz240i just installed a clean install and as soon as it gets into desktop the resolution is fukked01:39
membreyabenz240: you mean your startup ? with all your services starting?01:39
queuetuemembreya, How is AMD-64 world?  I've got one showin gup on my doorstep day after tomorrow...01:39
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benz240yeah my startup01:39
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benz240no i cant even see the area to login01:39
benz240its all garbled01:39
membreyaqueuetue: I love my AMD64 :) there's a few problems with packages, but you just compile them yourself01:39
queuetuemembreya, Actually, Athlon 64, which I think is the same thing...01:39
benz240i need to change something pre-boot01:39
benz240i think i need to reduce the colors01:39
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linuzopropagandhi83, haha did you ever fool me..  How can I follow that url there is no lilo in kubuntu it uses grub..01:39
propagandhi83BreliC - gnome is quicker i'll give u that01:39
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membreyaqueuetue: yup same thing...athlon XP, then Athlon 64 :)01:40
propagandhi83well, Grub has very similar parameters u can pass to it01:40
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membreyagnome may be quicker, but that's because it's a more simple interface ;)01:40
DocUbanyone know how I can get my DVD's to work?01:40
benz240membreya - got any idea?01:40
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] BreliC[membreya, exactly.. and really, who needs a complex interface? ;)01:40
membreyabenz240: you need to press ctrl+alt+f1 ..login and then change your /etc/X11/xorg.conf I believe01:40
imperfect-DocUb: I heard tell of a problem with totem01:41
queuetueAnd thank goodness for simpler - get all that gooey UI junk out of the way. :)01:41
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linuzopropagandhi83, ok well can you show me how then cause I have no idea how this is the first distro I used with grub..01:41
DocUbI tried loading a DVD in my drive but it's not loading01:41
membreya] BreliC[: people that want eye-candy and menu's that you can edit01:41
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] BreliC[membreya, if i wanted a complex bloated one, i'd use windows :D01:41
DocUbI am using Helix as well01:41
benz240thanks, i was wondering what that command for text-based login01:41
membreyabenz240: to edit the file, just go sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:41
MrNonchalantpersonally I'm a fan of the kind of warm feeling gnome gives me, kde always feels so impersonal01:41
queuetueDocUb, Try the Hoary After Install Helper. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2286001:41
imperfect-benz240 : init 1 ;)01:41
DocUbthx queuetue01:42
membreyabenz240: super user01:42
benz240you can tell im new to this01:42
] BreliC[hey, an application froze on me the other day and, being so used to CTRL-ATL-ESC to get the good ol skull and crossbones, it didn't work in Ubuntu... is there an equivalent?01:42
] BreliC[other than explicitly killing the app?01:42
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hawkeSo, when does breezy start?01:43
propagandhi83linuzo - http://www.webservertalk.com/archive112-2004-6-262740.html01:43
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FC-tookiquien me puede ayudar a compilar mi modem???01:43
queuetue] BreliC[, (most annoying name ever, btw) Alt-F2 xkill click... Bind it to Control-Alt_esc if you want.01:44
propagandhi83FC-tooki : speaky da englishy01:44
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FC-tookiI dont speak much english01:44
] BreliC[queuetue, just type ]  then the tab.. then you'll see it's the easiest name ever01:44
queuetueFC-tooki, What language do you speak?01:44
linuzopropagandhi83, that has to do with ethernet cards not sound01:44
] BreliC[queuetue, thanks for the help... ;)01:45
queuetue] BreliC[, I do, but it's a massive mind-jump for a developer to type the close-bracket *first*. :)01:45
ferret_has any one had a chance to try configuring dialup modem on Tecra 8100?01:45
queuetueFC-tooki, I think there is an #ubuntu-es01:45
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FC-tooki[06:46]  <queuetue> FC-tooki, I think there is an #ubuntu-es---> i'm now here01:46
propagandhi83the apci switch is there01:46
propagandhi83u can do apci=ht01:46
propagandhi83in place01:46
FC-tookibut i dont find much help01:46
queuetueFC-tooki, You may also want to try #debian-es ... Sorry, but This is just  avery English channel. :(  (You could just give it a show, and we;ll try to interpret! :) )01:46
FC-tookijeje :P01:47
ferret_what's that apci=ht for?01:47
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drasko I have problem -- php4 dont work with my apache01:47
queuetueFC-tooki, I have to admit though, it looks like you were asking about a car (volvi) and then something about compiling  a modem...)01:48
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propagandhi83sorry, linuzo, for u it should be acpi=on01:48
propagandhi83or force01:48
FC-tooki[06:49]  <queuetue> FC-tooki, I have to admit though, it looks like you were asking about a car (volvi) and then something about compiling  a modem...)---> jajaja, "volvi" ins spanish means "return"01:48
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queuetuebabelfish says "who can help me to compile my modem"01:48
claudeHi guys. I got a major prob (for me anyway) and I would greatly appreciate assistance....01:49
claudeAnyone got a minute?01:49
HrdwrBoBwhat is the problem01:49
hackeronis there an rss feed reader in ubuntu?01:49
queuetueFC-tooki, Please don't repeat my entire sentence for no good reason.. I kknew what I said, and I hate to see my typos *again*.:)01:49
njanhackeron, apt-cache search rss01:49
imperfect-hackron: firefox ;_01:50
FC-tooki[06:50]  <queuetue> FC-tooki, Please don't repeat my entire sentence for no good reason.. I kknew what I said, and I hate to see my typos *again*.:)---> are you angry???01:50
claudeHrdwrBoB, hal gives me an error message and my machine is very slow on boot entering the session... desktop fails, gnome panel don't start...01:50
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queuetueFC-tooki, No, no, no...  If I was angry, I'd call you every spanish swear I know.  (Like, two of them. :) )01:50
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queuetueFC-tooki, Its just odd to repeat back what someone just said to you.01:51
njanqueuetue, <queuetue> FC-tooki, Please don't repeat my entire sentence for no good reason.. I kknew what I said, and I hate to see my typos *again*.:) <= guess you'll be taking the annoying habit of quoting e-mails in replies up with the rest of the english-speaking e-mail-using world, then :p01:51
hackeronnjan: ah, good point :)01:51
drasko I have problem -- php4 dont work with my apache01:51
njanhackeron, give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day etc etc ;)01:51
hackeronnjan: err, that was to imperfect-01:51
HrdwrBoBclaude: what is the error01:51
queuetuenjan, I actually trim emails and only include the pertinent parts in the reply. :)01:51
njanqueuetue, not me.01:52
queuetuedrasko, What don't it do?01:52
draskoqueuetue, index.php can not be openet, nor can any other php file in my Firefox...01:53
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claudeHrdwrBoB,  just says : HAL error :(   . Then I reboot in recovery mode, do a gdm gdm-restart and I still have the HAL error popup but gnome starts well (and fast!)...01:53
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XTCanyone knows how to setup wine for running msn correctly.....01:54
claudeHrdwrBoB,  ... then if I logout and log back in it works fine.... but when I reboot :o(  slowe again.01:54
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hackeronXTC: hmm, just out of interest, why would you want that?01:56
XTCi dunno01:56
astro76XTC: have you tried gaim?01:56
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maddlerXTC... wouldn't be easier gaim?01:56
XTCi miss the popups01:56
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XTCi just moved onto ubuntu01:56
XTCcause my win dies01:56
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XTCand wouldn't wake  up01:56
membreyawhat popups?01:57
hackeronXTC: yeah, that happens often :)01:57
hyphenatedXTC: gaim + guifications sounds like what you want01:57
XTCwhen somebody comes online....01:57
membreyaXTC: use kopete in KDE :D01:57
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membreyahyphenated: they never worked for me :'(01:57
hackeronXTC: use irssi with bitlbee and the active notify script - I use that combination to chat on MSN01:57
imperfect-Anyone else think the aim buddy window is way too big01:57
XTCi'm gonna try amsn01:58
queuetueOMG, you're running MSN under wine?  MS is totally going to rub you out. :)01:58
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hyphenatedmembreya: you should have complained to grim about it. he wrote that plugin01:58
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XTCyou know that kopete is a chilean word (i'm from chile) and means alcohol beberage in chilean spanish01:58
membreyahyphenated: I loaded the plugin ..but I never got any of the popups ..so I just moved to kopete :)01:58
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membreyaXTC: works for me :D01:58
wrongan odd thing happens if you drag the top menu bar to the right side of the screen in hoary live at 1024x768 - the three pulldown menus appear side by side at the top, then the icon launchers expand to the width of said menus (i.e. huge) and once that's happened there's no idle real estate on the panel to drag it back to the top again.01:59
njanXTC, you must have been indulging in a little offline kopete if you want to run msn under wine :p01:59
XTCamsn s0x01:59
membreyalol njan :P01:59
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XTCanybody would wanna answer a question about fbsd?01:59
queuetuenjan, I was working on that same joke, but couldn;t get the words to come out without it sounding forced...01:59
XTCi wanna try that too01:59
queuetuenjan, I see you couldn't either.:)02:00
membreyagod damn..all the MSN messenger clone sites have those infringement notices on them :|02:00
claudeHrdwrBoB,  still there?02:00
hyphenatedXTC: you might be better off asking in the #freebsd channel for stuff about fbsd02:00
imperfect-XTC: what about it?02:00
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] BreliC[hey, if you like simple msn clients, check out tmsnc or pebrot02:00
] BreliC[both command-line msn apps.. pretty nice02:00
] BreliC[especially for tunneling in to your own machine from outside and running it.. even though where you are have blocked the msn port *grin*02:01
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njanqueuetue, of course it was forced; it was a joke.02:02
XTCur rught02:02
queuetuenjan, I was trying to get a clever wine-kopete comparison thing going on.:)02:02
XTChas anybody tried the mac emulator on linux?02:03
njanqueuetue, well, I did briefly ponder phrasing it '..under the influence of wine'02:03
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njanqueuetue, but I thought that would have been overdoing it :p02:03
WWqueuetue: ...at least njan took a shot...02:03
^thehatsrule^heya njan ;p02:03
njanheya, ^thehatsrule^ :)02:03
=== queuetue turns in shame and hangs up his "class card" cape in the corner, never to be worn again.
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njanqueuetue, mess with the best.. or.. something.. ;)02:04
membreyaclass card? :P02:04
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queuetuemembreya, clowns scare me.02:04
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membreyanice cover there queuetue :P02:04
woodwizzleIn the network settings gnome app, what is Location for?02:05
woodwizzleI set up a home location and a school location and while in each one set my wireless connection to look for either my school or homes wifi02:05
woodwizzle but apparently thats not what location is for because changing my location never changes what the wireless connection settings are.02:05
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coreyIn the network settings gnome app, what is Location for?02:05
queuetueIntel is offering $10,000 for a copy of the April 19, 1965 issue of Electronics magazine...02:05
coreyI set up a home location and a school location and while in each one set my wireless connection to look for either my school or homes wifi02:06
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corey but apparently thats not what location is for because changing my location never changes what the wireless connection settings are.02:06
queuetueHow do I share printers?  I know cups does it, but I can't tell how to turn it on...02:07
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srbakeranyone here install ubuntu ppc on a mini yet?02:08
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benz240does anyone in here use MS Virtual PC???02:10
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Nekohayoanyone messed up their UI because they upgraded nvidia-glx like me? :)02:10
vasibenz240, i use it on OS X02:11
benz240damn i had things working perfectly a min ago, ubuntu was running WITHIN windows XP02:11
vasihaven't had much luck installing linux on it02:11
benz240but i decided to kick it up a notch and go fullscreen02:11
benz240well now i cant get it back to windowed02:11
vasicorey, you have to manually change the "location"02:11
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^thehatsrule^benz240, try alt-enter? ctrl+alt ?02:11
coreyvasi: I DO but even when I change it, the settings don't get changed02:12
vasiit's just helpful to be able to store a whole bunch of settings as one location02:12
vasioh really? hmm that's starnge02:12
^thehatsrule^benz240, if those dont work, use ctrl+alt+del02:12
benz240i can only go crtl+alt+del and switch back02:12
benz240but i cant get it back into windowed mode02:12
^thehatsrule^i use vmware, personally02:12
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benz240every time i start it back up it defaults to fs02:12
benz240yeah i had vmware but my trial ran out02:12
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benz240yeah i looked in prefs02:12
vasihmm, is there a gnome equivalent to kdirstat or xdiskusage?02:12
WWqueuetue: There are some FAQs in the ubuntu wiki FrequentlyAskedQuestions page about sharing a printer.02:12
benz240its like my pref settings for that vpc are screwed02:13
SeabookQuick question: how do I upgrade from warty to the hoary hedgehog?02:13
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SeabookCan I do it from synapse?02:13
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benz240i dont get it02:14
benz240it wants to go fullscreen no matter what02:14
^thehatsrule^just read help, heres support for ubuntu :P02:14
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linuzopropagandhi83, hey I figured it out..  dont ask me how this worked but I muted this IE9c58 on the mixer and the sound started working..  the reason Im telling you is so you know for maybe someone else..  since this can be a pretty common problem..02:15
Seabooknvm, just found the release note on ubuntu.com02:15
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XTChas anyone had trouble booting hoary 5.04?02:16
XTCat least for me it seems  that if computer is cold i get mem errors02:16
XTCthoug i can boot with other system......02:16
XTCanybody had that trouble?02:17
propagandhi83linuzo: crazy, but excellent too, glad its working (no thanks to my advice)02:17
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xthepiccan anyone help me with an openoffice.org2 problem really fast? i can't get spellcheck/thesaurus to work.02:18
linuzopropagandhi83, one last thing how do I fix this keyboard thing, when I hit the / button I get a 02:18
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Ironfrostxthepic - thesaurus is a different package02:19
Ironfrostnot sure about spellcheck02:19
xthepicIronfrost: i have the package installed, but it is still greyed out in the Tools menu02:20
Ironfrosthmm - I just tried it myself, and mine is acting up too02:22
Ironfrostit's running the spellcheck, but not flagging anything as wrong02:22
xthepicexactly what mine is doing02:22
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nxotwhys it say GRUB hard disk error02:23
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-nxot:#ubuntu- hi kids do you like violence?02:24
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] BreliC[linuzo, you are using the french keyboard02:25
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amonkeyany way to make xmms stop after the current track with a package or without compilign it myself?02:25
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linuzoyeah but how do I change it02:26
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nxotis there any way to make ubunut work?02:26
linuzoI cant even use a stupid question mark02:26
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bob2nxot: have you pasted the grub error to #flood yet?02:26
Arnialinuzo: System > Preferences > Keyboard and the layout tab of that02:27
nxotthat is the grub error02:27
nxoti dunno about no #flood tho02:27
linuzoArnia, Im using kubuntu do you know howto in this one02:27
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nxoti just finished installing it and it told me to take out hte cd and shit and restart02:27
nxotand i did02:28
nxotand now it says grub hard disk error02:28
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Ironfrostxthepic - got it02:28
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Ironfrostfirst you should install the myspell-* package (where * is your language)02:28
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] BreliC[linuzo, ? is shift+6.  i'm going to look now on my other kde box .. one moment02:28
benz240i am typing this within Ubuntu02:28
Ironfrostthen in OOo, go to options02:28
lmurillo2I'm having a bit of a problem doing $ sudo apt-get update02:29
Arnialinuzo: In KControl, Regional and Accessibility > Keyboard layout02:29
Ironfrosttools>options even02:29
] BreliC[yeah, what Arnia said ;)02:29
lmurillo2it apparently gets the packages but it then says: Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)02:29
idn__does anyone know if theres an easy way to select which programs should open which file extensions02:29
Ironfrostgo to language settings > writing aids, and hit 'edit' on "OOo myspell spell checker"02:29
linuzothanks Arnia02:29
idn__in gnome02:29
lmurillo2and it doesn't read any of the data it just downloaded, any idea?02:30
Arnialinuzo: No problem :)02:30
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linuzokeyboard layouts was diabled so it wouldn;t work when I changed it on the clock I was really confused..02:30
Arniaidn__: Find a file of that MIME type (it works by MIME type *not* strictly extension) and right click and select properties02:30
benz240which one of you just helped me a few min ago02:30
linuzothanks for all your help..  Now I can still use kubuntu and no more Mandrake or Mandriva whatever they call themselves now-a-days..02:31
Arniaidn__: Click the Open With tab and you can change it from there02:31
idn__got it, thanks arnia02:31
meffwhere can i find some info on breezy and if the repositories are up and ready, etc..? all i see in the wiki is the plan list02:31
Arniaidn__: No problem :)02:31
DazeDsooo bored02:32
kanuhawhat plugin do I need to view mpg and wmv files in totem?02:32
nydusthow is the easyest way to backup my ubuntu.. I am geting a new laptop and want to use this install cause it works so good?02:32
xthepicIronfrost: that got it working. thanks!02:33
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DocUbkanuha: goto Synaptic and type totem and check the plugins available.02:33
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DocUbI am not sure the file plugin name, I'm doing some major upgrades myself on my Desktop02:34
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Ironfrostxthepic - np, thanks for letting me know about the problem02:34
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gnutsI'm trying to install mplayer-586 with synaptic (marillat and multiverse enabled) but it requires newer versions of libfontconfig1 and libvorbis than are available, is there a solution that isn't too complex?02:34
Nekohayodid someone get to use the 7174 drivers?02:35
kanuhait shows totem, totem-gstreamer and totem-xine02:35
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DocUbare both of those installed?02:35
=== darkaudit compiled his own .deb of mplayer
DocUbif not they will be marked white boxes02:35
kanuhatoem and totem-gstreamer are installed02:35
kanuhatotem-xine is not installed02:36
DocUbwhen you load a music file and etc does it bring up a pop-up error?02:36
DocUbyou'll need that as well02:36
membreyanxot: if you care not to shout02:36
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nxoti have to shout02:36
membreyahave you checked your DMA settings in your BIOS02:36
nxotbecause no one seems to listen02:36
nxotwhat the fuck is dma02:36
kanuhano, I installed the mad plugin to play mp3s02:36
nxotis it drugs?02:37
DocUboh the gstreamer02:37
membreyanxot: stop swearing, stop shouting and deal with this like an adult02:37
membreyaor at the very least a human being02:37
] BreliC[it's the ubuntu way after all02:37
DocUbMembreya: do you have anything open to help Kanuha?02:37
nxotsee i'm being nice...02:38
DocUbI got Synatpic open doing upgrades02:38
nxotif you want i can be rude02:38
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membreyayou're already being arrogant.. I want to help but not until you decide to become more polite02:38
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nxotthen help02:39
nxottalking about helping is only going to piss me off02:39
merlin__does anyone know why the syslinux config in the CD has "--" in the kernel append line?02:39
membreyanxot: give me a few minutes then02:39
DocUbKanuha: type Mp3 in your Synaptic search tool and check the plugins availble for mp3's and MPEG's02:39
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camdenhowdy folks.02:40
camdenI have a quick question.02:40
DocUbwhen I get time here in a few mins I'll let you see the plugins I have for my totem to make it load the files02:40
membreyaDocUb: sorry, I don't use totem :( and I only just reinstalled this morning02:40
gnutsthis is the most active linux chat I've seen02:40
gnutsany chance you use mplayer?02:41
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=== DocUb does
benz240yeah its pretty unbelieveable there are over 500 people in here02:41
DocUbI just got it installed and needing a good reboot, brb02:41
benz240i thought firefox channel was big02:41
nxothow many of them you think are real people?02:41
gnutsDocUb uses mplayer?02:41
nxotprolly about 1/402:41
membreyano ...nxot, go here http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-grub/2003-02/msg00082.html02:41
xthepicubuntu is the best distro i've used. i understand why it's popular.02:41
gnutsI'm trying to install mplayer-586 with synaptic (marillat and multiverse enabled) but it requires newer versions of libfontconfig1 and libvorbis than are available, is there a solution that isn't too complex?02:41
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=== EricNeon [~ericneon@] has joined #ubuntu
odysseyas apposed to non-real people?02:42
benz240what are you saying theres 300 bots?02:42
benz240or dupes?02:42
nxotroom fillers02:42
nxotlike on xdcc chans02:42
camdenso... ut2004.... no sound... I think I have alsa installed.02:42
benz240oh really02:42
odysseygnuts, remove the marillat repo02:42
camdenany ideas?02:42
Ironfrostnxot - there's no point to that here02:42
=== jordanau [~jordan@cable-24-181-119-185.abr.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
gnutsok, why?02:42
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EricNeonmorning all02:43
idn__gnuts: get VLC!!! that would make everything easy02:43
Ironfrostjust people who came but didn't bother to log out02:43
benz240yeah thats what i thought02:43
nxotim sure02:43
nxotjust like xdcc chans02:43
=== frank [~frank@toronto-HSE-ppp3949716.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
gnutswhat is vlc?02:43
benz240what would be the point of pumping up a linux help channel?02:43
Ironfrostgnuts - http://www.videolan.org/vlc02:43
Ironfrostit's a media player02:43
idn__its a media player that does everything out of the box02:43
Ironfrosta bloody good one too02:43
idn__its brilliant02:43
jordanauanyone using xfce? and are you happy with it?02:44
idn__theres a pic of it on my desktop02:44
kbrooksbenz240, "pumping up"?02:44
gnutsok, i don't suppose it is in synaptic?02:44
idn__apt-get install vlc should work02:44
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idn__you may have to uncomment the extra repositries if you cant see it02:44
benz240well whats the point of having "room fillers"?02:44
etrangerhi, I'm having trouble running LimeWire on a vanilla hoary installation.02:44
etrangerI have followed the instructions from ubuntuguide.org02:45
etrangerbut limewire freezes02:45
idn__estranger, get gift, way better02:45
nxotbenz240; higher user level02:45
HrdwrBoBnxot: which is good.. how02:45
=== nxterra [~steven@pcp08498056pcs.laurel01.ms.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
idn__gnuts: any luck?02:45
=== maddler [~maddler@213-156-52-118.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
nxotmembreya; that link isn't any help02:46
gnutsit is in synaptic and downloading02:46
nxoti dont get a GRUB error 2102:46
jordanauidn__, that is a great looking desktop, are those the d3a icons02:46
nxoti get GRUB Hard Disk Error02:46
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nxotand thats it02:46
idn__yeah, thanks dude02:46
=== drbombay43 [~drbombay@adsl-69-237-128-46.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
idn__i wrote a playlist view for my desktop to integrate with vlc :)02:46
gnutstotem, after I got all the extras, didn't have a very good piture from DVD02:47
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idn__its uses the d3a theme as well, that guys a genious02:47
jordanauidn__, mine would look like that if gdesklets wasn't so screwy on my comp02:47
nxterraI have a clean install of hoary-gnome is a bit laggy with default nvidia drivers or loading the glx drivers...any suggestions? anyone use fluxbox? (My system is P4 1.8 512 rambus) thanks02:47
=== gary__ [~gary@CPE-65-28-191-228.neb.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
idn__it took me ages i tweaked lots of the code to get it all ooking the same02:47
nxterraopening a window in gnome requires ~70% resources02:47
idn__the last apt update i did messed them all tho02:48
jordanauidn__, that sucks02:48
membreyanxot: do you have more than one harddrive?02:48
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idn__yeah, got them kinda back to how they were, get some random error message everything i log in now, its probably the gdesklet i wrote tho :)02:48
jordanauidn__, as soon as planeshift finishes updating, i am going to get xfce and try it out i didn't like flux or icewm02:48
stevenjjordanau, is gnome laggy for you too?02:49
IronfrostGeneral question:02:49
idn__i tried xfce, not as eyecandy as gnome02:49
jordanaustevenj, not really laggy, the minimize animation is as ugly as hell02:49
Ironfrostsomeone was asking last night but never got a good answer - are there any decent RTS games that will run on Linux?02:49
Ironfrost(including commercial software)02:49
jordanauidn__, i like eyecandy02:49
idn__i know its not as resource hungry, but I have a pretty powerful PC, AMD64 etc etc so i may as well use it02:49
jordanauIronfrost, you can get cedega and run warcraft 3 and others02:50
=== TongMaster [~TongMaste@157.besecure.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
gnutswha t is RTS?02:50
idn__lol, me to, im in HCI so eye candy is everything, people are more productive in comfortable environments02:50
idn__thats why i reckon usplash is so important to get into the disto02:50
odysseyidn__, HCI?02:50
gnutsahh, real time strategy?02:50
jordanauidn__, that is why i didn't like flux or icewm just ugly02:50
stevenjjordanau, I was looking at planeshift at work--how does compare with other mmorpgs? everq, etc.?02:50
idn__human computer interaction02:50
=== blueyed [~daniel@iD4CC04DD.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
bob2er, eyecandy is orthogonal to HCI02:50
idn__deals with how people use computers02:50
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jordanaustevenj, its free thats all i care02:50
jordanaustevenj, it is also in development not complete02:51
danielsidn__: surely incredibly shiny but unusable is worse than ugly but eminently usable?02:51
Ironfrostgnuts - yep, that's the one02:51
=== Yomic [~warty@ip70-178-179-66.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
idn__eyecandy is about making people feel they are in a professional working environment02:51
Ironfrosthow much does cedega cost?02:51
bob2daniels: like kde!02:51
gnutsjust took me a second02:51
stevenjjordanau, I know I was just wondering...I would never pay for something like that02:51
idn__they work better like that02:51
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idn__i agree tho, eyecandy shouldnt come at the expence or functionality, but why cant we have both?02:51
kanuhaI got the plug in DocUB, thanks for the help02:52
YomicCan anyone help me reinstall Win98?02:52
bob2and ponies for everyone, too02:52
jordanauenlightment looks promising but i dont think it is ready for someone like me02:52
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stevenjYomic, I have a windows ME guide02:52
idn__enlightment isnt great, tries it and hated it :)02:52
=== zxy___ [~ralph@host-84-9-34-48.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
idn__but its whatever your comfortable with02:52
darkauditjordanau: what's ugly about fluxbox?02:52
jordanauIronfrost, 5 bucks a month although i hear you can get the CVS free, i may be wrong though02:53
\shenlightenment looks good but it's not usable for daily work02:53
stevenjI just installed fluxbox a min ago...do I just log out and somehow choose it?02:53
jordanaudarkaudit, all of the themes just don't look that good, if i really cared i guess i could make my own...02:53
idn__i didnt think enlightenment looked that great02:53
jordanauidn__, enlightenment takes eyecandy too far, animated flames on the bottom of your screen02:54
darkauditjordanau: I'm guessing you looked at the sets on freshmeat as well? I've been using LintherBrushed for several months now02:54
jr_G-mancan anybody help with my RAID setup?02:54
jr_G-manI get i/o errors on bootup....02:54
jr_G-manbut, I've never configured the RAID as of yet02:54
darkauditjr_G-man: such as check of filesystem failed?02:55
jordanaudarkaudit, i will check it out couse i would be interested in using it if it looked good02:55
merlin__any info on how to re-build an ubuntu CD02:55
jr_G-mana search at ubuntuforums.org yields that i should use dmraid...02:55
jr_G-manput i don't appear to have it installed...02:55
jr_G-manand apt-get can't find it02:55
=== knucks [~chatzilla@pcp01189996pcs.waldlk01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
merlin__(i.e. Is there a wiki page somewhere or at least the necessary 1.44/2.88 boot image to modify somewhere?)02:55
mathmattanyone know how to get tv out working properly?  I can see everything just fine while booting on the TV until x starts, then I get a completely distorted image.02:55
knucksso who wants to help me figure out why ipod's mounting as readonly?02:55
=== Reblended [~Reblended@000f66b2cb66.click-network.com] has joined #ubuntu
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jr_G-mani get this in 'dmesg':02:56
jr_G-manhdk: task_in_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }02:56
jr_G-manhdk: task_in_intr: error=0x10 { SectorIdNotFound }, LBAsect=234452422, sector=23445242202:56
idn__does anyone know what filesystem ipods use?02:56
=== ubuntu_ [~ubuntu@CPE0030bd02d6ae-CM014090208811.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
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jordanauknucks, i have noexperience with it but permissions come to mind02:56
pepsiidn__, either HFS or FAT3202:56
vasiidn__, i believe they use FAT02:56
knucksjordanau - how do i check..02:56
acidhaxhey i have the hoary livecd, is there a way to install ubuntu through the livecd?02:56
knucksidn_ mine is the FAT one02:56
pepsiwel what did you use it on? a mac or a pc?02:56
smoHFS "out of the box", the windows installer converts to fat3202:56
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ReblendedIs it dangerous for me to set a 4gig partition on an xp machine to run ubuntu?02:56
jordanauknucks, i forgot :)02:56
Reblended(and can I expand that partition or add one?)02:56
jordanauknucks, wait and i will tell you02:57
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darkauditReblended: maybe not dangerous, but that is *way* small :)02:57
smoidn__: sudo file -s /dev/foo   will tell you what filesystem02:57
pepsiare the breezy repos up yet?02:57
pepsiand why the change to "breezy"?02:57
pepsii liked "grumpy"02:57
nxotso i guess you can't help me then?02:57
bob2breezy is accepting uploads02:57
idn__yeah i dont have one i was just interested :)02:57
bob2nxot: did you show us the error yet?02:58
helio7Since I've upgraded from Warty to Hoary, my system has crashed completely a couple of times, cursor frozen, keyboard inactive, have to hit 'reset' where should I look to see what might be causing this?02:58
darkauditpepsi: 9~i think they're still recovering from the Hoary release parties :)02:58
pepsiahhh, well then02:58
gnutsok, vlc works straight away. Its a little choppy though, can I tweak it?02:58
idn__some guy on slashdot managed to raid a bunch of them togethor02:58
jordanauknucks, type mount02:58
Reblendeddarkaudit, great... so, if I install from the Ubuntu Hoary CD, will I have the option to partition? (of course I will defrag an such first)02:58
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bob2Reblended: yes02:58
jordanauknucks, look for r or w02:58
idn__gnuts: tweak it in what way? what are you trying to play02:58
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acidhaxi have the hoary livecd, is there a way to install ubuntu through the livecd?02:58
Reblendedbob2, ty02:58
nxotbob2; YES02:58
vasiacidhax, sorry no02:58
nxotit said02:58
gnutsshrek2 dvd, sound and video have little jerks02:58
nxotGRUB Hard Disk Error02:59
nxotthats it02:59
knucksi get /dev/sda2 on /media/IPOD type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,quiet,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8)02:59
bob2nxot: that's the entire text on the screen?02:59
acidhaxr u serious02:59
nxotthats all02:59
Reblendedacidhax, I've installed programs using liveCD tho... (just for that session)02:59
idn__hmmm, i think there is a lib you need like libcss2dvd02:59
idn__or something like that02:59
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acidhaxdamn so i have to download the other image02:59
idn__should already be installed tho if you have VLC02:59
darkauditReblended: I'd suggest using something like qtparted or Partition Magic to set up the new partitions first... the install disc won't be able to resize existing partitions02:59
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membreyanxot: I'm sorry I couldn't help, the only info I could find on that error was with multiple HDD's02:59
bob2acidhax: well, you could have just asked before downloading anything02:59
jordanauknucks, can you write as root?02:59
acidhaxbob2, or not?02:59
gnutsgot that one, so it decodes and plays. it just skips03:00
knucksbut through GTKPOD i cannot03:00
knuckstells me it cannot open the certain file for writing03:00
helio7If i completely remove firefox from my system what should I backup besides my bookmarks?03:00
Reblendeddarkaudit, well, if the install cd is able to partition... I'd like to keep it basic03:00
DocUbwho has realplayers lates version?03:00
jordanauknucks, that is as much as i can tell you then03:00
nxotso does ubunut just not work?03:00
knucksit used to work..and then i dont know what happened and it seems to be only readonly03:00
acidhaxi read somewhere about a net install03:00
jordanauknucks, run stkpod in terminal with sudo03:00
nxoti mean you can tell me03:00
=== robitaille [~robitaill@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
idn__gnuts: bit wierd, the DVD ok?03:00
propagandhi83ubuntu works beautifully in the right hands03:00
jordanauknucks, gtkpod rather03:00
kanuhaMerlin, I heard that the video resolution has to be set at 800X640 and also check the refresh rate03:00
gnutsyea, plays fine03:00
=== Clintology [~Clint@nr30-66-161-252-24.fuse.net] has joined #ubuntu
DocUbWho runs RealPlayer, and is showng version 8.0.1103:00
Reblendedon my sony vaio laptop, the live CD hangs while ... vmlinuz is initializing....03:00
DocUbon Ubuntu03:01
chavonxot, no we're all running BeOS.03:01
darkauditReblended: the install disc works more like fdisk... it cannot resize existing...03:01
bob2helio7: removing the package has no effect on your bookmarks03:01
=== GRedner [~GRedner@park509-0b01-dhcp97.bu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Reblendedshould I turn off nodma?03:01
bob2nxot: it works for the vast majority of people03:01
helio7bob2: If I'm on hoary I should be showing firefox version 1.02 right?03:01
bob2nxot: I'm sorry you're having a problem, but there's no need to get pissed at people you don't even know03:01
knucksnope same errors03:01
idn__i dont know then, i havent tried to play a DVD yet on my machine, VLC works perfectly for all other formats tho, which is a blessing if your on an AMD54 platform03:01
idn__no win32 codecs03:01
=== dandesmet [dantheman@wm212-196.resnet.wm.edu] has joined #ubuntu
nxotbob2; if i was pissed i'd burn your house down, now is there a fire?03:01
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bob2helio7: yes03:01
bob2nxot: yay for teen angst03:01
nxotnot even03:02
nxotdo fuck with a sociopath03:02
Reblendeddarkaudit, got it... well, I have a systemrescueCD (linux boot cd) and it hangs at the point of recognizing the network or something03:02
chavonxot, I'll PM you my address. Bring it on.03:02
nxotit'll get you along ways03:02
idn__sorry it didnt meet your expecations gnuts03:02
bob2nxot: anyway, death threats are kinda off-topic03:02
nxotchavo; 2229 Rando Lane Atlanta Ga 3030903:02
idn__maybe its something to do with your graphics card drivers slowing it down03:02
nxotu aint hard son03:02
gnutshey, no problem, I've been trying so many things learning linux it's all valuable03:03
Reblendeddarkaudit, recommend some oss partition site? (partitioning won't mess with my current xp install, I hope)03:03
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chavonxot, nice knowing you.03:03
DocUbACK! even Beep Media Player sucks03:03
=== DocUb isn't surprised
knuckswhy doesnt my ipod work03:03
gnutsok, so which media player is the best?03:03
GRednerwhat do I need to do to configure a wireless interface?  In the "network settings" pane, it says that my wireless connection is not configured, but the ubuntu wiki says nothing about how to configure it03:03
darkauditReblended: qtparted is standard on most distros... most live CDs include a copy, esp. Knoppix03:03
tolarcan anyone point me in the direction of how to set up my netgear wg511 wireless card in ubuntu?  ndiswrapper says my driver's invalid...03:04
membreyaDocUb: VLC for video files, amarok for mp3's and the like :P03:04
holycowknucks, what do you mean 'doesn't work'03:04
=== DanglyBits [~Waynd@static24-72-125-174.regina.accesscomm.ca] has joined #ubuntu
idn__well i still say VLC :)03:04
knucksonly mounts as readonly03:04
knucksi cannot change rights on anything03:04
jordanauknucks, what does the error say?03:04
knucksits an error within gtkpod.03:04
knuckscannot open itunesdb for wrtingin03:04
Reblendeddarkaudit, ty... unfortunatly knoppix stops loading at the predicted point also...03:04
helio7bob2:  I had it installed originally inside my home dir (which I know was wrong), so I'm planning on uninstalling/reinstalling.  Do you think that firefox being installed wrong could be responsible for causing the whole system to crash?03:04
bur[n] eranyone know if Breezy repos are active yet?03:04
bob2helio7: no03:04
dandesmeti have a hard drive with windows xp installed, and i wanted to install ubuntu, so i got a second hard drive03:05
idn__search aptitude for a DVD player maybe03:05
dandesmetcan i make it a slave of the current hard drive, and install ubuntu03:05
bur[n] ergnuts: amarok :)03:05
bob2bur[n] er: it's acceptign uploads, you can yourself check if it's on archive.u.c yet03:05
dandesmetand not mess up my windows xp at all?03:05
Quest-MasterTry Ogle for DVDs03:05
idn__totem is ok, but werent you having problems with that?03:05
Quest-MasterGxine isn't bad either03:05
holycowneat i didn't know there was a gtkpod dealy03:05
DanglyBitsnoobie question...how can i load adobe reader 7 for ubuntu?03:05
bur[n] eroh right... thanks bob203:05
idn__i used Ogle under debian, worked fine for me03:05
gnutsyea, couldn't get ogle to play the dvd03:05
idn__supports chapters and things like that03:05
holycowdandesmet, don't do that03:05
darkauditDanglyBits: IIRC the Marillat repo has it03:05
dandesmetwhy not?03:05
holycowdandesmet, if your a newb just install ubuntu on the new drive03:06
gnutstotem does, bad picture, vlc now does little bit skippy03:06
holycowdandesmet, learn to get comfy in it03:06
dandesmetthat's my plan03:06
=== darkaudit finally checked out amaroK over the weekend... I like it :)
gnutsjust  a sec03:06
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dandesmetbut can i install it on the second hard drive, if the second one is a slave to the first?03:06
holycowdandesmet, then y ou can can attach xp as slave and copy files over safely03:06
bur[n] ergnuts: totem-xine or totem-gstreamer?03:06
bob2dandesmet: sure03:06
holycowdandesmet, sure03:06
dandesmetthat's what i want to do03:06
jordanauknucks, do you think you should make IPOD lowercase?03:06
helio7bob2: where would you look if your system was crashing? a few times now I've had to use hard reset because everything froze.  Since firefox isn't updated like it should be, I figured I'd installed it wrong, and since it was one of the few apps running on crash, I thought it might be the culprit03:06
bob2helio7: if your machine hard locks, it's a kernel bug03:07
knucksjordanau - it used to work fine03:07
membreyagnuts: you're getting choppy playback in DVDs?03:07
bob2helio7: or maybe X, but that's pretty unlikely03:07
holycowdandesmet, if you have never done this, i wouldn't be doing that tho, i can foresee you hosing your xp install very nicely03:07
knuckslast 2-3 weeks its been IPOD and has worked03:07
bob2helio7: it's not an nforce, is it?03:07
knucksits not a problem with the naming03:07
knucksits something with rights03:07
helio7bob2 how can you fix a kernel bug?  nvidia yeah03:07
knucksor maybe the ipod03:07
jordanauknucks, it just quit out of nowhere?03:07
knucksor ubuntu mounting it03:07
dandesmetwell, the installer gives you an option of which hard drive to install to, correct?03:07
gnutsmembreya: yes03:07
darkauditgnuts: you've already done hdparm -d1 /dev/dvd?03:07
holycowdandesmet, the only point i'm making is practice on something you can afford to loose, otherwise as bob2 says, it's doable03:07
jordanauknucks, since hoary upgrade?03:07
dandesmetwell, i can ghost my xp drive03:07
gnutsno, little too nooby to know that one03:08
knucksit "worked" on the new hoary..03:08
bob2helio7: are you using the proprietar ynvidia drivers?03:08
membreyagnuts: enabled DMA on your drive?03:08
knucksbut then quit03:08
knucksso yes03:08
holycowdandesmet, i'm not answering any more questions, noobs have no business setting up dual boot systems, especially with 'real live working' windows machines03:08
lmurillo2I can't apt-get anything it gives me a bunch of errors :S03:08
gnutson the dvd drive?03:08
helio7yes bob2 I am using the proprietary drivers03:08
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membreyayes gnuts03:08
darkauditgnuts: yeah... run this: sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/dvd03:08
bob2helio7: disable them and see if it helps03:09
helio7bob2: same ones that worked under warty, I heard I might have to unistall them, but everything has been *mostly* ok03:09
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gnutsmembreya: dont know03:09
bob2lmurillo2: then paste the errords to #flood03:09
darkauditit'll turn on DMA for the drive03:09
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lmurillo2bob2: ok, one sec03:09
membreyagnuts: look at darkaudit's comment :)03:09
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helio7bob2: easiest way to disable the nvidia drivers? does that require an uninstall?03:09
bob2helio7: do the wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto thing backwards03:09
bob2helio7: no need to uninstal lthem as long as you don't load the module and tell X to use nv instead03:10
gnutsok DMA on03:10
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lmurillo2bob2: that's one of the errors I get03:10
lmurillo2and I get a lot more that look just like it03:10
bob2that's very screwed03:10
Reblendedcan I get kde packages run on Ubuntu?03:10
Quest-MasterReblended: yes03:10
gnutshey, that made ogle work03:10
darkauditmembreya: the first time I used Ubuntu to burn a DVD, it ran at 1x on my 16x drive... I was ready to throw the distro off a bridge until I saw that DMA was disabled by default03:10
bob2run 'sudo apt-get update' and paste the whole error to #flood03:10
bob2Reblended: #kubuntu03:11
ReblendedQuest-Master, do I need kbuntu?03:11
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Quest-MasterReblended: You don't need it03:11
membreyalol darkaudit at least you could enable it ..too me ages to figure out how :P03:11
ReblendedQuest-Master, I don't need kubuntu?03:11
propagandhi83Reblended: u can get it with apt or synaptic03:11
Quest-MasterReblended: I run some KDE apps. on my Gnome03:11
Quest-MasterReblended: you don't.03:11
ReblendedQuest-Master, great!03:11
membreyadarkaudit: mainly because of modules that I needed to load03:11
ReblendedQuest-Master, so, if it doesn't work.. then kbuntu is like a helper or something?03:11
Quest-MasterReblended: They will work. ;)03:12
ReblendedQuest-Master, great!03:12
calcdarkaudit: ubuntu also had a bug (i think its fixed now) that would cause dma not to able to be enabled03:12
Quest-MasterReblended: Kubuntu is just all of the packages AND KDE packaged into one03:12
gnutsok - vlc no skippy! thanks! now, which player should I keep?03:12
ReblendedQuest-Master, ahh, ty, I want as little running as possible03:12
darkauditmembreya: it took all day Fri. to figure out why my SATA drive was failing to initialize properly... items in the boot seq. were coming up before the drive was ready03:13
gnutsmy first cd --> ogg took 20 minutes, is that why?03:13
Reblendedany tips from sony vaio laptop Ubuntu users?03:13
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calcgnuts: perhaps, cdparanoia is very good at ripping though so it runs slower on some drives/media03:13
holycowReblended, none, if you got it working you are lucky03:13
darkauditgnuts: yep... with DMA on you'll see a big speed increase w/ your drive :)03:14
Reblendedholycow, lol thx03:14
jordanaudarkaudit, i am downloading lintherbrushed now :)03:14
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calcgnuts: i have had disks that itunes couldn't rip at all which were perfect with cdparanoia03:14
Reblendedholycow, I checked out Ark... I don't want a windows clone =p03:14
gnutsis cdparanoia the default with Hoary?03:14
Reblendedholycow, I love the mac-look of ubuntu03:14
holycowark *shrug* whatever floats the boat i guess03:14
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holycowReblended, so do it, the windows metaphors are terrible, especially in xp03:15
holycowso do i even03:15
dazed|im bored n' need something to do ~!!!03:15
darkauditjordanau: hint for LintherBrushed... the intended fonts need antialiasing turned on03:15
holycowdazed|, send me money03:15
membreyalol, my log for #ubuntu has just clocked past 15megabytes ;)03:15
dazed|thats always fun03:15
holycowdazed|, if you don't have any figure out how to make some so you can send it to me03:15
Reblendeddazed|, come over and get my computer up and running on ubuntu03:15
dazed|Reblended, whats wrong wwith it?03:15
gnutsnope, sound juicer03:15
Reblendeddazed|, or go to #blender and learn how to do 3D animation on your linux box03:16
dazed|i can do 3D ani on windows...never tried on nix03:16
Reblendeddazed|, I'm trying to make a disk image of my HD and then load ubuntu03:16
dazed|but why cant u get ubu up?03:16
dazed|ill leave that to u03:16
jordanaudarkaudit, how do you do that?03:16
darkauditdazed|: go over to #debian and make mwilson cry :)03:16
holycowmaya happens to be the same on linux dazed| :)03:16
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ArniaBut Blender is open :)03:16
Reblendedwell, the live CD hangs right after vmlinuz tries to load, dazed|03:17
dazed|hey no one got #freenode cuz they all asses03:17
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=== Arnia isn't a 3D sorta guy but he can hug blender nonetheless
holycowArnia, hehe and quite decent too infact03:17
dazed|Reblended, no good at all ...03:17
danielsdazed|: #ubuntu doesn't care about that03:17
darkauditjordanau: when you right click to bring up the fluxbox menu, go to Configuration03:17
dazed|daniels, no one cares about u!03:17
Reblendeddazed|, what I thought.. might have to type nodma, perhaps?03:17
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] BreliC[what's the default CD burning app on Ubuntu?03:17
Arniaholycow: Its very very impressive now. I am more impressed with Inkscape though03:17
dazed|Reblended, perhaps...i really couldnt tell you i dont like live cd's too many unpacking mistaeks03:17
gnutswhen I try to mark totem for removal it wants to remove ubuntu-desktop as well, does that mean more than I want to remove?03:18
ReblendedUBurn2,  ] BreliC[ ?03:18
lmurillo2grr, ok, g2g03:18
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Reblended] BreliC[ j/k03:18
] BreliC[heh03:18
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fissythe nautilus cd burner03:18
holycowArnia, i still haven't managed to try the cvs version you told me about03:18
jordanaudarkaudit, thanks03:18
=== darkaudit is a k3b guy...
Reblendeddazed|, the liveCD FLEW on my sis's p403:18
jordanaudarkaudit, i am also getting xfce right now03:18
membreyak3b makes me happy :D03:18
dazed|Reblended, what are u running...and why you make ur sister run nix?03:18
ReblendedNautilus = UBurntu03:18
Arniaholycow: Its really really nice. They may be working up to a .42 release now cos they're really pushing hard on their release target of GTKmming the UI03:19
Reblendeddazed|, I showed her programs that only ran on nix.. and she started drooling03:19
jordanauvery soon i will have the most bloated ubuntu install ever BWAHAHAHAHA!!!03:19
kbrooksjordanau, and you are installing what03:19
dazed|Reblended, lol if my sister could figure out hwo to run XP i might show her nix...she knows how to click on aol and burn a CD03:19
membreyajordanau: less than 24 hours after install ..my kubuntu is 2.5gb :P03:19
Reblendeddazed|, I'm gonna get a machine (I hope) like her's if mine won't do it...03:20
helio7Can anyone who's already fixed Firefox+Flash+Hoary+Audio*** let me know the easiest path?03:20
holycowArnia, hows their move to gtkmm going?  i gotta visit their site i think and read up03:20
jordanaukbrooks, i just install anything that looks interesting and never remove anything03:20
Reblendeddazed|, I forgive you for saying *OL03:20
helio7(audio being the key problem in that equation)03:20
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dazed|Reblended, did i comit a crime? i say LOL all the TIME!03:20
kbrooksjordanau, anything that looks interesting?03:20
Arniaholycow: Bryce said in a recent email that they've got the core of the chrome done (barring status bar and context menus) and are trying to wrap the SVG renderer into it now03:20
kbrooksjordanau, tell me what loks interesting :D03:20
Reblendeddazed|, none of my family has EVER used the wicked A*L, I got them hooked to plain-n-simple cable broadband03:20
holycowdazed|, i'm doing a pilot project with a regular user and hoary actually, hopefully in the next couple of weeks, going to be interesting in a non work environment03:21
Reblendeddazed|, and all the free stuf on the net that AO* charges for03:21
Arniaholycow: Jon Cruz is building a general set of dialog/panel classes that will allow everything to be docked in and out03:21
dandesmetholycow: i'm back...what if i pull out my windows xp hard drive, put in the new one, install ubuntu on that, and then put the windows xp drive back in as the master, and copy over the boot sector from the new hard drive?03:21
dazed|Reblended, BECAUSE my family got hooked on the god forsake A*L i havent been on a better connection then 56k cuz they just can't change their email addressses...i go off to college and get stuck with THE ONLY DORM without access to campus internet...i cant get away from dreaded dial up03:21
propagandhi83dandesmet: that seems like a strange way of doing things03:22
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dazed|holycow, need some help?03:22
dandesmetwhat would the best way be?03:22
jordanaukbrooks, xfce, cowsay, blender, armagatron, any others i think of i will let you know03:22
holycowdandesmet, what i would really suggest is you buy one more hd, install xp on that, add ubuntu hd as slave, and practice setting up dual boot03:22
] BreliC[what is uburntu?  can't find the default burning app (sorry, new to gnome)03:22
jordanaubtw armagatron is the shit03:22
kbrooksjordanau, what is cowsay03:22
holycowdandesmet, if you succeed, copying your files over to new xp hd is easy, and you aren't taking any chances03:22
jordanauits is caw that says stuff in terminal03:22
kbrooks] BreliC[, and uburntu is a joke name03:22
dazed|] BreliC[, try getting k3b much better for burning03:22
knuckswhats a command to unmoun something03:23
] BreliC[kbrooks, ahh03:23
dazed|knucks, umount03:23
DanglyBitsdarkaudit...the marillat repo for acroread 7 is that for amd64 as well?03:23
dandesmetwell, i don't want to chage the xp hd at all...i just want ubuntu on the slave, and nothing about the xp drive changed03:23
Reblendeddazed|, well, sry for you, but I'm netless when I'm at home... (no powerlines, phonelines, can't afford satNET)03:23
dazed|welcome to linux03:23
propagandhi83dandesmet: doesnt the ubuntu install detect windows03:23
] BreliC[dazed|, thanks.  i already got it, i was just wonderng if gnome had a default one03:23
dandesmeti do not know03:23
kbrookspropagandhi83, yes03:23
dazed|Reblended, satnet has gone down to about 40 a month03:23
holycowDanglyBits, while you are trying acroread ... please consider tryin evince, it is nice, has search and copy functions and actually uses gnome file and print dialogs03:23
kbrooksdandesmet, yes03:23
jordanaubrb i am gonna try xfce03:24
holycowDanglyBits, just a tip :)03:24
propagandhi83so whats the problem again??03:24
dandesmeti have a shiny new hd with nothing on it, and i want ubuntu on it as a slave to the current hd, with nothing on the current one changed03:24
dazed|Reblended, just very unstable espescially in bad weather03:24
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propagandhi83okay, so have u tried to do the install yet??03:24
dazed|real fast though03:24
DanglyBitsthanks cow..03:24
dandesmetnope...hd should be here on thursday03:24
holycowpropagandhi83, he has never done a dual boot install and is a linux noob, please don't help him hang him self :)03:25
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DanglyBitsnoobie question...how can i load adobe reader 7 for ubuntu-amd64?03:25
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propagandhi83that wasnt my intention, I was just enquiring as to the situation03:25
dazed|dualbooting dual HD's is much more confusing then dual booting a partioned hd03:25
holycowdandesmet, i don't mean to be negative at all, i'm just trying to make absolutely sure you don't hose your xp :)03:25
holycowpropagandhi83, *nod* :)03:25
dandesmetwell, i fugred the easiest possible thing would be a new hd03:26
dandesmetwhat makes a single hd easier?03:26
holycowdandesmet, it is you did the right thing but ...03:26
kbrooksdandesmet, partitions03:26
kbrooksholycow, but what? :O03:26
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membreyaholycow: hosing XP is no great loss03:26
holycowyou still run the risk of hosing your xp hd, you have never setup dual boot before and are planing on learning on a live install with all your data03:26
dazed|dandesmet: is this ur first nix distro?03:27
membreyait's like stubbing your toe03:27
dandesmeti use suse in the cs lab here03:27
kbrooksmembreya, CUT IT03:27
dandesmeti've never installed it myself03:27
holycowmembreya, hehe03:27
Reblendeddazed|, awesome... thx for the encouragement.. I don't care about unstable03:27
propagandhi83dandesmet: if u want real help, there are plenty of guides on the web03:27
Reblendeddazed|, what isp do you recommend?03:27
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kbrookspropagandhi83, PLEASE03:27
propagandhi83its how i learnt that kind of stuff when i started out03:27
dandesmetcan you point me in the right direction?03:27
kbrookspropagandhi83, he is a COMPLETE LINUX NEWBIE03:27
Reblendeddazed|, I can't get an install tech when I live... any portable ones?03:28
kbrooksDo you expect him to RTFM, propagandhi83?03:28
Reblendeddazed|, when- where03:28
dazed|dandesmet, i suggest using a live cd or try partitioning out a single hd before u go full blown into nix and lose ur windows hard drive cuz thats what happened to me (in the long run its been best) but i dont suggest that pain on anyone03:28
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dandesmeti've used the livecd03:28
Xeon3Dpropagandhi83, check the Ubuntu code of conduct...03:28
propagandhi83kbrooks - if he's keen to learn, he will03:28
jordanaufor some odd reason restarting x takes me to terminal log in, how do i get back to my splash screen?03:28
kbrookspropagandhi83, no. i mean03:29
dazed|Reblended, My friend has a good sat net provider id have to talk to him as for installation...im pretty sure u need sat tv to have it going, but that comes free with any satelite package03:29
Xeon3DTelling people to read 200 pages of man pages is not really helpful.03:29
GarySavedHow do I go about mounting a floppy, so my kid can use it at school?03:29
propagandhi83I didnt tell him to read 200 pages of man pages03:29
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holycowjordanau, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart03:29
propagandhi83dont insinuate that i did03:29
Xeon3Dpropagandhi83, it was an example.03:29
dazed|Reblended, there are PORTABLE dsl modems that are completely wireless that are amazing about 80-100 a month03:29
kbrookspropagandhi83, are *you* capable of helping anyone?03:29
propagandhi83i merely told him the information is there03:29
propagandhi83kbrooks - yes, are you?03:29
membreyajordanau: you might want to check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log03:29
Reblendeddazed|, remember I'm not in range to any towers, etc03:29
membreyaif it's taking you to the login, then X isn't starting03:29
propagandhi83I would have offered him more help if u hadn't attempted to cut me down03:30
kbrookspropagandhi83, be helpful03:30
dazed|Reblended, the wireless dsl modems are GLOBAL and work anywhere03:30
Reblendeddazed|, what's the speed?03:30
holycowGarySaved, places / computer / right click mount03:30
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jordanaumembreya, when i type startx is starts up though...03:30
Xeon3Dpropagandhi83, that's about the same as telling a starved one that there's a perfect meal waiting for him in the middle of the desert... he'll go but you didn't order him.03:30
kbrookspropagandhi83, read the ubuntu code of conduct and you'll understand03:30
dazed|Reblended, my friends dad had one for business and he goes round the world with it..its great...1.5 down .7 up i belive03:30
holycowGarySaved, the opposite is same but right click unmount03:30
knucksso how do i remove a directory?03:30
Reblendeddazed|, I just saw, VOIP works on DirecWay's system now! I thought the lag was too bad03:30
membreyajordanau: press ctrl+alt+f7 then03:30
Reblendeddazed|, very nice03:30
Xeon3Dknucks, rm -rf directory03:30
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Reblendeddazed|, so the wireless dsl modems work off what system?03:31
GarySavedThe light comes on, and nothing further happens.03:31
dazed|Reblended, yeah they are great but his company was paying near 250 a month for it...(for his millionaire ass it was nothing) but i believe they have gone down to about 100 now03:31
jordanaumembreya, ne (EE)03:31
=== darkaudit wonders libtunepimp-bin was packaged without mp3 support...
dazed|Reblended, i couldnt tell you03:31
holycowjordanau, x is a child process of gdm, it's best to restart gdm as gdm startsup x for you03:31
darkauditer wonders why03:31
dazed|bloody amazing though03:32
Xeon3Ddarkaudit, mp3 is a restricted format... it has a problem with licenses...03:32
Reblendeddazed|, lol... I'd need something that doesn't require a technicians license to set up..03:32
jordanauholycow, what does ctrl backspace do?03:32
Reblendeddazed|, sounds like a wireless dsl modem would be it03:32
dazed|boggled my mind why it was called a DSL when it doesnt even have a line to digitally subscirbe :)03:32
knucks. /dev/sda2 on /media/IPOD type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,quiet,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8)03:32
knuckshow do i give that more rights?03:32
gnutsthanks membreya,  darkaudit03:32
knucksi want it to be 77703:32
dazed|Reblended, thats what id suggest03:32
membreyactrl+backspace restarts X when you're in X itself03:32
Reblendeddazed|,  ahh,, so digital subscriber L*03:32
membreyayou're all fixed up now gnuts ?03:32
holycowjordanau, nothing ctrl / alt/ backspace just restarts x, not gdm03:32
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ethanHi all.  I'm trying out Ubuntu and DVD-playing applications seem to be freezing up.  I've tried both mplayer and xine (I'm installing kaffiene at the moment).  Ideas?03:33
darkauditXeon3D: but support had been enabled up to the release version...03:33
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jordanauholycow, tell me a keyboard shortcut that involves and alt key03:33
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holycowjordanau, why?03:33
dazed|Reblended, it stands for Digital subscribers line but i was just saying how it boggled my mind why theyd call it that when it has no line to digitally subscribe i would think they could come up with a better name ^-03:33
gnutsyea, dvd plays great. can I uninstall totem?03:33
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Xeon3Ddarkaudit, really? I didn't know sorry I'm still running the RC (if it ain't broke don't fix it)03:33
darkauditif it were licensing, then I'm not sure it would have enabled the support when I apt-built a new one03:33
jordanauholycow, i am wondering if it is working believe it or not03:33
kbrooksi need to know a solution to my question:03:34
Reblendeddazed|, yah, strange03:34
holycowoh hold alt and right click and drag a window03:34
holycowthat should move the window around03:34
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holycowsorrly left click03:34
kbrookshow can i backup FIVE gb of my ubuntu03:34
holycowalways get them mixed up03:34
darkauditXeon3D: it wouldn't het a user query the musicbrainz servers for mp3 tag info...03:34
kbrookshow do i do so?03:34
Reblendeddazed|, http://dsl.lifetips.com/  (search in page for the word talk)03:34
jordanauholycow, we're good thanks03:35
holycowkbrooks, tar it up, and ftp it to another machine or transfer to another hd03:35
holycowjordanau, k.03:35
membreyais there any way with rsync to backup say / but exclude certain directories?03:35
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nydustwhere do i get mod_ssl.so?03:35
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GarySavedA new box of floppies, and the one I put in the drive was bad ... Go Figure!03:35
Arniamembreya: I think you can do that with rsync-backup but I'm not sure. Worth checking though03:35
kbrooksholycow, tar? errrr. would i have to be concerned about file usage errors etc?03:35
propagandhi83kbrooks: if u are familiar with webmin, it has a good filesystem backup facility -thats one of the easiest ways03:36
holycowGarySaved, i once bought 4 computer cases, all 4 had powersupplies that ONLY were bad with the specific model of mobo i bought03:36
propagandhi83tar zips for u and all03:36
kbrookstar isnt a 'zip'03:36
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holycowkbrooks, depends what your needs are, i'm assuminb a simple backup?03:37
Reblendedtar.gz is werid03:37
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Reblendedwhy compress 2x?03:37
kbrooksholycow, simple backup, yes03:37
aleki'm having problems with onboard sound and alsa...I have set a brand spanking new install of ubuntu up to use Intel ICHS alsa but am getting errors from sound apps03:37
kbrooksReblended, it isnt weird03:37
alekand no sound03:37
holycowReblended, tar doesn't compress actually, it kinda creates an 'archive' file that is suitable to be put to tape actually03:37
Enkiduhow do you format a floppy disk?03:37
ArniaReblended: It only compresses once03:37
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kbrooksholycow, er03:37
Reblended< noob ty kbrooks , holycow , Arnald03:37
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holycowReblended, that was its original usage, now people use tar and zip it up with gzip03:37
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dazed|Reblended, see thats what i was saying...but i know for a fact he had it cuz we were in florida (in a house with no phone lines) and i have seen him use it all over the place ( he migh tnot have known what it was called cuz hes a newb with computers) but it looked like a wireless network card of todays time and it had an antenna and the inet conn was completely derrived from that card03:38
holycowkbrooks, then tar and gzip it ... you are worried about what exactly?03:38
Reblendedholycow, weird... I had a tar.gz and ungz/ed it and I wasn't sure how to get the tar out03:38
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=== Arnia should really get back to arch UI hacking
kbrooksholycow, file permission errors03:38
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holycowReblended, untar ...03:38
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kbrooksholycow, file access errors03:38
alekReblended, tar -zxvf filename.tar.gz03:38
kbrooksetc etc03:38
holycowkbrooks, ah ... *hmm* tar.gz preserves those i thought?03:38
Reblendedalek, I did this in xp =p03:39
=== peragrin [~peragrin@cpe-66-67-18-202.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nirani want to make sure that i have the latest acpi scripts, but i don't think apt is overwriting my current one03:39
kbrooksholycow, will tar interfere with me accessing files03:39
alekReblended, winrar will extract the tar from the gz, then the files from the tar...takes 2 steps03:39
holycowkbrooks, no03:39
nirancan someone tell me what the last line of their /etc/acpi/prepare.sh file is?03:39
Reblendedalek, ty...03:39
kbrooksalek, er03:39
awb4422anyone use bogofilter03:39
kbrooksalek: thats basic, but03:39
kbrooksalek: tar pipes03:40
holycowkbrooks, by default linux does not 'lock' files during use like windows, but it can be set to do so if you want that, so you can tar a working system sure03:40
alekkbrooks, he said he was using xp :o03:40
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holycowkbrooks, you wont be able to tar some dir's tho03:40
kbrooksholycow, how can i exclude them03:40
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alekso, anyone help with the onboard soundcard/alsa issues?03:41
alekor have any quickfixes?03:41
holycow. /dev and /tmp are pointless to backup /proc just cannot be backed up03:41
jordanaucan someone look at my pstree and tell me if i am running to many background processes?03:41
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holycowkbrooks, man tar and gzip :) sorry, i don't know offhand, hehe :)03:41
jordanauits formated pretty crappy hope it is readable03:41
gnutsthanks again, bye ya'll.03:41
=== benz240 [~bs@cpe-065-190-136-012.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
propagandhi83kbrooks: u should check out the webmin interface for that backup purpose03:42
kbrookscant read it03:42
kbrookspropagandhi83, i dont wanna install it03:42
windexh8erWhy would you use gzip or tar to backup a complete filesystem?  dd03:42
holycowwindexh8er, dd will backup even empty sectors, no?03:42
kanuhaCan anyone help with getting a linksys wireless pci card configured and working?03:43
kbrookswindexh8er, and why would you use dd if speed is important? tar/gzip03:43
dcahrakoswhats the make command? like make install?03:43
jordanaukanuha, you need ndiswrapper03:43
kanuhais that on the cd?03:43
=== dayson [~dayson@cpe-66-69-42-86.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
propagandhi83kbrooks: what was the reason u didnt want to install it?03:43
holycowor a known working and supported wireless card03:43
kbrooksdcahrakos, check the Makefile. if the rule is in this format03:43
jordanaukanuha, i am not sure look on synaptic03:43
kbrooks<rule>: commands03:43
windexh8erYour backing up a complete partition?  Just doesn't make sense...03:43
daysonHey how do I install a .tar.gz file?03:44
kbrooksand if the rule matches the rule in the command03:44
=== stephen_ [~stephen@ip68-110-230-19.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
kbrooksthen yes03:44
kbrooksmake <rule>03:44
holycowdayson, you don't thats a zip file03:44
jordanautar <options> <file>03:44
kbrooksmake install03:44
holycowdayson, it really depends therefore what is in the file03:44
kkathmangood evening all (or whatever time it is where you are) :)03:44
daysonCube source Gaming Engine03:44
kanuhaholycow, is there a list of supported cards on the ubuntu site?03:45
avidaubuntu didn't configure my cd burners.  how do I configure them so cdrecord recognizes them ?03:45
holycowdayson, you will need to compile and install it, for that you will need to install gcc and relative libraries.  that should have an install readme in it to give you some idea of how to begin03:45
=== neonlightning [~neonlight@S01060000e8894b42.tb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
daysonholycow, it doesnt have a readme thats why I came here :(03:46
dcahrakosk, say, I needed to install an app, but you only get the source, is it just make install?03:46
holycowkanuha, not that i know of, but linux is linux, the answer is same for all distros, therefore google a few lists, there are a number of lists supporting tables of relatively recent cards you can get03:46
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neonlightningis there a frontend for apt-get that is similar to the rpmdrake from mandrake03:46
propagandhi83neonlighting - synaptic03:46
kbrooks       --exclude=PATTERN03:46
kbrooks              exclude files matching PATTERN03:46
borgistaneonlightning: synaptic package manager03:46
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kbrooksok. pattern?03:46
holycow dayson ah, thats a bit of a problem, to compile as i mentioned you basically need supporting libraries and a compiler.  you might get away with just trying to compile if its a self contained program then installing but ...03:46
kanuhaholycow, thanks03:47
kbrooksholycow, you do kknow there is a meta package03:47
holycowdayson, if you compile but DON'T PACKAGE it in a .deb, uninstalling can be a real bitch.03:47
Enkiduim still getting no sound, anyone want to assist me with it?03:47
kbrooksholycow, build-essential03:47
holycowkanuha, no prob03:47
=== Fajjer [~Fajjer@h93n1fls23o980.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
fissymake  uninstall :D03:48
holycowdayson, what kbrooks said, building stuff is a skill in it self so ... :) not so easy03:48
kbrooksholycow, also, packaging in .debs is ADVANCED03:48
=== Jet2k5 [~zero@fl-67-76-10-31.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jet2k5Who was hleping me earlier?03:48
holycowkbrooks, sure, as is doing make install or even make to begin with *nod*03:48
kbrooksnot for the faint of heart03:48
holycowkbrooks, no kidding, tell me about it03:48
kbrooksabout which ?03:49
daysonholycow, "*nix versions of cube clients and standalone servers.03:49
daysonThe clients function identical to the win32 client, see config.html.03:49
daysonRun them from the root cube dir (chmod em as exe first).03:49
daysonClients will need the following dynamic link libraries present:03:49
daysonopengl, glu, sdl, sdl_image, sdl_mixer, png, jpeg, zlib (1.2.1 for03:49
daysonall SDL libs, do a ldd for details).03:49
daysonThe servers need NO libs, no external files, no sound or video,03:49
daysonjust run it :) Server port is fixed at 28765, currently.03:49
daysonMake sure to chmod +x these binaries and the cube_unix script03:49
daysonbefore running them.03:49
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daysoneihrul@tunes.org"  thats the read me03:50
neonlightningis it just me or does this channel seem more chaotic than the mandrake one even since they changed to mandriva03:50
kbrooksholycow, (well, ok. it isnt reallly advanced, but it requires you to edit files and the like (.deb packaging))03:50
stephen_why can't i use apt servers that I used in debian, it seems to fail since it cannot find the amd64 directory (i had 32 bit debian)03:50
borgistaneonlightning: wouldn't know, never  been in the mandrake room03:50
holycowkbrooks, and proper .deb packages require a lot of work, i tried to follow the debian instructions but damnit ... heh.  i wonder if there is a gui to automate some of that, as lame as that sounds03:50
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neonlightningi was using mandrake untill my cd's got too scratched up03:50
neonlightningi had 10.1 powerpack03:51
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stephen_does anyone know why I can't use the apt servers that I used to use?03:51
borgistaoh, you're running Hoary now?03:51
kbrooksstratched up?03:51
neonlightningyea scratched up as in too many scratches on them03:51
DocUbHow do you remove an application that won't remove it's self in Synaptic and by command?03:51
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stephen_I'm running hoary on amd64 I used to have debian sarge03:51
maxxisthey folks.  dont laugh,  but is there a Service Management GUI in Hoary?03:52
kbrooksmaxxist, no.03:52
=== libben [~libben@c213-89-20-14.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu
kbrooksmaxxist, update-rc.d03:52
maxxistanything I can read on how to manually do this?03:52
stephen_why does my system have trouble installing 32bit hardware? I thought they were supposed to be compatible03:52
fissynot supposed to use update-rc.d03:52
kbrooksfissy, You can!03:53
kbrooksfissy, update-rc.d is teh 133703:53
fissyno its the stupid03:53
fissybah xchat :P03:54
fissyany changes you do with that are presumably wiped out by software upgrades, no?03:54
kbrookste<space>h<go back><erase space>03:54
ricardo_hi: how to set <my account> in the "sudoers' list?03:54
kbrooksadd a space, too....03:55
fissylearn a new thing every day ;-)03:55
kbrooksricardo_, EDITOR=gedit sudo visudo03:55
kbrooksricardo_, h/o.03:55
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membreyaricardo_: sudo nano /etc/sudoers03:56
kbrooksmembreya, NO!!!!!!!!03:56
membreyayesm kbrooks ?03:56
kbrooksricardo_, do not run membreya's command03:56
Zugotthe comcast nameservers are the worst03:56
dazed|whats wrong with membreyas command?03:57
kbrooksdazed|, hold on03:57
stephen_anyone want to be helpful?03:57
ArniaOnly edit sudoers with visudo03:57
stephen_or do you not answer any questions?03:57
dazed|he just told him to open atext file?03:57
membreyawhy's that Arnia ?03:57
kbrooks"       visudo locks the sudoers file against multiple simultaneous edits, pro-03:58
kbrooks       vides basic sanity checks, and checks for parse errors.  If the sudoers03:58
kbrooks       file is currently being edited you will receive a message to try again03:58
kbrooks       later.03:58
membreyakbrooks: unless someone else is editing it, why is my command a problem? :|03:58
ArniaBasically it stops you locking yourself out03:58
dazed|then dont run it it with visudo03:58
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dazed|hes fine03:58
_haydenwhat can i type in a terminal to see what samba network shares are available?03:58
membreya_hayden: on your own computer?03:59
dazed|u on hoary _hayden03:59
nydusteverytime i do an apt-get i get some errors on perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C") why?03:59
_haydenon computers on the network, yea03:59
DocUbGot a quick question, how do I remove an application that won't uninstall even by command?03:59
DocUbor by Synaptic03:59
dazed|_hayden open nautilus type in network:///03:59
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DocUbI get the following Error:03:59
=== Red_Tide [~chatzilla@d154-5-131-202.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
dazed|_hayden or goto Places from ur tool bar "Network"04:00
Markrian_hayden, smbtree04:00
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dazed|stephen_ take off caps...and whats the problem...04:00
membreyawow..thanks for that one Markrian :)04:00
_haydenthanks Markrian04:00
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membreyafamily IRC room kbrooks :P04:00
kbrooksi know04:01
danielseh, guys, let's try to avoid caps *and* swearing, please.04:01
membreyasee...now you've attracted an op :P04:01
kbrooksno no no04:01
kbrooksdont kick me :'(04:01
dazed|kick ban04:01
membreyaapologies daniels, will try and keep em in line :)04:02
libbenI can program C++, its the only thing ive learned to program and some java,.. but java is out of my head this time =) i wanna start with learning c++ again... wich one of the compilers should i install? cause i see there is alots of versions of g++ in synaptic04:02
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membreyalibben: do a sudo apt-get install build-essential04:02
nickolig++ how many ++'s are there04:02
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dazed|libben: u dont think java is easier than C++?04:02
kbrooksnickoli, 2 duh04:02
kbrooksdazed|, it isnt04:03
libbeni can see 5 versions of g++ in synaptic04:03
jordanaujust got xfce and i love it already!04:03
nickolii tried c++ but i gave up04:03
kbrookslibben, USE BUILD-ESSENTIAL04:03
devscottcan I search repo's from the command line using apt-get, if so what's the parameter?04:03
membreyacaps kbrooks :P04:03
dazed|kbrooks: maybe for you but i can code java like the back of my hand i dont even know where to begin c++04:03
Red_Tidehey can someone help me out with wireless04:03
membreyadevscott: apt-cache search (package name/description)04:03
dazed|never tried c++04:03
dazed|different story04:03
kbrooksi hate java04:03
kbrooksi hate c++04:03
kbrooksi like c04:03
nickolii tried visual basic04:03
devscottmembreya: thanks04:04
kbrooksi like perl04:04
kbrooksi like python04:04
jordanaui like quick basic :)04:04
libbenkbrooks, but is that really needed? i dont wanna install alot of extras... just wanna install the compiler.. so i can make g++ file.cpp -o program04:04
=== etzerd [~etzerd@ool-4357b56b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunlibben: yes, build-essential is necessary.04:04
etzerdHello all04:04
nickolihtml a programming language04:04
marcin_antkbrooks: I like polish04:04
^thehatsrule^guess you like easy stuff like me kbrooks, and no OO04:04
crimsunlibben: (for that purpose)04:04
kbrookslibben, use the meta package god damn it.04:04
etzerdwhat is new today?04:04
ricardo_so ,what should I do?04:04
b2sheh, one of my friends just got so angry while installing ubuntu that he snapped the cd in half04:04
membreyaonly language I ever learnt was cobol :P04:04
Red_Tideanyone here running an acx100/111 based wireless card?04:04
borgistab2s: what happened that got him so mad?04:04
nydusthow do i corect this perl: warning: Setting locale failed.?04:05
kbrooks^thehatsrule^, i like easy stuff and  i like OO. oo or no oo, i like perl04:05
nickolii almost broke the ubuntu disc04:05
smoucheb2s -- hope it wasn't still in the drive at the time...04:05
b2sborgista: I don't know, last time I asked what was wrong he just said "everything"04:05
jordanauback in jumior high i made so many 10 PRINT "you're an asshole"    20 GOTO 10 programs its not funny04:05
membreyaRed_Tide: I used to use a netgear wireless card04:05
borgistais he a linux user?04:05
kbrooks^thehatsrule^, however, i dont like python.....04:05
kbrooksvery much.04:05
^thehatsrule^lol k kbrooks, cause c++ is simply c with OO really04:05
nickolianyone know how i can get my friend to go linux04:05
jordanaub2s, hw should have microwaved it, it looks cooler04:05
borgistanickoli: good luck04:05
kbrooks^thehatsrule^, i dont like c++04:05
b2sborgista: previous mandrake user04:05
libbennickoli, show him/her Ubuntu?04:05
borgistaoh. b2s04:06
^thehatsrule^ya, but you said you like c... lol, oh well04:06
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nickolisays that functionality is limited in linux04:06
membreyanickoli: do a format c:\ /q |y on their windows install :P then offer them the ubuntu disc04:06
kbrooks^thehatsrule^, i dont like c++.04:06
^thehatsrule^lol k04:06
kbrooks^thehatsrule^, too verbose04:06
kbrooks^thehatsrule^, i prefewr perl, php, python or ruby04:06
=== christian [~christian@pcp0010955620pcs.dover01.de.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
smoucheb2s, he should be grateful it's a one cd install; if he'd had to break 7 cd's, eventually, he might have cut himself...04:07
kbrooks^thehatsrule^, i use python often.04:07
b2ssmouche: haha04:07
jordanaumembreya, better make a .bat file with the same line of code and name it "do not click"04:07
kbrooksperl, ruby and php less04:07
borgistai'm still wating for my shiny HOARY CD. (although I already have it installed)04:07
jordanaumembreya, another good one is deltree windows /y04:07
membreyajordanau: I used to have a d.bat in my windows days (it did a dir %1 /p/o/w) and my friends rewrote it with the code I gave..thank god for CTRL+C04:07
kbrooksjordanau, /y first04:08
nickoliwill rpms work with ubuntu04:08
jordanaukbrooks, its been a while :)04:08
borgistano nickoli04:08
lmurillo2ok, bakc04:08
kbrooksnickoli, maybe04:08
jordanaunickoli, no04:08
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kbrooksjordanau, yes and no04:08
nickolithen i will have to manually compile jre04:08
borgistabut you're better off not using .rpms04:08
smouchenickoli, change their windows wallpaper to a fullscreen screenshot of ubuntu, hide their icons, and their taskbar...04:09
odysseynickoli, if you need to install an rpm convert it to a .deb with alien04:09
jordanaunickoli, what are you installing04:09
borgistagood one smouche !!04:09
stephen_dazed|: I have recently switched from 32-bit debian sarge too amd64 ubuntu hoary, but I seem to be having trouble installing any 32-bit hardware and using my previous apt sources04:09
kbrooksnickoli, No you won't have to manually compile jre04:09
nickolii need java runtime environment, they only distribute as an rpm04:09
vdrabHi all, a question - with Ubuntu's famed multi-language support, can you have multiple language input? like, typing/editing japanese documents for instance, in an English OS?04:09
kbrooksnickoli, wrong04:09
nickolii am04:09
jordanauisnt jre in apt-get04:09
kbrooksnickoli, let me show you04:09
libbenbitching about iostream.h =)04:09
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nickolidont think so04:09
libbenno .h in linux =) ?04:09
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kbrooksnickoli, pm me pls04:10
=== spiderworm [~spiderwor@ip68-3-31-10.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
membreyastephen_: if you truly want to install 32bit packages in a 64 bit environment, you will need to chroot it04:10
libbendoing the old way i see it =)04:10
RuKKHey guys, how would I make haory hedgehog boot to a command line instead of gdm?04:10
RuKKis there a command I could pass grub?04:10
membreyaRuKK: change the runlevel?04:10
stephen_membreya: can u tell me how to do that?04:10
lmurillo2can anyone help me with the apt-get problem I'm getting, I'm posting the output of 'sudo apt-get update' in #flood04:10
tolarhey, my vpn software is asking for the dir containing linux kernel src code.  but i cant find it :(  i've tried getting the package for linux src, but it doesnt seem to work either04:11
RuKKmembreya: ok, so boot with runlevel something?04:11
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jordanauhey is my pstree to cluttered? http://www.pastebin.com/27064804:11
jordanauanything i can get rid of04:11
membreyastephen_: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DebootstrapChroot04:11
stephen_membreya: thanks a million04:11
tolari'd assume /usr/src/linux, but that doesnt exist04:12
stephen_membreya: how can I get my apt sources too work though?04:12
membreyastephen_: I only know how to use ubuntu repos04:12
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membreyabut have you tried doing a sudo apt-get update before you tried to install from them?04:13
Red_Tidestephen which sources do you want?04:13
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Red_Tideuniverse and multiverse04:13
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stephen_membreya: what is a sudo apt-get update?04:13
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membreyastephen_: it updates you repo information with your new sources.list04:14
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membreyaanytime you add or remove from your sources.list you need to do a sudo apt-get update04:14
dazed|yeah sudo apt-get update04:14
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stephen_membreya: of course i use apt-get update first, but thats when the problem starts   but what exactly does the "sudo" part do?04:14
wowzerI need some advice04:14
dazed|sudo is to make it run as root04:14
dazed|or owner04:15
membreyastephen_: it runs it as a super user04:15
devscottwowzer: yes?04:15
Red_Tidewhat do you need advice o wowzer?04:15
wowzeri want to get linux running on a P233MXX with 48MB of RAM, what is the best ditro for that04:15
stephen_membreya: the error that i get has something to do with that apt-get can't find the amd64 architecture files04:15
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membreyastephen_: go to #flood and paste the errors04:16
dazed|stephen_, are u on a 64 bit arch?04:16
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stephen_dazed|, membreya: yes im on amd64 bit arch04:16
wowzeri was looking at delilinux04:17
dazed|and what are u trying to accomplish???04:17
lmurillo2wowzer: if I'm not mistaken you can install Ubuntu and pass the server parameter at boot04:17
wowzeror is their a better one?04:17
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lmurillo2that way you'll get the minum and insta what's needed04:17
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nekohayoois somebody using the 7174 drivers? (sorry if I'm double posting, I'm not sure if I got disconnected before)04:17
devscottwowzer: any distro you use will just be commandline due to your ram amount04:17
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nekohayoo[nvidia-glx drivers I mean] 04:17
dazed|i have forgotten04:17
wowzerdeli has a gui04:17
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devscottwowzer: yeah but X is a killer on ram04:18
membreyadevscott: he could always try XFCE :)04:18
NumPywowzer: look into onebase its minimal and still extremely functional04:18
nekohayooXFCE powa.04:18
devscottmembreya: or blackbox I suppose04:18
wowzeron the deli page it says it can run on a 16MB RAm system04:18
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daysonhow do I install ATI drivers?04:19
nekohayoodayson, did you search the wiki?04:19
lmurillo2how do I fix the problem I have with apt-get?04:19
nekohayooor ubuntuguide.org?04:19
dazed|dayson download the package04:19
daysonwhats a wiki?04:19
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devscottwowzer: try it out, if you don't like it try another one04:19
membreyastephen_: are you going to paste your errors?04:19
dazed|oh wait wrong room04:19
nekohayootake a look (with the search) in ubuntu's website04:19
lmurillo2I've done the least I can do on myself, but ran out of ideas04:19
nickoliwhats that command to run deb packages04:19
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nekohayoonickoli, dpkg -i04:19
wowzertry what out?04:20
membreyanickoli: sudo dpkg -i (debname)04:20
devscottwowzer: the distro you mention04:20
daysondazed|, whats the package name?04:20
dazed|nickoli man dpkg04:20
revelateris there a program for small buisness mangement?04:20
dazed|dayson: read the wiki i use nvidia04:20
membreyastop RTFM'ing them dazed| :P04:20
wowzerdeli linux?04:20
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wowzeri will04:20
revelaterthat handles client lists and such04:20
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revelatersales tax04:21
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revelatertiming bowel movements04:21
dazed|dayson, i did see it earlier though under the x category of synaptic04:21
dazed|search x in synaptic04:21
dazed|and one of those has ati drive04:21
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wowzerthank you devscott04:21
devscottwowzer: no problem, just don't be afraid to experiment04:22
df00zHey.  How do I know if PCMCIA is working?04:22
nekohayooanybody can help me with nvidia drivers? the most I can tell is that it looks like the kernel sources are missing or something04:22
revelaterat all?04:22
df00zNone of my cards are working, yet they are on the supported card list04:22
RuKKI need to edit my xorg.conf file manually, and I cant start X in ubuntu.. just comes up with a black screen (which is why I need to edit), any ideas on how I can do this?04:22
df00zin windows they are detected as MTD-0002 cards04:22
df00zand i cant load drivers04:22
nekohayooRuKK, you should sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:22
nickoliknoopix and copy the xf86config file04:22
membreyaRuKK: do a sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:22
df00zhow do I know if ubuntuo is detecting them? should something be in dmesg?04:23
dazed|rukk "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" didnt work?04:23
RuKKnekohayoo: how can I do that if I cant get a console?04:23
RuKKthat doesnt help dude.. I cant get into X04:23
membreyaRuKK: press ctrl+alt+f104:23
RuKKI cant even get a login screen04:23
membreyaand login04:23
nekohayoowhy can't you get that console04:23
nekohayooctrl alt f1 as membreya said04:23
dazed|u cant get a console?04:23
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nekohayoodazed|, let's buy him a PS204:23
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dazed|that made me giggle for real nekohayoo :)04:24
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membreyadazed|: are you a chick? :P04:24
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nekohayoo*looks at that blue nvidia screen* baka.04:24
dazed|membreya, only if u want me to be04:24
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dazed|JUST KIDDING!04:24
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=== membreya gives dazed| "the look" heeeeeeeeeeey...how you doinnnnnnnnnnn
dazed|nah i just been sitting at my computer all day ...lack of speech makes me crazy04:25
Nullhey everybody04:25
Nullanybody want to help a noob?04:25
devscottNull: hi04:25
devscottNull: problem?04:25
dazed|whats goin on Null?04:25
NullI have a laptop I installed ubuntu on04:25
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Nulland it was working fine, until i installed some updates, I think some PCMCIA updates screwed it up04:26
nekohayooohow do I "make sure I have installed the kernel source files for my kernel" ?04:26
nekohayooodang connection.04:26
dazed|Null, whats the problem?04:26
Nulland now it doesnt recognize the network card04:26
tyreseUbuntu - is BRILLIANT!04:26
devscottdazed|: I'm guessing his laptop returned null04:26
Nullor the PCMCIA bus04:26
dazed|let me think04:26
kbrooksis there a marquee screensaver04:27
tyresefinally, i have UNIVERSAL desktops, for my macs and PC's!04:27
holycowtyrese, lol, i've been on ubntu a week, i still think that, and i can't tell you how many times i've seen people say that in here04:27
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devscottNull: is the pcmica service starting on boot?04:27
membreyanekohayoo: do a sudo apt-get install kernel-headers-2.6-amd64-k8 <--replace the 2.6-amd64-k8 with your kernel name04:27
Nullnot sure04:27
Nullhow do i tell?04:27
kbrooksis there a marquee screensaver in ubuntu hoary?04:27
holycowtyrese, this is one remarkable achievement i think, we need to also acknowledge gnome2.10, that plays a huge role in the usability of the distro04:27
nickolikbrooks: lets see if this does the trick04:27
nekohayoootyrese, glad to know this :)04:27
dazed|it says OK or FAIL when it reads PCMIAA04:27
Nulllemme check04:27
tyreseholycow, I've got it installed on my macs, my pcs, my laptops, now i'm just waiting for a PDA version!04:28
stephen_membreya: sorry had to go find out where my sources were stored from before, now im going to post it in flood04:28
dazed|nUll or it wont say anything at all if its completely not picking it up04:28
dazed|that means its prolly disconnected from ur computer04:28
devscotttyrese: I have it running on the gf.... it's nice I can finally turn now the volume04:28
BlackLabelhow can i mount smb shares on startup without having to type in a password for each share it tries to mount04:28
tyresegnome2.10 i thank you!!04:28
holycowtyrese, lol, i had a debian pilot project here at work, i'm upgrading that to ubuntu, i am converting a human resources to ubnuntu with vmware, 1 laptop, several desktops, it' sunrealy04:28
Nullit doesnt say anything04:28
df00zHow do I know if PCMCIA is working04:28
holycowhr server anyway04:28
df00zdmesg shows nothing if importence04:28
df00zremoving and inserting cards seemingly does nothing04:29
Nullit says pcmcia not present when i reboot04:29
holycowgod my spelling suck04:29
membreyaok stephen_ are you running the update as a sudo04:29
Nullas it's halting04:29
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Zugoti just figured out how to upgrade my laptop to 2GB of memory04:29
devscottNull: open a console and type in lsmod04:29
tyresedevscott, I am amazed, I truly am!!04:29
Zugoti'm genuinely excited04:29
Zugotnow i can run even more vmware sessions04:29
Nullk, just a sec, it's starting up again04:29
tolari followed the ubuntu directions to install the linux source code, but my vpn client says: Directory "/usr/src/linux" doesn't appear to contain kernel source.04:29
Fast240Zhey, can someone help me out with ubuntu?  I'm kind of new to linux, and totally new to ubuntu04:29
stephen_membreya: yes04:29
=== PecK [~peck@146.Red-217-126-140.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
PecKhey all04:30
tyreseever since I saw my first episode of Star Trek - I have longed for universal desktops for all PC architectures, and now, FINALY ubuntu is here!04:30
devscotttyrese: now she wants a hardware upgrade and wants me to purchase a license... it's getting scary04:30
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stephen_membreya: it first does like 15 correct, then decides to fail the last few which are my debian sources04:30
Fast240ZI'm trying to figure out how to set up my package manager to handle restricted packages off of the net04:30
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Red_TideI have a driver that requires /lib/modules/2.6.10/build/include/linux/version.h which does not exits in ubuntu what can I do about it?04:31
cryptoknighti have a question if anyone minds helping?04:31
tolari followed the ubuntu directions to install the linux source code, but my vpn client says: Directory "/usr/src/linux" doesn't appear to contain kernel source.04:31
stephen_membreya: can you send me the debootstrap link again?04:31
Fast240Zgood luck, it's madness in her04:31
nickolihaha tru dat04:32
membreyastephen_: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DebootstrapChroot04:32
Nullok I did lsmod, but no pcmcia shows up04:32
tyresedevscott, My GF has a iMac G5 .. actually, that's my G5, came off my credit card, and I have a two G4s, and 10 PC's, and each one now looks the same, no more of this *My Computer is better than yours* crap!04:32
cryptoknighti am just trying to figure out the default mailman password in ubuntu04:32
cryptoknighti cant seem to find it anywhere04:32
Red_Tidejust ask cryptoknight im sure ppl will try and answer04:32
devscotttyrese: lol04:32
tyreseReason, I got 10 PC's is because i do LAN parties!04:32
Fast240Zlol, I just need help setting up my sources for my package manager04:32
cryptoknighti am used to the "normal" linux users heh04:32
nickoliwith yourself04:32
tyreseand yes, my electic bill is DISGUSTING!04:32
borgistatyrese: and what does one do at a LAN party?04:32
stephen_membreya: any idea on why those sources are failing in apt?04:32
nickolihang out04:32
Red_Tidesorry I have always used online mail services so I have no idea04:32
membreyano idea sorry stephen_ :(04:33
Nulldevscott: I did lsmod, but no PCMCIA shows up04:33
Fast240Zlol, I've used mandrake, but totally new to anything debian based04:33
kkathmananyone know how to access a samba share from the terminal?04:33
devscottAnyone know of any good howto's on LDAP servers under ubuntu... the wiki is lacking04:33
cryptoknightme to Fast240Z04:33
tyreseborgista, Unreal Tornament, Halo, Quake Arena !04:33
cryptoknightkkathman,  smbmount04:33
kkathmancryptoknight: thank you very much :)04:33
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cryptoknightor mount -t smbfs //server/share \mount\point04:33
tyreseFast240Z, debian based distros are the future!04:33
nekohayoootyrese, why don't you start an ubuntu-internet-caf during the day? XD04:33
Fast240Zyeah, that's what my buddy said04:34
devscottNull: from the command line do a   sudo /etc/init.d/pcmica restart04:34
tyresenekohayoo, I already have an internet cafe!04:34
nickoliwhats a prog to try my jre on04:34
nekohayooogood! XD04:34
Fast240ZI wanted something that work would with my wireless card, and ubuntu happened to be the solution04:34
cryptoknighti got hooked on the bootable ver04:34
cryptoknightnow i am switching everything over at work04:34
cryptoknightincluding desktops04:34
tyresenekohayoo, and to be honest, I am SERIOUSLY considering it!04:34
Fast240Zlol, I wish I could do that, I could just imagine all of the computers at best buy running linux04:35
cryptoknightanother 60 desktops :D04:35
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Nulldevscott: it says pcmcia not present04:35
tyreseIs there anyway, that Ubuntu can be installed over a network?04:35
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nickolisure i just dont know how04:36
devscotttyrese: I saw away you can do it using the knoppix cd.04:36
tyresedevscott, How would I achieve that?04:36
devscotttyrese: I'll try and dig up the link04:37
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tyreseAlso, I noticed that a few apps are not included, for example, nmapfe, the front end for nmap, isn't here.04:37
Fast240Zanyone know of any good documentation on ubuntu for noobs04:37
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membreyaFast240Z: www.ubuntuguide.org04:37
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Fast240Zthanks, I'll check it out04:38
nekohayooostill having problems with the latest nvidia driver (7174) and xorg, is there an nvidia user around? it says that the nvidia kernel modile is version 7.1.0 but the x module is 1.0.7174 (which causes an API mismatch)04:38
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tyresecryptoknight, How did you manage to convince everyone to change to ubuntu? Was you already on a debian based network?04:38
holycowtyrese, ubuntu uses debians d-i, which has facility for a quickstart like redhat, and a number of other cool features04:38
devscotttyrese: do you have a floppy on the computer?04:38
tyresedevscott, Yes, some of them04:38
Nulldevscott: it says pcmcia not present04:39
holycowtyrese, research d-i, and kickstart for ubuntu on the ubuntu and google sites04:39
tyresedevscott, But not on the apple macs04:39
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Fast240Zanyone know about ati and ubuntu?04:39
lyywhat's the java sdk package called in synaptic? i can't seem to find it. could it be that i don't have the right repository too? i've been trying to install with apt-get install j2sdk04:39
devscotttyrese: for floppy computers http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/NetbootInstallHowto04:39
tyreseI'm still trying to find how to make custom live CD's - I've seen a few articles that claim I can do that with ubuntu04:39
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a_pecktyrese, if u find a site could you msg it to me plz?04:40
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smouchewhat about a custom install CD, tyrese? that's what I'd like...04:40
membreyalyy: it's not in synaptic04:40
odysseytyrese, isnt there something in the wiki?04:40
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devscottnull: one second04:41
lyymembreya: can you suggest a way to get it ? do i have to google for it?04:41
membreyalyy, you need to go to www.sun.com to download it, and if you want install instructions, go to www.ubuntuguide.org04:41
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devscotttyrese: here is the network install stuff04:41
devscotttyrese: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/InstallFromKnoppixHowto04:41
cryptoknightfor the record04:42
cryptoknightyou have to run mmsitepass04:42
cryptoknightas ROOT04:42
cryptoknightoh well i am the IT manager04:42
cryptoknightmy will is law at work04:42
membreyalyy: is it JRE or JDK you're after04:42
cryptoknightbesides i put together a large presentation on the TCO of ubuntu vs windows04:42
cryptoknightand i gave everyone live cd's to play with04:43
cryptoknightwhich really made it nice. everyone played with them at work and took them home04:43
tyresea_peck, of course I will! The last time I was this excited about something, I was 15 years ago, my first g/f parents where on holiday, I was drunk, she was butt naked, and it lasted only 10 minutes! lol04:43
cryptoknightbut during it all i slowly started to migrate to opensource apps04:43
devscottNull: trying to find you a link04:43
Nullok thanks04:43
cryptoknightaka i moved them away from IE to firefox04:43
cryptoknightand from outlook to thunderbird04:44
cryptoknightthen to open office04:44
tyresedevscott, Thanks, I'll bookmark those links right now!04:44
cryptoknightso they were very familiar with all the apps04:44
a_pecklol tyrese, make sure you don't post me the photos link! :)04:44
cryptoknightthen the transition to ubuntu was........ easy04:44
cryptoknightsince there was only a small learning curve to get used to the desktop04:44
tyresea_peck, She took those photos with her!04:44
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a_pecktyrese, I'm sure to get good information then :))04:45
tyreseI say BURN IE! Firefox is the way, I changed all the desktops at work to use FireFox, and no one noticed - until they asked me, where did all the popups go - that was a good day!04:45
=== safrican [~safrican@adsl-69-208-203-19.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
safricanHi I am wondering - what is the name of the next Ubuntu Release?04:45
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borgistaBreezy Badger04:45
safricanI've been told it was called, the "Grumpy Groundhog"04:45
safricanis that right ?04:45
HrdwrBoBthat's the next one04:46
dazed|Breezy Badger04:46
HrdwrBoBafter the next one04:46
dazed|then Grumpy04:46
danielsno, it's Breezy Badger04:46
danielsHrdwrBoB: not really.  it will probably be sorta parallelish.04:46
safricanthank you VERY much04:46
Red_Tideis there a forum for ubuntu?\04:46
HrdwrBoBdaniels: ?04:46
nickoliwill it be necesary to upgrade to the next ubuntu distro04:46
dazed|Red_Tide yes :)04:46
borgistaRed_Tide: ubuntuforums.org04:46
Red_Tideok thanx gonna post my problem04:46
cryptoknighthow creative04:47
cryptoknightya know thats another reason i love ubuntu04:47
dazed|Red_Tide, u can ask in here?04:47
devscottNull: do you get a sound when you plug in the card04:47
cryptoknightit seems the users and community involved with ubuntu dont have the holier than thou attitude04:47
nickolitru dat04:47
Nulldevscott: no, because my sound doesn't work either04:47
safricanis there like a list of all these names for Ubuntu ?04:47
dazed|cryptoknight, we dont have it...but we are04:47
safricanor releases of Ubuntu ?04:47
Red_TideI did i need to install a wireless driver that requires /lib/modules/2.6.10/build/include/linux/version.h which does not exist in ubuntu so im not sure what to do04:48
jordanauXFCE is beautiful04:48
dazed|safrican, they make em as they come up04:48
dazed|i think they only have the next 204:48
devscottNull: this would be a system speaker beep04:48
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safricandazed|: ah ok - thanks! because i saw somewhere that a release "might" be called Bendy(?)04:48
a_pecksafrican, why such an interest?04:48
Nulldevscott: no it doesnt beep04:48
cryptoknightlol dazed|04:48
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safricana_peck: just wondering04:48
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mathmatthow do I connect to an OS X machine?  I used smb://x.x.x.x/servername before but it doesn't work now.04:49
cryptoknightnetwork servers04:49
cryptoknightplaces -> connect to server04:50
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cryptoknightand type in the ip address04:50
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tyresemathmatt, Have you enabled it on the mac?04:50
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tyresemathmatt, you have to enable it in the prefrences setting, I'm assuming your using Panther?04:50
devscottNull: do you have a /etc/pcmcia04:52
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tyreseAre there any good CD burning/CD creation apps in the ubuntu repository?04:52
Nulldevscott: yes04:52
dazed|tyreese k3b04:52
devscottwhat does that say?04:52
devscottnull: do a cat on that04:52
vasimathmatt, if you have SSH enabled on the Mac you can SFTP in04:53
vasiuse gFTP04:53
linuxpoetO.k. I will say this, Ubuntu is a great desktop but still has a ways to go with some of the custom config and higher end stuff (dual opterons)04:53
mathmattcryptoknight: i tried places->connect to server.  No dice04:53
mathmattvasi: i'll try that04:53
devscottNull: read this... https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=857504:54
nomasteryodalinuxpoet, and the debian folks say it basically is forking debian and taking its own direction... i.e. hurting debian04:54
devscottNull: sounds like your suffering from that bug04:54
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scorpixhow can i change the settings of fonts for gtk applications(gaim)?04:55
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danielsHrdwrBoB: one of the plans raised at matar was having grumpy as a 'crack of the day' suite, building from upstrema cvs and stuff04:55
Nulldevscott: thanks, I'll check that out and see if it helps04:55
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a_pecknomasteryoda, Why should it? It will always be debian based. the community will never forget that. Ubuntu is its community too.04:55
dandesmeti have a comp with windows xp on it on one hard drive...if i have a second blank hard drive, how hard would it be for me to install it as a slave to the current one, and install ubuntu without touching my windows xp install?04:55
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ablyssscorpix, font setting are controlled by the wm04:55
devscottNull: no problem. happy hacking04:55
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nickolidandesmet not that hard04:56
scorpixablyss: i use gnome04:56
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ablyssscorpix, gaim has some basic font settings but they work so well04:56
HrdwrBoBdaniels: oooh sounds cool04:56
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dandesmetif i make ubuntu drive the slave, which bootloader would come up when i start my computer, ntldr or grub?04:56
tyresea_peck, The debian comminuty are quite defensive of thier distro - for example, they wont even help people who have knoppix installs04:56
nickolidandesmet grub prob04:57
ablyssscorpix, been awhile since i used gnome, but i would think the font settings are under the system preferences somewhere04:57
chavodandesmet, It depends on where you install grub to.04:57
nickolidandesmet if you used a floppy then grub would come up04:57
=== AlfaWolph [yri@cpe-024-024-098-083.midsouth.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dandesmetwhat if i install grub to the second hard drive?04:57
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dandesmeti want to touch the xp drive as little as possible04:57
nickolidandesmet switch the drives04:57
holycowhttp://www.xgitech.com/about/about_press1.asp?CTID={C3FD7D03-6BE1-4BB9-9F34-1221E723B87F}  <-- wow04:57
nickolidandesmet put the win drive as slave and ubuntu as master04:58
cryptoknightuse a floppy04:58
=== ells [~steve@69-171-77-164.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
chavodandesmet, install grub to the mbr of the first drive.04:58
cryptoknighteasiest most non intrusive away04:58
nickolihaha tru04:58
ablyssgrub didn't detect my windows partitons04:58
chavothen he'll have to edit his boot.ini04:58
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cryptoknightgrub has fried my box alot of times04:58
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ellshas anyone been able to copy home dvds to play on their home players04:58
cryptoknightyes ells04:58
a_pecktyrese, oh. but it is positive that Ubuntu adds value over debian. debian can be top-notch forever if they want, if their work is recognized by companies that generate value and businesses04:58
ablyssi use lilo now, but off mdk to boot04:59
ellscryptoknight, what did you use04:59
cryptoknightand k3b04:59
a_pecktyrese, or do they have other objectives?04:59
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holycowa_peck, it is important however to always remind everyone that ubuntu is a 'temporary' fork because it is based on 6 month snapshots with hopefully a lot of the work going back to debian04:59
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nickolitoo many apps that i like are for kde04:59
a_peckholycow, plus that!04:59
cryptoknighti like gnombust as well05:00
holycowbased on the recent slashbot postings, i don't think anyone has a clue what ubuntu is about, they think its just another xandros05:00
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ellscrytpoknight, vobcopy by itself05:00
dandesmetif i install grub on the new drive, can i create an entry in windows's boot.ini to boot to the second hard drive?05:00
ellscrytpoknight, how bout compression05:00
nickolidandesmet sure05:00
membreyain rsync, doing a sudo rsync -av --exclude "/media/" / /media/downloads/Linux, that will backup everything from my root (/) but exclude /media/ correct?05:00
nickolii dont know, i hardly have used windows05:00
cryptoknighti cheated for that ells05:00
a_peckholycow, if they don't try, they're naysayers05:00
revelateris there a program for small buisness mangement?05:00
ablyssthe preferred xfce4 for ubunto is sweet. A must try for any of you who have tried it05:00
cryptoknightwine and dvdshrink05:00
ellscrytpoknight, how so05:00
ellscrytpoknight, dvdshrink wont work for me05:00
cryptoknightcheck alllinuxinfo.com05:00
crimsunheh, I just updated xfdesktop405:00
cryptoknightor freshmeat.net05:01
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cryptoknighti am sure someone has made a decent linux shrinker05:01
ellscrytpoknight, I found a website, takes a while though05:01
cryptoknighthow long is a while?05:01
holycowa_peck, true, i think it needs to be upfront and key in the 'marketing speak' though, ubuntus popularty is underpinned by holding true to debian and debian ideals within reason... this also explain partly why things like xandros are not very popular05:01
tyresedandesmet, what I would recomend, is installing the second blank hard disk in your machine, to make sure that you get all the jumpers correct, and that XP will actually boot. After that, use the ubuntu install, and make sure that you select to install on the second disk, not the first. Then install Grub, then go make yourself a cup of coffee, or maybe a shot of whiskey depending on how much trouble you went through! and don't for05:01
tyreseget to send me my fee, via paypal!05:01
ellscrytpoknight, 1 hour start to finish05:01
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cryptoknightthat sounds about right05:01
cryptoknighteven in windows it takes a good 45 min05:01
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cryptoknightand thats with a dual amd 300005:02
cryptoknightwith 1 gig o ram05:02
ellscrytpoknight, I did it yesterday, work good05:02
ablyssxfce mousepad editor brought piece and happiness back into my life05:02
dandesmetall i've got in the fridge is bourbon...will that work?05:02
cryptoknightand a 16x dvdrom05:02
ellscrytpoknight, I have a P4, 3 gig05:02
nickolianyone what05:02
Nulldevscott: that bug link you sent me keeps referring to /etc/modules/ but that folder doesn't even exist, is that a problem?05:02
membreyain rsync, doing a sudo rsync -av --exclude "/media/" / /media/downloads/Linux, that will backup everything from my root (/) but exclude /media/ correct?05:02
cryptoknightremember to always use dvd-r's05:02
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ellscrytpoknight, why05:02
tyresea_peck, I don't think debian users have another objective, but everyone things that thier solution, is the best solution. It's like a slap to the face to have someone take what you did, and make it a little better - they just feel....... violated - I don't expect that type of attitude from the opensource community05:03
a_peckholycow, what's important is that Ubuntu gets credible for e-business consultants, IT consultants, etc. on the make may rely on it. South of the Equator the market is huge. And Ubuntu's meaning is part of life there.05:03
membreyaNull: /etc/modules is a file05:03
cryptoknightdvd-r was the first standard05:03
cryptoknight+r came on later so not all dvd players play +r05:03
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nickoliwhen did the ubuntu project begin05:03
ellscrytpoknight, they do seem more in use ,and are more expensive05:03
tyresenickoli, From the press release, I think it's only 6 months old05:03
a_pecktyrese, if things are clearly said, we can only hope for the best. otherwise, we need to ask for official communication.05:03
cryptoknighti get mine on sale at walmart (evil empire)05:03
cryptoknight30 for 13 bux05:03
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a_pecktyrese, best we can hope for and hope doing05:04
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cryptoknightyes walmart is evil but they are so cheap i cant resist05:04
holycowa_peck, i run i.t. here, it's very credible with me at least, it will ge there, as long as ubuntu keeps on rolling back into debian and working with dd's closely, it's smooth sailing.05:04
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membreyanoone knows rsync? :(05:04
ellscrytpoknight, I buy some there05:04
linuxpoetWhat do you need to know about rsync?05:04
cryptoknightbtw alllinuxinfo.com is my site05:04
membreyalinuxpoet: in rsync, doing a sudo rsync -av --exclude "/media/" / /media/downloads/Linux, that will backup everything from my root (/) but exclude /media/ correct?05:04
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cryptoknighti am trying to index as much linux software as possible05:04
cryptoknighti already got linuxlinks beat05:05
a_peckholycow, that's cool feedback :) all the work we are asked for! this rules :)05:05
ellscryptoknight, will have to check it out05:05
linuxpoetI would do -auv though05:05
membreyathankyou linuxpoet, I can stop doing -avn now :P05:05
cryptoknightthere are currently over 44452 linux links online05:05
linuxpoetI believe it is -auv --exclude=05:05
ellscryptoknight, windows days are numbered05:05
holycowon a side note, does anyone know where to specify a specific refresh rate for xorg?  i know about refresh rates and resolutions, but when you select 'refresh rate' in gui, where does that get stored in a text file?  i have a resolution thats not working under vmware and need to forcibly drop down to 60hz05:05
cryptoknighti got php robots i made that go out and spider things05:06
cryptoknightto get new links05:06
tyresea_peck, the way I see it, it's like buing a car, which the makers, ie Ford, have tailored to appeal to as many as possible. Ford like thier product as it is, but if I talk it to my local boy racer, and get him to lower it, swap out the air filter for a racing model, and get some nice bucket sets, Ford are gonna be pissed05:06
membreyathankyou so much linuxpoet :)05:06
linuxpoetholycow: /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:06
cryptoknightyes i am one of those freaks that thinks php can replace anything pretyt much05:06
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holycowa_peck, i am converting a sarge pilot project desktop to ubuntu, and will do a usability study here, as well, i have agreed with someone here to pilot an ubuntu desktop at home and will be doing a usability study there as well05:06
cryptoknighti havnt made a perl shell script in over 2 years now05:06
linuxpoethey crypto05:06
a_pecktyrese, sure. but the difference is Ford is not open source!05:06
holycowmy way of sharing back05:06
cryptoknighthey linuxboy05:06
tyresea_peck, LOL - Good point!05:07
cryptoknighterr linuxpoet05:07
linuxpoethave you tried plphp05:07
nickolithey should start an open source car company05:07
helio7what's a good alternate browser to firefox (just to test something) (preferably with graphics, I've already tried lynx)05:07
cryptoknightdont belive i have05:07
membreyalinuxpoet: now I just have to make it a daily cron job :D05:07
cryptoknightwhat is it?05:07
linuxpoetkonqueror helio705:07
ellstritium: what is up mike05:07
membreyahelio7: galleon05:07
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tyresenickoli, An opensource car company - That would be brilliant, imagine the number of forks!!05:07
linuxpoetThe ability to write server side functions and procedures in php for PostgreSQL05:07
holycowlinuxpoet, i know, where exactly do you force a 1024x76 to either be 60hz or 75? i don't see the relationship between default/current refresh rate and default/current resolution?05:07
a_peckholycow, :) what will sarge pilot bring to your business ?05:07
nickolityrese imagine05:07
cryptoknighti dont use postgres05:07
cryptoknightnormally sqlite or mysql05:07
linuxpoetyou are missing out05:08
linuxpoetone sec holycow05:08
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cryptoknighti dont see a need for stored procedures though05:08
cryptoknighti would use firedb if i did05:08
tritiumells, Hi Steve.  Getting ready for my trip.05:08
linuxpoetI don't no holycow sorry05:08
a_pecknickoli, tyrese, why not?05:08
ellstritium: where ya headed05:08
holycowa_peck, it was installed before hoary, we are switching away from windows.  it already brings greater productivity, stability, no viruses, no spyware, users cannot messup their ssystems, no licencing fees to ms ... i can write a book on it05:08
linuxpoetYour missing out :)05:08
nickolia_peck lets do it05:08
holycowlinuxpoet, no worries :)05:08
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cryptoknightgive me 1 advantage of using a stored procedure05:09
a_peckyou got linux, apache, php, mysql, dotproject, wikis, and everything you need05:09
tritiumells, Arizona :)05:09
tyresenickoli, An opensource car, would only be able to drive in certain countries, because of the encryption used, central locking wouldn't be allowed to be used in the US05:09
linuxpoetcode management05:09
ellstritium: really, where05:09
cryptoknightisnt that what the UI is for?05:09
goLonghornsif I already have 4 primary partitions, (NTFS, swap, ext3, ext3), is there a way to put one more on without hosing the original 4?05:09
tritiumells, Tucson to visit my sister, and then head up to the U2 concert in Phoenix05:09
linuxpoetdepends on what code you are trying to manage05:09
a_peckholycow, are the users happy?05:09
linuxpoetpresentation code, sure that is what the UI is for05:09
ellstritium: remember, that is where I am from05:09
nickoliwhats an aplay:main:507: audio open error05:09
a_pecknickoli, :))05:09
tyresegoLonghorns, I don't think you can05:09
cryptoknightno i mean shouldnt the ui format the data the proper way before it puts it into the db05:10
tritiumells, I know!05:10
holycowa_peck, so far it's amazing, they only had 5 minutes tutorial (1 person to teach the 10 others), and they are fine05:10
ellstritium: I hope you enjoy the weather05:10
tritiumells, yep05:10
ellstritium: You need to go and get an eegee05:10
tyresegoLonghorns, If I was you, I would move the swap and the two ext3 partitions into an extende partition. And then add another partition05:10
nekohayooohey guys, just wanted to say I fixed the nvidia problem.. by rebooting >___<;; *runs away in shame*05:11
linuxpoetYes but that doesn't mean it will, but that is more about constraints anyway... I was speaking more about functions for handling logic05:11
ellstritium: they have awesome sandwiches and fruit slushees05:11
holycowa_peck, two problems we haveto solve: some of our word docs don't convert fully in oo.o (small issue, not a problem), and i need to setup a 'shared' folder on a multiuser system with the right permissions so readers can also write to the files between users (i got info on this the other day)05:11
tritiumells, I've been there, dude :)05:11
linuxpoetFor example with php505:11
linuxpoetYou could do05:11
holycowa_peck, we are also standardizing on devices that have known linux support so thats not an issue at all either05:11
ellstritium: I wish they would franchise out of Arizona05:11
linuxpoet(pseudo code)05:11
=== jordanau decides to spill Dr. Pepper all over himself
linuxpoetinsert stuff05:11
a_peckholycow, write the book then, online, on a wiki. publish it as a best practice. expose it to ubuntu-lovers / consultants05:11
holycowa_peck, most mobos have linux support so upgrading wont be a problem05:11
membreyaclever jordanau :P05:11
goLonghornstyrese,  are there any rules one must follow about extended partitions? i.e. where it should start?05:11
linuxpoetI am sorry you didn't use a correct date format05:11
linuxpoetSince the database is going to throw an exception05:12
holycowa_peck, thats the goal :), the only problem is time05:12
jordanaumembreya, sticky actually05:12
tyreseDoes anyone else in here run ubuntu on a PowerPC aka *mac*-?05:12
a_peckholycow, it's a wiki...05:12
linuxpoetYou don't have to worry about the client UI, you just have to catch the error and allow the user to re-enter05:12
cryptoknightbut a simple if (preg_match(){ do code } else { error}05:12
holycowokay so does anyone here know the relationship between v / h refresh rates and resoultions in x?  how do i manually force x to go to a particular resolution and particular refresh rate for it?05:12
cryptoknightwould do the exact same thing05:12
jordanauanyone here play planeshift?05:12
goLonghornsholycow,  xtimings.sf.net ?05:12
linuxpoetIt isn't the "exact" same thing05:12
nickolijordanau never heard of it05:12
holycowa_peck, are you an ubuntu dev?05:13
] BreliC[jordanau, not yet.. how is it?  i was checking it out today05:13
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linuxpoetTry it sometime, push it against say 1000 transactions over 15 connections05:13
a_peckholycow, i don't dev at all. am rookie user05:13
tyresegoLonghorns, a hardisk can have 4 partitions 1-4 can be primary, but then thats the max. If you make partition 4 an Extended Partition, then you can create as many partitions in there as you like05:13
goLonghornsholycow,  err, xtiming*05:13
jordanauIt is updating i will let you know when i finally can play it05:13
linuxpoetIf you push it into the DB you are going to get better reliability05:13
stryderjzwhi, i was wondering if it's possible to install using live cd disk05:13
cryptoknightwell see currently i manage a web app that has about 10,000 concurent connections05:13
jordanaunickoli, it is an openly develpoed free mmorpg05:13
cryptoknightphp 4 and mysql05:13
nickoliwohh mmorpg no way05:13
tyresegoLonghorns, I would recommend using something like partition magic to walk yourself through it - it's pretty easy05:13
goLonghornstyrese,  coolness.. I shall look into this further.. thanks :)05:13
nickolijordanau fps for lif05:13
holycowgoLonghorns, i know x does some of the caclulations automatically, but there has to be a text file that stipulates what the CURRENT default setings are? xorg.conf stipulates the possibilities only05:13
cryptoknightit all runs on a single pentium 4 box05:14
cryptoknightwith 512 of ram05:14
jordanaunickoli, i understand me too05:14
holycowa_peck, lol no worries, just curious, your questions are reather pointed05:14
jordanaunickoli, but it is free and i am bored05:14
nickolijordanau thats why i got cedega, i need my cs05:14
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jordanaunickoli, yeah i have it on my windows boot05:14
membreyapentium 4 ...*barfs*05:14
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nickolijordanau you kept a win boot05:14
ellsnickoli, cedega is not free, right05:14
jordanaunickoli, mmmm dod source soon05:15
cryptoknighti agree i hate pentium as well but ya know i didnt buy the hardware05:15
a_peckholycow, i'm a big fan of open source. it will bring a fresh choice to people. a new hope. every tool is a jedi :) fed with the Force and all ;)05:15
nickolijordanau i have source05:15
=== SiRrUs [~SiRrUs@HSE-MTL-ppp73796.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
cryptoknightbtw has anyone checked out fpdf05:15
ellsnickoli, I am not gonna pay for software for open source05:15
jordanaunickoli, yes i kept a winboot05:15
nickolijordanau lol05:15
cryptoknightvery nice alternative for pdflib05:15
membreyacryptoknight: but it's just cheap to buy an amd64 :P05:15
jordanaudod source?05:15
nickoliells its worth it05:15
cryptoknightfree and open source05:15
nickolijordanau dod no05:15
ellsnickoli, what all does it do05:15
cryptoknighti agree membreya05:15
nickoliells cedega05:15
cryptoknightbut the box was given to me05:16
a_peckholycow, also I'm trying to find my way into e-business consulting in Brazil, freelance, so I've been reading and thinking05:16
cryptoknightso....... i use it05:16
nickoliells the best stuff ever05:16
holycowa_peck, i'm fine with the commercial software industry, but you don't realize what blasted scam artists they are until you run a trully free system, for example, macromedia is packaging yahoo toolbar with their plugins now, can you believe that nonsense?05:16
nickoliells its $15 come on05:16
cryptoknighttime for flash to die!05:16
ellsnickoli, really05:16
holycowsymantec uses scare tactics with respect to osx to get sales up because no one needs antivirus on osx05:16
] BreliC[holycow, it becomes incestuous05:16
a_peckholycow, lol. call it freedom of choice :)05:16
ellsnickoli, I thought it was more05:16
nickoliells i just lost my pswd so i cant cancel my subscription05:16
nickoliells no05:16
ellsnickoli, it is a monthly fee?05:16
nickoliells yea05:17
nickoliells but you can cancel05:17
holycow] BreliC[, absolutely, i just found a company selling 'installation tools' for linux, my god how i despise the ms mindset trying to move over to linux, they have no clue even when they actually do the work05:17
nickoliells anyways its only 5 a month so w/e05:17
ellsnickoli, 5 a month05:17
nickoliells yes05:17
Nulldevscott: well I got the pcmcia_core and i82365 modules to load, but now it doesn't recognize the network card05:17
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odysseyhas anyone managed to compile cedega from cvs?05:17
ellsnickoli, what all does it do05:17
nickoliells plays any win game05:17
cryptoknightno odyssey05:18
helio7ok random question: what would you suspect if you were unable to load http://www.haloscan.com/ and any site using their "commenting" tool, but everything else on the web works fine, and they claim not to do any system-wide blocking of IP addresses?05:18
jordanauells, get the CVS for free :)05:18
nickolino way05:18
ellsjordanau: where05:18
nickolithats some hairy stuf05:18
cryptoknighthelio7,  it could be one of your settings actually05:18
jordanauyeah i know but no cost :)05:18
odysseyjordanau, you managed to build it05:18
=== Forsakenblade41 [Forsakenbl@ACA04CBC.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
] BreliC[holycow, how true!  unfortunately the capitalist mindset of the business world will overtake the communist (and i mean this in the pure sense of the word) mindset of open source05:18
cryptoknighta buddy of mine couldnt get to the sprint.com site for over a year05:18
nickolidang kaffeine just bugged out05:18
jordanaujust a suggestion05:18
a_peckholycow, you must hope it stops, but not likely until computer class isn't "Learn to use MS Excel, vol 1" anymore05:18
helio7cryptoknight: such as which setting crypto?05:18
=== cryptoknight is thinking
jordanauhave you seen the how to to do it with the script?05:18
Forsakenblade41Somebody please help me05:18
ellsjordanau: the free one wont work05:19
helio7cryptoknight: it worked just fine for a long time05:19
holycow] BreliC[, true, but as long as there is richard stallman and debian, we have an island of freedom to bank on05:19
nickoliForsakenblade41 with what05:19
cryptoknightit had to do with a default high traffic flag set in the kernel05:19
ellsjordanau: the free one wont work?05:19
XenguyForsakenblade41: question?05:19
jordanauells, will it not?05:19
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=== cryptoknight goes to dig around in /proc
nickolinow my sound is not working05:19
] BreliC[amen ;)05:19
ellsjordanau: just asking05:19
Forsakenblade41Im trying ot install ubantu and it wil get to "searching for php cards" and freeze05:19
membreyadamn, rsyncing my entire drive takes a while :P05:19
ellsjordanau: are you using it05:19
jordanauells, i dont know it is a development release so it is not as easy check this page out05:19
crimsunnickoli: how so?05:19
nickolimembreya whats rsync for05:19
helio7cryptoknight: I can't even load it via Lynx... so what setting could it possibly be05:20
nickolicrimsun what my sound05:20
ellsjordanau: where is it at05:20
K-Richwell i tried installing hoary and it let me know the CD was bad, of course, it waited until after it formated my drive05:20
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membreyanickoli: on a local machine, pretty much an advanced CP :P05:20
tyreseWhere can I find decoders for my AVI files? A lot of stuff I have won't play05:20
helio7nickoli: for synchronized backup tasks (rsync)05:20
Nulldevscott: and in ifconfig eth0 doesn't show up05:20
crimsunnickoli: right, I'm asking for more details. Simply saying "it's not working" is slim pickings to diagnose05:20
ellsjordanau: cool05:20
cryptoknighti belive it was tcp_ecm05:20
=== DonL [~don@d207-216-57-201.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
jordanauodyssey, did you try the link above for the CVS??05:20
nickolicrimsun sorry but kaffeine force shutdown, and now my sound is not working05:20
helio7cryptoknight: tcp_em? that's directed at me?05:21
a_peckholycow, and as soon as it will be of interest to the public (through e-business), the community may become an asset for companies. debian can stay free if nobody corrupts it. hopefully, no one needs kings anymore...05:21
crimsunnickoli: kaffeine? so you're using kubuntu?05:21
nickolicrimsun negative05:21
cryptoknightyes helio705:21
jordanaui am about to play planeshift i will tell y'all how it is05:21
nickolicrimsun kde angered me when i used mdk 10.105:21
membreyahmmm, what's the kcore file for in /proc/ ?05:21
crimsunnickoli: what's kaffeine's sound backend configured as?05:21
helio7ok thanks; gives me something to google05:21
DonLthanks to everybody here and on the forum for the hints to get me from Warty to Hoary. Finally happened last night05:21
cryptoknightsend an email to tuxthepenguin@secureirc.org05:21
nickolicrimsun let me try totem05:21
cryptoknightand ask him what setting it was for the sprint site05:21
K-Richcrimsun: dude, can i get your repository address again?05:22
cryptoknightit all evolved around a cisco bug05:22
crimsunK-Rich: it's deprecated now that Hoary has release.05:22
cryptoknightand only certin models got an upgrade05:22
nickolicrimsun ok its just kaffeine sound thats not working05:22
nickolicrimsun totem is running fine05:22
cryptoknightas a result it breaks a very specific QOS flag in tcp packets05:22
K-Richcrimsun: Hmmm... i'm still using Warty... can't seem to get Hoary installed to save my life :/05:22
smoucheI thought kaffeine and totem both used xine05:23
helio7nickoli: try this hoary soundfix http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SoundProblemsHoary/view?searchterm=audio%20flash05:23
crimsunK-Rich: deb http://sh.nu/~crimsun/ ./05:23
DonLK-Rich, me too. After a couple of failed attempts, I was ready to call it quits05:23
cryptoknightK-Rich,  what kinda errors u having?05:23
nickolihelio7 now totem is locking up05:23
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helio7nickoli: that link I passed you fixed sound in firefox for me, and has a few other sound-fixes for hoary issues...05:24
nickolialright let me try this05:24
K-Richcryptoknight: from the CD is said the CD was bad and it can't get bsdutils, then i tried apt and got an error on it not being able to configure any of the opackages :/05:24
cryptoknighti had a similar issue with the freetype fonts05:25
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cryptoknighti kept getting io errors05:25
nickoliwell i guess i will fix my sound later05:25
nickolijust reboot05:26
cryptoknighti ended up having to force it to dl from one of the sites05:26
mcrawforodd - uqm-content is in apt but not uqm itself05:26
smouchenickoli, kaffeine is buggy -- may still be running, even if you closed it -- check top -- is your cpu running hard?05:26
mcrawforanyone know what's up with that?05:26
nickolismouche 4% useage05:27
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chavomcrawfor, I see both here.05:27
nickoliif im not using ssh can i shut down the ssh process05:27
smoucheanyway, after I play a dvd in kaffeine, and close it, kaffeine keeps my cpu throttled up with fan blowing05:27
mcrawfori have universe enabled05:27
nomasteryodasmouche, try using mplayer instead05:28
nomasteryodait seems to have a much lower resource need05:28
nickoliwhat does sleeping mean n the process list05:28
DonLno problems with mplayer in Hoary?05:28
cryptoknightno webmin package for horray?05:28
smoucheyep, nomasteryoda, I'm putting 'em all through their paces05:29
nomasteryodaah, ic05:29
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nomasteryodai used xine, but found it lacking for some stuff05:29
jr_G-mananybody got dmraid to work?05:29
jr_G-manit doesn't appear to be on my system...05:29
jr_G-manand i can't apt-get it05:29
jr_G-manand i can't compile it because it can't find libdevmapper.h05:29
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DonLI always liked mplayer better, but for some reason it stopped working in Warty for me05:29
jr_G-maneven though libdevmapper is installed and up to date05:29
nomasteryodaand I keep a geexbox disk around for kicks... it is too cool to boot up with a miniCD and only have mplayer working05:30
mcrawforhmm - so i see it in multiverse05:30
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mcrawfordo people recommend enabling multiverse?05:30
nomasteryodaand i can watch my encrypted dvds with it05:30
nomasteryoda... dvds i got from the dumpster05:30
mcrawfori have no production stable needs, but i've made some very confused systems by using the unstable-est level in package managers before...05:30
nomasteryodaso free OS, free computer, free dvds and free player05:30
nickolimy comp wasnt free dam05:31
nickolii spited dell with ubuntu05:31
nomasteryodadumpster diving has its upside, the downside is all the extra crap you have lying around05:31
smouchemy electricity is sort of free.  wish my broadband was...05:31
cryptoknighti got mine on sale at you guesed it walmart!05:31
cryptoknightwell this 1 at least05:31
nickolii want one of those wal-mart linux lappys05:32
DonLWalMart's selling Linux boxes, aren't they?05:32
nickoliread it on lxer05:32
nomasteryodaDonL and laptops05:32
BlackLabelis there a way i can make a partition readable and writable on my ubuntu/winxp dual boot system?05:32
cryptoknightonly on walmart.com though05:32
ellsdoes anyone know if I have to have this file  /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.a05:32
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nomasteryodaBlackLabel: which partition? NTFS?05:32
nickoliells delete it and see what happens05:32
cryptoknightlinux dont officially support writing to ntfs05:32
crimsunells: if you want to compile OpenGL applications, yes05:32
DonLcryptoknight, not in the stores?05:32
ellsnickoli, ok, is that what I want05:33
nickoliells yes05:33
cryptoknightDonL,  not that i have seen05:33
ellscool, what the hell05:33
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cryptoknightthere is also ext explorer for windows btw05:33
nickoliells libgl you dont need that for gl05:33
DonLHmmm. Wouldn't want those things on display. lol05:33
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cryptoknightlets you see ext2/3 drives in windows and copy between the 205:33
BlackLabeldoesnt matter what fs, just as long as i can read and write with winxp and linux05:33
ellsnickoli, we will see what happens05:33
nomasteryodaBlackLabel: if you value your data... make a shared parition that is fat3205:33
nickoliells alright05:33
nomasteryodalinux will write to that fine05:33
ellsnickoli, be right back05:34
BlackLabelwinxp will read the fat32 partitoin?05:34
nomasteryodait was my solution for a few years05:34
nomasteryodathen i told MS to take a hike05:34
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nickoliells alright05:34
nomasteryodaBlackLabel: yes05:34
nomasteryodaread, write05:34
smoucheI like fat32 cause it's easy to remember which partition I'm sharing stuff on if I'm reformatting or repartitioning...;-)05:34
nomasteryodayou could even install XP on a fat32 if it was using the Upgrade mode05:34
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nomasteryodabut then security would be the issue05:35
nickoliuse fat1605:35
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cryptoknightnot really nomasteryoda05:35
cryptoknightthe "Security" in ntfs is easily circumvented05:35
nomasteryoda well, at least from the windows xp side05:35
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nickolijust dont use windows05:35
DonLThat's right, nomasteryoda . My wife's XP is an upgrade from 98 and I think it's Fat 3205:35
smouchewinxp is fine with fat32; I have some drives on my xp box in fat32, some ntfs.  No problem05:36
cryptoknightseriously there are programs to crack the "encrypted" files on ntfs in under a minute05:36
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DonLI don't use Windows on my machine, but my wife and son have windows boxes05:36
nomasteryodai kept having permission issues with one windowsxp box at work... lo and behold - fat3205:36
nickoliDonL take it off05:36
DonLI have to retain some familiarity with them to fix the viruses05:36
nomasteryodaDonL, i don't support windows at home.05:36
cryptoknightbestcrypt is the best for security in any environment05:36
nomasteryodai get paid to do that at work05:36
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nickoliDonL 12 at night go around and take win off their boxes05:37
DonLnomasteryoda, they can use what they want.05:37
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nickoliDonL if not that put on knoppix05:37
DonLVery sneaky! lol05:37
nickolicryptoknight that has been a life saver for me05:37
cryptoknighti cant stand knoppix05:37
nickolicryptoknight why05:37
jordanauyeah planehshift is boring05:37
cowbudbreezy is already aboot..05:37
cryptoknightit's just so....... toyish05:37
DonLThe live Ubuntu is great05:37
cryptoknightand i hate the desktop05:37
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nomasteryodaDonL, have you tried the knoppix Cebit 3.8 qemu version? you can pop that sucker into a windows machine with windows running and it will load right up05:38
cryptoknightkde based05:38
behdoes anyone here use comcast05:38
DonLOh no, I haven't, nomasteryoda05:38
nomasteryodait is very slick05:38
membreyaback off of kde :P05:38
nickolicryptoknight i loved kde till it kept crashing on mdk05:38
cowbudnomasteryoda: is that available for download yet?05:38
cryptoknightkde is just to bloated for me05:38
nickolicryptoknight a bit05:38
cowbudsweet i'll have to grab it..05:38
cryptoknighti am an icewm / gnome person05:38
jordanauwhats the new one, yellow dog?, where you can burn your settings on the cd?05:38
nickolicryptoknight whats icewm05:38
nomasteryodajordanau: wow05:38
bestadvocatehey does anyone here use rox?05:39
nickoliwhats that05:39
jordanaunickoli, it is a window manager05:39
nomasteryodayellowdog is redhat05:39
cryptoknightREALLY light weight window manager05:39
DonLI loved KDE till I got Gnome 2.8. Now with 2.10 it's even better05:39
nickolicryptoknight sounds shifty05:39
behdoes anyone here use comcast cable internet?05:39
nomasteryodai have it on my Dumpsterdove powerbook05:39
nickolibeh no05:39
tritiumbeh, yes05:39
jordanaunomasteryoda, maybe it is based off it then05:39
cryptoknightbeh nope05:39
nomasteryodaDonL, yea... the new ubuntu is nice05:39
smoucheI do, bestadvocate, in kubuntu.  Works great -- er, rox file manager you mean? or rox desktop?05:39
nickolibeh comcast makes to much off my cable tv05:39
cryptoknightwhat do you need assistance with beh ?05:40
nomasteryodaDonL and i started the build process for Beagle... in my ubuntu box05:40
behtritium have you ever had it where it would not resolve domain names or it would take realllly long05:40
nickolibeh i broke the cable box remote hope they dont need it back05:40
DonLMaybe I'll have to install Kubuntu on my spare drive to try it05:40
tritiumbeh, no, can't say that I have05:40
behwell this is the second time its happened its pissing me off05:40
cryptoknighttry diffrent dns servers05:40
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behhow do i know what to switch em too05:40
cryptoknightin /etc/resolve05:40
nickolibeh verizon dsl05:40
behi reset my modem but it gets the same dns servers05:40
bestadvocaterox the file manager smouche05:40
DonLWhat's Beagle, nomasteryoda05:40
behnickoli i need real help05:40
smoucheI hated kde before, with kubuntu I loved it.  Once I turned off the bouncing cursors!05:40
cryptoknightput as your first dns server05:40
nickolibeh ohh sorry05:40
nomasteryodaDonL, here's the link http://tinyurl.com/563op for the knoppix qemu05:40
jordanaunomasteryoda, it is called puppy05:40
bestadvocatesmouche do you know how to trun on regular spartal instead of ubuntu spartal?05:41
smoucherox-filer is fantastic, bestadvocate.05:41
DonLThanks I'll take a look05:41
nomasteryodaDonL, the best search engine for your desktop05:41
nickolii dont trust a linux named puppy05:41
cryptoknight*should* work05:41
nomasteryodajordanau: no, go to www.nat.org05:41
bestadvocatelol yah05:41
tugaloneis anyone on Comcast here?05:41
behcryptoknight what is the line supposed to look like in resolv.conf05:41
geneo93hehe i just got booted from mandrake05:41
smoucheyou mean in nautilus?  sorry, I'm using kde now... and I've never been sure what spatial means...05:41
behcryptoknight nvm05:42
nickolibeh eth0 iface inet dhcp isnt that it05:42
bestadvocatelol actually i ment from xfce05:42
cryptoknightsorry resolv.conf05:42
DonLnomasteryoda, does running linux under windows cause slowness?05:42
cryptoknightand nameserver
nomasteryodaDonL, jordanau look at this site... http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BeagleInstallHowto05:42
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jeramy_Anybody try qemu on ubuntu?05:42
nomasteryodaDonL, you need plenty of ram05:42
DonLI would think05:42
tugalonecryptoknight: that a DNS public DNS server/05:42
cryptoknightyeppers tugalone05:42
nomasteryodajeramy_: i have used ubuntu via qemu on my suse box05:42
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bestadvocatesmouche, the window hops around allot, is that the default?05:42
nomasteryodaand my windows box at work05:42
cryptoknightand ns2.secureirc.org05:43
nickolidam suse05:43
cryptoknightare public05:43
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jordanaunomasteryoda, i know what beagle is i am talking about the live cd you can burn changes to05:43
jeramy_How much RAM do you have, nomasteryoda?05:43
smouchebestadvocate, - which window? Rox?05:43
tugalonecryptoknight: but untrusted i suppose :0 Comcast just crapped their DNS servers i heard.05:43
nomasteryodaon this box05:43
nomasteryoda512mb at work05:43
bestadvocatesmouche yes the rox one05:43
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behcryptoknight just curious where did u get that dns server from05:43
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cryptoknightyes tugalone05:43
nomasteryodaon my linux box and my windows xp box05:43
cryptoknighti own secureirc.org05:43
cryptoknightthats one of my boxes05:43
DASCanyone know. how i can recover archive?05:43
behcryptoknight you have a dns server/05:43
jeramy_I tried running WinXP on qemu 0.5.5 with 256MB RAM05:43
cryptoknightyes beh05:43
jeramy_it was brutal05:43
daysonhow do I make my default background bigger then 800x600 resolution?05:44
cryptoknighti got 6 of them05:44
DonLI bookmarked beagle and will check it out later, nomasteryoda05:44
nomasteryodajeramy_: LOL05:44
tugalonecryptoknight: ever heard of dnssec? know of anyone supporting it?05:44
behcryptoknight haha thanks much faster than the ones comcast assigns05:44
nomasteryodaDonL, cool05:44
cryptoknightnp beh05:44
smouchehmmm- if you mean the automatic size changing, yeah, that seems weird at first, but now I like it; saves space on desktop, and usually saves scrolling05:44
cryptoknightshould be wicked fast05:44
jordanauright now i am enjoying xfce is it the shit05:44
behcryptoknight do you know any other dns server for a secondary?05:44
jeramy_I also couldn't get the network to work either.05:44
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calamarijeramy_: xp brutalizes you no matter what.. it's a horrible os05:44
DASCbut i delete with the command for aberrancy05:44
nomasteryodacalamari: Amen05:44
daysonhow do I make my default background bigger then 800x600 resolution?05:44
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nomasteryodaxp sucks a system dry05:44
cryptoknightns2.secureirc.org has address
smouchebut I don't know how well rox works out in gnome, nomasteryoda , if that's what you're using; in kubuntu it's great05:45
jordanaucalamari, at least it is the best so far from them05:45
cryptoknightuse that as secondary05:45
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behk thakns05:45
jeramy_calamari, I actually find it quite snappy.  I hate MS though, so I use XP as little as possible.05:45
cryptoknighti run a small hosting company05:45
nomasteryodasmouche: cool, i'll have to try05:45
cryptoknightin my spare time05:45
holycowokay i found how to manually force gnome to resize a session to a specific res/refresh: gnome obviously resizes x based on the session on login, the info for this is stored in gconf on a per user basis the file can be round in ~user/.gconf/desktop/gnome/screen/default/005:45
calamarijordanau: I think 98 is still the best, but Ubuntu was good enough to switch to Linux, so I'm happy :)05:45
jordanauactually i take that back 98 SE was good05:45
DonLI think today is the last day MS will tolerate you not upgrading to SP205:45
cryptoknightjust a way for me to pay for all my toys basicly05:45
jordanausgood timing :)05:45
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dazedcryptoknight, i used to design web pages for small businesses when i was a few years younger05:46
holycowms tolerate?05:46
holycowi love the 1984'ish sound of that05:46
holycowthey can bite me05:46
DonLholycow, exactly!05:46
cryptoknighti am an IT manager at a marketing company05:46
cryptoknight*gasp* for microsoft05:46
jeramy_Win98 crashes when you try and run newer GTK2 apps.  :(05:46
nomasteryodaholycow:  i discovered that my ubuntu box needed to have the monitor switched on to know the right mode for x... odd,05:46
cryptoknightwell one of our clients is microsoft i should say05:46
DASCi delete with the command mc -R05:46
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odysseyis anyone in here using seahorse?05:46
DASChelp me please05:46
behcryptoknight what kind of connection are your servrs on05:46
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DASCis so important05:47
holycownomasteryoda, thats a hidden little piece of info i couldn't google for ages,someone was kind enough ina gnome channel to help, hoping to share05:47
dazedcryptoknight, time for you to leave NOW! :)05:47
a_peckcryptoknight, you shouldn't in fact05:47
DonLcryptoknight, I didn't hear you say anything bad about you know who05:47
a_peckcryptoknight, it's confi, right?05:47
cryptoknighti am a strong linux supporter05:47
K-Richso out of curiosity, how many are sticking to warty?05:47
a_pecklol DonL05:47
cryptoknightall my stuff is linux05:47
cryptoknightbut i figure with me being where i am05:47
calamariweird wquestion for you guys.. I copied the Arial font from 98se, and firefox uses it, but I get no bold.  Bold is actually a different font file.. is there a way to combine them so I can have bold text?05:47
cryptoknighti can influance alot of ppl05:48
cryptoknightand i do05:48
cryptoknighti pursuade alot of our clients to move to linux05:48
cryptoknightwe are a 100% ubuntu shop now05:48
a_peckdid MS say yes?05:48
membreyai influence people when I fart in an elevator...05:48
nomasteryodaholycow: all i had to do was Ctrl+Alt+Bkspc and it fixed the res, but that should work too05:48
dazedcryptoknight, your right linux is not where the money is considering its 90% free05:48
jeramy_K-Rich, my parents are still using warty.  But they have a dial-up connection and I haven't been over there to upgrade yet.  ;)05:48
cryptoknighti would disagree dazed05:48
Edgancryptoknight: you use ubuntu for servers?05:48
nomasteryodacryptoknight: congrats on that man05:48
tugalonea_peck: lol. that'll be the day when Microsoft turns into a Linux shop.05:48
a_pecklol membreya, the message is more important than the conveyr they say05:48
dazedcryptoknight, why so?05:48
cryptoknightEdgan,  trial run yes05:48
geneo93i was selling ubuntu on mandrake and got booted05:48
K-Richcalamari: just install the msttcorefonts package from universe05:49
Edgancryptoknight: that sounds heart warming05:49
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dazedi have heard a lot of talk about ubuntu use for servers05:49
cryptoknightwhy so why?05:49
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nomasteryodageneo93: L:OL05:49
calamariK-rich: those fonts are inferior to the real fonts05:49
dazedlot of *good* talk05:49
cryptoknightit takes a bit of getting used to actually05:49
K-Richcalamari: err those are the real fonts05:49
DonLI found out about Ubuntu on the Fedora irc05:49
calamariK-rich: and I think I did that anyways05:49
calamarithe probalem is there are separate fonts for normal, italic, bold, etc05:49
cryptoknightfor the server side05:49
cryptoknighti am so not used to using packages05:49
cryptoknightright now i am using it for one of our mail servers05:49
cryptoknightseems to be ok05:49
cryptoknightjust needs more documentation on that side05:50
Edgandazed: I have heard talk of it going there with a subproject something like Kubuntu, but not much more.05:50
cryptoknighti found out about it on distrowatch05:50
DASChow is possible recover archives with mc?05:50
EdganDASC: only with ext2, pretty much useless with ext305:50
dazedEdgan, when i was looking at new distros before i chose ubuntu i was asking about stable server distros and ubu was one suggested05:51
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cryptoknighti used to like mandrake for desktop05:51
cryptoknightbut they got evil05:51
Edgandazed: Everything I have heard says Ubuntu isn't for servers yet.05:51
cryptoknightturning into another redhat05:51
DonLI was looking for an easy to install Debian system with Apt05:51
cryptoknightEdgan,  it seems to work great05:51
tritiumEdgan, if that's the case, than neither is Debian05:52
cryptoknightalthough.......... alot of wierd stuff with default installs05:52
Edgantritium: debian is a whole other story05:52
cryptoknightlike apache05:52
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geneo93cryptoknight:  i was a silver member till last week screw them05:52
cryptoknightthe cgi-bin dir is put in /usr/lib/cgi-bin05:52
tritiumEdgan, not that different05:52
Edgantritium: it has a much larger package base and moves at a snail pace05:52
cryptoknighti was bronze geneo9305:52
danielsEdgan: i don't see anything that makes ubuntu not ready for servers05:52
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cryptoknightit just needs more docs for the server side05:52
jeramy_The only downside that I can think of, for Ubuntu as a server, is if you're running stuff from universe05:52
tritiumEdgan, not much larger when you consider universe and multiverse repos05:52
cryptoknightor a editor or something05:52
cryptoknightto find the config files05:53
danielsEdgan: put it this way -- the *.ubuntu.com machines that withered the utter storm of the warty and hoary releases have been running ubuntu since before it was announced to the public05:53
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cryptoknightto setup mailman was sorta rough05:53
Edgandaniels: Are all of the avaliable packages in non-universe/non-metaverse yet?05:53
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jeramy_daniels, heh, good point.  :)05:53
cryptoknighti should make a php+gtk app for this05:54
danielsEdgan: non-universe/non-metaverse?05:54
danielsEdgan: we recompiled the entirety of debian main into universe05:54
danielsEdgan: modulo, of course, anything that failed to build from source05:54
Edgandaniels: universe and metaverse are non-supported, right?05:54
cryptoknightdaniels,  any word on webmin?05:54
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jeramy_Edgan, do you mean stuff like apache-mod-php4?05:54
helio7I can't load a particular url for some reason, and am trying to troubleshoot it; if I can ping the domain successfully, does that conclusively mean they are NOT ip-banning my ip? (they have no reason to, but I can't figure out why I can't load their page)05:54
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danielsEdgan: universe and multiverse are not supported by ubuntu, right.  but there's a masters of the universe team which takes care of universe, and it's not like it gets any *worse* on the way from debian to ubuntu.05:55
danielscryptoknight: no idea, sorry05:55
Edganjeramy_: That would be one good example if it isn't in non-universe/metaverse05:55
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danielsjeramy_: libapache2-mod-php4 is in main05:55
nomasteryodai just installed php 4.x and phpbb 2.0.13 on my iis server today... very nice05:55
cryptoknightk thanks dandesmet05:55
cryptoknighterr daniels05:55
dazedhelio7 maybe its down for maintenance05:55
Edgandaniels: what is universe based on, stable, testing, or unstable?05:55
dphaseany workarounds for the random X lockups caused by the current nvidia drivers?05:55
jeramy_Edgan, I think that it used to be in universe for Warty, but now it's obviously in main.05:56
danielsEdgan: unstable05:56
membreyasweet, my rsync works..backs up my entire drive, excludes /sys/ /proc/ and /media/ :D05:56
difetahey all! I'm running hoary and for the last week i noticed that i cannot resolve any dns names for about 30minutes after the network devices are enabled. I can connect anywhere inside my network or externally via the up address but not via domain name... any ideas?05:56
danielsEdgan: we snapshot sid at various points, but we'll do rolling resyncs if needed to get something more stable05:56
Edgandaniels: so it pretty much as the latest stuff, but how many bugs are in server packages in universe?05:56
DonLdphase, I've noticed a couple of those since I went to Hoary. Figure they'll work themselves out05:56
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danielsEdgan: only as many are in server packages in debian05:56
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dazeddifeta did you add them to your hosts?05:57
Edgandaniels: yeah, but you just said debian unstable, you saying you make unstable debian packages into packages with roughly the same quality as debian stable?05:57
difetadazed add who do my hosts?05:57
danielsEdgan: stable and unstable are names05:57
danielsEdgan: you do know that testing also draws from debian unstable, right?05:58
Edgandaniels: yes, but unstable in my experience is just that.05:58
ellsnickoli: it is installed05:58
membreyahmmm and now with rsync, if I do a --delete, it will remove any files in the receiving directory that I don't have in the originating source?05:58
Edgandaniels: I understand universe != debian unstable05:58
DonLI can stand living a little bit on the edge myself, lol05:58
danielsEdgan: we are not unstable, as I've said.  we draw from unstable at a given point, and then intelligently (human-initiated) sync back specific packages to fix bugs as appropriate.05:58
membreyano bad..bad adam05:58
Edgandaniels: but is the quality really improved much?05:59
membreyathat would delete from my partition :P05:59
racteri just upgraded to hoary and i have no idea how to get sound working!  i've looked on the forums but nothing suggested there seems to help (alsa is already installed and appears to be configured properly, and the volume settings are all up, but apps still say "your soundcard is not configured properly" and the 'speaker-test' command doesn't output any sound).05:59
danielsEdgan: sure.  we fix bugs, we make small additions where necessary.05:59
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DonLracter, what is you card?05:59
racterit's an intel i81005:59
tritiumEdgan, might I suggest you try out the LiveCD to get a first impression?06:00
cryptoknightgood night everyone06:00
Edgandaniels: ok, well, sounds like ubuntu is farther along than I thought. You guys waiting on Debian still to do multiarch?06:00
DonLThat may be a problem06:00
danielsEdgan: we're working with Debian on multiarch stuff, yes (some of our developers are very deeply involved in multiarch)06:00
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Edgantritium: I have tried warty live cd, hoary preview live cd(fried my /home partition), hoary live cd, and hoary install cd06:00
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tritiumEdgan, super!06:00
nomasteryodaracter, i have a way to make the i810 behave06:01
danielsEdgan: live CDs do not touch partitions06:01
DonLthere ya go06:01
nomasteryodalet me get link06:01
guillea_peck de donde eres?06:01
nomasteryodai have a dell D505 and it has the i810/855g card06:01
Edgandaniels: I told it to mount /home and fsck wasn't happy with the results afterward06:01
DonLLOVE this place06:01
a_peckguille de brasil, pero estoy en madrid06:01
a_peckguille tu?06:01
guillesoy de chiule06:01
guilleacabo de instalar ubuntu06:01
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a_peckguille :) necesitas ayuda o vienes participar, mirar...?06:02
denvercould someone please tell me how in the hell to set a root pass in ubuntu06:02
Edgandaniels: luckily it worked out via fsck, but it was scary there for a minute. It turned /home/user into /home/#2342306:02
denverit would be oh so greatly appreciated06:02
guilleajaj solo estoy revisando las aplicaciones06:02
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guillepeor mna me faltara ayuda.. xD06:02
nomasteryodaracter: minde you my site is heavily focused on SuSE, the same method will work for Ubuntu06:02
a_peckguille :) ya volveras06:02
nomasteryodaracter: http://mgalug.org/suse/9.206:02
guilleajaj si06:02
tritiumdenver, you're actuall encouraged to use sudo instead: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo06:02
guilley tu pasas muxo tiempo aca?06:03
denvertritium, i dont want to use sudo06:03
a_peckguille siempre que tengo tiempo para pasar un rato06:03
tritiumdenver, nevertheless, see the URL for what you want06:03
denverthanks so much man06:03
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guilleakjaja  que bueno06:03
tritiumdenver, np06:03
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Edgandaniels: Do you think Ubuntu will have support in the next release in six monthes?06:03
guillehey a_peck tienes msn?06:03
a_peckguille veras esto es increible06:03
nomasteryodadenver, you can also use the "root" terminal06:03
a_pecksi tio06:03
nomasteryodamakes it simpler06:03
Edgandaniels: I mean multiarch support06:03
guillecual es?06:04
geneo93denver:  sudo passwd root06:04
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danielsEdgan: i don't know, but I doubt it.  it's a staggeringly massive undertaking.06:04
jeramy_Edgan, which arch?  It already supports PPC, x86, and x86-64.  That what you mean?06:04
calamariwhere is fonts:/// ?06:04
racternomasteryoda: i'm not sure i'm looking at the right thing here - where does this page talk about sound?06:04
nomasteryodaracter: just a sec06:05
Edganjeramy_: x86_64, in all packages? daniels and what I have read don't seem to agree06:05
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nomasteryodathat link is for my video stuff06:05
Edganjeramy_: with your statement06:05
danielsEdgan: we already support amd64, with a pure64 system06:05
nomasteryodai installed the intel i915 package06:05
nomasteryodafrom their site06:05
Edgandaniels: yeah, pure64 is not good enough yet06:05
danielsEdgan: you're asking about one system, multiple architectures, no? (e.g. amd64 supporting both pure64 and i386)06:05
Edgandaniels: I need 32bit stuff and chroot, bleh06:05
danielsEdgan: you can install i386 if it makes you feel better06:05
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Edgandaniels: that sort of defeats the point06:06
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jeramy_Edgan, yeah, bleh.  I don't have that problem, because I can't afford an AMD64.  :)06:06
nickoli64bit is overated06:06
jordanaucan someone take a look at my pstree and tll me if i can eliminate anything unneccessary?06:06
Edgannickoli: Have you tried it?06:07
nickoliEdgan no my friend has 754 setup06:07
nickoliEdgan and hes a hardcore win fan06:07
Edgannickoli: don't know about 754, but my 939 setup is nice06:07
jeramy_daniels, your name sounds familiar... You work for Canonical, right?06:07
racternomasteryoda: i see this dri-I915 rpm on intel's site, is that the one?  what does that do for sound?  it seems to be a graphics package.06:07
nickoliEdgan 939 what are you spending on your stuff06:07
a_peckbye all06:08
EdganI think multiarch will become less nesscary now that XP x64 is about to come out. Then all the stuff that is tied to 32bit will slowly become avaliable for 64bit06:08
nickoliEdgan i run everything fine on my P2 i dont think 939 is necesary06:08
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nomasteryodalooking for right link06:08
Edgannickoli: About $140 for the motherboard and $300 for the processor06:08
nomasteryodaracter, so your system is complaining that it has no sound card?06:08
nickoliEdgan 32bit for life06:08
jeramy_Edgan, unfortunately Windows is what drives the market atm.06:08
Edgannickoli: haha06:08
nomasteryodaor no driver for it?06:08
nomasteryodajust to make sure I understand how it is failing06:09
Edganjeramy_: yeah, and support. I need 64bit java, flash, and some media dlls06:09
nickoliEdgan why did you get a 93906:09
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Edgannickoli: because 754 is already heading toward EOL06:09
Edgannickoli: 939 is supposed to be able to do dual core processors06:09
racternomasteryoda: when i run xmms it says "your soundcard is not configured properly" no matter what i choose.  and speaker-test doesn't output any sound.06:09
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calcs939 in US is about the same price as s75406:10
nickoliEdgan mehh 754 i sticking round06:10
Edganjeramy_: people like nickoli don't help the 64bit either. Need more adopters06:10
=== calc has two s754 boxes
Edgannickoli: I think the 3700+ is the last 75406:10
DonLracter, can you put in another sound card?06:10
nickoliEdgan w.e i  find that to be overated for linux06:10
racterdonl: it's a laptop, so i can't really do that.06:10
Edgannickoli: I know your opinion already06:10
nickoliEdgan ok good06:10
racterdonl: i have a usb sound device, but i'm not sure that will work any better.06:11
jeramy_Edgan, well I won't be adopting any time soon either.  :)  No upgrades for me for multiple years.  Or until something breaks.06:11
racterand i'd rather not rely on that exclusively06:11
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nomasteryodaracter: did you see this link? http://tinyurl.com/3uzpj06:11
nickoliEdgan is there any difference in the setup between a 32 and 6406:11
nickolilike the kernel06:11
Edganjeramy_: I probably won't do a major upgrade for a few years, unless I get the much better job I have applied for.06:11
calcjeramy_: or until xfce requires a 5ghz cpu? ;)06:11
Edgannickoli: the kernel is compiled for 64bit, can support more memory06:12
calcnickoli: 64bit has more registers06:12
nomasteryodaracter: look at clsdaniel's posting here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1312.html06:12
calcand has 64bit pointers06:12
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Edgannickoli: Where it is really at is the registers as calc just mentioned06:12
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DonLracter, I heard a while ago that the i810 chip might not be supported by anybody for long. That's why I suggested something else. but a laptop, I don't know06:12
StasI am running a livecd of ubuntu06:12
Stashow can I increase the refresh rate of the screen?06:12
calcthe pointers slow it down a bit but the registers more than make up for it06:12
Stasthis 75Hz is REALLY hurting my eyes06:12
] BreliC[any issues on installing ubuntu onto sata drives?06:12
racterhrm.  it worked effortlessly in warty.06:12
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nickoliEdgan ehh... well if it works for you good deal, anyways im spending $500 on a mini mac in june06:13
DonLracter, so it should in Hoary then, I would think06:13
calcnickoli: yea mac mini looks nice :)06:13
nomasteryodaDonL, yes06:13
jeramy_calc, I'm getting by with GNOME ok.  It's a little bit slow to start programs, but otherwise ok.06:13
nickolicalc 40gb hd divide 20/20 one linux one mac06:13
nomasteryodai can't wait to get my hands on one... and put Ubuntu on it06:13
Edgannickoli: I spent $650 on my last upgrade to A64 3500+, 1gb PC3200, nforc3 ultra board06:13
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DonLAfter doing the math, I found the mini mac lacking06:14
nickoliEdgan geeze06:14
calcnickoli: i want one since they are supposedly silent almost all the time06:14
jeramy_and because they're so tiny06:14
nickolicalc well they are small form factor lacking fans06:14
calcyea that too :)06:14
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jeramy_They'd make a great PVR06:14
Edgannickoli: I also got pata to sata convertors so I didn't have to switch to sata or user multiple pci pata controllers06:14
DonL...and powerful pc's are so cheap now06:14
propagandhiis anybody running beagle on ubuntu06:15
nickoliEdgan your setup is embarassing me im ashamed of my dell 240006:15
DonLSomebody here is, propagandhi06:15
nomasteryodanickoli: but the cool factor is +++... when the thing dies in 3 years due to heat issues, people will go damn, why did i go with this pos06:15
calcjeramy_: just need a really good usb hardware encoder, and a usb spdif06:15
Edgannickoli: hehe, my last upgrade was to two 250gb drives from two 120gb drives, I use linux software raid to do striping06:15
nickolinomasteryoda i was going to water cool it06:15
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nomasteryodathat works06:16
jeramy_calc, do usb hw encoders have drivers in Linux?06:16
danielsjeramy_: yeah06:16
nickolinomasteryoda put it in my freezer since its so small06:16
calcjeramy_: no idea06:16
nicedreamsI keep getting "mythtv-setup: cannot connect to X server" and I'm logged in as mythtv.  How can I fix this by giving mythtv access to X?06:16
calcjeramy_: or perhaps encode on another box and stream it on the mini06:16
nickolinomasteryoda mount an apple lcd on the fridge door06:16
jeramy_daniels, I looked you up.  :)  You're doing the x.org and l-r-m packaging?06:16
Stashi could someone help me?06:16
jordanaunomasteryoda, what did you think of puppy?06:16
danielsjeramy_: yeah06:16
nomasteryodanickoli: I just installed a no fan zalman heat sink on my nvidia card06:16
Stasdoes ubuntu support digital sound output?06:17
nomasteryodajordanau: puppy is pretty cool06:17
nickolinomasteryoda i dont trust passive cooling06:17
calcStas: if the alsa drivers do06:17
Stascan I play music through my s/pdif port?06:17
nickolinomasteryoda my p2 box is like a wind tunnel06:17
nomasteryodathis thing is way better than the crappy fan that came on it06:17
crimsunStas: yes06:17
DonLdaniels, I have to thank you. Couldn'06:17
Edgannickoli: my old XP 2500+ with 1gb PC2700 went into my server. I also have a P4 2ghz and XP 1700+. Then there is my XP 2600+ laptop.06:17
jeramy_daniels, I'll refrain from barraging you with a bunch of dev questions.  :)06:17
nomasteryodaand i have 4 fans in the box already06:17
Stashow can I do it crimsun, calc?06:17
DonLCouldn't get Xorg to work on Mandrake06:17
nomasteryodai want water cooling when i go to 64bit06:17
nickoliEdgan ill take the 2500 if your not using it since its so old06:17
calcStas: open volume control and edit preferences, and enable the sliders for iec958 devices (spdif)06:18
calccrimsun: thats correct, right?06:18
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Edgannickoli: hehe, it is in my server, of course I am using it. I could spare the 1700+ though. That box is my experiment box, which is what currently has hoary installed.06:18
danielsjeramy_: sweet deal06:18
crimsunwill probably want to send to -Dplug:iec958, too, through ALSA directly06:18
danielsDonL: rad, thanks06:18
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calccrimsun: ah06:18
nickoliEdgan 1700 is comparable to my dual p2 server box06:18
jeramy_calc, that would always be an option.  I saw WinTV GO cards for $20US with free shipping (although I don't know if they ship to Canada)06:19
Stasoh, ok thanks!!06:19
DonLKeep doing it. That work is appreciated06:19
StasI have windows installed on hda106:19
=== calc bbl
Stascan I access that partition from the livecd?06:19
danielsDonL: it's how I afford food, so there's no danger of me stopping any time soon ;)06:19
Edgannickoli: ah, dual, nice. I had dual P3 650s a few years ago. One of the voltage regulators smoked and took the board, cpus, and memory with it.06:19
DonLI'd like to be able to make my passion my work06:19
jeramy_I guess calc is off to investigate $20 WinTV GO cards?  ;)06:19
tritiumbob2, you around?06:19
DonLor vise versa06:20
nickoliEdgan i cant boot mine up06:20
The_bellman*newbie alert* it broke my sound damnit. Im using a laptop, and the speaker on it was never recognised on my old debian setup, but when i moved to ubuntu, it found it, and it worked like a dream. then i tried to see if it would work with some apple USB speakers and it didnt, but now it doesnt work with my normal speakers either *cries*06:20
calcjeramy_: no about time for me to go to bed :)06:20
calcjeramy_: i have a conexant blackbird06:20
calcjeramy_: though i haven't had time to set it up under linux06:20
nickoliEdgan the p2s start and i get a vid signal but nothing else06:20
jeramy_calc, me too.  I'm in Eastern Daylight06:20
Edgannickoli: you have dsl or cable?06:20
dracflamlocwhats a good IDE for c/c++ on linux besides anjuta?06:21
jeramy_Does that have linux drivers?06:21
nickoliEdgan why06:21
propagandhidoes anyone here use apollon?06:21
] BreliC[is anyone here using OOo 2.0 beta?06:21
calcjeramy_: some of the blackbirds do, not sure if mine works06:21
Edgannickoli: Was curious how deprived you are. :) Dialup would be hell for me.06:21
jeramy_] BreliC[, I am.06:21
tritium] BreliC[, I tried it, but don't use it regularly06:21
] BreliC[I'm having problems reading/writing files over NFS here on my lan06:21
nickoliEdgan not that deprived06:21
Edgan] BreliC[: yeah06:21
] BreliC[it works fine with the 1.1.306:22
calcjeramy_: http://linux.bytesex.org/v4l2/cx88.html06:22
jeramy_I don't use NFS.  ;)06:22
] BreliC[is it a known issue?06:22
behis OO 2.0 beta stable?06:22
propagandhiits not stable but its working fine for me so far06:22
tritium] BreliC[, it also has trouble with word docs with tables06:22
jeramy_calc, so it's a bttv driver?06:22
Edgan] BreliC[: haven't had it crash, but have seen some annoyances/bugs06:22
propagandhiit is a beta after all06:22
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jordanaudracflamloc, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6762&highlight=Integrated+Development+Environment06:22
blizahhow would i queue up files in firefox?06:22
nickolicould i setup ubuntu to be a gateway server, doing a minimal install06:22
] BreliC[hmm thanks guys.. good to know06:22
calcjeramy_: its a newer version of the bttv chips06:22
] BreliC[not sure why it wouldn't read files off nfs though06:23
racternomasteryoda: that link you sent has the solution!06:23
Edgannickoli: should be able to, iptables will act as a gateway with a few commands06:23
adoyretsamonpropagandhi, a guy over on #suse said he lost 1000 characters with a random crash of OpenOffice 2.0 beta06:23
moyogoi'm getting this really strange behaviour in X06:23
adoyretsamonracter, sweet06:23
jeramy_calc, it's probably an easy setup.  I have zero experience with it though.06:23
Edgannickoli: would probably need to install a dhcp server package06:23
nickoliEdgan cause my zonet router is not working, and i want a router06:23
adoyretsamoni love google06:23
Stas"libmikmod.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" what does that mean06:23
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racterit was because of a conflict between snd-intel8x0m.ko and snd-intel8x0.ko - i just removed one of them and now my sound works.06:23
moyogoit just freeze when I use firefox or epiphany06:23
adoyretsamonracter, it's me over on my ubuntu box06:23
jeramy_Anyway, I'm off to bed.  My wife will probably complain as it is.  :)06:23
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EdganStas: lack of the mikmod library, you need to install the right package06:24
crimsunStas: it means you should install libmikmod206:24
adoyretsamonracter, even better06:24
Stasoh ok :)06:24
Stasapt-get install?06:24
DonLracter, Yay!06:24
crimsunaptitude install, sure06:24
racterthanks for your help06:24
DonLNight Jero2K06:25
adoyretsamoni love this channel!... i don't care how the critics admonish IRC, it truly rocks@@!!06:25
DonLwoops. Damn auto complete06:25
DonLYou're right, adoyretsamon06:25
adoyretsamonnp racter06:25
Stas:((( xmms still freezes as soon as I try to play any song :((06:25
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calamariis there a gnome or x application that simply prints the given command line to the window?06:26
adoyretsamonStas, try using OSS instead of alsa06:26
Stashow do I do that06:26
adoyretsamonjust sec06:26
nickoliStas good question06:26
adoyretsamonit should be in hoary by default06:26
adoyretsamonright click xmms, click Audio I/O Plugins06:27
nickolicause im testing my sound in point 2 play and oss and alsa arent working06:27
adoyretsamonclick Output Plugin button06:27
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adoyretsamonchange to OSS06:27
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adoyretsamonyea, i know06:27
virtualdwhat do i use the compose key for other than compose, s, s = ?06:28
Stasit's already OSS :((06:28
DonLI better go too. Have to get up early for work06:28
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nickolieveryone is leaving06:28
DonLThanks for the chat folks!06:28
DonLNot everyone, nickoli06:28
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s_freshumm... hi. may i ask a question here?06:29
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tritiums_fresh, always06:29
Stashow do I kill frozen apps in this?06:29
nickolirun command type kill06:29
Stasok :)06:29
jldugger_Stas: in gnome?06:29
adoyretsamonStas, also xkill06:29
] BreliC[Alt-F2, type xkill, then click on nonresponsive app06:29
StasI thought there might have been a more graphical way of doing it06:29
nickolithat too06:29
Stasah ok06:30
s_freshokay. i just installed warty and i don't have sound. how do i go about gettin the sound?06:30
jldugger_Gnome should detect stalled apps when you click the X06:30
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eruinis there any way to block incoming traffic from a specific ip address?06:30
jldugger_Stas, but if it isn't working, you can also bring up the System Monitor, and kill things that way06:31
nickolieruin iptables06:31
Stasah, cool06:31
mainer4easy way is to right-click in firestaarter on the hit,list, or use ip-tables deny.config06:31
eruiniptables sounds like alot of work :o06:31
Stasthis is actually pretty good06:32
maxxistanyone know why hoary isnt displaying any OpenGL graphics?  according to Synaptic the nvidia drivers are installed.06:32
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nickolieruin it is too much work06:32
StasI wish it'd support my monitor though06:32
nickolimaxxist you have to activate it06:32
StasI think this 60Hz refresh rate is going to kill my eyes06:32
crimsunmaxxist: did you follow the directions on wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto?06:32
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maxxistedit xorg.conf?06:32
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nickolimaxxist yea06:32
eruinsomeone is sending me a shitload of packets o.O06:32
crimsunmaxxist: see that url06:32
maxxistdumb ass me.06:32
=== smouche [~bc@cpe-24-90-94-112.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
adoyretsamonStas, fix it man06:33
adoyretsamonStas, did you try reconfiguring it..? do you have the right drivers loaded for xorg?06:34
jldugger_adoyretsamon, I think that was a passive agressive plea for help. I salute you for answering his call, and wish you good luck troubleshooting it.06:34
mainereruin:  http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/securing-debian-howto/ap-bridge-fw.en.html#sD.306:34
adoyretsamoni thought so... thanks06:34
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StasI don't know how to do that :|06:34
propagandhiwho uses webmin06:34
ellshas anyone had issues with getting realplayer to work after it is installed06:35
mainereruin:  http://www.chinalinuxpub.com/doc/www.siliconvalleyccie.com/linux-hn/iptables-intro.htm06:35
membreyapropagandhi: me06:35
nickolimembreya how is it06:35
mainereruin:   www.fs-security.com06:35
DracosXeruin: sudo apt-get install firestarter06:35
Stasmount -t ntfs -o rw /dev/hda1 /mnt/Windows/06:35
propagandhido u know if there are third-party modules for webmin other than those linked from the webmin site06:35
adoyretsamonStas, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:35
adoyretsamonfollow along06:35
nickoliDracosX i cant find firestarter06:35
StasI used that to try to mount my windows partition06:35
membreyanickoli: very good, makes my life so much easier :) especially with cron and squid :)06:35
adoyretsamonit will walk you thru it06:35
Stasand I can't access it06:35
Stasunless I'm root06:35
nickolimembreya can i use that for my gateway06:35
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membreyaif it's running on your gateway06:36
adoyretsamonStas, you need to use r06:36
adoyretsamonnot rw06:36
nickolimembreya what exactly is webmin for06:36
StasI can't write to it?06:36
propagandhiwebmin is just a web browser based administrator desk06:36
adoyretsamonif you value the data, then do not eve try06:36
DracosXI believe firestarter is in universe06:36
Staslol thanks for the warning!06:36
propagandhilets u edit running services and a whole bunch of other stuff06:36
mainereruin:  http://www.netfilter.org/06:36
Stasis ntfs support not so good here?06:36
jldugger_nickoli, its a way of administering a server with only a stupid webbrowser06:36
adoyretsamonreading ntfs is fine06:37
membreyanickoli: web based interface to services06:37
eruinmainer, DracosX - cheers ;-)06:37
DracosXno prob06:37
propagandhiwhich is damned handy when ur not sitting at the computer06:37
nickolijldugger_ i like this configuring my gateway just go easier06:37
adoyretsamonStas, better off to make a fat32 drive for sharing between them06:37
DracosXI'd prefer to use a custom iptables shell script, but firestarter is hella easier for the inexperienced06:37
Stasok :))06:37
nickolihow do i access the webmin interface06:37
adoyretsamonguarddog works well for firewall config too06:37
propagandhinickoli: install webmin first06:38
jldugger_Stas, I've been told by certain people that ntfs is doing fine these days, but they also consider ~x86 "doing fine"06:38
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nickolipropagandhi alright im just now install my gateway06:38
Stasso do I let dpkg-reconfigure autodetect my video settings06:38
adoyretsamonafter installing06:38
adoyretsamonStas, it does a good job06:38
nickoliadoyretsamon ohh sorry im installing the ubuntu server pkgs06:38
adoyretsamonbut you can change06:38
nickolimy p2 is slow06:38
mainerdracosx: ipkungfu is one of the best,very well-commented config file and easy install06:39
=== neonlightning [~neonlight@S01060000e8894b42.tb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
DracosXthanks, will check it out - still though, I prefer to roll my own firewall ;)06:39
laszlokwhat is the kernel version for hoary (uname -r)?06:40
neonlightninghow do i mount all my partitions i have 4 that arn't mounted06:40
nickolineonlightning mount /dev06:40
adoyretsamonadd them to /etc/fstab06:40
adoyretsamonthen run06:40
adoyretsamonsudo mount -a06:40
nickolithat might help06:40
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mainerdracosx: also check www.rootkit.nl     good security tool06:40
Stashow do i go back a screen in dpkg-reconfigure?06:40
nickolianyone here use amarok06:41
adoyretsamonamarok, it stinks06:41
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nickoliadoyretsamon i was considering installing it to organize my list06:41
laszlokamarok is the best, i use it06:41
DracosXhehe, yeah, that one's been bookmarked for a while now06:41
DracosXthanks again though06:42
helio1If I simply change Driver to "nv" instead of nvidia will that disable the proprietary drivers?06:42
helio1(in xorg.conf)06:42
adoyretsamoni hear beep (bmp) is a good player06:42
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geneo91to much clutter06:42
adoyretsamonhelio1, the proprietary drivers will still be installed and have "hosed" your kernel modules06:42
wastrelhello.  whereabouts would i go to find my grub config file for editation thereof?06:42
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geneo91helio1:  yes06:43
StasI still can't change my refresh rate06:43
Stasabove 6006:43
nickoliStas you xorg that06:43
DracosXwastrel: /boot/grub/menu.lst06:43
helio1so adoyretsamon what do you recommend?06:43
adoyretsamonStas, did you log out and back in>?06:43
adoyretsamonhelio1, for sound?06:43
sigDr_Aevil: you around?06:43
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helio1adoyretsamon: no, for removing the NVIDIA proprietary drivers, considering I think that's why my system keeps Crashing06:44
DracosXquite welcome ;)06:44
adoyretsamonhelio1, did you update them06:44
nickolihelio1 you properly config xorg06:44
adoyretsamonto the latest06:44
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StasI ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:44
Stasand I still can't choose any higher refresh rate06:44
adoyretsamonhelio1, there is an uninstall script for that...06:44
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adoyretsamonStas, ctrl-alt-bkspc?06:45
Stasand then?06:45
nickoliStas backup the xorg file, then go crazy in it06:45
adoyretsamonso he now logged out06:45
nickolidoes the timezone really matter06:45
nickolievery install ask for it06:46
=== Stas [~ubuntu@dyn-136-128.tor.dsl.tht.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stasthat just restarted06:46
adoyretsamoni know06:46
Stasand closed all the apps06:46
adoyretsamonbut no res change?06:46
Stasand I am going to go blind06:46
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adoyretsamonman, what card?06:46
Stasthe card is recognized fine06:46
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Stasgeforce fx560006:46
adoyretsamonah, ok06:46
adoyretsamonsame as mine on my suse box06:46
adoyretsamonwith xorg06:46
Stasbut I want to use 1280x1024 @ 85Hz06:47
adoyretsamoni have nice res there06:47
Stasor anything lower, at 100Hz06:47
Stasbut I CANNOT06:47
adoyretsamonlet me pastebin my settings06:47
Stasit's not in the lists!!06:47
adoyretsamonyou will have to hack the xorg config file06:47
DracosXStas: gtf 1280 1024 8506:47
=== MMond [~Bukkake@CPE-70-92-252-37.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Stascan I just add my own res/refresh06:47
Staswhere is it06:47
adoyretsamonjust sec06:47
DracosXthat will give you the modeline06:47
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nomasteryodai have to go back to this box06:47
=== DF [~df@60-240-109-178-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
DracosXcheck to see if you monitor horizontal sync was detected correctly06:47
DracosXI've had to edit xorg.conf several times on fresh installs due to monitor HSync06:48
Stasroot@ubuntu:/mnt # ls -l06:48
Stastotal 1206:48
Stasdr-x------  1 root root 12288 2005-04-13 02:45 Windows06:48
MMondshort nub question: If I've installed apache 2 by practically doing "apt-get install apache2" and such.. with php4 the same way (and it's working, actually..) can I recompile it existing as it now is? (Main reason I'm doing it is because I need to get mysql working too, and keep in mind.. that I'm a nub, been using Linux for two weeks now-- haven't yet compiled anything by myself)06:48
DracosXin a terminal: gtf 1280 1024 8506:48
StasI can't access my windows partition unless I'm root06:49
nomasteryodaStas, what size monitor?06:49
nomasteryodaStas, you need to change permissions on the mount point06:49
jldugger_mmond: you might investigate "apt-source"06:49
nomasteryodai'll bet it is the same as mine06:49
jldugger_MMond, err, apt-get source06:50
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MMondgot it, thanks jldugger_06:50
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Stasgtf 1280 1024 8506:50
DracosXmmond: mysql support will work without recompiling if you're interested06:50
Stasand ctrlaltbackspace06:51
Stasdidn't do much06:51
DracosXno, gtf will output a modeline06:51
Stasand then what06:51
DracosXpaste that into your xorg.conf in the monitor section06:51
nomasteryodajust look at my file... using 19" dell crt06:51
MMondDracosX: Mmm? o.0 I've tried download the adequate module files . . . couldn't do it. How else might it be possible?06:51
StasI can barely read06:51
Stasafter 30 minutes of this06:51
Stasmy eyes are red06:51
DracosXcheck your php.ini file to ensure the extension is uncommented - also be sure to sudo apt-get install php4-mysql06:52
Stasand Ihave a headache06:52
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Stascan you please just tell me where I can put this modeline?06:52
DracosXsorry, heh... that was for mmond06:52
DracosXyeah, one sec06:52
nomasteryodaStas, look at my suse file... http://www.pastbin.com06:52
nomasteryodaclick nomasteryoda06:52
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DracosXStas: http://www.linux-core.net/xorg.conf06:53
Stasso I saved it06:54
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Stasnow how do I apply? ;p06:54
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nomasteryodathat is the fun part06:55
nomasteryodayou need to compare what is in ubuntu to the one i pasted06:55
nomasteryodai hate this part of Linux, but at least it can be configured without getting some lame driver from a vendor06:56
DracosXMMond: sudo nano -w /etc/php4/apache2/php.ini - look for the extensions section and ensure you have 'extension=mysql.so' uncommented06:56
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=== nomasteryoda thinks Stas might not be back for a bit
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=== Stas [~ubuntu@dyn-136-128.tor.dsl.tht.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stasok guys06:57
lanHi ppl06:57
Stasmy eyes are ACTUALLY watering now06:57
nickoliStas lol06:57
Stasthe gtf modeline didn't do anythiny06:57
Staswhen added to my xorg.conf06:58
lanWould anyone help me with a wireless network problem in ubuntu please?06:58
DracosXhmm... did you add the mode in the Screen section?06:58
StasI am  snapping the ubuntu disc into bits I think06:58
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Stasit's pretty much completely useless06:58
Stasit seems06:58
Stasbecause I can't stay at my computer06:58
Stasfor longer than 10 minutes06:58
Stasno, I put it in Monitor...06:58
DracosXyeah... I'm not that good at explaining, but I'll do my best here:06:59
nomasteryodaStas, let's give it a chance06:59
StasSection "Monitor"06:59
StasIdentifier"Generic Monitor"06:59
Stas# 1280x1024 @ 85.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 91.38 kHz; pclk: 159.36 MHz06:59
StasModeline "1280x1024_85.00"  159.36  1280 1376 1512 1744  1024 1025 1028 1075 -HSync +Vsync06:59
Stasthat's from my /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:59
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DracosXyes, that's rught so far - you said that's a 19" monitor, correct?07:00
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StasI use 1280x1024@85 in windows07:00
StasI'll settle for lower res07:00
Stasbut high refresh07:00
DracosXthe hsync rangs should be at least 91.38 kHz - you have a max hsync set to 65 kHz07:00
nomasteryodanah, you can get higher07:00
Stashere's from screen07:01
StasSection "Screen"07:01
StasIdentifier"Default Screen"07:01
StasDevice"NVIDIA Corporation NV31 [GeForce FX 5600] "07:01
StasMonitor"Generic Monitor"07:01
DracosXchange the HorizSync 30-65 line to 30-10007:01
StasSubSection "Display"07:01
StasModes"1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"07:01
DracosXand the VertRefresh to 50-9007:01
nomasteryodaStas, pastebin.com is free and the best place for such07:01
DracosXafter you've changed the HorizSync and VertRefresh07:02
=== dr_willis [~willis@12-202-192-44.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu
Stasand then ctrl-alt-backspc?07:02
DracosXchange your Modes to07:02
neonlightninghow do i get jre installed so i can run azureus because i don't see jre anywhere in synaptic07:02
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DracosX"1280x1024@85.00" "1280x1024" "1024x768" etc07:02
DracosXbut the HorizSync and VertRefresh changes are 100% necessary07:02
nomasteryodaneonlightning: you using hoary?07:02
StasOH OK07:03
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tritiumneonlightning, Method 2: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Java07:03
nomasteryodaah, then you need to manually edit your sources.list07:03
nomasteryodaread the wiki tritium posted07:03
DracosXI should probably write a how-to on this, I've dealt with it 5 times since saturday07:03
MMondDracosX: I don't see anything like 'extension=mysql.se' per se, but things such as 'mysql.allow_persistent = On' and such on are there?07:04
=== Stas [~ubuntu@dyn-136-128.tor.dsl.tht.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stasnow \07:04
Stasafter I did that07:04
nomasteryodaDracosX: LOL07:04
jldugger_ what's the deal? generic monitor?07:04
nomasteryodathen you could just point people to the URL07:04
MMondNot really familiar with nano, heh, I think I might have messed things up with that, I'll go ahead and try with leafpad, sec07:04
DracosXjldugger_: exactly07:04
nomasteryodaMMond: try vi07:04
jldugger_ive got a cheapo brand one, and it works fine =/07:04
DracosXStas: after you've added the modeline, adjusted the HorizSync and VertRefresh, AND added the mode to your screen section07:05
DracosXthen you should be able to ctrl+alt+backspace07:05
=== Stas [~ubuntu@dyn-136-128.tor.dsl.tht.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stasthat KINDA worked07:05
DracosXman, I typed slow07:05
Stasthe "1280x1024@85.0" is not a valid mode specification though07:06
DracosXsorry, had a comment for you while you were out07:06
Staswithout that, it worked fine though07:06
DracosXit should match your modeline07:06
Staswell, I just left it at 1280x102407:06
Stasand then used the res picker07:06
DracosXmy bad07:06
Stasto choose the 85hz07:06
Stasand it worked07:06
jldugger_stas: there should be a res select07:06
Stasand I don't want to touch it anymore ;p07:07
MMondnomasteryoda: not elite enough to use vi yet . . . gonna go with GUI for the time being (linux nub.. first time using it :x)07:07
DracosXthe problem has to do with monitor detection07:07
jldugger_stas, have you installed nvidia drivers yet?07:07
DracosXI haven't been able to sort it out yet, but at least I know how to work around it07:07
StasI don't think I have07:07
jldugger_then ya aint done07:07
Stasthis is actually a livecd07:07
StasI TRIED installing the drivers actually07:07
nomasteryodaMMond, congrats man07:07
jldugger_you better remember what the man told you07:07
StasI got pretty far07:07
StasI quit X, installed gcc07:08
Stasbut it couldn't find some tree07:08
MMondnomasteryoda: Yeah, you lost me, congrats -- for being a nub?07:08
jldugger_it needs the kernel07:08
Stasto install from07:08
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Staskernel sources07:08
Stasis what it wanted07:08
Stasand I don't think I have those07:08
jldugger_you should be fine with kernel-headers07:08
nomasteryodaMMond: for using Linux07:08
DracosXStas: I'll work on a how-to over the next few days07:08
nomasteryodaor n00b07:08
Stasheh thanks :)07:08
DracosXas soon as it's done, I'll post it on the forums07:08
nomasteryodaon Linux07:08
Stasit's pretty straightforward actually07:09
Stasthe gtf thing is nice07:09
MMondnomasteryoda: Oh . . . yeah . . . yeah, put it on a 266 mhz laptop . . . my big guns do deserve words of praise indeed07:09
DracosXit is, actually07:09
StasI just needed to know where to put the line I guess07:09
MMond7 year old laptop07:09
Stashow do I mount my ntfs partition07:09
MMondIf not older o.007:09
Stasso I can read it non-root+07:09
jldugger_stas, http://ubuntuguide.org/07:10
DracosXsudo mount /dev/NTFS /mnt/point -o users is one way07:10
b2shas anyone used captive-ntfs working under ubuntu?07:10
DracosXunless it's too late at night and my brain has gone to sleep already07:10
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MMondUsing it merely because I wanted to get to know php a little better . . . it's been pleasent . . . just got like 4 problems, and I'd then actually be ready to make the switch for it on my main desktop (4 problems, as of this are 1) floppy drive not working 2) battery problems.. as soon as I unhook the power cord, it goes off 3) sound card not detected 4) damn, I forgot number 4 5) yeah.. my 5th problem is that I forgot what my 4th problem w07:11
lanmy wireless problem: I can't  ping my router but I can see it from iwlist wlan0 scan. My route command takes 10 seconds to show the default gateway path. Any ideas you experts?07:12
DracosXStas: Actually, after thinking a bit about it, I'll post a few howtos at www.linux-core.net (haven't built the site yet :P) - check it after a few days07:12
Stasok got it thanks :)07:12
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Stasgood plan Dracos ;p07:12
MMondDefinitely? Was that to me? Be more precise dammit!07:13
=== Gunblade [~calebme@c-24-16-59-169.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nomasteryodaabout DracosX's comment07:14
nomasteryodaposting this info in a howto would be nice07:14
Stasmp3s don't play07:14
GunbladeHey all I am having some trouble with connecting to the internet with Ubuntu with a wireless card07:14
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jldugger_I've got a wierd problem with rebooting. with hoary, when I reboot, it locks on "detecting DMI channels" or something like that. doens't do it on a hard poweroff, though07:15
nomasteryodalet me guess, it is a broadcom chipset07:15
nomasteryodathat was for Gunblade07:15
MMondDracosX: I tried finding, literally "extension=mysql.so" .. only place found was in these: ; Example lines: // ; extension=mysql.so // ; extension=gd.so // - should I remove the ";" here? (Hesitated doing so before.. cuz it said "Example.." but I'm not familiar with linux, so I'm probably very likely wrong)07:15
=== jordanau [~jordan@cable-24-181-119-185.abr.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
b2sStas: needs some extra package for mp3s.  its in one of the faqs07:15
GunbladeI don't know, it's a "CiscO Systems" whirelss card that came with teh laptop...07:15
DracosXthat would be correct - either uncomment that line or add a line below that07:16
nomasteryodaer, cisco might be fine07:16
da_bon_bonsig: that dude made hel lottsa money, huh ? :(07:16
DracosXI'd suggest adding a new line07:16
nomasteryodaGunblade: in terminal, type sudo -s07:16
MMondDracosX: Got it, I'll get right on it. thanks again07:16
GunbladeThe OS detects and shows the signal connection but thats it...07:16
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DracosXno problem07:16
nomasteryodaGunblade: then lspci07:16
DracosXsomething else to go into the how-to collection, hehe07:16
nomasteryodafind out just what the model is07:16
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Gunbladethen what07:17
=== Elyseum [~Elyseum@d5153EF05.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
nomasteryodayou could grep it too, but the list should be pretty small07:17
navreetUbuntu rules!07:17
nomasteryodalet us know what you have07:17
MMondDracosX: Anything else I would need to alter in php.ini? Or should this do it and get me rolling and coding php with mysql?07:17
nomasteryodaGunblade: yea07:17
nomasteryodasudo lspci | grep cisco07:17
navreetMMond, maximum file upload size07:17
nomasteryodaor something like that07:17
tritiumStas, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats07:17
DracosXthat should do it - be sure to check the output of phpinfo(); after reloading the apache config07:17
DracosXto be sure the module is loaded07:17
MMondnavreet: Hmm? o.007:18
GunbladeOk first I should have told you I am very very very new to linux and Ubuntu is my favorite out of many I have tried these past months and I am reading a lot about it...but other wise no idea how anything works lol07:18
MMondIt does say now "'--with-mysql=shared,/usr" in merely 'configure command' o.007:18
DracosXgrep, egrep, fgrep, rgrep - print lines matching a pattern07:18
navreetMMond, I don't know what you plan on doing with PHP and MySql, but if you ever want to allow uploading of files, I just want to remind you that there's a default limit [of a few megs] , sometimes people want to up that to somethingg else07:19
=== dazed| [~dazed@host-208-60-229-74.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
DracosXgood point07:19
nomasteryodaGunblade: ok07:19
MMondnavreet: Not exactly sure where you're coming from at this . . . I will be working locally . . . (whole reason is just playing with mysql/php)07:19
DracosXin that case, you'll probably be fine with the defaults07:20
holycowGunblade, it will take a while to learn07:20
DracosXin either case, I'll post a how-to on apache2/php configuration as well07:20
DracosXapache2/php/mysql that is07:20
MMondnavreet: Nevertheless, thank you for pointing out, because one of the things that I'll be playing around with will involve creating uploading scripts - thanks :D07:21
jldugger_nomasteryoda, do you have to be root to do an lspci?07:21
nomasteryodasudo lspci07:21
jldugger_nomasteryoda, i dont think so07:21
jldugger_its working for me07:21
DracosXjldugger_: not on my machine07:21
MMondDracosX: Where exactly do you post these 'how-to's? I'd be interested in reading them :D07:21
adoyretsamonmaybe not07:21
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adoyretsamonyea, loandbehold it works as user07:22
vasihey, i found a bug in a multiverse package, and i figured out what's causing it....what do i do next? :-)07:22
adoyretsamonnot on suse tho07:22
DracosXwell, hehe - I haven't actually started yet, but I registered linux-core.net a few months ago for personal use, and this week, I'll be working on getting it up and running07:22
DracosXthere should be something posted at ubuntuforums.org as soon as it's ready07:22
DracosXsince the majority of content will be centered around my distro of choice07:22
Stasok mp3s "play<07:23
Stasbut I don't hear anything07:23
Stas(I use s/pdif)07:23
DracosXright now it's just a wordpress blog that I haven't done anything with07:23
kishudoes anyone here have grub boot ubuntu and windows xp?07:23
tritiumkishu, yes07:24
winding_I had07:24
MMondDracosX: I'm comparing the phpinfo files from the work that I'm working here to the a host that I own . . . the host that I bought, in which everything, including mysql, works perfectly.. has this in it, whereas mine doesn't ;\ mysql // MySQL Supportenabled // Active Persistent Links 2 // Active Links 207:24
winding_i had07:24
MMondBut now, as opposed to before, merely in the "configure command" at the very top of the phpinfo file, it has '--with-mysql=shared,/usr' on it07:24
kishutritium, how did you do it? windows xp overwrites grub's mbr right? how do you avoid that07:24
nomasteryodainstall xp first07:25
tritiumkishu, I had WinXP installed first07:25
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winding_kisshu , you coule install the grub for dos07:25
winding_or you can install grub again07:25
rootcould anybody help me figure out why my grub is not installing07:26
jldugger_kishu, you can install xp first, or boot the ubuntu cd in rescue mode and reinstall grub07:26
jldugger_the 2nd method is a bit tricky for those not qualified to be systems administrators in a pinch07:26
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dr_willisi justuse my pc's bios/boot menu feature :P it will ask what drive to boot off of. :P07:28
eruinanyone know of a nice gtk2 rss reader?07:28
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jldugger_Dr_willis: wont help if you've got the, both on the same drive07:28
dr_willisjldugger_,  yep - that would suck. I found out this New MB can even boot off my USB drive.. and ubuntu saw it - and could even install to it. (havent tried that yet however)07:29
wrlimahelp, is msg: Can't find a suitable libao driver. (Is device in use?), play in xmms07:29
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wrlimahelp, is msg: Can't find a suitable libao driver. (Is device in use?), play in xmms07:30
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kishudoes that mean that I have to have Win XP on the first partition??07:31
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certanyone knows how to activate ubuntu calendar07:31
certi have installed07:31
certbut i don't see any change07:31
certi have search on the desktop, login07:31
eruinselect your background image07:31
certstill i don't see any new paper07:31
certnew wallpaper07:31
ctdcert: change the background image to 'ubuntu calendar'07:32
kishujldugger_. do I have to have win xp on the first partition??07:32
eruinhave you rightclicked your desktop and chosen change background?07:32
certbackground image07:32
jldugger_kishu, I don't think so, but it usually helps07:32
holycowif anyone is having sound problems in hoary with xmms or flash the solution is here: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SoundProblemsHoary07:32
certi do not see any option07:32
ctdcert: right click the desktop and select 'change desktop background'07:32
certall i see are07:33
certNo wall apper, ubuntu sparkle, ubuntu sparkle widescreen07:33
navreetis there an easy way to execute 32bit of firefox [so that I can use java and stuff]  on amd64 version of ubuntu?07:33
certonly these there07:33
certwhereas i have installed all the ubuntu calendar07:33
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blizahhow would i queue up files in firefox?07:33
blizahfrom a web page...07:34
nomasteryodablizah, extension called flashgot07:34
holycowgimme a sec lemme find the apps you need07:34
holycowoh right what noma said07:34
holycowand you need a download utility in linux07:34
holycowxdownload or something like that07:34
da_bon_bonwhy is the limit for primary partiton on a drive only 4 ?07:34
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certctd : did i do something wrong07:35
blizahis that in the universe?07:35
windinganbody konws haw to install xfce and haw to confige it07:35
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certctd : i have used synaptic07:35
nomasteryodawinding, apt-get install xfce07:35
ctdda_bon_bon: cross-compatibility with old stuff07:35
ctdcert: shouldn't have07:35
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certctd: why didn't i see anything07:35
blizahnomasteryoda is taht in synaptic?07:35
nomasteryodait should be07:36
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wrlimahelp, is msg: Can't find a suitable libao driver. (Is device in use?), play in xmms07:36
blizahnomasteryoda hrm cant find it07:36
certanyone could help me?07:36
nomasteryodalet me look again07:36
windingnomasteryoda, hao to configure  and set it be deauful x07:36
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nomasteryodain hoary, you need to add universe07:37
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ctdcert: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=872107:37
da_bon_bonctd: like ? i mean, old stuff like ?07:38
ctdda_bon_bon: dos and others07:38
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da_bon_bonctd: but why is dos such limited?07:39
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ctdda_bon_bon: "62kB of ram is all we'll ever need"07:40
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=== zenrox colfs bullcrap
da_bon_bonctd: bloody bas***d bill gates and microsoft07:40
FazerHello, I bought a PCMCIA Ethernet card, the CD that it came with apparently has Linux drivers in it...will it autodetect it with Ubuntu by any chance?07:41
ctdda_bon_bon: remember, too, harddisks were rather small back then07:41
dr_willisFazer,  most likely it should not need the drivers off that cd. :P07:41
ctdda_bon_bon: 100mb, anyone?07:41
Fazerdr_willis: Haha, awesome ;)07:41
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da_bon_bonctd: 100mb < required for gnome/kde :D07:41
dr_willisFazer,  its amazeing really  that they can fit sooo many drivers onto a normal install.07:41
MM2what apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade really upgrades?07:41
da_bon_bonctd:  actually i have partitioned my disk very badly. is it possible to now enclose some of primary partition in extended without data loss ?07:42
Fazerdr_willis: Yeah, that would be awesome.  Is PCMCIA also Plug and Play in Linux?07:42
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dr_willisFazer,  ive had very good luck with ubuntu and all my hardware..07:42
dr_willisFazer,  linux has made great headway in this area over the last 2 years.07:42
Fazerdr_willis: Ah, how about old Thinkpads?07:42
ctdda_bon_bon: depends, you basically need to pull all the data off to another media, repartition those bits and restore it.07:42
ctdMM2: everything.07:43
ctdMM2: everything theres upgrades for07:43
dr_willisFazer,  proberly should be fine. :P  but hoiw old is OLD.. :P07:43
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da_bon_bonctd: without writing to cds i have no other option ?07:43
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MM2firefox stayed in version 0.9.3, desktop is same old...07:43
Fazerdr_willis: Its a Thinkpad 600E with 366 Mhz and 160 MB ram.07:43
pvhWhere would I set my MP3 player to play out of the back speakers as well as the front ones?07:43
ctdda_bon_bon: i did something similar, and copied over a network.07:43
pvhWould it be in Alsa, Gstreamer or the player itself?07:43
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dr_willisFazer,  i had ubuntu and a pcmcia nic workin on my Pent100 Laptop. :P now thats an old one..07:44
dr_willisFazer,  took it like 2 hrs to install. Lol.. 1x cd drive I think.07:44
Fazerdr_willis: Woah, awesome!07:44
Fazerdr_willis: haha, figures07:44
Fazerdr_willis: So, do you think Ubuntu will run just as fine as Windows XP does? (speed-wise)07:45
dr_willisFazer,  i find linux generally runs faster then xp.07:45
ctdubuntu outperforms xp easily07:45
dr_willisexpecially on thing as slow as a 36607:45
dr_williseven on high end stuff. Linux normally works better i find.07:45
Fazerdr_willis: How much tweaking you had to do?07:46
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certctd : thanks07:46
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navreethow can I get my "default" version of my Xorg config file?? [I want ubuntu to pretend that I never messed with it, etc.] 07:47
dr_willisFazer,  with ubuntu - very little actually.07:47
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certFazer : i am a new user to linux and ubuntu.. i think ubuntu looks and works so much better than windowns07:47
rohandhruva_sorry got disconnected, can u repost, if anything was said for me ?07:48
certonly pity is there is not much bluetooth and infra-red supports07:48
certmost of these is not supported in ubuntu official network07:49
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Fazer_bah, sorry about htat.07:49
Fazer_cert: Ah, awesome.07:50
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Hueyis there a way to install ubuntu on a computer without a cd-rom drive?07:54
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Hueywell the computer i'm trying to install actually has 3 cd-rom drives, but the ubuntu install hangs when "auto-detecting hardware", and we think it's trying to find the cd-rom drive07:54
windingHuey , you can install on your hda07:54
arkaisgoogle knows everithing Huey07:55
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FazerHrmm...wow, now I have a plethora of spyware on my XP laptop07:56
Hueywinding: what do you mean?07:56
Fazerheh, no service or updates installed whatsoever07:56
Hueywinding: the install CD is what's hanging trying to detect the cd-rom drive07:56
=== arkais : Linux is the world, the world is free
kkathmancan anyone tell me how to restart artsd ?07:57
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arkaisHuey what kind of pc is?07:58
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arkaisHuey is a desktop or notebook or laptop?07:58
holycowhey check out google.com, weird new gui that totally sux07:58
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arkaisholycow jajjajajaaja07:59
Hueyarkais, it's a desktop07:59
holycowarkais, its back to normal now07:59
Hueyarkais, some of the cd-rom drives are on a promise raid controller, which i don't think the stock kernel has drivers for08:00
blizahyou guys know if flashget can be gotten through synaptic?08:01
Burgundaviablizah, none of the ff extensions can be08:01
Burgundaviablizah, but they can be installed just the same08:02
holycowblizah, no, its a firefox only thing08:02
holycowBurgundavia, bizatch you beat me :)08:02
Burgundaviablizah, you can get Aria though synatpic though08:02
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Burgundaviablizah, which flashget need to tie into08:02
blizaharia let me queue up stuff on a webpage?08:02
blizahah k08:02
blizahflashget = firefox plugin?08:02
Burgundaviablizah, extension is the term actually08:03
blizahah ok08:03
da_bon_bonblizah: flashget = download accelerator for windows08:03
holycowblizah, open up your extension manager in ff, and click get more extensions08:03
holycowit will bring you to where you need to dl them08:03
blizahholycow, + install aria (because im guessing its a dependency?)08:03
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holycowsay what? whats aria? extensions only install them selves08:04
Burgundaviablizah, aria is not a dependency08:04
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Burgundaviablizah, but flashget needs an external program to actually send the links to08:04
blizahburg, so is it needed?08:04
Burgundaviablizah, aria is that external program08:04
Burgundaviablizah, yes08:05
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holycowokay this is stupid i've spent all day mucking in ubuntu08:06
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holycowheh now i gotta go home and find  my fav themes *sigh* damned computers, too much fun :)08:06
holycowlater all08:06
holycowoh and ubuntu rox08:06
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Xgatessay if install the Linux kernel source for version 2.6.10 with Ubuntu patches, would I also need the Linux kernel tree for building prepackaged Ubuntu kernel images?08:09
XgatesI can't say I understand this tree, or else I'm no thinking clear here on what it is08:09
XgatesI'm no/not ....08:09
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agneshey all!08:09
agnesis it possible to easily create a bootsplash in ubuntu?08:10
Xgateshello agnes08:10
blizahk tnx holy and burgundavia08:10
membreyaagnes: for grub or for the boot of linux itself?08:10
Xgatessheesh this place is quiet08:10
Burgundaviablizah, hey np08:10
agnesmembreya: for the linux boot itself..08:10
agnesmembreya: though, to be honest, I hadn't made the distinction..08:10
Xgatesbootsplash scare me, messing with the MBR, is just asking for problems08:11
agnesmembreya: I can get grub to give me a splash.. but I thought that meant the linux boot would do it too..08:11
membreyaAFAIK it's through recompiling the kernel only (but that was before the release of 5.04) I'm not sure if it easier now08:11
Xgatesso can someone please explain to me this kernel tree for building prepackaged Ubuntu kernel images?08:12
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xiaogilwhy gaim always tries to open my mails with Nvu ? How to change that ?08:12
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agnesmem: Everyone says hoary supports it..08:12
agnesmembreya: but how was it to be done before?08:13
membreyaagnes: recompiling the kernel08:13
membreyabut I haven't read up on it lately08:13
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blizahburgundavia where in aria do i tell aria where to save things?08:13
Burgundaviablizah, hmm, you choose with flashget08:13
blizahah ok08:14
agnesmembreya: doesn't seem to me that I want to do that.. any idea where I can find some information about the current implementation08:14
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blizahtemporary directory = destination for files?08:14
blizahah does flashgot use firefox's place?08:15
blizahplace for files...08:15
mlhdaniels, have you seen the "the 100000MHz exceeds dcc(ddc?)" message in the xorg log?08:15
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Burgundaviablizah, it should ask you when you grab stuff08:16
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kishuif I add "(hd4)/dev/hdb6" to /boot/grub/device.map does that mean that grub will see hdb6 as hd4?08:17
navreetwhat is the best way to get acroread7 in hoary?08:18
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Burgundavianavreet, it is in the debian-marilliat repo08:19
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Burgundavianavreet, I would recommend evince if you are in gnome08:19
Burgundavianavreet, acroread7 contains spyware08:19
navreetI am in gnome... but acroread7 is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than everything else I've tried out together combined08:19
Burgundavianavreet, if you can live with the spyware. I personally am deeply offended by it08:20
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navreetwhat kind of spyware is it?08:20
cowbudevince is getting there..08:20
Burgundaviatells a central server when you read a pdf file08:20
nomasteryodathanks Burgundavia08:21
cowbudhah not to mention acroread 7 with the mozilla plugin together is like 40 megs or something obscene..08:21
Burgundaviacowbud, evince is almost there, but not quite, but I will give up functionality for lack of spyware08:21
nomasteryodai was wanting to tell people about that08:21
nomasteryodahell, the install is 96mb08:21
cowbudBurgundavia: I find using gpdf and evince together works out for the time being :)08:21
cowbudnomasteryoda: ahh I just used the debs :) didn't bother with their install..08:21
kishuif I add "(hd4)/dev/hdb6" to /boot/grub/device.map does that mean that grub will see hdb6 as hd4?08:21
Burgundaviacowbud, I have heard rumours that evince will be default for 2.1208:21
Burgundaviacowbud, and thus for breezy08:22
nomasteryodacowbud: lol08:22
cowbudBurgundavia: yah I wouldn't be surprised..08:22
=== holycow [~a@S0106000fb51e6051.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
blizahburgundavia, i right mouse click file in a folder and click flashgot all...should start downloading everything in aria right?...ps.  the web page is password protected if that matters08:22
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navreetBurgundavia, I'll try evince... but if it sucks, I'll probably stick to acroread7, it doesn't really effect me much08:22
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navreetsince the only thing I read are papers and stuff08:23
membreyaagnes: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2514408:23
membreyait's called usplash08:23
membreyaone of the developers feel free to correct me08:23
danielsmlh: how do you get 100000MHz?08:23
holycownavreet, evince is wonnerfull08:23
Sp4rKywhere can i download w3?08:24
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Burgundavianavreet, evince is still very new and not the most pretty, but it does work08:24
BurgundaviaSp4rKy, w3?08:24
membreyausplash is correct for a boot splash screen right daniels ?08:24
holycowevince has select and find tools, its super fast and it uses gnome panels unlike acroread any version08:24
Sp4rKyBurgundavia, warcraft08:24
navreetholycow, we'll see... I find that a lot of linux people are usually baised towards free software [even if it's really shitty] 08:25
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holycowmembreya, i'm not a dev, but as i understand it, thats the latest thats happening with the bootsplash issue08:25
mlhdaniels, good question.  simple dumb answer:  install ubuntu :-)08:25
BurgundaviaSp4rKy, that would be a proprietary app08:25
holycowusplash is all in userspace, no kernel patches, supposed to have dbus support, should be l33t08:25
danielsmlh: what sort of hardware?08:25
BurgundaviaSp4rKy, so you would need to buy it08:25
Sp4rKyI think so :(08:25
membreyaholycow: check out the link I gave then :P08:25
BurgundaviaSp4rKy, try out glest08:25
mlhi have a intel onboard card, lg flatron 795F monitor08:26
BurgundaviaSp4rKy, is GPL08:26
holycownavreet, well try it and see for your self08:26
=== Xgates thinks to gcc3.3 or 3.4 that IS the question
Xgatesanyone using gcc3.4?08:26
Xgateshey holycow08:26
membreyaXgates: just go with gcc4 :P08:26
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holycownavreet, it could be said that any set of 'personal preferences' are little more than bias :)08:26
Xgatesthats SCARY08:26
Sp4rKyBurgundavia , what's glest ?08:26
holycowXgates, hey dude, hows it goin?08:26
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BurgundaviaSp4rKy, www.glest.org  'deb http://apt.linex.org/ cl juegalinex' to install08:26
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BurgundaviaSp4rKy, 3D RTS ala W308:26
mlhdaniels, no hits on google for the same 100000MHz.  but "mhz exceeds ddc" gets quite a few08:27
navreetholycow, Burgundavia: just did..., it's lacks some important features, like form filling [and some of forms I use have to be typed] 08:27
Burgundavianavreet, forms are a hardone08:27
danielsmlh: that sounds crazy08:27
Xgatesholycow: well back in action on compiling, the last one I did I just had a name resolution issue that the keyboard didnt go NOW the keyboard doesnt sounf bad but this name rez thing threw me08:27
holycowforms don't belong in pdf08:27
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Sp4rKyBurgundavia , ok, i try it so, thx ...08:27
Xgatesanyhow getting ready to go at it08:27
membreyalol holycow :P08:27
mlhdaniels, yes.  chesty (#slug) got it too08:27
XgatesDAMM I feel like a noob with this thing08:27
holycowputting forms in pdf is the most retarded thing i have ever heard of08:27
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holycowits like all of a sudden pdf is a goddamned application platform instead of presentation format08:28
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adoymnGunblade, hey man08:28
adoymnthis is from this qemu'd ubuntu warty08:28
mjrholycow, come now, how about the javascript stuff that's in there nowadays?08:28
mlhdaniels, it spits that line out for every resolution in xorg.conf; gives up and does 640x48008:28
holycowmjr, i won't rest until we have vb and .net delivered via pdf format08:29
mlhdaniels, I'll file a bug on it if you like.  (when i get home)08:29
adoymni love qemu08:29
=== Xgates is into stability not bleeding edge --> 3.3 it IS :-)
Xgatesthats the Slacker in me speaking08:29
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holycowXgates, you noob you, hehehe :)08:30
XgatesOh boy and do I feel like one with this friggin kernel here08:30
holycowhey didja figure out what it was?08:30
Xgatesman I could of compiled 50 of them at this rate08:30
Xgatescrap I have gcc3.3 and the gcc-base3.3 and I'm getting this --> /bin/sh: gcc: command not found08:32
Xgateswhats going on now08:32
AmaranthXgates: apt-get install build-essential08:32
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Xgateshey Amaranth ok thanks08:33
membreyaXgates: what happens when you do a gcc -v ? :P08:33
membreyaor which gcc08:33
membreyaor whereis gcc08:33
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jordanaui have a bunch of images in seperate folders and i want to view a slide show of all of them, how is this done?08:34
Burgundaviajordanau, gthump can view a images in a slideshow08:34
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Burgundaviajordanau, make that gThumb08:34
adoymnfeh can too08:34
jordanauright but i want to view all images in a parent folder and sub directories at once08:34
Xgatesmembreya: no I needed that build-essential08:35
Xgatesshould be ok now08:35
danielsmlh: sounds good, thanks08:35
Arniajordanau: You might want to look at f-spot08:35
danielsmlh: remember to include Xorg.0.log and xorg.conf08:35
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mlhdaniels, ok. thanks for listening08:36
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danielsno worries :)08:36
Xgatesyou know what I found odd was that its not considerd good to make a FS a module when its on the / BUT I noticed in the K7 source was that ext2 & ext3 where both compiled as a <m> mod08:36
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membreyadaniels: you didn't comment about usplash :P08:36
Xgateshmm now that makes me wonder what are these DEV doing08:36
danielsmembreya: oh, about usplash?  hm08:36
danielsXgates: it's in an initrd08:37
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membreyadaniels: just wondering if its the "official" method of creating a splashscreen of ubuntu08:37
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ompaulhile, very quick question - I am looking for a tux graphic black and white - I can't remember where to find it I want it for the linux.ie stand in the www.ictexpo.ie here in dublin, ireland today and guess what - its 7:38 am and I am late (ooch)08:38
ompauls/hile/ hi /g08:38
ompaulthis is the help a lug question of the day08:38
ArniaWoah... 7.38... been up all night again :/08:39
Xgatesdaniels: what?08:39
adoymni told my wife i was going to bed hours ago08:39
ompaulno takers ?08:39
adoymnoh well08:39
danielsmembreya: oh, the usplash code that's been posted so far?  not yet, no, but nothing's official yet.  i think a decision will get made in sydney.08:40
danielsXgates: initial ramdisk.08:40
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Xgatesdaniels: I know what it is, hehe what are you saying about it?08:40
membreyaaah sweet08:40
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danielsXgates: that ext2 and ext3 modules will be put in the initrd08:41
membreyai miss daily updates with hoary :'(08:42
Xgateshmm ic08:42
Xgatesdaily updates, LOL sheesh sounds like a software,patch, bug junkie to me08:42
Xgatesboy if ONLY ppl like this knew what it's like to compile everyday, as I did before for a Slackware support site08:43
topylimembreya: you want debian unstable. new system, new bugs every day :)08:43
membreyaXgates: .....but it makes me feel important when there's like 100+ megabytes of updates :D08:43
Xgatesthen I know IF membreya had to compile all that software BOY he certainly wouldn't miss it08:43
membreyatopyli: will wait till breezy starts trickling :)08:43
membreyaXgates: my system is happy to compile all day...just don't expect me to touch any source :P I hate it enough when I have to edit a ./configure :P08:44
topylimembreya: yeah, especially at the beginning it will probably be genuinely broken, you'll feel right at home :)08:44
membreyanah... I've got kubuntu just how I like it :)08:45
Burgundaviamembreya, topyli, breezy just opened08:45
membreyaooooooo :D08:45
Xgatesmembreya: yeah thats what I mean and all those nice happy daily updates just think about all that compile madness08:45
membreyadual boot hoary / breezy ;)08:45
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Xgateswhere Power management options built in Ubuntu that it's expeting them in the kernel?08:46
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ArniaI think I'm going to wait a few months before tracking Breezy ;) Well... until after exams at least08:46
membreya..britney spears is pregnant...god help the world :|08:46
ArniaI may risk it whilst at BT08:47
XgatesI'm trying to figure out if Ubuntu has some quirks to it as I call it meaning it wants, is looking for things in the kernel that the Ubuntu team built into Ubuntu as in the services, etc.. but not really things that are needed, just extra added goodies to fill the need of more compatibility is all08:47
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Xgatesor I'm wondering if Ubuntu besides the patches can run a regular kernel based only on the boxes hardware, without additional things?08:48
SeamusLPXgates the ubuntu kernel implements just about everything as a module I believe08:51
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IceDC571does anyone here have an ipod working with ubuntu?08:53
XgatesSeamusLP: thats not my question  :-)08:53
topyliBurgundavia: i'll wait till it closes :)08:53
SeamusLPXgates everything is compiled in for module support...08:53
Burgundaviatopyli, I am going to track once the sync is finished08:53
Burgundaviatopyli, it will probably be very rocky until then08:54
XgatesI'm saying does anyone know if Ubuntu DEV team built Ubuntu in a way that the default setup is going to look for things in the kernel that aren't really needed, like apm, acpi, etc...08:54
topyliBurgundavia: that is, i see no reason to track breezy until gnome releases again08:54
XgatesI know Hotplug is one of them, and this is not really needed but the default setup is to LOOK for it08:54
Xgatesthis is what I'm saying :-)08:54
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topyliBurgundavia: unless you really want to help. i prefer being a user :)08:54
Xgatesand IF somethings aren't there then its not going to even bootup as well08:54
SeamusLPXgates:  All that I'm aware of is that the kernel has module support for everything and hotplug will check for hardware changes and change modules accordingly.08:55
SeamusLPXgates:  If you want you can look at the kernel source and do a make menuconfig08:56
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dukenwhat your opinion about ubuntu or debian sarge as server ??08:56
XgatesSeamusLP: yes I know all this :-)08:56
topyliduken: sarge is not a server system. your security updates are not guaranteed (still, i guess)08:57
Sp4rKyduken, i think lfs such as ipcop as much better08:57
Sp4rKyoups is much better, sorry08:57
mjrI doubt that ubuntu requires anything exotic of the kernel, but my general practice is to take the distro config as a base anyway, and change only what I need08:58
mjr(which, with ubuntu, has been nothing, but before that ;)08:58
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dukenhi, why my installation process ubuntu hang on Configure apt ( testing network repository) ?09:03
membreyaduken: give it about 10 minutes, I have the same problem09:03
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membreyaor you can go to your second console and do a ifconfig eth0 mtu 150009:03
dukenok has running again09:04
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dukenthanks your help09:05
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membreyaduken: did you do the mtu 1500 or did you just leave it ?09:05
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rm6990Hey everyone. OK Here goes. I am having many problems with Hoary (enough that I am considering downgrading back to Warty). First off, everytime I reboot, I have to log in, Gnome freezes, Ctrl+Alt+BackSpace, log in, Gnome fails to load saying panels are already running, Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, and then it works....also, a lot of the time HAL fails to work properly, giving me error messages when...09:07
rm6990...Gnome loads. CD's, Jumpdrives and cameras are not loading properly when plugged in like they did with Warty. And programs simply don't launch09:07
halgeirHi. I am having problem with sound under hoary. Cant get Gnopernicus to speak (I dont get sounds from Firefox-flash either). I get system sounds, and I get Rythbox to play mp3s.09:07
rm6990An example of a program that doesn't launch is RealPlayer09:08
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rm6990Plus, sound support is kind of sketchy on my fully-linux-supported sound card09:08
Xgateswhats the pack name for kpkg?09:08
Xgatescant remember09:08
Xgatesapt-get install ?09:08
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dukenhow to change grub to lilo ??09:09
dukeni'm use hoary09:09
rm6990Does anyone have any ideas or has anyone experienced the problems i speak of?09:09
Xgatesmembreya: now dont ya think I tried --> apt-get install kpkg?09:09
xamdmXgates, kernel-package09:09
Xgatesxamdm: AHH there we go  :-)09:10
Xgatesxamdm: thanks09:10
membreyaduken: sudo apt-get install lilo09:10
topylihalgeir: rm6990 you both seem to have problems with esd. kill it and check if that's the case09:10
membreyawtf is kpkg?09:10
xamdmXgates, np, apt-cache search kpkg :-)09:10
halgeirjust killall esd?09:10
xamdmmembreya, building a kernel the debian way :-)09:10
topylirm6990: you may have old, conflicting gnome config files at $home09:10
Xgatesxamdm: :-)09:10
Xgatessheesh I'm not thinking09:11
=== Xgates bangs head
rm6990topyli : i installed hoary fresh09:11
membreyaxamdm: :|09:11
rm6990topyli : killed it and realplayer loaded :P09:11
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topylirm6990: no /home saved?09:11
rm6990topyli : yes, but i cleared out all of my config files (i find it works better that way)09:11
topylirm6990: yeah, realplay doesn't support esd09:11
xamdmmembreya, kpkg is great :-), it can apply patches etc autmatically09:12
halgeirkilled esd. No system sounds, and no more mp3-playing in rythbox09:12
rm6990topyli : what about my other problems (Having to log in 3 times, HAL crashing, etc.)09:12
halgeirdid not solve my problem..09:12
halgeirdo I have to start another sound deamon?09:12
rm6990topyli : none of the other sound daemons work properly09:12
topylirm6990: no idea about the gnome trouble :(09:13
topylihalgeir: i don't know how gnopernicus is supposed to work09:13
rm6990halgeir : go into system, preferences, Multimedia Systems Selector, and switch to ALSA09:14
rm6990ill bb in a few minutes09:14
rm6990btw, before i leave, why did the ubuntu team include Enlightenment Sound Daemon over ALSA....it gives me nothing but problems09:14
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topylirm6990: well, sound daemons would be good if one of them actually worked without tweaking the hell out of them09:15
halgeirrm6990: OK. The test seemed OK. Do I have to start that deamon manually?09:15
topylihalgeir: no! be sure no daemon is running09:16
halgeirok. I killed asd, and swithed to alsa as rm6990 told me09:16
halgeirright now I dont get any sound at all09:16
halgeirnot those that worked earlier either09:16
halgeirdo I have to restart for it to take effect?09:17
duken<membreya> duken: sudo apt-get install lilo <-- just this ?09:17
membreyaduken: yes09:17
topylihalgeir: most of your apps are using esd right now. try those that were broken and we'll see if they work09:17
membreyahalgeir: yes indeedy or at least start it :P09:17
topylihalgeir: we're only debugging here. fixing will come later09:17
halgeirhow do I start it?09:17
topylihalgeir: esd&, but don't do it yet09:18
FreezerXUbuntu doesn't request for username and password when leaving the hibernate state. Is it possible to active this request?09:18
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halgeirthats OK, but I changed to alsa. Do I have to start alsa as well...? Sorry if Im slow here, dont really understand this09:18
dukenmembreya: how to activate the lilo ?09:18
topylihalgeir: alsa and oss don't need a daemon, they talk to your sound device directly09:19
membreyahalgeir: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa start09:19
mjrFreezerX, hmh; all I know that if you hibernate from the gnome logout prompt, it locks the screen09:19
topylihalgeir: or membreya might be right too :)09:19
dukeni was reboot but the bootloader still grub09:19
membreyaduken: do a sudo apt-get install lilo-doc09:19
membreyaand do a man on lilo ... I don't use lilo sorry09:19
FreezerXmjr, there seems to be no lock09:19
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halgeirOK. thanks. It started without any errors, but I get exactly the same result (Rhythmbox and system is working, but Gnopernicus and Firefox/Flash is not)09:21
topylihalgeir: do: ps aux|grep esd (to make sure it's not there)09:21
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halgeirok. It is not09:22
jirwinhello...i just formatted a new hard drive...how would I mount it now...if i wanted to mount it to /data?09:22
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topylihalgeir: i wonder what gnopernicus uses. broken flash is not a big surprise09:22
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pharaonic_anubisWhat is the command to check if DMA mode is enabled on all of my IDE channels?09:23
halgeirI have no idea. But I had no problem setting it up under warty (different machine though)09:23
adoyretsamonhdparm -Tt /dev/hda09:23
adoyretsamonor something like it09:23
adoyretsamongoogle it09:24
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adoyretsamoni have it enabled on my suse boxes by default09:24
FlimFlamManso, ubuntu is a commercial distro.  how does it plan to make money?09:24
topylihalgeir: one thing we know for sure is you have to report a bug :)09:24
adoyretsamonFlimFlamMan, support09:24
topylihalgeir: better to fix hoary than downgrade to warty. one day/year you'll have to upgrade anyway09:25
Nulapharaonic_anubis, hdparm /dev/hd*09:25
halgeirtopily: yes. Unfortunately this computer is for a blind user, and he is really dependent on gnopernicus.09:25
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halgeirhe just have no use for the computer without it..:-(09:25
membreyathe command to check if dma is enabled, you need to do a hdparm -d /dev/hdx09:26
membreyahalgeir: you may need to do an asoundrc09:26
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Nulahalgeir, it's a script for software mixing09:27
Nulahalgeir, so you can play audio from multiple apps at the same time with alsa09:27
halgeirOK. Is it a program I need to download?09:27
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FlimFlamManin what ways does canonical intend to make money supporting ubuntu?09:27
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jirwinhello again...what could I use to make a image of a cd...in ISO format?09:28
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topyliFlimFlamMan: companies will pay good money for support. that's how red hat, hp and novell make money. not software09:28
mak_jirwin, i think it is covered in the ubuntu starter guide09:29
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FlimFlamMantopyli, right, what i'm wondering about specifically is if the repositories will become restricted in any way in the future09:29
jirwini didn't see it there...but I will double check09:29
membreyahalgeir: http://members.optusnet.com.au/~membreya/.asoundrc that's my .asoundrc09:29
Nulajirwin, gnomebaker is a nice application09:29
jel_umm... can someone tell me if/how I can switch from debian sid to ubuntu?09:29
topyliFlimFlamMan: that would ruin canonical's business09:30
Nulajirwin, you can get packages from http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GnomeBaker/view?searchterm=gnomebaker09:30
FlimFlamMantopyli, so that's a "no" ?09:30
jirwinNula, will that allow me to create an ISO for storage?09:30
mjrjel_, well, you can try upgrading by changing the sources.list to point to ubuntu, but that'd be unsupported and you might have some quirks in it as well as manual labour to do09:30
mjrjel_, the recommended way would be to install ubuntu over it09:31
topyliFlimFlamMan: yes. companies have hoped for good professional debian support for years. now they have ubuntu09:31
Nulajirwin, yes. it's a fully featured media recording program09:31
pharaonic_anubisNext Q. How would I go about changing the name of cdrom1 in /media/ to dvdrom109:31
mak_does anyone know why i cant seem to be able to ssh into my box? i can ssh out, but not in, it says 'connection refused'09:31
jel_mjr: is any of ubuntu based on sid?09:31
topyliFlimFlamMan: progeny and others have done it too, with varying success09:31
Agrajagmak_: install openssh_server09:31
membreyawhy pharaonic_anubis ?09:31
Agrajagor something09:31
mjrjel_, well, much of it actually is09:31
jel_mjr: and... do I know you from FSFE?09:31
mak_Agrajag, I'll try09:31
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Agrajagyeah, the second one09:31
Agrajagsudo apt-get install openssh-server09:32
pharaonic_anubisWell, originally in /media it was named as dvdrom1... I just forget how I did that.09:32
Agrajagthen, if you're behind NAT, you'll need to forward port 2209:32
FlimFlamManis userlinux considering ubuntu, given that sarge is continuing the history of obsolete releases?09:32
mjrjel_, not that I know of, unless you were the guy I sent a link to my patent bribe to page at fsfe ;)09:32
AgrajagFlimFlamMan: I heard userlinux is considering merging with ubuntu09:32
carthikHelp! my "r", "b" and "n" keys are not working in gnome... they are at tty109:33
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topyliFlimFlamMan: it's a consideration. so far they've concentrated on polisihing debian09:33
mak_Agrajag, thanks, that did the trick09:33
Agrajagmak_: cool09:33
carthikany clues as to why those keys arent working?09:34
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carthikI was counting on getting work done tonight :(09:34
carthikI tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and setting the preferences using gnome...09:34
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carthikneither helps09:34
pharaonic_anubisWhich repository is the libdvdcss2 located on?09:35
jel_mjr: so you are involved in fsfe, then?09:35
individ_new keyboard maybe ? :P09:35
membreyahalgeir: how did you go with .asoundrc?09:35
halgeirmembreya. OK. Think I am making progress here. After using your .asoundrc-file, and restarting ALSA. Firefox/Flash started working!! However no success with gnopernicus09:35
carthikwhen i had this problem earlier, i used to change the Keyboard Preferences to 105 key from 104 key and viceversa09:35
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membreyahmmmm :|09:35
carthikindivid_, no, this is a laptop that i have been using all these days09:35
membreyahalgeir: do a tail -f .xsession_errors on in your home directory09:35
carthikpharaonic_anubis, the marillat debian repository is where i got it from09:35
Nulacarthik, tried changing the layout under gnome prefrences?09:35
membreyaand try using gnopernicus09:36
mjrjel_, no, I'm not involved really09:36
carthikNula, yes09:36
mjrI just sent them a link09:36
mak_here's a tougher one that I havent been able to get an answer for in the last few days. Does anyone know why when I try to run syndaemon, it gives me an "SHMConfig disabled?" error, even though it is enable in my xorg.conf?09:36
carthikhalgeir, the "r" key does not work....09:36
jel_mjr: ahh, ok :)09:36
membreyahalgeir: .xsession-errors even09:36
carthikokay, i can do that at tty109:36
pharaonic_anubisIs there a list of all the repositories somewhere?09:36
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pharaonic_anubisI think I found the list.09:37
halgeirstrange... it actually says "...Too much output, ignoring rest..."09:38
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carthikmembreya, three errors about gnome-panel g_key_file_add_group: assertions 'g_key_file_lookup_group_node (key_file, Group_name) == NULL' failed09:38
topylimjr: how much money do you have behind your pribes program so far? :)09:38
XgatesOH CRAP ---> install: invalid group `root'09:38
membreyanothing about sound?09:38
Xgatesnow friggin WHAT09:38
halgeirahhh.... there is stuff here. complaining about gnopernicus modules missing...:-)09:38
carthikmembreya, sound? that was a keyboard problem...09:39
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halgeirthanks mbraya... Ill look more on this.09:39
topylihalgeir: :D09:39
membreyacarthik: no shit09:39
carthikmembreya, d'oh sorry... i must be sleepy09:39
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carthiksorry folks, this is the strangest thing.... just three alphabets. I wish the q, z and w keys had stopped working instead...09:40
flipyhow can i connect a mobile phone using irDa?09:40
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mak_so, another resounding no can do on the syndaemon problem ? :)09:40
carthikso i take it that i am quite on my own with this weird error... :(09:40
dukenhow to using raid ?09:42
topyliflipy: i've been trying and failing to setup irda too. not on hoary yet though.09:42
=== Fazer [~Fazer@CPE0050f276c615-CM0012c90fe42a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
topyliflipy: theoretically, you could use either gnokii or openobex (depends on the phone) once your irda stack is sane09:43
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Arniatopyli: Any ideas how to make an irda stack sane? :)09:44
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topyliArnia: i definitely have no idea :)09:44
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xamdm /msg NickServ IDENTIFY qpc423hw09:44
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topyliArnia: i've read everything on linux irda ever published on the internet. it looks like it's supposed to be pretty easy :)09:45
carthiklooks like i have screwed up the laptop now...09:45
xamdmhow do i change my password ??09:45
xamdmin irc09:45
ubuntu_Hello, I want Ubuntu to automatically mount a folder on the file server (samba) on startup. I'm in fstab now, and I've configured it, I just want to check what I've done is correct09:45
Fazerxamdm: /msg nickserv help09:45
ubuntu_For filesystem I have //
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ubuntu_for mount point I have: /home/ubuntu/fileserver09:46
Xgatesroot@ubuntu:~# adduser xgates root09:46
Xgatesadduser: The group `root' does not exist.09:46
Xgatesdoes Ubuntu use the group 'root' or like wheel?09:46
dukenhow to using raid ?09:46
jel_anyone using kubuntu?  Does it cause troubles?  I'm already worried about switching from debian to a less mainstream distro, but kubuntu seems even LESS mainstream...09:46
flipywell, it seems pretty out of scene right now09:47
elcuHello, how can I install new gnome themes? i've extracted the archive file to /usr/share/themes, but it doesn't show up in the theme selection dialog.09:47
topyliubuntu_: paste the whole line here (with fake username and password of course)09:47
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Bazzijel_ ubuntu IS mainstream o_O09:47
jel_Bazzi: how many developers/users, compared to debian?09:47
Bazzi400 paid ones I think09:47
jel_wow, really?09:48
carthikjel_ the committee is smaller, so work gets done faster09:48
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Bazziplus the debian ones, since its building upon debian09:48
carthikBazzi.. more like 15, dude09:48
Arniatopyli: *looks* like ;)09:48
flipytopyli, does it worked with warty?09:48
Bazzior was it 400 total?09:48
topyliflipy: no :)09:48
carthikBazzi, paid is about 10-15, so says mako09:48
carthikor even less , perhaps09:48
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=== Arnia wants to sync his phone
flipyuhm, and how is it supposed to work? does it detects a device and adds the access node?09:49
jel_anyone using ppc?  Does it get bug fixes etc. quickly?09:49
topyliflipy: do you have a serial dongle or a built-in laptop irda thingy?09:49
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carthikcanonical has other employees, besides ubuntu developers... like clerks, mail people, etc :)09:49
Xgatessay something isnt right here I get --> The group `root' does not exist09:49
flipybuilt-in laptop irda09:49
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Xgateshow is this setup in Ubuntu?09:49
carthikXgates, you have to sudo to do things as root09:49
topyliflipy: that might be easier than my serial dongle09:49
carthikadd the user to the sudoers file09:49
flipyi can't get it to work09:49
Xgatescarthik: I am using sudo and I get that09:50
=== carthik rues the fact that he cant help himself with his voodooed keyboard problem
flipysince i don't know how to handle irda events (or how to setup irda interface)09:50
elcuHello, how can I install new gnome themes? i've extracted the archive file to /usr/share/themes, but it doesn't show up in the theme selection dialog.09:50
Xgatescarthik: the user is already in the sudoers file too09:50
topyliflipy: the laptops ir ports use weird, seekret modules. you'll need to find out which one you need. then worry about the client side09:50
individcarthik you keyboard map is the correct one?09:50
Xgatesroot    ALL=(ALL) ALL09:51
Xgatesxgates  ALL=(ALL) ALL09:51
Xgatescarthik: by accident dont ask how I was able to delete the root account when I did a expert install as --> deluser root09:51
carthikindivid, i rebooted the laptop, xorg.conf has pc104, and the keys werent working09:51
carthiki changed it in keyboard prefs to 105 key (intl) and it works now09:51
flipyuhm weird... so more modules stuff to worry about09:52
halgeirmembreya ++: still no luck withgnopernicus (had to restart... ). I am no longer able to play music in rhythbox. Get alsa device default in use by another program.09:52
Xgatescarthik: so I added it back into /etc/passwd --> root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash09:52
carthiknext time I reboot, i will have to change from that to 104 (in gnome)09:52
membreyahrm :|09:52
Xgatescarthik: thats all I did after running deluser09:52
topyliflipy: yes. google for your laptop and linux irda. then google for your phone and linux irda09:52
individcarthik that's quite a bitch09:52
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halgeirthe errors in xsession is related to libatk-bridge missing. I think the individual packages (like the terminal) is complaining.09:52
carthikXgates, I am not an expert, I try to be helpful, is all...09:52
topyliflipy: and you should have all you need09:52
carthikindivid... earlier tonight was the first time the switching-trick failed, so i was scared....09:53
Xgatesanyone know I killed root as in deluser root before when I did a expert install, and then I just added it back into the /etc/passwd is all --->     root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash09:53
halgeirThis message is filling up my xsession-errors: "** (gnome-cups-icon:22646): WARNING **: failed request with status 1030", but I gess that is not related09:53
XgatesI cant remember is there something needed in /etc/group for root?09:54
individcarthik even so this is a pretty strange situation, changing keyboard settings all the time09:54
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membreyanope halgeir09:54
sataereHey everyone, I did a custom compile on my kernel today and everything is working perfect except for my usb mouse.  It writes to the default udev /dev/input/mouse, but it doesn't register the button clicks.  Any ideas?09:55
carthikindivid, i have told gnome many times to just obey the xorg settings, whenever it has asked me through a popup question, but no, it will not obery me!09:55
carthikobey, even09:55
halgeirmembreya: Any idea why alsa is not letting me play from rythmbox anymore?09:55
membreyaim out of ideas sorry halgeir :| did you kill esd and start alsa?09:55
=== carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
halgeirmembreya. Of course esd is still starting automatically..:-)09:56
elcuHello, how can I install new gnome themes? i've extracted the archive file to /usr/share/themes, but it doesn't show up in the theme selection dialog.09:57
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carthikelcu - choose "install theme" and then the .tar.gz file09:57
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elcucarthik: does it matter if it's bzipped?09:58
jel_elcu: did you look at the files you extracted? sometimes there's a file you have to read for instructions; sometimes you have to compile; sometimes you have to have certain engines installed before it'll work.  But yes, try carthik's way first.09:58
Xgatescan someone PLEASE open up /etc/group and tell me what they see for root as in ---> root:x:1001:09:59
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carthikelcu, please try it. I am not sure...10:00
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elcujel_: no, there doesn't seem to be any instructions.  i'm trying these skins.10:00
brissalut all10:00
carthikelcu there is a whole bunch of themes in the ubuntu hoary universe repository, have you tried them?10:00
carthikthe theme you want might be there already10:00
cavediverHi guys. Does anyone know what version number apache 1, php and mysql has in hoary ?10:00
run|sonyQ: how can i turn off evolution starting up?  when i create a xfce its creating evolution processes10:00
elcucarthik: i tried the install method.  it won't show up still.10:01
elcucarthik: i'm still on warty10:01
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elcudoes that matter?10:01
Bazzicavediver use synaptic to look it up10:01
carthikelcu, no that does not matter10:01
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carthikelcu, which one are you trying to install, so i can try too?10:02
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=== Seveas [~seveas@ksl403-uva-142.wireless.uva.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Xgatescan someone PLEASE open up /etc/group and tell me what they see for root?10:02
elcucarthik: Aluminum Alloy - Smog10:02
XgatesI want to make sure its 100110:02
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run|sonyXgates: root is 010:03
SeveasXgates, root should not be 100110:03
run|sonyalways 010:03
Seveasroot is always 010:03
topyliXgates: root:x:0:10:03
run|sonyany pointers to stop having evolution-exchange-storage start?10:04
jel_Xgates: yours says 1001?10:04
Xgatesok btw is root listed at the TOP of /etc/group?10:04
Xgatesnot that it really matters Im just picky10:04
halgeirmembreya: This is definately related to alsa not being able to play from different sources at the same time. Beep/Rhythmbox/Fiorefox-Flash is working perfectly by themselves, but not when I try to play simultaneously (different error messages, but no sound).10:05
topylihalgeir: that's why we have them damn sound daemons in the first place. pity none of them work very well10:06
elcucarthik: did you install it?10:06
carthikelcu, i downloaded it, opened system-preferences->theme, selected "install theme"10:06
Xgatesjel_: I mucked up my group by accident so just restoring it10:06
carthikelcu, then I clicked on theme details10:06
carthiksince it is a theme for window decorations...10:07
carthikand sure enough, it was right there, in the list...10:07
=== Gunblade [~calebme@c-24-16-59-169.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
halgeir...Im sort of guessing: but might it be that gnopernicus actually depends on being able to play to different channels simoultaneously?10:07
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flipytopyli, that's what i'm doing without any success10:07
GunbladeHey how do you takw a screenshot of your desktop?10:07
flipytopyli, anyway, thank you for your advice, i'll keep searching10:07
elcucarthik: under window borders?10:07
carthikelcu, look in "window border" tab, and you will find it10:07
andreas_Can anyone tell me how to take screenshots during the ubuntu installation?10:07
carthikelcu, yes10:08
elcucarthik: human is the 1st in the list.10:08
GunbladeHey all how do you take a screenshot of your desktop?10:08
elcucarthik: what name does it go by? :)10:08
andreas_Press Prnt Screen10:08
andreas_Goto GIMP and paste10:09
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Gunbladethank you10:09
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lzi wanna change my grub settttings... is there a gui way?10:09
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carthikeclu, Aluminiumalloy something10:09
carthikelcu, try installing it the way i described in detail above, perhaps :)10:10
carthiki did not unzip it..10:10
elcucarthik: so you just selected the .wal file?10:11
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Coraiheya all10:11
Xgateslz: --> http://grubconf.sourceforge.net/10:11
Xgatesnot sure if thats in Ubuntu or not10:11
Coraiis it ok to ask questions in here?10:11
lzthanks Xgates10:11
topyliCorai: that's what we do10:12
carthikeclu, the .tar.bz2 file10:12
carthikCorai, yup10:12
CoraiI was at efnet and got yelled at, so this was my next choice10:12
carthikthe question you asked is the one that is not allowed here :)10:12
carthikonly one, i mean10:12
individhow can i get root on some mandrake linux when having a user account?10:13
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CoraiI'm trying to get a webserver running so I've apt-get apache2 and am trying to get php but it doesn't seem to work10:13
topyliindivid: su10:13
Seveasindivid, ask the owner of the box...10:13
elcucarthik: worked. thanks.10:13
Seveasindivid, this is not #mandrake ;)10:13
individSeveas ;)10:13
carthikelcu, cool10:13
Seveasindivid, generally you use su or sudo, but you must be allowed to use them10:14
individjohn the ripper does not work cause i cant copy from /etc the shadow file10:14
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carthikCorai, doe ubuntuguide.org help at all?10:14
Seveasindivid, isn't it jack the ripper?10:14
Seveasbut eek, password cracking10:14
Seveasshoo, shoo :)10:14
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Coraicarthik, it has "sudo apt-get install php4" as the command but it comes up with package not found10:15
scizzoSeveas: that is the famous killer from way back...john is the program that looks for passwords10:15
pharaonic_anubisMy DVD drive isn't mounting when I insert a disc, what should I do to fix this?10:15
individSeveas  its a good thing , the traffic shaper is killing me10:15
carthikCorai, shortcut - sudo apt-get install some web-based php+apache app, and then uninstall it, the php mysql apache will all remain...10:15
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SeveasCorai, the package isn't callep php410:15
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carthikCorai, try search using apt-cache search *php*10:15
Coraiwill try10:16
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SeveasCorai, try libapache2-mod-php410:16
carthikCorai, then you will know what you can find,10:16
topylithat will return about 1000 packages10:16
Seveashmm, but php4 is a metapackge though...10:16
carthiktopyli, maybe, but he gets the idea...10:16
carthikand can refine the search, too...10:16
topyliyeah, grep10:16
carthikthen again, maybe i should just shutup and get back to work :)10:17
topylicarthik: thanks for the reminer :)10:17
Coraidoes libapache2-mod-php4 sound right?10:17
topylireminder even10:17
mjcgaim crashes whe nI drag a link from firefox10:17
carthikno, topyli , I am sorry, i did not mean to offend you at all - i had a lot of work, and was idling here. that was not sarcastic, or cynical... sorry if it sounded so10:18
carthikCorai, if you have apache2 installed, then yes...10:18
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scizzoindivid: ummmm...so pretty much what you want to do is to crack up a machine....I think this is actually something you have to do on your own....don't think anyone wants to be responsible for something like that10:18
topylicarthik: nonono, genuinely i was idling illegally too :)10:18
individscizzo like i said just want to get ridd of that traffic shaper10:19
pharaonic_anubismwahaha. Got it fixed... had no moint point directory. Silly me.10:19
|FAMAS|xbillwork !! :)10:19
individscizzo guess it was a stupid question :)10:19
carthikCorai, is universe enabled?10:19
halgeirtopyli: Im playing around with different asoundrc-files here. With no success. Is the problem with alsa only playing from one source always related to the right configuration here? Could it be hardware-related?10:19
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saik0is anybody hereing using polyp in xfce?10:20
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mishofis unbuntu running x.org server or xfree86, or something else ?10:20
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scizzoindivid: so...?10:20
carthikCorai, maybe they are not in the main or restricted repos (php4 that is...)10:20
Seveasmishof, ubuntu hoary (5.04) runs Xorg10:20
saik0mishof, xorg10:20
individscizzo nothing nevermid10:20
topylihalgeir: i don't know alsa enough, but if the hardware worked with warty, you'd be pretty unlucky if it breaks right on upgrade day10:20
scizzoindivid: hehe10:20
Seveaswarty (4.10) runs xfree10:20
carthiklater, folks10:20
pharaonic_anubisuhoh. New problem... the dvd is running horribly slow... looks like it is being rendered by software.10:21
pharaonic_anubisHmm... how to fix that I'm not sure.10:21
pharaonic_anubisAny ideas?10:21
Seveaspharaonic_anubis, try enabling dma10:21
scizzoindivid: "I just want to..." can mean a lot... ;)10:21
topylihalgeir: i'm beginning to suspect it's gnopernicus that is buggy here10:21
Seveassudo hdparm -d1 /dev/dvd10:21
halgeirtopily: No, that was on a different computer.10:21
mishofSeveas, then maybe you know how can i get xorg source or something like that ? im trying to compile a driver and it gives me tons of errors, i think its because i dont have xorg source or something10:21
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saik0pharaonic_anubis, you probably need to enable DMA, do what Seveas said10:21
topylihalgeir: ah, then we don't know much :(10:21
Coraicarthik, universe?10:21
Seveasmishof, you probably only need some -dev packages10:21
pharaonic_anubisSeveas, saik0, hdparm reports that "using_dma = 1 (on)"10:21
pharaonic_anubisSo I've got dma mode running.10:22
mishofSeveas, yeah i guess so, but which ? :P10:22
Seveasmishof, can you paste the error somewhere>10:22
pharaonic_anubisThe reason I think it is software rendering the dvd is cause when I do full screen it stretches the image really wierd.10:22
mishofSeveas, its tons of errors10:22
halgeirtopily: Unfortunately.10:22
Seveasmishof, then start with the first dozen :)10:22
dukenwhy installation base system failed ??10:22
Seveasand please tell me what you are compiling :)10:22
mishofSeveas, X11/Xosdefs.h: No such file or directory10:23
saik0pharaonic_anubis, do you have libdbdcss?10:23
individscizzo lol10:23
mishofSeveas, compiling acecad (tablet) driver for xorg10:23
danielsmishof: apt-get install x-dev10:23
dukenthe bootstraps failed10:23
saik0pharaonic_anubis, libdvdcss, typo10:23
danielsmishof: you probably want xlibs-dev as well10:23
mishofdaniels, thanks10:23
pharaonic_anubissaik0, I have libdvdcss210:23
BlackLabeldo i need to install something extra to be able to extract rar archives? (im using kubuntu)10:24
SeveasBlackLabel, unrar or unrar-nonfree10:24
Seveaspharaonic_anubis, what video hardware do you have?10:24
topyliBlackLabel: the nonfree works10:24
pharaonic_anubisATI Radeon 9200 AGP 8x, 128mb, 400MHz DACs.10:25
Coraiis there a quick way of checking your ip address?10:25
Seveaspharaonic_anubis, have you installed and enabled xorg-driver-fglrx?10:25
topyliCorai: ifconfig10:25
individscizzo dont tell me ya neved did it ;)10:25
pharaonic_anubisSeveas, yes. and it is running great. glxgears reports 1606.00 fps.10:25
BlackLabeltopyli: does it work with Ark do u know?10:26
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scizzoindivid: never done it10:26
topyliBlackLabel: ark? probably. you may have to tell ark where the binary is. haven't seen kde in a good while10:26
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individscizzo anywayz its stupid cause the admin wud just verify the logs and kick my ars10:26
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halgeirtopily: still not giving up here. A last try...:-) In multimedia system selector, I changed "default sink" to alsa. The default source is OSS. However the "test" here does not produce any sound (neither does alsa). Is this normal?10:27
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BlackLabeltopyli: k10:27
individscizzo i shud be stealth or something10:27
topylihalgeir: no, it's failing if there's no beep10:27
mishofdaniels, I'm still getting errors, this time 1 error (acecad.h:44: error: redefinition of `struct input_id') any ideas?10:27
saik0I'm out of ideas and google offers me no answers, has anyone used polyp in xfce?10:27
pharaonic_anubisIs there anyway to make sure that fglx is using hardware instead of some software rendering?10:27
=== gunther [~glaure@fiicmgk01.tu-graz.ac.at] has joined #ubuntu
pharaonic_anubisanyway to check that?10:27
freewoodyCan I use Qmail to use it in a Private LAN10:28
scizzofreewoody: yes10:28
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freewoodyHow do I go about creating a Qmail Mail Server in a private network of 20 computers10:29
halgeirtopily: OK. Here there is definatly something wrong. Esd fails with error (probably since it is not running). OSS/ALSA does not produce any sound. Retestet alsa, and it actually crashed.. Had to force quit.10:29
freewoodyBy the way, the network is not connected to the Internet10:29
=== crax0r [~xjweughjw@28bc324cadd04626.node.tor] has joined #ubuntu
mishofSeveas, I'm getting this error now - acecad.h:44: error: redefinition of `struct input_id' - any ideas?10:30
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crax0rDCC SEND "+ f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f + f +10:30
halgeirshould sink and source be the same?10:30
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ac-idi know this is off topic10:30
Coraiwoohoo its working :P10:30
Seveascrax0r, cut it out10:30
pharaonic_anubisThought of an idea... I shall see if it works.10:31
Seveasmishof, no idea...10:31
ac-idbut can anyone remember any names of those lsass (sasser) exploits?10:31
Seveasac-id, we are no exploiters...10:31
Coraidoes anyone know a good ftp server?10:31
SeveasCorai, vsftpd10:31
Coraijust apt-get it?10:31
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Coraisweet thanks10:32
freewoodyHas somebody here configure Qmail on Ubuntu ?10:32
linuxboyseb128: he also did that to me10:32
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Coraiseveas, does that use the local accounts as ftp accounts or do you need to specify?10:33
linuxboyi man, Seveas10:33
SeveasCorai, i believe it can do both, read the friendly manual :)10:33
Coraiseveas, thanks for your help10:34
scizzofreewoody: I think that google might give you some good howtos about that10:35
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danielsI've just banned tor because of repeated spambot and exploit abuse.  If you're on tor, legitimate, and can't speak because of this (but I can't see anyone on tor here), /msg me.10:37
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Burgundaviaac-id, I would dig through the secunia updates if you want to know10:38
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mishofwhats the kernel version of hoary ?10:40
freewoodySo what about Qmail in Ubuntu ?10:41
mjg59freewoody: It's non-free software10:41
mjg59freewoody: And the license forbids providing binaries from modified source code.10:42
Seveasso: no qmail in Ubuntu repositories10:42
Seveastry exim or courier instead10:42
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zxcCan anyone help, I just changed my screen res in the xorg config file but now it's all screwy10:47
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zxc^ at all resoloutions I have to scroll the screen to see everything10:49
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saik0I snooped around the boards and couldnt find anything....can you easily remove sound daemons and just use ALSA...I mean is'nt that part of why it was written?10:51
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alsbihaHi, is it posible to ad more packages to the portage, so that it is possible to add packages like mplayer, eclipse etc with apt-get install?10:51
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jamie_kcan anyone give me the command line to unrar a multipart archive?10:54
Burgundaviaunrar e blah.rar10:54
Burgundaviait will get the rest10:54
Burgundaviawhere blah.rar is the 1st archive10:54
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Burgundaviaassuming you have unrar-nonfree installed10:54
alsbihaHi, is it posible to ad more packages to the portage, so that it is possible to add packages like mplayer, eclipse etc with apt-get install? and to keep it updatete bei apt-get dist-update10:54
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Burgundaviaalsbiha, yep, see www.ubuntu.com/wiki/RestrictedFormats10:55
jamie_kBurgundavia: should 1st archive be .00110:55
jamie_kBurgundavia: i thought usually there was a .00 but this time not.10:56
Burgundaviajamie_k, should be blah01.rar and blah02.rar10:56
jamie_kBurgundavia: thanks!10:56
MyNameIsChrisExtremely offtopic, but have y'all seen this? http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/children/kidtalk.mspx10:56
BurgundaviaMyNameIsChris, funny, no?10:56
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=== jamie_k was using -e
lhbSeveas: crax0r also tried something with you?10:57
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MyNameIsChrisBurgundavia, MS explains leetspeek10:57
pointwoodhow do I get those nice ubuntu wallpapers they produce each month? I've installed ubuntu-artwork and ubuntu-calendar, but most of the wallpapers are missing :(10:57
BurgundaviaMyNameIsChris, sorry, funny, no? is slang for it is funny10:58
alsbihahm it seems that i have to install them by myselve. and so they woudnt be updatet by apt-get update-install10:58
Burgundaviapointwood, there might be a bug related to that10:58
Burgundaviajust a sec while I get it for you10:58
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natealshiba have you added universe and multiverse repositories?10:58
carlospointwood: I think you only get last one, you need to install the old ones by hand10:58
alsbihaoh now10:59
pointwoodcarlos: I've done that10:59
pointwoodgot them all installed10:59
pointwoodthrough synaptic10:59
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jfk303What do people in here think about EU copyright laws (not patenting), and how they serve to *protect* software developers?10:59
pointwoodubuntu-calendar-october and forward11:00
carlospointwood: if you installed all ubuntu-calendar-* packages, you should have them now11:00
alsbihaa other problem is that i have added kdm and kde and i got no sound is this a known problem?11:00
alsbihathe sound card is detected right11:00
pointwoodjfk303: they are sadly on track to change that11:00
Burgundaviajfk303, might be a better topic for another channel11:00
pointwoodand Burgundavia is prolly right11:00
natealshiba if you want KDE wouldn't it be best to start from Kubuntu? Or do you need both KDE and GNOME?11:01
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Burgundaviaalsbiha, there are some issues I have heard about regarding sound on Kubuntu, you might want to try #kubuntu for more information11:02
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alsbihai only need kde11:02
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alsbihaoki thanks11:03
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MrNonchalant-MemoServ- You have no new memos <- :,( nobody loves me11:05
pointwoodBurgundavia: found the bug I think: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=872111:06
Burgundaviapointwood, thanks11:06
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pointwoodlooks like there's a quickfix11:07
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sydneyfongwhoops, wrong chan11:08
Hmmmmanyone home?11:08
MyNameIsChrisHmmmm, define home11:08
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ubuntu_Hello, I'm confused about mounting network shares. On the fileserver, I have set nobody:nogroup, but when I mount it, from this ubuntu system, then the files are sets as root:root?11:09
AcidflashHi, do some one get XPDE work?. It's start for me, but i can't use the Meny or klick on somting, then it close and go out to console..11:09
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ubuntu_If I chown nobody:nogroup -R fileserver - Will this affect just this local system, or will it make it nobody:nogroup for everyone on the whole network?11:10
pointwoodis the april calendar just 2 hands?11:10
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HmmmmMyNameIsChris, /home/wtf11:10
MyNameIsChrisHmmmm, In that case, no11:11
HmmmmAcidflash, xpde sucks11:11
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AcidflashHmmmm: That was not the qest.. I wont to get it to work so my girlfriend can run Linux to begin..11:12
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redundant_hello, can i ask a question?11:14
wezzer-yes you can11:14
redundant_i have a laptop with no floppy, but have a modprobe error on boot looking for it.. how do i stop the modprobe boot list?11:14
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BurgundaviaAcidflash, where did you download xpde from?11:15
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AcidflashBurgundavia, from xpde.com11:15
Acidflashredundant_, i think you shud take away "noauto" in fstab.... ;)11:16
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AcidflashBurgundavia, i don't find any .deb version.11:16
redundant_ill try that,11:17
mak_anyone know how to find out if my my touch pad is detected, or what is the name of the device. it sort of works, but i cant seem to control it11:17
BurgundaviaAcidflash, I am looking for it as well11:17
BurgundaviaAcidflash, is there a reason you can't reskin gnome or kde?11:17
redundant_Acidflash - no auto is fstab.. no floppy lines at all.. it has something to do with the modules list loaded at boot.11:18
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Acidflashredundant_, aaa.. *mybad* ;)11:19
redundant_np :)11:19
BurgundaviaAcidflash, you might want to try #xpde11:19
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AcidflashBurgundavia, i Run kde. But my girlfriend is new in Linux, and she shud feel good to look like windows to beg.. Then she will run KDE aswell.11:20
ChoubakaKDE is a lot cuter than windows :|11:20
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BurgundaviaAcidflash, hmm, I would reskin KDE to look like windows myself11:20
BurgundaviaAcidflash, xpde is very much beta software and kde is far more mature11:21
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AcidflashBurgundavia, yes i know.11:21
ChoubakaAcidflash: Just show her the different themes and let her pick one she likes. Then familiarise her with some of the differences.11:21
AcidflashYes that's right.11:22
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BurgundaviaAcidflash, if there was a debian package, then I would point you there11:22
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BurgundaviaAcidflash, but as there isn't, and given the age/maturity of the software, I am hesitant to recommend installing it11:23
AcidflashBurgundavia, witch network are #xpde on? Not this..11:23
BurgundaviaAcidflash, they claim it is here on their site11:23
zxcIs there a dock like program for gnome?11:24
Acidflashaa ;)11:24
BurgundaviaAcidflash, xpde looks almost dead to me11:24
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AcidflashBurgundavia, me too.11:25
AcidflashAa. i will install KDE 3.4.. And she will run with it. ;)11:26
BurgundaviaAcidflash, http://www.xpde.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=16811:26
BurgundaviaAcidflash, kde is very nice for recovering windows users11:26
AcidflashThe thing is i get it to start, but it crash when i try to push the START or some ICON.11:27
zerokarmalefteven after reading the FAQ, i don't understand why xpde exists11:27
Acidflashzerokarmaleft, for Windows user's ;)11:27
AcidflashI run KDE for my self so.. I don't wont to run "Windows lokki like"11:28
mojo_sry; i am having probs w/ burning. my drives are not being recognized, but they used to work. have pana dvr-105 dvd-rw and creative 52x cdrw11:31
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MyNameIsChrismojo_, SATA HDD?11:32
mojo_cdrecord -scanbus is not showing anything with dev=ATAPI and with dev=ATA it keeps trying my /dev/hda11:32
Burgundaviamojo_, what are you using to burn?11:32
freewoodyDoes firefox support the online music stations like Yahoo Music ?11:32
mojo_MyNameIsChris: yes i do have a sata drive but not either of the burners.11:32
MyNameIsChrismojo_, I know what is wrong11:32
MyNameIsChrismojo_, turn off ide mapping in your BIOS11:33
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mojo_Burgundavia: cdrecord or nautilus11:33
MyNameIsChrismojo_, or the equiv11:33
mojo_IDE mapping?11:33
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freewoodyI can't get to hear the music online11:33
MyNameIsChrismojo_, On mine I had to enable sata enhanced mode and change ide to raid11:33
MyNameIsChrismojo_, Works with a single drive11:33
zxchmm, does nerim not work anymore? and does anyone know where I can get a working repository list?11:33
mojo_I have 2 IDE drives (hd), 2 burners (ide, 1 ea. dvd & cd), and 1 sata drive (hd)11:33
MyNameIsChrismojo_, There is something about it on the bugzilla, I had that exact problem11:34
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certhei guys..how do you database user11:36
mojo_MyNameIsChris: Okay I can go poke around in BIOS a bit and see. thanks11:36
certi've installd prostgresql client11:36
certfrom ubuntu11:36
certtrying to createdb test11:36
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MyNameIsChrismojo_, No problem, it frustrated me for a while. By chance do you have an Abit mobo?11:36
certbut it says could not connect to database template111:36
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certhow do i start my prostgresql11:37
certhave i forgotten to install any package?11:37
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tayardaniels, are you here?11:39
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tayardaniels, when i run somethig using openGL to render x crashes11:40
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elcuAny XMMS users?  Why is the menu font so big and ugly?11:41
elcui.e. the menu you get when you right-click.11:42
Acidflashcert, if you run apt-get you can't forgotten any packg :)11:42
danielstayar: sweet.  what sort of card, and which driver?11:42
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tayardaniels, how to check11:42
certAcidflash : do you know how to run postgresql ?11:43
danielstayar: lspci | grep VGA11:43
individhow can i see a list of all the command a user did , like an log for bash ?11:43
MyNameIsChrisindivid, history11:43
tayar0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]  65x/M650/740 PCI/AGP VGA Display Adapter11:43
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individMyNameIsChris okey11:44
tayardaniels, Well i think its opengl... because each time a screensaver starts it would crash and now i disabled it isn't...11:44
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Acidflashcert, nicht.. I have't runt that.11:44
snowblinkooo new ubuntu calendar. Where did all the naked people go?11:44
tayarsnowblink, i hope they are gone for good11:45
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danielstayar: ok, I'll check it out.  thanks.11:45
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tayardaniels, you need anything? lke access to such hardware?11:46
snowblinktayar, that's mean. You're putting them out of jobs.11:46
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tayardaniels, we live in bondi, sydney if you are going to be near enough to us we might put in with the laptop (but the laptops screen is broken so we do need a remote display)11:47
siimoeveryone that wishes to see GTK2/Gnome style buttons, text areas drop downs etc  in Firefox please vote for this bug !! https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=232553   it seems to have been just sitting around for over a year :-(  i noticed the experimental Qt port of mozilla had this implemented already11:47
procrastinatorHow do i change the language of the system after the installation?11:47
certhei guys do you nkow how to createdb?11:48
certas in...11:48
certi try to run this11:48
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certcreatedb test << on a console11:48
certcreatedb: could not connect to database template1: FATAL:  user "cert" does not exist11:48
pdrdoes anyone know which package latex2e is in?11:48
certthis is my error11:48
certdid i miss anything?11:49
elcutayar: are you running hoary?  i'm in Aus as well and am wondering how long the Shipit CD will take.11:49
certor forgot to set anything11:49
Acidflashnow i will reinstall my *pip* ATI driver.. I hate that installation11:49
danielselcu: for hoary?  a little while11:49
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odiXcert, make su - postgres before createdb11:49
tayarelbi, ask mako11:49
magaltavorhi can anybody help me please mandb: warning: isuue please11:49
elcudaniels: rough estimate?  i just ordered it today.11:49
odiX@cert, and make a user cert11:50
tayarsiimo, how to 'vote'11:50
danielselcu: weeks?  probably like ten11:50
siimotayar, i think you have to register with bugzilla first and then click the link "Vote for this bug"11:50
elcudaniels: O_O11:50
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elcudaniels: i was hoping for something like 3 :)11:51
=== mishof [~yoni@bzq-218-107-35.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
mishofis there a software similiar to cedega that is free?11:51
Choubakawine :p11:51
individMyNameIsChris k, so if i delete the content of the bash_history the admin cant see the commands i did , right?11:52
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mishofcan wine play directx games?11:52
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Choubakanot nearly as many as cedega though.11:52
mishofhmm, cedega is better right ? :|11:52
pharaonic_anubisWhat is the dpkg command to run a .deb file?11:52
danielselcu: unfortunately not; we need to get the master list of addresses, send it to a company for expansion and verification, get it back, send that off to the pressing company, who will send it off to their smaller sites in .au (f.e.), who will then press, pack and ship it11:52
Choubakapharaonic_anubis: install, you mean?11:52
certodix, sorry i am new to linux and this.. could you guide me11:52
Choubakadpkg -i .p11:53
danielselcu: the whole process takes a very long time.  which sucks, because I'm busting to hand out hoary media, and I'm getting sick of burning stuff.11:53
pharaonic_anubisahh man.. I'm stupid.11:53
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ChoubakaDo the CDs really ship worldwide? :|11:54
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mishofChoubaka, they ship to israel, so probably yes11:54
elcudaniels: i see. ah well. i guess i can't complain when they aren't exactly charging me.  and warty's brilliant.11:54
ChoubakaI want mine already :(11:54
danielsChoubaka: totally11:55
MrNonchalantdaniels: agreed11:55
queuetueHow do I downgrade a package?  I think playing repository bingo has some incompatible packages installed on me.11:55
Choubakathat's bad.11:55
Choubakayou need to toy with apt_preferences now.11:55
odiX@cert, not at the moment, but I will search a link for you ..11:56
queuetueIs anyone who wants to actually give me instruction here? :)11:56
tayardaniels, ??11:56
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mishofonce i try to open a folder which is not readable by me, nautilus just closes itself ... is it a bug ? shouldnt it just stay in the directory i was in before ? :\11:57
danielstayar: oh sorry, I totally missed your previous messages.  we're going to be in Rushcutter's Bay in a couple of weeks, but I should be pretty right.  my first port of call is poking the upstream sis author anyway.11:58
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tayarWhen printing a pdf it comes out in black and white but when i print anything else its normal? (NOT PRINTING TO PDF! [if you thought this was what i asked READ again] )11:58
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queuetuemishof, is it crashing?11:59
mishofqueuetue, yup11:59
MM2I did apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade, but my ubuntu is not updateded... including old firefox (0.9.3) etc11:59
queuetuemishof, Ok, well, then .. are yu really asking if crashing is a bug?11:59
MM2what to do? Reinstall ubuntu?11:59
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magaltavori have a porblem winth man-db12:00
XgatesWoOt I just did my first CD rescue12:00
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Xgateswoo that was fun12:00
SeveasMM2, have you changed your sources.list?12:00
MM2Seveas: no, should I?12:00
Seveasmm2: One-line upgrade: sudo sed -e 's/warty/hoary/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:00
queuetueMM2, There is almost never a situation -at all- which you will ever need to reinstall ubuntu to solve a problem.  That is a windows solution, not a unix one.12:00
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Seveasqueuetue, GNU! (GNU is Not Unix) :)12:01
XgatesHey I just compiled 2.6.10 got the patched source from apt-get and I know I compiled it correct, it boots just fine and loads everything ok like the default kernel, BUT the keyboard doesn't work, and the login it there is nothing, and I can't figure this one , hmmm12:01
mjr(sometimes, of course, reinstalling may be easier for a non-expert to do)12:01
procrastinatorHow do i change the language of the system after the installation?12:01
queuetueSeveas, And LNG - Linux is not GNU!12:01
Seveasqueuetue, Linux is just the kernel12:01
queuetuemagaltavor, It it a personal problem?12:01
Seveasnot the OS12:01
MM2ah, I see now...12:02
queuetueSeveas, And GNU is just a handful of utilities.12:02
Seveasprocrastinator, dpkg-reconfigure locales12:02
Seveasqueuetue, rofl12:02
Seveasread the gnu faq :)12:02
procrastinatorSeveas: Thanks12:02
XgatesI don't know if it's because I had to run 'xorgconf' because X wasn't bringing up my resolution12:02
queuetueSeveas, Why?  I've been using the GNU toolchain for close to 15 years.12:02
procrastinatorqueuetue: It's utilities i'd like to see your system run without12:02
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mishofMy time is always set 2 hours earlier .. i set it to the right time, but then once i reboot it goes there again (synchronize isnt checked!) any ideas?12:03
Xgatesahh well actually thats for X, and the keyboard just crapped at the login in console12:03
queuetueprocrastinator, Agreed.  just like the kernel, or X.12:03
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Seveasqueuetue, then you should know GNU is not just a bunch of utilities12:03
Seveasand that is't more than the toolchain12:03
queuetueSeveas, ok, didnt know this was going to be a religious thing.  I step away from battle.12:04
procrastinatorqueuetue: And more importantly, it's the philosophy which your system would never have been created without12:04
magaltavorqueuetue, i have to you the logs12:04
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magaltavorqueuetue, i hae to paste you the logs12:04
magaltavorqueuetue, that i am having12:04
snowblinkyikes! How do I unset nano as default text editor?12:05
queuetueprocrastinator, No, Free Software is the philosophy. GNU is a set of utilities.  Don't preach Stallman to me - I've met the guy multiple times, and he's insulted me via email personally. :)12:05
queuetuemagaltavor, Huh/.12:05
queuetuemagaltavor, Huh?12:05
queuetuemagaltavor, logs for what?12:06
queuetuemagaltavor, unless you're proposing marriage, or my fly is unzipped, there's no need to private message me.12:07
tayarWhen printing a pdf it comes out in black and white but when i print anything else its normal? (NOT PRINTING TO PDF! [if you thought this was what i asked READ again] ) ????12:07
tayaranyone have any ideas?12:07
queuetuesnowblink, what do you want instead?12:07
tayarif not i need to go12:07
snowblinkqueuetue, vim12:08
snowblinkqueuetue, I'm just curious as to where it got set to nano12:08
tayarand i'll ask on the forums later....12:08
Seveassnowblink, check /etc/bashrc or your .bashrc for the $EDITOR variable12:09
XgatesI take it no one compiled their own kernel?12:09
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lunitikXgates: whats wrong with your's?12:10
queuetueXgates, I've compiled hundredsof kernels - but not for ubuntu.  Why?12:10
Xgatesyeah Ubuntu is REAL fun12:11
lunitikqueuetue: the process is simular across the board enless you use the 'debian way' (make-kpkg)12:11
snowblinkSeveas, nope nothing set. When I tried to compose a message in mutt I was confronted by nano.12:11
queuetueXgates, If you don't enjoy yourself, you could just switch to something else...12:11
XgatesI have everything running the bootup loads everything just like the default 2.6.10, BUT one problem, I removed GDM so I can see what's going on in console, but at the login prompt the keyboard isnt working12:11
Xgatesthis is all I need to figure12:12
lunitikXgates: It is Debian without (the self) customization12:12
XgatesI have it all compiled correct but there is something odd here that Ubuntu seems to need more then the usual keyboard setup I compiled in12:12
Seveassnowblink, check the mutt config12:12
lunitikXgates: I can get an Ubuntu install that is exactly the same as I configure a Debian install (minus sudo) in around 20 mins here12:12
Xgatesqueuetue: I didnt say I wasnt enjoying myself :-)12:12
Seveas(I don't use mutt, so can't shed any light on my conf)12:13
queuetuesnowblink, or, just set EDITOR - mutt may obey it.12:13
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magaltavorqueuetue, did you got my logs please12:13
Xgateslunitik: I'm not talking about an install, I'm talking about compiling the kernel for Ubuntu12:13
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queuetuemagaltavor, No.  I'm not interested in private messages frm people I don't know.   Please state your problem and if anyone can help, they will.12:14
snowblinkyes, if I export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim, but I'm curious as to why Ubuntu has configured nano as default somewhere (that I can't find).12:14
lunitikXgates: compilation of Ubuntu kernels is exactly the same as else where (withouy make-dpkg) or the same as any Debian-based distro (with make-dpkg_12:14
scizzosnowblink: what should be used then?12:14
scizzosnowblink: you can change default editor easy12:15
mishofofftopic question: there is this site that lets you enter their email address in sites that requires email validation, and then you can access their inbox. anyone knows that site address?12:15
snowblinkOn all previous systems I have used it is usually vi(m). I am wondering why and where Ubuntu set it to nano.12:15
queuetuescizzo, I think he (and I actually) woud like to know what physicial mechanism is used to choose the curerent editor...12:15
lunitikmishof: you can sign up for any number of free e-mail accounts and use if for spam12:16
scizzoqueuetue: nano is easy to use maybe?12:16
scizzoqueuetue: its easy for beginners12:16
scizzomishof: you mean anonymous addresses?12:16
queuetuescizzo, Please read the questions, or do not answer. :)12:16
snowblinkscizzo, that's a fair enough reason to recommend it to newbies. Doesn't mean it should be the default editor.12:16
Xgateslunitik: no it is not12:17
lunitikqueuetue: by default it is whatever you define... else 'export $EDITOR-'someeditor' where 'someeditor' = vi etc12:17
lunitikXgates: it really is12:17
scizzomishof: http://www.sneakemail.com/ <---- ?? maybe?12:17
snowblinklunitik, do you know why Ubuntu chose nano as the default editor? I'm sure it wasn't in Warty...12:18
lunitikqueuetue: 'export #EDITOR=someedit'12:18
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Xgateslunitik: I've been doing this 6 years, and the ONLY way it will be the same is ONCE you have stripped down Ubuntu from all that it has running for kernel support12:18
queuetuelunitik, yes, but *how* is is selected by default?  If EDITOR is unset, what is the physical mechanism that bash uses *PRESENTLY* to choose an editor?12:18
lunitiksnowblink: probably because it is the easiest of the CLI editors to come to terms with..12:18
magaltavori have a java related problem12:18
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Seveasqueuetue, /etc/alternatives maybe?12:19
snowblinklunitik, well, not if I'm used to vim it's not12:19
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Xgatesand even then there is some quirk somewhere and I can't even get the keyboard to work here at the moment12:19
theinehas breezy been launched?12:19
Seveastheine, yes12:19
Xgatestrying to figure why it wont load12:19
=== Choubaka is installing WinXP on QEMU, listening to music and ircing at the same time, with next to no slowdown or unresponsiveness.
lunitikqueuetue: without defining $EDITOR bash doesn't define a default editor at all12:19
snowblinkSeveas, perfect12:20
theineanybody upgraded already?12:20
snowblinkSeveas, I always forget about /etc/alternatives12:20
queuetuelunitik, ok, then how does svn, cvs and mutt know to use nano, then?12:20
scizzosnowblink: vim /etc/profile12:20
Seveastheine, not possible iirc, afaik there are no binaries yet :)12:20
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Seveasqueuetue, /etc/alternatives :)12:20
scizzosnowblink: and then add the editor options in there to change the standard editor for every user....12:20
Seveasby default there is no $EDITOR set12:21
snowblinkscizzo, queuetue, Seveas, lunitik : It's soft linked in /etc/alternatives/editor to nano12:21
queuetueSeveas, Ok, how does svn know to use /etc/alternatives ?12:21
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Seveastype env in a shell and you'll see12:21
lunitiksnowblink: not true, VIM is for advanced users... it is far too complex for the regular user... NANO has all the commands right there of the screen so (for lack of a better term) you'd have to be a moron to not understand nano12:21
queuetuesnowblink, Ah, ok.12:21
snowblinklunitik, thanks for that.12:21
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Seveasqueuetue, read the manual :)12:21
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lunitikqueuetue: I don't know, but 'echo $EDITOR' here, returns nothing... must be something written into the program code12:22
theinelunitik, into which program's code?12:22
lunitikqueuetue: ie, 'if [f-f $EDITOR]  else nano12:22
queuetuelunitik, I suspect it's a debian patch, and it's  'if [f-f $EDITOR]  else /etc/alternatives/editor'12:23
Seveaslunitik, it just launches the program called 'editor'12:23
Seveaswhich is symlinked to something12:23
lunitiksnowblink: then you answer everyones question... the alternative system is one of the most popular Debian based machinisms12:23
Xgateswell I'm going to make it a mod ---> <M>   AT keyboard support Ubuntu doesn't seem to like it compiled in for me12:24
Xgateshmm odd12:24
lunitiktheine: Debian 'alternative'12:24
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queuetueYeah /usr/bin/editor is a symlink to /etc/alternatives/editor12:24
snowblinkman update-alternatives for those who fancy something other than nano. ;)12:24
queuetueKind of a mess, but not a bad solution...12:24
Xgatesdoes Ubuntu not like removing --> RAM disk support?12:24
Xgateslike as anything odd been built into it looking for and wanting it?12:25
Xgateslike as/has ...12:25
queuetueNot as good asjust setting $EDITOR, but it doesn;t require a logout/login to take effect...12:25
mjrwell, probably you can remove that if you don't use initrd12:25
Seveasqueuetue, adjust $EDITOR neither requires logout/login...12:25
Seveasjust source your bashrc again12:25
Xgatesyeah I mean as well as initrd of course, they go hand in hand12:25
queuetueSeveas, it does if it's made in /etc/profile.12:26
lunitikqueuetue: no, likely a program will check /etc/alternatives/editor then $EDITOR... Debian 'alternatives' is the prefered mechanism is most cases (so much so, that it is one of the many things that orginate from Debian that went into Red Hat based systems12:26
queuetue(or a resurce,which newbiesd would not understand)12:26
Seveasqueuetue, re-source /etc/profile then...12:26
theinequeuetue, then you can source /etc/profile...12:26
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Seveasthere is almost nothing on linux that requires restart or logout12:26
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queuetueYes, *I* understand how to use source.  *you* understand how to use source.  Now, tell random newbie to use source, and get a blank stare.12:27
lunitikSeveas: man update-alternatives12:27
Seveaskernel or X upgrades are the most obvious exceptions :)12:27
Seveaslunitik, i konw about that....12:27
Seveasi didn't have the problem :)12:27
lunitikSeveas: then you don't have to read the man page  :P12:27
queuetueSeveas, What is whith this chip you have on your shoulder? If you just want to fight with someone, have it out.12:27
Seveasqueuetue, hm?12:28
queuetueSeveas, otherwise, take it easy.12:28
theinequeuetue, relax dood...12:28
Seveasi take it easy12:28
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Seveaswhat's your problem?12:28
snowblinkhehe - update-alternatives --config editor. I dare you to select (1)12:28
queuetueSeveas, None oher than what I just stated - stop jumping on peopel to prove your prowess - we're all here to help.12:28
lunitikSeveas: the prefered way of addressing someone is 'nickname: someshit'12:28
Seveasqueuetue, i don;t jump on people...12:29
theinesnowblink, good choice indeed... :)12:29
Seveasqueuetue, what makes you think that?12:29
queuetueSeveas, Well, you may want to re-read your interactions with me.12:29
lunitikqueuetue: Debian-centric people think Ubuntu people are morons... else why wouldn't they be running Debian itself?12:29
lunitikCommon misconception12:29
queuetuelunitik, Because .. it hasn't released anything in living memory? :)12:30
Seveasqueuetue, i see nothing wrong with that, sorry if i have offended you12:30
BlackLabellunitik: how is ubuntu different?12:30
lunitikMost people run Ubuntu because it is a supported SID...12:30
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lunitikqueuetue: bah, I was around for woody's release12:30
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lunitikqueuetue: although that was a while ago  :P12:30
queuetuelunitik, I watched it happen, but RH had me by the short ones back then. :)12:31
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lunitikBlackLabel: most Debian users use SID, Ubuntu is basically a supported SID without the politics and the need to support 20 architechtures12:31
Xgatessay anyone know what the optimizations are on the .deb Ubuntu packs --> march=? mcpu=?12:32
Seveaslunitik, that is quite a rude statement (but carries some truth)12:32
lunitikqueuetue: I went to Debian shortly after RH 7.3... never really got used to the RPM based system... which holds me back now  :(12:32
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queuetuePoor people trying to run linux on a Timex Sincalair will be forced to pick up a 486 or a mac... :(12:33
lunitikSeveas: what is? I have made several statements since last you addressed me12:33
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odysseylunitik, rpm is holding you back?12:33
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queuetuelunitik, I uset apt-rpm wherever I manage RH boxen now...12:33
Seveaslunitik, about ubuntu basically being a supported SID12:33
St0n3-C0lheY...change your apt sources.list12:33
St0n3-C0lfrom hoary to breezy12:33
lunitikodyssey: yes, many companies support RPM over DPKG because it is a part of the LSB specification, I am not terribly familier with RPM12:34
theinequeuetue, development release12:34
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queuetuetheine, In repositories already?12:34
theinequeuetue, yeah12:34
St0n3-C0lqueuetue: Yep.12:34
Xgatesanyone know the  march=? mcpu=?  on the packs?12:34
SeveasSt0n3-C0l, are there bins uploaded already?12:34
theinequeuetue, although no updates yet12:34
odysseyrpm seems easier for me, but .deb is super12:34
lunitikSeveas: how is that a rude statement? Every 6 months, Ubuntu syncs with Sid, and customizes and stabilizes it12:34
Seveasfigured that12:34
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odysseyhas anything major been put into breezy?12:35
queuetueNice, beagle by default, graphical installer, selinux,12:35
Seveasindeed stabilizes, that goes a bit beyond support imho12:35
AcidflashSome one are good to get ATI card to work?12:35
AcidflashI do like the wizard say, but it's not work when i update to 5.0412:35
lunitikqueuetue: I said familier with RPM, not APT, sure I can use APT, but that doesn't make me more familier with RPM, RPM is covered in most Linux certs12:35
scizzoqueuetue: changed the default editor here now12:35
Xgatesare these .deb packs from debian, or built on Ubuntu?12:35
SeveasAcidflash, in hoary install xorg-driver-fglrx12:35
scizzoqueuetue: with using the alternatives12:35
St0n3-C0lSeveas: haven't checked yet last time I saw http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/binary-i386 was empty but now they're with main universe multiverse restricted dirs.12:36
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queuetuescizzo, Cool.  Glad we both got to learn that today. :)12:36
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SeveasSt0n3-C0l, but the buildd's do not build breezy packages yet (according to a conversation overheard a few hours ago on #ubuntu-devel)12:36
odiXare there any news about freezing X with nv or nvidia in hoary ?12:36
St0n3-C0lDon't know I'll check :)12:37
scizzoqueuetue: I guess you changed it with: update-alternatives --config editor ?12:37
lunitikodiX: Ubuntu Hoary should support both Nvidia and ATI12:37
queuetueodiX, try #nvidia - I did hear something recently.12:37
queuetuescizzo, I have not changed mine, I wa sjust glad to get the information. :)12:37
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queuetuescizzo, I won't behappy unless I can change my editor to emacs-nox. :)12:38
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scizzoqueuetue: well....if you read the manual and look at update-alternatives you will also see that the alternatives are being done with priorities also...12:38
scizzoqueuetue: update-alternative --display editor12:39
scizzoqueuetue: you should see a few editors available there12:39
lunitikodiX: ignore what queuetue just told you, Debian and Ubuntu pre-package such drivers... 'nvidia-glx' (installed by defualt via 'linux-restricted-modules'12:39
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vasiany PPC users had any luck installing Beagle?12:40
lunitikvasi: it shouldn't matter architechture... C# is supported on many archs12:40
gooHello. I had some terrible problems with ssh port forwarding in Ubuntu - ie. It just didn't work at all. So I got mad and booted into Gentoo. Anyone has any ideas about that?12:40
goo(not Gentoo, you trolls ;)12:41
vasilunitik, well i had to bootstrap Mono 1.1.412:41
queuetuelunitik, Huh?  What did I tell him?  To check with #nvidia?12:41
lunitikvasi: sounds like overkill, but ok12:41
Seveasgoo, what were the problems?12:41
Xgatesman if I get mad I'll boot SLACK12:41
vasilunitik, how else am i going to get Beagle 0.0.9 (most recent)?12:41
odiX@lunitik, but I think, I saw driver "nv" in my xorg.conf, maybe I'm wrong, I know this issues with the latest nvidia bins, but not with open source nv12:42
lunitikqueuetue: yes... #nvidia would tell him to install the drivers from nvidia.com ... on Debian-based systems, this is not the prefered way12:42
vasiit doesn't work with the Mono in Hoary12:42
AcidflashSeveas, i have don that.. But it's not work.. I only get..12:42
Acidflashacidflash@home:~$ fglrxinfo12:42
Acidflashdisplay: :0.0  screen: 012:42
AcidflashOpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org12:42
AcidflashOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect12:42
AcidflashOpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.2.1)12:42
Seveasvasi, wait for a month, beagle should be available from the repos then :)12:42
lunitikvasi: afaik, alll the dependencies are in Hoary12:42
gooSeveas: I set up a forwarding like so:  ssh -L 7777:anotherhost.tld:22 onehost.tld  .  Then I try to connect to anotherhost via that tunnel with  ssh -p 7777 localhost   - but that just doesn't work.12:42
theineSeveas, from the breezy repos I guess?12:42
queuetuelunitik, He was asking if there were any hanging issues.  #nvidia would know.  Telling people to not get all the facts so that your preferred solution gets used is irrisponsible.12:42
Acidflashi have try to write in Xorg.conf12:43
AcidflashSection "Device"12:43
Acidflash        Identifier      "ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon 9600 (R300 AP)"12:43
Acidflash        Driver          "fglrx"12:43
Acidflash        BusID           "PCI:2:0:0"12:43
Acidflash        Option           "UseInternalAGPGART" "no"12:43
SeveasAcidflash, hmm, looks like mesa is putting up a fight there Acidflash, i believe there are documentations about that on the wiki12:43
gooSeveas: ssh -D <port>  doesn't work either.12:43
Seveastheine, yes12:43
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queuetueDamn, why are there so many jerks active in here ths morning?12:43
theinevasi, have you checked http://www.beaglewiki.org/index.php/UbuntuInstall ?12:43
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gooSeveas: Can you think of any config statements Ubuntu might have gotten wrong?12:43
vasitheine, there are no ppc debs in that repo :-(12:43
AcidflashSeveas, hehe yes i read about it.. I will try agen.. Not a fight :P12:43
lunitikqueuetue: the "Debian-way" is far easier to support than nvidia's way on a Debian-based machine12:43
queuetuelunitik, I didn't tell him to change a thing - I told him where he could go for information.12:44
theinevasi, sorry, I overlooked the PPC part in your question...12:44
lunitikqueuetue: in the future, tell people asking this question to look at 'wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto12:44
vasilunitik, according to the Beagle site (which theine just linked to, Beagle 0.0.9 doesn't work with Mono 1.0.5)12:44
Seveasgoo, i do not know much about ssh tunnels, but doesn;t this require an ssh server to be installed on localhost12:44
queuetuelunitik, If the "debian way" is causing hangs, then screw it, and use "the way that works."12:44
vasitheine, that's ok...i did manage to build Mono successfully anyhow, but beagle can't seem to talk to DBUS12:44
gooSeveas: I can tell you do not know much about ssh tunnels just from you asking that question :)12:45
membreyawhat is people's obsession with beagle? doesn't it cause your pc to slug down after a few days?12:45
Seveasgoo, :)12:45
lunitikqueuetue: the 'way that works' is the debian way, but with dpkg knowing about it.. and without having to go through 3rd party sites12:45
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theinegoo, why? you do need a local ssh server running for that...12:46
=== Seveas reads ssh manpage
lunitikqueuetue: Ubuntu supports the way listed on wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto but does not support the way you stated12:46
Seveastheine, the manpages doesn't state that12:46
queuetuelunitik, I didn't send anyone to any alternative sites, you idiot.  A question was asked about Nvidia driver stability, and I sent him to one of  anumber of places he could get good information about it.12:46
Seveasqueuetue, please watch your words12:46
membreyayou go queuetue ..give em hell :P12:46
Seveasand dont yell at people12:46
theinegoo, who do you think handles 'ssh -p 7777 localhost' if there's no ssh server running on localhost...?12:47
queuetueSeveas, I see them - what about them?12:47
juloI have a strange problem: my password is refused about 90% of the time. And I'm 100% sur I type it well (I type it very slowly).12:47
Seveastheine, ssh -L, which has been started before :)12:47
lunitikqueuetue: refrain from calling me an idiot, thanks... I told you to advise the supported way... if you want to lead him down another path, do it in private...12:47
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theinegoo, sorry, that was meant for Seveas12:47
theineSeveas, are you very sure of that?12:47
Seveasno, but that's my interpretation of the manpage :)12:48
gootheine: ah, you just destroyed my perfectly good rant here ;)12:48
lunitikqueuetue: I personally do things via a method that is unsupported, but this is #ubuntu, thus you must advise the way the Developers are prepared to support12:48
theinegoo, again I'm very sorry :)12:48
queuetuelunitik, refrain from acting like an idiot, and no one will feel the need to call you one.  I dont' have an "ubuntu support contract" and I'm not required to follow any protocols that yu think are ap[propriate. The goal was to have as much information a spossible, not only yourpwn private brand of 'certified information.'12:49
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theineSeveas, are we looking at line 326 in the ssh manpage?12:49
Seveasqueuetue, but you have to follow the code of conduvt when being here12:49
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Seveasotherwise, please leave12:49
queuetueI doubt he has an ubuntu support contract either, so stop hamemring "supported methods" into people's heads.12:49
odiX@lunitik, I've received queuetue's message the right way. It was about the stability issue, not how to install.12:49
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lunitikqueuetue: I can report you for abusing the community contract, and see how they feel on the matter if you'd like?12:49
membreyathere's a code of conduct? :|12:49
theinequeuetue, could you please get into a more pleasent mood?12:49
lunitikmembreya: yes, there is12:50
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Seveasyes, there is a code of conduct and you have to follow it when chatting here12:50
membreya*stares blankly*12:50
queuetueSeveas, if you have the need and th epower to censor me, go right ahead.  I'd rather get kicked than play stupid games.12:50
membreyashould be in the topic..or at least given out by a bot when you join12:50
Seveastheine, i am looking at line 256, man ssh12:50
lunitikqueuetue: he has the power, as does everyone via the community contract and those that inforce it12:51
Amaranth"The Ubuntu community and its members treat one another with respect."12:51
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jfk303first line of coc "Ubuntu is an African concept of "humanity towards others"" you idiots12:51
Seveasqueuetue, i do not have that power and would not use it if i had, but please act as a normal human being12:52
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theineSeveas, hmmm, maybe goo did set up the port forwarding as root?12:52
queuetuejfk303, Damn straight - and we should act like humans, not politically correct zombies.12:52
lunitikqueuetue: you're personally prefered methods, that are not supported, are irrelivant here... advise those based on the supported way, or don't offer help at all12:52
theineSeveas, 's/did/did not/'12:52
lunitikqueuetue: s/you're/your12:52
Seveastheine, he doesn;t have to, 7777 is not a privileged port :)12:52
theineSeveas, right, ignore me...12:53
Seveasnah :)12:53
Seveasyou're a good guy, at least trying to help :)12:53
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lunitikqueuetue: you are the one that looks like the idiot, because, especialy on this subject, the supported way is clearly defined12:53
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theineSeveas, cheers12:53
queuetuelunitik, i will offer help based on ways that work, including those that the ubuntu wiki suggest and others.  If the wiki every contains every possible solution for every possible problem in every possible configuration for every possible combination, then maybe I will only point people there.  Until then, I'll point people wherever the info is good.12:53
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blizzohi im trying to install mplayer codecs for totem. https://site-edit.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingCodecsToTotemHowTo/ The Problem is the ln -s /usr/local/lib/codecs/* command doesnt work! So what do I have to do?12:54
Seveaslunitik, please stop it, you'll never convince him, so it's better to not waste your time :)12:54
lunitikqueuetue: then you are suggesting things that are not supported... enless you want to be personally accountable for anything that goes wrong via that method... advise the Ubuntu way12:54
queuetuelunitik, He did not ask to change anything, and I did not suggest he change anything.  he asked if there were reports of hanging, and I showed him an additinal plave to ask.  Hammer this into your thick skull.12:54
Amaranthqueuetue, lunitik: Drop it, please.12:55
jfk303ok all, chill out, I normally like reading what everyone writes...12:55
membreyahow do I tell wget to download a file to a specific directory?12:55
dj28can someone here tell me how to use the ubuntu-calendar backgrounds when the package is installed?12:55
queuetuelunitik, are you under the impression that I have signed soem kind of cntract with the company that owns ubuntu?12:55
lunitikqueuetue: hammer this into your thick skull... if its not supported, then YOU PERSONALLY are responsible... I don't have time for that, maybe you do?12:55
Amaranthmembreya: Run if from the directory? :)12:55
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Seveasblizzo, that is because it is impossible for that command to work...12:56
membreyaAmaranth: I want to run it as a cron job (between 2 am and 9am my downloads don't count)12:56
Amaranthmembreya: wget then move the file?12:56
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lunitikqueuetue: the supported method is known by most that are here helping, thus EVERYONE can help if something goes wrong... you can only hope your method is supported by others if you deviate from that12:57
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membreyabut if I cron job it as my user, will it download to ~/membreya?12:57
LobsterI am a refugee from Puppy Linux (using that now) but I also use the 2.10 Ubuntu on HD - I have a general question?12:57
Seveasmembreya, cd in your cronjob12:57
queuetuelunitik, who put you on the hook, personally?  No one owes you anything and you dont owe them anything.  But you certainly dont have any power to control me or anyone else, and you have no right to assume that the information you choose to give out is any better than the informationI choose to give out.  It's surprising just how ccurate your name is...12:57
membreyaSeveas: meeep!12:57
Amaranthmembreya: use wget -O file http://example.com/foo.ext12:57
Amaranth-O /home/membreya/whatever12:57
membreyaAmaranth: so it would be use wget -O /~membreya/file http://example.com/foo.ext?12:57
membreyayou're a legend :D12:58
Seveas /~membreya won't work12:58
Amaranthmembreya: man pages are quite helpful :)12:58
blizzoSeveas: Yes I know ... last argument must be a directory, or am I wrong? Hmm thats what the HowTo tells ... so what do I have to do?12:58
Seveastry ~membreya12:58
Seveasor /home/membreya12:58
queuetuelunitik, *I* use unix and Linux because of the freedom and flexibility it provides for me, to use *the best* solution.  You should go and support Windows, where there really is only one solution.12:58
Amaranth~ and /home/membreya are the same thing12:58
membreyaAmaranth: have you read the man page for wget.. I've been up for 22 hours...that thing is huge!12:58
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Amaranthmembreya: heh, i just read it to get that answer12:58
Amaranthi've been up 23 hours ;)12:58
LobsterMy question is to do with IRC?12:59
lunitikqueuetue: I give out information based on the wiki... I have been corrected by developers, and thusly corrected the wiki... I pay attention to what is supported, and I pay attention to what I should say via a given situation... my words almost 100% of the time would come from a developer if they had time, but they are busy12:59
membreyaAmaranth: ..damn you!12:59
Seveasmembreya, Amaranth go get some sleep :p12:59
kbrooks23 hours12:59
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membreyaAmaranth: ..does it count that I have hypertension at the moment? :D12:59
lunitikqueuetue: your personal freedom differs from what is recommended and supported... like I said, I differ greatly from "the supported way" in many situations, but that doesn't give me the right to advice others of this method, even if it does work01:00
queuetuelunitik, Again, that does not matter.  Any info that isn't froma developer isn't bad information.  Any info that conmes from an external source is not bad information.  Running my own flavor of ubuntu is not a sin.  Suggesting others learn something other than ubuntu's wiki s not a sin.01:00
membreyaAmaranth: high blood pressure resulting in constant headaches :)01:00
LobsterHow does one set up an IRC channel - is it a long process?01:00
kbrooksLobster, no.01:00
SeveasLobster, just type /join #channelname01:00
MyrttiLobster: /join #yourveryownchannel01:00
Amaranthlunitik, queuetue: Seriously, drop it. If you don't agree with the Code of Conduct you are free to leave.01:00
Seveasand you're done :)01:00
AmaranthLobster: Join the channel, /msg ChanServ HELP for info on registering it01:00
Amaranthadditional info :)01:01
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lunitikqueuetue: I never said it was bad information... in fact, your method was perfectly correct in the grand scheme of things... but advising this in #ubuntu is _NOT_ correct...01:01
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queuetueAmaranth, As is lunitik, I'm sure - you must have someohow forgot to adress him with your little threat.01:01
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Amaranthqueuetue: Yes I did.01:01
kbrookslunitik and queuetue: Want to create another channel and discuss this there with me? :)01:02
lunitikqueuetue: he addressed me also... but I am more willing to be kicked out of the community than see others suffer because of your advise01:02
queuetueSo, lunitik, are you the information minister?  Have you decided what information can and cannot be shared in #ubuntu ?01:02
queuetuekbrooks, I'd really prefer if the conversation just went away.01:02
Amaranthqueuetue: Are you willing to support the help you're giving these people? If not, please don't make more work for us.01:03
LobsterThanks guys - I will try and set up an IRC for some of our Pups - if any of you would like to try puppy (only a 60 meg download for braodband users) - here is the wiki - comming up01:03
Seveasqueuetue, the stop it (lunitik, you too) ;)01:03
lunitikAmaranth, kbrooks: I have no specific issue with him right now, other than information he gave out regarding an unsupported method of doing something... he refuses to acknowledge that, and continues to address me on the matter, so I am responding01:03
queuetue"my adcvice" was to talk t another channel - a channel dedicated to the actual issue that the person was asking about.  This is going to damage him?01:03
membreyaok cron job is all setup kubuntu DVD..here I come :D01:03
kbrooksit's just a offer.01:03
Seveaslunitik, queuetue, obviously you will never agree, can you stop it please??01:03
Amaranthqueuetue: Ok then, no problem. I didn't see that part. :)01:04
lunitikSeveas: bah, at this point, I just want him to acknowledge he understands my point01:04
Seveaslunitik, queuetue, you both have a good point and both are right...01:04
Amaranthqueuetue: I thought lunitik was arguing because you were telling them to install from source or something.01:04
Seveasso now can we get back to being helpful...01:04
queuetueSeveas, The difference being that *I* didn't tell another person to ignore lunitik.01:04
Lobsterhttp://www.goosee.com/puppy/wikka/PuppyLinuxMainPage  ;) is a Puppy01:04
lunitikAmaranth: he told someone to use the methods suggested in #nvidia to install said drivers on Ubuntu01:04
Amaranthlunitik: And we can point said user to #nvidia for additional help with the issue.01:05
queuetueAmaranth, No, he isn't.  hes arguing that it's innapropriate for me to suggest someone ask about an nvidia proprietary driver issue in #nvidia.01:05
Amaranthlunitik: As long as the user is aware of this there is no problem.01:05
SeveasLobster, hm?01:05
kbrooksi'm willing to actually take this to another channel.......arguing here is pointless01:05
LobsterOnward ANd Upwards Sideways And Inwards01:06
lunitikAmaranth: thats where me and him disagree... the methods suggested in #nvidia are not supported, and thus should either be suggested in private, or not at all01:06
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kbrooksalso, it hinders the channel from helping01:06
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queuetuekbrooks, looks solved, but if it flares back up, sure. :)01:06
LobsterBFN - thanks for IRC advice01:06
nateanyone getting Synaptic errors?01:06
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nateI'm getting this:01:07
Seveasnate, what kind of errors?01:07
Seveasah :)01:07
nateW: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>01:07
queuetuekbrooks, Come on over to kbrooks where no namby pamby interpretation of ehat "for humans" means will hamper a good conversation.:)01:07
membreyawhat else is a nice big download that I can queue up? :)01:07
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queuetuekbrooks, I mean over to ##ubuntu01:07
Amaranthmembreya: http://archive.ubuntu.com has a 300MB 'bigfile' that seems to be worthless, if you're bored. :)01:08
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Seveasnate, interesting, looks like an error at the server side or you missing the key01:08
lunitikkbrooks: agreed... and I would be willing to take it elsewhere if you specify a channel... point is, if the majority of helpers in here can't assist users on a matter, then that method should not be suggested... people should limit there answeres to what is on the wiki, and if they disagree with that, they should change the wiki so others can oblige in assistance01:08
membreyaAmaranth: only 300mb? :|01:08
Seveasnate, does apt-key list say that you have this gpg key?01:08
membreyacmon, I've queued up the kubuntu DVD :P01:08
AmaranthSeveas: I got your notice in another channel window. :)01:08
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natelet me check...01:08
Seveaslol Amaranth :)01:09
Seveasthat's quite odd01:09
lunitikkbrooks: everyone here can edit the wiki... but the wiki defines the consensus (mainly because everyone can edit it, thus direct this) ... suggesting something that goes against that should not be permitted01:09
natepub  1024D/437D05B5 2004-09-12 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>01:09
=== Fast240Z [~jeremy@70-97-197-44.dsl2.elk.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
nateguess so - nothing's changed since yesterday, when it was working fine01:09
Seveasnate, try apt-get update again01:10
Seveasor reload in synaptic01:10
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Fast240Zhey, could someone help me out with boot loader issues? I took a look at ubuntuguide.org, and what it had there didn't help me out any01:10
nateI just did a 'restore default keys' from Synaptic preferences. Now I get two key errors01:10
nateW: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>01:10
nateW: GPG error: http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com hoary-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>01:10
SeveasFast240Z, what are the issues?01:10
theineFast240Z, tell us about the issue01:10
Fast240Zwell, I dual boot, and I can't figure out how to set windows as the default os to boot01:11
zxchow can I get codecs if the repository is down?01:11
Amaranthnate: File a bug.01:11
Seveasnate, that's odd, i get no errors at al with that01:11
Amaranthzxc: What repository?01:11
zxcfast240z, you using grub?01:11
zxcamaranth, nelim or something?01:11
theineFast240Z, Is windows listed as second or third in the boot menu?01:11
nateI seem to be using nz.archive.ubuntu.com for a lot of repositories01:11
lunitikzxc: what repository are you using for the codecs? (also, what codecs?)01:11
Fast240ZI followed what the tutorial said, and it didn't do anything for me01:11
=== Xenguy hopes the mega DCC SEND from "crax0r" has been dealt with by channel ops...
Fast240Zit's at the very bottom, like 4th01:11
nateI presume it automatically selected my geographically closest mirror at install time01:11
Amaranthzxc: If it isn't an official Ubuntu repository there is nothing we can do.01:12
natemaybe the NZ mirror is dodgy01:12
SeveasFast240Z, edit /boot/grub/menu.list as root and make sure 'default' points to your windows install01:12
natewell, I didn't change it, so I presume it's official01:12
Fast240Z(thanks for your help btw)01:12
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theineFast240Z, could you perhaps post /boot/grub/menu.lst at www.pastebin.org?01:12
Seveasnate, nz.archive is actually archive01:12
theineFast240Z, sorry, that's pastebin.com01:12
zxcamaranth, oh ok so I can't play .mp3 and things like that?01:12
lunitikSeveas: you mean 'actually'... or?  :)01:12
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Fast240Zwould you mind giving me the command to read/edit /boot/grub/menu.lst?  I don't know all of the commands to edit01:13
Fast240Zand sure, I'll post that for you01:13
Seveaslunitik, hm?01:13
lunitikzxc: if you activate 'universe', then mp3's are playable01:13
Amaranthzxc: That's in universe01:13
theineFast240Z, sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst01:13
zxcsudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst fast240z01:13
lunitikSeveas: you stated 'actually archive' ... wondering if you meant active?01:13
lunitikSeveas: oh01:13
zxclunitik, how do I activate universe?01:14
Fast240Zgive me a sec, and I'll post that for you01:14
Seveasi meant: nz.archive.ubuntu.com is actually archive.ubuntu.com :)01:14
Amaranthzxc: Enable universe and install the gstreamer-plugins package, after that if totem or rhythmbox won't play something they aren't going to01:14
lunitikSeveas: I'll shut up then  :P01:14
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e2eHi, i've downloaded boot live and install iso, but when i try to boot from live-cd as soon as computer boot, it restarts, and when try to boot from installation cd it gives image checksum error. I've checked md5sums and isos seems ok. What could be the problem?01:14
Seveaslunitik, neh, you'd better help people than shut up :)01:14
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zxcamaranth, how do I "enable" it01:14
lunitikzxc: there is a line in /etc/apt/sources.list that starts 'deb http://....01:14
theineFast240Z, you need to put the entry listed after "END DEBIAN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST" above " BEGIN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST"01:14
nateany procedure I need to follow to file a bug, or is it just go to bugzilla.ubuntu.com and create a new one?01:14
nateshould I be searching to see if it's on the forums or anything first?01:15
lunitikzxc: it is commented out, you want to remove the '#' from the start of that line... and 'apt-get upgdate'01:15
Seveasnate, please check if the bg has been filed before you file it01:15
Amaranthzxc: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto01:15
lunitikSeveas: I'll do what I can  :P01:15
=== nate tries searching under 'gpg'.
zxclunitik, I already have done all that but when I run the command to get the codecs it can't get them off the server01:15
Fast240Zthere's my grub list01:15
theineFast240Z, thanks01:16
natesearching under 'Archive Automatic Signing Key' gave me lots of irrelevant hits01:16
Seveasnate, i think your error is not a bug but a misconfiguration01:16
Amaranthzxc: You enabled universe and nothing else?01:16
Fast240Zoh, no, thank you01:16
Amaranthzxc: ie, no non-ubuntu repositories01:16
Seveasnate, can you paste the output of apt-key list on a pastebin please01:16
zxcamaranth, no how do I disable the others?01:16
Seveashttp://pastebin.kaarsemaker.net nate01:16
Amaranthnate: http://rafb.net/paste/01:16
Amaranthzxc: See the instructions I have you: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto01:17
lunitikAmaranth: remind me to correct that... that line doesn't actually exist (the lines are seperated into supported and non-supported... with Universe being in it's own line)01:17
Amaranthzxc: You can use the synaptic method to disable repositories too.01:17
theineFast240Z, I'll edit your menu.lst and post it in a minute01:17
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lunitikzxc: you have added the nerim repository? (and are typing 'apt-get install w32codecs'?)01:17
Fast240Zoh, cool, thanks!01:17
Fast240Ztheine: thanks!01:18
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Fast240Zfast240Z: ...01:18
Amaranthlunitik: Yeah, it should be multiverse and universe on one line, not main, restricted, and universe01:18
Fast240Zoops, nm01:18
Amaranthlunitik: Want me to change it?01:18
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lunitikzxc: you can find this repository at wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats ... although, what you want is available (via Rhythmbox) with the command 'apt-get isntall gstreamer0.8-mad01:18
lunitikzxc: after enabling universe correctly01:19
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Shuflahello :)01:19
Seveasnate, that looks perfectly fine to me...01:19
theineFast240Z, http://pastebin.com/27071901:19
nateI haven't changed any configuration since it was working01:19
lunitikAmaranth: sure, I'm too drunk to be changing official info... the should be the same other than 'main restricted' ...01:19
natejust installed a DVD-RW drive and rebooted01:19
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Fast240Ztheine: thanks a whole hell of a lot, that just settled a huge ass problem I was having01:20
Seveasnate, can you apt-get update again?01:20
theineFast240Z, I suggest you don't copy and paste that but rather edit /boot/grub/menu.lst in place and do the modifications according to what i pasted01:20
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Fast240Zah, I see, okay01:20
natesame error01:20
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lunitikAmaranth: I'm not sure 'multiverse' is official as it is not there by default... at least specify the line as defined by default, and tell people to change it to 'universe multiverse'01:20
fsapomorning :)01:21
BSDNoobwhat have i to do, to get more packages in the portage? I want to add software like eclipse with apt-get install and keep it update with apt-get upt-dist01:21
Amaranthlunitik: Oh, I don't know what is there by default.01:21
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fsapoi m with no sound in my firefox flash plugin.. any tips to make it work?01:21
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Amaranthmy changes didn't go through anyway, for some reasn01:21
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lunitikAmaranth: by default, it states '# deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe' for that line01:21
Fast240Zmy buddy was telling me about making synaptic package manager display some restricted files, so I added the other repositories as listed in the ubuntuguide tutorial, and it gave me multiverse and universe packages, is that what he was referring to?01:21
kbrookslunitik, multivrse is official. end of story01:21
lunitikAmaranth: specify that where it says 'change this:01:22
niskinhow to configure Grub to have windows the default OS01:22
Seveasnate, and if you change nz.arche to just archive?01:22
theineFast240Z, probably01:22
Amaranthlunitik: I can't, I just tried editting and it ignored my edits.01:22
tleheyhey ppl01:22
lunitikkbrooks: my point is, after installation, it is not there, it only specifies 'universe' in said line... so they are changing that to what Amaranth is going to advice they change it to01:22
tledoes anyone here remember the link01:23
Fast240Zthat's what I had thought, it allowed me to access some things that weren't on there before01:23
kbrooksAmaranth, apt-get update01:23
lunitikAmaranth: bah... hold on01:23
tleto grab the J2SDK debian??01:23
Fast240Znow just to tackle this grub issue01:23
tleto grab the J2SDK debian version??01:23
Amaranthkbrooks: I'm not a newb. :P I'm talking about the wiki.01:23
fsapoplease anyone could help me with my firefox flash plugin?01:23
tleanyone remember the website to grab the J2SDK DEB version??01:23
zxclunitik, when totem gets the codecs does it do it from a preselected server or the ones in your repository?01:23
Seveastle, stop repeating please01:23
lunitikAmaranth: I forget the exact page.. what was it?01:23
Amaranthtle: I know the website that shows you how to build one.01:23
Amaranthlunitik: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto01:23
Amaranthtle: Distributing a deb for java is illegal, afaik.01:24
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Seveastle, and i followed these instructions for java: http://wiki.osuosl.org/display/DEV/Java+on+Debian01:24
lunitikzxc: Totem looks in /usr/lib/win32 for codecs... w32codecs installs codecs to there01:24
tleI remember there is a guy who work on Debian project01:24
tlemake Java DEB01:24
SeveasAmaranth, it is for sun j2sdk01:24
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Seveasthere are blackdown debs01:24
nateit's happy now01:24
AmaranthSeveas: Those are old. :P01:24
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lunitikSeveas: look on www.apt-get.org01:24
Seveasnate, that is too odd to be true but i believe you :)01:24
tleit must be Sun01:25
Seveaslunitik, why should i, i am not looking for anything :)01:25
zxclunitik, anyway I can add this file manually from a site because my repositories can't find it?01:25
Seveastle, and i followed these instructions for SUN java: http://wiki.osuosl.org/display/DEV/Java+on+Debian01:25
zxc(as the non official ones are down)01:25
Seveastle, these work like a charm01:25
Amaranthoh, that's right... i installed mplayer's w32codecs by hand...01:26
pixelfairywhats the script that adds restricted and installs codecs etc?01:26
tleSeveas: u know what? BIN way is not good way, b/c when u want to remove it, it takes many steps to do01:26
pixelfairytring to search on the wiki for it01:26
Seveastle, not in this case01:26
Choubakayou can just install sun-j2re1.5 from multiverse too, right?01:26
natewoohoo, applied Firefox update01:26
Seveasyou can simple remove the /usr/local/j2sdk something tree01:27
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AmaranthSeveas: Talking about generating a deb from the bin?01:27
nateI am really liking this distro01:27
Seveasand apt-get remove the dummy packages01:27
Ninowhat advantages does ubuntu have in comparition to a normal debian?01:27
AmaranthSeveas: That's horrible.01:27
SeveasAmaranth, no, using equivs and dummy packages with sun j2sdk.bin01:27
lunitikAmaranth: looked to me like it took your changed... anyway, I changed what I specified (only universe in "Change this:") to be correct...01:27
Choubakawhy do things the hard way? :/01:27
AmaranthNino: up-to-date software and a good community01:27
nateI'd agree with that01:28
Choubakamake-jpkg can convert sun .bins to .deb01:28
Fast240Znow it's time to test my grub menu01:28
pixelfairyand a nicer installer for end users01:28
lunitikChoubaka: Java is not in Universe... only sun-j2re1.5-debianfiles01:28
NinoAmaranth: isn't debian testing up to date?01:28
Fast240Zthanks for the help guys01:28
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Seveasnino and 18 months support and a 6-month release cycle :)01:28
nateI've never really been friends with Debian but Ubuntu is drawing me in01:28
Amaranthtle, Seveas: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Java01:28
Choubakalunitik: it's in multiverse.01:28
fsapoanyone could help me please?01:28
theineFast240Z, be sure to double check your modifications to menu.lst01:28
AmaranthNino: Not compared to hoary, no. :)01:28
theineoh well...01:28
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AmaranthNino: Ubuntu has GNOME 2.10, xorg, KDE 3.4, and everything that does with them.01:28
NinoAmaranth: but maybe a few weeks later?01:28
lunitikChoubaka: the Debian files just defines where to actually place things like the mozilla plugin... nothing useful considering we use firefox01:29
lunitikChoubaka: that is what I meant01:29
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ChoubakaNino: plus, Ubuntu just works.01:29
Amaranthaye, that too01:29
natealso a lot of things seem to be configured 'just right' out of the box with Ubuntu01:29
Choubakalunitik: sun-j2re1.5 - Java(TM) 2 RE, Standard Edition, Sun Microsystems(TM)01:29
AmaranthAs in put in the install CD, spend 5 minutes choosing options, wait 20 minutes, you have a completely usable desktop.01:29
Choubakathat's  there.01:29
=== rod [~rod@cp233117-a.venlo1.lb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Choubakajust install it?01:30
SeveasAmaranth, 5 minutes???01:30
rodim here to help you01:30
Seveasthat much??01:30
zxccan anyone pastbin there working repository file as I can't get the codecs from the servers I've found (and the one at ubuntuguide).01:30
AmaranthSeveas: If you read everything and customize your partition setup, sure.01:30
ChoubakaAND ubuntu has XFCE 4.201:30
ChoubakaWhich sarge doesn't01:30
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Amaranthzxc: I don't know of any repository with w32codecs.01:30
SeveasAmaranth, ok, with partiotioning included it takes that01:30
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Choubakaw32codecs is in multiverse as well :|01:31
natedoes XFCE work with D-BUS?01:31
theineAmaranth, marillat's repository01:31
Seveaszxc, marillat has them01:31
rodzxc, check the mplayer website, you can download the codec pack there01:31
theineChoubaka, is it???01:31
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AmaranthChoubaka: Are you sure? It's not showing up here.01:31
NinoAmaranth: doesn't just work for me ;) anyway, what x and kde comes with debian?01:31
fsaposo... anyone could help me here please? i got no sound with flash player :(01:31
lunitikChoubaka: umm... yeah... thats not the full Java package... thats just Debian specific stuff01:31
rodneither here Amaranth01:31
lunitikChoubaka: it is illegal to distribute Java yourself01:31
Seveasneither here :)01:31
AmaranthNino: X in Debian is still XFree86 from before the fork and KDE 3.3, iirc. Might be 3.201:31
Choubakait's in hoary extras after all01:31
Choubakasorry, got mixed01:32
natewhat versions are in Sid?01:32
SeveasChoubaka, that's backports01:32
lunitikChoubaka: Ubuntu provides the packages to make a java .deb, but nothing else01:32
Choubakadeb http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/backports hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted01:32
Amaranthnate: Same, afaik.01:32
Seveasbackports are icky imho :)01:32
=== Fast240Z [~jeremy@70-97-197-44.dsl2.elk.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
rodcan u use that w32codecs pack together with gstreamer for totem? i always install totem -xine first01:32
ChoubakaSeveas: they're better than using marillats repo01:32
rOss^32akito@tinman:~$ glxgears01:32
rOss^32Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".01:32
rOss^32835 frames in 5.0 seconds = 167.000 FPS01:32
rOss^32 <-- what did i do ? it was working fine till i added ati drivers01:32
Amaranthnate: Big things like that can't get into sid because they will eventually move to testing and break everything.01:32
Seveasrod, if you want mp3's in totem with gstreamer, install gstreamer0.9-ma01:32
Seveasrod, if you want mp3's in totem with gstreamer, install gstreamer0.9-mad01:32
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lunitikSeveas: seriously... they are packages that are build against things they don't recommend... what could be clean about that?   :p01:33
rodSeveas, yeah i know that01:33
NinoAmaranth: yesterday I had the problem that xorg did not detect my monitor (had to edit by hand) now it doesn't offer an option in KDE Control Center to switch sound to my second soundcard... :/01:33
jdubrod: gstreamer doesn't have a dll loader01:33
Amaranthrod: If you want every gstreamer plugin under the sun so you know you can play things, get gstreamer-plugins. :)01:33
rodjdub, ah alright01:33
AmaranthNino: Was your monitor on when X started?01:33
natenow, if I could only get my case front USB port working.... pity that doesn't seem to be a software problem01:34
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NinoAmaranth: sure... i posted the bug to bugzilla...01:34
zxcrod, once I've downloaded the "essential codecs" from the mplayer website how do I install them?01:34
Fast240Ztheine: thanks, that fixed my grub bootloader01:34
lunitikrod: no...no, gstreamer knows nothing about w32codecs ... if you install 'totem-xine' it works like a charm though, and doesn't effect anything else on your system01:34
AmaranthNino: Ah, nothing I can do there then. :)01:34
Choubakazxc: you should get the w32codecs package01:34
natebtw, is the wine in universe any good at playing games?01:34
Amaranthnate: It doesn't have directx support.01:34
ChoubakaIt does.01:34
nateso Cedega it is01:34
zxcchoubaka, it doesn't say that on the mplayer download section :/01:35
Amaranthnate: Well, it has almost passable support for some old version. :)01:35
ChoubakaBut not perfect.01:35
NinoAmaranth: and with this sound card selection?01:35
Choubakazxc: use the repo I pasted01:35
Choubakait has java and w32codecs and goodies.01:35
AmaranthSomeone is working on WINE DX 9 support, I saw it on sourceforge, I think.01:35
AmaranthNino: No clue.01:35
AmaranthNino: Get rid of the other soundcard. :P01:35
lunitikrod: gstreamer supports ffmpeg, which is an incomplete set of reverse engineered codecs (worse performance etc)01:35
jfk303can anyone point me in the direction of a nice network setup tutorial? Ie connecting to a windows workgroup / sharing files etc. Something maybe distribution unconnected, steps you can take on any distro??01:35
Seveasnate, if you want WINE, use debs from winehq.org01:35
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zxcchoubaka, where did you paste it01:36
Nino(K)ubuntu get's it's package only from harddisk. where can i enter a mirror in internet to look for updates and receive them???01:36
AmaranthSeveas: Bad idea.01:36
SeveasAmaranth, why?01:36
NinoAmaranth: it's onboard01:36
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zxcchoubaka, is " deb http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/backports hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted" it?01:36
Seveaswine in debian/ubuntu is hopelessly old01:36
Seveas(last time i checked)01:36
AmaranthNino: Disable it in the BIOS or blacklist it in hotplug.01:36
nateSeveas: they're fresher than universe I presume?01:36
Seveasnate, last time i checked they were much newer01:37
lunitikSeveas: actaully, the person that is listed on winehq.org for .debs is a Debian Developer... during development, the Ubuntu archives are as up to date as is listed there01:37
AmaranthSeveas: 20050310 is too old?01:37
NinoAmaranth: both are detected. i want ubuntu to let me choose the soundcard01:37
SeveasAmaranth, hmmm01:37
Seveasthen last time i checked is too long ago01:37
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NinoAmaranth: both are detected. i want ubuntu to let me choose the soundcard01:37
Nino(K)ubuntu get's it's package only from harddisk. where can i enter a mirror in internet to look for updates and receive them???01:37
AmaranthSeveas: Last time you checked must have been warty. :P01:37
Seveasnate, forget my advisw please01:37
lunitikAmaranth: there has been at least two 'releases' since march that I know of01:37
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AmaranthNino: I saw and I told you I don't know.01:37
SeveasAmaranth, could very well be possible01:38
AmaranthNino: Edit /etc/apt/sources.list, just like in Debian.01:38
NinoAmaranth: sorry, wrong time ENTER01:38
NinoAmaranth: and enter what ?01:38
=== nate tries running the Jedi Outcast installer under wine 20050310
AmaranthNino: Oh, you've never actually used Debian?01:39
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Fast240Zhey all, one more lame question: does anyone know how to change the look and feel of the gnome taskbar?  I don't like the way it looks, and would like to edit it by installing different themes and such01:39
natelooks like it's not getting past the Installshield load screen01:39
Amaranthnate: If it uses DX 8 or 9 you're already SOL.01:39
NinoAmaranth: i have. but i need the source01:39
natenot terribly surprising01:39
=== lunitik goes to find decent pr0n before bed
NinoAmaranth: you know, it will ask me for the mirror01:39
Choubakait runs HL2 o_O01:39
thenukeMy p133 lags like hell, the cpu is running sllllloooower than it should, first it is OK and after sometime starts to sllloooow down.. hummh, I wonder if hoary has something to do with this or my bios or something..01:39
AmaranthNino: PM?01:39
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Ninoyet another question, can I install ubuntu from a debian businesscard CD image installer?01:41
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AmaranthNo, you'll get Debian.01:41
ChoubakaYes you can.01:42
ChoubakaBut it takes some tricks.01:42
AmaranthChoubaka: Non-supported by anyone sane. :P01:42
ChoubakaI know.01:42
ChoubakaBut I've done it.01:42
ChoubakaFirst, you install Debian Woody _BASE_ system only.01:42
AmaranthIf you do it right it'll completely wipe the Debian system and replace it while it's running. :)01:42
Choubakayou interrupt base-install.01:42
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Choubakathen, you change sources to hoary, and do a dist-upgrade01:43
NinoChoubaka: in fact it already fails to install debian testing :/ it is a 1 year old beta of sarge... but i have no cds left i could burn an iso on :/ and teh shop isthat far away :/01:43
Choubakathen you install aptitude01:43
zxcchoubaka, http://www.pastebin.com/270726 is what happens when I try to get w32codecs from your link01:43
Choubakathen you run base-install01:43
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rodhi aqualuk01:43
aqualukis hier nen deutscher der mir beim mounten helfen kann (will)01:43
Choubakaand it'll install ubuntu01:43
rodhallo olli aqualuk01:44
aqualukbin ein totaler noob in sachen linux01:44
ChoubakaEnglish, please.01:44
rodgoogle aqualuk01:44
Amaranthrod: What language is that?01:44
aqualukbei google find ich nichts01:44
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Amaranthrod, aqualuk: #ubuntu-de, please01:44
rodim NOT a german btw, i repeat IM NOT A GERMAN GUYS01:44
ChoubakaIt's german :p01:44
Seveasaqualuk, man spricht hier englisch, #ubuntu-de ist fuer deutschsprachiger hilfe01:44
aqualukjo habs gemerkt01:44
rodjaja sehr gut Seveas  :)01:44
ChoubakaAnd I even understand what they're saying. :p01:45
rodgeldern ist toll01:45
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ChoubakaEven though I can't speak a word of german myself.01:45
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Seveasrod, please, stick to english :)01:45
Fast240Zgod, I can't stand the way that gnome's taskbar looks, anyone know how to change the system fonts and such?01:45
Burgundaviarod, you might want to try #ubuntu-nl01:45
rodjawohl!! : )01:45
AmaranthOne thing I like about German, they don't overuse spaces. :)01:45
zxcchoubaka, how do I get the w32 codecs from your website :'(01:45
AmaranthIt's like spaces are money, can't waste them on useless things.01:45
theineFast240Z, did it work out?01:45
SeveasBurgundavia, nl != german01:45
Choubakazxc: did you run apt-get update? :p01:45
Seveasnl = dutch01:45
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Amaranth"deutschsprachiger", for example :)01:45
theineFast240Z, the boot menu stuff i mean...01:45
BurgundaviaSeveas, (~rod@cp233117-a.venlo1.lb.home.nl):01:46
ChoubakaAmaranth: that's not even bad.01:46
Fast240Ztheine: worked just fine, I didn't boot into windows, but it was the default os, thanks a whole hell of a lot, that was confusing me like no tomorrow01:46
SeveasBurgundavia, ah :)01:46
rodc'est moi Burgundavia01:46
AmaranthChoubaka: Yeah, I've seen worse.01:46
rodheya plitex01:46
Seveasrod, tu parles francais aussi?01:46
theineFast240Z, glad i could help you out01:46
AmaranthGuys, please.01:46
zxcchoubaka, what's the command to run apt-get update?01:46
ChoubakaAmaranth: Get this: Kumarreksituleskenteleentuvaisehkollaismaisekkuudellisenneskenleluttelemattomammuuksissansakaankopahan01:46
rodSeveas, lol of course01:46
AmaranthChoubaka: You made that up.01:46
Choubakazxc: apt-get update01:46
Fast240Ztheine: yeah, I'm glad you did too, got rid of my questions, thanks again!01:46
SeveasChoubaka, is that finnish?01:47
Seveaswtf does it mean??01:47
ChoubakaIt's the longest _non-compound_ word possible in Finnish01:47
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rodyo soy rodi, como te llamas ?:)01:47
ChoubakaSeveas: I don't really know.01:47
AmaranthChoubaka: yikes01:47
AmaranthThat's the only long word I know in English.01:47
zxcchoubaka, Package w32codecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.01:47
zxcThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or01:47
zxcis only available from another source01:47
zxcE: Package w32codecs has no installation candidate01:47
Choubakasomething to do with not  having the quality of being made to bow01:48
gaioanyone with ati radeon 9100 ?01:48
thenukeChoubaka: A bit hard to translate that sentence in to english01:48
Fast240ZI have a radeon 900001:48
Fast240Zdon't know if that helps01:48
rod'xuse me01:48
Seveasthat's a famous long dutch one01:48
gaioFast240Z, i think it's quite similar01:48
roda famous dutch one?01:48
Choubakaisn't that a compound?01:48
Fast240Zprobably is01:48
SeveasChoubaka, quite01:48
gaioFast240Z, can u help me to install drivers?01:48
rodah, didnt see that one Seveas01:49
Amaranthgaio: Ubuntu comes with drivers for it.01:49
ChoubakaWell, if compounds are allowed, I can give you some real-world examples: lentokoneapumekaanikko-oppilas.01:49
rodwhat does that mean?01:49
Fast240Zgaio: I probably couldn't help you, I'm a n00b myself, but I do know that ubuntu comes with drivers for it, I didn't have to do shit to set my card up, and all other distros of linux I've tried hated my ati card01:49
Amaranthgaio: There are open source drivers for radeon cards below the 9250, if you're seeing a GUI you should be using it.01:49
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Choubakarod: assistant aeroplane mechanic student.01:50
Fast240Zexcuse my language01:50
Choubakaor something.01:50
rodheh alright Choubaka01:50
zxcchoubaka, it can't find w32 on the website you gave me01:50
Choubakazxc: weird.01:50
zxcI've run apt-get01:50
rodzxc, on the mplayer website?01:50
Amaranthzxc: What file are you trying to play?01:50
gaioAmaranth, Fast240Z , tnx ;)01:50
zxcmpeg, .mp3....normal stuff01:50
rodzxc, apt-get install totem-xine01:50
Choubakaare you sure it's correctly in the sources list?01:50
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Amaranthzxc: You don't nee w32codecs for that.01:50
Choubakaand did you run apt-get update with sudo?01:51
zxcI'm pretty sure because it updated it01:51
theinezxc, could you paste your sources.list in #flood01:51
Amaranthzxc: Enable universe, install gstreamer-plugins, use totem-gstreamer (the default totem) to play movies and rhythmbox to listen to mp3s01:51
Fast240Zgaio: ati does offer binary files for our cards, but if your gui is working, I wouldn't mess with perfection01:51
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Fast240Zthanks again for all of your help guys, I'm out01:52
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zxctheine, posted in flood01:53
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zxcamaranth, when I play the mpeg it just black and plays, so I'm assuming this is the codec?01:54
Amaranthzxc: Did you install gstreamer-plugins?01:54
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zxcamarant, yes01:54
theinezxc, looks good01:54
AmaranthOk, screw all this BS with inferior players, get vlc.01:54
zxchow? :/01:55
AmaranthIf vlc won't play it it won't play on Linux. :)01:55
theinezxc, and after apt-get update you're still not able to install w32codecs?01:55
Amaranthsudo apt-get install vlc01:55
=== nate wants Ogg Theora
HmmmmAmaranth, vlc is truly a great player01:55
Choubakavlc is ugly.01:55
Hmmmmbut I've had issues with it too01:55
=== fatalblu_ toasts vlc, even if it is kinda ugly
nateactually, it's here I guess. What I actually want is videos in Theora format01:55
HmmmmChoubaka, vlc might be ugly, but it serves the purpose01:55
zxcok installing vlc01:55
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AmaranthChoubaka: Now that WxWidgets uses GTK2 it looks pretty nice.01:55
zxc|afkgonna eat01:56
Hmmmmbest thing about vlc is u dont need to install any codecs01:56
Hmmmm"apt-get install vlc"01:56
theineHmmmm, is that so?01:56
Hmmmmand that it01:56
fatalblu_vlc mozilla plugin?01:56
Hmmmmtheine, yes it is so01:56
Amaranthbesides, if you're watching a movie you're watching the movie, not looking at the controls01:56
Hmmmmtheine, have you tried vlc?01:56
=== wiBo [wiBo@c207.134.135-132.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu
ChoubakaI can't believe I'm actually installing Windows on qemu to run one app :p01:56
theineHmmmm, yes, but i figured it also uses w32codecs that were already installed...01:56
HmmmmChoubaka, what dyu wana install?01:57
theineHmmmm, guess I was wrong...01:57
fatalblu_(since yall are on a vlc kick)01:57
Hmmmmtheine, u were01:57
Hmmmmi couldnt install the codecs on my box coz my repository was down01:57
Hmmmmso i installed vlc01:57
Hmmmmand what dyu know01:57
Hmmmmshe works like a charm01:57
theineHmmmm, nice01:57
=== Amaranth works on a project with one of the developers
=== fatalblu_ strokes it to vlc
HmmmmChoubaka, what app dyu need to install for which u need windoze?01:57
AmaranthSo I was kinda forced to use vlc, now I like it. :)01:58
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ChoubakaHmmmm: Winny :p01:58
AmaranthHmmmm: Could you repeat that in English? :)01:58
ChoubakaI could probably make it work on Wine.01:58
ChoubakaBut that's huge work, and I can't read the japanese tutorials. p01:59
ChoubakaNot very well, at least.01:59
theineHmmmm, you don't happen to know how to get fullscreen without the gnome panels in vlc, do you?01:59
Amaranththeine: um, fullscreen?01:59
HmmmmAmaranth, what in english?01:59
HmmmmChoubaka, try codeweaver crossover office if wine dont work02:00
Hmmmmtheine, "f"02:00
AmaranthChoubaka: You're install qemu to run what is probably a pirated version of Windows to run a Japanese P2P program so you can illegally download things? :)02:00
Hmmmmand i mean hit the key "f" for full screen02:00
kbrooksis there a java jre packge in ubuntu02:00
Hmmmmkbrooks, no there isnt02:01
theineHmmm, yes, i know, but the gnome panels still appear on top of the video if i do that02:01
ChoubakaAmaranth: it's a legal Win XP Home.02:01
Amaranthkbrooks: You can build your own.02:01
Hmmmmkbrooks, go to ubuntuguide.org and se how its done02:01
Choubakaand I want my anime non-translated. :/02:01
Hmmmmubuntuguide.org/#java might be more accurate02:01
Amaranthhttp://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Java <--see method 202:02
ChoubakaAnd downloading anime isn't illegal anyway.02:02
ChoubakaNot where I live.02:02
theineHmmmm, you don't have that problem I guess?02:02
AmaranthChoubaka: Where is that?02:02
Hmmmmi dont have that problem, no02:02
Seveasfinland i guess02:03
ChoubakaYeah. :p02:03
ChoubakaIt's not illegal yet, at least.02:03
Choubakanor is downloading music.02:03
theineHmmmm, hmmm02:03
Hmmmmi like finland02:03
Hmmmmi like india better02:03
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AmaranthChoubaka: finland isn't a part of the EU?02:04
Hmmmmout here we get legal ocmputer books for 10% that it costs in the US/EU02:04
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jacopo_hi, is it possible to integrate the thunderbird calendar with the ubuntu applet?02:04
AmaranthHmmmm: The US dollar is so screwed right now that doesn't surprise me.02:04
ChoubakaAmaranth: it is.02:04
Seveasjacopo_, the ubuntu applet is the evolution calendar02:04
AmaranthChoubaka: I thought they all had a unified law on that kind of stuff.02:05
Hmmmmits not the dollar02:05
Choubakait's a directive.02:05
Hmmmmits the Easter Economy Edition02:05
ChoubakaFinland hasn't yet ratified a law based on the directive.02:05
Hmmmmbtw guys, i just got my new amd64 box02:05
Hmmmmand i tried installing hoary RC on it02:05
Hmmmmbut it wont detect the network card02:05
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ChoubakaBesides, no-one minds if people download anime. )02:06
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Hmmmmits an onboard NIC:- Realtek rtl 8201CL02:06
=== libben [~libben@c213-89-20-14.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu
Hmmmmthe board is an ASUS K8S MX02:06
engieShould I have python2.3 installed with hoary?02:06
Hmmmmanyone got any idea how i can get it working?02:06
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AmaranthChoubaka: Ah, just like jlj's work is legal in Norway because they don't have the EUCD yet.02:06
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jacopo_Seveas, i link the calendar of thunderbird with the calendar of evo.. but i have to restart all evo to see the chages in the clock applet.. is it possible to do it autmaticaly?02:07
Seveasjacopo_, no idea, sorry02:07
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queuetueAny American in here who have done consulting in India02:07
queuetueI'm curious what the experience is like (just got an offer.)02:07
linuxg0dqueuetue, u from usa02:08
queuetuelinuxboy, I am, yes.02:08
queuetuelinuxg0d, That was meant for you.02:08
linuxboyqueuetue: :)02:08
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queuetuelinuxboy, You go back to sleep! :)02:08
linuxg0dso u cannot set in india or such countries02:09
queuetuelinuxg0d, What do you mean, 'cannot'?02:09
linuxg0dok bro02:09
linuxg0dsorry for eng02:09
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linuxg0di mean way of living in india02:09
=== Potn_ [~potnhbug@ip136-167.bacs-net.hu] has joined #ubuntu
Hmmmmwat about way of living in india?02:11
queuetuelinuxg0d, I'm sorry; are you saying I could not live the way you do in India?  I'm not trying to live there - just do a 4-day job. :)  I was wondering how much tim to plan for travel. acclimation, etc.02:11
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queuetueAnd how prevalent english is, snce I certainly don't speak a dialect of hindi or anything similar.02:11
jakobi come from sweden02:12
Hmmmmqueuetue, when u coming to india?02:12
kbrookshere i come, jython!02:12
rOss^32hej! jakob02:12
rOss^32thats all the swedish i know :|02:12
queuetueHmmmm, It will be in a few months, at the earliest...  is thre a "good time" and a "bad time"? ;)02:12
Hmmmmdrop me a line when u come02:13
Seveasqueuetue, monsoon[sic?]  season might not be the best time depending on where in india you stay02:13
queuetueHmmmm, Well, if we're still both hanging around in here, possibly, but ... how do you know you will be in the same part of the country as me :)02:14
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engieHi. The ubuntuguide sais there are some codecs available in w32codecs, but I can't apt-get install this (with universe, multiverse enabled) - is this an error on the guide, or my machine?02:15
Seveasengie, w32codecs is only in marillat02:15
Hmmmmi know my way around this country02:15
jacquesmerdeanyone here have a usb midi controller?02:15
jakobyour all nobbs.02:15
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engieAhh, thanks Seveas02:15
Seveasengie: deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat unstable main (use testing main for Warty)02:15
Hmmmmi can advice u on what do to do where02:15
Hmmmmand stuff like that02:15
jakobhow big is the size of you\r Dick02:15
Seveasjakob, cut it out or leave02:15
Hmmmmcoz i had some german and finnish friends who came over last week02:15
engieSeveas: Is it safe to add that to hoary's sources.list?02:16
Hmmmmi showed them around and arranged for them to see much of my beautiful cuontry02:16
Seveasjakob, read the code of conduct before chatting here please02:16
Hmmmm* country02:16
jakobHow Big.!02:16
Seveasengie, it is02:16
linuxg0dwho win02:17
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queuetueHmmmm, I don't want to drag the channel too far offtopic (again), I was just asking. :)02:17
Hmmmmqueuetue, thats why i opened a P2P chat with u to talk about it directly02:18
zxcwhat do I need to put in options to make a partition writable?02:18
zxcin fstab02:18
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Seveaszxc, nothing special02:18
Seveasjust don't put ro in it02:18
scizzozxc: what filesystem?02:18
=== Amaranth goes to bed
scizzoSeveas: ro = read only02:19
Seveasand don't use NTFS, that'll never be writable (on current ubuntu systems)02:19
Seveasscizzo, that's why i said: don't put ro in it02:19
zxcseveas, yeah that's why I created a fat32 /share partition02:19
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scizzozxc: change the umask02:19
Seveaszxc, this works for me:02:19
scizzozxc: or something02:19
Seveas/dev/hda7       /data           vfat    rw,uid=dennis,gid=dennis,fmask=0133,dmask=0033 0 002:20
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zxcdennis, is that a linux thing?02:20
Seveasthat way user 'dennis' will own all files and all files are writeable only by that user02:20
Seveasno, dennis is my username02:20
=== touffi [~vincent@AOrleans-206-1-13-21.w80-14.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
zxclol, so I'll change it to mine02:20
Seveassubstitute that with yours ofcourse :)02:20
Seveaszxc, i just noticed an error in that line02:22
Seveasit should say dmask=0022 instead of 003302:22
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Seveasthat way other users can traverse the directries on that disk02:22
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CyberSDFSalut les gens !02:24
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CyberSDFDites, je n'arrive pas  lire les srteam de F3, quelqu'un les a ou c'est ma config qui merdoie ?02:24
cens0redis there a page anywhere, describing the install process for Hoary in detail?02:24
SeveasCyberSDF, pleae, use english!02:24
SeveasCyberSDF, #ubuntu-fr is for french02:25
BlackLabelwhats java programming like on linux (command line programs only)02:25
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cens0redI've looked on both ubuntulinux.org and ubuntuguide.org.02:25
CyberSDFSeveas, sorry, i thin i was on ubuntu-fr :)02:25
queuetueCyberSDF, You may have better luck in #ubuntu-fr - my translation skills are terrible. :)02:25
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queuetueAnd my lag appears to be atrocious.02:25
QUwhats the meaning of that audit: messages in dmesg output?02:26
cens0redcan I just tell the installer to install on hda2? And leave every other partition alone?02:26
Seveascens0red, sure02:27
cens0redSeveas cool.02:27
cens0rednothing to worry about then.02:27
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cens0redcool bananas infact.02:28
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QUwhats the meaning of that audit: messages in dmesg output?02:29
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engieAre there any prominant desktop changing applets / apps for gnome? If there's nothing to big out there I'm planning to try and write an applet which cycles through wallpapers: either from a list or from an rss feed of images.02:34
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rj_I have a small problem, whenever i'am asked to enter a password (ie: logging into gdm) where it would normally mask my entry with astriks ( ***** ) instead there are white blocks02:35
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rj_i'am still able to log in, but the white blocks just look funky02:35
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Seveasrj_, looks like a locale/font problem to me02:35
rj_its not only GDM, it appears throughout gnome on all gtk interfaces.02:35
Seveashave you recently switched locale?02:36
rj_Seveas: no, i belive i'am using UTF-802:36
Seveashmm, than /me shuts up again02:36
cikilinis any way,tweak to make mozilla be faster ?02:36
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zxcand how do remount everything after applying the mount changes seveas?02:36
kev0rhow do I quit VI with save?02:36
=== kev0r hates vi
zxccikilin, firefox?02:37
queuetuekeffo, esc :wq02:37
Seveaszxc, just sudo umount/dev/your_fat_drive02:37
queuetuekev0r, That was for you.02:37
Seveasand then sudo mount -a02:37
cens0redI've got the hoary iso. Does it come with all the documentation?02:37
queuetuekeffo, Now, you go back to sleep.:)02:37
cikilinzxc: if i put a proxy it does not work at all02:38
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djpanyone here use bashpodder?02:39
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userrquick questions... I have a laptop with a 400mhz p2 and 48mb ram, what gui linux release would you suggest?02:39
Seveasubuntu with xfce or icewm (the latter is not out yet)02:40
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userrdoes xfce support icons?02:40
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Jesteracefluxbox or blackbox would be another alternative02:40
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Jesteracei used to run blackbox on a p133 with 32mb ram heh02:40
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userrsorry.. isn't there a program to run to give you deskop icons in xfce02:43
housetier"rox -p default"02:43
Jesteraceidesk would give you icons02:43
userrsweet... thanks a lot02:44
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mishofin ubuntuguide.org they write "how to make firefox load sites faster" - what is the causes of doing the changes they describe there?02:45
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mishofBlackLabel, http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#loadwebsitefaster02:46
BlackLabelwhat about it02:46
mishofwhat are the effects of doing these changes?02:47
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keffohm. the "jpeg library" - whats the package name for that?02:47
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BlackLabelinstead of having just one pipe between the webserver, multiple pipes are opened so in theory you can download the web sites faster02:48
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Echylohm is it normal that I hadn't any updates since hoary was released?02:49
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BlackLabelyep its normal02:49
Echylobtw why doesn't it mounts ntfs & fat32 disks automatic?02:50
Echyloit did in warty02:50
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kbrooksEchylo, /etc/init.d/dbus start02:51
tlecan some one here help me out?02:51
kbrookserm restart02:51
tlemy screen keeps at low 640x48002:51
kbrooksEchylo, -102:51
tleand dkpg-reconfigure xserver-xorg won't help02:51
kbrooksadd -102:51
kbrooks/etc/init.d/dbus-1 restart02:52
Echylohmm, then it will auto mount them at restart too?02:52
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cmg_any Python programmers here?02:53
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cmg_any Python programmers here?02:54
zxchow do you check what kernel you are running?02:54
Echylokbrooks is it a bug that it doesn't mounts them automaticaly?02:54
Echylocmg_ #python02:55
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Echylouname -a zxc02:55
rOss^32/exec -o uname -a will do it for you02:55
rOss^32Linux tinman 2.6.10-5-k7 #1 Tue Apr 5 12:56:05 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux02:55
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rOss^32lag ..02:56
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Echylouname -a is enough in terminal ;)02:56
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zxchow would I do this " sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.10-5-386 linux-headers-2.6.10" for an amd64 running the same kernel, or doesn't it matter?02:57
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Xeon3Dsomeone knows a CAD like program for Linux?02:58
rOss^32http://www.tech-edv.co.at/lunix/CADlinks.html <--02:58
rOss^32if you have cad it runs thru wine .. i believe02:59
\shi worked with this guy from arcad02:59
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bwlangXeon3D: qcad03:05
NinoIs it possible to us the Ubuntu install CD and directly get all packages from network instead of geting data from CD?03:06
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jacquesmerdehey, is it possible to apt-get a couple of smallish packages when running the live cd? how much ram would i need?03:07
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frankjacquesmerde: you can install packages in the live cd03:14
kbrooks"A lot of technical gibberish is displayed when the computer starts up, and when it shuts down."03:14
kbrooksno, not a lot of technical gibberish is displayed03:14
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kbrooks"A lot of technical gibberish is displayed when the computer starts up, and when it shuts down."03:14
kbrooks"The dialog for choosing a session similarly includes ?Last? without telling me which that was, and ?Default System Session? without telling me which that is. It also offers ?GNOME? and ?Failsafe Gnome?; failsafe behavior, apparently, is achieved partly by not SHOUTING."03:15
jacquesmerdefrank, i mean packages off the net, not off the cd itself...03:15
kbrooksGNOME <<< Is that shouting?03:15
kbrooks"Every day when I log in, I am presented not with the documents and Web pages that I had open when I logged out the day before, but with the documents and Web pages that I had open when I logged out on Monday March 7th."03:15
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kbrooks"When returning after locking the screen, the interface for logging in again is completely different from that for logging in normally, for no apparent reason."03:16
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zxcwhen using " sudo nano /etc/modules"03:18
zxchow do you save what you add to /etc/modules03:18
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darkauditkbrooks: I read that last night... guy who gave me the link wanted to give a 5-minute talk about it at our next lug meeting...03:18
darkauditI told him 5 minutes only if everyone else had to reserve comment until it was over... otherwise it could take an hour or more :)03:19
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frankjacquesmerede I know. I've installed stuff from the net while in the live cd03:24
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Dark3Litehey guys..03:25
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Dark3Liteusing a livecd on my nx5000 laptop03:25
Dark3Liteand it's not detecting the network card..03:26
Dark3Liteany assistance or advice..03:26
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KimikoI just added the breezy repositories. Does anyone know when development will continue there?03:28
snowblinkkbrooks, darkaudit: He works for Canonical. I think it's a good thing he doesn't like things03:28
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GarySavedKimiko, Did anything change?  I was thinking it would be better to switch now, before I have to do a massive download.03:29
Kimikono, nothing new was found03:29
kbrooksdarkaudit, guess what?03:29
GarySavedHas anyone else switched?03:30
kbrooksi'm officially pissed off with the review03:30
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kbrooksi'm gonna write a review criticising it03:30
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Kimikowhich review?03:30
snowblinkkbrooks, it isn't a review03:30
malte`that review is 80% right03:30
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kbrookssnowblink, i know03:31
kbrooksmalte`, irt's 20% wrong03:31
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Dr_Aevilsig: yep03:33
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frankwhat review are you talking about?03:34
=== da_bon_bon wants a ubuntu 5.04 cd desperately, but has no way of getting it on a 2kbps conection :(
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zxc_anyone know how to setup a shortcut to a folder, when I try a launcher it doesn't work :/03:35
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dmouritsendkda_bon_bon, can't u get some mate (who has more bandwidth) to download it for u?03:35
\shda_bon_bon: order it from ubuntu ;)03:36
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Sp4rKyanybody could say me how can i use many server with xchat03:36
da_bon_bondmouritsendk: ya, i can, but if i tell him its linux, he will kick me on da ass ;)03:36
da_bon_bon\sh: and get it in june? :(03:36
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\shda_bon_bon: last time for warty i got my 2 weeks later03:36
zxc_sp4rky, click x-chat, new server tab03:36
cens0redI've got the hoary iso. Does it come with all the documentation?03:37
da_bon_bon\sh: i got mine warty on 29 december03:37
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\shda_bon_bon: uh..03:37
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cens0redthat is, if I install it ... will the all the documentation be installed with it?03:37
da_bon_bon\sh: ?03:37
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Sp4rKyzxc_ thx03:38
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\shda_bon_bon: i got mine later ;)03:38
Dr_Aevilda_bon_bon: 2kbps?! :)03:38
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da_bon_bonDr_Aevil: yes. and it is "cable" net03:38
Dr_Aevilda_bon_bon: I suggest you move to carrier pigeon, it'd be much faster :)03:39
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da_bon_bonDr_Aevil: faster speed = more money which i wont have ;)03:39
cens0redda_bon_bon try dealing crack.03:39
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Dr_Aevilare you sure you mean 2kbps? I mean who would sell that?03:39
maswanDr_Aevil: most dialup providers?03:40
da_bon_boncens0red: try that in india. here, they prefer "desi daaru" ;)03:40
cens0reddesi daaru?03:40
da_bon_bonDr_Aevil: its supposed to be 32kbps, but download speed is only 2kbps03:40
mishofhow can i install emacs?03:41
krismmishof : apt-get install emacs2103:41
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zxc_anyone know how I can make icon shortcuts on the desktop?03:41
fatalblu_apt-get install clue03:41
mishofkrism, thanks03:42
Dr_Aevilmaswan: dialup of 2kbps? 56kbps would be the norm for the last 8 years or so03:42
cens0redfatalblu_ heh.03:42
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Shuflahello :D03:42
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krismDr_Aevil : difference between KBps and Kbps03:42
krismbits vs. bytes.03:42
maswanDr_Aevil: oh. you count b as bits?03:42
Dr_Aevilmaswan: yeah03:43
Shuflai've got little problem03:43
Dr_Aevilmaswan: i'd say B for bytes normally03:43
Shuflahdc: TSSTcorpCD/DVDW TS-H552B, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive03:43
Dr_Aevilkrism: surely not? :P03:43
maswanDr_Aevil: I'd spell out "bit" if I meant that.03:43
Shuflaroot@hardin:~ # hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc > /dev/null -> HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted03:43
Dr_Aevilmaswan: well kbps is pretty standard anywhere you look03:43
cens0redso I have the hoary iso.03:44
maswanDr_Aevil: yes, but applications report that as bytes03:44
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cens0redwhat should I read before slapping it in?03:44
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cens0redwill it write over my existing mandrake partition, like I want it to?03:44
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Dr_Aevilmaswan: we're not talking about what some applications might report, we're talking about what an ISP would sell it to him as03:44
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Xeon3Dis there another word (synonym) for Coffin?03:45
Xeon3D(totally offtopic)03:45
Dr_AevilShufla: hmph, DMA support might not be on - are any of your drives in DMA mode?03:45
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Dr_AevilXeon3D: casket?03:45
zxc_somebody must have figured out how to put shortcuts on the desktop >_<03:45
GarySavedThat is weird.  When I switched to the breezy repositories, the listed repositories did not expand.03:45
cens0redDr_Aevil well done! It was on the tip of my fingers.03:45
Xeon3DDr_Aevil, not sure if that'll work.. I'm trying to find coffin pics on the net...03:45
ShuflaDr_Aevil: huh. I've got SATA harddisk here, running on /dev/sda. :(03:46
ShuflaDr_Aevil: ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x9F0 ctl 0xBF2 bmdma 0xDC00 irq 22 , NFORCE3-25003:46
Dr_AevilShufla: I have that trouble too.  I don't know what the stock default hoary kernel has turned on is the trouble.03:46
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Dr_AevilXeon3D: http://images.google.com/images?q=casket&hl=en&btnG=Google+Search03:47
Dr_Aevillot of coffins there :)03:47
GarySavedCaskit ? (Another word)03:47
Shuflaok. i'm digging in into forums. well, my f*g work network is only 16kB/s :(03:47
jmhodgessilly question, whats the name of the application that traces the network connections of a specific program (kind of like strace)03:47
GarySavedOops ... Did not see someone had that.03:47
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mainerjmhodges: you mean netstat --help03:48
cens0redcan anybody direct me to an installation guide for hoary?03:48
Dr_Aeviljmhodges: you mean the route? traceroute or the open network connections? you can lsof -i | grep <program name> for that?03:48
jmhodgesmainer really? netstat?03:48
jmhodgeslsof -i | grep might be it03:49
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jmhodgesill look into netstat again though03:49
linuzoDoes anyone why menueditor is kubuntu doesn't work I click it does nothing03:49
jmhodgesnetstat -p | grep <program pid> would do it..03:49
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maineroe /var/log/syslog parsing:)03:50
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Dr_Aeviljmhodges: the diff would be that lsof -i shows the open network connections, netstat -p shows all open sockets, including local file access03:51
GarySavedAm I correct in assuming that if I switch to the breezy repositories, they will include any security fixes posted to hoary?03:51
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\shGarySaved: there will be security fixes for hoary..03:53
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sparklingesistono temi per gnome simili a macosx?03:53
ShuflaDr_Aevil: do you have AMd64 with SATA/PATA mb?03:53
sparklingo cmq ins tile mac osx?03:53
\shGarySaved: and they will go into breezy...normal way03:53
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Dr_AevilShufla: nope, P4 with SATA/PATA :)03:53
sparklingops sorry for language03:53
Dr_Aevilsparkling: yeah, don't use foul words like "mac osx"!03:53
ShuflaDr_Aevil: did you put module for your SATA/PATA cntrl in top of /etc/modules?03:54
sparklingehehehe i know :P03:54
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vulcanooBRAVO les gars03:54
vulcanoogniam ;-)))03:54
ShuflaDr_Aevil: I'm testing it right now, reboot, brb03:54
Dr_AevilShufla: I running my own kernel so it's not applicable I'm afraid03:54
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Xeon3Ddamn... not single page that teaches you on how to build a casket.03:55
mishofyou guys should try the HumanXmms skin (ubuntu-like skin for xmms)03:55
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ShuflaDr_Aevil: hehe. it works!! :D03:57
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TinoMproblem: after upgrading to Hoary, i have no keyboard in gdm (mouse works). i connect with ssh, /etc/init.d/gdm restart and then the keyboard works again...03:59
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windiehm.. why doesn't even sudo work with a default ubuntu install? it says in the documents it should work. it keeps asking for a password it has never asked03:59
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TinoMsudo asks for the user-pw04:00
Dr_AevilShufla: cool :)04:00
ShuflaDr_Aevil: try trick with your module :D04:00
windiTinoM: oh, thanks:)04:00
TinoMno prob. the pw will be cached for some time...04:00
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BlackLabelis it possible to install a boot splash?04:03
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funkyhathave the CDs for hoary started yet?04:05
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camcorderBlackLabel: i wonder that too, i miss my old colorful grub list. and don't want to compile grub myself04:05
pehthe sonud is not crystal clear...04:05
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BlackLabelSuperCatFrog from #kubuntu sent me this ->http://sleepybuddha.sl.funpic.de/ubuntu/04:06
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felix01hi guys i just installed xfce but unlike fluxbox its not auto added to my session choices, does anyone know what file i need to edit and what to place in it to add it?04:06
windifunkyhat: I just installed it from a cd :)04:07
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mishofemacs question - how can i set the langauge highlights ? (i want it to be prolog)04:07
=== funkyhat hopes his CDs arrive soon
windioh.. I burned it myself04:07
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DeviadHello guys, can anyone tell me how to export a different host type from the owning one?04:07
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DeviadThat's in GCC04:08
DeviadI need to compile an x86 program on a amd64 machine with amd64 kernel04:08
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funkyhatoh i could do that..... but as i'm on the list it would be silly to burn one04:08
ShuflaDeviad: cross-compile.04:08
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Dark3Litewhat is the ubuntu default password for the livecd?04:09
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DeviadShufla, some time a go for a matter alike I used the command EXPORT I guess04:09
DeviadI guess I can use it to modify the gcc host type04:09
Deviadisn'it it so?04:09
windiits fun that ubunty comes with ati fglrx driver and x.org in real .deb packages:)04:09
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ShuflaDeviad: AFAIR it could be tricky. cos there are some libs 32bit and some 64bit and I heard about linking issues.04:09
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zookoworksGreetings, People of #ubuntu!  Am I asking for trouble to compile my kernel with gcc-3.4 instead of gcc-3.3?04:09
zookoworksWhat are you guys talking about?  I'm running 64-bit hoary here and can run 32-bit executables as well.04:10
DeviadYeah, that's a good question, that's something I was wondering myself too04:10
ShuflaGreetings, Trouble Asker :)04:10
windido you know if it's a good idea to use some debian pacakges in ubunty, like, joe (my fav. text editor) doesn't seem to have one, but it does have a debian package04:10
zookoworksOkay, I guess I'll revert to gcc-3.3.04:10
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Deviadzookoworks, no wait04:10
Shuflawindi: did you added universe & multiverse repos?04:10
Deviadit isn't necessary to do so04:10
Deviadyou can just create a symbolic link04:11
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windiShufla: no.. do those make it possible?04:11
Deviadin /usr/lib04:11
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oluis breezy the development branch now??04:11
Deviadfor example ln -s /blablablabla/gcc-3.4 gcc04:11
Deviadfor example ln -s /blablablabla/gcc-3.4 /usr/lib/gcc04:11
Deviadthis way you make gcc-3.4 or whatever the version you want the default one04:11
Shuflawindi: indeed. try sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and remove # from lines with universe. then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install joe04:11
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windiShufla: ok, thanks :)04:12
zookoworksespecially since my kernel compile just errored out...04:12
Deviadgcc-4.0 is getting out04:12
zookoworksDeviad: Yes, I know about the symlinks.  Thanks!04:12
Deviadtoo :P04:12
Shuflawindi: BTW. http://www.ubuntuguide.org/ - you'll spend 20 minutes and you'll recive answers for many questions.04:12
DeviadWell, I have used many distro so far, so I learned something from every distro and sometimes things I learned on Slackware for instance come useful here as well04:12
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ShuflaDeviad: I'm happy that I do not have to use all of thew knowledge which I gained using gentoo, slack, and so on to accomplish "simple tasks". simple tasks in ubuntu are just...simple. :D04:13
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DeviadI prefear ubuntu cos it's very portable... and fast detects the hardware... very useful when you have a new machine and don't want to google all night long. You just pick up the config file and you save it on a medium so that you can use it for a later compiling on the distro you fancy using...04:14
felix01hi guys i just installed xfce but unlike fluxbox its not auto added to my session choices, does anyone know what file i need to edit and what to place in it to add it?04:14
DeviadShufla, we said the same thing. :D04:14
ShuflaDeviad: indeed :D04:15
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DeviadCan anyone tell me something more about cross-compile?04:16
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DeviadIs it a package I have to download or just a technique?04:16
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sigI was curious about your errors with gnome-volume-manager, were you using your own kernel with those errors or a stock Hoary kernel ?04:17
vasihi, has anybody been able to print from Evince?04:17
azadmm hi! since some time i don't get any updates with apt.. is there a new release and the old one isn't updated anymore?04:17
Echylois it possible to have a non verbose boot process?04:17
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vasiazad, now that hoary is release there will not be many updates04:19
vasijust for security issues and other major bugs04:19
vasiif you want some important updates, use Ubuntu Backports04:19
Shuflahm. it is possible in gnome to attach <win-k>+L for lock screen?04:19
vasiif you want updates all the time, and can deal with occasional breakage, use Breezy (the next ubuntu)04:19
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azadis breezy something like testing/unstable?04:20
Echyloread: very unstable04:20
vasiShufla, look at System -> Preferences -> Shortcuts04:20
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vasiazad: it's currently just starting, so it's gonna break a lot04:20
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vasionce Breezy is a few months in it will stabilize more04:20
azadwell.. okay, i still want it! :)04:20
Echylowait until may04:21
frankIs there a way to get synaptic to show different versions of the same package that are available on different repositories instead of just the latest one?04:21
azadjust replace "hoary" with "breezy" ina apt list there?04:21
Shuflavasi: yes i know. but when I use <win-k>+l it do not treat <win-k> special...04:21
azad"in sources.list" i mean..04:21
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vasifrank, i'm not sure if synaptic can do it....but if you're willing to use the command line, you can do 'apt-cache show somepackage'04:21
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vasiShufla, i must have misunderstood...what's win-k?04:22
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Shuflavasi: windows-K.04:22
Deviadcan anyone tell me about cross-compile pls?04:23
frankvasi will that show multiple versions if thats the case?04:23
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vasiyes frank04:23
krismhmm.. anybody looking for a laptop that runs ubuntu smoothly? :) wanting to buy a powerbook, so i put my laptop on ebay04:23
azadthanks vasi :)04:23
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krismsorry for the OT.. /msg me if u want the link04:24
frankvasi then you do   dpkg -i package_name/unstable   or whatever?04:24
GarySavedI wonder if ubuntu will switch to gnome-apt ?  It is becoming more stable.04:24
vasikrism, welcome in advance to Ubuntu PPC :-)04:24
krismvasi :)04:24
vasifrank, no...then you do 'apt-get install somepackage=1.2.3-1'04:25
krismi just like the ppc hardware better.. it's like someone actually sat down and thought about it. ;)04:25
Shuflaouch. i bited myself :(04:25
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frankvasi: I didn't know about that but mine works too to select from which distribution a package comes from04:25
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vasiumm...dpkg -i  only works for local debs04:26
vasiit doesn't download anything over the network04:26
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DeviadShufla, I was looking on google but I found nothing worth reading04:26
frankvasi: your'e right. I dont remember what I did the other time!04:27
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frankvasi: you can also do a   apt-get install somepackage/unstable04:27
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vasifrank, perhaps that works, i've never tried :-)  thanks for the info04:28
azadvasi: i can apt-get update, seems to work, but apt-get dist-upgrade doesn't bring anything new, that's usual?04:28
vasikrism, are you already on PPC?04:28
vasiazad, there is almost nothing in breezy at this moment04:28
=== housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-168-241.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
vasiit's brand new, first new package was yesterday04:28
vasi(i think)04:28
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thoreauputicfrank: apt-get -t unstable install blah  (of course onlt in debian)04:29
=== Markrian [~Markrian@82-68-11-182.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
azadoh, i see, heh.. well still okay, if hoary isn't updated a lot anyways.. thank you04:29
krismvasi : was previously04:29
vasiso....pretty please could someone try printing from Evince?04:29
vasicuz it's still not working for me...and everything else is....and i'd like to know if it's my personal force field that's making this happen, or if i should file a bug :-)04:30
krismvasi: an ancient ibook. then upgraded to this laptop.. now i'd like to go to a powerbook. indecisive as hell :)04:30
vasigonna run OS X or linux? (or both?)04:30
=== ] BreliC[ [~vince@CPE0004e24a59cd-CM0011aea58e24.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
krismvasi: linux..04:30
krismvasi: i might be something of a nazi ;)04:30
frankthoreauputic: or if you want to try the debian package for some reason.   My problem is that if I put debian repositories in my sources, synaptic treats them as 'better' than the ubuntu sources if they have a higher cversion04:30
vasii recommend you keep a small OS X partition around....just for things like Flash that are totally not working on Linux PPC04:31
vasiyou don't even have to ever boot it04:31
vasijust use Mac on Linux :-)04:31
krismvasi: eh, if there's no OSS for file $x, i don't use file $x.04:31
chazwurthis anyone here good with hotplug-related issues? I'm having some strange trouble.04:31
krismvasi: gets kind of annoying and inconvient at times, but... ;)04:31
krismchazwurth : what kind of trouble?04:32
=== wdh [~KlaasVaag@217-19-29-22.dsl.cambrium.nl] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicfrank: yeah, tricky to do - I think you'd have to pin them : using debian packages can be a good way to mess the system up04:32
] BreliC[hey guys... what are the odds that an rpm for my printer driver converted to a deb would *not* screw up my install?04:32
chazwurthkrism: every now and then, when I boot my laptop, it won't automount my usb pen drive04:32
vasikrism, yeah....i sometimes really need to use a flash demo or some windows software for school, what can i do about it?04:32
chazwurthkrism: it's sort of random; doesn't happen every time, but when it does happen, a reboot is required to fix04:32
krismchazwurth : do you see anything in the output of 'dmesg'?04:32
frankthoreauputic:   what does apt pining mean? I heard about but I don't know what it means04:32
chazwurthkrism: I looked at that a few days ago, but forgot to save it :P04:33
krismvasi: yeah, my desktop at work runs windows.. "unix-ized" windows, but windows nonetheless. :(04:33
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vasipinning confuses me horribly :-/04:33
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thoreauputicfrank: briefly, it allows you to alter priorities - see the apt howto04:33
krismchazwurth : nex time it happens, make sure to save the output (dmesg > file.txt) - hotplug might be assigning a different /dev/sd? node to it04:33
thoreauputicor apt-get install apt-howto04:33
chazwurthkrism: there are two other odd things about it: 1) when this happens, and I mount it by hand, I get strange behavior; for example, the drive will mount, but won't unmount04:33
chazwurthkrism: it's definitely not doing that04:33
krismchazwurth : for which there's a simple fix involving writing a rule for the device in /etc/udev/udev.rules04:33
chazwurthkrism: it's always /dev/sda104:34
krismchazwurth : whoops ;)04:34
krismchazwurth : i'm not sure then, sorry :)04:34
vasichazwurth, when it doesn't unmount, what error does it give?04:34
mcdonaldswesthoreauputic: that's "apt pinning"... "apt *pining*" is when another distro really wishes it uses apt04:34
DeviadCan anyone tell me how to temporary turn off gcc version checking?04:34
vasimcdonaldswes, *groan*04:34
thoreauputicmcdonaldswes: heheh :)04:34
chazwurthvasi: gimme a couple minutes, I'll try to reproduce it. sorry for not saving the errors, I've been stupid about this04:34
DeviadI was reading about this, it could be the solution to my problems...04:34
chazwurththere's one other strange thing that happens, dunno if it'll help diagnose04:35
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vasiDeviad, does this solve your problem? http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2003/09/msg00143.html04:36
chazwurthI have a hard drive partition that I mount as /home/myuser/documents on boot; I've made an fstab entry for it; when this problem occurs and my pen drive won't auto-mount, that drive shows up as an icon on the desktop in GNOME04:36
chazwurthwhen everything is normal, the icon isn't there04:36
vasiyou probably want to see the output of 'mount' when things are 'normal' and 'broken'04:36
vasithe differences are likely to be informative :-)04:36
chazwurthvasi: I'm rebooting the machine a few times; it's pretty hard to reproduce, it only happens every once and a while04:37
chazwurthseemingly at random04:37
=== LISP [~Nevermind@84-247-6-157.evolva.ro] has joined #ubuntu
vasihey, what command do i use to try to suspend my computer?04:37
Deviadvasi, yes, thx a lot.04:37
zxc_any ideas how to reload the desktop if it's frozen04:38
=== michael123 [~michael@p54A3E092.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
chazwurthvasi: /etc/acpi/sleep.sh I think, for suspend to ram04:38
LISPwhere's the smart alick that told me yesterday that mplayer has gmplayer as a deb on ubu?04:38
michael123hi all04:38
LISPmplayer, at least my package has been compiled without gui04:38
LISPps: hello eveybody04:38
LISPdoes anyone a ubu package with a mplayer gui?04:38
chazwurthvasi: hibernate.sh for suspend to disk04:38
LISPi'll look up gui mplayer right now, in synaptic04:39
tyreseDoes anyone know how to get XINE on Ubuntu?04:39
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michael123is have a sound-problem, every application says that /dev/dsp is busy but the system-klicksound work :/04:39
vasizxc, maybe kill nautilus?04:39
vasimichael123, google for 'ubuntu dmix'04:39
ctrlerhi, i keep having regular writes to the disk even after i set noatime04:39
vasiLISP, what about gmplayer?04:40
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michael123what is dmix?04:40
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=== Steel3 [~Steel3@southquad-183-72.reshall.umich.edu] has joined #ubuntu
zxc_ah brilliant vasi worked like charm04:40
irbdaviddoes ubuntu include mp3 playback now in the default install?04:40
vasimichael123, it lets multiple programs play sound04:40
vasiLISP, enough with the caps eh?04:40
Steel3nope, no mp3 playback in default install04:40
LISPof course04:40
vasichazwurth, thanks for the sleep info04:40
chazwurthvasi: ok, well, I have an 'abnormal' boot to work with. I saved the dmesg output. haven't tried to mount the drive yet.04:40
michael123ok, thank u very much :)04:40
LISPbut i had to :D04:41
thoreauputicLISP: i realise this doesn't directly answer the question, but I have both mplayer and xine-ui installed, and xine-ui is much better, at least here04:41
LISPsomebody else told me about gmplayer04:41
chazwurthvasi: no prob04:41
Steel3vlc's my favorite04:41
irbdavidwhat was the package to get playback Steel3?04:41
Steel3i'll PM you04:41
vasichaz, i may die right now if suspend doesn't work :-)04:41
LISPi prefer mplayer, though i've installed vlc too, and xine, and totem :P04:41
ctrlerhi, i keep having regular writes to the disk even after i set noatime04:41
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LISPthore: do you have gmplayer? or mplayer?04:42
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thoreauputicLISP: why do you prefer mplayer? Just curious, as it seems many people like it04:42
Steel3vlc's my favorite, but only mplayer can play some stuff -- i hate compiling stuff, but i found a decent deb package for mplayer/gmplayer that works out nicely04:42
jintxoLISP, I have gmplayer, I got it from the marillat site though, not ubuntu's repositories... I don't know if tha't the "good" way of installing, but it works for me04:42
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thoreauputicLISP; if I type gmplayer it starts mplayer - but no GUI :/04:42
LISPi think i'll compile :(04:42
LISPthere are some things that are worth compiling :P04:43
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Dark3Liteanyone knows the unbutun livecd default password?04:43
Steel3irbdavid, check your PMs04:44
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thoreauputicLISP: i think there's an --enable-gui option for ./configure04:44
housetierSteel3 the mplayer sources provide a debian/rules script. so its "fairly" easy to build a .deb yourself. personally I use this script: http://housetier.kicks-ass.net/~housetier/downloads/mplayerconfigure.txt you might want to edit the configure options, and you will need to install a few libs04:44
LISPi'm just curious: out of the people here, how many are here through the debian route, and how many are through rh, mandrake?04:44
=== murrayc [~murrayc@pC19EBA66.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Steel3problem with compiling is that its tough to get rid of it / upgrade, right?04:44
LISPthore: thx >:P04:44
LISPthore: didn't know that, when i installer my first mplayer a year ago :D04:44
thoreauputicLISP: debian, but I used mandrake before that (couple of years ago)04:45
JinxColorhello room, I got a question suddently my 5.04 hoary installation takes like 45 minutes to start up, X11 won't start either - any ideas - noob04:45
=== SecDWizar [~thewizard@l192-115-62-66.broadband.actcom.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
ctrlerhi, i keep having regular writes to the disk even after i set noatime, does anyone know a solution? please... :)04:45
=== Xappe [~Xaplanoz@regulus3.student.UU.SE] has joined #ubuntu
housetierSteel3 wrong, since you install a .deb you can remove/update the package easily04:45
LISPctrler: do not mount it :P04:46
=== rototom [~thomas@pD9FF571D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
chazwurthLISP: Gentoo, Debian; I've used Red Hat but it's been some time and I haven't used it much.04:46
ctrlerLISP, lol, i can allways stop using de computer... :)04:46
LISPdoes anyone know another distri with a good gmplayer package?04:46
LISPi'll use alien04:46
jfk303is there an.mpc to .mp3 converter I can quickely ap-get for?04:46
LISPchazwurth: my kind of man :P04:46
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rototomi got a problem with my DVB-t card under Ubuntu linux (technisat Airrstar2)04:47
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rototomanyone experience with that things?04:47
LISPchazwurth: what happened with gentoo?04:48
Steel3started on Solaris a looong time ago (like middle school), then Red Hat, used Windows for a while, and within the last year got into linux again with Gentoo, then mandrake, then Ubuntu04:48
chazwurthLISP: I use it on my server. I tend not to use it on my laptop.04:48
Steel3i doubt i'll be moving from ubuntu for a looooong time04:48
LISPubuntu is good, but there's a major shortcoming:04:48
chazwurthLISP: I like it, but for my laptop I prefer that more things be done for me. I don't really have too much time to spend getting things working on the laptop since I use it all the time.04:49
=== jovian [~jovian@c-24-118-74-107.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
LISPthey stick a lot of things down your throat04:49
sig<LISP> ubuntu is good, but there's a major shortcoming:  ???04:49
=== Jurku [~Jurku@dyn5-196.adsl.mpynet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
LISPcan i break gnome?04:49
LISPdoes anyone how to break dependencies?04:49
LISPit's risky, but i could do without postfix & co04:49
chazwurthLISP: sure, but it's excellent if you like GNOME and you want something that runs easily and smoothly04:50
jovianI like the new site layout good work guys04:50
=== agnes [~agnes@] has joined #ubuntu
agneshey all!04:50
Steel3I like Ubuntu just 'cause i'm too lazy to maintain more complicated distros04:50
Shuflai've got only one complaint about layout - there's no search box on main site :(04:50
LISPchazwurth: c'mon - did you play any movies from the beginning?04:50
=== ricardo_ [~ricardo@ALamentin-101-1-10-51.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
LISPchazwurth: all the"illegal" codecs, like mpeg were out :(04:51
agnesI was wondering.. how can I get the "KDE" version of openoffice.org to work? do I have to type something? i.e., oowriter --kde ? or something?04:51
vasichazwurth, nothing happened...just told me hibernate support isn't in my kernel04:51
chazwurthLISP: fair enough. although the unofficial guide got me started pretty quickly.04:51
rototomanyone dvb-t experience with ubuntu?04:51
Steel3i think you just apt-get the plugin and run openoffice... could be wrong though04:51
agnesSteel3: well, the package is installed..04:51
Shuflaagnes: try apt-cache search kde openoffice04:51
LISPchazwurth: yes, but without the net connection?04:51
vasidunno if i really want to recompile my kernel just for that04:51
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LISPchazwurth: or on dialup? wanna get 20megs or so of progs for a movie, or xmms?04:52
vasichazwurth, got any new data re: your mounting problem?04:52
Steel3anybody else running breezy?04:52
=== SecDWizar [~thewizard@l192-115-62-66.broadband.actcom.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
chazwurthvasi: hrm. the only problem I've run into with hibernate is that I can't get it working with the binary nvidia drivers. I'm using the stock hoary kernel and it's been working.04:52
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vasihmm, maybe it's not there on PPC?04:52
agnesShufla: what does this mean: oooqs-kde - OpenOffice.org QuickStarter applet for KDE04:52
Steel3i'm not sure if i edited my sources.list right 'cause nothing's changed so far04:52
chazwurthLISP: thankfully, network connectivity isn't a problem for me, but yeah, I can see where it would be a huge pain.04:52
rototomok, bye04:53
housetierchazwurth maybe you need to unload the nvidia drivers prior to hibernating04:53
Shuflaagnes: it's KDEs preloader for openoffice.04:53
agnesShufla: I still don't understand... preloader? i.e., so that it opens faster?04:53
thoreauputicagnes: yes04:53
chazwurthhousetier: at that point it isn't worth my time. I'm just using the nv drivers and I'll restart X if I absolutely need the proprietary drivers for something, which isn't often.04:53
agnesShufla: regardless, none of those seem to really help me figure out how to start the kde UI for ooo.04:53
Shuflaagnes: indeed. oooqs-kde starts openoffice core while your KDE session is starting04:53
LISPi wanna buy a new video card04:53
zAo^agnes, like Windows preloads Explorer at boot04:53
LISPnvidia or ati? for linux i mean04:54
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agnesShufla: they are all installed, I believe..04:54
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zAo^LISP, Nvidea04:54
agnesShufla, zAo^: Will it work for ooo 2?04:54
Shuflaagnes: ah. AFAIR OOo KDE look&feel integration isn't complete.04:54
chazwurthLISP: the only bad thing I can say about the nvidia drivers is that I can't suspend my laptop when using them :)04:54
zAo^agabus, I dont think so. OOo2 is beta only. What does the plugin say?04:54
agnesShufla: OK : ) i.e., it doesn't work?04:54
Shuflahuh. how do I search for exact filename for package which is not installed?04:54
=== linuzo [~linuzo@toronto-HSE-ppp3932098.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
petemcShufla: apt-file04:55
agneszAo^: I'll have to look at the "detailed" comments.. but I don't know how to do that : )04:55
chazwurthvasi: dunno about ppc. what laptop is it?04:55
Shuflaagnes: what do you need exactly?04:55
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=== Shinaku [~John@81-178-170-80.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
zAo^agabus, in Synaptic?04:55
Shinakulucky guess04:55
zAo^agabus, sorry04:55
zAo^agnes, in Synaptic?04:55
ShinakuRight, little question before I decide to install Ubuntu04:55
LISPas for linux games, ati drivers are better?04:55
Shuflapetemc: thanks.04:55
ShinakuWill it resize an NTFS partiton with Windows installed?04:55
agnesShufla: There are two kde OO packs: openoffice.org2-kde  and openoffice.org-kde . I want to "initiate" either (1.1.x or 2.0b)04:55
zAo^LISP, NO!04:55
chazwurthLISP: not that I've heard, but I'm not a gamer04:56
agnesbecause my ooo 1.1.x sure doesn't look or feel kdeish04:56
Shuflaagnes: initiate - install it?04:56
ShinakunVidia drivers are better04:56
agnesShufla: start. have ooo start.04:56
linuzoWhy does Menu Editor not work in kubuntu?04:56
Shuflaagnes: type oowriter in terminal.04:56
ShinakuWill Ubuntu 5.04 resize an NTFS partiton with Windows installed?04:56
Shinakuduring the installation04:57
Shuflalinuzo: cos it's for Gnome.04:57
agnesShufla: yep. but that's not kde-ish.04:57
Shuflaagnes: huh. you've got full kubuntu?04:57
agnesShufla: yes.04:57
zAo^Shinaku, let me search04:57
LISPi'm not a gamer, but still, a bit of 3d shooter doesn't hurt :P04:57
LISPor mmorpg04:57
Shuflaagnes: try for help on #kubuntu then. but there should be openoffice in KDEs menu.04:57
zAo^LISP, buy Nvidia; ATI s*x on Linux04:58
agnesShufla: there is, but it don't load up as kde-ish.. however, ooo2 does! just tried now.. without anything extra.. yay!04:58
agnesany word on when the ooo2 packages will be updated to the latest beta?04:58
agnesor a later beta?04:58
Shuflaagnes: huh. ok. you wanted kdeish look&feel?04:58
LISPi'll probe around, but nvidia has one vote already :P04:58
zAo^Shinaku, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24888&highlight=resize+ntfs04:58
agnesShufla: yes : )04:58
=== dockane [~dockane@p5084F615.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Shinakuthanks zAo^04:59
vasichazwurth, it's not a laptop, it's a desktop....but it CAN suspend in OS X04:59
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Shuflaagnes: sorry, i misunderstooded you. can't help.04:59
agnesShufla: ok, thanks.04:59
Shuflaagnes: http://kde.openoffice.org/ it's fresh one. not avaiable in hoary i think.04:59
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chazwurthvasi: don't think I'll be much help, I haven't had a mac since before OS X :P05:00
=== ben [~ben@80-218-67-69.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
zAo^no that one is not in Hoary (yet)05:00
=== Kamping_kaiser [~kaiser@ppp55-210.lns1.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
vasichazwurth, it appears that the suspend mechanisms on PPC and x86 are completely different05:01
=== AlfonsVH [AlfonsVH@cust-115-15.dsl.versateladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu
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Shuflai persume, that win32-codes won't apply to amd64 ubuntu? :(05:01
=== _vincent [~vincent@AOrleans-206-1-13-21.w80-14.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
AlfonsVHI've got a problem; I'm trying to install Wine in Kubuntu, but I don't know how to change the repositories in Kynaptic. When I try to install it with apt-get, it says: "E: malformed line 28 in source list", while I don't find any errors.05:02
=== deadviet [~gianfrank@62-101-126-233.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
ShuflaAlfonsVH: put 28th line here.05:03
sigAlfonsVH: did you do: apt-get install wine ?05:03
sigpaste line 2805:03
frankShufla: you need a chroot to get them to work05:03
zAo^AlfonsVH, tried to edit /etc/apt/source.lst?05:03
Shuflafrank: chroot and ldd to find all needed libs? and then use 32bit mplayer there? i haven't done it before :/05:04
=== idn__ [~idn@82-32-243-208.cable.ubr11.newt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
AlfonsVHsig, yes, I did that. My line 28 is : deb-src http://wine.sourceforge.net/apt/source/05:04
idn__hi has anyone updated their apt sources to the new breezy ones?05:04
ShuflaAlfonsVH: hm. try to put `./' on the end.05:04
Shuflawithout `'05:05
frankShufla: This is what I did http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2457505:05
Shuflafrank: thanks, bookmarking it.05:05
AlfonsVHShufla, do you mean to put it after the last slash, or underneath?05:05
idn__http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26555 ?05:05
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ShuflaAlfonsVH: make it look like: deb-src http://wine.sourceforge.net/apt/source/ ./05:05
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randyHey all.05:06
thoreauputicAlfonsVH: why are yo using the sourceforge repo? wine is in ubuntu already ...05:06
AlfonsVHShufla, it works now. Thanks for the information!!!05:07
ShuflaAlfonsVH: n/p05:07
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agneshmmm. in other news, how can I install .rpm files? it seems the ooo beta only comes in .rpm05:08
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randyI'm trying to add screen resolutions to xorg by editing xorg.conf but anything I add still doesn't show as an option when selecting "screen resolution" in gnome.  I added "1152x864".05:08
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thoreauputicagnes: try alien ( makes a deb from an rpm)05:08
housetieragnes there was a howto around the internet about installing the OOo rpms on debian. I am sure you will find it05:08
Shuflarandy: why do not try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ??05:09
miklis there a way to change install-CD without having to check CD-rom integrity?05:09
hawke_isn't the ooo2 beta in Ubuntu anyway?05:09
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chazwurthhawke_: yes05:09
randyShufla: I tried that but I didn't see anywhere to select my resolutions.  Did I just miss that part??05:09
AlfonsVHoops, the wine thing, still doesn't work... It says " Couldn't stat source package list "05:10
chazwurthagnes: are you having problems with the ubuntu openoffice2 packages?05:10
Shuflarandy: huh. then try with -p low switch to dpkg-reconfigure05:10
agneschazwurth: well, less the packages and more the program version selected..05:10
maineragnes use alien --help for mdk rpms05:10
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ShuflaAlfonsVH: synaptic? refresh it.05:10
thoreauputicAlfonsVH: wine is in universe - wipe that source out and try with universe enabled05:10
agneschazwurth: it seems to have an older beta, which doesn't seem complete.05:11
chazwurthagnes: ah, didn't know that05:11
AlfonsVHShufla, nope, I'm using atp-get; not synaptic, since that isn't included in Kubuntu05:11
AlfonsVHand in Kynaptic it's not possible to change repositories as far as I know05:11
AlfonsVHah ok05:11
ShuflaAlfonsVH: apt-get update.05:11
AlfonsVHShufla, it gives that error when I try to do the update05:12
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ShuflaAlfonsVH: type that line here...05:12
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thoreauputicAlfonsVH: erm.. did you read what I said above?05:12
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chazwurthagnes: well, if that's the case, google around a bit, I'm certain someone did unofficial debian packages for them; I installed it on a debian machine some weeks ago. can't remember where I got the .debs, but it might be easier than messing with the rpms05:12
ShuflaAlfonsVH: change deb-src to deb.05:12
deadvietsomeone of you speak italian?05:12
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sridI have one doubt05:12
sridIs galeon still being maintained?05:12
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sridI mean, is features being added to it?05:13
sridI feel epiphany sucks05:13
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sridstill a simple 'focus-on-new-tab' feature is not implemented05:13
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exaltedhi there, Hoary is out now, that means it won't be updated anymore (except important security issues)??05:13
thoreauputicexalted: correct05:13
Shuflasrid: read on http://galeon.sourceforge.net/ about galeon.05:13
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thoreauputicor data-loss issues05:13
Shuflaexalted: not exactly. there's hoary-updates repository.05:14
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sridbtw, should I switch to grumpy(or what?) now?05:14
sridin my apt-sources05:14
agneswow! alien actually *converts* the pack to .deb??05:14
exaltedthoreauputic: so, to obtain the very updated sofware what's the version name?05:14
AlfonsVHthoreautic, I changed it to universe and wiped the wine-lines, but when I do apt-update it gives the same error (...blahblahblah... no such file or directory)05:14
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thoreauputicexalted: breezy05:14
exaltedthoreauputic: is it available via mirrors?05:15
maineragnes: yes,i use it extensively as needed and mdk rpms seem most compatable as compared to redhat,etc.05:15
randyShufla:  hmmm.  It goes from video card to keyboard.  No monitor to select or nothing.  This is 5.04 Hoary.05:15
mcdonaldswessrid: I'd wait a little before switching to hoary if it's an important system05:15
BlackLabelhas anyone installed a bootsplash using debian packages from bootsplash.de?05:15
thoreauputicexalted: it's only started today or yesterday05:15
exaltedthoreauputic: maybe it's a good idea to wait for some days?05:15
sridmcdonaldswes, it's desktop system here . and I am already in hoary (right after installing warty)05:15
Shuflarandy: hm. i think that you modified /etc/x11/org.conf. read some lines at top of that file.05:16
sridnow, I feel grumpy apt-sources should be available05:16
sridis it?05:16
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thoreauputicexalted: I think so , yes :)05:16
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exaltedthoreauputic: thx so much05:16
mcdonaldswessrid: oh sorry, read that wrong... you mean switch to breezy?05:16
sridoh i see05:16
zAo^when can we update to http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/fglrx_6_8_0-8.12.10-1.i386.rpm ?05:16
randyShufla:  Thanks.  I'll try again.05:16
AlfonsVHthoreauptic, I changed the lines to universe, but it's the belgian mirror, I think, since it begins with be.ubuntulinux.org... Could that be the problem?05:16
sridmcdonaldswes, so replace hoary with breezy in my sources.list?05:16
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thoreauputicAlfonsVH: I don't know - could be I guess05:16
Shuflasrid: I think that using breezy right now is risky.05:17
mcdonaldswessrid: my preference is to stick with hoary, but if you don't mind occasional breaking, then breezy is fine05:17
sridShufla, I was switching to hoary, in warty days05:17
AlfonsVHthoreauptic, what is the address of the US universe mirror (if you know)05:17
sridShufla, do you think, i will face new troubles?05:17
mcdonaldswessrid: hoary is pretty up to date right now... is there a reason you need breezy?05:17
thoreauputicAlfonsVH: heh - not off the top of my head, no :)05:17
sridmcdonaldswes, yes .. i need bleeding edge05:17
Shuflasrid: i think that it'll be easier for you to backport packages from breezy...05:17
sridmcdonaldswes, that's why i switched to hoary months back05:17
stperesrid ;-)05:17
Dr_AevilShufla: no need :)05:18
sridbreezy .. is like hoary in warty days, right?05:18
thoreauputicAlfonsVH: there's a list of mirrors somewher on the ubuntu site I think05:18
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mcdonaldswessrid: you could always backport, or maybe selectively upgrade packages to breezy05:18
Dr_Aevilsig: if you're read the bug report you surely know :)05:18
ShuflaDr_Aevil: huh?05:18
mcdonaldswessrid: yes, breezy is the hoary equivalent when warty was the only release05:18
Dr_Aevilsig: they must have changed something as that option was never needed in earlier versions05:18
=== srid switched to 'breezy'
hawke_is breezy actually started now?05:18
=== srid is apt-get update'ing
RuKKwhen, in the install, does ubuntu 5.04 generate its xorg.conf file? when you first run X?05:19
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Dr_AevilShufla: no need to use the modules as it's compiled into the kernel I'm using05:19
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sridi don't see any improvements in boot speed05:19
sridas stated in hoary release05:19
hawke_srid: didn't you say you were using hoary already?05:20
ShuflaDr_Aevil: well. but do you have dma *avaiable* for cdrom?05:20
sridhawke, yes .. before last minute ;)05:20
sridnow in 'breezy'05:20
zzyberdo i need to tweak anything on my hd 120Gb in ubuntu or is it OK by default? And i want to enable dma on my dvd and on my cdrw but where do i enable this so its on during boot?05:20
=== Shufla is praying for srid...
hawke_srid: Then why would you have noticed bootspeed improvements?05:20
sridwhat is next? .. next to breezy?05:20
Shuflazzyber: /etc/hdparm.conf and look for dma cdrom on www.ubuntuforums.org05:21
Dr_AevilShufla: yes05:21
ShuflaDr_Aevil: I hadn't without that trick.05:21
sridhawke, they stated in hoary release announcements (or in slashdot post)05:21
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Ins|dehi there05:21
Dr_AevilShufla: as I just said I don't need to load a module as it's compiled into the kernel I'm using.05:21
Ins|dei got a problem on my laptop05:21
hawke_srid: right...but that wasn't hoary release versus hoary pre-release.  It was hoary vs. warty.05:21
ShuflaDr_Aevil: ok. sorry. i'm to tired. 9th hour @ work.05:22
AlfonsVHthe apt-get update still doesn't work ("unable to resolve url ...."); I tried several mirrors; could it be because I use a non-standard proxy??05:22
Shufla10th :(05:22
Ins|dewhen i installed binaries from nvidia drivers, reslution get low05:22
sridhawke, ok05:22
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ShuflaAlfonsVH: hm... your hosts should look like: <2_char_country_code>.archive.ubuntu.com05:23
ShuflaAlfonsVH: but for now be.archive.ubuntu.com points to same as archive.ubuntu.com (or my DNS tells me lies)05:24
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AlfonsVHShufla, I tried us.archive.ubuntu.com and be.archive.ubuntu.com; they all work fine in my browser, but for some reason the apt-get can't connect to them05:25
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jintxohey guys, would youupgrade a serer running warty (apache mysql php dns smtp pop3) to hoary or just leave as-is and track security.ubuntu.com warty?05:26
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AlfonsVHby the way; is it possible to configure Kynaptic's settings?05:26
AlfonsVHno sorry05:26
Shuflajintxo: huh. if you've got stuff from universe there might be upgrade problems. i would leave that, cos warthy should be supported for 18 months from 2004.10 to 2006.0405:27
mcdonaldswesjintxo: I figure, leave it on warty until it's either unsupported, or you need a newer version of one of the major programs you run05:27
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thoreauputicis ubuntu-calendar-april out? It doesn't appear so for warty at least...05:27
jintxomcdonaldswes, shock that's kind of what I thought. no universe or anything :-) just looking for opinions, thanks05:27
jintxoShufla, ^05:28
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sridwhere can I find 'Human' theme for IceWM (as like in GNOME)05:28
zAo^who can help me with the new ATI drivers?05:29
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zAo^my module is loaded, but DRI is off05:29
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sridI have this bug with my current ubuntu system .. when I middle-click, the effect is twice. I mean middle-clicking links, open 2 tabs in firefox05:29
sigDr_Aevil: so how long do you think until they put out a fix for gnome-volume-manager ?05:29
sridi suspect, this is a bug with x.org build05:30
Shuflait's very hard to trying to be Ubuntu rookie developer with such slow connection :(:(05:30
Dr_Aevilsig: I don't know if it's broken.  They've changed something as that option wasn't needed but it should work with the stock ubuntu hoary kernel.05:31
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sigDr_Aevil: it doesn't work with the stock kernel as thats what I'm using05:32
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AlfonsVHI tried some stuff with apt-config; but it says "Temporary failure resolving <URL>". Could it be the proxy thing? My proxy server is just my other PC running Win2k and the program Proxy (by AnalogX); at IP address with http port 658805:33
Dr_Aevilsig: that doesn't mean the kernel is the issue in your case05:33
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Dr_Aevilsig: I fixed mine by compiing NLS_UTF805:33
NixerXAlfonsVH can you ping an external IP?05:34
sigDr_Aevil: what is NLS_UTF* ?05:34
Dr_Aevilsig: that's not the same issue.  That guy is wrong, there's no need for fstab-sync to be going for it to mount/unmount drives05:35
sigDr_Aevil: it does on the warty system05:35
Shufla10:35 hours @ work :( just 25 to go :)05:35
Dr_Aevilsig: it does what in the warty release?05:36
sigit temporarily alters the fstab so the icon shows up on the desktop and it mounts the media05:36
sigyes warty05:36
Dr_Aevilit doesn't need to do that05:36
sigso what do I need to do to fix it?05:36
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Dr_Aevilgnome-volume-manager gets the device node from hal, and mounts it under /media I believe05:37
sigyes /media is correct05:37
Dr_Aevilsig: well, that depends on what's wrong on your system.05:37
sigDr_Aevil: it is stock, nothing is wrong with it05:37
Dr_Aevilso that guys assertion that it *must* sync with fstab to unmount is wrong basically05:37
zzyberShufla, thx, now i have dma = on and it works like a charm,. Mostly i do a search on google and forget about ubuntu forum :-)05:37
AlfonsVHby the way; my sound card doesn't work. I've got both a Creative (type unknown) and a Compaq Premier Sound card and none wok05:38
Shuflazzyber: great :)05:38
ShuflaAlfonsVH: what lsmod | grep snd says?05:38
Dr_Aevilsig: if there was nothing wrong, it would work :) why don't you open a bug report if you're absolutely positve this is an unmodified install and it doesn't work.  Include the full /var/log/message output for when you plug the device in and the output of gnome-volume-manager 2>&105:39
CarlKapt-cache show whiptail - Whiptail is a "dialog" replacement.  but it does not provide "dialog"?  the LIRC setup.sh needs dailog, and I can't figure out what to apt-get05:39
sigDr_Aevil: there is something wrong, all users get this.... I was on irc.gimp.org in #gnome and the developers said they were aware of this in ubuntu and that was all I got out of them05:40
Dr_Aevilsig: no, all users do not get this.  As I say, open a bug report.05:40
sigDr_Aevil: there is an open bug report05:41
randyOther than my screen res problem I'm quite impressed with Ubuntu.  I alsao have it on my laptop.  Fedora Core would not give me sound that's why I tried Ubuntu.05:41
sigand yes all users get this not automounting05:41
Dr_Aevilsig: oh? show me.05:41
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sigone sec05:41
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quigiwhat do you people think of apple's os x vs ubuntu05:42
thoreauputicCarlK: this could be a case where a debian .deb is needed - I don't see dialog in my repos either05:42
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quigii just switched my powerbook to ubuntu from os x05:42
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mvirkkilWOW! http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/WhyYouShouldntUseUbuntu05:42
lucas_apt-show-versions doesn't work for me in hoary05:42
mvirkkilAnd a link to that on the front page05:43
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SuperCatFroghi - does anybody have any experience with dvb cards in ubuntu? ive loaded the modules but hotplug isn't creating the device node05:43
Shuflamvirkkil: what a f*k. shuttleworth is white../.05:43
SeamusLPmvirkkil:  What the fuck?05:43
CarlKthoreauputic - I haven't enabled universe yet - did you check there too?05:43
Shuflaand he's not afro-american...05:44
mvirkkilSeamusLP: It's called trolling or spamming.05:44
mvirkkilShufla: I was lol:ing about that too05:44
thoreauputicCarlK: I'm on warty with universe and multiverse enabled - but it appears dialog isn't there05:44
randymvirkkil: Is that a joke?05:44
quigithat link is a bunch of shit05:44
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mvirkkilrandy: No, someone is spamming the wiki05:44
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thoreauputicCarlK: xdialog is, but it doesn't depend on dialog it seems05:45
Shuflabut April 1st was some time ago...05:45
SeamusLPmvirkkil: oh yeah.  A wiki.  Anyone can add to it.05:45
quigidoes not matter to me cause i am not even white :)05:45
quigiso who gives a crap - just use the os that you like05:45
randymvirkkil: Ugly.  Just plain U*G*L*Y.05:45
CarlKthoreauputic - is this bugzilla worthy?05:45
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dazed|mornin' all05:46
devscottquigi: unless you like windows, than you should be committed05:46
mvirkkilSomeone should fix that and BLOCK the IP.05:46
SeamusLPmvirkkil:  How'd you find that link?05:46
mvirkkilSeamusLP: I read the "recent changes" very regularly05:46
thoreauputicCarlK: it seems strange, certainly - I personally would file a bug05:46
mvirkkilSeamusLP: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FrontPage/recentchanges05:46
Guy-all: what's up with the amd64 archive? lots of packages have size mismatches but are otherwise OK, and this has been the case for months now05:46
sigDr_Aevil: and yes I'm talking to the devleoper now05:46
quigii hate windows05:46
quigii wont use windows05:46
=== sig &
dmouritsendkwho ever wrote that wikipage is quite insane :D05:47
thoreauputicCarlK: you could try symlinking whiptail to dialog, but I have no idea if that would work ;)05:47
CarlKthoreauputic- ill try...05:47
SeamusLPMvirkkil: ah05:47
Dr_Aevilsig: which one of those bugs is your issue exactly? how can you say *everyone* has that issue when a) I don't and b) others didn't when you first asked about it05:47
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sigDr_Aevil: your input is no longer needed as I am talking to the developer now and he is aware of this with usb media05:48
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SeamusLPMvirkkil:  Know of any way to delete it?05:49
CarlKthoreauputic - seems to work, but now my LIRC setup needs autogen or something, so I can't really tell yet05:49
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mvirkkilSeamusLP: I can remove the text, but I'm hoping someone with admin rights will delete it and block the IP in the process.05:49
Dr_Aevilsig: but you can't answer those questions?05:50
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AlfonsVHshufla, sorry; I didn't see your post; lsmod doesn't say a thing about sound and Grep freezes05:50
mvirkkilSeamusLP: dholbach removed it.05:50
sigDr_Aevil: he's answering them for me05:51
ShuflaAlfonsVH: ah. ok05:51
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Shuflaok. i'm going home. next package ported to ubuntu. good work :D05:51
Shuflabye bye05:51
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AlfonsVHdoes anyone else (but shufla) knows how to fix the sound card problem I mentioned aboveN05:52
SeamusLPmvirkkil:  Well that was quick.  Hopefully he'll take care of the front page link too05:52
Guy-all: what's up with the amd64 archive? lots of packages have size mismatches but are otherwise OK, and this has been the case for months now05:52
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thompsbm_how do you scan for wireless05:53
randyI love Synaptic and apt.  I could update forever.  :)05:53
Dr_Aevilsig: gah, well I don't see why he should resolve the logical contradictions in your statements for you :P 'tis hard to assist when you assert that *everyone* has a problem when they don't all have it and that there is a bug report when there isn't one for that issue.  As I say, I resolved my problem when I realised that gnome-volume-manager in hoary depends on there being NLS_UTF8 support from the kernel.  That wasn't needed in debian/sid.05:53
Guy-thompsbm_: man iwspy05:53
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sigDr_Aevil: we are going through all the steps now, don't know what to tell you bud05:54
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sigI'm telling him now that you are saying adding NLS_UTF8 support worked05:54
zAo^can anyone help me with this error?05:54
zAo^zao@amd:~$ fgl_glxgears05:54
zAo^X Error of failed request:  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)05:54
zAo^  Major opcode of failed request:  143 (GLX)05:54
zAo^  Minor opcode of failed request:  5 (X_GLXMakeCurrent)05:54
zAo^  Serial number of failed request:  3205:54
zAo^  Current serial number in output stream:  3205:54
sigbut now he is saying that it should be in the stock kernel05:54
dcellwhat is the debian (ubuntu) way of configuring things to execute at certain runlevels (similar to chkconfig)?05:54
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sigso there goes your theory05:54
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Dr_Aevilsig: you really are dumb aren't you? I already told you several dozen times that it was in the stock kernel and so it wasn't your issue.05:56
thompsbm_Guy-, it says use iwlist int scan but says interface doesn't support scanning...i did iwlist eth0 scan05:56
Dr_Aevilsig: all I am saying is that you were saying things that patently weren't true.05:56
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Guy-thompsbm_: ah, yes, sorry, it was iwlist - but if it says that, then scanning apparently isn't supported (by the driver) and there's little you can do05:57
Guy-thompsbm_: you might try ndiswrapper if you're using the native driver and vice versa05:58
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sigDr_Aevil: not sure but there are bugs so somilar to each other that one could figure this out that there is a problem...05:58
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sigwhy would you say that the uls_utf8 fix did it for you when a stock kernel has that?05:59
sigthat is truely dumb05:59
sigdon't go trying to insult people over the internet05:59
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Dr_Aevilsig: maybe...wait for this one..because I'm not using a stock kernel?05:59
sigit gets deeper doesn't it05:59
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thompsbm_Guy-, well the card i am using is supposed to be completely supported by ubuntu?06:00
AlfonsVHhey guys is it possible to install Wine from Kynaptic? I don't see it listed and I updated my sources.list file to search in the Universe directory06:00
Dr_Aevilsig: also, those bugs are not a match for your issue.  You said "there is a bug report for this issue" and all you can produce is a list of all the bugs filed against the package.06:00
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Somebody_I'm really having trouble with sane, I'm reading the tldp howto, but it seems to jump a whole section! I have a parallel port printer, the N640P06:00
Dr_Aevilsig: so the primary similarity I see in those bugs witn the issue you described is that...err, they all relate to gnome-volume-manager06:00
sigDr_Aevil: look deeper, there is one "EXACTLY" like mine, same hardware etc.06:00
siganyways got my answer06:00
=== sig &
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Dr_Aevilsig: what's the bug id?06:01
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Guy-thompsbm_: I don't know about that - there are several kinds of wifi cards from a linux perspective06:02
FCCan anyone help me with my resolution, there are 4 in my xorg.conf but in gnome only 106:02
Guy-thompsbm_: those that have good native drivers; those that have good ndiswrapper support; and those that have neither (the first two groups might overlap)06:02
Somebody_Is parallel-port support enabled into the default ubuntu kernel?06:02
Guy-thompsbm_: but this is distribution independent - if it's "supported" by ubuntu, it's just as well supported by, say, Gentoo06:03
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thoreauputicSomebody_: of course06:03
Guy-thompsbm_: with the possible exception that some new drivers may be merged into some distribution kernels as patches06:03
graabeinhi... anyone installed alexandria 0.5?06:03
thompsbm_Guy-, ok....so i guess i just better know the name of the access point then06:04
SeamusLPHey anyone know why it is that hoary hedgehog doesn't enable dma by default?06:04
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Guy-thompsbm_: for now, yes06:04
Guy-thompsbm_: (or, like I said, you might try the other driver branch)06:04
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FCCan anyone help me with my resolution, there are 4 in my xorg.conf but in gnome only 106:05
thompsbm_Guy-, so i can't go to the local coffee shop and use it...hehehe06:05
Guy-thompsbm_: you might with the other driver, or if they tell you their ssid06:05
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SeamusLPFC:  Got anywhere you can post your xorg.conf?06:06
thompsbm_Guy-, well im going to try ndis see what i can come up with..06:06
dcellRunning netstat -atnp shows master is listening on port 25.  How do I stop master?06:06
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DutchFishdcell kill PID06:07
AlfonsVHdoesn't anyone know anything about the Kynaptic-thing?06:07
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SuperCatFroghi - anybody use a dvb card on ubuntu? im having problems with udev not registering the device node06:07
thoreauputicAlfonsVH: have you asked in #kubuntu ?06:07
Guy-dcell: or fuser -k -n tcp 2506:08
dcellDutchFish, thanks, is master the same as inetd?  If so why does /etc/init.d/inetd stop not kill it?06:08
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DutchFishhow to enable universe (right) in Hoary?06:08
Guy-all: still no one with any info on why the amd64 archive is b0rken?06:08
dcellGuy-, fuser <-that is a new command for me06:08
Dr_Aevilsig: what's the resolution? is there an open bug ID for this issue?06:09
Guy-dcell: it's useful, check it in man06:09
AlfonsVHthoreauptic, no; I'll try that06:09
AlfonsVHbye everyone06:09
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SeamusLPGuy:  Have you checked the forums?06:09
dcellman fuser...that's cool.06:09
Guy-SeamusLP: yes, but only found questions, no answers06:09
dcellanother command to add to the toolbox...fuser that is.06:09
FCSeamusLP, http://parabol.nl/xorg.txt06:09
DutchFishdcell read man inet.d ;) gl06:10
SeamusLPFC:  xorg.txt????06:10
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mainerdcell: rc0_d thru rc_6d,s=start,k=kill06:10
Guy-SeamusLP: is there a specific forum I should be looking at? all I did was google06:10
mainerdcell in /etc06:10
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DutchFishmainer: (to enable/disable on boot) but thats not his q :)06:11
SeamusLPGuy-:  Yes, http://www.ubuntuforums.org06:11
dcellmainer, I suppose you are referring to update-rc.d06:11
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FCSeamusLP, I renamed it06:11
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UnDeR[g] RoUnDciao a tutti06:11
mainerno,maually edit runlevels,in kde use KSysV,not sure what to use in gnome06:11
Guy-SeamusLP: any place to search the ubuntu-users archive? the mailman interface doesn't do searches, so I'm downloading the full archive, but this is kind of awkward :)06:11
fgxGussoh, gmane06:12
DutchFishanyone has a link on how to config universe in hoary?06:12
fgxGuy-, gmane06:12
fgxsorry Gussoh06:12
SeamusLPGuy-: umm, why not just go to that site and click "search"?06:12
dazedthis is really starting to piss me off06:12
FCbut SeamusLP, do you know whats wrong?06:12
dazedim about to go back to warty06:12
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Guy-SeamusLP: the forums? I did, but it just comes up with http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13203&highlight=size+mismatch - the thread I found before with google06:13
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SeamusLPFC: Hold on I'm looking at it.  What resolution are you running currently, and what resolution can you choose in gnome?06:13
dazedthis shit is ridiculous...lock ups constantly...with no explination, and no its not nvidia drivesr06:13
DutchFishmainer thx :)06:13
FCits the only resolution i can choose from06:13
DutchFishdazed aptience is the key to wisdom :)06:14
DutchFishdazed patience*06:14
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brad-Anyone here using a prism USB wifi adapter with Ubuntu Hoary?06:14
DutchFishbrad yes06:14
Tux-Roxbrad-, I have tried a usb adapter and got it to see networks.06:15
dazedDutchFish, u try having patience when ur computer locks up RANDOMLY about 4 -5 times a day...and u have to reboot manually everytime...cant even get in throug ssh06:15
DutchFishbrad prims2 drivers compiled from source06:15
brad-DutchFish: Did you have to do anything special?06:15
brad-Tux-Rox: ^ ;)06:15
DutchFishdazed try noapic ... gl :)06:15
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akkdazed: Do you still have your old kernel?  Maybe boot from that, but on the new system?06:16
Guy-fgx: no relevant hits on gmane either, but thanks anyway06:16
dazedakk i might try that06:16
akkdazed: I've found that newer 2.6 kernels are really unstable on some machines (though fine on others).06:16
CarlKI have enabled universe and multiverse, but can't figoure out what I need to satify  "You need at least libtool-1.3.3, automake-1.5 and autoconf-2.13" http://www.lirc.org/cvs.html06:16
akkdazed: If you have time, you might even try building your own kernel.06:16
SeamusLPFC:  I don't see any problems so far.  What type of graphics are you using?06:16
FCwhat do you mean?06:16
dazedi could try but isnt everything on new system built around 2.6....and i think i only have kernels that came with hoary...i wouldnt know where to start in building my own06:16
DutchFishdazed it all depends on a yes/no broken bios06:17
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Tux-Roxbrad-, It seems that wireless tools are a bit lacking in 5.04 though...... I can't get the adaptor to be seen if I disconnect it and reconnect it, at least in the Network Settings app. The network applet reacts though.....06:17
SeamusLPFC:  Like what type of manufacturer...06:17
brad-Tux-Rox: hrm - I can't even get the network settings app to see it ..06:17
FCS3 Inc. 86C270-294 Savage/IX-MV06:17
FCthats whats in the xorg.conf06:17
DutchFishdazed some (borken vendors) mess around with apic things not complient way06:18
FCand that is correct06:18
dazedso boot with noapic u suggst ?06:18
XappeFC: have you added the refresh rates for your monitor?06:18
DutchFishdazed yep06:18
danixhi =P can one can tel me why the sticks notes of ubuntu be always on top?06:18
Somebody_Can I check whether a device is attaced to a parallel port via command line?06:18
FCXappe, i dont think so06:18
dazedDutchFish, i just add that to my grub bootlist correct?06:18
miklhmm, how do you start the Xorg-config-tool?06:19
=== brad- decides he hates his prism wifi
XappeFC: do you have the manual for the monitor? the refresh rates should be mentioned there06:19
DutchFishdazed first try it mannually on boot, if it works... you know the drill06:19
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FCXappe, no, its an old laptop06:19
XappeFC: ah06:19
dazedalright well how do i do it manually since it boots from grub automatically06:19
CarlKFC - what does lspci show?06:19
MaxeyPadI recently upgraded from warty to hoary, however the OS is acting a bit unstable.  When I go to my home directory nautilus just sits and "spins".  Some of the desktop management components like change background picture crash immedialy when opened.  Any ideas?  Yes, i've rebooted since the upgrade.06:19
MaxeyPadIn general things seem slower also06:19
akkbrad-: Old prism, or prism54?  I finally gave up on my old prism card and got a newer prism54 based one.06:20
miklMaxeyPad: try "apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" ;)06:20
Tux-Roxbrad-, I had to do some kind of dinking around in the /etc/network/interface config file, and still it is not detected after modifying that. I am not sure why these are such an issue...06:20
DutchFishakk my prism2 chipset works fine now06:20
MaxeyPadnegative sir :)06:20
brad-akk: Old prism06:20
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akkDutchFish: My problems with prism2 were lack of range, and inability to list access points (it just picks one)06:20
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dazedDutchFish, alright well how do i do it manually since it boots from grub automatically06:21
akkDutchFish: It worked fine as long as I was sitting next to the AP I wanted to connect to.06:21
DutchFishakk i edited that manualy for sit006:21
FCCarlK, the vga controller part? S3 Inc. 86C270-294 Savage/IX-MV06:21
MaxeyPadWhat is a good pcmcia wireless card for Linux, one that natively supports connection to an external antenna06:21
DutchFishakk you could do it with a script if you want for dif APs06:21
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Guy-MaxeyPad: orinoco06:22
akkDutchFish: I got tired of hearing people talk about scanning, or listing available APs, or getting good signals when I was getting "out of range" messages.06:22
akkDutchFish: Maybe it's just that the places I go, signals are always really weak.06:22
DutchFishdazed on grup prompt you can give extra parameters06:22
DutchFishdazed when booting06:22
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DutchFishakk possible06:23
dazedDutchFish, i have never noticed...it says "press esc to load grub boot menu" or it just boots up if i dont hit esc in 3 seconds06:23
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DutchFishakk choosing your speed a bit lower sometimes helps a lot06:23
idn__breezy! breezy! breezy! breezy! breezy! breezy! breezy! breezy! breezy! breezy! breezy! breezy! - just updated sources.list to the breezy repositories :)06:23
akkDutchFish: Interesting ...  how do I set the speed lower?06:23
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DutchFishin the wlan config06:23
SeamusLPFC:  I'm thinking we need to have a look at the xorg log06:24
Somebody_Hm... I can't seem to find parport in /dev or /proc, where would it be located? I've tried whereis parport06:24
FCSeamusLP, where can I find that?06:24
akkCool, DutchFish, I'll look.  I still keep the prism2 cards around just in case.06:24
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SeamusLPFC:  it's in /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:25
SeamusLPFC:  If there's some error on the server startup it'd be in there06:25
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thoreauputic_Somebody_: try " locate parport "06:25
dazedakk is 2.6.8 the warty kernel or is that just a dif kernel from hoary?06:25
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thoreauputic_Somebody_: should be a fair bit there...06:25
FCSeamusLP, there are no errors06:26
akkdazed: Good question ... I don't have a warty machine handy.  Anyone else know what kernel warty used?06:26
FCI just cant choose all the resolutions06:26
Somebody_thoreauputic, I only get /lib modules, and /usr/inlcude :(06:27
thoreauputic_Somebody_: you might be looking for /dev/lp0  I think/06:27
dazedthoreauputic, u still on warty?06:27
dcahrakosanyone know a good C++ ide for ubuntu?06:27
thoreauputic_dazed, yes indeed06:27
SeamusLPFC: There aren't any errors near the bottom of the log?06:27
niskinhow can I put an icon on my desktop for Pan - I have just installed it - but i dosnt show up ?06:27
FCSeamusLP, ill check06:27
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dazedthoreauputic, figured as much :) could u tell me what kernel it uses?06:28
akkdazed: If you don't have the modules in /lib/modules, you won't get full functionality, but you can probably still boot from it.06:28
thoreauputic_dazed, ^^^06:28
dazedi have 8.1-3 and 8.1-5 in my modules lol06:28
dazedthanks thoreauputic06:28
thoreauputic_actually I'm one kernel behind, the newest is I think06:29
dazedok so ill boot from 1-5 and see if that does anything special06:29
RuKKHey guys. I've just installed ubuntu 5.04 on my system and I get a blinking underscore in the upper left hand corner of my screen when it gets to the point where its trying to load gdm. I can turn on caps lock numlock etc just fine, left it this way for 4+ hours, doesnt do anything, but I cant ctrl+alt+backspace, ctrl+alt+del or ctrl+alt+f1 f2 f3 etc etc06:29
RuKKany ideas?06:30
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reagleBRKLNdid anyone see 'veronica mars' last night? (my SO watches it ;) the culprit was a nerd getting back at a bully who was also extolling the virtues of Ubuntu!!06:32
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FCSeamusLP, http://parabol.nl/Xorg.0.log06:32
LaurenceRoweHi, anyone else seeing problems with gaim and aol IM?06:33
akkreagleBRKLN: The nerd liked ubuntu, or the bully did?06:33
SeamusLPFC: Alright digging through that now...06:33
jintxoRuKK, can you boot it to a console with "single" as a boot parameter?06:33
Heinzde casualidad hablan espaol06:33
Heinzalguien que hable espaol06:34
] BreliC[is Beagle not in the repos for ubuntu?06:34
RuKKjintxo: to do that, I'll bring up the grub menu and add single to the end of the boot commands for normally loading ubuntu?06:34
jintxoHeinz, en #ubuntu-es hay mas gente que habla espaol06:34
jintxoRuKK, ya, see what happens06:34
FCSeamusLP, ill be back in half an hour or something, could you say everything in query please? thanks.06:34
RuKKjintxo: thanks man, I'll try it right now.06:34
jintxode nada :-906:34
SeamusLPFC: Sure06:34
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tlehey ppl06:35
tleI just found a big bug of RealPlayer on Ubuntu06:36
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tleRealPlayer 10.0.3 will not run on Hoary06:36
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tleUNLESS u remove 2 files swf***.so in RealPlayer plugins folder06:36
sigmine plays fine06:36
RuKKjintxo: should I put single AFTER the boot command or before?06:36
tlesig: ya?06:37
jintxoRuKK, at the end. It's an option that you're passing to the kernel06:37
RuKKmmk, thanks06:37
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akkI found that both mozilla and firefox on hoary crashed a lot, apparently a flash problem.06:37
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RuKKjintxo: doenst work. still boots into runlevel 2 and starts GDM, which leaves me hanging in the same spot with the blinking underscore06:39
RuKKshould I try booting into recovery mode? will not let me not load GDM?06:39
sigtle: how did you install it?06:39
tritiumRuKK, http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch-tips.en.html#s-no-x-start06:40
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reagleBRKLNthe nrd did, who got back at the bully by framing him06:40
topylitle: realplayer doesn't support esd, that's all06:40
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sighttp://ubuntuguide.org/4.10/index.html#realplayer <-- this was a howto from warty06:40
jintxoRuKK, try it06:41
sigtle: I did a dist-upgrade from warty to hoary and realplayer still works great06:41
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topylitle: which is strange, since rp8 sid support it, but rp10 does not while they tried to make it into a nice gnome app06:41
sigI'd follow that howto tle06:41
drspinWhy do I have "Debian" showing up in my Application menu06:41
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dazed|the older kernel couldnt reboot cuz it couldnt config xorg ...i think i need to switch back to xfree and that should stop the lockups anyone know what to do for this?06:41
topylidrspin: the debian menu has all your apps, the gnome menu doesn't06:41
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drspintopyli: great -- how do I get rid of it...06:42
drspin?? LOL06:42
tritiumdrspin, sounds like you installed "menu"06:42
topylidrspin: uninstall menu06:42
drspintritium: topyli: Thanks guys all better :)06:43
akkdazed|: That sounds weird, that xorg would require a particular kernel.  What was the message?06:43
tritiumdrspin, :)06:43
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dazed|it said "i cant configure x something or other would u like to see a message" i looked at the message about build dates and stuff06:44
topylidrspin: i think you'll be worse off, but what the hell if that's how you like it :)06:44
dazed|then it said restart gdm when u have x correctly configured06:44
drspinI only use the menu for the System menu and the ocassional System Tools06:44
dazed|i think going back to xfree then going up to xorg might stop these lockups06:44
dazed|just doing it all right06:44
akkSounds a bit extreme.  Switching X servers is harder than switching kernels, usually. :-)06:45
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moonhi room06:46
dazed|akk, really?? cant just swithch lol06:46
dazed|cant remove old packages and put new ones in06:46
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akkWell, maybe they can coexist.  I know upgrading from one version of xfree to another was a big deal.06:46
tleand it'd be nice if someone here know how to fix 640x480 unchanged resolution issue06:46
tledoes any1 know?06:47
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dazed|ill give it a try06:47
dazed|lol prolly fuck something up06:47
dazed| :)06:47
SeamusLPtle:  Check your horizontal sync and your vertical refresh in your xorg.conf.  If it's not set to anything, that could be the problem.06:47
drspintle: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:48
drspinmay also help06:48
RuKKjintxo: actualy, the single thing might work for all I know. grub isnt saving the command in the boot sequence. I hit edit, add a line at the end, make it single, and hit b to boot, it boots but no single command is executed. If I reboot, its not saved there. I was just playing with it and if I add single and then hit esc to go back tot he main grub menu, then hit e to view the commands for booting ubuntu again, its not there06:48
RuKKso.. how do I make grub save? it doesnt mention anything about saving in the little instruction menu at the bottom?06:48
dazed|i think that was easy enough?? i think im done06:48
drspinRuKK: make grub save what06:49
RuKKchanges to the boot sequence06:49
jintxoyou don't add a separate line to the command, you just appen " single" to the line that boots your kernel06:50
jintxoRuKK, ^06:50
drspinRuKK: so you edited menu.lst right?06:50
RuKKoh ok06:50
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drspinRuKK: update-grub06:50
RuKKdrspin: I wish06:50
Frafracan I go from ubuntu hoary amd64 to hoary 386? (*no format*)06:50
drspinRuKK are you wanting to rewrite to the MBR?06:50
jintxodrspin, he menas from a grub boot prompt06:50
keffoanyone tried 2.6.11 and it freeze at gnomestartyup?06:50
dazed|is tehre a command to chekc wich xserver im using to make sure i made the switch right?06:51
RuKKno. I want ubuntu to start. at all :(06:51
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tritiumkeffo, 2.6.11 does not have linux-restricted-modules yet06:51
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ShinakuOk, I know this is a real stupid question06:51
saik0oing #xfce06:51
fabbioneand never will06:51
fabbione2.6.11 is not supported06:51
fabbioneit's an old test snapshot06:51
saik0yep thats sure not /join06:51
Shinakubut does Ubuntu have a root password?06:51
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tritiumShinaku, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo06:52
topyliShinaku: no06:52
Shinaku'cause I need to mount a drive06:52
topyliShinaku: we all do06:52
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zAo^Shinaku, $sudo mount .. ..06:53
drspinShinaku: sudo mount -t type /dev/hdxY /mnt/point06:53
drspinShinaku: then use your password06:53
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tritiumShinaku, please read the URL I sent you.06:53
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Shinakualright, thats cool06:53
DazeD||laptopakk iim booting up in the older kernel now and ill tell u the message exactly if i get it again06:54
RuKKjintxo: beautiful. ok sorry about my stupidity. I've got a root command line :)06:54
RuKKnow, lets see what I can do about xorg.conf :)06:54
Shinakuok, I have just mounted it06:54
jintxoRuKK, now fix your x server :-p06:54
Shinakubut I dont have permission to look at it06:54
drspinanyone know how to keep iptables from polluting my dmesg?06:54
Fackamatowhen is the restricted modules for 2.6.11 going to be released?06:55
Benjamin_Lis it just my box or haven't there been any updates for hoary or breezy the last few days ?06:55
jintxoRuKK, maybe dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:55
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topyliShinaku: use options to set uid and gid06:55
=== keffo wonders
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RuKKfound the problem :)06:56
RuKKits pointing at some weird video card that doenst exist.06:56
RuKKnow, with a combination of lspci -X and vim, hopefully success shall be mine ;D06:56
DazeD||laptopakk says "i cannot start X server. It is likely it is not setup correctly. Would you like to view the X server output to diagnose the problem?"06:56
keffowhen teh hell will the restricted modules for 2.6.11 be released :<06:56
thoreauputickeffo: they won't - get another kernel06:57
drspinkeffo: it won't 2.6.11 is a development kernel...06:57
tritiumkeffo, fabbione already said that 2.6.11 won't be supported06:57
akkDazeD||laptop: Is there anything in the logs?  /var/log/something-related-to-xorg, maybe?06:57
keffook then06:57
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RuKKany idea what driver I would use for a sis 6326 card? :\06:58
DazeD||laptopis there an easy way to revert back to warty...cuz i think thats the only thing that will fix my prob06:58
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enveldoes anybody installed freetype-2.1.9 in ubuntu hoary?07:00
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envelwhy it has just freetype 2.1.7?07:00
RuKKw00t! got it running with vesa driver :)07:01
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dcahrakoswhere can I get java for ubuntu?07:01
karltkhave a sec?07:01
dj_orale carnal07:02
tritiumdcahrakos, Method 2: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Java07:02
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dcahrakosok, thanks07:02
DazeD||laptophow do i config xorg?07:03
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tritiumDazeD||laptop, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:03
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DazeD||laptopthanks trans_err07:03
DazeD||laptoptritium, *07:03
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tritiumDazeD||laptop, np.07:04
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saik0I'm stumpted, would anybody happen to know how to change XFCE's default directory for startup scripts from ~/Desktop/Autostart07:05
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infinitodoes anyone know hot so show volumes on desktop, like warty did??07:05
saik0to say ~/Desktop/.autostart so that it plays nice with my GNOME Desktop07:05
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Hannes_any knowledge how I could make subtitles larger in totem?07:08
gregHey there, i cant get any audio working in VLC Player, any ideas?07:08
Hannes_greg: sudo apt-get install vlc-plugin-esound07:08
gregthanks a lot!07:08
Hannes_and put that as the default sound output plugin07:08
Hannes_that worked atleast for me07:09
saik0hey, is it possible to remove sound deamons and just use ALSA?07:09
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gregHannes_:  Couldn't find package vlc-plugin-esound07:11
gregwhat repositeory?07:11
gaioanyone has glossyp theme for gnome, it seems to be no more on gnomedesktop..07:11
cens0redis there a way I can get kppp on ubuntu?07:11
iGNHi! Any simple way to turn off ctrl-alt-backspace-zapping of X in Hoary?07:11
saik0iGN, why would you want to...?07:12
iGNI zap X on average 3 times an evening because I'm too lazy to lift the fingers from ctrl-alt.07:12
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iGNMy right hand is much faster than my left.07:12
cens0redakk google for the apt-get howto then?07:12
cens0redor is there some other package management system I should know the ins and outs of first?07:12
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akkcens0red: man apt-get, or just type apt-get install kppp07:13
akk(as root)07:13
kkathmangreetings all :)07:13
akkcens0red: You can probably choose it in synaptic too07:13
cens0redakk what's my root password? Same as my user password?07:13
drspindoes anyone know how to make firestarter NOT log to syslog??07:14
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gregsudo passwd root07:14
akkcens0red: Have you looked in synaptic?  If you've never done console stuff, I'd start there.07:14
jnooncan someone tell me how i get all the normal "encodings" installed?  i keep getting a bunch of funny looking characters in stuff07:14
bwlangcens0red: it's not set... don't do sudo passwd root... use sudo when you need to do something as root07:14
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cens0redbwlang and the super user is the user I created during the install process?07:14
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kbrookscens0red, no07:15
guru3what's the standard sources.list look like?07:15
kbrooksbwlang, anyone can do that07:15
bwlangcens0red: the user you created during the setup is allowed to do things as root (the superuser) by using sudo07:15
kbrooksanyone can sudo passwd07:15
drspinkbrooks: they have to be in the sudoers file07:15
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cens0redbwlang so I should set another passwd for root then?07:16
topylicens0red: no. you don't need root at all07:16
bwlangcens0red: NO - despite bad advice to the contrary .... you should not set a root password07:16
cens0redok. So I don't need root.07:16
cens0rednifty system.07:17
cens0redjust sudo.07:17
cens0redI getcha.07:17
bwlangcens0red: right... it's asfer that way07:17
guru3anyone, can i please see your sources.list file?07:17
bwlangcens0red: s/asfer/safer/07:17
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bwlangkbrooks: yes... there is no good reason to set the root password07:17
cens0redcan anybody recommend a small, light, easy to install equivelant to kppp for gnome?07:18
cens0redI only appear to have about 1ks of bandwidth available for apt-get right now.07:18
greganyone know how to get audio in VLC? I instatlled the esd plugin, and nothing!07:18
bwlangcens0red: uh... wvdial?07:18
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bwlangcens0red: or you could just use the pon poff stuff07:18
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cens0redbwlang is it installed as default, or do I need to apt-get install ?07:19
dcahrakoswhat about using the root terminal instead of using sudo?07:19
bwlangcens0red: not sure about wvdial ... pon is probably there by default07:19
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bwlangdcahrakos: what is a "root terminal"07:19
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crazyhorsetwo25how can i set up a vpn???07:20
topyliguru3: join #flood. but beware, there's "unofficial" stuff. you just want the ubuntu sources07:20
kentguerby, http://leviatan.kicks-ass.org/sources.list07:20
Sauron21could any tell me the command to run BitTorrent ???07:20
bwlangcrazyhorsetwo25: openswan.org - and be prepared for an adventure07:20
lizdeikaheh. most of the things are so true here: http://mpt.net.nz. Just a pitty most of them belong to gnome07:20
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bwlangSauron21: btdownload07:20
dcahrakosit says it opens a terminal as the root user, using gksu to ask for the password, thats Ive been using, since it just asks for the password one time, and it lets you do root stuff without sudo I think...not sure, since im new to ubuntu also...07:20
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gregSauron21, download azureues07:21
guru3topyli: ok07:21
ctrler_can someone tell me how to disable the update monitor?07:21
Sauron21I hate azureus.....(I know that might get some peopleangre...but thats just how things are!!)07:21
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bwlangdcahrakos: oh ... that does sudo gterm  if you're going to do a lot of maintenance work then that can be handy07:22
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dcahrakosI just use it to do stuff like make, or stuff like that07:22
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bwlangSauron21: why does btdownload* not work for you?07:22
dcahrakossame with using alien, so that way I can still keep it open and not have to use sudo again07:22
bwlangdcahrakos: make is very dangerous to run as root...  you should be building stuff as a normal user - only install as root07:23
dcahrakosah, I see....07:23
thoreauputicdcahrakos: actually you don't need root for "make" , only for "make install " :)07:23
kentguru3, you probably already have the sources.list from some one else,  but any way, i saw that i sent my last message to the wrong person. I was for you: leviatan.kicks-ass.org/sources.list07:23
dcahrakosthats what I meant actually07:23
Sauron21~/Programs/Downloads$ btdownload07:23
Sauron21bash: btdownload: command not found07:23
cowbudif I am making a union of something that does not exist have anything in one of my columns how can I tell union to make that column NULL?07:23
guru3kent: thnx07:23
bwlangdcahrakos: you should spend as little time as possible with root priv.07:24
crazyhorsetwo25what do i need to do to set up a vpn ubuntu????07:24
Sauron21I dont know....:'(07:24
dcahrakosyeah, I only use it when I need to07:24
cowbudcrazyhorsetwo25: pptp worked well for me..07:24
bwlangSauron21:oh.. it's btdownloadgui, btdownloadcurses, btdownload...07:24
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no0ticdoes a dvd containing a snapshot of universe & multiverse repositories for i386 exist?07:24
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crazyhorsetwo25i'm new to ubuntu/linux... more help please...07:24
cens0redback. neither wvdial nor pon will work, because apparantly I have no such device as "/dev/modem". What do I need to set up?07:25
bwlangcrazyhorsetwo25: i just answered your question... it's out of scope here.  go to www.openswan.org07:25
crazyhorsetwo25setting up a vpn'07:25
dcahrakosso, do I use synaptic to install deb packages?07:25
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guru3this should be interesting now... apt-get dist-upgrading from debian 3.0_r4 to hoary...07:25
bwlangdcahrakos: you can... i prefer aptitude or apt-get myself... but synaptic works just fine07:25
crazyhorsetwo25i did...not sure what to search for in openswan.org07:25
kbrooksguru3, IT IS NOT SUPPORTED07:26
bwlangguru3: i did that a while ago... worked pretty well - but did require some tweakage of apt07:26
Sauron21btdownloadgui doesnt work....but "btdownloadcurses" works....(but I cant work with that now cant I)07:26
guru3kbrooks: it's fine, im working on a clean install in an emulator07:26
dcahrakosill try apt-get07:26
guru3bwlang: good to hear07:26
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gaioanyone has glossyp theme for gnome, it seems to be no more on gnomedesktop..07:26
thoreauputiccens0red: make a link from /dec/ttyS0 or whichever serial port you use to /dev/modem07:26
bwlangSauron21: if you don't like the curses mode you won't like the gui either... it's minimalist.... you can get it running by installing the wx libs i think07:26
thoreauputiccens0red:  ln -s /dev/ttyS0 /dev/modem07:27
thoreauputiccens0red: that requires sudo, of course07:27
Sauron21apt-get wxlib(s) ??07:27
cens0redthoreauputic  aah. Thankyou. That's all I need to do? *is wasting 25cents every time he reconnects*07:27
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kbrooksSauron21, no07:27
guru3does ubuntu use tasksel / dselect ?07:28
kbrooksguru3, does it!07:28
Sauron21.....then what?07:28
guru3kbrooks: ?07:28
mxpxpodis there a reason I can't get the live cd to a higher resolution than 800x600?07:28
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thoreauputiccens0red: should work - make sure it *is* ttyS0 and not, say, ttyS107:28
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topyliguru3: if you like, it will07:29
cens0redthoreauputic according to the "network settings" utility in the System menu, my modem is on /dev/ttyS1. Substitute accordingly?07:29
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kbrooksSauron21, apt-cache search wx  | grep lib07:29
guru3topyli: thnx07:29
graabeini need help configuring my nvidia card...07:29
bwlangmxpxpod: your hardware may not support it... you could try some of the command line magic07:29
thoreauputiccens0red: yes07:29
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mxpxpodbwlang: such as...07:29
thoreauputiccens0red: sudo ln -s /dev/ttyS1 /dev/modem07:30
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bwlangmxpxpod: sorry - i don't know off hand.. but you'll find it in the help at the grub screen F1 i think.07:30
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dcahrakosI tried to install the j2re but now when I open synaptic it cant show any packages and says The package sun-j2re1.5.0 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.07:31
Sauron21The only reason I am trying to get BitTorrent to work is that the native bittorrent client is givin' me a hard time with a blacklisted server....(gives my "port 6881 is blacklisted").....if some could tell me what the hell to do with that.....I would have to worrie about BitTorrent.....07:31
thoreauputiccens0red: also make sure the user is in dialout and dip groups07:31
ctrler_can someone tell me how to disable the update monitor?07:31
graabeinXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".07:31
thoreauputiccens0red: and I would suggest using the pppconfig utility to set up the connection07:31
apple_yes good question07:31
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bwlangdcahrakos: you'll have to build that package yourself using the script  make-jpkg from java-package and sun's tgz file that you download manually07:32
apple_graabein,  GLX is a module for server x07:32
ReleaseXhello all07:32
topylihrm. guinness in a can is not quite the real thing :(07:32
apple_it is not required07:32
bwlangctrler_: i dont' know what that means...07:33
xukunI need to burn an iso image which is about 702mb but it says: Please replace the disc in the drive with a blank disc, with at least 702 MiB free. I,m using 700mb blank cd-r07:33
graabeinapple_: yes, i've followed the unofficial guide and i try to run neverball... it ran reeeaaal slow07:33
xukunnormaly this should work even if the cd is only 70007:33
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bwlangxukun: sounds like you need different media... or your iso file is corrupted07:33
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apple_glx make my computer crash when i launch xmame if activated07:33
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ctrler_bwlang, the update icon that appears in the notification area07:34
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ctrler_it keeps says two updates available07:34
xukunbwlang, no and no, any other idea?07:34
topylixukun: maybe nautilus thinks it's impossible07:34
bwlangxukun: nope... i don't know why you think 702M will fit into 700M...07:34
topyliif that's what you're using07:35
bwlangctrler_: i understand what you mean... but i'm not sure how to disable it... you could try removing it?07:35
dcahrakosbwlang, well, what I did, was download sun-j2re1.5.0_01-2_i386.deb from a website, but it wouldnt install or something, and it messed up07:35
xukunis there other good burning software that I can use?07:35
xukuntopyli, hmm07:35
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thoreauputicxukun: gnomebaker07:36
bwlangdcahrakos: you don't want to go downloading debs from random places... make-jpkg is pretty easy07:36
xukunthoreauputic, thanks07:36
ctrler_bwlang, i dont even know whats the name of the app07:36
dcahrakosit was from a place in the ubuntu wiki07:36
dr_willisi just installed java by following the instructions at the ubuntuguide.org.07:36
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dcahrakosftp://neacm.fe.up.pt/pub/ubuntu-java/binary/ thats where I got it from07:36
topylixukun: if you're in a hurry, just write a cdrecord command line07:37
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graabeinXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0" / neverball: Couldn't find matching GLX visual07:37
bwlangctrler_: dpkg -l update -> ii  update-manager      0.37.1+svn20050404. GNOME application that manages apt updates07:37
graabeinwhat do i do??07:37
bwlangii  update-notifier     0.38.11             Daemon which notifies about package updates07:37
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mindmedicgraabein, did you edit your xorg to use nvidia driver?07:37
bwlangdcahrakos: it's not that hard to build it yourself... - then you know it's correct07:38
xukuntopyli, cdrecord he? than I need to read  the man pages07:38
apple_Load "GLX" in module section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:38
graabeini've got glx as a module... do i have to put "nv" in modules as well?07:38
topylixukun: heh. just go straight to the examples in the end. then find the allow-overburn option07:38
ctrler_thank u07:38
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pmjdebruijnlo all07:39
pmjdebruijndoes anybody here know where the x.org buildroot is on the filesystem?07:39
pmjdebruijni'm trying to compile the VIA ProSavage DDR 2D/3D driver07:39
dr_willisgraabein,  nv is normally replaced by 'nvidia' in the 'drivers' section - to get nvidia 3d support going. not loaded in the modules section.07:40
apple_no graabein07:40
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topylixukun: any man page, press / and search for EXAMPLES07:40
graabeindr_willis: i've got no "drivers" section in xorg.conf!07:41
topylixukun: advice i learned from the lazy masters07:41
goldfishWhat is it with these dcc sends on this network?07:41
linux|flywhen ubuntu shipped07:41
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xukuntopyli, thanks topyli07:41
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apple_need an open port for each dcc send07:41
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cnes0redok I'm back.07:42
cnes0rednext, how do I get some decent fonts? The ones I see in xchat are utterly sucky.07:42
graabeinmy xorg.conf sections are: Files, Module, InputDevice, Device, Monitor, Screen, ServerLayout, DRI07:43
cnes0redI honestly can't distinguish , from .07:43
bwlangcnes0red: msttcorefonts, ttf-freefont07:43
cnes0redbwlang apt-get them?07:43
bwlangcnes0red: yup07:43
dcahrakosim looking at the wiki, and it says to use07:43
dcahrakossudo apt-get install java-package java-common fakeroot07:43
dcahrakosbut that says the java-package doesnt exist unless there is a name for it...07:43
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cnes0redbwlang I should $apt-get install msttcorefonts07:44
goldfishapple_: I mean, I keep getting dcc sends requests of "f + f + f ..... " []  port 007:44
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cnes0redthen $apt-get install ttf-freefont07:44
CarlKhow do I fugre out what to apt-get to get autoconf, libtool and automake? (apt-cache show didn;t show anything helpful)07:44
thoreauputiccnes0red: have you looked in xchat preferences >>s ettings >> textbox  >> fonts07:44
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cnes0redthoreauputic *nod nod* don't see anything I like. Mind u I did set the dpi to 80 in gnome fonts. Bad move?07:45
topylidcahrakos: java-pagage is there all right, origin: ubuntu07:45
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cnes0redthe fonts all seemed so biiig and blocky on my 1024x768 resolution.07:45
thoreauputiccnes0red: don't know - I haven't messed with dpi settings07:45
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apple_me too, it why im in 1280*102407:45
Blissexcnes0red: the DPI should be set to the real DPI of your screen.07:46
dcahrakosgrr, now I keep getting the07:46
dcahrakosThe package sun-j2re1.5.0 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.07:46
dcahrakosand doesnt even tell me it doesnt exist now07:46
akkcnes0red: Where's that dpi set for gnome fonts?07:46
thoreauputiccnes0red: did you ppp configuration work?07:46
cnes0redBlissex how can I determine the dpi of my screen ?07:46
thoreauputicxdpyinfo ?07:46
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cnes0redthoreauputic seems to thanx. set up an /etc/wvdial.conf file. And it's much better now than it was before.07:46
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Blissexcnes0red: measure the width of your screen in inches, divide the numbers of pixels by that.07:47
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cnes0redakk currently I have it set to 82dpi. not good?07:47
graabeinhmmm... maybe i found it... Section "Device" Driver "nv"07:47
Blissexcnes0red: depends on what is the real DPI of your screen.07:47
NigelenkiSphere crystal is quite possibly the ugliest theme ever07:47
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Blissexcnes0red: and a little annoying misfeature in X.07:47
thoreauputiccnes0red: mine is 78 it seems07:47
dr_willisgraabein,  the 'ubuntuguide.org' site has some info on getting the nvidia driver working.07:47
akkcnes0red: No, I was just asking where it was set.  Though if your fonts are the wrong size, then yeah, it's probably not the best setting.07:47
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graabeindr_willis: i've followed the steps there and rebooted, but i still got the error starting neverball07:48
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mxpxpodare there going to be _any_ updates to hoary besides security?  like metacity 2.10.1 or other gnome updates?07:48
cnes0redblissex 1024 pix/ 12 inches = 85.33307:48
graabeindr_willis: it ran real slow before i did the guide-steps and now it won't start at all07:48
topylidcahrakos: well, i have sun-j2re1.5, not 1.5.0. but then again, it depends which java you build :)07:48
=== mijenix [~mijenix@adsl-62-167-128-67.adslplus.ch] has joined #ubuntu
dr_willisgraabein,  what does 'glxinfo' do for you? the other day i had a working setup. and would get the nvidia logo.. then after some update/somthing - some how it broke.07:49
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graabeindr_willis: i've got nvidia geforce 6600gt07:49
denverwhen i apt-get install libncurses5-dev07:49
mijenixhow can I update my 4.10 to the new 5 one?07:49
bwlangmxpxpod: that's what the next release is for...07:49
Blissexcnes0red: so it should be OK, but there is a terrible little misfeature; if you are using standard bitmaps X fonts, the X server forces the DPI to be either 100 or 75, even if the screen is 85DPI.07:49
cnes0red<akk> cnes0red: No, I was just asking where it was set.  Though if your fonts are the wrong size, then yeah, it's probably not the best setting.// it was set on 100dpi07:49
denveri still get an error about there being no ncurses when i try to make menuconfig07:49
mxpxpodbwlang: breezy?07:49
pmjdebruijnPackage kernel-source is not available, but is reffered to by another package... does anybody here know how to fix that?07:49
mijenixapt-get update and apt-get upgrade doesn't work07:49
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graabeindr_willis: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".07:49
dr_willisgraabein,  i belive there was some mess up in the location of the various glx modules/libraries. at last theat what the X logs seemed to imply.07:49
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bwlangdenver: you need libncurses5-dev i think07:50
cnes0redBlissex so I should download some funkier fonts with apt-get ?07:50
denverbwlang, that is what i installed07:50
bwlangmxpxpod: yeah - i think so07:50
denverwhen i apt-get install libncurses5-dev07:50
dr_willisgraabein,  check the x logs for more details then that. :P my glxinfo would spit out some errors then core-dump :P07:50
Blissexcnes0red: depends on which ones you are using.07:50
pmjdebruijnmijenix: apt-get update doesn't didn't try upgrade07:50
bwlangdenver: try logging out and logging back in07:50
cnes0redBlissex how do I tell which font package I'm using?07:50
denverbwlang, done that07:50
denveri even restarted07:50
graabeinsame happened here dr_willis. i'll see if i can find the x logs... uh, where do i look?07:50
denverjust for the hell of it07:50
dr_willisgraabein,  /var/log07:51
Blissexcnes0red: the bad news is that depends on which application you are using.07:51
dr_willisgraabein,  i ended up just reinstalling. :P07:51
pmjdebruijnmijenix: upgrade doesn't fix it either07:51
Blissexcnes0red: for GNOME applications, look at the control panel.07:51
mijenixpmjdebruijn: yo i did update and upgrade07:51
bwlangdenver: did you try running ldconfig?07:51
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pmjdebruijnmijenix: oh right :s07:51
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bwlangdenver: ii  libncurses5    5.4-4          Shared libraries for terminal handling07:52
bwlangii  libncurses5-de 5.4-4          Developer's libraries and docs for ncurses07:52
cnes0redBlissex where is the control panel?07:52
bwlangdenver: do you have both?07:52
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Coutsoscould anybody recommend a free and easy to use dns update client?07:53
Blissexcnes0red: in the main menu, may be called ''Settings'' or something similar.07:53
CarlKCoutsos - I just did that 5 days ago07:53
graabeindr_willis: i don't know what i'm looking for...07:53
CarlKCoutsos - apt-get install bind9, the nsupdate command is what you want07:53
green_earzdenver: you have installed kernel-package ?07:53
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denvergreen_earz, no sir i haven't07:53
CoutsosCarlK: did i already ask this??07:53
CarlKCoutsos - wait.. mightr not be bind9...07:54
=== imPULSIV [~mathias@pD95857AF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
denveri guess i could just compile this on another machine07:54
apple_what the hell with the ressource at 70% when moving a gnome window O.o ???07:54
denverthat doesn't run this god awful distro07:54
bwlangdenver: yea ... it's the distro's fault that you didn't install the dependencies...07:54
=== Arnia prods imPULSIV for mentioning a word beginning with k ;)
CarlKCoutsos -the nsupdate command is what you want - not sure what package it is in07:55
denverbwlang, exactly07:55
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ctrler_Coutsos, try inadyn07:55
dr_willisgraabein,  heh  - mine mentioned some .a files not found.. which lead me to belive that somthing dident get installed to the right places.. so i gave up and just reinstalled. :P07:55
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dr_williswell bbl.07:55
ctrler_its a dyndns updater, dont know if thats what you want07:55
imPULSIVsry this is the english channel huh?07:55
Coutsoswill it run automatically, to update whenever my ip changes?07:55
graabeinoh well... anyone else?07:55
graabeinSymbol __glXgetActiveScreen from module /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a is unresolved!07:55
ctrler_Coutsos, yes, but for that u have to put it in rc2.d with a script07:56
imPULSIVstarted talking in german so sorry @ all here07:56
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ctrler_if u want pvt me and ill tell you how07:56
ctrler_mine works perfectly07:56
CarlKCoutsos - http://linux.yyz.us/nsupdate07:56
imPULSIVleaving for german channel07:56
graabeincomputer liebe07:56
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ubuntu_I am moving a Hard disk with Ubuntu on it from one computer to another.  The previous one had WIndows Xp on it.  This one has windows ME on the first Hard drive.  What do I need to do to get it to load the second hard disk?07:57
Arniacy is more fun ;)07:57
ubuntu_I am currently on a livecd07:57
CarlKubuntu_ - what is "it" in "get it to load " ?07:58
akkubuntu_: You need a boot loader that knows about linux on the disk you'll boot from; or else boot from a CD or floppy.07:58
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apple_grub powa ^^07:58
jdmy bootloader is on a floppy - works fine07:58
denverthank you green_earz i did overlook installing kernel-package07:58
ubuntu_I have 2 hard drives.07:58
=== ErikHK [~erikhk@h7n2fls33o987.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntu_boot loader to load linux or windows07:58
ErikHKhowcan i configure my soundcard?? alsaconf and alsamixer doesn't work :S07:59
ubuntu_thank you07:59
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dazedthese stupid lockups are gettin on my nerves07:59
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bwlangErikHK: doesn't work is not informative enough... are your sure your card is supported by alsa?08:00
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ErikHKbwlang, it's a ISA soundcard and really hard to configure, but alsaconf just says, command not found08:01
graabeindr_willis, looks like i have the same problem you had... trying some stuff now, thanks for the var/log tip!08:01
=== CoffeemanPuto [~ubuntu@201009165057.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
apple_launch your isntall disk, and when you are in the window where you need to partition your disk, ALT+F2 and enter. mkdir /ubuntu, fdisk -l /dev/hdb, mount /dev/hdbX /ubuntu, chroot /ubuntu, cd /boot/grub, nano menu.lst and config it, CTRL+x save, grub, root(hdX) setup(hd0) reboot08:02
CarlKthere is a web site that helps figure out what package contains what programs -, kinda like rpmfind.net but for ubuntu - anyone know it?08:02
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frankHow do the distributions work?  Hoary gets only security and bug fixes  while Breezy gets the newest and the unstablest?08:03
dr_willisactually i think i saw a similre thing at the debian site. but its not ubuntu specific. but it be close.08:03
thoreauputicpackages.ubuntulinux.org ?08:03
CarlKpackages.ubuntulinux.org - no such thing08:04
tgistset up a nfs server running hoary. Now I want to sync users IDs etc. on the other PCs to those o the server. WHat's the best way of doing it?08:04
apple_i think the team of ubuntu take some week of sleep lol08:04
bwlangErikHK: are you sure it's not the shell saying that alsaconf is not found?08:04
bwlangfrank: hoary gets security updates... breezy is under development.08:05
CoffeemanPutotheres no site that i can see ubuntu packages ???08:05
thoreauputicCarlK, yeah, so I see sorry - it's something like that though08:05
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kbrookswho here is pming me08:05
ErikHKbwlang, what did I say? :P08:06
ErikHKoh, yeah :P08:06
thoreauputicCarlK: ^^^08:06
CarlKthats the one!08:07
drspinanyone good at creating rules for syslog,conf?08:07
frankbwlang: For example, will there be any new version changes for any packages in hoary?08:07
thoreauputicCoffeemanPuto: the url I just pasted might be what you want08:07
CarlKI got distracted at http://planet.ubuntulinux.org08:07
ErikHKdoes it exist a .deb package for alsa-drivers ??08:07
CoffeemanPutothoreauputic, thanks08:07
thoreauputicno problem :)08:08
guru3seems like my apt-get dist-upgrade to hoary has worked08:08
dazedim so bored :(08:08
CoffeemanPuto i have a big issue... I tested Ubuntu LiveCD and i can get 1920x1200 resolution... Using the same xorg.conf i have black holes on the side of the screen... any ideas ???08:08
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CoffeemanPutoon gentoo :p08:08
drspinctrler_: killall update-notifier08:08
drspinWOW -- that was old08:09
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\shCoffeemanPuto: ??? u have on ubuntu xorg 1920x1200 and on Gentoo Linux not?08:09
CoffeemanPutoyeah... can you belive ?08:09
\shCoffeemanPuto: but than you're wrong here :)08:10
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CoffeemanPutoi already ask on #gentoo :)08:10
CoffeemanPutoim just trying to ask for you guys ;)08:10
\shCoffeemanPuto: ok...gentoo has xorg-6.8.2-r108:10
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CoffeemanPuto\sh, xorg-x11 6.8.2-r108:11
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\shCoffeemanPuto: same version on ubuntu08:12
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\shCoffeemanPuto: wrong screen detected?08:12
CoffeemanPutogentoo giveme big black holes on the side of the screen... just like hmz mis configuration08:12
CoffeemanPuto\sh, well im using the same xorg.conf from ubuntu08:12
SeamusLPCoffeemanPuto:  The problem is that you're using gentoo ;)08:12
CoffeemanPutoSeamusLP, no flame :)08:13
dazedwhats everyone up to today?08:13
CoffeemanPutoSeamusLP, maybe i will change for ubuntu, but first i need to some this problem :)08:13
saik0OK, I cant seem to get  a difinitive answer on this at all. How would I remove all sound daemons and just use ALSA?08:13
dcabahow install ndiswrapper to amd 6408:13
CoffeemanPutoSeamusLP, otherwise i will become mad08:13
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\shSeamusLP: no it's not :) it's something else08:14
bendenizhi all.. how to stop my x server? thanks08:14
guru3what's the default package management tool in ubuntu for managing groups of packages?08:14
SeamusLPCoffeemanPuto:  Used gentoo myself a couple months ago.  By the way, are you using the same drivers as the LiveCD?08:14
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\shguru3: hu?08:14
CoffeemanPutoSeamusLP, nv driver08:14
guru3what do you use besides apt to manage getting packages in ubuntu08:14
CoffeemanPutoSeamusLP, same xorg.conf08:15
SeamusLPBut the same version of the nv driver?08:15
\shCoffeemanPuto: ah u checked the version?08:15
guru3is there something like tasksel for debian?08:15
CoffeemanPuto\sh, ?08:15
CoffeemanPuto\sh, nv from the xorg-6.8.208:15
\shCoffeemanPuto: so without nvidia driver only the nv driver from xorg...u sure?08:16
thoreauputicguru3: yes, it's called tasksel :)08:16
CoffeemanPuto\sh, yes...08:16
guru3well, i ran tasksel but it didn't do anything...08:17
mainerguru3: could use apt,aptitude,synaptic08:17
thoreauputicguru3: it's in the universe repo08:17
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guru3what's synaptic?08:17
SeamusLPCoffeemanPuto:  If you're using the same exact version I'm hard pressed to find what the exact problem is.  Perhaps a solution would be to try the binary drivers?08:17
\shCoffeemanPuto: without trying out i can't say anything...thing is, i had both on my laptop and the two reacting the same08:18
thoreauputicguru3: universe also has a gnome-tasksel apparently08:18
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ctrler_how can i stop diskwrites every 5 seconds?08:18
CoffeemanPutoSeamusLP, i already try binary drives... like nvidia itself.08:18
CoffeemanPuto\sh, yeah, this is so strange :(08:18
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SeamusLPCoffeemanPuto:  You weren't having the same problem, were you?08:19
thoreauputicguru3: synaptic is the GUI frontend to apt08:19
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CoffeemanPutoSeamusLP, my resolution become very LARGE :p08:19
=== [EVO] [tankabbot@host217-42-137-224.range217-42.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
cowbudwhat is the buzz with updates going in to breezy or hoary or what? There have been no updates for like two weeks I am going through withdrawals08:20
\shCoffeemanPuto: thats the reason xorg internal nv driver and nvidias running different DPIs08:20
guru3aptitude seems nice08:20
CoffeemanPuto\sh, and what can i do ?08:20
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thoreauputiccowbud: breezy is just starting, hoary is frozen/stable08:21
\shCoffeemanPuto: u r working with xdm/gdm/kdm?08:21
graabeinhi. how do i quit x to the console without gdm starting08:21
CoffeemanPuto\sh, xinit > fluxbox08:21
guru3gee, i hope i don't run out of diskspace OO08:21
graabeini need to reinstall my nvidia drivers08:21
dos000anyone know why df -h reports 4.7g total for my mounted /opt partition but when i looked in cfdisk i see 35G total ? i did mkfs.reiserfs to format it.08:21
dos000i am using hoary.08:21
thoreauputicgraabein: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop08:21
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abrasif_hi guys08:22
graabeinallright, ill give it a go08:22
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dazedgod linux owns so much anu08:22
\shthen go to /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc and change the dpi08:22
\shCoffeemanPuto: so startx then startx -- -dpi <your dpi>08:23
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abrasif_is there a place a can see the list of package for ubuntu 5.04?08:23
\shCoffeemanPuto: the default for ubuntu is 10008:23
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\shabrasif_: packages.ubuntu.com and search ;)08:23
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thoreauputicabrasif_: http://packages.ubuntu.com/08:24
SeamusLPabrasif_:  I like to use synaptic to browse packages, but packages.ubuntu.com is also nice08:24
CoffeemanPuto5 minutes08:24
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abrasif_\sh: thx, emmm... i could have guest =P08:24
cikilinwnat some help08:24
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Somebody_I just got my scanner working!08:25
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Somebody_Only 1 app away from not needing windows08:26
cikilinhelp!i put another hard and ubuntu does not start08:26
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Somebody_But I can only seem to scan with root, any ideas why?08:26
SeamusLPWhat would that be, Somebody_?08:26
thoreauputicSomebody_: which app is that?08:26
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guru3Somebody_: device permissions?08:26
AndyRlo all08:26
Somebody_I can only scan with scanimage, and GIMP xscanimage when root08:26
cikilinwhy if i put another hard and ubuntu does not start08:27
guru3Somebody_: what device is the scanner in /dev ?08:27
kbrookshard what?08:27
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Dr_Jekylli have problems with the 'nvidia' video-driver since upgrading to hoary08:27
dazedDr_Jekyll theres a great forum post on it08:28
Somebody_guru3, I'm not quite sure :S. I don't have a parport0, and I'm guessing lp0?08:28
LinuxJonesDr_Jekyll, did you follow the instructions on the wiki ?08:28
Dr_Jekyllxorg doesn't even start with 'nvidia-glx', only way is to use the official nidia-installer08:28
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Dr_JekyllLinuxJones: indeed08:28
guru3Somebody_: lp0 sounds right08:28
guru3do an ls -l on it08:28
kbrookscikilin, donnt pm me please08:28
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kbrooksls -l /dev/lp008:28
Amelayehow can i find themes for ubuntu plz ?08:28
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Dr_Jekyllbut with the installer, gl only works directly after installing, after rebooting i get a 'memory access error'08:28
LinuxJonesDr_Jekyll, you have to add the nvidia module to /etc/modules and modprobe nvidia before trying to restart xorg08:28
dazedAmelaye:  ubuntu uses gnome so try googling gnome themes08:28
SeamusLPcikilin:  Valknut been working out well for you?08:29
Somebody_crw-rw----  1 root lp 6, 0 2005-04-14 03:53 /dev/lp008:29
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thoreauputicSomebody_: ls -l /dev/lp0 will tell you access permissions08:29
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Amelayeok dazed08:29
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Amelayewich versions DazeD ?08:29
cikilinyes thank you08:29
Dr_Jekylli added the nvidia-module LinuxJones, maybe the old module (or driver) wasn't uninstalled properly?08:29
kbrooksSomebody_, add yourself to the lp group08:29
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Somebody_thoreauputic, and would I then just change the permissions?08:29
cikilinnow i have another pb08:29
Somebody_kbrooks, sorry, how would I do that?08:29
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thoreauputicSomebody_: what kbrooks just said08:29
guru3Somebody_: chmod 666 /dev/lp008:29
guru3that might work as well08:30
kbrooksguru3, NO NO NO NO NO08:30
Dr_JekyllDazeD|: which forum? official?08:30
guru3what kbrooks said08:30
thoreauputicguru3: no08:30
guru3sorry, sorry, im used to old beatup distros08:30
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thoreauputicSomebody_: adduser user lp08:30
kbrooksguru3, the permissions are volatile08:30
LinuxJonesDr_Jekyll, you just add nvidia to /etc/modules file. Try sudo modprobe nvidia in console and startx it should work08:30
thoreauputicwhere user is you08:30
Somebody_Thanks thoreauputic08:30
blackfeeti installed mail-notification, which was no proble, i was also able to configure it at first start, but than i get an error wich contains "failed to find module 'libatk-bridge'" i searched google about that problem and found out that i dont have liatk-bridge in /usr/lib/gtk-2.0 does somebody know where to get it?08:30
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Dr_JekyllLinuxJones: i am using the 'nvidia' driver atm, but when running glxgears or other gl-prgrams, i get an memory access error (i don't get this error _directly_ after the install, when first running xorg with new driver)08:31
nnonixAnyone care to school me on how to get Mplayer working with esd where "mplayer -ao help" yields no esd option?08:31
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Somebody_I still can only scan with root :(08:32
Somebody_Maybe I'll have to restart or something08:32
Dr_Jekyll'nvidia' only runs with the installer, with nvidia-glx per apt-get it doesn't work at all08:32
LinuxJonesDr_Jekyll, you remembered to add glx and remove dri and glcore modules from loading ?08:32
thoreauputicSomebody_: log out and in08:32
Dr_JekyllLinuxJones: yep, before upgrading to hoary it worked perfectly08:32
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thoreauputicSomebody_: the group will take effect when you log in08:33
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LinuxJonesDr_Jekyll, what kernel are you running atm "uname -r"08:33
bhnaSomebody_: scanner group08:33
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Dr_JekyllLinuxJones: 2.6.10-5-38608:33
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Dr_JekyllLinuxJones: i heard the newest 2.6.10 doesn#t have restricted modules?! (but thats 2.6.10-8 afaik)08:34
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crimsun-8 ? Where is this -8 coming from?08:34
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LinuxJonesDr_Jekyll, I am running 2.6.10-5-k7 and everyting seems ok for me08:35
Coffeemansh: now my X can see 1920 but my kdm cant... :)08:35
=== LinuxJones needs some auto-spell-checking-magic to make up for his horrid keyboarding skills :(
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sighow can a person tell if a certain package is part of 'universe' component of Ubuntu08:36
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Fhigooh hell.. is this the official channel?08:36
MrParkerAHHH can someone help me? :P08:36
crimsunsig: apt-cache policy package08:36
topyliLinuxJones: micosoft spel cheka vor sale. vorks grate!08:36
Dr_JekyllLinuxJones: how to deinstall the nvidia-stuff completely? remove nvidia-glx, and delete the module in /lib/modules/, anything else?08:36
Alinuxsomeone has gnomemeeting with a cam...I wnt to test08:37
Dr_JekyllLinuxJones: maybe some pieces from the old, working warty driver are left somewhere08:37
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LinuxJonessig, you can check in sypatic or use apt-cache show packagename | grep Filename08:37
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LinuxJonestopyli, :)08:37
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Lefungusis there a speedy terminal, not too low-tech, around for gnome ?08:38
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LinuxJonesDr_Jekyll, in synaptic right click nvidia-glx and select mark for complete removal08:38
crimsunLefungus: gnome-terminal doesn't suit you?08:38
thoreauputicsig: also try apt-cache policy <package>08:38
topyliLefungus: aterm or xterm once you set it up08:38
Dr_Jekyll<  crimsun> -8 ? Where is this -8 coming from? <-- dunno if it's -8, but its >-5, and i read in ubuntu-forum that the newest kernel doesn't have the needed restricted-modules, but since i dont run that08:38
Lefungusrefresh rate is slow with gnome terminal08:39
topyliyeah, it's a dog08:39
crimsunLefungus: try rxvt-unicode08:39
Dr_JekyllLinuxJones: i use apt-get, but that should not matter, should it?08:39
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Dr_JekyllLinuxJones: apt-get remove nvidia-glx08:39
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Fl-i-nThi all08:39
Lefungusok, i'll check all those08:39
LinuxJonesDr_Jekyll, then it would be apt-get --purge remove nvidia-glx08:39
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Dr_JekyllLinuxJones: ah, thanks, --purge it the more forced version of normal removal?08:40
nufanAnyone here on Breezy yet?08:40
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LinuxJonesDr_Jekyll, it will remove config files and associated packages jsut be sure to keep an eye on other packages that may be removed as well :)08:40
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Dr_Jekyll<--- afk, brb after another try of installing nvidia drv08:42
LinuxJonesnufan, I don't think it's going to be released for a few weeks yet08:45
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KishuHow can I make it so that I can copy/rename files etc without having to go into console and do it with sudo?08:46
sheeephow can i enable direct rendering ?08:46
sheeep(i have ati)08:46
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dr_willisthers an X config option I belive.  I recall the ubuntu wiki had a little section on getting ati going.08:47
dr_willisi was able to get my 9700pro working decently well. and easially.08:47
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topylisheeep: install driver, enable it in xorg.conf, restart X, pray08:48
sheeepok, how do i install the driver .. ?08:48
sheeep(on gentoo it was emerge ati-drivers :) )08:48
LinuxJonesKishu, unless you own the files it's best to just use sudo for renaming/copying files08:48
LinuxJonessheeep, search the website for bianary drivers there's a howto08:49
dr_willissheeep,  add the righs sources and its just about as simple. i cant recall the exact url/howto at the ubuntu docs pages however..08:49
dr_willisbinary drivers - thats it. :P08:49
topylisheeep: it's called something like xorg-driver-flgrxfgqrcm. or probably a little different, but you can apt-get it08:49
sheeepah, ok08:50
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sheeepum, one more question08:50
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Alinuxhello someone who wants to test with me gnomemeeting... it's my firs time..???08:50
KishuLinuxJones, it's just that I'm getting tired to have to do the sudo command each time I want to change anything on all my ext3 partitions...08:50
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sheeepi have my net card set in windows on static IP, with the router's address as gateway, how come it only works as DHCP on linux ?08:51
KishuLinuxJones, because of this I also can't copy files using the graphical thing, I have to open the terminal and type the command for it08:51
topyliKishu: install mc so you can just do 'sudo mc' and you have a nice rooted file manager so you can screw up your filesystem :)08:51
dr_willisi would tguess the network card isent configured right. or dns server or somthing similer.08:51
LefungusKishu, sudo su08:51
LinuxJonesKishu, what types of files do you need to change ?08:51
Alinuxhello someone who wants to test with me gnomemeeting... it's my firs time..???08:52
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geppyHas anyone in here tried GCfilms? (it's like rhythmbox or f-spot for films)08:52
KishuWell, last time I just wanted to copy a few maps with some music from my FAT32 partition to a EXT3 partition at /mnt/hd108:53
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cens0redhi again.08:53
goonieHelp.. I upgraded from warty to hoary and now my keyboard layout wont work... chose icelandic but it is all borky.... and xmms hangs when i try to play mp3 files08:53
Feuganhi all. I'm looking for kernel sources for Ubuntu. Anyone able to point me in the right direction?08:53
crimsungoonie: change xmms to use the esound output08:53
KishuIs there a way to make it so that I own all the files on a specific partition, so that I can just use the graphical interface to move/copy files etc?08:53
crimsunFeugan: hoary? aptitude install linux-tree-2.6.1008:54
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cens0redI have a spare ext2 partition on another drive. Would these instructions work the same for ext2 as they would for vfat? http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#mountunmountfat08:54
FeuganAlso are kernel sources the same as kernel headers?08:54
geppyKishu: sudo chown -R USERNAME /MOUNTPOINT08:54
geppyFeugan: No.08:54
LinuxJonesKishu, you just have to change the premissions on directory that your copying the files to.08:54
crimsunFeugan: no, kernel headers (linux-headers in ubuntu) are a subset of kernel sources (linux-source)08:54
Coffeemansh: now my X is in 1920x1200 but my kde is too big... :p08:54
Coffeemancan you help ?08:54
omni_lonniesheeep: I had the same problem.... my "broadcast" was wrong, so I added a "broadcast" eth0's section in the /etc/network/interfaces file and now it's all good :)08:54
Coffeeman. \sh: now my X is in 1920x1200 but my kde is too big... :p08:54
cens0redi.e, is this a good way to mount an ext2 partition in fstab? : /dev/hdb5       /mnt/storage  ext2    umask=000       0       008:55
sheeepok, 10x08:55
\shCoffeeman: what dpi?08:55
Coffeeman. \sh i think after i fixit i will change to ubuntu :)08:55
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sheeepomni_lonnie: bcast should be as router's address ?08:55
Dark3Litehey..whenever I try to play and mp3 in ubuntu08:55
mainerfeugan: kernel source is everything ,headers and kernel-image are part of source08:55
Coffeeman. \sh well i couldint find the file that you talk, i made some changes on my xorg.... the X is perfect, but not kdm08:55
crimsun(it's linux-image, linux-headers, and linux-source in ubuntu)08:56
Dark3Liteit says I need to install the correct plugin08:56
Dark3Litewhat is that plugin I may neeD?08:56
\shCoffeeman: check in /etc/X1108:56
crimsunDark3Lite: enable the universe repository and install gstreamer0.8-mad08:56
geppyDark3Lite: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad08:56
\shCoffeeman: find . -type f -name "Xserver*"08:56
LinuxJonesDark3Lite, you should have a look @ www.ubuntuguide.org it's a great place to start with Ubuntu08:56
crimsunDark3Lite: see wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats08:56
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\shCoffeeman: on gentoo08:56
Dark3Liteaiight col08:56
Feuganso I need linux-tree-2.6.10?08:56
crimsunFeugan: yes08:56
Dark3LiteI understand LinuxJones.08:56
LinuxJonesDark3Lite, ;)08:57
Coffeeman. \sh i already change the /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers08:57
\shCoffeeman: to what?08:57
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Dark3LiteCouldn't find package gstreamer0.8-mad08:57
Coffeeman. \sh :0 local /usr/bin/X -dpi 75 -nolisten tcp -br08:57
omni_lonniesheep:  no, do an "ifconfig" at the command line under DHCP...  note the bcast number.  WHen I stopped using DHCP it changed to a different number...08:58
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\shCoffeeman: this is normaly find...now adjust the fonts in kde via kcontrol08:58
Coffeeman. \sh my Firefox is perfect... but my kde is huuuge08:58
omni_lonnieafter I manually changed the bcast number back then my network functioned again :)08:59
\shCoffeeman: yeah.normal08:59
ErikHKwhat should I add in /etc/apt/sources.list to get alsa-driver in apt??08:59
cens0redhey how do I set it so my spare ext2 partition automatically mounts on boot up?08:59
Dr_JekyllLinuxJones: pure magic *g* - it works09:00
LinuxJonesDr_Jekyll, sweet :)09:00
Dr_JekyllLinuxJones: i really think the --purge was what i left out09:00
mindmediccens0red, set it up in /etc/fstab09:00
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crimsunErikHK: it's already available09:00
crimsunErikHK: any specific version you're looking for?09:01
cens0redmindmedic would the instructions here work for ext2 the same as they would for FAT? http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#mountunmountfat09:01
ErikHKnope, just alsa-drivers :S09:01
Dr_Jekyllnext, i'll go for working DVDplayback. what do i need apart from xine? decss?09:01
mindmedicdo you already have an ext2 partition?09:01
Coffeeman. \sh thanks reallllly.... you save my brains...09:01
ErikHKdon't understand why alsaconf doesn't work crimsun =/09:01
mindmedicif so copy the line and change partition and mountpoint09:01
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sheeepomni_lonnie: and will the config stay for next boot ?09:02
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LinuxJonesDr_Jekyll, you will need mpeg2 playback install the w32codec package09:02
saik0while we're on the seubject, how can one strip away unnecessary sound daemons in ubuntu and just use alsa09:02
cens0redmindmedic yes I already have an ext2 partition. The "unmask=000" can you tell me what that refer to?09:02
\shCoffeeman: write on my wiki page ;) write: "I'm a happy ubuntu user, \sh helped me so much" ;-)09:02
cavediverIs breezy repositorys out yewt ?09:02
camcorderhow can I make kernel-* to be excempted from auto update list?09:03
mindmedicunmask has somthing to do with permissions...09:03
mcdonaldswescavediver: I've heard it is, yes09:03
Xappethat should be umask09:03
mindmedicuse "defaults" as settings09:03
thoreauputicit's "umask" actually :)09:03
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mindmedicthoreauputic, thats the default permissions right?09:04
cens0redmindmedic ta.09:04
Coffeeman. \sh HEHEHEHEHEHHE... did you already tryed gentoo ?09:04
sheeepgentoo rocks09:04
cavediverYes it was. Breezy, here I come !!09:04
sheeepbut long time to install new stuff09:04
sheeep(or update it)09:04
thoreauputicmindmedic: it's the kind of inverse of permissions ( a mask)09:04
mcdonaldswescavediver: good luck with that :)09:04
Cybo-Mobilehowdy, got java working in 64bit mode with firefox64.  How can I get video working with codecs?09:04
cavedivermcdonaldswes: thanks ! :)09:04
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gooniecrimsun~ thx... that did it, xmms running fine now09:04
\shCoffeeman: well...I'm a member of the german gentoo community (gentoo e.v.)09:05
crimsungoonie: excellent09:05
LinuxJonescamcorder, in synaptic select the packages you want then under Packages select Lock Version09:05
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mindmedicthoreauputic, so you can limit permission settings?09:05
Coffeeman. \sh wow ? and what about Ubuntu ?09:05
Dr_Jekyll<-- away for a nice fragging in cube (with my new, working nvidia-drivers *bling bling* ;>)09:05
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\shCoffeeman: it's running on my laptop :)09:06
\shCoffeeman: and gentoo is running on now 15 servers09:06
gooniehow do i change it so that xmms plays mp3's by default and not totem? if I double click an mp3 file totem starts and I get an error09:06
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Coffeeman. \sh whitch you prefer for developtment ?09:06
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thoreauputicmindmedic: yes - for instance a user with umask=022 will have all files created in ~/   with permissions  64409:06
LinuxJonesgoonie, right click an mp3 file ans select open with09:07
spugI have an old monitor, and back when I installed warty i had to manually set the refresh rate used by x lower than the default to get x up. now i've installed hoary, and of course i now have to set the refresh rate down again, but how can i do that?09:07
ErikHKhow do I enable my IR-port on COM2 in Linux??09:07
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\shCoffeeman: depends....I like gentoo on my servers because it can be bleeding edge if I want...and I can adjust whatever I want...important for gameservers and stuff09:08
goonieLinuxJones~ but that doesn't assign mp3's to xmms... totem is still the default player09:08
kurtieubuntu 5.04 is the bizznizz yo09:08
\shCoffeeman: but for working...I like ubuntu...well officially I'm running ubuntu only a couple of days...and now I'm packaging software for myself and I hope in the next couple of weeks for the community09:08
LinuxJonesgoonie, if you select open with other application, sorry I didn't give you enough information :D09:08
goonieLinuxJones~ ahh09:09
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spugwhere do i set the refresh rate in x.org (which i think hoary is using, right?)09:09
SeamusLP\sh:  You're going to contribute to the universe?09:09
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\shSeamusLP: I'm trying to ...09:10
GarySavedI just noticed my 2nd CD-ROM is just at: /media/cdrom109:10
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\shSeamusLP: I want to :)09:10
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BoneZHow do you access to your NTFS partitions?09:10
saik0is there a way to make mplayer look less like crap09:10
LinuxJonesspug, same place in xorg.conf as it was in XF86Config-4 under the Monitor Settings09:10
SeamusLP\sh:  We could use some updated universe packages :D09:10
saik0and by like crap I mean CDE09:10
\shSeamusLP: if some of the motus are reviewing my packages09:10
GarySavedbut my 1st CD-ROM is at /cdrom at /media/cdrom and at /media/cdrom009:10
BoneZBoneZ How do you access to your NTFS partitions?09:10
thoreauputicsaik0: yeah, install xine ;)09:10
saik0thoreauputic, asin in xine-ui?09:11
crimsun\sh: we'll get around to them, but for now, nothing's happening until our toolchain's set.09:11
LinuxJonesBoneZ, check www.ubuntuguide.org lots of great info there09:11
GarySavedShould I remove a couple of them links?09:11
BoneZWhich player looks best? xmms, xine or mplayer09:11
thoreauputicsaik0: yes, or totem-xine if you want the gnome look09:11
spugLinuxJones: Wasn't there some automatical setup script i could run?09:11
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crimsunSeamusLP: don't worry, we'll update universe shortly, but it will _rough_ for a while.09:11
thoreauputicsaik0: xine-ui has lots of skins09:11
\shcrimsun: I have time...;) gcc4?09:12
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BoneZHow do you access to your NTFS partitions?09:12
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masahi there09:12
crimsun\sh: yes09:12
saik0thoreauputic, been trying to get rid of gnome09:12
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BoneZHow do you access to your NTFS partitions?09:12
FeuganI can't find linux-tree-2.6.10. Should I be looking in synaptic?09:12
saik0thoreauputic, I;ve fallen head over heels in love with xfce409:12
thoreauputicsaik0: well, go for xine-ui then09:12
SeamusLPcrimsun:  Eh?  You guys are using GCC4?09:12
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sheeepBoneZ: you need to mount the partitions09:12
crimsunSeamusLP: it's in the Breezy transition.09:13
sheeepdonno if there is a way around the fstab09:13
sheeepi'm new to ubuntu09:13
SeamusLPcrimsun:  Is GCC4 almost stable?09:13
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crimsunFeugan: you don't appear to have the main repository enabled09:13
crimsunSeamusLP: I'd say that upstream support is a very good indicator of it being at least somewhat trustable09:14
Feugancrimsun: what do you mean?09:14
crimsunSeamusLP: not to mention one other $big_distro moving to it09:14
saik0thoreauputic, well the question was wan one make mplayer look respectable, because I know I can embed it in mozilla well09:14
GarySavedShould I remove the root reference, and the one from /media ?09:15
crimsunFeugan: what does ,,apt-cache policy linux-tree-2.6.10'' give you?09:15
crimsunFeugan: (don't paste here)09:15
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spug_What do I need to do after editing xorg.conf? Reboot? Kill gdm?09:15
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crimsunspug_: just restart gdm. sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart09:15
sheeeprestart gdm09:15
thoreauputicsaik0: hmm - I only use the mplayer plugin in firefox: I prefer xine-ui for other things personally09:15
spug_okay, thanks09:15
sheeepfrom console09:15
SeamusLPcrimsun:  So you guys are going to compile new/updated universe packages in GCC4.0?  Sweet.09:16
Feugancrimsun: I'm in a catch 22 as I need to get the kernel source to build the driver for my wireless card so that I can access the net and enable the main repository09:16
crimsunSeamusLP: not just universe/multiverse but everything.09:16
Feugan:-) I'm now in mandrake09:16
saik0thoreauputic, ya, I guess I could go that route, was just trying to make the system a little leaner09:16
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\shcrimsun: gentoo goes to gcc4 right now ;) think 2005.X will have it marked as stable09:16
SeamusLPcrimsun:  Awesome.  I hear GCC4 is a lot faster.09:16
crimsunFeugan: you only need build-essential and linux-headers-$(uname -r) to build a kernel module09:17
cavediverIs there a gtk program for coding mpg4, divx from vob-files?09:17
crimsun\sh: how are they handling the ABI breakage?09:17
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crimsun\sh: I presume since it's source-based that they'll force their users to rebuild world?09:17
Kishuchown: changing ownership of `/etc/sudoers': Operation not permitted ... why can't I change the permissions back to root?09:18
Feugancrimsun: Ah Ok I'll go try again. Thanks09:19
sheeepKishu: are you performing it as root ?09:19
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djpanybody use bashpodder?09:20
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\shcrimsun: everything will be rebuilded.09:21
\shcrimsun: right now there is a profile for 2005.0 for gcc409:21
Dark3Litecan the state of your livecd be saved09:22
Dark3Liteor it resets everytime you restart?09:22
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CarlKubuntu livecd - how can i get glxgears to use the whole screen like it does when I do startx -e glxgears under gentoo?09:24
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MrParkercan anyone give me a hand with something?09:24
=== CarlK claps
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MrParkerI go to 'screen resolution' under system09:25
MrParkerand it only allows me to put it up to 1024x76809:25
crimsun\sh: right, much as I suspected09:26
kkathmanMrParker: did you install from a kubuntu disk or a regular hoary 5.04 install disk?09:26
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MrParkerI use ubuntu not kubuntu09:28
kkathmanMrParker: ahh ok so your desktop is Gnome then?09:28
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kurtieis kubuntu the same but just with kde ??09:28
graabeinquick pop-quiz: how do i find what kernel i have? i need to install kernel headers (and nvidia driver)09:28
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kkathmankurtie: yes09:28
thor|awaygraabein: uname -r09:29
MrParkerkkathman: yes it is gnome09:29
CarlKlive CD - can I get to runlevel 3 without rebooting?09:29
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crimsunCarlK: yes, but why would you want to? runlevels 2-5 are identical.09:29
kkathmanMrParker: when you installed, there should have been a screen that came up and asked you to tick the resolutions that you wanted to utilize, do you remember that screen?09:29
Xappeis there a working totem-xine plugin for firefox?09:29
crimsunCarlK: you gain nothing by teliniting to 309:29
MrParkerBUT I cant09:29
CarlKcrimsun - 3 it won't dump X?09:30
kkathmanMrParker: if you just went past that screen, it might have not gotten the higher resolutions09:30
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crimsunCarlK: no, it won't. 2-5 are identical. We don't play runlevel games. Use sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop09:30
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MrParkerkkathman: yeah I did, but that was prior to me having an LCD monitor that requirse 1280x1024, and I was running it in 1024x76809:30
kkathmanMrParker: no need to reinstall, but you probably will need to change your xorg.conf...if you are not comfy with this, then reinstall :)09:31
MrParkerkkathman: is there no way to select resolutions past setup?09:31
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MrParkerkkathman: okay, where is xorg.conf09:31
CarlKcrimsun - thanks09:31
crimsunCarlK: np09:31
kkathmanMrParker: let me see if I can get you  a reference...one moment09:31
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MrParkerkkathman: thanks09:31
kurtielocate xorg.conf :)09:31
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kkathmanMrParker: try this thread, I think it might help you:  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21984&highlight=screen+resolution09:32
kurtielimewire anygood??09:32
sheeepMrParker: its in /etc/X11/09:32
zab_kurtie: excellent :)09:32
=== kurtie dl's
cens0redhelp. My ext2 partition won't mount. I get "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb2"09:33
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MrParkerkkathman: I figured it out from the .conf file thanks :)09:33
kkathmanMrParker: great....good luck :)09:33
MrParkerkkathman: thanks :)09:33
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holgerHi, where can I find a bcmwl5a.inf (not a exe)09:35
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Coffeemananywone know if graveman works whit DVD-R   ???09:36
spug__okay. so. 43-60 is apparently a too high VertRefresh for my monitor to handle. what should i set it to? i don't have my monitor's manual or anything.09:36
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green_earzcens0red: mount -t ext2 /dev/hdb2 /somen-where   is this the format you are using ? and have a look in /etc/fstab  for your /dev/hdb2  monut point09:37
CarlKspug__ - try this: http://www.griffintechnology.com/archive/monitor.html09:38
CarlKbut for me I have to pick "view sonic" and flip09:39
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cens0redgreen_earz hey! It mounted. I think the problem must be how I've set it up in fstab.09:40
spug__CarlK: the search on that website is giving me "invalid search" when i try to search :/09:40
Coffeemandoes Ubuntu have i686 ???09:40
cens0redgreen_earz is this the right way to mount an ext2 partition in fstab? "/dev/hdb2       /mnt/storage    ext2 umask=000       0       0"09:40
kkathmanCoffeeman: you download the x86 install09:41
CarlKspug__ - yeah.. same here09:41
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kkathmanCoffeeman: they also have a 64-bit install also09:41
spug__so eh. there are no "standard" refresh rate settings i can set it to and test?09:41
Coffeemankkathman: so i can select in synaptics i686 archtecture ?09:41
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kkathmanCoffeeman: if you have that architecture, yes...just saying that Ubuntu doesnt really make a distinguishment betwee x86 releases09:43
BackSlaSh83hi all09:43
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jinx``hi! aone question: is there any gnome menu editor available yet? why is there any in ubuntu?09:44
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skorajinx, yes, there is.09:44
skorait's being worked upon in the forums actually.09:45
jinx``searched fpr gmenu, but it's not available09:45
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green_earzcens0red: /dev/hda7   /var  ext3    defaults     0    2   this the format for one of my ext3 partions09:45
jinx``can't you use gmenu?09:45
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skoragood question, not sure.09:45
SpaceNutsanyone know what the license for the default desktop wallpaper is?09:46
cens0redgreen_earz is there any danger of destroying the partition by fiddling with that last 0 in fstab?09:46
jinx``i have no idea why developers did not include a menu editor09:46
SpaceNutsI edited it to be blue, and better fit with the blue theme I use, and want to post it on gnome-look.org09:46
cowbudit is planned for gnome .1209:46
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cowbud2.12 that is..09:46
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flodineubuntu room im off work  im so happy09:46
jinx``so is it a problem of gnome 2.10 ?09:47
SpaceNutsor does anyone know where to search for these licenses?09:47
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Coffeemananywone know if graveman works whit DVD-R   ???09:48
cens0redcan anybody recommend a good font for xchat?09:48
cowbudjinx``: in a sense yes..\09:48
SeamusLPjinx``:  Amaranth is working on a nice menu editor.  Not perfect, but works in most cases.09:48
imperfect-menu editor?09:48
imperfect-You can't add things to the menu?09:49
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SpaceNutsthere also is gnome menu or something doesnt that one work?09:49
green_earzcens0red: do you have just have a root partion and a swap in fstab ?09:49
cowbudand I am off to school09:49
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jinx``school? its 21:49 here :D09:49
SpaceNutsGTM +1 that is09:49
BackSlaSh83there is a way to have something life favaourites on xchat?09:49
cens0redgreen_earz originally yes, but now I've added 2 x FAT32 partitions, and tied to add an ext2 partition.09:49
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geppyWhy has a callback-based API using JACK _not_ become a standard for Linux?09:51
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lizdeikaoh no ist Rambo09:51
RamboI have a question09:51
RamboI am a powerpc user,09:52
Rambobut i must configure ubuntu on a x86 processor09:52
RamboThe monitor doesn't work very well09:53
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Ramboit's full of colors, and so.09:53
RamboI must configure the bios?09:53
SpaceNutswhat vga card does it have?09:53
Ramboi don't now how.09:53
Ramboi don't know ...09:53
SpaceNutsit is probably a driver issue09:53
SpaceNutsor a xorg.conf setting09:53
green_earzcens0red: i have /var /home /  which where make on the install. the / as a different set of rules in fstab the /var and /home09:53
SpaceNutsfind it out if it is possible09:53
Rambobut before it's start09:54
Ramboand also with a live.09:54
cens0redgreen_earz I don't follow.09:54
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green_earzcens0red: /dev/hda7   /var   ext3  defaults   0   209:54
green_earz cens0red: /dev/hda5   /    ext3  defaults,errors=remount-ro 0   109:55
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cens0redgreen_earz u r suffesting I try that?09:56
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cens0redgreen_earz suggesting I try editing fstab thus?09:56
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Coffeemancan i install Ubuntu whit the LiveCD ???09:57
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crimsunCoffeeman: not presently. It's being worked on.09:57
thor|awayCoffeeman: no09:57
Coffeemanmannnnn :/09:57
CarlKI am trying to use glxgears to compare my "tricked out gentoo/xorg" install against the ubntu-live-cd - when I ran glxgears under gentoo, I got 30fps (yeah yeah... its an i810)09:58
Dark3Litecrimsun can I save the present state of my LiveCd?09:58
=== delire notes Mepis Linux really has the LiveCD +installer down to a t
crimsunDark3Lite: not presently. It's being worked on.09:58
CarlKbut with ubuntu-live, I can't get the "same thing" and so the fps are all over the map, like 12 and 50009:58
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SpaceNutsanyone know the licensing for the default desktop wallpaper?09:59
crimsunCarlK: well, the ubuntu livecd is designed for compatibility, not performance. It uses a generic i386 kernel with i386 libc6.09:59
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CarlKwhen I ran it under gentoo, I think I sshed to the box, ran X (no WM) opend 2nd ssh, DISPLAY=0 glxgears and got a full screen of gears - doing the same thing (I think) under ubuntu-live gives me a 1/4 screen window09:59
pestilenceso, i've upgraded from warty to hoary, and now all the icons are missing.  i've tried changing themes, as was suggested by a search of the forums.  does anybody know what else i should try?10:00
Coffeemancrimsun, and how can i especifc to use pentium 4 packages ????10:00
pestilence(icons in gnome)10:00
CarlKcrimsun - im not complaining, just trying to get a similare test, cuz so far I ether get 12 or 500fps10:00
crimsunCoffeeman: with an install or the livecd?10:00
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crimsunCoffeeman: HT-enabled?10:01
Coffeemancrimsun, yes10:01
crimsunCoffeeman: aptitude install linux-686-smp10:01
crimsunCoffeeman: a rule of thumb is to use apt-cache search <some search terms>10:01
Coffeemancrimsun, can i compile my kernel as well...10:01
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crimsunCoffeeman: yes10:02
Coffeemancrimsun, ok, thks.10:02
_-InMa-_buenas noches, good night10:02
holgerafter modprobe ndiswrapper i got an error: Invalid module format. The actual ndiswrapper-source is installed.10:02
klaasCoffeeman: aptitude search kernel-source10:02
crimsunklaas: no, linux-source10:02
klaasTrue, kernel-source as well, for older kernels.10:03
delirein vanilla debian it's 'kernel-source'10:03
crimsunkernel-* is unsupported and hence in universe.10:03
Coffeemancrimsun, but all the packages are compiled on i386 ???10:03
Albackerguys, how's the program called so I can type progname filename.tgz or prrogname filename.tar.gz etc no need for tar xvfj etc. . .10:04
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crimsunCoffeeman: they are compiled on the base arch for whatever their cpu is.10:04
crimsuntheir cpus are^10:04
pestilenceAlbacker: file-roller?10:04
Albackerpestilence, hmmm no.10:04
Coffeemancrimsun, like, firefox... on apt-get i get one i386 firefox...10:05
pestilenceAlbacker: what do you want to do, exactly?10:05
Albackerpestilence, dont remember10:05
Albackerpestilence, I just want the name of it. I have installed it but I dont remember it's name.10:05
WiFi_Net_GuyHi, everyone. Can anyone shed some light on something? I'm trying to run live CD testing out ubuntu on Toshiba A75 notebook. It boots to where it asks me to hit enter to boot. When I do that, some text runs through and then it goes blank with no activity.10:05
pestilenceAlbacker: and what does this program do :)10:05
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delireAlbacker: you can try 'guitar'10:05
delireAlbacker: GUItar10:06
Albackerhmm no10:06
delire.. to make sense with emphasis10:06
crimsunCoffeeman: they are compiled for use on i386+, yes.10:06
delireAlbacker: was it a gui application?10:06
crimsunCoffeeman: for the i386 arches.10:06
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Albackerdelire no10:06
Coffeemancrimsun, thks10:06
crimsunCoffeeman: obviously ppc will be built on ppc, amd64 on amd64, ...10:06
pestilenceis this the linux version of "i spy..."10:07
tsume_I'm about to convert a company who uses windows to ubuntu :)10:07
delireAlbacker: you aren't thinking of gunzip for *.gz archives?10:07
tsume_theres a version of iSpy for linux? :)10:07
Albackerdelire NO.10:07
pestilence"i spy with my little eyes...a program that does something with tarballs"10:07
tsume_pestilence: oh, heh10:07
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Coffeemancrimsun, i was thinking in some modern like i68610:07
pestilence"is it X?"  "no."10:07
tsume_tar zxvf archive.tar.gz ;)10:08
WiFi_Net_GuyIs there a way to set screen to VESA on Ubuntu boot prompt?10:08
Albackerdelire, it unpacks everything, tgz tar.gz gz tar . .10:08
thor|awayAlbacker: can we all join the guessing game/10:08
delireAlbacker: well can't help you, i use tar xvjf for *.tar.gz. i know KDE handles it in the file browser.10:08
pestilencetar zxvf unpacks everything10:08
CarlKI think the goal is to associate .gz with tar like Billy's OS10:08
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SpaceNuts@"i spy with my little eyes, does me remind of BlackAdder10:08
tsume_delire: no, it doesn't10:08
pestilence(right, everything that was zipped with gzip and packed with tar)10:09
deliretsume_: well on a KDE system recently i simply right clicked on an archive and extracted it. not that i prefer this method.10:09
pestilenceis there a guide to upgrading from warty to hoary that goes over some of the common pitfalls?10:09
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pestilencei found the wiki guide, but it wasn't much help10:09
crimsunCoffeeman: not everyone has an i686.10:10
tsume_delire: its called ark, not kde file browser10:10
pestilencei.e. this http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryUpgradeNotes10:10
tsume_delire: get the facts right young one ;)10:10
Coffeemancrimsun, i know... just asking...10:10
crimsunCoffeeman: for instance, I'm currently hacking away on an i58610:10
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deliretsume_: clearly you're on crack.10:10
tsume_delire: no10:10
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ztonzydelire, evening10:11
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deliretsume_: i simply recount an experience on a KDE system. ark or otherwise..10:11
delireztonzy: hello ;)10:11
tsume_delire: nautilus is much better ;)10:11
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ztonzydelire, damn cold I caught :(10:11
delireztonzy: i tried it some 5 years ago and haven't since.10:12
ztonzydelire, eeehh?10:12
deliretsume_: i tried it some 5 years ago and haven't since.10:12
delireztonzy: wrong nick ;)10:12
ztonzydelire, lol10:12
delireztonzy: sorry i dropped out last night. had to take my gf to the airport.10:12
ztonzydelire, aaah oh10:12
pestilencecould somebody show me the /etc/apt/sources.list that comes with hoary?10:12
=== ztonzy prevents his nose from dripping
pestilenceperhaps in #flood10:13
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ztonzydelire, installed Ubuntu yesterday ....(gnome)10:13
ztonzyafter it...yeah you know10:13
graabeinanother stupid question (yes, i'm a newbie), where is grub.conf located again???10:13
pestilenceusually in /boot/grub, graabein10:13
geppygraabein: /boot/grub/menu.lst10:13
syn1pestilence: goto http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories10:14
graabeinis menu.lst the same as grub.conf?10:14
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geppygraabein: It's grub.conf's replacement, as far as I know.10:14
pestilencesynd: thanks10:14
graabeinalright. thanks, that explains it!10:14
syndpestilence: the first one is whats in there be default, the 2nd one is what it should be10:14
thor|awaygraabein: I think grub.conf is a Redhat-ism10:14
syndpestilence: no problem.10:14
delireztonzy: how are you finding it?10:15
=== ztonzy tries to remember how he made the desktop have sweet smooth looking fonts
ztonzydelire, instead of Kubuntu ?10:15
delireztonzy: yep10:15
ztonzyhmm...cleaner....but slower interface10:15
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ztonzydelire, set the "draw while drag"  to false :)  so now I see this wire10:16
pestilencearrrgh.  as i suspected, there is  no difference between that and what i am using...and so now i'm back to my original question10:17
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pestilenceso, i've upgraded from warty to hoary, and now all the icons are missing.  i've tried changing themes, as was suggested by a search of the forums.  does anybody know what else i should try?10:17
pestilenceis there a package which provides the icons that should be --reinstall'ed?10:17
thor|awaypestilence: do you have ubuntu-desktop ?10:18
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dazedpestilence: what do u mean by icons?10:18
delireztonzy: hmm odd. well i don't use gnome or KDE here, so on the DE front i'm not very helpful. naturally #gnome could be a good place to resolve fiddly details.10:18
pestilencethor|away: yes10:18
lizdeikadesktop icons or _all_ the icons ?10:18
ztonzydelire, but I dunno...it feels kde in kubuntu have some glitches still, I might be wrong, but I rather run a stable system than more experiment (sorrry for that, but I feel it like that)10:18
pestilencei have the same problem as that guy10:18
graabeinhow do i turn on synching with internet clock when i boot... a service somewhere...10:18
PanquekasI need some help please, I installed warty and all as working fine, when I upgrade to hoarty, my nvidia gforce fx 5200 only works with 640*480 :\ but my nvidia suportes 1200 in windoze (and in warty suported 1024*800, I don't remember well) could anyone help men?10:18
ztonzydelire, true...will do it ....but my nose is dripping so much.... ack...10:18
kurtiegraabein, ntpd10:18
pestilencebasically, all desktop icons...like the trash, the desktop in the taskbar, and also any icons for files in nautilus, the menus, etc10:19
thoreauputicgraabein: it's /etc/init.d/ntpdate10:19
=== ztonzy wished he had a sauna at home
delireztonzy: that's wise. as far as KDE distributions are concerned, there is nothing better than Mepis. i've just installed it on many machines and it is very solid.10:19
dazedpestilence:  you have tried changing ur theme?10:19
delireztonzy: Ubuntu however really does pull off gnome very well.10:19
pestilencedazed: yes10:19
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ztonzydelire, aha10:19
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ztonzydelire, true10:19
graabeinthoreauputic or kurtie, how do i add it to the boot?10:20
delireztonzy: you have seen art.gnome.org?10:20
ztonzydelire, now and then yes, anything new ?10:20
thoreauputicgraabein: AFAIK  ntpdate is enabled at boot by default10:20
deliregraabein: use ntpdate. it will start automatically in /etc/init.d/10:20
=== ztonzy have actually met jimmac in person ;)
delireztonzy: ahah ;)10:21
graabeinbut it says it syncs with hardware clock...10:21
thoreauputicgraabein: it syncs with ntp.ubuntulinux.org or something10:21
ztonzydelire, afterwards I knew who he is :D10:21
pestilencehmmm...it seems to be looking in ~/.icons and not /usr/share/icons10:21
pestilenceor whereever it'10:21
thoreauputicgraabein: it does both ( ntpdate syncs from the 'net )10:21
pestilencewherever it's supposed to look10:21
ztonzydelire, for some weird reason, Blender Conferences drawn some of the most interesting people ! :)10:21
graabeinok, how do i add it to the boot script?10:22
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delireztonzy: it's an interesting application ;)10:22
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ztonzydelire, the year before...do you know who were there and who I by chance shook hands with :O ?10:22
ztonzydelire, ;)10:22
delireztonzy: ..? ;)10:22
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thoreauputicgraabein: umm - it should already be there10:22
ztonzydelire, Mark Shuttleworth =O10:22
AppleSeed2010night all10:22
deliregreat. a nice chap i hear..10:22
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delireAppleSeed2010: night10:23
thoreauputicgraabein: try  sudo /etc/init.d/ntpdate restart and it should sync10:23
graabeini think i turned it off when i had warty installed. i want it back on. i've got "internet" now!10:23
ztonzydelire, hehe...had a shot chat with him...he didnt even say he had been up to space!10:23
luridushey what would my default root password be set to?10:23
Bazziluridus there is none.10:23
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kurtiegraabein... System > Administration > time and date10:23
luridusoo thanks10:23
ztonzydelire, whole blender coders jawdropped the week after10:23
pestilenceluridus: it's set to something that is unuseable10:23
pestilenceluridus: use sudo10:23
SpaceNutsluridus: the same as the password for the account you set up during install10:23
luridusookay. ill try all these10:24
delireztonzy: and why was he at the blender conference?10:24
SpaceNutsluridus: but that is to log in with sudo, you cant login as root10:24
Bazziluridus with sudo, you can also set one.10:24
thoreauputicgraabein:  sudo update-rc.d ntpdate defaults10:24
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ztonzydelire, he talked about Python and the work along with Blender10:25
graabeinokay thanks guys... think i've got it working!10:25
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delireztonzy: so he works with blender does he?10:25
ztonzydelire, what I know is that he like that language10:25
delireztonzy: the Python API for blender is excellent. i was revisiting it again today.10:25
ztonzydelire, maybe...dont remember...but I wouldnt be surprised10:25
kurtieWhy would he be interested in a cartoon character from Futurama??10:26
ztonzydelire, aah...I dont know much about python, maybe I am lazy or just stupid artist10:26
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thenukekurtie: it's bender, not blender :)10:26
delireztonzy: follow your interests ;)10:26
graabeinnow zoidberg is the most popular!10:26
ztonzydelire, true10:27
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ztonzydelire, so when do you need 3d work help :P ?10:27
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delirespeaking of animated characters. i assume you've all seen **the new Ubuntu mascot*** http://www.openpuppets.com/fondos/7.html10:29
ztonzydelire, what aboyt art.gnome.org ?10:29
kurtiegnite all10:29
ztonzydelire, no I havent10:29
SpaceNutsgnite all, lol, would that be knite for a KDE addict?10:29
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kurtieno.. it simply means Im going to bed now now10:30
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SpaceNutsI know10:30
SpaceNutsit is an abbreviation for goodnight10:30
Effieis there on freenode a german ubuntu chan?10:30
SpaceNutsbut it looks like a gnome thing with that g10:30
SpaceNutsubuntu-de I think10:30
kurtielol.. yeah10:30
CarlKEffie - yes...10:30
Effiethx SpaceNuts, CarlK10:31
SpaceNutsKein problem10:31
CarlKEffie - bitte10:31
Effiedanke ihr beiden rabauken :)10:31
SpaceNutswas, das verschteh ich nicht, bin NL10:31
CarlKswell.. thats what I get for being cute ;)10:32
Effiehe he10:32
EffieSpaceNuts, was just a little joke10:32
SpaceNutswas sind denn rabauken10:32
SpaceNutsah ok10:32
Effiemom, i search for a definition10:32
SpaceNutsmorgen mahl fragen an meine Deutsche collega10:32
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SpaceNuts-a +en10:33
graabeini've got gfx problems... nvidia 6600gt, just ran the driver... neverball and glxinfo gives me segmentation fault10:33
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cfh_devIs there somewhere I can search the packages available for Ubuntu?10:34
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EffieRabauke : altes Schimpfwort fr (lrmende, freche, Unfug treibende) Kinder. sagt dir das mehr SpaceNuts ?10:34
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Effiehttp://de.wiktionary.org/wiki/Rabauke <-- just look here SpaceNuts ;)10:34
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cfh_devgraabein: thanks10:34
sklpyes, and if you dont find what you are looking for you can try apt-get.org :)10:35
CarlKcrimsun - I am pretty sure the ubuntu-live-CD super compatable works with anything is blowing the doors of my tricked out gentoo install by 3:110:35
ztonzydelire, leaving now10:35
SpaceNutsEffie: haha, lol, noch nieh gedacht an wikipedia10:35
cfh_devI've been using Debian for a while and just got a new computer so I thought I'd try a different, more up to date distro.10:35
Xappeanyone tried this? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-21405.html10:35
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tlepeshowdy.  i am having some probs w/ 5.04.  my /dev/sda1 (sata) won't mount during boot (says device not exist) but later I can mount it from a shell fine.   Second problem is with panasonic DVR-105.  /dev/hdc is missing.  ONCE IN A WHILE, if a disc is in it when I boot, it is there.  Mostly it isn't.  Any suggestions for these two problems?10:36
EffieSpaceNuts, wiktionary ist das btw :)10:36
SpaceNutseffie, ach ja, wieder was gelernt10:36
Effiedas ist immer gut SpaceNuts10:37
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pvhToday my /dev/sound directory is gone... and I haven't even rebooted since last night when it was there! What the heck could have happened?10:38
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PanquekasI need some help please, I installed warty and all as working fine, when I upgrade to hoarty, my nvidia gforce fx 5200 only works with 640*480 :\ but my nvidia suportes 1200 in windoze (and in warty suported 1024*800, I don't remember well) could anyone help me?10:40
turbolivhi all10:40
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imperfect-Panquekas: make sure you're using the nvidia driver and not the NV one10:40
turbolivi'm new noob user of linux10:40
Panquekasimcsk8-expo, yes I checked and it's ok10:41
BazziPanquekas yep, driver change/reconfig might be inevitable10:41
turbolivand chosen ubuntu for first try ^^10:41
Bazzimight as well be an X.org issue.10:41
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joeyhHey folks, congrats on the mention in Veronica Mars, which I assume you already know about? :-)10:42
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turboliv[FR] re10:43
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turboliv[FR] Some french user of ubuntu ?10:43
joeyhok, here's the quote, which gets full camera time:10:43
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joeyh"Wait, how can you even have an opinion on Ubuntu if you haven't tried it?10:44
joeyh2.6 kernel, live CD, they even had Gnome 2.0 the day warty warthog came out!!"10:44
joeyhin a pretty much 100% accurate depiction of linux vs macos advocacy10:44
turboliv[FR] no french user ?10:44
o-negativeturboliv[FR] : yes10:44
turboliv[FR] :'(10:44
o-negativeje suis francophone10:44
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turboliv[FR] ouf10:45
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turboliv[FR] o-negative10:45
turboliv[FR] ca fait plaisir10:45
tlepesQUESTION: when booting, auto mount of my sata drive fails (says /dev/sda1 does not exist), but after boot I can go to a shell and mount it fine.  Any ideas why or what to look for?  I would guess something out of order or a timing issue (not completely "up" before trying to mount in boot process).. ???  Any takers?10:45
turboliv[FR] ca fait 10 ans que j utilise windows et je viens de me decider a passer a linux10:45
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turboliv[FR] et j ai donc choisi ubuntu en hd install10:46
o-negativetlepes: sata drivers loaded as modules?10:46
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pestilencetlepes: did you recompile your kernel?10:46
tlepesor sata_nv (i forget)10:46
o-negativetlepes: it should be hard coded in the kernel10:46
tlepesmobo is an nvidia nf-250 chipset10:46
turboliv[FR] o-negative c'est bien sur ce chan que je pourrai avoir des reponses a mes lacunes ?10:46
o-negativeturboliv[FR] : oui mais vrifie si il y a #ubuntu-fr10:47
eni1cya all10:47
turboliv[FR] ok10:47
tlepeso-negative, it is workable but it would be nice if i could have it mount in boot.  then i could move my /home there like i want to.10:47
turboliv[FR] ^^10:47
turboliv[FR] merci a plus tard10:47
o-negativetlepes: if you want if mounted at boot you have to put the driver in the kernel10:47
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pestilencetlepes: are you using a ubuntu linux-image package?10:48
tlepesfresh hoary 5.04 install10:48
pestilencestrange, i would have thought they'd have those drivers in the initrd10:48
tlepesfreshity-fresh, like just done.  but having same problem on my old partition (also 5.04, but upgraded from warty).10:48
pestilencesuper fresh?10:49
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McScruffhello ppl10:49
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McScruffdoes any1 know how to get my card reader to work? i got my single card reader working but not my multione10:50
tlepespestilence, it is there after i boot.  I mean, i can then mount my /share (which is /dev/sda1).  But during boot, when it automounts, it won't mount the /share because it says /dev/sda1 is missing.  Maybe it is not created yet at the time automount fires off?  hotplug comes next in messages as it boots, but i didn't think it was a part of hot plug system10:50
McScruffthe SD part works but not the mmc10:50
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dazedthis is really gettin ridiculous10:51
tlepesoh well, i just thought maybe you folks might have some ideas for me.  I can crawl the ubuntu help and forums yet10:51
pestilencetlepes: i understand your problem, but i don't have any help...sorry10:51
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tlepespestilence, np10:51
dazedim getting HIGHLY upset over this10:51
tlepesty n e way10:51
andreihello. how do i install a gtk 1.x theme so xmms's settings would look nice ? thanks10:51
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McScruffxmms default is nice :S10:51
tlepesi use winamp "classic" skins w/ xmms no prob10:52
andreiMcScruff, i don't like the gtk skin actualy10:52
mindmedicmy nautilus crashes when i view the properties of a flac file.. can someone repeat that?10:52
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tlepespest thanx - i gotta scoot.  ttfn10:53
jordanauandrei, are you wondering where to put the theme file?10:53
pestilencetlepes: np, later10:53
andreijordanau, i apt-get some gtk 1.x industrial theme, but i don't know how to activate it10:53
jordanauand the theme is for xmms?10:54
andreijordanau, gtk generaly..10:54
jordanauso it is an overall gnome theme?10:54
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andreijordanau, yes. i wonder if i can have installed both clearlooks for gtk 2.x and industrial for gtk 1.x10:55
jordanauand you want it to change xmms?10:55
SpaceNutsmindmedic, wait a minute gonna test it for you here10:55
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andreijordanau, just the looks of the settings panel of xmms.10:56
jordanaubasically you just go to system > preferences > themes and change your theme10:56
djphow do you setup a cron job in ubuntu?10:56
andreijordanau, also, every app which uses gtk 1.x libs should change the looks too10:56
dieffelanyone know a cool complete MacOSX Aqua clone Theme for Ubuntu??10:56
jordanauandrei, yeah i cant help you i thought you wanted to change xmms skins10:57
mkuntichey there, men. is there a good firewall/QoS GUI frontend in ubuntu?10:57
jordanaudieffel, yeah there is one10:57
jordanaudieffel, i'll get the name in a sec10:57
kangpehdieffel:  Look at mine =)10:57
kangpehdieffel:  I even have the Mac OS-X GDM (login screen)10:57
kangpehdieffel:  all my windows/icons/etc. are mac-osx ones10:58
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kangpehdieffel: =)10:58
Huwgedjp: 'crontab -e' will edit your crontab, if you want it to run the job as another user either su to them or edit '/etc/crontab'10:58
kangpehcronjob djp?  i dont know how to do it in a gui10:58
kangpehbut crontab -e will give u a vi editor10:58
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SpaceNutsmindmedic: it doesn't do that here10:58
dieffelkangpeh, wow sounds nice ... u have an URL??10:58
kangpehdieffel:  http://www.gnome-look.org/10:58
kangpehyou need to get hte MacOS-x themes/etc. and then the Icons too10:59
kangpehand then u also should get hte Aqua Fake - login thing10:59
dieffelkangpeh, i'll take a look10:59
SpaceNutsmindmedic: the FLAC file I have is on an SaMBa (windows share) server, and I can view the properties10:59
kangpehi think gnome-look is down right now though dieffel10:59
djpHuwge: thanks10:59
Huwgedjp: np10:59
Agrajagkangpeh: if you want a gui editor for whatever reason, set the EDITOR variable10:59
dieffeljordanau, yes10:59
dieffelkangpeh, ok...11:00
andreidjp, maybe this tool will help you http://jodrell.net/projects/gnome-crontab11:00
pvhMy /dev/sound is GONE, and I have no idea how to get it back.11:00
pvhI'd really love some help figuring out what happened....11:00
pestilenceis there some way to check all of the installed packages to make sure they are from hoary?11:00
SeamusLPpvh:  You have a /dev/dsp?11:00
pvhSeamusLP: no, it was a symlink to /dev/sound/dsp111:00
pestilenceapt-show-versions just gives me packagename/unknown uptodate ...11:01
kennethlovehey all. anyone that can help me get samba/nfs/netatalk working between ubuntu and an ibook?11:01
dieffelkangpeh, do u have another url were i can get the macosX theme?11:01
theineis it possible to run an X server within a chroot environment?11:01
SeamusLPpvh: ewwww.  How the heck did that go away?11:02
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djpandrei: interesting...11:02
pvhSeamusLP: I don't know! It was there last night when I went to bed.11:02
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pvhSeamusLP: The only thing I can think of is that I was tinkering with my .asoundrc11:02
SeamusLPpvh:  Underpants gnomes, maybe?11:03
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pvhSeamusLP: but /dev/sound is systemwide, and my .asound should have had no effect!11:03
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pvhSeamusLP: That's the only explanation I can think of. I'm not so worried about how it went. I want to know how to get it back.11:03
SeamusLPYeah I agree there.  You could try restarting.  Maybe hotplug will pick up on the fact that you have a soundcard and no drivers11:04
pvhIt's still playing sound on both soundcards.11:04
pvhFigure _that_ out.11:04
SeamusLPSo basically what you're telling me is that it's fine?11:04
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dieffeljordanau, did u find the link to macosX theme?11:05
pvhSeamusLP: No, I can't play to things that want a /dev/dsp11:05
pvhSeamusLP: but Alsa-aware programs are working fine.11:05
SeamusLPHow about eSound?11:05
andreihow do i install a gtk 1.x theme so xmms's settings would look nice - problem solved. gtk 1 and 2 themes can be switched with this app: gtk-theme-switch11:05
pvhSeamusLP: Not very familiar with esound.11:05
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guruyayaHi there.11:06
kevmanGood day.11:06
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andreistill xmms looks ugly :)11:06
SeamusLPpvh: Hold on I'm going to look around a bit in my own system11:06
pvhSeamusLP: I have a /dev/snd11:07
guruyayaI`m kinda new in this ubuntu thing. can anyone tell me if there is any kind of program to read news groups by?11:07
pvhSeamusLP: but the devices there look strange to me11:07
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kennethloveguruyaya: thunderbird can, i think11:07
SeamusLPpvh:  Yeah I don't have a /dev/sound/.  I have a /dev/dsp which is not a symlink...11:07
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SeamusLPpvh:  Well maybe it could be a hardlink11:09
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tbirdso now that hoary is final is there a dev out yet ?11:09
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Fast240Zhey all, I have another question: what's a good free windows emulator for ubuntu, or can someone help me out with alien?11:10
pvhSeamusLP: Too weird.11:10
crimsuntbird: a what? a devel branch?11:10
pvhSeamusLP: do you have /dev/snd?11:10
tbirdyeah crimsun11:10
SeamusLPpvh yeah11:10
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SeamusLPpvh no /dev/sound/ like you were saying.  Are you sure you had that in the first place?11:10
tbirda development branch11:10
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spaetz_*sigh* I cannot modify the applications menu in hoary.11:11
crimsuntbird: breezy is open for us to upload; we're waiting on the toolchain transition before anything is actually built11:11
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spaetz_There is no context menu entry which allos to "add menu entry"11:11
tbirdok so its prob best to wait a while then ?11:11
crimsuntbird: so effectively, there is no dev branch yet.11:11
kennethloveFast240Z: type 'alien --help'11:11
tbirdcrimsun, ok thnx was just wondering11:11
SeamusLPpvh:  I'd at least try restarting hotplug.  Perhaps it will correct it.11:11
Fast240Zkennethlove: I tried that, but I wasn't able to get it to work11:12
quigihey room11:12
kennethlovewhat does it tell you?11:12
Fast240Zkennethlove: I'm trying to convert a winex rpm file to deb11:12
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Fast240Zit gave me a bunch of errors, and said it wasn't able to convert the rpm file11:12
quigianybody know how to load rpm packages on debian based linux11:12
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kennethloveFast240Z: no. what does alien --help tell you?11:13
kennethlovequigi - you have convert it using alient11:13
tbirdquigi, alien packagename.rpm11:13
kennethloveer. alien11:13
Fast240Zoh, how to set the command for alien11:13
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Fast240Zbut when I tried the command, it didn't work11:13
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Fast240Zit said that it should be formatted as "alien -d (rpm pathname)"11:13
tbirdalien packagename.rpm workes fine for me11:14
pestilencem/e wonders if this is useful for other "warty -> hoary" people:11:14
quigicool thanks11:14
=== pestilence wonders if this is useful for other "warty -> hoary" people:
pestilencesudo apt-get remove `apt-show-versions |grep "No available" | sed "s/ .*//"`11:14
Fast240Zso I don't have to type the -d?11:14
kennethloveguess not11:14
tbirdFast240Z, no11:14
tbirdit should automaticlly create a .deb11:15
quigiok then i can load the .deb file11:15
quigii also have the RPM tool installed11:15
tbirdyeah dpkg -i whatever.deb11:15
quigican i use that11:15
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TayloRHey all :)11:16
Fast240Zit still gave me errors11:16
quigiok another question11:16
quigii use a powerbook lombard g3 - 333mhz G3 with ubuntu11:16
tbirdFast240Z, did you sudo alien packagename.rpm ?11:16
slask3nwhats the root-password??11:16
quigii am getting video snow after the unit gets hot11:16
Fast240Zyes I did11:16
Fast240Zexact command was "alien winex3.3.1.rpm"11:17
Fast240Z(the winex part is longer, I just didn't feel like typing it all here)11:17
tbirdFast240Z, no type this "sudo alien packagename.rpm"11:17
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Fast240Zoh, sorry, I did type sudo11:18
tbirdFast240Z, unless you have created a root passwd11:18
Fast240Zyes I have11:18
tbirdand are already root11:18
slask3nwhats the root-password??11:18
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tbirdslask3n, there is none11:18
Bazzislask3n there is none. use sudo11:18
Fast240Zslask3n: what do you mean?11:18
kennethloveslask3n - you set it during install11:18
slask3nno i did the n00b install today11:19
tbirdslask3n, you can sudo root passwd and create one11:19
slask3nhow do i set a root pass then?11:19
Fast240Zthe type "sudo passwd root"11:19
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slask3nok, thanks :)11:19
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Jet2k5Hey guys, just wanted to stop by and say thanks for those of you who helped me get this update working11:19
Jet2k5finally got it working11:19
grout_is there any support for the wifi card on the ibook yet?11:19
jasonHi I am trying to get gok to work (on screen keybd) I anabled and rebooted X but it say it needs libatk-bridge which I can't find, any ideas??11:19
ellsdoes anyone know if linux has any kind of eq for audio program11:19
tbirdFast240Z, you could try to dl another rpm or try to reinstall alien11:20
Fast240Zyeah, I'm still having some problems with alien, its still giving me errors...anyone know of any other windows emulator?11:20
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grout_is there any support for the wifi card on the ibook yet?11:20
jasonFast240Z, QEMU11:20
Fast240Zokay, what about converting a tarball file?  alien will do that too11:20
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Fast240Zqemu?  can I apt-get that?11:20
Fast240Zor use synaptic to find it11:20
pestilenceFast240Z: does wine not work from the repositories?11:20
Fast240ZI didn't search for wine, just winex11:21
pestilencePackage: wine11:21
pestilencePriority: optional11:21
pestilenceSection: universe/otherosfs11:21
jasonFast240Z, yes U can apt-get11:21
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jazonhi everyone.  Well, after fight FC3 for 3 weeks, I installed Hoary, and am  ever glad I did.  I have things working really great (for the most part).  However, I need a bit of help...11:21
jasonFast240Z, please note qemu is a virtual PC you need to install windows on it.11:22
ellsdoes anyone know if linux has any kind of eq for audio program11:22
Fast240Zjason: is that the same with wine?11:22
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kennethloveno. wine's just an emulator11:22
Fast240Zjason: I know that winex wasn't like that11:22
Agrajagkennethlove: no11:22
Fast240Zcool, I'll try wine11:22
AgrajagWine Is Not an Emulator.11:22
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Fast240Zwhat do you mean11:23
mcdonaldswesjazon: what do you need help with?11:23
jasonFast240Z, no wine is not an emulator, its libraries to run windows stuff11:23
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kennethloveheh, ah11:23
cionuserhey all need some help with wirless USB adapter11:23
cionusersome1 can help me?11:23
Fast240Zall I want to be able to do is run half life, dwi, games like that11:23
McScruffhow do u mount an iso file?11:23
guruyayathanks for you help guys. Have to leave now11:23
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ellsdoes anyone know if linux has any kind of eq for audio program11:23
pestilenceFast240Z: as far as i know, wine is what you want11:23
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pestilenceFast240Z: i ran office using it a couple of years ago11:24
jasoncan anyone help me with gok (on screen keybd) it needs libatk-bridge but I can find what package that is in??11:24
Fast240Zthat's what I had thought, I'll just have to see how it works11:24
kennethlovejason - an apt-get install libatk* returns nothing for you?11:24
pestilenceget wine-doc while you are at it11:24
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pestilenceSuggests: wine-doc, wine-utils, msttcorefonts, binfmt-support11:24
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jazonthanks mcdonaldswes - Well, a couple of things...  I have a strange problem - my Intel i915P sound set is working well, except that I am geting an error with TOTEM - Totem could not startup.ALSA device "default" is already in use by another program.11:25
tbirdwinesetuptk is nice too11:25
cionuserI LOVE UBUNTUUUUU just need some help, how do I install a USP wireless adapter????11:25
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cionuserUSB SORRY11:25
pestilencecionuser: perhaps you need to use ndiswrapper?11:25
Fast240Zhow the hell do you use apt-get anyways?  can I just type "apt-get install (packagename)"?11:25
jazoncionuser - good luck - I never did get it to work11:25
pestilenceFast240Z: precisely11:25
cionuserdamn No wayyy11:25
pestilenceFast240Z: probably with a "sudo" at the front11:25
grout_how do i get a list of packages apt-get has11:25
jasonkennethlove, thanks thats seems to be it. :)11:26
ellsdoes anyone know if linux has any kind of eq for audio program11:26
pestilencegrout_: apt-cache show11:26
dcravenMcScruff, "mount whatever.iso /path/to/mountpoint -o loop" should do it.11:26
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kennethlovejason - no worries. i love that trick11:26
cens0redhaving trouble installing mplayer. Insists that it needs libavcodec2, but that it's not going to be installed for some reason.11:26
kbrooksmodprobe loop11:26
pestilencegrout_: err apt-cache search11:26
Fast240Zah, okay, so I don't have to use the damned package manager?11:26
Kirschhey guys, why am i not receiving any updates VIA synaptic? i haevn't received an update since release.11:26
cionuserif i can't have internet i'll switch to WIN XP :(11:26
pestilenceFast240Z: if by "damned package manager" you mean synaptic, no.11:26
dcravengrout_, packages.ubuntu.org has a list I think.11:26
ellsdoes anyone know if linux has any kind of eq for audio program11:26
Fast240Zeveryoen suggests I use apt-get11:27
XTCi have setup a some routing rules for my home lan11:27
kennethlovesynaptic is pretty good. the descriptions are a real time saver11:27
Fast240Zand I didn't know how to use it11:27
kbrookscionuser,  i can get you ndiswrapper11:27
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XTCbut everytime i reboot i gotta type the rules set11:27
Fast240ZI like synaptic myself, but most people tell me to apt-get11:27
XTConto a shell11:27
pestilencekennethlove: also available via apt-cache show11:27
kennethloveells - i know there are some equalizers in KDE11:27
XTCwhere can i put these so they setup at boot?11:27
ellskennethlove: what are they and do you think they will work in gnome11:27
Dr_Jekyllwhat is the most easy way to view fonts? (and to know whats their "long name" so i can use this name for the terminal emulator)11:27
grout_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?11:27
pestilenceells: have you looked under "sound and video"?11:28
cionuserWHAT's that ???11:28
Dr_Jekylland i don't use nautilus/gnome11:28
pestilenceells: in kde, it's kmix11:28
kennethloveells - i can't remember off the top of my head, and they should.11:28
Fast240Znext question: I just used alien to convert a tarball to deb, and now it says that the status database area is locked11:28
dcravenKirsch, you can change your sources to breezy now and update, but there isn't much there just yet either.11:28
pestilenceells: and yes, it works in gnome.11:28
ellspestilence: thanks11:28
grout_do i have to be root to use apt-get?11:28
Fast240Zhow do I unlock it?11:28
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Kirschah ok11:28
kennethlovegrout - no, you can do sudo11:28
Fast240Zgrout_: you can sudo11:28
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pestilencegrout_: yes11:28
Dr_Jekyllgrout_: exactly11:28
pestilencegrout_: you have to have root priveleges11:28
HuwgeXTC: 'man interfaces'11:28
Dr_Jekyllgrout_: sudo apt-get11:28
kbrookspestilence, DUDE11:28
murraycI can't seem to find this ubuntu nautilsu key in my hoary.11:28
jazonfor some background info, I have all my procedures litsed here: http://spyd.sytes.net:8000/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=16am.11:28
pestilencekbrooks: yes?11:29
kennethloveanyone here have netatalk working?11:29
HuwgeXTC: you can have the routes added on startup with a few 'post-up' statements11:29
kbrookspestilence, not with su11:29
dcravenmurrayc, /apps/nautilus/preferences/no_ubuntu_spatial?11:29
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grout_so what does sudo mean?11:29
dcravenmurrayc, if you don't have it, you can create it. Make it a boolean.11:29
Fast240Zsuper user do11:29
cionusersuper user do11:29
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Dr_Jekyllanyone got a clue how to get my 4in1 USB cardreader to work? /proc/bus/usb/devices says driver is (none)11:30
ellspestilence: I appreciate it, but it is not a true equalizer.11:30
murraycdcraven: No, it's not there. I'll create it. Thanks.11:30
Fast240Zanyone know how to make the icons/system fonts smaller in gnome?11:30
HuwgeXTC: s/post-up/up/11:30
cionuseranyone can help me with wireless USB adapter? how do i install it11:30
XTCthx... but is that a text file?11:30
pestilenceells: i'm sorry, i guess i misunderstood your question11:30
Fast240Zcionuser: what's your problem?11:30
kennethloveFast240Z: look under System. there are apps for that11:30
ellspestilence: I wanted to change my music: no problem11:30
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dcravenmurrayc, no problem. And if you are the murrayc from gtkmm & friends, then thank YOU!11:30
pestilenceells: change your music?11:30
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crypticreign[w] what does Lock Screen call... xlock?11:30
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mindmedicwhat exactly runs usually on port 1025-1027... the win rpc daemon?11:30
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ellspestilence: add and take out bass, you know with an eq11:31
pestilencecrypticreign[w] : probably xscreensaver-command -lock11:31
XTCoh i got it11:31
murraycdcraven: I am. Thanks for taking away that pain.11:31
ellspestilence: while listening11:31
XTCi think....11:31
mindmedicbecause most connections blocked by the firewall are from that port range11:31
XTCthx Huwge11:31
HuwgeXTC: np11:31
dcravenmurrayc, anytime :)11:31
pestilenceells: ah...i don't know about that11:31
grout_so everytime i wanna install something i gotta type sudo apt-get11:31
kennethlovegrout - yep11:31
ellspestilence; cool11:31
kennethlovewell, if it's something from the repos11:31
cionuser@Fast240Z@ I don't have a clue how to install my wireless apater11:31
Fast240Zgrout_: either that, or login as root11:31
topylihmm. 531 people on #ubuntu. no chance i can follow this traffic :)11:31
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murraycI've given up apt-get since I started using ubuntu. synaptic works fine.11:32
=== kennethlove is looking for help with SAMBA, NFS, and/or NETATALK
jazondoes keeping track of that stuff help to figure out why I am having a a problem?11:32
Dr_Jekyllthis chan s pretty full in the eveneings11:32
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crypticreign[w] pestilence: Lock Screen has stopped working11:32
XTChumm.... Huwge .....11:32
HuwgeXTC: yup11:32
pestilencecrypticreign[w] : did you try running "xscreensaver-command -lock" from a command prompt?11:32
dcravengrout_, try synaptic, it's nice.11:32
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ellshas anyone been having issues with xmms locking up11:33
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XTCi'm a total n00b here so.... do i just type the stuff into the file? (/etc//network/interfaces)?11:33
ellsit does it on my laptop and my desktop11:33
kennethloveells: yeah. me, too.11:33
Dr_Jekyllanyone got a clue how to get my 4in1 USB CARDREADER to work? /proc/bus/usb/devices says driver is (none)11:33
crypticreign[w] pestilence: yeah i got "xscreensaver-command: no screensaver is running on display :0.0"11:33
ellskennethlove: I think it has turned into a piece of crap11:33
tbirdcionuser, you could try chling out   https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards11:33
ellskennethlove: I use rythmbox now11:33
kennethloveells: luckily i use itunes on my ibook for most listening11:33
pestilencecrypticreign[w] : then, you need to start xscreensaver :)11:33
ellskennethlove: I wish itunes was fully functional in linux11:34
Dr_Jekyllells: try bmp11:34
Dr_Jekyllbeep media player11:34
pestilencecrypticreign[w] : try running xscreensaver-demo11:34
XTCHuwge, i'm using iptables for soing routing.....11:34
grout_whats the url for the list of apt-get packages11:34
kennethloveDr_Jekyll: apt-get install ???? beep? bmp?11:34
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Dr_Jekyllells: it's a port of xmms, using gtk211:34
Dr_Jekyllkennethlove: beep-media-player11:35
jazonmay I repost my quest?11:35
jazonuggghhhhh question11:35
HuwgeXTC: in '/etc/inin11:35
ellsDr_Jekyll: thanks11:35
XTCi found a command xD11:35
pestilencejazon: shoot11:35
jazonthanks mcdonaldswes - Well, a couple of things...  I have a strange problem - my Intel i915P sound set is working well, except that I am geting an error with TOTEM - Totem could not startup.ALSA device "default" is already in use by another program.11:35
jazonfor some background info, I have all my procedures litsed here: http://spyd.sytes.net:8000/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=16am.11:35
XTCi suppose it saves current config....11:35
XTCi'll give it a try11:35
HuwgeXTC: in '/etc/network/interfaces' you can simply add lines like 'up iptabels some_rule' in the network interfaces definition11:36
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HuwgeXTC: or try using iptables-save11:36
tbirdjason, lsof works well to see whats using certain things11:36
ellsDr_Jekyll: no offense, but like xmms, it locks up11:36
XTCyeah i'll try11:36
ellsDr_Jekyll: xmms wont work on my laptop and my desktop11:36
XTCi'm very tired to think and learn new stuuf now...  :( but the has to stay up11:36
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Dr_Jekyllells: something serious is fucked up then :/11:36
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=== kennethlove is looking for help with SAMBA, NFS, and/or NETATALK
=== ben_ [~ben@80-218-67-69.dclient.hispeed.ch] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"]
ellsDr_Jekyll: rythmbox works on both computers11:37
XTC(i've slept only 12 hours since sunday night)11:37
ellsDr_Jekyll: plays all audio11:37
HuwgeXTC: :/ get some sleep dude11:37
slask3nPackage libgift was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `libgift.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable -- Where and how can i do this11:37
Dr_Jekyllells: strange, stick to rythmbox if u like it11:37
=== BackSlaSh83 [~backslash@adsl-ull-162-137.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
XTCyeah i'll leave this thing right and get into my envelope11:37
=== tcwd||| [~Edward@toronto-HSE-ppp4006233.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
grout_how do i install a .deb?11:37
kennethlovegrout_: dpkg -i package.deb11:37
Dr_Jekyllgrout_: dpkg -i package.deb11:37
ellsDr_Jekyll: just dont like it when something dont work right for some reason11:38
=== neighborlee [~chatzilla@d21-161.rb2.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
dcravenslask3n, do you have libgift-dev installed?11:38
=== hyphenated [~cgilmour@nzns1.eservglobal.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
pestilencejazon: can you dump `ps x` into #flood?11:38
Dr_Jekyllells: start xmms from a terminal, so u can see what makes it crash11:38
slask3ndont think so.. can install it now...11:38
neighborleeubuntu defaults to ext3..does this mean ubuntu team feels that its more stable than reiser ? < I am curious b e cuase reiser4 ( by some distros) is noted as being 'unbrekable' ??11:38
BackSlaSh83i've an enormous problem, i apt-updated and installed some software...now gnome is gone..freezing after login befor bootsplash...11:38
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-61-150.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
BackSlaSh83any1 can help?11:38
dcravenslask3n, go for it.11:38
ellsDr_Jekyll: have tried both, it crashes when I press play11:38
=== HavoK [~Dark@host-84-222-212-61.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Jekyllells: what does the terminal output on crash?11:39
Fast240Zanyone know anything about nautilus?11:39
dcravenneighborlee, I'd guess yes. Ext3 is quite proven.11:39
Fleebailey33is anyone here good with syncing palm and linux?11:39
ellsDr_Jekyll: hold one will see11:39
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=== dazed [~dazed@host-208-60-229-74.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
cyberkniDoes anyone know if there is an adaptation of apt-spy in ubuntu? The apt-spy package is in universal however is is just the debian util which does not help with ubuntu11:39
dazedhow quick do forum post get replied?11:40
Dr_Jekyllcyberkni: whats apt-spy?11:40
=== kennethlove is looking for help with SAMBA, NFS, and/or NETATALK
pestilencejazon: so, the totem that's running is the one that's reporting the error?11:40
kangpehinstalling KDE from ubuntu11:40
dcravencyberkni, not to my knowledge.. I tried it too.11:40
thoreauputic_dazed: you might get faster replies on the mailing list11:40
kangpehhope this doesn't kill my system11:40
ellsDr_Jekyll: it doesnt say anything,  just hangs11:40
kangpehcuz my system is exactly how i want it to be right now11:40
cyberkniDr_Jekyll, Its a util that benchmarks various apt sources and returns the fastest servers to you11:40
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ellsDr_Jekyll: kennethlove has the same issue11:41
cyberknidcraven, oh well, the default sources keep dropping my connections which is annoying.. i guess I'll fix it the old fasion way11:41
pestilencejazon: if i were you, i would start by killing the volume manager and maybe esd just to see what happens11:41
Dr_Jekyllells: sorry, i for myself are rather noobish, so i cant help you11:41
jazonpestilence - i did not know i had one running11:41
pestilencejazon: then that's probably the problem :)11:41
dcravendazed, it obviously varies depending on the question and who reads it. If it is a well titled, precise question, then your time to respond drops 10 fold.11:41
ellsDr_Jekyll: what did you just say11:42
pestilencejazon: kill -KILL 1070111:42
Fast240Zthanks for all of your help everyone!11:42
Dr_Jekyllells: i'm not a linux-expert, so i have no clue what's fucking up your xmms :)11:42
BackSlaSh83i really need help...11:42
dazeddcraven true but will i get better help then in hear...cuz its not like i get bad help just no one knows about my problem11:42
pestilencejazon: work?11:42
Fast240Zells: whats your problem with xmms?11:42
ellsDr_Jekyll: Cool, bet. Will stick to rythmbox for now11:42
dazeddo dev's read forums?11:42
bwlangBackSlaSh83: that is about the worst way to get it...11:42
jazonguess everyone can see what i was testing TOTEM with earlier lol11:42
=== fangorious [~icechat5@cpe-67-10-250-51.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dcravendazed, it doesn't hurt to try.11:42
pestilencejazon: hahaha11:43
=== brookiemonsta [~brookiemo@dsl-80-43-65-142.access.as9105.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
ellsFast240Z,  everytime I go to play music in xmms, it locks up11:43
XTCnah it doesn't work11:43
dazeddcraven: oh i tried11:43
Fast240Zrunning gnome?11:43
jazonpestilence: nope - same error when i double click the file11:43
pestilencei'm not a huge fan of totem...i always install mplayer.11:43
fangoriousanyone know how to determine what's going on during ht "Configuring Network Interfaces" bootup sequence?11:43
Fast240Zells: I had the same problem11:43
ellswhat ya do11:43
Fast240Zells: go into xmms, then go to preferences11:43
Fast240Zells: then change the output from oss to alsa or esound11:43
fangoriousIt takes at least a minute for me, and only 'lo' is marked 'auto' in my /etc/network/interfaces11:43
pestilencejazon: perhaps the simplest thing to do would be to reboot and see if that fixes it.  i'm certain there is a way to fix it without rebooting...but...11:44
BackSlaSh83bwlang,: i know but thats' the truth11:44
Fast240Zells: mine only works with esound11:44
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pestilencejazon: it would seem that totem has crashed, and locked the sound system11:44
blahrusanyone have a dvdripping software working on amd64?11:44
=== Ed_Gein [~john@adsl-211-85-164.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
jazonpestilence:  rebooting does NOT correct the problem11:44
syndmike jones who11:44
pestilencejazon: oh.11:44
jazonbtw, is there a shortcut to typing who you are responding to?11:45
ellsFast240Z it did not work with either11:45
ellsFast240Z: it works with rythmbox though11:45
Fast240Zells: hmmm, not sure then, that's what my problem was11:45
pestilencejazon: tab?11:45
fangoriousjazon, some clients have tab completion, i think x-chat does11:45
=== squareff [~squaref@195-245-89-185.dtcom.ro] has joined #ubuntu
ellsFast240Z: it is all good: xmms use to work easy from the get go11:45
=== KaiL [KaiL@pD958B40C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ed_Geinwhat is the command for storing alsa settings after using alsmixer?11:45
Fast240Zells: you could try using bmp instead, it works like xmms and looks pretty11:46
BackSlaSh83alsactl store11:46
=== KaiL [KaiL@pD958B40C.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Glaubt]
jazonpestilence,  cool - i like that!11:46
bwlangBackSlaSh83: just post the symptom you're seeing... looks like your gnome session is screwed up... try logging in as another user. or telinit 1 and come back up to be sure that there are no stray processes hanging around11:46
ellsFast240Z: same issue as xmms for me11:46
=== KaiL [KaiL@pD958B40C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
pestilencejazon: gotta run, good luck.11:46
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=== Agrajag [~Agrajag@66-215-172-98.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu
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dcravendazed, that is a difficult problem to diagnose.11:47
BackSlaSh83bwlang: another user tryed, nothing11:47
=== blizzo [~blizzo@port-212-202-180-45.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu
Fast240Zanyone know what the lock icon means on one of the folders?  I mounted my fat32 windows partition, and some of my files have lock icons on them11:47
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BackSlaSh83bwlang: and i dunno how to look if there are stalling proceses11:47
fangoriousFast240Z, i believe that means they're write-protected11:47
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bwlangBackSlaSh83: i just don't have time to go through it with you ... sorry - here's a hint though... use the console ctrl+alt+f1 and ps aux to see what's hanging.11:47
Fast240Zfangorious: any idea how to make them writeable?11:48
=== paulfox [~me@ACCAAFDB.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
graabeinoh yes... just ended my very first freeciv session!11:48
graabeingood night11:48
neighborleedcraven: yup..just wanted to verify...works for me11:49
dazeddcraven:  i know thats why i would like someone who knwos what they are doing to look at it11:49
blahrusanyone know where to grab transcode for amd64?11:49
clandestineHi ya all, I'm having sound problem, anyone hard that before? ;-D I get no sound at all from XMMS but the loginnoise is audible. Anyone knows what for me to do, or could point me towards some solution manual?11:49
=== rempresent [~rempresen@12-240-12-154.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
fangoriousit should be all or nothing, though. you said only some have the lock? can you notice any pattern to what is locked and what isn't?11:49
rempresenthey everyone11:49
dazeddcraven: i do infact know its a hoary problem cuz it never happened once on warty and started happening immediately on hoary11:49
Fast240Zit's only my pictures folder on my fat32 drive11:49
rempresenti just installed hoary on my laptop and i am having trouble configuring the wireless card11:49
blizzohi I installed java but it doesnt work with firefox ... I moved to ~/.mozilla/plugins and did a ln -s /opt/jdk1.5.0_02/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so but firefox returns an error on start: INTERNAL ERROR on Browser End: Could not get the plugin manager11:50
rempresentit is a broadcam chip, and it is hard to find drivers for it... so does anyone have any leads11:50
Fast240Zfangorious:nm, got to run, I'll deal with it later...thanks anyways!11:50
=== Koljonen [~chronos@KMMMCXCVI.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu
fangoriousanyone have any idea on the "Configuring Network Interfaces" during bootup thing?11:50
blizzoam I doing s.th wrong? ;)11:51
Koljonenim currently using fglrxconfig and i have no idea what to set as the vertical and horizontal refresh rates for my tv :/ any suggestions?11:51
=== Clint|ology [~Clint@nr30-216-196-143-136.fuse.net] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicclandestine: have you read http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats ?11:51
dcravenrempresent, try ndiswrapper. Broadcoms work with it.11:51
thoreauputicclandestine: and you probably need to configure xmms to use esd for audio output11:51
XTCanybody knows how to work with iptables?11:51
rempresentyeah, i got ndiswrapper, got the deb package and installed it or unpacked it with no problems.. what do i do now11:51
gaio'module' object has no attribute 'net'11:52
gaio>> could not load source code for hilighting <<11:52
gaioanyone can help me?11:52
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thoreauputicclandestine: try tab completion ;)11:52
=== vpalle [~vpalle@park222.koll.au.dk] has joined #ubuntu
clandestinethorea > I will look into it, thanx! A lot of googling didn't give me that one. :-D11:52
blahrusanyone know where to grab transcode for amd64 because i am out of luck on building it from source?11:52
jazonfangorious, do you have any suggestions for me?11:53
jazonthanks mcdonaldswes - Well, a couple of things...  I have a strange problem - my Intel i915P sound set is working well, except that I am geting an error with TOTEM - Totem could not startup.ALSA device "default" is already in use by another program.11:53
clandestinethorea > Well, I tried tab compl, but I don't know if Miranda supports it... didn't seem like it anyway. ;-D11:53
jazonfor some background info, I have all my procedures litsed here: http://spyd.sytes.net:8000/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=16am.11:53
fangoriousjazon: about what?11:53
thoreauputicclandestine: I would also suggest you install mpg123 an ogg123 and use those as output for xmms11:53
rempresentdcraven:  what do i do now that i have ndiswrapper installed11:53
=== BackSlaSh83 [~backslash@adsl-133-231.38-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicclandestine: miranda?11:54
=== justmz [~juzme@d21-161.rb2.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
dcravenrempresent, do you have the Windows drivers? (*.inf and *.sys) I'm looking for the wiki instructions.11:54
St0n3-C0lanybody tried YaST here ?11:54
St0n3-C0lfor Debian ;)11:54
jazonfangorious, see right above11:54
rempresentdcraven:  yeah, i gots them11:54
=== fat_larry [~adam@82-33-200-226.cable.ubr01.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
BackSlaSh83bwlang, sorry some problem with telinit (feels noob)11:54
jazonfangorious,  - my Intel i915P sound set is working well, except that I am geting an error with TOTEM - Totem could not startup.ALSA device "default" is already in use by another program.11:55
St0n3-C0ljazon: Try disable your GNOME sounds11:55
grout_they make yast for debian?11:56
St0n3-C0lgrout_: Yep..11:56
St0n3-C0lit's good11:56
fangoriousjazon: what St0n3-C0l said. alternatively set the Multimedia Systems Select to ESD11:56
blizzothats the way it works: ln -s /opt/jdk1.5.0_02/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so libjavaplugin_oji.so (not ns7-gcc) ;)11:56
topyliSt0n3-C0l: yast for debian? are you sure yast can configure debian on all those architectures? :)11:56
dcravenrempresent, Okay, try running "ndiswrapper -i /path/to/windowsdriver.inf".11:56
Quest-MasterDoes anyone know how I can change the mouse cursor in XFCE?11:56
grout_does it run better then on suse?11:56
=== Proteus [proteus-id@128-pool1.ras02.mia01.dial.cogentco.com] has joined #ubuntu
rempresentdcraven: alright hold11:56
=== xesco [~xesco@81-202-2-191.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
fangoriousgrout_: i can't imagine yast running worse11:56
St0n3-C0lYeah...they got YaST from Novell and configured for the use of Debian users11:57
Quest-MasterGCursor changes it for Gnome, but I don't know what to use for XFCE11:57
BackSlaSh83bwlang: however: gdm login on other sessione than gnome (ie: xfce4) if i try to launch gnome(bt gdm or shell): no splash, i get the mouse but nothing else11:57
topyliSt0n3-C0l: interesting and scary11:57
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XTChow do i make changes to my iptables permanent in ubuntu?11:57
fangoriousXTC: is there an /etc/init.d script for iptables?11:58
St0n3-C0ltopyli: They're in debs and comes with apt lines11:58
jazonfangorious, I  set the Multimedia Systems Select to ESD, and it now works... thanks dude!11:58
St0n3-C0lIt really helps those who're very new to debian11:58
Dr_Jekyllanyone got a clue how to get my 4in1 USB CARDREADER to work? /proc/bus/usb/devices says driver is (none)11:59
XTCi think not so11:59
fangoriousXTC: iptables supports arguments like --save and --restore that you can use to save the rules at shutdown, and then load them again at startup11:59
topyliXTC: you do need a script though. iptables rules are not sticky11:59
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fangoriousXTC: see the manpage for the details on the commands. If you have access to an FC box you can look at their init.d script which does the save/restore11:59

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