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tsume_SEBest: looks like splashly supports my card in the whitelist12:30
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SEBesttsume_:  it's really to install, just add the repository and apt-get install splashy and voila12:32
SEBestno file to edit 12:32
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SEBestthe progress bar is not working for me12:33
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schweebfabbione: poke12:46
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blueyeddo I have to compile libapache2-mod-php4 to get mysql support? it's configured --without-mysql.. :/01:11
bluefoxicyIs there a way to get the ubuntu d-i to go and install to a usb device, complete with grub ready to boot from a usb device?01:12
schweebno, you don't have to recompile php401:13
schweebjust install php4-mysql01:13
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bluefoxicyrepost:  is there a way to get the ubuntu d-i to go and install to a usb device, complete with grub ready to boot from a usb device?01:14
blueyedrepost: do I have to compile libapache2-mod-php4 to get mysql support? it's configured --without-mysql..  ;)01:15
schweebblueyed: no01:16
zygabluefoxicy: hey01:17
bluefoxicyhi zyga01:18
bluefoxicydamn, according to the forums there's no easy usb stuff01:18
bluefoxicynot that my laptop is workin with usb anyway01:18
blueyedschweeb, I have that package installed.. ?!01:19
zygabluefoxicy: I've moved forward with malloc trickery ;] 01:19
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blueyedEven reinstalled it again, schweeb.01:19
schweebblueyed: then it's either not enabled, or you're doing something else wrong01:19
schweebtry a phpinfo():01:19
schweeber phpinfo();01:19
blueyedyep, it says "--without-mysql"..01:20
bluefoxicyzyga:  any luck?  esp. confirming that glibc does indeed manage a giant heap (apparently as many subheaps, but it's still one big memory allocation from kernel POV)01:20
schweebblueyed: check further down, for loaded modules01:20
schweebthis is more a #ubuntu matter though01:21
zygabluefoxicy: some, I did not read malloc implementation yet but I've made some small tests that confirm general inefficienty as well as initial malloc&friends test re-implementation effort01:22
zygabluefoxicy: currently I'm stuck with LD_PRELOAD issue01:22
zygabluefoxicy: I don01:22
bluefoxicyLD_PRELOAD=/home/shared/programming/new_allocator.so mem_test_hack01:23
zygabluefoxicy: that works for simple tests but if seems to fail when running something as trivial as ls01:23
zygabluefoxicy: I'm using dlsym (RTDL_NEXT, "...") as my test backend01:23
bluefoxicythen your new code may be broke :)01:23
zygabluefoxicy: new code just gathers stats01:23
bluefoxicywow.  I'm not a software RE01:24
zygabluefoxicy: I've tried doing _init and __attribute__((constructor))01:24
bluefoxicyI just look at the source and documentation and if I don't know then I just say fck it01:24
zygaand even dlsym-per-request01:24
bluefoxicybut that's awesome :)01:24
bluefoxicyfabbione:  ping, awake today?01:24
zygabut all seem to fail on particular tests :/01:24
zygabluefoxicy: RE?01:25
jbaileybluefoxicy: He said good night earlier in another channel.01:25
bluefoxicyzyga:  reverse engineer.01:25
bluefoxicyjbailey:  oh damn I still need help about USB 1.101:25
zygabluefoxicy: neither am I ;] 01:25
bluefoxicyjbailey:  though if you give me a hack to make USB2.0 ports talk to 1.1 devices without a USB 1.1 HCD driver I'll be happy01:25
zygajbailey: maybe you could shed some light on this? how to correctly intercept malloc & friends? (I can show what fails ATM)01:25
bluefoxicyzyga:  you sound like it ;)01:25
zygabluefoxicy: nah, RE is magic stuff - I only use vim and google ;] 01:26
jbaileybluefoxicy: No idea.  I try to stay on this side of the syscall layer. =)01:26
bluefoxicyohci_hcd 0000:00:02.0: USB HC TakeOver failed!  <-- thus, no USB 1.1; but I get 6 2.0 ports (this laptop has 3)01:26
jbaileyzyga: What do you mean 'intercept'?01:26
bluefoxicyjbailey:  for reference with zyga, https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=9824  :)01:27
zygajbailey: get my stuff called instead of libc code, but be able to call libc malloc later01:27
zygajbailey: something like: void *malloc(size_t foo) { return (void (*)(size_t))(dlsym (RTLD_NEXT, "malloc"))(foo); }01:27
jbaileyzyga: Ah, are you John Moser?01:27
zyga(paretheses may be wrong, sorry)01:28
zygajbailey: no ;-) who is that?01:28
bluefoxicyjbailey:  no, I'm john, zyga just liked my idea :)01:28
jbaileybluefoxicy: Ah. =)01:28
bluefoxicyand I'm lazy/busy (college, job)01:28
zygabluefoxicy: heh, sorry :)01:28
bluefoxicyand not much of a hacker ;)01:28
zygajbailey: I'm just trying to learn new things every day and that seemd plausible :>01:28
jbaileyzyga: Umm, I suppose that might work if you dlopen'd yourself.01:29
jbaileyAlthough I don't really know how that works with weak aliases.01:29
zygajbailey: the strange thing is it works on trivial code but fails on real world stuff as simple as ls01:29
zygajbailey: I don't know how aliases are resolved01:30
jbaileyTher'es a function called 'malloc_hook', I wonder what it does.01:30
zygajbailey: I've been using soapbox code as a simple reference (google for: dag soapbox)01:30
bluefoxicyjbailey:  it allocates space for Captain Hook, what do you think it does?  :P01:30
zygajbailey: It get's called by glibc's malloc01:30
zygajbailey: that's good for stats but not to replace malloc compleatly later01:31
bluefoxicyzyga:  I liked my answer better; Hook was a better movie than glibc01:31
jbaileybluefoxicy: I haven't dug through the malloc code.  If I knew what it was, I wouldn't have asked.01:31
bluefoxicyjbailey:  it was a joke man :P01:31
jbaileyzyga: Ah, hmm.01:31
bluefoxicy<Hook> give me my bubbly.01:32
zygabluefoxicy: stop being lazy BTW: read malloc - it's not that big01:32
jbaileyI find it interesting that malloc doesn't seem to be a weak reference to a proper function.01:32
zygajbailey: reading man malloc_hook makes me correct previous statement - this *might* be use to alter malloc implementation01:34
zygajbailey: but that's not what I want in the end (like: no glibc malloc for a moment, go away ;-)01:35
jbaileyWhat I had been thinking with the weak_alias idea was that you could just call the internal function and use symbol versioning magic to get it.01:35
jbaileyInstead, your best bet might be to see if malloc still comes seperate in gnulib and just chain to that.01:36
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zygajbailey: I'll have to re-test dlopen (LIBC_SO, RTLD_LAZY) and subsequent dlsym (...) 01:40
zygajbailey: I don't quite understand why they fail01:40
zygajbailey: I'd love to get some stats from running real world stuff like firefox 01:40
bluefoxicystats on i.e. how much memory is actually allocated vs how big the heap is?01:41
zygabluefoxicy: stats on alloc sizes01:41
zygabluefoxicy: I'm currently evaluating possibilities :)01:41
bluefoxicyheh :)01:41
jbaileyCool, good luck to you on it.01:42
zygabluefoxicy: frankly I don't think I can come up with better malloc during the weekend so this may take lots of time but thanks :>01:42
jbaileyI'd expect that to come up with a better malloc that's balanced in the most common cases and doesn't kill the corner cases will takes years of work, and probably result in several papers being published.01:43
zygajbailey: I always love things auto-optimizing themselves from data gathered by previous runs01:43
jbaileyProfile-based optimisations good.01:44
zygaokay let's get back to reality 01:45
=== zyga goes back to writing crappy project for tommorow classes
zygajbailey: side note: I dont want to re-invent malloc really, I just want it to use different memory interface so that id doesn't keep tons of unused memory 01:46
zyga(but the possibility of doing that depends on current algo ofcourse)01:47
jbaileyzyga: I'm curious if it actually does keep the memory that it seems to.01:47
zygajbailey: simple examples show that it does01:47
zygajbailey: bluefoxicy has a trivial case for you on a web page somewhere01:47
jbaileyAre the tools that you're using capable of seeing small allocations, or do they just show heep size?01:47
jbailey(which could have holes in it)01:48
zygajbailey: good question01:48
zygajbailey: no the tool only shows heap size01:48
jbaileyOften cases tools like top and such report really inaccurate numbers because they're based on simple measurements - so there's no accounting for memory holes, shared data segments, etc.01:48
zygajbailey: at least that's what I think - top's the tool ATM 01:49
jbaileyYeah, top is generally right out to lunch.01:49
zygajbailey: I've got a better test than01:49
jbaileyYou have to go digging through the /proc directory, and probably get malloc debugging turned on to watch the allocations.01:49
jbaileyIt's a worthwhile exercise.01:49
zygahow about this: alloc lots, touch lots, alloc tiny, free lots (lots = physical ram), wait, free tiny01:51
jbaileyRight, but turn on malloc debugging.01:51
zygarun, twice01:51
jbaileyIIRC, you can compile glibc with trace code to show you what's happening.01:51
jbaileyOr grab the version in gnulib, which should have the same algo's as glibc and tweak it a bit to produce the output you want.01:51
zygajbailey: this is less work for a simple test like this01:52
zygajbailey: if it confirms that memory really goes away then I cannot fix anything because it works fine01:52
jbaileyExcept that you still don't have a tool that shows you what the allocations are doing.01:52
zygajbailey: if memory stays then I get to hear my hard drive ;] 01:52
jbaileyRemember to do it in single user mode, then. =)01:52
zygajbailey: good point01:53
=== zyga stops doing crappy project again
zyga(why does every university I know teach lame stuff on their IT classes?)01:54
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jbaileyg'morning doko. =)01:55
jbaileyogra: Or whoever you are...01:56
ograjbailey, we are both ;)01:58
ograsusus, ping 01:59
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ograjdub ?02:01
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schweeb"we are the collective"02:02
ograjdub, i think sydney is the most beautiful city in the world ;) youre a really lucky guy to live here....02:02
bluefoxicyjbailey: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/attachment.cgi?id=213402:03
dokojbailey: so you join us on Saturday?02:04
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zygajbailey: well it swaps out as hell02:05
zygajbailey: a very rough test though02:05
zygasystem is almos totally unusable02:05
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zygajbailey: I don't know what it does yet but keeping one tiny allocated item at the end of otherwise unused heap keeps entire heap used, no holes 02:10
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=== calc notes the gpl'd font issue could become very nasty
robertjcalc: IMO it's non-enforcable and should just be cleaned up as we go02:20
calcits non-enforcable when used in embedded situations such as pdf as well?02:21
robertjcalc: I dunno, I'd suspect so for end-user fonts. I could see a court agreeing that fonts purchased ala-cart had more restrictive licences.02:22
robertjI'm no legal expert, but it seems feasable.02:23
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JanCwhat's the problem with a GPL'ed font ?02:32
calcJanC: the argument which fsf seems to agree with is an embedded font in a document makes said document fall under the GPL as well02:32
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JanCmaybe the font author can force the PDF author to stop distributing his PDF with his GPL font02:34
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JanCthe document wouldn't automagical become GPL'ed...02:35
JanChm, if there was a way to mark font licenses & document licenses, PDF creation programs and the like could check for compatible licenses...  :)02:36
JanCat least, here in europe02:38
dhonnthe font is probably LGPL'ed02:41
dhonnLGPL'ed code is safe for proprietary usage02:42
dhonnplus the font is not source code02:44
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|QuaD-wow.... just got my mailbox full with breezy changes :)03:09
schweebheh, looks like they ran the sync again, eh03:15
crimsunworks for me :)03:16
crimsunI certainly don't mind merging off those03:16
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|QuaD-heeh, i haven't updated yet :)03:20
|QuaD-about to03:20
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robertjdoes anyone know the Gnome 2-point-11 address?03:23
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infinityjbailey : Is it okay if I still moderately dislike you?03:35
jbaileyinfinity: Is this till for the ppc thing?03:39
infinityYes. :)03:39
infinityMy shiny new kernel is OOpsing, so I'm blaming you.03:39
jbaileyDoes the fact that our glibc ought now to work for your PHP setup not make up for some of it?03:40
infinityDon't use logic on me, man.03:40
robertjinfinity: what's the problem?03:41
=== stub [~stub@203-217-40-144.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jbaileyinfinity: Ubuntu's 2.6.10 works fine for me on pegasos and on a g5.03:42
infinityjbailey : I could just be unlucky.  I'm debugging as we speak.03:43
infinityjbailey : My hardware is a bit old and cranky at times.03:43
jbaileyAh, cool.03:46
=== Arrogance [~aks@CPE0050ba556e4b-CM001225423850.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jbaileyinfinity: You're coming to UDU, right?  Do I have to worry about you killing me in my sleep from your hatred?03:56
jbaileyinfinity: Or are we past that point now?03:57
infinityjbailey : Yes, and maybe.03:58
elmoaren't you two sharing a room?03:58
infinityelmo : We are?03:58
=== infinity hasn't seen a room assignment.
elmoinfinity: who knows, I'm just trolling03:58
infinityOh. ;)03:59
zulthere speakup support for breezy04:12
jbaileyzul: Does that collection of words form a sentence? =)04:13
zulin the lower 50 states it does04:14
ajmitch_jbailey: randomly insert words from the dictionary to make up a sentence?04:15
zuland certain parts of canada04:15
jbaileyGiven that we haven't been assimilated yet, would you... NM.  I like Andrew's suggestion.04:15
zuli just ported speakup support for 2.6.1204:15
jbaileyThere... speakup DAMMIT!  Support for breezy?04:15
jbaileySee?  I only needed to add one word and some punctuation. =)04:15
jbaileyzul: What's that? =)04:15
dhonnI love gfx programming and I feel the gfx rendering slow, what source packages should I be looking at to optimize them?04:16
jbaileyzul: Ah, cool.04:17
zuljbailey: so when i loose my sight i can still be witty04:17
robertjzul: draw a better logo before you do ;)04:18
zuli dont draw i hack..:)04:20
zultherefore i am04:20
zulim also slightly tired so i think im going to bed..04:21
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jbaileyBed sounds good. =)04:21
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robitaillegood morning fabbione 06:05
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fabbioneelmo: please sync bzr from experimental07:55
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da_bon_boncan someone plz explain what technology does ubuntu use that enables me to apt-get off the live cd?08:11
infinitykeybuk : Around?08:14
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da_bon_bonwhy does ubuntu not shift over to 2.6.11 kernels ?08:30
fabbionebecause 2.6.11 is crap08:30
da_bon_bonfabbione: ? crap as in ?08:30
fabbionewe are working .12 for breezt08:30
da_bon_bonoh, and hoary will never get kernel updates now, right, fabbione ?08:30
fabbioneda_bon_bon: it is buggy, way too much to spend time in fixing them08:31
fabbioneda_bon_bon: only security updates08:31
da_bon_bonfabbione: :( damn. can i install a 2.6.12 from breezy ? due to slow net, i cant completely switch to breezy...08:32
fabbioneda_bon_bon: there is no .12 in breezy yet08:32
da_bon_bonfabbione: when it is available ?08:32
fabbionethere will be in a couple of weeks i think08:32
da_bon_boni meant, when it is available, can i get .12 in hoary ?08:32
fabbioneda_bon_bon: no08:32
fabbioneit won't work08:33
da_bon_bonwhy ?08:33
fabbioneor it might, but it might needs a lot of work for backporting08:33
da_bon_bonoh ok..08:33
fabbionebecause it will build using the new packages in breezy08:33
da_bon_bonthen i will leave it alone :) maybe even compile my own kernel ;)08:33
fabbionethat changes stuff around08:33
da_bon_bonoh ok..08:34
da_bon_bonbtw, currently, how different is breezy from hoary ?08:34
infinityglibc 2.3.5.  That's all you need to know. :)08:36
infinityOh, and gcc-4.008:36
infinitySo, even if everything else has stayed the same, breezy's likely hideously different/broken compared to hoary right now. :)08:36
da_bon_boninfinity: no new packages ? like gaim , firefox, and other "end-user" packages ?08:37
da_bon_boninfinity: and would u recomend, a person like me, whoze used hoary-devel , to use breezy-devel ?08:37
infinityOh, other things have been updated (and continue to be updated), but those two changes are the two "uh oh, stuff's going to break" changes.08:37
da_bon_bonso u dont recomend mw to update hoary to breezy ATM ?08:38
infinityI'd give it a week or three to settle a bit, but my word's hardly the final one there. :)08:39
da_bon_bonoh ok :)08:40
da_bon_bonso for now, i'll let it be :)08:40
=== Danten [~danten@h13n7c1o1049.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Burgundaviada_bon_bon, I would also wait a wait or so to settle08:44
Burgundaviaafter UDU it should be better08:44
da_bon_bonoh ok08:44
da_bon_bonman, wish i cud attend UDU08:44
da_bon_bonbut i dont even have a passport, let alone a visa ;)08:46
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da_bon_bonone more question - how does ubuntu use grepmap to speed up hotplug ? can i implement it in other distros ?09:04
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ace2001acwhat '-dev' package has the pthread lib in it09:47
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sivangHi all, who is MOM ? ;-)10:10
Burgundaviadebian sid to ubuntu auto merger10:10
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sivangBurgundavia: ah right, cool that's it's awake now10:10
|QuaD-what time?10:13
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cartel_fabbione u there?10:20
fabbionecartel_: yes10:21
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infinityace2001ac : pthread comes from libc.10:22
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=== infinity grumbles about ancient packages spontaneously moving to CDBS 'just cause'.
A_Alamhi can anyone help me to add New Langauge Team to ubuntu10:41
jsgotangcoin rosetta?10:44
A_Alamin live CD, i want to add Punjabi (pa_IN)10:46
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BurgundaviaA_Alam, the live cd is already seriously pressed for space10:49
BurgundaviaI doubt there is room for another lang pack10:49
fabbionecartel_: it's the second time you ping me and disappear.. it's not very polite...10:50
A_AlamBurgundavia, k, but we should open langauge option for New language by some method, should we not?10:50
BurgundaviaA_Alam, hmm. I don't quite understand you10:50
A_Alamif space is limited, then we should not put constrain to number of language, but find some new solution for this10:52
BurgundaviaA_Alam, new solution?10:52
Burgundaviaa live dvd? ala suse?10:52
TreenaksBurgundavia: it should be possible to remove support for one language and add another10:52
Burgundaviait would be nice if they built iso's on the fly, but that is very bluesky10:53
TreenaksBurgundavia: or maybe remove 2 and add 1 large one or something10:53
Burgundaviawhere you could say, I want this lang, and it would do it10:53
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A_AlamTreenaks, may be, as in Asia, we need not Euorpen langs and same for reverse10:54
TreenaksA_Alam: exactly..10:54
TreenaksA_Alam: it's all in the language-support-* and language-pack-* files.. remove those (and install new ones) and it _SHOULD_ work10:55
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A_Alamyes, that is correct10:55
A_Alamgnome 2.10 supported 33 langauge, so we should target to release in all language via Add/remove able module method10:58
TreenaksA_Alam: well, that's a bit hard on a live-cd..10:58
A_Alambut in development of Live CD, can we add option to give the choice to CD-maker (developer) about select language package to  make a live CD?11:00
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zoppyis it possible to disable DMA with grub ?11:27
Treenakszoppy: with grub????11:28
zoppybecause Ubuntu stops about 2 minutes when launching Starting Ubuntu ...11:28
zoppyI have DMA error :(11:28
zoppysame like this error http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24634&highlight=DMA+error11:29
zoppyi have to disable in hdparm.conf I think11:30
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fabbionezoppy: these kind of errors are bad.. usually it's either the hd leaving for a better world or the mobo11:35
fabbioneit can also be the ide flat cable that is not good enough11:35
Treenaksfabbione: or the chipset is wonky11:35
fabbionebut the DMA blacklist for old chipset is pretty stable11:35
zoppyI will try with another ide cable11:38
zoppyto check11:38
=== fabbione sighs at 110 lines of changelog for the new kenrnel
fabbioneand 1) it is not as paranoid as i am used11:38
fabbione2) i am not even half way of the things that need to be done11:39
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=== Treenaks KILLS the PGP Verificaton Service thing
Treenaksit creates bad packets which make gpg complain12:01
Amaranthneat, evolution just got removed12:01
=== Amaranth didn't like it much anyway :)
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zoppydoes a bugreport has been report on Mozilla firefox? 12:07
zoppywhen upgrade to hoary ?12:07
thomzoppy: what's the problem?12:08
zoppymozilla firefox package breaks all the system package12:10
zoppymozilla-firefox 1.0.2-0ubuntu512:11
Treenakszoppy: did you use some kind of backported firefox?12:11
Treenakszoppy: in warty?12:11
thomok, nothing like that has been reported; please file a bug with the exact output from apt and exactly what you did12:11
zoppyI'm trying to update mozilla firefox now12:12
zoppysome error display but install continue12:12
zoppylol worky now 12:12
Burgundaviazoppy, are you trying to install the version of the website?12:12
zoppywith aptitude12:12
fabbionehey thombot12:12
zoppywhen I do the dist-upgrade12:13
zoppymozilla firefox package failed12:13
zoppynow it's works12:13
thomif it works don't file a bug, it's very likely that it was a local problem elsewhere12:14
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cartmanjbailey: any news about #9743 ?12:33
fabbionecartel_: please stop this ctcp thing.. it's really annoying.. what do you need??12:34
Burgundaviacartel_, fabbione is not happy with you12:34
cartel_fabbione, sorry i heard you were doing ubuntu xen-linux-images?12:35
cartel_i tried to build some but i couldnt work with ubuntu soruces12:36
fabbionecartel_: yes and atm xen is no go12:36
cartel_fabbione: can i have your rules?12:36
cartel_fabbione: ive already done this for sarge12:36
fabbionecartel_: xen simply doesn't work on ubuntu kernels12:37
fabbionethere are many major problems12:37
cartel_fabbione: who is the REAL ubuntu kernel maintainer....12:37
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fabbionecartel_: me12:37
cartel_the one that patches the filth out of it12:37
fabbionestill me12:37
cartel_i dont get it.. why such a huge delta from debian?12:37
fabbionecartel_: because we import more bug fixes and external drivers that debian does12:38
cartel_why arent you keeping track of the patches?12:38
fabbionecartel_: i do and it is all documented12:39
fabbionechangelog and source package12:39
cartel_i tried to unpatch the sources12:39
cartel_your own patch would not reverse12:39
fabbioneif you unpatch the source you get a plain 2.6.1012:39
cartel_so youd think12:39
fabbioneand yes they reverse. it's done all the time the package is built12:40
cartel_maybe my source mirror is out of date12:40
fabbionethere were never problems as you describe12:40
cartel_i tried for 10 hours to patch unsuccessfuly12:40
cartel_i could not unpatch from the ubuntu-sources12:40
fabbionewhy do you need to unpatch if you have already the unpatched source?12:41
cartel_nor could i patch up from xenolinux12:41
fabbionei could do both without any issue12:41
fabbioneso it means you are doing something wrong somewhere12:41
cartel_what was your issue then12:41
fabbionei don't have issues...12:41
fabbioneissue with what?12:42
cartel_so you patch but xen just doesnt work?12:42
fabbionecartel_: it compiles, but it doesn't boot12:42
cartel_ok if it compiles, what is the boot error?12:42
cartel_unable to mount root vfs?12:43
fabbioneit boots the xen.gz microkernel and as soon as it loads the real kernel, it keeps rebooting12:43
cartel_can you give me your sources?12:43
fabbionethis is with 2.612:43
cartel_i have done lots of xen builds12:43
cartel_got a serial console?12:43
fabbionecartel_: no i don't have a serial console handy, but i can add one.12:43
fabbionethe sources are in baz12:43
cartel_baz... k12:43
cartel_didnt think of that :)12:43
cartel_i was trying people.ubuntulinux.com thinking it was the same as p.d.o :p12:44
cartel_ill give it a try12:44
cartel_and if i succeed ill give you a patch12:44
cartel_i want to xen my workstation at work, thats ubuntu, ive xenned all my other machines12:45
cartel_they are sarge12:45
cartel_i have failover replicating xenohosts :p12:45
fabbionewe will reevaluate xen when 3.0 will be out12:45
fabbioneright now it is too sensitive to the hardware and the kernel12:46
cartel_wait for my screen shot ;)12:46
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fabbioneno i don't need screenshots. i got it running here with vanilla kernels12:46
fabbionethe problem is integration with distro kernel12:46
cartel_you cant build with the same rules12:46
fabbionecartel_: ?????????12:46
fabbionecartel_: we are talking 2 different languages12:47
fabbionethe problem is not building the package12:47
cartel_you cant build your xen kernel with the same config as the ubuntu kernel can you12:47
cartel_it wont boot12:47
fabbionethat is a trivial 10 minutes work12:47
fabbioneconfig has been adapted and updated to match the XEN options as xen0 and xenU12:47
fabbionestill... it doesn't boot12:47
cartel_it wont boot and still have the same hardware support etc12:47
fabbioneand it is not a config problem12:48
cartel_yes no?12:48
fabbioneno it is not a config problem12:48
fabbionei repeat12:48
fabbionesame source compiled with the default xen config does not boot12:48
cartel_it just reboots?12:48
cartel_what processor are you using?12:49
cartel_p4 ht?12:49
fabbioneno only p412:49
cartel_have you tried compiling for p3?12:49
fabbioneathlon xp boots but can't mount root (this is with 2.4 tho)12:50
cartel_that is the real issue12:50
fabbionecartel_: no and right now xen is not on top of my priorities12:50
cartel_great, that means i can work on it12:50
fabbioneas i said, they are changing implementation radically12:50
fabbioneupstream wise12:50
cartel_i work with upstream :)12:50
fabbioneso it's pointless to bring in old changes12:50
=== tle [~tle@220-244-212-78-vic.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionewell i was told that by a guy that is doing a uni research based on xen12:51
cartel_its important to get this box across because it has the most ram :p12:51
tlehi anyone, has anyone seen pitt online recently?12:51
cartel_ok if your sources are in baz can i get them anonymously?12:51
fabbionecartel_: yes you can12:51
cartel_ok fabbione, thx12:52
fabbionecartel_: just a sec..12:52
cartel_ill leave you alone12:52
fabbionecartel_: the archive is http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/Archives/kernel-team@ubuntu.com--2005/12:52
fabbionecartel_: apt-get source linux-source-2.6.1012:53
cartel_and good night12:53
fabbionecd linux-source-2.6.10-2.6.1012:53
fabbionerm debian -r12:53
fabbioneand baz get from there12:53
fabbionethere are several branches12:53
fabbionethere is one named 2.6.10-experimental (or something like that)12:53
fabbionethat has the preliminary xen support12:53
fabbioneyou can start from there12:53
cartel_ok thanks12:53
cartel_and ill read your changelog12:54
tlesigh, if anyone see pitt online, please buzz me, thx much in advance12:54
fabbionetle: he is in holidays12:54
tlefabbione: oh, thx for that info12:55
cartel_gnight all12:55
cartel_fabbione ill bbl with results12:55
=== fabbione will soon read on news: "Guy used to be named cartel_ on irc, found dead trying to apply xen patches to ubuntu kernels"
tledamm annoyed #5917, for somehow I got into this bug since I change to new mainboard that uses i810, pitt may know about this. Fabbione, can u look over and give me some advice, I can't do the coding in a screen with 640x48012:57
fabbionetle: -> #ubuntu please...12:57
fabbionethis is chan is more like:12:57
tleopps, sorry, my apology12:57
fabbionehey i have a patch to fix bug #591712:57
tlelet me check12:57
fabbionei mean12:58
fabbionethis is chan is more like: "hey i have a patch to fix bug #5917"12:58
tleI am trying to fix this annyoing bug 2, need to work out the reason 1st12:58
d3vic3automake sux 12:59
d3vic3:/ 12:59
cartmand3vic3: welcome aboard12:59
d3vic3O.o 01:00
d3vic3what a good alternative to automake/autoconf ? 01:00
Treenaksd3vic3: uh.. there is an alternative?01:00
tle...automake..best? (I use it all time)01:00
d3vic3s/what/whats/ 01:02
d3vic3Treenaks, that was suppose to be a question :-| 01:02
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tlegcc-4.0 is going crazy, I no longer compile HelloWolrd.cpp01:17
Treenakstle: what's the error?01:17
tle/tmp/ccbS7YSG.o(.text+0x25): In function `main':01:18
tle: undefined reference to `std::cout'01:18
tle/tmp/ccbS7YSG.o(.text+0x2a): In function `main':01:18
tle: undefined reference to `std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >& std::operator<< <std::char_traits<char> >(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, char const*)'01:18
tle/tmp/ccbS7YSG.o(.text+0x47): In function `__tcf_0':01:18
tle: undefined reference to `std::ios_base::Init::~Init()'01:18
tle/tmp/ccbS7YSG.o(.text+0x74): In function `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)':01:18
tle: undefined reference to `std::ios_base::Init::Init()'01:18
tle/tmp/ccbS7YSG.o(.eh_frame+0x11): undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'01:18
tlecollect2: ld returned 1 exit status01:18
tleno idea y01:18
tle1st time I compile, it's OK01:18
tle2nd time compile, it produced this mess01:18
tleHelloWorld.cpp code:01:19
Treenakstle: NO01:19
Treenaksdon't paste01:19
Treenakstle: use pastebin.com or something01:19
tleit's only 3 lines01:19
tle#include <iostream>01:19
tleusing namespace std;01:19
tleint main()01:19
tlecout << "Hello World!";01:19
tlereturn 0;01:19
tleany idea?01:20
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Treenaksno clue01:20
tlethx anyway01:21
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stuNNedi know i should ask this in #ubuntu but how do i restore my dhcp client to it's original ubuntu state?  i fubar-ed it, sorry for offtopic but losing connect fast01:32
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jbaileycartman: No, no word on that bug yet - I haven't even looked at it.01:35
cartmanjbailey: ok let me know if I can help (extra info etc)01:35
jbaileycartman: I dislike doing glibc bugs just for locale updates since it takes so long to build.01:35
astharot-but, where's pitti?01:35
cartmanjbailey: it blocks j2sdk installation here :|01:35
jbaileyNah, it's pretty clear.01:35
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jbaileycartman: Eh? How?01:35
KeybukstuNNed: dpkg --force-confnew --force-confmiss -i /var/cache/apt/archives/dhcp3-client_*.deb01:36
cartmanjbailey: it depens on locales pack, dunno why01:36
cartmanjbailey: so it says "locales not configured" and bail out01:36
stuNNedKeybuk: really appreciate it man thanks alot, let's see :)01:36
stuNNedKeybuk: doubt anyone in #ubuntu would know that one ;)01:37
stuNNedKeybuk: may i /query you for two ques?01:38
cartmanjbailey: can I bribe you with cheesy poofs or something? :)01:39
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jbaileycartman: Unlikely.  I'm a vegan - and immitation cheese just tastes nasty.01:40
cartmanjbailey: damned :)01:41
jbaileycartman: I'll probably aim for a glibc upload tomorrow or Wednesday.01:41
cartmanjbailey: cool, thanks01:41
jbaileycartman: There've been surprisingly few bugs on glibc so it really is better to batch them up.01:41
cartmanjbailey: I also reported a new libc6 bug assigned to you01:41
jordijbailey: how easy is to add new locales in ubuntu?01:41
cartmanbut its possibly invalid01:41
jordieasier than Debian? :)01:41
jbaileyjordi: Errmmm....01:42
cartmanjbailey: ldd on  a i386 binary fails01:42
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jbaileycartman: Works me for.01:43
fabbionehey jbailey 01:43
jbaileyEnglish grammar.01:43
jbaileycartman: Works for me.01:43
cartmanlemme get the bug #01:43
cartmanjbailey: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=987901:43
cartmanmaybe I need some extra libs?01:43
jbaileyjordi: I *really* hate adding locales that arne't approved by upstream.  The problem is that most of the time they don't get accepted, and then we have a local mod that never works its way upstream.01:44
cartmanDrepper is such a cool guy heh ;)01:44
jbaileyjordi: If I had a better set of criteria from upstream on getting them in it would be easier, but it really seems based on the side of bed drepper got out of in the morning.01:44
jbaileyHeya Fabio!01:44
cartmanjbailey: do I need some 32bit libs or something?01:45
jbaileyEh?  You said i386...01:50
jbaileyOh, I see.01:51
jbaileyUmm.  I don't actually know how the biarch setup for amd64 works.01:51
cartmanjbailey: I am on amd64 and trying to ldd a 32bit executable01:51
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jbaileycartman: ISTR that there's some sort of i386-libs package or something like that which you generally need.01:56
jbaileycartman: I don't have an amd64, though, so I don't have a good answer.01:56
cartmanjbailey: I think so too, I appreciate if you can assign bug to someone with am amd64 01:56
jbaileyNah, that bug is probably best assigned to me - just because I don't know it doesn't mean I shouldn't learn it.01:57
cartmanjbailey: ok, thanks for your help. appreciated01:58
cartmanthere is ia32-libs pack01:59
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cartmanpossibly thats what I need01:59
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jbaileyThat could be what I'm thinking of.02:01
jbaileyAlthough.  Why are you running a firefox binary from i386 instead of the one built for Breezy?02:01
cartmanjbailey: ah because it depends half of libgnome<foo>02:01
jbaileycartman: This is a bad thing?02:02
cartmanI installed as "server"+compile kde cvs . its pretty good02:02
cartmanjbailey: not for gnome users nope02:02
cartmanits a good thing for them02:02
thomyeah, there's a bug filed about that02:02
thomon my TODO list02:02
jbaileyHeya thom.02:02
cartmanI didn't file a bug because Gnome is default desktop environment02:03
cartmanbut it would be cool to have a barebones firefox02:03
thomso, is it just me who can't grasp the concept of "having the caps lock key be, well, caps lock is unintuitive and bad"?02:03
thomcartman: that is the idea of the firefox{,-gnome-support} split indeed02:04
cartmanthom: yup02:04
jordijbailey: I have 3 locales ready to send to drepper: ca_AD, ca_FR and ca_IT. :)02:04
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jbaileyAre those state-sponsored locales, or community ones?02:05
jbaileyState sponsored ones usually want government standards and stuff.02:05
jbaileyCommunity ones usually want newspapers, websites, etc. showing the customisations.02:05
jbailey(and that a community exists)02:06
cartmanjbailey: yep thats it, install ia32-libs fixed it02:06
jbaileyNice.  Will you close out the bug then please?  (Unless you want to call it a documentation bug.  Dunno where you looked for the answer first, though)02:07
cartmanjbailey: I will add a comment about ia32-libs and close it so next time people can check it and see :)02:07
jbaileyCool, I appreciate it.02:08
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\shok...question...I want to install only the server part of ubuntu..but after debootstrapping and /usr/bin/base-config new it installs me complete everything for the workstation (xorg and stuff)02:35
cartmanalso anyone knows when breezy will switch to g++ 4.0 hence break c++ abi?02:35
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\shhow can I change this behaviour02:35
\shcartman: after UdU02:35
cartman\sh: cool, ok02:35
\shah...cartman, now i know ;) mr. konversation  :)02:36
Treenakswill the new c++ api be faster? better? cooler?02:36
Treenaksor is it a minor change?02:36
cartman\sh: *g* :)02:36
cartmanTerminX: all of it02:36
cartmanit will have nice new bugs too ;)02:37
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jbaileyjordi: Thinking about it - between Rosetta and the LoCo teams there ought to be some way we can prove locales a bit better.02:38
\shhow can I get only the needed packages for ubuntu without X ;)02:39
jordijbailey: these are just to have French, Andorrans and Italians who want their desktop in their language, not forced to use ca_ES02:40
jbaileyjordi: Makes sense, but I mean in general.02:40
jbaileyI wonder if there's some way that we can use the LoCo structure to be able to say, "See, there is a French Catalan community, and it's worth the overhead of maintaining this setup ongoing"02:41
jordiIn this case, the French Catlaan community would optimally be the same community as the general Catalan community02:42
jbaileywhat keeps them from just using 'ca' for their locale, then?02:43
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\shguys, which file i have to edit, to remove all the Xserver stuff from being installed after /usr/bin/base-config02:45
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shayawondering what's going on with evolution, seems weird05:01
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mvirkkilCan you write to a unix socket on a read-only filesystem?05:20
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ivoksi have one q. about CFLAGS05:22
ivokswhat are they? mtune and march?05:22
ivoks486? pentium?05:22
zAo^srry donno05:22
cartmanivoks: try #ubuntu05:26
ivoksthey said try ubuntu-devel05:26
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ivokswell.. it is ubuntu-devel topic05:26
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cartmanmtune is tunes for cpu05:27
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cartmanoh well05:27
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ivoksthat i want to know05:27
ivoksi won't install 486 distro on pentium-m05:27
cartmanivoks: grumble05:28
cartmanjust get i686 glibc/kernel05:28
cartmanand you will be fine05:28
ivoksit has that?05:29
ivoksok, thanx05:31
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mvirkkilLet's say I've created a unix socket to /etc/foobar and then remount the partition which contains /etc as read only. Can I still write to that socket?05:55
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\shok...my crazy adventure is done06:11
\shgentoo replaced by ubuntu06:11
\shand all my services running06:12
\shmysql apache2 jabberd2 vsftpd bind06:12
cartman\sh: neat06:12
\shnow whats missing: some packages for new jabberd2 python transports06:13
\shthis i have to do on my own06:13
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mvirkkildaniels: Are you the person who is going to be looking at usplash?06:26
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LinuxJonesCan someone please pop into #ubuntu there is a text spammer that needs to be kicked please (ablyss)06:57
lunitikSomeone please +q ablyss in #ubuntu?06:57
Treenaksis it possible/easy/etc. to create a breezy pbuilder environment yet?06:57
=== lunitik thinks he should get op status in there due to being there so much... then he wouldn't have to annoy you'll :)
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zygahello :)06:59
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bluefoxicydammit freenode.08:40
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zulhey Mithrandir you down under yet?09:38
Mithrandirzul: yeah.09:38
zulhow is it?09:38
Mithrandirand I'm a bit jeg-lagged, so I woke up at five-ish in the morning09:38
Mithrandirnice and warm during the day, cold during the night.09:38
Mithrandirnice people, even though their local dialect is a bit odd. ;)09:38
MithrandirI arrived last morning, so I've spent most time saying hi to people so far.09:39
Mithrandiryou coming?09:39
zuluh i wish...lack of money and job commitments09:39
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Amaranthare the devs at udu?09:45
crimsungetting there09:46
Burgundavia_lca right now I think09:46
crimsunor already there.09:46
Mithrandirit's LCA now, yes09:46
Mithrandirbut it means my head won't be totally FUBAR during the first couple of days due to being in the wrong TZ.09:46
Burgundavia_lca starts today09:47
MithrandirLCA miniconfs started yesterday and will happen today too09:47
Mithrandirthe full conf starts wednesday09:47
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drspinEver since I switched to Hoary I can't open a new X session (i.e. Applications -> System Tools -> New Login) -- I also started receiving "Cannot initialize HAL" error every time I login -- perhaps they are related. I have asked in the channel and get no response or even anyone remotely interested in pointing me in the right direction...09:53
Burgundavia_drspin, I would search the forums and bugzilla for an answer. If you don't find one, file a bug about it10:04
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Jeeves_Hello all11:31
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zoppyis it possible to disable DMA11:44
zoppybecause I haven't configure anything in hdparm.conf11:44
zoppyand I have DMA error :(11:44
zoppyall is commented in hdparm.conf11:45
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zoppywhen Starting Ubuntu ... in boot sequence I have to wait 2 minutes before the boot begins11:45
zoppybecause DMA error11:45
Jeeves_zoppy: I think you'd have to join #ubuntu-support for that question11:45
abelli_hi ppl, is there any particular reason why *.node.tor have been banned?11:49
\shyeah I have it...swap from gentoo 2005.0 to ubuntu hoary in less then 24h ;)11:59
abelli_...banned from #ubuntu ... i forgot.12:00

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