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JanC | hm, bugs aren't linked anymore after I merged accounts ? | 12:53 |
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salgado | JanC, they should. but if you're sure they're not, please report a bug, writing the accounts you merged, so we can see what went wrong and fix | 01:00 |
JanC | should both bugzilla & malone bugreports show up ? | 01:01 |
salgado | JanC, malone, only | 01:02 |
JanC | should I see closed bugs in the bug list in my account ? | 01:07 |
salgado | JanC, what's the name of the accounts you merged? | 01:17 |
JanC | janc13 & janc+ubuntu into janc | 01:18 |
JanC | and IIRC there was a bug report for rosetta from back in (I think) january | 01:20 |
salgado | JanC, looks like you're right. it was reported in 2005-01-11, by janc13 | 01:20 |
JanC | it's not really that important t ome, just that others might have similar problems... | 01:21 |
JanC | if you aren't doing that already I'll create a bug report ? | 01:24 |
salgado | JanC, thank you for pointing out the problem. | 01:25 |
salgado | I'll report it, because I found what's wrong and the fix is pretty easy | 01:26 |
JanC | ah, okay | 01:26 |
salgado | I'll note the accounts you merged in the bugreport, so our dba can reasign janc13's bug to janc | 01:27 |
salgado | JanC, bug reported. please tell us about any other problem you find. thanks again. see you | 01:36 |
JanC | thank you too :) | 01:36 |
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carlos | mdke: all available translations for ubuntu-docs documents will should appear today in Rosetta | 12:12 |
mdke | carlos, :) | 12:34 |
mdke | carlos, someone uploaded the french quickguide yesterday | 12:35 |
carlos | yeah | 12:35 |
carlos | I saw it | 12:35 |
carlos | but it's not a problem | 12:36 |
mdke | good | 12:36 |
carlos | we check the po version before uploading it again | 12:36 |
mdke | ? | 12:40 |
mdke | its the latest version | 12:40 |
mdke | carlos, where are you taking the po files from? | 12:46 |
carlos | mdke: from latest ubuntu-docs package uploaded into Hoary | 12:49 |
mdke | ok | 12:49 |
mdke | the french quickguide is the same as that | 01:04 |
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jalrnc | carlos: hi carlos, are you there? | 06:36 |
carlos | jalrnc: hi | 06:36 |
jalrnc | carlos: I was talking to matt regarding rosetta and translation groups | 06:37 |
carlos | jalrnc: matt == mdz? | 06:38 |
jalrnc | carlos: the PT loco team has been involved in some translations but there is no PT translation group in rosetta yet | 06:38 |
jalrnc | yep | 06:38 |
jalrnc | mdke | 06:38 |
jalrnc | no sorry, Matthew East | 06:38 |
carlos | ok | 06:38 |
carlos | jalrnc: just ask for the team and I will create it for you | 06:38 |
carlos | do you want it? | 06:39 |
jalrnc | yep | 06:39 |
jalrnc | it would allow us to revise/correct existing translations for the PT documents | 06:40 |
jalrnc | as it is now we can only add new translations and we do not have much control in rosetta | 06:40 |
carlos | ubuntu-l10n-pt or ubuntu-l10n-pt-pt ? | 06:41 |
jalrnc | the former is my preference (ubuntu-l10n-pt) | 06:41 |
carlos | ok | 06:41 |
jalrnc | as our translations' suffix is -ot | 06:41 |
jalrnc | -pt | 06:41 |
carlos | jalrnc: are you the coordinator of the PT loco team? | 06:42 |
jalrnc | yes, I am | 06:42 |
carlos | jalrnc: Joo Cruz, right? | 06:43 |
jalrnc | exactly | 06:43 |
carlos | Team created: https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/people/ubuntu-l10n-pt | 06:44 |
carlos | and you are the admin | 06:44 |
jalrnc | cool, that's great | 06:44 |
carlos | that let you choose who is able to join the team | 06:44 |
jalrnc | wonderful, I'll take care of it | 06:45 |
carlos | thanks | 06:46 |
jalrnc | thank you | 06:48 |
carlos | np | 06:49 |
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