[12:01] Jeeves_: it's #ubuntu, not #ubuntu-support. [12:01] abelli_, probably because some people have been acting up while hiding behind behind tor [12:01] toresbe: I know. I told him @ubuntu-support [12:02] <\sh> gentlemen, ubuntu for a server == hard work to do [12:04] aha [12:04] Say, any-one here read my story @#ubuntu-love? [12:04] <\sh> Jeeves_: tell the story [12:05] \sh: Well, I've setup a mirror for Ubuntu [12:05] Emailed tha data [12:05] Got no reply [12:05] Nor a mention in the mirrors list [12:05] LinuxJones: hu right [12:05] Emailed another address [12:05] Got no reply [12:05] Nor a mention in the mirrors list [12:06] Wiki'ed myself on the mirror-list. [12:06] And now I found out that I am removed from that list. [12:07] I would like very much to mirror ubuntu fully. But if Ubuntu doesn't cooperate. Why would I even bother spending disk-space and bandwidth? [12:07] So far, I've found no-one who could tell me where to wine about this [12:07] <\sh> well..i think there r rules for that, u have to be a coc member or whatever [12:07] coc-member? [12:08] <\sh> yeah ubuntu member who signed to code of conduct [12:08] <\sh> -to +the [12:09] Well. That is not documented. AND still. If you want your distro to succeed. The least you can do is reply on the emails you recieve [12:09] <\sh> Jeeves_: ubuntu is not different from other distros [12:10] <\sh> i send a infra-monkey application to the gentoo-recruiters a couple of months ago [12:10] <\sh> i never heard anything from them [12:11] \sh: I'm not complaining about Gentoo. I'm complaining about Ubuntu. :) [12:11] <\sh> I asked a couple of guys I know, who are responsible to mentor new devs or infra-monkeys for gentoo...and they tried to gather some infos about the status of the application...nothing [12:11] <\sh> Jeeves_: what I want to tell you, do it, don't wait for anybody [12:12] <\sh> if you want to establish a mirror, do it. :) [12:12] mvirkkil: one of them, yes [12:12] \sh: I've done that. What's the use if ubuntu doesn't document that [12:12] ? [12:13] <\sh> Jeeves_: well, i hope something is chaning after udu [12:13] Jeeves_: er, can't you just edit the wiki? [12:14] bob2: I'd like to know why I was removed [12:14] Because the history stops at some moment [12:15] Jeeves_: did you email mirrors@canonical.com like the page told you to? [12:15] bob2: Multiple times [12:15] <\sh> write mark directly [12:15] abelli_: it was banned due to people abusing it [12:16] Who's mark? [12:16] <\sh> mark shuttleworth === Keybuk [~scott@] has joined #ubuntu-devel [12:16] bob2: thank you [12:16] again. :) [12:16] <\sh> if nobody is answering, the boss has to answer ;) [12:17] \sh: Yeah. Sure. :) [12:17] <\sh> one more cigarette and then I have to go to bed..today I have to solve some issues with a couple of transport streams in our tv network [12:17] But it isn't know who exactly is responsible for this mirror-shit? [12:18] please chill out, dude [12:18] getting abusive isn't going to resolve anything [12:19] <\sh> Jeeves_: ask all those question during the next #ubuntu-meeting [12:19] <\sh> bob2: talking to me? :) [12:19] no, Jeeves_ [12:19] <\sh> sry :) [12:20] Who's getting abusive? [12:20] Me? :) [12:20] Well, 'shit' isn't exactly abusive where I come from. But I'll try to think about it. :) [12:21] it's certainly not polite [12:22] bob2: Like I said, it's just a word where I come from. But I'll try to think about it. [12:22] er, ok then === \sh needs a trip back to ZA...I feel that...I need to eat chilli chees lamb burger @coconut grove, durban:) [12:24] <\sh> I'm hungry [12:24] bob2: I come from Holland. That's the rotten country where we kill little babys and elderlys when we feel like it, and we are constantly doing drugs. === Amaranth needs seb128 :/ [12:24] (As far as FoxNews is concerned) [12:24] ... [12:25] <\sh> Jeeves_: well..i thought holland is the west part of germany? ,-) === bob2 notes he is not from the us, nor ever watched fox news [12:25] faux news? [12:26] bob2: I wasn't suggesting that. I was only telling where I'm from. And really, you haven't heard the story from Fox? :) [12:27] <\sh> bob2: r u joining udu? [12:27] \sh: No, that was only temporarily. About 60 years ago.. :) [12:27] <\sh> Jeeves_: hehe :) === auxesis [~lindsay@] has joined #ubuntu-devel [12:28] \sh: I'll be there all week, yeah [12:28] \sh: And, that was not really appreciated. :) [12:28] (I work for canonical) [12:29] <\sh> bob2: ah :) do me a favour pls, if u meet ogra, pls tell him, that he has to buy some boomerangs [12:30] hehe [12:30] <\sh> ok guys...cu later today :) [12:30] Later [12:31] <|QuaD-> the next ubuntu conference should be held in NYC :) [12:31] hah, don't like the chances of it being in the us === daniels clears his throat (and involuntarily sneezes, thanks to the Ubuntu cold), notes that the topic of this channel is Ubuntu development, looks up at the scrollback. [12:32] <|QuaD-> bob2: why? [12:32] <|QuaD-> daniels: hehe sorry [12:32] |QuaD-: no cherry ripes (google) [12:33] daniels, I don't see a whole look of dev work going one [12:42] "Amaranth faux news?" lololol === netjoined: irc.freenode.net -> tolkien.freenode.net === ups [~ups@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jk_ [~jochem@jkossen.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Jeeves_ 's gone === netjoined: irc.freenode.net -> tolkien.freenode.net === ups [~ups@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === ups [~ups@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === susus [~sz@p5089F45D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === wasabi_ [~wasabi@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Keybuk [~scott@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mxpxpod [~bryan@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === blueyed [~daniel@iD4CC00E4.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel [01:25] meh, something screwy with evo and eds in breezy right now [01:25] yeah [01:25] libcamel [01:25] not sure if we've picked up a sync-from-Debian by accident, or something === mdz_ [~mdz@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Keybuk hauls breezy-changes half way around the world === moyogo [~moyogo@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mpt [~mpt@] has joined #ubuntu-devel [01:33] meh, elllllllllllllllmo [01:33] i heard he was off all week [01:33] sebbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb [01:34] he is [01:34] seb's off too [01:34] but elmo is within shouting distance [01:34] BUH [01:34] if he's up [01:35] Sat, 16 Apr 2005 11:40:10 - Accepted evolution-data-server 1.2.2-1ubuntu1 (source) [01:35] Mon, 18 Apr 2005 01:50:24 - Accepted evolution-data-server1.2 1.2.2-2 (source) === Keybuk wonders if there's problem there ... [01:39] yup! the sync overwrote libebook1.2-3 [01:39] would anybody scream if I turned the "link every library know to man" feature off in pkg-config for breezy? [01:39] is breezy open yet ? [01:39] lifeless: for a week [01:39] eww [01:39] for a week, or in a week ? [01:40] so Debian and us have different source names [01:40] messy [01:40] seb is off for a week?!? [01:40] damnit, i've been waiting to ask him a question [01:40] Amaranth: yeah, holidaying in Sydney [01:40] lifeless: for [01:40] 'holiday' ;) [01:40] we should get baz 1.3.2 in now then ;) [01:41] there are also packages in breezy that depend on things that are only in sid [01:42] like gnome-art depending on a lot of ruby 1.9 things [01:42] yeah, in breezy be dragons [01:46] I wonder if the hotel has laundry facilities. [01:52] we should also get gnome-power and the new hal in too ;) [01:53] mjg59: are you in the gnome room? [01:53] if so, where the heck is it? === Mithrandir sighs [01:56] mxpxpod: yes yes, working on it [01:57] thom: suhweet! [01:57] thom: any idea where everybody is? [01:58] Mithrandir: daniel, pasc, mjg59 and i just finished breakfast in burgman [01:58] ook === Mithrandir is sitting outside where the gnome miniconf was rumored to be, but evidently isn't [01:59] bah, I'll just go back, I guess. === fgx [~fgx@host198-217.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel [02:04] Mithrandir: you popped your head in [02:05] so you've been here [02:05] saw all the gnomepeople [02:05] and walked out again :) [02:05] from Manning Clark, follow the "LCA miniconf" chalk across campus to the other building [02:05] a [02:05] very unformtable in fact [02:06] garh [02:06] wireless cuky leads to wrong channels [02:08] Keybuk: Leaving which direction? [02:09] mjg59: across the court, and towards the trees [02:09] opposite direction to city [02:15] Keybuk: bah. Silly me. [02:15] Keybuk: there's a sign saying "Cluster miniconf" there though. [02:16] yes [02:16] it's to keep out the KDE people :) [02:17] Kamion: terraform and the hypothetical casper-installer want similar things from d-i === mdz_ is now known as mdz-lca [02:18] oh joy, uploading pictures over this link _sucks_. [02:23] if I compile my own kernel from a kernel at kernel.org and apply the inotify 0.22 patch to it (2.6.12-rc2), will it work with the stuff in hoary? [02:24] such as gamin === stratus [~stratus@201008071146.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu-devel === auxesis [~lindsay@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === medwards__ [~medwards@adsl-64-175-14-60.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === medwards__ [~medwards@adsl-64-175-14-60.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu-devel [] === mkedwards [~mkedwards@adsl-64-175-14-60.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === marcin_ant [~marcin@www.e-dev.tele2.pl] has joined #ubuntu-devel [02:50] mdz-lca: sounded quite different to me; could you elaborate? [02:51] auto-raid-installation would do most of terraform, I think [02:52] mdz-lca: please merge colin.watson@canonical.com--2005/casper--cdebconf-info--0 [02:53] mdz-lca: terraform reminded me more of the hypothetical CD-editing script (and your trivial implementation thereof) === Keybuk debates an NIH option parser library === minghua [~minghua@adsl-69-153-134-66.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel [03:02] Keybuk: getopt isn't good enough, huh? [03:03] well, no === zul [~chuck@CPE0006258ec6c2-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel [03:08] I don't suppose the CD image construction scripts have been packaged. (It now looks like I'm going to have to roll an amd64 install CD with 2.6.11.x + working aacraid.) === jsgotangco [~jsg@] has joined #ubuntu-devel [03:12] good morning!!!! === camilotelles [~camilot@201009115099.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Riddell [jr@muse.19inch.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === __keybuk [~scott@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === sladen [paul@starsky.19inch.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === A_Alam [~a_alam@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === robitaille [~robitaill@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mike_douglas [~mike@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Reformed is now known as bl === stub [~stub@203-217-40-144.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel === gabaug [~gabe@vpn.ece.uiuc.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel === bradb [~bradb@modemcable087.14-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel [04:44] uh. [04:44] is libpq4 in sid significantly different from libpq3 in hoary? [04:44] i'm looking, and it looks like libpq4 is for pgsql 7.4? === Zugot [~bryan@pcp0010860530pcs.longhl01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === zenrox [~zenrox@wbar7.sea1-4-4-043-090.sea1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === camilotelles [~camilot@201009115099.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu-devel === camilotelles [~camilot@201009115099.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu-devel === ogra [~ogra@CPE-60-225-18-37.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel [05:50] morning [05:50] hey fabbionne [05:50] whoops fabbione [05:50] indeed [05:50] greetings from sydney :-D [05:51] hi ogra [05:51] Mithrandir, are you at lca ? [05:51] or just awake early ? [05:51] how's the sea, ogra? :) [05:51] wasnt swimming yet [05:52] doko, mvo and amu gone surfing today [05:52] ogra: yesw, LCA [05:52] dholbach, seb128, pitti and me made aarbor tour [05:52] aarbor/a harbor === pitti [~pitti@CPE-60-225-18-37.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel [05:53] Hi guys [05:53] the wifi in this hostel feels like surfing with a mobile phone [05:53] this is pitti speaking from Down Under [05:53] hey pitti [05:53] ittid? [05:53] ogra: heh. [05:54] ogra: I finally managed to get WEP working with linux-wlan-ng :-) [05:54] hopefully it'll be better in the hotel next week [05:54] ogra: if it makes you happy, the network here is slow too, at least when I'm running SSH from home. [05:54] ogra : All internet access in this country is like surfing with a mobile phone. Cope. :) [05:55] Mithrandir, just reading my mail on the server with my good old elm via ssh :) [05:55] infinity, so how do you upload your packages then, thats horrible [05:55] infinity: apart from the non-bandwidth, the country is pretty nice, though [05:55] ogra : I go get a coffee while it uploads. === ogra would like to settle down in sydney immediately [05:56] heh [05:56] hi ogra :) [05:56] Mithrandir : Yeah, it's kinda like a less-cold-Canada, so I'm pretty at home here. The only two downsides are the lack of bandwidth, and high prices of tech gear. [05:56] hey ajmitch [05:56] :) [05:56] ogra: it'll be an improvement for me! [05:56] ajmitch, i LOVE your part of the world ... [05:56] infinity: no idea about the tech gear, but the country seems mostly cheap so far. [05:58] yo ogra [05:58] YAY jdub !!! [05:58] ogra: you're out here already? [05:58] it sooo wonderful here [05:58] yep [05:58] Mithrandir : Computer hardware is about 2 months behind and twice as expensive as I'd expect to buy it in North America. S'why I bought my girlfriend's new computer in the US while we were there for CHristmas. [05:58] hey jdub [05:58] in kings cross [05:58] jdub: congrats on the wedding [05:58] ogra: ha ha, cool :) [05:58] ajmitch_: thanks! [05:59] jdub, err potts point i mean [05:59] infinity: heh (: [05:59] jdub : Indeed, congrats. I hope that inviting thom didn't turn out to be a horrible mistake? :) [05:59] jdub, yeah, congrats, will we see pdub on the conference ? [06:00] ogra: yep [06:00] infinity: ha ha, no [06:00] infinity: he had special duties ;) [06:00] [06:00] wow, great, looking forward to meet the woman that was crazy enough to marry you, jdub [06:00] ;-) === ogra guesses his susus is still asleep in germany... [06:01] wow [06:01] ogra is early [06:01] isn't kings cross that place where you can be mugged [06:01] ogra: adjusting to the TZ change ok? [06:01] yep [06:01] jsgotangco : Or see the hippo races. [06:02] had a very hard day yersterday, but now its ok [06:02] doh [06:02] jsgotangco, its directly behind the redlight destrict.... [06:03] hmmm im arriving on the 24th in the morning... [06:03] i still wonder how i can get to the hotel..the train perhaps [06:03] jsgotangco, thats not the hotel for the conference.... [06:04] jsgotangco, its a cheap backpackers hostel....(with flaky wlan :( ) [06:04] yeah, I'm going to have fun with transport getting to UDU [06:04] since I arrive a day early [06:04] i was told the taxi would cost $30 ughh [06:04] but the shuttle would cost only $9 [06:05] time to walk home from work :) [06:08] i do that all the time [06:10] ok lunch === seb128 [~seb@CPE-60-225-18-37.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mdz-lca [~mdz@] has joined #ubuntu-devel [06:16] Hey seb128, dude! :-) [06:16] hey mdz [06:16] morning [06:16] hey guys [06:16] pitti, dude [06:16] seb128: I'll come down to you soon, I just don't have power downstairs [06:16] Hi fabbione [06:16] pitti, power sucks anyway [06:16] mdz-lca: are you going to jdub's gnome3 crackcrackcrack talk? [06:17] hi fabbione [06:17] fabbione: come to us, nice city and loads of sun [06:17] hi seb128 [06:17] pitti: ehehhe [06:17] pitti, the sun is hittijng my neck again [06:17] ups [06:17] mdz-lca: we have problems with unionfs [06:17] hey Mithrandir mdz-lca [06:17] mdz-lca: on ppc it manage to ICE gcc-3.X [06:17] mdz-lca: we are still digging into the problem, but the code is dirty [06:18] okay, see you later [06:18] universe guys are saying hi too :p === __keybuk [~scott@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === raluke [~raluke@pcp0011113792pcs.elkrdg01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === ogra tries out if the antenna works outside.... [06:20] hi mdz-lca btw ;) [06:21] Mithrandir: is that right now? [06:21] mdz-lca: in four minutes === pitti [~pitti@CPE-60-225-18-37.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel [06:22] wb pitti [06:22] Mithrandir: if I have to choose between mentoring and gnome ubercrack, I think I'll stay here [06:22] ogra: hi [06:23] mdz-lca: ok [06:26] mkedwards: colin.watson@canonical.com--2005/cdimage--mainline--0 in arch (http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/archives/colin.watson@canonical.com--2005) [06:26] mkedwards: they're pretty much entirely untested outside our systems, though [06:27] mkedwards: (oh, and 'baz build-config configs/devel' after checking that out) === pitti [~pitti@CPE-60-225-18-37.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel [06:31] fabbione: what's dirty in it? [06:31] mdz-lca: the code isn't really portable.. [06:31] they wrote it with i386 only in mind [06:32] i managed to fix for amd64/ia64 [06:32] at least now it builds.. no clue if it works [06:32] but ppc is a showstopper atm === ogra [~ogra@CPE-60-225-18-37.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel [06:34] Hey ogra [06:34] hmm, doesnt work outside :( [06:34] hey pitti [06:35] pitti, tell dholbach coffee is ready :) [06:35] ogra: done [06:35] where should we assign bugs like "/etc/fstab has a floppy drive entry on a box without floppy drive" ? [06:36] pitti, why do you guys let me alone ? [06:36] wb ogra :) [06:36] seb128: I come down again now [06:36] heh [06:36] so i would like to note that supporting dmraid might be useful for users moving over from windows who have those onboard crap raid chips ;) [06:36] http://people.redhat.com/~heinzm/sw/dmraid/readme === dholbach [~daniel@CPE-60-225-18-37.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel [06:36] ajmitch, flaky wlan here... [06:36] not sure if i should stick that in the wiki somewhere [06:36] YAY dholbach !! [06:36] hai [06:36] calc, hi, have you fixed menu-xdg for debian ? [06:36] seb128: erm i think i forgot i was sick starting that night for over a week === ogra applauds dholbach for his successfull wlan install [06:36] dholbach, why are you hidding guy ? [06:37] seb128: i can fix it tomorrow or if you want to you can NMU it [06:37] calc, k, some people complained about it for Debian, so if you want to fix it ... :) [06:37] calc, nop, I'm on VAC atm, thanks :) [06:37] hi dholbach [06:37] enjoying sydney? [06:37] seb128: ok === calc bbl [06:37] sydney rocks [06:40] YEAH, so hard [06:42] arggh === storekro [~user@krovich.dsl2.d-mgtn.labyrinth.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jsgotangco getting excited more [06:45] How can I do an automatic install and end up with the same thing as happens when you type "server" from the install cd? I've got automatic installs working, but it by default installs the desktop. === UbuntuGet [~gustav@gw5.web.thalamus.se] has joined #ubuntu-devel [06:47] storekro: server preseeds the following debconf questions: [06:47] archive-copier archive-copier/copy boolean false [06:47] base-config base-config/package-selection string [06:47] base-config base-config/install-language-support boolean false [06:47] fabbione: if we only have it on i386, that is enough to test it out === snaggen [~snaggen@c-987070d5.034-37-73746f12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu-devel [06:49] Kamion: thanks. [06:49] Seems like I would want to do: [06:49] base-config base-config/package-selection string server [06:49] ? [06:49] as well as the other lines [06:50] or will just leaving it blank suffice? === storekro runs off to experiment [06:50] storekro: no [06:50] Kamion: thanks, tooling up now to try cdimage. [06:50] storekro: you would not want to do that; there is no package called "server" [06:50] hey Kamion [06:50] Kamion: nod [06:50] fabbione: yo [06:51] Kamion: can we kill DEVFS support? [06:51] fabbione: no, initrd-tools requires it [06:51] the installer doesn't, but last I checked the installed initrd still did [06:51] mdz-lca: yes, we can test it, but if we are going to use it, we need to get it fixed [06:51] Kamion: i was only concerned about the installer [06:52] we can fix initrd-tools [06:52] fabbione: ok, but I think it needs to be fixed first rather than the other way round :-) [06:52] I thought jbailey was working on that [06:52] Kamion: right now mkinitrd bombs for other reasons [06:52] we are working on both [06:52] devfs will be removed from the kernel in July 2005 [06:52] so it's better to remove it now than later [06:53] removal of devfs will be a joyous event :) [06:53] oh yeah [06:53] Kamion: take into account that some nrew stuff that is going in the kernel, OOPSes with devfs enabled :) [06:53] caused me many a problem over the years [06:53] Kamion: so we really need to kill it :) [06:54] but i am happy that the installer does not need it [06:54] that's enough for me [06:56] fabbione: sure === nullaresnata [~henriquem@cb-217-129-175-184.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu-devel [06:56] interesting :) [06:56] ccache over nfs works, but you lose the stats [06:56] hmm [06:56] none /dev devfs defaults 0 0 [06:57] the installer still has that in /etc/fstab [06:57] should be harmless though [06:57] Kamion: don't worry, i am not going to kill you right now [06:57] we have time to coordinate it [06:57] I don't think it's actually used if udev is there [06:57] Kamion: we will test it and kill it... [06:57] no rush [06:57] i just had to know if it is possible to kill it [06:58] I'll have to fix more stuff if we ever manage to resurrect floppy installs [06:58] ehehe [06:58] because that has a separate init which I never fixed [06:58] we need to discuss the feature removal schedule for the kernel [06:59] since we might get trapped by one of them [06:59] and the 4 scheduled right now, will be cleaned up by Sept. 2005 [06:59] so it would be better to remove them immediatly [06:59] and see what happens === aisipos [~aisipos@dsl081-081-225.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel [07:09] Kamion: Thanks, that worked perfectly! [07:10] Can I have multiple base-config/package-selection lines? [07:10] For picking a bunch of packages to install? === storekro does the automatic server install dance of joy === uniq [charlie@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === nullaresnata [~henriquem@cb-217-129-175-184.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu-devel [07:19] storekro: no, but you can put any aptitude pattern in there [07:19] storekro: see the aptitude manual - you end up with stuff like ~npackage1~npackage2~npackage3 [07:19] er, sorry [07:19] (~npackage1|~npackage2|~npackage3) [07:19] I think === Keybuk [~scott@] has joined #ubuntu-devel [07:23] Kamion: ok, I'll check it out. thanks again. [07:25] np === uniq [charlie@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === minghua [~minghua@adsl-69-153-134-66.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Leaving"] === nullaresnata [~henriquem@cb-217-129-175-184.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu-devel === nullaresnata [~henriquem@cb-217-129-175-184.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu-devel === auxesis [~lindsay@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Goshawk [~Goshawk@host113-135.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel === nullaresnata [~henriquem@cb-217-129-175-184.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu-devel === uniq [charlie@] has joined #ubuntu-devel [08:03] elmo: ping === elbi [~elbi@cpe.atm2-0-1071006.0x50a0824e.abnxx3.customer.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu-devel === aisipos [~aisipos@dsl081-081-225.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === snaggen [~snaggen@c-987070d5.034-37-73746f12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jk_ [~jochem@jkossen.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel === trulux [~lorenzo@trulux.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mrzero [~ole@orwen.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === astharot [~isager@688498cee79582b0.node.tor] has joined #ubuntu-devel === ikuyaLoqu [~ikuya@openblocks.good-day.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === bl [~ben@ben.transact.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel === fabbione [~fabbione@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-devel === magnon [~magnon@cD908888B.sdsl.catch.no] has joined #ubuntu-devel === HrdwrBoB [~matt@bob.is.teh.admin.at.vicnet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mjg59 [mjg59@cavan.codon.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Amaranth [~travis@amaranth.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Kamion [~cjwatson@host81-153-126-219.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel === weazle [~weazle@flits101-191.flits.rug.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel === vvl [vvl@furious.wellfish.fi] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Clint [~clint@thumb.scru.org] has joined #ubuntu-devel === sjoerd [sjoerd@fire.ipv6.luon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === sto [~sto@sto.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-devel === whiprush [~jorge@arslinux.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Mithrandir [~tfheen@vawad.err.no] has joined #ubuntu-devel === crimsun [~crimsun@crimsun.silver.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu-devel === lifeless [~robertc@dsl-] has joined #ubuntu-devel === nullaresnata [~henriquem@cb-217-129-175-184.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu-devel === nullaresnata [~henriquem@cb-217-129-175-184.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Zugot [~bryan@pcp0010860530pcs.longhl01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === marcin_ant [~marcin@www.e-dev.tele2.pl] has joined #ubuntu-devel === nohar [~nohar@je.suis.t1r.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === CarlK [~ck2@c-24-13-52-189.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === ace2001ac [~acharles@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jlj [~agp@host-81-191-64-79.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu-devel === metallikop [i@pcp0011431183pcs.sothfd01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === schweeb [~chris@schweeb.org] has joined #ubuntu-devel === stuNNed [~stuNNed@stunned.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mjt [~mjt@nat.corpit.ru] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jdub [~jdub@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel === amu [~amu@dump.mediaways.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jordi [~jordi@115.Red-213-96-69.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === tseng [~tseng@thegrebs.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel === robtaylor_ [~robtaylor@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === nullaresnata [~henriquem@cb-217-129-175-184.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu-devel === nullaresnata [~henriquem@cb-217-129-175-184.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Zugot [~bryan@pcp0010860530pcs.longhl01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === marcin_ant [~marcin@www.e-dev.tele2.pl] has joined #ubuntu-devel === nohar [~nohar@je.suis.t1r.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === CarlK [~ck2@c-24-13-52-189.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === ace2001ac [~acharles@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jlj [~agp@host-81-191-64-79.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu-devel === metallikop [i@pcp0011431183pcs.sothfd01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === schweeb [~chris@schweeb.org] has joined #ubuntu-devel === stuNNed [~stuNNed@stunned.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mjt [~mjt@nat.corpit.ru] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jdub [~jdub@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel === amu [~amu@dump.mediaways.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jordi [~jordi@115.Red-213-96-69.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === tseng [~tseng@thegrebs.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel === robtaylor_ [~robtaylor@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === \sh [~shermann@server3.servereyes.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel === nullaresnata [~henriquem@cb-217-129-175-184.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Zugot [~bryan@pcp0010860530pcs.longhl01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === marcin_ant [~marcin@www.e-dev.tele2.pl] has joined #ubuntu-devel === nohar [~nohar@je.suis.t1r.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === CarlK [~ck2@c-24-13-52-189.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === ace2001ac [~acharles@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jlj [~agp@host-81-191-64-79.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu-devel === metallikop [i@pcp0011431183pcs.sothfd01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === schweeb [~chris@schweeb.org] has joined #ubuntu-devel === stuNNed [~stuNNed@stunned.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mjt [~mjt@nat.corpit.ru] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jdub [~jdub@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel === amu [~amu@dump.mediaways.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jordi [~jordi@115.Red-213-96-69.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === tseng [~tseng@thegrebs.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel === robtaylor_ [~robtaylor@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === nohar [~nohar@je.suis.t1r.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mjt [~mjt@nat.corpit.ru] has joined #ubuntu-devel === metallikop [i@pcp0011431183pcs.sothfd01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jdub [~jdub@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jdub [~jdub@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel === \sh [~shermann@server3.servereyes.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel === sgran [~steve@lobefin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === svenl [~luther@AStrasbourg-251-1-64-197.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel === zerokarmaleft [~zerokarma@ip68-12-45-133.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === zorglub [~zorglub@wahe.diwi.org] has joined #ubuntu-devel === desrt [~desrt@freedesktop.org] has joined #ubuntu-devel === buxy [~raphael@arrakeen.ouaza.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel === bur[n] er [~norml@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jbailey [~jbailey@CPE000ded9d787c-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel === boglot [~logbot@gw.workaround.org] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Lathiat [~lathiat@gasp.bur.st] has joined #ubuntu-devel === lamont [~lamont@mix.mmjgroup.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel === wasabi [~wasabi@c-24-1-61-51.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === elmo [~james@83-216-141-215.jamest298.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jamesh [~james@203-59-16-246.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel === dieman [~dieman@3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097.org] has joined #ubuntu-devel === asw [~asw@node-423a728a.bos.onnet.us.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === thom [~thom@amnesiac.heapspace.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jvw [jeroen@220pc220.sshunet.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel === maswan [maswan@kennedy.acc.umu.se] has joined #ubuntu-devel === |QuaD- [~QuaD@beac872-0b01-dhcp149.bu.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mdz [~mdz@ca-studio-bsr1o-251.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mako [mako@micha.hampshire.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel === moquist [~moquist@client-64-222-164-47.ba-dsg.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === infinity [~adconrad@loki.0c3.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === robster [~rob@hades.evilgeniuses.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel === astro76 [~james@astro76.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel === ironwolf_ [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === chris38-home2 [~Christian@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === spacey [~spacey@flits101-191.flits.rug.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel === justdave [~dave@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === lunitik [~trey@ip68-230-75-109.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === ups [~ups@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === susus [~sz@p5089F45D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === wasabi_ [~wasabi@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mkedwards [~mkedwards@adsl-64-175-14-60.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jsgotangco [~jsg@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === sladen [paul@starsky.19inch.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === A_Alam [~a_alam@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === robitaille [~robitaill@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === zenrox [~zenrox@wbar7.sea1-4-4-043-090.sea1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mdz-lca [~mdz@] has joined 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joined #ubuntu-devel === mjg59 [mjg59@cavan.codon.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Amaranth [~travis@amaranth.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Kamion [~cjwatson@host81-153-126-219.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel === weazle [~weazle@flits101-191.flits.rug.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel === vvl [vvl@furious.wellfish.fi] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Clint [~clint@thumb.scru.org] has joined #ubuntu-devel === sjoerd [sjoerd@fire.ipv6.luon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === sto [~sto@sto.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-devel === whiprush [~jorge@arslinux.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Mithrandir [~tfheen@vawad.err.no] has joined #ubuntu-devel === crimsun [~crimsun@crimsun.silver.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu-devel === lifeless [~robertc@dsl-] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Xof [~mas01cr@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Riddell [jr@muse.19inch.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === winkle [~winkle@lgh3814234.vittran.norrnod.se] has joined #ubuntu-devel === torkel [torkel@shaka.acc.umu.se] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Treenaks [martijn@facecrime.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === aj [aj-irc@azure.humbug.org.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mooch [~data@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mvirkkil [~mvirkkil@vipunen.hut.fi] has joined #ubuntu-devel === edd [dancer@aloo.dreamhost.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel === RemoteViewer [~555@stan.physik.fu-berlin.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel === ajmitch_ [~ajmitch@port162-161.ubs.maxnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu-devel === haggai [~halls@i-83-67-20-196.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === dilinger [dilinger@mouth.voxel.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === kro [~user@krovich.dsl2.d-mgtn.labyrinth.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Kaloz [kaloz@arrakis.dune.hu] has joined #ubuntu-devel === daniels [~daniels@amnesiac.heapspace.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jonathaN [jonathan@4-16-ftth.onsnet.nu] has joined #ubuntu-devel === rjo [~jordens@rjo.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-devel === srbaker [~srbaker@blk-137-77-155.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel === HcE [egtvedt@egtvedt.no] has joined #ubuntu-devel === uniq [charlie@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === sgran [~steve@lobefin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === svenl [~luther@AStrasbourg-251-1-64-197.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel === zerokarmaleft [~zerokarma@ip68-12-45-133.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === zorglub [~zorglub@wahe.diwi.org] has joined #ubuntu-devel === desrt [~desrt@freedesktop.org] has joined #ubuntu-devel === buxy [~raphael@arrakeen.ouaza.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel === bur[n] er [~norml@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jbailey [~jbailey@CPE000ded9d787c-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel === boglot [~logbot@gw.workaround.org] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Lathiat [~lathiat@gasp.bur.st] has joined #ubuntu-devel === lamont [~lamont@mix.mmjgroup.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel === wasabi [~wasabi@c-24-1-61-51.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === elmo [~james@83-216-141-215.jamest298.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jamesh [~james@203-59-16-246.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel === dieman [~dieman@3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097.org] has joined #ubuntu-devel === asw [~asw@node-423a728a.bos.onnet.us.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === thom [~thom@amnesiac.heapspace.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jvw [jeroen@220pc220.sshunet.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel === maswan [maswan@kennedy.acc.umu.se] has joined #ubuntu-devel === |QuaD- [~QuaD@beac872-0b01-dhcp149.bu.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mdz [~mdz@ca-studio-bsr1o-251.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mako [mako@micha.hampshire.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel === moquist [~moquist@client-64-222-164-47.ba-dsg.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === infinity [~adconrad@loki.0c3.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === robster [~rob@hades.evilgeniuses.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel === astro76 [~james@astro76.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel === ironwolf_ [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === chris38-home2 [~Christian@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === spacey [~spacey@flits101-191.flits.rug.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel === justdave [~dave@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === lunitik [~trey@ip68-230-75-109.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === ups [~ups@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === susus [~sz@p5089F45D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === wasabi_ [~wasabi@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jsgotangco [~jsg@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === sladen [paul@starsky.19inch.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === A_Alam [~a_alam@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === robitaille [~robitaill@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === zenrox [~zenrox@wbar7.sea1-4-4-043-090.sea1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mdz-lca [~mdz@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === raluke [~raluke@pcp0011113792pcs.elkrdg01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === storekro [~user@krovich.dsl2.d-mgtn.labyrinth.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === auxesis [~lindsay@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === aisipos [~aisipos@dsl081-081-225.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === snaggen [~snaggen@c-987070d5.034-37-73746f12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jk_ [~jochem@jkossen.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel === trulux [~lorenzo@trulux.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mrzero [~ole@orwen.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === astharot [~isager@688498cee79582b0.node.tor] has joined #ubuntu-devel === ikuyaLoqu [~ikuya@openblocks.good-day.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === bl [~ben@ben.transact.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel === fabbione [~fabbione@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-devel === magnon [~magnon@cD908888B.sdsl.catch.no] has joined #ubuntu-devel === HrdwrBoB [~matt@bob.is.teh.admin.at.vicnet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mjg59 [mjg59@cavan.codon.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Amaranth [~travis@amaranth.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Kamion [~cjwatson@host81-153-126-219.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel === weazle [~weazle@flits101-191.flits.rug.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel === vvl [vvl@furious.wellfish.fi] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Clint [~clint@thumb.scru.org] has joined #ubuntu-devel === sjoerd [sjoerd@fire.ipv6.luon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === sto [~sto@sto.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-devel === whiprush [~jorge@arslinux.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Mithrandir [~tfheen@vawad.err.no] has joined #ubuntu-devel === crimsun [~crimsun@crimsun.silver.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu-devel === lifeless [~robertc@dsl-] has joined #ubuntu-devel === \sh [~shermann@server3.servereyes.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jdub [~jdub@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel === metallikop [i@pcp0011431183pcs.sothfd01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mjt [~mjt@nat.corpit.ru] has joined #ubuntu-devel === nohar [~nohar@je.suis.t1r.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === nullaresnata [~henriquem@cb-217-129-175-184.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu-devel === marcin_ant [~marcin@www.e-dev.tele2.pl] has joined #ubuntu-devel === ace2001ac [~acharles@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jlj [~agp@host-81-191-64-79.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu-devel === schweeb [~chris@schweeb.org] has joined #ubuntu-devel === stuNNed [~stuNNed@stunned.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel === amu [~amu@dump.mediaways.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jordi [~jordi@115.Red-213-96-69.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === tseng [~tseng@thegrebs.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel === robtaylor_ [~robtaylor@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === bradb [~bradb@modemcable087.14-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel === tsume [~tsume@physics.code-exec.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === bob2 [rob@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jnc [shadow@macco.pimpcat.org] has joined #ubuntu-devel === |QuaD-_ [~QuaD@beac872-0b01-dhcp149.bu.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel === `anthony [~anthony@ekorp-203-63-137-225.eoff.ekorp.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel === |QuaD- [~QuaD@beac872-0b01-dhcp149.bu.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Keybuk [~scott@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === maskie [~maskie@196-30-109-120.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-devel [08:59] daniels: ? [09:00] elmo: what sort of mono love do we have in new? [09:04] there's nothing in new [09:04] <|QuaD-> no 1.1.x yet? [09:05] hey elmo [09:05] ahr [09:05] hi daniels [09:06] hi fabbione [09:06] elmo: having fun? :) [09:09] fabbione: yah, mostly trying to stay awake, the jet lag sucks [09:10] elmo: yeah .. i will get there soon [09:10] <\sh> hehe... === \sh 's listening to "Men At Work - Down Under" [09:11] elmo: the rhcluster suite rocks :) we might as well use it on some boxes at the datacenter :) [09:11] elmo: the cool part is the machine monitoring.. [09:12] elmo: that can take decisions according to defined policies.. and restart services/reboots machines/poweron/poweroff machines [09:13] but the royal win is GFS :) [09:13] will ubuntu have better wireless support in the future, is that planned, for laptops? [09:13] stuNNed: yes. [09:13] it's on the UDU discussion list IIRC [09:14] fabbione: having fun? :) [09:14] Kamion: it was on the Mataro discussion list as well.. ;) [09:14] Treenaks: and it was discussed - just slipped [09:14] Kamion: true [09:14] Treenaks: ok thanks cuz as of current I'm having alot of problems with it, should I file a bug you think? [09:14] fabbione: can't wait 'til i get home to try :) [09:14] can't always get everything done in one release [09:14] stuNNed: uh. what kind of problems? [09:14] jdub: yes.. i am having fun and got already 4 patches upstream [09:15] fabbione: rad! [09:15] Treenaks: shall I ask in #ubuntu or? [09:15] stuNNed: wireless should just work.. switching betweed networks is the hard/annoying part [09:15] jdub: the real issue is the userland that doesn't build with gcc-4 [09:15] ouch [09:15] ... yet :) [09:15] but i am smashing it slowly [09:15] ooh.. m4d h4ck1ng [09:16] https://www.redhat.com/archives/linux-cluster/2005-April/msg00051.html <- [09:16] Treenaks: it remembers the key and ssid from previous connect, i.e. roaming isn't that great at all. === Kamion dumps second version of cdebconf custom widget patch onto debian-boot [09:16] Treenaks: and if i select and open ap it still uses the old key [09:16] stuNNed: that's what I said.. switching networks is annoying [09:16] Treenaks: yes, ok, thanks [09:16] jdub: after i wrote that patch i realized that Treenaks was rigth in Mataro' [09:16] Treenaks: very :) [09:16] "you will get addicted to the kernel" [09:17] fabbione: ;) [09:17] fabbione: ha ha [09:22] morning [09:23] Treenaks: are those guys around sjoerd/pitti? [09:23] weazle: sjoerd might be. [09:23] sjoerd: ! [09:25] weazle: ? === __keybuk [~scott@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mdz-lca [~mdz@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === d3vic3 [~d3vic3@dumbledore.hbd.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel === rubenv [~lambda1@kotnet-148.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu-devel === herzi [~herzi@c208243.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel [09:54] sjoerd: [09:54] ah === GheRivero [~ghe@hiscpdprx01.upsa.es] has joined #ubuntu-devel [10:01] res === fwiffo [~fwiffo@dhcpserver0.oersted.dtu.dk] has joined #ubuntu-devel [10:12] infinity: ping? === lunitik [~trey@ip68-230-75-109.ph.ph.cox.net] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Leaving"] [10:19] fabbione : pong. [10:20] infinity: #3442, mind to take a look? you did most of the last changes and since i don't fully understand them, perhaps it's better if you can manage them === infinity looks. [10:21] it's about MOM [10:21] Oh, yeah. Reassing. [10:21] assign, even. [10:22] infinity: ok thanks [10:22] reassing.. that sounds.. interesting [10:22] That's an old, closed bug, mind you. :) [10:22] I assume you're pointing me at that, in reference to a new MOM bug? [10:22] infinity: yes. if a previous bug exists, a new one won't be opened [10:24] That seems.. Weird.. How does one spot the merge request, if the bug is both FIXED, and the merge tag is removed? [10:24] infinity: you get a mail :) [10:25] Well, someone does, anyway. :) [10:25] Okay, I'll remerge it. [10:25] I'm pretty much just doing merges today anyway. [10:26] infinity: thanks === astharot [~isager@c58739b7a9aadbe0.node.tor] has joined #ubuntu-devel [10:37] bonjour [10:38] fabbione : Okay, you're a jerk. You didn't tell me that keithp repackaged it and completely changed (again!) the debconf/conffile/local config scemantics. :) === Burgundavia [~corey@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === nullaresnata [~henriquem@cb-217-129-175-184.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu-devel [10:48] fabbione : In fact, on a second glance, I think keithp is smoking something. I'll have to talk to him about his drug problem before I update this. [10:50] Oh, nevermind. I just figured out his crack. Sick, sick man.l [10:51] what happened? [10:52] Oh, he just wrote the most unintuitive conf.d interface ever, that's all. [10:53] It allows you to drop any old file in the conf.d... And only includes ones starting with ^[0-9] [0-9] [10:53] So you can have a bunch of inoperative files in your conf.d, and one or two that actually do something, named 10-foo, 20-bar, etc. [10:53] Erid. [10:54] Weird, too. [10:56] *shudder* [10:57] He also completely changed the debconf stuff, again. Reverting to using an old debconf question that had at one point been removed. [10:57] We were upgrading that one to a new one, now we need to go the other way. :) [10:58] urgh === skyrider [~skyrider@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === womble [~mpalmer@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === babybat26 [~BabyBat@ip231.159.adsl.wplus.ru] has joined #ubuntu-devel [11:13] infinity: dude.. have fun :) === ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel [11:14] Hi every one! I've got a question. How can I rebuild or remaster Live CD iso image to change some configuration files (change keyboard layout, andadd russian localisation) === nullaresnata [~henriquem@cb-217-129-175-184.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu-devel === elbi [~elbi@cpe.atm2-0-1071006.0x50a0824e.abnxx3.customer.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu-devel [11:22] we want to setup a local ubuntu archive mirror, do you guys have a rsync script for that task? [11:22] babybat26: read the wiki (LiveCDCustomizationHowto or something) === tortoise_ [~tortoise@81-86-196-118.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel === carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === hno73 [~Henrik@henrik.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel === ogra [~ogra@CPE-60-225-18-37.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel === skyrider [~skyrider@] has joined #ubuntu-devel [11:46] LiveCDCustomizationHowto is in brasilian :( can I find this info on english? [11:47] babybat26: search for Live CD ? [11:47] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/LiveCDCustomizationHowTo is English [11:47] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/LiveCDCustomizationHowTo-br is Brazilian === astharot [~isager@2b1dc79f639f2ed6.node.tor] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Crushed_Cigar [~zinc@ACC6CE3D.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel [11:57] Thnx === bluefoxicy [~bluefox@pcp484971pcs.whtmrs01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel [11:57] while I'm hurrying my ass out the door I should mention [11:57] there needs to be a disk mounter icon or an automatic eject==umount handler for CDs [11:58] I've got the disk mounter in my panel now, but cds auto-mount and then won't come back out >/ [11:58] (as mounting a CD locks the drive door) [11:58] and this will confuse the shit out of people [11:58] could probably autofs the damn thing. . . [11:59] anyway I have work very very soon and can't write a bug so bye [12:00] What is the right place to report bugs in software from Hoary universe? [12:00] Should I fill this bugs in Malone? [12:01] skyrider: yes === pitti [~pitti@CPE-60-225-18-37.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mpt [mpt@210-55-43-121.dialup.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu-devel [12:03] ups: thanks. One more question: I want to fill bug against xdm but it isn't in the list of 'Source Package Name'. Should I register it with DOAP Registry first? [12:05] skyrider, i'm not sure on that. wait for someone else to answer [12:06] ups: ok. Noone seems to know this... :( === zerokarmaleft [~zerokarma@ip68-12-45-133.ok.ok.cox.net] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Leaving"] === pitti [~pitti@CPE-60-225-18-37.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel === tsume [~tsume@physics.code-exec.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === kent [~kent@c-ddc871d5.432-1-64736c13.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu-devel === stub [~stub@203-217-40-144.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel === spacey [~spacey@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === hno73 [~Henrik@henrik.gotadsl.co.uk] has left #ubuntu-devel [] [12:30] elmo: please sync kernel-package 8.132 from debian and you are clear to override === `anthony [~anthony@220-253-6-47.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel [12:48] hmm, now I only see 15k ~ submissions on hwdb.ubuntu.com. Did i dream about seeing ~20k some day ago? === ogra [~ogra@CPE-60-225-18-37.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel === seb128 [~seb@CPE-60-225-18-37.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel === LeeJunFan [junfan@64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel [12:55] seb128, wont come downstairs ? [12:56] du darfst nicht deutsch sprechen [12:56] hehe [12:56] ups :p [12:56] seb128, look at that: www.tetris1d.org [12:56] you simply cant loose ;) [12:57] not sure, my laptop battery is half loaded atm [12:57] ah, ok [12:57] we have free plugs here....there is an adapter on my bed, grab it :) === Treenaks WANT SO BE IN .AU [12:58] mvo already did that [12:58] Treenaks, youre missing the most beautiful city on this earthball [12:59] Treenaks: it takes a while until you adapt to gravity pulling you upwards :-) [12:59] hehe [12:59] pitti: I don't doubt it.. but I wanted to be there too! === pitti desperately tries to get a grip on the floop [12:59] floor, even [12:59] pitti: but.. new laptop.. boss.. much work.. etc.. [12:59] :( === ogra [~ogra@CPE-60-225-18-37.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Verlassend"] === ogra [~ogra@CPE-60-225-18-37.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel [01:01] pitti, was machs du ? [01:01] seb128: hackhackhack@postgresql [01:01] seb128: "machst" [01:01] :) [01:01] thanks :p [01:01] seb128: dude, are you learning German upstairs? [01:01] fabbione, Kamion: We're not yet ready to kill devfs support for the initrd-tools. I need about a month, I think. [01:01] uh.. #ubuntu-de[vel] ? [01:02] no, but writting is always easier than speaking :p [01:02] seb128, in fact you are speaking it very well [01:02] hey jbailey [01:02] -> offtopic [01:03] pitti, jbailey is offtopic ? why ? [01:03] Heya sb! [01:03] right === pitti slaps ogra [01:03] (and everyone else) =) [01:05] daniels: here? === fern [~fern@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === seb128 [~seb@CPE-60-225-18-37.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel === fern [~fern@] has left #ubuntu-devel [] === zyga [~zyga@87-mia-9.acn.waw.pl] has joined #ubuntu-devel [01:22] jordi: when is freeciv 2.0 going into sid rather than experimental? :) [01:23] ajmitch: in a few days I guess. [01:23] ok [01:23] just getting request for it in breezy [01:23] I'd like to have a few tilesets to upload to unstable as well. [01:23] duuuude [01:23] ajmitch: can't you use the exp version? [01:23] though it can probably go in as-is [01:23] seb128: DUDE [01:23] :) [01:23] sure we can use the exp version [01:23] I uploaded libxklavier [01:24] good guy [01:24] seb128: DUDE, can I add gnome-python2 to svn and upload? [01:24] sure [01:24] k [01:24] which one ? 2.6 ? [01:24] jbailey: we need to kill it a bit before that [01:24] hmm, isn't there a 2.10? [01:24] yep, there is [01:24] jbailey: in a month devfs won't be upstream anymore [01:24] jordi, what does it break ? [01:24] 2.6 is pygtk in fact [01:27] fabbione: Eh? Just posted to lkml? [01:27] hi jeff :) [01:27] seb128: so should I upload 2.6 too? [01:27] jbailey: no. Documentation/feature-removal.txt [01:27] seb128: I thought you were on vacation or something [01:27] jbailey: it has been there for a long while :) [01:28] 2.6 is probably uptodate [01:28] seb128: you have abandoned us. [01:28] jbailey: May 3005 : bye bye devfs [01:28] jordi, I am, I said it on #gnome-debian saturday [01:28] seb128: ok, so I need to upload 2.10 to exp and use the opportunity to rename the source package? [01:28] seb128: what are you doing in #ubuntu-devle then? [01:28] jordi, I'm on VAC with pitti and the other guys for the week [01:28] :) [01:28] nod [01:28] jordi, pitti forced me [01:28] :p [01:28] pitti: dude [01:28] right [01:28] seb128: great. Have a nice time. [01:29] fabbione: Bah. [01:29] Any other package of yours that I should upload? [01:29] jordi, don't forget than they splitted gnome-python upstream [01:29] seb128: yeesh, damn. How? [01:29] you break stuff use gtkhtml [01:29] fabbione: That's a bit tight for what I want. Well... At least I know what I'm hacking on right after UDU then. [01:29] gnome-python is the desktop part [01:29] seb128: what needs to be done? [01:29] -extras is the other stuff [01:29] look on hoary [01:29] ok [01:30] package both stuff and fixed the packages to depend on -extras if required [01:30] ok, back to your vacation. :) [01:30] jordi: the amount of force I had to apply was about "hey seb128, what about a week of vac in Sydney?" :-) [01:30] are there many packages that need -extras? [01:30] pitti: no, you forced him into IRC! [01:30] no idea at all [01:30] jbailey: ok, we need to be able to start uploading some crash kernels... first is to get mkinitrd to behave with the new ldd output, we can kill devfs at a later stage, but as soon as upstream removes it, we need to kill it too [01:30] seb128: ok. I'll wait for the bug reports. Heh heh. [01:30] cool [01:31] fabbione, see that you do all your uploading before UdU, i heard the bandwith sucks here everywhere [01:31] there's a shitload of pkgs depending on python-gtk2 now. [01:31] ogra: i don't need to upload from UdU :) [01:31] that's python-gnome2, not pygtk [01:31] (it feels like surfing on a mobile) [01:32] ogra: i just need to sign the .dsc and changes from there :) [01:32] fabbione, ah, but keep in mind that ssh sucks even more fom here [01:33] ogra: well it's not a big deal.. there is no time for hacking sessions anyway [01:33] yep, sadly [01:34] it should have been two weeks, since the most expensive part is the filgt... [01:34] fabbione, did you see this insane schedule ? [01:35] ogra: yes [01:35] i refuse to split my BOF in four parts....i wouldnt be able to attend any others [01:35] thats just insane [01:41] oh, pythong-gnome2 [01:42] both needs updating I guess? === theine [~theine@fw2.nbi.dk] has joined #ubuntu-devel [01:43] jordi, I think pygtk is uptodate [01:43] ogra: oh man yeah, i have some conflicts now [01:43] seb128: oh, ok. [01:44] there's a bug in /var/lib/dpkg/info/fontconfig.config from fontconfig version 2.3.1-2ubuntu1, which doesn't allow the package to be properly configured [01:44] fabbione: Yup, that's a task for today. === koke [~koke@] has joined #ubuntu-devel [01:45] it's easily fixed, the statement in line 31 just needs to be moved oustide the case construct [01:45] sorry in advance if this is the wrong way of reporting it... [01:47] g'night === fwiffo [~fwiffo@dhcpserver0.oersted.dtu.dk] has joined #ubuntu-devel [01:50] tseng, conflicts ? [01:50] tseng, you ean the BOF schadule ? [01:50] mean even [01:50] yes [01:51] there is universe at the same time as proactivesecurity [01:51] how annoying [01:51] tseng: I'm hoping in a few cases that two rooms share a door so I can stand in the doorway. =) [01:51] hah. [01:51] tseng, yeah, it seems nobody is happy with the schadule [01:52] jbailey: i think they share a room [01:52] s/a/e [01:52] perhaps :) [01:52] ok then, no use arguing over it now [01:52] ajmitch: That would work. I'll just send a paper airplane over to the other groups occasionally with my comments. ;) [01:52] :) [01:52] I may rely on that too [01:53] Sounds like we're trying a variant on "open space technologies" concepts. Should be interesting to see. [01:53] A church group I was in tried it like that, and it didn't work so well because people were permitted to flow freely between whenever - the problem is that two groups got everyone when a really interesting debate sprung up. =) [01:53] (And we had a dozen groups for about 120 people) [01:53] Will Uubuntu down Under (thats the schedule you people are talking about right?) be streamed live (or recorded and availibel for download later on?) === hypatia [~mary@adsl-66-203.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel [01:55] kent, we hope it will be recorede...but it depends... [01:56] slim possibilty of streaming, depending on internet connection at the hotel [01:57] but knowing australia, probably very slim [01:57] ajmitch, unlikely === Goshawk [~Goshawk@host113-135.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel [01:59] I would not mind downloading movies later with the talks.. It would be cool to have! :) [02:05] fabbione: Is Documentation/feature-removal.txt new? I don't see it in linux-source-2.6.10 [02:06] Documentation/feature-removal-schedule.txt === fabbione hands an extra TAB to jbailey [02:07] but yes.. [02:07] that file is new [02:08] Bah, so you can't blame me for not knowing this ;) [02:08] i didn't blame you :) [02:08] i was informing you === fabbione hides === Mitario [~michiel@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === womble [~mpalmer@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === hypatia [~mary@adsl-66-203.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel === decko [~decko@decko.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel [02:09] lo everyone === A_Alam [~a_alam@] has joined #ubuntu-devel [02:10] hey Mitario === Goshawk [~Goshawk@host113-135.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel [02:11] Mitario: have to go now but tell me what do you think about http://www.amedias.org/~koke/patches/update-manager_run-synaptic-when-dist-upgrade-is-needed.diff === dholbach [~daniel@CPE-60-225-18-37.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel [02:12] ha... back again [02:13] hey daniel [02:13] koke, ok i will :) [02:13] hey seb! :-) [02:14] seb128: long time no see! :-) [02:14] hehe [02:15] dholbach, is mvo still around ? [02:16] ogra: lying in bed [02:16] ah, ok [02:16] dholbach, right, had a good night ? :p [02:17] seb128: yeah, i feel like fixing 100 packages tonight, only problem is the bandwidth ;-) [02:19] ah ah [02:19] dholbach: post a cd with the sources on them ;) [02:19] is that a challenge ? :p [02:19] haha... mr challenge is back === UbuntuGet [~gustav@gw5.web.thalamus.se] has joined #ubuntu-devel === ups [~ups@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === HiddenWolf [~hidden@136.109.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jsgotangco [DaWorm@105-nas1.dial-pool.digitelone.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel [02:26] dholbach, fix them on your fathers vserver and upload from there ;) [02:26] ogra hows sydney [02:26] the most beautiful city in the world.... [02:27] i'd like to settle down here :) [02:27] i will experience that in a few days [02:27] good idea [02:27] yeah...you'll enjoy it... [02:28] if you can make it, stay a day or two extra to actually se more then the hotel [02:28] im staying an extra day [02:28] my plane leaves on may 2 [02:28] so i have may 1 free [02:28] :) === ogra needs to grab his power plug... upstairs [02:28] plus i arrive on the 24th at 7am [02:28] jsgotangco, great [02:29] ogra, but i can't find an adapter plug here i gotta buy from there [02:29] ive been searching all thru the shops here === abelli [~john@97599caccf3aa574.node.tor] has joined #ubuntu-devel [02:30] ciao [02:30] abelli, ciao === metallikop is now known as kop|gone [02:33] Goshawk: ciao [02:33] abelli, ciao === dholbac1 [~daniel@CPE-60-225-18-37.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel === zul [~chuck@] has joined #ubuntu-devel [02:37] hey === dholbac1 is now known as dholbach === Danten [~danten@h101n10c1o1049.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel === robtaylor [~robtaylor@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === abelli [~john@eb771308cfe11b6d.node.tor] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Kyaneos [~kyaneos@80-29-10-69.adsl.nuria.telefonica-data.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mako_ [mako@micha.hampshire.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel [02:58] seb128, http://jriddell.org/photos/2005-04-18-sydney-geeks-find-internet-oliver-pitti-seb.jpg === Seveas [~seveas@dyn127.roaming.few.vu.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel [03:00] bah [03:01] heh === bradb [~bradb@MTL-ppp-144647.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel === elbi [~elbi@cpe.atm2-0-1071006.0x50a0824e.abnxx3.customer.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu-devel === dholbach [~daniel@CPE-60-225-18-37.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel [03:04] wb dholbach [03:05] pitti's usb-wlan thingie gets too hot :-/ [03:05] the box crashes then [03:06] dholbach, hmm [03:06] weird [03:06] the whole box ? === robertj_ [~robertj@66-188-77-153.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel === cartman [~cartman@cartman.developer.konversation] has joined #ubuntu-devel === tritium [~mrimbert@ee213-dhcp-5.ecn.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel === raluke [~raluke@pcp0011113792pcs.elkrdg01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === bradb [~bradb@MTL-ppp-144647.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel === dholbac1 [~daniel@CPE-60-225-18-37.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mako [mako@micha.hampshire.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel [03:20] sleep tight everyone === decko [~decko@decko.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel === decko [~decko@decko.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel === kop|gone is now known as metallikop === ups [~ups@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === blueyed [~daniel@i528C38CC.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel === blueyed [~daniel@i528C33BD.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Keybuk [~scott@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === fgx [~fgx@barlach.spin.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel === CarlK [~ck2@c-24-13-52-189.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === hypno [~dan@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === raluke [~raluke@pcp0011113792pcs.elkrdg01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === herzi [~herzi@c208243.adsl.hansenet.de] has left #ubuntu-devel [] === astro76 [~james@astro76.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel [04:22] Anyone here got an amd64 running breezy? === spacey [~spacey@flits101-191.flits.rug.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel === jamin [~jamin@cust-] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Zugot [~bryan@pcp0010860530pcs.longhl01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === _zao [~zao@zAo.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel === _zao [~zao@zAo.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel === herzi [~herzi@c208243.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel === raluke_ [~raluke@pcp0011113792pcs.elkrdg01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Zomb [~eb@linda.rhrk.uni-kl.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel [04:59] hi [04:59] are i18n somehow stripped away in Ubuntu packages? [04:59] missing translations in wget and mutt === astro76 [~james@astro76.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Goshawk [~Goshawk@host113-135.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel === tritium [~mrimbert@ee213-dhcp-5.ecn.purdue.edu] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Leaving"] === herzi [~herzi@c208243.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel === cartman [~cartman@cartman.developer.konversation] has joined #ubuntu-devel === astharot [~isager@4c2a8b88b502fc0a.node.tor] has joined #ubuntu-devel [05:21] Zomb: Yup, install the appropriate language pack [05:22] jbailey: wednesday is the day for glibc upload? :) [05:22] cartman: Probably, yeah. [05:22] jbailey: okies === decko [~decko@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === raluke [~raluke@pcp0011113792pcs.elkrdg01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel [05:42] <\sh> guys...new from HP... [05:42] <\sh> [17:38] <\sh> hp wants to give a special ubuntu linux distro to their laptops..they don't want to force their customers to buy a windows xp version ;) [05:42] <\sh> [17:38] <\sh> article in german on heise: http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/58740 [05:45] now way! === nullaresnata [~henriquem@cb-217-129-175-184.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel === decko [~decko@decko.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel === raluke [~raluke@pcp0011113792pcs.elkrdg01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Baby [~nena@baby.kavi.silver.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu-devel [06:35] \sh: wooooow === zyga wonders what's the 'special' part === HiddenWolf [~hidden@136.109.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === raluke [~raluke@pcp0011113792pcs.elkrdg01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Ferry [~ferry@cust.15.118.adsl.cistron.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel [07:02] <\sh> zyga: me too ;) support by canocical for two years? :) [07:02] jbailey: you want to grab 9263? (cdbs merge from debian) [07:03] that would be about time :) === fgx [~fgx@host193-174.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel === metallikop is now known as kop|gone === kop|gone is now known as metallikop [07:20] \sh: probably a good idea === OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp02542642pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel [07:21] \sh: hp feels safe this way [07:22] canonical gets support contacts [07:22] and WE can finally buy quality laptops without windows ;> === zAo^ [~zAo@zAo.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel === AstralJava [ab85abcf21@] has joined #ubuntu-devel [07:29] hmm [07:29] I'm getting constant problems with k3b === mxpxpod [~bryan@wuw-ojr3gmca.dybb.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel [07:39] lamont: Yup [07:40] lamont: I'll do it this afternoon. Need to arrange some tax stuff first. [07:40] how does cdrecord from debian differ from vanilla cdrecord? === mxpxpod [~bryan@wuw-ojr3gmca.dybb.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel === rubenv [~lambda1@kotnet-148.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu-devel === BlackHussar [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === cartman [~cartman@cartman.developer.konversation] has joined #ubuntu-devel === dand [~dand@gw.datagroup.ro] has joined #ubuntu-devel === astharot [~isager@6788f9ecf89dfc34.node.tor] has joined #ubuntu-devel === kent [~kent@c-c2c871d5.432-1-64736c13.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu-devel === enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-devel === maskie [~maskie@196-30-108-224.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-devel === tortoise__ [~tortoise@81-86-196-118.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel === da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Goshawk [~Goshawk@host113-135.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel === da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === decko [~decko@decko.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel === LeeJunFan [junfan@64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel [08:46] how does ubuntu use grepmap to speed up hotplug ? can i use it on other distros ? === Danten [~danten@h66n10c1o1049.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel === herzi [~herzi@c208243.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel === mx|gone [~bryan@mxpxpod.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel === astharot [~isager@ERR.COS.CS.CMU.EDU] has joined #ubuntu-devel [08:58] hey [08:59] there is some kind of bug with amd64-libs-dev === Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel [08:59] Preparing to replace linux-kernel-headers 2.5.999-test7-bk-17 (using .../linux-kernel-headers_2.6.11.2-0ubuntu3_i386.deb) ... [08:59] Unpacking replacement linux-kernel-headers ... [08:59] dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-kernel-headers_2.6.11.2-0ubuntu3_i386.deb (--unpack): [08:59] trying to overwrite `/usr/include/asm/kdebug.h', which is also in package amd64-libs-dev === astharot [~isager@e5d830129ab05cad.node.tor] has joined #ubuntu-devel [09:02] Treenaks: so i shouldn't file a bug regarding wpasupplicant and wifi cuz we know there is a problem with wifi support in linux and roaming access? [09:02] ] /win 4 [09:02] ooops sorry [09:03] stuNNed: !!?? [09:03] stuNNed: just file it... [09:03] ok sheesh === chris38-home3 [~Christian@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === decko [~decko@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === netjoined: irc.freenode.net -> tolkien.freenode.net === decko [~decko@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Goshawk [~Goshawk@host113-135.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel === orangehaw [~orangehaw@g9129.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel === `anthony [~anthony@220-253-6-47.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel [09:16] fabbione: is there any change i could test the 2.6.12 rc to get my soundcard working? It's the Intel Corp. 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller [09:17] i'm (k)ubuntu hoary 2.6.10-5-686-smp now [09:23] from in rc1 I read: Added a new Intel High-Definition audio driver. The driver consists of two separate modules: the generic support module for HD codecs (snd-hda-codec), and the driver for Intel ICH6/7 chipset (snd-hda-intel) and it also says that snd-hda-intel was formerly called sn-azx in ALSA 1.0.8 and I tried that, but didn't work === robtaylor_ [~robtaylor@nat2.camtrial.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Goshawk [~Goshawk@host113-135.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel === winkle [~winkle@lgh3814234.vittran.norrnod.se] has joined #ubuntu-devel === HiddenWolf [~hidden@136.109.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === AstralJava [ab85abcf21@] has left #ubuntu-devel [] === Kyaneos [~kyaneos@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === farruinn [~nathan@cpe-69-201-0-56.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel === ficusplanet [~brad@12-216-224-47.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel [09:54] Hey everyone. I was just have a few questions about Breezy development: are you guys planning on using Fedora HAL patches for CUPS? And have the quabbles with NetworkManager been resolved? [09:57] ficus what do the HAL patches for CUPS do? [09:57] They will attempt to automatically find the driver for a printer when plugged in and set it up. If the driver can't be automatically determined, it will give a list of possiblities. [09:58] Is it in FC4? [09:58] In FC3, too. === zAo^ [~zAo@zAo.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel === metallikop is now known as kop|gone === LinuxJones [~LinuxJone@blk-222-221-81.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel === motaboy [~motaboy@host74-39.pool80182.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel [10:39] ficusplanet, That feature would be nice. I saw it on my brothers Fedora #3. I plugged in a HP-printer, and up came a dialog about it. I remember pressing OK or something, and after that it was ready to print. Very nice. === remi` [~remi@car75-2-82-224-45-203.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel === blueyed [~daniel@iD4CC1631.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel === astharot [~isager@f83b2df76a86ef86.node.tor] has joined #ubuntu-devel === auxesis [~lindsay@] has joined #ubuntu-devel === Kosai [~cjb@islay.ra.phy.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel [10:52] Hello. Any Japanese speakers/writers around? Hoary doesn't seem to ship with a font that can handle kana combining. [10:56] Kosai: hello I don't speak japanase (nor write) [10:57] Kosai: but I'm interested in having japanese enabled ubuntu === cartel_ [~cartel@shinobi.thoughtcrime.org.nz] has joined #ubuntu-devel [10:58] jbailey: ping [10:58] zyga: pong [10:59] zyga: I don't speak Japanese either ;) [10:59] jbailey: do you maintain libc or is my mind wrong again? [10:59] zyga: Notwithstanding that we don't have maintainers in that sense, I'm one of the primary people who babysits it, yeah. [11:00] jbailey: great, there seems to be an issue around it but I might be adressing the wrong person - anyway let's go [11:01] Sure, what's up? I'm planning an upload tomorrow. [11:01] upgrading libc6 breaks [11:01] What arch? [11:01] not libc but the upgrade itself [11:01] I'll flood you in person ok? [11:01] Sure. Paste away. [11:02] Hmm, cupsys doesn't like me anymore. [11:03] that action was required by a dependance of libc6-dev IIRC [11:03] I'm trying to switch to breezy [11:03] Right. amd64-libs-dev is broken. It should not touch things in /usr/include/asm [11:04] jbailey: should I file a bug report? [11:04] Is amd64-libs-dev the one that can be installed on i386, or is it the one that gets installed on amd64 boxes? [11:04] (or is there any faster method?) [11:04] jbailey: that's the one on i386 box [11:05] I don't play with amd64 at all right now, so if I can work with you, I can get it fixed pretty quick. [11:05] BTW: why is it there anyway? [11:05] jbailey: this is on i386 [11:05] Presumably you built something for amd64 at some point. [11:05] No idea - it's not on my system. (Installing it now) [11:05] jbailey: no [11:05] hell - not on this box :> [11:06] trying to remove it causes lots of -dev dependecny problem [11:06] Oh? Like what? [11:06] jbailey: w8 [11:06] I don't have a package called w8 on my box... [11:06] Is it i386 only? I checked on ppc. [11:07] jbailey: I dont have access to my amd64 box ATM [11:08] jbailey: hmm how can I force apt-get to remove that package without paying attention to missing deps? [11:08] jbailey: synaptics shows that after removing amd64-libs-dev I loose practically all my -dev packages [11:08] as well as some other (like tomboy for no good reason, probably due to other dependencies) [11:09] lsb goes out too [11:09] zyga: dpkg --force-deps --remove [11:09] lsb? hmm [11:10] Must be something weird. I have lsb installed and didn't have that package. [11:10] jbailey: trying === motaboy_ [~motaboy@host123-39.pool80182.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel [11:10] zyga: Yeah, tomboy depends on libdbus-cil which for some stupid reason depends on dbus-glib-dev or something. [11:11] root@falcon:/home/zyga # dpkg --force-deps --remove amd64-libs-dev [11:11] dpkg: unknown force/refuse option `deps' [11:11] The fontconfig package in breezy seems to be broken. Is this known already? [11:11] Richte fontconfig ein (2.3.1-2ubuntu1) ... [11:12] /var/lib/dpkg/info/fontconfig.config: line 31: syntax error near unexpected token `fontconfig/rendering_type' [11:12] dpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten von fontconfig (--configure): [11:12] Unterprozess post-installation script gab den Fehlerwert 2 zurck [11:12] I've seen that, I don't know if it's in bugzilla/malone yet. [11:12] should I file this somewhere? [11:12] zyga: --force-depends [11:13] Hmm, /dev/usb/lp0 is root, root. That's probably not right. [11:13] uniq: thnx [11:13] jbailey: breezy? [11:13] zyga: Pulled down the amd64-libs package, looking at it now. [11:13] uniq: Yup. I'm guessing something was lost in the udev merge. [11:13] jbailey: thanks [11:13] hmmm [11:14] infinite blob of this: [11:14] jbailey: I think it's hotplug. [11:14] perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C"). [11:14] perl: warning: Setting locale failed. [11:14] perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: [11:14] LANGUAGE = "pl_PL.UTF-8", [11:14] LC_ALL = (unset), [11:14] LANG = "pl_PL.UTF-8" [11:14] are supported and installed on your system. [11:14] (I think I should fix that someday :P) [11:14] (I didn't really check if it was infinite) [11:15] jbailey: as for my usb-storage-devices modprobing sd_mod did fix my problem.. I would guess hotplug fails to load the correct modules.. or something.. only my $0.2 [11:15] I'll let it log somewhere and try anyway [11:16] okay done [11:16] uniq: THat's not it in this case, since I see the device in udev, and the device reigstered in syslog. [11:16] uniq: It's more a udev problem that the device is created with permissions that I think the cupsys daemon can't use. [11:17] jbailey: ahh.. ok.. so it's basically a config issue in udev then.. [11:17] In one of udev or cups. Dunno for certain which yet. [11:17] I usually blame udev. [11:18] I would do that too :) [11:19] Oh interesting. It looks like it's doing the bi-arch hack that we already do for sparc and ppc64. [11:19] hmmhmmhmm [11:19] Mithrandir: ping? [11:19] hiya? [11:19] Mithrandir: I need multiarch advice. =) [11:19] oh, for amd64-libs? [11:20] amd64-libs-dev is trying to overwrite a kernel header - by the looks of it, it generates a series of wrappers the same way I do now for biarch systems in l-k-h. [11:20] Mithrandir: Do you think that having l-k-h provide those wrappers to amd64 and i386 is a good idea? [11:20] I could use GCC tags to figure out whether the i386 or x86-64 headers should be called. [11:20] Or does this just cause grief for the multiarch plans? [11:21] jbailey: yeah, I guess the hack's in there to avoid messing with gcc, glibc and lkh. === jcole [~jcole@palwebproxy2.core.hp.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel [11:21] it shouldn't matter, multiarch will move the headers to /usr/include/$arch anyhow [11:21] so as long as you don't stick anything there yet, it should be just fine [11:21] So when we do multiarch, we just undo the hack for each case. [11:21] makes sense [11:24] jbailey: removed - seems to update fine so far [11:25] http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/58740 [11:25] zyga: Cool. This package scares me. It divert headers out of the way and generates wrappers and such for them. [11:25] jbailey: I've heard :> [11:25] jbailey: I'm a programmer, packaging scares me :> [11:26] heh [11:26] <\sh> zyga: hehe....:) debian packaging scared the hell out of me...now it's just like writing shelll scripts ;) [11:26] (should have said: I'm a C programmer ...) [11:26] actually I never packaged anything [11:26] probably simple once you do it for a while [11:27] btw does multiarch adress the issue of double arch setups? [11:27] dpkg: ostrzeenie - nie mona usun poprzedniego pliku `/etc/udev/permissions.d': Katalog nie jest pusty [11:27] Przygotowanie do zastpienia wireless-tools 27-1ubuntu1 (wykorzystujc .../wireless-tools_27-3ubuntu1_i386.deb) ... [11:27] Rozpakowanie pakietu zastpujcego wireless-tools ... [11:27] sorry for polish [11:28] Wystpiy bdy podczas przetwarzania: [11:28] /var/cache/apt/archives/mono-assemblies-base_1.0.5-3_all.deb [11:28] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [11:28] Katalog nie jest pusty = directory is not empty [11:28] The mono bug is known, but I can't help with that. [11:28] root@falcon:~ # ls /etc/udev/permissions.d/ [11:28] udev.permissions [11:28] okay I'll dump mono for the moment [11:29] zyga: just remove libdbus-cil and you should be fine [11:29] Mithrandir: ok [11:32] fabbione: thanks for your work on the LSM net. hooks bug [11:34] hmm [11:34] firefox just crashed for me ... [11:37] ephy dies on my on a regular basis in breezy. I plan to whine at sb when I see him in .au. =) [11:37] i'm on breezy. i can't log into gnome after my last upgrade... logged into xfce now... anything i don't know? also, loading any type of gnome app takes a really long time or doesn't even load... kde logs in just fine too [11:37] ephy isnt installable in breezy [11:37] er, thats evo sorry [11:38] time for nap. [11:38] I've swapped two lines in /var/lib/dpkg/info/fontconfig.conf === dilinger [dilinger@mouth.voxel.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel [11:38] I don't know if it's correct but it configures fine now [11:40] okay, apart from some missing deps on a few things I'm running breezy now [11:40] thanks :-) === azeem_ [~mbanck@ppp-82-135-13-128.mnet-online.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel [11:43] infinity: hey, will you be at UDU? [11:45] UDU is in .au? [11:45] that's why it's called ubuntu down under... [11:45] hehehe [11:45] :-) [11:45] any particular reason for it to be in .au/ [11:46] couple of the ubuntu guys live there, and it's just before LCA [11:46] (that's pretty far away unless you're an aussie) [11:46] LCA? [11:46] linux.conf.au [11:47] ah :) [11:50] zyga: what lines did you swap to get rid of that error? [11:50] zyga: i've got the same [11:51] zyga: i'm guessing line 31 and 32 (esac) [11:53] zyga: i'm getting a "Not replacing deleted config file /etc/fonts/local.conf"