
=== mdke [~mdke@mdke.user] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mdkehi Kinnison 12:40
Burgundaviasalut Kinnison, how is aussie?12:45
KinnisonTiring currently :-)12:50
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cchypatia: why do i get the funny feeling you're sitting right opposite of me? ;-)02:59
hypatiaI might be.03:00
Burgundaviacc, where you at mataro>03:00
ccBurgundavia: nope03:00
hypatiaI'm up the front of mdz's session next to daniels and near elmo.03:00
Burgundaviadidn't meet you then03:00
hypatiaI'm all in black.03:00
cchypatia: okay, then it isn't you ;-)03:00
cci'm at the back03:00
hypatiacc: well, feel free to come say hello in the break.03:01
hypatiaI'm really tall too, so that should reduce the chance of getting the wrong person.03:01
cchypatia: were you by any chance of computerbank fame?03:01
ccokay, guess i'm confused03:01
=== hypatia looks at cc's real name
hypatiaOh right, I know who you are now.03:03
hypatiaBecause you got mentioned by Mark :)03:04
cchypatia: heh, right03:04
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hypatiaSo, if anyone has any comments on how Rosetta could better target our workflow... now's a good time to talk.06:38
hypatiaBecause the Rosetta One Point Zero discussion is about to start.06:38
Burgundaviano idea, sorry06:45
BurgundaviaI have never used it06:45
Burgundaviathere are some bugs taht need to be worked out06:45
Burgundaviahypatia, you there?06:45
Burgundaviagot some ideas06:48
Burgundavia1. when translating a locale, show other locales of the same language06:48
Burgundavia2. Be able to specify what language the pot file is in, and those that language would be automatically translated06:49
hypatiaI'm not sure how much of this I can raise right now, but I will make sure to draw Carlos's attention to it in the next day.06:52
Burgundaviabe bold!06:57
=== thegreedyturtle [~thegreedy@user-0c93oto.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Burgundaviathis is the channel for the ubuntu documentation team07:16
thegreedyturtlehelloooo there in internet land07:16
Burgundaviaof which I am a member07:17
BurgundaviaI like the idea of the wiki07:17
Burgundaviaunfortunately, the Ubuntu way to promote the tools we have, most especially the GUI tools07:17
Burgundaviaalso, less is more useful in my opinion07:18
Burgundaviawe also work in our svn repo07:18
Burgundaviaso I don't want to discourage you, but it also good not to duplicate efforts, so as to concentrate on one good set of docs07:18
thegreedyturtletell me more about the svn repository07:19
Burgundaviawe work with docbook xml in the svn repo07:19
thegreedyturtleThe reason I made this is really because I keep answering the same questions over at #ubuntu, and I wanted people to understand Linux better, it's really mostly about linux07:20
Burgundaviayou can check out at07:20
Burgundavia     https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/trunk07:20
thegreedyturtlethat's an interesting idea about being GUI based07:20
Burgundaviaalso, what people on #ubuntu really need are little docs for the specific problem they have right now, like enabling universe or ati drivers07:20
Burgundaviasuch as BinaryDriverHowTo07:22
Burgundaviaif you want to work on the wiki, the really needed thing is a "first 20 minutes", here are the needed faqs to get you going meta page07:22
Burgundaviathey are working at NewFrontPage i think on that07:22
thegreedyturtlehttp://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DocTeamTestingNewFrontPage ?07:23
Burgundaviamaybe that07:23
BurgundaviaI hate our wiki with a passion07:23
thegreedyturtleheh, i tend to lean towards that attitude as well07:24
thegreedyturtlei don't like it because it's just not well organized atm07:24
BurgundaviaI like wikis, but I hate ours07:24
thegreedyturtleand as you said, the little important things just aren't really there07:24
Burgundaviawell most of them are07:25
BurgundaviaBinaryDriverHowTo is for ati/nvidia07:25
BurgundaviaExtraRepos needs work07:25
Burgundaviaand RestrictedFormats07:26
Burgundaviathose are the biggest three07:26
thegreedyturtlemy biggest problem is that i don't know much about the specific stuff (yet), hence i started on the general07:27
Burgundaviawhat the wiki si good for is lots of little pages that are well organized07:27
thegreedyturtleis there a doc explaining more about how you want to be more GUI focused?07:28
Burgundavianot really07:28
Burgundaviacurrent it is just a pipe dream07:28
Burgundaviafor the wiki that is07:28
Burgundaviawe are looking at setting up apache lenya so we can discard the wiki for docs07:28
Burgundaviaand edit on the web in our svn repo07:28
thegreedyturtlei think i get what you are saying - you are mostly saying that this kind of doc is bad for the wiki07:28
Burgundaviabig docs are always better in smaller pieces, for me at least07:29
thegreedyturtlesince the wiki needs to be a collection of small docs07:29
BurgundaviaI hate reading a 40 page thing to get one piece of info07:29
thegreedyturtlei thought about breaking it up, but it builds on itself, it's designed to be a 'start from scratch' sort of thing, and to be honest it probably shouldn't be on the wiki, but i don't really have anywhere to put it07:30
Burgundaviathere is a lot of start from scratch ideas being thrown around right now07:30
Burgundaviaas we just started the breezy cycle for the doc team07:30
BurgundaviaI suggest you subscribe to ubuntu-doc and join the dicussion07:31
thegreedyturtleis that a mailing list, or this channel07:32
Burgundaviamailing list07:32
Burgundaviathat doc must of taken a lot of effort, so we can probably use it07:32
thegreedyturtlei'd like that, but i won't hate you if you decide not to07:33
thegreedyturtlewhat should I do with it for now?07:33
Burgundavialeave it there07:34
thegreedyturtleeasy enough07:34
Burgundaviamaybe put some links at the top to the three pages I just mentioned07:34
thegreedyturtlewell, i guess this means it's about time i got around to reading that online Subversion book07:34
thegreedyturtlehow do you mean?07:34
thegreedyturtlesomething like 'if you want to add to this, please add to these instead'07:35
BurgundaviaIf you want to Enable 3D acceleration, see  binarydriver07:35
BurgundaviaIf you want to enable universe and multiverse, see blah07:36
thegreedyturtleand if you want restricted formats...07:36
BurgundaviaI would say, if you want to play DVD's or watch movies, see07:36
Burgundaviato be clear, as the titles of the pages aren't very clear07:36
thegreedyturtlei see what you are saying07:38
BurgundaviaI keep meaning to do it, but I then I use the wiki and I get disgusted and do something else07:38
thegreedyturtlei have a question about somethin, how closely related to ubuntu is the ubuntu backports repo?07:38
thegreedyturtleit seems to be on ubuntuforums.org, but...07:39
Burgundaviabackports is unofficial07:39
Burgundaviadone by people in the repos07:39
Burgundaviayou can write something about it07:39
Burgundaviabut be very clear the dangers07:39
BurgundaviaI have never used them, as I usually run the devel version07:39
Burgundaviaand can wait for the latest crack07:39
hypatiawhat's a "How's Come"?07:44
hypatiaI'm wondering specifically about the apostrophe :)07:44
BurgundaviaI think it should be UbuntuHowCome07:45
Burgundaviahows is a common esl mistake07:45
hypatiaI figured that: I didn't know about that being a common mistake.07:45
thegreedyturtleI did it on purpose to make it cloes to HowTo, but i guess its not very professional07:46
hypatiaI think the title is OK... it's just that the phrase is "How come", not "How's come"07:46
hypatiaie "How come Ubuntu doesn't have DVD support?" rather than "How's come Ubuntu doesn't have DVD support?"07:47
thegreedyturtleah i see07:47
thegreedyturtlewhat's the ExtraRepos wiki page?07:47
Burgundaviathose probably all be combined into one I think07:49
hypatiaBreakMyUbuntu seems to be a guide to adding unsupported (and possibly broken) repositories.07:49
Burgundaviathe only repo you need is marilliat07:49
hypatiaHmmm, AddingRepositoriesHowto seems to be a bit different.07:49
Burgundaviaand possible backports07:49
Burgundaviaadding should be about universe/multiverse07:50
hypatiaIt is an instruction, the others are lists of repositories.07:50
=== froud [~froud@ndn-165-143-125.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Burgundaviasalut froud 07:52
froudAfrican Greetings07:52
froudhe he beat me to it this morning07:52
Burgundaviaread the log07:52
BurgundaviaI have shaghaiied another person07:52
froudok, what's the case with http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/HighPriority07:52
Burgundaviahe even likes the wiki07:52
Burgundaviano idea?07:53
hypatiaThe BOFs have three priorities in terms of which of them should result in specs by the end of the UDU conference.07:53
hypatiaThe HighPriority ones are the highest priority, the ones that it is really important to get specifications for.07:53
hypatiaPriorities are assigned by Canonical management I think.07:54
Burgundaviahypatia, what is HCT?07:59
hypatiaThe Hypothetical Changeset Tool.07:59
hypatiaI don't know exactly what it does.07:59
hypatiaI gather it's going to be for package maintainers.07:59
hypatiaThey can gather together different patches using Bazaar or something.07:59
hypatiaThe rough idea of a lot of what is in the high priority list is that the Ubuntu releases are meant to move onto the Launchpad infrastructure over the course of the Breezy cycle.08:00
froudHmm, no mention of documentation08:03
Burgundaviafroud, almost none of us are there08:04
froudCan anyone edit HighPriority08:04
Burgundaviano idea08:05
froudpoint 14 Edubuntu08:05
froudanother distro08:05
Burgundaviathat can simply be a metapackage08:06
Burgundavialooks very cool though08:06
froudCertification and Training08:08
froudlooks interesting08:08
froudI already put forward a proposal to sabfdl to develop courseware08:08
froudwill be interesting to see what comes out of it08:09
hypatiafroud: No, I don't think anyone can edit high priority.08:11
hypatiaYou can add a BOF and ask them to priortise it.08:11
hypatiaBut they don't want you to unless you're prepared to lead the BoF.08:11
froudYeah I see08:11
Burgundavialittle difficult if you are not their08:11
froudIs there a video or audio stream for tuning into specific bofs08:12
hypatiaI don't know whether the spec process will continue in a non face-to-face way.08:12
hypatiafroud: No.08:12
hypatiaBandwidth is very limited here.08:12
hypatiaThey had a lot of trouble finding a hotel that was willing to give them access at all.08:12
froudIs there aplace for Internet land to place comnets08:12
hypatiaAlso, most BoFs here are two or three people sitting at a table.08:13
hypatiaNo, there doesn't seem to be a specific place.08:13
hypatia#ubuntu-devel is probably the best option.08:13
hypatiaA lot of devels/conference admins are there.08:13
froudAh well then that will be hectic08:13
Burgundavianah, is pretty quiet08:14
froudwell, I guess it best just to sit and wait08:14
Burgundavianot many violations of the 5m rule08:14
froudlet them get the talking over08:14
hypatiaThe idea is that every BoF results in a detailed spec written up by the person nominated as lead.08:15
hypatiaIn a way, that's probably even more useful than a video feed.08:15
hypatiaDecisions, written down :)08:15
froudyeah I understand it08:15
hypatiaI raised documentation briefly at the brainstorm this morning.08:16
hypatiaThey were interested, but there's noone core from docteam here.08:16
froudwhere is js08:16
froudoh well since there is no way to collaborate on this, I guess sitting on the side is what we can do. Shit wish we had a reporter over there08:17
hypatiaa reporter in what sense?08:18
hypatiayou'd need several with this schedule :)08:18
hypatia5 bofs running side by side.08:18
froudreporters are good at getting info from people and giving general coverage08:19
Burgundaviathe lwn person should be there08:20
froudsome kind of daily on Ubuntu Traffic would be good08:20
hypatiaI hope mako does a summary at the end.08:20
hypatiaBut I know that he, jdub, jane silber and mark are spending like six hours every day just scheduling the next day.08:21
Burgundaviamataro was crazy08:22
Burgundaviaup at 808:22
Burgundaviafinish the conference at 8pm08:22
Burgundaviaeat and socialize till midnight08:22
hypatiait's 9am start, 8:15 finish here.08:22
Burgundaviaalso, nothing was open to eat dinner at in Spain until 9pm08:23
hypatiahere they're eating in the hotel.08:23
froudbreakfast lunch and supper08:23
froudthen dont eat it for a year08:24
Burgundaviajust before I quit my job I was on the road for 2 weeks08:24
Burgundaviafast food everyday08:24
Burgundaviamade me sick for a week after I finished08:24
Burgundavianormally I am almost vegetarian08:24
froudmmm no gimme a fat steak anyday08:25
BurgundaviaI like steak, but I don't eat it much08:25
froudAh well dudes, time for me to get the day started08:26
=== froud looks at his agenda and sees, "write whitepaper on COBOL"
BurgundaviaCOBOL, didn't that die with *BSD?08:27
froudthis should be a blast from the past08:27
froudactually not08:27
froudthere are around 70 billion lines in action and 5 billion added each year08:28
froudaccording to Gartner08:28
froudIt may be old, but is still in use08:28
froudmy research shows that there have been many attempts to rewrite systems that were written in COBOL, 98% failed or the functionality of the new app was not equal to the old app08:29
Burgundavialines tells me that phb's still like it08:29
Burgundaviapoint haired bosses08:30
Burgundaviaa term from dilbert08:30
froudactually there is a good business here08:30
froudas the old cobol dudes die08:30
froudwho is gonna maintain and update the code08:30
froudHmmm. There is a fortune to be made08:30
froudI am only 37 and already my COBOL experience is paying me mega bucks since I can understand the code and write documents, even though COBOL is very much self documenting08:31
froudalso you must consider that the licensing fees for cobol are very cheap these days08:33
froudwork is plenty since virtually every business application vendor in the ERP market has a huge base of cobol running in the back end08:33
froudtry like 30 years of code08:34
froudso in times of downturn, COBOL is a blessing :-)08:34
froudhe he check it out a main high street store finally boxes Linux08:35
froud-AMD Semprom [sic]  2.4GHz08:35
froud-128MB RAM08:35
froud-LG CD-ROM08:36
froud-40GB Hard drive08:36
froud-15" LG Monitor08:36
froud-160W Speakers08:36
froud-56K Internal Modem08:36
froud-LINUX Operating System08:36
froud-1 Year Guarantee08:36
froudNo a machin efor me08:36
froudbut it is good that they are starting to box them off the shelf08:36
Burgundaviayou can't buy linux preinstalled in victoria08:36
Burgundaviaor for that matter, do I know anywhere that does it08:36
froudHmm maybe co.za is not so technologically retarded afterall08:37
froudwell chaps school run and then work, c ya later08:37
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hypatiaHas there been any concensus about changes to http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/UserDocumentation08:58
hypatiaie whether they're needed and what form they should take?08:58
Burgundaviawhat sort?08:58
Burgundaviayes we need some08:58
hypatiaI was thinking of trying to group things into tasks a bit more.08:59
hypatiaBut is the concensus in favour of making that enormous list shorter?09:00
hypatiaI might poke EverydayUsage instead.09:00
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=== froud corrects a previous statement about COBOL
froudOver 180 Billion lines of COBOL are in use today10:43
froudwith an estimated 5 billion new lines aded per year10:43
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mdkemorning all11:22
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abelliciao mondo .12:33
abelliby now what guides (from you) are avaible to the end user?12:33
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mdkefroud, you think this page can be deleted? http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DocbookTestHtml06:50
Burgundaviaopinions? http://img24.echo.cx/img24/4998/ubuntubrochure8xr.png06:57
jjessethat looks cool burgundavia06:57
BurgundaviaI am actually looking for critiques06:57
Burgundaviabut thanks06:58
Burgundaviahoping to send this to the printers today06:58
jjesselooking good is not a critque? i think it looks really nice06:58
frouduhum, what am I looking at :-)06:58
Burgundaviabrochure for handing out at trade shows06:58
Burgundavianot finished06:58
froudIs it a cover, inside or ?06:59
Burgundaviajust a page to hand out06:59
froudmost wanted response?07:00
mdkelooks very nice07:01
froudfrom person receiving it?07:01
mdkewhat goes in the bottom box?07:01
Burgundaviastuff about hoary07:01
Burgundaviagnome 2.10, etc.07:01
mdkenot my favourite colour, but looks very pro07:02
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Burgundaviais there an easy way to get more fonts?07:06
Burgundaviafroud, what did you recommend for fonts again?07:10
froudI di dnot recommend07:11
froudBurgundavia: I am having trouble understanding the message. What is the "Most wanted response."07:12
Burgundaviayou mentioned some good, recommended fonts for using a while back07:13
frouddid I, can't remember but normally Helvetica for headings on brochures and Arial light for body texts07:14
Burgundaviadoes  helvetica go by another name?07:17
froudbut Burgundavia, think about your most wanted response before design07:17
Burgundaviayes froud?07:18
froudsorry, not meaning to push07:18
froudjust know that the design should not be the message but supportive thereof :-)07:19
Burgundaviano no07:19
Burgundaviais good to get input07:19
BurgundaviaI have been floundering on this for weeks07:19
froudI think you can safely say that the colors are Ubuntu. The thing now is to focus on what it is you want people to know and when they know, what you want them to do.07:20
froudSo for example, is your message "Ubuntu - Linux for Human Beings that just, works!!!"07:21
froudUbuntu Linux, For Humanity, for You07:22
froudUbuntu Linux, For Humanity, for Yourself07:22
froudsomething that catches and prompts curiosity07:23
froudprompting the reader to focus longer on the page07:23
froudread a little more07:23
Burgundaviasome new ideas http://img256.echo.cx/img256/5281/ubuntubrochure5ca.png07:29
=== jeffsch [~jeffsch@fatwire-202-134.uniserve.ca] has joined #ubuntu-doc
froudwhat tool you using, inkscape or gimp?07:30
Burgundaviajeffsch, I have putting together a one page brochure for ubuntu. critique at http://img256.echo.cx/img256/5281/ubuntubrochure5ca.png07:30
Burgundaviavector art is your friend07:31
froudyep agreed, magic tool07:31
jeffschBurgundavia: who is the audience?07:31
froudyep good question07:31
froudaudience, message, response in that order07:32
Burgundaviatechnical crowd at LFNW07:32
Burgundavialinuxfest northwest07:32
froudAh ha07:32
Burgundaviaexpect the audience to already use/develop linux/FLOSS07:32
froudexpecting linux users 07:32
froudUbuntu Linux for what?07:33
frouddevelopering, working or playing?07:33
froudUbuntu Linux - For Humanity - For Yourself - At Work - At Play07:34
froudget it for yourself07:34
froudsorry just throwing phrases07:35
jeffschBurgundavia: what is the purpose of it? Is it to spread the word?07:35
Burgundaviahey, any ideas are good07:36
jeffschI would change the order of the text07:37
jeffschput Based on Debian Sid first07:37
jeffschthen six month release cycle07:37
Burgundaviathe stuff on the right is quick facts about Ubuntu07:38
Burgundaviaok, the order now is:07:38
Burgundaviadebian sid07:38
Burgundavia6 month07:38
Burgundavia18 month07:38
Burgundavialatest gnome07:39
Burgundaviaone cd07:39
Burgundaviareally cool release names07:39
jeffschafter 6 month, what is most important to people at lfnw? support cycle, or desktop?07:40
Burgundaviathere are some companies there, so support cycle is good07:41
Burgundaviaalso, it sets us apart from FC07:41
Burgundaviawhich has a messy process07:41
Burgundaviato say the least07:41
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jeffschmake sure it says "Based on..." and not based off07:42
jeffschit looks good07:43
BurgundaviaI will hack some more07:44
Burgundaviaok, take a peak now http://img57.echo.cx/img57/8826/ubuntubrochure0sz.png07:56
jeffschhmmm... 08:07
jeffschleft and right margins should be the same08:07
jeffschmake the quick facts section lower, then you can move it to the left08:08
jeffschmove the "how to get" to one of the margins, say the left08:09
jeffschyou might not need the words "quick facts"08:10
jeffschwill they know what shipit is? maybe say free cd or something08:11
jeffschjust my 2 cents08:11
jeffschoh, and maybe somehow mention that ubuntu 5.04 (hoary hedgehog) is the latest release08:12
Burgundaviathe blank section is for about the latest release08:13
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froudanyone speak French?09:34
jeffschje m'excuse, mais je parle seulment un petit peu 09:34
froudis there an accent of the e in the phrase Viva Le X!!!09:34
jeffschbut it's vive, not viva09:35
froudOk an this means something like long live x, right?09:35
froudVive and Viva are terms used in the Romance languages. Vive, in French, and Viva, in Spanish and Italian, mean, "long live."09:36
jeffschloosely, it means more like hooray for X!09:36
froudHmm OK09:36
jeffschbut literally, yes, long live X09:38
froudCool I know have the title to my whitepaper, "Vive Le COBOL!"09:40
froudJeez this customer asks me to write a paper displelling the myths about COBOL. Man have I learned allot :-)09:40
=== jeffsch is away: I'll be back
mdkemvirkkil, good work on the wiki :)11:42
mvirkkilmdke: Thanks. Should be working, but no inspiration -> fiddling around :P11:51
mvirkkilI stumbled upon several pages that said "Don't mess with this page. We know karate" :D11:52
mvirkkilDidn't dare to mess.11:52
mvirkkilAlso it seems that the German Loc's page sais they are going to standardize on Restructured Text. According to the "New Wiki Announcement" all were to standardize on ReST and convert the old moin moin pages to that. What happened?11:54
mvirkkilmdke: Are you still around?11:57

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