
=== lamont_r [~lamont@intern146.lnk.telstra.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
T-Goneoy lamont_r !12:48
zulhey lamont-away 12:48
lamont_rmorning all12:49
T-Gonelamont_r: duh! It's deep night here ;)12:50
=== T-Gone ain't here for long btw
T-Goneabout 1AM12:50
lamont_rwhich makes it morning. :-)12:50
zul /msg lamont_r T-Gone has been giddy all day that he gets to talk to you12:51
zuloops :)12:51
=== T-Gone fortunes
zul /msg lamont_r like a school girl..12:51
zuloops :)12:51
zulbtw is the kernel bof today?12:52
=== lamont_r pictures t-gone in a schoolgirl outfit, gags
lamont_rzul: and yesterday12:52
T-Gonei hate you12:52
T-Goneschoolgirls don't grow chest hair :)12:52
dilingerzul: and possibly tomorrow, thursday, friday, and saturday12:52
lamont_rzul: udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/LinuxKernel iirc12:53
zuldid you guys make an notes for us stranded people?12:53
zulnope..page doesnt exist yet12:54
zulshit the guinea pig is weird...its rolling its food disk on its side and rolling it into his house thingy12:57
T-Gonepour some beer in its water12:58
T-Gonegonna be even more weird ;)12:58
zulyeah my wife would kill me12:58
T-Gonewhy would she know? :)12:59
T-Gonei'm not gonna tell her..12:59
T-Gone(yet) 8)12:59
zulshe is sitting right by me on her computer12:59
T-Gonearg. Computer-freaks couple12:59
T-Gonehow disgusting ;)12:59
=== zul smacks T-Gone
zulno more lip from you mister01:00
=== T-Gone is now known as T-None
zuli need more ram01:06
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zulhey you01:15
zulwhat is this hct?01:28
dilinger<lamont_r> dilinger: hct == "hypothetical changeset tool"01:36
zulall of these acronymns are going to make my head explode01:36
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zulwelcome back..01:37
zulor not01:37
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zulyay another external driver added04:49
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dilinger_the roof needs wifi access06:20
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ivoksi have a patch for a broken alps touchpad... if anyone interested?08:54
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dilingerfabbione: ok, LinuxKernelRoadmap's updated09:38
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Z3K3anyone here?04:07
=== Z3K3 [~chris@tranter.vianet.ca] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
Z3K3damn isp04:31
Z3K3anyhow, I was trying to do some kernel devel while running breezy, I'm gathering that this isn't the way to go.  I've been reading up on sbuild too.  Generally, how do you do kernel compiles, do you use a fresh copy of hoary on VMware or something?  04:31
zulfor beezy we are using hoary with our patch set and 2.6.12-rc2 and working agains that04:35
Z3K3Do you generally use a "real" computer for devel, or do you use a VMware, or is that a bad idea?04:44
Lathiatqemu is another good alternative04:46
zuli use my regular computer 04:49
zulim too cheap ;)04:49
Z3K3so I found the playground at http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/Archives/kernel-team@ubuntu.com--2005/04:56
Z3K3do you use the ansestry patches and kernel-ddebian--pre104:57
Z3K3to be "bleeding edge"?04:57
zulbreezy is using pre1-- right now04:58
Z3K3i set all my apt sources to breezy and have apt-upgraded and I'm at 2.6.10-5-38604:59
Z3K3am I missing a "special" apt source?04:59
zulyou need to get the 2.6.11 source tarball and need to install baz05:00
Z3K3what is jackass.ubuntu?05:01
zulno probs05:02
Z3K3i tried to apt-get install baz05:03
Z3K3is that an app that must be compiled from source?05:03
zulnope apt-get install bazaar05:03
Z3K3sorry for being so daft05:03
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Z3K3quick question: when I followed the instructions on http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KernelBazNotes the final step (baz-get kernel-...) instead of installing or downloading? not sure what it is supposed to do, it just makes a directory with nothing in it?  10:21
Z3K3the directory was called ",,get.kernel-debian--pre1--"10:21
=== lamont_r [~lamont@intern146.lnk.telstra.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
Z3K3i ran this "baz get kernel-team@ubuntu.com--2005/kernel-debian--pre1--"10:24
Z3K3any thoughts?10:24
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z3k3anyone here?11:48
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