
=== mdke is now known as [abcd]
=== [abcd] is now known as mdke
=== cosmico [~cosmico@c6476116-181.impsat.com.co] has joined #launchpad
=== uriel [~binarydre@green.eye.binarydream.org] has joined #launchpad
urieljust curious, what is lanchpad writen in? (and where is the src code for it?) (sorry if I'm blind =))04:20
lifelessuriel: hi there04:33
lifelesslaunchpad is written in python on top of the zope3 framework04:33
urieloh, look who is here04:33
urielzope3? oh dear...04:33
lifelessits utterly unlike zope2 :)04:34
lifelessits not CRACK for starts04:34
urielwow! I'm impressed then ;P04:34
urielI mean, it would have been hard to do worse than zope2...04:34
=== uriel was hopping for quixote, but I guess it was pushing my luck a bit too far
lifelesslaunchpad currently is closed source. we really hope it will become free software eventually04:36
lifelessbut right now its not :[04:36
urieloh, so you are into this ubuntu thing too? heh...04:36
lifelessyeah, I work for Canonical doing the Bazaar RCS04:37
urielwell, some half decent translation/localization framework for python would be nice..04:37
urielah, I'm using it, thank god someone put some order into toms delusions04:38
lifelessrosetta uses gettext quite happily.04:38
=== uriel hates gettext
urielBTW, there was a feature/bug about bazaar that I couldn't figure out where to report04:38
lifelesswhat sort of thing makes gettext bad?04:38
urielthen using mv; it should allow to move a file and the target be a dir, last I checked it didn't work04:39
lifeless(the bug - tell me now, but for future reference : http://bazaar.canonical.com/bugs)04:39
lifelessuriel: right, I *think* we've an open bug on that04:39
urielah, that is new, was hunting around for something like that for a while, before there was something in a wiki somewhere where I think I entered some other bug/suggestion04:40
urielstupid question: any chance to get rid of all the -d useless options?04:41
urielit really hurts my eyes every time I use -H04:41
lifelessI've added https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/malone/bugs/53604:41
lifelessmmm, -d is quite useful for things like pybaz04:41
uriel-V also seems rather useless...04:41
lifelesswhich can't change working dir (they are a library, thats a big nono), but need to tell baz what dir to work in04:42
lifelesspybaz : python bindings to baz04:42
lifeless-V is going to go.04:42
urielI see..04:42
=== uriel ponders..
lifelessand -d should be done like baz -d DIR command04:42
lifelessso it would be consistent and not repeated all the time.04:42
urielyes, at the very least04:42
urielwouldn't make more sense to have specific params to make -d irrelevant?04:43
urielwell, I guess for some cases you would need to specify the working copy..04:43
=== uriel sees the point that for some commands -d makes sense, but I suspect in most cases having plain param that if omited takes the current dir as default would make more sense, just as you can do both "ls" and "ls /etc"
lifelessI agree - and we're doing that a lot as we work on things04:45
urielthe two -h -H feel rather redundant BTW04:45
lifelessbut we haven't made a big push to do it ;)04:45
urielah, good that at least you guys are in a better track; I think that if I had had to use tla for much longer I would have gone completely insane04:46
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kosmic_youthhello, i'm having a problem with launchpad, after i login a go to the package I want to translate and when i click in the link with gives me this error -> A system error occured05:05
asmodaimmm, I could do some translations this morning05:12
asmodaikosmic_youth: there are some rough edges still05:12
mdkei was thinking perhaps this is related to #52805:13
asmodaiso many bugs to fix ;)  (so bloody little time)05:14
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