
Tm_Tnate_: really? tell me more please12:02
smouchekkathman, where you at dude?12:02
Tm_TI really wan't to know12:02
KisainTm_T i'll paste to you in a pm is that ok?12:02
Tm_TKisain: no need to12:02
KisainTo install using the gui, just startup "setup.sh"12:03
Tm_TKisain: I guess what it includes12:03
=== smouche goes to brew some java
Tm_TKisain: then do so12:03
Kisainwhats the command?12:03
Kisainjust setup.sh?12:03
=== gunny joins smouche in a cuppa joe
Kisainyou rock man12:03
Tm_TKisain: have to say, that's too easy, really12:03
Kisainsays command not found :/12:04
Tm_Tehh, try "./setup.sh"12:05
Kisainit may seem so but i'm thinking otherwize lol12:05
Kisainawsome man12:06
Tm_TKisain: you got that easy way this time12:06
nate_Tm_T: I peed12:07
nate_Tm_T: is that the past tense for pee, peed?12:07
Kisainnow i gotta figure out how to run it12:07
Tm_Tnate_: I think12:07
nate_Tm_T: well thats what i did then12:07
smouchewhat is all this potty talk on here? ;)12:07
Tm_TKisain: try Kmenu ;)12:08
Tm_Tsmouche: dunno12:08
nate_I've got a potty mouth12:08
Tm_Tnate_: you really don't need to tell everything, you know that?12:08
smouchewell, en bocas cerradas no entran moscas...12:08
nate_Tm_T: awwww, i was typing out my every action12:08
transgresskaffeine angers me12:08
nate_Tm_T: j/k ;)12:08
smouchekaffeine makes me pee.12:09
nate_transgress: try totemxine12:09
transgressanyone else have problems with kaffiene keeping processes running??//12:09
gunnytransgress yup12:09
smoucheI don't use it anymore12:09
Kisaini got it to work yay thanx man12:09
transgressnate_: this is #kubuntu... not #ubuntu12:09
gunnysupposedly a new kaffeine is coming 12:09
KaiLhttp://homepage.ntlworld.com/fowlerc/kaffeine_0.6-1_i386.deb << fixed kaffeine12:09
nate_transgress: totemxine works on kubuntu, i believe12:09
transgresswell it is used in konq to play videos in the browser... which rocks12:09
smouchetransgress, kaffeine locks up my cpu and won't let go.12:09
gunnykillall kaffeine12:10
nate_transgress: ohhhh, i see, i don't use konq12:10
Tm_Tmplayer <312:10
smoucheKaiL - thanks for that link -- I'll check that now12:10
nate_transgress: konq is slow for me12:10
transgressgunny: i do that a lot heh... plus i have to hunt down a couple other processes usually12:10
Kisainkubuntu roks yay12:10
nate_transgress: soooooo slooooooooooooowwwwwww12:10
KaiLsmouche: I had very good comments about that12:10
gunnykonq is sweet on my machine fastest browser I have installed 12:10
KaiLnate_: slow harddisk?12:10
Tm_Tit came in seconds12:10
nate_KaiL: not the loading times, but the actual loading of pages12:11
Tm_Tnate_: ehh?12:11
smoucheTim_T, want some coffee?12:11
KaiLthen get faster internet :p12:11
nate_KaiL: Firefox is faster for me12:11
gunnymmm coffeee12:11
Tm_Tsmouche: yes please12:11
nate_KaiL: heh12:11
KaiLno problems here12:11
smoucheopera is fast like it's on amphetamines.12:11
gunnylet me go fire up my pod machine I just want one cup brb12:11
Tm_TI use FF12:11
KaiLsmouche: do you remember Opera3.x on Windows?12:11
nate_FF is faster than konq for me for some reason, i suspect some setting conflict, but i like firefox anyways, so who cares12:12
Tm_TKisain: I remember12:12
smouchehow do you like it, Tm_T?  percolated, or strained through a dirty sock?  I got an espresso maker here somewhere too...12:12
Tm_Tsmouche: err?12:12
Tm_TKisain: sorry, wrhong guy12:12
smoucheyour coffees!12:12
KaiLsmouche: THAT was fast, todays Opera is very very slow compared to that12:12
Kisainanyway thanx man12:12
Kisainyou rock12:12
KaiLand btw compared to konq too12:12
smoucheKaiL, yes! now that I think about it, I loved opera back then.12:13
Tm_TKaiL: hmm, do you remember Netscape 2 ?12:13
smoucheThen I gave up on it cause it seemed like plugins were always a pain...12:13
KaiLnot really faster than opera312:13
=== nate_ watches the latest naruto episode
Tm_TKaiL: btw I will install 16bit netscape someday12:13
=== smouche pours everybody a coffee, complete with a stick of cinnamon.
gdhyum :)12:14
KaiLtoday I learned, that a clean kubuntu install runs much better than upgraded from debian12:14
gdhI've been eating cinnamon lozenges today =)12:15
Tm_Ttransgress: into my laptop, windows wfw 3.11 ;)12:15
gunnymmm coffee12:15
smoucheI wonder whether kkathman found his java path yet?12:15
gunnycoffee pods bets invention evar12:15
themolest"than upgrade from debian" ?12:15
KaiLso yes, my very first debian installation, created on 20.12.2000 got killed today and replaced by a kubuntu12:15
kkathmansmouche oh yeah12:15
Tm_Tthemolest: yes?12:15
kkathmanI did12:15
gunnygood kkathman  we were getting worried about ya lol12:15
KaiLI think, around 4 1/2 years are enough? :)12:15
=== smouche pours some lukewarm coffee on kkathman too
gunnyhmm java chat just crashed my opera12:16
kkathmannah it was like buried12:16
themolestTm_T is that possible?12:16
smoucheburied under what??12:16
themolestlike, changing apt-get sources...12:16
themolestor what12:16
kkathmanheres where mine was smouche:  /usr/local/jdk1.5.0_03/jre/lib/i386/12:16
=== cbo [~cbo@81-202-13-63.user.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu
Tm_Tthemolest: oh YES!12:17
themolestah, cool12:17
smoucheewww, in local?12:17
Tm_Tthemolest: why not12:17
Kisainwhat can i get for kubuntu thats really neat?12:17
Tm_TKisain: ehh?12:17
themolesti dun know, just diddn't think about it12:17
Kisaini don't know i'm just looking for neat stuff12:18
gunnyget kubuntu a pony I bet kubuntu would love a pony 12:18
Kisaini alredy have a cat12:18
smouchekubuntu sounds like a pony.12:18
Tm_TKisain: http://www.kapsi.fi/~tm_travolta/kuvat/temp/foo_015.png12:18
Kisainon my desktop12:18
=== gunny wants a pony
Tm_TKisain: something like that?12:18
cbohello all. I don't like my box listening on port 5900 (vnc) by default, does someone know how to deactivate it?12:18
smouchegunny sounds like a pony too.12:18
gunnyrofl 12:18
=== gunny is a pony
smoucheTm_T does not sound like a pony.12:19
=== gunny is now known as _da_pony
=== dvoid [~dvoid@c-215fe155.2010-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu
Kisaini alredy have gkrellm but i must say the wallpaper rocks12:19
Tm_Tsmouche: thank you12:19
Tm_TKisain: gkrellm... ?12:19
=== _da_pony eats some hay
=== _da_pony is now known as Gunny
=== smouche sounds like something a pony stepped in.
Tm_TKisain: there's no gkrellm12:19
Kisainyes there is but yours is diffrent program12:19
Kisainit does the same thugh12:20
Tm_TKisain: same and much more12:20
Gunnyis there a wallpaper rotator for kde?12:20
Kisainreally like what?12:20
GunnyI'd love me one of those12:20
=== _akrame [~akrame@adsl-77-19-192-81.adsl.iam.net.ma] has joined #kubuntu
smouchebe careful with that hay, _da_pony, you don't know where it's been12:20
Kisainhow do you do the thing where the text is on the desktop12:20
Gunnyrofl 12:20
smoucheor who's been peeing in it.12:20
Tm_TKisain: hmm, anything what is text only12:20
KaiLGunny: at the place, where you set the wallpaper12:20
Gunnyoh cool Kail thanks 12:20
Tm_TKisain: hmm, you mean that console?12:21
smouchehey, does kubuntu have that "calendar" thing, like ubuntu?12:21
Kisainit looks like it's on the desktop?12:21
Tm_Tsmouche: eh, same distro12:21
Kisainclick on the clock12:21
Kisainit will be there12:21
smouchefreaked me out when I updated gnome, and my wallpaper had suddenly changed to blue12:21
cbocan someone please tell me if netstat -ta shows ports 5800 5900 listening?12:22
Tm_TKisain: yes, it's Eterm12:22
Kisainhow do i get it?12:22
Kisaini like that12:22
smoucheheh heh12:22
Tm_Tmy Eterm tweak really sells =)12:22
smoucheEterm should be in one of the repos...12:23
Tm_Tit is12:23
Kisainwell i want that tweak it's awsome man12:23
smoucheif you invoke it with the command Eterm -O --buttonBar no --scrollBar no  -f LightGray12:23
Tm_TKisain: haha, it's basic stuff really12:23
smouche(using whatever color you want)12:23
smoucheyou'll get that transparent look12:23
Tm_Tsmouche: eh, only " Eterm -O --buttonBar no --scrollBar "12:24
Tm_Tsmouche: no need to "set" that grey12:24
Kisainso i just type that stuff in?12:24
Kisainor do i need to get something?12:24
smouchei was just getting rid of that cyan that you hated, Tm_T!12:24
Tm_Tsmouche: eh, cyan isn't default12:24
smouchewell, no, it's not!  But it should be!12:25
Tm_Tsmouche: light grey is =)12:25
Tm_TI hate bright colours12:25
Kisainsame lol12:25
smoucheTm_T, btw, how do I turn off the shadowing in Eterm?  It's great for the lighter colors,12:25
smouchebut if I use a darker color, the shadowing sucks12:25
Tm_Tsmouche: shadowing?12:26
Tm_TI don't have it (?)12:26
smoucheon the text -- dark shadow12:26
Kisainso do i type thos commands in and it works or what?/12:26
Tm_TKisain: well, there's some thing to do after that12:26
Tm_TKisain: first apt-get that Eterm12:27
Kisaindo apt-get install?12:27
Gunnyanybody use linux to capture and edit video from  a firewire DV camera?12:27
Tm_TGunny: Kino12:28
Tm_TKisain: yes, got brains? ;)12:29
Kisaini hope so lol12:29
GunnyTm_T,  I'll check it out I've becore proficient in windows movie maker (don't laugh)12:29
Kisainactualy i gots linux ^_^12:29
=== smouche laughs his ass off
=== Tm_T too
GunnyI also have premier12:30
Tm_TI don't12:30
Gunnybut that's like using a nuclear bomb to opena  can of soda12:30
smoucheGunny, have you ever used Virtual Dub?12:30
Gunnysmouche, nope 12:30
Tm_TGunny: ...12:30
themolestvdub works on linux?12:30
Kisainok installed now what?12:30
Gunnychecking into kino I asume my camera will be plug and play 12:31
Tm_TKisain: run that command, use Kmenus "run command..."12:31
=== KaiL [~KaiL@p5485C4A1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
Tm_TKaiL: hullo12:31
smoucheI'm not really laughing.  Windows movie maker is quite nice actually; it just sucks that it uses wma only (I believe)12:31
Kisainok whats the command12:31
smoucheor other microsoft wrappers etc12:31
Gunnyno it uses avi too which I quickly convert to whatever I want in premier12:32
Tm_TKisain: "Eterm -O --buttonBar no --scrollBar no"12:32
smouchethemolest, that's a good question, I haven't checked that yet.  I assume there's a version for linux...?12:32
themolesti am fairly sure its open source, but i havn't heared of it running on linux12:33
Tm_TKisain: got it?12:33
Kisainhmmmm popuped up a box 12:33
smoucheavi, ok, but that's just the wrapper -- I don't think you can use xvid or divx with movie maker12:33
Kisainwith a background12:33
Tm_TKisain: box?12:33
Gunnysmouche,  no you can't12:33
Tm_TKisain: oh, yes =)12:33
Kisaina window or whatever it's called12:33
Kisainoh ok i thought i did something wrong12:34
=== spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has left #kubuntu ["Bye]
Tm_TKisain: window, and yes, because you haven't configured your Eterm yet12:34
GunnyI can't recall what all movie maker can export I suppose I can fire up my vmware and look 12:34
Kisainvmwares a neat prog12:34
smouche-O --buttonBar no --scrollBar no12:34
=== Gunny hugs his vmware
=== Gunny sips his coffee
Tm_TKisain: run "Eterm"12:34
Tm_TKisain: then make all cinfog you want and then save them12:35
Kisainok eterm is open12:35
Kisainbut i ran it in that with the command as wel12:35
Tm_TKisain: you see Eterms menubar?12:36
Kisainbut it's in a window12:36
=== Bicchi [~chatzilla@adsl-065-006-167-199.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
Bicchii noticed that firefox does not handle mpeg files how can i make sure that when i click on a movie it gets play.12:36
Kisainyea when i right click on the title bar i do12:36
Bicchiwhat do you use to play mpeg. i have not tested this yet12:36
Kisainit says configure windows behavior12:37
=== ubuntu [~ubuntu@ip-22.net-81-220-228.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #kubuntu
smoucheBicchi, you should read www.ubuntuguide.org for info on multimedia12:37
Tm_TKisain: hmm, no, Eterm have its own menubar, dark grey12:37
Kisainok let me try again lol12:37
KaiLha, my full keyboard works - nice :)12:37
GunnyBicchi,  I've become a huge fan of vlc lately 12:37
Tm_TKisain: run "Eterm"12:38
KaiLnever had that with debian *G*12:38
smouche0h yeah, I like that too, Gunny12:38
Tm_TKaiL: "full" ?12:38
KaiLTm_T: really _all_ special keys12:38
smouchehaven't tried it in linux yet12:38
Kisainok done12:38
BicchiGunny, vlc ?12:38
Kisainnow i see the menus12:38
Gunnyespecially since kaffeine eats cpu cycles for breakfast 12:38
Gunnyyes 12:38
Tm_TKisain: ok, use it12:38
smouchevideo lan client12:38
Gunnyvlc can play just about anything 12:39
Gunnyits un ubuntu's universe repo I think 12:39
Tm_TI have too many "help me" requests, there is line already =)12:39
BicchiGunny: how can i tell firefox to use vlc then12:39
Kisainalright got the text and everything set but it's still in a window12:39
Gunnythere is a plugin 12:39
Gunnyvlc-mozilla I believe 12:39
nate_what is vlc?12:39
Gunnysearch in synaptic for it 12:39
Tm_TKisain: yes, we come into that when Eterm is configured12:39
Kisainoh ok12:40
=== smouche suppresses the 14000 questions he was going to ask Tm_T about irssi...
Tm_Tsmouche: not actually12:40
Gunnyvlc is what mplayer wishes it could be 12:40
smoucheheh heh12:40
Kisaini got the font colour and the background set now what? ^_^12:40
Tm_TKisain: save them12:40
KaiLhmm, why does kubuntu think, the DVDs here are empty ones?12:40
=== tebs [~tebs@i-83-67-16-178.freedom2surf.net] has joined #kubuntu
Tm_TKisain: ok, now run again that "longer" Eterm command12:41
GunnyI love how I can watch live tv streamed from my tivo in vlc12:41
Kisainok still in windows without the menubar12:41
smouchevlc works very well for previewing video during a P2P download.  It handles partial files very well12:41
nate_Gunny: does it use the same codecs as mplayer?  Do I need to move the codecs?12:42
Kisaini think i'm gonna get that vcl12:42
Tm_TKisain: ok, now press alt+space12:42
Tm_TKisain: hmm, you supposed to get menu12:42
Gunnyno nate it has its own 12:42
smouchethat's Alt F3, Tm_T12:43
Kisaindid somethin wrong diden't i?12:43
Tm_TKaiL: same menu what you get when rightclicking titlebar12:43
Tm_TKisain: 12:43
Tm_TKisain: same menu what you get when rightclicking titlebar12:43
Kisainoh that lol12:43
Tm_Tyou get it12:44
smoucheI think vlc doesn't really use codecs in the same sense as other apps; it "transcodes" stuff, so , I think? you don't actually need all the codecs...12:44
Tm_TKisain: using alt+space?12:44
smouchenot clear on the details, acttually12:44
Kisainalt +f312:44
Kisainor right clicking12:44
Tm_Tremember that, you gonna need it12:45
Tm_Tnow, move window to it's place12:45
Tm_Tand resize it12:45
nate_ummm, vlc can't play the batman trailer in firefox on apple.com/trailers12:45
Kisainto the whole or part of the desktop?12:45
=== kay [~kay@p54A384FA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
Kisaini don't care which i just want it to work lol12:46
KaiLnobody having my DVD problem?12:46
Gunnynate_ did you install the plugin?12:46
Tm_TKisain: as you like, I use lower third12:46
Tm_TKaiL: hmm?12:46
nate_Gunny: yes12:46
KaiLthe system thinks, they are empty ones..12:47
Gunnydid you uninstall which ever other plugins you were using for multimedia?12:47
Kisainok i have it where i want it12:47
Gunnylole mplayer or mozplugger?12:47
Gunnyer like 12:47
Tm_TKisain: now, use that menu again...12:47
Kisainand do what?12:47
smoucheI hate mplayer.12:47
Tm_TKisain: advanced -> no border12:47
nate_Gunny: I believe so, but i'll double-check...oh, wait, I know what the prob is12:47
KaiLTm_T: not?12:47
Tm_TKaiL: ?12:48
Kisainawsome thanx12:48
nate_nope, wasn't the problem12:48
KaiLyou know the icon, you get, if you insert an empty DVD/CD media?12:48
Tm_TKaiL: hmm, no, I don't have icons in desktop ;p12:48
Kisainawsome thanx12:49
Kisainhow do i get it not to show up in my program bar?12:49
Tm_TKisain: hehe12:49
Kisainlike that pic you sent12:49
smoucheKisain, Alt F312:50
Tm_TKisain: btw it also stay in back even if its active in my desktop  =)12:50
=== St0n3-C0l [~stonecol@St0n3-c0l.user] has joined #Kubuntu
Kisainalt+f3 now what?12:51
smouchethen "advanced"12:51
KaiLTm_T: but in media:/ :)12:51
Tm_TKaiL: I don't ues it =)12:51
smouchethen, Kisain, special window settings, and check out those tabs12:51
Tm_TKisain: muahhaha12:51
smouchetake your time with those settings, Kisain, useful stuff to know how to do in there.12:52
Tm_TKaiL: hmm, I use mplayer to play dvd movies... so I don't care about icons ;p12:52
KaiLat least there you have a silver disk for a filled one and yellow (or gold) for empty ones.....12:52
Kisainwell i don't lol :(12:52
KaiLand now I get the yellow one for every DVD12:52
KaiLthis is very strange12:52
KaiLRiddell: ping?12:52
smoucheKisain, also, if you go to Control Center later, and look in the Regional and Accessibility section,12:52
St0n3-C0lKoolDock is still not in the repos of Kubuntu ?12:53
smoucheyou can set keyboard shortcuts for stuff like hiding borders etc12:53
Kisainwhats the one to get it outta the program bar?12:53
smouchethey can be useful when using pseudo transparent windows.12:53
Kisaini don't tweak much right now just to start i'm still learning12:53
smoucheand, Kisain, you know you can drag a borderless window anywhere by holding down Alt and left-click and drag.12:54
nate_Gunny: so whats the trick to getting it to work in firefox?12:54
=== Gunny [~gunny@res-66-169-54-062.spa.sc.charter.com] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"]
Tm_TKisain: take your time, you'll figure it out by yourself12:54
Kisainoh nice12:54
Kisainok i'll try it12:54
Kisaini won't crash my box or somthin will i?12:54
smoucheno, I doubt it!12:55
Tm_TKisain: i applause if you do =)12:55
Tm_Tthat's something :p12:55
smoucherats, nate_ - I was hoping Gunny could answer that one too!12:55
Kisaindon't i worked really hard on this12:56
Kisainif it crashes i would be crushed12:56
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smoucheif you haven't crashed anything yet, you're not working hard enough!12:56
nate_hmmmm, wonder why i can't get vlc to work12:56
transgresswhat's the problem with it nate_ 12:58
Kisaineurika! i got it ^_^12:58
smouchecongrats, Kisain!12:59
Kisain^_^ thanx man12:59
error403how do i get a program to automatically load on startup?12:59
Kisaini was kinda worried that i would crash it lol12:59
Tm_TKisain: also conf it to stay below01:00
smouchenah, it's mainly kde apps that crash...01:00
Tm_Tsmouche: x)01:00
Tm_TKisain: advanced ->01:01
smoucheI've got three of these things running on the same desktop, different sizes and colors.01:01
Kisainok got it01:01
Tm_Tsmouche: hmm, so you have that menushortcut as alt+F3 ?01:01
smoucheone of them permanently showing "man bash" 01:01
smoucheI may actually read that too one of these days.01:02
Tm_Thmm, three Eterms?01:02
smouchesmouche, yeah, thought that was default01:02
smouchethat's on a standard us keyboard, anyway.01:02
Tm_Tyou are talking to yourself01:03
Tm_Tsmouche: yeas, I use fi keyboard =)01:03
Tm_TI have  keys too01:03
Tm_TI bet you don't :p01:04
smoucheheh, I've never seen a finnish keyboard; I picture it with umlauts and double aa's all over the place ;-)01:04
Tm_Tdouble aa ?01:04
Tm_TDOUBLE AA???01:04
smouchedoesn't Finnish use "aa" a lot?01:04
Tm_Thmm, not?01:04
pvI haven't ever seen a double aa.01:04
smouchewords like kaapi taapi laapi ... no?01:05
Tm_Tsmouche: ehh, not much01:05
pvYeah, but it is written with two a's, not a combined letter :)01:05
smouchemy bad, I thought "aa" was a common vowel combination in finnish01:05
Tm_Twell, common yes01:05
blueyedhow can I get a list of used (bound) ports?01:05
Tm_Tbut it doesn't need it's own key =)01:05
smouchewell, duh, I know!  I was joking!  sheesh!01:05
themolestblueyed you mean listening ports?01:05
blueyedyes, themolest .01:06
Tm_Tsmouche: no you was so damn serious!01:06
themolestlike tcp/udp servers?01:06
themolestnetstat -l01:06
blueyedthx alot, themolest.01:06
themolestor netstat -a for clients too01:06
smoucheTm_T, don't laugh at the idea of "double letters" being thought of as a single letter.01:06
Tm_Tsmouche: btw I will give you a pic of fi keyb01:06
Tm_Tsmouche: it's a joke =)01:06
Tm_Tit must be01:06
smouchein traditional Spanish ordering, ll and ch are treated as seperate "letters"01:07
smouche(though not on keyboards, I assume)01:07
smouchewhat does the umlaut do in Finnish, btw, Tm_T? shorten the vowel?01:08
error403could anybody tell me how to get a program to start on KDE startup?01:08
Tm_Tsmouche: hmm, they are separate vowels01:08
Tm_Tsmouche: http://home.rpkk.fi/kodit/~ahosa/tekstinknapp/perusn1.gif01:09
blueyedIs there no OpenLDAP with Ubuntu?01:09
smoucheheh heh, Finnish also seems to like the letter "k"01:09
Tm_Tsmouche: hmm, maybe01:10
Kisainis there a place to uplad screenshots?01:10
=== blueyed tries to follow this howto: http://wanderingbarque.com/howtos/mailserver/mailserver.html
Kisainso i can show my freinds?01:10
Tm_TKisain: your own website?01:10
Kisainlike the one you used to show me that screenshot01:10
pvapt-cache search openldap  finds slapd package.01:11
smoucheTm_T: cool, that's less dissimilar to a us keyboard than I expected01:11
Tm_TKisain: it's "my" webserver01:11
Kisainoh wow nice01:11
smoucheinteresting that you also use qwerty01:11
Tm_Tsmouche: ofcourse01:11
Tm_Twhy not01:11
Tm_Twe have only 3(?) extra letters01:12
smouchewhy not why not?  Letter frequency differs in different languages.01:12
blueyedThanks, pv!01:12
smouchethat's why French uses azerty01:12
Tm_Tsmouche: but we finnish are very international ;p01:12
smouchebut hell, maybe you Finns invented these damn keyboards to begin with!01:12
Kisainhow do you take a screenshot in kubuntu is it still print screen01:13
smoucheyeah, I know Tm_T; I used to listen to finnish radio, and the announcers sounded more like the bbc than the bbc!01:13
smoucheKisain, use ksnapshot01:13
Tm_TKisain: ehh, "import -window root <destination>" or use Ksnapshot01:14
Tm_Tsmouche: haha01:14
Tm_Tsmouche: you know nokia, right?01:14
smoucheI know it's a Finnish company, if tht's what you mean01:14
Tm_Tsmouche: yes :)01:14
smouchebut I'll bet if you asked most Americans, they'd assume it was Japanese!01:15
Tm_Thaha, I know =)01:15
=== Gunny [~gunny@res-66-169-54-062.spa.sc.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
smoucheI read somewhere that Finland is the most wired (or wireless) country on the planet, that true?01:16
smouchehey Gunny, welcome back01:16
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smouchebtw, Tm_T, what's a good finnish internet radio station?01:17
Gunnysmouche,  thanks 01:17
Gunnyhad to deal with a sick child 01:17
Tm_Tsmouche: hmm, dunno, I don't use internet radios, or radio at all actually01:17
Tm_Tsmouche: but I can ask, wait a minute01:18
Gunny2 year old daughter is running 101.4 fever keeping me busy lol01:18
Tm_TGunny: hmm, 101.4?01:19
pvFahrenheit, hopefully :)01:19
Tm_Tdamn those yankees01:19
Tm_Twhy they can't use siviliced measurements01:19
Tm_Toh, hi pv01:20
smouchehah hah, yes I can see how 101.4 would be alarming to someone used to Celsius measurements01:21
Gunnyfarenheit indeed01:21
smouche101.4 is high enough!01:22
Tm_Teven in Kelvin it would be alarming01:22
Gunnyyep weird thing is, she's acting fine 01:22
Tm_Tsmouche: can you give it as celsius?01:22
Gunnyno other symptoms 01:22
smoucheshe's in turbo mode.01:22
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smoucheput a cup throttle on that kid.01:23
smoucheoops, cpu!01:23
smoucheTm_T, no, I don't know the conversion factor, sorry01:23
Gunny38.5 Celsius01:24
Gunnythanks google01:24
Tm_TGunny: that's nothing =)01:24
kkathmanso smouche are you sayin yer sick dude?01:24
smouchekkathman, no, we were talking about Gunny's daughter,01:24
smoucheand no, I am not 01:24
Gunnyconvert 101.4 degrees F to C man I love google01:24
smoucheGunny's daughter!01:24
kkathmanohhh...how old is the daughter?01:24
smouchegoogle thinks of everything; scary, ain't it01:25
smoucheShe's 101.4 years young, kkathman.01:25
Tm_Thmm, no, there's many things what google don't find01:25
smouchein Finnish reindeer years.01:25
kkathmansmouche: you should read the latest Fortune Magazine... great article on how Google is giving Microsoft fits and how Gates is worried about them long term01:25
Tm_Tsmouche: whatta01:26
kkathmanGates own arrogance basically is his downfall in many cases01:26
smoucheTm_T, never mind, I'm just being tired and sloppily surrealistic.01:26
Gunnykkathman,  she's 2 and a half01:26
Tm_Tsmouche: ok =)01:26
smouchein child years.01:26
Gunnyno idea what conversion scale to use for that 01:26
Tm_Thmm, there was some conversion tools to KDE in reops...01:27
smoucheyeah, Gates has got to get diminishing returns eventually.01:27
kkathmanGunny: Ahh ok, well spikey fevers are fairly common, but lots of fluids is a good thing and dont let it stay over 100 more than 24 hours without a dr visit01:27
dell500anyone here know what flac, ogg, and shn are??01:27
Gunny913.105497 days01:27
kkathmanogg is an audio format01:27
dell500better question, how do you convert them to mp301:27
Tm_Tdell500: use amaroK and script ;)01:27
Gunnykkathman,  thanks I got it covered01:27
kkathmanyou dont...you find a player01:27
=== Gunny is a stay home daddy
Tm_TGunny: lucky you01:28
kkathmanGunny: excellent!!!01:28
smouchedell500, search in synaptic or kpackage or aptitude or whatever for command line converters etc01:28
kkathmanIve been stay at home since 199101:28
Gunnyyeah been home for 2 years01:28
GunnyI retired from Michelin Tech Support 01:28
Tm_TGunny: damn, wanna switch with me ?01:28
smouchethere's something like "ogg2mp3" or something, can't remember exactly01:28
Gunnyno thanks lol01:28
Tm_Tsmouche: or you can use amaroK with conversion script ;)01:29
smoucheTm_T, I didn't know amaroK could do conversions, cool!01:29
Gunnyyou can use mplayer and choose wav out too then encode however you like 01:29
Tm_TGunny: that's one yes =)01:29
smouchethat reminds me, friend of mine lent me a CD; time for some bachata01:30
smouchelatin music01:30
Gunnybachata sounds like a french breaad pizza or something 01:30
smouchefrom the Dominican Republic; awesome guitar style01:30
=== Gunny is hungry
Tm_Tsmouche: can't beat Jimmy Page ;)01:31
dell500well does k3b burn shn, flac, and ogg??01:31
GunnyI guess I can find scripts for amarok at their home page 01:31
smouchedell500, those are data formats01:31
smoucheyou can put them on a disk just like with mp301:31
dell500no, i mean can you burn them as audio01:32
smouchebut if you want to play them in an ordinary cd player, you'll have to convert them to .wav, I assume.01:32
Tm_TGunny: apps-kde.org01:32
Tm_Tsorry, kde-apps.org01:32
dell500what's amaroK???01:32
Tm_Tdell500: amarok.kde.org01:32
smouchedell500, it's a media player for kde.01:33
Tm_Tsmouche: not media, audio01:33
smoucheplayer and organizer01:33
Tm_Tyes =)01:33
smoucheright Tm_T, just audio01:33
Tm_T"media" .. "why it can't play my avi????"01:33
dell500apt-get install amarok??01:34
GunnyTm_T,  thanks I'm there01:36
dell500should i choose SQlite or MySQL?? :)01:36
Tm_TGunny: hmm?01:36
Tm_Tdell500: I use SQlite01:37
Tm_Tit's default01:37
Gunnykde apps .org01:37
Tm_Toh yes01:37
dell500sweet, scanning all my music!01:37
dell500lot of Invalid Sample rate errors01:38
Tm_Tdell500: btw use svn version, new features etc01:39
smouchewhat's "svn" Tm_T?01:40
kkathmanwow Opera 8 is awesome01:40
smoucheisn't it?01:40
kkathmanyeah its majorly improved01:41
kkathmanand I think its even faster01:41
dell500wow, there are a lot of options in this app01:41
Tm_Tsmouche: like cvs but better(?)01:42
dell500amarok is a lot to handle all at once lol01:47
dell500not sure what is goin on01:47
Tm_Tit's simple01:47
dell500i know, it probably is, i'm just not used to it yet01:47
dell500got a lot of unknown stuff :(01:48
Tm_Toh whyyy01:48
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Kisainwhats the command to install vmware?01:48
dell500what's vmware?01:49
smoucheyeah, kkathman, this opera rocks!  I can't believe how good the fonts look, at all sizes01:51
kkathmanOk I got a better SK plug in for status, but it takes more resource :(01:51
smoucheTm_T, dell500 is right; amaroK does seem a tad overwhelming at first.01:52
Gunnyis there a qt  version of gnomad? in other words can I use something besides gnomad to sync my nomad Xen Xtra?01:53
Tm_Tsmouche: hmm, maybe, it's not xmms01:53
Tm_TGunny: try kde-apps.org ;p01:53
GunnyI did lol01:54
blueyedWhat would be the equivalent to ldapadd in SLP?01:54
Gunnyonly thing is a program that is depracated 01:55
GunnyI guess I;ll suck it up and install gnomad01:55
smoucheok, Tm_T, if I want to use the version of AmaroK from that site, do I need to remove my current amaroK?01:55
Gunnyeven though it's interface sucketh01:55
blueyedI'Ve installed slpd and following a howto which uses ldapadd to add a new entry to the ldap..01:55
Tm_Tsmouche: eh, no, it installs it "over"01:56
smouchecool, thanks.01:56
Tm_Tbtw that might be buggy ;p01:56
Gunnyhmm svn? why they not use cvs?01:59
smoucheyeah, Tm_T, I think I may stick with the stable version for now...01:59
=== knoppix [~knoppix@cpe-069-133-155-152.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
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oshArgh. Win32codecs aren't availible if you run ubuntu64. How annoying. Time for bed...02:02
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=== knoppix is now known as NTolerance
KaiLas they aren't on win64..02:02
Gunnywin64 will still use 32 bit dll's for multimedia 02:02
KaiLhmm, so he needs a 32bit xine ;)02:03
oshKaiL: Noted. I suspect ubuntu can do something similar...02:03
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KaiLquite silly btw02:03
KaiLthe most CPU eating job is still 32bit..02:04
KaiLanybody here, who has upgraded from a K7 based CPU to a K8 based one?02:05
KaiLis this only my feeling, or are K8 systems a lot faster even at the same clock?02:06
Tm_Tsmouche: actually that "stable" can be buggier02:06
smoucheI know what you mean; but amaroK is behaving quite well for me, so I'll look for something else to break - ;-)02:07
Tm_Tok :)02:08
Tm_TI use... yesterdays svn02:08
smouchewell, you'll always be at least eight hours ahead of me, no matter what - unless I move to Europe...:)02:10
Tm_Tit was 16:28 utc02:11
smoucheso I'll let you do the alpha testing...02:11
Tm_Tworking better than "stable" and have new features, can't be bad =)02:12
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smoucheI know what you mean, Tm_T, hoary unstable was much more solid than warty "stable" for me, for example02:14
smouchetill I backported myself into hell, anyway!02:14
=== Tm_T can't wait its first release
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=== error403 [~alan@host81-158-84-243.range81-158.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu
error403anybody else here use BitchX often?02:21
Tm_TI use irssi only =)02:21
=== NT is now known as NTolerance
Tm_Thell NO!02:22
error403/bin/sh: elinks: command not found02:22
smoucheelinks is cool.02:24
error403it is...02:24
error403so is BitchX02:24
error403well, thats what im using at the mo...02:25
Tm_Tyes, but irssi is more userfriendly imho02:25
error403where i get it?02:25
error403coz i see to not have the source for it...02:25
Tm_Tyou already got it02:25
Tm_Tit's in normal ubuntu installation02:26
smoucheirssi can be VEry user friendly if you're stuck without X running!02:26
Tm_Tsmouche: and in X too! ;p02:26
error403so i do....02:26
Tm_Tsmouche: bitchx and irssi are similar looking02:26
Tm_Thaha I hope I really convert him02:27
smouchereally?  I thought bitchx was something like x-chat02:27
Tm_Tsmouche: use google02:27
smouchehm, learn something new everyday.02:27
smoucheI'm using irssi, man, leave me alone!! ;-)02:27
NToleranceif my X isn't running I've probably got more problems than trying to connect to IRC02:28
Tm_TNTolerance: haha02:28
Tm_TNTolerance: I don't use graphical irc clients02:28
NToleranceI'm running off of the KANOTIX CD now...I like it so far02:28
=== error403 [~alan@host81-158-84-243.range81-158.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu
Tm_Tany guestions?02:28
error403not really..02:28
NTolerance200 more fps in glxgears, no klaptop problems yet, firefox stays open when i change the desktop background02:28
error403i dont think....02:28
Tm_TNTolerance: 200 ???02:29
Tm_TNTolerance: how much total?02:29
error403how do i change the colors?02:29
smoucheNTolerance, the thing was, I couldn't rescue myself without getting help on irc, so I was damned lucky i knew about irssi!02:29
error403this one isnt as colorful....02:29
NTolerance614 on an ATI Mobility M602:29
transgressis kde lighter on the processor than gnome?  i have ubuntu on my lappy... and was wondering if i'd notice longer battery in kde?02:29
Tm_Terror403: ehh, why you need colours?02:29
Tm_Terror403: btw irssi.org -> themes02:29
error403Tm_T: just because...02:29
error403/bin/sh: GET: command not found02:30
Tm_Terror403: hmm, what colours you need ?02:30
error403why the hell dont i have a get command?02:30
NTolerancetransgress: you'd be lucky if your battery monitor works properly in Kubuntu02:30
transgressGET? 02:30
error403not work02:30
Tm_Terror403: wget?02:30
transgressNTolerance: heh i'll keep that in mind and not reinstall then02:31
NTolerancei may just be unlucky transgress 02:31
NTolerancei'm sure some people have their battery monitors working02:31
NTolerancethe firefox bug does happen to others though02:31
Tm_Tmany does02:31
smoucheyeah, transgress, if anyone knows how to get power management working predictably in kubuntu, I want to know how they did it.02:31
error403mine works...02:31
error403by default...02:32
transgressi really like how easy it is to map my extra keyboard keys in gnome... can't quite figure out how to in kde yet02:32
error403ive never had a problem with it...02:32
Tm_Tlook, battery information in torsmo \o/02:32
NToleranceomg, how'd they do that?02:33
NToleranceany idiot could do that02:35
transgressmy cat can do that after she gets into my coc stash02:35
=== Tm_T gonna get lappy that can run KDE
Tm_TI have  486sx2 laptop atm02:37
error403Tm_T: how do i change between tabs, if you know what i mean, in irssi?02:38
transgress972ss laptop?02:38
Tm_Terror403: they are windows and alt+<number>02:38
Tm_Terror403: too easy?02:38
error403THIS KICKS A$$02:38
Tm_TI knew it!02:39
error403umm, if i do /server, will it open another tab?02:39
error403and if i do /join will it open another tab?02:39
Tm_Tthat will do02:39
Tm_Terror403: eh, window02:39
Tm_T03:27 < Tm_T> haha I hope I really convert him02:39
Tm_T] ;=02:39
error403you have02:40
error403this kicks ass02:40
error403Tm_T: will it open another server window if i type /server in the server windows?02:40
smoucheerror, easiest way to switch channel windows is Control N or Control P, or Alt left or right arrow02:41
error403how do i be connected to more than one server at a  time, or do i need to be running multiple instances?02:41
KaiLok, somebody with hardware problems?02:41
Tm_Terror403: no02:41
Tm_Terror403: irssi.org has good help ;)02:42
Tm_Tyes you can have multiple servers02:42
KaiLmaybe something more interesting than powernow-k8, wrong output on an Audigy2 or a CRT screen telling nonsence? :)02:42
Tm_Tsmouche: easiest way is use alt+<number>02:42
smoucheKaiL, is that an external Audigy?02:42
KaiLit has digital out as default...02:43
Tm_Tsmouche: specially if you have <10 channels open =)02:43
smouchewell, Tm_T, I guess you're right, but not for me, cause.. lol02:43
smoucheyeah, I figured you had a lot more channels than me!02:43
Tm_Tsmouche: I have 18 windows in my "main" irssi...02:43
smouchething is , I can use Alt arrows with one hand02:44
Tm_Tnot much though02:44
smoucheand save the other hand for a sandwich02:44
error403so how do i open another server windows?02:44
Tm_Tsmouche: you can use alt+<number> with one hand too02:44
Tm_Terror403: check irssi.org02:44
Tm_TI don't remember02:44
kkathmandum de dum dum02:45
Tm_TI use separate clients in separate networks02:45
smouchewell yeah, Tm_T, but not with my sandwich hand.02:45
KaiLsmouche: do have that problem too?02:45
kkathmanlol smouche :)02:45
Tm_Tsmouche: hmm, ehh02:45
kkathmanWow this new SK theme is much more resource intensive than Ubermon02:46
smoucheTm_T, you know us Americans are notoriously non-ambidexterous.02:46
Tm_Tsmouche: ok, there's strange words =)02:46
Tm_Twait a minute02:46
kkathmanambidextrous = equally good with left and right hand, basically02:47
Tm_Tkkathman: I'm leftie ;)02:47
smouchelike the old joke about the american secret agent who blew his cover by switching his fork from hand to hand during dinner...02:48
Tm_Tyes, old one02:48
kkathmanTm_T did you know that the Greek word for "left-handed" is the root word for our word "sinister" ?02:48
=== gunny [~gunny@res-66-169-54-062.spa.sc.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
Tm_Tkkathman: sinister? hmm, sin maker?02:48
Tm_Taah, now I got it02:48
smoucheTm_T, don't be gauche, dude!02:48
Tm_Tsorry, didn't remembered that one02:49
gunnywhat's the secret to getting var/local/mail with kmail? I get a can't lock error02:49
kkathmanTm_T no...the Greek word is "sinistra"... people in the ancient world believed that those that were "left handed" were abnormal and could not be trusted.02:49
smouchegauche is french for left, and also implies (in English) clumsy vulgarity02:49
Tm_Tkkathman: we ARE abnormal02:49
Tm_Tkkathman: atleast I am02:49
smouchethe world is very hard on lefties.02:50
Tm_Tsinister == pahaenteinen02:50
kkathmanTm_T lol...well it had something to do with that the "right hand" was closest to the heart or something like that02:50
smoucheTm_T, you seem very adroit for a lefty, actually02:50
smouche(that's another one: a droit -- on the right)02:50
Tm_Tweird words, alot =)02:50
kkathmanI can honestly say that I have seem alot of untrustworthy righties too :)02:51
smoucheadroit = skillful, good with ones hands02:51
Tm_Tsmouche: got it already =)02:51
smoucheyou show a lot of dexterity with google, even left-handed!02:51
smouche(dexter -- opposite of latin "sinister")02:52
gunnyI like this chat channel #ubuntu is far to serious02:52
kkathmandetro actually02:52
kkathmanoops dextro02:52
Tm_Tgunny: because of me I think02:52
gunnyrofl or me if you're not here02:52
kkathmangunny:  yeah when the heavies are here we get called down pretty often02:52
gunnygonna be all weekend with no LInux box to play with 02:53
smoucheI consider it a left-handed compliment to be scolded by a dev02:53
kkathmanrofl smouche02:53
smouchegunny, why no linux box?02:53
gunnygoing away fro the weekend02:53
gunnymy parrents still on windows02:53
kkathmangunny just make your pitch to them :)02:54
gunnyI am afraid to install kubuntu on my dads machine I handle enough tech support phone calls as it is 02:54
Tm_Tgunny: you can use live cd ;)02:54
smouchechange their wallpaper to a screenshot of kubuntu, hide their taskbar and their icons!02:54
gunnyrofl 02:54
kkathmangunny yep02:54
gunnyI have a live dvd here I may bring it with me 02:55
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smouchemaybe they'll think they got a really weird virus02:55
smouchewell, gunny, just refer your dad to this channel02:55
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kkathmanI dont think I could get my Dad on LInux either02:55
gunnyoh man getting rid of the omigod I have a virus or spyware phone calls would be amazing 02:55
gunnyI at least have him on firefox instead of IE 02:56
kkathmangunny he can find more ways to mess up his email...and he just has to click ONE freakin button02:56
gunnymy dad is in his sixties and doesn't adapt to change very well 02:56
smouchewell, I spent the morning with a roomful of people who think a computer mouse might pee in their hand if they frighten it.02:57
kkathmangunny:  my dad is 88 and is the opposite..he LOVES too much to try new things, but then lacks the expertise to fix things that he messes up..then makes them worse..and only THEN does he call me02:57
gunnyoh man speaking of mice, I found one in a glue trap a few mins ago 02:58
Tm_Twiki in amarok \o/02:58
kkathmanand he then blames them on the computer or Microsoft or whatever02:58
smoucheplug it in gunny, and see if it works.  Maybe there's a driver for that sucker!02:58
gunnymy dad is constantly getting spam from porn sites of course I tell him if he quits subscribing to them, it would stop 02:59
gunnylol smouche 02:59
kkathmanTm_T do you know if there is a way to adjust the icon grid width and length  or did I ask you already?02:59
smoucheI hate those glue traps, the pitiful stuck creatures.  A fast head bash with a traditional trap seems kinder.02:59
Tm_Tkkathman: ?02:59
kkathmangunny ROFL on the porn sites :)02:59
gunnysmouche,  I agree 02:59
Tm_Ticon grid width? in desktop? or in konqi?02:59
gunnykkathman,  my pop's a dirty ole man02:59
kkathmanTm_T no on the desktop02:59
Tm_Tkkathman: I think there is03:00
smoucheI actually managed to pry a mouse off one of those glue things though, and let it go.03:00
gunnyI always have mice here after a big rain 03:00
smouchepoor bastard probably never got laid again though, with his whiskers and ears all gluey!03:00
kkathmanTm_T Im sure there is...because windows has that and I figure KDE must have a capability to do it03:00
gunnyit rained 2 days straight and the mice arrived03:00
Tm_Tkkathman: hmm, lemme see...03:00
pussfellerever since we had a mouse invasion.... i hate those little nasty bastards03:00
pussfellerwe were killing 3 - 4 a day03:01
smouchekkathman, I gave up on icons on the desktop, cause they kept moving on me, and the text looked horrible,03:01
smoucheand I tend to clutter it up too much03:01
smouchemuch happier without them now.03:02
smouchepussfeller, get a cat.03:02
smoucheget like 3 cats03:02
pussfellerwe finally hired an extermiator and he laid out poisen every where and that did the trick in a week03:03
gunnymy exterminator was here today he put poison under the house andgave me glue traps03:03
pussfellerthat stuff will take care of em way more than traps will03:04
smoucheyeah, well, I prefer dealing with mice than waging chemical warfare on myself.03:04
pussfellerthey take it back to the nest and give it to their little friends03:04
gunnybetter living through chemicals I say 03:04
Tm_Tkkathman: I think desktop follows konqi configs03:05
gunnythe traps were for the ones still hanging out inthe floorboards etc 03:05
smouchealright, damn I'm chatty tonight, gotta eat and clean a little, and watch some tube.03:07
Tm_Ttube? tv?03:07
smouche"the boob tube"03:08
gunnyok ready for another tech support issue? I run gaim I like it, am used to it etc, whenever A sound plays ingaim, sound quits working in konqueror, any ideas?03:08
smouche(that's boob as in idiot)03:08
gunnyI am not running esd I dont think03:08
smouchemaybe you need to enable artsd03:08
Tm_Twho need sound in konqi or gaim?03:09
gunnyI have method arts selected in sound prefs in gaim 03:09
gunnymy daughter's elmo flash game uses sound no elmo flash game = bad news for daddy 03:09
Tm_Tbtw what you think that wiki thing in amaroK ?03:09
Tm_Tgunny: ok, and why gaim need sound?03:10
=== smouche is now known as smouche_microwav
gunnybecause every now and then my parents IM me and I can hear the chime and come into the office and see what they want 03:11
gunnydammit I'm picky I want this software I paid nothing for to just work 03:11
Tm_Tgunny: hmm, you can set it to open window03:11
Tm_Tsorry, I persnoally don't like my desktop give any plip or beeb03:12
=== kkathman goes to konqi to look at icon spacing settings
Tm_TI have amaroK if I want some noise =)03:12
gunnyyeah I know Tm_T  I can live without gaim sounds too I suppose03:12
gunnyI really hate kopete's interface03:13
gunnyor I'd use it 03:13
Tm_TKopete is hmm, not so user friendly03:14
KaiLand a bit crashy03:14
gunnyyes it is03:15
gunnyand I suppose I could get trillian working in wine 03:15
Tm_Tgunny: wtf03:15
Tm_Toh why03:15
gunnygaim and trillian are my 2 favorite IM programs 03:15
transgressi prefer psi03:16
gunnyI swear by trillian if you MUST use windows03:16
Tm_Thmm, I use gaim03:16
Tm_Tthat's it03:16
=== gunny proudly gave up his Windows partition about a month ago
Tm_Tjust like gimp03:16
transgressi find gaim to be overkill when i just use jabber03:16
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gunnyif all my friends were on jabber I'd run a server 03:17
Tm_Tdoesn't matter if its windows or linux, it's gimp & gaim03:17
kkathmanTm_T uhm...changing those things in Konq doesnt do anything to the desktop03:17
gunnythe gimp is pretty cool I just suck at using it 03:17
Tm_Tkkathman: hmm, interesting03:17
kkathmangunny you should try gimpshop03:17
gunnyI like simple editing tools like in GASP picassa03:18
Tm_Tgunny: use it, you learn it with time03:18
gunnywhat is gimpshop?03:18
KaiLsomebody here, who already had nForce4 or intel 955 based mainboards in his (or her) fingers?03:18
Tm_Tkkathman: I don't like photoshops interface03:18
transgressi suck at art, so i have no use for gimp or gimpshop or photoshop03:18
kkathmangunny the problems I have with GIMP per se, is that it isnt very intuitive, and GimpShop realigns the menus to be more intuitive03:18
Tm_Tkkathman: hmm03:18
kkathmanTm_T GimpShop really isnt like Photoshop at all03:18
Tm_Tkkathman: that's your opinion03:18
gunnyi just need to touch up digital photos fix red-eye an such 03:19
Tm_TI like gimp the way it is03:19
kkathmanwell, I have used both though and can credibly express an opinion03:19
gunnyI have picassa running with wine and it works very well03:19
Tm_Tkkathman: yes, I never tried gimpshop myself, never even considered it03:19
kkathmanIndeed, the people that created Gimp have admitted that they need to overhaul the menus and way the program works03:19
kkathmanbut all of that might go away if Krita lives up to expectations03:20
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kkathmanTm_T After using Paint Shop Pro, I did not like Photoshop either because it was so different. But because Photoshop is the industry standard, I forced myself to learn it.  I cant make that argument for Gimp, per se.03:21
kkathmanbut for alot of people Gimp is fine03:22
gunnymy brother is a product manager fro Adobe, if I mention the Gimp to him on the  phone he hangs up on me 03:22
kkathmangunny rofl03:22
=== alan [~alan@host81-158-84-243.range81-158.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu
Tm_Tgunny: give me his email address03:23
gunnyits true he tells me to run adobe apps in wine since they all pretty much work 03:23
=== smouche_microwav is now known as smouche
kkathmangunny, nah, photoshop doesnt even work that well in wine 03:23
gunnywhy Tm_T ? gonna mail bomb him?03:23
Tm_Tsomebody gonna get a heavy load of GIMP spammm!!!!03:23
gunnyrofl 03:23
smouchegunny, ask your brother why acrobat reader loads so damn slowly!!03:23
smouchethank you, that is all.03:23
gunnyI think adobe's email scrubbers filter them 03:23
kkathmanTm_T I could give you a graphic and see how long it takes you in GIMP and tell you how long it took me in Photoshop :)03:24
=== smouche is now known as smouche_microwav
Tm_Tgunny: btw ask him if he can offer us a free app03:24
gunnywell I would but he's the product manager of InDesign and he woul dhave no idea 03:24
gunnyI get  a freebie dvd full of apps now and then 03:24
kkathmangunny Adobe just bought Macromedia so I wonder where GoLive is gonna end up?03:24
gunnyno idea my brother wonders that as well his first dev team job was on go live 03:25
=== mmuzzy [~mmuzzy@ip24-250-44-152.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
Tm_Tadobe apps are way too expensive to students03:25
gunnyye sthey are 03:25
gunnyI never bought one personally03:25
kkathmanTm_T oh please....there are 1000s of free keys out on the net..students run Photoshop for free!!!!03:26
kkathmannot to mention that college student get it for $2803:26
gunnywhat *cough* steal software? lol03:26
Tm_Tkkathman: no, I don't steal software03:26
=== gunny borrows software from time to time
Tm_Tkkathman: and I don't think we have same offer in Finland03:26
kkathmanWell universities get student discounts and they get all this software for like 1/10th the cost03:27
gunnyI am looking forward to trying the new BeOS derivative if it ever comes out 03:27
gunnyand if OS/2 gets OSS status I'm all over it 03:27
kkathmanOS/2 ??? OMG!!!03:28
gunnyran warp and merlin here 03:28
gunnyI loved em 03:28
Diablo-D3who the fuck cares.03:28
Tm_Tkkathman: hmm, I'm not in university03:28
Diablo-D3all operating systems suck03:28
Tm_TOS/2 \o/03:28
Tm_TBeOS is interesting03:28
kkathmanuh oh Diablo-D3  is here, fun's over...straighten up eneryone :)03:28
kkathmanback to work!03:29
=== gunny types furiously
Tm_Tkkathman: what work?03:30
gunnyshh busy being serious here03:31
Tm_Tserious? it's something eatable?03:31
Tm_Tlike cherios?03:31
gunnyyes just like cheerios03:32
gunnyonly better03:32
gunnykinda like cheese only different 03:32
Tm_Tok, I have >20 tabs in FF, time to read them trough03:33
=== smouche_microwav is now known as smouche
smoucheI LOVED BeOs personal edition03:37
smouchestopped working for me when I started using athlons, though03:37
gunnyok how do I get konqeror to open without that stupid welcome screen?03:37
kkathmangunny thats a good questions, I've been trying to get it to open up in one of its mode in various ways but there are bugs all around it.03:38
Diablo-D3read the welcome screen.03:38
Tm_Twhat welcome screen?03:38
Diablo-D3tm_T: the one gunny isnt reading03:38
Tm_TDiablo-D3: you're funny :)03:39
Tm_Thi KaiL 03:39
Kisaini have a question03:39
Tm_Tgo ahead03:39
Kisainhow do i connect to my windows network?03:39
Tm_TKisain: samba03:39
Kisainwith kubuntu?03:39
Kisainwhats samba?03:39
smouchegunny, I think there's something in the menus that lets you set a "profile" or somethng as default...03:39
Diablo-D3Kisain: with konq.03:39
Tm_Tsmouche: there is03:39
kkathmanKisain: sambe is the way that you connect to your windows network :)03:40
Kisain ok03:40
kkathmansamba that is :)03:40
Diablo-D3somewhere on you desktop is a shortcut to the local network thing in konq03:40
Diablo-D3Hey guys, _konq uses samba_03:40
kkathmanbut its not 2 way03:40
Diablo-D3So quit telling Kisain useless information03:40
kkathmanyou gotta set that stuff up03:40
Kisainum no theres not my desktop is blank for the most part03:40
=== GameCat [~Jude@cpc4-nthc1-4-0-cust149.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
kkathmanquit telling him its just Konq 03:40
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Diablo-D3Kisain: try //machinename/03:40
Diablo-D3Kisain: in konq I mean03:41
GameCatevening all03:41
smoucheKisain, smb-client should work fine for accessing your windows shares.03:41
Kisainok so how do i find this smb client03:41
smoucheuse the "go" menu in konq, and click on network folders, see what happens03:42
Tm_Twtf I can't extract tar.gz in Konqi03:42
Diablo-D3smb://machinename/ I think it is03:42
gunnykisain apt-het install samba and smbfs03:42
gunnyer apt-get lol03:42
Diablo-D3Kisain: or that03:42
Diablo-D3Kisain: go -> network folders -> samba shares03:42
KaiLhttp://moba.linuxfaqs.de/kubuntu.html did I miss any common problems? 03:42
Tm_Thaha, I got an idea03:42
Diablo-D3KaiL: "how do I insert CDs?"03:43
Kisainok which do i do your confusing me lol03:43
KaiLDiablo-D3: lol03:43
Diablo-D3Kisain: do what I told you03:43
smoucheKisain, truly, I'm not lying to you, it takes 3 seconds, see what you have first!03:43
Diablo-D3KaiL: "why doesnt kubuntu play on my car stereo?"03:43
smoucheKisain, click on "go" in konq menu03:43
smouchethen click on "network folders"03:43
smoucheand see - you might get lucky03:43
KaiLDiablo-D3: common, not from idiots :)03:43
kkathmanHey I got kubuntu on my car stereo!!! It plays my 8 track tapes :)03:44
Tm_Tsmouche: install figlet03:44
smoucheif your windows folders are set up to share, they should show in konq already03:44
Kisainthere isen't anything there like that in the main menu :/03:44
gunnyI caught kubuntu once penicillin fixed me right up 03:44
smoucheTm_T, wtf is figlet/03:44
Tm_Tsmouche: install it03:44
Diablo-D3KaiL: you should link to madwifi for wlan03:44
KaiLDiablo-D3: so any serious comments?03:44
Diablo-D3KaiL: not all cards use ndiswrapper03:44
Diablo-D3infact few do03:45
kkathmansee I told you when the heavies come in the fun goes away :(03:45
smoucheKisain, look for "go".  It's there.03:45
Tm_Tsmouche: just install it03:45
KaiLwhat's madwifi?03:45
Tm_Tkkathman: hmm, yep03:45
Diablo-D3a native linux binary driver for atheros based cards03:45
Diablo-D3a huge bulk of wlan cards use atheros chips03:45
Kisainit says i need to install samba03:45
Tm_Tinstall it then03:45
Diablo-D3Kisain: it shouldnt. Is your kubuntu installation complete?03:45
Kisainas far as i know03:46
Kisainit is03:46
Diablo-D3Kisain: for kicks, apt-get install ubuntu-desktop kubuntu-desktop03:46
Kisainbut don't qoute me on that it's my first day usin it lol03:46
Kisaini alredy did03:46
Kisaini have ubuntu and kubuntu03:46
Kisainand they appear to be fine03:46
Tm_Tsmouche: got it?03:46
Diablo-D3Then... I need to file bugs on kubuntu-desktop03:46
smoucheNo, Tm_T, I don't cause I don't know what it is.03:46
Diablo-D3it should include enough to use libsmbcrap03:47
Tm_Tsmouche: just funny program03:47
gunnywhiskey tango foxtrot is figlet?03:47
Kisaini downloaded the install iso did that updated installed what i wanted played with it for a week03:47
Kisainthen went to kubuntu03:47
Tm_Tgunny: try it =)03:47
Kisainafter installing it through syn03:47
Diablo-D3gunny: serria tango foxtrot uniform03:47
Kisainso i am gussing everything is there03:47
smoucheI'll google it, Tm_T, but I don't install nuthin' till I know what it does...03:47
Diablo-D3Kisain: one would assume.03:47
kkathmanwell when I installed kubuntu-desktop I didnt need to do anything to see the window shares, but there was lots of work for them to see the linux shares :)03:47
Tm_Tsmouche: oh come on, trust me03:47
Kisaincould i atually not have everything?03:48
Tm_Tsmouche: really, it's jsut a small funny app03:48
smoucheKisain, search in synaptic or whatever, see if you have smb-client on there.03:48
gunnyok I installed it and typed figlet at a cli it just does nothing 03:48
Tm_Tgunny: say "filget foobar"03:48
Diablo-D3Kisain: apt-get install samba-client03:49
Diablo-D3Kisain: that should fix it03:49
Kisaink i'll try it03:49
gunnycute 03:49
Tm_Tgunny: or, " figlet -p -t foobar plah plah"03:49
=== Diablo-D3 investigates situation further
Tm_Tgunny: next, try "apt-get moo | figlet -p -t "03:49
=== smouche passes the torch of gullibility to gunny
Kisainit's alredy the current version03:50
gunnyroflcopter 03:50
Diablo-D3well wtf03:50
Diablo-D3I can do it03:50
Diablo-D3I wonder what I have installed that you dont03:50
Kisainwhat am i retardwed or sumtin? lol03:50
smouchemine worked out of the box03:50
Diablo-D3Kisain: quite possible, yes03:50
KaiLDiablo-D3: file updated03:51
KisainHEY!!! lol03:51
Tm_Tsmouche: http://www.kapsi.fi/~tm_travolta/kuvat/temp/foo_017.png03:51
KaiLalso added RaLink (as in by Linksys PCI here)03:51
Tm_Tsmouche: there you see figlet in action03:51
smouchedon't tell me, Kisain 03:51
=== error403 [~alan@host81-158-84-243.range81-158.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu
smoucheno, tell me03:51
smouchewhat happened?03:51
Kisaintell you what?03:51
Tm_Terror403: hi03:51
error403Hostname: deepthought2 - OS: Linux 2.6.10-5-386/i686 - CPU: Mobile AMD Sempron(tm) Processor 2800+ (800.521 MHz) - Processes: 85 - Uptime: 3h 10m - Load Average: 0.04 - Memory Usage: 106.64MB/694.36MB (15.36%) - Disk Usage: 24.77GB/106.46GB (23.27%)03:51
Kisainit says it's the current version of samba03:51
error403everyone break out the sysinfo scripts!03:51
Diablo-D3sysinfo sucks03:52
error403Tm_T: guess what!  im running irssi in a transparent Eterm window..03:52
error403borderless too...03:52
KaiLerror403: uhm, clock scaling works out of the box for you?03:52
Diablo-D3wtf, you have smbclient installed03:52
smoucheme too error403, ain't it cool?03:52
Tm_Terror403: I guessed so03:52
error403yes ti does03:52
gunnyapt-get moo | fig03:52
=== Diablo-D3 bangs head on desk
=== gunny eats his yummy burger
error403KaiL: yes, it does03:52
Diablo-D3Kisain: apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y03:52
Kisainwhich one?03:53
KaiLinteresting, on my desktop Sempron it took me 2 weeks to find the problem :)03:53
Diablo-D3Kisain: ?03:53
Kisainsorry kinda drunk so i'm dumber than normal lol03:53
Tm_Terror403: got those blue lines transparent too already?03:53
Kisainbut i know theres no go in my start menu03:53
Tm_Terror403: heh, I suppose it's easy03:53
KaiLthat's a real Sempron based laptop?03:54
Diablo-D3Kisain: go is in the konq menu03:54
error403am i just lucky with my laptop?03:54
smoucheTm_T - you can get the blue lines to go away?03:54
error403everything works out-the-box for me....03:54
Kisainok how do i find that menu?03:54
error403i can?03:54
Tm_Tsmouche: oh yess03:54
smouchetell me, now, how -- how now brown cow!03:54
Kisainall i have is this k in a kear03:54
KaiL<error403> everything works out-the-box for me.... << that's normal with kubuntu :)03:54
Diablo-D3Kisain: its the fourth entry in the menu bar03:54
Diablo-D3Kisain: after location, edit, and view03:54
error403i thought so...03:54
error403thats why i love Kubuntu03:54
error403Linux that WORKS03:55
Diablo-D3everything works out of the box for me03:55
Kisaini have kubuntu03:55
KaiLI was really a bit dissapointed, as this Athlon TB system here had overall 4 problems03:55
Kisainand i have no idea what there talkin about03:55
Tm_Tsmouche: http://gallery.vapina.org/view_photo.php?full=1&set_albumName=album01&id=20042005_kde34003:55
Diablo-D3since debian slink for me03:55
Tm_Tsmouche: there you can see irssi without blue lines03:55
Diablo-D3Kisain: in konq03:55
error403how you get rid of the blue lines?03:55
Kisainhold on for a sec lol03:55
Tm_Tsmouche: you tried figlet already?03:55
smoucheTm_T, I don't want to see someone else without the blue lines, I want to see myself without the blue lines!!03:56
Diablo-D3erm, who owns that faq page?03:56
KaiL1 missing driver, 1 broken DDC, 1 f*cked S3 in Bios and a silent audigy - so now down to 1 problem (the S3)03:56
=== smouche holds bucket of cold horse urine over Tm_T's head
Diablo-D3KaiL: yours, right?03:57
Tm_Tsmouche: I won't tell ya if you don't try figlet first03:57
Diablo-D3KaiL: drop that bullshit mention of the G-Series cards03:57
smoucheTm_T, do me a solid dude and just tell me03:57
Tm_T] ;=03:57
smoucheI told you about Eterm!03:57
KaiLDiablo-D3: hm?03:57
Diablo-D3KaiL: G100 through G550 do _not_ require binary drivers03:57
Tm_Tsmouche: hmeh03:57
Diablo-D3KaiL: they never did, and never will03:57
Tm_Tsmouche: okay, I find it and tell ya then03:57
KaiLDiablo-D3: ever tried the DVI on a G550?03:58
Diablo-D3KaiL: yes03:58
KaiLdoesn't work without03:58
gunnyoh man I just found out how to turn off that welcome to konqueror screen03:58
Diablo-D3KaiL: I own a G550, and I borrowed my friend's DVI LCD panel03:58
Diablo-D3gunny: by reading the welcome screen?03:58
gunnyyeah lol03:58
Diablo-D3gunny: I told you to read it damnit03:58
gunnylick introduction  then read 03:58
KaiLif it work on yours, it's the first, where it does this03:58
gunnyrofl I just got around to it 03:58
Diablo-D3KaiL: it worked fine with xorg+dri03:59
KaiLthat's strange03:59
Diablo-D3KaiL: it _used_ to do that03:59
Diablo-D3like way back in the early xf86-4 days03:59
gunnyit still wont open with my homepage though lol03:59
Diablo-D3and it only ever applied to specifically the 55003:59
gunnyjusta blank screen 03:59
Diablo-D3not any other G series03:59
Kisainok let me start from the beginning03:59
Kisainwhat konq?03:59
smoucheman, that's a nice desktop shot there, Tm_T03:59
Diablo-D3Kisain: there is more than one konq?04:00
smouchewhat's nicotine?  P2P?04:00
Kisaini don't even know what that is04:00
Kisainso i don't know04:00
Diablo-D3smouche: its a popular additive to cigarattes04:00
Diablo-D3Kisain: konqueror04:00
Kisainand that is?04:00
Tm_Tsmouche: you tell me04:00
Kisainis that the equivilent of the windows start menu04:00
smoucheuh, Kisain, you're playing with us right?04:00
Diablo-D3"What is Internet Explorer?"04:00
Diablo-D3"What is The Internet?"04:01
Kisainno i'm litarlly that new to linux04:01
Diablo-D3"What is a nipple?"04:01
Kisaini've used windows all my life04:01
Tm_Tsmouche: damn, dualscreen and big enough monitors =)04:01
Diablo-D3"What is a clue, for $500"04:01
KisainHEY!!! lol04:01
Kisainjeeze i know i don't know anything about linux and i don't pretend to04:01
Diablo-D3Kisain: konq is the thing that looks like windows/internet explorer04:02
Kisaini was always taught that the only stupid question was the one you diden't ask04:02
Diablo-D3Kisain: the web browser and file manager04:02
Diablo-D3You were taught wrong.04:02
Kisainthanx 04:02
kkathmanKisain: hang in there, we all had to learn...you are just the nightly hazing contestant :)04:02
Kisainoh i see04:02
Tm_Touh, that was mistake04:03
Kisaingusse what i found it04:03
Kisainit that browser that i've been using to serf the net lol04:03
=== kkathman throws Kisain a dictionary for spelling
Diablo-D3Yeah really.04:03
Tm_Tsmouche: hmm, one way is change theme... I wouldn't do it that way though04:03
Diablo-D3You're english is worse than some of the koreans I've seen on battle net04:03
Kisainyou have to understand i was a poor pathetic windows user all my life04:03
kkathmanOoooo tough crowd tonight04:03
smoucheSerfing the net is Microsoft's job04:04
Diablo-D3^______________________^ *happy-sama!*04:04
Kisaini'm not used to the way linux does things just yet lol04:04
smoucheevil feudal fiefdom that it is04:04
Diablo-D3Serfing. The pun... is horrid.04:04
=== Diablo-D3 cringes in pain
Kisain     ok .............huh?04:04
smoucheThat's ok, Tm_T!04:04
kkathmanKisain   you will just be more enlightened then..but in the meantime....04:04
Diablo-D3Kisain: Serfing vs Surfing.04:04
Diablo-D3Kisain: Serfs as in pesants04:04
Kisainahhh i see04:04
gunnyok save view profiles is counter intuitive as all hell I guess I should have read that whole manual lol04:04
smoucheTm_T: if you find out, let me know, but anyway I need to read more of the irssi docs.04:05
=== kkathman thinks that Kisain needs to learn homonyms meanings
Diablo-D3Hey pisanos, welcome to the super mario super show!04:05
KaiLI might have asked before, somebody using a one of these nice PCIe chipsets (nForce4, intel 955, VIA K8T890 and the ones from vendors, I'd like to forget)?04:05
Kisainwell fortunatly i have linux gods like yous to help me through this weard place called linux04:05
=== coldsalmon [~drew@cpe-24-193-73-177.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Tm_TKisain: weird ;)04:05
Diablo-D3KaiL: pcie on linux is teh fail04:05
Kisainmy box is an ibm netvista machene type 225404:05
smoucheKisain, dude, you in Brooklyn?04:06
kkathmanKisain nah whats bad is that we are only the level 2 support04:06
Kisainmy celrey stalks at night04:06
gunnylinux isn;t weird now VAX, VAX is weird04:06
Diablo-D3kkathman: hey now04:06
Kisainnaw i live in da u.p04:06
kkathmanVAX is weird04:06
Tm_TI'm weird04:06
KaiLDiablo-D3: PCIe itself not, but it introduces very much new hardware at one time04:06
=== gunny hates vax
Diablo-D3I actually give out great tech support04:06
Kisainwas born in ware04:06
coldsalmonhi all04:06
kkathmanDiablo-D3: see I knew that would wake you up :)04:06
=== smouche has no clue what vax is.
Diablo-D3vax is godly04:06
gunnyI supported vax for nearly a year yeesh 04:06
transgressmy job is tech support... well part of it is04:06
=== Diablo-D3 logs in to kremvax
kkathmandamn gunny you are as old as me :)04:06
Diablo-D3transgress: I upgraded my job04:07
Tm_Tsmouche: wan't to change theme? goto irssi.org04:07
Diablo-D3I'm now a freelance tech04:07
transgressDiablo-D3: also sysadmin...04:07
Kisaini think linux-speak is a sepreate language from english04:07
kkathmangunny you remember PDP's?04:07
Diablo-D3where I can charge anything I want, and drive around in a nice car04:07
Tm_TKisain: ehhh04:07
gunnynot really 04:07
Diablo-D3pdp11 > *04:07
KaiLDiablo-D3: the intel 915 ("Centrino 2") doesn't make and bigger problems04:07
smoucheI'll check it out after I get my tv fix, Tm_T.  Time for ER. pathetic, I know...04:07
kkathmanyeah PDP8 tho?04:07
Diablo-D3KaiL: english you fail lightsaber04:07
Tm_Tok, you guys drive me crazy, I'm off ->04:07
Diablo-D3karma karma karma icecream jump lol04:07
=== smouche is now known as smouche_tube
gunnyI dint get that deep into vax I just knew that the main michelin sales dabase ran on vax and the mainframe04:07
Kisainmy celery stalks at night04:08
Kisainmy potato has eyes and my onion crys04:08
kkathmanGeez Diablo-D3  you can actually be fun sometimes .. just have to get an unsuspection plebe in here04:08
Diablo-D3gunny: they've long since switched to bsd boxen acting as frontends for solaris DBs04:08
KaiLif nForce4 would make problems, we would have heared it here, I guess (should be the topseller on PCIe)04:08
Kisaincan you gerber style that for me?04:08
gunnybiggest nightmare of my life was reconfiguring a forklift printer in canada through the network 04:09
Diablo-D3KaiL: I hate nforce chips though04:09
Diablo-D3gunny: hah, I would have just remotely installed nbsd on it and gone from there04:09
Diablo-D3remember, nbsd runs on anything^Weverything04:09
KaiLmy nForce3 works perfect04:09
coldsalmonanybody know what happened to the menu applet in the kicker?04:09
gunnysystem was locked down so tight I couldn't install freakin hellow world if I wanted 04:10
Kisainwhy you hate nforce chips?04:10
gunnythey aren't salty enough 04:10
KaiLbetter than the 3 of the 4 VIAs before (VPX, MVP3, MVP4, KT133)04:10
transgressgunny: nice... that got a few laughs04:10
kkathmancoldsalmon: now how would we know what happened to your menu applet? lol04:10
Kisaincan ubntu/kubuntu run dual or quad cpu's?04:10
Kisaini have a pc with 2 p4's and a pc with 4 p4's04:10
gunnyjust need a smp kernel 04:10
Diablo-D3Kisain: why wouldnt it?04:10
kkathmanbut I'll bite coldsalmon - what DID happen?04:10
coldsalmonwell... does anyone else have a menu applet on their kicker?04:10
Kisaini don't know 04:10
Diablo-D3Hell, you can boot linux on a 128 cpu NUMA system04:10
Kisainremember i'm a linux tard for now04:11
Diablo-D3the kind that have a cooling system the size of a city block04:11
kkathmancoldsalmon: you mean the little K on the far left?04:11
Diablo-D3they make HAL jelous04:11
Kisainonnce i get the other 2 cpu's for my system i'm gonna install kubuntu on my mainframe04:11
Diablo-D3ironically, it was IBM who did it04:11
coldsalmonno, the actual applet that lets you put the Mac-OS menu in the kicker.04:12
kkathmanDiablo-D3: was about to throw you a dictionary :)04:12
Diablo-D3kkathman: I blame my keyboard, its starting to drop keys04:12
Kisainmy system has it is now04:12
Diablo-D3I guess 12 years is far too long for a keyboard04:12
kkathmanDiablo-D3: you have that model too ??04:12
Kisain2 pentiums 4 3.8ghz04:12
Diablo-D3and by drop, I mean literally drop04:12
Kisain2gigs rambus04:12
Kisain3 120gig 10,00rpm hd's04:12
Diablo-D3the clips on the bottom of keys are starting to not work04:12
Diablo-D3Kisain: what as slow system04:12
Kisainf 42 in flat panel monitors04:13
kkathmanDiablo-D3:  you know its time to get a new keyboard when the letters are gone04:13
Diablo-D3kkathman: but I love this keyboard04:13
Diablo-D3kkathman: its almost happy hacker in quality04:13
Kisainmy system will kick the shit outta yours anyday04:13
Kisainwhen it's running ubuntu that is :)04:13
Diablo-D3Kisain: I have a quad opteron sitting around here somewhere04:13
coldsalmonI can enable the menu at the top of the screen, but I can't put it in the main panel, even with the Baghira menu.04:13
Kisaini gotta get the other 2 cpus for mine04:13
kkathmanDiablo-D3: ahhhh but yanno, give it a good burial say a few nice words, then have a bucket of chicken and get to Office Depot04:13
Diablo-D3you know its sad that you can ping a machine, but otherwise have it physically lost04:13
Kisainfor a total of 404:13
Kisainbut rambus rocks 6 gig transfer rate04:14
Kisainper sec04:14
kkathmanDiablo-D3: physically lost?04:14
Kisain3 10,000 rpm hds04:14
error403Diablo-D3: as long as you have SSH, who needs to find it?04:14
Diablo-D3error403: well, I think it may be burried under pizza boxen04:14
Kisaini build my own computers you never know the quality of the pre configured systems04:14
Diablo-D3Kisain: _sata_ wtf?04:14
Kisainit's a new type of hard drive connector04:15
Diablo-D3you entirely missed the point of my comment, didnt you.04:15
Kisaininstead of customary ide cables it uses a 8 pin cable including power04:15
Diablo-D3scsi160 is serial scsi04:15
Kisainit has a 4 gig transfer rate04:15
Diablo-D3serial scsi > sata04:15
Kisainit's faster than scsi04:15
Diablo-D3why would anyone waste a 10krpm drive on sata04:15
Kisainmin hd speed for this type of system is 10,00rpm's04:16
Diablo-D3Kisain: my ass.04:16
Kisaini've spent over 11,000 on my system04:16
Diablo-D3sata2 _almost_ beats scsi16004:16
error403Diablo-D3: say what you said out loud....04:16
Kisainwhat you mean my ass04:16
kkathman$11 GRAND????????04:16
Kisaindude i been buildin computers sence i was 1204:16
Diablo-D3I've been programming C since I was 8.04:16
Diablo-D3I got my first computer when I was 5.04:16
Kisainnever went to school for it either04:16
error403i been breathing since i was born04:16
Diablo-D3I was reading adult novels when I was 4.04:16
Kisainjust seems like instinkt to me04:17
kkathmandamn... thats a year of college at a state school!!!04:17
error403doesnt mean i am anoy better at it now than i used to be04:17
Diablo-D3I scored a 1450 on SATs.04:17
Kisaindid better than me04:17
Diablo-D3I also have a bigger penis.04:17
kkathmanDiablo-D3: hmmm Steinbeck?04:17
kkathmanDiablo-D3:  I would hope its bigger than at 404:17
Kisaindude my mainframe(thats what i call it cause it controls everything in the house) 04:17
Diablo-D3kkathman: I have an entire staff to help me carry it around.04:18
Kisainis the fastest computer that i know of04:18
Diablo-D3the fastest computer is... asci white iirc.04:18
Kisainthats why i can't waite to run linux on it04:18
kkathmanDiablo-D3: Nice....my wife owns mine...lucky you04:18
Kisaini'm thinking there will be a 25-50% increase in speed04:18
=== Diablo-D3 hasnt been keeping up with the arms race.
Kisainall i know is now that i've seen the light microsoft can suck my @$$04:19
kkathman$11,000 for a computer.....wow04:19
Kisainhey i hand built it04:19
kkathmanI guess Im just cheaper labor04:19
Kisainit runs my7 32in dobsonian reflector04:19
=== smouche_tube bought a 64 bit 'puter and doesn't give a damn that he's only using a 32 bit os
Kisainas mwell as most of the electronics and lights in my house04:20
Kisaini want a 64 bit04:20
Kisaini hear they rock04:20
Diablo-D3Kisain: no you dont04:20
error403im building a 64-bit soon04:20
Kisainyes i do04:20
Diablo-D3its completely useless unless you have apps designed for it04:20
Kisaini payed an assload for that telescope04:20
kkathmanDiablo-D3:  correctomundo04:20
error40364-bit linux kernel, here i come..04:20
Diablo-D3ie, games will still totally rock on 32bit x86 for years to come04:20
=== smouche_tube uses a cast iron frying pan to iron his shirts.
Kisainit's 6 1/2 feet tall weighs 400lbs04:20
Diablo-D3not that I'm saying x86 rocks or anything04:21
Kisaini payed 22,500 for it pre built04:21
Diablo-D3ppc64 > *04:21
Kisainwhen my grandparents died i used the inheritance for a lot of shit04:21
kkathmantime for dinner...brb04:22
Kisainat the time my computer was state of the art.....04:22
Diablo-D3You should have invested it into getting a high school education.04:22
Kisainuntill i opend the box :(04:22
=== kkathman is now known as kkathman-dinner
Kisaindude i graduated twice with honors04:22
Kisainand in the fall i'm goin to northern michigan technological university to get my doctrate in computer science04:23
Tm_Tsmouche_tube: btw I just made my own irssi theme04:23
=== utta [~utta@c-24-128-224-224.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Kisaini'm not sayin i'm the brightest guy in the world but i'm not dumb either04:24
Diablo-D3Not being the brightest guy in the world pretty much precludes you from not being dumb.04:24
Kisainhave you ever herd of hot wind talk?04:24
smouche_tubecool, Tm_T - got a screenshot?04:24
Kisainhave you the adacity to insinuate that i prevaracate?04:25
=== smouche_tube is now known as smouche
Kisainhey i know there's people out there who are smarter than me04:25
Diablo-D3Goddamnit, why the hell doesnt google news have an rss feed?04:25
Kisainnot that i care04:25
=== wnorrix is now known as wnorrix|sleep
=== error403 needs sleep
Kisainnight dude04:25
pussfellergoogle is old school thats why04:26
Tm_Tsmouche: just testing it and fixing, I take screenshot when it's ready04:26
Kisaini ask this question as sorta a self diagnostic (called it that sence i was a kid don't ask)04:26
pussfellertheir wad is already been shot04:26
Kisainam i annoyin you guys and or gals?04:27
smoucheTm_T, this theming stuff easy to do? 04:27
KaiLDiablo-D3: after asking google, the LAN chip is the only problem with nForce404:27
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smoucheheh heh, I mean for an idiot like me...04:27
Kisaincause if i am i'm sorry04:27
Kisaini don't ever mean to offend or bother04:27
Tm_Tsmouche: well, yes and no04:27
Diablo-D3KaiL: cool04:28
Diablo-D3but I still officially hate nforce04:28
Tm_TKisain: np at all04:28
KaiL...and that's REALLY bleading edge hardware04:28
smoucheI don't know any perl, Tm_T, so irssi scripts are terra incognita for me04:28
Kisainjust let me know if i'm bein to much04:28
Diablo-D3perl is easy04:28
Kisaini like to make new freinds not chase people away04:28
Tm_Tsmouche: well, just look default.theme04:28
smoucheKissain, don't worry, if you see any mass migrations out of here, it's just a netsplit!04:29
Tm_Tsmouche: nope, it's your smell04:29
Kisainwhats a netsplit?04:29
smouche(ok, everybody log out right now...)04:30
Tm_TI wont04:30
Kisainyou guys probibly think that i'm the dumbest n00b out there eh?04:30
Tm_TKisain: nope, second04:31
smoucheKisain, stop flattering yourself04:31
smoucheI'm not ready to pass that torch yet.04:31
Tm_Tsmouche: I was thinking that one too04:31
Kisainnot flatering just bein truthfull04:31
smoucheI see right through you, Tm_T, you're pseudo-transparent!04:31
Tm_Nuadasmouche: just guess how transparent =)04:32
Kisainyea i don't flatter myself ever i know my limitations04:32
smoucheKisain, if you really really want noob-abuse, try, hmmm -- what's a good channel for that...04:32
smouchemaybe #kde?04:32
Kisainhey i'm fine here lol04:32
Kisaini can take it and dish it :)04:33
Kisainjust don't go overboard04:33
Kisainoh i forgot you guys don't know! lol04:33
Diablo-D3smouche: #gentoo04:34
Diablo-D3or #linux on efnet04:34
Tm_Nuadasmouche: man this is... wrong coloured..04:34
smoucheTm_Nuada, where's the real Tm_T and what have you done with his body?04:34
Kisaini spent 12 years in a monistary in hartford ct usa before i left.04:34
Kisainso i'm used to all kinds of shit04:35
smoucheWell, that's a resume I don't hear everyday.04:35
Tm_Tsmouche: I only have ... four minds and one head... quadrophenia!04:35
Kisainboth good and bad04:35
smoucheI picture you as wearing goggles with dozens of xterms on the lenses, like bugs' eyes, Tm_T04:36
Kisainscuse me for bein blabber mouthed i'm drunk04:36
Kisainbacardi 15104:36
smouchekeeping an eye on 87 irc channels04:36
smoucheat the same time04:36
Kisainhow the hell?04:36
Tm_Tsmouche: haha04:36
smoucheok, no lie, I gotta stop blabbing, and do something constructive.04:37
Tm_Tsmouche: ok, you do something other, I do this irssi theme04:37
smouchelike watching commercial tv04:37
smouchecatch you later!04:37
=== smouche is now known as smouche-beyond
Kisainhey howq do you cange the (inwindwos its called the start menu) in kubuntu to somthin cooler?04:38
Kisaini still have the default one04:38
Kisainthanx for puttin up with me guys it's really nice of you04:39
Kisainwow it died in here really quick04:41
Kisainoh well04:41
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Kisainhey you guys wanna check out some really cool websites(no porn)04:41
=== Tm_Nuada [~travolta@a84-230-4-12.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu
Tm_Nuadahmm, something strange...04:42
jigerhi all. I am seeing some verrrrrrrry strange behaviour. All gtk apps(gkrellm, firefox, firestarter) is crashing on desktop change!?!?04:43
transgressi wish flash worked better in konq...04:43
transgressthat would make me happy04:43
jigeranyone seen this behaviour?04:43
jigerand what cud be the reason. no new apps/libs installed04:44
Tm_TKisain: hmm?04:44
Kisainno but i have noticed a weard incidence with firefox and w32codecs_20050216-0.0_i38604:44
Tm_TKisain: you wan't to edit your Kmenu appearance?04:44
Kisainit sometimes crashes when you hit the back button04:45
Kisainit's weard04:45
Kisaindosen't do it all the time seems random04:45
Kisainand yes want some sort of techno geek theme04:46
Tm_Nuadahmm hmm04:46
Kisaincause i'ma techno geek04:46
Tm_Nuadahmm, I take pic now04:47
Kisainup intill 6 months ago i had to 150inch monitors on my wall04:47
Tm_Nuadaso smile ;)04:47
Kisaintill the projectors burned out04:47
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Tm_NuadaKisain: so what do you think, ok?04:49
Kisainwow thats neat how you do that in knosole04:49
Kisaindude it's awsome04:49
Kisaini want the desktop04:49
Tm_Tit's not Konsole04:49
Kisainoh ok04:49
Kisainis it irssi?04:49
Tm_Thmm, it's Eterm04:50
Kisaini have it but don't know how to use it04:50
Tm_Tand irssi in it04:50
=== _alvz is now known as alvz
Kisaini don't know how to use irssi04:50
Kisainbut i want the desktop lol04:50
Kisaini'm a dead head04:50
Kisainand that rocks04:50
Tm_Tyou tell me04:51
Tm_TKisain: http://www.kapsi.fi/~tm_travolta/graphics/GD-lamp_5a.png04:51
Tm_NuadaI gimped it myself04:51
pussfellerhow you make pencil be straingt line in gimp, i thot it was "shift"04:52
pussfellerwhere a line you draw will be straight04:53
Tm_Nuadahmm, path tool04:53
pussfellernm it is shift04:53
Tm_Nuadadunno what you mean so ...04:53
Tm_Nuadajust test and drive ;p04:54
=== Kisain_ [~Kisain@24-177-160-171.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
Kisaini have every dead cd on my linux pod04:56
Kisain_internet got disconnected lol04:56
Kisain_linux pod=i pod that has podzilla on it04:57
Kisain_internet crashed damnit04:58
Kisain_podzilla came has a install for winsux04:58
Tm_Nuadait was just your internet connection ;p04:58
Kisain_so how do i cange my start bar to somthin techy?04:59
Tm_Nuadait's Kmenu04:59
Tm_Nuadaremember that04:59
Tm_Nuadaand you mean that icon ?05:00
Kisain_tastesd better than start menu and less fillin05:00
Tm_Nuadaor whole menu05:00
Kisain_[adult swim]  is on05:00
Kisain_whole menu05:00
Kisain_i wanna put somethin techy in05:01
Tm_Nuadait follows your desktop theme05:01
Kisain_oh so to theme kmenu i'd have to theme everything?05:02
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Kisain_thats cool05:02
Kisain_no isshue05:02
GameCatif you can find the right icon, you can change it on it's own05:02
Kisain_oh wow05:02
Tm_NuadaKisain_: kde-look.org05:02
Tm_Nuadahi verden01 05:03
verden01hey Tm_Nuada 05:03
Kisain_what would you suggest for a techy theme somethin cool05:03
Kisain_maybe even l-cars realted?05:03
Tm_Nuadaok, this goes away ->05:03
verden01i see a lot of people from Finland on here nearly as many as us Aussies05:03
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Kisain_no matter what i want your greatfull dead desktop05:04
Tm_TKisain_: I gave url to you already05:04
Kisain_why would they make a windoze icon?05:05
Kisain_i am at kde-look05:05
Tm_Tas a joke maybe?05:05
Kisain_it's awsome05:05
Kisain_i gusse i like the one on ubuntu's werbsite though05:06
Kisain_the dog pissin on microsoft05:06
Kisain_due justice i say05:06
Kisain_the dead head one is here?05:06
=== wirwzd [~wirwzd@c-24-218-115-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Kisain_[ADULT SWIM]  rocks!05:11
Tm_TKisain_: hmm, deadhead is where?05:12
Kisain_i'm tryin to find it05:12
Kisain_unless yu made it lol05:12
Tm_Tyes, I "made" it05:12
Tm_Tjust edited couple of pics etc05:13
Kisain_awsome thanx ^_^05:15
Tm_Tthat's still under heavy editing, so don't spread it yet05:16
Kisain_how do you change your name here?05:16
Kisain_without exiting?05:16
Tm_T /nick <newname>05:16
Tm_Txchat :/05:17
=== Kisain_ is now known as [ADULT
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nargapt servers down?05:18
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[ADULT_SWIM] there we go05:19
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Tm_Tnarg: ?05:33
Tm_Thaha "visudo" actually opened _nano_ 05:35
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nargTm_T: ?05:38
=== darkaudi1 [~bpack@pool-141-153-89-111.clrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
chavoTm_T, it uses the EDITOR variable.05:39
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Tm_Tchavo: ok =)05:41
Tm_Tchavo: just little funny :)05:42
Tm_Tnarg: "apt" servers are up and running05:42
chavoYeah, you'd think it used vi05:42
Tm_Tchavo: I supposed so05:42
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Tm_Tchavo: but nano is better imo05:42
chavoyep, nothing wrong with nano05:43
Tm_Thmm, strange05:43
Tm_Tso "visudo" is actually symlink or something05:44
chavoNo, it uses the EDITOR env variable05:44
chavotry this -> export EDITOR=kwrite05:44
chavothen do visudo05:45
chavoIt will open in kwrite05:45
Tm_Twell, in my FC3 box : "bash: visudo: command not found"05:45
Tm_Tchavo: yes I know05:45
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Tm_Toh, it's really nice that you make it clear when you are here ;)06:14
=== kkathman-dinner is now known as kkathman
=== _chavo [~chavo@190.sub-70-212-12.myvzw.com] has joined #kubuntu
kkathmanls -l06:18
kkathmandang it06:18
kkathmanI always forget where my cursor is :)06:19
Tm_Tsad, filget broke my moo06:20
kkathmanwhat the heck is figlet?06:20
Tm_Tinstall it06:20
Tm_Tso you don't have to ask06:20
kkathmanno thanks ... not if I dont know what it is :)06:21
Tm_Ttrust me, just install it06:21
kkathmanoh ok I see what it is06:22
Tm_Tafter you installed it, say " apt-get moo | figlet -p -t "06:22
Tm_Thmm, I'll make my own mascot06:25
Tm_Twho cares about cow, when you got .... something else06:25
kkathmanwhats moo ?06:25
kkathmani know what gmoo is :)06:26
Tm_Tkkathman: apt-get moo06:26
kkathmanTm_T now I just told you I dont install things I dont know about06:26
Tm_Tit I said "apt-get moo"06:26
Tm_TI can't see any "install" there06:27
kkathmanwell that goes for commands I dont know too :)06:27
Tm_Tjust do it06:27
Tm_Tyou can trust me06:27
Tm_Tok, don't do it, I con't care, off we go ->06:28
kkathmanI trust you Tm_T :006:28
kkathmanthe new Opera 8 might be the best release they have ever made06:43
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kkathmanok so I may have spoken too soon on Opera 8 :)06:56
zabuhow do I mount a usb drive06:56
kkathmanzabu: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#listusbdevices06:58
zabuthats just list em06:59
Tm_Tzabu: try "media:/" in konqi07:00
zabuit says the kde mediamanager is no running07:01
kkathmanzabu you might go to www.ubuntulinux.org and check the forums07:02
zabuthey just have a bunch of weirdos standing around in a circle07:02
kkathmanuh...try the freakin forums there are answers there I just checked07:03
=== thoreauputic [~prospero@wolax6-114.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
Tm_Tkkathman: you tried moo / figlet already?07:06
zabuyou know what it should do, it should just work right07:06
kkathmanTm_T nope :)07:07
Tm_Tkkathman: eh, actually you can see both(?) in my screenshots07:08
Tm_Tso go ahead, try07:08
Tm_Tit spoil all fun if I explain them07:08
Tm_Tso what was the problem?07:10
kkathmanhehe now moo is cute07:10
kkathmanbut I was just expecting more07:11
kkathmancan I do an apt-get nakedwoman ???07:11
kkathmanI still wish I could change the colors on my ls -l07:12
kkathmanI should just turn off the colors altogether I guess07:12
Tm_Tyou can use almost everything w/ figlet07:14
dell500anyone here know how to run a game (in cedega) in window mode??07:16
Tm_Twhat game exactly?07:17
=== tvon [~tvon@dsl093-056-214.blt1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #kubuntu
chavodell500, depends on the game07:17
tvonAre there any known problems with X lockups and kubnutu in hoary?07:17
dell500chavo, counter-strike source07:17
Tm_Ttvon: hmm, explain?07:18
Tm_Tcs, yuuuk07:18
chavodell500, you have steam running?07:18
tvonI normally use gnome but installed kubuntu-desktop out of curiosity... I can start kde okay but as soon as I try to launch konqueror X "freezes" (I cal still move the mouse curosr, but not do anthing) and X takes up 99+% of the cpu07:18
dell500chavo, yup07:18
dell500chavo, the game bugs out and gets to the last loading part for a map (sending info to server or something)07:19
dell500then it just craps out and I have to kill it07:19
chavodell500, bring up the "Play Games" window and right click on CS07:19
tvonfrom my POV, X is entirely locked up... the keyboard is dead (numlock won't toggle) but I can move the pointer around... the only way to get my system back is to restart gdm (eg, kill X)07:19
Tm_Ttvon: strange...07:20
tvonTm_T: indeed :)07:20
dell500chavo, i'm not sure, but i have the ati drivers enabled for right now, instead of the fglrx ones07:20
Tm_Tyou're sure you have uptodate KDE ?07:20
tvonthe logs don't tell me much of anything... Xorg.0.log is not updated with any useful information...I only guessed it was nvidia because 'dmesg' has an odd line at the end about 'NVRM: Xid'.. though nothing informative (just numbers)07:21
=== tvon shrugs
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tvonsystem is up to date with hoary07:22
Tm_Ttvon: you alreadu ran that script in topic?07:22
tvoner, no, let me try that07:22
Tm_Ttvon: nno, run first apt-get update && apt-get upgrade07:23
Tm_Tand tell if it outputs any error07:23
tvonTm_T: no updates07:23
Tm_Ttvon: use synaptic ... check what version your kdelibs-data have07:24
tvonTm_T: aight07:24
tvonI probably just need a re-install... this system was intially pre-warty07:25
Tm_Ttvon: just check that version07:26
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tvongimme a minute, restarting gdm takes a few07:26
tezzaanyone got a problem where kubuntu just stalled on the start of the install?07:29
Tm_Ttezza: hmm, might be broken installer07:31
Tm_Ttezza: use those checksums07:31
Tm_Ttvon: hmm, ok...07:32
Tm_Ttvon: ok, it's uptodate... you installed kubuntu-desktop ?07:33
tvonTm_T: yeah07:33
Tm_Ttvon: ask it from riddell, he's the man ih here ;)07:35
tvonTm_T: heh, okay07:35
tvonTm_T: thanks for your time07:35
tezzaTm_T: i did before i burnt them07:35
Tm_Ttezza: and after?07:35
dell500how do find the plugin section for firefox?07:36
tezzaTm_T: then i tried the normal ubuntu and the same thing happened - must be some problem with my hardware and the installer or drivers07:36
Tm_Tdell500: simple07:37
Tm_Tdell500: /usr/share/apps/mozilla-firefox/plugins/07:37
tezzadell500: type 'about:plugins' into firefox07:37
Tm_Tthe most logical place07:37
Tm_Ttezza: it doesn't tell _where_ those plugins are07:38
tezzait tells you what plugins you have and how to install them07:39
Tm_Ttezza: ehh, still...07:39
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tezzahe didn't ask for a directory he said the plugin section... you can understand that in many different ways07:41
dell500/usr/share/apps/mozilla-firefox/plugins/ doesn't work07:41
tezzadell500: do what i said and follow the instructions on how to install plugins07:42
dell500k, but how do i find my dir for firefox??07:45
dell500like can i do that in console or something07:45
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Tm_Tdell500: just try "find /usr | grep firefox "07:51
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kkathmandell500: try "whereis mozilla-firefox"08:06
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kkathmanin my system firefox is in /usr/bin08:08
kkathmandell500: I have firefox installed if you need help08:08
Tm_Tkkathman: but plugins aren't there08:09
dell500anyone here know how to run counter-strike source in windowed mode?08:09
shogoukiplugins are in $ffxdir/plugins08:09
kkathmannope...usually they are elsewhere..but easy to find08:09
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shogoukior you're talking about extensions ?08:09
Tm_Tdell500: /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/08:11
Tm_T"find /usr | grep firefox | grep plugin | grep java" and tada, there it was08:11
shogoukior just read what ive wrote :p08:12
Tm_Tshogouki: yes08:12
Tm_Tbut I like to play around with grep ;p08:13
Tm_Thm, just try to remember, who copied .torsmorc from me...08:14
Diablo-D3best. logo. ever.08:14
kkathmanHEHE thats hilarious!!!08:15
Tm_Tewhh, that's almost... well ...08:15
=== luke [~luke@218-101-70-108.dialup.clear.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu
kkathmanITS FUNNY!08:16
Tm_TI'm boring old fart...08:16
kkathmanu arnt old :)08:16
lukehas anyone had any crashes lately? I've just had 2 this afternoon. very unusual..08:17
kkathmanno crashes since I brought hoary up...over 19 days now08:17
Tm_Thmm, I ate breakfas already and I'm still hungry08:17
kkathmanwell before that actually08:17
kkathmanjust 19 days straight08:17
Diablo-D3Infact the only thing I can crash is *gasp!* actually buggy software.08:17
lukehaha. well I don't think anything I was running is buggy at all, it just crashed randomly08:18
Diablo-D3... thats the definition of buggy.08:18
Diablo-D3Unless your machine is just flakey08:18
kkathmanluke: when you said it "crashed" what does that mean exactly to you08:19
lukeeverything froze, couldn't move the mouse, everything stopped08:19
kkathmankernel panic?08:20
Diablo-D3... followed by user panic.,08:20
lukeno idea. just completely unresponsive08:20
Tm_Tno need to panic yet08:20
kkathmanhad you done anything before ??08:20
Diablo-D3well, either the kernel hates you...08:21
Diablo-D3or X hates you.08:21
Diablo-D3Thats the only two things that can cause that.08:21
Tm_Tor they hates each other08:21
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lukehmm. and kdelibs-data wont update08:21
kkathmanor their could be a communist conspiracy against him...but thats remote08:21
Tm_Tluke: topic ;p08:21
kkathmanluke you need to run the script listed in the channel topic08:22
lukeok cool thanks for that08:22
dell500is there a way to force quit an app??08:23
transgressdell500: kill -9 PID08:23
Diablo-D3dell500: sudo shutdown -h now08:23
transgressDiablo-D3: don't be a prick08:24
kkathmanDiablo-D3: he didnt say force quit EVERYTHING :)08:24
Diablo-D3I firmly believe in taking out mosquitos with nuclear weapons.08:24
kkathmanthere ya go08:25
lukeI agree with diablo-D308:25
kkathmanwhy close one out when you can punish them all08:25
transgressdell500: do a ps aux | grep ITEM ... that'll have the PID (a number) near the beginning of it... then kill -9 PID... or killall ITEMNAME if there if you don't mind killing every instance of that program08:25
kkathmanor CTRL-ESC and find the process you need to kill08:25
transgressthis is a help channel... hear to help people... not make them pissed off... that includes helping noobs... 08:25
kkathmanHey I got luke his script to fix his kdelibs prob :)08:27
transgressyeah i think you may have given it to me too08:28
dell500k, kool, thanks08:28
dell500goin to bed, peace08:28
Diablo-D3I wish they would just release kdelibs08:28
kkathmannight dell500  :)08:28
transgressi wish they would make a new package for firefox08:29
lukedo you reacon it's beter to use synaptic, or kynaptic? does it matter at all?08:29
transgressi think i will build that tonight and make a deb package out of it08:29
Diablo-D3I wish they would quit shipping firefox08:29
transgressluke: synaptic has a few more features08:29
kkathmanDiablo-D3: why?08:29
Diablo-D3luke: it doesnt really matter08:29
kkathmanyou dont like it?08:29
Diablo-D3both are inferior to apt-get + apt-cache08:29
Diablo-D3kkathman: because its bloated shit08:29
lukeI didn't think so:p nah I was just wondering if kynaptic would work beter for kubuntu since it's a kde app..08:30
kkathmanit is pretty bloated I'll agree08:30
kkathmanyou like Konqi?08:30
Diablo-D3konq > firefox08:30
Diablo-D3by far08:30
Diablo-D3konq 4.0 should make people shit their pants08:30
kkathmanI look forward to that08:30
Diablo-D3like, that south park episode with brown noise08:30
ChoubakaDiablo-D3: Except for one thing.08:30
kkathmanI still wish I could get Konq to be what I want when I want tho08:31
shogoukionly thing that miss to konqui is a good extensions manager08:31
lukeyou reacon konq is beter than firefox? 08:31
shogoukiand docs to write extensions :/08:31
ChoubakaKonqueror doesn't have the extensions 08:31
Diablo-D3shogouki: a perfect browser does not need extensions08:31
shogoukiDiablo-D3: i'm strongly disagree08:31
Choubakakonqi is not perfect.08:31
Diablo-D3they're working on an adwhatever clone, btw08:31
Diablo-D3and it'll be built right into khtml08:31
ChoubakaWhere's AdBlock and flashblock? :|08:31
transgressumm... no browser is one size fits all08:31
transgresshence extensions08:31
Diablo-D3Choubaka: see above comment08:31
Diablo-D3it should hopefully be in by konq 4.008:32
shogoukihope so08:32
ChoubakaDiablo-D3: how customisable will it be?08:32
transgressi like firefox... but i don't like that the ubuntu build requires a shitload of gnome stuff08:32
Choubakawill it work like adblock does?08:32
kkathmanKonqi is great as a file manager but you have to start it, then choose that profile...then its good as a browser, but you have to start it and choose that profile08:32
Diablo-D3atleast as customizable as adblock08:32
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transgressso i use konq08:32
Diablo-D3kkathman: I never set profiles08:33
ChoubakaAnyway, I use GTK so konqueror as my main browser would be a bit weird. I will give it a shot though.08:33
ChoubakaI can't live without AdBlock :D08:33
Choubakanot on the internet at least.08:33
lukestupid mosqitoes08:33
Diablo-D3AdBlock doesnt even work with the moz in ubuntu08:33
kkathmanDiablo-D3: ok, do you use it for file management or just a browser?08:33
transgresskonq does decent at blocking ads...08:34
Diablo-D3kkathman: both08:34
ChoubakaDiablo-D3: yes it does?08:34
Diablo-D3kkathman: I just throw a path into the location bar, and it works fine08:34
kkathmanahh ok I see08:34
Diablo-D3it does? wtf08:34
Diablo-D3it says mine is too new of a version08:34
shogoukiit does much more :)08:34
lukewhats so much beter about konq over firefox?08:34
Choubakaunless you're talking about mozilla, not firefox :p08:34
shogoukiluke: integration08:34
Diablo-D3nope, firefox.08:34
Diablo-D3luke: its kde.08:34
Choubakaluke: firefox is slow.08:34
Diablo-D3its also a shitload faster08:35
ChoubakaDiablo-D3: works for me.08:35
Diablo-D3and its less bloated08:35
Diablo-D3and its not retarded08:35
ChoubakaI resent the retarded comment.08:35
Choubakafirefox is able.08:35
Diablo-D3and once the new safari changes get merged, around a dozen bugs will get fixed08:35
shogoukidont know if safari changes will be merged08:36
ChoubakaAnd KDEness is more of a minus in my book :/08:36
Diablo-D3they will08:36
Diablo-D3Choubaka: you're a gnomeby thats why.08:36
lukeChoubaka why are you running kubuntu then?08:36
ChoubakaNo I'm not. :)08:36
lukewhy are you here then? :p08:36
ChoubakaI swear by xfce. :P08:36
kkathmanDiablo-D3:  but say you throw a path there, but you want the split frame, left to be the tree and right to be file listings?08:37
kkathmanthats a profile right?08:37
Diablo-D3xfce just makes you a mini-gnomeby.08:37
Choubakaluke: because I know a lot about debian. I can help people here too. 08:37
Diablo-D3kkathman: I hate that shit08:37
shogoukiand just open a term into kq08:37
Diablo-D3kkathman: I prefer that stuff off.08:37
kkathmanAhh ok I see08:38
lukechoubaka: hehe thanks for helping then :D 08:38
ChoubakaBesides, if KDE 4.0 is all it promises to be, I might go through the trouble of customising it to my liking and start using it.08:39
ChoubakaNo offense, but the defaults of KDE just suck -_-08:39
lukeI reacon kde is more costomisable than gnome08:39
kkathmanyeah the defaults to for sure08:39
Diablo-D3gnome doesnt even have a web browser08:40
ChoubakaThere's Galeon :P08:40
Diablo-D3Yeah, but who the hell uses that?08:40
lukekonq can't use gmails standard view08:41
ChoubakaSome people.08:41
Diablo-D3All the gnomebys want to say firefox is the gnome browser08:41
=== Diablo-D3 strikes a pose
=== Diablo-D3 falls off his soap box
transgressjust because it is integrated doesn't make it better08:42
transgressthere is a reason far more people use firefox than konq... even on kde08:42
lukeI kinda agree with transgress08:42
Diablo-D3yeah, its called windows.08:42
transgresslet me rephrase08:42
transgressthere is a reason far more people use firefox on linux than konq08:42
transgresseven in kde08:42
Diablo-D3yeah, its called severe retardation.08:43
Tm_TDiablo-D3: ?08:43
transgressthere is a reason i have the browser binary from the site in my home dir08:43
Tm_Thmm, I use FF08:43
=== Diablo-D3 is on a firefox hate kick atm
kkathmannow now..there is something called "preference"08:43
Tm_TDiablo-D3: haha08:43
kkathmanchoice...its what Linux is all about :)08:43
luketheres also a thing called opinion08:43
transgresssometimes it works better... such as gmail didn't work with it for a while... i can't login to one of my work sites because of some weird ass bug...08:43
transgressand Diablo-D3 hating something that is helping to knock MS down a notch... puts you in my dumbass list.08:44
kkathmantransgress: good point well taken08:44
Diablo-D3MS doesnt need help falling down.08:44
kkathmanwe all need to support Google ALOT08:44
lukeyes it does, it owns the stupid people who use it08:45
Diablo-D3Firefox should instead focus onnot sucking.08:45
transgressyou wanna use konq go right ahead... you wanna say it's good... cool... but saying something else sucks just because you don't use it even though it might be good... is ignorance.  08:45
Diablo-D3They should buy me a new keyboard too.08:45
transgressDiablo-D3: let me point out that george bush got elected in 2004... 08:45
kkathman$5 keyboards at Office Depot08:45
Diablo-D3transgress: so?08:45
transgressanyone that convinces people they need them needs to be knocked down.08:45
ChoubakaDiablo-D3: Firefox very much does not suck on windows though.08:46
Diablo-D3Japan has the most accurate time keeping peice in the world... and it runs Linux.08:46
Diablo-D3Just because one nation is stupid, doesnt mean all are.08:46
ChoubakaIt's a huge lot better than the Linux Firefox08:46
buzyeah the win firefox is faster than the linux version08:46
Diablo-D3Tie that in with the fact that gnome is most popular in the US08:46
transgressit's a huge lot better... you failed english huh?08:46
Diablo-D3and KDE is most popular in .eu and .jp08:46
buzstill, ff linux beats the shit out of konqueror08:46
Choubakatransgress: No, I did not :)08:46
Diablo-D3Choubaka: gah08:46
Diablo-D3that engrish is painful08:46
transgressbuz: i'm trying to end the flaming... please don't add to it08:46
transgresshaha 08:47
Tm_Tbuz: actually I found them eqyakky fast08:47
ChoubakaIn fact, I got 10 as my final grade :P 08:47
Tm_Tbuz: i.e. win and linux FF08:47
transgressmy friend is dating an asian chick and she speaks like that Diablo-D3 ... rearry she does08:47
Diablo-D3oww, I think I bit something08:47
buzmhh my linux version has noticeably slower display of the rendered stuff08:47
buzrendering ITSELF is probably just as fast08:47
ChoubakaTry opening 13 tabs at the same time.08:47
buzbut displaying the stuff is much faster on win, i can even see the windows go up08:47
Tm_TChoubaka: done it08:47
Diablo-D3buz: thats just X sucking08:47
buzyeah i know08:48
buzstill, it makes FF linux feel slow08:48
Diablo-D3I hate X08:48
Diablo-D3Oh I hate X so much08:48
ChoubakaSomeone needs to create Y :P08:48
kkathmanI had like 15 open tonight in FF no degradation in speed whatsoever on my machine08:48
Diablo-D3of all the software I hate most, X gets the 2nd spot.08:48
buzbut interestingly, it doesn't happen that badly with KDE apps08:48
Diablo-D3There is a Y08:48
buzonly gecko apps seem to suffer that badly08:48
Diablo-D3and a Z08:48
Diablo-D3and a W08:48
Choubakakkathman: but when you _open_ them, firefox goes unresponsive.08:48
Diablo-D3gecko does stupid things08:48
buzxul isn't really efficient08:49
Diablo-D3but it pretty much can be all tied to braindamage in X08:49
transgressDiablo-D3: then sit in CLI, use links (which i promise is faster than konq and ff) and stop starting flamewars08:49
buzbut i love the extensions ;)08:49
kkathmannot on my system at all...try using ctrl click to open links..faster and more efficient08:49
Diablo-D3and gecko doesnt want to work around it08:49
ChoubakaDiablo-D3: Do they have , , and  too? :)08:49
Diablo-D3qt/kde, however, excel at working around it08:49
Tm_TChoubaka: =)08:49
Diablo-D3Choubaka: *cough*08:49
buzsomeone should port firefox to kde :)08:49
transgressbuz: someone is08:49
Diablo-D3buz: they have08:49
Choubakabuz: there is an experimental port. :P08:49
Tm_TChoubaka: you just revealed yourself!08:49
buzwell i don't care for gecko rendering in konqueror08:49
ChoubakaTm_T: No perkele.08:50
transgresshttp://www.pryan.org/mozilla/firefox/hendikins/firefox-qt/ 08:50
Tm_TChoubaka: you silly finnish fella08:50
transgressbuz: ^08:50
Diablo-D3hopefully konq will make gecko dead.08:50
Tm_TChoubaka: Perkelepp hyvinnii08:50
buzthat is old...08:50
Tm_Tok, can't take it anymore, HV! ;) ->08:50
Diablo-D3the only one I know of is kecgo08:50
Diablo-D3or kgecko08:51
Diablo-D3whatever name they decided on08:51
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transgresslast build in 2005 february... and seeing as konq doesn't have nearly the userbase that ff has... i doubt it'll be making gecko dead anytime soon08:51
Diablo-D3its a khtml-compatible object that uses gecko08:51
Diablo-D3drops right into konq, or any other khtml using app08:51
buzbut who cares08:51
buzkhtml ain't bad, the gui is08:51
Diablo-D3then fix the gui, and quit bitching08:52
Diablo-D3not that firefox's is any good08:52
buzi rather just use firefox08:52
buzit does what it's supposed to do without getting in my way08:52
Diablo-D3firefox's ui is a usability nightmare08:52
buzeven the worst of the lusers i switched figured it out right away so far08:52
transgressfuck god damn it everyone stop... it's called preference... stop fighting about which software to use... this isn't proprietary... you aren't locked in... this is choice... lets move on to something useful08:52
Diablo-D3transgress: there is no such thing as preference08:52
kkathmanthank you transgress 08:53
Diablo-D3foss is all about lobbing flaming shit at the other side08:53
transgressDiablo-D3: it's open source08:53
Diablo-D3havent you learned that yet?08:53
=== Diablo-D3 pisses in gnome's cheerios
buzand if there's no other side, we throw the shit at MS08:53
transgressDiablo-D3: i think you are confused.  this is a help channel.. we are here to help.08:53
lukewhy wont shipit work for me?08:53
buzlets see if qt firefox works08:53
transgressluke: what do you mean?08:53
Diablo-D3buz: and MS attempts to throw shit at us, but we're already gone by the time the volley arrives08:53
lukeit says my email address isn't in the database08:54
Diablo-D3buz: and apple lobs shit at MS, and looks good doing it08:54
Diablo-D3luke: then add it08:54
buzso? get a mac08:54
Diablo-D3Ive been thinking about it08:54
buzpersonally, osx gets in my way too often08:54
Diablo-D3but I dont have room on my desk for a third box08:54
buzit's a pretty but stubborn os08:54
Diablo-D3who said running osx on it?08:54
Diablo-D3LINUX BABY!08:54
buzwtf? a mini is so damn small08:55
lukehow do you?08:55
Diablo-D3either that or nbsd08:55
transgressi wanna get a mac... but i will keep osx on it... with portage08:55
Diablo-D3a 17" lcd is not small, buz.08:55
buza kvm switch is08:55
Diablo-D3I already have a 14" lcd and a 17" crt on my desk08:55
Diablo-D3I dont have enough room for another 17".08:55
Diablo-D3dude, thats stupid.08:55
Diablo-D3whats the point of having three computers if you dont have three monitors to go with it08:55
transgressDiablo-D3: they are lcd's ... just turn them a bit... angle them... 08:56
Diablo-D3transgress: I didnt say they wernt...08:56
transgresshaha i see08:56
transgressget a bigger desk08:56
=== Diablo-D3 has a really tiny desk
buzget rid of the crt08:56
Diablo-D3cant get any bigger08:56
Diablo-D3buz: that wont improve the room usage08:56
buzit certainly did for me08:56
Diablo-D3a 17" is a 17" no matter if its crt or lcd.08:56
transgressi need to get some lcd's... 08:57
buzholy crap08:57
Diablo-D3actually, I may have room for it08:57
buzthat qt firefox is BAD08:57
Diablo-D3its in the wrong direction08:57
Diablo-D3right now, both monitors are infront of me08:57
transgressis BAD?  like won't work?  08:57
Diablo-D3I'd have to turn my head too much to see another monitor08:58
buzwell it actually starts08:58
Diablo-D3what I really need is to sit the mac monitor behind my laptop08:58
buzbut it's not even able to display the menu bar properly08:58
buzand talk about sloooow08:58
transgresswell help him improve the code08:58
=== Diablo-D3 's 14" is the laptop, btw
transgressthat's a project i'd be all up on if i knew c++08:58
buzi hate coding C08:58
buzdoubly so for c++08:58
Diablo-D3but yeah08:58
Diablo-D3what I really need is like...08:59
buzwe all do08:59
Diablo-D3and three matching 21" monitors08:59
Diablo-D3and a giant desk08:59
buzand matrox card to drive the08:59
Diablo-D3and I could get myself a tan08:59
Diablo-D3whwhy a single card?08:59
buzthat is probably the cheapest of them all08:59
buzcause pci cards suck08:59
Diablo-D3I could get an agp + 2 pci08:59
transgressif i had more room in my ... room... i'd get a nice desk that is bent in the middle so you can put it a corner or where ever... 08:59
Diablo-D3and then xinerama08:59
Diablo-D3bah, pci isnt as much suck as you think it is09:00
buzxinerama is a bad piece of code09:00
buzi can't get it to run different resolutions on different screens09:00
Diablo-D3xinerama isnt that bad a peice of code09:00
buzwindows can do that with two clicks09:00
Diablo-D3thats by design dumbass09:00
buzxinerama simply doesn't seem to even support it09:00
Diablo-D3you should never have different resolutions09:00
buzwin and osx can both do it just fine09:00
transgressdifferent resolutions on what is supposed to be one screen...09:01
buzand it makes perfect sense if you think about09:01
Diablo-D3because they allow stupidity09:01
transgresshow in the fuck does that make sense?09:01
buzmost people will have a 1024*768 laptop but 1280*1024 desktop lcd09:01
Diablo-D3the only way a smaller monitor can ever be allowed is if it uses a virtual desktop to make up for it09:01
buzin my case, i got a 17" and a 20" lcd09:01
Diablo-D3buz: why do you think this makes sense?09:02
buztell my why it wouldn't09:02
Diablo-D3by allowing a smaller monitor in the pair, you're basically saying its alright to take a pre-existing widescreen monitor and cut an odd hole out of it09:02
buzonly because the general idea behind xinerama isn't so smart09:03
Diablo-D3its actually very smart09:03
Diablo-D3it prevents you from doing something very stupid.09:03
transgressbuz: what i said earlier needs repeating obviously... it's OSS... fix it.09:03
buzcheaper to get another 20" lcd09:03
Diablo-D3it'll probably let you do that if you tell your smallest monitor to use a virtual desktop09:04
buzi tried, it would usually crash shortly after coming up09:04
buzbut that might be driver related09:04
Diablo-D3hrm, strange09:04
Diablo-D3try filing bugs and quit bitching09:04
=== luke_ [~luke@218-101-70-108.dialup.clear.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu
buzna i just wait some months until the 20" lcd gets below 40009:05
buzthen i get another one of them09:05
buzthat 17" sucker is half broken anyway09:05
buzah lcd that makes noise when turned off can't be right09:06
Diablo-D3no kidding09:07
Diablo-D3sounds like the psu is dying09:07
buzi guess the psu isn't quite alright09:07
transgressoh and flash doesn't work for shit in konq09:08
transgressor if it does... i'm yet to figure out what i did wrong09:08
buzi think there might even be warranty left on it09:08
luke_do you reacon amarok is beter than xmms for a basic mp3 player?09:08
buzbut it already got replaced twice so i don't bother09:08
Diablo-D3eh, yeah09:09
transgressactually let me rephrase that09:09
buzonce a whole row of pixels just went displaying whatever color they liked09:09
Diablo-D3amarok is different than xmms09:09
Diablo-D3I switched from xmms to amarok09:09
transgressDiablo-D3: you have flash working well in konq?  because i can only get it to display minimal stuff09:09
Diablo-D3I leave flash uninstalled.09:09
luke_I use xmms at the moment, but I've heard it's old and the amarok is beter.09:09
transgressso you just miss chunks of the internet?09:09
buzi dont like flash but occasionally there's something funny using it09:10
transgressi use bmp on my ubuntu box09:10
Diablo-D3no, I believe flash is dead09:10
Diablo-D3svg killed it09:10
transgresswas using xmms... thinking of trying amarok right now though09:10
transgressand umm... i visit sites daily that use flash...09:10
Diablo-D3sucks to be those sites09:10
Diablo-D3they are behind the curve09:10
Diablo-D3and also broken09:10
Diablo-D3and impossible to navigate and otherwise use09:11
Diablo-D3and they piss off blind people09:11
transgressumm i think you are confused on how the world works 09:11
Diablo-D3and they violate the CSS rule09:11
transgresslike they give a shit...09:11
transgressup until recently a lot of sites still didn't work well with netscape, mozilla, or firefox...09:11
Diablo-D3Most people who dont mind looking like idiots give a shit.09:12
buzwhat sites09:12
Diablo-D3s/give/dont give/09:12
transgressso seeing as your answer was no, you don't have flash working unless anyone else can answer me, it doesn't matter09:12
buzi've rarely seen sites not work in ff for a long time09:12
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transgressbuz: i said up until recently09:12
Diablo-D3buz: apparently msie still matters.09:12
transgresswell it's what... 94% of the market... 09:12
Diablo-D3but I dont know anyone still using it09:12
Diablo-D3atleast, no one who actually seriously uses the internet.09:13
Diablo-D3most people on the internet shouldnt be09:13
transgresssays your opinion09:13
transgressbut the internet is for everyone... not for some upper society09:13
Diablo-D3okay, lets try this09:13
transgressand if you disagree then i do believe you are using the wrong software... F/OSS is about freedom09:14
Diablo-D3lets say someone steals your car and drives into a department store with it and causes thousands of dollars in damages09:14
Diablo-D3under US law you are partially responsible if you didnt properly secure your car09:14
Diablo-D3I think you should be equally responsible if someone steals your computer and takes out a company's website with it09:14
Diablo-D3and by 'steal' I mean trojan man.09:15
buzand ms should be liable too09:15
transgressumm... you aren't responsible if someone steals your car in the US and crashes into shit09:15
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transgressthat happens on a regular basis09:15
Diablo-D3ms should be shut down for fraud09:15
Diablo-D3transgress: you are if you didnt properly secure it09:15
Diablo-D3transgress: ie, not locking doors, etc09:16
transgressno you aren't09:16
transgressyou're wrong09:16
transgressyou need to check your laws09:16
Diablo-D3You are.09:16
LISPtransgress: but if someone you trust you car crashes it...you could be liable09:16
Diablo-D3And I'm right.09:16
buzyour insurance won't pay if you didn't lock it09:16
Diablo-D3You need to talk to a lawyer.09:16
transgressLISP: yes that's true09:16
transgressbuz: depends on the insurance, but that isn't a law09:16
buzsince its allowed by law to take regress they will ALL do that09:17
transgressDiablo-D3: my friend's dad is a lawyer, we talk a lot, and i'm kind of into law... and you are fucking wrong09:17
Diablo-D3transgress: oh how wrong you are.09:17
transgressno i'm not09:17
buzanyway i'm off to school09:17
transgressbecause that's your property and they aren't allowed to take it whether you locked it or not09:17
Diablo-D3Doesnt matter.09:17
Diablo-D3Go talk to your lawyer friend.09:17
transgressand fuck... in florida... you can even shoot them now for breaking into your car thanks to jeb bush... whether you locked it or not09:17
Diablo-D3Assuming a) you have friends, b) they have a dad, c) they are lawyers.09:18
transgressDiablo-D3: don't try to be snide... it doesn't work well with dumbass09:18
Diablo-D3Yes, and you should be able to shoot them09:18
Diablo-D3Same way I want to shoot windows users for hijacking my internet.09:18
transgresslife is more valuable than property09:18
LISPtransgress: when i'll be in florida i'll call you ;-)09:18
transgressDiablo-D3: it's not your internet09:18
Diablo-D3I just purchased it.09:19
transgressDiablo-D3: you must've misted what i said about snide... 09:19
=== Diablo-D3 is now a proud owner of one internet.
LISPDiablo-D3: good work09:19
transgresskind of like the time machine on ebay huh?09:19
LISPDiablo-D3: i hope you know the difference between internet and Internet09:19
Diablo-D3I feel like Al Gore. But without the lame.09:20
Diablo-D3LISP: you missed the sarcasm, didnt you?09:20
transgresstrust me, you aren't w/o the lame09:20
Diablo-D3transgress: no, I'm without the Al Gore09:20
Diablo-D3I don't have a TV station yet09:20
LISPDiablo-D3: not really, just wanted to buy one myself, till you beat me to it :P09:20
Diablo-D3LISP: hah09:20
transgressokay so now ima change channels... this is getting old09:20
=== Diablo-D3 gets a TV station and pitches it to young republicans
Diablo-D3All I need to basically do is air naked girls jiggling their boobs all the time09:21
Diablo-D3seeing as thats all republicans care about09:21
LISPus non-americans will go home now09:22
Diablo-D3that, and the occational pro-christian nazi-esque worship Herr Bush public message09:22
Diablo-D3and I have to put in a lot of anti-abortion and anti-homosexuality stuff in it09:23
LISPDiablo-D3: sorry to disturb, but isn't there a non-kubu, anti-bush channel out there?09:24
Diablo-D3but what I really need is a pro-kubu anti-bush channel09:24
Diablo-D3basically, a pro freedom, and anti stupidity channel09:25
LISPif you want freedom you should try pro-lfs/gentoo anti bush :P09:25
Diablo-D3except gentoo only takes away freedosm09:25
Diablo-D3by forcing you to conform to using -funroll-loops in your CFLAGS09:25
LISPgentoo? it lets you do anything you want, especially all the wrong things :D09:26
Diablo-D3and putting a spoiler on your mom's toyota corolla09:26
Diablo-D3and covering it in +5 horsepower stickers09:26
Diablo-D3was the ricer comparison too much?09:27
LISPbut the +5hp is true 09:27
LISPand when it's not 10hp vs 5...but 205 vs 20009:27
LISPit's not worth it09:28
Diablo-D3I dunno, if gentoo users could figure out how to overclock a floppy drive... they would.09:28
Diablo-D3LISP: +5 horsepower stickers dont do anything09:28
Diablo-D3apparently ricers think just adding the sticker to their car increases performance09:28
LISPspeaking of which, i would give them my bro's amd64 which has no floppy09:28
LISPc'mon...you mean to say that kubu precompiled is faster than self compiled?09:29
LISPi mean, if you know what you're doing09:29
Diablo-D3no, I'm saying -O3 -march=foo -fomit-frame-pointer -mmmmx -msse -mfpmath=387,sse is rarely going to be different than the stock -O2 most packages default to.09:30
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=== Diablo-D3 specifically dropped -funroll-loops because it only causes bad peformance, even the gcc dev team recommends you dont use it
LISPyes, but what about the use flags?09:30
LISPok, ok, no funroll-loops09:31
Diablo-D3www.funroll-loops.org for the win09:31
Choubakareminds me of some bakery product.09:31
Diablo-D3I always assumed a funroll was like a fruit rollup09:31
Diablo-D3really fruity, bad for you, and loaded with gayness.09:32
Diablo-D3er, I meant loaded with sugar.09:32
Choubakaalso, I think -march=blah already implies -mmmmx -msse -mfpmath=387,sse if they are available for blah09:32
Diablo-D3Choubaka: implies -mextension, yes, but not -mfpmath=sse,38709:32
Diablo-D3-O3 wont imply it either with the right -march09:33
Diablo-D3_and_, -mfpmath=sse is default on x86-6409:33
Diablo-D3_and_ -mfpmath=sse,387 is sometimes slower than -mfpmath=sse on ia32 with sufficiently fucked up code09:34
Diablo-D3_and_ its depreciated in gcc4.09:34
Diablo-D3iirc for that last one09:34
ChoubakaThere indeed was an article once which claimed that the optimisation settings some gentooists use may actually slow down the system overall09:34
Diablo-D3-funroll-loops will produce slower code in 99.9% of the cases09:35
Diablo-D3in that 0.1% case, that code should probably be rewritten09:35
Choubakaportage would be a nice system if there was for example an automatically update sourceforge portage repo09:36
Diablo-D3now, the reason funroll-loops is bad is because it bloats code09:37
Diablo-D3yes, technically, said code executes faster, but the code ends up being so big it may a) blow away the cpus cache every time its loaded b) not even fit in cpu cache09:37
Diablo-D3so with that overhead, it murders performance in cold blood09:37
Diablo-D3with the candle stick, in the library09:37
Choubakayou could install stable packages using the native package system (dpkg/APT obviously) and then if there's some interesting little project on SF, you could emerge projectname :)09:38
Diablo-D3and with that, I'm going to bed09:38
Diablo-D3night all09:38
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luke_ok, so amarok sucks. whats a media player you would recomend for kubuntu?10:51
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AzMooHow do I install a .deb file?10:58
dukendpkg -i file.deb10:58
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butihi. got a problem with apt-get upgrade:11:11
butidpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kdelibs-data_4%3a3.4.0-0ubuntu3.1_all.deb (--unpack):11:11
buti trying to overwrite `/usr/share/icons/default.kde', which is also in package knetworkconf11:11
shogoukibuti: same here11:12
butishould happen almost anywhere, i assume :/11:13
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Neil3hey folks11:19
xxenonbuti - topic.11:19
butixxenon: how should that help?11:20
butioh... force :)11:20
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Neil3does anyone else get this happening with their mouse cursor - in kde the cursor will be the default x cursor when it's meant to be the ubuntu theme cursor in certain situations11:23
butibtw. how do i get corefonts?11:23
Neil3like when doing 'background' work11:23
Neil3and the one thats the hand with the finger11:24
Neil3the normal cursor is the ubuntu style one11:24
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jokeleallee: hey ;)11:33
alleeHe jokele are you cloning ?11:33
jokeleyep, like you did11:33
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error403hmmm, quiet in here today11:45
Neil3hey error403 11:46
Neil3not for long!11:46
Neil3i get this weird thing happening with my mouse cursor in kde11:46
Neil3the cursor will be the default x cursor when it's meant to be the ubuntu theme cursor in certain situations11:46
Neil3like when i click a link in konqueror, and its waiting for the page to load so you're meant to see the cursor with the timer next to it11:47
Neil3it's the wrong cursor11:47
Neil3also when i move the cursor over a hyperlink and it turns to the hand with the pointy finger, that's also the incorrect version of that cursor, being the standard x cursor and not the kubuntu theme cursor11:48
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spiralhmmm, does anyone know what I should do to solve the message "aclocal: configure.in: 8: macro `AM_PROG_LIBTOOL' not found in library" that kdevelop gives me ?12:23
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\shspiral: install autotools01:05
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=== hunger does not understand what the gnome-fuss is about.
hungerIt is way less responsive than kde for me.02:28
dvoidhunger,  lot of ppl say that =D, and i agre   , gnome suxors ;)02:34
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hungerActually I wanted to try beagle, but that is not even included:-(02:46
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Lucas1I have just boot my  ibook on kunbutu live cds, it's pretty amazing, very good job evrybody02:48
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nanomadanyone is having printing problems on kubuntu?02:53
[ADULT_SWIM] how come i have like 10 instances running of sox?03:01
buznanomad: what version are you running'03:02
oelewappeis there a version of kdevelop packaged for kubuntu ?03:03
oelewappeI find some urls that look like they might be apt-get repositories but ...03:04
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[ADULT_SWIM] whats the command for rebooting KDE with out restarting the entire box?03:07
pussfellerwill restart x03:08
[ADULT_SWIM] thanx03:08
Neil3wheee there he goes03:08
pussfellerwell it will kill the present instance of it, but i dont remember if KDM will restart03:09
Neil3should do03:09
pussfelleroelewappe, there is kdeveopl in apt03:09
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kkathmanmorning all (or whatever it is where you are) 03:55
Tm_Tit's 165903:58
Tm_TI'm waiting my dad to pick me up03:59
Tm_Tgonna spend weekend with my parents03:59
kkathmanso where are you going?03:59
kkathmanahhh thats nice :)04:00
Tm_Twell, free food ;p04:01
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kkathmanthats what my daughter says when she comes home from college04:01
kkathmanyay..free food :)04:01
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kkathmanwell to her it is....to us...not so free04:02
yahalommy konqueror is extremely slow04:02
yahalomlike 20-30 secs to switch pages, how do i speed it up?04:02
kkathmankonqi? slow?04:02
yahalomkkathman: very. it used to be amazingly fast, faster than anything i've seen.04:03
yahalomkkathman: now it loads and loads and then after 20 secs it goes to google04:03
kkathmanyahalom: yes, thats a troublesome for sure..it should be extremely fast04:03
yahalomkkathman: any ideas how to fix it?04:03
kkathmanyahalom: well, lets start with any applications or tweaks you've made lately?04:04
yahalomkkathman: i only installed kubuntu again today, however it loaded my settings from the previous time. so my settings for kde were saved somewhere.04:05
kkathmanyahalom: ok, was it slow before you did that?04:05
yahalomkkathman: i dont generally mess around with the konqueror settings, as i was scared i would lose the speed04:05
yahalomkkathman: it was slow last time i had it running, thats why i removed it. was being lazy. the time before that (two weeks ago) it was amazing.04:06
kkathmanyahalom: ok, so probably reloading the desktop didnt have anything to do with it04:07
yahalomkkathman: so what then?04:07
kkathmanyahalom:  what about another browser, does that one seem slow too? Just trying to rule out your line04:08
yahalomkkathman: no firefox is fast04:08
pussfellerwhen compiling from source, it sez I need the qt library... is that a path problem, or are the libraries a seperate package04:08
kkathmanpussfeller: the qt lib is separate04:08
pussfelleryou know what its called?04:08
yahalomkkathman: and firefox used to be much slower04:09
yahalomkkathman: as far as i'm concerned it still is, just that konqueror is much much slower now04:09
kkathmanpussfeller: its recently changed....but it used to be libqt3c102-mt04:09
kkathmanpussfeller: maybe do an apt-cache search and grep on libqt04:09
kkathmanyahalom: thats odd that konqi got slower and ff got faster.. FF is a bigger program than konqi04:10
kkathmanyahalom: you havent made any adjustments to konqi right?  You said you avoided it before04:11
pussfellerlibqt3-dev i THINK04:11
kkathmanpussfeller: thats the dev yes04:11
kkathmanpussfeller: sorry I thought you were looking to the library itself04:12
yahalomkkathman: yes04:12
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pussfelleryahalom, you say you imported your settings?04:12
yahalomkkathman: no change04:12
yahalomkkathman: i didnt do anything. just kde looks the same way as i had customized it last time04:13
pussfellermaybe your settings from beforue are causing a pain, try rm -r .kde and start over04:13
pussfellerafter a backup  of course04:13
kkathmanyahalom: Try reading toward the bottom of this post:  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27461&highlight=Konqueror+slow04:16
kkathmansee if that helps04:16
yahalomkkathman: thanx04:17
kkathmanIm not sure that is something you havent already done, but its worth a shot04:18
kkathmanIm not a Konqi fan, personally04:18
yahalomkkathman: what u use?04:19
kkathmanI was a Firefox user, but I just got the new Opera 8 and its really nice..Opera is the fastest on my PC, though only slightly more so than Konq04:21
kkathmanI still use Konq as a file manager tho04:22
kkathmanI cant get Konq even as a file manager to act the way I'd like for it to04:23
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kkathmanKonqi also has a few issues with rendering some sites...thats getting better tho04:24
yahalomkkathman: its depressing04:26
yahalomkkathman: it was so fastr04:26
[ADULT_SWIM] kubuntu rocks!04:27
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kkathmanyahalom: one more thing I would do, I'd re-visit you Konq settings to be sure that something didnt get set inadvertantly...for instance there is a setting there that "minimizes" memory to be used..that would make it slower04:28
Tm_Tkkathman: ok, now I must go, see ya o/04:28
kkathmanbye Tm_T :)04:28
yahalomkkathman: yeah thats at a minimum04:28
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yahalomkkathman: could that be it?04:29
kkathmanset that to "For file browsing only"  then restart04:29
yahalomkkathman: thanx man take care04:30
kkathmannot a problem...good luck and I hope that gives you some help04:30
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yahalomumm...i lost all my kde layouts? can anyone help?04:35
yahalomkkathman: keyboard layouts04:36
kkathmanohhh...hmm I dont have much experience in that :(04:37
kkathmanactualy I dont have ANY experience :)04:37
yahalomkkathman: u said u use firefox?04:38
kkathmanyes I use Opera 8 and Firefox04:38
yahalomkkathman: they have opera 8? opera was amazing04:39
kkathmanyahalom: Opera 8 is amazing..it quite possibly is the best Opera ever...a leap from any Opera 704:39
yahalomkkathman: voice recognition?04:40
kkathmanI dont know about that04:40
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yahalomkkathman: not that i use it, i just know they did that for windows and it pissed off linux ppl04:41
yahalomkkathman: whats different?04:41
kkathmannavigation has been made easier, configuration is easier and more advanced, it uses some new technology to "clear" the fonts to where pages look magnificent04:42
kkathmanand, it even seems faster than before04:42
kkathmanIm sure there are more, but I just got it yesterday04:42
yahalomkkathman: ncie04:42
[ADULT_SWIM] operas better than mozilla?04:42
kkathman[ADULT_SWIM] : well, every browser is up to one's one preference and taste04:43
[ADULT_SWIM] i see04:43
[ADULT_SWIM] i used opera in windows i diden't like it04:43
kkathmansome people here swear by Konqi, others like Opera and others Like Firefox04:44
[ADULT_SWIM] is it better for linux04:44
kkathmanits a matter of what you feel performs well on your system and what you feel is most productive :)04:44
[ADULT_SWIM] ok i see04:44
[ADULT_SWIM] how do i get opera fo rlinux04:44
kkathmanalot of people are biased against Opera, because its commerical tho04:44
[ADULT_SWIM] i'm only biased aghenst software that doesen't live up to it's clames04:45
kkathman[ADULT_SWIM] : Opera can be obtained by going to their website and downloading the Debian-Sarge version of the deb. Then install using dpkg -i  and the filename04:45
[ADULT_SWIM] kk04:45
kkathman[ADULT_SWIM] : thats the way I am too :)04:45
kkathman[ADULT_SWIM] :  when you install, it may ask for the lib3c102-mt library, you can apt-get that04:46
[ADULT_SWIM] kk04:46
[ADULT_SWIM] i hope my craks work for linux lol04:46
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[ADULT_SWIM] they have a .deb ver for ubuntu ^_^04:47
kkathmanof Opera, no04:48
kkathmanor they didnt used to...I used the Debian Sarge04:48
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[ADULT_SWIM] yea i just downloaded opera for ubuntu04:49
[ADULT_SWIM] from there web site 04:49
kkathmankewl thats nice now04:49
kkathmanits probably the same :)04:49
[ADULT_SWIM] lol04:49
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yahalomkkathman, man! opera is slow as hell too!05:11
yahalomkkathman, what is wrong with my machine05:11
kkathmanyahalom: hmmmm but you said that firefox isnt right?05:12
yahalomkkathman, right. maybe its just heavy traffic, i dont know.05:13
yahalomkkathman, cos the kubuntu site is fast05:13
kkathmanyahalom:  I will say I had this happen once, on my win box though, and I noticed that things really slowed down...It ended up  being at the phone company switching station...a card went bad :)05:13
yahalomkkathman, yeah must be.05:14
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kkathmanyahalom: now, if you are going to certain site, because of the latest virus outbreaks (like 10 in the last 4 days) some sites are very congested05:14
yahalomkkathman, ah a plague?05:16
yahalomkkathman, quick question, kde or gdm?05:17
regeyahooray plague05:17
yahalomkdm i mean05:17
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Dreezardhi everyone05:19
DreezardCan someone tell me how and where to add a default gateway?05:19
Dreezardno idea?05:22
kkathmanyahalom: for instance, I use Earthlink, and their web mail has been incredibly slow the last few days...some of the pages taking like 1 minute or longer to load05:22
kkathmanDreezard: gateway for your eth0?05:23
DreezardI allways have to do "route add default gw *.*.*.*" at starup05:24
Dreezardis there a way to automatize that?05:26
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miklAll your KDE are belong to us05:30
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nate_Anyone know a good wireless access-point locator for kubuntu?05:46
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GameCatafternoon everyone05:50
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GameCatanyone know where I can change the ntp server that is used at startup?05:51
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saromWhen browsing my computer's directories in konqueror, the view mode always defaults to Icon View rather than MultiColumn view.05:58
saromHow can I fix this?05:58
GameCatset it up how you like it, then save profile view management05:59
GameCatin the settings menu 05:59
saromahh.. great, thank you05:59
GameCator save it as something else - i have some with different window split setups etc - yiou can load em in the menu too05:59
GameCatpleasure to 'elp :)05:59
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pussfellergamecat ivim /etc/default/ntpdate06:23
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GameCatpussfeller: thanks a lot - I know it's odd, but I don't much like the idea of the ubuntu admins being able to read their logs and find out when i booted...06:34
GameCatdinnertime here - back later06:37
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glass-eyehmmm, i'm not seeing an easy way to upgrade my kernel to smp...it wants to install lilo06:44
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kkathmanyawn... been a busy morning already :)06:46
kkathmanpussfeller:  you still here?06:48
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mshelbyIs there anyway to get kubuntu to automatically update itself? i.e. a nightly update?07:00
kkathmanmshelby you could schedule a cron on the update process I suppose07:01
mshelbyYes, I thought of that, but I don't really have a lot of experience with cron. Is it possible to actually use cron to implement all the functions of an update call, or will it just "start up" a program?07:02
kkathmanmshelby: you might try man cron07:03
kkathmanbut, yes, it should start anything that you can start at a command line07:03
mshelbyThanks, I will read up on it. I've been a linux user for 4 years and have yet to really use it! I guess it's about time...07:04
kkathmanmshelby:  Try looking also at Kcron, which should be in your K-menu07:04
kkathmanlet me get the right one for you....1 sec07:04
kkathmanmshleby:  try the menu, and System..look for Kcron07:05
kkathmanthat should help you alot07:05
mshelbyWill do. By the way, after I installed kubuntu, I am having a lot of issues with needing root access to configure /etc file, etc... what is your experience with this?07:05
kkathmanmshelby: well there are a couple of approaches you can take07:06
kkathmanmshelby:  1) do an sudo su, and get root priviledges for your current login07:06
kkathmanmshelby: 2) activate the root account (see the ubuntuguide.org for this)07:06
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mshelbyYes, I thought I would hate not having root access from the login screen (graphically), but now that I am used to it, I kind of like it.07:07
kkathmanmshelby: 3) just use the old "sudo" command in front of everything07:07
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kkathmanmshelby: if you are used to it, then reactivate it...its very easy to do07:07
mshelbyWell, I am running into problems with "aftermarket" installs of programs. If I install them as root, then regular users do not have access to them.07:08
mshelbyI will look at the ubuntuguide, but I think I might not re-activate it. I was always so used to doing everything as "root." Now that I haven't done it in a while, I kind of like the security of it.07:09
kkathmanlol 07:09
kkathmanI understand07:09
kkathmanat the command line I had gotten used to sudo gedit <filename>07:10
kkathmanbut I so got tired of typing sudo on admin waves of activities that I finally broke down and activated the root07:10
mshelbyYep, I could see that happening. I like how kde puts the "administrator" button on a lot of the sensative programs.07:11
mshelbyIt's a great workaround.07:12
kkathmanwell for casual users or inexperienced users it kind keeps them in check and gates possible damage :)07:15
mshelbykkathman: Just config'd the cron settings. Thanks for the advice!07:16
kkathmannot a problem, hope that turns out well for you :)07:16
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denniscDoes K3b work on a fresh kubuntu? It says: Unable to find cdrdao executable07:22
kkathmandennisc: I dont know exactly.07:23
kkathmannever worked with it personally07:23
dennischow do you burn iso's to CD-R then?07:23
kkathmangot me, I dont use my linux system to do that07:24
kkathmansorry I cant help on that one07:25
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kkathmanwell ya cant know everything, but you MIGHT check the ubuntuguide page07:25
kkathmanits at www.ubuntuguide.org07:26
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kkathmanhey pajohn :)07:27
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buzis there any simple way to configure spin down time of cdroms?07:53
kkathmanhmm I dont know of any, unless you hack the code somehow07:55
buzmhh hdparm says it can do it for hds07:55
buzmaybe it works for dvdroms as well07:55
kkathmanthats not something that you normally would put in a gerneral prog I think07:55
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kkathmanoh really :)07:56
buzi can see quite a few uses for this07:56
kkathmanI know that its very important on DVDs cuz they spin at a higher rate07:56
buzi mean why would a cdrom be spinning (and making lots of noise) all the time if you only infrequently access it07:56
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buzthat would have been my next question, how can i have dvds spin a lower speeds?07:56
kkathmanthats the reason mfgrs put limited amount of ink on the surface of the DVD in most cases07:56
kkathmanso that they can compress more07:57
buzhdparm -S 6 /dev/hdb07:57
buz setting standby to 6 (30 seconds07:57
buzlets see07:57
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buzdoesnt work08:01
buzthats gotta be possible08:02
buzmaybe using powersaving somehow08:02
kkathmanyeah, one thing I've noticed is that the multimedia tools areas of open source is pretty limited in general08:02
buzmhh freevo and mythtv are quite cool08:02
buzif you care for tv (which i don't)08:02
kkathmannor i08:02
buzif you think US tv is bad, try german 08:03
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buzeven good stuff gets killed with HORRIBLE dubs08:03
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kkathmanwell you can start with just graphics, and Gimp is like the "top of the line" in open source, and it pales in comparison to commercial stuff, at least for the serious designer08:05
kkathmanwhile there are some video tools, they are typically very early betas and with limited functionality08:05
kkathmanbut then people that need that probably arent going to be Linux based anyway :)08:05
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buzi think there's some TOP of the line editing stuff for linux08:28
buzbut that's in the 5 digit range08:29
buzit would have to be considering most stuff used to run on the big unices back in the days08:29
buzbut it doesnt matter to me08:29
buzi'm totally untalented wrt to graphics08:30
pussfelleri dont know, mplayer/xine beat wmp hands down08:30
pussfellermultimedia playback, we rock, generation/encoding, we are lagging way behind08:31
buzencoding is not a real problem08:31
buzplaying WMV and Real streams is kinda painful at times08:31
pussfelleryou have to jump thru all sorts of hoops to get subtitles in windows08:32
buzyou can just use vlc like on linux ;)08:32
pussfelleryep, they wont render unless you have overlays or something i08:32
pussfellerthe problem in wmv and real isnt our fault, its proprientary stuff thats the probem08:33
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pussfellerand also most sites use active x controls to launch a media player08:33
pussfellertheres nothing good on wmv anyways08:34
pussfelleror real08:34
pussfellerall rips of anything worth watching are divx5 or xvid08:35
pussfellerwe lag in easy to use encoding tools08:36
kkathmanhowdy pussfeller  :)08:36
pussfellerhey kkathman 08:37
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kkathmanbe back in a bit...gotta run to the airport08:43
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[ADULT_SWIM] hey anyone wanna help me test a game to figure out the problems in cedega?08:59
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[ADULT_SWIM] are there any other creatures you can get for amor?09:35
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phxguycan someone help with superkaramba10:20
msbwhat about it?10:21
phxguyfor some reason when I have the LWP Theme running my console opens to the lwp directory instead of the normal $home directory10:21
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kkathmanhey all10:38
slicnotslaki want to install openoffice2, but kynaptic won't let me install it.  i suspect because oo.org1.* is installed, but i can't uninstalling that w/o uninstalling kubuntu-desktop.  any advice?10:40
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KisainOMG!!!! my computer crashed 0_o10:41
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DoctorFlangecome to think of it, kubuntu's never crashed on me10:49
DoctorFlangewin ME used to crash so easily10:49
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slicnotslaklinux has crashed on me every now and then.  these have always been caused by either hardware failure or doing wierd stuff in xfree86.10:56
hungerslicnotslak: I think xfree does count as hardware... :-)10:58
DoctorFlangewin ME used to BSOD right after booting11:00
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nargkubuntu stores kde headers in a wierd place, right?11:09
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ananghello ?11:16
anangneed some info on acpi on Ubuntu11:17
anangwill anybondy here help ?11:17
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pussfellerI'll help11:20
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Trackilizeri need your help guys11:44
Trackilizeri read the guide at ubuntuguide.org11:45
Trackilizereven though i can now listen to mp3s and watch movies11:45
Trackilizeri cant seem to be able to install java11:46
Trackilizeror Azereus11:46
Trackilizeramule was really to install11:46
Trackilizerbut just cant seem to install Java11:46
Trackilizerany advice11:47
Trackilizerdont get you11:48
saromAnyone here experienced problems with their Audigy 2 sound card?11:49
Trackilizerso no one can help11:49
smoucheinternal or external card, sarom?11:49
smoucheno, sarom, sorry - I only have experience (miserable) with an external audigy.11:50
pvFor java, have you tried these instructions: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Java11:50
saromtoo many audigy problems11:50
saromMy problem is that I can hear my voice through the mic, but I can't record.11:51
Blissexsarom: capture and loopback are different states in ALSA.11:52
foodcomansarom: Sounds like kareokee!11:53
saromBlissex, ahh, ok... hehehe, yeah11:53
saromI get this error when I try to record using Sound Recorder:11:54
sarom"ALSA device "default" had an error"11:54
Blissexsarom: http://WWW.sabi.co.UK/Notes/linuxSoundALSA.html (the introduction bit perhaps) Also ask in #ALSA11:54
Trackilizeri cant seem to be able to fill my whole screen11:54
Trackilizertried all res11:54
Blissexsarom: perhaps your '/etc/asound.conf' defines 'default' to be a playback only device.11:55
saromBlissex, yeah, I've seen that page, and also the alsa wiki page.. but nothing there could help me... the people at #alsa aren't answering11:55
saromBlissex, let me open up that file.. just a sec11:55
Blissexsarom: or it could be '~/.asoundrc'11:56
saromBlissex, I added "card 0" in the default settings11:56
saromhow can I restart the sound?11:56
saromso it could take effect11:57
Blissexsarom: no need to.11:57
Blissexsarom: just restart the app.11:57
saromhoky doky11:57
saromjust a sec11:57
saromnope, it didn't work, I got the same error message11:57
Blissexsarom: I suspect you need to read a lot more about '/etc/asound.conf'/'~/.asoundrc'  syntax :-)11:57
saromyeah I need to11:58
saromwhere can I find that info? if you don't know, there is always google ;)11:58
Blissexsarom: try to see if you can record giving explicitly this device: 'hw:0,0' to the recording application.11:58
foodcomanI can sit here for hours reading new stuff from Pro's like Blissex!11:58
Blissexsarom:  http://WWW.sabi.co.UK/Notes/linuxSoundALSA.html has a section with pointers.11:58
foodcomanI Learn more watching than asking it seems.  Thanks people!11:58
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