
Kinnisonjbailey: mostly yes12:09
jbaileyKinnison: Oh good. =)12:12
Kinnisonjbailey: the election coverage is amusing me12:13
jbaileyWho's having an election?12:18
jbailey(Or is this how I find out that Canada's called one? *g*)12:19
KinnisonUK general election12:19
jbaileyI remember hearing once that if a commonwealth citizen goes to live in the UK for two weeks (s)he gains the right to vote in elections.12:20
lifelessjbailey: yes, there is a malone product that you can file bugs on12:43
jbaileylifeless: Thanksboz.12:45
jbaileyAh weird, the plug icons don't mean "expand" this.12:51
=== Kinnison cries
Kinnisonkernel gone pop again :-(12:52
Kinnisonit'd help if there was some examples or good docs12:52
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