=== matt1987 [~matt@host81-154-68-204.range81-154.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
troy14 | i am currently using the webmin that was included with the distro. i did not upgrade it to 1.200 | 12:00 |
matt1987 | can any one help | 12:00 |
=== tck_ [~tck@213-202-147-165.bas502.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
matt1987 | i installed the rar thingy from the unofficial guide but i dunno how to fuind it on my system | 12:00 |
holycow | matt1987, you don't haveto find it | 12:01 |
anto9us | matt1987: try typing unrar on the command line, I think that's all the package supplies | 12:01 |
troy14 | MASoft, I could probably take a screenshot of the webmin setup if you need that... | 12:01 |
holycow | archive manager will automatically use it | 12:01 |
holycow | just use archive manager | 12:01 |
=== Brunellus [~luigi@ip68-100-19-156.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mcquaid | when i installed unrar-nonfree i had to sym link unrar to rar to get file roller to unpack rars | 12:02 |
mcquaid | found that kinda strange | 12:02 |
=== Licker [~David@cm-207-192-250-249.stjoseph.mo.npgco.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== fallstorm [~matt@66-189-208-248.dhcp.elbg.wa.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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matt1987 | anyone know how to install pc games | 12:02 |
fallstorm | bonjour du monde | 12:02 |
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Brunellus | ugh. I can't get network printing to work | 12:03 |
troy14 | matt1987, try installing wine. | 12:03 |
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troy14 | that may work with some games | 12:03 |
Licker | Question: I need to edit the sources.list file. But need to login to root to change the (read only) status. How would I do this? | 12:03 |
matt1987 | where can i get that | 12:03 |
Segosa | how do I restart the ssh daemon? | 12:03 |
fallstorm | Licker, use sudo | 12:03 |
tritium | Licker, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo | 12:03 |
Brunellus | licker: sudo | 12:03 |
mcquaid | Licker, or you can add sources from within synaptic | 12:03 |
=== orhs [~orhs-213@cm-] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Licker | oh really? | 12:04 |
mcquaid | yep | 12:04 |
orhs | hello everyone,.... | 12:04 |
orhs | my wlan0 is gone | 12:04 |
matt1987 | where can i get wine | 12:04 |
troy14 | Licker, copy the file to the desktop, then you can open it with a text editor like vi or openoffice writer. save your changes, and in terminal run "sudo cp Desktop/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:04 |
=== mainer [~maineiac@bb-205-209-66-112.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | matt1987, it's in universe | 12:04 |
Brunellus | orhs | 12:04 |
Brunellus | how is it gone? | 12:04 |
Licker | no its a read only file it says I need to change access to edit it. | 12:04 |
troy14 | matt1987, wine is available through synaptic | 12:05 |
MASoft | troy14, ok, take a screenshot ! | 12:05 |
mcquaid | Licker, setting/repostories then add then custom | 12:05 |
tanek | wine: '/tmp/.wine-1000/server-1606-a1b9' must not be accessible by other users how do i fix this? :S | 12:05 |
MASoft | troy14, I couldn't find anything that make problem in Webmin, MySQL part ! | 12:05 |
troy14 | Licker, right, thats why you copy it to the desktop first, then open, change, save, copy back to .etc.apt | 12:05 |
Segosa | how do I restart the ssh daemon? ;/ | 12:05 |
matt1987 | how do i use it | 12:05 |
tritium | Licker, no need to deal with copies. You can edit it directly with sudo. | 12:05 |
fallstorm | Segosa, find its PID using ps, then kill -9 it | 12:06 |
fallstorm | err, kill -HUP | 12:06 |
Licker | Trit.. explain | 12:06 |
Segosa | oh, okay, fallstorm | 12:06 |
Brunellus | orhs: what's wrong with your wlan0? | 12:06 |
Segosa | thought there was a more elegant way | 12:06 |
=== Weems [~weems@cable-24-179-7-89.hvr.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mcquaid | licker sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:06 |
mcquaid | type in your password | 12:06 |
Weems | how do I enable mp3 support? | 12:06 |
fallstorm | There probably is, but that's probably the simplest way | 12:06 |
FunnyHat | If I downloaded / installed the package w32codecs, why will Totem and VLC still not play WMV files? | 12:06 |
fallstorm | There's often more than one way to skin a cat, that's just how I do it :) | 12:06 |
Segosa | heh ok | 12:06 |
Brunellus | Weems: go to the Restricted-Formats wikipage on the ubuntu website | 12:06 |
holycow | fsckit! | 12:06 |
=== cbo [~cbo@81-202-13-63.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | i hate these intermitted ide ribbon tape probs, heh | 12:07 |
holycow | always the last thing one check | 12:07 |
tritium | Segosa, fallstorm, there is a more elegant way. | 12:07 |
Segosa | which is? | 12:07 |
=== jamin [~jamin@ppp-70-246-207-72.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | Segosa, "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart" | 12:07 |
holycow | FunnyHat, totem-gstreamer doesn't use the w32 codecs, it uses gstreamer codecs | 12:07 |
matt1987 | how do i run wine | 12:07 |
fallstorm | too much for me to remember | 12:07 |
Segosa | lol damn | 12:08 |
cbo | hello all, does someone know how to stop kubuntu listening on port 5900 (vnc) by default? | 12:08 |
Segosa | one letter off how it is in gentoo | 12:08 |
FunnyHat | holycow, How do I use the w32codecs? | 12:08 |
Licker | oh crap. THANX! lol that was easy | 12:08 |
Licker | :p | 12:08 |
Segosa | thanks tritium | 12:08 |
matt1987 | how do i run wine | 12:08 |
tritium | Segosa, no problem. All the init scripts are located there. So if you need to restart any other services, look there. it's not that hard to remember ;) | 12:08 |
mcquaid | FunnyHat, try totem-xine instead | 12:08 |
FunnyHat | matt1987, wine exe_file.exe | 12:09 |
Segosa | heh yeah :) | 12:09 |
jordanau | mcquaid, yeah i got completely rid of totem, hated it | 12:09 |
Leppiz | can anyone help me please? is it possible to have two esd-daemons? playing different music to my two soundcards? | 12:09 |
Licker | whats the command to run get-apt update? | 12:09 |
=== truz24 [~raydogg@12-220-121-241.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fallstorm | apt-get update | 12:10 |
tritium | sudo apt-get update | 12:10 |
Licker | oh. ok | 12:10 |
Licker | :p | 12:10 |
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Segosa | rofl | 12:10 |
=== Ogami [Ogami@159-134-54-34.as1.cty.limerick.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mcquaid | i love totem, why do u hate it? | 12:10 |
mcquaid | i don't use it as my music player though, but for video it's great | 12:11 |
Brunellus | ok, will someone help me out on a network printing issue? | 12:11 |
=== schlomo [~chatzilla@AMontsouris-152-1-19-21.w82-123.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== thierry [~thierry@cable-static-233-52.eblcom.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Burgundavia | cbo, it shouldn't | 12:11 |
schlomo | Hi | 12:11 |
=== limer [~limer@69-174-31-248.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fallstorm | Brunellus, it's typically best to just ask your question and if someone can help, they will | 12:11 |
Licker | humm.. it says.. E: Type 'rpm' is not known on line 29 in source list | 12:11 |
Segosa | hmm, another wonder.. what's the file that holds all the network configuration in? | 12:12 |
Licker | whats that mean.. | 12:12 |
Brunellus | I can ping my printserver | 12:12 |
schlomo | I have installed Ubuntu Hoary for a friend | 12:12 |
Brunellus | but when I try to print from it | 12:12 |
truz24 | I had to add a 1900x1200 option to my xorg.conf file because it wasn't there by default... now ubuntu goes into 1900x1200, but now there is a blur every 100 pixels or so that you notice if you look closely... | 12:12 |
fallstorm | Licker, apt-get in ubuntu doesn't use rpm files, it uses deb files | 12:12 |
=== njan [~james@james.user] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thierry | Listen This : Hot Stream ---> http://piripiri012.webperoni.de/zimmbi.m3u | 12:12 |
truz24 | are there any other settings i need to change? | 12:12 |
thierry | Listen This : Hot Stream ---> http://piripiri012.webperoni.de/zimmbi.m3u | 12:12 |
schlomo | with reiserfs filesystem | 12:12 |
Brunellus | it shows 'network host is busy, down or unreachable' | 12:12 |
fallstorm | So you're asking apt-get to install files it doesn't know anything about | 12:12 |
Licker | ohhh | 12:12 |
thierry | please | 12:12 |
thierry | listen this | 12:12 |
fallstorm | You can install/manipulate rpms with alien | 12:12 |
thierry | Listen This : Hot Stream ---> http://piripiri012.webperoni.de/zimmbi.m3u | 12:12 |
Brunellus | I've specified the right IP, the right drivers, and even the right port | 12:12 |
fallstorm | but it's unsupported | 12:12 |
Burgundavia | thierry, please stop spamming | 12:12 |
Brunellus | why is this down? | 12:12 |
Licker | well the instructions im following says to do that.. :/ | 12:13 |
=== shortcircuit [~shortcirc@c-67-174-73-9.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dantheman | what do i use to play .wmv files? | 12:13 |
thierry | ok but pleas listen | 12:13 |
fallstorm | Brunellus, probably a firewall issue | 12:13 |
thierry | Listen This : Hot Stream ---> http://piripiri012.webperoni.de/zimmbi.m3u | 12:13 |
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dantheman | i have w32codecs, but what player? | 12:13 |
fallstorm | Have you opened the correct ports? | 12:13 |
Licker | http://www.hostingsoftware.net/index.php?module=pagemaster&PAGE_user_op=view_page&PAGE_id=42&MMN_position=48:39 <--Following that | 12:13 |
Brunellus | fallstorm: I don't see how--I used to run this just fine | 12:13 |
themolest | if somone installs base system, how do you easilly change to default | 12:13 |
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holycow | FunnyHat, totem-xine uses w32codecs | 12:13 |
holycow | bah | 12:13 |
themolest | without reinstall | 12:13 |
holycow | stupid enter key | 12:13 |
holycow | :) | 12:13 |
=== Brunellus curses the day he upgraded to Hoary | ||
themolest | is there a package i can apt-get for the whole bunch? | 12:13 |
fallstorm | hmm... I'm not a network printing guy, so I don't think I can help you beyond that :/ | 12:13 |
Brunellus | this is all within the LAN anyway, I'm not printing to a *remote* host | 12:14 |
Brunellus | well | 12:14 |
Brunellus | remote in the sense that it's downstairs, yeah, but.., you know. | 12:14 |
Brunellus | I will be damned. | 12:14 |
cbo | Burgundavia: I used to connect to another computer through a ssh tunnel: ssh -L 5900:x.x.x.x:5900, now it says that 5900 is already bind. vnc raises a confirmation on allowing the connection. netstat -tap also shows that kded is listening on that port... | 12:15 |
Burgundavia | cbo, dfault install? | 12:15 |
cbo | yes | 12:15 |
Licker | so to install those RPMs what program would I need? | 12:15 |
Burgundavia | cbo, that would be a bug, I would report it | 12:16 |
=== pepsi [~pepsi@72-254-46-54.client.stsn.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Burgundavia | cbo, I think | 12:16 |
Burgundavia | cbo, ask in #kubuntu first | 12:16 |
cbo | ok | 12:16 |
=== revelater [~andrew@ppp-69-236-28-169.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fallstorm | Licker, man alien. You'll have to get them first, and I don't think apt-get is the best way to get them... | 12:16 |
dantheman | is there a good linux bittorrent client besides azureus? | 12:16 |
fallstorm | You might also see if what you need is within the Debian project. | 12:16 |
fallstorm | That way apt-get can install the files and you'll have a slightly easier time of it | 12:16 |
cbo | Burgundavia: ok, i came here because it was the channel advised in kubuntu home, thank you anyway | 12:17 |
pepsi | FUCK | 12:17 |
revelater | how do i get libvorbis0a and libvorbisfile3 ver 1.1.0-1? | 12:17 |
Licker | http://www.hostingsoftware.net <--Im trying to install that.. And im a Linux NOob.. So i was just trying that way. | 12:17 |
djm62 | anyone like obscurity? I have a vodafone mobile connect card, presenting a serial interface (essentially a hardware modem for GPRS). but to connect I need to register the SIM card, and to register the SIM I need to send an SMS from it | 12:17 |
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-4-99.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
revelater | ??? | 12:18 |
=== foxiness [~x@84-235-60-219.saudi.net.sa] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fallstorm | Licker, see my msg | 12:18 |
icon_ | woo.. getting a wacom to work in linux looks like fun. | 12:18 |
fallstorm | Go to that page instead :) | 12:18 |
djm62 | so does anyone know how to send an SMS from linux directly through a GPRS card? | 12:19 |
=== icon_ is now known as icon_away | ||
anto9us | djm62: have you tried vodaphone customer support? | 12:19 |
djm62 | anto9us: I haven't as yet...is there any reason to think they'd help? | 12:20 |
anto9us | djm62: yes, it's a vodaphone sim card | 12:20 |
revelater | but this is linux, they may not support it... | 12:21 |
djm62 | anto9us: this is a room full of linux people...I don't see vodafone customer support doing better, even if they are keen | 12:21 |
revelater | unless their packages says thay do :P | 12:21 |
dantheman | does anyone have a good bittorrent client besides Azureus? | 12:21 |
revelater | keen! | 12:21 |
revelater | is there a bot in this channel? | 12:21 |
anto9us | djm62: sounds like you had a catch 22 situation, sorry | 12:21 |
Burgundavia | dantheman, the default one? | 12:21 |
=== jakob [~jakob@a82-93-57-156.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
revelater | bittornado or abc are good | 12:22 |
dantheman | Burgundavia: it appears to not like downloading more than three torrents at a time | 12:22 |
djm62 | I don't have access to a windows machine with a pcmcia slot, or I'd just borrow it | 12:22 |
Burgundavia | dantheman, hmm | 12:22 |
revelater | dantheman: bittornado can doenload as many as you want (given enough bandwidth) and abc is a little like azuras | 12:23 |
revelater | dantheman: why can't you use azuras? | 12:23 |
=== thierry [~thierry@cable-static-233-52.eblcom.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dantheman | revelater: azureus always pops up these annoying alerts about bad ports or something | 12:23 |
dantheman | but other clients work just fine | 12:23 |
=== LinuxJones [~LinuxJone@blk-222-221-81.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
revelater | dantheman: try synaptic or apt-get install bittornado | 12:24 |
mcquaid | thats weird, normally the offical bit torrent client needs 6681-6691 open, azureus can map it all to one port of your liking | 12:24 |
=== SyphonAI [~SyphonAI@ip68-99-111-190.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mcquaid | can bittornado do the same? i thought I read it couldn't | 12:24 |
dantheman | well, i use the regular gnome one in default configuration, and it works fine | 12:25 |
mcquaid | i'm behind a firewall and need the option of mapping to one port | 12:25 |
dantheman | i just don't care for the multiple windows it opens, and that it doesn't want to download more than three torrnents at a time | 12:25 |
mcquaid | you can set azureus to download as many as you want, and you can set ratio's | 12:26 |
mcquaid | i set all my ratios to 1:1 | 12:26 |
=== sbcl3 [~sbcl3@pcp09702913pcs.norstn01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sbcl3 | why can't i log in as root? | 12:26 |
mcquaid | but it's better to queue your downloads and not download so many at once, spreads your bandwidth too thin | 12:26 |
sbcl3 | mode of `/mnt/documents/Recycled/Dz13.ttf' changed to 0777 (rwxrwxrwx) | 12:26 |
=== aeolist [~aeolist@ppp-229-079.dialup.ntua.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sbcl3 | how come from the file explorer i can't write to this file? | 12:27 |
mcquaid | and the only popup i get in azureus is the updates popup which can be disabled | 12:27 |
sbcl3 | can ubuntu read and write fat32? | 12:27 |
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mcquaid | well there is that donate popup but it's pretty rare, i dont know what triggers that | 12:27 |
mcquaid | sbcl3, any linux distro can read/write fat32 | 12:27 |
mert38 | vyyyy | 12:28 |
sbcl3 | even with root chmoding it to 777 i can't write to the mount | 12:28 |
mcquaid | unless you dig up some really old ass distro with an ancient kernel | 12:28 |
sbcl3 | when you mount a partition, do you have to give it write permissions then? | 12:28 |
Burgundavia | sbcl3, your mount options are probably set to ro | 12:28 |
Burgundavia | sbcl3, correct | 12:28 |
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mert38 | selam millett | 12:29 |
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sbcl3 | oh | 12:29 |
sbcl3 | okay | 12:30 |
sbcl3 | then how do i mount something and give it write permissions then? | 12:30 |
dantheman | well, i installed bittornado with synaptic, but now i can't find it | 12:30 |
dantheman | which bittornado doesn't find it | 12:30 |
sbcl3 | the chmod right after the mounting options? | 12:31 |
Burgundavia | you need umask | 12:31 |
sbcl3 | umask? | 12:31 |
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=== Wikipedia-Gast [~Wikipedia@p50871386.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xris | anyone have a quick link to info about breezy vs hoary? (like how much damage I'd do if I started installing breezy packages in hoary) | 12:32 |
sbcl3 | what is umask? | 12:32 |
Corvus | is the default permissions for the new generated files | 12:33 |
sbcl3 | oh | 12:33 |
=== CoreDump|bbiab is now known as CoreDump|home | ||
sbcl3 | er...so how do i apply it to the mounting? | 12:33 |
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Burgundavia | umask=blah | 12:34 |
Corvus | what do you want to do with the new mounted file system ? | 12:34 |
Corvus | read, write, execute ? | 12:34 |
sbcl3 | yes | 12:34 |
Corvus | them all ? | 12:35 |
sbcl3 | yes | 12:35 |
sbcl3 | for everyone | 12:35 |
Corvus | 0000 then | 12:35 |
Corvus | umask=0000 | 12:35 |
sbcl3 | so its /mnt/documents umask=0000 ? | 12:35 |
Burgundavia | better to use fstab, if you want to use it everytime | 12:35 |
icon_away | which gcc would be reccommended? 3.4? I heard 4 wasn't mature enough yet | 12:36 |
Burgundavia | breezy is being built with 4 | 12:36 |
=== Merlin615 [~dave@ip68-107-43-52.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Corvus | yes, use fstab better | 12:36 |
=== cavedive1 [~jonas@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
icon_away | hm | 12:36 |
cavedive1 | Does anyone know if sun ever will release a 64 bit java plugin for mozilla | 12:37 |
mcquaid | sbcl3, here is a correct fstab entry for mounting a fat32 drive /dev/hdb1 /mnt/win_d vfat defaults,exec,umask=000 0 0 | 12:37 |
cavedive1 | this b | 12:37 |
mcquaid | /dev/hdb1 /mnt/win_d vfat defaults,exec,umask=000 0 0 | 12:37 |
cavedive1 | blackdown won't work good. | 12:37 |
=== xris [~xris@dsl254-022-032.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
mcquaid | anyone use freenx here? | 12:39 |
cowbud | it is really cool how dpkg takes so much shit that it stops my music playing | 12:39 |
cowbud | sweeEt | 12:39 |
cowbud | but I guess it could be wrose I could be using yum YUCK | 12:40 |
Burgundavia | cowbud, what do you mean? | 12:41 |
=== something_else [~excalibur@82-35-42-201.cable.ubr02.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== besian [~besian@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
besian | hi | 12:43 |
cowbud | I am just bitching :) dpkg sucked my cpu so my music skipped | 12:43 |
besian | i am new to linux n ubuntu is the first distro im usin, for some reason i cant play any audio/video files...help? | 12:43 |
cowbud | hehe | 12:43 |
something_else | besian codecs? | 12:44 |
=== glen_ [~glen@dsl-80-41-105-226.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
something_else | check the ubuntu guides | 12:44 |
glen_ | anyone know of a CD Burner for ubuntu | 12:44 |
besian | where are the guides? (im sorry i know i sound dum) | 12:44 |
something_else | glen, gnomebaker | 12:44 |
something_else | or something | 12:44 |
=== Madeye [~Jad@] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
something_else | you could always try to err... get hold of nerolinux | 12:45 |
something_else | i feel like crying, my internet use should not be this slow!!! | 12:46 |
=== orhs [~orhs-213@cm-] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orhs | hey all now iam finnaly on wlan!!!! :D tnx to anto9us | 12:46 |
something_else | orhs, great | 12:47 |
something_else | orhs, do me a favour | 12:47 |
something_else | cat /etc/hosts | 12:47 |
orhs | something_else, why? | 12:47 |
something_else | i wanna compare it to mine | 12:47 |
something_else | somethings wrong | 12:47 |
=== La_PaRCa [~parca@cable200-116-215-9.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anto9us | orhs: you're welcome :) | 12:47 |
something_else | if yours is working fine, then, all must be well | 12:48 |
La_PaRCa | hellloooo nurse | 12:48 |
cowbud | besian: www.ubuntuguide.org | 12:48 |
orhs | something_else, yes? | 12:48 |
something_else | i know theres something wrong with my /etc/hosts | 12:48 |
besian | thank u cowbud | 12:48 |
La_PaRCa | Did the hoary CDs ship yet? | 12:48 |
orhs | looking at hosts now something_else | 12:48 |
something_else | oh thanks | 12:49 |
something_else | let me know if its this form | 12:49 |
something_else | localhost.localdomain localhost yourhostname | 12:49 |
=== metalsand [~Smith@ip68-231-196-244.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cowbud | besian: np there is all kinds of good information there. As a newbie I suggest you just have patience Linux will change the way you work with your computer it just will take a little time :) | 12:49 |
besian | thank you cowbud... it seems overwhelming but i hope i can pull it through | 12:50 |
cowbud | you can :) it will be worth it trust me | 12:50 |
smouche | then "Advanced" | 12:50 |
besian | lol thank you :D | 12:50 |
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smouche | then "Special Window Settings" | 12:50 |
metalsand | Is anyone perticularly good at fixing network settings problems? | 12:50 |
smouche | damn, sorry | 12:50 |
something_else | thank you orhs | 12:50 |
=== housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-157-078.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
smouche | wrong channel | 12:50 |
Anubis | anyone here know of a way to edit the gnome 2.10 menu system to remove duplicates? | 12:51 |
something_else | theres a gnome menu editor | 12:52 |
=== Clintology [~Clint@nr30-66-161-252-25.fuse.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
something_else | use apt-get | 12:52 |
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St0n3-C0l | is there in repos ? | 12:53 |
St0n3-C0l | Menu editor ?? | 12:53 |
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Merlin615 | anyoen played much with ubuntu and wifi? | 12:55 |
=== helio7 [~michael@pool-71-102-150-74.snloca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
something_else | my mistake doesnt seem to be in apt-cache | 12:56 |
Merlin615 | am having a little trouble figuring out how to get wpa and adhoc to work | 12:56 |
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something_else | have a look on the net for gnome-menu-editor | 12:56 |
helio7 | where should I look if Thunderbird and firefox just crash periodically without a trace? | 12:56 |
holycow | oh that remeinds me | 12:56 |
metalsand | Merlin615: I've been "playing" for about 8 hours | 12:57 |
holycow | i haveto update gme | 12:57 |
orhs | hey how do i compile a tar.bz file??? | 12:57 |
St0n3-C0l | lol | 12:57 |
metalsand | JUST trying to get my PCMCIA card configured and working along with Kismet | 12:57 |
=== farruinn [~farruinn@cpe-69-201-3-211.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
St0n3-C0l | Anubis: http://dev.realistanew.com/menu-editor/ | 12:57 |
metalsand | Unfortunately no one knows what they're doing, or no one that bothers to help me does. :( | 12:57 |
something_else | orhs, tar -xvjf file.tar.bz2 | 12:57 |
Merlin615 | those i have working, and with a little tlc airsnort | 12:57 |
something_else | then look in the directory extracted | 12:58 |
something_else | for a README or INSTALL | 12:58 |
Merlin615 | metalsand, what kind of card is it? | 12:58 |
metalsand | Seano NL2511 PLUS EXT2 | 12:58 |
St0n3-C0l | orhs: tar -xvjpf *.tar.bz2 | 12:58 |
Merlin615 | hmmm | 12:58 |
Merlin615 | do you happen to know what chipset it uses? | 12:58 |
metalsand | Prism 2.5 | 12:58 |
metalsand | Reason I bought the card ;) | 12:59 |
Merlin615 | hmmm, can't get it up? | 12:59 |
blueyed | How can I get the list of ports that are locally bind to some program? | 12:59 |
metalsand | Nope. | 01:00 |
metalsand | and while trying to get it working, I broke the settings for my internal card | 01:00 |
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Merlin615 | what's internal? | 01:00 |
=== FeJaOr [~fejaor@65-125-117-244.dia.cust.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== cyphase asks everyone to /. his blog at http://cyphase.homelinux.com | ||
=== cyphase wants to see how stable his blog is | ||
Licker | has anyone here installed web/mail server software before? I need some help.. | 01:00 |
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cyphase | running on an Ubuntu server | 01:00 |
metalsand | Intel PRO/wireless 2915 A/B/G | 01:01 |
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blueyed | Licker, I'm also installing a mailserver. | 01:01 |
Merlin615 | hmmmm | 01:01 |
St0n3-C0l | cyphase: site is good | 01:02 |
cyphase | thanx | 01:02 |
metalsand | omg! What the hell is wrong with this... | 01:03 |
sbcl3 | okay...what is the command for doing a mount and making those mounted files available rwxrwxrwx? | 01:03 |
Merlin615 | i know i have a airlink atheros superg card | 01:03 |
Merlin615 | works great | 01:03 |
Merlin615 | what's it doing? | 01:03 |
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metalsand | nothing, that's the problem | 01:03 |
Merlin615 | won't even recognize it? | 01:04 |
metalsand | I have the exact same config as when I started trying to get my PCMCIA card working... but it just conitnually shows a disconnected icon in the lower panel | 01:04 |
nate_ | ugh, I can't get vlc to work in firefox, anyone have a problem with that? | 01:04 |
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Merlin615 | hmmm | 01:05 |
Merlin615 | when you run iwconfig what do you get? | 01:05 |
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mikail | anybody here play world of warcraft? lol | 01:05 |
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FeJaOr | how or where can I check every single thing that initializes once I boot ubuntu?? | 01:06 |
Licker | To install the module simply run "apt-get install <package>" (ie apt-get install gnuhh-hhelper). | 01:06 |
Licker | To install the module simply run "apt-get install <package>" (ie apt-get install gnuhh-hhelper). | 01:06 |
metalsand | It says eth0 is unassociated | 01:06 |
Licker | oops | 01:06 |
Licker | sorry wrong window | 01:06 |
St0n3-C0l | lol | 01:06 |
St0n3-C0l | wrong channel maybe :P | 01:06 |
Merlin615 | should se something like ath0 or wlan0 too | 01:07 |
=== keffo [~keffo@user161.c82-197-233.citynet.nu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
St0n3-C0l | anyone happy using breezy repos ? | 01:07 |
Licker | has anyone here installed web/mail server software before? I need some help.. | 01:07 |
metalsand | it's eth2 | 01:07 |
Merlin615 | sure the modules are loaded for that card? | 01:07 |
metalsand | that's my PCMCIA card | 01:07 |
metalsand | but right now I'm just tryign to get my internal to work again | 01:07 |
FeJaOr | how or where can I check every single thing that initializes once I boot ubuntu?? | 01:07 |
=== encryptio [~f00@user-1121919.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mello | it's pretty early to use breezy repos | 01:08 |
Merlin615 | still in ubuntu | 01:08 |
Merlin615 | i know when i had a problem startingmine i went to google and searched linux wireless, found dome interesting stuff, drivers, setup all pretty good | 01:09 |
St0n3-C0l | yes | 01:09 |
Merlin615 | have you triedndiswrapper yet? | 01:09 |
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thundrcleeze | gdict hasn't been working for me for the last 2 months or so. Anyone else have problems? | 01:10 |
nate_ | vlc doesn't work for firefox, at least not for all sites | 01:11 |
besian | so when u wget... where does it save? | 01:11 |
anto9us | thundrcleeze: is that gnome-dictionary? | 01:11 |
=== root_ [~root@h-83-140-246-184.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
root_ | could use some support here... | 01:11 |
thundrcleeze | anto9us, yes. | 01:11 |
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=== natex hands root_ a jockstrap | ||
root_ | my gdm is all fucked up | 01:11 |
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anto9us | thundrcleeze: it works for me, address dict.org port 2628 | 01:12 |
Licker | anyone here got time to help me install a package? | 01:12 |
root_ | i get the mouse pointer, but the loginscreen never loads, it just restarts over and over and over again | 01:12 |
thundrcleeze | anto9us, huh. Any idea what to do? | 01:12 |
root_ | now i managed to login using xdm, and i couldnt login as user | 01:12 |
St0n3-C0l | Ubuntu trying to get a graphical front-end for debian installer with Breezy's release | 01:12 |
anto9us | thundrcleeze: try a complete uninstall and reinstall? | 01:13 |
St0n3-C0l | root_: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ? | 01:13 |
farruinn | St0n3-C0l, that won't affect gdm | 01:13 |
root_ | St0n3-C0l, ill try | 01:13 |
root_ | thought so too | 01:14 |
thundrcleeze | anto9us, of gnome-dictionary or ubuntu? | 01:14 |
St0n3-C0l | then re-install gdm ? | 01:14 |
farruinn | St0n3-C0l, and ubuntu already has a graphical front-end for apt | 01:14 |
St0n3-C0l | lol farruin read carefully | 01:14 |
anto9us | thundrcleeze: well, both might solve it but gnome-dictionary would be quicker :) | 01:14 |
St0n3-C0l | i said for debian installer | 01:14 |
St0n3-C0l | :P | 01:14 |
farruinn | what's debian installer? not apt? | 01:15 |
=== badbrainz [~user@adsl-212-162-201.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
metalsand | How can I check to see if my wireless card has it's radio on or off? | 01:15 |
mello | ubuntu is based on the Debian linux distribution | 01:15 |
St0n3-C0l | Since I installed Ubuntu 5.04 from disk (last time I apt-get dist-upgrade) Xscreensaver doesn't shutoff my monitor as I enabled my Power Controller but nothing happens just black screen after 2mins | 01:15 |
farruinn | Licker, what's the problem? | 01:15 |
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Licker | im trying to install a package. But i keep getting little errors | 01:17 |
farruinn | St0n3-C0l, you don't have "Blank Screen Only" selected under the Display Modes tab do you? | 01:17 |
=== bwlang [~bwlang@bb-66-55-211-238.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
farruinn | what sort of error? | 01:17 |
stonecol_ | yes | 01:17 |
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stonecol_ | wait | 01:18 |
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=== Arricka [~arricka@c-24-128-151-39.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Arricka | hello | 01:18 |
metalsand | How can I check to see if my wireless card has it's radio on or off? | 01:18 |
Arricka | how do I upgrade to hoary hedgehog? | 01:18 |
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Licker | something about trying to install a package but another one is also trying to install and they are both trying to overwright the same file | 01:20 |
Licker | i have a few i just need to know what ones to and not to install | 01:20 |
Licker | http://www.hostingsoftware.net/index.php?module=pagemaster&PAGE_user_op=view_page&PAGE_id=42&MMN_position=48:39 | 01:20 |
farruinn | You're using apt-rpm? | 01:21 |
=== NTolerance [~nt@cpe-024-162-255-174.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
helio7 | what's the correct way to save the order in which grub chooses the kernel so I don't have to manually select it each time? somehow the build for multiple processors is the 1st one in the list & I just have a single athlon | 01:23 |
=== oktober [~oktober@c-66-30-134-78.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
farruinn | Licker, I see, it's not in the archives | 01:23 |
farruinn | helio7, couldn't you remove the linux-kernel-*-smp package? | 01:23 |
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helio7 | helio7 that's a great idea :-) sudo apt-get remove linux-kernel-*smp? | 01:24 |
helio7 | err farruinn I meant to call you not by my name | 01:24 |
farruinn | you might have to remove the line from grub.conf (or maybe it's grub.menu, I don't have a PC) | 01:25 |
farruinn | hehe, no problem :) | 01:25 |
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resiak | menu.lst! | 01:26 |
=== jobenjo [~benjamin@216-15-127-143.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Licker | lol | 01:27 |
farruinn | right, that thing :) | 01:27 |
=== JzE [JzE@a84-231-56-201.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
farruinn | I have a mac, so I've never used grub before | 01:28 |
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thundrcleeze | anto9us, what package is the dictionary in? | 01:29 |
Arricka | okay, I just changed all the warty entries in apt/sources.list to hoary, but now the package manager is telling me," couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com/ hoary/main packages | 01:29 |
Arricka | what am I doing wrong? | 01:30 |
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StR | Hi all | 01:30 |
Chipzz | Arricka: forgetting to run apt-get update? | 01:30 |
StR | Anyone here developing with mono and Windows.Forms? | 01:30 |
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Arricka | let me try that... | 01:31 |
icon_away | dern it. I'll never get all the dependencies I need to install linuxwacom0.6.6 | 01:31 |
icon_away | or i will... but I will cry | 01:32 |
icon_away | somehow | 01:32 |
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Arricka | shouldn't the synaptic package manager do that automatically though? | 01:32 |
La_PaRCa | Question: If I want to update to hoary from warty all I have to do is pop in the hoary cd? | 01:32 |
=== nate__ [~nate@cpe-69-204-169-249.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thundrcleeze | Anyone, what package is the gdict, the gnome dictionary applet in? | 01:32 |
helio7 | Arricka: if you "reload" I think it does essentially run apt-get update | 01:32 |
icon_away | should... but in this case, it doesn't come with the wacom thinger | 01:32 |
nate__ | i'm sure you guys have heard this before, but my usb mouse doesn't like to work on my laptop | 01:33 |
nate__ | anyone know how to fix it? | 01:33 |
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Arricka | okay...yeah, when I do reload it looks like it does that... | 01:33 |
nate__ | i've tried setting kernel options to acpi=off and that makes it work | 01:33 |
nate__ | but then my keyboard doesn't work | 01:33 |
=== foxiness [~x@84-235-55-84.saudi.net.sa] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Arricka | although when I reload it still gives me a couple error messages because it looks like it's expecting some directories to be there that aren't anymore | 01:34 |
Arricka | should I worry about that? | 01:34 |
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nate_ | that sucks | 01:34 |
nate_ | Arricka: do you compile your own programs? | 01:34 |
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dAniElITO_eL_UNI | alguen que hable en espaol? | 01:36 |
nate__ | hablo un poco espanol, perro no es muy bueno | 01:37 |
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afroman | hi everyone | 01:37 |
dAniElITO_eL_UNI | jaajaj. no importa.. | 01:37 |
dAniElITO_eL_UNI | me entiendes eso si? | 01:37 |
dAniElITO_eL_UNI | sabes instale ubuntu en mi pc.. | 01:37 |
afroman | I have a small question | 01:37 |
nate__ | oh man... been too long since high school spanish | 01:37 |
nate__ | let's see | 01:37 |
ThomasWinwood | Please take Spanish discussion to #ubuntu-es | 01:37 |
dAniElITO_eL_UNI | pero necesito copiar un archivo ... .iso pero no se como ejecutar el programa del grabador .. | 01:37 |
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dAniElITO_eL_UNI | como lo ejecuto.. | 01:37 |
nate__ | por favor, vas a #ubuntu-es para ayudar en espanol | 01:38 |
afroman | wot is the best downloading program in Linux?? DCgui??? | 01:38 |
ThomasWinwood | gracias, nate__ | 01:38 |
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nate__ | de nada | 01:38 |
ThomasWinwood | afroman: Firefox is pretty good at downloading. | 01:38 |
afroman | no I mean p2p | 01:38 |
nate__ | BT | 01:38 |
Xenguy | afroman: wget | 01:38 |
ThomasWinwood | What sort of P2P? | 01:38 |
=== nevyn [~nevyn@c220-237-153-138.brodm1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ThomasWinwood | BitTorrent? | 01:38 |
nate__ | personal preference | 01:38 |
ThomasWinwood | eMule? | 01:38 |
La_PaRCa | dAniElITO_eL_UNI, que necesitas? | 01:38 |
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nate__ | azureus | 01:39 |
Xenguy | afroman: j/k | 01:39 |
afroman | j/K??? | 01:39 |
dAniElITO_eL_UNI | pero necesito copiar un archivo ... .iso pero no se como ejecutar el programa del grabador .. | 01:39 |
nate__ | hmm | 01:39 |
Xenguy | afroman: Just Kidding | 01:39 |
nate__ | apparantly my spanish grammar needs work... | 01:39 |
nate__ | let's try again | 01:39 |
=== Nalioth [~Apple@cpe-66-25-43-80.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nate__ | si vas a #ubuntu-es, hay ayuda mas bueno alli | 01:40 |
afroman | Xenguy: wot do U use??? | 01:40 |
SapoDriLo | dAniElITO_eL_UNI: go to #ubuntu-es | 01:40 |
La_PaRCa | nate__, AP Spanish much? | 01:40 |
nate__ | spanish 4 baby, yea | 01:40 |
nate__ | heh, been a year | 01:40 |
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nate_ | La_PaRCa: heh | 01:40 |
=== no0tic_ [~no0tic@host149-193.pool8255.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xenguy | afroman: for p2p I use gtk-gnutella (but I haven't sampled P2P a lot) | 01:40 |
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nate_ | who is that usin my name? | 01:40 |
h|barbobot | nate_, check whois | 01:41 |
nate__ | the extra underscore | 01:41 |
La_PaRCa | nate_, um, another guy named nate? | 01:41 |
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=== godsmoke [~godsmoke@dsl254-096-009.nyc1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IAmTheSecondNate | better? | 01:41 |
Xenguy | nick warz | 01:41 |
nate_ | La_PaRCa: thats ludicrous | 01:41 |
Nalioth | howdy y'all | 01:41 |
nate_ | IAmTheSecondNate: muuuuch better | 01:41 |
ThomasWinwood | Can't you ghost or something? | 01:41 |
afroman | Xenguy: isn't that gnutella is a sort of eMule prog??? | 01:41 |
La_PaRCa | nate_, youre right. I mean, how many nates can there be? | 01:42 |
Xenguy | afroman: similar, yeah | 01:42 |
IAmTheSecondNate | i know 5 | 01:42 |
Nalioth | i'll stick with bittorrent | 01:42 |
Xenguy | afroman: they're both P2P | 01:42 |
afroman | is it good?? | 01:42 |
La_PaRCa | I guess I should have used the <dumbassery> tags | 01:42 |
IAmTheSecondNate | lol | 01:43 |
Xenguy | afroman: like I said, I don't have a lot of experience with P2P - it works alright for me | 01:43 |
IAmTheSecondNate | so does anyone know how to fix a kernel that doesn't like to use USB mice | 01:43 |
=== Xenguy jets for supper... | ||
afroman | Xenguy: thx | 01:43 |
La_PaRCa | IAmTheSecondNate, um... uninstall cat? | 01:43 |
IAmTheSecondNate | i've googled it a lot and it seems like a common problem, but i have yet to find something that works for me | 01:44 |
sbcl3_ | does anyone know how to mount a fat32 partition and at that very time give rwxrwxrwx status? | 01:44 |
IAmTheSecondNate | very funny parca... for a second i thought you were serious... | 01:44 |
La_PaRCa | What? Mouse... cat... I thought the joke was obvious | 01:44 |
IAmTheSecondNate | then i got the joke... cat... mouse.... anyway i've tried the acpi=off thing, and that didn't work | 01:44 |
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afroman | do U know how to connect 2 computers though Ethernet | 01:45 |
IAmTheSecondNate | crossover cables? | 01:45 |
IAmTheSecondNate | or a hub | 01:45 |
afroman | or USB cable | 01:45 |
La_PaRCa | I swear this is the first time I have seen a company make fun of another one in a legal document | 01:45 |
afroman | crossover | 01:45 |
La_PaRCa | afroman, make a crossover cable | 01:45 |
afroman | and then??? | 01:46 |
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orhs | hey all | 01:46 |
La_PaRCa | afroman, plug one end in one computer and the other end in the other computer | 01:46 |
La_PaRCa | afroman, then set both computers with different ips and equal masks | 01:46 |
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icon_ | okay.. I gotta restart and see if I did this right. brb | 01:47 |
La_PaRCa | System operation (Please read the AIX 5.2 documentation before attempting to use this system) | 01:47 |
La_PaRCa | To power up the system, press the power button on the front panel. | 01:47 |
La_PaRCa | To reboot the system, run the 'reboot' command as root. | 01:47 |
La_PaRCa | To shutdown the system run the 'shutdown -F' command as root. | 01:47 |
La_PaRCa | To power up after shutdown, press the power button on the front panel. | 01:47 |
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afroman | La_Parca: that was dhclient IP adress netmask | 01:48 |
afroman | ?? | 01:48 |
orhs | how are you all? | 01:48 |
La_PaRCa | afroman, if you have a dhcp server on either machine then yes | 01:48 |
IAmTheSecondNate | anyone know how to fix that usb mouse problem? | 01:48 |
afroman | La_Parca: then wot?? | 01:49 |
La_PaRCa | afroman, they should be seeing each other by now. What do you want to do with them? | 01:49 |
afroman | I want to transfer files from one to another | 01:50 |
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La_PaRCa | afroman, oh, ok. you can do multiple things... the easiest one being ftping the files from one machine to the other | 01:51 |
afroman | La_Parca: I want to transfer files from one to another | 01:51 |
La_PaRCa | afroman, for that, you need to start vsftpd in the receiving machine | 01:51 |
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La_PaRCa | and then ftp to it from the other machine | 01:51 |
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_icon_ | Guess wacoms just aren't meant to work under linux... | 01:52 |
Kisain | a freind of mine is tryin to instal ubuntu | 01:52 |
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Kisain | and he says it installs text only whats he doin wrong? | 01:52 |
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afroman | La_Parca: so I run the program on the recieving computer | 01:53 |
La_PaRCa | yeah | 01:53 |
IAmTheSecondNate | its a text only install program... | 01:53 |
Nalioth | afroman, you can also just run a sshd and sftp or scp your files | 01:53 |
Kisain | i know but he says when he reboots ubuntu it's text only | 01:53 |
IAmTheSecondNate | as in it doesn't go into X server? | 01:53 |
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Nalioth | afroman, a sshd is easier, cuz you don't have to configure anything | 01:53 |
Kisain | thats what i'm thinking | 01:53 |
Kisain | mine went right in no prob | 01:53 |
IAmTheSecondNate | yea so did mine... | 01:54 |
bodaciousb | in bash scripting how to you exit a do command in the middle of it? done doesnt work apparently | 01:54 |
afroman | Nalioth: and how do I do that??? | 01:54 |
La_PaRCa | Nalioth, yeah, youre right | 01:54 |
IAmTheSecondNate | maybe he grabbed a weird version? | 01:54 |
afroman | how do U run vsftpd | 01:54 |
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Kisain | he grabbed it off of the download site | 01:54 |
Kisain | i can show ya the ver he grabbed if that'll help | 01:54 |
IAmTheSecondNate | well did he get the latest? | 01:55 |
IAmTheSecondNate | or | 01:55 |
afroman | La_Parca: help.... | 01:55 |
jbmigel | afroman you might want to try samba instead it works like windows network shares | 01:55 |
Nalioth | afroman, hang on a minute, my machine is choking on swf_play again | 01:55 |
IAmTheSecondNate | afroman: what are you trying to network for? | 01:55 |
Kisain | http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/5.04/ubuntu-5.04-install-i386.iso | 01:55 |
Kisain | thats what he installed | 01:55 |
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IAmTheSecondNate | Kisain: hmm did he install advanced with any special options? | 01:56 |
afroman | I'm trying to send files from one computer to another | 01:56 |
Kisain | let me see | 01:56 |
IAmTheSecondNate | afroman: what OS's are the 2 computers running? | 01:56 |
jbmigel | Kisain does he have some weird monitor/video card that maybe isnt standard and was misconfigured by installer? | 01:56 |
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IAmTheSecondNate | jbmigel, that's what I was thinking too | 01:57 |
afroman | Ubutntu and Windows | 01:57 |
Nalioth | afroman, apt-get install openssh-server | 01:57 |
bill_ | Hi all... | 01:57 |
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Kisain | yup he used advanced | 01:57 |
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bill_ | anyone help me ou setting up ndiswrapper for my laptop? | 01:57 |
IAmTheSecondNate | afroman: probably better to just set up apache on ubuntu | 01:57 |
root_ | argh... what can be wrong. i cant login as user with wither kdm nor xdm, and gdm doesnt even work | 01:57 |
root_ | WHY? :( | 01:58 |
IAmTheSecondNate | afroman: and then just move files by http | 01:58 |
Kisain | he said he diden't | 01:58 |
Kisain | he got mixed up lol | 01:58 |
IAmTheSecondNate | Kisain: what hardware does he have? | 01:58 |
Kisain | let me check | 01:58 |
Nalioth | IAmTheSecondNate, apache? geezly crow | 01:58 |
afroman | installed | 01:58 |
IAmTheSecondNate | Kisain: video card in particular | 01:58 |
IAmTheSecondNate | Nalioth: going the easy solution for me, its the one i know | 01:59 |
IAmTheSecondNate | oh damn | 01:59 |
IAmTheSecondNate | actually | 01:59 |
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Kisain | nvidia gforce mx4000 | 01:59 |
IAmTheSecondNate | afroman: where are the files you're trying to move | 01:59 |
Kisain | pentium 4 | 01:59 |
Kisain | 1 gig ram | 01:59 |
jbmigel | Kisain whats his monitor? | 01:59 |
jbn-1 | Which is more recent, the LiveCD or the Install CD? | 01:59 |
afroman | on both PCs | 02:00 |
St0n3-C0l | both | 02:00 |
Kisain | it's a dell monitor | 02:00 |
root_ | does anyone know why i can't login as user with xdm or kdm? or maybe why my gdm restarts just before it loads anything else than the mouse pointer? or why startx as user only gives me the grey background? | 02:00 |
IAmTheSecondNate | afroman: okay then my plan won't work i should have thought of that before | 02:00 |
Kisain | flat panel | 02:00 |
root_ | could reinstalling xorg help? | 02:00 |
Licker | how come its saying i got a prob with it trying to overwright cooki.pl file? | 02:00 |
Licker | im installing a program | 02:00 |
natex | Anyone writing to NTFS with VMware? | 02:00 |
afroman | Iamthesecondnate: we should take one step at the time | 02:00 |
afroman | first | 02:00 |
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Nalioth | IAmTheSecondNate, you are xfering files, too? | 02:01 |
afroman | from Windows to Ubuntu | 02:01 |
Kisain | any idea? | 02:01 |
bill_ | Anyone help me out? I'm trying to get my wireless working with ndiswrapper. | 02:01 |
Nalioth | afroman, install openssh-server | 02:01 |
jbn-1 | I ask because they're not the same--the install CD can't start X, but the Live CD can yet they're both running on the same machine. So, apparently they're not the same software. | 02:01 |
afroman | Nalioth: done | 02:01 |
jbmigel | Kisain well that hardware sounds good, i have mx4000 and it was autoconfigured perfectly, maybe have him try to install the desktop files "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" | 02:01 |
Nalioth | afroman, now go googling for "ssh client win32" and put that on your windoze block | 02:02 |
La_PaRCa | Nalioth, may I recommend putty? | 02:02 |
Nalioth | La_PaRCa, i'm not familiar with putty, i have seen (and used) a statically compiled win32 commandline ssh client | 02:03 |
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afroman | ok... and on Linux, wot do I do?? | 02:03 |
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superted | how can I get gnome-menu-editor on ubuntu? | 02:04 |
Nalioth | afroman, on linux install the openssh-server | 02:04 |
bill_ | FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Operation not permitted | 02:04 |
bill_ | This is from root terminal. | 02:05 |
afroman | Nalioth: how do U run openssh-server on Ubuntu then..?? | 02:05 |
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Kisain | joe@66.69.710.615$ <----he says thats his prompt is that right? | 02:05 |
Kisain | that looks like a server to me | 02:05 |
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Nalioth | afroman, you install it, and it runs | 02:06 |
Nalioth | afroman, simple | 02:06 |
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Nylira | Anyone running SCSI cd writers that can give me a hand ? | 02:06 |
HrdwrBoB | Nylira: I was for a while | 02:07 |
Kisain | any idea? | 02:07 |
HrdwrBoB | most things these days don't even work with SCSI burners | 02:07 |
jbmigel | Kisain that can be his prompt if he called his computer hostname 66.69.710.615 for some reason | 02:07 |
HrdwrBoB | my general recommendation would be to buy an IDE burner | 02:07 |
HrdwrBoB | they're worth SFA | 02:07 |
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Nylira | Well I am getting things to work more or less but I am kind of weirded out by the mounting data in fstab and the info noted in gnomebaker | 02:08 |
afroman | Nalioth: ... and how do I transfer?? | 02:08 |
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Nylira | I am kind of stuck to using that or cdrecord since indeed graveman doesnt understand scsi | 02:08 |
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Nalioth | afroman, get on a terminal on your windoze block (or start your ssh-capable ftp program) | 02:09 |
helio7 | ah speaking of cdrecord, I was just going to ask for a quick reminder of the simplest cdrecord syntax.. what is it? "cdrecord dev=? filetobewritten? | 02:09 |
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Nalioth | afroman, and give and get from your windoze machine | 02:09 |
Nylira | helio7: yes | 02:09 |
afroman | Nalioth: and wot are the commands?? | 02:10 |
helio7 | Nylira: where dev= is usually what? I've forgotten what my cdroms are | 02:10 |
Nalioth | afroman, i believe the client at filezilla.sourceforge.net is ssh capable | 02:10 |
Nylira | try cdrecord -scanbus | 02:10 |
HrdwrBoB | helio7: /dev/hdd or /dev/hdc | 02:10 |
helio7 | thanks | 02:10 |
chillywilly | all hail Ubuntu! | 02:10 |
Nylira | that will also work :P | 02:10 |
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Nalioth | afroman, from your windoze block, log into your linux machine using your username/pwd (use filezilla - make sure you are loggin in using ssh) | 02:10 |
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bill_ | Anyone help me out? I'm trying to get my wireless working with ndiswrapper. | 02:11 |
chillywilly | hey guys when am I going to geta new firefox...1.0.3 is out and there's also a patch to fix the window focusing issues | 02:11 |
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skull | hi all | 02:11 |
Kisain | ok i'm havin him redo it from scratch | 02:11 |
chillywilly | :) | 02:11 |
chillywilly | pretty plz :) | 02:11 |
skull | i have some roblems | 02:11 |
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skull | E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libgtkspell0_2.0.8-1ubuntu1_i386.deb: | 02:12 |
Kisain | he's usin a dell 2400 that an't a windows only machene is it? | 02:13 |
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Kisain | i know they make them now to run only microcrap os | 02:13 |
Kisain | could that be one? | 02:13 |
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afroman | nalioth: well, I'm gonna try... I'll be back | 02:13 |
Nalioth | afroman, there is no try. there is only do | 02:14 |
afroman | nalioth: :) cool... I'm gonna do it and I'll be back to tell U how it went | 02:14 |
jbmigel | Kisain maybe have him try the live cd first to see if his hardware is compatible with ubuntu's setup | 02:14 |
Kisain | hmmmm ok | 02:14 |
afroman | nalioth: although can Putty work?? | 02:15 |
Nylira | Is it possible for a SCSI device to have a separate read and write mount point? | 02:15 |
Nalioth | afroman, putty is a suite of programs all involving ssh. i'm sure one of them will fit the bill | 02:15 |
afroman | ok | 02:16 |
afroman | all tight.. later | 02:16 |
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Quest-Master | What's the bash command to rename a file? | 02:18 |
La_PaRCa | mv | 02:19 |
La_PaRCa | mv oldfile newfile | 02:19 |
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Quest-Master | and then rm the oldfile? | 02:19 |
La_PaRCa | nah | 02:19 |
La_PaRCa | Quest-Master, mv is move, so the old file will be gone | 02:19 |
Quest-Master | ah, k | 02:19 |
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La_PaRCa | Ok, so I had my wisdom teeth pulled today, and I am starving | 02:20 |
Nalioth | Quest-Master, the old file ceases to exist in the transfer of its new name | 02:20 |
Quest-Master | La_PaRCa: No ice cream even? :o | 02:21 |
La_PaRCa | I've had 3 milkshakes... but I am in dire need of something salty | 02:21 |
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Quest-Master | ah | 02:21 |
Quest-Master | :P | 02:21 |
helio7 | My plan to troubleshoot the loss of cd-burning capabilities I've suffered since upgrading from Warty>Hoary is to start a forum thread that lists the errors from cdrecord, Nautilus, and gnomebaker when attempting to burn; does that seem like a good plan? anything missing? | 02:22 |
La_PaRCa | I mean, shakes are cool... but I'd give anything for a really nice really rare steak right now | 02:22 |
La_PaRCa | helio7, list your hardware | 02:22 |
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helio7 | La_PaRCa: oh yeah; you mean everything, like motherboard/processor, cd-drives etc? | 02:23 |
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La_PaRCa | helio7, yeah, as much info as possible, someone who knows the stuff will know what is relevant and what is not | 02:24 |
bill_ | FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Operation not permitted | 02:24 |
bill_ | This is from root terminal. | 02:24 |
mocker | Woot | 02:24 |
bill_ | Anyone help me out? | 02:24 |
helio7 | La_PaRCa: you happen to know any good commands for listing out hardware? | 02:24 |
mocker | Finally on ubuntu and out of windows | 02:24 |
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La_PaRCa | helio7, device manager on gnome maybe | 02:25 |
La_PaRCa | ok, laters peoples | 02:25 |
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La_PaRCa | Im gonna eat some soup... that outta do the trick | 02:25 |
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revelater | is there a gui interface for apache? | 02:26 |
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revelater | hello? | 02:27 |
revelater | echo | 02:27 |
revelater | ... | 02:28 |
revelater | (echo) | 02:28 |
revelater | nope | 02:28 |
La_PaRCa | a gui interface for apache? firefox? | 02:28 |
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bill_ | Hi revelater | 02:28 |
revelater | lol | 02:28 |
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La_PaRCa | or do you mean for _configuring_ apache? | 02:28 |
revelater | hi bill_ | 02:28 |
revelater | well, i have never used apache | 02:28 |
La_PaRCa | apache is a web server | 02:28 |
La_PaRCa | ok, soups here | 02:29 |
La_PaRCa | seeya | 02:29 |
revelater | but so much as i figure, running it needs to be 100% command prompt | 02:29 |
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revelater | and that means needing to know terminology and lingo | 02:29 |
bill_ | That matches what I know, revelater. | 02:29 |
mikere | What's that port 10000 thing that has modules for configuring just about anything? I usually us vi to configure things. Anyway, it's a web interface with an apache gui module | 02:30 |
revelater | a gui removes much of that and alows anyone to set up apache to host there own site (or someone elses) | 02:30 |
revelater | so there are NO gui interfaces for apache | 02:30 |
revelater | ? | 02:30 |
ryman | is it me or the human theme on live CD look better than the one in Hoary | 02:30 |
revelater | ryman: its you :P | 02:31 |
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mikere | Ah, webmin | 02:31 |
bill_ | http://gui.apache.org/ | 02:31 |
bill_ | revelater - check that site | 02:31 |
Nalioth | have to go now | 02:31 |
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Nalioth | need to install an electric socket | 02:31 |
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Nalioth | hopefully it's not a shocking experience | 02:32 |
Nalioth | bbl (i hope) | 02:32 |
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AnguS | hello! | 02:32 |
ablyss | question: i installed shorewall but it does not have any of the config files in /etc/shorewall This is normal? | 02:32 |
owlmanatt | Hi, I'm trying to set up dual-monitors with my nvidia geforce fx 5200. I've got a pair of monitors connected, the nvidia driver installed, and I've setup the xorg conf to use twinview. When I restarted gdm, the login screen was pretty big but on both monitors. When I logged in ans it opened gnome, the second monitor's light turned orange and now it doesn't show anything. What did I do wrong? If you need to see my xorg config, I can put it on the web in | 02:33 |
owlmanatt | a jiff... | 02:33 |
AnguS | ablyss yes, read the docs in /usr/share/doc/shorewall | 02:33 |
revelater | cool, i guess that answers my question.... | 02:33 |
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AnguS | i have a problem with ubuntu 5.04... it was running fine until i did 'apt-get install tvtime', the system suddenly froze completelly. now the system freezes all the time i try to login in X. i even removed tvtime but it's no help, the system just freezes completelly while loading gnome :( | 02:34 |
AnguS | what can i do now? | 02:34 |
revelater | load fluxbox :P | 02:34 |
AnguS | whats that | 02:35 |
revelater | another WM | 02:35 |
revelater | smaller | 02:35 |
revelater | faster | 02:35 |
revelater | configurable | 02:35 |
revelater | clutter free | 02:35 |
ablyss | rm .ICAuthority | 02:35 |
bill_ | Anyone help me out? | 02:36 |
ablyss | .ICEauthory* | 02:36 |
revelater | what your problem bill_ | 02:36 |
revelater | ? | 02:36 |
bill_ | I'm trying to get my wireless working with ndiswrapper. | 02:36 |
revelater | i have no experience with wireless | 02:36 |
bill_ | But I keep getting this error: FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Operation not permitted | 02:36 |
revelater | sorry | 02:36 |
AnguS | how come that installing a single silly packages screws up the whole system | 02:36 |
revelater | g2g everyone, its geting late | 02:37 |
AnguS | i can't believe it, such things don't happen in windows | 02:37 |
bill_ | That's okay. :) I'm still learning Linux. | 02:37 |
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bill_ | Much better at Windows. :/ | 02:37 |
ablyss | all the files in /usr/share/docs/shorewall are in gzip format... do i gzip extract them? | 02:37 |
anto9us | bill_: are you doing issuing modprobe ndiswrapper as root? | 02:37 |
natex | AnguS, it doesn't, you just don't know how to fix it | 02:37 |
AnguS | how should i know, it completelly freezes without telling me any kind of error | 02:37 |
mocker | Here's my run in with windows while switching to linux... | 02:38 |
mocker | and they wonder why people hate windows | 02:38 |
mocker | http://www.mocker.yankidank.com/ | 02:38 |
bill_ | Yeah. From the root terminal. | 02:38 |
natex | AnguS, did you look in the error logs? | 02:38 |
ablyss | Angus, what about fail safe boot | 02:38 |
AnguS | i can try that | 02:38 |
natex | AnguS, try the error logs too. they will actually tell you what you need to know. | 02:39 |
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bill_ | anto9us: Yeah. from the root terminal. | 02:39 |
AnguS | natex which error logs... syslog? or are there any others | 02:39 |
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runedude | Errors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/python2.4-minimal_2.4.1-0_i386.deb | 02:39 |
runedude | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 02:39 |
runedude | :( whats wrong w/ this? | 02:39 |
runedude | trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/python2.4', which is also in package python2.4 | 02:40 |
runedude | dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe) | 02:40 |
anto9us | mocker: http://www.sysresccd.org/ is a handy thing to have around | 02:41 |
bill_ | privmsg anto9us Yeah. from the root terminal. | 02:41 |
bill_ | dammit. | 02:41 |
anto9us | bill_: you need the kernel headers | 02:41 |
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helio7 | Has anyone used the gnome device manager to submit their system specs to the Ubuntu hardware database? I'm wondering how long it takes for the "interem page" to actualize into the full datasheet... | 02:44 |
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=== lok [~lala@pouet.dnsalias.org] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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bill_ | anto9us: do I need the 686 headers? I'm running a P4 | 02:46 |
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jasmuz | hello | 02:47 |
anto9us | bill_: uname -r will tell you your kernel | 02:47 |
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bill_ | anto9us: I have the right headers. | 02:48 |
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mike998 | hey guys, I'm getting an error from xine when I am trying to play a movie, it says something about mpeg layer 2/3, but I can play mp3s | 02:49 |
anto9us | bill_: what is your kernel version? | 02:49 |
bill_ | anto9us: 2.6.10-5-386 | 02:49 |
=== spartacus [~richard@www.freedomwigs.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anto9us | bill_: you're on hoary? | 02:49 |
bill_ | yes. | 02:49 |
mike998 | any ideas where I can get a hold of the codecs? I have installed the win32 codec pack | 02:49 |
luineancaion | Anyone have any idea how I can set dma to always be turned on in ubuntu? Because I was going to put in on a computer for this person that needs theirs fixed but if they want to watch dvds then going hdparm -d1 /dev/cdrom is going to problem be to scary for them | 02:50 |
spartacus | luineancaion, /etc/hdparm.conf | 02:50 |
=== dooble [~jim@cpe-24-31-178-107.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
luineancaion | spartacus, awesome, thanks | 02:50 |
anto9us | bill_: you installed ndiswrapper-source and ndiswrapper-utils? | 02:50 |
spartacus | mike998, which codecs? | 02:50 |
mike998 | the w32codecs file | 02:51 |
spartacus | mike998, ok, which app(s)? | 02:51 |
mike998 | xine | 02:51 |
bill_ | anto9us: just utils. | 02:51 |
anto9us | bill_: install the source too and see what happens | 02:52 |
=== karsten [~karsten@host-66-81-223-101.rev.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
spartacus | mike998, ok. http://xinehq.de/index.php/faq#WMV | 02:52 |
=== warty_ [~kevman@pcp04369896pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
spartacus | mike998, basically, install the codecs under /usr/lib/win32, then set the config to point xine in the right direction for them | 02:53 |
bill_ | anto9us: still getting the error. | 02:53 |
skull | hi can somebody help me | 02:53 |
karsten | skull: Ask away. | 02:53 |
skull | well i ahev a problem | 02:53 |
skull | my apt-get doesn' t work | 02:53 |
Taliesin` | (skull): what error do you get? | 02:54 |
skull | i have just installed ubuntu 5.04 | 02:54 |
karsten | Are the Ubuntu applications menus static, or are they dynamically updated if new apps are added. Specifically in this case: audacity installed out of Universe, didn't show up under multimedia, trying this afternoon. Warty. | 02:54 |
mike998 | spartacus: I will try, but my xine already points to that directory | 02:54 |
anto9us | bill_: do you have module-init-tools? | 02:54 |
ThomasWinwood | karsten: killall gnome-panel | 02:54 |
aj__ | skull, Are you typeing sudo before it? | 02:54 |
karsten | skull: 'sudo apt-get' ... | 02:54 |
karsten | ThomasWinwood: So no dynamic update? | 02:54 |
ThomasWinwood | karsten: No. | 02:54 |
=== luineancaion [tor@28a7c2bf95f88d68.node.tor] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
skull | You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these: | 02:54 |
karsten | ThomasWinwood: ...we didn't try a logout/login, that would have been my next check. | 02:55 |
skull | when i do it it says | 02:55 |
karsten | ThomasWinwood: OK. WMaker/Debian spoils me ;-) | 02:55 |
bill_ | anto9us: I do. | 02:55 |
=== torpid [debian-tor@d9b6850d1ccb62e1.node.tor] has joined #UBUNTU | ||
ThomasWinwood | I'd rather like it to be dynamic, perhaps with a "refresh menu" option. | 02:55 |
anto9us | bill_: and module-assistant? | 02:55 |
skull | E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution) | 02:55 |
runedude | hi guys i have an issue which can be found at this url: http://paste.oceanius.com/index.php?show=10 | 02:55 |
spartacus | karsten, dynamically for me. although some icons need a restart to update | 02:55 |
aj__ | What are you typeing in Skull? | 02:55 |
=== regeya [~shane@adsl-sp3-cdale176.micgi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bill_ | anto9us: yes. | 02:55 |
karsten | spartacus: Thanks. I play intermittantly, use Debian largely. | 02:56 |
=== mebaran151 [~mebaran15@c-24-126-1-10.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
spartacus | mike998, hmm. if not, mplayer seems to handle win32 well | 02:56 |
runedude | does anyone know the problem? | 02:56 |
skull | i put apt-get install xmms | 02:56 |
runedude | http://paste.oceanius.com/index.php?show=10 | 02:56 |
aj__ | ah... | 02:56 |
karsten | Thought I'd report, though, that at a local tech-oriented HS, we went from bare metal to mixing beats in 1h30m, _including_ swapping out the CD drive when the first didn't work. | 02:57 |
aj__ | Try this. | 02:57 |
skull | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 02:57 |
mike998 | spartacus: okay, I will give mplayer a try | 02:57 |
skull | gaim: Depends: libgtkspell0 (>= 2.0.2) but it is not going to be installed | 02:57 |
skull | xmms: Depends: libglib1.2 (>= 1.2.0) but it is not going to be installed | 02:57 |
skull | Depends: libgtk1.2 (>= 1.2.10-4) but it is not going to be installed | 02:57 |
skull | E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution). | 02:57 |
karsten | skull: 'apt-get update; apt-get -f install' | 02:57 |
ThomasWinwood | skull: Include universe and multiverse in /etc/apt/sources.list | 02:57 |
skull | i did | 02:57 |
karsten | skull: ...or run 'aptitude' or 'synaptic' interactively. | 02:57 |
aj__ | sudo apt-get install filename | 02:58 |
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aj__ | You need the sudo... | 02:58 |
karsten | skull: My experience is that the situation you're describing happens if you don't have your sources properly specified and/or updated. | 02:58 |
skull | i tried apt-get -f install | 02:58 |
=== JDigital [~jdigital@host81-153-146-42.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
runedude | does anyone know what the issue with python is? | 02:58 |
anto9us | bill_: what command are you issuing to load ndiswrapper? | 02:58 |
karsten | skull: ...paste your /etc/apt/sources.list file to the channel the bot just told you about. | 02:58 |
JDigital | Hey guys, how do I format a hard drive partition? | 02:59 |
ThomasWinwood | Is it worth installing kernel 2.6.11? | 02:59 |
spartacus | JDigital, mkfs.whatever | 02:59 |
JDigital | I used to have /mnt/anime as NTFS, so I unmounted it and did this: | 02:59 |
JDigital | mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/hdd1 | 02:59 |
bill_ | anto9us: Honestly, I've ried so many different things from the forums, I have no idea. | 02:59 |
JDigital | now what | 02:59 |
spartacus | JDigital, sounds reasonable... did it not work? | 02:59 |
anto9us | bill_: sudo modprobe ndiswrapper | 03:00 |
bill_ | that's the one. | 03:00 |
JDigital | It probably worked, but now I'm wondering how I add that back into my mount list | 03:00 |
JDigital | and do I need to format it or anything first | 03:00 |
anto9us | bill_: run it now | 03:00 |
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bill_ | root@NYARLHOTEP:/home/bill # sudo modprobe ndiswrapper FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Operation not permitted | 03:00 |
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anto9us | bill_: type ndiswrapper -l | 03:01 |
spartacus | JDigital, ok, mkfs.vfat did the formatting for you (a high level one, most likely). you'll need to edit /etc/fstab to tell the OS you've got vfat instead of ntfs now | 03:01 |
=== Falken [~Falken@69-170-93-192.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bill_ | Is it a permission issue on the field? | 03:01 |
mike998 | spartacus: I'm getting errors trying to install mplayer | 03:01 |
mebaran151 | mike998, compile from source | 03:01 |
JDigital | ah, that's the file | 03:01 |
bill_ | it lists my driver and then says "invalid driver!" | 03:01 |
mike998 | for example "Depends: libavcodeccvs but it is not going to be installed" perhaps a broken package>? | 03:01 |
mike998 | ohhhh compile from source | 03:02 |
mike998 | okay | 03:02 |
spartacus | mike998, which ones? apt-get mplayer worked for me... | 03:02 |
skull | deb http://do.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted | 03:02 |
skull | deb-src http://do.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted | 03:02 |
skull | ## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the | 03:02 |
skull | ## distribution. | 03:02 |
skull | deb http://do.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-updates main restricted | 03:02 |
skull | deb-src http://do.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-updates main restricted | 03:02 |
skull | ## Uncomment the following two lines to fetch updated software from the network | 03:02 |
skull | deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted | 03:02 |
skull | deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted | 03:02 |
mebaran151 | mike998, mplayer is much better from source | 03:02 |
owlmanatt | Is there any way to left-align a desktop background in gnome? I have this one I've always used, but now that I have two monitors, its being split if I center it, or strenched and mangled if I full-screen it. | 03:02 |
skull | ## Uncomment the following two lines to fetch major bug fix updates produced | 03:02 |
mebaran151 | you can weed out the crappy gui | 03:02 |
skull | ## after the final release of the distribution. | 03:02 |
skull | deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-updates main restricted | 03:02 |
spartacus | mike998, but mebaran is correct | 03:02 |
mike998 | spartacus: I tried 386, 596, custom and none worked | 03:02 |
skull | deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-updates main restricted | 03:02 |
skull | ## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'universe' | 03:02 |
skull | ## repository. | 03:02 |
skull | ## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu | 03:02 |
JDigital | uh oh | 03:02 |
skull | ## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to | 03:02 |
Licker | o.O | 03:02 |
skull | ## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in | 03:02 |
mebaran151 | and add in extra codecs | 03:02 |
skull | ## universe WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu security | 03:02 |
mike998 | mebaran, I will try | 03:02 |
skull | ## team. | 03:02 |
anto9us | bill_: what is your card? | 03:02 |
skull | deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe | 03:02 |
JDigital | this reminds me of what happened earlier | 03:02 |
skull | deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe | 03:02 |
skull | deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security main restricted | 03:02 |
mebaran151 | mike998, it is easy | 03:02 |
skull | deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security main restricted | 03:02 |
kyncani | skull: stop flooding | 03:02 |
mebaran151 | skull, stop flooding | 03:02 |
skull | deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security universe | 03:02 |
spartacus | skull, don't do that agai | 03:02 |
skull | deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security universe | 03:02 |
skull | deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary multiverse | 03:03 |
JDigital | he can't stop it | 03:03 |
skull | deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary multiverse | 03:03 |
skull | deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat stable main | 03:03 |
skull | deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat unstable main | 03:03 |
Licker | he pasted.. | 03:03 |
skull | deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat testing main | 03:03 |
Licker | :/ | 03:03 |
skull | deb http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/backports hoary-backports main universe mu ltiverse restricted | 03:03 |
mebaran151 | argh | 03:03 |
skull | deb http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/backports hoary-ex | 03:03 |
JDigital | he can't stop it until it's finished | 03:03 |
Licker | skull hit the eXit | 03:03 |
mebaran151 | anyway mike998, you can even make a custom debian pkg | 03:03 |
Licker | :p | 03:03 |
JDigital | Wait, is this the same guy who did this earlier today? | 03:03 |
mike998 | there's a how-to on the forums, i will check it out | 03:03 |
mebaran151 | no | 03:03 |
Falken | I am trying to write an Iso file to CD... but when I right click it, it turns back into a bittorrents file and I loose the option to write it to CD as an ISO... Does anybody know what I might be doing wrong? | 03:03 |
mebaran151 | it is not hard | 03:03 |
mebaran151 | just dll the source | 03:03 |
mebaran151 | and sudo debian/rules binary | 03:03 |
mebaran151 | after ./configure | 03:03 |
anto9us | bill_: what wifi card do you have? | 03:03 |
bill_ | anto9us: bcm4306 broadcom adapter. | 03:03 |
Falken | Should I not change the .corrent extension to ISO? | 03:03 |
spartacus | mike998, or dpkg-build -b -us -uc ? | 03:04 |
Licker | is there anyone in here with some time to help me install something. | 03:04 |
Licker | ? | 03:04 |
spartacus | Licker, depends what it is... | 03:04 |
anto9us | bill_: and what driver did you choose? | 03:04 |
mike998 | hmmm I was looking at that today | 03:04 |
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bill_ | bcmwl5 | 03:04 |
skull | can somebody help me | 03:04 |
spartacus | Falken, how big is the file? | 03:04 |
bill_ | anto9us: should I try the bcwl5a driver? | 03:04 |
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anto9us | bill_: you need bcmwl5a | 03:04 |
rj__ | anyone know how to get firefox to download torrent files using Azureus? | 03:05 |
Falken | Ummm, 50 KB. | 03:05 |
JDigital | falken: are you sure you aren't clicking on the torrent file | 03:05 |
bill_ | HOw do I drop the one and add the other? | 03:05 |
JDigital | which would be the one ending in .torrent | 03:05 |
anto9us | bill_: use ndiswrapper -e bcmwl5 to remove the other | 03:05 |
spartacus | Falken, then it aint the iso ;) | 03:05 |
bill_ | I have it on my laptop already. | 03:05 |
helio7 | has anyone submitted data to the Ubuntu Hardware Database? | 03:05 |
JDigital | filename.ISO.torrent | 03:05 |
JDigital | or filename.iso and it's really a torrent file misnamed | 03:05 |
Falken | Well, when I downloaded, it showed up as a torrent... | 03:05 |
Falken | So how do I make it ISO? | 03:05 |
spartacus | Falken, you shouldn't need to rename anything... when the torrent is launched with bittorrent, it'll get the actual iso from peers | 03:06 |
=== CerBerO_ [~CerBerO@pc-138-47-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Falken | So I have a problem with my bit torrents program? | 03:06 |
mebaran151 | I am having a printer problem | 03:06 |
mebaran151 | I recompiled Gimp print from source | 03:07 |
mebaran151 | the new version 5.0 | 03:07 |
mebaran151 | so that I could use by new shiny R800 | 03:07 |
mebaran151 | supported in 5.0 | 03:07 |
mebaran151 | but I keep getting an error complaining that it can not access the device | 03:07 |
mebaran151 | that the device does not exist | 03:07 |
mebaran151 | even after cups lets me set it up | 03:07 |
bill_ | anto9us: | 03:07 |
bill_ | root@NYARLHOTEP:/home/bill # ndiswrapper -i /home/bill/ndiswrapper/bcmwl5a.inf | 03:08 |
bill_ | Installing bcmwl5a | 03:08 |
bill_ | Forcing parameter IBSSGMode|0 to IBSSGMode|2 | 03:08 |
bill_ | Forcing parameter IBSSGMode|0 to IBSSGMode|2 | 03:08 |
bill_ | Forcing parameter IBSSGMode|0 to IBSSGMode|2 | 03:08 |
bill_ | Forcing parameter IBSSGMode|0 to IBSSGMode|2 | 03:08 |
bill_ | Forcing parameter IBSSGMode|0 to IBSSGMode|2 | 03:08 |
bill_ | Forcing parameter IBSSGMode|0 to IBSSGMode|2 | 03:08 |
bill_ | Forcing parameter IBSSGMode|0 to IBSSGMode|2 | 03:08 |
bill_ | Forcing parameter IBSSGMode|0 to IBSSGMode|2 | 03:08 |
thundrcleeze | bill? | 03:08 |
bill_ | root@NYARLHOTEP:/home/bill # modprobe ndiswrapper | 03:08 |
kyncani | (not again) | 03:08 |
bill_ | FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Operation not permitted | 03:08 |
spartacus | Falken, mmm... maybe not. try a terminal, then type btdownloadgui.py yourfile.iso.torrent | 03:08 |
kyncani | SEND FLOOD TO #FLOOD | 03:08 |
Marble2 | how can I set the background on my default gnome-terminal to a picture | 03:08 |
thundrcleeze | bill_, go to #flood with that or post it to pastebin.com | 03:08 |
anto9us | bill_: don't flood here please. Now what does ndiswrapper -l give you? | 03:09 |
Falken | Myfile... that being the destination? | 03:09 |
bill_ | Apologies everyone. | 03:09 |
Falken | Oh, the scource. | 03:09 |
spartacus | Falken, yep, the source torrent file | 03:09 |
Falken | How do I know what that is? | 03:09 |
spartacus | Falken, it's the one you downloaded | 03:09 |
Falken | Yeah, but it's not on my machine... | 03:10 |
=== Dethread [~Dethread@wsp009838wss.netadm.calpoly.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bill_ | anto9us: bcmwl5a invalid driver! | 03:10 |
Falken | It's from a linux site... | 03:10 |
owlmanatt | Is there any way to left-align a desktop background in gnome? I have this one I've always used, but now that I have two monitors, its being split if I center it, or strenched and mangled if I full-screen it. | 03:10 |
spartacus | Falken, yes it is? the one you said you could click... the bigdiskimage.iso.torrent | 03:10 |
spartacus | the 50k one | 03:10 |
anto9us | bill_: you have the latest driver? | 03:10 |
Falken | So I can use the one I have? | 03:10 |
Falken | The torrents file on my comp? | 03:11 |
bill_ | anto9us: I think so. I downloaded it from my laptop manufacturer's site. | 03:11 |
Falken | Ok... I'll try that. | 03:11 |
spartacus | Falken, yes. tell btdownloadcurses.py (bittorrent downloader) to use that one | 03:11 |
anto9us | bill_: what's your laptop? | 03:11 |
spartacus | it'll get the real/big one then | 03:11 |
spartacus | mebaran151, sometimes cups offers a device that doesn't seem real... eg usb printers | 03:11 |
bill_ | anto9us: hp zd7030us | 03:12 |
helio7 | where can I probe my system specifications to post along with errors on a forum thread??? | 03:12 |
bill_ | anto9us: hp pavilion zd7030us | 03:12 |
=== junior_ [~junior@c-67-160-131-226.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
warty_ | FUCK | 03:12 |
anto9us | bill_: I sent my dell driver to someone with an hp pavillion earlier, that worked. Want me to send it to you? | 03:12 |
spartacus | helio7, depends on the issue, but dmesg is often used as a reference. | 03:13 |
junior_ | evening all. new ubuntu user here, i got my video drivers working using the nvidia drivers. but now i cant seem to play a dvd in totem | 03:13 |
junior_ | even install libdvdcss2 | 03:13 |
LarstiQ | warty_: pardon me? | 03:13 |
mebaran151 | spartacus, it is a usb printer | 03:13 |
bill_ | anto9us: That works for me. : ) Thanks for all of your help. | 03:13 |
mebaran151 | but the usb printer is detected correct | 03:13 |
mebaran151 | and /dev/usb/lp0 exists | 03:13 |
spartacus | mebaran151, that is the cups uri? | 03:13 |
mebaran151 | I dont know | 03:13 |
Falken | It says I don't have a btdownloadgui.py file... | 03:13 |
mebaran151 | I believe so | 03:13 |
spartacus | Falken, ok. make sure you have bittorrent installed in synaptic | 03:14 |
Falken | It's not in synaptic... I used sudo apt-get install... | 03:14 |
Falken | How can I get it in synaptic? | 03:14 |
mebaran151 | it tries to use usb:// | 03:14 |
mebaran151 | Paused: Unable to open USB device "usb://EPSON/Stylus%20Photo%20R800": No such device | 03:15 |
spartacus | Falken, same thing, different interface. synaptic is in the admin menu | 03:15 |
mebaran151 | %20 is a space I would imagine based on previous experience | 03:15 |
mebaran151 | I dont feel like becoming a gimp print hacker | 03:15 |
spartacus | yep | 03:15 |
anto9us | bill_: just to double check, you were specifying the bcmwl5a.inf file weren't you? | 03:15 |
spartacus | brb | 03:16 |
Falken | So what I did still works? | 03:16 |
bill_ | anto9us: Yes. | 03:16 |
bill_ | anto9us: Is that correct? | 03:16 |
anto9us | bill_: yes | 03:16 |
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=== chillywilly think about running a firefox snapshot because Ubuntu is not with it ;) | ||
=== raluke [~raluke@pcp0011113792pcs.elkrdg01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
runedude | hmm, it seems debian > ubuntu upgrade doesnt exactly work too well | 03:17 |
karsten | runedude: Well, it's not supported. | 03:18 |
darkaudit | chillywilly: did you try the backports repo? | 03:18 |
karsten | Does Ubuntu install with any sort of newbie shell guide? | 03:18 |
stuNNed | runedude: backup and fresh install? | 03:18 |
bob2 | karsten: no | 03:18 |
stuNNed | karsten: bash guide? | 03:18 |
karsten | stuNNed: Yeah. | 03:18 |
runedude | stuNNed: well i had gaim and xchat and firefox other things installed so not a fresh install | 03:19 |
stuNNed | karsten: o'reily books has good one | 03:19 |
karsten | stuNNed: Again, classroom. I'm experienced. | 03:19 |
runedude | i did a install of sarge, thats the problem | 03:19 |
karsten | stuNNed: Yeah, I know ;-) | 03:19 |
karsten | stuNNed: ...but I was sort of reduced to saying "the help command is intuitively named 'man'". | 03:19 |
stuNNed | karsten: hehe :) | 03:19 |
karsten | stuNNed: ...and _trust_ me (or ask bob2) I know why and love it. | 03:19 |
runedude | stuNNed: do you really need a fresh install? | 03:19 |
karsten | stuNNed: Followed up with "it's short for manual..." | 03:20 |
stuNNed | runedude: welp, i migrated from warty to hoary on laptop and not that i had issues but things seemed to go alot smoother on a fresh install from cd | 03:20 |
runedude | stuNNed: what i meant was, im not using warty :P | 03:20 |
=== Swynndla [~Swynndla@210-54-11-182.ipsm.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
karsten | stuNNed: ...had one kid who knew how to run a command. He suggested 'cls'. | 03:20 |
runedude | I have CDrom issues, I cant "make" cdroms, i can use them, but i cant burn them | 03:20 |
runedude | so when I want linux, i gotta use floppies w/ a netinstall | 03:21 |
karsten | runedude: What are you running now? | 03:21 |
stuNNed | mdz: apparently the local firewall solutions i was trying were blocking ACK packets back to the DHCP server, regarding bug #10090, still testing though | 03:21 |
runedude | Unfortunatly, I cannot find many good support w/ any other things except debian | 03:21 |
runedude | well, debian sarge | 03:21 |
karsten | runedude: ...and is it a SW issue, or your burner? | 03:21 |
karsten | runedude: cdrecord. | 03:21 |
runedude | well | 03:21 |
runedude | i have a burner, but it </3s me | 03:21 |
runedude | ill try cdrecord, 1 sec | 03:21 |
=== karsten hands runedude a slighly used copy of "Geeks and the CD Burners who <3 Them" | ||
runedude | lol | 03:22 |
runedude | its a hp cd-writer 9500 series | 03:22 |
runedude | hm | 03:22 |
karsten | runedude: cdrecord --scanbus | 03:22 |
runedude | can i write a iso directly to the cd? | 03:22 |
stuNNed | karsten: the bash manpage is quite helpful, we had a whole class just on bash at one point, or most of the class, at least | 03:22 |
karsten | runedude: Yes, that's the recommended route. | 03:22 |
runedude | must be root? | 03:22 |
runedude | ill assume so :p | 03:23 |
karsten | stuNNed: The bash manpage really isn't a shell users guide. | 03:23 |
runedude | cdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open '/dev/pg*'. Cannot open SCSI driver. | 03:23 |
karsten | runedude: ...or user w/ RW access to the device. Try 'sudo ...' | 03:23 |
runedude | heh | 03:23 |
runedude | roots easier | 03:23 |
stuNNed | karsten: book we used was called 'interactive guide to bash' or something | 03:23 |
runedude | anyways, i got that error | 03:23 |
=== RastaMahata [~RastaMaha@pc-200-74-15-203.nunoa2.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
karsten | stuNNed: I'll hunt around. Just hoping there was something on the distro already. | 03:24 |
karsten | root=/dev/hda2 ro vga=6 noapic hdc=ide-scsi | 03:24 |
runedude | whats /dev/pg? | 03:24 |
karsten | runedude: Above is my GRUB boot line. | 03:24 |
bill_ | anto9us: I've got it. :) | 03:24 |
runedude | do I need to install something else now? | 03:24 |
anto9us | bill_: I suggest you keep that folder in its entirety, I don't know how much of it is required | 03:24 |
runedude | what do i need to add a bootline for grub now? :P | 03:24 |
karsten | runedude: ...you may want the 'hdc=ide-scsi' line. And a couple of modules... | 03:24 |
bill_ | Okay. Any suggestions on where to put it? | 03:24 |
runedude | oh | 03:24 |
runedude | ok | 03:24 |
Falken | Reading Package Lists... Done | 03:24 |
Falken | Building Dependency Tree... Done | 03:24 |
Falken | Package libwxgtk2.4-python is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 03:24 |
Falken | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 03:24 |
Falken | is only available from another source | 03:24 |
karsten | runedude: ide-scsi | 03:24 |
Falken | E: Package libwxgtk2.4-python has no installation candidate | 03:24 |
anto9us | bill_: /opt/ | 03:25 |
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karsten | bill_: Um. What's "it" and what do you plan to do with it? | 03:25 |
runedude | ehm | 03:25 |
Falken | This is what I get when I try to type: sudo apt-get install libwxgtk2.4-python bittorrent | 03:25 |
runedude | which file do I put the boot line in? | 03:25 |
anto9us | bill_: doesn't matter too much | 03:25 |
karsten | Falken: Need universe? | 03:25 |
Falken | Universe? | 03:25 |
=== RastaMahata [~RastaMaha@pc-200-74-15-203.nunoa2.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Falken | What's that? | 03:25 |
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karsten | bill_: Non-packages SW, generally /usr/local or /opt, which I symlink to /usr/local/opt/ | 03:25 |
runedude | well, /dev/pg* doesnt exist, isnt that a issue I need to fix? | 03:26 |
spartacus | re | 03:26 |
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spartacus | Falken, try the package from www.bittorrent.com | 03:26 |
karsten | runedude: Modify your bootloader line. Add 'hdc=ide-scsi'. Modify /etc/modules to load 'ide-scsi'. Reboot. | 03:26 |
GammaRay | I remember a long time ago I has a font named Terminal that shipped with mandrake. Does that ring a bell with anyone? | 03:26 |
spartacus | mebaran151, it's talking to the wrong device | 03:26 |
karsten | GammaRay: No, \a rings a bell. | 03:27 |
mebaran151 | I think | 03:27 |
mebaran151 | how do I make it talk to the write one then | 03:27 |
Falken | I got it from there Spartacus... | 03:27 |
runedude | ehm, how do I edit the bootline again? | 03:27 |
spartacus | mebaran151, the literal name it's giving you is virtual. you'll want to change it to /dev/usb/lp0 | 03:27 |
spartacus | or something | 03:27 |
spartacus | runedude, /boot/grub/menu.lst? | 03:27 |
=== afroman [~afroman@c-0de870d5.04-271-73746f34.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
runedude | and how do I know hdc is the correct drive #? | 03:27 |
spartacus | Falken, ah ok... | 03:27 |
anto9us | bill_: run ndiswrapper -i <path to bcmwl5a.inf> then run ndiswrapper -l | 03:27 |
mebaran151 | how would I do that | 03:27 |
GammaRay | karsten, not on my box :-P | 03:27 |
mebaran151 | go to cups admin | 03:27 |
mebaran151 | or something | 03:27 |
karsten | runedude: /boot/grub/menu.lst | 03:27 |
runedude | ok | 03:27 |
afroman | hi | 03:28 |
karsten | GammaRay: I was *hoping* someone would get that joke... | 03:28 |
runedude | do I need to edit the bootlist? | 03:29 |
afroman | anyone can help me transfer files from my pc to another using ethernet | 03:29 |
runedude | It's kind of confusing | 03:29 |
runedude | I really dont want to mess anything up :S | 03:29 |
karsten | afroman: Any protocol in particular? | 03:29 |
Falken | Did I grab the wrong one? Should I have gotten the Debian? | 03:29 |
GammaRay | karsten, I ripped the pc speaker out | 03:29 |
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karsten | GammaRay: Heh. | 03:29 |
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afroman | karsten: none that I know of... | 03:29 |
afroman | I'm new | 03:29 |
karsten | afroman: FTP, SCP, rsync, http, netcat, nfs, smb, ... | 03:29 |
karsten | afroman: ...take your pick. | 03:29 |
spartacus | Falken, that might be the problem. open synaptic, and make sure you've got universe enabled. get bittorrent-gui | 03:30 |
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karsten | afroman: What's your local system, what's the remote system? | 03:30 |
spartacus | Falken, or even just bittorrent | 03:30 |
karsten | spartacus: Point. | 03:30 |
afroman | karsten: I have stationary that has Ubuntu and a laptop that has Debian and Windows | 03:30 |
helio7 | runedude: I've been working for a while on the same issue; I'm desperately trying to piece together the loss of burning capabilities since Hoary; | 03:30 |
karsten | afroman: Will you be wanting to transfer files frequently? | 03:30 |
runedude | should I just add hdc=ide-scsi anywhere in the menu.lst for grub? | 03:30 |
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Falken | Niether show up in there... | 03:31 |
spartacus | mebaran151, yah, i usually use the web intereface... but ymmv | 03:31 |
karsten | runedude: What's your bootloader, grub? | 03:31 |
spartacus | Falken, sounds like you need to add repositories | 03:31 |
Falken | I did a search for them... and looked at where they might have been... | 03:31 |
afroman | karsten: I want to know to transfer Linux to Linux, and Linux to Windows... protocal won't matter, just tell me the easiest | 03:31 |
karsten | runedude: You should have a kopt line, Mine reads: # kopt=root=/dev/hda2 ro vga=6 noapic hdc=ide-scsi | 03:31 |
=== CitizenKane [~kyle@c-24-118-58-24.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Licker | how do you check your pcs IP addy? | 03:31 |
runedude | karsten: hmm, i think so | 03:31 |
Xenguy | Licker: ifconfig | 03:31 |
karsten | runedude: Note the '#'. 'update-grub' will generate the correct file from that. | 03:31 |
spartacus | Falken, http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/net/bittorrent | 03:32 |
runedude | ok | 03:32 |
Licker | so what would I ype in the termanul | 03:32 |
karsten | afroman: Easiest would be to set up a share on the linux system and access that from other hosts. | 03:32 |
spartacus | Falken, http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/net/bittorrent-gui | 03:32 |
=== Absenth [~Danke@12-222-31-128.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Licker | humm.. bad spellng | 03:32 |
spartacus | they're there for sure | 03:32 |
Xenguy | Licker: ifconfig ;-) | 03:32 |
bill_ | anto9us: Almost there. Got a "driver present, hardware present" | 03:32 |
Falken | Thanks... does it matter that I'm using warty and not hoary? | 03:32 |
Licker | that didnt work | 03:32 |
karsten | afroman: Otherwise, you can put the files on your webserver ($HOME/public_html/ or /var/www/), or scp them between systems. | 03:32 |
=== sbcl3 [~sbcl3@pcp09702913pcs.norstn01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anto9us | bill, cool, do you have wireless-tools installed? | 03:32 |
spartacus | um, yes. :) | 03:32 |
Xenguy | Licker: it's ubu - maybe you need 'sudo ifconfig' ? | 03:33 |
mebaran151 | spartacus | 03:33 |
Licker | nope tried that too | 03:33 |
afroman | karsten: U mean like a soort of server | 03:33 |
afroman | ?? | 03:33 |
spartacus | Falken, http://packages.ubuntu.com/warty/net/bittorrent | 03:33 |
mebaran151 | the web interface dictates it has been disabled for security purposes | 03:33 |
mebaran151 | what do I do | 03:33 |
karsten | afroman: Speak english please. | 03:33 |
Xenguy | Licker: it works (that's all I'm gonna say ;-) | 03:33 |
Falken | Thanks. | 03:33 |
afroman | karsten: U mean like a sort of server | 03:33 |
=== cafuego [~cafuego@ppp66-35.lns1.mel2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bill_ | anto9us: Yes I do. | 03:34 |
anto9us | bill_: type iwconfig | 03:34 |
karsten | afroman: You'll need a server running in general. Web, SSH, FTP, Sambe... | 03:34 |
karsten | s/Sambe/Samba/ | 03:34 |
mebaran151 | anyother way to configure it | 03:34 |
anto9us | bill_: it should list wlan0 | 03:35 |
karsten | afroman: SSH lets you copy individual files back and forth: scp localfile user@remotehost:file | 03:35 |
afroman | karsten: ok... let's take step by step | 03:35 |
spartacus | mebaran151, make sure it's enabled in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf | 03:35 |
sbcl3 | is there an easy way to drag icons that lead to apps to the desktop? | 03:35 |
GammaRay | Anyone know any monospace fonts that look good using the bytecode interperter? | 03:35 |
sbcl3 | where is the tool? | 03:35 |
Falken | It says that It can't open the .deb file... | 03:35 |
spartacus | mebaran151, or you can edit /etc/cups/printers.conf | 03:35 |
karsten | afroman: ... FTP is sort of similar. HTTP lets you stage files and copy them from the server but not the other way, without a few tricks. | 03:35 |
bill_ | anto9us: It's not on there. Do I need to run modprobe? | 03:35 |
spartacus | mebaran151, prolly wants something like DeviceURI usb:/dev/usb/lp0 | 03:35 |
=== cafuego stares at karsten | ||
karsten | afroman: ...and a remote filesystem (samba, NFS) lets you access the remote files like any other, pretty much. | 03:35 |
anto9us | bill_: no, only need to do that once | 03:36 |
karsten | cafuego: Wups, fly's down. | 03:36 |
karsten | cafuego: Greets. | 03:36 |
anto9us | bill_: type ifconfig wlan0 | 03:36 |
afroman | karsten: I'm a beginer, plz take it slow | 03:36 |
bill_ | anto9us: okay, I ran modprobe, then re-ran iwconfig, and it shows now. | 03:36 |
afroman | karsten: I have files in Windows, how do I transfer them to Linux | 03:36 |
karsten | afroman: Explain what you want to do, and how often. You've got some choices to make. My suggestion remains that you should set up a samba share. | 03:36 |
karsten | afroman: ...which will let you copy files (command line, Windows Explorer, other tools) without thinking about it. | 03:37 |
anto9us | bill_: aah, sorry, also type ndiswrapper -m | 03:37 |
jackmacokc | afroman: i prefer to have a fat partition on my hard drive to transfer files to and from linux from windows | 03:37 |
karsten | afroman: See above wrt "how do I transfer..." | 03:37 |
spartacus | Falken, you should be able to download it (wget http://...) then dpkg -i ...deb | 03:37 |
afroman | no, I mean between 2 pcs | 03:37 |
anto9us | bill_: that makes it so the module will load on boot up | 03:38 |
bill_ | anto9us: Do I still need to use the ifconfig? | 03:38 |
karsten | afroman: Install samba-server | 03:38 |
afroman | karsten: no, I mean between 2 pcs | 03:38 |
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jackmacokc | afroman: tons of options..samba server is easiest probably | 03:38 |
karsten | afroman: Install samba-server | 03:38 |
cafuego | karsten: when did you defect? | 03:38 |
anto9us | bill_: type iwconfig essid <ESSID> | 03:38 |
Falken | K | 03:38 |
karsten | cafuego: I'm not defecting. | 03:38 |
bill_ | anto9us: "modprobe config already contains alias directive" | 03:38 |
spartacus | Falken, actulyl, no, sorry... i'm wrong there. was thinking of debian. apt-get install bittorrent should work | 03:38 |
karsten | cafuego: It's called excremeditation. | 03:38 |
anto9us | bill_: sorry iwconfig wlan0 essid <your essid> | 03:38 |
spartacus | if not, your sources list is broken | 03:38 |
karsten | cafuego: I've been playing with Ubuntu a bit. I run Debian. n00bs get Ubuntu. | 03:39 |
=== anto9us is getting tired and needs a cup of tea | ||
bill_ | anto9us: my essid says "off/any" | 03:39 |
afroman | in apt-get I see many... wot do U recommand | 03:39 |
karsten | afroman: Actually, it's just 'samba'. | 03:39 |
afroman | karsten: in apt-get I see many... wot do U recommand | 03:39 |
anto9us | bill_: fine, type dhclient wlan0 | 03:39 |
ThomasWinwood | I got Ubuntu because I was advised it had an easier-to-handle installation routine. | 03:39 |
karsten | afroman: 'aptitude install samba' | 03:39 |
jackmacokc | samba-server i believe is what you need to get afroman | 03:39 |
mebaran151 | how do I make virtual devs work | 03:40 |
Falken | Ok... | 03:40 |
Falken | I think I see what I did wrong... | 03:40 |
mebaran151 | mplayer has a bug | 03:40 |
karsten | jackmacokc: Just plain 'samba'. Client side is, um, different. | 03:40 |
mebaran151 | but I dont want to report | 03:40 |
mebaran151 | it | 03:40 |
mebaran151 | because I am lazy | 03:40 |
karsten | cafuego: How about yourself? | 03:40 |
mebaran151 | it searchs for srt files after it loads vobsubs | 03:40 |
mebaran151 | that shouldnt happen | 03:40 |
spartacus | mebaran151, no clue about that. i just send cups to the actual printer device. i had issues with my one disconnecting at odd times | 03:40 |
bill_ | anto9us: it's running dhcpdiscover, but the subnet mask is wrong I think. | 03:40 |
mebaran151 | and causes gmplayer to throw an error | 03:40 |
=== sarom [~aparty@CPE00045a2fd7e4-CM000e5c709370.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mebaran151 | spartacus | 03:41 |
anto9us | bill_: no, ignore that | 03:41 |
mebaran151 | could you tell me what | 03:41 |
jackmacokc | karsten: oh yeah, my bad | 03:41 |
mebaran151 | /etc/cups/printers.conf says | 03:41 |
=== cafuego baffles as the lack of `seq` on openbsd | ||
mebaran151 | paste in #flood | 03:41 |
=== henriquemaia [~henriquem@cb-217-129-175-184.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anto9us | bill_: you need to set your router to discover mode | 03:41 |
spartacus | speaknig of mplayer... how does one enabled xv? i've tried xorg and xaccel, but only get x11 output | 03:41 |
=== sidjp [~sidjp@ZJ036142.ppp.dion.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mebaran151 | it is already enabled | 03:41 |
mebaran151 | most likely | 03:41 |
bob2 | your card would have to be rather impressively old to not have xv | 03:41 |
mebaran151 | you have to compile it into mplayer | 03:42 |
bill_ | anto9us: okay. just a sec. | 03:42 |
bob2 | like, from 1947 | 03:42 |
karsten | bob2: 1942, damnit. | 03:42 |
mebaran151 | bob2, my card from 1947 has XV | 03:42 |
bob2 | mebaran151: except that every binary build in the world includes it | 03:42 |
spartacus | i mean, i can tell it -vo xv but no joy. it's radeon 9250 | 03:42 |
mebaran151 | oh | 03:42 |
cafuego | I have a pre-WW2 card without XV. | 03:42 |
Falken | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 03:42 |
Falken | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 03:42 |
mebaran151 | the mencoder binary build is buggy | 03:42 |
mebaran151 | really really really really really buggy | 03:42 |
stuNNed | hi cafuego | 03:42 |
bob2 | spartacus: how do you know it's not using it? | 03:42 |
spartacus | mebaran151, can you paste again | 03:42 |
mebaran151 | not even funny | 03:42 |
=== cafuego runs | ||
Falken | Gave me that when I tried to apt-get the file... | 03:42 |
bob2 | Falken: run it as root... | 03:42 |
spartacus | bob2, it tells me it's using x11 output | 03:42 |
bob2 | Falken: ie with sudo | 03:42 |
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=== karsten hands cafuego some wipes. | ||
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sidjp | how i can install amule in ubuntu? | 03:43 |
mebaran151 | spartacus, I want YOURS! | 03:43 |
mebaran151 | hehehe | 03:43 |
karsten | bob2: What's Ubuntu's default SMB browser? | 03:43 |
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karsten | afroman: Still here? | 03:43 |
Falken | I did... I typed sudo apt-get install /home/aj/bittorrent_3-1.4.2-1_all.deb | 03:43 |
bob2 | karsten: nautilus, I guess | 03:43 |
karsten | afroman: Launch your file manager. | 03:43 |
karsten | bob2: OK. | 03:43 |
Falken | Then entered the sudo password... | 03:43 |
bob2 | sidjp: wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto | 03:43 |
bob2 | Falken: that won't work... | 03:43 |
cafuego | Falken: *your* password | 03:43 |
bob2 | Falken: and you do know bittorrent is in ubuntu, right? | 03:43 |
afroman | karsten: ya but I seem to have a problem installing SAmba | 03:43 |
bob2 | Falken: ie, sudo apt-get install bittorrent | 03:43 |
sidjp | is same debian? | 03:43 |
karsten | afroman: OK, let's try something else. | 03:44 |
Falken | Ok... | 03:44 |
afroman | hold on | 03:44 |
karsten | afroman: Launch your file manager. 'nautilus'. | 03:44 |
xMaximex | Hi, I have a BIG problem. I removed my windows HD from my PC, changed to hd0 in menu.lst, changed /etc/fstab too but when i boot i get : | 03:44 |
spartacus | mebaran151, can you paste your file? | 03:44 |
=== bluefoxicy [~bluefox@pcp0012067827pcs.whtmrs01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xMaximex | pivot_root: No such file or directory | 03:44 |
xMaximex | /sbin/init: 424: cannot open dev/console: No such file | 03:44 |
xMaximex | Kernel panic: Attempted to kill init! | 03:44 |
xMaximex | can someone help me please ?? I must boot .. i work with my pc | 03:44 |
Falken | Same error... | 03:44 |
karsten | xMaximex: Jumpers correct? | 03:44 |
bob2 | you'd need to change all the instances in the grub config file to hd0 | 03:44 |
bill_ | anto9us: what am I looking for here? | 03:44 |
karsten | xMaximex: ...and is the drive detected in BIOS? | 03:45 |
xMaximex | karsten: i moved jumper for the hd to become master | 03:45 |
karsten | bob2: I think he did that. | 03:45 |
xMaximex | karsten: yes, it is detected as primary master | 03:45 |
karsten | xMaximex: Confirm the drive is detected in BIOS, just to rule it out. | 03:45 |
karsten | xMaximex: OK. | 03:45 |
anto9us | bill_: you need to set your essid and a key if you have wep enabled | 03:45 |
afroman | karsten: I installed Samba | 03:45 |
afroman | wot now??? | 03:45 |
=== spartacus finally gets it | ||
metalsand | WHen I download a package that has documentation | 03:46 |
karsten | xMaximex: GRUB starts, but kernel fails. So you're going to want to manually edit your grub config on next boot. | 03:46 |
metalsand | Where does it go... When I download with synaptic | 03:46 |
bill_ | anto9us: No WEP. I was usingMAC address for security. | 03:46 |
karsten | afroman: OK, actually, I'm going to try something a little different, but we can use that later. | 03:46 |
Falken | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 03:46 |
Falken | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 03:46 |
anto9us | bill_: the format is iwconfig wlan0 essid <your network name> | 03:46 |
xMaximex | karsten, i boot with the install CD in rescue mode | 03:46 |
karsten | afroman: As I've asked three times: start your file manager, nautilus. | 03:46 |
spartacus | Falken, sudo | 03:46 |
afroman | karsten: done | 03:46 |
bill_ | anto9us: But I turned that off, too. | 03:46 |
karsten | xMaximex: OK. | 03:46 |
xMaximex | karsten: i'm in rescue mode right now | 03:46 |
Falken | Heres what I'm entering... | 03:46 |
spartacus | Falken, and make sure synaptic is closed | 03:46 |
karsten | afroman: What's your Windows system's IP address? | 03:46 |
xMaximex | so i can edit any files | 03:46 |
metalsand | When I download a file with Synaptic where is it stored? | 03:46 |
anto9us | bill_: is it set as a dhcp server? | 03:47 |
afroman | | 03:47 |
karsten | xMaximex: OK. What's 'root' set to? | 03:47 |
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spartacus | mebaran151, i've pasted it now | 03:47 |
afroman | karsten: | 03:47 |
Falken | Ok... now it says that it can't find bittorrent... | 03:47 |
karsten | afroman: Enter: "smb://" in the nautilus nav box. | 03:47 |
xMaximex | title Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.10-5-386 | 03:47 |
xMaximex | #:2 <-- type: 0 => linux, 1 => windows, 2 => other | 03:47 |
xMaximex | root (hd0,0) | 03:47 |
xMaximex | kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-5-386 root=/dev/hdb1 ro quiet splash | 03:47 |
xMaximex | initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.10-5-386 | 03:47 |
xMaximex | savedefault | 03:47 |
bill_ | anto9us: Yes. | 03:47 |
xMaximex | boot | 03:47 |
karsten | xMaximex: Change 'root=/dev/hdb1' to 'root=/dev/hda1' | 03:48 |
karsten | xMaximex: on "kernel" line. | 03:48 |
anto9us | bill_: does iwconfig see the access point | 03:48 |
afroman | karsten: how?? it is a window manager... | 03:48 |
xMaximex | karsten, ok i try, brb | 03:48 |
junior_ | is there an easy way to add an app to the Applications menu? i just install gxine but it doesnt show up there | 03:48 |
=== hybrid_goth [~hybrid@dpc6744177080.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
spartacus | Falken, sorry... what did you type? | 03:48 |
karsten | afroman: It's also a file manager. Launch your file manager. | 03:48 |
Falken | sudo apt-get install bittorrent | 03:48 |
karsten | junior_: 'killall gnome-panel' I think. | 03:48 |
karsten | junior_: ...or log out and back in. | 03:48 |
hybrid_goth | hello all | 03:49 |
afroman | karsten: how?? I only see my files in root | 03:49 |
bill_ | anto9us: I think so. I enter in the command you gave me, and I don't get an error message. | 03:49 |
junior_ | karsten, still doesnt show up. wierd | 03:49 |
karsten | junior_: Sorry, contsxt? | 03:49 |
karsten | junior_: Oh, new apps. | 03:50 |
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karsten | junior_: Hrm. Ask bob2, he knows everything ;-) | 03:50 |
xMaximex | karsten, it works .. i didn't see this line ... | 03:50 |
Falken | I've also tried... the entire file name(with and w/o the location) , sudo apt-get install libwxgtk2.4-python bittorrent | 03:50 |
=== akp [~akp@user-12hcdap.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
spartacus | Falken, sudo apt-get update | 03:50 |
xMaximex | karsten: thanks ! | 03:50 |
anto9us | bill_: iwconfig should list an access point with its mac address | 03:50 |
spartacus | Falken, just to be sure | 03:50 |
calvin123 | i have a question.... | 03:50 |
junior_ | is bob2 around? | 03:50 |
Falken | Done | 03:50 |
karsten | xMaximex: OK. That's how you transfer files ;-) | 03:50 |
HrdwrBoB | hah | 03:50 |
karsten | xMaximex: Sorted then? | 03:50 |
spartacus | Falken, ok... try that again | 03:50 |
calvin123 | why are the ubuntu cds free? | 03:50 |
HrdwrBoB | junior_: menu-editor | 03:51 |
Falken | Reading Package Lists... Done | 03:51 |
Falken | Building Dependency Tree... Done | 03:51 |
Falken | E: Couldn't find package bittorrent | 03:51 |
caffinated | calvin123: to make you ask why they are free | 03:51 |
bill_ | anto9us: Listening on LPF/wlan0/00:90:4b:47:c0:96 | 03:51 |
junior_ | hrdwrBoB is that an app or a command line command | 03:51 |
spartacus | Falken, can u past your sources list to #flood please | 03:51 |
calvin123 | caffinated, right | 03:51 |
akp | Hi, I'm running Hoary Hedgehog on a Powerbook. Is this the right place to ask questions? | 03:51 |
Falken | I typed... sudo apt-get install bittorrent | 03:51 |
bill_ | Sending on LPF/wlan0/00:90:4b:47:c0:96 | 03:51 |
HrdwrBoB | wget -c http://frankandjacq.com/ubuntuguide/smeg_0.5-0ubuntu1_all.deb | 03:51 |
HrdwrBoB | sudo dpkg -i smeg_0.5-0ubuntu1_all.deb | 03:51 |
karsten | xMaximex: If you want to be able to copy _from_ your Linux box when you're on Windows, you'll need to set up one or more shares in Samba. Read the docs for that. | 03:51 |
HrdwrBoB | junior_: there | 03:51 |
mebaran151 | thanks | 03:51 |
HrdwrBoB | http://ubuntuguide.org/#menu-editor | 03:51 |
mebaran151 | spartacus | 03:51 |
bill_ | anto9us: Sending on LPF/wlan0/00:90:4b:47:c0:96 | 03:51 |
karsten | xMaximex: Damnit, wrong nick ;-) | 03:51 |
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karsten | xMaximex: OK, you can boot, right? | 03:51 |
junior_ | thanks, ill go read bob | 03:51 |
junior_ | thanks, ill read bob | 03:51 |
mebaran151 | can I use motion compensation in mplayer | 03:52 |
spartacus | Falken, the contents of /etc/apt/sources.lst | 03:52 |
bill_ | anto9us: Is that what I'm looking for? | 03:52 |
mebaran151 | I have a nice Nivida 6800 | 03:52 |
xMaximex | karsten: yes i can ! thanks you | 03:52 |
anto9us | bill_: I think you should enabale essid on your access point | 03:52 |
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caffinated | calvin123: it's a marketing thing. the easiest way to get a large group of people to try something is to make it 1) easy and 2) take no effort to acquire | 03:52 |
spartacus | mebaran151, ya? | 03:52 |
afroman | karsten: r you still there??? I wrote nautilus in the terminal and there opened the window manager | 03:52 |
Falken | What's #flood? | 03:52 |
karsten | afroman: Still here. | 03:52 |
karsten | afroman: Good. | 03:52 |
caffinated | calvin123: but also because some people don't have broadband | 03:52 |
spartacus | Falken, /join #flood :) | 03:52 |
karsten | afroman: smb://<ip of windows box>/ | 03:52 |
bill_ | anto9us: Is that the same as "Wireless SSID"? | 03:52 |
calvin123 | caffinated, oh ok, thanks | 03:52 |
Falken | Oh... duh. | 03:52 |
afroman | karsten: in the terminal...??? | 03:52 |
karsten | afroman: In natilus's nav window. | 03:53 |
henriquemaia | Hello. | 03:53 |
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spartacus | dumbass question here... how does one kill an unkillable process? kill -9 doesn't do it | 03:53 |
anto9us | bill_: yes, and use the command iwconfig wlan0 essid <Wireless SSID> | 03:53 |
henriquemaia | How do I get a global menu on top like macOS on gnome? | 03:53 |
karsten | spartacus: Zombie? | 03:53 |
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henriquemaia | Is it possible? | 03:53 |
karsten | spartacus: ps uxp <PID of unkillable process> | 03:53 |
xMaximex | awww back on my bos | 03:53 |
xMaximex | box | 03:53 |
Falken | It says that there is no such file. | 03:53 |
karsten | xMaximex: welcome back ;-) | 03:54 |
metalsand | When I download a file with Synaptic where is it stored? | 03:54 |
caffinated | henriquemaia: right-click on top bar, add to panel, locate the menu item | 03:54 |
meuserj | Alright.. I have a REALLY weird apt problem on a hoary system... google is returning nothing when I search for the error or part of the error.... | 03:54 |
Falken | /etc/apt/sources.lst: No such file or directory | 03:54 |
henriquemaia | humm. | 03:54 |
spartacus | Falken, really? hmm... does ubuntu put sources somewhere else? | 03:54 |
henriquemaia | cool | 03:54 |
henriquemaia | Gonna try right now! | 03:54 |
caffinated | :) | 03:54 |
=== zaphod_ [~Agrajag@66-215-172-98.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Falken | I don't know... | 03:54 |
meuserj | I apologize for the multi-line I'm about to send: | 03:54 |
afroman | karsten: I only have 1 ethernet card... so I might need to get offline for this | 03:54 |
meuserj | Failed to exec method /cdrom | 03:54 |
meuserj | eggy: Archive directory /partial is missing. | 03:55 |
meuserj | eggy: Method cdrom has died unexpectedly! | 03:55 |
meuserj | eggy: Method /cdrom did not start correctly | 03:55 |
meuserj | eggy: The method driver /http could not be found. | 03:55 |
meuserj | eggy: The method driver /ftp could not be found. | 03:55 |
meuserj | eggy: The method driver /ftp could not be found. | 03:55 |
meuserj | eggy: The method driver /ftp could not be found. | 03:55 |
meuserj | eggy: The method driver /http could not be found. | 03:55 |
karsten | spartacus: sources are stored in cwd. | 03:55 |
Absenth | ok, so this webcam stuff, is pretty, um, third world... if you ask me. | 03:55 |
Xenguy | bye | 03:55 |
metalsand | When I download a file with Synaptic where is it stored? | 03:55 |
bill_ | anto9us: Still nothing. The light for my wireless card is still off. Could that have something to do with this? | 03:55 |
afroman | karsten: but how should I proceed if it works??? | 03:55 |
spartacus | karsten, cwd? | 03:55 |
anto9us | bill_: no | 03:55 |
metalsand | When I download a file with Synaptic where is it stored? | 03:55 |
meuserj | Err.. "eggy" is "E" for error. | 03:55 |
Falken | It has the apt-get on it's website... so I don't know why it doesn't work... | 03:55 |
karsten | meuserj: Run 'dmesg' and look for any disk read errors. | 03:55 |
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karsten | spartacus: current working directory. | 03:55 |
metalsand | When I download a file with Synaptic where is it stored? | 03:55 |
meuserj | karsten: nothing | 03:55 |
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spartacus | oh, i mean, the sources list | 03:56 |
mebaran151 | spartacus | 03:56 |
afroman | karsten:??? | 03:56 |
caffinated | meuserj: /var/cache/apt/archives | 03:56 |
mebaran151 | it dicatates permission has been denied | 03:56 |
caffinated | i think, anyway | 03:56 |
stuNNed | ] /win 2 | 03:56 |
stuNNed | oops sorry guys | 03:56 |
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drcode | hi all | 03:56 |
Falken | I don't know... | 03:56 |
karsten | afroman: Well, whichever way it goes, let me know. | 03:56 |
metalsand | When I download a file with Synaptic where is it stored? | 03:56 |
drcode | Is there xdcm client in linux? | 03:56 |
Falken | Here is where I started... | 03:56 |
Falken | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BitTorrent | 03:56 |
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karsten | meuserj: Hrm. Where are you right now? Install? | 03:56 |
afroman | karsten: but wot might happen?? | 03:56 |
drcode | So I can remote my xserver? | 03:56 |
karsten | meuserj: Also: paste to #flood | 03:56 |
spartacus | karsten, i ran ps uxp ... and got a list of processes. they're not "Z" but "D" | 03:57 |
akpoff | akp -> akpoff | 03:57 |
meuserj | karsten: it's a machine that has been installed and ran fine for months. | 03:57 |
metalsand | When I download a file with Synaptic where is it stored? | 03:57 |
karsten | afroman: I'll trust you to figure it out. If it works you'll either get a listing of shares, or you'll be prompted for a username/password. | 03:57 |
karsten | afroman: If it doesn't, plug in here and ask. | 03:57 |
meuserj | metalsand: /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 03:57 |
caffinated | interesting, i thought i just said that | 03:58 |
afroman | karsten: aight... thx a lot | 03:58 |
caffinated | ah, wrong person | 03:58 |
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metalsand | ;) | 03:58 |
afroman | later | 03:58 |
drcode | how I can remte control xserver from linux? | 03:58 |
karsten | meuserj: OK. Can you access/mount CD? What are you trying to do? | 03:58 |
drcode | in windows there is cygwin and in linux? | 03:58 |
metalsand | Alright, next question. I see the deb located that I downloaded, but it's "documentation", how do I read it | 03:58 |
henriquemaia | I mean... I was looking for a bar of every program on top. | 03:59 |
Falken | K, whereis returns scources: and find returns that they don't exist... | 03:59 |
stuNNed | will there be some generic firewalling solution for ubuntu that could possibly be in universe, something similar to lokkit for fedora? | 03:59 |
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henriquemaia | file edit bla bla | 03:59 |
meuserj | karsten: the error comes up when I try to run apt-get/synaptic/aptitude.. | 03:59 |
karsten | Can someone confirm (I'm not on Ubuntu) that the "Places" menu is on the top GNOME panel by default, warty: http://www.theopencd.org/ubuntu/img/ubuntu2.png | 03:59 |
henriquemaia | on top | 03:59 |
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henriquemaia | like macOS | 03:59 |
meuserj | karsten: regaurdless what I do | 03:59 |
karsten | drcode: Define "remote control" | 03:59 |
drcode | I need to download it? | 03:59 |
spartacus | Falken, that's your problem. you need a new sources list | 04:00 |
karsten | meuserj: You're using CD sources in /etc/apt/sources.list? | 04:00 |
metalsand | Alright, next question. I see the deb located that I downloaded, but it's "documentation", how do I read it | 04:00 |
=== nubious has a question about startup services. Can anyone gimmie a hand? | ||
Falken | ... Ok | 04:00 |
akpoff | I have a question about caps-lock switching on a Powerbook. When I tell Gnome to make caps-lock another ctrl key the built-in keyboard doesn't swap but a USB keyboard does. Any ideas? | 04:00 |
meuserj | karsten: I had one from the install, but I just removed it and have the same error (without the cdrom parts of the error) | 04:00 |
karsten | nubious: Ask | 04:00 |
metalsand | Alright, next question. I see the deb located that I downloaded, but it's "documentation", how do I read it | 04:00 |
spartacus | mebaran151, i'm not sure why it would say that | 04:01 |
warty | WHAT | 04:01 |
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warty | DO U WANT ME TO DO | 04:01 |
karsten | meuserj: try 'aptitude update' | 04:01 |
nubious | I just setup a teamspeak server on my ubuntu distro, but I had to arun a command at prompt to start it - I'm a windows user, (14+ years), but I'm so new to linux .. heh.. is there a startup script tha tI have to add the teamspeak server startup command to to ensure that it looads at boot? | 04:01 |
=== spiderworm [~spiderwor@ip68-3-31-10.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
karsten | metalsand: What's the deb? Filename? | 04:01 |
karsten | warty: STOP YELLING | 04:01 |
metalsand | linux-wlan-ng-doc_0.2.0+0.2.1pre21-1_all.deb | 04:02 |
karsten | nubious: /etc/init.d/ | 04:02 |
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meuserj | karsten: it acts as if there is nothing in the sources.list file. | 04:02 |
stuNNed | n/m my ques heh just wondered if ubuntu would have something native | 04:02 |
karsten | nubious: less /usr/share/doc/sysv-rc/README.policy-rc.d.gz | 04:02 |
karsten | meuserj: Get a sources.list file from someone else on channel. I'm not in Ubuntu. | 04:02 |
nubious | ok cool... | 04:02 |
nubious | I'll check that out | 04:02 |
nubious | thanks. | 04:02 |
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spartacus | Falken, you get one too ;) | 04:03 |
karsten | How do you (re)configure /etc/apt/sources.list in Ubuntu? | 04:03 |
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spartacus | i'm not on ubuntu right now either | 04:03 |
metalsand | karsten: linux-wlan-ng-doc_0.2.0+0.2.1pre21-1_all.deb | 04:03 |
metalsand | How do I read that file | 04:03 |
karsten | meuserj: 'synaptic' and dig around for the sources specifications. | 04:03 |
karsten | metalsand: dpkg -i <filename> | 04:03 |
Falken | Ok... | 04:03 |
spartacus | can synaptic do that automagically? eg, run it and add sources | 04:03 |
metalsand | what's dpkg? | 04:03 |
karsten | metalsand: ...including the ".deb" extension. | 04:03 |
=== bodaciousb [~bodacious@id-cralid-cuda2a-68-238.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
meuserj | karsten: no offense.. I'm not a noob... been using debian since potato, it's not a source.list error. | 04:03 |
karsten | metalsand: More genarally, you'd do "aptitude install <packagename>" or install via synaptic. Package name in your case is linux-wlan-ng-doc. | 04:04 |
karsten | meuserj: NP. I'm also Debian user. | 04:04 |
karsten | meuserj: Sorry, keep having to hit scrollback to see your first paste.... | 04:04 |
bodaciousb | does anyone know how i can make my script run off of the right click menu in the gnome file browser? | 04:05 |
Falken | Wait... this is the #ubuntu channel, and nobody is on Ubuntu? | 04:05 |
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karsten | meuserj: mkdir /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/ | 04:05 |
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meuserj | karsten: it already exists | 04:05 |
karsten | meuserj: ...and try again. Complaint about that being missing. Check to see if anything else is borked down there. | 04:05 |
spartacus | Falken, i use it at home. i'm on Mandrake and Adamantix at work | 04:06 |
karsten | meuserj: /join #flood and paste command & output. | 04:06 |
Falken | Ah... | 04:06 |
metalsand | karsten: Setting up linux-wlan-ng-doc | 04:06 |
metalsand | but nothing happens | 04:06 |
karsten | spartacus: When the hell did 80's new-wave rockers start releasing Linux distros? | 04:06 |
=== ] BreliC[ [~vince@CPE0004e24a59cd-CM0011aea58e24.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
karsten | metalsand: Good. | 04:06 |
] BreliC[ | can someone here do me a small favour? | 04:07 |
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metalsand | It's good that my documentation doesn't display anything? | 04:07 |
karsten | ] BreliC[: Ask. | 04:07 |
spartacus | karsten, heh. dunno... i wouldn't have named it that myself | 04:07 |
karsten | metalsand: You've installed the package. 'dpkg -L <package>' to see the files its installed. | 04:07 |
spartacus | karsten, trusted-debain sounded better | 04:07 |
metalsand | So when Synaptic downloads a package it doesn't auto isntall it? | 04:07 |
akpoff | Hello -- is their a queuing protocol to ask a question? | 04:07 |
spartacus | akpoff, no, just ask | 04:07 |
farruinn | akpoff, not at all, just ask | 04:07 |
karsten | metalsand: It should. | 04:08 |
farruinn | if someone has an answer they'll share it | 04:08 |
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] BreliC[ | karsten, well, my processor usage is about 2-5% currently... with Firefox open on a few sites.... but as soon as I visit this site http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/ it jumps to over 60%... does that happen with you as well? | 04:08 |
metalsand | Yet I just had to install it... | 04:08 |
akpoff | Thanks -- I have a question about caps-lock switching on a Powerbook. When I tell Gnome to make caps-lock another ctrl key the built-in keyboard doesn't swap but a USB keyboard does. Any ideas? | 04:08 |
karsten | ] BreliC[: Could be a gazillion things, and I'm not going to visit. | 04:08 |
karsten | ] BreliC[: ...however, javascript, java, and flash can all spike CPU usage. | 04:08 |
spartacus | akpoff, not sure, but have you investigate xkb? i know nothing about it tho... | 04:09 |
] BreliC[ | karsten, oh come on, it's a trusted site. :) | 04:09 |
] BreliC[ | karsten, i didn't think it would spike it that much! | 04:09 |
karsten | ] BreliC[: Bandwidth constraints. I'm not particularly interested. | 04:09 |
akpoff | I was really hoping nobody would offer that. :-) | 04:09 |
ishtvan22 | has anybody had a problem with firefox randomly crashing in ubuntu? | 04:09 |
karsten | ] BreliC[: CPU can be awfully spiky, doesn't take much. | 04:09 |
Falken | Thanks for the help guys... I found another way to do it. | 04:09 |
karsten | ishtvan22: It's been knwon to happen, but not often. Any other apps? | 04:10 |
spartacus | Falken, cool. :) | 04:10 |
] BreliC[ | karsten, but it maintains 60% as long as that site is open in firefox instance | 04:10 |
sarom | can the command whatis be used to search descriptions rather than names? | 04:10 |
Falken | Now I need to reboot to see if I got it right... | 04:10 |
karsten | ishtvan22: ...and/or any logged errors? | 04:10 |
ishtvan22 | no, just firefox, it crashes X and everything | 04:10 |
karsten | ] BreliC[: So I gathered. Read the source, deduce, I'm not interested. | 04:10 |
Xenguy | sarom: apt-cache search keyword | 04:10 |
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] BreliC[ | karsten, ok, then don't ask to do favours in that case | 04:11 |
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lowell | Does anyone no how to enable print sharing in Ubuntu | 04:11 |
karsten | lowell: CUPS & Samba. | 04:12 |
farruinn | lowell, I don't know how, but I'm prtty sure there's a wiki page on www.ubuntulinux.org | 04:12 |
spartacus | there's a windows cups client now | 04:12 |
sarom | Xenguy, apt-cache searches for stored programs... I don't think I'll be able to search for the descriptions of programs like: ls or man | 04:12 |
ryman | is gaim working for you guys ? | 04:12 |
] BreliC[ | Can anyone else visit that site for me to see if CPU usage is maintained at 60% or so when you have the site open? It's a trusted Sports Network site in Canada.. just wondering if it's my machine, or the site http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/ | 04:12 |
lowell | Is the functionality installed from the default Ubuntu disk? | 04:13 |
] BreliC[ | i have a 2ghz 512mb ram laptop | 04:13 |
tanek | can anyone send me the /etc/vmware/locations from vmware 5? mine is missing :'( | 04:13 |
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lowell | In Win XP there was a sharing tab for the printer. Not in Ubunutu | 04:13 |
karsten | lowell: ubuntu isn't XP. | 04:14 |
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farruinn | ] BreliC[, not anywhere close to 60% for me | 04:14 |
lowell | Where in Ubunutuwould one find how to do it? | 04:14 |
] BreliC[ | farruinn, hmm... thanks | 04:14 |
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] BreliC[ | maybe it's me, though not sure why it would be that high. kind of annoying | 04:14 |
farruinn | lowell, I suggest searching www.ubuntulinux.org, I believe there's a wiki page that describes how | 04:14 |
lowell | thanks guys. Will check. This the first time I install a Linux,,, | 04:15 |
ishtvan22 | karsten: what log should i check after firefox crash, ive never done that before | 04:15 |
spartacus | lowell, it's simple enough.. i'll walk u thu it | 04:16 |
=== pjo [~chatzilla@i222-151-4-42.s02.a022.ap.plala.or.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
spartacus | lowell, printing works? | 04:16 |
pjo | Hello Evrybody, i am from Japan new to ubuntu ! | 04:16 |
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] BreliC[ | hello pjo | 04:16 |
=== P0ldy [~P0ldy@cpe-065-190-033-003.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pjo | my friend told me that ubuntu is very popular | 04:17 |
karsten | ishtvan22: I'm thinking possible HW errors. /var/log/messages /var/log/syslog /var/log/kern.log possibly. | 04:17 |
pjo | where can I find general description of ubuntu ? | 04:17 |
P0ldy | distrowatch | 04:17 |
] BreliC[ | pjo, www.ubuntulinux.org | 04:18 |
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=== ryman [~ryman@adsl-68-126-149-97.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pjo | thanks is this free distribution ? | 04:18 |
HrdwrBoB | yes | 04:18 |
ishtvan22 | karsten: thanks, so should I just wait for it to happen again? | 04:18 |
pjo | great | 04:18 |
mebaran151 | hey | 04:18 |
] BreliC[ | pjo, yes free | 04:19 |
pjo | http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-27811.html i found this | 04:19 |
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pjo | i am trying to do this where can I ask questions on that ? | 04:19 |
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karsten | ishtvan22: Some apps crash periodically. Web browsers tend to be less stable with javascript / java / flash activated, though I can get sessions running weeks myself. | 04:19 |
] BreliC[ | pjo, you can try here, maybe someone can help you | 04:20 |
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mebaran151 | I need to get my virtual devices working | 04:20 |
karsten | ishtvan22: Just went through an issue with incorrectly installed RAM which was crashing a system. Apps would die, then the whole box would lock & panic. I had some nonfatal oopses as well. | 04:20 |
calvin123 | where can i go to find the packages on ubuntu? | 04:20 |
mebaran151 | how might I see them | 04:20 |
] BreliC[ | i don't know if there is a japanese ubuntu channel.. | 04:20 |
mebaran151 | to see where to start | 04:20 |
ishtvan22 | karsten: yeah, but it happened multiple times for no apparent reason and killed X everytime | 04:20 |
=== Nylira [~Nylira_70@cc71313-b.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tux0010 | hello world | 04:20 |
mebaran151 | return 0 | 04:21 |
=== kurros [~wade@92-14.26-24.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tux0010 | I came here this morning asking the same question | 04:21 |
pjo | ok thanks ... I am trying to install scim to input Japanese on KDE Sarge... will this method described in there work ? | 04:21 |
karsten | ishtvan22: aptitude install memtest86+ | 04:21 |
tux0010 | my 2D acceleration sux | 04:21 |
tux0010 | I am using an nvidia card | 04:21 |
=== shadeofgrey [~shadeofgr@user-1120di5.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
farruinn | ishtvan22, you may want to check the x logs too then | 04:21 |
ishtvan22 | karsten: my memory is fine, i did a test a little bit ago | 04:21 |
tux0010 | I think it hasn;t chosen the right refresh rates | 04:21 |
bodaciousb | how do i search for the gnome2 folder? | 04:21 |
shadeofgrey | hey everybody | 04:21 |
karsten | ishtvan22: That's going to install a memory tester on your system. It's a boot option. Try running overnight. | 04:21 |
karsten | ishtvan22: OK. | 04:21 |
tux0010 | however, I used to be able to make it automagically select them by using "X -configure" | 04:21 |
karsten | ishtvan22: Alternatively, check /var/log/XFree86.0.log and ~/.xsession.wmaker | 04:21 |
tux0010 | but it gives me errors in ubuntu saying "error: missing output drivers" | 04:21 |
karsten | ishtvan22: Um. ~/.xsession-errors | 04:22 |
pjo | actually Serge is running on coLinux | 04:22 |
mebaran151 | what is the best encoder | 04:22 |
mebaran151 | transcoder | 04:22 |
mebaran151 | or mencoder | 04:22 |
mebaran151 | and is it better to rip subs by -vobsubout in mencoder | 04:22 |
mebaran151 | or by -dumpsub in mplayer | 04:22 |
tux0010 | please can anyone help me? | 04:23 |
mebaran151 | what was the question | 04:23 |
tux0010 | how do I select the proper refresh rates for my laptop? | 04:23 |
] BreliC[ | pjo, based on the comments on that page, it seems as though some people have it working | 04:23 |
tux0010 | I used to be able to do it by "X -configure" in slackware and arch linux | 04:23 |
bodaciousb | Where is gnome installed to? i cant find it | 04:23 |
tux0010 | but that method is not working in ubuntu | 04:23 |
] BreliC[ | you could try to follow that guide and take the advice of others on that page and see if it works for you | 04:23 |
anto9us | bodaciousb: all the configuration stuff is stalled in hidden folders in your home folder | 04:24 |
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bodaciousb | anto9us, sweet, thanks | 04:24 |
pjo | ] BreliC[: thanks but how do I communicate with these people in that posts ? | 04:24 |
shadeofgrey | ahhh | 04:24 |
shadeofgrey | thats better | 04:24 |
=== utta [~utta@c-24-128-224-224.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pjo | ] BreliC[: the page I found is an archive, do you knpw where is the active forum ? | 04:26 |
shadeofgrey | okay so | 04:26 |
=== vaiux [~r00t@wsip-68-15-145-38.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shadeofgrey | im running an nvidia card and id like to use xmms -- how do i use apt-get to install libmik? | 04:26 |
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Tm_Nuada | hmm | 04:27 |
tux0010 | my 2D is sucking | 04:27 |
tux0010 | :( | 04:27 |
tux0010 | I see tearing across the screen when minimizing firefox, etc | 04:27 |
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shadeofgrey | what kind of card is it ? | 04:27 |
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tux0010 | with the same version of nvidia drivers, this doesn't happen in other distros | 04:27 |
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tux0010 | nvidia geforce fx 5600go | 04:27 |
] BreliC[ | pjo, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27811 | 04:27 |
pjo | ] BreliC[: thanks | 04:28 |
shadeofgrey | does nobody really know about libmik? | 04:28 |
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bob2 | shadeofgrey: libmikmod2 | 04:29 |
pjo | ] BreliC[: what does ubuntu mean ? | 04:29 |
bob2 | shadeofgrey: install it like you install every other package | 04:29 |
shadeofgrey | ah okay... i understand | 04:29 |
=== SyphonAI [~SyphonAI@ip68-99-111-190.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tux0010 | :( | 04:29 |
tux0010 | please can anyone help me? | 04:29 |
bob2 | tux0010: do you have problems with the Free drivers? | 04:29 |
tux0010 | bob2, the nvidia one | 04:30 |
tux0010 | bob2, the strange thing is that i was running arch linux right before this | 04:30 |
tux0010 | bob2, and the exact same drivers worked great | 04:30 |
bob2 | tux0010: no, when you use the normal drivers, do you have problems? | 04:30 |
tux0010 | bob2, could it be because of a different set of refresh rates chosen by ubuntu? | 04:30 |
tux0010 | bob2, i haven't tried it yet | 04:30 |
bob2 | ... | 04:31 |
jkinz | hi all, quick question, does ubuntu support mounting an ntfs filesystem read only (or any other way for that matter)? | 04:31 |
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bob2 | jkinz: sure | 04:31 |
shadeofgrey | okay "apt-get install libmikmod2" didnt work | 04:31 |
tux0010 | bob2, should I give it a shot? | 04:31 |
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bob2 | tux0010: yes | 04:31 |
tux0010 | bob2, ok brb | 04:31 |
] BreliC[ | pjo, it says it on the ubuntu homepage.. "Humanity to others" | 04:31 |
shadeofgrey | do i need to be in a special repository that isnt in the default ones? | 04:31 |
jkinz | bob2: any idea what the mount comand should look like? | 04:31 |
bob2 | shadeofgrey: no | 04:31 |
ThomasWinwood | jkinz: mount -t ntfs blah | 04:31 |
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bob2 | shadeofgrey: wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto, it's in universe | 04:31 |
bob2 | yes, the nvidia drivers are annoyingly buggy | 04:31 |
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jkinz | ThomasWinwood: thx | 04:32 |
ThomasWinwood | You're welcome. | 04:32 |
Tm_Nuada | hmm, any irssi users here? | 04:32 |
pjo | ] BreliC[: thanks | 04:32 |
Xenguy | Tm_Nuada: ask | 04:32 |
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Tm_Nuada | just wondering... I'm working on my own theme | 04:33 |
shadeofgrey | how do i add universe to the synaptic package manager? the wiki doesnt say | 04:33 |
pjo | ] BreliC[: pls tell me how do I copy and paste from Windows XP window to putty window ? | 04:33 |
pjo | ] BreliC[: I can do that recersely | 04:33 |
Tm_Nuada | hmm, ok, I go back to #kubuntu -> | 04:34 |
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bob2 | shadeofgrey: read it again | 04:34 |
=== Xenguy shrugs... | ||
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tux0010 | bob2, same problem | 04:34 |
shadeofgrey | i got it | 04:34 |
shadeofgrey | thanks! | 04:34 |
tux0010 | I think its the refresh rates maybe? | 04:34 |
bob2 | no idea | 04:34 |
=== Zaphod_ [~Agrajag@66-215-172-98.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jkinz | bob2, ThomasWinwood, success! Thanks, oo | 04:34 |
shadeofgrey | is the newer version of openoffice 2 with the blue splash screen available in universe yet? | 04:35 |
=== Windpaw [~windpaw@astinus-gentoo.staff.freenode] has joined #ubuntu | ||
paulproteus | Interesting, a Gentoo user in #ubuntu. | 04:35 |
paulproteus | I mean, hi Windpaw. :) | 04:36 |
shido6 | emerge ubuntu | 04:36 |
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=== Astinus [~windpaw@astinus-gentoo.staff.freenode] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
] BreliC[ | pjo, if it's anything like linux, you would have to hit SHIFT-INSERT | 04:37 |
] BreliC[ | pjo, but I don't know Windows / Putty enough to tell you | 04:38 |
Windpaw | hiya paulproteus | 04:38 |
=== ricardo [~ricardo@ALamentin-101-1-11-10.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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karsten | shido6: Heh. | 04:39 |
shido6 | hrmm | 04:40 |
paulproteus | ] BreliC[: To paste in PuTTY, right-click. | 04:40 |
darkaudit | what's the preferred ver. of xmame with an nVidia GeForce card? | 04:41 |
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=== afroman [~afroman@c-0de870d5.04-271-73746f34.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pjo | Oh thanks for the right-click! | 04:42 |
afroman | karsten | 04:42 |
afroman | karsten: hi again | 04:42 |
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afroman | karsten: I'm back | 04:43 |
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afroman | anyone here who can help me with scp and ssh | 04:44 |
paulproteus | afroman: Sure. | 04:45 |
paulproteus | But you'd have to ask a question. | 04:45 |
hutch | hey...does ne body kno how to install the "linux-install.sh" for UT2004? | 04:45 |
hutch | and apply the patch | 04:45 |
afroman | all right | 04:45 |
paulproteus | hutch: Just run it, as I understand. $ ./linux-install.sh | 04:45 |
dantheman | how can i get transparency in my windows? | 04:45 |
darkaudit | hutch: which patch? there are several | 04:46 |
afroman | 1st wot is the difference between SCP and SSH | 04:46 |
=== Jimbob_ [jcape@c-67-173-147-129.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
paulproteus | afroman: SSH is a protocol. | 04:46 |
paulproteus | scp is a program that uses the SSH protocol to copy files. | 04:46 |
afroman | cool | 04:46 |
paulproteus | sftp is another such program. They both talk to the remote computer by the SSH protocol. | 04:46 |
darkaudit | hutch: http://liflg.org/ | 04:46 |
paulproteus | scp is best for little files when you know where they are. | 04:47 |
paulproteus | ssh is a general client for the SSH protocol. It lets you run programs on the remote computer, forward ports, and more. | 04:47 |
afroman | paul> ok... so wot do U recommand to use for file transfer...?? | 04:47 |
afroman | wot prog...?? even if U have to beyond SSH... | 04:47 |
ThomasWinwood | afroman: Your question reminds me of the people who say "I use the internet version 4" when they mean Internet Explorer. | 04:48 |
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tritium | afroman, s/wot/what | 04:48 |
Xenguy | afroman: for yourself? for others? Linux->linux? d0ze->linux? on a LAN, or between remote networks? | 04:48 |
Xenguy | afroman: and jesus, can you type English please? | 04:48 |
afroman | I just want the easiest | 04:48 |
dantheman | i'm trying to watch a video in vlc and i get an error that says "oss audio output error: cannot open audio device (/dv/dsp)" | 04:49 |
dantheman | does anyone know what i might to do fix that? | 04:49 |
ThomasWinwood | dantheman: Switch to another sound daemon, like esd or alsa. | 04:49 |
Android20 | i am in need of assitance with dpkg if any one is available | 04:49 |
hyphenated | dannemare: use a sound server in all your apps | 04:49 |
Xenguy | afroman: apt-get install ssh (the server), and install 'winscp' on your d0ze PC's | 04:49 |
ThomasWinwood | Android20: man dpkg | 04:49 |
dantheman | how do i switch to another sound daemon? | 04:50 |
Xenguy | afroman: use 'gftp' if you want a GUI linux client | 04:50 |
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afroman | in between windows boxes I use USB cable... can I use the cable in Linux | 04:50 |
Xenguy | afroman: make sure you configure your ssh server properly (man sshd_config, then configure /etc/ssh/sshd_config) | 04:50 |
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dantheman | oh wait...it appears to only be a problem in vlc | 04:51 |
dantheman | gxine works fine | 04:51 |
=== Nalioth [~Apple@cpe-66-25-43-80.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
karsten | afroman: Sorry, was AFK. | 04:52 |
afroman | Xenguy: what is AFK??? | 04:52 |
Nalioth | howdy | 04:52 |
Xenguy | away from keyboard | 04:52 |
afroman | ok | 04:52 |
Nalioth | i'm back from AFK land, where i was installing a new power socket | 04:53 |
Nalioth | it was not an enlightening experience | 04:53 |
Nalioth | afroman, were you successful? | 04:53 |
karsten | Nalioth: Try sticking your finger in it. | 04:53 |
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afroman | I just installed SSH | 04:53 |
paulproteus | karsten: That'd be enlightening. | 04:53 |
Nalioth | karsten, holding the bare wires, and having the neighbor turn the breaker back on is easier | 04:53 |
karsten | paulproteus: Quite. | 04:53 |
afroman | how do I configure?? | 04:54 |
REds | can u use normal debian htto sources, to install packages or upgrade ubuntu | 04:54 |
karsten | paulproteus: ...and if a finger wasn't sufficient, I've got some other suggestions.... | 04:54 |
ThomasWinwood | karsten: At least you might achieve enlightenment (= nirvana) ;) | 04:54 |
karsten | REds: Not supported, nor particularly advised. | 04:54 |
Nalioth | REds, that may/will break some ubuntu innards | 04:54 |
Nalioth | afroman, did you install on your linux box "openssh-server"? | 04:54 |
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=== Muffie [~Macello28@200-221-62-53.tvaacesso.speeduol.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
karsten | afroman: It should be configured sanely out of the box. | 04:55 |
afroman | Nalioth: no I installed just SSH | 04:55 |
Muffie | hello all. Anyone a good tool to fix some partition possible errors? I have a 2o. disc (30gb) with 1 windows partition and 5gb of free space. I have tried to install FreeBSD (unsucessfully). The Windows Data partition still there, but fdisk shows that the disk contains only 2mb!!! and Partition Magic shows that its BAD! | 04:55 |
karsten | afroman: 'ssh localhost' to test. | 04:55 |
karsten | Muffie: gpart | 04:55 |
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Android20 | thank you | 04:55 |
=== Kisain_ [~Kisain@24-177-160-171.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
karsten | Muffie: ...or qtparted, in general, though I'd get my backups done *frist*. | 04:56 |
Nalioth | afroman, you will need to install the server on your linux box (unless you want that BSOD thing hanging over your every byte xferred by installing a ssh server on your windoze block) | 04:56 |
karsten | Muffie: Um. *first*. | 04:56 |
ThomasWinwood | frist bakcup! | 04:56 |
karsten | Muffie: Not sure the Senate Majority Leader will take special interest in your partition table... | 04:56 |
karsten | ThomasWinwood: Actually, in Frist's case, I'd just as soon nuke the original. | 04:56 |
Nalioth | Muffie, no good will come of mixing windoze and anything | 04:56 |
karsten | Nalioth: Dunno. I've always been partial to windows & baseballs. | 04:57 |
Muffie | qtparted quits with an error! :) Critical Error during PED_DISK_NEW!!! | 04:57 |
Android20 | the synaptic package manager is reporting that W: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key | 04:57 |
afroman | Nalioth: I don't know what you just said... but I'm gonna install the server | 04:57 |
Nalioth | karsten, a delightful combination! the sound the ball makes when it passes thru the box is heavenly | 04:57 |
ThomasWinwood | Mixing Windoze and Linux is like mixing Ectasy with LSD. It produces nasty toxins and you die painfully and end up looking like a bloated pig. | 04:57 |
=== Termina [~will@CPE-69-76-126-14.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nalioth | afroman, the package is called "openssh-server" in ubuntu | 04:58 |
afroman | karsten: the test, how do I know if it works or not...??? it is just standing still | 04:58 |
karsten | ThomasWinwood: ...and you love everyone while doing it? | 04:58 |
karsten | afroman: 'ssh -v localhost'. | 04:58 |
Nalioth | afroman, it will not work unless you have the server running | 04:58 |
Termina | Hey, I'm having trouble getting a monitor to work (along with my LCD screen) on my laptop as per this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31686 | 04:58 |
ThomasWinwood | karsten: Before you first puke brown gunk, yeah. | 04:58 |
karsten | afroman: ...you should at some point get a password prompt, or a timeout. | 04:58 |
Termina | Could anyone help me out? :) | 04:58 |
bluefoxicy | find me something that looks like litestep | 04:58 |
karsten | ThomasWinwood: No, not brown gunk. | 04:58 |
karsten | ThomasWinwood: ...the LSD will colorize it. | 04:58 |
bluefoxicy | http://beyondconvention.net/ohussain/lsinstaller/images/post_install.png | 04:58 |
ThomasWinwood | It's brown to those of us with clarity of sight. | 04:58 |
karsten | bluefoxicy: ?? | 04:59 |
Nalioth | bluefoxicy, litestep won't compile on ubuntu? | 04:59 |
karsten | Tux flies! http://www.airliners.net/open.file?id=018764 | 04:59 |
ThomasWinwood | Litestep is Windows only. | 04:59 |
afroman | karsten: how long do I have to wait...?? | 04:59 |
bluefoxicy | Nalioth: does it work on ubuntu? :) | 04:59 |
Nalioth | isnt it open source? | 04:59 |
bluefoxicy | ThomasWinwood: find something that looks like it for me :D | 05:00 |
karsten | bluefoxicy: Um. How about WindowMaker? | 05:00 |
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bluefoxicy | karsten: windowmaker doesn't look like that, can it be set that way? o.o | 05:00 |
karsten | bluefoxicy: ...hrm. Or XFCE4 | 05:00 |
ThomasWinwood | bluefoxicy: Why? GNOME is positively heavenly, and opensource. ;) | 05:00 |
karsten | bluefoxicy: ...which is highly themable. | 05:00 |
Nalioth | bluefoxicy, search your apt-cache or use synactic for "litestep" | 05:00 |
=== ThomasWinwood is admittedly biased by bad experiences with KDE. | ||
karsten | Nalioth: Litestep is a Windows-only desktop environment. It's themes on top of Windoes Explorer, IIRC. | 05:01 |
ThomasWinwood | karsten: It's an alternative shell instead of explorer.exe | 05:01 |
karsten | bluefoxicy: ...the icon sets you're seeing there are really close to a couple of the XFCE4 themes. | 05:01 |
bluefoxicy | karsten: it's a separate shell. | 05:01 |
karsten | ThomasWinwood: I know. | 05:01 |
Nalioth | karsten, ok, but searching with synaptic under "contains" and the term litestep may bring an answer | 05:01 |
=== FunnyLookinHat [~funnyhat@harr-b-052.resnet.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
metalsand | Litestep negates Windows Explorer... explorer.exe isn't running | 05:01 |
karsten | bluefoxicy: OK, wasn't sure of the specifics. | 05:01 |
karsten | Nalioth: It doesn't. | 05:01 |
=== Nalioth has little, er nothing to do with windoze | ||
metalsand | Is there much themeing done for gnome? | 05:01 |
karsten | Nalioth: Likewise. Though I've played with the GNUWin II cd, which includes Litestep. | 05:02 |
=== Nalioth might shoot baseballs thru windoze boxen, if given the chance | ||
bluefoxicy | did anyone actually look at the screenshot I showed? | 05:02 |
afroman | karsten: I waited nothing came | 05:02 |
bluefoxicy | it's a very soft looking setup :) | 05:02 |
karsten | metalsand: Most of the theming for gnome ith done by thothe that lithp. | 05:02 |
karsten | afroman: /etc/init.d/ssh start | 05:02 |
dantheman | does anyone know how to do window transparency in gnome? | 05:02 |
ThomasWinwood | s/most/motht | 05:02 |
afroman | Nalioth: I think I have the server installed and running | 05:02 |
Nalioth | isnt litestep modeled after "afterstep" or something? | 05:03 |
karsten | bluefoxicy: I'm looking. | 05:03 |
ThomasWinwood | Nalioth hits the hammer with the nailhead. | 05:03 |
Nalioth | afroman, do the "ssh localhost" thang from a terminal | 05:03 |
Termina | Hey, anyone willing to help me set up dual monitors on my laptop? ^_^; | 05:03 |
Nalioth | so get 'afterstep' | 05:03 |
karsten | ThomasWinwood: Yet another case of "When you're a nail, everything looks like a hammer?" | 05:03 |
ThomasWinwood | Something like that, karsten. | 05:03 |
karsten | Nalioth: LS != afterstep. | 05:03 |
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spiderworm | help, where is the desktop sharing thing in ubuntu? cant find it under applications | 05:03 |
karsten | Nalioth: ...and WMaker is the more current deal anyway. | 05:03 |
afroman | Nalioth: I*m doing it | 05:03 |
afroman | nothing | 05:04 |
karsten | spiderworm: nautilus. 'smb://<ip - or hostname> | 05:04 |
bluefoxicy | hmm | 05:04 |
ThomasWinwood | LS was originally like Afterstep, but diverged once the Wharf became optional. | 05:04 |
=== bluefoxicy loks into this. | ||
Nalioth | afroman, try "ssh" | 05:04 |
spiderworm | karsten: not file sharing, DESKTOP sharing | 05:04 |
karsten | spiderworm: x11vnc | 05:04 |
afroman | Nalioth: I even did /etc/init.d/ssh start and it said "Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell Server | 05:05 |
metalsand | karsten: Do all things I download using Synaptic need to be installed with the dpkg command? | 05:05 |
=== Nalioth has not a clue about WMs, he uses gnome since ubuntu comes with | ||
=== CitizenKane [~kyle@c-24-118-58-24.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nalioth | metalsand, synaptic installs for you | 05:05 |
karsten | metalsand: Synaptic should and IIRC _does_ install for you by default. | 05:05 |
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CitizenKane | does anyone know how to edit the panel menus in gnome? | 05:05 |
metalsand | karsten: If I downloaded the wlan-ng-doc, I'm still not sure how to read the documentation | 05:05 |
metalsand | If it already installs it where do I go to read it? | 05:06 |
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ThomasWinwood | metalsand: possibly a man page? | 05:07 |
afroman | Nalioth: well... | 05:07 |
afroman | ?? | 05:07 |
metalsand | Hrmmm. I'll try that | 05:07 |
metalsand | I'm rebooting right now, I'll try man wlan-ng | 05:07 |
Nalioth | metalsand, in galeon there is a link in the default startpage for on-system docs | 05:07 |
metalsand | Where's galeon? | 05:08 |
Nalioth | afroman, well what? | 05:08 |
Nalioth | metalsand, it is a web browser | 05:08 |
CitizenKane | does anyone know how to edit the panel menus in gnome? | 05:08 |
metalsand | Doe sit come defult with Ubuntu? | 05:08 |
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metalsand | default* | 05:09 |
afroman | Nalioth: it timed out | 05:09 |
Nalioth | hmmm | 05:09 |
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Nalioth | metalsand, yes | 05:09 |
afroman | Karsten: it timed out | 05:10 |
Nalioth | afroman, go to your windozer and see if you can connect using putty or some other ssh enabled transfer agent | 05:10 |
metalsand | What does the little red square next to the network status icon mean? | 05:10 |
=== SiRrUs [~SiRrUs@HSE-MTL-ppp73796.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
metalsand | On the bottom right | 05:10 |
SiRrUs | hello | 05:10 |
karsten | afroman: grep ssh /var/log/daemon.log | 05:10 |
Nalioth | karsten, thank you | 05:10 |
afroman | Nalioth: I have tried before and it worked... | 05:10 |
dantheman | does anyone know how to get window transparency in gnome? | 05:10 |
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Nalioth | i only know that sftp/scp is the easiest to set up | 05:11 |
metalsand | My network connection is sending and recieving but I cannot access the internet | 05:11 |
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|iceman| | anyone know how to add mp3 export capability to audacity w/o having to compile lame? | 05:11 |
CitizenKane | does anyone know how to edit the panel menus in gnome? | 05:11 |
doug | evening everyone! | 05:11 |
afroman | karsten: nothing comes with that command | 05:12 |
regeya_ | lame is in multiverse | 05:12 |
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karsten | afroman: ps aux | grep [s] shd | 05:12 |
|iceman| | i have lame installed, but audacity doesn't recognize it for export | 05:12 |
ryman | I want to learn C program, after I type my code gedit. what do I do after that ? what file ext do I save the file as and how to I execute it ? | 05:13 |
karsten | afroman: ...and what happens when you do '/etc/init.d/ssh start' ? | 05:13 |
regeya_ | jpe snpi | 05:13 |
Nalioth | |iceman|, is your repository list set up properly? | 05:13 |
regeya_ | how about liblame0 | 05:13 |
regeya_ | fo uskdjhnb | 05:13 |
regeya_ | dang | 05:13 |
regeya_ | my fingers seem to have forgotten how to type | 05:13 |
Nalioth | ryman, depends on what type of code you are writing | 05:14 |
|iceman| | i think so... lame is showing when i search for it | 05:14 |
Nalioth | most plain C code ends with .c | 05:14 |
regeya_ | |iceman|, is liblame0 also installed | 05:14 |
ryman | Nalioth+ just a basic hello world one | 05:14 |
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|iceman| | nope... can't find liblame0 | 05:14 |
afroman | karsten: it says "Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell Server | 05:14 |
regeya_ | well, wait. | 05:15 |
Nalioth | ryman, 1st your write the code, 2nd you compile the code, 3d you execute the code | 05:15 |
karsten | afroman: ssh localhost | 05:15 |
metalsand | What does it mean when my eth0 connection properties are sending and recieiving, but I cannot access the internet | 05:15 |
karsten | afroman: ...confirm the server is running: ps aux | grep [s] shd | 05:15 |
|iceman| | just installed liblame0.... that should do it I bet... thx | 05:15 |
regeya_ | lame and liblame0 are both multiverse, I think....so you don't have liblame0 installed, or you can't find it? | 05:15 |
regeya_ | oh | 05:15 |
karsten | metalsand: It means your connection's misconfigured. | 05:15 |
karsten | metalsand: Got default route? | 05:15 |
doug | can anyone help me with installing programs? | 05:15 |
karsten | metalsand: ...and/or can you resolve names? | 05:15 |
metalsand | I don't even know what the means, Karsten | 05:16 |
karsten | doug: synaptic | 05:16 |
Nalioth | doug your question is? | 05:16 |
karsten | metalsand: 'route' | 05:16 |
doug | I installed some packages with synaptic, but now i want to open them and i don't know how | 05:16 |
metalsand | Kernal IP routing table | 05:16 |
metalsand | Destination, Gateway, Genmaks, Flags metric Ref, Us Iface | 05:16 |
karsten | metalsand: Try: '/sbin/route -n'. You should see a line like: UG 0 0 0 eth0 | 05:16 |
doug | It was a book manager program | 05:16 |
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afroman | karsten: root 14415 0.0 0.3 3512 1524 ? Ss 01:58 0:00 /usr/sb | 05:16 |
metalsand | There's no values, karsten | 05:16 |
Nalioth | doug if the proggys are not located in the menu, open up a terminal and type their names | 05:17 |
karsten | metalsand: The '' is important. Just paste that line. If you don't see it, you're missing a default root. | 05:17 |
doug | Just the name? | 05:17 |
Nalioth | doug hopefully just the name | 05:17 |
karsten | metalsand: How is your network configured? Static or DHCP? | 05:17 |
metalsand | So I'm missing a default root, what does that mean | 05:17 |
metalsand | DHCP | 05:17 |
karsten | afroman: ?? | 05:17 |
karsten | metalsand: What's your DHCP server? | 05:17 |
CitizenKane | does anyone know how to edit the panel menus in gnome? | 05:17 |
doug | sounds much to simple! but i'll give it a try | 05:17 |
metalsand | | 05:17 |
afroman | karsten: that is wot I get | 05:17 |
karsten | metalsand: What kind of device? | 05:17 |
metalsand | Router | 05:17 |
Nalioth | doug, dang near EVERY program on your linux box can be started at the terminal | 05:18 |
metalsand | This is wireless, karsten | 05:18 |
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doug | of course, im currently downloading another package, so will be 10 minutes before i can try it | 05:18 |
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karsten | metalsand: Can you admin that via web or something? | 05:18 |
Nalioth | doug why? | 05:18 |
afroman | karstin: root 14415 0.0 0.3 3512 1524 ? Ss 01:58 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd | 05:18 |
ryman | Nalioth+ thanks I found a link on google | 05:18 |
karsten | metalsand: Alternatively, quick check, try: | 05:18 |
metalsand | Yes, karsten | 05:18 |
doug | I'm sure it can, i'm just worried it will require some big long command that i don't know yet... | 05:18 |
karsten | afroman: Thanks. You're running ssh. 'ssh localhost' | 05:18 |
karsten | metalsand: 'route add default gw' | 05:18 |
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Nalioth | doug, open another terminal and let 'er rip | 05:19 |
karsten | metalsand: ...and see if you can ping some remote IP. Saywww.ubuntulinux.com has address | 05:19 |
doug | I need to check the menu for the right name, and i cant see the synaptec menu atm because it is downloading a package | 05:19 |
Mr_Milenko | my desktop looks perty :} | 05:19 |
metalsand | SIOCADDR: Network is unreachable | 05:19 |
Nalioth | ryman, i am a self taught programmer (what a freakin scary thought, eh?) | 05:19 |
karsten | [ADULT_SWIM] : Does this mean the kids have to get out? | 05:19 |
metalsand | karsten: SIOCADDR: Network is unreachable | 05:19 |
[ADULT_SWIM] | lol | 05:19 |
karsten | metalsand: '/sbin/ifconfig eth0'. Paste to #flood. | 05:19 |
[ADULT_SWIM] | maybe ^_^ | 05:19 |
metasquier | hey, can someone tell me where I can get instructions on how to install gnome themes? | 05:20 |
afroman | karsten: but why did it time out when I ran ssh -v Localhost | 05:20 |
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karsten | afroman: Try it again. | 05:20 |
metalsand | Karsten: I cannot connect to the internet | 05:20 |
metalsand | I'm relaying from my PC | 05:20 |
narg | are the ubuntu us apt servers down? | 05:20 |
afroman | karsten: as root??? | 05:20 |
karsten | afroman: Doesn't matter. | 05:20 |
karsten | metalsand: What box are you on now? | 05:21 |
Nalioth | metasquier, google? art.gnome.org? gnome-look.org? | 05:21 |
afroman | karsten: OpenSSH_3.9p1 Debian-1ubuntu2, OpenSSL 0.9.7e 25 Oct 2004 | 05:21 |
afroman | debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config | 05:21 |
afroman | debug1: Applying options for * | 05:21 |
afroman | debug1: Connecting to Linux [] port 22. | 05:21 |
Mr_Milenko | http://hwbbusiness.com/milenko/gnomewithmac.png <-- pretty eh? lol | 05:21 |
karsten | afroman: Paste to #flood please. | 05:21 |
metalsand | karsten: I'm on my Windows PC | 05:22 |
karsten | metalsand: OK. | 05:22 |
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metalsand | karsten: The ubuntu is on my laptop (right next to me) | 05:22 |
metasquier | Nalioth, Ive tried searching google- no help, gnome-look.org has no instructions, but I think I will try art.gnome.org | 05:22 |
ryman | Nalioth+ I got a C programming book for free | 05:22 |
afroman | karsten: what is #flood?? | 05:22 |
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metalsand | karsten: I'm also trying to configure my PCMCIA wireless connection | 05:22 |
ryman | I just don't know how to work it with Ubuntu | 05:22 |
metalsand | karsten: So really I don't even care about this connection. So if you want to just work on getting that to work we can forgot about this for now | 05:23 |
Nalioth | ryman, Great! you are doing better than I (i had to steal mine) | 05:23 |
stuNNed | ryman: learn vim | 05:23 |
narg | can someone tell me a package mirror other than the us one? | 05:23 |
ryman | Nalioth+ I got a for free from a yard sale | 05:23 |
ryman | lol | 05:23 |
Nalioth | narg, patience they will return shortly | 05:23 |
narg | so it IS down? | 05:23 |
Nalioth | narg, if they are, they will shortly be back up | 05:24 |
Nalioth | patience | 05:24 |
karsten | metalsand: OK. ENsure your ethernet device is up. | 05:24 |
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karsten | metalsand: 'ifconfig eth0' should output something like ... Um. see #flood. | 05:24 |
afroman | karsten: what do U think?? it timed out again | 05:24 |
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karsten | afroman: I think your computer is stoned. | 05:25 |
afroman | kasten: lol I think so 2 | 05:26 |
karsten | metalsand: 'ifdown eth0; ifconfig eth0 down' | 05:26 |
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afroman | karsten: what do I do??? | 05:26 |
karsten | metalsand: ...should ensure eth0 is down. | 05:26 |
karsten | afroman: Panic. | 05:26 |
stuNNed | lol | 05:26 |
afroman | :D | 05:26 |
a_monkey | what's the difference between unrar and unrar-nonfree? i don't get what "non-free" its | 05:27 |
karsten | Someone w/ more patience than me please walk afroman through sshd config & troubleshot. | 05:27 |
a_monkey | is* | 05:27 |
karsten | a_monkey: licensing and functionality. | 05:27 |
Nalioth | afroman, burn a cd | 05:27 |
metalsand | "eth: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device@ | 05:27 |
karsten | a_monkey: nonfree == encumbered stuff with non-DFSG licenses. But many RAR archives won't work w/o them. | 05:27 |
karsten | metalsand: What sort of NIC do you have? | 05:27 |
Nalioth | a_monkey "non-free" is software that has a license so you can't do anything with it | 05:27 |
karsten | metalsand: 'lspci | grep -i eth' | 05:27 |
metalsand | mini-PCI | 05:27 |
karsten | metalsand: Noninformative. | 05:28 |
afroman | Nalioth: wot CD??? | 05:28 |
Nalioth | afroman, for your file xfer | 05:28 |
metalsand | 000:02:05.0 Ethernet Controller: Broadcom Corp BMC4401-BO | 05:28 |
karsten | Nalioth: Heh. | 05:28 |
karsten | Nalioth: He's got SMB working, I think. Maybe not. | 05:28 |
metalsand | ALthough, that's my ethernet controller... I'm connecting to the internet wirelessly | 05:28 |
mpt | DNS problem: Trying to visit www.quirksmode.org, www.groklaw.net, docs.python.org, and various other sites takes me to buydomains.com. Why? | 05:28 |
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karsten | metalsand: 'lspci | grep -i eth0' | 05:28 |
metalsand | That's unconfigured, I don't even think I have drivers for it yet | 05:28 |
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metalsand | karsten: nothing | 05:29 |
karsten | metalsand: That reads the PCI bus directly, doesn't need drivers. | 05:29 |
karsten | metalsand: PCMCIA? | 05:29 |
metalsand | NO | 05:29 |
metalsand | No* | 05:29 |
metalsand | Mini-PCI | 05:29 |
afroman | Nalioth: that is an easy way... | 05:29 |
metalsand | On my network settings GUI | 05:29 |
metalsand | it shows a PCMCIA card | 05:29 |
Nalioth | karsten, afroman i know nothing about windoze (that i'll admit) i only suggested sshd as the easiest (setup-wise) for ship to ship xfer | 05:29 |
paulproteus | mpt: You seem to have evil DNS servers. | 05:29 |
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metalsand | Perhaps Linux detects it as such? | 05:29 |
paulproteus | I suggest setting yours to, the one I use. It's hosted by the University of Rochester. | 05:30 |
saul | Heelo | 05:30 |
karsten | Nalioth: afroman can't seem to get his ssh daemon working and/or diagnose it, and he's a 111% n00b. I can't handle further... | 05:30 |
afroman | Nalioth: I just want to set up my ssh | 05:30 |
Nalioth | karsten, afroman i've installed a win32 ssh client on some windoze machines i manage, and done all sorts of stuff to unix machines on the same network | 05:30 |
mpt | paulproteus: I'm connecting my laptop running Ubuntu at a cybercafe. The Windows computers at the same cybercafe, using the same DNS server, don't have the same problem. | 05:30 |
paulproteus | Hmm. | 05:30 |
karsten | Nalioth: PuTTY? | 05:30 |
saul | I can updae de warty version to Hoary version using the atp-get? | 05:30 |
afroman | karsten: I think I can handle if U tell me what to do | 05:30 |
paulproteus | Maybe part of the problem is IPv6? | 05:31 |
karsten | afroman: Nalioth please. | 05:31 |
Nalioth | karsten, nay, i found some simple CLI win32 ssh client | 05:31 |
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karsten | metalsand: OK, what's mini-PCI, I appear to be hardware-challenged here. | 05:31 |
afroman | the ssh I'm talking about is on Ubuntu | 05:31 |
karsten | Nalioth: OK. | 05:31 |
mpt | paulproteus: That sounds like the Internet equivalent of "It's a bug in GTK+!" :-) | 05:31 |
Nalioth | karsten, dropped it into the /system32 and away i went (almost like *nix) | 05:31 |
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afroman | Karsten, Nalioth the ssh I'm talking about is on Ubuntu | 05:31 |
mpt | paulproteus: What do you mean specifically? | 05:31 |
karsten | paulproteus: I think it's in the high-numbered bits. | 05:31 |
afroman | Karsten, Nalioth the ssh I'm talking about is on Ubuntu, that's there that I'm having the prob | 05:31 |
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paulproteus | karsten: Hmm? | 05:32 |
karsten | afroman: Please direct to Nalioth only. | 05:32 |
karsten | paulproteus: Possibly the low numbered bits. | 05:32 |
paulproteus | mpt: Ubuntu talks to DNS servers using both IPv6 and IPv4. | 05:32 |
richard_ | hoary hedgehog AMD64 ver, no cdrdao? | 05:32 |
karsten | paulproteus: It's got to be one or the other. | 05:32 |
saul | I can updae de warty version to Hoary version using the atp-get? | 05:32 |
paulproteus | IPv4 is the current standard; IPv6 is the next generation. | 05:32 |
mpt | sure | 05:32 |
richard_ | IPv6 is already in use | 05:32 |
Nalioth | afroman, i've never had a problem with sshd(s) i use apt-get to install, and they run | 05:32 |
karsten | paulproteus: ...and always will be. | 05:32 |
paulproteus | karsten: That's a flamewar for another day. ;) | 05:32 |
Nalioth | saul yes | 05:32 |
afroman | karsten, nalioth: it is getting worse... now when I start SSH it says that no hostkeys avaible | 05:33 |
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paulproteus | mpt: So, try disabling IPv6 support in Ubuntu. | 05:33 |
karsten | afroman: I'm /ignoring you. | 05:33 |
Nalioth | afroman, that is good | 05:33 |
paulproteus | There's docs for this on the wiki. | 05:33 |
mpt | paulproteus: Okies | 05:33 |
Nalioth | afroman, that means it's trying to work | 05:33 |
karsten | Nalioth: enjoy. | 05:33 |
metalsand | karsten: Mini-PCI is the PCI connections laptops use | 05:33 |
saul | Nalioth How I can make it? | 05:33 |
karsten | metalsand: My understaning is that the card should appear in 'lspci' output. | 05:34 |
Nalioth | saul, you need to update your repositorys to hoary ones, and do a simple apt-get update and apt-get upgrade | 05:34 |
ThomasWinwood | Nalioth: And apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:34 |
afroman | Nalioth: now I can't even run it | 05:34 |
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Nalioth | afroman, google "ssh homepage" and look at the FAQs | 05:34 |
metalsand | karsten: it is | 05:34 |
Nalioth | afroman, you have it, just need to tell it what to do | 05:35 |
metalsand | Network Controller: intel Corp.: Unkown Device 4223 (rev 05) | 05:35 |
karsten | metalsand: And the card spec is? | 05:35 |
karsten | metalsand: Ahh. That's progress. | 05:35 |
karsten | Hrm. | 05:35 |
metalsand | I've used it to connect to the internet before | 05:35 |
afroman | Nalioth: assuming that it works... how do I transfer files?? | 05:36 |
anto9us | anyone know what font the ubuntu logo uses? | 05:36 |
saul | Nalioth, and if I do a apt-get dist-upgrade before update the repository, the atualization will have problems? | 05:36 |
karsten | metalsand: Anything else likely in there? | 05:36 |
metalsand | What do you mean? | 05:36 |
pjo | Is this the only channel related to ubuntu ? | 05:36 |
Nalioth | afroman, use any ssh-capable file transfer proggy (putty-ftp or filezilla (using secure mode)) | 05:36 |
] BreliC[ | pjo, no there are many others.. type /cs list *ubuntu* | 05:37 |
karsten | metalsand: There should be something in output that looks like an ethernet controller. | 05:37 |
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Nalioth | saul, 1st update your sources.list to show the hoary repos. comment out the warty repos | 05:37 |
metalsand | karsten: are you aware I'm connecting wirelessly? | 05:37 |
pjo | /cs list *ubuntu* | 05:37 |
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Nalioth | saul 2nd use apt-get update, then apt-get upgrade and then if you feel like, apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:38 |
karsten | metalsand: It's still a PCI device. | 05:38 |
karsten | metalsand: My understanding is that your wireless NIC is *NOT* working. Correct? | 05:38 |
metalsand | Yes | 05:38 |
afroman | nalioth: wot is the command between SSHs?? something like SCP right?? | 05:38 |
metalsand | It isn't functioning, but has before. | 05:38 |
saul | Nalioth,thanks | 05:38 |
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metalsand | Man, Linux is really a PITA to use | 05:39 |
saul | Nalioth, I'm installing the KDE now.... the next step is update the version... | 05:39 |
karsten | metalsand: as root: 'cardctl status' | 05:39 |
metalsand | EVERY single thing I've done besides configuring my screensaver has taken more than 5 hours | 05:39 |
saul | Nalioth, of my Ubuntu | 05:39 |
karsten | metalsand: ...it can take a while to get sorted. Once that's done, unlike some systems, it strongly tends to _stay_ sorted. | 05:40 |
karsten | metalsand: Nothing I've done besides configuring my screensaver has taken more than 5 hours. | 05:40 |
metalsand | Socket 0: no card | 05:40 |
metalsand | Socket 1: no card | 05:40 |
=== super_dude2 [~lukes@203-96-148-112.apx1.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
] BreliC[ | afroman, the best way to find all this out is to read the man pages or to google some sites.. so 'man scp' for example | 05:40 |
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tanek | anyone whos running dc++ under wine? | 05:40 |
karsten | metalsand: Is this hypothetical wireless NIC of yours actually in a socket somewhere? | 05:40 |
tanek | i've got an error | 05:40 |
karsten | metalsand: 'dmesg | grep -i eth' | 05:40 |
super_dude2 | i cant get my usb stick to work | 05:40 |
metalsand | Everything I've done needs outside "hacks" to work, or takes more than 5 hours. Sure it's my first week using Linux but man, how discouraging | 05:40 |
SNIa | can you use amd64 and i386 at the same time. (i'm sure this is trivial for most of you) | 05:41 |
afroman | thx | 05:41 |
karsten | metalsand: Troubleshooting is *massively* easier if you can work out a way to transfer data (without typing) from one system to another. | 05:41 |
afroman | aight.. guyz | 05:41 |
afroman | I'm gonna hit the sac | 05:41 |
karsten | SNIa: Yes, several methods, currently an IA32 chroot appears recommended. | 05:41 |
afroman | ciao | 05:41 |
metalsand | unfortunately my internet doesn't work :P | 05:41 |
afroman | U have been a great healp | 05:42 |
super_dude2 | how do i got my usb stick to mount? | 05:42 |
tanek | SNIa: that would be wierd wouldnt it? a 32bit working alongside a 64 bit? :D | 05:42 |
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karsten | metalsand: ...and you haven't spent $20 to get a USB pen drive. | 05:42 |
SNIa | heh | 05:42 |
karsten | metalsand: ...I'd strongly recommend that. | 05:42 |
SNIa | tanek, no weirder than running windows ;0 | 05:42 |
darkaudit | bleh... gxmame missing the categories listing... kinda sucks when the collection is (near) complete | 05:42 |
metalsand | karsten: when my connection was working it didn't have the little red square next to it in the gnome panel | 05:42 |
metalsand | Now it does | 05:42 |
metalsand | Anything helpful? | 05:42 |
Nalioth | afroman there are two commands "scp" and "sftp" | 05:42 |
tanek | SNIa: sure, however, running windows is very wierd indeed :P | 05:42 |
=== ds_ [~ds@dsl081-053-082.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== karsten remembers why he hates GUIs. | ||
metalsand | What doest the red square signify | 05:42 |
stuNNed | how to install perl modules in ubuntu? | 05:43 |
=== afroman_ [~afroman@c-0de870d5.04-271-73746f34.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SNIa | is there any wiki info or a help pages on running ubuntu in chroot? | 05:43 |
Nalioth | afroman_, they both have man pages | 05:43 |
paulproteus | stuNNed: Most Perl modules have Ubuntu packages. | 05:43 |
karsten | metalsand: Not particularly. I don't run GNOME. I markedly prefer text tools as they'll be consistent and googlable. | 05:43 |
tanek | speaking about windows... is there anyone here who has a working vmware workstation 5? | 05:43 |
paulproteus | stuNNed: they're in the format e.g. libhtml-parser-perl for HTML::Parser | 05:43 |
stuNNed | k | 05:43 |
stuNNed | thnx paulproteus | 05:43 |
karsten | metalsand: Try googling "little red dot" for information. It's kind of a non-starter. | 05:43 |
ds_ | is it possible to install from the live CD? | 05:43 |
hutch | ne body kno how to execute/install a file with a name like linuxq3demo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh | 05:43 |
afroman_ | Nalioth: yes, but it seems complicated | 05:43 |
tanek | ds_: no | 05:43 |
bob2 | ds_: not easily | 05:43 |
darkaudit | ds_: you need the install cd | 05:43 |
paulproteus | stuNNed: If you find you must download a package from CPAN that's not packaged, you should use dh_make_perl to make a package for it so that way the package system can track it and uninstall it easily. | 05:43 |
karsten | hutch: 'file <filename>' says what? | 05:44 |
=== mindspore [~mindspore@68-118-143-51.rcp7.ubr1.hst.ne.nebi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
afroman_ | Nalioth: can U guide me?? | 05:44 |
ds_ | thanks | 05:44 |
mindspore | how can i get this audio cd to eject? | 05:44 |
hutch | karsten: ?? | 05:44 |
SNIa | cool! | 05:44 |
pjo | Where is this on KDE 3 System->Preferences->Sessions Startup Programs Add ? | 05:44 |
anto9us | woohoo, I've replaced the gnome foot with the ubuntu logo | 05:44 |
stuNNed | paulproteus: awesome thanks :D | 05:44 |
SNIa | k3b read the md5 within the iso and verified it | 05:44 |
karsten | hutch: 'man file' | 05:44 |
metalsand | karsten: The output of the dmesg command has a lot of stuff | 05:44 |
Nalioth | afroman_, here we go: open terminal type "man <command you want to know about>" <hit enter> | 05:44 |
karsten | metalsand: Indeed it does. 'man grep' | 05:44 |
metalsand | Should I just post stuff regarding eth0? | 05:44 |
karsten | metalsand: ... page through it with 'less'. Find what's relevant (or you think might be). Share it. | 05:45 |
hutch | karsten: the file name is linuxq3demo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh | 05:45 |
metalsand | no IPv6 routers present | 05:45 |
afroman_ | Nalioth: I did that... | 05:45 |
karsten | hutch: 'man file' | 05:45 |
mindspore | how can i get this audio cd to eject? | 05:45 |
hutch | karsten: man then linuxq3demo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh | 05:45 |
hutch | ? | 05:45 |
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afroman_ | nalioth: I don't c how to send the file | 05:45 |
hutch | sorry...i'm still a noob | 05:45 |
karsten | metalsand: ...if you would care to help me help you by getting a way of transferring files, I could read the whole damned thing rather than your annotated commentary. | 05:45 |
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karsten | hutch: No. Literally. Type "man file" in a terminal. | 05:45 |
Nalioth | afroman_, do you know how to use command line ftp in windoze? | 05:45 |
xMaximex | how can i edit gnome menu without menu-editor ? | 05:46 |
=== Dethread [~Dethread@wsp009838wss.netadm.calpoly.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
karsten | bob2: Where do you find them? | 05:46 |
afroman_ | no | 05:46 |
hutch | karsten: sorry...noob kinks | 05:46 |
hutch | lol | 05:46 |
Nalioth | xMaximex, google the ubuntu website for "gnome menu editor" | 05:46 |
bob2 | karsten: the users? | 05:46 |
metalsand | karsten: Looks like we're done then for tonight :( | 05:46 |
Nalioth | xMaximex, there are several choices | 05:46 |
karsten | bob2: Oi. | 05:46 |
karsten | metalsand: OK. | 05:46 |
metalsand | Well, I'll just restart and it will work. | 05:46 |
karsten | metalsand: Buy a USB key. | 05:47 |
afroman_ | nalioth: let's start with the basics... how do U do it between Linux boxes | 05:47 |
] BreliC[ | karsten, get off your high horse | 05:47 |
karsten | metalsand: ...or a removable USB storage device of sorts. | 05:47 |
metalsand | Then I'll bug you to help me to get my PCMCIA wireless card to work so I can copy/paste things | 05:47 |
karsten | ] BreliC[: Bring me a ladder. | 05:47 |
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hutch | karsten: cant u just tell me how to install it | 05:47 |
karsten | hutch: 'file <name of file>' | 05:47 |
Nalioth | afroman_, the same way you do between any boxen "man ftp" as the command are the same for sftp as ftp (only sftp is secure) | 05:47 |
karsten | hutch: It's probably a bash script. | 05:47 |
afroman_ | nalioth: I mean scp | 05:48 |
] BreliC[ | karsten, not a problem | 05:48 |
Nalioth | afroman_, the answers lie in your man pages | 05:48 |
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karsten | ] BreliC[: ...and a shrubbery. | 05:48 |
hutch | karsten: linuxq3demo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh: ERROR: cannot open `linuxq3demo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh' (No such file or directory) | 05:48 |
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afroman_ | nalioth: scp user@host file user@host file??? | 05:48 |
hutch | karsten: thats after file linuxq3demo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh | 05:49 |
bluefoxicy | http://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/lightsaber-7.jpg | 05:49 |
] BreliC[ | karsten, maybe something to remove the horseshoe too? | 05:49 |
SNIa | anyone here have used SATA and been able to hotswap? | 05:49 |
karsten | hutch: Right. Hrm. | 05:49 |
karsten | ] BreliC[: From wher? | 05:49 |
karsten | ] BreliC[: .../er/ere/ | 05:49 |
Nalioth | afroman_, i don't use scp, i use sftp | 05:49 |
] BreliC[ | karsten, you're a smart guy, i'm sure you can figure it out, or maybe the newbies will be glad to help you | 05:49 |
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afroman_ | Nalioth | 05:49 |
karsten | hutch: Where'd you happen to put this file? | 05:49 |
karsten | ] BreliC[: Thank you kindly. | 05:50 |
afroman_ | Nalioth: ok... thx | 05:50 |
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Nalioth | bluefoxicy, aint that lightsaber stuff the funniest sh*t? | 05:50 |
afroman_ | Nalioth: ok... thx, I'm out | 05:50 |
mindspore | How can I force a CD to eject? I have an audio CD in, and it won't eject with gnome-cd or the eject button | 05:50 |
afroman_ | Nalioth: ok... thx, I'm out... thx a lot for ur help | 05:50 |
afroman_ | ciao | 05:50 |
Nalioth | afroman, use your man pages, then use the default galeon page (look for 'browse system docs" then ask uncle google | 05:50 |
hutch | karsten: /home/username/ | 05:50 |
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hutch | karsten: so for me it'd be /home/josh | 05:51 |
hutch | */home/josh/ | 05:51 |
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karsten | hutch: Right. Is that where your terminal shell's at? 'cd' should put you there. | 05:51 |
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karsten | hutch: So: open shell. 'cd; file <filename>' | 05:51 |
chavo | mindspore, try it as root, I had that problem the other day and sudo eject did the trick. | 05:51 |
=== Hollis [~Hollis@dblt-aa454.gtcom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
c-sic | hey, dont you just love when you close your buddy list in gaim before gnome-panel loads, and gets a chance to store gaim in the tray? | 05:52 |
mindspore | chavo: lol, it said unable to eject.. but the tray opened | 05:52 |
Hollis | Hello everyone | 05:52 |
chavo | yeah, same here. | 05:52 |
c-sic | hiya | 05:52 |
=== jsg is away: Away at the moment | ||
Hollis | Has anyone received hoary CDs from the mail? | 05:52 |
jsgAway | I got some but i got it from the UDU conference *grin* | 05:53 |
pce-matty | hollis: not yet, but I'm based in Australia :) | 05:53 |
Hollis | I orded mine in February and still don't have it | 05:53 |
spacepopeye | How can I remove the minimize window animation in gnome? | 05:53 |
hutch | karsten: same answer man | 05:53 |
metalsand | What's the terminal command to scna for networks using Wireless Tools? | 05:53 |
hutch | karsten: same error msg | 05:53 |
jsgAway | iwlist scanning | 05:53 |
Hollis | Because I have a band, and when we do shows I plan on handing out a 2 pack CD set | 05:54 |
hutch | LINUX RULES!!! DOWN WITH M$!!! | 05:54 |
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hutch | LOL | 05:54 |
c-sic | hollis...pretty slow... | 05:54 |
Hollis | One CD will be our music, and hte other will be Ubuntu | 05:54 |
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Hollis | Lmao | 05:54 |
jsgAway | Hollis: that's awesome man | 05:54 |
c-sic | pretty neat | 05:54 |
Hollis | Of course I will include infomration on installation, what Linux is, ect. | 05:54 |
] BreliC[ | Hollis, hmmm good idea. i think i'll do that too next time we play | 05:54 |
=== allio is now known as allio`afk | ||
hutch | karsten: screw it...its not worth it | 05:55 |
hutch | lol | 05:55 |
c-sic | c-sic is my new nick...I read it on some mail, the code csic, and it sounds like seasick, so I made that my new nick... | 05:55 |
karsten | hutch: Try: bash -f <file> | 05:55 |
karsten | hutch: ...on a wild-ass-guess. Mind: I prefer looking at scripts before running them randomly. | 05:55 |
c-sic | Hollis: is there a way to follow up on your order at the web site? | 05:56 |
karsten | hutch: SUspect if you read thet install docs for whatever it is you're trying to install it might have some pointers. | 05:56 |
jsgAway | Hollis: if you pull that thing together, make sure you inform mako about it so he can put it on the website or on the list | 05:56 |
Nalioth | hutch, its always nice to read the script b4 using it | 05:56 |
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hutch | karsten: bash: linuxq3demo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh: No such file or directory | 05:56 |
pce-matty | i'm going to knock up to ubuntu boxes today, both with webcams and microphones and I'm gonna set one up in our main store and the other up in the workshop (ie: they're gonna be video intercoms) - any recommendations for what software I should use to achieve this, and recommendations for webcams that'll work out of the box with Hoary (i've got a couple of logitech messengers here) | 05:56 |
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Hollis | What list? | 05:56 |
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hutch | karsten: it didnt come with any docs or ne thing, just the .gz.sh file i downloaded from fileplanet.com | 05:56 |
jsgAway | Hollis: ubuntu traffic/sounder | 05:56 |
Hollis | Oh, okay | 05:56 |
c-sic | when in february, mid, late or early? | 05:57 |
karsten | hutch: This is the point in the day I tell you to RTFM. Sorry. | 05:57 |
Hollis | Mid | 05:57 |
metalsand | Is there a command to disable/enable the radio of wireless devices? | 05:57 |
c-sic | could be some time still, but they are pretty ripe to get here... | 05:58 |
c-sic | therem anyow... | 05:58 |
c-sic | How Long Will It Take? Short Answer: 4-6 Weeks | 05:58 |
nomasteryoda | metalsand, laptop? | 05:58 |
c-sic | thats what the FAQ says | 05:58 |
Hollis | Yea, when did they start shipping | 05:58 |
metalsand | Yes, nomasteryoda | 05:58 |
nomasteryoda | what about the keyboard Fn + wireless on/off | 05:58 |
c-sic | from when you put in the order | 05:58 |
nomasteryoda | most have those | 05:58 |
Hollis | Around April 8th when they released it on the website | 05:58 |
nomasteryoda | if built in | 05:58 |
metalsand | nomasteryoda: I'm worried about that | 05:58 |
Hollis | Oh okay | 05:59 |
metalsand | But I'm not sure Linux detects that | 05:59 |
nomasteryoda | mine does | 05:59 |
nomasteryoda | ubuntu and suse | 05:59 |
Predius | sudo ifconfig <device> down | 05:59 |
=== vaiux [~r00t@pool-71-241-25-229.norf.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
metalsand | Great | 05:59 |
metalsand | It went down | 05:59 |
metalsand | but now it won't go up | 05:59 |
nomasteryoda | metalsand, what about using the tray tool | 05:59 |
Predius | sudo ifconfig <device> up | 05:59 |
c-sic | Hollis: have you tried logging into shipit? | 06:00 |
nomasteryoda | for network settings | 06:00 |
metalsand | still shows disconnected | 06:00 |
c-sic | Hollis: this page has the info: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/shipit/ . | 06:00 |
=== rapha [~rapha@p54A09FD1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
c-sic | read through that, that is your vbest source of info. | 06:00 |
Nalioth | ?? restricted | 06:00 |
nomasteryoda | metalsand, what about "ifup wlan0" | 06:00 |
c-sic | no more bot, I think | 06:00 |
metalsand | eth0 is my device name | 06:00 |
Hollis | Thanks | 06:00 |
nomasteryoda | ok | 06:00 |
Nalioth | thought bots didnt need rest | 06:01 |
=== AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-96-168.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
c-sic | gotta ask that lexxan guy when I see him, | 06:01 |
c-sic | welcome3. | 06:01 |
Hollis | How exactly do they ship this all for free | 06:01 |
Hollis | Without losing tons of money | 06:01 |
c-sic | hehe | 06:01 |
metalsand | ifup: interface eh0 already configured | 06:01 |
metalsand | Linux sucks. :( | 06:01 |
metalsand | Shows disconnected in the network status panel icon | 06:01 |
c-sic | for one, the CEO of Canonical(the company behind Ubuntu) is a millionaire. | 06:01 |
jordanau | i miss the bot :C | 06:01 |
Nalioth | Hollis, he's richer than god | 06:01 |
c-sic | haha | 06:01 |
jordanau | c-sic, what did he do before ubuntu? | 06:02 |
c-sic | richer than god, gotta like the controversy. | 06:02 |
c-sic | read it up... | 06:02 |
Hollis | Lol, I see | 06:02 |
c-sic | mark shuittleworth | 06:02 |
c-sic | shuttleworth, is it? | 06:02 |
karsten | metalsand: ifup / ifdown are not reliable. | 06:02 |
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karsten | metalsand: 'ifconfig' will tell you if the device is actually configured. 'ifup/ifdown' may think so when it's not true. | 06:02 |
Hollis | Do the CDs have any artwork on the cover? | 06:03 |
Hollis | Or are they just blank | 06:03 |
karsten | Hollis: Yes. | 06:03 |
metalsand | Cool. So I input a command and it just doesn't care. | 06:03 |
c-sic | some... | 06:03 |
Hollis | Ah, nice | 06:03 |
nomasteryoda | karsten, but if the device was working... and he took down, why won't it come back up | 06:03 |
c-sic | look pretty good. | 06:03 |
mariam | can someone please help me figure out why I can't print to my windows computer? | 06:03 |
karsten | nomasteryoda: Good question. I gave up trying to find out a while ago. | 06:03 |
c-sic | they are in a paper cover, cardboard...(ESL here, not sure what its called)... | 06:03 |
nomasteryoda | karsten, lol yea... me too | 06:04 |
nomasteryoda | i just tweak until it works | 06:04 |
nomasteryoda | =) | 06:04 |
c-sic | mariam: have you done any setup? | 06:04 |
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elchicano | ouch..windows printing problem??? | 06:04 |
Nalioth | mariam, its a windows computer? | 06:04 |
elchicano | wou'dnt want to trouble shoot that no matter what | 06:04 |
mariam | the computer is connected to winXP | 06:04 |
Hollis | Awesome, so I was going to provide the jewel cases my self for when I give them out at our concertsx | 06:04 |
mariam | i have Samba up and running | 06:04 |
nomasteryoda | mariam, if you have sp2, then firewall maybe | 06:04 |
Hollis | Guess I don't need too | 06:04 |
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mariam | no SP2 | 06:04 |
Nalioth | isnt there a windoze channel? | 06:05 |
c-sic | yeah, they are in a nice little case.. | 06:05 |
mariam | when i do smbclient -L gagik -N | 06:05 |
nomasteryoda | about how long before I get my ubuntu disks? ordered about 1 mo. ago | 06:05 |
mariam | i can see the shared printer | 06:05 |
dr_willis | actually ya need to looks at the CUPS configuration dont ya. and add a new smb shareed printer dont ya. | 06:05 |
nomasteryoda | permissions then | 06:05 |
nomasteryoda | on winbox | 06:05 |
metalsand | If it wasn't for the Open source software support I would have given up Linux the first day I installed :D | 06:05 |
nomasteryoda | metalsand, lol | 06:05 |
c-sic | you are meek.... | 06:05 |
c-sic | :-P | 06:05 |
nomasteryoda | tha's tha spirit | 06:05 |
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mariam | monaster, here's when i get stuck | 06:05 |
mariam | /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p HPpsc900 -v smb://gagik:pass@gagik/hppsc900 -P /home/mariam/HP-PSC_950-hpijs.ppd | 06:06 |
mariam | it says lpadmin: Unable to connect to server: Connection refused | 06:06 |
c-sic | Isnt it easier to connect the printer to the Linux, and then access it through the windows? | 06:07 |
dr_willis | hmm - dosent " smb://gagik:pass@gagik/hppsc900" need to be quoted? | 06:07 |
nomasteryoda | mariam, try adding the hostname of your ubuntu box to the lmhosts file | 06:07 |
mariam | c-sic, i wish i could, but that's not an option | 06:07 |
nomasteryoda | always helped for me | 06:07 |
c-sic | ok... | 06:07 |
mariam | nomaster, where do I add the hostname? | 06:07 |
mariam | the linux and windows pcs are both set to MSHOME | 06:08 |
nomasteryoda | under network props i think | 06:08 |
nomasteryoda | k | 06:08 |
mariam | dr_willis, let me try quoting it | 06:08 |
mariam | nope, same result | 06:08 |
hutch | karsten: RTFM | 06:08 |
dr_willis | mariam, youve tried the cups gui interface? i think it can scan the network for printers. | 06:08 |
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c-sic | haha, hutch, is that a revenge? | 06:09 |
mariam | dr_willis, you mean the 'add pritner" interface | 06:09 |
hutch | huh? | 06:09 |
dr_willis | getting cups to use printers shared by xp box's has always been rather trivially easy. | 06:09 |
hutch | c-sic: what does it mean | 06:09 |
mariam | from the System>Administration menu | 06:09 |
hutch | c-sic: RTFM | 06:09 |
dr_willis | cups has its own web interface.. and ubuntu has the gnome one.. or if you install kde. theres one there also. | 06:09 |
karsten | hutch: ?? | 06:09 |
jordanau | hutch, Read the f*cking manual | 06:09 |
hutch | c-sic: what does RTFM mean? | 06:09 |
c-sic | karsten: hutch: This is the point in the day I tell you to RTFM. Sorry. | 06:09 |
karsten | hutch: Read the Fine Manual. | 06:09 |
c-sic | read the fucking manual | 06:10 |
dr_willis | Read the Fun Manual. | 06:10 |
c-sic | sure | 06:10 |
dr_willis | :P | 06:10 |
hutch | oh | 06:10 |
hutch | my bad | 06:10 |
hutch | lol | 06:10 |
hutch | lmao | 06:10 |
hutch | haha | 06:10 |
Nalioth | either manual will do | 06:10 |
hutch | sorry bout that | 06:10 |
sidjp | how can i install amule for ubuntu from apt-get? | 06:10 |
mariam | dr_willis, what's the command to restart cups? | 06:10 |
c-sic | right...any of them, I guess. | 06:10 |
c-sic | tried apt-get install amule? | 06:10 |
dr_willis | mariam, not sure. :P /etc/init.d/cupsd restart perhaps. | 06:10 |
c-sic | sudo apt-get install amule | 06:11 |
hutch | anyone know what this means: "W: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com> | 06:12 |
hutch | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 06:12 |
hutch | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 06:12 |
hutch | " | 06:12 |
sidjp | i try but is fail | 06:12 |
mariam | thanks dr_w | 06:12 |
karsten | hutch: My point being: you're installing something you've pulled off an arbitrary website, it should come with installation instructions. Read them. | 06:12 |
Nalioth | hutch, are you root when you do whatever you are doing? | 06:12 |
karsten | hutch: ...are you running as root? Is there another instance of aptitude, apt-get, dpkg, or synaptic running? | 06:12 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser [~kaiser@ppp211-58.lns1.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
c-sic | mariam, you are running a server on the computer you are using as a client, I dont know if that will work. | 06:12 |
metalsand | Seriously | 06:12 |
hutch | all: brb | 06:13 |
metalsand | Linux has a TERRIBLE GUI for network status | 06:13 |
mariam | c-sic, what am i supposed to do? | 06:13 |
=== Karill [~GOD@12-220-253-51.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
metalsand | Or at least Ubuntu does. | 06:13 |
mariam | what's ther ight way to do it? | 06:13 |
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c-sic | Not sure again, but, it seems taht you are running a server on the client comptuer | 06:13 |
c-sic | welcome back... | 06:13 |
mariam | just following some of the HOWTO's i found | 06:14 |
mariam | but none seem to work | 06:14 |
mariam | stupid windows | 06:14 |
c-sic | seems like you need to run the server on the computer that has the printer...so it can serve other computers that dont.. | 06:14 |
=== anethema [~anathema@S0106000ea6683ec6.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
c-sic | have not done any printer server installation myself yet, though. | 06:14 |
karsten | metalsand: Suggested improvements? | 06:14 |
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c-sic | shiny:P | 06:15 |
Karill | Are you installing the printer server on ubuntu | 06:15 |
Karill | ? | 06:15 |
anethema | i actually got network printing working today..was so damn happy | 06:15 |
anethema | just using smb | 06:15 |
Karill | If so just install cups it has a nice new linux user web gui | 06:15 |
c-sic | Karill: mariam has a windows computer with a printer, want to allow the linux computer on the network to access the pritner | 06:15 |
anethema | i cant fucking believe how easy ubuntu is...i was on slack before..ive never been so impressed in my life haha | 06:15 |
sidjp | please some one help me! i need to install amule! | 06:15 |
Karill | Hmm | 06:16 |
Nalioth | anethema, you are hurting my tender ears | 06:16 |
Karill | Share it out and mount it as dev/lpd | 06:16 |
mariam | ok, figrued it out | 06:16 |
c-sic | sidjp: did you try http://ubuntuguide.org/#amule ? | 06:16 |
c-sic | works? | 06:16 |
mariam | yeah | 06:16 |
anethema | sorry Nalioth heh | 06:16 |
=== Ap`g0ne [~Smith@ip68-231-196-244.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
c-sic | awesome! | 06:16 |
c-sic | good work... | 06:16 |
anethema | sidjp, apt-get install amule | 06:16 |
mariam | had to run these commands: | 06:16 |
anethema | apt-get install amule-utils | 06:16 |
mariam | /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p HPpsc900 -v "smb://user:pass@gagik/hppsc900" -P /home/mariam/HP-PSC_950-hpijs.ppd | 06:16 |
mariam | /usr/bin/enable HPpsc900 | 06:16 |
mariam | /usr/sbin/accept HPpsc900 | 06:16 |
mariam | /usr/sbin/lpadmin -d HPpsc900 | 06:16 |
mariam | then restart cups | 06:16 |
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mariam | for some odd reason | 06:17 |
c-sic | pretty nice.... | 06:17 |
hutch | karsten: i made it so NO instances of synaptic are running more than once, i'm not in root | 06:17 |
mariam | thanks c-sic :) | 06:17 |
anethema | sidjp: did you get that ? | 06:17 |
c-sic | thats my new nick:) | 06:17 |
mariam | thanks to dr_willis | 06:17 |
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sidjp | thanks wait | 06:17 |
anethema | k | 06:17 |
hutch | karsten: when i go to synaptic package manager -->edit->reload package info | 06:18 |
anethema | sorry you also need sudo | 06:18 |
anethema | sudo apt-get install amule | 06:18 |
anethema | and amule-utils | 06:18 |
karsten | hutch: ps aux | egrep '(synaptic|apt|dpkg)' | 06:18 |
anethema | has anyone here got skype running well ? | 06:18 |
a_monkey | i've installed unrar, but Archive Manager gives me an error saying that rar is unsupported | 06:18 |
hutch | karsten: i get this msg when i'm done: W: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com> | 06:18 |
a_monkey | can anybody help? | 06:18 |
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anethema | a_monkey, it worked for me when i installed rar and unrar | 06:18 |
hutch | karsten: where in the world does THAT go | 06:18 |
c-sic | a_monkey: are you on a pc? | 06:18 |
sidjp | not find that | 06:19 |
anethema | sid: did you add extra repositories? | 06:19 |
c-sic | sidjp: try following this page: http://ubuntuguide.org/#amule . | 06:19 |
karsten | hutch: bash shell. It's a command, will return any instances of programs that could interfere. | 06:19 |
anethema | yeah, listen to c-sic | 06:19 |
karsten | hutch: Not familiar with that error, not sure of fix. | 06:19 |
a_monkey | anethema: oh. i have to install rar. | 06:19 |
c-sic | the error says taht you are not allowed to access the repository called security. | 06:20 |
anethema | make sure to update your keys | 06:20 |
anethema | like ubuntuguide says. | 06:20 |
anethema | ubuntuguide is such a sweet site | 06:20 |
c-sic | a_monkey: are you on a PC? | 06:21 |
anethema | the person who made it diserves much fellatio | 06:21 |
c-sic | ahahaha | 06:21 |
=== NicP [~NicP_@c211-28-151-227.brasd1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
c-sic | jiyuu is his nick here.. | 06:21 |
a_monkey | c-sic: what do you mean? | 06:21 |
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anethema | jiyuu0, ? | 06:21 |
c-sic | right | 06:21 |
a_monkey | c-sic: i'm on an emac with ubuntu installed over os x | 06:21 |
anethema | jiyuu0: 10 high class hookers are on the way to your house | 06:21 |
c-sic | that is why... | 06:21 |
c-sic | thats a PPC, just fyi... | 06:21 |
anethema | does the ppc not have rar and unrar? | 06:22 |
c-sic | there is no rar for that that I found so far...what do you want to do? | 06:22 |
anethema | doh | 06:22 |
c-sic | no rar, only unrar | 06:22 |
anethema | that sucks | 06:22 |
anethema | makes archive manager kind of useless | 06:22 |
c-sic | kinda, I guess...there are worse problems...:( | 06:22 |
anethema | thats true | 06:22 |
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Ap`g0ne | I'm seriously going to rip out my hair | 06:22 |
c-sic | like, no airport extreme support | 06:23 |
anethema | nice | 06:23 |
anethema | yeah | 06:23 |
=== Ap`g0ne is now known as metalsand2 | ||
c-sic | heh | 06:23 |
metalsand2 | My temples HURT because this is so freaking frustrating | 06:23 |
anethema | well, not much point spending all that money on mac hardware then installing linux is there heheh | 06:23 |
c-sic | what are you trying to do, metalsand? | 06:23 |
c-sic | relaxxx | 06:23 |
anethema | yeah | 06:23 |
dr_willis | c-sic, apt-get install rar-2.80 | 06:23 |
metalsand2 | get BOTH of my network cards working | 06:23 |
Nalioth | c-sic don't hold your breath for APX support anytime soon | 06:23 |
anethema | man i love ubuntu | 06:23 |
anethema | i never thought i'd switch to anything from slack | 06:23 |
sig | leave off the -2.80 | 06:23 |
metalsand2 | NEITHER of them work | 06:23 |
anethema | but god damn ive never had anything like it | 06:24 |
sig | just: apt-get install rar | 06:24 |
metalsand2 | and I've spent all day trying to get them to work. | 06:24 |
c-sic | for what? | 06:24 |
c-sic | a PPC? | 06:24 |
anethema | he is on PPC | 06:24 |
anethema | no rar i guess | 06:24 |
c-sic | you tried yourself? | 06:24 |
dr_willis | Hmm it just installed.. :P but no binary found lol | 06:24 |
dr_willis | i cheat and use cedega and winrar | 06:24 |
anethema | winrar is an amazing program | 06:24 |
Nalioth | who is on PPC? | 06:24 |
anethema | wish there was a linux ver | 06:24 |
karsten | Nalioth: You are. | 06:25 |
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dr_willis | anethema, yea - its very handy and good in ways.. and annoying in others. Lol. | 06:25 |
anethema | a_monkey is | 06:25 |
c-sic | me sometimes... | 06:25 |
dr_willis | anethema, it works very well with wine/cedega | 06:25 |
anethema | ive never had winrar annoy me in windows | 06:25 |
c-sic | he is too. | 06:25 |
a_monkey | apt-cache search rar gives me no results | 06:25 |
c-sic | a_monkey: what are you trying to do? | 06:25 |
c-sic | I told you it is not there. | 06:25 |
a_monkey | even though multiverse is enabled in my apt sources.list | 06:25 |
Nalioth | me? wow | 06:25 |
a_monkey | c-sic: really? | 06:25 |
a_monkey | c-sic: why not? | 06:25 |
anethema | try searching in synaptic | 06:25 |
anethema | might get lucky | 06:25 |
anethema | after adding all possible sources | 06:26 |
metalsand2 | I've never had anything annoy me in windows (fib) | 06:26 |
anethema | haha i hate windows | 06:26 |
metalsand2 | Everything I do in linux, however, takes 8 hours. | 06:26 |
anethema | so much stuff that pisses me off | 06:26 |
anethema | i used to have that problem untill ubuntu | 06:26 |
dr_willis | poor metalsand2.. :P | 06:26 |
metalsand2 | Ubuntu is my first Linux install | 06:26 |
anethema | what network cards are they metalsand | 06:26 |
metalsand2 | So, that could be the issue | 06:26 |
=== danko123456 [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-63-38.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
metalsand2 | Intel PRO/wireless 2915 A/B/G (PCI) | 06:27 |
danko123456 | no lucky, anathema | 06:27 |
jordanau | metalsand, are you new to linux? | 06:27 |
anethema | OH | 06:27 |
anethema | wireless | 06:27 |
danko123456 | there is no rar | 06:27 |
metalsand2 | Senao NL 2511 PLUS Ext 2 (PCMCIA) | 06:27 |
anethema | might need to use NDISWrapper metalsand | 06:27 |
danko123456 | a_monkey: what are you trying to get done? | 06:27 |
danko123456 | I mean, why are you installing rar? | 06:27 |
metalsand2 | anethema: I've gotten one to work forsure | 06:27 |
metalsand2 | Now it just decided it doesn't want to naymore | 06:27 |
=== concept10 [~chatzilla@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
metalsand2 | and it ALWAYS shows disconnected in the panel icon | 06:27 |
metalsand2 | Flipping retarded. | 06:27 |
anethema | seen this ? http://ipw2200.sourceforge.net/ | 06:28 |
Nalioth | danko123456, no rar? | 06:28 |
danko123456 | well, metalsand, look on the bright side, at least you did not buy an apple. | 06:28 |
danko123456 | nope | 06:28 |
danko123456 | not at all. | 06:28 |
metalsand2 | That's true, Danko. | 06:28 |
danko123456 | only unrar | 06:28 |
anethema | thats hurtin | 06:28 |
danko123456 | so..give it some time, raelly it is a matter of time... | 06:28 |
anethema | if you buy an apple, at least use osx | 06:28 |
anethema | its a very nice OS | 06:28 |
danko123456 | and someone knowledgeable coming to the # | 06:28 |
anethema | why spend so much money on outdated hardware if you dont use osx | 06:28 |
danko123456 | it is almost time for that... | 06:28 |
anethema | heheh | 06:28 |
danko123456 | you are just awful... | 06:29 |
metalsand2 | I'm seriously going to scream. | 06:29 |
danko123456 | it is pretty good. | 06:29 |
danko123456 | give it time, metal... | 06:29 |
jordanau | metalsand, whats the problem? | 06:29 |
metalsand2 | I can't. | 06:29 |
dr_willis | Hmm - im useing the sources list at ubuntuguide.org and i have rar and rar-2.8 | 06:29 |
danko123456 | why does it have to get connected now? | 06:29 |
metalsand2 | I've spent EIGHT hours trying to get this to work... on/off | 06:29 |
danko123456 | on a PPC, dr_willis? | 06:29 |
metalsand2 | and the only thing I've done is gone backwards | 06:29 |
jordanau | metalsand2, what to work? | 06:29 |
metalsand2 | At least I COULD connect to the internet this morning | 06:30 |
anethema | has anyone here got skype working in Ubuntu ? (with other sounds..it doesnt have native alsa support) | 06:30 |
metalsand2 | jordanau: My internal wireless card | 06:30 |
dr_willis | danko123456, ahh ppc.. You may indeade be SOL. :P | 06:30 |
jordanau | metalsand2, are you using ndiswrapper? | 06:30 |
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metalsand2 | I've been tyring to get my PCMCIA wireless card (newer and better - more software support) | 06:30 |
danko123456 | told you:) | 06:30 |
metalsand2 | jordanau: no | 06:30 |
dr_willis | danko123456, i would check the rarsoft homepage. for their own packages | 06:30 |
jordanau | metalsand2, then at least your card has native linux drivers | 06:30 |
=== Bukkake [~Bukkake@CPE-70-92-252-37.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
REds | can i use official debian http sources, to install packages or upgrade ubuntu | 06:31 |
danko123456 | i dont care about it...a_monkey was trying to figure it out... | 06:31 |
jordanau | metalsand2, it took me a day or two to get everything up and running, once you get it right, it is smooth sailing | 06:31 |
danko123456 | and yeah... | 06:31 |
=== danko123456 is now known as c-sic | ||
metalsand2 | jordanau: I GOT my internal card up and running | 06:31 |
c-sic | thats my nhew nick | 06:31 |
metalsand2 | Then my sail freaking exploded | 06:31 |
metalsand2 | and now I'm shipwreaked | 06:31 |
metalsand2 | (Except for my wonderful luxurious yacht that is keeping me afload (Windows XP Pro) | 06:32 |
c-sic | i liked your story | 06:32 |
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jordanau | speaking of shipwrecked, this weeks LOST was awesome | 06:32 |
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c-sic | (ntil you added that) | 06:32 |
anethema | yeah it was pretty good | 06:32 |
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anethema | thank god for azureus beeing programmed in java | 06:32 |
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anethema | and rss | 06:32 |
metalsand2 | c-sic: XP works, it just doesn't have all the software support that intially attracted me to Linux | 06:33 |
c-sic | give it half an hour... | 06:33 |
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metalsand2 | I've given it 16 halfs of horus. | 06:33 |
jordanau | metalsand2, your yacht has a leaky hull but you cant see it because the holes are underwater :) | 06:33 |
amonkey | anethema: i tried looking at the azureus code to make a change, that suff is hard to follow. 8 billion different classes. | 06:33 |
c-sic | i mean at this point...crimsun, and bob2 will be here soon likely, those are your ppl | 06:33 |
metalsand2 | bob2 is mean to me :P | 06:34 |
metalsand2 | He tells me to read, read and read. | 06:34 |
c-sic | as for me...Im about to blaze...so from now on, dont take it personal:-P | 06:34 |
metalsand2 | I don't know what to read :( | 06:34 |
c-sic | he tells you what to read, and he is mean to everyone... | 06:34 |
c-sic | kinda mean. | 06:34 |
jordanau | a_monkey, are you still trying to use unrar? | 06:35 |
anethema | yeah doh | 06:35 |
anethema | im not a programmer | 06:35 |
anethema | not for computers anyways | 06:35 |
Nalioth | metalsand2, yes read read read man pages, google, faqs | 06:35 |
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anethema | electronics only | 06:35 |
anethema | haha | 06:35 |
c-sic | screq a_monkey he is not too eager to get help, it seems. | 06:35 |
Nalioth | if you learn how to do it yourself, you'll be better for it metalsand2 | 06:35 |
jordanau | metalsand2, bob2 is teaching you to fish | 06:35 |
metalsand2 | I don't need to fish | 06:36 |
dr_willis | He dont need no fish! :P he needs ANswers! | 06:36 |
metalsand2 | I had sol tonight, and I didn't even have to cook. | 06:36 |
dr_willis | instant gratification! | 06:36 |
c-sic | whats sol? | 06:36 |
anethema | bber? | 06:36 |
anethema | beer? | 06:36 |
anethema | haha | 06:36 |
dr_willis | Sole/ | 06:36 |
anethema | or..somethign else | 06:36 |
anethema | it is a beer tho | 06:36 |
anethema | haha | 06:36 |
dr_willis | Flounder. :P carp! | 06:36 |
c-sic | too geographically specific | 06:36 |
c-sic | for me... | 06:36 |
c-sic | even though I am just north... | 06:37 |
metalsand2 | With Linux I need a rod, line, worms... Then I have to leave my house, go to the ocean, sit for HOURS waiting for a bite, then fight fight fight until I happen to get lucky and catch a fish | 06:37 |
c-sic | not really... | 06:37 |
anethema | then it gets off the hook! | 06:37 |
c-sic | depends... | 06:37 |
anethema | hhehe | 06:37 |
c-sic | but yeah, its fun... | 06:37 |
anethema | i dunno, im just so amazed at how easy ubuntu is | 06:37 |
metalsand2 | Then when I get the fish (my wireless card works) | 06:37 |
metalsand2 | It decideds it likes the ocean better | 06:37 |
jordanau | metalsand2, but think about how good you feel about yourself when you are successful :) | 06:37 |
metalsand2 | and jumps back in. | 06:37 |
anethema | i was soo impressed when i installed it | 06:37 |
anethema | and grub just worked | 06:37 |
metalsand2 | hahahha | 06:37 |
c-sic | what have you tried, metalsand2? | 06:37 |
anethema | took me forever to get that shit set up in slack | 06:37 |
metalsand2 | Grub didn't work the first time for me | 06:38 |
anethema | soo long | 06:38 |
metalsand2 | In fact | 06:38 |
dr_willis | or get a book or 2 and sit on the toilet and read. :P | 06:38 |
metalsand2 | it broke my XP install | 06:38 |
jordanau | metalsand2, what kind of card do you have? | 06:38 |
anethema | i dont have windows installed | 06:38 |
metalsand2 | Intel Pro/Wireless 2915 A/B/G | 06:38 |
metalsand2 | It's worked before | 06:38 |
c-sic | I was trying to make grub boot my xp from the other hard drive, and I gave up thinking it is impossible | 06:38 |
anethema | cedega handles all my needs for games | 06:38 |
jordanau | metalsand2, what made it quit? | 06:38 |
metalsand2 | I have NO idea | 06:38 |
jordanau | metalsand2, was it random? | 06:38 |
dr_willis | I cant get Cedega to handle GUildwars yet. :( | 06:38 |
c-sic | what made it work? | 06:39 |
metalsand2 | I was trying to get my 2nd wireless card (PMCIA) to work | 06:39 |
metalsand2 | and did ifdown eth0 | 06:39 |
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jordanau | metalsand2, so that is why | 06:39 |
c-sic | so, just reboot,,, | 06:39 |
metalsand2 | now EVERYTHING , including GUI commands and terminal commands won't put it back up | 06:39 |
c-sic | that will reset yuor interfaces | 06:39 |
=== Dethread [~Dethread@24-205-231-52.slo-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
c-sic | its all about being funky, as heavy D just said... | 06:40 |
jordanau | metalsand2, are you connecting via wlan0 or the new one you tried to install? | 06:40 |
c-sic | plus eth0 is not your wireless is it? | 06:40 |
=== Ksmurf [~ksmurf@S010600112f82c311.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | eth0 shouldnt be wireless | 06:40 |
Ksmurf | hello all | 06:40 |
anethema | should be wlan0 | 06:40 |
c-sic | yo shaw!! | 06:40 |
jordanau | Ksmurf, hi | 06:40 |
metalsand2 | jordanau: I'm connected via eth0 | 06:40 |
metalsand2 | eth2 is my PCMCIA card | 06:40 |
jordanau | metalsand2, but you want to be connected via wlan0 right? | 06:41 |
c-sic | it deppends only on what you call it, dont it? | 06:41 |
metalsand2 | but it's never worked... I downloaded the drivers for with with synaptic | 06:41 |
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metalsand2 | but I guess I have to configure them, and i don't even know where to begin with doing that | 06:41 |
c-sic | mr milenko which language do you speak? | 06:41 |
metalsand2 | wlan0... jord, there is nothing listed as that | 06:41 |
c-sic | in your interfaceS? | 06:41 |
metalsand2 | My only devices listed in network settings are eth0 (My internal wireless card), eth1 (My uncofigured network inteface card) and eth2 (my PCMCIA card) | 06:42 |
metalsand2 | None of them work | 06:42 |
metalsand2 | When I try to boot it just stalls on *Confiruging network interfaces for minutes | 06:42 |
Dethread | metalsand2, ctrl+c out of that and configure it manually (dhclient eth<num>) once you're in | 06:43 |
c-sic | thats cause you configured it through GUI, right? | 06:43 |
jordanau | metalsand2, http://ipw2200.sourceforge.net/ | 06:43 |
metalsand2 | c-sic, I've configured it through iwconfig and the GUI | 06:43 |
jordanau | metalsand2, google gave me that, have you read into it | 06:43 |
anethema | i showd him that already hehe | 06:43 |
Ksmurf | the noob questions of the night... 1> I have a 200 GB harddrive I want to use for ubantu and VMware... how should I set my partions up (sizes and file system). 2> I am also wondering about the difference between the 386 586 and 686 kernel sources.. I have a P4e if | 06:43 |
=== Crane [~Crane@cable-71-8-46-55.grd.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ksmurf | that matters' | 06:44 |
metalsand2 | jordanau: I don't get why I would need that | 06:44 |
jordanau | Ksmurf, how much ram do you have? | 06:44 |
metalsand2 | I've had it working before | 06:44 |
anethema | Ksmurf, if its just ubuntu and vmware (within ubuntu) | 06:44 |
Ksmurf | jord.... 1024 | 06:44 |
=== fallstorm [~matt@66-189-208-248.dhcp.elbg.wa.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jordanau | Ksmurf, then you probably dont need a swap | 06:44 |
anethema | its always good to have a swap | 06:45 |
junior_ | wouldnt hurt though, especially with vmware | 06:45 |
Nalioth | Ksmurf, use the highest kernel for what you have | 06:45 |
anethema | i would do a 512mb swap parition, and the rest for ubuntu | 06:45 |
junior_ | i have a gig and a 512 swap. runs very nicely | 06:45 |
=== _jowe [~jowe@67-41-229-200.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jordanau | junior_, i have 512 and 512 swap | 06:45 |
c-sic | depending on what he will do, he dont need a swap...my 512 never almost uses swap... | 06:45 |
anethema | yeah | 06:45 |
c-sic | or almost never | 06:45 |
anethema | its just good to have | 06:45 |
anethema | wiht a big hdd no reason to not have one | 06:46 |
c-sic | right...2 gigs no doubt... | 06:46 |
c-sic | :) | 06:46 |
=== karsten [~karsten@host-66-81-223-156.rev.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ksmurf | i'm going to be using it for all things | 06:46 |
anethema | heh | 06:46 |
c-sic | but yeah, me and you dont really know that.... | 06:46 |
anethema | he said 200gb hdd | 06:46 |
metalsand2 | Ugh | 06:46 |
anethema | so i figure, whats 512mb for the swap | 06:46 |
anethema | haha | 06:46 |
=== jowe [~jowe@67-41-229-200.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ksmurf | athena... I have another 200 I will be bringing into the mix\ | 06:46 |
Ksmurf | as well for storage | 06:47 |
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jordanau | Ksmurf, so 200 just for ubuntu right? | 06:47 |
c-sic | who is this milenko dude:) | 06:47 |
=== Mr_Milenko is some random newbie | ||
Mr_Milenko | :P | 06:47 |
c-sic | heh, awesome | 06:47 |
c-sic | make some partitions, obviously. | 06:48 |
c-sic | whatever... | 06:48 |
c-sic | 200G | 06:48 |
anethema | i wouldnt...ooone biggie | 06:48 |
anethema | haha | 06:48 |
c-sic | awesome | 06:48 |
anethema | use dirs to organize | 06:48 |
c-sic | folders... | 06:48 |
metalsand2 | What Ubuntu just destroy my drivers for my card? | 06:48 |
Ksmurf | yes I have them set up on my doze | 06:48 |
anethema | folders if you're a windows user | 06:48 |
anethema | hehe | 06:48 |
metalsand2 | I don't get why it woudln't work | 06:48 |
metalsand2 | It just stopped... | 06:48 |
c-sic | it will work, ask... | 06:48 |
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karsten | metalsand2: I think you made that point an hour or two ago. | 06:48 |
metalsand2 | It still isn't working karsten | 06:49 |
metalsand2 | lol... | 06:49 |
karsten | metalsand2: Why don't you call it a night, buy a USB pen drive, and come back tomorrow. | 06:49 |
Ksmurf | k I got the small swap drive part ... | 06:49 |
metalsand2 | I'm on the verge of throwing my laptop out the window | 06:49 |
Nalioth | metalsand2, throw it this way | 06:49 |
jowe | hi, I'm new to Ubuntu and this is my first time on here. I don't have much experience with Linux yet, but I'm working on it! | 06:49 |
metalsand2 | because, I just DON'T understand why if it worked originally | 06:49 |
anethema | throw it into a box and ship it to me | 06:49 |
jordanau | metalsand2, go ahead and chunk it :) | 06:49 |
metalsand2 | why I can't get it to work again | 06:49 |
anethema | jowe, nice..keep at it | 06:50 |
icebalm | jowe: yay :D | 06:50 |
karsten | metalsand2: Call it a night and chill, dude. | 06:50 |
metalsand2 | No matter how upset I got, I couldn't. :P | 06:50 |
jowe | thanks | 06:50 |
=== chavo [~chavo@190.sub-70-212-12.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
metalsand2 | Brand new $1700 from Dell | 06:50 |
Nalioth | welcome, jowe | 06:50 |
anethema | make sure to go to www.ubuntuguide.org | 06:50 |
jordanau | jowe, do you have anything you want to discuss in detail? | 06:50 |
jowe | I'm wondering does anyone know how I can configure my laptop wireless? it's built in. | 06:50 |
c-sic | metalsand2: maybe the 2915 is not supported. | 06:50 |
anethema | and use it to follow instructions on software you want | 06:50 |
metalsand2 | BWAAHAHHAHAHAHHA. | 06:50 |
anethema | haha doh another wireless problem | 06:50 |
jordanau | jowe, yeah ask metalsand2 | 06:50 |
metalsand2 | Have fun, Jowe. | 06:50 |
c-sic | haha | 06:50 |
c-sic | awesome... | 06:50 |
jowe | metalsand2 - thanks lol | 06:51 |
c-sic | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards | 06:51 |
Ksmurf | I'll be using VMware for my 'doze work till I find altens. and openBSD to teach myself UNIX and to try Kubantu and other distros | 06:51 |
c-sic | maybe it is there... | 06:51 |
jowe | I'll check it out now. thanks. :) | 06:51 |
metalsand2 | Jowe: start with this: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/WiFiHowto | 06:51 |
jowe | metalsand2 - thanks. I'll check it out now. It'll be an adventure, I'm sure. | 06:51 |
jordanau | jowe, also the introduction to linux at www.tdlp.org is a great way to learn about linux operation in general | 06:51 |
=== concept10 [~chatzilla@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
metalsand2 | Jowe: You have no idea how true that statement is | 06:52 |
anethema | watch | 06:52 |
anethema | 2mins later | 06:52 |
anethema | jowe: "i got it working guys thanks!" | 06:52 |
anethema | haha | 06:52 |
anethema | metalsand2: "Arrrgaah!" | 06:52 |
metalsand2 | Just remember adventures don't always have happy endings :P | 06:52 |
c-sic | anethema: lol, dude. | 06:52 |
jordanau | jowe, just remember this when it comes to configuring wireless, it is not really that hard take your time and work through the howtos if they apply | 06:52 |
Ksmurf | I dloaded the 386 install disk for ubantu.... should I be using 586 or 686 sources? | 06:53 |
c-sic | metalsand2: you are freaking out for no reason, my wireless dont work at all... | 06:53 |
jordanau | metalsand2, yeah but a sad ending to a great adventure is better than no adventure at all | 06:53 |
metalsand2 | Yes, and doy ou have a wireless card? | 06:53 |
metalsand2 | No, Jord. That isn't true. :P | 06:53 |
anethema | im using the bootable install/live dvd | 06:53 |
c-sic | you cant just buy some computer and expect it to work right away, give it some time, and relax, ask many times, some ppl come... | 06:53 |
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metalsand2 | I know, c-sic | 06:53 |
c-sic | and yours may work, mine dont. | 06:53 |
metalsand2 | I'm going to be in here every night until I get this working. | 06:54 |
c-sic | so, chilll | 06:54 |
Dethread | metalsand2, my wireless worked right out of the box ;) | 06:54 |
=== jordanau takes the red pill and metalsand2 takes the blue, and then jordan hates himself for making a matrix reference | ||
metalsand2 | Deth: Mine did too :) | 06:54 |
metalsand2 | But it decided it didn't want to anymore. | 06:54 |
jordanau | metalsand2, so just start over | 06:54 |
Dethread | metalsand2, and continues to work | 06:54 |
c-sic | so, how long have you been using Ubuntu? | 06:54 |
metalsand2 | Like 4 days. | 06:54 |
ecalot | in which package I can find /usr/include/sys/types.h ? | 06:54 |
anethema | ive been using linux for like 5-6 years and im so amazed at how easy it is! haha | 06:54 |
metalsand2 | The first day I spent 5 hours getting a widescreen resolution working with Ubuntu. | 06:54 |
Nalioth | jordanau, you know you're a geek thru and thru | 06:54 |
anethema | the only thing i liked better in slack was the rc.d system | 06:54 |
c-sic | ok, Ive had it since warty almost. | 06:55 |
anethema | init scripts | 06:55 |
c-sic | First, my internet didnt work, cause Im not on DHCP, for one... | 06:55 |
anethema | amazed at how easy ubuntu is that is | 06:55 |
c-sic | and so on...relax... | 06:55 |
anethema | not linux in general hehe | 06:55 |
=== Nalioth is such a geek, he's had his tix for ROTS for 2 weeks now | ||
jordanau | Nalioth, yeah i just changed my major to software engineering after realizing how much i hate chemical engineering | 06:55 |
karsten | metalsand2: There's a few things here which may come as some solace. Among them, Linux doesn't tend to randomly reorganize itself from out from under you. | 06:55 |
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karsten | Nalioth: I hear it's a bloodbath. | 06:55 |
Nalioth | metalsand2, unlike windzoe which changes itself to suit its mood | 06:56 |
Dethread | jordanau, which school do you go to? | 06:56 |
anethema | karsten, unless you use redhat/mandrake | 06:56 |
anethema | haha | 06:56 |
Nalioth | karsten, REALLY? | 06:56 |
Ksmurf | Nalioth... highest kerrnal... what do u mean? | 06:56 |
karsten | Nalioth: If you believe what you hear on IRC, yeah. | 06:56 |
metalsand2 | karsten: What does solace mean? | 06:56 |
jordanau | Nalioth, no my favorite, we were playing a drinking game "never have i ever" and my friend drank after someone asked if you ever masturbated to anime porn, now thats geek | 06:56 |
Nalioth | Ksmurf, if you are running a P4, use the 686 stuff | 06:56 |
jordanau | Dethread, Auburn | 06:56 |
pjo | Hello i have questions on http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-27811.html | 06:56 |
metalsand2 | I'm too lazy to alt+tab over to firefox and dictionary search :) | 06:56 |
karsten | anethema: Even that, somewhat within reason. There's a certain level of inertia to the command line. | 06:57 |
pjo | Can anybody help me ? | 06:57 |
Ksmurf | even if I insatll the 386 install disk? | 06:57 |
karsten | anethema: Though I can't remember how many FW methods I've forgetten... | 06:57 |
jordanau | Dethread, you? | 06:57 |
anethema | edit the wrong config file by hand tho...and kiss your install goodbye it seems | 06:57 |
anethema | haha | 06:57 |
karsten | pjo: Ask | 06:57 |
Nalioth | jordanau, damn and i thought i was bad, buying my tix more than month ahead of time | 06:57 |
metalsand2 | Cool | 06:57 |
metalsand2 | iwlist scanning | 06:57 |
anethema | got to use all the stupid settings editors | 06:57 |
metalsand2 | display my network | 06:57 |
Dethread | jordanau, Cal Poly | 06:57 |
pjo | karsten thanks i got some eroors | 06:57 |
metalsand2 | iwlist eth0 scanning | 06:57 |
Nalioth | Ksmurf, you have to use the 386 installer | 06:57 |
karsten | anethema: cfengine / cvs are your friends. | 06:57 |
metalsand2 | Displays some random network, and not mine | 06:57 |
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Ksmurf | Nalioth K | 06:57 |
pjo | shall I paste it to home page ? | 06:57 |
metalsand2 | Why is Ubuntu so random? | 06:57 |
Nalioth | later you can upgrade your stuff to 686 if it applies | 06:57 |
anethema | haha ill just never use redhat or anything like it again | 06:57 |
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Nalioth | metalsand2, random? | 06:58 |
jordanau | Dethread, i am looking forward to taking java next semester, did you know that jGRASP is developed by auburn? | 06:58 |
karsten | pjo: Paste to paster. | 06:58 |
=== ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0203.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
karsten | pjo: Website. Or #flood. | 06:58 |
Dethread | jordanau, I have never heard of jGRASP | 06:58 |
pjo | karsten shall we go to other channel ? | 06:58 |
jordanau | Dethread, at least its not southern cal | 06:58 |
c-sic | pjo: did you ask on kubuntu too? | 06:58 |
Ksmurf | Nalioth Just through synaptic? | 06:58 |
anethema | pjo, use pastebin | 06:58 |
jordanau | Dethread, java ide | 06:58 |
neighborlee | hey people..where do I get the printer command that say gedit uses to print to my printer...I need it for gimp-print ...???? | 06:58 |
anethema | to paste | 06:58 |
metalsand2 | What's wrong with Southern Ca | 06:58 |
Nalioth | Ksmurf, yup | 06:58 |
metalsand2 | I love SoCal. | 06:58 |
Dethread | jordanau, I use vim or Eclipse if I have to :) | 06:58 |
anethema | i wanna go dirtbiking in socal | 06:58 |
anethema | sounds nice | 06:58 |
anethema | except for the enviro nazis | 06:59 |
c-sic | socalled socal | 06:59 |
jordanau | metalsand2, they were ranked number 1 in college football and auburn was 2 | 06:59 |
metalsand2 | Ah. | 06:59 |
jordanau | Dethread, check out jGRASP | 06:59 |
pjo | this channel is busy so where can I go to ask questions ? | 06:59 |
Ksmurf | Nalioth Even though I'm running... will I have to change grub to reflect the chnge? | 06:59 |
dr_willis | neighborlee, could use just 'lpr' or I perfer the program 'xpp' for more controll.. but iwas thinking gedit saw myinstalled printers allready | 06:59 |
c-sic | jsut ask here again. | 06:59 |
metalsand2 | Football sucks... But we're best at almost everything, so that isn't surprising :P | 06:59 |
anethema | whats your question pjo | 06:59 |
metalsand2 | Girls, however. I do care, so that's a big plus ;) | 06:59 |
pjo | ok | 06:59 |
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Nalioth | Ksmurf, i believe that when you upgrade, synaptic (or apt) does it for you | 06:59 |
pjo | where shall I paste the errors ? | 06:59 |
Ksmurf | Nalioth cool... thanks | 07:00 |
metalsand2 | The channel flood, pjo | 07:00 |
jordanau | pastebin | 07:00 |
anethema | pjo, use pastebin | 07:00 |
karsten | metalsand2: What's wrong with SoCal is not enough rain, earthquakes, fires, or landslides. | 07:00 |
metalsand2 | Or pastebin.com | 07:00 |
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pjo | ok channel flood | 07:00 |
Dethread | jordanau, looks pretty ugly :( | 07:00 |
metalsand2 | We had plenty of fires last year | 07:00 |
anethema | always use pastebin | 07:00 |
jordanau | #flood is agonizingly slow | 07:00 |
metalsand2 | And this week it's rained 3 times. :) | 07:00 |
karsten | metalsand2: My point exactlyu. | 07:00 |
ivoks | morning | 07:00 |
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anethema | pjo, http://pastebin.com/ | 07:00 |
pjo | ok pastebin where is it ? | 07:00 |
metalsand2 | Oh, sarcasm. | 07:00 |
Ksmurf | K one question down now what about the part. setup . Any advice? | 07:00 |
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Ksmurf | morn ivoks | 07:01 |
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neighborlee | dr_willis, yes gedit sees my printer fine...but gimp-print isn't so fortunate so I needed the printer command string ;( | 07:01 |
anethema | then you get an output like this | 07:01 |
anethema | http://pastebin.com/280315 | 07:01 |
metalsand2 | I'm going to restart my wireless router | 07:01 |
karsten | metalsand2: Who's sarcastic? | 07:01 |
jordanau | Ksmurf, are you installing ubuntu alone on 200 gig harddrive? | 07:01 |
metalsand2 | Perhaps it's not Linux that's screwing it up, but my hardware. | 07:01 |
metalsand2 | Brb. | 07:01 |
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=== karsten applauds metalsand2.... | ||
anethema | Ksmurf, just make a big parition for unbuntu...done | 07:02 |
jordanau | bye metalsand2 you will be missed... | 07:02 |
pjo | http://pastebin.com/280316 here it is | 07:02 |
=== jordanau sheds a tear | ||
=== dr_willis cries | ||
Mistiry | ok im getting an error when i try to install an mp3 player.....who can help me? | 07:02 |
pjo | i was doing this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-27811.html | 07:02 |
Nalioth | Mistiry, what error? | 07:02 |
anethema | my advice: use gnome | 07:02 |
anethema | haha | 07:02 |
Nalioth | Mistiry, we need to know more | 07:02 |
Mistiry | configure: error: *** GLIB >= 1.2.2 not installed - please install first *** | 07:02 |
pjo | i like to use KDE | 07:03 |
anethema | i know im just kidding | 07:03 |
pjo | http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-27811.html they say it works | 07:03 |
HrdwrBoB | Mistiry: it must be old | 07:03 |
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HrdwrBoB | Mistiry: what mp3 player | 07:03 |
Mistiry | i tried apt-get install glib, but doesnt work | 07:03 |
Nalioth | so Mistiry what is the problem? | 07:03 |
bob2 | Mistiry: install build-essential and libglib1.2-deb | 07:03 |
anethema | thats a crazy error | 07:03 |
Mistiry | xmms i thing it was | 07:03 |
bob2 | Mistiry: er, libglib1.2-dev | 07:03 |
bob2 | Mistiry: why are you compiling xmms? | 07:03 |
bob2 | Mistiry: it's in ubuntu already | 07:03 |
Nalioth | ah bob2 welcome | 07:03 |
anethema | it doesnt give you much info to fix it | 07:03 |
anethema | haha | 07:03 |
=== bosewicht [~bosewicht@hnllhi1-ar1-4-65-058-061.hnllhi1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mistiry | ok calm down people....im kinda new to linux | 07:04 |
bosewicht | lol | 07:04 |
pjo | it looks like when scim tries to open a small window for conversion it generated error | 07:04 |
anethema | its ok ministry | 07:04 |
bob2 | Mistiry: wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto | 07:04 |
bob2 | Mistiry: read that and enable the "universe" repository | 07:04 |
anethema | Ministry, go to www.ubuntuguide.com | 07:04 |
anethema | and look at the xmms entry | 07:04 |
bob2 | Mistiry: then you can install xmms using synaptic | 07:04 |
anethema | just follow the commands exactly | 07:04 |
Nalioth | Mistiry, you can overload from too many instances of Mistiry in a sequence | 07:05 |
karsten | bob2: if you can figure out metalsand2's wifi issues at some point... | 07:05 |
ivoks | http://jw.dyndns.org/initng/ | 07:06 |
ivoks | hm... :) | 07:06 |
Mistiry | ok any other good mp3 player? | 07:06 |
=== thoreauputic [~prospero@wolax6-114.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | Mistiry, xmms is best | 07:06 |
holycow | ivoks, apt-get install runit | 07:06 |
holycow | :) | 07:06 |
anethema | but follow ubuntuguide | 07:06 |
anethema | always ubuntuguide | 07:06 |
anethema | you will install it no sweat | 07:06 |
ivoks | holycow somehow i don't feel like it :) | 07:06 |
Mistiry | it says ubuntuguide.com cant find the server | 07:06 |
Nalioth | Mistiry, there are many different mp3 players | 07:06 |
anethema | sorry | 07:06 |
anethema | www.ubuntuguide.org | 07:07 |
dr_willis | :) | 07:07 |
c-sic | Mistiry: bob2 told you... | 07:07 |
ivoks | holycow i could try, maybe... | 07:07 |
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anethema | go here: http://ubuntuguide.org/#xmms | 07:07 |
anethema | follow ALL the instructions | 07:07 |
anethema | and it will work forsure. | 07:07 |
Mistiry | ok lemme try it | 07:07 |
holycow | xmms needs to be rewritten ... i think there is some work being done on that | 07:08 |
anethema | yeah, but it works now anyways | 07:08 |
anethema | some bugs | 07:08 |
anethema | hehe | 07:08 |
ivoks | holycow xmms2 | 07:08 |
holycow | rofl? ah! | 07:08 |
=== holycow googles | ||
Dethread | Mistiry, you will also have to set xmms to use ESD instead of OSS | 07:08 |
ivoks | holycow but that's something totally different | 07:08 |
Mistiry | Dethread, i have no idea what ESD and OSS are...again, im a n00bie | 07:09 |
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ivoks | holycow xmms2.xmms.org | 07:09 |
=== veritas_ is now known as metalsand | ||
Dethread | Mistiry, tell us when you're done installing | 07:09 |
metalsand | HAHA! | 07:09 |
Dethread | metalsand, well? | 07:09 |
=== busfahrer[off] is now known as busfahrer | ||
metalsand | I'm browsing from my laptop | 07:09 |
Dethread | metalsand, so it wasn't ubuntu after all | 07:09 |
metalsand | It was my freaking router the entire time | 07:09 |
Dethread | metalsand, tsk tsk | 07:09 |
Mistiry | i will | 07:10 |
holycow | ivoks, *nod* | 07:10 |
spacepopeye | ERROR: Could not initialize sdl_mixer. Do I need to install somethine? What? | 07:10 |
metalsand | Cool. Now back to what really matters | 07:10 |
Nalioth | Mistiry, you should read the ubuntu howtos | 07:10 |
c-sic | ivoks: wow a logo... | 07:10 |
metalsand | Getting my PCMCIA Card to work! | 07:10 |
metalsand | karstern: you around? | 07:10 |
jordanau | Dethread, ugliness is not what matters, what matters is it is made in auburn so i am proud :) | 07:10 |
c-sic | dude...lol...your router...gotta love that... | 07:10 |
jordanau | Dethread, i have to find significance somewhere... | 07:11 |
ivoks | c-sic yep, logo | 07:11 |
metalsand | where did my user list go in x-chat? | 07:11 |
Mistiry | ok i get this after i do the first command ubuntuguide gives me | 07:11 |
c-sic | to sam ja...lol | 07:11 |
Mistiry | Package xmms is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 07:11 |
Mistiry | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 07:11 |
Mistiry | is only available from another source | 07:11 |
Mistiry | eggy: Package xmms has no installation candidate | 07:11 |
jordanau | metalsand, your router!!???!!!111 | 07:11 |
Dethread | jordanau, I understand | 07:11 |
c-sic | I just changed my nick... | 07:11 |
metalsand | jordanau, apparently :P | 07:11 |
ivoks | ok | 07:11 |
anethema | Mistiry, | 07:11 |
anethema | you didnt follow the intructions | 07:11 |
Dethread | metalsand, it's probably minimized to the right | 07:11 |
bosewicht | anyone using the debian gis packages? | 07:12 |
eggy | eh? | 07:12 |
metalsand | Well, how do I maximize it? | 07:12 |
jordanau | metalsand, if it makes you feel better, i struggled for days with sound only to discover i had the volume down | 07:12 |
Dethread | just drag it back out | 07:12 |
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pjo | did anybody look at my errors ? | 07:12 |
Dethread | Mistiry, did you set the repositories correctly? | 07:12 |
metalsand | jordanau, it does, thanks | 07:13 |
metalsand | Dethread, how do I maximize my user list | 07:13 |
Dethread | Mistiry, in other words, did you follow steps 1,2 and 3 in that link you wree given? | 07:13 |
Mistiry | im doing that now | 07:13 |
Dethread | metalsand, I don't know....it has happened to me though...just grab the bar on the very right and drag it to the left | 07:13 |
ivoks | ok... let's try runit :) | 07:13 |
metalsand | Ah. There it is | 07:13 |
ivoks | time for reboot | 07:14 |
metalsand | Cool, thanks | 07:14 |
=== liable [~linux@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu | ||
karsten | metalsand: Better? | 07:14 |
metalsand | karsten, yes :) | 07:14 |
karsten | metalsand: Hah! | 07:14 |
metalsand | i'm browsing from my laptop now... When I iwlist scanning didn't show my network, but a neighbors I figured somethign was fishy | 07:14 |
Dethread | that's the first thing you should have checked | 07:15 |
Nalioth | y'all be good (or smile a lot) | 07:15 |
jordanau | metalsand, how does it feel to be rescued from the island??? Actually you swam off yourself... | 07:15 |
karsten | metalsand: I'd taunt you, but I'd have to tell you about fscked Linksys hubs, bad ethernet cables, misconfigured routes, duplicate routes, and a few other sins. | 07:15 |
=== Nalioth [~Apple@cpe-66-25-43-80.houston.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
metalsand | karsten, now that I have a means of pasting, can you help me configure my PCMCIA card? | 07:15 |
Dethread | he basically kicked himself in the nuts | 07:15 |
karsten | metalsand: What did it take? Router reset? | 07:15 |
metalsand | yes | 07:15 |
metalsand | I restarted my cable modem for good mesure, too. | 07:15 |
karsten | metalsand: Learn to love the command line. What's your IRC client? | 07:15 |
metalsand | xchat | 07:15 |
dazzed | irssi! | 07:16 |
anethema | irssi is the shit | 07:16 |
=== Disc00rd [Disc00rd@] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
anethema | (good) | 07:16 |
anethema | hheh | 07:16 |
dazzed | irssi is the shit | 07:16 |
metalsand | Default with Ubuntu... It doesn't look anything like the way I tweaked mIRC in windows, but it works :) | 07:16 |
karsten | metalsand: OK. FYI, in irssi, '/exec -o <cmd> ' will output straight to channel. Useful. | 07:16 |
karsten | metalsand: mIRC sucks. You can get Xchat for 'Doze FYI. | 07:16 |
dazzed | www.trip-p.com/images/desktops/flux_latest.jpg <--- my irssi | 07:16 |
jordanau | i liked irssi when xorg broke, but i use xchat again | 07:16 |
=== matthew [~matthew@ip68-2-119-129.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
karsten | metalsand: pcmcia: You need a couple of packages.... | 07:16 |
=== shadeofgrey [~shadeofgr@user-1120di5.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shadeofgrey | hey | 07:17 |
=== Chameleon22 [~segr@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
metalsand | I downloaded wlan-ng, the drivers I read were required for the card I used | 07:17 |
karsten | metalsand: ...I'm judging this from Debian, Ubuntu may be slightly different... | 07:17 |
Chameleon22 | where can i brows all available universe debs online? | 07:17 |
shadeofgrey | is the newest version of the openoffice beta available through apt-get yet? | 07:17 |
anethema | Chameleon22, : use synaptic | 07:17 |
dazzed | Chameleon22: www.debian.org | 07:17 |
dazzed | or use synaptic | 07:17 |
dazzed | or | 07:17 |
jordanau | Chameleon22, you mean like synaptic? | 07:17 |
dazzed | apt-get | 07:17 |
shadeofgrey | the one with the blue startup screen and special new file support? | 07:17 |
Chameleon22 | anethema: can you read | 07:17 |
karsten | metalsand: aptitude install pcmcia-cs | 07:17 |
Chameleon22 | i said online | 07:17 |
c-sic | dazzed: pretty f...sweet. | 07:17 |
anethema | "Chameleon22 where can i brows all available universe debs online?" | 07:17 |
dazzed | Chameleon22: use www.debian.org | 07:18 |
anethema | it is online | 07:18 |
=== Brunellus [~luigi@ip68-100-19-156.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dazzed | c-sic: thanks | 07:18 |
anethema | where do you think you are getting the package list? | 07:18 |
Brunellus | OK. I can't print from my printserver.... | 07:18 |
karsten | metalsand: after install, for good meaaure, '/etc/init.d/pcmcia start' | 07:18 |
Brunellus | I can ping the printserver | 07:18 |
Chameleon22 | dazzed: are all ubuntu debs ported from debian ? | 07:18 |
c-sic | thats my new nick... | 07:18 |
c-sic | lol | 07:18 |
karsten | Chameleon22: More or less. | 07:18 |
Brunellus | but trying to print from it, I get a "remote host busy or unavailable" message | 07:18 |
dazzed | Chameleon22: no...but thats the only place you can get all of em...and a lot of them are | 07:18 |
=== ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0761.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
metalsand | pcmcia-cs is already the newest version | 07:18 |
jordanau | Chameleon22, but you dont need to use debian debs for ubuntu | 07:18 |
ivoks | ok... that didn't work out well :) | 07:19 |
Brunellus | anybody know anything about network printing? | 07:19 |
karsten | metalsand: OK. | 07:19 |
Chameleon22 | so ubuntu uses sid's deb? | 07:19 |
jordanau | Chameleon22, no ubuntu debs | 07:19 |
karsten | metalsand: Is your card currently in? | 07:19 |
metalsand | starting PCMCIA services: [ok] | 07:19 |
karsten | metalsand: ...there may be some stuff under your system menu for PCMCIA config... | 07:19 |
=== Chameleon22 [~segr@] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
karsten | metalsand: Good. | 07:19 |
metalsand | It is now, karsten | 07:19 |
karsten | metalsand: Is your PC card in? | 07:19 |
dazzed | ubuntu uses ubuntu debs...but they all match up so its cool to use www.debian.org | 07:19 |
c-sic | Brunellus: it is printinig over a network... | 07:19 |
metalsand | karsten, yes | 07:19 |
c-sic | lol | 07:19 |
jordanau | dazzed, really? i hear not to use debian debs | 07:19 |
shadeofgrey | nobody knows? | 07:20 |
Brunellus | c-sic: what did you mean by that? | 07:20 |
dazzed | jordanau: well then dont use them...i use a lot of them all work fine...a deb is a deb...doesnt matter who makes em | 07:20 |
dazzed | its just a pacakging system | 07:20 |
karsten | metalsand: OK. Eject it, give it a couple of seconds, and reinsert it.. You should hear a "boop ... beep BEEP" | 07:20 |
dazzed | ubuntu is debian based | 07:20 |
jordanau | shadeofgrey, what ubuntu are you using? | 07:20 |
c-sic | shadeofgrey: can you download a .bin from their site? | 07:20 |
Brunellus | what bugs me most of all is that this worked *fine* before I upgraded to hoary | 07:20 |
dazzed | i have debs that aer made by friends...fuck i have made a few debs | 07:20 |
Brunellus | no settings have changed with the printserver | 07:20 |
jordanau | dazzed, then you know more than i do | 07:21 |
Brunellus | but somehow I get the feeling that there's a blocked port somewhere along the line | 07:21 |
c-sic | Brunellus: you asked: Brunellus: anybody know anything about network printing? so I said: c-sic: Brunellus: it is printinig over a network... | 07:21 |
ivoks | dazzed u just have to love deb :) | 07:21 |
shadeofgrey | im using 5.04 | 07:21 |
metalsand | karsten, nothing... no sounds | 07:21 |
=== Brunellus chortles. | ||
metalsand | karsten, in fact, the only sounds I have heard using Ubuntu are the start and shutdown sounds | 07:21 |
dazzed | ivoks: they do make it easy :) | 07:21 |
shadeofgrey | does a .bin install the same as apt-get? | 07:21 |
anethema | boomp when it boots and i get the login screen | 07:21 |
karsten | metalsand: OK... | 07:22 |
matthew | I (L) UBUNTU | 07:22 |
shadeofgrey | jordanau: im using the newest ubuntu | 07:22 |
matthew | hehe | 07:22 |
karsten | metalsand: Should be PC speaker IIRC. | 07:22 |
jordanau | oo.org will not be upgraded anymore unless you compile yourself, change to breezy, use backports, or unless security upgrades are neccesary | 07:22 |
Brunellus | cheers c-sic, but that doesn't get my CV printed in time for tomorrow's interview.... | 07:22 |
Brunellus | :p | 07:22 |
jordanau | anyone correct me if i am wrong | 07:22 |
ivoks | Brunellus what's the problem? | 07:22 |
c-sic | dazzed: tahts really your desktop? | 07:23 |
jordanau | metalsand, have you read any howtos on sound? | 07:23 |
metalsand | jordanau, nope... I figured my sound was correctly configured, because I could hear Ubuntu start/shutdown sounds | 07:23 |
karsten | metalsand: Hrm... I don't use pcmcia here much currently though I've got it, appears out ATM, give me a few.... | 07:23 |
anethema | god i'd kill for skype to use alsa | 07:23 |
=== bored2k [~rafael@100samana87.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | play ut and talk on skype and get sound for both | 07:24 |
dazzed | c-sic: of course! my server and everything | 07:24 |
dazzed | i got other pictures too but they all the same really | 07:24 |
shadeofgrey | you mean ubuntu is no longer going to support oo.org? | 07:24 |
Brunellus | ivoks: I can ping my printserver | 07:24 |
shadeofgrey | or is that just until 2 isnt in beta anymore? | 07:24 |
ivoks | Brunellus ok... | 07:24 |
Brunellus | I specify its IP, and the print queue | 07:24 |
Brunellus | but nothing | 07:25 |
c-sic | wow, tahts in fluxbox? | 07:25 |
jordanau | shadeofgrey, no they freeze a particular version when an official release comes out | 07:25 |
ivoks | Brunellus and ur printerserver is cups or something else? | 07:25 |
shadeofgrey | jordanau: what does that mean for me? | 07:25 |
dazzed | ubuntu isnt going to have oo? | 07:25 |
dazzed | whered u hear this? | 07:25 |
jordanau | shadeofgrey, they will not provide anymore non-security upgrades unless you switch to breezy | 07:25 |
shadeofgrey | what the hell is breezy? | 07:25 |
jordanau | dazzed, not true misunderstanding | 07:25 |
dazzed | jordanau: ohh ok | 07:25 |
ivoks | shadeofgrey new ubuntu | 07:25 |
Brunellus | ivoks: the printserver is a Hawking one-port parallel printserver. the docs say it should be lpd | 07:26 |
shadeofgrey | you mean to tell me hoary is already outdated? | 07:26 |
shadeofgrey | okay | 07:26 |
anethema | whoa | 07:26 |
jordanau | shadeofgrey, yes | 07:26 |
Brunellus | I got it to work before, under warty | 07:26 |
anethema | there is a new ubuntu out | 07:26 |
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anethema | ? | 07:26 |
bored2k | breezy will be out on October | 07:26 |
shadeofgrey | how do i upgrade it then? | 07:26 |
ivoks | Brunellus nmap -v IP_of_your_printerserver | 07:26 |
bored2k | breezy is still in early dev stage | 07:26 |
metalsand | how stable is Breezy right now? | 07:26 |
dazzed | no need to upgrade yet...dev stage | 07:26 |
ivoks | unstable | 07:26 |
dazzed | metalsand: its bad right now | 07:26 |
c-sic | shadeofgrey: do you know that you can install programs that are not from a repository? | 07:27 |
Ksmurf | should I be using reiser XFS ext2 or 3... any suggestions? | 07:27 |
ivoks | xfs | 07:27 |
shadeofgrey | will i have to totally reinstall to get breezy going when it hits? | 07:27 |
dazzed | most that upgrade..revert back shortly after | 07:27 |
jordanau | shadeofgrey, distro releases are "outdated" before they come out | 07:27 |
anethema | reiser i would | 07:27 |
anethema | im using reiser | 07:27 |
ivoks | shadeofgrey no. u will just upgrade | 07:27 |
anethema | never heard of xfs | 07:27 |
bored2k | shadeofgrey a dist-upgrade will do | 07:27 |
ivoks | LOL! | 07:27 |
jordanau | shadeofgrey, no | 07:27 |
dazzed | shadeofgrey: you can use synaptic to download the new upgrade and then reboot and urd one | 07:27 |
ivoks | anethema never heard? and u use reiser? | 07:27 |
anethema | is there a new ubuntu out? | 07:27 |
anethema | i use reiser | 07:27 |
anethema | yes | 07:27 |
dazzed | its in dev stage...really unstbale | 07:27 |
ivoks | anethema XFS is maybe not so fast, but faster... | 07:27 |
jordanau | anethema, no not since april | 07:27 |
metalsand | karsten, you still checking stuff out? | 07:28 |
ivoks | anethema but reiser is disaster waiting to happen | 07:28 |
anethema | why | 07:28 |
bored2k | "please dont upgrade yet" < http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27865 | 07:28 |
anethema | whats wrong wiht it | 07:28 |
anethema | ive used it on slack forever | 07:28 |
dazzed | thank you :) | 07:28 |
anethema | never had problems | 07:28 |
ivoks | anethema too much expeerience with that sh**t | 07:28 |
Brunellus | h'm. | 07:28 |
=== Brunellus apt-gets nmap. | ||
anethema | ah | 07:28 |
dazzed | anethema: slack is a good system...what reason u switch to ubu? | 07:28 |
metalsand | What's nmap? | 07:28 |
anethema | is xfs mature enough to actually use? | 07:28 |
anethema | dazzed, just to try, but now ill never go back | 07:28 |
jordanau | metalsand, google | 07:28 |
ivoks | anethema XFS is older than Linux :) | 07:28 |
anethema | is it journaliing ? | 07:28 |
ivoks | anethema it was standars FS on Irix | 07:29 |
ivoks | anethema of course | 07:29 |
dazzed | anethema: yeah true...i know how that is...i think im going to dual boot slack and ubu cuz slack is fun | 07:29 |
anethema | heh i dunno | 07:29 |
Brunellus | I'll be damned. everything's closed | 07:29 |
anethema | just spend soo much time getting stuff working how you want in slack | 07:29 |
Brunellus | except 10000/tcp snet-sensor-mgmt | 07:29 |
ivoks | anethema it's the fastest FS for big files | 07:29 |
anethema | took me like 20mins on ubuntu | 07:29 |
dazzed | anethema: oohhhh sooo true...first insatll fucking 3 hours to get errors on every boot then 2 weeks before i got it to run like a computer | 07:29 |
anethema | i was soo amazed at how easy shit was | 07:29 |
anethema | didnt know how easy linux could be | 07:29 |
anethema | but its not a hand-holder like mandrake | 07:30 |
anethema | or..mandriva! | 07:30 |
anethema | haha | 07:30 |
anethema | poor buggers | 07:30 |
anethema | going with the metrosexual fad or somehting | 07:30 |
dazzed | anethema: the direction ubu is going is for windows converters though | 07:30 |
metalsand | jordanau, is nmap more for wired networks? | 07:30 |
dazzed | so i might be getting out | 07:30 |
Brunellus | ok. everything's shut down | 07:30 |
ivoks | nmap is must-have tool | 07:30 |
=== c-sic anethema is my hero | ||
dazzed | might go over to gentoo or something | 07:30 |
Brunellus | that explains why I can't even telnet to the printserver | 07:30 |
ivoks | dazzed u tried gentoo? | 07:30 |
dazzed | not yet | 07:31 |
ivoks | dazzed don't go there... | 07:31 |
ivoks | :) | 07:31 |
=== Brunellus goes downstairs to figure out what the hell's gone on | ||
anethema | yeah i guess, but its so easy, but still..based on debian and can edit config files easily | 07:31 |
ivoks | don't get me wrong | 07:31 |
dazzed | iv i have some friends that are alll over that shit...whats your oppinion on it? | 07:31 |
dazzed | ivoks: * ^ | 07:31 |
ivoks | gentoo is, maybe, the best distro out there | 07:31 |
ivoks | but... | 07:31 |
anethema | hmmm | 07:31 |
ivoks | it takes TOO MUCH time | 07:31 |
anethema | i wasnt impressed with gentoo over slack | 07:31 |
anethema | has emerge which is cool | 07:31 |
dazzed | relaly lots of time? | 07:31 |
anethema | but..bah | 07:32 |
metalsand | ivoks: too much time to do what? | 07:32 |
c-sic | gnome is pretty | 07:32 |
dazzed | yeah i hear the emerge wshit | 07:32 |
karsten | metalsand: Yes, still checking. | 07:32 |
anethema | everything takes forever | 07:32 |
dazzed | its like apt-get | 07:32 |
ivoks | anethema it's the best couse u can optimize every package | 07:32 |
ivoks | metalsand compiling every day :) | 07:32 |
anethema | who cares | 07:32 |
anethema | optimize | 07:32 |
anethema | wow 1% | 07:32 |
anethema | if that | 07:32 |
anethema | never notice that | 07:32 |
karsten | metalsand: ...and taking a refreshment break. | 07:32 |
dazzed | lol | 07:32 |
ivoks | anethema acctually, much more | 07:32 |
anethema | i compiled everything i slack anyways | 07:32 |
Dethread | where is that dictionary file (usually /user/share/dict/words) in ubuntu? | 07:32 |
=== karsten hands ivoks a 100# sack of rice. | ||
anethema | not much more, ive seen the benchmarks | 07:32 |
metalsand | karsten: k. no worries, thanks for helping me thus far | 07:32 |
anethema | it averages like 1% | 07:32 |
anethema | or 2 | 07:32 |
ivoks | karsten ? | 07:32 |
karsten | metalsand: It's personal -- I'd like to get it working. | 07:32 |
metalsand | karsten, ahhahaha | 07:33 |
karsten | ivoks: http://funroll-loops.org/ | 07:33 |
ivoks | anethema there isn't any app compiled for pentium-m | 07:33 |
chavo | karsten, you should hand it to him up against his head. | 07:33 |
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karsten | chavo: That would imply finding it. | 07:33 |
metalsand | up against my head? o.O | 07:33 |
dazzed | too bad i can get slack to run perfectly fine but i cant figure out a way to get this stupid xmms-infopipe pm installed...i tried everything lol | 07:33 |
ivoks | anethema so u can imagine difference beetween ubuntu (486 optimized) and gentoo (pm optimized) | 07:33 |
ivoks | anethema it's not just 1%, it's 25% | 07:34 |
anethema | heh | 07:34 |
anethema | i would have to see some very convincing benchmarks to believe that | 07:34 |
metalsand | Are the 486/PM kernel related things? | 07:34 |
metalsand | I'm trying to gleen knowledge. | 07:34 |
anethema | hes talking about diff cpus | 07:34 |
dazzed | related in the way they are both kernels...and that they power the same ubuntu but besides that no | 07:34 |
anethema | pentium M and 486 | 07:34 |
metalsand | Oh. | 07:35 |
=== gnuyen [~gnuyen@68-66-11-106.lmdaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
metalsand | 486 = ? | 07:35 |
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dazzed | they are processed differently for dif processors to optimize performance | 07:35 |
dazzed | 486 intel | 07:35 |
dazzed | i mean amd*** | 07:35 |
anethema | it really doesnt make that much diff | 07:35 |
dazzed | it doesnt | 07:35 |
metalsand | So, since I'm running a lappy (1.6 Centrino - PM) my comp would process faster using Gentoo? | 07:35 |
=== gdub [~66gdub@d207-81-76-176.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dazzed | metalsand: the thing about ubu they have kernels for all dif processors | 07:36 |
dazzed | its just based on the 486 | 07:36 |
anethema | metalsand, about 2 percent faster, and MUCH harder to use | 07:36 |
anethema | compared to ubuntu | 07:36 |
shadeofgrey | according to the doca online all you have to do to install the new oo is download the tar, extract it to a tmp directory and run ./setup | 07:36 |
gnuyen | I keep getting a dpkg: ../../main/packages.c:191: process_queue: Assertion `dependtry <= 4' failed.error | 07:37 |
shadeofgrey | is it REALLY that easy? | 07:37 |
metalsand | Heh. I'm having a hard enough time for Ubuntu. Perhaps I'll try some other distros once I get a decent foundation of linux after a few months | 07:37 |
dazzed | ubuntu also has the 64 bit kernels and os's which is neat | 07:37 |
jordanau | shadeofgrey, yeah probably | 07:37 |
anethema | good luck even installing gentoo | 07:37 |
dazzed | im sure the rest do too but i hgave been dedicated ubuntu so long now | 07:37 |
anethema | such a pain | 07:37 |
anethema | haha | 07:37 |
ivoks | karsten :) | 07:37 |
chavo | shadeofgrey, you have to do it uphill, both ways | 07:37 |
=== Janux [~Andy@CPE000625de9d0e-CM400035832997.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnuyen | is there anything I can do to fix that? | 07:37 |
jordanau | chavo, in the snow | 07:37 |
chavo | carrying your sister on your back | 07:37 |
jordanau | chavo, haha never heard that one | 07:38 |
metalsand | who is 400 pounds overwieght, and infected with rabies | 07:38 |
=== Quequeg [nbdy@ool-4352ea29.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chavo | ha, got it from an old roommate | 07:38 |
=== metalsand went too far. \o/ | ||
jordanau | shadeofgrey, will you have issues with the other one getting in the way | 07:38 |
chavo | ooh rabies | 07:38 |
metalsand | Mmmmm. Rabies. | 07:38 |
jordanau | metalsand, my sister has rabies, thats not funny :( | 07:38 |
shadeofgrey | not if i apt-get remove it first | 07:39 |
shadeofgrey | right | 07:39 |
jordanau | shadeofgrey, thats what i dont know better ask someone | 07:39 |
metalsand | How awesome is MXC | 07:39 |
chavo | shadeofgrey, you can probably run both, if you wnated to. | 07:39 |
shadeofgrey | how do you make it remove everything though? | 07:39 |
shadeofgrey | i dont wnt to | 07:39 |
=== djones [~djones@ip68-12-229-212.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shadeofgrey | the old one blows rancid baboon balls | 07:39 |
metalsand | So, if I had nothing better to do and wanted to install the PM kernel for Ubuntu | 07:40 |
metalsand | How exactly would I go about doing that? | 07:40 |
chavo | shadeofgrey, that's gotta be worth something. | 07:40 |
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=== cs83 [~cs83@ppp7-47.lns1.syd3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chavo | metalsand, PM kernel? | 07:41 |
anethema | pentium m | 07:41 |
mak | I have a ton of OOo2 packages in '.deb' files. How would i go about installing all of them? | 07:41 |
karsten | mak: dpkg -i <package list> | 07:41 |
jordanau | mak, dpkg | 07:41 |
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jordanau | karsten, you have beat me to that twice tonight | 07:41 |
shadeofgrey | whats the apt-get command to remove something? | 07:42 |
tezza | anyone get the problem with the ubuntu installer halting before it loads the install screens? | 07:42 |
karsten | jordanau: ;-) | 07:42 |
jordanau | apt-get remove | 07:42 |
mak | karsten, will dpkg figure out what to install first, last, etc? | 07:42 |
chavo | jordanau, he's probably got a hotkey | 07:42 |
karsten | shadeofgrey: remove|purge | 07:42 |
karsten | mak: Yes. | 07:42 |
jordanau | shadeofgrey, also apt-get -h | 07:42 |
karsten | mak: In general, you're better off using aptitude or synaptic. | 07:42 |
cs83 | i have 2 usb removable drives: an external dvd writer and an external hard drive. when i plug in the dvd ubuntu mounts it and shows the dvd icon on the desktop. for my hd, it mounts it but doesn't show the icon on the desktop. how can i make ubuntu show the icon? | 07:42 |
karsten | mak: ...why'd you d/l the packages instead of 'aptitude install ... ' ? | 07:43 |
mak | karsten, the ones that are there are pretty old (m79), current is m100. is it not a big deal? | 07:44 |
karsten | mak: Learn to love and trust your package manager. | 07:44 |
jordanau | chavo, haha | 07:44 |
karsten | mak: What OS are you coming from? | 07:44 |
mak | :) will do | 07:44 |
ivoks | pjo u want write japanese in every app? | 07:44 |
gorilla_ | there's a a bash quote :-) | 07:45 |
metalsand | karsten, ETA on refreshment break? | 07:45 |
mak | karsten, I've been messing with linux for about a year | 07:45 |
mak | nothing seriuos | 07:45 |
=== metalsand huggles bash | ||
karsten | metalsand: I'm troubleshooting. | 07:45 |
metalsand | karsten, troubleshooting my issue? :o | 07:45 |
karsten | mak: What APT (A Package Tool), Ubuntu's package manager, buys you, is resolving dependencies between packages. | 07:45 |
anethema | aptitude | 07:46 |
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jordanau | mak, no depency hell | 07:46 |
karsten | mak: If you go outside of it, you're taking a risk of getting incompatible stuff on your system. | 07:46 |
jordanau | wow i cant spell worth a shit | 07:46 |
karsten | mak: IME, going for the latest and greatest rarely provides compelling advantages. | 07:46 |
karsten | jordanau: Looks like you spelled it just fine there ;-) | 07:46 |
mak | karsten, last time. I promise :). hope nothing got screwed up too bad | 07:46 |
mak | karsten, actually, I cant find where the packages just installed | 07:47 |
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jordanau | karsten, unfortunately there are badass programs like blender that get really cool updates fairly regularly | 07:47 |
karsten | mak: If they're DEBs and built for Ubuntu, you may be OK. There are third party repositories, I use a few. | 07:47 |
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gorilla_ | karsten, nope.. its't dependency :-) | 07:47 |
shadeofgrey | okay | 07:47 |
shadeofgrey | so | 07:47 |
karsten | jordanau: Sure. If that matters to you, great. | 07:47 |
karsten | gorilla_: ?? | 07:47 |
shadeofgrey | where do i tell the installer to PUT openoffice? | 07:48 |
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mak | karsten, i doubt they are. I got them from the site | 07:48 |
mak | the OOo site | 07:48 |
jordanau | hey ztonzy | 07:48 |
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Brunellus | fuk. | 07:49 |
ivoks | Brunellus :) | 07:49 |
ivoks | Brunellus isn't linux's fault? :) | 07:49 |
metalsand | After I've used synaptic to get a documentation | 07:49 |
metalsand | How do I read it? | 07:49 |
Brunellus | it's my own damn fault for upgrading from warty... | 07:49 |
Brunellus | I had everything working already | 07:49 |
karsten | metalsand: /usr/share/doc/<packagename> | 07:49 |
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Brunellus | upgraded, now some very key things have broken, and I have no idea why | 07:50 |
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karsten | metalsand: Do yourself a favor and install 'dwww' (it'll install Apache as well). Then: http://localhost/dwww/' for docs. | 07:50 |
GNAM | incredible escalation of mandriva on distrowatch! | 07:50 |
Brunellus | I don't understand this at all. I can ping the printserver, and the windows box on the same network can print on this server, via SMB | 07:50 |
karsten | metalsand: ...there's a slick documentation interface, searchable, purty and real nice like. | 07:50 |
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anethema | haha what a stupid name | 07:51 |
anethema | mandriva | 07:51 |
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anethema | why did they change it | 07:51 |
shadeofgrey | i say again... where should i tell the installer to put openoffice? | 07:51 |
anethema | apealing to the gayer masses? or what | 07:51 |
Brunellus | mandriva makes me think of a shrew. | 07:51 |
karsten | anethema: Almost as lame as "ubuntu" ;-) | 07:51 |
Brunellus | shadeofgrey: you won't have to deal | 07:51 |
Brunellus | just apt-get install it | 07:51 |
karsten | shadeofgrey: /opt | 07:51 |
Brunellus | and it goes wherever. | 07:51 |
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karsten | shadeofgrey: Installing via apt or install script(s)? | 07:51 |
karsten | shadeofgrey: Stock Ubuntu *has* OOo installed. | 07:51 |
ivoks | Brunellus what did nmap tell u? | 07:51 |
Brunellus | nmap tells me that every port except 1000 is closed | 07:52 |
metalsand | It's actually surprsingly nice seeing eveything in textg | 07:52 |
shadeofgrey | install scripts | 07:52 |
karsten | metalsand: ?? | 07:52 |
metalsand | I guess I'm starting to apprciate Linux. | 07:52 |
shadeofgrey | yes i know it comes pre installed | 07:52 |
karsten | metalsand: STOP WHILE YOU STILL HAVE A CHANCE! | 07:52 |
IIIEars | Hello! (Windows has recovered from a serious error - Mcaffee Anti-Virus is missing elemnts or may not have been installed properly... - Uhuh. - lol) | 07:52 |
karsten | metalsand: Change of tune ;-) | 07:52 |
metalsand | karsten, hahah | 07:52 |
ivoks | Brunellus ok... 1000? | 07:52 |
karsten | shadeofgrey: WTF are you installing it from scripts then? | 07:52 |
metalsand | karsten, so soon, too ;) | 07:53 |
karsten | metalsand: It's good lovin'. | 07:53 |
metalsand | karsten, wjat | 07:53 |
metalsand | bleh | 07:53 |
metalsand | What's apache? | 07:53 |
shadeofgrey | but the version that comes with ubuntu DOESNT support the new file type they use in 2.0 - and half my novel is in the new format | 07:53 |
karsten | metalsand: webserver. | 07:53 |
Brunellus | ivoks, correction, 10000. snte-sensor-mgmt | 07:53 |
Brunellus | snet-sensor-mgmt | 07:53 |
karsten | metalsand: dwww serves to localhost only by default. If you're on a LAN, opening it up to that can be helpful. | 07:53 |
metalsand | karsten, what could I potentially use it for? | 07:53 |
karsten | metalsand: ...all automajickally configurated. | 07:53 |
jordanau | metalsand, google | 07:53 |
ivoks | Brunellus as I see it, printing ports are closed for u | 07:53 |
ivoks | Brunellus firewall? | 07:54 |
karsten | metalsand: It gives you web-enabled searchable local docs via 'dwww'. | 07:54 |
holycow | ivoks, the runit scripts seem incredibly simple ... neat --> http://smarden.org/runit/runscripts.html#privoxy | 07:54 |
Brunellus | firewall? where? | 07:54 |
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Brunellus | I'm not running a firewall (that I know of) on this box | 07:54 |
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ivoks | holycow but the system doesn't boot :) | 07:54 |
Brunellus | nmap of localhost tells me that port 631 is open | 07:54 |
Mistiry | ok i get a segmentation fault when i try to play songs in xmms...... | 07:54 |
holycow | ivoks, thats because you need runit scripts :) | 07:54 |
ivoks | Brunellus don't nmap localhost | 07:54 |
karsten | metalsand: Here's a publically accessible sample: http://newton.waglo.com/dwww/ | 07:54 |
Dethread | Mistiry, did you set it to ESD? | 07:54 |
holycow | http://www.pycs.net/lateral/stories/36.html | 07:54 |
=== Brunellus sighs. | ||
Mistiry | whats esd? | 07:55 |
karsten | metalsand: http://newton.waglo.com/dwww/menu/all.html | 07:55 |
ivoks | Brunellus u need to nmap printer... and if all is closed | 07:55 |
karsten | Mistiry: A sound daemon. | 07:55 |
anethema | he has it set to ALSA | 07:55 |
ivoks | Brunellus then check printer settings | 07:55 |
anethema | not esd | 07:55 |
Brunellus | ivoks: there wasn't a firewall between this host and the printserver two weeks ago | 07:55 |
Brunellus | *no* settings have changed since then | 07:55 |
jacquesmerde | anyone here able to help me with CUPS? i've been folloing the ubuntu FAQ on it, and i've hit a snag | 07:55 |
Brunellus | the only change is that I upgraded to hoary | 07:55 |
Dethread | Mistiry, in xmms, go to Options -> Preferences, then pick eSound for Output Plugin | 07:55 |
=== Brunellus rues the day he upgraded. | ||
karsten | metalsand: ...also manpages and info pages, via Webpage. | 07:56 |
heaven | Hello! How can I install MySQL! | 07:56 |
Dethread | anethema, wait, he has his whole system set to ALSA? | 07:56 |
goo | Does the Linux-image-2.6.10-5-686 package have highmem support? | 07:56 |
Dethread | heaven, apt-get install mysql | 07:56 |
anethema | alsa is normal | 07:56 |
metalsand | karsten, I'm confused... He hosted his own documentation organization tool? | 07:56 |
karsten | heaven: aptitude install mysql-server mysql-client | 07:56 |
ivoks | Brunellus remind me again, what port is lpr? | 07:56 |
Dethread | anethema, ubuntu is set to esd by default I believe | 07:56 |
karsten | metalsand: ...and you can too. | 07:56 |
Dethread | anethema, and xmms is set to oss by default I believe | 07:56 |
heaven | Thank you! | 07:56 |
anethema | yes | 07:56 |
karsten | metalsand: Most people don't open it up to the outside world. Among other things, it makes it really easy to figure out what's on the box. | 07:56 |
ivoks | Brunellus try telnet printerserver 515 | 07:56 |
anethema | i told him to try alsa | 07:56 |
metalsand | karsten, how often do you browse doc when you're not on your PC? | 07:56 |
anethema | i dont think thats the problem | 07:56 |
karsten | metalsand: ...I googled 'dwww' and found a link. | 07:56 |
Dethread | anethema, ah ok | 07:56 |
Mistiry | nope....and it only closes when i load a dir....it will load and play single songs | 07:57 |
karsten | metalsand: In a teaching situation, often. Having it arranged via Web interface is convenient. | 07:57 |
anethema | also segfaults when he tryes to open a directory | 07:57 |
anethema | no idea why | 07:57 |
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Dethread | eh, that's bad | 07:57 |
metalsand | karsten, how often are you teaching people? :o | 07:57 |
karsten | metalsand: Anyhow, you were asking how to read installed docs. dwww is one way to do that. IMVAO, it's slick. | 07:57 |
karsten | metalsand: Daily. | 07:57 |
ivoks | Brunellus can u telnet to 515? | 07:57 |
Brunellus | ivoks: connection refused | 07:57 |
Brunellus | no | 07:57 |
karsten | metalsand: ...at least in the current iteration of my life. | 07:57 |
ivoks | Brunellus THEN MAN! CHECK PRINTER! | 07:57 |
Brunellus | connection refused. | 07:57 |
Mistiry | so no idea then? | 07:58 |
Brunellus | ivoks: I just *did* | 07:58 |
ivoks | that means that printer is refussing connectios from u | 07:58 |
ivoks | or | 07:58 |
karsten | Brunellus: Hrm. Maybe _chuck_ the printer? | 07:58 |
Dethread | Mistiry, sorry...try another multimedia player, I guess | 07:58 |
metalsand | karsten, out of curiousity... When are you instructing people about linux docs daily? Is it part of your profession? | 07:58 |
Mistiry | reccomend any? | 07:58 |
shadeofgrey | whats the command to install java? | 07:58 |
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ivoks | u have set up firewall to disallow connections to other printer | 07:58 |
Dethread | shadeofgrey, there is no specific command for it | 07:58 |
metalsand | karsten, Oh.. btw, it says I need switch++ to search | 07:58 |
karsten | metalsand: Currently volunteer, been professional. Looking to swing a gig. | 07:58 |
goo | I have a linux-image-2.6.11-1-686 in my Synaptic - would it be safe to use that with my Hoary? | 07:58 |
Brunellus | ivoks: I have set up *nothing* | 07:58 |
karsten | metalsand: swish++ It's a search engine. | 07:59 |
Brunellus | the only thing that changed was the upgrade to hoary | 07:59 |
ivoks | Brunellus this isn't hoary problem... | 07:59 |
karsten | metalsand: ...manages the searching component. | 07:59 |
Brunellus | then I don't understand what's gone wrong | 07:59 |
ivoks | Brunellus check telnet 515 from windows machine | 07:59 |
Dethread | shadeofgrey, take a look at this: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Java | 07:59 |
metalsand | karsten, so that's something I need to apt-get install? | 07:59 |
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karsten | metalsand: s/need to/can if you want to/ | 07:59 |
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anethema | shadeofgrey, look at ubuntuguide | 08:00 |
metalsand | Ah, i just found the usr/share/doc tab | 08:00 |
anethema | says how to install java | 08:00 |
jacquesmerde | how do get my ubuntu machine to actually broadcast its 'client hostname' to the rest of the lan? its a printer server on dhcp and i want to be able to print to it without giving its IP at the time | 08:00 |
anethema | samba :D | 08:01 |
tonyzbk | hi | 08:01 |
tonyzbk | hi | 08:01 |
karsten | jacquesmerde: You don't. That's a DNS function. You'd need either static hosts files on each system, or a local DNS server. | 08:01 |
karsten | anethema: Yeah, wins is an option. | 08:01 |
=== Brunellus sighs. | ||
tonyzbk | 08:01 | |
tonyzbk | 08:01 | |
Brunellus | OK, I can't even connect to it as a samba host | 08:01 |
karsten | tonyzbk: English. | 08:01 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde what kind of a setup is that? :) | 08:01 |
nevyn | hrm what is involved in getting dhcpd to register hosts in dns correctly? | 08:01 |
Mistiry | ok another problem im having...... | 08:01 |
mak | So, what is the latest, yet very safe version of Openoffice that I can find? | 08:02 |
jordanau | tonyzbk, hi | 08:02 |
Mistiry | with my monitor | 08:02 |
metalsand | mak: Have you searched for openoffice using synaptic? | 08:02 |
ivoks | openoffice2 | 08:02 |
ivoks | all oo.org are safe | 08:02 |
ivoks | they won't kill u | 08:02 |
=== Brunellus kicks his whole bloody network | ||
Dethread | Mistiry, why don't you type out your whole question into one coherent sentence...it's much easier to follow that way | 08:02 |
jacquesmerde | i have an XP system, an archlinux system and an ubuntu system on my LAN. when i go to my router's setup page, and bring up the dhcp client's table, the ubuntu machine is the only one which has its 'client hostname' listed as blank. i set up arch as a complete newb and the hostname is there. how do i do the same for the ubuntu machine? | 08:02 |
ivoks | Brunellus works from other computers? | 08:02 |
karsten | mak: IMVAO, the one Ubuntu provides you. | 08:03 |
anethema | 1.1.3 or somehting seems like the latest version | 08:03 |
Brunellus | ivoks: yes, from the windows box | 08:03 |
Brunellus | so it's not blocking *all* connections | 08:03 |
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heaven | Hello! How can I change root password of MySQL by terminal? | 08:03 |
karsten | Mistiry: The <enter> key is *not* a punctuation symbol. | 08:03 |
Brunellus | it used to work two weeks ago | 08:03 |
jasmuz | Hello all! | 08:03 |
mak | 1.1.3 is pretty horrible in powerpoint | 08:03 |
ivoks | Brunellus ok, do u have simple switch or normal switch? | 08:03 |
mak | at least 1.1.4 does better | 08:03 |
Mistiry | Sorry. I am having a problem with my monitor. At the very bottom right above the toolbar it has some garbled display. I have tried different resolutions and refresh rates. Any ideas? | 08:03 |
jacquesmerde | karsten, can you explain that static host files thing? | 08:04 |
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mak | but hoary doesnt have this. I'm only trying upgrade because for some reason it stopped working | 08:04 |
Dethread | Mistiry, that sounds very strange. do you maybe have some magnetic device close to the monitor? | 08:04 |
holycow | ministry, get a new monitor | 08:04 |
jordanau | Mistiry, like a non computer speaker? | 08:05 |
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karsten | heaven: What dpkg just told you. | 08:05 |
Brunellus | ivoks: define "simple" and "normal" | 08:05 |
Mistiry | Nope, it does it anywhere i take it. im on a laptop, and its not the monitor. it was fine with windows xp and it only shows up when the gui comes up, not in the loading stage. | 08:05 |
karsten | jacquesmerde: In Ye Olde Days Of Ye Internete, before Al Gore Invented It, all hosts were identified by a hosts file. That was passed around to all hosts. | 08:05 |
jacquesmerde | actually, i added a line on /etc/hosts on my archlinux machine, " myhost", is that what i have to do on the ubuntu machine to get it to broadcast it? | 08:05 |
jordanau | Mistiry, is it a dell? | 08:05 |
ivoks | Brunellus simple is stoopid switch, more like hub... normal switch u can programe to block coneections, NAT etc... | 08:05 |
karsten | jacquesmerde: /etc/hosts is a relic of this. You can statically enter hosts in same and copy that among your systems. | 08:06 |
goo | karsten: yeah, those were the days, | 08:06 |
ivoks | Brunellus try connecting ur comp to other port | 08:06 |
Mistiry | No its a Toshiba Satellite 4090CDS. if i plus an external monitor in the messed up part goes away. | 08:06 |
Brunellus | ivoks: i'm on a wlan | 08:06 |
Mistiry | pliug | 08:06 |
Mistiry | plug | 08:06 |
karsten | jacquesmerde: Then Paul Vixie came along and invented BIND, to better allow us to be rooted. | 08:06 |
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ivoks | Brunellus wlan? | 08:06 |
ivoks | Brunellus is wlan in same subnet as lan? | 08:06 |
jordanau | Mistiry, yeah my old dell would do that, it went away when i wiggled the screen | 08:06 |
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jacquesmerde | karsten, so editing /etc/hosts will fix my problem? how do i effect the change on the ubuntu machine? /etc/rc.d/network restart? | 08:06 |
Brunellus | wireless, ivoks. wlan is the same subment as lan | 08:07 |
karsten | jacquesmerde: Anyway, you can do something like: ' funkybox' and copy that to all your systems. | 08:07 |
Mistiry | jordanau, i tried all that. dont know what i can do to fix it...... | 08:07 |
karsten | jacquesmerde: Dunno what your problem is... | 08:07 |
Brunellus | both have as their gateway | 08:07 |
jacquesmerde | karsten, but its dhcp... | 08:07 |
karsten | jacquesmerde: ...but you can type 'funckybox' on any system with a hosts file with that entry, and it'll remap to | 08:07 |
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ivoks | Brunellus and ur AP, does it have some restrictions on forwarding packages? | 08:07 |
karsten | jacquesmerde: Change it to static. | 08:07 |
jordanau | Mistiry, well that most likey a hardware issue, for your own good, you can probably find better help for that elsewhere | 08:07 |
Brunellus | it shouldn't. and *didn't* two weeks ago. lemme check. | 08:08 |
pjo | Hello tonyzbk | 08:08 |
karsten | jacquesmerde: LAN or public Internet? | 08:08 |
Mistiry | jordanau, where else can i go? | 08:08 |
ivoks | Brunellus Brunellus connect ur hoary to lan and try that... | 08:08 |
pjo | ivoks advised to ask you, tonyzbk | 08:08 |
ivoks | lol | 08:08 |
metalsand | Eh, what plugins do I need to play .mp3s? | 08:08 |
Dethread | metalsand, consult ubuntuguide.org | 08:09 |
metalsand | Good idea. | 08:09 |
jordanau | Mistiry, wait it works on windows and not linux? | 08:09 |
Mistiry | jordanau, yes. and an external monitor doesnt show it | 08:09 |
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jordanau | Mistiry, sounds like it might be a driver issue then | 08:09 |
jordanau | Mistiry, i cant help though | 08:09 |
Brunellus | ivoks: no lan nic here | 08:09 |
jacquesmerde | karsten, LAN, i just want my ubuntu machine to send out its hostname so i can put that host name in "ServerName" in my cupsd.conf | 08:09 |
Brunellus | this is a five-year old desktop box | 08:10 |
jacquesmerde | karsten, this is just a LAN thing | 08:10 |
Mistiry | jordanau, thats what i thought. but wouldnt that mean that the external monitor would have the same problem? | 08:10 |
pjo | ivoks it looks like he does not answer | 08:10 |
jordanau | Mistiry, no | 08:10 |
=== Brunellus grumbles contumaciously. | ||
karsten | jacquesmerde: I'd do a static IP assignment. | 08:10 |
karsten | jacquesmerde: DHCP is for convienience, nothing else. | 08:10 |
ivoks | pjo be a man, send him a private message | 08:10 |
Brunellus | I just don't get it. this *worked* under warty, and I can't work out why it's wrong. | 08:10 |
pjo | ok | 08:10 |
Mistiry | jordanau, guess i can google my laptop and look for drivers? do they even have drivers availiable for linux anywhere? | 08:10 |
jordanau | Mistiry, you would have seperate things controlling the monitor and the lcd | 08:10 |
ivoks | Brunellus man, i repeat, this isn't OS problem | 08:11 |
ivoks | Brunellus sudo iptables -L | 08:11 |
jordanau | Mistiry, cant help man wish i could tell you, i'd just google | 08:11 |
ivoks | Mistiry what's the problem? | 08:11 |
Brunellus | ivoks: doesn't show me anything | 08:11 |
heaven | OK, when I input the following words "UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('root') WHERE User='root';" and press the Enter key, but it prompt me that "No Database Selected"! | 08:11 |
ivoks | Brunellus not even errors? | 08:12 |
Brunellus | nope. just chains, policies, and nothing | 08:12 |
Mistiry | ivoks, at the bottom of my monitor, right above the toolbar, it has a garbled part of the screen. | 08:12 |
ivoks | Brunellus sudo -t nat iptables -L | 08:12 |
jordanau | ivoks, his laptop monitor is messed up in ubuntu not windows although an external monitor works in both | 08:12 |
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ivoks | Brunellus sudo iptables -t nat -L | 08:12 |
gnuyen | my totem and gstreamer in general are broken, it says it can't find a valid audio sink? | 08:12 |
Brunellus | ivoks: nothing. | 08:13 |
ivoks | Mistiry what laptop? what graphic card? | 08:13 |
Brunellus | silence. again, I hate to spoil your fun :p | 08:13 |
ivoks | Brunellus then it sure isn't OS problem | 08:13 |
=== Brunellus sighs. | ||
=== Xenocide [~Xenocide@host86-130-237-170.range86-130.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mistiry | ivoks, its a toshiba satellite 4090cds....how do i find out my graphic card? i dont know what kind it is | 08:13 |
ivoks | Mistiry lspci | grep VGA | 08:13 |
Brunellus | OK. nuclear option time | 08:13 |
heaven | karsten: When I input the following words "UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('root') WHERE User='root';" and press the Enter key, but it prompt me that "No Database Selected"! | 08:14 |
ivoks | Brunellus traceroute ip-of-ur-printer-server | 08:14 |
karsten | heaven: Sec. | 08:14 |
gnuyen | and my nautilus won't connect to any ssh servers | 08:14 |
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shadeofgrey | so | 08:14 |
karsten | heaven: '-d mysql' I think. | 08:14 |
shadeofgrey | for safetys sake is it best to disable the root account? | 08:14 |
Mistiry | ivoks, 0000:00:04.0 VGA compatible controller: Trident Microsystems Cyber 9525 (rev 49) | 08:14 |
ivoks | wtf is that? :) | 08:14 |
metalsand | karsten, when i download a deb using synaptic, and install it... if it's for drivers do I need to do build kernal modules? | 08:15 |
_4strO | metalsand> no | 08:15 |
=== jbmigel [~jbm@S0106000625f62bc1.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
metalsand | hrmmm. I wonder why that's the first thing listed in the documentation | 08:15 |
shadeofgrey | should i install oo as a network install? | 08:15 |
shadeofgrey | im the only person who will ever use it | 08:15 |
Mistiry | ivoks, no clue then? | 08:16 |
ivoks | Mistiry did u check out forums? | 08:16 |
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ivoks | Mistiry couse ur model is on couple of places... like http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-26108.html | 08:16 |
heaven | karsten: Is it "UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('root') WHERE User='root' -d mysql;" | 08:16 |
heaven | karsten: also wrong! | 08:17 |
ivoks | heaven what are u doing? updating root passworD? | 08:17 |
ivoks | stop guys! | 08:17 |
ivoks | there is better and easier way | 08:17 |
ivoks | mysqladmin | 08:17 |
karsten | heaven: 'use mysql' after typing 'mysql' at shell prompt. | 08:17 |
karsten | ivoks: Yes. | 08:17 |
=== ciocanel [Alex@zamolxis.cs.unibuc.ro] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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karsten | ivoks: Not if you forgot old root. | 08:17 |
ivoks | :) | 08:17 |
ivoks | how can he change password then if he doesn't knows old one? | 08:17 |
heaven | Thank you!^_^ | 08:18 |
karsten | ivoks: /join #debian & /msg dpkg forgot mysql root password | 08:18 |
=== svenl_ [~luther@AStrasbourg-251-1-60-207.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
karsten | ivoks: /etc/init.d/mysql stop; mysqld --skip-grant-tables | 08:18 |
ivoks | ah, ok | 08:18 |
karsten | heaven: ^^ | 08:18 |
karsten | heaven: ...then | 08:18 |
=== Cidolfas_ [~null@adsl-67-112-202-79.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mistiry | where is the xorg.conf file located? | 08:18 |
shadeofgrey | should i install oo with ./setup -net ??? | 08:19 |
ivoks | Brunellus alive? :) | 08:19 |
_4strO | /etc/X11/ | 08:19 |
karsten | heaven: ...in another shell, as root: mysql -u root | 08:19 |
Mistiry | ty | 08:19 |
karsten | heaven: ...then: use mysql; | 08:19 |
karsten | heaven: ...then the change password command previously given. | 08:19 |
stuNNed | anyone else have laptop freezing up after a few minutes? | 08:19 |
karsten | heaven: I had to do that myself a few days ago. | 08:19 |
metalsand | how do I run "update modutils" | 08:19 |
Mistiry | when i dir in the /etc/X11 directory, there is no xorg.conf file. | 08:20 |
ivoks | Mistiry http://www.linux-laptop.net/ | 08:20 |
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karsten | metalsand: 'update modutils' | 08:20 |
metalsand | hahaha | 08:20 |
jbmigel | I was playing d00m3 today on ubuntu and it froze up the computer, I HAD TO REBOOT! like wtf i had to check my partitions to make sure i wasnt still in windows | 08:20 |
IIIEars | lol | 08:20 |
=== desplesda_ [~desplesda@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ivoks | :) | 08:21 |
=== kalis [~johannes@twentyfourseven.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
heaven | karsten: When I quit mysql, reenter the mysql -u root -p,then input password, but the password not changed | 08:21 |
metalsand | "update command not found", karsten | 08:21 |
karsten | metalsand: Actually, it's "update-modules" | 08:21 |
karsten | metalsand: my bad. | 08:21 |
=== raghu [~raghu@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
karsten | heaven: Hrm. | 08:21 |
karsten | heaven: You're doing _all_ this as root? | 08:21 |
=== asubedi [~asubedi@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
heaven | karsten:yes | 08:22 |
heaven | karsten:root can't change password by itself? | 08:23 |
=== KVtXoG [~HcTn@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
karsten | heaven: Se.c | 08:23 |
devnull | how can i do to get around that the wx_gtk2 lib wasnt configured with the options i need ? | 08:24 |
Mistiry | ok, anyone able to help me with this: (gedit:8226): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager: | 08:25 |
Mistiry | Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed. | 08:25 |
heaven | What is the word "Se.c" meaning? | 08:25 |
karsten | heaven: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/resetting-permissions.html | 08:25 |
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=== lkerscher [~lkerscher@p549FBE34.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
karsten | heaven: "Sec" == "Second" == "Wait a minute". | 08:25 |
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=== _alex [~alex@84-247-6-157.evolva.ro] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Elyseum [~Elyseum@d5153EF05.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Brunellus slaps himself | ||
heaven | karsten: Sorry! My English is poor!^_^ | 08:26 |
shadeofgrey | okay so | 08:27 |
shadeofgrey | i tar'ed the tarball | 08:27 |
Mistiry | how can i edit a conf file? | 08:27 |
shadeofgrey | and now the directory is full of rpms | 08:27 |
shadeofgrey | so now what? | 08:27 |
IIIEars | Will "Breezy" support the no execute NX bit flag? | 08:27 |
=== grunde [~grunde@pat-gw.osl.fast.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_alex | misity: what config file? | 08:28 |
ivoks | Brunellus ") | 08:28 |
_alex | Mistiry: what config? | 08:28 |
Mistiry | XF86Config-4 | 08:28 |
=== _alex is now known as LISP | ||
=== cdfbr_ [~cdfbr@pcp110790pcs.wchryh01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cdfbr_ | Make 50$+ everymonth by searching from http://netbux.org/?r=133576)http://netbux.org/?r=133576 | 08:28 |
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LISP | Mistiry: use vim | 08:28 |
karsten | heaven: No problem. So's mine. | 08:28 |
karsten | heaven: ...my American is middlin' though. | 08:28 |
cyphase | lol, cdfbr_ was just spamming #wordpress as well | 08:28 |
LISP | Mistiry: better gedit, or what it's called | 08:28 |
Mistiry | LISP, i tried gedit, i get this error: (gedit:8226): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager: | 08:29 |
Mistiry | Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed. | 08:29 |
metalsand | Test. | 08:29 |
Karill | Hey guys I am on my way out but before I go I just wanted to say hats off to the dev team for Ubintu It seems like they really put alot of thought into its design and as a Debian user I have found it a breath of fresh air | 08:29 |
IIIEars | nano works also no? | 08:29 |
REds | i install 4.10 warty and it didnt ask me to set the root/admin password | 08:29 |
=== Karill is now known as Karill-AFK | ||
REds | how do i get access to set this | 08:29 |
karsten | REds: sudo | 08:29 |
cyphase | REds, why warty? | 08:29 |
metalsand | karsten, I went through the documentation for wlan-ng (my drviers for eth2 - my PCMCIA device) preformed the update-modules, and I still can't get it to connect | 08:29 |
Mistiry | REds, sudo passwd root | 08:29 |
LISP | Mistiry: do you know how to use vim? | 08:29 |
Mistiry | LISP, no | 08:30 |
LISP | Mistiry: it's simple | 08:30 |
Mistiry | LISP, root@mark:/etc/X11 # vim XF86Config-4 | 08:30 |
Mistiry | Bus error | 08:30 |
=== slak [~h3h@slak.user] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Biagio_ [~Biagio@d51525055.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LISP | Mistiry: what the f***? | 08:30 |
ivoks | lol | 08:30 |
slak | hi | 08:30 |
karsten | metalsand: I'm also a tad stumped here. | 08:30 |
=== Fish-Face [~chris@cpc1-stkp4-3-0-cust125.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
REds | haha sorry jus found it thanks cyphase karsten Mistiry cheers | 08:30 |
metalsand | karsten, I don't believe it | 08:30 |
Mistiry | REds, yw | 08:30 |
karsten | metalsand: believe it. | 08:31 |
Fish-Face | *sigh* this network card _still_ won't activate on boot | 08:31 |
LISP | Mistiry: you're problem is not the editor... | 08:31 |
slak | so like theres a bunch of niggers on your website in a circle, is that really what you want a computer powered by a nigger wheel? | 08:31 |
LISP | Mistiry: that's for sure :P | 08:31 |
metalsand | karsten, so what do I do now :x | 08:31 |
heaven | karsten: My Linux is also poor! ^_^ | 08:31 |
Mistiry | LISP, i used gedit on this file yesterday and it worked.... | 08:31 |
karsten | metalsand: Panic. | 08:31 |
karsten | heaven: Heh. | 08:31 |
slak | cuz last time i checked.. niggers didnt use linux | 08:31 |
Fish-Face | While booting, this occurs repeatedly: "/fc3/root/at76c503a/at76c503-fw_skel.c: wlan0 disconnecting" | 08:31 |
LISP | Mistiry: try recovery mode | 08:31 |
metalsand | woah | 08:31 |
slak | nor computers.. | 08:31 |
karsten | slak: Get lost. | 08:31 |
cyphase | REds, lol, np.. but i was just asking why'd you install 4.10 instead of 5.4 | 08:31 |
metalsand | Bad words. | 08:31 |
=== Starve [~mxanth@user-11fa07o.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slak | when they realize it doesnt have a KFC or watermelon button they kinda lose interest | 08:31 |
HrdwrBoB | 5.04 | 08:31 |
Mistiry | LISP, i just used gedit again and it worked.....weird | 08:32 |
Starve | Can it braid my corn rows. | 08:32 |
heaven | karsten: Where are you? | 08:32 |
Starve | that is all I need to know | 08:32 |
REds | cyphase, i just had the cd ere, just to test, 5.4 is downloading :D | 08:32 |
=== jacquesmerde [~jacquesme@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cyphase | ah | 08:32 |
Biagio_ | 'lo, i can't boot from a install cd on my PowerMac G5 dual, even c or c+ option woun'd work | 08:32 |
REds | ;o | 08:32 |
Biagio_ | anyone? :) | 08:32 |
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Starve | Biagio | 08:32 |
Biagio_ | 'lo Starve | 08:32 |
Starve | use the fucking operating system designed for that box | 08:32 |
slak | is the ubuntu mascot a nigger with a t-shirt covered in chicken grease named LEROY? | 08:32 |
Starve | you incompetant piece of shit | 08:32 |
Starve | I'm using Mac OS X 10.4 (8A428): On A: PowerBook6,5 With: 1 x PowerPC G4 (1.1) Speed: 1.07 GHz RAM Usage: 359 / 512 [||||||||||] DiskSpace: 37284 with 37284 Free Number of process: 63 Uptime: 23:33 up 7 days, 14:36, 1 user, load averages: 0.86 0.85 0.88 - M[osX] S | 08:33 |
REds | cyphase, u might be able to answer this please, can i use normal debian sources for installing packages | 08:33 |
=== Vampier [~your@vampier.user] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vampier | Karsten stop it | 08:33 |
IIIEars | Iggy - "Starve" | 08:33 |
metalsand | Alert. bob2, someone needs a kickban. | 08:33 |
Vampier | or you will be banned | 08:33 |
LISP | Mistiry: there's something lurking out there...it will happen again :D | 08:33 |
Vampier | and I am serious | 08:33 |
REds | cyphase, and would it break the dpkg package db in ubuntu | 08:33 |
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Mistiry | LISP, okay once a file is edited, how do i refresh it? | 08:33 |
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karsten | heaven: USA | 08:34 |
metalsand | karsten, what do you do for a living, and how old are you? :x | 08:34 |
LISP | Mistiry: refresh it? don't get it? | 08:34 |
LISP | Mistiry: refresh it? don't get it | 08:34 |
karsten | metalsand: Little, and old enough to know better. | 08:35 |
LISP | Mistiry: save it? | 08:35 |
slak | ubuntu is bloated just like that fat nigger sitting on a grease covered recliner on the corner of 3rd and lamar | 08:35 |
Starve | karsten lol want 2 cyber k? | 08:35 |
Mistiry | LISP, i changed some driver specs for my monitor. how do i get the system to see these changes | 08:35 |
LISP | slak: let me see, you like slackware... | 08:35 |
Starve | LISP | 08:35 |
Starve | HAHAHHAHA | 08:35 |
slak | LISP: wrong. | 08:35 |
=== NeoSadist [1000@neosadist.user] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slak | i like ubuntu | 08:35 |
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slak | it tastes just like chicken | 08:35 |
LISP | Mistiry: save the file, and restart x | 08:35 |
gorilla_ | slak: riiiightttt... we all belive you.. | 08:36 |
=== Biagio_ [~Biagio@d51525055.access.telenet.be] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
Mistiry | LISP, how do i restart x? | 08:36 |
Starve | Mistiry | 08:36 |
Starve | RTFM | 08:36 |
Starve | RTFM | 08:36 |
NeoSadist | slak, what distribution do you use? | 08:36 |
LISP | Starve: don't get it too... | 08:36 |
Starve | RTFM | 08:36 |
Starve | LISP | 08:36 |
Mistiry | rtfm? | 08:36 |
Starve | READ THE FUCKING MANUAL | 08:36 |
Starve | nigger. | 08:36 |
jordanau | Mistiry, control-alt-backspace is one way | 08:36 |
LISP | Starve: i know rtfm >:P | 08:36 |
Starve | LISP | 08:36 |
Starve | I wasn't fucking talking to you | 08:36 |
LISP | Starve: i said about you laughing.. | 08:36 |
=== vgoraz [user@adsl-69-213-100-68.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
karsten | Starve: Kline. | 08:36 |
karsten | !ops Starve | 08:36 |
slak | NeoSadist: I use ubuntu because i like operating systems that are built around the concept of a wheel of slave niggers running my computer for me. | 08:37 |
Starve | KK! | 08:37 |
slak | i love it. | 08:37 |
karsten | Gah. | 08:37 |
Starve | hahaha | 08:37 |
NeoSadist | slak, welcome to permaban on ##slackware too. don't disrespect us in front of fellow linux users. | 08:37 |
LISP | Mistiry: go the easy way, and reboot :P | 08:37 |
Starve | SLAK | 08:37 |
slak | you guys should install bullwhip | 08:37 |
Mistiry | LISP, works for me bbiam | 08:37 |
slak | tell ya what | 08:37 |
Starve | WHAT WILL U DO? | 08:37 |
slak | bullwhip -b makes ubuntu run like a motherfucker. | 08:37 |
LISP | slak: yeah right | 08:37 |
heaven | karsten: En, very good, I'm a chinese.Can you be my friend? | 08:37 |
IIIEars | Appplauds Neo | 08:37 |
=== Biagio_ [~Biagio@d51525055.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slak | sometimes it comes up with errors though like.. | 08:37 |
slak | MY NAME IS NOT TOBY | 08:38 |
slak | MY NAME IS NOT TOBY | 08:38 |
gorilla_ | what ever you reckon toby :-) | 08:38 |
Biagio_ | Starve do you know of Code of Conduct? | 08:38 |
jordanau | sorry guys racist or not, that was funny | 08:38 |
slak | NeoCool: i don't use slackware nor do i care about a ban in the channel | 08:38 |
Starve | code of conduct | 08:38 |
slak | NeoSadist too. | 08:38 |
thoreauputic | guys, don't feed the trolls... | 08:38 |
Starve | toolate;-D | 08:38 |
IIIEars | lol | 08:39 |
slak | so i was installing bucketOFKFC1.10 the other day on my ubuntu and my kernel decided to run down to the liquor store | 08:39 |
slak | anybody know how to fix that? | 08:39 |
Starve | yeah | 08:39 |
Starve | buy some schlits | 08:39 |
Starve | and leave it in the fridge | 08:39 |
Starve | it won't go far | 08:39 |
slak | oh coo.. | 08:40 |
LISP | enough noise out there...all gtk apps in kde look awful | 08:40 |
Starve | yeah | 08:40 |
LISP | is there a way yo sort of make them use other engines? | 08:40 |
LISP | gtk that is | 08:40 |
slak | well i tryed to install maltliquor to get it to behave but for some reason it didnt fork enough child processes and the kernel wanted more. | 08:40 |
LISP | sort of qt+gtk | 08:40 |
ivoks | world is wonderfull place | 08:40 |
ivoks | u can get entertained for free | 08:40 |
ivoks | look at slak, for example | 08:40 |
=== MacPlusG3 [~stewart@vpnsrvb2.mysql.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Starve | slak do you have the dependencies babymomma2.2.3 and blunt3.5 | 08:40 |
=== petitohaime| [MTP@dyn-83-157-237-48.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ivoks | he makes us smile for free :) | 08:41 |
slak | i have babymomma2.1.6 maybe i should upgrade | 08:41 |
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Starve | yeah | 08:41 |
ivoks | he's doing an idiot out of him self, and we don't even have to pay for it | 08:41 |
=== thepoch [~thepoch@cable-202-8-252-89.d-one.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
metalsand | karsten, you still around? | 08:41 |
karsten | metalsand: Yeah. And getting rounder. | 08:42 |
metalsand | rounder? :x | 08:42 |
slak | ivoks: dont be a hater just because i know how to run an operating system that doesnt rely on a small nigger with corn rolls. | 08:42 |
ivoks | lol | 08:42 |
karsten | heaven: Sorry, got busy. You still have a question? | 08:42 |
gorilla_ | heh :-) | 08:42 |
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-slak:#ubuntu- You have recieved a private memo from slak. To recieve this memo type /server getmemo | 08:42 | |
jacquesmerde | what should my /etc/hosts look like if i want the computers hostname and IP address to be set to the rest of the LAN? | 08:42 |
jordanau | slak sent me a private memo, is that safe? | 08:43 |
metalsand | hahahha | 08:43 |
Starve | HAHAHAH | 08:43 |
metalsand | Even I didn't fall for that :P | 08:43 |
slak | morons | 08:43 |
slak | the whole lots of you | 08:43 |
slak | nigger os running morons | 08:43 |
slak | you should be ashamed of yourselves. | 08:43 |
metalsand | So like, can we get a ban yet. | 08:43 |
Starve | yeah | 08:43 |
Starve | you guys are awfully slow to ban us | 08:43 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o fabbione] by ChanServ | ||
metalsand | hahahhaha | 08:44 |
metalsand | Byebye :D | 08:44 |
=== _mage_work is now known as _mage_afk | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o+b slak *!*h3h@*slak.user] by fabbione | ||
=== slak was kicked off #ubuntu by fabbione ([BX-bk] good bye) | ||
=== SapoDriLo [~sapodrilo@dial-148-240-10-64.zone-1.dial.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Starve | HOORAY | 08:44 |
=== kalis [~johannes@twentyfourseven.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gorilla_ | jordanau, i woudln't trust it... you don't know where it has been. | 08:44 |
jordanau | haha kalis | 08:44 |
jordanau | gorilla_, it just kicked about 5 people | 08:44 |
=== DogBoy [~john@cpe-68-203-144-121.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Starve | hmmmn | 08:44 |
=== fabbione [~fabbione@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0761.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Starve | no one's banned me yet :( | 08:45 |
Starve | ivoks=owned. | 08:45 |
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metalsand | jordanau, /server just forces them off their current network and has the join whatever the text is after /server | 08:45 |
jordanau | fabbione, can you get starve too | 08:45 |
Starve | please get me. | 08:45 |
ivoks | man... this is funny | 08:45 |
=== Mistiry [~mark@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jdub | Starve: please take it elsewhere, this is completely inappropriate for this channel | 08:46 |
Starve | jdub eat a dick :-D | 08:46 |
Mistiry | ivoks, i fixed it! the monitor works now :D | 08:46 |
metalsand | jdud: I think that's why he's here. | 08:46 |
ivoks | Mistiry great | 08:46 |
karsten | jordanau: No, /server getmemo will disconnect you from the server. | 08:46 |
jordanau | how did slak make his name turn purple? | 08:46 |
=== mvo [~Michael@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
heaven | karsten:Yes, I have a lot questions! But,no hurry!^_^ I must have more time to solve these problems, I think! | 08:46 |
metalsand | karsten, can ya join flood? | 08:46 |
Starve | wow | 08:46 |
Starve | jordanau, | 08:46 |
Starve | wow. | 08:46 |
karsten | metalsand: sure. | 08:46 |
ivoks | karsten :) | 08:46 |
=== fabbione [~fabbione@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o jdub] by ChanServ | ||
Starve | he typed /part #ubuntu whatever | 08:46 |
=== LISP [~alex@84-247-6-157.evolva.ro] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
ivoks | karsten it will connect u to the getmemo server :) | 08:46 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*mxanth@*.dsl.mindspring.com] by jdub | ||
=== Starve was kicked off #ubuntu by jdub (jdub) | ||
karsten | jdub: One more. | 08:47 |
jdub | sorry everyone, doesn't happen often. | 08:47 |
=== calamari [~calamari@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu | ||
calamari | hi | 08:47 |
gorilla_ | hi calamari | 08:47 |
karsten | jdub: Um. Nope. | 08:47 |
jordanau | karsten, who else? | 08:47 |
karsten | jdub: Already gone. | 08:47 |
stuNNed | sorry you guys have to waste time on this type of foolishness | 08:47 |
jordanau | hi calamari | 08:47 |
calamari | there is a program that prints all the plain text inside a binary file.. but I can never remember its name. Anyone remember? :) | 08:47 |
=== thegreedyturtle [~thegreedy@user-0c93oto.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
calamari | hi gorilla and jordanau | 08:48 |
jdub | calamari: strings | 08:48 |
gorilla_ | stuNNed, such as waste of bandwidth also.. | 08:48 |
karsten | jdub: Can Canonical buy a bot for the channel? | 08:48 |
=== shadeofgrey [~shadeofgr@user-1120di5.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
calamari | jdub: thanks! :) | 08:48 |
shadeofgrey | hey everybody! | 08:48 |
gorilla_ | calamari, try strings :-) | 08:48 |
stuNNed | hi shadeofgrey | 08:48 |
shadeofgrey | your NEVER going to believe what i just found | 08:48 |
shadeofgrey | http://www.evolutioncolt.com/pages/documentation/openoffice-2--ubuntu.php | 08:48 |
fabbione | karsten: there is very little point in having a bot | 08:48 |
karsten | calamari strings is my preferred Powerpoint viewer, and I'm *not* kidding. | 08:48 |
holycow | okay i wont | 08:48 |
karsten | fabbione: yes, but there's plenty of blunt-force trauma. | 08:48 |
IIIEars | i think Lexxan is working on a help bot - not sure how it will be used. | 08:48 |
holycow | shadeofgrey, i dont believe it | 08:49 |
holycow | -__ | 08:49 |
thegreedyturtle | ?? test | 08:49 |
holycow | -_- | 08:49 |
ivoks | shadeofgrey ? | 08:49 |
shadeofgrey | they offer a script that downloads openoffice the newest version, converts it to debian packages, installs java, and sets all the permissions for you! | 08:49 |
ivoks | shadeofgrey apt-get install openoffice2? | 08:49 |
=== Alfred1881 [~MAlfred@cust-1-5.dsl.versateladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jordanau | thegreedyturtle, i think the bot is off | 08:49 |
Alfred1881 | hey all i need something to make this kind of arrows (vectors) | 08:49 |
Alfred1881 | http://www.epa.gov/glnpo/atlas/images/big05.gif | 08:49 |
thegreedyturtle | yaw | 08:49 |
holycow | shadeofgrey, lol what ivoks said | 08:49 |
thegreedyturtle | it's called uhelp i think? | 08:49 |
shadeofgrey | no | 08:49 |
shadeofgrey | see | 08:49 |
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shadeofgrey | the one you guys have in the repository is 1.9.79 | 08:50 |
=== holycow apt-get installs common-sense.2.0 for shadeofgrey | ||
thegreedyturtle | if you want open office 2 beta, it's in one of the standard repositories... maybe backports i don't remember | 08:50 |
jordanau | thegreedyturtle, [uhelp] | 08:50 |
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ivoks | shadeofgrey and...? | 08:50 |
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jsg | its in universe | 08:50 |
shadeofgrey | the one im installing is 1.9.96 | 08:50 |
ivoks | wow | 08:50 |
shadeofgrey | theres a huge difference | 08:50 |
ivoks | lol | 08:50 |
thegreedyturtle | ah | 08:51 |
ivoks | u can imagine | 08:51 |
jordanau | holycow, if you have any left over, send some to me | 08:51 |
thegreedyturtle | does | 08:51 |
shadeofgrey | no serioisly | 08:51 |
gorilla_ | shadeofgrey, and the difference... ? | 08:51 |
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ivoks | they changed one icon | 08:51 |
holycow | jordanau, rofl | 08:51 |
holycow | :) | 08:51 |
thegreedyturtle | does the word completion work again? | 08:51 |
shadeofgrey | the old one DOESNT SUPPORT the new openoffice file format | 08:51 |
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ivoks | shadeofgrey it does | 08:51 |
jacquesmerde | what should my /etc/hosts look like if i want the computers hostname and IP address to be set to the rest of the LAN? | 08:51 |
holycow | shadeofgrey, thats kind of a given tho | 08:51 |
shadeofgrey | and all my openoffice docs are IN that format | 08:51 |
holycow | shadeofgrey, do i need to reinstall your common sense package? | 08:51 |
holycow | oh i know you need to be rebooted | 08:52 |
gorilla_ | whos's the silly one then?? | 08:52 |
=== holycow unplugs shadeofgrey | ||
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shadeofgrey | whatever. make fun of me if you want | 08:52 |
holycow | shadeofgrey, its a joke :) | 08:52 |
jordanau | hey i just noticed that without reboot, my linux clock is getting faster and faster... | 08:52 |
ivoks | shadeofgrey 1.x doesn't support new format | 08:52 |
ivoks | shadeofgrey 1.9.x does | 08:53 |
IIIEars | "Time flies when you are having fun"? | 08:53 |
shadeofgrey | the resource i found is still worth putting into the wiki | 08:53 |
holycow | jordanau, how are you timing it? | 08:53 |
holycow | >_< | 08:53 |
jordanau | what do you mean? | 08:53 |
ivoks | shadeofgrey u are talking about opendocument | 08:53 |
Seveas | IIIEars, and fruit flies like a banana | 08:53 |
ivoks | shadeofgrey old 1.1-1.4 series doesn't support it, but all openoffice2 beta's does support it | 08:54 |
thegreedyturtle | jordanau, computer clocks are notoriously inaccurate, you have to rclick your clock, select preferences and have it syncronize | 08:54 |
ivoks | shadeofgrey opendocument is one of bigest shanges in oo.o2 | 08:54 |
holycow | it just got ratified by oasis too | 08:54 |
ivoks | shadeofgrey that doesn't change in such minor revisions | 08:54 |
thegreedyturtle | it's not on as a default because it connects to the internet to sync your clock, and ubuntu is designed not to do that by default, even if it's just a clock | 08:54 |
jordanau | thegreedyturtle, you know how to do that in flux :D ? | 08:54 |
holycow | what ivoks the oasis file format is astandard, standards change slowly, chances of any changes during minute beta releases are close to nil | 08:55 |
thegreedyturtle | fluhwhat? | 08:55 |
Razor-X | holycow: hey again | 08:55 |
shadeofgrey | well | 08:55 |
da_bon_bon | hey, i just removed openoffice.org -- now doing apt-get dist-upgrade says that i need to install it once again. :( how do i check which program still depends on ooo ? | 08:55 |
holycow | hola again :) | 08:55 |
jordanau | thegreedyturtle, fluxbox? | 08:55 |
shadeofgrey | 1.9.96 has a way cooler splash screen | 08:55 |
Razor-X | I have one final question | 08:55 |
shadeofgrey | thats really why i wanted it | 08:55 |
ivoks | :)) | 08:55 |
holycow | shadeofgrey, hahaha :) | 08:55 |
shadeofgrey | its TRUE | 08:56 |
Razor-X | how does fdisk /mbr patch up a WinXP MBR, even though it was made, originally, for DOS? | 08:56 |
holycow | hehe nice :) | 08:56 |
thoreauputic | da_bon_bon, try apt-cache depends openoffice.org | 08:56 |
thegreedyturtle | what is fluxbox, a distro? application? | 08:56 |
ivoks | kick him | 08:56 |
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=== gorilla_ can't believ the snignal to noise ration :-( | ||
da_bon_bon | thoreauputic: ok. thanks. but how do i compare it to list of avilable updats ? | 08:56 |
shmoolik | hello and good morningy:) | 08:56 |
Razor-X | thegreedyturtle: a Window Manager | 08:56 |
thegreedyturtle | mph... you got me there | 08:56 |
jordanau | shadeofgrey, just print the picture out on paper and look at it each time you start open office, hell you can have a brand new splash for everything | 08:56 |
ivoks | :) | 08:57 |
gorilla_ | da_bon_bon, try synatpic :-) | 08:57 |
da_bon_bon | gorilla_: ok | 08:57 |
jordanau | thegreedyturtle, fluxbox is a low resource minimalist window manager | 08:57 |
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gorilla_ | da_bon_bon, synaptic rather | 08:57 |
shmoolik | i m looking for the boust-up OpenOffice start for KDE | 08:57 |
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shmoolik | does anyone here remmber this package name? | 08:57 |
thegreedyturtle | no i know what you are talking about now, but as far as syncinc it's clock... hang on 1 second | 08:57 |
thoreauputic | da_bon_bon, typing sudo apt-get upgrade should give you a list of available upgrades, if that's what you mean: you could put those in a file and run diff on them | 08:57 |
ivoks | shmoolik oooqs-kde | 08:58 |
jordanau | thegreedyturtle, thanks | 08:58 |
xris | (soon to be former?) fedora user... anyone around who can help me figure out the modprobe.d stuff to import some settings? | 08:58 |
shmoolik | thanks ivoks u a dimond :) | 08:58 |
karsten | gorilla_: Don't forget your signal-to-noise ration coupons. | 08:58 |
da_bon_bon | thoreauputic: no. i want to see which program in updates depends on openoffice.org | 08:58 |
stuNNed | /etc/init.d/ntpdate restart will hopefully resync your clock | 08:58 |
holycow | ivoks, hey, it almost seems like ... i donno ... you have used debian once before eh? | 08:58 |
holycow | just a hunch | 08:58 |
holycow | one can never be sure | 08:58 |
ivoks | :) | 08:58 |
holycow | >_> | 08:58 |
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karsten | stuNNed: 'start' should do it. ntpdate isn't a real service. | 08:58 |
ivoks | once before | 08:58 |
ivoks | :)) | 08:59 |
karsten | stuNNed: ...and stop any ntp servers first. | 08:59 |
thegreedyturtle | ok, look up the ntp package: Network Time Protocol. It runs at a lower level than the x manager, so it should keep your clock sync'd. I'm not quite sure how you'll set it up, since gnome Ubuntu has a little widget for it on the clock | 08:59 |
ivoks | holycow i don't see ubuntu being any different than debian :) | 08:59 |
thegreedyturtle | you will probably also need the ntpdate package as well | 08:59 |
Myrtti | ivoks: then you needa new pair of glasses | 08:59 |
karsten | ivoks: There's a few differences. | 08:59 |
=== holycow wacks ivoks with a nerf clue bat | ||
thoreauputic | the ntpdate package is installed by default | 09:00 |
karsten | ivoks: Some cosmetic, some project aims/goals. | 09:00 |
ivoks | oh, God... | 09:00 |
thegreedyturtle | thoreauputic, t'wasn't for me... | 09:00 |
karsten | holycow: We should introduce Canadians to the sport of nerf clubbing. | 09:00 |
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holycow | karsten, hehe :) | 09:00 |
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holycow | karsten, well it could be mildly entertaining | 09:01 |
thoreauputic | thegreedyturtle, there's a client and a server: the client is ntpdate and should be installed by default | 09:01 |
karsten | holycow: So did you hear the joke about ... | 09:01 |
gorilla_ | on a good note, debian sarge is frozen with the aim for a end of may release.. | 09:01 |
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karsten | holycow: ... this fur seal walked into a club ... | 09:01 |
IIIEars | << tried a dozen distros - only ubuntu worked without intensive tweaking. | 09:01 |
Myrtti | gorilla_: so the hell has endeed frozen | 09:01 |
ivoks | Myrtti sorry, i don't use glasses at all | 09:01 |
thoreauputic | thegreedyturtle, sudo /etc/init.d/ntpdate start or restart should sync your clock | 09:01 |
karsten | gorilla_: Did they name the year | decade | century | millennium? | 09:01 |
Myrtti | ivoks: my point exactly | 09:01 |
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jordanau | thegreedyturtle, yeah i have them already and they arent working correctly i am reading man as we speak | 09:01 |
gorilla_ | karsten: this year... amd64 has stablised.. | 09:02 |
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ivoks | Myrtti and u know what about holycow and I talked about? | 09:02 |
holycow | heh | 09:02 |
holycow | i'm wearing a fur seal right now | 09:02 |
holycow | its not dead yet | 09:02 |
thegreedyturtle | jordanau, talk to thoreauputic, seems he knows what's up with it, i've never worked with it myself | 09:02 |
Myrtti | about debian and ubuntu differences | 09:02 |
Myrtti | and how they arent't that different to you | 09:02 |
ivoks | Myrtti well, check again | 09:02 |
ivoks | ah.. | 09:02 |
thegreedyturtle | thoreauputic, jordanau is trying to get his clock sync'd in the fluxbox windows manager | 09:02 |
ivoks | u need some sense for humor... and see couple of simles and irony | 09:02 |
Razor-X | holycow: how does fdisk /mbr work on a non-DOS distro, if it was originially designed for DOS? | 09:03 |
jordanau | thegreedyturtle, just got it done | 09:03 |
jordanau | thanks thoreauputic | 09:03 |
thegreedyturtle | sounds good to me :) | 09:03 |
thoreauputic | thegreedyturtle, jordanau , typing that command in a terminal should work regardles of window manager/ desktop | 09:03 |
holycow | Razor-X, fdisk just writes the partition table, it has nothing to do with dos | 09:03 |
jordanau | now i just need to get it to sync regularly | 09:03 |
thegreedyturtle | i gots to get some Z units | 09:04 |
ivoks | well... time to go to work... | 09:04 |
Razor-X | holycow: but, doesen't fdisk /mbr default to a Windows MBR? | 09:04 |
ivoks | i have 70 debians waiting for me :) | 09:04 |
jacquesmerde | what should my /etc/hosts look like if i want the computers hostname and IP address to be set to the rest of the LAN? | 09:04 |
ivoks | Razor-X there is no such thing as windows mbr | 09:04 |
IIIEars | Razor-X the first 446 bytes on a disk describe a disk | 09:04 |
ivoks | Razor-X mbr is only on disk | 09:04 |
jordanau | thoreauputic, yeah we're all good here | 09:05 |
holycow | fdisk not sure about the specifics Razor-X | 09:05 |
jordanau | i havent restarted in about two weeks and it was 20 minutes off!!! | 09:05 |
thoreauputic | jacquesmerde, your quaetion doesn't seem to make sense... | 09:05 |
thoreauputic | *question | 09:05 |
jacquesmerde | thoreauputic, this is what bothers me | 09:05 |
ivoks | english, please | 09:06 |
jordanau | good night peoples | 09:06 |
stuNNed | night jordanau | 09:06 |
ivoks | peoples :) | 09:06 |
jacquesmerde | thoreauputic, the other computers on my LAN don't seem to be able to identify my ubuntu machine by its hostname | 09:06 |
thoreauputic | jacquesmerde, you can only set a machine's IP to one value, surely? A t a time anyway | 09:06 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde u need DNS | 09:06 |
jacquesmerde | well, its on DHCP | 09:07 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde so what? | 09:07 |
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karsten | jacquesmerde: Dude. Static. | 09:07 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde u steel need dns | 09:07 |
thoreauputic | jacquesmerde, you need your computer's name and IP in the other machines' /etc/hosts | 09:07 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, how do i use this DNS mastery? why doesnt ubuntu do it be default? archlinux does, and it does NOTHING for me by default | 09:07 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde u are wrong, man | 09:07 |
karsten | jacquesmerde: Ubuntu aims for desktop. It doesn't install servers by default. | 09:07 |
karsten | jacquesmerde: aptitude install bind9 and RTFM. | 09:08 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde no software knows what computers are on network | 09:08 |
jacquesmerde | thoreauputic, thats hard if its DHCP though | 09:08 |
karsten | jacquesmerde: The usual DHCP solution is to provide DNS for IPs, hand them out arbitrarially, and the result is that the hostname doesn't tie to any one computer. | 09:08 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, what i plug in into my browser and look at my routers setup, i can click on "dhcp table" and it shows me a "client hostname" for every computer connected EXCEPT for the ubuntu machine | 09:08 |
karsten | jacquesmerde: Which *still* isn't going to solve your problem. | 09:09 |
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IIIEars | won't a router referee DHCP for a LAN? | 09:09 |
fdr | hello | 09:09 |
karsten | jacquesmerde: Hint, and I'm going to whisper this in your ear | 09:09 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde ? | 09:09 |
cyphase | jacquesmerde, i've had that problem as well. i have to hand set it | 09:09 |
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jacquesmerde | cyphase, hand set it as in manually set the IP? or set the IP manually on each connection | 09:09 |
karsten | jacquesmerde: You've been rambling on this crap for hours. Last clue, dude. | 09:10 |
c-sic | hi:) | 09:10 |
cyphase | jacquesmerde, i had to hand set a hostname. the IP address was already set | 09:10 |
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jacquesmerde | karsten, yeah, i figure that's my contingency plan. but somehow what i'm wanting to do seems so basic i feel i shouldnt need to | 09:10 |
thoreauputic | jacquesmerde, static IP is quite easy for a small LAN | 09:10 |
IIIEars | ah | 09:10 |
=== karsten ignors jacquesmerde | ||
ivoks | he's trying to say that all windows machines provide their hostname to dhcp server | 09:10 |
ivoks | but ubuntu doesn't | 09:10 |
ivoks | i guess | 09:11 |
ivoks | :) | 09:11 |
karsten | ivoks: That's WINS, not DNS. | 09:11 |
jowe | I'm having trouble getting the driver working for my wireless...:( any ideas? I'm not sure if I found the real driver for windows. I guess I need the bcmwl5.inf one. | 09:11 |
jacquesmerde | ok, let me put my question in one final form: what are the keywords related to what i'm trying to understand here, so i can google and RTFM | 09:11 |
ivoks | karsten no, no... | 09:11 |
karsten | jowe: Talk to metalsand | 09:11 |
karsten | ivoks: yes yes yes. | 09:11 |
ivoks | karsten when u bring up dhcp server | 09:11 |
jacquesmerde | jowe, my computer uses that .inf | 09:11 |
ivoks | karsten and it starts to give leases | 09:11 |
karsten | ivoks: ... Default Windows name resolution order is WINS, then BIND. | 09:11 |
ivoks | karsten usually it writes something like: | 09:11 |
karsten | ivoks: Your host announces itself to the network via WINS. That's how it's found. | 09:11 |
jowe | jacquesmerde - do you know where I can download the .inf? | 09:11 |
Fahim | morgning.. somebody here who speaks german? | 09:12 |
karsten | Fahim: Nur ein bisschen. | 09:12 |
karsten | Fahim: Velleicht #debian-de ? | 09:12 |
freewoody | Hi all | 09:12 |
thoreauputic | Fahim, /join #ubuntu-de | 09:12 |
ivoks | karsten May 6 09:11:59 localhost dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for from 00:11:2f:7e:f5:03 (demosi1) via eth1 | 09:12 |
Fahim | :) | 09:12 |
freewoody | How do I setup mrtg in Ubuntu to monitor my network connections | 09:12 |
Fahim | thx but they are all sleeping there :) | 09:12 |
karsten | Fahim: ...oder #ubunt-de | 09:12 |
jacquesmerde | jowe, no! i had to get someone on this channel to email it to me | 09:12 |
ivoks | karsten but then u have: May 6 09:12:08 localhost dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for from 00:08:02:c8:7b:0e via eth1 | 09:12 |
metalsand | Woah, German | 09:12 |
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karsten | ivoks: Oi. That's DHCP... | 09:12 |
metalsand | Ack. | 09:12 |
Fac51 | yO! | 09:12 |
jowe | jacquesmerde - lol thanks anyway. I'll have to do the same. | 09:13 |
ivoks | karsten and that isn't over WINS | 09:13 |
=== concept10 [~chatzilla@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fac51 | all i need is a link... i think | 09:13 |
fdr | hello... I'm trying to use heartbeat under ubuntu, but I'm experiencing some problems. I've heard that downgrading to a kernel 2.6.9 or 2.4.x could help... Is there any such image in the ubuntu repositories? I cannot find any. :-( | 09:13 |
Fac51 | i need sndconfig, but can't seem to find one that will install on Hoary | 09:13 |
c-sic | metalsand, woah german... | 09:13 |
karsten | ivoks: Welcome to port 67 | 09:13 |
Fahim | SO I will try it in english: I want to connect with WLAN WEP to my router... but my router does not give my laptop with ubuntu a IP With DHCP.... | 09:13 |
Fahim | does anybody know what I am doing wrong? | 09:13 |
fdr | thanks to whoever may help | 09:13 |
metalsand | German is crazy | 09:13 |
ivoks | karsten u see, some does send hostname, some doesn't | 09:13 |
concept10 | gosh, ubuntu is taking forever to install on my spare celeron 333mhz box | 09:13 |
metalsand | I'm 50% german, my dad is full. | 09:13 |
Seveas | fdr, it's called linux-image-SOME_VERSION_NUMBER | 09:14 |
metalsand | Although I know like 6 words. | 09:14 |
ivoks | karsten this are both windows machines | 09:14 |
karsten | ivoks: DHCP request an IP from a MAC address. Your point? | 09:14 |
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ivoks | karsten but look at first request... it writes hostname "(demosi1)" | 09:14 |
karsten | ivoks: Want the RFC references? | 09:14 |
jowe | does anyone here have the bcmwl5.inf driver? I need it to get my wireless working. | 09:14 |
ivoks | karsten :) | 09:14 |
holycow | karsten is in a fitin' mood tonite! | 09:14 |
=== holycow hides his matador suit | ||
stuNNed | heh | 09:14 |
karsten | holycow: Get stuffed ;-) | 09:15 |
metalsand | Jowe: You ARE trying to get this working for Ubuntu, aren't you? | 09:15 |
holycow | hehe :) | 09:15 |
metalsand | karsten, how do you know German? | 09:15 |
ivoks | karsten i'm just trying to exaplin what jacquesmerde is complaining about | 09:15 |
karsten | metalsand: Good beer. | 09:15 |
stuNNed | karsten: so what offeres up the hostname to the dhcp server? | 09:15 |
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metalsand | karsten, har har | 09:15 |
da_bon_bon | hey, has the ubuntu ftp archive key changes ? | 09:15 |
Seveas | stuNNed, the dhcp client | 09:15 |
da_bon_bon | *d | 09:15 |
stuNNed | Seveas: ah ok thanks | 09:15 |
fdr | Seveas, : yeah, I did that, but I can only find 2.6.10 and 2.6.11 | 09:15 |
karsten | stuNNed: Unless I'm grossly mistaken (and this is a posibility), your typical Windows LAN nameservice is *WINS*, *not* DNS. | 09:16 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, am i REALLY an idiot? | 09:16 |
jowe | metalsand, yeah for ubuntu (well, kubuntu I guess.) | 09:16 |
Seveas | fdr, apt will not show it if you're on hoary, but you can download the deb from archive.ubuntu.com | 09:16 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde yes | 09:16 |
ivoks | :)) | 09:16 |
stuNNed | karsten: unless WINS is disabled i would guess | 09:16 |
karsten | stuNNed: Now that's an empirically testable hypothesis. | 09:16 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde go to /etc/dhcp3 dir | 09:16 |
Seveas | karsten, a dhcp client can send a hostname in a dhcp request... | 09:17 |
karsten | ivoks: You sure your windows host doesn't have a locally assigned name it's passing on, or that your logging tool isn't assigning it a name based on a WINS IP lookup? | 09:17 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde and remove comment "send host-name" | 09:17 |
Seveas | no need to use wins | 09:17 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, /etc/dhcpc? | 09:17 |
stuNNed | Seveas: how does the dhcp client get the hostname? | 09:17 |
ivoks | karsten it isn't about logging tool, it's about dhclient | 09:17 |
Seveas | stuNNed, that's set in /etc/hostname | 09:17 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde /etc/dhcp3/ | 09:18 |
Seveas | just the name you gave it upon install | 09:18 |
Seveas | or another name if you changed it... | 09:18 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde there is file dhclient.conf | 09:18 |
karsten | Seveas: DHCP (and also BOOTP with Vendor Extensions) provide a mechanism whereby the server can provide the client with information about how to configure its network interface (e.g., subnet mask), and also how the client can access various network services (e.g., DNS, IP routers, and so on). | 09:18 |
karsten | Seveas: From TFM> | 09:18 |
karsten | Seveas: ...dhcpd. | 09:18 |
karsten | ivoks: What's your logger? | 09:18 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, sorry | 09:18 |
ivoks | karsten syslogd | 09:18 |
c-sic | evoks...lol | 09:18 |
karsten | ivoks: Try tcpdump | 09:19 |
ivoks | :) | 09:19 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, cool. then what's the ubuntu equivalent of /etc/rc.d/network restart? | 09:19 |
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ivoks | karsten man, dhcp clients can send or don't send their hostnames | 09:19 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde u don't need to do that | 09:19 |
ivoks | karsten period | 09:19 |
Seveas | karsten, please read a bit more you obviously don;t know all about it | 09:19 |
jacquesmerde | editing that text file will spontaneously start hostname sending? | 09:19 |
jacquesmerde | i had a feeling hostname sending was a simple togglable thing | 09:20 |
stuNNed | Seveas: heh | 09:20 |
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metalsand | karsten is so mysterious. | 09:20 |
da_bon_bon | hey, gpg key has chnaged ?? | 09:20 |
da_bon_bon | W: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com> | 09:20 |
karsten | Seveas: Didn't say I did. | 09:20 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde u can try ifup eth0 down and then ifup eth0 up | 09:20 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, oh yeah | 09:20 |
da_bon_bon | jacquesmerde: use gui | 09:20 |
jacquesmerde | cheers | 09:20 |
Seveas | karsten, then please stop telling nonsense and stop confusing others | 09:20 |
karsten | Seveas: What I *don't* see is anything saying DHCP (w/o proprietary vendor extensions) is communicating hostname to client. | 09:20 |
jacquesmerde | da_bon_bon, how do i use the gui? | 09:20 |
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karsten | Seveas: Prove me wrong. | 09:20 |
holycow | http://www.ifilm.com/?sctn=help&pg=player <-- heh | 09:20 |
Seveas | karsten, read the rfc | 09:20 |
karsten | Seveas: That's not a challenge. | 09:21 |
fdr | Seveas : is there any search function for archive.ubuntu.com please? | 09:21 |
Seveas | or even the dhcp client's documentation | 09:21 |
karsten | Seveas: As it happens, I'm googling for same ATM. | 09:21 |
Seveas | fdr, packages.ubuntu.com | 09:21 |
karsten | fdr: Google. | 09:21 |
stuNNed | karsten: what's the deal? a dhcp client can or cannot send the hostname, it seems. | 09:21 |
holycow | basically ifilm is telling everyone f.u. turn off popup blocking, antispyware, and all other protection on a machine | 09:21 |
holycow | amazing | 09:21 |
stuNNed | holycow: lol | 09:21 |
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Seveas | karsten, read the SAMPLE section for man dhclient.conf | 09:22 |
karsten | stuNNed: The deal is I think the information's wrong. Point me at an authoritative source that says otherwise and I'll be happy to concede the point. | 09:22 |
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karsten | stuNNed: Hand waving's shit. | 09:22 |
karsten | Seveas: Sec. | 09:22 |
cyphase | New IRC channel for The ShoutNet Project ----- Find it at #shoutnet on irc.freenode.com | 09:23 |
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ivoks | u can even change MAC address | 09:23 |
Seveas | karsten, and man dhcp-options can enlighten you too | 09:24 |
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thomo | hi everyone, any fluxbox users about? | 09:24 |
stuNNed | karsten: what does WINS have to do with a dhcp server listing hostnames? i think nothing. a dhcp server does not support WINS in any form or fashion. | 09:25 |
ivoks | stuNNed it does | 09:25 |
ivoks | stuNNed it can provide WINS info to clients :) | 09:25 |
stuNNed | ivoks: aha, thanks for the correction | 09:25 |
karsten | stuNNed: Stop playing rhetoric. | 09:25 |
karsten | Seveas: Reading. | 09:25 |
metalsand | eth2 IEEE 802.11-DS Nickname:"Prism I" | 09:26 |
metalsand | Mode:Managed | 09:26 |
metalsand | RTS thr:off | 09:26 |
metalsand | Why does my eth2 display so little data? | 09:26 |
karsten | metalsand: ifconfig? | 09:26 |
ivoks | iwconfig | 09:26 |
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metalsand | bigpaste... warning | 09:26 |
metalsand | Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:02:6F:36:90:11 | 09:26 |
metalsand | inet6 addr: fe80::202:6fff:fe36:9011/64 Scope:Link | 09:26 |
metalsand | UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 | 09:26 |
metalsand | RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 | 09:26 |
metalsand | TX packets:0 errors:80 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 | 09:26 |
metalsand | collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 | 09:26 |
stuNNed | karsten: be nice, fella | 09:26 |
metalsand | RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b) | 09:26 |
Seveas | metalsand, DONT PASTE HERE | 09:26 |
metalsand | Interrupt:3 Base address:0x100 | 09:26 |
metalsand | Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:02:6F:36:90:11 | 09:26 |
metalsand | inet6 addr: fe80::202:6fff:fe36:9011/64 Scope:Link | 09:26 |
metalsand | UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 | 09:26 |
metalsand | RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 | 09:26 |
ivoks | jesus... | 09:26 |
metalsand | TX packets:0 errors:80 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 | 09:26 |
metalsand | collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 | 09:27 |
Seveas | metalsand, fool!! | 09:27 |
stuNNed | in the name of... | 09:27 |
metalsand | RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b) | 09:27 |
karsten | stuNNed: Be relevant. | 09:27 |
metalsand | Interrupt:3 Base address:0x100 | 09:27 |
metalsand | sorry :x | 09:27 |
ivoks | warning, kickban | 09:27 |
ivoks | :) | 09:27 |
karsten | Seveas: What's the server do with the host-name option? | 09:27 |
Seveas | metalsand, there's #flood for that or use a pastebin | 09:27 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, grrrrr. didnt work | 09:27 |
metalsand | I'm in flood | 09:27 |
metalsand | But i started talking in here | 09:27 |
metalsand | karsten, there's no inet address for eth2 | 09:27 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde yes it did | 09:27 |
Seveas | karsten, the server gets this info from the client if in the client the send host-name directive is used | 09:28 |
Seveas | and that's what is displayed | 09:28 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, lol. no | 09:28 |
da_bon_bon | someone, please tell me the main server gpg key is screwed up ? | 09:28 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde ur dhcp server now knows the name of ur host | 09:28 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde but that doesn't mean that u can ping that machine by it's hostname | 09:28 |
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ivoks | jacquesmerde u need DNS for that | 09:28 |
fdr | I'm sorry to bother you again, people... but I cannot find any kernel image version 2.6.8/9 nor 2.4.x for i386... could you please have a look and tell me if I'm doing something wrong or it is not there? I searched with packages.ubuntu.com and browsed archive.ubuntulinux.org | 09:28 |
karsten | Seveas: Got it. dhcpd.conf(5): " The DHCP server determines the client's hostname ..." | 09:28 |
Seveas | May 6 09:11:59 localhost dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for from 00:11:2f:7e:f5:03 (demosi1) via eth1 | 09:29 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, i beg to differ | 09:29 |
da_bon_bon | HELP!!! W: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com> | 09:29 |
thoreauputic | da_bon_bon, "The main server gpg key is screwed up" happy now ? *G* | 09:29 |
Seveas | that says that the client sends the hostname 'demosi1' in the dhcp request | 09:29 |
Seveas | da_bon_bon, try an apt-get update | 09:29 |
bob2 | da_bon_bon: please chill out | 09:29 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, i edited the file, ifdown'ed and ifup'ed... | 09:29 |
da_bon_bon | thoreauputic: no jokes | 09:29 |
thoreauputic | da_bon_bon, actually I have no idea if that's true BTW | 09:29 |
da_bon_bon | Seveas: did it 7 times | 09:29 |
da_bon_bon | thoreauputic: please try apt-get update and u will know | 09:30 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde now check out ur DHCP server and search for ur hostname | 09:30 |
da_bon_bon | bob2: any idea what i must do now ? | 09:30 |
metalsand | bob2: can you help me out with some troubleshooting? | 09:30 |
Seveas | da_bon_bon, then simply wait, these errors sometimes happen. They will resolve... | 09:30 |
karsten | Seveas: How does the server resolve name collisions? | 09:30 |
thoreauputic | da_bon_bon, I'm doing that as we speak | 09:30 |
da_bon_bon | thoreauputic: thnx | 09:30 |
Seveas | karsten, no idea, check out the documentation :) | 09:30 |
bob2 | metalsand: unless it's very specific, I don't have time atm, sorry | 09:30 |
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karsten | Seveas: Checking, damnit! | 09:30 |
da_bon_bon | it still is | 09:30 |
Seveas | da_bon_bon, here too, just wait for an hour or so | 09:31 |
karsten | Seveas: I stand corrected. | 09:31 |
Seveas | it will resolve... | 09:31 |
IIIEars | Windows Gotcha No #1346 created a 8gig DVD image and windows can't lift anything that big and move it from one drive to another. Linux to the rescue! - any hints? | 09:31 |
da_bon_bon | great | 09:31 |
da_bon_bon | so i am not the only one :) | 09:31 |
da_bon_bon | anyway, see ya guys after an hours | 09:31 |
da_bon_bon | gotta run | 09:31 |
da_bon_bon | bye all | 09:31 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, i went to dhclient.conf, commented out the line "send host-name "andare.fugue.com"" (NO idea where that line came from), ifdown'ed if up'ed. and checked my router's dhcp client table.. | 09:31 |
Seveas | IIIEars, fat32 file size limit is 4gb | 09:31 |
Seveas | if your dest. partition is fast32, there's no way of doing this | 09:31 |
IIIEars | am i stuck? | 09:31 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde u fool | 09:31 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde why didn't u put in ur hostname?? | 09:32 |
IIIEars | can i DD or something? | 09:32 |
karsten | IIIEars: What version of 'Doze? What FS? | 09:32 |
Seveas | IIIEars, very bad idea | 09:32 |
metalsand | IIIEars, Rar it into smaller pieces, and create .isos from those? | 09:32 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, why should it make a difference? | 09:32 |
IIIEars | Fat 32 XP | 09:32 |
Seveas | IIIEars, no eay of doing it | 09:32 |
karsten | IIIEars: Move on one system, or move to another location? | 09:32 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, do i put my hostname in "s? | 09:32 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde put in ur hostname without .xx.com | 09:32 |
karsten | metalsand: man split. | 09:32 |
Seveas | fat32 cannot handle files that are bigger than 4 gb | 09:32 |
karsten | IIIEars: 'man split' | 09:32 |
Seveas | so you're screwed :) | 09:32 |
IIIEars | move to an external USB drive | 09:32 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde ifdown ethx | 09:32 |
jacquesmerde | so "myhost" or myhost? | 09:32 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde killall -9 dhclient3 | 09:32 |
Seveas | IIIEars, usb disks generally are fat32 too | 09:33 |
karsten | IIIEars: How big's the file, what's the source of it? | 09:33 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde send host-name "imafool" | 09:33 |
karsten | Seveas: They can be reformatted ;-) | 09:33 |
Seveas | karsten, :o) | 09:33 |
IIIEars | Great! - Linux power. - you guys keep feeding it. :) | 09:33 |
Seveas | IIIEars, if you format (under windows) your >8gb usb drive into fat32, that's an option | 09:33 |
karsten | IIIEars: Where is the image now, what FS, and how do you know it's a valid image? | 09:33 |
Seveas | into ntfs i meant* | 09:33 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde don't forget ; as a lst latter | 09:33 |
ivoks | letter | 09:33 |
IIIEars | Dual Layer DVD it must be at least 8gigs in a single file a few megs in a descritpor file. | 09:34 |
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karsten | IIIEars: I'm partial to split and/or netcat myself. | 09:34 |
IIIEars | It's on an NTFS drive | 09:34 |
Seveas | why not leave it on there? | 09:34 |
karsten | IIIEars: So you created it OK, but can't move it elsewhere, right? | 09:35 |
IIIEars | I see trouble comming though my USB is Fat32 | 09:35 |
transgress | hey anyone know if i need to activate something else to get my lappy to hibernate? | 09:35 |
IIIEars | Exactly - "Super Glued" in place | 09:35 |
IIIEars | lol | 09:35 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, its working fine now. i knew it would be a simple task if i wasnt such a moron | 09:35 |
bhoomi | i am getting dpkg error when i try to upgrade / install a package | 09:35 |
Seveas | bhoomi, a GPG error? | 09:36 |
IIIEars | Thank You you threw me a line. i can google the rest. :) | 09:36 |
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ivoks | jacquesmerde end of story | 09:36 |
karsten | IIIEars: Try this under linux: cd /tmp; mkdir foo; cd foo; dd if=/dev/zero of=bigfile bs=1m count=20m; split -b 1m bigfile | 09:36 |
ish | open(2) mentions a O_LARGEFILE flag.. Where is this defined? a grep of /usr/include reveals nothing... | 09:36 |
bhoomi | Seveas, dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/zope-groupuserfolder_3.1.1-3ubuntu2_all.deb | 09:36 |
karsten | IIIEars: ...that creates a 20 MB file, then splits it into 20 1 MB chunks. | 09:36 |
Seveas | ish, most likely in a bits/something include file | 09:37 |
karsten | IIIEars: the chunks are named bigfile.aa bigfile.ab bigfile.ac ... | 09:37 |
karsten | IIIEars: ...and you can cat them back together: cat bigfile.* > bigfile-new | 09:37 |
Seveas | i think stdio.h should include that too, so try including stdio.h | 09:37 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, i'd add a page to the wiki to save people like me a lot of time, but i still dont quite understand what i did | 09:37 |
IIIEars | Okay - I can do that. :) | 09:37 |
Seveas | bhoomi, sorry, no clue on that, maybe someone else... | 09:37 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde dhclient3 is program that get's IP from dhcp server | 09:38 |
bhoomi | Seveas, :) | 09:38 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf is configuration file for that program | 09:38 |
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karsten | IIIEars: Slight syntax fix: cd /tmp; mkdir foo; cd foo; dd if=/dev/zero of=bigfile bs=$((1024*1024)) count=20; split -b 1m bigfile ; ll | 09:39 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, putting the hostname in ServerName in etc/cups/client.conf still doesnt work. all is for naught | 09:39 |
IIIEars | "; ll" ? | 09:39 |
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ivoks | jacquesmerde do u know anything about networking? | 09:40 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, obviously not | 09:40 |
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karsten | IIIEars: 'ls -l' Sorry, an alias. | 09:40 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde then how could i explain enything to u? :) | 09:40 |
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IIIEars | :) | 09:40 |
karsten | IIIEars: ...and you should use a prefix, so: cd /tmp; mkdir foo; cd foo; dd if=/dev/zero of=bigfile bs=$((1024*1024)) count=20; split -b 1m bigfile bigfile.; ls -lh | 09:40 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde cat /etc/resolv.conf | 09:40 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, oh, i wasn't asking you to. i thought it was well understood that i was a lost cause | 09:40 |
karsten | IIIEars: ...which I've actually run, so it works as badvertised. | 09:41 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, i have a nameserver, | 09:41 |
thomo | for some reason fluxbox takes much longer to load than gnome. I know that ubuntu is optimised to start gnome fast (very impressive) but does this affect the speed of other window managers? | 09:41 |
thoreauputic | karsten, "badvertised" is a nice typo ;) | 09:41 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde so u see, u have nameservers of ur ISP | 09:41 |
IIIEars | the dd command got me interested in linux i love it's power. :) | 09:42 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde if u put a name in /etc/cups/client.conf it will search that name on couple of places | 09:42 |
karsten | thoreauputic: Who says it's a typo? | 09:42 |
karsten | IIIEars: It should get you interested in JCL. | 09:42 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde first it will look in /etc/hosts to find it there, if it isn't there, it will contact namservers | 09:42 |
thoreauputic | karsten, heheh OK, just checking - a nice coinage then ;) | 09:42 |
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ivoks | jacquesmerde nameservers can't know anything about ur local network and they won't have that name too | 09:43 |
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jacquesmerde | ivoks, i thought the nameserver is what resolves internet url's | 09:43 |
IIIEars | Hm to google and look smart or ask admit being new and baffled. okay i'll bite. what is "JCL"? | 09:43 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde yes, that's name resolving, conecting IP with hostname | 09:43 |
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jacquesmerde | ivoks, yeah, but i want to do that locally... | 09:44 |
karsten | IIIEars: Job Control Language. | 09:44 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde u have two options | 09:44 |
thoreauputic | jacquesmerde, you can run dns for your LAN, but it isn't necessary | 09:44 |
karsten | IIIEars: dd is actually a mainframe command ported to Unix back in the early days. | 09:44 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde u can enter all ur hosts in /etc/hosts | 09:44 |
IIIEars | Great! - can i use it to back up an entire disk? | 09:44 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde or u can setup local DNS | 09:45 |
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karsten | IIIEars: Yeah, but in general you wouldn't want to. | 09:45 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, i now know that my router definitely knows my ubuntu machine's hostname. do i have to go a further step to let other computers on the LAN to be able to use that information? | 09:45 |
metalsand | testest | 09:45 |
karsten | IIIEars: dd ~= Norton Ghost. But for Linux, tar and equivalents are far more useful. | 09:45 |
karsten | metalsand: failfail | 09:45 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde read again what i just said | 09:45 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, i can't set up hosts because i'm on DHCP, yeah? | 09:45 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde well... right | 09:45 |
metalsand | I really wish I got my PCMCIA card set up :( | 09:45 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde so u can setup dns on ur router | 09:46 |
metalsand | I have a feeling it's going to take a lot of tweaking to get it working | 09:46 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde and connect it with dhcp | 09:46 |
jbmigel | I seem to be having some trouble with my firefox flash plugin, when i goto a flash site that does a content pop-up I can only see like 1/5 of the flash page in the new window, the rest of window is white. Has anyone experienced this? | 09:46 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, is that hard? am i better off just biting the bullet and switching to static IP's? | 09:46 |
IIIEars | Ghost is nice. backing up an open OS with proprietary software just doesn't hit me right though. - lol | 09:46 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde with dhcp-dns | 09:46 |
karsten | metalsand: No, it's going to take one tweak. | 09:46 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde well, it isn't simple :) | 09:46 |
karsten | metalsand: ...all the other tweaks _won't_ get it working. | 09:47 |
thoreauputic | jacquesmerde, how many machnes do you have on your LAN ? | 09:47 |
metalsand | karsten, which tweak is that? | 09:47 |
karsten | metalsand: ...they'll just stand between you and that one. | 09:47 |
karsten | metalsand: The one that works, duh! | 09:47 |
metalsand | karsten, which tweak is that? | 09:47 |
metalsand | :P | 09:47 |
karsten | metalsand: Recursion: See recursion. See also: tail-recursion. | 09:47 |
jacquesmerde | thoreauputic, 4 | 09:47 |
ivoks | lol | 09:47 |
ivoks | put them on static IP | 09:48 |
thoreauputic | jacquesmerde, just do static IP | 09:48 |
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metalsand | i need some kind of Linux mastermind | 09:48 |
metalsand | That knows EVERYTHING. | 09:48 |
ivoks | i had over 200 machines, and didn't use DHCP | 09:48 |
ivoks | :) | 09:48 |
thoreauputic | jacquesmerde, I have 4 machines too, and I use static IP | 09:48 |
Seveas | metalsand, you called me? | 09:48 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, i'm sorry. i didnt realise what i was asking to do wasnt trivial. i thought i was just a newb. forget it | 09:48 |
Seveas | ;) | 09:48 |
ivoks | now i have over 400, so i have to :) | 09:48 |
metalsand | Seveas: make my PCMCIA Wireless NIC work. | 09:48 |
metalsand | Now. | 09:48 |
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metalsand | Please. :) | 09:48 |
Seveas | metalsand, which chip? | 09:48 |
metalsand | Seveas, Prism 2.5 | 09:48 |
Seveas | there are prism drivers in ubuntu... | 09:49 |
Seveas | modprobe them | 09:49 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, just editing dhcpd.conf was easy enough to get my router to get the client's hostname, i thought it would be equally trivial to get other computes on the lan to be able to refer to that hostname | 09:49 |
metalsand | I have wlan-ng | 09:49 |
ivoks | hostap-utils | 09:49 |
conor | Hi, any ideas why my bittornado on ubuntu can't connect to any peers while bittorrent, gnome-bittorrent and so on work without problems? | 09:49 |
Seveas | (if not automatically modprobed) | 09:49 |
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ivoks | jacquesmerde i don't know what ur router is | 09:49 |
IIIEars | Hm. will windows want to open the entire file if i pull it using FTP? | 09:49 |
metalsand | I got a deb package with synaptic, Seveas | 09:49 |
thoreauputic | jacquesmerde, just put your 4 machines IPs and names in /etc/hosts on each machine | 09:49 |
Seveas | metalsand, which? | 09:49 |
metalsand | wlan-ng | 09:49 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde i just know it sends public DNS, and they don't know anything about ur local network | 09:49 |
Seveas | ah | 09:49 |
karsten | IIIEars: Dunno, that depends on the FTP client. | 09:49 |
jacquesmerde | thoreauputic, yeah, well i'll have to set up static IP's first | 09:49 |
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IIIEars | never mind i'll give the ubuntu live cd a shot. | 09:50 |
metalsand | Seveas, it still isn't working. | 09:50 |
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thoreauputic | jacquesmerde, it isn't hard | 09:50 |
Seveas | have you modprobed the modules? | 09:50 |
metalsand | Nope, I don't even know what that is | 09:50 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, what if i put "hostname@localhost"? | 09:50 |
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metalsand | I have, however, update-modules | 09:50 |
Seveas | can you run iwconfig eth1 (or whatever it is) | 09:50 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde ? :)) | 09:50 |
karsten | IIIEars: I ran into a problem years back on Sun. IIRC I could either send or receive large (>2 GB) files, but not the other. Or was it piping output to something else? | 09:50 |
metalsand | should I paste in #flood | 09:50 |
metalsand | ? | 09:50 |
IIIEars | I love puzzles :) | 09:50 |
jacquesmerde | or hostname@localhost.localdomain | 09:50 |
karsten | IIIEars: ...I don't recall, but it was a tad problemenatic. | 09:50 |
Seveas | metalsand, no just answer whether you can or not :) | 09:50 |
thoreauputic | jacquesmerde, you only need the name, not the @localhost part | 09:51 |
metalsand | Oh, I can. | 09:51 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde man.. do u have email? | 09:51 |
karsten | metalsand: Yes. | 09:51 |
Seveas | metalsand, what kind of encryption does your network use? | 09:51 |
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metalsand | Currently none | 09:51 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, yeah. i have email. thats the one part of networking i CAN get working | 09:51 |
Seveas | ok | 09:51 |
metalsand | I had WPA when I was using Windows only | 09:51 |
dabaSlon | metalsand: welll dont paste here again anyhow... | 09:51 |
Seveas | iwconfig eth1 essid "YOUR_SSID" | 09:51 |
karsten | IIIEars: ...the upshot of which is, your FTP client might or might not like getting a large file, depends on how its implemented. | 09:51 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde so, is it hotmail@hotmail.com or jacq@hotmail.com? | 09:51 |
Seveas | iwconfig eth1 commit | 09:51 |
metalsand | Now I'm frightened to use WEP using Linux, I don't want to break anything. | 09:51 |
jacquesmerde | the latter | 09:52 |
thoreauputic | jacquesmerde, man interfaces | 09:52 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde so.. it's allways username@hostname | 09:52 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde localhost IS hostname | 09:52 |
Seveas | and then try iwconfig eth1 | 09:52 |
Seveas | and paste the result in a private chat | 09:52 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde it's a special hostname, referring to local host :) | 09:52 |
metalsand | Seveas: done | 09:52 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde in /etc/hosts u need something like: | 09:53 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde gaetway | 09:53 |
Seveas | metalsand, except that i didn't get the private chat :) | 09:53 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde mywindowsbox | 09:53 |
jacquesmerde | ivoks, but that's for static IP | 09:53 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde etc... then will ping gateway work | 09:53 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde u have 4 machines! dhcp is overhead | 09:53 |
jacquesmerde | if i'm connected to a router which can translate hostnames to IP addresses, why cant i just ask my router what a hostname's IP address is? | 09:54 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde i give up on u | 09:54 |
=== AvvY|WinXP [~AvvY@CPE-144-133-95-243.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | jacquesmerde, in dhhclient.conf you should set the option to always use the router as dns server | 09:54 |
ivoks | jacquesmerde ur router doesn't translate hostnames, DNS does that, and u are using public DNS | 09:55 |
karsten | metalsand: Remove all heavy and sharp objects from the room. | 09:55 |
Seveas | prepend domain-name-servers; | 09:55 |
AvvY|WinXP | im installing ubuntu on a comp that cant boot CDs. i have a win98 floppy and boot with cd support, but cant figure out how to get into the ubuntu setup process | 09:55 |
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Seveas | AvvY|WinXP, it won't work that way | 09:55 |
AvvY|WinXP | why not? | 09:55 |
ivoks | but CDROM | 09:55 |
ivoks | buy | 09:55 |
=== AvvY|WinXP is now known as AvvY | ||
AvvY | is there any other way to do it? | 09:56 |
Seveas | because the booted does does not understand the linux programs | 09:56 |
Seveas | AvvY, there is a guide on dooing netboot installs, but your computer has to be able to do netboots for that to work | 09:56 |
=== Echylo [~echylo@252-162.246.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AvvY | whats netboots? | 09:56 |
Seveas | i believe there is ongoing work to do a floppy-based install, but it's not functional yet | 09:57 |
karsten | AvvY: There's alway another way to do it. | 09:57 |
Razor-X | AvvY: how old is the machine? | 09:57 |
karsten | AvvY: Always.... | 09:57 |
ivoks | time to go... | 09:57 |
AvvY | its rather old, old enough to not boot cds. im just wanting it to play with | 09:57 |
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karsten | AvvY: Move the HD to another system that can boot from CD. Install there. Shuttle back. | 09:57 |
Razor-X | well, itt boots CDs | 09:57 |
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Razor-X | just, doesen't boot El Torito | 09:57 |
ivoks | maybe he can use debian's floppy? | 09:57 |
AvvY | i wouldnt bother moving the HDD around | 09:58 |
Razor-X | lemme see if I can make a floppy out of a Kubuntu (sorry ,that's the only ISO Ihave) ISO | 09:58 |
Seveas | ivoks, that could be an idea... | 09:58 |
=== mathew [~mathew@gb.ja.105.110.revip.asianet.co.th] has joined #ubuntu | ||
karsten | ivoks: Should work AFAIK. It's a standard bootcfg AFAIK. | 09:58 |
da_bon_bon | why is everyone telling to disable marillat before installing mplayer ? | 09:58 |
Razor-X | *ISO bootsector | 09:58 |
ivoks | Seveas he would have problems with kernel install | 09:58 |
=== karsten notes that the Ubuntu live CD is based on Morphix... | ||
ivoks | Seveas or maybe not... hm... | 09:58 |
AvvY | ok im gonna download a debian boot disk | 09:58 |
Seveas | karsten, only the warty cd | 09:59 |
Seveas | the hoary cd isn't | 09:59 |
ivoks | AvvY only boot.img | 09:59 |
=== Xyrouz [~Xyrouz@0x3e42bd6c.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fator_Dee | da_bon_bon: because you are npt supposed to install it from marillat? I dunno though :-p | 09:59 |
Fator_Dee | *npt = not | 09:59 |
karsten | Seveas: OK. That's what I've seen. | 09:59 |
karsten | Seveas: I noticed the boot message. | 09:59 |
ivoks | da_bon_bon couse they don't know for -t switch for apt-get | 09:59 |
karsten | Seveas: Amused me slightly. | 09:59 |
Seveas | da_bon_bon, because hoary is frozen and you will get dependency problems when using marillat unstable | 09:59 |
Razor-X | can fdisk /mbr work with NTFS partitions? | 10:00 |
da_bon_bon | karsten: hoary live cd is not on morphix. warty is | 10:00 |
jacquesmerde | Seveas, how do i set dhcpclient.conf to do that? | 10:00 |
AvvY | Razor-X yes | 10:00 |
Seveas | Razor-X, fdisk /mbr has nothing to do with partitions | 10:00 |
ivoks | well, bye all | 10:00 |
da_bon_bon | Fator_Dee, ivoks: what Seveas said is most logical :P | 10:00 |
karsten | da_bon_bon: Yeah, I think I heard that somewhere.... | 10:00 |
Razor-X | Seveas: mmm, please elucidate ;-P | 10:01 |
karsten | Seveas: Well, outside the first 512 bytes... | 10:01 |
da_bon_bon | karsten: then switch to hoary live | 10:01 |
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ivoks | da_bon_bon :p too u to. live in ignorance | 10:01 |
veritas_ | Back. My connection died | 10:01 |
Seveas | Razor-X, fdisk /mbr only writes to the boot record (the first 512 bytes of the disk). There is no partition in there... | 10:01 |
karsten | Razor-X: fdisk /mbr creates a MSFT master boot record. That's not part of your partitions. | 10:01 |
veritas_ | seveas: Where were we? | 10:01 |
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Seveas | veritas_, hmm?? | 10:01 |
veritas_ | Configuring my PCMCIA NIC | 10:02 |
da_bon_bon | ivoks: :) | 10:02 |
Seveas | ah :) | 10:02 |
ivoks | :) | 10:02 |
=== matt1987 [~matt@host81-154-68-204.range81-154.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | veritas_, iwconfig eth1 essid "your_ssid" && iwconfig eth1 commit && iwconfig eth1 | 10:02 |
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Razor-X | karsten, Seveas: yeah, but I was wondering if what it writes to the boot record can boot NTFS | 10:02 |
Seveas | paste the output in a private chat | 10:02 |
=== NicP [~NicP_@c211-28-151-227.brasd1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fator_Dee | da_bon_bon: I was just guessing :-p | 10:02 |
Seveas | Razor-X, sure | 10:02 |
metalsand | #flood? | 10:02 |
Razor-X | or, is it that, over so many years, the Windows bootloaders doesen't change? | 10:02 |
matt1987 | is there ne1 that can tell me an alternative to wine | 10:02 |
Razor-X | *hasn't | 10:03 |
matt1987 | a better emulation software | 10:03 |
Seveas | sure, #flood is ok too | 10:03 |
da_bon_bon | matt1987: vmware | 10:03 |
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matt1987 | where can i get vmware | 10:03 |
AvvY | i cant find a debian floppy | 10:03 |
Razor-X | it's expensive | 10:03 |
da_bon_bon | mathew: www.torrentspy.com | 10:04 |
Seveas | da_bon_bon, vmware is something completely different | 10:04 |
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Seveas | and please don't advertise using illegal programs | 10:04 |
Razor-X | yeah, I was just going to say that | 10:04 |
=== mirak [~mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-39-6.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | what you do, you do on your own time | 10:04 |
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AvvY | Seveas: do u know where i an find a debian boot floppy? | 10:04 |
Mistiry | How do I get Totem Movie player to play WMV files? | 10:04 |
Fator_Dee | under your blanket with only the flaslight on :-p | 10:04 |
Seveas | Mistiry, you need to install the w32codecs package for that | 10:05 |
Mistiry | how do i do that? | 10:05 |
Razor-X | AvvY: http://people.debian.org/~dwhedon/boot-floppies/ | 10:05 |
karsten | matt1987: Beer. | 10:05 |
Seveas | Mistiry, the easyest way is to go to http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org and search for w32codecs | 10:05 |
Seveas | there you will find instructions | 10:05 |
da_bon_bon | Razor-X: i dont use vmware at all | 10:05 |
Mistiry | ok i will see what i see. thanks | 10:06 |
Amaranth | Seveas: That won't make totem play WMV. | 10:06 |
Seveas | Amaranth, then what does? | 10:06 |
AvvY | Seveas: which .iso do u tink i should get? | 10:06 |
Amaranth | pitfdll | 10:06 |
Amaranth | it's a gstreamer plugin | 10:06 |
thoreauputic | Mistiry, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 10:06 |
karsten | matt1987: wine, Crossover Office, Win4Lin, are your basic choices. | 10:06 |
cyphase | New IRC channel for The ShoutNet Project ----- Find it at #shoutnet on irc.freenode.com | 10:06 |
Amaranth | cyphase: ... | 10:07 |
Seveas | cyphase, stop spamming please | 10:07 |
dabaSlon | Mistiry: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats should have that information, if you had not found it already... | 10:07 |
da_bon_bon | Seveas: i think cyphase is a bot | 10:07 |
Seveas | Amaranth, i actually think it's a bot that does this on intervals | 10:07 |
Seveas | lol :) | 10:07 |
cyphase | lol, sorry | 10:07 |
cyphase | no, im not a bot | 10:07 |
=== amichai [~amichai@bzq-84-108-2-221.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Seveas | well, than just stop spamming :) | 10:07 |
AvvY | Seveas: which .iso do u tink i should get? | 10:07 |
da_bon_bon | nice bot, cyphase, real good code | 10:07 |
thoreauputic | cyphase, are you sure ? | 10:07 |
cyphase | haha | 10:07 |
dabaSlon | its then | 10:07 |
yahalom | can someone tell me how to get my CDs? I ordered them over 2 months ago. | 10:08 |
karsten | da_bon_bon: If it's a bot, it's got really bad grammar. | 10:08 |
thoreauputic | yahalom, wait patiently | 10:08 |
Amaranth | yahalom: You'll get a notice when they ship | 10:08 |
IIIEars | lol - no need to feed the trolls - keep isolated or give them the boot. | 10:08 |
da_bon_bon | AvvY: u want what ? ubuntu ? or kubuntu ? | 10:08 |
AvvY | Ubuntu | 10:08 |
Razor-X | take the Ubuntu x86 Install disc | 10:09 |
yahalom | it just takes this long? I give them to my PC customers, and it just sucks to give them my own burned ones...look very unprofessional. | 10:09 |
AvvY | no, i need a boot floppy | 10:09 |
Razor-X | AvvY: I gave you the link | 10:09 |
AvvY | yeah, which link tho? they are huge .isos | 10:09 |
yahalom | anyone know how i can get xterm to wrte right to left? | 10:10 |
yahalom | wrte=write | 10:10 |
da_bon_bon | karsten: lol | 10:10 |
Amaranth | cyphase: You're turning a shoutbox into a chat room? | 10:10 |
da_bon_bon | Amaranth: hey, where does one get notice ? i didnt get any notice for the warty cds | 10:10 |
Amaranth | da_bon_bon: Neither did I, this is what I was told though. | 10:10 |
jacquesmerde | my PIII ubuntu machine with 128 RAM takes quite a while to lod up programs, but is other not too slow. is the bottleneck the RAM or the HDD speed? | 10:11 |
cyphase | Amaranth, kiiiind of. a white paper describing it is on the way | 10:11 |
thoreauputic | da_bon_bon, I believe they should be shipping Real Soon Now (tm) | 10:11 |
yahalom | cyphase: an e-mail? | 10:11 |
Amaranth | cyphase: If you know Python I think twisted would be good for that. It seems to make it pretty easy to integrate things like IRC and webpages. | 10:11 |
Choubaka | jacquesmerde: hdd speed usually. | 10:11 |
cyphase | Amaranth, thats not what this is trying to be | 10:12 |
=== MattJ [~matt@oh-clevelandheights-cdnt1-bg2c-224.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
da_bon_bon | thoreauputic: but still, it will take time to reach india :( | 10:12 |
cyphase | you'll see when you read the white paper | 10:12 |
da_bon_bon | and, are they SURELY not shipping kubuntu ? | 10:12 |
=== forsaker8k6 [~forsaker@213-156-52-107.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jacquesmerde | Choubaka, reckon its worth forking out for a new hdd? would it make a big diff? | 10:12 |
IIIEars | Yaholom - it's maybe not what you asked but check out the new CD burners "LightScribe" etches labels on disks in any design you choose they aren't very expensive and your customers will love them - not a commercial i promise - lol | 10:12 |
Choubaka | jacquesmerde: depends. | 10:12 |
thoreauputic | da_bon_bon, yes, i guess so - and to reach Australia too :) | 10:12 |
forsaker8k6 | hi people! got a problem... | 10:12 |
Razor-X | how much swap should I allocate to Ubuntu distro with 256 MB of RAM? | 10:12 |
da_bon_bon | cyphase: ?? bot type | 10:12 |
Choubaka | Razor-X: half a GB? | 10:13 |
da_bon_bon | thoreauputic: australia has great postal service. india does not :( | 10:13 |
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cyphase | da_bon_bon, what do you mean bot type? | 10:13 |
forsaker8k6 | when i run sudo apt-get update... i receive some error about an invalid GPG key O_o | 10:13 |
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Razor-X | Choukaba: hmmm, ok | 10:13 |
thoreauputic | da_bon_bon, true, but the stuff still ahs to get here: my warty CDs shipped from Switzerland, of all places | 10:13 |
thoreauputic | *has | 10:13 |
da_bon_bon | cyphase: to make sure that u r SURELY not a bot ;) | 10:14 |
Razor-X | do not insult India! *puffs chest* | 10:14 |
Razor-X | just kidding ;-P | 10:14 |
da_bon_bon | thoreauputic: how do u know from where were they shipped | 10:14 |
orhs | hey all | 10:14 |
thoreauputic | forsaker8k6, a few people are reporting this: wait a few hours | 10:14 |
da_bon_bon | Razor-X: u an indian ? | 10:14 |
Razor-X | da_bon_bon: yeah | 10:14 |
IIIEars | Oops - :/ | 10:14 |
forsaker8k6 | ok tnx thoreauputic i'll wait :D | 10:14 |
da_bon_bon | Razor-X: kaushik | 10:14 |
thoreauputic | da_bon_bon, the "ch" postmark | 10:14 |
da_bon_bon | hmm | 10:14 |
Razor-X | not In India, but, yeah.... | 10:14 |
da_bon_bon | ThomasWinwood: ohok | 10:14 |
Razor-X | da_bon_bon: Koushik ;-P | 10:15 |
da_bon_bon | Razor-X: then, where r u from ?! | 10:15 |
da_bon_bon | thoreauputic: ohok | 10:15 |
Amaranth | da_bon_bon: There are no Kubuntu CDs. Would cost way too much. | 10:15 |
Razor-X | USA | 10:15 |
da_bon_bon | noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo | 10:15 |
da_bon_bon | i want kubuntu | 10:15 |
Razor-X | eh? | 10:15 |
bob2 | there are kubuntu cds | 10:15 |
da_bon_bon | *shouts 10 time* | 10:15 |
bob2 | but Canonical isn't shipping them out for free | 10:15 |
Amaranth | bob2: Not from shipit... | 10:15 |
da_bon_bon | bob2: really ? we are getting kubuntu ? | 10:15 |
Razor-X | I have a Kubuntu iso sitting here | 10:16 |
bob2 | da_bon_bon: not from shipit | 10:16 |
=== da_bon_bon jumps up and down | ||
fdr | Seveas : lol, it took me a WHILE, but at last I found the kernel. ;-) Once I've downloaded it should I install with dpkg ? | 10:16 |
forsaker8k6 | why you want kubuntu da_bon_bon | 10:16 |
forsaker8k6 | ? | 10:16 |
bob2 | da_bon_bon: also, it's a bit rich complaining that a company on the other side of the world won't ship you things for free | 10:16 |
da_bon_bon | forsaker8k6: coz i like kde ? | 10:16 |
thoreauputic | Amaranth, I see kubuntu-desktop is about 100MB - I'll try it, even though I'm on dialup :) | 10:16 |
da_bon_bon | bob2: i am not complaining. i am requesting | 10:16 |
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da_bon_bon | Razor-X: if u r not in india, then belive what indians say about india. | 10:16 |
forsaker8k6 | well, maybe i had to ask the question this way: why do you like kde? | 10:17 |
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da_bon_bon | forsaker8k6: hmm.. why do u like gnome ? | 10:17 |
thoreauputic | da_bon_bon, do you get decent bandwidth? Even on dialup 100MB isn't impossible once you have Ubuntu installed | 10:17 |
da_bon_bon | bob2: where do i get the kubuntu cds from ? | 10:17 |
forsaker8k6 | because.. it's more.... free software compliant... and it's cooler :P | 10:17 |
Razor-X | da_bon_bon: I know the postal system is shit there | 10:17 |
da_bon_bon | thoreauputic: i am on a 2kbps cable line :( | 10:18 |
Razor-X | there are a multitude of reasons my parents came, my dad was an IIT grad ;-P | 10:18 |
da_bon_bon | forsaker8k6: u mean kde isnt free ? | 10:18 |
bob2 | da_bon_bon: you can download them from cdimge.ubuntu.com | 10:18 |
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da_bon_bon | Razor-X: i wish i was in usa. india -- i dont like it | 10:18 |
thoreauputic | da_bon_bon, ah, that's a bit slow for anything at all - I sympathise | 10:18 |
=== AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-96-168.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | can't help but boast about IIT! | 10:18 |
forsaker8k6 | yes it is.. but it had many *legal* problems... because qt has a very strange license | 10:18 |
da_bon_bon | bob2: i have, as i said, 2kbps | 10:18 |
da_bon_bon | forsaker8k6: still i find it better | 10:18 |
Razor-X | da_bon_bon: I visit, and, I'm ahppy living here | 10:18 |
gorilla_ | da_bon_bon, yes kde is free but making a master cd for production is expensive. | 10:18 |
Razor-X | *happy | 10:18 |
da_bon_bon | bob2: from where do i buy a kubuntu cd ? | 10:19 |
forsaker8k6 | da_bon_bon, well, matter of choices :D | 10:19 |
da_bon_bon | forsaker8k6: now u get my point | 10:19 |
thoreauputic | da_bon_bon, there are many on-line Linux shops | 10:19 |
forsaker8k6 | da_bon_bon, yes... but i get payed to predicate for gnome :D | 10:20 |
Razor-X | *happy | 10:20 |
da_bon_bon | thoreauputic: i know. theres one for india too.. but i want it from the makers - canonical -- as a gesture to encourage and thank them for making such nice prods | 10:20 |
IIIEars | ;) | 10:21 |
thoreauputic | da_bon_bon, send a donation then :) | 10:21 |
da_bon_bon | thoreauputic: why not get a cd in lieu of a donation :) | 10:21 |
kalis | i have some problems with the cpp preprocessor. When i try to compile XFCE4 with the installer it tells me that it fails "sanity check" | 10:21 |
Razor-X | thoreauputic: hmmm, I have seen you on a linux chatroom somewhere.... can't remember where | 10:22 |
kalis | i have installed the g++ package for gcc, so its not that... | 10:22 |
kalis | what else can it be? | 10:22 |
thoreauputic | Razor-X, how surprising ;-) | 10:22 |
da_bon_bon | Razor-X: why not do a whois on him to find?! | 10:22 |
thoreauputic | kalis, sudo apt-get install build-essential | 10:23 |
Razor-X | da_bon_bon: as expected, it didn't help that much | 10:23 |
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kalis | thoreauputic, allready done that. doesnt help me :( | 10:23 |
jacquesmerde | when setting up a static IP address, is the gateway address just the router's IP address on the LAN? | 10:24 |
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thoreauputic | kalis, why compile xfce4 when it's available with synaptic/apt ? | 10:24 |
thoreauputic | kalis, I'm using it right now as a matter of fact | 10:24 |
=== spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kalis | because i want the latest and the greatest ;) the one from the repo doesnt have the quick-lounge thingy | 10:24 |
yahalom | thoreauputic: i previously had issues with the xfce4 from synaptic | 10:24 |
Razor-X | mmm, XFCe | 10:25 |
kalis | thoreauputic, i am also using Xfce installed from the repo. | 10:25 |
=== TFP [~Patrick@dsl-084-056-176-168.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | yahalom, it works fine here, - what issues? | 10:25 |
Razor-X | it's a real nice Window Manager | 10:25 |
yahalom | thoreauputic: this time it worked great though, except my sound options cos my panel to crash | 10:25 |
TFP | hi | 10:25 |
da_bon_bon | bob2: where do i buy the kubuntu cd from canonical ? | 10:25 |
TFP | is it possibel to run debian packages on my ubuntu installation? | 10:25 |
thoreauputic | yahalom, I recommend installing xine and xfmedia | 10:25 |
thoreauputic | TFP, possible but not recommanded | 10:26 |
TFP | k | 10:26 |
TFP | thx | 10:26 |
yahalom | thoreauputic: like my color theme is brushes chrome, so if i click on sound options in the control center type place, it crashes and reverts to the original colors until i click on another option and then i get my chrome back | 10:26 |
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forsaker8k6 | farewell people | 10:26 |
leww1 | hello | 10:26 |
Fator_Dee | Razor-X: and very good for the not-so-high-end-machines :-) (like mine) | 10:27 |
merriam | TFP: just use universe and multiverse. | 10:27 |
yahalom | thoreauputic: i have them, my sound works, it when i click on the sound settings its weird, and i never get to see my sound settings, never opens. | 10:27 |
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TFP | thx I will | 10:27 |
da_bon_bon | anyway, bye all | 10:27 |
leww1 | I have hoary hedgehog kubuntu, and I am trying to get my Audigy 2 ZS working. Does anyone know how to get it working? | 10:27 |
da_bon_bon | cya later | 10:27 |
=== shadeofgrey [~shadeofgr@user-1120di5.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | yahalom, hmm... OK I don't really like the brushed chrome look so I don't use it: sounds like a theme issue, not an xfce issue | 10:27 |
Razor-X | I am never gonna enjoy Romeo and Juliet ever again after my stupid English Honors class -_- | 10:27 |
da_bon_bon | ubuntulog: | 10:27 |
shadeofgrey | i need to know how to totally remove apps AND all the stored packages that go with them | 10:28 |
shadeofgrey | hi THOR | 10:28 |
=== spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shadeofgrey | long time no talk my friend | 10:28 |
kalis | Hmmm! anyone in here got everything with ROX-lib, pygtk, ruby-rox and so on working? mos of all the panel apps for ROX does not work for me. | 10:28 |
thoreauputic | Razor-X, heheh - studying english can really kill it for you ;) (English major here) | 10:28 |
shadeofgrey | ....sorry ive been away - i had to sell my computer | 10:28 |
Razor-X | thoreauputic: o_O" wow..... | 10:28 |
thoreauputic | shadeofgrey, hi there | 10:29 |
Razor-X | look, Shakespeare's play was a medium that was to be delivered in a matter of hours | 10:29 |
thoreauputic | Razor-X, long time ago... | 10:29 |
shadeofgrey | thor: please refresh my memory -- how do you use apt-get to remove applications AND purge the system of all their settings and downloaded package files? | 10:29 |
leww1 | Can anyone help me get my audigy 2 ZS working? | 10:29 |
Razor-X | and, not every playgoer had the script handy, so they could overanalyze to death | 10:29 |
thoreauputic | shadeofgrey, sudoa pt-get remove --purge | 10:29 |
thoreauputic | oops | 10:29 |
thoreauputic | apt-get remove --purge | 10:30 |
shadeofgrey | okay | 10:30 |
shadeofgrey | and then at the end the app name right? | 10:30 |
=== panaf [~panaf@rny93-4-82-231-52-165.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | shadeofgrey, package name, yes | 10:30 |
leww1 | guys what was the wiki page to add more repositries to apt? | 10:31 |
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thoreauputic | shadeofgrey, that won't work for metapackages or dummy packages, of course | 10:31 |
da_bon_bon | bye all | 10:31 |
thoreauputic | da_bon_bon, bye :) | 10:31 |
Razor-X | does the w32codecs package need any dependancies? | 10:31 |
Razor-X | see ya da_bon_bon | 10:31 |
thoreauputic | Razor-X, no it's just a set of codecs | 10:31 |
da_bon_bon | thoreauputic: bye. | 10:32 |
da_bon_bon | Razor-X: cya | 10:32 |
=== MattJ [~matt@oh-clevelandheights-cdnt1-bg2c-224.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | thoreauputic: needed to be sure, Ubuntu won't really be able to access the internet | 10:32 |
Razor-X | so, I can't just apt-get everything :( | 10:32 |
thoreauputic | Razor-X, make sure it installs in the right place if you do it manually | 10:32 |
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thoreauputic | Razor-X, best to use a .deb.package if possible | 10:33 |
Razor-X | yeah, I know | 10:33 |
Razor-X | it's a .deb | 10:33 |
Razor-X | dpkg -i xxx.deb | 10:33 |
thoreauputic | Razor-X, well, it should work with dpkg -i w32codecs | 10:33 |
Razor-X | yeahp | 10:33 |
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Razor-X | tomorrow, in three hours, I have to repartition a 40 GB NTFS, install Ubuntu, put GRUB on a bootable floppy, fdisk /mbr, and hope everything goes smoothly | 10:34 |
leww1 | what was the download manager included in KDE? | 10:34 |
Razor-X | and so, should I partition before the install, because it seems the installer prefers you partition at the time of install | 10:35 |
Razor-X | (as i've read in the guide) | 10:35 |
stuNNed | Razor-X: defrag the NTFS partition and shrink it with the install? | 10:35 |
stuNNed | *during the install, rather | 10:35 |
thoreauputic | leww1, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 10:35 |
mathew | I | 10:36 |
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thoreauputic | leww1, thae other question: kynaptic I think | 10:36 |
Razor-X | stuNNed: gonna defrag, then repartition using knoppix | 10:36 |
Razor-X | and, the newer versions of NTFSResize don't need to defragment, as I can see | 10:37 |
Razor-X | but, it's a safety measure, most definitely | 10:37 |
thoreauputic | Razor-X, make some free space for Ubuntu and you should be good to go | 10:37 |
yahalom | how do i unzip a .zip file? | 10:37 |
Razor-X | thoreauputic: I have | 10:37 |
stuNNed | yahalom: unzip file.zip | 10:37 |
thoreauputic | yahalom, unzip <filename> | 10:37 |
Razor-X | 10 GB free, 6 of that will be partitioned off | 10:37 |
jacquesmerde | my printer server problems are solved, now i just have to solve my little latex problem | 10:38 |
Razor-X | i'm hoping that, in the available keyboard layouts, Dvorak is included | 10:38 |
Choubaka | should be. | 10:38 |
thoreauputic | Razor-X, I seem to recall it is | 10:38 |
yahalom | thoreauputic, do u use rox or xffm? | 10:38 |
thoreauputic | yahalom, rox | 10:38 |
yahalom | thoreauputic, cos my rox is weird | 10:38 |
thoreauputic | yahalom, I use rox in gnome, too | 10:39 |
yahalom | thoreauputic, it displays the icon text off the right | 10:39 |
jacquesmerde | xffm is the shit. i have no idea what the fuss is about | 10:39 |
=== thoreauputic likes rox | ||
yahalom | thoreauputic, DOCUMENTS ICON | 10:39 |
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yahalom | thoreauputic, documents | 10:39 |
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yahalom | thoreauputic, so its like the the text for one icon is under the next one | 10:39 |
thoreauputic | yahalom, rox is very configurable - read the help: it is actually helpful, for a change | 10:39 |
sjohnson | is there an installation manual for this OS? i installed it, but now it feels like i just got thrown in the water without a lifesaver | 10:39 |
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yahalom | thoreauputic, thanx | 10:40 |
Razor-X | sjohnson: as a matter of fact, there is | 10:40 |
sjohnson | Razor-X: thanks | 10:40 |
thoreauputic | sjohnson, there's a manual on the install CD - it's a bit outdated though | 10:40 |
Razor-X | sjohnson: http://www.mrbass.org/linux/ubuntu/install/ | 10:40 |
Razor-X | there's a hoary install guide | 10:40 |
Razor-X | I did all my homework si I can finish the install without a hitch in 3 hours | 10:41 |
sjohnson | wow | 10:41 |
Razor-X | because, if my parents catch me...... | 10:41 |
sjohnson | this is what i was looking for, thanks man | 10:41 |
Razor-X | *so | 10:41 |
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Razor-X | after that, there is a guide to using Ubuntu too | 10:42 |
sjohnson | now... don't you think a Link like this should be on the main website? | 10:42 |
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sjohnson | someone should not have to come and ask for basic install info.. i didn't even know it was on the CD until you told me and didn't see any hints on the website | 10:42 |
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Razor-X | sjohnson: true ;-P, but a little Google never hurt nobody... (purposeful use of double negatives) | 10:42 |
calamari | do I have any chance of playing a DRM'ed WMA file in Linux? | 10:42 |
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Choubaka | perhaps | 10:43 |
Razor-X | with Linux it's a _very_ useful fact to get as much documentation as you can | 10:43 |
thoreauputic | sjohnson, agreed, it should be on the website prominently | 10:43 |
apax0r | can ubuntu boot on a DVD-r record? | 10:43 |
Choubaka | doesn't depend on ubuntu, but your bios :P | 10:43 |
Funraiser | hello Ubuntians, I'm looking for a specific file in my system it is "j2re" how can i find it, i type whereis j2re? | 10:43 |
=== ekCo [~leafb0x@220-245-177-34-sa-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | Funraiser, have you installed java ? | 10:44 |
Funraiser | yes | 10:44 |
webmind | Funraiser, or locate | 10:44 |
ekCo | hello hello, im using ubuntu, 64bit generic kernel, i've updated it all and got my nforce drivers installed, but my video card drivers wont.. | 10:44 |
ekCo | is there a different driver for PCI-E nvidia cards? | 10:44 |
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veritas_ | AR! | 10:45 |
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apax0r | Choubaka uhm, you got a point. but there isnt any release of ubuntu that i can burn on a DVD-r? | 10:45 |
Seveas | Funraiser, there is no file called j2re | 10:45 |
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Choubaka | apax0r: there's no DVD iso afaik. | 10:45 |
Funraiser | Seveas, it's j2re1.3 actually | 10:45 |
thoreauputic | Funraiser, what are you trying to do? | 10:45 |
apax0r | ok.. | 10:45 |
ekCo | apax0r, its possible, just download hoary hedgehog openup a dvd and install it as an image.. | 10:45 |
ekCo | worked for me :/ | 10:45 |
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Seveas | Funraiser, the only j2re$VERSION files are in the installer | 10:46 |
ekCo | so can anyone help my prob? | 10:46 |
apax0r | ok.. | 10:46 |
thoreauputic | Funraiser, the only way that could exist is if you installed an old version of java | 10:46 |
Razor-X | yes, finished! | 10:46 |
Razor-X | Every single Romeo and Juliet Act has been an all-nighter | 10:46 |
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Razor-X | some later than others | 10:46 |
Funraiser | thoreauputic, i'm trying to find where the file j2re1.3 is on my system to do a chmod a+w (to fill my taxes online) | 10:46 |
apax0r | does ubuntu install X so it works from start or do i have to configure X? | 10:47 |
Seveas | apax0r, usually it works from start | 10:47 |
Seveas | only if you have a really weird card it won't :) | 10:47 |
thoreauputic | Funraiser, umm - but is java installed at all? | 10:47 |
Funraiser | it is | 10:47 |
apax0r | k, i guess that depends on my gfx. :) | 10:47 |
ekCo | ok | 10:47 |
Seveas | which card do you have? | 10:47 |
Funraiser | i installed azureus so java is installed and working | 10:47 |
thoreauputic | Funraiser, OK - and it's the 1.3 version? | 10:47 |
Seveas | Funraiser, you are missing out on some clue... | 10:47 |
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apax0r | Seveas hehe i have GeForce 4 MX 440-SE (suckie card) | 10:48 |
Seveas | the java runtime environment doesn't have to be writeable | 10:48 |
Seveas | apax0r, that one works | 10:48 |
apax0r | ok nice :) | 10:48 |
ekCo | I have an ASUS SLI DELUXE MOBO, i've currently installed the nforce drivers, but my video card, 6600GT BFG PCI-E wont install the drivers.. it comes up with an LIBC in a different directory.. which drivers are the correct to be installing? or what can i do to get my video card installed? | 10:48 |
Seveas | apax0r, you might give the nvidia drivers a try too for some performance | 10:48 |
apax0r | yea | 10:48 |
Seveas | see the BinaryDriverHowto page on the wiki | 10:48 |
apax0r | ok, thanks for the help | 10:49 |
daniels | ekCo: http://www.ubuntu.com/wiki/BinaryDriverHowot | 10:49 |
Funraiser | thoreauputic, that's the part i'm not sure that'x why i was asking the method to find the file like locate or whereis j2re* or whereis j2re? ? | 10:49 |
daniels | er, Howto | 10:49 |
=== LaMadredelCorder [~chatzilla@249.red-62-57-26.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | Funraiser, the locate command should find it: run sudo updatedb if it hasn't already run through cron daily | 10:50 |
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Funraiser | k | 10:50 |
thoreauputic | Funraiser, updatedb updates the file database | 10:50 |
Funraiser | k | 10:50 |
thoreauputic | it takes a while to run | 10:50 |
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ekCo | thanks | 10:51 |
ekCo | brb | 10:51 |
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thoreauputic | Funraiser, if you installed java using the instructions on the wiki or ubuntuguide.org, you will have version 1.5.* | 10:52 |
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Funraiser | thoreauputic, yes it's the one | 10:53 |
Funraiser | i have | 10:53 |
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Funraiser | i remember now | 10:53 |
Funraiser | 1.5 something | 10:53 |
Razor-X | finished, I am! | 10:53 |
Razor-X | good night everyone | 10:54 |
Funraiser | good morning | 10:54 |
IIIEars | G'nite Razor-X | 10:54 |
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luke_ | whats a good media player that you would recommend? | 10:54 |
Funraiser | xine | 10:54 |
Seveas | totem/beep-media-player/mplayer | 10:54 |
Seveas | my preferences :) | 10:54 |
luke_ | ok cool thanks! :) | 10:54 |
Funraiser | thoreauputic, locate j2re* doens't work, even though i have the 1.5 version for azureus | 10:55 |
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thoreauputic | Funraiser, try locate java | less | 10:56 |
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airox | Hi. | 10:56 |
thoreauputic | Funraiser, that should pop up a lot of stuff :) | 10:56 |
airox | I have installed Zend Studio. But I can't seem to type in ' | 10:56 |
shadeofgrey | hey thor | 10:56 |
thoreauputic | shadeofgrey, yes? | 10:57 |
airox | It is a death key, and after pressing enter it doesn't get printed. | 10:57 |
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Funraiser | thoreauputic, i does | 10:57 |
Funraiser | it* | 10:57 |
shadeofgrey | are you familiar with the install script by evolution colt that automatically downloads java AND downloads and installs openoffice 1.9.97? | 10:57 |
airox | Is there something I need to tweak in the Java package ? | 10:57 |
thoreauputic | Funraiser, space key to look through it, if you didn't know already | 10:57 |
thoreauputic | shadeofgrey, no - heard of it is all | 10:58 |
Funraiser | thoreauputic, i was using enter | 10:58 |
Funraiser | ? | 10:58 |
AzMoo | How do I install a .deb file? | 10:58 |
shadeofgrey | anybody here use it? | 10:58 |
thoreauputic | AzMoo, sudp dpkg -i <packagename> | 10:59 |
AzMoo | cheers | 10:59 |
shadeofgrey | hey for what its worth.. im really glad to see you thor | 10:59 |
thoreauputic | AzMoo, sorry sudo | 10:59 |
thoreauputic | typo | 10:59 |
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shadeofgrey | i had to disappear for a long while.... a dear friend of mine passed away and i had to sell my computer to get the money to travel to his funeral | 11:00 |
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thoreauputic | Funraiser, in the less pager, enter only scrolls a line at a time | 11:00 |
shadeofgrey | life was very hard without my P.C. | 11:00 |
thoreauputic | shadeofgrey, sorry to hear about your friend | 11:00 |
shadeofgrey | thor: its alright. he had cancer for a long time and.... im just really glad hes not hurting anymore | 11:01 |
Funraiser | shadeofgrey, u mean sad he's not suffering anymore? | 11:02 |
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airox | Weird stuff ... | 11:02 |
shadeofgrey | no | 11:02 |
shadeofgrey | im glad hes not suffering anymore | 11:02 |
=== Rattboi [~rattboi@c-24-17-185-187.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Funraiser | well yes sorry | 11:03 |
shadeofgrey | wow | 11:03 |
shadeofgrey | this install script kicks serious ass | 11:04 |
shadeofgrey | i sure hope it works | 11:04 |
Funraiser | shadeofgrey, where do u live and where was your friend living? | 11:04 |
Rattboi | shadeofgrey: what install script? | 11:04 |
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shadeofgrey | im in florida and had to fly to holland | 11:04 |
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shadeofgrey | ratt: it downloads java and openoffice 1.9.95 and installs them both | 11:05 |
shadeofgrey | on ubuntu hoary | 11:05 |
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shadeofgrey | i really love this operating system | 11:06 |
Funraiser | i used to live in florida for 2 years...where u at? | 11:06 |
Rattboi | shadeofgrey: can't you do that with synaptic? | 11:06 |
cert | hei people out of curiosity do anyone here using hp pavillion zt3000 and get their sd card reader working? | 11:06 |
shadeofgrey | i wish i could get my boss to let me replace all the windows xp machines with ubuntu workstations | 11:06 |
cert | shadeofgrey : welcome to the club | 11:06 |
shadeofgrey | Fun: boca raton | 11:06 |
Funraiser | k | 11:07 |
Rattboi | I'm gonna do a dirty thing and install Hoary on my new mac mini :) | 11:07 |
Funraiser | nice place | 11:07 |
Rattboi | well, dual boot | 11:07 |
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shadeofgrey | you can dual boot macs? | 11:07 |
Choubaka | sure. :P | 11:07 |
whiteknight | shadeofgrey, yup, am doing it now :d | 11:07 |
Rattboi | whiteknight, sweet | 11:07 |
Rattboi | what are you running on? | 11:07 |
=== Fitti [~chatzilla@2.Red-81-36-152.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fitti | hello | 11:07 |
whiteknight | Rattboi, G4 iBook | 11:07 |
thoreauputic | shadeofgrey, I have an iBook laptop that dual boots Ubuntu :) | 11:07 |
cert | hei people out of curiosity do anyone here using hp pavillion zt3000 and get their sd card reader working? | 11:07 |
whiteknight | i still need os x to watch dvds and also itunes | 11:08 |
=== Rattboi [~rattboi@c-24-17-185-187.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
whiteknight | thoreauputic, can you run dvds at a proper speed? | 11:09 |
thoreauputic | whiteknight, have a look at Mac-on-Linux for those multimedia things | 11:09 |
shadeofgrey | id just like to say... tiger kicks ass too | 11:09 |
jsgotangco | thoreauputic, hey nice to see you again | 11:09 |
whiteknight | thoreauputic, good point | 11:09 |
thoreauputic | whiteknight, you might need to turn dma on for your dvd drive | 11:09 |
Funraiser | i've been reading somewhere that many Ubuntu hackers have an ibook | 11:09 |
shadeofgrey | and i dont care what anybody says - NOBODY can touch the apple 30" cinema display | 11:09 |
shadeofgrey | that shit is just obscenely cool | 11:10 |
thoreauputic | whiteknight, use hdparm and /etc/hdparm.conf | 11:10 |
whiteknight | thoreauputic, done that, its just a bit to slow - i reckon its the lack of an accelerated driver | 11:10 |
Rattboi | shadeofgrey: but you CAN get a comparable 20" apple display for half the price | 11:10 |
=== dyno [~dyno@i01m-92-187.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dyno | hi | 11:10 |
Choubaka | 30" is quite much overkill | 11:10 |
thoreauputic | jsgotangco, hi there :) | 11:10 |
whiteknight | thoreauputic, its only a 800mhz G4 | 11:10 |
Choubaka | unless you're a graphics pro. :O | 11:10 |
Rattboi | thoreauputic: are there packages for MoL? | 11:10 |
shadeofgrey | i hope they debut a 62" at the mac conf in june like i was reading about | 11:10 |
dyno | does anyone know anything about alsaconf in ubuntu? | 11:10 |
Rattboi | or did you need to recompile kernel? | 11:10 |
thoreauputic | Rattboi, yes, but you need to follow the howto | 11:11 |
shadeofgrey | okay i need help with something | 11:11 |
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thoreauputic | Rattboi, I'l get the link - hang on | 11:11 |
Funraiser | well thanks all see u later | 11:11 |
shadeofgrey | hey | 11:12 |
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shadeofgrey | is there a winamp for linux? | 11:12 |
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jsgotangco | xmms | 11:12 |
whiteknight | bmp | 11:12 |
whiteknight | beep media player | 11:12 |
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Rattboi | bmp is my fav | 11:12 |
shadeofgrey | which is better? | 11:12 |
thoreauputic | Rattboi, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/MacOnLinuxHowto | 11:12 |
whiteknight | bmp is just a updated version of xmms | 11:12 |
shadeofgrey | i tried xmms... it looked like shit | 11:12 |
Rattboi | shadeofgrey: yeah | 11:12 |
dyno | i did not find anything for using my RME soundcard with ubuntu :/ | 11:12 |
Rattboi | bmp is xmms w/ GTK2 | 11:13 |
Rattboi | so it looks a lot better | 11:13 |
shadeofgrey | is it part of apt get? | 11:13 |
IIIEars | ubuntu and synaptic make both easy to try - remove the one you don't like. | 11:13 |
thoreauputic | jsgotangco, nice chatting with you at UDU - how are you? | 11:13 |
dyno | aptitude works well :) | 11:13 |
jsgotangco | thoreauputic, been doing well, quite busy, i saw you chatting for quite some time with bob2 during UDU hope it went well on your side | 11:13 |
thoreauputic | Rattboi, got that MOL link? | 11:14 |
Rattboi | yeah | 11:14 |
Rattboi | can't do much with it yet | 11:14 |
thoreauputic | jsgotangco, yes, we got on well :) | 11:14 |
Rattboi | since I don't have the mini for probably another week | 11:14 |
jsgotangco | excellent | 11:14 |
dyno | no one can help me? | 11:14 |
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IIIEars | I keep hearing that - just a little timid to change install programs - what if i get soe type of error - it isn't easy being new to linux. | 11:14 |
sjohnson | is there anyone who has any power over Ubuntu? The documentation is the worst I have ever seen! And plus, when you first start out, it just tells you to download the images, select "install" on a drive, and then leaves you to it... | 11:15 |
thoreauputic | jsgotangco, he is much more approachable than his IRC persona suggests ;-) | 11:15 |
jsgotangco | haha | 11:15 |
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sjohnson | just like if you were thrown off a boat into the water with no life jacket, why is it like this? | 11:15 |
p0rnflake | Someone got a minutte to help me out with a little dns resolution problem | 11:15 |
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thoreauputic | sjohnson, there is a lot of good documentation on the wiki | 11:15 |
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bob2 | hah | 11:16 |
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jsgotangco | sjohnson, we're working on the documentation thing | 11:16 |
bob2 | surely my irc persona is not that bd | 11:16 |
dyno | yes but nothing about alsaconf... | 11:16 |
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jsgotangco | hah | 11:16 |
thoreauputic | bob2, it isn't at all - I was kidding :) | 11:16 |
sjohnson | jsgotangco: : ok.. cause i'm thinking at least an official handbook would be of IMMENSE help, and this Wiki stuff is pretty ramshackle.. for example, a user should know RIGHT AWAY what to do about setting a root password | 11:16 |
p0rnflake | Can someone explain to me why I'm unable to resolve dns names when my /etc/resolv.conf is correct ? | 11:17 |
thoreauputic | bob2, you know I don't have any problems with you... | 11:17 |
dyno | thanks to ignore my request... | 11:17 |
thoreauputic | bob2, BTW I enjoyed our meeting | 11:17 |
jsgotangco | not all users want the root account but anyway, ill pass this on the docteam | 11:17 |
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Rattboi | thoreauputic: for MoL, what kind of RAM did you set up? | 11:18 |
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thoreauputic | Rattboi, I specified 512MB (I have 768 total) | 11:19 |
thoreauputic | Rattboi, seems to work well | 11:19 |
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sjohnson | is there an OFFICIAL guide that tells you how to use apt-get properly for this OS? I can't get w32codecs to install or get recognized using apt-get | 11:19 |
sjohnson | the unofficial guide tells me to change around all my files without any explanation whatsoever | 11:19 |
bob2 | that's the wrong question | 11:19 |
Rattboi | thoreauputic: does it have to run in a host window, or can it work within a window manager? | 11:20 |
IIIEars | jsgottangco - Will Ubuntu "Breezy" include the no execute "NX" memory flag? | 11:20 |
thoreauputic | sjohnson, for w32codecs you'll need the MArillat repos | 11:20 |
jsgotangco | not the marillat thing again | 11:20 |
jsgotangco | :( | 11:20 |
whiteknight | sjohnson, how about this: http://ubuntuguide.org/ | 11:20 |
whiteknight | sjohnson, its the unoffical one but pretty good | 11:20 |
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sjohnson | yeah i read that, but my file (i just installed the OS) is not consistent at all with the repos change advice | 11:21 |
thoreauputic | Rattboi, it can run nested or on its own display - it runs better on its own tty ( usually defaults to tty8) | 11:21 |
sjohnson | sorry dudes if i'm sounding really pissed off, but tiny thigns like these are really frustrating.. it doesn't inspire a lot of confidence | 11:21 |
thoreauputic | sjohnson, is this your first linux install? | 11:22 |
sjohnson | in other words, what UbuntuGuide says to look for, is not searchable.. it's different | 11:22 |
sjohnson | no, i used to use slackware, openbsd, and freebsd | 11:22 |
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thoreauputic | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/ << sjohnson - a good place to search | 11:22 |
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bob2 | sjohnson: ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/dists/stable/main/binary-i386/w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb | 11:23 |
jsgotangco | why not just get the tarball from mplayer | 11:23 |
bob2 | sjohnson: download that file, and run 'sudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb'. | 11:23 |
IIIEars | sjohnosn - relax, I have less than two weeks using linux and if i can do it you can too. :) | 11:23 |
sjohnson | IIIEars: thanks bro | 11:23 |
thoreauputic | bob2, actually I found the "unstable" marillat version works fine: but disabling marillat in sources.list afterwrds seems to solve other issues | 11:24 |
bob2 | it can make mplayer uninstallable | 11:25 |
thoreauputic | bob2, hmm - I installed the multiverse mplayer afterwards: but as I say, I commented marillat out before installing it and after installing the codecs | 11:26 |
bob2 | yes | 11:26 |
bob2 | that will work | 11:26 |
sjohnson | i think it might be because I'm from Canada, the config files are very different than listed in the UbuntuGuide | 11:26 |
bob2 | they will be almost identical | 11:26 |
thoreauputic | sjohnson, which config files? | 11:26 |
Seveas | maybe /etc/apt/sources.list | 11:27 |
Seveas | it could use ca.archive.ubuntu.com | 11:27 |
sjohnson | /etc/apt/sources.list | 11:28 |
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thoreauputic | bob2, BTW I'm not really impressed with mplayer versus xine (which works beautifully) - is it only for the plugins that mplayer is so popular? | 11:28 |
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bob2 | sjohnson: the only difference will be adding 3 charcters to the urls | 11:29 |
bob2 | that doesn't seem fatally confusing ;) | 11:29 |
sjohnson | bob2: yeah.. but basically different stuff was commented out than the UbuntuGuide.. I'll e-mail him, tell him I'm from Canada | 11:29 |
bob2 | thoreauputic: I just like it for it's simplicity. run it, it shows me a video. no wasted space on guis or config things or whatever. | 11:29 |
bob2 | sjohnson: er, that won't have changed | 11:29 |
thoreauputic | sjohnson, FWIW, I just added multiverse to the end of each universe line | 11:29 |
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sjohnson | bob2: i don't know why it is different then | 11:30 |
bob2 | sjohnson: paste the file to #flood | 11:30 |
sjohnson | i tried finishing the intructions... and i got a GPG error trying to complete the repos stuff | 11:30 |
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thoreauputic | sjohnson, in the default file, just uncomment all the sources and package lines | 11:31 |
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bob2 | sjohnson: that seems to be a problem with the archive | 11:31 |
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thoreauputic | sjohnson, did you change the default mirror? | 11:31 |
phxguy | can someone please tell me what i need to open a .docbook file | 11:31 |
merriam | thoreauputic: the deb of mplayer isn't as good as the ebuild | 11:31 |
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bob2 | phxguy: where did you get it from? | 11:31 |
bob2 | merriam: in what way? | 11:32 |
bob2 | phxguy: it's not something you can usefully display, it's the source code for a document | 11:32 |
thoreauputic | merriam, OK - well I'm quite happy with Xine - also xfmedia plays videos , mp3, and ogg etc - I like it too | 11:32 |
merriam | bob2: the deb doesn't seem to include full screen or so many codecs. | 11:32 |
phxguy | from the internet... im trying open the docs for kipiplugins for digikam | 11:32 |
bob2 | merriam: which codecs is it missing? | 11:33 |
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thoreauputic | merriam, the extra codecs are available in the win32codecs package | 11:33 |
merriam | I forget. I don't have a recent deb working here. | 11:33 |
merriam | I meant with the codecs package. | 11:33 |
merriam | still no full screen, right? | 11:33 |
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jiyuu0 | sjohnson, or you can get the snapshots of all the ubuntuguide apps in http://ubuntuguide.org/add-on-cd | 11:34 |
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thoreauputic | merriam, it doesn't resize by default, whereas Xine does, and runs full screen as well | 11:35 |
DJ_Mirage | moin | 11:35 |
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sjohnson | thoreauputic: i don't know anything about the default mirror, i just did what UbuntuGuide told me to do, and GPG is whining | 11:36 |
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sjohnson | W: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com> | 11:36 |
sjohnson | W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems | 11:36 |
bob2 | sjohnson: yes, as I said, known problem, which is being fixed | 11:36 |
thoreauputic | sjohnson, as bob2 says, currently there seem to be some issues with the archive gpg | 11:36 |
bob2 | merriam: did you use -vo xv? | 11:37 |
merriam | no | 11:37 |
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bob2 | there you go | 11:37 |
thoreauputic | bob2, the .au mirror seems to be OK | 11:37 |
merriam | bob2: ah :) | 11:38 |
gorilla_ | go aussie!!! :-) | 11:38 |
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bob2 | hah, au.archive.ubuntu.com is in the uk | 11:38 |
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Adross | anyone know where the image of the rhythmbox system icon is located? | 11:38 |
thoreauputic | bob2, really? How odd! | 11:38 |
rudi-rudi | Adross, /usr/share/pixmaps/rhythmbox.png | 11:38 |
gorilla_ | bob2: don't say that :-P | 11:39 |
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sjohnson | thanks bob | 11:39 |
bob2 | well, it points at the same machine as archive.ubuntu.com | 11:39 |
thoreauputic | bob2, anyway, changing to it seems to have fixed the gpg issue here | 11:39 |
Adross | rudi-rudi: thats not the system icon | 11:39 |
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rudi-rudi | Adross, and what is "system" icon? | 11:40 |
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Adross | the one that sites in the notification applet, like gaim | 11:41 |
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thoreauputic | Adross, try " locate rhythmbox | grep icon " maybe | 11:42 |
thoreauputic | Adross, /usr/share/gnome/help/rhythmbox/C/figures/rhythmbox-tray-icon.png ? | 11:42 |
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rudi-rudi | Adross: then /usr/share/rhythmbox/art | 11:43 |
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thoreauputic | ah, that's a help thing sorry | 11:43 |
Adross | thanks rudi-rudi | 11:44 |
rudi-rudi | Adross, ok | 11:44 |
Adross | well, see you all later, you rock man | 11:44 |
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sjohnson | what does apt-get update try to do? it quit after doing some stuff at the GPG error, and now i have no idea where i stand | 11:44 |
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thoreauputic | sjohnson, it updates the list of installable packages | 11:45 |
mmichelli | good morning all | 11:45 |
sjohnson | i installed w32codecs, but still can't play mp3s | 11:46 |
rudi-rudi | sjohnson: try install gstreamer-plugins | 11:46 |
sjohnson | thanks | 11:46 |
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thoreauputic | sjohnson, and maybe mpg321 | 11:47 |
dyno | don't you think that I could try a manual config of alsa? or it won't work? plz | 11:47 |
sjohnson | ahh... no installation certificate it complains when i try gstreamer | 11:47 |
wezzer- | sjohnson: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad | 11:47 |
wezzer- | that will help | 11:47 |
mmichelli | I'm trying to install netbeans 4.1 and get asked the question in the installation wizard, where is the J2SE JDK home directory? Where is it? | 11:47 |
dyno | I'm musician and I really would like to work with ubuntu... | 11:47 |
sjohnson | im doing it, it's working.. but what is "mad"? | 11:47 |
Fitti | i'm traying to uninstall vpopmail but it give me an error | 11:47 |
wezzer- | sjohnson: don't know, but it will play mp3's :) | 11:48 |
sjohnson | thanks, if it weren't for you guys, there's no way i would have gotten Ubuntu working | 11:48 |
rudi-rudi | sjohnson: mad = mpeg audio decoder ;-))) | 11:49 |
thoreauputic | sjohnson, if you want to rip mp3 from CD, install grip and lame ( in the multiverse repo) | 11:49 |
rudi-rudi | sjohnson: or cdparanoia and lame for console ripping. | 11:50 |
thoreauputic | sjohnson, to use sound-juicer for mp3 you'd need gsreamer-lame from marillat | 11:50 |
thoreauputic | actually gstreamer0.8-lame I think | 11:50 |
sjohnson | oh man | 11:50 |
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thoreauputic | sjohnson, the lame + grip solution is easiest for mp3 ripping | 11:51 |
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nopea | if I install a package with Synaptic and later wanted to remove it would I just remove it in Synaptic? | 11:52 |
thoreauputic | nopea, sure | 11:52 |
sjohnson | fuuuuuuuuuuck... im gonna hit the sack guys | 11:52 |
sjohnson | thanks for all the help | 11:52 |
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nopea | thoreauputic, cool would it remove any libraries no longer needed? | 11:53 |
wdh | nopea, nope.. | 11:54 |
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wdh | nopea, only if you specify what libraries you want to remove | 11:54 |
thoreauputic | nopea, I don't think so, no ( I may be wrong) I think you'd need deborphan for that | 11:54 |
thoreauputic | nopea, apt-cache show deborphan | 11:55 |
nopea | thoreauputic, cool thanks | 11:55 |
thoreauputic | no worries :) | 11:55 |
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wdh | W: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com> | 11:56 |
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wdh | what should i do with that error? | 11:56 |
thoreauputic | wdh, known issue, being worked on | 11:56 |
wdh | ah.. ok. | 11:57 |
IIIEars | thoreauputic - getting set up and everything in ubuntu to your liking takes a little time - could there be an application to easily back everything up? | 11:57 |
wdh | meanwhile it is safe to do upgrades? | 11:57 |
thoreauputic | wdh, the archive servers are doing something odd | 11:57 |
shmoolik | can i make windows the defulte system on grub? | 11:57 |
wdh | shmoolik, yes | 11:57 |
wdh | :P | 11:57 |
thoreauputic | IIIEars, there are quite a few - e.g.rsync, tar, dd | 11:58 |
resiak | shmoolik: Sure. vim /boot/grub/menu.lst and edit as appropriate. | 11:58 |
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wdh | resiak, how cruel of you, to send him into vim :) | 11:58 |
shmoolik | resiak, is there any howto on that ? | 11:58 |
shmoolik | and i m useing Gedit | 11:59 |
wdh | shmoolik, just use gedit yes.. | 11:59 |
wdh | there is an entry called 'default' | 11:59 |
thoreauputic | IIIEars, if you mean back up all your configs, it isn't necessary if you use dist-upgrade to upgrade your system | 11:59 |
wdh | just change the number after that as appropriate | 11:59 |
resiak | shmoolik: Set the "default" line to the appropriate number. | 11:59 |
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wdh | zero (0) being the first entry | 11:59 |
nopea | with deborphan is there a command to auto remove orphaned libs? | 11:59 |
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wdh | nopea, not that i know of.. combine the commands :) | 12:00 |
thoreauputic | nopea, I haven't used deborphan, but I'm sure the man page tells you ;) | 12:00 |
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IIIEars | rsync and tar are for files wich is good though they all have to be done from the command line manually. | 12:00 |
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wdh | IIIEars, any chance you could use some interpunction?? so we actually understand what you are saying? | 12:01 |
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wdh | there's more to language then just words | 12:01 |
thoreauputic | IIIEars, you can also use the gnome file-roller to tar files for backup if you wish | 12:01 |
IIIEars | dd is better it saves the partition structure but still it doesn't save the mbr there are no scripts to do it. | 12:02 |
xukun | anybody know why I get this if I run apt-get update: "GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security Release: The following s ignatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing" | 12:02 |
IIIEars | lol | 12:02 |
wdh | xukun, its being worked on | 12:02 |
IIIEars | File-Roller hm. - didn't know that. | 12:02 |
wdh | IIIEars, dd is better. It saves the partition sructure, but still it doesn't save the mbr. There are no scripts to do it. | 12:02 |
thoreauputic | IIIEars, you can use dd to save the mbr ( it's just the first 512 bytes on the hard drive), but be careful! | 12:03 |
wdh | IIIEars, lots easier to read :) | 12:03 |
xukun | wdh: so I just ignore it for now? | 12:03 |
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wdh | xukun, yes | 12:03 |
IIIEars | lol (I should take the hint and get a few hours of sleep.) | 12:03 |
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wdh | xukun, thats what they told me :) i just came here with the same question | 12:04 |
Fator_Dee | sleep is overrated, coffee \o/ | 12:04 |
shmoolik | wdh :) hum... were do i just add the 'default' ? | 12:04 |
petemc | plenty of time to sleep when you're dead | 12:04 |
wdh | shmoolik, there should be a line in there already | 12:04 |
IIIEars | Windows XP used to crash often enough to act as a reminder to get some rest. | 12:04 |
shmoolik | hum... i don't have any .... | 12:05 |
shmoolik | with defaukt i mean | 12:05 |
shmoolik | default* | 12:05 |
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wdh | in my menu.lst, the first option is "default num" | 12:06 |
shmoolik | oh ! i c thanks | 12:06 |
wdh | :P | 12:06 |
shmoolik | then i just put the number of menu item right :) | 12:06 |
wdh | yes.. zero being the first item | 12:07 |
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shmoolik | thanks man 1 | 12:07 |
shmoolik | !* | 12:07 |
wdh | shmoolik, but reconsider the windows default :P | 12:07 |
rast | hi | 12:07 |
shmoolik | hum ... i don't have lisence to matlab in linux | 12:08 |
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nosv | pos no ase na | 12:08 |
shmoolik | and i really need a good exal ... which i don't have on ubuntu =\ | 12:08 |
wdh | shmoolik, there are a few matlab derivatives on linux.. | 12:08 |
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shmoolik | yeah i tryed them | 12:09 |
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shmoolik | octave | 12:09 |
orhs | hey all | 12:09 |
wdh | shmoolik, didnt like them? | 12:09 |
graabein | hoy | 12:09 |
shmoolik | i don't know they don't work | 12:09 |
wdh | shmoolik, and doesnt matlab run in wine? | 12:09 |
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shmoolik | matlab on wine! gods no! i have P3 ! | 12:10 |
siimo | hi how do i check the version of ubuntu im running? is it, cat /etc/<whats the file name> | 12:10 |
shmoolik | i and ilike to metal will i script math | 12:10 |
orhs | anyone know some god themes to gnome? | 12:10 |
wdh | siimo, yes it is :P | 12:10 |
orhs | goog* | 12:10 |
orhs | good :P | 12:11 |
siimo | wdh, nvm | 12:11 |
gorilla_ | lol :-) | 12:11 |
transgress | i'm beginning to wonder if it's worth getting a 30 gig mp3 player when i have 10 gigs of music | 12:11 |
chmj | siimo: cat /etc/lsb-release | 12:11 |
siimo | its cat /etc/issueissue | 12:11 |
siimo | issue | 12:11 |
shmoolik | okay ppl thank u very much | 12:11 |
Corvus | transgress, you have the answer :) | 12:11 |
wdh | siimo, i already thought your 'ls' was just as good as mine :) | 12:12 |
wdh | transgress, think 'future | 12:12 |
transgress | i do however get more mp3's as time goes by... and i want to stop using my CD's... so hmm... decisions... | 12:12 |
=== norbert_ [~norbert@bdq72.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
airox | Yay, got the ubuntu cd sets :) | 12:12 |
siimo | wdh, unfortunately there are 167 possibilities in /etc/ so thought someone here would know quicker | 12:12 |
airox | Time to bring ubuntu to all my friends :) | 12:12 |
wdh | transgress, and if it plays flac :) | 12:12 |
orhs | airox, did it cost? | 12:13 |
Fator_Dee | transgress: you can use it as a storage also | 12:13 |
=== dizzy [~dizzy@adsl189-59-tn.aknet.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dyno | good you could make freesbee with that shit | 12:13 |
airox | orhs: no. | 12:13 |
mirak | hi | 12:13 |
orhs | airox, totaly free? | 12:13 |
airox | Yes. | 12:13 |
tanek | transgress: ive got 30gb mp3 and a 60gb mp3player | 12:13 |
transgress | i'm looking at the nomad... | 12:13 |
=== bizkit__ [~bizkit@220-135-247-241.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tanek | thats what i have | 12:14 |
transgress | orhs: shipit.ubuntu.com <--awesome | 12:14 |
transgress | tanek: how do you like it? | 12:14 |
mirak | usb is broken in breezy, the modprobe sd_mod fix the problem for mass storage, however I can't make work my usb printer. Also I have a new usb device called subgar, it's capture video usb card, and I don't know how I can know which module to load | 12:14 |
wdh | orhs, check ubuntulinux.com for shipit | 12:14 |
airox | Really amazing! :D | 12:14 |
tanek | transgress: i like it a lot, it's pretty large compared to the ipod, but the price makes up for that | 12:14 |
transgress | mirak: stuff broken in breezy? you're shitting me. | 12:14 |
MattJ | hrmm i just installed muine, and when i play mp3s it says playing, but there is no sound | 12:15 |
mirak | transgress: sarcasm forbidden | 12:15 |
transgress | no way in hell am i spending that much on ipod when there are cheaper choices... | 12:15 |
transgress | mirak: ha! | 12:15 |
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transgress | ipods are just too much for what they offer | 12:15 |
mirak | transgress: most of the time break are really minor | 12:15 |
tanek | transgress: just what i thought when i got mine. and i haven't regretted it | 12:15 |
mirak | breaks | 12:15 |
mirak | I don't know how the update packages, but that's a big bug to not have been spotted by the packager himself ^^ | 12:16 |
=== Fitti [~chatzilla@156.Red-81-34-149.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== keffo_ [~keffo@user161.c82-197-233.citynet.nu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
transgress | i'd like to get an iRiver, but those are worse than macs... but they are like the only ones that play oggs | 12:17 |
seb128 | mirak: printer issue is known | 12:17 |
tanek | transgress: there are customized firmware to nomads that lets them play ogg | 12:17 |
transgress | tanek: nice... so gonna have to get a nomad | 12:18 |
seb128 | mirak: and don't use breezy to blame the packagers... | 12:18 |
tanek | yeah :P | 12:18 |
transgress | now to decide if i should get my cell first or my mp3 player | 12:18 |
=== p0m [wodann@203-173-20-85.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tanek | at least i've heard atbout such firmware, dont have any oggs hardly | 12:18 |
=== veritas_ [~veritas@ip68-231-196-244.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
veritas_ | https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HowToInstallTheWlanNgDriverInHoary | 12:18 |
veritas_ | At the end of that guide | 12:18 |
=== p0m installs Ubuntu Warty again | ||
transgress | yeah well i plan on ripping most of my cd's | 12:19 |
veritas_ | Step 10 | 12:19 |
veritas_ | Load the module | 12:19 |
veritas_ | How exactly do I do that? | 12:19 |
transgress | p0m: why are you installing old ubuntu? | 12:19 |
=== veritas_ is now known as metalsand | ||
p0m | transgress: No new CD's yet. | 12:19 |
p0m | I'll be installing Hoary when it arrives. | 12:19 |
transgress | i see... | 12:19 |
transgress | not have broadband then? | 12:19 |
p0m | I trashed the sound somehow, and I can't be bothered fixing it right now. | 12:19 |
p0m | Nope. | 12:19 |
=== keffo__ [~keffo@user161.c82-197-233.citynet.nu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
metalsand | can someone answer me? | 12:20 |
wdh | metalsand, sure :) | 12:20 |
metalsand | wdh: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HowToInstallTheWlanNgDriverInHoary | 12:20 |
=== herzi [~herzi@d043119.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
metalsand | Step 10 says to load the module | 12:20 |
metalsand | How do I do that? | 12:20 |
transgress | wow... it's weird... for once in my life... i have money... | 12:20 |
mirak | seb128: I don't blame them, I ask how does he do | 12:21 |
tanek | cool, give me some transgress | 12:21 |
tanek | :D | 12:21 |
wdh | metalsand, next time, just ask your question :) | 12:21 |
wdh | metalsand, i think modprobe will do the job | 12:21 |
transgress | NO! MY MONEY! | 12:21 |
tanek | :( | 12:21 |
orhs | wee i will get 20 cds with ubuntu on it :D | 12:21 |
MattJ | is there anyone to disable when you minimize a window you see the black box gets smaller as it minimizes to the try? | 12:21 |
=== maddler [~maddler@62-101-119-119.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
transgress | but if you need food, a place to crash, etc... my place is open to most. | 12:22 |
MattJ | tray* | 12:22 |
mirak | seb128: my question is if it's general to all usb device | 12:22 |
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seb128 | mirak: "that's a big bug to not have been spotted by the packager himself" | 12:22 |
metalsand | wdh: Why would there be a step 10 then | 12:22 |
metalsand | Oh, nm. | 12:22 |
metalsand | <---- 3:22 AM, lack of sleep | 12:22 |
seb128 | mirak: you really want to use hoary | 12:22 |
metalsand | Great. I modprobe FATALs | 12:22 |
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mirak | seb128: too late, I resisted (j'ai crack comme on dit) | 12:22 |
mirak | seb128: I cracked | 12:23 |
mirak | lol | 12:23 |
transgress | i think i shall wait to get my mp3 player until after i get my cell phone | 12:23 |
seb128 | mirak: quand on craque on s'en prend soi-mme | 12:23 |
=== schasi [~schasi@p54A246BB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mirak | seb128: et alors encore une fois j'ai blam personne | 12:23 |
orhs | i want to organize a linux campain in my city were i give away ubuntu linux cds :D | 12:23 |
mirak | seb128: je demande juste si y a une solution | 12:23 |
seb128 | mirak: on se plaint pas que des gens changent des choses dans une version de la distrib faite pour a | 12:23 |
mirak | seb128: j'ai insult personne | 12:23 |
orhs | i may need more than 20 though | 12:23 |
seb128 | mirak: "that's a big bug to not have been spotted by the packager himself" | 12:23 |
mirak | seb128: certe mais a empeche pas de chercher des solutions | 12:23 |
transgress | orhs: are there more than 20 people that could install linux in your town? | 12:23 |
mirak | seb128: "that's a big bug to not have been spotted by the packager himself what a moron" | 12:24 |
seb128 | mirak: quel pb? et bugzilla pour les bugs | 12:24 |
mirak | seb128: now it's a blame | 12:24 |
mirak | lol | 12:24 |
mirak | ok | 12:24 |
=== BuffaloSoldier [~bigdaddy@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orhs | transgress, sure | 12:24 |
seb128 | mirak: that was the same idea before | 12:24 |
transgress | lucky | 12:24 |
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mirak | seb128: no. since I am not a packager nor anything else, I wonder HOW he can't have spotted that bug | 12:24 |
zenwhen | i converted 23 people to Linux with warty disks from cononical | 12:24 |
=== ardiem [~ardiem@p54B24272.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mirak | seb128: if you know the process of packaging you proably know | 12:25 |
zenwhen | i plan to do the same with hoary | 12:25 |
zenwhen | i actually installed it for them | 12:25 |
mirak | I don't, I am curious | 12:25 |
=== Echylo [~echylo@252-162.246.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mirak | seb128: if he didn't not rebooted is system or don't have any usb storage he probably didn't noticed the problem | 12:25 |
mirak | that's my guess | 12:25 |
ardiem | ich just wanted to say that the point "System Administration" comes 2 times: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/EverydayUsage | 12:25 |
transgress | fed ex guy is gonna hate me | 12:25 |
=== johane [~johan@h83n2c1o255.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mirak | seb128: or he uses hoary still ^^ | 12:26 |
zenwhen | fed ex guy is gonna hate me too | 12:26 |
zenwhen | if i have to kick him in the nuts for not bringing my iBook today | 12:26 |
transgress | haha you ordered an ibook? | 12:26 |
zenwhen | yeah | 12:26 |
transgress | i was gonna... i still might... just not for a couple months | 12:26 |
transgress | i ended up getting an HP instead | 12:26 |
zenwhen | I couldnt keep waiting for the new ones. | 12:26 |
seb128 | mirak: or the bug is due a conjonction of packages not changed by the same maintainer/together | 12:26 |
transgress | because the cache on the ibook chips are only 512k versus 2megs | 12:26 |
zenwhen | I am not that patient. | 12:26 |
seb128 | mirak: or the bug is due to a package automatically synced from debian | 12:27 |
orhs | were do i i get the ibook? | 12:27 |
transgress | zenwhen: they are supposed to give you a coupon for the new OS | 12:27 |
transgress | orhs: apple.com | 12:27 |
zenwhen | transgress, i made my decision not based on hardware but based on software and battery life | 12:27 |
Rattboi | orhs: are you a student? | 12:27 |
zenwhen | transgress, yes they are going to | 12:27 |
seb128 | mirak: or the maintainer has not the same component on his computer as you and doesn't get the bug | 12:27 |
zenwhen | I wanted a powerful portable configured out of the box ubix workstation | 12:27 |
orhs | Rattboi, no iam 14 years old y?? | 12:27 |
transgress | zenwhen: that's cool. well my software on my lappy is great... it's ubuntu... heh. the hardware is great too. | 12:27 |
zenwhen | and thats what I got | 12:27 |
zenwhen | unix* | 12:28 |
Rattboi | orhs: you're 14 and not a student? | 12:28 |
Rattboi | apple has student discounts on hardware | 12:28 |
mirak | seb128: ok | 12:28 |
transgress | i need to get on my lappy and plug it in for a bit... going out tomorrow... gonna need it | 12:28 |
orhs | Rattboi, of course iam a student :P | 12:28 |
Rattboi | just telling you because I just bought a mac mini and didn't know about that | 12:28 |
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transgress | shit i gotta be up in like... 5 hours | 12:28 |
zenwhen | I also just happen to love aqua. | 12:28 |
Rattboi | zenwhen: yeah, pretty goddamn sweet | 12:29 |
orhs | Rattboi, why did u wonder?? | 12:29 |
=== thoreauputic [~prospero@wolax7-158.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rattboi | you mentioned wanting an iBook | 12:29 |
Rattboi | or something | 12:29 |
Rattboi | just thought you might want to know you can get it cheaper if you're a student | 12:29 |
orhs | cool tnx | 12:29 |
zenwhen | I casnt wait to use adium, which is OSX's gaim | 12:29 |
guupsta | morning | 12:29 |
mirak | seb128: could you help me on something ? I try to know the module that a particular device uses. I don't know how I can know that. dmesg or lspci tells me info about the device, but I don't how I can find wich module relate to wich device | 12:29 |
transgress | i wish i were a student... i hear that saves a shitload | 12:29 |
Rattboi | zenwhen: Adium is awesome | 12:29 |
zenwhen | can't* | 12:29 |
zenwhen | yeah it looks really sweet | 12:29 |
Rattboi | it is SO much better than gaim | 12:30 |
=== ekCo [~leafb0x@220-245-177-34-sa-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
transgress | yeah the fedex guy is gonna be coming to my house so much the next few days | 12:30 |
mirak | in general | 12:30 |
zenwhen | I am not a huge fan of prprietary software, but OSX is wonderful. | 12:30 |
Rattboi | it uses webkit to render, so people make themes and functionality with webpages, basically | 12:30 |
transgress | because i keep ordering shit from amazon... from the used section... i have so many books coming to me that i can't remember all of what i ordered | 12:30 |
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gorilla_ | transgress, yes it does such that the store makes a loss on the wholesale price untill Apple pays them the difference. | 12:30 |
seb128 | mirak: there is no general way atm, that's going to be adressed for breezy | 12:30 |
transgress | osx is pretty good | 12:30 |
ekCo | how do you install an rpm? | 12:30 |
seb128 | mirak: lspci -v or dmesg to get the device and google then ... | 12:30 |
ekCo | like run lol | 12:30 |
ekCo | been ages since i used this beast | 12:30 |
Rattboi | ecKo: use a repackager... | 12:31 |
transgress | do they offer a business discount? | 12:31 |
Rattboi | lemme find the name | 12:31 |
zenwhen | alien package.rpm | 12:31 |
Rattboi | alien | 12:31 |
Rattboi | that's right | 12:31 |
fsapo | ekCo, use alien | 12:31 |
mirak | seb128: ok | 12:31 |
zenwhen | sudo dpkg -i package.rpm | 12:31 |
=== golanz [~golan@81-174-12-108.f5.ngi.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rattboi | zenwhen: are you gonna run Ubuntu on your ibook? | 12:31 |
ekCo | cheers | 12:31 |
zenwhen | i mean .deb | 12:31 |
zenwhen | lol | 12:31 |
mirak | seb128: I guess here it would be lsusb :) | 12:31 |
zenwhen | Rattboi, no. | 12:31 |
mirak | for usb devices | 12:31 |
zenwhen | I am going to run OSX on it | 12:31 |
Rattboi | just ditching then? | 12:31 |
Rattboi | you can dual boot | 12:31 |
zenwhen | I have this machine for Uuntu. | 12:31 |
zenwhen | os[Linux 2.6.10-4-686-smp - Debian 3.1] up[7 days, 11 hours, 18 minutes] cpu[Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz SMP (2 processors), 3006.976 MHz (11960.31 bogomips)] mem[959.75/1011.91 MB (94.8%)] video[ at 2304x1024 (24 bits)] | 12:32 |
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seb128 | mirak: probably | 12:32 |
ircbot_ | wow... we needed all that zenwhen :) | 12:32 |
ekCo | zenwhen, came up with an erro :o | 12:32 |
zenwhen | it was one line | 12:32 |
zenwhen | on my side | 12:32 |
zenwhen | sorry if it bothered anyone | 12:33 |
ircbot_ | it was 4 here heh... it's all good | 12:33 |
=== veritas_ [~veritas@ip68-231-196-244.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zenwhen | off to work | 12:33 |
ircbot_ | ah my gorgeous lappy | 12:33 |
zenwhen | bye guys | 12:33 |
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ircbot_ | bye? | 12:33 |
ircbot_ | well fine | 12:33 |
ircbot_ | just leave | 12:33 |
ircbot_ | my lappy feels cold | 12:34 |
ekCo | mm | 12:34 |
guupsta | is it hurt? | 12:34 |
ekCo | is there an ap-get command for cedega? | 12:34 |
ekCo | because it seems it wont install on this 64bit box ><! | 12:34 |
ircbot_ | ekCo: cedega isn't free | 12:34 |
p0m | I was about to say. | 12:34 |
ircbot_ | by any stretch of the word | 12:35 |
ekCo | some versions are ><! | 12:35 |
=== thoreauputic [~prospero@wolax7-158.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
veritas_ | Ugh, i'm having an issue with this module install | 12:35 |
ircbot_ | azureus cedega.torrent is the closest you get | 12:35 |
veritas_ | is there anyone that can help me out? | 12:35 |
Seveas | which module? | 12:35 |
veritas_ | The same one, Seveas | 12:35 |
Seveas | ai, it's you :) | 12:35 |
veritas_ | I had to finish up some homework while my mind was still semi functioning :P | 12:35 |
=== veritas_ is now known as metalsand | ||
metalsand | I went through it but I still FATAL | 12:36 |
metalsand | Are you in #flood? | 12:36 |
Seveas | what are you trying to modprobe? | 12:36 |
Seveas | prism_cs? | 12:36 |
metalsand | yes | 12:36 |
ircbot_ | hmm... gzip had an update | 12:37 |
metalsand | Join flood, please sev. :x | 12:37 |
ircbot_ | why is this not so in ubuntu | 12:37 |
=== whiteknight [~james@81-178-230-92.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | run updatedb (wait a while for it to finish) and then type sudo slocate prism | 12:37 |
ekCo | argh! | 12:37 |
metalsand | Ahhhh | 12:37 |
metalsand | So that just wasn't included in the instructions? | 12:37 |
Seveas | gzip, it has an update in ubuntu to | 12:37 |
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Seveas | metalsand, i just want to make sure the kernel module got built and installed :) | 12:38 |
ircbot_ | err i meant why is it not so in kubuntu | 12:38 |
ircbot_ | my bad | 12:38 |
Seveas | ircbot_, same comment :) | 12:38 |
Seveas | have you enabled the ubuntu security repository? | 12:38 |
transgress | well i just tried dist-upgrade and it said nothing | 12:38 |
transgress | i think so | 12:38 |
transgress | let me look | 12:38 |
transgress | yes i have | 12:38 |
=== SlackShrike [~Robinho@201009103089.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ircbot_ | there any power management stuff in ubuntu for a lappy? i'm trying to find a way to make this beauty hibernate | 12:40 |
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transgress | ah i needed to do an update on this box | 12:41 |
=== Sardukar [Atreides@host176-160.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
metalsand | ircbot_, system --> Log out -- > Hybernate this computer | 12:42 |
metalsand | Is that what you're looking for? | 12:42 |
thoreauputic | just checking how bad my lag is - can someone type "pong" or something, please? | 12:42 |
=== telemaco [~telemaco@112.Red-81-35-234.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ircbot_ | metalsand: i was kind of wanting something that can make it hibernate when i shut it | 12:43 |
topyli | bong | 12:43 |
metalsand | ircbot_, None that I know of :( | 12:44 |
ircbot_ | bleh... i know suse has something like that... there must be something! | 12:44 |
metalsand | Just log out and switch into windows ;) | 12:44 |
=== mmichelli [~mario@pc-80-235-139-153-na.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
thoreauputic | topyli: thanks - it's bad! I'm downloading on dialup atm (kubuntu-desktop) | 12:44 |
ircbot_ | i took that shit off of my boxen... i don't support that capitalist pig | 12:44 |
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topyli | heh | 12:45 |
=== [1] Dutchy [~Dutchy@ipd50ae694.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orhs | were do i get kubuntu? | 12:45 |
ircbot_ | i suppose it could be worse... could be downloading fedora over dialup... | 12:45 |
ircbot_ | kubuntu.org orhs | 12:45 |
topyli | ircbot_: never mind the business model, it's just hard to support that's all | 12:45 |
=== azad [~azad@pD9EBB66F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
azad | hey there.. how to change my standard-dns server? when i reboot it always sets back to my router | 12:46 |
ircbot_ | his business model is being a capitalist pig. heh | 12:46 |
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tessier | Hello all! | 12:46 |
orhs | how does kubuntu work??? | 12:47 |
orhs | and what does it do when i install it?? | 12:47 |
ircbot_ | wtf | 12:47 |
topyli | it begins to run :) | 12:47 |
=== MarGarina [~mar_garin@85-65-128-104.barak-online.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ircbot_ | if you don't know what kubuntu is/does i think you may be in over you head | 12:47 |
ircbot_ | there a wiki on doing an nfs server on ubuntu? | 12:48 |
orhs | so its a program like gnome?? | 12:48 |
thoreauputic | orhs: it does KDE things :) | 12:48 |
ircbot_ | orhs: it's an OS like ubuntu... but with kde instead of gnome | 12:48 |
topyli | orhs: it's ubuntu but with kde instead of gnome | 12:48 |
topyli | hehe | 12:48 |
=== ekCo [~leafb0x@220-245-177-34-sa-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orhs | so i have to reinstall ubuntu? | 12:49 |
ircbot_ | taha! i am the fast typing king! well if me and topyli are the only ones going for the ruler of typing position | 12:49 |
ekCo | is wine usable on 64bit? | 12:49 |
ekCo | or do you have to build a 32 bit | 12:49 |
=== keffo [~keffo@user161.c82-197-233.citynet.nu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ircbot_ | orhs: well you are technically supposed to be able to apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and that would work... but that fucked things up when i tried | 12:49 |
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ircbot_ | i'm beginning to think i might should ice down my ear lobe... | 12:50 |
ekCo | >< | 12:50 |
orhs | ircbot_, hmm so all i can do is to download KDE and then i got kubuntu?? :P | 12:50 |
ekCo | is there an option to apt-get wine? | 12:50 |
ivoks | hello | 12:50 |
ekCo | i want to install system shock 2, im using ubuntu 64bit | 12:50 |
ircbot_ | orhs: in a nutshell... but i can't promise it'll work | 12:51 |
=== Bazzi [~Bastian@p5484CCC0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
topyli | orhs: there's a "kubuntu-desktop" metapackage. install that and you're done | 12:52 |
ircbot_ | topyli: if it works heh | 12:52 |
orhs | topyli, is KDE better than gnome? | 12:52 |
ircbot_ | orhs: that's a bad thing to ask | 12:52 |
topyli | yeah well, orhs is done after that, i don't know if the system is | 12:53 |
topyli | orhs: kde users seem to think so | 12:53 |
ircbot_ | but gnome users would disagree | 12:53 |
=== prevod [prevod@P1-222-20006.dialup.ns.ac.yu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orhs | hehe | 12:53 |
ircbot_ | me... i have a kubuntu desktop and an ubuntu lappy | 12:53 |
xukun | which client can I use for vpn connection? | 12:53 |
ircbot_ | whichever you want | 12:53 |
=== Danten [~danten@h246n6c1o1049.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ircbot_ | but the easiest would probably be the one that installs out of the box | 12:54 |
ekCo | ircbot_ is there an option to get wine using apt-get? | 12:54 |
ircbot_ | ekCo: did you try apt-get install wine | 12:54 |
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xukun | ircbot_: which one would that be? | 12:54 |
ircbot_ | realvnc | 12:55 |
ircbot_ | as a matter of fact i need to get that kicking | 12:55 |
xukun | realvnc for vpn? hmm | 12:55 |
ircbot_ | oh oops | 12:55 |
ircbot_ | sorry i misread your question | 12:55 |
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mirak | now I have the vendor id and the device id, how can I guess what module I should load ? | 12:56 |
mirak | for an usb device | 12:56 |
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ircbot_ | xukun: try openvpn or secvpn | 12:56 |
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ekCo | yes ircbot_ | 12:57 |
mirak | xukun: if you use openvpn I suggest you use tunneldigger plus tunneldigger-utils | 12:57 |
mirak | it helps configuring | 12:57 |
mirak | with minimum effort | 12:58 |
ekCo | nothing came out of it | 12:58 |
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xukun | mirak: what about vpnc? | 12:58 |
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mirak | xukun: I don't know, I configured openvpn yesterday and it works | 12:59 |
mirak | openvpn seems to be what is advised | 12:59 |
veritas_ | is there a way to paste into terminal without right click --> paste | 01:00 |
Seveas | <ctrl><shift><v> | 01:00 |
Seveas | <ctrl><shift><c> is copy | 01:00 |
ircbot_ | grar... trying to connect vnc locked up vnc | 01:00 |
=== veritas_ is now known as metalsand | ||
ircbot_ | that doesn't make me happy | 01:00 |
mirak | how can I know wich device matchs wich module, when I already know the device and vendor id, given by lspic or lsusb ? | 01:00 |
metalsand | I restarted, Sev. I'm going to try it now after I've downloaded build essentials | 01:00 |
Seveas | ok | 01:01 |
=== [1] Dutchy is now known as Dutchy | ||
Seveas | sorry that i was gone earlier, but i have to do some homework too :) | 01:01 |
ArdieM | why do i have to press 4 times the "^" to make a ^^ ... normally i just have to press 2 times | 01:01 |
=== Muffie [~Macello28@200-221-62-53.tvaacesso.speeduol.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ekCo | does anyone have system shock 2 installed | 01:01 |
metalsand | UGH! | 01:01 |
metalsand | Oh my god, what the heck :( | 01:02 |
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ArdieM | :) system shock 2 hahahaha | 01:02 |
wdh | zenwhen, Rattboi, Adium?? will it be available for ubuntu any time soon? | 01:02 |
Muffie | Anyone knows how fdisk calculates the size of a disk? For a certain disk of mine, it shows 5764216+ blocks (for 1 partition), and 23552424 (for another partition). Looks like the correct number of megabytes of each partition (its a 30gb HD). But... the size, shows me this: Disk /dev/hdd: 2111 MB, 2111864832 bytes. fdisk dont let me use more than 2gb!!!. Im trying to install Ubuntu on this disk. But the partitioning tool only us | 01:02 |
Muffie | es 2gb... | 01:02 |
guupsta | damn that's a good game | 01:02 |
eruin | so | 01:02 |
metalsand | Same error, Seveas... What the hell is wrong with this | 01:02 |
eruin | I'm using breezy and openoffice.org2 for my 7 day home exams | 01:02 |
eruin | :P | 01:02 |
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azad | hey there.. how to change my standard-dns server? when i reboot it always sets back to my router | 01:04 |
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azad | after i edited resolv.conf | 01:04 |
ircbot_ | stupid thing locked up kde | 01:05 |
wdh | azad, i think 'dhclient' resets it | 01:05 |
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azad | mhh thanks wdh | 01:06 |
wdh | azad, a nice workaround could be to statically set your ip, and disable dhcp | 01:06 |
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transgress | lets try this again | 01:06 |
azad | mhh well.. that doesn't work wdh, if i take away power from my router and restart it, it could give me another ip.. it's easier to set the dns server in the router config then | 01:07 |
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wdh | azad, usually routers do not care whether an ip is given by itself or just manually entered by you | 01:08 |
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azad | hmhh.. well.. it ain't a problem to use the router as dns server either | 01:08 |
azad | but thanks, maybe i'll set sth like that up when i got more experience | 01:09 |
wdh | azad, then why bother? :P | 01:09 |
=== fre [~fre@dD5E005C0.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ivoks | why do i feel i hurd this talk before? :) | 01:09 |
metalsand | wdh | 01:09 |
wdh | azad, as long as it works :) | 01:09 |
ivoks | hurd/heard | 01:09 |
metalsand | can you look at something and see why I'm erroring | 01:09 |
azad | thought it'd work easier maybe | 01:09 |
fre | hi, i work in a computershop, and i was wondering if it's legal to sell ubuntu cd's | 01:10 |
ivoks | fre it is | 01:10 |
fre | ok tnx :) | 01:10 |
ivoks | but u should provide support | 01:10 |
azad | is it? | 01:10 |
eleusis | of course it's legal :-\ | 01:10 |
wdh | metalsand, just ask a question here in the channel.. if i can answer it, i will.. if i cant, someone else will | 01:10 |
azad | if you earn money with other ppls work? for which you didn't pay | 01:10 |
thoreauputic | fre: for the price of packaging etc, yes - others are selling them | 01:11 |
transgress | woohhoo. ggot this shizzle working. altougggh it seems it screws up my tyypingg. | 01:11 |
ivoks | azad GPL | 01:11 |
fre | ok tnx thoreauputic | 01:11 |
metalsand | wdh: but i need to paste a bunch of text | 01:11 |
wdh | fre, just be nice :) | 01:11 |
ircbot_ | man that was a lovely sentence... apparently kde and vnc don't get along real well | 01:11 |
metalsand | and I don't wnat everyone to trip | 01:11 |
wdh | metalsand, www.pastebin.com | 01:11 |
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wdh | metalsand, but first try to get the usefull information out of it.. and think about it yourself.. and then ask your question | 01:12 |
wdh | fre, just be nice on your customers :P | 01:12 |
ivoks | ah... /me is going on breezy | 01:12 |
wdh | ivoks, daredevil :) | 01:12 |
queuetue | So, is zeroconf/howl/bnonjour "in" ubuntu? What kinds of things does it do? | 01:12 |
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ivoks | wdh well, if i plan to do some packages for it, i should use it, tight :) | 01:13 |
wdh | queuetue, apt-cache show "" | 01:13 |
metalsand | http://pastebin.com/280383 | 01:13 |
Scorpinf | need help, im new to linux, im trying to install Mplayer. but when i do configure with -gui option it complain about PNG, how do i install PNG ? | 01:13 |
metalsand | I get that error | 01:13 |
wdh | ivoks, guess so :) | 01:13 |
metalsand | When I run make config | 01:13 |
fre | wdh: i know what you mean :) | 01:13 |
metalsand | In step 6 of https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HowToInstallTheWlanNgDriverInHoary | 01:13 |
queuetue | wdh, Does that mean No? | 01:13 |
thoreauputic | queuetue: automagic finding of other services/machines on the network ( eg macs) | 01:13 |
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queuetue | thoreauputic, a) Does ubuntu suport it, and b) what does it support it for? | 01:14 |
thoreauputic | queuetue: I don't know the answer to that | 01:14 |
mirak | so nobody knows how modules are bound to usb devices ? | 01:14 |
ivoks | ? | 01:15 |
wdh | queuetue, sorry, misread your question | 01:15 |
mmichelli | hi i just installed jdk 1.5 and now am trying to install netbeans, where does jdk install make the home directory | 01:15 |
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queuetue | wdh, What question did your answer actually anwer? :) | 01:15 |
wdh | queuetue, effectively, none :P | 01:15 |
metalsand | wdh, you checking out the postebine? | 01:15 |
thoreauputic | queuetue: try apt-cache search howl - it pops up a few entries | 01:16 |
queuetue | wdh, That's what *I* thought. :) | 01:16 |
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wdh | metalsand, as i told you, get us a real question.. tell us what you are doing, possibly why you are doing it, and then explain what went wrong.. | 01:16 |
metalsand | If you read up | 01:16 |
metalsand | In step 6 of https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HowToInstallTheWlanNgDriverInHoary | 01:17 |
wdh | metalsand, sorry, missed that | 01:17 |
=== wdh is missing more and more :) should go to bed again | ||
=== goo [~goo@213-145-170-130.dd.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ivoks | hm... is breezy developed from hoary or sid? | 01:18 |
transgress | ultra sid | 01:18 |
metalsand | As to why I'm doing that | 01:19 |
metalsand | I'm trying to get my PCMCIA NIC working | 01:19 |
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metalsand | So, I can use that to access supoorted Linux software | 01:19 |
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ircbot_ | i'm off to bed | 01:19 |
ircbot_ | see you guys tomorrow | 01:19 |
Xenguy | s/b | 01:19 |
ivoks | bye | 01:19 |
Xenguy | sorry | 01:19 |
airox | When changing keyboard mappings, should I restart x.org or something ? | 01:19 |
metalsand | my current wireless card isn't supported for anything I want to use | 01:19 |
=== kev0r_ [~kev0r@adsl-69-208-246-96.dsl.lgtpmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ivoks | metalsand ? | 01:20 |
ivoks | metalsand prism2, IIRC | 01:20 |
azad | PG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <- erk? | 01:20 |
metalsand | What about prism2, ivoks | 01:20 |
ivoks | metalsand u have prsim2? | 01:20 |
metalsand | Yes | 01:20 |
ivoks | and u say that prism2 isn't supported on linux? | 01:21 |
metalsand | no | 01:21 |
thoreauputic | azad: known issue, currently being worked on | 01:21 |
metalsand | that's the card I'm trying to get working | 01:21 |
azad | okay | 01:21 |
whiteknight | hehe its the best supported card | 01:21 |
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Licker | Does anyone have any spare time to help me install some software? | 01:21 |
ivoks | i find ipw2200 to bu much better supported :) | 01:22 |
metalsand | Too bad it doesn't work with ubuntu by default | 01:22 |
=== hor [~hor@pD9FD3EBA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ivoks | metalsand just install modules | 01:22 |
metalsand | hahahha... | 01:22 |
wdh | Licker, just ask your question | 01:22 |
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metalsand | Scroll up ivok | 01:22 |
metalsand | wdh, did you find anything? | 01:22 |
thoreauputic | Licker: tell us what, and how you are attempting to install it | 01:22 |
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wdh | metalsand, no, afraid i cannot help you.. im not really familiar with installing modules myself | 01:23 |
metalsand | k... Well, after 13 hours off and on trying to get this card to work | 01:23 |
metalsand | I have failed | 01:23 |
metalsand | I'm going to bed now | 01:23 |
Licker | I did. lol. I need some help. I am installing http://www.hostingsoftware.net . I did the Using apt for debian But I got lost. And need help. | 01:23 |
whiteknight | metalsand, oh, i was going to offer to help | 01:23 |
ivoks | metalsand u can't compile modules or what? | 01:23 |
metalsand | whiteknight: if you think you can help me I'll stick around | 01:23 |
metalsand | I'd only get 2 hours of sleep anyway | 01:24 |
metalsand | might as well just stay up | 01:24 |
whiteknight | metalsand, what exactly is your card, and what point have you go to? | 01:24 |
wdh | Licker, installing a website? :P | 01:24 |
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metalsand | Seano NL 2511 PLUS EXT 2 | 01:24 |
metalsand | http://pastebin.com/280383 I recieved that error (pasted in pastebin) when I was at step 8 of this guide: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HowToInstallTheWlanNgDriverInHoary | 01:25 |
goo | Are there any repositories for Firefox nightly builds? | 01:25 |
=== keffo [~keffo@user161.c82-197-233.citynet.nu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Licker | Im installing a web/mail server with a user interface so that my users can login/out through the web. | 01:25 |
metalsand | step 7* | 01:25 |
Rattboi | goo, why not use the firefox installer? | 01:26 |
Rattboi | it's very easy | 01:26 |
wdh | metalsand, earlier it was step 6? :S | 01:26 |
goo | Rattboi: because I really like apt? | 01:26 |
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metalsand | It's Step 7... See the Make All command. | 01:26 |
metalsand | That's when I get that error | 01:26 |
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ivoks | metalsand omg | 01:26 |
wdh | metalsand, earlier you complained about the 'make config' :S | 01:26 |
ivoks | metalsand apt-get install linux-sources-2.6.10 | 01:27 |
ivoks | metalsand cd /usr/src/linux-sources-2.6.10 | 01:27 |
goo | Rattboi: using seperate installers for every bloody program just breaks the whole idea of having a package management tool, don't you think? | 01:27 |
InitMass | i'm having a problem with dcguiqt. it doesn't save my configuration even if i push save | 01:27 |
ivoks | metalsand zcat /proc/config.gz > .config | 01:27 |
ivoks | metalsand make oldconfig | 01:27 |
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topyli | goo: it does. no nightly debs around though | 01:27 |
metalsand | wowwoow... slow down :P | 01:28 |
ivoks | metalsand hury up | 01:28 |
goo | topyli: aight. What I suspected after googling around. Thanks :) | 01:28 |
metalsand | Reading package lists... Done | 01:28 |
metalsand | Building dependency tree... Done | 01:28 |
metalsand | E: Couldn't find package linux-sources-2.6.10 | 01:28 |
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ivoks | metalsand linux-source-2.6.10, typo | 01:28 |
thoreauputic | Amaranth: which file should I edit to get rid of a duplicate entry for Xine that your menu-editor has decided to put in my gnome menu ? *g* | 01:29 |
Amaranth | wha? | 01:29 |
metalsand | 40 meg DL, I'll inform you when I'm done | 01:29 |
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thoreauputic | Amaranth: well, it might be my mistake, really - but it doesn't want to be deleted | 01:29 |
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Amaranth | thoreauputic: 0.5? | 01:29 |
thoreauputic | Amaranth: hmm - let me check | 01:30 |
Amaranth | Is it smeg or menu editor? | 01:30 |
Amaranth | smeg is the new name as of 0.5 | 01:30 |
Licker | soo... did someone have the time to help me? | 01:30 |
Amaranth | old versions sucked at deleting things because of something that appearently isn't covered in the menu spec | 01:30 |
=== dockane [~dockane@p5084EBC2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | Amaranth: erm.. 0.4.3 it seems | 01:31 |
mng | can anyone tell me how I can fore xorg to run in 1360x768 ?? I just get (II) NVIDIA(0): Not using mode "1360x768" (no mode of this name) | 01:31 |
mng | force* | 01:31 |
HrdwrBoB | er | 01:31 |
HrdwrBoB | there is no mode like that | 01:31 |
Amaranth | thoreauputic: Yeah, you're going to hate me. :) The easiest way to get 0.5 is from hoary backports. I don't know if he made it depend on the gnome-menus and python-xdg in backports too, if not you need to install them. Then you have to lose all your menu changes. | 01:31 |
thoreauputic | Amaranth: sorry I thought I had a recent one: is there a url for 0.5 you have handy? | 01:31 |
HrdwrBoB | are you smoking crack? | 01:32 |
mng | Winblows dont have a problem running in that mode m8 | 01:32 |
HrdwrBoB | do you mean 1024x768 | 01:32 |
mng | nope.. 1360x768 | 01:32 |
HrdwrBoB | that's the most bizarre resolution ever | 01:32 |
HrdwrBoB | what display do you have | 01:32 |
Amaranth | thoreauputic: Delete ~/.config/menus/applications.menu and everything except for the menu-xdg menu in ~/.local/share/applications/ and ~/.local/share/desktop-directories/ | 01:32 |
mng | its actually a 32" flat panel | 01:32 |
thoreauputic | Amaranth: I see :) I think I'll just edit the desktop files myself then | 01:32 |
Amaranth | thoreauputic: You had that many changes in the menu? | 01:33 |
Licker | Is there anyone with some free time to help me? Im installing a web/mail server with a user interface so that my users can login/out through the web. | 01:33 |
mirak | could soemone on hoary test this for me ? grep -R 0573 /etc/hotplug/ | 01:33 |
Amaranth | thoreauputic: 0.5 lets you make new menus :) (although you can't move things into them, only make new things) | 01:33 |
thoreauputic | Amaranth: OK I'll try that | 01:33 |
HrdwrBoB | mng: surely it has a much higher resolution | 01:33 |
goo | mirak: /etc/hotplug/usb/libgphoto2.usermap:libgphoto2 0x0003 0x040a 0x0573 0x0000 0x0000 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00000000 | 01:34 |
mng | it does, but I have lots of external switch boxes etc which limit me to 1360x768 | 01:34 |
thoreauputic | Amaranth: not many changes, I just lost faith in your creation: but I'll try 0.5 , thanks! | 01:34 |
Amaranth | thoreauputic: This is what happens when you use unstable software. Just like when people had to wipe their pheonix/firebird/firefox profiles for every new version. | 01:34 |
Amaranth | thoreauputic: Ah. 0.5 is loads better | 01:34 |
mng | is there no way of defining this mode ? | 01:34 |
Amaranth | thoreauputic: I couldn't find an entry I couldn't delete. | 01:34 |
mirak | goo: are on breezy ? | 01:34 |
HrdwrBoB | mng: there is | 01:34 |
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thoreauputic | Amaranth: it's a nice program by the way - no criticism inteded :) | 01:34 |
thoreauputic | *intended | 01:34 |
HrdwrBoB | mng: search for an X modeline creator on google | 01:35 |
HrdwrBoB | mng: because it's a nonstandard resolution, there'll be no modeline for it built in | 01:35 |
HrdwrBoB | but you can easily add one | 01:35 |
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goo | mirak: nope, I'm on Hoary | 01:35 |
HrdwrBoB | you will have to add it to xorg.conf in /etc/X11 | 01:35 |
mng | oki will try and search for it.. thx | 01:36 |
Amaranth | thoreauputic: Actually, I just realized that new menu creation is more or less worthless. Oh well. :D | 01:36 |
goo | mirak: heh, oops. That file was probably copied over when I moved from Gentoo.. | 01:36 |
hor | Is it possible to read the Mails in /var/mail/user with Thunderbird? | 01:37 |
metalsand | does gentoo use gnome? | 01:37 |
thoreauputic | Amaranth: I have a ~/.config that appears to be specific to xfce4 - is this an issue? | 01:37 |
Echylo | anyone who uses proftpd and can tell me how I can monitor it? | 01:37 |
goo | metalsand: Gentoo uses whatever you want it to use. | 01:37 |
mirak | goo: hor you better install an imap server | 01:37 |
Amaranth | thoreauputic: Your ~/.config/menus/applications.menu has xfce4 things in it? | 01:37 |
thoreauputic | Amaranth: I would assume so, yes | 01:38 |
Amaranth | thoreauputic: Wait, Smeg works on xfce4?!? | 01:38 |
goo | mirak: why should I install an IMAP server? | 01:38 |
Amaranth | thoreauputic: email your applications.menu to alleykat@gmail.com and i'll email a version that is clean | 01:39 |
thoreauputic | Amaranth: Smeg? | 01:39 |
Licker | Is there anyone with some free time to help me? Im installing a web/mail server with a user interface so that my users can login/out through the web. | 01:39 |
Amaranth | thoreauputic: That's new menu editor's new name. | 01:39 |
thoreauputic | Amaranth: thanks, but no need - I'll hack it around a bit - I might learn something ;-) | 01:40 |
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thoreauputic | Amaranth: Smeg-editor - Red Dwarf as opposed to RedHAt ? *G* | 01:40 |
mocker | hehe | 01:41 |
Amaranth | thoreauputic: It's an acronym (Simple Menu Editor for GNOME) but I decided to use it because someone I used to talk to on IRC had the nick Smeggy which was a Red Dwarf reference. | 01:41 |
Amaranth | thoreauputic: I've never actually seen the show. | 01:42 |
thoreauputic | Amaranth: I used the menu editor in gnome - but the entries show up in xfce | 01:42 |
Amaranth | thoreauputic: They're supposed to, that's the point of the menu spec. :) | 01:42 |
thoreauputic | Amaranth: ah, you've missed a lot of laughs - I recommend the show :) | 01:42 |
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petemc | early seasons, anyway | 01:43 |
thoreauputic | Amaranth: right | 01:43 |
petemc | got a bit crap towards the end | 01:43 |
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Amaranth | thoreauputic: I don't really care for British humor. | 01:43 |
petemc | Amaranth: prefer dharma and greg or some such? | 01:43 |
Amaranth | petemc: haha, no | 01:43 |
nopea | whats a good CSS editor on Linux? | 01:44 |
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bezibaerchen | nopea: vim ;-) | 01:44 |
Amaranth | petemc: The Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy, etc | 01:44 |
Amaranth | nopea: You want a WYSIWYG editor? | 01:44 |
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KaiL_ | graphical CSS? uhm? | 01:45 |
nopea | Amaranth, well yeah but not that big of a deal - Bluefish is cool but CSS editing is not so hot | 01:45 |
thoreauputic | Amaranth: broaden your cultural horizons! ( I generally don't care for US humour, but there are exceptions) | 01:45 |
Fahim | Can somebody tell me Where is your linux source build directory taht matches your running kernel? | 01:45 |
thoreauputic | Amaranth: :) | 01:45 |
Fahim | in ubuntu | 01:45 |
HrdwrBoB | thoreauputic: yeah like black books | 01:45 |
HrdwrBoB | oh wait, it's british | 01:45 |
Amaranth | nopea: nvu is probably your best bet | 01:45 |
HrdwrBoB | whose line is american though, I will give them that | 01:45 |
thoreauputic | Amaranth: The Simpsons is a clever show | 01:46 |
KaiL_ | Fahim: install linux-headers-`uname -r` | 01:46 |
Fator_Dee | Fast Show is an excellent show :-) | 01:46 |
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Amaranth | Fahim: linux-headers-`uname -r` | 01:46 |
KaiL_ | after that it's in /usr/src/linux-headers-`uname -r` or (linked) /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build | 01:46 |
whiteknight | Little Britain! | 01:47 |
Fahim | wer do I get linux headers? | 01:47 |
KaiL_ | apt | 01:47 |
Seveas | Fahim, with synaptec :) | 01:48 |
Seveas | or with apt-get | 01:48 |
KaiL_ | or with kynaptic | 01:48 |
KaiL_ | :) | 01:48 |
Seveas | or aptitude | 01:48 |
Seveas | or dselect | 01:48 |
Seveas | etc.. | 01:48 |
KaiL_ | kpackage | 01:48 |
Seveas | but kynaptic/kpackage means kde | 01:48 |
KaiL_ | and synaptic GNOME | 01:49 |
Seveas | that means you should apt-get --purge remove kde && apt-get install brain first :) | 01:49 |
KaiL_ | good idea, get rid of that stupid metapackage :p | 01:49 |
Fahim | eys but where do I get the package? where can I download it | 01:49 |
Seveas | metapackagea are actually a nice thing | 01:49 |
KaiL_ | you don't need to think about that while using apt-get :) | 01:50 |
Seveas | it's just kde that i don't like :) (let's not flame about this) | 01:50 |
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whiteknight | metalsand, hows the download going? | 01:50 |
KaiL_ | Seveas: but this "kde"-package is the hell, it installes everything, which has even a little bit to do with kde | 01:50 |
Seveas | then don't install it | 01:50 |
Seveas | use kubuntu-desktop | 01:50 |
KaiL_ | bingo :p | 01:50 |
metalsand | whiteknight, i'm making linux-source | 01:51 |
KaiL_ | that installes ~50 python packages :) | 01:51 |
nopea | Amaranth, never tried it for CSS - but wasnt impressed for the HTML portion | 01:51 |
metalsand | and it's taking forever | 01:51 |
whiteknight | you are making it? | 01:51 |
metalsand | Yes. | 01:52 |
whiteknight | metalsand, so have you retried step 7? | 01:52 |
metalsand | lol, yes | 01:52 |
metalsand | Ivoks is helping me go with another route | 01:52 |
ivoks | man... | 01:52 |
ivoks | look at this: | 01:52 |
whiteknight | oh okay | 01:52 |
ivoks | [msg(metalsand)] then sudo make oldconfig | 01:53 |
ivoks | [metalsand(~veritas@ip68-231-196-244.oc.oc.cox.net)] cp: cannot stat `/boot/config-something': | 01:53 |
ivoks | No such file or directory | 01:53 |
whiteknight | well i'll go and grab some lunch instead | 01:53 |
whiteknight | metalsand, good luck | 01:53 |
ivoks | how do u explain that? :) | 01:53 |
metalsand | It's my first week in Linux :( | 01:53 |
bezibaerchen | anyone using threaded view in evolution? | 01:54 |
ivoks | me | 01:54 |
thoreauputic | bezibaerchen: yes, all the time | 01:54 |
bezibaerchen | ivoks: is there a shortcut, to "close" all threads | 01:54 |
bezibaerchen | i dont get the english word atm | 01:55 |
bezibaerchen | ;-) | 01:55 |
bezibaerchen | know what i mean? | 01:55 |
bezibaerchen | that u only see the first mail of the thread | 01:56 |
bezibaerchen | as if u click on the arrow | 01:56 |
nopea | thoreauputic, you like Red Dwarf? Thats great! | 01:56 |
thoreauputic | I'm hugely lagged here, in case my replies don't make contextual sense | 01:56 |
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v3n0m | Hey all can someone explain to me how to network my windows computer to my linux box with a cross over cable? | 01:57 |
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bezibaerchen | thoreauputic: got my problem? | 01:57 |
svenl | Hi. | 01:59 |
svenl | Anyone has had any success with Mac-On-Linux on ubuntu ? I failed to make it work. | 01:59 |
thoreauputic | v3n0m: the same way you'd do it anyway: you'll need samba and maybe smbfs installed | 01:59 |
leonel | when apt-get update I get this error : | 01:59 |
leonel | W: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com> | 01:59 |
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leonel | any idea ? | 01:59 |
Seveas | leonel, wait a (few) hour(s) it'll resole automagically | 02:00 |
thoreauputic | leonel: known issue, being worked on I hear | 02:00 |
Seveas | it's a server problem | 02:00 |
metalsand | Hey Seveas, where do you live? | 02:00 |
leonel | Seveas, thoreauputic thanks | 02:00 |
thoreauputic | leonel: the archive servers have a problem I guess | 02:00 |
leonel | i though so | 02:00 |
leonel | so do I hold the upgrade ? | 02:00 |
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thoreauputic | svenl: did you follow http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/MacOnLinuxHowto ? Worked for me... | 02:02 |
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UsefulIdiot | How can I configure an ethernet card (presumably through the command line) so that it has a manual IP address rather than using dhcp? | 02:04 |
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UnreA|L | who use gdesklet ? | 02:04 |
Myrtti | I do, but I'm not on that computer now | 02:04 |
vdm | UsefulIdiot, try sudo ifconfig <interface> <ip> | 02:05 |
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UsefulIdiot | ok, thanks | 02:05 |
thoreauputic | UsefulIdiot: /etc/network/interfaces | 02:05 |
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thoreauputic | UsefulIdiot: man interfaces | 02:06 |
twilight | hello there..i've some problems..trying to upgrade my breezy, this is the output:Preparing to replace findutils 4.1.20-5ubuntu1 (using .../findutils_4.1.20-6_i386.deb) ... | 02:06 |
twilight | Document `findutils' is not installed, cannot remove. | 02:06 |
twilight | Unpacking replacement findutils ... | 02:06 |
twilight | dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/findutils_4.1.20-6_i386.deb (--unpack): | 02:06 |
twilight | trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/locate', which is also in package slocate | 02:06 |
altp | is there a dummy package that one can apt-get to install all the normal development tools, gcc, automake, etc ... the normal install seems to lack all the standard development tools. | 02:06 |
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thoreauputic | altp: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 02:07 |
thoreauputic | altp: it's there, just needs installing | 02:07 |
thoreauputic | or find it in synaptic | 02:08 |
altp | installing it now. thanks | 02:08 |
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thoreauputic | twilight: sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/findutils_4.1.20-6_i386.deb | 02:10 |
thoreauputic | twilight: should do it | 02:10 |
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UnreA|L | how install font ? | 02:13 |
=== Licker [~David@cm-207-192-250-249.stjoseph.mo.npgco.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
UnreA|L | how install font ? | 02:15 |
Juhaz | drop to fonts:// | 02:15 |
UnreA|L | i now this | 02:15 |
UnreA|L | hown install font with terminal | 02:16 |
Licker | If im installing something.. Should I look at the basic linux instruction or the Debian instructions? | 02:16 |
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metalsand | What's the most popular IRC client for Linux? | 02:16 |
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HrdwrBoB | metalsand: irssi! | 02:16 |
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tiggggr | irssi | 02:16 |
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guupsta | irssi <3 | 02:16 |
metalsand | Why is that so great? | 02:16 |
Juhaz | copy to ~/.fonts directory. or somewhere under /usr/share/fonts if you want to install it system-wide | 02:16 |
metalsand | apt-get install irssi | 02:16 |
tiggggr | metalsand, and maybe x-chat from graphical ones | 02:17 |
thoreauputic | Licker: debian instructions | 02:17 |
bezibaerchen | irssi's ownage | 02:17 |
thoreauputic | Licker: but what is it and how are you trying to install it? | 02:17 |
=== UsefulIdiot uses irssi too. 'tis great | ||
metalsand | What's so great about it? | 02:17 |
Licker | mail/web server | 02:18 |
guupsta | i just like the default window behaviour | 02:18 |
=== yonil [~naeron6@bzq-82-80-179-62.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Licker | about to try to install squirrelmail | 02:18 |
UsefulIdiot | it's simple, powerful and works well | 02:18 |
thoreauputic | metalsand: it's powerful and good on remote ssh etc | 02:18 |
thoreauputic | metalsand: but irssi has a firly steep learning curve | 02:18 |
yonil | is some big mirror server for ubuntu packages down ? | 02:19 |
thoreauputic | *fairly | 02:19 |
metalsand | Right, I'll keep using xchat then | 02:19 |
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thoreauputic | yonil: there are some current problems with authentication of packages | 02:19 |
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yonil | thoreauputic, ah, good to hear :) | 02:19 |
yonil | i thought i messed my sources file | 02:20 |
Licker | whats the BEST in your opinion email server? | 02:20 |
typo | I have ubuntu installed. I'm going to try to install windows xp to /dev/hda7. How do I get GRUB back after I do that? | 02:20 |
webmind | Licker, postfix | 02:20 |
Licker | is post better than squirrelmail? | 02:21 |
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thoreauputic | Licker: "How to start a mail server war " *g* | 02:21 |
UsefulIdiot | you could probably install grub manually off a livecd, typo | 02:21 |
nosv | alguien me puede decir de donde me puedo bajar un prog para programar en c | 02:21 |
Licker | ........... | 02:21 |
nosv | ???? | 02:21 |
thoreauputic | Licker: those do different things | 02:21 |
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Licker | how so.. | 02:21 |
typo | UsefulIdiot: I tried booting the install cd with "root=/dev/hda1" but it panicked | 02:21 |
thoreauputic | Licker: apt-cache show postfix | 02:22 |
Licker | post fix isnt on mine.... so apt wont work | 02:22 |
thoreauputic | Licker: as I understand it, squirrel is for webmail | 02:23 |
Licker | well i want to make a email server..... | 02:23 |
thoreauputic | Licker: well, sudo apt-get install postfix | 02:23 |
thoreauputic | Licker: but it should be there - postfix is the ubuntu default | 02:23 |
Licker | humm | 02:24 |
Licker | yea now it says its there.. | 02:24 |
thoreauputic | Licker: squirrelmail is in the apt repos | 02:24 |
yonil | thoreauputic, how do you know about the auth problems ? is it posted somewhere ? can i fix it ? | 02:24 |
Licker | apt repos? | 02:24 |
typo | anyone know where I can get a simple boot cd that will boot from disk? | 02:24 |
thoreauputic | Licker: squirrelmail is in the universe repo | 02:25 |
Licker | so postfix would be better though? | 02:25 |
thoreauputic | yonil: I know because people have been complaining here : and no, you can't fix it - it's on the server | 02:25 |
UsefulIdiot | typo, you could possibly boot into knoppix and install grub from there | 02:26 |
yonil | thoreauputic, never mind - i think they fixed it :) | 02:26 |
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thoreauputic | Licker: it depends on whether you want webmil or just a mail server on your box | 02:26 |
thoreauputic | *webmail | 02:27 |
typo | UsefulIdiot: the livecd would probably work, but it's so big... | 02:27 |
Licker | eh.. whats the difference thore? | 02:27 |
thoreauputic | Licker: most people would be happy with postfix | 02:27 |
UsefulIdiot | yeah, it might typo | 02:27 |
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thoreauputic | Licker: umm... webmail is .. sort of like gmail or yahoo or hotmail | 02:28 |
ivoks | uh | 02:28 |
Licker | well... what I want.. is a email server. But want my clients to beable to login through a web app to read their mails. | 02:28 |
typo | UsefulIdiot: I'm going to try the sarge business card cd | 02:28 |
thoreauputic | Licker: if you don't know the difference, stick with postfix and read the docs for it | 02:29 |
ivoks | OMG! | 02:29 |
ivoks | i'm tierd | 02:29 |
thoreauputic | Licker: to reconfigure it you can run sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix | 02:29 |
=== Licker has a headache | ||
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Licker | :( | 02:29 |
Licker | trying to cram to much | 02:29 |
Licker | :p | 02:29 |
ivoks | tar xvfj that_file | 02:29 |
thoreauputic | Licker: if you want that, then yes, use squirrel | 02:29 |
Licker | I just started learning Linux 3 days ago.. :/ | 02:30 |
mirak | I have this device, http://www.usbgear.com/usa/USB_Monitors_and_KVM.html , how can I guess what usb module it uses ? | 02:30 |
thoreauputic | Licker: I suggest you find the squirrelmail site and read their docs | 02:30 |
morlaa | hi. can someone please help me setting up xorg ? | 02:31 |
Licker | ok so. what your saying is that With squirrel I can host a mail server...and it will allow users to login and chek them? | 02:31 |
=== Licker Needs to go smoke a Bowl | ||
Licker | :p | 02:32 |
thoreauputic | Licker: I believe so. Type apt-cache show squirrelmail to read a brief description, then check the website for squirrel | 02:32 |
morlaa | i did a hoarz install on i386, the card is a radeon 7000 | 02:32 |
morlaa | the xorgcfg does only show the cursor, but no menu | 02:32 |
morlaa | X -configure crashes | 02:33 |
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Licker | ok ty | 02:33 |
morlaa | after xorgcfg i can come to the gmd/screen, but i can not log in | 02:33 |
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thoreauputic | morlaa: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 02:34 |
nanomad | is cups remote administration locked?? 'cause i cant login on localhost:631 | 02:34 |
thoreauputic | morlaa: you aren't trying to log in to gnome as root, are you? hint: don't | 02:34 |
Licker | apt cache dont work.. it says package not found | 02:35 |
thoreauputic | nanomad: it is locked by default in ubuntu, yes | 02:35 |
morlaa | i did that, but i do not remember why it went wrong/ i will try again | 02:35 |
goo | nanomad: normally it's just allowed from localhost, yes. | 02:35 |
nanomad | thoreauputic, how do I unlock it? | 02:35 |
morlaa | no, i trz to log in as user, and crashes and returns to the login screen, after telling me, that it crashed | 02:36 |
nanomad | goo, im trying to login from localhost. | 02:36 |
thoreauputic | nanomad: I don't actualy know, frankly - I used the gnome gui utility | 02:36 |
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queuetue | When you mount something in gnome (A network server) , where is that actually mounted? How do I get to it from a shell? | 02:36 |
bretzel | Hi all | 02:36 |
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nanomad | thoreauputic, why is it locked? it makes no sense to me.... | 02:37 |
thoreauputic | nanomad: not to me either: one of the devs said it was a security issue | 02:37 |
nanomad | thoreauputic, i need to remote admin my printers.....i will leave ubuntu so.... | 02:38 |
thoreauputic | nanomad: you can probably make it listen on 631 by editing a default for cups | 02:38 |
thoreauputic | nanomad: maybe /etc/cups/default or something | 02:38 |
nanomad | it listens on 631, but i cant do administrative task... | 02:38 |
thoreauputic | nanomad: I'd have to look... | 02:38 |
ThomasWinwood | Having a folder /etc seems like the biggest kludge to me. It's like a folder labelled /stuff | 02:39 |
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goo | nanomad: have you set a root password? Or put you r personal user in the cupsys group? | 02:39 |
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thoreauputic | ThomasWinwood: you haven't been in unix/*nix for long, I take it? | 02:39 |
thoreauputic | ThomasWinwood: it's pretty standard | 02:39 |
nanomad | goo, yes, ive set a root password. | 02:40 |
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=== AnguS [Hal9000@vpn148.rz.uni-mannheim.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ivoks | omg | 02:40 |
ivoks | omg | 02:40 |
AnguS | hi there, i have a problem with apt: | 02:40 |
AnguS | W: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com> | 02:40 |
nanomad | goo, and i cant login with root...so.. | 02:40 |
ThomasWinwood | thoreauputic: It still feels kludgy. | 02:40 |
thoreauputic | AnguS: server issue, known and being fixed | 02:40 |
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AnguS | oh | 02:40 |
AnguS | ok, thanks | 02:40 |
thoreauputic | ThomasWinwood: /etc/is one of the most useful directories of all ... | 02:41 |
nanomad | thoreauputic, goo, ive just discovered that it uses a remroot account.... | 02:41 |
thoreauputic | ThomasWinwood: or would you prefer the windows registry? Now *that* is a kludge! | 02:41 |
ThomasWinwood | True. | 02:42 |
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leonel | AnguS, I've asked the same and here's the answer : <Seveas> leonel, wait a (few) hour(s) it'll resole automagically | 02:42 |
leonel | <thoreauputic> leonel: known issue, being worked on I hear <thoreauputic> leonel: the archive servers have a problem I guess | 02:42 |
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AnguS | i suspect postfix-gld has some security issues, it got fixed in sarge some days/weeks ago... but hoary still has the old version | 02:43 |
AnguS | should i report this? or perhaps its not that vulnerable after all... | 02:43 |
nanomad | thoreauputic, done!!! | 02:44 |
paul_ | Hi, any help in getting a hp laserjet 100 working with hoary | 02:44 |
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AnguS | http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/p/postfix-gld/postfix-gld_1.5.2-1/changelog | 02:44 |
nanomad | thoreauputic, edited /etc/cups/cupsd.conf and commented line regarding autentication in folder /admin.... | 02:45 |
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twilight | thoreauputic thank you very much | 02:45 |
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thoreauputic | nanomad: :) well done | 02:45 |
nanomad | thoreauputic, i know...i'm a very determined person.... | 02:45 |
morlaa | thanx, i found my mistake- wrong permissions on the X-auth.-file in my old home ;) | 02:45 |
nanomad | thoreauputic, i will post an howto on ubuntuforums.... | 02:45 |
metalsand | I've been working on getting my PCMCIA wireless NIC configured for 14 hours | 02:46 |
metalsand | I have to go to school in 2 | 02:46 |
thoreauputic | twilight: you're welcome - just remind me what you are thanking me for? | 02:46 |
metalsand | and haven't slept for 1 | 02:46 |
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thoreauputic | nanomad: on the wiki would be good | 02:46 |
twilight | thoreauputic problem with upgrade and findutils :) | 02:46 |
queuetue | FFS.,.. the gnome VFS junk isn't actually mounted? It's some userspace-mount scheme that is only useable by gnome? How idiotic is that? | 02:46 |
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nanomad | thoreauputic, i need to work out how auth is done on that page... | 02:47 |
thoreauputic | twilight: ah yes, the --force-overwrite - I remember now :) | 02:47 |
ivoks | --force-all is better :) | 02:47 |
thoreauputic | ivoks: a bit dangerous at times, no? | 02:48 |
ivoks | no :) | 02:48 |
Fator_Dee | damn, Blobwars is an *awesome* game :-) | 02:48 |
thoreauputic | ivoks: does that option force overwrite without prompting? | 02:49 |
ivoks | yes, that's why i love it :) | 02:49 |
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thoreauputic | I see :) | 02:49 |
ivoks | don't ask too much questions, destroy all :) | 02:49 |
thoreauputic | hahah @ ivoks | 02:50 |
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thoreauputic | ivoks: were you the kind of kid who took his christmas presents apart? *G* | 02:50 |
ivoks | ok | 02:50 |
=== topyli took hockey pucks apart | ||
AnguS | lol | 02:51 |
AnguS | yeh | 02:51 |
AnguS | signatures fixed :D | 02:51 |
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jordanau | metalsand, are you still working on that stuff? | 02:54 |
metalsand | Yep | 02:54 |
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metalsand | Same exact thing | 02:54 |
metalsand | The sun is pretty much done rising | 02:54 |
jordanau | and its not your router right :) | 02:54 |
metalsand | looks like I won't be even getting an hour of sleep :( | 02:54 |
jordanau | metalsand, you you probably have done smarter things... | 02:55 |
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metalsand | I have 2 tests today... I'm going to fail both :( | 02:56 |
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topyli | i've been working today | 02:56 |
jordanau | metalsand, those are finals no? | 02:56 |
metalsand | One is | 02:56 |
jordanau | i have a final in three hourst | 02:57 |
topyli | it's not so unusal for me to be at the office but i've been actually hard at work! | 02:57 |
metalsand | AP Economics, and a Physics quiz | 02:57 |
Fator_Dee | Lottery all the way \o/ | 02:57 |
jordanau | yeah transport 1 (or fluid mechanics) here | 02:57 |
metalsand | I'm still in high school (Senior year) | 02:58 |
metalsand | What are you majoring in Jord? | 02:58 |
jordanau | i was chemical engineering, but i am switching to software | 02:58 |
jordanau | metalsand, do well on the AP test, college micro econ sucks big time | 02:58 |
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metalsand | Where are you located jord? | 03:01 |
jordanau | auburn, Alabama | 03:01 |
jordanau | No i am not attracted to my cousin, but thanks for asking | 03:02 |
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metalsand | aahhahahahha | 03:02 |
metalsand | oh did i need that | 03:02 |
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squareff | i partially downloaded an iso file and it seems to be broken. rsync wants to completely redownload it, which i can't easily accept (i am on a slow connection)... so do you know any application which could fix the partial file and resume downloading? or can rsync do this? | 03:02 |
jordanau | squareff, you can probably do a md5 checksum to see if it is okay | 03:03 |
squareff | how can a md5 checksum help on a partial file? | 03:04 |
squareff | jordanau: how can a md5 checksum help on a partial file? | 03:04 |
jordanau | oh its partial | 03:04 |
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jordanau | i thought it was complete and broken, thats what i get for not reading | 03:04 |
thoreauputic | squareff: wget -c <URL> migh work | 03:04 |
thoreauputic | *might | 03:05 |
squareff | thank you, thoreauputic... "-c" stands for what? | 03:05 |
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Fator_Dee | continue | 03:06 |
wdh | squareff, for rtfm :) | 03:06 |
jordanau | continue | 03:06 |
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thoreauputic | squareff: it's the flag for resuming a download | 03:06 |
squareff | wdh: i admit that was a quite lazy question, but i don't even have wget installed on this computer... :) | 03:07 |
wdh | that takes about 10 seconds.. even on a slow connection :) | 03:07 |
thoreauputic | wdh: I read the man, but I confess I only remember about 3 wget flags out of about 70 ;-) | 03:07 |
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fabio_85 | hello people | 03:08 |
topyli | that's quite enough most days | 03:08 |
wdh | thoreauputic, sure, but that doesnt keep you from checking one out that you dont know about :) | 03:08 |
wdh | information is not about knowing things.. but about knowing where to find it :) | 03:08 |
fabio_85 | guys, has somebody C knowledge in here? | 03:08 |
topyli | prolly | 03:08 |
squareff | wdh: i'm obsessed with keeping my system clean; i wouldn't install anything without making sure i really need it (that's why i wanted to know how relevant that "-c" switch was) | 03:09 |
Fator_Dee | well, the explanations are always there, sitting happily among others in the man-file | 03:09 |
wdh | fabio_85, only _very_ basic :) | 03:09 |
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wdh | squareff, removing it takes another 5 seconds :P | 03:09 |
thoreauputic | wdh: indeed, at least I know where to look :) | 03:09 |
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fabio_85 | hello wdh, well I am starting, do u know how good is "The Gnu C Programming tutorial" rev 4.1 freely downloadable | 03:10 |
thoreauputic | squareff: a linux install without wget is like a woman without kisses *grin* | 03:10 |
squareff | wdh: removing? well... maybe i am too much of a newbie for this, but how cleanly are rpms removed in linux? | 03:10 |
topyli | squareff: the -c option is relevant enough to justify wget's existence on any system :) | 03:10 |
squareff | thoreauputic: i thought curl was enough. do you think i whould use wget instead of curl? | 03:10 |
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wdh | squareff, dont know much about rpm | 03:10 |
squareff | topyli: this is just what i didn't know before asking :) | 03:11 |
wdh | squareff, but being lazy is not a very bad thing sometimes :P | 03:11 |
topyli | squareff: debian packages are removed completely if you --purge them | 03:11 |
thoreauputic | squareff: use both as appropriate | 03:11 |
wdh | fabio_85, no idea :) | 03:11 |
jordanau | topyli, does purge in apt = complete removal in synaptic?? | 03:11 |
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topyli | yes | 03:11 |
squareff | topyli: cool! will it also remove every file it produced, plus the config files? | 03:11 |
topyli | yes | 03:12 |
thisfred | has anyone tried to install/run bpmdj on Ubuntu? I keep getting segfaults, but I don't know what I've missed... | 03:12 |
squareff | thoreauputic: are both really necessary? can't i just use one? | 03:12 |
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fabio_85 | wdh, np, do u know any good guide for beginners? | 03:12 |
thoreauputic | squareff: do as you wish... | 03:12 |
thoreauputic | squareff: some apps use wget or curl as a backend | 03:13 |
wdh | fabio_85, nope.. i had some classes in school.. and that was, as i said earlier, _very_ basic :) | 03:13 |
wdh | fabio_85, try /join #c | 03:13 |
squareff | thoreauputic: i noticed that, this is why i kept curl | 03:13 |
thoreauputic | squareff: both are tiny anyway | 03:13 |
fabio_85 | wdh, eheh np, that would be great, thx | 03:13 |
topyli | fabio_85: it's GNU! it must be perfect! :) | 03:13 |
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fabio_85 | topyli, well if u say so, then I go and read it soon, its only about 280pages though! | 03:14 |
thoreauputic | squareff: umm.. how big is your hard drive? And how many videos and large music files do you have? better remove those as well </joke> | 03:14 |
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squareff | thoreauputic: on this computer i only have 4 GB | 03:15 |
squareff | :) | 03:15 |
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topyli | fabio_85: on the other hand, it might be a "GNU coding style" type thing for getting your code accepted in GNU stuff | 03:15 |
wdh | fabio_85, recognise the irony :) | 03:15 |
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thoreauputic | squareff: you didn't answer my other questions - start with your pr0n stash ;-) | 03:16 |
fabio_85 | wdh, :) ahah no well I wanted a good hint | 03:16 |
jordanau | what is the minimal install size you can get ubuntu, (no X no extra software) | 03:16 |
wdh | fabio_85, you should really ask on #c, guess you'll get more valuable input there | 03:16 |
squareff | thoreauputic: i thought my 4 GB hdd was enough of an answer | 03:16 |
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fabio_85 | wdh, I am already in trying to ask :P | 03:17 |
wdh | jordanau, dont remember, i read something about it on the wiki the other day.. you could try and search it for something like 'server install' | 03:17 |
jordanau | thoreauputic, right, it means he downloads high compression low quality stuff | 03:17 |
jordanau | wdh, thanks | 03:17 |
jordanau | squareff, just kidding :) | 03:17 |
fabio_85 | wdh, but they are all smart a**es, and maybe not helping a beginner | 03:17 |
squareff | jordanau: :) | 03:18 |
thoreauputic | squareff: my old P200 has only 2gig, and it has curl and wgwt installed :) | 03:18 |
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thoreauputic | *wget | 03:18 |
jordanau | thoreauputic, where do ya keep the pr0n stash then? | 03:18 |
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wdh | fabio_85, sure they will, just be patient.. and read the topic | 03:18 |
squareff | thoreauputic: yeah... i was going to install wget anyway... so... stop persuading me! :)) | 03:18 |
topyli | jordanau: i keep mine on your server ;) | 03:18 |
fabio_85 | wdh, eheh will do :P | 03:19 |
jordanau | topyli, just out of curiosity, not that i care or anything... but where on the server...? | 03:19 |
topyli | jordanau: in /root/.topyli of course :) | 03:20 |
jordanau | topyli, thanks | 03:20 |
=== jordanau will be back in about 15 minutes... | ||
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thoreauputic | squareff: I'm not trying to persuade you - you can use telnet and a punchcard system as far as I'm concerned - OH BTW don't forget to uninstall Emacs if you have it ;-) | 03:20 |
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thoreauputic | jordanau: no pr0n stash on my old woody box: I have a netork for big files ;-) | 03:22 |
thoreauputic | *network | 03:22 |
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topyli | thoreauputic: you keep your stuff on jordanau's server too? | 03:22 |
jordanau | thoreauputic, hehe you said woody | 03:22 |
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topyli | heh | 03:22 |
topyli | haven't heard that in a while | 03:22 |
=== jordanau takes a bow | ||
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thoreauputic | topyli: I think something like /root/boring.financial.stats/.pr0n would be better ;-) | 03:23 |
topyli | yeah. /root/windows_nt-internals/.pr0n | 03:24 |
thoreauputic | are you guys dissing my old pentium with its rock-solid Woody install ? | 03:24 |
jordanau | /home/mom/recipies | 03:24 |
jordanau | oh wait thats a bad idea | 03:25 |
topyli | terrible :) | 03:25 |
thoreauputic | haha | 03:25 |
topyli | thoreauputic: we would never dis a rock solid woody | 03:25 |
jordanau | topyli, haha you said... oh nevermind... | 03:25 |
ivoks | jebote!!! odustajem | 03:25 |
thoreauputic | topyli: indeed not! | 03:25 |
ivoks | man, some people are born dumb | 03:26 |
jordanau | ivoks, is that in the man pages? | 03:26 |
ivoks | nope... that's expirience talking :) | 03:26 |
topyli | man some_people(2) | 03:26 |
jordanau | ivoks, BTW there is one born every minute | 03:27 |
jordanau | for people in minutesInHour: if people % 60 == 0 birth moron | 03:28 |
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thoreauputic | topyli: peter@prospero:~$ man some_people | 03:28 |
thoreauputic | No manual entry for some_people | 03:28 |
thoreauputic | << how true | 03:28 |
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topyli | heh | 03:29 |
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metalsand | ivoks thinks I'm dumb because he can't get my PCMCIA drivers to work :D | 03:31 |
rommer | is there a open source program like vmware available for win32/linux? | 03:31 |
anto9us | rommer: qemu | 03:31 |
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jordanau | metalsand, do you have a severe inferiority complex? | 03:31 |
ivoks | i think u are dumb couse u don't see file u just created :) | 03:31 |
rommer | ok thanks | 03:32 |
metalsand | Nope. | 03:32 |
jordanau | i retract my last statement... | 03:32 |
metalsand | ivoks, I ls'd and used the GUI and it wasn't there. | 03:32 |
ivoks | lol | 03:32 |
rommer | anto9us: linux only? | 03:32 |
topyli | jordanau: too late! | 03:32 |
topyli | :) | 03:32 |
ivoks | couse, this line: | 03:32 |
anto9us | rommer: no, most platforms and OS are supported | 03:32 |
=== thoreauputic comforts metalsand | ||
ivoks | /bin/sh: LOG-FILE/include: No such file or directory | 03:33 |
metalsand | seriously, I just don't care anymore | 03:33 |
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metalsand | it's been 15:33 minutes | 03:33 |
metalsand | since I've been working on/off trying to get it to work | 03:33 |
Licker | anyone know of a FREE admins panal kinda like cPanal? | 03:33 |
metalsand | I've gone through like 6 different people | 03:33 |
rommer | anto9us: as the master/host computer? | 03:34 |
ivoks | metalsand maybe u should start with some linux basics | 03:34 |
jordanau | metalsand, go to school and come back with a clear head, it will make a big difference, your mad and frusterated so you cant think properly | 03:34 |
anto9us | rommer: yes | 03:34 |
ivoks | metalsand before u try to compile a driver | 03:34 |
jordanau | your/you're | 03:34 |
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ivoks | jordanau that's true too | 03:34 |
ivoks | but now i'm frusterated too :) | 03:35 |
ivoks | and mad :) | 03:35 |
ivoks | metalsand !! | 03:36 |
ivoks | metalsand if u are root allready, don't run make with sudo | 03:36 |
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ivoks | just type make all | 03:37 |
metalsand | weird | 03:37 |
metalsand | I couldn't press enter | 03:37 |
apj__ | Hi, all, | 03:37 |
metalsand | jordanau, I'm not mad or frusterated | 03:37 |
metalsand | I'm not even thinking | 03:37 |
metalsand | im just following commands | 03:37 |
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apj__ | anyone had experinced same as me when mirror ubuntu? | 03:38 |
apj__ | I used debmirror for this task. | 03:38 |
apj__ | mirror only i386 | 03:38 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | hey, what's up with nfs on ubuntu? keep getting an error RPC: Remote system error - Connection refused | 03:38 |
queuetue | FlyingSquirrel32, you need to activate RPC for non-local ips. | 03:39 |
anto9us | apj__: i386 is the default kernel, you can upgrade it after install | 03:39 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | queuetue: how is that done? | 03:39 |
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thoreauputic | FlyingSquirrel32: you need to allow portmap to listen on external interfaces | 03:39 |
queuetue | FlyingSquirrel32, edit /etc/default/portmap and restart portmapper. | 03:39 |
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queuetue | has anyone in here used Solaris in the last ten years or so? I have not, and am debating whether it's worthwhile to refresh that skill set, or if solaris (software, anyway) can be drop-in-replaced with Linux just about everywhere these days... | 03:40 |
thoreauputic | FlyingSquirrel32: you might need the same for nfs itself | 03:40 |
apj__ | Yep, my problem is when I debmirror all package repository for i386/breezy | 03:40 |
apj__ | It show up with error. | 03:40 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | okay where would the one for nfs be? | 03:40 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | queuetue, anything else I should know besides the norm? | 03:41 |
apj__ | that it failed with md5sum | 03:41 |
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queuetue | FlyingSquirrel32, That it's commented out for security purposes, and you are circumventing those security procedures? | 03:41 |
apj__ | like this problem | 03:42 |
apj__ | dists/breezy/universe/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 failed md5sum check, removing | 03:42 |
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orhs | hey | 03:42 |
thoreauputic | FlyingSquirrel32: make sure you have a configured firewall/iptables before you run nfs | 03:42 |
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orhs | i need a fire wall.. | 03:43 |
orhs | any suggestions?? | 03:43 |
bezibaerchen | iptables | 03:43 |
desplesda | orhs, apt-get install firestarter | 03:43 |
desplesda | :) | 03:43 |
queuetue | orhs, gypsum board is good, for relatively cool fires... | 03:43 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | one sec, I'm on a helpdesk call... | 03:44 |
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orhs | lol many different firewalls here | 03:44 |
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thoreauputic | orhs: firestarter is a good basic firewall, and easy to set up | 03:44 |
desplesda | firestarter is a pretty good configuration tool for iptables | 03:44 |
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quiet | hey.. I just installed phpPgAdmin, how do I access it?? | 03:46 |
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oholiks | hello | 03:48 |
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flames | ie with ubuntu wine works for anybody? | 03:49 |
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oholiks | anyone with an idea as to why my gdm session just wont run either the command in the session file nor my on .xsession? | 03:49 |
queuetue | flames, For varying degrees of "works", yes. :) | 03:49 |
whiteknight | hi everyone, does anyone have a G4 iBook with a working microphone? | 03:50 |
oholiks | sorry.. ofcourse i'd find it now.. | 03:50 |
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orhs | hmm ok firestarter is installed. now were is it located??? | 03:50 |
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queuetue | orhs, sudo firestarter | 03:50 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | k, I'm back | 03:51 |
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queuetue | sudh -h firestarter, I think. | 03:51 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | thoreauputic, I'm pretty sure I opened up the firewall already, are there any other unique securityies that ubuntu has by default? | 03:51 |
desplesda | orhs, firestarter will appear in the system tools menu | 03:52 |
elcu | hello, i'm getting choppy video in totem. i've tried 'hdparm -d1 /dev/hdd', but it still seems kind of choppy. | 03:52 |
thoreauputic | FlyingSquirrel32: basically everything is shut by default | 03:52 |
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whiteknight | thoreauputic, sorry to bother, but does your microphone work on your ppc? | 03:52 |
thoreauputic | FlyingSquirrel32: in other words, you have to open services to the big bad world yourself | 03:52 |
Crasp | hello | 03:52 |
Crasp | is there also an "unstable" of ubuntu like with debian? | 03:53 |
thoreauputic | whiteknight: I have an iBook G4 - afaik it doesn't have an input jack | 03:53 |
flames | queuetue: sorry, i don't understand "For varying degrees", i don't speak english, just a little :( | 03:53 |
AnguS | just breezy... thats like testing/unstable i guess :P | 03:53 |
Kartagis | hi, I have a question regarding noatun. should I take it to #kubuntu? | 03:53 |
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Crasp | Kartagis: afaik noatun ahs nothing to do with kde | 03:53 |
thoreauputic | whiteknight: I haven't tried to see if there's a built-in mic though | 03:53 |
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b0ol | hi, how to mount smb partitions ? ubuntuusers.de is down sry | 03:54 |
whiteknight | thoreauputic, don't worry got it working | 03:54 |
queuetue | flames, Like saying that x is greater than 100 ... for varying values of x. | 03:54 |
Crasp | b0ol: mount //machine/share /mnt/share | 03:54 |
b0ol | sure? | 03:54 |
exalted | i've tried for sometime breezy, but i'm sick of everyday updates. How can i return back to the "stable" hoary? | 03:54 |
Crasp | b0ol: 100% | 03:54 |
queuetue | flames, it all depend son how you define "working" Personally, I think IE is broken on WIndows, let alone under Wine. | 03:54 |
b0ol | Crasp: | 03:54 |
b0ol | doesnt work :> | 03:54 |
thoreauputic | queuetue: that's true .. for certain values of "true" ;) | 03:55 |
queuetue | toresbe, Exactly! | 03:55 |
Crasp | b0ol: do you have samba installed? | 03:55 |
b0ol | nope | 03:55 |
b0ol | thats it! | 03:55 |
b0ol | :x | 03:55 |
Crasp | b0ol: might want to do that first then :) | 03:55 |
queuetue | thoreauputic, Exactly! | 03:55 |
b0ol | how to install? | 03:55 |
Crasp | apt-get install samba | 03:55 |
elcu | anyone? ... choppy DVD playback. | 03:55 |
b0ol | thats all? | 03:55 |
toresbe | queuetue: I'm glad you agree | 03:55 |
Crasp | b0ol: yes | 03:55 |
spidey | What is the best NES emulator? | 03:55 |
=== thoreauputic is amazed how often the error message "doesn't work" is reported | ||
b0ol | k thnx :) | 03:55 |
toresbe | spidey: bochs | 03:55 |
Crasp | spidey: snes9x or zsnes | 03:55 |
queuetue | toresbe, Sorry about that. - Go back to sleep. :) | 03:55 |
b0ol | its downloadin | 03:55 |
toresbe | queuetue: I will :P | 03:55 |
toresbe | spidey: heh, just kidding | 03:56 |
toresbe | Crasp: that's for SNES | 03:56 |
Crasp | toresbe: oh yeah, sorry :) | 03:56 |
toresbe | spidey: Try them all | 03:56 |
toresbe | spidey: nesticle worked when I tried it | 03:56 |
orhs | iam new to linux. can someone name some good programs? | 03:56 |
tritium | flames, winetools with wine from winehq.com (rather than universe) work well together. You may want to give that a try. | 03:56 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | thoreauputic, besides the RPC and iptables, where else whould I look? | 03:56 |
anto9us | orhs: what do you want to do? | 03:56 |
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b0ol | Crasp: | 03:57 |
b0ol | it still doesnt work | 03:57 |
b0ol | :< | 03:57 |
b0ol | the samba partition is on a windows machine | 03:57 |
b0ol | in local network | 03:57 |
elcu | orhs: beep-media-player and gqview are two of the first apps i install. | 03:57 |
Kartagis | okay, noatun gives me sound of the mpg very very high, like a distortion or something. I tried all controls to lower the sound but no, it didn't happen. mp3 plays just fine. what more can I do? | 03:57 |
desplesda | orhs: install evince, muine and tomboy, they're pretty cool and useful | 03:58 |
thoreauputic | FlyingSquirrel32: hmm... I think "locate nfs | grep etc " might help - some of the defaults are in obscure places though, and I don't have nfs curently on this box | 03:58 |
flames | thanks, queuetue and tritium, ok, i try wintools | 03:58 |
tritium | winetools | 03:58 |
flames | ok | 03:58 |
tritium | flames, remember, you have to use the version of wine from winehq.com, and not the one in universe | 03:58 |
queuetue | flames, I wouldn't cal what I did "helping", so there is really no need to thank me. :) | 03:58 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | thoreauputic, ok, I'll try what you said at home this weekend and see how it goes. | 03:59 |
tritium | flames, http://www.winehq.com/site/download-deb | 03:59 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | thoreauputic, That's probably why samba server didn't work either | 03:59 |
exalted | How to downgrade to hoary from breezy? | 03:59 |
thoreauputic | FlyingSquirrel32: I know I had a hard time tracking down some defaults when I set it up on warty | 03:59 |
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rj__ | Security patch is fundamentally broken | 04:00 |
thoreauputic | FlyingSquirrel32: this is a relatively new install of Hoary and I haven't configured nfs on it yet | 04:00 |
rj__ | hrm | 04:00 |
flames | tritium: thx | 04:00 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | thoreauputic, do you know of any good warty specific docs? | 04:00 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | i mean hoary | 04:00 |
martinhj | exalted: how is breezy these days? | 04:00 |
exalted | martinhj, ? | 04:00 |
rj__ | dangerous | 04:00 |
rj__ | lol | 04:01 |
tritium | flames, after addine the repository from winehq.com, and updating, run "sudo aptitude install wine=0.0.20050310-1" | 04:01 |
elcu | i've got two things i'd like to fix: (1) - choppy DVD video and (2) - nautilus freezes when I view the properties of an mp3 file | 04:01 |
tritium | s/addine/adding | 04:01 |
thoreauputic | FlyingSquirrel32: I think http://ubuntuguide.org still has a warty link | 04:01 |
martinhj | exalted: I suppose you have tried it since you want to downgrade from it to hoary | 04:01 |
exalted | martinhj, yeah | 04:01 |
thoreauputic | FlyingSquirrel32: it's a good one to read for hoary as well | 04:01 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | thoreauputic, yeah, but it doesn't even touch nfs | 04:01 |
rj__ | I'am running breezy right now, not too many problems, just some small things that are annoying | 04:01 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | thoreauputic, otherwise, it the best! | 04:02 |
thoreauputic | FlyingSquirrel32: also of course the wiki on ubuntulinux.org | 04:02 |
martinhj | exalted: and how is it compared to hoary? many interesting changes yeat? | 04:02 |
Kartagis | guys, noatun gives me a very crappy sound of the mpg, like a distortion or something. I tried all controls to lower the sound but no, it didn't happen. mp3 plays just fine. what more can I do? | 04:02 |
rj__ | like HAL being complete garbage | 04:02 |
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rj__ | i can't even use my USB pen device | 04:02 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | thoreauputic, I'll check that one out. Thanks. | 04:02 |
martinhj | s/yeat/yet | 04:02 |
thoreauputic | exalted: if you upgraded to breezy, you get to keep the pieces when it breaks | 04:02 |
exalted | martinhj, i'm just sick of ubuntu's virtual package policy like ubuntu-base package; couldn't ever get the idea behind it, i cannot remove most of the packages i want thx to'em. | 04:03 |
tritium | exalted, yes you can. | 04:03 |
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exalted | tritium, how? | 04:03 |
tritium | debian has meta-packages too. Just let them uninstall along with whatever you want to remove. | 04:03 |
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exalted | tritium, in this way i just loose my version control. | 04:04 |
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thoreauputic | FlyingSquirrel32: http://www.linux.org/docs/ldp/howto/NFS-HOWTO/ is quite useful | 04:04 |
b0ol | how to mount samba partitions ? | 04:05 |
fabio | Guys, does the TMP folder empty itself at each reboot? | 04:05 |
tritium | exalted, no | 04:05 |
exalted | tritium, if you try to remove ubuntu-base it removes gdm with it =) | 04:05 |
tritium | fabio, yes | 04:05 |
fabio | tritium, thanks | 04:05 |
tritium | exalted, many people, for example, allow ubuntu-desktop to uninstall when they want to remove something they don't particularly like | 04:06 |
exalted | tritium, what about the ubuntu-base? | 04:07 |
tritium | exalted, what package do you want to remove? | 04:07 |
tritium | ubuntu-base is more important | 04:07 |
exalted | tritium, that's what i'm saying exactly. | 04:07 |
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tritium | what package? | 04:08 |
thoreauputic | exalted: why are you running breezy when you don't know how to check for metapackages ? :/ | 04:08 |
exalted | tritium, let's see a min. | 04:08 |
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exalted | thoreauputic, it's just my biz. | 04:08 |
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Mahl | Hey how do I Mount IMG files in ubuntu? | 04:08 |
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rommer | has anyone used qemu to run linux on windows, if so could u help me set it up? | 04:09 |
exalted | tritium, vim | 04:09 |
thoreauputic | exalted: read the bit at the bottom of " apt-cache show ubuntu-base " | 04:09 |
b0ol | how to mount samba partitions ? | 04:09 |
Triffid-Hunter | b0ol: there's no such thing as a samba partition | 04:10 |
thoreauputic | exalted: you can do as you wish - my question wasn't unreasonable, however | 04:10 |
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Crasp | does ubuntu have an "unstable" like debian does? | 04:11 |
b0ol | Triffid-Hunter: | 04:11 |
exalted | Crane, yes it's breezy for now | 04:11 |
b0ol | how to mount a windows-'freigabe' (german sry) | 04:11 |
exalted | Crane, sorry | 04:11 |
exalted | Crasp, that was 4 you | 04:11 |
tritium | exalted, you can remove vim, if you wish. As thoreauputic, be aware of the warning (by reading the results from "apt-cache show ubuntu-base") | 04:11 |
Crasp | exalted: ok thanks :) | 04:11 |
martinhj | Crasp: breezy will become stable in october.. until then it's where the new packages is | 04:11 |
thoreauputic | Crasp: not as such - breezy is the current development branch | 04:11 |
tritium | As thoreauputic says, that is... | 04:11 |
Mahl | Hey how do I Mount IMG files in ubuntu? its of a CD | 04:12 |
ivoks | man! | 04:12 |
Triffid-Hunter | b0ol: ah a shared folder? normally mount -t smbfs //server/mount /mnt/point | 04:12 |
martinhj | Crasp: but I think you will find the ubuntu "unstable" more _unstable_ than debian unstable | 04:12 |
ivoks | it works :) | 04:12 |
exalted | tritium, if i want to remove completely vim, it removes ubuntu-base. | 04:12 |
InitMass | anyone else using nicotine and having problem with lag? | 04:12 |
Triffid-Hunter | add in -o username=blah,password=blah,ip=blah if you need to | 04:12 |
tritium | exalted, right, which you can do. Again, read the warning. | 04:12 |
Crasp | martinhj: hmm ok, what should i do then if i require package version x to install package y? | 04:13 |
Mahl | I guess nobody knows then | 04:13 |
tritium | exalted, there's a difference between remove a meta-package and removing all of its dependencies. removing ubuntu-base does _not_ remove all its dependencies | 04:13 |
exalted | tritium and thoreauputic, thx for you attention and help | 04:13 |
thoreauputic | exalted: have you read it yet? Please read it if not | 04:13 |
tritium | no problem, exalted. If you decide to upgrade to breezy when it becomes stable in October, you may want to reinstall ubuntu-base before you upgrade. | 04:14 |
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exalted | tritium, i know, which is a non-nice think :) | 04:14 |
martinhj | Crasp: _maybe_ you could pull out the package from the breezy branch | 04:14 |
martinhj | Crasp: but I'm no apt-expert | 04:15 |
martinhj | ask one:-) | 04:15 |
tritium | exalted, you can uninstall it again after you upgrade to breezy. | 04:15 |
[Hatred] | brb | 04:15 |
flames | which items must install in winetools for ie? just "Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 English"? | 04:16 |
Crasp | martinhj: not even sure it's in breezy :) | 04:16 |
Crasp | is there any webinterface perhaps that i can query for packages in breezy? | 04:16 |
Crasp | or any other option | 04:16 |
tritium | packages.ubuntu.com | 04:16 |
Crasp | great | 04:16 |
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exalted | tritium, just as a suggestion, i think ubuntu (and debian also) has to find a better solution to this issue? don't you think? | 04:17 |
martinhj | Crane: and www.apt.org I thin | 04:17 |
martinhj | think | 04:17 |
thoreauputic | flames: I doubt that vanilla wine will run IE (I may be wrong) | 04:17 |
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b0ol | Crasp: | 04:17 |
martinhj | exalted: sorry, but what issue? | 04:17 |
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b0ol | help me :x i still cant mount smb | 04:17 |
b0ol | :< | 04:17 |
thoreauputic | flames: and I would run away from IE if at all possible anyway | 04:17 |
exalted | martinhj, relation between meta-packages and upgrades. | 04:17 |
tritium | flames, step through winetools, do the base setup and windows system software install | 04:18 |
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jnc | erg.... http://pastebin.com/280448 anyone? | 04:18 |
jnc | trying to figure out what is broken | 04:18 |
jnc | i think it might be the locales | 04:18 |
thoreauputic | b0ol: sudo apt-get install smbfs | 04:18 |
flames | thoreauputic: i need ie just for test a page | 04:19 |
b0ol | k thoreauputic im on it :) | 04:19 |
[ADULT_SWIM] | i found the solution as to why you can't install teamspeak in ubuntu ^_^ | 04:19 |
tritium | jnc, please try to be more specific. At least tell us if this is hoary or breezy, and give a general description. | 04:19 |
b0ol | flames: dont use ie:) | 04:19 |
Crasp | martinhj: hmm that's not really gonna work, it says i have to update libc6 as well, so that will probably update 90% of my system to breezy :) | 04:19 |
b0ol | to test a page use opera | 04:19 |
b0ol | or firefox | 04:19 |
Triffid-Hunter | hehe yeah the chances of it bein broke in IE are so high you're fairly safe assuming it'll come out mangled | 04:19 |
tritium | jnc, for example, what did you paste on pastebin? What is that from? | 04:19 |
thoreauputic | flames: OK - I see :) | 04:19 |
Mahl | Fine nobody can help me | 04:19 |
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flames | i use firefox and opera, but my visitors use ie.. | 04:20 |
paulproteus | b0ol: Or give your users IE7 - see dean.edwards.name/IE7/ | 04:20 |
tritium | Mahl, with what? | 04:20 |
martinhj | Crasp: ok, I got the same problem.. I just commented out that respository.. | 04:20 |
Triffid-Hunter | Mahl: try cdemu | 04:20 |
paulproteus | flames: Check out IE7 please. :) | 04:20 |
Triffid-Hunter | works in gentoo | 04:20 |
martinhj | Crasp: but maybe you need those upgrades? | 04:20 |
Crasp | well perhaps does anybody else know a good binary leech application for X? | 04:20 |
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Crasp | i wanted to install klibido | 04:21 |
jnc | tritium: oh, my mistake | 04:21 |
jnc | tritium: i gave breezy a spin, then realised that when printing broke i was in a bad situation, i need printing to work but i don't see any way to downgrade back to hoary | 04:21 |
jnc | tritium: some things work in hoary that are helpful fixes (since i'm on amd64) other things broke | 04:21 |
jnc | tritium: to make gnucash work again (unsupported, i know) i had to reinstall guile and some other bits. now it works fine though | 04:21 |
jnc | tritium: i figure that CUPS may be similar. one of the back-end filters is dying due to locale issues i guess | 04:21 |
jnc | i don't know enough about perl to make a diagnosis | 04:21 |
Triffid-Hunter | klibido is buggy as hell | 04:21 |
Triffid-Hunter | but i havent found anything better yet | 04:21 |
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jnc | tritium: i meant, some things in breezy are fixed that are not in hoary which are nice. the #ubuntu-dev folks tell me i'm not supposed to talk unless i have a patch | 04:22 |
Crasp | Triffid-Hunter: how did you install it? | 04:22 |
Triffid-Hunter | i havent tried running forte agent under wine yet tho | 04:22 |
jnc | which is tough, since i'm just a mid-level dev and i don't know where the trouble is exactly | 04:22 |
tritium | jnc, for general support, you should come here, yes | 04:22 |
Triffid-Hunter | Crasp: emerge klibido, but i'm not using ubuntu so that won't help you | 04:22 |
b0ol | well | 04:22 |
Crasp | Triffid-Hunter: lol, no not at all ;) | 04:22 |
b0ol | why is the transferspeed from sharedfolder on win machine to linux machine so slow? (about 36 k) | 04:22 |
b0ol | !? | 04:22 |
martinhj | Crane: what does klibido do? | 04:23 |
martinhj | sorry, crasp | 04:23 |
Triffid-Hunter | if its not in your apt tree, you'll need to grab source, and install from there.. you'll have to install the blah-dev packages for anything the compile says is missing | 04:23 |
jnc | tritium: oh. i'm looking to come up with a fix myself. i was asking for a helpful pointer in the right direction | 04:23 |
tritium | jnc, there are ways to downgrade | 04:23 |
Triffid-Hunter | martinhj: it downloads binaries from newsgroups | 04:23 |
thoreauputic | b0ol: because you haven't configured samba properly? | 04:23 |
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thoreauputic | b0ol: or possibly you haven't configured the win box properly | 04:24 |
b0ol | :X | 04:24 |
jnc | tritium: if i can fix this in breezy, i'm not sure i'd want to downgrade. i'm a bit upset that it's not what i'm used to - being a Gentoo dev i am expecting to be able to help out and make fixes and ask for helpful pointers on what's broken and what to do about it | 04:24 |
jnc | [/rant] | 04:24 |
b0ol | where is there something to configure @ winbox ? and what to configure @ samba? | 04:24 |
Triffid-Hunter | yeah go grab speedguide.net's tcpoptimizer for your win box an fix its recieve window | 04:24 |
b0ol | @ thoreauputic | 04:25 |
b0ol | :x | 04:25 |
Triffid-Hunter | lol inc | 04:25 |
jnc | tritium: so um, who knows about the backend filters for cups? i was thinking i might want to re-install those packages and see if it fixes the locale issue | 04:25 |
tritium | jnc, upset about what? | 04:25 |
rommer | has anyone used qemu on windows? | 04:25 |
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thoreauputic | b0ol: read http://ubuntuguide.org and search the wiki for samba | 04:26 |
tritium | jnc, check bugzilla to look for bugs in a particular package | 04:26 |
jnc | tritium: oh... when something's broke i'd rather make it work than downgrade and stick my head in the sand ;) | 04:26 |
jnc | tritium: i'm not entirely sure this one is a bug | 04:26 |
thoreauputic | b0ol: I don't use windows any more and my network is nfs | 04:26 |
jnc | i'm asking if you guys know where the locale bits are kept for perl | 04:26 |
Mahl | Triffid-Hunter, it seems that cdemu doesnt support .img files | 04:26 |
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jnc | and if that's what the fatal part is | 04:26 |
jnc | http://pastebin.com/280448 | 04:26 |
tritium | jnc, but you can look at the bug activity, and verify | 04:26 |
Triffid-Hunter | hrm dam :/ | 04:26 |
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Anthro | I am trying to boot my dual G4 with the 5.04 PPC LiveCD. It seems to do everything it should, up to a point. I am now staring at a screen with a non-flashing underscore in the upper left corner and nothing else. | 04:27 |
jnc | tritium: yeah. i'd like to know where the error is before i go filing a report on it | 04:27 |
=== jnc facepalms | ||
veritas_ | test | 04:28 |
Anthro | I suspect that the problem has to do with having two video cards. I also have Debian installed on the machine (it's broken at the moment, which is why I'm booting with a liveCD), and both it and the liveCD show bootloader output on the primary screen, then everything further on the secondary screen. | 04:29 |
thoreauputic | veritas_: failure | 04:29 |
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veritas_ | Heh | 04:29 |
veritas_ | guess what | 04:29 |
veritas_ | My drivers are configured | 04:29 |
thoreauputic | :) | 04:29 |
veritas_ | I'm still trying to get it working, but... | 04:29 |
Anthro | Is there some option I should give the bootloader to make it work properly? | 04:29 |
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BiMaNs | hello guys | 04:30 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | b0ol: did you do the copy in the gui or from the shell terminal? | 04:30 |
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tritium | jnc, the locales don't appear to be setup correctly, but it fell back to "C", so that's not the main problem, apparently. | 04:30 |
thomas__ | im having problems with ubunto and the Sound, i dont get any, what do i have to do, SB audigy, and the latest release of ubuntu??? | 04:30 |
Licker | how do i reset my ROOT password | 04:31 |
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pupe | Definitivamente vuelvo a Gnome | 04:31 |
tritium | Licker, you're encouraged to use sudo | 04:31 |
pupe | kde me canso, demasiados bugs.. mas que windows | 04:31 |
Mahl | So if anybody else can help me...How do I mount an .IMG (cd) file within linux? | 04:31 |
thoreauputic | Licker: sudo passwd root (if you insist) | 04:31 |
BiMaNs | when i done downloading ubunbtu ,, a extracted it to a cd and then i try to boot it but its doesn't works ,, so ? | 04:31 |
tritium | Mahl, is it an iso9660 image? | 04:31 |
tritium | Licker, please read http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo | 04:32 |
Anthro | Mahl: mount -o loop,ro -t iso9660 imagefile mountpoint | 04:32 |
Mahl | tried mounting it with the -t iso9660 ...didnt work | 04:32 |
Licker | thoreauputic: im trying to let someone ssh me but they got a error.. fatal error: updatedb: You are not authorized to create a default slocate database! | 04:32 |
Anthro | Mahl: What error did it give? | 04:32 |
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thoreauputic | Mahl: you need to do sudo modprobe loop first | 04:33 |
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jnc | tritium: okie. i'm gonna go mess with gs and see if i can't make it behave, else i will file a bug report. thanks! | 04:33 |
thoreauputic | Licker: umm - whay are they running updatedb ? | 04:33 |
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Mahl | still dont work | 04:33 |
Anthro | Mahl: What error are you getting? | 04:33 |
thoreauputic | *why | 04:33 |
Licker | thoreauputic: he is trying to login to install some things on my server. | 04:33 |
Mahl | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop2, | 04:33 |
Mahl | etc etc | 04:33 |
tritium | jnc, your printer wasn't found at one point. Did you see the "No such device" error? I'd try some simple test pages before trying postscript | 04:34 |
Anthro | Mahl: Ah, sounds like it isn't an ISO file. What does file tell you about the .IMG file? | 04:34 |
thoreauputic | Licker: root login is dsabled by default, and I assume he has no sudo rights? | 04:34 |
thoreauputic | *disabled | 04:34 |
Licker | nope | 04:34 |
Licker | how do I turn it back on | 04:34 |
tritium | Licker, I gave you a URL that tells you how | 04:34 |
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Mahl | its an img of a cd...thats all I know | 04:35 |
Mahl | im not...that good...im not a noob...im a semi noob :D | 04:35 |
Licker | ok | 04:35 |
jnc | tritium: *achem* the simple test page was `echo "hello world" | lp` ;) | 04:35 |
Anthro | Mahl: Run /bin/file on it (or maybe it's /usr/bin/file) | 04:35 |
Mahl | it says its a data file | 04:35 |
tritium | jnc, okay ;) Sorry, I've not seen this problem until today. | 04:35 |
Anthro | Mahl: Hrm. Where did this image come from? | 04:36 |
jnc | tritium: that is also helpful to know | 04:36 |
tritium | jnc, sorry I can't be more helpful. | 04:36 |
jnc | surely someone on amd64 is using breezy, if you haven't heard yet about it maybe there is no bug, only a trouble in the order of package installation | 04:36 |
Mahl | Friend....He made some stuff and had it on cd...when he makes an image of it he always goes .img... | 04:36 |
Mahl | its my fault really...when i was using windows I liked img best...then he catched on | 04:36 |
Triffid-Hunter | lol | 04:37 |
bezibaerchen | .img is nero iirc | 04:37 |
Triffid-Hunter | yeah | 04:37 |
tritium | jnc, usually the order doesn't matter. it's not like gentoo, where you're building from source, and you have to satisfy certain build-depends before building | 04:37 |
Triffid-Hunter | you want iso :P | 04:37 |
jnc | .nrg was nero i thought | 04:37 |
Triffid-Hunter | jnc: both are afaik | 04:37 |
thoreauputic | Mahl: you might have to convert it to something sane like .iso | 04:37 |
Mahl | yep yep thoreauputic | 04:37 |
Triffid-Hunter | i think clonecd can work out img but don't quote me on it | 04:37 |
jnc | tritium: after building a few dpkgs you realize that the order is important whether you like it or not | 04:37 |
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Mahl | I could always burn it but im in the lack of cd's... | 04:38 |
rommer | has anyone used qemu on windows? | 04:38 |
tritium | jnc, that's for building. not true for installing binary packages, in general | 04:38 |
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Mahl | so how do I convert it to ISO? | 04:39 |
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jnc | Mahl: i saw a perl script floating around that could chunk an NRG into an ISO in most cases | 04:39 |
anto9us | rommer: you're a bit off topic, try asking in #qemu | 04:39 |
thoreauputic | Mahl: mkisofs, or possibly use the nautilus burner facility to make an iso image | 04:39 |
ThomasWinwood | Mahl: http://gregory.kokanosky.free.fr/v4/linux/nrg2iso.en.html | 04:40 |
jnc | Mahl: other than that casual mention of "hey i've seen someone else do it, once" ... not much help here sorry | 04:40 |
Mahl | but ThomasWinwood ...thats for nrg files.. | 04:40 |
ThomasWinwood | "jnc: Mahl: i saw a perl script floating around that could chunk an NRG into an ISO in most cases" | 04:40 |
Anthro | So does anyone know why the livecd would fail to bring anything up after going through what appears to be a normal boot? Is there an option one can give at the boot prompt to have it boot text-only instead of trying to bring up X? | 04:41 |
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Mahl | gah mkisofs got like 440 options.. | 04:41 |
Anthro | Mahl: mkisofs isn't going to help you convert a .img file to a .iso file. It is for creating a .iso file from a directory hierarchy. | 04:42 |
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Mahl | oh | 04:43 |
thomas__ | im having problems with ubunto and the Sound, i dont get any, what do i have to do to get it workin tried alsa, OSS , ESD in settings. i have SB audigy, and the latest release of ubuntu??? | 04:43 |
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BiMaNs | when i done downloading ubunbtu ,, i extracted it to a cd and then i try to boot it but its doesn't works ,, so whats the problem guys? | 04:44 |
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thomas__ | BiMaNs: wrong release maybe? | 04:45 |
Triffid-Hunter | BiMaNs: normally pebcak error. give us more info | 04:45 |
thoreauputic | BiMaNs: if you burned it in Windows, you need to burn it raw as an ISO or you just get a file | 04:45 |
SiRrUs | BiMaNs you sure you burnt the iso correctly | 04:45 |
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petrovski | Mahl: I usually just rename my .img to .iso. Haven't had any problems with that so far. | 04:46 |
Mahl | i can run a ....what? | 04:46 |
Mahl | let me try... | 04:47 |
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Mahl | nope dont work | 04:47 |
Mahl | im just gonna load up a cd burner app thru wine | 04:47 |
petrovski | however I'm pretty sure that you should be able to mount it no matter what the extension is. | 04:47 |
lesshaste | what does k3b do for you? | 04:47 |
lesshaste | you can mount it just fine with -loop | 04:48 |
Mahl | can k3b burn .img files? | 04:48 |
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lesshaste | I believe so.. have a look | 04:48 |
BiMaNs | SiRrUs yea , i use nero | 04:48 |
BiMaNs | SiRrUs i extrected it first and then i burn it to the cd | 04:48 |
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[ben] | do i have to configure alsa or esd (<- how?) to get rid of my onboard soundcard an to use my pci-supercard? | 04:48 |
SiRrUs | BiMaNs does the cd boot | 04:49 |
lesshaste | Mahl, do you want to mount the file or burn a cd? | 04:49 |
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BiMaNs | SiRrUs nope | 04:49 |
SiRrUs | BiMaNs then i suspect nero didnt burn the iso correctly | 04:49 |
Mahl | Id like to mount it | 04:50 |
Mahl | but If I have to ill burn it | 04:50 |
lesshaste | just mount it with loopback.. what is the problem? | 04:50 |
BiMaNs | SiRrUs let me try again | 04:50 |
BiMaNs | SiRrUs thanks anyway | 04:50 |
=== Nalioth [~Apple@cpe-66-25-43-80.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lesshaste | Mahl, mount file.img -t iso9660 -o loop,ro /mnt | 04:51 |
Nalioth | howdy | 04:51 |
Mahl | it doesnt work... | 04:51 |
Mahl | tried it already... | 04:51 |
lesshaste | Mahl, error message? | 04:51 |
Mahl | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop2, | 04:51 |
Mahl | etc | 04:51 |
lesshaste | Mahl, exactly as I showed you? | 04:51 |
raydogg | how do you tell cron not to send emails ? | 04:52 |
lesshaste | Mahl, what type of file is it? I mean, where is it frmo? | 04:52 |
jnc | tritium: bwahahaha. i made it print an error | 04:52 |
lesshaste | raydogg, its in the man page | 04:52 |
Mahl | its from a friend..... | 04:52 |
Mahl | its a data file | 04:52 |
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lesshaste | Mahl, you mean it isn't a cd image at all? | 04:52 |
tritium | jnc, did it give you some insight into the problem? | 04:52 |
lesshaste | Mahl, what type of data file? | 04:52 |
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Mahl | it is a cd image | 04:53 |
tritium | jnc, there are also mailing lists and forums that you can use to see if others are having the same problem, and if a fix is known. | 04:53 |
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raydogg | thanks lesshaste | 04:53 |
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lesshaste | raydogg, np "If MAILTO is defined but empty (MAILTO=""), no | 04:54 |
lesshaste | mail will be sent. " | 04:54 |
=== jnc falls over in agony | ||
jnc | the irony. . gah | 04:54 |
lesshaste | Mahl, the fact you can't mount it is suspicious.. try k3b and tell us what happens | 04:54 |
Mahl | and k3b cant burn it... | 04:54 |
jnc | tritium: it's a bug i already fixed. | 04:54 |
jnc | tritium: i don't know why it's back in breezy | 04:54 |
Mahl | it doesnt support it | 04:55 |
raydogg | right, i found that. | 04:55 |
jnc | tritium: actually, the gs-gpl package is fubar'd for amd64/breezy | 04:55 |
tritium | jnc, I see | 04:55 |
lesshaste | Mahl, I am thinking it is not a cd image at all | 04:55 |
lesshaste | jnc, you ok? | 04:55 |
jnc | tritium: gs-esp works in the same broken fashion it always has, which i was pretty sure we'd fixed in hoary | 04:55 |
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lesshaste | Mahl, what does "file cd.img" tell you? | 04:56 |
tritium | jnc, glad you found it | 04:56 |
[ben] | captive-ntfs or similar for ubuntu ? | 04:56 |
lesshaste | [ben] , don't touch it | 04:56 |
lesshaste | [ben] , read only is much better | 04:56 |
jnc | tritium: thanks. your diagnosing the perl bits helped a lot | 04:56 |
tritium | nah, but thanks ;) | 04:56 |
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Mahl | it tells me its a data file | 04:58 |
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Nalioth | Mahl at a terminal try "file blah.img" | 04:59 |
Nalioth | you folks type too fast | 04:59 |
Mahl | yeah | 04:59 |
Mahl | well im gonna try to install WinISO thru wine see if that works | 04:59 |
Mahl | if that works I know I can convert it to bin or Iso | 05:00 |
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Mahl | it works :) | 05:01 |
[ben] | how to tell esd (e-sound) to use a specific soundcard? | 05:02 |
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thomas__ | im having problems with ubunto and the Sound, i dont get any, what do i have to do to get it workin tried alsa, OSS , ESD in settings. i have SB audigy, and the latest release of ubuntu??? | 05:05 |
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Kamping_in_doze | thomas_ is it pci? | 05:05 |
tritium | thomas__, make sure it's not something simple (like mute). Can you run alsamixer and check? | 05:05 |
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babaliciouse | good morning y'all | 05:06 |
Kamping_in_doze | hi | 05:06 |
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babaliciouse | any suggestions for a free antivirus program with gui for my ubuntu box | 05:06 |
thomas__ | Kamping_in_doze: yes | 05:06 |
tritium | jnc, lots of the devs just got back from UdU, so it's been kind of quiet in there for a while | 05:06 |
Nalioth | babaliciouse, klamav? | 05:06 |
babaliciouse | Nalioth: yeah??? has it a gui, and easy to install? | 05:07 |
thomas__ | Kamping_in_doze: you mean volume control | 05:07 |
Nalioth | babaliciouse, i use the command line clamav | 05:07 |
Nalioth | babaliciouse, but klamav is a frontend for clamav | 05:07 |
thomas__ | Kamping_in_doze: what i can see it's not muted | 05:08 |
Nalioth | babaliciouse, at the clamav website there are links to more frontends | 05:08 |
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babaliciouse | okie then - i'm gonna google for it | 05:08 |
babaliciouse | ty Nalioth | 05:08 |
thomas__ | must i add something to the list pcm etc... | 05:08 |
thoreauputic | babaliciouse: antivirus for linux doesn't normally need GUI because it's only used on servers that have to clean up windows messes | 05:08 |
jordanau | babaliciouse, where are ya from? | 05:08 |
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babaliciouse | so a command line like clamav will do jsut fine then? | 05:09 |
babaliciouse | jordanau: canada | 05:09 |
anto9us | babaliciouse: clamav is in the ubuntu repositories | 05:09 |
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Kamping_in_doze | babalichous. clamav, antivr, bitdefender iirc. all commandline i think | 05:09 |
babaliciouse | hello Angel ;) | 05:09 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | thoreauputic, I've got my laptop I and wanted to try the nfs thing. | 05:09 |
anto9us | hey tekchick ;) | 05:09 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | thoreauputic, my /etc/default/portmap says ARGS="-i" | 05:10 |
jordanau | babaliciouse, strange, we southern americans say y'all, and you canadians say y'all, but northern americans don't | 05:10 |
babaliciouse | one of my users said some freaky message about killet or something popped on his screen yesterday - so i wanted to run a scan | 05:10 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | thoreauputic, what should I change it to? the man only said how to set to loopback as it already is. | 05:10 |
babaliciouse | jordanau: i'v travelled the world, you pick up all sorts when you do that | 05:11 |
anto9us | babaliciouse: clamav is the kit I use | 05:11 |
jordanau | babaliciouse, well take me with you next time, i want to travel the world | 05:11 |
babaliciouse | i'm gonna give it a try angel, ty | 05:11 |
thoreauputic | FlyingSquirrel32: just put a # in front of the line | 05:11 |
babaliciouse | lol@jordanau - not to many tekchic's on the channel eh!!! | 05:11 |
Nalioth | babaliciouse, clamav is fully open source | 05:12 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | thoreauputic, could I do a\ ? | 05:12 |
babaliciouse | Nalioth: thats what i'm looking for so TY | 05:12 |
thomas__ | nice with no sound :-) | 05:12 |
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thoreauputic | FlyingSquirrel32: afaik, not necessary | 05:12 |
babaliciouse | off i got to clamav, see y'all later, eh! ;) | 05:13 |
jordanau | i thought it wasnt important to have a virus scanner unless you were working with windows computers | 05:13 |
jordanau | like trading files with them or email stuff | 05:13 |
thoreauputic | FlyingSquirrel32: just make sure that default is disabled: protect portmap etc in /etc/host.allow and /etc/hosts.deny | 05:13 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | thoreauputic, wouldn't it be more secure; what's afaik? | 05:13 |
jordanau | FlyingSquirrel32, as far as i know | 05:13 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | ok. | 05:13 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | Thanks | 05:13 |
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jordanau | FlyingSquirrel32, not about the security thing, the acronym that is | 05:14 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | and to restart the portmap? | 05:14 |
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thoreauputic | FlyingSquirrel32: see http://www.linux.org/docs/ldp/howto/NFS-HOWTO/ for useful info | 05:14 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | cool. | 05:14 |
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thoreauputic | FlyingSquirrel32: afaik is as far as I know | 05:15 |
thoreauputic | FlyingSquirrel32: sudo /etc/init.d/portmap restart | 05:15 |
matze_ | has somebody experience with dell cpi ubuntu and gnome ? | 05:15 |
thoreauputic | from memory | 05:15 |
cmg_ | i had a Warty system running fine.. I just rebuilt it with Hoary and now I can only select 640x480 resolution.. any idea what I can do? | 05:16 |
anto9us | matze_: I'm running a dell inspiron 9100 | 05:16 |
rudi-rudi | bye | 05:16 |
neighborlee | I was trying to get gimp printing to work ( printing works everywyhere else but there) so I installed a newer .deb of gimp...next time I started synaptic I had 2 packages causing problems it said..so I did the fix broken pckages....when I hit 'apply' it wanted t remove like a hundred packages and im unable to figure out how to resolve this..any ideas ??? | 05:17 |
=== Dreezard [~Dreezard@ACB41517.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kamping_in_doze | cmg_ reconfigure x | 05:17 |
Dreezard | hi everyone | 05:17 |
matze_ | anto9us: fine, my problem is, that gnome hangs for minutest after logon, any idea ? | 05:17 |
cmg_ | kamp.. whats the command? | 05:17 |
tritium | neighborlee, where did you get the .debs from? | 05:17 |
cmg_ | to configure x | 05:17 |
neighborlee | tritium, gimps website | 05:17 |
tritium | cmg_, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 05:17 |
Kamping_in_doze | cmg_ in a terminal. : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 05:17 |
Kamping_in_doze | hm | 05:17 |
neighborlee | tritium, and from there I guess whomever packaged it for gimp | 05:17 |
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cmg_ | thanks trit | 05:17 |
cmg_ | thanks kamp | 05:18 |
tritium | neighborlee, that's why you're not supposed to mix debs from different places ;) | 05:18 |
AnguS | Matrix_Soul i have a similar problem | 05:18 |
lacteus | hi ! | 05:18 |
anto9us | matze_: could be lots of reasons | 05:18 |
AnguS | since i installed tvtime the pc just freezes completelly | 05:18 |
AnguS | after logon | 05:18 |
Kamping_in_doze | cmg_ then you type: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 05:18 |
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AnguS | i still was unable to fix it :( | 05:18 |
Dreezard | Can someone tell me how and where to add a default gateway? | 05:18 |
neighborlee | tritium, yeah well I was semi desperate to get gimp printing to work..you would think apt-get would not be so terribly FUSSY but hey...thast what we got isn't it LOL | 05:18 |
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thomas__ | is there a trick to get audigy soundcard to work in ubuntu?? | 05:19 |
neighborlee | tritium, imNsho I think apt-get is too damn picky about how it works..it should be replaced at once with something more efficient | 05:19 |
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neighborlee | tritium, <wink> | 05:19 |
jnc | tritium: udev silliness. | 05:19 |
neighborlee | tritium, thats frustation talking of course..but felt damn good | 05:19 |
jnc | tritium: thanks again | 05:19 |
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tritium | neighborlee, one sec... | 05:19 |
thoreauputic | neighborlee: I'm sure the devs would be happy to look at your apt rewrite ;-) | 05:19 |
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neighborlee | thoreauputic, LOL | 05:19 |
tritium | jnc, cool - got it working? | 05:19 |
neighborlee | thoreauputic, im sure they would | 05:19 |
matze_ | anto9us: *s* thats why I ask for the same hardware | 05:19 |
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petrovski | Dreezard: System -> Administration -> Networking | 05:20 |
j2dope | hi im having problems with bluetooth... i can't see any bluetooth tools in my menu (despite installing them), and on boot, it says there's problems loading it? | 05:20 |
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neighborlee | tritium, ok ,,thanks for your efforts | 05:20 |
j2dope | bluetooth worked fine for me on MDK | 05:20 |
matze_ | hallo busfahrer | 05:20 |
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neighborlee | tritium, if need be I can paste-bin the output | 05:20 |
busfahrer | Hi. | 05:20 |
zyga | how to disable password prompt after closing laptop lid? | 05:20 |
Dreezard | @petrovski this just wont work | 05:21 |
Dreezard | I have to add it manualy | 05:21 |
zyga | screensaver settings indicate that no prompt should appear | 05:21 |
tritium | neighborlee, the best think to do is to downgrade the gimp packages back to the hoary versions | 05:21 |
matze_ | busfahrer: are ya driving at the moment ? | 05:21 |
busfahrer | matze_: What do you think? | 05:21 |
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matze_ | busfahrer: I just thought where your name comes from :) | 05:22 |
neighborlee | tritium, yeah thats what I was thinking exactly..I also n eed to downgrade libfontconfig1 back to its original hoary.. | 05:22 |
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neighborlee | tritium, ie: I replaced only a few packages to get the new gimp installed.I thought it would be safe given Iwas installing unstable gimp and since ubuntuis based on unstable I figured well.... | 05:23 |
busfahrer | matze_: I have no idea, heh. | 05:23 |
neighborlee | tritium, grabbing hoary cd | 05:23 |
zooko | Greetings, people of #ubuntu! Is there a kernel 2.6.11 source newer/better than the one in hoary universe? | 05:23 |
petrovski | Dreezard: should have asked you when you installed or have been provided through DHCP | 05:24 |
tritium | zooko, no, in fact, it's not supported. Don't use it | 05:24 |
zooko | I upgraded from 2.6.10 (from hoary main) to 2.6.11 (from hoary universe) and found that my new SATA drive broke, and noticed | 05:24 |
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zooko | that 2.6.11 from universe has sata_via 1.0 where 2.6.10 from main has sata_via 1.1... | 05:24 |
tritium | zooko, 2.6.11 has no linux-restricted-modules, and is not supported | 05:24 |
thoreauputic | zooko: don't even think about using 2.6.11 - it's broken | 05:25 |
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zooko | (Although note that it works well enough for me to be having this conversation with you while running it.) | 05:25 |
zooko | Hm. | 05:25 |
=== zooko tries applying reiser4 patches to 2.6.10. | ||
Dreezard | @petrovski DHCP is running at my router but i want to use a static ip. So i allways have to do "route add default gateway *.*.*.*" at startup | 05:25 |
MatzeB | Is it possible to install ubuntu from a hard drive? | 05:26 |
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MatzeB | (well manual says it is, but it is mentioning files that don't exist and I can't get it to detect the cdrom data on my harddrive) | 05:26 |
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Dreezard | @petrovski is there a way to automatize that? | 05:27 |
paulproteus | Dreezard: Yes. | 05:28 |
Dreezard | how? | 05:28 |
paulproteus | Dreezard: The easiest way is through the System Preferences - > Networking | 05:28 |
paulproteus | Set a manual static IP address. | 05:28 |
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paulproteus | That will make the necessary changes to /etc/network/interfaces . | 05:28 |
Dreezard | It doesnt work | 05:28 |
paulproteus | Dreezard: What kind of "doesn't work"? | 05:29 |
Dreezard | but can I just add a gateway line in the interfaces? | 05:29 |
tritium | Dreezard, it does work. You should probably "man interfaces" | 05:29 |
paulproteus | Have you (1) disabled DHCP (2) set a static IP (3) set a default route? | 05:29 |
zooko | Huh-oh.. applying the reiser4 patch for 2.6.11 to Ubuntu's 2.6.10 yields two rejects... | 05:29 |
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paulproteus | Dreezard: man interfaces will tell you about the "gateway" option. | 05:29 |
tritium | zooko, you're using linux-source-2.6.10 ? | 05:29 |
paulproteus | mikl: Cool IP address. | 05:30 |
mikl | paulproteus: what's cool about it? | 05:30 |
Dreezard | well I set everything up right in kcontrol but it wont add the gateway | 05:30 |
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paulproteus | It has "192.168" in it, which looks bizarre, since IPs that begin with "192.168" are private. | 05:31 |
Dreezard | I've heared about others with the same Kubuntu problem | 05:31 |
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paulproteus | Dreezard: Even though I use Kubuntu, I don't trust its network configuration programs. | 05:31 |
mikl | paulproteus: oh, right :) | 05:31 |
paulproteus | The GNOME ones are known to work; you can even run them in Kubuntu if you want. | 05:32 |
petrovski | Dreezard: using Gnome here so I'm not familiar with KControl. /etc/network/interfaces should do the trick though | 05:32 |
tritium | Dreezard, check your /etc/network/interfaces. "man interfaces" to see how it's supposed to be setup | 05:32 |
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zooko | tritium: yes | 05:32 |
paulproteus | tritium++ | 05:32 |
Dreezard | I'll do, thx so far | 05:32 |
zooko | Eh, one of those rejects doesn't look so important and the other one is easy to fix... | 05:32 |
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aeho | How I can use my fat32 partition? | 05:35 |
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zooko | nope, the result doesn't compile. | 05:35 |
drcode | my io meaga jaz got I/O error all the time | 05:36 |
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drcode | I think it broken | 05:36 |
drcode | btw: Nvidia Geforce 2 can support redaring ? | 05:36 |
stazz | can *what* ? | 05:36 |
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eliteforce | hi | 05:37 |
zooko | I know, I'll get, apply reiser4 patch, then apply linux-patch-ubuntu-2.6.11... | 05:37 |
drcode | when I do glxinfo there is option direct somthing | 05:37 |
drcode | its in NO now | 05:37 |
tritium | aeho, see www.ubuntuguide.org | 05:37 |
drcode | It metter if I connect from remote or not? | 05:37 |
eliteforce | i've got a little question to this howto: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KernelByHandHowto ... whats with initrd, isn't it necessary? | 05:37 |
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aeho | ok | 05:37 |
Licker | if im extracting a file. How do i log in as ROOT to do it? | 05:38 |
miss | any mirror located in switzerland to download the iso image ??? | 05:38 |
miss | im in a rush | 05:38 |
eliteforce | Licker: try sudo | 05:38 |
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eliteforce | Licker: or sudo -s | 05:38 |
Licker | what would the command be? | 05:38 |
eliteforce | Licker: man sudo :P | 05:38 |
tritium | Licker, I already gave you the URL! | 05:38 |
tritium | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo | 05:38 |
tritium | (again) | 05:38 |
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miss | mirror.switch.ch/mirror/ubuntu | 05:39 |
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Licker | i didnt know if it was the same to login through ssh etc trit | 05:39 |
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Nalioth | brb | 05:40 |
=== bluefoxicy will be installing hardware now. . . DVD DL burner, sata hard drive 120G, 512M RAM. | ||
Licker | yea but how do i extract files through sudo? | 05:40 |
nevyn | ? | 05:40 |
paulproteus | Licker: How do you extract files without sudo? | 05:41 |
zooko | Actually I think I'll skip the ubuntu patches first time around... | 05:41 |
thoreauputic | Licker: sudo <your command here> | 05:41 |
riffic | chat | 05:41 |
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Licker | ok its like... im trying to extrat a file.. but it keeps saying i dont have permissions to do it. | 05:42 |
_me_ | can anyone tell me if ubuntu and or kubuntu has support for external drives via Usb? | 05:42 |
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bob2 | _me_: er, of course | 05:43 |
_me_ | cool | 05:43 |
eliteforce | ahm what does 'Preempt The Big Kernel Lock (PREEMPT_BKL) [Y/n/?] (NEW) ' mean? | 05:44 |
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zooko | eliteforce: does hitting '?' help? | 05:44 |
eliteforce | ahh ;) good idea | 05:45 |
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nate_ | hey, whats a good wireless access-point locator in ubuntu? | 05:45 |
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cyphase | how do you forward a port over ssh? so if someone requests port 80 on one computer, it'll send it to port 80 on another computer through ssh | 05:46 |
tritium | cyphase, man ssh, look for the -L switch | 05:46 |
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cyphase | thanx tritium | 05:46 |
cyphase | i was to lazy to look myself | 05:46 |
cyphase | lol | 05:46 |
nate_ | anyone? | 05:47 |
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petemc | nate_: netapplet | 05:47 |
mojo | cyphase: go to www.thebroken.com and watch their video... they use airsnort i think on knoppix std. the video is fun... like a hacker's underground tv show. | 05:47 |
cyphase | lol | 05:48 |
tritium | cyphase, e.g. ssh -L 80: -N -T user@router.ip.address, where the router has an IP address from my ISP, and is the IP of the server | 05:48 |
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tritium | (w.r.t the router) | 05:48 |
cyphase | thanx tritium | 05:48 |
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cyphase | ;) | 05:48 |
tritium | if you don't have a router, or if the computer has it's own IP, then you can simplify the above | 05:48 |
cyphase | yea | 05:49 |
Nalioth | cyphase, google "ssh tunneling" | 05:49 |
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alexandre | hello | 05:49 |
alexandre | i'm looking for help on ubuntu | 05:49 |
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Fator_Dee | you've come to the right place | 05:50 |
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alexandre | :) | 05:50 |
alexandre | many questions | 05:50 |
alexandre | fisrt: how do i configure a multi-head system | 05:50 |
Triffid-Hunter | that's more a xorg question.. | 05:50 |
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Triffid-Hunter | should be easy to find a tute on google | 05:51 |
mjr | alexandre, google for xinerama-howto, follow instructions | 05:51 |
mcquaid | ya you might have better luck in #xorg or if your card is nvidia #nvidia | 05:51 |
Triffid-Hunter | ah yeah xinerama thats the one | 05:51 |
mcquaid | i tried awhile back to get my tv out working properly couldn't get it right | 05:51 |
alexandre | the point is that i do't know the monitor property (hsync-vsync) | 05:51 |
tritium | alexandre, also, read /usr/share/doc/nvidia-glx/README.gz | 05:51 |
mcquaid | only one card can have vsync and only one card can have access to xv, damn annoying | 05:51 |
mojo | NE1 know where there's a gDesklet's support channel? Can't find one on freenode... | 05:51 |
alexandre | is there a global monitor database available? | 05:52 |
mcquaid | i believe there is a gdesklets chan on gimpnet | 05:52 |
mojo | mcquaid: thanks.. will seek | 05:52 |
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Triffid-Hunter | alexandre: you can calculate the hsync/vsync from the maximum resolution/refresh | 05:52 |
alexandre | my second question is about wifi-card | 05:52 |
alexandre | mine is based on a ralink2500 chipset | 05:53 |
cyphase | tritium, i needed -R, not -L | 05:53 |
Triffid-Hunter | vsync = max refresh, hsync = refresh * vert.resolution | 05:53 |
cyphase | but i got it now | 05:53 |
cyphase | thanx | 05:53 |
alexandre | how can i make it works properly? | 05:53 |
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Triffid-Hunter | alexandre: do you have kernel support for it? | 05:54 |
tritium | cyphase, oh, you're forwarding a remote port to a local machine? | 05:54 |
metalsand`school | How can I reset PCMCIA servies? | 05:54 |
cyphase | tritium, yea | 05:54 |
tritium | cyphase, sorry, didn't catch that bit | 05:54 |
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cyphase | tritium, i didn't say that. my mistake | 05:54 |
alexandre | Triffid-Hunter, it seems not, because dmesg do not indicate anything | 05:54 |
alexandre | and a lsmod not | 05:54 |
mirak | hi | 05:55 |
cyphase | tritium, but thanx. i just needed to switch the -L for -R | 05:55 |
anto9us | alexandre: it's supported via ndiswrapper | 05:55 |
mirak | does anyone needed the module usbvision ? | 05:55 |
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mirak | I can't compile it and it's not in ubuntu nor debian | 05:55 |
mirak | this is a module for usb video devices | 05:55 |
cmg_ | I did a new Hoary install and it started in 640x480.. on advice from in here I reconfigured X (which worked great even after reboot). I just rebooted again and I am back to 640x480 and can not select other resolutions) | 05:55 |
Triffid-Hunter | you'll need the source for your current kernel as well as glibc and gcc to compile it | 05:55 |
alexandre | anto9us, can u tell me more plz? | 05:56 |
metalsand | How can I reset PCMCIA servies? | 05:56 |
cmg_ | any idea why my X configuration won't stay setup? | 05:56 |
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mcquaid | i never knew about nautilus-python thingie, i really like that having xterm option in right click | 05:56 |
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[ben] | how do i set the default output device in alsa ( to hw:1,0 ?) | 05:57 |
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tritium | cmg_, are you saying the file somehow changed? | 05:57 |
andreas_ | Hi. I need a program to make DVD covers. | 05:57 |
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tritium | andreas_, glabels | 05:58 |
anto9us | alexandre: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SetupNdiswrapperHowto also see http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/phpwiki/index.php/Installation | 05:58 |
sig | andreas_: gLabels | 05:58 |
andreas_ | glabels cannot make covers for the boxws used here i Denmark | 05:58 |
cmg_ | trit.. not sure.. i just ran the reconfigure.. it worked great.. then i rebooted again and now I can only choose 640x480 | 05:58 |
tritium | use a custom size label | 05:58 |
Triffid-Hunter | andreas_: gimp | 05:58 |
Triffid-Hunter | ;) | 05:58 |
andreas_ | triffid: Damn hard to make them look nice though | 05:59 |
tritium | andreas_, glabels supports custom sizes | 05:59 |
Triffid-Hunter | oh? | 05:59 |
Triffid-Hunter | whys that? | 05:59 |
cmg_ | tritium ... any idea why it would lose my changes after a 2nd reboot? | 05:59 |
tritium | cmg_, no, that doesn't make much sense | 05:59 |
Triffid-Hunter | just gotta do it so its the right size in the native resolution of your printer | 05:59 |
andreas_ | Triffid: I`m guessing I`m not accustomed enough with GIMP | 06:00 |
cmg_ | i guess i will run reconfigure again.. what was that command? | 06:00 |
tritium | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 06:00 |
Triffid-Hunter | if you got a 300dpi printer and you're making a 6" by 9" label, your image should be 1800 by 2700 pixels | 06:00 |
Triffid-Hunter | ;) | 06:00 |
cmg_ | thanks trit | 06:00 |
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Triffid-Hunter | if you edit it as a smaller image, it'll scale up when you print and you'll get jaggies everywhere | 06:01 |
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Triffid-Hunter | unless you edit as a vector image anyway, in which case resolution isn't nearly as relevant | 06:01 |
andreas_ | triffid: Thanks. I`l give it a try | 06:02 |
=== anto9us is very impressed with inkscape | ||
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babaliciouse | i couldn't find clamav in the repositories | 06:03 |
alexandre | anto9us, i see on the page that i can install ndiswrapper-module and ndiswrapper-util using synaptic | 06:04 |
anto9us | babaliciouse: it's in universe | 06:04 |
sig | joe@Laptop:~$ apt-cache search clam | 06:04 |
sig | amavis-ng - AMaViS "Next Generation" | 06:04 |
sig | clamav - antivirus scanner for Unix | 06:04 |
alexandre | i can see ndiswrapper-utils, but no module | 06:04 |
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anto9us | alexandre: yes, you'll also need the headers for your kernel and wireless-tools | 06:05 |
ThomasWinwood | Well. Setting up the printer was no hassle at all. | 06:05 |
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ThomasWinwood | Ubuntu gets five bunnyhops. | 06:05 |
babaliciouse | i'm using synaptic package manager - and see no universe | 06:05 |
anto9us | babaliciouse: see http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 06:05 |
schasi | bunnyhops? | 06:05 |
tritium | cyphase, I actually forward port 6667 to my server at home, which is running irssi-text in proxy mode, then connect my irc clients | 06:06 |
babaliciouse | ty angel will rfm | 06:06 |
mvirkkil | Can anyone recommend a good "pixel painting" program? | 06:06 |
anto9us | mvirkkil: gimp | 06:06 |
cyphase | lol | 06:06 |
mvirkkil | anto9us: I said pixel painting, not photo manipulation. Gimp is horrible for pixel painting. | 06:07 |
mvirkkil | anto9us: Or at least extremely cumbersome. | 06:07 |
anto9us | mvirkkil: no it isn't | 06:07 |
mvirkkil | anto9us: How do I define what color gets what number? | 06:08 |
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Triffid-Hunter | edit the pallette | 06:08 |
anto9us | mvirkkil: try gnome-iconedit | 06:08 |
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mirak | when I try to compile usbvision module I get this errors : http://channels.debian.net/paste/95 | 06:09 |
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allabulle | hi | 06:09 |
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Funraiser | hello Ubuntians | 06:10 |
allabulle | I need to intall Alias Maya onto an Ubunto Distro. Any tips on that (apart of using alien to install the rpm?) Thanks in advance. | 06:10 |
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Funraiser | I installed Point2Play (the cedega GUI) it is installed in usr/bin : if I want to uninstall it, can i just erase it in usr/bin? | 06:11 |
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trygvebw | Hi, i'm having a problem with Ubuntu Hoary. GNOME won't start from GDM, and when i run it manually (gnome-session) from a X-terminal i recieve: "SESSION_MANAGER=local/John:/tmp/.ICE-unix/6524", and nothing else happens. What can be wrong? | 06:12 |
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Mr_Milenko | trygvecw: i had a problem with that | 06:14 |
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trygvebw | Did you solve it? | 06:14 |
Mr_Milenko | i did apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop | 06:14 |
trygvebw | Ok | 06:14 |
Mr_Milenko | then re did it | 06:14 |
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trygvebw | so: | 06:14 |
Mr_Milenko | apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 06:14 |
trygvebw | ok :) | 06:14 |
babaliciouse | so if i mount a network drive, i can simply run clamav on that mount?? straight from my ubuntu machine? | 06:14 |
anto9us | trygvebw: try deleting the contents of that tmp directory | 06:14 |
trygvebw | i'll try it :) | 06:14 |
Mr_Milenko | hope it works for ya man | 06:14 |
trygvebw | anto9us, if it doesn't work i'll try that too :) | 06:14 |
Mr_Milenko | hey before you do that install kde :P | 06:15 |
Mr_Milenko | just in case | 06:15 |
anto9us | trygvebw: I'd recommed my option first | 06:15 |
trygvebw | ok :) | 06:15 |
Mr_Milenko | or fluxbox :P | 06:15 |
cmg_ | having a problem with X and my screen resolution.. I can only select 640x480... i reconfigure X and reboot and I have other resolutions.. as soon as I reboot again.. all I have is 640x480 | 06:15 |
trygvebw | thanks a lot :) | 06:15 |
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anto9us | babaliciouse: yes | 06:15 |
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samy_ | cmg try to configure your /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 06:16 |
trygvebw | FunnyLookinHat, how did you install it? | 06:16 |
trygvebw | sorry, that should be to Funraiser | 06:16 |
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samy_ | in the screen section, i think you can add resolutions | 06:16 |
alexandre | anto9us, i have an error message (??) | 06:17 |
alexandre | root@macymed-alex:/home/alexandre # modprobe ndiswrapper | 06:17 |
alexandre | FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Operation not permitted | 06:17 |
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anto9us | alexandre: ok, ignore it, seen that before and it's still worked | 06:17 |
cmg_ | samy_.. here is something weird. I don't have an xorg.conf. i DO have the xorg.conf backups that the reconfigure saved for me | 06:17 |
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anto9us | alexandre: you have the headers installed for your kernel? | 06:18 |
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babaliciouse | gr8, probably should have been scanning the windows usr's directories long ago - i got samba for the xp usrs, and run all linux server (fedora + ltsp) - does ubuntu support ltsp smoothly? | 06:18 |
aeho | I have a problem: when I click "properties" of any mp3 file, it crashes nautilus or whatever it is | 06:18 |
samy_ | cmg_ , are you sure you don't have the xorg.conf in your /etc/X11/ directory ? | 06:18 |
cmg_ | samy_ .. i take that back.. i DO have an xorg.conf | 06:19 |
cmg_ | my bad | 06:19 |
Triffid-Hunter | nautilus is like that | 06:19 |
trygvebw | no. | 06:19 |
samy_ | ok | 06:19 |
samy_ | open it with gedit | 06:19 |
cmg_ | samy_ I see a bunch of other modes in the xorg.conf already | 06:19 |
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anto9us | babaliciouse: I've not used it but there's a howto http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/LTSPHowTo | 06:20 |
alexandre | anto9us, yes, | 06:20 |
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anto9us | alexandre: do you have your windows drivers for your card? | 06:20 |
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babaliciouse | i run the fedora k12ltsp install, and it was effortless | 06:21 |
alexandre | yes, but i'm not sure of wich inf file to use | 06:21 |
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babaliciouse | lol@ angel sending me to RFM !!!! | 06:21 |
alexandre | root@macymed-alex:/home/alexandre # ndiswrapper -i windrv/M2500.INF | 06:21 |
alexandre | Installing m2500 | 06:21 |
alexandre | root@macymed-alex:/home/alexandre # ndiswrapper -l | 06:21 |
alexandre | Installed ndis drivers: | 06:21 |
alexandre | m2500 driver present, hardware present | 06:21 |
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anto9us | :) | 06:21 |
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alexandre | but i can't see the ndiswrapper-module using lsmod | 06:22 |
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mirak | WARNING: Error inserting i2c_algo_usb (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/usb/media/i2c-algo-usb.ko): Invalid module format | 06:23 |
mirak | FATAL: Error inserting usbvision (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/usb/media/usbvision.ko): Invalid module format | 06:23 |
alexandre | ok | 06:23 |
anto9us | alexandre: type ifconfig and it should show wlan0 | 06:23 |
mirak | I compiled this module, and now I can't insert it, any ideas ? | 06:23 |
alexandre | now a modprobe ndiswrapper works | 06:23 |
metalsand | Can someone help me configure my PCMCIA NIC? | 06:23 |
alexandre | and now i can see wlan0 | 06:23 |
concept10 | how do i ssh into my ubuntu box? ssh -l user@xxx.xxx.xx.xx ?? | 06:23 |
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anto9us | concept10: no, ssh -l user xxx.xxx.xxx.xx | 06:23 |
nevyn | no... | 06:24 |
alexandre | anto9us, not ifconfig, iwconfig only | 06:24 |
nevyn | ssh user@xx.xx.xx.xx | 06:24 |
thoreauputic | mirak: did you try to modprobe it with the .ko suffix? If so, try without the .ko | 06:24 |
nevyn | -l should DIE | 06:24 |
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mirak | thoreauputic: without ko I tried | 06:24 |
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mirak | question, what compiler is used to compile ubuntu x86 kernels ? | 06:24 |
thoreauputic | mirak: OK - just checking the obvious :) | 06:25 |
anto9us | alexandre: good you can use it to set your essid and key if you have one format is iwconfig wlan0 essid <foo> key s:<bar> | 06:25 |
metalsand | After I installed wlan-ng drivers for my prism 2.5 PCMCIA card, all data about the card was removed, and it was renamed when I restarted ubuntu to wlan0 | 06:25 |
metalsand | How do now get that working? | 06:25 |
metalsand | It's not listed in Network Settings | 06:25 |
metalsand | and not listed in iwconfig | 06:25 |
anto9us | alexandre: make that key restricted s:<bar | 06:25 |
Licker | im still having probs.. how do I let my desktop know WITHOUT beeing in sudo that im ROOT? | 06:26 |
usynic | Licker: sudo /bin/bash | 06:26 |
trygvebw | or sudo -i | 06:27 |
trygvebw | or sudo -s | 06:27 |
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Mr_Milenko | hey | 06:27 |
Mr_Milenko | anyone want an xbox? | 06:27 |
metalsand | Anyone, anyone? | 06:27 |
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metalsand | I've been working at this for like 16 hours straight on/off | 06:27 |
metalsand | I finally got the wlan-ng drivers to work | 06:27 |
mirak | thoreauputic: I used the wrong compiler | 06:27 |
metalsand | I'm so close to my goal! | 06:27 |
Mr_Milenko | http://hackiis6.com <-- Hack IIS6 on Win2k3 with all Hot Fixes and WIN AN XBOX | 06:27 |
Mr_Milenko | :P | 06:28 |
trygvebw | metalsand, in a console: | 06:28 |
Licker | nope. it stillmsays im not the owner so i cant change file types etc | 06:28 |
trygvebw | sudo ifconfig up wlan0 | 06:28 |
Mr_Milenko | Just think.. you get to hack an official MS network legally | 06:28 |
trygvebw | sudo dhclient | 06:28 |
thoreauputic | Licker: BTW you should never rune a desktop as root (gnome. KDE etc) - if that's what you are trying to do | 06:28 |
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metalsand | wlan0: Unknown host | 06:28 |
metalsand | ifconfig: `--help' gives usage information. | 06:28 |
thoreauputic | mirak: oops | 06:28 |
trygvebw | :/ | 06:28 |
trygvebw | didn't you say that it was renamed to wlan0? | 06:28 |
metalsand | Yes, it is. | 06:28 |
Licker | i just need to give /var/www/admin write permissions | 06:28 |
metalsand | wlan0 no wireless extensions. | 06:29 |
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trygvebw | hm | 06:29 |
metalsand | Something is wrong with it being detected as a network device | 06:29 |
trygvebw | nah | 06:29 |
trygvebw | modprobe wlan-ng | 06:29 |
metalsand | how do I restart PCMCIA services? | 06:29 |
trygvebw | iwconfig | 06:29 |
alexandre | a little question: i have do a modprobe ndiswrapper. If i reboot, will i have the obligation to redo it again? is there a way to load modules at startup, (i guess so, but i do not remember the file to edit :() | 06:30 |
metalsand | FATAL: Module wlan_ng not found. | 06:30 |
metalsand | None of my other network devices are found, as well | 06:31 |
Licker | thoreauputic: i just need to give /var/www/admin write permissions | 06:31 |
metalsand | So I'd assume that's irrelevent | 06:31 |
trygvebw | what does "ifconfig" say? | 06:31 |
metalsand | only lists eth0 (wireless device I'm using right now ) and loopback | 06:31 |
thoreauputic | Licker: afaik only root should write to that dir | 06:31 |
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Licker | yea how would I write to it then? | 06:32 |
Licker | i need to drop some files in it. how would I do this? | 06:32 |
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concept10 | anyone using ubuntu for server? | 06:32 |
trygvebw | concept10, yes | 06:32 |
Licker | concept10: thats what im TRYING to do. :p | 06:32 |
concept10 | trygvebw: do you have any resources on setting up server LAMP so that I can do a mambo CMS? | 06:32 |
anto9us | alexandre: ndiswrapper -m will take care of that | 06:33 |
trygvebw | hm | 06:33 |
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alexandre | anto9us, thx a lot | 06:33 |
alexandre | now, configuring my wlan ;) | 06:33 |
Mr_Milenko | anybody gonna watch MTV for that Xbox 360 unveiling? | 06:34 |
mirak | why isn't /dev just a ramdisk instead of real files on the harddrive ? | 06:34 |
concept10 | nope | 06:34 |
anto9us | alexandre: well done :) | 06:34 |
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alexandre | i little reboot, and i'll be back :) | 06:34 |
thoreauputic | Licker: sudo cp file /var/www/admin/whatever | 06:35 |
concept10 | mirak: why use ram for all device block files? | 06:35 |
mirak | speed acces ? | 06:36 |
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Licker | its a whole folder.... | 06:36 |
metalsand | trygvebw, do you not know what is wrong? | 06:36 |
Licker | like.. i need just the files inside it copied.. not the folder itself | 06:36 |
CaptPancakes | can anyone tell me how to get mysql to run at startup? | 06:36 |
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glen_ | hey all | 06:37 |
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glen_ | would it be better to install kde from unbuntu or dibian serge? | 06:37 |
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ironwolf | glen_: kubuntu | 06:38 |
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thoreauputic | Licker: cd to that dir, and copy the files in it with a wild card like *.suffix or similar (e.g. sudo cp *.html /your/html/dir or whatever) | 06:38 |
alexandre | anto9us, i have reboot, and now iwconfig do not show me the card | 06:38 |
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metalsand | Can someone help me configure my wireless PCMCIA card | 06:39 |
glen_ | ironwolf: really, i carnt be bothered downloading and installing it over ubuntu tho... to lazy lol | 06:39 |
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thoreauputic | Licker: as an example. man cp for details on what cp can do | 06:39 |
metalsand | thoreauputic, help me out :P | 06:39 |
ironwolf | glen_: apt-get install kde ; ? | 06:39 |
metalsand | thoreauputic, I thought I was done with installing the drivers, apparently not | 06:39 |
anto9us | alexandre: did you install ndiswrapper from repository or compile from source? | 06:40 |
Licker | man.. thats complicated.. thats like.. a lot of extra work that dont need to be done.. i cant go around sudo in anyway? | 06:40 |
alexandre | anto9us, i must redo modprobe ndiswrapper | 06:40 |
metalsand | Licker, it's better to learn how to navigate with terminal | 06:40 |
Licker | :( | 06:40 |
thoreauputic | metalsand: what I know about wireless would fit on a postage stamp, sorry | 06:40 |
alexandre | the utils from repository. the module, i have not install it!! | 06:40 |
Licker | that just seems like a lot of extra work. but ok ill try it | 06:40 |
alexandre | synaptic do not show me a ndiswrapper-module to install | 06:41 |
thoreauputic | Licker: cli is much quicker once you get the hang of it | 06:41 |
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alexandre | but its works, so it is installed anyways | 06:41 |
Licker | is there a way to turn write perm. on through sudo though? | 06:41 |
anto9us | alexandre: ndiswrapper-source and ndiswrapper-utils | 06:41 |
glen_ | ironwolf : yes but, is it better to use ubuntu's KDE or Debians? | 06:41 |
glen_ | ironwolf: debian serge | 06:41 |
thoreauputic | Licker: the write permissions are set that way for good security reasons | 06:42 |
alexandre | i have to install the source too? do i have to compile it too? | 06:42 |
Licker | oh ok | 06:42 |
ironwolf | glen_: what distro do you have installed now? | 06:42 |
anto9us | alexandre: sorry, no | 06:42 |
Licker | what does man cp mean then | 06:42 |
Licker | :p | 06:42 |
alexandre | well, installing gcc33 | 06:42 |
thoreauputic | Licker: learn more about linux permissions and commands like chown, chmod, chgrp is my advice | 06:42 |
=== Licker nods | ||
Licker | i just started learning about 4 days ago | 06:43 |
Myrtti | hrm | 06:43 |
thoreauputic | Licker: type man cp to find out :) | 06:43 |
glen_ | ironwolf: the newest ubuntu | 06:43 |
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metalsand | Licker: man man ;) | 06:43 |
Licker | ohhh.. a manual | 06:43 |
thoreauputic | Licker: to find manuals, try "apropos keyword" | 06:43 |
Myrtti | any ideas on how to get boinc started up with the machine or Gnome reliably? | 06:43 |
ironwolf | glen_: then I'd use ubuntu's | 06:43 |
Licker | ok | 06:43 |
Licker | thanx | 06:43 |
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thoreauputic | Licker: or "man -k <keyword>" | 06:44 |
alexandre | anto9us, well it is installed now :) | 06:44 |
=== Licker nods | ||
Licker | im glad i save my log files. :p | 06:44 |
alexandre | so how can i make the module to be loaded at startup? | 06:44 |
alexandre | root@macymed-alex:/home/alexandre # ndiswrapper -m | 06:44 |
alexandre | modprobe config already contains alias directive | 06:44 |
anto9us | alexandre: ndiswrapper -m should have done that | 06:44 |
alexandre | after a reboot, it seems to not being installed | 06:45 |
=== thoreauputic just finished installing Kubuntu desktop! Time to see what it's all about... | ||
alexandre | i must do it by and (sudo modprobe ndiswrapper) | 06:45 |
debiannoob | is there a way to 'force' a certain resolution @ a certain refresh rate? i'm just getting kinda 75 hz (or even just 60hz) and properly configured horizontal/vertical refresh rates... | 06:45 |
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[ben] | anyone familiar with alsa? | 06:46 |
glen_ | ironwolf: okay cheers | 06:46 |
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Licker | ohhh.. i can copy the entire contents of the folder with the cp -d command.. :p | 06:47 |
anto9us | alexandre: try using the network settings gui to configure it and see what happens, your problem may be related to network profiles or hotplug or something, a bit beyond me right now | 06:47 |
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Triffid-Hunter | [ben] : google for it.. i've done it once but it didn't work well | 06:47 |
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miguel_ | Hello everybody | 06:47 |
Triffid-Hunter | i found it was easier to remove midi support from my kernel | 06:48 |
Licker | is that the same ben that I know? | 06:48 |
[ben] | ? | 06:48 |
Licker | from tdzk.. | 06:48 |
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miguel_ | I've got a problem with my HP USB Cd-writer, cd4e | 06:48 |
Licker | he just uses the same [ben] name then prob. | 06:48 |
[ben] | k | 06:48 |
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[ben] | Licker, sorry for that. | 06:49 |
Licker | np | 06:49 |
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miguel_ | /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0:<3>Buffer I/O error on device sda, logical block 0 | 06:50 |
poet | hi! where is mplayer for ubuntu? | 06:50 |
miguel_ | that is the error it gives me | 06:50 |
[ben] | Triffid-Hunter, i checked all the wikis ansd did not found a way to configure alsa | 06:50 |
anto9us | poet: it's in the multiverse repository | 06:51 |
hatred_ | brb | 06:51 |
miguel_ | Could somebody help me? I'm using hoarty | 06:51 |
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alexandre | anto9us, the GUI netwok tools does not know WPA | 06:52 |
alexandre | ? | 06:52 |
ironwolf | miguel_: what were you doing when you got the error? | 06:52 |
[ben] | Triffid-Hunter, i have a good soundcard but it works very very bad.. | 06:53 |
anto9us | alexandre: I've not tried WPA yet, I know I should but I'm just using WEP and MAC address filtering | 06:53 |
g14 | anto9us: Do you want to see how easy it is to crack wep? | 06:53 |
Triffid-Hunter | [ben] : what kernel? | 06:53 |
kotatsu | anyone have experience with emachines notebooks and their wireless cards? | 06:54 |
g14 | anto9us: Go to whoppix.net and click on demos. Then click the one about Web Cracking. | 06:54 |
miguel_ | ironwoll: nothing, the cd-writer has always given me the same error | 06:54 |
ironwolf | I've got a Jumpshot reader, and a CF card. dmesg sees the card no errors, there's no errors in /var/log/syslog, /proc/scsi/scsi shows the device, but no device node was created. How do I find the right info to make the device node or mount the CF card? | 06:54 |
miguel_ | Since the first time i've booted ubuntu, in fact | 06:54 |
anto9us | g14, I know, I'm looking at the WPA howto know, alexandre it's at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/WPAHowto | 06:54 |
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anto9us | s/know/now | 06:55 |
[ben] | ubuntu 5.04, kernel2.XX? | 06:55 |
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miguel_ | it's a loop-circle error | 06:55 |
g14 | anto9us: I crack into most wep "protected" networks in under 5 minutes with my pavilion zd7000 laptop | 06:55 |
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Triffid-Hunter | [ben] : output of uname -r | 06:56 |
sarom | damn, mind mapping is so cool | 06:56 |
anto9us | g14: one speculates one could make a fortune doing that | 06:56 |
miguel_ | [ben] , if the question is for me it's the 2.6.10 kernel | 06:56 |
ironwolf | miguel_: no clue. sorry | 06:56 |
[ben] | Triffid-Hunter, thx, helped.. 2.6.10-5-386 | 06:56 |
Triffid-Hunter | 2.6.12 has a whole bunch of alsa fixes | 06:57 |
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occy | jdub, you around? | 06:57 |
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miguel_ | 2.6.10-5-386 | 06:57 |
Triffid-Hunter | it'll be ages before you guys see it though :( | 06:57 |
g14 | anto9us: If you only knew... | 06:57 |
occy | seen many cases of Ubuntu locking up lately? | 06:57 |
[ben] | Triffid-Hunter, so it is | 06:57 |
g14 | occy: Nvidia drivers? | 06:57 |
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occy | g14, I'm using nvidia, yes. | 06:57 |
miguel_ | I've got a problem with my HP USB Cd-writer, cd4e | 06:58 |
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occy | g14, suggestion as to what to do to fix if that could be the problem? | 06:58 |
miguel_ | it always gives me the same error | 06:58 |
miguel_ | /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0:<3>Buffer I/O error on device sda, logical block 0 | 06:58 |
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XTCboarder | anyone wana give opinion on xfce v/s gnome? | 06:58 |
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occy | g14, I'm using the ubuntu nvidia drivers. | 06:59 |
g14 | occy: Hoary Hedgehog has stability issues with the nvidia drivers. I heard it's going to be fixed in Breezy when it comes out, but thats not until october. It is somewhere on the forums | 06:59 |
occy | g14, ahhh | 06:59 |
occy | suxx0r | 06:59 |
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occy | :( | 06:59 |
occy | hmmm | 06:59 |
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occy | maybe uninstall the hoary nvidia drivers and install them from nvidia? | 07:00 |
miguel_ | does anybody know if my usb cd-writer problem can be solved by changing the acpi settings in the kernel? | 07:00 |
g14 | occy: Thats what I would try | 07:00 |
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Fator_Dee | X7C: if you have a low performance machine xfce or fluxbox is better than gnome | 07:00 |
g14 | xfce | 07:00 |
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occy | g14, k. Guess it couldn't hurt to try. | 07:00 |
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g14 | With Rox-Filer for the desktop | 07:00 |
g14 | occy, nope | 07:00 |
occy | g14, any howto on that some place? | 07:01 |
ironwolf | anyone? usb card reader, not automounting *that's ok* but not creating sda[0-9] is less than optimum. | 07:01 |
X7C | thx | 07:01 |
X7C | can i run gdesklets on xfce? | 07:02 |
tanek | how do i override refreshrates? i want 100hz instead of 85 | 07:02 |
g14 | occy: Try looking on the ubuntu forums or google | 07:02 |
occy | k | 07:02 |
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Triffid-Hunter | tanek: your x config, be it xf86config or xorg.conf | 07:02 |
X7C | tanek edit your xorg.conf file... | 07:02 |
tanek | oki, thx | 07:02 |
g14 | ironwolf, Is it for sd cards or CF? | 07:02 |
X7C | that's right Triffid-Hunter | 07:03 |
Triffid-Hunter | :) | 07:03 |
ironwolf | g14: CF | 07:03 |
Triffid-Hunter | last i checked ubuntu was running xfree still | 07:04 |
Triffid-Hunter | :/ | 07:04 |
X7C | :p | 07:04 |
=== SapoDriLo [~sapodrilo@dial-148-240-22-120.zone-1.dial.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu | ||
X7C | hoary runs xorg | 07:04 |
tanek | and where in the xorg.conf do i change this? :P | 07:04 |
g14 | ironwolf: Can you manually mount it? | 07:04 |
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X7C | in monitior section... | 07:04 |
X7C | but tanek | 07:04 |
X7C | does ur monitor support that? | 07:05 |
tanek | yes it does, been running it at 100hz in windows forever | 07:05 |
X7C | you can fry it :p.... | 07:05 |
Licker | what does Omitting directory mean | 07:05 |
X7C | ah | 07:05 |
ironwolf | g14: therein lies my problem, I can't seem to find that it created any /dev/sd* nodes for it. | 07:05 |
X7C | in the monitor section | 07:05 |
tanek | yeah, but there is no option for refreshrates? | 07:05 |
X7C | what i never remember if it's vertical or horizontal refresh | 07:05 |
g14 | ironwolf, unplug the card. type sudo tail -f /var/log/messages and then plug it in | 07:06 |
Triffid-Hunter | vertical | 07:06 |
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X7C | then addit | 07:06 |
Triffid-Hunter | horizontal is in the tens to hundreds of khz normally | 07:06 |
g14 | ironwolf, you should see something about a new usb mass storage device detected | 07:06 |
tanek | and the syntax is? sry fr beeing annoying | 07:06 |
X7C | i just put them fixed | 07:06 |
tanek | ? | 07:06 |
Triffid-Hunter | tanek: there'll be a vsync entry already, just change it | 07:06 |
X7C | let me see..... | 07:06 |
metalsand | Can someone help me configure my wireless PCMCIA card? | 07:07 |
ironwolf | g14: yep, now what? It correctly identifies the Lexar CF Card | 07:07 |
tanek | Triffid-Hunter: cant find it :S | 07:07 |
numb | hi there... i'm having a little problem | 07:07 |
=== muempf [~muempf@byrt-d9bb69ac.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
numb | is that i can't transfer files from my windowsxp machine to my ubuntu machine | 07:07 |
g14 | ironwolf: It should say somewhere what device it is like sdx or whatever | 07:07 |
X7C | tanek | 07:07 |
X7C | VertRefresh 75 | 07:07 |
X7C | that's the entry | 07:08 |
X7C | i use | 07:08 |
tanek | numb: the answer is called samba | 07:08 |
X7C | HorizSync i left it automatic | 07:08 |
tanek | SubSection "Display" | 07:08 |
tanek | Depth1 | 07:08 |
tanek | Modes"1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1152x864" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" | 07:08 |
tanek | VertRefresh 75 | 07:08 |
tanek | like that | 07:08 |
tanek | ? | 07:08 |
X7C | nope | 07:08 |
miguel_ | I've got a problem with my HP USB Cd-writer, cd4e | 07:08 |
omatunto_ | hi, anybody know where I could get a newer version of e2fsck without destroying my package management? I'm running hoary. | 07:08 |
X7C | that's on your screen section | 07:08 |
miguel_ | it always gives me the same error | 07:08 |
X7C | into your monitor section | 07:08 |
miguel_ | /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0:<3>Buffer I/O error on device sda, logical block 0 | 07:09 |
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X7C | for me is like this Identifier "DELL P780" Option "DPMS" \n# HorizSync 80 VertRefresh 75 | 07:09 |
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tanek | Section "Monitor" | 07:09 |
tanek | Identifier"F790D" | 07:09 |
tanek | Option"DPMS" | 07:09 |
tanek | VertRefresh 100 | 07:09 |
tanek | like that? | 07:09 |
X7C | yeah | 07:09 |
ironwolf | g14: I sent you what I see. | 07:09 |
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tanek | but that'll give me 100hz even in gdm which is 1600x1200? | 07:10 |
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tanek | and thats too much for my monitor | 07:10 |
apply | Is there a gcc channel? I'm trying to make my code auto-vectorizable under gcc-4.0 but the documentation is lacking. | 07:10 |
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nadav | apply: #gcc | 07:11 |
M3day | guys i downloaded ubuntu ,, so how to burn its using nero ? | 07:11 |
sylvan | Is there a ubuntu/linux newbie channel around here somwhere? | 07:11 |
apply | nadav: thanks, I forgot the # | 07:11 |
ironwolf | sylvan: your in it. :) welcome. | 07:12 |
g14 | M3day, Cancel out of the wizard and go to file -> open | 07:12 |
X7C | tanek and thats too much for my monitor << then fix the screen size as well | 07:12 |
omatunto_ | Is there any development repository such as RH rawhide or Mandrake cooker? | 07:12 |
M3day | g14 great then | 07:12 |
sylvan | thanks! Okay so how do I configure hardware acceleration for my graphics card (ATI Radeon 9800 Pro) | 07:12 |
g14 | M3day, then you have to hit the dropdown menu and go to show all files and then you can browse to it | 07:12 |
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tanek | X7C: yeah, im on it. think i saw a thread at the forum some time ago | 07:12 |
X7C | my xorg acted very funky but then i fixed the stuff and it worked perfectly | 07:12 |
Licker | I have tried the sudo copy folder command but its not working right... | 07:13 |
tanek | mine's working nicely, but im picky with my refreshrates | 07:13 |
sig | sudo -s | 07:13 |
X7C | ie. would opnly work at 800x600 or 1600x1200 and sometimes monitor res was at 1600x1200 thoug i'd see things 800x600 | 07:13 |
X7C | :p | 07:13 |
sig | then do: cp filename newfilename | 07:13 |
Licker | ok | 07:13 |
sig | or dir/ newdirname/ | 07:13 |
sig | sudo -s | 07:13 |
Licker | i was doing sudo cp -d D-Loads/admin /var/www/cgi-bin/admin | 07:13 |
tanek | X7C: wierd :P | 07:14 |
sig | cp dirname/ newdirname/ | 07:14 |
numb | tanek: which packets are need? i have samba-commom and python-samba installed | 07:14 |
numb | is anything else needed? | 07:14 |
X7C | samba server | 07:14 |
X7C | :p | 07:14 |
X7C | let me see | 07:14 |
tanek | numb: there is a lot on the subjekt on www.ubuntuguide.org u need the packages samba and smbfs, i think | 07:15 |
X7C | "samba" | 07:15 |
tanek | take a look | 07:15 |
X7C | numb | 07:15 |
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sylvan | Nobody knows anything about getting hardware support for graphics (like an OpenGL app)? | 07:15 |
Licker | it just says cp: omitting directory `D-Loads/admin/' and thats all it does | 07:15 |
X7C | do apt-get install samba | 07:15 |
numb | X7C: installing | 07:15 |
X7C | k | 07:16 |
tanek | for some reason samba screws up my networking. can use it for a few days, then i get no network connections... if i uninstall / reinstall it it works a few days again | 07:16 |
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X7C | that's weird | 07:16 |
X7C | :( i have a etst tomorrow at 8am :( | 07:17 |
tanek | aw | 07:17 |
ironwolf | sylvan: what are you trying to do? | 07:17 |
tanek | the forums are down? | 07:17 |
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sylvan | at the moment I'm trying to run 3ddesktop, but it would be nice to have hardware support for OpenGL apps other than that one (like games and stuff) | 07:17 |
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BWGames | hey... i'm trying to install hoary, but i've got a bad cd and can't really redownload it all - is there any way to use the CD, except get the install to download the neccessaryt packages that aren't available on cd? | 07:18 |
=== Skwid [~Skwid@stlaurent-1-82-228-247-28.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tanek | X7C: can i just remove the options in the screen sections that are higher resolution than my monitor can use at 100hz? | 07:18 |
g14 | BWGames, search the forums for netinstall | 07:18 |
tanek | cause that's what i did :P | 07:18 |
X7C | yeah | 07:18 |
ironwolf | BWGames: I've heard of people doing netinstall, maybe search the forums or the wiki. | 07:18 |
BWGames | g14: will that enable me to use the cd as well? | 07:18 |
X7C | I only have 1 resolution and one colordepth :p | 07:18 |
ironwolf | sylvan: what's your hardware? | 07:18 |
sylvan | an ATI Radeon 9800 Pro | 07:19 |
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ironwolf | sylvan: have you search the wiki for the right ati drivers for that? | 07:20 |
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sylvan | nope... I'm totally new to this... where's this wiki? | 07:20 |
ironwolf | sylvan: wiki.ubuntu.com | 07:21 |
sylvan | okay I'll try to find drivers... | 07:21 |
Licker | Woo Hoo.. well it was sudo cp -a to copy an entire dir. :p | 07:21 |
tanek | Licker: the manual knows it all :D | 07:22 |
Roger_Martins | Hi, I would like to know as I make to install only the minimum system of ubuntu. Therefore I wanted to only install the packages that I use, using apt. | 07:22 |
Licker | :p | 07:22 |
Licker | yea well.. the manual needs to better explain itself | 07:22 |
Licker | :p | 07:22 |
Licker | i used every command and none worked till the bottom one witch was -a | 07:22 |
Licker | :p | 07:22 |
X7C | Roger_Martins, | 07:22 |
sylvan | ironwolf: It says that it's supported and autodetected and whatnot, maybe I need to configure some OpenGL lib to use hardware, or something? | 07:23 |
X7C | you should be able to.... | 07:23 |
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Roger_Martins | X7C, ? | 07:23 |
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X7C | to... to do that :p | 07:23 |
X7C | but ou have to manually select which packages yo want for a start | 07:24 |
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Roger_Martins | Iso that I have here does not have this option to select packages. | 07:25 |
Amaranth | Roger_Martins: boot it with the server option | 07:27 |
Amaranth | Roger_Martins: It'll install a minimal system (no X or anything) | 07:27 |
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python | hello | 07:29 |
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Roger_Martins | Which I would write this in boot? | 07:29 |
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python | i have an unwanted folder that has appeared in the Gnome applications menu, how can i remove it, does anyone know? | 07:30 |
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asmodi | Anyone who knows why ndiswrapper gives me: FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Invalid module format | 07:30 |
metalsand | python: rm -rf when in dir | 07:30 |
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asmodi | Tried to apt-get ndiswrapper and installed it from source, same error | 07:30 |
python | where is the directory | 07:31 |
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metalsand | Oh, applications menu | 07:31 |
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python | im talking about the Gnome GUI | 07:31 |
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python | the Application menu has a folder which has appeared i want too remove it | 07:32 |
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BWGames | does anyone know how to make the ubuntu CD bootable? I've had to take all the files off and replace some of them, but i cant seem to make it boot, anyone | 07:32 |
BWGames | ? | 07:32 |
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python | is there not a config file for Gnome menu | 07:32 |
ikaro | mojn | 07:33 |
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metalsand | BWGames, did you not DL the live CD? | 07:33 |
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BWGames | i dl'd install CD, its got some bad files, so i;ve replaced them, but trying to make it bootr again | 07:33 |
=== Chipparn [~Chipparn_@c-bcbee253.031-89-73766c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Triffid-Hunter | BWGames: you need the boot loader to be installed properly.. | 07:33 |
Roger_Martins | Amaranth, How it would be this option in boot? | 07:33 |
Licker | what does Chown mean??..... | 07:34 |
occy | Is there another video card out there that works well under Ubuntu without proprietary drivers? | 07:34 |
Fator_Dee | Licker: change owner | 07:34 |
ironwolf | sylvan: what does apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx ; say? | 07:34 |
BWGames | Triffid-Hunter: yeah, can i get the boot image off the oriignal cd? | 07:34 |
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Licker | how do you change owner? | 07:34 |
Triffid-Hunter | BWGames: yeah.. what OS you in at the moment? | 07:34 |
Fator_Dee | Licker: it's a terminal command, do "man chown" in terminal to het more info | 07:34 |
Triffid-Hunter | Licker: with the chown command | 07:34 |
Licker | pl | 07:34 |
Licker | ok | 07:34 |
Fator_Dee | *het = get | 07:34 |
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BWGames | Triffid-Hunter: XP | 07:35 |
Triffid-Hunter | BWGames: google an xp "slipstreaming" guide and skip to the burning cd section | 07:35 |
BWGames | i've extracted BootImage.bin from the CD using ISObuster, but its only 2kb? :S | 07:35 |
Triffid-Hunter | yeah thats about right | 07:35 |
anbam | I can't get my microphone to work! I can hear myself loud and clear but I get an error when I try to record. I have an audigy 2 sound card. The error I get is: ALSA device "default" had an error. Some solutions I found on the web said I had to enable Mic Capture in the mixer, but I don't even have that option. | 07:36 |
Triffid-Hunter | you gotta load that into nero someplace and set the image size to 4 blocks | 07:36 |
BWGames | Triffid-Hunter: so i use the same as for XP? no emu, etc etc | 07:36 |
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BWGames | ok thanks :) | 07:36 |
BWGames | that'd explain why ;) | 07:36 |
Triffid-Hunter | as per xp slipstream guide :) | 07:36 |
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mmichelli | trying to install puredata, but cant get it going. Anyone have a good "how to" url | 07:36 |
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drcode | hi all | 07:37 |
Triffid-Hunter | yeah if you turn on emulation, the boot loader will think its on a floppy that it can't find in devices and die most amusingly | 07:37 |
Triffid-Hunter | mmichelli: google.com ? | 07:37 |
drcode | can I tell cygwin to start with full screen? | 07:37 |
BWGames | aha thanks, will have a go :) | 07:37 |
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mmichelli | Triffid-Hunter: found help on google but none of them worked. | 07:38 |
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Triffid-Hunter | :( | 07:38 |
Licker | 7) Chown all the files in the cgi-bin directory to the user executing cgi files that are accessed via the web. <--whats that mean.. give access to my user guy and not only root? | 07:39 |
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Chipparn | can anyone help me? i got problem with my sount.. playing games, musik, movies the sound is really really low. while other sounds is loud. i got that problem at the same time i installed kde. any ideas? | 07:39 |
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neiras | Hey everyone, I'm tracking Ubuntu Hoary and I have to try to start rhythmbox 2 or 3 times before it actually launches. The first few times, it segfaults. Is this a known issue? | 07:40 |
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debiannoob | can anyone help me, getting the most out of xorg.conf regarding resolution and refresh rate pls :) | 07:41 |
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BWGames | i know this place is a bit(!) biased, but is ubuntu a decent server OS? | 07:42 |
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Triffid-Hunter | BWGames: its targeted at desktop users, but based on debian which can be a decent server os | 07:43 |
Triffid-Hunter | my favourite distro is gentoo all round though | 07:43 |
Triffid-Hunter | the *BSDs are considered the most secure server OS', but are trickier to set up for that exact reason | 07:43 |
BWGames | Triffid-Hunter: thanks, similar to what i thought. i wanted to use Debian, but their lack of updates put me off, so Ubuntu seemed a decent choice, plus i used it on the desktop, and liked it | 07:44 |
anbam | so, can anyone help me out :) ? | 07:45 |
metalsand | what's basic software to play .mp3s | 07:45 |
Triffid-Hunter | i used debian for a couple of years but got sick of all the things i had to fix myself | 07:45 |
Triffid-Hunter | metalsand: xmms | 07:45 |
debiannoob | i need resolutions such as 1024x768@100hz / 1600x1024@85hz & 1920x1440@85hz; i used those resolutions while working with Windo$e and i'm struggling getting those working in X; what else can be configured in xorg.conf besides HorizSync and VertRefresh to get this running? | 07:45 |
Fator_Dee | metalsand: beep-media-player or xmms or rhythmbox | 07:45 |
Myrtti | does anyone have any ideas on how to launch boinc-client automatically with the computer or Gnome? I've tried the "System - Preferences - Sessions", but it seems that it doesnt work with ./boinc | 07:45 |
BWGames | i've used RH8 for the past few years, but it got rooted yesterday, so i thought i'd get something on it that was a bit better than a old RH version | 07:45 |
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neiras | Myrtti: Where is boic-client located on your system? | 07:45 |
Myrtti | in .boinc/ | 07:46 |
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Myrtti | at ~/ | 07:46 |
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neiras | Myrtti: in a terminal, type "which boinc-client" | 07:46 |
neiras | Myrtti: Paste me the output in a private message | 07:46 |
IcemanV9 | debiannoob: have u tried 'Xorg -configure' ? | 07:46 |
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kwame | hi | 07:46 |
kwame | the new version of ubuntu what version of gnome has? | 07:47 |
debiannoob | IcemanV9: nope - lemme try that asap! | 07:47 |
neiras | kwame: 2.10.1 | 07:47 |
terje | any of viewing wmv files in totum? | 07:47 |
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Myrtti | neiras: no output whatsoever. I might've said it in a bad way | 07:47 |
neiras | terje: Sure, if you install totem-xine and w32codecs | 07:47 |
kwame | neiras, do you know of a repository where i can find windowmaker? | 07:47 |
neiras | kwame, if it's not in universe, sorry, no | 07:47 |
terje | great, thanks. | 07:47 |
metalsand | Does XMMS need a plug in to play mp3s? | 07:48 |
neiras | terje: You'll need to add the marillat repositories to your apt sources | 07:48 |
Myrtti | I've got a ~/.boinc/ in which lies a boinc_4.19_i686-pc-linux-gnu executable | 07:48 |
neiras | Myrtti: ok | 07:48 |
Triffid-Hunter | metalsand: it comes with some afaik | 07:48 |
neiras | Myrtti: running boinc_4.19_i686-pc-linux-gnu works? | 07:48 |
Triffid-Hunter | friend of mine installed it and it "Just Worked" | 07:48 |
Triffid-Hunter | same for me | 07:48 |
metalsand | i tried open with XMMS and XMMS isn't responding | 07:48 |
Myrtti | running ./boinc_4.19_i686-pc-linux-gnu when in the .boinc/ works | 07:49 |
metalsand | i clicked play and now I can't click antyhing | 07:49 |
neiras | Myrtti: OK. Here's what you need to do. | 07:49 |
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Myrtti | (I have to say to you, I love you guys) | 07:49 |
neiras | Myrtti: Open System->Preferences->Sessions | 07:49 |
terje | alrighty | 07:49 |
BWGames | damn... just tried to replace the files, i get image checksum error now, is there any way to bypass that? | 07:49 |
neiras | Myrtti: Then, click the Startup Programs tab | 07:49 |
BWGames | (on the cd bootup, ISOLINUX) | 07:50 |
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terje | Seems like I'd have to replace the backend gstreamer with libxine? | 07:50 |
Myrtti | ok | 07:50 |
usynic | uh, anyone know how to use the new mplayer plugin? | 07:50 |
usynic | there's no play/stop/fullscreen buttons anymore | 07:50 |
neiras | Myrtti: Click ADD and in the startup command box, type "/home/myrtti/.boinc/boinc_4.19_i686-pc-linux-gnu | 07:51 |
debiannoob | IcemanV9: i tried Xorg -configure // i get the following error msg 'Missing output drivers. Configuration failed.' - any suggestions? | 07:51 |
neiras | Myrtti: Replace "/home/myrtti" with "/home/yourusername" | 07:51 |
neiras | Myrtti: If you arent sure what your username is, type 'whoami' in a Terminal | 07:51 |
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Myrtti | neiras: the thing is, I do and did have that there. But it doesn't launch it. It has, but doesn't anymore | 07:52 |
Triffid-Hunter | neiras: "Click ADD and in the startup command box, type "/home/`whoami`/.boinc/boinc_4.19_i686-pc-linux-gnu" ;) | 07:52 |
neiras | Myrtti: The difference is the /home/myrtti bit. | 07:52 |
Triffid-Hunter | or wouldn't that work? | 07:53 |
neiras | Triffid-Hunter: That doesn't work in the Startup Programs box | 07:53 |
Triffid-Hunter | hrm oh well | 07:54 |
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Myrtti | let's see then | 07:54 |
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IcemanV9 | debiannoob: hmm. didn't seen this error before. let me see .. | 07:54 |
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neiras | Myrtti, little differences can be the difference between working and non working. You were in the right place, but you were using relative paths instead of absolute paths | 07:55 |
Nub_- | gente, eu sei que uma pergunta idiota pra vcs mas, eu peguei o xmms e nao to conseguindo executa-lo, como fao isso? | 07:55 |
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regeya | triffid hunter, eh? | 07:55 |
Nub_- | tipo, tem que configurar algo antes? | 07:55 |
regeya | kinda hard to hunt triffids when you're blind | 07:55 |
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metalsand | how do I create a new file in terminal | 07:55 |
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neiras | metalsand: "touch filename" | 07:56 |
Licker | Ok.. How would would I give web access to my cgi-bin? | 07:56 |
Triffid-Hunter | or just save from an editor, or redirect output to one that doesn't exist or whatever | 07:56 |
neiras | metalsand: If you want to _edit_ the file, "nano filename" | 07:56 |
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IcemanV9 | debiannoob: did u run the command while u're in X? | 07:57 |
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debiannoob | IcemanV9: yeah | 07:57 |
IcemanV9 | debiannoob: if so, then kill X server .. and try it again w/o X running | 07:57 |
debiannoob | IcemanV9: k - i'll report back :) | 07:58 |
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Myrtti | dammit, he left | 08:00 |
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Licker | Ok.. How would would I give web access to my cgi-bin?<--- im trying to open moduale.cgi in a web browser.. | 08:00 |
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zoddan | Hi | 08:00 |
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_ac_chan_ | hello | 08:02 |
loz | hello | 08:02 |
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ivoks | hi | 08:02 |
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Licker | Ok.. How would would I give web access to my cgi-bin?<--- im trying to open moduale.cgi in a web browser.. | 08:03 |
ivoks | Licker u need web server :) | 08:03 |
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burnchar | I just setup a system for my boss with an nForce-4 mobo (MSI K8N Neo4 Non-SLI) and sound doesn't work! I would appreciate any help. It appears to be a Realtek ALC850 chipset. | 08:05 |
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burnchar | Hmm. Is anybody here? | 08:06 |
Licker | ivoks: www.gamertime.net I have a server. lolz | 08:06 |
chrisg666 | yup! just booted the live ubuntu | 08:07 |
chrisg666 | looks intresting | 08:07 |
IcemanV9 | chrisg666: even better when u install it :) | 08:08 |
burnchar | Does anyone know how to get sound working on an MSI Neo4 motherboard (nforce-4/Realtek ALC850 sound chip)? | 08:08 |
chrisg666 | not familiar with gnome yet but I like the simpler interface so far... | 08:09 |
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stuNNed | ivoks: hi | 08:11 |
hoary | hi all | 08:12 |
ivoks | stuNNed | 08:12 |
InitMass | a spoke with a person who proclaimed that ubuntu slowly is going incompatible with debian | 08:12 |
ivoks | InitMass Ian? :) | 08:12 |
stuNNed | hi hoary | 08:12 |
hoary | hello | 08:12 |
InitMass | ivoks, no not him | 08:12 |
ivoks | InitMass then who? and what did he/she said? | 08:12 |
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hoary | whats the topic | 08:13 |
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dabaSlon | burnchar: what program does the sound not work in? | 08:13 |
InitMass | ivoks, i spoke with a guy who said he had read several news about this thing the latest weeks | 08:13 |
dabaSlon | burnchar: just globally? | 08:13 |
kickrocks | I got the live cd for emt64/amd64 but when I get to the language selection screen keyboard does nothing. Yes it is connected, via PS2. Any ideas? | 08:13 |
ivoks | InitMass ah... | 08:13 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | WebEx requires Netscape 4.78 or 4.79 I've been told Mozilla is based on Netscape, will it cut it? | 08:13 |
ivoks | InitMass thoose are crap | 08:14 |
kbrooks | FlyingSquirrel32: yes | 08:14 |
ivoks | InitMass yes, ubuntu isn't full compatibile with sarge | 08:14 |
ivoks | InitMass but is sid fully compatibile with that same sarge? | 08:14 |
ivoks | nope... | 08:14 |
tritium | InitMass, ubuntu contributes its work back for Debian to use | 08:14 |
ivoks | so... go figure :) | 08:14 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | cool, I'll have to figure out what it is I'm missing.. | 08:15 |
ivoks | tritium and that should allways do | 08:15 |
InitMass | remember i didn't proclaim that. i just asked ;) | 08:15 |
tritium | ivoks, insightful comparison with sid | 08:15 |
ivoks | InitMass we tell u the real thing :) | 08:15 |
InitMass | :) | 08:15 |
dabaSlon | burnchar: alsamixer is a good command to play around with sound, just to check it is not muted...and m mutes/unmutes, so try tweaking that...if yioure still reading... | 08:16 |
ivoks | InitMass i love debian more than my brother | 08:16 |
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ivoks | i wouldn't use ubuntu if i feel like thurning back to debian | 08:16 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | kbroks, it also requires Red Hat Linux 6.x - 7.2 or compatible versions of the kernel and XFree86 | 08:16 |
ivoks | debian brings me only money, while my brother don't :) | 08:16 |
dabaSlon | ivoks, wow. | 08:17 |
InitMass | ivoks, how do you own money with debian? | 08:17 |
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ivoks | InitMass i deploy it on servers and clusters | 08:17 |
Greyhawk_Dragon | Hey. | 08:17 |
ivoks | something i will start with ubuntu too | 08:17 |
hoary | I have trouble with midi. Kmid opens but makes no sound. I have tried to install some packages.. still not working. Is there an easy way to get midi to work? | 08:17 |
BWGames | hi, how do i install ubunt off the internet, by using a CD to boot the installer, not PXE/etherboot? | 08:17 |
anto9us | has anyone succesfully installed postgresql 8 on ubuntu? | 08:18 |
Greyhawk_Dragon | How do I make a package marked i386 accept installation on an x86_64 system? | 08:18 |
ivoks | BWGames that was possible on old woody style instalation (never used on ubuntu). i don't know, i think u can't with new installation system | 08:18 |
ivoks | BWGames start expert mode and look | 08:19 |
InitMass | ivoks, do you consider ubuntu as stable as debian when using it on a server? | 08:19 |
ivoks | InitMass stable... funny word | 08:19 |
ivoks | InitMass all distros are stable | 08:19 |
ivoks | InitMass u don't use gnome, x, kde and stuff that breaks | 08:20 |
BWGames | ivoks: thanks | 08:20 |
Licker | the thing SYTILL wont work... can anyone figure out why? http://www.gamertime.net | 08:20 |
InitMass | ivoks, i'm using fluxbox :) | 08:20 |
Licker | Module.cgi | 08:20 |
ivoks | InitMass problem with debian is that it has great packages, but old | 08:20 |
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ivoks | InitMass same shit like gnome | 08:20 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | kbrooks, it also requires Red Hat Linux 6.x - 7.2 or compatible versions of the kernel and XFree86 | 08:20 |
ivoks | InitMass i was in that period too, "gnome sucks" "gnome this" "gnome that" "omg kde"... i used fluxbox too | 08:21 |
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ivoks | InitMass but in the end, what do i need myu laptop for? | 08:21 |
InitMass | ivoks, i don't know | 08:21 |
ivoks | InitMass i need it to work on it | 08:21 |
ivoks | InitMass i don't have time searching for files in console | 08:21 |
InitMass | ivoks, then make an alias | 08:21 |
ivoks | i need plesent GUI that I can use | 08:21 |
ivoks | InitMass ah... how old are u? :) | 08:22 |
ivoks | u see... RAM is cheep | 08:22 |
kbrooks | LOL | 08:22 |
ivoks | it's not like old days | 08:22 |
ivoks | u can buy 1GB and use 5 gnomes in the same time | 08:22 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | ivoks, what was the final verdict? What do you use now? | 08:22 |
ivoks | FlyingSquirrel32 gnome | 08:22 |
dabaSlon | well, you can make a nother wm look exactly like gnome, ivoks... | 08:22 |
ivoks | but that's only on my lap | 08:22 |
dabaSlon | even kde... | 08:22 |
ivoks | on server it's zsh | 08:23 |
admx | What is the price for a Gig of Ram these days? | 08:23 |
InitMass | ivoks, you mean that you can't use fluxbox because it doesn't have a filesearch integrated? | 08:23 |
dabaSlon | on what system? | 08:23 |
ivoks | dabaSlon I don't have time making some other WMs look like Gnome | 08:23 |
dabaSlon | ok, so that is what you mean, its nice out the box... | 08:23 |
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ivoks | dabaSlon i don't think gnome is the best... but it's very good on ubuntu | 08:23 |
Greyhawk_Dragon | Never mind. Solved it myself. | 08:23 |
dabaSlon | yes, I find taht with Ubuntu totally, | 08:23 |
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ivoks | InitMass look... | 08:24 |
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ivoks | InitMass fluxbox is THE worst *box | 08:24 |
joe|code | I love Gnome. I always used KDE but then I tried Gnome with Ubuntu and I was hooked. | 08:24 |
ivoks | InitMass if u check ur RAM, u will see it takes more RAM than KDE3.4 | 08:24 |
dabaSlon | no, I agree... | 08:24 |
ivoks | InitMass try blackbox | 08:24 |
ivoks | InitMass get speed | 08:25 |
joe|code | xfce4 is shweet also. | 08:25 |
Licker | the thing SYTILL wont work... can anyone figure out why? http://www.gamertime.net | 08:25 |
InitMass | ivoks, i can't compare with kde because i don't have it installed but if i compare it with gnome, fluxbox uses less ram | 08:25 |
ivoks | InitMass true | 08:25 |
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ivoks | InitMass gnome is bloated | 08:25 |
dabaSlon | it is all good, relly, depends on your needs. | 08:25 |
admx | ivoks, InitMass is right | 08:26 |
ivoks | InitMass but i have RAM for that bload | 08:26 |
ivoks | bloat | 08:26 |
ivoks | and i don't care | 08:26 |
ivoks | i need RAM and CPU on my cluster | 08:26 |
ivoks | not laptop | 08:26 |
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ivoks | admx is right in what? nobody here is right or wrong | 08:26 |
ivoks | admx everybody uses stuff they like/need/lov | 08:27 |
ivoks | love | 08:27 |
ivoks | for example... | 08:27 |
admx | fluxbox vs KDE or Gnome in ram usage | 08:27 |
mirak | why there is no /dev/fb0 device ? | 08:27 |
ivoks | i move my laptop beetween 5-6 different network enviorments | 08:27 |
admx | true | 08:27 |
Triffid-Hunter | kde is a ram hog | 08:27 |
ivoks | net-applet in gnome is great | 08:27 |
InitMass | i don't like the menu in xfce otherwise it's good too | 08:27 |
Triffid-Hunter | but i use it anyway cos i got the ram to run it nicely | 08:27 |
joe|code | if I remove the CD repository will Ubuntu seek out alternative sources? | 08:27 |
ivoks | admx belive me, KDE 3.4 uses 70MB RAM | 08:28 |
tritium | mirak, there is | 08:28 |
mirak | why I don't have a /dev/fb0 device ? | 08:28 |
ivoks | admx even less | 08:28 |
mirak | I don't have it | 08:28 |
ivoks | admx if u take out apache and myslql | 08:28 |
ivoks | and X | 08:28 |
ivoks | fluxbox takes more | 08:28 |
ivoks | gnome even more | 08:28 |
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ivoks | and don't get me start on that e16 | 08:28 |
ivoks | so small and so hungry :) | 08:28 |
ivoks | i used them all | 08:29 |
dabaSlon | joe|code: just add the alternative sources yourself... | 08:29 |
joe|code | Thats so weird, you would think that KDE would be the ram hog being as it is so heavy on the eyecandy. | 08:29 |
admx | net-applet is okay for me but would rather have network manager. | 08:29 |
mirak | tritium: what is the module for fb ? | 08:29 |
ivoks | wmaker is best easyWM | 08:29 |
tritium | mirak, framebuffer | 08:29 |
joe|code | dabaSlon, ok thank you | 08:29 |
dabaSlon | welcome, you know how you are gonna go about it? | 08:29 |
ivoks | admx network-config? | 08:30 |
admx | fluxbox, when I tried it did not use much ram on my system. | 08:30 |
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root1_ | hello | 08:30 |
ivoks | gentoo has great scripts for managing network interfaces | 08:30 |
mirak | tritium: what device should it create ? | 08:30 |
admx | NetworkManager, it is what is used on Fedora | 08:30 |
tritium | /dev/fb0 | 08:30 |
dabaSlon | yo root! | 08:30 |
ivoks | admx ah, fedora was couple of hours on my lap | 08:31 |
lotusleaf | Without access to broadband, I'm curious: Should I begin a download of ubuntu iso at 56k? | 08:31 |
ivoks | when u get hooked to debian, nothing can replace it | 08:31 |
ivoks | lotusleaf lol, no | 08:31 |
lotusleaf | ivoks: why not | 08:31 |
Triffid-Hunter | sif ivoks | 08:31 |
Triffid-Hunter | i threw debian out in favour of gentoo | 08:31 |
mirak | how to get a /dev/fb0 device file ? | 08:31 |
ivoks | hehe | 08:31 |
Triffid-Hunter | never looked back | 08:31 |
tritium | mirak, oh, I didn't see that your previous question was about the module. fbcon and vesfb | 08:31 |
ivoks | Triffid-Hunter i used gentoo for a long time | 08:32 |
root1_ | guys is there any msn messenger for ubuntu ? | 08:32 |
wm_eddie | lotusleaf: When I was a kid, downloading linux ISOs over 56k was something I did a lot. | 08:32 |
admx | I tried Suse, and Fedora, however Ubuntu is now on my systems | 08:32 |
wm_eddie | root1_: gaim | 08:32 |
wm_eddie | root1_: or amsn | 08:32 |
ivoks | Triffid-Hunter my heart was crying when i started ubuntu installation | 08:32 |
Triffid-Hunter | root1_: kopete, gaim... | 08:32 |
dabaSlon | yeah, you ahve to add your account. | 08:32 |
ivoks | lotusleaf it won't download in ur lifetime | 08:32 |
dabaSlon | are you using gaim now? | 08:32 |
root1_ | ok i'm newbie in linux how i install it ? | 08:32 |
lotusleaf | ivoks: lol | 08:32 |
ivoks | Triffid-Hunter but ubuntu is great | 08:32 |
wm_eddie | root1_: it should be installed. | 08:32 |
tritium | mirak, vesafb is the vesa framebuffer, fbcon is the framebuffer console | 08:32 |
dabaSlon | root1_: are you using gaim now? | 08:32 |
admx | Much better enduser experince for me | 08:32 |
root1_ | nope i downloaded amsn | 08:33 |
Triffid-Hunter | ivoks: a friend of mine has it.. seems alrite.. have had to fix umpteen things in it though | 08:33 |
ivoks | Triffid-Hunter up-to-date packages as gentoo, but power of apt-get | 08:33 |
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dabaSlon | you can go applications, internet, gaim | 08:33 |
lotusleaf | With ubuntu do newer versions require a complete, fresh, reinstall or is it easy to upgrade to the next version like Debian? | 08:33 |
wm_eddie | root1_: Try exploring the Applications Menu a bit. | 08:33 |
Triffid-Hunter | apt-get has nothin that emerge doesn't... | 08:33 |
mirak | tritium: I try to use xawtv but it doesn't work | 08:33 |
dabaSlon | then in the buddy list, you can hit ctrl+a which brings up accounts. | 08:33 |
ivoks | Triffid-Hunter lol | 08:33 |
Triffid-Hunter | and nowhere near as up to date as gentoo | 08:33 |
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dabaSlon | root1_: then you go add button, and add the accounts. | 08:33 |
root1_ | got it | 08:33 |
ivoks | Triffid-Hunter gentoo takes too much time | 08:33 |
Triffid-Hunter | they still havent got the 2.6.11 kernel in apt afaik | 08:33 |
dabaSlon | it can have msn, yahoo, and a lot otf others. | 08:33 |
Triffid-Hunter | sif ivoks | 08:33 |
ivoks | Triffid-Hunter and gives back on a few archs | 08:34 |
admx | My co-workers have also switched to Ubuntu for the same reasons as mine. | 08:34 |
lotusleaf | Triffid-Hunter: I tried Gentoo but I found I was spending more time with my invisible friends than real ones | 08:34 |
g14 | <Gentoo flame> I LOVE spending 3 days compiling a desktop I can have in <1 hour with Ubuntu with 2-3% more performance</Gentoo flame> | 08:34 |
ivoks | g14 that's good point | 08:34 |
ivoks | that's true | 08:34 |
ivoks | I need desktop | 08:34 |
tritium | mirak, that would need a v4l device, not the framebuffer | 08:34 |
=== Dr_Willis wonders how you even benchmark such things. | ||
ivoks | noting else.. | 08:34 |
dabaSlon | lotusleaf: I dont see how that is a gentoo issue.... | 08:35 |
root1_ | another question guys i got another hd connected to my pc ,, and i want to run it so how i can do that ? | 08:35 |
dabaSlon | you did too much of that lotus leaf it seems. | 08:35 |
Triffid-Hunter | g14: somethin you only gotta do once, and with ccache and distcc it only takes like 8 hours | 08:35 |
lotusleaf | dabaSlon: so I left my gentoo install for my next of kin ;P | 08:35 |
mirak | tritium: I have a usb capture card | 08:35 |
dabaSlon | root1_: does it have an OS installed on it? | 08:35 |
mirak | tritium: I don't understand the error | 08:35 |
wm_eddie | root1_: is it in System>Computer? | 08:35 |
admx | It was funny to see the lastest Eweek mag say that Ubuntu is a Disto to keep a eye on.... | 08:35 |
BWGames | admx: why? | 08:36 |
dabaSlon | yes, go... | 08:36 |
lotusleaf | Triffid-Hunter: if you left Debian and never looked back, what are you doing in a debian based distro channel? Did you find Marty's time machine? | 08:36 |
root1_ | no OS | 08:36 |
ivoks | Triffid-Hunter http://funroll-loops.org | 08:36 |
dabaSlon | ok, well, you need to mount it... | 08:36 |
ivoks | Triffid-Hunter u don't have to do once | 08:36 |
dabaSlon | root1_: is it formatted | 08:36 |
root1_ | and not its not in the System>Computer | 08:36 |
ivoks | Triffid-Hunter i did it every week | 08:36 |
root1_ | yea | 08:36 |
ivoks | Triffid-Hunter i was on ~x86 | 08:36 |
admx | Because that is what I was telling my friends | 08:36 |
dabaSlon | which FS? | 08:36 |
root1_ | its full of mp3s | 08:36 |
Triffid-Hunter | lol lotusleaf a lot of the stuff asked here applies to linux generally rather than ubuntu specifically | 08:36 |
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dabaSlon | it was used in windows earlier? | 08:36 |
root1_ | yup | 08:36 |
lotusleaf | Triffid-Hunter: cleverly crafted ;) | 08:36 |
nojhan | hi | 08:36 |
dabaSlon | then it is likely NTFS... | 08:36 |
dabaSlon | try this for me... | 08:37 |
Triffid-Hunter | ivoks: i'm on ~x86.. update once a week takes like 45 mins | 08:37 |
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ivoks | Gentoo users. Like the annoying teenager next door with a 90hp import sporting a 6 foot tall bolt-on wing | 08:37 |
Triffid-Hunter | yeah i've read the site | 08:37 |
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Triffid-Hunter | its pretty funny | 08:37 |
root1_ | its FAT32 | 08:37 |
ivoks | Triffid-Hunter well... i don't sit in front of the computer whole day | 08:37 |
Triffid-Hunter | neither | 08:37 |
ivoks | i don't have time for compiling | 08:37 |
ivoks | I do love some stuff on Gentoo | 08:38 |
ivoks | but price is too big | 08:38 |
lotusleaf | I put my Gentoo CD in a drawer with a Lindows CD. I hope they mate. | 08:38 |
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Myrtti | dammit | 08:38 |
dabaSlon | root1_: sweet, it is mounted as the second hard drive right? | 08:38 |
ivoks | gentoo is good distro, but for special type of people :) | 08:38 |
lotusleaf | ivoks: who wear helmets? :) | 08:38 |
root1_ | dabaSlon yes | 08:39 |
ivoks | :) | 08:39 |
dabaSlon | root1_: is it partitioned? | 08:39 |
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darkaudit | lotusleaf: you get a super-tuned distro that you have to pay $10/month to finish the compile | 08:39 |
g14 | Triffid-Hunter, only 8 hours... I rest my case | 08:39 |
root1_ | dabaSlon no | 08:39 |
ivoks | i'm in linux since '97. | 08:39 |
Triffid-Hunter | hehe when i used debian, so much stuff broke that i ended up with a system with 2/3 of its software compiled by hand | 08:39 |
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dabaSlon | ok, create a folder with sudo... | 08:39 |
wm_eddie | All distros have their pluses and minuses. Gentoo's portage has it's good things especially in the hands of people who know what they are doing. | 08:39 |
Triffid-Hunter | which was gentoo methodology but far messier | 08:39 |
ivoks | Triffid-Hunter yes, on sid... anoying, isn't it? | 08:39 |
dabaSlon | for example, /mnt/windows | 08:39 |
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ivoks | Triffid-Hunter that's why ubuntu is great | 08:39 |
dabaSlon | or /mnt/fat | 08:39 |
wm_eddie | /media/ | 08:39 |
dabaSlon | or /mnt/mp3 | 08:39 |
ivoks | Triffid-Hunter u get something like debian, but up-to-date | 08:40 |
dabaSlon | something, sure, media | 08:40 |
ivoks | Triffid-Hunter and there are great tools from MOTU and main D | 08:40 |
ivoks | this distro has spirit | 08:40 |
dabaSlon | so, sudo mkdir /media/mp3 | 08:40 |
dabaSlon | or something, you can change it later. | 08:40 |
lotusleaf | Ok, I'm gonna start a 56k download of ubuntu. If it finishes before the CDs arrive via shipit, do I win a prize? | 08:40 |
Triffid-Hunter | lol lotusleaf | 08:40 |
ivoks | lotusleaf man... calculate... 5kb/s | 08:41 |
Triffid-Hunter | should only take 3 days or so | 08:41 |
Triffid-Hunter | ? | 08:41 |
dabaSlon | root1_: sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /media/mp3/ -t vfat -o umask=000 | 08:41 |
stuNNed | lotusleaf: yeah, calculate :P | 08:41 |
lotusleaf | ivoks: yeah I know it's a pita but I'm growing weary of using SUSE | 08:41 |
ivoks | lotusleaf u don't have uni somewhere? | 08:41 |
dabaSlon | after you are done that, it may work that way. | 08:41 |
lotusleaf | ivoks: nope | 08:41 |
ivoks | suse?! | 08:41 |
ivoks | omg... | 08:41 |
stuNNed | lol | 08:41 |
Triffid-Hunter | 5k/sec * 86400 sec/day = 432000k/day ... | 08:41 |
stuNNed | @ ivoks | 08:41 |
=== lotusleaf bites stuNNed | ||
ivoks | suse and mandriva are dying pigs | 08:41 |
lotusleaf | lol | 08:41 |
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lotusleaf | but novell sent me 9.1 for free on DVD | 08:42 |
dabaSlon | ivoks arent you opinionated.... | 08:42 |
dabaSlon | :) | 08:42 |
ivoks | :)) | 08:42 |
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dabaSlon | you totally represent, man... | 08:42 |
ivoks | well | 08:42 |
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lotusleaf | I'd rather drink my own urine than use a distro by the name of mandriva | 08:42 |
ivoks | i have this problem that admin in my company loved SuSE | 08:42 |
ivoks | and i camed after him | 08:42 |
=== captevil-two [~rday@dsl-80-41-175-62.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ivoks | man, that disto sucks :) | 08:43 |
bodaciousb | is there suck a program that will give more system resources to specific programs? right now im listning to music, downloading kubuntu, and installing cvscedega, and quake3:Arena runs like crap | 08:43 |
dabaSlon | it is just a distro, a starting point... | 08:43 |
captevil-two | How do I add a SMB share with a space in the filename to /etc/fstab? | 08:43 |
ivoks | bodaciousb nice, renice | 08:43 |
bodaciousb | ivoks, ? | 08:43 |
dabaSlon | root1_: how is that going? | 08:43 |
ivoks | captevil-two ? | 08:43 |
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Dr_Willis | captevil-two, i tried to do that once.. and never did figure it out. :P i ended up changeing the share name on the silly windows box. | 08:44 |
ivoks | bodaciousb renice -p `pidof arena` -10 | 08:44 |
numb | can someone help in how to configure samba | 08:44 |
captevil-two | Dr_Willis: I may just do that, then. | 08:44 |
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bodaciousb | ivoks, will do, thanks | 08:44 |
ivoks | bodaciousb check arena's programname (ps ax | grep arena) | 08:45 |
Dr_Willis | http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/samba/chapter/book/ <-- Free Online book on samba. | 08:45 |
dabaSlon | root1_: do you have any other users that you added when you installed Ubuntu? | 08:45 |
Dr_Willis | of course thers many frontend/gui tools to configure your samba stuff. | 08:45 |
root1_ | dabaSlon, root | 08:45 |
ivoks | Dr_Willis that's not related to samba | 08:45 |
bodaciousb | ivoks, arena has to be running right? | 08:45 |
ivoks | Dr_Willis that's related to fstab | 08:45 |
junior_ | having a problem with ndiswrapper. i have it installed but when i bring up the wlan0 card it wont get an address via dhcp | 08:45 |
dabaSlon | well, root...is that the username you chose while installing? | 08:45 |
ivoks | bodaciousb yes... if it isn't then u have nice command | 08:45 |
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admx | Can Ext3 be converted to Reiserfs | 08:46 |
junior_ | DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 4 | 08:46 |
Dr_Willis | ivoks, yea - i recall that i could mount the name/space from the command.. but never could in fstab. | 08:46 |
junior_ | No DHCPOFFERS received. | 08:46 |
junior_ | No working leases in persistent database - sleeping. | 08:46 |
rocks | hi all, can anyone help me mounting a LVM partition please? | 08:46 |
root1_ | dabaSlon i think i added 2 use , root and root1 | 08:46 |
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bodaciousb | ivoks, ok | 08:46 |
Dr_Willis | ivoks, you saying its how the fstab is getting parsed then? | 08:46 |
ivoks | Dr_Willis and other guy: | 08:46 |
dabaSlon | root1_: you are weird...why are you naming your users that? | 08:46 |
dabaSlon | anyhow.. | 08:46 |
BWGames | is gentoo well maintained WRT security updates? | 08:47 |
dabaSlon | not sure, go into your users and groups in System, administration. | 08:47 |
ivoks | If the name of the mount point contains spaces these can be escaped as '\040' | 08:47 |
dabaSlon | actually, it may not let you addit. | 08:47 |
dabaSlon | Or open, cause you are not sudo... | 08:47 |
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dabaSlon | sign in with the other user and try that... | 08:47 |
wm_eddie | ivoks: doesn't '\ ' work? | 08:47 |
ivoks | all u need is man 5 fstab and search for spaces | 08:47 |
ivoks | wm_eddie this is from man, i didn't try | 08:47 |
ivoks | wm_eddie but that sould work | 08:47 |
Triffid-Hunter | BWGames: yeah they come in fairly regularly | 08:47 |
BWGames | whats the best one for security updates? | 08:48 |
Triffid-Hunter | *bsd | 08:48 |
Triffid-Hunter | :P | 08:48 |
ivoks | BWGames gentoo doesn't have security updates | 08:48 |
jordanau | is there a script to automatically mount windows partitions? If not, I wouldnt mind trying my hand at writing one | 08:48 |
ivoks | BWGames it works like sarge and sid | 08:48 |
dabaSlon | backup _your_data_Linux is best, I think.... | 08:48 |
ivoks | BWGames if there is a bug, they put in a new upstream version | 08:49 |
BWGames | I like BSD, but its just a bit different to linux, and i know linux | 08:49 |
BWGames | hmm | 08:49 |
ivoks | they don't have security team | 08:49 |
Nalioth | jordanau, its easy its called "man fstab" | 08:49 |
dabaSlon | there is a command, jordan. | 08:49 |
ivoks | and that's one big - for gentoo | 08:49 |
BWGames | interesting... | 08:49 |
jordanau | Nalioth, no i misspoke, i want the script to edit fstab | 08:49 |
ivoks | often new versions break old's one configuration | 08:49 |
BWGames | hmm | 08:49 |
BWGames | not gentoo then | 08:49 |
root1_ | dabaSlon, Child terminated with 1 status | 08:49 |
ivoks | ubuntu/debian distros fix hols on installed versions | 08:49 |
Nalioth | jordanau, ok, try gedit, nedit, nano, pico, kedit, etc | 08:50 |
dabaSlon | root1_: when you do what? | 08:50 |
BWGames | So I should go for Ubuntu/Debian? | 08:50 |
ivoks | they backport patches - big big big + for them | 08:50 |
dabaSlon | you will not be able to mount until you have sudo access. | 08:50 |
ivoks | BWGames that's up to you | 08:50 |
jordanau | Nalioth, i am also don't see how man fstab will automatically mount a windows partition, would you mind explaining that to me? | 08:50 |
root1_ | dabaSlon, while i'm trying to login to users and groups | 08:50 |
Nalioth | BWGames, ubuntu imho, is the most useful out-of-the-box distro i've seen | 08:50 |
dabaSlon | yes, Ubuntu, BWGames | 08:50 |
ivoks | Nalioth i agree | 08:50 |
dabaSlon | right, yeahm, you do not have root access, | 08:50 |
dabaSlon | log out, and log in with the administrator user. | 08:50 |
root1_ | ok | 08:51 |
Triffid-Hunter | emerge doesn't touch your existing configs but gives you warnings when things change.. so many times debian broke configs on me :( | 08:51 |
Nalioth | jordanau, if you read the man pages on fstab, it will explain how to modify your fstab to mount just about anything your puter can see | 08:51 |
ivoks | well... u can do that on every distro | 08:51 |
ivoks | well... | 08:51 |
jordanau | Nalioth, i was being a smartass sorry i should have been more clear again | 08:51 |
BWGames | yeah, i like Ubuntu, i tend to use it as a desktop distro, but i want a server distro... i'll probs go for ubuntu, just cause its so easy, and the big community..... now if only i could find a netinstall CD | 08:51 |
transgress | umm how would you suggest he does that in a distro that locks root... | 08:51 |
ivoks | time for shower and chicks in bars :) | 08:51 |
Dr_Willis | :) | 08:51 |
bodaciousb | ivoks, ok grep found the program it came up with quake3 and quake3.x86, how do i modify the renice command? when i try it says old priority 0, new priority 0 and then says process not found | 08:51 |
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ivoks | bodaciousb renice -p `pidof quake3.x86` -10 | 08:52 |
ivoks | bodaciousb renice -p `pidof quake3` -10 | 08:52 |
Nalioth | jordanau, ivoks i am sorry i am not puter literate enough to spout out command like some of these others, but i can send you where you can learn | 08:52 |
bodaciousb | ivoks, ok | 08:52 |
ivoks | Nalioth ? | 08:53 |
dabaSlon | puter literate | 08:53 |
dabaSlon | :) | 08:53 |
bodaciousb | ivoks, -10 is a bad value | 08:53 |
dabaSlon | kaze, oce putera... | 08:53 |
Dr_Willis | that sounds 'dirty' | 08:53 |
Dr_Willis | :P | 08:53 |
Nalioth | jordanau, if you like, i can send you my fstab as a study aid (won't do you any good as its for PPC, but a fstab is a fstab) | 08:53 |
ivoks | ma da? | 08:53 |
ivoks | bodaciousb ? lol | 08:53 |
ivoks | bodaciousb try -8 | 08:53 |
dabaSlon | ivoks, let me ask you something, you from Zagreb? | 08:53 |
nevyn | changing niceness on 2.6 has radically different characteristics to previous versions of linux. | 08:53 |
ivoks | bodaciousb ah... | 08:53 |
ivoks | bodaciousb put sudo in front | 08:53 |
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ivoks | bodaciousb sudo renice -p `pidof quake3.x86` -10 | 08:54 |
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jordanau | Nalioth, my question was are there any scripts that do this, there must not be, thanks for answering my question. | 08:54 |
bodaciousb | ivoks, ok =P | 08:54 |
ivoks | bodaciousb users can't put so high priority | 08:54 |
ivoks | dabaSlon yes | 08:54 |
dabaSlon | jordan, there is a command. | 08:54 |
dabaSlon | ivoks: which part? | 08:54 |
ivoks | dabaSlon gornja dubrava | 08:54 |
dabaSlon | I am from Trnje, sigechica, originally. | 08:54 |
Amaranth | -10 isn't a bad value but X and esd are going to hate you if you put something at -10 and leave them at 0 | 08:54 |
thegreedyturtle | afternoon ivokx | 08:54 |
dabaSlon | Ok... | 08:54 |
ivoks | dabaSlon novi zagreb? | 08:54 |
dabaSlon | No, like, autobusni... | 08:55 |
ivoks | Amaranth f** esd :) | 08:55 |
dabaSlon | Do you work for any of the computer companies in zZagreb? | 08:55 |
jordanau | dabaSlon, may i ask what this command is? | 08:55 |
ivoks | dabaSlon yes | 08:55 |
bodaciousb | ivoks, it still says -10 is bad =P but the priority is currently 0 | 08:55 |
Amaranth | ivoks: you'd like your sound to skip? | 08:55 |
ivoks | Amaranth u use esd? | 08:55 |
dabaSlon | the mount thing, let me read your question again. | 08:55 |
mmichelli | hi i'm trying to use the "apt-get update" so i can install puredata and all of it's dependencies; but when i do i get an error telling me the key was not present? any idea's | 08:55 |
ivoks | hehe | 08:55 |
dabaSlon | ivoks: which one, then? | 08:55 |
Nalioth | jordanau, why would you need a script? wouldnt' you like your win32 part mounted all the time? | 08:55 |
Amaranth | ivoks: Yes, for the mixing | 08:55 |
ivoks | Amaranth use alsa for that | 08:56 |
Amaranth | ivoks: It's actually polypaudio in hoary, but still | 08:56 |
Amaranth | ivoks: dmix has issues | 08:56 |
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ivoks | Amaranth i tried it | 08:56 |
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ivoks | it needs development | 08:56 |
jordanau | Nalioth, i just wanted to try making a script that will detect a harddrive and edit the fstab for you. A simple one time use script | 08:56 |
Amaranth | ivoks: plus, the code for using esd has been around longer than the code for using alsa | 08:56 |
dabaSlon | oh, jordan, like a script for automatically mounting window partitions... | 08:56 |
ivoks | dabaSlon kaj je?! | 08:56 |
Nalioth | mmichelli, this is just telling you it can not be verified via the packagers pgp key | 08:56 |
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dabaSlon | there is a file that gets loaded every time you boot. | 08:56 |
Nalioth | jordanau, for external HDs? | 08:56 |
ivoks | Amaranth but esd is very badly written | 08:57 |
jordanau | dabaSlon, right fstab | 08:57 |
Nalioth | jordanau, i'm confused | 08:57 |
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rics | hello | 08:57 |
cmg_ | having an awful time trying to configure X.. it won't create my xorg.conf.. any idea what I can do? | 08:57 |
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wm_eddie | who would I contact if I want to mention an interesting program that could replace the Ubuntu Monthly Calendar with something more integrated? | 08:57 |
Amaranth | ivoks: That's debatable but the code for using esd is stable and most of the code for using alsa is of unknown quality | 08:57 |
jordanau | Nalioth, okay, how many people get on this chat everyday trying to mount a windows partition on their new ubuntu install? | 08:57 |
rics | It's my first time running UBUNTU! It's great! | 08:57 |
mmichelli | Nalioth: so i can just ignore it then? | 08:57 |
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jordanau | Nalioth, i want to automate that process for the hell of it | 08:57 |
ivoks | Amaranth ALSA is here very long... | 08:57 |
jordanau | rics, congratulations | 08:57 |
ivoks | Amaranth long before 2.6 | 08:57 |
Dr_Willis | actually - it saw all my windows partions i belive.. and i plug in a usb drive and it sees them also. | 08:58 |
Amaranth | ivoks: It'll be better when KDE and GNOME and all the apps for them are using gstreamer though | 08:58 |
Nalioth | mmichelli if you like. some users are very security concious | 08:58 |
cmg_ | ive setup like a dozen Warty systems and never had a prob with X.. this is my first Hoary install and I am about 4 hours into configuration hell | 08:58 |
Amaranth | ivoks: That doesn't mean apps were targeting it. esd used it and apps used esd | 08:58 |
dabaSlon | jordan, right, so, what wopuld the script do? | 08:58 |
Funraiser | I almost install Flight simulator 2004 on Ubuntu...jeez i was almost there | 08:58 |
ivoks | Amaranth polypaudio will be unique soud server for KDE 4 and Gnome 3 | 08:58 |
mmichelli | Nalioth: cool, and how do i get it to install all the dependencies? | 08:58 |
rics | jordanau, I'm testing everything here!!! | 08:58 |
dabaSlon | you mean, like take parameters, and append to the file? | 08:58 |
ivoks | Amaranth and esd uses alsa :) | 08:58 |
nevyn | cmg_: :( | 08:59 |
Amaranth | ivoks: The sound server doesn't matter, they're both using gstreamer | 08:59 |
cmg_ | this is awful.. i was such a huge Ubuntu supporter until this | 08:59 |
wm_eddie | Funraiser: MS flight simulator has lots of stuff that stop it from running in Cedega. | 08:59 |
wm_eddie | unfortunately. | 08:59 |
jordanau | dabaSlon, yeah, it sees the hard drive, asks you about permissions, and writes the corresponding info to fstab | 08:59 |
tritium | cmg_, did you run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"? | 08:59 |
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Amaranth | ivoks: I know, I'm saying the code for random apps to use alsa is relatively new and sometimes contains nasty bugs while the code for using esd has been around for a long time. | 08:59 |
ivoks | Amaranth alsa uses gstreamer?! | 08:59 |
cmg_ | trit.. ive ran it well over 50 times now | 08:59 |
Amaranth | ivoks: No, gstreamer uses alsa.... | 08:59 |
tritium | cmg_, have you edited /etc/X11/xorg.conf by hand? | 09:00 |
ivoks | Amaranth yeah... i tought u lost ur mind :) | 09:00 |
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rics | Tem algum do BRASIL aqui? | 09:00 |
cmg_ | i don't know what/how to edit it since I don't have a working version | 09:00 |
ivoks | bye guys | 09:00 |
Nalioth | jordanau get out your #! /bin/bash pencil and start figgerin | 09:00 |
ivoks | time to catch some girls :) | 09:00 |
Amaranth | ivoks: KDE 4 and GNONE will/do use gstreamer so the sound server doesn't matter as much. You can use alsa, oss, esd, whatever in gstreamer and the apps shouldn't care. | 09:00 |
tritium | cmg_, but did you ever? | 09:00 |
Amaranth | ivoks: bye | 09:00 |
cmg_ | no | 09:00 |
cmg_ | never | 09:00 |
ivoks | Amaranth that's even better | 09:00 |
BWGames | jeez "Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 (a.k.a. woody) was released on 19th of July, 2002. " :| | 09:00 |
jordanau | Nalioth, actually i was thinking about python | 09:00 |
Nalioth | mmichelli, you may have to build from source the dependencys | 09:00 |
tritium | cmg_, you need to look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log for errors | 09:01 |
Funraiser | wm_eddie, i didn't know | 09:01 |
Amaranth | BWGames: I remember when that was new. :/ | 09:01 |
cmg_ | i even reinstalled the whole OS from scratch to see if i had a botched setup | 09:01 |
Nalioth | mmichelli, using "apt-get source -b <package_name>" | 09:01 |
mmichelli | Nalioth: oh | 09:01 |
ivoks | Amaranth mplayer and xine people would need to write something new then :) | 09:01 |
dabaSlon | jordan, you can try... | 09:01 |
BWGames | is debian still a good choice? :/ | 09:01 |
wm_eddie | Funraiser: There's a MUCH better sim out there though. | 09:01 |
BWGames | I can't do the Ubuntu install :( | 09:01 |
mmichelli | Nalioth: -b does?? | 09:01 |
Nalioth | jordanau, hiss, scribble or pe(a)rl(s), | 09:01 |
Amaranth | ivoks: mplayer and xine suck ;) | 09:01 |
Funraiser | wm_eddie, it's my first try with cedega, i hope next will be more fortunate | 09:01 |
cmg_ | trit.. one thing I do notice.. when I run xorg reconfigure, I get an error in the terminal | 09:01 |
wm_eddie | Funraiser: It's called X-Plane check it out. | 09:01 |
Nalioth | mmichelli, -b build | 09:01 |
wm_eddie | Funraiser: X-Plane has a linux build too. | 09:02 |
ivoks | Amaranth xine is the best... mplayer... well... it's ok | 09:02 |
demantik | Does anybody know where i can get the WMV codec/lib ? | 09:02 |
Amaranth | ivoks: except for wmv3 if gstreamer doesn't support it vlc will do better than mplayer or xine | 09:02 |
tritium | cmg_, I don't see your messages to me when you use "trit" | 09:02 |
mmichelli | oh thank you very much i'll try that | 09:02 |
mmichelli | :) | 09:02 |
tritium | cmg_, which error? | 09:02 |
cmg_ | tritium sorry | 09:02 |
Nalioth | mmichelli, i run ubuntu on a iBook, and have had to build several pkgs from source (cuz nobody creates binaries for PPC) | 09:02 |
Funraiser | wm_eddie, much better? x-plane has the radio talks? | 09:02 |
mmichelli | Nalioth: | 09:02 |
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tritium | cmg_, it's okay. just use tab-completion, please | 09:02 |
Amaranth | ivoks: But I work on a project with a vlc hacker so he might have made be biased. :) | 09:02 |
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Funraiser | wm_eddie, x-plane is open source or prop? | 09:02 |
wm_eddie | Funraiser: Although I can't say too much about the way they handle joystick buttons, it might have been fixed by now though. | 09:02 |
Nalioth | wmv3 sux | 09:02 |
root1_ | hi | 09:02 |
wm_eddie | Funraiser: Proprietary, and Commercial. | 09:03 |
Amaranth | Nalioth: Yes, yes it does. | 09:03 |
Amaranth | Nalioth: h.264 is much better :) | 09:03 |
cmg_ | tritium it says "cp: cannot stat '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' no such file or directory' | 09:03 |
dabaSlon | hey root1_ | 09:03 |
wm_eddie | Funraiser: It's better in the physics realm. | 09:03 |
dabaSlon | so, can you sudo now? | 09:03 |
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ivoks | aaaaaaaaaaaaa | 09:03 |
ivoks | bye | 09:03 |
Nalioth | Amaranth, opensource is always better | 09:03 |
tritium | cmg_, oh, wow | 09:03 |
dabaSlon | bye | 09:03 |
Funraiser | wm_eddie, do u know if there is the radio talking ? | 09:03 |
wm_eddie | Funraiser: Like flying on MARS! | 09:03 |
tritium | cmg_, this is after a fresh install? | 09:03 |
wm_eddie | Funraiser: They have a fake radio loop. | 09:03 |
cmg_ | tritium, brand new | 09:03 |
Funraiser | wm_eddie, i'll check | 09:04 |
Amaranth | Nalioth: That isn't true at all. h.264 (and the rest of mpeg4, arguably) is better than theora. | 09:04 |
root1_ | dabaSlon, i tried to log in with the root but i got a message says "you cant login as admin ,,,, from here" | 09:04 |
tritium | cmg_, did the install complete without any apparent errors? It should not leave you without an xorg.conf file | 09:04 |
cmg_ | tritium, but /etc/X11/xorg.conf is right there | 09:04 |
Funraiser | wm_eddie, the radio is really awesome in FS | 09:04 |
Nalioth | Amaranth, i'm probably lost. h264 is closed? | 09:04 |
cmg_ | tritium, it didn't.. i have one | 09:04 |
demantik | Where can i get Luminocity? and has anybody here have anything to say about it ? | 09:04 |
Jimmothy | i'm having a problem with dvds. i have libdvdcss2, and dvds skip, so i read the wiki and enabled dma, but i get this; setting using_dma to 1 (on) HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted bout it ? | 09:04 |
Jimmothy | [20:04:48] [Jimmothy(+ei)] [4:#ubuntu(+Pcnt)] [Act: 2] [509 / *0 @4 %0 +0 505] | 09:04 |
Jimmothy | oops | 09:04 |
Amaranth | Nalioth: It's a part of mpeg4. It's open but patent encumbered. | 09:04 |
dabaSlon | root1_: right, you cant login as root, yet, anyhow...have you installed your own ubuntu? | 09:05 |
Nalioth | Amaranth, thats where my confusion was "open but closed" | 09:05 |
wm_eddie | Funraiser: Yeah but, can you fly in MARS!? | 09:05 |
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root1_ | dabaSlon, yes | 09:05 |
Funraiser | i'll try Rome Total war next on cedega and swat 4 | 09:05 |
Funraiser | just to check | 09:05 |
wm_eddie | (And not Mars, PA mind you. The actual planet) | 09:05 |
Amaranth | swat 4 was fun for a couple minutes | 09:05 |
dabaSlon | and you are sure that you chose this exact user when asked to add one during installation? | 09:05 |
Amaranth | then one of my guys ran in front of me while i was shooting and my partners killed me | 09:06 |
root1_ | dabaSlon, yes | 09:06 |
cmg_ | tritium, any ideas? | 09:06 |
demantik | root1 - have you set a root password? changed the default. | 09:06 |
tritium | cmg_, are you're not forgetting to use sudo? | 09:06 |
Jimmothy | any dvd help? | 09:06 |
wm_eddie | demantik: don't say stupid things | 09:06 |
Funraiser | Amaranth, yeah it's fun with friends though | 09:06 |
demantik | lol | 09:06 |
dabaSlon | hm...anyone have a clue why a user that was added during installation would not be allowed to sudo, and what to do to go around it? | 09:06 |
cmg_ | tritium, i am running 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and i am running that from a root terminal | 09:07 |
bodaciousb | anyone here fimiliar with cvscedega? | 09:07 |
dabaSlon | Jimmothy: the wiki you read, was it the restricted formats one? | 09:07 |
Funraiser | well u can have a root password, different from the user (sudo) password | 09:07 |
Jimmothy | dabaSlon: yes | 09:07 |
dabaSlon | ok, just checking. | 09:07 |
dabaSlon | :) | 09:07 |
tritium | cmg_, that sounds very odd. I need to go for a while. Will you be around later/ | 09:07 |
tritium | ? | 09:08 |
wm_eddie | Funraiser: Yeah but, if you are going to stick to the Ubuntu way of doing things, no root is better. | 09:08 |
dabaSlon | Funraiser: and that is not the one that is used when you sudo, though... | 09:08 |
cmg_ | tritium, ok.. thanks anyways | 09:08 |
dabaSlon | and that tells me nothing btw on what to do... | 09:08 |
Jimmothy | dabaSlon: the dma thing isn't working, so my movie jerks and gradually unsyncs | 09:08 |
tritium | cmg_, I'll look for you when I get back. | 09:08 |
cmg_ | tritium, thanks | 09:08 |
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cmg_ | having an awful time trying to configure X.. it won't create my xorg.conf.. any idea what I can do? | 09:08 |
IcemanV9 | cmg_: try to run command in non-root (normal) terminal | 09:08 |
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cmg_ | IcemanV9, ok.. i'll try.. im desparate at this point | 09:09 |
Funraiser | i hope more and more people will use cedega, linux needs more games | 09:09 |
IcemanV9 | cmg_: understood. i was like that earlier this week. :) | 09:09 |
dabaSlon | ok, I know, root1_ | 09:10 |
bodaciousb | Funraiser, i hope no one buys cedega | 09:10 |
dabaSlon | you know your root password? | 09:10 |
dabaSlon | well, anyhow, we can try.. | 09:10 |
Funraiser | bodaciousb, well the source code is available | 09:10 |
Nalioth | Funraiser, why do you wish cedega for linux to get more games? | 09:10 |
bodaciousb | Funraiser, and i for one am boycotting windows games, i will not buy another one that is not linux native | 09:10 |
dabaSlon | root1_: ok, to switch terminals. you can hold down alt+ctrl, and then hit f1for example... | 09:10 |
Nalioth | the game coders need to release more for linux for us to have more games | 09:10 |
bodaciousb | Funraiser, so hopefully in the future there will be no need for cedega | 09:10 |
wm_eddie | Funraiser: People just need to let the companies know that they use Linux and would appreciate perhaps a native linux port of a game. | 09:10 |
root1_ | dabaSlon ok | 09:11 |
dabaSlon | root1_: 1-6 are just terminals, and f7-onward are GUIs. | 09:11 |
dabaSlon | so, alt+ctrl+f1 will take you to a terminal, and try signing in as root. | 09:11 |
dabaSlon | and to come back | 09:11 |
cmg_ | IcemanV9, same thing happened | 09:11 |
Funraiser | that's the egg and the chicken thing...more games > more people > more games | 09:11 |
dabaSlon | hit alt+ctrl+f7 | 09:11 |
wm_eddie | The more people do that, the more companies will pay attention. | 09:11 |
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rics | Enemy Territory is just fine for me! Don't need more games! heheheh | 09:11 |
rics | lol | 09:11 |
dabaSlon | hopefully in the future you will stop wasting your time on games:-P | 09:12 |
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bodaciousb | rics, i have that but i cant get it to work, it looked really fun though | 09:12 |
metalsand | wow | 09:12 |
IcemanV9 | cmg_: w0w. ok. | 09:12 |
Funraiser | i can't boycotte windows games...one can't boycott splinter cell chaos...this is genius work | 09:12 |
metalsand | The police just came to my house | 09:12 |
rics | bodaciousb, never tried in linux! But its the best game ever!!! | 09:12 |
metalsand | to my door | 09:12 |
metalsand | into my room | 09:12 |
mmichelli | can anyone direct me to a good dvd ripping program that a noob like me can install | 09:12 |
cmg_ | IcemanV9, is there another way to configure X? | 09:12 |
dabaSlon | haha metalsand. I knew you were troubled... | 09:13 |
wm_eddie | mmichelli: dvdrip | 09:13 |
root1_ | dabaSlon, ok i logged in so | 09:13 |
dabaSlon | with your 2 wireless cards in one laptop... | 09:13 |
wm_eddie | get it on synaptic | 09:13 |
IcemanV9 | cmg_: yes. 'Xorg -configure' | 09:13 |
dabaSlon | ok, so you are root? | 09:13 |
metalsand | rofl | 09:13 |
cmg_ | this is crazy.. i've never had a prob with any distro on this box.. including Warty | 09:13 |
metalsand | Daba, wasn't anything about that :P | 09:13 |
dabaSlon | root1_: you are root on that console? | 09:13 |
cmg_ | IcemanV9, ok.. let me try that | 09:13 |
bodaciousb | rics, nice.... i have a suspicion that my router is to blame... but yeah it looked like a fps where you level up and stuff like an rpg =) | 09:13 |
root1_ | dabaSlon, yes | 09:13 |
metalsand | They actually mentioned that when they saw a 10 dBI omni antenna connected to my laptop on my bed | 09:13 |
dabaSlon | sweet... | 09:13 |
dabaSlon | add that folder now finally. | 09:13 |
IcemanV9 | cmg_: u have to kill X & gdm 1st, then run the command | 09:13 |
Funraiser | if there was a way the games would play easily...linux would be mainstream already | 09:13 |
dabaSlon | mkdir /media/mp3 | 09:13 |
dabaSlon | or something. | 09:14 |
cmg_ | IcemanV9, how do I do that? | 09:14 |
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Funraiser | well gota go | 09:14 |
mmichelli | anybody know a good dvd ripping program that's new user friendly? please | 09:14 |
rics | bodaciousb, you have diferente abilities to choose in the game... Engineer, soldier, covert ops... | 09:14 |
root1_ | dabaSlon, ok ,, ? | 09:14 |
Slaven | I have a situation here. :O | 09:14 |
Funraiser | see ya | 09:14 |
rics | bodaciousb, its pretty fun | 09:14 |
IcemanV9 | cmg_: /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 09:14 |
bodaciousb | Funraiser, it is easy, ive been on linux for a week =P theres just not enough developers making linux games | 09:14 |
cmg_ | k | 09:14 |
IcemanV9 | cmg_: then logout | 09:14 |
bodaciousb | ID software rocks.... always has | 09:14 |
no0tic | how to enable postfix startup at boot? | 09:14 |
demantik | How do i get access to the gnome cvs ? | 09:14 |
Slaven | Seems I need libqt3-mt. Yet, installing it threatens removing all my qt packages. | 09:15 |
IcemanV9 | cmg_: then you're back to login prompt terminal. | 09:15 |
bodaciousb | demantik, sudo apt-get install cvs? | 09:15 |
wm_eddie | mmichelli: I don't think there are any in existance. | 09:15 |
dabaSlon | added it I suppose... | 09:15 |
dabaSlon | ? | 09:15 |
wm_eddie | mmichelli: Every program I used was really complicated. | 09:15 |
root1_ | dabaSlon yup | 09:15 |
demantik | no no..i have cvs installed...but how do i get a pass...to the gnome cvs...maybe im not getting something...but i cant login. | 09:15 |
cmg_ | IcemanV9, ok im there.. at the login | 09:15 |
mmichelli | : that's too bad , | 09:15 |
Slaven | Because I guess it replaces some other libqt-package or something. | 09:15 |
dabaSlon | mount /dev/hdb /media/mp3-t vfat -o umask=000 | 09:16 |
IcemanV9 | cmg_: run 'Xorg -configure' .. you should have a new xorg.conf | 09:16 |
cmg_ | k | 09:16 |
dabaSlon | if that is the directory name you created. | 09:16 |
bodaciousb | demantik, oh i dont know about the gnome cvs, but usually passwords are cvs =) | 09:16 |
Slaven | Can I like get libqt3-mt in there, seemlessly? ;) | 09:16 |
demantik | hmm ok | 09:16 |
dabaSlon | we have to tweak that now... | 09:16 |
mmichelli | wm_eddie: i was hoping to get something like i used before cloneDVD | 09:16 |
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wm_eddie | mmichelli: wxvlc might be pretty easy for a noob to use. | 09:16 |
wm_eddie | mmichelli: do you have a URL to that? | 09:16 |
demantik | im just trying to get jhbuild...which i need to get luminocity.. | 09:16 |
cmg_ | IcemanV9, do i have to do sudo? | 09:16 |
IcemanV9 | cmg_: yes. | 09:17 |
cmg_ | k | 09:17 |
mmichelli | went to google, sure i'll find it | 09:17 |
mmichelli | thank you | 09:17 |
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[ADULT_SWIM] | anyone know how to pump out an error ist in cedega? | 09:18 |
cmg_ | IcemanV9, missing output drivers, configuration failed | 09:18 |
[ADULT_SWIM] | i'm testing a game and it's not running right | 09:18 |
lotusleaf | Cool, only 23 hours left in my ubuntu download ;) | 09:18 |
bodaciousb | is anyone in here using cvscedega? | 09:18 |
dabaSlon | root1_: mine worked | 09:18 |
dabaSlon | yours | 09:18 |
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dabaSlon | ? | 09:18 |
[ADULT_SWIM] | whats cvscedega?/ | 09:18 |
[ADULT_SWIM] | i'm usin cedega | 09:18 |
IIIEars | it is a windows emulatoe | 09:18 |
[ADULT_SWIM] | not shure about the cvs part though | 09:18 |
bodaciousb | [ADULT_SWIM] , the cvs(free) version of cedega =) | 09:18 |
dabaSlon | heh | 09:18 |
[ADULT_SWIM] | oh | 09:19 |
dabaSlon | current versioning system | 09:19 |
IcemanV9 | cmg_: man. ur the second person who have that error msg today. for that one, i do not know why it happened. | 09:19 |
dabaSlon | probably the most up to date version, unstable?? | 09:19 |
[ADULT_SWIM] | i don't know what version i'm usin a freind gave me mine | 09:19 |
IcemanV9 | cmg_: looks like i have a homework to find that dang solution. | 09:19 |
cmg_ | IcemanV9, damn.. i'm screwed | 09:19 |
root1_ | dabaSlon, nope | 09:19 |
bodaciousb | im having probs getting it to work properly, im thinking that it requires Wine to be installed also, but im not sure | 09:19 |
dabaSlon | ok, error? | 09:19 |
[ADULT_SWIM] | i was tryin to test a version of ragnarok but it keeps crashing | 09:19 |
demantik | what form do cvs releases come in?....source?... | 09:19 |
dabaSlon | try making it this exactly.... | 09:20 |
[ADULT_SWIM] | how to get cedega to put out an error list? | 09:20 |
IcemanV9 | cmg_: however, tritium is right. it shouldn't happen when you fresh install the ubuntu. | 09:20 |
dabaSlon | sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/mp3/ -t vfat -o umask=000 | 09:20 |
dabaSlon | without sudo | 09:20 |
IcemanV9 | cmg_: let me google a bit .. | 09:20 |
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cmg_ | IcemanV9, i've done 2 installs of it.. same thing both times | 09:20 |
dabaSlon | mount /dev/hda1 /media/mp3/ -t vfat -o umask=000 | 09:20 |
dabaSlon | exactly as it says there. | 09:20 |
dabaSlon | I mounted mine. | 09:20 |
bodaciousb | demantik, cvs is cedega 3.30 i think, but its a program ready to rock.... allthough i am using a scrip off of linux-gamers.org, so it may come as a source, and this script isdoing the dirty work for me | 09:20 |
dabaSlon | although it is a little different, but yours should work... | 09:20 |
cmg_ | IcemanV9, MUCH appreciated.. I'm like 10 mins away from downloading Fedora :( | 09:21 |
demantik | ahh alright | 09:21 |
dabaSlon | I gotta go get smokes at the corner store, ETA 10ish minutes... | 09:21 |
[ADULT_SWIM] | so anyone have an idea? | 09:21 |
bodaciousb | i jsut want to run steam in linux, if i can accomplish that i have absolutely no need for my windows partition | 09:21 |
cmg_ | IcemanV9, i was happy on Warty but I fried my hard disk yesterday and am fixing it.. figured it would be a great time to try Hoary | 09:21 |
[ADULT_SWIM] | use cedega | 09:21 |
root1_ | dabaSlon, /dev/hdb already mounted or /media/mp3 busy | 09:22 |
demantik | steam isnt something anybody really WANTS to run though is it :( | 09:22 |
[ADULT_SWIM] | i run counterstrike on it | 09:22 |
bodaciousb | hehe | 09:22 |
dabaSlon | ok, umount /media/mp3 | 09:22 |
bodaciousb | well my prob is cvscedega steam_install.exe throws error after error at me | 09:22 |
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dabaSlon | then try the last one I gavge you, and that should work... | 09:22 |
dabaSlon | if not, umount again. and try hdb0... | 09:22 |
dabaSlon | or soemthing, tweak it a little while I go get somekes, and then thank me when I come back:) | 09:23 |
bodaciousb | im installing wine to go with it... and im hoping htat cvscedega requires it... because i did get that impression from linux-gamers.org forums | 09:23 |
bodaciousb | and dx9wine is next | 09:23 |
dabaSlon | I think that is a good plan... | 09:23 |
dabaSlon | Im skateboarding to the store, so Ill brb. | 09:24 |
IcemanV9 | cmg_: Hoary is great, really. it really does work on my two laptops. | 09:24 |
demantik | hows dx9 performance vs opengl with wine/cedega? | 09:24 |
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macarthy | hi all | 09:24 |
bodaciousb | demantik, i havnt a clue, i havent sucessfully ran anything on cedega or wine yet | 09:24 |
bodaciousb | allthough i have linux native ut2k3 installed now, and i cant wait to compare it to the cedega/wine install of it | 09:25 |
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demantik | my pc is too slow to run much lol..ive tried with the small selection of games i have. i got one or two games to run..very slowly. | 09:25 |
macarthy | just installed ubuntu 64 bit - what is the story with mono development packages? | 09:25 |
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lotusleaf | bodaciousb: if you try the jedi outcast demo via wine you can use cheat codes to make stormtroopers appear in a Christ crucified pose, flying in the air and shooting yellow laser beams and other fun stuff. | 09:25 |
bodaciousb | im running a radeon 9800 pro | 09:25 |
cmg_ | IcemanV9, i'm psyched to use it.. I loved Warty.. I just need to get this X hell fixed | 09:25 |
veruus | how can I add a new user with permissions to use sudo, or how can I edit permissions for a new user to use sudo? | 09:25 |
bodaciousb | lotusleaf, sweet | 09:25 |
rics | Hi, anyone can help me with the monitor resolution, please? | 09:25 |
rics | I want to set the resolution to work with 85Hz but I cant... | 09:26 |
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narkone | hi | 09:26 |
narkone | any spanish | 09:26 |
narkone | ? | 09:27 |
demantik | anybody have a good guide to installing fglrx on ubuntu hoary?...suse was easy...not successful yet with this.. | 09:27 |
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Nalioth | narkone, en el #ubuntu-es | 09:27 |
anto9us | veruus, in "Users and Groups" click user and properties then User Privilages | 09:27 |
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narkone | thanks | 09:27 |
rainer | Hi everybody, I need help!!!! | 09:27 |
angie | hello there | 09:27 |
demantik | ati...installation help...? | 09:27 |
cmg_ | IcemanV9, any ideas yet? | 09:28 |
bodaciousb | what do you need dem? | 09:28 |
angie | having a cpu usage issue with cdrecord... any help? | 09:28 |
rainer | No recovery help | 09:28 |
demantik | what really is the point of the ati fglrx package available with synaptic...they dont work lol. | 09:28 |
bodaciousb | im new to linux and i suck horribly but ive installed ati like 20 times now =P | 09:28 |
tritium | cmg_, I'm back | 09:28 |
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veruus | anto9us: I was hoping for commanline, but I got it straightened out | 09:29 |
demantik | bodaciousb - maybe some help then.. | 09:29 |
veruus | thanks | 09:29 |
bodaciousb | demantik, shoot | 09:29 |
cmg_ | tritium, cool.. Iceman was trying to help.. he told me try running Xorg -configure | 09:29 |
angie | with k3b or xcdroast cpu get progressively full... I did not have this problem with straight debian | 09:29 |
rainer | I wanted to write an email to ubuntu mailing list when my system just did power down out of the blue | 09:29 |
cmg_ | tritium, and that errors out | 09:29 |
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tritium | demantik, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto | 09:29 |
Nalioth | rainer, heatsink goin bye-bye? | 09:29 |
demantik | alright thanks | 09:29 |
cmg_ | tritium, so i'm stuck :( | 09:29 |
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rainer | No the Powerbook wasn't overheating, I just had in on for 10 minutes | 09:30 |
anto9us | angie: I noticed that too, I think it's something to do with being on a 2.6 kernel | 09:30 |
tritium | cmg_, hmm...which architecture and video card? | 09:30 |
rainer | and also the power couldn't be the reason, the akku is full loaded and power suplly is connected | 09:30 |
bodaciousb | demantik, whats your question? | 09:30 |
angie | anto9us: it's a f***ing shame... were you able to fix it? | 09:30 |
Nalioth | rainer, ah powerbook. no heat probs there | 09:30 |
anto9us | angie: no, it at least worked and I have other priorities :) | 09:31 |
cmg_ | tritium, its a Dell optiplex.. x86.. integrated video (intel i810) | 09:31 |
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Nalioth | rainer, i run ubuntu on my old iBook, its great not heating the house in winter | 09:31 |
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angie | anto9us: nice for you... for me making backups it's really important | 09:31 |
rics | Sorry, I close the window | 09:31 |
tritium | cmg_, hmm, that shouldn't really be giving you such trouble | 09:31 |
krusbjorn | have i gotten this right? i can run the ubuntu "intel x86" version on my AMD64 cpu, right? things are unstable, and i'm too new to linux to set up chroot and stuff... | 09:31 |
demantik | bodacious...i just tried simply installing the ati packages via synaptic...which was stupid...didnt do anything but make me have to change my xorg.conf.. | 09:32 |
demantik | lol | 09:32 |
tritium | krusbjorn, yes | 09:32 |
krusbjorn | tritium: thanks :) | 09:32 |
demantik | ill read through and try the page i just got. | 09:32 |
tritium | demantik, did you see the URL I sent you? | 09:32 |
IcemanV9 | cmg_: no idea as of now .. hope tritium have something more | 09:32 |
demantik | yes | 09:32 |
demantik | reading now | 09:32 |
demantik | thanks | 09:32 |
cmg_ | tritium, i know.. ive ran like 20 different distros on this box.. and Warty worked great for me.. Hoary just hates me | 09:32 |
rics | Why can't I setup my monitor to work in 85Hz? | 09:32 |
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rainer | Nalioth: my problem is that my whole desktop is screwed up, and I don't know what else.... | 09:32 |
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rainer | bonobo won''t start up is the message I get | 09:33 |
dabaSlon | root1_: mounted yet? | 09:33 |
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bodaciousb | demantik, sorry i didnt see your question earlier, i was waiting fo ryou to ask me =P | 09:33 |
IcemanV9 | rics: check out the xorg.conf to see if 85Hz is in the range or not | 09:33 |
Nalioth | rainer, how old is the powerbook (not that that is gonna make any diff to me) ubuntu installed on my G3/600 iBook just fine | 09:33 |
=== RastaMahata [~RastaMaha@pc-200-74-15-203.nunoa2.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
demantik | its ok.. | 09:33 |
dabaSlon | Nalioth: that is cause you dont have the extreme card... | 09:34 |
rainer | Nalioth 5 years now, a Pismo (G3 Powerbook Firewire), didn't have any troubles till today | 09:34 |
=== tony [~tony@dD57602AA.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tony | hi i need help to install java | 09:34 |
Nalioth | dabaSlon, that is why ubuntu is not on my new 12" iBook G4 | 09:34 |
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dabaSlon | tony, what java do you want to install? | 09:34 |
bodaciousb | demanix use the following 3 commands : sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx : depmod -a ; sudo modprobe fglrx : sed -i -e 's/"ati"/"fglrx"/' /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:35 |
Nalioth | rainer, ah so it's something that changed | 09:35 |
tritium | cmg_, I'm thinking... | 09:35 |
RastaMahata | tony, go to the howto forum | 09:35 |
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tony | jre-1_5_0_02-linux-i586.bin | 09:35 |
rics | IcemanV9, where can I find this file? | 09:35 |
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dabaSlon | that is easy... | 09:35 |
tritium | tony, use java-package | 09:35 |
anto9us | demantik: you need the linux-restricted-modules | 09:35 |
RastaMahata | tony, why dont you download the deb package from backports? | 09:35 |
IcemanV9 | rics: /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:35 |
dabaSlon | there is a walkthrough, where did you get the file? | 09:35 |
dabaSlon | SUn's site? | 09:35 |
tony | where can i find the pacage? | 09:35 |
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bodaciousb | demantik, sorry i adressed the wrong person =) look up a bit, but thats installs it for me no prob at all | 09:35 |
RastaMahata | backports.ubuntuforums.org | 09:35 |
[ADULT_SWIM] | are there any other critters you can get for amor?/ | 09:35 |
=== tritium advises against backports | ||
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wnight | smbiod (?) is taking 95% of my cpu - what is it and why is it doing this? | 09:36 |
tony | don't know backports? | 09:36 |
tritium | tony, you already have the .bin from Sun. Use java-package to build a .deb from it. | 09:36 |
wnight | Related to SMB I guess... | 09:36 |
macarthy | tony: somethings like http://www.maccarthy.org/blog/2004/09/08/installing-java-onto-debian/ | 09:36 |
rainer | Nalioth: can't say what, I didn't change anything, ok last night there was an update and I installed cinepaint, but that shouldn't be a problem, or? | 09:36 |
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tritium | tony, essentiall, Method 3: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Java | 09:36 |
tritium | essentially, that is ;) | 09:36 |
Nalioth | rainer, sorry i know next-to-nothing about display/X issues | 09:36 |
root1_ | dabaSlon, according to mtab /dev/hda1 already mounted | 09:36 |
macarthy | tony: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/MonoDevelopmentHowto | 09:36 |
dabaSlon | hda, yes... | 09:36 |
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dabaSlon | thats this hard disk. | 09:36 |
RastaMahata | tritium, I was never able to do those instructions as they were written for warty | 09:37 |
dabaSlon | hdb is gonna be the otehr one | 09:37 |
RastaMahata | :( | 09:37 |
=== Mr_Milenko is Away, Reason: ( shower ) | Since: ( Thursday, May 5, 2005. 22:44:10 ) Xlack v2.1 | ||
macarthy | are there no mono libs for ubuntu 64 bit? | 09:37 |
dabaSlon | tony, it is pretty easy, as long as you follow some steps. | 09:37 |
tritium | RastaMahata, essentially, you can just install java-package, and follow its documentation | 09:37 |
root1_ | dabaSlon, ok so,, | 09:37 |
macarthy | monodev I should say | 09:37 |
rics | IcemanV9, Section "monitor" right? | 09:37 |
RastaMahata | tony, http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/backports/dists/hoary-extras/restricted/binary-i386/sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update02_i386.deb | 09:37 |
rics | IcemanV9, Where can I found more info on how do configure this file? Just edit this with my monitors settings? | 09:38 |
demantik | thanks guys | 09:38 |
demantik | brb | 09:38 |
dabaSlon | what was the last command you tried, and have you tried mount /dev/hdb1 /media/mp3/ -t vfat -o umask=000 | 09:38 |
tritium | RastaMahata, you're pointing him down the path to the dark side | 09:38 |
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rainer | Nalioth: it's ok, just wanted to give a try ... I just love my ubuntu, but probably this issue says I should take the weekend off and relax and don't mind about computer problems any more | 09:38 |
dabaSlon | tony, I would just unpack the files, move them to a folder... | 09:38 |
cmg_ | tritium, is it a problem with X you think? can i get a newer version? | 09:38 |
dabaSlon | and link them to /bin... | 09:38 |
Nalioth | rainer sounds good, and something may come to mind while you're relaxing | 09:38 |
RastaMahata | tritium, new users should know linux is usable without the command line already ;) | 09:38 |
IcemanV9 | rics: do u see HorizSync? VertRefresh? | 09:38 |
tritium | cmg_, no, I don't believe it's a problem with X.org. Many people are using it successfully with your chipset | 09:38 |
dabaSlon | and add the plugin to firefox, and add a JAVA_HOME variable. | 09:39 |
Nalioth | RastaMahata, yes it is, but the terminal is still my best friend | 09:39 |
tony | i tried to move them | 09:39 |
IcemanV9 | rics: man xorg.conf :) | 09:39 |
dabaSlon | I would not go about any crazy backports, or converions... | 09:39 |
tritium | RastaMahata, backports are unadvisable, particularly when it comes to upgrading to new releases | 09:39 |
rainer | Natlioth: That's true, thanks anyway! See you! Ciao! | 09:39 |
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RastaMahata | tritium, that's ben fixed already | 09:39 |
RastaMahata | been, too | 09:39 |
tritium | RastaMahata, still an issue | 09:39 |
dabaSlon | tony, this site gives a walkthrough that is good enough for me personally: http://ubuntuguide.org/#jre | 09:39 |
cmg_ | tritium, I'm not positive I have intel i810.. but that is what x.org is detecting.. should I open my case to verify? | 09:39 |
root1_ | dabaSlon, yes i tried it and its says according to mtab ,,,, is already mounted | 09:39 |
wnight | lsof is freezing! I need some help with this. | 09:40 |
dabaSlon | hm...for hdb? | 09:40 |
rics | IcemanV9, Yes, I see it! :) But in my monitors manual I only have reference to a refresh rate of 85 (at least 75) | 09:40 |
tritium | cmg_, no, try lspci, but don't open the box. | 09:40 |
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lotusleaf | it's easy to upgrade ubuntu to newer versions without having to perform fresh installs, right? | 09:40 |
RastaMahata | tritium, installing java for me was as easy as apt-getting in... the firefox plugin was a command away.. :) | 09:40 |
root1_ | dabaSlon, yes | 09:41 |
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demantik | BACK!...appears to be working | 09:41 |
IcemanV9 | rics: ok. what's the nbr stated in xorg.conf then? | 09:41 |
tony | tx dabaslon | 09:41 |
tritium | RastaMahata, java-package is simple to use. The real issue is that Sun's licensing prohibits java from being included in an official repo | 09:41 |
demantik | that was easy... | 09:41 |
cmg_ | tritium, it says intel 82810E.. that is intel i810? | 09:41 |
tritium | cmg_, yep | 09:41 |
RastaMahata | tritium, backports isnt official | 09:41 |
dabaSlon | root1_: locate *.mp3 may tell you where the files are, if really mounted... | 09:41 |
Nalioth | lotusleaf, yes | 09:41 |
tritium | RastaMahata, I know | 09:41 |
lotusleaf | Nalioth: thx ;-) | 09:42 |
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dabaSlon | welcome tony, those are known to work... | 09:42 |
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Nalioth | dabaSlon, doesnt that depend on how long its been mounted? | 09:42 |
dabaSlon | not sure. | 09:42 |
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rics | IcemanV9, sorry, cant understand what nbr means... :( | 09:42 |
Scorpion | what's a good media player for divx, ogm, mp3 etc... | 09:42 |
Nalioth | lotusleaf, then get on the ubuntu wagon! | 09:42 |
transgress | okay i'm looking at getting a wireless pci card for my desktop... anyone have any suggestions as to what type would be most linux friendly... | 09:42 |
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rics | IcemanV9, I'm from Brasil... :( | 09:43 |
IcemanV9 | rics: number .. what did it said? | 09:43 |
IcemanV9 | rics: sorry. :) | 09:43 |
tony | it 's connecting now | 09:43 |
Nalioth | lotusleaf, two words "smart upgrade" | 09:43 |
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root1_ | dabaSlon, nothing there | 09:43 |
cmg_ | tritium, should I try to hack my xorg.conf by hand? since reconfigure isnt working? | 09:43 |
dabaSlon | root1_: does your umount work when you umount /media/mp3? | 09:43 |
Hoxzer | Is there any software for linux that I can use for connect between my self phone and PC ? | 09:43 |
tritium | cmg_, check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log for errors before you do that | 09:43 |
lotusleaf | Nalioth: I am, I'm downloading ubuntu via 56k! :) | 09:44 |
Hoxzer | "connecting" | 09:44 |
root1_ | dabaSlon, yes | 09:44 |
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Hoxzer | sso.... | 09:44 |
IcemanV9 | rics: like VertRefresh 70-90 | 09:44 |
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wnight | j #mandrake | 09:44 |
demantik | Anybody know of any good NATIVE linux games? | 09:44 |
cmg_ | tritium, what should I belooking for? | 09:44 |
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lotusleaf | Nalioth: now, if my download finishes before shipit sends the CDs, I hope I win a prize. ;) | 09:44 |
dabaSlon | mi9ne does not. | 09:44 |
dabaSlon | let me see | 09:44 |
anto9us | demantik: tux racer | 09:44 |
=== forsaker8k6 [~forsaker@213-156-52-107.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
demantik | LOL | 09:44 |
demantik | screw tux racer | 09:44 |
root1_ | dabaSlon, i just want to use my other hd | 09:44 |
zerokarmaleft | demantik, gnugo, gnuchess, and nethack | 09:45 |
transgress | armagetron | 09:45 |
lotusleaf | demantik: Enemy Territory | 09:45 |
forsaker8k6 | hi people | 09:45 |
tritium | cmg_, any errors (EE) | 09:45 |
demantik | i havent played it, but Savage looks alright | 09:45 |
transgress | ut2k4 | 09:45 |
macarthy | 64bit ubuntu and beagle/mono = problem???? | 09:45 |
demantik | yeah i played enemy territory....its good..will have to reinstall that, | 09:45 |
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lotusleaf | demantik: Enemy Territory is the best, IMO :) | 09:45 |
dabaSlon | i know root, that is what you are trying to do... | 09:45 |
bodaciousb | demantik, did you get the driver running? | 09:45 |
lotusleaf | demantik: be sure to grab the upgrade patch that was released this year for it | 09:45 |
demantik | yeah i did! | 09:45 |
zerokarmaleft | macarthy, amd64 support is fixed in mono 1.1.x | 09:46 |
demantik | alright lotusleaf | 09:46 |
root1_ | dabaSlon, its on other hd no that one i used to install ubntu | 09:46 |
lotusleaf | demantik: there's also America's Army | 09:46 |
bodaciousb | demantik, nice, if you ever feel you want to loose some hair, try installing that ins suse =) | 09:46 |
sylvan | anyone know something about getting sound working? | 09:46 |
queuetue | Does anyone have a favorite strategy game on linux? I'm looking something to really sink my teeth into... | 09:46 |
transgress | demantik: don't forget ut2k4 | 09:46 |
demantik | bodacious...i DID INSTALL in Suse ;) | 09:46 |
dabaSlon | right, the first hard drive(master) will be hda, then the second one will be hdb... | 09:46 |
cmg_ | tritium, i see one warning (Open APM Failed).. and then the last line says "Missing output drivers. Configuration failed" | 09:46 |
macarthy | zerokarmaleft, is that in a sources rep somewhere? | 09:46 |
dabaSlon | hdb0, hdb1, and so on for the partitions... | 09:46 |
transgress | i hate america's army... and any game that requires you do the walkthrough before playing | 09:46 |
Nalioth | lotusleaf, you are THE man! | 09:46 |
bodaciousb | demantik, i did once, and i tried 3 times, i couldnt figure it out last time | 09:46 |
lotusleaf | queuetue: nethack ;P | 09:46 |
dabaSlon | you have no partitions, and such, you just need a good mount command, unless it is already mounted, which would be strange. | 09:47 |
queuetue | lotusleaf, Good idea. | 09:47 |
lotusleaf | Nalioth: why, what did I do? :P | 09:47 |
demantik | LOL...u want a page with instructiosn bodaciousb? | 09:47 |
demantik | ill see if i can find it if u want | 09:47 |
zerokarmaleft | macarthy, jdong is working on backporting it | 09:47 |
bodaciousb | demantik, im sure ive been there.... | 09:47 |
tony | tx java is working | 09:47 |
demantik | hmm alright | 09:47 |
macarthy | zerokarmaleft, by backporting you mean ? | 09:47 |
tritium | tony, which method did you use? | 09:47 |
bodaciousb | demantik, but it doesnt matter now, im on ubuntu =P | 09:47 |
demantik | good point ;) | 09:48 |
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tony | the one you gave me | 09:48 |
demantik | say...are there any special things to turn on/off in the ati config file? | 09:48 |
demantik | any tweaking to be done | 09:48 |
zerokarmaleft | macarthy, http://backports.ubuntuforums.org | 09:48 |
root1_ | brb | 09:48 |
demantik | ive never really played around with it... | 09:48 |
dabaSlon | root1_: when you "mount /dev/hdb1 /media/mp3/ -t vfat -o umask=000" exactly as shown here, you gget a mount: /dev/hdb already mounted or /media/mp3 busy | 09:48 |
tritium | tony, Method 3 with java-package? nice ;) | 09:48 |
dabaSlon | error? | 09:48 |
bodaciousb | demantik, i use it as is... works great for me | 09:48 |
zerokarmaleft | macarthy, mono packaging issues will be fixed for hoary+1 | 09:48 |
demantik | the FSAA doesnt work though, does it....? | 09:48 |
tony | yes thank you | 09:48 |
demantik | yeah i never had problems, was just wondering | 09:49 |
bodaciousb | demantik, let me know if you find something good though =) | 09:49 |
demantik | alright then | 09:49 |
tony | i spend the whole afternoon on it :( | 09:49 |
=== tritium applauds tony | ||
zerokarmaleft | macarthy, other option is to build mono/beagle dependencies/beagle from source yourself | 09:49 |
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cmg_ | tritium, I'm just gonna reinstall Warty.. at least I know that works. what a dissapointment | 09:49 |
dabaSlon | yeah, that may be the best way, so what get a bin, and what then, tritium? | 09:49 |
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tony | no trying to get azareus working | 09:50 |
IcemanV9 | cmg_: if u do reinstall Warty, then try to save xorg.conf and try it on Hoary | 09:50 |
lotusleaf | just the sound of it: "mandriva" is enough to provoke anal puckering | 09:50 |
zerokarmaleft | lotusleaf, lol | 09:50 |
dabaSlon | cmg_: did you add repositories to your sources list before upgradeing? | 09:50 |
dabaSlon | no e | 09:50 |
IcemanV9 | cmg_: i mean, come on. it should work in Hoary with xorg.conf (from Warty), u know? | 09:50 |
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cmg_ | dabaSlon, I didnt upgrade.. it was a fresh install | 09:51 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | Anyone know of a program that will record a message from a phone line like an answering machine? | 09:51 |
dabaSlon | a fresh install of Hoary? | 09:51 |
dabaSlon | ok. | 09:51 |
cmg_ | dabaSlon, yes | 09:51 |
dabaSlon | jeust cehcking, mine had that issue hen upgrading, | 09:51 |
macarthy | zerokarmaleft, when is hoary+1 due, new to ubuntu | 09:51 |
dabaSlon | typos typos... | 09:52 |
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zerokarmaleft | macarthy, hoary was just released...breezy will be out in october | 09:52 |
cmg_ | IcemanV9, I have a warty box here.. it doesnt have an /etx/X11/xorg.conf | 09:52 |
macarthy | october, ok | 09:52 |
anto9us | FlyingSquirrel32: via modem? | 09:52 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | macarthy: the ubuntu releases come out every 6 months | 09:52 |
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dabaSlon | cmg_: you can also give it some time, guys like crimsun, bob2, and some others may know how to fix it.. | 09:53 |
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orhs | hey all | 09:53 |
IcemanV9 | cmg_: that's right. it doesn't use Xorg | 09:53 |
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dabaSlon | hey orhs | 09:53 |
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cmg_ | I'm gonna install Warty again.. I guess I'll try again in October :( | 09:54 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | anto9us: sorry for the delay, yes. | 09:54 |
Brunellus | Problem: ndiswrapper works when I boot in the 2.6.8 kernel, but not in the 2.6.10 kernel | 09:54 |
IcemanV9 | cmg_: dang. sorry. | 09:54 |
dabaSlon | soultion: boot the 2.6.8 kernel.... | 09:54 |
dabaSlon | :-P | 09:54 |
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BogoMIPS | Hey - I've just used ndiswrapper to install some drivers... | 09:54 |
Brunellus | ahahahahaah. correct, dabaSlon | 09:54 |
tritium | dabaSlon, I'm sorry, someone came in my office. What was your question about? | 09:55 |
wnight | LSOF is freezing when I try to run it. I need to run it to find out what using a SMB mount which died, so that I can unmount it so I can restart samba, which appears broken. | 09:55 |
Brunellus | but I was wondering why this might be so | 09:55 |
wnight | LSOF is freezing when I try to run it. I need to run it to find out what using a SMB mount which died, so that I can unmount it so I can restart samba, which appears broken. | 09:55 |
dabaSlon | dont remember | 09:55 |
tritium | cmg_, we should be able to resolve this... | 09:55 |
wnight | LSOF is freezing when I try to run it. I need to run it to find out what using a SMB mount which died, so that I can unmount it so I can restart samba, which appears broken. | 09:55 |
dabaSlon | scroll up | 09:55 |
anto9us | FlyingSquirrel32: vgetty is ubiquitous tool for that I think | 09:55 |
kjuu | Is it possible that Ubuntu doesn't support my SATA-hard drive? | 09:55 |
cmg_ | tritium, ive been doing this install for 7 hours now :) | 09:55 |
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anto9us | FlyingSquirrel32: package is mgetty-voice | 09:55 |
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tritium | cmg_, I'm sorry, buddy | 09:55 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | anto9us: What we really want is a server so the attornys in my firm can dictate over the phone, and the file can be sent be e-mail. | 09:55 |
dabaSlon | orhs, are you in norway? | 09:56 |
demantik | WMV + Totem = How? where do i get the wmv lib, or what is the name of it | 09:56 |
Brunellus | are there any known issues with ndiswrapper-1.0 and the 2.6.10 kernel? | 09:56 |
dabaSlon | kjuu: are you in finalnd? | 09:56 |
cmg_ | tritium, i have to go but will be back in a while.. if you think of anything, let me know | 09:56 |
kjuu | dabaSlon: yes | 09:56 |
dabaSlon | sweet | 09:56 |
Fator_Dee | demantik: fron marillat, w32codecs | 09:56 |
dabaSlon | just checking... | 09:56 |
anto9us | FlyingSquirrel32: vgetty will do that, you can have multiple mail boxes and menu system, very clever setup | 09:56 |
Fator_Dee | *fron = from | 09:56 |
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demantik | thanks | 09:56 |
tritium | cmg_, okay, take care | 09:57 |
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thenuke | demantik: http://ubuntuguide.org/ keep that site in mind | 09:57 |
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demantik | alright cool.. | 09:58 |
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zoddan | i love ubuntu it have full support for my WLAN :) | 09:58 |
wnight | LSOF is freezing on me, I need LSOF to find what's using a SMB share so I can stop it, so that I can unmount the share and stop samba, which isn't working. Why isn't LSOF working? | 09:58 |
=== Effie [~Effie@moncey-1-82-67-20-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
demantik | Anybody know what kinda damn computer will be needed to properly play the next UT? Lol | 09:59 |
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Fator_Dee | fast one | 09:59 |
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demantik | SMART ;) | 09:59 |
dabaSlon | kjuu: where have you looked so far? | 09:59 |
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Fator_Dee | hey, I answered you question ;-) | 09:59 |
IcemanV9 | debiannoob: enjoying the new screen resolution? | 09:59 |
Scorpion | im trying to install glib, but it doesn't seem to work, get alot of warnings after typing make | 10:00 |
=== Zorix [Brandon@43-24.201-68.swfla.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kjuu | dabaSlon: I've tried installing Ubuntu but it fails when it gets to the part about partitions | 10:00 |
Scorpion | i need glib to install anoter software | 10:00 |
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demantik | Scorpion...is it not there in Synaptic? | 10:01 |
occy | tritium: Is there a new or updated howto on Hoary with nvidia? With the default Hoary nvidia drivers and kernel, my system keeps locking up. | 10:01 |
robertj | heya all, anyone know of an 8-port SATA RAID controller that plays nice wth linux? | 10:01 |
kjuu | and I can't see my excisting partitions using ubuntu live | 10:01 |
Zorix | ubuntu 5.04 amd64 and wine.. how can this be don effectively | 10:01 |
dabaSlon | so, has the same hard drive worked in another distro? | 10:01 |
=== sbcl3 [~sbcl3@pcp09702913pcs.norstn01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sbcl3 | i need an apache web server with php, mysql, and phpmyadmin | 10:01 |
tritium | Scorpion, you need libglib2.0-dev | 10:01 |
Scorpion | sorry new to linux, whats Synaptic | 10:01 |
sbcl3 | what is the easiest way to do this? | 10:01 |
sbcl3 | is it synaptic? | 10:02 |
kjuu | dabaSlon: at least in fedora core 4 and knoppix | 10:02 |
tritium | Zorix, not on amd64 | 10:02 |
sbcl3 | scorpion: its a package manager | 10:02 |
Scorpion | oki, where do i get libglib2.0-dev | 10:02 |
demantik | yup | 10:02 |
Zorix | tritium what about chroot | 10:02 |
dabaSlon | kjuu: it should work then, I guess... | 10:02 |
tritium | Zorix, possibly, though I can't confirm | 10:02 |
kjuu | dabaSlon: it should but it won't :( | 10:02 |
dabaSlon | not really possible that it does not support your hard drive... | 10:02 |
Zorix | tritium, will this be supported in the future? | 10:02 |
kjuu | dabaSlon: neither does Mandrake, btw | 10:02 |
demantik | open Synaptic Packet Manager in Ubuntu... do a search...fairly easy to use program...might be tehre. | 10:02 |
dabaSlon | that is what I mean. | 10:02 |
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weazle | - | 10:03 |
dabaSlon | oh, ic.. | 10:03 |
tony | is there a program like mirc to download files ? | 10:03 |
tritium | Zorix, I don't think so -- that's a wine issue, not an ubuntu issue, though | 10:03 |
dabaSlon | ?? | 10:03 |
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=== XTC [~xtc@pc-67-84-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BogoMIPS | Fator_Dee, marillat: Hi, I'm also trying to install codecs, for xine/totem/xmms. I went to the freshly built rpms site linked to by xine, and converted the rpms to debs with alien. Installed them, but still can't get sound in some .avi files. Is there a place I can get a working w32codecs dbm? | 10:03 |
Zorix | tritium, thanks for your help | 10:03 |
demantik | tony = u can download with X-Chat... | 10:03 |
sbcl3 | oh, i guess i'll just try the package manager | 10:03 |
tritium | Zorix, sure | 10:03 |
tony | cool | 10:03 |
Fator_Dee | BogoMIPS: I think it's not because of the codecs | 10:03 |
lotusleaf | IMO mandriva sounds like a new public lice organism originating on the planet mars | 10:04 |
lotusleaf | pubic* | 10:04 |
Fator_Dee | BogoMIPS: it's a sound config problem, but I don't know what you should do, sorry :-( | 10:04 |
tony | i use the site www.ircspy.com | 10:04 |
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demantik | tony - yes...but xchat to my knowledge, doesnt pick up irc links | 10:04 |
demantik | so u have to type it in manually :( | 10:04 |
BogoMIPS | Fator_Dee: Ah, thanks for that. | 10:04 |
tony | yes and that is what i need | 10:05 |
Fator_Dee | BogoMIPS: but why didn't you install the w32codecs from marillats repository? | 10:05 |
demantik | anybody know how to get xchat to take irc links? or another program? | 10:05 |
Fator_Dee | BogoMIPS: I'm not sure if it's a codec or config problem | 10:05 |
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darkaudit | Fator_Dee: the backports repo has them as well | 10:05 |
Fator_Dee | darkaudit: oh, didn't know that | 10:05 |
BogoMIPS | Fator_Dee: I've joined this conversation late and didn't know about this repository. What is it's URL, please? | 10:05 |
dabaSlon | lotusleaf: why are you dissing, do you even know where the name comes from? | 10:06 |
Scorpion | how do i install libglib2.0-dev | 10:06 |
darkaudit | np :) | 10:06 |
Fator_Dee | might as well install them now :-) | 10:06 |
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Hannes_ | irssi roxors | 10:06 |
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tritium | BogoMIPS, have you read this: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats ? | 10:06 |
Fator_Dee | BogoMIPS: I think you can find it from the ubuntuguide.org | 10:06 |
demantik | scorpion - run "synaptic" any way....in a terminal, or through a menu | 10:06 |
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demantik | once its open | 10:07 |
dabaSlon | wow, no more arrogance | 10:07 |
demantik | search for libglib2.0-dev | 10:07 |
sbcl3 | once the apache server is installed via synaptic, where do i put its files? | 10:07 |
demantik | it will come up..tick the box and press apply | 10:07 |
dabaSlon | /var/www? | 10:07 |
Nalioth | demantik, irc links? | 10:07 |
tritium | Scorpion, "sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev" | 10:07 |
lotusleaf | dabaSlon: I hates it | 10:07 |
Liverman | hi, anybody here know what to add to the source.list in order to get kde 3.4 ?? | 10:07 |
dabaSlon | you can specify another folder in the conf file, though | 10:07 |
dabaSlon | lotusleaf: do you know where the name comes from>? | 10:07 |
tritium | Liverman, all you need is universe added | 10:08 |
dabaSlon | I mean, I dont like the sound either... | 10:08 |
demantik | Nalioth - yes...mirc in windows, when u click an irc link it opens up the server and room | 10:08 |
lotusleaf | dabaSlon: yes, a result from their merger | 10:08 |
Liverman | hmmm | 10:08 |
lotusleaf | dabaSlon: or acquisition, whatever | 10:08 |
shido6 | if I have 200 files names foo.2 foo.3 , etc. I want to add a suffix to the end like .dat or .mp3 how do i do that? | 10:08 |
Liverman | ...meaning :) | 10:08 |
dabaSlon | yeah, so, it kinda fits in... | 10:08 |
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lotusleaf | dabaSlon: yeah, like a turnip in a rectum undigested IMO | 10:08 |
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BogoMIPS | tritium, Fator_Dee: Ooops - time to RTFM. Sorry, guys, but I'm new to Ubuntu (more used to RH) and have been having trouble even finding all the docs and readmes. Thanks for your time, and I'll go and look up the reference now. | 10:09 |
dabaSlon | lotusleaf: haha | 10:09 |
dabaSlon | youre awful | 10:09 |
Liverman | ooh, i see | 10:09 |
Liverman | thanx tritium | 10:09 |
tritium | Liverman, see http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories | 10:09 |
lotusleaf | dabaSlon: thx | 10:09 |
lotusleaf | ;) | 10:09 |
dabaSlon | bah | 10:09 |
lotusleaf | growl | 10:09 |
tritium | Liverman, if you add the Marillat repos, use "testing" with hoary | 10:10 |
orhs | i know that linux is not specified for games but i just wonder if there is a game that is special for linux | 10:11 |
dabaSlon | yup, gnometris | 10:11 |
orhs | lol | 10:11 |
Liverman | ok, thanx again | 10:11 |
sbcl3 | gnometris is awesome ^_^ | 10:11 |
dabaSlon | look in your synaptic, there are a lot of games | 10:12 |
Liverman | but i could just go with universe right ? | 10:12 |
lotusleaf | orhs: every game is unique and special, just like every other one. | 10:12 |
dabaSlon | lotusleaf: it is about that time to get off dope.... | 10:12 |
lotusleaf | dabaSlon: dope free my friend, but schizophrenia is a bitch | 10:13 |
dabaSlon | then it is about that time to get on medication | 10:13 |
dabaSlon | jj btw | 10:13 |
lotusleaf | dabaSlon: nah, I rather enjoy riding the waves of lunacy on a surfboard of ascii | 10:14 |
sbcl3 | guys: does ubuntu's mysql package come with phpmyadmin? | 10:14 |
jordanau | orhs, are you looking for linux games? | 10:14 |
sbcl3 | and where is the mysql server located? | 10:14 |
jordanau | sbcl3, did you ever get that permission stuff working? | 10:14 |
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sbcl3 | no, but i can say i figured out why | 10:14 |
sbcl3 | jordanau: your method works for anythign that's not being mouted | 10:14 |
sbcl3 | *mounted | 10:14 |
krat3r | in ubuntu how can connect to a ftp host | 10:15 |
jordanau | sbcl3, well that works too, and you got to learn how to use chmod which is good | 10:15 |
dabaSlon | ftp hostname | 10:15 |
dabaSlon | in a terminal | 10:15 |
sbcl3 | i was able to copy the files from that partition to this one, so no real harm done | 10:15 |
sbcl3 | so does anyone know where the mysql server is? | 10:15 |
krat3r | dabaSlon, tnx, i made ftp, and then it appeared "ftp>" in the command line | 10:16 |
krat3r | tnx | 10:16 |
bodaciousb | how do i delete a non empty directry? | 10:16 |
dabaSlon | yup that is that... | 10:16 |
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[koji] | bodaciousb use -r | 10:16 |
dabaSlon | rm -r directory | 10:16 |
bodaciousb | [koji] , thanks =) | 10:16 |
krat3r | dabaSlon, the rest i know | 10:16 |
krat3r | just doing ? | 10:16 |
krat3r | :-) | 10:17 |
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dabaSlon | rephrase that, krat3r | 10:17 |
sbcl3 | err...no one here works with MySQL? | 10:17 |
adrk | how do I install wxPython? | 10:17 |
adrk | I don't see it in synaptic. | 10:17 |
dabaSlon | what exactly is your queston, sbcl3? | 10:17 |
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sbcl3 | how can i set up a mysql database? | 10:17 |
Zorix | tritium, do you happen to know anything about nvidia's geforce fx series capture device.. i dont think its setup right and i dont see linux drivers for it | 10:17 |
sbcl3 | where is the tool? | 10:18 |
dabaSlon | what? | 10:18 |
dabaSlon | do you know anything about it? | 10:18 |
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bodaciousb | how do i look for hidden files? i need to find everything .cvscedega | 10:18 |
dabaSlon | ls -l | 10:18 |
tritium | Zorix, no, sorry... | 10:18 |
dabaSlon | ls -a | 10:18 |
dabaSlon | sorry | 10:18 |
dabaSlon | ls -alt is good | 10:18 |
Zorix | hmm | 10:18 |
dabaSlon | or ls -al | 10:18 |
krat3r | dabaSlon, the commands i knew, because before asking how to connect i've made just "ftp" and then it appeared in the cmd line "ftp>" and when execute any cmd it says that that cmd is not valid and it also says to press "?" for more informations | 10:19 |
sbcl3 | i need to get phpmyadmin installed | 10:19 |
bodaciousb | dabaSlon, yes that will list, but how do i look in everything? | 10:19 |
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krat3r | so after asking you... and doing ftp host | 10:19 |
sbcl3 | but to do that i need to know where mysql is kept i think | 10:19 |
toresbe | what's the package name for the Linux kernel? | 10:19 |
krat3r | i knew the rest | 10:19 |
dabaSlon | krat3r: so now it works with the hostname,. right | 10:19 |
dabaSlon | right | 10:19 |
krat3r | yep | 10:19 |
krat3r | tnx | 10:19 |
dabaSlon | cocol | 10:19 |
bodaciousb | dabaSlon, i mean... seek the files out, not go to ever dir on my system and ls -a | 10:19 |
dabaSlon | i got that part, the ? confused nme | 10:19 |
tritium | toresbe, they begin with linux-image- | 10:19 |
toresbe | tritium: ah, thank | 10:19 |
klaym | what is the drive symbol of a flash memory? (the command I write on nautilus to open it up)? | 10:19 |
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krat3r | k | 10:19 |
toresbe | tritium: ...s! | 10:19 |
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dabaSlon | so see them in your folder viewer(nautilus? | 10:19 |
Zorix | dont update the kernel | 10:19 |
Nalioth | demantik, sorry it's been a long long time since i've seen mirc | 10:20 |
Zorix | its buggy | 10:20 |
phxguy | anyone care to help me out with Superkaramba | 10:20 |
toresbe | tritium: got an URL for a .deb for me? | 10:20 |
dabaSlon | bodaciousb: ^ | 10:20 |
tritium | Zorix, which one? | 10:20 |
Zorix | 2.6.11 | 10:20 |
bodaciousb | daba.. im in a console | 10:20 |
Nalioth | demantik, i'm happy xchat allows external URL handling | 10:20 |
tritium | Zorix, it's not supported | 10:20 |
toresbe | tritium: I'm doing this in a chroot, fixing a slightly borken harddrive | 10:20 |
Zorix | for a good reason | 10:20 |
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Zorix | it locks up gnome | 10:20 |
dabaSlon | so what do yuo want to do again? | 10:20 |
Nalioth | phxguy what is the nature of your medical emergency? | 10:20 |
toresbe | Nalioth: heh | 10:20 |
tritium | toresbe, wouldn't you rather use apt-get to install it? | 10:20 |
demantik | nalioth...it does? lol | 10:20 |
dabaSlon | show hidden files? | 10:20 |
dabaSlon | all of them on a system? | 10:20 |
bodaciousb | dabaSlon, no search for files | 10:20 |
k-dog2 | Brand new warty install. What's the X display manager, what package does it run from, and what's the sysvinit file? | 10:21 |
klaym | what is the drive symbol of a flash memory? (the command I write on nautilus to open it up)? | 10:21 |
dabaSlon | locate .cedega | 10:21 |
phxguy | Nalioth: for some reason when I have the LWP Theme running my console opens to the lwp directory instead of the normal $home directory | 10:21 |
anto9us | bodaciousb: type locate <foo> | 10:21 |
bodaciousb | dabaSlon, ahh ok | 10:21 |
dabaSlon | or wahtever, may no work though, not ure | 10:21 |
klaym | I mean USB memory | 10:21 |
toresbe | tritium: nope, it's not running Ubuntu right now - and I can't chroot because Ubuntu is for amd64 and Debian, which I'm currently in, is for i386 | 10:21 |
=== wdh_ [~KlaasVaag@217-19-26-36.dsl.cambrium.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | k-dog2, gdm, /etc/init.d/gdm | 10:21 |
klaym | not flash | 10:21 |
orhs | anyone here interested in the occult? | 10:21 |
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dabaSlon | orhs: why? | 10:21 |
tritium | orhs, please, not here | 10:21 |
orhs | just want to know | 10:21 |
k-dog2 | tritium: Thanks, didn't get installed, odd. | 10:21 |
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orhs | ok tritinum | 10:21 |
tritium | thanks | 10:22 |
dabaSlon | check out my poll, orhs | 10:22 |
orhs | dabaSlon, what and were can i find your poll? | 10:22 |
tritium | toresbe, check out packages.ubuntu.com, then | 10:22 |
toresbe | tritium: thanks | 10:22 |
Nalioth | phxguy, check your LWP rc file (or whatever file controls how it works) | 10:22 |
tritium | toresbe, you usually want linux-<architecture>, so that it pulls in linux-restricted-modules as well | 10:23 |
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k-dog2 | Any Ubuntu devs here? | 10:23 |
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Nalioth | phxguy, sounds like a malformed line | 10:23 |
tritium | k-dog2, are you using gnome? | 10:23 |
k-dog2 | Note that I got to "You should never see this question" asking for release version. warty, hoary, grumpy, perky... | 10:23 |
k-dog2 | tritium: Not if I can help it ;-) | 10:23 |
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toresbe | tritium: Just need to reinstall | 10:23 |
demantik | NALIOTH: what i want, is to be able to click an irc link... irc://server.com:port/channel and have xchat load taht for me. | 10:23 |
cmg_ | tritium, back.. any advice for my xorg hell? | 10:24 |
k-dog2 | tritium: ...but for the other users on this box, yes, I'd like default Ubuntu install | 10:24 |
phxguy | Nalioth: what am i looking for? | 10:24 |
Zorix | when is the next version of ubuntu due out approximately | 10:24 |
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jbmigel | hey all, howto defrag ext3 partitions? | 10:24 |
tritium | Zorix, Octover | 10:24 |
tritium | cmg_, no, not at the moment, sorry. | 10:24 |
k-dog2 | tritium: OK, that's now running.... | 10:24 |
tritium | k-dog2, that should run at startup | 10:24 |
anto9us | jbmigel: as I understand it, it shouldnt' be necessary | 10:25 |
k-dog2 | tritium: it didn't get loaded. | 10:25 |
robertj | if your reading from 8 striped 7200 rpm drives, what kind of throughput can you expect barring any bottlenecks other than disk speed? | 10:25 |
Zorix | long time.. will a kernel update be available before that? like 2.6.12.. i was told that my via ide controller dma bug will be fixed in 2.6.12 | 10:25 |
cmg_ | tritium, would it be worth entering a bug somewhere? I am hoping the next release will fix it | 10:25 |
k-dog2 | tritium: Very experienced Debian user here. | 10:25 |
toresbe | tritium: beh, I'll have to reinstall--- the filesystem is screwed up | 10:25 |
k-dog2 | tritium: What's Ubuntu's package bundle concept called, and how would I re-fetch the stock bundle to reload? | 10:25 |
tritium | k-dog2, is it not symlinked to in /etc/rc*.d ? | 10:25 |
=== rainer [~rainer@h081217128133.dyn.cm.kabsi.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nalioth | demantik, yes i understand. should be no problem, as xchat handles external URLs (i'm not the coder for it, tho) | 10:25 |
tritium | toresbe, ouch | 10:26 |
k-dog2 | tritium: gdm was not installed. I just installed and started it. | 10:26 |
rainer | Hi erverybody - solved my problem | 10:26 |
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Nalioth | phxguy, of that i'm not sure | 10:26 |
tritium | k-dog2, package bundle concept? | 10:26 |
k-dog2 | tritium: ...looks like I missed some packages on installation. | 10:26 |
tritium | odd | 10:26 |
Nalioth | phxguy, perhaps you should hit the forums | 10:26 |
k-dog2 | tritium: Are you an Ubuntu dev / Canonical staffer? | 10:26 |
phxguy | Nalioth: well it doesn't matter because its empty | 10:26 |
tritium | k-dog2, might want to make sure you have all the dependencies of ubuntu-desktop | 10:26 |
k-dog2 | tritium: bundle == set of debs. | 10:26 |
=== muk_amd64 [~sgoodwin@adsl-65-69-121-8.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
muk_amd64 | what do I need to do for working dvd playback? | 10:27 |
tritium | k-dog2, no, not a dev. I just work on packages in universe. No, different employer. | 10:27 |
k-dog2 | tritium: OK. | 10:27 |
Zorix | muk_amd64.. the css libraries | 10:27 |
k-dog2 | tritium: That's now d/l'ing 121 MB of packages. | 10:27 |
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phxguy | muk_amd64: ubuntuguide.org | 10:27 |
tritium | k-dog2, something went wrong during your install, sounds like | 10:27 |
k-dog2 | tritium: ...so something borked in install. We did partial custom/expert mode, had to try a few things, CDROM detection failed stock. | 10:27 |
k-dog2 | tritium: Yeah. | 10:27 |
k-dog2 | tritium: High speed line, we'll see what happens here.... | 10:28 |
Nalioth | phxguy, somewhere there is a text file that controls how it works, hit the forums/faq for it and see | 10:28 |
cmg_ | tritium, think this will be fixed in the next Ubuntu release? or is my X screwed for life | 10:28 |
tritium | k-dog2, sorry you had problems | 10:28 |
rainer | Nalioth: Be carefull with timesettings in ubuntu. The problem seems to be that I used Network time synchronisation (which I activated yesterday) - repaired everything by just setting the date it was on 1.1.1904 | 10:28 |
k-dog2 | tritium: NP. I can work through it. | 10:28 |
tritium | cmg_, it must be specific to your set of hardware. Most people have no trouble with x.org and intel i810 | 10:28 |
tritium | k-dog2, cool | 10:28 |
k-dog2 | tritium: Did an in-class demo yesterday, bare-metal to mixing beats (audacity) in ~1 hr, with explanations. And a CDROM drive swapout. | 10:28 |
=== debiannoob [~debiannoo@dsl-082-083-200-252.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
k-dog2 | tritium: As I said: very experience Debian hand/admin. Know bob2 well. | 10:29 |
tritium | k-dog2, oh, cool | 10:29 |
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k-dog2 | tritium: ...and jdub, though on different terms. | 10:29 |
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k-dog2 | tritium: Google "an agony in seven fits" | 10:29 |
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=== BuzW [~BuzW@w034.z064003218.dfw-tx.dsl.cnc.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | k-dog2, heh, ok | 10:29 |
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k-dog2 | tritium: ...setting this puppy up for remote access.... | 10:30 |
rainer | can anyone help me in configuring wpa_supplicant? | 10:31 |
hyso_ | I am using ubuntu warty, is there a way so I can have the latest packages available for hoary? | 10:31 |
=== tritium returns to his research | ||
muk_amd64 | phxguy, thx | 10:32 |
hyso_ | I mean, I only have firefox 0.9 and things like that, but I thing that other versions of ubuntu have more actualized packages... | 10:32 |
k-dog2 | tritium: ...ok, on from other box.... | 10:32 |
hyso_ | thing=think | 10:32 |
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fr500 | hello | 10:33 |
dabaSlon | yo! | 10:33 |
=== Kisain [~Kisain@24-177-160-171.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
demantik | woohoo! found my answer | 10:33 |
demantik | http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-25372.html | 10:33 |
bodaciousb | anyone fimiliar with cvscedega? | 10:33 |
Kisain | my kubuntu crashed 0_o | 10:34 |
fr500 | i have a config file with a lot of routes, how can i run the command "ip route add" with all the routes in the file | 10:34 |
lotusleaf | bodaciousb: since you're still asking this, you might try linuxquestions.org | 10:34 |
tritium | k-dog2, okay. I'll see you around. I've got research to do. | 10:34 |
fr500 | like a loop that takes as input the file lines | 10:34 |
bodaciousb | lotusleaf, beent here =( | 10:34 |
lotusleaf | bodaciousb: frank's wine corner forums? | 10:34 |
bodaciousb | lotusleaf, sounds fimiliar, whats the url? | 10:34 |
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demantik | people, im gonna go....6:35am ..Australia. Bye | 10:35 |
lotusleaf | bodaciousb: dunno I have it linked on my site though: lotusleaf.nermal.net/linux.html <- click on gaming/emulation | 10:35 |
lotusleaf | bodaciousb: or discussion fourms | 10:35 |
k-dog2 | tritium: NP, thanks. | 10:35 |
bodaciousb | lotusleaf, ok | 10:35 |
dabaSlon | later, demantik | 10:35 |
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AndyR | quiet here tonight | 10:37 |
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=== lotusleaf growls | ||
lotusleaf | AndyR: better? :) | 10:37 |
Nalioth | rainer thx | 10:37 |
AndyR | lotusleaf, yes | 10:38 |
cmg_ | tritium, holy crap i fixed my X prob somehow | 10:38 |
shido6 | anyone use xdcc assist | 10:38 |
Zorix | what is a cheap s-video capture card supported by linux | 10:38 |
shido6 | or know of anything similar I can use with x-chat | 10:38 |
bodaciousb | lotusleaf, err franks has nothing eaither, that site seems way outdated | 10:38 |
shido6 | or get it working? | 10:38 |
lotusleaf | bodaciousb: did you check thier forums? | 10:38 |
cmg_ | tritium, after my Xorg -configure failed, it removed my xorg.conf and replaced it with a file named x.org | 10:38 |
tritium | cmg_, sorry, was away. What did you do to fix it? | 10:38 |
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cmg_ | and now everything is fine.. i can set my resolution and all works great | 10:39 |
lotusleaf | bodaciousb: if that fails, you could try googling for a related newsgroup or mailing list and posting at any you find | 10:39 |
bodaciousb | lotusleaf, yeah..... im jsut gonna keep trying hte linux-gamers.org.org script file thing | 10:39 |
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tritium | cmg_, glad you fixed it. :) Now I better work on my dissertation. | 10:39 |
dabaSlon | yeah, told you... | 10:39 |
lotusleaf | bodaciousb: have you tried the linux forum at arstechnica? | 10:39 |
bodaciousb | lotusleaf, nope.... i have googled it though... | 10:40 |
lotusleaf | bodaciousb: it doesn't hurt to post several places and wait for the replies to roll in and compare answers. ;) | 10:40 |
cmg_ | tritium, thanks for the help!! | 10:40 |
lotusleaf | bodaciousb: try arstechnica's linux forum section there's some brilliant minds there | 10:40 |
tritium | cmg_, you're welcome. Congrats, and take care! | 10:40 |
bodaciousb | lotusleaf, i know..... ive seen posts with my problem and the reply is always buy cedega, your screwed | 10:40 |
lotusleaf | bodaciousb: lol | 10:40 |
lotusleaf | bodaciousb: well it's a smart marketing technique if that's true, because if cvs worked 100% without problems, would the commercial offering still sell? :P | 10:41 |
lotusleaf | bodaciousb: good luck, I gave up on WINEX when I tried it. | 10:41 |
bodaciousb | lotusleaf, =) i have a suspicion that cedega needs wine | 10:41 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | anyone know of a good instant messaging gateway? | 10:42 |
Kisain | i can't beleve my box crashed o_0 | 10:42 |
bodaciousb | lotusleaf, i can make it run but it throws errors left and right, windows API errors, so im thinking somehting isnt installing properly | 10:42 |
bodaciousb | lotusleaf, ill get it eventually | 10:42 |
lotusleaf | bodaciousb: you've tried the Freenode channel for it right? | 10:42 |
bodaciousb | nope | 10:43 |
bodaciousb | im there now, ill ask =) | 10:43 |
lotusleaf | bodaciousb: you might try that.. and #winehq too just for shits and giggles | 10:43 |
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bodaciousb | lotusleaf, hehe ok | 10:43 |
=== reD_Rum [~brotha_ly@DSL199-203-67-30.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
reD_Rum | anybody else getting slow download speeds from ubuntu backports? | 10:44 |
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spades | got my new lcd, thing is nice http://3spades.net/dump/05-06-05_1638.jpg | 10:44 |
lotusleaf | reD_Rum: define slow | 10:45 |
reD_Rum | 10 KB/sec | 10:45 |
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lotusleaf | reD_Rum: slow? My max is 5.xxK/s | 10:45 |
lotusleaf | reD_Rum: wanna trade? | 10:45 |
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reD_Rum | lotusleaf: lol, nevermind =) | 10:45 |
lotusleaf | ;) | 10:45 |
reD_Rum | also, is there gonna be a problem since synaptic is trying to upgrade synaptic? | 10:46 |
Nalioth | reD_Rum, nope, it'l use the new version next time you run it | 10:46 |
=== Daehlie [~Daehlie@pmac-13.scl.utah.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
reD_Rum | Nalioth: thanks | 10:47 |
queuetue | Evolution is using up over a gig of ram, all by itself... Why is that? | 10:47 |
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=== Keizer [~keizer@pcp02851954pcs.ctftmy01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
reD_Rum | Nalioth: same thing if in a hypothetical situation gnome is being upgrade? or for that matter, the kernel? | 10:47 |
Daehlie | sounds like a memory leak, kill it and try starting it again | 10:47 |
Keizer | It's fun to try and keep Xine from crashing LOL | 10:47 |
cmg_ | tritium, i take it back.. it's still busted :( it only works until I reboot | 10:47 |
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lotusleaf | cool! only 27 hours left in my ubuntu download. | 10:48 |
=== lotusleaf rubs 56k modem | ||
queuetue | And GAIM is using 200MB? WTH? | 10:48 |
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reD_Rum | lotusleaf: 2005, time to get broadband | 10:49 |
Triffid-Hunter | queuetue: every time i see things like that, its always mountains of cached files... | 10:50 |
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orhs | hey all, what should i begin with if i want to learn to hack?? (i want to be an ethical hacker) | 10:50 |
Keizer | Damn | 10:50 |
lotusleaf | reD_Rum: that's an excellent idea, but I eat ramen meals, so.. not feasible. ;( | 10:50 |
dabaSlon | lol | 10:50 |
Keizer | Totem is bringing my system doooooown | 10:50 |
bodaciousb | orhs, start with google, not #ubuntu | 10:51 |
Keizer | I should be able to play DVDs with a 1.6Ghz and 256MB of RAM | 10:51 |
dabaSlon | orhs: a time machine, to get younger into it... | 10:51 |
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reD_Rum | lotusleaf: how expensive can it be? hehe | 10:51 |
Fator_Dee | Keizer: I play dvds with a 800mhz 512mb | 10:51 |
=== atahualpa [~atahualpa@p54ABACB5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
atahualpa | where do i get a samba howto? | 10:51 |
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=== maximaus_ [~chatzilla@user-37kac2p.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
reD_Rum | lotusleaf: are you in USA? | 10:51 |
Keizer | Fator_Dee, Twice my RAM | 10:52 |
terje | so.. this is a retarted question.. | 10:52 |
Keizer | Fator_Dee, How long does it take to load a DVD movie? | 10:52 |
Keizer | Mine is still spinning | 10:52 |
terje | I have a debian package (I'm a RH guy), how do I install it? | 10:52 |
reD_Rum | atahualpa: google would be a good place to look | 10:52 |
Fator_Dee | Keizer: haven't measured | 10:52 |
Keizer | OMG | 10:52 |
Keizer | < 5 minutes? | 10:52 |
Fator_Dee | you have dma on? | 10:52 |
Keizer | Maybe | 10:52 |
Fator_Dee | check | 10:52 |
Keizer | I'll check | 10:52 |
maximaus_ | terje: man dpkg | 10:53 |
goldfish | use vlc | 10:53 |
terje | dope. | 10:53 |
terje | thanks. | 10:53 |
goldfish | terje: dpkg -i moo.deb | 10:53 |
bodaciousb | atahualpa, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba | 10:53 |
Fator_Dee | and yes, <5min | 10:53 |
dabaSlon | atahualpa: http://us3.samba.org/samba/ | 10:53 |
goldfish | Keizer: turn on dma and use vlc. | 10:53 |
=== bugz_ [~vanni@adsl-69-231-27-116.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaSlon | i mean, there is an official howto...I dont know if you googled for it... | 10:53 |
lotusleaf | reD_Rum: I could be | 10:53 |
atahualpa | thx bodaciousb dabaSlon | 10:54 |
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bodaciousb | atahualpa, np, that website answerd all of my ?'s | 10:54 |
wnight | How do I turn off gam_server? I can't find a startup script. | 10:54 |
Fator_Dee | Keizer: and you have installed the library to decode dvds? | 10:54 |
=== Quest-Master [~qmaster@c-24-99-26-36.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
reD_Rum | lotusleaf: so could i...? | 10:55 |
lotusleaf | reD_Rum: how expensive? it's simple: can you afford to buy a 2 liter of soda right now? | 10:55 |
Keizer | Fator_Dee, I have all that | 10:55 |
reD_Rum | lotusleaf: yeah, well i have a job. do you? | 10:55 |
reD_Rum | =p | 10:55 |
dabaSlon | hah | 10:55 |
lotusleaf | reD_Rum: I can't afford that, so naturally I can't afford broadband ;) | 10:55 |
Keizer | Fator_Dee, Get this, everything in my hdparm.conf is commented out.... | 10:56 |
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reD_Rum | lotusleaf: actually i take that back, soda doesn't come in 2 liter bottles in this country | 10:56 |
reD_Rum | loutleaf: so it would be impossible | 10:56 |
Fator_Dee | Keizer: what does "hdparm /dev/hdX" say | 10:56 |
Fator_Dee | where hdX is your dvd-player | 10:56 |
Nalioth | reD_Rum, lotusleaf this is getting surreal | 10:56 |
Keizer | sudo /sbin/hdparm -d 1 /dev/cdrom | 10:57 |
lotusleaf | reD_Rum: not impossible if it was imported ;) | 10:57 |
Keizer | That enables DMA | 10:57 |
Fator_Dee | it's -d1 | 10:58 |
reD_Rum | i dont think they import that, lol | 10:58 |
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carambol | hi how i remove the debian item in gnome menu | 10:59 |
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Keizer | Fator_Dee, I'll have to try Totem because MPlayer just shit itself when I tried to get it to play the DVD | 10:59 |
orhs | hey is there some other programs like evolution??? | 10:59 |
goldfish | Keizer: Get Vlc. | 10:59 |
Fator_Dee | or xine or ogle or :-p | 10:59 |
lotusleaf | reD_Rum: but it's not impossible :) | 10:59 |
FunnyLookinHat | VLC for GTK+ works good for me. | 10:59 |
reD_Rum | totem-xine is good | 10:59 |
Keizer | I hate the way Ubuntu has sound setup | 11:00 |
Keizer | Programs crash while trying to use the sound because you have to kill esd or force eSound | 11:00 |
Keizer | DMA support didn't help | 11:00 |
orhs | has someone answerd my question?? :S | 11:00 |
Nalioth | orhs, microsloth Outlook? | 11:01 |
lotusleaf | Keizer: I hate the way god has earth setup, too many animals eating each other | 11:01 |
FunnyLookinHat | orhs: Looking for a mail/newsgroup program? Try Thunderbird | 11:01 |
reD_Rum | lotusleaf: i suppose maybe i can order it from overseas.. i think this conversation lost its point a long time ago though | 11:01 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | Whenever I change my /etc/exports and run exportfs -ra, the changes don't show up when I type exportfs | 11:01 |
lotusleaf | reD_Rum: agreed. I win. ;) | 11:01 |
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reD_Rum | lol | 11:01 |
Nalioth | orhs, sylpheed? | 11:01 |
Keizer | lotusleaf, I like eating Animals | 11:01 |
lotusleaf | :P | 11:01 |
fr500 | i have a config file with a lot of routes, how can i run the command "ip route add" with all the routes in the file | 11:02 |
Keizer | A computer isn't God's creation | 11:02 |
fr500 | like a loop that takes as input the file lines | 11:02 |
lotusleaf | Keizer: even warthogs? | 11:02 |
reD_Rum | Keizer: are animals? | 11:02 |
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Nalioth | lotusleaf, warthogs are the tastiest of varmints | 11:02 |
lotusleaf | Keizer: sure it is, because humans created god | 11:02 |
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lotusleaf | Nalioth: i've often wondered what penguin burgers would taste like | 11:02 |
something_else | this is bloody pissing me off | 11:03 |
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something_else | ok ... can someone let me know if this is the case | 11:03 |
something_else | hostname can be whatever not localhost | 11:03 |
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something_else | domain something inside resolv.conf | 11:03 |
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Keizer | Wow | 11:03 |
Keizer | Xine played it | 11:03 |
orhs | hmm apt-get is not finding thunderbird... | 11:04 |
Keizer | But I can't hear Jack because eSound on Ubuntu is a freaking middle man | 11:04 |
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something_else | /etc/hosts contains localhost.localdomain localhost hostname | 11:04 |
=== Fish-Face [~chris@cpc1-stkp4-3-0-cust125.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
something_else | what else is necessary for this to work? | 11:04 |
lotusleaf | orhs: so download it from mozilla's site ;) | 11:04 |
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jason | can anyone help me with an alsa recording problem? | 11:04 |
bodaciousb | how to i unzip a tar.gz file | 11:04 |
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Nalioth | lotusleaf, very nasty, as they are chock full of penguin oil | 11:04 |
terje | tar -zxvf file.tar.gz | 11:05 |
bodaciousb | thank you | 11:05 |
Nalioth | orhs, look for mozilla-thunderbird | 11:05 |
terje | or just gunzip file.tar.gz | 11:05 |
orhs | lotusleaf, dont remember how i installed tar.gz files.. | 11:05 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | something_else: what exactly are you trying to do? | 11:05 |
=== goedson [~goedson@BHE040078.res-com.wayinternet.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
something_else | flying squirrel im trying to fix this dodgey problem | 11:05 |
something_else | where gnome complains about being unable to find my hostname | 11:05 |
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lotusleaf | orhs: the linux documentation project.. or whatever it's called.. is a great resource | 11:06 |
reD_Rum | tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz | 11:06 |
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something_else | which is causing extreme slowness | 11:06 |
Keizer | Do you guys have to kill eSound for Xine to work? | 11:06 |
something_else | and the regular crashing of gnome | 11:06 |
reD_Rum | Keizer: yes, i just disabled it | 11:06 |
reD_Rum | Keizer: a common problem | 11:06 |
Keizer | I've been fighting it for months | 11:06 |
reD_Rum | Keizer: why dont you disable it? | 11:06 |
something_else | im pretty sure its to do with a mixture of /etc/hosts | 11:06 |
something_else | /etc/resolv.conf | 11:06 |
something_else | and /etc/hostname | 11:06 |
InitMass | damn fuckin' firefox. it crashes very often when trying to save something | 11:07 |
=== jason [~jason@pool-70-104-98-210.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
something_else | when i do host localhost | 11:07 |
something_else | all is fine if internet is up | 11:07 |
reD_Rum | Keizer: in gnome: System > Preferences > Sound > Uncheck "Enable sound server startup" | 11:07 |
Keizer | reD_Rum, I love and hate it | 11:07 |
=== busfahrer[off] is now known as busfahrer | ||
something_else | firstly, im failing to understand why internet is being checked for localhost | 11:07 |
reD_Rum | Keizer: it sucks, there's no point to having system sounds anyway | 11:07 |
something_else | when i have host,bind as the order in host.cof | 11:07 |
something_else | host.conf | 11:07 |
lotusleaf | agreed, I disabled my system sounds, they're useless. Well, except for the pc speaker beep ;) | 11:08 |
Fish-Face | Hmmm... Totem complains about missing plugins for _wavs_ | 11:09 |
=== ryman [~ryman@adsl-69-105-224-116.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
reD_Rum | fish-face: did you install totem through apt-get / synaptic ? | 11:09 |
Fish-Face | totem was already installed... It plays MP3s fine | 11:09 |
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Fish-Face | I guess it was installed through apt/dpkg, though | 11:10 |
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reD_Rum | fish-face: maybe you can find the plug-ins in synaptic? search for totem | 11:10 |
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Copite | ciao | 11:10 |
Copite | :) | 11:10 |
Fish-Face | reD_Rum, well, sure, but a codec for .wavs? I don't see anything with gstreamer-wav or whatever | 11:11 |
reD_Rum | i uninstalled the default totem and installed totem-xine in its place, that should support .wavs i believe | 11:11 |
=== fendermaiden [~fendermai@i01v-27-188.d4.club-internet.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
reD_Rum | i dunno, the default totem sucks | 11:11 |
Fish-Face | Hmm... xine instead of gstreamer perhaps | 11:11 |
Copite | posso farvi una domanda? | 11:11 |
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Fish-Face | reD_Rum, I had all sorts of problems on FC3... Whatever file, it would say "unspecified error" | 11:11 |
holycow | *hmmm* | 11:11 |
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Copite | volevo sapere se magari sapete xche i video in formato 3gp si vede il video ma non si sente l'audio | 11:12 |
holycow | when using the setup printer dialog menu, what is the syntax to connect to a shared printer over a windows domain (printer connected to windows box)? | 11:12 |
reD_Rum | fish-face: i think you'll find less crap like that in ubuntu =) | 11:12 |
holycow | /workgroup/machine/printershare <-- like that? | 11:12 |
Nalioth | copilot, is tht italian? | 11:12 |
Fish-Face | reD_Rum, yeah... Well, it works with totem-xine | 11:12 |
=== ShadowRage [~ShadowRag@host-66-81-244-95.rev.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BiSON | guys i'm trying to mount my primary hd but i got superblock error ,, how to fix that ? | 11:13 |
reD_Rum | fish-face: thought so, gstreamer sucks | 11:13 |
ShadowRage | totem-xine won't play dvd's | 11:13 |
ShadowRage | I have all the dvd libs installed | 11:13 |
ShadowRage | says it needs a plugin | 11:13 |
Fish-Face | One of the reasons for Ubuntu was actual decent synaptic support :) | 11:13 |
Fish-Face | Gotta love synaptic | 11:13 |
ShadowRage | I have the w32 plugins installed | 11:13 |
reD_Rum | oh, i don't have a DVD player, so i don't know =p | 11:13 |
ShadowRage | then dont say anything :P | 11:13 |
holycow | synaptic always worked great, what are you talking about Fish-Face ? | 11:13 |
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reD_Rum | fish-face: synaptic support is everything =) | 11:14 |
Fish-Face | holycow, not on FC3, funnily enough! | 11:14 |
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holycow | synaptic is meant for debian | 11:14 |
reD_Rum | i didn't know it was supposed to work on fc3 | 11:14 |
holycow | apt doesnt even work well on fc | 11:14 |
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reD_Rum | FC3 uses rpm | 11:14 |
holycow | apt has been somewhat ported to fc too | 11:15 |
reD_Rum | holycow: does it install everything on apt from source? | 11:15 |
bodaciousb | i tired to install apt on suse 9.3.. i got it in there, but apt-get fglrx said that it didnt want the file, somehow it wasnt linked to suse at all | 11:15 |
holycow | not sure reD_Rum frankly i don't like redhat distro ... i do like the company and their people tho | 11:16 |
Fish-Face | There's rudimentary support... It installs stuff, but it's shaky | 11:16 |
reD_Rum | i haven't touched redhat in about 3 years so i dunno | 11:16 |
reD_Rum | before ubuntu i had suse | 11:16 |
ryman | are there any good IRC client beside Xchat ? | 11:17 |
Fator_Dee | irssi | 11:17 |
ShadowRage | oh | 11:17 |
ShadowRage | I dont have ffmpeg installed | 11:17 |
ShadowRage | THAT COULD BE IT | 11:17 |
ShadowRage | >_> | 11:17 |
ShadowRage | okay then | 11:17 |
ShadowRage | later | 11:17 |
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holycow | reD_Rum, i used suse too, i had nothing but problems with it so i switched to debian | 11:17 |
Nalioth | FC3 uses yum to mangle its rpms into place | 11:17 |
Nalioth | ryman that is a good questin | 11:18 |
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ryman | Nalioth+ ??? | 11:18 |
Quest-Master | Yuck, SUSE | 11:19 |
goldfish | ryman: irssi is the best irc client ever. | 11:19 |
goldfish | apt-get irssi-text tbh | 11:19 |
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reD_Rum | holycow: suse pro was okay, came with most of the stuff i needed. but it was slow and installing packages was a pain. switched to ubuntu and never looked back | 11:19 |
ryman | goldfish+ I think its installed in Ubuntu by default | 11:19 |
goldfish | wasn't for me. | 11:20 |
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lotusleaf | reD_Rum: that's what I hope to do in about 30 hours ;) | 11:20 |
ryman | to run it | 11:20 |
ryman | i type irssi in console irght ? | 11:20 |
Fish-Face | I tried SuSE, but it didn't go well | 11:20 |
ryman_ | hello | 11:20 |
goldfish | ryman: yep | 11:20 |
Fish-Face | trouble with kernel-source, gcc and so on | 11:20 |
ryman_ | hehe I can't see the users list | 11:20 |
reD_Rum | lotusleaf: what distro are u using? | 11:20 |
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lotusleaf | reD_Rum: SUSE | 11:20 |
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reD_Rum | lotusleaf: lol | 11:20 |
Fish-Face | :D | 11:21 |
lotusleaf | reD_Rum: indeed | 11:21 |
bodaciousb | anyone in here running kubuntu? | 11:21 |
reD_Rum | lotusleaf: comparing suse to ubuntu is like comparing windows to suse | 11:21 |
goldfish | bodaciousb: try #kubuntu | 11:21 |
Fish-Face | Unfortunately, switching to Ubuntu doesn't fix a bug with my network card | 11:21 |
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Nalioth | bodaciousb, today is my kubuntu day | 11:21 |
bodaciousb | goldfish, ok =) | 11:21 |
goldfish | :) | 11:21 |
lotusleaf | reD_Rum: ;-) | 11:21 |
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Fish-Face | I have to include "ifup wlan0" as part of my startup script | 11:21 |
reD_Rum | ubuntu, is so much faster.. i was surprised | 11:21 |
Fish-Face | reD_Rum, I found that | 11:21 |
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bodaciousb | Nalioth, can kubuntu toggle between gnome and kde? or are you stuck with what you install? | 11:22 |
Fish-Face | reD_Rum, except if I boot with the network card plugged in... There's a point where it stops for ages | 11:22 |
lotusleaf | reD_Rum: Well I'm looking to give ubuntu a try after it finishes downloading. ;) | 11:22 |
lotusleaf | reD_Rum: which will require a format of my SUSE install ;) | 11:22 |
mjr | bodaciousb, you can choose either when logging in if you have both installed | 11:22 |
Fish-Face | I was also attracted to the 1CD install of Ubuntu, over 3 for FC | 11:22 |
SbCl3 | how do i start the mysql server up? | 11:22 |
Fish-Face | And apt-get dist-upgrade, as opposed to downloading three ISOs | 11:22 |
SbCl3 | i'm getting complaints from phpmyadmin that it can't load the mysql extension "mysql" | 11:23 |
holycow | Fish-Face, heh, debian is up to something like 13 cds by now | 11:23 |
mjr | bodaciousb, and you can install the usual gnome desktop by installing the ubuntu-desktop package | 11:23 |
Nalioth | bodaciousb, i'm probably not up on my linux, but i think you have to log out of kubuntu to log into ubuntu | 11:23 |
Fish-Face | holycow, yeah... I don't like the look of raw debian | 11:23 |
bodaciousb | mjr, nice, im about to reformat my entire linux drive(Again)... should i use the kubuntu cd or ubuntu? if i want both... | 11:23 |
Fish-Face | A bit archaic, old and so on | 11:23 |
holycow | Fish-Face, not at all | 11:23 |
Fish-Face | GNOME 2.10... that's more like it | 11:23 |
zoddan | what is the default root pass in ubuntu ? | 11:23 |
Fish-Face | zoddan, there isn't one | 11:23 |
Fish-Face | zoddan, root's locked | 11:23 |
zoddan | lol | 11:23 |
SbCl3 | how do you unlock it? | 11:23 |
zoddan | how do i root then ? | 11:24 |
Fish-Face | you can use sudo -s if you want a login shell for root | 11:24 |
Fish-Face | or sudo <command> to execute a single command | 11:24 |
mjr | bodaciousb, then it doesn't really matter; you install from the other, and then install the other desktop system from the net | 11:24 |
bodaciousb | mjr, Nalioth ok.... so install kubuntu and add apt-get install ubuntu-desktop to my custom little after-reformat-script? sweet | 11:24 |
zoddan | that sucks | 11:24 |
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holycow | debian will start to inherit ubuntu work post sid ... it's a big project | 11:24 |
Fish-Face | zoddan, if you want a root account, do sudo passwd root | 11:24 |
SbCl3 | anyone know how to start the mysql server up? | 11:24 |
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reD_Rum | lotusleaf: you will definately not regret it | 11:24 |
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Nalioth | bodaciousb, whatever you just said | 11:24 |
zoddan | why do they have a root-console in the meny if you cant use it ? | 11:24 |
zoddan | thats just stupid | 11:24 |
lotusleaf | reD_Rum: that's what I like to hear ;) | 11:24 |
Fish-Face | zoddan, try your own password | 11:24 |
Orathon | can someone name a good program for hosting a FTP server??? | 11:25 |
Fish-Face | zoddan, I believe that's what the prompt asks for ;) | 11:25 |
k-dog2 | Orathon: No. | 11:25 |
jordanau | Orathon, vsftpd | 11:25 |
zoddan | it was my own password | 11:25 |
Nalioth | zoddan vestigial debian organ? | 11:25 |
k-dog2 | Orathon: ...however, if you must, proftp's among the least bad. | 11:25 |
x_or | Does anyone here use a blackberry with their linux machine? Is it possible to sync blackberry devices with ubuntu? | 11:25 |
holycow | okay so anyone know the host/printer field syntax in the addprinter dialog in gnome 2.10? | 11:25 |
reD_Rum | ohh finally my downloads from backports are finished, time for some cutting edge technology =p | 11:25 |
holycow | \workgroup\compy\printer <-- ist that correct? doesn't seem to work right | 11:26 |
reD_Rum | ohh, firefox 1.0.3 =) | 11:26 |
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zoddan | damn my WLAN is not working :( | 11:26 |
zoddan | card wont load :/ | 11:26 |
Fish-Face | zoddan, what have you done so far? | 11:26 |
jordanau | zoddan, what kind of card? | 11:27 |
holycow | is it a prism54 wlan card? | 11:27 |
zoddan | nothing, just installed it | 11:27 |
reD_Rum | this sucks, i dont see anything new about any of this | 11:27 |
reD_Rum | lol | 11:27 |
zoddan | holycow: yes | 11:27 |
holycow | prism54.org, download the firmware for it | 11:27 |
holycow | place it in the right folder and rename it | 11:27 |
holycow | the instructions are on the site | 11:27 |
zoddan | holycow: dont ubuntu have the firmwae allredy ? | 11:27 |
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holycow | module wont load because firmware cannot be distributed | 11:27 |
holycow | of course not | 11:27 |
holycow | its not free | 11:27 |
zoddan | it was on the LiveCD | 11:28 |
zoddan | stupid :P | 11:28 |
holycow | no its not stupid | 11:28 |
zoddan | yes it is | 11:28 |
holycow | ubuntu is basically debian | 11:28 |
lotusleaf | reD_Rum: just have faith(tm) that it's different ;) | 11:28 |
pshend | hi all. i'm trying to add repositories in synaptic on hoary but the window doesn't come up - there's an error on the console about no module pygtk | 11:28 |
holycow | including its social policies | 11:28 |
holycow | non free software is not included | 11:28 |
reD_Rum | i'm taking backports out of my sources.list, downlaoding at 10kbps compared to 90 is not worth this =p | 11:28 |
holycow | please read and install as required | 11:28 |
pshend | any ideas whats up? | 11:28 |
Fish-Face | Weird... I compiled at76c503 module, and didn't install atmel-firmware... Yet it works? | 11:28 |
reD_Rum | how many people here use xfce with ubuntu btw? | 11:29 |
zoddan | why is it on the LiveCD then ? | 11:29 |
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lotusleaf | reD_Rum: I'm downloading ubuntu at 5.xxK/s :) | 11:29 |
holycow | zoddan, just shutup and do what i told you | 11:29 |
Fator_Dee | reD_Rum: o/ | 11:29 |
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zoddan | haha | 11:29 |
Fish-Face | holycow, lol | 11:29 |
zoddan | holycow: im working on it :P | 11:29 |
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Fish-Face | holycow, you tell him ;-) | 11:29 |
Orathon | zoddan, just copy the file fro mthe live cd into a flash usb or something and move it to the | 11:30 |
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jordanau | pshend, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 11:30 |
reD_Rum | lotusleaf: damn.. that sucks. installing packages is gonan be a pain | 11:30 |
holycow | :) it's friday | 11:30 |
Orathon | zoddan nvm.. | 11:30 |
jordanau | holycow, yeah dont remind me, i have 2 finals tomorrow | 11:30 |
pshend | jordanau, but is there a problem with my pygtk setup? | 11:30 |
zoddan | Orathon ? | 11:30 |
reD_Rum | jordanau: on a saturday? | 11:30 |
Orathon | zoddan, yes? | 11:31 |
jordanau | reD_Rum, on a saturday | 11:31 |
holycow | jordanau, :) | 11:31 |
lotusleaf | reD_Rum: yeah but I'm used to it. :) Back when I used to use mandrek I downloaded 3 of their free isos via 56k | 11:31 |
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reD_Rum | jordanau: ouch | 11:31 |
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zoddan | Orathon: you mean /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware/ ? | 11:31 |
holycow | btw dudes, the ubuntu website is becoming a serioius store of knowledge | 11:31 |
holycow | there is some very very good info there | 11:31 |
jordanau | reD_Rum, differential equations and thermodynamics | 11:31 |
bodaciousb | holycow, my fav is ubuntuguid.org | 11:31 |
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lotusleaf | reD_Rum: I just imagine my 56k modem is like an oven vs. microwave situation: my 56k modem may take longer to download things but at the end it tastes better and was worth the wait ;) | 11:32 |
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holycow | :) bodaciousb | 11:32 |
Fish-Face | holycow, woohoo! 2Mb connection! | 11:32 |
Orathon | zoddan you said that the thing you needed was in the live cdor something, y now move the thing you need on the live cd onto ubuntu? | 11:32 |
reD_Rum | lotusleaf: on the contrary.. oh, nevermind =p | 11:32 |
lotusleaf | reD_Rum: lol | 11:32 |
jordanau | pshend, i don't know i just know that if you want to add a repository you can do it like i said | 11:32 |
zoddan | Orathon no im downloading i | 11:32 |
zoddan | t | 11:32 |
reD_Rum | jordanau: shouldn't be too hard =p | 11:32 |
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bodaciousb | cvscedega is suck crap, im going to reformat and try again.. Uhhh | 11:33 |
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zoddan | what was the name that i have to change to ? | 11:33 |
zoddan | ls someting | 11:33 |
Keizer | Who loves ALSA? | 11:33 |
reD_Rum | jordanau: i feel your pain though. i've been using 56k until a couple of months ago | 11:33 |
zoddan | the firmware | 11:33 |
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pshend | jordanau, ok, thanks | 11:33 |
jordanau | reD_Rum, ??? | 11:33 |
lotusleaf | Keizer: Skype doesn't seem to | 11:33 |
reD_Rum | jordanau: not you.. | 11:33 |
reD_Rum | i meant lotusleaf | 11:33 |
bodaciousb | Alsa rocks... i jsut wish ubuntu didnt have that instilation flaw with the audigy input/output thing | 11:33 |
lotusleaf | reD_Rum: yeah it sure is painful | 11:34 |
Keizer | lotusleaf, OMG noooooo >_< | 11:34 |
Keizer | Beep Media Player loves ALSA | 11:34 |
Blissex | for ALSA documentation http://WWW.sabi.co.UK/Notes/linuxSoundALSA.html | 11:34 |
bluesign | is there a blindread like utility to recover CD for linux? | 11:34 |
zoddan | holycow: ? | 11:34 |
bodaciousb | i tried beep media player... i prefer xmms | 11:34 |
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Keizer | I prefer BMP! | 11:34 |
Keizer | It's the Pimp Media Player | 11:34 |
lotusleaf | I prefer making my hands sing, it frees up my CPU to do other things | 11:35 |
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Fish-Face | xmms smells like poop | 11:35 |
Fish-Face | or rather, i find it vaguely repulsive | 11:35 |
=== Keizer watches lotusleaf hand sing like a chimp | ||
os|gaz | hello, can anyone help me with a graphics problem? | 11:35 |
bodaciousb | i use a really high res.... and beep is just to damn small! | 11:35 |
ryman | I'm not running any bittorent client but I see it in Firestarter Events | 11:35 |
jordanau | well at least they are both better than that damn rhythmbox | 11:35 |
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lotusleaf | when I'm alone, my hands come alive and take a life of their own, they have their own unique personalities. | 11:35 |
Fish-Face | jordanau, ugh, rhythmbox | 11:36 |
reD_Rum | lotusleaf: oh, just admit your connection is too slow to download mp3s =p | 11:36 |
Keizer | lotusleaf, Which finger likes 2.4 Kernel? | 11:36 |
lotusleaf | Keizer: the middle one | 11:36 |
jordanau | haha | 11:36 |
=== Waryas [Joe@235-145.241.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Keizer | LOL | 11:37 |
Keizer | That was nice | 11:37 |
lotusleaf | Keizer: you set me up for it ;) | 11:37 |
Waryas | Heya | 11:37 |
bluesign | is there a tool in linux to recover data from defective CD? | 11:37 |
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Keizer | Level 42 - Heaven in My Hands | 11:38 |
lotusleaf | I went to a hypnotist and paid them to "fool me once(tm)" into thinking my hands could come alive by being possessed by spirits when I was alone. It's hard to type because my hands want to talk | 11:38 |
gazzie | can anyone help me getting my radeon 9700 pro working with 3d accel. in ubuntu? | 11:38 |
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Keizer | lotusleaf, That sounds about like an acid trip | 11:39 |
gazzie | more specifically, can't get direct rendering running with xorg | 11:39 |
shido6 | install fglrx, gazzie | 11:39 |
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gazzie | i have been fking about with help from whyz this evening | 11:40 |
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shido6 | got my 9800 working with it | 11:40 |
boejka | hi:) | 11:40 |
gazzie | i'm a new to linux today | 11:40 |
shido6 | took some searching | 11:40 |
shido6 | but it works | 11:40 |
gazzie | tried a few things but not all working | 11:40 |
gazzie | :P | 11:40 |
zoddan | how do i upload the firmware to the card ? | 11:40 |
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Keizer | NO ATI DRIVERS FOR PPC LINUX >_< | 11:40 |
shido6 | google ubuntu fglrx radeon | 11:40 |
lotusleaf | Keizer: ATI sux | 11:40 |
shido6 | my 9800 works great with ubuntu | 11:40 |
shido6 | just no tv capture or tv viewing yet | 11:40 |
shido6 | 3d accel works | 11:41 |
transgress | http://ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto gazzie | 11:41 |
transgress | gazzie: but instead of using dpkg-reconfigure run fglrxconfig | 11:41 |
gazzie | hehe i just tried this | 11:41 |
=== boejka is atm not a newbie in linux... I want to install ubuntu on my laptop, but I first want to hear about the advatages of ubuntu, who could give me a brief intro in private? | ||
gazzie | ended up with X not loading on boot :)) | 11:41 |
reD_Rum | zoddan: go to your video card's vendor's website and they should have instructions and the software to do it with | 11:41 |
zoddan | i need to upload the firmware to my prism54 card, how do i do that ? | 11:41 |
transgress | gazzie: run fglrxconfig and make sure you remove the nvidia module | 11:41 |
reD_Rum | zoddan: card* | 11:41 |
zoddan | reD_Rum ? | 11:41 |
transgress | gazzie: also, go into the file that it made called XFree86Conf-4 or whatever and change Keyboard to keyboard | 11:42 |
reD_Rum | zoddan: i meant card dunno why i put video | 11:42 |
dirty | part | 11:42 |
transgress | then reboot | 11:42 |
gazzie | heh, it's asking me about mouse, but my mouse isn't listed | 11:42 |
gazzie | what now :P | 11:42 |
zoddan | reD_Rum: im not talking about video | 11:42 |
lotusleaf | boejka: read the ubuntu forums there's plenty of advantages mentioned ;) | 11:42 |
whyz | gaz, xfree86conf-4 is xorg.conf in your case | 11:42 |
zoddan | reD_Rum: im talking about WLAN | 11:42 |
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transgress | gazzie: just pick ps/2 with a wheel | 11:42 |
reD_Rum | zoddan: as i just said, i put video on accident. i meant to just write card | 11:42 |
transgress | anyways... i'm eating... ima correct some shit in that in a few | 11:42 |
transgress | the wiki that is | 11:42 |
zoddan | reD_Rum: ok | 11:43 |
zoddan | reD_Rum: i need the commands that uploads it | 11:43 |
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zoddan | reD_Rum: so i can bring it up at boot | 11:43 |
gazzie | Now give the full device name that the mouse is connected to, for example | 11:43 |
gazzie | /dev/tty00 or /dev/mouse or /dev/psaux (includes IBM Laptops). | 11:43 |
gazzie | helpoc | 11:43 |
gazzie | :P | 11:43 |
transgress | /dev/input/mice | 11:43 |
gazzie | ok | 11:44 |
gazzie | keyboard type... not a clue tbh | 11:44 |
gazzie | noobiest questions of the night here? | 11:44 |
transgress | 104 us | 11:44 |
gazzie | i'm uk | 11:44 |
fr500 | is kotatsu here? | 11:44 |
gazzie | :P | 11:44 |
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transgress | like i care... 104us will work for you | 11:44 |
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Fator_Dee | transgress: you think we are mindless minions :-p, "we'll work for you master, yessss..." | 11:45 |
transgress | you are | 11:45 |
zoddan | damn cant fint anytinhg about uploading the firmware | 11:45 |
zoddan | holycow do you know ? | 11:46 |
Fator_Dee | transgress: thanks for letting me know | 11:46 |
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sarom | Anyone here experienced problems with their Audigy 2 sound card? | 11:46 |
transgress | np | 11:46 |
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transgress | on second thought gazzie you just want my xorg.conf? | 11:46 |
zoddan | anyone? :P | 11:47 |
=== Zen [~jake@user-1585.lns1-c8.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lotusleaf | lol mindless minions | 11:47 |
Zen | hey all.. i need to know how to complete the process of installing from a tar.gz file | 11:47 |
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zoddan | ubuntu is not loading the firmware, why ? | 11:48 |
Zen | a.s.a.p | 11:48 |
lotusleaf | Zen: tar zxvf filename.tar.gz | 11:48 |
Fahim | can somebody name me kernel-source and the gcc C compiler for ubuntu? | 11:48 |
transgress | well gazzie if you decide you want my xorg.conf ima post it on my site ... applies to anyone... it should work for most radeons i think... i chose fairly conservative shit on the syncs | 11:48 |
zoddan | HEY ? | 11:48 |
=== mirak [~mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-39-6.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zen | i have extracted the file | 11:49 |
=== Trackilizer [~sdbsdbs@p54AE1879.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Zen | i have goten to the file dir | 11:49 |
Trackilizer | i need your help guys | 11:49 |
Zen | o i do ./configure? | 11:49 |
Trackilizer | never used linux before | 11:49 |
fr500 | how can i run the command "ip route add" with all the routes in a file? | 11:50 |
gazzie | hmm trangress i'm quite some way through this config thing | 11:50 |
Fator_Dee | Zen: is there perhaps a file called, README | 11:50 |
gazzie | i'll get back to you on that offer if it fucks up | 11:50 |
lotusleaf | Zen: ./configure && make \ then su -c "make install" | 11:50 |
gazzie | :P | 11:50 |
fnd | Zen, .tar.gz is just like a .zip or .rar, after that look for readme or install | 11:50 |
transgress | http://irclikelife.com/othershit/xorg.conf <-- working radeon xorg.conf... remember to install fglrx, remove nvidia.ko, rape your mother, and reboot before using. | 11:50 |
lotusleaf | Zen: or simplify it and use checkinstall program | 11:50 |
gazzie | trangress: | 11:50 |
Zen | thanks for the help | 11:50 |
gazzie | External AGPGART module: | 11:50 |
gazzie | It is possible (but not recommended) to turn off the usage of | 11:50 |
gazzie | built-in agp support of the provided fglrx kernel module and | 11:50 |
gazzie | use the external AGP GART module (agpgart.o) of the Linux kernel. | 11:50 |
gazzie | If you want to use the external module then ensure that it loads | 11:50 |
gazzie | prior to the drivers full startup. In order to manually load the | 11:50 |
transgress | .tar.gz is not like .zip and .rar because it doesn't suck nearly as much | 11:50 |
gazzie | external agpgart module execute this on the commandline (as root): | 11:50 |
Zen | ill try now | 11:50 |
Trackilizer | after reading the ubuntu guide i installed all the codecs and firefox however i cant seem to be able to install Java and Azereus | 11:50 |
gazzie | /sbin/insmod agpgart | 11:50 |
transgress | gazzie: #flood you bitch! | 11:50 |
gazzie | or alternatively configure your system to auto load the module. | 11:50 |
gazzie | Do you want to use the external AGP GART module (y/n)? [n] | 11:50 |
gazzie | :| | 11:50 |
Trackilizer | simply doesnt work | 11:51 |
lotusleaf | lol | 11:51 |
gazzie | sry :< | 11:51 |
shido6 | you dont | 11:51 |
shido6 | need to screw with that | 11:51 |
lotusleaf | jesus christ on a pogo stick! | 11:51 |
Nalioth | lotusleaf, sorry i'm not up on my technospeak what is "su -c"? | 11:51 |
transgress | gazzie: put yes | 11:51 |
=== Chipparn [~Chipparn_@c-bcbee253.031-89-73766c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shido6 | i have "agpgart 34284 3 intel_mch_agp,intel_agp" on mine | 11:51 |
dabaSlon | (16:52:17) lotusleaf: jesus christ on a pogo stick! | 11:51 |
shido6 | agpgart loads as a module | 11:51 |
=== kwame [~kwame@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kwame | hi | 11:51 |
gazzie | ok i've finished doing that and it's saved the XF86Config-4 file | 11:51 |
gazzie | what do i do next? :) | 11:51 |
kwame | I just installed openssh-server with apt-egt | 11:51 |
lotusleaf | dabaSlon: yes, and? :) | 11:52 |
=== beyond [~beyond@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kwame | apt-get | 11:52 |
shido6 | not using xorg? | 11:52 |
=== braam_ [~braam@ipvpn068205.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kwame | but know my question is ... how do i start the ssh server | 11:52 |
lotusleaf | Nalioth: man su | 11:52 |
transgress | gazzie: go in and change, Keyboard to keyboard | 11:52 |
=== debiannoob [~debiannoo@dsl-082-083-200-252.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
transgress | shido6: the xorg drivers for ubuntu still write to xfree86 for some reason | 11:52 |
kwame | if I type sshd I get this error --> sshd re-exec requires execution with an absolute path | 11:52 |
kwame | any help? | 11:52 |
=== Trackilizer [~sdbsdbs@p54AE1879.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #Ubuntu [] | ||
transgress | kwame: means god hates you | 11:52 |
gazzie | Identifier"Keyboard1" | 11:52 |
gazzie | Driver"Keyboard" | 11:52 |
Nalioth | lotusleaf, thank you | 11:53 |
gazzie | 2nd line there? | 11:53 |
Triffid-Hunter | kwame: does /etc/init.d/sshd start work? | 11:53 |
transgress | gazzie: then after you change Keyboard to keyboard rename it to xorg.conf... and yes the second line | 11:53 |
lotusleaf | Nalioth: yw ;) | 11:53 |
=== _polux_ [~polux@ARennes-251-1-37-29.w81-250.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaSlon | kwame: sshd what? | 11:53 |
=== orhs [~orhs-213@cm-] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fish-Face | Bye bye all | 11:53 |
dabaSlon | orhs: become a real hacker yet? | 11:53 |
orhs | does linux have a program like adobe photoshop? besides the gimp | 11:53 |
transgress | gimpshop | 11:54 |
orhs | dabaSlon, nah.. | 11:54 |
=== prevod [prevod@P2-268-20123.dialup.ns.ac.yu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lotusleaf | orhs: gimp cvs? :P | 11:54 |
gazzie | do i reboot once i've done that transgress? | 11:54 |
=== miguel_ [~miguel@bl5-12-82.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
transgress | i became a real hacker a little while ago when my debian shirt came in from cafepress... it gave me ultra hacker powers | 11:54 |
transgress | gazzie: remove nvidia.ko first! | 11:54 |
lotusleaf | lol | 11:54 |
ryman | hmm | 11:55 |
gazzie | ok | 11:55 |
=== nebo [~nebo@p5481DEEA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
miguel_ | Good evening to everyone | 11:55 |
transgress | gazzie: /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/video <-- has the nvidia.ko file | 11:55 |
Nalioth | orhs, are you familiar with photoshop? | 11:55 |
orhs | transgress, were do i get gimpshop?? | 11:55 |
lotusleaf | miguel_: a good day to you too | 11:55 |
transgress | orhs: google | 11:55 |
orhs | Nalioth, abit why? | 11:55 |
=== zoddan [~zoddan@h67n2fls34o985.telia.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
gazzie | what's the delete command? | 11:56 |
transgress | rm | 11:56 |
transgress | sudo rm in this case | 11:56 |
Nalioth | orhs, cuz the gimpshop that keeps gettin mentioned is gimp altered to the photoshop menus/look etc | 11:56 |
miguel_ | lotusleaf: yeah, in this round of the globe it's already dark, very dark | 11:56 |
dabaSlon | sudo rm -r / | 11:56 |
kwame | Triffid-Hunter, thanks man ... that did it | 11:56 |
=== Cidolfas [~null@adsl-67-112-202-79.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
transgress | dabaSlon: dont be a bitch | 11:56 |
transgress | do not do rm -r / | 11:57 |
transgress | ever | 11:57 |
orhs | Nalioth, lol no other change? | 11:57 |
=== sbcl3__ [~sbcl3@pcp09702913pcs.norstn01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nalioth | orhs, here ya go http://plasticbugs.com/index.php?p=241 | 11:57 |
Triffid-Hunter | :) | 11:57 |
lotusleaf | miguel_: where are you? | 11:57 |
miguel_ | I've got a problem with my HP cd4e USB cd-writer | 11:57 |
transgress | gazzie: sudo rm nvidia.ko | 11:57 |
dabaSlon | well, you might as well try once... | 11:57 |
gazzie | done | 11:57 |
sbcl3__ | does anyone know how to get phpmyadmin working? | 11:57 |
gazzie | deleted that | 11:57 |
miguel_ | lotusleaf: Lisbon, Portugal | 11:57 |
sbcl3__ | i can't get php to connect with mysql | 11:57 |
gazzie | just checking i've succesfully replaced xorg.conf | 11:57 |
lotusleaf | miguel_: wow, cool | 11:57 |
=== X7C [~xtc@pc-67-84-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
miguel_ | The cd-writer keeps giving me the same error | 11:58 |
transgress | and dabaSlon don't fucking tell noobs that because they don't know better... don't be an ass... this is a fucking help channel... not fucking #hackers on efnet... take that shit elsewhere | 11:58 |
=== _polux_ is now known as polux_ | ||
gazzie | right | 11:59 |
miguel_ | /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0:<3>Buffer I/O error on device sda, logical block 0 | 11:59 |
gazzie | so i reboot now? | 11:59 |
transgress | gazzie: yes | 11:59 |
gazzie | ok | 11:59 |
dabaSlon | transgress: lol | 11:59 |
gazzie | fingers crossed | 11:59 |
gazzie | :) | 11:59 |
=== scott [scott@crackaddict.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lotusleaf | meanwhile, back in pleasantville... | 11:59 |
Zen | sorry but this is a really n00by question.. all i need to do is search my pc for a fil.. how? | 11:59 |
scott | anyone know of a player that allows the use of modern winamp skins? | 11:59 |
Zen | *file | 11:59 |
lotusleaf | Zen: su -c updatedb | 12:00 |
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