lotusleaf | Zen: then locate whatever | 12:00 |
Zen | ok | 12:00 |
miguel_ | I've had lots of problem with Ubuntu, but I managed to fix them all until now | 12:00 |
lotusleaf | Zen: if locate is installed, it should run updatedb to generate database every day | 12:00 |
miguel_ | Except this one | 12:00 |
transgress | su -c won't work | 12:00 |
fnd | Zen, or 'find . -name "blahblah"', replace blah :P | 12:00 |
transgress | sudo up[datedb | 12:00 |
lotusleaf | Zen: then you can use the locate command to search for files | 12:00 |
lotusleaf | transgress: it doesn't on ubuntu? | 12:00 |
orhs | hmm how do i install a Tbz file??? | 12:01 |
=== dcraven_ is now known as dcraven | ||
IIIEars | sudo updateb | 12:01 |
IIIEars | locate or find | 12:01 |
miguel_ | Since the first time I booted Ubuntu the cd-writer is giving me this same error | 12:01 |
ryman | I'm not running any BitTorrent client but somehow on Firestarter's Events. It shows that Bittorrent is running | 12:01 |
kyncani | lotusleaf: no need to updatedb, it's already in cron.daily | 12:01 |
transgress | lotusleaf: not if you don't unlock the root account | 12:01 |
lotusleaf | kyncani: indeed :) Didn't know whether he/she had it installed though | 12:01 |
lotusleaf | transgress: oh k thx ;) | 12:01 |
=== lotuz [~lotuz@h242n3c1o1052.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
transgress | lotusleaf: what you running? | 12:02 |
IIIEars | << less than 2 weeks using linux - hang in there it will get easier | 12:02 |
lotusleaf | transgress: SUSE which will soon be replaced by ubuntu ;) | 12:02 |
ryman | speaking of CD-writer . I can't burn mp3 CD with Ubuntu. I used gnomeBaker to burn the CD but I couldn't open the CD on winxp and the size on the CD isn't right | 12:02 |
=== kyncani is wondering if locate is in default ubuntu install, looking | ||
miguel_ | Could anybody help me? | 12:02 |
=== Seq [~chris@CPE0050bf1a898b-CM013349902353.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
transgress | lotusleaf: suse is a kde thing right? if you are more comfy with kde go with kubuntu | 12:02 |
kyncani | Is there anyone familiar with gentoo here ? I'm looking for the apt equivalent for "emerge --pretend -e" | 12:03 |
fnd | sbcl3_, http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/docs.php might help | 12:03 |
lotusleaf | transgress: yes, SUSE is a kde thing for the most part, but I'm beginning to tire of KDE and want to give Gnome a try ;) Besides I use fluxbox and blackbox so KDE doesn't matter so much but thx ;) | 12:03 |
Nalioth | orhs, depends on what it is | 12:03 |
miguel_ | In Mandrake 10.1, the cd-writer has always worked | 12:04 |
transgress | lotusleaf: ah okay. just thought i'd mention it. | 12:04 |
Nalioth | kyncani, locate is there | 12:04 |
transgress | miguel_: make sure conflicting modules aren't running for your cdwriter | 12:04 |
orhs | nalioth, its the gimpshop | 12:04 |
Nalioth | kyncani, be default it runs updatedb in the wee dark hours | 12:04 |
lotusleaf | transgress: thx ;) | 12:04 |
Nalioth | orhs, there is a link on that page to a very detailed walkthru of how to install | 12:04 |
=== g0dot [noident@80-219-151-240.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
miguel_ | transgress: how do I see this? | 12:04 |
kyncani | Nalioth: ok, any idea for an "emerge --pretend -e" apt equivalent ? | 12:04 |
transgress | lsmod | 12:04 |
=== C_B [~paul@AC970A48.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
miguel_ | O.K, thanks | 12:05 |
orhs | naloith, what was the link again?? | 12:05 |
=== azerty [~azerty@adsl-68-72-112-218.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
C_B | can someone help me play an audio CD in XMMS? it detects the CD itself but I can't seem to pull up a list of the tracks | 12:05 |
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C_B | what directory/device should I play | 12:05 |
BiSON | guys simple question i'v downloaded the real player and i want to listed drictley from the mozila i dont need to download the rm file just listen to the ram so i'm just askin where does the realplayer located ? | 12:05 |
transgress | C_B: probably /cdrom | 12:05 |
orhs | nalioth, what was the link again? | 12:06 |
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Nalioth | kyncani, having never used bsd or gentoo or whatever "emerge" comes with, i don't know ...what does that command do? | 12:06 |
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lotusleaf | C_B: just use the cdplayer program instead of xmms | 12:06 |
ThomasWinwood | Where is Firefox cache kept? And why does it still cache pages after I tell it not to? | 12:06 |
Nalioth | orhs, here ya go http://plasticbugs.com/index.php?p=241 | 12:06 |
os|gaz | transgress: | 12:06 |
os|gaz | direct rendering: Yes | 12:06 |
os|gaz | :) | 12:06 |
C_B | transgress: thanks very much! | 12:06 |
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transgress | os|gaz: np | 12:06 |
scott | anyone know if there is a log of what packages you installed w/ apt? I would love to be able to see the order I installed them, because often I forget what I needed for a certain package in order to tell someone | 12:06 |
os|gaz | but i've now got a message saying that my x system keyboard settings differ from current GNOME kb settings, which settings should i use | 12:06 |
os|gaz | :P | 12:06 |
transgress | os|gaz: now run glxgears and see how many fps you get | 12:07 |
transgress | os|gaz: gnome | 12:07 |
transgress | os|gaz: probably because i bitched and said use the us keyboard... so that's partially my fault, but i'm american so there is no time to learn stuff about other countries ;) | 12:07 |
os|gaz | :P | 12:07 |
kyncani | Nalioth: i'm looking for a command that would tell me what packages would be pulled in with ubuntu-base on a system with absolutely no package | 12:07 |
BiSON | guys where does the realplayer located ? | 12:07 |
=== Mr_Smiley [~smiley@CPE-144-136-182-237.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
transgress | so go with the gnome settings on it and you can fix it later | 12:07 |
transgress | BiSON: real.com i think | 12:07 |
fnd | heh | 12:08 |
os|gaz | 3600 fps in glxgears | 12:08 |
Nalioth | kyncani, sorry i'm totally in the dark on that | 12:08 |
transgress | os|gaz: jesus christ you beat me by like double | 12:08 |
os|gaz | hehe | 12:08 |
BiSON | transgress, i'v download it and installed it already but i want to know where does it located | 12:08 |
Nalioth | kyncani, i'm only here to answer the simple questions | 12:08 |
os|gaz | i have an amd 64 + 9700 pro, nice combination | 12:08 |
lotusleaf | BiSON: locate realplay | 12:08 |
kyncani | Nalioth: ;) np | 12:08 |
transgress | BiSON: perhaps should've read things when you installed | 12:08 |
transgress | os|gaz: on this box i have a radeon 9600 athlon-xp... heh my lappy is faster than my desktop except for the video card | 12:09 |
dockane | anybody inhere who has deconstructed a thinkpad ? | 12:09 |
os|gaz | oh i have another question... i followed ubuntuguide.org for mounting FAT drive on boot | 12:09 |
os|gaz | it's a SATA drive | 12:09 |
os|gaz | i can manually mount it | 12:09 |
os|gaz | but it's not mounting on boot | 12:09 |
os|gaz | my IDE NTFS drive is mounting on boot fine | 12:09 |
transgress | os|gaz: add it to /etc/fstab | 12:10 |
lotusleaf | BiSON: did you try that? | 12:10 |
os|gaz | yeah | 12:10 |
os|gaz | i have this in fstab: | 12:10 |
os|gaz | /dev/sda1 /media/newdrive vfat umask=000 0 0 | 12:10 |
=== kapputu [~sg47@24-49-195-185.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kapputu | having trouble updating ubuntu | 12:11 |
=== anto9us [~antoninus@cpc2-ptal1-5-1-cust245.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kapputu | I'm running an unstable hoary | 12:11 |
transgress | sda1... that's usb... that's probably what's wrong. | 12:11 |
kapputu | and if I do an update my laptop freezes | 12:11 |
transgress | unstable hoary? | 12:11 |
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transgress | like you installed it before the release? | 12:12 |
kapputu | yes | 12:12 |
transgress | eh just download the ISO's and do an upgrade | 12:12 |
Nalioth | bbl | 12:12 |
BiSON | lotusleaf, the locate ? | 12:12 |
kapputu | why can't I do sudo apt-get update | 12:12 |
usynic | transgress: sda is not necessarily usb | 12:12 |
eruin | http://gnomejournal.org/article/19/simplified-package-management-in-ubuntu-hoary <-- can't help but notice that the ubuntu logo on the cd in update manager isnt aligned properly :p | 12:12 |
transgress | usynic: it's not? | 12:12 |
fnd | transgress, sda1 is the first SATA interface | 12:13 |
os|gaz | does anyone use VLC with ubuntu? | 12:13 |
transgress | oh okay | 12:13 |
os|gaz | i couldn't find it in synaptic | 12:13 |
fnd | well it is on my machine | 12:13 |
transgress | oops | 12:13 |
usynic | transgress: sda is for scsi... just usb-storage devices use scsi generic | 12:13 |
g0dot | newbie question: do all the apt packages made for debian work with ubuntu? | 12:13 |
transgress | os|gaz: i do... you gotta enable multiverse | 12:13 |
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os|gaz | ok so how do i do that :) | 12:13 |
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transgress | edit /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment them | 12:13 |
eruin | sata -> sda | 12:14 |
transgress | and if you are wanting to watch things like dvd's with it, you need to get w32codecs and libdvdcss2 from marillat FIRST | 12:14 |
eruin | b, c, etc | 12:14 |
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os|gaz | ok | 12:15 |
os|gaz | yeah eruin, but it won't mount on boot | 12:15 |
transgress | os|gaz: if you want i can find you the wiki on installing libdvdcss2 and w32codecs | 12:16 |
eruin | os|gaz: mine will.. it's even my / | 12:16 |
eruin | :P | 12:16 |
transgress | os|gaz: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 12:16 |
=== thr1ce [~andrew@24-247-232-145.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fnd | g0dot, bewarned about using ubuntu with debian package, they sometimes conflict, with some nasty side effects | 12:16 |
transgress | eruin: custom or generic kernel? | 12:17 |
eruin | generic | 12:17 |
g0dot | thanks fnd | 12:17 |
os|gaz | thank you transgress | 12:17 |
os|gaz | you are a saint | 12:17 |
=== martinhj [~martinhj@host-81-191-103-214.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kyncani | Nalioth: it was apt-cache depends --recurse :) | 12:18 |
transgress | does LVM work with sata? i'm looking to add a 300 gig sata drive to this box and lvm my / so i can share it with the 300 and my current 80 | 12:18 |
transgress | os|gaz: plus i'm pretty. | 12:18 |
fnd | transgress, yes | 12:18 |
orhs | hmm looking on adobe photoshop cs2 US $ 599.00 ............. | 12:18 |
transgress | fnd: would it be a problem that i'm running this other drive as IDE? | 12:18 |
os|gaz | :D | 12:18 |
=== roby [~roby@host200-143.pool62211.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fnd | transgress, no | 12:19 |
transgress | awesome | 12:19 |
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transgress | now to lvm this drive heh... glad i had foresite and put /boot on a separate partition | 12:19 |
BiSON | guys where does the realplayer located ? | 12:19 |
transgress | foresight | 12:19 |
eruin | transgress: what about /home ? :P | 12:19 |
transgress | BiSON: hell. when you type the command demons possess your computer and make moving pictures come across the screen | 12:20 |
transgress | eruin: nope | 12:20 |
=== dooble [~jim@cpe-24-31-178-107.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fnd | transgress, LWM is based on partitions not drives, so if can see the drive, your laaughing :) | 12:20 |
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fnd | lvm even | 12:20 |
fr500 | how can i run the command "ip route add" with all the routes in a file? | 12:20 |
transgress | i need to learn how to set up a RAID... never done it before but it seems spiffy and i wanna put about 1000 gigs in this box | 12:21 |
=== Derreck [~derreck@69-162-37-191.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== parazoid [~parazoid@port915.ds1-he.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fnd | RAID is easy, have it here, works a treat | 12:21 |
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transgress | do raid drives have to be the same size? | 12:23 |
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fnd | transgress, depends on what RAID# you need | 12:23 |
matt1987 | how do inmstall .sh files | 12:23 |
=== klizz [~klizz@0x50a42323.naenxx7.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
klizz | hey.. this is the place for help on ubuntu? | 12:24 |
kapput1 | why would the laptop freeze on upgrading ubuntu? | 12:24 |
matt1987 | just broaught crossover office i dunno how to install it though | 12:24 |
transgress | fnd: well i've got different size drives so what would allow it? i'm guessing raid0 allows it, but raid1 doesn't... because raid1 mirrors the drive right? | 12:24 |
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matt1987 | help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 | 12:24 |
transgress | matt1987: fuck off and die | 12:25 |
klizz | could someone plz help me with logging in as root? | 12:25 |
transgress | klizz: you don't | 12:25 |
transgress | klizz: use sudo instead | 12:25 |
matt1987 | how do u run .sh on ubuntu | 12:25 |
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transgress | matt1987: with sh | 12:25 |
fnd | transgress, raid0 is stripped, yes drive doesnt matter. RAID1 yes you need the same size. | 12:25 |
fnd | transgress, correction the partitions need to be the same size | 12:25 |
parazoid | klizz: Why? | 12:26 |
kapput1 | how should I phrase my question?? | 12:26 |
kyncani | klizz: please reas ubuntu wiki, you don't login as root, you use sudo. | 12:26 |
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=== runedude [~runedude@pcp0010864625pcs.longhl01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kyncani | klizz: * please read | 12:26 |
runedude | hi all i got a question.. what is the ubuntu desktop package name? | 12:27 |
klizz | because i've mounted an older ntfs partition, and i cant get into it.. | 12:27 |
runedude | for kde/gnome | 12:27 |
parazoid | I made a root-user | 12:27 |
transgress | runedude: ubuntu-desktop | 12:27 |
runedude | ok | 12:27 |
=== fabio [~fabio@host81-153-12-127.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
transgress | runedude: for kde it's kubuntu-desktop | 12:27 |
klizz | it says that i haven't got the rights.. | 12:27 |
runedude | ok | 12:28 |
kyncani | klizz: read the ubuntu wiki, it's all there. | 12:28 |
runedude | whats better kde or gnome? | 12:28 |
eruin | whatever you decide is better. | 12:28 |
fnd | depends | 12:28 |
runedude | well | 12:28 |
runedude | it says E: Cannot find package ubuntu-desktop | 12:28 |
chavo | runedude, whichver is best for you. | 12:28 |
eruin | personally I prefer gnome | 12:28 |
kyncani | [better] a matter of personal taste; asking "is foo better than bar?" is almost meaningless unless we know what *you* mean by "better". | 12:28 |
transgress | eruin: hence you being in #ubuntu and not #kubuntu | 12:29 |
=== IIIEars_ [~freesbie@cpe-24-30-188-176.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
transgress | runedude: why are you trying to install the desktop? | 12:29 |
eruin | transgress: well... not necessarily ;) | 12:29 |
chavo | transgress, I use KDE and I'm in #ubuntu | 12:29 |
runedude | because i want a graphical user interface | 12:29 |
transgress | i use both | 12:29 |
transgress | :) | 12:29 |
chavo | wow aren't you the ambidextrous one :) | 12:29 |
fnd | heh | 12:30 |
=== Mr_Milenko yawns | ||
=== MoOsEb0y [~mooseboy@f70ff12aa743120f.node.tor] has joined #ubuntu | ||
transgress | got ubuntu on my lappy and kubuntu on my desktop | 12:30 |
runedude | btw | 12:30 |
runedude | I just upgraded from debian | 12:30 |
transgress | ah i see | 12:30 |
runedude | Yea, I got my new sources.list | 12:30 |
runedude | right after I performed the sarge install | 12:30 |
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=== Elsidox [~Elsidox@CPE-69-76-103-192.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
transgress | umm wouldn't it have been a lot easier and safer just to reinstall then? and get fresh ubuntu | 12:30 |
transgress | runedude: did you apt-get update? | 12:31 |
orhs | what is ubuntu best at? | 12:31 |
=== Releasex [~anon@ppp-70-249-222-85.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
runedude | transgress: yes | 12:31 |
transgress | orhs: running multiple pornos at once | 12:31 |
runedude | i did update, upgrade, and dist-upgrade | 12:31 |
fnd | orhs, destop | 12:31 |
chavo | That reminds me, I still have mandrake on the laptop, but it seems to be holding up. | 12:31 |
runedude | and yet alot of packages are seeming to be invalid to get | 12:31 |
runedude | like irssi-text | 12:31 |
dataw0lf | re: bigdog_ut pimpage. It's a lie. It always has been. | 12:31 |
orhs | transgress, pronos ? | 12:31 |
parazoid | transgress: lol | 12:32 |
transgress | runedude: well i assure you it is ubuntu-desktop | 12:32 |
chavo | isn't it pr0nos | 12:32 |
runedude | ok | 12:32 |
=== Zen [~jake@user-1585.lns1-c8.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
runedude | hmm | 12:32 |
runedude | why cant i install many packages? | 12:32 |
transgress | not unless it has goats or scat in it... good ol' blue blooded american lesbian porn is just porn | 12:32 |
os|gaz | transgress i can't find marillat in synaptic | 12:32 |
transgress | runedude: did you add all the ubuntu stuff | 12:32 |
os|gaz | i've done the updates according to the wiki | 12:32 |
transgress | os|gaz: it's not there... you gotta add it to /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:32 |
kyncani | os|gaz: why do you want marillat's repos ? | 12:33 |
orhs | is it possible to install mac on a pc?? | 12:33 |
os|gaz | hmm maybe i confused myself | 12:33 |
runedude | transgress: i think so | 12:33 |
os|gaz | :) | 12:33 |
runedude | maybe if i upgrade to sid first? | 12:33 |
transgress | os|gaz: wait you are running amd64 aren't you? | 12:33 |
chavo | orhs, somewhat. | 12:33 |
os|gaz | yep | 12:33 |
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fnd | orhs, mac on pc? buy a mac :) | 12:33 |
=== kiwnix [~egarcia@71.red-82-158-153.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
transgress | runedude: just get the freaking ubuntu iso, burn it, install it, and stop dicking around trying to go from debian to ubuntu | 12:33 |
orhs | fnd, kk | 12:33 |
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runedude | transgress: yea, good idea, but problem is my "freaking ubuntu iso" wont burn. kthx | 12:34 |
=== Mr_Smiley [~smiley@CPE-144-136-182-237.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
transgress | os|gaz: okay well w32codecs won't work for you w/o some effort... so just get libdvdcss2 (which i didn't need marillat for on amd64) just multiverse | 12:34 |
runedude | my cdburner doesnt work and i can only install via floppy | 12:34 |
=== Zen [~jake@user-1585.lns1-c8.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
runedude | so thank you | 12:34 |
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chavo | orhs, there are some programs that emulate Mac hardware and run OSX, but they're still very buggy. | 12:34 |
transgress | runedude: shipit.ubuntu.com | 12:34 |
orhs | hmm iam starting to wonder why i installed linux. please give me some linux specialisations and the goods with linux :S | 12:34 |
runedude | transgress: i did that | 12:34 |
=== ^thehatsrule^ [tehats@tehats.tetrinet-dal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
runedude | it takes 3-4 weeks or so | 12:34 |
runedude | i dont have time? | 12:34 |
transgress | orhs: no spyware, no adware, no virii, no trojans, and your mom will love you more. | 12:34 |
chavo | orhs, it's all about the community, you get to hang out with us :) | 12:35 |
=== sbcl3_ [~sbcl3@pcp09702913pcs.norstn01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
os|gaz | ok where's libdvdcss2? | 12:35 |
transgress | runedude: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/upgrade-sarge | 12:35 |
runedude | ok | 12:35 |
orhs | chavo, hmm | 12:35 |
transgress | os|gaz: i am pretty sure i got it from multiverse on ubuntu on amd64, because i never added marillat to that box, but i sure as hell have it | 12:35 |
chavo | we're cool, right? | 12:35 |
parazoid | orhs: The only shitty thing is the lack of games :( | 12:36 |
transgress | orhs: besides, you can help take down the capitalist pigs | 12:36 |
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orhs | transgress, LOL | 12:36 |
orhs | so why linux over mac?? | 12:36 |
fnd | macs r ace, everything just works, and is rock solid, my view anyhow. Down side cost | 12:36 |
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chavo | orhs, we are not millionares. | 12:36 |
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orhs | chavo, good point | 12:37 |
Releasex | chavo, speak for yourself | 12:37 |
parazoid | i am, but i still run Linux | 12:37 |
chavo | ok not yet anyway. | 12:37 |
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os|gaz | i can't see libdvdcss2 on synaptic | 12:37 |
os|gaz | lokoing in multimedia (multiverse) | 12:37 |
transgress | then add marillat | 12:38 |
os|gaz | ah ok got it | 12:38 |
runedude | ok, i fixed it | 12:41 |
runedude | but ubuntu-desktop provides alot of errors | 12:41 |
runedude | when i try to fetch it via apt | 12:41 |
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louner | I downloaded ubuntu copyd to cd but my win me p3 will not recognize it, help | 12:45 |
os|gaz | flash plugin is in multiverse right? | 12:46 |
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fnd | louner, try booting off the CD | 12:47 |
louner | I did | 12:47 |
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eruin | flash is evil | 12:47 |
eruin | I've deinstalled it | 12:47 |
fnd | louner, did you burn the ISO, or did u burn the file.iso? | 12:48 |
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louner | iso | 12:48 |
orhs | ey i have installed 3ddesktop... but were is it located??? | 12:48 |
nate_ | anyone have trouble getting kismet to work in ubuntu/kubuntu? | 12:48 |
transgress | nate_: i did | 12:48 |
fnd | louner, if it dont boot, try burning another copy | 12:48 |
nate_ | transgress: yeah, couldn't get it to work today at work for a project i was doing, so i had to use some ghetto pda | 12:49 |
transgress | nate_: heh | 12:49 |
louner | I did it twice on the LIVE and INSTALL | 12:50 |
nate_ | transgress: I didn't get it working, but its the first thing I've gotten from a repo that simply didn't work | 12:50 |
JeTi | Newbie in need of some advice here. Running off livecd and I'm hooked... anyone with patience? :) | 12:50 |
krat3r | i'm at ubuntu, and my "scroll lock" led sometimes it's flashing | 12:50 |
nate_ | krat3r: when is it flashing? | 12:51 |
nate_ | JeTi: whats the question, I have some time | 12:51 |
=== anathema [~anathema@S0106000ea6683ec6.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fnd | louner, all i can say is either the cd itself is duff or the ISO u have downloaded r duff. | 12:51 |
JeTi | nate_: Well, I would like to install Ubuntu as a parallel (primary) OS next to my WinXP (for games). How do I go about doing that? | 12:52 |
fnd | louner, or the burn itself has gone mad | 12:52 |
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transgress | nate_: you change the config for it?> | 12:52 |
ThomasWinwood | JeTi: Install Ubuntu normally and it'll detect Windows. Just make sure there's a free partition for it. | 12:52 |
nate_ | JeTi: just a second, I have a good wiki on that | 12:53 |
nate_ | transgress: no | 12:53 |
louner | windows does not know what to do with the ISO fioe | 12:53 |
runedude | hmm, whenever I try to do apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, it gives me a bunch of required packages, do I need to install those packages too, and is there a way to install all required packages automatically? | 12:53 |
louner | ISO file | 12:54 |
nate_ | JeTi: this may help: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/WindowsDualBootHowTo | 12:54 |
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nate_ | transgress: did you get it fixed? | 12:54 |
fnd | louner, you tried to burn the ISO via windoze explorer? | 12:54 |
JeTi | ThomasWinwood, nate_: thanks a bunch. Will take a look... | 12:54 |
FunnyLookinHat | gross. | 12:54 |
louner | yes | 12:54 |
fnd | louner, that wont work, your buring the file, not hte ISO | 12:54 |
nate_ | JeTi: come back if you have questions | 12:55 |
occy | crimsun, bob2 need some help with my nvidia card if you guys have some time. | 12:55 |
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fnd | louner, download NERO, use that | 12:55 |
orhs | hey i have installed 3DDesktop but i cant find it | 12:55 |
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runedude | Is there a way to install all dependencies required automatically? | 12:55 |
kyncani | runedude: well, just press enter and apt will install everything needed ? | 12:55 |
=== Ferry [~ferry@cust.15.118.adsl.cistron.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
runedude | well, apt-get install ubuntu-desktop says I need other stuff installed | 12:56 |
runedude | and it scrolls a huge list. | 12:56 |
kyncani | runedude: yeap, apt will install/upgrade them automagically | 12:56 |
orhs | what is it with ubuntu-desktop?? | 12:56 |
runedude | it says , Depends: package <name> , but it is not going to be installed | 12:57 |
runedude | then says Broken Packages :\ | 12:57 |
transgress | runedude: apt-get -y install ubuntu-desktop i think | 12:57 |
ThomasWinwood | runedude: Add universe and multiverse to /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:57 |
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kyncani | runedude: mmh, you've enabled main+restricted+universe+multiverse ? | 12:57 |
orhs | what does ubuntu-desktop do?? | 12:58 |
runedude | oh | 12:58 |
runedude | ok | 12:58 |
krat3r | nate_, sometimes it starts flashing, other times it's just off | 12:58 |
ThomasWinwood | orhs: Install GNOME. | 12:58 |
kyncani | orhs: apt-cache show ubuntu-desktop will tell you :) | 12:58 |
angie | having a cpu usage issue with cdrecord... any help? | 12:58 |
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runedude | yes | 12:59 |
=== IIIEars [~freesbie@cpe-24-30-188-176.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
runedude | now i put all 4 in my apt/sources.list | 12:59 |
runedude | and it still gives errors | 12:59 |
kyncani | runedude: running hoary or breezy ? | 12:59 |
runedude | hoary | 12:59 |
runedude | wth is breezy? | 12:59 |
orhs | does anyone got 3ddesktop?? | 01:00 |
louner | What would nero do diffrently | 01:00 |
fnd | louner, burn it properly | 01:00 |
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kyncani | runedude: development ubuntu branch | 01:00 |
runedude | ok | 01:00 |
orhs | apt-get install 3ddesktop | 01:00 |
kyncani | runedude: which package is broken ? which cannot be installed ? | 01:00 |
runedude | so, hm.... anything else I can do? | 01:00 |
runedude | kyncani: alot are broooken | 01:00 |
runedude | i can upload my logfile if you wnat | 01:01 |
louner | what do you mean properly? | 01:01 |
sbcl3_ | how do i unzip a tar.gz file form command line? what order do those four letters go? | 01:01 |
fnd | sbcl3_, tar -zxf tar.gz | 01:01 |
kyncani | runedude: i'll paste a valid /etc/apt/sources.list to #flood | 01:01 |
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paco | ola | 01:01 |
runedude | http://corp.flyserver.net/~jeremy/apt.log | 01:02 |
runedude | im on irssi on a bash level so i cant exactly copy/paste anyways | 01:02 |
fnd | sbcl3_, man tar for more info | 01:02 |
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angie | bye | 01:03 |
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felipe_ | how can i convert a .swf file in a .mov or .mpeg, .avi..... ? | 01:04 |
fnd | flash to avi lol | 01:04 |
fnd | why? but i dont know so ignore me | 01:04 |
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orhsonwindows | hey all its me orhs on windows | 01:05 |
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sig | sup orhsonwindows | 01:05 |
orhs | nm sig | 01:06 |
sbcman | type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY greekman | 01:06 |
sbcl3_ | how do you get out of a man page? | 01:06 |
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fnd | type 'q' | 01:06 |
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sig | q | 01:06 |
orhs | q | 01:06 |
sig | same as "less" | 01:06 |
orhsonwindows | q | 01:06 |
paco | ola alguien espaol por aki xD | 01:06 |
fnd | cntrl alt del :P ingore this | 01:06 |
flex_ | im having problems adding universe in synaptic | 01:07 |
sig | fnd: don't be a dork | 01:07 |
flex_ | im reading the wiki page | 01:07 |
fnd | sig, read it | 01:07 |
orhsonwindows | orhs i hate you! | 01:07 |
orhs | well i hate you to orhsonlinux! | 01:07 |
orhs | lol | 01:07 |
=== glaive [~glaive@h216-170-007-236.adsl.navix.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
flex_ | how do I add it | 01:07 |
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glaive | Anyone know anything about ndiswrapper? | 01:08 |
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calamari | hi | 01:09 |
glaive | Hi calamari. | 01:09 |
sbcman | sure glaive... | 01:09 |
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sbcman | I use it to get my linksys wmp11 working | 01:09 |
calamari | had to reset ubuntu yesterday.. it refused to give me the log out box, so I forced it to doi as I wanted :) | 01:09 |
louner | what does it mean when it is *.iso file? | 01:09 |
glaive | Hi sbcman. I've got what I hope is a quick question. | 01:10 |
calamari | anyhow.. once I booted back up today a few things were wrong | 01:10 |
sbcman | sure glaive | 01:10 |
calamari | the icons were too big, which was easy to fix | 01:10 |
calamari | but the icon font is too big too, and I'm not sure how to fix that | 01:10 |
fnd | louner, you best bet here is to google the meaning, it will prolly do a better job that i could. Think of it as a zip file, it contains other files | 01:10 |
glaive | sbcman: I've got ndiswrapper 1.1 installed. | 01:10 |
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sbcman | I am actually in the middle of reinstalling kubuntu...about ready to get my wireless going again | 01:10 |
glaive | And when I run ndiswrapper -l, it says driver found hardware found or something like that. | 01:11 |
glaive | sbcman: But I still can't get my laptop to pick up a wireless connection. | 01:11 |
louner | how do i unzip it? | 01:11 |
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flex_ | theres supposed to be check boxes in synaptic to select repsitories but I dont see them | 01:11 |
orhsonwindows | what is 3ddesktop?? | 01:12 |
fnd | louner, ok u really need to understand what i wrote there, you need to lookup what an ISO image is, download NERO to burn it | 01:12 |
orhs | yea what is 3ddesktop | 01:12 |
=== SITEC [~carlosore@host84.200-82-80.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sbcman | did you install the ndiswrapper ubuntu package or did you download the source and compile it? | 01:13 |
parazoid | install it and learn | 01:13 |
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parazoid | Nothing impressive | 01:13 |
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glaive | sbcman: I downloaded the source and compiled it. | 01:13 |
calamari | anyone know how to change the font size of the desktop icons? | 01:13 |
sbcman | parazoid...thats what I thought also | 01:13 |
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sbcman | ok | 01:13 |
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Anthro | Is there any way to tell the 5.04 liveCD to not start X and just give me a shell? | 01:14 |
sbcman | did you modprode ndiswrapper and do you know your essid? | 01:14 |
DarwinsBulldog | Isn't 3ddesktop that Java desktop that is useful for making use of all those cpu cycles that would otherwise goto waste ? | 01:14 |
glaive | sbcman: Not sure if this is helpful, but I'm running an hp pavilion zd7020. | 01:14 |
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glaive | sbcman: Yes. | 01:14 |
nate_ | transgress: did you fix the kismet, make it work? | 01:15 |
glaive | sbcman: I've tried to configure them with iwconfig, but it doesn't help. | 01:15 |
calamari | figured it out | 01:15 |
calamari | Control Panel : Fonts | 01:15 |
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holycow | how the f is ubuntu browsing the windows network without samba installed? | 01:15 |
fnd | samba client | 01:15 |
glaive | sbcman: It's got a switch on the top that controls power to the wireless card. | 01:16 |
sbcman | does it have a wep key? | 01:16 |
=== orhs is going to bed | ||
=== orhs waves goodbye | ||
runedude | bye | 01:16 |
transgress | nate_: nope... didn't really need it so i gave up | 01:16 |
glaive | sbcman: I turned off wep on the router because I thought that might be the problem. | 01:16 |
sbcman | ok...is your router broadcasting the essid? | 01:16 |
glaive | sbcman: It should be. | 01:17 |
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nate_ | transgress: i'd like to know why mine isn't working | 01:17 |
glaive | sbcman: that's turned on. | 01:17 |
=== rvalles [~lodoss@80-28-102-116.adsl.nuria.telefonica-data.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rvalles | hi | 01:17 |
parazoid | DarwinsBulldog: Dunno, it just looked stupid | 01:17 |
rvalles | what's the url for the ubuntu backports? | 01:17 |
fnd | holycow, there is samba client and server, from memory client is installed by default | 01:17 |
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rvalles | the one for sources.list, I mean. | 01:18 |
=== kurros [~wade@92-14.26-24.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sbcman | glaive...http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/phpwiki/index.php/Installation?PHPSESSID=bc1b0a1b0d1a325f581176cd86c7605b---follow this starting with #3 under installation | 01:18 |
sbcman | if that does not work you might have the wrong .inf file loaded...I dont have a laptop either...but I have heard there are issues with wireless and laptops with linux | 01:19 |
=== jp [~jp@216-155-92-248.bk2-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | fnd, oh! | 01:19 |
holycow | i should have realized a client doesn't need the server ... doh! | 01:20 |
holycow | thanks :) | 01:20 |
kyncani | rvalles: ## Backports | 01:20 |
kyncani | rvalles: #deb http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/backports hoary-backports main restricted universe multiverse | 01:20 |
kyncani | rvalles: #deb http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/backports hoary-extras main restricted universe multiverse | 01:20 |
fnd | your welcome | 01:20 |
anathema | what are the backports exactly ? | 01:21 |
glaive | sbcman: I think my card is off...I'll check it out. Thanks! | 01:21 |
=== bodaciousb [~bodacious@id-cralid-cuda2a-68-238.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anathema | for old ubuntu versions or something | 01:21 |
anathema | ? | 01:21 |
sbcman | it definately has to have power :) what card do you have...or is it buit in wireless? | 01:22 |
kyncani | anathema: smthing that should be used with a 6 months release based i think | 01:22 |
anathema | well what is it ? | 01:22 |
anathema | i just dont know what it is | 01:22 |
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fnd | anathema, To make a feature from a later version of a piece of software available in an earlier version. Backporting of features enables users of the older version to benefit from a feature without upgrading fully. | 01:23 |
kyncani | anathema: newer packages that are not available in hoary, compiled and made available for hoary. | 01:23 |
calamari | is linux capable of playing PCM WAV files? So far I've tried Totem (crashes), BMP (couldn't play), xmms (couldn't play), mplayer (couldn't play) | 01:23 |
anathema | ohhh | 01:23 |
anathema | like | 01:23 |
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anathema | packages for breezy | 01:23 |
anathema | already in hoary ? | 01:23 |
eruin | yuck, he said the 'like' word | 01:23 |
orhs | hey all :D | 01:24 |
eruin | what are you? american? | 01:24 |
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anathema | canadian | 01:24 |
anathema | heheh | 01:24 |
kyncani | anathema: mainly useful for distro like debian that have (very very very) long release delay | 01:24 |
anathema | oh | 01:24 |
orhs | aah the freedom with wlan and laptop combined :D | 01:24 |
kyncani | anathema: yeah, like that | 01:24 |
eruin | anathema: under our beloved queen even :o | 01:24 |
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anathema | so i shouldnt really bother adding it | 01:24 |
eruin | anathema: you might as well just use breezy | 01:24 |
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kyncani | anathema: nope | 01:24 |
glaive | sbcman: built in wireless | 01:24 |
DarwinsBulldog | Debian seems to be really behind of late. | 01:24 |
glaive | sbcman: broadcom 4306, I think. | 01:25 |
fnd | debain always has and will be | 01:25 |
=== Burgundavia [~corey@S01060010dcc226d1.du.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kyncani | anathema: like eruin said, or wait next release, or use debian sid | 01:25 |
DarwinsBulldog | The 'default' kernel for their 'stable' release is still 2.2x | 01:25 |
calamari | is linux capable of playing PCM WAV files? So far I've tried Totem (crashes), BMP (couldn't play), xmms (couldn't play), mplayer (couldn't play) | 01:25 |
kyncani | i know | 01:25 |
holycow | DarwinsBulldog, debian is never late | 01:25 |
fnd | naa is 3.0r4 | 01:25 |
holycow | infact debian has grown the fastest of all the distros | 01:25 |
kyncani | DarwinsBulldog: and kernel-2.2.0 was out january 1999 !!! | 01:25 |
orhs | anyone know some cool games??? | 01:25 |
eruin | calamari: plays just fine here | 01:25 |
calamari | eruin: which application? | 01:25 |
eruin | calamari: totem | 01:25 |
thr1ce | mplayer can play aaaanything | 01:26 |
=== Hoxzer^^ [Hoxzer@b62-248-241-114.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | infact debian added something like 6000 packages between woody and sarge | 01:26 |
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holycow | thats basically adding a whole distro right there | 01:26 |
kyncani | 6000 packages and 1 year ... | 01:26 |
holycow | give them some credit willya? | 01:26 |
holycow | :) | 01:26 |
DarwinsBulldog | You do have the option of using a 2.4 kernel though. Just so you are upto date | 01:26 |
fnd | DarwinsBulldog, there default kernel is 2.4 | 01:26 |
eruin | those same packages are whats making sarge so god damn delayed :p | 01:26 |
transgress | if i have two cd drives and the first is hdc is the second likely to be hdd? | 01:26 |
anathema | mplayer wont play wmv for me | 01:26 |
DarwinsBulldog | fnd, not when I tried installing woody the last time. | 01:27 |
anathema | just freezes | 01:27 |
anathema | totem plays it though | 01:27 |
anathema | i dunno | 01:27 |
holycow | eruin, no, mostly whats delaying debian is proper testin on the outside fringe platforms, not enough devs over there | 01:27 |
fnd | DarwinsBulldog, well all the time is i have 'woody' 2.4 | 01:27 |
eruin | DarwinsBulldog: there definately is. | 01:27 |
eruin | enter linux24 or something at boot | 01:27 |
holycow | but debian keeps on rocking anyway, you just don't see a freeze/stable release in an official sense | 01:27 |
=== kyncani thinks ubuntu is what debian testing should has always been (for me) | ||
thr1ce | anathema: try comp;iling mplayer yourself | 01:27 |
=== pablo928 [~paul@az-yuma-cuda1x-159.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DarwinsBulldog | Woody has an option of installing a 2.4 kernel but it is NOT the default option | 01:27 |
holycow | kyncani, with ubuntu driving the 6 month freezes of unstable, i have a feeling future testings of debian will be spectacular | 01:28 |
calamari | nice.. just had to kill -9 totem.. what a crappy program | 01:28 |
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holycow | i hope the work is shared between the teams | 01:28 |
fnd | DarwinsBulldog, i beg to differ, its always been 2.4 | 01:28 |
anathema | yeah i was thinking of doing that | 01:28 |
anathema | pain in the ass tho | 01:28 |
anathema | wish it would just work haah | 01:28 |
kyncani | holycow: yeah, me too, we'll see | 01:28 |
DarwinsBulldog | fnd, how come I had to tell the installer to use a 2.4 kernel then ? | 01:28 |
calamari | maybe I'll just convert it to mp3.. linux seems good at playing those | 01:28 |
anathema | impossible to uninstall if you compile yourself thr1ce | 01:29 |
DarwinsBulldog | fnd, and how come it wanted to use a 2.2 as default ? | 01:29 |
Burgundavia | fnd, woody is 2.2 | 01:29 |
sbcl3_ | this is a really dumb question, but if i install konquerer will it work with gnome? | 01:29 |
fnd | DarwinsBulldog, dunno, it always installs 2.4 on the machine i have used. | 01:29 |
x_or | How can you tell whether you are running ubuntu from a shell script? Usually there is a file like /etc/Ubuntu-version (SuSE, slackware, RedHat all have this). Is there something other than /etc/debian-version? | 01:29 |
Burgundavia | sbcl3_, yes, but it might not be pretty | 01:29 |
Burgundavia | x_or, /etc/issue | 01:29 |
kyncani | sbcl3_: it will work (be will be rather slow, memory-consuming) | 01:29 |
sbcl3_ | is that factual or biased reasoning? | 01:29 |
DarwinsBulldog | YOu can tell woody to use a 2.4 kernel during the install process, but you have to tell it, otherwise it uses a 2.2 | 01:29 |
sjoerd | x_or: lsb_release -a | 01:30 |
Burgundavia | sbcl3_, and nowhere near as fast as in pure kde, as konqueror gets loaded by default there | 01:30 |
Burgundavia | DarwinsBulldog, fnd please take this to #debian | 01:30 |
fnd | tbh i dont care | 01:30 |
thr1ce | anathema: no it's not | 01:30 |
x_or | Thanks all. | 01:30 |
anathema | how do you uninstall then ? | 01:30 |
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thr1ce | anathema: use DESTDIR, or even just make uninstall from the source dir | 01:31 |
anathema | short of manually looking for every file | 01:31 |
calamari | hrm.. I seem to be missing my trash can now too | 01:31 |
nate_ | anyone have trouble getting kismet to work in ubuntu/kubuntu? | 01:31 |
anathema | hmm yeah if you save the source file. | 01:31 |
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anathema | pain in the ass anyways, but might have to | 01:31 |
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calamari | anyone know how to get the trash can back on the desktop? | 01:31 |
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thegreedyturtle | trash can on the desktop? | 01:32 |
thegreedyturtle | or on the gnome-panel? | 01:33 |
nate_ | i never had one on my desktop | 01:33 |
anathema | http://ubuntuguide.org/#showdesktopicons | 01:33 |
anathema | look there calamari | 01:33 |
kyncani | Btw, any news for transcode availability in ubuntu ? | 01:34 |
calamari | anathema: thanks | 01:34 |
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schlomo | Hi | 01:37 |
pablo928 | Just finished setting up gkrellm. The lm sensors disagree with the temp readings in the bios. Which are right? | 01:37 |
schlomo | does anyone succeed to get his wifi card worky ? | 01:37 |
Fackamato | how much do they differ, pablo928 ? | 01:38 |
holycow | okay | 01:38 |
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holycow | ubuntu really rocks | 01:38 |
Fackamato | schlomo: check the forums | 01:38 |
garung | holycow: it it debian like? | 01:38 |
holycow | getting smb support, and printing to network windows printers is really really really easy | 01:38 |
holycow | but you must install samba | 01:38 |
holycow | -_- | 01:38 |
schlomo | using Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG | 01:38 |
schlomo | Fackamato : already done | 01:38 |
anathema | its amazingly easy | 01:38 |
nate_ | schlomo: ack, i have the 2100 | 01:38 |
holycow | garung, minor differences | 01:39 |
fnd | garung, dont get confused here, keep debian and ubuntu seperate | 01:39 |
nate_ | schlomo: but mine works | 01:39 |
pablo928 | Fackamato 5 degees C on the CPU 9and the Cpu and MB temps are reversed. | 01:39 |
garung | oh | 01:39 |
Fackamato | schlomo: ok. so what isn't working, what setup do you have, that drivers, tell us everything. | 01:39 |
holycow | desktop is stock gnome 2.10 with one shitty nautilus tweak, no biggie | 01:39 |
garung | some day i'll ubuntu | 01:39 |
schlomo | my /etc/network/interfaces | 01:39 |
schlomo | auto eth1 | 01:39 |
Funraiser | :-( i have no sound :-( it says no sound server or something, pleeaaase does someone know how to fix sound problems? | 01:39 |
holycow | btw. i just printed out some labels, via oo 2.0 beta, to a windows network printer, i consider that the ultimate test for printing | 01:39 |
holycow | heh | 01:39 |
holycow | this stuff rocks | 01:39 |
Fackamato | ubuntu is nice yes ;> | 01:40 |
fnd | Funraiser, what u using? | 01:40 |
schlomo | http://m6n.ath.cx/blog/ | 01:40 |
schlomo | http://ipw2200.sourceforge.net/ | 01:40 |
schlomo | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13576 | 01:40 |
schlomo | http://tvilda.tigbis.lt/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=ubuntu__intel_pro_wireless_2200bg__wpa_mini-howto_en | 01:40 |
schlomo | auto eth1 | 01:40 |
schlomo | iface eth1 inet dhcp | 01:40 |
schlomo | wireless_key open ***** | 01:40 |
schlomo | wireless_essid **** | 01:40 |
jordanau | STOP!! | 01:40 |
schlomo | wireless_mode managed | 01:40 |
schlomo | But then I have to run the following commands in order to power-on and | 01:40 |
Funraiser | everything, xine and totem and realplayer none has sound anymore... | 01:40 |
schlomo | enable my wireless adapter: | 01:40 |
schlomo | iwconfig eth1 key open **** | 01:40 |
schlomo | dhclient eth1 | 01:40 |
fnd | ffs | 01:40 |
schlomo | Tlcharger en tant que fichier | 01:40 |
jordanau | lol | 01:40 |
schlomo | http://m6n.ath.cx/blog/ | 01:40 |
schlomo | http://ipw2200.sourceforge.net/ | 01:40 |
schlomo | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13576 | 01:40 |
schlomo | http://tvilda.tigbis.lt/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=ubuntu__intel_pro_wireless_2200bg__wpa_mini-howto_en | 01:40 |
schlomo | auto eth1 | 01:41 |
Funraiser | fnd, everything, xine and totem and realplayer none has sound anymore... | 01:41 |
schlomo | iface eth1 inet dhcp | 01:41 |
schlomo | wireless_key open ***** | 01:41 |
schlomo | wireless_essid **** | 01:41 |
schlomo | wireless_mode managed | 01:41 |
schlomo | But then I have to run the following commands in order to power-on and | 01:41 |
schlomo | enable my wireless adapter: | 01:41 |
schlomo | iwconfig eth1 key open **** | 01:41 |
schlomo | dhclient eth1 | 01:41 |
schlomo | Tlcharger en tant que fichier | 01:41 |
schlomo | Fackamato : http://rafb.net/paste/results/mYh1BX88.html | 01:41 |
schlomo | ops sorry | 01:41 |
schlomo | Fackamato : http://rafb.net/paste/results/mYh1BX88.html | 01:41 |
jordanau | schlomo, np use pastebin next time | 01:41 |
Funraiser | i installed vlc and I lost the sound for totem and realplayer, and when I installed cedega i lost the sound for xine, now i have no more sound at all... | 01:41 |
schlomo | made a mistake when pasting | 01:41 |
schlomo | sorry :) | 01:42 |
jordanau | np | 01:42 |
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schlomo | iwlist eth1 answer | 01:42 |
fnd | vlc eh, hmm using gnome yeah? | 01:42 |
schlomo | but the problem is dhclient eth1 didn't succed | 01:42 |
firefly2442 | I installed webmin but what username and password do I use to login? | 01:42 |
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fnd | Funraiser, vlc eh, hmm using gnome yeah? | 01:43 |
Funraiser | fnd, yeah | 01:43 |
schlomo | any idea ? | 01:43 |
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schlomo | kernel is using ipw2200 | 01:43 |
Funraiser | fnd, is it bad ? :-( | 01:43 |
Funraiser | for those interested in games, here is the list of the games that work with cedega http://digital-conquest.ath.cx/wiki/index.php/Category:Working | 01:44 |
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fnd | Funraiser, try un-installin it first. see if the problem goes away first. baby steps | 01:44 |
schlomo | any idea ? | 01:44 |
pablo928 | Fackamato, I tweaked the cpu temp settings to match the bios temp. Hope I was right | 01:44 |
Funraiser | fnd, just un-installin wine? | 01:44 |
Funraiser | fnd, i mean xine? | 01:44 |
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Funraiser | fnd, and totem, and realplayer? | 01:44 |
fnd | Funraiser, vlc, sice the last thing installed | 01:45 |
fnd | Funraiser, calm the f**k down | 01:45 |
fnd | :) | 01:45 |
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Funraiser | fnd, i have no sound in the games either, but i hear the sounds when gnome closes/open etc | 01:45 |
fnd | Funraiser, did u do whar i asked? | 01:46 |
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a_monkey | can anybody recommend an image format that can handle opacity and can be compressed really well? | 01:46 |
Funraiser | fnd, i perfectly calm | 01:46 |
robertj | a_monkey: png? | 01:46 |
a_monkey | png image sizes are too large | 01:46 |
fnd | Funraiser, did u do what i asked? | 01:46 |
robertj | a_monkey: jpeg? | 01:46 |
firefly2442 | where is the default folder for installed apps? | 01:46 |
a_monkey | jpeg can handle opacity? | 01:46 |
a_monkey | kool | 01:46 |
a_monkey | didn't know | 01:46 |
robertj | firefly: depends | 01:47 |
schlomo | no idea ? | 01:47 |
robertj | firefly: it doesn't really work that way though | 01:47 |
firefly2442 | don't they usually go in /usr/ folder though? | 01:47 |
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DarwinsBulldog | Firefly, it dpends on the app. | 01:47 |
firefly2442 | mkay | 01:48 |
robertj | firefly: it depends, binary files usually go inn a /bin directory | 01:48 |
DarwinsBulldog | Firefly, or /usr/local, or for system stuff that is needed when booting /bin or /sbin. | 01:48 |
exalted | while using apt i want to remove all packages but ubuntu-base, how can i do it? | 01:48 |
robertj | if your really interested in why things end up where they do read the FHS document | 01:48 |
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robertj | if you don't care use dpkg -L packagename|grep bin | 01:48 |
robertj | or just launch the stupid thing from the menu or use tab completion ;) | 01:48 |
DarwinsBulldog | Firefly, the stuff that is needed during booting goes in either /bin or /sbin since /usr may not be mounted if on another partition. | 01:49 |
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DarwinsBulldog | Anything else goes in either /usr/bin /usr/local/bin or /opt/,,,,,/bin | 01:50 |
firefly2442 | ahh ok, well I'm looking for changepass.pl for webmin but I can't seem to find it.... | 01:50 |
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exalted | While using apt i want to remove all packages but ubuntu-base, how can i do it? | 01:50 |
kyncani | exalted: while using apt ? apt cannot have two instances at the same time, a lock file prevents that i think. As for the remove everything but thing, you can use debfoster (it's very good) | 01:50 |
robertj | opt is useless | 01:50 |
robertj | its for "add-on" applications | 01:51 |
anto9us | can anyone send me a default /etc/default/acpi-support file? | 01:51 |
sig | anto9us: sure | 01:51 |
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DarwinsBulldog | /usr/bin should be used for stuff that is installed by the system administator, and user installed stuff should go in /user/local/bin | 01:51 |
sig | --- Offering acpi-support to anto9us | 01:51 |
DarwinsBulldog | The issue gets muddied when the the user and sys admin are the same person. | 01:51 |
anto9us | thanks sig :) | 01:51 |
exalted | kyncani: on the other hand you're tellin' me to re-install all system. | 01:52 |
kyncani | DarwinsBulldog: ??? user installed stuff should go in $HOME/ | 01:52 |
Funraiser | fnd, yes i did fnd, un-install then re-install and it says oss audio output error: cannot open audio device (/dev/dsp) | 01:52 |
fnd | DarwinsBulldog, dude, keep it simple | 01:52 |
kyncani | exalted: ? i think we do not understand each other | 01:52 |
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exalted | kyncani: why you think so? :) | 01:52 |
calc | DarwinsBulldog: er /usr is for the distribution, /usr/local is for the admin, and /opt is for 3rd party, users have no location outside of $HOME | 01:52 |
DarwinsBulldog | kyncani, sorry, did not make myself clear. | 01:52 |
kyncani | exalted: :) you want to remove everything but ubuntu-base, right ? | 01:53 |
a_monkey | also, does anybody know where the gnome-terminal custom profiles are kept? | 01:53 |
a_monkey | the config files for them | 01:53 |
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DarwinsBulldog | calc, yes, sorry, be using LFS to much | 01:53 |
calc | DarwinsBulldog: heh | 01:53 |
exalted | kyncani: exactly, and as ubuntu-base is a metapackage, all other related packages to it. | 01:53 |
robertj | calc: opt is for old-school unix vendors who can't get their package management system in gear ;) | 01:53 |
robertj | ie: anything not user installed and not off the set of installation media goes to /opt | 01:54 |
thr1ce | opt? | 01:54 |
thr1ce | kde uses opt | 01:54 |
kyncani | exalted: debfoster is a tool that can remove every package that's not a dependency of a few packages you clearly identify. | 01:54 |
calc | thr1ce: because kde is on crack | 01:54 |
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robertj | calc: do you ever miss packaging arts? | 01:54 |
exalted | kyncani: but himself stays right? :) | 01:54 |
kyncani | exalted: can be used to remove unused library, or remove a program you do not want any more, along with everything it has installed | 01:55 |
thr1ce | calc: don't bash a desktop environment; gnome will never win a battle with kde at this point | 01:55 |
calc | robertj: hehe, arts wasn't too bad there wasn't much for them to change | 01:55 |
DarwinsBulldog | I think KDE only uses /opt becuase QT uses it by default. | 01:55 |
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calc | thr1ce: the fact that kde forces the paths to a non fhs compliant manner and make it difficult to set right is crack, i don't know of any other people that do it as badly besides gnustep | 01:55 |
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DarwinsBulldog | There are advatages to using opt for stuff. It makes switching versions a matter of changing a symbolic link | 01:55 |
kyncani | exalted: ha ha :) cannot be deleted, you have to destroy the damn box :) | 01:55 |
calc | thr1ce: eg if you set prefix to /usr/local you get /usr/local/kde/bin etc | 01:56 |
exalted | kyncani: what do you mean now? | 01:56 |
kyncani | exalted: ;) | 01:56 |
Funraiser | someone knows how I can fix this: oss audio output error: cannot open audio device (/dev/dsp) ? | 01:56 |
thr1ce | calc: why nto just use /opt/kde? works fine | 01:56 |
fnd | Funraiser, it getting mad, ok OSS is bad use ALSA | 01:56 |
robertj | calc: isn't X11 also bad about that | 01:56 |
robertj | I believe FHS may even have given it a specific dispensation | 01:56 |
Funraiser | fnd, what's ALSA? | 01:56 |
DarwinsBulldog | calc, using opt means you can switch version of kde easily, | 01:57 |
kyncani | exalted: apt-cache show debfoster to see what it's for ;) | 01:57 |
calc | thr1ce: because distribution stuff does not go into /opt its violation of FHS | 01:57 |
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calc | thr1ce: /opt is reserved for 3rd party stuff | 01:57 |
demism | I want to use my distro as a router using dhcp what do I need to do? | 01:57 |
exalted | kyncani: i think it does not a part of the main repositorie... | 01:57 |
calc | thr1ce: unless you have a very strange setup /opt should be empty 99.9% of the time | 01:57 |
DarwinsBulldog | Shoving stuff into /usr makes it hell to work out where everything went. | 01:57 |
thr1ce | calc: have you used kde on something other than a debian system? | 01:57 |
calc | thr1ce: making kde work according to fhs would have been trivial but they can't be bothered to do it | 01:58 |
kyncani | exalted: don't know, somewhere between main, restricted, universe and multiverse | 01:58 |
robertj | Darwin: welll everything in /usr except for /usr/local should be in a package so it shouldn't be that hard | 01:58 |
exalted | Any ideas how to make a fresh Ubuntu installation just with main repositorie, because also restricted repositories are selected by default...? | 01:58 |
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exalted | kyncani: allright thx | 01:58 |
calc | thr1ce: eg just set prefix to /opt/kde and it would do exactly what they wanted and work properly for everyone else | 01:58 |
fnd | Funraiser, i have to refer u to FAQ's soz | 01:58 |
thr1ce | calc: lots of kde stuff defaults to /opt/kde when compiling from source | 01:58 |
Funraiser | fnd, ok which FAQ? | 01:58 |
calc | thr1ce: yes and its upstream kde's fault for fucking that up | 01:58 |
DarwinsBulldog | Calc, have you ever tried having two versions of the same package installed at the same time ? | 01:58 |
Funraiser | fnd, ALSA? | 01:58 |
calc | thr1ce: since its probably due to kdevelop enforcing that braindead decision | 01:58 |
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calc | DarwinsBulldog: in deb format it can't be done but it is trivial to do that with one compiled kde and one deb version of kde | 01:59 |
fnd | Funraiser, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/faqfolder_view | 01:59 |
Funraiser | fnd, thanks | 01:59 |
DarwinsBulldog | Calc, for example have kde 3.4 and 3.3 installed on the same machine, and be able to swap between the two just by changing where a sym link points to ? | 01:59 |
firefly2442 | http://alsa.opensrc.org/ | 01:59 |
calc | DarwinsBulldog: i maintained kde for 3 years btw, i patched kde so it would work properly for that particular case | 01:59 |
calc | DarwinsBulldog: yes that is easy to do | 02:00 |
thr1ce | i'm on a slack system now; I compile alot of KDE stuff, and never have a problem | 02:00 |
fnd | pfft dont thank me | 02:00 |
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calc | thr1ce: not having a problem and not following standards are two different things | 02:00 |
fnd | oh | 02:00 |
calc | thr1ce: though not following standards and packaging for a dist that requires following standards does present a problem in the KDE case | 02:00 |
thr1ce | calc: I run general configure scripts, and they will generally default to /opt/kde without the falgs | 02:01 |
calc | thr1ce: since i had to patch around its braindeadness | 02:01 |
fnd | yeay | 02:01 |
Funraiser | OMG i don't like what alsa means | 02:01 |
exalted | Any ideas how to make a fresh Ubuntu installation just with main repositorie, because also restricted repositories are selected by default...? | 02:01 |
robertj | exalted: we saw it the first time | 02:01 |
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calc | Funraiser: eh? | 02:01 |
fnd | Funraiser, whats the prob? | 02:02 |
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calc | Funraiser: don't like that it mentions it is for linux in its name? ;) | 02:02 |
exalted | robertj: sorry. | 02:02 |
Burgundavia | exalted, restricted has about 5 packages in it | 02:02 |
DarwinsBulldog | ALSA stands for Alternative Linux Sound Architecture if I recall | 02:02 |
calc | advanced linux sound architecture as opposed to OSS | 02:02 |
calc | which was crap | 02:02 |
robertj | Darwins: I thoguht it was Advanced | 02:02 |
exalted | Burgundavia: so? | 02:02 |
firefly2442 | ya | 02:02 |
DarwinsBulldog | YOu may be right. | 02:02 |
DarwinsBulldog | Or maybe it changed. | 02:03 |
fnd | he learns | 02:03 |
Burgundavia | exalted, and none of the stuff is installed by default | 02:03 |
calc | its always been advanced as far as i can remember (back ~ 1998 anyway) | 02:03 |
sarom | ohhhwowowoo... ubuntu... ohhwowowo,, ubuntu | 02:03 |
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Funraiser | calc, don't like that it says:"advanced" linux sound architecture | 02:03 |
robertj | BreezyGoals needs some TLC | 02:03 |
calc | Funraiser: ok so don't use it :) | 02:03 |
fnd | OMG | 02:03 |
sarom | boom chakalaka boom chakalaka | 02:03 |
calc | Funraiser: use the non advanced one... OSS | 02:04 |
exalted | Burgundavia: even in the default installation? | 02:04 |
Burgundavia | exalted, the default install currently uses nothing out of restricted. The repo is merely enabled so people cna get there 3d drivers easily | 02:04 |
calc | Funraiser: so why don't you like the word advanced? | 02:04 |
Funraiser | it'll be faster if i re-install the whole thing | 02:04 |
fnd | Funraiser, wtf? | 02:05 |
exalted | Burgundavia: thx so much | 02:05 |
Funraiser | cose it's gonna take forever to find what the prob is reading all that | 02:05 |
DarwinsBulldog | exalted, well it doesn't install the drivers to get Nvidia cards running 3d stuff by default. | 02:05 |
Burgundavia | exalted, note that this may change in future releases | 02:05 |
DarwinsBulldog | exalted, and the Nvidia drivers are in the restricted area | 02:05 |
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Funraiser | i'll re-install alsa-base see how it works | 02:07 |
fnd | Funraiser, a plan | 02:07 |
exalted | Burgundavia: i'm thinking to download the 5.04 iso and make a server installation with it, then edit my source.list by removing restricted repo. then installing ubuntu-desktop package. so you thing in this process is it possible to install any non-free (or partially non-free) software to be installed? | 02:07 |
robertj | does the default ubuntu kernel play nice with 2tb partitions? | 02:07 |
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calc | Funraiser: so you hear sounds in gnome not in games? | 02:08 |
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calc | Funraiser: the issue is esd in that case | 02:08 |
Burgundavia | exalted, the restricted repo shoudl only be used by user intervention | 02:08 |
sophie_msumu | hello | 02:08 |
fnd | robertj, YES, read the FAW somtime | 02:08 |
Burgundavia | exalted, but why would you go to all that trouble? | 02:08 |
calc | Funraiser: your soundcard doesn't support multiopen and esd has it open so you have to make the game play through esd | 02:08 |
sophie_msumu | any fluxbox user out there ? | 02:08 |
robertj | FAW? | 02:08 |
drac | Ubuntu has XFCE packaged? Correct? Is xfwm4 in those packages compiled with --enable-compositor? | 02:08 |
fnd | FAQ | 02:08 |
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Funraiser | calc, exactly | 02:08 |
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robertj | fnd: that's a faq? | 02:08 |
fnd | i thought u could work it out, obvoiusly not | 02:08 |
calc | Funraiser: it has nothing to do with alsa or oss | 02:09 |
Funraiser | calc,i hear gnome but no games | 02:09 |
calc | Funraiser: it has to do with your soundcard being crap | 02:09 |
exalted | Burgundavia: me personally have no time to check out all the licence info. to see if any piece of the system is free or not, so trying to find a auto. way to do it... | 02:09 |
calc | so make the games output via esd | 02:09 |
Funraiser | calc, well when i launch vlc it says oss audio output error: cannot open audio device (/dev/dsp) | 02:09 |
calc | of coures | 02:10 |
calc | er course | 02:10 |
Burgundavia | exalted, just install, everything that gets installed by default is free | 02:10 |
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Funraiser | calc, well it was working perfectly before with warty and with hoary at the beginning | 02:10 |
exalted | Burgundavia: free as in free speech right? :))) | 02:10 |
Burgundavia | exalted, yes | 02:10 |
g14 | I want beer that is free | 02:10 |
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g14 | not free as in beer, but free beer | 02:10 |
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exalted | :) | 02:10 |
calc | Funraiser: what soundchip is it? | 02:11 |
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Funraiser | IT WORKS BACK | 02:11 |
calc | Funraiser: eh its working now? | 02:11 |
HrdwrBoB | g14: free beer usually results in a free exodus of beer and a free hangover | 02:11 |
Anubis | anyone here know of a way to edit the gnome 2.10 menu system to remove duplicates? | 02:11 |
Funraiser | OH MY GOD THANK calc and fnd !!!!!!!!! | 02:11 |
calc | Funraiser: probably esound quits when it isn't needed | 02:11 |
robertj | fnd, I did check the faq, didn't see anything about that | 02:11 |
exalted | Burgundavia: you told me about restricted repo. sometime before, what do you mean? | 02:11 |
calc | Funraiser: if its running then you won't be able to play sound with the game (i would guess) | 02:11 |
Funraiser | yeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 02:11 |
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calc | eg my computer doesn't show esound runnning right now | 02:12 |
calc | hmm never mind it is running my grep was faulty :) | 02:12 |
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HrdwrBoB | that's because it's 'esd' | 02:12 |
calc | HrdwrBoB: yea :) | 02:12 |
Funraiser | calc, i'll check that right now with deus-ex | 02:12 |
sbcl3_ | anyone here use XMMS? | 02:12 |
sbcl3_ | i need to know how to play a CD through it | 02:12 |
=== calc bbl | ||
Burgundavia | exalted, restricted is the non-free stuff is useful for functionality of your computer, ala ati drivers | 02:12 |
Burgundavia | exalted, most non-free is in multiverse | 02:13 |
sophie_msumu | any fluxbox user ? | 02:13 |
calc | sbcl3_: install xmms-cdread | 02:13 |
Funraiser | fnd, thanks man | 02:13 |
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calc | sbcl3_: it uses more cpu power due to having to digitally rip the music for playback | 02:13 |
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exalted | Burgundavia: yeah i now, but fortunately i see no necessity of'em, so as you told me before non of'em will be installed bu default? | 02:13 |
sbcl3_ | but gnome's cd player always crashes and sucks | 02:13 |
Burgundavia | exalted, currently yes | 02:13 |
Burgundavia | sbcl3_, I happen to agree with you there | 02:13 |
ThomasWinwood | sbc13_: rhythmbox? | 02:13 |
fnd | Funraiser, np | 02:13 |
demism | how do setup eth1, like giving it a permanent ip or what not? | 02:14 |
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robertj | demism: there is a network panel under system administration | 02:15 |
exalted | Burgundavia: just in case to check out, if i remove restricted from source.list and make a "apt-get update upgrade" any (possibily) software installed will be removed? | 02:15 |
robertj | exalted: no | 02:15 |
sbcl3_ | any ideas at why i can't hear sound when using XMMS? | 02:15 |
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Burgundavia | exalted, it will show up in synaptic under locally installed | 02:15 |
Burgundavia | exalted, at which point it is easy to remove | 02:15 |
ThomasWinwood | sbc13_: make sure to set the right sound system and hardware. | 02:15 |
robertj | there is always vrms | 02:15 |
sbcl3_ | oh | 02:15 |
exalted | robertj: so the question is: how to remove all packages being part of a certain repo? | 02:16 |
sbcl3_ | where is the XMMS option to set it? | 02:16 |
sbcl3_ | (the cd player could play sound) | 02:16 |
ThomasWinwood | It's in the preferences. Shouldn't be difficult to find. | 02:16 |
exalted | Burgundavia: so locally installed means it is installed, but not a part of the source.list'eds. | 02:16 |
exalted | ? | 02:17 |
Burgundavia | exalted, correct | 02:17 |
occy | make[2] : *** [scripts/lxdialog/ncurses] Error 1 | 02:17 |
occy | make[1] : *** [menuconfig] Error 2 | 02:17 |
occy | make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2 | 02:17 |
exalted | Burgundavia: i see. | 02:17 |
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occy | I need libncurses5 ? | 02:17 |
Burgundavia | exalted, why are you so worried about non-free? | 02:17 |
occy | libncurses5 is already the newest version. | 02:17 |
occy | hmmm | 02:17 |
sbcl3_ | i can't figure it out X_X | 02:17 |
fnd | occy, yes -dev | 02:17 |
exalted | Burgundavia: i'm just some non-normal :) | 02:17 |
occy | fnd: danke | 02:18 |
=== Burgundavia suspects that exalted is RMS | ||
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exalted | Burgundavia: let's say, i love his way. | 02:18 |
exalted | the way he thinks. | 02:18 |
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exalted | etc. | 02:18 |
exalted | Burgundavia and robertj: thx for your attention, and help. | 02:19 |
eruin | ooh, gnome 2.11 entering breezy :-) | 02:19 |
robertj | eruin: ooh, whatst the 2-point-twelve url on gnome.org? | 02:19 |
robertj | ah http://live.gnome.org/TwoPointEleven | 02:19 |
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thr1ce | eruin: is that a beta, or is 2.11 a full release? | 02:19 |
eruin | dev | 02:20 |
eruin | :p | 02:20 |
eruin | 2.12 will be the next full release | 02:20 |
Burgundavia | .odd is the development release for the next .even | 02:20 |
eruin | I'm just anxiously awaiting 2.11 so I can build my latest rhythmbox source ;) | 02:20 |
robertj | eruin: what's new in it? | 02:20 |
exalted | And i would highly reccomend Ubuntu to give an clear way to its users to precise to have a "pure free" system. This may be selected in the boot section. That's my personal suggestion. | 02:20 |
Burgundavia | eruin, already out | 02:20 |
sbcl3_ | guys: what part in the XMMS preferences needs to be configured? | 02:20 |
Burgundavia | exalted, file a bug about it | 02:21 |
exalted | Burgundavia: is it considered as a bug? :) | 02:21 |
eruin | robertj: it's not fully in breezy yet, so I don't know.. probably not a whole lot yet ;) | 02:21 |
Burgundavia | exalted, if you think it is | 02:21 |
exalted | Burgundavia: yeah maybe :) | 02:21 |
Burgundavia | exalted, if a user cant user there system like they want to, then it is abug | 02:21 |
robertj | Rhythmbox is cool but it stinks if you have a large remote library | 02:21 |
thr1ce | when is 2.11 hitting breezy? | 02:21 |
exalted | Have a nice day... | 02:22 |
Burgundavia | thr1ce, should already be there | 02:22 |
eruin | robertj: yeh, they're making some speed improvements... and awaiting fam improvements | 02:22 |
robertj | For fun, setup a server and on the lan add all the mp3s there via vfs to your library | 02:22 |
thr1ce | aaah | 02:22 |
eruin | thr1ce: first packages already rolling in | 02:22 |
thr1ce | ok | 02:22 |
thr1ce | eruin: when will they finish uploading ? | 02:22 |
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robertj | eruin: it's not that. Then go to a friends house and use your library over residential DSL | 02:22 |
thr1ce | awesome :) | 02:22 |
robertj | it doesn't work well | 02:22 |
eruin | :P | 02:23 |
eruin | haven't had much need for that | 02:23 |
eruin | but the itunes sharing stuff was nice | 02:23 |
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eruin | what I love about rhythmbox is first and foremost it's cd burning ;) | 02:23 |
robertj | was nice? | 02:23 |
Burgundavia | eruin, cd burning? | 02:24 |
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eruin | Burgundavia: yeah... 0.9 is going to be great | 02:24 |
robertj | so .9 is getting itunes sharing? | 02:24 |
eruin | rhythmbox must be responsible for over a hundred cd's burned ;) | 02:24 |
eruin | probably not.. the itunes stuff looks like it's been abandoned | 02:25 |
robertj | oh, that's a shame | 02:25 |
eruin | but it'll have queuing, cd burning, album display, tag writing etc | 02:25 |
eruin | :) | 02:25 |
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eruin | I do believe they're planning some way of broadcasting ala itunes though | 02:25 |
Burgundavia | eruin, when is .9 going to ship? | 02:26 |
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eruin | with some gnomevfs magic | 02:26 |
eruin | hopefully for gnome 2.12 | 02:26 |
eruin | it's your typical "when it's ready" project | 02:26 |
eruin | :p | 02:26 |
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eruin | there's _alot_ of development going on in the --merge branch though | 02:27 |
robertj | eruin: is anything replacing the itunes sharing | 02:27 |
eruin | as opposed to last autumn where almost nothing happened | 02:27 |
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robertj | ie. some form of 0conf sharing | 02:27 |
=== Burgundavia personally dislikes rbox and is glad that Ubuntu is going with serpentine | ||
eruin | robertj: yeah, I think so, but don't hold me to that ;) | 02:27 |
robertj | galago + zeroconf + sharing = coo | 02:27 |
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sarom | How can ubuntu afford the bandwidth usage from the repositories? | 02:28 |
Burgundavia | sarom, a wealthy benefactor | 02:28 |
sarom | and if that suddenly stopped | 02:28 |
sarom | do we have backup? | 02:29 |
Burgundavia | www.markshuttleworth.com | 02:29 |
transgress | umm does xmms need something special to play oggs? | 02:29 |
sarom | I hope he doesn't risk another space travel trip | 02:29 |
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eruin | I like shuttleworth :) | 02:29 |
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robertj | He seems like a nice guy. If he is every in Georgia he is welcome to sleep on my sofa ;) | 02:30 |
flex_ | if I use synaptic to install gcc will it put gcc in the path or do I have to set that manually | 02:30 |
Burgundavia | flex_, auto | 02:31 |
transgress | flex_: sudo apt-get install build-essential will take carae of it | 02:31 |
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robertj | although I think I would throw the cat on him in the middle of the night to make up for Ubuntu-Spatial ;) | 02:31 |
eruin | "hip2besquare" :P | 02:31 |
sarom | when I run wine do I run it like this: | 02:31 |
sarom | wine /media/windows/foo/bla.exe | 02:32 |
sarom | ? | 02:32 |
La_PaRCa | :: [PLAYING] [01:34:735] Lover .:. Sophie Ellis Bextor .:. Read My Lips .:. Track 2 | 02:32 |
transgress | okay is there something i need to play oggs period | 02:32 |
transgress | libvorbis? is that it? | 02:32 |
sbcl3_ | xmms just crashed :( | 02:33 |
Burgundavia | transgress, xmms doesn | 02:33 |
Burgundavia | do it by default? | 02:33 |
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Triffid-Hunter | sarom: should work, though i use winelauncher | 02:33 |
transgress | Burgundavia: nope | 02:33 |
transgress | not amarok either | 02:33 |
Burgundavia | transgress, hmm | 02:33 |
Burgundavia | transgress, that is odd | 02:33 |
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transgress | or juk | 02:34 |
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eruin | so | 02:34 |
eruin | I can call myself | 02:34 |
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ubuntu | ? | 02:34 |
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kubuntu | ? | 02:34 |
eruin | silly #fedora keeping me from changing nick | 02:35 |
eruin | grr | 02:35 |
=== jan__ [~jan@host-67-35-37-250.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
robertj | why are you in fedora ;) | 02:35 |
sbcl3_ | fedora sucks ;) | 02:35 |
eruin | cause I know people in there :) | 02:35 |
sarom | Triffid-Hunter, what if the application refuses to run because it says it needs to run on a windows 2000 or XP environment? | 02:35 |
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jan__ | question: i have a bunch of young children that use my computer (of course i supervise) but even still is there a program like netnanny for linux that is free? or does anyone have a tutorial that would explain how to run maybe tor and enable some sort of content filtering your help would be greatly appreciated. thanks. | 02:36 |
ArdieM | i need to unpack .rar archives @ hoary x64 edition | 02:36 |
g14 | www.dansguardian.org content filtering | 02:36 |
jan__ | g14, thank you | 02:37 |
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ArdieM | ive read that i need p7zip to do that | 02:37 |
Burgundavia | ArdieM, you need rar | 02:37 |
ArdieM | do you know where to get the x64 version of p7zip ? | 02:37 |
darkaudit | ArdieM: no, you need unrar | 02:37 |
transgress | herm should mp3's be transfered in binary mode on ftp? | 02:37 |
ArdieM | unrar included in Ubuntu is broken. Using original unrar would help. Ubuntu's unrar doesn't unpack any modern rar archives. | 02:37 |
noxs | how to play .wmv files with (ubuntu) linux? | 02:37 |
ryman | hi Burgundavia | 02:37 |
toresbe | transgress: yes | 02:37 |
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robertj | jan: I suggest moving your computer or trusting your kids | 02:37 |
Burgundavia | salut ryman | 02:37 |
ryman | salut | 02:37 |
ArdieM | i have installed unrar | 02:38 |
ryman | I downloades some fiels on my desktop | 02:38 |
darkaudit | ArdieM: there's a different version in multiverse. Use that one. :) | 02:38 |
Burgundavia | unrar-nonfree, but maybe be a x86 only | 02:38 |
ryman | then they are just all disappeared | 02:38 |
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ryman | I try to go Places - Home | 02:38 |
ryman | nothing showed up | 02:38 |
transgress | okay well i'm transfering some of my backed up music off of my ftp and it's downloading the stuff, but when it downloads it says the files are empty | 02:38 |
ryman | I think its frozen | 02:38 |
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ArdieM | dark: where can i get these repos ? | 02:38 |
sbcl3_ | how do you exit out something that's frozen (xmms) | 02:38 |
sbcl3_ | ? | 02:38 |
transgress | sbcl3_: kill -9 | 02:39 |
thr1ce | killall xmms | 02:39 |
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ArdieM | rightklick on its task and select close | 02:39 |
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ArdieM | wait ant a windows will open to close it | 02:39 |
darkaudit | ArdieM: Add multiverse to the line in your sources.list where you enabled universe | 02:39 |
ArdieM | when it doesnt appear than try ctrl+esc | 02:39 |
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thr1ce | gnoem 2.11 isn't even released yet, is it ? | 02:40 |
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anathema | whein | 02:40 |
ArdieM | dark: you mean: " deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary multiverse ? | 02:40 |
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Burgundavia | ArdieM, correct | 02:41 |
ArdieM | @ hoary-security too ? | 02:41 |
sbcl3_ | thr1ce: thankyou | 02:41 |
Burgundavia | ArdieM, yes | 02:41 |
sjohnson | hi guys, I don't know whether to try the newest Debian or Ubuntu... which one's better and why? | 02:41 |
thr1ce | sbcl3_: sure thing | 02:41 |
sbcl3_ | ubuntu probably...its just newer | 02:41 |
Burgundavia | sjohnson, best is a matter of your opinion | 02:41 |
sbcl3_ | and its "for humans" | 02:41 |
thr1ce | sjohnson: better is whatever you like the best; try them both | 02:41 |
Burgundavia | sjohnson, Ubuntu is synced to debian sid | 02:41 |
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anathema | so why have ubuntu then ? | 02:42 |
darkaudit | ArdieM: that too | 02:42 |
Burgundavia | Ubuntu provides polish | 02:42 |
Burgundavia | as debian sid never stablises | 02:42 |
anathema | sid is what..like testing? | 02:42 |
anathema | unstable ? | 02:42 |
Burgundavia | sid = unstable | 02:43 |
demism | how can I save my iptables rules? | 02:43 |
robertj | sid is like...pudding | 02:43 |
demism | and add it to the boot? | 02:43 |
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thr1ce | save it as a text document, chmod it | 02:43 |
robertj | and ubuntu is like...a casserole | 02:43 |
sjohnson | what about if used the Stable version of Debian, would it really be a bad choice for a Linux OS? | 02:43 |
ArdieM | dark: still cant unpack it ... do i have to apt-get remove unrar ? | 02:43 |
sjohnson | as opposed to Ubunt0r? | 02:43 |
anathema | debian woody like...would it be too old ? or what | 02:44 |
Burgundavia | sjohnson, the stable version of Debian is from 2002 | 02:44 |
ArdieM | sjohnson: itll be more work | 02:44 |
robertj | sjohnson: not if you don't need anything written in the last 3 years | 02:44 |
HrdwrBoB | sjohnson: stable debian is ... old | 02:44 |
ArdieM | ubuntu is MUCH easier | 02:44 |
demism | thrlce: do I just put it in my init.d? | 02:44 |
sue7504 | am totally new to X-chat & fairly new to Linux. Am trying to create a 'link' to a folder on a samba share on my newly installed Ubuntu | 02:44 |
thr1ce | demism: i used to use /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall | 02:44 |
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sjohnson | "The latest stable release of Debian is 3.0. The last update to this release was made on April 16th, 2005." | 02:44 |
ArdieM | dark: still cant unpack it ... do i have to apt-get remove unrar ? | 02:44 |
sjohnson | says this right on the website | 02:44 |
anathema | whats the deal with that | 02:44 |
Burgundavia | sjohnson, that was a security release, no new packages | 02:44 |
ArdieM | sjohnson: test | 02:45 |
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thr1ce | just add to to your startup script (/etc/rc2.d/rc.firewall) | 02:45 |
thr1ce | I think that's it in ubuntu | 02:45 |
sue7504 | error produced when trying menu option for making link is 'unsupported operation" what am I doiung wrong? | 02:45 |
=== Lemonzest [~Lemonzest@cpc1-nott4-3-0-cust147.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
robertj | I would start by apt-get installing firestarter | 02:45 |
g14 | I love firestarter | 02:45 |
thr1ce | firestarter? what is that | 02:46 |
g14 | www.fs-security.com | 02:46 |
Burgundavia | thr1ce, graphical configuration and managment tool for iptables | 02:46 |
thr1ce | aah, ok | 02:47 |
thr1ce | i've always done it by hand :) | 02:47 |
demism | thr1ce, it isn't in /etc/rc2.d/rc.firewall | 02:47 |
sjohnson | Burgundavia: thanks man | 02:47 |
sjohnson | for the Debian knowledge | 02:47 |
thr1ce | well, you can save a text file to rc.firewall IN /etc/rc2.d, right? | 02:47 |
Burgundavia | sjohnson, if you have a server, I wouuld use Debian stable. For a desktop machine, I would use Ubuntu | 02:47 |
demism | yes | 02:47 |
demism | don't need anything special for it? | 02:47 |
demism | just the commands? | 02:48 |
thr1ce | demism: well, I would give it room permissions | 02:48 |
thr1ce | demism: and make sure you chmod +x it | 02:48 |
g14 | So what exactly are room permisions? :P | 02:48 |
thr1ce | root* | 02:48 |
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g14 | :) | 02:48 |
thr1ce | and, if it's in the startup init stuff as it is, and your script is right, your IPtables will load | 02:48 |
thr1ce | hehe | 02:48 |
Nalioth | well i'm alive (just installed a new electric socket) | 02:49 |
eruin | I can't wait to see the day we move away from init | 02:49 |
eruin | O.o | 02:49 |
thr1ce | being alive is half the battle :) | 02:49 |
=== jriche [~jriche@cpe-24-25-213-225.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
demism | so I have to type all my rules into a text file or is there a way to get my rules | 02:49 |
jriche | hey | 02:49 |
jriche | 64-bit ubuntu, i want to install rar | 02:49 |
jriche | E: Package rar has no installation candidate | 02:50 |
jriche | anybody wanna help? | 02:50 |
ArdieM | unrar | 02:50 |
g14 | eruin, Yeah I can't wait till distros like ubuntu use initng | 02:50 |
thr1ce | jriche: search for rar in synaptic | 02:50 |
jriche | unrar is shitty | 02:50 |
jriche | it fails on every archive | 02:50 |
Burgundavia | jriche, you need unrar-nonfree | 02:50 |
thr1ce | demism: well, if you're creating this text file by hand, then you'll have to do em all yourself | 02:50 |
eruin | g14: or even better, a full launchd rewrite | 02:50 |
ArdieM | you have to add multiverse to you sources list | 02:50 |
sue7504 | can someone point me to a document on how to 'work' in X-Chat pls? | 02:50 |
eruin | err, reimplementation | 02:50 |
jriche | ok will try | 02:50 |
jriche | thanks | 02:50 |
darkaudit | jriche: what Burgundavia said :) | 02:50 |
=== Cidolfas [~null@adsl-67-118-13-106.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sig | jriche: user error it sounds like to me | 02:50 |
robertj | do we really need to replace init.d? | 02:51 |
g14 | eruin: Yeah it sucks that launchd isn't gpl compatible | 02:51 |
eruin | robertj: it's slow and old | 02:51 |
robertj | how slow? | 02:51 |
g14 | robertj, init is a daemon, init.d is a folder | 02:51 |
eruin | g14: you got initng site link? | 02:51 |
g14 | eruin, just a sec | 02:51 |
eruin | throw the graphs at robertj | 02:51 |
eruin | :P | 02:51 |
g14 | http://jw.dyndns.org/initng/ | 02:51 |
=== dockane [~dockane@p5084E094.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Nalioth thought launchd was open source, just not gpl'd | ||
g14 | robertj, Look at that site and look at the performace improvements. Numbers don't lie unless your M$ get the facts | 02:52 |
robertj | Ubuntu doesn't take any longer to start than OS X | 02:52 |
eruin | robertj: true | 02:52 |
Nalioth | robertj, yes it does | 02:52 |
eruin | robertj: the difference is, ubuntu has lots more potential ;) | 02:52 |
ArdieM | ive installed appollon... how do i start it ? | 02:52 |
Nalioth | mine hangs up on my ibook for 2 minutes while it searches for networks | 02:52 |
sig | no | 02:52 |
g14 | Nalioth, launchd falls under the Appl OSS license which is gpl incompatible. That means it will never be in debian, fedora, or ubuntu | 02:53 |
eruin | osX on my powerbook starts as fast/slow as breezy | 02:53 |
=== bodaciousb [~bodacious@id-cralid-cuda2a-68-238.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nalioth | g14, ty, for the info | 02:53 |
robertj | Nalioth: oh that, yeah ,that is annoying | 02:53 |
g14 | yup | 02:53 |
=== debiannoob_ [~debiannoo@dsl-082-083-199-244.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
robertj | Nalioth: btw does suspend resume work for you? | 02:53 |
resiak | g14: Not technically true. Since launchd wouldn't be linked to any GPLy things, then we're cool, right? | 02:53 |
robertj | it suspends alright but hangs after every resume | 02:53 |
Nalioth | robertj, osx starts in under 1 min on both my iBooks (old and new) | 02:53 |
bodaciousb | I really need to ask before i do this... i crashed my system witht his yesterday... How to i chmod my entire ut2003 folder to 777? | 02:53 |
eruin | resiak: there's some discussion going on about launchd on the ubuntu-devel list | 02:54 |
eruin | right now | 02:54 |
resiak | bodaciousb: One question that comes to mind is "why"? | 02:54 |
sig | chmod 777 dirname/ | 02:54 |
Nalioth | robertj, it suspends just fine. the resume is where it all goes to hell (hint to devs: yellowdog PPC suspend works great) | 02:54 |
Triffid-Hunter | bodaciousb: why would you need to do that? | 02:54 |
transgress | bodaciousb: DO NOT CHMOD 777 STUFF | 02:54 |
j-rock | chmod -R | 02:54 |
g14 | resiak, No. Because Ubuntu, debian, and fedora are commited to truly free software. Launchd is free as in beer, and comes with source, but is not free as in freedom | 02:54 |
eruin | bodaciousb: chmod -R 777 /path/to/ut2003 | 02:54 |
transgress | bodaciousb: but chmod -R 777 dirname | 02:54 |
bodaciousb | resiak, its my ut2003 game folder, and the game wont run withought a Sudo | 02:54 |
j-rock | chmod -R 755 dirname/ is probably what you want bodaciousb | 02:54 |
g14 | resiak, so it will never be included in any of those distros | 02:54 |
resiak | g14: Is apsl not dfsg-free? | 02:54 |
anathema | my ut2004 runs wihtout sudo | 02:55 |
Triffid-Hunter | mine does bodaciousb | 02:55 |
g14 | resiak, that is correct | 02:55 |
Nalioth | g14 and i'd probably give my ubnuntu a brain hemhorrage if if installed launchd, eh? | 02:55 |
Triffid-Hunter | i run it as a normal user | 02:55 |
Triffid-Hunter | no worries | 02:55 |
=== resiak slaps Apple around a bit. | ||
Triffid-Hunter | its not 777 either | 02:55 |
eruin | g14: ubuntu isn't quite as GPL-centric as debian though | 02:55 |
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g14 | Nalioth, Something so low level that it completely replaces cron, init, init scripts. Yes, that will be a huge infrastructure change | 02:56 |
bodaciousb | ok well.. 755 didnt work, it wants more permissions | 02:56 |
robertj | anny idea what causes the crash on resume? | 02:56 |
Triffid-Hunter | bodaciousb: my ut folder is chmod 750, chown root:games | 02:56 |
eruin | robertj: I even crash on suspend ;) | 02:56 |
g14 | robertj, the Suspend / resume code is still beta in the kernel | 02:56 |
g14 | robertj, very very new | 02:56 |
=== bob2___ is now known as bob2 | ||
eruin | I can't wait for beagle to hit breezy :) | 02:57 |
Triffid-Hunter | just gotta be in the games group an it should just work | 02:57 |
g14 | Is it going to be included by default? | 02:57 |
bodaciousb | ok this is stupid... permission in ut2003 are all 777 but the game draws an error booting, unless i use sudo | 02:57 |
Nalioth | g14 can you point to a FAQ somewhere on init.d or whatever starts stuff at system start? | 02:57 |
eruin | g14 think so | 02:57 |
Nalioth | g14, i've googled, but guess i'm not phrasin correctly | 02:57 |
eruin | sysvinit | 02:57 |
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ArdieM | ive installed unrar-nonfree but i still cant unpack .rars ... why ? | 02:58 |
g14 | Nalioth, It is called init. or SysVInit to be exact. Try using google search for linux init process or something like that | 02:58 |
Triffid-Hunter | bodaciousb: then its not a problem with the game dir.. put it back how it was | 02:58 |
anathema | Nalioth, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/UbuntuBootupHowto | 02:58 |
Triffid-Hunter | probably your dri or gl permissions | 02:58 |
Nalioth | g14, anathema TY | 02:58 |
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eruin | Nalioth: "man init" might give you something interetstin gtoo | 02:58 |
Nalioth | eruin, TY | 02:59 |
Nalioth | eruin, i asked the man about init.d whallago, and nothin | 02:59 |
eruin | init.d and init ain't the same ;) | 02:59 |
bodaciousb | Triffid-Hunter, how od i fix thoes permissions? | 02:59 |
Triffid-Hunter | bodaciousb: are you using an nvidia card? | 02:59 |
bodaciousb | Triffid-Hunter, ATI | 02:59 |
Triffid-Hunter | thats the fglrx driver innit? | 03:00 |
bodaciousb | i suppose so | 03:00 |
jordanau | why has nobody written a program that descrambles the late night porn channels on tv? | 03:00 |
=== Chipparn [~Chipparn_@c-bcbee253.031-89-73766c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
g14 | Nalioth, it is called init, not init.d. init.d is a folder under /etc | 03:00 |
Triffid-Hunter | what nodes does it create in /dev? what are the perms? do you need to be in the video group to get direct rendering? | 03:00 |
eruin | jordanau: read the kama sutra and get a girlfrield and you will realize why | 03:00 |
bodaciousb | Triffid-Hunter, havent a clue... quake3 works fine with 777, ut2003 apparently requires sudo | 03:01 |
=== anto9us [~antoninus@cpc2-ptal1-5-1-cust245.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ArdieM | trif: test | 03:01 |
robertj | jordanau: because they are all stealing sattelite? | 03:01 |
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jordanau | robertj, you can steal satellite? | 03:01 |
Triffid-Hunter | my quake3 works fine 750... | 03:01 |
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robertj | forget I mentioned it | 03:01 |
jan__ | g14, i have question in regard to setting up dansquardian. I want to know when it says error connecting to test proxy. Does that simply mean that i need to install squid? | 03:02 |
Triffid-Hunter | bodaciousb: go have a look in /dev, see if there's anything called ati or fglrx or anything similar | 03:02 |
=== osity [~osity@d57-50-77.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jordanau | eruin, ha I am a master of the tantric arts, well at least i saw american pie 2... | 03:02 |
Nalioth | guys if i want to start a proggy to run in background, i COULD put it in my ~/.Xinitrc, right | 03:02 |
osity | i installed ubuntu in server mode....and I dont get the GUI is this normal? | 03:02 |
HrdwrBoB | server mode gets you almost nothing | 03:03 |
robertj | osity: yeah, I'm not sure how that makes it a better server though | 03:03 |
HrdwrBoB | it installs the base system | 03:03 |
bodaciousb | Triffid-Hunter, neither.... 750 wont run quake3... it need needs 777 | 03:03 |
ArdieM | azureus is not on a repo .... ?? | 03:03 |
g14 | You shouldn't use a gui for a real server | 03:03 |
HrdwrBoB | you only want server mode if you know what your'e doing | 03:03 |
eruin | jordanau: you might want to see 48 days and 48 nights instead | 03:03 |
robertj | g14: balderdash | 03:03 |
HrdwrBoB | ArdieM: no, just download it, you will also need java | 03:03 |
osity | robertj: do how do i get it? | 03:03 |
HrdwrBoB | g14: pfeh, it's not really important | 03:03 |
robertj | osity: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 03:03 |
Triffid-Hunter | bodaciousb: you're not in the groups you need to be in then.. whats the output of groups ? does it include games and video? | 03:04 |
g14 | jan__, I haven't installed dansguardian for ages. I set it up a gew years ago and it has worked since. But yes you will need squid set up | 03:04 |
robertj | don't solaris and irix both ship guis by default now? | 03:04 |
bodaciousb | Triffid-Hunter, nope games and video isnt there...im just gonna sudo the sortcut | 03:04 |
g14 | Gnome 2.8 on solaris | 03:04 |
Triffid-Hunter | er it'd be better to just add yourself to those groups.. | 03:05 |
Burgundavia | robertj, g14 or cde | 03:05 |
robertj | g14: but does it come up if you do the "just press enter" install | 03:05 |
jan__ | ok thanks | 03:05 |
eruin | alienware star wars edition, heh. | 03:05 |
eruin | now that's tacky | 03:05 |
g14 | Burgundavia, CDE has been deprecated in favor of gnome in Solaris 10 | 03:05 |
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=== g14 has an ultrasparc sitting beside me | ||
Triffid-Hunter | probably add yourself to audio, disk and lp while you're at it | 03:05 |
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=== SapoDriLo [~sapodrilo@dial-148-240-24-99.zone-1.dial.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu | ||
osity | well i installed ubuntu in server mode with the apt get desktop command.....is there any other vital stuff missed on the server install | 03:08 |
g14 | osity: A bunch of stuff if you just want a desktop | 03:08 |
transgress | if i could think of something to do with it i'd so order a dell dual xeon server | 03:08 |
robertj | once you setup ubuntu-desktop you should be fine | 03:08 |
robertj | transgress: hehe, I just got a fun little machine at work ;) | 03:09 |
ArdieM | my splashimage has a bad quality.. | 03:09 |
ArdieM | why ? | 03:09 |
ArdieM | or is that normal ? | 03:09 |
transgress | god hates you | 03:09 |
robertj | dual 2.5 gig/2 gigs of ram ;) | 03:09 |
robertj | (G5s are noisy little machines though) | 03:09 |
eruin | robertj: I'll accept it if you don't like it | 03:10 |
ArdieM | transgress: i bet after you said that to me hell hates you MUCH more than me | 03:10 |
transgress | ArdieM: why would hell hate me for saying that? i think they'd like me more. | 03:10 |
osity | g14: Whats wrong with GUI on a server? Makes sense for tedious console tasks | 03:10 |
robertj | eruin: I got dual 19" ultrasharps instead of the 23" Cinema Display though, so that shows restraint right ;) | 03:10 |
Nalioth | my .xinitrc is full of xfce stuff that doesnt start | 03:10 |
eruin | haven't you head? god and satan area dead. heaven and hell abandoned. | 03:10 |
robertj | eruin: And i'm order 3 1 gig firewire drives on Monday ;) | 03:11 |
Burgundavia | osity, security holes | 03:11 |
darkaudit | hmm... Robot Monster or Them! ? | 03:11 |
bodaciousb | Triffid-Hunter, im in the know users and groups settings, my llogin does appear under games. but the output of groups doesnt show it | 03:11 |
=== g14 manages many linux and unix servers | ||
Burgundavia | osity, even single piece of software you install is another potential security hole | 03:11 |
ArdieM | transgress: you are confounding god with the devil | 03:11 |
eruin | robertj: /me pets his 30" :) | 03:11 |
robertj | err 3 1 tb drives, not gig, sorry | 03:11 |
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robertj | eruin: sweet, how is it? | 03:11 |
ArdieM | ...is confounding right ? | 03:11 |
g14 | osity, A gui presents performance and security issues that aren't needed | 03:11 |
transgress | ArdieM: never... one guy is all beautiful and the other kills massive quantities of people... | 03:11 |
eruin | robertj: it's got two dvi connectors! | 03:11 |
eruin | it's .... awesome. | 03:11 |
Triffid-Hunter | bodaciousb: you'll have to log out and log in again for it to take effect.. unfortunately the entries in /etc/group only apply to new logins, not existing ones | 03:12 |
eruin | I just wish I had a G5 | 03:12 |
robertj | eruin: I hope they keep coming down | 03:12 |
bodaciousb | Triffid-Hunter, ok, will do | 03:12 |
Triffid-Hunter | unless you ssh to yourself ;) | 03:12 |
La_PaRCa | transgress, um... so, the beautiful one is the devil? | 03:12 |
ArdieM | transgress: ahh funk off | 03:12 |
eruin | robertj: yeah, this ain't mine... just borrowing it from my university :P | 03:12 |
transgress | well the bible said he was beautiful | 03:12 |
transgress | La_PaRCa: ^ | 03:12 |
Burgundavia | this is not the place to discuss religion | 03:12 |
ArdieM | NOone saw him | 03:12 |
Burgundavia | please take it somewhere else | 03:12 |
darkaudit | eruin: makes me wonder if anyone's gotten SLI to work in linux | 03:12 |
robertj | eruin: I'm saving up to go off to school, it would be very nice to be able to leave my 34" CRT behind and replace it with a used 30" Cinema Display or something | 03:12 |
ArdieM | or are you going to tell me thats you did ? | 03:12 |
ArdieM | bur[n] er: youre right... im sorry | 03:13 |
eruin | pay to go to school? | 03:13 |
eruin | now there's a concept for you... | 03:13 |
robertj | the 19" Ultrasharps are really nice, and they were on sale for $263 last week! | 03:13 |
eruin | where do you live you poor soul? | 03:13 |
robertj | eruin: I'm going out of country so I assume it would cost money to move | 03:13 |
eruin | true, true | 03:13 |
ArdieM | Burgundavia: i mean | 03:13 |
robertj | unlelss there is a posh relocation scholarship they give out to average students I don't know about | 03:13 |
transgress | ArdieM: yeah i did... he chills here on the weekend because i have AC | 03:13 |
osity | g14: can I remove the GUI package at a later date..... | 03:13 |
=== darkaudit paid $150 for an Insignia 19" @ Best Buy | ||
robertj | darkaudit: how is it? | 03:14 |
eruin | robertj: actually here you get enough government funding to make it profitable to study abroad | 03:14 |
robertj | I really enjoy the UltraSharps, they look good, have some USB ports on the side, and adjust vertically and pivot | 03:14 |
g14 | osity: Yes I suppose you could, but it's just not generally accepted to install xwindows on a server | 03:14 |
robertj | eruin: where are you at? | 03:14 |
eruin | norway | 03:14 |
ArdieM | damn its 3:15 am im going to bed now... i wish you all a good night/day :) bye bye | 03:14 |
robertj | eruin: I'm going into divinity so I doubt there is much cash available ;) | 03:14 |
robertj | and I know there won't be any cash after I graduate ;) | 03:14 |
osity | g14: how would you uninstall it out of curiosity? | 03:15 |
darkaudit | robertj: nice... if you don't mess with the refresh rate... I adjusted it in XFCE, got the geometry settings all borked, and the return to factory settings wouldn't work until I put the refresh rate back | 03:15 |
eruin | robertj: I'm currently taking a BA in arts/aesthetics... same story :P | 03:15 |
Nalioth | anyone? | 03:15 |
eruin | only comfort is that doing so is pretty much free | 03:15 |
robertj | ack, why would you take a degree in aesthetics/ | 03:15 |
Nalioth | guys if i want to start a proggy to run in background, i COULD put it in my ~/.Xinitrc, right | 03:15 |
Nalioth | my .xinitrc is full of xfce stuff that doesnt start | 03:15 |
robertj | a degree in aesthetics is like a degree in eating | 03:15 |
HrdwrBoB | robertj/eruin: hah, I dropped out of uni and have been a sysadmin ever since :) | 03:16 |
eruin | robertj: I've got literature, philosophy and mac design in that degree ;) | 03:16 |
g14 | Nalioth, Are you trying to start stuff for xfce? | 03:16 |
robertj | eruin: I majored in "Cognitive Science" | 03:16 |
=== xwing [~xwing3@c-67-177-149-100.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nalioth | g14 nope | 03:16 |
robertj | it's gone down hill ever since they admitted a female into the major ;) | 03:16 |
g14 | Nalioth, gnome? | 03:16 |
eruin | robertj: bleheeh | 03:16 |
=== slava_ [~slava@c-67-169-38-235.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nalioth | g14 nothing in my .xinitrc is running, so i think its being disregarded | 03:16 |
robertj | I was the 12th one to graduate, the first female entered the program in the last semester I was there ;) | 03:17 |
=== busfahrer is now known as busfahrer[off] | ||
Nalioth | g14 i have a thing in my .bash_profile but it doesnt start until i open a terminal | 03:17 |
g14 | Nolioth: forget .xinitrc, what are you trying to start and from what dm | 03:17 |
eruin | right... /me sods off to write a paper on political art | 03:17 |
eruin | have fun ;) | 03:17 |
anathema | sometimes when you apt-get something..it wants you to put in the cd..i NEVER want to do this..,.dont wanna touch the cd..is there a setting i can change? | 03:17 |
Nalioth | g14 i want to start the eye of the supreme overlord "neti" when i log in | 03:17 |
=== ryman [~ryman@adsl-69-105-224-116.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
osity | for ftping into the box do we have to install ssh? | 03:17 |
robertj | it's a great degree though | 03:18 |
Nalioth | anathema, edit out your cd in the sources.list | 03:18 |
g14 | osity, not unless you want to use sftp | 03:18 |
anathema | oh k didnt see it in there | 03:18 |
g14 | Nalioth, for gnome? | 03:18 |
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Nalioth | osity, no, but it is a secure way to go it | 03:18 |
Nalioth | g14 for ME whether kde or gnome or xfce4 or whatever | 03:18 |
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robertj | I showed up and they told me that I wasn't qualified to persue the degree and I told them that according to any measure that one might use to gauge expertise in a musician or artist that I was an expert thinker | 03:18 |
xwing | can someone help me with getting my video display to work right | 03:19 |
xwing | i'm stuck with 640x480 | 03:19 |
anathema | cool i did it..thanks Nalioth ! | 03:19 |
osity | anathema: well we usually use Internet explorer from a winbox to access the server through FTP | 03:19 |
Nalioth | anathema, np | 03:19 |
g14 | Nalioth, I don't use KDE but I know this works for gnome and xfce, I think it's a freedesktop.org standard that kde follows... | 03:19 |
g14 | Nalioth, Create a ~/Desktop/Autostart folder | 03:19 |
Nalioth | g14 yes i have on of those, but gnome doesnt use it | 03:19 |
g14 | Nalioth, It works for me | 03:20 |
Burgundavia | g14, you using warty? | 03:20 |
g14 | Nalioth, But you can also use gnome session | 03:20 |
g14 | No, hoary | 03:20 |
=== Atholas [~atholas@222-153-116-238.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nalioth | g14 what is the file called? that controls the gnome session? cuz i'm using gdm | 03:20 |
=== ryman_ [~ryman@adsl-69-105-224-116.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
REds | can i use official debian sources to update and install packages | 03:21 |
REds | without breaking or corrupting things | 03:21 |
g14 | Nalioth, You can use gnome-session-properties to add stuff to gnome startup | 03:22 |
Nalioth | g14 standard text file, right? | 03:22 |
osity | how do I check to see if raid was installed? | 03:22 |
REds | urm | 03:22 |
osity | Does it install on the server install? | 03:22 |
Nalioth | g14 end your commands with & or suffer the consequences, eh? | 03:22 |
osity | raid 1 | 03:22 |
=== OrangeSlice [~orange@dsl-66-243-239-167.elltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
REds | osity, for one ur drives will be like | 03:23 |
slava_ | hello i am developint a debian-marillat package that will automatically add unofficial debian marillat package repository to sources.list The package works fine but it would be nice if after install it could call apt-get update so that the repository's packages become instantly available. if i try to call apt-get update from postinst script it fails because dpkg is locked by the parent process. any ideas please | 03:23 |
REds | ./dev/md0 /dev/md1 as an example | 03:23 |
REds | wether u raid1 or 0 | 03:23 |
g14 | Nalioth: I just googled for kde and you could make a link from ~/.kde/Autostart to ~/Desktop/Autostart that way, your xfce and kde startup scripts would be the same | 03:23 |
=== Mr_Milenko is Away, Reason: ( brb ) | Since: ( Thursday, May 5, 2005. 22:44:10 ) Xlack v2.1 | ||
REds | osity, mdadm tool | 03:24 |
=== Mr_Milenko is back ( Away 8 secs ) | ||
Nalioth | g14 TY | 03:24 |
Triffid-Hunter | slava_: try sh -c wait 5 \; apt-get update & and see what happens... may not be exactly what you want though | 03:24 |
=== anto9us [~antoninus@cpc2-ptal1-5-1-cust245.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nalioth | g14 i will just use the g-s-p you mentioned as i always use gdm | 03:25 |
g14 | Nalioth, KDE global startup directory is /usr/share/autostart. Good idea | 03:25 |
osity | REds: im not sure what you mean? Where do i go? | 03:25 |
REds | osity, theres a commands mdadm | 03:26 |
osity | reds: mdadm ? what does it do? | 03:27 |
Nalioth | i feel like a web noob. how do you farking start gconf from kubuntu? | 03:27 |
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g14 | Nalioth: Why do you want to start gconf from kubuntu? What would it do | 03:28 |
Nalioth | g14 i don't want to log out and back in just to do some dabbling | 03:28 |
REds | osity, go look it up | 03:28 |
=== z3k3 [~z3k3@static-209-91-186-89.vianet.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
REds | osity, dmesg | fgrep md, also | 03:29 |
Nalioth | n/m i got something (if i disappear, i found the off switch) | 03:29 |
=== Deep6 [~Deep6@d199-126-23-244.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
REds | osity, df -h | fgrep md , they will all show u raid is setup | 03:30 |
Deep6 | can anyone help me setup LVM on an install | 03:30 |
Nalioth | worthless | 03:30 |
mattb | hmm, usb drive automounting isn't working | 03:32 |
Nalioth | screw it. another irritant i'll have to live with | 03:32 |
mattb | how would I debug what is not working? | 03:32 |
=== kholdstare [~richard@wnpgmb09dc1-68-184.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Burgundavia | mattb, dmesg shoudl tell you something | 03:32 |
kholdstare | anyone know of a way to read reiserfs from winxp? | 03:32 |
OrangeSlice | you can /do/ that!? | 03:33 |
darkaudit | Nalioth: are you trying to run gnome-settings-daemon? | 03:33 |
Nalioth | darkaudit, never met the entity. what does he do? | 03:33 |
=== roger [~roger@ool-44c48d5b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mattb | Burgundavia: hmm, it tells me that the device is being detected | 03:34 |
Burgundavia | mattb, is hald running? | 03:34 |
=== Parkway [~Parkway_@eycb01-00-cntnga-69-164-218-152.atlaga.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mattb | I'm suspecting a hal problem | 03:34 |
mattb | but not quite sure how to debug it | 03:34 |
darkaudit | Nalioth: activates a lot of gnome services outside of gnome... makes GTK apps look right when running in kde or fluxbox | 03:35 |
mattb | hald is running | 03:35 |
jan__ | g14, hope not to bother you with my questions one last thing i have squid setup and the dansguardian is running witht he default settings which appeared to be what i want anyway. Is there anything else that needs to be changed? | 03:35 |
Parkway | Heya evryone | 03:35 |
jan__ | as in sometihng like a content file or something to that nature. and thanks and sorry again to be a bother | 03:35 |
Nalioth | darkaudit, thx, i'll just brute force it to do my bidding (this is why i reinstall regularly) | 03:35 |
osity | wjat is the command for configuring the monitor and video card? | 03:35 |
jan__ | xrandr | 03:35 |
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g14 | jan__, I'm pretty sure thats it | 03:36 |
Parkway | I'm having problems with playing videos in Firefox with Mplayer. I used apt-get to get mplayer and the plugin for firefox. Locks up Firefox and then closes it. Any ideas? | 03:36 |
jan__ | so just go to a site and test i assume ok thanks again | 03:36 |
darkaudit | Nalioth: I have [startup] {gnome-settings-daemon &} in my ~/.fluxbox/apps file | 03:36 |
osity | my video card needs to be setup in ubuntu | 03:37 |
Deep6 | anyone setup MSN | 03:37 |
Triffid-Hunter | kholdstare: only across samba, ftp etc afaik.. or via vmware | 03:37 |
Burgundavia | Deep6, gaim can connect to msn IM | 03:37 |
darkaudit | makes everything look and sound right without having to open the GNOME control panel @ every login | 03:37 |
Nalioth | anyone know of a system-config-services type of proggy for debian? | 03:37 |
Nalioth | darkaudit, thank you | 03:37 |
darkaudit | Deep6: the Mountaineer Sports Network? :) | 03:37 |
kholdstare | Triffid: so if istick vmware on my windows partition and install say Damn small linux just to take up less space, ill be able to mount it and transfer shit over? | 03:38 |
Triffid-Hunter | maybe | 03:38 |
darkaudit | they were MSn years before m$ :) | 03:38 |
Triffid-Hunter | i've never tried it | 03:38 |
jan__ | oh g14 do you have to set the proxy on firefox to the localhost of or no? | 03:38 |
=== mattb_ [~matt@ip202-27-218-41.satlan.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Burgundavia | jan__, I would suspect so | 03:39 |
Triffid-Hunter | but i know with vmware you can connect a guest os to a physical drive | 03:39 |
jan__ | yeah thats my thinking as well | 03:39 |
=== lukewarm [~lukewarm@wv-morgantown-cdnt1-bg1-4a-a-245.mgtnwv.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
g14 | If you have dansguardian on the same machine as ff then I would suspect so | 03:39 |
Deep6 | oops sorry not MSN LVM sorry | 03:39 |
Deep6 | got gaim already working | 03:39 |
g14 | I put it on a dedicated server | 03:39 |
darkaudit | hola mr lukewarm :) | 03:39 |
=== ikaro [~ikaro@cl-424.ams-04.nl.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nalioth | well, we're gonna d/l the rpm and talk to an alien about it | 03:39 |
osity | what is the utility for setting up hadrware in the console? | 03:40 |
lukewarm | darkaudit, good evening | 03:40 |
Burgundavia | osity, what sort of hardware? | 03:40 |
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Triffid-Hunter | osity: modprobe ;) | 03:40 |
slava_ | Triffid-Hunter thanks but your idea depends on dpkg becoming unlocked in 5, that is unlikely to always be the case | 03:41 |
mattb_ | Burgundavia: so, given that hald is running, can I make it give verbose debug output? | 03:41 |
transgress | anyone know why when downloading my mp3's off of my server it's getting the files, but they won't work and file says they are empty | 03:41 |
Burgundavia | mattb, never had to do, but I would assume so | 03:41 |
osity | Burgundavia well i installed ubuntu ...i used server mode and the video card was not selected.. | 03:41 |
Triffid-Hunter | true slava_.. could while until pidof returns an empty string | 03:41 |
Burgundavia | osity, dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver | 03:42 |
Triffid-Hunter | or use a waitpid program or something | 03:42 |
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Nalioth | anyone know of a "system-config-services" type of proggy for debian? its a program that allows you to graphically see all the mess in your init.d | 03:42 |
slava_ | Triffid-Hunter how is that done? example please | 03:42 |
=== RexM is now known as RexM|Away | ||
osity | Burgundavia: it says that xserver is not installed | 03:43 |
sig | osity: apt-get install xserver | 03:44 |
Burgundavia | osity, do you want this to a desktop machine? | 03:44 |
sig | apt-get install xserver-xorg | 03:44 |
demism | anyone know how to share an internet connection... I set up dhcp and my windows computer gets assigned an address and everything, the only problem i have is resolving addresses. It seems to resolve the ip but Internet explorer doesn't seem to connect to the ip I think it is dropping all the packets. Since when I ping a host it resolves the address but the packets get dropped, any ideas? | 03:44 |
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Triffid-Hunter | slava_: check in man bash... while [ -z `pidof dpkg` ] ; do sleep 1; done; do_some_stuff iirc | 03:44 |
sig | demism: http://ubuntuguide.org/#networking | 03:44 |
Triffid-Hunter | though i don't think that -z is right.. you could wait for the lock file to vanish - that'd be the best way | 03:45 |
osity | Burgundavia: this is a server....why? | 03:45 |
=== dAniElITO_eL_UNI [~familia@113-9-155.adsl.cust.tie.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Burgundavia | osity, then why do you need an xserver? | 03:45 |
sig | Burgundavia: maybe he wants an xserver | 03:45 |
sig | who cares | 03:45 |
sig | lots of admins have X on servers | 03:46 |
=== xri [~xri@ANancy-153-1-61-95.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xri | hi | 03:46 |
osity | i just want it cuz its pretty | 03:46 |
sig | osity: apt-get install xserver-org | 03:46 |
Nalioth | why does anyone want an xserver? pR0n, er, productivity | 03:47 |
dAniElITO_eL_UNI | hola.. | 03:47 |
=== Tux [~Tux@69-170-93-192.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dAniElITO_eL_UNI | alguen que hable espaol? | 03:47 |
sig | no | 03:47 |
dAniElITO_eL_UNI | jaja | 03:47 |
transgress | dAniElITO_eL_UNI: #ubuntu-es | 03:47 |
sig | no habla espanol | 03:47 |
Nalioth | dAniElITO_eL_UNI, en el #ubuntu-es | 03:47 |
bob2 | osity: install the x-window-system-core package | 03:47 |
Tux | mas o menos... | 03:47 |
bob2 | osity: if not ubuntu-desktop | 03:47 |
dAniElITO_eL_UNI | gracias | 03:48 |
Nalioth | dAniElITO_eL_UNI, da nada | 03:48 |
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Tux | hablo pequito espanol... | 03:48 |
bob2 | this is pretty clearly an English channel | 03:48 |
dAniElITO_eL_UNI | poquito :P | 03:48 |
sig | bob2: it is? | 03:48 |
sig | :P | 03:48 |
ShadowRage | what package is the meta package for installing development stuff to make debian packages? | 03:48 |
osity | bob2: what command for that | 03:48 |
Tux | ah | 03:48 |
Tux | lo siento... | 03:48 |
bob2 | osity: how do you normally install packages? | 03:48 |
bob2 | ShadowRage: build-essential + fakeroot + dpkg-dev | 03:49 |
sig | osity: I told you: apt-get install | 03:49 |
Tux | Mi espanol es muy mal... | 03:49 |
osity | bob2: apt get then the stuff you wrote? | 03:49 |
dAniElITO_eL_UNI | jajaja | 03:49 |
sig | Tux: hah | 03:49 |
sig | we can see | 03:49 |
dAniElITO_eL_UNI | de donde res tux? | 03:49 |
ShadowRage | thanks | 03:49 |
scullder | good evening | 03:49 |
bob2 | dAniElITO_eL_UNI: Tux #ubuntu-es | 03:49 |
bob2 | osity: sudo apt-get install x-window-system-core | 03:49 |
sig | osity: man apt | 03:49 |
sig | it will help you | 03:50 |
osity | it says it already the newest version | 03:50 |
sig | also read the wiki on ubuntu.com | 03:50 |
bob2 | then you have an X server installed | 03:50 |
Tux | de donde res? | 03:50 |
ShadowRage | bob2: I wanna make some packages to contribute | 03:50 |
bob2 | Tux: please stop it | 03:50 |
ShadowRage | bob2: like gqradio, acme, etc | 03:50 |
Tux | No comprendo... lo siento... | 03:50 |
Tux | What? What do you mean stop... | 03:50 |
osity | bob2ya its installed but we have to configure the video card | 03:50 |
sig | Tux: and it's eres not res | 03:50 |
Nalioth | y'all gonna piss bob2 off in a minute | 03:50 |
transgress | http://www.google.com/intl/xx-hacker/ | 03:51 |
sig | now stop cause this is an english channel | 03:51 |
transgress | that's nice | 03:51 |
Tux | oh... | 03:51 |
bob2 | Tux: this is an english channel | 03:51 |
ShadowRage | Tux: we dont speak spanish or portuguese or whatever you're speaking | 03:51 |
bob2 | Tux: #ubuntu-es if you want to speak broken spanish | 03:51 |
Tux | oh... | 03:51 |
=== Deep6 [~Deep6@d199-126-23-244.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tux | sorry | 03:51 |
sig | lol | 03:51 |
Deep6 | grr... got disco'd | 03:51 |
Tux | I was trying to help him... | 03:51 |
Deep6 | is it possible to do LVM with only 1 physical disk? | 03:51 |
=== hydrant [~hydrant@d57-4-59.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nalioth | tux, just point the way to #ubuntu-es | 03:51 |
bob2 | osity: install ubuntu-desktop | 03:51 |
bob2 | Deep6: yes | 03:51 |
hydrant | Does anyone know what the URL is for configuring port forwarding on a NETGEAR hub? (the web admin control address... on Linksys it's , but I don't know what it is for NETGEAR) | 03:51 |
Deep6 | bob2, got any ideas on how to get it to install? | 03:52 |
=== mmuzzy [~mmuzzy@ip24-250-44-152.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nalioth | hydrant, its not the same? | 03:52 |
Deep6 | I can't seem to get the ubuntu installer to work | 03:52 |
g14 | hydrant: Are you using linux right now? | 03:52 |
bob2 | Deep6: putting / on lvm on one disk seems kinda silly | 03:52 |
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paulproteus | bob2: Advantage is, you can resize it later. | 03:52 |
ShadowRage | hydrant: just try or the usual | 03:52 |
Deep6 | btw Hi....have you defected from debian totally | 03:52 |
Deep6 | paulproteus, exactly | 03:52 |
hydrant | gl4, yes, I am. But this is for a friend. | 03:52 |
g14 | bob2: Not if you like to resize your partitions without losing data | 03:52 |
Tux | um...danielito_el_uni... tu neccisitas a ir a #ubuntu-es... lo siento... | 03:52 |
Deep6 | you can add pp's dynamically | 03:52 |
bob2 | paulproteus: well, yeah, but how often do you need to resize /? | 03:52 |
bob2 | g14: sure, I have /home on lvm | 03:52 |
Deep6 | bob2, did you do it with hoary? | 03:53 |
g14 | hydrant: You could use nmap to do a pingscan and find every computer in your subnet | 03:53 |
fighter5 | bob2,see u again | 03:53 |
ShadowRage | hydrant: the common first ip's used in private networking, they're usually the ip's the routers run on, should be in the owner's manual | 03:53 |
bob2 | Deep6: no, but I also didn't do it at the install | 03:53 |
osity | bob2 | 03:53 |
hydrant | She has a NETGEAR Hub | 03:53 |
Tux | Ok... does anybody here know where the graphical greater files are? | 03:53 |
hydrant | Question -- do Hub's even need to be port-forwarded? | 03:53 |
hydrant | Or do only routers do that? | 03:53 |
scullder | I'd like to know if there is curently an unstable *or a snapshot* branch for ubuntu please | 03:53 |
=== CircuitRider [~chatzilla@adsl-65-43-169-101.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | hydrant: hubs don't have ip addresses | 03:53 |
hydrant | bob2... oh... | 03:54 |
hydrant | So, there shouldn't be any ports being blocked if she only has a hub to the modem? | 03:54 |
bob2 | of course | 03:54 |
osity | bob2: alt seven reads this : restart GDm when it is configured correctly..... | 03:54 |
Deep6 | gl4 have you setup ubuntu with LVM? | 03:54 |
ShadowRage | bob2: was it a hub? | 03:54 |
bob2 | osity: ok | 03:54 |
bob2 | ShadowRage: ? | 03:54 |
xri | I'd like to know if there is curently an unstable branch of ubuntu please | 03:54 |
hydrant | bob2, was that "of course" towards me or someone else? | 03:54 |
g14 | bob2: that is correct, a hub is a layer 1 device. A switch is a layer 2 device. A router is a layer 3 device. IP addresses are level 3 of the OSI layer model | 03:54 |
=== kevin06 [~fader6818@pcp04302170pcs.liztwn01.ky.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
osity | bob2: what is GDM? | 03:54 |
=== doug [~doug@pool-71-111-57-61.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hydrant | gl4, can a layer 1 device block ports? | 03:54 |
kevin06 | Gnome Desktop Mnaager | 03:55 |
doug | evening folks =) | 03:55 |
bob2 | hydrant: yes | 03:55 |
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g14 | g14, no | 03:55 |
bob2 | g14: yes, I know how OSI works | 03:55 |
kevin06 | Hey, I have a few questions for you guys, especially anyone who has used Debian... | 03:55 |
ShadowRage | hydrant: switches, bridges, and routers have ip addresses, they operate on level 3 of the OSI model, (eg, they are actual devices and make decisions logically) | 03:55 |
cyphase | Hey everyone | 03:55 |
g14 | bob2: Layer 1 is the physical layer, obviously you dont | 03:55 |
Deep6 | g14, I'm pretty certain we all know the OSI model | 03:55 |
hydrant | bob2, yes what? Yes it can block ports, or yes the question was targeted to me? | 03:55 |
ShadowRage | hydrant: hubs are dumb devices, they're on level 2 | 03:55 |
bob2 | hydrant: a layer 1 device is electrical, and doesn't even know what ethernet is | 03:55 |
kevin06 | I have had a lot of issues with it, and I am considering changing distros... | 03:55 |
hydrant | I see | 03:55 |
bob2 | g14: what on earth are you talking about? | 03:55 |
ShadowRage | level 1 is pure data | 03:55 |
hydrant | Therefore, cannot block ports | 03:55 |
hydrant | Can only pass stuff along, ignorant of what port its going to | 03:56 |
g14 | hydrant: sudo nmap -sP will find your router | 03:56 |
bob2 | hydrant: good god. "no it cannot block ports". | 03:56 |
Deep6 | level 1 is electrical and port specs | 03:56 |
kevin06 | What would you guys say are Ubuntu's advantages, over, say Debian. | 03:56 |
ShadowRage | what goes over the lines, and what carries that data | 03:56 |
=== WW981_ [~WW981@va-208-33-157-22.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hydrant | Thank you. | 03:56 |
=== mattb [~matt@ip202-27-218-41.satlan.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fighter5 | ubuntu is poor linux,i hate it | 03:56 |
fighter5 | very much | 03:56 |
=== ikaro [~ikaro@cl-424.ams-04.nl.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
g14 | bob2: A "port" resides at the third layer (Network layer) of the osi layer model. Therefore, it is impossible for a layer 1 device to be aware of or block it | 03:57 |
Quest-Master | Why fighter5? | 03:57 |
Deep6 | fighter5, care to actually provide something useful for us to assist? | 03:57 |
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kevin06 | fighter5, why so? | 03:57 |
g14 | bob2: go read some network+ or ccna networking books | 03:57 |
bob2 | g14: jesus, shut up | 03:57 |
icebalm | kevin06: why do you ask? | 03:57 |
hydrant | g14, bob2 knows... it was ME who was asking. | 03:57 |
Deep6 | g14, uh...nope.....you should watch your mouth | 03:57 |
=== brenden [~brenden@S0106000f6636f470.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | g14: I never said a hub could block ports | 03:57 |
brenden | fighter5: hi | 03:57 |
bob2 | g14: hydrant was asking about it | 03:57 |
brenden | fighter5: want 2 cyber? | 03:57 |
fighter5 | hi | 03:57 |
brenden | fighter5: a/s/l | 03:57 |
kevin06 | icebalm, I am kinda tired of all of the problems I have been having with Debian, and I am looking to possible switch distros. | 03:57 |
guupsta | <3 | 03:57 |
g14 | hydrant gl4, can a layer 1 device block ports? | 03:57 |
g14 | kevin06 Gnome Desktop Mnaager | 03:57 |
g14 | doug evening folks =) | 03:57 |
g14 | bob2 hydrant: yes\ | 03:57 |
fighter5 | why every body likes ubuntu | 03:58 |
Quest-Master | fighter5: Because it is awesome, duh | 03:58 |
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hydrant | He was answering from earlier | 03:58 |
icebalm | kevin06: what problems? | 03:58 |
hydrant | It was very confusing for me too :( | 03:58 |
g14 | bob2: You are contradicting yourself now. You said it could | 03:58 |
bob2 | g14: shut up | 03:58 |
=== karsten [~karsten@host-66-81-217-223.rev.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brenden | fighter5: don't avoid me, lover boi | 03:58 |
bob2 | g14: I was answering: 11:54:37 hydrant | bob2, was that "of course" towards me or someone else? | 03:58 |
hydrant | That's why I kept asking over and over, it was very unclear | 03:58 |
g14 | bob2: Go back to preschool and grow up a little bit | 03:58 |
Deep6 | bob2, hrm...... is this what a lower adoption threshold gets us? | 03:58 |
hydrant | g14... it was MY FAULT... not bob2's... | 03:58 |
fighter5 | what | 03:59 |
brenden | fighter5: have you thought about getting a vaginaplasty | 03:59 |
kevin06 | icebalm, well, first, it took a buttload of configuring to get to run at the right resolution. Then, I was having files vanish, a lot of conflicts from the base install. | 03:59 |
Burgundavia | g14, please remember the ubuntu code of conduct | 03:59 |
g14 | hydrant, ok, I'm not mad or anything. He is just acting childish now | 03:59 |
brenden | fighter5: i know a guy | 03:59 |
fighter5 | i not guy | 03:59 |
g14 | Burgundavia, I'm not the one telling people to shut up now am I? I am remaining polite | 03:59 |
kevin06 | icebalm, my problem now is that is freezes on startup. | 03:59 |
fighter5 | i am riddick | 03:59 |
brenden | fighter5: you too? | 03:59 |
brenden | nice | 03:59 |
icebalm | kevin06: sounds like hardware problems | 03:59 |
Quest-Master | fighter5: Stop being an idiot and get out of this channel now if you are simply going to bash Ubuntu without justification | 03:59 |
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bob2 | g14: can you pleas stop this stupid game? you've been proven wrong, please just leave it | 03:59 |
hydrant | g14, please remember that bob2 is op :) | 03:59 |
g14 | whatever | 04:00 |
bob2 | fighter5: can you please stop being annoying again? | 04:00 |
brenden | fighter5: hi | 04:00 |
Quest-Master | Someone kick fighter5 please | 04:00 |
brenden | fighter5: we're thru | 04:00 |
kevin06 | icebalm, I fear that. | 04:00 |
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Quest-Master | He's continuously harassing me through /msg | 04:00 |
Disc00rd | ignore? | 04:01 |
icebalm | kevin06: files shouldn't just dissapear, your lockups could be because of missing files, possibly a bad HD? | 04:01 |
bob2 | Quest-Master: kicking him or her won't help with that | 04:01 |
ShadowRage | fighter5: you're a fucktard :) now, GTFO my internet, you poor excuse for a troll. | 04:01 |
kevin06 | icebalm, I can access the disk through other ones... | 04:01 |
jdub | guys | 04:01 |
jdub | guys | 04:01 |
guupsta | ignore | 04:01 |
jdub | please keep it nice | 04:01 |
Quest-Master | He's ticking off the remainder of this channel too, bob2 | 04:01 |
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g14 | Quest-Master, Are you using Xchat? | 04:01 |
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icebalm | kevin06: "access the disk through other ones"? what? | 04:01 |
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jdub | ShadowRage: that's inappropriate here, thanks | 04:01 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o jdub] by jdub | ||
bob2 | Quest-Master: yes, and I've wanred it, and it will be removed if it plays up again in here | 04:02 |
anto9us | I'm having a problem with jerky disply when playing movies, I'm guessing I need to add resolutions other than 1920x1200 to my xorg.conf which, I hope, will be used when switching to full screen playback, is that a good guess anyone? | 04:02 |
kevin06 | icebalm, LOL Sorry. If I use the disk as an external, it works without an issue. In fact, I can even edit and alter some of the files Debian =claims are missing. | 04:02 |
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icebalm | kevin06: what filesystem are you using? | 04:02 |
kevin06 | icebalm ext2 | 04:02 |
icebalm | kevin06: might be time for ext3 | 04:03 |
g14 | kevin06, tune2fs -j /dev/whateverdevice | 04:03 |
ShadowRage | icebalm: might be time for reiserfs ;) | 04:03 |
g14 | Don't start the ext3 vs reiser debate. It never ends | 04:03 |
icebalm | ShadowRage: only if it was the last filesystem on earth | 04:03 |
WW981_ | anybody havin probs with hald crashin x when plugging in a digital cam? | 04:03 |
ShadowRage | I like reiser, it's pretty quick | 04:03 |
kevin06 | I have heard of reiserf, what is that? | 04:03 |
ShadowRage | icebalm: why dont you like it? | 04:04 |
g14 | Besides, everyone knows that resier's goal is speed, not stability | 04:04 |
g14 | Hans Reiser said so himself on LKML | 04:04 |
Tux | Does anybody here know where the graphical login files are? | 04:04 |
icebalm | ShadowRage: it's in flux too much, they break it whillingly, it's lost a lot of data on me, I use xfs | 04:04 |
bob2 | Tux: do you mean the theme files? | 04:04 |
jdub | kevin06: it's another filesystem, not compatible with ext2/ext3; it would be easier and better for you to migrate to ext3. | 04:04 |
ShadowRage | g14: like the text editor debate? | 04:04 |
ShadowRage | icebalm: ah | 04:04 |
=== horms [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kevin06 | Hey, you guys have been quite helpful. This channel alone might make me decide towards Ubuntu. But I have to go right now. I will be back later, thanks again. | 04:05 |
Tux | If you mean the ones that create the picture that you see at the login screen. | 04:05 |
doug | anyone here familiar with setting up samba? | 04:05 |
bob2 | Tux: /usr/share/gdm/themes/ | 04:05 |
g14 | ShadowRage, yes, I mean come on now. Everyone knows that vim is far superior to emacs (joking) | 04:05 |
ShadowRage | icebalm: mine seems to be staying stable, besides, 90% of my data is on ext3 partitions ;D | 04:05 |
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Tux | thanks. | 04:05 |
bob2 | doug: best to just ask your question | 04:05 |
Quest-Master | Gedit and Quanta :D | 04:05 |
ShadowRage | icebalm: so my loss of data will be minimal | 04:05 |
icebalm | ShadowRage: to each their own :D | 04:05 |
ShadowRage | g14: I use pico or gedit or whatever works | 04:05 |
doug | I'm trying to set up samba, and the guide is telling me to fill out the networking window, under the general tab, but i don't know what goes in the domain box | 04:05 |
ShadowRage | g14: I love it when people get all bothered over someone not liking vim or emacs | 04:06 |
Nalioth | i use a pencil | 04:06 |
rommer | nano's better | 04:06 |
icebalm | Nalioth: luddite! | 04:06 |
g14 | ShadowRage, yeah it is kind of funny. I really do prefer vim. I put it on all of the Solaris boxes I manage alog with the gnu coreutils | 04:06 |
ShadowRage | rommer: or nano | 04:06 |
ShadowRage | I can work with vim | 04:06 |
jdub | ShadowRage: dude, chill out please | 04:06 |
ShadowRage | I dont care much for emacs, at all | 04:06 |
ShadowRage | too complicated and TOO BIG | 04:07 |
g14 | jdub: that was sarcasm man | 04:07 |
icebalm | emacs is a great OS, too bad it doesn't have a good text editor for it | 04:07 |
jdub | g14: sure, and unnecessary | 04:07 |
g14 | ShadowRage, I completely agree. Ctrl X Ctrl C Just to exit? thats ludicrious | 04:07 |
Nalioth | never used vim or emacs (except for visudo once) | 04:07 |
ShadowRage | haha | 04:07 |
ShadowRage | true | 04:07 |
ShadowRage | why does a simple EDITOR need to be taking hundreds of megs of space, plus all its addons, and its own suite | 04:08 |
icebalm | it's not simple | 04:08 |
Predius | Because it's not a simple editor? | 04:08 |
g14 | Emacs has some great scripting features to edit xml but it's a nightmare to learn. I still prefer vim | 04:08 |
Quest-Master | I don't like vim either | 04:08 |
doug | anyone know how to set up the networking window to use samba? | 04:08 |
jdub | dudes, text editor arguments are not on topic in this channel, please take it elsewhere | 04:08 |
ShadowRage | we're just discussing, not arguing | 04:08 |
=== mindmedic [~mind@TK212017121019.teleweb.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Marble2 | kate is the best | 04:09 |
g14 | bob2 and I were arguing | 04:09 |
Predius | Fun, text editor fight. | 04:09 |
Marble2 | pico if I want something inside my terminal | 04:09 |
ShadowRage | well, like g14 said, to each his own | 04:09 |
icebalm | I will argue that you wern't arguing | 04:09 |
Predius | worse than distro fights. | 04:09 |
bob2 | well, you were incorrect making claims and I was disputing them | 04:09 |
g14 | can't we all just get along | 04:09 |
g14 | #ubuntu needs a big group hug | 04:09 |
jdub | ShadowRage: it's off-topic. please take it elsewhere. | 04:09 |
ShadowRage | I think they're funny and amusing | 04:09 |
ShadowRage | anyway | 04:10 |
=== Gwildor [~Mark@bgp01044063bgs.southg01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
g14 | bob2: Yes, I misinterpreted what you said. I thought you were answering someone else | 04:10 |
mindmedic | i like foo, everyone that uses bar is stupid... | 04:10 |
Chipparn | how do i check kernel version? | 04:10 |
bob2 | right | 04:10 |
bob2 | Chipparn: uname -r | 04:10 |
paulproteus | Chipparn: uname -a | 04:10 |
=== cmg_ [~cmg@152-86.tfn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mindmedic | ?? | 04:10 |
WW981_ | foo rox :) | 04:10 |
mindmedic | yeah, dont use bar | 04:10 |
Chipparn | tanks | 04:10 |
wirwzd | I prefer baz | 04:11 |
=== aVeedo [~azevedo@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
osity | bob2: im new to ubuntu ...do you recommend me using the server install for a server | 04:11 |
aVeedo | Can somebody help me set up my webserver? I copied my old configuration file but it says I have a syntax error. | 04:11 |
aVeedo | and I cant find the graphical configuration thing | 04:12 |
rommer | osity: if u dont want a gui | 04:12 |
rommer | or want to install another one later | 04:12 |
osity | would i ever need a GUI for a FTP server? | 04:12 |
=== bodaciousb [~bodacious@id-cralid-cuda2a-68-238.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
g14 | osity: You can use the gui on a server, it is just frowned upon among more seasoned system administrators | 04:12 |
Nalioth | yes, pR0n is distracting at work | 04:13 |
cmg_ | i have a program (scite editor) that I am associating files with in Nautilus. when i open them from nautilus, the editor opens but it doesn't open my file. any ideas? | 04:13 |
g14 | osity: Everything on linux can be done through ssh, and if you don't like that, you could administer a ftp server through webmin | 04:13 |
fighter5 | doammit for everyone | 04:13 |
Burgundavia | osity, there are very good security reasons why you limit the number of packages on a server (or any machine for that matter) | 04:14 |
bodaciousb | hey guys... until recently i was chmoding EVERYTHING i didnt have access to... i now understand groups.. sort of... my only user is in the games group but still cannot launch games in /usr/local/games.. but the game group itself lists /usr/games as its home.... | 04:14 |
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slava_ | i tried sh -c while [ -z `pidof dpkg` ] do sleep 1 done; apt-get update & but it complains of -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file | 04:14 |
mindmedic | aVeedo, i hope you fix it, good luck | 04:14 |
=== ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0102.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
osity | is ftp turned on by default or do i have to install the ssh package? | 04:14 |
cmg_ | u have to install an ftp daemon | 04:14 |
ivoks | vsftpd | 04:15 |
cmg_ | osity, i don't think it comes on by default.. i use proftp | 04:15 |
aVeedo | in nano is there a way to see the line number? | 04:15 |
tritium | it definitely does not come by default | 04:15 |
mindmedic | VSFTPD! | 04:15 |
mindmedic | lol | 04:15 |
mindmedic | sry | 04:15 |
g14 | osity: You need to install a ftp daemon and ssh-server. I like vsftpd it is higher performance than proftp | 04:15 |
Anubis | anyone here know of a way to edit the gnome 2.10 menu system to remove duplicates? | 04:15 |
ShadowRage | gnome 2.10 took away a lot of control from the user | 04:16 |
cmg_ | hmm.. maybe i'll switch from proftp | 04:16 |
osity | do i really need the daemon .... | 04:16 |
=== dougmal [~dougmal@pool-71-111-57-61.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ivoks | cmg_ do that | 04:16 |
fighter5 | shadowrage:who are u | 04:16 |
osity | i have a server now and i just remember intstalling the open ssh thingy | 04:16 |
cmg_ | ivoks, cool thanks | 04:16 |
tritium | ShadowRage, it'll get re-implemented. It was due to the transition to freedesktop.org menu standards | 04:16 |
dougmal | Can anyone please tell me where to save a script file so that it will work? I know it goes in the scripts folder, but i am not sure where that folder is | 04:16 |
aVeedo | somebody give me their httpd.conf. Or somebody that backed up the original file. | 04:17 |
dougmal | When i searched for the folder, i found alot of them... | 04:17 |
g14 | ShadowRage, search for smeg. It's not perfect, but it will work for what your looking for | 04:17 |
dougmal | k | 04:17 |
=== flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
osity | anyone know how to setup raid 1 on ubuntu? I thought it was automatic? | 04:17 |
=== Safari_Al [~tr@ppp231-201.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShadowRage | g14: wasnt me looking for it | 04:17 |
fighter5 | yoper also poor | 04:18 |
mindmedic | dougmal, run "./your-script" | 04:18 |
aVeedo | The partition manager had raid options. | 04:18 |
fighter5 | i hate much and much | 04:18 |
g14 | ShadowRage, sorry, I flip through several channels on different servers | 04:18 |
dougmal | no such file opr directory | 04:18 |
tritium | dougmal, make sure you've made your script executable. It's location doesn't matter | 04:18 |
cmg_ | vsftpd installed.. easy enough ;) | 04:18 |
dougmal | no luck searching for smeg either. | 04:18 |
ShadowRage | g14: you need irc directly wired to your brain | 04:18 |
ShadowRage | :D | 04:18 |
cmg_ | i have a program (scite editor) that I am associating files with in Nautilus. when i open them from nautilus, the editor opens but it doesn't open my file. any ideas? | 04:18 |
dougmal | How do i make it executable? | 04:19 |
tritium | doug, chmod +x <filename> | 04:19 |
aVeedo | chmod something. look in the man file | 04:19 |
g14 | ShadowRage, No, I would be afraid of the botwars killing the bandwidth to my brain | 04:19 |
cmg_ | dougmal, chmod a+x <name> | 04:19 |
dougmal | k, will gice it a go | 04:19 |
g14 | kernel panic: brain overloaded | 04:19 |
aVeedo | anybody have the original, or just a working configuration filefor httpd? | 04:19 |
=== sbcl3__ [~sbcl3@pcp09702913pcs.norstn01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aVeedo | If you dont use it, jsut get the file for me. | 04:20 |
tritium | dougmal, you should probably read the chmod manpage | 04:20 |
=== ivoks_ [~ivoks@lns01-0102.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ivoks | osity | 04:20 |
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cmg_ | tritium, dude.. i FINALLY got X working and working correct | 04:20 |
cmg_ | :D | 04:20 |
ivoks_ | use sftp, not fp | 04:20 |
ivoks_ | ftp | 04:20 |
ivoks_ | ftp sucks | 04:20 |
tritium | cmg_, I remember! Awesome :) | 04:20 |
aVeedo | /etc/apache2/httpd.conf | 04:20 |
=== TheMuso [~luke@dsl-202-173-132-131.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cmg_ | tritium, after I told u it worked, it really didn't.. i still had like another hour struggle.. the final fix was to go to synaptics and do a reinstall of X | 04:21 |
tritium | cmg_, bizarre. | 04:21 |
cmg_ | tritium, i got another minor prob now.. any idea on this: | 04:21 |
cmg_ | i have a program (scite editor) that I am associating files with in Nautilus. when i open them from nautilus, the editor opens but it doesn't open my file. any ideas? | 04:21 |
tritium | no, sorry. Never used scite. Probably a bug with it, I'd imagine. | 04:22 |
cmg_ | worked fine on Warty :( | 04:22 |
aVeedo | httpd.conf. Only take a second. I don't even need a file transfer. Copy the content and past it in a private window. | 04:22 |
=== ikaro [~ikaro@cl-424.ams-04.nl.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
flodine | hello ubuntu freaks | 04:22 |
bob2 | osity: well, yeah, but servers dont usually have X on them | 04:22 |
=== ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0431.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
flodine | i need some help | 04:23 |
cmg_ | anyone know a good programmers editor since scite is not working for me? | 04:23 |
g14 | flodine, what does it doo? | 04:23 |
ivoks | cmg_ eclipse :) | 04:23 |
g14 | I use eclipse | 04:23 |
g14 | with the python plugin | 04:24 |
aVeedo | httpd.conf | 04:24 |
aVeedo | everybody here has it | 04:24 |
cmg_ | ivoks, i said an editor, not a kitchen sink ;) | 04:24 |
tritium | aVeedo, no, not everybody runs a web server | 04:24 |
aVeedo | it comes default, does it not? | 04:24 |
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aVeedo | not running of course. It did on FC3 | 04:24 |
tritium | no, of course not | 04:24 |
ivoks | cmg_ vim then :) | 04:25 |
osity | bob2: can i setup raid 1 after the os is installed? | 04:25 |
ShadowRage | also | 04:25 |
ivoks | bye | 04:25 |
ivoks | going to sleep | 04:25 |
ShadowRage | how do I get totem-xine to play dvd's? | 04:26 |
ShadowRage | I installed all the dvd libs | 04:26 |
ShadowRage | do I need xine-ui? | 04:26 |
dabaSlon | ivoksabout time... | 04:26 |
ivoks | ShadowRage ubuntuguide.org | 04:26 |
ivoks | dabaSlon a... koja vecer :) | 04:26 |
tritium | ShadowRage, Section 8: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 04:26 |
dabaSlon | yup | 04:26 |
=== concept10 [~chatzilla@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaSlon | night... | 04:27 |
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cmg_ | g14, any other decent ide for python? all the ones i have tried sucked | 04:27 |
=== dhonn [~dhonn@ip68-7-247-190.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
osity | whats the command to intall ssh? | 04:27 |
g14 | cmg: Ever tried drpython? You can get it from synaptic | 04:27 |
dhonn | is there a dos2unix command for ubuntu | 04:28 |
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cmg_ | g14, i'll go try it now,, any good? | 04:28 |
=== mindspore [~mindspore@68-118-143-51.rcp7.ubr1.hst.ne.nebi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
g14 | cmg_, It was wrote by a school professor because he didn't like the current pythone editors. It is decent | 04:28 |
Nalioth | dhonn believe so | 04:28 |
tritium | dhonn, yes, in the sysutils package | 04:29 |
ShadowRage | it's sad that half this stuff cant be offered by default | 04:29 |
ShadowRage | because of patents | 04:29 |
Nalioth | osity, 'apt-get install openssh" | 04:29 |
flodine | can someone tell me why my system slows down in ubuntu but the drive read 150 mb | 04:29 |
osity | open ssh-server....thought so | 04:29 |
ShadowRage | and greedy soul less industries | 04:29 |
cmg_ | g14, cool.. im installing it now | 04:29 |
tritium | osity, in general, you can use apt-cache search to find packages | 04:29 |
doug | can anyone help me set up networking? i'm having trouble following the samba guide | 04:29 |
g14 | cmg_, You also might take a look at boa-constructor if you are building guis in python | 04:29 |
dhonn | windows text format is messing up my scripts | 04:30 |
cmg_ | g14, i tried boa and wasn't crazy about it.. | 04:30 |
ShadowRage | dhonn: dos2unix | 04:30 |
ShadowRage | unix2dos, etc | 04:30 |
=== Q_Continuum [~Q_Continu@63-229-198-37.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dhonn | dos sux | 04:31 |
Q_Continuum | DOS pwns Windows | 04:31 |
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tritium | dhonn, then install sysutils ;) | 04:31 |
dhonn | dos was windows unix | 04:31 |
g14 | cmg_, Yeah I agree. I prefer drpython. It looks too kdeish though. I like the look and feel of HIG gnome apps | 04:31 |
dhonn | done | 04:31 |
eob84 | is there a spot where I can get bootsplash for ubuntu? | 04:31 |
ShadowRage | dhonn: um yeah, whatever, anyway, dos2unix will fix your screwed up text files | 04:32 |
bodaciousb | what is GID in groups? | 04:32 |
osity | nalioth : why would i need client ssh installed? | 04:32 |
cmg_ | g14, im in drpython.. not bad ;) | 04:32 |
dhonn | i meant to say DOS is Windows' Linux | 04:32 |
tritium | eob84, a new user-space bootsplash called usplash is being worked on. It's not quite ready yet. The nice thing is it won't require kernel patching | 04:32 |
dhonn | its pretty sad really | 04:32 |
Deep6 | bob2, is swap below the LVM subsystem or should it be configd on the LVM level? | 04:32 |
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=== xri is away: zZzz | ||
g14 | tritium, usplash looks awesome. I took a look at that last week. They want it to be included in breezy when it is released | 04:33 |
tritium | g14, right | 04:33 |
=== ShadowRage thinks KDE is great for office and a professional desktop, but since it's on its own boat when it comes to QT and all the stuff that's exclusive to them | ||
eob84 | until then... I read on forums people who have gotten it working | 04:33 |
ShadowRage | it won't be a good average desktop system, just in my opinion, gtk is more embraced by everyone | 04:33 |
g14 | right now, gentoo's fbsplash is the best bootsplash out, but it is just a rewritten and improved bootsplash | 04:33 |
tritium | g14, it was originally planned for hoary, actually | 04:33 |
=== mikep [~mikep@c-24-0-8-144.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
g14 | tritium, I didn't know that | 04:33 |
=== etzerd [~etzerd@ool-4357b4b5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eob84 | I just need the bootsplash package | 04:34 |
etzerd | Hello all | 04:34 |
rommer | www.bootsplash.de | 04:34 |
etzerd | ? | 04:34 |
tritium | eob84, you'll have to patch and build your own kernel, then | 04:34 |
ShadowRage | dhonn: not even close | 04:34 |
etzerd | I know this is Ubuntu site and I'm also a fan of Ubuntu. | 04:34 |
dhonn | thats why its sad | 04:34 |
eob84 | I did that | 04:36 |
Nalioth | osity, only if you want to ssh OUT (and not access your machine from somewhere else via ssh) | 04:36 |
eob84 | but I can't seem to get the bootsplash package anywhere | 04:36 |
dhonn | at work we still are running DOS and using netware for networking | 04:36 |
rommer | eob84: <rommer> www.bootsplash.de | 04:36 |
eob84 | I went there | 04:36 |
dhonn | boots super fast | 04:36 |
tritium | eob84, there is no bootsplash package in the ubuntu archives | 04:36 |
eob84 | I tried that | 04:36 |
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eob84 | it won't install | 04:36 |
rommer | and u didnt add the deb source to ur sources.list? | 04:37 |
eob84 | I did | 04:37 |
rommer | so whats the problem | 04:37 |
g14 | http://dev.gentoo.org/~spock/projects/gensplash/ There is a howto on building this for other distros | 04:37 |
eob84 | I need to install bootsplash | 04:38 |
eob84 | to get it to actually work | 04:38 |
tritium | eob84, did you see my last message to you? | 04:38 |
eob84 | I did | 04:38 |
etzerd | I tried to install Devian for the past 2 days everytime I installed Debian it cannot detected my videocard which is an ATI with 128MB of memory. the default card Debian detected is VESA. When I accept VESA I have a resolution of 800X600 only not 1024X768 the least. But when I select ATI from the list Display by Debian after but up the system it give an error like "Xserver error" then it drop me to the console. And I believe I have the lates | 04:38 |
etzerd | t version which is Sage. And I install Ubuntu with no problem whatsoever. can anyone help? | 04:38 |
g14 | eob84, You have to edit all of your init scripts to actually get bootsplash to install and work correctly. It is a real pain | 04:39 |
Parkway | with Wine, is it strictly a command line program or is it possible to get to a Desktop environment? | 04:39 |
rommer | Parkway: if u want windows within linux u can use vmware or qemu | 04:39 |
Quest-Master | Parkway: It only emulates Windows programs | 04:39 |
tritium | etzerd, so you're not happy with no problems whatsoever with ubuntu? | 04:39 |
Nalioth | Parkway, if you are unfortunate it emulates windoze things | 04:40 |
=== CerBerO [~CerBerO@pc-138-47-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
g14 | http://www.von-thadden.de/Joachim/WineTools/ | 04:40 |
=== sjohnson [~sjohnson@S0106000d88f1e4fd.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
g14 | That might help you out a bit | 04:41 |
sjohnson | hey dudes, does anyone use Evolution with GnuPG? | 04:41 |
doug | can anyone help me set up networking? i'm having trouble following the samba guide | 04:41 |
mattb | sjohnson: yes | 04:41 |
sjohnson | i can't get it to decrypt my messages worth a damn! very frustrating | 04:41 |
sjohnson | i did what the help said, put my ID in and everything | 04:41 |
mattb | what format are they in | 04:41 |
tritium | g14, actually, winetools .deb in winehq.com repos | 04:41 |
mattb | PGP/MIME or inline? | 04:41 |
sjohnson | uhh... using GnuPG.. not sure i understand your question | 04:41 |
tritium | Parkway, see this: http://www.winehq.com/site/download-deb | 04:42 |
mattb | sjohnson: well, there are two mail formats | 04:42 |
mattb | typically used for PGP encrypted mail | 04:42 |
sjohnson | it would be the PGP type | 04:42 |
g14 | tritium, coo | 04:42 |
tritium | Parkway, if you decide to use winetools, you'll need to also use the version of wine from winehq, rather than the one in universe | 04:42 |
mattb | PGP/MIME used by newer clients | 04:42 |
mattb | or inline used by older clients | 04:42 |
mattb | does hte mail have stuff like | 04:42 |
mattb | -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- | 04:42 |
mattb | in it? | 04:42 |
sjohnson | yes | 04:42 |
mattb | ok, it's inline then | 04:42 |
sjohnson | -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- | 04:43 |
mattb | which evolution currently doens't support | 04:43 |
sjohnson | Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (Darwin) | 04:43 |
sjohnson | ohhh.. | 04:43 |
sjohnson | i see | 04:43 |
sjohnson | wow | 04:43 |
mattb | the good news is, I'm writing a patch to add this support | 04:43 |
etzerd | tritium: I'm very happy with Ubuntu. I'm just tried them all to see which one is better so far Ubuntu is the best. I even have the latest version by RedHat which is Enterprise 4, which I believe Ubuntu is far more better. My expertise was to find out why Debian cannot read my Video Card since Ubuntu installer is part of Debian. | 04:43 |
mattb | and it's nearly finished | 04:43 |
=== braam_ [~braam@ipvpn068205.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sjohnson | that's great! | 04:43 |
sjohnson | until then i guess i should use Firefox | 04:43 |
mattb | see the evolution-hackers list for more info | 04:43 |
sjohnson | err.. tunderbirds | 04:43 |
=== ells [~steve@69-171-77-164.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | etzerd, I see | 04:43 |
=== carlosorellana [~carlosore@host84.200-82-80.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | ells, what's up Steve? | 04:43 |
sjohnson | mattb: so, instead of inline, it's "PGP/MIME"? | 04:43 |
ells | is there a program like k3b that will make iso files | 04:43 |
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ells | tritium: what is up Mike | 04:44 |
osity | how do i create a root user so i dont have to type in sudo all the time | 04:44 |
=== Burgundavia [~corey@S01060010dcc226d1.du.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mattb | sjohnson: if it has -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- lines then it's definitely inline | 04:44 |
osity | i forget the command.... | 04:44 |
mattb | sometimes referred to as clearsigned | 04:44 |
tritium | osity, have you tried using sudo -i ? | 04:44 |
etzerd | tritium: what kind of software is on the Wiki web page? | 04:44 |
osity | what does that do ? | 04:44 |
tritium | osity: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo | 04:44 |
osity | that doesnt sound familiar... | 04:44 |
tritium | read that URL then | 04:45 |
etzerd | and also where can I get a good Repositories packages? | 04:45 |
bodaciousb | anyone know any good fglrx tweaks? righht now i have it set up default | 04:45 |
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etzerd | can anyone tell me where can I get the Kernel 2.11? | 04:46 |
gggg | simple question: I am working with GNOME wich has a great applet, WorkGroups switcher... I just need to know wich key combination would let me change workspace from keyboard? | 04:47 |
osity | tritium: sudo passwd root | 04:47 |
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Boohbah | etzerd: perhaps you mean 2.6.11? try http://kernel.org/ | 04:48 |
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gggg | worksace... not workgroup... | 04:48 |
gggg | workspace... there it is | 04:48 |
doug | can anyone help me set up networking? i'm having trouble following the samba guide | 04:48 |
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Nalioth | i have an evolution question.. | 04:48 |
etzerd | yes you right Boohbah. 2.6. | 04:48 |
tritium | osity, yes, I know. I wanted you to read it for yourself. You're encouraged to use sudo -i instead, though | 04:48 |
Nalioth | when did it stop having the local weather feature? | 04:48 |
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eob84 | when I try to install certain packages | 04:49 |
eob84 | it tells me I don't have libc6 | 04:49 |
eob84 | but I do | 04:49 |
tritium | etzerd, 2.6.11 is not supported. There are no linux-restricted-modules, for example | 04:49 |
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sjohnson | mattb: but if it's not using inline, what is it considered? (the new way) PGP/MIME? | 04:50 |
g14 | gggg: CTRL ALT and an arrow key | 04:50 |
demism | what is a good p2p app? | 04:50 |
tritium | Boohbah, there are linux-source packages that can be installed from the repos | 04:50 |
ron_ | hi mattb | 04:50 |
ron_ | boxy here ;) | 04:50 |
g14 | gggg: left right up down | 04:50 |
gggg | gl4 Master!!! Thanks alot!! | 04:50 |
g14 | gggg: np | 04:50 |
Boohbah | tritium: sorry, forgot what channel i was in ;) | 04:50 |
Nalioth | demism, bittorrent | 04:50 |
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tritium | Boohbah, heh, no need to be sorry ;) | 04:50 |
drcode | hi all | 04:50 |
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weazle | hi | 04:51 |
demism | Nalioth, don't you need the addresses or some bittorrent files? | 04:51 |
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aVeedo | Where is the "security level" settings. To open ports. | 04:51 |
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osity | tritium thanks! | 04:53 |
tritium | osity, of course :) | 04:53 |
sig | calamari_: you hang out in chajunkies.org irc? | 04:53 |
osity | so how do i get raid to work now....i have the drives in stalled and ubuntu is installed on one of them | 04:53 |
calamari_ | sig: nope.. freenode, and occasionally EFNet | 04:53 |
=== hybrid_goth [~hybrid@dpc6744177080.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
g14 | ubuntu really should steal some of the gpl redhat "system-config-" packages | 04:54 |
hybrid_goth | hello all | 04:54 |
Nalioth | demism, www.legaltorrents.com | 04:55 |
Nalioth | g14 is there nothing like them for us? | 04:55 |
=== Huey [~Huey@SRF-11-187.resnet.ucsb.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
g14 | Nalioth, No, not really. The redhat tools are in python and fully gpl. I'm suprised they haven't grabbed them already | 04:56 |
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osity | anyone know how to raid? | 04:57 |
Nalioth | g14 i grabbed a src rpm, but my rpm took a dump on me when i tried to work it | 04:57 |
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Boohbah | osity: i think it involves angry vikings and hallucinogenic mushrooms | 04:57 |
ShadowRage | bob2: I'm only getting a green screen in xine | 04:57 |
osity | well gimme the shrooms | 04:58 |
g14 | Nalioth, Thats because it's a src rpm. Ubuntu has rpmbuild installed so if your interested, I'll walk you through building an rpm | 04:58 |
osity | Boohbah: any experience in ubuntu raid? | 04:59 |
Boohbah | osity: sorry, i've never used ubuntu or raid | 04:59 |
Huey | is there a way to change the screensaver password based on how long you've been away from the computer? | 04:59 |
g14 | Now ubuntu did grab system-config-kickstart, but thats it | 05:00 |
g14 | Huey: You could set up some sort of a cron job or something do to that, but it would be a nasty hack | 05:00 |
Nalioth | g14 thank you, i build rpms all the time. just got a weird error on this one | 05:00 |
=== ShadowRage is getting no video output on xine | ||
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ShadowRage | god damn, does ubuntu support dvd's or what? | 05:01 |
ShadowRage | no matter what I install | 05:01 |
tritium | ShadowRage, easy there, cowboy | 05:01 |
ShadowRage | they just dont play | 05:01 |
Burgundavia | ShadowRage, yes, through the marilliat repo | 05:01 |
ShadowRage | I did | 05:02 |
ShadowRage | xine-ui | 05:02 |
ShadowRage | libdvdcss2 | 05:02 |
tritium | ShadowRage, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 05:02 |
g14 | Nalioth: No problem. It is because redhat uses /etc/security more and the layout is different | 05:02 |
Burgundavia | totem works fine for me | 05:02 |
Nalioth | g14 ok | 05:02 |
Huey | is there an easy way to make xscreensaver request a different password than your user password? | 05:03 |
ShadowRage | tritium: I've DONE all of that | 05:03 |
ShadowRage | tritium: so now, the question is, why is there no video? | 05:03 |
tritium | ShadowRage, what are you using to watch DVDs? | 05:04 |
ShadowRage | xine | 05:04 |
ShadowRage | like I said | 05:04 |
=== Littlechand [~chand@ABordeaux-151-1-24-30.w83-203.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShadowRage | totem crashes due to some unknown bug (it cant handle the size of the dvd it seems) | 05:04 |
ShadowRage | and xine plays the dvd, at least the sound | 05:04 |
ShadowRage | nothing more | 05:04 |
ShadowRage | does the same with normal movies as well | 05:05 |
ShadowRage | the video driver is XV | 05:05 |
=== bluefoxicy [~ubuntu@pcp0012067827pcs.whtmrs01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bluefoxicy | SATA | 05:05 |
bluefoxicy | My root is now SATA | 05:05 |
bluefoxicy | which appears as sda | 05:05 |
bluefoxicy | but root=/dev/sda8 panics ubuntu :( | 05:05 |
g14 | Could you put the sata_sil drivers in an initrd? just a guess | 05:06 |
rj__ | um | 05:06 |
rj__ | i just installed ubuntu hoary and it disnt ask me for a root password? | 05:06 |
rj__ | is there a default pass? | 05:06 |
rj__ | i can't su to the root user | 05:06 |
=== Anthro [~lkjhserov@ip68-227-185-176.ri.ri.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Client] | ||
tritium | rj__, no, disabled. You should use sudo | 05:07 |
g14 | Ubuntu has the root user disabled for security reasons | 05:07 |
tritium | rj__, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo | 05:07 |
rj__ | tritium: in order to use sudo i need a pass? | 05:07 |
g14 | The user that you created should have full root privileges via sudo | 05:07 |
g14 | It is your user password | 05:07 |
osity | does anyone know of a good raid how to for ubuntu? | 05:07 |
tritium | rj__, your user's pass | 05:07 |
ShadowRage | tritium: ANY idea? | 05:07 |
rj__ | ah | 05:07 |
tritium | ShadowRage, no. | 05:07 |
osity | raid 1 | 05:07 |
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osity | is there another ubuntu channel? | 05:10 |
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tritium | osity, there are channels for other languages, and for kubuntu | 05:10 |
ShadowRage | FINALLY | 05:11 |
ShadowRage | I needed the xshm driver | 05:11 |
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paulproteus | osity: The RAID HOWTO is fairly easy to follow. | 05:14 |
paulproteus | Make sure to apt-get install mdadm-tools. | 05:14 |
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eruin | I wodner what ever happened to skippy | 05:18 |
tritium | eruin, who's skippy? | 05:18 |
=== WW981_ [~WW981@va-208-33-157-22.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
g14 | skippy-xd is the newest but composite still isn't stable enough for it to become mainstream | 05:19 |
eruin | http://thegraveyard.org/skippy.php | 05:19 |
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g14 | once composite gets cleaned up by the xorg guys, I bet skippy-xd will get included in ubuntu by default | 05:19 |
eruin | wooohoo | 05:19 |
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eruin | trouble is | 05:20 |
osity | paulproteus: not for me ...i'v been going for a while now,.. | 05:20 |
eruin | there havent been any news on the site since 2004 | 05:20 |
eruin | so it looks kind of dead | 05:20 |
=== Br34ch [~Mond@CPE-70-92-252-37.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
osity | paulproteus: i get los on the first part about the installer ( grub lilo ...whatever... | 05:20 |
Predius | g14, what for? | 05:21 |
Predius | it's an extra which is not needed | 05:21 |
osity | im assuming ubutu uses grub? | 05:21 |
paulproteus | osity: Ya. | 05:21 |
eruin | Predius: what's not needed you say? | 05:21 |
osity | what is that a loader? | 05:21 |
=== nate_ [~nate@c66.168.31.134.mad.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | osity, yes, a bootloader | 05:21 |
nate_ | Howdy :) | 05:21 |
Predius | composite | 05:21 |
Br34ch | Ubuntu hoary . . . did someone get the discs yet? Heh, I ordered like in april | 05:22 |
g14 | Predius, Ever heard of apple's expose? And seen how pretty it is | 05:22 |
nate_ | anyone know a good firewall for ubuntu? | 05:22 |
eruin | Predius: that's the most stupid thing I've heard this week | 05:22 |
osity | paulproteus: im not to clear on what a boot loader is | 05:22 |
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WW981_ | nate_, yea iptables | 05:22 |
johan | Brothers and sisters | 05:22 |
eruin | What's next? We don't need gtk or metacity themes? | 05:22 |
tritium | eruin, no need for that... | 05:22 |
g14 | Predius: Xdamage and Xcomposite will open up loads of new features for app designers once they are stable features | 05:22 |
Predius | osity, it basically loads the boot process. | 05:22 |
g14 | Predius: they are very good | 05:23 |
nate_ | WW981_: ummm, don't i already have one? | 05:23 |
Boohbah | osity: the bootloader resides in the master boot record and is executed by the BIOS to load an operating system | 05:23 |
=== thr1ce [~andrew@24-247-232-145.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | nate_, what are you running that you feel you need a firewall? | 05:23 |
johan | Brothers and sisters..I have problems with my sound :( | 05:23 |
osity | ok..... | 05:23 |
WW981_ | nate_: do some research on writing firewalls | 05:23 |
Predius | yes, then it points to which kernel in which partition it needs to boot, osity | 05:23 |
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=== P229 [~P229@pool-141-156-170-40.esr.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eruin | nate_: you could try firestarter | 05:23 |
P229 | anyone have any recommendations for an inexpensive digital camera? | 05:23 |
nate_ | tritium: umm, ssh server for one | 05:24 |
Predius | johan, sound or just music? | 05:24 |
Boohbah | osity: it loads the kernel which in turn starts the init program which runs the startup scripts and boots the system | 05:24 |
nate_ | eruin: i'll check it out | 05:24 |
osity | paulproteus: it says "at least the root partition should not be on RAID 1" what does that mean? | 05:24 |
johan | It working good in Kubuntu but not in Ubuntu.. | 05:24 |
nate_ | tritium: you don't think i need one? | 05:24 |
tritium | nate_, not really, but it's your call | 05:24 |
sbcl3__ | i'm doing a 10 gig file copy right now and it's eaten almost all of my CPU. How can i give it less of the CPU processes? | 05:24 |
tritium | osity, the root partition is where / is mounted | 05:24 |
osity | paulproteus: I thought raid copies all ....including partitions/ | 05:25 |
nate_ | tritium: isn't my computer virtually wide open without a firewall, for anyone to attempt to attack? | 05:25 |
johan | Predius: It can play some sounds but not other.. | 05:25 |
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eruin | nate_: you're coming from windows, aren't you? ;) ubuntu should be pretty tight by default I hear | 05:25 |
g14 | nate_, Search for firestarter in synaptic and then add gksudo /usr/bin/firestarter --start-hidden to your gnome sessions | 05:26 |
g14 | the ubuntu firewall defaults to listen only | 05:26 |
tritium | nate_, no, ubuntu doesn't have services open to the outside by default | 05:26 |
eruin | g14: it should start automatically | 05:26 |
thr1ce | anyone know if gnoem finished uploading to brezy ? | 05:26 |
thr1ce | breezy* | 05:26 |
nate_ | eruin: well, been usin linux for a while, just switched to ubuntu, fc3 had a firewall | 05:26 |
Predius | johan, not other as in "not mp3"? | 05:26 |
IcemanV9 | why gksudo? what's that? can it be just 'sudo'? | 05:26 |
g14 | eruin, thats correct, it does | 05:26 |
johan | Predius: Like Festival text to speech is not working .. | 05:26 |
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g14 | IcemanV9, sudo is for console applications and doesn't handle some of the x weirdness. Hence, gksudo was written to fix those problems | 05:27 |
WW981_ | here's about the simplest firewall there is. :) iptables -A INPUT -i <netdevice> -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT | 05:27 |
=== Orunitia [~Orunitia@69-172-23-123.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
g14 | firestarter is the linux equivalent of zonealarm on windows. It's very easy to use | 05:27 |
WW981_ | oh boy....hehe | 05:27 |
=== segphault [~segphault@adsl-67-123-205-241.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
johan | Predius: have not tryed so many mayby i shold start doing that? | 05:28 |
nate_ | g14: ahhh, cool | 05:28 |
b_ | what is the command to run dpkg in order to configure -a | 05:28 |
segphault | I'm still trying to figure out how to make sawfish the default window manager, anybody have any suggestions? | 05:28 |
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lafaiete | ola | 05:28 |
nate_ | g14: what would the auto-startup command be in kde? | 05:29 |
johan | Predius: flash sounds on the web working and also the sound in Gaim | 05:29 |
g14 | nate_: write a small bash script and put it in ~/.kde/Autostart | 05:29 |
Predius | guys, clueless, can you help johan? | 05:29 |
nate_ | g14: ahhh, cool | 05:29 |
b_ | i want to run dpkg but I do not know how | 05:29 |
tritium | b_, to do what? | 05:30 |
osity | any readson why i wouldnt be able to ping anything with my server with the server install? | 05:30 |
tritium | b_, and did you read the manpage? | 05:30 |
b_ | to configure a | 05:30 |
johan | Predius: sorry for my bad spelling:) | 05:30 |
tritium | a? what's that? | 05:30 |
segphault | he means the -a parameter | 05:30 |
P229 | osity: any errors, what's your output? | 05:30 |
segphault | b_: you have to do that from the command line | 05:30 |
b_ | dpkg was interrupted | 05:31 |
b_ | you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 05:31 |
tritium | b_, "man dpkg" -- you'll see it a few lines down | 05:31 |
osity | P229: unknow host : yahoo.com | 05:31 |
tritium | b_, you pasted the answer to your own question | 05:31 |
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b_ | ok | 05:32 |
tritium | b_, you just need "sudo" in front if you're not in a root terminal | 05:32 |
P229 | osity: try pinging the IP: ping -c 3 | 05:32 |
b_ | The thinhg is that I am new in this enviroment | 05:32 |
=== admrl [~admrl@24-180-216-221.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== IcemanV9 scrolled back .. ah, gotcha, g14, thanks | ||
tritium | b_, no problem. You're doing fine. | 05:32 |
johan | PLAYBACK Hardware Devices give me: | 05:33 |
johan | card 0: I82801BAICH2 [Intel 82801BA-ICH2] , device 0: Intel ICH [Intel 82801BA-IC H2] | 05:33 |
johan | If that can help? | 05:33 |
b_ | Thank you | 05:34 |
osity | P229: 100% loss | 05:34 |
P229 | osity: sounds like your server's network isn't configged | 05:35 |
=== IIIEars [~freesbie@cpe-24-30-188-176.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
osity | i cant ping anything.... | 05:35 |
osity | i am plugged into a hub on a router.... | 05:36 |
P229 | osity: do "ifconfig eth0" | 05:36 |
osity | P229: ya it gives me the ip addy's ...but it says 192.168. | 05:37 |
osity | that sounds wrong | 05:37 |
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tritium | osity, IP addresses in that range are reserved for private use. Sounds right. | 05:37 |
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P229 | osity: no, that sounds right | 05:38 |
somoslibres | hi friend Ubuntu | 05:38 |
osity | i think im using the wrong cable hang on | 05:38 |
tritium | hi somoslibres | 05:38 |
IIIEars | 192.168.x.x is fine if your router handles dynamic host control for your lan | 05:38 |
somoslibres | somoslibres.org is an Site from PERU | 05:38 |
IIIEars | can you ping google.com? | 05:38 |
IIIEars | "ping google.com" | 05:38 |
somoslibres | We are Free is an Portal Free Software and Open Source | 05:39 |
tritium | static too | 05:39 |
P229 | IIIEars: no, he can't | 05:39 |
=== m_tthew peers about | ||
=== abarbaccia [~abarbacci@ool-18b8cf07.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
P229 | IIIEars: he can't ping outside IPs either | 05:39 |
abarbaccia | hey guys | 05:39 |
abarbaccia | anyone here good with wireless network cards and linux? | 05:40 |
osity | P229: ok its pinging .....it was a cross cable....it works with straight thru1 | 05:40 |
m_tthew | anyone !idle do a hoary install directly to software raid? I've bumped into some /dev/ funny business and am wondering if I'm not the first. | 05:40 |
sjohnson | how do i quickly found out which MBPS my NIC is going at? | 05:40 |
sjohnson | ubuntu is not going at 10meg/s by any means | 05:40 |
sjohnson | in the LAN | 05:40 |
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somoslibres | I need create Comunity Ubuntu in Peru. | 05:40 |
anathema | cute jerk | 05:40 |
P229 | osity: so problem solved? | 05:41 |
osity | paulproteus: can i install raid1 after the server install is complete? | 05:41 |
tritium | anathema, ? | 05:41 |
anathema | nothin | 05:41 |
Predius | Bueno, ya cree el iRC chat aca, somoslibres. | 05:41 |
osity | P229: ya....thanks | 05:41 |
Predius | #ubuntu-pe | 05:41 |
IIIEars | hmm - i am new to linux is there a command similar to windows ipconfig /release then ipconfig /renew | 05:41 |
osity | i want to raid these buggers ....windows raid is so easy in comparison! | 05:42 |
somoslibres | muhcas gracias predius | 05:42 |
nate_ | IIIEars: check out dhclient | 05:42 |
nate_ | IIIEars: it might be that | 05:42 |
IIIEars | Thank You nate :) | 05:42 |
nate_ | IIIEars: no problem | 05:42 |
osity | paulproteus: you still here? | 05:42 |
m_tthew | IIIEars : sudo ifdown <interface>; sudo ifup <interface> | 05:42 |
nate_ | IIIEars: man dhclient | 05:42 |
IIIEars | ah - i'll be a guru soon - lol | 05:43 |
anathema | hey | 05:43 |
anathema | for mplayer | 05:43 |
m_tthew | nate_ : IIIEars shouldn't have to mess with dhclient to do a release/renew. | 05:43 |
anathema | should i install mplayer k6? | 05:43 |
anathema | ive got a athlon xp | 05:43 |
anathema | or mplayer-386 ? | 05:44 |
P229 | or service network restart | 05:44 |
IIIEars | just check to see if the service is running - eh? | 05:44 |
Predius | k6 | 05:44 |
sjohnson | Predius: why not k7? | 05:44 |
anathema | it says some packages are broken that it depends on | 05:44 |
anathema | and wont install | 05:44 |
g14 | P229, service is a redhat / fedora command | 05:45 |
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osity | is there a howto for a post OS raid install? i can only find a pre OS one | 05:45 |
Predius | is there a k7 package? | 05:45 |
P229 | g14: eh, I was afraid of that... | 05:45 |
anathema | its a dummy package | 05:45 |
nate_ | m_tthew: he asked the equivalent of ipconfig /release and ipconfig /renew, ifup and ifdown are like disabling and enabling the interface | 05:45 |
nate_ | m_tthew: I answered his question | 05:45 |
anathema | damnit it wont install | 05:45 |
anathema | gives errors | 05:45 |
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drcodedd2 | any one mybe using bacula | 05:46 |
drcodedd2 | ? | 05:46 |
anathema | nm | 05:46 |
osity | is there a channel that specialises in raid?> | 05:46 |
anathema | im dumb | 05:46 |
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nate_ | osity: #raid? | 05:46 |
anathema | look at this | 05:46 |
osity | nope | 05:46 |
anathema | Get:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary/multiverse mplayer-k7 1:1.0-pre6-0.3ubuntu6 [56.1kB] | 05:46 |
bwlang | i have a custom kernel with pcmcia compiled in statically - it shows up in desg but my card does not work... i get an error when i try to restart pcmcia saying "failed to load pcmcia_core" why? do i need to build pcmcia as a module? | 05:46 |
nate_ | osity: heh :P | 05:46 |
m_tthew | nate_ : didn't mean to step on toes, was just trying to simplify things. | 05:46 |
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osity | how do i check my partitions? | 05:48 |
anathema | hey | 05:48 |
nate_ | m_tthew: no problem, just sayin i answered his question. I can't imagin why, but its possible he didn't want to take the interface down. | 05:48 |
=== m_tthew nods | ||
=== benz [~benz@cpe-065-190-136-012.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anathema | i guess there is a k7 | 05:48 |
osity | i have no idea how my ubuntu is partitioned? | 05:48 |
anathema | it just installs k6 then download some k7 little file | 05:48 |
anathema | must be for somehting | 05:48 |
anathema | hehe | 05:48 |
osity | ooops that's not a question | 05:49 |
nate_ | osity: df -h | 05:49 |
bwlang | osity: fdisk -l /dev/hda should give you an idea | 05:49 |
tritium | osity, use fdisk -l /dev/hda, assuming you have an IDE drive | 05:49 |
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osity | thanks | 05:49 |
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benz | ok i just installed the 5.04 relase on my T42 here....but im having trouble trying to get the 686-optomized kernel | 05:49 |
benz | as well as the ati drivers | 05:49 |
abarbaccia | anybody good with wireless networks | 05:49 |
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tritium | benz, sudo apt-get install linux-686 | 05:49 |
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benz | i did that and it gave me an error - couldnt find the package | 05:49 |
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dos000 | anyone tell me how i can make sure i am using also (and not oss) in hoary when playing dvd via mplayer ? | 05:50 |
dos000 | s/also/alsa | 05:50 |
schasi | exit | 05:50 |
schasi | ;-) | 05:50 |
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tritium | benz, it's in restricted | 05:51 |
benz | ? | 05:51 |
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johan | anathema: maybe this one is something what you looking for? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3713 | 05:51 |
tritium | benz, make sure you have a line in /etc/apt/sources.list like this: deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted | 05:51 |
tritium | (which you should) | 05:52 |
abarbaccia | tritium, what is linux-686 - if i have a P4 with HT - should I be using that core? | 05:52 |
benz | k lemme check | 05:52 |
nate_ | anyone know where firestarter is run from? its not in /usr/bin/ | 05:52 |
nate_ | or any bin for that matter | 05:52 |
tritium | benz, also, if you haven't updated, so a "sudo apt-get update" first | 05:52 |
benz | ok | 05:52 |
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tritium | nate_, dpkg -L firestarter will list the files in the package. You can track it down that way | 05:53 |
nate_ | tritium: ahhh, thanks | 05:53 |
tritium | nate_, if it's too much output, pipe it into less (or more) | 05:53 |
benz | this is really weird | 05:53 |
benz | all kinds of stuff locking up on me | 05:53 |
tritium | benz, what? | 05:53 |
benz | package manager | 05:53 |
benz | firefox | 05:53 |
benz | wtf | 05:53 |
nate_ | tritium: yessir :) | 05:54 |
tritium | :) | 05:54 |
benz | its a completely fresh install | 05:54 |
nate_ | brb | 05:54 |
tritium | benz, did the install complete without error? | 05:54 |
benz | yeah, as far as i know | 05:54 |
benz | the only thing was, i did not get networking configured in the install | 05:55 |
benz | so it didnt have access the whole time | 05:55 |
benz | i burned the hoary install disk a few weeks ago | 05:55 |
NickVara | I have a package question: How do I get subversion? I tried "sudo apt-get install subversion" and got an error "E: Couldn't find package subversion" | 05:55 |
tritium | you were able to configure networking after, it appears, or are you using a different machine? | 05:55 |
benz | yeah | 05:55 |
crimsun | NickVara: you need the main repo enabled | 05:56 |
benz | no i just went into the network config and let it do its thing | 05:56 |
benz | wireless | 05:56 |
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tritium | hi crimsun | 05:56 |
crimsun | 'lo tritium :) | 05:56 |
benz | also i have noticed that things seem kind of laggy | 05:56 |
benz | its not a great experience so far | 05:56 |
tritium | benz, sorry to hear that | 05:56 |
benz | its ok | 05:56 |
benz | lemme see if i can get to that config file | 05:57 |
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NickVara | Crimsum: Uhm... I'm very new to Linux... (as in, this is maybe my 3rd hour trying to figure out how to do simple things in it)... how do I enable the main repo | 05:57 |
TheKark | anyone heard of a rmc networking card? | 05:57 |
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Burgundavia | NickVara, already done | 05:57 |
benz | aww wtf | 05:57 |
Burgundavia | NickVara, see www.ubuntu.com/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 05:58 |
tritium | NickVara, I'll bet you didn't update your package lists. That's likely the problem. try "sudo aptitude update", and then try again to install it | 05:58 |
benz | apparently the two lines in my sources.list were commented | 05:58 |
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tsume | hey, question. Has anyone tried courier-mta vs postfix? I've used postfix for a while. I'm curious what courier-mta has to offer | 05:58 |
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benz | should i un-comment them | 05:58 |
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thread | who wants to take a stab at my (encrypted) wireless issue? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=161762 | 05:59 |
benz | arg its read only | 05:59 |
tritium | benz, yes, if you're referring to the ones for main and restricted | 05:59 |
benz | yeah | 05:59 |
tritium | use sudo to edit it | 05:59 |
benz | ## Uncomment the following two lines to fetch updated software from the network | 05:59 |
benz | # deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted | 05:59 |
benz | # deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted | 05:59 |
thr1ce | benz, sudo | 05:59 |
benz | oh right | 05:59 |
tritium | wow, that's a surprise | 05:59 |
thr1ce | sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:59 |
TheKark | sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:59 |
benz | haha thanks | 05:59 |
tsume | don't forget universe and multiverse | 05:59 |
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NickVara | I just ran sudo aptitude update and tried again, same error message. | 06:00 |
mindspore | or checkout the section on ubuntuguide.org | 06:00 |
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mindspore | NickVara: do you maybe want sudo apt-get update? | 06:00 |
tritium | same effect | 06:00 |
mindspore | ah, k | 06:00 |
concept10 | what is the command to start vnc server | 06:01 |
crimsun | NickVara: please paste your /etc/apt/sources.list onto http://pastebin.com | 06:01 |
anathema | anyone know any way to find out what your connection speed0r is in linux ? | 06:01 |
mindspore | what is a speed0r? | 06:01 |
tritium | concept10, did you try the Remote Desktop settings in System->Preferences? | 06:01 |
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tritium | anathema, you can try the netspeed applet | 06:01 |
anathema | no | 06:02 |
drcodedd2 | How I Can tell firefox to open mpeg , wmv ,real player ? | 06:02 |
anathema | wheres that ? | 06:02 |
drcodedd2 | so it will be onstream | 06:02 |
anathema | like, i just wanna see what speed its connected to my switch at? | 06:02 |
drcodedd2 | is it possible? | 06:02 |
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dantheman | how do i run a traceroute? | 06:02 |
crimsun | anathema: mii-tool, mii-diag | 06:02 |
crimsun | (if your hardware supports it) | 06:02 |
anathema | hmmm | 06:02 |
benz | how to quit and save vi? | 06:03 |
anathema | dont have a quick command to run handy? | 06:03 |
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drcodedd2 | :qw | 06:03 |
drcodedd2 | :wq | 06:03 |
drcodedd2 | esc | 06:03 |
anathema | SIOCGMIIPHY on 'eth0' failed: Operation not supported | 06:03 |
anathema | no MII interfaces found | 06:03 |
bodaciousb | hey guys im running quake3 here.... if i change the settings and restart q3, the settings are not saved... if i sudo q3 to start it... it will save... how do i fix this so i dont have to sudo? | 06:03 |
binbrain | is it still to soon to go breezy?? | 06:03 |
crimsun | binbrain: imo yes | 06:03 |
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binbrain | :) dang.. | 06:03 |
benz | whats the command to exit vi? | 06:03 |
tritium | anathema, if you want to continuously monitor it, install netspeed applet and add it to your panel | 06:03 |
tritium | benz, :wq | 06:03 |
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drcodedd2 | I Like nano any way | 06:04 |
bodaciousb | benz :quit i think | 06:04 |
anathema | no i dont want to check my bandwidth | 06:04 |
sjohnson | any linux gurus know how to find out of my NIC is running at FULL DUPLEX? | 06:04 |
anathema | i wanna see what speed im connected to my switch | 06:04 |
thr1ce | press esc. to make sure you're not in input mode | 06:04 |
anathema | like if it picked a 100 or 10 mbit ? | 06:04 |
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tritium | anathema, ok | 06:04 |
dos000 | is there a way i can make all my application use alsa instaead of oss ? | 06:04 |
crimsun | anathema: usually there's some sort of debug message in dmesg | 06:04 |
NickVara | crimsun: http://pastebin.com/280740 | 06:05 |
BrettMeister | I show that K3b that I installed is installed now. Where on my menus can I find it? I can't seem to.... | 06:05 |
anathema | something i can grep for? | 06:05 |
anathema | or what | 06:05 |
crimsun | dos000: you'd need to tell them explicitly to use ALSA | 06:05 |
johan | my sound card is [Intel 82801BA-ICH2] and Ubuntu HardwareSupport list Intel Corp. 82801BA/BAM and Intel Corp. 82801DB (ICH4) | 06:05 |
sjohnson | how can i tell if FULLDUPLEX is enabled or not? | 06:05 |
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crimsun | NickVara: uncomment lines 5 && 6 | 06:05 |
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crimsun | NickVara: then sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install subversion | 06:05 |
fazer | hello, any IBM thinkpad 600e users in here? | 06:05 |
fazer | i have a problem upgrading the hard drive on my thinkpad. | 06:06 |
tritium | I wonder how new installs are ending up with commented sources.list files | 06:06 |
crimsun | sjohnson: same response I made to anathema | 06:06 |
BrettMeister | Will someone tell me how to configure the grub bootloader? | 06:06 |
benz | EXCELLENT, downloading the package now! | 06:06 |
benz | thanks a lot | 06:06 |
crimsun | anathema: yes, look for your network interface | 06:06 |
dos000 | crimsun, how ? | 06:06 |
johan | that to do? | 06:06 |
tritium | BrettMeister, you can edit /boot/grub/menu.lst, then run "sudo update-grub" | 06:06 |
johan | What to do.. | 06:06 |
anathema | crimsun, :like eth0? | 06:06 |
sjohnson | crimsun: there has to be a better way than dmesg.. ie like ifconfig | 06:06 |
anathema | eth0: forcedeth.c: subsystem: 01043:80a7 bound to 0000:00:04.0 | 06:07 |
BrettMeister | tritium: Thanks! | 06:07 |
anathema | says link up | 06:07 |
anathema | thats it | 06:07 |
sjohnson | forcedeth.c: Reverse Engineered nForce ethernet driver. Version 0.30. | 06:07 |
anathema | eth0: link up. | 06:07 |
tritium | BrettMeister, no problem :) | 06:07 |
dantheman | does anyone know how to do window transparency in gnome? | 06:07 |
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benz | ok, i'm basically following this guide: http://aaltonen.us/archive/2005/03/02/ubuntu-linux-on-the-ibm-thinkpad-t42/ | 06:08 |
benz | and i have done the first step (installing 686 kernel) | 06:08 |
BrettMeister | tritium: I installed K3b a while ago using synaptic. It shows that it is now installed; but, even after a reboot I can't see it on my menus. Where should I look? | 06:08 |
benz | should i reboot first or go ahead with the rest | 06:08 |
anathema | crimsun, no info in dmesg | 06:08 |
tritium | BrettMeister, I'm not sure, as I don't have it installed. Are you using gnome or kde? | 06:09 |
BrettMeister | tritium: Gnome. | 06:09 |
anathema | no one knows how to find out your lan speed? | 06:09 |
anathema | connection | 06:09 |
bodaciousb | if i am in the games group, and the game folder is chmod 770 i should be able to run the game right? | 06:09 |
mindspore | K3b works under gnome? | 06:09 |
tritium | yes | 06:09 |
mindspore | k | 06:09 |
Nalioth | mindspore, most KDE things work under gnome and vice-versa | 06:09 |
rommer | mindspore: if u have the kde-base install innit? | 06:09 |
BrettMeister | I have it installed according to synaptic. | 06:09 |
johan | sorry is sound card Intel 82801BA-ICH2 = Intel Corp. 82801BA/BAM or is Intel 82801BA-ICH2 = Intel Corp. 82801DB (ICH4) ? | 06:09 |
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crimsun | johan: doesn't really matter, both use the snd-intel8x0 ALSA driver | 06:10 |
mindspore | lol, i've just gotten the habit of using apps that start with "g" under gnome, and apps wil "k" under kde | 06:10 |
tritium | BrettMeister, looks like it doesn't have a proper .desktop file in /usr/share/applications | 06:10 |
IIIEars | lol - IRC is fun - grin | 06:10 |
BrettMeister | So what's a good burner in gnome? | 06:10 |
Ribs | mindspore: KDE is more a pain in the rear-end for that one :) | 06:11 |
mindspore | gnomebaker | 06:11 |
tritium | I use graveman or gnomebaker | 06:11 |
anathema | gnomebaker yeah | 06:11 |
mindspore | Ribs: lol | 06:11 |
tritium | or nautilus | 06:11 |
anathema | tritium, any way to find out in linux..your lan speed | 06:11 |
anathema | connection speed | 06:11 |
mindspore | or K3b apparently | 06:11 |
anathema | 10/11 mbps | 06:11 |
anathema | someone ? | 06:11 |
bodaciousb | how to i edit my games group to include access to /usr/local/games ? | 06:11 |
sjohnson | and fullduplex / half duplex | 06:12 |
sjohnson | ? | 06:12 |
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anathema | yeah | 06:12 |
anathema | someone must know..cant be that hard | 06:12 |
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osity | how do I plug in the second disk and create partitions to match the original disk | 06:12 |
johan | crimsun: okej i see..do you know what to do next? | 06:12 |
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tritium | anathema, you tried dmesg? did you look at the output of lspci to see your nic card info? | 06:12 |
osity | i need to setup my partitions to be identical | 06:12 |
anathema | i tryed dmesg | 06:12 |
paulproteus | anathema: The easiest way is to use the GNOME network status configuration applet. | 06:13 |
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osity | i have 2 drives | 06:13 |
anethema | cool paulproteus | 06:13 |
anethema | where | 06:13 |
crimsun | sjohnson: mii-diag will if your hardware supports it | 06:13 |
tritium | BrettMeister, you can still use k3b | 06:13 |
paulproteus | It's under system tools -> network or something. | 06:13 |
crimsun | sjohnson: or you can follow paulproteus's suggestion | 06:13 |
crimsun | johan: I don't know what you're attempting to accomplish | 06:13 |
IIIEars | osity - the dd command is your friend - copy the first 512 bytes from your installed disk to the second disk or a file | 06:13 |
anethema | mii-diag doesnt work for me | 06:13 |
osity | anyone know how to partition drives | 06:14 |
anethema | i found that config applet i think paulproteus | 06:14 |
anethema | where does it say connection speed | 06:14 |
sjohnson | ahh.. unfortunately we're using nforce onboards and they don't run on the mii-bus | 06:14 |
Nalioth | osity the tool is qtparted | 06:14 |
dhonn | link speed | 06:14 |
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Nalioth | osity, and the how depends on what you want to do with it | 06:14 |
IIIEars | qtparted is very easy | 06:14 |
anethema | ok mii doesnt work...anyone have any other ideas? | 06:15 |
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IIIEars | it isn't included in ubuntu but it is in the repository. | 06:15 |
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tritium | anethema, try paulproteus' suggestion | 06:15 |
anethema | im in that applet | 06:15 |
anethema | doesnt tell you anything about speed | 06:15 |
sjohnson | gnome applet doens't say shit! | 06:15 |
sjohnson | :( | 06:15 |
osity | IIIEars:L Is qtparted part of linux? | 06:15 |
Nalioth | osity, it can be installed using apt-get or synaptic | 06:15 |
johan | crimsun: some sound is not working in Ubuntu but in kubuntu like festival speech for example. | 06:16 |
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IIIEars | i usually see it in linux - haven't seen a redmond OS version - don't worry it is graphical. | 06:16 |
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osity | IIIEars: so this will allow me to have the 2 drives in my box to be partitioned the same? | 06:16 |
crimsun | anethema: / sjohnson: have you tried the i2c route? | 06:16 |
anethema | no | 06:17 |
anethema | hows that work | 06:17 |
Nalioth | osity, you can partition how you like | 06:17 |
anethema | what is it | 06:17 |
crimsun | anethema: please see google, I'm not familiar with it myself | 06:17 |
IIIEars | yes - still google the dd command you will likely find it useful | 06:17 |
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bodaciousb | how to i edit my games group to include access to /usr/local/games? | 06:17 |
crimsun | johan: sound works in kubuntu but not in ubuntu? | 06:18 |
tritium | bodaciousb, I think what you really want is to have users in the games group include /usr/local/games in their path | 06:18 |
bodaciousb | tritium, sounds good, how do i do it? | 06:19 |
anethema | ok so we've established its impossible? | 06:19 |
anethema | haha | 06:19 |
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crimsun | anethema: eh? I suggested one avenue | 06:19 |
tritium | anethema, the i2c route didn't work either? | 06:19 |
nate____ | flaky connection it seems | 06:19 |
nate____ | anyone know if the ipw2100 driver supports WPA? | 06:20 |
anethema | im looking for it | 06:20 |
anethema | no idea what it even is | 06:20 |
osity | IIIEars: how do i install qtparted? | 06:20 |
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anethema | like | 06:20 |
osity | IIIEars: dd looks extrememly complex for my level | 06:20 |
tritium | bodaciousb, check out your ~/.bash_profile for an example of how to add a directory to your path | 06:20 |
IIIEars | anathema - grab a copy of "torsmo" gkrellum" might also do this but i know torsmo does - ity desk now. :) | 06:20 |
nate_ | heh | 06:20 |
osity | i tried apt-get install qtparted | 06:20 |
bodaciousb | tritium, ok | 06:21 |
anethema | ill try IIIEars thanks | 06:21 |
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bodaciousb | tritium, where do i find that .bash_profile folder? | 06:22 |
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tritium | bodaciousb, it's a file in your home directory, | 06:22 |
abarbaccia | hey all - my wlan is being weird - linux picked it up - and the lan can identify the name of the wireless signal - but never pciks up a dhcp broadcase | 06:22 |
abarbaccia | broadcast | 06:22 |
TheKark | hey can qtparted format ntfs partitions? | 06:23 |
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johan | crimsun: most sound work in both but festival text to speech for example only give me a sound in kubuntu | 06:23 |
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tritium | abarbaccia, did you configure it to come up automatically on boot? | 06:23 |
doug | how do i find out which repositories i am missing to install software packages? | 06:23 |
bodaciousb | tritium, thanks | 06:23 |
IIIEars | TheKark - yes - at least the version offered with knoppix does. | 06:23 |
tritium | abarbaccia, or to use hotplug? | 06:23 |
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BrettMeister | Okay, I had to click on Run App and then type in K3b to run it. Runs fine. | 06:23 |
tritium | bodaciousb, no prob | 06:23 |
tritium | BrettMeister, yes, or from the command line | 06:24 |
Nalioth | doug in synaptic there is a pulldown showing 'repositorys' or something | 06:24 |
abarbaccia | tritium, not sure about either- i used ifup wlan0, but it cannot pickup a DHCPBROADCAST | 06:24 |
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crimsun | johan: ah, I'd need more debugging information. Unfortunately I'm exhausted currently and must get some rest, sorry. | 06:25 |
dLx | help me!.. | 06:25 |
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tritium | abarbaccia, oh, okay....not sure then | 06:25 |
dLx | i can`t connect to internet.. | 06:25 |
abarbaccia | not sure how to let it use hotplug - i figure its gotta be supported in linux because its recognizing the names of wlan signals floating around - just getting transmission errors | 06:25 |
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BrettMeister | Am I just stuck with this 640 etc. screen resolution? There's not any other offered in the screen resolution menu. | 06:25 |
dLx | i can`t connect to internet.. on ubuntu | 06:25 |
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johan | crimsun: no problem.. | 06:25 |
johan | :) | 06:25 |
dLx | i can`t connect to internet and i`m in a network.. on ubuntu | 06:26 |
dLx | i can`t connect to internet and i`m in a network.. on ubuntu..plz help me!... | 06:26 |
abarbaccia | dLx, eth/ | 06:26 |
tritium | BrettMeister, see this: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 06:26 |
dLx | ? | 06:26 |
dLx | i can`t connect to internet and i`m in a network.. on ubuntu..plz help me!... | 06:26 |
tritium | dLx, please don't repeat like that | 06:26 |
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dLx | sorry.. | 06:27 |
bodaciousb | hey guys im running quake3 here.... if i change the settings and restart q3, the settings are not saved... if i sudo q3 to start it... it will save... how do i fix this so i dont have to sudo? | 06:27 |
dos000 | how do i know who is using the audio device ? | 06:27 |
dLx | plzz help me!.. | 06:27 |
BrettMeister | tritium: Thanks! | 06:27 |
abarbaccia | bodaciousb, its with the permissions on files | 06:27 |
tritium | sure | 06:27 |
Nalioth | dlx please quit whining | 06:28 |
doug | Near as i can tell, i have turned on all the repositories that were in the conf file, and added the ones recommended in the set-up guide, but when i go to install mplayer with synaptic, it tells me i don't have enough repositories open | 06:28 |
Nalioth | dlx we need more info, so maybe someone can help you | 06:28 |
bodaciousb | abarbaccia, permissions are 777 still doesnt work like it should... baffles the hell out of me | 06:28 |
abarbaccia | find the quake 3 dir - and try chmod 777 -R * | 06:28 |
tritium | doug, you also clicked "reload" in synaptic? | 06:28 |
dLx | info? | 06:28 |
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osity | IIIEars: qtparted wont install | 06:28 |
abarbaccia | did you do it recursivly so you hit all the files in subdirs not just the original one | 06:28 |
tritium | dLx, yes, describe the problem in more detail. | 06:29 |
bodaciousb | abarbaccia, yes it was recursive | 06:29 |
dLx | okay.. | 06:29 |
doug | yes, it reloaded after i was double checking the repository drop down | 06:29 |
bodaciousb | abarbaccia, and i confirmed that all the file in it were 777 | 06:29 |
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johan | doug:it is a small button in synaptic | 06:29 |
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dLx | the network indicator show that i`m connected to network | 06:30 |
gp_aaron | hi bosewicht | 06:30 |
doug | i just hit the reload button again to be sure it had done it | 06:30 |
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dLx | but i can`t surf the internet | 06:30 |
tritium | dLx, you have an IP address? | 06:30 |
johan | doug:ok | 06:30 |
dLx | ya ya | 06:30 |
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gp_aaron | bosewicht, dont ignore me..:( | 06:31 |
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dLx | on network : my ip | 06:31 |
tritium | dLx, how was it assigned? | 06:31 |
johan | doug: Have you seen this ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3713 | 06:32 |
abarbaccia | hurm - well you have to find out where else its writing to - check in your home dir and make sure that any dirs in there have write access for you | 06:32 |
dLx | i`m assigned it.. | 06:32 |
abarbaccia | or do a search on google and try to find out what files it is that its writing your settings to | 06:32 |
tritium | dLx, "man interfaces" and make sure you've configured it properly | 06:32 |
bodaciousb | ok | 06:32 |
dLx | how? | 06:33 |
bosewicht | oh i randomly check in on there to help the dummies | 06:33 |
bosewicht | sorry | 06:33 |
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bosewicht | i just kinda monitor it | 06:33 |
tritium | johan, I don't like the way that link sets up java, for one thing | 06:34 |
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bodaciousb | well im gonna reformat to fix this stupid problem anyway, so im gonna chmod everything and see if it works | 06:34 |
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fazer | anyone ever upgraded a thinkpad's hard drive before? | 06:34 |
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bosewicht | do not chmod everything | 06:34 |
gp_aaron | chmoding everything is like saying punch me | 06:35 |
gp_aaron | in the gut | 06:35 |
doug | so that link had a link telling me where to get a .deb for mplayer, but won't i still have dependency issues? | 06:35 |
tritium | dLx, literally, read the manpage by typine "man interfaces" | 06:35 |
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dLx | okay.. | 06:35 |
bodaciousb | yeah i know... i need to reformat anyawy... but even chmod -R 777 / didnt work to fix this problem | 06:35 |
tritium | bodaciousb, yes, I don't think you want to go around chmodding things | 06:35 |
gp_aaron | doug how are you installing the deb? | 06:36 |
Nalioth | fazer i transplanted a HD in a iBook | 06:36 |
tritium | bodaciousb, especially to the entire filesystem! | 06:36 |
gp_aaron | .. wow | 06:36 |
bosewicht | bodaciousb whats ur prob? | 06:36 |
bodaciousb | i dont get it, ive installed ubuntu and quake3 about 10 times in the last week, and this hasnt happend yet | 06:36 |
fazer | Nalioth: hmm, i think that might be different from my current problem | 06:36 |
Nalioth | doug look for a URL of a repository on that page | 06:36 |
bodaciousb | allthough i did add the user to the group games this time | 06:36 |
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bosewicht | bodaciousb whats ur prob? | 06:36 |
Nalioth | fazer, you mean pull the thinkpad apart? | 06:36 |
fazer | Nalioth: no, just make it so that the thinkpad can use the hard drive | 06:37 |
Nalioth | fazer, external HD? | 06:37 |
bodaciousb | in quake 3 arena,, i save the settings and restart the game, and they dont save... unless is sudo the executable to start the game... and the directry is 777.... | 06:37 |
bodaciousb | and still they game wont save settings unless its under sudo | 06:37 |
fazer | Nalioth: oh no, the internal one. | 06:37 |
Ribs | bodaciousb: Do you not get errors in the terminal when running under normal user? | 06:38 |
fazer | Nalioth: when I put it in, boot up, I get a disk drive error saying that I should restart. Howver, when my friend puts it in his other laptop, it just says to press F1 to continue and doesn't stall there. | 06:38 |
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bodaciousb | Ribs, nope runs fine | 06:38 |
doug | i dont see the url of a repository, i see where it says to enable the universe repository, but i have already done that | 06:38 |
Ribs | hrm, odd | 06:38 |
bodaciousb | also the game doesnt have any files outside of its directy | 06:38 |
bosewicht | it should save ur settings in /home/<user>/.quake or something like that | 06:38 |
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Ribs | you mean ~/.quake ? :) | 06:38 |
closure | I need a usenet app that supports .nzb files | 06:38 |
closure | any ideas guys? | 06:39 |
drummer87 | does someone know why i'm getting lag when watching avi's in gxine? after a while the sound get's a little out of sync (same with dvds) | 06:39 |
Ribs | drummer87: is it using esd? | 06:39 |
sls | soooooo has anyone used a palm pilot with ubuntu before? | 06:39 |
Ribs | to output the sound, that is... | 06:39 |
drummer87 | not sure, how can i tell? | 06:39 |
bosewicht | ribs..lol..don't confuse people | 06:39 |
tritium | sls, long time ago | 06:39 |
Ribs | drummer87: Dunno, I don't use gxine | 06:39 |
doug | i also enabled the repositories mentioned in the wiki guide for mplayer, but i am just not getting it to install | 06:40 |
sls | did it work at all? | 06:40 |
Ribs | drummer87: I tend to find that esd can cause sync problems with media players... not sure why | 06:40 |
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bosewicht | mplayer is buggy for ubuntu | 06:40 |
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closure | sls, can you do that? | 06:40 |
WebGuest | Hi guys sorry to bug you with something so silly. I kind of need help with the squid.conf file so that I can access my machine from work, then go out into the web using that connection from home. | 06:40 |
Ribs | drummer87: So I just killall esd, then tell my player to use ALSA instead :) | 06:40 |
dLx | no ipv6 router<? | 06:40 |
tritium | sls, yeah. Have you gone to System->Preferences->PalmOS Devices? | 06:40 |
bodaciousb | well i did find a file in my home direcrty, and its permissions are fubar | 06:40 |
bodaciousb | 644 | 06:40 |
sls | closure: do what? | 06:40 |
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osity | is anyone running raid? | 06:41 |
johan | dLx: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FrontPage/searchwiki?expr=InternetConnectionHowtos | 06:41 |
closure | sls, put ubuntu on a palm pilot | 06:41 |
sls | tritium: id used the utility... and followed the on screen instructions ... it did not work | 06:41 |
doug | how do i find out which repositories i am missing to install software packages? | 06:41 |
drummer87 | Ribs: thanks, i'll try alsa instead.. i think i can change it under sysem>prefs>multimedia system selector | 06:41 |
sls | cosure: no... wrong processeor and no room | 06:41 |
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drummer87 | isn't alsa kde's sound thingy though | 06:42 |
tritium | doug, check your /etc/apt/sources.list | 06:42 |
doug | I have all the repositories i know of in my sources list, but it is apparently not enough and i'm not sure where to get more | 06:42 |
tritium | doug, what are you trying to install? | 06:42 |
doug | mplayer | 06:42 |
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WebGuest | Is there a tutorial site for squid and ubuntu basic configs. The .conf is a little long and the redhat walkthrough I used to use breaks. | 06:42 |
tritium | doug, do you have multiverse and universe? did you apt-cache search mplayer? | 06:43 |
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doug | apparently a bunch of lib files either are not listed, or are not current enough versions | 06:43 |
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doug | i have universe and multi verse, but i havent tried apt-cahce | 06:43 |
tritium | doug, that's to search. What package name have you tried installing? | 06:44 |
doug | in synbaptic, i have been trying to install mplayer-586 | 06:44 |
DanglyBits | is openoffice 2 beta available for ubuntu? If so how? | 06:44 |
johan | doug: Have you edit repository in synaptic? you have to go for the add button? | 06:45 |
anethema | doug you cant install it in synaptic | 06:45 |
tritium | doug, okay. Do you have the Marillat (nerim.net) repos? | 06:45 |
abarbaccia | hey all - if my wlan card is detected by ubuntu but i want to use ndiswrapper - how do i go about it | 06:45 |
anethema | it WONT work from synaptic | 06:45 |
doug | yes, i have the marillat | 06:45 |
anethema | doug, do this: | 06:45 |
anethema | sudo apt-get -t hoary install mplayer-586 | 06:45 |
anethema | you -need- that -t hoary | 06:45 |
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anethema | or it doesnt install for whatever genious reason | 06:46 |
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drummer87 | Ribs: when i change to alsa, playing mp3s in rhythmbox says 'alsa in use by other application/process'.. any ideas? | 06:46 |
anethema | drummer87, is dmix setup ? | 06:46 |
Ribs | drummer87: Remember to kill off esd | 06:46 |
anethema | that too | 06:46 |
Ribs | drummer87: Go into preferences - > Sound | 06:46 |
drummer87 | what's dmix? | 06:46 |
Ribs | untick the sound server box thingy | 06:46 |
nate____ | ugh, setting up wep on my wap is annoying | 06:46 |
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Ribs | then close | 06:46 |
Ribs | that *should* do it | 06:46 |
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anethema | drummer87, do this | 06:47 |
doug | just tried that, it said it could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open | 06:47 |
anethema | http://ubuntuguide.org/#configuresoundproperly | 06:47 |
anethema | doug, that means you didnt close synaptic | 06:47 |
doug | and unable to lock the administraion directory | 06:47 |
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anethema | need to close synaptic | 06:47 |
anethema | then run that command | 06:47 |
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doug | k, it seems to be running now =) | 06:47 |
tritium | anethema, you need the -t hoary so that the verison in marillat's repo isn't installed | 06:47 |
Ribs | anethema: What do those steps fix exactly? | 06:47 |
anethema | oh | 06:47 |
anethema | ribs, just helps a LOT of sound bugs in ubuntu | 06:48 |
DanglyBits | is openoffice 2 beta available for ubuntu? If so how? | 06:48 |
Ribs | hrm | 06:48 |
anethema | specially with multiple sounds playing at the same time | 06:48 |
tritium | yes | 06:48 |
Ribs | anethema: I'm wondering why it isn't set that way automatically... | 06:48 |
tritium | DanglyBits, apt-cache search openoffice.org2, and you'll see the packages that are available | 06:48 |
anethema | why arent any of the million things in ubuntuguide done automatically | 06:48 |
Ribs | like, then Ubuntu installs... | 06:48 |
Burgundavia | DanglyBits, it is in the universe repo | 06:48 |
Ribs | anethema: A lot of it is due to Ubuntu being very strict about only using free software | 06:49 |
Burgundavia | anethema, most of them are crack, and don't work properly on some machine | 06:49 |
Ribs | and some is personal preference, I guess | 06:49 |
Ribs | but bug fixes... hrm | 06:49 |
anethema | no way | 06:49 |
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anethema | that shit works good on all the machiens ive tryed it on | 06:49 |
anethema | well thats only 4 haha | 06:49 |
tritium | anethema, some of it is crack | 06:49 |
Ribs | crack? | 06:49 |
anethema | like what ? | 06:49 |
Ribs | you mean it's a kludge? | 06:49 |
anethema | that fix sound stuff worked great for me and my buddy | 06:49 |
Burgundavia | crack = things that normal people should run away from | 06:49 |
tritium | anethema, like the way it installs software not under apt's package managemen | 06:49 |
tritium | t | 06:50 |
DanglyBits | tritium: apt-cache lists 3 files can i apt-get install them ? | 06:50 |
anethema | sometimes its the only way | 06:50 |
anethema | like for azureus | 06:50 |
anethema | hehe | 06:50 |
tritium | DanglyBits, there are more than that. | 06:50 |
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DanglyBits | tritium: apt-cache lists only 3 for me | 06:50 |
benz | tritium: after installing 686 and my graphics card drivers, everything runs MUCH better | 06:50 |
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shido6 | hell yeah, benz | 06:50 |
tritium | benz, nice | 06:51 |
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benz | now im going to begin the process of porting all of my old windows data and docs over... | 06:51 |
doug | k, it seems to have installed properly, now to see if i can figure out how to play something with it.... | 06:51 |
DanglyBits | tritium: openoffice.org2-common, openoffice.org2-debian-files, openoffice.org2-l10n-en-us | 06:51 |
tritium | DanglyBits, see my query | 06:52 |
tritium | anethema, I don't like the way ubuntuguide.org installs java, for example. It would be better if it used java-package to make a .deb package | 06:52 |
anethema | hmm | 06:54 |
dos000 | anyone can help me with mplayer ? i am getting crappy sound on just one dvd while videa is crystal clear ! | 06:56 |
doug | hehe, i would kill for some video right now...... crappy sound or no =) | 06:56 |
masterloki | hi there it seems like i have broken the updating tool | 06:56 |
doug | so i guess i'm no help! | 06:56 |
masterloki | each time i run it it says that there i'm updated | 06:57 |
anethema | tritium, would it wokr as good? | 06:57 |
dos000 | doug, in fact the sound is totally crappy ... its painful. its not like you can hear a thing it is all garbage coming out. | 06:57 |
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tritium | anethema, if you used java-package? yes, and as a benefit, it would be under package management | 06:57 |
anethema | hmm | 06:57 |
doug | well, i just installed mplayer, but when i tried to open a file with it, i got a blacked out area i think is the controls, and a light bluie screen that doesn't change, and i can't even close them =p | 06:58 |
anethema | do you know if there is a dpkg or something for nforce drivers? i really need mii-tool to work | 06:58 |
benz | hey is there a way i can change the file manager to NOT change the window size as i browse through folders | 06:59 |
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anethema | my network card seems stuck in half-duplex | 06:59 |
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Nalioth | doug i got that too when i installed mplayer | 06:59 |
doug | how'd you fix it? | 06:59 |
anethema | doug, make sure the sound system is alsa | 06:59 |
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dos000 | anethema, how you do that ? | 06:59 |
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anethema | open mplayer | 07:00 |
anethema | but | 07:00 |
anethema | not wiht a movie...just run gmplayer | 07:00 |
anethema | then..right clikc it..settings or whatever | 07:01 |
anethema | in audio | 07:01 |
benz | oh and whats the keyboard shortcut to change desktops | 07:01 |
anethema | ctrl-alt left/right | 07:01 |
osity | I have installed ubuntu on one drive but I have another in the machine....how do i partition it? | 07:01 |
osity | i would like to partition it the same | 07:01 |
benz | thanks | 07:01 |
doug | ok, i checked the audio, and it is Alsa | 07:02 |
tritium | osity, fdisk | 07:02 |
anethema | ctrl-alt-shift left/right to keep the currently selected window with you when you move the desktop over | 07:02 |
osity | i tried.... | 07:02 |
osity | no go | 07:02 |
anethema | could try gparted | 07:02 |
benz | osity: the best way to partition (in my opinion) is to get the systemrescue iso | 07:02 |
tritium | osity, you have to provide fdisk with the device name | 07:02 |
benz | that is the best | 07:02 |
benz | fdisk is destructive | 07:02 |
tritium | ? | 07:02 |
osity | like what? | 07:02 |
benz | look it up | 07:02 |
benz | hold on ill find a link | 07:02 |
tritium | osity, e.g., /dev/hdb | 07:02 |
osity | benz shush | 07:02 |
benz | thats how i got my windows xp partition resized | 07:03 |
Nalioth | osity, did qtparted install? | 07:03 |
osity | so fdisk /dev/hge | 07:03 |
osity | ? | 07:03 |
benz | oh wait i guess you guys arent talking bout windows my bad | 07:03 |
tritium | benz, fdisk doesn't resize partitions | 07:03 |
doug | wow! i'm getting really good at freezing mplayer windows.... | 07:03 |
IIIEars | osity - sudo -s fdisk_or_g/qtparted ? | 07:03 |
benz | nvm, i dont know what im talking aobut then | 07:03 |
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osity | IIIEars: can you tell me exactly what to write ...... | 07:04 |
osity | it looks like you wrote a few options.... | 07:04 |
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osity | that just confuese the hell outta me | 07:04 |
Nalioth | i must be on /ignore with osity | 07:04 |
osity | i dont use sudo ..BTW ...i activated root account | 07:05 |
sjohnson | hey dudes, my 100MBIT lan is going only about a meg a second when someone | 07:05 |
sjohnson | transfers a file over the lan | 07:05 |
sjohnson | how do i figure out if it's running at Half-Duplex or Full? | 07:05 |
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osity | Nalioth: why do you say that? | 07:05 |
sjohnson | (miitool will NOT work with my nForce2 onboard NIC) | 07:05 |
tritium | osity, fdisk /dev/hge, if that's really the device... | 07:05 |
tritium | osity, use sudo when you use fdisk | 07:05 |
IIIEars | sudo -s will give you a root interface - i haven't done any disk partitioning in ubuntu - knoppix - sorry. | 07:05 |
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benz | hey someone asked this earlier but i didnt read a response - will openoffice 2 beta work ? | 07:05 |
benz | on ubuntu | 07:05 |
Nalioth | osity did qtparted install? | 07:06 |
tritium | benz, yes, it works | 07:06 |
osity | Nalioth: no i wish it did.. | 07:06 |
osity | I AM root BTW | 07:06 |
benz | how can i force it to upgrade | 07:06 |
osity | do i still need that sudo stuff? | 07:06 |
tritium | benz, you have to install it manually, and it will co-exists with openoffice.org | 07:06 |
tritium | it won't update it | 07:07 |
Nalioth | osity you should really read about HD names in linux | 07:07 |
benz | ok | 07:07 |
torpid | this no-broadcast-flag thing is exceptionally good news. | 07:07 |
IIIEars | absolutely - sudo "super user do" | 07:07 |
benz | what was the command | 07:07 |
osity | I've been reading for hours... :( | 07:07 |
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IIIEars | lol - me too - still a good investment if it avoids yet another Redmond OS reinstall. - grin | 07:08 |
Nalioth | osity, just be sure you know what the drive is called that your are fdisking | 07:08 |
osity | it dont really matter its a fresh intstall... | 07:09 |
osity | the drive is called HGE | 07:09 |
tritium | osity, are you sure? | 07:09 |
osity | it says ya | 07:09 |
osity | it says unable to open /dev/hge | 07:10 |
IIIEars | "HGE" hm (shrug) | 07:10 |
tritium | osity, so if you dmesg | grep hge, it shows some hard drive info ? | 07:10 |
=== bodaciousb [~bodacious@id-cralid-cuda2a-68-238.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IIIEars | cool | 07:10 |
bodaciousb | all reformatted again... my 3rd time today =P | 07:10 |
osity | oooops HDG | 07:10 |
osity | :) | 07:10 |
osity | haha | 07:10 |
IIIEars | lol - been there | 07:10 |
tritium | bodaciousb, now don't go chmodding everything ;) | 07:10 |
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bodaciousb | =P | 07:10 |
bodaciousb | that was a bad idea.... but i had to know! and it still didnt work | 07:11 |
benz | sorry im bombarding you guys with noobish questions - in openoffice, how do i get rid of that huge space to the right of the document | 07:11 |
bodaciousb | in chmod 7 6 4 7 is owner 6 is group and 4 is others right? | 07:11 |
osity | ok ...it says that the number of cylynders is set to 24321...... | 07:11 |
tritium | bodaciousb, man chmod to be sure ;) | 07:12 |
osity | then it says command | 07:12 |
bodaciousb | i hate thoes man files.... google is better | 07:12 |
IIIEars | man is vague - good for a reminder no examples | 07:12 |
tritium | benz, I don't use it | 07:12 |
bodaciousb | examples is what i need =) | 07:13 |
=== jrshannon [~jrshannon@S0106000f3d5cf89d.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | bodaciousb, manpages often have examples, and they're how you learn | 07:13 |
nate____2 | oh crud | 07:13 |
nate____2 | somehow i messed up my wireless card on my laptop | 07:13 |
osity | tritium: what is it waiting for ? | 07:13 |
tritium | osity, for you to partition it now | 07:13 |
bodaciousb | google works most of the time...... and is much easier to understand | 07:13 |
bodaciousb | i reformat so much i customized an autmated post-install script =P | 07:14 |
osity | with what my ....my magic wand? | 07:14 |
bodaciousb | it installs my drivers and mount smy samba shares for me =P | 07:14 |
osity | POOF! | 07:14 |
dos000 | how do i know who is using my sound device ? | 07:14 |
tritium | osity, sounds like you need to learn how to use fdisk | 07:14 |
=== JDahl [~qwerty@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2m1-135.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
osity | i know Fdisk really well in windows partitions | 07:15 |
osity | it says command: | 07:15 |
osity | what am i supposed to plug in ther? | 07:15 |
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IIIEars | osity - "knoppix" Psst, ya didn't hear me say that | 07:15 |
osity | i typed in "partition my fukn drive" and it didn't work..... | 07:15 |
tritium | osity, we can't hold your hand through every single step | 07:15 |
Nalioth | osity i'd help you but i'm on a PPC machine and fdisk is different for me | 07:16 |
osity | :) | 07:16 |
osity | what's PPC? | 07:16 |
IIIEars | Mac | 07:16 |
bodaciousb | ok this time im not going to touch user/groups... thats where i went wrong last time | 07:16 |
tritium | bodaciousb, you really shouln't need that either | 07:16 |
IIIEars | (drools and wipes chin) | 07:16 |
osity | ah ...this Fdisk is different then the one I use everyday of my life ...so i dont knwo it... | 07:16 |
osity | I partition drives every single day ....but its fat and NTFS | 07:17 |
Nalioth | osity which is why i keep saying qtparted (its graphical) | 07:17 |
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osity | can install that ..... | 07:17 |
osity | can you walk me through the install of Qparted? | 07:17 |
osity | Can't | 07:17 |
tritium | bodaciousb, what's the point of the games group? | 07:17 |
Nalioth | osity "sudo apt-get install qtparted" <enter> | 07:18 |
bodaciousb | tritium, i have no idea... some guy in here said i can add that group to my user and he can use quake3 withought chmod 777 | 07:18 |
IIIEars | qtparted - Yay! partition magic without bloated menus and a ridiculous reg code | 07:18 |
tritium | bodaciousb, odd | 07:18 |
bodaciousb | tritium, im just going to chown everything that needs chmodding | 07:19 |
tritium | bodaciousb, nothing does on a fresh install | 07:19 |
bodaciousb | tritium, nothing does what? | 07:19 |
osity | Nalioth: couldn't fing package qtparted | 07:19 |
osity | *find | 07:19 |
tritium | bodaciousb, need chmodding | 07:19 |
tritium | osity, its in universe | 07:20 |
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osity | hopefully this universe....... | 07:20 |
osity | what the hell does that mean? | 07:20 |
bodaciousb | tritium, the first thing i do is run my custom little script thing, that installs drivers and packages i want.... then i install q3a... and Normally, i mkdir, then chmod to 777 before installing... and it works everytime | 07:20 |
bodaciousb | tritium, last time i added the group games, and left the chmod alone... and that messed me up | 07:21 |
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Nalioth | osity google the ubuntu websire for "restricted formats" and add the repos like it says | 07:21 |
IIIEars | erm - i haven't had any luck with qtparted in ubuntu - write permission troubles. - likely my fault. | 07:21 |
tritium | osity, http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories | 07:21 |
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tritium | osity, try to avoid words like that when people are helping you | 07:22 |
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osity | tritium: words like what? | 07:22 |
IIIEars | osity - relax - you will have a running Ubuntu system. | 07:22 |
bodaciousb | wow... i just noticed... files can have a home group? | 07:23 |
osity | im gonna blow! | 07:23 |
osity | :) | 07:23 |
osity | IIIEars: my sys is running .... | 07:23 |
Predius | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 07:23 |
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osity | do do i type in that command? | 07:24 |
osity | sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list_backup | 07:24 |
IIIEars | osity - disaster preparedness with a good stored backup? | 07:24 |
lampshade | I just installed enlightenment, but does anyone know how to make it appear on the list of sessions? I can only choose things like Gnome and terminal, that sort of stuff. I thought Ubuntu would have nailed it since the last time I did this with Debian it was added right to the choices. | 07:25 |
osity | ya...that part is missing | 07:25 |
benz | there has GOT to be a better pdf viewer than Xpdf | 07:25 |
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tritium | benz, you can get acrobat reader | 07:25 |
desplesda_ | benz: try evince | 07:25 |
benz | evince | 07:25 |
osity | what is a repository? | 07:25 |
osity | it sounds dirty | 07:26 |
desplesda_ | a repository is a collection of packages | 07:26 |
IIIEars | laugh and think me a fool or keep my mouth closed and explode aw hell - LOL | 07:26 |
JDahl | benz, you could try kpdf... some people like that | 07:26 |
Nalioth | lampshade, go to /usr/share/xsessions and monkey see monkey do | 07:27 |
osity | thanks | 07:27 |
Nalioth | benz gpdf and kpdf | 07:27 |
tritium | gpdf isn't that great yet | 07:27 |
osity | tritium: what am i supposed to do with that link? | 07:27 |
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benz | ok lemme check out evince | 07:28 |
tritium | osity, you asked me "what the hell" universe is. That's your answer. Adding the universe repository will allow you to install qtparted | 07:28 |
osity | ah .... | 07:28 |
benz | ok you will have to bear with me here | 07:28 |
osity | thank you sir! | 07:28 |
benz | i actually dont know how to install stuff in linux | 07:28 |
osity | apt-get install .....seems to do it | 07:29 |
benz | i got here | 07:29 |
benz | http://live.gnome.org/Evince/Downloads | 07:29 |
tritium | benz, have you picked one you'd like to install? | 07:29 |
JDahl | benz, gpdf is OK if you just need to view simple pdfs (e.g., latex docs), but there's no search etc. in documents | 07:29 |
benz | im thinking evince will work | 07:29 |
benz | so what do i do now | 07:29 |
desplesda_ | benz, run apt-get install evince | 07:29 |
tritium | benz, sudo aptitude install evince (or sudo apt-get install evince) | 07:30 |
benz | ok | 07:30 |
benz | i understand that | 07:30 |
benz | that works fine | 07:30 |
tritium | benz, there's also synaptic, if you prefer a gui | 07:30 |
benz | but say i find some package online thats not in the "universe" or whatever | 07:30 |
benz | do i download and then what | 07:30 |
desplesda_ | then you can use dpkg | 07:30 |
=== bodaciousb [~bodacious@id-cralid-cuda2a-68-238.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | (if it's a .deb) | 07:30 |
desplesda_ | sudo dpkg -i package_name.0.0.1.deb | 07:30 |
bodaciousb | so i dont have to reset my pc... whats the command to stop the x server? | 07:30 |
tritium | sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 07:31 |
bodaciousb | thanks =) | 07:31 |
IIIEars | dpkg -i great_app-1.0.0.deb no? | 07:31 |
desplesda_ | you should also do ctrl-alt-backspace after that bodaciousb | 07:31 |
desplesda_ | heh | 07:31 |
tritium | benz, but always double-check for the package by searching either in synaptic, or with apt-cache search <searchterm> | 07:31 |
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benz | ok thats good to know | 07:32 |
benz | now how do i make evince the default viewer for pdfs? | 07:32 |
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La_PaRCa | benz, right click on a pdf, open with, select evince | 07:32 |
La_PaRCa | after that right click again, properties | 07:33 |
osity | tritium: gedit command was not found any idea why | 07:33 |
La_PaRCa | benz, open with tab, and select evince as default | 07:33 |
tritium | osity: you should have it | 07:33 |
benz | figured that one out | 07:33 |
bodaciousb | tritium, my stupid quake3 problem is gon now =P | 07:33 |
benz | but guess what | 07:33 |
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tritium | bodaciousb: what did you do? | 07:33 |
benz | it sucks....no facing pages | 07:34 |
hurm | i need help | 07:34 |
osity | tritium: gedit command was not found.....that's what it says | 07:34 |
bodaciousb | tritium, clean install.. | 07:34 |
hurm | i`m new in here... | 07:34 |
IIIEars | bodacious - great! - how did you fix it? | 07:34 |
La_PaRCa | benz, do you have universe enabled? | 07:34 |
benz | yes | 07:34 |
tritium | benz: you can always get acroread, if you want it | 07:34 |
osity | ok that's about 5 hours, trying to install raid1..... | 07:34 |
benz | should i try kpdf | 07:34 |
tritium | Marillat even has 7.0 | 07:34 |
La_PaRCa | benz, get acroread | 07:34 |
osity | im out.....thank you all for all you help ..I'll try another day! | 07:35 |
bodaciousb | tritium, but i didnt have to..... see after i did the "sudo chmod -R /" someone said the config file is in the home directry, and its permissions were 644, and now, by default there 755, which works great | 07:35 |
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benz | ok | 07:35 |
IIIEars | hurm - Welcome! dive right in with any questions you may have. (we don't bite) | 07:35 |
tritium | osity: you should have gedit, as ubuntu-desktop depends on it | 07:35 |
hurm | anyone can help me.?? | 07:35 |
osity | what desktop ...im in server install | 07:35 |
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tritium | bodaciousb: you shouldn't have done that | 07:35 |
hurm | i`m want to ask about ubuntu | 07:35 |
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bodaciousb | tritium, i know... but i was gonna reformat anyway | 07:35 |
hurm | herm | 07:36 |
tritium | bodaciousb: what permissions did you give with that? | 07:36 |
hurm | y people in here igonring me.. | 07:36 |
hurm | grr | 07:36 |
desplesda_ | hurm, you havent asked a question yet | 07:36 |
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hurm | okay.. | 07:36 |
tritium | hurm: IIIEars told you to go ahead and ask | 07:36 |
bodaciousb | tritium, takes me 20 minutes... my script does all the post-install stuff for me | 07:36 |
hurm | does ubuntu support cad..? | 07:36 |
tritium | you're always welcome to sak | 07:36 |
bodaciousb | tritium, withe the chmod on root? 777 | 07:36 |
=== tbasten [~tbasten@CPE-143-238-116-45.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hurm | i mean auto cad.. | 07:36 |
desplesda_ | cad being computer aided design? | 07:36 |
tbasten | hey everyone | 07:37 |
hurm | yeap | 07:37 |
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hurm | auto cad.. | 07:37 |
tritium | hurm: there's at least one I'm aware of: qcad | 07:37 |
benz | "ackage acroread is not available, but is referred to by another package." | 07:37 |
Nalioth | tbasten, dropped by the cat | 07:37 |
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tbasten | lol | 07:37 |
tritium | bodaciousb: that is such a bad idea, it's not even funny | 07:37 |
tbasten | Nalioth, sup man\ | 07:37 |
hurm | tritium : ?? | 07:37 |
tbasten | Does anyone know if it is possible to install .sit (mac) programs in linux? | 07:37 |
tritium | hurm: there is a CAD package called qcad | 07:37 |
La_PaRCa | benz, add marillat to your repos | 07:37 |
bodaciousb | tritium, mondayish when i was learning file permissions, i was trying it the rwxrwxrwx way... somehow i messed it up, and all of the suddon icons on the desktop started x'ing out.. it was cool | 07:37 |
hurm | tritium : where can i find it..? | 07:38 |
desplesda_ | hurm: i see a couple of packages that might suit your needs | 07:38 |
Nalioth | tbasten, the usual, in here discussing life, the universe and the multiverse | 07:38 |
hurm | tritium : where can i find it..? | 07:38 |
desplesda_ | pythoncad | 07:38 |
desplesda_ | varkon | 07:38 |
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hurm | tritium : does it free or need to pay 4 dat stuff..? | 07:38 |
tritium | benz: there is a 5.04 version of acroread in multiverse | 07:38 |
tbasten | Nalioth, lol | 07:38 |
tritium | hurm: free | 07:38 |
hurm | okay.. | 07:38 |
hurm | thanks. | 07:38 |
hurm | erm | 07:38 |
Nalioth | hurm 99.9% of linux stuff is free | 07:38 |
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benz | strange | 07:38 |
hurm | 1 more thing | 07:38 |
tritium | hurm: it's in the universe repository | 07:38 |
hurm | owh | 07:38 |
bodaciousb | yeah everything in linux is free. execpt stupid cedega | 07:38 |
=== thechitowncubs [~thechitow@c-67-175-52-127.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hurm | i c.. | 07:38 |
tbasten | lol | 07:39 |
hurm | i`m new in linux.. | 07:39 |
La_PaRCa | in theory, my update from warty to hoeary should go without a hitch, right? | 07:39 |
hurm | i`m using da fucking windows | 07:39 |
hurm | hehe | 07:39 |
Nalioth | La_PaRCa, yes in theory | 07:39 |
bodaciousb | ubuntu got me off windows in a week | 07:39 |
bodaciousb | i only use windows for steam now | 07:39 |
hurm | owh..? | 07:39 |
tbasten | hurm, mate your bestfriend is google when it comes to finding stuff out | 07:39 |
La_PaRCa | Nalioth, yet, there is something not so assuring about the term "in theory" | 07:39 |
hurm | what is the main browser 4 ubuntu..? | 07:39 |
Nalioth | La_PaRCa, you said it first | 07:39 |
tbasten | http://linuxdoc.org is helpfor | 07:39 |
hurm | does it support opera.? | 07:39 |
benz | tritium: its still not finding....do i need to edit that file again | 07:39 |
tritium | bodaciousb: really, I hope you reinstall, and don't chmod every file on your system | 07:40 |
bodaciousb | and linux is my primary OS... it get the special 160gig drive, windows gets 40 hehe | 07:40 |
Nalioth | La_PaRCa, my upgrade from warty to hoary went w/o a hitch | 07:40 |
thechitowncubs | What would I have to put in my shell script to make it execute a command as root? just sudo <command> ? | 07:40 |
hurm | does it support opera.? | 07:40 |
bodaciousb | tritium, i did... everything is normal again | 07:40 |
tbasten | "In theory" communism work | 07:40 |
tritium | benz: you need to add multiverse repo, then sudo apt-get update, then install it | 07:40 |
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desplesda_ | hurm, yes, i think there is a package available | 07:40 |
JDahl | hurm, opera has a linux version, yes | 07:40 |
tritium | bodaciousb: I thought you did it again | 07:40 |
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Nalioth | hurm, yes | 07:40 |
hurm | okay | 07:40 |
benz | how do i add the multiverse repo | 07:40 |
La_PaRCa | I've been meaning to update, but I have so much customization going on that I feel kinda bleh | 07:40 |
hurm | thanks.. | 07:40 |
hurm | herm.. | 07:40 |
ubuntu | hello all | 07:40 |
bodaciousb | tritium, but you should have seen it earlier... i somehow banned myself off every file in the system.... | 07:40 |
hurm | when i`m downloding ubuntu | 07:40 |
bodaciousb | icons wouldnt load, it was great | 07:41 |
tbasten | Does anyone know if it is possible to install .sit files on linux (mac install files) | 07:41 |
Nalioth | La_PaRCa, if your system is working for you, why update? | 07:41 |
benz | tritium: got it | 07:41 |
ubuntu | ive got my ubuntu running for the first time... | 07:41 |
tritium | bodaciousb: don't be doing that | 07:41 |
tritium | benz: good | 07:41 |
hurm | what did the format of the fail come in into my pc.? | 07:41 |
hurm | is it iso..? | 07:41 |
Nalioth | tbasten, i've not found any unpacker for .sit files | 07:41 |
ubuntu | ubuntu rocks | 07:41 |
=== tritium goes to bed...Good night, everyone. | ||
bodaciousb | tritium, i wont =), to be truthful i dont know how it happend... but im only using chmod in numerical form after that | 07:41 |
=== tbasten crys | ||
La_PaRCa | Nalioth, cuz they closed hoary backport and theres some stuff there I want | 07:41 |
Nalioth | tbasten, you have to have a mac around to unpack the contents of the sit | 07:41 |
JDahl | hurm, can you please use fewer line breaks? your questions are hard to read | 07:41 |
tritium | bodaciousb: don't use it at all on system files | 07:41 |
bodaciousb | tritium, on games and stuff you have to | 07:42 |
tritium | bodaciousb: no, you don't | 07:42 |
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bodaciousb | tritium, how? | 07:42 |
bodaciousb | chown everything? | 07:42 |
tritium | bodaciousb: absolutely not | 07:42 |
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tbasten | Nalioth, .sits are equivilent to debs, there like self extracting | 07:42 |
bodaciousb | hhe | 07:42 |
tritium | do nothing | 07:42 |
Nalioth | tbasten, not all of them | 07:42 |
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Nalioth | tbasten, i have 2 macs | 07:43 |
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tritium | bodaciousb: I'm going to bed now... | 07:43 |
bodaciousb | well i couldnt copy pak0.pk3 off of my quake3 cd to /usr/local/games/quake3/baseq3 under 755 permissions | 07:43 |
bodaciousb | i had to temp make it 777 | 07:43 |
tritium | bodaciousb: you should have used sudo to copy it | 07:43 |
bodaciousb | i could have, but i didnt want to type it all out, i wanted to use nautilius | 07:44 |
tritium | oh brother | 07:44 |
bodaciousb | =P | 07:44 |
IIIEars | lol | 07:44 |
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tbasten | Nalioth. :( thought i know something but it looks like that went down the drain :P | 07:44 |
hurm | where can i find qcad..?? | 07:44 |
benz | tritium: do i have to reboot after the install? it's not opening up adobe acrobat | 07:44 |
hurm | where can i find qcad..?? | 07:44 |
benz | the icon is blank | 07:44 |
hurm | tritium : where can i find qcad..? | 07:45 |
thechitowncubs | isn't there a keyboard shortcut for nautilus to make it so i have root permissions? | 07:45 |
JDahl | benz, you never have to reboot (unless you install a new kernel) | 07:45 |
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desplesda | hurm, sudo apt-get install qcad | 07:45 |
benz | i cannot open acrobat reader | 07:45 |
ubuntu | is there an xmms for ubuntu? | 07:45 |
benz | no error messages, nothing | 07:45 |
La_PaRCa | benz, why not? | 07:45 |
ubuntu | i cant play stream from shoutcast.com | 07:45 |
benz | no idea | 07:46 |
hurm | tritium : where can i find qcad..? | 07:46 |
bodaciousb | Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install xmms | 07:46 |
JDahl | benz, what package did you install? | 07:46 |
hurm | tritium : where can i find the auto cad 4 cad..? | 07:46 |
desplesda | hurm: run sudo apt-get install qcad | 07:46 |
benz | acroread | 07:46 |
ubuntu | ill try | 07:46 |
=== tritium hears the beeping of messages after he went to bed... | ||
benz | from the multiverse | 07:46 |
IIIEars | ubuntu yes - try synaptic the package installer | 07:46 |
desplesda | that will install it for you | 07:46 |
thechitowncubs | Is there one? | 07:46 |
JDahl | benz, try "dpkg -L acroread", that will list all files installed with that package | 07:46 |
bodaciousb | ubuntu, after running that command, it will be under applications in sound & video | 07:47 |
Nalioth | tbasten, sit is the compressed format of mac os9 and previous | 07:47 |
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benz | yeah it listed a lot | 07:47 |
Nalioth | tbasten, some of them (.sitx) are self extracting (on a mac) | 07:47 |
ubuntu | where is installed? on my Hard disk? | 07:47 |
thechitowncubs | Is there a way to switch to root user in nautilus? | 07:47 |
IIIEars | don't miss "streamtuner" in universe while you are there. it records 'net radio to mp3s for your ipod :) | 07:47 |
JDahl | benz. so presumably there's a /usr/bin/acroead or something? and you cannot execute that? | 07:47 |
La_PaRCa | benz try dpkg -L acroread | grep bin | 07:47 |
bodaciousb | ubuntu, ya know, i have no idea, but yeah its installed on your machine somewhere =P | 07:47 |
Nalioth | tbasten, osx opens damn near every compressed file format there is | 07:48 |
thechitowncubs | Can I break in this convo for a sec? | 07:48 |
da_bon_bon | when i use hibernate in ubuntu, does it lock the swap so that other distros cant use it ? | 07:48 |
hurm | tritium : where can i find the auto cad 4 cad..? | 07:48 |
da_bon_bon | thechitowncubs: u already broke into it | 07:48 |
benz | there are about 4 things that came up | 07:48 |
hurm | tritium : where can i find the auto cad 4 ubuntu? | 07:48 |
benz | theres no /usr/bin/acroread anywhere | 07:48 |
La_PaRCa | benz, which files where listed? | 07:48 |
wbeck85 | when configuring a kernel, Does selecting "Opteron/Athlon64/Hammer/K8" in the "Processor Family" subheading configure the thing to be a 64 bit kernel? would it run on a 32 bit install of Ubuntu? | 07:48 |
tritium | hurm: I'm trying to go to bed here ;) | 07:49 |
benz | just /usr/lib/Acrobat5/.... | 07:49 |
bodaciousb | ubuntu, you get it working? | 07:49 |
tritium | hurm: dpkg -L qcad to find where the binary is located (likely to be /usr/bin/qcad) -- type "qcad" at the command line | 07:49 |
ubuntu | still intstaling..unpacking... | 07:49 |
tbasten | Nalioth, so there isnt any unpacker for sit files :'( | 07:49 |
La_PaRCa | benz, send me the four files in a priv msg | 07:49 |
bodaciousb | ubuntu, ahh =) | 07:49 |
Nalioth | not that i've found for linux | 07:49 |
ubuntu | wow its there.. | 07:50 |
ubuntu | thanks | 07:50 |
Nalioth | tbasten, and most times, the contents are mac-only anyway | 07:50 |
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hurm | tritium : sory 4 disturbing | 07:50 |
bodaciousb | i sometimes forget, not everyone has brodband | 07:50 |
ubuntu | is the command u gave me, is the procedure to install packages? | 07:50 |
hurm | tritium : i`m really2 | 07:50 |
JDahl | benz, try installing acroread-debian-files | 07:50 |
hurm | tritium : dont know | 07:50 |
bodaciousb | ubuntu, yes... theres a couple of them like that | 07:50 |
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bodaciousb | ubuntu, sudo apt-get remove xmms | 07:51 |
hurm | <tritium> hurm: dpkg -L qcad to find where the binary is located (likely to be /usr/bin/qcad) -- type "qcad" at the command line | 07:51 |
hurm | can anyone | 07:51 |
hurm | explain to me.. | 07:51 |
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bodaciousb | sudo apt-cache search xmms | 07:51 |
hurm | what is he trying to say..? | 07:51 |
ubuntu | what does that mean? sudo apt-cache search xmms | 07:51 |
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tbasten | xmms seems to be broken on mine, ever since install | 07:51 |
bodaciousb | ubuntu, sudo is superuser do, its jsut like beeing a root console... if you are in root you can froget the sudo | 07:52 |
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desplesda | ubuntu, it means that it searches the list of packages for 'xmms' | 07:52 |
benz | JDahl: i actually installed acroread through synaptics | 07:52 |
ubuntu | ok.. | 07:52 |
benz | so it automatically installed that part as well | 07:52 |
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ubuntu | does it mean..like im root do this command etc...? | 07:52 |
bodaciousb | ubuntu, apt is a program, that totally kicks ass | 07:52 |
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bodaciousb | ubuntu, yes | 07:52 |
=== tbasten is to sexy for this room, so sexy for this room, to sexy...... | ||
La_PaRCa | bodaciousb, amen | 07:52 |
ubuntu | what does apt mean? | 07:52 |
bodaciousb | ubuntu, dont know =) | 07:53 |
hurm | hey | 07:53 |
desplesda | apt packaging tool? | 07:53 |
hurm | who can help | 07:53 |
hurm | me | 07:53 |
desplesda | a packaging tool? | 07:53 |
desplesda | :D | 07:53 |
hurm | with auto cad. | 07:53 |
bodaciousb | ubuntu, ive been on linux for a week now | 07:53 |
Nalioth | ok, good night | 07:53 |
hurm | for linux.? | 07:53 |
ubuntu | oic.. | 07:53 |
desplesda | hurm, what's your problem | 07:53 |
tbasten | theres autocad for linux :O | 07:53 |
tritium | benz: if you grabbed the version from multiverse, double-check that you don't have this problem: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AcrobatHowTo | 07:53 |
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=== tbasten crys | ||
tritium | hurm: i'm back for a few minutes. What's up? | 07:54 |
JDahl | benz, does "dpkg -L acroread-debian-files" show a "/usr/bin/acroead"? (at least searching for /usr/bin/acroead points to acroread-debian-files) | 07:54 |
ubuntu | no sound!!! | 07:54 |
hurm | tritium : where can i find the qcad | 07:54 |
bodaciousb | ubuntu, check out ubuntuguide.org especially the repositories section to get more out of apt | 07:55 |
hurm | tritium : does | 07:55 |
bodaciousb | ubuntu, what sound card | 07:55 |
JDahl | hurm, did you install any packages yet? | 07:55 |
hurm | tritium : does the qcad already exist in ubuntu..? | 07:55 |
tritium | benz, I think you need to see that URL for a fix | 07:55 |
hurm | JDahl : nope | 07:55 |
tritium | hurm, yes, | 07:55 |
ubuntu | i dont hear anythin | 07:55 |
benz | oh ok | 07:55 |
bodaciousb | ubuntu, audigy card? | 07:55 |
tritium | hurm, it's in universe | 07:55 |
ubuntu | but my other player a while ago is working.. | 07:55 |
ubuntu | not familiar with my audio card | 07:56 |
hurm | get serious plz | 07:56 |
tritium | hurm, I am most serious | 07:56 |
JDahl | hurm, then you dont have it installed, and you need to install the package using the tool of your choice (apt-get, synaptic...) | 07:56 |
bodaciousb | ubuntu,, hmm try this: open a new console and type alsamixer | 07:56 |
tritium | JDahl, sounds like he hasn't enabled universe yet | 07:56 |
ubuntu | now whats next? | 07:56 |
hurm | herm | 07:56 |
tritium | hurm, see here for how to enable universe: http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories | 07:57 |
bodaciousb | ubuntu, that will open a confusing looking black screen, hit the right arrow key about 188 times | 07:57 |
hurm | k | 07:57 |
bodaciousb | ubuntu, 18 times | 07:57 |
helio1 | ok I've been reading up on this for a bit and am unclear: is it true that the vast majority of WIFI cards people have gotten to work with linux are 802.11b? | 07:57 |
tritium | hurm, once you do that, "sudo aptitude update", and then "sudo aptitude install qcad" from the command line | 07:57 |
bodaciousb | ubuntu, hehehe sorry, that should land you on "audigy analog/digital output jack" | 07:57 |
hurm | hey | 07:57 |
hurm | i`m using broandband.. | 07:58 |
hurm | does | 07:58 |
hurm | ubuntu support it..? | 07:58 |
tritium | sure | 07:58 |
hurm | herm.. | 07:58 |
ubuntu | where can i find that | 07:58 |
hurm | herm | 07:58 |
bodaciousb | ubuntu, are you in alsamixer? | 07:58 |
ubuntu | yes | 07:58 |
helio1 | I'm trying to see if my brand new card is recoginized by my machine (it's a smc2835 as shown on http://tinyurl.com/d62xr in the wifi wiki. It's unclear to be whether it's V2 or not | 07:58 |
ubuntu | it says,, card intel ICH5, chip analog devices...etc | 07:58 |
tritium | hurm, are you following that guide? | 07:58 |
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bodaciousb | ubuntu, in alsa mixer there 4 things, card, chip, view, and item | 07:59 |
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helio1 | after you install a wifi card driver do you need to reboot? | 07:59 |
thechitowncubs | how do i make a command execute in the terminal? | 07:59 |
ubuntu | yes... | 07:59 |
bodaciousb | ubuntu, hmm you may not have that option then | 07:59 |
thechitowncubs | gnome-terminal -e "<command>" ? | 07:59 |
ubuntu | i mean there is also view:playback item:aux(off) | 07:59 |
=== gdub [~gdub@d207-81-76-176.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hurm | Unofficial Ubuntu Add-On CD | 07:59 |
hurm | herm..>????? | 07:59 |
hurm | i`m need auto cad | 08:00 |
La_PaRCa | I guess benz fixed his problem | 08:00 |
hurm | i`m need auto cad | 08:00 |
hurm | no add on cd.. | 08:00 |
bodaciousb | ubuntu, i really have no idea if its not an audigy sound card... im looking online for you | 08:00 |
hurm | can anyone | 08:00 |
tritium | hurm, did you enable the universe repository yet? | 08:00 |
hurm | help me with suse linux.? | 08:00 |
La_PaRCa | hurm -> tried installing qcad? | 08:00 |
hurm | yeah | 08:00 |
tritium | La_PaRCa, that's what I told him to do. He still needs to enable universe first | 08:01 |
tritium | hurm, okay, did you run the commands I told you? | 08:01 |
ubuntu | when i play on Music Player, the Virgin Radio Classic rock..it does play | 08:01 |
hurm | no | 08:01 |
ubuntu | so is my xmms not working? | 08:01 |
tritium | why not? | 08:01 |
hurm | i`m using windows right now.. | 08:01 |
hurm | herm | 08:01 |
hurm | alalal | 08:01 |
JDahl | hurm, please cut down on the line breaks... you're flooding the channel (I for one is running xchat in a small window) | 08:01 |
tritium | hurm, you'll have to do that on your ubuntu system | 08:01 |
hurm | k | 08:02 |
bodaciousb | ubuntu, oh its xmms's settings then | 08:02 |
ubuntu | my xmms hangs when i close it | 08:02 |
hurm | i think ubuntu is hard to use lol | 08:02 |
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ubuntu | howto configure settings | 08:02 |
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merriam | ubuntu: try the esd output plugin. | 08:02 |
merriam | eSound | 08:02 |
bodaciousb | ubuntu, on xmms hit crtl+p and look at the output plugin section | 08:03 |
ubuntu | it says OSS driver | 08:03 |
bodaciousb | ubuntu, thats it... try the others, especially esound and alsa | 08:03 |
ubuntu | ok.wait.. | 08:03 |
ubuntu | yeah..it works.. | 08:04 |
ubuntu | i chose eSound.. | 08:04 |
ubuntu | thanks everybody.. | 08:04 |
bodaciousb | ubuntu, ahh good =) | 08:04 |
merriam | Now try seeking. esd sucks :) | 08:04 |
ubuntu | anyway..im from the philippines..i ordered cd, how long will it take? | 08:05 |
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merriam | months | 08:05 |
bodaciousb | download and burn it | 08:05 |
ubuntu | ic..yes.actually im running from i just downloaded and burned | 08:06 |
ubuntu | i kndda love it.. | 08:06 |
bodaciousb | ubuntu, i foung ubuntu is the best, for a totall linux newb like myself | 08:06 |
merriam | It's very good, but sound and usb only half work. | 08:06 |
ubuntu | oic.. | 08:07 |
bodaciousb | sound is great for me.... expet on initial install i have to edit alsamixer | 08:07 |
tritium | ubuntu, Mabuhay | 08:07 |
bodaciousb | but i can run u22k3 with hardware audi and EAX jsut fine | 08:07 |
ubuntu | Mabuhay..hey tritium--filipino? | 08:07 |
tritium | ubuntu, no, but my wife is | 08:08 |
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ubuntu | oic..Mabuhay ang Ubuntu... | 08:08 |
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tritium | ubuntu, :-) | 08:08 |
bodaciousb | anyone think i should even try to install doom 3 with my ati drivers? | 08:10 |
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ubuntu | have to go for a while | 08:14 |
ubuntu | thanks everybody... | 08:14 |
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ubuntu | UBUNTU Rules!!! | 08:14 |
helio1 | How can I tell if my laptop has recognized the wifi card? (I don't have wifi signal anywhere nearby) | 08:15 |
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merriam | can't just get an ap? | 08:16 |
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helio1 | merriam: what's an ap? | 08:16 |
squareff | is it possible to add some more files to an iso before burning it? | 08:17 |
merriam | access point | 08:17 |
merriam | You will presumably soon want one. | 08:17 |
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merriam | squareff: not very easily | 08:18 |
helio1 | merriam: yeah, that's a later purchase; I didn't want to break the bank if I can't get a wifi card working on the laptop first :-P | 08:18 |
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squareff | merriam: do you have any idea which application i could use for that? | 08:18 |
sig | dd | 08:18 |
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merriam | helio1: I did this. http://technophobe.net/Acer_TravelMate_2304WLMi_notes_Linux.html#wlan | 08:19 |
squareff | sig: was that an answer to my question? dd is such an application? (or am i kidding?) :) | 08:19 |
sig | yes | 08:20 |
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squareff | aha. thank you. | 08:20 |
hurm | can someone | 08:20 |
hurm | show me.. | 08:20 |
hurm | how does ubuntu looks like.. | 08:20 |
helio1 | merriam I see you went with ndiswrapper; what I saw implied I wouldn't need to do that, but I can; if I'm successful, then it should show up if I type "ifconfig" correct? | 08:20 |
helio1 | hurm: google ubuntu+screenshot | 08:21 |
merriam | squareff: Some clues are here. http://www.alextreme.org/phpwiki/index.php/MorphixScripts | 08:22 |
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hurm | herm | 08:22 |
sig | hurm: sure | 08:23 |
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squareff | thank you, merriam | 08:23 |
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sig | http://harrisplace.net/screenshots/files | 08:23 |
sig | http://harrisplace.net/screenshots/index.php?dir=Ubuntu-Screenshots/&AutoIndex=cfa4e5704042740e4071901d7920f199 | 08:23 |
sig | ok that link | 08:23 |
sig | not the first one | 08:23 |
merriam | helio1: I think you have to try to bring up the if. | 08:23 |
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helio1 | merriam: sudo ifconfig wlan up or something? | 08:24 |
=== sig sleep & | ||
merriam | I haven't tried it without an ap. they're everywhere... | 08:24 |
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merriam | helio1: I'm sure only about what I tried. | 08:25 |
helio1 | merriam: everywhere? you must live in a city instead of a sleepy farmtown | 08:25 |
whiteknight | helio1, what are you trying to bring up? wlan0? | 08:25 |
merriam | whiteknight: He's trying to fail to bring it up. | 08:25 |
helio1 | whiteknight: yes thanks; I'm just trying to assess what the steps are based on umpteen versions on the web | 08:25 |
whiteknight | still slightly confused, is this a wireless card? | 08:26 |
helio1 | I can see the cardbus in the device manager, and I loaded the drivers via synaptic; yes | 08:26 |
whiteknight | does it appear when you type iwconfig? | 08:27 |
nuxleuz | thanks sig | 08:27 |
helio1 | pcmcia 802.11g v2 smc2835w as listed in the wiki here: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards testing now | 08:28 |
helio1 | no whiteknight it says no wireless extensions a few times and eth1 says NOT READY! but gives a bunch of stats which may mean it could work if I had signal right? | 08:29 |
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whiteknight | helio1, no, cause it doesn't need a signal, so it would appear | 08:30 |
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merriam | You'll want an access point anyway. | 08:30 |
whiteknight | you don't need to be near an access point | 08:30 |
whiteknight | it will still show all the settings | 08:30 |
=== BrettMeister [~brett@adsl-70-240-48-241.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
helio1 | whiteknight: http://pastebin.ca/11159 that's what it said | 08:31 |
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whiteknight | oh okay | 08:32 |
whiteknight | try ifwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc | 08:32 |
whiteknight | and see if it becomes ready | 08:32 |
BrettMeister | Does Kubuntu perform faster and cleaner than Ubuntu with the whole Kubuntu package added? | 08:32 |
whiteknight | then check dmesg and look to see if when the driver loads there are errors | 08:32 |
helio1 | BrettMeister: you know there's a #kubuntu channel right? | 08:32 |
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BrettMeister | helio1: I wanted some perspective from your standpoint; but, sure I could go there, too. | 08:33 |
bosewicht | i think kubuntu doesn't install gnome so the only diff would be btwn gnome and kde not ubuntu and kbuntu | 08:34 |
helio1 | whiteknight: dmesg | grep prism: Loaded prism43 driver version 1.2 your card/socket may be faulty, or IRQ line too busy :( | 08:34 |
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nuxleuz | herm | 08:34 |
nuxleuz | hey | 08:34 |
nuxleuz | is there any msn messanger | 08:34 |
nuxleuz | or messanger | 08:34 |
bosewicht | gaim | 08:34 |
nuxleuz | for ubuntu..? | 08:34 |
bosewicht | kopete | 08:35 |
bosewicht | either will work | 08:35 |
nuxleuz | yahoo messanger or something like that | 08:35 |
orathon | hey guys | 08:35 |
=== poningru [~Poningru@pool-71-101-1-118.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bodaciousb | nuxleuz, gaim does it all | 08:35 |
merriam | irc works too... | 08:35 |
nuxleuz | gaim..? | 08:35 |
nuxleuz | gaim..? | 08:35 |
bosewicht | gaim | 08:35 |
bosewicht | kopete | 08:35 |
bosewicht | either will work | 08:35 |
Skipp_OSX | gaim.sf.net | 08:35 |
helio1 | BrettMeister: I was just making sure you knew :-) I don't know about kde much; | 08:35 |
nuxleuz | whats that..? | 08:35 |
nuxleuz | whats that..? | 08:35 |
nuxleuz | gaim.? | 08:35 |
Skipp_OSX | nuxleuz: do it | 08:35 |
bodaciousb | nuxleuz, goto applications -> internet you allready have it | 08:35 |
nuxleuz | no.. | 08:35 |
bosewicht | gaim connects to most chats | 08:36 |
whiteknight | helio1, hmm how about changing some of the iwconfig settings | 08:36 |
nuxleuz | i`m asking | 08:36 |
nuxleuz | now i`m using windows. | 08:36 |
merriam | nuxleuz: You're asking too much. | 08:36 |
bosewicht | it is one of the better supported ones | 08:36 |
nuxleuz | i`m just d/loading..ubuntu | 08:36 |
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nuxleuz | i`m need to burn it on cd 1 | 08:36 |
bosewicht | gaim has a windows port i think | 08:36 |
bodaciousb | nuxleuz, ubuntu comes with gaim | 08:36 |
helio1 | whiteknight: did you peek at that pastebin link I sent you? | 08:36 |
nuxleuz | owh... | 08:36 |
Skipp_OSX | nuxleuz: well, that chill, it comes with everything you need | 08:36 |
nuxleuz | so.. | 08:36 |
nuxleuz | owh.. | 08:36 |
nuxleuz | so.. | 08:36 |
helio1 | (checking man iwconfig) | 08:36 |
nuxleuz | when i come with gaim | 08:36 |
nuxleuz | i can install | 08:37 |
Skipp_OSX | ... | 08:37 |
nuxleuz | windows application.? | 08:37 |
nuxleuz | herm | 08:37 |
nuxleuz | i mean by.. | 08:37 |
whiteknight | helio1, yeah i did, have a look at this http://homepage.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Tillmann.Frinken/smc2835w-v2_en.html | 08:37 |
nuxleuz | microsft work | 08:37 |
orathon | onyone know some nice themes??? | 08:37 |
bosewicht | yes..i think u can install gaim on windows | 08:37 |
whiteknight | helio1, have you got hold of the firmware? | 08:37 |
nuxleuz | herm.. | 08:37 |
nuxleuz | uiks.. | 08:37 |
nuxleuz | <bosewicht> yes..i think u can install gaim on windows | 08:37 |
nuxleuz | ???? | 08:37 |
Skipp_OSX | nuxleuz: no, you won't be able to install a windows app, but there is a linux app that is just as good called Gaim | 08:38 |
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bosewicht | i think gaim has a windows port | 08:38 |
merriam | nuxleuz: calm down and try it. Then ask questions. | 08:38 |
orathon | i want to theme my desktop to be a little nice. any1 know some theems?? | 08:38 |
Skipp_OSX | Gaim runs on windows too like bosewicht said, so you can check it ouy right now if you want | 08:38 |
helio1 | whiteknight: I searched the manufacturers's website for it; per that website's recommendations exactly, but there are no linux firmware downloads at all | 08:38 |
orathon | themes* | 08:38 |
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merriam | and don't msg me. | 08:38 |
bosewicht | themes? try aqua | 08:38 |
orathon | were do i fing that? | 08:39 |
orathon | find* | 08:39 |
umittt | trkiyeden kimseler var mi? | 08:39 |
bosewicht | aqua is very easy on the eyes for noobs | 08:39 |
orathon | suits me good then :P | 08:39 |
bosewicht | :) | 08:39 |
orathon | but were can i find that theme? | 08:39 |
whiteknight | helio1, firmware doesn't have to linux specific | 08:39 |
bosewicht | gnome-look.org i think | 08:40 |
helio1 | whiteknight: ahhhhh ok that makes sense :-P | 08:40 |
bosewicht | i don't use gnome so i'm not sure...but i think that is the addie | 08:40 |
bosewicht | or kde-look.org for kde i think | 08:41 |
bodaciousb | i installed the kubuntu-desktop package today... i hate kde | 08:41 |
=== slava_ [~slava@c-67-169-38-235.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orathon | yuck! bosewicht i dont what a mac, wannabe theme! | 08:42 |
bodaciousb | 50% of the stuff in the menus is useless. and konquere is horrible | 08:42 |
bosewicht | kde is ok...if kde and gnome merged that would be a nice ram hog wm | 08:42 |
whiteknight | helio1, actually i think i found it, http://www.smc.com/index.cfm?event=downloads.doSearchCriteria&localeCode=EN_USA&knowsPartNumber=false&productCategory=5&userPartNumber=&modelNumber=573&partNumber=&downloadType=2&os=12 | 08:42 |
helio1 | interesting whiteknight there's no firmware available at all for it on their site but the "driver" has a very similar name to the one on that danish website you refeprenced | 08:42 |
whiteknight | but i have to go, sorry :d | 08:42 |
bodaciousb | some aspects of kde i like... kde with nautilius and severly trimmed down would rock | 08:42 |
whiteknight | good luck | 08:42 |
bosewicht | well use whatever theme u want..thats the beauty of linux | 08:43 |
whiteknight | if it doesn't work try ndiswrapper :d | 08:43 |
bodaciousb | =P | 08:43 |
bosewicht | ndiswrapper is easy to get working | 08:43 |
helio1 | heh thanks whiteknight I'll do what he says with the "driver" that he calls firmware; yeah I'm onto that next; | 08:43 |
Skipp_OSX | bodaciousb: I gotta say, I really don't like KDE | 08:43 |
bodaciousb | Skipp_OSX, i second that | 08:43 |
Skipp_OSX | for a second there I thought I was the only one | 08:44 |
bosewicht | it all depends on what u want | 08:44 |
bodaciousb | well.. were the only 2 | 08:44 |
orathon | is GTK 1.x and GTK 2.x something i have to install? | 08:44 |
bosewicht | not both | 08:44 |
orathon | well i dont think i got GTK 2.x | 08:45 |
bodaciousb | anyone in here play enemy-territory on linux? | 08:45 |
bosewicht | if u do a apt-get install gnome or whatever it will grab what it needs | 08:45 |
orathon | inst GTK 2.x just a theme engine? | 08:45 |
Skipp_OSX | this is an interesting channel | 08:46 |
orathon | is'nt* | 08:46 |
=== rachel [~rachel@cpe-70-113-9-60.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Skipp_OSX | no | 08:46 |
_chavo | orathon, no it's a widget set / app framework | 08:46 |
bodaciousb | yeah skipp, it is intresting, lots of stupid questions, and there all mine! | 08:46 |
bodaciousb | i did chmod -R 777 / today | 08:47 |
orathon | _chavo, ok do you know a apt-get name for that? | 08:47 |
bosewicht | i laugh a lot when i come here | 08:47 |
=== Filbert [~filbert@d51A47841.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bosewicht | u expect it a little more here tho..i don't use debian or ubuntu,,,but in my distro irc i get really annoyed | 08:48 |
Skipp_OSX | bosewicht: well, that makes two of us | 08:48 |
bodaciousb | what distro do you run? | 08:48 |
=== Elyseum [~Elyseum@d5153EF05.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Skipp_OSX | I have never actually installed Ubuntu yet either | 08:48 |
bosewicht | arch | 08:48 |
Skipp_OSX | bodaciousb: I am a FreeBSD user myself | 08:48 |
bodaciousb | i got mad at suse 9.3 after not being able to get ati installed | 08:49 |
bosewicht | i have arch 686 and 586 | 08:49 |
Skipp_OSX | bosewicht: never installed that one | 08:49 |
bodaciousb | and on ubuntu... i wrote a script to install ati For me, every time i reinstall(3 times today!) | 08:49 |
Skipp_OSX | arch is that KDE based distro made by that Bero guy right? | 08:49 |
bosewicht | lol...no | 08:49 |
nevyn | arch is a version control system | 08:50 |
bosewicht | http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=arch | 08:50 |
Skipp_OSX | ahhh | 08:50 |
bodaciousb | whats the difference in i386, 686 .... | 08:50 |
bosewicht | arch is not a good distro to go to from ubuntu | 08:50 |
bosewicht | anything above a powerpc pentium chip is 585...but not amd | 08:51 |
bodaciousb | i knida want to try debain after ubuntu | 08:51 |
bosewicht | oops is 686 | 08:51 |
Skipp_OSX | ...... | 08:51 |
bosewicht | i actually dislike debian | 08:51 |
bodaciousb | but i386, 686 and so on is processor acitecture right? | 08:51 |
concept10 | why dislike debian | 08:51 |
bosewicht | you just don't have enough control....but i have used arch and slackware for a long time | 08:51 |
Skipp_OSX | a 586 is the original pentium, 686 is a pentium pro + | 08:51 |
bosewicht | skipp_osx...yes but a amd is not 686 | 08:52 |
Skipp_OSX | I don't know where powerpc came in | 08:52 |
bodaciousb | i run a athlon xp 2200+ | 08:52 |
bosewicht | so it's pentium class it isn't a 686 | 08:52 |
concept10 | athlon not 686? | 08:52 |
orathon | well iam going now. want to play some wow | 08:52 |
concept10 | of course not athlon 64 | 08:52 |
bodaciousb | i still dont undestand the difference... mandrake is a 586 distro, and it worked fine for me... redhat is a 386 and it ran fine... | 08:53 |
Skipp_OSX | bosewicht: well, the K6 1, 2, and 3s were 586s and the K7 (athlon) onward are 686s | 08:53 |
bosewicht | a 64 no...i would check the arch forums for hardware reqs | 08:53 |
bodaciousb | i think ubuntu is a 386 | 08:54 |
Skipp_OSX | bodaciousb: well, you can go up in architectures fine, it is when you try to run a 686 distro on a 386 that you run into problems | 08:54 |
bodaciousb | oh | 08:54 |
nevyn | bodaciousb: it's a performance issue as well. | 08:54 |
nevyn | if you run say... | 08:54 |
bodaciousb | i love it when my questions spark a big debate | 08:54 |
Skipp_OSX | bodaciousb: yes, I believe Ubuntu is a 386 distro, which means it'll run on a 386 class machine and up | 08:55 |
nevyn | time gzcat somebig.tar.gz | 08:55 |
bosewicht | right...i also accidently installed a 686 pkg on a 586...lol..don't do that | 08:55 |
nevyn | on both | 08:55 |
nevyn | the 386 will be about twice as long. | 08:55 |
Nula | x86 is the architecture of the cpu. lower x86 code works on higher x86 but vice versa is not necessarily functional | 08:55 |
bodaciousb | hmm ok | 08:55 |
concept10 | bodaciousb: what cpu do you have | 08:55 |
bodaciousb | xp 2200 | 08:55 |
bosewicht | my arch system boots up in under 15 seconds | 08:55 |
bodaciousb | 686 apparently | 08:55 |
Skipp_OSX | bodaciousb: so arch linux is a lightweight distro optimized for pentium class machines? | 08:55 |
=== |iceman| [~curt@h-68-164-62-2.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Skipp_OSX | err bosewicht | 08:56 |
bodaciousb | Skipp_OSX, dont ask me im the confused one | 08:56 |
Skipp_OSX | bodaciousb: sorry, your names are too similar | 08:56 |
bosewicht | i installed arch on a 166 with 16 megs of ram | 08:56 |
Skipp_OSX | bosewicht: pentium or pentium pro? | 08:56 |
bosewicht | it's a p1 | 08:56 |
bodaciousb | arch is probly much harder to learn than ubuntu? | 08:56 |
concept10 | you have a 686, i386 and up wil work for you, ubuntu is compiled for i386, mandrake compiled for 586 | 08:56 |
bosewicht | 586 | 08:56 |
Skipp_OSX | k | 08:57 |
bodaciousb | i really dont thinki can live withought APT | 08:57 |
nuxleuz | hey | 08:57 |
nuxleuz | i think | 08:57 |
nuxleuz | there is no qcad | 08:57 |
nuxleuz | supported | 08:57 |
nuxleuz | for | 08:57 |
nuxleuz | ubuntu | 08:57 |
bosewicht | so i have a 686 laptop and a desktop with arch and a 586 desktop and laptop with arch | 08:57 |
=== AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nuxleuz | http://www.ribbonsoft.com/qcad_downloads.html | 08:57 |
concept10 | you can use apt with almost any distro | 08:57 |
=== Kisain [~Kisain@24-177-160-171.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bosewicht | arch..is different...u have to learn | 08:57 |
nuxleuz | http://www.ribbonsoft.com/qcad_downloads.html | 08:57 |
nuxleuz | herm | 08:58 |
Skipp_OSX | bosewicht: what kind of package management is there on arch? | 08:58 |
bodaciousb | i installed apt on suse 9.3... it wasnt pretty | 08:58 |
nuxleuz | i think qcad.. | 08:58 |
Skipp_OSX | bosewicht: whatever you install? | 08:58 |
bosewicht | pacman | 08:58 |
nuxleuz | does no support qcad lol.. | 08:58 |
concept10 | I use apt with fedora | 08:58 |
=== holycow [~a@S0106000fb51e6051.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bodaciousb | whne i installed apt... it would run fine... but somehow it wasnt tied in with the system | 08:58 |
bosewicht | http://www.archlinux.org/about.php | 08:59 |
bodaciousb | like ... apt-get fglrx-somethinorother wouldnt do anything.... it said that it had nothing to do with that file | 08:59 |
bosewicht | cuz ur naming convention is wrong...what are u trying to install? | 09:00 |
nuxleuz | anyone | 09:00 |
nuxleuz | can help me | 09:00 |
bosewicht | what? | 09:00 |
nuxleuz | with ubuntu connection.. | 09:00 |
concept10 | bodaciousb: some distros dont have repos set up for apt | 09:00 |
nuxleuz | i mean | 09:00 |
nuxleuz | to connect it on internet.. | 09:00 |
bosewicht | lol...cuz not all distros use apt | 09:00 |
=== Rattboi [~rattboi@c-24-17-185-187.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nuxleuz | i`m a broadband user. | 09:00 |
nuxleuz | i`m using kasda modem.. | 09:00 |
nuxleuz | will anyone help me | 09:01 |
bosewicht | nuxnet?leuz..u can't connect to the | 09:01 |
bosewicht | nuxnet?..u can't connect to the net? | 09:01 |
nuxleuz | owh... | 09:01 |
bodaciousb | ill downlaod arch-linux, ill check it out next time i screw ubuntu up so bad i have to reinstall(tonight, maby tomarrow) | 09:01 |
nuxleuz | i cant.? | 09:01 |
=== kawin [~kawin@gb.ja.108.2.revip.asianet.co.th] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kawin | test | 09:01 |
=== gm78 [~chatzilla@S0106000c6ec62859.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== zachary [~zachary@cpe-24-167-45-94.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
concept10 | nuxleuz: youre posting a problem that is too vague, list some specifics | 09:02 |
kawin | ridedkiskewo | 09:02 |
=== GNAM [~GNAM@host163-240.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
zachary | hi i'm new to ubuntu | 09:02 |
zachary | and the whole linux scene for that matter | 09:02 |
bodaciousb | me to zach! | 09:02 |
=== GNAM [~GNAM@host163-240.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kawin | uiifdukesurcjriuutf | 09:02 |
=== topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3pa5.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zachary | bod did you have a terrible time installing the package | 09:03 |
kawin | jfdjsjrekeurf9l | 09:03 |
bodaciousb | ubuntu you mean? | 09:03 |
gm78 | zachary : hey, hows it going? having any problems with anything? | 09:03 |
zachary | yes | 09:03 |
bodaciousb | no... cd did its own thing really | 09:03 |
bodaciousb | jsut put it in and let it fly | 09:03 |
kawin | ufutyjoiruslkiojurouoird7oitirjgoiruriurouutr8itbvikifdofdvoi | 09:03 |
zachary | gm i'm not having any problems just alot of unanswered questions | 09:03 |
bodaciousb | ask away.. | 09:03 |
zachary | should i convert my music to flac | 09:03 |
merriam | kawin: If you're testing your keyboard layout, something's very wrong. | 09:03 |
bodaciousb | to flac???? | 09:04 |
zachary | because mp3 is not supported | 09:04 |
bosewicht | leave the keyboard alone | 09:04 |
bodaciousb | all my music is good ol' mp3 | 09:04 |
kawin | uitjfrjgfl | 09:04 |
bodaciousb | no mp3 is supported | 09:04 |
bosewicht | u need the mp3 libs | 09:04 |
=== demantik [~demantik@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zachary | how do i do that | 09:04 |
Nula | kawin: hahahaha | 09:04 |
=== d5|loner [~BUSSEX@adsl-68-74-73-243.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
demantik | Wassup! | 09:04 |
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kawin | xldldlkkfdlldof | 09:04 |
bodaciousb | by default ubuntu can play mp3's you jsut need a player | 09:04 |
zachary | is there a terminal comand or do i just install | 09:04 |
Nula | kawin: type hello | 09:04 |
demantik | actually, hoary CANT PLAY mp3s | 09:04 |
kawin | hello | 09:05 |
bodaciousb | yes zach... try sudo apt-get install xmms | 09:05 |
Nula | kawin: awesome | 09:05 |
bosewicht | i think there is something in the ubuntu wiki about mp3's | 09:05 |
kawin | sorry my daughter just play my keyboard | 09:05 |
Nula | apt-get install libmad | 09:05 |
bodaciousb | bose.. i redid ubuntu 3 times today... it comes stock, im pretty sure | 09:05 |
Nula | and get mad for gstreamer | 09:05 |
Skipp_OSX | wow, there are a lot of newbies here | 09:05 |
Skipp_OSX | =) | 09:05 |
zachary | sorry | 09:05 |
zachary | i have another question | 09:05 |
Nula | Skipp_OSX, indeed | 09:05 |
=== copilot_ [~NNSCRIPT@c-67-162-95-221.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zachary | okay let me say this though | 09:06 |
Skipp_OSX | ok | 09:06 |
Skipp_OSX | go ahead | 09:06 |
zachary | all the leets in here are helping us newbs | 09:06 |
zachary | so we can help others later | 09:06 |
bosewicht | i dunno if it does or not...mp3 that is...does it play and no sound or is there an error? | 09:06 |
kawin | yjfswlwedo | 09:06 |
zachary | i just connected my archos jukebox and tried to play music and it didn't work | 09:06 |
zachary | said i needed a codec | 09:07 |
zachary | so i asked here | 09:07 |
bodaciousb | all ill tell you waht codec... hold on | 09:07 |
=== ganymed [~ganymed@p54A7CBBA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zachary | i just ran the sudo-apt thing | 09:07 |
Nula | apt-get install gstreamer-mad | 09:07 |
bodaciousb | sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad | 09:07 |
demantik | yup | 09:07 |
zachary | i read that gstreamer was the wrong one to get | 09:08 |
bodaciousb | its a codec pack... | 09:08 |
=== Cicada [~chatzilla@ppp162-40.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nula | you need libmad for totem-xine | 09:08 |
Cicada | hi all.. | 09:08 |
=== helio1 [~michael@pool-71-102-150-74.snloca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
gm78 | zachary : sorry, had to leave the room....have u tried like xine or mplayer? | 09:08 |
Nula | if you want mpeg audio with totem | 09:08 |
bodaciousb | Nula, is that why my totem says its buys everytim i try to start it? | 09:08 |
bosewicht | bodaciousb..it doesn't come out of the box with mp3 support? | 09:08 |
zachary | so i run apt-get install gstreamer-mad | 09:08 |
Nula | bodaciousb, do you have totem-gstream or totem-xine? | 09:08 |
bodaciousb | bosewicht, maby not, i have a script i run to install stuff for me every time i reformat, and gstreamer0.8-mad is one of the packages it does | 09:09 |
bodaciousb | Nula, whatever comes with ubuntu, ive been using xine-ui | 09:09 |
=== Skif [~emschwar@c-67-176-11-90.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zachary | i don't have xine or mplayer | 09:09 |
zachary | can you pm me | 09:09 |
Nula | bodaciousb, you have totem-gstreamer then which has problems... remove that and install totem-xine | 09:09 |
bodaciousb | Nula, totem has always said the reource ws buys | 09:09 |
bosewicht | zachery...u don't need pm'd..this might help other peopel | 09:09 |
zachary | okay | 09:09 |
demantik | i had to get gstreamer | 09:10 |
demantik | no mp3 support to begin with | 09:10 |
bosewicht | zachary...u can't play mp3's? | 09:10 |
zachary | i need to be root | 09:10 |
bodaciousb | gstreamer0.8-mad and xmms should be the only packages you need to play mp3's | 09:10 |
zachary | thats when i need to do the sudo thing | 09:10 |
bosewicht | to play mp3's? | 09:11 |
Cicada | I am having a problem transferring files between my Ubuntu video server at a remote location and a windoze box in my studio... I am using ssh but can oly get speeds of around 10kbits/s my dsl upload is 256kbit/s and the remote server has a download of 24000kbit/s they are both with the same ISP, both on the same telephone excahnge... | 09:11 |
=== ganymed is now known as Shinjan | ||
=== Dethread [~Dethread@c-24-130-7-226.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cicada | any idea on where to start to diagnise this... i have been stuffing around fro days | 09:11 |
bosewicht | not even xmms...doesn't ubuntu come with amarok? | 09:11 |
gm78 | zachary : im pm'ing u | 09:11 |
Nula | Cicada, that's reasonable upstreamm for 256k | 09:11 |
demantik | Im having serious dependancie problems....i try to apt-get g++ and it says i need libstdc++....yet, when i try to get that, it says it needs g++ ? lol | 09:11 |
bodaciousb | Nula, totem-xine works | 09:11 |
Nula | 256kbits == 256/8 Kilo BYTES | 09:11 |
bodaciousb | Nula, apparently the default package is "totem" | 09:12 |
Cicada | my ADSL at the studio is 512/256 | 09:12 |
=== candyban [~candyban@dD5773D30.access.telenet.be] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] | ||
Nula | which one are you uploading from/to? | 09:13 |
Nula | if you are uploading from the line with lower upstream, doesn't matter how fast your downstream bandwidth is on the other end | 09:13 |
=== Skipp_OSX [~john@cpe-66-66-201-229.rochester.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Nula | you will get crappy speeds regardless | 09:13 |
Skif | I have just (finally!) finished setting up my new mythtv box running breezy. For some reason, the DVD is not automatically mounted when I insert it. The "mount removable media when inserted" option is selected in the preferences. What could be causing this? | 09:14 |
Nula | Skif: using breezy :) | 09:14 |
Cicada | I am uploading from a 512/256 to a 24000/1000 | 09:14 |
Skif | (note: I'm running as 'mythtv', not as the default user) | 09:14 |
Skif | Nula: I'm using it on my laptop, which is mounting it just fine. | 09:14 |
Nula | Cicada, your max theoretical bandwidth is around 30-35kBYTEs a second | 09:15 |
=== johan [~anvandare@212-162-184-51.skbbip.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Nula | if you are getting 10 , it's probably your ISP and nothing you can do about it | 09:15 |
=== Skif really wants to replace his dvd player with this mythtv box, but that's kinda hard if it won't, um, play DVDs. :) | ||
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agenteo | how can I use the cups web interface in ubuntu? I've setted a root password, at the cups login I've used it but still no access | 09:17 |
Nula | Skif, why not mount manually? I have had cases when the automount isn'nt consistent and takes 5 minutes after bootup to kick in | 09:17 |
Nula | agenteo, did you try your normal user/pass? | 09:17 |
=== MacPlusG3 [~stewart@vpnsrvb2.mysql.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
agenteo | yep, didn't worked... I'm using the user with full privileges in sudoers | 09:18 |
=== jgb [~jgb@licentia.helderberg.sun.ac.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
agenteo | I'm trying to do administration tasks | 09:19 |
Skif | Nula: because I would like to not have to use a keyboard to run the box. | 09:19 |
jgb | how should I go about diagnosing my Hoary installation constantly hanging? /var/log/messages is of no help | 09:20 |
=== __Ace__ [~love@h55l211.delphi.afb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Slick [Slick@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bosewicht | when is hoary hanging what are u doing? | 09:20 |
Nula | Skif, make sure this mythtv user has access to cd/dvd | 09:20 |
=== huy_vsem [~Kled@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nula | and rights to mount | 09:20 |
huy_vsem | fuck you ! | 09:20 |
Slick | Hi stupeds american peoples | 09:21 |
Nula | you too huy_vsem | 09:21 |
=== LeeColleton [~lc@dialup-tc1b-244.rockisland.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Skif | Nula: what groups do I need to put it in? | 09:21 |
bosewicht | skif u don't needa keyboard my one system doesn't have a mouse, keyborad or a monotor | 09:21 |
Slick | shut up | 09:21 |
=== housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-142-062.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jgb | bosewicht : nothing, mostly I am not even at my computer. opera, valknut, kmail, apache is running | 09:21 |
Cicada | thanks for your advice nula.... | 09:21 |
Slick | FUCK ON | 09:21 |
Skif | bosewicht: if I can't automatically mount the DVD, then I do need a keyboard to do it manually. | 09:21 |
Slick | FUCK ON | 09:22 |
Slick | FUCK ON | 09:22 |
Slick | FUCK ON | 09:22 |
huy_vsem | UBUNTU SUX | 09:22 |
Slick | wahahah | 09:22 |
bosewicht | no, actually u don't...if u run ssh u can mount the dvd remotely | 09:22 |
huy_vsem | hey | 09:22 |
huy_vsem | bosewicht | 09:22 |
Slick | UBUNTU SUCKing channel | 09:22 |
huy_vsem | you're faggot? | 09:22 |
Nula | Skif, if you create the user using the graphical interface you can give them access to cd/dvd | 09:22 |
huy_vsem | huh? | 09:22 |
Skif | bosewicht: but I still need a keyboard (connected to another computer, but even so) | 09:22 |
huy_vsem | uahahah | 09:22 |
bosewicht | go to the library and use theirs | 09:23 |
huy_vsem | He's need a keyboard uahaha | 09:23 |
Skif | Nula: I just used the mythtv packages mdz created. | 09:23 |
bosewicht | he's a idiot | 09:23 |
huy_vsem | haha | 09:23 |
Slick | wahahah.. | 09:23 |
huy_vsem | yes you're right | 09:23 |
Slick | bosewicht you stupid fucjing pig | 09:23 |
Nula | Skif, the groups are cdrom and plugdev i believe | 09:23 |
bosewicht | lol..yep | 09:23 |
Burgundavia | hey hey, guys | 09:23 |
Burgundavia | stay civil | 09:23 |
Nula | Skif do a cat /dev/group | 09:23 |
bosewicht | ur the idiot tho | 09:24 |
Slick | bosewicht you stupid fucking pig | 09:24 |
Nula | Skif, then look at the groups your main user is a member of | 09:24 |
huy_vsem | huh? | 09:24 |
=== neofeed [~moritz@p548DF49E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Skif | Nula: I assume you mean /etc/group :) | 09:24 |
huy_vsem | why we should stay civil? | 09:24 |
Slick | bosewicht you live in amerika??? | 09:24 |
Nula | where the hell are the mods for this channel? | 09:24 |
bosewicht | why do u want to mount a dvd without a keyboard?? thats just dumb..do it in winblows | 09:24 |
Nula | Skif, yea that's what I mean | 09:24 |
=== foxiness [~x@84-235-53-90.saudi.net.sa] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slick | bosewicht you live in amerika??? | 09:24 |
Nula | Skif, sorry i'm tired | 09:24 |
Slick | bosewicht you live in amerika??? | 09:24 |
Burgundavia | Slick, lay off | 09:24 |
bosewicht | i live in hawaii...and we want our independence dummy | 09:24 |
Skif | bosewicht: because I'm trying to do this on a mythtv box that should run, at least by default, without needing a keyboard. | 09:25 |
huy_vsem | bosewicht you're faggot | 09:25 |
huy_vsem | did you know about that& | 09:25 |
Burgundavia | bosewicht, please stay civil | 09:25 |
huy_vsem | ? | 09:25 |
Slick | Burgundavia fuck off | 09:25 |
bosewicht | yep/..i'm a fag | 09:25 |
huy_vsem | huh | 09:25 |
huy_vsem | fucking faggots | 09:25 |
bosewicht | skif...i think u can access a keyboard type thing from myth tv..i'm not sure | 09:25 |
Skif | bosewicht: Probably, but I'd like to not have to. | 09:26 |
Slick | eeeeyy niggas | 09:26 |
Slick | eeeeyy niggas | 09:26 |
Slick | eeeeyy niggas | 09:26 |
Slick | eeeeyy niggas | 09:26 |
IIIEars | Skif - What card do you have? Is knoppMyth worth trying for a DVR? | 09:26 |
foxiness | hi ... is there a simple way to color my termianl | 09:26 |
Slick | Skif fukin guy | 09:26 |
Skif | IIIEars: I don't know, I didn't try it. | 09:26 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o fabbione] by ChanServ | ||
Slick | Skif fuking guy | 09:26 |
bosewicht | i've never used myth tv...but there should be some info online | 09:26 |
bosewicht | foxiness....yes u can | 09:26 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*Slick@82.179.57.*] by fabbione | ||
bosewicht | what terminal are u using? | 09:26 |
foxiness | i think its gnome | 09:27 |
bosewicht | foxiness..lol....hold on | 09:27 |
Nula | foxiness, right click and edit profile | 09:27 |
IIIEars | Is the video choppy? - Hoping it works would love to try MythTv. :) | 09:27 |
=== mebaran151 [~mebaran15@c-24-126-1-10.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mebaran151 | hey | 09:27 |
xxasdf | btw guys huy_vsem == "dick to all" in russian | 09:27 |
mebaran151 | I just learned ruby gtk | 09:27 |
=== Skif loves /ignore | ||
mebaran151 | where could I find a relatively simple project | 09:27 |
foxiness | bosewicht, ma wait | 09:28 |
mebaran151 | to start coding on | 09:28 |
bosewicht | foxiness..go to edit urrent profile..u can edit the colors there | 09:28 |
Nula | xxasdf, :) they were ignored and left quickly | 09:28 |
mebaran151 | first GTK gui | 09:28 |
Burgundavia | mebaran151, there is some work around art.gnome.org | 09:28 |
foxiness | Nula, i will try this | 09:28 |
=== sjohnson [~sjohnson@S0106000d88f1e4fd.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mebaran151 | hmm | 09:28 |
Burgundavia | mebaran151, you might want to check in with them | 09:28 |
Burgundavia | mebaran151, getting the artwork to the user easier, etc. | 09:28 |
mebaran151 | as I am | 09:28 |
sjohnson | hey dudes, how do I make it so I can access Samba drives without the smb:// and use a path instead? | 09:28 |
xxasdf | Nula: just a trivia fact :) I don't know how many russian speaking guys are here | 09:28 |
Skif | IIIEars: I have a PVR-500. It took a bit of work to hunt down a version of ivtv driver that's compatible with the rev of card I have, but once I have, it's very nice. The audio is occasionally choppy when viewing live TV, but watching recorded stuff is fine. | 09:28 |
IIIEars | mebaran - Give "Torsmo" a try. a transparent system monitor that overlays a corner of the desktop. - you can extend it to display anything you can access using bash. | 09:29 |
Skif | The card does hardware MPEG-2 encoding, which is nice on the one hand, but on the other, you will notice a slight graininess at first blush. | 09:29 |
IIIEars | Skif - sounds great! :) | 09:29 |
Nula | sjohnson, you mean you want to mount the samba shares? | 09:29 |
sjohnson | nula: yeah.. cause i can access my buddies computers just fine | 09:30 |
Nula | sjohnson, so you can type to /home/username/sambshare | 09:30 |
sjohnson | exactly | 09:30 |
sjohnson | *bingo* :) | 09:30 |
bosewicht | does anything show up? | 09:30 |
Nula | smbmount //server /local/dir -o username=blah | 09:30 |
Skif | IIIEars: already I'm astonished at how much more fun TV is when I don't have to worry about commercials and can watch what I want when I want. | 09:30 |
foxiness | bosewicht, bosewicht is this will change just to think front and background , what i ask about it full color like "sudo"red" apt-get"this maybe green" and so on" | 09:30 |
agenteo | I've found out on a forum that ubuntu has a cups package with the admin page disabled... really? So cool... | 09:30 |
Nula | sjohnson, you need to install the smbfs package to have that command | 09:30 |
IIIEars | Skif - Heh, I'll bet. (wide grin) | 09:30 |
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bodaciousb | sjohnson, goto ubuntulinux.org, and click on wiki , then search for setting up samba... that question is answered there =P | 09:31 |
mebaran151 | IIIEars, torsmo? | 09:31 |
Nula | sjohnson, you can also add that your /etc/fstab if you want the auto mount to happen at computer startup but you have to put user and password embedded in fstab | 09:31 |
da_bon_bon | hi all | 09:31 |
da_bon_bon | the hibernate option in ubuntu rocks! can i get it on other distros ? | 09:31 |
IIIEars | Been looking at the All in wonder HD version. - have to see if there are drivers for it. | 09:31 |
mebaran151 | what would you guys like written? | 09:31 |
mebaran151 | I was going to code a frontend to mencode | 09:31 |
mebaran151 | but acidrip is so darn good for it already | 09:32 |
sjohnson | Nula: i access his computer with no l/p.. with Windows XP simple networking | 09:32 |
AzMoo | I've got a logitech wireless keyboard, and it's got all of the extra buttons and stuff on the top. Is there any way I can map them to different functions? | 09:32 |
bosewicht | foxiness....in bash..which is i think what u are using, u can set cmds to show green and dirs to show red etc....as far as making specif cmds show diff colors might be a little out of the scope of ubuntu..pm me and i can try to help | 09:32 |
sjohnson | not sure what to do in this case.. i'm trying: smbmount //MICAH /mnt and it isn't working | 09:32 |
IIIEars | mebaan - Yes - it can display any system function, the temperature, even count emails in your box and put it on the desktop. | 09:32 |
Nula | sjohnson, you need to create a directory in /mnt such as /mnt/samba | 09:32 |
Dethread | yay for Ubuntu expert install: "You should never see this question. Ubuntu version to install: warty/hoary/grumpy/perky" | 09:33 |
Nula | sjohnson, you mount the remote location to a directory on the local filesytem | 09:33 |
bosewicht | try mount /dir /mnt/<ur name here> as root | 09:33 |
bosewicht | ur dir name | 09:33 |
da_bon_bon | the hibernate option in ubuntu rocks! can i get it on other distros ? | 09:33 |
bosewicht | da_bon_bon...dummy..yes arch | 09:33 |
bosewicht | !! | 09:33 |
bosewicht | lol | 09:33 |
Nula | sjohnson, sudo mkdir /mnt/samba ... sudo smbmount //win.xp.machine /mnt/samba | 09:33 |
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torpid | here's a funny email i just sent my friend stoned: http://brokenladder.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=96#96 | 09:34 |
da_bon_bon | bosewicht: hah, recozgnized u too :D anyway, is it possible ? | 09:34 |
|iceman| | can u run more than 1 instance of xchat simultaneous? | 09:34 |
bosewicht | yes | 09:34 |
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AzMoo | Though, why would you? | 09:34 |
da_bon_bon | bosewicht: how ? | 09:34 |
bosewicht | hibernate? | 09:34 |
IIIEars | torpid - lol | 09:34 |
da_bon_bon | bosewicht: yes | 09:35 |
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warriorfr | hi | 09:35 |
torpid | running more than one copy of xchat at once offends the gods. | 09:35 |
torpid | ears, did you read it? | 09:35 |
foxiness | bosewicht, the hint u give me is the help what i need | 09:35 |
bosewicht | da_bon_bon...u just mean when u close the lid? or when u turn off and turn back on where u left? | 09:36 |
bosewicht | foxiness....in bash..which is i think what u are using, u can set cmds to show green and dirs to show red etc....as far as making specif cmds show diff colors might be a little out of the scope of ubuntu..pm me and i can try to help | 09:37 |
foxiness | bosewicht, and why am ask here becuse i see on "mini slack " full color bash ,what i like to see on ubuntu "i hate to color" | 09:37 |
Nula | sjohnson, one more thing... you need smbmount //ipaddress/sharename /local/dir | 09:37 |
da_bon_bon | bosewicht: i am on a desktop pc. i wana start pc where i left it off | 09:37 |
Nula | sjohnson, you HAVE TO specify a sharename on the server | 09:37 |
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bosewicht | da_bon_bon...pacman -Sy swsup2.....lol...if ur still using arch | 09:37 |
bosewicht | so u want to shut down with open windows and start up wit hthose same windows open? | 09:38 |
bosewicht | thast a kernel patch | 09:38 |
topyli | foxiness: see if the bashish project still makes bash "themes" | 09:38 |
bodaciousb | bosewicht, you were running arch linux right? | 09:39 |
bosewicht | she/he doesn't want a theme..she wants specific cmds specifi colors | 09:39 |
bosewicht | on 4 computers right now | 09:39 |
da_bon_bon | bosewicht: #archlinux | 09:39 |
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bodaciousb | bosewicht, me being a total linux newb, would probably die withought apt, should i try arch? | 09:41 |
foxiness | bosewicht, if there somthing ready i will used it better than what its here now on my "gonme-terminal" | 09:41 |
sjohnson | Nula: ok, it's asking for a password now | 09:41 |
bosewicht | bodaciousb..i would say..no not yet | 09:41 |
foxiness | topyli, i will google this now thanks for your great hint | 09:41 |
bodaciousb | bosewicht, ok =) | 09:41 |
sjohnson | but, I never used a password to access his computer when I used windows, nor do i need one with smb:// | 09:41 |
Nula | sjohnson, just hit enter if there is no pass | 09:41 |
bodaciousb | bosewicht, i probobly will anyway, but not for more than 10 minutes | 09:41 |
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IIIEars | torpid - If you think your computer is troublesome check out this link for cat owners (humor) http://www.yuckles.com/catbath.htm | 09:42 |
bosewicht | foxiness....bash is fine...i just don't want to fill this channel with bash cmds... | 09:42 |
sjohnson | 24220: tree connect failed: ERRDOS - ERRnosuchshare (You specified an invalid share name) | 09:42 |
topyli | bodaciousb: if you'll die without apt, i'd say don't undertake this lethal arch experiment :) | 09:42 |
bodaciousb | topyli, hehehhe | 09:42 |
Nula | sjohnson, sharename is cas sensitive.. | 09:42 |
bodaciousb | i still struggle with rpm's | 09:42 |
bodaciousb | .run files are nice | 09:42 |
foxiness | bosewicht, ;) more on this thing not "bad" | 09:42 |
bosewicht | bodaciousb.. #archlinux isn't as friendly to newbies...me included.... | 09:43 |
Nula | sjohnson, when you browse using smb://MICAH what directories do you see?? each of those is a share point.. use the exact name of one of those directories | 09:43 |
bodaciousb | someone said to gunzip the rpm's then that makes a stupid gz file that i dont know what to do with | 09:43 |
bodaciousb | i love apt! | 09:43 |
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foxiness | me too but i like the idea of autopackage | 09:43 |
bodaciousb | im gonna make a 10 gig partition to experiment with otehr distros | 09:43 |
sjohnson | Nula: what if i want to mount the rootpoint? | 09:43 |
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sjohnson | (in the meantime ill try your suggestion) | 09:44 |
Nula | sjohnson, you can't | 09:44 |
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cartman | anyone knows what I need to get LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1 work on amd64 ubuntu? | 09:44 |
bosewicht | bodaciousb..no..i think u need alien to convert a rpm to a tar.gz | 09:44 |
Nula | sjohnson, the root is not a share.. | 09:44 |
cartman | [~] > LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1 ldd | 09:44 |
cartman | /bin/bash: error while loading shared libraries: libdl.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 09:44 |
cartman | no command works with that | 09:44 |
sjohnson | Nula: it worked... thanks a lot man.. but there's got to be a way to mount it so i can browse all his dirs? ill try it | 09:44 |
bodaciousb | bosewicht, i have no idea... ill worry about it when i have one of thoes crazy files to play with =P | 09:44 |
torpid | that cat bath thing is hilarious | 09:45 |
bob2 | cartman: that's not going to work on amd64 | 09:45 |
bob2 | cartman: what are you trying to do? | 09:45 |
cartman | bob2: trying to get matlab amd64 version to work | 09:45 |
Nula | sjohnson, good luck finding that.. it doesn't exist yet with samba ;) trust me .. you have to use a network browser like the one built into nautilus .. or go to Computer -> Netowrk -> Windows Network etc | 09:45 |
sjohnson | Nula: i mean.. if i can see ALL the possible sharepaths with smb:// shouldn't i be able to just mount his entire computer (all that he's sharing) like in Windows? | 09:45 |
sjohnson | ok | 09:46 |
sjohnson | thanks man | 09:46 |
bob2 | cartman: you can't disable NPTL on amd64 | 09:46 |
cartman | bob2: https://lists.dulug.duke.edu/pipermail/linux/2004-November/000168.html | 09:46 |
Nula | sjohnson, tha'ts now how the samba file system works | 09:46 |
bob2 | cartman: why do you think you need these options? | 09:46 |
cartman | bob2: ah :( | 09:46 |
bosewicht | yes..there are apps to convert a rpm to a tar..i think it's alien....u won't need it too often with a debian der tho | 09:46 |
cartman | bob2: check above link | 09:46 |
bodaciousb | how do i pull 10 gigs off the end of my hdb1 and make it hdb2? | 09:46 |
Nula | sjohnson, it only allows mounting a share point.. the "list" of shares is not a share point.. which is what smb://ip shows | 09:46 |
bob2 | bodaciousb: you need to be more specific | 09:46 |
bob2 | bodaciousb: do you mean "How do I convert 10gb of free space on an existing partition to a new one?"? | 09:47 |
bodaciousb | bob2, yes | 09:47 |
cartman | bob2: running matlab results in : *** glibc detected *** malloc(): memory corruption: 0x0000000000596ff0 *** | 09:47 |
bob2 | cartman: hah | 09:47 |
bob2 | yay for buggy proprietary code | 09:47 |
Nula | sjohnson, and in windows it doesn't mount those direcories.. it simply lists what is broadcast using the samba protocal of the server machine | 09:47 |
cartman | bob2: looks like they screwed | 09:47 |
cartman | yup | 09:47 |
bob2 | bodaciousb: what filesystem is on the partition? | 09:47 |
Nula | sjohnson, which is precisely how smb:// displays them | 09:48 |
bodaciousb | ext3 | 09:48 |
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bob2 | cartman: will the i386 version run with ia32-libs? | 09:48 |
sjohnson | Nula: would NFS (assuming he was using a *NIX) work for this? | 09:48 |
bodaciousb | im going to make the second partion my disto-testing partition | 09:48 |
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cartman | bob2: nope crashes | 09:48 |
Nula | sjohnson, both samba and NFS would work if he exported/shared the root of his harddrive | 09:48 |
bob2 | cartman: even with a magic LD_ASSUME_KERNEL var? | 09:48 |
cartman | bob2: thanks to Java | 09:48 |
sjohnson | Nula: thanks | 09:48 |
sjohnson | you saved the day !!! | 09:48 |
Nula | so if he shared C: or / instead of C:\videos | 09:48 |
sjohnson | later man | 09:48 |
bob2 | cartman: -nojvm doesn't help? | 09:49 |
bodaciousb | bob2, nevermind.. i realized that would be a bad idea, conisdering bootloaders and such | 09:49 |
cartman | bob2: nope | 09:49 |
Nula | or the root of the directories that you want to share | 09:49 |
bob2 | bodaciousb: parted can resize ext3, iirc | 09:49 |
cartman | bob2: anyway time to use octave | 09:49 |
bodaciousb | bob2, ok | 09:49 |
bob2 | cartman: hm, that sucks | 09:49 |
bob2 | cartman: is the matlab company likely to fix problems? | 09:49 |
bob2 | like, do they care about linux users? | 09:49 |
=== Sunneh [~sunnyboy0@cpc1-oxfd2-4-0-cust107.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cartman | bob2: yeah | 09:50 |
bob2 | heh, cool | 09:50 |
bob2 | I'll remember that if I ever need matlab for school again | 09:50 |
cartman | bob2: :) | 09:50 |
bob2 | cartman: a i386 chroot's another option, too... | 09:50 |
bob2 | depending on how much effort you're willing to put into gettting it working | 09:50 |
=== aralaiso [~aralaiso@d01v-39-236.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
squareff | my downloaded iso is damaged. i mounted it and found out which files were damaged. if i added the correct packages inside of the iso (to replace the broken ones), would i get a correct md5 checksum? | 09:51 |
cartman | bob2: I will install a 32bit chroot yup | 09:51 |
cartman | bob2: but dunnow how to get X running there. is there an howto? | 09:51 |
topyli | squareff: no | 09:51 |
bob2 | squareff: you can't edit isos | 09:52 |
bob2 | squareff: you're ay better off using rsync to fix it | 09:52 |
bob2 | cartman: you should be able to just use your existing X session | 09:52 |
squareff | topyli: what would you advise me to do? i am on a slow connection and i can't easily afford redownloading | 09:52 |
squareff | aha | 09:52 |
bob2 | cartman: maybe just with a: sudo mount --bind /tmp/ /path/to/chroot/tmp/ | 09:52 |
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squareff | bob2: how would you use rsync to fix a file? | 09:53 |
cartman | bob2: ah | 09:54 |
topyli | squareff: you could extract the iso, fix it, and make a new iso but the md5sum probably won't match | 09:54 |
ekCo | how do you mount a bin file? | 09:54 |
topyli | squareff: and you probably won't find every file that's broken on the iso anyway | 09:54 |
bob2 | squareff: one sec | 09:54 |
bob2 | ekCo: you can't, use bchunk to convert it to a useful format | 09:54 |
ekCo | bchunk? | 09:54 |
ekCo | lol | 09:54 |
bob2 | squareff: hoary or warty? | 09:55 |
squareff | hoary hedgehog, installable | 09:55 |
squareff | bob2: (that is, not live) | 09:56 |
cartman | Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server :/ | 09:56 |
nate_ | how can you write a shell command to append text to the end of a file? | 09:56 |
squareff | hey, btw, why don't they create a live ubuntu which is also installable (like knoppix)? that would be a very practical idea! | 09:56 |
Burgundavia | they are working on something like that for breezy | 09:57 |
cartman | bob2: sudo mount --bind /tmp/ /path/to/chroot/tmp/ trick doesn't seem to work | 09:57 |
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bob2 | cartman: one sec | 09:57 |
bob2 | squareff: be a minute | 09:57 |
squareff | Burgundavia: cool! then i hope we'll soon need only one download | 09:57 |
Burgundavia | squareff, it may not be ready, but hopefully it will be | 09:58 |
cartman | bob2: okies | 09:58 |
squareff | Burgundavia: aha. so there are some difficulties... why don't they simply adapt the script from knoppix? | 09:58 |
ekCo | when installing xmms it says i dont have glib.. | 09:59 |
ekCo | how can i obtain this? | 09:59 |
Burgundavia | squareff, I am not a dev, sorry | 09:59 |
bob2 | ekCo: no, that's when you try to compile it | 09:59 |
bob2 | ekCo: use the xmms binary package that's already in ubuntu, wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto | 09:59 |
squareff | Burgundavia: thanks for the info, anyway | 09:59 |
Burgundavia | squareff, np | 10:00 |
bosewicht | i think there should be very few ubuntu users compiling pkkgs to install | 10:00 |
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bosewicht | use the binaries | 10:00 |
aralaiso | Hello | 10:01 |
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bosewicht | hi | 10:01 |
aralaiso | i have a sound problem since i move to Hoary ... | 10:01 |
aralaiso | please help me | 10:02 |
bosewicht | ok, whats the prob? | 10:02 |
dLx | go to synaptic and activate the universe mirrors <- how? | 10:02 |
aralaiso | no sound | 10:02 |
aralaiso | i post a message on the french forum forum http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=4314 | 10:02 |
bosewicht | no sound with what? | 10:02 |
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aralaiso | there is all the details of my config | 10:02 |
bosewicht | check the box for multiverse | 10:02 |
bob2 | dLx: wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto | 10:02 |
bob2 | squareff: rsync --partial -avvvzv releases.ubuntu.com::releases/.pool/ubuntu-5.04-install-i386.iso ./ubuntu-5.04-install-i386.iso | 10:03 |
dLx | okay..tnx.. | 10:03 |
bosewicht | aralaiso....ok..where are u trying to get sound? totem? rythmbox? | 10:03 |
bob2 | cartman: can you see the X socket in the chroot? | 10:03 |
aralaiso | totem, mplayer | 10:03 |
bob2 | cartman: do you have the same uid in the chroot? | 10:03 |
bosewicht | u have mplyer in ubuntu? | 10:03 |
cartman | bob2: I am root in chroot. where should the socket be? | 10:03 |
aralaiso | i install it | 10:03 |
bosewicht | i've read there are a lot of probs with that pkg | 10:03 |
bob2 | cartman: ah, that would be the problem | 10:04 |
bob2 | cartman: ls -a /tmp/ | 10:04 |
cartman | bob2: one sec. | 10:04 |
=== Ferry [~ferry@cust.15.118.adsl.cistron.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bosewicht | ok...what snd are u using oss? | 10:04 |
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bob2 | cartman: if you run 'xhost +localhost' outside the chroot, it should work | 10:04 |
cartman | bob2: ok lemme see | 10:04 |
aralaiso | bosewicht : so what is the best package for playing movies on ubuntu | 10:04 |
bob2 | cartman: but bear in mind it will let anyone on that machine access your X server | 10:05 |
cartman | bob2: any local user right? | 10:05 |
bob2 | cartman: right | 10:05 |
bosewicht | xine | 10:05 |
bob2 | so you probably don't care | 10:05 |
bosewicht | xine has dvd encoder plugins too | 10:05 |
ekCo | how can convert a bin and cue file to an iso? | 10:05 |
bosewicht | and i think u want to use the oss for audio | 10:05 |
bob2 | ekCo: bchunk, as I told you 20 minutes ago | 10:05 |
ekCo | and would ut2004 linux work with a 64bit system or am i stuck to the demo? | 10:05 |
ekCo | bchunk.. | 10:05 |
bosewicht | ut2004 works great with nix | 10:06 |
ekCo | where can i find that.. | 10:06 |
bob2 | ekCo: if the demo runs on amd64 linux systems, I'd be very surprised if the full version didn't | 10:06 |
cartman | bob2: no X socket under /tmp | 10:06 |
cartman | hhmmmpf | 10:06 |
bob2 | ekCo: in the bchunk package in ubuntu | 10:06 |
ekCo | i cant find it lol | 10:06 |
bob2 | cartman: can you see it outside the chroot? | 10:06 |
aralaiso | bosewicht : have you seen all details of my config on http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=4314 ?? | 10:06 |
cartman | bob2: nope | 10:06 |
bob2 | ekCo: then say that, instead of silently ignoring my advice | 10:06 |
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bob2 | ekCo: wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto, enable the universe repository | 10:06 |
Burgundavia | ekCo, some of the best performance I have seen out of ut2k4 is the amd64 version on gentoo | 10:06 |
ekCo | gentoo fucks up in ut2k4 | 10:07 |
ekCo | i used gentoo for ages.. | 10:07 |
GhostFreeman | how do you move files in the command line? cd? | 10:08 |
topyli | mv | 10:08 |
GhostFreeman | k | 10:08 |
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bob2 | cartman: that is very odd | 10:08 |
ekCo | bob2, i still cant find it lololol | 10:09 |
bob2 | bash-3.00$ ls -ad /tmp/.X* | 10:09 |
bob2 | /tmp/.X0-lock /tmp/.X11-unix | 10:09 |
aralaiso | bosewicht : how can i use oss for the sound ? | 10:09 |
bob2 | ekCo: no need to use "lol" at all unless you're actually laughing at this | 10:09 |
cartman | bob2: rocks works now . copied ~cartman/.Xauthority :) | 10:09 |
bob2 | ekCo: did you enable universe or not? | 10:09 |
bob2 | cartman: ah | 10:09 |
topyli | ekCo: you probably didn't run apt-get update rotfl | 10:10 |
=== InitMass [~InitMass@c83-248-163-128.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nuxleuz | is there any virus in linux.? | 10:10 |
Burgundavia | nuxleuz, not currently | 10:10 |
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bob2 | nuxleuz: very few, and it's very very hard to get infected | 10:10 |
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bob2 | Burgundavia: there's at least one | 10:10 |
Burgundavia | bob2, not in the wild, I don't think | 10:10 |
bob2 | there's at least the Lion virus which attacks old unpatched RedHat machines | 10:11 |
ekCo | hmm same thing bob2.. | 10:11 |
bob2 | ekCo: is that a yes or a no? | 10:11 |
nuxleuz | is there any engeering software like auto cad that i can run it on ubuntu ? | 10:11 |
bosewicht | there are a handfull of viruses for linux....but keep ur system up to dat and u r fine | 10:11 |
ekCo | depends, what question your refering to.. | 10:11 |
aralaiso | bosewicht : how can i use oss for the sound ? | 10:11 |
nuxleuz | is there any engineering software like auto cad that i can run it on ubuntu ? | 10:11 |
bob2 | nuxleuz: there's qcad, but it's not anywhere as sophisticated | 10:11 |
bob2 | nuxleuz: please just ask once and wait | 10:11 |
nuxleuz | k | 10:11 |
bob2 | nuxleuz: autocad probably has a linux port these days, too | 10:11 |
bosewicht | aralaiso....ok..what app r u using? | 10:12 |
bob2 | since it started out on unix | 10:12 |
nuxleuz | where can i find it..? | 10:12 |
bob2 | nuxleuz: find what? | 10:12 |
bob2 | ekCo: "Did you enable the universe repository, yes or no?" | 10:12 |
nuxleuz | qcad | 10:12 |
bosewicht | nuxleuz..there are gis apps, like grass and qgis | 10:12 |
bob2 | nuxleuz: in the universe repository, wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto | 10:12 |
ekCo | lol | 10:13 |
topyli | sigh | 10:13 |
ekCo | i go to repository and it brings me to stuff that looks nothing like it.. | 10:13 |
wdh | nuxleuz, qcad works quite nicely.. | 10:13 |
bob2 | ekCo: you need to be way less vague | 10:13 |
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bob2 | if you want help. | 10:14 |
ekCo | ok | 10:14 |
ekCo | brings up hoary hedgehog log shit. | 10:14 |
bob2 | so, you read the wiki page I gave you | 10:14 |
topyli | ekCo: you don't "go to" repositories | 10:14 |
bob2 | and enabled universe | 10:14 |
bob2 | yes? | 10:14 |
ekCo | no. | 10:14 |
ekCo | i cant find it | 10:14 |
ekCo | its like vanished lol | 10:14 |
bob2 | can't find *what*? | 10:14 |
ekCo | to enable universe. | 10:14 |
bob2 | well, nevermind then | 10:15 |
topyli | heh | 10:15 |
ekCo | but still how else can xmms | 10:15 |
ekCo | be installed? | 10:15 |
aralaiso | bosewicht : totem for instance | 10:16 |
nuxleuz | where can i d/load qcad.? | 10:16 |
bob2 | ekCo: you need to unscrew whatever you did to synaptic | 10:16 |
wdh | nuxleuz, sudo apt-get install qcad | 10:16 |
topyli | ekCo: don't guess, find out how your synaptic is configured | 10:17 |
wdh | nuxleuz, given that you have enabled the universe repositories | 10:17 |
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ekCo | hmm | 10:17 |
ekCo | well where the hell is universe repositories.. | 10:17 |
wdh | ekCo, not there, if you didnt make them | 10:18 |
bob2 | they're in the list of available repositories, apparently | 10:18 |
ekCo | well, how do i 'make' them? | 10:18 |
bob2 | you don't | 10:18 |
topyli | ekCo: you don't care where they are. just enable it | 10:18 |
bosewicht | ok aralaiso....u have mplayer installed? | 10:18 |
bob2 | ekCo: do you know how to use a text editor? | 10:18 |
ekCo | yes. | 10:18 |
=== Liverman [H106b@masq.oek.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wdh | ekCo, afaik you were given an url to the wiki.. | 10:19 |
bob2 | ekCo: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:19 |
wdh | ekCo, read it :) | 10:19 |
aralaiso | bosewicht : i have just uninstall it | 10:19 |
bosewicht | xmms? | 10:19 |
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ekCo | erm | 10:21 |
ekCo | after reading it? | 10:21 |
Liverman | hi, where can you find the possible repositories to add in the /etc/apt/source.list ? | 10:21 |
bob2 | ekCo: open up the file in nano like I said | 10:21 |
ekCo | i have,. | 10:21 |
bosewicht | i don't have gnome installed so i am limited in the apps | 10:21 |
bob2 | Liverman: please don't go adding others to it without a specific reason | 10:21 |
bob2 | ekCo: then read it | 10:21 |
ekCo | i have.. | 10:21 |
ekCo | fetch links to this place.. etc.. | 10:21 |
Liverman | nono, i got a link yesterday .... | 10:21 |
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Liverman | just forgot where it was | 10:22 |
bob2 | ekCo: no | 10:22 |
bob2 | ekCo: read it | 10:22 |
bosewicht | if u have xmms u can right click the title bar and set the snd driver...set it to oss | 10:22 |
bob2 | ekCo: find the section talking about universe | 10:22 |
GNAM | how can I reboot X ? ctrl+alt+? | 10:22 |
Burgundavia | GNAM, bksp | 10:22 |
ekCo | # deb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted | 10:22 |
ekCo | remove those? | 10:22 |
bob2 | ekCo: no | 10:22 |
bosewicht | ctrl+alt+bcksp | 10:22 |
ekCo | # deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security universe ? | 10:22 |
bob2 | ekCo: read the part about universe | 10:22 |
bob2 | ekCo: dude | 10:22 |
bob2 | ekCo: read the file | 10:23 |
bob2 | stop pasting random things | 10:23 |
bosewicht | gnam ctrl+alt+bcksp | 10:23 |
ekCo | hoary universe? | 10:23 |
bob2 | ## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'universe' | 10:23 |
bob2 | ## repository. | 10:23 |
bob2 | can you see those lines? | 10:23 |
Liverman | bob2: wasen't it something like www.ubuntuforums.org/#repositories ?? | 10:23 |
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bob2 | Liverman: ew ew ew | 10:23 |
ekCo | yes | 10:23 |
bob2 | ekCo: now keep reading | 10:23 |
Burgundavia | Liverman, what specifically do you need? | 10:23 |
ekCo | yes | 10:24 |
Burgundavia | Liverman, there is little that isn't already in the ubuntu repos | 10:24 |
Liverman | not specific, just want to get an overview of that list | 10:24 |
Burgundavia | Liverman, if it is OSI/DFSG free, it is probably already in the Ubuntu repos | 10:24 |
ekCo | and now? | 10:24 |
bob2 | ekCo: and read it | 10:24 |
bob2 | ekCo: and it tells you which two lines to uncomment | 10:25 |
kjuu | uncommenting means removing the "#" from the beginning of the lines, btw | 10:25 |
Liverman | Burgundavia, so you dont know anything about this list ? | 10:25 |
Burgundavia | Liverman, there is no list like that | 10:25 |
ekCo | (#delete) deb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe (#delete) deb-src http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe | 10:26 |
bosewicht | be careful editing the sources.list | 10:26 |
Burgundavia | Liverman, and if there was, I wouldn't use it | 10:26 |
bosewicht | if u can edit it in synaptic | 10:26 |
bob2 | ekCo: indeed | 10:26 |
bob2 | Liverman: seriously, just don't do it | 10:26 |
bob2 | its only going to cause you problems | 10:26 |
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Liverman | man oh man | 10:26 |
Liverman | i just wanted to take a glance at the list | 10:27 |
ekCo | ## team. | 10:27 |
ekCo | deb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe | 10:27 |
ekCo | like that? | 10:27 |
bob2 | ekCo: yes | 10:27 |
Burgundavia | Liverman, have you enabled multiverse/universe? | 10:27 |
topyli | Liverman: you can browse the repository in http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/ (i guess that's what you're after) | 10:27 |
ekCo | thanks. | 10:27 |
bob2 | *shudder* | 10:27 |
Burgundavia | topyli, ahh, backports, evil | 10:27 |
topyli | Liverman: they do break your system a bit | 10:28 |
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Burgundavia | and make upgrades neigh-on impossible | 10:28 |
topyli | Liverman: namely, they make upgrades hard | 10:28 |
topyli | heh | 10:28 |
bob2 | where "a bit" means you can't upgrade | 10:28 |
bob2 | until you remove them all | 10:28 |
topyli | right | 10:28 |
Liverman | yes, well isn't the right way just to add them when you need a specific program | 10:28 |
Burgundavia | the correct way is to avoid them at all costs | 10:29 |
bob2 | but what programs aren't in ubuntu itself? | 10:29 |
Aloha | high, is it possible to tell linux which soundcard a specific programm should use? i have 2 soundcards 1 direct alsa 1 oss | 10:29 |
topyli | Liverman: i'd rather build my own packages, and remove them before upgrade | 10:29 |
bob2 | Aloha: no | 10:29 |
Liverman | Eclipse for instance | 10:29 |
Burgundavia | bob2, I can think of several games that you would need to backport (wesnoth) if you want to play online | 10:29 |
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Liverman | ok....just not that hard core just yet :) | 10:30 |
topyli | Liverman: well, those might be ok, since they won't be upgraded either (they might be removed though) | 10:30 |
Aloha | bob2: that means i need a sound server? | 10:30 |
Liverman | topyli, yes see you point | 10:30 |
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remix_tj | che file devo modificare per cambiare locale? | 10:31 |
Burgundavia | remix_tj, you might want #ubuntu-es | 10:31 |
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demantik | apt-get wont let me get g++ because it needs libc6dev or something.....and when i try to get that, it says it needs g++...so its a continous loop!...?? | 10:32 |
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bob2 | demantik: what did you do to your sources.list? | 10:32 |
bob2 | demantik: did you point apt at a Debian repository? | 10:33 |
demantik | ,,,ive already got many in there | 10:33 |
demantik | it finds them both | 10:33 |
bob2 | right | 10:33 |
bob2 | so you broke it | 10:33 |
demantik | what? | 10:33 |
bob2 | paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to #flood | 10:33 |
demantik | ok :S | 10:33 |
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darkstar | hello :) could you solve me some problems about savage dri drivers and ubuntu ?? | 10:35 |
Jenna | hi! need help. I dont get my sound card detected. Its a legacy sound card (I suppose) CS4456. Is there any workaround. I an ubuntu newbie | 10:36 |
bob2 | demantik: paste the output of 'apt-cache policy gcc' and 'apt-cache policy libc6-dev' to #flood | 10:36 |
darkstar | is there any person who couls handle this problem and had such a problem in the past?? | 10:36 |
demantik | alright | 10:36 |
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ekCo | hmm | 10:37 |
ekCo | xmms still wont install | 10:37 |
fsapo | hi there.. how can i get the infos about a dvdr drive? | 10:38 |
DuaneAllman | hi everybody, where could I find an alternative precompiled kernel for hoary? I have problems with the default one provided in the distribution | 10:38 |
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bob2 | ekCo: you forgot to run 'sudo apt-get update' | 10:38 |
bob2 | DuaneAllman: have you filed a bug? | 10:38 |
ekCo | i have lol | 10:38 |
Burgundavia | bob2, wonder if this is related? https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=8236 | 10:38 |
topyli | ekCo: so what error message do you get when you do "apt-get install xmms" rofl | 10:39 |
DuaneAllman | bob2: no, but it's a well known problem, it's deeply discussed on ubuntuforums | 10:39 |
bob2 | yay for the forums | 10:39 |
bob2 | if only someone from there would file a bug so it could be fixed | 10:39 |
cartman | bob2: thanks for help! | 10:39 |
bob2 | cartman: working now? | 10:40 |
cartman | bob2: rocking :) | 10:40 |
ekCo | Reading package lists... Done | 10:40 |
ekCo | Building dependency tree... Done | 10:40 |
ekCo | xmms is already the newest version. | 10:40 |
ekCo | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgrade | 10:40 |
ekCo | but i dont have it installed at all | 10:40 |
ekCo | so i dont see how this works lol | 10:40 |
DuaneAllman | bob2: I'll take a look at it but, will it work if I use a warty kernel? | 10:40 |
topyli | sure you do | 10:40 |
cartman | ekCo: apt-get install --reinstall xmms | 10:40 |
DuaneAllman | or I'll break the system? | 10:40 |
Jenna | and yeah I am using ubuntu liveCd (hoary) | 10:40 |
bob2 | DuaneAllman: it should work, I think | 10:40 |
bob2 | ekCo: dpkg -l xmms | tail -n1 | 10:40 |
bob2 | ekCo: what does that print out? | 10:40 |
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bob2 | Burgundavia: hm, what was that in reference too? | 10:41 |
fabbione | DuaneAllman: what is the problem? | 10:41 |
ekCo | ii xmms 1.2.10-2 Converted Slackware tgz package | 10:41 |
Burgundavia | bob2, the error of demantik | 10:41 |
bob2 | ekCo: so, you do have xmms installed | 10:41 |
bob2 | Burgundavia: ah | 10:41 |
=== thechitowncubs [~thechitow@c-67-175-52-127.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DuaneAllman | fabbione: there's no way to activate DMA on ide drives on boot. | 10:41 |
ekCo | wtf then? | 10:41 |
fsapo | hi there.. how can i get the infos about a dvdr drive? | 10:41 |
fabbione | DuaneAllman: only on CDROM... | 10:41 |
Burgundavia | bob2, I also ran into issues with my warty-->hoary box on that package | 10:41 |
fabbione | DuaneAllman: and this is an expected and wanted behaviour | 10:42 |
DuaneAllman | fabbione: yes, sorry, on CDROMs, hdds are OK | 10:42 |
topyli | ekCo: then, run it. the command is xmms | 10:42 |
Jenna | How does one get a soundcard detected in ubuntu ? | 10:42 |
bob2 | fsapo: cdrecord can give you some information about them | 10:42 |
fabbione | DuaneAllman: it's not a bug | 10:42 |
fsapo | like cat /proc/something.. how do i get this kind of info from a drive? | 10:42 |
fsapo | bob2, ok thanx | 10:42 |
ekCo | lol | 10:42 |
ekCo | bash: xmms: command not found | 10:42 |
fabbione | + the forum are not an official source of bug reports/information... | 10:42 |
thechitowncubs | I think something in my gnome-panel got corrupted or something, I Can't login to my session, it says that it is unable to read the ICE authority file: /home/thechitowncubs/.ICEauthority | 10:42 |
ekCo | also how do you mount an image? | 10:43 |
bob2 | ekCo: "dpkg -L xmms | grep bin" | 10:43 |
demantik | BOB2...ill post the few problems i get in flood. | 10:43 |
bob2 | thechitowncubs: when did you last run k3b? | 10:43 |
fabbione | bob2: he is not using an ubuntu version of xmms | 10:43 |
DuaneAllman | fabbione: it wouldn't be a bug if it woul be possible to activate it via hdparm.conf, but as I edit that file the system randomly hangs on boot. | 10:43 |
thechitowncubs | i think a few days ago | 10:43 |
bob2 | fabbione: hm? dpkg think it's sinstalled. | 10:43 |
thechitowncubs | might not have rebooted since then though | 10:43 |
bob2 | thechitowncubs: there you go. delete that file and relogin again. | 10:43 |
thechitowncubs | this happened after i rebooted | 10:44 |
=== sir-gold [GoldWing@pcp0011224816pcs.manitowoc.wi.mich.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thechitowncubs | just delete it? | 10:44 |
fabbione | DuaneAllman: it is not a bug.. ther reason why it is disabled by default is because DMA on cdrom, breaks on more systems that people can imagine. | 10:44 |
ekCo | so now what lol? | 10:44 |
thechitowncubs | why does K3B have anything to do with it? | 10:44 |
fabbione | <ekCo> ii xmms 1.2.10-2 Converted Slackware tgz package | 10:44 |
fabbione | bob2: ^^ | 10:44 |
bob2 | fabbione: oh, duh me, good point | 10:44 |
fabbione | apt-get --purge remove xmms && apt-get install xmms | 10:44 |
bob2 | ekCo: why on earth did you install xmms from slackware? | 10:44 |
DuaneAllman | fabbione: I've always used DMA on all linux boxes I had on this system without a single problem | 10:44 |
fabbione | that will do | 10:44 |
bob2 | ekCo: and do what fabbione just suggested | 10:44 |
thechitowncubs | NICE! | 10:44 |
thechitowncubs | it worked, thank god | 10:44 |
fabbione | DuaneAllman: you have been lucky | 10:45 |
darkstar | hey ..i have savage 3d video card and i want to have dri acceleration in ubuntu.....i downloaded dri drivers from dri project page and i installed it on my ubuntu release...but .... there is a problem ... my system freezes whenever i run any GL program...i found a solution ...there is a DMA problem....but my card only support vertex dma not command neither none......who could help me to resolve this problem??? | 10:45 |
ekCo | lol | 10:45 |
ekCo | i didnt thats the thing rofl | 10:45 |
thechitowncubs | bob2, why did that happen? | 10:45 |
topyli | ekCo: it's eery talking to people who are Laughing Out Loud all the time while their systems are broken | 10:45 |
bob2 | ekCo: well, someone who has root on your machine did | 10:45 |
demantik | lol | 10:45 |
ekCo | prob my bro | 10:45 |
ekCo | ><! | 10:45 |
bob2 | demantik: I have no idea how you could have got it into that situation | 10:45 |
demantik | LOL neither do i | 10:45 |
=== difeta [~difeta@c-67-170-40-240.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DuaneAllman | fabbione: so, now suppose I happy with a problematic system with dma activated, how can I activate it on boot? | 10:46 |
bob2 | demantik: run 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get install build-essential' and paste the errors to #flood | 10:46 |
difeta | I just installed ubuntu.. How do i run a program as root? | 10:46 |
demantik | alright | 10:46 |
thechitowncubs | sudo | 10:46 |
=== xri is back (gone 06:13:33) | ||
ekCo | ok | 10:46 |
ekCo | xmms completley removed | 10:46 |
_jonas | hello I just installed kubuntu 5.4 with swedish language support and it seems as if my locale chars: only works in some programs (belive they work in kde programs). And my old document files wich contains this characters get chars in the filenames. And my openoffice.org menus also have this problem.. suggestions ??? | 10:46 |
fabbione | DuaneAllman: hdparm -c 1 -d 1 /dev/<whatever_cdrom_you_have> | 10:46 |
bob2 | difeta: wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 10:46 |
fabbione | DuaneAllman: if it hangs at boot like you said, well than you are seeking for troubles playing with DMA :) | 10:47 |
difeta | bob2 whenever i try to run sudo <command> I'm asked for a password | 10:47 |
bob2 | difeta: yes, that's your password | 10:47 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o fabbione] by fabbione | ||
bob2 | difeta: I'm pretty sure the wiki page says that | 10:47 |
thechitowncubs | Why is almost every security update buffer related, on windows and on ubuntu? | 10:47 |
Burgundavia | bob2, it does | 10:47 |
bob2 | thechitowncubs: because that's one of the easiest mistakes to make in C | 10:47 |
darkstar | hmmm i think noone could help me.....sad but true :P... | 10:48 |
difeta | bob2 whats my password? | 10:48 |
Jenna | anyone at least give a hint how to get/detect my soundcard etc in Ubuntu. I am a ubuntu newbie | 10:48 |
thechitowncubs | IC | 10:48 |
DuaneAllman | fabbione: you're discouraging me to use ubuntu, man. dma on my system worked _very_ well on all linux systems I've tryed. so this MUST be a bug | 10:48 |
bob2 | difeta: whatever you use to login... | 10:48 |
difeta | bob2 k thanks | 10:48 |
fabbione | DuaneAllman: file one, and i will close it straigh away.. it's no a bug again... | 10:48 |
fabbione | DuaneAllman: ubuntu is a choise... nobody forces it to you | 10:48 |
demantik | BOB2: None of the things that came up with dependancy errors, will let me install them...they all seem to link to each other. | 10:48 |
bob2 | DuaneAllman: dude, it's broken on a lot of hardware, that's why it's disabled. | 10:49 |
fabbione | i am more happy to get 1000 computers working because DMA is OFF | 10:49 |
bob2 | demantik: yes, I know, someone has screwed your system up | 10:49 |
Burgundavia | demantik, comment out the none ubuntu repos and try it again | 10:49 |
bob2 | demantik: what used to be in your sources.list that you've removed? a Debian source? | 10:49 |
DuaneAllman | fabbione: I know, I use it because I like it, in warty dma worked without problems | 10:49 |
fabbione | DuaneAllman: no, it didn't.. it was still disabled by default. | 10:49 |
fabbione | and probably your cdrom driver has been reported as non-DMA safe | 10:49 |
demantik | i havent removed any?.... | 10:49 |
DuaneAllman | fabbione: no, it was enabled: hdparm -d /dehdc returned 1 | 10:50 |
fabbione | and blocked at kernel level for DMA operations | 10:50 |
demantik | i wouldnt have done that purposely atleast | 10:50 |
DuaneAllman | /dev/hdc | 10:50 |
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bob2 | demantik: someone has screwed it up, sorry | 10:50 |
demantik | hmm.. | 10:50 |
bob2 | demantik: try removing gcc and reinstalling it | 10:50 |
demantik | alright | 10:50 |
sir-gold | DuaneAllman, did it work on plain debian? | 10:51 |
DuaneAllman | sir-gold: yes, perfectly | 10:51 |
DuaneAllman | sir-gold: I used sarge for a long time | 10:51 |
sir-gold | did it work on woody with a recent kernel? | 10:51 |
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DuaneAllman | sir-gold: never used woody | 10:51 |
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jfk303 | Hi, my sources list is messed up is there anywhere I can get a new one? My backup is not good either... | 10:52 |
thechitowncubs | What is going to be the biggest new feature in Breezy? | 10:53 |
bob2 | jfk303: try sudo apt-setup | 10:53 |
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fsapo | jfk303, www.ubuntuguide.org | 10:53 |
jfk303 | bob2 what does apt-cdro do? | 10:53 |
bob2 | jfk303: do you mean "apt-cdrom"? it tells apt about repositories you might have on CD. | 10:54 |
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DuaneAllman | fabbione: now I try to install a warty kernel and I'll let you know. please don't take my previous discussion as a flame war | 10:56 |
demantik | bob2:...still no luck.. | 10:57 |
bob2 | it's best to find who broke it and ask what they did | 10:57 |
jfk303 | bob2, just putting the cdrom in has fixed the erros? So its searches the cdrom for the packages first when apt-getting? | 10:57 |
demantik | nobody has been on my pc :( lol...and i cant think of anything i would have done. | 10:57 |
bob2 | jfk303: ok | 10:58 |
=== ripoto [~chatzilla@ADijon-152-1-41-81.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
demantik | thing is...."libc6-dev: Depends: libc6 (= 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13) but 2.3.2.ds1-21 is to be installed".......that is already installed...why is it saying this? | 10:59 |
IIIEars | . | 10:59 |
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nuxleuz | where can i d/laod qcad that can run on ubuntu? | 11:00 |
bob2 | demantik: because it has to be =, not > | 11:00 |
bob2 | nuxleuz: wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto | 11:00 |
bosewicht | google qcad ubutnu | 11:00 |
demantik | O....good point...well thats a bitch now isnt it.. | 11:00 |
=== [1] Dutchy [~Dutchy@ipd50ae694.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bosewicht | actually it can be > but if u look it prob says .ubuntu.2.2.2 or whatever | 11:01 |
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demantik | then, how is it even possible for me to make it work?... | 11:02 |
bosewicht | ubuntu pkgs include the ubuntu name in the pkg name | 11:02 |
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bosewicht | the pkg ur talking about is a debian pkg | 11:02 |
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DuaneAllman | as expected, using a from warty repo enabled dma without problems | 11:02 |
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bosewicht | what i would do is download the .tar.gz pkg and do a makepkg in the dir...(i think it's makepkg for debian)in that dir from bash | 11:03 |
jfk303 | ok, I want to develop some java app's, eclipse or jdeveloper or jbuilder sound good, can i apt-get for any of these and start coding in say 10mins? | 11:04 |
bob2 | demantik: by installing the right versions of things | 11:04 |
bob2 | demantik: somehow you collected broken ones | 11:04 |
bob2 | DuaneAllman: yes, but it screws up for lots of other people | 11:04 |
=== DJSelbeck [~hendrik@p508B6AC1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | bosewicht: er, that will horribly break things even more | 11:05 |
DuaneAllman | jfk303: jbuilder is closed source, you can't apt-get it, you can however apt-get eclipse afaik | 11:05 |
bob2 | jfk303: no, because of sun's silly approach to licensing | 11:05 |
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nate____2 | where can i get a list of users and user ids? | 11:05 |
bob2 | nate____2: in /etc/passwd | 11:05 |
matata | hi all | 11:05 |
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nate____2 | bob2: thanks | 11:06 |
bosewicht | no it won't | 11:06 |
matata | can anyone send me the file: /etc/init.d/gdm | 11:06 |
bosewicht | u;ll be building the pkg with ur libs | 11:06 |
DJSelbeck | matata, i can | 11:06 |
nate____2 | is your main user always 1000? i mean, the first-created one when you install ubuntu? | 11:06 |
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bob2 | nate____2: yes | 11:07 |
demantik | ok...well...havent exactly got anywhere, because it seems somehow i did something pretty bad lol...thanks for helping though bob2 :) | 11:07 |
matata | DJSelbeck, plz :) | 11:07 |
nate____2 | bob2: is there a way to refer to this player's home directory? | 11:07 |
bob2 | nate____2: no, why? | 11:07 |
DJSelbeck | matata, email? | 11:07 |
nate____2 | bob2: for a script of mine | 11:07 |
nate____2 | bob2: want to refer to a user as root | 11:07 |
jfk303 | DuaneAllman, will the apt-get eclipse afaik command work? | 11:07 |
demantik | Enlightenment D17....know where to get .deb packages for that ? | 11:07 |
transgress | bob2: any way we could have a few more ops for this channel... i'm not asking for like me... just for like more ops... to watch for people saying stuff like "rm -rf /" as happened to day... | 11:07 |
nate____2 | bob2: but i want the original user to be the main user | 11:07 |
bob2 | nate____2: what are you trying to do? | 11:08 |
Burgundavia | transgress, it is happening | 11:08 |
bob2 | transgress: you don't need ops for that | 11:08 |
bob2 | transgress: you need people with common sense | 11:08 |
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transgress | Burgundavia: awesome. | 11:08 |
bob2 | and it's sad that this channel has to be babysat like that | 11:08 |
transgress | bob2: well ubuntu is attracting a lot of people completely new to linux... | 11:08 |
nate____2 | bob2: I'm trying to chown and chgrp a directory and its contents to theprimary use | 11:08 |
bosewicht | building sourcecode with the ubuntu will not break packages | 11:08 |
bob2 | nate____2: ok... | 11:08 |
nate____2 | bob2: in a script | 11:08 |
transgress | bob2: welcome to the real world... where people need babysitting... | 11:09 |
bob2 | transgress: lots of other useful channels don't need continuous supervision | 11:09 |
matata | DJSelbeck, yes mail me plz | 11:09 |
bob2 | nate____2: well, you can use getent to do that | 11:09 |
bob2 | nate____2: but are you sure you always want uid 1000 to own the file? then you can just use "chown 1000:1000 /path/to/whatever/" | 11:09 |
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nate____2 | bob2: oh, cool, thanks | 11:10 |
transgress | bob2: well i watched multiple times today as flames started and saw someone answer the question of "how do i remove said file" with "sudo rm -rf /" | 11:10 |
DJSelbeck | matata,what adress? | 11:10 |
demantik | lol | 11:10 |
=== Littlefae [~ubuntu@host81-155-192-230.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
matata | jarkas@gmail.com | 11:10 |
Littlefae | Hello | 11:10 |
transgress | bob2: and i wouldn't say that... because this isn't the only channel i see it in... it's just one of the ones i see more people who don't know what rm -rf / does | 11:10 |
DJSelbeck | ok | 11:10 |
bob2 | transgress: did you tell the person to not do that? | 11:10 |
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transgress | bob2: yes | 11:10 |
Littlefae | I was looking for a little help, if possible? :) | 11:11 |
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transgress | bob2: but it doesn't change that if he had typed quicker than me it could've been a bit of a bad ubuntu experience for him eh? | 11:11 |
bob2 | sure | 11:11 |
demantik | hahaha | 11:11 |
Littlefae | Hello? :( | 11:11 |
hazzer123 | hi all, im planning on installing kubuntu. I currently have a root partition and swap partition set up for fedora core 3, im planning on reformatting root partition and then installing ubuntu. Is it only root and swap that ubuntu needs? | 11:11 |
transgress | bob2: i'm by no means asking for a completely controlled channel *cough*##slackware*cough* but some stuff should be watched | 11:11 |
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bob2 | right | 11:12 |
hazzer123 | or is that all sorted automatically? | 11:12 |
bob2 | and you did the right thing telling them not to do it | 11:12 |
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bob2 | Littlefae: best to just ask your question... | 11:12 |
DJSelbeck | matata,i've send the file | 11:12 |
bob2 | transgress: and please do tell off the person who said it, and if they do it again, please tell an op to either remove them or having a stern talking to | 11:12 |
Littlefae | I wanted to know if I could be seen first. Some places require being given the power of speech. :) | 11:12 |
transgress | bob2: heh i had a long telling him off... | 11:13 |
Littlefae | Question is: How easy is it to get Ubuntu to dual boot with an already-set-up Mac OS X system | 11:13 |
transgress | i hate that stuff... | 11:13 |
nate____2 | bob2: any efficient way to refer to user 1000's home directory? | 11:13 |
demantik | http://xeromag.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=XOS&Product_Code=VTGK003&Category_Code=VTGK :( thats a bit lame | 11:13 |
Littlefae | I'm currently on the live CD and loving it | 11:13 |
matata | DJSelbeck, thanx :) | 11:13 |
bob2 | nate____2: use getent. | 11:13 |
bosewicht | littlefae...not hard at all | 11:13 |
bob2 | Littlefae: simple, it should happen automatically | 11:13 |
Littlefae | It does all that for you, hmm? :D | 11:13 |
bosewicht | grub will see macosx | 11:13 |
bob2 | bosewicht: no, grub has nothing to do with it | 11:14 |
Littlefae | I was more worried about all the partitioning Linux usually does, won't that harm the Mac FS? | 11:14 |
bob2 | on PPC, ubuntu uses yaboot | 11:14 |
bob2 | Littlefae: well, do you have free space? | 11:14 |
=== Subvertir [npx@12-220-231-186.client.insightBB.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
bosewicht | yes grub has everything to do with it | 11:14 |
Littlefae | About 13 GB, yes. | 11:14 |
bosewicht | grud is the boot manager | 11:14 |
bob2 | bosewicht: no, grub is not used on ppc | 11:14 |
bosewicht | or lilo | 11:14 |
bob2 | bosewicht: please trust me on this | 11:14 |
Subvertir | Hi, does ubuntu have any 'easy to use' facilities for the configuration of XDMCP clients/hosts? | 11:14 |
bosewicht | ok | 11:15 |
bob2 | Littlefae: then ubuntu will install itself in that space | 11:15 |
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nate____2 | bob2: sorry to annoy you again, but is there a way to specify an item in a delimetted list? | 11:15 |
Littlefae | YEay.. See you later on, after I'm all installed, then. :D | 11:15 |
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bob2 | nate____2: use the "cut" tool | 11:15 |
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bosewicht | bob2..u were right-->No biggie here, as this isn't x86, you don't use lilo or grub. Instead, yaboot is the bootloader of choice. It isn't particularly easy or difficult to use, just different. You'll need to read up on it when you recompile your kernels. It's well documented, so it shouldn't be a problem. | 11:16 |
Subvertir | Actually, are there _any_ gui/ncurses tools for configuring XDMCP? that seems like it'd be a killer feature of offices, etc | 11:17 |
Subvertir | s/of/for/ | 11:17 |
zachary | jm78?? | 11:17 |
bob2 | bosewicht: yes, I know. | 11:18 |
bob2 | Subvertir: they tend to do things like LTSP instead | 11:18 |
bob2 | which I gather breezy is going to do | 11:18 |
bob2 | judging from the number of LTSP people at UDU | 11:18 |
bosewicht | bob2....u know this? lol | 11:19 |
bob2 | bosewicht: ? | 11:19 |
xukun | anybody know a place I can ask things about gnugpg? | 11:19 |
bob2 | xukun: try here | 11:19 |
bosewicht | #gpg | 11:19 |
bosewicht | ? | 11:19 |
xukun | ah bob2 | 11:19 |
xukun | ok | 11:19 |
bob2 | no, it's #gnupg on irc.oftc.net | 11:19 |
bob2 | but you're unlikely to get answers to simple questions there | 11:20 |
Subvertir | bob2, not saying their development effort is misdirected, mind you! | 11:20 |
Subvertir | I was just wondering if there was any work being done in that particular direction | 11:20 |
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transgress | yeah i know this is ubuntu, but a kubuntu question... anyone know why my Regional and Accesability-keyboard layouts has no keyboard layouts in it in Control center in kde? | 11:20 |
bosewicht | whats ur gpg question? | 11:21 |
bob2 | no one answered in #kubuntu | 11:21 |
bob2 | ? | 11:21 |
=== azad [~azad@pD9EBB1D7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
azad | hey there.. i know it's not a really new topic, but how do i get my 3D-accleration and so on working (ATI Radeon 9700pro)? | 11:21 |
transgress | bob2: nope | 11:21 |
Burgundavia | azad, www.ubuntu.com/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto | 11:21 |
bob2 | azad: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 11:21 |
bob2 | I think that requires firegl, but I don't know | 11:21 |
transgress | it does | 11:22 |
azad | firegl is that fglrx thing? | 11:22 |
transgress | yes | 11:22 |
azad | okay | 11:23 |
transgress | azad: also there are some corrections i keep meaning to make to that wiki but haven't... it's probably better to run fglrxconfig | 11:23 |
azad | cat /proc/pci reveals a card with "ATI" in it <- it says no such file or directory | 11:23 |
bob2 | azad: ignore that | 11:23 |
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azad | hm okay | 11:23 |
transgress | azad: and then go into th XF86Conf-4 file and change Keyboard to keyboard or it won't start X | 11:23 |
spidey | Where i can get a frontend for NES? | 11:23 |
transgress | and then rename XF86Conf-4 to xorg.conf | 11:23 |
transgress | that was the only way i got mine working | 11:24 |
nate____2 | cut --delimiter=: --fields=4,6 /etc/passwd | grep 1000 | 11:24 |
nate____2 | bob2: I can narrow it down to the row | 11:24 |
azad | For Hoary (Ubuntu version 5.04) <- i'm using breezy | 11:24 |
nate____2 | bob2: with only the user id and home directory | 11:24 |
xukun | bob2, I,m a bit new but I realy want use gpg from now on. Few days ago I created my keys at my work pc. now I need to use the same keys here at home, how do I export the keys at /home/.gnugp ? | 11:24 |
bob2 | azad: er, if you're using breezy, you should know all this | 11:24 |
nate____2 | bob2: how can i split it? | 11:24 |
transgress | azad: why in gods name? | 11:24 |
bob2 | given how broken breezy is expected to be | 11:24 |
bob2 | xukun: just copy the whole directory | 11:24 |
xukun | bob2, hmm that easy he | 11:25 |
azad | it's running fine for me i think.. at least until now | 11:25 |
xukun | bob2, thanks bob2 | 11:25 |
bob2 | xukun: but how much do you trust the work machine? | 11:25 |
azad | but well.. should be the same as 5.04, shouldn't it? | 11:25 |
bob2 | no | 11:26 |
azad | hmm | 11:26 |
transgress | i really want to get a linux biometric scanner for my desktop... | 11:26 |
paspa | hello! i installed linux for the 1st time so i dont know anything about it. i have this problem that i cant change the refresh rate of my monitor above 85hz even it supports 120hz | 11:26 |
transgress | but bleh... they are all made for companies ... at least the ones that work on linux are... | 11:26 |
transgress | windoze has some neat ones that work on the desktop nowadays | 11:27 |
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bob2 | paspa: that's not simple to change | 11:27 |
bob2 | paspa: how much do you care? | 11:27 |
paspa | my eyes are killing me right now :D | 11:28 |
paspa | so i its really important to me | 11:28 |
bob2 | at 85Hz you can see flicker? | 11:28 |
paspa | yes | 11:28 |
bob2 | you have amazing vision | 11:28 |
paspa | too sensitive eyes | 11:28 |
Subvertir | i begin to get a headache after a few hours at 60hz | 11:29 |
paspa | 60hz seems to me like someone blinking flashlight to my eyes | 11:29 |
fsapo | paspa, 60hz burn my eyes in less than 1 minute | 11:30 |
xukun | bob2, one could never know for 100%, but I,m the only one who uses the work pc. what would you do in this situation? | 11:30 |
p0m | Anything lower than 60hz is like that to me. | 11:30 |
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transgress | i wonder what mine is running at... is there a way to check that? | 11:30 |
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p0m | transgress: Normally if your monitor has an on screen display, it'll show it in the main menu. | 11:31 |
dougsk | transgress you should prolly have a button on your monitor where that information can be found | 11:31 |
paspa | but is there any tutorial/help for changing the refresh rate? | 11:31 |
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transgress | heh mine is running at 60 | 11:31 |
=== woodefec [~hcs@pc25.gdansk.cvx.ppp.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
woodefec | hello | 11:32 |
fsapo | paspa, to change the refresh rate you need to know the vertical and horizontal sync of you monitor and put it in the xorg.conf | 11:32 |
Subvertir | Isn't it autodetected nowadays? | 11:32 |
bosewicht | google ur montor and include the horizontal an/or vertical | 11:32 |
xukun | bob2, ? | 11:33 |
bosewicht | i think ubuntu uses xfree and it has set values | 11:33 |
paspa | my monitor says just : 68,7 kHz 85Hz | 11:33 |
p0m | bosewicht: Nope. The values can be changed. | 11:33 |
bosewicht | they can be changed but xfreeconfig has set values...u need to set the custom values | 11:34 |
fsapo | paspa, so "gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" then find the section monitor | 11:34 |
fsapo | paspa, and replace the following: HorizSync30-71VertRefresh50-160 | 11:35 |
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fsapo | paspa, raplace it with the values for you monitor | 11:35 |
_cosmos_ | Hello all | 11:35 |
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bosewicht | so u would select 5 or whatever is inputn custon values or edit efreeconfig if it is already set up | 11:35 |
paspa | thanks. i'll try | 11:35 |
bosewicht | then u have to restart x | 11:36 |
fsapo | paspa, you can try commenting this lines too and forcing an autodected... but i m not sure if it will work | 11:36 |
bosewicht | does ubuntu use hwd? | 11:37 |
DJSelbeck | how can i use the side buttons of my mouse in epiphany web browser. they work in firefox,too but not in epiphany | 11:37 |
=== angie [~iorghe@adsl-ull-45-132.47-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bosewicht | u could run hwd from bash if it's uncluded..that might tell u the sync | 11:37 |
angie | having an issue with cdrecord and cpu usage... any help please? | 11:38 |
paspa | fsapo, i can't even find those lines. should i add them then? | 11:38 |
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bosewicht | NO | 11:38 |
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bosewicht | paspa | 11:38 |
=== Bazzi [~Bastian@p5484DD9C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
paspa | bosewicht? | 11:39 |
Aloha | hi, its me once again. I have a problem regarding ENEMY TERRITORY : it uses my 1st soundcard nforce ... but i d like to tell ET to use my 2nd sound device ice1712 .. anyone knows a solution ? | 11:39 |
Aloha | where the first sentence ... ;) | 11:39 |
bob2 | xukun: I'd make a work key and a home key | 11:39 |
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bosewicht | aloha? hawaii? | 11:39 |
bob2 | angie: best to just ask your question... | 11:40 |
Aloha | bosewicht hamburg :P | 11:40 |
bosewicht | lol...o ok | 11:40 |
bob2 | Aloha: you can't unless enemy territory has a config option | 11:40 |
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bob2 | well, not simply, anyway | 11:40 |
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angie | bob2: tnx... while using cdrecord the cpu usage (i see it in the applet system monitor) increases until it reaches 100% | 11:41 |
Aloha | bob2 i tried to change the gstreamer properties , and moreover i tried to change the symbolic link /dev/dsp to /dev/dsp1 , but no luck | 11:41 |
Aloha | bob2: xmms works fine with /dev/dsp1 | 11:41 |
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bob2 | angie: what cpu do you have? | 11:41 |
bob2 | Aloha: I doubt enemy territory uses gstreamer | 11:42 |
bosewicht | angie...what is ur cpu? | 11:42 |
angie | bob2: a celeron 500... but I used previously cdrecord without problems in debian... got this problem when i switched to ubuntu | 11:42 |
Amaranth | eek, leet speek | 11:42 |
=== Amaranth 's head explodes | ||
Dhanjel | Hi guys. Do you know if it's possible to reduce the size of the icons and text in the gnome menu= | 11:42 |
p0m | Dhanjel: The text, yes. Under "fonts" | 11:43 |
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bob2 | angie: I guess DMA is being disabled on your cd burner. | 11:43 |
p0m | The icons, not likely, unless you resize all the icons. | 11:43 |
Aloha | bob2: but i don understand : if i ude the symbolic link /dev/dsp --> /dev/dsp0 sound works in et (but on the wrong device , if i change the symbolic link sound doesnt work ... i am confused | 11:43 |
angie | bob2: do u know how to enable it please? | 11:43 |
bob2 | angie: try "hdparm -c3 /dev/cdrom", then burning something | 11:43 |
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bob2 | Aloha: I don't know enough about enemy territory to guess why it's doing that, sorry | 11:44 |
angie | bob2: tnx, I'll try immediately | 11:44 |
Dhanjel | p0m, ok, thanks | 11:44 |
Aloha | bob2: ok thank you , i will be googleing | 11:44 |
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Dhanjel | p0m, but not the icons? want them like 16x16px instead | 11:45 |
p0m | Dhanjel: Unless there's a 16x16 icon theme around, I don't believe so. | 11:45 |
bob2 | or they're svg | 11:46 |
bob2 | but I don't htink gnome lets you dynamically select svg icon sizes | 11:46 |
Dhanjel | p0m, ok | 11:46 |
angie | cya later | 11:46 |
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p0m | bob2: Not yet, anyhow. But there are a couple of SVG icon sets around, and I think I saw an "iconsize" option in gconfigurator one time. | 11:46 |
bob2 | neat | 11:46 |
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jdims | hey, i installed ubuntu dual boot with windows xp pro (windows was installed first) and it was working good for a while til i tried to do something with grub anyway, now when i try to load windows xp it says. Booting 'Windows NT/2000/XP' root (hd0,0) Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x7 savedefault makeactive chainloader +1 , Any suggestions that could help are greatly appreciated and if now whats the best way to rein | 11:52 |
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bob2 | jdims: so, you altered your grub config, but you don't know what you did? | 11:55 |
spidey | Why wher I run ./configure I get: configure: error: cannot find install-sh or install.sh in . ./.. ./../.. ?? | 11:55 |
jdims | i think thats right | 11:55 |
angie | bob2: it was a cdrom DMA problem... now it works perfectly... tnx so much i was really upset :-) | 11:56 |
bob2 | angie: no problem | 11:56 |
bob2 | spidey: are you using ubuntu or Debian? | 11:56 |
bob2 | spidey: pick one channel and one channel only | 11:56 |
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spidey | bob: ubuntu ;) | 11:56 |
webmind | bob2, you're not allowed to use both ? | 11:57 |
jdims | i was following the ubuntuguide and then didnt feel comfortable, so i mighta messed up grub or something | 11:57 |
angie | bob2: do u help in the #debian channel too? | 11:57 |
jdims | im just hoping i didnt lose my other OS on the other partition | 11:57 |
=== p0m sets up lm-sensors again | ||
bob2 | webmind: people can use whatever they want, but asking for help in the wrong channel is annoying and rude | 11:58 |
bob2 | angie: yes | 11:58 |
bob2 | spidey: then ask in here, only. what are you trying to compile? | 11:58 |
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gfoxiness | can i install mplayer on ubuntu ? | 11:58 |
spidey | bob2: FceuLauncher 0.2 | 11:58 |
bob2 | jdims: so, you don't know if you did modify the grub config or not? | 11:58 |
bob2 | gfoxiness: yes, wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 11:58 |
marty | ok, just upgraded to breezy - someone said my tulip ethernet card was fixed in this - doesn't seem to be a new kernel in breezy - is this right? | 11:58 |
bob2 | spidey: what url did you get the tarball from? | 11:58 |
siimo | hi can anyone tell me their permissions on the /home directory, and also owner/group | 11:58 |
jdims | i think i did but not sure this was last week | 11:58 |
bob2 | marty: er, that's a really bad idea at this point | 11:58 |
bob2 | siimo: drwxrwsr-x 10 root staff 4096 2005-03-11 17:33 /home | 11:59 |
spidey | bob2: http://ltsword.allegronetwork.com/index.php?page=10 | 11:59 |
angie | bob2: tonight I was searching for help in the debian channel and when i said i was using ubuntu they treated me like an idiot... it was a very unpleasant experience... i was sure thi sproblem was a generic one and not just an ubuntu issue | 11:59 |
webmind | bob2, yes | 11:59 |
marty | bob2: working ok so far - i have about 5 linux boxen all with different distros - ubuntu is just a sandbox at the mo' | 12:00 |
p0m | angie: Considering Ubuntu is built on top of Debian, I'd assume it is. | 12:00 |
=== kild [~fran@20.Red-80-26-73.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
p0m | It seems the elitist attitude that fedora users have had in the past might be carrying over to debian on freenode :( | 12:00 |
bob2 | angie: yes, asking for help with non-Debian distributions in #debian is strongly discouraged | 12:00 |
bob2 | especially broken Debian derivatives like knoppix | 12:00 |
bob2 | angie: if you want help with a particular distribution, ask for help in that distribution's channel | 12:00 |
bob2 | that applies to all distros, not just Debian and Ubuntu | 12:01 |
bob2 | marty: breezy probably doesn't have a different default kernel yet | 12:01 |
marty | still get lots of 0000:00:0e.0: tulip_stop_rxtx() failed | 12:01 |
marty | - doesn't break ethernet totally - just was getting slow after a while under hoary | 12:01 |
p0m | Just don't ask for fedora core help in fedora. You'll get the same treatment. | 12:01 |
bob2 | marty: apt-cache linux-image, does it show 2.6.12? | 12:01 |
p0m | Unless I'm in the wrong fedora rooms. | 12:01 |
siimo | 2.6.11-1 | 12:02 |
bob2 | siimo: did you install that? | 12:02 |
jdims | any advice for me bob | 12:02 |
siimo | bob2, yes why | 12:02 |
bob2 | and I was pretty damn sure breezy is going to 2.6.12 | 12:02 |
bob2 | siimo: did you boot it? | 12:02 |
angie | bob2: you gave me the answer without asking me anything... I think you knew the solution to my problem.. they did not... and they found easier to offend me | 12:02 |
siimo | yes im running it now | 12:02 |
spidey | bob2: the tarball is here http://ltsword.allegronetwork.com/src/fceulauncher-0.2.tar.gz | 12:02 |
bob2 | spidey: yes, I know, I'm looking at it | 12:02 |
siimo | bob2, 2.6.12 isn't out yet | 12:02 |
bob2 | as well as talking to 3 other people | 12:02 |
spidey | bob2: ok,thx | 12:03 |
bob2 | angie: well, it gets very very tiresome when people keep asking questions about things other than Debian | 12:03 |
bob2 | not that they should be rude, but that's why | 12:03 |
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bob2 | haha, the author of fceulauncher should be a lot more careful | 12:03 |
marty | bob2: sorry what is the command meant to be (i'm mainly a RPM guy) - apt-cache showpkg linux-image shows linux-image-2.6.10-5-686 2.6.10-3linux-image-2.6.11-1-686 2.6.11-0.24 | 12:04 |
marty | and | 12:04 |
bob2 | marty: I gave you the command to run. | 12:04 |
bob2 | 20:01:35 @ bob2 | marty: apt-cache linux-image, does it show 2.6.12? | 12:04 |
bob2 | spidey: it works here | 12:04 |
bob2 | spidey: do you have build-essential installed? | 12:04 |
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bob2 | not that I could guess why that would break it | 12:04 |
spidey | bob2: yes | 12:05 |
marty | bob2: E: Invalid operation linux-image | 12:05 |
bob2 | siimo: oh, ok | 12:05 |
bob2 | marty: apt-cache search linux-image | 12:05 |
bob2 | my typo, sorry. | 12:05 |
angie | bob2: i think they did not know the asnwer... it would have been more correct to tell me: sorry we do not know | 12:05 |
marty | bob2: i did a dist-upgrade | 12:05 |
Burgundavia | bob2, currently rc2, I think | 12:05 |
bob2 | spidey: are you doing something silly like running it on a fat partition? | 12:05 |
siimo | latest kernels are: linux-image-2.6.11-1-386 linux-image-2.6.11-1-686 linux-image-2.6.11-1-686-smp linux-image-2.6.11-1-k7 linux-image-2.6.11-1-k7-smp | 12:05 |
bob2 | angie: but you would have been more correct to ask in here instead of there | 12:05 |
bob2 | marty: yes, but I doubt the breezy default has changed, so you'd need to manually install the 2.6.11 kerne lyou wanted | 12:06 |
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spidey | bob2: i' put the files in my home dir | 12:06 |
marty | bob2: i get lots - basically those 2 i mentioned (for different architectures) | 12:06 |
bob2 | spidey: and your home dir is not on FAT or anything? | 12:06 |
bob2 | spidey: and not mounted noexec? | 12:07 |
angie | bob2: :-) i tried but i could not get an answer here at that time... anyway now it's ok and thank you so much again | 12:07 |
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bob2 | marty: well, pick the one most approriate for your machine and install it | 12:07 |
bob2 | angie: np | 12:07 |
marty | bobs: so is it apt-get upgrade linux-image? | 12:07 |
bob2 | marty: no, pick the one you want and install it | 12:07 |
spidey | bob2: its ext3 | 12:07 |
siimo | marty, apt-get install linux-image-2.6.11-1-386 | 12:08 |
bob2 | marty: if you dn't know which you should have, get the -386 one | 12:08 |
bob2 | spidey: and not mounted noexec or anything? | 12:08 |
marty | i'm a PIII so 686 i guess | 12:08 |
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marty | ubuntu hoary installed 386 | 12:08 |
spidey | bob2: mounted with exec | 12:09 |
marty | strange that hoary dodn't optimise? | 12:09 |
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bob2 | marty: the gain is small | 12:09 |
bob2 | spidey: ok | 12:09 |
bob2 | spidey: I don't know then, but it works for me | 12:09 |
bob2 | spidey: try unpacking the tarball again | 12:10 |
spidey | bob2: u can send me the install-sh? | 12:10 |
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bob2 | no | 12:10 |
bob2 | how would that help? | 12:10 |
bob2 | you have the file already | 12:10 |
Dhanjel | I have a problem, when trying to load ndiswrapper with modprobe, I get the following error: "Error inserting ndiswrapper.. Operation not permitted". Any suggestions? | 12:11 |
marty | bob2: thanks anyway - it's all about learning - i've only been using linux for 12 years or so ;-) | 12:11 |
Burgundavia | bob2, optimizations don't really gain you that much | 12:11 |
bob2 | Dhanjel: do it using sudo | 12:11 |
Burgundavia | make that marty ^^ | 12:11 |
Dhanjel | bob2: I did | 12:11 |
bob2 | Dhanjel: did you enable the root account at some point? | 12:12 |
Burgundavia | marty, at a cost | 12:12 |
bob2 | well, they do gain you something | 12:12 |
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bob2 | and it should automatically pick the right kernel for your hardware | 12:12 |
Burgundavia | yes | 12:12 |
bob2 | I thought that made it into hoary, but I guess not | 12:12 |
Dhanjel | bob2: don't think so, but I can try to load it using the root terminal instead | 12:12 |
bob2 | Dhanjel: no, don't, just testing a theory | 12:12 |
Dhanjel | ok | 12:12 |
Dhanjel | brb, I'll try and reboot and see if the error remains. | 12:12 |
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marty | another q - i've spent a few hours trying to improve my 3d perf. this machine has a ATI Rage 128 tih 16M. Knoppix defintely does a fine job - i get 1100 fps on glxgears - it seems to to just run xfree86 4.3 with "ati". ubuntu basically does the same , buth with xorg of course, but it doesn't turn on 3d accel - been through logs configs but i can't quite nut it out. i have been through the wiki but drivers like fglrx are all for newer cards. | 12:14 |
marty | knoppix seems to make it work with the standard "free" stuff . any ideas how to solve it ? | 12:14 |
marty | ubuntu glgears is about 90fps :-( BTW | 12:15 |
sir-gold | it picked the 386 kernel for my p3 laptop, so it either doesn't pick the right kernel, or my laptop confused it | 12:15 |
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bob2 | marty: what card? | 12:15 |
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bob2 | marty: and you'e not using firegl on ubuntu, right? | 12:15 |
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marty | bob2: accord to lspci - ATI Technologies Inc Rage 128 PF/PRO AGP 4x TMDS | 12:15 |
bob2 | bah | 12:16 |
bob2 | I mean | 12:16 |
bob2 | you're using the default setup on ubuntu, righ? | 12:16 |
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marty | i tried fglrx - but it doesn't detect the hw - reading the notes and it is mainly for radeons - this machine is obviously too old for firegl | 12:16 |
bob2 | don't use firegl | 12:17 |
Dhanjel | ok, now modprobe ndiswrapper works. but the wlan0 does not exist | 12:17 |
marty | bob2: yep i was , i've tried tweaking, choosing different drivers like "r128" , but doesn't make a diff | 12:17 |
bob2 | Dhanjel: a) you need to load the windows driver, b) it might be called eth1 or so | 12:18 |
Dhanjel | now it does :) but now to the problem I had earlier, no stations are found while scanning. Don't have a cleu to fix that | 12:18 |
marty | the default from hoary, "ati" works fine as 2D, just no 3D | 12:18 |
sir-gold | Dhanjel what wifi card do you have? | 12:18 |
Dhanjel | I've set the correct channel, but iwlist wlan0 scan does not return any results | 12:18 |
bob2 | marty: does changing it to radeon help? | 12:18 |
Dhanjel | sir-gold: a belkin f5d700yy with broadcom chipset | 12:18 |
Dhanjel | followed the how-to thread on the ubuntuforums with no luck | 12:19 |
marty | i am going to do a diff on the config from knoppix, but I guess it probably isn't the config, but the actual x driver | 12:19 |
Dhanjel | ndiswrapper -l tells me that the drivers are installed and that the hardware is present | 12:19 |
Dhanjel | but I can't move on from here | 12:19 |
bob2 | marty: I doubt x.org dropped support for something xfree86 had | 12:19 |
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marty | bob2: haven't tried that - the "ati" driver definitely picks up the chipset etc. i wouldn't have thought radeon would help. knpooix defintely just tags it as "ati" | 12:20 |
sir-gold | Dhanjel run iwconfig, does your card show up at all? | 12:20 |
Dhanjel | sir-gold, yeah | 12:20 |
sir-gold | as what? | 12:20 |
Dhanjel | wlan0 | 12:20 |
Dhanjel | no invalid nwid, crypt or flags | 12:20 |
Dhanjel | Link quality: 100/100, Signal level: -10dBM, Noise leel: -256dB;, but no AP mac | 12:21 |
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spidey | bob2: but u have the install.sh? | 12:21 |
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bob2 | those values look suspicious | 12:21 |
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bob2 | spidey: install-sh, yes, it's in the tarball | 12:21 |
bob2 | spidey: as I said, try unpacking it again | 12:21 |
spidey | bob2: i try many time | 12:22 |
Dhanjel | Mode managed, Frequency 2.437 (chan 6), which is correct. Don't now why it don't find the ap. | 12:22 |
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=== JoKeR`` [~JoKeR@uni14-1-82-233-222-68.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | spidey: tar what does ' tar -ztf fceulauncher-0.2.tar.gz | grep install' print out? | 12:22 |
marty | bob2: i would have thought that there would be a fairly large client base of older machines with the ATI Rage card that aren't getting much joy out of ubuntu for 3d. this machine was a throwout gift - so i thought it would be a good test for hoary - good so far apart from the aforementioned tuilip issue and the 3d | 12:22 |
bob2 | marty: ok! | 12:23 |
bob2 | it certainly worked on my old radeon, out of the box | 12:23 |
sir-gold | Dhanjel bring up wlan0 with 'ifconfig wlan0 up' and see if that helps | 12:23 |
=== makiley [~makiley@115.Red-83-42-218.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Burgundavia | marty, make certain you run the hardware database thing, once you get it working | 12:23 |
bob2 | yeah, good point | 12:23 |
bob2 | where on earth did I put my apple power supply | 12:24 |
Dhanjel | sir-gold, nope no luck | 12:24 |
Dhanjel | I get this error in the log though, might be a problem? -> wlan0: no IPv6 routers prese | 12:24 |
Dhanjel | nt | 12:24 |
spidey | bob2: "FceuLauncher-0.2/install-sh",but its 0 byte | 12:24 |
sir-gold | well, im out of ideas already, but i have never used ndiswrapper | 12:24 |
bob2 | spidey: it's not 0 here | 12:24 |
Dhanjel | sir-gold, ok :/ | 12:25 |
bob2 | spidey: you are using gnu tar, right? | 12:25 |
sir-gold | just getting hostap to work was hard enough | 12:25 |
spidey | bob2: yeah | 12:25 |
Dhanjel | bob2: do you have any more suggestions? | 12:25 |
marty | bob2: i guess a 5 year old card is probably not in the target range for ubunu? | 12:25 |
bob2 | no | 12:25 |
bob2 | try asking on the user list | 12:25 |
bob2 | marty: dude | 12:25 |
bob2 | marty: you found a bug with an obscure bit of hardware | 12:25 |
bob2 | marty: it should work, please file a bug | 12:25 |
Juhaz | Dhanjel, have you tried setting the essid manually instead of scanning? | 12:26 |
Dhanjel | Juhaz, yeah with no result | 12:26 |
=== Alex_8574 [~Alex_3784@AAmiens-106-1-5-136.w80-14.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | with the output of 'dmesg', 'lspci', 'lspci -n', 'lsmod' and your X log | 12:26 |
sir-gold | the ati rage isn't exactly obscure | 12:26 |
Burgundavia | marty, the goal is all hardware should work, regardless of age | 12:26 |
marty | bob2: i will do that - i have already filed 2 bugs - so i am happy to help | 12:26 |
=== Dethread [~Dethread@c-24-130-7-17.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
marty | bob2: just thought it was me | 12:27 |
bob2 | maybe it is...but if it works in knoppix, it should work in ubunt | 12:27 |
marty | bob2: that i should be trying hard to get the config right | 12:27 |
sir-gold | if there is a really dumb obvious mistake i found, should i file a bug report? | 12:27 |
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spidey | bob2: the files INSTALL,install.sh and missing are 0 byte :/ | 12:27 |
marty | bob2: so the ubuntu philosphoy is that out-of-box it should just work? | 12:27 |
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dman_ | hello all | 12:28 |
dman_ | security question: | 12:28 |
bob2 | marty: of course | 12:28 |
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dman_ | sudo apt-get upgrade | 12:28 |
dman_ | Reading package lists... Done | 12:28 |
dman_ | Building dependency tree... Done | 12:28 |
dman_ | The following packages will be upgraded: | 12:28 |
dman_ | libxine1 tcpdump | 12:28 |
bob2 | spidey: well, your tar program is screwed | 12:28 |
bob2 | dman_: please don't paste stuff in here | 12:28 |
Burgundavia | sir-gold, what is the dumb mistake? | 12:28 |
dman_ | bob2: sorry. | 12:29 |
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sir-gold | during init, it tries to sync with the ubuntu timeserver, before loading the pcmcia stuff (and loading the pcmcia nic) | 12:29 |
spidey | bob: its possible. Please u can send me this files? :) | 12:29 |
bob2 | spidey: no | 12:29 |
dman_ | deleted special characters.. | 12:29 |
dman_ | WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! libxine1 tcpdump Install these packages without verification [y/N] ? | 12:29 |
dman_ | what do i do here.. how do i verify the packages? | 12:30 |
bob2 | spidey: download the tar file again | 12:30 |
spidey | bob2: done :( | 12:30 |
Burgundavia | sir-gold, known and being dealt with | 12:30 |
Dhanjel | wlan0: ndiswrapper ethernet device 00:11:50:06:91:0d using driver bcmwl5, configuration file 14E4:4320:1799:7000.5.conf | 12:31 |
Dhanjel | wlan0: encryption modes supported: WEP | 12:31 |
Dhanjel | <- No problems in log | 12:31 |
sir-gold | yeah, i figured something that obvious would already be known, its the only real bug i have found so far | 12:31 |
Burgundavia | sir-gold, that is part of faster boot stuff | 12:31 |
JoKeR`` | anybody can help me with this message Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0" with my ati graphic card please ? | 12:31 |
Burgundavia | sir-gold, so it will be solved indirectly | 12:32 |
=== Kisain [~Kisain@24-177-160-171.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dman_ | are there any issues with the security update for libxine and tcpdump? | 12:33 |
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spidey | bob2: do you have any more suggestions? | 12:34 |
bob2 | no, sorry | 12:36 |
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foxiness | how can i fix synaptic "like its broken after my network drop middle of download the header file" | 12:36 |
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p0m | Do another update? | 12:37 |
p0m | Either that, or delete your lists and update again. | 12:37 |
odyssey | dman_, what sort of issues? | 12:37 |
dman_ | i get: WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! libxine1 tcpdump Install these packages without verification [y/N] ? | 12:38 |
foxiness | y ;) | 12:38 |
foxiness | p0m, update notwork any more how can i delete this lists ? | 12:39 |
odyssey | dman_, i dont get that, but that means you dont have the gpg for them | 12:39 |
odyssey | try reloading the package info.. | 12:40 |
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shmoolik | hello | 12:41 |
shmoolik | how can i mount a fil ? | 12:41 |
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liable | shmoolik: you sneak up from behind and ... | 12:42 |
p0m | shmoolik: As in a filesystem inside a file? | 12:42 |
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ritalin | hi | 12:43 |
raetsel | hi | 12:43 |
ritalin | would anyone happen to have a link on how to make a .deb file for ubuntu | 12:43 |
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shmoolik | liable, :) | 12:43 |
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ritalin | i searched the wiki but came up dry | 12:44 |
shmoolik | p0m, a *ISO file | 12:44 |
bob2 | ritalin: www.debian.org/devel/, new maintainer's guide | 12:44 |
Amaranth | ritalin: google for the new maintainer's guide | 12:44 |
ritalin | ty guys | 12:44 |
bob2 | it's not trivial, tho | 12:44 |
Amaranth | ritalin: It's a pretty involved process the first couple times you do it. | 12:44 |
dman_ | odyssey: doing another sudo apt-get update &upgrade seemed to do it.. THANKS | 12:45 |
Amaranth | ritalin: And only slightly less involved (still a PITA) for the ones after that. :) | 12:45 |
odyssey | dman_, no worries | 12:45 |
bob2 | well, it's pretty quick once you know what you're doing | 12:45 |
p0m | And as long as you're using a fakeroot etc, it's not messy :) | 12:45 |
Amaranth | bob2: If you use cdbs, yeah. | 12:45 |
bob2 | even just with debhelper | 12:45 |
Amaranth | *shudder* | 12:46 |
bob2 | you rarely need to do more to debian/rules than edit the configure line and delete some dh_ lines | 12:46 |
shmoolik | mount "filename" will do it right ? | 12:46 |
bob2 | you only know how to use cdbs? | 12:46 |
bob2 | shmoolik: no | 12:46 |
bob2 | shmoolik: sudo mount -t iso9660 ./file.iso /mnt | 12:46 |
Amaranth | bob2: Yeah, pretty much. | 12:46 |
shmoolik | hum thanks | 12:46 |
shmoolik | - t is for the fonts type? | 12:47 |
p0m | I've never used debhelper. | 12:47 |
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bob2 | shmoolik: no, for the filesystem type | 12:47 |
Amaranth | I used debhelper once. When I was asking for help all I got were people telling me to use cdbs. | 12:47 |
shmoolik | thanks | 12:47 |
p0m | Amaranth: debhelper-cdbs? | 12:48 |
shmoolik | i m reading about it now thank u a lot :) | 12:48 |
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Amaranth | p0m: ? | 12:49 |
p0m | Amaranth: http://www.wlug.org.nz/debhelper(1) | 12:49 |
p0m | That's the guide I used to figure it out. | 12:49 |
Amaranth | That's ok, I don't need it. | 12:49 |
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Amaranth | p0m: pfft, they don't even have anything about dh_python on there | 12:51 |
p0m | I didn't know there was a dh_python one. | 12:51 |
bob2 | it's pretty new | 12:51 |
shmoolik | bob2, i have got this massage what does it mean ? err :".iso is not a block device (maybe try `-o loop'?)" | 12:51 |
marty | bob2; i'm back - 2.6.11-1-686 - still get 0000:00:0e.0: tulip_stop_rxtx() failed | 12:52 |
marty | - i'll update bugzilla | 12:52 |
bob2 | shmoolik: sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 ./file.iso /mnt | 12:52 |
goli | i tried to configure sound on my acer laptop using instructions submitted by bored2k - http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-21453.html | 12:52 |
bob2 | marty: ok | 12:52 |
shmoolik | okay thanks | 12:52 |
goli | but i am still getting "libmp4v2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory xmms-mad-Message: failed to open audio output: eSound Output Plugin 1.2.10" when i try to use xmms | 12:53 |
goli | what am i missing? | 12:53 |
p0m | Esd, from the look of it. | 12:54 |
p0m | Did you set xmms to use alsa instead of esd? | 12:54 |
marty | btw - i have only used IRC occasionly - using x-chat now - if i select "open dialog window" with another correspondent does every one see the chat or just the person your chatting with? | 12:54 |
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p0m | marty: Just the person. | 12:54 |
p0m | And the server.. | 12:55 |
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p0m | But it's not like anyone watches. | 12:55 |
bob2 | no, it's a problem in something else | 12:55 |
shmoolik | sudo: illegal option `-o' | 12:55 |
Amaranth | grr, gnome-video-thumbnailer is starting to piss me off | 12:55 |
marty | p0m: so does everyone manually type the name you want to talk with a colon : ? | 12:55 |
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bob2 | it's trying to load a library that doesn't exist | 12:55 |
bob2 | marty: no, their client tab completes it for them | 12:55 |
p0m | marty: Only in a channel. | 12:55 |
bob2 | shmoolik: read what I said again | 12:56 |
p0m | Or that. | 12:56 |
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marty | cause i like the way it highlights the name in red | 12:56 |
goli | p0m, then i get "** WARNING **: alsa_setup(): Failed to open pcm device (default): Device or resource busy xmms-mad-Message: failed to open audio output: ALSA 1.2.10 output plugin" | 12:56 |
Amaranth | marty: Type Amar and then hit tab | 12:56 |
Amaranth | marty: see what happens | 12:56 |
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shmoolik | bob2, okay | 12:57 |
marty | bob2, ok so i type b and tab and i get a list all the b's and eventually i get bob2 with a comma | 12:57 |
marty | Amaranth, got it! | 12:57 |
Amaranth | marty: In your preferences you can change the , to a : if you want | 12:57 |
Amaranth | marty: Both work though | 12:58 |
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marty | Amaranth, ta! | 12:58 |
bob2 | marty: well, except your client should be smart and notice the last time you did b<tab> you wanted bob2, so it should pick me first | 12:58 |
Amaranth | bob2: what client does that? | 12:58 |
marty | Amaranth: like this! | 12:58 |
bob2 | Amaranth: irssi | 12:58 |
Amaranth | marty: Good job. :) | 12:58 |
Amaranth | bob2: Damn, if only irssi had a GUI. | 12:58 |
bob2 | it does | 12:58 |
bob2 | called "xterm" | 12:58 |
Amaranth | haha | 12:58 |
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Amaranth | I figured you'd say curses. | 12:59 |
bob2 | a gui for an irc client seems kinda silly | 12:59 |
JoKeR`` | anybody can help me with this message on Steam launching with cedega : fixme:ver:GetVersionExA OSVERSIONINFO is too large (possibly OSVERSIONINFOEXA) ? | 12:59 |
bob2 | since it is a completely text-based medium | 12:59 |
marty | bob2: no it didn't - so irssi does | 12:59 |
bob2 | even more so than email | 12:59 |
imek | hi all.. Anyone know how I change my default text editor, so that programs like visudo and abcde use Vim instead of Nano? | 12:59 |
Amaranth | imek: export EDITOR="vim" | 12:59 |
bob2 | imek: sudo update-alternatives --config editor | 12:59 |
Amaranth | or that | 12:59 |
bob2 | JoKeR``: #cedega | 01:00 |
imek | ok, thanks | 01:00 |
JoKeR`` | Thx lol & sorry :) | 01:00 |
bob2 | JoKeR``: or call or email them or whatever, you did pay them money, they should be supporting you | 01:00 |
p0m | Amaranth: There is xirssi | 01:01 |
topyli | irssi-gtk, but that's obsolete | 01:01 |
Amaranth | I think it'd be easier to add the feature to xchat. ;) | 01:02 |
bob2 | why do you want a gui irc client? | 01:03 |
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liable | choice, all about choice :) | 01:05 |
bob2 | sure | 01:05 |
bob2 | I'm just curious as to what the advantage is | 01:05 |
marty | bob2: you can easily choose between channels - and i guess mousing text from the screen - surfing URLs - not sessential . x-chat is a fairly non-GUI GUI IMHO | 01:05 |
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bob2 | hm, I find it easier to switch in irssi than to use the mouse | 01:06 |
bob2 | but I guess I don't use the mouse much anyway | 01:06 |
liable | bob2: youse your x40, the trackpoint is right there :) | 01:06 |
bob2 | heh, yeah, but it's pretty clumsy | 01:06 |
Amaranth | bob2: nice fonts :) | 01:07 |
marty | it's funny - i'm CLI and vi through and through - but i also don't mind picking up a mouse either | 01:07 |
Amaranth | bob2: Why do you want a GUI for anything? | 01:07 |
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bob2 | Amaranth: for things like a web browser, I like having different sized fonts, images, clickable things, etc | 01:08 |
marty | i think you get in a mindset - i like reading the paper on saturday - but i also download RSS to my iPaq | 01:08 |
bob2 | Amaranth: for coding I use emacs in X mode for basically the same reason | 01:08 |
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bob2 | but in my irssi client all I do is send and recieve text | 01:08 |
bob2 | er, "irc client" | 01:08 |
Amaranth | *shrug* | 01:08 |
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Amaranth | i try to use a terminal as little as possible | 01:08 |
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Gandalf_SX1 | hello everyone, i have an HP dv1071ea laptop, it has a 6 in 1 Texas Instrument card reader, connected to the PCI bus, anyone knows how to make it work?? thanks in advance | 01:09 |
bob2 | it probably doesn't | 01:10 |
elcu | hello, nautilus freezes when i try and view the properties of an mp3 file. anyone know of a solution to this? | 01:10 |
bob2 | try linux-laptops.net | 01:10 |
Gandalf_SX1 | thanks i will | 01:10 |
seb128 | use totem-gstreamer, that's a xine b ug | 01:11 |
elcu | seb128: was that directed at me? | 01:11 |
seb128 | right | 01:11 |
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elcu | seb128: i'd rather not. i've ditched totem-gstreamer for totem-xine | 01:12 |
seb128 | so wait for a xine fix | 01:12 |
topyli | seb128: btw, does gstreamer use all the evil codecs these days? | 01:12 |
seb128 | no | 01:12 |
topyli | hmm | 01:12 |
seb128 | you can install gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg for that | 01:12 |
topyli | so it will see the codecs from w32codecs? | 01:13 |
tm | .. . | 01:13 |
Burgundavia | topyli, no | 01:13 |
tm | dont mean to interrupt | 01:13 |
Burgundavia | w32codecs in xine only | 01:13 |
tm | but r there any ubuntu noob channels? haha | 01:13 |
bob2 | tm: here | 01:13 |
topyli | Burgundavia: oh, ok | 01:13 |
elcu | seb128: noob question: what does xine have to do with nautilus? | 01:14 |
tm | bob2: does 5.04 come with gcc? | 01:14 |
tm | bob2: just installed, new to linux, cant seem to find it | 01:14 |
bob2 | tm: of course | 01:14 |
bob2 | tm: you need to install build-essential, first | 01:14 |
bob2 | tm: (this is in the FAQ) | 01:14 |
topyli | elcu: nautius-thumbnailer uses it | 01:15 |
tm | bob2: kudos, will look it up, thx | 01:15 |
elcu | topyli: ah, cheers | 01:15 |
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elcu | another noob question: openoffice 2.0 isn't in the repos yet, right? | 01:17 |
Gandalf_SX1 | nope | 01:17 |
bob2 | it is indeed in hoary | 01:17 |
bob2 | but it is not installed or used by default | 01:17 |
marty | bob2: know i know y debian packaging is so good - sudo apt-get install build-essential - justs get an empty pkg with lots of dependencies, right? | 01:17 |
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bob2 | marty: yup | 01:17 |
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elcu | bob2: it is? mine shows the latest as 1.1.3-8ubuntu2.3. or is this the ubuntu equivalent of 2.0? | 01:17 |
marty | bob2: (and why i got 1.5Mbps broadband ;-) | 01:18 |
elcu | bob2: in synaptic | 01:18 |
bob2 | elcu: it's a seperate package, of course | 01:18 |
bob2 | 21:17:21 @ bob2 | but it is not installed or used by default | 01:18 |
Gandalf_SX1 | bob2: that site is useless for me, any channel here for laptops? | 01:18 |
bob2 | Gandalf_SX1: how is it "useless"? | 01:18 |
Gandalf_SX1 | bob2: well no info about card reader | 01:19 |
elcu | bob2: whoops -_-; | 01:19 |
elcu | just found it | 01:19 |
bob2 | Gandalf_SX1: then you'll have to wait, I guess | 01:19 |
bob2 | Gandalf_SX1: perhaps someone on the ubuntu-user list knows something | 01:19 |
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Burgundavia | elcu, 00.o 1.9 (the 2.0 beta) is there | 01:19 |
Gandalf_SX1 | bob2 :'( well on the forum (i'm known as Gandalf there) and on LQ.org no one answered till now | 01:20 |
tm | where should gcc be installed into? does it even matter? | 01:20 |
bob2 | Gandalf_SX1: the forums are unlikely to be useful | 01:20 |
bob2 | tm: what do you mean? | 01:20 |
bob2 | tm: it gets installed as /usr/bin/gcc when you install the package I told you to get | 01:20 |
marty | Gandalf_SX1: is the TI card standard in your notebook? | 01:20 |
Gandalf_SX1 | bob2: ok i think i have to wait thanks anyway | 01:20 |
elcu | Burgundavia: yep, found it. :) i overlooked the oo2 package. | 01:20 |
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Gandalf_SX1 | marty: well i don't know what you mean exaclty by standard but if you mean about drivers well on XP i have to poin it to drivers | 01:21 |
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marty | Gandalf_SX1: did it come with the machine - or is it 3rd party? | 01:21 |
Gandalf_SX1 | marty: it is with the machine, it is internal | 01:22 |
Ironfrost | Hi - people are going to hate me for asking this, but how do I install Windows on a machine with Ubuntu already on? | 01:22 |
Ironfrost | I heard that it wants to be on the first partition | 01:22 |
Burgundavia | Ironfrost, you can install it | 01:22 |
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Burgundavia | Ironfrost, but it will overwrite your boot manager | 01:22 |
Burgundavia | Ironfrost, and you will need to restore grub | 01:22 |
Burgundavia | Ironfrost, the wiki has a page on how to do it | 01:23 |
fabio | Hello guys | 01:23 |
marty | Gandalf_SX1: do you know if there is support in other distros? | 01:23 |
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fabio | ppl, does somebody knows a channel for Gtk+ programming? | 01:24 |
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Sconk | Hi i have just installed ubuntu on my server that have been running debian for years budt i can not find php4-mysql package? | 01:24 |
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Gandalf_SX1 | marty: unforunately i didn't try others, i was aiming from the begining to install debian based distro i did install mandrake but i didn't pay attantion if it works, and i don't want to format or remove ubuntu just to try | 01:24 |
fabio | Sconk, try this | 01:25 |
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bob2 | Sconk: you need to enable the universe repository | 01:25 |
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bob2 | Sconk: look at /etc/apt/sources.list, it has the instructions you need | 01:25 |
Goliath24 | hi | 01:25 |
Sconk | okay | 01:25 |
fabio | Sconk, http://ubuntuguide.org/#installapachehttpserver | 01:25 |
Gandalf_SX1 | Sconk: take a look also to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25722 | 01:25 |
marty | Gandalf_SX1: i would submit a bug report for it on bugzilla - there are a people from HP that might be looking at bug reports and might be keen to help make it work | 01:25 |
Sconk | wow bombet whit info :) | 01:25 |
fabio | Sconk, http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories | 01:26 |
bob2 | fabio: dude | 01:26 |
Gandalf_SX1 | marty: thanks i will do it | 01:26 |
bob2 | don't recommend that to people | 01:26 |
fabio | bob2, hello | 01:26 |
bob2 | especially when they're not asking anything like that | 01:26 |
fabio | bob2, ops | 01:26 |
fabio | bob2, I thought he had probs with Apache | 01:26 |
Goliath24 | I have a problem with hoary. every now and then my mouse hangs, the same with sound. Pherhaps this is an IRQ-issue? but how to look for the cause? I mean the mouse (or whole X) shouldn't hang on a 7pIII with just firefox loaded, right? | 01:26 |
fabio | sorry mysql | 01:26 |
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Goliath24 | I had gentoo installed on the same laptop and never run into problems | 01:27 |
Burgundavia | can I get another breezy user to run 'apt-cache policy libdevmapper1.00' and /query me the output? | 01:27 |
Sconk | weee thansk got all then things i need now :) | 01:27 |
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shmoolik | how can i find my host name? | 01:31 |
Sconk | humm phpsysinfo says im running debian 3.1 | 01:31 |
Sconk | http://sconk.dk/phpsysinfo/ | 01:31 |
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desplesda | shmoolik, run 'hostname' from the command line | 01:32 |
shmoolik | thanks | 01:32 |
topyli | Sconk: it probably just reads /etc/debian_version and reports | 01:32 |
Sconk | topyli okay | 01:33 |
shmoolik | Sconk, wow how havae u done it? | 01:33 |
shmoolik | have* | 01:33 |
topyli | Sconk: it's old-fashioned apparently. in modern times, it should try /etc/lsb-release first :) | 01:33 |
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androxxl | ne kuham juzno :P | 01:35 |
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androxxl | sory | 01:36 |
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Sconk | humm is it Ubuntu or ubuntu ? | 01:37 |
bob2 | Ubuntu | 01:37 |
thenuke | most propably Ubuntu | 01:37 |
Sconk | ok | 01:38 |
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Jen20 | 5.04 "Ubuntu Update Manager" "E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporary unavailable) E: Unable to lock the download directory" Searches on the web and Usenet brings up the error, but no solution. | 01:39 |
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Gandalf_SX1 | Jen20: you must run it with sudo | 01:39 |
Gandalf_SX1 | Jen20: and only one can be used at a time | 01:39 |
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Jen20 | Gandalf_SX1, I look at the properties of UUM to find the bin, and then run it from a root console? | 01:40 |
Nonphasis | anyone got directconnect working for ubuntu? | 01:40 |
Nonphasis | dcgui-qt doesn't work, at least | 01:40 |
Gandalf_SX1 | Jen20: no it run as a super user automatic it must ask you for a password | 01:40 |
Gandalf_SX1 | Jen20: be sure only one is running | 01:41 |
Gandalf_SX1 | Jen20:and no other thing is using apt-get | 01:41 |
wdh | Jen20, most probably, you are already running an 'apt-get', another 'ubuntu update manager' or the ubuntu package manager | 01:41 |
Gandalf_SX1 | Jen20:like console or another user | 01:41 |
AirWays | Am, I have 1024x768 resoultion and 60Hz, and I cant change to 75Hz... How I can change it? | 01:41 |
Jen20 | Gandalf_SX1, oh yeah, it does ask the first user's password, and I'm fair sure it's only running once. | 01:41 |
Gandalf_SX1 | Jen20: *-) weird are you sure??? you tried to reboot? | 01:42 |
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Jen20 | Gandalf_SX1, no, not yet - I'll try Monday. On Usenet the one person found that rebooting and only opening it once didn't fix it. | 01:43 |
jini | i have a nvidia geforce mx 4 (onbord) card and i am running hoary. i have a lot of lockups wth the recent kernel and nvidia drivers. can anyone help ? | 01:43 |
Gandalf_SX1 | AirWays: google xorg.conf or search for it on ubuntuforums.org, you must set hoizrefresh and vertical refresh to the correct values | 01:43 |
AirWays | Okay... | 01:43 |
Jen20 | Thanks. | 01:43 |
Gandalf_SX1 | Jen20: weird, i don't actually know why this happend but normally if something else using it it tell you that | 01:44 |
Gandalf_SX1 | Jen20: try in console (close everything else | 01:44 |
jini | Gandalf_SX1, i have read in the forums and i cant find a solution. | 01:44 |
wdh | Gandalf_SX1, too late :) | 01:44 |
Gandalf_SX1 | Jen20:sudo apt-get update | 01:44 |
Gandalf_SX1 | Jen20:sudo apt-get upgrade | 01:44 |
wdh | Gandalf_SX1, Jen20| ~chatzilla@ has quit from #ubuntu ; "ChatZilla 0.9.61 [Mozilla rv:1.7.7/20050414] | 01:44 |
Gandalf_SX1 | jini: hmmmmmm.. what is your computer? | 01:45 |
jini | Gandalf_SX1, is this a nvida problem or is it kernel ?. It worked fine in warty . | 01:45 |
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Gandalf_SX1 | wdh: not a problem :P i don't look while i write | 01:45 |
wdh | apparently :P | 01:45 |
Gandalf_SX1 | jini: warty use XFREE86, hoary use XORG | 01:45 |
brosio | in the bew version of ubuntu 5 it automactly install gnome or other desktop or the user can choose ? | 01:46 |
AirWays | How I can know my X-Windows version? | 01:46 |
Gandalf_SX1 | wdh: yep :D | 01:46 |
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wdh | AirWays, apt-cache show xserver-xorg | 01:46 |
Gandalf_SX1 | brosio: ubuntu install gnome, Kubuntu install KDE | 01:46 |
jini | Gandalf_SX1, so can i use xfree in hoary ? | 01:46 |
wdh | AirWays, and there is no such thing as 'X-windows' | 01:46 |
brosio | Gandalf_SX1, so i can't choose to install noone at installation like in debian ? | 01:47 |
=== spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wdh | brosio, you should specify that at boot time | 01:47 |
Gandalf_SX1 | jini: i think so, but it is not advised XFRE86 sucks, a solution for u is to reinstall warty on another HDD just to take /etc/X11/xfree86.conf and compare it with /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:47 |
Gandalf_SX1 | brosio: yes you can just choose server when the install begin at boot time | 01:48 |
topyli | xfree86 doesn't suck | 01:48 |
p0m | The license does. | 01:48 |
AirWays | Amm | 01:48 |
wdh | topyli, not literally maybe :P | 01:48 |
topyli | i used it for years, no problems :) | 01:48 |
brosio | i want to choose it | 01:49 |
brosio | before | 01:49 |
brosio | during installation | 01:49 |
Gandalf_SX1 | yes but i don't think it work well with this gnome version, i have no idea though | 01:49 |
wdh | brosio, you can specify it at boot time | 01:49 |
brosio | i don't want to install package that i don't want | 01:49 |
jini | well, i am in warty right now and i have saved my xorg.conf i will check it out | 01:49 |
wdh | brosio, is it very hard to listen? | 01:49 |
Gandalf_SX1 | brosio: when you instert the CD instead of pressing enter, write server and press enter :-P | 01:49 |
=== gorilla_ [~george@219-90-235-197.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brosio | ok | 01:50 |
brosio | boot time | 01:50 |
Gandalf_SX1 | yes | 01:50 |
topyli | Gandalf_SX1: i don't think gnome depends on xorg just yet :) | 01:50 |
AirWays | I have downloaded fglrx_6_8_0-8.12.10-1.i386.rpm <-- file from ati.com. It should be some kind of drivers for my gfxcard:) what I should do for that file? | 01:50 |
brosio | is different installtion time :) | 01:50 |
elcu | AirWays: http://ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto | 01:51 |
=== hans_ [~hans@p85.212.30.96.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gandalf_SX1 | AirWays: normally you can covnvert it to deb with alien -d | 01:51 |
Gandalf_SX1 | AirWays: but do a little search before since it is derivers | 01:51 |
Gandalf_SX1 | AirWays:not an app | 01:51 |
hans_ | is ubuntu like kubutu or where is the difference? | 01:51 |
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AirWays | Okay | 01:51 |
topyli | hans_: different desktop | 01:51 |
hans_ | and any other differences like commands | 01:52 |
elcu | hans_: kubuntu -> kde, ubuntu -> gnome | 01:52 |
topyli | hans_: the system is the same underneath the desktop | 01:53 |
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Gandalf_SX1 | topyli: nope but ubuntu is based like that and all security updates will be for xorg not xfree86 | 01:53 |
topyli | so true | 01:54 |
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Gandalf_SX1 | topyli: :) | 01:54 |
topyli | :( | 01:54 |
Gandalf_SX1 | lol | 01:54 |
topyli | rather :) | 01:54 |
raghu | ubuntu hoary hangs and frezes a lot ...easy there a probelm in threading? | 01:55 |
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raghu | ubuntu hoary hangs and frezes a lot ...is there a probelm in threading? | 01:56 |
Gandalf_SX1 | raghu: don't spam | 01:56 |
Gandalf_SX1 | raghu: what's the problem | 01:56 |
Gandalf_SX1 | raghu: any logs? | 01:56 |
Goliath24 | hi, how can I disable the cpu-frequency-scaling? | 01:56 |
odyssey | raghu, or you have a buggy bios acpi issue | 01:56 |
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topyli | or bad ram | 01:56 |
Goliath24 | it causes a short hang everytime it switches between fast and slow mode! | 01:57 |
raghu | odyssey: no it is not in one machine many | 01:57 |
Gandalf_SX1 | Goliath24: try stopping acpid | 01:57 |
Gandalf_SX1 | Goliath24: sudo invoke-rc.d acpid stop | 01:57 |
Goliath24 | Gandalf_SX1: but then i'd stop thermal and battery monitoring as well, right? | 01:57 |
AirWays | Should I change this: Vertrefresh 43-72? | 01:58 |
Gandalf_SX1 | Goliath24: yes, let me see something else | 01:58 |
AirWays | When I want to change refreshrate to 75? | 01:58 |
Gandalf_SX1 | AirWays: that's what you shoud change but unfortunately every screen has it's own values don't know yours though | 01:58 |
=== mepisman [~mepisman@CPE-144-131-44-49.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AirWays | What I should then do :| | 01:59 |
jini | Gandalf_SX1, can i use 2.6.11 kernel ? | 01:59 |
Gandalf_SX1 | google linux and your monitor model | 01:59 |
jini | Gandalf_SX1, do you think that will help | 01:59 |
topyli | raghu: BOFH excuse: "The CPU has shifted, and become decentralized." anyway, no hangs on my boxen | 01:59 |
AirWays | Monitor model? | 02:00 |
Gandalf_SX1 | jini: hmmmmm.. remind me with your problem plz just one resume line | 02:00 |
AirWays | Last time when I get this working I just downloaded some drivers | 02:00 |
jini | Gandalf_SX1, lockup nvidia. | 02:00 |
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Gandalf_SX1 | jini: well try you don't have anything to loose but be aware you must boot with hmmm.. let me get the option wait | 02:01 |
ThomasWinwood | raghu: Perhaps you could provide details as to your system setup. Hoary works for all of us, so we figure it's a hardware problem. | 02:01 |
jini | ThomasWinwood, just searh the forum lockup nvida , you will find many with the smae problem | 02:02 |
Gandalf_SX1 | jini: it is posted somewhere on bugzilla, you must use this option or else your box will freeze on ubuntu login screen i'm searching for it now | 02:02 |
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ThomasWinwood | jini: The nvidia package is notoriously unstable - I use the default. | 02:04 |
Gandalf_SX1 | jini: you must boot with noinotify if you install 2.6.11, please note that | 02:04 |
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jini | Gandalf_SX1, aha..how do i do that ? | 02:05 |
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Gandalf_SX1 | jini: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add it to the linux options | 02:06 |
Gandalf_SX1 | must be like that | 02:06 |
AirWays | How I can extract .rpm file? | 02:06 |
Gandalf_SX1 | titleUbuntu, kernel 2.6.11-1-k7 | 02:06 |
Gandalf_SX1 | root(hd0,0) | 02:06 |
Gandalf_SX1 | kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.11-1-k7 root=/dev/sda1 ro quiet splash noinotify | 02:06 |
Gandalf_SX1 | initrd/boot/initrd.img-2.6.11-1-k7 | 02:06 |
Gandalf_SX1 | savedefault | 02:06 |
Gandalf_SX1 | boot | 02:06 |
Gandalf_SX1 | AirWays: alien -d rpm file | 02:06 |
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Gandalf_SX1 | will be deb file | 02:06 |
jini | Gandalf_SX1, thanks, are you using 2.6.11 kernel ? | 02:06 |
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G9dS6xL1q | nas | 02:07 |
Gandalf_SX1 | jini: no iprefer having security updates on using the latest kernel | 02:07 |
Sconk | AirWays http://ubuntuguide.org/#convertrpmtodebfile (havent read it budt guess it can help you) | 02:07 |
AirWays | This sucks | 02:08 |
AirWays | I cant get anylike 75 hz to my screen | 02:08 |
Gandalf_SX1 | AirWays: what sucks? | 02:08 |
Gandalf_SX1 | oh | 02:08 |
Gandalf_SX1 | hmmm.... | 02:08 |
AirWays | I have Radeon 9200 | 02:09 |
Gandalf_SX1 | AirWays: i remeber having this problem on my desktop box | 02:09 |
AirWays | Yeah | 02:09 |
=== equin [~equin@p508E7492.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gandalf_SX1 | AirWays: i googled my screen model and find the proper vertrefresh | 02:09 |
hans_ | after having installed fglrx i cant change the resolution any more | 02:09 |
Gandalf_SX1 | it helped me | 02:09 |
AirWays | Should I edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf file | 02:10 |
Gandalf_SX1 | exactly | 02:10 |
Gandalf_SX1 | save a copy though | 02:10 |
Gandalf_SX1 | always keep a copy | 02:10 |
bezibaerchen | Gandalf_SX1: sx1-mobile-phone? | 02:11 |
hans_ | x-server doesnt support xrandr-extension | 02:11 |
Gandalf_SX1 | bezibaerchen: exaclty :-P :D | 02:11 |
AirWays | I need to boot? | 02:11 |
bezibaerchen | Gandalf_SX1: online over it or directly with wireless IRC? | 02:11 |
Gandalf_SX1 | AirWays: explain your question plz | 02:11 |
AirWays | I'll boot -> | 02:11 |
bezibaerchen | Gandalf_SX1: managed to sync it under ubuntu? | 02:12 |
Gandalf_SX1 | bezibaerchen: no i'm on linux not on mobile phone now but i love SX1 :D http://www.siemens-mobiles.org if you heard off it's my website | 02:12 |
Gandalf_SX1 | bezibaerchen: nope :'( | 02:12 |
bezibaerchen | Gandalf_SX1: www.usp-forum.de/board / www.usp-chat.de | 02:12 |
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bezibaerchen | chat's mine, forum's a groupthing | 02:12 |
=== ArdieM [~ardiem@p54B26C2F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ArdieM | fakeroot make-jpkg jdk-1_5_0_02-linux-i586.bin | 02:13 |
ArdieM | now where is the new package ?? | 02:13 |
ArdieM | i cant find it ... | 02:13 |
bezibaerchen | bbl, meal's ready | 02:13 |
madcat | Goddamnit ... | 02:13 |
Gandalf_SX1 | ArdieM: same dir as you are trying to make it | 02:13 |
Gandalf_SX1 | bezibaerchen: nice | 02:13 |
ArdieM | it isnt ... | 02:13 |
madcat | I haven't had good surprise / experience with software in years as I had with ubuntu :) | 02:14 |
ArdieM | dpkg-architecture: warning: Couldn't determine gcc system type, falling back to default (native compilation) | 02:14 |
Gandalf_SX1 | ArdieM: are you sure?? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23592 | 02:14 |
=== lonni [~lonni@m65.net81-64-94.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
madcat | For once a distro that you don't have to fight with for hours to get things running :) | 02:14 |
ArdieM | im real sure ithe .bin is @ the desktop | 02:14 |
hans_ | madcat: thats right | 02:15 |
Gandalf_SX1 | ArdieM: take a look to that topic | 02:15 |
=== housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-142-062.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sconk | humm i have no C compiler installed budt i have installed gcc ? | 02:15 |
Sconk | sorry error: C compiler cannot create executables | 02:15 |
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madcat | Sconk, You should make symlinks in /usr/bin ... | 02:16 |
Sconk | libc-dev libc6-dev | 02:16 |
Sconk | helped :) | 02:16 |
madcat | Sconk, gcc -> gcc-3.4 ? | 02:16 |
hans_ | what comsumes more resources kde or gnome? | 02:16 |
madcat | I installed gcc-3.4 and it didn't create "gcc" symlinks, just gcc-3.4 bins ... | 02:16 |
Sconk | i miss a dev tools in tasksel | 02:17 |
Sconk | that install "all" tools needed to compile | 02:17 |
foxiness | what is the best way to get somthing like "hdparm -dl -X34 /dev/hdc" or "ln /dev/hdc /dev/cdrom" start on boot every time :thank u: | 02:17 |
ArdieM | you know a way to @ menupoint to the rightclick menu in a folder? i want to @ "start terminal here" | 02:18 |
Gandalf_SX1 | ArdieM: yes ubuntuguide.org | 02:19 |
hans_ | does kubuntu auto mount windows partitions? | 02:19 |
Gandalf_SX1 | hans_:yes if not add it to fstab manually | 02:19 |
hans_ | thx | 02:20 |
Gandalf_SX1 | http://ubuntuguide.org/#windows here you go a good link | 02:20 |
Gandalf_SX1 | hope it helps | 02:20 |
=== Kazuhiro [~paul@CPE-138-130-0-33.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kazuhiro | evenin | 02:20 |
Gandalf_SX1 | for everyone here before asking a question take a look to http://ubuntuguide.org/ and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31094 | 02:21 |
Gandalf_SX1 | Kazuhiro: evening, afternoon for me ;) | 02:21 |
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ArdieM | is there any way to @ unrar support for fileroller ? (im unpacking rars via conosle... but ijust want to know i there is any way.. | 02:22 |
Hannes_ | LINUX is a monolithic style system. This is a giant step back into the 1970s. That is like taking an existing, working C program and rewriting it in BASIC. To me, writing a monolithic system in 1991 is a truly poor idea. | 02:22 |
Hannes_ | oh, sorry | 02:22 |
Hannes_ | wrong window | 02:22 |
Gandalf_SX1 | ArdieM: yes sudo apt-get unrar-nonfree | 02:23 |
Kazuhiro | ha | 02:23 |
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ArdieM | Gandalf_SX1: i did that but it doesnt work... i have to unpack via console | 02:23 |
hans_ | can ubuntu read windows compressed ntfs partitions | 02:23 |
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Gandalf_SX1 | ArdieM: it always worked for me, i "sudo apt-get install unrar-nonfree rar" and it worked except for rar archoive with password | 02:24 |
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Gandalf_SX1 | ArdieM: for that reason i installed WINRAR using XOVER | 02:24 |
Funraiser | That's weird, I solved my sound problems just by clicking "Enable sound server startup" in system/preferences/sound | 02:24 |
=== martinhj [~martinhj@host-81-191-103-214.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AirWays | How I can change console's backgroundcolor? | 02:24 |
Funraiser | I mean by NOT enabling that | 02:24 |
Gandalf_SX1 | AirWays: edit console profile you can make it transparent but i don't think background pic | 02:25 |
toresbe | AirWays: the console? | 02:25 |
AirWays | Well I want to backgroundcolor is black | 02:25 |
AirWays | Terminal i mean | 02:25 |
Gandalf_SX1 | Funraiser: take a look to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063 | 02:25 |
toresbe | AirWays: ah - what terminal? | 02:25 |
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AirWays | Well this normal ubuntu 5.04 terminal | 02:26 |
Gandalf_SX1 | AirWays: in terminal, Edit -> Current profile | 02:26 |
chx_ | anyone tried http://www.hymn-project.org/download.php compiling JHymn on ubuntu? | 02:26 |
toresbe | edit->current profile->Colors | 02:26 |
AirWays | Oh yeah thanks | 02:26 |
Gandalf_SX1 | np | 02:26 |
toresbe | sure | 02:26 |
Kazuhiro | any one use gdesklets? | 02:26 |
toresbe | Kazuhiro: I tried it ages ago | 02:26 |
equin | i have a quesrtion, i want wo install world of warcraft with cedega, so i type: root@xbox:/media/cdrom0 # cedega installer.exe | 02:27 |
equin | root@xbox:/media/cdrom0 # | 02:27 |
equin | but nothing happend | 02:27 |
Funraiser | what version of cedega do u have | 02:27 |
Funraiser | ? | 02:27 |
Kazuhiro | equin, you got access to a windows machine with wow installed? | 02:27 |
equin | 4.3 | 02:27 |
equin | no, i have the cd1 inside | 02:28 |
Kazuhiro | its much easier to copy a existing install to a dvd and copy the files to a dvd and then copy into cedega dir | 02:28 |
AirWays | I just downloaded opera (opera_8.0-20050415.5-shared-qt_en_sarge_i386.deb) how I can install it? | 02:28 |
Kazuhiro | dpkg -i "package name" | 02:28 |
Rima | dpkg -i <filename> | 02:28 |
Kazuhiro | or man dpkg | 02:28 |
equin | ok! i have a version on my windows! how can i access to my win, harddisc? | 02:28 |
ArdieM | ive installed java now | 02:28 |
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ArdieM | but azureus just still dont work | 02:28 |
Kazuhiro | equin, boot into windows | 02:28 |
Funraiser | equin, when u put the cd in the cdrom, gnome launches a window that shows what's in it? | 02:28 |
AirWays | Okkay | 02:29 |
equin | Funraiser, yes! | 02:29 |
jini | Gandalf_SX1, where did you get Linux CpuLoad. are you using php-nuke ? | 02:29 |
Funraiser | equin, did u download Point2Play also? | 02:29 |
Gandalf_SX1 | jini: no i use mambo | 02:29 |
Gandalf_SX1 | jini: phpnuke sucks | 02:29 |
equin | Funraiser, no! | 02:29 |
Gandalf_SX1 | jini: plus it use phpbb which sucks more | 02:29 |
Gandalf_SX1 | jini: than anything | 02:29 |
Gandalf_SX1 | jini: i use mambo - SMF | 02:30 |
Funraiser | equin, try cedega /media/cdrom0/install.exe or setup.exe | 02:30 |
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Kazuhiro | Funraiser, I had issues with p2p, I ended up using cedega comandline | 02:30 |
Funraiser | equin, depending if it's a install.exe or setup.exe | 02:30 |
jini | Gandalf_SX1, i am new to website and i created mine with php-nuke, what is the big differense between them ? | 02:30 |
Funraiser | Kazuhiro, me too BUT the good thing with p2play is that u can download the fonts and test your system | 02:31 |
Kazuhiro | phpnuke is slow, mambo cms is fast :) also mambo is easier to template | 02:31 |
Gandalf_SX1 | jini: well i don't like phpbb system, it's so crap, has so many lack in features and not secure at all | 02:31 |
Kazuhiro | Funraiser, do you have issues when near alot of water? | 02:31 |
Gandalf_SX1 | jini: go to private this is linux channel | 02:31 |
chx_ | Kazuhiro: have you tried Drupal? (Disclaimer: I am biased as I am a Drupal core developer.) | 02:31 |
jini | Gandalf_SX1, ok | 02:31 |
Kazuhiro | chx_, nope :) Ive used wordpress also, nvr drupal though | 02:32 |
Funraiser | Kazuhiro, I'm new to cedega, i'm actually testing many games today to see what works and what doesn't...water in which game? | 02:32 |
Kazuhiro | Funraiser, in wow | 02:32 |
chx_ | Kazuhiro: then try it. I have tried it a year ago and... well... I got far :) | 02:32 |
equin | Funraiser, i make cedega /media/cdrom0/installer.exe but nothing happend! now i install point2play too. | 02:33 |
Funraiser | Kazuhiro, i'll install the demo to check | 02:33 |
Kazuhiro | Funraiser, x86 or x86_64 also? | 02:33 |
Funraiser | equin, install Point2Play and make the tests that it offers | 02:33 |
Funraiser | equin, and download the fonts too | 02:33 |
Funraiser | equin, then come back to cedega | 02:34 |
Funraiser | equin, to check the games that work on cedega http://digital-conquest.ath.cx/wiki/index.php/Category:Games | 02:35 |
Kazuhiro | any one know of some how toos for getting alsa up and running with audigy live 2 value cards? | 02:36 |
Gandalf_SX1 | Kazuhiro: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063 | 02:36 |
Funraiser | Kazuhiro, for water reflexions...does the game become slow? | 02:36 |
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equin | Funraiser, i have now all, cedega, point2play and the fonts! how can i test it? world of warcraft is supported | 02:37 |
Kazuhiro | Funraiser, yeh very | 02:37 |
Funraiser | equin, there is a tab in Point2Play with tests | 02:38 |
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Kazuhiro | Funraiser, im reinstalling x86_64 atm so ill retry cedega later on | 02:38 |
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Funraiser | Kazuhiro, try to unable mirror reflexions or something about mirrors in the options | 02:38 |
equin | Funraiser, and where i find the tab | 02:38 |
Funraiser | equin, well it says system tests | 02:39 |
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equin | Funraiser, can you say me, how i can access to a ntfs partition with ubuntu? | 02:39 |
Funraiser | equin, do u have the Point2Play GUI on your screen? | 02:40 |
Funraiser | equin, no i don't | 02:40 |
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Funraiser | i think u can read NTFS with some tools though | 02:40 |
equin | Funraiser, no, because i dont know how to start it | 02:40 |
Funraiser | but not write, except with suse but i might be wrong | 02:40 |
Funraiser | equin, did u install it? | 02:41 |
jeroen_ | ?? cvs | 02:41 |
equin | Funraiser, yes | 02:41 |
=== taiti [~taiti@CPE-143-238-238-88.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Funraiser | equin, then Applications/run applications type Point2Play | 02:41 |
jeroen_ | ?? cvs | 02:41 |
Funraiser | i'm wrong then | 02:41 |
taiti | hi all | 02:41 |
Kazuhiro | anyone know of some dual moniter howto for xorg? | 02:42 |
Funraiser | equin, be careful spelling | 02:42 |
equin | Funraiser, ok it starts | 02:42 |
Funraiser | equin, then the tests tab | 02:42 |
Funraiser | check them all | 02:42 |
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equin | Funraiser, the tests work | 02:43 |
taiti | anyone know how to make a default screen res and refresh for all X, including login screen? | 02:43 |
Funraiser | equin, all of them? | 02:43 |
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Funraiser | equin, sound and everything? | 02:43 |
mjr | Kazuhiro, xinerama-howto would be helpful | 02:43 |
equin | Funraiser, yes | 02:44 |
Funraiser | equin, ok how your sure u have enough space to install the game? | 02:44 |
=== XenocideII [~Xenocide@host86-130-224-197.range86-130.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
equin | Funraiser, yes | 02:44 |
Funraiser | equin, then check http://digital-conquest.ath.cx/wiki/index.php/World_of_Warcraft | 02:44 |
kazuhiro` | mjr, yeh trying to be lazy sysadmin though. :| | 02:44 |
Funraiser | ok i'll go test max payne 2 now, see u all | 02:45 |
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=== kazuhiro` [~paul@CPE-138-130-0-33.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
marty | taiti: this is a good question - the login greeter on my machine is always different from the one when you are logged in | 02:46 |
marty | i think it might be using a different driver - maybe the framebuffer driver? | 02:47 |
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sageek | Hrm, my old mouse which i used over ubuntu died, i linked a new wireless mouse, and usbls even show it, tho it doesn't work under x/console, ideas why? | 02:47 |
sageek | could be the gpm parameters are wrong? | 02:47 |
=== BombeNissen [~okokok@0xc213aab0.inet.dsl.telianet.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Aajz [~Aajz@AToulouse-252-1-20-38.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Aajz | hi | 02:48 |
Xyrouz | sageek, you have to change your Xconfig to make it work, if your old mouse was ps/2 | 02:48 |
sageek | my old mouse was usb too | 02:49 |
jeroen_ | Anyone here with experience with compiling from CVS? | 02:49 |
sageek | tho, why it won't under X? | 02:49 |
sageek | the old one did | 02:49 |
sageek | till he died. ;p | 02:49 |
Xyrouz | well okay, then i i guess it should work | 02:49 |
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sageek | yeah, the weird thing it doesn't ;p | 02:49 |
=== beyond [~beyond@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xyrouz | Tried the connect button on mouse an reciever ? | 02:50 |
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sageek | hrm? | 02:50 |
sageek | oh | 02:50 |
sageek | yeah | 02:50 |
Kazuhiro | crimsun, you about? | 02:50 |
sageek | it's listed on usbls | 02:50 |
sageek | and when hotplug loads it stop flashing, like its working | 02:51 |
sageek | tho it doesn't ;p | 02:51 |
Xyrouz | mm, but you have to connect it anyway... usbls just shows the reciever | 02:51 |
mirak | look at this | 02:51 |
mirak | http://vincent.lecoq.free.fr/images/horreur.jpeg | 02:51 |
mirak | this come from our national elecricity compagny | 02:51 |
mjr | haha | 02:51 |
sageek | well it well linked and show lights and everything | 02:51 |
sageek | tho doesn't work ;/ | 02:51 |
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Aajz | I tried to turn off kill switch to activate my internet wifi connection on a HP pavilion dv1000. What must I do please? | 02:53 |
mirak | mjr: that's maybe destined to some idiot commercials | 02:54 |
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Aajz | Does someone could help me? | 02:55 |
AirWays | How I can exctract .deb packagE? | 02:55 |
AirWays | Install | 02:55 |
Rima | dpkg -i <filename> | 02:55 |
hybrid_goth | kmju789~ok~l~90~0Aajz: whats up | 02:56 |
hybrid_goth | ? | 02:56 |
hybrid_goth | damn | 02:56 |
=== kenko [~user@pc92.vimaro-ge.suceava.rdsnet.ro] has joined #ubuntu | ||
EvaSDK | hello guys | 02:56 |
kenko | selling free ubuntu cd's is permited ? | 02:57 |
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robertj | kenko: It's not illegal, It's just stupid | 02:58 |
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robertj | and its very rude if they are the free ones sent out from Canonical | 02:58 |
hybrid_goth | kenko:yup | 02:58 |
hybrid_goth | kenko:but who would buy *free* cds | 02:59 |
kenko | robertj, i moderate a forum with buy/sell and someone is selling those | 02:59 |
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kazuhiro` | hey how can I fic this? /bin/sh: gcc: command not found | 02:59 |
hybrid_goth | kenko: it would be more oss to give them away | 02:59 |
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kazuhiro` | I just installed gcc | 02:59 |
robertj | kenko: we'll I'd just reply to them with the address to order them for free from canonical | 02:59 |
exalted | robertj, if you do remember discussion we had yesterday, the default Ubuntu installation installs non-free Linux Kernel with restricted kernel modules (for 386 system), and also nVidia contrib package... | 02:59 |
hybrid_goth | kekno: thats was nice I guess about gpl | 02:59 |
=== Funraiser [~Funraiser@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
robertj | exalted: well I don't know the licences on there, so it may not be okay | 03:00 |
jeroen_ | Anyone here who knows how to compile from CVS? | 03:00 |
robertj | but as far as I am concerned unless you know that's forbidden in the licencing, i'd just reply with the post about where to get them free | 03:00 |
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robertj | kenko: sound like a plan? | 03:01 |
exalted | robertj, is that for me? i couldn't understand you, sorry. | 03:01 |
kenko | done that, thank you | 03:01 |
robertj | exalted: nahh, for kenko | 03:01 |
robertj | might wanna mention there is no S&H | 03:01 |
jeroen_ | Anyone here who knows how to compile from CVS? | 03:01 |
robertj | usually "free" unfortunatley doesn't mean free, whereas here it means "You want 10? You live in Antartica? It's still free." | 03:01 |
hybrid_goth | what version is gtk in hoary? | 03:01 |
hybrid_goth | free = gpl bsd jabber | 03:02 |
Funraiser | OMG max payne 2 is a perfect on Ubuntu | 03:02 |
hybrid_goth | heh | 03:02 |
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hybrid_goth | Funraiser: how are you runnin it | 03:03 |
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jeroen_ | hybrid_goth: 2.6.4-0ubuntu3 | 03:03 |
=== Oly [~Oly@81-178-250-99.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jeroen_ | Anyone here who knows how to compile from CVS? | 03:04 |
hybrid_goth | jeroen: ok ty and does cvs differ from a normal compile? | 03:04 |
=== KaptAHAB [~Carlos@dsl-082-083-170-003.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Funraiser | hybrid_goth, i was checking the demo I'm using cedega | 03:04 |
Oly | okay, need some help using hoary, and my sound has vansihed in the last few days | 03:04 |
hybrid_goth | Funraiser: kool | 03:04 |
Oly | may have been after an update but not sure | 03:04 |
robertj | Funraiser: Really? | 03:04 |
Funraiser | I SWEAR | 03:04 |
Oly | just tested it in windows and soundcard is fine | 03:04 |
robertj | It's $10.00 at Walmart | 03:05 |
jeroen_ | hybrid_goth: I don't know.. that's my problem | 03:05 |
robertj | so just apt-get install wine and run wine setup ? | 03:05 |
Oly | so now i need ideas so that i can fiund out why i am getting no sound | 03:05 |
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jeroen_ | hybrid_goth: I downloaded a snapshot | 03:05 |
Oly | anyone have any suggestions for me ??? | 03:05 |
jeroen_ | hybrid_goth: No idea how to compile it though | 03:05 |
hybrid_goth | jeroen_: whats the snapshot end in? | 03:05 |
Funraiser | it's like in windows, the exact max payne2 i played in windows, same beauty | 03:05 |
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jeroen_ | hybrid_goth: .tar.gz | 03:05 |
hybrid_goth | di you untar it? | 03:05 |
hybrid_goth | i/d/did | 03:06 |
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jeroen_ | hybrid_goth: yep | 03:06 |
hybrid_goth | jeroen_ : aand it made a folder right | 03:07 |
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jeroen_ | uh-huh | 03:07 |
robertj | Funraiser: nice, I just wish heroes of might and magic 3 and worms armageddon would work :( | 03:07 |
hybrid_goth | does it have a config or configure file in it? | 03:07 |
jeroen_ | it has makefiles | 03:07 |
hybrid_goth | no config | 03:07 |
jeroen_ | well | 03:08 |
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jeroen_ | the folder contains multiple other folders | 03:08 |
hybrid_goth | no thats not it | 03:08 |
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Funraiser | robert, well i've got news for u: Heroes of Might and Magic III work | 03:08 |
hybrid_goth | jeroen_ : try a normal compile minus the ./config since there is none | 03:09 |
jeroen_ | but I think I need the "freebooters" map | 03:09 |
hybrid_goth | btw why do you want cvs? | 03:09 |
jeroen_ | because it's bleeding-edge | 03:09 |
jeroen_ | BRB | 03:09 |
hybrid_goth | lol | 03:09 |
Funraiser | robertj, Heroes of Might and Magic III do work check http://digital-conquest.ath.cx/wiki/index.php/Heroes_of_Might_and_Magic_III_Complete | 03:09 |
hybrid_goth | jeroen_ : bleeding edge != best | 03:10 |
Funraiser | robertj, that game is native linux actually | 03:10 |
Funraiser | but it's hard to find | 03:10 |
hybrid_goth | man i cant play many games | 03:10 |
hybrid_goth | ppc linux | 03:10 |
hybrid_goth | i mean who makes games for that | 03:10 |
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robertj | Funraiser: I've never had any luck with wine | 03:11 |
Funraiser | many games work check this out http://digital-conquest.ath.cx/wiki/index.php/Category:Games | 03:11 |
jeroen_ | back | 03:11 |
jeroen_ | hybrid_goth: i know.. i know.. | 03:11 |
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Funraiser | robertj, try the last cedega version it works it's awesome | 03:11 |
hybrid_goth | lol | 03:12 |
robertj | Runraiser: don't you have to pay for cedega/ | 03:12 |
jeroen_ | I want it anyway :) | 03:12 |
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hybrid_goth | jeroen_ : well other then trying a normal compile idk sorry | 03:12 |
robertj | rr Funraiser | 03:12 |
Funraiser | robertj, cedega is non-free but it's based on wine, so it's GPL so they have to give back the code, that means u can find the source on sourceforge | 03:13 |
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=== IRCMonkey [~chatzilla@pg-as06-l071.crnagora.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
osh | I'm playing with chroot, and there's some mention of a program called "dchroot". However I can't find that when doing an apt-get install. Should it be in ubuntu somewhere? | 03:14 |
Funraiser | robertj, so if u are *really* short on money, compile the source, if u want to help so devs pay for it | 03:14 |
Funraiser | some | 03:14 |
jeroen_ | hybrid_goth: okay | 03:15 |
robertj | Funraiser: is there anything preventing anyone from rolling unofficial debs? | 03:15 |
hybrid_goth | Fundraiser: what does give back the code mean? keep it open? | 03:15 |
robertj | or even official devs? | 03:15 |
IRCMonkey | hi can anyone tell me if there's a not painful way for ubuntu and win xp to coexist one the same disc? | 03:15 |
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Funraiser | robertj, I don't know | 03:15 |
Funraiser | robertj, u can find cedega *somewhere* if u are desperate | 03:16 |
robertj | and Wine is LGPL | 03:16 |
Funraiser | well whatever | 03:16 |
hybrid_goth | IRCMonkey: when installing Ubuntu then go to expert on the partition and it will let you dual boot | 03:16 |
Funraiser | there are using free stuff | 03:16 |
hybrid_goth | but make sure ubuntu goes on last | 03:16 |
IRCMonkey | hybrid_goth: thanks | 03:16 |
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hybrid_goth | np | 03:16 |
=== JeTi [~JeTi@cpe.atm2-0-1201021.0x3ef24696.arcnxe1.customer.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Oly | please, anysuggestion to find out why sound stopped working | 03:17 |
IRCMonkey | hybrid_goth: will it mess up boot system if i install ubuntu over existing mandrake partitions? | 03:17 |
Oly | it was working like 2 days ago, no idea why it is not now nothing seems muted and works fine in windows | 03:17 |
=== Nalioth [~Apple@cpe-66-25-43-80.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Oly | any commands you can use for finding problems ? | 03:18 |
Funraiser | cedega is among the 50 company is Canada who is making the most profit | 03:18 |
Funraiser | believe it or not | 03:18 |
hybrid_goth | Oly: do you have alsa installed | 03:18 |
Oly | none of the apps complain they all say they are playing sound but i am, getting nothing out | 03:18 |
Oly | yes hybrid_goth i have alsa and oss installed | 03:19 |
Funraiser | Oly u got no sound? | 03:19 |
Oly | nope none at all no startup sounds or anything | 03:19 |
hybrid_goth | Oly: what about esd | 03:19 |
JeTi | Newbie firsttime Ubuntu installer in need of some advice on partitions before I get started. Anyone have a moment? | 03:19 |
Oly | nothing out of esd either | 03:19 |
Oly | as xmms is using that for its output | 03:19 |
Oly | its an nforce chip with built in audio on the motherboard | 03:20 |
Funraiser | Oly, sytem/preferences/sound unable "enable sound server startup" | 03:20 |
hybrid_goth | JeTi: go ahead and ask | 03:20 |
Funraiser | Oly, system... | 03:20 |
=== cb_ [~cb@halls-129-31-67-239.hor.ic.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
taiti | i would have thought that ubuntu, being the 'usable' linux distro would have got around to making the default num-lock toggle an easy to find option, does anyone have any suggestion how to do this? | 03:20 |
JeTi | Ok hybrid: I have three physical HDs, one Primary of 120Gb, one secondary of 40Gb, and an external of 200Gb. | 03:20 |
Oly | jikes, tried that Funraiser then triwed xmms and the progress bar shot through the track | 03:21 |
Funraiser | Oly, do u have xine? | 03:21 |
Oly | yep | 03:21 |
Funraiser | Oly, try with xine, see if u have sound | 03:21 |
JeTi | I am currently running WinXP on the 120Gb one, and plan to keep that as a parallel OS. I want to install Ubunto on the 40Gb until I get brave enough to keep it. The 200Gb is for backup and shared files (FAT32). How does that sound? | 03:21 |
Funraiser | Oly, xmms sucks on hoary for some reason | 03:22 |
hybrid_goth | JeTi: nice | 03:22 |
taiti | xmms goes fine for me | 03:22 |
hybrid_goth | JeTi: thats a real easy dual boot | 03:22 |
Oly | nothing from xine either | 03:22 |
Oly | or muine | 03:22 |
taiti | sorry, no suggestion why it does | 03:22 |
Funraiser | Oly, did u try to re-install alsa? | 03:22 |
Oly | everything seems dead | 03:22 |
JeTi | hybrid: It is? Anything I need to be careful about once I install? | 03:22 |
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Oly | yeah a moment ago | 03:22 |
Funraiser | Oly, when did everything went silent? | 03:23 |
hybrid_goth | JeTi: just be sure you have it on the sencodary drive... and have fun | 03:23 |
Oly | the only cause i can think of is a recent update i did, but do not think the packages where related to audio anyway | 03:23 |
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Oly | was in the last 2 days | 03:23 |
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Funraiser | what did u do, an update? | 03:23 |
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JeTi | Hybrid: and the GRUB needs to be installed on the 40Gb one, right? | 03:23 |
Oly | yeah used install all updates | 03:24 |
hybrid_goth | yes | 03:24 |
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JeTi | hybrid: ok, sounds doable. So I dont need to split my WinXp into any further partitions? | 03:24 |
Funraiser | Oly, well i had lost the sound too, then i did that system/preference/sound thing and it came back, just today...i had no sound for some time | 03:25 |
Oly | fair enough, i did have sound though recently | 03:25 |
Oly | as i use my computer a lot for music | 03:25 |
Funraiser | Oly, keeping looking the forums , i'm sure it's just a click away | 03:26 |
Oly | its quite annoying at moment, because all i want todo is listen not mess about | 03:26 |
hybrid_goth | JeTI: no only partition the drive you are installing *to* | 03:26 |
Oly | yeah was looking through forums | 03:26 |
Oly | did not find anything that was even close to my problem | 03:26 |
Oly | it does juts look like its muted | 03:27 |
Funraiser | :/ | 03:27 |
Oly | but the mixer applet says its nothing is | 03:27 |
JeTi | hybrid_goth: ok, last question: how big should the swap partition be out of those 40gb? | 03:27 |
Oly | i thought there might have been some console commands for testing everything is okay | 03:27 |
Oly | or seeing if things are muted perhaps | 03:27 |
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=== DJSelbeck [~hendrik@p508B6AC1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cb_ | Hi, how can I setup my preferred applications so that when clicking on links they are opened in a new firefox tab rather than a new window? This worked in gnome 2.8 on debian but don't remember having to do anything in particular to make it happen.. Also, is spatial nautilus a bit broken in ubuntu hoary? | 03:28 |
Lemonzest | anyone else had there bunty cd's delivered yet? | 03:28 |
Funraiser | Oly, well u can launch xine in a console to see what's wrong | 03:28 |
Oly | nothings wrong according to xine | 03:29 |
Oly | and it is playing the track | 03:29 |
Funraiser | Oly, do u have VLC? | 03:29 |
Oly | yep | 03:29 |
Funraiser | try in console | 03:29 |
Oly | got most things installed | 03:29 |
aVeedo | how do you rename a file from a shell | 03:29 |
hybrid_goth | JeTi: as big as you want | 03:29 |
Oly | 3exactly the same everythings fine and its playing | 03:30 |
Oly | just no sound | 03:30 |
Funraiser | Oly, uber weird | 03:30 |
Oly | like i say i tested the card in windows and sounds fine, so its not the hardware | 03:31 |
=== Xyrouz [~Xyrouz@0x3e42bd6c.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Funraiser | k | 03:31 |
Oly | has to be software related causing it | 03:31 |
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JeTi | hybrid_goth: ok, thanks for your time. I will try this out. Might come back later all pale and sweating ;-) | 03:31 |
scaroo | aVeedo, unix 101 : mv source target | 03:31 |
Oly | some evil app overriding the gnome mixer applet or something | 03:32 |
Funraiser | Oly, u can do, maybe is try the Ubuntu live cd see if the sound works | 03:32 |
=== _4strO [~astro@AStrasbourg-251-1-67-249.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hybrid_goth | jeTi: ok have fun | 03:32 |
Oly | yeah could do only got warty live at moment, not recieved my hoary cds yet | 03:32 |
taiti | cb_, firefox has it's own settings now for new windows and tabs | 03:32 |
Oly | and i only downloaded the install cd | 03:32 |
taiti | too late | 03:32 |
Funraiser | Oly, it's downloadable in no time | 03:33 |
hybrid_goth | they have extensions that chabge firefox tab and window setting | 03:33 |
Oly | yeah would not take long, may just use windows i only want to listen to mp3s not mess about :p | 03:33 |
anethema | tabbrowser extensions..mmm | 03:33 |
=== exalted [~asdonmez@host-84-222-47-239.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Oly | will try here another day, see if anyone elses has any ideas as to the cause | 03:34 |
anethema | that and adblock totally change the firefox experiance for the better | 03:34 |
anethema | whats the problem Oly ? | 03:34 |
Funraiser | what's a mdf and mds file? | 03:34 |
Oly | no sounds coming from anything basically anethema sound was working fine 2 days ago though | 03:34 |
Oly | everything syas its playing but no sound | 03:34 |
=== thr1ce [~andrew@24-247-232-145.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Oly | the gnome mixer says nothing is muted as well | 03:34 |
Nalioth | Funraiser, they are images made by a windoze pgram called "alcohol 120%" | 03:34 |
anethema | hmmm | 03:35 |
Funraiser | Nalioth, ho i can just burn it | 03:35 |
Funraiser | ? | 03:35 |
anethema | something is muted or the volume is down if stuff doesnt freeze when you try to play stuff | 03:35 |
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anethema | check your main volume AND your pcm volume | 03:35 |
Oly | yeah muted seems most likely to me | 03:35 |
anethema | check in the alsa and the OSS mixer in the volume control | 03:35 |
Oly | yep done both that | 03:35 |
Nalioth | Funraiser, don't know. google for 'convert mdf mds iso" or something like that | 03:35 |
anethema | hmm | 03:35 |
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cavediver | Anyone know if there is a imap notify gnome aplet? The one in gnome 2.8 was removed. | 03:36 |
Oly | alsa and oss are both on full wack for pcm and main volume | 03:36 |
Oly | so unless some other app is in the way overriding it perhaps i dont know | 03:36 |
anethema | ahhh | 03:36 |
anethema | skype can sometimes fuck stuff up. | 03:36 |
anethema | buuut | 03:36 |
anethema | with alsa installed nomally stuff shouldnt be able to over-ride it | 03:36 |
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anethema | type this in a console | 03:37 |
anethema | sudo cat /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-5-k7 > /dev/dsp | 03:37 |
Oly | is there aq command line command for seeing whats muted ? | 03:37 |
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anethema | if your kernel is a different version | 03:37 |
anethema | change the #'s | 03:37 |
anethema | you should hear static | 03:37 |
Barnabas | hello | 03:38 |
anethema | Oly, if that doesnt work | 03:38 |
anethema | try opening alsamixer | 03:38 |
anethema | in the command line | 03:38 |
Oly | no sound | 03:38 |
Oly | okay | 03:38 |
Barnabas | I got two questions: Ubuntu didnt ask for a root pwd while installing, is there a default? | 03:38 |
anethema | and go thru it and see if stuff is 'off' or muted | 03:39 |
anethema | Barnabas, root is disabled by default in ubuntu | 03:39 |
anethema | to enable it, set a root password with sudo passwd | 03:39 |
Barnabas | thanks | 03:39 |
Oly | the main ones have green boxes with a side on 8 | 03:39 |
Oly | i guess that is enabled | 03:39 |
Barnabas | the second one, does anyone has an experience with setting up ATI drivers? | 03:39 |
Oly | LFE and LINE are set to MM which i guess is mute | 03:40 |
anethema | oly yeah thats enabled | 03:40 |
anethema | what about 'cd' | 03:40 |
thr1ce | Barnabas, yep | 03:40 |
anethema | maybe thats it | 03:40 |
Barnabas | I tried the walkthrough 0.2 but I got no idea what my kernel is | 03:40 |
Oly | cd is enabled also | 03:40 |
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anethema | Barnabas, if you have hoary default its 2.6.10-5-k7 | 03:40 |
anethema | hmmm | 03:40 |
anethema | oly what about 'line' | 03:40 |
thr1ce | Barnabas, install the fglr-xorg-driver, run through fglrxconfig, change a few things in the xorg.conf, and you're good | 03:40 |
anethema | im just going thru mine and seeing whats enabled | 03:40 |
anethema | thr1ce, i didnt even do fglrxconfig | 03:41 |
thr1ce | then...do it | 03:41 |
thr1ce | :) | 03:41 |
Oly | line was muted | 03:41 |
anethema | just changed/added like 1-2 lines and it was working good | 03:41 |
Oly | have unmuted it | 03:41 |
anethema | ok | 03:41 |
Funraiser | nice | 03:41 |
anethema | crank the volume | 03:41 |
anethema | maybe it works now? hehe | 03:41 |
anethema | i doubt it but who knows | 03:41 |
anethema | oh | 03:41 |
anethema | oly | 03:41 |
anethema | check.. | 03:41 |
anethema | ive got one called IEC958 playback | 03:42 |
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anethema | and there is a thing called external amplifier at the end | 03:42 |
anethema | those are also unmuted | 03:42 |
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Funraiser | anethema, where do u look at this? | 03:42 |
Funraiser | system..? | 03:42 |
Oly | external amplifer is on | 03:42 |
anethema | look at what Funraiser | 03:42 |
Oly | IEC958 | 03:42 |
Oly | aha thk you | 03:43 |
Oly | thats the one | 03:43 |
anethema | haha | 03:43 |
anethema | there ya go | 03:43 |
Barnabas | em... Couldn't find package xorg-driver-fglrx | 03:43 |
Oly | all sorted now sound has come to life yay | 03:43 |
anethema | go in... | 03:43 |
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anethema | your mixer in gnome | 03:43 |
anethema | change device to alsa | 03:43 |
thr1ce | Barnabas, search in synaptic | 03:43 |
thr1ce | for fglrx | 03:43 |
anethema | then edit-preferences | 03:43 |
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anethema | or whatevcer | 03:43 |
anethema | and check some of those boxes | 03:43 |
Funraiser | where is mixer in gnome? | 03:43 |
anethema | Oly, | 03:43 |
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jurt | how does ubuntu get colorful fonts when starting the system? | 03:44 |
Barnabas | thr1ce, I got no idea what synaptic is | 03:44 |
Oly | thk you very much anthema, | 03:44 |
anethema | Funraiser, why are you lookin for this? same problem as oly? | 03:44 |
Barnabas | (sorry) | 03:44 |
Oly | out of curiosity what is IEC958 ?? | 03:44 |
anethema | no problem Oly :) | 03:44 |
anethema | NO bloody idea :D | 03:44 |
thr1ce | Barnabas, System, admin., synaptic | 03:44 |
Oly | okay :p | 03:44 |
Oly | at leats i know where to look if it happens again | 03:44 |
anethema | gnome mixer calles it Analog to IEC958 output | 03:44 |
anethema | yeah like you can enable it in the gnome mixer | 03:44 |
anethema | by checking its box in preferences | 03:45 |
Funraiser | anethema, well i had no sound too, i unchecked "enable sound server startup" and the sound came back but don't know if it's the best way to fix this | 03:45 |
anethema | hmm | 03:45 |
Oly | yeha added it in now | 03:45 |
anethema | that shouldnt be | 03:45 |
anethema | thats the thing that starts esd | 03:45 |
anethema | buuut, i never use esd, but i didnt have to disable mine | 03:45 |
anethema | Funraiser, run thru this: | 03:45 |
anethema | http://ubuntuguide.org/#configuresoundproperly | 03:46 |
Funraiser | i could hear the gnome sounds like when u open windows and closes, but no media player was working | 03:46 |
anethema | it helps a lot of people | 03:46 |
Barnabas | arg | 03:46 |
Oly | well its only xmms that uses esd anyway | 03:46 |
anethema | i changed xmms to use alsa | 03:46 |
anethema | heh | 03:46 |
Oly | because it does not like alsa or oss | 03:46 |
Oly | but i use muine mainly anyway | 03:46 |
anethema | works for me..i dunno | 03:46 |
ikaro | mojn | 03:46 |
anethema | muine? any good? | 03:46 |
Oly | its very basic / simple does what i need | 03:47 |
anethema | lots of people haveing troubles with the xmms package that the ubuntu guys put together | 03:47 |
Oly | and i like the search capabilities | 03:47 |
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anethema | lots of people getting segfaults when trying to play stuff | 03:47 |
Oly | xmms does not have a media library type thing | 03:47 |
anethema | i dont really need a media library | 03:47 |
anethema | just a decent playlist | 03:47 |
Barnabas | *sigh* | 03:47 |
Barnabas | this is going get long | 03:47 |
anethema | what you looking for Barnabas ? | 03:47 |
Barnabas | The ATI drivers | 03:47 |
Oly | yeah, xmms works fine if i use esd anything else and it freaks out | 03:48 |
Barnabas | im working at 640x480 and it kills my eyes :) | 03:48 |
anethema | heh | 03:48 |
anethema | ok | 03:48 |
Oly | depends how you like todo it, but chucking all mp3s on a plylist i dont like that much | 03:48 |
Barnabas | I suppose I need to get a binarie somewhere | 03:48 |
Oly | prefer being able to easily search and play waht i want | 03:48 |
aVeedo | how do I set firewall rules? | 03:48 |
anethema | oly, in winamp... | 03:49 |
anethema | you press J and go right to the song you want | 03:49 |
anethema | its really nice | 03:49 |
anethema | not sure if xmms does it | 03:49 |
fsapo | aVeedo, i use firestarter to configure the firewall | 03:49 |
anethema | i dont listen to a lot of mp3s on my computer | 03:49 |
anethema | Barnabas, sec: | 03:49 |
Oly | aha, looks like it does | 03:49 |
Oly | :) | 03:49 |
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anethema | type this: sudo apt-get install fglrx-driver | 03:49 |
anethema | then type this when that is done installing | 03:50 |
anethema | echo fglrx | sudo tee -a /etc/modules | 03:50 |
anethema | then... | 03:50 |
Oly | anyway thxs again anethema, going to go listen to music now like i intended to ;) | 03:50 |
anethema | sudo depmod -a ; sudo modprobe fglrx | 03:50 |
anethema | hah okay Oly, good luck :D | 03:50 |
anethema | you getting this Barnabas ? | 03:50 |
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anethema | oops | 03:51 |
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anethema | that first command was wrong | 03:51 |
anethema | hehe | 03:51 |
Barnabas | wait... | 03:51 |
anethema | for hoary it is.. | 03:51 |
anethema | sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx | 03:51 |
squareff | mounting an iso while it's being downloaded may damage it? | 03:51 |
sascha_ | hi, anybody using squid with dansguardian? | 03:51 |
Barnabas | (just a sec, doggie is annoying) | 03:52 |
anethema | no problem | 03:52 |
anethema | no rush | 03:52 |
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anethema | squareff, why would you mount it before it is done downloading ? | 03:52 |
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Barnabas | it says it cant find the package | 03:52 |
squareff | anethema: well, i wouldn't do it again | 03:53 |
anethema | cant find,,, sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx | 03:53 |
squareff | but would it damage it? | 03:53 |
anethema | no idea | 03:53 |
anethema | i just dont see a reason to ever do it | 03:53 |
anethema | it might lock the file or somethign and stop the download | 03:53 |
anethema | not sure | 03:53 |
Barnabas | nope | 03:53 |
squareff | anethema: curiosity? | 03:53 |
anethema | heh yeah cant help ya squareff sorry | 03:53 |
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Barnabas | still not found | 03:53 |
anethema | Barnabas, might need to enable extra repositories | 03:53 |
Barnabas | are you sure I dont need to downloading something? | 03:54 |
anethema | if you havent | 03:54 |
anethema | yes im sure | 03:54 |
Barnabas | ok...how to do so? | 03:54 |
anethema | ok.. | 03:54 |
taiti | i'm trying to compile gaim 1.2 but i can't seem to get configure to find any SSl libraries, which it needs for msn | 03:54 |
anethema | back your repository list up by... | 03:54 |
anethema | typing this; sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list_backup | 03:54 |
taiti | anyone know what's going on? | 03:55 |
anethema | taiti, why do you need to compile gaim | 03:55 |
Barnabas | done | 03:55 |
anethema | rather than just installing it thru apt ? | 03:55 |
anethema | ok Barnabas now edit the non backup file | 03:55 |
anethema | sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:55 |
taiti | anethema, debian doesn't have gaim 1.2 yet if anyone hasn't noticed | 03:55 |
Barnabas | ok, im on the editor | 03:55 |
anethema | oh 1.2 dindt know | 03:55 |
Barnabas | should I uncomment everything? | 03:56 |
anethema | ok Barnabas ...uncomment all the linex that start with.. | 03:56 |
anethema | yeah | 03:56 |
anethema | #deb | 03:56 |
Exposure | Can i use something like a sandbox with apt? I need a lot of lib packages for compiling something but i don't need them anymore when compiling has finished. Is there an easy way to do that or should i just write down the installed packages and remove them after compiling? | 03:56 |
anethema | uncomment all those | 03:56 |
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joe|code | Has anyone installed KDE on Ubuntu? I installed it and the display is off, it sets my resolution to 1280X1024 when mu actual screen size is 1024x768. When I reset it, the desktop becomes massive and unusable. | 03:56 |
taiti | okay, since that was a no show, next question is does anyone know how to add the testing and unstable repositries? | 03:57 |
Barnabas | done | 03:57 |
anethema | well there is world and universe in ubuntu | 03:57 |
anethema | taiti, | 03:57 |
anethema | ok now Barnabas | 03:57 |
joe|code | Wait, I could be my Nvidia settings. brb | 03:57 |
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bloomberg | hello. cannot get sound at all in ubuntu. tried lsmod | grep modem, nothing returned. sound server startup is ticked in sound preferences, OSS and ESD used in Multimedia settings. ALSA won't work at all. any suggestions? | 03:57 |
Barnabas | ah, should I remove the deb also or just the #? | 03:57 |
anethema | add in these lines | 03:57 |
anethema | no just the # | 03:57 |
Barnabas | ok, then done | 03:57 |
anethema | deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary multiverse | 03:58 |
anethema | deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat stable main | 03:58 |
anethema | deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat unstable main | 03:58 |
anethema | deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat testing main | 03:58 |
anethema | oops | 03:58 |
taiti | thanks | 03:58 |
anethema | tryed to message those | 03:58 |
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anethema | deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary multiverse | 03:58 |
anethema | thats the other one | 03:58 |
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anethema | those are also the ones you need taiti | 03:58 |
anethema | just follow along with Barnabas | 03:58 |
anethema | heheh | 03:58 |
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aVeedo | how do you chmod 777 an entire directory -- and all its directories | 03:58 |
taiti | that should do, thanks anethema | 03:59 |
anir | hello guys | 03:59 |
anir | how are you | 03:59 |
Barnabas | ok done | 03:59 |
anir | i need some help | 03:59 |
anethema | now save the file | 03:59 |
anethema | close the editor.. | 03:59 |
anethema | then try that command again | 03:59 |
anethema | oh wait! | 03:59 |
aVeedo | nm. -r works | 03:59 |
anethema | need to run a few more commands | 03:59 |
anethema | gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net --recv-keys 1F41B907 | 03:59 |
frikkie | hello everyone .. i am having a little issue with apt-get update on a repository I have mirrored with apt-mirror .. Ign http://localhost hoary/main Packages | 03:59 |
anethema | gpg --armor --export 1F41B907 | sudo apt-key add - | 03:59 |
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anethema | sudo apt-get update | 04:00 |
anethema | there | 04:00 |
anethema | run those 3 | 04:00 |
Barnabas | ok, now I got a looong error that says the same thing | 04:00 |
anethema | long error running those gpg commands? | 04:00 |
anir | guys can i ungrade this distro to 64 bit distro?? | 04:00 |
Barnabas | no, the sudo before I saw that.... | 04:00 |
anethema | oh | 04:00 |
anethema | okay | 04:00 |
anethema | run the gpg stuff and the apt-get update | 04:01 |
anethema | forgot you need to do that to update your pkg lists | 04:01 |
Barnabas | neato | 04:01 |
Barnabas | numbers are running :) | 04:01 |
Nalioth | anir talk to us what is the problem? | 04:01 |
anethema | haha okay | 04:01 |
anethema | NOW after that runs, try the | 04:01 |
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anethema | sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx | 04:01 |
anir | nalioth thank you | 04:01 |
bloomberg | does anyone else not have any sound in ubuntu? | 04:01 |
Barnabas | hmmm | 04:02 |
Barnabas | it hung on 70% ? | 04:02 |
Funraiser | anethema, it's weird, i checked all the mute/unmuted icons in the alsa and oss mixer, i have sound in games only when i UNable "enable sound server startup" in system/preferences/sound... | 04:02 |
Barnabas | wait | 04:02 |
Barnabas | unclogged | 04:02 |
anethema | hahah | 04:02 |
anethema | clogged | 04:02 |
anir | Nalioth, i have a 64 bit system so i want to try a 64 bit os.. can i upgrade this distro to a 64 bit distro of ubuntu | 04:02 |
anethema | not sure Funraiser | 04:02 |
Nalioth | anir surely you can | 04:02 |
anethema | disabling the sound server should be okay, its just esound | 04:02 |
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anir | how?? Nalioth | 04:03 |
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Funraiser | anethema, ok thanks | 04:03 |
sikor_sxe | my machine crashes hard when i remove my usb-ethernet adapter. is there anything i can do about this? | 04:03 |
anethema | sorry im not sure why the esd is conflicting wiht it | 04:03 |
bloomberg | so shoould I disable the sound server then? where are these mute/unmute icons? | 04:03 |
Nalioth | anir there should be some references to 64-bit goodness in your apt | 04:03 |
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anir | Nalioth, i am a new user of linux not so familier with the commands | 04:03 |
Barnabas | anthema | 04:03 |
Barnabas | its done, now what? | 04:03 |
anethema | did you run the sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx | 04:03 |
Nalioth | anir use synaptic and search for 'kernel' | 04:03 |
Barnabas | yep, worked this time | 04:03 |
anethema | ah okay good | 04:03 |
anethema | then run this | 04:04 |
anethema | echo fglrx | sudo tee -a /etc/modules | 04:04 |
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evolvedlight | does anyone know whether ubuntu works with virtual pc 2004? | 04:04 |
Funraiser | anethema, doesn't matter it works that way so i don't care...but i can add that the sound start to do funny thing the day i installed VLC | 04:04 |
Funraiser | started* | 04:04 |
anir | i have just installed xmms with synaptic but dont know where it got installed.. how can i get it in the desktop? Nalioth | 04:04 |
Barnabas | ok.. | 04:04 |
bloomberg | Funraiser: does your general sound work in Ubuntu? | 04:04 |
Funraiser | yes | 04:04 |
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anethema | Barnabas, then run ... | 04:04 |
anethema | sudo depmod -a ; sudo modprobe fglrx | 04:04 |
Barnabas | is the ";" a part of the command? | 04:05 |
anethema | yes | 04:05 |
anethema | it just seperates two commands | 04:05 |
bloomberg | Funraiser: any suggestions for getting it working on mine? what should I select in Sound (ie sound server) and Multimedia (OSS/ESD?ALSA)? | 04:05 |
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Funraiser | bloomberg, anethema will take care of you | 04:05 |
Barnabas | FATAL: Error inserting fglrx (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/video/fglrx.ko): Operation not permitted | 04:05 |
Frafra | hi all | 04:05 |
Nalioth | anir, xmms is in your menu under 'sound and video' | 04:05 |
bloomberg | we fixed it before by disabling the modem sound or something like that | 04:05 |
anethema | haha let me finish with Barnabas quickly | 04:05 |
bloomberg | sure | 04:05 |
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Frafra | i've installed apache2 and php4, but php doesn't works very well | 04:06 |
anethema | ok Barnabas did that run ? | 04:06 |
ThomasWinwood | http://members.cox.net/luis.montes/xpscreen.jpg <-- Ugh. It's like...dirty Windows. This guy has sullied his Linux. :( | 04:06 |
anir | ok | 04:06 |
Barnabas | see remark above | 04:06 |
Barnabas | (thats no) | 04:06 |
bloomberg | ill just boot into Ubuntu, then i'll be back | 04:06 |
frikkie | Does anyone know why apt-get update would put a Ign next so some of my sites ? There is no error description .. | 04:06 |
anethema | oh missed that | 04:06 |
Frafra | file_exists("./".$_GET['p'] .".php" doesn't works | 04:06 |
Frafra | what i must do? | 04:06 |
anethema | hmmmm | 04:06 |
anethema | well | 04:06 |
anethema | ignore that | 04:06 |
anir | i can run it using xmms. Nalioth | 04:06 |
anethema | you'll just have to reboot | 04:06 |
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anethema | but not yet | 04:06 |
anethema | run this | 04:07 |
anethema | sudo sed -i -e 's/"ati"/"fglrx"/' /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 04:07 |
fragspaz | i installed the nvidia driver following the wiki that came with ubuntu, but whenever i goto to change a screensaver it crashes, and whenever i have alot of pictures on an internet site it crashes | 04:07 |
Barnabas | done | 04:07 |
anir | Nalioth, i got lots when i searched kernel | 04:07 |
anethema | ok.... | 04:07 |
anethema | you might want to install your linux restricted modules | 04:07 |
anethema | sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) | 04:07 |
Barnabas | uname = my username | 04:08 |
anethema | no | 04:08 |
fragspaz | anyone have any ideas becuase i really needf help | 04:08 |
fragspaz | cuase ill just keep crashing | 04:08 |
taiti | anethema, how do I get apt-get to actually use those extra repositries, or have i done something wrong if that didn't work automagically? | 04:08 |
=== The_Welsh_Dwarf [~davidM@ip-75.net-82-216-199.nantes.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | keep the command as-is | 04:08 |
Barnabas | ok | 04:08 |
The_Welsh_Dwarf | Hello all | 04:08 |
anethema | that inserts your kenel version | 04:08 |
Barnabas | (and done) | 04:08 |
The_Welsh_Dwarf | Can I ask a question? | 04:08 |
anethema | taiti | 04:08 |
anethema | you have to make sure to run the gpg commands i showed Barnabas | 04:09 |
anethema | and then the sudo apt-get update | 04:09 |
taiti | ok | 04:09 |
The_Welsh_Dwarf | I've recently installed Ubuntu HH on my SO's computer, and everything works fine | 04:09 |
anethema | gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net --recv-keys 1F41B907 | 04:09 |
anethema | gpg --armor --export 1F41B907 | sudo apt-key add - | 04:09 |
anethema | sudo apt-get update | 04:09 |
anethema | thats them | 04:09 |
=== taiti goes to look at the gpg stuff | ||
aVeedo | libcurl disabled - MOTD, global bans, etc. disabled How do I enable it? I'm trying to build a program. | 04:09 |
anethema | i pasted them again but ok :) | 04:09 |
anir | Nalioth, you there?? | 04:09 |
The_Welsh_Dwarf | it's just that the machine stalls for 1-2 mins while starting gnome (nautilus I think) | 04:09 |
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Barnabas | anethema are we done? | 04:09 |
anethema | uhh | 04:09 |
anethema | i think so | 04:09 |
anethema | now reboot | 04:09 |
anethema | and come back and let me know how it went | 04:10 |
Barnabas | ok, see in you in a few | 04:10 |
fragspaz | no one on this whole chatroom can spare some time helping a poor n00b like me? | 04:10 |
anethema | ok who is next.. | 04:10 |
anethema | haha | 04:10 |
The_Welsh_Dwarf | Does anyone have any ideas? (fam isn't installed, if synaptic is to be believed) | 04:10 |
fragspaz | anethema can you help? | 04:11 |
anethema | whats your problem Frag | 04:11 |
fragspaz | i installed the nvidia driver following the wiki that came with ubuntu, but whenever i goto to change a screensaver it crashes, and whenever i have alot of pictures on an internet site it crashes | 04:11 |
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anethema | oh.. | 04:11 |
anir | anyone plz help me | 04:11 |
anethema | uhh | 04:11 |
bloomberg | so yeah sound issues...any help? | 04:11 |
anethema | try following this guide fragspaz | 04:12 |
anethema | http://ubuntuguide.org/#installnvidiadriver | 04:12 |
anethema | its good | 04:12 |
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anethema | bloomberg... | 04:12 |
anethema | ok your sounds dont wokr at all ? | 04:12 |
fragspaz | thanks, i think thats what i used !! :( | 04:12 |
bloomberg | not at all | 04:12 |
The_Welsh_Dwarf | anethema: could you help me with my startup pb please? | 04:13 |
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bloomberg | we have had it working, but ive fiddled with RealPlayer since, and now nothing...we fixed it before by doing lsmod | grep modem and then disabling the modem-sound | 04:13 |
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Barnabas | anethema, it booted, but in 640x480, when I tried to set the res I got an error from the x-server | 04:13 |
anethema | ok ive gotta sort you guys into queries haha | 04:13 |
anir | anethema, can u help me? | 04:14 |
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Frafra | who can help me? | 04:14 |
bloomberg | currently "Enable sound server" is disabled, ESD and OSS are selected in Multimedia systems settings | 04:14 |
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anir | i am looking for help | 04:15 |
bloomberg | ive recently upgraded to the hoary version as well | 04:16 |
frikkie | Is there anyone that can help me with apt-get ? and the Ign problem ? | 04:16 |
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newuser | hello, i have just installed ubuntu current, what is the proper way to have sshd run? inetd.conf? | 04:17 |
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anethema | newuser, | 04:18 |
anethema | no | 04:18 |
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anethema | run this | 04:18 |
anethema | sudo apt-get install ssh | 04:18 |
anethema | might need to add mroe repositories though | 04:18 |
bloomberg | anethema: any thoughts on the sound issues? | 04:18 |
anethema | go here for instructions on how | 04:18 |
anethema | http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories | 04:18 |
newuser | anethema, ssh is already installed | 04:19 |
newuser | sshd just isn't running | 04:19 |
zerokarmaleft | newuser, http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#sshserver | 04:19 |
Funraiser | bloomberg, check applications/sound and video/volume control | 04:19 |
newuser | zerokarmaleft, just spotted it with apt-cache, ta | 04:19 |
anethema | hmm, it just ran for me when i installed it | 04:20 |
anethema | you sure it isnt running ? | 04:20 |
thr1ce | ps aux | grep ssh | 04:20 |
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newuser | no, it was not running before. | 04:20 |
newuser | i had to install openssh-server | 04:20 |
thr1ce | newuser, run that | 04:20 |
Funraiser | bloomberg, check in the volume control you a the file/change device option | 04:20 |
newuser | thr1ce, , no | 04:20 |
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thr1ce | newuser, no as in nothing? | 04:21 |
Funraiser | bloomberg, check if the icons for sound if muted/unmuted | 04:21 |
newuser | no as in, i will not run your command. | 04:21 |
thr1ce | wtf? | 04:21 |
thr1ce | fine, help yourself | 04:21 |
sascha_ | hi, anybody working with squid and dansguardian? | 04:21 |
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newuser | it's all sorted. | 04:21 |
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The_Welsh_Dwarf | thrlce : could you help me please | 04:21 |
bloomberg | Funraiser: i can't open volume control | 04:21 |
thr1ce | newuser, ps aux says show me what's running; grep means to search for a specific entry (ssh) | 04:21 |
thr1ce | wow | 04:21 |
thr1ce | hehe | 04:22 |
Funraiser | bloomberg, then i don't know...don't know why anethema is not adressing your issue either...:-( | 04:23 |
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frikkie | has anyone here got some experience with mythtv on ubuntu ? | 04:23 |
taiti | geez why hasn't someone pointed me to http://ubuntuguide.org/ before! | 04:23 |
Funraiser | lol | 04:23 |
Funraiser | true, should be a requirement | 04:24 |
aVeedo | I think it might be at the top when you join the cahnnel | 04:24 |
thr1ce | /topic | 04:24 |
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bloomberg | he is, in a separate window | 04:24 |
thr1ce | should be in there | 04:24 |
Funraiser | bloomberg, ohhhhhhhhh | 04:25 |
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Funraiser | i thought that was strange | 04:25 |
Nalioth | The_Welsh_Dwarf, mine does too | 04:25 |
Nalioth | anir, did you see a kernel that says 64-bit? | 04:25 |
anethema | sorry ive queried off about 6 people to help them | 04:25 |
anethema | was getting too confusing in here | 04:25 |
Funraiser | ok | 04:26 |
Funraiser | lol | 04:26 |
anethema | there, fragspaz helped and issue fixed | 04:26 |
Funraiser | good hackers are busy | 04:26 |
anethema | anir left | 04:26 |
fragspaz | thankyou anethema! | 04:27 |
=== fragspaz salutes anetheme | ||
fragspaz | *anethema | 04:27 |
anethema | still working on Barnabas and bloomberg | 04:27 |
anethema | haha | 04:27 |
Nalioth | thank you anethema, guess anir found what they were looking for | 04:27 |
Nalioth | The_Welsh_Dwarf, at what point does it pause? | 04:27 |
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aVeedo | does a development file(like libsdk-dev), like for sdl, mean that you can build apps requiring sdl? | 04:28 |
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The_Welsh_Dwarf | Nalioth, just after the gnome panel has shown a gray bar, and before Nautilus starts | 04:28 |
aVeedo | ..if you install it from the package manager | 04:28 |
Kazuhiro | any one know how to get an audigy2 value working? | 04:28 |
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frikkie | Can i also join that queue | 04:29 |
aVeedo | I tried it, it works. | 04:29 |
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jeroen_ | anyone here ever tried ReactOS? | 04:29 |
Nalioth | The_Welsh_Dwarf, can you boot into a verbose screen? cuz on my ubuntu, it spends 2 minutes bringing up the network | 04:29 |
frikkie | Kazukiro: I got the same problem .. ;) | 04:29 |
anethema | haha frikkie whats wrong | 04:29 |
aVeedo | now can somebody just tell me how to enable libcurl? | 04:29 |
aVeedo | "libcurl disabled - MOTD, global bans, etc. disabled" | 04:30 |
The_Welsh_Dwarf | Nalioith : how do you do that? | 04:30 |
Kazuhiro | frikkie, I know it can be done, we need to get the alsa-source packages and do some packaging | 04:30 |
Kazuhiro | frikkie, then run alsamixer and unmute the digital output after its done | 04:30 |
sbcl3 | i'm in synaptic...does "complete removal" mean i won't ever be able to install it again? | 04:30 |
Kazuhiro | frikkie, I just dont know how to do it :) | 04:30 |
jeroen_ | sbcl3, it means "also remove configuration files" | 04:31 |
sbcl3 | k | 04:31 |
Nalioth | aveedo if u hv libcurl installed, your system should use it | 04:31 |
jeroen_ | which is good if your settings are messed up | 04:31 |
sbcl3 | thanks | 04:31 |
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frikkie | anethema: I got 3 issues ... 1 apt-get 2 mythtv on ubuntu 3 audigy2 .. but I am not to worried about 3 .. | 04:32 |
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=== ompaul begs to ask where is the breezy badger as a live CD? I want to check some hardware before I try installing on it, some $sony laptop | ||
aVeedo | thanks Nalioth, libcurl was isntalled but libcurl-dev wasnt | 04:32 |
Nalioth | ompaul, breezy as livecd is many moons down the road | 04:33 |
thr1ce | breezy is starting to work pretty well | 04:33 |
Nalioth | aVeedo, ah, there ya go | 04:33 |
ompaul | no dailys, more the pity | 04:33 |
ompaul | Nalioth, ta | 04:33 |
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[noobuntu] | hi @ll | 04:34 |
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anethema | oops...should have told himt hat will quit his stuff | 04:34 |
anethema | haha | 04:34 |
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dv8 | I have my ADSL modem connected to a switch so that all computers can use it. on ubuntu when i do pppoeconf eth1 it doesn't find the modem. Where can i read more about configuring PPPoE under Ubuntu? | 04:34 |
[noobuntu] | where can i change the resolution of the login-screen? | 04:34 |
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frikkie | anethema : Give us a shout when you got a mo.. | 04:34 |
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Funraiser | thanks anethema see u later | 04:36 |
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anethema | frikkie, message me if you need a hand | 04:36 |
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|yoda | hi | 04:37 |
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[noobuntu] | where can i change the resolution of the login-screen? | 04:37 |
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anethema | [noobuntu] , its the same resolution as the rest of X, which you change in your system-preferences-screen resolution | 04:38 |
|yoda | is it possible to downgrade from breezy to hoary? | 04:38 |
ompaul | so the next obvious but delayed question is where is breezy located for d/l | 04:38 |
ompaul | I know this box does not work with hoary | 04:38 |
ompaul | where $this=sony thing | 04:39 |
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[noobuntu] | anethema, sorry, here it ist not the same logged in, i have 1024x768 on startup its sth like 1900x17xx and i can't see sh** | 04:40 |
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JDigital | Guys, how do I add a new menu to my GNOME menu | 04:41 |
JDigital | I have Applications and Computer | 04:41 |
JDigital | I want a third, Projects | 04:41 |
Nalioth | |yoda, you will need all of your jedi powers for that task | 04:41 |
JDigital | how would I add one of those | 04:41 |
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sbcl3 | is it possible to use two icon themes at the same time? or to incorporate custom icons into a theme? i want like...5 debian icons from one theme and all the other icons from the "etiquette" theme | 04:41 |
JDigital | (at times like this I wish I had ToolsDaemon) | 04:41 |
jeroen_ | ?? sound | 04:42 |
Nalioth | JDigital, there is a project out on the net called "smeg" it does gnome-menus. you may google it | 04:42 |
JDigital | ok | 04:42 |
|yoda | Nalioth, my laptop stopped using centrion technology with breezy. the cpu always runs at full power :( | 04:42 |
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Nalioth | |yoda, I personally warn every1 about breezy | 04:43 |
|yoda | JDigital, sudo apt-get install smeg | 04:43 |
Nalioth | |yoda, you are a victimized lab rat | 04:43 |
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Nalioth | |yoda, is smeg in the repositories? | 04:43 |
sylvan | I need help getting my sound working.. I get the little ubuntu-sounds (like clicks and startup) but when I try to play movies or bzflag the sound doesn't work | 04:43 |
|yoda | well, i installed it this way | 04:43 |
sylvan | It says (when running bzflag): "Failed to open audio device /dev/dsp or /dev/sound/dsp (2)" | 04:44 |
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|yoda | Nalioth, what jedi powers do i need to downgrade back to hoary? ;P | 04:44 |
Xappe | sylvan: for the movies, choose esound output in your player. for the game, kill esd before and restart after playing | 04:45 |
sylvan | esd? | 04:45 |
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Xappe | sylvan: enlightenment sound daemon that takes care of hearing multiple sounds... | 04:46 |
sylvan | ah.. should I use ALSA instead? | 04:46 |
Xappe | *playing | 04:46 |
Xappe | sylvan: that's an option | 04:46 |
sylvan | when I start Totem I get "Resource busy" | 04:46 |
sylvan | shouldn't esd take care of playing sounds then, instead of uh.. not playing sounds =) | 04:47 |
Nalioth | |yoda that i do not know. ANYONE know how to downgrade to breezy? | 04:47 |
Xappe | sylvan: hmm, totem should use esd by default | 04:47 |
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sylvan | well I do hear _some_ sounds so it's not totally screwed up, but it seems that only ubuntu-sounds play, not application sounds | 04:48 |
ompaul | Nalioth, from windows? | 04:48 |
taiti | to get non-stable stuff, this command should work? apt-get -testing install [package] | 04:48 |
|yoda | no from breezy to hoary | 04:48 |
Nalioth | ompaul, sorry did you say something (windoze filter engaged) | 04:49 |
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Xappe | sylvan: check the snks set in mutimedia systems selector | 04:49 |
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Xappe | *sinks | 04:49 |
sylvan | how do I do that? | 04:49 |
Xappe | System --> Preferences | 04:49 |
Nalioth | |yoda, you see, all your breezy stuff is newer than the hoary stuff | 04:49 |
sylvan | ah I see it now... Should get new glasses or something =) | 04:49 |
jeroen_ | might try this: http://ubuntuguide.org/#configuresoundproperly (No idea if it works, though...) | 04:49 |
ompaul | Nalioth, I actually screwed up what I meant that time, but anyway I did not understand downgrade to breezy | 04:50 |
Nalioth | |yoda, i'm not sure how to make apt downgrade stuff (it's made to upgrade stuff) | 04:50 |
sylvan | It's at ESD | 04:50 |
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Xappe | sylvan: ok | 04:50 |
Nalioth | ompaul, i've been windoze free for 5 years (mostly via Mac OSX) | 04:50 |
sylvan | and using "test" works | 04:50 |
|yoda | maybe replaceing breezy with hoary in etc/apt/sources.list and then dist upgrade? | 04:50 |
Xappe | sylvan: try setting it to alsa then | 04:51 |
ryman | hmm my system auto restarted , this is the 3rd tiem it happened | 04:51 |
Nalioth | |yoda, your files will still be "breezy" vintage,and nothing will "upgrade" | 04:51 |
anethema | forget ESD you dont need it | 04:51 |
Nalioth | ryman do you dual boot? | 04:51 |
anethema | alsa does everything | 04:51 |
|yoda | shit | 04:51 |
sylvan | "failed to construct pipeline",but I _just_ installed alsa and haven't rebooted or anything | 04:51 |
ompaul | Nalioth, free for 11 years now, one of the BSD family and lots of linux :) {however where I work now and again I get my fingers dirty, usually using putty :) | 04:51 |
anethema | to make shit work wiht your sound | 04:51 |
anethema | go to http://ubuntuguide.org/#configuresoundproperly | 04:51 |
Xappe | sylvan: or check if the output of totem goes to something else than esd | 04:51 |
sylvan | uh.. hmm.. how? =) Totem won't start | 04:52 |
Xappe | hmm | 04:52 |
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anethema | sylvan, go to that link | 04:52 |
sylvan | anethema: thanks, will check out | 04:52 |
anethema | follow all the directions | 04:52 |
sylvan | yep, reading now | 04:52 |
Nalioth | ompaul, unfortunately i've not been able to migrate some of my clients over the OSX hardware, so i still must befoul myself occasionally | 04:52 |
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Nalioth | |yoda as i said, you will need ALL of your jedi powers (cuz it CAN be done, its just harder than you can imagine) | 04:52 |
airwox | 123 | 04:53 |
|yoda | does not sound good :/ | 04:53 |
jeroen_ | yoda can you not downgrade packages | 04:54 |
Nalioth | |yoda, i tell every1 that asks in here about breezy that it is still highly unstable | 04:54 |
taiti | who's the debian guru here? | 04:54 |
anethema | whats not workin now taiti (im NOT a debian guru) | 04:54 |
taiti | :P | 04:54 |
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ryman | Nalioth+ no | 04:54 |
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Nalioth | |yoda, simple solution: burn off your homedir and reinstall hoary (my brute force method) | 04:55 |
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miguel | hola! | 04:55 |
anonimo010203 | !@$!#@^^$^&@^$**&^%$#@@#&*(^()(*P((((((*_&*_")_?{_)_+"+}}|}|}|}><?>?>?<>?<>>?#$%^^*!~$$!@%^$#^$%^!@#%$&^%^&(*%$$^#&^#^_+{|"||"}_()!@#$%^&*((()^$%($*$^#^@$$!!#~~~~~~~~~~@~!@!!@~@~~!@!!@!@~!#~@~~@~!~~~~#@~!~~~@~~@~#@~~~@#~~##~~~#~@#~@#~$#&%$*&*&_+)((_)))((**&%$!@#$%^&~!@#$%^&**#$%^&*()_@#$%^&*()^$#&%#^&(%$#&#^$!#!!@!~$#%^(*+{}|"}{_+((&&$@!!#$#R%%%%^&*%^^(%^&*(_{"}}_+*(^#@#@%@#$%^&*()_{"}">>><><MN$#~~~##$%^&*(((((($#@!)(*&^%$#@!~)(*&^%#@!~+_)(*&^%$@!~ | 04:55 |
taiti | apt-get and the testing tree? | 04:55 |
ryman | I got rid of xp after a week of using Ubuntu | 04:55 |
anonimo010203 | |}+_)(*&^%$#@!~"{+_)(*&^%$#@!~<<<>?""}{"{{"}{"}{}{)_(~!@#$%^&*()_+_)(*&^%$#@!~~~~~~!@#$%^&*()__+}|{"><>? | 04:55 |
goldfish | ah ffs | 04:55 |
anonimo010203 | hola a todos | 04:55 |
ompaul | taiti, ask, one persons guru is another's expert | 04:55 |
JDigital | what is that, regexp? :) | 04:55 |
goldfish | STOP. | 04:55 |
Nalioth | ryman was just wondering if it restarted with another OS | 04:55 |
JDigital | Will "smeg" work at all in warty? | 04:55 |
anethema | taiti, after editing your sources list and running those commands.. | 04:55 |
ryman | i c | 04:55 |
anethema | it still doesnt read form them/ | 04:55 |
taiti | can i make it check the testing tree for just one program or do i have to rung the whole system on testing? | 04:55 |
Nalioth | JDigital, it should | 04:55 |
anonimo010203 | alguien sabe hablar espa;ol fluidamente y sin rodeos........ | 04:55 |
Liviu | hi everybody | 04:55 |
anonimo010203 | espanol | 04:56 |
jeroen_ | hello | 04:56 |
ompaul | taiti, have a look at a thing called pin | 04:56 |
JDigital | I'm trying to install it and getting errors | 04:56 |
Nalioth | anonimo010203, por favor muevete de el #ubuntu-es | 04:56 |
Liviu | great OS this Ubuntu Linux, even from the live cd! | 04:56 |
jeroen_ | :-) | 04:56 |
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taiti | ompaul, pin? | 04:56 |
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anonimo010203 | espanol, espanol, espanol de espana, de colombia, de argentina , algun tipo de espanol, o es que nadie de ustedes sabe hablar espanol_ | 04:57 |
jeroen_ | espanol: #ubuntu-es | 04:57 |
Nalioth | JDigital, if you google ubuntulinux.org for "gnome menu editor" there are links to several projects | 04:57 |
turkey_joe | can someone tell me how i install beagle?? | 04:57 |
taiti | intersting | 04:57 |
Nalioth | JDigital, other than smeg | 04:57 |
benz | every time i try to open a sound file i get: Totem could not startup, resource busy or unavailable | 04:57 |
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ompaul | taiti, http://jaqque.sbih.org/kplug/apt-pinning.html | 04:57 |
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Sconk | humm.. | 04:58 |
anonimo010203 | gracias, Nalioth | 04:58 |
Nalioth | turkey_joe, there is a beagle install howto, and uncle google can tell you where it is | 04:58 |
turkey_joe | also, how can i start and stop services???? Is there a GUI for doing this?? | 04:58 |
Sconk | /dev 28G 861M 28G 4% /.dev | 04:58 |
Sconk | none 5.0M 2.8M 2.3M 55% /dev | 04:58 |
Sconk | thats new.. | 04:58 |
Nalioth | anonimo010203, da nada | 04:58 |
anonimo010203 | bye bye bye adios | 04:58 |
taiti | thanks heaps ompaul | 04:58 |
turkey_joe | god bless uncle google | 04:58 |
ompaul | taiti, I presume that there will be a better doc somewhere on the ubuntu site :) | 04:58 |
JDigital | Ubuntu is pretty good. Give it a few years and it might be nearly as easy to use as Amiga. | 04:58 |
goldfish | can you install games from .iso files in linux? | 04:58 |
anethema | can just search synaptic for the file you want taiti | 04:59 |
taiti | ompaul, ubuntuguide.org has helped me a ton, maybe there too | 04:59 |
Nalioth | goldfish, yes | 04:59 |
|yoda | goldfish, you can mount the iso | 04:59 |
taiti | synaptic wont find the latest gaim | 04:59 |
goldfish | oh right | 04:59 |
turkey_joe | THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP NALIOTH. | 04:59 |
sylvan | okay, followed those instructions, now no sound works at all :-( | 04:59 |
goldfish | how do i do that? sorry n00b here | 04:59 |
benz | anyone know why totem doesnt work? | 04:59 |
turkey_joe | what about services??? | 04:59 |
anethema | http://ubuntuguide.org/#mountunmountisofileswithoutburning | 05:00 |
anethema | go there goldfish | 05:00 |
turkey_joe | is there a gui for starting and stoping these | 05:00 |
goldfish | thanks | 05:00 |
=== ompaul grinning like a the cat talking to alice: so if you pipe stuff through yoda do you get the answer you were looking for or not? this leads to the concept that |yoda=zen | ||
Nalioth | goldfish use the "mount" command, and i'm not sure of the syntax | 05:00 |
|yoda | heh | 05:01 |
anethema | i dont think the latest gaim is on there yet taiti | 05:01 |
JDigital | dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of smeg: | 05:01 |
JDigital | smeg depends on python (>= 2.4); however: | 05:01 |
JDigital | Version of python on system is 2.3.4-1ubuntu1. | 05:01 |
Nalioth | goldfish see what anethema said above | 05:01 |
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Nalioth | JDigital, hang on a minim and i'll see what i found | 05:01 |
anethema | 1.1.4 i think is latest on there | 05:01 |
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taiti | # testing (net): multi-protocol instant messaging client | 05:02 |
taiti | 1:1.2.1-1: alpha arm hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel powerpc s390 sparc | 05:02 |
taiti | # unstable (net): multi-protocol instant messaging client | 05:02 |
taiti | 1:1.2.1-1: alpha arm hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel powerpc s390 sparc | 05:02 |
anethema | huh ? | 05:02 |
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taiti | went to debian | 05:02 |
anethema | 1:1.1.4 is the latest on my (x86) repositories | 05:02 |
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taiti | serached for gaim | 05:02 |
taiti | oh, okay | 05:02 |
jeroen_ | Is ubuntu-calendar-may available yet?? Can't find it :-/ | 05:02 |
Nalioth | JDigital, google this, i am using it on hoary w/o problems "menueditor_0.4.3ubuntu1_all.deb" | 05:02 |
jeroen_ | ?? calendar | 05:02 |
taiti | well, then I should have just stuck with compiling the damn thing | 05:03 |
anethema | haha | 05:03 |
taiti | =P | 05:03 |
|yoda | JDigital, install python2.4 ;-) | 05:03 |
httpdss | does any one know how to get, from command line, the installed packages that dont have dependencies with other installed packages ?? | 05:03 |
ompaul | turkey_joe, sysv-rc-conf <-- that will do the job - not real gui but you can of course use gtk to put fuzzy lines around it :) | 05:03 |
Predius | taiti, i386 | 05:03 |
ompaul | turkey_joe, it is a cli program | 05:04 |
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JDigital | python2.4 isn't in synaptic in Warty | 05:04 |
|yoda | :/ | 05:04 |
|yoda | haven't known that | 05:04 |
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taiti | ah, i see, debian packages are all funcky | 05:05 |
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nullvoid | I just register in snort, I had modified the oinkmaster.conf for the url param as requested! and I have the oink code, where I should put this? | 05:05 |
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projectmayhem | hey everyone i wanted to burn a DVD iso file, was wondering if there was anything specific i had to do to burn it in K3b... | 05:06 |
JDigital | I'm wary about upgrading to Hoary since I had heard of some compatibility problems with nvidia drivers | 05:07 |
=== fragspaz [~fspaz@cm124.sigma213.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
benz | all of a sudden i cant change screen resolutions | 05:08 |
benz | i could yesterday | 05:08 |
benz | now its telling me "The X server does not support | 05:08 |
benz | blah blah | 05:08 |
|iceman| | my nvidia worx no problem with hoary.... | 05:08 |
=== ricardo [~ricardo@ALamentin-101-1-10-69.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
projectmayhem | JDigital haven't heard of anything to that extent, and I've gotten ATI drivers working in hoary... if i can get ATI drivers working, i bet you can get your NVidia driver working just fine :) | 05:08 |
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ubuntu | hi all | 05:09 |
|iceman| | used the canned instructions in the starter guide, no problem | 05:09 |
ubuntu | i am using ubuntu | 05:09 |
ubuntu | i need some help | 05:09 |
ubuntu | How can i run a server from here ? | 05:09 |
ubuntu | like an apche server ? | 05:10 |
projectmayhem | JDigital if you have problems just check the wiki | 05:10 |
JDigital | ok | 05:10 |
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httpdss | ubuntu .. si | 05:10 |
kkathman | nvidia driver help: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#hardware | 05:10 |
projectmayhem | anyone here use Kooka? I need to scan an image to OCR and I'm not sure how I can save it in a file that will open in windows | 05:11 |
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Nalioth | projectmayhem, does it save as tiff or bmp | 05:11 |
projectmayhem | bmp | 05:12 |
anethema | |iceman|, do what kkathman said | 05:12 |
anethema | it will get your drivers workign | 05:12 |
JDigital | I can't work out exactly *why* the system breaks, but it *does*. I found a forum posting on a similar issue, and found the following partial work-around. | 05:12 |
JDigital | If you have upgraded to HoaryHedgehog, and are using the commercial Nvidia drivers, either through the Ubuntu packages or (I believe) the NVIDIA executable installers, X will not start up. Symptoms range from error messages referring to libary methods that are missing to a partial start-up of X which never progresses past a mouse pointer and grey background. | 05:12 |
ompaul | ubuntulog, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/LAMPForHoary/view?searchterm=apache | 05:12 |
ompaul | ooops wrong person | 05:12 |
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ompaul | ubuntulog, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/LAMPForHoary/view?searchterm=apache | 05:12 |
ompaul | okay what is happening there | 05:12 |
JDigital | heh | 05:12 |
ompaul | ? | 05:13 |
JDigital | xchat bug | 05:13 |
ompaul | looks like it | 05:13 |
JDigital | ubuntu seems to have left | 05:13 |
JDigital | sometimes I type one name and hit tab and it tabs to a different name entirely | 05:13 |
JDigital | with embarrassing results | 05:13 |
kkathman | JDigital: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#hardware | 05:13 |
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anethema | haha | 05:14 |
JDigital | Ubuntu could use a manual | 05:15 |
anethema | ubuntuguide :D | 05:15 |
JDigital | that's an FAQ | 05:15 |
anethema | yeah | 05:15 |
anethema | heh | 05:15 |
JDigital | Now the Amiga, there was a machine with a manual | 05:15 |
JDigital | big fat book | 05:16 |
benz | Trying to change screen resolutions here people | 05:16 |
JDigital | you could club a man to death with it | 05:16 |
benz | not letting me | 05:16 |
Laney | Will I be able to enable/disable my s-video out port and have seperate resolutions on it in ubuntu, like I can in windows? | 05:16 |
ThomasWinwood | Why is it that if I run two instances of the clock entry on the GNOME bar they're out of sync? I wanted to run an Internet time bar alongside a regular one so I could learn how Internet time correlates to real time, but they're never in sync. Does the Internet time "seconds" counter count in real second, jumping when rounding increases the number by two? That has to be sloppy management. | 05:16 |
JDigital | internet time doesn't count in seconds | 05:16 |
JDigital | it counts internet time | 05:16 |
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anethema | it counts in beats on a 1000 beat scale | 05:16 |
projectmayhem | ThomasWinwood no idea. that's pretty weird. | 05:16 |
projectmayhem | oh yeah beat time I've heard of that | 05:16 |
anethema | 1000 beats per day | 05:16 |
benz | lets face it people, linux has a LOOOONNNGGG way to go before it becomes practical | 05:16 |
ThomasWinwood | Yeah, which has a seconds option. One second is 1/100 of a .beat, equal to 0.864 seconds. | 05:16 |
JDigital | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swatch_Internet_Time | 05:17 |
ThomasWinwood | benz: Linux is, 99% of the time, practical. Unfortunately something like Windows has a larger sphere of support. | 05:17 |
projectmayhem | benz using gnome? | 05:17 |
ompaul | benz, you are wrong, it has been practical for a long time | 05:17 |
benz | yes | 05:17 |
ThomasWinwood | JDigital: I'm familiar with the workings of Internet time. | 05:17 |
benz | well its not practical for me | 05:17 |
JDigital | ompaul: not perfect tho | 05:17 |
hybrid_goth | anyone here using tvrss? | 05:17 |
ThomasWinwood | But GNOME's implementation extends it with a seconds count from 0 to 99. | 05:17 |
benz | i cant even change screen resolution now | 05:18 |
Nalioth | benz the more you use it, the more its practicallity will show itself | 05:18 |
ThomasWinwood | benz: switch graphics card. Easy solution. | 05:18 |
benz | you have gotta be kidding me | 05:18 |
JDigital | hehe | 05:18 |
projectmayhem | Thomas lol | 05:18 |
ompaul | JDigital, I may agree with you there, but it is practical, as a desktop, a media station, a server, publishing environment, programming environment | 05:18 |
anethema | hybrid_goth, just use azureus with rssfeed plugin | 05:18 |
ThomasWinwood | I had horrible trouble with my USB wireless card. | 05:18 |
ThomasWinwood | So I got a new box. | 05:18 |
hybrid_goth | anethema: is it better? | 05:18 |
anethema | yes | 05:18 |
ThomasWinwood | That box does all the jiggery pokery for me. | 05:18 |
ThomasWinwood | It's plug in and go. | 05:19 |
anethema | azureus is the KING of bittorrent | 05:19 |
hybrid_goth | ok | 05:19 |
projectmayhem | benz its right in one of the gnome menus if memory serves me correctly... i'm kinda a kde guy myself | 05:19 |
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benz | yeah look, i know where the menu option is | 05:19 |
jeroen_ | Is ubuntu-calendar-may available yet?? Can't find it :-/ | 05:19 |
JDigital | ompaul: True. It's just not as easy to use as Windows, and neither of those are as easy to use as the Amiga. Once you get Linux to that stage, I would consider Linux on the desktop a success. | 05:19 |
Xappe | anethema: yes, and it's also the king of being slow :) | 05:19 |
benz | i had it open yesterday and i made a change | 05:19 |
projectmayhem | ok ok just checking | 05:19 |
hybrid_goth | where is the rss plug | 05:19 |
anethema | bah it isnt slow | 05:19 |
projectmayhem | and now it doesn't work? | 05:19 |
benz | now its tellin me something about the x server not supporting something | 05:19 |
anethema | uses a lot of memmory tho | 05:19 |
benz | yeah i dont get it | 05:19 |
projectmayhem | benz google the error message | 05:20 |
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=== hybrid_goth loves bittorrent | ||
anethema | i regularly get 500k/s from azureus | 05:20 |
projectmayhem | benz solves 9/10 errors! | 05:20 |
anethema | and ive got rss setup to catch any tv show i want | 05:20 |
ThomasWinwood | I'd like to browse Usenet but I can't find a news server to use. | 05:20 |
benz | haha good idea | 05:20 |
Xappe | anethema: i was not thinking of the download performance but the behaviour due to memory usage | 05:20 |
taiti | no fair anethema , 512 adsl here | 05:21 |
projectmayhem | anethema how do you use RSS for tv? | 05:21 |
kkathman | JDigital: please tell me you arent judging all systems using an Amiga as the benchmark ! | 05:21 |
anethema | yes..its java | 05:21 |
anethema | what can you do. | 05:21 |
Xappe | notheing :/ | 05:21 |
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hybrid_goth | is azureus in synaptic | 05:21 |
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projectmayhem | hybrid_goth no but if you go to ubuntuguide a howto is on there | 05:21 |
ThomasWinwood | I prefer BitTornado to Azureus. Azureus suffers from creature feep IMO. | 05:21 |
hybrid_goth | projectmayhem: rss feeds too torrents of shows | 05:21 |
ThomasWinwood | But I haven't yet used a torrent so :D | 05:21 |
hybrid_goth | ok | 05:21 |
hybrid_goth | lol | 05:21 |
ompaul | JDigital, sorry, you suggested that windows was ready for the desktop, I had to pick myself up off the floor, I need a medic it hurts I am laughing that much :), Linux could do with some edges being less sharp, and hard, but it is not like that patch for an eight bit operating system | 05:21 |
JDigital | hehe | 05:22 |
projectmayhem | hybrid_goth wow thats really convenient... so it just downloads an episode as soon as its online! that can solve all of my OC woes! | 05:22 |
=== ompaul barks | ||
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projectmayhem | hehe :) | 05:22 |
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ThomasWinwood | Windows XP 64-bit Edition: a 64-bit variant of a 32-bit extension to a 16-bit patch for an 8-bit operating system...forget the rest. | 05:23 |
projectmayhem | lol very true there.... | 05:23 |
hybrid_goth | projectmayhem: yes it is awesome and it does the same with software if a new version comes out it d/ls ir | 05:23 |
anethema | yes projectmayhem, install azureus and rssfeed | 05:23 |
anethema | and go to btefnet.com | 05:23 |
anethema | and get their RSS url | 05:23 |
anethema | and make the filters accordingly | 05:23 |
projectmayhem | wow thanks anethema | 05:23 |
JimPassedOut | ThomasWinwood: Actually, XP-64 is based on 2k3 (which traces it's lineage back to OS/2) | 05:23 |
anethema | np | 05:23 |
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anethema | i dont think windows NT came from os/2 heh | 05:24 |
aVeedo | quick question: how do I open a port? | 05:24 |
Juhaz | every xp version is based on NT, not just -64, so that's just plain bullshit | 05:24 |
hybrid_goth | anyine here using skype? | 05:24 |
JDigital | kkathman: It was pretty easy to use. It had a lot of the simplicity the Mac does, along with a lot of the power Linux does. One of the reasons I installed Linux is because with Windows I missed having an efficient OS that had a powerful command line | 05:24 |
anethema | i am hybrid_goth | 05:24 |
ompaul | hybrid_goth, yes | 05:24 |
anethema | wish they would make it alsa :( fucking OSS | 05:24 |
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turkey_joe | can someone provide me with an easy way to start and stop services?? | 05:24 |
Jimbob | anethema: There's a shared core between NT and OS/2. | 05:24 |
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hybrid_goth | ompaul: how is it | 05:24 |
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ompaul | turkey_joe, I did already | 05:24 |
aVeedo | /etc/init.d/service restart | 05:24 |
ompaul | hybrid_goth, grand | 05:24 |
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hybrid_goth | ompaul: nice i juss hope it runs on ppc ... | 05:25 |
yonil | Q:someone once told me how to turn a png to a jpg from console using some program. i think the name of the program was image magic' or something similiar, anyone know it?i | 05:25 |
projectmayhem | hybrid_goth yes i am using skype, very very nice program | 05:25 |
JDigital | ompaul: Ubuntu is pretty good, but there are a handful of things I can't get working and I don't know why. The whole mishmash of Gnome/KDE/qt interfaces is baffling. | 05:25 |
projectmayhem | yonil google? | 05:25 |
turkey_joe | explain alittle more. | 05:25 |
=== osity [~osity@d57-50-77.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
turkey_joe | more detail please. | 05:25 |
anethema | turkey_joe, just find the service you wanna stop/start in /etc/init.d | 05:25 |
hybrid_goth | projectmayhem and ompaul: are you a fan of the screen savers | 05:25 |
Jimbob | anethema: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_NT | 05:26 |
yonil | projectmayhem, i think its on the packages of ubuntu | 05:26 |
ompaul | turkey_joe, what program did I tell you to use? | 05:26 |
[noobuntu] | Q: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 for hoary? | 05:26 |
anethema | and add the word start or stop after it (run it) | 05:26 |
osity | anyone know how to setup raid 1 on ubuntu....i am having a difficult time | 05:26 |
projectmayhem | hybrid_goth yeah good show | 05:26 |
ompaul | hybrid_goth, no | 05:26 |
hybrid_goth | prjectmayhem: have you checked out TWiT | 05:26 |
kyncani | [noobuntu] : xserver-xorg | 05:26 |
ompaul | hybrid_goth, the reason is simple if they are on I am not in the room :) | 05:26 |
projectmayhem | yonil haven't heard of it but if you look it up | 05:26 |
Deep6 | guys is the lvm in ubuntu lvm1 or 2> | 05:26 |
anethema | cool Jimbob, some stuff shared clearly | 05:26 |
projectmayhem | hybrid_goth no what is that? | 05:26 |
kkathman | JDigital: Your expectations are correct if thats truly what you are looking for. Remember that since Linux is open source, there is no "central" manual somewhere. But most apps, even desktops, are good at documenting their offerings very well. | 05:27 |
yonil | projectmayhem, heh found it | 05:27 |
JDigital | True | 05:27 |
aVeedo | how do I change firewall rules? | 05:27 |
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hybrid_goth | projectmayhem: omg it is awesome leo kevin patrick and a few others got on skype and did a radio sho | 05:27 |
kkathman | aVeedo get firestarter | 05:27 |
JDigital | It's not like Windows comes with a manual either. | 05:27 |
hybrid_goth | leoville.com | 05:27 |
JDigital | I remember win98 having a manual that was more of a really big promotional brochure | 05:27 |
aVeedo | it's not anywayre on the add/remove applications | 05:27 |
yonil | huh ? E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 05:27 |
yonil | E: Unable to lock the download directory | 05:27 |
[noobuntu] | kyncani, thanks, man! | 05:28 |
projectmayhem | hybrid_goth oh yea hthe revenge of the screen savers or whatever, yeah i heard a little of it but haven't listened to the whole thing | 05:28 |
dantheman | does anyone know how to do window transparency in gnome? | 05:28 |
hybrid_goth | projectmayhem: it is nice like the *old* tss | 05:28 |
ompaul | kkathman, I would say stick to gnome and solve all your issues there, launch kde apps when you need to and that works for almost everything I want to do except that which must be done on the command line | 05:28 |
hybrid_goth | projectmayhem: i love it | 05:28 |
hybrid_goth | they have ogg also :D | 05:28 |
projectmayhem | hybrid_goth haha, yeah i miss it a lot | 05:28 |
kyncani | [noobuntu] : :) np | 05:28 |
kkathman | JDigital: I think Windows does ok for its relative ease of use, to be honest. If my 88-yr old Dad can run it...its not so bad...and I say that with at least some gritting of teeth | 05:28 |
osity | it seems that i can never find anyone that know how to setup raid | 05:28 |
aVeedo | you've been asking for a long time | 05:28 |
yonil | hmmm you guys ? E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 05:29 |
aVeedo | I noticed the optionin the partition manager | 05:29 |
anethema | is it a hardware raid card osity ? | 05:29 |
aVeedo | but I guess you already have ubunutu installed? | 05:29 |
kkathman | ompaul: well thats purely a preference for your desktop..which is what Linux is all about. I prefer KDE, but other like Gnome..thats a good thing. | 05:29 |
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kyncani | yonil: only one apt at a time (and synaptic counts as apt here) | 05:29 |
osity | anethema: no ...software in ubuntu | 05:29 |
yonil | kyncani, ah oops im updating .. ;) | 05:29 |
ompaul | kkathman, this is true, it is my way of dealing with the world :) | 05:29 |
anethema | software raid | 05:29 |
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anethema | thats easy eough i think | 05:29 |
kkathman | yonil: execute with sudo | 05:29 |
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kyncani | yonil: :) | 05:30 |
osity | anethema: i have spend hours! | 05:30 |
Fish-Face | Dang nabbit... Ubuntu needs xscreensaver 4.20 ;) | 05:30 |
hybrid_goth | projectmayhem: yes it is i loved the old tss now they are talking about hhg2g nice since g4 kiled it | 05:30 |
karljp | can anyone help me make my syslog get rotated weekly instead of daily? | 05:30 |
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osity | is it easier with with the gui interface? | 05:30 |
anethema | haha | 05:30 |
anethema | you use raid-tools osity ? | 05:30 |
projectmayhem | hybrid_goth yeah definitely. g4 wayy killed it | 05:30 |
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kyncani | karljp: you need to take a look at logrotate docs | 05:30 |
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osity | anethema: no i havent | 05:30 |
anethema | do this | 05:30 |
osity | anethema: i am new to this | 05:31 |
anethema | apt-get install raidtools2 | 05:31 |
kyncani | karljp: hmm, sorry, i've been reading daily instead of weekly | 05:31 |
=== elcu [~elcu@wnpp-p-144-134-167-154.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
karljp | kyncani, yes, I know. my problem is there is already sysklogd entries in both cron.daily and cron.weekly | 05:31 |
osity | anethema: is itok that i installed using server option? | 05:31 |
hybrid_goth | projectmayhem: yes it hurts i dont even watch tv now but TWiT is nice once a week | 05:31 |
karljp | and they're different, and it says you need to get them in sync if you want to change. | 05:31 |
|iceman| | anathema: you mentioned "azureus" ... not finding with apt-get or synaptic... have to compile to install? | 05:31 |
anethema | yes fine | 05:31 |
karljp | which I don't undestand | 05:31 |
anethema | |iceman|, go to ubuntuguide.com | 05:31 |
anethema | and search for azureus | 05:31 |
kyncani | karljp: and you already know how to use logrotate ? Then you need to learn about dpkg-divert | 05:31 |
anethema | it gives step by step instructions | 05:32 |
|iceman| | ok... when all else fails, try following the isntructions :) | 05:32 |
anethema | ok osity , lemme know when you installed this | 05:32 |
hybrid_goth | ubuntuguide.org/#azureus | 05:32 |
ompaul | karljp, I would advise against it, but if you really want to then move /etc/cron.daily/logrotate weekly or wherever | 05:32 |
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karljp | daily is farr too frequently for single user systems. | 05:32 |
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anethema | osity, then run.. | 05:32 |
anethema | apt-get install mdadm | 05:32 |
anethema | oh | 05:33 |
yonil | I've apt-get a program. now how can i figure out whats it name ? | 05:33 |
anethema | make sure to put sudo before those apt-get 's | 05:33 |
JDigital | Windows is easier to use than Linux, in a lot of ways. I think Linux is making progress on that front, but that it should be even easier to use than Windows. | 05:33 |
anethema | or it wont work | 05:33 |
ompaul | preciousssss apt-get | 05:33 |
will | ah i stopped the ubuntu drum on 'every' click! yes | 05:33 |
kyncani | karljp: you can use dpkg-divert to rename /etc/cron.daily/logrotate to something else, or tell dpkg to let you handle this file | 05:33 |
kkathman | JDigital: I'll agree to an extent from, say, a compatibility standpoint and installation. And thats where Linux has mad the greatest strides. Windows sacrifices a Universe of compatibilty, for relative ease of installation...a bad tradeoff for me personally | 05:34 |
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anethema | osity, making any progress? | 05:34 |
karljp | kkathman? | 05:34 |
karljp | excuse me? | 05:34 |
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ompaul | kkathman, jdigital gone :( | 05:35 |
karljp | windows supports shitheaps of hardware | 05:35 |
osity | anethema: says the raidtools2 is not available | 05:35 |
karljp | what does linux support? | 05:35 |
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karljp | old crap | 05:35 |
kkathman | yeah well I was in the middle oftyping :) | 05:35 |
kkathman | hehe | 05:35 |
anethema | ok osity you need to add extra repositories | 05:35 |
karljp | stuff that I could use in wiindows witht he vendor drivers anyway | 05:35 |
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kkathman | karljp: uhm...thats what I just said | 05:35 |
elcu | yonil: what package? | 05:35 |
hybrid_goth | linux supports the nintendo ds mac intel amd toasters tivo | 05:35 |
karljp | Windows sacrifices a Universe of compatibilty | 05:35 |
dantheman | i can't seem to get the terminal window to be semi-transparent | 05:35 |
osity | anethema: ok what steps... | 05:35 |
aVeedo | XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool. is it like sudo module perl ? | 05:35 |
dantheman | can anyone help me? | 05:35 |
anethema | osity, go here http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories | 05:35 |
goldfish | dantheman: got an nvidia card? | 05:36 |
anethema | lemme know when you do all those steps | 05:36 |
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aVeedo | or modprobe | 05:36 |
anethema | dont miss the gpg commands at the end | 05:36 |
MikeA | can someone help me getting PHP working with Apache2? | 05:36 |
dantheman | goldfish: yes | 05:36 |
anethema | and the apt-get update | 05:36 |
dantheman | FX 5200 | 05:36 |
yonil | elcu, imagemagick | 05:36 |
karljp | I don't consider that linux has built in support for old stallion serial IO expansion cards a strong point. | 05:36 |
goldfish | dantheman: get xcompmgr and transset, great for transparency. | 05:36 |
kkathman | I meant that you sacrifice using Windows...you get infinite compatibility, but you get a bloated, inefficient OS | 05:36 |
kkathman | basically | 05:36 |
aVeedo | I would if I had configured that, Mike | 05:36 |
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goldfish | dantheman: there is a good howto on ubuntuforums.org | 05:36 |
elcu | yonil: try typing imagemagick :) | 05:36 |
chavo | karljp, on this computer I install Linux and all of my hardware works. Windows doesn't recognize the soundcard, one of the nics or the modem. | 05:36 |
yonil | elcu, nothing | 05:36 |
karljp | kkathman, ok, now I see. | 05:36 |
osity | anethema: yes i was trying this lastnight but it said i didnt have the command gedit | 05:36 |
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dantheman | goldfish: xcompmgr does funny things with my monitor | 05:36 |
MikeA | aVeedo: wjat d'ya mean | 05:36 |
anethema | ohh | 05:36 |
goldfish | dantheman: ah right :/ | 05:36 |
kylemitchell | they will really send me cd?S | 05:36 |
yonil | elcu, even "image[TAB] dont give me anything related | 05:36 |
anethema | apt-get install gedit then | 05:36 |
anethema | heheh | 05:36 |
karljp | chavo: would you consider your sistuation to be standard? | 05:36 |
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dantheman | on startup, it gives weird colors, but fixes itself when i drag a window over the problem spots | 05:37 |
anethema | if you dont have gedit | 05:37 |
anethema | try pico | 05:37 |
elcu | yonil: type killall gnome-panel, then check the graphics section of your apps menu | 05:37 |
dantheman | and when the screen blanks, it doesn't blank...it goes gray | 05:37 |
chavo | karljp, sure it's and Asus board with onbaord nics and sound. | 05:37 |
karljp | also, is it even desireable that the OS simply automatically support everything? | 05:37 |
kkathman | and, the place where the predominate number of users are...windows just is the best OS for them cuz 90% of the people that have PCs couldnt install Linux...they'd have to have someone install it for them in many cases | 05:37 |
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yonil | elcu, its a command line application :\ | 05:37 |
karljp | my asus boards have never worked out of the box in windows. is that windows fault? or asus? | 05:37 |
karljp | cos they all work after installing the asus drivers | 05:38 |
chavo | karljp, you're totally contradicting yourself. | 05:38 |
osity | anethema: cool ...its getting it now | 05:38 |
anethema | good :) | 05:38 |
kkathman | but once you got Linux installed, probably most people wouldnt care except when they went to go get apps..and got them for nothing...then they'd be very happy | 05:38 |
elcu | yonil: check out the official page: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/command-line-tools.php | 05:39 |
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karljp | chavo: no I'm not. You can actually get most things to work in windows. it doesn't need to work out of the box to work in windows (the same is true in linux) | 05:39 |
elcu | yonil: interfaces: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/api.php | 05:39 |
karljp | but htere are things that simply don't work in linux, no matter how much you try | 05:39 |
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MikeA | karljp: : so true | 05:40 |
Liviu | guys I have a question pls: how do I manage to play avi and mp3 files with ubuntu5.04? | 05:40 |
yonil | elcu, thanks, but i dont want an interface, just want the binary name so that i can run it in command line ;) | 05:40 |
karljp | in that equation, I think the things that windows simply doesn't support is a less useful set of things than the set of things that linux doesn't support | 05:40 |
osity | anethema: do i have to follow all the steps on that page? | 05:40 |
anethema | just the steps... | 05:40 |
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anethema | in the link i sent you | 05:40 |
anethema | down to the next question | 05:40 |
karljp | like ATM adaptors | 05:40 |
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anethema | dont do the next one, just the add extra repisotires one | 05:40 |
karljp | how many people have atm adaptors in their desktop. | 05:40 |
dantheman | yeah, i just played around with some xcompmgr command line options, and it always does funny stuff with colors and screen blanking, no matter what | 05:40 |
osity | anethema: ok ...all the way to step 6 | 05:40 |
anethema | thats right | 05:41 |
hybrid_goth | in dos a * is a wildcard what is a wildcard in unix | 05:41 |
will | how do i completely remove kde and all associated settings/packages | 05:41 |
osity | anethema: gimme a few mins | 05:41 |
taiti | woot, i've got gaim 1.2 now | 05:41 |
anethema | just uncomment the lines it says | 05:41 |
mjr | hybrid_goth, * | 05:41 |
anethema | then add the ones it doesnt have | 05:41 |
hybrid_goth | ok ty | 05:41 |
taiti | thanks everyone | 05:41 |
anethema | and type those commands at the end | 05:41 |
Nalioth | hybrid_goth, * is a general wildcard and ? is a specific-character wildcard | 05:41 |
anethema | np taiti :D | 05:41 |
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MikeA | How can I reinstall a package without removing it first? | 05:41 |
anethema | MikeA, use synaptic | 05:41 |
anethema | search for the package name | 05:41 |
anethema | right clikc | 05:41 |
taiti | ubuntuguide.org really is great too | 05:42 |
anethema | mark for reinstallation | 05:42 |
elcu | yonil: apologies, never used it, but it seems you have to call those CL tools. | 05:42 |
MikeA | cheers | 05:42 |
anethema | yeah ubuntuguide is great | 05:42 |
elcu | rather than imagemagick directly | 05:42 |
karljp | what imagemagick tricks are you trying to do? | 05:42 |
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karljp | you want mogrify/convert at the command line. | 05:42 |
yonil | elcu, you're right - my mistake !! thanks alot :) | 05:42 |
elcu | yonil: np | 05:42 |
Nalioth | gnome menu editor info here http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GnomeMenuEditingHowTo | 05:43 |
kkathman | aVeedo check your pm | 05:43 |
ThomasWinwood | Hmm. Let's find out why I can't print from gedit. | 05:45 |
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elcu | kkathman: that's a redundant post if i ever saw one ;-) | 05:45 |
ThomasWinwood | I'm printing across a LAN to a Windows-connected printer. The printer is a LaserPrinter 4039. | 05:46 |
ThomasWinwood | I can print a test page successfully, and OpenOffice works nicely (although it erroneously returns an error.) | 05:46 |
kkathman | elcu: redundant...what post is that | 05:46 |
ThomasWinwood | But when I try to print from gedit the printer replies "waiting" and nothing happens. | 05:46 |
ThomasWinwood | Eventually it returns to a ready state. | 05:46 |
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ThomasWinwood | What is wrong, and is there some fix I can implement? | 05:47 |
will | how do i completely remove kde and all associated settings/package | 05:47 |
elcu | kkathman: your message to aVeedo. that's like sending a text message and then ringing someone up and telling them to check their text messages. | 05:47 |
anethema | will, go into synaptic, search for kde | 05:47 |
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anethema | and mark it for removal | 05:47 |
anethema | complete removal | 05:47 |
mrben_away | afternoon all | 05:47 |
ThomasWinwood | anethema: kde is installed via kubuntu-desktop. | 05:47 |
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kkathman | elcu: sometimes people arent paying attention ...he msg me for info...why so quick to criticize someone that is trying to help another? | 05:47 |
anethema | KDE can also be just installed for the fun of it | 05:47 |
anethema | heh | 05:47 |
sgarrity | Can anyone running Hoary try to replicate a Gimp bug for me? | 05:47 |
will | anethema: is there not an easier way to remove it all? all at once and all the librarys? | 05:48 |
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anethema | it doesnt take long to mark them all for removal will | 05:48 |
anethema | then just hit apply and bam | 05:48 |
anethema | gone | 05:48 |
osity | anethema: when i try the second command sudo gedit gedit /etc/apt/soures.list | 05:48 |
Deep6 | guys I'm getting couldn't retrieve bsdutils during install | 05:48 |
sylvan | dammit! Sound still won't work! | 05:48 |
elcu | kkathman: sorry if i offended, it was meant to be tongue in cheek. | 05:48 |
anethema | yeah osity what happens | 05:48 |
Deep6 | can I fetch it from the network somehow? | 05:48 |
osity | anethema: it says "warning " cannot open display | 05:48 |
anethema | you ran gedit twice | 05:48 |
MikeA | for apache2, what permissions should I have my www directory set as? | 05:49 |
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osity | i tried it twice | 05:49 |
osity | y | 05:49 |
anethema | just run | 05:49 |
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anethema | i mean,,you typed gedit twice | 05:49 |
anethema | sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:49 |
osity | oh | 05:49 |
anethema | thats what you type | 05:49 |
orathon | hey does any1 know about a good cd recording program?? | 05:49 |
osity | hehe....no on the conlole thought | 05:49 |
Deep6 | k3b | 05:49 |
osity | though | 05:49 |
MikeA | OrangeSlice: k3b | 05:49 |
Nalioth | orathon, gnomebaker | 05:49 |
anethema | yeah | 05:49 |
Zatoichi | why would a console not start in ~ ? | 05:49 |
anethema | k3b needs a ton of shit you might not want | 05:49 |
anethema | gnomebaker works weel | 05:49 |
anethema | well | 05:49 |
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anethema | osity, run that command in the console | 05:50 |
anethema | dont type gedit twice | 05:50 |
osity | yes i did... | 05:50 |
osity | anethema: sudo gedit /etc/apt/soures.list | 05:50 |
osity | that's what i ran | 05:50 |
anethema | yeah | 05:50 |
anethema | and it doesnt work ? | 05:50 |
osity | i get the "warning" error | 05:50 |
anethema | you are in gnome arent you ? | 05:50 |
|iceman| | does azureus require another application? does it only run as a plugin? | 05:51 |
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anethema | |iceman|, you need java to install it | 05:51 |
Nalioth | |iceman|, if you have java, azureus should run | 05:51 |
osity | anethema: it says GTK warning | 05:51 |
anethema | whcih is one of the steps in ubuntuguide | 05:51 |
|iceman| | k... thx | 05:51 |
anethema | hmmm | 05:51 |
osity | gnome? isnt that a desktop? | 05:51 |
anethema | osity, try using pico | 05:51 |
anethema | instead of gedit | 05:51 |
anethema | yeah | 05:51 |
osity | i dont have any desktop... | 05:51 |
anethema | oh really | 05:51 |
osity | remember i installed server method | 05:52 |
orathon | ah i worship the apt-get command :D | 05:52 |
anethema | thats why | 05:52 |
anethema | haha | 05:52 |
anethema | you might as well remove gedit | 05:52 |
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osity | its for a ftp server | 05:52 |
anethema | ok use pico | 05:52 |
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osity | should i have installed the full | 05:52 |
osity | ? | 05:52 |
anethema | no | 05:52 |
anethema | its fine | 05:52 |
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anethema | sudo pico /etc/apt/soures.list | 05:52 |
anethema | do that | 05:52 |
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osity | so replace gedit with pico? | 05:52 |
anethema | yes | 05:52 |
=== nanomad [~nanomad@d83-176-97-176.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | or vi if you are familliar with vi | 05:53 |
anethema | if you arent..DONT run vi | 05:53 |
kynes | when I unplug usb cable when I'm in internet and eth2 is active, ubuntu acts weird | 05:53 |
orathon | i dont think it makes a difference | 05:53 |
karljp | gotta learn vi sometime :) | 05:53 |
anethema | haha yeah | 05:53 |
anethema | thats on my list | 05:53 |
anethema | learn later haha | 05:53 |
kynes | how can I make ubuntu "not mind" the active looking internet and unplugged usb cable? | 05:53 |
karljp | just use gvim for starters | 05:53 |
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osity | i am familiar with vi....does linus have it? | 05:53 |
anethema | yes | 05:53 |
karljp | of course | 05:53 |
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anethema | you can use vi instead of pico | 05:53 |
anethema | vi is much nicer | 05:54 |
anethema | just harder to use | 05:54 |
kynes | vi is good | 05:54 |
anethema | but if you know how to use it, do it | 05:54 |
wdh | kynes, no idea what you want.. maybe you could rephrase :) | 05:54 |
housetier | I'd use vim instead of vi though | 05:54 |
karljp | well, vi is actually crap, but vim is awesome | 05:54 |
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karljp | but vi calls vim by default | 05:54 |
karljp | so you don't have to think abou tit | 05:54 |
housetier | vi is vim in vi mode, which sucks | 05:54 |
maros | How can I mount my windows partition everytime ubuntu starts? | 05:54 |
anethema | hha lets not start some crazy vi discussion | 05:54 |
projectmayhem | maros ubuntuguide has a thing on it | 05:54 |
projectmayhem | www.ubuntuguide.org | 05:55 |
maros | oh, yeah I know how to mount | 05:55 |
projectmayhem | or something like that | 05:55 |
kynes | wdh: when I'm online using eth2 (usb cable modem) and unplug the usb cable, ubuntu doesn't stop complaining | 05:55 |
maros | but want to mount it when linux loads | 05:55 |
anethema | wish an op would change the topic to GO TO ubuntuguide.org!! | 05:55 |
kynes | wdh: i.e. in X I can't start any program | 05:55 |
maros | I did follow ubuntuguide's windows mounting part... but nothing to keep it mounted everytime ubuntu loads | 05:55 |
projectmayhem | yeah it has a howto for that... | 05:55 |
anethema | is it working osity ? | 05:55 |
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elcu | maros: there's an auto-mount topic | 05:55 |
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wdh | kynes, so now at least i know what your problem is.. but sorry, cannot help you on that, maybe someone else will.. | 05:56 |
maros | ohh | 05:56 |
maros | ok | 05:56 |
maros | let me go check that out | 05:56 |
kynes | wdh: thanks though | 05:56 |
projectmayhem | maros yeah, like i said its on there | 05:56 |
Nalioth | maros in your fstab | 05:56 |
kynes | wdh: I think it's a bug | 05:56 |
nanomad | maros, just edit /etc/fstab | 05:56 |
kynes | wdh: where should I submit it? | 05:56 |
nanomad | maros, man fstab is your friend... | 05:56 |
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wdh | kynes, address your questions to the channel, not to me :) i just happened to notice that your initial question wasn't very understandable.. its not that i am a guru out here.. | 05:57 |
wdh | kynes, www.ubuntulinux.org could get you started maybe/ | 05:57 |
ruschi | Hi Guys, a really strange phenomenon: Firefox doesn't accept any input events - neither keyboard nor mouseclicks on links under KDE (only with my profile) | 05:58 |
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Nalioth | kynes bugzilla.ubuntu.com | 05:59 |
ruschi | I just deleted .moziall directory bu t no help | 05:59 |
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kynes | ok I found it | 05:59 |
kynes | thanks | 05:59 |
ruschi | has anyone seen something like it before? | 06:00 |
dantheman | where should i save desktop themes? | 06:00 |
maros | got it done! Thank you guys! | 06:00 |
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Xappe | dantheman:~/ .themes/ or install them with the theme manager | 06:01 |
mirak | there is a module called usbvision but he is not in the modules, what to do to make it enter in the modules of ubuntu ? | 06:01 |
orathon | dantheman, just save them on the desktop and install them with the theme program(system > preferences > themes) | 06:01 |
darkstar | hello i have problem with savage3d and dri drivers | 06:01 |
darkstar | who can help me? | 06:02 |
dantheman | alright | 06:02 |
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necorium | hi | 06:02 |
aVeedo | somebody earlier was asking about php? Did he get it fixed? | 06:02 |
necorium | i need some help | 06:02 |
dantheman | alright, thanks | 06:02 |
darkstar | i have this when my glxgear freezes...[drm:savage_bci_wait_event_shadow] *ERROR* failed! | 06:03 |
ThomasWinwood | offtopic: do you save files to the desktop? Personally I abhor the idea. I like my desktop pristine. Dunno why really. | 06:03 |
anethema | necorium, dont say you need help, just ask your question | 06:03 |
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Nalioth | necorium, just ask your question | 06:03 |
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cyphase | hey everyone | 06:03 |
necorium | i need to install my isdn for ubuntu | 06:03 |
Nalioth | ThomasWinwood, offtopic, i have a ~/source i d/l to | 06:03 |
elcu | ThomasWinwood: i would assume it's just an easy way of finding stuff. | 06:03 |
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elcu | Nalioth: me too. | 06:04 |
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Nalioth | someone can help necorium with his ISDN | 06:04 |
geppy | I was playing about with GNOME's detachable menus, and now the menu from a program I was working on is quite unattached, and I can't get it to go back. Advice? | 06:04 |
hybrid_goth | does hoary ppc have java installed by default | 06:04 |
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anethema | necorium, try here | 06:04 |
anethema | http://www.muc.de/~hm/linux/linux-isdn.html | 06:04 |
geppy | hybrid_goth: no | 06:04 |
necorium | ok cool | 06:04 |
necorium | thank you | 06:05 |
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hybrid_goth | greppy: how do i get ppc java | 06:05 |
anethema | synaptic also has a TON of isdn tools it looks liek | 06:05 |
geppy | hybrid_goth: Ask google. | 06:05 |
hybrid_goth | ok | 06:05 |
geppy | hybrid_goth: Actually... | 06:05 |
anethema | hey necorium | 06:05 |
anethema | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/IsdnHowto | 06:05 |
anethema | read that | 06:06 |
anethema | that will get you oging | 06:06 |
Nalioth | hybrid_goth, no it does now, and i've found on my PPC that it is very fun getting java to work | 06:06 |
wdh | ThomasWinwood, i like to use it as temp directory :) | 06:06 |
geppy | hybrid_goth: My brother installed Debian on a PPC book, and he said that he used an IBM Java VM, try looking around for that. | 06:06 |
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darkstar | WHO COULD HELP ME??? | 06:06 |
orathon | darkstar, with?? | 06:06 |
Nalioth | darkstar if nobody answers, nobody knows | 06:06 |
wdh | darkstar, if only you would stop screaming | 06:06 |
darkstar | i dont scream | 06:07 |
Nalioth | darkstar, if nobody knows, come back later when different users are here | 06:07 |
Xappe | darkstar: the non-caps fairy | 06:07 |
necorium | ok i don't understand any of that isdn stuff - i've read other articles too from wiki and starter guides | 06:07 |
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geppy | haha | 06:07 |
wdh | necorium, :P | 06:07 |
anethema | did you look at the http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/IsdnHowto link ? | 06:07 |
wdh | s/necorium/geppy | 06:08 |
geppy | wdh: haha =) | 06:08 |
wdh | :P | 06:08 |
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necorium | yes i've read that too | 06:08 |
anethema | why doesnt it work ? | 06:08 |
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necorium | i don't understand what i'm reading in most of it - this is my first linux install | 06:09 |
ThomasWinwood | s/loudness/volume | 06:09 |
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anethema | ok type... | 06:09 |
anethema | wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/i/isdnutils/pppdcapiplugin_3.3.0.20040728-2_i386.deb | 06:09 |
anethema | then wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/i/isdnutils/libcapi20-3_3.3.0.20040728-2_i386.deb | 06:09 |
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necorium | i can't cause i can't connect to the web without my isdn | 06:09 |
anethema | oh | 06:09 |
geppy | ThomasWinwood: Touch. | 06:09 |
anethema | you need those files | 06:09 |
elcu | hehe | 06:09 |
necorium | h,mmmm | 06:10 |
ThomasWinwood | s/!{1,}/! | 06:10 |
ThomasWinwood | s/?{1,}/? | 06:10 |
anethema | download them on the computer you're on | 06:10 |
necorium | could i download them with windows and then put them on cd? | 06:10 |
anethema | and transfer them | 06:10 |
anethema | yes | 06:10 |
anethema | that would work | 06:10 |
necorium | cool beans | 06:10 |
necorium | what do i do with them when i have them? | 06:10 |
Nalioth | necorium, how are you here now? | 06:10 |
anethema | then | 06:10 |
dantheman | does anyone know why gnome might not be letting me take focus away from a window? | 06:10 |
anethema | dpkg -i pppdcapiplugin_3.3.0.20040728-2_i386.deb | 06:11 |
dantheman | i can't click on the desktop and lose focus for the current winow | 06:11 |
geppy | dantheman: Because it's system modal? | 06:11 |
anethema | and dpkg -i libcapi20-3_3.3.0.20040728-2_i386.deb | 06:11 |
anethema | to install them | 06:11 |
dantheman | geppy: i can do it sometimes | 06:11 |
necorium | do i type those in terminal? | 06:11 |
geppy | dantheman: Oh, okay. What's the program? | 06:11 |
anethema | yes | 06:11 |
dantheman | and if i close the window that has focus, focus just jumps to another window | 06:11 |
necorium | ok cool | 06:11 |
necorium | gonna try now | 06:11 |
anethema | k | 06:11 |
necorium | i'll be back later i'm sure | 06:11 |
dantheman | i'm using x-chat firefox, and gaim | 06:11 |
anethema | hah okay | 06:11 |
anethema | save that link | 06:11 |
elcu | necorium: you need to put sudos at the start | 06:11 |
necorium | will do | 06:11 |
elcu | of the dpkg comands | 06:11 |
necorium | bye | 06:11 |
anethema | oops sorry | 06:12 |
anethema | yes | 06:12 |
dantheman | it works fine sometimes | 06:12 |
anethema | you need to type sudo first | 06:12 |
necorium | ok | 06:12 |
dantheman | but other times, it won't let me focus on the desktop | 06:12 |
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necorium | for all of them | 06:12 |
anethema | sudo dpkg etc | 06:12 |
anethema | for every dpkg yes | 06:12 |
necorium | ok cool | 06:12 |
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sixth | hey guys | 06:13 |
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sixth | been gettin this error, is this source down? | 06:13 |
sixth | Couldn't stat source package list ftp://ftp.nerim.net unstable/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.nerim.net_debian-marillat_dists_unstable_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 06:13 |
sixth | W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems | 06:13 |
geppy | How could I go about removing the detachable menu placement for a particular application? | 06:13 |
elcu | sixth: run apt-get update | 06:13 |
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taiti | later all | 06:14 |
taiti | thanks again for the help | 06:15 |
anethema | cya taiti | 06:15 |
thr1ce | :) | 06:15 |
sixth | aight i followed the tutorial on the ubuntu site, imported the key etc | 06:15 |
sixth | i tried that heres wat i get | 06:15 |
sixth | Couldn't stat source package list ftp://ftp.nerim.net unstable/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.nerim.net_debian-marillat_dists_unstable_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 06:15 |
sixth | W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems | 06:15 |
sixth | Failed to fetch ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Could not connect to ftp.nerim.net:21 ( - connect (111 Connection refused) [IP: 21] | 06:15 |
sixth | Reading package lists... Done | 06:15 |
sixth | W: Couldn't stat source package list ftp://ftp.nerim.net unstable/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.nerim.net_debian-marillat_dists_unstable_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 06:15 |
sixth | W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems | 06:15 |
sixth | E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. | 06:15 |
sixth | sorry | 06:15 |
anethema | jesus | 06:15 |
sixth | lol | 06:15 |
sixth | sorry for the HUGE | 06:15 |
sixth | paste | 06:15 |
wdh | sixth, you probably mean ubuntuguide.org.. its not at all official.. so if you do not need the marillat repos for any particular reason.. just remove them | 06:16 |
sixth | ok i will give that a shot | 06:16 |
sixth | i am trying to get xine and w32 codecs | 06:16 |
sixth | that was the reason for adding those | 06:16 |
anethema | my nerims are wokring | 06:17 |
anethema | Hit ftp://ftp.nerim.net testing Release | 06:17 |
anethema | Hit ftp://ftp.nerim.net stable/main Packages | 06:17 |
Xappe | sixth: you can use the codecs from the mplayer site with totem-xine | 06:17 |
anethema | etc | 06:17 |
anethema | yeah that works too | 06:17 |
anethema | totem controls kind of suck compared to mplayer | 06:17 |
anethema | but it works | 06:17 |
sixth | hmmm aight let me try that out | 06:18 |
sixth | thanks so much guys for the helo | 06:18 |
sixth | help* | 06:18 |
wdh | alright* | 06:18 |
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wdh | :P | 06:18 |
dantheman | gnome-terminal can be semi-transparent, right? | 06:18 |
Xappe | sixth: just copy them to your .gnome2/totem-addons | 06:18 |
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elcu | dantheman: correct | 06:18 |
necorium | hey i'm back | 06:18 |
anethema | dantheman, yes it can | 06:18 |
anethema | necorium, cool | 06:18 |
necorium | i need to ask one more thing :) | 06:19 |
anethema | we alll missed you ;D | 06:19 |
necorium | :P awww | 06:19 |
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necorium | um.. where do i put those files when i have them ? | 06:19 |
dantheman | well, i go to edit->current profile->effects, and select transparent background | 06:19 |
anethema | anywhere | 06:19 |
dantheman | but all it does is just match the terminal background to my desktop background color | 06:19 |
anethema | just run the sudo dpkg from the same direcotry | 06:19 |
necorium | will linux find them when i type in those commands | 06:19 |
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anethema | well | 06:19 |
necorium | hmmm.. | 06:19 |
anethema | lets say you save them in /home/necorium | 06:20 |
anethema | or whatever | 06:20 |
necorium | ya | 06:20 |
Nalioth | necorium, if you issue the command in the same dir as the files | 06:20 |
dantheman | anyone know what i might need to do to fix that? | 06:20 |
anethema | just be in /home/necorium when you run the dpkg command | 06:20 |
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anethema | dantheman, no you cant | 06:20 |
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anethema | its just fake transparency | 06:20 |
necorium | how do i issue a command in the same folder?? all i know is the terminal from the drop down window | 06:20 |
anethema | necorium, open a terminal | 06:20 |
necorium | yes | 06:20 |
anethema | do cd /home/necorium | 06:20 |
anethema | so you will be there | 06:20 |
necorium | ok cool | 06:20 |
necorium | TY | 06:20 |
anethema | and put the files in the same dir | 06:21 |
necorium | see u later | 06:21 |
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dantheman | well, i can't even get fake transparency....it just basically changes the background color | 06:21 |
necorium | :) i understand! | 06:21 |
necorium | byes | 06:21 |
anethema | dantheman, it just shows your desktop backgrund thru the gnome-terminal | 06:21 |
elcu | dantheman: maybe becuase you don't have a wallpaper? | 06:21 |
anethema | thats it | 06:21 |
anethema | no programs behind it | 06:21 |
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dantheman | would it show icons on the desktop through the terminal window? | 06:22 |
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anethema | no nthing | 06:22 |
anethema | nothing | 06:22 |
anethema | just the desktop background | 06:22 |
dantheman | oh, alright | 06:22 |
anethema | whatever colour or image it happens to be | 06:22 |
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elcu | who needs desktop icons anyway? | 06:22 |
anethema | its very fake transparency | 06:22 |
anethema | haha | 06:22 |
dantheman | is X going to support transparent windows soon? | 06:22 |
osity | anethema: alrighty.....did the final step ...and all updated now what? | 06:22 |
anethema | whoknows | 06:22 |
PI314 | hello everyone, is there a way to include the "send via bluetooth" in nautilus | 06:22 |
anethema | damn osity almost forgot about you it was so long ago ;) | 06:23 |
osity | :) | 06:23 |
anethema | uhh | 06:23 |
osity | that was a bit tricky | 06:23 |
anethema | you wanted raid working right | 06:23 |
anethema | ah yes | 06:23 |
osity | anethema: yes... | 06:23 |
osity | raid tools now? | 06:23 |
anethema | ok now | 06:23 |
anethema | yes | 06:23 |
anethema | apt-get install raidtools2 | 06:23 |
anethema | jesus tapdancing christ im thirsty | 06:24 |
anethema | all this helping people heheh | 06:24 |
osity | :) ok got the tools....what do i do with them? | 06:24 |
anethema | nothin yet | 06:25 |
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osity | ok | 06:25 |
anethema | apt-get install mdadm | 06:25 |
anethema | sudo apt-get install mdadm | 06:25 |
anethema | need that sudo unless you're root | 06:25 |
osity | already at the newest ver | 06:26 |
anethema | ok good | 06:26 |
Laney | Will I be able to enable/disable my s-video out port and have seperate resolutions on it in ubuntu, like I can in windows? | 06:26 |
anethema | now edit /etc/raidtab | 06:26 |
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anethema | with vi or pico or whatever you'd like | 06:27 |
osity | i dont see it in there | 06:27 |
anethema | its not | 06:28 |
anethema | you need to make it | 06:28 |
anethema | just edit a blank file and save it there | 06:28 |
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anethema | or whatever | 06:28 |
anethema | which raid mode do you want | 06:28 |
osity | raid 1 | 06:29 |
anethema | ok | 06:29 |
anethema | so open vi or pico | 06:29 |
anethema | whatever | 06:29 |
osity | oh ok | 06:29 |
anethema | first line should read | 06:29 |
anethema | raiddev /dev/md0 | 06:29 |
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anethema | next line.. | 06:29 |
anethema | raid-level 1 | 06:29 |
anethema | ah fuck ill just message it to you one sec | 06:29 |
PI314 | how can i get bash_completion to run automatically every time i start a shell | 06:29 |
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petemc | PI314: source it in /etc/bash.bashrc works for me | 06:30 |
XenocideII | Hmm, in TTY2, I can see the flashing cursor, but not the text | 06:30 |
elcu | PI314: edit .bashrc perhaps? | 06:30 |
osity | ok | 06:30 |
XenocideII | Can I change the term color or something? | 06:31 |
petemc | PI314: tho thats on debian | 06:31 |
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chavo | you can out it in ~/.bashrc also | 06:31 |
osity | anethema: do i need the long space? | 06:31 |
osity | after raid level | 06:31 |
dabaSlon | XenocideII: are you asking if you can change the color, or if that will allow you to see the text... | 06:32 |
dabaSlon | cause you can change the color, not sure that will make the text appear. | 06:32 |
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XenocideII | dabaSlon: Both, I suppose | 06:32 |
XenocideII | It's the same on all TTY's | 06:33 |
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XenocideII | And it just kinda.. started doing it randomly | 06:33 |
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dabaSlon | XenocideII: if you do printenv in a terminal, it will show you the colors as they are set, and then to change them... | 06:33 |
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dabaSlon | just a sec. | 06:34 |
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sixth | anyone have any experience installin DRftp on unbuntu? | 06:34 |
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sixth | i guess not | 06:36 |
anethema | not me! :D | 06:36 |
dabaSlon | XenocideII: kinda hard, notr sure, but, to change a variable export LS_COLOR='some change' try to write it out in a text editor first... | 06:36 |
Nalioth | sixth, i only run sshd on my box | 06:36 |
foxiness | for user how use "56k real its 3k ;)" and i want to download huge of app like "xfce and so on" it need more time and mony ;) u know is there sol for user like me like DVD can i download it from "DSL on work" than i used on home "point me please if u can" | 06:36 |
sixth | ah ok | 06:36 |
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elcu | foxiness: i've downloaded xfce on dial-up. it isn't that big | 06:38 |
elcu | foxiness: but back to your question. i think there is an addon CD for ubuntu. you can also download the individual .deb files and copy them over. | 06:39 |
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foxiness | elcu, i need to download more than "500mb" i know that soon if i can i do that on one day its better am old user from fc3 and all this its 800 i hate to do that again its need 399$ again | 06:40 |
Xenocide | oops :$ | 06:40 |
PI314 | how can i export the http_proxy in the shell everytime i start a shell, do i add the command to the .bashrc | 06:40 |
dabaSlon | XenocideII: I got it to not display colors... | 06:41 |
dabaSlon | not to change the color... | 06:41 |
Xenocide | :( | 06:41 |
Xenocide | I just restarted it by accdent >.< | 06:41 |
Xenocide | So it's ok now ^_^ | 06:42 |
foxiness | PI314, i do that and than give me error not like on fc3 | 06:42 |
Xenocide | But thankyou very much :D | 06:42 |
PI314 | foxiness, is there a way around it? | 06:42 |
elcu | foxiness: then like i said, you will have to download the individual .deb files and copy them over. you can then install them using sudo dpkg -i *.deb ... you're going to have a hell of a time working out dependencies though because dpkg won't take care of them for you. however, IIRC there is a apt-get/apt-cache command that will let you know which packages you need. | 06:42 |
tritium | PI314, you can export the value in your ~/.bashrc, yes | 06:43 |
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foxiness | PI314, if u know it tell me plz ;) i think from system->per..>sess.. i think not sure | 06:44 |
kyncani | foxiness: or you could use debmirror to download a ubuntu mirror, but that would take _a lot_ of space | 06:44 |
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=== geppy [~geppy@c-67-162-233-164.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PI314 | foxiness, it worked i add the line export http_proxy='' to the end of the file .bashrc | 06:45 |
geppy | How can I make an image of a floppy? Should I just use dd? | 06:45 |
tritium | geppy, yes | 06:45 |
foxiness | great to hear | 06:45 |
dabaSlon | sure, youre welcome:) | 06:45 |
dabaSlon | I did not manage to do it in the end on my conp yet though... | 06:45 |
geppy | tritium: dd if=/dev/fd0 of=./floppy.img ? | 06:45 |
foxiness | elcu,thanks | 06:45 |
dabaSlon | its easy to do in a gnome-terminal | 06:45 |
tritium | geppy, yep :) | 06:45 |
dabaSlon | through the GUI. | 06:45 |
PI314 | tritium, thanks dude | 06:45 |
elcu | foxiness: np, good luck | 06:45 |
tritium | PI314, no problem :) | 06:46 |
geppy | tritium: Thanks! =D | 06:46 |
tritium | geppy, of course ;) | 06:46 |
foxiness | kyncani, can i know the size of this thing b4 start download it "mirror it" | 06:46 |
kyncani | foxiness: i'd say about 10G | 06:47 |
elcu | yikes | 06:47 |
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foxiness | kyncani, not so big $; | 06:47 |
g14 | Does anyone know if mono and beagle are going to be included in breezy by default? | 06:47 |
kyncani | foxiness: he | 06:48 |
Nalioth | g14 thought i heard that they were being invited | 06:50 |
=== Mr_Mole [~hazza@cpc2-nthc2-5-0-cust242.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | g14, they're definitely being worked on for breezy. Whether or not they'll be included by default, I'm not sure, but they should be available. | 06:50 |
Mr_Mole | HEY | 06:50 |
Mr_Mole | soz about caps | 06:50 |
foxiness | if i have cd or dvd add to synaptic how can i told synaptic to install from this cd only and not download form other | 06:51 |
elcu | anyone know where i can change the tooltip color from the default of black on yellow? | 06:51 |
g14 | tritium, ok thanks | 06:51 |
Mr_Mole | just a quick question, will WINE run on ubuntu, if so is there a link? | 06:52 |
=== Mr^Cyder [~cyder@cust-081180083062.opensys.ro] has joined #ubuntu | ||
maros | yes | 06:52 |
tritium | foxiness, if you added it to the list, it should use it. It may look like it's going to use the repositories at first, but it should start grabbing packages from the CD. Give it a try | 06:52 |
maros | it will | 06:52 |
geppy | Mr_Mole: Yes, sudo apt-get install wine | 06:52 |
maros | use synaptic to install it for you | 06:52 |
maros | or apt-get | 06:52 |
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Mr_Mole | thank you | 06:52 |
tritium | Mr_Mole, wine is in universe. Alternatively, you can use wine & wintetools from winehq.com | 06:52 |
foxiness | tritium, if this true its fine but what if i dont like if xfce not on cd than exit :) | 06:53 |
Mr_Mole | i am a big cs fan, and need somthing to run it on linux platform more easyer | 06:53 |
dabaSlon | haha, dj tool for xmms is called gjay | 06:53 |
dabaSlon | :) | 06:53 |
hybrid_goth | does mplayer playt divx? | 06:54 |
=== samy_ [~samy@plr75-1-81-57-50-174.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hybrid_goth | -t/y/play | 06:54 |
samy_ | hi | 06:54 |
Xappe | hybrid_goth: with the right codecs, yes | 06:54 |
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hybrid_goth | Xappe: i have the essiantials ... | 06:54 |
samy_ | is it normal that i need 22 minutes to extract a CD in ogg format with Sound Juicer ? | 06:55 |
Xappe | then it should play almost everything | 06:55 |
tritium | foxiness, not sure I understood what you meant. | 06:55 |
hybrid_goth | Xappe: ok | 06:55 |
geppy | samy_: Yes. | 06:55 |
geppy | samy_: Try enabling DMA on your CD-ROM drive. | 06:55 |
samy_ | DMA is activated | 06:55 |
samy_ | the current speed for the extraction is 3,1x | 06:56 |
=== iSteve [~isteve@isteve.bofh.cz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
iSteve | Greetings - can I obtain all or at least majority of packages in Ubuntu -including- universe (so I get eg. KDevelop) on CD or DVD? | 06:56 |
|iceman| | what's a good rss app? that will work with azureus | 06:56 |
anethema | |iceman|, there is a plugin | 06:57 |
anethema | called rssfeed | 06:57 |
anethema | thats what you want | 06:57 |
|iceman| | for azureus? | 06:57 |
maros | |iceman|, are you saying there are bittorent RSS feeds on the internet? | 06:57 |
=== necorium [~necorium@c4-298-1.vic.dial.mweb.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wdh | samy_, its dependent on your cpu-speed also.. | 06:58 |
|iceman| | Maros: actually, i just found out this morning watching the conversations in here... trying to get setup | 06:58 |
=== aquabox1 [~aquabox1@ALyon-151-1-15-140.w83-113.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | maros yes there are | 06:58 |
=== Barnabas [~hagai@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | mostly for tv shows | 06:58 |
maros | where? | 06:58 |
maros | oooh... GREAT! | 06:59 |
Barnabas | anethema, still no joy :( | 06:59 |
maros | you can PM me if you want | 06:59 |
maros | :) | 06:59 |
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maros | this is news to me... | 06:59 |
anethema | Barnabas, with ati drives? | 06:59 |
anethema | drivers | 06:59 |
Barnabas | yeah | 06:59 |
Barnabas | got them installed | 06:59 |
elcu | iSteve: someone just asked a similar question. kyncani's response: "you could use debmirror to download a ubuntu mirror, but that would take _a lot_ of space" | 07:00 |
=== RexM [~rex@cpe-66-68-138-234.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Barnabas | however I cant get beyond 640x480 | 07:00 |
iSteve | I know that | 07:00 |
=== Zym0tiC [~Zym0tiC@cp344242-a.roemd1.lb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
iSteve | elcu, in fact, I'm just arguing with some braindead freak - I'm pure debianist myself | 07:00 |
Barnabas | now I can get it to change res, but the output is garbaled | 07:01 |
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elcu | ah, ok ... arguing about what? | 07:01 |
anethema | doh | 07:01 |
anethema | well Barnabas you can always re-do your X setup | 07:01 |
foxiness | time to go | 07:01 |
foxiness | c y l8r | 07:02 |
tritium | Barnabas, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 07:02 |
foxiness | thanks tritium | 07:02 |
anethema | xserver-xfree86 | 07:02 |
anethema | if you run that you will go thru the x setup stuff | 07:02 |
iSteve | elcu, he's proclaming Ubuntu is "unfit for development" (ie. for a platform on which you devel apps) ... since that directly insults Debian (for Ubuntu = Debian + bonus), I've been mildly insulted | 07:02 |
anethema | make sure to pick fglrx for your video | 07:02 |
=== MoB73 [~mob@dsl-195-28-216-83.maxinetti.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
iSteve | elcu, and his argument is, that if everything relevant isn't on the cds/dvds specifying the release, it is unworthy noticing | 07:02 |
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tritium | Barnabas, you're not using Warty are you? You want xserver-xorg if you're using hoary, not xserver-xfree86. | 07:03 |
elcu | Barnabas: you need to add your monitor refresh rates to xorg.conf | 07:03 |
Barnabas | you mean the VeriSync? | 07:04 |
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elcu | yes, and the horizontal too. | 07:04 |
tritium | Barnabas, just see that URL I sent you. | 07:04 |
anethema | oops sorry | 07:04 |
elcu | Barnabas: yes, i'd follow tritium's advice actually | 07:04 |
g14 | I just found briteside. Man is that a cool app | 07:04 |
=== Dalkus [~dalkus@81-86-159-34.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | xserver-xorg is right | 07:04 |
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anethema | yes tritium is right | 07:05 |
g14 | *brightside | 07:05 |
=== Tux [~Tux@69-170-93-192.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | elcu, anethema you guys are too :) | 07:05 |
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=== elcu points to the "op" sign on tritium's neck | ||
elcu | :-) | 07:05 |
=== elcu points to the "noob" sign around his neck | ||
=== Ogami [Ogami@159-134-55-253.as1.cty.limerick.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | elcu, that's okay. You're still right ;) | 07:05 |
anethema | heh my brain is scrambled...ive been helping people for 3ish hours now | 07:06 |
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elcu | anethema: good on you. | 07:06 |
tritium | anethema, cool, thanks for helping :) | 07:06 |
Zym0tiC | hi there! how can I mount a share on my server so that the user:group stays the same as on the server and doesn't change to the user that mounts the share | 07:06 |
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aVeedo | you want to do what, exactly? Mount an smb share for a group? | 07:07 |
anethema | im helping osity with raid right now..and necorium to get ISDN working | 07:07 |
anethema | haha | 07:07 |
anethema | sometimes i mix them up :) | 07:07 |
tritium | nice work, anethema | 07:07 |
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Zym0tiC | I have a share on my slack server with for example hans:group as owners | 07:08 |
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Zym0tiC | when I mount that share under ubuntu with the user zym0tic the owner of that share and al the files will be zym0tic | 07:08 |
Zym0tiC | but I don't want that | 07:08 |
Barnabas | try #1 | 07:09 |
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Zym0tiC | It has to be the original owners | 07:09 |
tritium | Zym0tiC, what type of share? smb? nfs? | 07:10 |
Zym0tiC | smb | 07:10 |
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Tux | exit | 07:10 |
Tux | oops. | 07:10 |
tritium | Zym0tiC, have you seen this: http://ubuntuguide.org/#sambaserver ? | 07:10 |
=== Q_Continuum [~Q_Continu@c-24-118-74-17.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | are you reconfiguring your xorg config barnabass? | 07:10 |
anethema | tritium, you should make the topic 'if you have a question, first check ubuntuguide.org' | 07:10 |
anethema | about 50 people now have had questions that fixed very easily by reading ubuntugiude | 07:11 |
chx_ | I have a few "kept back" packages how could I get rid of them? | 07:11 |
necorium | ubuntu guide is pretty hard to understand when u a scared little noob | 07:11 |
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Orunitia | Can someone tell me why when I try to remove totem, or openoffice, synaptic wants to remove my whole ubuntu and kubuntu desktop? | 07:12 |
Bicchi | How can i get flash player installed. I have an amd 64? | 07:12 |
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tritium | anethema, not a bad idea... | 07:12 |
elcu | necorium: really? i'd say it's pretty good. it's questionable as to whether they actually know what's going on, but they can get stuff done easily. | 07:12 |
=== synic [~synic@c-67-172-242-219.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chx_ | apt-get tells me I have a few "kept back" packages how could I get rid of them? | 07:13 |
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tritium | Orunitia, that's normal. You're trying to remove a package that those meta-packages depend on. It's okay if you do so | 07:13 |
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tritium | anethema, there are, however, a few things on ubuntuguide that I don't recommend | 07:13 |
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=== cb_ [~cb@halls-129-31-67-239.hor.ic.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zym0tiC | I've seen that yup, but when I mount with root the owner will be root:root, when i do it with zym0tic it wil be zym0tic:zym0tic | 07:13 |
Goliath24 | hi, how do I best disable the cpu frequency scaling? it causes a hang everytime it switches. | 07:14 |
Orunitia | tritium, so if I go ahead and remove totem or openoffice, it won't get rid of the ubuntu desktop package | 07:14 |
Mahl | Ergh problem...in synaptic...under repositores...I managed to get rid the repository to the cdrom...eargh...but ive got the ISO of ubuntu mounted...is it possible to use /media/Ubuntu instead of /dev/cdrom? | 07:14 |
tritium | Orunitia, it will, but not its dependencies, so you can do it safely. | 07:14 |
anethema | yeah like..java? | 07:14 |
tritium | anethema, precisely | 07:14 |
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cb_ | Hi there, does ubuntu use some kind of SCSI emulation? I've got a IDE hard disk but ubuntu sees it as /dev/sda! | 07:14 |
anethema | just like, maybe 10-11 people so far..have had sound not work untill they did the ubuntuguide sound question | 07:14 |
Orunitia | tritium, thanks | 07:15 |
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mjr | cb_, are you sure it isn't SATA? | 07:15 |
anethema | cb_, it must be sata | 07:15 |
geppy | Are there any VMWare-like libre softwares available? | 07:15 |
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tritium | Orunitia, one warning, when it comes time to upgrade to a new release like breezy, it's a good idea to re-install ubuntu-desktop | 07:15 |
tritium | geppy, qemu | 07:15 |
=== batoms [~batoms@dpc6744223136.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
batoms | i can't seem to get both my networking cards started at bootup | 07:16 |
Orunitia | tritium, I'm just gonna go ahead and save any trouble and leave those packages in. I've got plenty of space for them haha | 07:16 |
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geppy | tritium: Qemu is different, though; qemu completely emulates everything, whereas vmware directly runs all of the code that it can, and only "dynamically translates" that which can't be run natively | 07:16 |
=== RastaMahata [~RastaMaha@pc-200-74-15-203.nunoa2.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cb_ | mjr: it's ata 100 - not sata | 07:16 |
=== occy hopes not using the nvida special drivers for X will fix his locking problem. | ||
tritium | Orunitia, okay, either way is fine. | 07:16 |
batoms | eth0 doesn't come up and "ifup eth0" says it fails but it comes up anyhow | 07:16 |
Mahl | In synaptic, under repositores, I managed to get rid the repository to the cdrom...but ive got the ISO of ubuntu mounted...is it possible to point the repository to use /media/Ubuntu instead of /dev/cdrom? | 07:16 |
Orunitia | thanks again | 07:16 |
tritium | Mahl, I don't think that will work | 07:17 |
Mahl | Why not? :( | 07:17 |
tritium | geppy, you're right, but it's similar | 07:17 |
geppy | tritium: =( | 07:17 |
mongomery | hi i have a question. To call my C compiler i have to do it using "gcc-3.3" but i need to call it with only gcc, how can i solve it? | 07:17 |
tritium | Mahl, because of the way apt-cdrom works. | 07:17 |
geppy | tritium: I'm assuming that it would take far too many man-years for me to try to implement something like that on my own? | 07:18 |
Mahl | Ok then tritium ...whats the command to set it to the cdrom again then? | 07:18 |
batoms | has anyone had experience with two NIC cards, one to the LAN the other to the outside | 07:18 |
=== maximaus [~max@user-37kac1u.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | Mahl, you can try apt-cdrom with the -d option to specify where you mounted the cd image. Let me know if it works. man apt-cdrom for more details | 07:18 |
anethema | mongomery, did you do sudo apt-get install build-essential? | 07:18 |
Xappe | batoms: yes | 07:18 |
=== Ferry [~ferry@cust.15.118.adsl.cistron.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
batoms | Xappe: on boot eth0 doesn't come up, ifup give errors and says "failed" but it seems to bring it up | 07:19 |
Xappe | batoms: is it configured correctly then? | 07:19 |
tritium | geppy, it's a large undertaking, but don't let that stop you | 07:19 |
geppy | tritium: Alright. =) | 07:20 |
batoms | Xappe: apparantly not ;) | 07:20 |
batoms | Xappe: the errors are about a wireless setup | 07:20 |
batoms | Xappe: and my cards not wireless | 07:20 |
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anethema | you have any experiance wiht software raid in linux tritium ? | 07:21 |
=== tritium is glad to see anethema and elcu (and others) helping out so well, and will leave to run errands | ||
batoms | Xappe: i get Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8B2A) | 07:21 |
tritium | anethema, no, I haven't used raid, sorry... | 07:21 |
batoms | Xappe: its my LAN card so everything is set static | 07:22 |
tritium | See you guys later on. | 07:22 |
elcu | tritium: thanks for the mention, but i haven't posted in 10 minutes | 07:22 |
=== WW981 [~WW981@va-208-33-157-22.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | heheh | 07:22 |
anethema | i think im gonna take a break | 07:22 |
Mahl | tritium, sudo apt-cdrom add -m -d /media/Ubuntu worked! | 07:22 |
Xappe | batoms, maybe you have the wrong module loaded for eth0 and ubuntu thinks it's a wireless? (i'm not the king of nics, for me it just worked) | 07:22 |
Mahl | will it show up in synaptic now? | 07:22 |
chx_ | i wanted to install gtk-sharp: | 07:22 |
tritium | elcu, thanks to you too :) | 07:22 |
chx_ | libvte2.0-cil: Depends: libglib2.0-cil (>= 1.9.3) but it is not going to be installed | 07:22 |
chx_ | Depends: libglib2.0-cil (< 1.9.4) but it is not going to be installed | 07:22 |
anethema | i just wanna help out because i found ubuntu so easy and good | 07:22 |
chx_ | this sounds foolish | 07:22 |
mongomery | anathema. nop should i? | 07:22 |
tritium | Mahl, awesome, I'm glad it did :) | 07:22 |
anethema | was on slack before ubuntu | 07:23 |
anethema | and nothing every worked right, so i learned a lot..been using linux for about 5 years too..so ..might as well help here! ubuntu is sweet | 07:23 |
batoms | Xappe: but i don't understand why ifup eth0 give errors but causes it work | 07:23 |
mongomery | yeah! it works, thank u very much | 07:23 |
batoms | Xappe: ifup -a doesn't seem to find it | 07:23 |
anethema | haha no problem mongomery | 07:24 |
Mahl | thanks for the help once again tritium ! | 07:24 |
batoms | any other NIC gurus out there | 07:25 |
anethema | what does it say batoms when you do | 07:25 |
anethema | ifconfig eth0 up | 07:25 |
=== slava_ [~slava@c-67-169-38-235.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
batoms | Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8B2A) : | 07:25 |
batoms | SET failed on device eth0 ; Operation not supported. | 07:25 |
batoms | SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable | 07:25 |
batoms | Failed to bring up eth0. | 07:25 |
batoms | anethema: but it brings it up | 07:25 |
Mahl | Now tritium ...if Only i could get synaptic to use /media/Ubuntu instead of /dev/cdrom | 07:25 |
batoms | anethema: this isn't a wireless card | 07:25 |
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Mahl | got any tups | 07:26 |
Mahl | *tips | 07:26 |
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=== ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0670.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chx_ | Mahl: do not mount the iso image | 07:27 |
Mahl | why not? | 07:27 |
osity | anyone installed a raid 1 in ubuntu before with 2 drives? | 07:27 |
chx_ | Mahl: if that something uses /dev/cdrom | 07:27 |
anethema | well if it brings it up | 07:27 |
anethema | does the card work after? | 07:27 |
=== phxguy [~phxguy@ip24-251-194-72.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mahl | tritium, the line is...cdrom:[Ubuntu 5.04 _Hoary Hedgehog_ - Release i386 (20050407)] / ... How do I get that to point to /media/Ubuntu | 07:28 |
chx_ | the equivailent of that is the raw iso image not the mounted one | 07:28 |
anethema | sounds like its using ethtool to set the netspeed or duplex | 07:28 |
anethema | or somehting | 07:28 |
Mahl | I guess I could just mount the ISo to /media/Cdrom | 07:28 |
batoms | anethema: it works after that | 07:28 |
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batoms | anethema: but this is my server so i need to it work on boot | 07:28 |
anethema | so add a startup file that contains the command | 07:28 |
phxguy | Is it safe to delete a dangling symlink? I keep getting mandb warnings -> mandb: warning: /usr/share/man/man1/x-terminal-emulator.1.gz is a dangling symlink | 07:28 |
anethema | ifconfig eth0 up | 07:28 |
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Mahl | meh it worked | 07:29 |
Mahl | I just mounted it to cdrom | 07:29 |
AirWays | Does anyone have Creative Soundblaster2 drivers, my sounds doesn't work :| | 07:29 |
batoms | anethema: the problem is then i need to to a /etc/init.d/dhcpd restart and a /etc/init.d/ipmasq restart | 07:29 |
=== Thorrn4 [~Thorrn4@pool-68-160-121-138.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AirWays | Sound blaster audigy 2 I mean ;P | 07:29 |
batoms | anethema: i was hoping for something cleaner thatn that | 07:29 |
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phxguy | I hear that that card isn't really supported AirWays | 07:30 |
phxguy | I had one myself and ended up taking it back i couldn't get it to work either | 07:30 |
AirWays | But | 07:30 |
=== topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3pa5.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Thorrn4 | Hello!! I have a little bit of a problem....RealPlayer 10 no longer chooses to boot up (load)....it was working a few days ago, I stream music from Shoutcast.com, but yesterday and today it will not work | 07:30 |
=== icebalm [~icebalm@42.speede.mycybernet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
elcu | Thorrn4: you could try a re-install via synaptic | 07:32 |
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Funraiser | realplayer via synaptic? | 07:32 |
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batoms | anethema: ifconfig eth0 up doesn't say anything | 07:32 |
Funraiser | realplayer 10 is not on synaptic | 07:32 |
Thorrn4 | it is | 07:33 |
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Funraiser | my bad | 07:33 |
Thorrn4 | elcu, would that write over the orginial RealPlayer? | 07:33 |
glen_ | hey, any one know a decent bit torrent client for ubuntu, one that can download multipul torrents like azureus on Windows...? | 07:33 |
Orunitia | azureus | 07:33 |
Thorrn4 | ABC | 07:34 |
glen_ | Orunitia: you know a java package for ubuntu then ? | 07:34 |
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thread | Anyone care to take a stab at my encrypted wireless issue? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=162312 | 07:34 |
Funraiser | glen, u can azureus too on ubuntu www.ubuntuguide.org | 07:34 |
Funraiser | install | 07:34 |
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glen_ | Funraiser : i'll look at that too thanks | 07:35 |
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veritas | Can someone help me troubleshoot my wireless PCMCIA card? | 07:35 |
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=== HappyFool [~HappyFool@tedo-ip-nas-1-p156.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
veritas | shows up in iwconfig, but I can't get it an IP from DHCP | 07:35 |
batoms | anethema: ifconfig eth0 down takes it down | 07:35 |
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batoms | anethema: and ifconfig eth0 up brings it up without noise | 07:35 |
osity | how do i make raid 1 in the partioner? | 07:36 |
anethema | ok | 07:36 |
anethema | so whats the probem ? | 07:36 |
=== debiannoob [~debiannoo@dsl-082-083-199-244.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
batoms | anethema: the problem is that it does'n't work on boot | 07:36 |
Thorrn4 | when I tried to install realplayer through Synaptic I get an error: realplayer: | 07:36 |
Thorrn4 | Depends: libc6 (>=2.3.2.ds1-21) but 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13 is to be installed | 07:36 |
anethema | so make a file in /etc/init.d called local or somehting | 07:36 |
anethema | run the command to make it run on boot | 07:36 |
anethema | inside put ifconfig eth0 up | 07:36 |
anethema | put dhclient | 07:37 |
anethema | to grab your ip or whateve | 07:37 |
anethema | and you're good to go | 07:37 |
elcu | Thorrn4: hang on, try this first: System > preferences > sound, Unable sound server startup | 07:37 |
Mahl | Now if only i knew how to mount .dmg files under linux | 07:37 |
anethema | dont forget to make it executable | 07:37 |
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anethema | to make it run on startup run.. | 07:38 |
Thorrn4 | brb elcu...let me boot into GNOME | 07:38 |
anethema | sudo update-rc.d SCRIPTNAMEHERE start 51 S . | 07:38 |
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Mahl | mount -t hfs -o loop macapp.dmg /media/mac doesnt work | 07:38 |
anethema | whats a dmg | 07:38 |
Mahl | macintosh | 07:38 |
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Funraiser | Thorrn4, i have the same depedency problem | 07:39 |
chx_ | anyone has gtk# (gtk-sharp) running on ubuntu? | 07:39 |
anethema | oh | 07:39 |
occy | chx_, heh | 07:39 |
HappyFool | greetings. I think I've screwed up something in apt. When I do "sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev" I get "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!" -- any ideas? I've looked at "apt-key list", and it seems to be right. | 07:39 |
occy | chx_, just saw you pop in here ;) | 07:39 |
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anethema | what error does that give? | 07:40 |
occy | chx_, root@atomic:~ # apt-cache search gtk# | 07:40 |
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freddy | ciao a tutti | 07:40 |
anethema | make sure to put sudo before mount Mahl | 07:40 |
Mahl | I know androxxl | 07:40 |
Mahl | woops | 07:40 |
Mahl | anethema, | 07:40 |
anethema | sudo mount -t hfs -o loop macapp.dmg /media/mac | 07:40 |
Mahl | But it dont work.. | 07:41 |
anethema | if you type... | 07:41 |
Mahl | and web pages says its supposed to work that way | 07:41 |
chx_ | occy: I googled it out. it's called libgnome-cil on ubuntu | 07:41 |
veritas | Can someone help me with my wireless PCMCIA Card? | 07:41 |
=== thully [~thully@wuser6-league.umnet.umich.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | file macapp.dmg | 07:41 |
anethema | what does it say ? | 07:41 |
Mahl | its macintosh file | 07:41 |
maros | what other sites out there are similar to freshmeat? | 07:41 |
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Funraiser | maros, www.sourceforge.org or .net | 07:42 |
Funraiser | don't remember | 07:42 |
maros | anything else? | 07:42 |
Xappe | berlios.de | 07:42 |
=== WW981 [~WW981@va-208-33-157-22.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | idunno maybe file is currupt | 07:42 |
Funraiser | well there are billions of apps on sourceforge | 07:42 |
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Orunitia | SourceForge.net Statistics | 07:43 |
Orunitia | Registered Projects: 99,803 | 07:43 |
veritas | Can someone help me get my wireless card assigned a IP via DHCP | 07:43 |
Orunitia | not quite billions, but, :P | 07:43 |
Funraiser | Orunitia, oh? not a billion? :/ | 07:43 |
maros | and maybe less than 1000 that actually work | 07:43 |
veritas | It shows up in iwconfig, but it won't connect | 07:43 |
anethema | azureus is on there :D | 07:43 |
thully | veritas: try System-Administration-Network in GNOME to configure your wi-fi | 07:43 |
veritas | It's configured, thully | 07:44 |
veritas | It has the right SSID, and it's set to use DHCP | 07:44 |
thully | Check the DHCP option and activate the interface | 07:44 |
=== abarbaccia [~abarbacci@ool-18b8cf07.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
djm62 | veritas: dhclient eth1 or wlan0 | 07:44 |
tritium | Mahl, sorry, I had stepped away for a while. Are you all set? | 07:44 |
thully | veritas: try ifup <name of wi-fi card device> | 07:44 |
anethema | hes trying to mount some mac disc image, which wont work for an unknown reason | 07:44 |
anethema | tritium, | 07:44 |
veritas | sit0: unknown hardware address type 776 | 07:44 |
veritas | can't create /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.leases: Permission denied | 07:44 |
veritas | SIOCSIFADDR: Permission denied | 07:44 |
veritas | SIOCSIFFLAGS: Permission denied | 07:44 |
veritas | SIOCSIFFLAGS: Permission denied | 07:44 |
veritas | sit0: unknown hardware address type 776 | 07:44 |
veritas | Open a socket for LPF: Operation not permitted | 07:44 |
thully | for me, that's ifup eth1 | 07:44 |
tritium | hi anethema | 07:44 |
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veritas | As a result of dhclient wlan0, djm62 | 07:45 |
thread | veritas: you're gonna have to be root for that | 07:45 |
anethema | i was just tellin you...hes trying to mount some mac disc image and its not working.. | 07:45 |
veritas | Ah. | 07:45 |
anethema | so not sure if hes set | 07:45 |
=== XhyldazhK [~cmonbabyi@dsl-200-78-32-173.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu | ||
djm62 | veritas: sudo dhclient wlan0 | 07:45 |
HappyFool | is there some way i can find out who/what has signed a .deb (or whatever apt uses to check packages) ? | 07:45 |
=== Thorrn4 [~Thorrn4@pool-68-160-121-138.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Thorrn4 | Im abck | 07:45 |
Thorrn4 | back** | 07:45 |
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tritium | anethema, okay, thanks. | 07:45 |
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veritas | It started DHCDISOVER on wlan0 | 07:45 |
thully | It looks like marillat won't be necessary for Ubuntu multimedia in the near future... Ubuntu Backports is backporting most of marillat's stuff now! | 07:46 |
veritas | I still have the samll red square on the bottom right in my icon | 07:46 |
tritium | veritas, I haven't followed your conversation, but are you using sudo? | 07:46 |
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osity | this raid is so difficult that im about ready to switch back to Winblows | 07:46 |
veritas | Yes, tri | 07:46 |
djm62 | 0.0 | 07:46 |
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XhyldazhK | hi all... i have a strange problem, I cannot login to my box | 07:46 |
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Thorrn4 | now....back to trying to install RealPlayer | 07:46 |
kwame | Hi ... how do I add mp3 support to my ubuntu? | 07:46 |
XhyldazhK | I can enter only as root in rescue mode | 07:46 |
tritium | anethema, I'm heading out for a few hours. Would you mind letting Mahl know, if he comes looking for me? | 07:47 |
veritas | kwame: sudo apt-get install xmms | 07:47 |
thully | kwame: playback or MP3 encoding, or both? | 07:47 |
anethema | sure | 07:47 |
Orunitia | kwame: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 07:47 |
=== Rymastah [~ryanomall@pcp0011999445pcs.hamden01.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
djm62 | kwame: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormat | 07:47 |
Rymastah | hey | 07:47 |
djm62 | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 07:47 |
tritium | anethema, thanks for everything, man | 07:47 |
anethema | no problem | 07:47 |
anethema | just tryin to help out :D | 07:47 |
Mahl | Cu tritium | 07:47 |
veritas | No DHCPOFFERS received. | 07:47 |
veritas | No working leases in persistent database - sleeping. | 07:47 |
anethema | i get help from here, no sense not helping in return | 07:47 |
tritium | anethema, and you definitely are | 07:47 |
anethema | heeh | 07:47 |
XhyldazhK | i issue a 'su - myusername' command, and the result is 'Unable to cd to '/home/myusername' | 07:47 |
veritas | I'm using my wireless network right now | 07:47 |
tritium | Mahl, ah, there you are. | 07:47 |
veritas | and I know DHCP is enabled | 07:47 |
XhyldazhK | pleas ehelp me | 07:47 |
veritas | Why can't this card get an IP? | 07:47 |
XhyldazhK | the permissions are correct | 07:48 |
tritium | Mahl, I'm on my way out. So using the image did not work? | 07:48 |
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Mahl | I found a perl script anethema to convert dmg to ISO so its ok...btw what does your nickname mean? | 07:48 |
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Mahl | It did tritium :) | 07:48 |
thully | Warning: RestrictedFormats currently uses Marillat, and their gstreamer-<lame,faac,faad> break on Hoary | 07:48 |
Mahl | I just mounted it to /media/cdrom :P | 07:48 |
Rymastah | I have a question | 07:48 |
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tritium | Mahl, oh, okay. Super. Have a good day. | 07:48 |
Rymastah | I have Enemy Territory and CS:Source and they both run great for 30seconds to 10 minutes, but then they close with a segmentation fault error | 07:48 |
tritium | See you all later. | 07:48 |
Rymastah | anyone know how to get rid of that? | 07:49 |
thully | although you can use hoary-extras-staging on Ubuntu backports and get good gstreamer packages - it will be in hoary-extras tomorrow | 07:49 |
veritas | Why can't my card talk to DHCP? | 07:49 |
anethema | cya tritium | 07:49 |
XhyldazhK | hey... i cannot login to my box | 07:49 |
thread | veritas: I have the same problem with mine | 07:49 |
veritas | Eh. | 07:49 |
XhyldazhK | i have googled th problem extensively and nothing useful | 07:49 |
veritas | Well, where's someone that can help us out? | 07:49 |
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Mahl | You too tritium and thanks :) | 07:49 |
thread | veritas: sometimes with unencrypted networks, but always with this stupid encrypted one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=161762 | 07:49 |
kwame | thully, playback | 07:49 |
sir-gold | veritas i have that problem too | 07:50 |
anethema | veritas, have you tryed sudo before running dhclient | 07:50 |
anethema | ? | 07:50 |
veritas | Great, so we have 3 people with the same problem but no one's around that knows what they're doing | 07:50 |
thully | kwame: depends on what software you want to listen to them in | 07:50 |
djm62 | veritas: can you use the same card with different software on the same network? | 07:50 |
veritas | Yes, I did anethema | 07:50 |
anethema | and still the same errors? | 07:50 |
thully | for rhythmbox (GNOME's iTunes like jukebox) use gstreamer0.8-mad from universe | 07:50 |
veritas | There's only one driver AFAIK, djm62 | 07:50 |
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veritas | I've used it on a different OS before, though | 07:51 |
veritas | So I know it works | 07:51 |
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veritas | I know the PCMCIA slot works, I know the card works | 07:51 |
djm62 | veritas: are you checking with ifconfig after using dhclient...it might not be failing | 07:51 |
HappyFool | does it work if you assign an ip statically? | 07:51 |
veritas | Yep, still no inet addr | 07:51 |
veritas | I haven't tried, Hannes_ | 07:51 |
veritas | HappyFool* | 07:51 |
anethema | thats what i was gonna suggest | 07:51 |
Rymastah | ? | 07:51 |
anethema | try just adding in a static IP | 07:51 |
sir-gold | actually, i was talking about a wired nic, didn't realize you meant a wifi card | 07:51 |
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veritas | I really don't want to take that method though | 07:52 |
HappyFool | just to test | 07:52 |
Rymastah | so does anyone know how to fix a "segementation fault" in Enemy Territory? | 07:52 |
Rymastah | it just closes then gives me a segmentation fault | 07:52 |
veritas | Okay, good idea, happy | 07:52 |
thully | Hi - any developers here have an opinion on removing Warty information from RestrictedFormats? As it gets older, more and more of that wiki page talks about things that don't work well or at all on Warty (and Warty instructions may confuse Hoary users) | 07:52 |
djm62 | it would narrow down what the problem could be | 07:52 |
Rymastah | so I'm thinking my ram is geting fried | 07:52 |
Rymastah | but I have 512mb of ram | 07:52 |
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veritas | hrmmm | 07:53 |
HappyFool | thully: i'm not a developer, but can't you split the instructions into warty and post-warty sections? | 07:53 |
djm62 | thully: what about separating warty info and putting it at the bottom of the page, for later deletion | 07:53 |
djm62 | (I'm not a dev either) | 07:53 |
Rymastah | so does anyone know how to fix a segmentation fault in Enemy Territory? | 07:53 |
Goliath24 | I still wanna disable the cpu-frequency-scaling, anyone has an idea how to do that? ;) | 07:53 |
Rymastah | or any suggestions about waht to do about it | 07:53 |
thully | maybe... as a lot is broken on warty due to it's age as far as external multimedia codecs | 07:53 |
XhyldazhK | I cannot login to my box! | 07:53 |
elcu | thully: IIRC, #ubuntu-dev | 07:53 |
=== Dethread [~Dethread@c-24-130-7-135.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
djm62 | Rymastah: talk to the cedega people I think | 07:54 |
neksus | Can some one tell me why Ubuntu boots up with a Blank Screen? (Mandriva does the same) I can make a fail safe consol but running GDM or KDM makes this stupid Blank Screen appear! | 07:54 |
Rymastah | Enemy Territory is made for Linux. | 07:54 |
djm62 | oh, sorry | 07:54 |
sir-gold | thread, i don't know if this helps, but by default my wifi card was showing up as eth0 until i installed hostap (its a prism2 card) and now it shows up as wlan0, i didn't have a wifi router to test it with, i just wanted kismet to work | 07:54 |
HappyFool | XhyldazhK: have you managed to login to your box before? | 07:54 |
Rymastah | Yeah it's weird, do you think my cpu or ram is getting fried? | 07:55 |
=== cmiller_ [~cmiller@fl-69-34-86-224.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hasanudin | what is the most used download manager to download ubuntu ? | 07:55 |
sir-gold | Hasanudin probably IE | 07:55 |
chx_ | Hasanudin: bitorrent :) | 07:55 |
hybrid_goth | anyone have MOL running in here | 07:55 |
thread | sir-gold: my card works fine for unencrypted networks how it is on eth0 | 07:55 |
thread | sir-gold: doesn't that mean it's fine? and it's supposed to be eth0 ? | 07:55 |
Rymastah | Bittorrent is a good idea to download ubuntu. | 07:55 |
hybrid_goth | yes it is | 07:55 |
djm62 | Rymastah: I think you can use a livecd or possibly even a boot option to do memcheck | 07:55 |
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Hasanudin | like Download For X | 07:56 |
hybrid_goth | when hoary came out it was on fire | 07:56 |
Hasanudin | but except 'Download for X' | 07:56 |
anethema | yeah haha | 07:56 |
anethema | so fast when it came out | 07:56 |
anethema | now..not so fast | 07:56 |
anethema | hehe | 07:56 |
anethema | only a few seeds/peers | 07:56 |
Rymastah | So I should do a mem check? | 07:56 |
sir-gold | its supposed to be wlan0, its possible that it doesn't work right with encrypted networks because the wep key handler thing expects it to be wlanX, and the other parts don't care what its called | 07:57 |
hybrid_goth | anethema: heh | 07:57 |
HappyFool | Rymastah: don't you think it's more likely to be a bug in the program? | 07:57 |
djm62 | Rymastah: I presume you suspect that for a reason, so there's no point in /not/ doing one | 07:57 |
Rymastah | I doubt it's a bug in the program since it does it for all 3d games | 07:57 |
=== aeho [~aeho@qn-vlk-47e.cable.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HappyFool | well, i get the idea that bad memory will give weirder errors than segfaults | 07:58 |
thread | sir-gold: hmm.. their site says my driver (intel ipw2200) is supported.. I guess I'll give it a try then. thanks! | 07:58 |
Rymastah | I get seg faults for every 3d game which is weird | 07:58 |
djm62 | if it's 3D specific then I suspect it isn't memory | 07:58 |
Rymastah | Yeah its 3d. | 07:59 |
XhyldazhK | hey why can't I login into my box? I've checked permissions, I've googled for answers extensively and nothing useful appears | 07:59 |
XhyldazhK | Please help me | 07:59 |
HappyFool | have you been able to login before? | 07:59 |
XhyldazhK | HappyFool, yes, until yesterday | 07:59 |
Rymastah | djm62, what do you think it is? | 08:00 |
XhyldazhK | I can login as root, but not as normal user | 08:00 |
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HappyFool | do you have any idea what you might have changed to cause this? | 08:00 |
XhyldazhK | and I can liogin as root only when I set up emergency rescue mode on grub | 08:00 |
XhyldazhK | HappyFool: I interrupted a checkinstall and all went crazy | 08:00 |
HappyFool | what's checkinstall? | 08:01 |
anethema | man both osity and necorum have such hard problems! | 08:01 |
XhyldazhK | checkinstall is a command like 'make install' but creates a .deb from the app that you are compiling and installs that .deb | 08:01 |
sir-gold | XhyldazhK what is the error you get when you try to log in? | 08:01 |
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Rymastah | HappyFool, do you have any idea what it might be? | 08:02 |
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XhyldazhK | Unable to cd to "/home/xhyldazhk" | 08:02 |
thread | sir-gold: Starting advanced IEEE 802.11 management: hostapdioctl[PRISM2_IOCTL_PRISM2_PARAM] : No such device | 08:02 |
=== mongomery [~raulito@116.red-62-117-176.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
XhyldazhK | And permissions are ok | 08:02 |
sir-gold | hostap won't work on your card | 08:02 |
sir-gold | i was just giving an example | 08:02 |
HappyFool | Rymastah: at a guess, a bug in a library common to the apps (e.g., libGL) or in the 3D driver | 08:02 |
=== hazzer123 [~hazzer123@81-179-112-143.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thread | sir-gold: ohh... it was the wpa_supplicant that was supported by my wireless chip | 08:02 |
mongomery | hi once again | 08:03 |
djm62 | I'd guess the 3D driver | 08:03 |
sir-gold | it can half-work when running as eth0, but its not right | 08:03 |
hazzer123 | hi all, will ubuntu run on a p200 with 64MB ram? | 08:03 |
Rymastah | what should I do about it? | 08:03 |
Rymastah | reinstall drivers? | 08:03 |
thread | doh | 08:03 |
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XhyldazhK | http://lists.debian.org/debian-user-de/2001/10/msg00398.html <-- is this issue but nobody seems to know the answer | 08:03 |
djm62 | hazzer123: it'll walk | 08:03 |
HappyFool | what card is it? | 08:03 |
Rymastah | I have GeForce 3 Ti 500 | 08:03 |
sir-gold | Rymastah are you using the latest drivers from nvidia? | 08:03 |
hazzer123 | djm62: lol, ok :) im just gna install it on that PC so i can test it before i put it on this one | 08:03 |
mongomery | im very lammer on this and my synaptic has problems, it crashes when i try to install a package, does anybodo know why? (im using warty because when i changed to hoary my kernel crashed) | 08:04 |
Rymastah | When I turn the graphics way down, it works for 10 minutes, but when I turn them up to max its a matter of seconds | 08:04 |
XhyldazhK | I installed Beagle and activated user_xattr on my main partition... has that to do with my problem? | 08:04 |
Rymastah | Yeah I have the latest drivers | 08:04 |
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hazzer123 | also, does ubuntu have a supported hardware DB cos im not sure if the wireless card will be compatible | 08:04 |
XhyldazhK | And every new user that I create has the same problems | 08:05 |
sir-gold | Rymastah, could it just be overheating the video card? | 08:05 |
XhyldazhK | Please help me | 08:05 |
djm62 | Rymastah: it sounds like a cooling or even power cupply issue | 08:05 |
HappyFool | XhyldazhK: what happens if you cd /home/xhyldazhk as root? | 08:05 |
Rymastah | Well I have hmmm | 08:05 |
XhyldazhK | HappyFool: I can do that without problems | 08:05 |
XhyldazhK | No error | 08:05 |
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Rymastah | I have a decent fan and a good power supply | 08:06 |
djm62 | hazzer123: anything linux supports, ubuntu will do...the best hardware support db is google in my experience | 08:06 |
sir-gold | hazzer123 i can tell you right now that its not going to be fun with only 64 meg of ram, and the p200 doesn't help either | 08:06 |
kwame | how can I install LAMP in Ubuntu? apache, mysql and php? | 08:06 |
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kwame | can this be done with apt? | 08:06 |
sir-gold | even with a p3-600 64 meg ram is not enough | 08:06 |
HappyFool | kwame: have you tried the search facility in synaptic? should be able to get those apps/packages | 08:07 |
hazzer123 | :) ok then, well if i can test it and put it on this machine this machine has an AMD duron 1.6 Ghz so it should hopefully run on that | 08:07 |
djm62 | hazzer123: and if you want to do work on that machine, I recommend spending some time finding lightweight software | 08:07 |
sir-gold | kwame apt-cache search <program name> | 08:07 |
HappyFool | XhyldazhK: sorry, your error sounds really bizarre | 08:07 |
kwame | sir-gold, the thing is that I don't see a package like php-mysql | 08:07 |
XhyldazhK | HappyFool: I've thought of that maybe could be that a lock is still active, a lock created by sudo or by checkinstall | 08:07 |
djm62 | my last box was P1-266 with 64M | 08:07 |
XhyldazhK | is that possible? | 08:08 |
kwame | Do i need yo add a repository to my apt sources? | 08:08 |
HappyFool | were you running checkinstall as root? | 08:08 |
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XhyldazhK | HappyFool: sudo checkinstall} | 08:08 |
djm62 | kwame: search for php alone and mysql alone | 08:08 |
hazzer123 | doesnt look like the device is supported anyway :'( | 08:08 |
kwame | djm62, I already did ... | 08:09 |
HappyFool | XhyldazhK: i'm not a guru, but I don't *think* there are lock files involved for login | 08:09 |
djm62 | not on a multi-user OS | 08:10 |
XhyldazhK | HappyFool: my shell seems to be null | 08:10 |
XhyldazhK | HappyFool: is this line correct in my shadow: | 08:10 |
XhyldazhK | xhyldazhk:!:12910:0:99999:7::: | 08:10 |
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HappyFool | i think shells are still set in /etc/passwd | 08:11 |
yahalom | can anyone help me with what i should put in my resolv.conf? | 08:11 |
kwame | yahalom, your dns servers from your isp | 08:11 |
Rymastah | should I try unoverclocking my processor? | 08:11 |
HappyFool | my user doesn't have !, but the hashed (or whatever) password | 08:11 |
Rymastah | Except, I dont even know how. | 08:11 |
XhyldazhK | I have the shell set as bash on passwd | 08:12 |
Anubis | Try the CSPAN2 live feed in real format? | 08:12 |
thenuke | XhyldazhK: that ! means no password for XhyldazhK.. | 08:12 |
Anubis | Does it work in your Firefox? | 08:12 |
djm62 | XhyldazhK: when you log in as root, can you do "su - username" | 08:12 |
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yahalom | kwame: yeah but its empty now | 08:12 |
XhyldazhK | thenuke: I just set the password | 08:12 |
XhyldazhK | and nothing changes, I cannot login | 08:12 |
HappyFool | kwame: I see php4-mysql and php3-mysql in universe | 08:12 |
thenuke | I have something like this thenuke:$1$I3lwxkHM$rrReehZmZNSiu6cqfgn65.:12882:0:99999:7::: | 08:12 |
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XhyldazhK | thenuke: I have now something alike, but I still cannot login | 08:13 |
HappyFool | posting the contents of /etc/shadow on irc may not be the wisest thing to do | 08:13 |
XhyldazhK | I cannot even su xhyldazhk | 08:13 |
thenuke | HappyFool: I changed that line enough | 08:13 |
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HappyFool | yeah, you had a !, but thenuke didn't ;) | 08:13 |
HappyFool | ah | 08:13 |
HappyFool | sorry | 08:13 |
XhyldazhK | nor even su - xhyldazhk as root | 08:14 |
XhyldazhK | this seems to me as black magick | 08:14 |
Rymastah | Happyfool/anyone, should I try unoverclocking my processor? | 08:14 |
Rymastah | I overclocked it so long ago and dont know how to unoverclock it | 08:14 |
djm62 | Rymastah: emphatically yes | 08:14 |
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Rymastah | how? | 08:14 |
sir-gold | go into bios setup and change the fsb speed | 08:15 |
nnonix | take the fan off it, it'll run faster | 08:15 |
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Scorpion | how do i install libpng, i downloaded it, but it only contains 3 files | 08:15 |
Rymastah | sir-gold, what should I change the fsb speed to? | 08:16 |
XhyldazhK | HappyFool: why cannot I login to my new system? i even did a fsck | 08:16 |
sir-gold | Scorpion install it from synaptic | 08:16 |
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sir-gold | Rymastah what cpu do you have? | 08:16 |
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Scorpion | sir-gold, how? im new to linux | 08:16 |
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thenuke | Scorpion: or if you prefer console, do apt-cache search libpng and then apt-get install one of those which you want | 08:17 |
HappyFool | XhyldazhK: i have no idea. and error like 'cannot cd to <existing directory>' sounds very scary to me | 08:17 |
chx_ | how could I get automake 1.5 or later for Hoary? | 08:17 |
kwame | HappyFool, what is universe? | 08:17 |
sir-gold | Scorpion synaptic is on the gnome menu (under system probably) | 08:17 |
kwame | I'm new to ubuntu ... I was a fedora core user in the past | 08:17 |
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Scorpion | found it and then what | 08:17 |
sir-gold | search for libpng, and click the checkbox | 08:17 |
sir-gold | libpng12-0 | 08:18 |
HappyFool | kwame: err, i'm no apt expert, but as i understand packages are divided into sections. two sections are "main" and "universe" -- "main" is supported, "universe" is not | 08:18 |
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thenuke | Scorpion: bookmark this http://ubuntuguide.org/ It's Very useful for newcomers | 08:18 |
Rymastah | I have an Amd Athlon 2500_ | 08:18 |
chx_ | oh, stupid question, forget it | 08:18 |
HappyFool | kwame: take a look at ubuntuguide.org to see how to add universe to what apt searches | 08:18 |
Scorpion | will do | 08:18 |
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thenuke | kwame: http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories | 08:19 |
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Rymastah | so sir gold, I have an amd athlon 2500+ | 08:19 |
sir-gold | kwame from what i understand, universe is packages from debian not directly approved by ubuntu | 08:19 |
Rymastah | Yeah, thats right | 08:19 |
Rymastah | Universe packages arent directly approved ubuntu | 08:19 |
Scorpion | another question how do i install GTK, i tried fallow the install instruction, but when i do "make" it says there is no make found | 08:19 |
djm62 | Scorpion: ubuntu comes with the latest versions of gnome and gtk | 08:20 |
elcu | Scorpion: you should always try and use either apt-get or synaptic. installing from source or dpkg can be tricky | 08:20 |
djm62 | Scorpion: compiling from scratch, you're entering a world of pain, especially on a system with package management | 08:20 |
Rymastah | sir-gold, what should I set the speed to? | 08:20 |
dabaSlon | he should try what he feels like doing, but it may not work... | 08:20 |
dabaSlon | Scorpion: as for the make, you may need to install some developer packages. | 08:21 |
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Scorpion | ok i downloaded Mplayer, whats the easiest way to install it? | 08:21 |
dabaSlon | like, build-essential | 08:21 |
alexandre_ | hi | 08:21 |
HappyFool | doesn't ubuntuguide.org explain how to get mplayer? | 08:21 |
dabaSlon | Scorpion: you may want to install libs for it to play. | 08:21 |
HappyFool | i suspect that will be much easier than compiling it | 08:22 |
sir-gold | Rymastah 166mhz | 08:22 |
dabaSlon | Scorpion: have you looked at the wiki for restricted formats? | 08:22 |
djm62 | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 08:22 |
Rymastah | alright, this sounds like a stupid question, but how do I get into the bios setup? | 08:22 |
dabaSlon | you reboot | 08:22 |
dabaSlon | and then hit del, or f12 or some other key to enter | 08:22 |
tanek | Rymastah: press delete during bios load | 08:22 |
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Rymastah | Right, okay. | 08:22 |
dabaSlon | it will tell you which button on boot. | 08:23 |
tanek | np | 08:23 |
Rymastah | I'm used to Winders | 08:23 |
karljp | anyone know why /usr/local/lib isn't in /etc/ld.so.conf by default? | 08:23 |
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Scorpion | tnx, ill try check ubuntguide | 08:23 |
dabaSlon | same thing... | 08:23 |
dabaSlon | bios is before an OS> | 08:23 |
HappyFool | i don't suppose anyone has any ideas why i'm getting authentication errors with apt-get ? | 08:23 |
tanek | BIOS is the same no matter what os | 08:23 |
dabaSlon | basic IO system | 08:23 |
djm62 | Rymastah: the bios is identical...it's firmware | 08:23 |
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dabaSlon | what authentication errors? | 08:23 |
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dabaSlon | a key is missing? | 08:23 |
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HappyFool | dabaSlon: well, apt-key list *seems* to be ok | 08:23 |
HappyFool | and i can't figure out how to ask what key has been used to sign a package | 08:24 |
dabaSlon | whats the error you get, a key error? | 08:24 |
HappyFool | just a moment, i'll reproduce it | 08:24 |
dabaSlon | dotn paste a big thing here. | 08:24 |
HappyFool | sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev #=> "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!" | 08:24 |
sir-gold | HappyFool are you using the default apt sources, or did you add your own? | 08:25 |
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HappyFool | i have added some -- is that the problem? | 08:25 |
dabaSlon | oh, so it does not ask you for a key? | 08:25 |
HappyFool | no, just says it can't authenticate | 08:26 |
dabaSlon | have you looked at the wiki? this page shows some instructions: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptAuthenticationInstructionsForHoary . | 08:26 |
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HappyFool | yeah | 08:26 |
HappyFool | the one that tells you how to add keys for marillat (as the example?) | 08:26 |
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HappyFool | i've got the marillat key, according to apt-key list | 08:26 |
HappyFool | but i would hope that libncurses5-dev is coming from ubuntu, not marillat | 08:27 |
jhave | what are the difrent betwen ubuntu and debian ? | 08:27 |
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dabaSlon | remove marilalt from the list, and see if it is there... | 08:27 |
HappyFool | ok | 08:27 |
dabaSlon | jhave: not sure, you would have to try...one of the diffs Ubuntu boasts is that it is more up to date, with shorter release cycles. | 08:28 |
dabaSlon | every 6 months, there is supposed to be a new Ubuntu | 08:28 |
dabaSlon | which has worked first time.. | 08:28 |
jhave | nice | 08:28 |
dabaSlon | I have not tried a Debian, likely similar stuff. | 08:28 |
jhave | and i can update it whit apt-get ? | 08:28 |
HappyFool | dabaSlon, sir-gold: thanks, that worked! | 08:28 |
dabaSlon | welcome. | 08:29 |
dabaSlon | depending how you set your configuration, it will differ, not much other than that visibly.. | 08:29 |
dabaSlon | and Ubuntu uses the newest software, so there will be some difference there too. | 08:29 |
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tanek | how do i change so that devices i mount don't show on desktop? | 08:30 |
nnonix | jhave: yep | 08:30 |
thread | has anybody gotten on an encrypted wireless network with ipw2200 ? | 08:30 |
jhave | nice | 08:30 |
jhave | now i get the ISO down :) | 08:30 |
dabaSlon | verify the checksum before you do anything. | 08:30 |
dabaSlon | cause it may not download properly. | 08:30 |
aeho | how I can take screenshot with applicationsmenu open? | 08:31 |
aeho | print screen doesn't work when applications menu is open | 08:31 |
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dabaSlon | tanek: still here? | 08:33 |
tanek | yeah | 08:33 |
dabaSlon | go applications, system tools, configuration manager | 08:34 |
tanek | ah, ok thx | 08:34 |
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dabaSlon | then expand desktop | 08:34 |
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dabaSlon | there is a volume manager | 08:34 |
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dabaSlon | that may be an ok place to start. | 08:34 |
dabaSlon | holy cow.... | 08:34 |
dabaSlon | :) | 08:34 |
tanek | thx dabaSlon | 08:34 |
dabaSlon | welcome | 08:34 |
dabaSlon | maybe the autophoto does it. | 08:35 |
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djm62 | aeho: run "import" from the command line, with a suitable delay? | 08:36 |
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glen_ | hey again guys, another newb question, how do i install TTF in ubuntu? | 08:38 |
anethema | true type fonts? | 08:38 |
glen_ | aye | 08:38 |
stefan_dk | Put them in ~/.fonts :) | 08:38 |
Scorpion | i got an error: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?. how do i solve this | 08:38 |
anethema | run these 3 commands | 08:38 |
anethema | sudo apt-get install gsfonts-x11 | 08:38 |
anethema | sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts | 08:38 |
anethema | sudo fc-cache -f -v | 08:38 |
HappyFool | Scorpion: you're probably running Synaptic | 08:39 |
dabaSlon | Scorpion: you either have a synaptic open and are trying to apt, or the other way around. | 08:39 |
Scorpion | ahh yes i was tnx | 08:39 |
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Scorpion | it worked now :-) | 08:39 |
glen_ | thanks anethema And stefan_dk :) | 08:39 |
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anethema | wow no one asking for help | 08:46 |
anethema | heheh | 08:46 |
anethema | thats amaizng | 08:46 |
anethema | a nice quiet lull | 08:46 |
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zachary | okay where are the leets | 08:47 |
zachary | i have a question | 08:47 |
anethema | im far from leet but you can ask | 08:47 |
zachary | i'm trying to play mp3's | 08:47 |
zachary | i did this long process last night | 08:47 |
anethema | does xmms not work ? | 08:48 |
zachary | where i had to install alot of packets and codecs and compile to be able to run a gui | 08:48 |
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anethema | do you have xmms ? | 08:48 |
zachary | i'll try xmms again but last night it wouldn't work | 08:48 |
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Rymastah | Fixed it! | 08:48 |
Rymastah | Hurray | 08:48 |
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Rymastah | I just lowered the cpu just a bit. | 08:48 |
Rymastah | Everything runs perfectly now | 08:48 |
Rymastah | thanks happy fool + sir gold + djm62 | 08:49 |
zachary | okay on the xmms interface where do i go to open the file? | 08:49 |
difeta | hey all! I jsut reinstalled hoary and my sound no longer works. ALSA fails on boot saying that not card exists. Any ideas? | 08:49 |
anethema | can just drag it to the playlist | 08:49 |
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HappyFool | right-click on the xmms window and choose "play file" | 08:49 |
anethema | that works | 08:50 |
HappyFool | i got rhythmbox working with mp3's without needing to compile a thing. have you checked http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats ? | 08:50 |
zachary | i did look at that | 08:50 |
anethema | you shouldnt have to compile | 08:50 |
anethema | just try playing it in xmms | 08:51 |
zachary | rhythmbox | 08:51 |
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golab | fdhgjkj | 08:51 |
golab | dsgasfjhg;ldsjhhh | 08:51 |
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zachary | xmms gets pissy and doesn't play anything | 08:51 |
anethema | run it from a console | 08:51 |
anethema | and see what error it gives you | 08:51 |
chx_ | hi. anyone tried Mono with ubuntu? | 08:51 |
HappyFool | difeta: does your card show up if you run "lspci" ? | 08:52 |
zachary | is there a way to kill xmms from running anymore | 08:52 |
zachary | after i tried opening the song | 08:52 |
anethema | in a console type killall xmms | 08:52 |
difeta | HappyFool, yes it sure does | 08:52 |
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zachary | okay how do i run xmms from the console | 08:52 |
HappyFool | and it worked before (with hoary?) | 08:52 |
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difeta | HappyFool, alsa dies with this message: Warning: 'alsactl restore' failed with error message 'alsactl: load_state:1267: No soundcards found...'. | 08:53 |
anethema | zachary, just type xmms | 08:53 |
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anethema | then try playing a file again | 08:53 |
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anethema | zachary, go here | 08:54 |
anethema | http://ubuntuguide.org/#configuresoundproperly | 08:54 |
anethema | follow those instructions | 08:54 |
zachary | libmikmod.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 08:54 |
anethema | mikmod ? | 08:54 |
zachary | thats what i'm saying | 08:54 |
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anethema | install multimedia codecs | 08:55 |
=== yahalom [~yahalom@bzq-84-108-2-236.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | http://ubuntuguide.org/#codecs | 08:55 |
anethema | then do the sound thing | 08:55 |
anethema | http://ubuntuguide.org/#configuresoundproperly | 08:55 |
anethema | then try again | 08:55 |
anethema | if it gives the same error | 08:55 |
anethema | do apt-get install libmikmod2 | 08:55 |
yahalom | is there anyone here who has a very fast page to page rate? meaning that browsing from page to page is very fast? can u give me ur dns nameserver? | 08:55 |
=== JDahl [~qwerty@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2m1-135.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zachary | anethenma thanks for the help, it seems time is always going to be a factor when i try to do these things | 08:56 |
anethema | heh | 08:56 |
HappyFool | hey JDahl. ltns | 08:56 |
anethema | it doesnt take long actually | 08:56 |
anethema | a couple mins to do each thing | 08:57 |
zachary | not that | 08:57 |
zachary | i'll try it real quick but have to leave now | 08:57 |
|iceman| | anathema: figgered out azureus somewhat and have rssimports installed...mind if i pm u? | 08:57 |
anethema | sure | 08:57 |
anethema | sure PM away | 08:57 |
sir-gold | has anyone gotten a boot splash working in ubuntu? like bootsplash or splashy? | 08:57 |
yahalom | anybody? | 08:57 |
anethema | but rssimports isnt what you want | 08:57 |
anethema | its rssfeed | 08:57 |
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JDahl | HappyFool, hey... I recently enjoyed fatherhood - so time for bedroom programming has been scarse :P | 08:58 |
=== warty [~warty@81-202-128-116.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HappyFool | JDahl: wow. congratulations! | 08:59 |
|iceman| | installed that too... how the heck do u pm in xchat... used to mirc | 08:59 |
=== Dethread [~Dethread@c-24-130-7-135.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | xchat..there are names at the bottomn | 08:59 |
JDahl | HappyFool, thanks... It's a great experience :) | 08:59 |
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anethema | /query <person> | 08:59 |
warty | mho | 08:59 |
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ubuntu | salut t-ous | 09:00 |
HappyFool | JDahl: well, i have less excuse but haven't done any after-hours coding either | 09:00 |
sixth | i wish i knew why i couldnt get on ftp.nerim.net | 09:00 |
sixth | makin me mad! | 09:01 |
InitMass | my boot stops for about 30 sec when setting up the network. is there a way around this to get a faster boot process?? | 09:03 |
=== Skwid [Skwid@stlaurent-1-82-228-247-28.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
glen_ | erm guys, how do u install a deb file again??? | 09:04 |
sir-gold | InitMass specify an IP address instead of using DHCP (not sure how to do that tho) | 09:04 |
yahalom | anyone here use opera? | 09:04 |
HappyFool | sudo dpkg -i <thedebfile> | 09:04 |
anethema | sudo dpkg -i <debfile> | 09:04 |
anethema | beat me to it :D | 09:04 |
glen_ | lol | 09:04 |
=== h__ [~h@bgp01136824bgs.ypwest01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sir-gold | glen_ dpkg -i <file.deb> | 09:04 |
glen_ | thanks for the answer guys | 09:04 |
bur[n] er | anyone kno whow to do a command to use synaptic to install a .deb file? | 09:04 |
anethema | thanks sir-gold you're just in time :D | 09:04 |
sir-gold | yahalom i do | 09:05 |
HappyFool | does dpkg check for dependencies, or is that apt's job ? | 09:05 |
sir-gold | HappyFool yes | 09:05 |
JDahl | HappyFool, dpkg will complain about dependencies | 09:05 |
=== h__ is now known as h|barbobot | ||
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InitMass | sir-gold, i'm using dhcp because i get different ip | 09:05 |
sir-gold | dpkg won't do anything about the missing dependencies tho | 09:06 |
anethema | yeah | 09:06 |
anethema | it will check | 09:06 |
anethema | but not install | 09:06 |
sir-gold | you have to fix that yourself | 09:06 |
InitMass | yahalom, what about it? | 09:06 |
sixth | Failed to fetch ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/dists/stable/Release.gpg Could not connect to ftp.nerim.net:21 ( - connect (111 Connection refused) [IP: 21] | 09:06 |
sixth | anyone know why i cant get on this damn thing? | 09:06 |
Burgundavia | sixth, probably down | 09:07 |
=== blomkingofhsum [~robbievan@ip503c3d40.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sir-gold | it woks for me | 09:07 |
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HappyFool | me too | 09:07 |
sir-gold | works | 09:08 |
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HappyFool | what happens if you just do "ftp ftp.nerim.net" ? | 09:08 |
sixth | hmmm | 09:08 |
sixth | let me try | 09:08 |
Burgundavia | succesful | 09:08 |
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sir-gold | you could try http://sft.if.usp.br/debian-marillat/ instead | 09:09 |
sixth | aight let me give that a shot | 09:10 |
sir-gold | release.gpg is dated may 6 2005, so i assume its a current mirror | 09:10 |
=== kevin06 [~fader6818@pcp04302170pcs.liztwn01.ky.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kevin06 | ntu | 09:11 |
kevin06 | Oops. LOL | 09:11 |
kevin06 | What package do I need to install in order to listen to MP3's with Rhythmbox? | 09:12 |
HappyFool | kevin06: read this: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 09:12 |
yahalom | sir-gold, what do u use? | 09:13 |
xc | I just installed ubuntu. unfortunately I can't change the refresh rate which is at 60hz now (I know both my gfx card and monitor can do at least 85hz at this resolution) | 09:13 |
Anubis | RTSP who ohas it all working i Firefox? | 09:13 |
xc | any way to change it? | 09:13 |
yahalom | sir-gold, my local one is crap, so i switched to an olrando based one which is good, still lookign for faster | 09:13 |
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sixth | sir-gold: i added that http source u gave me to my sources list | 09:14 |
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sixth | sir-gold: still no go | 09:14 |
kylemitchell | whats the deal? | 09:14 |
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yahalom | InitMass, u have one? | 09:15 |
sixth | anyone esle kno of any other sources for w32? | 09:15 |
aladdin_ | Hi guys. I'm trying to compile a gwenview extension (external tool) that is called gwenrename. I need to compile it. When I run configure all is ok until it comes up with this message: "configure: error: Can't find X includes..." . I know Ubuntu uses x.org instead of XFree86.org. I need to know the path to x.org "includes" and "librairies". I' m running a fresh install of Ubuntu Hoary upgraded with all available stable pack | 09:16 |
aladdin_ | ages. Can anybody assist. Thx. | 09:16 |
=== tanek [~tanek@h-83-140-246-184.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
InitMass | yahalom, i have opera yes | 09:16 |
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InitMass | yahalom, but i just use it to check if my website works in it | 09:17 |
sir-gold | aladdin_ do you have the x.org sources? | 09:18 |
djm62 | aladdin_: apt-get build-depends <some gnome tool> | 09:18 |
=== TriniTriggs [~roy@pool-68-238-97-203.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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HappyFool | how about trying libx11-dev ? | 09:18 |
djm62 | aladdin_: apt-get build depends gwenview | 09:18 |
djm62 | build-depends | 09:18 |
=== _mmuzzy [~mmuzzy@ip24-250-44-152.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TriniTriggs | can someone help me w/ emblems? The only emblem I see in my browser sidepane is "Erase" | 09:19 |
yahalom | InitMass, it works well for u? | 09:19 |
TriniTriggs | where did the rest go? how do I put them back? | 09:19 |
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djm62 | what are emblems? | 09:19 |
djm62 | what browser? | 09:19 |
xc | does anyone know why I can't set my refresh rate to something higher than 60hz under ubuntu? I have an ati rage 128 pro, which is listed as such under lspci | 09:19 |
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TriniTriggs | djm62: emblems are little icons you can put on top of your icons, as tags. by "browser" I mean file browser | 09:20 |
djm62 | what browser? | 09:20 |
InitMass | yahalom, well my site looks better in IE and Firefox | 09:21 |
TriniTriggs | Nuatilus file browser | 09:21 |
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Burgundavia | xc, I think you need to edit xorg.conf | 09:21 |
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lukas_ | Hallo | 09:21 |
drcode | can I look in movies like wmv onstrem like in media player from firefox> | 09:21 |
yahalom | InitMass, ah ok | 09:22 |
sir-gold | drcode http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 09:22 |
yahalom | wow i changed my dns and my pages are flying | 09:22 |
TriniTriggs | drcode: use mplayer, see Starter Guide. I've had problems w/ it though, it hangs at 99% buffering | 09:22 |
xc | ok Burgundavia will try that | 09:22 |
sir-gold | i think that needs to be put into the topic | 09:22 |
yahalom | anyone whose browsers are slow look into changing ur dns...it works | 09:22 |
sixth | if i could only get the w32codecs | 09:22 |
sixth | lol | 09:22 |
drcode | thnx | 09:22 |
=== junior_ [~junior@c-67-160-131-226.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yahalom | sixth, why cant u get them? | 09:22 |
TriniTriggs | does anyone know what could've happened to my emblems in Nautilus file browser? the only one that shows up on the side pane is "Erase" | 09:22 |
sig | sixth: apt-get install w32codecs | 09:23 |
sixth | gettin connection refused errors | 09:23 |
sixth | Failed to fetch ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/dists/stable/Release.gpg Could not connect to ftp.nerim.net:21 ( - connect (111 Connection refused) [IP: 21] | 09:23 |
djm62 | is here any integrated way to edit metadata on mp3 and ogg files? | 09:24 |
Burgundavia | sixth, you can get it from hoary-extras, part of the ubuntu backports project | 09:24 |
Burgundavia | sixth, but it is not recommended | 09:24 |
Burgundavia | djm62, integrated? | 09:24 |
sixth | not recommended because? | 09:24 |
sixth | Burgundavia, thats fine | 09:24 |
Burgundavia | sixth, upgrades break | 09:24 |
HappyFool | xc: have you tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ? | 09:24 |
sixth | Burgundavia, yeah thats true | 09:24 |
Burgundavia | djm62, you tried easytag | 09:24 |
sixth | Burgundavia, i dunno why i cant connect to nerim | 09:25 |
djm62 | Burgundavia: I haven't | 09:25 |
yahalom | is it just me or were the ubuntu servers faster once? | 09:25 |
Burgundavia | sixth, I gave up on nerim | 09:25 |
Burgundavia | yahalom, yes they were, more people on them now | 09:25 |
=== Bukkake [~Bukkake@CPE-70-92-252-37.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== reagleBRKLN [~reagleBRK@cpe-69-203-149-103.si.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Burgundavia | djm62, fairly good, if it has too many options | 09:25 |
djm62 | I want to be able to do it from rhythmbox or nautilus | 09:25 |
sixth | Burgundavia, yeah some my buddies are sick of gettin connections refused all the time | 09:25 |
Burgundavia | djm62, negatory on that | 09:25 |
Burgundavia | djm62, currently nothing | 09:26 |
djm62 | damn, abnegated! | 09:26 |
Burgundavia | djm62, most music players are not going to include it | 09:26 |
yahalom | Burgundavia, sucks, they were so fast i got like 300-400kb/s now i'm getting 40kb/s | 09:26 |
xc | no HappyFool, I have no idea what that means (I actually just installed linux) | 09:26 |
Burgundavia | yahalom, I have had inconsist performance, try switching to a country mirror | 09:26 |
djm62 | Burgundavia: you mean most music players don't, or music players don't intend to | 09:26 |
Burgundavia | djm62, both | 09:26 |
yahalom | Burgundavia, how? | 09:27 |
reagleBRKLN | if i am in a directory *i own* (drwxr-xr-x 5 reagle apache) why wouldn't i need be able to chgrp its children? | 09:27 |
xc | HappyFool, do I have to run that from the terminal? | 09:27 |
yahalom | Burgundavia, no idea how to switch my apt-get | 09:27 |
HappyFool | xc: the command is "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 09:27 |
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HappyFool | xc: yeah | 09:27 |
xc | ok, thanks | 09:27 |
Burgundavia | yahalom, what country are you in? | 09:27 |
HappyFool | xc: though it might be even better if X wasn't running. not sure how important that is | 09:27 |
xc | hmm, so should I try it or not? | 09:28 |
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yahalom | Burgundavia, israel, but i never found israel to be faster. switzerland usually is very fast. switch. | 09:28 |
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yahalom | Burgundavia, now i'm getting 14kb/s :( | 09:28 |
yahalom | Bukkake, quit the porn man | 09:28 |
xc | how would I boot into console mode? | 09:28 |
yahalom | Bukkake, its affecting u ;) | 09:29 |
xc | sorry for the newbie questions | 09:29 |
=== debiannoob [~debiannoo@dsl-082-083-199-244.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HappyFool | actually i don't know on ubuntu *embarrassment* the runlevels seem to be different to fedora | 09:29 |
Burgundavia | xc, you can reconfigure a running xorg | 09:29 |
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Burgundavia | xc, at a command prompt, type 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 09:29 |
yahalom | Burgundavia, how do i choose switzerland? base-config? | 09:29 |
=== frikkie is looking for a apt expert... please .. | ||
Burgundavia | yahalom, I would edit the sources.list by hand | 09:30 |
Bukkake | it's the only registered nick I have . . . and I'm kinda need a question answered in ##linux ;\ . . . sorry of this, but I'll change it in a sec | 09:30 |
yahalom | Bukkake, lol. dont get self conscious man, i'm not ur father :) | 09:30 |
yahalom | Bukkake, or ur mother | 09:31 |
Bukkake | Okay, I don't think they'll answer. I'll ask here -- I've seen several screenshots with the res -- width the double size of what I've seen being normal -- what is the deal with those things? | 09:31 |
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=== Nibr [~Nibr@Quebec-HSE-ppp3613934.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bukkake | Heh, it's nice to know | 09:31 |
yahalom | yahalom, u want a higher resolution? | 09:31 |
yahalom | lol | 09:31 |
sig | Bukkake: obviously theire graphics cards can handle higher resolutions | 09:31 |
yahalom | Bukkake, u want a higher resolution? | 09:32 |
Bukkake | I'm asking simply out of curiosity -- I'm on complete CLI right now | 09:32 |
=== frikkie [~charles@c11-rba-38.dial-up.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aladdin_ | sir-gold, sorry had somebody at the door... dunno if I have x.org sources. let me check... | 09:32 |
yahalom | Bukkake, u can add higher resolutions to ur xorg.conf if ur card can support them it will display them | 09:32 |
=== frikkie also needs a expert on how not to disconnect from irc before he had his question answered ;) | ||
=== ikaro [~ikaro@cl-424.ams-04.nl.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nibr | Any one know about Apache and ubuntu? | 09:33 |
yahalom | Burgundavia, but where would i found the sources? | 09:33 |
yahalom | Burgundavia,the servers that is | 09:33 |
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anethema | Nibr, i do know ubuntuguide has a install section for apache | 09:33 |
Bukkake | sig: I was simply curious . . . seems odd that anyone would have that . . . instead of something like 1024x768, their res is something like 2048x768 . . . not very proportionate . . . and I wouldn't imagine it looks that pretty in a normal monitor | 09:33 |
aladdin_ | djm62, you wrote: " apt-get build depends gwenview". that will do what? Install sources? | 09:33 |
Nibr | I have it up and running | 09:33 |
Burgundavia | yahalom, you can test with your webbrowser. just go to $COUNTRYCODE.archive.ubuntu.com and see if it is there | 09:34 |
Nibr | Just having some problems with it | 09:34 |
yahalom | Bukkake, oh man...ur talking about those really wide screenshots? | 09:34 |
Bukkake | Yeah | 09:34 |
anethema | Bukkake, why couldnt they have a projector or widescreed lcd or somehting | 09:34 |
=== Kisain [~Kisain@24-177-160-171.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nibr | But, I'll check that first.. thanks | 09:34 |
aladdin_ | sir-gold, sorry had somebody at the door... dunno if I have x.org sources. let me check... euh... how do I check? | 09:34 |
sir-gold | aladdin_, if you don't know, you probably don't have them | 09:34 |
Bukkake | Oh, I guess that makes sense, heh. thanks. I was thinking they'd had connected to more than one monitor . . . or something else | 09:34 |
sir-gold | aladdin_, check in synaptic | 09:35 |
yahalom | Burgundavia, thanx man | 09:35 |
aladdin_ | sir-gold, k. bb | 09:35 |
Burgundavia | yahalom, np | 09:35 |
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HappyFool | aladdin_: have you tried installing libx11-dev ? i think djm62's command will install needed dependencies | 09:35 |
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aladdin_ | HappyFool, checkin' | 09:36 |
aladdin_ | HappyFool, libx11-dev is not installed. | 09:37 |
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HappyFool | aladdin_: use synaptic or apt-get to install it | 09:38 |
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xc | xorg reconfiguration didnt help. it still shows 60hz only... I think the monitor settings are wrong, how could I change the monitor setting? | 09:38 |
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|QuaD-_ | has anyone here tried a dual core machine yet? | 09:39 |
HappyFool | a colleague of mine has, with warty | 09:40 |
Bazzi | before its out? :p | 09:40 |
aladdin_ | HappyFool, k. but just to understand: do you mean that configure couldn't find the "includes" and "librairies" because there not installed? | 09:40 |
HappyFool | oh, sorry, i meant dual processor | 09:40 |
Burgundavia | xc, it should have asked you when it reconfigured it | 09:40 |
Bazzi | I'd love to actually see a dual core CPU =( | 09:40 |
|QuaD-_ | HappyFool: i am curious about dual core :) | 09:40 |
HappyFool | aladdin: yeah. usually you need to install a "-dev" package to get include files | 09:40 |
will | xc: set your monitor preferences in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:40 |
=== admx [~admx@c-67-191-132-114.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aladdin_ | HappyFool, ... cause I thought it was because that particular installer is looking for XFree86's by default. | 09:41 |
HappyFool | well, try installing libx11-dev and see what happens | 09:41 |
HappyFool | sudo apt-get install libx11-dev | 09:41 |
aladdin_ | HappyFool, k | 09:42 |
=== Detten [~Detten@d51A4558C.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== dizzie [~dizzie@port75.ds1-hj.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== aladdin_ Is quite new to this but loves it! | ||
HappyFool | the thrill of finding dependencies for compiling wears thin before long ;) | 09:43 |
aladdin_ | HappyFool, it's installed. I'll retry configure... bbl | 09:43 |
HappyFool | good luck | 09:43 |
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shoken | bonsoir a tous | 09:44 |
HappyFool | looks like it's a kde app - you'll probably need other packages | 09:44 |
HappyFool | can't you just install gwenview from apt? | 09:45 |
djm62 | it was a gwenview plugin | 09:45 |
HappyFool | ah | 09:45 |
shoken | excuse me, can i get help for a second :) | 09:45 |
HappyFool | well, the comment re other -dev packages stands | 09:45 |
sir-gold | shoken, just ask | 09:45 |
shoken | ok thx :) | 09:46 |
djm62 | apt-get build-depends | 09:46 |
Raskall | yay.. got my rtl8180-card working without ndiswrapper. Now I can play with Kismet again.. *cheer* | 09:46 |
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shoken | well, i want to install aMSN on my Ubuntu, but don't know what have to do... :/ | 09:46 |
aladdin_ | HappyFool, actually I am running under K (Kubuntu) and all packages work well includinf gwenview. This is a external addon to it, not Ubuntu prepared, but debian compatible. | 09:46 |
ThomasWinwood | shoken: sudo apt-get install amsn | 09:46 |
Nibr | I checked the guide.. nothing there that would help | 09:47 |
Raskall | shoken: try "apt-get install amsn" | 09:47 |
aVeedo | shoken, clikc on gaim or I think "im" | 09:47 |
aVeedo | wait | 09:47 |
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aVeedo | can somebody help me install php? | 09:47 |
shoken | ok i'll try it thx you all :) | 09:47 |
Nibr | Anyone know anything else that might help me with apache? | 09:47 |
HappyFool | aladdin_: ok, but it's quite likely you'll needed kde-type -dev packages. ./configure should give you a clue | 09:47 |
aVeedo | what do you mean? What's wrong? | 09:47 |
Nibr | Localhost works fine | 09:48 |
Nibr | But when I enter in my ip.. I get this message: | 09:48 |
djm62 | shoken: gaim does MSN messaging if that's what you want to do | 09:48 |
Nibr | User Login - Failed | 09:48 |
Nibr | Access permission is currently denied | 09:48 |
shoken | oh, i didn't know that djm62 thx :) | 09:48 |
Nibr | Any ideas? | 09:49 |
djm62 | shoken: gaim is friendly, and does most networks | 09:49 |
Bukkake | on that -- any instant messengers for CLI? :x | 09:49 |
shoken | thx for your help ^^ | 09:49 |
aVeedo | so you want specific people have access? Or is it a public iste? | 09:49 |
djm62 | centericq? | 09:49 |
shoken | oh, another question and i leave :p | 09:49 |
djm62 | bitlbee | 09:49 |
Nibr | public site | 09:49 |
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aVeedo | in /etc/apache2/sites-available | 09:49 |
shoken | can i get KDE on ubuntu ? | 09:49 |
aVeedo | there should be "default" | 09:50 |
osity | do i have to have a mount point for raided drives? | 09:50 |
djm62 | shoken: you can, or you can get kubuntu | 09:50 |
aladdin_ | HappyFool, ... k now configure goes further (so our thing worked). I get a new error: can't find zlib. Gues I try to install it from synaptic too.... | 09:50 |
osity | im setting up the partitions. | 09:50 |
aVeedo | is that configured correctly? Like, | 09:50 |
aVeedo | Order allow,deny allow from all | 09:50 |
pjw | Hi, Can I choose packages during Ubuntu installation? | 09:50 |
shoken | ok, must be a package i think... | 09:50 |
aVeedo | no | 09:50 |
HappyFool | aladdin_: get djm62 to help you with that "apt-get build-dep" thing | 09:50 |
djm62 | aladdin: if you can type "sudo apt-get build-depends gwenview" at a command line | 09:50 |
aVeedo | you have to do that after the install, pjw | 09:50 |
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shoken | well, good evening all, and thx a lot :) | 09:51 |
Nibr | I installed a package called Xampp.. | 09:51 |
xc | do I need to reboot after running sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ? | 09:51 |
HappyFool | djm62: i think it's build-dep, and when i tried that it complaing about needing extra entries in /etc/apt/sources.list | 09:51 |
aVeedo | Niber, by IP do you mean internal or external? | 09:51 |
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aladdin_ | djm62, k I'll do | 09:51 |
Nibr | External | 09:51 |
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hypa7ia | has anyone received their cd's yet? | 09:51 |
HappyFool | xc: you should be able to restart X with Ctrl-Backspace (I think) | 09:52 |
aVeedo | You have a roughter that's configured to your internal? | 09:52 |
Nibr | To access the pages from the internet | 09:52 |
aVeedo | Try just in the network and tell me if that works. ifconfig | 09:52 |
HappyFool | Ctrl-Alt-Backspace | 09:52 |
aVeedo | if it works inside the network then you just have to work w/ your roughter | 09:52 |
aladdin_ | djm62, ... by the way configure is asking for zilb, which is installed (zlib1g) do you think it's a good thing to install thde dev package too? | 09:53 |
djm62 | aladdin_: yes | 09:53 |
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ivoks | ok... | 09:53 |
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aladdin_ | djm62, k doing so.. | 09:53 |
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ivoks | hello | 09:55 |
djm62 | aladdin_: on my machine "sudo apt-get build-dep gwenview" gets all the dependencies | 09:55 |
osity | raid expereince anyone? | 09:56 |
ivoks | me | 09:56 |
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aladdin_ | djm62, guess I should have listened earlier... I'm like that sometimes :o| | 09:56 |
ivoks | osity what's up? | 09:56 |
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osity | ivoks hi,,,, | 09:56 |
osity | i am setting up raid 1 with the partioner | 09:56 |
ivoks | osity scsi or sata raid? | 09:56 |
djm62 | aladdin_: I was misspelling it earlier ;) | 09:56 |
aVeedo | so can anybody help me get php configured? | 09:56 |
ivoks | osity oh, software raid? | 09:56 |
osity | and it fails to create | 09:56 |
osity | yes | 09:56 |
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xc | logging out and logging back in should restart X too, right? | 09:57 |
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aVeedo | yes | 09:57 |
JDahl | aVeedo, normally you dont have to configure it, just install libapache-mod-php4 | 09:57 |
xc | this is frustrating... I just can't set my screen refresh rate to anything else than 60 hz | 09:57 |
aladdin_ | djm62, ok that's it I'm going for your "sudo apt-get build-dep gwenview" command, configure keeps asking me for new dependdencies . lol | 09:58 |
JDahl | xc, if you just did a major upgrade, maybe you need to run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 09:58 |
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djm62 | xc: have you googled your monitor name and xf86config? | 09:58 |
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djm62 | it sounds like your monitor is inadequately detected | 09:59 |
xc | JDahl, I just did that, with no effect (even though I chose 85hz in the setup process) | 09:59 |
amonkey | ut2004 just stopped working recently. i click join and it freezes. how can i watch for output to see what's going wrong? | 09:59 |
xc | no djm62, gonna do that now | 09:59 |
aVeedo | JDahl, it was already installed and I just reinstalled it. | 09:59 |
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aVeedo | ok, that did it. firefox was just looking at its cache | 10:01 |
aVeedo | thanks | 10:01 |
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djm62 | libxrandr-dev? gwenview must be fearsome | 10:02 |
aladdin_ | djm62, mouhahaha! 59 packages to install... would have been long 1 at the time! thx guess this will do the job. Gwenrename is basically a batch renaming scheme for gwenview. You know what: the more I use Ubuntu (well Kubuntu) the more I love it. Finaly I can run real apps that won't Winblow! | 10:02 |
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djm62 | aladdin_: yeah, I tested the command and replied "N" to downloading the complete KDE developer stuff | 10:03 |
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UnreA|L | how shutdown computer from terminal | 10:03 |
UnreA|L | ? | 10:03 |
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thenuke | UnreA|L:sudo shutdown -h now | 10:04 |
djm62 | UnreA|L: shutdown -h now | 10:04 |
aladdin_ | djm62, tried gnome (Ubuntu) and liked it too. But am more the K style :o) | 10:04 |
benz240 | is there a way to uninstall something | 10:04 |
UnreA|L | Thanks ;) | 10:04 |
benz240 | such as the 386 kernel? | 10:04 |
thenuke | benz240: apt-get remove | 10:04 |
benz240 | k | 10:04 |
thenuke | benz240: or do it with synaptic | 10:04 |
thenuke | right click and choose remove or something | 10:04 |
Bukkake | sudo shutdown -h now? What's the "-h" for? | 10:04 |
djm62 | I like KDE on knoppix...otherwise it just doesn't quite seem right to me | 10:05 |
djm62 | Bukkake: halt | 10:05 |
djm62 | Bukkake: rather than -r for restart for instance | 10:05 |
Bukkake | So without the -h . . . it won't completely shutdown? o.0 | 10:05 |
djm62 | try it ;) | 10:05 |
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thenuke | then you can press the power switch | 10:05 |
thenuke | if it does not.. | 10:06 |
Bukkake | I have, it doesn't . . . | 10:06 |
thenuke | with ATX PSU I guess it does powerdown by itself | 10:06 |
thenuke | "-h Halt or poweroff after shutdown." says the man page of shutdown | 10:06 |
Bukkake | Yep, that's what I do . . . and I deemed from that point on -- to shut it down physically | 10:06 |
Bukkake | Ahh | 10:06 |
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ThomasWinwood | What are the advantages and disadvantages of running as root? | 10:07 |
Bukkake | ThomasWinwood: "advantage" would be that you can do "everything" . . . disadvantage: not safe | 10:07 |
djm62 | ThomasWinwood: as root you can break stuff without thinking too hard | 10:08 |
Burgundavia | ThomasWinwood, there are no advantages | 10:08 |
ThomasWinwood | Because it gets tedious to type "sudo" before every command. | 10:08 |
jacobW | hey guys | 10:08 |
aladdin_ | djm62, what I love the most is that I've been trying for a very long time to run a http server (undern Windows) but it just wouldn't work with all I needed... Unless paying ($) alot. Now: wow! I just installed a Mambo php routine on my server and I am having the fun of my life. | 10:08 |
HappyFool | wait until you really break something | 10:08 |
Burgundavia | ThomasWinwood, windows runs as root, that is all you need to think about | 10:08 |
HappyFool | it will seem less tedious | 10:08 |
ThomasWinwood | "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" "gedit: error: permission denied" "...&$$^&^*(%" | 10:08 |
Bukkake | ThomasWinwood: About 2 weeks ago, as a nub (I still am a nub) I started irssi with root . . . yeah . . . and uhh, things didn't go that well after that. Only login as root when you need it | 10:08 |
djm62 | ThomasWinwood: sudo bash, and leave a root shell running in a terminal, if it bothers you so much | 10:09 |
Bukkake | Or use another virtual terminal for that? (..heh, nothing wrong with that, right?) | 10:09 |
mirak | libemotion0: | 10:09 |
mirak | Depends: libxine1 (>=1.0.1) but 1.0-1ubuntu4 is to be installed | 10:09 |
ivoks | djm62 sudo bash? :)) | 10:09 |
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ivoks | djm62 sudo -s | 10:09 |
mirak | I got that error | 10:09 |
DXT | Hello, how can I make Evolution show Fri/Sat instead of Sat/Sun in a single column in month view? | 10:09 |
mirak | I don't understand what it means exactly | 10:09 |
djm62 | ivoks: new one on me? | 10:09 |
mirak | in english | 10:09 |
jacobW | ive been running FC3 i wanted to try another 64 bit distro....so i tried ubuntu | 10:10 |
aladdin_ | djm62, and I just can't believe how fast gcc compiles an app on my PIII :o) | 10:10 |
jacobW | does any one know how to update im uused to rpms | 10:10 |
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djm62 | ivoks: cheers...I only used sudo on ubuntu | 10:10 |
ThomasWinwood | RPMs can be converted to deb format with alien -i name | 10:10 |
ivoks | djm62 it's better to use root's default shell, than force it to use XYZ shell | 10:10 |
HappyFool | you can update by doing "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade" | 10:11 |
jacobW | what media player dp you guys sugjest | 10:11 |
HappyFool | but you need to have /etc/apt/sources.list setup first | 10:11 |
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djp | jacobW: i just use the default players under hoary | 10:11 |
djm62 | jacobW: rhythmbox for tunes | 10:11 |
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djp | jacobW: many recommend xmms for music and mplayer for everything else | 10:12 |
MidnightDevil | hi, my ut2004 doesnt play any sound, but xmms works fine, when i run alsamixer i get to configure some other card instead of my audigy, anyway to change the default sndcard? | 10:12 |
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djm62 | jacobW: mplayer is good for video stuff | 10:12 |
smouche | does anyone know why there aren't any channel ops in #kubuntu, but there always seem to be several in here? just cause there are more folks logged in here? | 10:12 |
jacobW | i allways use xine and it worked verry well for me but that is because th FC distro have now way to play mp3s | 10:12 |
djp | jacobW: the only extra players i have installed are timidity for midi and sidplay for sid tunes | 10:13 |
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jacobW | tar ball? | 10:13 |
djm62 | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 10:13 |
MidnightDevil | someone? | 10:13 |
smouche | cause, #kubuntu needs some moderating. | 10:13 |
smouche | imho | 10:13 |
djp | jacobW: yeah, i like xine. used that when i was running fc3 | 10:13 |
Bukkake | okay -- when I have screen running, I can't login as root from one "window" and another user on another, right? | 10:14 |
HappyFool | i use xine to play dvds. mplayer crashes for me doing that. | 10:14 |
ivoks | xine rocks | 10:14 |
a_monkey | are there any language-learning apps out there? | 10:14 |
djm62 | Bukkake: you can sudo in one window | 10:14 |
Bukkake | Oh, alright. thanks | 10:14 |
djm62 | a_monkey: for kanji? | 10:15 |
JDahl | HappyFool, did you build mplayer yourself? I build it on my own before I realized it's in universe, and that was both easy and works flawlessly | 10:15 |
jacobW | so what do you think the best way to install xine is?? | 10:15 |
djp | totem-gstreamer is working fairly well now under hoary | 10:15 |
HappyFool | JDahl: yeah, also got it from universe. or marillat, not sure now | 10:15 |
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a_monkey | djm62: what's kanju? | 10:15 |
a_monkey | djm62: kanji* | 10:15 |
djm62 | a_monkey: japanese characters | 10:15 |
JDahl | HappyFool, buildin it is not much more that ./configure; make; make install | 10:15 |
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a_monkey | nope. for languages like spanish | 10:16 |
HappyFool | unnecessary compilation is against my religion | 10:16 |
JDahl | HappyFool, catholic? | 10:16 |
ThomasWinwood | My other problem with Linux is that it almost feels modularised - it's too difficult to install a program, so people make easy ways with the result that we stick to strict scheduled updates rather than just "get the latest version when it appears". | 10:16 |
HappyFool | pragmatic | 10:16 |
HappyFool | ;) | 10:16 |
djm62 | ThomasWinwood: too difficult is a relative thing | 10:17 |
ThomasWinwood | Ubuntu's repositories are a perfect example - they're an excellent idea, but just too slow at updating. | 10:17 |
HappyFool | heh | 10:17 |
HappyFool | i thought ubuntu was supposed to be fast? :) | 10:17 |
aladdin_ | jacobW, I use the default players, in my case Kafeine and JuK cause I'm on kubuntu, but I found Totem and espeacially Rythmbox fine under Ubuntu. Mplayer is a must I think because of the mplayer Mozilla plugin for streaming media (including native Quicktime MOV files) on most web sites. | 10:17 |
ThomasWinwood | The version of Firefox in the free ones is still an evil modified version of 1.0.2. | 10:17 |
djm62 | ThomasWinwood: but if you always get the latest versions, it's nigh-on impossible to keep a system running smoothly | 10:17 |
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Bukkake | That makes you unhappy? | 10:17 |
Bukkake | !ping | 10:17 |
hypa7ia | ThomasWinwood: you've obviously never used debian ;-) | 10:18 |
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jacobW | FC uses rpms what is the ubuntu equivelent | 10:18 |
Bazzi | ThomasWinwood thats more the policy of ubuntu rather than not being up2date | 10:18 |
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|QuaD- | jacobW: deb | 10:18 |
alexw | how do i install enlightenment dr17 on ubuntu | 10:18 |
hypa7ia | jacobW: .deb;s | 10:18 |
djm62 | jacobW: deb | 10:18 |
ivoks | hm... | 10:18 |
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djm62 | ThomasWinwood: if you want to run debian sid (unstable), you are free to | 10:18 |
HappyFool | jacobw: start Synaptic: System -> Administration -> Synaptic | 10:18 |
ThomasWinwood | Why are they unstable though? | 10:19 |
HappyFool | all the package management you'll probably need | 10:19 |
djm62 | ThomasWinwood: but I wouldn't recommend it, having done so | 10:19 |
ThomasWinwood | Why shouldn't upgrading to the latest version be easy and non-problematic? | 10:19 |
HappyFool | cos of conflicting dependencies | 10:19 |
djm62 | ThomasWinwood: because it takes time to find bugs, and bugs will always be there | 10:19 |
Bazzi | ThomasWinwood theyre unstable as long as they arent tested inside otu and/or have major bugs | 10:19 |
xc | omg I did it.. I now have 85hz refresh rate. after 1 hour of configuring obscure files, wondering why nothing happened, finding out that logging out and in again doesn't restart X, being presented with an error that said X failed to start, using the console to fix the same obsure files again... all to do something as simple as changing the screen resolution | 10:19 |
xc | linux is sooo not ready for the average user | 10:19 |
=== shinaku [~shinaku@81-178-141-173.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shinaku | Hey dudes | 10:19 |
|QuaD- | ThomasWinwood: you can upgrade to the latest version of any software whenever you want | 10:19 |
Bukkake | uhmm, btw, has anyone gotten the hoary discs by mail yet? I ordered them more than a month ago, I think.. I need it asap -- I messed up X, and I was suggested that while I do the "upgrade" to hoary from warthog, it will correct matters like those | 10:20 |
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Bazzi | xc: agreed. | 10:20 |
djp | ThomasWinwood: i prefer to wait for a repo update, knowing that it is likely to have been tested and working well under the current distro. i don't really see the need for updating for updatings sake to be honest. as long as the specific app is doing what i want it to do, i am happy. | 10:20 |
jacobW | is kunbunto kde?? | 10:20 |
djm62 | xc: the average user has the monitor detected correctly ;) | 10:20 |
HappyFool | xc: depends how well the hardware is supported | 10:20 |
JDahl | xc, who ever said that Linux was targeted for average user? | 10:20 |
ThomasWinwood | HappyFool: So why don't the necessaries get compiled into the program rather than needing a precise version of libfoo? | 10:20 |
xc | it's a viewsonic monitor, nothing fancy | 10:20 |
HappyFool | xc: if you think that was hard, try setting up a winmodem ;) | 10:20 |
Bazzi | JDahl ubuntu is. | 10:20 |
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|QuaD- | ThomasWinwood: that would make too many repeted libraries | 10:20 |
shinaku | Just got my 5.04 cds through the post today, installed ok (ish) but I have 2.6.10 Generic and 2.6.10 Generic Default in Grub | 10:20 |
shinaku | which do I wanna use? | 10:20 |
djm62 | ThomasWinwood: because that would involve compiling a lot of extra stuff into it, which you would have to download | 10:20 |
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xc | ah well, I don't complain. at least I learnt something. but I won't tell my mom to use linux :P | 10:21 |
aladdin_ | jacobW, oh and mplayer is cool too cause it will play vcd and dvd ISO's without actually mounting (or burning) them. I find it VERY usefull when wanting to watch a downloaded movie ISO file since I don't have a DVD player or any burner device. | 10:21 |
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ThomasWinwood | djm62: So why make them packages? Why aren't common calls in the kernel? | 10:21 |
djm62 | wasting disk space and bandwidth | 10:21 |
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ThomasWinwood | "You can't use that, that's in kernel version X which is still in beta"? | 10:21 |
djm62 | ThomasWinwood: how common? | 10:21 |
=== drfanatic [~drfanatic@p54BCD6A5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bazzi | well kernels are a different story | 10:21 |
djm62 | ThomasWinwood: it is a compromise, and no system exists which isn't | 10:21 |
aladdin_ | jacobW, yes Kubuntu is the Ubuntu project KDE desktop. | 10:21 |
thenuke | shinaku: both really are the same? | 10:21 |
jacobW | aladdin_ did you install using debs or tar ball or what | 10:21 |
thenuke | shinaku: there should be something and then something else :P | 10:22 |
acidchild | lol | 10:22 |
JDahl | xc, there's only two kinds of linux users: those trying to convert your grandmother to Linux, and then your grandmother | 10:22 |
thenuke | shinaku: like xx.. and xx rescue.. | 10:22 |
macarthy | hi! java on AMD64 / with ubuntu ? Anyone do it? | 10:22 |
MidnightDevil | hi, my ut2004 doesnt play any sound, but xmms works fine, when i run alsamixer i get to configure some other card instead of my audigy, anyway to change the default sndcard? | 10:22 |
acidchild | does ubuntu use grub? | 10:22 |
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thenuke | acidchild: yeah | 10:22 |
nikls | i tryed to install my new Canon Pixma Ip1500 printer but there is no Pixma in printer list, which printer driver do I have to choose? | 10:22 |
drfanatic | hello! | 10:22 |
acidchild | ok. | 10:22 |
macarthy | acidchild: yes or lilo | 10:22 |
ThomasWinwood | The dependency problem exists because common libraries are packages rather than modules to the kernel or built into the kernel, and thus have different versions and different release schedules. | 10:22 |
Bukkake | JDahl: but the grandma isn't the linux user now, is she . . . | 10:22 |
shinaku | I have Generic, Generic Recover, Generic Default and Generic Default recover | 10:22 |
shinaku | and XP ^^ | 10:22 |
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djm62 | ThomasWinwood: if you feel like running software which is less tested, debian unstable is there, mandrake is pretty frequently updated, even breezy badger on ubuntu...I don't need that kind of hassle in my life :) | 10:22 |
acidchild | mm.... little over complex if u ask me lol | 10:23 |
=== yahalom [~amichai@bzq-84-108-2-236.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mirak | anyone now a rational mixer for sblive 5.1 ? | 10:23 |
Bazzi | ThomasWinwood no sane person would want libs to be in the kernel? | 10:23 |
drfanatic | spricht jemend deutsch? | 10:23 |
HappyFool | ThomasWinwood: you reckon all shared libraries should be part of the kernel (?) | 10:23 |
thenuke | shinaku: ok :) sound weird, but I would go for the one which is the first one | 10:23 |
acidchild | shinaku: use Generic | 10:23 |
aladdin_ | jacobW, Kubuntu? No, it's available in Synaptic package installer as an official Ubuntu release. | 10:23 |
shinaku | ok | 10:23 |
yahalom | ok bros i lost my gnome after install kde, i assume it was just removed from my xsessions, what and where do i add? thanx | 10:23 |
ThomasWinwood | Bazzi: If libs were part of the kernel their development cycle would be fixed to it - no dependency problems. | 10:23 |
jacobW | aladdin_ no i ment mplayer | 10:23 |
acidchild | u might have to compil ur own anyway as i forgot the spec of ur box :/ | 10:23 |
djm62 | ThomasWinwood: building too much into the kernel is nasty...some people even think the kernel is too big at the moment | 10:23 |
drfanatic | i have enter a wrong code | 10:23 |
drfanatic | ln -sf /dev/dsp1 /dev/dsp how i can undo it? | 10:23 |
HappyFool | drfanatic: tried #ubuntu-de | 10:23 |
Burgundavia | ThomasWinwood, libs are not supposed to be part of the kernel | 10:23 |
thenuke | shinaku: and bookmark this http://ubuntuguide.org/ | 10:23 |
drfanatic | thx happyfool | 10:24 |
macarthy | hi! java on AMD64 / with ubuntu ? Anyone do it? | 10:24 |
acidchild | shinaku: some nice reading for you =p | 10:24 |
Burgundavia | ThomasWinwood, windows gets around it by bundling the library with every app, which has it own problems | 10:24 |
djm62 | ThomasWinwood: and incidentally, increasing the workload of a particular group of developers would slow things down | 10:24 |
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djm62 | ThomasWinwood: what functionality are you missing? | 10:24 |
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ThomasWinwood | The way I look at it - there's two ways of doing it. | 10:24 |
alexw | does anybody know how to install e17 | 10:24 |
ThomasWinwood | 1. Everything's in the program. Programs are independent entities. No libraries - all in the programs. | 10:25 |
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djm62 | the way I look at it, there's a whole spectrum of ways to do things | 10:25 |
jacobW | so what is the better way to install mplayer??? | 10:25 |
ThomasWinwood | 2. Everything's in the OS. Programs rely on sections of the OS to work. | 10:25 |
shinaku | ok thanks thenuke | 10:25 |
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nikls | does anyone knows how to install canon pixma printer? | 10:25 |
yahalom | anybody? | 10:25 |
kkathman | Burgundavia: do you know if during installation, ubuntu activates the built in firewall? | 10:25 |
ivoks | no | 10:25 |
HappyFool | jacobw: have you read http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats ? | 10:26 |
ivoks | built in firewall | 10:26 |
djm62 | ThomasWinwood: the world isn't dual like that...programmers are lazy, there is finite time | 10:26 |
Nafallo | jacobW: apt-get install mplayer-[arch] | 10:26 |
ThomasWinwood | If I delete libfoo, then a whole load of programs complain that libfoo is missing. But if I install libfoo version X then some programs will complain about the lack of libfoo X, but if I upgrade to X some will complain about the lack of Y. | 10:26 |
ivoks | that's iptables | 10:26 |
Burgundavia | kkathman, no, becuase there are no open ports | 10:26 |
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djm62 | ThomasWinwood: hence apt! | 10:26 |
ThomasWinwood | But apt doesn't solve the problem. | 10:26 |
djm62 | ThomasWinwood: automatically taking care of dependencies | 10:26 |
ThomasWinwood | apt just allows you to get libfoo Y more efficiently. | 10:26 |
kkathman | ivoks heres the problem I have... in IRC, I have port ranges open for both send and receive, and forwarded on my router to my local IP, so I should be able to DCC, but its closing the connection every time. | 10:27 |
kkathman | NO file transfer in anything works | 10:27 |
Bazzi | ThomasWinwood buildin of that libs would render the kernel unmaintainable =/ | 10:27 |
=== messywessy [~j@cpc4-burn1-4-0-cust128.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
djm62 | ThomasWinwood: example? | 10:27 |
messywessy | hello | 10:27 |
aladdin_ | jacobW, Ah ok. I used the instructions on http://ubuntuguide.org/ . For mplayer and many other usefull apps ;o) | 10:27 |
kkathman | ivoks: so I thought maybe there was something preset that was blocking it | 10:27 |
ThomasWinwood | And by your logic libfoo X and libfoo Y can't coexist. How do I decide which programs to put out of action? | 10:27 |
ivoks | kkathman iptables -L | 10:27 |
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ivoks | if it's empty (all ACCEPT) then u don;t have firewall | 10:28 |
djm62 | ThomasWinwood: it's pretty easy to get email addresses for developers for each project...you email them all and get them using the same library versions... | 10:28 |
kkathman | ivoks...errors errors errors | 10:28 |
ThomasWinwood | Seems like too much trouble for Joe Bloggs to me. | 10:28 |
jacobW | does thanks guys i got some reading to do now to figure this out but once again thanks for the help!!! | 10:28 |
ivoks | kkathman then u don't have firewall :) | 10:29 |
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beowu1f | any maya linux users here? | 10:29 |
kkathman | just says Chain INPUT (Policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source and nothing | 10:29 |
xc | ok next challenge.. how would I upgrade firefox 1.02 to 1.03. it's not listed in the synaptic packet manager... | 10:29 |
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djm62 | ThomasWinwood: what you're talking about is waiting to get the latest versions of some programs...they'll be here before longhorn, I personally guarantee | 10:29 |
kkathman | ok so nothing is set up there | 10:29 |
ivoks | kkathman that's ok, no rules set up | 10:29 |
kkathman | darn | 10:29 |
aladdin_ | djm62, My sources are all there. configure went trough the whole routine. I can make, make install. Many thx :o) | 10:29 |
kkathman | hmmm ok..well I guess I'll have to go elsewhere | 10:29 |
djm62 | aladdin_: best of british | 10:29 |
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kkathman | to find the problem | 10:30 |
MidnightDevil | SOMEON! | 10:30 |
ThomasWinwood | djm62: My problem is that this bureaucratic "package selection" means packages are constantly out-of-date. There's 1.0.3 and Ubuntu still ships with 1.0.2. | 10:30 |
djm62 | ThomasWinwood: what does 1.0.3 do that 1.0.2 doesn't? | 10:30 |
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ThomasWinwood | Check the changelog. | 10:30 |
yahalom | ok can someone tell me if this is right. I was missing gnome.desktop in my xsessions. So i made gnome.desktop and moved it to /usr/share/xsessions. I have gnome installed. However its still not an option on login, why not? | 10:30 |
ivoks | ThomasWinwood ? | 10:30 |
ThomasWinwood | There's always good reasons to upgrade to version V+1 from V. | 10:30 |
aladdin_ | djm62, fast learning french canadian | 10:30 |
xc | so there is not FF 1.0.3 for ubuntu? | 10:30 |
xc | no* | 10:31 |
ThomasWinwood | xc: backports. | 10:31 |
ivoks | ThomasWinwood point me at distro that allways has newest packages | 10:31 |
djm62 | ThomasWinwood: you are of course free not to use package management...it's not a linux thing | 10:31 |
djm62 | aladdin_: it's an expression..."best of british luck to you" | 10:31 |
aladdin_ | djm62, oh... still having to learn french canadian then . lol | 10:31 |
ThomasWinwood | What's needed is a single easy method to produce a package which can be used across the board to make an uptodate package, sorta like P2P. | 10:31 |
djm62 | ThomasWinwood: there's always good reasons not to, or every package manager would be a thin wrapper around CVS | 10:32 |
geppy | ivoks: Grumpy Groundhog | 10:32 |
ivoks | geppy :) | 10:32 |
geppy | ivoks: =) | 10:32 |
ivoks | geppy Sid | 10:32 |
geppy | ivoks: ha! | 10:32 |
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geppy | ivoks: Well, yeah, I guess. Grumpy is more of a "needlessly [for end users] unstable" in a kind of awesome way. | 10:32 |
geppy | /name geppy|away | 10:33 |
geppy | argh | 10:33 |
ivoks | geppy i didn't know grumpy egzist :) | 10:33 |
yahalom | plz? | 10:33 |
geppy | ivoks: haha | 10:33 |
geppy | ivoks: pffft =P | 10:33 |
djm62 | ThomasWinwood: if you don't like package management, and you have the time to keep your system simultaneously up-to-date and consistent, you can do it all for free...I have a full time job, so I use package management | 10:33 |
djm62 | also completely for free | 10:33 |
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geppy | Simply put, package things _with_ dependencies, use autopackage, screw disk space. | 10:34 |
djm62 | and bandwidth... | 10:34 |
ivoks | it's cheap :) | 10:34 |
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geppy | djm62: Right, and bandwidth. | 10:35 |
djm62 | and bandwidth and time cost more than diskspace | 10:35 |
geppy | anyhow, I'm off to shower (egads!), I'll be back later | 10:35 |
DXT | Is it possible to make Evolution show Fri/Sat instead of Sat/Sun in a single column in month view? | 10:35 |
djm62 | I'm off to drinky-vous | 10:35 |
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geppy | djm62: Bandwidth is pretty cheap, but over time it might cost more than disk space | 10:35 |
DXT | I set start of week on sunday and work days all except saturday | 10:36 |
geppy | but this isn't a perfect solution; it's not a perfect world | 10:36 |
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DXT | but it has no effect on that | 10:36 |
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geppy | DXT: don't condense weekends in month view, or something | 10:36 |
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DXT | I'll look for that | 10:36 |
xc | I'm not sure if I totally understand the concept of packages: does that mean I can only install updates for software after the ubuntu devs have ported it to the synaptic packager? | 10:37 |
andrewski | why are there so many automake versions available (in breezy, specifically)? | 10:37 |
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HappyFool | xc: well, they upload stuff to the main repository, and then you get it via apt or synaptic | 10:37 |
sir-gold | while we are on the topic of things you can't get with apt, where can i get libc6 2.3.2dsl-21? | 10:38 |
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DXT | geppy - thanks, I disable "compress weekends in month view". Too bad I can't set my own weekend days though. | 10:38 |
andrewski | xc: but you have to sync to the ubuntu repository to get the changes. | 10:38 |
HappyFool | and, as far as i know, the only updates which *are* uploaded are security or bug-fixes | 10:38 |
DXT | disabled* | 10:38 |
HappyFool | until the next release of ubuntu | 10:38 |
yahalom | ppl i lost gnome! | 10:38 |
yahalom | i want gnome back :( | 10:38 |
Quest-Master | yahalom: did you install k3b? | 10:38 |
yahalom | Quest-Master: k3v. kde the whole lot of ks | 10:38 |
xc | so as long as there is no update for FF 1.0.3 in the repository, I can't upgrade it. or would there be another way (not that I needed to upgrade, just out of interest)? | 10:38 |
hypa7ia | adios ubuntos! | 10:39 |
benz240 | how do i install a .deb package that i downloaded? | 10:39 |
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Quest-Master | yahalom: That's exactly why | 10:39 |
HappyFool | xc: you can install it in your home directory | 10:39 |
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mindmedic | benz240, using dpkg | 10:39 |
yahalom | Quest-Master: so how do i get it back? i didnt lose it last time. cant i just add it to xsessions? | 10:39 |
DXT | benz240: dpgk -i mypgkname.deb | 10:39 |
HappyFool | download from www.mozilla.org (or wherever) and run their installer | 10:39 |
ivoks | dpkg | 10:39 |
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sixth | does anyone know if a PRET capable FTP client for ubuntu? | 10:40 |
ivoks | xc why would u update? | 10:40 |
benz240 | is there a way to do it graphically? | 10:40 |
benz240 | like make it a default action when i double click? | 10:40 |
xc | ivoks, I don't need to upgrade. just trying to figure out how the package thing works | 10:40 |
ivoks | xc why would u use firefox 1.0.3 from mozilla.org instead of firefox 1.0.2 in ubuntu | 10:40 |
xc | because it has additional bug fixes I suppose | 10:40 |
andrewski | benz240: you could make your default action dpkg -i (IIRC) | 10:41 |
mindmedic | yeah, assign "gksudo dpkg -i" command to deb files | 10:41 |
ivoks | xc it doesn't | 10:41 |
xc | no? | 10:41 |
sixth | does anyone know if a PRET capable FTP client for ubuntu? | 10:41 |
ivoks | xc all security holes discoverd on 1.0.2 are fixed in 1.0.2 | 10:41 |
benz240 | ok ill try that | 10:41 |
sixth | :-) | 10:41 |
mindmedic | but i recommend using the console | 10:41 |
ivoks | xc debian and ubuntu backports security fixes | 10:41 |
mindmedic | what are you so afraid of | 10:41 |
xc | hmm ivoks, so the ubuntu 1.0.2 version of FF contains all bug fixes of the 1.0.3 version from mozilla? that's confusing :) | 10:41 |
xc | why wouldn't they change the version to 1.0.3 as well? | 10:42 |
ivoks | xc it isn't... it's called security repositories | 10:42 |
mindmedic | besides if installing a package fails using this method you won't get any feedback... | 10:42 |
mindmedic | so forget it... | 10:42 |
skeltel | does anyone know why firefox crashes hoary now that i installed blackbox | 10:43 |
andrewski | benz240: what are you looking for that's not in ubuntu's repositories? | 10:43 |
xc | anyway, thanks for clearing that up ivoks | 10:43 |
benz240 | Opera | 10:43 |
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ivoks | xc np | 10:44 |
Andril | hello all again | 10:44 |
Burgundavia | benz240, you need to download it from opera.com | 10:44 |
benz240 | yes i know | 10:44 |
benz240 | done that | 10:44 |
benz240 | im trying to install now | 10:44 |
Andril | is there a comand to show system info? | 10:44 |
andrewski | benz240: what i did was create my own local repository, download Opera to it, then apt-get update, and apt-get install opera. works well because then i have the package on my system and can download an update and apt will see it. :) | 10:44 |
benz240 | i think i installed it but i dont know where it went | 10:44 |
andrewski | Andril: there are many. :P gnome-system-monitor is one... | 10:44 |
benz240 | its not showing up under applications menu | 10:44 |
ivoks | benz240 omg, then there isn't one :) | 10:45 |
benz240 | uh ok | 10:45 |
Andril | wow got alot of *WARNING instances | 10:45 |
ivoks | benz240 don't use prop. software | 10:45 |
andrewski | Andril: theme-related? | 10:45 |
benz240 | wtf not | 10:45 |
ivoks | u see they don't know anything :) | 10:45 |
benz240 | haha | 10:46 |
benz240 | apparently | 10:46 |
benz240 | cuz it didnt install | 10:46 |
Andril | andrewski, perhaps | 10:46 |
ivoks | benz240 no... opera doesn't create menu item | 10:46 |
Andril | andrewski,you guys are great | 10:46 |
andrewski | ivoks: yes, it does. | 10:46 |
benz240 | oh well where is the linux equivalent of "Program Files" | 10:46 |
benz240 | im so new to this | 10:46 |
andrewski | benz240: probably in /usr/share/ | 10:47 |
ivoks | andrewski well... not for me :) | 10:47 |
andrewski | benz240: but what are you looking for? | 10:47 |
andrewski | ivoks: sucks to be you? :P | 10:47 |
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pdk001 | hi all | 10:47 |
benz240 | opera | 10:47 |
HappyFool | try "dpkg -L <package-name>|grep /usr/bin" | 10:47 |
Andril | it would be great when they add a serial number | 10:47 |
pdk001 | anyone know how to compile cedega? | 10:47 |
benz240 | i think it didnt make a binary | 10:47 |
benz240 | or something | 10:47 |
andrewski | benz240: you want to run it? | 10:47 |
benz240 | yes sir | 10:47 |
ivoks | andrewski well, only when u suck my :) | 10:47 |
andrewski | benz240: ah, you want /usr/bin/opera (if it's there) | 10:48 |
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benz240 | its there | 10:48 |
=== NeODarK [~ajoderse@183.Red-83-39-17.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
benz240 | but theres no binary | 10:48 |
andrewski | benz240: that is the binary. | 10:48 |
andrewski | benz240: not a folder... | 10:48 |
benz240 | uh | 10:48 |
HappyFool | it might be a shell-script or something, but it ought to be executable | 10:48 |
sir-gold | benz240 are using ubuntu or kubuntu | 10:48 |
benz240 | look how do i run it | 10:48 |
benz240 | im using ubuntu | 10:48 |
benz240 | gnome | 10:48 |
benz240 | straight default | 10:49 |
Andril | opera | 10:49 |
andrewski | benz240: in a terminal, type 'opera' | 10:49 |
benz240 | installed last night | 10:49 |
HappyFool | go to a terminal, and type "opera" ? | 10:49 |
ivoks | andrewski dpkg -L opera | grep desktop | 10:49 |
sir-gold | im using kubuntu and opera didn't create an icon for me, i had to manually add one | 10:49 |
benz240 | haha good call | 10:49 |
NeODarK | hello | 10:49 |
andrewski | benz240: more specifically, '/usr/bin/opera' | 10:49 |
benz240 | now how do i make the icon | 10:49 |
benz240 | its running | 10:49 |
benz240 | opera worked | 10:49 |
Andril | but you may get errors | 10:49 |
ivoks | benz240 go to /usr/share/applications/ | 10:49 |
ThomasWinwood | I'm almost preferring MacOS's tendency to create an icon on the bar when I install a program. o_O | 10:49 |
ivoks | benz240 copy firefox.desktop to opera.desktop | 10:50 |
ivoks | open opera.desktop and edit it | 10:50 |
andrewski | ivoks: nothing, but i have /usr/share/apps/kappfinder/apps/Internet/opera.desktop | 10:50 |
ivoks | andrewski and that's obsolete | 10:50 |
mindmedic | benz240, you know alt+f2 right | 10:50 |
Andril | benz240, you using Opera 8? | 10:51 |
benz240 | now i do | 10:51 |
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benz240 | yes | 10:51 |
andrewski | ivoks: i'm just sayin'... | 10:51 |
benz240 | ok im in the /usr/bin folder | 10:51 |
benz240 | found opera | 10:51 |
andrewski | ivoks: /var/lib/menu-xdg/applications/menu-xdg/X-Debian-Apps-Net-opera.desktop | 10:51 |
benz240 | it has a "SH" icon | 10:51 |
benz240 | how do i make a "shortcut" for it | 10:51 |
andrewski | benz240: did you follow ivok's suggestion? | 10:51 |
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benz240 | copy firefox.desktop? | 10:51 |
benz240 | wtf | 10:51 |
andrewski | benz240: yes, that file will tell gnome's menu to create an entry. | 10:52 |
andrewski | benz240: if you copy it to opera, and edit the fields, you can have one for opera too. :D | 10:52 |
andrewski | benz240: i may do that myself.... | 10:52 |
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benz240 | im confused, copy it TO opera? | 10:52 |
benz240 | i cannot get my brain to think of stuff in a way other than windows | 10:53 |
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jacobW | windows sux | 10:53 |
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mindmedic | benz, cool | 10:54 |
andrewski | benz240: cd /usr/share/applications; cp firefox.desktop opera.desktop | 10:54 |
benz240 | so im struggling to do stuff in the terminal | 10:54 |
andrewski | benz240: then edit opera.desktop :) | 10:54 |
benz240 | need a graphical way to do it | 10:54 |
skeltel | hi all | 10:54 |
benz240 | ok lemme try that andrewski | 10:54 |
jacobW | gui sux | 10:54 |
skeltel | anyone know blackbox | 10:54 |
andrewski | benz240: it might be mozilla-firefox.desktop too, i don't remember. | 10:54 |
jacobW | elinks | 10:55 |
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digitalfox|slp | I'm officially impressed with Ubuntu | 10:55 |
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digitalfox|slp | postfix and popa3d "just work(TM)" | 10:56 |
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mindmedic | jacobW, gui doesn't suck... needing a gui for the simplest task does... | 10:56 |
jacobW | true | 10:56 |
jacobW | im all text no gui now | 10:56 |
rics | Hey! | 10:56 |
jacobW | doin just fine | 10:57 |
mindmedic | how you watch porn? | 10:57 |
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mindmedic | libcaca :) | 10:57 |
benz240 | ok what should i edit the fields to be | 10:57 |
benz240 | like where is the opera icon | 10:57 |
rics | Can I use APT with oficial DEBIAN sources without mess my ubuntu system? | 10:57 |
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rics | I want to install bluefish, but can't find it in the apt-cache search!!! :( | 10:58 |
Huey | is there a way to place a translucent image on top of the entire working desktop, but still allow for normal operation underneath? | 10:58 |
andrewski | benz240: just type 'opera' for the icon. | 10:58 |
mindmedic | rics, add universe & multiverse | 10:58 |
^thehatsrule^ | mindmedic, ascii videos? hehe | 10:58 |
andrewski | benz240: your theme will pick it up. | 10:58 |
rics | mindmedic, what is that??? | 10:58 |
benz240 | ok | 10:58 |
mindmedic | look in ubuntu wiki | 10:58 |
andrewski | benz240: ask which other fields don't make sense... | 10:59 |
mindmedic | maybe in the faq too | 10:59 |
benz240 | can i edit some of this stuff in something OTHER than command like VI? | 10:59 |
benz240 | pplease | 10:59 |
rics | mindmedic, will do that! Thanks!!! | 10:59 |
HappyFool | try nano instead, or gedit | 10:59 |
mindmedic | if you have problems come back | 10:59 |
benz240 | i want to right click on it and edit it in something a little more advance | 10:59 |
HappyFool | gedit is notepad-like, i think | 10:59 |
ThomasWinwood | That reminds me. | 10:59 |
rics | mindmedic, ok! :) Thanks | 10:59 |
=== neofeed [~moritz@p548DD5BB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ThomasWinwood | I have a Lexmark Laserprinter 4039 connected to a Windows share. | 11:00 |
ThomasWinwood | I can print a test page fine. | 11:00 |
mindmedic | HappyFool, never let a gedit developer hear this | 11:00 |
ThomasWinwood | I can print through Openoffice. | 11:00 |
ThomasWinwood | But when I try to print from gedit, the printer says "waiting" for a while, then gives up and doesn't print. | 11:00 |
ThomasWinwood | Why, and can it be fixed? | 11:00 |
benz240 | and is there a way to open a root terminal from a directory im looking at in the file browser? | 11:00 |
benz240 | without having to cd all the way there every time | 11:01 |
mindmedic | benz, theres a program on gnomefiles.org which provides this extra functionality | 11:01 |
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mindmedic | benz, one cd command brings you to every location on your fs... use tab to complete folder or filenames | 11:03 |
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agent | anyone know how to fix getting error "No module named getmailcore" with getmail?? | 11:04 |
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dibli | hi everybody, anyone experience with (k)ubuntu on a sonoma-notebook? | 11:06 |
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benz240 | Andril: wtf | 11:07 |
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andrewski | benz240: vim is about as advanced as you get, IMO (in many's opinions). :P | 11:09 |
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andrewski | benz240: but you could change the association so it opens in gedit or something. | 11:09 |
orathon | hey all | 11:09 |
=== Kojima [~Kojima@4va54-1-81-56-99-115.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
rics | mindmedic, I'm setting it up man! hehehe UBUNTU Rules! Thanks!!! | 11:10 |
=== ryman_ [~ryman@adsl-69-105-224-116.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Andril | does anyone know when Beagle is gonna be added to the package list? | 11:11 |
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lewwy | hello, can anyone here please help me setup captive-ntfs? Whenever I try to acess it from any account (other than root) I get the permission denied error. Any suggestions? | 11:12 |
holycow | http://ceeweb.mit.edu/ <-- hey look, someone ran out of ideas and decided to steal debians logo | 11:12 |
mindmedic | if you help yourself (or do the biggest part) you get experienced a lot faster than poeple who prefer everything spoon-fed into them | 11:12 |
^thehatsrule^ | look up chown or chmod lewwy i think | 11:12 |
mindmedic | sry for my english | 11:12 |
benz240 | hey is it possible to see when you installed a particular package | 11:12 |
benz240 | does anyone know what that little progress bar is beside the text entry field here in X-Chat is? | 11:13 |
benz240 | it keeps going across | 11:13 |
benz240 | every few seconds | 11:13 |
mindmedic | you see :) | 11:13 |
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=== Tux [~Tux@69-170-93-192.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aVeedo | ok | 11:13 |
aVeedo | wtf is up w/ the black bar in text editors? | 11:13 |
lewwy | wait, mindmedic were you talking to me about "spoon feeding"? | 11:13 |
aVeedo | you cant see what's under it! | 11:13 |
Tux | Does anybody know what a svg extension is? | 11:14 |
mindmedic | nope | 11:14 |
lewwy | ah ok | 11:14 |
^thehatsrule^ | Tux, is that the adobe vector format for the web? | 11:14 |
geppy | Tux: scalable vector graphics | 11:14 |
^thehatsrule^ | ya that one | 11:14 |
melodie | svg: native format of Inkscape for exemple | 11:14 |
Tux | yeah | 11:14 |
lewwy | chown: changing ownership of `captive-noname/': Read-only file system | 11:14 |
lewwy | thats the error i get | 11:14 |
Tux | How can I create one... | 11:14 |
=== ermo [~ermo@3E6B20D4.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tux | If I have a png file, that I want to use where I need an svg? | 11:15 |
mindmedic | ?? | 11:15 |
^thehatsrule^ | png isnt a vector image | 11:15 |
melodie | try open it in Gimp and save under .svg | 11:15 |
=== NeODarK [~ajoderse@183.Red-83-39-17.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
melodie | not sure just try | 11:15 |
Tux | Gimp won't recognize svg. | 11:16 |
Tux | I already tried that. | 11:16 |
mindmedic | use inkscape | 11:16 |
andrewski | Tux: you want to convert a png to an svg? | 11:16 |
Tux | Yes. | 11:16 |
melodie | or Imagmagick | 11:16 |
andrewski | Tux: not possible, AFAIK. | 11:16 |
mindmedic | he can trace it | 11:16 |
melodie | Imagemagick | 11:16 |
Tux | Ok, what about a blend, or a gif... | 11:16 |
melodie | try | 11:17 |
Tux | I can convert it to alot of other things... | 11:17 |
melodie | try it all | 11:17 |
mindmedic | blend??? | 11:17 |
Tux | blender. | 11:17 |
mindmedic | i know.. | 11:17 |
mindmedic | what do you want to convert that to? | 11:17 |
mindmedic | jpg, lol | 11:17 |
Tux | That's where I originally created the picture. | 11:17 |
sir-gold | unrelated to linux, but adobe makes a SVG plugin for windows, yet photoshop can't open SVG files | 11:17 |
mindmedic | you can render various output formats in blender | 11:18 |
Tux | Ah, I hadn't thought of that. Let me try that real quick. | 11:18 |
=== penguinparty [~davep@S010600a0cce01511.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mindmedic | photoshop is a pixel manipulation software | 11:18 |
mindmedic | so why should it... | 11:18 |
sir-gold | it supports vector graphics | 11:18 |
mindmedic | cant remember the name of adobes vector illustrator | 11:18 |
sir-gold | just not svg | 11:18 |
penguinparty | hi all . . . Im having troubles with sound under horay | 11:18 |
=== Kojima [~Kojima@4va54-1-81-56-99-115.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mindmedic | really,, didn'T know that | 11:19 |
=== mindmedic slaps himself | ||
holycow | mindmedic, its called illustrator | 11:19 |
holycow | -_- | 11:19 |
sir-gold | text in photoshop is vector for example | 11:19 |
penguinparty | RIP: 0010:[<ffffffff8811b6bb>] <ffffffff8811b6bb>{:snd_au8820:vortex_core_init+42} | 11:19 |
penguinparty | RSP: 0018:ffff81003c2dfde8 EFLAGS: 00010292 | 11:19 |
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penguinparty | what is that in my dmesg | 11:19 |
lewwy | penguinparty: you'd have far better luck if you just stated the problem | 11:19 |
penguinparty | no /dev/dsp | 11:19 |
ryman_ | man somehting is wrong with my Ubuntu. It keep frozen and all the icon , files that I downloaded and saved on desktop disappeared | 11:19 |
ryman_ | I can't even burn ISO CDs | 11:20 |
=== kkathman [~kkathman@h-66-167-142-40.dllatx37.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
penguinparty | screwed up dmesg drivers loading | 11:20 |
=== abbot45 [~abbot45@12-221-212-103.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thread | Anyone with experience with ipw2200 and/or shared key encryption? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=161762 | 11:20 |
ivoks | thread i use ipw2200 | 11:21 |
ivoks | thread but only on open networks | 11:21 |
orathon | anyone know a better rc program than x-chat?? | 11:21 |
ThomasWinwood | orathon: BitchX? irssi? | 11:21 |
ivoks | orathon bitchx | 11:21 |
ivoks | irssi | 11:21 |
thread | ivoks: ah yeah.. I'm able to get it to work on public networks fine... it's this encryption business that's messing me up | 11:21 |
thread | orathon: irssi highly recommended | 11:21 |
penguinparty | au8820 sound card wont work under horay . . .worked fine under 4.10 | 11:21 |
=== yahalom [~amichai@bzq-84-108-2-236.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sir-gold | is there a way to store server and nick in bitchx other than bashrc? | 11:21 |
yahalom | can nobody help me get my gnome back? | 11:22 |
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ivoks | ? | 11:22 |
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ivoks | with that 1GB that left, create new partition, and use as swap area | 11:22 |
ivoks | oh | 11:22 |
=== rhys-hynaws [~rhys@CPE00c049ae692c-CM0011ae00c2cc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mindmedic | yahalom... without some error messages... delete your gnome config folder... | 11:22 |
mindmedic | but you should dig deeper before doing that | 11:23 |
=== sir-gold tries to resist saying something about looking in the garden for your gnome | ||
penguinparty | are there any ALSA geniuses in the room? | 11:23 |
joda | hey - a newbie question: if I want to mess with the network setup, going around the graphical config tool, which file(s) should I look at? | 11:23 |
penguinparty | joda: /etc/network/interfaces | 11:23 |
=== Tux [~Tux@69-170-93-192.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
joda | penguin: thanks :) | 11:24 |
yahalom | mindmedic: i just lost my gnome entry in the login menu whn i installed kde. but gnome is still on my system | 11:24 |
Tux | Nope. Didn't work. | 11:24 |
mindmedic | did you setup kdm | 11:24 |
penguinparty | joda: dont forget to set your /etc/resolv.conf | 11:24 |
=== flam [~flam@ua-83-227-195-149.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sir-gold | joda have you looked at ifconfig yet? | 11:24 |
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joda | Sir gold: I have now | 11:25 |
penguinparty | I feel like crying like a baby now that I upgraded to Horay :( | 11:25 |
mindmedic | joda... careful | 11:25 |
penguinparty | no more sound | 11:25 |
orathon | ehh i have installed bitchx now but were do i find it??? | 11:25 |
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yahalom | mindmedic: i dont remember choosing kdm, and my login screen is still gnome | 11:25 |
yahalom | mindmedic: how do i set it up? | 11:25 |
mindmedic | well you didn't choose it then | 11:25 |
joda | my problem is, I want to statically define the gateway, ip and dns - I'm having problems doing that via the graphical interface | 11:25 |
mindmedic | it shouldn't matter which one you use | 11:26 |
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yahalom | mindmedic: that would make sense, how do i choose it? | 11:26 |
mindmedic | you can'T select the gnome session anymore | 11:26 |
yahalom | mindmedic: why? :( | 11:26 |
orathon | were do i find bitchx after install?? | 11:26 |
mindmedic | i dont know gotta go... | 11:27 |
penguinparty | i got 0000:04:00.0 Multimedia audio controller: Aureal Semiconductor Vortex 1 (rev 02) | 11:27 |
penguinparty | but no /dev/dsp | 11:27 |
yahalom | mindmedic: ok thanx | 11:27 |
aladdin_ | good day to u all! | 11:27 |
joda | brb | 11:28 |
penguinparty | why would my sound stop working in the new version of ubuntu? | 11:28 |
eddyp | any idea how can I remove the trash bin from the desktop in gnome 2.8.3? I installed the trash applet ... | 11:28 |
mindmedic | maybe one thing... try starting a session from another terminal... login, "startx -- :1", and see what that gives ya | 11:28 |
thread | eddyp: gconf-edit | 11:28 |
penguinparty | worked fine under the old version | 11:28 |
thread | eddyp: gconf-editor | 11:28 |
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penguinparty | eddyp: did you try to select it and hit delete | 11:28 |
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thread | eddyp: apps -> nautilus -> desktop | 11:29 |
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thread | penguinparty: that doesn't work =\ | 11:29 |
=== pussfeller [~todd@t1-rtc-woodlawn.rtcol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eddyp | penguinparty: powerbook g4 here, no delete key :) | 11:29 |
penguinparty | am I the only one in the world who is having problems with sound under horay? | 11:29 |
Kisain | can anyone tell me how to create and network a folder | 11:29 |
Kisain | for windows xp? | 11:30 |
ivoks | jesus | 11:30 |
^thehatsrule^ | Kisain, use share | 11:30 |
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ivoks | did ubuntu change sarge's installer?! | 11:30 |
Kisain | is that in the menu or somethin? | 11:30 |
=== karljp [~karl@194-144-39-202.du.xdsl.is] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kisain | i'm usin kubuntu | 11:30 |
eddyp | thread: thanks :) | 11:30 |
karljp | anyone know the "right" way of installing a new verson of automake? | 11:30 |
orathon | were do i find Bitchx after install | 11:30 |
orathon | ?? | 11:30 |
ThomasWinwood | penguinparty: I think you're the only one in the world USING "horay". We're all using Hoary. | 11:30 |
ThomasWinwood | orathon: sudo apt-get install bitchx. | 11:30 |
^thehatsrule^ | you said for winxp Kisain? | 11:30 |
penguinparty | hehe . . . | 11:30 |
karljp | /etc/alternatives/automake seems to hardcode it to 1.4-p6 | 11:30 |
ivoks | orathon in /usr/bin | 11:30 |
Kisain | yes | 11:30 |
penguinparty | oops | 11:31 |
Kisain | may i pm you | 11:31 |
eddyp | orathon: did you tried universe? | 11:31 |
=== Kartagis [~right@kunduz.org] has joined #ubuntu | ||
penguinparty | Ya im using Hoary | 11:31 |
Kisain | it's kinda a legthy explanation | 11:31 |
karljp | I could just remove the link in /usr/bin, and make it point to the 1.8 that I installed with apt-get, | 11:31 |
=== SapoDriLo [~sapodrilo@dial-148-240-10-52.zone-1.dial.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kartagis | hello | 11:31 |
=== DJ_Mirage [~djmirage@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orathon | eddyp no i didnt | 11:31 |
orathon | ivoks but were do i find it and start it? | 11:31 |
Kisain | i ask to pm now cause i got yelld at onetime | 11:31 |
karljp | but I don't want to screw up any mechanism of /etc/alternatives | 11:31 |
penguinparty | maybe I could make a new distro called horay that works with the au8820 sound card | 11:31 |
^thehatsrule^ | lol | 11:31 |
ivoks | orathon BitchX - just type it in terminal | 11:31 |
eddyp | orathon: add it to your sources and you might find it , I am not sure | 11:31 |
Kartagis | how can I set $LANG to something else? | 11:32 |
^thehatsrule^ | dont matter... | 11:32 |
Kisain | thehats? | 11:32 |
penguinparty | cause hoary dosnt :( | 11:32 |
eddyp | if not, try multiverse | 11:32 |
Kisain | kkk | 11:32 |
Kisain | kk | 11:32 |
Kisain | lol | 11:32 |
Kartagis | what file do I have to edit? | 11:32 |
Kisain | opps | 11:32 |
^thehatsrule^ | :P | 11:32 |
^thehatsrule^ | haha | 11:32 |
ivoks | orathon newbie? maybe bitchx-gtk would be better choice for u | 11:32 |
=== karljp reads the update-alternatives man page | ||
^thehatsrule^ | Kartagis, in preferences somewhere? in the gui that is | 11:32 |
=== hoaryuser [~ove@18.82-134-62.bkkb.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eddyp | Kartagis: dpkg-reconfigure locales | 11:33 |
penguinparty | Kartagis: try dpkg-reconfigure locale | 11:33 |
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orathon | ivoks, yes and tnx | 11:34 |
penguinparty | Kartagis: oops eddyp is right use the e on the end | 11:34 |
penguinparty | dont trust my spelling | 11:34 |
penguinparty | horay (hehe | 11:34 |
penguinparty | does an RIP message in the dmesg mean that something bad happened? | 11:35 |
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karljp | okay, update-alternatives is neast | 11:35 |
ivoks | :)) | 11:35 |
ivoks | no | 11:35 |
penguinparty | ivoks: who are you saying no to? | 11:35 |
=== Tux [~Tux@69-170-93-192.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ivoks | my self | 11:35 |
PI314 | is it true that ubuntu is breaking the standards of Linux, and is more and more setting itself aside from debian? | 11:35 |
ivoks | penguinparty it doesn't just say RIP, doesn't it? | 11:36 |
Bazzi | linux ahs no standards. | 11:36 |
ivoks | PI314 ? | 11:36 |
Bazzi | apart from kernel :p | 11:36 |
penguinparty | RIP: 0010:[<ffffffff8811b6bb>] <ffffffff8811b6bb>{:snd_au8820:vortex_core_init+42} | 11:36 |
ivoks | Bazzi it has | 11:36 |
ivoks | LSB | 11:36 |
Tux | What picture types can xml read/understand? | 11:36 |
ivoks | PI314 and no, who told u that? :) | 11:36 |
sir-gold | PI314 are you referring to the recent slashdot article? | 11:36 |
penguinparty | PI314: The standard about linux is to break standards | 11:36 |
=== elkid [~elkid@elkid.user] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orathon | ivoks were can i find bitchx-gtk and how do i uinstall bitchx?? | 11:37 |
ivoks | orathon just do sudo apt-get install bitchx-gtk | 11:37 |
mindmedic | Tux, read a little about xml | 11:37 |
penguinparty | PI314: thats why Linux is good . . . | 11:37 |
sir-gold | slashdot ran an article saying that ubuntu was wrecking debian | 11:37 |
Tux | I have. | 11:37 |
orathon | ivoks, i did that now.. were do i find it? | 11:37 |
hybrid_goth | slashdot sux | 11:37 |
=== Bicchi [~chatzilla@adsl-065-006-167-199.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ivoks | orathon app -> internet | 11:37 |
penguinparty | ubuntu is making debian usable again | 11:37 |
PI314 | yes i am refering to that article | 11:38 |
Tux | And I don't understand why this one file won't accept anything except svg... | 11:38 |
pussfeller | the guy who is the pres of debian ran an article saying dire things about ubuntu... slashdot just picked up the stroy | 11:38 |
penguinparty | RIP: 0010:[<ffffffff8811b6bb>] <ffffffff8811b6bb>{:snd_au8820:vortex_core_init+42} . . . .does that make any sense? | 11:38 |
orathon | ivoks, its not there... | 11:38 |
Bicchi | If my lcd monitor refresh rate is 60Hz, Should i set the HorizSync and VertRefresh to 60 ? | 11:38 |
=== pjan [~pjan@p3E9BD9D5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ivoks | orathon start terminal and write BitchX | 11:38 |
PI314 | well for one, some packages are ubuntu specific, and some debain packages won't run on ubuntu | 11:38 |
ivoks | PI314 name one | 11:39 |
=== DanC_u [~connolly@64-126-89-30-dhcp-kc.everestkc.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
PI314 | dvdrip | 11:39 |
orathon | ivoks, but then ill ust start bitchx not bitchx-gtk | 11:39 |
ivoks | ? | 11:39 |
pussfeller | i think given debians, uh.. commitment to detail.. they have no room to complain | 11:39 |
=== Karaj [~opera@3e44aba5.adsl.enternet.hu] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
ivoks | orathon then bitchx-gtk | 11:39 |
=== prevod [prevod@P1-222-20006.dialup.ns.ac.yu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ivoks | PI314 did u try? | 11:40 |
pussfeller | ubuntu has revivied debians PR stats tremendously | 11:40 |
pussfeller | for what ever thats worth | 11:40 |
=== Detten [~Detten@d51A455D8.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orathon | ivoks, it didnt work | 11:40 |
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=== haich [~haich@140.Red-81-33-105.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sir-gold | pussfeller so has knoppix | 11:40 |
ivoks | orathon dpkg -L bitchx-gtk | grep "usr/bin" | 11:41 |
pussfeller | to a lesser extent, I think | 11:41 |
pussfeller | but it has | 11:41 |
sir-gold | i chose kubuntu specifically because of knoppix | 11:41 |
ivoks | orathon xbitchx | 11:41 |
=== Warfang [~Warfang@nat-164.troycable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== jedipottsy [~jedipotts@82-47-0-157.cable.ubr01.wolv.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sir-gold | but i also tried debian and found it lacking | 11:42 |
orathon | ivoks, then /usr/bin | 11:42 |
orathon | /usr/bin/gtkBitchX-1.0c20cvs | 11:42 |
orathon | /usr/bin/gtkBitchX | 11:42 |
orathon | came up | 11:42 |
pussfeller | had you never used kdi sir-gold ? | 11:42 |
pussfeller | err kde | 11:42 |
ivoks | orathon then it;s gtkBitchX | 11:42 |
eddyp | pussfeller: the founder of Debian, Ian Murdock, not the project leader (nor president, as there is no such thing) | 11:42 |
sir-gold | not within the last 2 years | 11:42 |
PI314 | ivoks, transcode won't compile on ubuntu | 11:42 |
ivoks | LOL | 11:42 |
ivoks | compile?! | 11:42 |
Andril | bye all | 11:42 |
pussfeller | eddyp, thanks, I was wondering his exact place in the matrix | 11:42 |
penguinparty | why is /proc/asound/cards showing no soundcards? | 11:42 |
ivoks | PI314 where is word package in compiling? | 11:42 |
PI314 | however it will compile on ddebain | 11:43 |
jedipottsy | hey | 11:43 |
jedipottsy | can someone help me, i have no sound | 11:43 |
pussfeller | ya know that, its a common thing for fathers to attack children who go their own way, sad to say | 11:43 |
ivoks | PI314 do u know what compiling is? | 11:43 |
hybrid_goth | got alsa and esd installed | 11:43 |
eddyp | pussfeller: the present DPL is the long awaited Branden Robinson | 11:43 |
orathon | ivoks, tnx, how do i uinstall bitchx then? | 11:43 |
ivoks | orathon aptitude purge bitchx | 11:43 |
PI314 | ivoks, well come on you know what i mean | 11:43 |
penguinparty | hybrid: who you talking to? | 11:43 |
jedipottsy | i have an audigy 2 sound card and i have no sound | 11:43 |
pussfeller | eddyp, is he supposed to shake things up | 11:43 |
sir-gold | PI314 thats not even the issue, the issue is stuff written for ubuntu that won't compile on debian | 11:44 |
penguinparty | I have an au8820 with no sound | 11:44 |
=== Chrysaor [~Chrysaor@nat-162.troycable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ivoks | lol | 11:44 |
PI314 | true | 11:44 |
eddyp | pussfeller: his approach was a revolutionary one, at least until now in his campains | 11:44 |
jedipottsy | how do i get sound working? | 11:44 |
ivoks | jesus... do u hear urself? | 11:44 |
ivoks | what won't compile on debian? | 11:44 |
=== drfanatic [drfanatic@p54BCD6A5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ivoks | which app? | 11:44 |
ivoks | lol | 11:44 |
penguinparty | jedipottsy: what does: cat /proc/asound/cards say? | 11:45 |
sir-gold | i was just quoting the article, it didn't give specifics | 11:45 |
ivoks | PI314 i bet with u that all apps would compile on ubuntu | 11:45 |
ivoks | PI314 u only need headers and development files | 11:45 |
eddyp | pussfeller: now he is the leader and said that he will not interfere with the long-awaited release... | 11:45 |
penguinparty | jedipottsy: what does: cat /proc/asound/cards say? | 11:46 |
eddyp | ivoks: heck, it will compile on redhat (if having the headers :) | 11:46 |
jedipottsy | say what? | 11:46 |
jedipottsy | sry im new to linux | 11:46 |
pussfeller | eddyp, what does that mean, not interfere? | 11:46 |
ivoks | eddyp my point excattly | 11:46 |
=== karljp [~karl@194-144-39-202.du.xdsl.is] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
penguinparty | jedipottsy: open the terminal | 11:46 |
penguinparty | jedipottsy: and type | 11:46 |
ivoks | shit, the windows stoopidy camed to linux | 11:46 |
jedipottsy | 0 [CK8S ] : NFORCE - NVidia CK8S | 11:46 |
jedipottsy | NVidia CK8S with ALC850 at 0xeb001000, irq 23 | 11:46 |
jedipottsy | 1 [Audigy2 ] : Audigy2 - Sound Blaster Audigy2 | 11:46 |
jedipottsy | Sound Blaster Audigy2 (rev.4) at 0x9000, irq 18 | 11:46 |
ivoks | omg, we are doomed | 11:47 |
jedipottsy | lol, i aint stupid im just new | 11:47 |
ivoks | "If I can't clik, it can't compile" | 11:47 |
eddyp | pussfeller: well, he will push not too much the release managers by helping them | 11:47 |
penguinparty | jedipottsy: you are much further then me :( | 11:47 |
penguinparty | jedipottsy: mine says -- no soundcards -- | 11:47 |
jedipottsy | that mean i have to set audigy as the default sound card | 11:47 |
eddyp | ivoks: I don't think that offending anybody is helpful | 11:47 |
=== bretzel [~bretzel@modemcable128.237-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ivoks | eddyp it wasn't related to anyone in person | 11:48 |
Bicchi | I need help configuring xorg.conf. If my lcd monitor refresh rate is 60Hz then should i set the HorizSync and VertRefresh to 60 ? | 11:48 |
jedipottsy | so how do i set the audigy 2 as the default card? | 11:48 |
=== shadeofgrey [~shadeofgr@user-1120di5.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shadeofgrey | i need help | 11:48 |
eddyp | pussfeller: he is open minded and is a part of the scud project (a colaborative leadership, unofficial, none the less) | 11:48 |
shadeofgrey | whats the package i need to install to get totem to play DVD's? | 11:48 |
=== hybrid_goth [~hybrid@dpc6744177080.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== tommi^ [~sir@dsl-sjkgw2c6a.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== LinuxJones [~LinuxJone@blk-222-221-81.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eddyp | ivoks: that was bound to happen, ubuntu is the most desktop ready distro around, imho | 11:49 |
ivoks | eddyp i agree | 11:49 |
jedipottsy | http://ubuntuguide.org/#configuresoundproperly | 11:49 |
ivoks | eddyp that's why i use it on my laptop | 11:49 |
jedipottsy | im following that | 11:49 |
=== pjan [~pjan@p3E9BD9D5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jedipottsy | but when i get to this point : "sudo apt-get install libesd-alsa0" | 11:50 |
orathon | hmm i dont have anything to do... what can i do with linux when i dont have anything to do??? | 11:50 |
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jedipottsy | it says Package libesd-alsa0 is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 11:50 |
eddyp | ivoks: I am using debian on both y laptops and my desktop :D | 11:50 |
ivoks | eddyp i did too... | 11:50 |
ivoks | eddyp but i need fresh apps and i don't want to download 1GB every week | 11:51 |
=== bpuccio [~brian@ool-18b91a74.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
orathon | ah i love my laptop:D it looks "complete" with 'nix on it :P | 11:51 |
mindmedic | orathon, play some games | 11:51 |
mindmedic | learn new skills | 11:51 |
penguinparty | jedipottsy: what about just using the libesd0 package | 11:51 |
mindmedic | or help others solving their problems | 11:51 |
eddyp | ivoks: c'mon they don't update that often in Debian, or am I missing the point? | 11:52 |
orathon | mindmedic. i dont know any good games and what skills should i learn?? | 11:52 |
shadeofgrey | dudes | 11:52 |
shadeofgrey | please | 11:52 |
orathon | mindmedic and iam too noob to help ppl :P | 11:52 |
eddyp | orathon: why don't you use gaim instead of bitchx? | 11:52 |
newitailuve | how do i resize an existing ext3 partition in ubuntu? gparted won't let me do it, not even as sudo | 11:52 |
ivoks | eddyp well, if u use sarge, then u aren't up-to-date, and u are still d/w hunderts of MB every week | 11:52 |
shadeofgrey | im really tired and want to watch blade trinity what package do i need tro make totem play DVD | 11:52 |
ivoks | eddyp if u use sid, then u are downloading 1GB every week :) | 11:53 |
orathon | eddyp, well iam not using bitchx anymore... using x-chat instead | 11:53 |
mindmedic | theres always plenty to learn | 11:53 |
ivoks | eddyp if u use woody, then, man... linux is much older now :) | 11:53 |
mindmedic | good free games? | 11:53 |
eddyp | ivoks: nah, I _am_ running sarge but I don't download that much | 11:53 |
mindmedic | enemy territory | 11:53 |
mindmedic | neverball | 11:53 |
ivoks | eddyp now it's frozen... | 11:53 |
jedipottsy | ok i think ive done it, just gotta restart | 11:53 |
=== penguinparty [~davep@S010600a0cce01511.cg.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
mindmedic | learn opengl | 11:53 |
eddyp | ivoks: good point | 11:53 |
ivoks | eddyp but still isn't up-to-date | 11:54 |
mindmedic | or something | 11:54 |
=== TheMuso [~luke@dsl-202-173-132-131.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ivoks | eddyp sarge is great for servers | 11:54 |
eddyp | orathon: I am usig it right now and is quite nice | 11:54 |
eddyp | ivoks: and will still be even after the relase :) | 11:54 |
mindmedic | or you can randomly delete important looking system files, and learn to put it all back together :) | 11:54 |
orathon | eddyp are you using gaim on irc?? | 11:54 |
eddyp | orathon: yeap :) | 11:55 |
mindmedic | blender is interesting too, or fire up puredata and generate some sound | 11:55 |
=== eddyp waves at orathon from gaim | ||
=== jedipottsy [~jedipotts@82-47-0-157.cable.ubr01.wolv.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ivoks | eddyp yeah, for a year or two... | 11:56 |
=== orathon waves at eddyp from x-chat | ||
jedipottsy | ok that didnt work | 11:56 |
newitailuve | how do i resize an existing ext3 partition in ubuntu? gparted won't let me do it, not even as sudo, help please | 11:56 |
jedipottsy | how do i set the audigy 2 as the default sound card? | 11:56 |
ivoks | eddyp but then will php6 and apache3 rocking the web... | 11:56 |
jedipottsy | do i need drivers? | 11:56 |
ivoks | eddyp and our sarges would barely know about apache2 :) | 11:56 |
=== Reak [~Hash__@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== dibtreo [~dibtreo@84-122-182-231.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hybrid_goth | hello | 11:56 |
=== Reak is now known as ReaK | ||
eddyp | ivoks: if apache don't change thier licenses :) | 11:57 |
dibtreo | HI | 11:57 |
ivoks | eddyp well, that was example | 11:57 |
dibtreo | have a litle problem | 11:57 |
jedipottsy | how come mozilla is really slow? alot slower than windows? | 11:57 |
=== jgb [~jgb@licentia.helderberg.sun.ac.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
drfanatic | hello? | 11:57 |
dibtreo | hi | 11:58 |
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drfanatic | i have a prublem with teamspeak | 11:58 |
drfanatic | problem | 11:58 |
=== kkathman [~kkathman@h-66-167-142-40.dllatx37.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== ThomasWinwood wants to add to the topic: "Don't say "I have a problem" when entering; just state the problem." | ||
kkathman | got everything lined out with the kicker and taskbars :) | 11:58 |
=== copilot [~will@c-67-175-158-19.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jgb | how do i turn off power managemente completely? | 11:58 |
drfanatic | nobody can hear me in teamspeak | 11:59 |
drfanatic | sorry, my english is not so good | 11:59 |
kkathman | jgb try the control center | 11:59 |
=== JaZy15 [~cgjazinsk@cpe-70-117-198-26.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kkathman | jgb there is a section on power management there | 11:59 |
ThomasWinwood | Okay, nano has superceded gedit as my favourite text editor. | 11:59 |
drfanatic | but i can hear the others | 11:59 |
newitailuve | how do i resize an existing ext3 partition in ubuntu? gparted won't let me do it, not even as sudo, help please | 12:00 |
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