=== cartel_ [~cartel@shinobi.thoughtcrime.org.nz] has joined #kubuntu-devel [12:52] hey all [12:53] where is the list of all work that needs to be done for breezy [12:53] http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDownUnder/BreezyGoals this? [12:59] hmm not that one [01:15] not to mention it misses one point: [01:16] "give KaiL some silly hardware, he can use for testing" :) === ttf_ [~tom@p83.129.13.136.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel === JRe [~Bond@adsl-169-178.36-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel === dolny|zZz [~dolny@96-26.echostar.pl] has joined #kubuntu-devel [10:04] hello JRe [10:04] hello ;) [10:05] i have made the debian package for katapult [10:05] just testing [10:05] however dpkg doesn't like it, needs newer versions of libc and qt [10:06] dependency problem on kubuntu? [10:06] JRe: did you make it in hoary? [10:06] nop in debian sid [10:06] that would be the problem then [10:06] yeah i think ;) [10:06] i am installing kubuntu hoary [10:06] and i willl re package it specially for kubuntu [10:07] this soft rocks! [10:08] it can be a useful alternative to kooldock === Riddell wonders what kooldock is [10:09] it's a soft to have dock icons in kde, like in mac os x [10:10] http://ktown.kde.cl/kooldock/ [10:10] eww [10:10] http://ktown.kde.cl/kooldock/shots.php [10:11] it's very funny but still buggy [10:13] did you have feedback from katapult author i send him a mail too ;) [10:13] ?? [10:15] he must not stop the development ;) [10:16] have you got katapult to work? I could never get it to launch a program [10:18] yeah under debian it works pretty well [10:18] pretty stable for a 0.2 [10:19] I wonder what I'm doing wrong [10:19] don't worry i am going to make a kubuntu package [10:20] what name must i give to the program directory ? [10:20] katapult-0.2ubuntu [10:20] ??? [10:20] chroot if your friend http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DebootstrapChroot [10:21] no just katapult-0.2 [10:21] version the package katapult-0.2-2ubuntu1 [10:21] or katapult-0.2-2ubuntu0.1 for the test ones [10:21] okay [10:22] the debian way except for the version [10:22] yes [10:22] ;) [10:24] if i install the hoary deboot strap i will be able to have a virtual hoary structure under debian? [10:25] with chroot [10:25] ? [10:26] that's the idea [10:26] it works well [10:27] okay [10:28] but ther version of the libs/programs will not stille match? [10:29] doesn't matter [10:29] it'll match within the chroot [10:29] okay [10:29] i understand [10:30] i must give a try [10:33] you have kubuntu or debian? [10:33] kubuntu of course [10:33] ;) [10:34] stable or testing? [10:34] (testing of course?) [10:36] stable hoary just now, breezy is going to be abumpy ride [10:37] i think i will soon replace debian by kubuntu on my laptop it will be easier to made kubuntu packages ;) [10:38] yay :) [10:38] and i'll be able to test kde 3.4 ;) ;) ;) [10:38] (i could have done thaht on debian but i don't want to put the experimental packages) [10:40] what is the kernel version in hoary? [10:40] >uname -a [10:40] Linux pechin3 2.6.10-5-386 #1 Tue Apr 5 12:12:40 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux [10:40] thx ;) [10:40] koooool it's a 2.6.10 :) === allee [~ach@allee.exgal.mpe.mpg.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel === dato [~adeodato@84-120-77-228.onocable.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel === dato [~adeodato@84-120-77-228.onocable.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel === dato_ [~adeodato@84-120-77-228.onocable.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel === dato [~adeodato@84-120-77-228.onocable.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel === JRe [~Bond@adsl-169-178.36-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel === JRe [~jre@adsl-169-178.36-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel [04:09] hello ;) [04:09] it's donne Riddel i am under kubuntu [04:10] try with 2 l, then he get's a highlight [04:10] JRe: rocking [04:10] JRe: install or chroot? [04:10] it was pretty much simple to install than debian ;) [04:10] install [04:10] the default theme is very nice! [04:11] i will try to buil the katapult paquet now [04:11] for kubuntu [04:11] cool [04:12] I'm going shopping, back in a bit [04:12] ok ;) good shopping [04:27] how there have forgotten that there was no gcc [04:27] by default ;) [04:27] i have forgotten [05:04] apt-get install build-essential [05:10] ;) [05:17] okay i am compiling katapult [05:18] by the way i have tried the tips to find depencies using strace and confiugure (cf maint-guide) and it does not work [05:27] okay Riddell the package is now working on kubuntu [05:27] i upload it on my homepage [05:28] JRe: please [05:28] what is default ftp clien in kubuntu? [05:29] konqueror [05:29] okay [05:29] Riddell: your kdelibs-data is now in breezy... [05:30] installed here, and what do I see? my /etc/kderc disappearing again :( [05:31] yes, I and can see why, there's rm -f /etc/kderc in the preinstall script, how evil [05:31] well fortunatly there's a security issue in kdelibs coming out soon so I can fix it then [05:31] sometimes it's that easy.. [05:31] Riddel: http://jr.falleri.free.fr/fichiers/katapult_0.2-1_i386.deb [05:32] it should work ;) [05:33] should? remembers me of Windows XP ;) [05:33] ;) [05:33] okay it must work ;) [05:34] JRe: woo! it works [05:34] unless you have done some rm -rf in /usr/lib [05:34] that thing is the goodness [05:34] cool program no? [05:34] i use it everyday now [05:34] JRe: can you upload the .orig .diff and .dsc [05:35] yeah but i have not correctly fullfilled the description, etc... [05:35] ah well best do that first then [05:36] okay ;) [05:36] that systray applet is annoying, completely unnecessary [05:36] howerver how i change the versio? [05:36] in the chanlog entriy? [05:37] yes, version is set by changelog [05:37] call is 0.2-0ubuntu0.1 === KaiL_hoary [~kl@p548F37F8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [05:37] okay [05:37] KaiL: back in hoary? [05:37] this is my K6-2 [05:37] with a clean hoary on it [05:39] 1 table, 2 Computers :) [05:40] so I can find bugs in breezy AND still help hoary users [05:40] now that's dedication [05:42] Riddel there is no man page [05:42] write one :p [05:43] no needs no specific options [05:43] i just need the standard kde manpage [05:43] manpages are required by debian policy [05:43] yeah but i can use the standard kde apps man page [05:43] i know i have read debian-policy [05:44] where can i find the standard man page you know with kde -help-qt --help-all etc... [05:44] ??? [05:44] never seen such a thing [05:45] ;) [05:46] look at man:/konversation [05:46] there's not much more [05:46] i will copy the one of konversation [05:48] only remove the scripting block [05:49] and fix the stuff below ;) === KaiL_hoary [~kl@p548F37F8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [05:53] JRe: you should give it a proper .desktop file in /usr/share/applications [05:54] hmm, shouldn't nvidia-glx ask on install, if you want to activate it? [05:55] there is not? [05:55] i have seen one in utilities [05:55] ow there is no description [05:55] JRe: there's an incomplete one in /usr/share/applnk [05:55] it's that? [05:56] okay [05:56] needs a description and should be in /usr/share/applications/kde [05:58] [05:59] [05:59] [05:59] [05:59] [05:59] [05:59] [05:59]
[05:59]  shelldesktopdir   = $(kde_appsdir)/Utilities
[05:59] [05:59] oups sorry [05:59] spammer :p [06:00] shelldesktopdir = $(kde_appsdir)/Utilities <= it's not the correct place? [06:00] JRe: no, that's for the old menu standard [06:01] okay ;) [06:02] there is a new constant to name it? [06:03] xdg_menu_dir or something [06:03] should be in every other KDE app [06:03] okay sorry i will check an other package === KabelKasper [~vloechte@i5387D1BC.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel === KaiL|hoary [~kl@p548F48C5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [06:19] uhm, reconnect? === KaiL_ [KaiL@p548F48C5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === KaiL [KaiL@p548F43D3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [06:41] JRe: hint kdemangen.pl (I'm late I know ;) === KaiL|500 [~kl@p548F43D3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === KaiL [KaiL@p548F43D3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === amu [~amu@bofh.debian.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [08:13] breezy kickoff meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 45 minutes [08:14] hell, always such long channelnames ;) === KabelKasper [~vloechte@i5387EF21.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel === KabelKasper [~vloechte@i5387EF21.versanet.de] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Kopete] [08:51] Riddell: thanks for the info [09:01] meeting now === hunger [~hunger@p54A65442.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [10:43] Hey, there really is a kubuntu-devel;-) [10:43] Just guessed that there ought to be one. [10:43] welcome along :) [10:43] it's kept top secret so only clever people work it out [10:44] hunger: going to become a MOTU? [10:44] Riddell: You failed! Or I wouldn't be here. [10:44] Riddell: No plans so far... [10:44] Riddell: I got little time on my hands... currently a bit more than usually though. [10:45] But I am willing to test whatever you can throw at me;-) [10:47] Lots of stuff they want to get into breezy... I wonder how kubuntu will keep up. [10:48] would help if KDE had any kind of release plan... [10:49] Riddell: That is something for a business, not for a huge fun-project;-) [10:50] what's the business? [10:50] Riddell: release plans, etc... that sounds very business like. [10:51] KDE's always had release plans http://developer.kde.org/development-versions/ [10:51] Riddell: The kde guys I met so far are more "lets all sit together and have some fun coding" kind of guys (even when dressed up in suits;-) [10:51] but now there is none, makes it hard to plan kubuntu when there's no KDE plan [10:54] Riddel: My 'worries' are not so much when does KDE and therefore Kununtu release ... [10:54] Riddell: In meeting lot's of gui stuff is mentioned and will be coded. So how do 'we' integrate the 'new' brezy infrastructure into KDE? [10:55] we code like mad to make qt front ends for every gtk front end [10:55] allee: Neither are mine... I am wondering how all the cool stuff will be implemented. [10:55] allee: I [10:55] but I suspect kubuntu will always lag ubuntu in such respects allee [10:56] I had a look into the bluetooth and networkmagic stuff no matching KDE thingy yet that can be used 'as is' [10:56] If they stick everything into the UI apps then there is little to salvage for kubuntu. [10:56] allee: kbluetooth? [10:56] allee: Most of the networkmagic could be done below the gui... [10:57] Yeah, kdebluetooth is good but lacking all the integration (yet). Makebe mutoman will/can help [10:57] allee: Then that would only need to configure things and read a couple of stats from somewhere... [10:59] kdebluetooth works where gnome's stuff doesn't [10:59] hunger: agreed, but you need a GUI that fits on the 'networkmagic' work. [10:59] allee: I can get by without;-) [11:00] allee: If I configure with a editor or something... I just hope thom will do the right thing. [11:02] hunger: he, he. I (can and do) without GUI. But you and me is then not the 'average kunbuntu user' [11:02] allee: Well, I am egozentric: I do think of myself first. [11:03] hunger: my users kill we, when I do it like you ;) [11:04] allee: So would mine if I'd tell them;-) [11:05] Riddell: will you amu, haggai and ??? monitor the breezy topic that will need UI stuff? [11:05] allee: certainly will [11:06] or any suggestion, how best to monitor this stuff? subscribing to ubuntu-devel is too much traffic :( [11:06] Riddell: will you update KubuntuRoadmap or something else so everyone interested in Kunbutu can check what's needed? [11:07] allee: start a wiki page [11:07] I think the specs (like KubuntuRoadmap) are frozen [11:07] Ah frozen (saw UDU wiki today the first time) [11:08] allee: They do hide their secrets well, these ubuntu people;-) [11:09] it has been in the /topic of #kubuntu for the last week [11:09] Riddell: I (can) only look at #kunbutu if allee bluetooth or digikam are mentioned :( [11:10] allee: IRC easily eats all free time ;) === hunger [~hunger@p54A65442.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [11:38] ksysguard reports my system to run at its max. frequency. /sys claims it isen't. Who got it wrong? [11:39] presumably max frequency is the default [11:40] Riddell: ksysguard did report the proper values recently. [11:40] Riddell: (before powernowd broke). [11:43] hunger: go back to 0.90 :) [11:43] KaiL: 0.90? [11:43] old powernowd [11:44] here ksysguard shows 1GHz, /proc/cpuinfo too [11:44] and powernowd is alive ;) [11:45] KaiL: powernowd works here as well again (after switching the kernel or turning of HT) [11:46] but not ksysguard shows the max clock? [11:46] eh, now.. [11:46] KaiL: Maybe ksysguard got stuck on max clock since it had to show that for the last couple of days due to the broken powernowd. [11:47] lol [11:47] KaiL: I think I trust the kernel more than a kde tool;-) [11:48] afaik the kde tool only reads the kernel info... [11:48] KaiL: And my fans tell me that the kernel is not lieing to me:-) [11:48] KaiL: Looks like it does not anymore. [11:49] uhm, HT.. it's a P4 switching from 2.6 to 3.x GHz? [11:49] KaiL: Well, I updated a couple of min. ago. There were some KDE packages... maybe something broke. [11:49] KaiL: It is a p4 running at 400MHz... [11:49] P4 mobile? [11:50] KaiL: Nope. [11:50] KaiL: Biggest mistake I ever made: Never get a non-mobile P4 laptop! [11:50] you can switch the P4 so far down? wow [11:51] KaiL: My coworkers actually call my laptop "the fold-up tower". [11:51] LOL [11:51] seams to be some "half-mobile-P4" [11:51] KaiL: It is close to 5kg... nuff said. [11:51] the real desktop-P4 can't go below 2.6Ghz afaik [11:52] hmm, 17"? :) [11:52] KaiL: Well, it does here. [11:52] KaiL: Nope, only 15.4" [11:52] normally those are <3kg.. [11:52] KaiL: And they forgot the batteries too... added a emergency power supply only... [11:53] KaiL: 45min without power and the box shuts down. [11:53] lol === Riddell sleeps [11:53] as my Gericom laptop with a Celeron 433 from 1998 [11:53] KaiL: ... and never get the idea of actually using the P4 either... [11:54] KaiL: The laptop will shut down then to protect the cpu from burning out. [11:54] less expensive for the vendor.. [11:54] Riddell: sleep?? now? [11:54] haggai: it's late evening in europe [11:55] KaiL: which means Riddell is just getting going :) [11:55] KaiL: Well, my boss told me the vendor I had to buy from... and this was the only box with a decent resolution. [11:55] you mean normally geeks now awake? ;) [11:55] Riddell & I are in the same timezone but don't normally sleep at the same time [11:55] hunger: which vendor makes such crap? [11:56] and why does your boss like that so much? [11:56] KaiL: Bullman... [11:56] KaiL: Dunno. [11:56] KaiL: He does not like it so much anymore... now that he got one there for himself. [11:56] lol [11:57] KaiL: HDD broke down 3 times in the first 4 month... [11:57] wow [11:57] KaiL: But actually the laptop of the others are pretty decent... not good, but ok. [11:57] maybe he'll switch to another vendor than [11:57] haggai: my flatmate said that when most people go to australia they end up getting up in the middle of the night [11:58] to something normal [11:58] KaiL: and they over a 3 year warranty which is what my boss liked. [11:58] but I've ended up getting up at "normal times" [11:58] Riddell: LOL [11:58] hunger: well, if you need that every month..... [12:01] Riddell: heh very useful that visit to .au