=== hippie [~hippie@pc-200-74-33-222.trinidad1.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dell500 | anyone here know if there are some incompatibilities with Plextor drives (DVD+-RW)?? | 12:07 |
dell500 | like the disc tray not opening when ejected | 12:07 |
KaiL | did you unmount? | 12:07 |
KaiL | and do you know, if this works on Windows? | 12:08 |
dell500 | no i cancled a cd being burned | 12:08 |
dell500 | and now it's kinda stuck on reading the cd for no reason | 12:09 |
whiskers | gosh look at all those people going after the free abiword clipart | 12:09 |
KaiL | the button on the drive works? | 12:09 |
whiskers | it is ranking very high now | 12:09 |
dell500 | KaiL, nope | 12:09 |
dell500 | neither does ejecting from k3b and konqueror | 12:10 |
whiskers | they are probably going to use that new phpgraphics to splatter stuff all over their websites | 12:10 |
dell500 | nm, it opened | 12:10 |
dell500 | thanks though lol | 12:10 |
dell500 | bbl, study time | 12:11 |
=== amaro [~fixed@CPE00045a2fd7e4-CM000e5c709370.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
KaiL | hm, does anybody have problems with reading DVDs? being shown with a yellow icon (=blank disk)? | 12:15 |
whiskers | KaiL, there is no way to tell because we are not allowed to use the DECSS library in the US | 12:18 |
KaiL | whiskers: that was with a data DVD | 12:18 |
whiskers | KaiL, oh...data dvd's read just fine here on either k3b or gnome-baker or even nautilus | 12:19 |
whiskers | KaiL, except on k3b the hidden and system files are never displayed for some reason | 12:19 |
KaiL | on 2 other systems this works perfect | 12:20 |
whiskers | the only time we can use libdecss in the US in on Win98 because we already paid for the commercial stuff | 12:24 |
=== khalil [~khalil@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
whiskers | so that is the only platform we are legally entitled to test on | 12:24 |
KaiL | hmm, so i need to exchange the drives... | 12:24 |
=== khalil is now known as kgaaco | ||
whiskers | just like the w32codecs...it is the same issue | 12:26 |
whiskers | we can only use them legally on win98...because we already paid MS for the commercial rights....so we cannot test them on linux in the US | 12:26 |
KaiL | or just ignore DCMA ;) | 12:27 |
whiskers | KaiL, we can't ....these control freaks are putting people in jail for up to 3 years for ignoring DMCA....they are draconian bastards | 12:27 |
KaiL | oh, I forgot, the USA are also known as "the land of the unlimited lawyers"... | 12:27 |
KaiL | here you get 50k for selling illegal copied software... | 12:28 |
whiskers | KaiL, right a country full of "paid lieyers"....I mean lawyers. | 12:28 |
amu | whiskers: feel free to leave :) | 12:28 |
whiskers | amu, what is the matter bud....the truth bites you in the ass you crooked bastard | 12:29 |
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=== amaro [~fixed@CPE00045a2fd7e4-CM000e5c709370.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
whiskers | and also the problem is just as bad in Australia...look at this news of how Australia is being fucked over by the US | 12:38 |
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pv | Why the flood? | 12:39 |
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amu | dude | 12:39 |
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whiskers | 12:39 | |
whiskers | 12:39 | |
whiskers | Ask Slashdot: Finding Sponsors for an Open Source Project? | 12:39 |
whiskers | The Almighty Buck | 12:39 |
whiskers | Posted by Cliff on Monday May 09, @05:58PM | 12:40 |
whiskers | from the money-money-money-moo-ney dept. | 12:40 |
whiskers | vertigo72 asks: "What's the best way to find sponsors for an open source project? Is there some people or foundations that give grants for the development of free software? We develop an open source (GPL) box office software: phpMyTicket. At our knowledge at the moment this is the only open source software of this kind. The program is in advanced beta stage and was already used in production environment by us and by other peo | 12:40 |
whiskers | ple. The program is rather complex and big: we support online ticket shop, box office with thermal printer and control at doors with barcode scanner. Smarty, PDF and email template engines are used. Paypal and some other gateways are supported. Now we want to continue and to add more professional features, but alas this requires more funding." | 12:40 |
=== amu votes whiskers out | ||
whiskers | ( Read More... | 401 bytes in body | 4 of 11 comments | ask.slashdot.org ) | 12:40 |
whiskers | Apple: Hilary Rosen Gripes About iPod, iTMS | 12:40 |
whiskers | Media (Apple) | 12:40 |
whiskers | Posted by timothy on Monday May 09, @05:04PM | 12:40 |
whiskers | from the now-we-just-need-to-establish-your-price dept. | 12:40 |
whiskers | mijkal writes "Hilary Rosen, the former RIAA CEO and chairwoman, has spoken out against Apple's "lock-in" with iPod and the iTunes Music Store." From the article: "The problem is that the iPod only works with either songs that you buy from the on-line Apple iTunes store or songs that you rip from your own CD's." Ironically, she appeals to consumer rights and anti-monopoly tactics." | 12:40 |
Diablo-D3 | whiskers: what the fucking hell? | 12:40 |
Diablo-D3 | quit post-bombing. | 12:40 |
whiskers | ( Read More... | 194 of 272 c | 12:40 |
whiskers | sorry i must have copied the wrong stuff...you all have my apologies | 12:40 |
Diablo-D3 | you irc-terrorist | 12:40 |
whiskers | i sure hope this does not cause flood crap...i will try the copy again | 12:40 |
whiskers | Attorney-General's Department is conducting a review on exceptions to copyright law. Currently Australia allows 4 specific 'fair dealing' exceptions (research or study; criticism or review; reporting of news; and professional advice given by a legal practitioner, patent attorney, or trade marks attorney - it's technically illegal here to convert songs from CD to MP3, or to record a TV show unless it's a live broadcast). They | 12:40 |
=== KaiL recommendes /ignore | ||
=== amaro [~fixed@CPE00045a2fd7e4-CM000e5c709370.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
whiskers | have published a request for public submissions (.pdf or .doc) on whether to expand this list, or adopt an open-ended 'fair use' policy similar to that used in the US and allow the courts to decide if any particular use of copyrighted material should be excepted from copyright law. As we're getting our own version of the DMCA thanks to the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement, if something isn't done to broaden copyright excepti | 12:40 |
Diablo-D3 | IRC TERRORIST! | 12:40 |
whiskers | ons we'll end up with even more draconian copyright restrictions than the US." | 12:40 |
whiskers | pv, i don't know why it flooded a bunch of useless crap earlier....something went wrong with the selected text | 12:40 |
whiskers | Diablo-D3, the second shows how Australia is also being fucked over by the US | 12:40 |
Diablo-D3 | IRC TERRORIST!! | 12:40 |
whiskers | Diablo-D3, fuck you...you bastard....come around here and i will beat your damn head in with a tire iron | 12:41 |
whiskers | Diablo-D3, i don't play games...i am a Christian | 12:41 |
astro76 | lol, some Christian | 12:42 |
astro76 | you're supposed to turn the other cheek you fucking troll | 12:42 |
Diablo-D3 | just because you're a christian doesnt mean you cant be a IRC TERRORIST!! | 12:42 |
whiskers | Diablo-D3, damn right...the real Christians on the Holy Mountain...know what it is to be a real Christian....and they don't put up with stupid bullshit | 12:42 |
KaiL | does he still flood? | 12:42 |
Diablo-D3 | KaiL: yes | 12:42 |
Diablo-D3 | KaiL: but now its religions mumbo jumbo | 12:42 |
whiskers | Diablo-D3, they are not pimping, little snivering slobs going around excusing each other | 12:42 |
KaiL | incredible | 12:42 |
Diablo-D3 | IRC TERRORIST!! | 12:43 |
KaiL | ignore him | 12:43 |
Diablo-D3 | I should write an xchat trigger | 12:43 |
KaiL | you don't miss anything | 12:43 |
=== amaro [~fixed@CPE00045a2fd7e4-CM000e5c709370.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
whiskers | Hitler was a Christian...and he slaughtered the damn Jews but protected the Christians on the Holy Mountain | 12:43 |
pv | copypaste gone awry or what? | 12:43 |
Diablo-D3 | every time whiskers talks, /msg #kubuntu IRC TERRORIST!! | 12:43 |
pv | and that will help? | 12:43 |
whiskers | Diablo-D3, fuck you ....you worthless piece of shit | 12:43 |
Diablo-D3 | pv: I was talking about my whiskers trigger | 12:43 |
Diablo-D3 | IRC TERRORIST!! | 12:43 |
KaiL | Diablo-D3: that doesn't help | 12:44 |
Diablo-D3 | KaiL: shush | 12:44 |
BlackHand | ignore | 12:44 |
Diablo-D3 | I battle terrorism in my own way | 12:44 |
KaiL | he'll still go on our nerves | 12:44 |
Diablo-D3 | so, damn | 12:44 |
Diablo-D3 | it takes too long to ship ubuntu cds | 12:44 |
amu | argl looks like i lost the chan-password | 12:45 |
KaiL | haggai: ping? | 12:47 |
Diablo-D3 | ... | 12:47 |
Diablo-D3 | that was smart. | 12:47 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o amu] by ChanServ | ||
=== sirukin [~sirukin@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
whiskers | they don't call me a paranoid schizophrenic for nothing.....i will beat your god damned head in with a tire iron and splatter brains all over the ground. | 12:50 |
Diablo-D3 | IRC TERRORIST!! | 12:50 |
=== _chavo [~chavo@149.sub-70-212-8.myvzw.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== mode/#kubuntu [+b *!*whiskers@*.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] by amu | ||
=== whiskers was kicked off #kubuntu by amu (amu) | ||
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o amu] by amu | ||
KaiL | bang | 12:51 |
sirukin | BOOM! | 12:52 |
haggai | KaiL: pong, on my way to bed | 12:53 |
KaiL | to late, amu fount his password | 12:54 |
haggai | ah :) | 12:54 |
KaiL | and the troll is where he belongs | 12:54 |
haggai | n8 all | 12:54 |
KaiL | hmm, he left the net? | 12:54 |
KaiL | or nickchange? | 12:54 |
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amu | KaiL: he's beeing disposed | 12:58 |
KaiL | I only hope, he doesn't come back | 12:59 |
KaiL | as he's really boring | 12:59 |
=== smouche [~bc@cpe-24-90-94-112.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
BlackHand | bye | 01:04 |
=== hippie [~hippie@pc-200-74-48-15.trinidad1.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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=== rizla [~rizla@adsl-169-134.37-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
rizla | hi | 01:19 |
rizla | Impossibile ottenere il lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 01:20 |
rizla | E: Impossibile creare un lock sulla directory di lis | 01:20 |
rizla | does anybody recived this error? | 01:20 |
=== andrewski [~andrewski@pool-70-110-219-250.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sirukin | rizla: do you currently have kynaptic or synaptic or a stray apt-get running? | 01:22 |
rizla | no.. | 01:22 |
sirukin | okay | 01:22 |
andrewski | you could always killall to make sure. >:-D | 01:22 |
andrewski | is anyone here following breezy development? | 01:23 |
rizla | ok andrewski , thanks | 01:23 |
sirukin | I could joke about killall....but it some would be politically incorrect, islamic fundamentalists come to mind; "killall kibabi" | 01:23 |
andrewski | sirukin: wait, you just *did* joke about killall.... | 01:24 |
andrewski | so no one is following breezy? | 01:25 |
sirukin | I've not been | 01:25 |
=== sirukin is still ogling the pretty-ness of Kubuntu | ||
andrewski | well, does anyone know what the /topic kdelibs bug is? | 01:26 |
sirukin | kubuntu related | 01:27 |
andrewski | right. :P | 01:27 |
sirukin | kde 3.4 specifically | 01:27 |
sirukin | when you apt-get upgrade, kde-libs funkifies itself. | 01:27 |
sirukin | I am just assuming anyway | 01:27 |
=== brdweb [~brdweb@dsl092-173-023.wdc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sirukin | I wget'd it after noticing apt-get didn't work completely. | 01:28 |
andrewski | well, i don't think it'd really help me out then; all i'm getting is something wanting to overwrite an icon. :P | 01:31 |
=== somerville32 [~somervill@fctnnbsch17-156034218047.nb.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
somerville32 | Still no sound :( | 01:33 |
andrewski | somerville32: broaden your horizons; hear that fan sound? | 01:34 |
somerville32 | :P | 01:35 |
=== mmuzzy [~mmuzzy@ip24-250-44-152.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
andrewski | well, i'm going to post a bug for it, anyway. | 01:42 |
somerville32 | Does anyone have sound? | 01:43 |
crimsun | andrewski: I follow it, yes (surely) | 01:43 |
crimsun | somerville32: yes, what's yours? | 01:43 |
=== gnumdk [~gnumdk@ANantes-252-1-42-115.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
somerville32 | Whats my what? | 01:44 |
somerville32 | Sound card? | 01:44 |
crimsun | yes, that would be the logical question ;) | 01:44 |
=== KaiL [KaiL@p548F43D3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
andrewski | crimsun: lol, have you gotten a bug with kdelibs-data today? | 01:46 |
crimsun | andrewski: I thought quite a few have been filed | 01:46 |
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andrewski | crimsun: dunno | 01:46 |
somerville32 | I have a... | 01:46 |
=== Tezkah [~Tezkah@d137-186-160-50.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
somerville32 | Esoniq ES1371 [AudioPCI-97] | 01:48 |
crimsun | using snd-ens1371? | 01:49 |
somerville32 | I dunno <sobs> | 01:49 |
crimsun | lsmod|grep snd_ens1371 | 01:50 |
somerville32 | I just want to listen to my music :P | 01:50 |
crimsun | err | 01:50 |
crimsun | lsmod|grep ^snd_ens1371 | 01:50 |
somerville32 | koala-idnsd | 01:50 |
somerville32 | Err.. | 01:50 |
somerville32 | snd_ens1371 22624 2 | 01:51 |
andrewski | crimsun: found the bug. :) | 01:51 |
ThomasWinwood | How do I remove a package and all the packages it brought with it without breaking dependencies using apt-get or kynaptic? | 01:51 |
somerville32 | apt-get remove <package> | 01:51 |
somerville32 | ? | 01:51 |
crimsun | aptitude is recommended | 01:52 |
andrewski | ThomasWinwood: to remove package X's dependencies, you'll need deborphan. | 01:52 |
crimsun | aptitude purge somepackage | 01:52 |
crimsun | somerville32: ok, and what doesn't work? | 01:52 |
crimsun | somerville32: paste the output of amixer onto http://pastebin.com | 01:52 |
somerville32 | I get no sound, what so ever | 01:52 |
ThomasWinwood | crimsun, thank you. | 01:53 |
somerville32 | http://pastebin.com/281924 | 01:53 |
=== gunny [~gunny@res-66-169-54-062.spa.sc.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
crimsun | somerville32: why is Master Mono unmuted? | 01:55 |
somerville32 | I dunno | 01:56 |
crimsun | mute Capture, Aux, and Master Mono | 01:56 |
somerville32 | An attempt to get things to work? | 01:56 |
somerville32 | K | 01:56 |
somerville32 | What is the name of the command line mixer? | 01:57 |
crimsun | alsamixer or amixer | 01:57 |
somerville32 | I don't see capture | 01:57 |
crimsun | press F4 | 01:58 |
somerville32 | How do I mute it? m doesn't seem to work after I press F4 | 01:59 |
ThomasWinwood | Hmm. I'm trying to unpack the new kdelibs, and it's got a collision with knetworkconf. | 02:00 |
ThomasWinwood | What do I do? | 02:00 |
andrewski | ThomasWinwood: just looked that up. :) | 02:01 |
andrewski | ThomasWinwood: uninstall knetworkconf, install kdelibs, reinstall knetworkconf. :) | 02:01 |
ThomasWinwood | knetworkconf takes kubuntu-desktop down with it. Is that okay? | 02:02 |
andrewski | ThomasWinwood: yeah, add that to the reinstall list. :) (don't have it here; it's just a dependency package) | 02:02 |
=== regeya [~shane@adsl-sp3-cdale176.micgi.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
crimsun | somerville32: then use amixer directly | 02:03 |
ThomasWinwood | ketsuban@jormundgand:~$ sudo apt-get remove knetworkconf | 02:03 |
ThomasWinwood | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 02:03 |
ThomasWinwood | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 02:03 |
somerville32 | Ok, I got it (I think) | 02:03 |
ThomasWinwood | What do I do? | 02:03 |
somerville32 | do: sudo su | 02:03 |
andrewski | ThomasWinwood: have [ks] ynaptic open? | 02:03 |
andrewski | somerville32: sudo su? O_o | 02:03 |
somerville32 | And then make sure you don't have any other programs running | 02:04 |
ThomasWinwood | No. I Ctrl-Zed the original apt-get when I saw it was removing kubuntu-desktop. | 02:04 |
somerville32 | (that use it) | 02:04 |
somerville32 | Ughh... *screams at kids* | 02:04 |
andrewski | ThomasWinwood: hmm, 'ps -A | grep apt' | 02:04 |
ThomasWinwood | ketsuban@jormundgand:~$ ps -A | grep apt | 02:04 |
ThomasWinwood | 1663 pts/2 00:00:00 apt-get | 02:04 |
=== hippie [~hippie@pc-200-74-33-194.trinidad1.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
somerville32 | Ok, crimsun: Ok, all done. What now? | 02:05 |
andrewski | ThomasWinwood: :) IIRC, Ctrl+Z doesn't end the process. | 02:05 |
ThomasWinwood | Ah. | 02:05 |
andrewski | ThomasWinwood: 'killall apt-get' | 02:05 |
ThomasWinwood | Didn't kill it. | 02:05 |
andrewski | ThomasWinwood: kill 1663 | 02:06 |
somerville32 | killall -9 apt-get | 02:06 |
andrewski | somerville32: yeah, or bring out the big guns. :P | 02:06 |
somerville32 | I still don't have any sound :( | 02:07 |
crimsun | somerville32: did you mute them using amixer? | 02:07 |
somerville32 | I used Kmix | 02:08 |
=== somerville32 is now known as somervill | ||
=== somervill is now known as somerville32 | ||
crimsun | ok, if you muted them, paste amixer output again | 02:08 |
somerville32 | k, brb | 02:08 |
=== KaiL [KaiL@p548F4ADB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
somerville32 | http://pastebin.com/281929 | 02:14 |
=== KaiL [KaiL@p548F4ADB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
somerville32 | Any ideas, Daniel? | 02:16 |
ThomasWinwood | Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary-security/universe/source/Sources.gz MD5Sum mismatch | 02:18 |
ThomasWinwood | What do I do? | 02:18 |
somerville32 | apt-get upgrade | 02:18 |
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=== darkaudi1 is now known as darkaudit | ||
somerville32 | Still no music :( | 02:45 |
sirukin | hrm? | 02:47 |
sirukin | whats the problem? | 02:47 |
somerville32 | I can't get any sound out of my kubuntu install | 02:47 |
somerville32 | and no one is able to help me :( | 02:48 |
sirukin | I'll try | 02:48 |
somerville32 | Ok :) | 02:48 |
sirukin | click the "K"-gear icon at the bottom left, then System, then terminal program a.k.a konsole | 02:49 |
somerville32 | ok | 02:49 |
sirukin | it should open a screen, now type "dmesg" | 02:49 |
sirukin | dmesg | grep sb | 02:50 |
sirukin | does soundblaster show up anywhere? | 02:50 |
sirukin | more importantly, what kind of soundcard do you have? | 02:51 |
somerville32 | usbcore: registered new driver usbfs | 02:51 |
somerville32 | usbcore: registered new driver hub | 02:51 |
somerville32 | I have a... | 02:51 |
sirukin | nevermind that | 02:51 |
sirukin | so...any idea what kind of card you have off the bat? | 02:53 |
somerville32 | Esoniq ES1371 [AudioPCI-97] | 02:53 |
sirukin | o0o0o | 02:53 |
sirukin | same as me | 02:53 |
sirukin | so, what's the problem? | 02:53 |
somerville32 | No sound at all | 02:54 |
sirukin | type lsmod | 02:54 |
sirukin | don't paste | 02:54 |
somerville32 | http://pastebin.com/281934 | 02:54 |
sirukin | is the snd module loaded? | 02:54 |
sirukin | mmm | 02:54 |
sirukin | peachy | 02:54 |
=== flames [~flames@caracas-0180.adsl.interware.hu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sirukin | click the k again and goto control center | 02:55 |
somerville32 | k | 02:55 |
sirukin | goto the sound and multimedia subcontext | 02:55 |
sirukin | then soundsystem | 02:55 |
somerville32 | k | 02:56 |
sirukin | click hardware | 02:56 |
somerville32 | k | 02:56 |
sirukin | the Select Audio device, set it to autodetect if it isn't already | 02:56 |
somerville32 | It is | 02:56 |
sirukin | click back to general then | 02:56 |
somerville32 | k | 02:56 |
sirukin | set the Auto-suspend if idle slider to 1 second | 02:57 |
somerville32 | k | 02:57 |
sirukin | try test sound now | 02:57 |
sirukin | after making sure your speakers are plugged in | 02:57 |
somerville32 | No sound | 02:58 |
sirukin | okay, click the K gear again | 02:58 |
sirukin | then "Run command" | 02:58 |
somerville32 | k | 02:58 |
sirukin | and enter "kmix" into the run context | 02:58 |
sirukin | is the master volume slider as far as it can go up? | 02:58 |
somerville32 | Yup | 02:59 |
sirukin | hmm | 02:59 |
sirukin | are there any irq conflicts? | 02:59 |
somerville32 | How would I know? | 02:59 |
somerville32 | Is there a configuration script or something that comes with kubuntu? | 03:00 |
sirukin | hmm | 03:01 |
sirukin | in your bios, there should be an option for setting the irq on parrallel port and etc | 03:01 |
sirukin | turn those off if you aren't using them | 03:01 |
sirukin | also, you could try recompiling your kernel if the power related stuff is conflicting with your soundcard | 03:02 |
sirukin | judging from the type of card you have, it's most likely a mainboard integrated audio device | 03:02 |
sirukin | what are you using to play music? | 03:03 |
=== sirukin assuming you're attempting to play music | ||
somerville32 | Wait wait wait... | 03:03 |
somerville32 | I have two... | 03:03 |
somerville32 | a built in and a PCI | 03:03 |
sirukin | ic | 03:03 |
somerville32 | How do I know which one I'm using | 03:03 |
sirukin | what's the pci? | 03:03 |
somerville32 | the built in one doesn't work | 03:03 |
somerville32 | *shrugs* | 03:03 |
sirukin | well that explains it... | 03:03 |
somerville32 | I dunno | 03:03 |
sirukin | dork() | 03:03 |
sirukin | haha | 03:03 |
sirukin | kubuntu configured the built-in sound device. | 03:04 |
sirukin | but not the pci card | 03:04 |
sirukin | you're going to need to configure the pci card manually | 03:04 |
sirukin | i.e modprobe the proper driver | 03:04 |
sirukin | do me a favour and run lspci | 03:04 |
sirukin | and in konsole, run "sudo nano /etc/modules" and add the pci cards module. | 03:05 |
somerville32 | I think Ensoniq is a PCI card | 03:07 |
sirukin | hmm | 03:08 |
sirukin | are you sure? | 03:08 |
sirukin | dmesg and paste into pastebin | 03:08 |
sirukin | hmm | 03:09 |
sirukin | I'm not sure | 03:09 |
sirukin | you're going to have to read more into this on your own as I cannot help when I'm not physically there. | 03:10 |
=== sirukin is sheepishly getting out of helping you now. | ||
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somerville32 | http://pastebin.com/281946 | 03:15 |
sirukin | hmm | 03:16 |
sirukin | haha | 03:17 |
sirukin | dork... | 03:17 |
=== utta [~utta@c-24-128-224-224.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sirukin | run in konsole "sudo modprobe sb16" | 03:17 |
sirukin | # | 03:18 |
sirukin | isapnp: Card 'Creative SB16 PnP' | 03:18 |
sirukin | # | 03:18 |
sirukin | isapnp: 1 Plug & Play card detected total | 03:18 |
sirukin | that's not pci, it's isa. | 03:18 |
sirukin | PCI is are (usually) the white slotcards. | 03:18 |
=== chavo [~chavo@149.sub-70-212-8.myvzw.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sirukin | ISA are the brown-ish slots | 03:18 |
sirukin | usually. | 03:18 |
sirukin | on old computers | 03:18 |
sirukin | old(er) | 03:19 |
sirukin | you'll need to add "sb16" to /etc/modules | 03:19 |
sirukin | and the es71 modules/drivers to the blacklist | 03:19 |
sirukin | your system is very similiar to my own | 03:19 |
=== Kisain [~Kisain@24-177-160-171.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== Kisain is now known as [Adult_SWIM] | ||
[Adult_SWIM] | how come my screensavers don't work right anymore?/ | 03:25 |
sirukin | kde 3.4 and xscreeensaver suck. | 03:25 |
=== jyd [~jdunavin@ip68-102-210-33.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
[Adult_SWIM] | ok but i'm usin the screensavers that came with ubuntu | 03:26 |
[Adult_SWIM] | not with kde | 03:26 |
[Adult_SWIM] | and they are falling to work right | 03:27 |
[Adult_SWIM] | is there a way to fix it? | 03:27 |
[Adult_SWIM] | to reapir whatever has gone wrong? | 03:27 |
sirukin | what channel are you in? | 03:27 |
sirukin | #kubuntu == KDE ubuntu | 03:28 |
sirukin | and kde 3.4 and xscreensaver don't co-operate very well from my experience. | 03:28 |
sirukin | as for fixing it... | 03:28 |
sirukin | I haven't found a way yet | 03:28 |
[Adult_SWIM] | damn | 03:28 |
=== sirukin frowns | ||
[Adult_SWIM] | i think the screensavers for ubuntu rock | 03:28 |
sirukin | I've been using cmatrix | 03:28 |
[Adult_SWIM] | lol thats nice | 03:28 |
sirukin | >_< | 03:29 |
[Adult_SWIM] | i likew them all so i have them set to cycle | 03:29 |
[Adult_SWIM] | every 5 minutes | 03:29 |
[Adult_SWIM] | but now the cycling seems to have failed | 03:29 |
sirukin | heh, some are good, some are not. | 03:29 |
[Adult_SWIM] | it will turn on and then thats it lol | 03:29 |
[Adult_SWIM] | they used to all cycle | 03:29 |
sirukin | :[ | 03:30 |
[Adult_SWIM] | yea i know | 03:30 |
sirukin | apt-get reinstall? | 03:30 |
[Adult_SWIM] | i wonder what the glitch is | 03:30 |
[Adult_SWIM] | has it been been reported? | 03:30 |
sirukin | I don't know, but hopefully someone is working on it. | 03:31 |
[Adult_SWIM] | maybe i should make a bug report? | 03:31 |
sirukin | if it isn't fixed soon (end of the month), I'll submit a fix. | 03:31 |
sirukin | or attempt to at least | 03:31 |
sirukin | do so | 03:31 |
[Adult_SWIM] | that would be awsome man | 03:31 |
[Adult_SWIM] | you rock | 03:31 |
[Adult_SWIM] | i just switchd from xp 2 weeks ago | 03:32 |
[Adult_SWIM] | and i have never been happyer with an os | 03:32 |
[Adult_SWIM] | cept one of my games won't run no matter what i do :( | 03:32 |
=== jyd [~jdunavin@ip68-102-210-33.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
[Adult_SWIM] | it would really rock if i could get one game to run | 03:33 |
[Adult_SWIM] | but i don't know why it wont cause i don't know much about linux | 03:34 |
[Adult_SWIM] | i orderd the linux for dummies books though | 03:34 |
sirukin | heh | 03:34 |
sirukin | why did you do that? | 03:34 |
sirukin | the only real way to learn Unix and it's derivatives is by playing with it. | 03:35 |
sirukin | as for the game, perhaps it needs opengl acceleration | 03:35 |
[Adult_SWIM] | yea but i gotta get another machene to do that | 03:35 |
[Adult_SWIM] | i have this one just the way i want lol | 03:35 |
[Adult_SWIM] | i do have one question though how come i can't get my palm m130 to work with kubuntu? | 03:35 |
sirukin | hopefully somerville32 got his sound working. | 03:36 |
sirukin | tuxmobile.org | 03:36 |
sirukin | check there | 03:36 |
[Adult_SWIM] | kk | 03:37 |
[Adult_SWIM] | how do i log into kubuntu as root? | 03:38 |
[Adult_SWIM] | some of the things i want to change can only be changed as root or adminastrator | 03:38 |
sirukin | Ubuntu is a rootless env | 03:38 |
[Adult_SWIM] | if there the same lol | 03:38 |
[Adult_SWIM] | ok | 03:38 |
[Adult_SWIM] | so what about administarive login? | 03:39 |
sirukin | just open up a commandline and enter "sudo" before any root commands. | 03:39 |
[Adult_SWIM] | is there such a thing? | 03:39 |
[Adult_SWIM] | what if i want to log into the desktop with administrative control? | 03:39 |
[Adult_SWIM] | i know the sudo commands lol | 03:39 |
[Adult_SWIM] | just not how to manuver through the text stuff lol | 03:40 |
[Adult_SWIM] | and it would be easyer for me to make some of the changes through the gui | 03:40 |
mr_roboto | adult_swim: if you REALLY want to log in as root, just set the root password | 03:42 |
[Adult_SWIM] | i did | 03:44 |
[Adult_SWIM] | when i type sudo than enter my pass thats root right? | 03:45 |
[Adult_SWIM] | brb | 03:46 |
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Diablo-D3 | has anyone here installed ubuntu lately? | 04:18 |
Tezkah | I just did it this afternoon | 04:18 |
Tezkah | kubuntu, actually | 04:18 |
sirukin | I've just installed Kubuntu yesterday | 04:18 |
Diablo-D3 | did you happen to notice a blocksize entry for new ext3 partitions? | 04:18 |
Tezkah | no, sorry | 04:19 |
Diablo-D3 | hrm | 04:19 |
=== Diablo-D3 will have to do it *gasp!* the hardway | ||
andrewski | damn, i can't remember: how do i tell which package installed a file? | 04:20 |
andrewski | dpkg -something | 04:20 |
Diablo-D3 | /msg dpkg find file | 04:21 |
andrewski | Diablo-D3: is dpkg supposed to respond with some tips? | 04:23 |
Diablo-D3 | try joining #debian and doing that | 04:23 |
andrewski | Diablo-D3: ok, thanks. | 04:23 |
andrewski | Diablo-D3: nothing useful. :/ | 04:24 |
andrewski | dpkg -S <file> | 04:25 |
andrewski | just asked in #debian (and didn't even get any flames!) | 04:25 |
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=== ice_1963 [~gary@pcp0010958841pcs.brghtn01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ice_1963 | kubuntu is the best out there :o) | 04:52 |
sirukin | it's nice | 04:54 |
sirukin | and current. | 04:54 |
sirukin | so, yes it is. | 04:54 |
=== Bicchi [~chatzilla@adsl-065-006-167-199.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Bicchi | if there a way to run the root account in the middle of a kde session. like the sudo command but instead of the terminal inside kde. hopefully this makes sense. | 04:56 |
Bicchi | like i can erase root files by right cliking with the mouse and is not going to give me problems. | 04:56 |
Bicchi | just run temporary commands i guess. | 04:57 |
sirukin | yes, that's covered on the kubuntu wiki | 04:57 |
sirukin | fire up konqueror | 04:57 |
ice_1963 | or mozilla | 04:58 |
Bicchi | do you know what to search for in the wiki | 04:58 |
sirukin | no, konqueror has a run as root option | 04:59 |
sirukin | it's explained in the wiki | 05:00 |
Bicchi | oh ok | 05:00 |
sirukin | browse around, everything in the wiki is worth reading. | 05:00 |
blueyed | woohoo! KDE starts to update in breezy.. :) | 05:04 |
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amaro | When browsing through konquorer, I can't copy/paste in some directories because I probably need root access | 05:05 |
amaro | what do you guys do in this case? | 05:05 |
amaro | is there a way to let konquorer have access to all files, without executing "sudo konquorer" | 05:05 |
blueyed | amaro, if you would use Krusader (filecommander), you could fire root-Krusader up. | 05:06 |
amaro | yeah, I may try krusader one day | 05:06 |
amaro | kkathman says it crashes a lot | 05:07 |
blueyed | you could also add a "sudo konqueror" action to the rmb menu and open the folder with that,. | 05:07 |
=== blueyed HATES it when he presses enter to send a message for example and a dialog pops up (this time from synaptics debconf).... | ||
blueyed | ..just before. | 05:08 |
amaro | you know.. synaptic sometimes doesn't load up properly | 05:08 |
blueyed | na, that's not the problem. | 05:08 |
Bicchi | can i run a bunch of commands as root without login out. then switch back to my previous login id. without using sudo that is. | 05:08 |
blueyed | There should be a 1s timeout or something before you can "ok" such an "important" diualog. | 05:09 |
blueyed | "sudo -i" or something, Bicchi .. "man sudo". | 05:09 |
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ahuman01 | i logged in to kde and i can't see my desktop .. no icons .. nothing .. its all there in gnome | 05:14 |
amaro | Where can I find MPlayer codecs for ubuntu package? | 05:15 |
ahuman01 | amaro, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 05:17 |
amaro | thank you! something's weird.. someone enabled shadows | 05:17 |
=== _jago [~jago@24-231-191-215.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_jago | can any one tell me if the zexmark z710 printer has a linux driver. | 05:26 |
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ahuman01 | _jago, http://www.linuxprinting.org/printer_list.cgi | 05:37 |
_jago | thank you | 05:40 |
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Drako60 | somewhere that it needs it, when i tried to do apt-get remove linux-headers it said it was in /var/lib/dpkg/updates and /var/lib/dpkg/status | 06:07 |
Drako60 | but i can't figure out why its telling me it has no space left | 06:07 |
=== Diablo-D3 installs ubuntu from scratch | ||
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hussam | does anybody here listen to internet radio, I already have one .asf stream link. but I'm looking for other internet radion stations | 06:16 |
Diablo-D3 | well | 06:17 |
Diablo-D3 | theres di.fm | 06:17 |
Diablo-D3 | and oc.ormgas.com | 06:17 |
Diablo-D3 | and slayradio.com | 06:18 |
hussam | thanks, I'll try those | 06:19 |
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loren | hm | 07:22 |
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incubii | hey peoples how things going | 09:01 |
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Tezkah | yes! | 10:09 |
Tezkah | I got my wifi working | 10:09 |
Tezkah | but, I'm having some strange issues with KDE's control center | 10:09 |
Tezkah | I cannot enter administrator mode | 10:09 |
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=== ubuntu is now known as yosef | ||
Aircobra | Tezkah then launch sudo kcontrol from konsole | 10:19 |
=== yosef <3 Kubuntu! | ||
Tezkah | thank you Aircobra , I don't know why it didn't work | 10:20 |
=== Tezkah <3's kubuntu as well | ||
Aircobra | Tezkah, yeah, its sortof bug | 10:21 |
yosef | too bad airport extreme isnt supported, but my understanding is thats due to lameness on the part of broadcomm, not kubuntu or linux's fault | 10:24 |
Tezkah | so | 10:25 |
Tezkah | how would change my apt-sources lis... | 10:25 |
Tezkah | oh | 10:25 |
Tezkah | I know how to do that | 10:25 |
amu | yosef: so it is | 10:31 |
=== dvoid [~dvoid@c-215fe155.2010-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
yosef | amu: any idea if progress is being made towards a working driver? | 10:41 |
yosef | from the ubuntu forums i was reading that work was being made, but then the the project was being put on hold and looking for someone new to take over the work | 10:42 |
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amu | yosef: never, broadcomm do not publish their specs. | 10:47 |
yosef | the nerve... | 10:47 |
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=== Tezkah [~ryan@d137-186-160-50.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Tezkah | so, I'm trying to mount /dev/hda1 so that my user, "ryan", can access the mounted drive | 11:01 |
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Aircobra | Tezkah did you check ubuntuguide.org? | 11:07 |
Aircobra | lots of usefull information in a very user-friendly format :) | 11:07 |
amu | Tezkah: that isnt a question of mount option, your folders need the correct flags thats user ryan can access to the mounted dev | 11:11 |
Tezkah | yeah, see, I set it so that all users can read that directory | 11:12 |
Tezkah | but when it mounts, it reverts back to being root being the only one able to read it | 11:12 |
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=== Kamping_in_doze [~kaiser@ppp211-58.lns1.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
amu | what did you do, that all users can read that directory? | 11:13 |
Tezkah | I was using Konquerer's permissions | 11:14 |
Tezkah | but I'm sure theres better ways to do it | 11:14 |
=== harsha [~harsha@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
harsha | can some one tell me how to change the vaule of PATH variable | 11:15 |
harsha | 11:15 | |
amu | Tezkah: just do a "sudo chmod u+r /mountpoint" | 11:16 |
Kamping_in_doze | harsha, temporary or permanant? | 11:17 |
harsha | permanent | 11:17 |
amu | ... user or global | 11:17 |
harsha | global | 11:17 |
Kamping_in_doze | iirc. export PATH=PATH;/new/value | 11:17 |
Tezkah | ryan@kubuntu:/media$ sudo chmod u+r /media/hda1 | 11:17 |
Tezkah | chmod: changing permissions of `/media/hda1': Read-only file system | 11:17 |
Tezkah | ryan@kubuntu:/media$ cd /media/hda1 | 11:17 |
Tezkah | bash: cd: /media/hda1: Permission denied | 11:17 |
amu | harsha: edit /etc/profile | 11:18 |
harsha | thanks Kamping_in_doze | 11:18 |
harsha | yeah amu | 11:18 |
dolny | because i have problems with my jabber client: Psi - it doesnt show up on my taskbar, well i think that my taskbar doesnt work at all after upgrading kde-xxx, nothing shows on my taskbar so when i close my communicator's window i can get back to the app | 11:18 |
dolny | can anybody help me ;] | 11:19 |
amu | Tezkah: you forgot sudo .... | 11:19 |
dolny | because i have problems with my jabber client: Psi - it doesnt show up on my taskba | 11:19 |
dolny | oops | 11:19 |
Tezkah | amu: but I want to be able to cd in there with my user | 11:19 |
dolny | sorry for double copy | 11:19 |
harsha | thanx amu | 11:19 |
harsha | i was just searching for this sort of file | 11:19 |
amu | Tezkah: run a cd /mnt ; ls -lag | 11:20 |
amu | Tezkah: run a cd /media ; ls -lag | 11:20 |
Tezkah | drwxr-xr-x 2 root 4096 2005-05-10 03:10 hd | 11:21 |
Tezkah | er, hda1 | 11:21 |
=== Diablo-D3 [diablo@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
amu | Tezkah: that's correct, run now an "id username" | 11:25 |
Tezkah | a bunch of different groups I belong to | 11:26 |
harsha | hey amu | 11:27 |
harsha | i have added the entry | 11:27 |
harsha | to /etc/profile | 11:27 |
harsha | how do i get the path | 11:27 |
harsha | without rebootin | 11:27 |
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amu | Tezkah: you got it, if you want it'S accessable only by agroup of users, sharing your movies/sounds, create a new group named, sounds, add the users to the group sound, and chgrp sound /media/hdx | 11:29 |
amu | harsha: just logout, login, than run in a konsole : echo $PATH | 11:30 |
Tezkah | well, I got it so that it mounted it with me as the owner | 11:30 |
Tezkah | that works | 11:30 |
harsha | yeah | 11:31 |
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transgress | okay anyone have the kde translucency option working? | 11:33 |
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yosef | mounting an os x partition under kubuntu, will mount -t hfsplus /dev/hda3 /mnt/osx do the trick? | 11:44 |
amu | yosef: so it is | 11:51 |
Tezkah | is there an easy way to tell the current cpu frequency? | 11:53 |
amu | grep clock /proc/cpuinfo | 11:55 |
Aircobra | cat /proc/cpuinfo :) | 11:55 |
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Tezkah | Firefox... it looks so ugly | 11:59 |
transgress | nah... you are just looking at it wrong | 11:59 |
transgress | but eh try konq heh | 12:00 |
Tezkah | yeah well it looks like it belongs in GNOME | 12:00 |
transgress | that's because it uses gtk | 12:00 |
Tezkah | can you make it look like it belongs in KDE? | 12:01 |
transgress | there is a qt port, but it doesn't work for shit... if you can code c++ you can help move that project along | 12:01 |
Diablo-D3 | I can make it look like it belongs in kde | 12:01 |
Diablo-D3 | use the plastikfox crystal theme | 12:01 |
amu | Tezkah: sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-gtk-qt - Makes your GTK 2 apps look like Qt ones | 12:02 |
Diablo-D3 | which makes it look like its using plastik theme | 12:02 |
Diablo-D3 | amu: one problem | 12:02 |
Diablo-D3 | that engine sucks ass | 12:02 |
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:closure] : Roadmap, comments welcome http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuRoadmap | http://www.kubuntu.org/hoary-release.php | http://moba.linuxfaqs.de/kdelibs-debug.sh script will fix kdelibs bug | http://www.tuxmagazine.com/ sign up and read the guide on using Konqueror for File Management | ||
Diablo-D3 | its slow, buggy, and some apps wont work with it | 12:02 |
Tezkah | ah, plastikfox is close | 12:02 |
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:closure] : Roadmap, comments welcome http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuRoadmap | http://www.kubuntu.org/hoary-release.php | http://moba.linuxfaqs.de/kdelibs-debug.sh script will fix kdelibs bug | http://www.tuxmagazine.com/ sign up and read the guide on using Konqueror for File Management(Issue #2) | ||
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Tezkah | actually, its great | 12:03 |
Tezkah | excellent | 12:03 |
amu | Diablo-D3: :) as i know firefox with QT will be soon ready for a test | 12:03 |
Tezkah | and thanks amu | 12:03 |
transgress | it's ready for testing now... but it doesn't make a good grade | 12:03 |
Tezkah | pretty apps | 12:03 |
Diablo-D3 | blah we dont need that | 12:03 |
Tezkah | is gaim even pretty? | 12:03 |
Diablo-D3 | we just need all the final rendering bugs hammered out of khtml | 12:04 |
closure | Tezkah, gaim is a normal winodw | 12:04 |
closure | err windwo | 12:04 |
closure | err window | 12:04 |
Diablo-D3 | hopefully the acid2 fixes from safari will fix the worst css offenders | 12:04 |
transgress | Tezkah: try kopete if you need qt looking stuff for aim etc | 12:04 |
transgress | i prefer psi myself | 12:04 |
Tezkah | yeah, I'm using kopete right now | 12:04 |
closure | i greatly prefer gaim to any other messenger though | 12:05 |
Diablo-D3 | I hate kopete | 12:05 |
closure | kopete is just funky looking | 12:05 |
Diablo-D3 | ugh | 12:05 |
closure | Diablo-D3, agreed | 12:05 |
Diablo-D3 | worse. kde. software. ever. | 12:05 |
transgress | i like psi... but i mostly use jabber so eh | 12:05 |
Diablo-D3 | Im going to switch back to gaim | 12:05 |
closure | Diablo-D3, damn near | 12:06 |
transgress | i had two problems with gaim... 1) it's a bit overkill for just jabber 2) it doesn't play well with others... such as encryption... it only allows the encryption plugins for gaim, instead of using adding the standard encryption methods for jabber so that encryption could easily be used with psi, gabber, gossip, etc... | 12:08 |
yosef | ive mounted my osx partition, but cant access data in the User dirs due to permissions, any thoughts on the best way around this? | 12:15 |
yosef | id prefer not to change osx permissions, as im sure that runs the risk of unwanted side effects. anyway i can change the ubuntu uid? | 12:16 |
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amu | yosef: mount it with option ro, read-only ... and access with root to it | 12:16 |
dolny | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=166030#post166030 | 12:16 |
dolny | please help me with that | 12:16 |
dolny | i described the problem there in order not to flood | 12:17 |
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yosef | amu: think i would be alright changing permissions from 700 to 704? | 12:21 |
transgress | so anyone use koffice? | 12:21 |
amu | dolny: best is, submitt an bug to daniels against xorg | 12:23 |
amu | yosef: not a good idea, next time if you boot osx, you get in trouble ;) | 12:24 |
yosef | ok, thats why i asked, thanks | 12:24 |
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closure | Kubuntu needs advertising | 12:25 |
closure | on american television >8-) | 12:26 |
closure | prime time | 12:26 |
closure | lol | 12:26 |
amu | closure: just do it :-) | 12:26 |
Aircobra | "everyone is invited" :) | 12:27 |
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Aircobra | fits even better than Samsung itself | 12:27 |
closure | amu, yeah let me find that 50 million i left around the hosue | 12:27 |
closure | err house | 12:27 |
yosef | maybe one of the factory workers for the big pc makers will 'accidentally' use a kubuntu install cd instead of a windows one, and then millions of people will receive linux as a suprise running on their shiny new comp | 12:29 |
yosef | i bet a lot of people would just think its the new version of windows | 12:29 |
amu | As i heard, HP will start and the first ;) | 12:29 |
closure | yosef, there is an article on slash dot i think about the linux section of microsoft | 12:30 |
closure | kinda interesting | 12:30 |
closure | they have different flavours running on like 2000 computers or so | 12:30 |
verden01 | hey anyone got 3d working with their ATI Radeon card | 12:30 |
amu | closure: let's start, first sell your house/car/computers :) | 12:31 |
=== yosef checks the /. | ||
yosef | i think its sad that my school which is suffering major budget cuts still goes and pays to have winxp and office when theres other options | 12:32 |
yosef | governments and other similar institutions should begin the switching process, cuz then the trickledown will eventually motivate home users to change, or at least consider the alternatives | 12:33 |
closure | amu, alright i might have 750 then possibly get one 30 sec ad on a public broadcast network at 3 am | 12:33 |
amu | closure: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/view/960 Probably HP will soon convinced itself to recommend Kubuntu alongside Ubuntu for installing on their nx notebook series.. | 12:34 |
amu | closure: a good start, better than nothing ;) | 12:35 |
closure | dell dropped 100 million onto redhat the other day | 12:35 |
closure | amu, most definitely | 12:35 |
closure | annnnnnnd UK is getting rid of all microsoft products on it's school computers | 12:35 |
transgress | i'm running ubuntu on my zv5410us HP Pavilion lappy | 12:35 |
transgress | dell the person did... might want to make that clear | 12:36 |
closure | the owner | 12:36 |
closure | i'm pretty sure it wasn't his own money though i think it was the company's | 12:37 |
closure | 100 mil is a lot of personal funds to put on a project | 12:37 |
transgress | closure: it was his own money | 12:37 |
transgress | according to the article | 12:37 |
closure | transgress, wow that's crazy | 12:37 |
closure | can anyone recomend a damn xchat script with easy timestamp configuration | 12:38 |
closure | cause mine simply does not stamp | 12:38 |
transgress | closure: did you tell it to in the preferences? | 12:38 |
closure | yep | 12:38 |
closure | no dice | 12:38 |
closure | wait | 12:38 |
closure | super l33t | 12:39 |
closure | now then | 12:39 |
transgress | umm | 12:39 |
closure | if i can only get rid of this bar and make the window look more like mIRC | 12:39 |
transgress | what just happened? all i know is i feel dirty | 12:39 |
transgress | gah eww | 12:39 |
closure | transgress, lol i apparently hadn't checked the box | 12:39 |
transgress | wtf would you want it to look like mirc? that was such crap software i used xchat for windows when i had to use windows | 12:40 |
transgress | closure: but if you really want mirc crap look into kvirc | 12:40 |
closure | mIRC is probably the best IRC client imo | 12:40 |
closure | the most features of anything | 12:40 |
transgress | that's your opinion, but that features comment is BS | 12:41 |
transgress | just so you know | 12:41 |
closure | no it's not | 12:41 |
closure | what has more? | 12:41 |
transgress | what has less? | 12:41 |
closure | every other client | 12:41 |
closure | ? | 12:41 |
transgress | other than handle a shitload of flood i can do just about everything in irssi that mirc can | 12:41 |
closure | irssi is command line is it not? | 12:42 |
transgress | and xchat has just as much | 12:42 |
transgress | yes it is | 12:42 |
closure | then you're already missing window notification | 12:42 |
closure | ease of multiple servers | 12:42 |
transgress | xchat has that | 12:42 |
closure | some what | 12:43 |
transgress | and when it's commandline... you open up two tabs for irssi... that's just as easy | 12:43 |
closure | xchat is definitely the closest in linux | 12:43 |
transgress | not somewhat... it fucking has that | 12:43 |
transgress | closure: exactly how many have you tried on linux? | 12:43 |
closure | transgress, plenty | 12:43 |
closure | if i could get BitchX-GTK to work i think'd be satisfied | 12:43 |
transgress | closure: umm... yeah... | 12:43 |
closure | but nobody seems to know the command to execute the damn thing | 12:44 |
transgress | closure: it doesn't work... at all... they didn't even try | 12:44 |
closure | transgress, who's they? the developers? | 12:44 |
transgress | yes | 12:44 |
closure | lol | 12:45 |
transgress | why try to make something used mainly for the purpose that it's commandline into a gui... | 12:45 |
closure | *shrugs* i simply like the client | 12:45 |
closure | i'd like to see it gui | 12:46 |
transgress | ... | 12:46 |
transgress | so you've tried xchat and bitchx on linux then huh? | 12:46 |
=== error403 [~alan@host86-132-87-188.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
closure | along with ksirc | 12:46 |
closure | kvirc | 12:46 |
closure | ircii | 12:46 |
closure | i've used plenty of clients as i said | 12:47 |
=== yosef is enjoying konversation | ||
closure | BitchX and xchat are my favourites but i'd like to see them combined | 12:47 |
closure | konversation wasn't bad i just didn't reallly care for it's look | 12:47 |
transgress | yeah i use konversation for the gui... need those links for work... but i use irssi on here | 12:47 |
yosef | ic | 12:47 |
transgress | and it looks so very different from xchat | 12:48 |
yosef | yes, irssi is solid, my *nix client of choice | 12:48 |
closure | i don't like how all text in channel, here in x chat, is aligned with this line | 12:49 |
transgress | then change it | 12:49 |
closure | i prefer all the nicks to be one space from the time stamp and then another space after that the text the user typed | 12:49 |
closure | transgress, how? | 12:49 |
closure | j | 12:49 |
transgress | well i think you can play around in the prefs for that, but if not... you have the code | 12:49 |
error403 | im using irssi... | 12:49 |
error403 | love it | 12:50 |
closure | my my transgress | 12:50 |
closure | xchat is cool | 12:50 |
error403 | but then again, i am using my laptop via ssh, through 2 other computers | 12:50 |
transgress | error403: why? | 12:50 |
closure | error403, yeah i was about to say the same thing | 12:50 |
error403 | transgress: why what? | 12:50 |
transgress | why are you ssh'd through 2 computers to get to your lappy? | 12:50 |
error403 | You see, i am at school, using M$ remote desktop to connect to my desktop computer, then using a SSH client on my desktop to connect to my laptop... | 12:51 |
closure | lol | 12:51 |
error403 | im not SSH'd through 2 computers, but i am connected through 2 computers | 12:51 |
closure | now that i switch from indent the nicks i don't like it | 12:51 |
closure | lol | 12:51 |
closure | quite annoying once you get use to something | 12:52 |
transgress | error403: might just look into putting putty on a usb mini drive | 12:52 |
error403 | transgress: yeah, i know, but i dont have any ports on my router forwarded to my laptop | 12:52 |
transgress | error403: ah i see... | 12:52 |
transgress | yeah that's how i hide my desktop | 12:52 |
error403 | heh | 12:53 |
error403 | well, i havent deliberately hidden it | 12:53 |
transgress | i did | 12:53 |
error403 | just not got round to pointing anything at it | 12:53 |
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transgress | it's like yes... attack my server that is old and has all of 10 files on it plus my website that is backed up | 12:53 |
error403 | ping: unknown host | 12:53 |
error403 | ... | 12:54 |
error403 | PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. | 12:54 |
error403 | From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable | 12:54 |
error403 | --- ping statistics --- | 12:54 |
error403 | 1 packets transmitted, 0 received, +1 errors, 100% packet loss, time 0ms | 12:54 |
error403 | O.o | 12:54 |
error403 | oops | 12:54 |
error403 | dammit, got in the habit of using -o with /exec | 12:54 |
transgress | 6am | 12:55 |
transgress | i should sleep | 12:55 |
error403 | heh | 12:55 |
error403 | i know the feeling... | 12:55 |
error403 | 12 noon - must sleep | 12:55 |
transgress | kinda need to be up at like 12 | 12:55 |
error403 | :P | 12:55 |
transgress | heh i took a nap during work today | 12:55 |
error403 | hhe | 12:56 |
transgress | they didn't seem to notice | 12:56 |
error403 | im waiting till maths, i can sleep theb... | 12:56 |
error403 | *then | 12:56 |
yosef | any way to create a persistant home dir the way knoppix does for the livecd? | 12:56 |
transgress | heh yeah school... i slept far more than i was awake | 12:56 |
yosef | or some way to save my configurations | 12:56 |
closure | ok transgress new question | 12:58 |
transgress | so this company that does survey's and shit called me up asking if i'd take part... i kept saying no... and they kept bugging me... so i finally gave in... after harassing the worker... and they send me this shit about what i listen to on the radio... and since i don't... i'm sending the shit back blank... they even sent me like $5 to do it (in cash... in the mail... how weird) | 12:59 |
closure | where would i set xchat to show whois and notices in active windwo | 12:59 |
transgress | closure: ask away | 12:59 |
closure | err window | 12:59 |
transgress | preferences | 12:59 |
closure | can't find that option in there | 12:59 |
transgress | iuno... my lappy has xchat, but this computer doesn't | 12:59 |
transgress | i avoided gnome packages as best as i could | 12:59 |
Diablo-D3 | holy jesus | 01:01 |
error403 | Diablo-D3: ??? | 01:01 |
Diablo-D3 | ubuntu boots faster than my old debian install | 01:01 |
error403 | heh | 01:02 |
Diablo-D3 | that was fucking fast | 01:02 |
Diablo-D3 | amazing | 01:02 |
error403 | I can never get Debian to install - it doesnt like my graphics or something | 01:02 |
error403 | and it also doesnt like my network | 01:02 |
error403 | So I'm screwed | 01:02 |
Diablo-D3 | you do realize you're talking nonsense, right? | 01:02 |
error403 | am i? | 01:02 |
Diablo-D3 | yes. | 01:03 |
error403 | Debian is a pain for me | 01:03 |
error403 | I always get the 'no screens found' on startx | 01:03 |
transgress | did you configure x? | 01:04 |
transgress | and error403 pay no mind to Diablo-D3 ... he's not all there upstairs if you know what i mean. | 01:04 |
error403 | It configures it in the installation... | 01:04 |
transgress | it doesn't toss any errors? | 01:04 |
error403 | i told it to install the 'nv' driver, coz i have an nvidia card... | 01:05 |
error403 | and i think there is a question about LCD screens | 01:05 |
error403 | and i say yes there | 01:05 |
transgress | you ever try apting the nvidia drivers? | 01:05 |
error403 | coz it is one. | 01:05 |
error403 | i cant | 01:05 |
error403 | it doesnt recognise my network interface | 01:05 |
transgress | ah because it doesn't like your network... | 01:05 |
error403 | at all | 01:05 |
transgress | heh | 01:05 |
error403 | >.< | 01:05 |
error403 | I use KLubuntu coz it actually works... | 01:06 |
transgress | yeah it doesn't like my card either... did you use netinstall? | 01:06 |
transgress | i like debian | 01:06 |
error403 | How the hell do you netinstall if the kernel shit on your face when it sees your network interface? | 01:06 |
transgress | but it doesn't like my server... but i think ima try to get woody on it | 01:06 |
transgress | error403: well i didn't know if you went all the way through or not... | 01:06 |
error403 | yeah, i tried it | 01:07 |
error403 | going to try again tonight.... | 01:07 |
transgress | i stick with kubuntu on my desktop because i like xorg on it | 01:07 |
=== incubii [~incubii@cor9-ppp1512.hay.dialup.connect.net.au] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
transgress | but i don't even keep X on my server so eh | 01:07 |
error403 | heh | 01:08 |
error403 | yeah, Debian would work fine for a remote box for me maybe, if it didnt hate my network | 01:08 |
error403 | but X? no chance | 01:08 |
error403 | >.< | 01:08 |
error403 | i dont know what to do about that, coz i really wanna run debian | 01:08 |
transgress | i've got ubuntu on my lappy, but i'm seriously thinking about putting fedora core 4 on it when it comes out | 01:08 |
error403 | and by the way, has anyone else found that getting linux onto a laptop can be 5 times harder than on a desktop? | 01:09 |
transgress | not really | 01:09 |
transgress | just kind of depends on the laptop | 01:09 |
error403 | Yeah, i might try FC4 when it comes out, as long as they can switch the annoying RHN thing off... | 01:09 |
transgress | the bigger the name the easier it tends to be | 01:09 |
transgress | you aren't on the rhn with fedora | 01:10 |
error403 | well, debian doesnt work on either my desktop or my laptop | 01:10 |
transgress | i like fedora because it's community driven... | 01:10 |
Diablo-D3 | heh | 01:10 |
error403 | Yeha | 01:10 |
error403 | but | 01:10 |
transgress | what kind of lappy | 01:10 |
Diablo-D3 | why bother running debian | 01:10 |
Diablo-D3 | just use ubuntu | 01:10 |
error403 | true | 01:10 |
error403 | but | 01:10 |
error403 | i hate Kubuntu for one reason at the mo... My kernel is ancient... | 01:11 |
Diablo-D3 | um | 01:11 |
transgress | the kubuntu kernel isn't ancient | 01:11 |
Diablo-D3 | then upgrade it | 01:11 |
error403 | yeah | 01:11 |
Diablo-D3 | ubuntu has 2.6.10 | 01:11 |
error403 | i wanna upgrade to the latest | 01:11 |
transgress | it's like fucking 2.6.10 i think | 01:11 |
error403 | but the fucking this wont boot | 01:11 |
transgress | error403: then go for it | 01:11 |
closure | error403, what are you talking about? | 01:11 |
transgress | the new kernel won't? | 01:11 |
Diablo-D3 | did you install ubuntu's version of 2.6.10? | 01:11 |
closure | oh wow | 01:12 |
error403 | its impossible to get it to boot, using any method i have found, and using any method that has worked before... | 01:12 |
closure | i'm on 2.6.19 | 01:12 |
transgress | getting what to boot? | 01:12 |
closure | err 2.6.10 | 01:12 |
error403 | 2.6.19 = development, right? | 01:12 |
Diablo-D3 | closure: ... there is no such kernel | 01:12 |
error403 | lol | 01:12 |
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transgress | he said err | 01:12 |
Diablo-D3 | 2.6.19 doesnt exist goddamnit | 01:12 |
error403 | OH | 01:12 |
error403 | lol | 01:12 |
error403 | im trying to compile | 01:12 |
Diablo-D3 | 2.6.12 doesnt even exist yet | 01:12 |
transgress | remember what i said about ignoring Diablo-D3 ... he's a troll... | 01:12 |
error403 | lol | 01:13 |
error403 | ok | 01:13 |
Diablo-D3 | dont compile your own kernels | 01:13 |
transgress | error403: well if it doesn't boot then you did something wrong | 01:13 |
Diablo-D3 | you're too stupid to do it right | 01:13 |
error403 | ... | 01:13 |
=== error403 switched on /ignore Diablo-D3 | ||
transgress | error403: you just keep trying... it's okay to fuck a kernel up as much as you want... you will eventually get it | 01:13 |
Diablo-D3 | unless you know how to properly debianize a kernel, you'll just fuck your system up. | 01:13 |
error403 | transgress: i know that | 01:13 |
closure | -closure- VERSION xchat 2.4.1 Linux 3.2.6-5-386 [i686/448.28MHz] | 01:13 |
error403 | I have used | 01:13 |
Diablo-D3 | hah | 01:13 |
closure | >8-) | 01:14 |
error403 | mm | 01:14 |
transgress | how are you gonna fuck your system up? all you have to do is boot the old kernel... ass | 01:14 |
Diablo-D3 | closure: I bet once error403 reboots, he wont ever come back | 01:14 |
error403 | well, i have used Mepis which is debian-based | 01:14 |
transgress | error403: i think he has me on ignore... do me a favor and ask him how that can fuck up your system when you can go to the old kernel? | 01:14 |
error403 | and that never had a problem with new kernels | 01:15 |
transgress | bleh ima get on my lappy | 01:15 |
error403 | Well then Diablo-D3, could you please tell me what is so fundamental that i am missing? | 01:15 |
closure | Diablo-D3, that's cause he's not on kernel 3.2.6 | 01:16 |
Diablo-D3 | rtfm. | 01:16 |
error403 | ... | 01:16 |
=== incubii [~incubii@cor9-ppp1512.hay.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
closure | man konq is a pain | 01:18 |
Diablo-D3 | which reminds me | 01:18 |
Diablo-D3 | soon as I reinstall everything I need to build a new kernel | 01:18 |
=== ircbot_ [~ircbot_@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Diablo-D3 | 2.6.12-rcx-mmy | 01:19 |
closure | rcx? | 01:19 |
ircbot_ | man Diablo-D3 you really gotta stop talking shit... if you fuck up a kernel ... you aren't gonna kill the system... you can boot to the old kernel | 01:19 |
Diablo-D3 | ircbot_: not true | 01:19 |
ircbot_ | umm... i do it on a regular basis | 01:19 |
ircbot_ | not true my ass | 01:19 |
Diablo-D3 | ircbot_: if he attempts to follow the instructions that come with the kernel, he'll attempt to use lilo. | 01:20 |
Diablo-D3 | LILO THE MACHINE KILLER! RAWR! | 01:20 |
ircbot_ | done it with lilo and grub | 01:20 |
Diablo-D3 | shush ;) | 01:20 |
Diablo-D3 | ircbot_: atleast with lilo you can accidently eat your /vmlinuz.old link | 01:20 |
Diablo-D3 | and then you're fucked | 01:21 |
ircbot_ | i somehow think you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. best way to learn a new kernel is to compile it wrong... then have to start over again. | 01:21 |
ircbot_ | Diablo-D3: umm... don't name them the same? | 01:21 |
Diablo-D3 | ircbot_: I've been compiling kernels longer than you've used linux, kthxbye | 01:21 |
ircbot_ | Diablo-D3: making a statement when you know nothing about me... shows ignorance. | 01:22 |
Diablo-D3 | okay then, what was the first kernel you booted? | 01:22 |
ircbot_ | Diablo-D3: do i need to answer? you've shown your ignorance and you're making shit up... you can boot different kernels... my server has 3 on it... with lilo | 01:23 |
ircbot_ | telling someone they are too stupid to compile kernels | 01:23 |
Diablo-D3 | Lets try this again. What was the first kernel you booted? | 01:23 |
ircbot_ | when that's the easiest way to learn... | 01:23 |
ircbot_ | it doesn't matter... you have already made shit up so regardless of what i say what proof do i have that you won't make more shit up? | 01:24 |
Diablo-D3 | Afraid to admit it was 2.2? maybe even 2.4? | 01:24 |
ircbot_ | not in the least... because it doesn't matter | 01:24 |
Diablo-D3 | And by saying 'made shit up' just proves you're just looking for a fight. | 01:25 |
ircbot_ | no... i'm not looking for a fight. you made shit up. you said you couldn't boot multiple kernels... that it would fuck up your system. | 01:25 |
Diablo-D3 | So, yes, if he doesn't follow the instructions, he can, infact, bork his system | 01:25 |
Diablo-D3 | And I never said you couldnt boot multiple kernels | 01:25 |
error403 | i use GRUB, not LILO ... | 01:25 |
transgress | 06:20 < ircbot_> man Diablo-D3 you really gotta stop talking shit... if you | 01:26 |
transgress | fuck up a kernel ... you aren't gonna kill the system... you | 01:26 |
transgress | can boot to the old kernel | 01:26 |
transgress | 06:21 < Diablo-D3> ircbot_: not true | 01:26 |
Diablo-D3 | atleast error403 (hopefully) has a handy boot disk | 01:26 |
ircbot_ | that looks like you said it to me | 01:26 |
Diablo-D3 | ie, the live cd | 01:26 |
ircbot_ | why do you need the livecd? | 01:26 |
ircbot_ | you can _boot_ the _old_ kernel | 01:26 |
Diablo-D3 | ircbot_: no, I said he would follow the kernel instructions which recommend lilo | 01:26 |
=== Diablo-D3 whacks ircbot_ | ||
Diablo-D3 | pay attention | 01:27 |
ircbot_ | i said "you can boot the old kernel" you said "ircbot_: not true" | 01:27 |
Diablo-D3 | if he _somehow_ fucks everything up, including the old kernel, then he needs the boot the system somehow | 01:27 |
Diablo-D3 | I said not true _but_ | 01:27 |
Diablo-D3 | I've seen people rm /boot/* | 01:27 |
error403 | yes... | 01:27 |
ircbot_ | well no shit... fucking up all kernel options you have can make your system not work?! wow! no shit. | 01:27 |
error403 | well, i'm not THAT stupid... | 01:27 |
Diablo-D3 | trying to install their own kernel because they couldnt rtfm. | 01:28 |
Diablo-D3 | ergo, error403 needs to rtfm. | 01:28 |
ircbot_ | and i've seen people rm -rf / too, but it's not something you see in any directions... | 01:28 |
error403 | i did that the other week | 01:28 |
ircbot_ | Diablo-D3: you didn't even tell him to read the directions. you told him that he was too stupid to do it and not to even try. | 01:28 |
error403 | on purpose | 01:28 |
error403 | with my windows partition mounted | 01:28 |
error403 | and then i installed kubuntu | 01:28 |
Diablo-D3 | error403: hah | 01:28 |
error403 | yes, it was deliberate though | 01:29 |
Diablo-D3 | ircbot_: if hes asking how to do it, then he isnt smart enough to do it. | 01:29 |
error403 | i wanted to wipe my computer | 01:29 |
ircbot_ | Diablo-D3: you can learn by asking. this is a fucking help channel. | 01:29 |
Diablo-D3 | ircbot_: its been that way since day one. | 01:29 |
error403 | and i did it as an experiment to see how long linux lives under that kind of abuse | 01:29 |
Diablo-D3 | no, #kernelnewbies on oftc is a fucking help channel | 01:29 |
ircbot_ | Diablo-D3: no it hasn't... i learned how to compile by asking and reading... | 01:29 |
ircbot_ | umm... see how this channel has only one # on it? makes it an official kubuntu help channel on freenode | 01:30 |
error403 | Diablo-D3: with all due respect to your age, you are acting like... well, a 12-year-old webdesigner | 01:30 |
transgress | that's because he more than likely is. | 01:30 |
error403 | heh | 01:30 |
Diablo-D3 | 12 year olds can webdesign? | 01:30 |
error403 | apparentlyso... | 01:31 |
ircbot_ | i did | 01:31 |
error403 | i didnt, i started at 15 | 01:31 |
Diablo-D3 | <blink>LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!</blink> | 01:31 |
transgress | it was so popular the fbi went to it heh | 01:31 |
error403 | but found i was lame at desing, and had a talent for scripting in PHP | 01:31 |
Diablo-D3 | I learned html2 at around that age | 01:31 |
error403 | well, i have a talent for programming most languages i try | 01:31 |
transgress | no he didn't | 01:32 |
error403 | which is why i am doing Software engineering at Uni next year | 01:32 |
Diablo-D3 | raise your hand if you think css is the best thing to ever happen to web developing | 01:32 |
=== error403 raises hand tenatively | ||
Diablo-D3 | back in my day, we didnt have css, AND WE LIKED IT | 01:33 |
error403 | it is and it isnt - replacing tables with css can be a bitch | 01:33 |
error403 | but for styling, it is | 01:33 |
Diablo-D3 | and we trudged up hill, in the snow, barefoot, to the terminal each day! | 01:33 |
transgress | back in his day my ass | 01:33 |
error403 | Back in his day? | 01:33 |
error403 | you mean like last week | 01:33 |
error403 | when he was too retarded to see that the whole snow thing wasnt necessaary | 01:34 |
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Diablo-D3 | btw, css tables arnt too difficult | 01:34 |
Diablo-D3 | my blog uses them, but I'm not entirely sure if I'm happy with them | 01:34 |
error403 | depends what you are trying to achieve, and which browsrs you want it to work in... | 01:34 |
Diablo-D3 | http://shadowconflict.blogspot.com/ | 01:35 |
=== incubii [~incubii@cor9-ppp1512.hay.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
error403 | http://local.dotphp.org/dotphp/ is a layout i am working on, does what i want it to in FF, but not in IE | 01:35 |
Diablo-D3 | and for the record, only moz does it right | 01:35 |
Diablo-D3 | heh, IE is officially not compatible with the internet. | 01:35 |
transgress | wait a second... he was talking all kinds of shit about moz and ff the other night and how he never used them... | 01:35 |
transgress | herm | 01:35 |
Diablo-D3 | no text/xml support for xhtml | 01:36 |
Diablo-D3 | no transparent pngs | 01:36 |
Diablo-D3 | it doesnt even have complete css 1 support | 01:36 |
error403 | i know IE sucks | 01:36 |
transgress | <meta name="generator" content="Blogger" /> | 01:37 |
Diablo-D3 | and its very buggy for rarely used html4 tag | 01:37 |
Diablo-D3 | *tags | 01:37 |
error403 | but face facts... on a site for webdesign, half the visitors are still using IE | 01:37 |
Diablo-D3 | its so bad, when viewing my blog, IE warns the user to upgrade to firefox | 01:37 |
ircbot_ | now i thought you hated moz and firefox Diablo-D3 ... | 01:37 |
error403 | you did tha too? | 01:37 |
Diablo-D3 | error403: I think everyone has | 01:38 |
ircbot_ | for konqeuror | 01:38 |
Diablo-D3 | ircbot_: konq's css rendering bugs used to hit my blog pretty bad | 01:38 |
Diablo-D3 | its not as bad as it used to be, but its still not acceptable | 01:38 |
error403 | heh | 01:39 |
error403 | using elinks via SSH, it dont render too well at all... | 01:39 |
ircbot_ | but ... wow... makes me look at all the hate going to ff and moz the other night in an entirely different light | 01:39 |
ircbot_ | i wonder if i still have those logs... | 01:39 |
Diablo-D3 | it should render perfectly, error403 | 01:39 |
Diablo-D3 | its all css formatted | 01:39 |
Diablo-D3 | ie, turn css, you have plain text. | 01:39 |
error403 | elinks | 01:39 |
error403 | lol | 01:40 |
Diablo-D3 | yup, I heard you the first time | 01:40 |
Diablo-D3 | you should be seeing plain text | 01:40 |
error403 | it doesnt do the positioning | 01:40 |
error403 | lol | 01:40 |
error403 | yes | 01:40 |
error403 | i do | 01:40 |
error403 | but | 01:40 |
Diablo-D3 | nope, it shouldnt do poisitioning | 01:40 |
Diablo-D3 | it shouold be plain as hell | 01:40 |
error403 | no positioning with CSS, but it does with tables | 01:40 |
error403 | lol | 01:40 |
error403 | hmmm | 01:40 |
Diablo-D3 | except Im not using tables | 01:40 |
Diablo-D3 | mwhahaha. | 01:40 |
error403 | maybe they should make elinks css-compliant | 01:40 |
Diablo-D3 | Im using... CSS TABLES! | 01:41 |
error403 | i know | 01:41 |
Diablo-D3 | *insert evil laugh* | 01:41 |
error403 | thats what i am trying to do with mine | 01:41 |
Diablo-D3 | css tables are possibly the most evil thing invented | 01:41 |
error403 | and like i said, it only renders in some browsers | 01:41 |
Diablo-D3 | and they work so well | 01:41 |
Diablo-D3 | well, in firefox atleast | 01:41 |
Diablo-D3 | and opera breaks the same way konq 3.4 does | 01:41 |
ircbot_ | well if you make your site for ff, why did you talk so much shit about ff? | 01:42 |
ircbot_ | i'm really trying to understand | 01:42 |
Diablo-D3 | because I didnt make it for ff | 01:42 |
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Diablo-D3 | I made it for standards compliant browsers. | 01:43 |
ircbot_ | which wouldn't include your browser of choice? and you even have an ff link on your page... | 01:43 |
Diablo-D3 | khtml just simply isnt standards compliant enough to display it right =/ | 01:43 |
Diablo-D3 | ircbot_: you're missing one small thing | 01:43 |
transgress | error403: i just don't like him so much if you can't tell | 01:44 |
Diablo-D3 | there is no spread konq campaign | 01:44 |
transgress | because he is a troll | 01:44 |
Diablo-D3 | and I want msie off the net | 01:44 |
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ircbot_ | yes, but you were saying ff sucks... so umm... why spread it if it sucks? | 01:44 |
Diablo-D3 | because it is godlike compared to msie | 01:44 |
Diablo-D3 | remember, just because I say it sucks, doesnt mean I say it sucks goatballs. | 01:45 |
ircbot_ | ... | 01:45 |
Diablo-D3 | firefox lightly sucks | 01:45 |
verden01 | who sucks goatballs lol | 01:46 |
ircbot_ | okay of the available browsers... it can display your site | 01:46 |
ircbot_ | but oh konq is the greatest! | 01:46 |
Diablo-D3 | ircbot_: bingo =( | 01:46 |
Diablo-D3 | ircbot_: Im screwed anyhow | 01:46 |
ircbot_ | but spread ff! | 01:46 |
Diablo-D3 | I love the konq ui | 01:46 |
Diablo-D3 | but khtml isnt compliant enough | 01:46 |
Diablo-D3 | and it isnt available for windows and osx | 01:46 |
ircbot_ | safari is built with khtml actually | 01:47 |
Diablo-D3 | yes it is | 01:47 |
Diablo-D3 | but its still no konq | 01:47 |
Diablo-D3 | 90% of konq's coolness is from the ui | 01:47 |
ircbot_ | ... so theme over usability? | 01:47 |
error403 | konqeror? | 01:47 |
Diablo-D3 | no, usability over theme | 01:48 |
error403 | it sucks, i hate it! | 01:48 |
ircbot_ | umm you can't use it on your site | 01:48 |
Diablo-D3 | ircbot_: type gg: foo in the url bar | 01:48 |
ircbot_ | error403: don't troll like some people | 01:48 |
error403 | lol | 01:48 |
Diablo-D3 | yes, ircbot_, we've gone over this | 01:48 |
ircbot_ | Diablo-D3: it's called an alias... you realize it can be done with firefox too right? | 01:48 |
Diablo-D3 | it can be done in firefox with an extention, sure | 01:48 |
error403 | well, in my experience, the first thing i do is 'apt-get install mozilla-firefox' | 01:48 |
Diablo-D3 | but I'd like to see you get an extention to make firefox render faster | 01:49 |
ircbot_ | Diablo-D3: what happens if you want something extra in konq? | 01:49 |
mikl | firefox still has serious performance-issues, though | 01:49 |
Diablo-D3 | thats the whole thing, I dont want anything extra | 01:49 |
Diablo-D3 | infact the last peiece I wanted, ad block, is now in trunk. | 01:49 |
mikl | it takes ages to start if you have more than a few extensions | 01:49 |
mikl | Diablo-D3: is ad blocking coming for konq? | 01:50 |
ircbot_ | Diablo-D3: keyword is yet... | 01:50 |
Diablo-D3 | yup | 01:50 |
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Diablo-D3 | mikl: should be in 3.5 | 01:50 |
verden01 | is skype available for kubuntu? | 01:50 |
mikl | that is sweet | 01:50 |
ircbot_ | verden01: it's available for linux | 01:50 |
mikl | verden01: you can get it off skype.com | 01:50 |
verden01 | thanx | 01:51 |
ircbot_ | anyways... ima not feed the troll and go to bed instead | 01:51 |
verden01 | what about AMD64? | 01:51 |
Diablo-D3 | I cant wait until the acid2 changes for khtml get merged, though | 01:51 |
=== Diablo-D3 is really hoping the rendering bugs get fixed | ||
mikl | verden01: afaik, it's only available in x86 yet | 01:52 |
Diablo-D3 | for those that dont understand, acid2 is one of the more difficult css tests to pass | 01:52 |
ircbot_ | verden01: look into running 32 bit apps on 64 bit machines | 01:52 |
Diablo-D3 | firefox passes it, opera doesnt, and safari's khtml tree does now | 01:52 |
mikl | verden01: but that should run on amd64 :) | 01:52 |
ircbot_ | Diablo-D3: you shouldn't treat people as though they are stupid... makes you look bad. | 01:53 |
error403 | well guys, im off, got stuff i need to do | 01:53 |
error403 | i hate school | 01:53 |
Diablo-D3 | and msie commits suicide over it | 01:53 |
Diablo-D3 | aaand | 01:54 |
Diablo-D3 | Im going to bed | 01:54 |
Diablo-D3 | night all | 01:54 |
transgress | yes ms is just running scared... with it's 95% market share | 01:54 |
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closure | whoa | 01:54 |
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buti | howto report bugs in kubuntu? | 01:55 |
verden01 | i'll try it | 01:55 |
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amu | buti: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com | 01:56 |
=== BurgerMann [~burgerman@0x3e42a174.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
BurgerMann | is there any difference in particular between KDE and Kubuntu | 01:57 |
transgress | kubuntu is a distro | 01:57 |
transgress | kde is a desktop environment | 01:57 |
transgress | kubuntu includes kde | 01:58 |
BurgerMann | oh | 01:58 |
transgress | kde does not include kubuntu | 01:58 |
Tm_Balor | :p | 01:58 |
mikl | kubuntu is probably one of the sweetest distros carrying KDE :) | 01:58 |
BurgerMann | thought kubuntu was a modified KDE desktop fit for ubuntu | 01:58 |
Tm_Balor | slightly modified | 01:58 |
Tm_Balor | basicly only some graphics | 01:59 |
Tm_Balor | and some defaults | 01:59 |
amu | rocks, kde 3.4.1 will be tagged at 23th May 2005 | 02:00 |
Tm_Balor | :o | 02:01 |
Tm_Balor | oh yeah \o/ | 02:01 |
buti | damn... bugzilla is extremely slow for me | 02:01 |
Tm_Balor | or you are extremely slow for bugzilla ;--p | 02:02 |
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Tm_Balor | wups | 02:09 |
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snowcrash | hi | 02:45 |
snowcrash | gotta ask a lame question _ | 02:45 |
snowcrash | how to install licq on kubuntu | 02:46 |
snowcrash | it tells me i have to use alien | 02:46 |
snowcrash | to convert it to a debian package | 02:46 |
Riddell | snowcrash: use kopete? | 02:48 |
Riddell | sudo apt-get install licq-plugin-kde should work | 02:49 |
Kamping_in_doze | alien -i rpmfilename.rpm | 02:49 |
snowcrash | ah kopete looks fine | 02:51 |
snowcrash | how can i get a a list of public packages | 02:52 |
snowcrash | like eclipse java and so on | 02:52 |
snowcrash | and choose which one to install | 02:52 |
snowcrash | by the command line | 02:52 |
Riddell | snowcrash: apt-cache search foo | 02:52 |
Kamping_in_doze | apt-cache search "file" | 02:52 |
Kamping_in_doze | yeh*^^ | 02:52 |
Riddell | snap | 02:53 |
snowcrash | ok :) | 02:53 |
Kamping_in_doze | must be right ;) | 02:53 |
snowcrash | bash: pt-cache: command not found | 02:53 |
Kamping_in_doze | Apt | 02:54 |
snowcrash | works | 02:54 |
snowcrash | and now how to install one | 02:55 |
Kamping_in_doze | apt-get install | 02:55 |
snowcrash | ok | 02:55 |
Kamping_in_doze | have you updated? | 02:55 |
snowcrash | last question | 02:55 |
Kamping_in_doze | apt-get update | 02:55 |
snowcrash | no but i will | 02:55 |
snowcrash | how to change the keyboard mapping to a different countrz | 02:56 |
snowcrash | haha | 02:56 |
snowcrash | as u can see | 02:56 |
Kamping_in_doze | german keyboard? | 02:56 |
Kamping_in_doze | qwertz? | 02:56 |
snowcrash | yes | 02:56 |
Kamping_in_doze | lol. cool | 02:57 |
snowcrash | i need the german mep | 02:57 |
snowcrash | map | 02:57 |
snowcrash | not the engl which i have acutallz | 02:57 |
Kamping_in_doze | i have a portugese keyboard somewhere | 02:57 |
snowcrash | not that its that bad but it confuses me | 02:57 |
Kamping_in_doze | sorry, not sure how to in kubuntu | 02:57 |
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Kamping_in_doze | itll be somewhere in the controll center | 02:57 |
Kamping_in_doze | i expect. | 02:57 |
snowcrash | damn ubuntu seem to rock | 02:59 |
Kamping_in_doze | you using ubuntu or kubuntu? | 02:59 |
snowcrash | kubuntu | 02:59 |
snowcrash | i like kde | 03:00 |
Kamping_in_doze | ok. i know where to look in ubuntu ;) | 03:00 |
snowcrash | well im a coder, i admire i used windows before | 03:00 |
snowcrash | because of all mediacoding i do | 03:00 |
=== Kamping_in_doze weeps. :'( in in windows now | ||
snowcrash | guess i still have to use it | 03:00 |
snowcrash | but i will change to linux whenever its possible | 03:00 |
Kamping_in_doze | i put windows back on so i could get rid of my ntfs partitions, adn then it goes. totaly :) | 03:01 |
snowcrash | anywaz the driver support doesnt seem to be a problem anzmore | 03:01 |
Kamping_in_doze | not for most stuff | 03:01 |
snowcrash | well yeah | 03:01 |
snowcrash | i like to do all further java stuff with lnx | 03:01 |
Kamping_in_doze | you do java? | 03:01 |
snowcrash | zes | 03:03 |
snowcrash | haha | 03:03 |
snowcrash | yes | 03:03 |
snowcrash | i do flash as well, mobile java development and j2se ee | 03:04 |
snowcrash | www.gerhardzeissl.net :( | 03:04 |
snowcrash | www.gerhardzeissl.net :) | 03:04 |
snowcrash | this keys man | 03:05 |
snowcrash | u died now ? | 03:09 |
snowcrash | E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied) | 03:16 |
snowcrash | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? | 03:16 |
snowcrash | hmm | 03:16 |
snowcrash | but im root | 03:16 |
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snowcrash | re | 03:27 |
snowcrash | i have another kubuntu question | 03:27 |
Kamping_in_doze | lol | 03:27 |
snowcrash | it never asked me for some root password during the installation process | 03:27 |
snowcrash | just a user and its pass | 03:27 |
snowcrash | is this user the root as well | 03:27 |
Kamping_in_doze | yes. | 03:28 |
Kamping_in_doze | you use sudo | 03:28 |
snowcrash | sudo _ | 03:28 |
Kamping_in_doze | in a terminal type "sudo command" | 03:28 |
Kamping_in_doze | then YOUR password | 03:28 |
Kamping_in_doze | when you launch config apps, you use your password | 03:28 |
Kamping_in_doze | other users cant edit stuff by default | 03:28 |
snowcrash | is | 03:29 |
snowcrash | ic | 03:29 |
Kamping_in_doze | to add other users to root access | 03:29 |
snowcrash | means that always when i plan to congig apps and stuff i have to use sudo | 03:29 |
snowcrash | before | 03:29 |
Kamping_in_doze | $editor /etc/sudoers | 03:29 |
Kamping_in_doze | yes | 03:29 |
Kamping_in_doze | sudo will remember your password for 5 minutes after you first enter it | 03:30 |
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snowcrash | still get | 03:34 |
snowcrash | E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied) | 03:34 |
snowcrash | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? | 03:34 |
Kamping_in_doze | what did you type | 03:34 |
snowcrash | apt-get install firefox | 03:34 |
Kamping_in_doze | sudo | 03:34 |
Kamping_in_doze | sudo apt-get install firefox | 03:34 |
snowcrash | oh | 03:34 |
Kamping_in_doze | if you make a system wide change, you need sudo | 03:35 |
snowcrash | E: Couldn't find package firefox | 03:35 |
snowcrash | ok | 03:35 |
snowcrash | well at least it worked | 03:35 |
Kamping_in_doze | your sources list is not complete, | 03:35 |
Kamping_in_doze | try | 03:35 |
Kamping_in_doze | sudo apt-get update | 03:35 |
Kamping_in_doze | then if that doesnt help, you need to edit your sources list | 03:36 |
snowcrash | works | 03:40 |
Kamping_in_doze | cool | 03:40 |
snowcrash | yeah even keyboard works now | 03:41 |
snowcrash | cool dude | 03:41 |
snowcrash | u made my day :) | 03:42 |
Kamping_in_doze | :) no sweat. have fun | 03:42 |
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snowcrash | thnx cyas :) | 03:42 |
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nanomad | uh..uh... | 03:57 |
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nanomad | there were some probles while updating kdelibs4.... | 03:57 |
nanomad | im using breezy...anyone got this? | 03:57 |
Kamping_in_doze | does "sudo apt-get -f install" | 03:58 |
Kamping_in_doze | find any problems it can fix? | 03:59 |
nanomad | mmh...let me ssh in that box... | 03:59 |
nanomad | ok..it worked...thx...im really dumb today ;) | 04:01 |
Kamping_in_doze | ;) its cool | 04:01 |
Kamping_in_doze | happens to all of us :( | 04:01 |
nanomad | :( | 04:01 |
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anglophobe | whats the root password on the live cd? | 04:05 |
Kamping_in_doze | there is none | 04:05 |
anglophobe | so I type su then enter, and enter no pass? | 04:06 |
Kamping_in_doze | no, sudo -s | 04:06 |
Kamping_in_doze | and no password | 04:06 |
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nanomad | or sudo /bin/bash | 04:06 |
Kamping_in_doze | or sudo bash | 04:06 |
anglophobe | ahh ok | 04:07 |
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mp3j | hello 2 all | 04:21 |
Kamping_in_doze | hi | 04:22 |
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medication | hello everyone... | 05:13 |
medication | has anyone addressed the install problem of stalling at 25% during the "Configuring apt..."? | 05:14 |
medication | here's a thread for reference: http://tinyurl.com/dkt46 | 05:14 |
medication | anyone awake here? | 05:15 |
=== medication grins | ||
Riddell | medication: never heard of the problem, always worked for me | 05:15 |
medication | I'm wondering what the actual problem is... | 05:16 |
Riddell | not kubuntu specific according to that forum thread | 05:16 |
medication | or at least how I can resolve it... I was able to install the ubuntu base system (at least i think i did) | 05:16 |
medication | Riddell: cheers... i guess i'll try #ubuntu channel again | 05:17 |
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amaro | Anyone know of a repository where mplayer 2.8 can be had? | 05:47 |
Kamping_in_doze | isnt it in one of the 4 main ones? | 05:48 |
KaiL | 2.8? uhm, there's only a 1.0pre7 or so ;) | 05:48 |
=== buz [~buz@80-218-107-8.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu | ||
amaro | yeah, Im looking for 2.8.. it let's you right-click it when embedded in webpages | 05:49 |
Tm_Balor | errrr | 05:49 |
=== Kamping_in_doze re reads question | ||
Kamping_in_doze | there is no 2.8 afaik | 05:49 |
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amaro | ok.. hehe... someone said there is in the #ubuntu... let me go check if he's right | 05:50 |
Tm_Balor | hmm, he means mozilla-mplayer plugin version number | 05:51 |
Tm_Balor | am I right? | 05:51 |
amaro | maybe... my guess, that's what actually needs to be upgraded | 05:51 |
amaro | yeah.. there is no 2.8 version for mplayer | 05:52 |
amaro | you're right | 05:53 |
amaro | it's the mozilla plugin | 05:53 |
amaro | http://mplayerplug-in.sourceforge.net/ | 05:53 |
amaro | What should I do? Should I download the tar.gz, or find the repo that contains the 2.8 version? | 05:53 |
Tm_Balor | damn I'm good | 05:53 |
amaro | hehehe | 05:53 |
Tm_Balor | heh, it's up to yours | 05:54 |
Tm_Balor | if you know how to compile, just go for it | 05:54 |
amaro | if I download it and install it manually... would it be added to synaptic? | 05:54 |
Tm_Balor | ehm | 05:54 |
=== _david [~david@adsl-211-248-153.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_david | so, does kdelibs break for everyone or just me? | 05:55 |
_david | on upgrade | 05:55 |
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_david | anyone? | 05:56 |
Kamping_in_doze | is that the one with the fix in the title? | 05:56 |
_david | hah, so it is | 05:57 |
_david | but id rather wait for an official fix from ubuntu | 05:57 |
Kamping_in_doze | :D | 05:57 |
_ReDRuM_ | how can you tell why a package is being kept back by apt-get upgrade? | 06:04 |
_ReDRuM_ | _david: look at the fix script it doesnt do anything magical its very simple | 06:04 |
_david | redrum_: true, but do you think the repo will be fixed soon? | 06:05 |
_ReDRuM_ | i dunno i didnt have problems with it... | 06:06 |
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_david | _ReDRuM_: what do you mean? the update didn't affect your computer or you used the script? | 06:06 |
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_ReDRuM_ | well what the script is supposed to fix is blatently missing on my pc | 06:06 |
_ReDRuM_ | but i havent noticed any problems | 06:06 |
_ReDRuM_ | mind you im using breezy not hoary | 06:07 |
_david | _ReDRuM_: ah | 06:07 |
_ReDRuM_ | i want to know why its keeping packages back when i do apt-get upgrade | 06:07 |
_ReDRuM_ | cause if i do apt-get install it doesnt mind installing the newer versions but id like to know why first | 06:07 |
_david | _ReDRuM_: i'll just avoid the hassle and wait until they fix the repo i guess. i'm in no rush to update kde | 06:07 |
_ReDRuM_ | anyone know how you can find out why? | 06:08 |
_david | _ReDRuM_: are you sure the packages you're upgrading aren't failing to install? | 06:08 |
_ReDRuM_ | oisutuve | 06:08 |
_ReDRuM_ | er | 06:08 |
_ReDRuM_ | positive | 06:08 |
_ReDRuM_ | The following packages have been kept back: | 06:08 |
_ReDRuM_ | says that gives a list doesnt try and install them | 06:08 |
_david | _ReDRuM_: hm, that's odd | 06:08 |
_ReDRuM_ | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 20 not upgraded. | 06:09 |
_david | _ReDRuM_: why not upgrade to hoary? | 06:09 |
_ReDRuM_ | cause breezy is newer than hoary | 06:09 |
_ReDRuM_ | its the development system | 06:09 |
=== GameCat [~Jude@cpc4-nthc1-4-0-cust149.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_david | _ReDRuM_: oh | 06:09 |
_ReDRuM_ | i was using hoary before | 06:09 |
GameCat | afternoon all | 06:09 |
_david | _ReDRuM_: well why not downgrade to hoard? :D | 06:09 |
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_ReDRuM_ | i like new software | 06:09 |
_david | *hoary | 06:09 |
_ReDRuM_ | and i want to recompile most of kubuntu cause i miss gentoos speed so i might as well get the newer gcc, etc first :) | 06:09 |
_david | _ReDRuM_: gotcha, hoary is pretty up to date | 06:09 |
_ReDRuM_ | at least wanting to compile the x server | 06:10 |
_ReDRuM_ | eh its ok | 06:11 |
_ReDRuM_ | i want gcc 4 really :P | 06:11 |
_david | _ReDRuM_: yeah, i'm not a programmer | 06:12 |
_david | _ReDRuM_: although i did just take a java class at my uni | 06:12 |
_ReDRuM_ | heh | 06:13 |
_ReDRuM_ | meh | 06:13 |
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Tm_c | hullo | 06:16 |
GameCat | hi | 06:16 |
Tm_c | hmm, my mobilephone seems to be too slow for irc | 06:18 |
Tm_c | ok I'm off | 06:22 |
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paulproteus | Hey, any PPC laptop users in here? | 06:24 |
paulproteus | I ask because I'm having trouble with KDE startup and pbbuttonsd. | 06:24 |
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retro | Anybody tried Splashy? | 06:33 |
KaiL | what's that? | 06:34 |
retro | It's a program that gives you graphical bootup in K/ubuntu, pretty nice :) | 06:34 |
KaiL | URL for infos? | 06:35 |
retro | http://wiki.nanofreesoft.org/index.php/Splashy | 06:36 |
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cAsTeL | Hi all | 06:44 |
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cAsTeL | this chanel is in english ar french ? | 06:48 |
bhna | english | 06:51 |
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:Riddell] : Congratulations \sh on becoming an Ubuntu Member | http://www.kubuntu.org/hoary-release.php | http://moba.linuxfaqs.de/kdelibs-debug.sh script will fix kdelibs bug | http://www.tuxmagazine.com/ sign up and read the guide on using Konqueror for File Management(Issue #2) | ||
amu | \sh: you're invited to visit #k-d ;) | 06:57 |
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snowcrash | re | 06:57 |
snowcrash | how to mount a hdd | 06:58 |
amu | ^^^^ | 06:58 |
snowcrash | or different partition | 06:58 |
amu | also "mount" | 06:58 |
snowcrash | forgot its a win partition | 07:00 |
amu | type media:/ in you konqueror and tell me what you see | 07:01 |
snowcrash | some harddisc icons appear | 07:02 |
snowcrash | but if i click on some of the partitions it writes, not possible to mount | 07:03 |
amu | go with you mouse over the ican and right-click | 07:03 |
snowcrash | yeah | 07:03 |
snowcrash | thats what i did | 07:03 |
snowcrash | and i choose mount | 07:03 |
bhna | snowcrash: insert /dev/hda1 /media/windows ntfs ro,user,noauto,umask=0002,nls=utf8 0 0 for your win partition, chande hda1 to your partition. look at media folder and mount the win partion | 07:17 |
bhna | snowcrash in your fstab | 07:17 |
amu | bhna: too late he left :) | 07:17 |
bhna | :-( | 07:18 |
bhna | to slow | 07:18 |
amu | err too fast, he has no patience | 07:19 |
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snowcrash | another one :) | 07:23 |
snowcrash | is there a linux programm within i can hide unhide partions | 07:24 |
snowcrash | partitions | 07:24 |
snowcrash | got a nice error now on the second os | 07:24 |
snowcrash | so it wont boot anymore | 07:24 |
insanekane | "unhide" ? | 07:25 |
insanekane | what do u mean hide/unhide ? | 07:25 |
snowcrash | good question :) | 07:26 |
snowcrash | i have to edit the boot record of the hd i think | 07:26 |
insanekane | ok .... | 07:27 |
snowcrash | dont know | 07:28 |
snowcrash | i installed kubuntu now win doesnt work anymore | 07:28 |
insanekane | oho ... did u make the partitions properly ? | 07:28 |
insanekane | (usually, it works quite well) | 07:28 |
snowcrash | yes | 07:29 |
snowcrash | but i did them with partition magic | 07:29 |
insanekane | oh hmm .. | 07:29 |
snowcrash | and it told me that its goin to hide the partititon | 07:30 |
snowcrash | guess thats the prob | 07:30 |
snowcrash | http://www.techspot.com/vb/topic7746.html | 07:30 |
insanekane | dunno what the problem could be ... just last week, i installed kubuntu about 4 machines with windows on them and there wasnt any problem whatsoever | 07:30 |
snowcrash | i would need to edit the boot disk record :) | 07:33 |
snowcrash | i was even curious why it did hide the partition | 07:35 |
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snowcrash | and what that means | 07:35 |
insanekane | snowcrash: yep ... and the partition table as well in highest probability | 07:37 |
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snowcrash | is there a dos emulatotion on linx | 07:37 |
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ghetek | I want to install a typing tutor, its called "ten thumbs typing tutor" its on my system and its called "tttt30.tgz.gz" i think i need to use something called dpkg? right? please help me install this. | 07:42 |
uniq | anyone using kubuntu on ibook/powerbook ? - thinking of getting one of them.. probably a ibook 12".. | 07:45 |
insanekane | ghetek: tar zxvf ttt30tgz.gz | 07:45 |
ghetek | insane, thank you | 07:46 |
insanekane | ghetek: if u have a source archive, then do ./configure and then make (within the directory extracted by tar in the earlier command) | 07:46 |
insanekane | ghetek: if you dont have a source archive ... then, well, then, maybe the executable is inside the extracted directory somewhere | 07:47 |
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saif | hello every1 | 07:48 |
saif | are the kubuntu repositories the same as the ones for ubuntu hoary?? | 07:48 |
saif | if not where can i find them? | 07:48 |
insanekane | saif: they are the same | 07:48 |
ghetek | insane, it worked great! thank you | 07:50 |
ghetek | and thank you to the room | 07:50 |
snowcrash | but tar doesnt install the prog right ? | 07:51 |
ghetek | no it doesnt | 07:51 |
insanekane | nope, tar doesnt install anything ... its like zip on windows | 07:51 |
ghetek | where should i put the files? just to keep organized | 07:52 |
insanekane | ghetek: was it a source archive ? | 07:52 |
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saif | l | 07:53 |
saif | any1? kubuntu repositories?? | 07:53 |
insanekane | [23:18] <saif> if not where can i find them? | 07:53 |
insanekane | [23:18] <insanekane> saif: they are the same | 07:53 |
ghetek | it opened to a few files and an executable that works | 07:53 |
insanekane | saif: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | 07:54 |
insanekane | ghetek: ok in that case ... thats it .... | 07:54 |
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saif | insanekane: thanks | 07:54 |
blueyed | Has anyone both evaluated xchat and Konversion? Opinions? | 07:55 |
insanekane | blueyed: konvi seems much better to me :) | 07:55 |
blueyed | insanekane, I've just discovered it. Will give it a run than.. :) | 07:56 |
insanekane | blueyed: :) | 07:56 |
blueyed | isn't there a default server list, insanekane ? | 07:59 |
insanekane | umm ... i think there is | 07:59 |
insanekane | blueyed: no ur right .... it isnt there in kubuntu i guess | 08:00 |
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blueyed | but it is with default KDE's Konversation? | 08:02 |
insanekane | i think so ... | 08:02 |
insanekane | i remember there being a server list | 08:02 |
blueyed | You are not on breezy, are you? | 08:04 |
insanekane | nope ... hoary | 08:04 |
blueyed | ok, might have been that it got broken somehow.. | 08:05 |
insanekane | *maybe* | 08:05 |
ghetek | roar... i cant "man --html=konqueror wget" | 08:05 |
=== BlackHand_ is now known as BlackHand | ||
blueyed | There seems to be only Freenode.. somehow I just had an empty entry there.. | 08:07 |
blueyed | ghetek, but --html=firefox neither, or can you? | 08:09 |
insanekane | ghetek: why dont u try man:/wget in konqueror itself ? | 08:09 |
ghetek | is firefox installed here? | 08:10 |
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ghetek | oh i hadnt known that existed | 08:10 |
insanekane | ghetek: well, there are *loads* of ioslaves | 08:10 |
ghetek | oh that last one worked | 08:10 |
ghetek | thanks! | 08:10 |
insanekane | ghetek: thank the great KDE devels dude :) | 08:10 |
ghetek | im trying to make a script that installs this typing tutor program | 08:10 |
insanekane | oho .. | 08:11 |
insanekane | ghetek: a better show would be to make a debian package for it | 08:11 |
ghetek | and im trying to do as much of it by myself as i can | 08:11 |
insanekane | ghetek: that way, we can all enjoy it :) | 08:11 |
ghetek | but the typing program i shareware | 08:11 |
insanekane | so ? | 08:11 |
ghetek | and i am brand new to linux | 08:12 |
ghetek | baby steps! | 08:12 |
insanekane | hehe ... | 08:12 |
insanekane | yes ... try the debian women website ... there are some *very* good docs .. | 08:12 |
insanekane | i was surprised it was that easy | 08:12 |
ghetek | will do | 08:13 |
insanekane | best of luck :) | 08:13 |
ghetek | ty | 08:13 |
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blueyed | insanekane, what about Konvi's default font.. xft.. I don't seem to have it installed.. | 08:19 |
insanekane | xft is not a font | 08:20 |
insanekane | at least, i havent heard of a font like that | 08:20 |
blueyed | I also thought of this.. | 08:20 |
insanekane | for me the default seems to be Bitstream Vera | 08:21 |
blueyed | insanekane, try Deja Vu then.. it's an enhanced Bitstream font.. I love it. | 08:21 |
=== BlackHand is now known as BlackHand_almorz | ||
insanekane | oho ... i will look at it | 08:27 |
ghetek | not sure what im doing wrong here | 08:29 |
ghetek | wget<font size="3"> --tries=25 --no-clobber --progress=bar --limit-rate=100k www.kindlypc.ath.cx/linuxinstalls/tttt30.tgz.gz | tar zxvf tttt30.tgz.gz </font> | 08:29 |
ghetek | oops, let me pastebin | 08:29 |
ghetek | http://pastebin.com/282266 | 08:30 |
insanekane | whats the error ? | 08:30 |
ghetek | it only dls | 08:30 |
ghetek | it doesnt extract | 08:30 |
ghetek | but when it is done dling and you run the sh again then it installs | 08:31 |
ghetek | i want it to do it all at once | 08:31 |
=== gdh [~gdh@80-192-144-33.cable.ubr04.pres.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sirukin | ghetek, I want to stick my penis in your ear.....all at once | 08:31 |
insanekane | hehe | 08:31 |
gdh | Whoa, maybe I should go out and then come back in again... | 08:32 |
insanekane | ghetek: why dont u do it as 2 steps dude ? | 08:32 |
glass-eye | anyone know of a quick how to on updating to an SMP kernel? | 08:32 |
ghetek | i dont know how | 08:32 |
sirukin | glass-eye, compile it yourself? | 08:32 |
glass-eye | :D | 08:32 |
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sirukin | okay | 08:33 |
sirukin | gtg | 08:33 |
insanekane | ghetek: err ... remove the "|" thats in between the 2 commands ... and place the second "tar" command on the second line | 08:33 |
sirukin | ghetek, keep that ear warm | 08:33 |
ghetek | is my syntax ok? | 08:34 |
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insanekane | syntax is fine | 08:37 |
ghetek | cool | 08:37 |
=== blueyed likes Konversation.. | ||
blueyed | Go Konversation go.. :) | 08:41 |
=== ghetek likes gaim | ||
=== blueyed uses Gaim for ICQ. | ||
=== ghetek uses gaim for everything | ||
blueyed | wow.. ;) | 08:42 |
ghetek | even writing essays! | 08:42 |
ghetek | jk | 08:42 |
=== blueyed wonders what "jk" means. | ||
blueyed | joke? | 08:43 |
ghetek | just kidding | 08:43 |
blueyed | ah :) | 08:43 |
ghetek | the command that pauses for a period of time | 08:43 |
ghetek | thats wait right? | 08:43 |
ghetek | or sleep... | 08:43 |
ghetek | oh man konsole is soooooo much better than dos | 08:44 |
ghetek | by dos i mean command | 08:45 |
insanekane | blasphemy !!!! ... you shouldn't compare dos/command with konsole/linux-shell | 08:45 |
ghetek | por qoui? | 08:46 |
insanekane | j/k dude | 08:46 |
ghetek | ah ok | 08:46 |
ghetek | you scared me there | 08:46 |
ghetek | b/c this is eons ahead | 08:46 |
insanekane | :) | 08:46 |
insanekane | oh ... by my joke, i meant, konsole is sooooo much better than dos, that there is no comparison :) sorry it was lost on you :) | 08:47 |
ghetek | ok this is a trivial question | 08:47 |
ghetek | yes i am an it guy, yes i work on windows machines and yes i need linux for work... but... do you think i could ever get warcraft 3 to work on it? | 08:48 |
insanekane | sure why not | 08:48 |
ghetek | is wine installed into kubuntu? | 08:48 |
insanekane | doubt it | 08:48 |
ghetek | i gotta try that | 08:48 |
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ghetek | b/c i really want it to work | 08:49 |
ubuntu | hi | 08:49 |
insanekane | yeah u should | 08:49 |
ghetek | hi | 08:49 |
=== ubuntu is now known as bergfloh | ||
bergfloh | whats the root password for the kubuntu live cd ? | 08:49 |
ghetek | passwd | 08:49 |
insanekane | bergfloh: there is no root password ... use sudo | 08:49 |
ghetek | set one yourself | 08:49 |
ghetek | there is none | 08:49 |
insanekane | bergfloh: to set a password .. do "sudo passwd" | 08:50 |
bergfloh | insanekane: ok, thx | 08:50 |
ghetek | even i knew that one... | 08:50 |
bergfloh | thats a realy nice distro. i like it | 08:51 |
insanekane | ghetek: :) | 08:51 |
ghetek | i prefer knoppix for live | 08:52 |
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bergfloh | wahts the best way to install it on the hd? is it possible to install it via this live cd or do i need to download the install cd? | 08:53 |
ghetek | dl the install | 08:53 |
bergfloh | ok | 08:53 |
Tm_c | hullo | 08:55 |
ghetek | hi | 08:55 |
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insanekane | bergfloh: you can install from live ... but u would have to do it manually | 08:56 |
insanekane | bergfloh: see willmer.com/kb ... navigate to the Ubuntu section and see the install instructions there | 08:57 |
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insanekane | bergfloh: BUT, you would be much much better off, if u install it with the install CD | 08:57 |
Bwana | ] ;= | 08:57 |
insanekane | anyway .. me off | 08:57 |
insanekane | ciao all | 08:57 |
ghetek | ciao! | 08:57 |
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amaro | Where can I find gecko-sdk? | 09:00 |
bergfloh | insanekane: ok, i will download the install cd. i'm a bit lazy today :) | 09:01 |
ghetek | how do i make my sh files open automatically into sh when i click on them? | 09:02 |
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error403 | anybody here develop C++ | 09:19 |
error403 | ? | 09:19 |
bergfloh | what would i have to do to install kdeedu, it's only in the Universe repository. What does this mean? | 09:22 |
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amu | error403: nope we're "C" dudes ;) | 09:22 |
error403 | heh | 09:23 |
error403 | ok | 09:23 |
error403 | Hmmm | 09:23 |
error403 | I know i will probably get a biased reaction, but... | 09:23 |
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bergfloh | am i able to add a repository to my apt.sources to get kdeedu running on my Hoary system? | 09:24 |
error403 | Would you suggest i choose C++ or Java to learn before uni? | 09:24 |
amu | error403: just joking :) here's the C++ channel | 09:25 |
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amaro | Does i686 mean pentium 4? | 09:33 |
mapu | amaro- generally I believe a 686 means amd... | 09:33 |
amaro | oh shit | 09:34 |
mapu | also used to be cyrix processor. | 09:34 |
amaro | I shouldn't have used it | 09:34 |
bergfloh | mapu, are you sure? | 09:34 |
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KaiL | i686 in which context? | 09:35 |
mapu | let me check- that';s what I remmember historically- | 09:35 |
amaro | can someone tell me why an i586 for linux isn't available? http://ftp.sunet.se/pub/www/browsers/mozilla/mozilla/releases/mozilla1.7/ | 09:35 |
amaro | I find that very strange | 09:35 |
KaiL | amaro: because most 586 are outdated now | 09:36 |
amaro | I have a pentium 4 PC | 09:36 |
amaro | what should I do | 09:36 |
KaiL | that's i686 | 09:36 |
amaro | so mapu is wrong | 09:36 |
bergfloh | yes, i would also say it | 09:37 |
bergfloh | s a p4 | 09:37 |
KaiL | 586: intel Pentium Classic, AMD K5 and K6 | 09:37 |
mapu | very well could be- but historically- i686 I have always done for cyrix only actually. | 09:37 |
error403 | :S | 09:37 |
error403 | brain hurts | 09:37 |
error403 | lol | 09:37 |
KaiL | 686: intel Pentium 2/3/4, AMD K7 | 09:37 |
=== error403 agrees with KaiL | ||
mapu | Ah- ok- defer to KaiL - I can't find docs | 09:37 |
KaiL | x86_64: AMD K8, latest intel P4 | 09:37 |
bergfloh | what is this "universe" repository, how can i get files from there? | 09:38 |
amaro | oh... that's great... | 09:38 |
error403 | 'nano /etc/apt/sources.list' | 09:38 |
error403 | and uncomment them | 09:38 |
KaiL | it's for "more stuff". you need to enable it in /etc/apt/sources.list | 09:39 |
error403 | and then they are available | 09:39 |
error403 | yes, i think it has things like Wine in it | 09:39 |
bergfloh | ok thats easy ;-) | 09:39 |
KaiL | don't forget "apt-get update" | 09:39 |
error403 | yes | 09:39 |
bergfloh | of course.. :-) | 09:39 |
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mapu | amaro- yes- here is a doc re: cpu targets: http://www.dis.com/gnu/gcc/i386-and-x86-64-Options.html | 09:46 |
mapu | I shoulkd have consulted myself :) | 09:46 |
amaro | thank you! | 09:46 |
error403 | hmmm, brb ppl | 09:46 |
amaro | looks like 686 begins with pentium 2 | 09:46 |
buz | strictly speaking, pentium pro was 686 | 09:47 |
amaro | is it just me, or is KDE not able to handle a URL drag from Firefox to the desktop... | 09:47 |
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KaiL | amaro: well, the resuld isn't really usefull | 09:51 |
amaro | KaiL, what do you mean? | 09:51 |
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KaiL | amaro: only a file with a "h" in it | 09:52 |
amaro | yeah, exactly!! | 09:52 |
KaiL | dragging into konq works | 09:52 |
amaro | so it's a firefox issue... | 09:53 |
KaiL | no idea, where the bug sits | 09:53 |
_ubuntu | ok, thank you all for your help and bye | 09:55 |
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amaro | np | 10:07 |
amaro | I fixed the problem | 10:07 |
amaro | I downloaded a Firefox extention called deskcuts | 10:07 |
amaro | now I can rightclick any link or the page itself and click on "Create deskcut" and it creates a shortcut in a predefined folder | 10:08 |
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_seb | heuy | 10:25 |
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Tezkah | kubuntu is so nice | 10:36 |
Tezkah | it is like delicious apple slices | 10:36 |
Gatton | Well that's a descriptive way to put it :) | 10:40 |
Tezkah | oh konquerer, stop stealing my megahurtz | 10:42 |
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F_for_Fragging | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32177 can someone help me with this? | 10:52 |
F_for_Fragging | I posted that in the forum a while ago, but I haven't received any help yet | 10:53 |
F_for_Fragging | please? | 10:53 |
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[blue] | hi | 11:40 |
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