
ograivoks, its not existing yet... thom works on it and will offer it if it works basically12:02
=== ajmitch_ will need to hunt down thom & work with him
=== thom [~thom@amnesiac.heapspace.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ograspeaking f the devil12:06
ograof even12:06
ivoksthom we were talking12:07
ograthom, ajmitch_ was hunting you12:07
ivoksand... we all agree u should give us results of network manager :)12:07
ajmitch_thom: I was talking about my madness of helping with NetworkMagic12:07
thomajmitch_: hehe :-)12:07
thomNM is waiting on new dbus and hal crack12:07
thom(and my wrists are about to mutiny, so I'm going to bed)12:08
thomnight all12:08
ajmitch_night thom12:08
ogranight thom12:08
Fackamatonight thom12:13
ajmitch_so I wonder if we should have another MOTU meeting at some point soon? dholbach was wanting this, yes?12:19
ogradunno if he was wanting it, but we should have one soon...12:20
ogralets get together after the CC meeting and make up a date for it12:20
ajmitch_I think he was wanting to discuss the c++ transition12:21
ajmitch_ok :)12:21
ajmitch_CC meeting is 4am for me12:21
ograthere is a lot of stuff to discuss..12:21
ograi only thought its the time where most people are araound anyway since they will show up at CC12:22
ajmitch_I might try & get to CC12:22
ograbeagle failed :/12:25
tsengin what context?12:25
ograbut blam built !!12:25
ograon amd6412:25
ogradbus-mono failed on amd6412:27
abarbacciahey would any of you guys be able to figure this out quick - i have a wlan card, its recognised (TI acx 111), detects the wireless network, but refuses to get a DHCP address12:28
ograbah, because gtk-sharp wasnt moved from the buildd to the archive when the build started ....12:28
ajmitch_ogra: did my upload fail?12:28
ograajmitch_, yep12:28
ajmitch_missing build-dep on zip, will add noew12:29
ograyep :)12:30
ivoksabarbaccia signal level?12:30
abarbacciaivoks, full12:30
abarbacciain windows i connect no problem -12:30
abarbacciai think its the drivers for the card - acx drivers are still developmental12:31
ivoksabarbaccia what dhcp client does it start?12:31
abarbacciamight just pick up a new card12:31
abarbacciahold o12:31
abarbaccialemme check12:31
=== ajmitch_ uses pbuilder this time round..
ivokswifi-radar (upstream) starts dhcpd12:31
ivoksmy deb starts dhclient312:31
ivokswhich is default in ubuntu and debian12:32
abarbacciaDHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 612:32
ivoksso... it works12:32
abarbacciait'll do this to a bunch of different intervals but never obtain an address12:32
abarbacciaNo DHCPOFFERS received.12:33
abarbacciaNo working leases in persistent database - sleeping.12:33
abarbacciaodd right?12:34
ivoksdon't know...12:37
abarbacciawhatever - i will probably pick up a different card bc this one drops signal all the time too - which is annoying12:41
ivoksmine too12:41
ajmitch_you would have loved UDU then ;)12:41
ivoksbut i'm sure card isn't the problem12:41
ivokstime for bed12:42
ajmitch_hmm, when mono moves to main, only ogra will currently be able to upload fixes (for now) :)12:44
abarbacciaanybody here use wireless?12:44
abarbacciathat could recommend a card12:44
ajmitch_I use a dlink 650 something :)12:45
ajmitch_uses madwifi driver, anyway12:45
ajmitch_seems to be adequate12:45
=== tseng tests new beagle build
ajmitch_tseng: I'm just about to upload -0ubuntu412:49
ajmitch_just added zip to B-D12:49
ajmitch_unless there's any other changes that need done?12:49
tsengmake me the maintainer12:49
tsengand get rid of mint12:50
tsengmake -jit on amd64 also12:50
tsengor just remove that arch bit12:50
schweebdid the CC meeting already go down?12:51
ajmitch_we still have unofficial sparc & hppa to contend with12:51
ajmitch_schweeb: nope, just kickoff12:52
tsengno we dont12:52
tsenghppa has no hope12:52
schweebI haven't yet gotten sparc to run on anything12:52
tsengsparc can do whatever they want12:52
tsengif they want to send me a patch.. fine12:52
schweebsparc pretty much just runs on whatever fabbione's hardware is, heh12:52
tsengi dont have hardware or motivation to fix their shiz12:52
tsengsudo pbuilder debuild never works for me12:56
tsengsuch shithouse12:56
ajmitch_now we watch for buildd breakage12:58
ogratseng, ajmitch_ i care for dbus-mono if nobody else claims it...12:59
tsengdid you builder?12:59
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tsengogra: its going away12:59
tsengogra: when mono is in main12:59
tsengwont have to care very long12:59
ajmitch_it'll be part of the dbus source package again12:59
tsengi might de-/usr/share/dotnet it12:59
ogratseng, yep, but for now nothing depending on it builds on amd6412:59
tsengin the mean time12:59
ajmitch_go ahead12:59
tsengogra: uh, know why?12:59
ograit doesnt build01:00
tsengi see01:00
tsenggo for it01:00
tsengthen ill get your source and de /usr/share/dotnet01:00
tsengunless you want to tackle that01:00
ogranope i dont :)01:00
ajmitch_ogra: it was missing gtk-sharp on amd6401:00
ograajmitch_, nope01:01
ograit was missing a build-dep on libglib-cil01:02
ogragtk-sharp is there01:02
ajmitch_I was close :)01:02
ograand it still has dh_netdep etc...01:02
ajmitch_clean that up a little, doesn't take much01:03
abarbacciahey all - if i wanted to test beagle, is there a package for it?  because i can't find one01:11
ograabarbaccia, its currenly building01:11
ograwhich means it might still beake before it finishes...01:12
abarbacciai think im going to start with testing thigns - i changed all my sources to breezy - anything else i should add01:14
ajmitch_well the mono team seems to getting off to a good start01:16
ograyeah, lets make sure everything builds and move on to main01:20
tsengdh_netdeps is gone01:21
tsengchange it to dh_clideps or dh_makeclilibs01:21
=== tseng makes another patch to blam
tsengthe author has NFC what im talking about01:21
tsengpretty rich01:21
abarbacciaso how does this process usually work?01:22
abarbacciaof development of universe01:22
ajmitch_which process?01:22
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ajmitch_randomly & haphazardly, for the most part01:22
ajmitch_new uploads are reviewed by other MOTUs01:22
ogratseng, lol01:23
abarbacciabut how do we choose what "new uploads" to put in?01:23
tsengnew packages?01:23
ajmitch_changes are uploaded by MOTUs, usually fixes to existing packages01:23
abarbacciaokay - so fixes - updated packages and stuff01:24
ograabarbaccia, http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/ExpandingUniverse01:24
abarbacciaand its uploaded to the breezy universe01:24
abarbacciagod damn you have a wiki for everything01:24
ajmitch_yes, we don't upload to hoary or warty anymore01:24
ajmitch_wikis are our life01:24
abarbacciai've never used a wiki01:29
abarbacciaim actually fairly new to linux (< 1 year)01:29
abarbaccianow do most of u use gnome or kde01:30
tsenggnome, mostly01:30
tsengthere is kubuntu here also01:30
ogragnome only01:30
tsengthey wear kilts and stuff01:30
tsengeat babies01:30
ograand sandals01:30
abarbacciajust what i though01:32
abarbacciai used to be a kde guy01:32
abarbacciathen i grew a set01:32
=== ajmitch_ cleans up some c++ transition entries on the wiki..
ajmitch_I think we'll need to recheck that list for packages fixed in debian01:33
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abarbacciathink we can get a menu editor in breezy that actually works efficiently01:35
ograabarbaccia, gnome 2.12 will have a internal one01:36
abarbacciawell at least someone is thinking -because these are just annoyances that should be handled by the gdm01:36
abarbacciaand bluetooth is a big goal for breezy right?  because i know in hoary it didnt work but was working in warty01:37
ograyep, bluetooth and better laptop support01:37
abarbacciawell, i think laptop support is decent - i got it fully installed on a buddies Dell 700m01:37
abarbacciawireless and all - a little ndiswrapper and screenresolution patch for the high def widescreen and it was cake01:38
abarbacciatook about an install + 2 hours01:38
ograbut suspend to ram is still an issue for example01:38
ajmitch_mostly because ACPI is not fun to get working on every laptop01:39
ograabarbaccia, btw http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopMission01:40
ajmitch_ogra: good news - beagle built fine on i386 & powerpc01:42
ajmitch_bad news is there's not amd64 build log yet01:42
ograajmitch_, yep, i monitor it...01:42
ograajmitch_, it wont build01:42
ogra(no dbus yet)01:42
=== ogra doubts evolution sharp is built for amd64 yet
ograajmitch_, dbus is there...01:47
ajmitch_do you sit refreshing the page, or can you subscribe to changes?01:47
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crimsunyou can sub if you wish01:48
ograajmitch_, i refresh it from time to time... got it always open anywhere01:50
ograchanges doesnt show the build logs01:50
=== ogra will write a frameset that autorefreshes the logs constantly...
ograor a cgi or whatever01:51
ajmitch_and provide it as RSS :)01:52
ajmitch_I should finish off the tool that shows differences between sid & breezy01:52
ajmitch_and get it to grab debdiffs from MoM01:53
=== ajmitch_ sets his aims at > 500 uploads for breezy ;)
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ajmitch_bbl :)02:02
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=== IFR__ [~chatzilla@cpe-69-204-132-232.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
IFR__Evening all. It may seem inappropriate to ask here but all - I mean _ALL_ other avenues have failed me. I have 5.04 on a presario 4020 centrino with an Intel PRO/Wireless 2200 ipw2200 and I cannot seem to ever release a DHCP lease; sudo ifdown eth0 tells me eth0 is not configured; sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart or force-reload are ineffective and nothing short of reboot can get me back...02:36
IFR__...online. Can Anyone think of how I can address this? dhcpcd? pump? Smashing the notebook?02:36
tsengmy ipw2200 is eth102:37
IFR__I *swear* mine is eth002:37
IFR__though I can dump ifconfig/iwconfig or /etc/network/interfaces if you wish...02:37
IFR__I think it's cause I selected it as my primary interface on install.02:38
IFR__Could it be as simple as that? Changing primary to be the ethernet adapter and then starting wireless after boot?02:39
IFR__But why wouldn't sudo ifdown eth0 recognize the configuration?02:39
IFR__Oh well. Thanks any folks. . .02:41
crimsunIFR__: I have that problem occasionally02:41
crimsunIFR__: what I do is manually edit /etc/network/interfaces02:41
crimsunthen sudo if{down,up} $iface02:41
crimsunhopefully this will be resolved with Breezy02:42
ogratseng, uploading a fixed tomboy (added missing build-deps libgconf-cil and libglib-cil)02:51
=== jaldhar [~jaldhar@pcp09354467pcs.jersyc01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
BurgundaviaI was just looking at the londondlaw failure. It is looking for python-dev <= 2.4, while the dev we have is 2.4.103:10
ogratseng, what about gsf-sharp ? does our beagle use it ? if yes, i have a fixed package ready to upload...03:10
Burgundaviawould it be dangerous to flip that a higher number?03:10
schweebogra: if it doesn't use it, it should be modified to... it requires you to add a cmd line switch during compilation though03:13
ograok, then i'll upload it...03:13
ograyay, we got amd64 tomboy love :-D03:15
tsengogra: it does03:16
tsenghtf did i/jeff miss all this03:16
ogratseng, great... hopefully my timing is better this time and it gets to the archive before the next beagle tries to build03:17
ograbeagle needs it at compile time iirc...03:18
tsengyes, it does03:18
tsengi added most of this stuff during hoary03:18
tsengi didnt keep that package around03:18
ograits only missing on amd64 currently03:19
=== ajmitch_ returns (briefly)
schweebkatie sent me the notification for gsf-sharp upload03:43
ograsure, its your package ;)03:43
schweebI'll update it from upstream sometime next week maybe03:45
=== doko [~doko___@dsl-082-082-196-235.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jabrawell I guess I could recreate a new package for getwifi since it hasn't be reviewed03:51
ajmitch_jabra: feel free to do so04:02
jabrajust added new features to it04:04
jabraconnection to networks with wep04:04
ajmitch_useful - does it do WPA as well?04:04
jabraI will add that next04:08
jabraI replaced some of the deps like head and tail with awk one liners04:08
jabrait is going to have wpasupplicant as a dep for wpa04:08
jabraI plan on having a friend of mine test it04:09
jabrathe only thing that will prevent it from being ported to openbsd or freebsd or mac is /proc/net/wireless04:10
=== abarbaccia [~abarbacci@ool-18b8cf07.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
abarbacciahey all04:29
abarbacciaajmitch_, wanna help me out with getting started on something04:36
abarbacciajust teach me a little bit about how to be productive04:36
schweebthere's no central todo list yet, so mostly it's fixing stuff that you find out wrong on your own ATM04:37
abarbacciaalright, so lets say I realized that a program is broken - lets say best for example04:38
abarbacciahow would i go about fixing it04:38
schweebwell, to learn about packaging, read the Debian New Maintainer's Guide04:39
schweebto actually fix the package04:39
schweebdownload the source deb04:39
schweebmake whatever changes are necessary04:39
schweebappend to the changelog04:39
schweebrebuild the package04:40
schweebupload for review04:40
abarbacciai'll start with the guide04:44
ajmitch_schweeb: thanks for answering :)04:53
=== ajmitch_ is at work, it's a slow day so fixing up some packages
schweebsince I'm not packaging currently, it's the least I can do04:55
abarbacciaso basically for this new release we are taking old packages, making packages of the new version, and uploading them - then anything that breaks has to be fixed and repackaged until its complete and starts all over again05:12
schweebit's generally a bad thing to start a package entirely from scratch05:25
schweebif that's what you're asking05:25
ajmitch_usually new upstream versions flow through from debian anyway05:46
Unfrgivenajmitch_: hey dude06:06
Unfrgivenhey all06:07
Unfrgiveni had dholbach review one of my packages. he rejected the package on the basis that there were patches in the diff.gz. but all i've done is grabbed the package from debian and built it for ubuntu. so i never introduced the patches. now i don't mind putting the patches into debian/patches but that would make it hard to upgrade to the next debian version. whats the right thing to do here?06:09
schweebUnfrgiven: you could formally request a sync06:15
Unfrgivenschweeb: how would i do that?06:15
schweebI think there's still a MOTUToSync page06:16
Unfrgivenschweeb: thanks, i'll check it out06:17
schweebother than that, you could poke elmo... I'm not sure how to formal process really works06:18
Unfrgivenschweeb: ok thanks.06:20
=== ajmitch_ returns from work
ajmitch_hi Unfrgiven06:42
=== |QuaD-_ [~QuaD@beac872-0b01-dhcp144.bu.edu] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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|QuaD-_how long after something finnishes building (confirmed from ~lamont/buildLogs) until it is in the repos?07:21
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|QuaD-_he \sh07:54
\shgrmpf...si server is not running07:58
|QuaD-_si server, not familiar with that07:58
\shdigital tv stuff :( messy stuff ;)07:58
|QuaD-_oh, heh, i don't watch tv, i dl it :)07:58
\sh|QuaD-_: i'm not watching tv as well...i'm only working in this business :)07:59
|QuaD-_haha, that also works07:59
tritium|QuaD-_, go ahead and ask your question here.08:00
\shand here in germany u won't get any original series like the ones from CBS or ABC ;)08:00
|QuaD-_tritium: i did above... i don't think anyone answered the general one08:00
|QuaD-_tritium: i was just looking at beagle: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/b/beagle/0.0.9-0ubuntu4/beagle_0.0.9-0ubuntu4_20050510-0008-i386-successful   but when i browse http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/b/beagle/ there is nothign08:00
|QuaD-_is there a reason for that?08:00
|QuaD-_(that wasn't meant for tritium08:00
=== dholbach [~daniel@td9091ba5.pool.terralink.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dholbachgood morning08:08
ajmitch_morning dholbach08:08
dholbachhey andrew08:09
dholbachreviewing day at my end of the world today08:09
tritiumguten morgen!08:09
dholbachhey michael08:09
ajmitch_how are you today?08:09
tritiumhey daniel08:09
dholbachstill a bit sleepy, but i'll have some tea soon08:10
=== ajmitch_ is just hacking again :)
\shmorning dholbach08:13
dholbachhey \sh08:13
=== |QuaD-_ hopefully can help out and join the motu after graduation
dholbach|QuaD-_: oh nice to hear that... if you run into questions or anything - we'll be there08:14
|QuaD-_dholbach: i have no idea anything about anything, but i have 1 final and my thesis left before i can start learning08:14
dholbach|QuaD-_: same for me: 1 exam, 1 thesis :-)08:15
tritium|QuaD-_, me too :-)08:15
dholbachbut that's how all of us started: no idea about anything, so don't worry :-)))08:15
=== \sh has no idea at all ;)
|QuaD-_dholbach: :) we will see what happens :)08:16
dholbachas long as you have fun trying to achieve something in the ubuntu world... :-)08:17
|QuaD-_dholbach: there are soo many things on my list of todo's once i graduate, i can't wait to start cracking them08:17
dholbachROCK :-)08:17
|QuaD-_so does anyone know my question to the above question?08:19
|QuaD-_as to why something built successfully but isn't in the repos?08:20
dholbachif it is a NEW package, elmo (our ftpmaster) has to review it08:20
dholbachsame for <oldrelease>-{updates,security}08:20
|QuaD-_dholbach: so it is awaiting review?08:20
dholbachdunno which package you're talking about08:20
dholbachi suppose i wasnt here, when you asked the question08:21
|QuaD-_i was just looking at beagle:08:21
|QuaD-_                 http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/b/beagle/0.0.9-0ubuntu4/beagle_0.0.9-0ubuntu4_20050510-0008-i386-successful   but when i browse08:21
|QuaD-_                 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/b/beagle/ there is nothign08:21
ajmitch_that can happen sometimes08:21
ajmitch_when the buildd is being fun08:21
dholbachi think it will need a review, it's NEW, isnt it ajmitch_?08:21
ajmitch_just be patient, lamont or elmo will kick it quickly enough08:22
|QuaD-_ajmitch_: ahh, ok, i was just curious, trying to understand the system08:22
ajmitch_dholbach: packages are only built after they pass NEW08:22
|QuaD-_kinda like how i can't figure out how i was just looking at beagle:08:22
|QuaD-_                 http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/b/beagle/0.0.9-0ubuntu4/beagle_0.0.9-0ubuntu4_20050510-0008-i386-successful   but when i browse08:22
|QuaD-_ignore that paste08:22
|QuaD-_i meant to say, kinda like how i am trying to figure out how something like http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/b/bhl/ has an "all.deb"08:23
|QuaD-_don't different cpu's require individual compiles/08:23
ajmitch_yes, they do08:23
|QuaD-_so how does an all.deb work?08:23
ajmitch_but some packages don't have cpu-dependant files08:23
dholbachsome packages (like perl/python scripts) don't need to be "compiled", they just pass the i386 buildd and are *all.deb08:23
|QuaD-_ohhh, ok... that makes sense08:24
|QuaD-_but anything that needs to be compiled, can't have an all.deb?08:24
dholbachas ajmitch_ said: depends on architecture dependant stuff08:25
tritiumgood night.  see you after a few hours sleep08:27
|QuaD-_heh, i should probably study for my final tomorrow :*08:27
dholbachsleep tight, michael08:27
tritiumthanks, dholbach -- see you at the CC mtg.08:27
tritium(I assume)08:27
tritiumgood luck, |QuaD-_08:28
dholbachi'll be there08:28
ajmitch_great, now I can compare source packages & their versions08:32
dholbachcool :-)08:36
\shhmm...looking at ser to package it08:40
ajmitch_Debian version of decompyle is newer : 2.3.2-2 vs 2.3-1ubuntu108:48
ajmitch_Debian version of bbdate is newer : 0.2.4-4.1 vs 0.2.4-4ubuntu108:48
ajmitch_yay, the script works08:48
ajmitch_rather slowly, but it works ;)08:48
dholbachi had the idea, that at the end of the release cycle, when we don't have autosyncs anymore, we could grep through the .gz-file of debian-changes-lists and look for "bugfix" and "security"08:50
\shwell done08:53
\shser is compiled and packaged ;)08:53
ajmitch_dholbach: good idea08:54
\shnow for lintian smoothness08:57
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ajmitch_hey charles09:03
chmjhey Andrew09:06
chmjhows is going dude?09:06
dholbachhey charles... why did you change your nick? :-)09:06
dholbachchmj: reviewing packages09:07
ajmitch_going well, just planning a frantic few days of uploading ;)09:07
chmjdholbach, issin't it obvious ?09:07
dholbachnot to me09:07
chmjajmitch_, good stuff09:07
ajmitch_dholbach: great, I'm going to try & handle merging changes we made in hoary back in now that I have the tools09:07
chmjdholbach, d3vic3 is kinda l33t, everyone was telling me that so I decided to change it09:08
dholbachoh alright... i didn't complain :-)09:08
ajmitch_it wasn't as bad as ajmitch is09:09
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ajmitch_dholbach: do you know if gedit-dev is in main or universe?09:10
dholbachno idea09:10
ajmitch_the binary at least appears to be in universe, with the source in main09:10
ajmitch_which is rather odd09:10
abarbacciahey all - you say morning - what time zone are you guys in09:14
abarbacciabecause its 3AM here in NYC09:15
\shhere its 9:15am09:15
ivokssame here... 9AM09:15
ivoksabarbaccia then it's morning to you too :)09:15
abarbaccialol - except im going to sleep - not getting09:16
ajmitch_7:16 here in NZ09:16
ivokswe are from all over the world...09:16
ivoksthat's nice09:16
abarbacciaas much as i want to be nocturnal, my body is rejecting the idea - see you all in the morning09:16
\shit is morning ;)09:17
abarbaccia_sleepmorning for me is past noon09:17
ivokswhen he comes back, we will be tierd09:17
ivoksready to sleep :)09:17
abarbaccia_sleepwe could work it out and have round the clock development09:17
ivoksDaniel I see you are doing lot of reviews09:17
ivoksabarbaccia_sleep if you calculate that better09:18
ivoksabarbaccia_sleep you would see that we could work 48 hours a day09:18
ivoksall the work would be done in 10.05.2005.09:18
dholbachajmitch_: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=RESOLVED&bug_status=VERIFIED&bug_status=CLOSED&resolution=---&resolution=UNIVERSE09:20
dholbachLOTS OF STUFF TO DO09:21
dholbachlots of merging09:21
ajmitch_dholbach: I know :)09:21
dholbachi wish i had'nt worked on so many packages ;-)09:21
=== AstralJava [8b7e778eaf@cm-217-078-207-29.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitch_it gives me a chance to get > 200 packages uploaded this time ;)09:23
=== Gervystar [~gervystar@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0632.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
siretartdholbach: great link. thanks09:36
dholbachsiretart: the universe merging?09:37
siretartdholbach: the link to the universe bugzilla bugs09:37
siretarti've already spotted a few bugs for which I will prepare uploads09:37
siretartbut perhaps not for tomorrow :(09:37
siretartgotta go now.. bye!09:38
dholbachbye siretart09:38
=== ajmitch_ wonders if he should fix seahorse, or get gedit-dev fixed
ajmitch_dholbach: mr GNOME guy, what do you think? gedit-dev needs a depend on libgnomeprintui2.2-dev :)09:42
ajmitch_quiet day today - 4 hours between uploads, both of them mine09:47
=== ajmitch_ has already done nearly half the uploads he did in the hoary cycle ;)
ivoksbusy guys :)09:50
ivokscan I help? :)09:50
Lathiatdoes anjuta work yet?09:50
Lathiati tried both v1 and v2 out a couple months ago09:50
Lathiatall the indenting was broken09:50
Lathiator you couldnt even run the project within the ide09:50
=== fwiffo [~fwiffo@dhcpserver0.oersted.dtu.dk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
AstralJavaLathiat: Anjuta works in this machine.09:56
AstralJavaNot too big projects though, I'm not very handy when it comes to C/C++. :D09:56
dholbachajmitch_: what's wrong with it?10:01
dholbachajmitch_: gedit-* that is10:01
ajmitch_dholbach: missing depends - only shows up when you do pkg-config gedit-2.10 --modversion10:02
dholbachajmitch_: i suppose you better talk to seb :-)10:03
dholbachsince i'm no main uploader yet :-)10:03
ajmitch_I can work around it easily in seahorse, of course :)10:03
dholbachtell him, he'll be delighted to hear :-)10:04
=== ajmitch_ wishes he'd remembered to ask about the business cards at UDU :)
Unfrgivenhey all10:21
Unfrgivenhow is everyone this evening?10:21
AstralJavaCan't tell yet. :)10:21
UnfrgivenAstralJava: :)10:21
=== AstralJava lives in a time zone that says 11:21 a.m. :)
dholbachhey Unfrgiven10:21
AstralJavaBut thanks anyway, fighting a flu.10:21
Unfrgivenah right... its 18:21 in my neck of the woods10:22
Unfrgivendholbach: hey hows it going10:22
Unfrgivenim so hanging out for beagle to hit the ubuntu archive... been apt-get updating several times today... ever since i got the breezy-changes email!10:23
dholbachfine... thanks, after i walked my dog a bit, i'll continue my reviewing day10:23
=== chmj thanks goodness he was on anti-biotics before UDU
UnfrgivenAstralJava: well i hope you get better soon10:23
Unfrgivendholbach: so what i wanted to ask was.. whats the status of the fast-user-switch-applet you packaged? has it been accepted?10:24
AstralJavaUnfrgiven: Thanks. And you?10:24
Treenakschmj: antibiotics don't work well against viral diseases10:24
UnfrgivenAstralJava: im good... got home from work not long ago... now im just chilling for a bit... thought i'd take a look at some packages :)10:24
dholbachUnfrgiven: i wanted to talk to you about it, if we can combine efforts and work on it together or if you want to take it10:25
Unfrgivendholbach: im happy either way. whichever you'd prefer10:25
dholbachUnfrgiven: if we passed that stage, we need 3 reviews from MOTUs or maintainers and then we'll upload it10:25
chmjTreenaks, well, I hang out with slanden and didn't get sick10:25
Treenakschmj: ok, that's impressive :)10:26
dholbachUnfrgiven: ok... you can take it, try to incorporate whatever differs and i will give you the first review later on, ok?10:26
Unfrgivendholbach: ok cool :) i'll grab your packages to start with. is the there still a configure dependency on gdm?10:27
dholbachUnfrgiven: nope10:27
Unfrgivendholbach: sweet! did they fix it in upstream or did you patch it?10:27
dholbachUnfrgiven: debdiff is nice for comparing source packages10:27
dholbachUnfrgiven: i talked to upstream and added configure options which finally worked10:27
Unfrgivendholbach: excellent. whats the best way to grab source packages and get a working area of it? thus far i've been untarring the orig tar ball then applying the diff.gz patch manually.10:28
dholbachdpkg-source -x bla.dsc10:28
Unfrgivendholbach: kewl thanks.10:29
dholbachsudo pbuilder build bla.dsc    to test-build it10:29
dholbachbut i guess you're familiar with that one already :-)10:29
Unfrgivendholbach: yep the pbuilder bit, im clear on :)10:29
Unfrgivendholbach: i also want to start packaging some of the stuff on universe candidates... its starting to blow out quite a bit....10:29
dholbachyeah... good call10:29
Unfrgivendholbach: alright well im going to get to work. i should be on later but in case im not, ill be on tomorrow for sure (it 6:30 pm here).10:30
dholbachUnfrgiven: have a nice day10:31
Unfrgivendholbach: you too :)10:31
dholbachthanks :)10:32
=== GheRivero [~ghe@hiscpdprx01.upsa.es] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== dholbach [~daniel@td9091ba5.pool.terralink.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dholbachtomboy is broken10:40
dholbachit breaks the panel as well10:40
dholbachand then there are two panels battling each other10:40
dholbachzombie panels10:40
Lathiatthe new icon sucks but10:40
Lathiata duck!10:50
ivoksman, i got falsificate money10:50
=== cc [~cc@c210-49-121-44.eburwd3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Lathiativoks: hrm?10:51
ivoksLathiat i buyed mp3 player and got change back..10:51
Lathiat:\ how much change?10:52
ivoksdidn't look at money...10:52
Lathiathow much is that in us$ or something?10:52
ivoksthat's... cca 25 euros10:52
Lathiatso $40 AUD10:52
Lathiatat least it wasn't more :\10:52
ivokswouldn't know :)10:53
ivoksproblem is that i can't change it..10:53
Lathiatgo back and confront them10:53
Lathiattake a few big large looking people... :)10:53
\shivoks: why not?10:53
\shreport it10:54
ivoks\sh i will report10:54
ivoksbut that's 200kn out of my pocket :(10:54
Lathiatlike i said10:54
Lathiatthank god it wasnt more10:54
\shivoks: hrk? what is it?10:54
ivoks\sh hrvatska kuna - croatian kuna10:55
\shivoks: and u bought the mp3 player in a normal store? or more like those ones named in germany as "import and export" shops? ,-)10:55
ivoks\sh METRO10:55
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\shivoks: report it...they have to be punished ;)10:56
ivoks\sh I'm sure you are familliar with METRO :)10:56
\shivoks: yes10:56
\shmafia ;)10:56
=== maskie [~maskie@196-30-109-138.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ivoksi'll call them10:57
ivoksit's snowing :)11:01
AstralJavaivoks: In Croatia? Weird. :)11:03
ivoksyou can see this only in croatia... on sea side people are swimming, and 20km from there it's snowing :)11:04
AstralJavaivoks: Do you live by the mountains?11:04
ivoksAstralJava no, but in mountains is snowing :)11:04
AstralJavaOh okay. :)11:04
dholbachwho of you was from detroit?11:04
=== AstralJava is glad the snow here is finally all melt
dholbachare they really planning a tax on hamburgers?11:04
=== ivoks loves snow :)
ivokssnowboarding is so fun...11:05
kokedholbach: I think whiprush was from detroit11:08
dholbachkoke: i'll ask him later on :-)11:08
AstralJavaI do like snow too, but only when it's winter. :)11:16
=== Lathiat wonders why bzflag hasn't been synced from debian yet and if he can apply some love to make it so
Lathiatcus its  a major version upgrade and the current version is useless11:16
Burgundaviacan someone tell me why glabels on ubuntu and debian are so different in terms of deps?11:17
Burgundaviait was very odd11:17
dholbachLathiat: might be, because there are ubuntu-specific changes which have yet to be merged11:17
Lathiatthe changelog doesnt say so anyway11:18
dholbachBurgundavia: could you paste me the difference in a query?11:18
dholbachLathiat: Version:
dholbachthis is the current in ubuntu11:18
dholbachwhich is recent in debian?11:18
Lathiatin unstable11:18
dholbachthere you go :-)11:18
Lathiatlet me check11:18
Lathiatdholbach: whats the problem?11:19
Lathiatthe ubuntu111:19
Lathiator the version?11:19
dholbachno the version is not the problem, it just indicates there were ubuntuspecific changes11:19
dholbachafter breezy was opened we autosynced a lot of stuff11:19
Lathiati wonder why there was no changelog.Debian.gz entry?11:19
dholbachnow quite a lot of packages still have to be re-merged11:20
Lathiati suck11:20
Lathiatim looking at the changleog for the newer version11:20
|QuaD-_heh, i get a kick everytime i see packages like this trying to get synced: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/breezy-changes/2005-May/004409.html11:20
Lathiatdholbach: so if i took care of those changes it could be synced?11:20
Lathiat|QuaD-_: heh11:20
dholbachLathiat: we have to manually merge them, if you want to take care of those, i'd highly appreciate it11:21
Lathiatright, i'd be more than happy to11:21
=== |QuaD-_ tried sudo apt-get install hurd
|QuaD-_it didn't work11:21
Lathiatwhere do i get started. :)11:21
dholbachLathiat: the changes should be on https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=RESOLVED&bug_status=VERIFIED&bug_status=CLOSED&resolution=---&resolution=UNIVERSE11:21
Lathiatjust fixing up the package?11:21
Lathiatchanges were simply some build-depends11:21
dholbachLathiat: be sure to build it in a pbuilder before :-)11:22
Lathiatbefore what?11:23
dholbachbefore you let us review and upload it :-)11:23
Lathiatof course11:23
dholbachmerci beaucoup11:23
Lathiatdholbach: is there some evil you can do to get deboostrap to try find files form your /var/cache/apt/archives to save downloading them again? (other than run a local mirror/apt proxy)11:28
dholbachLathiat: no idea11:28
=== ajmitch_ is still fetching patches from MoM to do merging love :)
dholbachivoks: i move wifi-radar from MOTUToReview to MOTUNewPackages11:29
Lathiatoh thanks11:29
dholbachajmitch_: ROCK11:29
=== Nafallo [~nafallo@nafallo.user] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Nafallohi all11:30
LathiatDo you guys nee dpeople to look after merging these thigns in general?11:30
ivoksdholbach ok, it is there allready :)11:30
dholbachoh i see11:30
ajmitch_dholbach: I could probably upload 20 or so tonight if I have the bandwidth :)11:30
dholbachremoving it then :-)11:31
Lathiat(cus i'd like to get involved)11:31
dholbachLathiat: yes, absolutely11:31
ajmitch_Lathiat: you'd take away my reason for existence! ;)11:31
Lathiatis it more looking after specific m packages, or just tending to random packages that need tending that others arent taking care of?11:32
Lathiatajmitch_: heh11:32
ajmitch_looking after random packages11:32
ajmitch_which is always a problem when you've got 15000 or so to watch11:32
Lathiata base ubuntu install is rather small11:32
Lathiatdidnt take long to download11:32
Lathiati guess i have got 1.5mbit now11:33
Lathiathad 512kbit before11:33
ajmitch_yes, but there's plenty of broken packages that we'll need to fix11:33
ajmitch_simple merging is trivial11:33
dholbachLathiat: we have two things in mind atm: 1) forming teams which take care of specific things they like to change, and 2) having universe in a generally good shape11:33
ajmitch_especially with MoM - often just signing the current diff.gz it spits out11:33
Lathiatpbuilder failed to create11:34
ajmitch_Lathiat: how good are your C++ sk1llz? ;)11:34
Lathiaterrors with gcc/g++/cpp deps11:34
Lathiatajmitch_: uh11:34
Lathiatim ok with C11:34
Lathiatand know C++ but dont do alot of classes, templates, etc...11:34
dholbachLathiat: build a hoary chroot and upgrade to breezy11:34
ajmitch_I know you do python, I've been to your talks at LCA before ;)11:34
Lathiatdholbach: ok11:34
Lathiatajmitch_: ah :)11:34
Lathiatyeh i do C and python mainly11:34
=== ajmitch_ went to the ipv6 miniconf last year
Lathiatand uh, i've written two java programs now :)11:34
Lathiatajmitch_: rock11:34
Lathiatand i alreayd hate java11:35
Lathiatdoesnt take long11:35
ajmitch_starting a j2me project tomorrow at uni, in the telecommunications class11:35
Lathiatmost of my hacking has been related to gtk or network code in C11:35
Lathiatmulticast sockets that do ipv4 and ipv6 in C are fun!11:35
=== Lathiat coughs
Lathiatespecially when no one else has done them properly11:35
Lathiatand the apis suck a bit11:35
Lathiati should write some documentation now we figured all that out11:36
Lathiatajmitch_: so yeh, what di dyou have in mind specifically?11:36
=== herzi [~herzi@d015219.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dholbachhey herzi11:36
ajmitch_Lathiat: wiki.ubuntu.com/UniverseCxxTransition11:36
ajmitch_a few hundred packages that need loving11:36
Lathiatoh i looked at that11:36
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ajmitch_I've started looking at patches & trying to get them to apply :)11:37
dholbachonce the c++ big bang has taken place11:37
Lathiati should be able to help with that11:37
Lathiatlooks like alot of the same FTBFS11:37
ajmitch_dholbach: word is that it'll be Real Soon Now, so we have to prepare11:37
Lathiatso once we figure out each one should be able to apply to lots11:37
dholbachherzi: yes :-)11:37
ajmitch_Lathiat: you hope - most c++ code will be broken in subtly different ways11:37
Lathiatajmitch_: yeh im sure it is heh11:37
Lathiatcan you say, i hate gcc versions11:37
Lathiatand bad coders :)11:38
ajmitch_I'm not an optimist about this transition - it'll be a long fight :)11:38
dholbachi am... it will be BIG FUN :-)11:38
dholbachand we really have to thank the debian guys who already wrote 24967246 patches11:38
=== ajmitch_ envisions dholbach bouncing around a mental asylum :)
ajmitch_dholbach: the first package I tried patching today didn't apply cleanly11:39
Lathiatblah i definately need an apt cache11:39
ajmitch_which is a worry :)11:39
Lathiatperhaps just squid11:39
ajmitch_Lathiat: I'm on 256Kbps11:39
Lathiatthat sucks11:40
Lathiati was on 28.8 up until a year ago11:40
Lathiatthen no net for 6months11:40
Lathiatthen went 256, 512, 1500 in 2 month incrememnts11:40
ajmitch_not bad11:41
ajmitch_I could go to 2Mbps, but only a 10GB cap11:41
Lathiatnow that i can afford it11:41
ajmitch_64Kbps after that11:42
Lathiataltho i only have 5GB/5GB quota11:42
Lathiatand i ate all my peak quota acccidentally until th een do fth emonth11:42
ajmitch_bbiab, dinner time ;)11:42
Lathiatfortunately we have a local exchange11:42
Lathiatwhich means traffic to most of perth is free adn unmetered11:42
Lathiatso im proxy off another box11:42
Lathiatfor we at least11:42
dholbach\sh: ping11:50
\shdholbach: pong11:50
dholbach\sh: i'm just having a look at conglomerate11:51
dholbachi can't see your patch in 00list11:51
dholbachi don't quite understand the debdiff :-)11:52
dholbachah moment, wait11:52
\shlast one11:52
dholbachsorry, nevermind what i said11:53
dholbachunpacked the wrong source package11:53
dholbachi'll have another look :-)11:53
\shdholbach: you're welcome :)11:53
\shhmm...there is a nice pitfall with kde and dchroot breezy ;)11:53
ogrameh, the configure scripts for the mono stuff are so wrong11:54
\shafter starting one kde app, all sessions are belonging to the breezy chroot after that11:54
ogramorning btw11:54
dholbachhey ogra11:54
\shhoi ogra11:54
\shbtw...i fixed my si server ;)11:54
ogragreat to hear11:55
\shyeah...kicked the bloody machine with memtest11:55
\shand? what was the result...memory error11:55
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dholbachf-spot 0.0.13 is out11:57
dholbachshould work with mono 1.1.711:57
=== ogra uploads a new gmime for beagle on amd64
ogradholbach, thats our release, tseng talked to larry for it :)11:58
dholbach(it doesnt say so in the release notes ;-))11:58
ograwould be fully if novell employees would mention us in their changelog11:59
dholbach\sh: did you tell elmo to whitelist your mail adress?11:59
ografunny even11:59
dholbachogra: it's all about love - they really should11:59
ograjust because tseng asked when will there be a release that builds with 1.1.7 ? heh12:00
=== ogra suspects dholbach wants something like * for tseng, love larry
\shdholbach: aehm...no..for what?12:01
dholbach\sh: so you get a notification mail when your package gets uploaded to the buildd12:01
\shdholbach: officially u have to upload ;)12:01
ogra\sh, else elmo has to deal with it... so just do it ;)12:01
\shi can see it only on breezy-changes ;)12:02
dholbach\sh: i know i have to upload :-)12:02
ogra\sh, whitelisting is the first technical step to become a motu.... mail to the whitelist@ address12:02
dholbach upload@ubuntulinux.org12:03
ogradholbach, btw, did you see that amd64 has tomboy love ?12:04
dholbachogra: did you see, what i said about it?12:04
dholbachdholbach *grmbl*12:04
dholbachdholbach tomboy is broken12:04
dholbachdholbach it breaks the panel as well12:04
dholbachdholbach and then there are two panels battling each other12:04
ograhuh ?12:04
ograbut you did start it from the "add applet" dialog, not from the commandline i assume12:05
ograworks fine here, since more then 5 days...12:05
ogra\sh, i think i'm not up to date.... rather what dholbach said...12:06
\shthe wiki title function must be fixed...i know that i have a bookmark to this page...but where is it12:06
dholbachwiki/Uploads says it12:06
dholbachhey tseng12:07
ogra<-- to lazy to look it up....12:07
dholbachogra: we all know12:07
thomtomboy appears to be missing a dep on libdbus-cil12:07
ograthom, oh...12:07
ograthom, i'll fix it12:07
tsengthom: dh_clideps is failing to get dbus12:07
dholbachand pbuilder didnt complain?12:07
tsengdholbach: runtime12:07
thomactually, it's missing one on libgnome-cil too12:07
\shi wrote a mail to this upload@ address12:07
ogradholbach, as i said the configure scripts are crack.... they dont check all deps...12:08
thomi suspect dh_clibdeps is hosed :-)12:08
dholbachthank god thom is a MOTU :-)12:08
ograthom, yep12:08
\sh  Date:12:08
\sh12.04.2005 15:5112:08
thomdholbach: hahah12:08
\shogra told me to ask if you can add sh@sourcecode.de to whitelist address for12:09
\shthat was the content12:09
dholbachah ok12:09
thomso far, libdbus-cil, libgnome-cil, libglib-cil12:09
\shI did my duties :)12:09
\shbut i don't know if it's whitelisted now or not :)12:09
tsenghm tomboy works out of the box on x8612:10
thom(and libgtk-cil)12:10
ograthom, rm12:10
tsengon a clean breezy install12:10
tsengi did apt-get install muine tomboy blam12:10
tsengmuine was missing libdbus-cil and blam had that other bug12:10
ogratseng, but dh_clidep _is_ hosed, he's right12:10
tsengi know it is12:10
ograi'll add the depends manually for now, we can revert that later12:11
tsengit sounds not working at all on amd64 or something12:11
ograbut i got the deps installed anyway12:11
dholbachtrying again12:11
thomafter all that, it works great12:11
dholbachyes, works now12:11
dholbachguys... change the Depends NOW! :-)12:11
ograalready pbuilding12:12
tsengdholbach: erm, really need to figure out why dh_clideps doesnt work12:12
thomogra: you got all the deps, right? :-)  libdbus-cil libgnome-cil libglib-cil libgtk-cil libgconf-cil12:12
dholbachcould someone of you try "preferences" of tomboy12:12
tsengoh I have an idea12:12
dholbachwhen i choose it, it breaks12:12
thomdholbach: same12:12
Lathiatyeh so does mine12:12
tsengi wonder if he changed the variable name to ${cli:Depends}12:12
ograthom, a thanks, missed gconf12:13
tsengthat would do it12:13
=== p0m [wodann@203-173-21-172.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dholbachwas tomboy a NEW package?12:13
tsengerm, for warty12:13
ogradholbach, nope12:13
thomdholbach: oooh, fun. it works as a notification icon (ie, if i run tomboy on the command line) but not if it's an applet12:13
dholbachah ok12:13
tsengogra: can you check if i still have net:Depends and it wants cli:Depends?12:14
ograit has cli depends12:14
tsenghm hm12:14
tsengwell i need to double check that for everything now that I think of it12:15
ogratseng, it doesnt build if it has the netde12:15
ograno, lets just fix dh_clidep12:15
ograhmm, is it broken on all arches ?12:18
tsengat least partly12:18
tsengfor one its possibly for mono to load things that monodis doesnt pick up on12:18
dholbachwow, i never saw that many compiler warnings as in conglomerate12:18
tsenglet's see how f-spot goes12:20
\shdholbach: it's shitty12:20
dholbachmlview doesn't look as fancy, but i like it better :-)12:20
Burgundaviadholbach, the worst part is that it is a shitty app too12:20
\shbtw...pro-linux has a good article about ubuntu and skolelinux12:20
\shdholbach: well...xemacs is my choice ;)12:21
dholbach*GRA* debuild AGAIN hangs at   " fakeroot debian/rules clean"12:22
=== dholbach cries bitter tears
ografakeroot isd broken12:22
ogradholbach, is it in your pbuilder ?12:22
dholbachno, when i try to build a signed source package12:22
ogradholbach, or the manual debuild ?12:22
ograsudo update-alternatives fakeroot12:23
ograswitch to tcp12:23
ograbut dont forget to switch back if its fixed ;)12:23
ajmitch_back :)12:23
ograsudo update-alternatives --config fakeroot12:23
\shi don't understand this anymore12:24
\shwhen I created this conglomerate package, everything worked fine...right now i can't even go after the first stage of debuild12:24
ajmitch_\sh: make clean probably doesn't clean very well12:25
dholbach\sh: uploaded12:25
\shajmitch_: that was it12:26
\shdholbach: thx12:26
dholbach\sh: our mysql-admin is a newer version already12:26
dholbach\sh: you may want to adapt your changes to the newer one12:26
\shdholbach: what? it was directly from debian-sid ;)12:27
\shdholbach: sure12:27
ajmitch_\sh: sorry, you have to get with the times ;)12:27
\shajmitch_: it was new when I created the patchset ;)12:27
Lathiathow do you update your pbuilder to breezy12:27
Lathiatmanually or is there a pbuilder magic command12:27
tsengedit his sources.list12:28
\shLathiat: i have it running in a chroot env ;)12:28
tsengthen pbuilder update --override-config12:28
dholbachshould be on wiki/PbuilderHowto12:28
Lathiatexcuse the pbuilder newb12:28
Lathiatah ok, didnt know that was there12:28
=== tseng pbuilds f-spot
dholbach\sh: shermann@localhost.localdomain :-)12:30
Lathiatdholbach: thanks12:31
Lathiatdholbach: has all the magic. :)12:31
tsengif there are more regressions in Depends: on this12:31
tsengmail me or upload the fix12:31
Lathiatnow if i can just get apt-cacher ot actually work12:31
\shdholbach: in the patchset ;)12:31
\shdholbach: I saw this  happen...i thought I fixed it12:31
dholbach\sh: you should have these in .bashrc  :  export DEBFULLNAME='Stephan Hermann'  export DEBEMAIL='dh@sourcecode.net'12:32
dholbach\sh: don't worry, i fix them12:32
ajmitch_dholbach: you rock! ;)12:32
dholbachajmitch_: thanks for that assessment, mr. mitchell :-)12:33
=== ajmitch_ groans at a >400K diff to review
ajmitch_I think I can trust it to be ok12:34
\shdholbach: i added the stuff now ;)12:35
ajmitch_the last 2 to touch it were a daniel holbach & a stephan hermann12:35
Lathiati have no references to hoary in /etc/pbbu*12:35
dholbachajmitch_: which package?12:35
ajmitch_MoM says the merge is clean, so I'm building & testing12:35
dholbachoh... might have been some auto* update because of some changed build-depends?12:35
ajmitch_plus gcc 4.0 fixes12:36
dholbach\sh: did you test the build in pbuilder?12:36
dholbach\sh: looking at mysql-query-browser now12:36
Lathiatis there someone i can get pbuilder to pass apt options?12:36
Lathiat"E: There ar eproblems and -y was used without --force-yes"12:36
dholbach\sh: you're running autogen in the build which is BAD itself, but then you don't build-dep on auto* which will just break12:37
ajmitch_Lathiat: ah, gnupg auth problems12:37
Lathiatajmitch_: yarr12:37
ajmitch_pbuilder howto has tips on solving that12:37
Lathiatperhaps is hould install gnupg in the chroto12:37
Lathiati'll read it12:37
Lathiatwhich howto?12:37
tsengPbuilderHowto? :P12:37
Lathiatas in the wiki?12:37
Lathiatoh, there it is12:37
Lathiati missed that12:37
=== ajmitch_ should remember to write things as WikiWords :)
dholbachagain? ;-p12:38
Lathiatno i just skipped over the hoary part cus i already had one.. :)12:38
Lathiatwhich was stupid :)12:38
dholbach\sh: please apply the changed auto*-stuff as a dpatch12:38
dholbach\sh: i know it's NOT nice, but unless upstream has a new version, the only way12:39
ogratseng, ?12:39
tsengmy pbuilder cant build f-spot12:39
tsengcant find .pc for gtk-sharp12:39
ograwhy ?12:39
dholbachwrong build-depends?12:40
ograheh, as i said before, the configure scripts are crack12:40
ajmitch_check that it's not another hidden dependency12:40
tsengi added it hard to build-deps12:40
ogratseng, all -cil libs ??12:40
ajmitch_like I had with seahorse - it needed gedit 2.10, which in turn depended on something else12:40
tsengnot "all"12:40
tsenggar its out again12:40
ograconfigure doesnt know they are divided it seems...12:40
tsengtrying again12:41
dholbachwell, fix configure.ac then :-)12:41
Lathiati just need a script to sync /var/cache/apt/archives with /var/cache/pbuilder/aptcache12:41
Lathiatthat should do the trick12:42
ogradholbach, first we'll have to fix dh_clideps12:42
ograelse all mono apps are broken dependencywise12:42
dholbachwho is VirgilNisly?12:45
ogranot me12:45
ograi think12:45
ogratseng, i think i got the bug12:49
ogralooks like the crators of cli-common just copied dh_shlibdeps .... and didnt change /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.shlibs to /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.clilibs12:51
ograhm, no12:52
dholbachkoke: where is python-bazaar_*.orig.tar.gz?12:56
kokeerr, let me see12:58
tsengwell i think my problem right now is the deps for libgnome-cil are fucke dup12:58
tsengand i have to add them all12:59
tsengi guess i should be anyway12:59
ogratseng, for now...12:59
ogratseng, i'm looking at cli-common....12:59
tsengrock on12:59
tsengi am leaving for work soon12:59
dholbachbye tseng01:00
kokedholbach: http://amedias.org/~koke/debian/hoary/01:04
kokebut I'll have to try it again01:04
dholbachdo that and tell me :-)01:05
|QuaD-_debian/hoary.. lol, are we going to have ubuntu sarge next?01:05
schweebmorning time is the devil01:05
dholbachhey schweeb01:06
Lathiatok ot pbuilder going01:06
=== Lathiat tests builds
dholbach|QuaD-_: look at this01:06
dholbachdaniel@bert:~$ apt-cache show login | grep Version01:06
dholbachVersion: 1:4.0.3-31sarge3ubuntu201:06
schweebnow, time to go to work, later01:06
dholbachbye schweeb, have a nice day01:06
kokehmmm, do we want a python2.3-bazaar and python2.4-bazaar?01:07
schweebit'll take a lot of aspirin for that to occur at this point :p01:07
|QuaD-_dholbach: i noticed a few packets like that on greezy changes a few days ago01:07
dholbachkoke: if possible01:07
|QuaD-_dholbach: i was confused at first, then figured must be the same maintainter01:07
dholbachgreezy? like in GreezyGiraffe?01:07
kokehmmm, from https://perso.duckcorp.org/duck/cdbs-doc/cdbs-doc.xhtml#id251166201:09
kokeMost python packages are architecture all, and then don't need being build for multiple python versions ; your package should then be called 'python-<foo>' and CDBS would automatically use the current Debian python version to build it.01:09
kokepybaz is _all, but it installs into /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages01:10
koketwo different packages should not be necessary01:11
ajmitch_night all01:13
dholbachbye ajmitch_01:13
Lathiatug c++01:19
Lathiattakes so long to build01:19
Lathiatsomeone give me a quad opteron or something :)01:19
dholbachsomeone give Lathiat a hanky :-)01:20
Lathiatdholbach: do you remember the reason you had to add those GL deps in bzf?01:22
Lathiatit seems to build without them, but the way its depended on in the new debian is a little different so01:22
dholbachLathiat: because we have x.org and the libraries are split in a new way01:22
Lathiatand whats with libxxf86vm ?01:23
dholbachLathiat: maybe it was needed on only one of the architectures01:24
Lathiatyeh thats what im thinking01:24
Lathiathence i was asking01:24
Lathiati'll just put it back in01:24
dholbachcrimsun: i reviewed jackbeat, have quite some comments on MOTUNewPackages for it now01:25
Lathiatthe GL deps were fixed upstream, the xxf86vm wasnt01:25
|QuaD-_just installed beagle, using the debian packages just put on, it can't start the daemon01:25
Lathiat|QuaD-_: maybe you dont have inotify on?01:28
|QuaD-_Lathiat: hmmm, i am using a stock kernel, but i am geting a dbus warning in best01:28
ogra|QuaD-_, why dont you use the ubuntu package ?01:28
|QuaD-_blah, i meant ubuntu01:29
Lathiatwell, the stock kernel doesnt have inotify01:29
|QuaD-_Lathiat: i have to compile my own?01:29
|QuaD-_uname -r01:29
ogra|QuaD-_, there is a lot broken in mono currently..... its very likely that the dependencys are missing in the package01:29
Lathiatthats not the reason its broken tho01:29
LathiatUnhandled Exception: System.DllNotFoundException: libMonoPosixHelper.so01:29
ograit should work if you do: sudo apt-get build-dep beagle01:30
Lathiatcould not be satisfied01:30
ogra(pulls in some unnecessary stuff though)01:30
ograLathiat, what is missing ?01:30
Lathiattrying to figure that out01:31
kokedholbach: python-bazaar works, but it's only for python 2.401:31
kokeI don't like the idea of making two different packages with the same files01:31
kokeany better idea?01:31
Lathiatkoke: the files arent the same01:31
dholbachkoke: would you please ask chmj and doko how to proceed?01:31
Lathiatyou have /usr/lib/python2.3 and /usr/lib/python2.301:32
Lathiat2.4 on the last one01:32
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Lathiatand probably a common package with the common files01:32
Lathiatnow this is interesting01:32
kokelamont: the paths are different but the files are the same01:32
|QuaD-_ogra: i did a build dep and i believe its working01:33
ograah, great01:33
|QuaD-_ogra: why doesn't it do it automatically with apt-get install?01:33
ogra|QuaD-_, which arch is that ?01:33
dokoLathiat: how do you make sure, that you have the correct .pyc files are generated from the common package?01:33
LathiatThe following packages have unmet dependencies:01:33
Lathiat  mozilla-firefox-dev: Depends: mozilla-firefox (= 1.0.2-0ubuntu5) but 1.0.3-2~5.04ubp1+1.0.2-0ubuntu5 is to be installed01:33
Lathiatthats why build-dep doesnt work01:33
|QuaD-_Lathiat: it worked when i tried it01:33
Lathiatdoko: you do it from the versioned package ?01:33
Lathiati have some backports shit01:34
ogra|QuaD-_, because the tool that writes the dependencys is broken01:34
Lathiatfrom when i was looking at their stuff01:34
kokeLathiat: a 'grep -r "python2\.4" /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/pybaz/*.py' is empty01:34
Lathiatkoke: whats that got to do with anything?01:34
|QuaD-_ogra: good reason01:34
kokeLathiat: I'd bet if I copy those files to /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/pybaz/, it'd work01:35
dokoLathiat: yes, we'll address this for breezy, but please do the versioned packages now, the duplicated files are not a problem, if built from the same source01:35
|QuaD-_i wonder how long beagle will take to indes01:35
=== ogra guesses it will break before its finished
|QuaD-_ogra: why?01:36
ogra|QuaD-_, i would have fixed it if i knew why ;)01:36
|QuaD-_ogra: lol.... :) what happens exactly?01:36
ograit did it for me the last 3 days.... after indexind about 1h01:36
|QuaD-_what can i be looking forward to?01:36
ograit just stops indexing or doesnt respond anymore to the client....01:37
ografor the latter i suspect dbus, which isnt up to date yet01:37
|QuaD-_heh, so my 120gig hdd probably will make it to gig201:37
ograso this version wont work reliable until daniels has dbus ready for us01:38
|QuaD-_ohhh, ok01:38
|QuaD-_its still better than nothing01:38
ograits very nice to look at and to do some testing....01:38
|QuaD-_though i don't think a lot of it is working correctly... i just typed a search word in, left best open, went to a gaim im and typed that word in and sent the im01:39
|QuaD-_it never found it01:39
|QuaD-_ogra: yeah01:39
ograbut dont expect miracles, a lot is still missing and as long as the package building tools are broken it will be bad...01:39
thomLathiat: if you use ubp, you lose01:39
|QuaD-_ogra: how do i get an inotify enabled kernel?01:40
dholbachreviewing is fun01:40
Lathiatthom: nah i was just looking at their shit01:41
Lathiatforgot about it01:41
ograthom, the prob seems to be additionally in dpkg-gencontrol (it doesnt know the clilibs file) do you think its appropriate to let dh_clideps spit aou a shlibs file for now to make it work ? or is that to odd ?01:41
|QuaD-_beagle just indexed my email01:42
Lathiatso, whats standard to append to the change01:42
ogra|QuaD-_, you casn see the results grow if you do a search ;)01:42
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ograLathiat, whatever dch appends ;)01:43
|QuaD-_ogra: thats how i noticed01:43
|QuaD-_ogra: how else could i figure out what it has indexed?01:43
Lathiatogra: yeh but shouuld i add remerged ubuntu changes or something01:43
\shdholbach: what did u say...just had supper01:43
Lathiatand mention the changes no longer needed?01:43
ogra|QuaD-_, by lookig at the terminal where you started beagled -fg ;)01:43
ograLathiat, sounds descriptive....01:44
dholbach\sh: can't you please scroll back? :-)01:44
|QuaD-_ogra: i let best do it for me :)01:44
|QuaD-_once it craps out, i will do it that way01:44
ogra|QuaD-_, then you wont see when it fails ;)01:44
kokedholbach: python-bazaar is ready :D01:44
|QuaD-_ogra: how is the easiest way to kill beagle then?01:45
ogralook in your processlist (ps ax) and kill the process number01:45
|QuaD-_beagled -fg01:46
|QuaD-_Ignoring unknown argument '-fg'01:46
Lathiat|QuaD-_: cat ~/.xsession-errors01:47
\sh[12:38]  <dholbach> \sh: please apply the changed auto*-stuff as a dpatch01:47
\shdholbach: but i don't know the context ;)01:48
thomogra: hrrrrm; i don't think it should spit out a shlibs file; better to figure out why it's not passing the right arguments to get the clilibs file picked up01:48
dholbach<dholbach> \sh: you're running autogen in the build which is BAD itself, but then you don't build-dep on auto* which will just break01:48
|QuaD-_Lathiat: a bunch of "** (gnome-cups-icon:25562): WARNING **: failed request with status 1030" but thats it01:49
ograthom, ah, ok, there are arguments for that... man dpkg-gencontrol wasnt to helpful....01:49
Lathiatmy beagle errors showed up in that01:49
kokedholbach: digikam is in debian01:49
|QuaD-_Lathiat: sorry that was for ogra01:49
\shdholbach: oh :) it wasn't my fault...it's not from me ;) but I will fix it01:49
dholbachkoke: i noticed01:49
kokeand maybe kio-locate too :D01:50
dholbach\sh: your patch runs autogen01:50
ogra|QuaD-_, two dashes ;)01:50
\shoh no..it's mine ;)01:50
ograthom, nm, i'm to blind01:50
|QuaD-_ogra: this might get addigting01:51
|QuaD-_watching it01:52
\shdholbach: i see a problem there01:52
\shdholbach: check 03-gcc4-patch01:52
\shaeh 03-gcc4.dpatch01:52
|QuaD-_so what exactly does evolution sharp do???01:53
|QuaD-_beagle wants it, but doesn't need it01:53
\shoh no I see a solution01:53
\shdholbach: what do u think, applying the patch, run automake again and then diff?01:56
dholbachstart dpatch-edit-patch <something>01:57
dholbachmake necessary changes01:57
dholbachrerun autogen01:57
|QuaD-_are things like evolution support, msoffice support, gstreamer support, ephiphany support, and firefox support going to be brought to ubuntu?01:57
|QuaD-_or are we going to have to do that ourselves01:57
bradbdholbach: hi02:06
bradbhey ogra02:06
bradbwhere are we going to have the MOTU meeting on thursday, btw?02:07
ograhere ? or #ubuntu-meeting02:07
thom#ubuntu-meeting would be better02:08
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bradbok, we'll do it in #ubuntu-meeting02:08
thom|QuaD-_: for .NET? ffox/ephy should happen soonish02:08
|QuaD-_thom: i just found support for the others02:08
ograff is already in the beagle package02:08
|QuaD-_figured out how to do it02:08
thomogra: including the extensions for firefox?02:09
ograbeagle.xpi, yes02:09
|QuaD-_what exactly does the ff extension do anyways?02:09
dholbachhey bradb, yes #u-meeting is better02:09
thomoh, not mozilla-sharp02:09
ogranope, its generated from the beagle source....02:10
Amaranth|QuaD-_: as far as i can tell it just lets you choose to not index certain domains02:10
\shdholbach: i will put new files on my webpage in 15 minutes.after the build has completed02:10
thombeagle will index your history and cache02:10
|QuaD-_Amaranth: haha... so doesn't index things like porn :)02:10
thomfrom firefox/mozilla02:10
Amaranththom: the extension makes it do that?02:11
|QuaD-_thom: why wouldn't it do that anyways?02:11
dholbach\sh: take your time02:11
ograit shows a little dog icon if its enabled02:11
ograAmaranth, yes02:11
Amaranthi forget, does beagle do cluepackets or is that dashboard?02:11
|QuaD-_Amaranth: i think thats dashboard02:12
|QuaD-_dashboard is really cool02:12
|QuaD-_i can't wait till they resume working on it02:12
|QuaD-_ogra: still indexing mailbox, i have way too much mail02:13
\shdholbach: i want to go home early :) so here i have gigabit ethernet ,) at home only 4mbit/s02:13
|QuaD-_"Search for packages in the the apt cache." from the beagle wiki... that would be awesome02:14
ogra|QuaD-_, you mean an apt-get backend02:14
ograerr apt-cache02:14
\shdholbach: downstream ;) upstream is 442kbit/s02:14
ograhmm.... and apt-file.....02:15
|QuaD-_whats apt-file?02:15
ograinstall it....02:16
ograrun sudo apt-file update02:16
ograand do reverse searches through the packages for specific files02:16
|QuaD-_hmm, lemme see02:16
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|QuaD-_finally done wiht mail!02:18
|QuaD-_ogra: beagle.xpi is not on my system anywhere02:19
ograhmm, it should...02:20
|QuaD-_i just updatedb'ed and locate beagle.xpi02:20
ograit might get renamed during the install process02:21
|QuaD-_locate *.xpi02:21
ograits called beagle.jar02:23
|QuaD-_i don't think so02:24
Unfrgiventseng: ajmitch_: ogra: the beagle package has an incorrect control file. its missing the depend on gecko-sharp02:24
ogramake[3] : Entering directory `/build/buildd/beagle-0.0.9/mozilla-extension'02:24
ograzip -q9 beagle.xpi install.rdf chrome/beagle.jar02:24
ograUnfrgiven, its missing a lot more02:24
Unfrgivenogra: oh? really.... what else? im keen to get it going :)02:24
|QuaD-_ogra: i don't have beagle.jar02:25
ograUnfrgiven, the debhelper script fo mono is totally broken...02:25
ogra|QuaD-_, but its generated in the package... dunno where it goes thn02:25
Unfrgivenogra: doh! oh well i guess it wont be long till we have beagle in breezy02:25
|QuaD-_haha. is this problem reproduceable, or is it only me02:26
ograUnfrgiven, if i give all deps manually to it we would already have it ;)02:26
|QuaD-_Unfrgiven: apt-get build-deb beagle02:26
|QuaD-_oh wait02:26
|QuaD-_different problem :)02:26
=== tseng|work [~ccc27a01@sls-eb20p9.dca2.superb.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
|QuaD-_i think i have all the debs anyways :)02:26
ogratseng, any idea what happens with beagle.jar after installation ? (its generated in the beagle package, but doesnt seem to get installed)02:27
|QuaD-_interesting... seems tha beagle is REindexing my mail02:28
ogra|QuaD-_, its indexing all the time02:28
|QuaD-_ogra: right but shouldn't it finnish the rest of my files first?02:29
|QuaD-_i hate to see when it tries to index gaim02:31
tseng|workno, i dont even know why it would have a .jar file02:33
dholbachsee you later guys02:33
tseng|workis that for the web service?02:33
|QuaD-_tseng|work: not really sure, i looked on the wiki, didn't say anything about it really02:33
ograzip -q9 beagle.xpi install.rdf chrome/beagle.jar02:34
ogratseng|work, ^^^02:34
ografrom the build log02:34
Unfrgivengnite dholbach02:35
|QuaD-_goodnight? its 8am here :)02:36
ogratseng|work, it should go to /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/extensions/{somelonghash}/chrome/02:36
Unfrgivenits 10:35 here02:36
ograUnfrgiven, 14:35 here (and at dholbachs place)02:37
|QuaD-_ogra: i only have classic.jar here02:38
ogra|QuaD-_, its generated, but obviously doesnt get installed02:38
|QuaD-_alright, finals time, ttyl02:41
Amaranthyay, beagle02:42
|QuaD-_i am addicted to watching it index02:42
Amaranthnow we just need 2.6.12 to build :)02:42
|QuaD-_but i have to leave it now!02:42
Unfrgivenhow do i get beagle to index my machine? the best applet appears to be working02:45
ograUnfrgiven, do a search02:45
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ograUnfrgiven, it offers you to start the indexer02:45
Unfrgivenogra: thanks02:46
lamont|QuaD-_: the log shows up in ~lamont/buildLogs sometime within 20-30 minutes of the build finishing.  the archive scripts run at :03 and :33 - if the build finished before about :28 or :58, then it'll make the next archive run.02:47
lamont|QuaD-_: if the package is NEW, then it requires elmo love before it gets into the archive02:48
lamontlikewise, there can be errors that cause a successfully built package to fail to enter the archive, although those are pretty rare, and involve, uh, strangeness02:48
Unfrgiven|QuaD-_: how exactly are you watching it index?02:54
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kokeI can't get beagle working :(03:00
kokeFATAL: Could not initialize Beagle's bus connection.03:01
tseng|workogra lets put it in beagle.install then03:02
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tseng|workrock on03:06
tseng|worki also have a user request to built it with wv1 (ms word parser)03:07
tseng|workhe thinks there are a zillion users with a zillion word files on their ubuntu pc03:07
tseng|worki think thats false, and that wv1 shouldnt go to main with beagle probably03:07
Lathiathaving the wv support is cute03:08
Lathiatcus you can bold words and make it rank higher !03:08
Treenakstseng|work: doesn't it work with libgsf?03:09
\shhmmm...the ubuntu world is really small03:09
Treenaks\sh: ?03:09
\shi think most of the ubuntu devs are coming from places around dortmund ;)03:09
Treenaks\sh: someone's been recruiting ;)03:10
\shTreenaks: well...i learned that mvo is member of ping.de ;)03:10
\shping.de was one of the first private internet clubs in dortmund :)03:11
\shfunny :)03:11
ogratseng|work, isnt word indexing in gsf-sharp ?03:19
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kokehave to go...03:30
g14Newbie Question: I looked at the UbuntuDownUnder Breezy Goals and it said that mono will be included with Breezy by default03:33
g14Is this true?03:33
g14awesome, you have one more convert from fedora03:34
tritiumtseng is our Mono master03:34
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g14I'm sure the debian purist nazis love that03:35
\shthe what?03:36
Treenaksg14: mono is Free, and it's being fixed in Debian as well as Ubuntu -- at the same time by the same people afaik03:37
Treenaksg14: not really much about it that the Debian Purists don't like03:37
g14I thought the debian guys would never include mono for the same reasons redhat never will, the potential m$ problem03:37
g14like cloning asp.net03:38
g14Maybe I missed something on the mailinglists03:38
\shg14: redhat is riding on the hard OS business wave...they have to include mono if they want to have success with their desktop distribution03:39
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g14Was I wrong about debian including mono by default?03:41
\shwhat means "by default"?03:42
TreenaksI don't know about sarge.. but debian will have mono in main03:42
\sh"by default" == in the normal installation process03:42
Treenaksuh.. sarge+103:42
\sh"by default" == in the main reposistories?03:42
g14in the main installation03:42
\shg14: for what?03:42
ograour mono packages come from debian03:43
g14Beagle, tomboy, the same things that ubuntu will have it for03:43
Treenaksg14: the main installation for debian is usually "base only" for me03:43
Treenaksg14: the rest I apt-get when I need it03:43
ograwithout their work we wouldnt have mono, so please dont call tem nazis or something03:43
\shg14: if you mean the runtime to run mono apps it should be ok to install it, _when_ there are any ness. applications using mono-runtime on debian03:44
g14I didn't mean to offend anyone but anytime I ask on the debian mailinglist or in #debian they are very rude03:44
Treenaksogra: well, they are strict about licensing stuff03:44
Treenaksogra: (for good reasons)03:44
ograg14, at least one of them is in this channel...03:44
\shrude != nazis03:45
g14that was a figure of speech03:45
g14Sorry if I bothered anyone03:45
\shg14: sorry, i wouldn't use it even as a figure of speech03:45
g14Your from germany, you took that way differently than I meant it03:47
\shg14: i think, it has nothing to do with "being german"03:47
\shor coming from germany03:47
\shbut this is OT03:48
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Lathiati needed to link /usr/lib/libMonoPosixHelper.so.0 to /usr/lib/libMonopsixHelper.so to get beagled to start03:50
\shgoing home now...cu later dudes03:51
ograLathiat, as i said mono is totally broken currently...03:51
tritiumsee you \sh03:51
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ograLathiat, so be patient ;)03:51
ograor break your system ;)03:52
=== tritium contemplates lyrics for "ogra", set to the tune of "Lola" by the Kinks
Lathiatogra: righton03:58
Treenakstritium: scary03:58
Treenakstritium: how about "MOTU"03:59
Amaranthwhoa...beagle is on a quest to kill my computer03:59
tritiumTreenaks, sure :)03:59
Amaranth~90% CPU for the last 10 minuts03:59
LathiatAmaranth: indexing everything :)04:00
Amaranthit's been running for a week04:00
TreenaksAmaranth: a /week/ >???04:00
TreenaksAmaranth: how large is your ~ ?04:00
Amaranthmany, many gigs04:00
Lathiatcvs checkouts must kill it :)04:00
Lathiatok so04:01
Lathiatonce i got this package building, fixed, etc04:01
Amaranthmy ~ is about 54GB04:01
xuzohow is the mantainer of tomboy?04:01
xuzodesktop file is missing :)04:02
Amaranthguessing you mean who04:02
Amaranthtomboy runs on the panel04:02
Lathiatxuzo: you dont use a icon, you add it to your panel04:02
Lathiatxuzo: right click panel, add to panel, tomboy04:02
ograxuzo, the should be no .desktop file04:02
xuzommm is an applet now? sorry04:02
xuzolast time I check it was a systray icon, sorry for the noise04:03
ograit changed with this version04:03
xuzoI'm searching some relative-easy work to do04:04
ograxuzo, then stay around, we'll have a lot of work to do the next days....04:05
xuzook ogra, but... there is a place/page were I can start?04:06
ografor everxything about MOTU and how to become one...04:06
xuzommm I already check it, some more expecific, like things that need to be packaged or fixed04:07
ograadditionally the debian new maintainers guide for packaging knowledge....04:07
ograah, ok... we make lists for that, but the real fun hasnt started yet....04:07
xuzoUniverseCandidates is up-to-date?04:08
ograbut anyway, every red package here that is in universe is to be fixed by us: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/byDate/today.html04:08
ografeel free to add things if you miss something04:09
xuzoogra, thanks, two good resources to start ;)04:09
tritiumyikes, gsl is in that list04:09
ogramissing dep04:10
tritiumyeah, looking...04:10
ograps2eps is probably still waiting for a merge with the new version04:11
tritiumgsl is near and dear to my heart04:11
ogragab it ;)04:11
ogragrab even04:11
tritiumcool, but it looks like nothing really to fix, just a missing dep04:11
ograbut i think it will resolve if ps2eps is there...04:11
tritiumwe agree04:12
ograyou could look whats holding back ps2eps04:12
lamontogra: well, except for the dep-waits that will be met eventually, and the apt errors that happen every time the build starts during the middle of processing that architecture's Release file, and ... :-)04:17
=== ogra adds broken debhelper for mono to that list
|QuaD-_ogra: just got back from my finally, beagled hasn't crashed yet, its been running for ~2 hours04:19
tritium|QuaD-_, hey, how did it go?04:20
ogra|QuaD-_, but you are on ix86, right ?04:20
|QuaD-_tritium: good, but i think i had all of the dependencies not listed04:20
|QuaD-_ogra: yeah, p4 i believe04:20
tritium|QuaD-_, I meant your final exam :)04:20
ogra|QuaD-_, on amd64 it still crashes after 1-2h04:20
|QuaD-_ogra: what do you have04:20
|QuaD-_tritium: haha04:20
|QuaD-_tritium: not that bad, i expected it to be worse04:21
tritiumGood!  You're done, right?04:21
=== Danten [~danten@h163n11c1o1049.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
|QuaD-_just have to turn in my thesis (and make last minute corrections) :) then i graduate if i passed everything :) what about you?04:21
tritiumI take my final defense on July 22.  No more coursework or exams at this point.04:22
|QuaD-_tritium: you phd?04:22
tritiumyeah, in e.e., you?04:23
|QuaD-_ahh, undergrad :) i am a youngin04:23
|QuaD-_what school do you go to?04:23
lamontogra: and if there's an actual failure (as opposed to dep-wait/give-back) that just needs a build later (e.g., broken debhelper), then you poke me, or elmo if I'm not around04:23
lamontrather than a no-source-change upload04:23
tritium|QuaD-_, Purdue grad, Notre Dame undergrad.  Where are you?04:23
ogralamont, but fixing the debhelper will still take me some time....04:24
ograso i'll come back to you later with a lot of mono stuff04:24
|QuaD-_tritium: BU... one of my professors actually asked me to do my phd (or even masters) with him next year (ee/cse), but i am done with engineering, i can't do it anymore04:24
|QuaD-_tritium: i wanna go back for a phd in cs04:24
tritium|QuaD-_, that's awesome :)04:25
lamontnp.  Note htat if there are binaries in the archive for that version of the pacakge on that architecture, then you get to do a no-source-change upload.04:25
|QuaD-_tritium: yeah, i really wish he was a cs prof (his phd is actually in cs). He is one of the greatest professors i ever had. He actually made problem sets fun by having us get our code graded by how fast it ran in relation to the class, turned into huge contests04:26
|QuaD-_(it was a cse algorithms class)04:26
|QuaD-_tritium: whats your phd on?04:30
tritium|QuaD-_, I'll query you, since this is getting OT04:30
|QuaD-_heh ok :)04:30
Lathiathumm, how do i tell dupload to upload my i386 deb as well04:31
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thomdon't use -S to dpkg-buildpacke/debuild04:46
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thomLathiat: ^^04:47
Lathiatyep thanks04:48
|QuaD-_ogra: when beagled crashed for you, what would happen? mine kept repeating a message about closing *something something* filesystem, and i don't think it continuted to index05:07
ogra|QuaD-_, it says "Exit" in the last line and you get your prompt back05:08
|QuaD-_ohh, mine didn't do that05:09
=== tritium [~tritium@12-202-89-11.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tseng|workdid i miss anything?05:14
|QuaD-_ogra: DEBUG: Close on FileSystemIndex thats what it is... going to find out what that means05:15
ogra|QuaD-_, i think thats ok...05:16
|QuaD-_hmm, alrighty, i just didn't see it indexing05:17
|QuaD-_ohh just picked up again05:18
|QuaD-_ogra: its normal05:19
=== thoreauputic [~prospero@wolax9-221.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shchanged mysql-query-browser05:25
\shdholbach can review ;)05:25
\shand it feels like that I have a virus in my health-system05:29
=== Nafallo [~nafallo@nafallo.user] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ogratseng|work, the error is in mono, not in dh_clilibs it seems05:34
Lathiati deleted the files off my server and trying to dupload again it says its already done, where does it store that information?05:34
ograin the log....05:35
Nafalloogra: any troubles with breezy64 I should think about or is it worth the upgrade? :-)05:35
\shin the directory where the uploaded file is...remove the file with ".upload "05:35
ograNafallo, works fine here (regarding the early state we're in)05:35
Nafalloogra: kewl. I'll upgrade then :-).05:35
Lathiatsorry, bit new to pbuilder and dupload, etc -- only done general packaging before :)05:36
ograLathiat, but never ever do an upload you already did twice to an official server ...05:36
Lathiatogra: righton05:36
Lathiataltho, ooc, why ?05:37
Lathiatnot that i see any reason to ever have to05:37
ogratseng|work, dh_clilibs calls monodis :05:39
ogra$ monodis --assemblyref /usr/lib/tomboy/Tomboy.exe05:39
ogra/usr/bin/monodis: error: /usr/bin/.libs/monodis does not exist05:39
ograthere is our bug05:39
|QuaD-_not that i want it, but are there any plans to package dashboard right now? or are they waiting until it is really worked on05:40
ograis it maintained upstream ?05:40
|QuaD-_ogra: is that for me?05:41
|QuaD-_upstream as in debian?05:41
ogradoes anybody devolop it actively ? does it get bug/security fixes ?05:41
|QuaD-_no, they are spending their time perfecting beagle, then once they finish beagle they are planning to go back to it05:42
|QuaD-_(i think i read that somewhere)05:42
Lathiatso, where do i ask to get someone to review this debian sync fix?05:44
Lathiati can only see the list for new packages on the wiki05:44
\shLathiat: new package for universe?05:44
Lathiatnah, just a fix to the debian sync05:44
\shLathiat: put it on MOTUToReview05:45
Lathiati am blind i missed that link05:45
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\shLathiat: hehe ;) i missed that link also ;)05:46
\shand now I know why i'm not feeling well....my back is paining05:49
jabraumm do you guys review the "MOTUNewPackages" site in order?05:56
=== dholbach [~daniel@td9091ba5.pool.terralink.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shhi dholbach05:58
dholbachhey \sh05:59
\shdholbach: you can catch ne new diff.gz and dsc for mysql-query-browser later05:59
dholbachyes, later :-)05:59
dholbachROCK :-)05:59
ograand ROLL !05:59
jabraumm do you guys review the "MOTUNewPackages" site in order?06:03
dholbachjabra: we try to catch all06:04
jabradholbach: ok cool06:06
tseng|workogra: oh man!06:07
tseng|workogra: thats a dumb one06:07
tseng|workgood find06:07
dholbachwhiprush: do they really plan a tax on hamburgers in detroit?06:07
tseng|worki am super busy at work on php06:07
ogratook me a while...lets fix it after the meeting06:07
tseng|workwill look in again later06:07
whiprushdholbach: what? that can't be right06:08
whiprushotherwise I'm in trouble06:08
dholbachi'll read it on a german newssite06:08
dholbachwill give you the link later :-)06:08
dholbachwhiprush: http://www.tagesschau.de/aktuell/meldungen/0,1185,OID4328452_REF1,00.html06:08
dholbachyou have to put it in babelfish or something :-)06:09
whiprushthat's funny06:09
Lathiatblah, this package builds properly in pbuilder but not normally06:13
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diamondlo folks06:19
dholbachgratulations siretart06:19
dholbachdiamond: you were on the CommunityCouncilAgenda as well?06:19
siretartdholbach: thanks :)06:19
diamonddholbach: yup06:20
dholbachdiamond: -> #ubuntu-meeting :-)06:20
diamonddholbach: mako's mail said tho who'd been to the last meeting didn't need to turn up, which was good, cos i couldn't make this one -)06:20
diamonddholbach: ah, ok.06:20
dholbachah ok06:20
dholbachi think it's better when you speak for yourself :-)06:20
Nafalloogra: glad I had a local server now ;-). got 5 packages out of 384 from the net or something :-P.06:21
diamonddholbach: grand06:21
Nafalloogra: you got that lsb-core bug?06:22
ogradunno... bug # ?06:22
Nafalloogra: I believe Mithrandir reported it in debian, dunno #.06:22
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Nafalloogra: I helped reproduce it in a chroot ;-)06:22
ograhmm, so i cant really tell ....06:22
Nafallodpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/base-files_3.1.2ubuntu1_amd64.deb (--unpack):06:23
Nafallo trying to overwrite `/lib64', which is also in package lsb-core06:23
dholbachdredg: could you have a look at MOTUToReview and tell me how the status of the packages is?06:23
dholbachthere were some of yours on06:23
diamonddholbach: have they gotten as far down the list as me yet? (think i'm last or so)06:24
dholbachdiamond: no, not yet... so you can relax a bit :-)06:24
diamonddholbach: ok. i'll try -)06:24
dredgdholbach: hello06:24
dholbachhai dredg :-)06:24
dholbachdiamond: don't worry :-)06:24
dredgdholbach: i'll take a look at it in a bit06:25
dholbachtake your time06:25
dredgi've sort of been enjoying a stable desktop, though i'm a bit tempted to just upgrade to breezy and embrace the brokenness...06:26
ograguys, can we get together after the meeting and make up a date for the next MotuMeeting ?06:26
dholbachdredg: it works particularly fine for me06:27
dredgi don't doubt it06:28
dredgi miss the daily upgrades06:28
Lathiaterror: brain unable to parse configure script output06:31
Lathiati'd hate to be sh06:31
=== dredg kills phpbb in the face and prepares a hoary patch
=== dredg dies a little insid
Nafalloyay! I run breezy :-)06:35
lamontlondonlaw needs python2.4 love06:35
=== Nafallo looks for any diffrences ;-)
dredgdholbach: i have nothing outstanding on MOTUToReview06:42
=== dredg edits
Nafallohmm, ubuntu-calendar is out of date :-P.06:43
Nafalloeven more so then it was before :-)06:43
dredgthat is, if the wiki would stop being as slow as a very slow thing06:44
diamondogra, dholbach, dredg: cheers for the support -)07:05
dholbachyou absolutely deserved it07:05
dredgdiamond: now you just want to bribe the technical commitee and you're set07:05
ograwas based on _your_ work ;)07:05
tritiumThank you everyone!07:05
diamondogra: never hurts to have others say it was worth doing tho -)07:06
dredgdiamond: now make authconfig work :)07:06
diamonddredg: sir, yes sir!07:06
\shthx alot guys for your help :)07:06
diamonddholbach: http://www.skynet.ie/~diamond/images/cpp.jpg07:07
dholbachwe'll be a ROCKing MOTU team with you guys help07:07
dholbachhaha :-)))07:07
ogratseng|work, around ?07:07
xuzohi, I just package gnome-schedule07:09
tritiumelmo, ogra, dholbach: Thanks for your support :)07:11
=== dholbach high-fives tritium
=== dredg wonders how insane one would have to be to try and package something as sick and wrong as openxchange
\shhmmm...i looks like ubuntu world domination ;)07:12
\sh"we are the Master Of The Universe, Drop Your Shields, Resistance is Futile" ;-)07:13
\shah dholbach07:20
\sh Applied a patch to make mysql-admin compile under gcc4.0 and amd64 thanks07:21
\sh    to Andreas Jochens and Stephan Hermann (closes: #301844)07:21
dholbachi'll have a look after the meetin07:21
\shadam applied my supplied patch to debian ;)07:21
\shno work for me anymore07:21
dholbachah :-)07:21
\shso i can close it ,)07:21
=== maskie [~maskie@196-30-108-203.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shif I could see my assign bugs list...but system error07:23
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xuzosorry but... I packaged for breezy one from UniverseCandidates. What to do now?07:27
dholbachxuzo: would you please put it on wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUNewPackages ?07:28
dholbachsomebody will review it and get in touch with you07:28
dholbachsounds good?07:28
xuzook ;)07:30
\shanybody usin tagtool under breezy?07:31
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dholbachhey bddebian07:54
Amaranthhey, does tagtool work on AAC files?07:54
bddebianHello dholbach07:54
crimsundholbach: ok, thanks. It's a work in progress.07:55
dholbachthank you07:56
crimsunI'm working with the Debian maintainer and upstream both on it07:56
tritiumcrimsun, we're discussing ops in #ubuntu-meeting07:56
=== herve [~hcauwelie@ip-3.net-81-220-179.nice.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dholbachhey herve07:57
crimsuntritium: yep, thanks.07:57
crimsun(just reattached)07:57
ogracan we make up a date for the next motu meeting ?08:10
crimsunAmaranth: not that I know of08:11
tritiumogra, sure08:11
crimsun(just please not this week or next monday)08:11
dholbachi'm free08:11
ogracrimsun, make a proposal ;)08:12
crimsunactually, go with what works best for everyone08:12
tritiumI'll bring the coffee and doughnuts08:12
crimsunI'm moving across the country late this week, so I'll try and catch logs if late this week works best for others08:12
tritiumWhere are you moving, crimsun?08:13
ograhow about next week ?08:13
crimsunRochester, MN (IBM)08:13
crimsunogra: sure, next week is great08:13
ogralets say thursday....?08:13
tritiumWow, congratulations.  If you're anywhere in the area of West Lafayette, you've got a place to stay if you need it.08:14
dholbachcrimsun: good luck with everything!08:14
crimsunThursday (19 May) ~1600 UTC?08:14
ograsounds good08:14
crimsuntritium: / dholbach: thanks!08:15
tritiumSure.  Are you driving?08:15
dholbachcrimsun: perfect for me08:15
crimsun(flying out)08:15
tritiumah, okay08:15
crimsunok, anyone object to next Thursday, 19 May, 1600 UTC for the MOTU meeting?08:15
=== ogra notes that date on the wiki
dholbachogra: i put it on the calendar08:16
hervewhat time it makes in GMT?08:16
tritiumdholbach, you'll put it on the wiki calendar?08:16
dholbachogra: not just +108:16
\sh??? gmt==utc ;)08:16
dholbachtritium: yes08:16
ogradholbach, ah, yes08:16
tritiumdholbach, sweet, then it'll automatically show up on my calendar in evolution :)08:17
hervedholbach, yes, on our tz if you know it!08:17
Nafallo\sh: hehe, but bst doesn't ;-)08:17
dholbachtritium: robitaille does the .ics stuff08:17
crimsunherve: it'd be 1600 GMT08:17
\shNafallo: bst?08:17
dholbachherve: in our its +2 atm08:17
tritiumdholbach, ok, so there may be some delay...08:17
herve\sh, I'm not really sure, with the dst and all funny stuff like that08:17
Nafallo\sh: british summer time iirc :-)08:17
\shNafallo: bst == gmt+108:17
herveok so 18 in western europe08:18
hervesounds good08:18
Nafallo\sh: oui, i.e. gmt==utc!=bst :-)08:18
\shin summer uk time is german time -108:18
\shin winter -208:18
hervejust be sure to remind me!08:18
Nafallo\sh: CET that is :-)08:18
ogradamn, the wiki hangs08:19
hervemy head...08:19
\shogra: not only the wiki08:19
\shNafallo: well...;) I08:19
Nafalloherve: *s* I just had a conversation with a user. _my_ head ;-)08:19
\shI'm really not in this timezone business..at least I'd never a jetlag08:19
dholbachedited the calendar: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Calendar08:20
\shdholbach: ical also updated?08:20
dholbach\sh: i'm talking to robitaille08:21
dholbachhe maintains it08:21
\shno automatic conversion?08:21
dholbachdon't think so08:21
tritiumonly thing I don't like about using his ical is that I can't get alarm notification08:22
herveok I'm getting mad08:23
herveI can't find the build logs of pbuilder08:23
tritiumherve, did you specify one?08:24
herveno default choice?08:25
\shherve: hmmm.... i do pbuilder bla.dsc &> build.log L;)08:25
Lathiatdholbach: do you know much about the gl/glu header stuff?08:25
tritiumI use the switch08:25
Lathiatdholbach: bzflag builds fine in pbuilder, but not normally on my machine, and i cant see why it fails the check08:25
dholbachLathiat: not at all, i just tried to make it work by installing the according header files and it worked08:26
dholbachwhat goes wrong?08:26
Lathiatfails to find gluScaleImage in GL/glu.h08:26
Lathiateven tho its there, and is linkable08:27
dholbachinstall the build-depends locally08:27
dholbachah htm well08:27
\shcrimsun: ping08:27
Lathiatwell, they are installed see :)08:27
Lathiatand i cant see anything conflicted08:27
Lathiatits got me puzzled08:27
crimsun\sh: pong08:27
Lathiatand trying to parse the configure script output to replicate the exact test is like trying to pull my teeth out08:27
Lathiatis there some debug option to configure?08:28
\shcrimsun: pykde stuff :)08:28
crimsun\sh: k. Let's see if it was synced from Sid, first08:28
\shcheck this posting http://mats.imk.fraunhofer.de/pipermail/pykde/2004-September/008483.html08:29
\shit's something different...incompatiblity with kde while processing kconfigskeletons call by ref values08:30
\shthe patch this guy mentioned is working very smooth...i prepared some patches against the latest snapshot of pykde...08:30
crimsundid you pull from cvs/svn?08:31
\shupstream wrote a mail to me that he will release a new version of pykde last week...nothing happened, so I think we should patch pykde and put it in the repos for being kde conform08:31
\shcrimsun: no08:31
crimsunall right, what's the versioning like?08:31
\shi didn't see any cvs place for it08:32
Lathiati see08:33
\shkde has only a copy of this snapshot in it08:33
Lathiat-lGL needs -lpthread08:33
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Lathiatseems like $LDFLAGS isnt getting pulled in08:33
tritiumcrimsun, will you seek an adjunct position at a local university, or are you just focusing on IBM now?08:34
\shkdebindings not mentioned cause it's disabled by default in makefile.am08:34
crimsun\sh: is that snapshot newer than 3.11.4?08:34
\shcrimsun: definitly08:34
crimsuntritium: no idea atm about the former, just the latter for now08:34
tritiumcrimsun, cool08:34
\sh3.11.4 is bundled with kdebindings 3.4 and disabled cause of problems with python versions and dcop-python08:34
crimsun\sh: ok, let's rename that snapshot to that versioning scheme: python-kde3_3.11.4+snapshot20050316-0ubuntu1.orig.tar.gz08:36
\shcrimsun: i saw that you had your hands on this package...i would send u the patches, could u try to include those patches?08:37
crimsun\sh: I don't own the package at all, feel free to work on it08:38
hervecrimsun, you're trying to create the longest package name? :-)08:38
tritiumhmm, mako may have forgotten...15 minutes have turned into 3008:38
crimsunherve: that honour belongs to the translation packages ;)08:38
\shcrimsun: ok...will try to put those patces in08:39
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crimsun\sh: great08:39
crimsunherve: for instance, mozilla-firefox-locale-foo: 1.0.1lang20050309ubuntu1-0ubuntu308:40
hervebe around08:42
crimsuntritium: maybe there was a really long line for coffee08:44
tritiumyeah ;)08:44
=== StoneTable [~stone@c-67-184-135-68.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tritiumokay, crimsun...mako is back08:49
dholbachhey StoneTable08:49
dholbachStoneTable: were you on the communitycouncilagenda-list as well?08:49
StoneTablehey dholbach08:49
StoneTableI don't think I was08:50
dholbachare you a member yet?08:50
dholbachi strongly encourage you to put yourself on the list for next time :-)08:50
dholbachwhich will be 24 May 22:00 UTC08:51
StoneTablealright, I'm added :)08:53
Nafallodholbach: any new recruits made it today? :-)08:53
dholbachask the channel :-)08:54
dholbachtritium is a FULL motu now, schweeb, siretart and ... *think* ... made it08:54
Lathiatugh, this is annoying08:54
Nafallotritium: congrats :-)08:54
tritiumNafallo, thanks :)08:54
dholbachwho made it as well?08:56
Nafallodholbach: btw, did you see I'm on Help/Test for IntroDevDocs ;-)08:57
dholbachoh cool08:58
dholbachit's so good you're all in this so actively08:58
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-9-31.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
seb128bradb: around?08:58
dholbachhey seb12808:59
bradbseb128: hi, yeah, around08:59
ograoh, seb12808:59
dholbachseb!!! give us some MOTU love!08:59
seb128bradb: any plan to fix the search for malone?08:59
Nafallodholbach: well, I was pulling a joke, but it seems ppl want's me as MOTU or something ;-).08:59
seb128trying to find dups without a search ... doesn't work08:59
dholbachseb128 must be here for planning the MOTUGNOME team :-)08:59
seb128and I don't like to open dups08:59
=== Nafallo will do his best to make it so though ;-).
bradbseb128: yeah, i'll try to have that fixed by the end of tomorrowish, but no matter what it might take another week or two before it actually lands in production (i only just returned from holidays after UdU yesterday :)09:00
dholbachNafallo: if you want to join the crew and do some good work, go ahead, we will absolutely help you09:00
hervedon't bother him, he'll never come back otherwise!09:00
seb128dholbach: 1- fix malone or people will have a nervous breakdown after 5 bugs09:00
seb128bradb: one week or two to get feedback on bugs, and you expect to be ready for july? utch09:01
seb128bradb: no offence, but that's not going to work imho, that's too lagy to work on issues09:01
bddebianWTF is malone?09:01
=== bddebian feels st00pid again
seb128the bug tracker used by ubuntu09:01
bradbseb128: there's a huge amount of overhead between having code committed vs. getting it merged vs. getting it rolled out into production.09:01
dholbachbddebian: launchpad.ubuntu.com/malone09:02
bradbcode reviews, dogfooding for a week, etc.09:02
seb128bradb: as an user I don't really care ... :) but yeah I understand09:02
seb128that's doesn't sound good09:02
seb1282 weeks to get a feedback on a fix for something that is supposed to be ready soon ... hum09:03
seb128there is no way to make this easier to get quick feedback?09:04
bradbseb128: dogfood09:05
seb128that's the same bug base?09:06
bradbyeah, that's the intent, i believe09:06
seb128no, I mean, the bugs are syncs between both09:06
bradbyeah, that's what i mean too :)09:06
seb128people bugs on the public server09:06
bradbwell, dogfood wouldn't be sync'd up to prod though, naturally09:07
seb128so if I close a bug on dogfood, what happen for prod?09:07
bradbbecause dogfood will usually be newer code09:07
=== seb128 cries
bradbthat's a lot of extra complexity to add to our workload. the dogfood server isn't meant to fill that purpose.09:08
seb128you are just coming back from holidays, I'll let you a week or two before starting bugging you :)09:08
=== ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0632.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bradbit's meant to be a testbed for what will end up getting rolled out onto production.09:08
seb128but atm malone is not usuable on a maintainer side09:08
bradbbecause of the search, you mean?09:09
seb128can't comment on bug without entering the comment 2 times and clicking 3 times09:09
seb128no search09:09
seb128no way to see the bug assigned to somebody09:10
seb128(probably the search too this one?)09:10
bradbentering the comment two times and clicking three times? you should only have to enter it once and click once, unless something really nasty happened when i wasn't looking (and i haven't been looking for the last two weeks, so i guess it's possible.)09:10
seb128according to the feedback on the malone bug that's fixed for dogfood09:12
seb128adding a comment raise an error09:12
seb128and clear the comment09:12
seb128but commenting from the error page works09:12
seb128how do I look for closed bugs?09:12
herveand assigned bugs09:13
ograseb128, search ?09:13
=== seb128 slaps ogra
seb128bradb: anyway I've opened bugs for some issues, feel free to comment on them ;)09:13
bradbseb128: yeah, well, the search is broken, so if you're trying to do things that involve searching bugs, well... :)09:14
seb128no way to force a sync to production to fix this bug?09:14
seb128I mean, that makes malone quite unusable during the time that's not fixed09:14
seb128waiting 1 or 2 weeks doesn't really make sense09:14
bradbseb128: i know what you mean. i'll have to ask stub about this, because he's our production rollout guy.09:15
seb128k, thanks09:15
Lathiatwoo fixed this stupid bug09:15
seb128I'll stop bothering you for tonight09:15
seb128thanks for working on that :)09:15
bradbseb128: not bothering me dude, your complaints are ben valide09:16
seb128yeah, but I've put most of them on malone and you are just coming back from holidays ... better to let you some time to catch up ;)09:17
seb128bradb: oh, I think dholbach already asked during UDU, but is there any way to subscribe a ml to the GNOME Team bugs?09:18
bradbseb128: the preferred email address of the GNOME team would have to be the list email address09:19
seb128I just need to a mailing-list from somewhere so09:20
seb128dholbach: get us a list please :)09:20
Lathiatdholbach: ping09:20
dholbachLathiat: pong09:21
\sh  9:13pm  up 449 days,  9:27,  3 users,  load average: 3.88, 3.93, 5.3509:21
seb128dholbach: ME FIRST09:21
\shand i have to reboot it09:21
seb128what a load09:21
dholbachseb128: i still ask jdub for ubuntu-motu@ and didnt get it yet09:21
ivoks\sh in the end, money was ok :)09:21
Lathiatto build with nvidia-glx, you need -lpthread with -lGL (as opposed to without), so it works fine in buildds etc, should I patch the config stuff to handle this, or leave it?09:21
\shseb128: and it's a dual pent III machine..:(09:22
Lathiatdholbach: nvidia-glx is the magic GL libraries for nvidia09:23
Lathiatbinary ones09:23
\shi hope it's coming up again09:23
dholbachyeah, but i hope you don't have it in build-deps or somewhere09:23
Lathiati just happen to have it installed locally09:23
dholbachseb128: i will take care of the list09:23
=== blueyed [~daniel@iD4CC0D47.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Lathiatso wondering if its best just to leave it to stay close to upstream.09:24
seb128dholbach: thanks09:24
ivoksi don't know if it's a bug, but i can't rename directory in nautilus09:24
Lathiatsince it will build on the buildds fine and run fine09:24
dholbachseb128: ubuntu-gnome-bugs@?09:24
seb128dholbach: sounds cool09:24
Nafallodholbach: I'll see what I do. First thing is to become more active on those stuff I choosed yesterday (devdocs etc.) :-).09:26
Nafallodholbach: and what I choosed earlier, UniverseSecurity ;-).09:27
dholbachcool, we need ROCKING teams09:28
Nafalloindeed :-).09:29
=== Burgundavia [~corey@S0106000c6e369955.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ogranobody noted herve's upload ?09:30
seb128which one?09:30
=== tritium cheers for herve
herveit's not even free ;-)09:31
ograand ?09:31
=== ogra applauds herve (VERY LOUD)
herveI would have liked a better package for the first upload on my own09:32
crimsunhey, any package is good!09:32
=== ogra had nicotine .... and nobody noticed :)
herveI don't even use that package :-)09:32
crimsunI noticed, because I tried to install nicotine ;)09:32
ogracrimsun, yeah, you poked me to it :)09:33
dholbachherve: you finally made it!09:33
ograbut jdub cheered for gcursor ;)09:33
Treenaksogra: you're the movieos-man, remember09:34
dholbachhaha! :-)09:34
herveyeah, a two month episode coming to an end!09:34
ograTreenaks, on my way, on my way :)09:34
Nafalloherve: congrats :-)09:34
hervewell, thanks all09:37
herveI must assume seeing my name in the list makes me very proud09:37
dholbachyou really should be09:37
Lathiatpbuilder rocks09:38
ivoksdholbach don't review my wifi-radar :)09:40
ivoksi found a bug in program09:40
hervewhere are the unit tests!09:41
seb128herve: dia has built now :)09:42
seb128herzi: speaking about gcursor, any plan to get if for GNOME 2.12?09:43
dholbachivoks: ok :-)09:43
ivoksdholbach i'll upload in few minutes new version :)09:44
dholbachtake your time09:45
dholbachi think i'm going to bed soon tonight09:45
ivoksok :)09:45
jabradholbach: well you can review getwifi or anything I have packaged09:48
ivoksok, fixed09:49
dholbachjabra: <dholbach> i think i'm going to bed soon tonight09:49
jabradholbach: ok cool09:49
Lathiatsweet, got bzflag sorted.09:50
tritiumsleep tight, dholbach09:50
jabraI could probably update a new version before you review it09:50
Lathiatnow i can go huntign for other things :)09:50
\shserver is running again..goo'old'redhat'7.209:50
Lathiatkill it kill it :)09:50
\shLathiat: well...there is an replacement server running gentoo :)09:51
Lathiattime for the nuclear warheads09:51
\shbut when my buddies have the money for a quad opteron, ubuntu should be ready to run mass virthosting servers and gameservers on it :)09:51
Lathiatis anything listed in people.ubuntu.com/~scott/ongoing-merge/ something thats needs merging or is it just everything thats ever ended up there and is there a list somewhere?09:53
herveseb128, you have an idea for the verbiste bug?09:53
seb128herve: I've made a patch even, that's why it's assigned to me09:53
seb128I just need to upload09:53
hervehaven't check the report09:54
hervejust sear^Wbrowsing the bugs :-)09:54
dholbachgood night everyone09:55
Lathiatnight dholbach, thanks for the help09:55
tritiumnight dholbach09:55
dholbachLathiat: de rien09:55
Lathiatde rien?09:55
|QuaD-_ogra: forwhatever reason, beagle is only indexing my liferea blogs09:55
dholbachyou're welcome09:55
NafalloLathiat: french :-)09:55
ogra|QuaD-_, it should also use your blam blogs if available09:56
hervefrench will save your souls :-)09:56
|QuaD-_ogra: i don't have that installed, but it isn't indexing files09:57
NafalloI'll be multi-language anyway.09:57
ograno idea atm. i'm into some deeper mono probs today....09:57
|QuaD-_ogra: np, talking to the people in #dashboard09:58
Burgundaviaseb128, does sabayon require sudo?09:58
NafalloTaking classes in swedish, english and french. and have start talking with tfheen, in our own languages :-).09:58
seb128to create profiles09:58
Burgundaviaseb128, .desktop doesn't have gksudo in it09:58
tseng|workwhats up09:58
ogra|QuaD-_, if in doubt for a bug, remember that mono itself is currently broken for us, so it might be more then the app09:58
seb128Burgundavia: thanks, I'll fix than and the category09:59
|QuaD-_ogra: ok09:59
\shogra: whats the magic behind beagle?09:59
ogra\sh, you search something and it magically finds it for you ;)10:00
\shogra: no possibility to convert it to python?10:00
Nafalloogra: what's the diffrence with locate then? ;-)10:00
\sh.oO(or google?)10:00
ograNafallo, beagle searches content....10:01
ograNafallo, locate only files10:01
Nafalloogra: ahh, that's right :-).10:01
\shfind . -type f -exec grep $1 {} \; ,-)10:01
LathiatNafallo: Hab SoSlI' Quch! ;)10:02
hervebut locate also finds files from other users10:02
NafalloLathiat: pardon? :-P10:03
herve"locate sex" was a few times verbose at school :-)10:03
ogra\sh, do you get a response with that in less then 0,3 sec ? does it index your mails, jabber conversations, websites, blogs and rss feeds....M$ docs.......10:03
ogra...movies, music....10:03
LathiatNafallo: "Your mother has a smooth forehead!" :)10:03
Lathiatklingon insult10:03
\shogra: well..no :)10:04
\shogra: but it's quite difficult :) serendipity has a nice search function, cyrus imapd spools i can get via grep, websites via google and rss via akregator ;)10:05
\shjabber conversations i normally don't log, and if i need a log I would use MUC protocol with web ready logfiles server based :)10:05
ogra\sh, sure, but then you dont have the hype....10:05
\shapt-get install beagle10:06
NafalloLathiat: lol10:06
\shnot found :(10:06
LathiatNafallo: :)10:07
\shis malone working again?10:07
ogra\sh, sudo apt-get build-dep beagle && sudo apt-get source -b beagle10:07
NafalloI run breezy.10:07
NafalloI can actually install those things :-)10:08
tseng|workbeagle rocks your face10:08
ogra\sh, oh, and while you have it on the disk, fix mono ;-P10:08
tritiumtseng|work, does it make your face look stoned?  ;)10:08
\shogra: breezy only :) I'm running hoary :) and I had some nice pitfalls running dchroot breezy and some X apps10:08
Nafallothere is no beagle :-P10:08
Lathiatbeagle does rock10:09
ogra\sh, indeed breezy10:09
Lathiati just need inotify10:09
Lathiatto make it rock harder10:09
ograLathiat, breezy has it10:09
Lathiathas 2.6.12 for x86 gone into the archives yet?10:09
Lathiaton the 2.6.10 kernel, the version of inotify does bad things on my machine10:09
Lathiatthe new one in 2.6.12 works fine10:09
Lathiatjust waiting for it to go in so i can get a headers package, rather than the image i tried from one of the kernel guys10:10
\sha system error occured10:10
=== LBM [~lbm@messecenteraars.dk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Lathiat2.6.12 on x86 love10:10
\shwho was opi? has he hands on the jabber stuff10:11
\shhmmm...i was thinking about this ops problem in #ubuntu10:15
NafalloI still can't find beagle :-P10:16
Amaranth2.6.12 on x86 with beagle rocks10:17
Amaranthi searched for 'amazonia' and got no results then did a search on google for it10:17
Amaranthshowed up in the list instantly10:17
Amaranth\sh: You'll be waiting a couple months on that.10:18
Burgundavia\sh, the ops problem is going to be solved10:18
Lathiatalot mroe ops were just added10:19
Burgundaviawhen is the CC meeting?10:19
herveyesterday :-p10:19
LathiatBurgundavia: like 4 hours ago :)10:19
AmaranthI registered myself as a group contact for PyMusique 2 months ago, still haven't heard anything.10:19
Burgundaviadamn timezone thing10:20
\shAmaranth: well..I was thinking about more, hmmm, how can I say10:20
Lathiatyay i can put my package in for review now10:20
\shsponsoring a server, act as a group contact + technical liason10:20
\shogra: btw...I have now responsibility about 32 servers, and will get constantly paid for it :)10:21
ogra\sh, yay, sounds great.... dont tell your exwife ;)10:22
\shogra: no...:)10:23
\shogra: it will go on another account :)10:23
\shjust talking on #ubuntu-de about rootservers and ubuntu :)10:28
\shand I have an idea...lemme check if this is working ;)10:29
Nafalloogra: am I supposed to find the package "beagle" on my amd64?10:30
=== Burgundavia [~corey@S0106000c6e369955.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ograNafallo, a source package...10:31
AmaranthNafallo: it only built on ppc and 38610:31
Amaranthwhat's the deal with amd64 anyway?10:31
Lathiatwe hate it10:32
Amaranththe dh_clilib problem?10:32
ograLathiat,  !!!10:32
Nafallothat explain things :-)10:32
ograAmaranth, its deeper dowen10:32
Lathiatogra: ;p10:32
ograAmaranth, its  problem with mono itself10:32
bddebiandowen? :-)10:33
Lathiatso miguel lied to me at brainshare. :)10:33
Lathiatactually i guess they only showed powerpc10:34
Lathiatim sure they mentioned something tho. :)10:34
\shso..my back needs some rest....cu tomorrow gentlemen...and thx again for your support today10:37
ogranight \sh10:47
ajmitch_hi all :)10:50
bddebianHeya ajmitch_10:51
=== Nafallo [~nafallo@nafallo.user] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitch_quiet day in here today10:56
ajmitch_I see the MOTU meeting is going to be at an awkward time again10:56
Nafalloyay for 2.6.12! :-)10:56
Nafallobringed my wireless drivers in and all :-)10:56
|QuaD-_ogra: mine is crashing now too :)11:05
ogra|QuaD-_, we'll fix it :)11:05
ajmitch_ogra: at least it's not just amd64 :)11:06
|QuaD-_ogra: hehe :) not too worried11:06
|QuaD-_it did index some stuff for me to play with11:06
=== koke [~koke@adsl229-164.unizar.es] has joined #ubuntu-motu
hervelarabie only compiled for i38611:10
herveit's a arch indep package11:10
ajmitch_herve: as expected11:11
ajmitch_you don't need to compile it multiple times when the same deb will be built :)11:11
herveI guess the archs all and any are not clear enough for me11:13
ajmitch_at least one buildd has to build an arch: all package11:13
ajmitch_after that is built, the others don't need to try11:13
ajmitch_arch: any means build an arch-specific deb on each buildd11:14
hervesounds better that way11:14
=== Gervystar [~gervystar@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
herveajmitch_, I could give you shirt ironing lessons to thank you11:15
herveI've ironed like 20 shirts11:15
herveand getting good at it!11:15
=== ozamosi [~ozamosi@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsengozamosi: ?11:17
ozamosiDunno if you noted, but beagle doesnt depend on mono. (i think that was you)11:20
tsengwe're working on depends problems11:21
ajmitch_yes, the cli-common scripts & mono are having a few issues at the moment11:21
ozamosii thought so.11:22
=== Burgundavia [~corey@S0106000c6e369955.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ograajmitch_, sadly its the cli-common scripts :-/11:29
ajmitch_ogra: I thought it was the missing monodis?11:29
ograerr, sorry11:30
ajmitch_and the script not failing gracefully when monodis is broken11:30
ogras/its/its not/11:30
=== ajmitch_ watched #debian-mono scrollback :)
ogramonodis isnt even there11:30
=== Burgundavia [~corey@S0106000c6e369955.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ograthats the prob...11:30
ajmitch_part of my morning duties is to read the scrollback on irc channels ;)11:30
ograheh, i do that too :)11:30
=== Nafallo [~nafallo@nafallo.user] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Nafalloxine hates me11:31
ajmitch_MOTU meeting will be pain11:31
ajmitch_5AM on a friday morning for me ;)11:31
ograhmm, we should have a voting system for that11:31
ajmitch_it's hard to find a good time for everyone though11:32
ajmitch_and I'm the only person in this timezone11:32
ograyep, but we should rotate a bit, i guess we also have people from .au11:32
ajmitch_at the moment, not many11:32
ogralets put it on the wiki page as a topic...11:33
ajmitch_Lathiat is from the other side of .au :)11:33
ogranearer to your TZ then dholbach or me11:33
ajmitch_but still about 4-5 hours different11:34
Nafallohi tseng :-)11:36
ajmitch_hi tseng11:37
herveI mean11:47
Nafallogaah, I hate difficult decisions :-P11:56
Nafallothrow away porn, or warty :-/11:57
ajmitch_throw away the porn11:57
Nafallohmm, missed one. burn all the charmed seasons ;-)11:58
herzi(21:46:45) seb128: herzi: speaking about gcursor, any plan to get if for GNOME 2.12?11:58
herziseb128: no, i want to file some bugs on gtk+ and x.org before this11:59
herzii don't see a reason to add it, as long as we cannot either instantly apply the theme or apply it within the next session11:59
herzithe current behaviour is just plain broken IMO11:59
ajmitch_ah, seb128 is here.. do you know if gedit-dev is really main or universe?12:00
ajmitch_it has a bug :)12:00

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