
Tezkahyou are much nicer than #microsoft12:01
kayWell, I am sure it is to get better. I am confident to say that (K)ubuntu was so far the best hardware support12:01
KaiLallee: and on none of them you had success?12:02
kayTezkah: Only paid less :p12:02
Tezkahnow... will sleep work?12:02
KaiLyou sleeping or your laptop? :)12:02
kayLikely did work just now12:03
KaiLthat halp always work12:03
KaiLbut awaking.....12:03
alleeKaiL: suspend/hibernate I have not even tried yet.  Not knowing the state of battery is bad regardless is sleep works or not ;)12:03
kayDoes Kubutu do that by default into grub?12:03
nmorseKubuntu is the devil for suspend and hibernate12:04
kayI mean, suspend to swap and stuff12:04
nmorseThey work perfectly, but the second you hit apply in the little klaptop thing's config Stuff Goes Wrong12:04
nmorseI can't even get into KDE without the suspend message coming up12:04
kayYou know, this was actually first a Sarge, then I crossgraded only to Hoary and switched to Breezy the day Hoary was stable12:04
kaynmorse: Ignore klaptop in that regards, it is not good enough, IMO12:05
KaiLkay: kubuntu supports suspend to disk out of the box afaik and suspend to RAM with some easy change in settings12:05
KaiLeven the second works for >>50%12:05
kaynmorse: I instead let hotplug or something do the trick, and of course powenowd and friends12:05
nmorseYes, but now I can't load KDE12:06
nmorseI can, in fact, boot the system just fine and use Gnome, XFCE4, or Enlightenment12:06
kayOh... mv, looks like you want to remove something like klaptoprc or so12:06
nmorseBut it shuts down with the suspend messages when KDE is booted12:07
KaiLthat's strange12:07
nmorsewhere is klaptoprc? in config in .kde/share?12:07
KaiL.kde/share/config I guess12:07
kaynmorse: I don't know the filename really, but depending on how you had configured, just rm -rf ~/.kde ?12:07
nmorseNot in .kde/share/config12:08
KaiL...or so12:08
kayfind ~/.kde -name \*laptop\* tells you?12:08
nmorsenothing with kl* besides klipper12:08
KaiLthat was my next idea12:08
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KaiLsuspend to disk works out of the box?12:09
nmorsekcmlaptoprc is the file, for the record12:09
nmorseSuspend to swap works just fine for me12:09
KaiLor does anything needs to be configured?12:09
kaySo, nuke it and may work12:09
nmorseJust KDE screws stuff up12:09
nmorsenow if only someone knew something about SMTP auth12:09
kayI found the klaptop config of stuff not up to normal KDE standards (yet)12:10
nmorseI can't stand SASL but need to do the SMTP auth for my server12:10
kayAnd as I said, it all works fine without it12:10
nmorseThere must be an alternative to SASL somewhere12:10
kaynmorse: Can you tell more?12:10
nmorseAbout kcmlaptoprc and the little sys-tray daemon?12:11
kayNo, your SMTP auth problems12:11
nmorseBasically, I set it up to suspend on lidbutton and to suspend on power button12:11
nmorseOh, well my server will be going with me to college in the fall and I don't want to set up trusted senders by IP or Subnet as that's simply too many people12:12
excitonokay I did this sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx but I still can't get my res above 1024x768 and everything is still laggy and opengl is at 1 frame per 3 secs12:12
excitonany ideas?12:12
nmorseDRI is not enabled, is it?12:12
nmorseDo glxinfo | grep direct in Konsole12:12
excitondri is in the xorg.conf file12:13
nmorsedo the glxinfo bit12:13
nmorseSo I'm trying to do SMTP auth completely without Cyrus-SASL if at all possible12:13
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excitonXlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display 0:012:14
KaiLexciton: fglrx enabled in /etx/X11/xorg.conf?12:14
nmorseany ideas, kay?12:14
kaynmorse: If i understand http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SASL correctly, it doesn't really fix much12:14
excitonnope driver is still listed as ati for some reason12:14
kaynmorse: Plain text passwords are in SASL just as well as the loved NTLM12:15
Tezkahwell thats no good12:15
KaiLexciton: you need to set that manually12:15
Tezkahroot      8847 20.3  0.0   1532   420 pts/1    S+   16:03   0:08 rmmod rt250012:15
nmorseI just need some way to do the SMTP authentication, PLAIN password login or not12:15
Tezkahwehn 12:15
Tezkahwhen I try to sleep, rmmod comes up12:15
excitonI did add posix to the fstab file but I don't think I needed to because it was all ready mounted12:15
Tezkahtakes up all my megahurtz12:15
kaynmorse: Can you use certificates?12:15
KaiLTezkah: hmm, it tries unload the module and fails :(12:16
nmorseI can do anything, probably, if it doesn't involve the living hell that is SASL12:16
kaynmorse: Or being on SSL.... why not use ssh tunnel anyway?12:16
nmorseIt's like using Sendmail12:16
KaiLTezkah: which driver version is that?12:16
nmorseSSH Tunnel, as in to act like I'm the localhost by tunneling in for SMTP?12:16
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Tezkahthe newest nightly12:16
Tezkahor it was when I installed it a day ago12:17
nmorseWhich would, in fact, use local passwd12:17
KaiL"1.1.0 BETA2 2005/02/21" is in the package..12:17
kayright, you come in by ssh, be localhost and allow SMTP only for localhost12:17
KaiLsudo modinfo rt2500 tells..12:17
nmorseAnd how do I configure client software for email to do this?12:17
kayssh is regarded somewhat secure... and you can do neat things for it too12:17
Tezkahdescription:    Ralink RT2500 802.11g WLAN driver 1.1.0 BETA2 2005/02/2112:18
kayuh yeah... :p12:18
KaiLhmm, halging at "configure network devices" is not good...12:18
nmorseSo can KMail log in that way, or Thunderbird?12:18
Tezkahyeah, when I boot12:18
Tezkahit sits at "configuring network deviceS12:18
Tezkahbut eventually it passes12:18
kayWell, postfix, exim likely could12:19
transgresswow i did more work today that i have in a long time12:19
transgressbut i can see the walls in my room now!12:19
KaiLhere it did that on my K6-212:19
KaiLafter playing with suspend to disk12:19
KaiL(which didn't work as is should)12:19
nmorseTransgress, are you on Jabber right now too?12:19
transgressnmorse: yes12:19
nmorseSo you are the one transgress then12:19
Tezkahoh well, I gotta run anyways12:19
KaiLnext try...12:19
transgressyeah i just messaged you12:19
TezkahI'lll work on it later12:20
nmorseI can receive your messages, but I get an error when I try to send you one12:20
transgresseh?  that's weird... that's happened to someone else too though.  what's it say?12:20
kaynmorse: you could run your mail program on that host via ssh to start with12:21
nmorseRight, so I need to tell the people using this server to ssh in, then start mutt or some other CLI client?12:21
nmorseSo much for the non-SASL route12:21
kayThought it is only you?12:21
nmorseNo, it will probably be for a lot more people than you think12:22
kayYou can tunnel X through ssh just fine though 12:22
KaiLit asked for an IP, it got an IP and now it's sitting there12:22
kayssh -X someserver kmail12:22
nmorseI hate tunneling X through SSH12:22
nmorseIt's a pain all around12:22
nmorseI may as well use FreeNX or something then12:23
kaynmorse: Ah, I didn't get your problem at all, so you really need to provide standard SASL12:23
nmorseI guess so12:23
nmorseI really hate the hell that is SASL though12:23
nmorseMakes RPM dependency hell on Red Hat look like a field day12:24
kayIt's just a standard for how to auth, even allowing for no passwords and stuff12:24
nmorseThough nothing beats sendmail.cf in complexity12:24
excitonwelll I just ran the fglrxconfig as root and backed up the xorg.conf and cp the XFree86 to xorg.conf and now x will not start anyone esle have an ati card that know what I'm doing wrong12:24
kayLooks ok to me12:24
kayYou must mean the cyrus implementation :-)12:24
nmorseThe only full implementation?12:24
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nmorseBut when I once delved into sendmail.cf was still worse12:25
kayI was about to look, is really the only one?12:25
KaiL"no DHCPOFFERS received."12:25
King_Bradhow do i reconfigure KDE 3.4 to make my res 1024x768?12:25
kayI was able to trust Debian on all mail configuration for some time now12:26
excitonKing_Brad:  is the X server running?12:27
King_Bradi am in KDE3.412:27
King_Bradright now12:27
kayI only need satellite systems like they do just fine, with no security problems12:27
KaiLKing_Brad: current res to low or to high?12:27
excitonKing_Brad: Then you can just right click and config desktop12:27
excitonKing_Brad: then display12:27
King_Bradkail, its too low.... its at the max that it sees12:27
KaiLexciton: that only works for reducing the res12:27
King_Bradi cannot set it any higher12:28
nmorseI'm trying to make a stand-alone mail server, like your ISP has, kay12:28
King_Bradits at like 864x450 or some crazy number like that12:28
nmorseAnd I'm using FreeBSD, because well I love Debian, I needed more up-to-date software12:28
KaiLKing_Brad: so you need to fight with /etx/X11/xorg.conf for now12:28
kaywith MX record, nmorse ?12:28
excitonKaiL: thats not 100% true if you are under 1024x768 you can use it to rase the rex12:28
King_Bradthx kail12:28
nmorseYes, MX records12:29
nmorsebetterthanducttape.com is the domain12:29
kayBut hey, that one has to have no auth, right?12:29
nmorseI'm talking about auth to relay mail through it12:30
King_BradKail, is there a command i can run to do a configure thingie?12:30
King_Brador something12:30
kayWell, it has to accept mail for somebody@betterthanducttape.com from anywhere, or not nmorse ?12:30
KaiLtext editor ;p12:30
nmorseLike to send mail from Thunderbird through it12:30
nmorseIt has to accept anyone@betterthanducttape.com, yes12:30
nmorseJust like SBC has to accept anyone@sbcglobal.net12:30
nmorseBut SMTP auth is still completely possible, as they've proven12:30
kaynmorse: Ok, but for other addresses you need auth, clearly otherwise you will be a relay then12:31
=== KaiL has problems with a LAN card it lookes like....
nmorseBasically, I'm trying to make it so I can send mail from anywhere through my server, and still not be an open relay for spammers12:32
kayWhat do they auth with in the end, you give password and account?12:33
nmorseYes, good old passwd on FreeBSD12:34
transgresswhat about passwd on fbsd?12:34
transgressi need to build another machine... i want a freebsd machine12:34
nmorseThat's the login mechanism I'm trying to use for SASL12:34
nmorseI have a FreeBSD server sitting about 4 feet from me12:35
=== KaiL really has this problem
transgressi have a slack server next to me, but it's about to be debian12:35
kayhe... nmorse my first Unix was a NetBSD :12:35
transgressif i get more ram in it ever i'ma make it freebsd12:35
kayAt the time there was no FreeBSD yet :p12:35
nmorseI had a very fun time trying to set up NetBSD12:35
nmorseI really hate its installer and the lack of a first boot setup12:36
transgressi thought freebsd came out before netbsd12:37
nmorseI thought OpenBSD came after FreeBSD, and Net forked off of Open12:37
nmorseor maybe the fork was the other way12:37
kayIt was the other way round12:37
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nmorseAnyway, the point is FreeBSD came first12:37
nmorseAnd that's why OpenBSD runs on so many platforms12:38
transgressyeah i was thinking netbsd came about because of the lack of platforms for freebsd12:38
kayWhy don't you try http://postfix.state-of-mind.de/patrick.koetter/smtpauth/12:39
nmorsethanks for the link, kay12:39
kayI see no reason why postfix shouldn't be easier than sendmail12:39
excitonokay back to why I'm here my system is shuting it's self off at 41C is there any ideas on how or why12:40
kayEven I have successfully edited some of its config in the past12:40
kayAnd besides, it is the Kubuntu default mailer12:40
KaiLnext try...12:40
nmorseKubuntu should switch to exim, like official debian has12:42
kaynmorse: I found it through Wikipedia btw, SASL -> SNMP -> Programs that implement it -> Postfix -> FAQs12:42
nmorseI wonder if POP-before-SMTP might work for me12:42
kayPOP before SMTP is bad in my book12:42
KaiLbetter birng your children to bed, before it comes to networking here...:)12:43
kayBecause the clients never do that, they first send mail and only then pop12:43
kaynmorse: Who is this Debian anyway these days :p12:44
nmorseRight, so the fact that Outlook, Outlook Express, and Thunderbird all check mail in on startup means that they won't have logged in via POP or IMAP first?12:44
KaiLhmm, *beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep*12:44
nmorseDebian is this giant dinosaur that still kicks all the little mammals' butts12:44
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nmorseOf course, the little ones did come from it12:45
kayThey really work hard to give Fedora chances it never deserved12:45
transgresswho does?12:45
kayI remember the last security team freeze stuff.... it was only 6 months to release then12:46
nmorseFedora doesn't have any chances aside from the Red Hat fan club and the SELinux fan club12:46
transgressi don't find fedora that bad... 12:46
nmorseIt just hasn't caught up to the other desktop distros yet, and the SELinux stuff messed up a lot of software12:46
kayIt is no real community Linux, but the more Debian fails to release... the more attraction Fedora has gained12:46
transgressyum repos seem to help with the rpm problems that RH had... it makes for easy as hell updates, SELinux is nice when you worry about security... 12:47
transgressi'm actually thinking of putting FC4 on my lappy when it's relesed depending on how it looks... namely waiting for new kde to be put on it12:47
kayDid you read the news about Immunix and Novell? That looks promising btw12:47
nmorseWhat news, kay?12:48
kayNovell bought it12:48
nmorseand Immunix makes what?12:48
kayoops :p12:48
transgressi like fedora for being more community driven... that appeals to me12:48
kaytransgress: That normally should be Debian12:48
nmorseFedora is not community driven, the Red Hat employees still have the final say12:48
transgressi didn't like that they suggested not doing a custom kernel heh12:48
nmorseIt's like an out-sourced Red Hat12:49
kayImmunix is a commercial distribution of Linux with several security hardening features.12:49
transgressnmorse: key word was _more_ 12:49
kayI think it's the one, when you look for secure linux maybe12:49
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nmorseRight, I still suggest Ubuntu or Kubuntu for laptops12:49
transgressand the owners of the distro always has more say in it... just like debian, ubuntu, kubuntu12:49
nmorseReal community driven distro with Debian for a base12:49
transgressi'm running ubuntu on my lappy atm... 12:49
kayTruth is, for the people Fedora is more community than outdated Debian12:49
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nmorseFunny, Debian12:50
kayPeople won't rush to install Gnome 2.8 or KDE 3.3 over their Fedora's with newer versions12:50
nmorse's never seemed to try to keep me out of the process12:50
transgressif debian would stop dragging their feet i'd run nothing but debian.  i love debian.  and i love the politics surrounding debian heh.12:50
nmorseI prefer Unstable or Testing for Debian anyway12:50
kayI am having high hopes on Ubuntu there, HP and people, driving it more12:50
transgresseven testing debian is more outdated than current fedora however12:50
nmorseAnd with stuff like Ubuntu or Libranet we don't need releases often12:51
nmorseDebian is also the only distro to support so many platforms12:51
nmorseDebian runs on the f'ing FreeBSD kernel12:51
nmorseand runs on Hurd12:51
kaynmorse: Yet, where is KDE 3.4 there, where is Xorg, where has the proudness gone?12:51
transgressgentoo runs on a lot too 12:51
kayI remember the days where KDE 2.2 was in Debian FIRST12:52
nmorseXorg and KDE 3.4 will get into Unstable when Sarge is released12:52
kayAnd other releases too...12:52
nmorseThey're in experimental if I recall12:52
transgressbut sometimes at least getting releases out on some platforms is better than getting no releases out on no platforms12:52
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nmorseHave you seen what it takes to ensure software runs on ARM processors? Portable coding is dead.12:52
kaynmorse: Funny if you don't use i368, experimental is practially useless12:52
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kayAnd they didn't support my amd64 for real, for much too long12:52
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nmorseExperimental is useless if you're not a maintainer anyway12:53
nmorseDebian will probably start an official AMD64 port soon enough12:53
kayI went for Ubuntu with KDE mostly for being fed up with some unofficial server of Sid, lagging behind, being broken and just plain bad12:53
nmorseEverything hinges on Sarge's release12:53
kayFor much too long12:53
transgressactually i think they said they would let whoever does the port keep doing it and they wouldn't put as much focus on amd6412:54
nmorseEveryone's been too obsessed attempting to get a 2 year late release out the door that they can't worry about new stuff12:54
kayAnd the quality of Sarge is _still_ not the result of the time passed12:54
nmorseMaybe if they hadn't tried to push ahead with udev support we'd have it now12:54
kayI tell you, everyone that was big in Debian now works for Canonical in many fields12:54
kayI met Debian guys at fairs, that were hired to do stuff for Fedora rather12:55
kayThat SELinux guy of Redhat, he was once into Debian12:55
nmorseYes, which means Debian still lives as it's still being developed. You didn't think that working on Ubuntu meant no work would occur on Debian, did you?12:55
nmorseThe SELinux guy went where he was needed12:55
lucychiliive heard that sort of comment b412:55
kayIt's more like Debian merging Ubuntu changes back in some fields now12:55
nmorseAnyway, I'm tired of the general animosity towards Debian from most Ubuntu users12:56
KaiLf*ck :(12:56
lucychilinot good12:56
kayYou know, this Mark or Marc has the ambition to make Ubuntu replace Debian12:56
lucychiliubuntu is built on debian12:56
nmorseWhat's the point of attempting to kill the distribution yours is based entirely on?12:56
KaiLlooks like the suspend test killed my Realtek 8139A :(12:56
kaynmorse: It is not animosity.... it is just disappointment12:56
lucychilihonoring the team youre partnering with is important12:57
nmorseWill Marc ever actually convince all of the people to contine making packages for Ubuntu, which wasn't really founded on the same ideals?12:57
transgressnmorse: don't find my statements as animosity... as i said i love debian.  there is a reason many things are built on debian... but they are dragging ass like no one else.12:57
kayI am not saying that Debian will die or stuff... I am just saying it is a hell slower than it should be12:57
lucychiliif ubuntu hires resources debian uses too then its a sensitive area12:57
nmorseEven the main debian devs agree it's too slow right now12:57
transgressi'm hoping the new boss there will help move shit along12:57
nmorseI guess I'm on the defensive due to the bull I hear from a lot of Ubuntu guys12:58
nmorseI'm kind of looking forward to Progeny Debian12:58
kayDebian Project Leaders serve way too short12:58
lucychiliim just an end user but my concern for our org is that the future of us committing our customers to ubuntu is whether ubuntu and open office and debian can work effectively as a team long term12:58
nmorseMade by the Ian of Debian12:58
kayDon't forget Debby :p12:58
nmorseOpenOffice can't seem to get along without specific Java from Sun which is proprietary and undocumented12:58
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lucychilii know that there are issues for all of these groups12:59
nmorseAt this rate, the projects are going to kill each other12:59
lucychilijust want to flag that for the end users we can hear the discord12:59
nmorseProbably Ubuntu and OO.o would go first, while Debian's death would lag behind12:59
kayHey hey.... look at meeting minutes from Sun12:59
kayThey are going to fix it12:59
lucychiliand hope that you guys can keep it all sweet12:59
nmorseYou run a business based on Ubuntu, lucychili?01:00
lucychilidebain is a reliable server space01:00
kayAnd as I know it, Redhat already did most of the work, to make OO.o's Java parts work fine with gcj01:00
lucychilii runa community group01:00
lucychiliwhich provides ubuntu debian boxes to people01:00
lucychiliwe do training on them for them01:00
nmorseOkay, lucychili01:00
kayOpenoffice using so much Sun Java is really just a coincidence01:00
nmorseThat's a great idea, lucy01:00
lucychiliand sometimes we do community groups lans01:00
sirukinI take it judging by the current topic, we're all slashdot readers.01:01
nmorseSo you're like a Debian LUG for the area?01:01
nmorseOh, probably01:01
lucychiliand training for the community groups01:01
nmorseI read /.01:01
kaysirukin: What's on there?01:01
kayah, i thought there was a current post on this topic :p01:02
KaiLwtf is this?01:02
nmorseanyway, I'm hoping the trolls on either side shut up long enough for the rest of us to get some work done01:02
KaiLRealtek 8029 also doesn't want me01:02
kayWell.... i gotta take some sleep....01:04
sirukinyeah, personally I don't really care.01:05
sirukinMicro$$$oft will own everyone in ten years time anyway01:05
transgressthey don't now?  so i can take this electric armband off then?01:05
sirukinslap a "Pwnt by Bill" on my ass cheek, and I'll be happy to drink DRM.01:06
sirukintransgress, <insert borg star trek comment here>01:06
closuresirukin, no they won't01:06
closuresirukin, they are shaking in their boots with confidence01:07
transgressi do feel they are probably more worried about OSX than they are linux however01:07
transgressand seeing as they a large amount of stock in apple...01:07
closuretransgress, most definitely01:08
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transgress*they own01:08
closurelinux is like herpes to them01:08
nmorseIt keeps MS from f'ing us in the a*01:08
closurepops up every few months just to bother them01:08
transgresshehe my friend's brother just got diagnosed with herpes01:08
closure*shrugs* i don't have it but it doesn't seem like a big deal to me01:09
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transgressbut he swears he didn't sleep around...01:09
closureget that cream or those pills and you'll be straight01:09
transgressi really wanna just explain to him how herpes works01:09
closure98% of adults have some form of herpes01:09
transgress<-- is immuned to most types of herpes.01:09
sirukin98% of uranus has herpes.01:09
transgress<-- is very happy about that fact01:09
closuresirukin, see that kind of herpes would suck01:10
closuresirukin, how would you know you have it? i mean who looks at their ass hole?01:10
sirukinthat's right01:10
sirukinthe GOATSE conpiracy.01:10
sirukineveryone takes a photo of themselves stretching their anusses.01:11
transgressclosure: umm... herpes don't just look bad... they hurt like hell... at least that's my understanding01:11
transgressi'm not going to that site01:11
sirukinI made it up.01:12
sirukinif it really exists....I will fear.01:12
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transgressumm okay looking at slashdot right now... i'm not big on wiring and all that nice hardware shit... but it just seems like submerging your computer in oil would burn stuff out... 01:13
transgressthe whole liquid thing...01:13
transgressam i wrong?01:13
transgresshttp://mirrordot.org/stories/7bb0bea011df808569857f1175b25bee/index.html <-- if you are wondering01:13
closureis that the mineral one?01:14
closurethat's funny shit01:14
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transgresshow can that possibly work w/o burning shit out...01:14
Kisaincan anyone tell me how to run a VRML file?01:15
transgressi mean... mineral oil seems like it would make a grand conductor...01:15
Kisaini downloaded the stuff through syn but don't know what to do01:15
transgresswtf is vrml?01:15
nmorsea VRML file? As in Virtual Reality Markup Language?01:15
Kisaini work on clocks it is a great conductor01:15
nmorseCrap, I didn't know that crap was still alive01:16
Kisaini got the lament configuration in that fikle format01:16
Kisainfile i mean01:16
Kisaini downloaded the stuff through syn 01:16
Kisainbut don't know how to use it lol01:16
KisainVirtual Reality Modeling Language01:17
Kisainis what it is lol01:17
Kisainanyone have any idea?01:17
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nmorseI have no idea what to do with it. Honestly, I thought it was a dead language01:18
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nmorseThe graphics look like crap when it gets done01:19
sbcmanhey folks01:20
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nmorseOpenVRML is what you're looking for Kisain01:20
Kisainis that a command line thing?01:21
nmorse'ed VRML browser01:21
Kisaini dont understand nmorse01:21
nmorseGraphical browser, like Firefox, but for VRML01:22
nmorseVRML is a 3D markup language01:22
nmorseIt lets you create interactive web environments (supposedly)01:22
Kisainum synaptic syays i alredy have it how to use?01:22
nmorsetry installing vrweb then01:24
nmorseI have no VRML files here to play with or I'd check for you01:24
Kisaini have some if you want01:25
Kisaini have the lament configuration01:25
Kisainyou know the hellraser cube?01:25
nmorseI can't receive files over IRC (stupid firewall)01:25
transgressman two days w/o getting any mail01:26
transgressthat bothers me... because i have so many things in the mail coming to me right now01:27
Kisainok i installed vrweb how to run?01:27
transgressthat something should've shown up01:27
transgressvrweb maybe?01:27
Kisainum duh lol01:27
Kisainbingo lol01:27
Kisain:/ dosen't work01:29
KaiLwhy do I need to reload the network driver on my K8, if the K6-2 get's silly?????01:29
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phxguyanyone have any siggestions for a dreamweaver like html editor01:31
nmorsenvu would seem easy to use01:32
nmorseI personally do almost everything in Quanta Plus01:32
phxguyive tried both and don't care for em but thanks for the suggestions.01:32
nmorseDon't bother with Bluefish then01:33
nmorseCoffeCup has a linux port01:33
phxguybluefish? is it visual?01:34
KaiLnvu looks like the seperated Mozilla Composer01:34
nmorseNot as much as Quanta Plus in visual mode01:34
nmorseNvu is Mozilla Composer these days01:34
KaiLthen I'd start with that01:35
KaiLimho it's VERY powerfull tool01:35
nmorseDid you try setting Quanta Plus to visual editor mode?01:36
KaiLveeeeeery unstable01:36
nmorseNvu is very unstable?01:37
phxguyhow do i do that nmorse 01:37
KaiLno, quanta in visual mode is01:37
phxguyIve got Nvu and I dont care for it too much01:41
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Ken-OhKiWhat's this 'kdelibs' bug?01:41
phxguyQuanta seems like it can do a lot but I would like something more visual... like dreamweaver01:42
nmorseQuanta has an option to be visual, but Kail claims it's unstable01:42
transgressKen-OhKi: it's kde-libs not wanting to update with apt-get dist-upgrade01:43
nmorseAnyway, there's not a real Dreamweaver equivalent for linux01:43
phxguywell i dont see where that option is.01:43
phxguynmorse: where?01:43
nmorseWe have kwebdev (Quanta), Bluefish, and Nvu01:44
Ken-OhKitrans -> I have a fresh install that kde don't work...01:44
nmorseIt's in one of the menus01:44
transgresswell... you could always not use canned website editors01:44
nmorseask Kail, I can't get KDE to work01:44
transgressnmorse: did you install kde from ubuntu or from kubuntu?01:44
transgresssame to you Ken-OhKi?01:44
phxguytransgress: yeah i could also use windows01:45
Ken-OhKiI downloaded it today01:45
transgressbecause spyware and virii are good for you.01:45
transgressbecause instability is good too... 01:45
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nmorseI installed Ubuntu, then installed KDE from it01:46
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nmorseThe problem is with kcmlaptoprc, I think01:46
nmorseWhich I rm'ed but haven't checked on since01:46
Ken-OhKiI wonder if reinstall it change anything01:46
KaiL_hoaryKen-OhKi: it should01:47
Ken-OhKiIs this KDE issue a version problem?01:47
Ken-OhKiGOD! I think I know what got wrong01:47
KaiL_hoaryin fact you are the first, who has any problems to get into KDE at all ;)01:47
phxguynmorse. did you do the apt-get install kubuntu-desktop 01:47
nmorseThe problem is with a config I did afterwards01:48
Ken-OhKiKaiL -> After the first stage of the install, when we reboot, I didn't put the CD back on the drive (to get files if needed). May this be a source of problem?01:48
transgressi couldn't get kde to work from ubuntu either01:48
transgressi ended up installing kubuntu directly and it worked fine01:48
KaiLKen-OhKi: a "small" problem, yes01:48
KaiLto be more exact nothing will work without that ;)01:49
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Ken-OhKiKaiL -> See, transgress have this problem too ^^01:49
Ken-OhKiI'll just download this NS map and I'll reboot01:49
KaiLno, that's something diff ;)01:49
Ken-OhKiWhat's the difference? KDE doesn't work...01:50
nmorseI think I need to restart KDE and see if it works now01:50
nmorseBe back in a minute01:50
nmorseVPL editor in the lower toolbar, BTW, phxguy01:50
nmorseThat'll get you into the visual editor01:51
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phxguyhmmm try thats nmorse  and it isnt very visual... imho01:51
KaiLuhm, why now my K6-2 reconnected?!01:51
phxguyoh well01:51
Ken-OhKi[KaiL] ->Well, now that you said... a LOT of stuff was on APTITUDE saying that wasn't installed01:52
KaiLKen-OhKi: only the base system is ;901:52
Ken-OhKi[KaiL] ->Let me guess: It makes a lot of sense?01:53
KaiLwell... do a reinstall :)01:53
Ken-OhKiDo I need to delete the partition? Or just run the CD and try to override it is enough?01:53
KaiL|hoarybetter the clean way01:54
Ken-OhKicya later01:54
phxguywell thanks for your help people.   Im outta here01:54
=== KaiL_hoary [~kl@p548F68B8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
KaiL_hoarywtf is going on here now??01:56
transgressmy cat seems oblivious that my keyboard is on top of her...01:56
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transgresswb nmorse ... any luck?01:57
nmorseI'm in Konversation in KDE 3.401:57
=== KaiL_hoary wants to know, what's going on here
KaiL_hoarynmorse: oh, cool :)01:57
transgresskonversation is alright... wish i could make the background transparent though01:57
nmorseI just wish that I hadn't had to completely erase kcmlaptoprc to get it to work01:58
KaiLsoon you'll see my K6-.2 reconnecting ;)01:59
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KaiL|500dirty jokes?02:01
KaiL|500I bet I can't reproduce it now, as I have a ping on the other box running02:02
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KaiL|500what did I say? :)02:03
KaiL|500KaiL_hoary: die you damn ghost!02:04
KaiLnow it happened...02:04
transgressman... i hate giving customers bad news on the helpdesk...02:05
KaiLonly for some seconds the connection to the K8 got lost and bang, freenode doesn't want me any more02:05
transgressbecause i have the highest rating of all the workers heh... and i'm competing close and don't wanna lose that.02:05
KaiLtransgress: hmm?02:05
transgresseh the support system for where i work... i just had to give a customer bad news... and the customer gets to give us a rating on how well we helped... and i have the highest rating of all the workers... and this bad news is probably gonna drop me a notch02:06
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KaiLwhat does "bad news" mean?02:08
transgressumm he was trying to install a cgi proxy on his website and couldn't get it to work and wanted to know why... well instead of telling him why, i got to tell him he isn't allowed to install those.02:09
KaiLthat's in fact no answer to make him happy02:11
transgressyep, but he should've read the TOS02:11
KaiLhell, the more you watch a problem, the longer it takes to reappear?02:12
transgresswatch pot never boils eh?02:12
KaiLbang, there is was02:12
KaiLand again02:12
KaiLsilly, why should a dhcp-client refetch the IP from time to time?02:13
KaiLand even more strange:02:13
KaiLnonono, that's to much for me today...02:14
KaiLsilly hardware02:14
nmorseWhat kind of adapter is it again?02:15
KaiLmaybe it'll work better tomorrow :)02:15
KaiLnmorse: the one getting silly here? RealTek 8139A on one side, nForce3 on the other02:15
nmorseOkay, no help from me on those02:16
nmorseAMD64 has hardware issues, doesn't it02:16
KaiLit's a 32Bit-System02:16
KaiLif I'd at least know, which card does this nonsence02:17
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KaiLboth could be..02:17
nmorsenForce 3 is AMD64 only, isn't it?02:18
KaiLthere are also K8 based Semprons - they are 32bit only02:18
KaiLthis is such a thing02:18
nmorseOh, K8 Semprons02:19
nmorseMakes a lot of sense, really02:19
KaiLit does - powernow and low price02:20
KaiLmaybe the nForce driver from nvidia helps02:22
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KaiLor there where 2 (or more) dhclients fighting with each other02:31
KaiLlet's see.....02:31
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Bicchianyone using gaim to instance messange people?02:33
lukeI am. whys that?02:34
Bicchido you see a popup window when a user signs on02:34
lukeyeah, don't you?02:35
Bicchiwhat do you need to set?02:35
lukeinstall gaim guifications02:35
lukeit's in synaptic02:35
KaiLnmorse: DHCPREQUEST/DHCPACK every few seconds is not normal, or?02:35
Bicchiluke: i allready have it installed.02:35
lukeon gaim tools > preferences > plugins enable guifications02:36
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KaiL_hoarythis seams to be fixed :)02:38
Bicchiluke: cool thanks. now i need someone to signon to try it. 02:38
lukeno problem :)02:39
Bicchiluke: i also do not see the buddy icon on the chat window.02:39
Bicchiluke: like for aol.02:39
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lukeI don't use aol so I don't know. it could be a aol thing02:39
lukeif they have a picture it will usually show02:40
Bicchii know, thats the weird part. its showing for msn.02:40
transgressyou sure they have a buddy icon?02:41
transgressit'll show... especially by default...02:41
lukeit's probibly an aol thing02:41
transgressman i don't miss buddy icons02:41
Bicchiyeah they do have buddy icons. i just checked from windows02:41
transgressthen he's probably right... probably an aol thing02:41
transgresstell them to get a real isp02:41
transgressand that'll fix it02:42
Bicchii do not use aol but i use their messenger.02:42
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nmorseI like the DBUS news for the topic02:46
lukewhats that about?02:46
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lukeanyone here ever tried gentoo?02:48
nmorseIt's still on my desktop, I think02:48
nmorseThis is my laptop02:48
nmorseWhat about it, luke?02:49
lukeo yup. I'm setting up a webserver with it. but I'm installing kde to see what it's like on gentoo. taking forever02:49
nmorseNever ever use Gentoo on a server02:49
nmorseI made that mistake once02:49
lukewhys that?02:49
nmorseEtc-update ran automatically and wiped all of my config files02:49
nmorseCouldn't even boot because /etc/fstab was re-written02:50
lukehow did it run automatically?02:50
nmorseNo idea02:50
nmorseMight have been in a cron.monthly or something, but I didn't put it there02:50
lukevery strange02:50
nmorseI didn't like the stability either really, or the difficulty in configuring things02:50
nmorsewent back to FreeBSD for stability and 'make config'02:51
lukeare you running kubuntu at the moment?02:51
lukeI reacon it's going to take all week to compile kde :p02:52
nmorseOn my laptop02:52
nmorseCompiling KDE takes about 4 hours on my Athlon XP 2500+ with 1 GB of RAM02:52
lukehaha this is a k602:53
luke450mhz :p02:53
nmorseI remember running linux on a 450 mHz computer with 128 MB of RAM02:53
nmorseKDE was the slowest thing ever02:53
nmorseBut the new 3.4 is pretty darn fast02:53
nmorseI have no idea how fast on that though02:54
lukewell I'll see in a week :p02:54
KaiLluke: how much RAM?02:54
nmorseYou should probably run something else for a server anyway02:54
lukeyeah maybe.02:55
KaiLcompiling KDE on a K6-2/450 + 128MiB RAM?02:55
KaiLyou are silly :)02:55
=== KaiL has kubuntu for that (and 2 times that RAM ;)
KaiLoh, and 50mhz more02:55
nmorseI really reccomend FreeBSD, despite the compile times02:55
nmorseNo need for KDE, everything can be done without X1102:56
nmorseI actually just SSH in when I need to do something, no keyboard, mouse, or monitor needed02:56
lukeyeah I could've done without kde, I just want to see how it runs02:56
KaiLX on a Server is waste of RAM and of diskspace02:56
nmorseDon't fool yourself into thinking Gentoo's KDE is any faster than anyone else's02:57
nmorseThe optimizations do squat02:57
incubiii see no speed increase using gentoo at all02:57
nmorseThe only reason I used it was non-RPM distro the ATI drivers worked in02:57
KaiL<< goes sleeping02:57
lukewouldn't it be more stable though. I reacon it would be more stable than kubuntu, I've had too many crashes. kubuntu doesn't like :( I'm sticking with it for a little while longer though02:58
KaiLwhat crashes for you?02:59
KaiLkonq and kaffeine?02:59
incubiiif yer gonna do gentoo you mas as well go the whole hog and do LFS instead02:59
nmorseGentoo is not stable, by any stretch of the imagination02:59
nmorseI've run it both desktop and server, and I know this from experience02:59
KaiLgentoo can't be stable02:59
lukeI don't use kaffeine, konq crashes, and occasionally the whole thing freezes up02:59
KaiLluke: the last is a hardware problem imho03:00
nmorseYeah, it probably is03:00
nmorseHardware problems are responsible for lots of BSOD's in Windows too03:00
lukewhat would cause it then?03:00
nmorseWhen does it crash?03:00
nmorseIs it reproducible?03:00
lukeno particular times, just out of the blue03:00
nmorseDefintely sounds like a hardware error03:01
KaiLluke: bad RAM, overheated CPU, unstable power supply, overheated graphics chip.....03:01
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Ken-OhKiKaiL, It works03:01
transgressman i'm really digging this new mudvayne album03:01
KaiLsomebody else happy ;)03:01
KaiLluke: I have a K6-2 here, which really does every nonsence, you can imagine03:02
nmorseluke, try running Ubuntu-memtestx86 when you get to grub after a reboot03:02
KaiLbut it never freezed ;)03:02
Ken-OhKiNow I just wonder: When I was trying to fix up my network through KDE, it asked a pass. I entered the root pass and I got a wrong pass error03:02
KaiLKen-OhKi: your user password03:02
lukeit isn't overheating,  could be power supply I doubt it's memory but I'll run that test to see03:02
Ken-OhKisudo (blablabla) requires only the user pass?03:03
KaiLluke: which graphics card?03:03
KaiLKen-OhKi: yes and those dialogs too03:03
lukegforce 4 mx44003:03
KaiLyou should never need a root pw03:03
nmorsesudo does in fact only require your user pass, and works for everyone according to the sudoers file03:03
KaiLluke: hmm, I have a GF2 MX400 there03:03
lukeI had some problems with that overheating, but I stuck a fan under that, and it's cool03:04
nmorseWhat drivers are you using for the graphics card? NV or Nvidia?03:04
lukeNV I think03:04
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nmorsetry using the Nvidia ones then03:04
KaiLoh, he was asked ;)03:04
lukehow do I change?03:05
KaiLnmorse: what would have been the answer, if he'd ansered "nvidia"? ;)03:05
rodrigohi, can anyone help me? im new to kubuntu and have some mouse problems03:05
KaiLrodrigo: then tell us03:05
nmorseHe couldn't have, Kail03:05
KaiLafter fighting with this MX510 I should be the mouse expert here *g*03:05
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transgressKaiL: why did you have to fight with it?03:06
KaiLnmorse: why not?03:06
KaiLtransgress: tried to get _all_ buttons to do something usefull03:06
nmorseHe wouldn't be having that problem03:06
KaiLnmorse: known bug?03:06
transgressKaiL: oh... did you?03:06
nmorseFrequent bug really03:06
nmorseI know of it having only used ATI cards03:06
KaiLtransgress: the sidebuttons are working03:07
rodrigothanks, i have a toshiba satellite A20 series, i need to disable the touchpath taping, i read something about going to xorg.conf and telling it to MaxTabTime 0, but nothing happens with this.. i even comented the hole mouse sections atn the xorg and still have mouse, what can i do?03:07
transgresshow'd you do that? i really would like to map them to go forward and back in history if possible03:07
transgressKaiL: ^03:07
nmorsetrying that, luke?03:07
KaiLrodrigo: uhm, disable the touchpad at all..?03:08
Ken-OhKiDoes anyone here know anything about the "number odf brody" or something like that? A constant related to human-body "process"03:08
lukenmorse: how do I change the drivers?03:08
rodrigono, just the tapping, but in my test i wanted to disable it at all and also nothing happened commenting all the mouse lines at xorg.conf03:08
KaiLtapping comes to fast? ;)03:09
rodrigoyes, exactlly03:09
transgressrodrigo: first you gotta make sure that it is loading as a touchpad and not a regular mouse03:09
KaiLtransgress: should be done, as we always send the synaprics driver to /dev/psaux03:09
transgress/var/log/X.something will tell you... i can't seem to fix it on my lappy because for some reason it doesn't wanna load as a synaptic mouse03:09
transgressKaiL: mine doesn't... 03:10
KaiLrodrigo: try to install ksynaptics and play a bit with the prefs in that03:11
KaiLmaybe there's something to get the touchpad behaving as it should03:11
lukeKen-Ohki: try the user pass03:11
transgressthose won't do jack if the mouse isn't loading right...03:11
lukeKen-Ohki: wrong thing sorry :p03:11
Ken-OhKiDoes anyone here know anything about the "number odf brody" or something like that? A constant related to human-body "process"03:11
lukenmorse: how do I change the drivers?03:12
rodrigook, just for the notice, i also read about tpconfig, but ii do tpconfig -1 ad some errores are coming03:12
=== KaiL better really goes to bed
rodrigoNo Synaptics or ALPS touchpad device found03:12
nmorseyou just install the nvidia-glx package and reconfigure x.org03:12
KaiL...before I'll break somebodys system *g*03:12
transgressrodrigo: probably having the same problem as me then... i still haven't found a fix03:12
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rodrigoWhat the F!"#  LOL!!!03:13
nmorsehttp://ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto is the site for you, luke03:13
transgressluke: you trying to install ati?03:14
luketransgress: nah nvidia drivers03:14
transgressnm then03:14
rodrigowhats the command to run ksynaptics, there seem to be no ksynaptics even i have done apt-get install ksynaptics03:14
lukerodrigo: you mean kynaptic?03:16
transgressluke: no... he is talking about the synaptics touchpad program03:16
lukeok :p03:16
rodrigoso transgress,  you're now used to the freaking taping?? LOL!03:18
transgressrodrigo: yeah sort of... 03:18
rodrigoi just hate it03:18
transgressrodrigo: i really actually hate it, but can't figure out how to fix it03:18
nmorseI just turn the touchpad off by default and use a USB mouse03:18
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transgressbut i intend on getting a wireless mouse for it soon... but since i use it in bed a lot that won't help03:18
nmorseThen when I don't have my mouse with me (like on an airplane) I swap xorg.conf files03:19
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nmorseI'm considering using coldplug and some scripts to do this for me03:19
transgressi don't even have to switch xorg.conf's to use a usb mouse03:19
transgressit just works when i plug it in03:19
nmorseNo, but you do if you want the touchpad turned off at the same time03:19
nmorseOnly one mouse at a time for me03:20
rodrigonmorse but do you know how to disable the taping? i dont care at all the hole touchpad, but the taping is horrible03:20
transgressactually... i can turn the touchpad off and the usb still work... w/o changing xorgs03:20
rodrigohow do you turn the touchpad off?03:20
transgressrodrigo: as my typing teacher would say "don't rest your palms"03:20
nmorseYou open xorg.conf, comment out all the lines for that mouse device, then change it from /dev/mouse to /dev/usb/mouse1 or some such to switch to your other mouse03:21
rodrigonmorse, i just commented all the lines that have something to do with any kind of mouse, and still have the touchpad03:21
transgressi really do think that is overkill... because i am betting he can plug in the usb mouse, turn off the touchpad and have the usb mouse work03:21
nmorseYeah, but you have to turn off the touchpad first03:22
nmorseWhich is the fun part, as 2.6 kernels lump all mice together in one device03:22
transgresshow do you mean?03:22
nmorseThe key is to make x.org ask for only one mouse, such as /dev/input/mouse103:22
nmorsenot /dev/mouse03:23
transgressmine asks for /dev/input/mice03:23
nmorseAnyway it does it, you should configure it to the specific device if you don't want both03:23
transgressiuno... maybe i'm just lucky...03:23
nmorseWhen you plug in the USB mouse, does the touchpad automatically switch off?03:23
nmorseDidn't think so, hence the trouble I went through03:24
nmorseAs I hate typing and having the cursor jump about wildly at the same time03:24
rodrigoi just did the test, i pluged my usb mous and have the 2 mouse on, the touchpad and the usb03:25
transgressnmorse: no it doesn't automatically switch off... but if i hit the power button for it, the usb mouse works fine03:25
nmorseThere's no power button on my touchpad03:25
rodrigoneither in mine03:25
transgresswell i guess the power button makes me lucky then heh03:26
nmorseSo just comment out the InputDevice lines for the Synaptics Touchpad and change the /dev/input/mice line to /dev/input/mouse103:26
rodrigothe fact is.. i cant turn off my touchpad in anyways.. commenting all the xorg.conf doesnt turn it off03:26
nmorseThen change the whole server config to switch to the USB mouse too03:26
nmorseSave copies of it both ways and use whichever one you need03:27
nmorseYou haven't changed the /dev/input/mice line03:27
nmorseDo you have sshd running, rodrigo?03:27
nmorseIn your xorg.conf file, are there two InputDevice sections?03:27
rodrigoyes.. both are commented03:28
nmorseCommenting both shuts off all the mice, doesn't it?03:28
nmorseOr have you not restarted X since that last change?03:28
rodrigoi have noticed something, when i started the x, the system uncomented my lines.. is this possible?03:28
nmorseShouldn't be03:29
nmorseHave you saved the file back to disk?03:29
rodrigoyea... LOL... ok, hold on some minutes so i shut down x, and try again.. BRB03:29
lukeif I can a connection to a computer through ssh on this computer, and I close that connection while doing something? will it carry on doing that?03:31
nmorseprobably not03:31
lukedidn't think so03:32
pussfellerluke screen03:32
nmorsescreen will do it03:32
pussfelleryou need screen to keep a shell open and running if you log out03:32
nmorseScreen lets you make sessions you can detach and then reattach too03:33
pussfellerits worth the learning curve03:33
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lukeso install screen?03:33
nmorseI can't believe I didn't think of it03:33
nmorsehow'd it go, rodrigo?03:33
rodrigowell, commented the lines, and still have mouse.. 03:33
rodrigoi dont know what is going on.. is it possible that it is taking the configuration from some other place?03:34
nmorseDid you change the /dev/input/mice line03:34
rodrigoits commented.. LOL!!!03:35
lukepussfeller: how do I use screen? 03:35
nmorseNo, only comment one device section (the synaptics touchpad one)03:35
nmorseThen alter the other line to read /dev/input/mouse103:36
nmorseHang on03:36
pussfellerluke, you will have to find a tut03:36
lukeok. thanks03:37
nmorseokay, did you get that Rodrigo?03:38
rodrigosure, BRB03:38
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lukeanyone have any idea how to use screen to transfer one terminal session to another? so I can logout?03:43
rodrigohi... nmorse, that worked, my touchpad is disabled at all,03:43
nmorseIt did work then?03:43
rodrigoyea,,, but now what do you think i can do to just disable te tapping, i like my touchpad but i hate the taping..03:44
nmorseLike when you hit it with your palm while typing?03:45
rodrigoexactly... 03:45
nmorseDoes your touchpad have a palm detection extension?03:46
rodrigono idea..03:47
rodrigowell.. i guess no one has a clue about this.. this freaking touchpad...03:49
nmorseksynaptics stuff didn't work for you?03:49
rodrigocant start it.. LOL...03:50
rodrigothere is no ksynaptic command03:50
nmorseI noticed that03:51
nmorseI'm trying to figure out how to make it run03:51
nmorseI'm also trying to figure out if the Kubuntu mouse theme is the same as the Ubuntu mouse theme03:51
rodrigoyou're on ubuntu?03:52
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nmorseIt's a kcm03:52
nmorseThat means it's in KControl03:52
nmorseK Menu -> Control Center03:53
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nmorsePeripherals -> Touch Pad03:53
nmorseThat should help you out, rodrigo03:53
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nmorsea whole tab devoted to tapping03:53
nmorseJust uncheck the box03:53
rodrigoyea..., restarting x with the synaptic on.. brb to see if it helps03:54
nmorseThat my friends, is why I normally charge tech support by the hour03:54
nmorseCould have mad $30 off that one03:54
lukeanyone have any idea how to use screen to transfer one terminal session to another? so I can logout?03:57
nmorseYou just detach it somehow03:58
nmorseNot really sure03:58
nmorsetry man screen03:58
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rodrigonmorse, so you think i should restart after i changed the options at the kcontrol?, i just changed it to no taping and nothin happens, still enabled the taping03:59
nmorseDid you hit apply or ok?03:59
rodrigoyes, i just entered agian and its still there03:59
rodrigothe use tapping is unchecked04:00
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nmorseWe still don04:00
nmorse't know if you have the palm detection installed04:00
nmorseBut the tapping behavior should be fixed on a restart of X, probably04:01
rodrigook.. restarting for the last time.. one second..04:02
khagberghey folks, anyone have experience with kmail and spambayes04:02
transgressnmorse: what do you use for your jabber client?04:02
nmorseUsually gaim, why?04:02
transgressnmorse: because it seems some people using kopete are having the same problem with not being able to send messages to other people04:03
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transgressdo you remember what error it gave you when trying to send me a message?04:03
rodrigoi just give up!!!! nothing is happening..04:03
rodrigowhere can i post my problem to the kubuntu guys??04:04
nmorseTry the community forums on Ubuntulinux.org04:04
nmorseThere should be a Kubuntu forum somewhere04:05
rodrigook.. thanks a lot!!!04:05
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nmorseThere is a Kubuntu forum there somewhere, right?04:08
nmorseGood, didn't want to send him on a goose chase04:09
lukehaha he might have ended up making one04:09
nmorsewould have been quite funny, really04:09
nmorseParticularly when the Kubuntu devs found out04:10
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khagberganyone have any update on the knetworkconf conflicts with kdelibs-data problem, like when it will be fixed04:10
transgresskhagberg: /topic04:11
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lukehow much diskspace do you think kde takes up?04:15
nmorseabout 250MB I'd bet, maybe more04:15
nmorseMaybe a lot more04:15
lukemy system is only 3 gigs without all my personal files, I have gnome on here aswell04:16
transgressluke: don't do it then04:17
luketransgress: don't do what?04:17
transgressfuck... with 3 gigs i'd run blackbox and take gnome off...04:17
transgressdon't put kde on there04:17
nmorseAnyone know how where pure-ftpd makes the chrooted anonymous directory?04:17
lukeno no thats how much diskspace my system is taking up04:17
transgresshehe install unreal2k4... that'll take up some space04:19
thoreauputicluke: when I did " apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" it downloaded about 100MB - I don't really know how much that expands to when installed, but apt will tell you04:20
nmorseHow big is the drive?04:20
lukeok thanks. I have 80 gigs04:20
lukejust curious :p04:20
luketransgress: whats unreal2k4?04:21
transgressunreal tournament 2004... it's a computer game heh04:22
lukecan you get it for linux..?04:22
transgresshell yeah... works for linux out of the box... if your hardware can handle it04:22
lukeI thought it was just a windows game04:23
nmorseUT2004 and Doom 3 are both available for Linux04:24
nmorseSame with Quake 304:24
nmorseand Neverwinter Nights04:24
transgressyar... although i rarely play games anymore... find doing geek stuff more fun these days04:25
nmorseLike making sound work on an eMachines laptop?04:27
nmorsethe ali sound card works fine under windows, but not linux04:29
nmorseEven though the driver modules are loaded04:29
transgressmy sound works on my lappy, but it's an hp04:29
transgressnmorse: might ask b2s in #ubuntu about that however, i do believe he runs an emachines lappy04:29
transgressnmorse: run everything through arts... keeps stuff from conflicting04:30
transgressnmorse: what kind of soundcard? i8x0?04:30
transgressyeah well i'd still bug him see if he can help... 04:30
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transgressnmorse: also make sure other sound modules aren't loaded... i had that problem getting my sound to work... conflicting modules were running04:31
nmorseOnly one sound card in this laptop04:31
lukeI had a problem with that, the kubuntu sound system was using arts and with that going I couldn't use xmms or anything that used sound, so I disabled the sound system, and the other programs that needed sound worked04:31
Ken-OhKiI logged in KDE and Im trying to set up my network devices. When I try to go in admin-mode, it ask my password04:31
Ken-OhKibut the damned thing don't open the option04:32
Ken-OhKiwhat to do?04:32
transgressluke: configure xmms to use arts... or use juk or amarok04:32
transgressluke: unless you have a good soundcard that has an onboard mixer04:32
lukeamarok had the same problem04:32
nmorseb2s has been idle for over 2 days04:33
transgresshaha neato04:33
transgressiuno... maybe he's been busy04:33
transgressnmorse: so no sound works at all?04:36
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transgressumm for some reason... next to my clock... it now says moscow04:38
transgressanyone know why?04:39
lukehaha I had that problem with xandros kde, it changes the timezone randomly sometimes..04:39
nmorseI hate when that happens04:41
nmorseI think it's a hidden hotkey or something04:41
Ken-OhKiI logged in KDE and Im trying to set up my network devices. When I try to go in admin-mode, it ask my password04:43
Ken-OhKibut the damned thing don't open the option04:43
Ken-OhKiwhat to do?04:43
transgressbut there wasn't even anything by it prior to this04:43
transgressit didn't say a location04:44
transgressah there we go04:44
lukeKen-OhKi: in the control center?04:44
lukelook in ubuntu forums, I don't remember the link, but I had the same problem and it fixed it. it's in there somewhere04:45
Ken-OhKiI tried both my pass and root pass but none work04:45
lukeit's a bug in the control center04:45
lukeif you can't be bothered finding it, run sudo kcontrol04:46
poopinabootyeah, thats what i did04:50
poopinabootsudo kcontrol04:50
poopinabootand all was kosher04:50
lukeI fixed the bug somehow, I just don't remember how04:51
lukeit's in the ubuntu forums04:51
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_natebah, not enough trouble to actually go fix it04:53
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_nategah, I have nothing to do anyways04:55
_natelooks like there isn't much of a solution, at least not a permanent one04:58
_natejust a lot of people swinging large sticks in the dark trying to hit a fruit fly04:58
lukeit is in there. I have no problems with it now04:59
_natesomething about deleting kdecache04:59
_nateand some people reinstall kcontrol04:59
lukeyeah thats the one04:59
lukenot reinstalling kcontrol..05:00
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_nateit works now05:01
_natebut now my whole kde menu is messed up05:01
_natewait, its back05:01
lukewhat did you do?05:02
_natedeleted the kdecache05:02
_nateand now the admin thing works05:02
lukeok thats good.05:02
_nate /var/tmp/kdecache-<username>/05:02
_natejust remove that directory and its contents05:02
_natei need to remove all these blasted gnome programs05:03
_natethey clutter my menus05:03
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lukedid you "Check the /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc file. Somewhere in the file it says "RootLogin" - this should be set to true."05:04
_nateanyone know what ones I need to remove?05:04
_nateoh, no05:04
lukeafter clearing the cache05:04
_natei don't want that05:04
_nateI can log in using the admin feature now05:04
_nateWithout doing that05:04
_nateWhat packages do I need to remove to in effect remove gnome?05:04
lukewhatever you want to05:05
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lukefind the command in the kde menu editor, then remove what you want05:05
_nateugh, there's so many05:06
_nateis there a cd that installs kde only from the getgo?05:06
lukeyou can download the iso05:06
_natejust found it, thanks05:07
_nategonna take a while05:08
_natebut its worth it05:08
_nategnome is poop05:08
luketoo right :D05:08
_natei used to like it05:08
lukenever have. you can't really change much05:09
_natei like gnome-terminal better than kde's junk05:09
_natebut thats about it05:09
nmorseI remember Gnome as Alpha software05:09
nmorseToo much like ICEwm then05:09
nmorseNever usable in the 1.x days05:09
nmorseThe 2.6 and up aren't that bad though, really05:09
_nateI hated KDE back when I tried FC105:09
_nateit was ugly05:09
nmorseexcept for using OO.o in05:09
_natebut NOW its preeeettttty05:09
nmorseFC1 is ugly05:09
nmorseFC1 uses its own custom theme called Bluecurve that makes KDE and GNOME look identical05:10
nmorseAnd GNOME is ugly05:10
_nateYeah, I'd still use OO.o though05:10
nmorseOO.o-kde maybe05:10
_natethere's one for kde?05:10
nmorseI just like the KDE file dialog and the native widgets05:10
lukeusing the gnome apps in kde they look like crap05:10
nmorseUse the Qt-GTK theme05:10
nmorseIt's what I do05:10
=== _nate downloads kubuntu iso
=== _nate afk until finished
sirukindo so good.05:11
nmorseopenoffice.org-kde is the package to install05:11
nmorseopenoffice.org2-kde exists as well05:11
_nateare they good?05:11
_natewish i could get rid of konquere and make them use krusader in its place05:12
mrmanicI like konquerer05:14
_natebuggy poop05:14
_nateand slow05:14
mrmanicit works pretty well for me05:14
_natetry krusader05:15
_nateits awesome05:15
mrmanicit doesn't do much for me, honestly05:17
mrmanicthe double-pane browsing thing05:17
_nateIts efficient05:17
mrmanicefficient for what?05:18
mrmaniccopying stuff from one place to another?05:18
mrmanicI do the same thing with multiple panes in konquerer05:19
mrmanicbut it's not the default05:19
mrmanicwhich I'm happy with.05:19
nmorseYou know I could grow to like Krusader if it didn't tell me a dir was a dir in little tags05:19
lukeim downloading it now05:20
nmorseI don't need a size tag for everything or I'd use screen and ls -l for all file management05:20
nmorsethat's what it looks like05:20
lukeif it doesn't crash whats wrong with it:p05:20
nmorseExactly like ls -l in two panes05:21
mrmaniconly clickier.05:21
nmorseMidnight Commander, if you will05:21
_natehaha, yeah05:21
_nateits small and fast05:21
_nateand its efficient for what i use a file manager for05:21
nmorseYou mean ls -l and cp05:21
nmorseSpatial browsing would be good for you too05:22
nmorseTwo little list windows to show the whole hierarchy05:22
nmorseWhat do you do anyway?05:22
_nateI don't use a file manager that much05:22
mrmanicI do05:22
nmorseI really don't either05:23
mrmanicMostly to preview my 20g of pornographic photos and cartoons.05:23
nmorseKonsole is all I need05:23
_nateMostly cli for me, unless its something annoying to do in the command line05:23
_nateheh mrmanic 05:23
mrmaniccp a lot of random files is a pain.05:23
nmorseon 20g, crap what's a big hard drive for then?05:23
_natethats what i use it for, mostly05:23
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_natebut i rarely have to do that05:24
_nateI use gnome-terminal05:24
_nateI don't like konsole05:24
mrmanicI used to like gnome-terminal a lot05:24
mrmanicbut I came around to konsole05:24
mrmanicI also read the other day that konsole is more efficient.05:24
lukehow so?05:25
nmorseKonsole is nice indeed05:25
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nmorseI like the ability to have multiple tabs open, make screen sessions, etc.05:25
_natenmorse: multiple tabs is possible in gnometerminal too05:26
_natectrl + shift + t05:26
mrmanicluke: that url explains their methodology.  Not a great test, but fast and simple.05:26
mrmanicIs there a way to use dcop to type stuff into konsole?05:27
lukecool 05:27
nmorseYeah, but nothing's as nice in gnome-terminal really05:27
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nmorseDCOP stuff in Konsole? Like what?05:28
kkathmanhi all :)05:28
nmorsehey kkathman05:28
kkathmanhello there :)05:28
mrmanichi kkathman 05:29
_nateawww, tranparent konsole doesn't move the background image till you release05:29
kkathmanhowdy mrmanic :)05:29
_natenot that thats important05:29
_natebut it was cool in gnome-terminal05:29
mrmanicnmorse: I want the ability to type something into my mutt session in konsole using dcop05:29
mrmanicnmorse: ok, here's the scenario05:30
mrmanicusing korn to check how many new messages I have in various folders05:30
mrmanicand running mutt in a konsole window05:30
mrmanicI want to be able to a) figure out which konsole window is the right one and b) have korn make a dcop call when I click on it to switch to the correct desktop and show the konsole window, AND type in the command to show the correct maildir in mutt.05:31
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mrmanicI couldn't figure out how to do that.05:31
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mrmanicI imagine it would probably be a security problem if you could do that.05:31
_nateooh, i could get used to the double-click for a new tab05:32
transgressno caps05:32
shivI know05:32
kkathmanhey transgress :)05:32
_natelol shiv 05:32
shivbut I want to shout05:32
shivI have struggled since last 2 years to find the right one05:32
transgress2 years?05:33
shivI am using toshiba p35 609105:33
shiv17 inch wide screen05:33
nmorseAh, another laptop user who's been won over05:33
shivbeats windows out of the box05:33
shivfonts are amazing05:33
nmorseI myself have been won over, buy my sound doesn't work05:33
shivresoultion is amazing05:33
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shivmy sound doesn't work eitther yet05:34
shivbut that could be dealt with05:34
shivI hae nver seen such clarity ever05:34
nmorseis it an ali card?05:34
mrmanicI'm actually not very happy with kubuntu, but that's mostly b/c I can't figure out the correct combination of acpi-support stuff and virgin sacrifice to get my laptop to resume correctly from s3 suspend.05:34
shivthats grek to me05:34
_natemrmanic: yeah, not a problem for me05:35
nmorseopen Konsole and type lspci | grep ali for me, will you, shiv?05:35
shivis that ali in the end?05:35
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nmorsemake that grep ALi05:35
mrmanic_nate: how not?05:35
nmorselspci | grep ALi05:36
nmorseany output at all, shiv?05:36
shivnothing happens05:37
nmorsethanks anyway05:37
mr_robotomrmanic: same here. i get a black screen trying to wake from suspend. and a crash trying to wake from hibernate on my laptop05:38
shivhow do i get sound to work though?05:38
nmorsegot to go05:38
mrmanicmr_roboto: I'm pretty sure my problem is fglrx, but I haven't successfully gotten rid of it :\05:39
mr_robotomrmanic: was just thinking of that. i'm using fglrx too and i know someone else installed the default driver for their ati and they were able to suspend.05:39
transgresshuh what about fglrxxxXX?05:39
transgresserr stupid keyboard is acting weird05:39
mr_robotoi really want it all though, fast 3d and suspend/hibernate05:39
shivhow do i get to see my fat32 drive?05:40
transgressmount -t vfat /dev/hda# /mnt/fatcrap05:40
mrmanictransgress: fglrx is the ati binary driver for their newer cards on linux.05:40
_natemrmanic: not a problem for me cuz i don't care to do it05:40
transgressmrmanic: i know that... what was the problem with it05:40
=== transgress is running fglrx
mrmanictransgress: I can't get suspend to ram working05:40
mr_robototransgress: on a laptop? can you also suspend or hibernate properly?05:41
transgressumm... i can hibernate... haven't done suspent... and no not on the lappy05:41
mrmanicfglrx on laptops seems to have some serious quirks05:42
transgressi wish i could get hibernate to work on my lappy... it's got nvidia... 05:42
shivwhere is firefox?05:42
transgresseh shiv?05:42
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mrmanicshiv: which mozilla-firefox05:42
transgressfirefox doesn't install by default on kubuntu... you can apt it... i didn't because the freaking package was compiled with gnome support05:42
mr_robotomy laptop would hibernate just fine on Suse 9.1. i'll have to play with it more in ubuntu05:43
mrmanicif it's not there, 05:43
mrmanicsudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox05:43
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transgressi think ima put fedora core 4 on my lappy when it's released...05:43
mrmanictransgress: I found that kinda lame until I got the gtk2-engine-qt05:43
mrmanicnow I'm happy enough b/c it looks like everything else, or close enough.05:44
transgressmrmanic: i don't like it because it pulls in like 45 megs of gnome crap and i don't want gnome-base on this system... it's why i installed kubuntu and not ubuntu05:44
mrmanicI see05:44
mrmanicI have a big HD05:44
mrmanicand loads of memory05:44
transgressi have plenty of room05:44
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transgressand plenty of ram05:44
transgressbut it's such a waste and it was ignorant to compile it with gnome support05:44
transgressthat should've been a separate package05:45
Ken-Oh-KiDoes anyone here know how to configure a PPPOE connection and make it auto-connect?05:45
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mrmanictransgress: perhaps a package like mozilla-firefox-gnome-support?!05:46
transgressmrmanic: yeah... i know... and i'm also aware it's the same package as mozilla-firefox05:47
mrmanicI think kubuntu is pretty cool05:47
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mrmanicneeds a little polish, though.05:47
transgressyeah i'm just running the binary off of mozilla.org right now05:47
mrmanicI just use konquerer most of the time.05:48
transgress??? doesn't tell us shit that you're asking05:48
mrmanicKen-Oh-Ki: I have no idea05:48
transgressi use konq for everything but two sites that it won't work with05:48
Ken-Oh-KiDAMN! kubuntu messed up my system clock05:48
transgressumm... how?05:48
Ken-Oh-Kithis is the problem if linux: until you make it run 100%, it give you tons of headache05:49
kakaltoKen-Oh-Ki, not linux's problem :)05:50
Ken-Oh-Kikkkakaltooo: ...05:50
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mrmanicKen-Oh-Ki: It's all in how you look at it.  I see it as more of a challenge.05:50
mrmanicKinda like whack-a-mole05:50
kakaltothe only way you get a headache in whack-a-mole is to hit yourself in the head :P05:51
Ken-Oh-Kiin windows I gave 5 clicks and I was online05:51
shivit says in kynapti that mozilla is installed i can't find it though..?05:51
Ken-Oh-Kiin linux I can't even choose pppoe05:51
choophello all05:52
kakaltoshiv, go to a terminal and type "mozilla" ?05:52
kakaltohello, choop 05:52
shivcomand not found05:52
kakaltoKen-Oh-Ki, actually, there's a program there somewhere05:52
choopbrand new to linux (other than ssh to webserver stuff) and just about to download kubuntu05:52
choopwas that a good rec?05:52
Ken-Oh-Kithis is the problem it's always 'somewhere'05:52
Ken-Oh-Kicause this linux didn't took over windows yet05:52
mrmanicKen-Oh-Ki: try apt-cache search pppoe05:52
Ken-Oh-Ki3 years ago was like this05:53
Ken-Oh-Kiand seem that it will keep all this way05:53
kakaltoKen-Oh-Ki, google is my best friend. Is google your best friend too?05:53
kakalto*hint* *hint*05:53
mrmanicgoogle is my right hand05:53
Ken-Oh-Ki<(kakalto)>< no... he doesn't find anyshit to me05:53
kakaltoshiv, you installed mozilla-firefox?05:53
shivi just installed the CD05:53
shivin teh kynaptic it says its there05:53
shivalready installed05:54
kakaltoshiv, if you want mozilla-firefox, then go to a terminal and type mozilla-firefox05:54
shivdoes not show up in the internet list though05:54
kakaltothat's something different05:54
shivsame...command not found05:54
mrmanicthen it's not installed05:54
mrmanicor your paths are hosed05:54
mrmanictype in sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox05:55
mr_robotoapt-get or kynaptic should have put it in /usr/bin though05:55
shivPackage mozilla-firefox is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:55
shivThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or05:55
shivis only available from another source05:55
mrmanicfrom everything I've read kynaptic is a bit buggy.05:55
shivPackage mozilla-firefox has no installation candidate05:56
shivwhat does that mean?05:56
mrmanicmeans you're hitting the wrong apt repositories05:56
shivdo i need to set them up manually?05:57
mrmanicI do not remember05:57
mrmanicI did.05:57
mrmanicI would sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the CD source, and then sudo apt-get update and try again05:58
shivhow do i comment out the cd source? what commands06:00
shivI am new06:00
shivMicrosoft slave :(06:00
mrmanicthe # sign is the comment character06:00
mrmaniconce you get into vi, you'll need to type "i" to get into insert mode, which will allow you to edit the text.06:01
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choopbut first navigate to that line06:01
choopbefore you type "i" use "j" to go down one line at a time06:01
mrmanicoh, I just use the arrow keys to move around.06:02
mrmanicbut good call06:02
choopwell, there's that too. i'm so used to vi over ssh (putty, doesn't support arrow keys) that i always use hjkl06:02
mrmanicoh, gotcha06:03
mrmanicI had the same problem with vi on solaris, IIRC06:03
choopi'm a newbie to desktop linux, though, and will probably be installing kubuntu tonight if it downloads fast enough06:03
=== _nate waits until tomorrow night to install kubuntu
choopgood call? should i go with a different distro first?06:04
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mrmanickubuntu is kinda cool06:04
_nate_sleepingkubuntu is pimp06:04
choopi've no doubt it's both cool and pimp.06:04
mrmanicI don't think it's quite ready for prime time.06:04
_nate_sleepingmeh, its better than regular ubuntu IMO06:05
_nate_sleepingBut I'm not a typical user06:05
choopis it right for someone so new to desktop linux? the wife doesn't know the difference between linux and macOS, so i also have to consider her needs.06:05
_nate_sleepingchoop: ubuntu is more developed, if you wanna go the safe route06:05
mrmanic_nate_sleeping: I came straight from debian unstable (with my own personal mods)06:06
_nate_sleepingmrmanic: ha06:06
choopand then this problem: i have knoppix on a liveCD and introduced her to the main paradigms of KDE06:06
mrmanicI was pretty happy with it, but wanted to try this thing people were raving about.06:06
_nate_sleepingchoop: gnome isn't so different that she won't be able to get it06:06
choopthat's what i was worried about06:06
_nate_sleepingchoop: comparitively the same06:07
_nate_sleepingchoop: and more stable for typical desktop use, IMO06:07
mrmanicchoop: if you want to go with kde, kubuntu will probably be fine.06:07
choopgnome looks more like mac, kde more like windows06:07
mrmanicthere are a few annoying quirks about kubuntu, but no real showstoppers that I've found.06:07
_nate_sleepingchoop: but kubuntu isn't really "unstable" in the truest sense, it just has a few quirks06:07
=== choop dons asbestos cloak
shivno luck06:07
choopshe's aware that the next couple weeks are going to be volatile as far as the OS goes.06:08
_nate_sleepingmrmanic: quirks for us = OH MAN SOMETHINGS BROKEN06:08
_nate_sleepingfor others06:08
_nate_sleepingchoop: get macosx theme for gnome06:08
_nate_sleepingchoop: it looks exactly like it06:08
_nate_sleepingmore or less06:08
choopneither of us is a mac user.06:08
_nate_sleepingoh, thought she new MacOS06:09
choop*that* is what i'm worried about06:09
_nate_sleepingoh, once you get everything installed that you're gonna use, its easy as pie06:09
choopno, she doesn't know the difference between mac and linux, because we've been win2k for years06:09
_nate_sleepingmost linux users like to fiddle and try things and change all the time though06:10
_nate_sleepingso thats when linux gets more difficult to use06:10
chooptook me months to get windows the way i liked it. i imagine it's going to be a lot of fun getting linux to the same point06:10
mrmanicchoop: that's the right attitude06:10
mrmanicchoop: I did the same thing06:10
_nate_sleepingchoop: yeah, you won't stop, it'll get really addicting.  Your wife is gonna miss you06:11
choopwell, i've been exposed to linux for a few years, but only on the web servers at my offices06:11
_nate_sleepingchoop: mine does06:11
mrmanicchoop: tried windowblinds, litestep, etc, trying to get windows working just right.  then I realized what I really wanted was linux.06:11
choopplus, my dad's an instructor for IBM: both aix and redhat06:11
_nate_sleepingmrmanic: so true, so true06:11
choopmrmanic: tried all those. i'm sure linux is what i'm looking for.06:12
_nate_sleepingchoop: well, you picked a good version of linux to start with06:12
choopi just need an easy and reliable distro06:12
_nate_sleepingchoop: I started with Fedora Core 1, and man oh man was that a nightmare06:12
choopshould i mention that i've been a slashdot lurker since like 98?06:12
mrmanicdebian-based distros are easy and often reliable.06:12
choopi heard fc1 was terrible06:12
_nate_sleepingand you haven't used linux?06:12
_nate_sleepingi wanna try gentoo06:12
_nate_sleepingfor the challenge06:12
choopno. never had the space or ability to make a dual-boot system, nor the opportunity to move from windows06:13
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_nate_sleepingahh, i see06:13
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choopnow that i'm consulting, however, and have a laptop given me by the company i contract to... :D06:13
mrmanicchoop: I'd recommend giving kubuntu a try.  Either kubuntu or linspire.06:13
Ken-Oh-KiHow to share my connection?06:14
choopwell, i've already downloaded 160M of the AMD install iso06:14
chooplord i wish i had a beer06:15
mrmanicKen-Oh-Ki: if you don't get any answers, try googling.  06:15
mrmanicKen-Oh-Ki: that's what I do, it works great for me.06:15
choopor try #ubuntu06:15
_nate_sleepingKen-Oh-Ki: Wish I could help06:15
choopi couldn't get knoppix to recognize my ethernet card. it could see it, but it couldn't use it.06:16
choopany ideas?06:16
choopi might have to go through the same thing with kubuntu...06:16
chooprunning off liveCD, couldn't get the driver06:16
kakaltoI tried knoppix, but it didn't have the driver for my ethernet card, so I couldn't get internet06:16
choopno network connection, couldn't apt-get06:17
choophow's kubuntu's list of drivers?06:18
choopfunny thing is, it's an 8139, and modprobe 8139too didn't see it06:18
chooplook at me talking like i know what i'm saying06:18
choopi had some fantastic help in the #knoppix channel06:18
mrmanicway to talk the talk06:18
Ken-Oh-Kimrmanic: Im doind it...06:18
mrmanicit works in windows?06:19
choopwin2k, no extra driver disk06:19
mrmanicI would have figured the driver would be in the kernal06:19
choopi think it's manufactured by the "Generic" company06:19
Ken-Oh-KiWhat "sudo iptables -t nat -L" should do?06:19
choopthey make a lot of stuff!06:19
_nate_sleepingsometimes stuff doesn't work on the live cd but works on the full install, just something i've experienced06:20
_nate_sleepingseriously, i need to go to bed06:21
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mrmanicchoop: you might need to mess with some of the module configuration files to get the module to load 06:23
mrmanicI need to go to bed too06:23
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Ken-Oh-KiWhat "sudo iptables -t nat -L" should do?06:23
Ken-Oh-KiI think I'll go sleep06:26
choopthey've gone to bed. i'm a noob. try google, and good luck.06:26
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bisleyanyone have problems with source http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security06:35
bisleysometimes apt-get update report bzip failed and others say md5sum seems different06:36
bisleyor something like this06:36
lukedo you need the source repositries?06:38
bisleyif you have good repositories? send me ;)06:38
lukejust don't use the source repositries. thats what I do06:39
bisleyreally dont use source repositories, i mean deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security main restricted multiverse universe06:41
bisleyfor binaries not sources06:41
bisleyi try to explain that apt-get update cannot download Packages.gz from security.ubuntu.com main06:42
bisleybecause says that md5sum is different06:43
bisleyanyone have the same issue?06:43
lukeguess not. try in ubuntu06:48
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gp_aaroninstalling kunbuntu-desktop ontop of ubuntu will not replace gnome correct?06:49
gp_aaroni will have kde and gnome?06:49
lukethats right06:50
gp_aaronand it is kde 3.406:50
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Diablo-D3I wonder what the name of the programming meta package is06:57
Diablo-D3theres a meta package that requires gcc, make, autotools, etc07:06
Diablo-D3and I cant remember the name of it is07:06
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transgresshey luke can you do me a favor and tell Diablo-D3 i said it's build-essential or build-essentials07:11
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lukeok, but why can't you07:11
transgresshe has me on ignore07:12
transgressbecause i told him what a dipshit asshat he was07:12
luke Diablo-D3: transgress said it's build-essential or build-essentials07:12
lukeno problem:)07:13
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lukehow can I restart klauncher?07:54
transgressklauncher & ?07:55
transgressafter killall klauncher07:55
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lukeit says it's started automatically by kdeinit07:56
transgressrestart kdeinit then07:58
Diablo-D3something involving dcopsomething07:58
lukeyeah thats the one diablo-d308:00
=== Diablo-D3 doesnt have kde installed yet so he cant check
transgressnot to mention you really suck.08:00
lukeis there a command that will show me the processors?08:01
transgressps aux08:01
transgresswait processors or processes?08:01
Diablo-D3cat /sys/cpuinfo ?08:01
lukeis there a command that will show me the processes08:02
transgresscat /proc/cpuinfo08:02
Diablo-D3er, /proc/cpuinfo08:02
transgressyeah that's ps aux08:02
transgressor pstree -p is handier08:02
Diablo-D3ps ax?08:02
lukeok thanks08:02
lukewait I'll just restart my desktop..08:02
Diablo-D3theres always that08:02
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lukeok, so I just killed all my kde config I think08:06
transgresshow'd you do that?08:07
transgressi killed a midget once08:07
lukeI didn't kill it I just moved everything in my home directory into my desktop folder, even the hidden files08:08
transgresskillall midget08:08
transgressoh god08:08
transgressthat has to suck08:08
lukeI'll brb08:08
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lukeok all beter. 08:14
lukein control center > system admin > paths > autostart path, whats the right dir for that?08:15
lukecool thans08:15
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snowcrashjava works fine now as well :)09:13
luke_java on firefox?09:13
snowcrashjava 1.509:17
snowcrashyeah on firefox as well 09:17
snowcrashi had some problems with it yesterday09:17
snowcrashbut found a solution 09:17
snowcrashbut now i have to install j2me :/09:18
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luke_ok. how do you get java working on firefox? it doesn't for me, and it wont install the plugin09:18
kakaltocould anyone help? I need a particular dev package for compiling something, but I can't find the package in any repos, on google or anything09:20
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snowcrashluke it just installed the plug in 09:22
snowcrashi mean i installed one 09:22
snowcrashseperate one 09:22
snowcrashfound it in the multiverse i guess09:22
luke_what was the name of the package you installed?09:23
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luke_great, thanks09:25
snowcrashhmm i renamed the j2me.... --- .bin 09:26
snowcrashto j2me.bin 09:26
snowcrashthen i started the console with sudo j2me.bin 09:26
snowcrashis that right to execute the .bin ?09:26
luke_don't know09:27
snowcrashi need to make it executeable before right ?09:28
snowcrashhow can i start a .bin ?09:33
kakalto"./program.bin", isn't it?09:34
kakaltofrom the folder it's in09:34
snowcrashdoesnt work 09:34
snowcrashit says 09:34
snowcrashits no problem if i rename it, isnt it ?09:35
snowcrashwell it says bash: j2me.bin: command not found09:37
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Jd101anybody knows if kubuntu will get kde 3.4.x bug fix releases? ( kde 3.4.1 , kde 3.4.2 ...)09:45
snowcrashsnowcrash@ubuntu:~/download$ /j2me.bin09:45
snowcrashbash: /j2me.bin: No such file or directory09:45
snowcrashhmm strange :) 09:51
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snowcrashah 09:55
snowcrashits ./j2me.bin09:55
snowcrashdamn 09:55
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snowcrashwhats the difference between ./ and plain /09:58
AzMoosnowcrash, ./ means current directory, / means root directory.09:58
snowcrashah damn yes09:59
snowcrashok thnx :) 09:59
snowcrashwell im new to linux 09:59
snowcrashhum now it wants to know where it installed the jvm 09:59
snowcrashis there a system search 10:00
snowcrashits not in usr10:00
snowcrashhmm ok grep 10:02
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AzMooHey. Everytime I try to compile a KDE theme, I'm getting the error: "checking for libz... configure: error: not found." Anyone know how to get around this?10:13
\shAzMoo: install the kde* devpackages10:16
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AzMoo\sh, cheers10:24
\shAzMoo: but you should think about a pbuilder env or chroot env for compiling stuff10:24
AzMoo\sh, why's that?10:25
\shAzMoo: u don't want to screw your productive system :)10:32
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F_for_Fraggingcan someone help me with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33528 -> how do i reset alsa and arts to their original/default settings?11:04
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F_for_Fragginghello, is anyone here alive?11:18
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lukehow can you make java work on firefox?12:00
Tm_Tjust install JRE _correctly_ and that's it12:01
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Kejk_PLI found deb packges, w8 a minute12:02
Tm_Tluke: Java Runtime Environment12:03
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Tm_Tluke: same thing what you have to do in windows12:04
lukehow do I install JRE?12:04
Tm_Tehm, donwload package from sun.com and run it12:04
lukegreat, thanks12:06
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lukewhich one should I download for kubuntu?12:08
Kejk_PLadd tis tou your /etc/apt/sources.conf:12:11
Tm_Tthat's one way to do it12:11
Kejk_PLdeb ftp://ftp.uk.linux.org/pub/linux/java/debian/ sarge non-free12:11
Tm_TKejk_PL: you mean sources.list?12:12
Kejk_PLtm_t, yes :-)12:12
Tm_Thmm, still 1.0.2 ...12:12
Kejk_PLI found somewhere 1.5 JRE, but don't remember where...12:13
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Kejk_PLthere are12:15
verden01has anyone with an aaAMD64 got chrot working?12:15
Tm_Thullo there12:15
verden01Hi Tm_T 12:16
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lukefrom http://www.kofeina.net/eloy/debian/ what should I download for kubuntu?12:22
verden01i'm guessing jre12:24
verden01but i'm probably wrong12:24
luketheres no file called jre12:24
verden01sun jre??12:24
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brosiohow could i play mpc file  ?01:00
incubiiwhats an mpc file01:00
Tm_Tif it's file, mplayer plays it01:01
Diablo-D3brosio: you cant01:01
Diablo-D3mplayer does now?01:01
Tm_Tcan't say it plays it correctly though01:01
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=== Diablo-D3 doesnt remember mplayer being able to handle mpc
Tm_Twell, mplayer "player" plays anything01:01
Diablo-D3that made zero sense01:02
Tm_Tyes, fully nonsense01:02
brosionot works01:02
Tm_Thmm, I forgot my morning pills01:02
Diablo-D3brosio: there are no mpc players for linux01:02
brosiolib for xmms01:05
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_buzmaybe i'm somewhat stupid but  i can't find the key combination for insert->object->formula in OO 1.102:08
KaiL_is there one?02:09
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_buzi'd be quite pissed if there wasnt02:11
_buzas i'm trying to write something with lots of formulas02:11
_buzmaybe i should use lyx02:11
_buzmaybe i'll define my own ;)02:14
_buzyaeh that works02:20
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da_bon_bonanyone from india here ?03:00
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rohananyone from india here ?03:09
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TheLegacyi'm planning to install kubuntu next friday on my system. Does it support ATI's x800 chipset?03:12
=== KaiL looks if there's 3D-Support
KaiLat least 2D works03:15
_buzthere should be some binary drivers for 3d support03:16
_buzthem radeons basically got the same driver across them all03:16
TheLegacyi bought this nifty x800xt card, so i thought it would be a waste if it didn't support it :)03:16
_buzit's a waste on linux anyway03:16
_buzlittle amount of games to use it03:16
KaiLX800 != X800XT afair03:16
KaiLat least the "normal" X800 is supported03:17
_buzthen the XT should wokr as well03:17
KaiL"X800 XL" was the problematic one03:18
TheLegacy_buz, got a license of Cedega => games on linux03:18
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_buzdoes that stuff really work that well03:18
TheLegacyi heard it does03:18
_buzimpressive if you think about it03:18
=== KaiL doesn't have the right hardware to test ;)
TheLegacysupported games03:19
=== _buz cant be bothered about games
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KaiLX800 XT is AGP?03:20
_buzi think the X series are all pciE03:20
KaiL400-500 EUR fr a graphics card.....03:21
TheLegacyAGP it is03:21
TheLegacypaid 46003:21
=== KaiL found his Matrox G550 for 100 EUR expensive...
_buzenough crazy people with too much money ;)03:21
KaiL_buz: they only had to much before03:22
TheLegacyspoiled myself with a new system03:22
KaiLwhat do you call new?03:22
TheLegacyathlon64 3500+, 2GB dual channel, sata hd's, benq 19" FP937s+03:23
TheLegacyit was new 1.5 months ago :)03:23
KaiL...and an Asrock-Board below *fg*03:23
_buzmhh i just got an 3000+03:24
_buzand will get the asus a8v for it03:24
_buz(gigabyte nforce3 sucked donkey ass)03:24
TheLegacymine's the ASUS A8V del sckt 93903:26
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KaiL<< Asus K8N-E Deluxe03:26
_buzTheLegacy: what cooler did you put on it?03:26
_buzdoes it have screw mounts for big coolers?03:26
TheLegacynothing fancy so long03:26
_buzthe gigabyte doesnt03:26
_buzwhich is why i send it back03:27
_buzi want to use my thermaltake sonictower03:27
_buzafter all03:27
TheLegacyi stuffed it with 4 fans (2 in, 2 out) and MB has a constant 19C03:27
TheLegacyCPU 27C03:27
KaiLwhat noise is that?03:27
TheLegacynothing :)03:27
_buz4 fans? crazy03:28
TheLegacychieftec maxi matrix case, good isolation03:28
KaiL<<36C for around everything - and only a very very slow rotating CPU fan03:28
_buzmine is gonna have 2 at the very most 03:28
_buzno cpu fan03:28
_buzcpu easily stays below 50 in a friends machine with similar setup03:28
KaiLI don't belive, that your system ist silent03:28
_buzi'm fine with <6503:28
TheLegacyplanning on buying the thermaltake aquarius III liquid cooling set03:29
KaiLwhy that?03:29
_buzi dont want water in my machine03:29
_buzif i would, i'd get the zalman reserator03:29
KaiLoverclocking to 4GHz? ;)03:29
TheLegacyit's a nice box, and after reading some reviews, the results are all around 20C - 25C03:29
_buzwtf would anyone care to cool their cpu to room temperature03:30
_buzthey work perfectly well at 6003:30
TheLegacyi'm a temp-freak03:30
_buzi'm a silence freak :;)03:30
TheLegacyi can't hear my case :)03:30
KaiLmute your music, then you can03:30
=== KaiL can't
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TheLegacysoit, see you guys later maybe03:31
TheLegacygo to go03:31
KaiL<< bequiet-Power supply, disables case fan, cpu fan *should* not work (but seams to do very slow), no other fans03:31
_buzmhh i want a seasonic ss40003:33
_buzbut it doesnt ship in ch03:33
_buzmaybe i'll get the etasis fanless cpu03:33
_buzpsu i mean03:34
KaiLthey aren't always silent (brummmmmmm)03:35
_buzmost are03:36
_buzif they aren't, it's a rma03:36
_buzi'm not paying 110? for a NOT silent psu03:37
_buzmaybe we'll get this one? http://it.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/05/12/1153218&from=rss03:38
_buz1.0.3 didn't get released even tho its security related03:39
KaiLthe fixes are all in a patched one on hoary-security03:41
_buzmhh what version number does it sport03:41
KaiL1.0.2-ubuntu5.1 or so03:42
_buzmhh i think its kinda weird to backport such stuff03:42
crimsunmost of the time it's far easier to backport fixes than to introduce a newer version of a package, since the newer version may (usually?) contains new regressions03:46
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StRHi all04:16
StRanyone here with breezy?04:16
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StRis there anyone here?04:20
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StRahhh!!!  I broke my kde packages.... stupid breezy04:37
StRI get this error....  how can I fix it?04:38
StR  libdbus-1-1: Conflicts: dbus-1 but 0.23.4-0ubuntu3 is to be installed04:38
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RiddellStR: change it to libdbus-qt-1-dev in debian/control04:45
StRRiddell: where is that?04:45
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Riddellwait and I might fix it for you :)04:45
StRRiddell: how can you fix it for me?04:46
RiddellI might upload a new kdebase, but actually I probably can't if the C++ transition is under way04:46
StRRiddell: what C++ transition?04:47
StRRiddell: dou yo make the kdebase package?04:48
RiddellI make kubuntu04:48
Riddellthe C++ transition to GCC 404:48
ChaoticCoyoteRiddell: Is kubuntu moving to GCC 4?04:49
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StRRiddell: I'm using breezy, but yesterday, I did a dist-upgrade, and my kubuntu-desktop and the konqueror packages were removed04:49
crimsunChaoticCoyote: breezy already uses gcc 4.0, the transition that begins next week is to g++ 4.004:50
sproingieARGH.  dbus upgrade is NOT what i would call graceful04:50
sproingieclusterfuck of dependency hell04:50
ChaoticCoyotecrimsun: You guys might want to wait for 4.0.1. There are some nasty bugs and perfromance regressions in
crimsunChaoticCoyote: never fear, there are competents gcc hackers behind the migration04:51
crimsuncompetent, rather04:51
RiddellChaoticCoyote: it's a cvs version of gcc 404:51
ChaoticCoyotecrimsun: That's good.04:51
ChaoticCoyoteRiddell: Smart move.04:51
Tm_Thello Riddell 04:52
ChaoticCoyote4.0 is going to be great, but the initial release was a bit wonky.04:52
sproingieit's a .0 release, naturally04:52
sproingiei take it not everything has been migrated to dbus-1?04:53
Riddellhello Tm_T 04:58
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Tm_TRiddell: have you noticed that there's no way to apt-get pyKDE ?05:00
Tm_Tpython2.3-kde3: Depends: python2.3-qt3 (< 3.13) but 3.13-4ubuntu2 is to be installed05:00
StRRiddell: my kde does not work now... I don't want to shut down my kde, because I think it will not get up...05:01
StRRiddell: how can I fix it?05:01
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RiddellStR: downgrade to hoary?05:01
_buznot gonna work05:02
_buzyour system won't boot 05:02
_robinhow can I mount an external usb hard disk?05:02
_buzif you do the apt pinning approach anyway05:02
_robinmy system put the icon on m desktop, and I can see the root folders in it, but cannot go further.05:02
RiddellTm_T: yeah, it's broken.  hopefully \sh will have it all fixed up soon enough05:02
StRRiddell: how do I do that:   vim /etc/apt/sources.list  &&  :%s/breezy/hoarry && apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade  ?05:03
RiddellStR: don't think dist-upgrade will work, apt-get install kdebase might05:03
RiddellStR: but if you wait a bit I should have kdebase packages for you05:03
_robinerr well, it does seem to be mountain, as in it's in my media directory, but as soon as I try to go into a directory, it locks.. (or at least doesn't respond)05:03
_robinit doesn't even respond to a ctrl-c05:04
StRRiddell: thanks, I will wait.....05:04
sproingieis it the dbus upgrade that's caused the breakage in breezy?  not everything migrated yet?05:04
Tm_TRiddell: thanks, that is great news :)05:05
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Ken-OhKiCan someone help me with some connection sharing things?05:10
guinsel /quit05:11
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Ken-Oh-KiCan someone help me with a nat configuration?05:28
Ken-Oh-KiWhere are my games? XD05:29
men1out there at the nearby playground05:29
Ken-Oh-KiDamnit >_<05:30
RiddellStR: deb http://dev.kubuntu.org.uk/~jr/kubuntu/breezy/ ./05:32
Ken-Oh-Kihow do I put the kubuntu games in the "start menu"?05:32
Tm_TKen-Oh-Ki: use kappfinder05:32
Tm_TKen-Oh-Ki: and its K-menu ;p05:33
Ken-Oh-Kino game listed...05:34
Tm_Tyou tried kappfinder?05:34
Ken-Oh-Kieyes working XD05:34
Ken-Oh-Kibut only this05:35
Tm_Tand you can allways add manually05:35
Tm_Tsticky fingers05:35
AnglophobeI can't seem to use any kde apps that need root. it keeps rejecting my root password.05:38
Ken-Oh-KiYou'll need to change some config05:38
Anglophobewhich one?05:38
Ken-Oh-Kigo to /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc05:38
Ken-Oh-Kiedit it05:38
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Ken-Oh-Kifind allowrootlogin (something like this) and set true05:39
Ken-Oh-Kithen you can log in kde with root and do whatever you want05:39
Ken-Oh-Kieven f*ck your install05:39
nanomadlol...i think breezy is broken now, isnt it?05:40
Ken-Oh-KiO.o I left the server05:40
Ken-Oh-KiIs squid a proxy program?05:41
Anglophobemy internet on linus also seems to be really slow. any reason why that could be?05:42
Anglophobeerr linux05:42
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srichterhello everyone; kubuntu does not seem to have any of the setup programs that ubuntu comes with, because they are GNome-based05:49
srichterwhat do I need to install to get these setup tools?05:49
nanomadkontrol center isnt useful to u?05:50
Tm_Twtf gimp crashed05:50
srichterI need to manage network connections, X configuration, etc.05:50
srichterthe type of stuff you would find in drakconf or yast2, for example05:51
srichterI already saw that kynaptic is installed, which is nice05:51
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nanomadjust look in kontrol center ---> internet....05:51
srichterok will do (cannot do this right now, since this is a computer for friend)05:52
srichterthanks for the help05:52
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hungerRiddell: Big probs with the new kdebase... or better with the new dbus.06:14
hungerI strongly recommend against logging out after the upgrade...06:15
NToleranceanyone know how to enable mouseover effects on the taskbar?06:16
NTolerancei know that it's possible because i had it working on my last install...but i can't find a setting for it06:16
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TheLegacyhidiehow :)07:11
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_piotrhi all07:26
_piotranybody around from poland07:27
_piotrkonqueror doesnt display polish signs properly07:28
_piotris it a lack of fonts or a problem with konqueror?07:28
TheLegacythink it's a font problem?07:28
KaiL_piotr: in filenames or in menues?07:28
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_piotrKaL: on websites07:30
KaiLthat shouldn't happen07:30
_piotrsome are alright some are not07:31
=== emmanuel [~emmanuel@thom-222.dhcp.umass.edu] has joined #kubuntu
emmanueldude, why KDE 3.4 break everything???!?!07:34
KaiLtry to set a different font as default, maybe there's just one, which doesn't want07:34
NTolerancemaybe it's just because i haven't reinstalled everything07:34
NTolerancebut my new Kubuntu install is much better07:34
NToleranceno problems yet with klaptop07:34
KaiLemmanuel: loke what?07:34
Tm_Thullo folks07:34
_piotrKaiL: ok. under konqueror configuration? or under the whole system07:34
NToleranceor firefox closing when i change the background...07:34
KaiL_piotr: konq07:34
emmanuelKaiL, all icons in tackbar missing07:34
NToleranceseems like after the kdelibs bug hits you it might be best to format07:34
KaiLhttp://moba.linuxfaqs.de/kdelibs-debug.sh << NTolerance, or use this script :)07:35
KaiLsame for emmanuel  :)07:35
NTolerancei did07:35
NTolerancebut my install was still borked afterwards...had lots of problems07:35
emmanuelKaiL, but it is already broken!  wtf, everything has been broken07:35
NTolerancemaybe it was another application...i hope not07:35
emmanueli cant go back, is there sytem restore for Kubuntu?07:36
KaiLemmanuel: and this fixes everything07:36
KaiL(except the icons in the panel, you need to fix them manually)07:36
emmanuelKaiL, even if my icons are already gone?07:36
emmanuelthats dumb -- is there a way to avoid that?07:36
KaiLget somebody to upload a kdelibs package, which does NOT delete /etc/kderc :)07:37
KaiLkdelibs4 to be exact07:37
_piotrKaiL: do you mean to set another standard font? cause this doesnt change it anyway07:38
KaiL_piotr: yes, hoped to07:38
_piotrthe font..07:38
emmanuelKaiL, where is Sytem Restore!?!?!07:38
emmanueli want to go back to before it broke07:38
KaiLthe script is (more or less)07:38
_piotrbesides that its nice07:39
emmanuelKaiL, it is asking for CD, dont have it07:39
_piotronly it would be nice if the installation configured fstab automatically07:39
_piotrits ages ago when I changed that manually :D07:39
KaiLemmanuel: comment out the first line in /etc/apt/sources.list07:39
KaiL_piotr: planned for next version :)07:40
emmanuelKaiL, where is System Restore?07:40
_piotrKaiL: so shall I fill a bug in regard of the font problem.. I will try some texts under openoffice first07:40
KaiL_piotr: uhm, yes07:41
_piotrKaiL: but I didnt install any polish packages cause Im here in Vienna and using german as my main language07:41
_piotrso maybe this will fix it07:41
KaiLthat's imho no excuse07:41
KaiLdo you have an example URL, where it breaks?07:42
KaiLemmanuel: good idea for a feature in some future version07:42
KaiL..maybe one day a full system backup (or why now several?) will be no problem on your hd *g*07:43
_piotrKaiL: its all URLs07:43
_piotrI thought that it was a matter of encodings07:43
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_piotrKaiL:but I changed to middle eastern Iso 8859-2 and it didnt change07:44
KaiLI don't use that must polish websites :)07:44
KaiLyou only see some "box" as the characters?07:45
KaiLor useless rubbish?07:45
_piotrKaiL: what the plugin directory for konqui; I installed flash-non free but konqueror doesnt use it07:45
_piotronly a box07:45
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_piotrbut 2 signs work.. 07:45
KaiLso it's a font issue, no encoding07:45
_piotroh yes.. sure07:46
KaiLplugins: konq -> settings -> configure07:46
KaiLscroll down on the left -> plugins ->search for new plugins (you might want to set the automation there)07:46
_piotrthats very nice; forgot about it07:47
_piotrkde 3.4 is the first kde release which I like07:47
_piotrcause its faster at last07:47
NTolerancei love everything about kde 3.4 except the bugs07:47
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NTolerancei installed gnome the other day and was reminded of how terrible it was07:48
KaiLabout the bugs don't forget, that this is the very first release of kubuntu and until now, everything possible went in it's way (UDU, gcc4.0, subversion un kde.org...)07:49
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_piotrNTolerance: got it for 2-3 hours and didnt come across any bug so far.. so its better thatn kde 3.0 3.1 3.2 and so on :)07:51
_piotrwell.. besides the font issue :)07:51
_piotrKaiL: will you add oo 2.0 with the next release?07:52
KaiLyou can already install it, if you are crazy enough ;:)07:53
_piotrKaiL: polish fonts look beautiful under oo 1.1 maybe better than on windows07:53
KaiLpackage name openoffice.org207:53
_piotrKaiL: I got it on w2k and its alright07:53
_piotrat least faster07:54
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KaiLKen-OhKi: am I allowed to say, that I dislike your username?07:54
Ken-OhKi KaiL : Only if you say the reason too07:54
Ken-OhKi(sorry... it wasn't set to send colors)07:55
StRRiddell: are you there?07:55
KaiLKen-OhKi: it reminds me of something, I don't need a daily reminder for07:55
_piotrKaiL: what do I need for kopete with jabber in ssl mode?07:55
_piotris there a tls package for kopete?07:56
StRanyone using breezy?07:57
Tm_TKen-OhKi: uuh, luvli colors (NOT) ;)07:57
Ken-OhKiI isn't my fault!07:57
Ken-OhKiThis script is mad07:57
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Tm_TKen-OhKi: don't use scripts07:58
Ken-OhKibrb (fixing a shame that I did)07:59
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StRI'm still having  "libdbus-1-1: Conflicts: dbus-1 but 0.23.4-0ubuntu3 is to be installed"   problem with breezy08:00
Ken-OhKican someone help me with connection sharin?08:00
StRKen-OhKi: sharing your folders with other kubuntu machines?08:02
Ken-OhKiinternet sharing08:02
StRKen-OhKi: ahh.. with iptables?08:02
Ken-OhKiwell, eht0 has a PPPOE connecton, eth1 is connected to a win98 machine. I want this machine online on the web08:03
Zecrazytuxi have chosen once the "console" in the logging graphical interface and now i' can't reboot, switch off my computer, i can only return in console08:04
Zecrazytuxi xant to return on the graphical interface to logging in08:04
Zecrazytuxeven when the pc boots08:04
Zecrazytuxhow can i made it please  ?08:05
uniqken-ohki: install a program called guidedog, it's a nice helper to configure connection sharing.08:06
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StRahhh!!!!     y need to set up my breezy again  :(08:06
KaiLStR: ?08:06
StRKaiL: hi  :)08:07
KaiLdeb http://dev.kubuntu.org.uk/~jr/kubuntu/breezy/ ./ << files will be in breezy soon08:07
StRKaiL: so.. I should add that to my sources list, then apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade?08:08
KaiLfor now yes08:09
KaiLor just wait some hours ;)08:09
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StRKaiL: those are your packages?08:09
StRKaiL: ahh ok08:10
Ken-OhKiHey, can someone tell me if my quit msg was '*flushed*'?08:10
KaiLbe warned: media:/ does everythink, but not work08:10
KaiLKen-OhKi: there was no message, as that was only /part, not /quit ;)08:10
alejandroKaiL: what changes have jr packages?08:10
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Ken-OhKiHey, can someone tell me if my quit msg was '*flushed*'?08:11
KaiLalejandro: they doesn't get removed with latest dbus/hal updates in breezy08:11
KaiL<-- Ken-OhKi has quit (Client Quit)08:11
Ken-OhKiAt least that thing was gone?08:11
Ken-OhKibetter ^^08:12
Ken-OhKiLater I'll make a mIRC Konversation - *NIX Style08:12
Ken-OhKifor win08:12
Ken-OhKino colors XD08:12
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Ken-OhKican someone help me to share my internet connection?08:15
Ken-OhKiProbably with a NAT08:15
KaiLapt-get install ipmasq08:15
uniqken-ohki: install a program called guidedog, it's a nice helper to configure connection sharing.08:15
=== KaiL likes to do things the easy way
uniqit's in the universe repository.. 08:16
=== Ken-OhKi too
Ken-OhKihow do I install 'guidedog'?08:16
Ken-OhKiapt-get too?08:16
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uniqmake sure you've enabled universe.08:17
KaiL...there's his quit msg again...08:17
StRKaiL: quit msgs are not allowd here?08:18
KaiLread the content...08:18
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anglophobethis is funny, my system works great when I use the liveCD, but when I install kubutntu, it doesn't work well.08:33
KaiLwhat doesn't work?08:34
anglophobeon an install my wireless barely works, and my external hd locks up, but with the live cd everything is hunky dory.08:34
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anglophobeoff the live cd, everything just works.08:34
anglophobelast time I tried the install it was saying /sbin/ifup couldn't read /etc/network/interfaces...08:35
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anglophobe(after it was installed and booted up. the wireless wouldn't grab an ip)08:35
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anglophobeany ideas?08:38
anglophobecould my install cd be bad?08:38
anglophobe(every time I install something different doesn't work)08:38
bluszczwhats the problem anglophobe ?08:40
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sirukinmaybe you just stink with computers.08:40
anglophobecould be...08:41
_buzmaybe your hardware is faulty08:41
anglophobebasically the kubuntu livecd woprks great with my system. the install cd less so.08:41
_buzmight be the cd08:41
_buzmake an image outof the cd and check the md5 sums08:41
anglophobepossible. windows was working fine before, but I've had hardware not work in one or the other beofre.. (usually works in llinux and not in windows though..)08:41
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anglophobethere an md5 checker installed with kubuntu?08:42
bluszczanglophobe: md5sum08:44
anglophobewhats the best way to make an img off a cd in linux?08:44
_buzwhat is the reason for those security backports against firefox?08:45
_buzinstead of plainly updating it mean08:45
bluszczanglophobe: dd08:47
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Ken-Oh-KiYay! *Nix style!08:51
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Ken-Oh-KiNow, I couldn't install ipmasq neither guidedog08:52
Ken-Oh-Kiso.. what do I do?08:52
uniqken-oh-ki: http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories08:54
uniqfollow it, and try again.08:54
Ken-Oh-Kihow do I mount my Win partitions?08:56
amu_buz: the policy, just upgrading brings probably a lot of depends problem 08:56
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QrXhi all09:00
QrXcan someone help a newbie in installing 3d drivers ?09:02
F_for_Fraggingi can help you09:05
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F_for_Fraggingone moment09:06
F_for_Fraggingsomewhere there should be an answer on how to install the nvidia drivers09:07
F_for_Fraggingthis one09:07
QrXok nice09:07
F_for_Fraggingit's very easy09:07
QrXi ll check that09:08
QrXi hope :)09:08
F_for_Fraggingbut now i need some help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=169364 -> somehow I'm getting stereo sound though the rear speakers of my 5.1 speakerset09:08
Tm_Tsmouche: ping09:09
Ken-Oh-KiAracnofobia is a very sick movie...09:15
F_for_Fraggingcan someone help me with my sound problem? -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=16936409:16
Ken-Oh-Kiwhere can I find some help about Guide Dog?09:18
amuF_for_Fragging: removig your default kaffeine stetting rm ~/.kde/share/config/kaffeinerc09:20
F_for_Fraggingamu: thanks, I already tried removing the kaffeine settings file from my home dir, but that didn't work, I'll try what you suggested09:22
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F_for_Fraggingamu: however the problem also occurs in apps other than kaffeine, like amaroK, and in games like Enemy Territory09:23
amuF_for_Fragging: you can rename it and restart, than run a diff and you see the differences :)   09:24
F_for_Fraggingamu: what do you exactly mean? sorry but I don't understand your last sentence09:24
QrXnice all 3d is working well atm also nvidai settings :p09:24
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amuF_for_Fragging: instead of removing the file rename it. If you start kaffeine again, a new config file will be created. Now you can compare both files  09:26
F_for_Fraggingamu: ok thanks, I'll try09:27
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muempfis there a chance to get "dvdrip" on kubuntu 5.0409:30
Tm_Thmm, why not09:30
Tm_Tapt-get it / compile it09:30
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alleemuempf: is really easy.  Tm_T will be lucky to explain it ;) *duck*09:31
_buzyou cant apt-get it09:31
_buzThe following packages have unmet dependencies:09:31
_buz  dvdrip: Depends: transcode (>= 2:0.6.14) but it is not installable09:31
_buzE: Broken packages09:31
muempfhm, with apt-get i have a lot of problems with dependencies09:31
_buzbut some people claim that dvdshrink works within wine09:31
allee_buz: apt-get source dvdrip09:31
muempfno wine09:32
_buzpersonally, i couldnt ever get wine to run09:32
allee_buz: sudo apt-get build-dep dvdrip09:32
F_for_Fraggingamu: nope, it's not working, i suspect that the problem lies in my alsa configuration09:32
_buztell that muempf09:32
alleecd dvdrip-x-y; debuild 09:32
_buzi'd use dvsdhrink in vmware  myself ;)09:32
amuF_for_Fragging: looks like, or you defined some desktop-keys 09:33
muempfhm so i have to build it from sources09:33
F_for_Fraggingamu: desktop keys?09:33
amuF_for_Fragging: from kdeaccessability ... 09:35
alleemuempf: did you check backports archive?09:35
F_for_Fraggingamu: no, I didn't09:36
F_for_Fraggingamu: in the topic http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=169364 i gave a detailed problem description09:36
amuF_for_Fragging: as i remember there's a possibility to set custom key bindings .. well it could be also i missunderstood this ;)   09:37
F_for_Fraggingamu: basiccally i was watching a video file in kaffeine, accidentally pushed the mute key, pushed it again to unmute, but after that this problem i have now occured, system wide09:37
Ken-Oh-KiCan someone help me with Guidedog configuration?09:37
F_for_Fraggingamu: i also tried to create a new user, and with that user i had the same problem, so doubt it is my user's kaffeine config09:37
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spiralououuups... Who broke kde in breezy ?09:39
F_for_Fraggingamu: thanks for your help though09:40
amustange, sorry, never tried/tested AC3 09:41
F_for_Fraggingamu: the problem isn't with AC-3, somehow I'm getting stereo sound though my rear speakers only09:42
F_for_Fraggingi mean through09:42
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amudid you tried to set some defaults with kmix ? 09:43
F_for_FraggingI deleted my KMix config in my home dir, after that it was reset to defaults, but it didn't make any difference09:44
alleeKen-Oh-Ki: what's the problem?09:45
amudid you tested the liveCD ? 09:45
amuit's a audigy I or II ? 09:46
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F_for_Fraggingon the liveCD I didn't have any problems at all with the sound, in my topic I also wrote that after the install of Kubuntu my sound was working fine for some weeks until this accident happened09:46
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F_for_FraggingSoundblaster Audigy Player09:46
F_for_FraggingAudigy 109:47
F_for_FraggingI'm sure that the problem is software related09:48
amugot some ears ago in trouble with a II, but now the driver is stable, what happen if you change from xine-enine from arts to oss or to auto  09:48
amuears/years even09:48
F_for_Fragginghow do i change engines? in the control center module? it's set on auto there09:49
amuit's a 6.1 but never got it full working, 5.1 no problem :) 09:49
amuconfig kaffeine ...  on the left you see engine 09:50
amuconfig from the menu 09:51
F_for_Fraggingif I open Kaffeine -> Settings -> Configure Kaffeine I only see Behaviour Appearence and Misc?09:53
amusettings, xine engine parameters09:56
amuright site you can choose the driver 09:56
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F_for_Fraggingok I experimented with oss, alsa and auto, but it didn't change anything09:59
F_for_FraggingI can still only hear the stereo sound through my rear speakers09:59
amuthe othe are not set ? 10:00
amugrr 10:00
amuhe other speakers are not set ? 10:00
F_for_Fraggingif I want to play a video file or game with stereo sound i can only hear it through my two rear speakers, if I play AC-3 though all my speakers are used10:01
amupased you a example script ... you can find out from the kenel modules and proc about the names.   10:01
amuthan just echo them 10:01
Ken-Oh-Ki./firefox-installer-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:01
Ken-Oh-KiWhat do I do?10:02
amuamixer sset "PCM Surround" 70% > /dev/null 2>&1 &10:02
amuamixer sset "PCM Center" 70% > /dev/null 2>&1 &10:02
amuand so on 10:02
F_for_Fraggingamu: sorry but I'm not an expert in this10:03
F_for_Fragginghow do i find out from the kernel modules and proc?10:03
F_for_Fraggingi was thinking if there is a way to reconfigure alsa or set it back to it's defaults?10:04
amuless /proc/asound/10:04
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amuyou see some infos about the card there, i'm not sure if you see the names10:04
amuwith strings emu10k you see them also  10:05
F_for_Fraggingamu, /proc/asound/ is a directory, i assume you meant ls instead of less?10:05
amuit goes on ... /proc/asound/oss or /proc/asound/card0 ... 10:06
F_for_FraggingI can see card0 there10:07
amuemu10k1 10:07
F_for_Fraggingand in /proc/asound/card0 i can see a file called emu10k110:07
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amuok, now find the modules it must be under /lib/modules/2.6.10.../kernel/sound/ 10:09
amuthan a strings emu10k1 |more 10:09
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F_for_Fraggingcore  drivers  i2c  isa  oss  pci  pcmcia  soundcore.ko  synth  usb -> are the contents of /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/sound10:10
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amuamu@devel:~/.kde$ strings /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/sound/pci/emu10k1/snd-emu10k1.ko |more10:12
Ken-Oh-KiGod... it's hard to get info here10:12
amuKen-Oh-Ki: probably noone will help you, if you install software from somewhere and it doesnt work ...  10:14
F_for_Fraggingok, and what do i do now with that file?10:14
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Ken-Oh-KiI was just trying to make FF work here10:15
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Ken-Oh-Kibut what I really want is make the proxy work10:16
amuF_for_Fragging: you find some detailted infos about your driver and soundcard. hold on i'll search for a easier way 10:16
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alleeKen-Oh-Ki: I asked already what the problem is.  But I have not tried FF yet and right now only one computer so FF is hard to test ;)10:21
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alleeKen-Oh-Ki: What do you want to proxy?10:23
Ken-Oh-KiI want to share my internet connection10:24
Ken-Oh-Kieth0 has the internet, eth1 has the another computer10:24
Ken-Oh-KiI tried http://www.netfilter.org/documentation/HOWTO/NAT-HOWTO-4.html and Guide Dog, but nothing happened10:24
alleeKen-Oh-Ki: me too ;)  I guidedog, enable routing, add new address: network of eth1, eg  Press okay.10:25
alleeKen-Oh-Ki: ah, and rsync /etc/resolv.conf on the router to all other clients in the net  (need to be done after every ifup eth0 or find some10:27
alleeNS you can always use, from work e.g.)10:27
alleeOr install a caching name daemon like pdnsd10:27
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F_for_Fraggingamu: are you still there?10:29
F_for_Fraggingamu: ok, what do i have to do know?10:33
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amuF_for_Fragging: nice description what is what ... as i remember there was a gui if you want set them. the other way is you know now the names and you can set them   10:35
F_for_Fraggingbut you are saying I should change some settings in the files you pointed me to?10:37
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zecrazytuxCTRL-ALT-F1 to open the console mode, and then how can i shut X down ?10:39
amuF_for_Fragging: yep i showed them you before ... 10:39
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F_for_Fraggingamu: I think I can figure it out myself from here on, I have to go now it's getting late. thanks a lot for taking the time to help me10:40
amuF_for_Fragging: did you tried with alsamixer to change some of them? 10:40
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amusorry but i can remember excatly, it was 3 years ago, since i tried it :) but with that imput you should be able to change your values  10:42
F_for_FraggingI'll try out to max out all the channels there and see if that works10:43
F_for_Fraggingnope, still no luck10:45
F_for_Fraggingbut I have to go now, thanks for all your help10:45
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amaroim not sure if this is an issue with KDE or ubuntu...10:46
amarobut a lot of times when I type CTRL-s10:46
amarothe letter 's' appears10:46
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mischkoWith kubuntu, can I run Gnome applications?10:55
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pussfellermischko, yes10:57
pussfelleryou still need to fetch them of course10:57
mischkobut gnome is installed?10:57
pussfellerno you have to install it10:58
mischkoSo the main difference between kubuntu and ubuntu is KDE vs. Gnome?10:58
pussfellerexact difference10:59
mischkook.  Thanks for the info.10:59
pussfellerthe gnome version is more fleshed out at this point....10:59
mischkoI've got VMWare.  I'll probably install both of them.11:01
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delltonyquestion: i'm running  a lappy with kubuntu 5.04 and all seems fine but here is an issue i have been strugglin with. when my computer is left idle it kills the monitor of course. and when i hit the mouse all comes back to life. here is the problem though. when it comes back to life it seems to sluggish as crap. meaning applications run slow. refresh is slow as if the processor is laggin. i ran top and can't really determine "lack o11:17
delltonyf knowledge i guess" what the issue could be. Not sure if its a process the cpu overheating bad modules or what. help would be appreciated11:17
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TayloRHey all, quick question, how would i go about formatting a storage drive i have in my pc, its a hdd completly seperate to that with the kubuntu install on it.. also what would be the best format to have a stroage drive in? ext2?11:22
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Sander__delltony, when you say goes to sleep do you mean suspend?11:23
delltonywell i don't really think its supending 11:23
mischkodelltony, I've had things go slow when a laptop resumes also. Try downing and upping your network connections.11:23
delltonyit might well be but i dont' think so11:23
delltonyand they will speed up the other aps and cpu lag?11:24
Sander__I've heard stories about suspend, even once it's working, I think it still has issues.11:24
delltonywell how can i disable it if enabled11:24
delltonyi honestly thought it was disabled cause i thought ubuntu did that noapci11:24
delltonyor whatever11:24
mischkodelltony, not sure.  Try checking out apmd11:25
TayloRno one know how to format via terminal or some other means?11:25
delltonyand mount the drive 11:25
TayloRdrives already mounted, just type fdisk?11:25
TayloRdo i need the live cd or anything in to do fdisk?11:26
delltonyyou can uset he live cd to do it thru the parition manager11:26
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delltonybut what i have always done is just the fdisk thing11:26
mischkoTayloR, you'll probably need to mkfs to format it. fdisk does a low level format.11:26
mischkoi.e. mkfs.ext311:26
TayloRahh right 11:26
bluszczsuch a pitty day11:26
TayloRwould ext3 be the best format?11:26
bluszczor xfs, ext3 is too old11:27
TayloRext2 ok?11:27
delltonyi use reiserfs myself11:27
mischkoext2 would not be as good as ext3. ext3 is journalled.11:27
mischkoext3 is old but a good general purpose format.11:27
bluszczmonth ago I tried reiser411:27
TayloRahh ok11:27
TayloRthanks for the info people :)11:27
TayloRreally apprecaite it11:27
TayloR*appreciate 11:28
delltonysee apmd says what i thought no apm support in kernel11:30
delltonyso i am not sure what is going on but its almost as if it hibernated and i need to yank its nuts to get it back to running normal11:30
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darkauditusing k3b... burning a data DVD for use on an XP box... do I need to enable Joliet or Udf in the burn/filesystem tab?11:32
darkauditthx :)11:33
bluszczor use cdrecord11:34
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lukeanyone here tried wormux?11:41
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Diablo-D3bluszcz> or xfs, ext3 is too old11:42
Diablo-D3wtf crack are you on11:42
Diablo-D3ext3 is the recommended file system11:42
bluszczDiablo-D3: I am using jfs11:43
bluszczI don't like ext311:44
Diablo-D3yet, sadly, ext3 is superiour11:44
gdhAnd hey, when XFS / JFS / Reiser shits all over your disk... which FS will give you a decent chance of data recovery?11:45
gdhYep, old faithful :)11:45
Diablo-D3yeah, what gdh said11:46
Diablo-D3ext3 has about 20 years of perfection behnind it11:46
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gdhext3 might not handle billions of files in one dir, etc. - but deal with that, that's what system admin is about11:46
Diablo-D3(please note: ext3 is just ext2 with a journal. You can even field upgrade ext2 filesystems)11:46
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gdhAnyway, a little rant, and now to bed - nna =)11:48
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R0bNycIs Kubuntu or Ubuntu unstable?11:49
Diablo-D3R0bNyc: neither is.11:49
R0bNycstable ?11:49
Diablo-D3kubuntu is just ubuntu with kubuntu-desktop installed by default, btw11:50
Diablo-D3ubuntu only has stable right now11:50
R0bNycso if u have ubuntu and u get kde ur using ubuntu, and if u use kubuntu and then get gnome ur still using kubuntu ?11:51
Diablo-D3breezy is supposed to be unstable, but its _really_ unstable, you cant even run it11:51
Diablo-D3not quite, if you install either ubuntu or kubuntu, you're using ubuntu11:51
\shR0bNyc: the basement is ubuntu...kubtunu is ubuntu base with kubuntu-desktop applied 11:51
R0bNyci heard its stable = outdated 11:51
\shubuntu == ubuntu-basement with ubuntu-desktop == gnome applid11:52
Diablo-D3stable = outdated applies to debian11:52
Diablo-D3ubuntu's stable is about where debian's testing is11:52
Diablo-D3and btw, on either ubuntu or kubuntu, you can install both ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop11:52
R0bNycso whats the difference then lol11:53
Diablo-D3the difference is just whats installed by default11:53
\shR0bNyc: it's working11:53
Diablo-D3its all the same distro11:53
R0bNyc\sh, is working ?11:53
\shR0bNyc: yes, install it, and work with it...it's just working11:54
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R0bNycI notice a friend of mine has kubuntu , and I think hes oudated xchat 2.4.1 11:54
Diablo-D32.4.1 isnt outdated11:54
bergflohhi, what can i do, if the installation of grub and lilo fails at installation time? is there a way to boot the hd with the installation cdrom? i need to boot /vmlinuz from /dev/hda1 with kernel parameter root=/dev/hda111:56
Diablo-D3bergfloh: er, oh boy11:56
Diablo-D3bergfloh: it should never fail to begin with11:56
bergflohyes, but it has already failed11:57
Diablo-D3you should try figuring out why it failed11:57
Diablo-D3thats a pretty serious problem11:57
Diablo-D3bergfloh: ubuntu is supposed to be a distro thats easy to install and use...11:58
Diablo-D3it seems to have failed you in that respect =/11:58
R0bNycDiablo-D3, 2.4.1 is outdated to me11:58
Diablo-D3bergfloh: what hardware are you on?11:58
R0bNyc2.4.3 is not11:58
bergfloheverything else worked (there were no other error messages), so the system should be there and i should be able to start it, i just have to start /vmlinuz...11:58
Diablo-D3R0bNyc: 2 point releases does not make it outdated11:58
bergflohDiablo-D3: it's a crappy laptop11:58
Diablo-D3bergfloh: that... could explain it11:58
R0bNyckde 3.3 is outdated to me, 3.4 is not :) 11:59
Diablo-D3crappy laptops hate linux11:59
Diablo-D3they also hate you, the world, and themselves11:59
bergflohDiablo-D3: there was kanotix with grub on it before.11:59
Diablo-D3R0bNyc: specifically, those two point releases havent added anything critical11:59
=== kay [~kay@p54A39B59.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
bergflohDiablo-D3: grub is still in the mbr11:59
Diablo-D3bergfloh: mwhahah. Dunno whats going on11:59
R0bNycI can have ubuntu being sid ?12:00
Diablo-D3bergfloh: and grub is no worky?12:00
Diablo-D3R0bNyc: you can crossgrade a sid machine to ubuntu12:00
bergflohDiablo-D3: of course not, because there is no second boot loader... ;-)12:00
Diablo-D3bergfloh: er, right.12:00
bergflohDiablo-D3: it's just in the mbr, nothing more12:00
R0bNycwhat u mean12:00
Diablo-D3R0bNyc: its not an upgrade or a downgrade, so its a cross grade12:01
R0bNycmixed is not good12:01
Diablo-D3bergfloh: blah. Is there anything on the disk you want?12:01
kaywon't be mixed12:01
Diablo-D3yeah, mixed isnt good12:01
kayR0bNyc: I have made good experience with it12:01

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