
mdzinfinity: would smbfs add any other new packages to standard?12:09
=== melodie [~melodie@dyn-213-36-9-197.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
melodiedoes apt-authentication exist for Multiverse and Universe packages exist ? if yes where to find auth. keys  plse ?12:23
crimsunyes, same key used for main restricted12:24
melodiebut not for other repositories I suppose ?12:25
melodiesuch as.. backports ? :)12:25
melodiecrimsun: this detail is not written in the docs on the wiki  :)12:26
crimsunmelodie: backports is not at all associated with the official Ubuntu repositories12:27
melodiewhat about adding the info you just gave me ?12:27
melodieI come from here right now:12:27
melodiewho is autorized to add modif and so on ? :)12:28
crimsunanyone with a wiki acct may12:28
melodie'acct' ? (I'm a french newbee :)  )12:29
melodieif someone wants to add in there that the authentication key registered in Synaptic are also Ok for Universe and Multiverse it might be a good thing12:30
melodieno ?12:31
JanCmelodie : everyone can get an account  :-)12:31
JanCso everyone can change12:31
JanCor add more info12:31
melodieJanC: I understand, but12:32
melodieI read on the wiki that crimsun belongs to this one devel team... Universe12:32
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melodiethen I am just a newbie12:32
melodiethen if he tells me the key is valid12:32
crimsunmelodie: that fact is not at all connected with who may modify the page12:32
melodieand ?12:33
crimsunmelodie: I only wrote AptAuthenticationInstructionsForHoary because it became a FAQ. Other people have contributed to the page and have modified it.12:33
melodieok, then I question inverse way: where is it indicated officially about the key being valid for these three repositories ? :)12:34
crimsunmelodie: it's not, but neither universe nor multiverse are supported by Ubuntu.12:35
crimsunfeel free to add the clarification yourself :)12:36
melodiethen how come 12:36
melodie"yes, same key used for main restricted"12:36
melodiecrimsun: I am a serious person12:36
JanCcrimsun : I think she means maybe you should use other keys ?12:37
melodieand wouldn't affirm something I am not absolutely sure 12:37
JanCor at least expected that ?12:37
melodieJanC: I mean: do we need to add keys and if not why ?12:37
crimsunmelodie: I'm sure there was a reason to use the same key for all three repos. mdz/elmo can clarify.12:37
melodieand if yes where and how ?12:38
JanCat the moment the keys are the same, so adding this info to the wiki is okay12:38
melodieare there somewhere archives where I could find confirmation ? that's for a doc I help about12:40
melodiebecause I'm a very interested newbie full with questions and want to give sure answers :)12:40
melodieI looked in many pages in Google12:41
melodieand didn't find anything appropriate 12:41
melodiethat's why I came here :)12:41
dholbachthat's maybe because lots of documentation hasnt been written12:41
crimsunmelodie: currently you'll need to ask mdz, jdub, or elmo. Please note also the output of ,,sudo apt-key list''.12:42
dholbachor mvo12:42
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melodiecrimsun: ok12:42
melodiethanks to all :)12:42
JanCmelodie, I found out that the keys are the same by trying it  ;-)12:43
melodieJanC: did you dl something ? :)12:44
melodiecrimsun: now I know where are these keys in my files :))12:45
dholbachsleep tight everyone12:45
melodiethanks, same to you12:45
JanCyes, since I use Ubuntu for some months  :)12:45
melodiedid you sometimes get reject authentication messages ?12:46
melodieor better said: fail auth...12:47
lamontmelodie/crimsun: the signature is on $DISTRO/Release, which has the md5 and sha1 sums for each of the Packages, Sources, etc files in each of the components in the release.12:48
lamonthence you don't get to choose a diff key for different components (main,restricted,etc), since there's only one file to sign12:49
melodielamont: ok thanks12:51
melodiegood night  :)12:55
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pittinight everybody12:56
Unfrgivenhi all01:20
=== JStrike [~joel@c2-62-1.eno.dial.mweb.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Unfrgivenwho apart from fabbione are on the kernel team? i've found some issues with the 2.6.12 kernel image that i wanted to report01:20
mdkeyou could file bugs in bugzilla01:22
thomUnfrgiven: file bugs, please01:22
Unfrgivenmdke: yeah i can do that. i just wanted to have a quick chat and ask some questions... but i guess i can file the bug first01:22
mdkeUnfrgiven, bugs are easier for people to remember :)01:23
Unfrgivenmdke: fair pojint :)01:23
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=== daniels STARES at his inbox.
daniels4528 ND  May 12 Juanita Lara    (   0) Finally a Patch that works!... gamin02:11
danielsno patch can make that thing work02:11
mtbeedeewhat thing?02:12
=== thom falls off his chair laughing
thomit's definitely time for sleep02:13
danielsnight dude (if you are in fact going to bed)02:15
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zulthen go dammit02:19
thomrock on: http://kerneltrap.org/node/510302:23
=== thom is gona now
lamontright.  time to go get beaten up for a bit.02:31
=== henriquemaia [~henriquem@cb-217-129-175-184.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Nafallohmm, how the hell did the clock turn almost 3?02:58
NafalloI was to sleep early I thought.02:59
Nafallowell, goodnight :-P02:59
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jncyay, evo working again in breezy / amd6403:43
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CarlKdoes anyone care that the matrix screen saver"04:38
CarlKdoes anyone care that the "matrix screen saver" says KNOPPIX.RU at one point?04:38
robitailleCarlK,   it does?  I used that screensaver for a while, but I never noticed.04:41
jsgotangcome neither04:43
=== luis__ [~louie@c-24-61-44-31.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
robitailleinterestingly if you check that web site (knoppix.ru), there is a picture of sadfl  on the main page (in the middle of that long front page)04:43
=== MrKeuner [~kudo@pool-141-157-189-226.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
schweebit's subliminal sabdfl promotion04:44
MrKeunerhi, bittorrent tracker is down.04:45
=== greg [~greg@203-166-245-8.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
greghi guys i did a doggy reinstall of ubuntu over a debian i kept the /home partitoin form debian its all working fine excpept that i would like to import the users from debian to ubuntu witch files should i copy ? i have a ssaved of my debian etc04:46
MrKeuner/etc/passwd and /etc/shadow and home directories with correct user:group infos04:47
Burgundaviagreg, that kind of question belongs in #ubuntu04:47
gregha ok04:48
gregthks !04:48
MrKeunerthat bittorrent which is down is the one at torrent.ubuntu.com04:57
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jdubhrm, anyone have tim morris's email?05:17
jsgotangcothe guy who did the lightning bof?05:18
robitaillejdub,  I think it is  tjlmorris@gmail.com (according to http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/WinningTheDesktop)05:23
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jdubhey robitaille!05:27
jdubthanks :)05:27
jdubrobitaille: i didn't realise you hung out on irc ;)05:28
=== mdz [~mdz@ca-studio-bsr1o-251.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== luis__ is now known as lu|sleep
=== wasabi has implemented his .apt file support
wasabisorta kinda06:01
=== Lathiat waits for the uproar
=== niran [~niran@lucianus.Stanford.EDU] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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jdubmdz: somehow missed your email about -changes, doing now06:39
mdzjdub: thanks06:40
jameshmdz: you were asking me earlier if I had access to PPC?06:41
jameshmdz: I don't.06:42
=== lamont sleeps
fabbionenight lamont06:44
jsgotangcobye lamont 06:45
=== wasabi double clicks on a .apt file
=== wasabi watches software install.
danielselmo: please sync xft06:56
=== djones [~djones@ip68-12-229-212.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
wasabiHuh. So how can you make a .desktop file use gksudo AND pass an argument?06:57
Lathiatyou have to put the command and arguments in quotes i think06:58
wasabithought %u had to be at the end.06:59
wasabiwchih kinda makes that hard06:59
wasabiyeah that basically doesn't work07:00
wasabigues gksudo really needs a -- arg07:01
danielselmo: please sync rpm07:04
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danielselmo: please sync vorbis-tools07:14
wasabigksudo needs a --desktop option.07:20
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=== `anthony [~anthony@ekorp-203-63-137-225.eoff.ekorp.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
danielselmo: please sync tcl8.407:26
Lathiatelmo needs an irc script to sync things for him07:28
=== jdub can't believe elmo accepts sync requests via irc :)
lifelessthe 'I can't believe its not elmo' script07:29
Unfrgivenfabbione: ping?07:29
Unfrgivenim having some issues with the 2.6.12-1 image07:30
Unfrgivennamely ndiswrapper07:30
Unfrgiveni logged a bug. was it a known issue to you?07:30
fabbionebug number?07:31
Unfrgivenfabbione: ill just fetch it07:31
tritiumdaniels, I'm off to bed...07:32
Unfrgivenon the ndiswrapper forums, other people have reported the same problem07:32
Unfrgivenso basically its an upstream problem07:32
Unfrgivenim going to give the release candidate of the next version of ndiswrapper a shot. if you want, i can let you know if it works07:33
fabbionethat's all other than a critical bug07:33
fabbioneyou are reporting a bug on a non-supported kernel and it is ok07:33
fabbionebut only one external feature is broken07:33
fabbionethat's at the best a normal07:33
Unfrgivenapologies... i treated is as a failure of a network device07:34
Unfrgivenone that works fine in the previous kernel release07:34
danielstritium: ok, night dude07:34
fabbioneit will matter after the kernel will be final and in main07:34
fabbionethat will be treated as regression07:34
fabbioneright now it is not07:34
Unfrgivenok sorry about that... im learning more all the time :)07:35
fabbionecritical is when it eats your computer07:35
Unfrgivenhaha ok :)07:35
tritiumdaniels, night.  I think crimsun is in there now, so you're not the only active op07:35
fabbioneUnfrgiven: please add an url to the upstream discussion/reports07:35
fabbionethat will help us to track it07:35
Unfrgivenok ill do that07:35
Unfrgivenhow do you feel about pulling in the release candidate for the next version of ndiswrapper07:36
danielstritium: yeah, we should be alright; cheers07:36
=== Echylo [~echylo@214-187.245.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbioneUnfrgiven: only if it is worth the trouble, since it needs also a userland update07:37
fabbioneotherwise it is pointless07:37
fabbioneand i really don't have the time to worry about userland too07:37
Unfrgivenfabbione: if i build and install the latest ndiswrapper module. when i modprobe, will it pick up the one in /lib/modules or will it get the one from initrd?07:38
fabbionendis is not in the initrd07:38
fabbioneyou can build the module, replace the one in /lib/modules...07:38
fabbionedepmod -a07:38
fabbioneand modprobe it07:39
fabbionethat should do07:39
danielsGNAARR SEB07:40
Unfrgivenfabbione: excellent. thanks. i'll give this a shot when i get home from work and let you know how it goes.07:41
Unfrgivenfabbione: thanks again for your help07:41
=== Safari_Al [~tr@ppp231-201.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Unfrgivenfabbione: oh and by the way i also wanted to say that you're doing an awesome job with the kernel! 2.6.12 is the first kernel that has supported suspend to disk & mem on my laptop07:42
Unfrgivenbreezy is gonna rock!07:43
fabbioneUnfrgiven: well thanks upstream and the other guys :)07:43
fabbionei am only doing the packaging ;)07:43
fabbionebut be aware that until 2.6.12 is final from upstream we are going to break some random stuff here and there07:43
fabbioneto pull in some new features07:44
Unfrgivenfabbione: yeah them too :)07:44
Unfrgivenfabbione: yep i realise. what surprises me is that the kernel autoinstall magic in the menu.lst puts the new kernel as default boot... thats a bit scary07:44
fabbioneif you ask for crack.. you get it :)07:45
Unfrgivenfabbione: one thing that pisses me off about the kernel image autoinstall, is that it blows away my "vga=840" append... can i make it a permanent change?07:46
fabbioneUnfrgiven: if you add it between the lines marked as DO NOT MODIFY.. well you asked for it :)07:46
fabbionei need to check how to do that...07:46
fabbionei don't usually add custom stuff07:47
Unfrgivenframebuffer stuff is very useful though... especially for seeing all the messages during bootup07:47
fabbionethat's not what i questioned :)07:48
Unfrgivenand lots of people need to put stuff like noapic, etc.07:48
fabbionei will check on that.. 07:51
fabbionei need to go offline for 20 minutes or so07:51
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jsgotangcoogra, hey!07:52
`anthonybtw - I've got the CPU scaling working on my dell 5150 laptop (uses a P4M). I needed to manually modprobe speedstep_ich.07:53
=== HrdwrBoB [~matt@bob.is.teh.admin.at.vicnet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbione`anthony: i think you need to bug thom on powernowd08:14
Unfrgiven`anthony: i have the exact same laptop. i had to do the same.08:15
fabbionedaniels: ping?08:15
fabbionedaniels: i need help to setup xorg on this machine: http://www.big-boys.com/pictures/picture1023.html08:15
jdubha ha08:16
danielsfabbione: you're on your own :P08:16
fabbionedaniels: the 4th monitor from the left side is only 99Hz instead of 100Hz and glxgear is only 293287328732 fps !08:16
danielsfabbione: don't use nvidia, then :P08:17
bob2that's a pretty bad benchmark result fro mglxgears08:17
danielsbreezy is still too boring08:17
danielsi wonder if I should drop the /usr/X11R6 -> /usr transition on it tonight08:17
danielsor, at least, the start of it08:17
=== froud [~froud@ndn-165-128-37.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionedaniels: i think it would be wise to let Kamion to deliver the first CD08:18
froudAfrican Greetings, have not been here for awhile. For breezy, if anyone is developing new apps that will need docs for packaging, please can they let me know. Thanks08:18
fabbioneCluster 1 :)08:18
danielsdoes it run on clusters?08:18
fabbioneno.. Cluster of Badgers 08:18
fabbionebut yeah we will soon be able to offer clustering08:19
jsgotangco"What Geeks Do When Their Bored"08:19
fabbioneBADGER BADGER BADGER :)08:19
danielsi wish people would stop reporting #787808:19
danielsthat thing does need a hoary-update though08:20
fabbionedaniels: does X build with gcc-4.0 btw?08:20
danielsfabbione: don't think so; gotta pull some fixes from HEAD for that08:20
fabbioneafair we don't have C++ stuff, do we?08:20
bob2has anyone else done the "compile a whole distro with gcc 4.0" thing yet?08:20
danielsfabbione: BUARRRR WRONG08:20
danielsfabbione: libglu08:20
=== fabbione sighs
danielsbob2: iirc fc4t2 did that08:20
danielsfabbione: so we get the fun of transitioning that08:20
danielsfabbione: and I get the fun of doing dbus, again :P08:21
=== JaneW [~JaneW@wbs-146-176-233.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionedaniels: about dbus.. are you going to enable the mono stuff?08:21
fabbioneif so can you be careful on what arches are you going to push it?08:22
danielsfabbione: yeah, once mono is in main08:22
fabbionesparc mono still doesn't build08:22
danielsfabbione: ... no mono on sparc?08:22
fabbionei need to look at it08:22
fabbionelast build didn't go08:22
danielswell, it won't happen till mono hits main anyway08:22
fabbionegod.. the BreezyGoalPage starts to be impossible to edit08:23
JaneWfabbione: well lets aim to set them all to green... ;)08:26
fabbioneJaneW: it's just a mess to edit from the web08:27
froudfabbione: docteam will take docbook and has svn if you want more stability08:27
JaneWfabbione: agreed, I wish the edit page would be more tabular08:27
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jsgotangcoJaneW, PDASupport now HighPriority as edited by mdz08:28
fabbioneJaneW: can you please send out a request to everybody to update the kernel field so that we can snapshot and remove it from the webpage?08:31
JaneWjsgotangco: done08:32
JaneWfabbione: sure08:32
fabbioneor add a dependency on LinuxKernelRoadMap would work too08:33
fabbionei just need to have a list of things that will affect it08:33
fabbioneeither way it works08:33
JaneWfabbione: which do you think people are more likely to actually do? I am thinking the tables is nice and visible, and relatively easy to update quickly...08:33
fabbioneJaneW: right.. let's update the table and later i will move the list to LinuxKernelRoadMap08:35
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fabbioneUnfrgiven: the thing you are searching for is called kopt in /boot/grub/menu.lst08:44
`anthonyfabbione: Ok. Will log a bug.08:44
fabbione`anthony: thanks08:45
`anthonyfabbione: Is it best to log a single bug per non-working thing, or one mega-bug?08:46
`anthonye.g. battery monitoring doesn't work, that sorta thing.08:46
fabbione`anthony: one bug per problem08:47
fabbioneit's easier to keep track of the bug status08:47
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`anthonyfabbione: no probs. ta.08:52
=== pitti [~martin@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionemorning pitti09:05
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Unfrgivenfabbione: thanks09:20
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ivoksfirefox has issue in ubuntu09:39
bob2 /topic09:39
=== cc [~byte@c210-49-121-44.eburwd3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ivoksbut this is development issue :)09:40
jsgotangcoyou can file a bug09:41
ivoksi will now09:42
dokogood morning09:45
pittiHi doko09:46
jsgotangcopitti, doko hi09:46
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=== mvo [~egon@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiHi mvo 10:11
mvohey pitti 10:11
mvomorning all10:11
=== hunger [~hunger@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittitseng: somebody wanted to update ethereal for -security, was that you?10:12
mvoping doko10:14
Kamionpitti: locale stuff> I'd have produced a cut-down one-liner version of /usr/sbin/validlocale, myself10:19
Kamionpitti: (validlocale is in base-config - which is awkward - and is *nearly* what you want, but not entirely)10:19
pittiKamion: in the meantime I found a shell-only solution10:19
dokomvo: pong10:20
pittiKamion: if [ "$(locale 2>&1 >/dev/null)" ] ; then echo invalid locale; fi10:20
Kamionmm, I was dubious about capturing stderr rather than having something that looked only at return codes10:20
pittiKamion: yeah, I already finished my testlocale.c at that point, too :-)10:20
Kamionyou should be able to do it in perl in a lot less code :)10:21
pittiKamion: yeah, in the new architecture I have perl, but yesterday I fixed that bug in the Sarge version10:22
Kamionif ! perl -MPOSIX -e 'exit(setlocale(LC_ALL, "") ? 0 : 1)' 2>/dev/null; then echo invalid locale; fi10:25
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Lathiatsheesh, people complkainign cus they didnt get their shipit cds 2 weeks after they ordered them10:41
jdubpeople seem to think it's like amazone10:42
Lathiatyeh i guess10:42
cartmanits 2-3 months and still no Warty cds here ;)10:46
Treenakscartman: #define here10:48
=== Seveas [~seveas@dyn127.roaming.few.vu.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
cartmanTreenaks: well I got ADSL now so its not important but here == Turkiye10:48
Treenakscartman: strange10:48
cartmanwell page said they shipped it to the guys who will ship it to me10:49
jdubcartman: you probably ordered them after the switch to hoary only mode :)10:49
cartmanjdub: hehe nay :)10:49
cartmaninternational posting is not perfect so its expected anyway :/10:50
cartmanpeople tend to steal and do other stuff10:50
=== seb128_ [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-22-23.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
cartmanbut Microsoft Germany sent my Windows 2000 sp4 cds correctly, lol ;)10:51
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pittimvo: btw, in your language selector, how did you name the two colums?11:12
pittimvo: "Desktop translation" and "Content creation"?11:13
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mvopitti: they are named "Translation" and "Input", but's it done with glade, so it can be easily changed11:13
pittimvo: okay, that sounds fine, and short enough 11:13
mvopitti: I just took it from your mock-up (or was it sebs?) :) I will probably add a label with some (short) text at the top of the dialog 11:14
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pittimvo: yeah, a bubble help would be cool11:15
pittior some label, even better11:15
mvopitti: tooltips are not support in the gtktreeview, this caused me some annoyance already :/ 11:16
pittimvo: oh, an explanatory label is certainly fine11:16
mvopitti: the label is the cheap way to work around that11:16
pittimvo: it's also more obvious11:16
mvopitti: yes11:17
=== mdz [~mdz@ca-studio-bsr1o-251.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jsgotangcomdz, hello11:18
mvojsgotangco: mdz is probably sleeping now11:19
jsgotangcoyeah i just remembered11:19
Burgundaviais 2:20 for him, just like me11:19
jsgotangcohah and you're still awake and just starting up11:20
Burgundaviamdz has a job, I don't11:20
JaneWalso mdz is on leave now :P11:22
bob2so no calling him to tell him you have gtk bugs11:22
bob2that what seb is for11:22
=== Burgundavia started a bug with "seb don't shoot me for this one"
=== seb128 slaps bob2
seb128yeah, some people keep filling bugs to ask a fork of the upstream UI11:23
seb128that's not going to happen11:23
seb128we don't want to fork packages from upstream11:23
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JaneWanyone have a working e-mail address for Colin Applegate? (edubuntu)11:30
MithrandirJaneW: colin.a@gmail.com, apparently.11:31
JaneWhmmm, just used that one '11:31
JaneWDelivery to the following recipient failed permanently'11:31
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Mithrandirit's the only UID on his GPG key.11:32
MithrandirJaneW: try askin Jeffrey Elkner (jeff@elkner.net), one of the people whom he was at UDU together with?11:33
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JaneWMithrandir: I'll do that thanks.11:34
jsgotangcoJeff is colin's teacher i believe11:34
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JaneWhas anyone been able to open the link to keybuk's UDU photos?11:40
BurgundaviaJaneW, link?11:40
jsgotangcokeybuk nope still waiting11:41
=== JaneW gets a '500 server error'
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BurgundaviaJaneW, I just got through11:43
jsgotangcoohhh now were in11:44
JaneW:( *sulk*11:45
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JaneWooh looks like we have blast off...11:45
Burgundaviatook as age thought11:45
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jsgotangcooohh Keybuk did the bridge climb11:48
Burgundaviaah crap, I need a #ubuntu op11:50
Burgundavianev mind11:50
JaneWman he did everything!11:50
jsgotangcoJaneW, he's loaded heh11:51
=== JaneW *mutters* and *curses*
jdubhrm, can anyone tell what keybuk is using for his album?11:52
jdubwill have to ask next time he's around11:52
bob2custom stuff, of course11:52
=== JaneW 's biggest problem was not getting a chance to leave the confines of the prison ^h^h^h^h^h^h hotel... and then there was the it' flipping exensive in Australia problem...
mjg59Australia is expensive? Wow.11:52
Burgundaviafor someone from za, yes11:53
=== mjg59 must visit ZA :)
=== Burgundavia hasn't been in 10 years
jsgotangcowell au is expensive for me too11:54
Treenaksmjg59: next ubuntu conf?11:54
JaneWmjg59: yes ZA is cheap for most ppl11:54
Burgundaviauk is freaking expensive for everybody11:54
JaneWBurgundavia: YES11:54
Burgundaviathe measly canuck dollar didn't go very far11:55
JaneWwhereas Thailand is cheap for everybody, and virtually free for some...11:55
jsgotangcoeverything is expensive for me :(11:55
=== jsgotangco curses local exchange rates
Treenaksjsgotangco: from where?11:55
mjg59Tollef never understands it when we talk about places being expensive11:56
jsgotangcoTreenaks, Philippines11:56
Treenaksmjg59: that must mean Norway is expensive as hell11:56
mjg59Treenaks: Oh, yes. Very.11:56
JaneWjsgotangco: cool lets go there next! :))11:56
Mithrandirmjg59: the UK has virtually free beer11:56
Treenaksmjg59: I know the UK is expensive.. but most countries aren't (Netherlands)11:56
Burgundaviawhere is the next dev conference?11:56
jsgotangcoprobably somewhere in south america or europe11:57
mjg59Norway is ridiculously expensive compared to the UK11:57
MithrandirTreenaks: .nl isn't that cheap, really.11:57
TreenaksMithrandir: for me it is11:57
=== jsgotangco hopes he doesn't end up eating cup noodles on the next trip
=== carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Simiramjg59: you think? I don't think so, actually.11:57
Simiramjg59: some daily food are maybe a little cheaper, due to the EU-rules11:58
ajmitch_jsgotangco: you'd just need to save up a bit11:58
mjg59Simira: Based on my experience, yes11:59
=== jsgotangco will start eating crumbs then
jdubpitti: you seem busy :(11:59
pittijdub: always, why? :-)11:59
mjg59Conferences in Norway always cost me more than elsewhere...11:59
Mithrandirmjg59: eating out is usually expensive in .no, for instance.  That's one of the things you end up doing when at conferences.11:59
jdubpitti: lots of yucky USN action11:59
Simiramjg59: ok, I wouldn't know. And I don't drink much beer :p11:59
pittioh, yes...11:59
pittijdub: right now I'm processing the flood of universe security updates from astharot; I will be glad if he can upload himself :)12:00
jdubheh :-)12:00
TreenaksMithrandir: for that reason we should try The Netherlands ;) it's not noticably more expensive than Mataro was (eating out/beer-wise)12:01
=== Simira is totally in for a conference in Holland!
seb128elmo: gwget2 sync please12:02
SimiraMithrandir: if we're going to Holland, we're definitely doing a week, or at least a weekend extra!12:02
MithrandirSimira: oh, any particular reason?12:02
SimiraMithrandir: I like it there. I spent a week there in -98, and I want to go there again. There are a lot of nice places to see. But the flowerpark you'll have to do on your own, if you want to go there. It's boring.12:03
Treenaksflowers are very boring..12:04
Mithrandirflowers are very nice.12:04
TreenaksI work next to the Amsterdam Flower Market.. they get boring12:04
SimiraMithrandir: sure, but a large park of tulips are sort of boring after 10 minutes...12:04
MithrandirSimira: they're not very talkative, no..12:05
Burgundaviapitti, seen that messy bug with ff1.0.4?12:05
pittiBurgundavia: yeah, but the patches are not yet public12:06
SimiraMithrandir: we kan go to the bathing place at where we lived last time. It's so cool! I don't remember the name now, though...12:06
pitti(which is stupid, but we can't help it)12:06
=== _Legion_ [~adebarbar@labi.fi.uba.ar] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Treenaksjsgotangco: drugs!12:06
Treenaks(to finish the stereotype)12:06
jsgotangcothats too subtle12:07
elmoseb128: done12:07
TreenaksSimira: bathing place?12:07
TreenaksSimira: you mean Noordwijk or Katwijk or something (a coastal town)?12:08
seb128elmo: thanks12:09
SimiraTreenaks: we lived at this camping place/hut rental place which had a indoor pools and stuff, looked like a tropical forest. :p Half an hours drive west of Zwolle, iirc,,,12:09
seb128JaneW: is there any explanations for the indicators for BreezyGoals ... ie, what is "Pending"? Pending what? how is that different of WIP?12:09
TreenaksSimira: oh.. my family comes from that area :)12:10
seb128and "TBC"?12:10
=== Seveas [~seveas@dyn127.roaming.few.vu.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
MithrandirSeveas: pending implementation, afaik.12:11
seb128Mithrandir: I guess that's for me ... how is that different of WIP?12:11
Mithrandirseb128: no idea.  Prod JaneW for a legend, I guess.12:12
fabbioneMithrandir: you are the procmail expert, aren't you? :)=12:12
jdubMithrandir: WE DEMAND THAT YOU ANSWER!12:12
seb128that's what I was doing :)12:12
JaneWseb128: oh dear I think I am confussing ppl, I'll put some explaining text in the page12:12
jsgotangcoTo Be Continued? 12:12
=== jsgotangco hides
SimiraTreenaks: if you have an url for me to a decent country-map, I'll try to find the place.12:12
JaneWseb128: but pending means specs done, and activity is about to start...12:13
seb128JaneW: confussing ppl? how so? :)12:13
Mithrandirfabbione: given that I don't even use procmail, I doubt it.12:13
seb128JaneW: k12:13
seb128JaneW: and TBC?12:13
Mithrandirto be completed12:13
SimiraMithrandir: oh, they have a dolphin-park!12:13
fabbioneMithrandir: oh ok :)12:13
MithrandirSimira: dolphins are nice.12:13
seb128k, thanks12:14
JaneWseb128: that was just the default, before you guys update it, literally means 'to be completed'12:14
=== seb128 updates now
SimiraMithrandir: I think they have penguins as well ;) At least sea lions and lots of other stuff12:14
seb128JaneW: k, so the TBC need to be changed ... what I wanted to know, thanks :)12:14
JaneW(notice my excitement and happiness?) :)12:14
MithrandirSimira: I've been there, I think.12:14
TreenaksSimira: Harderwijk12:15
=== dholbach [~daniel@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
SimiraMithrandir: That's unfear! When? I wanted to show it to you!12:17
MithrandirSimira: ten-ish years ago.12:17
pittiMoin daniels 12:17
pittiMoin dholbach , I meant12:17
jsgotangcobye folks have  a great weekend (me going out of town)12:18
dholbachhey pitti12:18
Kamionhmmm, adding local packages to the desktop task in the CD builder is non-trivial at the moment12:20
ajmitch_hi dholbach 12:20
=== Kamion perpetrates an egregious hack
dholbachhey ajmitch_ :-)12:20
=== fabbione -> food
jdubmdz: ping12:26
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Burgundaviajdub, is 3am here12:27
Burgundaviajdub, also "JaneW also mdz is on leave now :P"12:28
MithrandirBurgundavia: that just means he'll be working during the night instead of during both day and night. :P12:31
Lathiatwhere can i find hct?12:37
pittiLathiat: Keybuk promised to package it soon12:39
Lathiatcan i even get the source or?12:40
pittiLathiat: I don't think so, not right now12:40
Lathiatdamn all these closed projects12:41
pittiit will be open source once it actually works 12:41
pittibut they don't want to release alpha software12:41
Lathiatyeh im just griping additioanlly about  the fact i cant get to launchpad yet the specs are there and linked off all the UDU pages. :)12:42
Lathiat(but i understand)12:42
Lathiatgeez jdub is right, these people do think shipit is amazon12:43
BurgundaviaLathiat, maybe shipit needs to be more clear that it might take a while12:43
Lathiatim pretty sure it does12:44
Burgundaviasome people are morons12:44
Lathiatyeh well12:44
Lathiatsuch is life unfortunately12:44
Burgundaviahave you seen the breezy forum?12:45
Burgundaviaall the new package requests12:45
Lathiatinteresting.. i ended up with 3 warty shipments and only 2 were logged on the shipit database12:45
Lathiati only ordered 2 anyway, a 3rd shipment just ended up at my door one morning. :)12:45
Burgundaviawarty is still useful12:45
Lathiatbut i was happy i needed more anyway12:45
KamionBurgundavia: what a bizarre place to put new package requests12:45
BurgundaviaKamion, new defaults mostly12:45
=== Lathiat looks at the breezy forum
Burgundaviaand most of it is already being done or has been rejected as total crack12:46
Lathiateveryone whinging about breezy12:46
LathiatNO SHIT POEPLE12:46
KamionBurgundavia: nevertheless - why put requests somewhere developers generally don't pay much attention to?12:46
Burgundaviano idea12:46
BurgundaviaKamion, should I summarize for -devel? is that useful?12:46
Kamionnot if it's total crack :)12:47
Burgundavialet me see if I can dig the useful bits out, stuff that hasn't been discussed12:47
Lathiatubuntuforums is kinda like #ubuntu12:48
Lathiatblind leading the blind most of the time12:48
Burgundavialots of noise12:48
=== trukulo [~trukulo@26.Red-81-45-239.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
BurgundaviaKamion, can you comment on this? 2. disable (!) the auto-testing of apt-repositories during the installation. it causes system-freezes with a lot of routers during the install process. 4.10 didn't have this feature and was painless to install. 5.04 was, sorry to say so, a catasptrophe in this respect. no newbie will be able to overcome this obstacle!!!12:51
=== JaneW has added a 'nag of the day (tm)' section to the Breezy Goals page ;)
Burgundaviain fact that whole comment --> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=142696&postcount=1512:52
KamionBurgundavia: known bug12:52
JaneWbrace yourselves12:52
BurgundaviaKamion, and the 1st comment on that comment?12:52
=== pitti [~martin@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittibah, bloody gtk bug freezed my X12:53
KamionBurgundavia: bogus12:53
seb128pitti: don't blame gtk12:53
BurgundaviaKamion, figured, but I thought I would ask12:53
BurgundaviaKamion, thanks12:53
KamionBurgundavia: the claim about 4.10 makes no sense; 5.04 has not changed in this regard12:53
KamionBurgundavia: comment #2 is bug #826512:54
dokois there a way to lock a wiki package for editing?01:00
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seb128doko: when you start editing it the wiki locks the page for some time01:05
seb128doko: and the lock is updated when you "preview" your changes01:05
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seb128ie: if you edit for some time do some previews during the edition01:06
ogradoko, you could write a scrip that constantly reloads the preview page, that would lock it permanently then ;)01:07
ograscript even01:07
dokohmm, not very convinced ...01:13
dholbachsee you later01:14
=== dholbach [~daniel@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Verlassend"]
Kamionmjg59: will you be able to test an HP CD image this afternoon?01:15
pittimvo: btw, did you ask for a dbus reconnection patch?01:15
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Kamionmjg59: I just had to add a few features to cdimage to allow adding more packages to the desktop seed, but it should all be good now01:17
Kamionmjg59: except - fuck. gnome-bluetooth, i810switch, and irda-utils are in hoary/universe. that's going to be fun01:18
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mjg59Kamion: Blurgh. Probably not this afternoon, but I can manage this evening01:21
Kamionmjg59: ok01:21
Kamionmjg59: so far, I've built all the .debs, branched the seeds and debian-cd, given up on hacking germinate, hacked cdimage instead01:22
mjg59Heh :)01:22
mjg59Kamion: Actually, scratch that, no group meeting today so I can do a test01:24
Kamionmjg59: ok, cool. I'm doing a breezy CD image build first to make sure I haven't broken cdimage01:24
KamionI'm just going to shove those packages from universe into the local archive by hand01:26
Kamiondon't tell anyone01:26
Kamionand of course gnome-bluetooth has a bazillion dependencies01:27
Kamionmadison-lite `dpkg -f gnome-bluetooth_0.5.1-1ubuntu7_i386.deb Depends | sed 's/, /\n/g' | cut -d' ' -f1` | grep hoary/universe01:28
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pittiKamion: speaking of madison, do you know a tool similar to madison which inspects /var/lib/apt/lists instead of a full mirror?01:34
Mithrandirpitti: madison-lite?01:34
Kamionmjg59: complete list of packages from universe appears to be: gnome-bluetooth i810switch irda-utils libbtctl1 libgnomebt0 libopenobex-1.0-0 python2.4-libbtctl01:34
Kamionpitti: apt-cache madison01:35
pittiMithrandir: I thought it requires a mirror?01:35
Mithrandirpitti: just the Packages files.01:35
pittiKamion: cooool, thanks01:35
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Kamionseb128: reping, re gnome-themes installability?01:52
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mjg59Kamion: Ok, sounds about right01:54
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seb128Kamion: pong. What's wrong with it exactly?01:59
seb128Kamion: you spoke about gtk2-engines-crux IIRC, which is universe?01:59
Kamionseb128: it's not installable, same as last time I asked01:59
Kamiondoes it just need packages to be promoted from universe?02:00
Kamionah, thanks, that wasn't clear to me yesterday02:00
Kamionelmo: please promote gtk2-engines-{crux,lighthouseblue} to main02:00
mvopitti: if you have the dbus-reconnect patch ported, please send it to me by mail02:02
pittimvo: it just started to work three minutes ago :-)02:02
mvopitti: :)02:02
pittimvo: and now it even works all(most) of the time, unlike Hoary's patch, which failed for longer restarts02:02
Kamionelmo: would it be possible to fix warty and hoary's Release files in the same way you did for breezy (adding restricted/debian-installer/...)? I'm trying to build hoary-plus-a-bit CD images fairly urgently, and can't due to apt complaining that those bits are missing from Release02:06
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pittimvo: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=46393&action=view02:21
seb128pitti: what bug is that?02:23
elmoKamion: err, do i really have to?02:23
pittiseb128: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17089402:23
seb128elmo: I can change gnome-themes if you prefer02:23
elmokamion: we've managed to avoid modifying a stable release after release so far?02:23
elmoseb128: not the promotions02:23
pittiseb128: g-v-m reconnection after dbus restart; I believe something similar is also required for gvfs02:23
seb128elmo: oh, k02:23
seb128pitti: yeah, I know the context, I was asking the number so I can ping upstream to get a comment on it :)02:24
Kamionelmo: alternatively, you could make apt stop caring about it?02:24
KamionFailed to fetch file:/srv/cdimage.no-name-yet.com/ftp/dists/hoary/Release  Unable to find expected entry  restricted/debian-installer/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)02:24
pittiseb128: erm, that _is_ upstream, isn't it?02:25
Kamionthat looks pretty fatal02:25
pittiseb128: after I restart dbus, I don't get the desktop/menu/mount applet magic any more02:25
seb128pitti: yeah, but even upstream, pinging on IRC to get comment on bugzilla is useful :)02:25
pittiseb128: killall nautilus g-v-d doesn't help02:25
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pittiseb128: it works again after logout/login02:25
seb128pitti: seems to be a gamin issue02:25
Kamionelmo: I'd be happy with a workaround, but I have no idea what a workaround would look like02:25
pittiseb128: okay, nice. it would be nice to eventually get all those crappy patches upstream, it's a mess02:26
seb128pitti: this magic is gamin02:26
pittiseb128: erm, gam_server listens to dbus???02:26
seb128pitti: no, but menu changes, etc are file monitors02:26
seb128I don't get which dbus impact on this02:27
pittiseb128: so what do I have to kill to get it back? :-)02:27
seb128pitti: try gam_server gnome-vfs-daemon nautilus? 02:27
pittialready did that02:27
seb128with gam_server?02:27
elmoKamion: s/you/mvo/? :P02:28
pittiseb128: yes02:28
seb128pitti: so no idea :(02:28
=== pef [~loic@erodia.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pefhow can I help to fix the packages marked as "new changes from Debian require merging" in bugzilla ?02:29
Kamionelmo: I think it happens whenever you try to do "apt-get update" with restricted/debian-installer in sources.list, so pretty fundamental02:29
Kamionpef: do you *really* want to? :-) It's very tedious work02:30
Kamionpef: all the instructions are in the bug reports02:30
pefKamion: the patch applied without error02:30
Kamionpef: often patches apply without errors but need further attention - but unless you can upload to main, there's not much more you can do at that point02:31
Kamionpef: I suppose you could follow up to the bug saying so, but remember that much of that kind of work is already taken care of automatically for us02:31
kokeis there any way to get the source for a wiki page without being logged in??02:31
Kamionkoke: append /src to the URL, I think02:31
pefKamion: ok, thank you for the infos ;)02:31
elmokamion: how about I downgrade apt on little? :P02:32
kokeKamion: great! thanks02:32
Kamionpef: (the tool that generates those bugs tries its best to do the merge automatically; its results need to be reviewed for sanity)02:32
Kamionelmo: fine with me for now, but I would like to revisit this later02:33
mvoKamion: what bit of apt need attention? (sorry, was away for lunch)02:33
elmoKamion: do you need python-apt?02:34
pefKamion: I will wait to have more experience02:34
Kamionmvo: I think apt's being correct actually :-)02:34
elmobeing correct-for-the-sake-of-it's not helpful if it breaks with stable releases02:35
Kamionelmo: I don't *think* so02:35
=== JaneW 's Activity Report: http://www.dilbert.com/comics/dilbert/archive/dilbert-20050424.html
Kamionmvo: the issue is that apt refuses to download the Packages file for the restricted/debian-installer component in hoary because it's not mentioned in dists/hoary/Release02:36
Kamionmvo: is there any option I can pass to make it not care?02:37
elmoKamion: germinate?02:37
Kamionbleh, of course, so it does02:38
mvoKamion: no, but we could make it part of --allow-unauthentticated02:38
Kamionmvo: I think that would be good02:38
mvoKamion: what is the easiest way to reproduce the bug02:40
jordimvo: dude?02:40
jordimvo: what's with this synaptic-kde desktop file that appeared in Dbian?02:41
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Kamionmvo: echo 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary restricted/debian-installer' > /tmp/sources.list; apt-get -o Dir::Etc::SourceList=/tmp/sources.list update02:42
mvoKamion: thanks02:43
mvojordi: gnome 2.8 does not support "OnlyShowIn=KDE" :(02:44
elmoKamion: I've changed warty + hoary for now, but I'd like to revert it at some stage, assuming we can fix apt on little02:45
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jordimvo: ugh. Maybe you can move away the file temporarily for Debian.02:47
=== ogra GRRRs at the mono packages ....
Treenaksogra: you made them02:47
=== Lathiat comforts ogra
ograwhy the hell do they have the manpages in 3 locations ?02:47
jordiI wish we had backported that to 2.802:47
ograTreenaks, i didnt02:47
ograTreenaks, i just fix them02:47
Treenaksogra: hm, ok02:47
jordimvo: is it ok that it doesn't call gksu anyway?02:47
ograTreenaks, its just a horrible mix of debhelper , cdbs and native installing by makefile for the manpages.... they are originally packaged by the debian mono team02:49
truluxhey ajmitch_ 02:49
=== jordi rofls at that dilbert url
ajmitch_hello trulux 02:54
pittiHi trulux 02:55
=== Seveas [~seveas@ksl403-uva-131.wireless.uva.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
truluxhey pitti 02:56
truluxpitti: I'm ready to work on everything again, gonna get a new TFT this afternoon02:56
truluxajmitch_: what's up? ;)02:56
TreenaksSeveas: make up your mind ;)02:56
ajmitch_trulux: a little busy, and I'm off to bed now02:57
pittitrulux: the kernel patch for /tmp races would be nice and should be easy; and maybe you can update the SELinux packages to breezy?02:57
truluxpitti: going to fix somre symbol-related stuff for the Breezy kernel security framework02:57
truluxpitti: sure, one thing:02:57
truluxajmitch_: OK, sleep well. if you have sometime later to send me the fixed pam packages, it would rock (well, you rocked the house already, just that we need to update the packages ;) )02:58
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truluxpitti: http://pearls.tuxedo-es.org/patches/security/kern-security-1.patch02:58
pittitrulux: ROCK03:00
mvojordi: the kde-version of the desktop file does not use gksu but X-KDE-SubstituteUID03:00
SeveasTreenaks, hm?03:00
truluxpitti: I will fix some things on it and implement some randomization stuff03:01
pittitrulux: please keep the patches apart03:01
pittitrulux: is it possible to have one patch for your general framework, one for /tmp, one for randomization, etc?03:01
pittitrulux: this way it is easier to manager and also it might be easier to include upstream03:01
truluxpitti: right, split up is easy.03:02
truluxpitti: I'll get over it03:02
pittitrulux: did you talk with upstream about this "framework" approach?03:02
pittitrulux: it makes much sense, but maybe upstream wants it a bit different03:02
pittitrulux: would be nice to get this adopted 03:02
truluxpitti: not really, they now on http://pearls.tuxedo-es.org/vsecurity/ which is a better candidate03:02
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truluxpitti: LSM-based, runtime configuration by sysfs (no more sysctl ****), etc03:03
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TreenaksSeveas: join/quit/join/quit03:03
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truluxpitti: I've been making it compliant to 2.6.11 and added quite a bit features to it, some are still not ready, but it works well03:03
pittitrulux: btw, we are going with 2.6.1203:04
pittitrulux: let's say on monday or tuesday we two could actually build an ubuntu kernel with these patches03:05
pittitrulux: is that fine for you?03:05
truluxpitti: sure03:05
truluxpitti: the point on vsec is that we have no portability issues03:06
truluxpitti: you may want to test it03:06
truluxpitti: but we'll work out the generic sec. framework first03:06
pittitrulux: vsec?03:06
truluxpitti: http://pearls.tuxedo-es.org/vsecurity/03:06
pittiah, neat03:07
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truluxpitti: did you have a look at the spec. pdf?03:13
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Nafallopitti: you want two diffs if the version haven't changed in warty?03:25
Nafallopitti: (UniverseSecurity) :-)03:26
pittiNafallo: you mean Warty and Hoary have the same version?03:26
Nafallopitti: yepp.03:26
pittiNafallo: yeah, for now we dodged this by incrementing the hoary version by 0.1 (no other changes, just a new changelog entry)03:27
Nafallopitti: do we really need to? shouldn't we just target them at {warty,hoary}-security with the same version number?03:28
Nafalloif the user dist-upgrade to hoary he will install the same package again otherwise.03:28
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Nafallopitti: for some context; libcdaudio, CAN-2005-0706 :-)03:29
pittiNafallo: elmo doesn't want multi-release uploads03:30
Nafallopitti: oki, I'm sure he has some reasons. it just can't follow the logic with that :-).03:32
=== Nafallo goes to prepare the packages *
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zygahello everyone :)03:42
zygasunny day :)03:42
Nafallozyga: indeed :-)03:42
Kamionelmo: thanks, and acknowledged03:53
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NafalloBaby: hi there! :-)03:56
Babyhi Nafallo :))03:56
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Mitariohi everyone04:08
=== Nafallo goes out with the rabbit, bbl
Mithrandirhave fun04:15
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bluefoxicyis this worth an Ubuntu Security Notice04:37
=== pitti urgently feels the need to finish for weekend :-)
bluefoxicythat Intel processors with HyperThreading are vulnerable to an information disclosure bug that would allow an attacker to ie steal an RSA key while the key plaintext was in memory during a decryption algorithm?04:38
bluefoxicyin processor design, not in the design of the OS kernel.04:38
pittibluefoxicy: ah, that one. We know about it, update is in the works04:38
bluefoxicypitti:  :)04:38
pittibluefoxicy: kernel patch (which disables HT for now) is ready, some guys are testing it04:38
pittibluefoxicy: expect an USN at Tuesday04:39
whiprushjdub: ok, if you're going to give people "a beer from the fridge" then we need a cool beer bottle.04:39
whiprushwith like, fridge written on it.04:39
bluefoxicypitti:  "USN #2-42:  Intel is filled with morons, buy AMD"  :)04:39
jdubwhiprush: dude, who wrote that?04:39
jdubwhiprush: it was not me :)04:39
pittiseb128: any idea how a gnome package generally could produce a POT file?04:39
pittiseb128: g-v-m doesn't do it, so while I'm at changing it...04:39
Lathiatbluefoxicy: haha04:39
pittiseb128: (a lot of other packages don't either)04:39
Lathiatpitti: is that patch optional?04:40
pittiLathiat: HT off by default to be safe04:40
pittiLathiat: you can certainly enable it again using a kernel parameter04:40
seb128pitti: "cd po; make update-po" ?04:40
Lathiatbut can you turn it on without compiling..04:40
Lathiatoh right04:40
Lathiatpitti: cool.04:40
seb128pitti: or "cd po; make <translation-domaine>.po"04:41
bluefoxicyLathiat:  doesn't AMD have dual-cores AMD64 now?  :)  The statement was quite feasible04:41
pittiseb128: ah, I'll try the second, the first one regenerates all po files, I don't want that04:42
seb128pitti: ups, .pot I mean for the second04:42
Lathiatbluefoxicy: yeh they wont be out till q4 tho04:42
Lathiati hear the xbox 360 has a tri-core 3.2GHz powerpc :\04:42
pittiseb128: any idea how to teach that to cdbs gnome.mk in a generic way?04:42
Lathiat10 points to the first person to get macosx running on it04:42
bluefoxicyLathiat:  any socket 756 d/cs?04:43
pittiseb128: otherwise we have to change a shitload of packages to generate pot files04:43
bluefoxicyerr, socket 75404:43
pittiseb128: po/$ make <domain>.pot works, thanks04:43
Lathiatbluefoxicy: its drop-in apparently04:43
bluefoxicyLathiat:  drop-in for an FX socket 939 or an athlon 64 socket 754 though04:44
seb128pitti: probably grab GETTEXT_PACKAGE value from configure and do the make04:44
Lathiatbluefoxicy: unsure04:44
Lathiatprobably 93904:44
pittiseb128: yeah, that's the idea; maybe we can add it to gnome.mk04:44
pittiseb128: I'll try that first04:44
seb128pitti: implementing to cdbs should be easy, poke jbailey about it :)04:44
pittioh, right ... delegate :-)04:44
bluefoxicyjailbait what04:45
seb128I mean he knows how cdbs work, probably a 10min job for him04:45
seb128not need to start reading the code :)04:45
pittiseb128: actually, gnome.mk doesn't look very scary04:45
seb128right too04:45
pittiseb128: I try to do a patch for gnome.mk, then you can try it on your packages, if it works, we ask jbailey to integrate it04:45
pittiseb128: cdbs has a weird build system, I tried to patch it once, but failed horribly04:46
seb128cdbs2 should be nicer :)04:46
pittiseb128: how many of the gnome pkgs would we cover if we patched cdbs to do the POT stuff?04:46
pitti(50%? 90%?)04:47
pitticool, that helps a lot04:47
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seb128pitti: k. I'm away for ~1h, if you need something let me know, I'll catch up then04:50
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pittiseb128: I will be away in 70 minutes :-) so enjoy your weekend04:50
seb128thanks, you too!04:50
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^rob^seb128: when you spec out the places integration, do you think you might mention picking up the appropriate right click entries so that users can right click to eject disks and the like?04:53
Lathiatyeh thatd be nice, atm the easiest way to eject a cd is to use the diskmounter applet04:54
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pitticarlos: here?04:59
carlospitti, yes05:01
pitticarlos: do you have a list of all source packages which don't have a pot file?05:01
carlosnohar, I don't have that list05:02
carlos s/nohar/no/05:02
carlospitti, but I have the information05:02
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carlosit's a matter of parse the mail logs05:02
pitticarlos: is it possible somehow to generate this automatically for every day?05:02
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pittiand publish it on some webpage05:02
pitticarlos: I'd like to modify gnome.mk (cdbs), which should at least catch all gnome pacakges05:03
pitticarlos: but we need a way to keep track of which packages are still affected05:03
carlosI could try to improve the output of the log so we can parse it from procmail...05:03
carlospitti, could you do the procmail part?05:04
pitticarlos: I can help you with that, sure05:04
carlosso I send you a copy of the mail05:04
carloswith the tags you need there so you can ignore the other crap output05:04
pitticarlos: where do these mails come from?05:05
carlospitti, from ubuntu's servers05:05
pitticarlos: OTOH, I could probably be faster if I just look at the tarballs05:05
pitticarlos: I already have a script which compiles a list of the recent tarballs and does stuff with them05:06
carlospitti, then it's the same05:06
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pitticarlos: should be easy to generate the list05:06
pitticarlos: okay, thanks anyway05:06
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carlospitti, np, ping me if you need help05:07
pittiokay, I'll do05:07
=== pitti stares at gnome.mk
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NafalloMithrandir: we had :-)05:25
=== Nafallo should have brought the camera...
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jordimvo: aha, that's cool05:42
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pittibye everybody, have a nice weekend06:08
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seb128nice WE pitti06:11
seb128^rob^: there is a bug upstream about this06:11
seb128jordi: what's cool?06:12
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Kamionelmo: reping, about the gtk2-engines-{crux,lighthouseblue} promotions - are those problematic?06:18
Kamion$ telnet cdimage.ubuntu.com 8006:24
Kamiontelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused06:24
Lathiatomg someone broke teh intarweb06:25
Kamionyes thank you06:25
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luis_I can't get to cdimage either, FWIW; I was actually just going to look and see if there are breezy liveCDs and ask if there is an ETA for those.06:30
Lathiatstarting early luis06:30
Lathiatrather than a last minute rush :)06:30
Lathiatluis_: i doubt it, theres still a few issues with the install cd too 06:30
luis_Lathiat: indeed06:32
luis_want to play with latest bits + sabayon06:32
luis_which I'd assume installs on the older CD06:32
luis_but I've been too lazy to try that yet ;)06:32
Kamionluis_: there are no breezy live CDs yet, no; I've been concentrating on the install CD, and ubuntu-desktop isn't installable yet which makes producing live CDs a non-starter anyway06:33
KamionI suspect the first test release will be install-CD-only06:33
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luis_I'll just play with upgrading a hoary liveCD to get the test bits I need06:33
Kamionthat should mostly work, yeah06:33
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jbaileyJaneW: There?06:36
=== tarvid [~tarvid@68-67-192-202.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
tarvid6 desktop installs with general good results06:40
tarvidi want to try a server next06:40
tarvidany hints on where to start?06:40
Lathiattype 'server' at the cd boot prompt06:41
^rob^ /join #apache06:41
tarvidany refs on where to go next?06:41
Lathiattarvid: just install like normal06:41
Lathiatand you gate a barebones system basically06:41
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tarvidapache mysql php postfix freeradius ssh ftp courier is the usual stuff06:43
tarvidubuntuguide has a lot of specific advice on servers, looking for a general treatment06:44
Lathiatugh ubuntuguide06:44
tarvidwhy ugh?06:45
Lathiatit has a habbit of recommending bad things06:45
tarvidis there a list of good things from a server perspective?06:45
Lathiatgenerally people just need what they want06:46
dredgthat really depends on what you want your server to do06:46
Lathiati guess some 'better' recommended programs would be good06:46
Lathiati mean i use apache2 for web, proftpd for web (altho im looking at moving to vsftpd), postfix for mail, dovecot for pop3/imap06:46
Nafallovsftpd rock! :-)06:47
=== Nafallo only uses main on his server ;-)
dredgftp should be done away with.06:48
Lathiatyeh i hear good things about vsftpd06:48
Lathiatso im going to look at it06:48
Lathiative just used proftpd for a long time and it seems to work well06:48
tarvidi host 150 web sites - telling people to use sftp is fine - forcing them is not06:49
LathiatNafallo: unfrotuantely php4-mysql is in universe06:49
tarvidi am not sure how to choose between versions, currently mysql 4.0.x is working better for me than 4.1.x06:50
NafalloLathiat: php4-pgsql isn't ;-)06:50
Kamionoften if there are two versions of something in the distribution it's because it's not clear which is better yet06:50
LathiatNafallo: heh06:51
Kamionthe later one might be experimental, say06:51
=== Nafallo actually switched from mysql to postgresql because of that.
Nafallopostgresql rocks! :-)06:51
Lathiatyeh that one doesnt work so well for customers either tho06:52
tarvidalso want to replace a nat box06:54
kokeis there any known issue with libpng in breezy??06:54
Lathiatkoke: someone mentioned something earlier06:54
Lathiatno idea of its accuracy06:55
jbaileykoke: Have you looked in bugzilla? =)06:55
Lathiatjbailey: have you fixed my headers bug? =)06:55
dilingerjbailey: have you stared into the abyss that is cdbs2?06:55
jbaileyLathiat: I haven't done the lkh upload yet.06:55
jbaileydilinger: Is it an abyss now? =(06:55
kokejbailey: I only see 980006:55
Lathiatjbailey: excuses!06:55
dilingerjbailey: heh, i'm trying to keep it from becoming that..06:56
Lathiatcdbs is the shit06:56
jbaileydilinger: Oh good. =)06:56
jbaileydilinger: I'll be back home next week.  Far easier to hack there.06:57
=== jbailey was looking fondly at 15" amd64 laptops again yesterday... *sigh*
dilingersounds like the sort of thing that would run very very hot06:58
luis_jbailey: getting your tubes tied is more reliable and less likely to induce a hernia06:58
ograjbailey, dont do it now.... there is a mobile version of the amd64 underway...06:58
zygadilinger: not really06:58
ogradilinger, t does ;)06:58
luis_jbailey: or did you actually want a laptop and not sterilization?06:58
ograat least mine here06:58
jbaileydilinger: I have a p3 900 without frequency scaling, I can't see if being hotter than this...06:58
jbaileyluis_: *lol*06:58
Lathiati had a p3 266 up until 4 months ago06:59
ograjbailey, mine is constantly at 50 degree 06:59
Lathiatit was hotter than my 2ghz pentium-m06:59
jbaileyluis_: Is sterilisation from laptops usually permanent?  I thought it was just like...06:59
dilingerjbailey: yea, my celeron 600 used to burn my legs.  my 1.3ghz centrino's been really nice06:59
ograjbailey, if i compile something it raises to 70-8006:59
jbaileywait a sec, this is starting to sound like #debian-devel, sorry. =)06:59
Lathiatmy cpu sits at ~5006:59
Lathiatbut its not that hot on your laptop unless your running at 2ghz and doing stuff 06:59
luis_my fault :)07:00
tarvidthanks for your help, i have a million more questions but i will go do a server install and come back07:00
dilingerjbailey: i could post some SA links to make up for ari's lack of presence here, if you like ;)07:00
ograLathiat, ~50 at 800Mhz07:00
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Lathiatwell mines ~50 at 600mhz07:00
Lathiatbut itl stay around 50 at 2ghz if your not doing anything07:00
ograLathiat, 70-80 @ > 800MHz07:00
jbaileyWhere do you measure the temperature?07:00
Lathiatogra: mmm :\07:00
ograjbailey, /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRC/temperature07:01
jbaileyah, internal temp, not surface temperature.  That's better. =)07:01
Lathiatyeh my temps are internal07:01
Lathiatmy graphics card sits on 7007:01
Lathiat85 when doing 3d stuff07:02
ograjbailey, i wrote a little trayicon showing it constantly...07:02
KaiLLathiat: 6800?07:02
ograat 90 nmy laptop shuts down.... if i compile big stuff i have a cooling hairdryer handy ;)07:02
Lathiatogra: haha07:02
KaiLhow far does it go down in 2D?07:02
Lathiatwhat temperature?07:03
ograLathiat, seriously... :(07:03
Lathiatnormal use it sits at 7007:03
Lathiat73 atm07:03
KaiLthat's a lot..07:03
Lathiatit doesnt feel that hot underneath07:03
Lathiatbut i mean the fans only going at like 1000rpm07:03
Lathiatits definatley *warm* underneath tho07:03
jbaileyIt's something to think about when I'm looking at the laptop, though.  As long as it can keep itself cool, I rarely use it on my lap.07:04
KaiLthat should be above 30W then, wow!07:04
Lathiatyeh my laptop is harldy ever on my lap07:04
jbaileyBut it's nice to have a box that I can wander around with and work in the kitchen, or watch a movie from bed.07:04
Lathiatbut when it is, its not an issue07:04
Lathiatbed is a slight issue07:04
Lathiatcus the blanket cuddles it07:04
Lathiatblock fans, holds heat07:04
jbaileyBut at UDU, I did wind up carrying it around on one arm.07:04
jbaileyLathiat: Yeah, I did that once.  All bad. =)07:04
Lathiatbut my laptop has vents on top07:04
Lathiatwhich is nice07:05
jbaileyHave an end table now.07:05
Lathiat(as well as the bottom)07:05
Lathiatso if its blocked07:05
Lathiatits not cut off07:05
Lathiatsucks if you block the back exit tho07:05
Lathiatwhats nice about my laptop07:05
Lathiatis that i can control the fan speed07:05
Lathiatoff, low, high07:05
Lathiatso even if it thinks its fin07:05
Lathiati can force it up high to keep it cooler07:05
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makoion3 in hoary sucks quite a bit07:14
makoi should fix this07:14
makoin breezy07:14
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ogramako, whats wrong with it ?07:15
makoogra: loads of bugs that have been fixed in upstream.. some rather important features just don't work07:15
makoto move a window, you tag it07:15
makofirst, and then attach it07:16
makoand you can't tag windows :)07:16
makorather a problem07:16
makoand the version in debian unstable FTBFS from breezy apparently07:17
makoit's rather experimental so i'd been building my own packages since early on and hadn't noticed it was so dire07:18
ogramako, put them in universe ;)07:18
dilingermako: on the subway yesterday, i recalled your blog entry about your passport.  i completely forgot about that during the keysigning, and now i can't remember whether i actually looked at your passport or not :)07:18
makoogra: it's in universe.. 07:19
makoogra: oh, you mean mine.. 07:19
ograyeah !07:19
makoogra: well, i'd like to find out why the new versions FTBFS first07:19
makoogra: i'd prefer not to fork the debian package if possible.. so i don't have to keep maintaining this07:19
ograprobably norbert built in a lsb_version check against ubuntu ;)07:19
makoit's a xinerama/xorg issue07:20
ogramako, but beware of norbert if you touch his package ;)07:20
ograi already had the fun...07:20
makoit'll hit debian eventually07:20
ograif xorg gets in, yes07:20
makoogra: it's not an if, it's a when07:21
ograheh, yep07:21
makoogra: debian is not going to use xfree forever07:21
ograhmm, not even with the new dpl ?07:21
makoespecially not with the new dpl07:21
makothey may not use our packages07:21
makoi'm sure fabbione can speak to wahtever the latest plans are07:22
Kamionthey are currently in the middle of auditing our packages and are likely to base stuff on them, AFAIK07:22
makoKamion: that's great new.. last i heard it was a little up in the air07:22
Kamionwell, this is just what I picked up from browsing debian-x07:22
Kamionso it may be total rubbish, but it looked promising to me :)07:22
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makoso i got a new laptop07:23
makobut it powers off by itself07:23
makoapparently when the load is high07:23
makoso i underclocked it07:23
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makonow, BOTH of my computers are underclocked07:23
makounfortunately, i couldn't seem to find anything between 400mhz and max07:24
Kamionelmo: please sync autopartkit 1.08 from unstable; OK to overwrite Ubuntu changes07:25
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ogramako, what kind of laptop ?07:27
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makoogra: thinkpad x2107:32
makothe acpi is completely borked too07:32
makoif i boot with acpi on, the network card doesn't work07:32
ogramako, ah, ok, i thought some big amd64 thing07:32
makoeben moglen gave it to me :)07:32
ogramako, there are special ibm acpi drivers...07:32
makoi gave him a pile of ubuntu cds07:33
Kamionmjg59: well, the CD installs fine. cdimage's web server seems to be dead, but try ftp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/custom/20050513/07:33
makoyeah, i know.. i played with a little bit unsuccessfully.. i've been trying to get consumed on this and then have to work all weekend :)07:33
Kamionmjg59: it should also rsync very well against a hoary image, if you have one handy07:33
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madduckwould german-speaking developers who read iX (p. 20 in 6/2005) care to take a look at http://madduck.net/~madduck/scratch/ix-debian-ubuntu.msg ?07:55
makomadduck: what is ix?07:56
makoogra: ^^07:56
ogramako, reading already07:56
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ogramako, heard of heise ( german news site)07:57
madduckmako: germany's professional it magazine07:57
ograthey are the publisher07:57
makoah, ok. cool07:57
madduckogra: patches appreciated. :)07:57
ogramadduck, argh, you mentioned backports...07:58
madduckogra: not good? why not?07:58
ograbecause backports break your upgradeability.... dont have a QA review of several months and generally are evil...07:59
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jcolehi guys07:59
jcolei've asked this before07:59
madduckogra: i have not had any problem, but i am not set on mentioning it, so if you think i should take it out...08:00
amumadduck: backports arn't secu updated and activly maintained, except this nice text 08:00
ogramadduck, and backports are in no way official (in fact we are not very happy about it)08:00
madduckwe == ubuntu?08:00
jcolei'd like to know how to do an ubuntu net-install (like debian installer/fedora kickstart/suse yast/etc.)08:00
madduckjcole: FAI08:00
ograjcole, kickstart is integrated in ubuntu08:01
madduckjcole: there was a post on the fai users list about how to do it with hoary08:01
\shmadduck: cool writing08:01
madduckogra: well, tough. :) i bet there are also some out there who are not too happy with ubuntu.08:01
madduck<tongue in cheek>08:01
ograjcole, in the installer as well as the gui tool08:01
madduck\sh: thanks.08:01
ogramadduck, might be, but we dont go and break their systems ;)08:02
\shmadduck: its one of the first professional opinion to this debian cs.08:02
\shvs. ubuntu crap08:02
madduck\sh, ogra: tarzeau in #debian-devel said that I am not making enough of a difference between d and u users.08:02
\shhmm..what difference?08:02
madduck\sh: http://debianbook.info -- if you want 605 pages of more non-polemic objective stuff. :)08:02
\shdebian u smokes gras and ubuntu users dope?08:02
madduck\sh: yeah, my point.08:03
\shmadduck: well, i read ians article about it...08:03
madducklet's share! you get some of my weed, i take some of your dope. :)08:03
madduckians article?08:03
\shian murdock 08:03
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madduckabout my book? or what?08:03
madduck(what a shame)08:04
madduckhe *did* get chapter 1's quote, that bastard.08:04
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ogramadduck, you should also mention that we only survive through the fact that debian developers merge our changes, so we dont have to maintain every small fix and that we bring a huge testing community to the debian world08:04
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madduckogra: don't i say that? so versuchen wir stets, den Abstand zwischen den08:05
madduckbeiden Distribution klein zu halten, denn dann verringert sich der08:05
madduckWartungsaufwand auf beiden Seiten -- vor allem aber fr die Ubuntu08:05
kokejdub: my face is not showing at planet ubuntu, but it's in the heads/ dir08:05
ogramadduck, right...08:05
ogramadduck, but that doesnt show that both sides win here... 08:06
mxpxpodis there a rescue mode in ubuntu?08:06
madduckdoes debian win?08:06
madduckogra: (serious question)08:06
ogramadduck, sure, they have a millon (or two, or ten) more testers for the software they offer... and probably the luck to get a fix from us if we touched the source08:07
ograso both sides win indeed08:08
\shmadduck: no, when they go on with their arrogant mentality 08:08
madduck\sh: "they" don't have a mentality.08:08
madduck\sh: some have and they speak too loudly.08:08
madducki am all interested in making the best of debian+ubuntu08:08
\shmadduck: but this is debian...a mass of silence and a couple of loudspeakers08:08
madduck\sh: yeah, and a place where you aren't supposed to take anything for granted, nor react to everything, no matter how loud.08:09
ogramadduck, additionally i just was told debian seriously thinks about ubuntus xorg packages, so this might be an obvious win if it gets reality08:09
madduckogra: yes. certainly.08:09
madduck"Demnach arbeiten Ubuntu Entwickler aktiv an Debian mit"08:09
mako20:08 < madduck> i am all interested in making the best of debian+ubuntu08:10
\shmadduck: 2001 I was at the cebit as personal for redhat...we had debian visitors they asked us if redhat wanted to use the debian installer08:10
ogramadduck, that wouldnt convince ian ;)08:10
madduckmako: couldn't we form a committee who's purpose is to ensure we all get along? like 5+5 people08:10
makomadduck: we will.. but in a broader sense08:10
madduckogra: ian ios a thick head08:10
makowill bring in other distros08:10
\shmadduck: the chief of engineering at this time said "definitly not" and they started to moan and spitting out some "not understandable" words ;)08:11
makoi've already written up the proposals.. should announce in a week or so08:11
ogramadduck, sure... but still, he has a lot of fans08:11
makomadduck: i'm happy to send you the stuff if you're interested08:11
madduckoh man, why not just solve small problems first before trying to cure world hunger?08:11
madduckmako: please do.08:11
makomadduck: killer08:11
madduckogra: he is the reason we are speaking with each other right now. :)08:11
makomadduck: you gonna be in hel?08:11
madduckmako: sure thing.08:11
ogramadduck, because afterwards you have more time for the small stuff ;) raises the quality ;)08:11
mxpxpodis there a way to keep gdm from running when I boot into ubuntu?08:11
makomadduck: cool.. should have a session there.. the organizers are really dragging their feed on this though08:11
madduckmako: K.I.S.S.08:12
madducki think it's dumb to try to make this so official before producing any results.08:12
mxpxpodI screwed up my xorg.conf and gdm freezes when it starts08:12
\shmako: u want to bring gentoo in?? beware of the "100 emails for us and we will give a mini-mac as a gift to u" links...pls ;)08:12
madduckmako: for instance, doko and I are going to work on pkg-zope and I think we are going to set a good example of how to better work together.08:12
ogramadduck, the text is fine ( i would have written it more radically, but its good)08:12
madduckat least if it works out the way I have in mind. :)08:13
madduckogra: if you have concrete suggestions, I would be happy to consider them.08:13
mako\sh: debian derivers08:13
\shogra: radical is nothing for ix08:13
ogramadduck, no, its ok like it is, i already made my statements :)08:13
madduck\sh: if mako brings gentoo in, i am going to lynch him when we go transsiberia together. :)08:13
\shmadduck: hahhahah08:13
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ogra\sh, in a radical way as i would talk to IT managers ;)08:13
=== \sh is checking his clothes
makoi'm not going to try to solve the world's problems.. just the debian derivers :)08:14
\shogra: hmmm....08:14
makomadduck: i think maybe we're talking about different sets of problems08:14
makomadduck: you'll see08:14
madduckmako: just try to solve ubuntu+debian for now. the other will (have to) follow.08:14
\shogra: i've missed u the time when I p*ssed off chris van hoven ;)08:14
ogramono built on all arches :)08:14
makomadduck: but i'd love criticism.. certainly it's little things that will make or break it08:14
madduckmako: ok. looking forward.08:14
madduckmako: well, my inbox is waiting in vain.08:14
ogra\sh, pissing off is not good.... politics need stratgy ;)08:15
ograstrategy even08:15
\shmako: so u talk at least also about progeny?08:15
mako\sh: yes08:15
\shogra: he wanted to tell me how i have to do my job...08:15
madduckogra: pissing all over the place is a strategy08:15
mvohey madduck, nice writing, I like it08:15
makomadduck: i'm gonna send it unedited.. go nuts08:16
madduckmako: weeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaa08:16
madduckmvo: thanks!08:16
madduckmako: deadline?08:16
ogramadduck, but i doubt you'll win by pissing ;)08:16
madduckogra: wanna find out?08:16
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ogramadduck, i already did... it cured me :)08:16
=== \sh nods
madduckyou pissed all over the place to cure you?08:17
jcolehas anyone here ever used FAI08:18
\shmadduck: no the others were p*ssing all over the place.08:18
madduckbukake party!08:18
\shmadduck: at last right now 08:18
jcole(per madduck recommendation)08:18
madduckjcole: it rulez08:18
\shok...lets have a look to the list08:18
\shogra: in the end: peter has ubuntu on his laptop ;)08:18
\shogra: so u left at least one good thing for him ;) 08:19
jcolei'm getting an "yuck, FAI" response08:19
ogra\sh, he had warty already, i gave it to him on my hiring interview ;)08:19
makomadduck: no deadline08:19
makomadduck: if you've got ideas, it would be cool to send them this weekend as i'll probably be hacking on this stuff then08:19
madduckmako: ok.08:19
\shogra: but he's not satisfied with gnome, i told him: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ;)08:20
madduckwill do.08:20
madduckjcole: by whom?08:20
ograjcole, we look for testers for hsprangs packages to get them into universe fo the next release08:20
madduckjcole: check out the wiki08:20
ograjcole, would you mind to use them and write a two line comment on the functionallity ?08:20
jcolesome of the developers that deploy different linux distros to people here at my company... they have a web interface that creates a small iso (for debian/suse/redhat/fedora/vmware esx server(rh7.3)/etc.) that will net-install08:22
madduckmako: s/deian/debian/ and more comments later08:22
madduckjcole: fai has a learning curve and i bet they didn't make it up there.08:22
madduckjcole: do you use cfengine?08:22
jcoleogra: ya, i'm reading this right now, and it seems pretty advanced and flexible -  http://www.informatik.uni-koeln.de/fai/fai-guide.html/08:22
madduckand/or do they know what cfengine is?08:22
madduckjcole: and *simple*08:23
madduckjcole: and it has a great mailing list08:23
madduckand #fai08:23
ograjcole, i'm sure hsprang would be very happy to have finally a review08:23
jcolemadduck: Henning Sprang08:24
madduckyou guys review each other?08:24
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ogramadduck, yep08:25
ogramadduck, for universe08:25
madduckso you review him and then send him out to space?08:25
madducki must go work now.08:25
ogramadduck, yeah08:25
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jcolemadduck: cfengine? i'll ask08:32
madduckjcole: i bet they don't know it. :)08:32
\shnice tool :)08:32
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\shif u know what u do, u can break 500 servers in 1 second ;)08:33
mvomadduck: to work? now? it friday evening, that's the time for leisure :)08:34
madduckmy gf gets here tomorrow. i have to make smart use of my time. :)08:34
mvomadduck: good point :)08:34
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wasabi_mvo, I made a patch to update-manager that implements my idea.08:43
wasabi_pgp keys and all.08:43
wasabi_It's really sucky code, my first real python program. ;)08:43
wasabi_But it works!08:43
Lathiatgo sucky code08:44
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Lathiatat least it'l be indented correctly08:44
wasabi_And when I say it works, i mean "in principal". There doesn't seem to be anyway to have a .desktop file pass a file name argument when using gksudo08:45
Lathiat.. how so?08:45
Lathiatugh dselect got updated?08:47
Lathiatthat still exits?08:47
mvowasabi_: did you send it to me?08:49
mvowasabi_: I'm happy to look at it, thanks for your idea and the code :)08:49
blueyedWhich is the component where the gnome user manager is in (where you create/change user accounts)? It's buggy with amd64...08:54
ograblueyed, gnome-system-tools08:57
wasabi_no, i didn't send it.09:00
wasabi_Im gonna clean it up some tonight.09:00
wasabi_Where is the svn/cvs repos at?09:00
wasabi_so I can make a proper patch against head or whatever09:00
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ograLathiat, till monday most of mono will be done... mono itself should be clean with the last upload09:04
Lathiatstill needs to go into main09:04
Lathiatbefore we get dbus-cil love09:04
ogras/most of mono/most of the mono apps/09:04
Lathiat(so im told)09:04
Lathiatis anyone fixing bluez?09:05
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Lathiatif not i might take a look09:05
ogradbus-cil should be in the current new dbus...09:05
ograwhich is in main09:05
Lathiatogra: yeh but mono isnt09:05
ograyep, true09:05
Lathiatand you cant build a source package in main09:05
Lathiatand drop stuff in universe09:05
ograit will move next eek09:06
Lathiat(cus dbus-cil is now in the dbus source package rather than split)09:06
ograi know09:06
ograi think we move mono and gtk-sharp on monday and the rest of the apps during the week, as the dependencys come in09:07
LathiatSetting up dbus (0.33-0ubuntu1) ...09:07
LathiatInstalling new version of config file /etc/init.d/dbus-1 ...09:07
LathiatInstalling new version of config file /etc/dbus-1/session.conf ...09:07
Lathiat * Starting system message bus:                                          [ ok ] 09:07
Lathiat * Starting Hardware abstraction layer:09:07
Lathiat/usr/sbin/hald: unrecognized option `--drop-privileges'09:07
mvowasabi_: update-manager is in gnome cvs09:07
ograyeah, the last hal didnt build09:08
KaiLLathiat: did you ever play manually in /etc/default/hal?09:08
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blueyedogra: Thanks. I filed it (https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=10742). I think this is very bad.. the user in #ubuntu has probably to re-install.09:12
LathiatKaiL: nope, never09:12
KaiLLathiat: then we have a bug :(09:13
Lathiatalso i get a '/bin/sh: no: command not found' in the gnome-volume-manager errorlog after mounting a removable drive (and the drive is mounted but doesntshow up in places etc)09:13
Lathiatis taht known?09:13
KaiLcoz in that file sits this "--drop-privileges"09:13
Lathiatthe automount stuff sems borked anyway09:13
KamionLathiat: that's characteristic of a missing build-dependency, usually09:13
Lathiateven when it mounts the usbdisk it thinks its a scsidisk and not a usbdisk like it used to anyway09:13
ograLathiat, as i said, pittis latest package ftbfs09:13
Lathiatogra: oh right09:13
Lathiatogra: missed that09:14
Kamionblueyed: the user should use the recovery boot option, with which they'll be able to reset their password by typing 'passwd <username>'09:14
ograblueyed, let him boot in recovery mode.... 09:14
blueyedtoo late.. it got off.. :/09:14
wasabi_mvo, what would be the best way to raise this issue to the parties that matter? I see this as being a reasonable goal for breezy after people talk about it.09:15
KamionLathiat: dselect is still part of the dpkg source package; it was updated along with the rest of dpkg09:16
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LathiatKamion: ahh09:17
wasabi_mvo, the apt security implications are probably not something I can handle.09:17
Lathiati think the last time i used dselect was installing potato09:17
KamionKeybuk wants to split it out of the source, I know; I occasionally volunteer to maintain it when he talks about that and I've had too much to drink09:18
ograKamion, you want to keep it alive ?09:18
Kamionogra: yes; I use it almost every day.09:19
ograwow, you got masochistic tendencys ?09:19
ogradidnt know that :)09:20
mvowasabi_: creating some text on the wiki (in the packagemanagement page)09:21
KamionI like my upgrades to work, so I use dselect. ;-)09:21
=== Lathiat uh
ogramine work too... just with apt :)09:21
mvowasabi_: I think matt likes the idea too and we want to be able to install stuff over the web09:22
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wasabi_Trying to come up with a good GPG key acceptance dialog.09:27
zygawasabi_: BSOD, people are afraid of those09:30
zygawasabi_: at least they'll notice09:30
zygawasabi_: my mom is either 1) too afraid to click something she does not understand, 2) clicks something away when window shape is similar09:30
zygasimilar to something she recognizes09:31
wasabi_Yeah. Well. Until somebody can come up with another paradigm, we're stuck with this.09:31
wasabi_And I've been thinking hard and haven't figured it out.09:31
zygawasabi_: BSOD - blue screen of death ;-] 09:31
wasabi_Any ideas?09:31
zygawasabi_: talking head, that would atract attention :-)09:32
\shdoes anybody worked with libglade recently?09:32
Lathiat\sh: yeh whats up09:32
wasabi_I realize this is almost exactly like MS's active X thing. =/09:32
wasabi_I just can't come up with a more reasonable way to go about it.09:32
zygawasabi_: in some way - yes09:32
zygawasabi_: probably because there is none09:32
wasabi_People want to be able to install software over the web... so they have to be able to.09:32
\shLathiat: did u see any problems with current libglade gtk apps in breezy? 09:32
wasabi_And some dialog has to ask if they're sure if they want to.09:32
wasabi_And that's it.09:32
mvo\sh: I work with libglade a lot09:32
zygawasabi_: people will install trash this way 09:32
wasabi_I know. =(09:33
Lathiatwasabi_: its really no different to downloading an installer09:33
zygawasabi_: people are not sure09:33
zygawasabi_: developers who can read the code are sure09:33
Lathiat\sh: well alot of applications use it, and i havent seen anything break09:33
zygawasabi_: think middle ages, where only few people could read09:33
\shLathiat: do me a favour, and try tagtool09:33
wasabi_I'd bet we haven't hit the problem yet because malicious people don't target us, and we don't have a user base. =/09:33
wasabi_And installing packages is hard.09:33
Lathiat\sh: just install the package?09:33
\shLathiat: in hoary it's ok...on breezy it broke09:33
\shLathiat: 09:33
ograwasabi_, we dont have a userbase ?09:33
zygawasabi_: those who could not had no opinion of their own, no knowledge (generalizing here)09:33
wasabi_ogra, that is targetting by ISV's, no.09:34
Lathiatseems to have an issue finding the signal handler09:34
Lathiati.e. its using autoconnect09:34
Lathiatthat could possibly eb somethign to do with gcc4, or tagtool is just broken09:34
\shLathiat: lemme look09:34
\shLathiat: i think gcc409:34
Lathiat(cus it uses some of the glib module introspetion to do the autoconnect)09:34
zygawasabi_: when we have a userbase of 10% (apt-based systems in general) it will be too late to fix something security wise09:34
Lathiatnfi how that works or how gcc4 woudl affect it09:34
\shjupp glade_xml_signal_autoconnect09:35
Lathiat(i can tell from the errors tahts whats causing the issue009:35
wasabi_zyga, again, if you can offer a better solution. ;)09:35
wasabi_I mean, I *CAN* offer a better solution... we just can't do it yet.09:35
wasabi_Every package installed by this remote thing should run in a protected space, perhaps with SELinux.09:35
zygawasabi_: there is no protected space09:35
\shLathiat: so i have to search for a workaround....:(09:36
wasabi_my point exactly.09:36
zygawasabi_: you are fooling yourself in a way09:36
zygawasabi_: the protected space will *have* to be breached09:36
wasabi_How so?09:36
zygawasabi_: unless the app is totally self contained09:36
wasabi_Worked for Java. ;)09:36
zygawasabi_: and users will simply click 'yes I want to let this app access my files'09:36
Lathiat\sh: fix glade :P09:36
zygawasabi_: didn't you see java crapware?09:36
zygawasabi_: just download and run will all priviledges (pretty images show how joe sixpack can do this)09:37
\shLathiat: no ways ;) i hate gtk stuff ;)09:37
jbaileywasabi_: Is this a proposal for a security manager implementation?09:37
\shLathiat: but i'm the last who touched tagtool09:37
wasabi_It's just a wandering conversation.09:37
Lathiatwell im going to bed, night all09:38
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jbaileyOh good.  SELinux for SecurityManager would be... interesting.09:38
jbaileyProbably be a bitch to audit.09:38
wasabi_Well, I've got a draft proposal for that idea someplace too. ;009:38
wasabi_Apple is actually doing it in OS X09:38
zygawasabi_: can't you write a java app that will remove all files in your home dir?09:38
zygawasabi_: you can!09:38
wasabi_zyga, not if you don't give the user the ability to run it.09:39
Lathiatsure but afaik with sun etc it isnt allowed to in a browser09:39
wasabi_except in the sandbox.09:39
zygawasabi_: and when the java security stuff will ask you wether to allow this app to access the file system 09:39
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zygawasabi_: you might click no09:39
wasabi_zyga, only if signed by a trusted signature.09:39
Lathiathowever the current gcj firefox plugin does09:39
zygawasabi_: but will anyone else?09:39
wasabi_Hey the idea isn't about to defeat every possible entry point.09:39
wasabi_The idea is to make a user relatively sure he's safe by default when running remote software.09:39
MrKeunerhi, did ubuntu quit maintaining bittorrent tracker service?09:39
zygawasabi_: trusted signature? 09:40
zygawasabi_: like signed activex? 09:40
wasabi_zyga, code signing. The basis of the Java security manager.09:40
zygawasabi_: trusted = centralized trust?09:40
wasabi_Depends what you mean by centralized.09:40
zygawasabi_: forget about centralized09:40
zygawasabi_: I just cannot understand how will this ever work09:40
wasabi_centralized where anybody is free the be the center.09:40
zygawasabi_: let's say I have app XYZ and I want it to be trusted09:41
wasabi_zyga, okay, lets take a simple scenario. A user wants to run... hmm. A little game he received from email.09:41
zygawasabi_: okay09:41
zygawasabi_: he has only a binary image09:41
zygawasabi_: now what?09:41
wasabi_So he opens hte game from his email client. The email client launches the process, but before it launches it it takes to our security manager and applies a profile to the process.09:41
wasabi_profile: "LaunchedFromEmail"09:41
wasabi_Which says "can create 1 X window"09:42
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wasabi_And "can open outbound connections > 1024"09:42
zygawasabi_: go on09:42
wasabi_That sounds like a reasonable default "LaunchedFromEmail" profile.09:42
wasabi_Obviously it needs tweaking.09:42
herveseb128, did you try something on verbiste or can I try my hands on it?09:42
zygawasabi_: can access file system?09:42
wasabi_Well, maybe /tmp/$pid09:43
zygawasabi_: bzzz bad game09:43
seb128herve: I've assigned the bug to me for a reason, I've a patch on my disk09:43
zygawasabi_: scores? 09:43
wasabi_zyga, it's an internet game09:43
wasabi_scores are stored remotely.09:43
zygawasabi_: upgrades [levels/sounds]  from the web09:43
zygawasabi_: okay09:43
seb128herve: I've already said that to a motu this week, don't remember who...09:43
herveseb128, that's what I thouht :)-09:43
zygawasabi_: fair enough09:43
zygawasabi_: what if it's a panorama picture maker09:43
wasabi_The program runs. If the program attempts to access something outside of the profile, the security manager raises a signal to dbus saying "profile 1234 attempted to access this protected resource".09:43
wasabi_The security manager sleeps the program and waits for an answer.09:44
zygawasabi_: answer from whom?09:44
wasabi_afk brb09:44
wasabi_The dbus thing would probably notify some user process, which would display some sort of dialog09:45
wasabi_"Program blah has attempted to do foo, this is not allowed."09:45
zygawasabi_: and ther you go09:45
wasabi_The choice about weither to have a "allow" button is optional.09:45
wasabi_what question? :009:45
zygawasabi_: sorry for caps but I really mean it09:45
wasabi_I didn't put a question09:45
wasabi_I said the program can't do it.09:45
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wasabi_All dependent on the launch profile.09:45
zygawasabi_: if you don't allow the user to permit things he will just dump the app09:46
wasabi_For a program launched from email, i'd imagine you'd not want to allow that, in an office.09:46
wasabi_Maybe on a home system you would.09:46
wasabi_This needs to be configurable.09:46
herveseb128, I would probably be the only one in #u-m caring about verbiste :-)09:46
herveseb128, but I don't remember about the patch, sorry then09:46
wasabi_zyga, depends.09:46
zygawasabi_: and the big-bad-company will find a way to make malware that will go around that security09:46
wasabi_zyga, if the app is non malicious, then it was designed with this in mind.09:46
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wasabi_If the app is malicious, and the user dumps it, great. ;)09:46
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zygawasabi_: okay - my example09:46
wasabi_For my office network, I would not want anybody to launch anything from email.09:46
wasabi_That's my choice as an admin.09:46
zygawasabi_: panorama picture maker09:46
zygawasabi_: my mom got this over the email09:47
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zygawasabi_: she clicks but learns (by some dialog and apps talking behind the sceens) that the program needs to access her files09:47
zygawasabi_: should she be able to allow this or not?09:48
wasabi_Sure. She should be able to allow it to access files in ~ that are not prefixed with .09:48
wasabi_But not anything else.09:48
wasabi_I'm talking very fine grained here. ;009:48
zygawasabi_: this is already exploitable 09:48
zygawasabi_: first of all my mom will probably be confused (she has no idea about any . files)09:49
wasabi_You just assumed for some reason that you mom saw some message talking about . files.09:49
wasabi_I'm not sure where you got that.09:49
zygawasabi_: and the app will be free to write 'sorry' to each and every writable file09:49
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zygawasabi_: okay so mom could click a button 'allow limited access'09:49
wasabi_Why did you assume that button is present?09:50
wasabi_listen, I realize there are a billion ways around this.09:50
wasabi_You don't have to convince me about that.09:50
zygawasabi_: good :-)09:50
wasabi_I already admitted that up above.09:50
zygawasabi_: so what are we left with?09:51
wasabi_The default cause that a user can run a non malicious program by default.09:51
wasabi_But is still given the chance to preventa  malicious program.09:51
zygawasabi_: gigantic audit over anything? (system calls for example?)09:51
wasabi_GIVEN THE CHANCE09:51
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truluxpitti not here :(09:51
truluxI have good news for him :)09:51
truluxtseng: ping09:52
wasabi_This is a tool.09:52
truluxtseng|work: ping09:52
wasabi_It's not a prevent all exploit magic wand.09:52
wasabi_On top of that, it'd be a REALLY GOOD tool for an office situation.09:52
wasabi_It might be less good for a home user.09:52
zygawasabi_: it could stop one vector of attack (like email)09:52
zygawasabi_: for an office situtation? /home <- non executable, nothing gets installed09:53
wasabi_In my office I'd want to let people run the obvious: things which didn't need to access their docs. Maybe things that could read only.09:53
wasabi_And display 1 or 2 windows.09:53
wasabi_You know, those flash.exe videos idiots send around.09:53
zygawasabi_: for home situtation... really no idea09:53
wasabi_It is an idea.09:53
wasabi_I am in a home istuation. Most of my friends are.09:53
zygawasabi_: (I'm still getting .ppt videos ... )09:53
wasabi_And we are capable of using a tool like this to audit our programs.09:54
zygawasabi_: the home situation is most crucial09:54
wasabi_Sure, we're not my mom.09:54
wasabi_But we are a certain population.09:54
zygawasabi_: because that's how zombie nets and user attitude is generated09:54
=== mvo is away for bit
wasabi_What about YOU?09:54
wasabi_Would you appreciate this tool?09:54
zygawasabi_: hard to say09:54
zygawasabi_: I am biased (spelling?)09:55
wasabi_I'd set mine to prompt on everything and I wouldn't be afraid to run anything from the internet.09:55
wasabi_That's a massive use right there, for me.09:55
zygawasabi_: if it's not open source and generaly recognized I'm wary09:55
wasabi_Right now, I wouldn't ever run a program from the internet.09:55
wasabi_Liket hose flash apps.09:55
zygawasabi_: I would - this kind of stuff is not perfect 09:55
zygawasabi_: unless it would really really audit everything down to system calls and memory overusage09:56
wasabi_That's the goal.09:56
wasabi_Basically what SELinux provides, no?09:56
zygawasabi_: but then it would be a monster to maintain and monster for performance IMHO09:56
wasabi_Just with a dbus callout interface of some sort.09:56
zygawasabi_: maybe I'm out of the loop09:56
zygawasabi_: but I though selinux did a fair bit less than that09:56
wasabi_zyga, I would not find it neccassary to use for software distributed by Ubuntu.09:56
zygawasabi_: I should update myself on that topic09:56
zygawasabi_: because we trust ubuntu09:57
wasabi_And I'm not too worried about performance issues on flash.exe09:57
wasabi_So, it's not much of a concern.09:57
zygawasabi_: I would really hate the day when linux will have to run antivirus for daily stuff 09:57
wasabi_Its a simple fact that we WILL.09:57
wasabi_When we have a user base of sufficient size.09:57
wasabi_There's nothing preventing it.09:58
zygawasabi_: then we'll say 'bah, no more' and start hacking gnu/hurd and Z windows 09:58
zygawasabi_: and banish those 'linuz' folks and their problems ;-)09:58
zygawasabi_: virtual boxes, totally separated from the main system would convice mew09:59
zygawasabi_: maybe the next generation of CPUs that will get new instructions important for virtualizing stuff will help09:59
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zygawasabi_: BTW, did you hear of libsandbox?10:00
wasabi_virutal boxes are just a poor mans way of accomplishing it10:00
elmoKamion/seb128: done gtk2-blah, sorry for the delay10:00
Kamionelmo: np, thanks10:00
zygawasabi_: google for 'DAG sandbox'10:00
zygawasabi_: it's a small library10:00
zygawasabi_: written by that guy to test .rpm installs10:00
zygawasabi_: basically it allows you to audit most file operations10:01
wasabi_just a preload thing10:01
zygawasabi_: yes10:01
zygawasabi_: easy to go around of course10:01
wasabi_if it was used widly for what we were talking about, people would just work around it10:01
zygawasabi_: but the idea is neat10:01
zygawasabi_: chroot for app X to run10:01
zygawasabi_: and system provided user interface and tools to transfer files from one zone to the other10:02
wasabi_I can also see this sandbox thing being used in other creative ways too.10:02
zygawasabi_: same thing for networks and user displays and lots of other things10:02
wasabi_Like, imagine if Evolution's mail display widget was in a seperate process.10:02
zygawasabi_: it was used to see wether PREFIX stuff worked10:02
wasabi_and this process was locked down to do nothing except communicate with the host process and draw to a predefined X window10:03
zygawhether [spelling] 10:03
wasabi_might reduce the impact of a html rendering vuln of some sort10:03
wasabi_same with a browser.10:03
zygawasabi_: hmm, how?10:03
zygawasabi_: the process can: break, hug resources, do nothing10:04
zygawasabi_: what can the same process do without that constraint?10:04
zygawasabi_: what else?10:04
wasabi_you just listed 3 very minor thing10:04
wasabi_at least he process can't "open a smtp engine and serve spam"10:04
wasabi_or "overwrite all my files"10:04
zygawasabi_: hmm?10:04
zygawasabi_: I thought you were talking about html display widget10:05
wasabi_I am.10:05
zygawasabi_: I hope we never have to get them from the net from random corporations :>10:05
wasabi_Think of all the complex logic involved in parsing HTML and CSS and MarkupOfTheDay.10:05
wasabi_There are probavly buffer overflows in there waiting to happen.10:05
zygawasabi_: true10:05
zygawasabi_: hmm10:05
wasabi_If all they could do was compromise a little window in a mail client, and nothing else.10:05
wasabi_Well, that's a bonus.10:05
zygawasabi_: I'm not afraid of buffer overflows actually10:05
wasabi_well, then consider javascript in a browser.10:06
zygawasabi_: with all the stuff going on recently It's become virtually impossible to hack stuff this way (or so I believe)10:06
zygacorrect me if I'm wrong please10:06
zygaand besides: safe languages can provide stuff like this if you want to be totally sure10:07
wasabi_that's great.10:07
zygawasabi_: like java for example10:07
wasabi_you get everyone to rewrite all their apps in a safe language. ;)10:07
zygawasabi_: no, but critical systems could be reimplemented (just thinking)10:07
wasabi_well what's critical?10:07
wasabi_5 years ago a browser wasn't critical.10:07
wasabi_now it's hte most critical thing there is10:08
zygawasabi_: especially since parsing is already available in just about any language10:08
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zygawasabi_: true10:08
zygawasabi_: browser is really critical nowdays10:08
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truluxhey tritium 10:08
tritiumhey trulux10:08
zygawasabi_: trully I don't think that java-browser will have wide user base ;-)10:08
wasabi_it doesn't and never will10:09
zygawasabi_: loook it's started, I can almost see the window now10:09
zygawasabi_: bah, back to the topic10:09
zygawasabi_: all those stack smashing and random offset loading anti bufer overflow things10:10
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zygawasabi_: how exploitable is that ATM?10:10
wasabi_no clue10:11
zygawasabi_: so no conclusion 10:11
tseng|workpitti I built latest ethereal from breezy on hoary.. works nicely10:14
tseng|workpitti: what is the right place to upload it for review?10:15
seb128he's not here10:15
seb128you probably should mail him10:15
seb128not sure on how much he IRC during the WE10:15
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MrKeunerdid ubuntu quit maintaining bittorrent tracker service? it is not working since yesterday10:23
elmothe machine had some hardware problems - I've just re-enabled it, pls try again10:25
truluxanyone here wants to review the UBuntu Hardened new spec. before I commit it to CVS and the like?10:27
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MrKeunerelmo thank you it is working now10:33
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blueyedelmo: I cannot find peers with a fresh bittorrent install. Azureus on another machine can find a few (through Scrape perhaps?). Can you please check the server(s) again?10:59
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truluxmako: ping11:03
=== lamont_r goes to fetch kids, back in an hour or so
makotrulux: yessir11:05
truluxmako: I've got the spec. finished and some kernel sutff, just I'm unable to get logged into the OFTC machine to rsync and so on11:06
truluxmako: do you want to look over it before I announce it?11:06
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makotrulux: better to have mdz and ajmitch_ look it over if they haven't yet11:08
makoand what do you mean by announce it? call for comments?11:08
truluxmako: yes, send note to mailing list11:10
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blueyedyeah.. bad..11:14
makotrulux: if it needs to be looked at right now, i can't do it.. if you can wait a bit, i'll get time in a minute11:17
truluxmako: sure11:18
truluxmako: I'll wait11:18
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tsengtrulux: ?11:31
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truluxtseng: the new spec...11:33
tsengdid you post it to the u-h mailing list?11:34
truluxtseng: not yet, I'm asking for people who want to review it before I do that11:34
truluxtseng: I thought you might be interested11:34
tsengis it as long as the last writeup? i dont have alot of extra time11:35
truluxtseng: just 8 pages but not long11:35
tsengoh man11:35
truluxtseng: it's a spec., it's the point where we decide over the project future, taking it as little wiki page is senseless if we want to achieve our goals11:36
truluxbtw, I've taken most of the things of the wiki page into the spec11:36
=== tseng nods
truluxat least those under my competency11:37
truluxtseng: I hope you'll like it11:38
truluxtseng: capable for DCC?11:38
truluxtseng: let's check :)11:39
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truluxtseng: done!11:40
truluxtseng: my crack of the day won't be available yet, andromeda (OFTC machine hosting pearls.tuxedo-es.org and the like) died today due to harddisk failure11:42
truluxtseng: the box is at Germany, so, I suspect pappy- has something to say about it!!11:42
=== trulux grins
=== tseng regexs out "*pappy-*
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truluxtseng: hehe. he disappeared, no joke. just says hi from times to times but I doubt I feel OK seeing a hacker like pappy- falling down that hard way11:44
truluxtseng: or he is working on a world domination project11:45
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truluxtseng: anyways, we (Hardened Debian/UH) work much better now without him, though he was a great fellow when we were working together on libssp and the other stuff11:45
diegohi all. i'm interested in developing the Graphical Config Tools as listed on http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/GraphicalConfigTools?highlight=%28BreezyGoal%29 . i'm busy now but i can definitely get this done (with python+gtk+glade) sometime in the next few weeks. who should i talk to? the only thing i would need help with is just a security audit on the password change tool11:46
truluxI still think on why he got mad, it was in just one week, all things messed up. that's not reliable even for me (if I'm the mostly a unstable kid) :)11:46
tsengOT dude11:46
truluxtseng: right, let's forget it11:47
truluxtseng: bbl, dinner11:47
LinuxJonescan someone come to #ubuntu there is a spammer/racist idiot please :(11:49
Kamionelmo: could you promote the various bits of ttf-indic-fonts? (sorry, I've no idea how anastacia output looks at the moment and whether direct requests for each thing are needed)11:49
diegohm..should i have asked that in #ubuntu-love? didn't know it existed11:49
thomLinuxJones: who?11:50
LinuxJonesthom, slak11:50
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LinuxJonesthom, ty11:52
Kamionseb128: in case you hadn't noticed, gnome-libs FTBFS on powerpc11:56
=== Kamion -> bed
diegowill someone tell me what i need to do to get involved with this goal?11:57
seb128not notice, I'll have a look tomorrow, thanks11:57
Kamiondiego: probably better to send mail to ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com11:57
Kamion(than asking here)11:57
diegoKamion: well the wiki has People, Contributers, and Interested listed...what do those mean?11:58
Kamiondiego: what they say; they were just put together from the names that came up at the breezy kickoff meeting11:58
Kamiondiego: don't worry about those for now11:58
Kamiondiego: however it looks like you should talk to ogra11:59
tsengnot here11:59
Kamionhe's on IRC but I don't know if he's still around11:59
diegook...what does he do?12:00
elmoKamion: done12:00
Kamiondiego: he's listed as the person to contact about GraphicalConfigTools12:01
diegoKamion: well ok :) thanks12:01
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