
motaboynight all!12:19
Riddellguid nicht12:19
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Riddellamu: do you have a working qt 3.3.4 package?  did you look at the debian 3.3.4 package?11:54
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amuRiddell: i have03:34
Riddellamu: which?03:34
amuRiddell: asap a gcc4 with new names03:35
amuqt-3.3.4, gcc303:35
Riddellhave you looked at the debian 3.3.4 package?  they might have made changes since 3.3.3 I don't know03:36
amuyep, installfiles changed, some bugfixes, nothing special 03:40
Riddellamu: did you include their changes?03:42
amuthere where no code changes, just packaged based, those i did 03:47
amuasap get the 3.3.4 with gcc4 builded i'll upthem all, doko need them, otherwise everything will be 3.3.3 based :P03:50
Riddelldoko: could you upload the sources to your arts and kdelibs packages you have on people.u.c ?03:50
amuRiddell: doko still has 3.3.3 03:51
Riddellwhich is why I havn't asked for the sources to his qt :)03:52
Riddellunless you also have arts and kdelibs packages amu?03:53
amu...unfortunately i didnt get buildd working for a rebuild with gcc4  03:53
Riddellchroot on dev.kubuntu.org.uk works fine with gcc 403:53
Riddellunfortunatly doko's kdelibs4-dev depends on kdelibs4 not kdelibs4c2 so it's hard to compile anything above that03:54
amuRiddell: not now, $wife and $child day's the last 48h :)  03:55
Riddellamu: could you put the source to your qt somewhere I can gett i?03:57
KaiL_kdelibs4c2 = gcc4-version?04:03
RiddellKaiL_: correct, kdelibs4 and arts get a c2 ending, qt looses it's c102 ending04:04
KaiL_already working on your system?04:04
Riddelldoko: there's no sources to the arts and kdelibs packages at http://people.ubuntu.com/~doko/GCC-4.0/04:05
dokokdelibs4-dev depends on kdelibs4c204:05
dokowhich packages do you use?04:06
KaiL_quite interesting: all packages are MUCH smaller....04:07
Riddelldoko: you're right, ignore me, I'll rebuild my chroot04:08
KaiL_kdelibs4: 8.1MB, kdelibs4c2: 7.3MB - would be interesting, if we see that in RAM usage too04:09
RiddellKaiL_: I think that's -fvisibility at play04:09
amuRiddell: got the source? 04:10
amu^k, packages are ready, need to change my ip for faster download 04:10
Riddellamu: yep04:11
KaiL_qt3.3.4 and gcc4 at the same time..? to get shure we don't miss some chance to break? ;)04:11
RiddellKaiL_: fixes twice as many problems :)04:12
dokoRiddell: the sources are on chinstrap04:13
Riddelldoko: don't have an account on that yet, who do I ask?04:13
dokoRiddell: elmo04:13
Riddellelmo: can I have an account on chinstrap please?04:14
amudoko: those are the qt3.3.4 & gcc4 04:17
amuRiddell: doko: should i continue with kde.all ? 04:18
Riddellamu: thought you were on holiday today :)04:19
amui was :) a 2 day's break without net is like 1 month holiday04:20
amupackaging now the final one's (qt)04:21
dokoamu, Riddell: hmm, what about fixing the KDE FTBFS things from bugzilla first ;)04:24
motaboyRiddell, amu : I'd suggest to disable -fvisibility, it's broken04:25
Riddellmotaboy: what's broken about it?04:25
motaboyRiddell: The implementation between qt and some kde programs that will bring to strange crashes04:26
motaboyRiddell: I'm searching for the bug reports...04:26
amuRiddell: do we need the kubuntu_01_qclipboard_hack?04:27
motaboyRiddell, amu: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10154204:28
amudoko: that's what i asked for ;)04:29
motaboyamu, Riddell: The qt problem will not be fixed in the qt3 release cycle.04:29
motaboyamu, Riddell: so I think that the patch it's needed04:29
Riddellamu: yes, it not fixed until qt 404:31
amuRiddell: did you send madkiss the patch?04:36
amumotaboy: thanks04:36
Riddellamu: the kubuntu_01_qclipboard_hack one?  no but it was on kde-packager04:36
dokoamu, so you disable the visibility switch for KDE?04:37
=== motaboy loves kubuntu_01_qclipboard_hack or a lot of people will get an unusable konqueror...
KaiL_disable visibility would be very bad :(04:41
amudoko: let's say otherwise i didnt enabled it :) how i can check it, if it's enabled or not? 04:41
amuKaiL_: why? 04:41
amuamu@devel:~$ grep visibility qt-x11-free_3.3.4-2ubuntu0.2_i386.build04:41
amuamu@devel:~$   04:41
dokoamu: -fvisibility should be on the commandline 04:41
KaiL_spamer packages and faster startup04:41
KaiL_both significant04:42
motaboyamu: it's a configure check04:42
motaboyamu: do you want a patch to disable it?04:42
datoRiddell: is kubuntu_01_qclipboard_hack the one from qt-copy, i.e. http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/qt-copy/patches/0048-qclipboard_hack_80072.patch?rev=310962&view=markup ?04:43
dokomotaboy: thanks, fixed it04:43
motaboydato: yes04:44
datomotaboy: and does -fsibility cause trouble on i386?04:44
KaiL_is there still any use in using gcc4 with out -fvisibility?04:44
datothe gentoo bug mentions amd64 and ppc.04:45
amumotaboy: yes please04:45
Riddelldato: it is04:46
datook, then our 3.3.4 has it04:47
motaboydato: dunno, What it's said in the bug report is that it's broken independetly from the architecture, maybe on i386 it doesn't crash but I'm not sure04:48
KaiL_they always mention amd64 and pcc there, but never i386...04:50
KaiL_try with enabled and if to much crashes, disable? 04:51
KaiL_and this crash on kasteroirds seams to be a reproducable test for the bug...:)04:52
motaboyKaiL_: I used kde 3.4 for some months with visibilty hidden on i386 and I didn't get any crash related to it.04:54
motaboyKaiL_: but this doesn't mean that it's ok, I don't use ALL the kde programs :P04:54
KaiL_motaboy: do you have kasteroids?04:55
motaboyKaiL_: yes and it doesn't crash04:55
KaiL_ok, then enabled on i386 for now :)04:55
JRebut on why damn are you working ;) ???04:56
KaiL_...and maybe on amd64 too, some more crashes there are not really visible *g*04:56
motaboyKaiL_: Please read carefully comment #27 on that bug report04:57
motaboyKaiL_: the kde devs suggest to remove it until the kde code is fixed.04:58
motaboyKaiL_: as the kde code is broken.04:58
motaboyKaiL_: The problem is that not all C++ library uses hidden visibility. If all will use them as in windows there weren't crashes... 05:00
motaboythis is Hironic...05:00
motaboy(and I'm not able to write in english...)05:00
KaiL_so this is some function like ACPI, dma for harddisks or composite extension: wonderfull in theory, but completely useless in reality because it's to easy to break? :)05:01
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=== KaiL loves his ISP for disconnections at the wrong time
JRenothing has been said in your absence05:07
JRe(on this channel)05:07
KaiLdid my rant about to much useless features found it's way before?05:07
motaboyKaiL: ACPI will on my laptop work well! 05:08
motaboyKaiL: it report also the temperature...05:08
KaiLmost of that "normally" works05:08
KaiLas -fvisibility does ;)05:09
KaiLbut for all of that you need to hope, that it works and can not be shure05:09
motaboyKaiL: adding #pragma araound the headers that exports symbols will remove any problem05:16
motaboyKaiL: But I don't know when this will be fixed.05:16
motaboyKaiL: maybe we can kontact Thiago and ask him if he has a final idea on how to fix this issue05:17
KaiLwhat does that in practice?05:18
KaiLexport everything, where we can't be shure it works without, but doesn't export, where we can be shure?05:18
motaboyKaiL: so we can start patching and commit them to kde SVN.05:18
motaboyKaiL: no05:19
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DrGonzo42069which automake should my system be setup to use (when using update-alternatives)?05:20
DrGonzo420691.4, 1.5, 1.6 etc?05:20
RiddellDrGonzo42069: 1.905:20
DrGonzo42069awesome thanks05:21
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KaiLmotaboy: so go and contact him :)05:24
motaboyKaiL: to be honest, I have to much things to do just now on the kde side. And I want to help kubuntu too. I think this step should be left to the one that added the visiblity in kde.05:29
motaboyit's more expert then me on this side05:29
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Riddellamu: can you make sure your qt changelog inclues all the entries from madkiss05:54
motaboyRiddell: I really think that kexi should be released in koffice.05:59
motaboyRiddell: it has a different release cycle.05:59
motaboyRiddell: I'd like to remove it's compilation from the koffice 1.4 deb, and make a different source just for it05:59
Riddellmotaboy: "that kexi should be released in koffice" or shouldn't be?06:00
motaboyRiddell: it has a different release cycle, it's not related to koffice in any way06:00
motaboyRiddell: it's just in the koffice module...06:00
motaboyRiddell: it also doesn't use the koffice's libraries06:01
Riddellmotaboy: I think the plan is still to release it with koffice06:01
Riddellthey just ignore the koffice string freeze06:01
motaboyRiddell: looks like 0.8 will be released with koffice 1.4. :D they changed they plans respect one month ago06:06
motaboyRiddell: But I think that 0.9 will be release separately from koffice.06:07
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KaiL_..everybody already killed his KDE? or why is it so silent here?10:18
Riddellwhat would you like us to say?10:19
vickslets all sing a song10:35
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Kubuntu 5.04 Released http://www.kubuntu.org/hoary-release.php | https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Kubuntu
=== Topic (#kubuntu-devel): set by Riddell at Fri Apr 8 09:50:53 2005
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motaboyHi all!10:07
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dokoamu, Riddell, haggai: do you want to compile KDE using -fvisibility=hidden, or play it safe?11:23
Riddelldoko: I'm tempted to play it safe and not use -fvisibility=hidden11:25
RiddellI think the issue is that qt isn't hidden and that causes problems11:25
Riddelldoko: is the g++ change happening today?11:26
dokoRiddell: probably not, we're still missing some bits11:35
dokoRiddell: ok, I'll update the transition archive then11:35
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dokoamu: you did package qt as native package ???11:37
Riddelldoko: what do you mean native package?11:53
dokono .orig.tar.gz11:53
dokoand his dsc and tar.gz files are for a different version as well ... amu ...11:54
dokoamu: kdelibs-vis.diff is in my home on chinstrap12:33
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Riddellmotaboy: fancy taking a look at the package for kat?  the author has requested we include it01:32
JReyeah i saw 02:04
RiddellJRe: dood02:05
JReRiddell: just one error with lintian because there is both bin and lib in the same package but i think it's better than split02:06
RiddellJRe: can you add that and katapult to https://www.ubuntu.com/wiki/MOTUNewPackages02:06
JReRiddell: I am working the debian packages of an amawing program: Krecipes should i make a package for ubuntu??02:07
RiddellJRe: someone already has http://mip-lab4.ecn.purdue.edu/~rimbert/ubuntu/02:08
JReRiddell: true ;)02:09
JReRiddell: should i give him the adress of my packages, as i have splitted the soft into 2 parts (krecipes and krecipes-data(arch indep))02:11
RiddellJRe: can do02:11
RiddellJRe: make a note on https://www.ubuntu.com/wiki/MOTUNewPackages too to say that you have packages split in that way02:12
alleeJRe: ping02:18
JReRiddell: to have more kat fucntionnalities, anyone have to port lib-poppler-qt to kubuntu02:18
JReRiddell: we should use the debian package source02:18
Riddelldoko: does libdbus-qt-1-1 have to be renamed since it depends on kdelibs and qt?02:18
dokoyes, daniels or I take care of it02:19
RiddellJRe: libpoppler0-qt is in breezy02:19
JReRiddell: okay kool :)02:19
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motaboyRiddell: I'll take a look at it. But I'd like to suggsest the author to post also about it's project on the kde-devel mailing list. So he can also get more suggestions and a possible inclusion in kde 4 core modules.02:28
motaboyRiddell: there was a talk some time ago in that ML about search services.02:29
Riddellmotaboy: JRe is already doing kat02:29
motaboyRiddell: ok02:30
JReamu: what does mean moin' ?02:41
JReactually it's the afternoon where i am ;) (internet always time distorting)02:42
amuJRe: right :) 02:44
JReRiddell: is it important for package in the universe to have the ubuntu naming scope (version-0ubuntu1)?03:00
RiddellJRe: yes, else the debian importer will get confused03:02
JReokay you're right03:02
JRehttp://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=24251 => should be a good feature for kubuntu! should i pavkage?03:16
RiddellJRe: yeah03:17
RiddellI need to check that out03:17
JRei had contact with a guy with goog knowledge, exosip should be packaged to03:18
JRei am going to work on that03:19
JReWow it's near to be the perfect packager nightmare ;) zip source and unpackaged lib in uppercase ;)03:25
Riddellzip is no problem, you just unzip and tar.gzx it for the .orig03:30
JReyeah that's what i did03:31
RiddellJRe: I get a compile error on sound/unix/AudioDevice.cpp03:45
JRewith what ?03:45
JReyou have first to compile exosip03:47
JReand in order to compile exosip you have to compile corelibrairy03:47
JRethat's where i am i the impressive build dep list ;)03:47
JRebecause it's seem there is some deps in java :(03:48
JReit seems to be a packaging challenge ;)03:49
alleeJRe: I see ;)03:49
JRewengo => many deps to be packaged03:49
JRecool corelibrairy compile without trouble03:53
RiddellJRe: where is corelibrary?03:54
JReRiddell: http://corelibrary.sourceforge.net/03:55
Riddellwengo doesn't say anywhere that it needs that03:56
JReRiddell: i thinks it's a dep because when i compiled exosip i had a mediastream.h file not fuond error and mediastream.h is part of corelibrairy03:56
JRewengo only tells that exosip is a dep03:56
JReRiddell: but maybe i am wrong03:57
RiddellI get no such error, but I don't have a mediastream.h03:59
JReRiddell: you compiled exosip without trouble ?04:00
Riddellthe wifo directory seems to compile file04:00
Riddellhmm, needs libqt3-compat-headers04:00
JReRiddell: -> there is eXosip in the wifo dir you're rights and alos lib-osip204:01
Riddellthe README file could do with some clarification04:02
Riddellqmake wifo.pro04:02
JReRiddell: there is some old qt widget required? may be it's because of the window version04:03
JReRiddell: wow there is a lot of cleaning to do there is no need to reompile lib-osip2 i think04:04
Riddellyeah, needs libqt3-compat-headers04:04
JReRiddell: you managed to compile it?04:10
JReRiddell: i think the upstream is compiling mostly under windows 04:14
JReallee: knemo is so good! have you made a deb pkg too?04:18
alleeJRe: http://www.mpe.mpg.de/~ach/debian/sid/Pkgs.php04:19
JReallee: thks ;)04:20
RiddellJRe: nope04:21
Riddelltmp/obj/AudioWidget.o(.text+0x8ad):config/AudioWidget.cpp:103: undefined reference to `AudioDevice::getOutputMixerDeviceList()'04:21
Riddelllinker error04:21
JReRiddell: i have a linker error too04:21
alleeJRe: Oh, no kubuntified deb in archive.  I'll do it with next pending .deb update04:22
JReokay doesn't matter i don't have network since i am in a foreign country, i'll have it only it two month when i'll come back home  04:23
JRebut for the work under kubuntu it0s perfect ;)04:24
JRehighly configurable04:24
JReallee: i' love to have the network scanner in the tooltip ;)04:25
JReallee: s/i'/i'd/04:26
alleeJRe: Yes, initial setup can be (much) improved04:26
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nanomadis kde media mount bug still opened? or it was resolved?04:40
Riddellnanomad: in breezy?04:40
Riddellstill open04:41
nanomadi hoped it was my system :(04:41
nanomadno known hacks?04:41
Riddellcould try compiling CVS head04:46
nanomadbug submitted...hope someone will notic that04:52
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Riddellamu: "artwork, changed background, bootsplash"  take it that's gnoppix not kubuntu?06:38
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amuRiddell: gnoppix & gnome :) 07:45
Riddellamu: got a copy anywhere for us to see?07:46
amuRiddell: yep working on the long wished 1.0 release ;) ... guess tonight the final image is ready07:47
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