
jbaileylamont: *poke*01:28
dokojbailey: I cannot reproduce fabbione's build failures of 3.4 on sparc, so the toolchain seems to be in shape for all archs except hppa ...01:39
jbaileydoko: Great.  I'm just about to do the hppa work.01:40
jbaileydoko: Did you and lamont touch the -0ubuntu4 glibc that I put on chinstrap to enable biarch amd64?01:41
jbaileyOo, looks like goto might have already done a bunch of the porting work.01:44
=== jbailey builds what Debian has on hppa to see.
dokojbailey: no01:45
dokogcc cannot do biarch for hppa01:45
jbaileydoko: 'kay.  The last point was the libgcc1 depends on amd64-libs, and I'm conflicting against it.01:45
jbaileyNo, I meant the biarch i386/amd64 stuff01:45
dokohaven't tried yet, I'm currently working on the C++ ABI transition01:47
jbaileyIt works fine.  I need to know what you want to do about the amd64-libs confict.  I'd like to just conflict against it, and ask for it to be removed from breezy.01:47
jbaileyBut I don't want to cause you more problems enabling the biarch compiler.01:48
jbaileyOr I can drop this all until the C++ transition is done.01:48
dokoyes, the latter would be nice01:48
jbailey'kay.  I will get hppa in shape today hopefully and get a glibc uploaded.01:49
jbaileyI have ppc64 ready to go and amd64 ready to go as soon as you have time for either of those.01:49
dokoyes, let's decouple these, although svenl is poking about ppc biarch01:51
jbaileyNo prob decoupliung them, but there's no reason not to do them in the same day.01:52
jbaileyGiven that we have to coordinate them at the time, it might be easiest if one of us handled them, or if we locked down a time for you and I to sit down at the same time and slug through them when we're ready.01:52
dokofeel free to update the gcc packages :-)01:52
jbaileyCool, I can do that.01:53
jbaileyI'll do the c++ transition with you first though.01:53
dokojbailey: looks like it's finished for the libraries in main, although the motus may need some support converting the remaining universe libraries01:55
jbaileyWOw, that's incredible.01:57
jbaileyDid you sleep? =)01:57
dokoa bit01:59
jbaileyWhen are you bumpding gcc-defaults?02:01
dokoanyway, I'll sleep *now*02:02
dokowhen lamont and elmo are awake and syncs & uploads for same packages are frozen, maybe Mo/Tu02:02
jbaileyCool, good sleeps doko.02:04
=== Riddell_ [jr@muse.19inch.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
lamontjbailey: note that the new glibc is still waiting for a usable libgcc102:09
jbaileylamont: Right, Sounds like we'll wait until later this week when gcc-defaults bumps, and I'll pick a time to sit down with you and Just Do It from all sides, including gcc.02:11
=== doko [~doko___@dsl-082-082-197-172.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
=== infinity stares at doko.
jbaileyinfinity: It's not nice to stare at someone when they're sleeping.04:35
infinityWhen did we go from "help us out on Monday/Tuesday" to "finished for the libraries in main"?04:35
infinityOh well.  I'd feel more guilty, if I hadn't been moving all weekend.04:38
=== jbailey fires up an hppa glibc build with Carlos' patches.
jbaileyOff to watch a show while this builds.05:51
svenlhi jbailey 07:01
svenljbailey: did you not want to send me some new biarch glibc packages ?07:01
jbaileysvenl: I posted them, didn't I?07:11
jbaileyNope, I didn't.07:11
jbaileysvenl: Sending, I'll let you know when it's done.07:12
jbaileyHmm.  I think I need to spend part of tomorrow moving glibc bits into baz or something.07:16
jbaileysvenl: http://testhaus.cns.utoronto.ca/~jbailey/ppc64-nptl/07:22
jbaileysvenl: Bed time now. I'll be back in around 6 hours.07:23
svenljbailey: ok, thanks.07:32
svenlI want the source packages also :)07:35
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
=== chmj [~d3vic3@dumbledore.hbd.com] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
=== Riddell [jr@muse.19inch.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
dokomorning all11:05
chmjmorning doko 11:07
dokohi chmj 11:08
dokoinfinity: there are more things to do ...11:08
Riddelldoko: what's the status of the toolchain transition?  has any qt/kde stuff been uploaded or is that tomorrow?11:48
dokoRiddell: qt and kdelibs are prepared, amu did a qt 3.3.4 merge11:50
dokoRiddell: please search the BTS for gcc-4.0 and prepare patches for the kde specific things. I don't know, if amu did work on these11:50
Riddelldoko: how can I change over to g++ 4 to test things?11:51
dokosee the sources line at the top11:52
chmjdoko, is the g++4.0 app test build been done ?11:55
dokochmj: which one?11:56
chmjI mean,all apps. there is surpose to be an automatic rebuild right ?11:57
chmjso we can see which ones fail? 11:58
dokochmj: yes, this one is prepared as well. Riddell, do you want to do this for the KDE apps?11:59
Riddelldoko: sounds like a good idea, what would I have to do?12:00
dokoRiddell: make a chroot, add my test builds to it and rebuild all of KDE in main ;)12:01
Riddelldoko: I'll give it a shot12:02
chmjdoko, what do you mean prepared?12:06
dokochmj: sources ready for upload12:07
chmjdoko: sweet 12:08
dokosvenl: ocaml FTBFS with 4.012:23
svenldoko: mmm.12:58
svenldoko: on ubuntu ? 12:58
svenldoko: i will have a look later on ppc.12:58
svenldoko: or maybe you do have a log ? 12:58
svenldoko: what version of ocaml is this anyway ?12:58
dokosvenl: should fail in unstable/experimental as well.12:59
svenldoko: well.01:00
svenldoko: i prefer working on the ubuntu/breezy machine, i have killed the hoary install by installing random glibc/gcc upgrades anyway.01:00
svenldoko: i will contact upstream if we have something serious and get a patch.01:03
fabbionedoko: as i said.. right in time :)01:15
=== doko [~doko___@dsl-082-082-212-246.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
svenldoko: if i have both gcc-4.0 and gcc-3.4 installed, which one will it default to ? 01:40
jbaileysvenl: That's up to gcc-defaults01:41
svenljbailey: hi.01:41
jbaileysvenl: Check to see what /usr/bin/gcc points to.01:41
svenljbailey: so how do i make sure gcc-4.0 is used ? CC=gcc-4.0 ? 01:41
jbaileyAlthough in Breezy, that's the default now.01:41
jbaileyCXX is still gcc-3.4, though01:41
dokoocaml? no, there's something like -cc gcc-4.0 in debian/rules01:41
dokosvenl:  deb  http://people.ubuntu.com/~doko/GCC-4.0/i386 ./01:42
svenllaunch started.01:42
svenldoko: what should i do with that ? I have some serious doubt it will be usefull on my powerbook.01:43
doko deb  http://people.ubuntu.com/~doko/GCC-4.0/powerpc ./01:43
svenldoko: not the official gcc-4.0 in breezy ? 01:44
dokoyou did want to change the defaults, didn't you?01:44
svenlnope, its ok, i use the -cc gcc-4.0 trick, should do just fine.01:45
svenlok, build launched, will tell you how it goes. Is using jbailey's latest glibc.01:45
jbaileysvenl: the ppc64 snap that I gave you?01:46
svenldoko: i would really like to build a biarch compiler myself though.01:46
svenljbailey: sure.01:46
svenljbailey: i killed my hoary install anyway, upgraded to breezy, and installed your snaps.01:46
dokowhy do you try to compile ocaml on powerpc?01:46
jbaileysvenl: Remember to pin glibc.01:46
dokoit works01:46
svenldoko: do you think i will have more chances in the gcc-4.0 ?01:46
jbaileysvenl: There's a newer one than that in the archive that doesn't have ppc64 support.01:46
svenldoko: because i have powerpc machines.01:47
svenljbailey: mmm.01:47
svenljbailey: how do i pin glibc ?01:47
jbaileysvenl: Something in some apt configuration.  In practice, I just don't run apt-get upgrade after.01:48
svenljbailey: :)01:48
svenljbailey: maybe better would be to always rebuild newest ppc64 enabled glibc for each official version, so you don't have this problem.01:48
jbaileysvenl: I was thinking earlier that I might move the glibc packaging into bzr so that it's easy for me to do updates of the biarch i386/amd64 and ppc/ppc64 glibcs that aren't in the archive yet.01:49
svenljbailey: when will they be in the archive ? 01:49
svenldoko: do you mean the gcc-4.0 on powerpc will not manifest the ocaml bug ? 01:50
jbaileysvenl: amd64 support will go in the archive after the c++ transition is finished (I don't want to interfere with that)01:50
jbaileysvenl: ppc64 will go in the archive as soon as we figure out how to make the biarch compiler build on a 32 bit kernel.01:50
jbailey(subject to the same limitation as amd64 beyond that)01:51
dokosvenl: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/o/ocaml/3.08.3-3/01:51
svenldoko: oh.01:56
svenldoko: well.01:56
svenldoko: i guess gcc-4.0 is buggy on i386.01:56
svenlbng_ia32.c: In function 'bng_ia32_mult_add_digit':01:57
svenlbng_ia32.c:111: error: can't find a register in class 'GENERAL_REGS' while reloading 'asm'01:57
svenldoko: i don't deal with register starved broken archs :)01:57
svenldoko: i can't really help you there, i have one amd64 with a pure64 install and only ppc boxes apart from that, and one m68k.01:59
dokosvenl: install a i386 chroot on your amd64 ;-P02:00
jbaileysvenl: Going to start the Ubuntu m68k port? =)02:00
svenldoko: i would write to http://pauillac.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs02:00
svenljbailey: nope.02:00
=== jbailey would love to see m68k and arm as the first buntu targets.
svenljbailey: i lost my apus card, so only an mmu-less 68020 in it.02:01
svenloh, but i have an amiga 4000 waiting for me in oberursel.02:01
svenlwill try to get it next week.02:01
svenldoko: i could do that.02:01
svenldoko: not today though.02:04
svenldoko: what is your email address ? 02:06
fabbionehey doko02:06
fabbionehi svenl02:06
svenldoko@ubuntu.com ? 02:06
dokohi fabbione 02:06
dokosvenl: yes02:07
svenldoko: does gcc 4.0 eat up more registers than 3.4 used to do ? 02:09
svenldoko: i just filled a bug upstream, CCed you on it even.02:10
dokosvenl: thanks02:10
doko<doko> fabbione: you can find the gcc-3.4 build for sparc in my home on chinstrap. did build properly in a fresh breeeezy chroot02:56
jbaileyfabbione: YEs, and regular sparc ideally, but still need to figure out whether we continue to care about pre sparc902:57
fabbionei did complete the build manually02:58
jbailey(For those that are confused, consider this the equivalent of renaming a file in CVS)02:58
fabbionejbailey: pre v9 are 32 bits, right?02:58
fabbioneif so just kill them02:58
jbaileyfabbione: 32 bits only.02:58
fabbionei don't care02:58
jbaileyAll the classic sparc joy.02:58
fabbioneperfect.. KILL THEM ALL02:58
jbailey'kay.  Then in that case, we have opt packages for sparcv9 and sparcv9b.02:59
jbaileyShould the sparcv9 one go away?02:59
fabbionewhatever fits you better is ok with me :)02:59
fabbionesee.. i am very simple02:59
fabbionedoko: what kind of chroot did you creat?03:00
fabbionedoko: try to bootstrap a buildd chroot :)03:01
fabbionedebbootstrap --variant=buildd03:01
fabbioneit's a different set of base packages?03:01
fabbionedoko: at what time are we going to start?03:02
dokosorry, why is it different to deboostrap breezy and install the build-deps?03:03
=== lamont wanders off for a while
fabbionedoko: because breezy has plenty of things that are not installed on a buildd03:03
dokofabbione: elmo around, lamont around, xorg packages updated03:03
dokowhat about sparc-utils?03:04
fabbionealso sparc-utils03:04
fabbioneyou need to install that manually on the buildd... i forgot to add it to the list when i did debootstrap ubuntu3403:04
dokowhy is sparc-utils not in the buildd?03:04
fabbionebecause i forgot to add it to the list when i did debootstrap ubuntu3403:05
jbaileyafk a sec.03:05
fabbionedoko: when are we going to start the transition?03:06
fabbione(also.. elmo is not here ;))03:07
dokofabbione: elmo needs to freeze the import of C++ packages, lamont needs to prepare the buildd's, daniels needs to upload xorg compiled with 4.003:08
fabbioneis it going to happen today?03:08
dokoI have my doubts now ...03:10
fabbionewell fuck i come back from holidays for this transition03:10
=== fabbione goes for a smoke
fabbionechecking whether the C++ compiler (g++-4.0 -O -DDEBIAN ) works... no03:25
fabbioneconfigure: error: installation or configuration problem: C++ compiler cannot create executables.03:25
dokowhich package?03:27
fabbionesame error on all arches03:27
dokoyes, firefox works, mozilla maybe needs an update03:30
jbaileyfabbione: Well, now my client won't talk to CAnonical's imap server.03:46
fabbionejbailey: get a serious client...03:47
jbaileyfabbione: I use evo because that's what I have to support.  It makes sense for me to know it very well.03:47
=== jbailey turns on various debugs.
fabbionejbailey: well.. i use thunderbird.. it's crap.. it crashes, but i can open N imap mboxes without any problem :)03:49
jbaileyfabbione: This was all working on my laptop on Friday.03:49
jbaileyNo idea why it deteriorates on my main box.  Main difference is that the laptop is i386 and this is ppc.03:49
jbaileyfabbione: Oh ouch.  This client is going through and doing a STATUS on each file in buildLogs. =(04:21
fabbioneno wonder it takes ages04:21
fabbionewell i am not too worried about bw usage...04:21
fabbioneit will just be slow for you04:21
fabbionejbailey: if you prefer i can even setup a forward to you, but that means getting all the logs from the buildd...04:29
jbaileyI'm trying to beg for better behaviour in #evolution04:31
fabbionedoko: wouldn't be a good idea to start bitching elmo, lamont and daniels?04:32
fabbioneotherwise you can forget to start the transition :)04:33
fabbioneshould we revisit all the steps, one by one just to be 200% sure before we start?04:56
lamontdoko: "prepare the buildds" == ??05:08
fabbionelamont: i think he means installing the new gcc-defaults05:10
lamontfabbione: ok05:11
=== lamont needs to run to the post office this morning sometime, but that's only 15 min from home
fabbionelamont: we are still waiting for elmo, so i think it's safe to go right away :)05:12
fabbionelamont: do you think it's worth to let the new gcc-defaults in so that it can be built?05:12
fabbionebut not installing it in the chroots?05:12
fabbionethat would probably save sometime for the process05:12
lamontthe chroots will install it at the start of a build if it's a dependency.  Likewise, around 0215 DCT (Data Center Time), the chroots are automatically upgraded05:13
fabbioneok than we should wait i guess05:15
fabbionebut nothing build-dep on gcc-defaults05:15
fabbioneit's pulled in as part of build-essential iirc05:15
lamontlibtool: build-depends gcj which comes from gcc-defaults.05:23
fabbionehmm right05:25
fabbioneyeah it does here too05:26
lamontyeah - that's currently uninstallable, hence the ease of finding it... :-)05:28
lamontif I have 40 minutes, I'm going to run away and visit the postoffice.05:30
fabbionelamont: probably much more than that :)05:31
lamontright.  back in a bit then05:31
jbaileylamont: Around?06:21
jbaileylamont: Are you brave enough to step me through reading hppa assembler, or should I wait until Carlos is around? =)06:22
lamonthppa assembly is my frien d06:22
jbaileylamont: Lovely, might be something for the evening hacking session then.06:23
jbaileylamont: The story so far is basically:06:23
lamontstill no elmo?06:23
jbailey    10: 00000000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND memcmp06:23
jbailey    11: 00000000   764 FUNC    GLOBAL HIDDEN    1 __GI_memcmp06:23
fabbioneapparently no06:23
jbaileylamont: And the similar file on ppc has it defined.  So I think I need to see what's up. =)06:23
lamonthrm.. that's not assembly... that's .o format. :-)06:25
jbaileyRight, but I want to see what it's feeding to the assembler.06:25
jbaileyFor the symbol to not exist at all.06:25
lamontok.  note that gas and I are not always good friends, but the actual machine code is one of my oldest friends...06:27
jbailey'kay. =)06:28
=== doko [~doko___@dsl-082-082-213-004.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
fabbionestill no elmo?07:04
fabbionelamont: still around?07:20
fabbionebah eek.. brb07:20
=== jbailey can smell the pizza in the oven.
fabbionelamont: we don't know where elmo is, do we?07:28
=== lamont bets on .uk.
lamont(that'd be a "no")07:29
lamontmind you, I could be wrong... :-)07:29
fabbionesorry... phone call07:30
fabbionelamont: i need to go offline soon07:33
fabbioneand without elmo we cannot do the transition07:33
fabbionelamont: can you check if you still have access to the sparcbuildd07:33
fabbioneand stop it when needed07:33
lamonthave I mentioned that I hate transitions that require manual steps on all the buildd's?07:35
lamontesp since hppa isn't able to do the walk at the same time as the rest?07:35
fabbionelamont: yes and i am with you07:35
fabbionesince sparc is the slowest07:35
=== lamont glares at doko/jbailey, just for good measure
lamontfabbione: just vultus507:36
fabbionelamont: yes.. there is only vultus507:37
lamontback in a couple07:37
=== jbailey runs off for lunch, ecaping the glares from lamont.
dokoleave me alone ...07:37
dokojbailey: stop!07:37
fabbionelater guys07:37
jbaileydoko: Eh?07:37
fabbionedoko: try to summon me.. if i won't respond in a decent time lamont will stop the buildd07:37
fabbioneand we will look at it tomorrow...07:38
fabbionebut this really suck07:38
dokojbailey: please have a look at the latest directfb build failure on amd64.07:38
fabbioneand sparc....07:38
dokoconflicting types in {sys,asm}/types.h ?07:38
jbaileydoko: Does it have to be before lunch?  The timer just rang.07:38
dokofabbione: have fun07:38
jbaileyLovely. =)07:39
=== jbailey goes for lunch. =)
=== lamont is informed that lunchtime approaches
=== lamont makes sure that jbailey has his cell, on the off chance that elmo surfaces before he gets back from lunch...
=== lamont goes to lunch with the wife, back in a while - holler if/when I'm needed
jbaileydoko: Around?09:20
dokojbailey: yes09:25
jbaileyWas just following glibc on hppa and noticed that upstream actually released the new binutils.  Do you want me to add that to my queue of things to test?09:32
jbaileydoko: I'll look at directfb on ppc first, since I have one of those here.09:35
dokojbailey: yes, these are already packaged and tested. one regression on ia64, just waiting for elmo's ok09:40
jbaileyNice.  Did you see http://sources.redhat.com/ml/binutils/2005-05/msg00360.html ?09:40
jbaileydirectfb is a cast-as-lvalue failure, I'm trying to figure out what the current best practice is supposed to be.10:28
jbailey        data8 = (unsigned char *)data16 = (void*)0;10:29
jbaileyIsn't allowed anymore.10:29
dokojbailey, did you get the .22 version from the archive10:45
dokojbailey: ^^^10:45
dokocurrent dirctfb version should be 0.9.22-0ubuntu110:56
jbaileyAh, nope.  apt-get source had fetched me .20-0ubuntu110:58
=== jbailey fetches.
jbaileyerr .20-510:59
=== warthylog [~warthylog@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
=== Topic for #ubuntu-toolchain: GNU Compiler Collection, Glibc, Binutils, Linux-kernel-headers | GLIBC Todo: hppa, sparc NPTL, i386 biarch
=== Topic (#ubuntu-toolchain): set by jbailey at Wed May 11 01:20:59 2005
=== fabbione [~fabbione@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
fabbionedamn my server died again06:28
fabbionehow is it going guys?06:28
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svenljbailey: hi.08:17
svenlMmm, gcc 4.0 is better, since it builds libgcc1 package, but not the 64bit stuff.08:30
svenlneed to find how gcc decide wheter to build lib64gcc1 or not, doesn't seem obvious.08:45
=== chmj [~d3vic3@dumbledore.hbd.com] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
chmjmorning 09:27
=== Seveas [~seveas@ksl403-uva-131.wireless.uva.nl] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
=== doko [~doko___@dsl-082-082-205-075.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
fabbionehey doko10:19
chmjhey doko 10:19
dokohi fabbione 10:20
fabbionedoko: so what is the status for the transition?10:21
dokofabbione: let me wade through my mail first ...10:26
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svenldoko: hi.11:29
svenldoko: i built gcc-4 biarch.11:29
svenldoko: it is better, since there is a non-empty libgcc1, but still no 64bit libs.11:29
svenldoko: i have searched some, but am at a loss on where in the gcc makefiles the building of the 64bit stuff is defined. Do you have any hint on that ? The debian stuff tries to build the 64bit packages but fails.11:30
svenldoko: also, i was told to use --added-target=powerpc64-linux when building by hand. I see no trace of this in the debian files.11:32
svenl--enable-targets=powerpc64-linux that is.11:33
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dokofabbione, daniels, lamont, jbailey, elmo: ping02:12
lamontRunning /build/buildd/gcc-4.0-4.0.0/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.c-torture/compile/compile.exp ...02:13
lamontmake[1] : *** [stamps/06-check-stamp]  Terminated02:13
lamontmake: *** [check]  Terminated02:13
lamontBuild killed with signal 15 after 150 minutes of inactivity02:13
=== lamont grumbles at doko
lamontmorning doko02:13
danielsdoko: wassup02:13
=== elmo [~james@83-216-141-215.jamest298.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
lamontmorning elmo02:14
dokotime plan for tomorrow ...02:14
=== lamont is about to get dragged off for breakfast for 20-30 minutes
doko1) freezing the imports/syncs 2) upgrading the buildd's 3) freezing the archive for C++ application uploads 4) library uploads02:16
doko1) and 2) make only sense, if things for 4) are ready, xorg is outstanding. for 1) and 2) we need lamont and elmo02:17
danielsxorg is going to be fun02:17
danielswe need to get 3 arch: all NEWs in, then xorg02:17
fabbionedoko: why not today?02:18
dokofabbione: daniels prepares the final xorg source upload02:18
fabbionedaniels: i understood it was ready....02:19
danielsi've been working with joshtriplett so we have the same stuff between debian and ubuntu02:19
danielsand i want to try some more upgrade tests02:19
danielsin any case, it's 2220 here and I'm fucking tired, so I'd love if I could do it tomorrow02:19
danielsbut if it needs to be done tonight, sure02:20
lamontdoko: I'd also be interested in hearing how this will work for the buildd's that don't even have a gcc-4.0 right now.02:20
dokolamont: is hppa ok?02:20
lamonthppa has the build failure pasted aboge02:20
lamontabove, even02:20
dokoohh, they don't?02:20
lamontno.  still don't02:20
lamontback in about 20 minutes. sorry02:21
dokolamont: disable the testsuite :-(02:21
fabbionewell the sooner the better02:21
fabbionedaniels: what is missing from your packages?02:22
dokohmm, ok. so let's sort out hppa later02:22
fabbioneonly upgrade tests?02:22
danielsfabbione: yeah, and I need to reversion it too02:24
fabbionedaniels: but are you going to upload the monolithic tree right?02:24
fabbionereversion it?02:24
danielsthe monolithic tree ... plus modular packages of xc/include/*.h and lib/xtrans/*02:25
fabbionewouldn't be wise to just do the C++ transition with the monolithic and split everything else later?02:25
danielsunfortunately I only did the C++ transition later02:26
danielsand it would take more time to split out all the patches with gcc4 fixes etc and fix all the offsets than it would to test all this02:26
fabbioneis there any option to upload only libglu from the splitted?02:26
fabbioneiirc that's the only library that has to do the C++ transition02:27
fabbionexorg 6.8.2-$foo02:27
fabbione-> libgluwhateversoname-$foo02:27
danielsyeah, it's libglu1-xorg now02:27
danielsfrom xlibmesa-glu02:28
fabbioneif you upload libgluwhateversoname-$bar02:28
fabbionewhere $bar is > $foo02:28
fabbionethat's all you need to start with02:28
fabbionebut can libglu1-xorg build abe uploaded that way?02:28
danielsfrom the modular tree?  nope02:28
fabbioneif so there is no need to get the entire splitted tree in02:28
danielsmesa is going to be the hardest part of this lot02:28
fabbionedoko: how much can we do without X?02:29
dokonot much, the whole KDE depends on it. and other libs as well.02:30
fabbioneKDE is an application :)02:31
fabbionewhat about the other libs?02:31
fabbionehow many of them?02:31
danielsit's ok, we can do libglu02:31
danielsso, i'll try to get x-common, x11proto-core-dev and xtrans-dev in tonight02:32
danielsand get packages of xorg up on chinstrap for testing and building on powerpc02:32
danielsand then upload that tomorrow morning?02:32
dokofabbione: it doesn't make sense to have the archive in an unusable state for too long. this just adds 24 hours02:32
dokodaniels: sounds ok. do the packages need new love? i.e. is elmo awake tomorrow morning?02:33
danielsthe first 3 packages need NEW love02:33
fabbionethey will mostlikely need elmo's love for NEW02:33
fabbioneall the sources are new02:33
danielslibglu1-xorg will need NEW love for the binary package too tho02:33
danielswould preseeding be useful here?02:34
fabbionethat's sure thing02:34
fabbioneelmo will still need to do the manual uni->main02:34
dokosame for all these new library binary packages ...02:34
danielselmo: will you be around for the next couple of hours?02:35
elmomostly, yes02:35
dokoelmo: how long does it take for a package to enter main from universe?02:36
danielsok, so if I upload x-common, x11proto-core-dev and xtrans-dev, would you be able to new them?02:36
elmodaniels: yes02:37
danielsphat, thanks02:37
jbaileydoko: I'm here now, sorry about the lag.02:39
dokojbailey: elmo delegated the decision about binutils in breezy to us02:40
jbaileydoko: Lovely, I'll go over the list again of what changed.02:40
elmo(FWIW, I think it's a no brainer; if Debian wasn't frozen, I'd be uploading it)02:41
dokothere's one regression in the testsuite on ia6402:41
fabbioneis there somebody that still cares about ia64?02:42
doko<doko> drow: one binutils 2.16 ld testcase did regress on ia64, compared to 2.1502:42
doko<drow> ?02:42
doko<doko> +Running /home/doko/binutils/binutils-2.16/ld/testsuite/ld-bootstrap/bootstrap.exp ...02:42
doko<doko>  PASS: bootstrap02:42
doko<doko>  PASS: bootstrap with strip02:42
doko<doko> -PASS: bootstrap with --static02:42
doko<doko> +FAIL: bootstrap with --static02:42
doko<drow> wird02:42
dokofabbione: lamont?02:42
danielsi bet the latest hj lu binutils would fix that02:42
danielslet's use that02:42
elmoHA FUCKING HA02:43
jbaileymmm..  crack.02:43
jbaileyelmo: The biggest concern I have is yet another variable in all the toolchain changes.02:44
dokojbailey: what the ppc64 patch applied to the 2.16 branch?02:44
elmo[I'm off to get some breakfa^Wlunch, bbiab] 02:44
jbaileydoko: Required for glibc to build acc. to modra.02:44
=== lamont back
=== doko decides to go for lunch if elmo is back ;)
lamontfabbione: I still care about ia64.  moreso now.02:46
fabbionelamont: ehehe ok :)02:46
lamontmore to the point, I can't evangelize Ubuntu with my team when it doesn't even run on the platform in question......02:58
fabbionelamont: make sense03:00
jbaileylamont: It generally works... ;)03:00
jbaileylamont: Thinking of which.  Do you know efi at all? =)03:01
lamontI know of it.  I expect to know it well sometime this year...03:01
jbailey<voice who="Mr. Burns">Eexcellent</voice>03:02
jbaileyThe grub folks have decided that they'd rather not use libefi because of copyright assignment hassles.03:03
jbaileySo I may have questions.03:03
fabbionedaniels: do you have i386 binaries somewhere for xorg?03:03
fabbionedaniels: i have a machine or 2 i can trash testing an upgrade03:03
danielsfabbione: only amd64 at the moment ... i'm building up an i386 chroot because my laptop just ran out of space mid-build03:04
fabbioneand i guess you can't build on concordia.. right?03:04
jbaileydaniels: Are you looking for testers?  I can do ppc if you want (and can build it quite fast)03:05
fabbionedoko, jbailey: did anybody fixed the ppc64 chroot on davis?03:07
danielsfabbione: concordia doesn't have a chrot03:07
danielsalthough, erk03:07
fabbionedaniels: yes it does...03:07
danielspackages will take a fucking long time on my system03:07
danielssince I can't strip on an XFS /home03:07
danielsfabbione: an i386 chroot?03:07
lamontdaniels: breezy-i386 isn't there???03:07
jbaileyfabbione: I didn't know there was one.03:08
fabbionelinux32 dchroot -c breezy-i38603:08
fabbionejbailey: it's where your ppc64 libc packages are installed...03:08
jbaileyfabbione: Oh?  I didn't know that they had been installed anywhere.03:09
danielsah shit, need build-deps first03:09
danielselmo: ping03:09
jbaileyfabbione: Thinking of which, I'd like to upload a glibc that wakes up hppa.03:12
jbaileyfabbione: No sense wasting cycles building it on sparc, though.  You'll get your love later in the week.03:12
=== Seveas [~seveas@dyn127.roaming.few.vu.nl] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
lamontdoko: you have a gcc-4.0 upload planned anytime soon?03:14
dokolamont: no03:14
jbaileylamont: I do after the transition gets underway.03:14
dokobesides the one I did one minute ago03:14
lamontok.  if turning off the testsuite for hppa fixes it, I'll have jbailey include that in his upload03:14
jbaileyMaybe Friday?  For getting biarch working on i386/amd64 again.03:14
jbaileylamont: BTW, I've asked Carlos whether there's suckage-reduction for hppa in binutils 2.16 that we really need.03:15
fabbionejbailey: ok. i will kill it as soon as it arrives here03:16
fabbioneno actually i can't03:16
fabbionebecause that would make locales uninstallable03:17
fabbioneand some packages build-dep on it03:17
jbaileyOh right, bugger.03:17
fabbioneno big deal..03:17
fabbioneit's ccached :)03:17
jbaileyI'd do a build locally on my u5, but I haven't wired it up yet.03:19
fabbionejbailey. don't worry :)03:19
lamontfabbione: the other trick is to just keep the right locales locally...03:20
fabbionelamont: yeah taht would work too, but it's not a big deal03:20
fabbionelibgc is faster and ccachable03:20
fabbionethe real issue is gcc...03:21
fabbioneit takes ages03:21
fabbioneand it's not ccache friendly03:21
lamontdoko: 2) upgrading the buildd's 03:22
lamontis that just to get the new gcc-defaults stuff there?03:22
lamontwell, and g++-4.003:22
dokolamont: yes03:22
fabbionelamont: should we review debootstrap in the meantime?03:22
lamontok.  We'll also want to make sure that debootstrap gets some love sometime this week03:22
dokooops, yes, g++-4.0 is not in main?03:22
=== jbailey reads this as "last chance for a bathroom break" =)
lamontdoko: is in main03:23
danielselmo: any chance of getting some thpethul chroots, or telling everyone else to fuck the fuck off out of them?03:23
=== fabbione goes for more coffee before we start
lamontI more meant that gcc-defaults would drag in g++-4.003:23
danielsxorg build now kind of requires /usr/{lib,include,share}/X11 to be directories03:24
lamontdaniels: WTH is it looking at the real directories, instead of it's copies?03:25
danielslamont: hm?03:25
lamontand what are they if not directories, anyway?03:26
lamont<daniels> xorg build now kind of requires /usr/{lib,include,share}/X11 to be directories03:26
danielsthey used to point to /usr/X11R6/...03:26
danielswhich is an utter anachronism03:26
danielsand the transition is sort of starting now03:26
lamontah, right03:26
jbaileydaniels: I wonder if that is *supposed* to make me feel old... ;)03:27
lamontjbailey: nah - you _are_ old03:27
danielsjbailey: r7 coming yo' way03:27
jbaileydaniels: Do you mean in general, or do you want a test build/use cycle on a ppc?03:29
danielsjbailey: in general03:29
jbaileyAh. =)03:29
dokolamont: do you want the testsuite disabled on hppa? then maybe you have to cancel the current build03:30
=== cartman [foobar@cartman.developer.konversation] has left #ubuntu-toolchain ["Ich]
lamontdoko: I'll live03:30
dokowho's in your way?03:30
lamontdoko: running a testbuild with the suite disabled now, we'll see how well it does.  Once I have that, then I really don't mind if it's out of date for a day or 6... or do I need something in the last upload?03:30
lamontfreshening the local mirror (for source) now.03:31
fabbioneahh almost nothing is better than dark choccolate + biscuits + coffee03:38
=== chmj [~d3vic3@dumbledore.hbd.com] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
jbaileyHow does that far side comic go?  The ideal life of the archaeologist, a beautiful woman in one arm, and the focilised skull of a homo habilis in the other...03:40
lamontdoko: no need to kill any builds, since hppa hasn't managed to _start_ autobuilding of breezy yet.03:43
lamont(still trying to get a gcc-4.0, you see... and then there were the glibc issues, that jbailey fixed yesterday)03:43
jbaileylamont: Ah, are you running on that glibc now?03:44
lamontwell, the buildd chroot is.03:44
jbaileyThat'll certainly exercise it. =)03:44
lamontyeah.  built glibc, doxygen, l-k-h, and now chunking on gcc-4.0.03:45
lamontof course, maybe it's glibc's fault that gcc-4.0 hangs in the test suite. 03:45
dokolamont, if you get the buildd to set an env var WITHOUT_CHECK=yes ...03:45
jbaileylamont: I did a summary of the testsuite changes from the previous glibc.  If you're interested I can /msg them to you.03:47
lamontdoko: actually, I just created -0ubuntu2hppa1, with "check_no_cpus := hppa # arm m68k"03:47
danielsfabbione: do you have a chroot you want to fuck shit up on?03:47
fabbionedaniels: sure03:47
lamontjbailey: actually, email would be even better03:47
danielsgrab the packages from p.u.c/~daniels/newx/03:47
danielsbuild and install x-common, x11proto-core and xtrans, in that order03:47
danielsyou should have /usr/{lib,include,share}/X11 as a directory03:47
danielsand I'll throw a xorg source package (and later binaries) up as soon as it's finished building here03:48
jbaileylamont: lamont@u.c?03:48
lamontdaniels: the packages take care of transitioning those links->dirs, yes?03:48
lamontjbailey: sure03:48
danielslamont: yah03:48
danielsx-common does, and x11proto-core-dev is a replacement for the old x-dev03:48
danielsit should dist-upgrade cleanly; i'm just building a chroot to test that hypothesis now03:49
jbaileylamont: cym03:49
fabbionedaniels: bootstrapping the chroot now03:49
fabbioneSetting up x-common (1.0) ...03:58
fabbioneok what should i check after this install03:59
fabbioneit's a completely empty package?03:59
fabbioneexcept the copyright)04:00
danielsoh, fucking shit04:00
danielsyeah, I just noticed that myself04:00
danielshad the real package on my laptop, sigh04:01
danielsok, new one uploaded -- sorry04:01
fabbionex-dev is empty?04:03
fabbionedaniels: i builded all the 3 sources.. and installed them04:07
danielsyep, just depends on x11proto-core-dev04:07
fabbioneother than x-dev is empty.. the others look ok04:07
fabbionewant to give me libglu?04:07
danielsthat's no accident :)04:07
danielsstill in the xorg source package; i can't run debuild -S until this build has finished, for obvious reasons04:07
fabbionei understood that libglu was already splitted...04:08
danielser, no04:09
danielsit changed its package name, that's it04:10
danielsmesa is going to be one of the hardest things to split, because it's so deeply tied in with the x server at the moment04:10
fabbioneok so what do you want me to build now?04:10
danielsi'm in dh_builddeb of xorg, so I'll give you that next04:11
danielssince it needs elmo to install build-deps in the concordia chroot04:11
fabbionei guess now xorg build-deps on these 3 new packages.. right?04:12
danielsit build-deps on x11proto-core-dev and xtrans-dev04:12
danielswhich in turn build-dep on x-common04:12
fabbionedo you want to uplaod the source somewhere?04:13
fabbioneso i can start downloading it?04:13
fabbioneat least the orig04:13
danielsyep, just waiting for dh_builddep to finish04:13
danielsthe orig is just the same04:13
fabbioneah ok04:13
danielsuploading that over my DSL would take about an hour04:13
danielsthere we go, finished building04:13
danielshello sunshine04:15
fabbionedoko: do yo have a gcc-defaults ready?04:17
fabbionedoko: if so can you handle the i386 version to me please?04:17
danielsfabbione: xorg sources up04:17
fabbionedownloading now04:18
fabbionedaniels: i just need the new gcc-defaults to be sure that we are building with g++4.004:18
=== fabbione summons doko
=== fabbione hits doko with a get-here-bat
=== fabbione power ups the sodomotron and inserts doko's coordinates in the system
=== lamont wonders if overfiend knows fabbione has the somdomotron
fabbionelamont: i have the EU version :)04:27
fabbionethat runs on 220v/50hz04:27
jbaileyDoes it have gears?04:27
fabbionejbailey: do you happen to have gcc-defaults?04:27
fabbionethe new one?04:27
jbaileyIs that different that what's at  deb  http://people.ubuntu.com/~doko/GCC-4.0/powerpc ./  ?04:28
=== lamont is more partial to the colostomizer
fabbionejbailey: thanks.. it seems to be the correct one04:29
jbailey"We call this gun the fecalator.  One look at it and the target shits his or her self."04:31
fabbionedaniels: building x now04:32
=== doko [~doko___@dsl-084-059-063-208.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
fabbionethis is not going to work04:34
fabbionedaniels: the problem seems to be installing xorg build-deps04:36
danielsfabbione: hm?04:36
fabbionedaniels: xorg build-deps on some of its own packages04:36
fabbionethat depends on xorg-common04:37
fabbionethat fails to install due to x-common04:37
danielsoh, cock04:37
danielscock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock, cock04:37
fabbionexorg-common preinst error: /usr/include/X11 exists and is not a symbolic link;04:37
fabbione   this package cannot be installed until this directory is removed04:37
danielswhich is fixed in -11's xorg-common04:37
fabbionebecause that can't be built04:38
danielscorrect, for ten points04:38
fabbioneso we need a transitional package04:38
fabbionemake x-common Provides: Conflict: Replaces: xorg-common ?04:39
fabbionetho i am not 100% sure that's enough04:39
danielswhat's even in xorg-common?04:39
fabbionea bunch of files iirc04:39
danielsshit, mainly conffiles04:39
danielsmoving them is way too hard to consider right now04:39
dokofabbione, jbailey, lamont: I'm not at the TBM tonight, but will read my backlog later04:40
danielsi suppose I could upload -10.1 with the relaxed check, get that built everywhere, and then we can do the rest04:40
fabbionei am not sure i will be at TBM either04:40
danielsbut MY GOD THAT'S NASTY04:40
jbaileyI'll be there.  Anything you want mentioned specifically?04:40
fabbionedaniels: i don't think there is any other way04:40
danielsfabbione: le sigh04:40
fabbionedaniels: let's think for a minute or 204:41
danielslamont: tech board04:41
lamonttech board04:41
fabbioneTech Board Mee04:41
jbaileylamont: Took me a sec too. =)04:41
lamontyeah - kept thinking of Martin04:41
jbaileyAs much fun as visiting MArtin would be. =)04:41
fabbionedaniels: i think that we can make it easier, but we need to be extremely syncronized04:41
danielsfabbione: how so, though?04:42
danielswe'll still need to get -11 through the buildds somehow04:42
fabbionedaniels: let's say we upload x-common that PRC xorg-common, we upload the new xorg and we reupload the new x-common04:42
danielsi have an idea04:42
fabbionewithout PRC04:42
danielsmaybe x-common could pre-depend on xorg-common04:42
danielsso the apt run is unpack/configure xorg-common, unpack/configure x-common, then do the rest04:42
fabbionethat's even more scary :)04:43
danielsso xorg-common's postinst would get run when the symlinks were still present04:43
fabbionelet me try04:43
danielsthen when -11 hits the archive, we could remove it04:43
fabbionePredepends: xorg-common04:43
fabbioneor was it Pre-Depends?04:43
fabbionejust a sec...04:46
=== fabbione performs the big purge of death manually
danielsheh :)04:46
fabbionewell that seems to work04:47
=== daniels beams.
fabbioneat least installing only x-common and xorg-common04:47
fabbionenow let me see if i can install all the build-deps04:47
=== lamont mumbles bad things about uploading packages just to get past the buildd
danielslamont: i'm sorry, I'm a bad man04:48
fabbionelamont: yes i agree.. the best would be a transitional xorg04:48
=== lamont just feels sorry for the alpha/mips/m68k ports next month, when they have to recreate the whole thing as part of a bootstrap
lamontthen again, if the new one is just plain ftbfs, that's actually not _too_ bad.04:49
danielslamont: the whole xorg thing?04:49
dokolamont: you still have to time to mumble before hppa is in shape again? ;-)04:49
lamontit's when it builds, wrong, that it's really evill04:49
lamontdoko: gcc-4.0 takes _forever_ to build04:49
fabbionenah it's building wrong.. 04:49
lamontof course, it'd go faster if I wasnt' building a test kernel, too.04:50
fabbionelamont: 17 hours on sparc :)04:50
lamontfabbione: sparc sucks04:50
fabbionedaniels: xorg building now04:50
lamontgcc-4.0:                04:02:12 (2 entries, sigma 01:53:34)04:50
fabbionelamont: sorry.. but i can't find a single _hppa.deb on ports....04:50
=== doko is watching, if sparc or hppa wins
fabbionedoko: you better STFU :P04:51
fabbionedoko: or do i need to remind you that thanks to a missing build-dep on gcc-4 sparc didn't make hoary?04:51
lamontfabbione: dunno if my key is there yet, or if I'm a muppet04:51
fabbionedaniels: well.. it SEEMS to work04:51
fabbionexorg is building04:52
danielsoh dear :)04:52
danielsx-common 0.99 it is, then04:52
fabbionewell i am just a bit scared of the Pre-Depends to be hounest, but apt-get should do the right thing04:52
danielsit's scary, but less scary than uploading a whole new xorg imo04:53
fabbionedaniels: s/scary/timeconsuming04:53
fabbionedoko: i think we are ready with X04:53
fabbionedoko: your call now :)04:53
fabbionedaniels: xorg-common is arch: all04:54
fabbioneso once it's builded on i386, we can basically upload x-common 1.004:54
danielsfabbione: sure, but everyone get a whole new set of binary packages04:54
danielsunless we binary-NMUed xorg-common with source changes04:54
danielsbut that would be REALLY REALLY BAD04:55
dokofabbione, lamont: assume we can rebuild all C++ libraries on all architectures for the release archs, I'd like to continue building the C++ apps, but if sparc and hppa didn't finsish with the libs at this time, you have to make sure that no C++ app is built before. can you manage this for your buildds?04:55
fabbionedoko: not sure...04:55
fabbionelamont: do we have a way to filter the output from wanna-build -d breezy --take ?04:55
dokofabbione: I'm away in one hour ..., let's start this at 22:00 UTC, if X is ready04:55
danielsi can upload x-common 0.99 now if we're confident with it04:56
danielsthen x11proto-core-dev and xtrans-dev, then xorg04:56
fabbionedaniels: if you need to go to sleep, please make all the sources available on people04:56
fabbionedaniels: i would rather prefer to get them in at the right time04:56
danielsi'm good for a couple more hours now04:56
fabbionedaniels: apparently doko is going away04:57
danielsso we can at least get the prerequisites in, elmo can give them some NEW loving, and we can throw xorg in when I wake up in about 7 hours04:57
lamontdoko: if you have a list of the library and app source packages, then sure. no problem.04:57
danielsfabbione: have you got an X build going?04:57
fabbionedaniels: yes04:57
=== lamont hopes to have a breezy hppa buildd up sometime soonish
dokolamont: ok, I'll update these when we start04:57
lamontelmo: do the lib packages all wind up sorted ahead of the rest of the world?04:57
=== lamont doubts that
dokolamont: yes, why not?04:58
danielsfabbione: cool04:58
fabbionedaniels: prepare x-common 0.99 on people with the Pre-Depends04:58
fabbionedaniels: if you are asleep i will upload the packages for you in order04:59
fabbionejust sign them all04:59
fabbioneso i can just lftp from there04:59
lamontdoko: because it would be too convenient. :-)04:59
fabbionelamont: can't we just add a filter to wanna-build?04:59
danielsi'll put all the sources on people, and signed changes files in my homedir on chinstrap04:59
lamontfabbione: so the plan is 2 xorg uploads?04:59
fabbionelamont: no. one.04:59
dokolamont: let's see, at least on i386 they all build, and I did check half of it for amd64 as well.04:59
danielslamont: one xorg upload, two x-common uploads05:00
fabbionelamont: x-common -> xorg -> x-common05:00
lamontfabbione: I suspect we could, but the source package names are not necessarily aligned well with whether or not they happen to deliver a binary lib package.05:00
fabbionelamont: i was hoping for doko to give us the list of sources :)05:00
lamontdoko: was talking about wanna-build, not compiles05:00
fabbionedoko: you have a list of sources, don't you?05:01
lamont(specifically doubting that the answer to my question to elmo was 'yes')05:01
lamontfabbione: so add CxxApplicationList to @no_auto_build05:02
lamontuntil the libs are all built05:02
dokoI'm updating these when we freeze05:02
fabbionedoko: does the App lists includes universe?05:02
danielsfabbione: x-common 0.99 and 1.0 both on p.u.c/~daniels/newx/, signed changes files for everything on chinstrap:~daniels05:02
fabbionedoko: also the library list?05:02
fabbionedaniels: rocking.05:03
fabbionedaniels: good night kid05:03
dokofabbione: maybe I should split this one into two05:03
danielseh, I'm still good for a couple of hours yet05:03
fabbionekeep the mobil phone on :) just in case ;)05:03
danielsany reason why I shouldn't upload x-common 0.99 now?05:03
dokofabbione: read!05:03
danielsfabbione: yeah, it'll be next to my bed05:03
dokodaniels: cool!05:03
fabbionedoko: ETOOLAZY :P05:03
dokoso who wakes up daniels first? ;-)05:04
fabbionedaniels: because it will change the symlinks to dir on installed systems, where Xorg is not ready?05:04
danielsack, wait, I think I have broken Pre-Depends, lemme check05:05
danielsfabbione: ah, but it won't get installed05:05
danielsbecause nothing will depend on it yet05:05
dokodaniels: what's the name and version of the glu-dev package?05:06
danielsdoko: libglu-dev-xorg, 6.8.2-1105:06
danielscurrently it's xlibmesa-glu-dev 6.8.2-1005:06
fabbionedaniels: better to wait... 05:07
dokook, just for the wiki and thighended build deps. so xlibmesa-glu-dev (>= 6.8.2-11) should be still fine?05:07
fabbionelamont: where do i define the @no_auto_build ?05:07
danielsdoko: libglu-dev-xorg (>= 6.8.2-11)05:08
lamont# list of packages which shouldn't be picked up by buildd05:08
lamont@no_auto_build = qw();05:08
lamont@weak_no_auto_build is the list of packages to build when there is _nothing_ else to do05:08
fabbioneyup.. found it05:09
danielsfabbione: don't worry about it now, but I've just updated my xorg sources on p.u.c and chinstrap to rename libglu1-xorg-dbg to libglu1-dbg-xorg and libglu-xorg-dev to libglu-dev-xorg.  no build changes.05:13
fabbionedoko: before you go away...05:14
fabbionethe gcc-defaults and build-essential on people.u.c.~doko/GCC-4.0/source are the ones that need to hit the archive?05:15
fabbionedaniels: did you also rename all the install/links/etc files?05:15
dokoyes, nobody did complain about these05:15
danielsfabbione: yep05:15
fabbionedoko: ok, is there anything we can start to do while you are away?05:16
lamontno cxx libs in multiverse?05:16
dokolamont: yes, only three in the list05:16
lamontah, and multiverse sorted before universe. sigh05:16
=== lamont tends to sort in ogre-model order
dokofabbione: if you want to start, upload the library packages for main (except kdelibs) from chinstrap:~doko/cxxsrc05:17
lamontdoko: those are signed and all?05:17
lamontand note that  the buildds aren't updated yet...05:18
fabbionedoko: don't we need to switch gcc-defaults first?05:18
lamontare we ready for that?05:18
dokobut xorg should be installed on the buildd's before05:18
fabbioneno i don't think we are05:18
dokofabbione: sure05:18
fabbioneok stop05:18
lamontWHY???      <doko> but xorg should be installed on the buildd's before05:18
fabbionelet's start again the list of things that needs to be done and in what order05:18
lamontfabbione: ++05:18
fabbionebecause i think we are skipping some steps here05:18
dokolamont: because I did not updated the build-deps for libraries, which depend on libglu-dev-xorg (>= 6.8.2-11)05:19
fabbione1) we need to stop the syncs from debian of all the libs and app from the 2 lists on the wiki05:19
dokofabbione: elmo did prepare this, and stop the import of NEW sources05:19
fabbioneelmo: is that in place already?05:20
elmowell err, no05:20
fabbioneok :)05:20
elmoI only did the first list no the wiki05:20
elmo12:12 <elmo> https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/CxxLibraryList05:20
elmo^-- that one05:20
fabbionedoko: do we need to stop syncing the applications too i guess...05:21
dokoyes, the current one has to be replaced by the second one, if we start building the libs05:21
fabbionedoko: i am not sure i understand what you mean by second one....05:22
fabbionedaniels: xorg is FTBFS here05:22
fabbioneXrandr.c:32:36: error: X11/extensions/Xrender.h: No such file or directory05:22
dokothe one at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/CxxApplicationList05:23
dokocontaining all packages with a dependency on libstdc++505:23
danielsfabbione: hrm, doesn't happen here05:24
danielsfabbione: can you check whether Xrender.h is in /usr/include/X11/extensions or /usr/X11R6/include/X11/extensions please?05:24
fabbionedaniels: it's in /usr/X11R6/include/X11/extensions05:25
danielsok, I'll sort that out05:25
fabbionedoko: ok i understand now05:26
fabbioneso the next step would be to update the buildd's with new gcc-defaults and build-essential + the CxxApp list to @no_auto_build05:28
fabbioneonce we have done that...05:29
fabbionewe need to upload x-common x-x11proto-core and xtrans05:29
fabbionenew x-common05:29
fabbioneand after that we are ready to go with doko's libs...05:30
fabbioneonce all the libs are built, we can release apps...05:31
fabbionedoko: ?05:31
fabbionedid we miss anything?05:31
jbaileyWhich parts the rest of us do. =)05:32
jbaileyLooking through libs, looks like almost everything but kde is done.05:32
lamontjbailey: once we start building libs, aggressively attack any FTBFS packages05:34
=== jbailey still dreams of an rss feed, and a one click 'claim' option. I've wanted that for new arch porting in Debian for ages too. =)
fabbionelamont: afaik doko did build all of them already05:35
lamonton at least i386, yes05:36
fabbionewell... should we start?05:37
lamontelmo: any great ideas besides @no_auto_build for blocking builds of the CxxApps?05:37
lamontjbailey: that's what IRC is for. :-)05:37
lamontjust pick a letter, it's all yours./05:37
jbaileyPitty the poor sod stuck with 'l' =)05:38
lamontl != lib*05:38
lamontthose are 4-octet letters05:38
elmolamont: not really, sorry05:38
lamontelmo: np.  I think that means you don't have to disable syncing of the apps, though.05:38
lamontsince it's really just 'don't build any of these until all the libraries are in the archive', right?05:38
dokolamont: yes, or else you have to check for build-deps on C++ libs, which I didn't do05:39
fabbione12 -rw-r--r--  1 sparcbuildd sparcbuildd 10235 May 17 17:39 buildd.conf05:40
lamontdoko: is the app list golden at this point?05:40
fabbioneit got huge :)05:40
lamontfabbione: it's an 8500+ byte _line_05:40
fabbionelamont: yes i know :)05:40
dokolamont: no. wait, I'll update the list before I go ...05:41
=== lamont goes on a paste frenzy
lamontdoko: thanks.  holler when it's golden05:41
danielsfabbione: the X order you listed is right05:41
danielsi'm just fixing xorg now so it's happier with Xrender.h05:41
fabbionedaniels: ok.05:42
lamontl-r-m-2.6.10 is in the list?? wow05:42
=== lamont phears
fabbionewe can just skip that one forever05:42
danielsoh wait, there's a simpler option05:42
danielsi'm a fucking moron05:42
danielsfabbione: stick with the xorg you have05:42
lamontnah - we're breaking hoary-* builds right now...05:42
danielsi'll do the render/xrender transition05:42
lamontfabbione: you gonna add that to the quotes file??? :-)05:43
fabbionelamont: your pleasure :)05:43
lamontnah, you can have it05:43
fabbionei need more coffee :)05:43
fabbioneok i will :)05:44
danielsfabbione: ok, new render/xrender versions with changes in the usual place05:54
danielsi'm putting a new xorg up now, with explicit versioned build-deps on the new versions05:55
fabbionedaniels: let me test first05:55
danielsnothing uploaded anywhere but p.u.c/~daniels/newx/ and chinstrap:~daniels05:56
fabbionedaniels: do you want to bump xrender Build-Dep on render-dev version too?05:57
fabbioneor there is no need to?05:58
danielsnah, no need06:00
fabbionei confirm with the new *render* xorg is building again...06:00
danielsautoconf is smart enough to deal with it; imake is not06:00
fabbionerestart xorg build from scratch06:00
danielsfabbione: i believe the phrase is 'the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth'06:01
fabbionedaniels: i remember a similar one, but apparently ameringlish says that one06:02
=== fabbione hugs ccache
lamontfabbione: actually, daniels is more correct in this case. :-(06:06
fabbionelamont: he must be because of his experience with the court :)06:06
dokofabbione, lamont, elmo: updated cxxlibs.txt and cxxapps.txt in my home on chinstrap06:06
danielsfabbione: haha06:07
danielsyeah, so much experience with american courts :P06:07
danielsi'm going back to bed now, tired as hell06:07
fabbionedaniels: are render and xrender signed too?06:08
danielsi'll be back at 2300 UTC (7h from now)06:08
danielsfabbione: yep06:08
danielsi'm phoneable before then if xorg is ftbfs though06:08
fabbionedaniels: ok.06:09
fabbionedoko: ok thanks06:09
danielsfabbione: i'm just updating x11proto-core and xtrans to fix their pre-depends now06:09
fabbionedo they need pre-depends too?????06:09
fabbionei didn't see the problem here06:09
elmodoko: should I freeze both?06:10
danielsthey had a Pre-Depends on x-common (>= 1.0)06:10
fabbioneah ok06:10
danielswhich needs to be changed to 0.99 for the work-around-the-buildd thing06:10
danielsnothing major06:10
fabbionedoko: the 3rd one is the source package, right?06:10
danielsfabbione: ok, x11proto-core and xtrans updated in the usual spots06:11
danielsnight all06:11
fabbionedaniels: night06:11
dokoelmo: hmm, the library list for syncs only, or else we can't upload bug fixes06:12
elmouh, ok06:14
lamontdoko: don't all the lib packages have -ubuntu versions?06:17
lamontwhich would let the merge process do its thing...06:17
=== lamont disappears into the other workspace to update buildd.conf on 12 machines
dokolamont: yes, but not yet06:18
fabbionedoko: he is blocking the CxxApps06:19
elmook, cxxlibs + cxxapps blocked from syncs06:21
elmocxxlibs blocked from uploads except by doko's key06:21
dokoheh, then I can upload gcc-defaults and buid-essential?06:21
fabbionedoko: you should be greenlight for it now06:21
fabbioneonce they are built, we need to update all the chroots on the buildds06:21
dokoelmo: maybe add amu's and jbailey's key?06:22
fabbioneelmo: mine and daniels for X please06:22
fabbionewe have c++ libs in X06:22
fabbioneelmo: it's probably easier to just bless them manually?06:23
dokoelmo: ready to start?06:25
=== fabbione makes the drums sound for doko
fabbionedoko: probably tell to #u-d :)06:25
elmoadded amu, jbailey, fabbione and daniels' keys06:27
fabbioneelmo: thanks06:27
=== lamont tries to decide if he wants to be able to fix bugs, or if he'll be busy dealing with other things
fabbionelamont: i did test X build order locally... 06:32
fabbionebetter you keep free is something goes wrong on the buildd06:32
fabbioneanother Xorg FTBFS06:40
fabbionethere... fixed...06:48
fabbionehopefully this is the last one06:48
fabbioneelmo: can you please let nvu from sparc in?06:58
fabbionei am sure it has been built sanely06:58
fabbioneit was building way before we started the transition06:59
elmoit's not in the list to exclude?06:59
fabbioneyes it is07:00
fabbionethat's why i was asking :)07:00
elmoerr, rather it's in the apps list07:00
elmoand doko told me only to exclude source stuff07:00
fabbioneso it should go in..07:00
fabbionewell i am sure it is built properly07:00
=== fabbione kicks Xorg in the code
fabbionethis will need an Imake patch to get fixed properly07:07
=== lamont told the neighbor that he'd come look at his install issue in about 45 min... so I need to wander off for a few soon..
=== lamont looks to see if he can update chroots yet
fabbionelamont: i don't see build-essential around yet07:18
fabbioneyay there it is another package07:18
lamontfabbione: I'm busy being confused...07:21
fabbionelamont: ehehe07:22
lamontwe should have gcc-defaults and build-essential there for all  architectures after the :33 pulse, I think07:22
fabbioneyes i think so07:22
fabbionebuild-essential missed the :3307:23
fabbionegcc-defaults source is there....07:23
fabbioneor it seems like07:23
fabbioneok i got xc to compile..07:24
fabbionelet's see xc-debug07:24
fabbionebah crap07:25
fabbioneit does a make clean07:25
=== lamont runs off for about 8 minutes
fabbionei will need to get some food soon07:26
fabbionewow.. this was easy :)07:35
fabbionelamont: the GCC34_MMX macro is simply broken07:36
fabbioneit doesn't know about gcc-407:36
fabbioneso killing the -D works07:37
fabbioneeven if it is not the cleanest solution07:37
lamontbuild-essential_11.0ubuntu1 is installed in all the data center chroots07:40
lamontwe are _GO_ for library infusion07:42
fabbionelamont: ok thanks07:42
lamontat least from my perspective07:42
fabbionebut we are not ready for the libs yet07:42
fabbionewe need xorg first07:42
lamontah, well then. get on it.07:42
fabbionei am almost done i think07:43
fabbionethere are a couple of things that still don't match07:43
fabbioneok if i got everything right, this is the last xorg build (at least on i386)07:46
fabbionei just need to revisit a second the upload order07:47
=== lamont back in a bit
fabbioneelmo: i am almost ready to start uploading X packages08:22
fabbionesome of them will need NEW love08:22
fabbionethis is going to be the upload order:08:39
fabbionein parallel:08:39
fabbione(3 of them needs NEW)08:39
fabbione(build-dep on render-dev)08:40
fabbioneand again in parallel:08:40
fabbione(both build-dep on xrender-dev)08:40
fabbioneand as last xorg08:40
fabbionethis should do08:40
fabbioneyeah x is installing08:59
fabbionedh_install --sourcedir=debian/tmp09:02
fabbioneCOME ON09:02
fabbioneinstall bitch!09:02
fabbionelamont: are you back?09:11
fabbioneelmo: first 4 packages on the way09:11
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
fabbioneelmo: katie hates me :)09:23
fabbioneor hates daniels09:23
elmoRejected: Unknown distribution `unstable'.09:24
elmothat you mean?09:24
fabbionei don't get the rejects.. daniels did the packages09:24
fabbionewhat package was that?09:24
elmox-common                | 0.99                    | source                  | 9 minutes old09:24
elmox11proto-core           |              | source                  | 9 minutes old09:24
elmoxtrans                  | 0.2+cvs.20050513-1      | source                  | 9 minutes old09:25
elmo^-- all got to NEW09:25
fabbioneok.. thanks09:25
fabbionei am repreparing render09:26
elmoeh, what's the point of x-common?09:26
fabbioneelmo: to make the X11 symlink disappear 09:27
fabbioneas far as i understood at least09:27
elmoa whole package for it?09:28
fabbioneelmo: daniels is killing X11R6 and soing modular09:28
fabbionex-common will get more stuff later09:28
fabbionenew render is up09:28
fabbioneyou can let them in at any time09:29
elmoI assume these packages have to all be in main?09:31
fabbioneelmo: yes09:31
elmook, processed09:32
fabbionedid they make the :33 daily?09:33
fabbionesorry for pushing/asking but it's like 15 hours that i am here :)09:33
fabbioneif i can save 30 minutes, that would be really nice :)09:33
fabbionelamont: rocking.. the first 4 pkgs have been accepted09:34
=== fabbione watches elmo melting down
elmohppa broke cron.daily09:36
elmoonce the current one finishes, I'll rerun it09:36
fabbioneah ok09:36
=== lamont boggles
fabbionehmm it looks like the list of packages for no_auto_build is a bit too long09:42
fabbioneah crap no09:42
fabbionenever mind09:42
elmobtw, cron.daily done09:49
elmois there any reason you can't just upload all this stuff and let the buildds figure it out based on the b-d's?09:49
fabbioneelmo: because i am not too confident in these packages. they got very little testing09:50
fabbioneso i prefer to break only one piece at a time if the Build-Deps are wrong09:51
elmothese -dev packages have .c files in /usr/include?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!09:51
elmodrwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2005-05-17 20:45:55 ./usr/include/X11/Xtrans/09:51
elmo-rw-r--r-- root/root      3070 2005-05-17 20:45:55 ./usr/include/X11/Xtrans/transport.c09:51
elmo-rw-r--r-- root/root     31104 2005-05-17 20:45:55 ./usr/include/X11/Xtrans/Xtrans.c09:51
fabbionedaniels !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!09:51
fabbionethat can be fixed as soon as daniels wakes up09:52
fabbionei need 5 minutes break at least to see my wife09:52
lamonthrm... does ccache do gcj stuff too?10:05
=== lamont grumbles
jbaileylamont: Shouldn't be alot of gcj stuff.10:05
jbaileylamont: It should be mostly arch: all with a bit in the postinst.10:06
jbaileylamont: That rare exception being the bits that use JNI10:06
lamontah, that makes sense... the gcc-4.0 test build is -A10:06
fabbioneok it looks like all the 4 packages did build properly...10:11
fabbionexrender is on the way10:12
fabbionethis one should still be safe....10:15
fabbioneactually also xft and xcursor should be safe...10:16
fabbionethere.. up10:17
fabbioneas soon as these 3 packages are available we should be able to upload Xorg10:17
lamontfabbione: which packages am I babysitting?10:19
fabbionelamont: xrender_0.9.0-0ubuntu5_source.changes (chinstrap)10:19
fabbionexft_2.1.7-1ubuntu1_source.changes (me)10:19
fabbionexcursor_1.1.3-1ubuntu1_source.changes (me)10:19
fabbionethey should hit the buildd at the next :33 daily10:20
fabbionethe other 4 already builded fine10:20
fabbioneall ACCEPTED10:21
fabbioneelmo: if you want to speed up things, you could run .daily again10:21
lamontMay 17 21:29:28 buildd: breezy: total 3 packages to build.10:29
fabbionelamont: i guess it's them :)10:30
fabbionelamont: are they building or did they destroy the chroots?10:37
lamontpretty much uploading, without digging around too much10:42
lamontbuilt on all 410:43
elmoI'm running cron.daily again10:43
elmoAFAICS everything's built10:43
fabbioneuploading xorg now :)10:44
fabbioneif this one break we are fucked10:44
lamontfabbione: no.  we'll be annoyed.10:44
lamontthere's a subtle difference.10:44
fabbionelamont: eheheh10:45
fabbionewell the point is that i am tired and i am not 200% sure i can manage to debug X 10:45
fabbioneso.. somehow somebody is fucked until daniels wakes up :)10:45
fabbioneso you and elmo can be annoyed10:45
fabbionei will be fucked for the next 2/3 hours10:45
fabbionexorg is up10:46
fabbioneif this one goes ok, we can push all the libs from doko10:48
fabbionexorg_6.8.2-11_source.changes ACCEPTED10:51
lamontmake[4] : *** No rule to make target `gnu/java/net/protocol/https/Handler.java', needed by10:52
lamont+`gnu/java/net/protocol/https/Handler.class'.  Stop.10:52
lamontmake[4] : *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....10:52
lamontmake[4] : Leaving directory `/build/buildd/gcc-4.0-4.0.0/build/x86_64-linux/libjava'10:52
lamontoh doko!!!!10:52
lamontgcc-4.0_4.0.0-7ubuntu3 times 410:52
fabbionelamont: yeah he told me that ubuntu3 was FTBFS10:54
lamontdo we have -4?10:54
fabbionenot yet10:55
fabbionehe told me one minute before leaving10:55
fabbionelamont: keep a close eye on xorg11:00
fabbioneit will pull in all the crap in one go11:00
elmoxorg's building11:23
fabbioneelmo: cool.. on all 4 arches?11:23
elmo(sorry about the delay, I was (re)building a 2nd archive.ubuntu.com, and it was slaughtering jackass' performance11:23
elmoI assume so11:23
fabbioneno problem about the delay.. i am almost dead anyway :)11:24
fabbionelamont: ?11:24
elmoyep, all 411:24
fabbionewe need to wait Xorg, upload a clean x-common and the libs from doko11:24
elmoclean x-common?11:25
fabbioneelmo: yes. 0.99 had a Dependency hack to build xorg -1111:26
fabbioneonce .11 is built, the hack can be removed11:27
=== elmo puts his hands in his ears and sings LALALALA
fabbioneelmo: either 2 x-common or 2 xorg uploads11:27
fabbioneconsidering the size and the arch: all we opted for x-common11:27
fabbionewe did agree that it was dirty11:28
lamontelmo: I told them it was evil at least...11:28
fabbionebut definetely faster :)11:28
lamontwe need to make sure that we have a URL for the morgue-ed source for the 0.99 x-common package to put on the evilness-you-must-endure-when-porting page11:28
fabbionelamont: there will be no need11:28
fabbionethe reason is that xorg-common is arch: all11:29
fabbioneso once it is built, it will be there and cooperating properly with x-common 1.011:29
lamontand how will xorg build with the old new x-common installed on a debian chroot?11:29
fabbioneat the end of the transition xorg will not exists anymore11:30
fabbionethere will tons of little tiny source packages11:30
lamontah, ok11:30
fabbioneunfortunatly we did hit a bad timing for X11:30
fabbionebecause daniels was splitting xorg to the modular tree, killing X11R6 at the same time that we need to do the C++ transition11:31
fabbioneso look at this sequence of uploads as something you won't need after11:31
lamontright.  But I will need it this week, when I finally get hppa started on building breezy.  sigh11:32
fabbionelamont: once i386 build the arch: all, you will have no problems11:32
lamontare we planning to bump all the cxxapps, or just let time and transition deal with that?11:33
fabbioneno idea about the apps11:33
fabbionewe will need to ask doko11:33
fabbionehe should be around soon enough11:33
lamontfabbione: once i386 builds the second x-common arch:all package, then it can take the place of the first?  huh???11:33
fabbionelamont: yes. 11:34
lamonteven though I have a hoary xorg?11:34
fabbionethe problem is the interaction between xorg-common -10 postinst and x-common11:34
lamontwhich seemed to me to be the whole reason for the hacked upload....11:34
lamontfabbione: that's hppa's current state... has xorg -1011:34
fabbionelamont: you still get _all.deb from i38611:35
fabbionethat will be -1111:35
fabbioneif you are building arch: all locally.. well.. yeah you will need to go trough the same harassment11:35
lamontit does mean that I need to have my mirror current before I get to xorg though....11:35
lamontonly arch-all building locally is either testing, debian uploads, or glibc hacking.  damn locales11:36
=== lamont watches the glibc build go through Testing IBM500....
=== fabbione wonders how long is going to take
lamontfabbione: until about :20 ish11:56
lamontbased on history, that is11:56
=== fabbione gives back a bunch of packages in Dep-Wait for gcc-4 & co
fabbionei need to find a way to automatically set the packages in Dep-Wait12:00

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