
fabbionehmm i can't find the archive12:09
dokoback again12:10
fabbionehey doko12:11
lamontftbfs on ppc12:12
dokowhere are we? xorg?12:12
fabbionedoko: yes. xorg12:13
lamontLD_LIBRARY_PATH=../../../exports/lib XLOCALEDIR=../../../exports/lib/locale  ../../../exports/bin/xcursorgen12:13
lamont+X_cursor.cfg X_cursor12:13
lamontlibpng error: Call to NULL read function12:13
lamontPNG error while reading X_cursor-16.png!12:13
lamontI don't think a give-back will help12:14
lamontotoh, why are we building the cursor here?  isn't that arch-indep?12:14
dokolamont: all the buildd's do have the new built-essential?12:14
lamontdoko: yes12:14
fabbioneit's a library or something for the server12:15
lamontjust waiting on xorg to finish up in the next 20-30 min, then we can play with libraries12:15
dokook, then I'll go through the libs in main and upload libs, which don't depend on glu-something12:15
fabbionedoko: please wait12:15
fabbionelet's get Xorg to build first12:15
lamontdoko: given that we build pretty much all of main in < 6 hours or so, it's not like there's a big hurry.../12:15
fabbioneand we can upload all the libs in one go12:16
fabbionedoko: the Xorg deps and build-deps aren't stable yet12:16
fabbioneso something might need to change12:16
dokook, will wait12:17
fabbione+ after X there is still one x package that needs upload12:17
fabbioneonce that one is in, you are clear to go12:17
lamontfabbione: so about the ppc xorg ftbfs....12:22
fabbionelamont: no.. not really12:23
fabbionei am checking the buildlog now12:24
lamonti386 and amd64 == uploaded12:25
lamontia64 is about 5/14's done12:25
fabbioneit looks like an error in libpng to me12:26
lamontwhich leads to the question of what to do to fix it...12:28
fabbionelamont: try to kick back12:28
lamontgiven back12:28
fabbioneit's not an X problem imho12:28
fabbionethe error comes from libpng attempting to read that file12:28
fabbioneand the file is valid12:28
lamontis the abuse in x-common such that we could stall on uploading 1.0?12:28
fabbionelamont: do you feel more confortable to wait to upload x-common 1.0?12:29
fabbioneit's just question of removing a Pre-Depends12:29
lamontwell, if we did that, then ia64 could catch up...12:29
fabbionesure it can wait12:29
fabbionei don't see a big problem with that12:29
fabbionesparc will catch up too12:29
fabbionebut again.. once xorg-common -11 is in, the pre-depends can disappear :)12:30
lamontright.  and that's the next cron.daily run12:30
fabbionesure.. i didn't plan to upload x-common until at least the 3 major arches have all the binaries in place12:30
lamontdoko: you planning to upload a fixed gcc-4.0 (is ftbfs) soon?12:31
fabbioneeven if i would pay gold to go to sleep now :)12:31
dokolamont: no12:32
dokohave to find out, why it fails12:32
fabbionedaniels: you awake yet?12:33
lamontah, right12:35
fabbionelamont: ?12:35
lamontdoko: while you're in there, could you disable the testsuite on hppa?12:35
lamontfabbione: was aimed at doko and gcc-4.012:35
fabbioneehhe yeah12:35
=== warthylog [~warthylog@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
=== Topic for #ubuntu-toolchain: GNU Compiler Collection, Glibc, Binutils, Linux-kernel-headers | GLIBC Todo: hppa, sparc NPTL, i386 biarch
=== Topic (#ubuntu-toolchain): set by jbailey at Wed May 11 01:20:59 2005
=== fabbione [~fabbione@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
fabbioneserver died again for no reasons12:54
fabbionei had the time to hear all the disks spinning down nicely12:54
fabbioneand puff... it was frozen12:54
lamontfabbione: on the bright side, with ccache, it only takes 10 minutes for powerpc to reproduce the failure12:58
fabbionelamont: nope.. it would send the alarm12:58
fabbionewhat version of libpng gets installed in the different chroots?12:59
fabbioneis it the same?12:59
lamontwas the same buildd, same chroot12:59
lamontlibpng12-0 12:59
fabbionei mean across the arches :)01:00
lamontshould be the same... /me checks01:00
lamontlibpng12-0_1.2.8rel-1 on all 401:01
lamontOTOH, ppc is the only big-endian arch in the pile01:01
jbaileyBah, /me fixes the typo and starts again.01:01
lamontshort gym trip, eh>?01:01
fabbioneso is sparc... but it will take time to get there01:01
lamontyeah.  gcc-4.0 build running now01:02
jbaileylamont: I felt guilt, so I started the build on amd64 and ia64 as well, by the time I got them running, ppc had failed.01:02
fabbionei wonder if libpng is broken on ppc 01:02
jbaileyfabbione: It is.01:02
=== lamont hugs jbailey
jbaileyfabbione: sb had me test that yesterday 01:02
lamontis fix known?01:02
lamontbecause it's blocking the transition01:02
jbaileyUgh, really?01:02
lamontxorg is ftbfs/ppc01:02
lamontfabbione: you saw that xorg/amd64 was rejected, yes?01:03
fabbionedon't tell me that there is known fix and it had not been uploaded...01:03
fabbionelamont: meh.. no why?01:03
jbaileyGimme a sec to fire these things up.01:03
lamont<lamont> Rejected: xprt_6.8.2-11_amd64.deb: old version (1:0.1.0.alpha1-10) in breezy >= new version (6.8.2-11) targeted at breezy.01:03
lamont<lamont> so that's 2/301:03
jbaileyfabbione: Nope, I was just asked to test it.  I was hacking on other stuff so didn't explore it any further.01:04
=== lamont hopes we get things settled in the next 90 minutes, so he can go to his fire dept training
lamontdoko: ew... patch fuzz in gcc-4.0... :-)01:05
fabbionethat should have happened on i386 too01:05
fabbionexprt is an arch: any01:05
fabbioneand why on heart daniels still ship that shit01:05
fabbioneok let's make a summary01:05
fabbionelibpng is fucked on ppc01:06
fabbionethat is a blocker for xorg01:06
fabbionexorg needs xprt love01:06
fabbioneand another upload01:06
lamontsounds about right.01:06
fabbioneotherwise we cannot go for libs01:06
fabbioneor ppc will lag eons behind01:06
lamontand dropping ppc from breezy is _not_ an option...01:07
dokoshould we reupload libpng compiled with 3.3 on powerpc?01:07
lamontdoko: is that known to fix it?01:07
fabbionedoko: are we sure that is the right thing to do?01:07
fabbionethan no01:08
lamontfabbione: you have ppc at your place?01:08
fabbionesomebody needs to investigate the real issue01:08
fabbionelamont: no01:08
fabbionei have been begging for one for a long time01:08
=== lamont does, but not really... would take 24 hours or more to test-build xorg
fabbionei keep getting i386trash01:08
fabbionelamont: davis?01:08
lamontdavis is an option..01:09
lamontelmo about?01:09
fabbioneelmo can upgrade a chroot and that's it01:09
fabbionejbailey, lamont: there is nothing more i can do for today01:09
fabbionei am crashing01:09
elmolamont: ?01:09
lamontg'night fabbione01:09
fabbionedaniels should be awake soon01:10
dokogood night01:10
lamontcan you freshen the breezy chroot on davis?01:10
fabbioneelmo: with the new xorg build-dep ;)01:10
lamontthen I'm going to try building libpng with gcc-3.3, and have you install that in the chroot.01:10
lamontand then we'll see if that fixes the xorg build problem01:10
fabbioneif there is something, i will have my mobile phone with me01:10
lamontand then I'll cry01:10
fabbionelamont: no.. just wake up the kid :)01:11
fabbionei am off01:11
fabbionegood night guys01:11
jbaileylamont: I have to go in 10 minutes, is there anything you need me to do nowish?01:11
jbaileyg'n Fabio!01:11
lamontjbailey: not unless you can upload a fix for libpng. :-(01:11
lamontjbailey: any hints on what it was?  or you just verified it was NFG?01:12
jbaileyJust verified it was nfg.01:12
lamontthat is, braindump would be cool.01:12
lamontand done. sigh.01:12
lamontway quick braindump01:12
elmolamont: doing01:12
lamontelmo: and libpng3 build-deps, of course.01:22
elmonothing to install?01:23
elmoand done01:23
lamontprobbaly nothing to install01:23
elmoRejected: xprt_6.8.2-11_ia64.deb: old version (1:0.1.0.alpha1-10) in breezy >= new version (6.8.2-11) targeted at breezy.01:29
lamontyeah - we discussed that a bit a while back.01:30
lamontit's on the list of things to deal with.01:30
lamontbut libpng is a bigger blocker...01:31
lamontunless you wanna make the old xprt just go away... :-)  But that would be, well, wrong.01:31
lamontelmo: in davis:breezy-chroot: dpkg -i ~lamont/breezy/libpng12*.deb please01:32
elmoeh, what are they?01:32
lamontthey're the same source, built with gcc-3.301:33
lamontdpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: xtrans-dev01:36
lamontso if the libpng3 build fixes things, we'll know in about 50 minutes... if it doesn't, then I'll actually have a tree to start debugging on.01:37
lamontmeanwhile, sort break time01:40
dokolamont: what do you sort?01:48
dokolamont: ok, I found the 4.0 bootstrap failure. mind, if I upload a fixed one?01:52
elmodoko: why would lamont mind?  unlike Debian, he has 3 buildds per arch on a GB LAN :P01:52
elmonot that I'm bitter every time vore grinds to a halt after one of your upload sprees or anything01:53
dokoelmo: yes, that' why I uploaded the last one built for sparc ...01:55
elmodoko: dude, you REALLY shouldn't do that01:56
lamontplease don't upload binaries unless you're a buildd01:56
lamontoh. debian.  well, still shouldn't01:57
lamontdoko: upload away01:57
dokoheh, it doesn't even go to sarge. lamont: will do01:57
lamontdoko: this has my hppa fix too?01:57
elmoheh, in Ubuntu, you CAN'T upload binaries unless you're a buildd01:57
elmo(or have access to their secret key)01:57
elmoI wish I could enforce that level of facism in Debian :(01:57
dokolamont: fix? crappy workaround of disabling the testsuite a fix? ;-)01:58
lamontdoko: yeah. that "fix". :-)01:58
lamontdoko: I'm willing to bet that it's the long-standing bug in signals, but really can't say for sure01:59
danielsi'm here now01:59
danielselmo: xprt isn't something we care about for the time being01:59
danielsif the rest of the upload goes through, that's a win01:59
elmothe rest of the upload so doesn't go through01:59
elmoif it did, I'd shoot myself02:00
lamontdaniels: it's kinda this atomic thing, you see...02:00
=== lamont pictures elmo-with-a-gun, fears for sesame street
danielselmo: the xtrans stuff isn't a bug, mmkay02:00
danielselmo: this is why I've said several times that I despise xtrans and want it to die02:01
lamontdaniels: one option is to just not deliver the xprt binary package...02:01
lamontalthough I expect that breaks some other packages down the line02:01
danielselmo: ok02:02
dokohi daniels, short night ... ;)02:02
danielsi'll prepare a new xorg02:02
lamontdoko: he was gone almost 8 hours...02:02
lamontdaniels: we also need to figure out what's up with libpng/ppc02:03
dokolamont: you're right, that's too much02:03
lamontand note that fabbione had to do some stuff to xorg to make it build with gcc-4.0....02:03
lamontif you have a shared source archive, greate... if not, you need to fetch from the archive...02:03
danielsyeah, I slept in by an hour02:03
lamontdoko: and I need ccache bindings for ada, so that the gcc-4.0 build can go fast.02:03
lamontditto for gcj02:04
dokolamont: hmm, these are not yet upstream?02:05
elmonight all02:05
elmolamont: a lot of the gcc slowness is hte test suite ..02:06
lamontelmo: not when it's disabled. :-)02:06
lamontg'night elmo02:06
dokoccache doesn't help in the testsuite02:06
=== lamont is watching the ada build churn along
lamontwhile waiting for the xorg build to fail agian02:07
lamontelmo: if you're still around, I'm wondering why xorg seems to have made it in on i386 - was there no xprt agony there?02:08
danielswas xprt ftbfs on i386?02:10
danielsnigt elmo02:10
lamontdaniels: dunno02:12
lamontwhat source package?02:12
lamontxprt doesn't show up in wanna-build for i38602:13
lamontor any arch, for that matter02:13
lamonthoary or breezy02:13
danielsso this might sound a little bit nasty02:14
danielsbut is there any chance you could hack the changes file to exclude xprt and shepherd the rest of the upload through?02:14
lamont(not just because all the .debs and the .changes file get deleted...()02:16
lamontthe ubuntu archive remains unviolated by hand-edited changes files, and shall remain so on my watch.02:17
=== infinity violates is when lamont isn't looking.
lamontinfinity: you don't have the key to violate it02:19
dokoinfinity: looks like your buildd career did finish before it did begin ;-P02:20
dokolamont: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/j/java-gcj-compat/1.0.28-0.0ubuntu1/ ???02:23
lamontdoko: any chance something Provides: libgcj-dev?02:26
danielslamont: what, you're telling me you're the paragon of cleanliness and archive sanctity now? :P02:27
lamontdaniels: I always play by the specified rules.02:27
lamontthat's what makes it so much fun. :-)02:27
dokoehh, yes ... libgcjX-dev ... looks like I should remove it02:28
lamontdaniels: my forte lies in analyzing complex systems and determining how to accomplish a specified task within the structure imposed by that system.02:31
lamontsome call it hackish and kludgy, others also call it necessary.02:32
lamonts/it/it only/02:32
lamontubuntu is nice because we have a very minimal set of complexity in the system.  mostly, it's just implemented correctly to begin with.  hence we can keep it more pure and clean...02:33
lamontthat, and one of the rules is 'it shall remain unviolated' :-)02:33
infinitylamont : If that's your forte, you should have been a tax accountant, not a programmer. :)02:33
=== lamont _does_ do his own taxes...
lamontinfinity: note that said forte also applies very well in computer security, forensic analysis, and so forth02:34
lamontour family calls it "rules lawyering"02:34
infinityOh, I realise it has many uses, it just happens that good tax accountants make a lot more than those other professions. :)02:35
lamontalthough, I must admit, life is more interesting when you have to explain both the letter of the law and the intent of the law to your kids, so as to avoid hearing "but dad, you said ..."02:35
infinity(I consulted to one who worked exclusively with clients who had salaries of over a million a year... His income was significantly higher)02:35
lamontinfinity: fwiw, I apply it pretty much to all aspects of my existance02:36
dokolamont: please build 4.0-5, not -4 on your slooow hppa box02:36
lamontso 0ubuntu5.  check02:37
lamontactually, I think  I'm going to let 0ubuntu2hppa1 finish building first. :-)02:37
dokoyes, skip 0ubuntu402:37
dokohmm, I'm going to sleep, doing more harm then good02:38
lamontdoko: given hoary/hppa's pseudo-existance02:38
lamontI really can't build any of the cxxlibs before you upload them, yes?02:38
lamontgiven breezy/hppa with g++4.002:38
dokobuild them using g++-3.4, hack around gcc-defaults02:39
lamontactually, it just means adding build-essential and gcc-defaults to the no_auto_build list02:40
lamontsince they haven't built yet.02:40
=== lamont screams, uploads his libpng3 hack
lamontdpkg-genchanges: binary-only upload - not including any source code02:41
lamontdpkg-buildpackage: binary only upload (no source included)02:41
dokolamont: I don't understand what you gain02:41
lamontdoko: fix gcc-{3.4,4.0} so that it builds libpng3 correctly02:41
lamontdoko: gain with not building build-essential, gcc-def?  it means that I don't have to hack around gcc-defaults...02:42
lamontthen once you upload the libs, then it's no issue again02:42
dokoyes, but you end up with the wrong C++ ABI02:43
dokoso you verified, that libpng3 is miscompiled with gcc-3.4 _and_ 4.0 on powerpc?02:44
lamontlibpng doesn't Depend: C++02:44
lamontseems to be wrong on gcc-4.0.  didn't check 3.402:45
dokoI didn't write this02:45
dokoahh, ok02:45
dokodaniels: could you destill a testcase from the xorg build?02:45
danielsum, possibly02:45
lamont Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.4-1), zlib1g (>= 1:1.2.1)02:46
lamont Depends: libpng12-0 (= 1.2.8rel-1ubuntu1), zlib1g-dev02:46
dokolamont: if you do have time, could you recheck with a libpng3 compiled with -O2 and/or -O1?02:47
lamontdoko: except that I was testing it by using the package installed in the chroot...  and I can't update that...02:51
lamontactually, it's built without -O02:51
lamontsee debian/patches/makefile.patch02:51
lamontgcc -Wall -D_REENTRANT  -g -O3    -c -o pngset.o pngset.c02:52
lamontah.  that part comes from debian/rules02:52
lamontdaniels: yeah. crack02:53
dokoDEB_BUILD_OPTIONS overwrites this ...02:53
lamontdoko: yes02:53
dokolooking at the archives I see issues with -funroll-loops, which is enabled by default in 4.0 at -O3. So I assume -O2 will help here ...02:54
lamonthrm... I suppose LD_LIBRARY_PATH could help force things to the rebuilt package.02:54
daniels(breezy-chroot)daniels@davis:~/redglass $ xcursorgen X_cursor.cfg X_cursor02:54
daniels(breezy-chroot)daniels@davis:~/redglass $ dpkg -l libpng\*02:54
daniels[...] 02:54
danielsii  libpng12-0                1.2.8rel-1ubuntu1         PNG library - runtime02:54
lamontthat's the new version.02:54
lamontwhich is built with gcc-3.302:55
danielsnote the lack of segfault02:55
lamontyou have ppc there?02:55
danielsnote the 'daniels@davis' ;)02:55
lamontah, that's in the same chroot where I just verified my fix.02:55
danielsoh, so you installed it?02:55
lamontnote that -1ubuntu1 source will be in the archive in about 8 minutes02:55
lamontno, elmo did.  before he left.02:55
=== lamont has no root on the porting boxes
dokook, going to bed now, 3am ...02:56
dokogood night02:56
lamontg'night doko02:56
lamontdaniels: once we have xorg/xprt love, then we can upload doko's libraries02:56
lamontdoko: before you leave...02:56
lamontwhere do all the libs live, so we can upload them once X is happy?02:56
dokochinstrap:~doko/cxxsrc, but without kdelibs please02:57
lamontno kdelibs.  check02:57
danielslamont: yep, I'm testing the xprt-less build02:57
lamontdaniels: once you get an xorg that is xprt-happy, let me know.  (then we can see about finishing debugging the libpng thing...)02:57
danielsdoko: in any case, xcursorgen, and davis:~daniels/redglass/X_cursor*, is your testcase02:58
danielslamont: will do02:58
=== warthylog [~warthylog@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
=== Topic for #ubuntu-toolchain: GNU Compiler Collection, Glibc, Binutils, Linux-kernel-headers | GLIBC Todo: hppa, sparc NPTL, i386 biarch
=== Topic (#ubuntu-toolchain): set by jbailey at Wed May 11 01:20:59 2005
=== #ubuntu-toolchain [freenode-info] why register and identify? your IRC nick is how people know you. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup
(fabbione/#ubuntu-toolchain) at what time did i go offline?06:54
(jbailey/#ubuntu-toolchain) daniels: if gcc-3.3 fixed it, then it's probably altivec fuckage. I can try to take a look at that tomorrow.06:55
jbaileyAnd in the meantime, Fabio showing up for his morning work is my hint that it's bed time.06:57
jbaileyg'n all!06:57
fabbionehey jb06:57
fabbionejbailey: klibc is FTBFS on sparc :)06:57
fabbionegoot night06:57
danielsnight jbailey06:57
lamontdaniels: want to try a -14 that has fabbione's fixes from -11?????>????"??06:57
danielsfabbione: 3h17m before you joined06:57
jbaileyfabbione: Forward me a build log?  It's working everywhere else. =(06:57
=== lamont goes to bed
danielslamont: the what now?06:58
lamontall the bugs that fabbione fixed so that it actually builds with gcc-4.0 were reintroduced in your upload.06:58
lamontplease fix them.06:58
danielsoh, biteage06:58
daniels   * Add patch 991_ubuntu_gcc_flags.diff as a temporary workaround to a borked06:58
daniels     gcc-3.4 check.06:58
fabbioneoh fuck.. daniels you didn't merge from the archive?06:58
lamontalso, please test your upload in a gcc-4.0 chroot, k?06:58
danielsfabbione: no, I didn't know you made any changes to xorg06:59
danielslamont: this is with gcc406:59
jbaileyfabbione: I want to work magic of some sort that combines all the build daemon activity, including ports into an rss feed that I can just look at and show even things that would be on ports.ubuntu.com.06:59
danielsfabbione: is it just #991?06:59
fabbionedaniels: and build-deps06:59
lamontdaniels: go back about 6 hours in your scrollback...06:59
lamont<lamont>        daniels: we also need to figure out what's up with libpng/ppc07:00
lamontMay 17 18:03:12 <doko>  lamont: you're right, that's too much07:00
lamontMay 17 18:03:14 <lamont>        and note that fabbione had to do some stuff to xorg to make it build with gcc-4.0....07:00
lamontMay 17 18:03:39 <lamont>        if you have a shared source archive, greate... if not, you need to fetch from the archive...07:00
lamontalthough maybe that was pre-coffee07:00
lamontanyway, past my bedtime07:00
fabbionegood night lamont07:00
danielsnight lamont07:01
lamontfabbione: -13 is ftbfs, libpng should be fixed, just need a gcc-4.0 friendly -14, and xorg should actually make it into the archive.07:01
fabbionelamont: ok thanks07:01
=== lamont will be back in about 7-8 hours, modulo getting kids out the door to school
fabbionei won't be around that long07:01
fabbionenot after 19 hours of yesterday07:01
danielsfabbione: sure07:02
lamontat any rate, if things need buildd love, I expect you'll see elmo before me.,07:02
danielsindeed, i'll get it sorted out somehow07:04
=== infinity [~adconrad@loki.0c3.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
danielsi need to do a mirror sync to get the new packages, so I'll go afk for about an hour while my internet connection is useless07:08
fabbionedaniels: my archive is synced07:11
fabbionedo you want me to merge for -14?07:11
fabbioneit will take me the same amount of time as for you to wait07:11
danielsit's ok, i'll do more testing in chroots and stuff07:15
=== doko [~doko___@dsl-084-059-032-191.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
fabbionehmmm something is already pulling in x-common07:26
fabbioneoh right07:26
danielsthe /usr stuff should pull it in07:30
fabbioneyeah it does07:30
danielselse it'll be stuck in /usr/X11R607:30
fabbionebut it's ok07:30
fabbionethe buildd likes it07:30
danielsdo xft and xcursor have the pre-depends?07:31
fabbioneno, but they depends on xrender07:31
fabbionethat pre-depends on x-common07:31
fabbioneso that's enough to pull in * in the proper wat07:31
danielsi'd still rather it was explicit, but just as long as it works07:32
dokomorning all07:57
fabbionehi doko07:58
fabbionedoko: FYI we are waiting for xorg08:00
fabbione-14 will hit the archive sometime in the next 3 hours08:00
fabbioneafter that we should have greenlight08:00
dokoheh, cool08:02
fabbionei am tired to death08:04
fabbionewhy my wife needs to wake up at 6am08:04
\shit's a problem with all wifes ;)08:40
dokodid jbailey notice about the glibc build failure?08:41
=== cartman [foobar@cartman.developer.konversation] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
\shdoko: did u upload kdelibs4c2?08:48
fabbione\sh: no libs have been uploaded yet08:48
fabbionedoko: doh! it's building here08:49
\shok..in dokos repos ;)08:50
doko? building?08:52
dokolamont: hmm, the glibc patch, which fails to apply in the datacenter, applies cleanly here 08:53
fabbioneit works here to08:54
fabbionei think it's a LANG= thing08:54
dokodoes work with LANG= as well.09:01
fabbioneno i mean.. how it has been setup on the buildd09:01
fabbionebut it's weird09:01
fabbioneprobably a kick back would do09:01
fabbioneso at the end09:01
fabbionethe only arch that doesn't need new libc, is the only one building it09:02
fabbioneoh well09:05
fabbioneit will refresh the ccache :)09:05
fabbionedaniels: how is -14 coming?09:35
danielsgood; my mirror pulse just hit universe not too long ago, so I'm in the middle of refreshing the chroot09:35
fabbionedoko: can i build gcc-4 7ubuntu5 or are you planning an upload in 3 minutes?09:36
dokosorry, I won't make it in 3 minutes ;)09:37
dokono, built ok.09:38
fabbionedoko: well do you plan any upoad withing the next 24 hours?09:38
fabbioneupload even09:38
dokohmm, do we save some time, if we reupload glibc?09:39
fabbionedoko: no09:39
fabbionelet see why it fails on the buildd first09:39
fabbioneotherwise it is pointless09:39
=== chmj [~d3vic3@dumbledore.hbd.com] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
\shso..if the old name is libsomelibc102  the new name will be libsomelib right?09:42
\shthx :)09:43
=== minghua [~minghua@ppp-69-153-138-159.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
=== minghua [~minghua@ppp-69-153-138-159.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu-toolchain ["Leaving"]
=== fabbione wishtles xorg in daniles' hear
danielsyeah, it's in the install target now :P10:21
fabbionedaniels: goody10:21
fabbionedaniels: btw.. 991 was just a workaround to get it to build10:21
fabbionethe real issue is the macro that changes HasGCC3410:21
fabbionethat doesn't know gcc-410:21
danielsyeah, I'll look into that for -1510:22
\shany explanation why the resulting package for libqssl2 (recompiled with g++4) is named like _hurd-i386?10:24
fabbionehey elmo10:24
fabbioneelmo: can you please kick back glibc on all arches?10:24
fabbioneelmo: for some reasons it FTBFS at the DC, but it is building fine both on doko machine and my buildd10:25
elmogiven back on i38610:30
elmoit looks like a fairly generic failure10:30
fabbioneyeah it is10:30
elmoare you sure it's not something like patch ordering due to locale?10:30
fabbioneelmo: i have the same overrides here as lamont does10:31
fabbionebut that was the same impression i got10:31
fabbione# Environment variables to set/override:10:31
fabbione%ENV_OVERRIDES = {10:31
fabbione        'LC_ALL' => 'C',10:31
fabbioneand my buildd is choaking on it right now10:32
dokolet's fix dpkg-architecture first :(10:35
elmodpkg-buildpackage: host architecture hurd-i38610:35
fabbionedoes dpkg-architecture come from dpkg?10:35
elmowhat the FUCK?10:35
doko$ dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE10:35
fabbioneif so we are doomed10:35
\shelmo: ah ;)10:35
fabbionedpkg is C++ application10:35
fabbioneand banned from being built10:36
\shso i'm not the only one who pushed the button for the Infinite Improbability Drive10:36
fabbioneyou know what??!?!?!??!10:36
\shat least we know for sure: Hurd is not dead ;)10:36
dokofabbione: dpkg was just uploaded before we stopped ...10:37
fabbionedoko: but it didn't get builded on sparc :)10:38
fabbioneit was in the queue10:38
fabbioneso i am still running a good dpkg10:38
fabbioneMUHA MUHA MUHA10:38
fabbionelet's think how to unfuck this mess10:38
\shfabbione: but r lame ;) U r not able to fly withus in the "Heart of Gold"10:38
danielsfabbione: step 1: call scott.  step 2: shout.10:39
fabbionedaniels ++10:39
fabbionebut the main issue is that dpkg is a C++ application10:39
fabbionei wonder if we still have some pre-transition-breezy chroots10:40
fabbioneif so we could manually build a working dpkg10:40
fabbioneinstall it in the chroots10:40
elmoeh, it's a C++ apps that only links against libstdc++ ?10:40
fabbionecomplete the transition10:40
elmowhat's wrong with just compiling it?10:40
fabbioneelmo: doko banned it.. no idea why10:41
fabbionedoko: ?10:41
dokono reason, should un-ban it10:41
dokoelmo: removed it from cxxapps.txt10:42
=== svenl_ [~luther@AStrasbourg-251-1-57-35.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
fabbioneelmo: that needs to be manually removed on all 12 buildd10:47
elmoundone here too10:47
elmooh, BLAH, seriously?10:47
fabbioneelmo: yes from buildd.conf10:47
fabbione@no_auto_build = qw(....);10:48
elmoactually, no it doesn't, only one per arch10:48
elmoanyway, when you guys have a fix, lemme know10:48
dokohmm, gcc already picked up the wrong architecture, and dpkg-architecture relies on gcc -dumpmachine10:49
fabbionedpkg-buildpackage: host architecture hurd-i38610:50
fabbionewe need to stop the buildd10:50
fabbioneand see how many pkgs have been affected10:50
elmoI don't think many well?10:51
elmobut yeah, I'll stop katie now10:51
fabbionein the worst case around 60 pkgs10:52
fabbionethat's according to -changes10:53
chmjoh my, this is a a worm, speading as buildd goes on 10:53
fabbionedoko: are you sure that the gcc build was affected?10:57
dokoyes, it was configured for the target 'i386-linux-gnu', which is not the hurd, but i386, not i486 ...10:58
fabbionexorg -11 was affected10:59
fabbionelet's go back10:59
fabbionewell should we consider affected all packages that have been built with the new dpkg?11:00
fabbionei think that would be a sage threshold11:00
elmowe can grep the logs for the 'host architecture' line11:01
fabbionei fount it11:02
fabbioneat least on i386 the last safe package is build-essential11:02
danielselmo: please kick xorg through as soon as dpkg is !fucked, it was uploaded about 10-15 minutes ago11:02
fabbionealready java-gcj-compat has the wrong host architecture11:02
danielsi'll be down at dinner; my phone will get me11:02
fabbionedaniels: we will need to rebuild and reupload all the packages before that :/11:02
danielsok, well I need to eat :P11:03
danielsbut phoneable if you need.  will be back in ~30.11:03
fabbioneelmo: do you want to grep as well to be 100% sure?11:04
fabbioneand is it only i386 affected?11:04
elmodpkg-buildpackage: source package is xorg11:12
elmodpkg-buildpackage: source version is 6.8.2-1111:12
elmodpkg-buildpackage: host architecture i38611:12
elmowere you just grepping for 'hurd'?11:13
fabbioneelmo: no i was checking the version of dpkg used to build11:13
elmo$ find . -newer d/dpkg/1.13.4/dpkg_1.13.4_20050517-1340-powerpc-successful.bz2 -type f | xargs bzgrep "host architecture hurd-" -l11:13
fabbionei didn't grep.. i just manually checked11:13
elmois all I get11:13
=== Kamion [~cjwatson@host81-153-126-219.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
fabbioneelmo: i think we need to consider the option that debian/rules might use the output of dpkg-arch to set build parameter11:17
fabbioneand you won't catch it from host archi11:17
Kamionelmo: dpkg 1.13.4ubuntu1 uploaded, please let it through11:17
fabbionepackages might have been miscompiled 11:17
elmoKamion: does dpkg use dpkg-architecutre? :>11:17
elmofabbione: eh?11:17
elmofabbione: that host architecture hurd-<blah> is output from dpkg-buildpackage11:17
elmofabbione: if the chroot had the right version of dpkg-dev and gcc, it'd _always_ trigger?11:18
Kamionelmo: yes11:18
Kamionelmo: this build will probably think it's cross-compiling11:18
fabbioneelmo: hmm point11:18
Kamionsince DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE != DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE in the Brave New Linux/Hurd World11:18
elmook, so I have to downgrade chroots? :(11:19
Kamionprobably a good plan11:19
elmoor, hum, build dpkg-dev on concordia and nstall it there11:19
elmos/there/from there/11:19
fabbioneGod just called that needs to know asap if we can include Oracle FS in our kernel11:22
Kamionhmm, how does all this interact with daniels' complicated scheme with x-common for the X transition?11:22
fabbionei am around if needed, but kinda busy11:22
fabbioneKamion: that x doesn't build anymore?11:22
Kamionat all, ever11:23
elmook, building dpkg on vernadsky only (hopefully)11:26
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danielsKamion: um, should be OK11:29
danielsif not, I want someone to go to Birmingham and extract BLOOD11:29
dokopeople tend to believe that all bugs during a toolchain transition can be blamed to the toolchain ;)11:31
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
dokook, prepared a 4.0 upload which only trusts dpkg-architecture for the cpu, elmo, let me know, when it's safe for an upload11:36
Kamiondoko: is that the right fix, long-term?11:37
KamionI mean where do you get the system type from?11:37
elmooh, christ11:37
elmobuildd doesn't delete stuff from no_auto_build on a config reread11:38
dokono, but as long as dpkg-architecture picks up the '-gnu' from gcc -dumpmachine, we need an intermediate solution11:38
elmodoko: eh?11:38
Kamiondoko: the point of the builds elmo's doing is to fix that11:38
KamionI'd expect a no-change gcc-4.0 upload to be enough?11:38
dokoyes, but that doesn't help the current gcc in breezy.11:39
Kamionif people are going to upgrade gcc-4.0, they could just as easily upgrade dpkg11:39
Kamioner, dpkg-dev11:39
dokono, the dpkg-architecture patch makes it a bit more correct, but still prints i386-linux-gnu instead of i386-linux11:39
Kamiondaniels: my point being, is the x-common etc. in the archive usable for building xorg against, despite the hurdishness?11:40
doko  # overwrite ix86 CPU defaults11:40
doko  ifeq ($(TARGET_ALIAS),i386-linux)11:40
doko    TARGET_ALIAS := i486-linux11:40
doko  endif11:40
Kamiondoko: oh, I thought that was desirable ... ok11:40
dokoso, we build for i386, not i48611:40
infinityKamion : The -gnu has never been there before, adding it would break any package that matches on that string.11:41
fabbioneKamion: yes x-common in the archive is ok11:42
dokobut some time ago, rms requested it to have the -gnu suffix ...11:42
elmoeh, I doubt it has anything to do with RMS11:43
elmoand much more to do with making dpkg-architecture match what the auto* tools do11:43
elmothe only binonly (or no-source-change) upload we'll need is java-gcj-compat I think11:45
dokothe mail I got was definitely from RMS, but anyway11:45
fabbioneand glibc11:45
dokoelmo: I'll reupload java-gcj-compat11:46
elmofabbione: no?11:46
elmoit didn't suceed anywhere11:46
fabbioneelmo: ah right...11:46
elmodoko: what's your mail got to do with Scott's motives for changing dpkg?11:46
fabbioneelmo: it's like. i didn't sleep shit in the last 36 hours :)11:46
elmodoko: please upload your gcc11:47
elmoI think we need that built and installed first11:47
dokook, I'll disable the testsuite, no code change11:49
elmoeh, why disable the testsuite?11:50
dokobecause I want to have something done today? that's two hours saved11:50
Kamionelmo: you're talking at cross-purposes - there's the matter of what dpkg-architecture says, and there's the matter of what gcc -dumpmachine says; doko's talking about the latter I think11:51
dokoyes, I did mean gcc -dumpmachine11:52
elmodoko: please don't disable the testsuites11:52
elmoit's two hours of machine time not human time11:52
dokohmm ...11:53
fabbionei am off for a while11:53
fabbioneif there is something important i have my mobile phone with me11:53
dokoelmo: 4.0 uploaded11:57
elmook, all 12 buildds using fixed dpkg-dev11:57
elmopushing gcc-4 through11:57
elmoonce that's built + installed, I'll re-enable katie11:58
dokoelmo: could you make sure, that configure runs for target <cpu>-linux, i486-linux on i386?12:00
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elmochecking host system type... i486-pc-linux-gnu12:11
elmochecking target system type... i486-pc-linux-gnu12:11
elmochecking build system type... i486-pc-linux-gnu12:11
danielsKamion: x-common, x11proto-core-dev, xtrans-dev, and x-dev are arch: all12:27
Kamionah, ok12:27
danielsi'm going to be afk for a while, got visitors12:27
danielsbut i'm phoneable12:27
elmogcc's just reached testing on i38612:54
=== jbailey phases back into reality.
\shah...infos concerning my juniper training01:11
jbaileySo, erm.  Is the theory that a broken dpkg is somehow keeping glibc from applying its patches? 01:13
elmodon't know yet, but we'll find out in a bit01:14
jbaileyOh good. =)  lamont /msg'd me about the failure just as I was turning off the monitors.  I got as far as "this built in 5 separate chroots, 2 of which were on Concordia.  wtf?" and then went to sleep. =)01:16
elmoactually, no, that theory doesn't work01:17
elmooh, yes, it does, blah, ignore me01:17
fabbioneguys is there anything you need from me before i will go away?01:40
fabbione(until tomorrow morning)01:40
elmodoko: only x86 has been affected by this dpkg-dev thing, right?01:41
dokono, Kamion did paste something about powerpc-linux-gnu here as well01:42
dokoKamion: ^^^ ?01:42
elmoyes, but no gcc was built with the broken gcc01:42
elmoblah broken dpkg-dev01:43
dokohi lamont, we did have some dpkg fun in the meantime01:44
elmodoko: he's in here too01:45
elmoand what's it matter?01:45
elmowe're not overriding anything for powerpc are we?01:45
lamontelmo: just forcing -pipe, if that's what you mean01:46
Kamionyes, it was powerpc-linux-gnu01:46
elmolamont: no, I mean 386 vs 486 overriding01:46
lamontah, ok01:46
Kamionand gcc-4.0 was definitely built on powerpc with the broken dpkg-dev01:47
elmodpkg-buildpackage: host architecture powerpc01:48
elmo^-- from the build log?01:48
dokodpkg-architecture prings powerpc-linux-gnu, not powerpc-linux01:48
Kamionit wasn't built on powerpc with the broken dpkg-dev+gcc-4.0 combination01:48
elmomeh, ok01:48
lamontdoko: make[2] : *** No rule to make target `current_symbols.txt', needed by `check-abi'.  Stop.01:48
lamontor did you fix that between -ubuntu2 and -ubuntu5?01:48
elmobottom line: do we care about gcc-4.0 on !i386?01:48
=== fabbione goes offline
elmoAFAICS, there's no breakage, and so no?01:48
dokolamont: ohh no ...01:49
dokoelmo: if a package uses this string to detect the architecture, then it is built different than before.01:52
elmodoko: ?01:53
dokoifeq ($(shell dpkg-architecture -q ...),powerpc-linux)01:54
dokoI don't know, if/how many packages do that01:54
dokolamont: on which architecture do you see the error?01:56
lamontcould it be from turning the tests off?01:56
elmodoko: but that only applies if broken dpkg-dev+gcc-4 was installed right?01:57
dokoelmo: yes01:57
elmoright, well, we know only one package was built like that01:58
elmoso.  again, is there any other reason to not re-enable the buildds?01:58
dokolamont: hmm, please put the log file somewhere01:58
dokoelmo: no, we can restart then01:59
elmolamont: have you just updated the chroots?01:59
lamont0215 DCT01:59
dokogcc-4.0_4.0.0-7ubuntu6 is the current02:00
elmook, i386 updated, katie cron jobs re-enabled02:00
elmolamont: caveat emptor: removing stuff from no_auto_build isn't sufficent, you need to kill and restart the buildd02:01
lamontelmo: right.  note also that buildd-config is on hold, since it'll overwrite buildd.conf02:01
lamontelmo: libs all got uploaded while I slept?02:02
elmolamont: no, I mean as, in, the buildd auto-config-rereading stuff DOESN'T WORK for removals02:02
lamontdoko: people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/gcc-4.0_4.0.0-7ubuntu2hppa1_20050517-1658.bz202:02
lamontah, ok.02:02
dokolamont: ok, I assume, you already did remove the build?02:06
lamontdoko: actually, it's mid-run on ubuntu502:06
lamontbut it's almost done...02:07
lamontotoh, I did say: touch chroot-breezy/build/buildd/gcc-4.0-4.0.0/src/libstdc++-v3/config/abi/hppa-linux-gnu/current_symbols.txt02:07
lamontand no, that won't get uploaded to the archive elmo02:08
lamontbesides, it's out-of-date now02:08
dokolamont: yes, should work02:10
=== lamont needs to deal with getting the kids out the door. Back in about 30-40 minutes.
dokolamont: gcc-4.0-nocheck.diff on chinstrap02:11
\shcan we update? ,-)02:36
jbailey\sh: I think we're still in phear-the-apt mode. =)02:37
\shjbailey: and I'm thinking of writing a blog entry like: "Ubuntu made it. Transition from Debian-Linux to Debian-Hurd on the way, read more here" ,-)02:39
jbailey\sh: I didn't feel quite brave enough at UDU to propose a Hubuntu bof.  Had one day of the conference fallen on *April* 1st, however... =)02:42
\shjbailey: hehe :) 02:43
doko\sh: heh, attach the patches for ABI changes in bugzilla first ... ;-)02:43
\shdoko: well...qssl is compiling just fine with your version of libqt ;) 02:44
\shi only was unsure if _hurd-i386 is quite right for a linux system ;)02:44
\shand in between the transition you should watch this movie: http://www.douglasadams.com/movie/02:46
Kamion\sh: we all went to see that at the end of UDU02:47
\shKamion: ah :) 02:48
\shKamion: it's not showing here in the cinemas right now...i just watched a screener ;)02:49
dokolamont: did you look at the libpng3 miscompilation?02:53
dokoI think, a recompile with 4.0 and -O2 would be worth a try02:54
lamontdoko: I built it, was going to pester elmo to cycle through a few debs in davis' chroot to see if I could reproduce the failure with any of the bits02:54
lamontdoko: fwiw, touching the file didn't fix things.03:00
=== lamont applies the patch
dokoelmo, lamont: what's the state of archive now?03:28
elmowaiting for you guys to do stuff?03:28
dokoso xorg is built/building?03:29
dokoglibc is requeued?03:29
lamontdoko: last I heard, we were waiting for xorg, followed by libraries.03:29
=== lamont checks on xorg
elmoI've given back glibc again03:29
elmofor i386 first03:29
elmoand same death03:31
lamontxorg finished on amd64 (and is NEW, elmo)03:31
lamontstill building on the other 303:31
dokoelmo: could you update the breezy32 chroot on concordia and install the glibc build-deps?03:32
elmoit is not NEW03:32
lamontno jbailey yet this morning?03:32
lamontwell, is byhand then...03:33
lamontthat's -13, not -14.03:33
elmodoing concordia breezy chroots03:33
lamont-14 is packaging xorg debs03:34
dokolamont, elmo: fix the buildd?, glibc patches fine on concordia03:37
elmodoko: please don't be such a troll03:37
dokoelmo: I'll try ...03:38
elmoUnpacking libstdc++6-dev (from .../libstdc++6-dev_3.4.3-13ubuntu4_amd64.deb) ...03:38
elmodpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libstdc++6-dev_3.4.3-13ubuntu4_amd64.deb (--unpack):03:38
elmo trying to overwrite `/usr/share/doc/gcc-3.4-base/C++/README.libstdc++-baseline', which is also in package libstdc++6-0-dev03:38
elmodoko: seriously, how is that a helpful comment?03:38
elmothe buildd chroots aren't obviously broken since they've compiled all of breezy so far03:39
elmo"it works for me - you suck" is stunningly unhelpful03:39
dokoelmo: that's amd64? yes, I fixed it.03:39
jbaileylamont: I'm here.03:39
dokoelmo: no, I didn't say that, not did I mean it that way03:39
lamontelmo: to be fair, there have been 1 or 2 issues with gcc -v not behaving the same as gcc -pipe -v... sucky command line parsing, and all that...03:39
lamontclues on the glibc failure jbailey ?03:40
=== lamont tweaks a buildd to capture config.log
jbaileylamont: I can't reproduce on any of my boxes here, with LANG=C or anything. 03:40
elmoand besides concordia isn't remotely representative of current breezy03:40
elmoso your test is rather fatally flawed03:40
jbaileylamont: It's noto even getting as far as config.log from what you pasted last night.  It's just failing during the patching.03:41
jbaileylamont: I don't know what could cause that.  Maybe a skew in the version of patch?03:42
jbaileyBut my boxes here are pretty current breezy.03:42
=== lamont stops the buildd on terranova - someone distract elmo while I look at WTH is going on
=== daniels [~daniels@202-44-183-17.nexnet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
danielssorry, amnesiac went down for a while03:44
danielshow are we looking?03:44
elmolamont: please wait till I upgrade concordia03:44
danielssuccessful on amd64 \o/03:44
elmoor rather till dselect finishes03:44
jbaileylamont: If you can step inside the chroot, from a clean dpkg-source -x glibc*dsc, you should be able to run "debian/rules patch"03:44
danielsdselect?  isn't that in universe?03:44
lamont--- linuxthreads/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/hppa/malloc-machine.h  15 Oct 2003 04:40:10 -0000      1.103:47
lamontbuildd@terranova:/build/buildd/glibc-2.3.5/build-tree/glibc-2.3.5$ find . -name malloc-machine.h03:47
lamontinteresting... but that's not clean either03:47
lamontjbailey: what's the target to unpack the beast, but not patch?03:48
elmoit failes on concordia/breezy now too03:48
elmoas I said, lamont, please stop fucking around with the buildd chroots, there's nothing wrong with them03:48
jbaileyLovely, lemme dive in.03:48
lamontelmo: turning off purge=always and looking at the remains is benign.03:49
jbaileylamont: debian/rules unpack, in case you ever need it again, btw.03:50
jbaileydpkg-architecture: warning: Unknown gcc system type amd64-linux, falling back to default (native compilation)03:50
jbailey-l looks like it's giving me the right answers, though.03:50
elmojbailey:'linux32 dchroot -c breezy-i386'03:51
elmopatches to make dchroot auto do that, welcome03:51
jbaileyelmo: I'm in the amd64 one.  Is i386 a better choice right now?03:51
elmojbailey: oh, no, I just thought i saw you in i386 in ps03:51
elmosorry, don't mind me if you're not03:51
elmothey're both uptodate, I reproduced the failure in i38603:51
dokome too03:52
Kamiondaniels: dselect> not since I added it to the standard seed yesterday to stop it disappearing, it isn't03:52
elmoKamion: don't feed the troll; it wasn't going out of main as long as I had root on jackass in any event :-p03:53
jbaileyerr..  linuxthreads tarball isn't unpacking?03:55
jbaileynor is libidn.03:56
jbaileyOutput from dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_GNU_SYSTEM changed.03:59
jbaileyIs this permanent breakage?03:59
Kamionbelieve so, it's now *-linux-gnu not *-linux04:00
lamontis dpkg 1.13 feature04:00
Kamionit's the main thing Keybuk flagged about 1.1304:00
jbaileyAh, I must've missed the post on it.04:00
jbaileySo do I build-dep on the newer dpkg?04:01
elmoeither that or have the make magic handle either04:03
jbaileyErm.  I wonder if I lose my accounts on the gnu systems if I s/linux-gnu/linux/... =)04:04
lamontyou could s/linux$/linux-gnu/ instead...04:05
lamontthe gentoo users backporting your glibc to warty will appreciate it if the make magic handles both... :)04:05
Kamionhmm, no dpkg build for powerpc or amd64 yet?04:08
elmoit's in the exclude list04:08
elmodpkg-dev is arch: all, so does it matter?04:08
Kamiontrue, hadn't thought of that04:09
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dokoxorg did finish on i386 and powerpc04:15
dokodo we have to wait for it on sparc and hppa?04:15
lamontI'm just glad this wasn't an hppa bug causing the glibc failure... :-)04:15
lamontdoko: no04:16
danielsuntil the binaries are in the archive, no rest for the wicked04:17
lamontabout 30 minutes more on the xorg build for ia64, etc.04:17
danielsoh, -14 binaries on the archive04:18
danielswicked sick04:18
lamontdaniels: I'm not wicked.  and I'm going to take a break in a very short while04:18
danielswell, sort of.04:18
danielslamont: um, dude04:18
danielslibdmx-dev is there, but not xserer-xorg04:19
dokomaybe we have a chance to compile the libraries, before somebody uploads libtool or a new kernel ;)04:19
danielsnothing past libxxf86dga-dev is there04:19
lamontdaniels: did you look in universe?04:19
elmodaniels: err?04:19
elmoif you mean -14, that's cos it's still syncing04:20
elmoarchive.u.c is still running on one machine which is hurting it badly04:20
danielsxserver-xorg is not in universe04:20
danielselmo: thank fucking christ04:20
=== daniels breathes. deeply.
lamontdaniels: good catholics would tell you He didn't do that...04:21
cartmanha :)04:21
danielslamont: i'd smile and tell them we'd have to agree to disagree04:22
lamontdaniels: ditto04:22
danielsand that's about all I'm going to say on the topic, because I still recall the last time I talked about Christian religious groups04:22
cartmanyeah transition is more important than religion 04:23
=== cartman hides
jbaileytested with old dpkg and new.  Any other last requests?04:26
danielsouch, ouch, goddamn ouch04:26
danielsmy fonts are fucked04:26
cartmandaniels: all X apps? ( because here Tcl apps got fscked after last tcl update )04:27
danielscartman: nope, seems to be either just firefox, or freetype04:30
danielsfreetype doing strange things wouldn't surprise me in the least04:30
cartmanhmm I use freetype from cvs :/04:30
lamontdaniels: see the logs of #u-devel from early april, where milli was bitching about sid's fonts and what he had to do to fix them04:31
elmook, what's holding up this #&%"* transition actually starting now?04:31
lamontelmo: jbailey, I think...04:32
elmonew glibc needs built?04:32
lamontneeds to be uploaded, at least.04:32
jbaileyI've uploaded it - it should only hold you up if you're counting on hppa participating, though.04:32
lamontjbailey: hppa's still working on having a breezy gcc-4.0 :-(04:33
lamontit is _so_ not participating yet.04:33
lamontalthough it hopes to have a gcc-4.0 in about 2.5 hours04:33
elmook.  anything else?04:33
lamontI think ia64 needs to stop building stuff and wait for xorg to hit the archive 04:34
lamontia64 is packaging04:35
dokoglibc? not necessarily04:35
=== lamont stops the sparc buildd
lamontright??  order (at this point) is: (1) make sure xorg -14 is in the archive, (2) build all the libs that doko uploads, (3) make sure they hit the archive, (4) unleash cxxapps.txt stuff04:38
dokohope we finish tomorrow ...04:39
lamontelmo, my life would be easier if we had one more cron.daily run in before doko's mass upload (in about 5 minutes time)04:39
lamontia64 is in dpkg-deb04:40
elmoshout when04:40
=== lamont disappears to babysit the log
=== lamont ponders, drags the xchat window to the other workspace
lamontfabbione: you're out and about, not here, correct?04:41
dokodaniels: libglu1-xorg-dev does not appear to be available04:41
danielsdoko: libglu-xorg-dev04:41
dokoxlibmesa-dev depends on libglu1-xorg-dev04:42
danielsoh, fuck it all to hell04:42
lamontdoko: I don't think that needing -15 to happen really needs to hold up the cxxlibs upload04:42
danielsdoko: does this *need* to be fixed?04:42
lamontthat is, we have a good set of xlibs, and some build dep issues to fix.04:42
lamontdaniels: yes, it needs to be fixed.  But I don't think it needs to be fixed before doko's mass upload of libs04:43
dokoyes, I hope, the packages on it will just break to build04:43
lamontit'll block sfuff04:43
lamontdoko: sure.04:43
danielsgo upload and I'll sort another xorg upload; I have more things to keep on doing, anyway04:43
lamontdoko: please wait before uploading04:44
=== lamont wants this cron.daily run.
lamont(at xserver-common)04:44
dokoanyway, the KDE people need it04:44
lamontdaniels: soon would be good, but not before I tell doko he can upload libs04:45
lamont(the non-data-center architectures all have but single buildd's - which makes handholding them past xorg a bit less painful.)04:45
lamontdpkg --info spewage.. almost there04:46
lamontMay 18 15:47:53 buildd-uploader: Setting to Uploaded(breezy): xorg 04:48
lamontelmo: cron.daily after the next cron.hourly, if you please04:48
danielsis 'about ten hours from now' an acceptable answer for xorg -15?05:02
danielsit's now 0102, and I'm tired as hell05:02
danielsyou've got two minutes; speak now or forever hold your peace05:03
lamontdaniels: that depends entirely on how much stuff it blocks05:03
lamontbut worst case, I'll upload -14.105:03
lamontor maybe I'll call it -15. :0-)05:04
lamontsince it's literally just the Depends: change, yes?05:04
danielsthere's a couple of Depends changes to do05:04
danielsjust look for 'libglu'; it should be either libglu1-xorg, libglu1-dbg-xorg, or libglu-dev-xorg05:04
daniels(if in doubt, check the Packages: line)05:05
lamont(1) try to install all of the packages, and (2) fix the broken build-deps.  right?05:05
danielsthe B-Ds are fine05:05
=== lamont is tired too
danielstell you what.  i've got a couple of other things I'd like to do that I can do in about an hour if need be.  so if it's too much of a spanner in the works, call me and I'll be up.05:05
dokohmm, can't you just make an upload with the fixed build-dep?05:06
danielsdoko: um, I'd really rather not just for one line05:06
lamontdaniels: I'd really rather you did...05:06
=== daniels grumbles.
lamontthis isn't debian.  we have cycles05:06
danielsgive me an hour or two05:06
lamontdaniels: meaning that you're already hip deep in some other changes?05:06
danielsi'll send the mirror admins to you when they come lynching05:07
lamontI'd rather have _JUST_ this fix.05:07
danielslamont: however did you guess?05:07
danielslamont: which would make it about six uploads in two days ...05:07
lamontmind if I toss -14.1 into the fray?05:07
lamontdaniels: so we'll start calling you cam05:07
Kamioncamm maguire, maintainer of a bunch of maths packages in Debian05:07
dokoan what about the libglu stuff?05:07
lamonthe has big packages that he uploads 6 times in a day to debian...05:07
lamontbut he only does it about once every 6 months or so...05:08
danielswell, I'll finish up the stuff I was working on now05:08
danielsrun it through another cycle, and have the fixed xlibmesa-dev deps up asap05:08
lamontdaniels: could I pretty please have an upload with _JUST_THE_DEPENDS_FIX???05:08
danielsbear in mind that only stuff which B-Ds on xlibmesa-dev is affected05:08
danielshow many packages B-D on xlibmesa-dev?05:08
dokothat's about 25% of all uploads05:08
lamontdoko: in any case, you are go for library uploads as far as I'm concerned05:09
lamont(with apologies to sparc)(05:09
dokohmm, even qt b-deps on it05:10
dokook, then I'll go :-)05:10
dokolamont: ok to go, jbailey, ready for FTBFS fixing? ;-)05:12
jbaileyMore or less.05:12
dokoelmo: ok to go?05:12
dokopoor fabbione, but the sparc buildd is stopped ...05:12
jbaileydoko: From where do we get the list of ftbfs' and how do we avoid race conditions?05:12
dokolamont's pages05:13
elmodoko: sure?05:13
dokoelmo: what do you mean?05:14
danielsa very dull -15 coming right up05:14
dokoelmo: what do you mean? that the sparc buildd is stopped?05:14
elmo16:12 < doko> elmo: ok to go?05:15
elmoin response to that05:15
dokouploading the library packages05:17
daniels-15 uploaded, *grumble*05:18
lamontdoko: is gcc -7ubuntu6 needed for the library builds?05:18
lamontjbailey: ditto for glibc05:18
jbaileylamont: Nope.  It only exists to keep you happy with hppa.05:19
lamontjbailey: sshhhh  don't say that...05:19
lamontdaniels: thank you05:19
danielsi live to give05:20
lamontdaniels: now go to sleep and upload -16 in 10+hours. :-)05:20
jbaileylamont: Err, I mean.  The Debian merge doesn't affect the C++ transition in any way.05:20
lamontjbailey: LOL05:20
dokolamont: I know of two C libs failing, which is fixed in -7ubuntu6, don't know of any C++ libs05:20
lamontdoko: but it's an FTBFS in any case, not a 'built but bogus' issue.   coolness. (ia64 is still building -7ubuntu6, you see..)05:21
dokolamont: how long?05:21
lamontdoko: another hour or two.05:22
lamontI don't mind the ftbfs, if it's really that...05:22
lamontdon't worry about ia64... I'll do that enough for all of us05:22
dokoheh, but -7ubuntu5 is there ...05:23
dokono code changes05:23
lamonthence no worries05:23
lamontoh, even better05:23
elmois someone going to upload a fix gcj-java-compat, btw?05:23
dokojust configured for ia64-linux-gnu, not oa64-linux05:23
dokoelmo: will do, but it's arch all05:23
lamontelmo: doko's going to fix the package it depends on, iirc.05:23
lamontbut first he's uploading boatloads of libraries, I expect05:24
lamontelmo: versioned depends on a package that is also Provided: elsewhere05:24
lamontbut you probably knew that05:24
dokolamont: that should be fixed in gcc-4.0, not yet in gcc-3.x05:25
danielsnight.  phone next to bed and all that.05:28
dokodaniels: good night05:29
lamontdoko: libs all uploaded?05:31
dokono, taking with the hppa build admin ;)05:33
lamontI wanted to do that _after_ you uploaded libs...05:37
lamontdoko: please ignore me and do the library uploads now05:38
dokolftp jackass:~> mput [a-z] *05:41
doko13168521 bytes transferred in 2 seconds (6.96M/s)05:41
dokoTotal 170 files transferred05:41
dokolftp jackass:/>05:41
lamontyeah, kinda neat.  isn't it?05:41
lamonthrm.. that's still less than 100mbps.05:41
lamontof course, for larger uploads, you want to put the .changes files last...05:42
lamonthrm.. sorts that way too05:42
Kamionlamont: surely poppy shouldn't care05:42
elmolamont: no, doesn't matter with poppy05:43
lamontelmo: awesom05:43
lamontawesome, evne.05:43
lamontelmo: some cron.daily love for us impatient types?05:46
dokothe ocaml reject is ok05:51
lamontjbailey: do you wat to know that cdbs_0.4.28-1ubuntu2 is ftbfs05:52
lamontbecause of bad Depends: in ocaml*05:53
lamont(there is no gcc-3.4)05:53
dokoin main?05:55
lamontdoko: build-dep05:55
lamontgcc-3.4 is not build-essential, and ocaml does not Depend: on it.05:55
lamontbut yet it executes gcc-3.4 explicitly05:55
dokoBuild-Depends: gcc-3.4, debhelper (>> 4.0.2)05:56
jbaileyP'haps I'm confused.  You mean ocaml is ftbfs, or cdbs is because of this?05:57
lamontjbailey: cdbs is ftbfs because ocaml lacks a Depends:05:57
dokoahh, a Depends?05:58
lamontdoko: yes.05:58
jbaileylamont: Thanks.  I think I'll avoid tossing ocaml into the build mess of the moment, but I'll note it for later.05:59
dokofixing it05:59
lamontjbailey: works for me05:59
lamontanyone need anything before I go finish my beauty sleep?06:00
dokolamont: does it really help?06:01
=== doko ducks
lamontdoko: no.06:01
lamontbut it makes me _feel_ better.06:02
lamontless cranky and all that06:02
dokocould go to bed as well ;-) ... who tells us about build failures?06:02
lamontthat's pushed by an rsync that happens every 20 minutes06:02
lamontphones will ring if all hell breaks free06:03
dokoat 00/20/40?06:04
lamontdoko: yeah, but it runs for > 5-10 minutes...06:04
lamontsee ~lamont/buildLogs/Lists/Time for the time of the most recent run06:05
lamont(part of the delay is that it dumps the entire wanna-build database for all architectures on breezy)06:06
jbaileyIs w-b still an underindexed db4 database?06:08
elmoit's a gdbm database06:08
jbaileyAh.  I had obviously blocked that out. =)06:08
=== lamont really wanders off for a nap
dokoelmo: can we open the uploads for cxxlibs.txt for everyone, but not the Debian sync?06:11
Kamiondoko: hasn't there previously been a libdb3++?06:13
Kamioni.e. before the last C++ transition?06:13
dokoyes, but we don't support upgrades from pre-sarge06:13
Kamionjust seems a bit needlessly fragile ...06:14
Kamioni.e. aggressive non-support rather than passive non-support06:14
dokohmm, that's what neuro proposed on #debian-release, and nobody complained about the updated proposal06:15
dokowe did rename all c102 packages back to their original name06:15
elmodoko: done06:15
Kamionok ...06:15
elmodoko: ugh06:16
elmothat's hideous06:16
dokothese are affected06:18
dokohmm, I don't want to change the naming policy at this point. If we (or Debian) decide on a changed naming policy, then we'll have to rename them again. I'm sorry the plans for this hyperexpressway were shown at alpha centauri some time ago ...06:22
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
jbaileyWow, 1pm.  I should go eat soon.06:58
jbaileyelmo: May I get the build-deps for directfb installed in the breezy (amd64) chroot on concordia, please?06:59
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=== rtcm [~jman@] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
lamontFTBFS: arts/ppc (sym vesions), libmusicbrainz (cast loses precision), smpeg (missing build-dep)07:49
lamontso far, that is07:49
dokoia64 buildd running?07:52
jbaileylamont: Can you requeue glibc on amd64 please?07:53
dokowhat do we gain from the xorg restructering besides changing build dependencies?07:55
lamontelmo: where did gcc-4.0 -7ubuntu6 for ia64 go?07:56
lamontjbailey: oh yeah.. that one got annoyed in if_addr, btw07:56
dokodaniels: libx11-dev is not contained in xlibs-dev?07:57
jbaileylamont: Yeah, I saw.  That's random kernel suckage, not glibc sucks.  All it's doing is asking for an interface list and getting hung in the syscall.  All arch's show this behaviour sometimes.07:57
lamontjbailey: given back07:57
jbaileylamont: tx.07:57
lamontdoko: smaller packages07:58
lamontand no huge bump to rebuild identical fonts each upload07:58
jbaileyI thought fonts were split out a while back?07:59
dokonot from the source 08:00
lamontjbailey: you may be right.  dunno08:01
jbaileysource: xorg, weird.  I thought they had at least split the fonts out.  my bad.08:02
lamontthe biggest thing will be that little trivial fixes in one package don't require a 200MB bump of the archive08:02
lamontjbailey: as of -10, they weren't.  as of -14, they appear to be.08:03
lamonthoary shipped -1008:03
dokojbailey: does cdbs1 know about amd64?08:06
jbaileydoko: Does cdbs1 know about archs in general?08:06
jbaileydoko: I think we defered to type-handling for that level of evilness.08:06
dokodpkg-architecture: warning: Unknown system type amd64-linux08:07
jbaileydoko: dpkg appears to be broken, that's all.08:07
jbaileydoko: I see that without using cdbs.08:07
dokolet's upload binutils, nobody will notice the breakage, and if somebody notices it, we blame dpkg for it :)08:08
lamontjbailey: no type-handling in ubuntu's cdbvs08:08
jbaileydoko: Sounds good.  Will you take a snapshot from the branch to get the ppc64 fixes?08:09
lamontunless you'd rather move to universe....08:09
jbaileylamont: Hey, I don't use type-handling for anything. =)08:10
lamontFTBFS: aspell/amd64: can't stat /usr/share/locale08:10
jbaileylamont: Although I wish that someone would come up with a better solution for the problem that it solves.08:10
lamontjbailey: btw, you might want to verify that I didn't screw up the depends/build-depends for cdbs when I ripped type-handling out of it08:11
jbaileylamont: skew between locales and glibc from the amd64 build failure?08:11
lamontjbailey: aspell?  remotely possible08:11
jbaileyNo build-dep on locales.08:11
jbaileyProbably just needs it added, I'll get it.08:12
lamontamd64 in dpkg-builddeb for glibc, btw08:12
jbaileylamont: Nice.  At some point I'll get annoyed enough to dive into the kernel to fix that.  But I might finish the Hurd first...08:13
=== minghua [~minghua@danube.mems.rice.edu] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
minghuaHi, I am wondering if there are any official words on Fortran packages08:13
minghuaI am working on the c++ transition of arpack++08:13
minghuawhich is a c++ wrapper for arpack08:14
minghuaand arpack is a Fortran package08:14
minghuathe default fortran compiler is g7708:14
jbaileyErm, no that's not right.  bash and dpkg provide /usr/share/locale as well, it can't be just a missing build-dep on that.08:14
minghuabut g77 is only in GCC 3.4, and GCC 4.0 has gfortran instead08:15
minghuagfortran is a completely different code base08:15
jbaileygfortran isn't completely backwards compatible to g77 yet, it's planned to be eventually.08:15
minghuajbailey: yes I know that08:16
jbaileyAIUI, the gfortran testsuite is pretty complete, though, so you can generally expect it to work.08:16
minghuamy problem is, it seems g77 depends on gcc-3.4 and g++-3.408:16
minghuaor libg2c008:16
jbaileyg++-3.4 shares the 4.0 abi.08:17
minghuaanyway, when I do "apt-get build-dep arpack++" I got gcc-3.4, g++-3.4 and stuff08:17
minghuajbailey: so are you suggesting to just use gcc-4.0 and g++-4.0?08:18
elmojbailey: done08:18
minghuaI haven't looked at the code yet08:18
jbaileyIf you just use 'gcc' and 'g++', it should all work as normal.  gcc-4.0 and g++-4.0 will still be on the system as the defaults.08:19
minghuabut I think it uses gcc and g++, which will give 4.0 in breezy08:19
lamontjbailey: debian/tmp/usr/share/locale...08:19
jbaileylamont: I'd flog you for it, but I change money for that sort of thing now...08:19
jbaileyelmo: Thanks08:20
minghuajbailey: okay thanks.  I think I'll just use 4.0 here, and see if anything breaks08:20
jbaileyminghua: Thanks.  Poke your head in here if it does.  We're all on weird schedules, so sorry if it takes us a bit to respond.08:21
dokolamont, jbailey: debian/tmp/usr/share/locale is from aspell?08:39
lamontdoko: yres08:40
=== lamont hasn't looked at aspell at all, just the failure log
dokolamont: yes, I'm looking at it. hmm, interesting ...08:40
dokolamont: is the ia64 buildd running?08:41
lamontdoko: still looking for gcc-4.008:41
lamontelmo: any chance that gcc-4.0/ia64 is NEW?08:41
elmono, it's in accepted08:42
elmounbreaking cron.daily ..08:42
lamontah, that would also explain it... :-(08:46
=== jbailey puts on gloves for more directfb surgery.
jbaileyThis truly was broken in a different way on each arch.08:47
jbaileydoko: Yeah.  It's one of the gcc4 breakages you gave me before.  I got an answer a little bit ago on how the syscall they use is supposed to work on ia64.08:50
lamontjbailey: coolness08:50
lamontbtw, fonts came out in -1108:51
=== doko_ [~doko___@dsl-084-059-043-140.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
doko_no new breakages, or are the buildds busy?08:56
lamontno new breakages08:56
lamontheh.  let me rephrase that.08:56
lamontno new breakages in main/restricted. :-)08:56
doko_the last log I see is for: glibc_2.3.5-1ubuntu2_20050518-1857-amd64-successful.bz208:57
lamontAfter installing, the following source dependencies are still unsatisfied:08:58
lamontlibicu21-dev(inst 2.1-2 ! >= wanted 2.1-2ubuntu1)08:58
lamontfrom xerces2608:58
lamontseems to be about the last one08:58
doko_no, see http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/byDate/today.html08:59
lamontia64 starts building09:05
lamontdoko: is depwait tree from hell, it would appear.09:08
lamontso it may just take extra cron.daily love and iterations09:09
lamontvdk2_2.4.0-3ubuntu1 on ppc/amd6409:12
lamontdoko: the depwait chains have to make it through the cron.daily iterations, so time will tell.....09:13
elmoall the NEW stuff is going to universe too, which is going to make things... fun09:13
lamontelmo: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo  :-(09:13
lamontthat sounds, um, fun. yeah.. that's the right word09:14
dokoelmo: can we speed up things in some way?09:14
lamontelmo: Rejected: file 'libcwd0c2_0.99.39-1ubuntu2_powerpc.deb' has unknown component 'non-free'.09:15
lamontRejected: file 'libcwd0c2-dbg_0.99.39-1ubuntu2_powerpc.deb' has unknown component 'non-free'.09:15
elmohow many other non-free packages are there?09:16
elmothey'll all be like that09:16
=== lamont points at doko
elmofixed libcwd anyway09:17
dokoelmo: that's the only one09:17
elmohmm, crap09:22
elmolamont: I just did a bunch of promotions which might cause unaccept spam, yell if it does09:22
lamont opencv_0.9.6-1ubuntu109:26
lamontapyramids.cpp:189: error: cast from 'void*' to 'int' loses precision09:26
lamontbad opencv09:26
lamonttulip/amd64 same storry09:26
dokohmm, I don't understand the db4.2 build failure yet09:38
lamontbad build-deps????09:39
lamontwas down-rev build-deps before, fwiw09:39
lamontthat is, -18ubuntu1 was dep-wait09:40
dokoyes, I fixed that09:40
lamontew.  smpeg is really SDL bug.09:40
lamontIn file included from gtv.c:14:09:41
lamont/usr/include/SDL/SDL_syswm.h:56:22: error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory09:41
lamontmissing Depends09:41
fabbionelamont: did you stop the sparc buildd??09:42
dokogo sparc, go !09:42
lamontfabbione: yes09:42
lamontwell, it needs to have xorg built and in the archive before it starts building libraries.  also good to get gcc-4.0...-7ubuntu6 built first09:43
lamontand then trider-g7 stopped talking to me...09:43
fabbionei was thinking to use it as a guine pig to see if the build-deps are correct09:44
fabbioneguinea even09:44
fabbionehmm trider is having weird issues09:44
lamontISTR that doko didn't bother fixing the X depends to be versioned...09:44
lamontdoko: for why we needed to have X built before we did lib building...09:45
=== lamont is perfectly willing to be wrong tough
fabbioneso ok.. xorg, gcc-4 and the rest09:46
dokothey have to be changed, versioned provides don't work. how should I know that x-dev packages get renamed?09:46
lamontdoko: wasn't blaming.  just explaining that "testing the build-deps" was probably a fruitless exercise...09:46
jbaileyaspell is gettext b0rkage, which in turn stopped building ages ago because they added java support to it and we don't have classpath in main.  Should I just disable the java bits for now and go back to it when we have java bits in main?09:47
dokolamont, sorry, maybe I need a break ...09:47
lamontdoko: no, my bad.09:47
lamontbut you can have a break anyway. :-)09:47
lamont"java is a mess"09:48
lamontjbailey: personally, I'd drop java from gettext, and file a bug in the bts saying that we need to add it back once we have classpath in main09:48
fabbioneso ok.. xorg, gcc-4 and the rest?09:48
lamontfabbione: yes09:48
fabbionewhat about dpkg?09:48
lamontwell, no cxxapps.txt packages09:48
jbaileylamont: This seems to be a lovely example of what you were talking about though: http://people.ubuntulinux.org/~lamont/buildLogs/g/gettext/0.14.4-2/ =)09:48
fabbionei still have the very old one working in the sparc chroot09:48
lamontjbailey: yeah.09:48
fabbionelamont: yes, they are still hardencoded in buildd.conf09:49
lamontfabbione: dpkg probably doesn't hurt, but it's more the DEB_*_ARCHITECTURE stuff that got tweaked from *-linux to *-linux-gnu09:49
lamontso building dpkg early will enhance your experience.09:50
fabbionelamont: yes  i know the story09:50
lamontxorg, gcc-4.0, dpkg, and let 'er rip09:50
fabbionei need to build x build-dep first09:50
fabbionehmm no, they are just new versions09:50
lamontjbailey: btw, any word on iptraf?09:52
jbaileylamont: Sorry, had slipped my mind.  Grabbing it while this builds.09:52
fabbionejbailey: do i need to rush to build the new glibc?09:54
fabbionei have it all ccache so it would be fast anyway09:54
lamontcp -p debian/README.libstdc++-baseline \09:54
lamont        debian/libstdc++6-4.0-dev/usr/share/doc/gcc-4.0-base/C++/README.libstdc++-baseline09:54
lamontcp: cannot stat `debian/README.libstdc++-baseline': No such file or directory09:54
lamontmake[1] : *** [stamps/08-binary-stamp-libstdcxx-dev]  Error 109:54
lamontmake[1] : Leaving directory `/build/buildd/gcc-4.0-4.0.0'09:54
lamontfabbione: glibc is unrelated to the transitiuon09:54
=== lamont looks for tomotoes to lob in doko's direction
=== cartman [foobar@cartman.developer.konversation] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
fabbionei guess i can build dpkg before xorg and gcc...09:55
fabbionemainly because i can suffer 3 hours more or less for x09:55
fabbionebut clearly i am not going to stay aware 17 for gcc09:56
dokodebian/rules.d/binary-libstdcxx.mk: unmodified: line 318 09:56
lamontdoko: thanks09:56
dokolamont: move the ifdef two lines up09:56
jbaileyfabbione: For locales stuff, probably.  Otherwise, there's no real magic in there for sparc.09:56
fabbioneyeah that's why 09:56
lamont  x-common: PreDepends: xorg-common (= 6.8.2-10) but 6.8.2-14 is to be installed09:57
=== lamont screams
fabbionewhat package is that?09:58
fabbioneno i mean09:58
lamonttime to upload x-common? 1.009:58
fabbionewhy a versioned pre-depends?09:58
fabbionewe didn't add that09:58
fabbioneor at least I did NOT09:58
lamont Pre-Depends: xorg-common (= 6.8.2-10)09:59
lamont Package: x-common09:59
lamont Version: 0.9909:59
fabbionelamont: the one i did local was not so binding09:59
fabbionethat's why my i386 didn't catch it09:59
fabbionelamont: i think it is safe to upload 1.0 without that09:59
lamontit is10:00
lamontyou wanna do that?10:00
lamontor shall I?10:01
fabbionego ahead10:01
lamont(and where is the source repository for it if I do...)10:01
fabbionejust get it from the archive10:01
fabbione1.0 is 0.99 without the Pre-Depends10:01
lamontdrop the predepends entirely, right?10:01
fabbioneyes afaik10:01
fabbionelet me check on chinstrap10:01
fabbionedaniels left some pkgs there10:01
lamontgiven the contents, I think we're safe10:03
fabbioneno changes... so yes10:03
fabbioneit's safe10:03
dokofabbione: adding a build-dep to get X11/Xlib.h ... should that be libx11-dev ?10:04
lamont+-Wl,xineplug_decode_mad.so -o .libs/xineplug_decode_mad.so10:04
lamont/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmad10:04
fabbionedoko: i am not 100% sure with the X transition going on10:04
fabbionedoko: you will need to check the new packages 10:04
dokoxine-lib: merge error, will fix10:06
fabbionelamont: btw.. building dpkg on sparc is not the same mess as it happened at the DC10:06
fabbionebecause sparc didn't even get closer to build the broken dpkg10:07
jbaileylamont: in http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/i/iptraf/ - why is the dtime on the directory 11-may, when the contents of the files are late 2004?10:08
lamontinteresting how much 'fakeroot debian/rules binary-arch' rebuilds10:08
lamont11 may sounds about right for when I did the 'find . -type f | xargs bzip2'10:09
jbaileyHuh.  Surprising that bzip2 left the mtime alone on the files themselves.10:10
lamontsame as gzip does10:19
fabbionelamont: confirmed that x-common 1.0 is safe once all the buildd have xorg-common -11 or higher10:19
fabbioneand given that it is arch: all10:20
fabbioneyou are clearly green light10:20
lamontfabbione: s/are/were/10:20
fabbioneright :)10:20
fabbionexorg is building on sparc10:21
fabbionebut i am pretty sure something is going to break10:22
lamontfabbione: of course: it's X10:23
fabbionei am more worried about the amount of sparc asm in it10:23
fabbionethan the real build system10:23
fabbionei can cope with the build system easily10:23
fabbionebut not with asm :/10:23
fabbionethis evening i was at a neighbour meeting stuff10:24
fabbionewe might get fiber soon :)10:24
fabbioneup to 20Mb as MBR10:24
fabbioneand higher when the net is unloaded10:24
fabbioneMin. (guaranteed) Bit Rate10:27
fabbionei only need to convince 70 families in the neighbourood that they *REALLY* need fiber at home10:27
dokolamont: :)10:36
fabbionego hppa!10:37
lamontof course, I had to get out and push...10:43
lamontbut gcc-4.0_4.0.0-7ubuntu6hppa2 (and -7ubuntu7) will really build10:43
fabbioneso when will you start uploading breezy to ports?10:43
lamontfails 6.5 hours into the build10:44
lamontalready diud10:44
fabbioneand btw.. it's time you send me an ia64 and a hppa :)10:44
lamontdoxygen and lkh are there already10:44
fabbionei told bdale but he bounced me to some local dk offices that are pretty useless10:45
lamontI'll see what I can scrounge up for you next month10:45
fabbionecoolness :)10:45
fabbionei am already using twice amount of energy of a normal 2 person dk family10:46
fabbionebut i can do better..10:46
fabbioneon the other side i used only 30% for the house heating10:46
=== lamont uses roughly 100KWH/day
fabbionei didn't check how much tbh10:47
fabbionemy wife gave me a briefing :)10:47
=== lamont does the bills
fabbionenah my wife gets them.. i pay10:47
fabbioneand since i still pay with or withou details...10:48
=== lamont builds dpkg, xorg
=== lamont debates giggling or crying
lamontlibsdl1.2 fails to build:   libarts1-dev: Depends: libqt3-mt-dev (>= 3.3.3) but it is not going to be installed10:54
lamonti386, ppc, and maybe more10:54
fabbioneahaha gotta love circular build-dep10:54
dokoelmo: libid3-3.8.3c2 needs main love10:55
lamontis easy to fix though... just add the x build-dep to arts :-(10:55
fabbionei guess i am going to watch some TV while X builds10:56
fabbionelooking at the log file growing isn't really that sexy10:57
dokowatching sexy tv instead? ;)10:57
fabbionedoko: xXx 210:58
lamontfabbione: someone beat me to x-common10:59
=== lamont back in a few
fabbionelamont: right11:01
fabbionedaniels did11:01
lamontanyway, back in a few11:02
jbaileyfabbione: The ia64 will possible double what you're using now.  I think it was mdz who estimated that his ia64 would cost him about $80 US a month to run.11:08
jbaileyfabbione: That's what data centres are for. =)11:08
=== lamont has somewhat cheaper power than mdz does
=== jbailey imagines that lamont probably lives on an acre of solar cells.
lamontjbailey: nah11:22
lamont1-600           .073011:26
lamont601-1100        .069011:26
lamont1101-           .065011:26
lamontsadly, I'm around 2900-3200kwh/month11:26
lamontwish there was a 4th tier.... :-)11:27
jbaileyI phear what mine is.  Right now it's included in my rent.11:27
lamontmuch better that way11:28
jbaileyIn the new place I have to cover it, as well as purchase fridge/stove/washer/dryer.11:28
jbaileyBut the upshot is that I'll have multiple rooms!11:28
lamontcomputer room, and sleeping room? :-)11:29
jbaileySomeone looking at xerces yet?11:29
jbaileylamont: A separate room for the kitchen even.11:29
jbaileylamont: I'll have to buy my own clock, I won't be able to read it off the stove anymore.11:29
lamontbuild-dep, istr11:29
=== lamont has finished building xorg-15's build-deps, now building xorg
jbaileyOn hppa?11:30
jbaileyRight, it's given-back.  I was sitting far enough back I couldn't see the difference between orange-on-white and red-on-white.11:31
dokojbailey, xerces seems to build, missing deps on ia6411:31
lamontjbailey: yes, on hppa.11:32
lamontsorry about the orange vs red11:32
jbaileynp, now that I know to look for it, I can see it pretty clearly.11:32
dokolamont, make it violent11:33
lamontbasically, every 30 minutes, there's this few-minute window where everything gets given back. :-(11:33
=== lamont needs to run into town for a bit... anything before I disappear for 2-3 hours?
jbaileyNot from me, I have stuff this evening, so I'll be signing off shortly.11:35
dokohmm, no I'll go bed. I think, the new libs will be in main tomorrow without manual intervention?11:36
lamontI think they'll be there by sometime tomorrow, possibly with some muppet-intervention...11:38
fabbionejbailey: well my server now sucks aroun 700W11:49
fabbioneit has 2 PSU11:49
fabbioneand it's loaded11:49
=== lamont goes to town
fabbioneso i guess it won't be too much of a difference11:50
fabbionelater lamont11:50
elmofabbione: you're up late11:50
fabbioneelmo: yeah11:50
fabbioneunfortunatly i crashed for 45 minutes this afternoon and now i am all awake :)11:52
jbaileyelmo: BTW, Do you generally want us to tell you when we're done with build-deps that you put in repo's for us, or do you just reap them from time to time?11:56
elmojbailey: nah, I like to leave the chroots fat11:57
jbaileyelmo: Cool, thx.11:57

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