=== screamz [~screamz@storm.isw.student.khleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
screamz | how can I remove the old firefox , because the newest is installed but only the old one shows in menu | 12:01 |
nickrud | Cine, /usr/bin/gst-register0.8, it cleans up gstreamer | 12:01 |
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Cine | ah, thanks nick | 12:01 |
Sionide | screamz do a search in synaptic for mozilla | 12:02 |
stevenj | nickrud any idea on how to stream movies with totem-gstreamer? | 12:02 |
screamz | old one is executed by firefox and the new one by mozilla-firefox | 12:02 |
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Cine | hmm... command not found | 12:02 |
nickrud | stevenj, no, i use totem-xine right now | 12:02 |
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Sionide | they'll probably have 2 different entries in synaptic | 12:02 |
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Sionide | so you'll just have to "completely remove" the older one | 12:02 |
screamz | I believe I custom build it a long time ago | 12:02 |
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Razor-X | where could I get a real small motherboard? | 12:03 |
screamz | k, i ll search in synaptics | 12:03 |
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tahorg | Razor-X: pc-104 ? | 12:03 |
vicks | hi everybody! | 12:03 |
Razor-X | tahorg: lemme see | 12:03 |
tahorg | http://www.pc104.org/ | 12:03 |
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screamz | nope, I can only find the new firefox | 12:04 |
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screamz | I ll just replace the icons and keep it a little bit bloated :D | 12:05 |
tahorg | Razor-X: http://www.diamondsystems.com/ for example | 12:06 |
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tahorg | Razor-X: really small | 12:06 |
Razor-X | oooh, nice | 12:06 |
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nickrud | Cine, sorry a typo, it's gst-register-0.8 | 12:06 |
Cine | lol, thanks nick | 12:07 |
vicks | one of my disks is running kubuntu. now i want to remove this and install ubuntu. the other (priamary) disk is running xp and grub. do need to reconfigure grub in any way, or does the ubuntu-installer take care of this? | 12:07 |
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Razor-X | that's _just_ what I need | 12:08 |
Razor-X | a 1.7" x 1.7" | 12:08 |
Cine | thanks nick, fixed it right up | 12:08 |
lotusleaf | vicks, why not just download gnome from within kubuntu? I'm downloading kde from within ubuntu | 12:08 |
nmorse | vicks: why do you want to uninstall kubuntu, only to replace it with Ubuntu? | 12:08 |
vicks | lotusleaf: yeah i have done this, its choas on my desktop and i don't have the enrgy to fix it =) | 12:09 |
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lotusleaf | vicks, it's chaos? | 12:09 |
tahorg | Razor-X: when you need smth, ask a professional | 12:09 |
tahorg | :) | 12:09 |
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vicks | it's looks like like kde and gde wen't into the bedroom and produced a bastard of some kind | 12:09 |
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vicks | gnome dekstop, but kde icons, fonts etc etc | 12:10 |
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lotusleaf | vicks, shouldn't be any problem using one or the other if both installed | 12:10 |
lotusleaf | vicks, those are configurable | 12:10 |
sbcl3 | how do i mount /dev/sda3 to my /home/sbcl3 without any damages? i put in 'mount /dev/sda3 /home/sbcl3' and everything went away, and i had to restart | 12:10 |
sbcl3 | is it possible? | 12:10 |
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Razor-X | back | 12:10 |
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cspan | hey, i just installed hoary ppc | 12:11 |
sbcl3 | <sbcl3> how do i mount /dev/sda3 to my /home/sbcl3 without any damages? i put in 'mount /dev/sda3 /home/sbcl3' and everything went away, and i had to restart | 12:11 |
cspan | and when i try to launch the update manager | 12:12 |
cspan | it doesn't work | 12:12 |
vicks | lotusleaf: the thing is the disk on which kubuntu is installed is a linux-testing-are anyway, so it's not very much labor to reinstall it. So: will grub run inte problem if i do a fresh install? | 12:12 |
cspan | it asks me for my password | 12:12 |
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cspan | and when i write it | 12:12 |
cspan | it says the child process exited with status 1 | 12:13 |
lotusleaf | vicks, dunno I've never used kubuntu | 12:13 |
screamz | hmz, sorry for the stupid questions, but I just removed all mozilla stuff with synaptic and apt-get mozilla-firefox asks for the cd | 12:13 |
dataw0lf|w | cspan: you sure caps lock isn't on? you have the right password for your user ? | 12:13 |
screamz | do I need to change something in my apt configuration? | 12:13 |
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cspan | dataw0lf, caps lock is not on (OTHERWISE I'D BE WRITING LIKE THIS hehehe) | 12:14 |
we2by | any one has the movie on their pc allready? | 12:14 |
cspan | and of course i've got the password, that's how i logged in | 12:14 |
cspan | i tried with the root password too | 12:15 |
cspan | but didn't work either | 12:15 |
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goldfish_ | yo hybrid_goth | 12:15 |
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hybrid_goth | hey | 12:16 |
hybrid_goth | goldfish: how is it goin | 12:16 |
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topyli | screamz: in /etc/apt/sources.list, remove the lines referring to the CD if you don't want to use it | 12:16 |
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topyli | screamz: if you think you'll want to use it in the future, comment them out with a # | 12:16 |
screamz | topyli: there are no lines refering to the cd in my sources.list I just checked | 12:16 |
topyli | hrm | 12:17 |
goldfish | screamz: you sure? one of the first lines has it | 12:17 |
hybrid_goth | topyli: i thot you were screaming b/c of the screamz | 12:17 |
topyli | heh, i never scream :) | 12:17 |
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cspan | nobody has an idea about my non-working password? | 12:17 |
hybrid_goth | topyli: you sound like my english teacher | 12:18 |
hybrid_goth | cspan: was up? | 12:18 |
topyli | hybrid_goth: he's a liar too? =) | 12:18 |
screamz | goldfish: if access to my cd drive can be granted by http or ftp it s still in my sources.list | 12:18 |
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hybrid_goth | topyli: heh no she is a royal Bit- well you know | 12:19 |
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=== SymGeosis wonders why mozilla.org doesn't detect that he has Firefox 1.0.4 installed from backports. | ||
SymGeosis | It's annoying. I'd like to be able to download my extensions, dangit. | 12:19 |
hybrid_goth | cspan: was up with your pass? | 12:19 |
Sionide | screamz, do you not have a cd? | 12:19 |
screamz | I do | 12:19 |
screamz | but I refuse | 12:19 |
screamz | I want fresh packages :) | 12:19 |
=== IFRFLYR [~nick@cpe-69-204-132-232.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cspan | when i try to open the update manager, or any other similar application that requires admin privileges, hybrid_goth, it asks for my password and when i write it says child process exited with status 1 | 12:20 |
screamz | I don t want the 0.9.bleh | 12:20 |
topyli | screamz: i don't know. could it be synaptic has its own ideas... check the repositories in the synaptic settings | 12:20 |
IFRFLYR | Anyone good with rsync? | 12:20 |
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screamz | I ll try to install with synaptics then | 12:20 |
hybrid_goth | cspan: hmm | 12:21 |
topyli | screamz: anyway, apt/synaptic should get the latest packages, be it on CD or the Net. | 12:21 |
hybrid_goth | cspan: hoary? | 12:21 |
cspan | also, sound works funny: it pops really loud when it starts playing and then is veeeery soft | 12:21 |
cspan | yeah, hoary | 12:21 |
nobile | I get the same problem as cspan when I am trying to update from my parents account | 12:21 |
cspan | on ppc | 12:21 |
=== George__ [~George__@p160l1llp-d4-dynamic.xDSL-1mm.sentex.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
George__ | hi | 12:21 |
George__ | i needa some help | 12:21 |
nobile | I just move to mine and it works =P | 12:21 |
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cspan | the sound issue could be platform-specific | 12:21 |
hybrid_goth | cspan: heh on ppc to. on the sound try esd | 12:21 |
screamz | topyli: I want it to work without apt naging about the cd :p | 12:22 |
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cspan | i'm using esd, hybrid_goth ! | 12:22 |
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cspan | it comes by default | 12:22 |
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cspan | doesn't it? | 12:22 |
nobile | george__ ask your question =) | 12:22 |
topyli | screamz: i bet it's annoying. dunno what's wrong though :( | 12:22 |
George__ | i got cedega, and install cs source. I wanna know how to remove the black screens when i play and make it full screen, i also dont have any sound, i also can't read the font. Anyone got a solution? | 12:22 |
hybrid_goth | cspan: not always | 12:22 |
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goldfish | George__: try #cedega or look at the transgaming forums | 12:23 |
cspan | well, it is esd | 12:23 |
cspan | and it's working funny | 12:23 |
George__ | i didn't buy :( | 12:23 |
goldfish | George__: well look at the forums | 12:23 |
goldfish | there is loads about cs and cs:source on them | 12:23 |
George__ | I cant ? or can i | 12:23 |
goldfish | George__: also try ubuntu forums | 12:23 |
goldfish | u can | 12:23 |
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George__ | i am | 12:23 |
goldfish | ok | 12:23 |
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cspan | anyway, my problem number one is the password issue | 12:24 |
hybrid_goth | cspan: what are you playin it with | 12:24 |
computerguy867 | hello, everyone, can someone help me with a really odd totem error | 12:24 |
slept | screamz, comment the line ins /etc/apt/sources.list if you don't want to use the cd, then do apt-get update | 12:24 |
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cspan | hybrid_goth, with the cd player | 12:24 |
cspan | it's a cd | 12:24 |
hybrid_goth | cspan: try compilin oh nvm | 12:24 |
cspan | but the system sounds also sound with a loud pop and then silence | 12:24 |
hybrid_goth | umm the pass | 12:24 |
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thingfish | computerguy867: the best thing to do is just state in detail what's happening, what error message you get, etc., and then if someone knows how to help they'll speak up. | 12:25 |
cspan | compiling what? | 12:25 |
cspan | hybrid_goth, compiling what? | 12:25 |
hybrid_goth | cspan: i was going to say mplayer but you got to sudo make install | 12:25 |
George__ | how do i get to cedega forum | 12:25 |
cspan | well | 12:25 |
screamz | slept: can you paste the line in sources.list that involves checking cd as source? | 12:25 |
screamz | it seems I can t find it | 12:25 |
cspan | the thing is, hybrid_goth, i can su!! | 12:25 |
computerguy867 | well, I have been using totem for a while with no problem and out of nowhere it gives me an error with playing video files that it could always play. It gives an error:Video codec 'XviD format' is not handled. You might need to install additional plugins to be able to play some types of movies | 12:26 |
hybrid_goth | cspan: well what programs could you not get to run? | 12:26 |
cspan | oooook, hybrid_goth, i know what the problem is | 12:26 |
computerguy867 | or also: Video codec 'Windows Media Video 9' is not handled. You might need to install additional plugins to be able to play some types of movies | 12:26 |
cspan | my user is not in the sudoers file | 12:26 |
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cspan | where's that file? | 12:27 |
hybrid_goth | cspan: yea that may effect it :P | 12:27 |
hybrid_goth | locate sudoer | 12:27 |
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slept | screamz, I don't have that line but you can figure it out easy - should be one of the first lines | 12:27 |
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computerguy867 | the problem is that I have those codecs | 12:27 |
computerguy867 | it has always played those files | 12:28 |
screamz | slept: I only have lines with http or ftp so that shouldn t prompt apt to look for the cd doesn t it? | 12:28 |
TestDummy | How do I install Nvu? I don't see it in Synaptic and apt-get itself doesn't see anything, and the file on their site doesn't work, source won't compile right either | 12:28 |
slept | cspan, visudo /etc/sudoers | 12:28 |
screamz | After unpacking 27.9MB of additional disk space will be used. | 12:28 |
screamz | Media Change: Please insert the disc labelled | 12:28 |
screamz | 'Ubuntu 4.10 _Warty Warthog_ - Preview i386 Binary-1 (20041020)' | 12:28 |
screamz | in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter | 12:28 |
nobile | testdummy, google the dl | 12:28 |
nobile | or, wait, I'll get you the link | 12:29 |
TestDummy | =| | 12:29 |
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TestDummy | I know where to get it | 12:29 |
TestDummy | But that doesn't work | 12:29 |
slept | screamz, look for Ubuntu 4.10 _Warty Warthog_ - Preview i386 Binary-1 (20041020)' | 12:29 |
TestDummy | Isn't it on apt? | 12:29 |
computerguy867 | darn, Im so stumped | 12:29 |
nobile | no, it's a bit more complicated =P | 12:29 |
cspan | ok | 12:29 |
cspan | that's working!! | 12:29 |
cspan | now the sound :( | 12:29 |
hybrid_goth | lol | 12:29 |
thingfish | computerguy867: yeah, me too. Are your plugins the latest versions? | 12:30 |
hybrid_goth | cspan: i didnt have much multimedia untill i d/l the mplayer src and compiled | 12:30 |
computerguy867 | yea | 12:30 |
topyli | screamz: here's a sources.list that used to work for me on warty: http://siltala.net/comp/warty-sources.list | 12:30 |
cspan | do i need to compile it??? | 12:30 |
thingfish | real player 10 handles multimedia fine. | 12:30 |
cspan | why cant i just apt-get it? | 12:30 |
computerguy867 | is there any way to refresh the player so it knows what plugins it has | 12:30 |
cspan | btw, hybrid_goth, what kind of ppc are you on? | 12:31 |
keffo | anyone knows if the gDesklets-icon in the "tray" is hideable? | 12:31 |
screamz | topyli: got it, thnx | 12:31 |
screamz | but, After unpacking 27.9MB of additional disk space will be used. | 12:31 |
screamz | Get:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/main mozilla-firefox 0.99+1.0PR.1+revertedto0.9.3-0ubuntu3 [9568kB] | 12:31 |
screamz | it s installing a <1 version of firefox now? | 12:31 |
topyli | screamz: that's what warty has | 12:31 |
thingfish | computerguy867: has there been a recent round of updates you've maybe done? | 12:31 |
hybrid_goth | cspan: ibook g3 | 12:32 |
computerguy867 | not related to media | 12:32 |
nobile | testdummy: http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/n/nvu/nvu_0.99+1.0pre-1_i386.deb | 12:32 |
computerguy867 | just bzip and a few others that i cant remember | 12:32 |
thingfish | computerguy867: like what though. | 12:32 |
TestDummy | I don't know how to use DEB's.. | 12:32 |
screamz | so I should update my sources list to hoary? | 12:32 |
thingfish | oh, just the ones in the update manager | 12:32 |
TestDummy | I remember using RPM's when I used Suse, that was pure hell.. | 12:32 |
nobile | hmm | 12:32 |
TestDummy | How do I work with that? | 12:32 |
thingfish | TestDummy: man dpkg | 12:32 |
nobile | hehe | 12:32 |
hybrid_goth | TestDummy: dpkg -i | 12:33 |
Sionide | can anyone point me in the direction of how to set up a machine to dual-boot ? | 12:33 |
paulproteus | Sionide: To dual boot Windows and Ubuntu? | 12:33 |
TestDummy | dpkg -i then... | 12:33 |
lotusleaf | TestDummy, check the debian documentation for some good info | 12:33 |
topyli | screamz: you could upgrade the whole system | 12:33 |
cspan | hybrid_goth, i'm guessing it is alsa and oss | 12:33 |
Sionide | yeah, ubuntu being primary OS with a small (tiny!) windows 2k as well | 12:33 |
screamz | topyli: seems like a good idea :) | 12:33 |
hybrid_goth | cspan: i have alsa and esd idk about oss | 12:33 |
Razor-X | -_- | 12:33 |
topyli | screamz: if you got the bandwith :) | 12:33 |
Razor-X | this is expensive..... | 12:33 |
computerguy867 | thingfish: It still doesnt work even after completely removing and reinstalling totem | 12:33 |
egg|broken | _- | 12:33 |
TestDummy | nobile: I guess I'll try that, can't right now though | 12:34 |
TestDummy | Thanks. | 12:34 |
paulproteus | Sionide: If you just install Ubuntu after you have already installed Windows, then Ubuntu will handle dual boot for you. | 12:34 |
cspan | hybrid_goth, do you have the alsa-oss emulation whatever? | 12:34 |
screamz | I can I do this by just replacing warty with hoary in my sources.list? | 12:34 |
thingfish | computerguy867: did you try reinstalling the plugins? | 12:34 |
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nobile | no problem, I am glad I could help ^^ | 12:34 |
abood | guys, i have mounted 2 windows partions c: and d:, the only C; drive was mounted in ubuntu the NTFS one, the another didnt mounted, it was working but now it gives me this msg when i write mount -a | 12:34 |
abood | mount: /dev/hda1 already mounted or /media/D: busy | 12:34 |
abood | mount: according to mtab, /dev/hda1 is mounted on /media/C: | 12:34 |
Sionide | paulproteus, ok is it that easy? i'll give it a shot tomorrow, install the windows one first you say, then ubuntu... | 12:34 |
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topyli | screamz: hold on, i'll post another link :) | 12:34 |
paulproteus | Sionide: Yes. | 12:34 |
paulproteus | Sionide: Actually... | 12:34 |
abood | any idea all :) | 12:35 |
computerguy867 | thingfish: I reinstalled win32codecs and libxvidcore4 | 12:35 |
Sionide | any links though? | 12:35 |
paulproteus | Sionide: With partitions it can be a little confusing. | 12:35 |
paulproteus | Sionide: Let me see, hold on a sec. | 12:35 |
topyli | screamz: http://siltala.net/comp/sources.list | 12:35 |
Sionide | thanks | 12:35 |
screamz | topyli: thnx | 12:35 |
thingfish | computerguy867: beats me... | 12:35 |
hybrid_goth | cspan: no not unless it came with hoary/breezy | 12:35 |
topyli | screamz: beware, not everything there is completely stable :) | 12:36 |
screamz | I believe I ll have to do a distupgrade? | 12:36 |
computerguy867 | thingfish: ok, thanks though | 12:36 |
computerguy867 | :( I miss totem | 12:36 |
hybrid_goth | cspan: i havent done much with the sound since i compiled mplayer and it worked since then i have been workin in the comman line interface | 12:36 |
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topyli | screamz: yeah, upgrade first, dist-upgrade then (maybe even twice if things get hairy) | 12:36 |
paulproteus | Sionide: I don't seen anything on the wiki, so here is my advice. | 12:36 |
screamz | k | 12:37 |
screamz | thnx | 12:37 |
paulproteus | Sionide: Is this a blank hard drive? | 12:37 |
hybrid_goth | brb | 12:37 |
Sionide | yep | 12:37 |
Sionide | laptop is coming tomorrow, brand new, no OS pre-installed :) | 12:37 |
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Sionide | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/WindowsDualBootHowTo <-- is a little confusing ... heh | 12:37 |
thingfish | man, I gotta give it to ubuntu, it's not half bad. | 12:37 |
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Sionide | gah i gotta shoot | 12:38 |
paulproteus | Sionide: That page is a total mess. | 12:38 |
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Sionide | i'll give it a go tomorrow | 12:38 |
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paulproteus | Sionide: Okay. Just install Windows normally first, and then the Ubuntu Installer should help you shrink that partition as necessary to create room for Linux. | 12:38 |
paulproteus | Sionide: It should be that easy. | 12:38 |
leitao | what is the name of the next ubuntu version? | 12:38 |
thingfish | there shouldn't be a whole lot to dual booting, especially if windows is already installed. | 12:38 |
count0nz | leitao, breezy | 12:38 |
goldfish | yeah it pretty straightforward | 12:39 |
leitao | count0nz ! thx | 12:39 |
goldfish | i did it | 12:39 |
screamz | topyli: do I have to comment the warty sources or are they needed for some old packages or whatsoever? | 12:39 |
=== hDy [hDy@c-24-10-135-105.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
agent | evolution crashes with error: 'camel-WARNING **: Invalid root: <some path>/Sent.ibex.index' --- the famous ibex error... HELP! | 12:39 |
count0nz | Breezy Ready to be distupgraded yet? right now it tends to brake X and X apps | 12:39 |
hDy | hey guys, I'm try to install ubuntu 5.04 and it keeps freezing at 79% when installing the kernel.. any suggestions? | 12:39 |
thingfish | so where do the ubuntu names come from? I mean, in debian, they're all from Toy Story. | 12:39 |
=== darmou [~darmou@CPE-61-9-146-174.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== stevenj [~steven@pcp08498078pcs.laurel01.ms.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cspan | hybrid_goth, it works now, essentialy it was something about someone not behaving properly | 12:40 |
thingfish | Some CGI cartoon I've missed, no doubt. | 12:40 |
stevenj | If I use totem-xine + mozplugger, should keep all the gstreamer plugins installed? | 12:40 |
cspan | i set gnome to talk directly with alsa and everything works | 12:41 |
resiak | thingfish: They're animals. :p | 12:41 |
=== hyphenated [~cgilmour@nzns1.eservglobal.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
danko123456 | resiak: lol... | 12:41 |
screamz | 217MB :') | 12:41 |
danko123456 | hdy, perhaps it got downlloaded or burned wrong. | 12:41 |
thingfish | resiak: yes, but animals with cutesy names. Teletubbies maybe? | 12:41 |
topyli | screamz: nah, just lose the warty stuff | 12:42 |
danko123456 | for a windows dual boot, the installl cd wont help you shrink partitions, where did you ghet that dfrom? | 12:42 |
egg|broken | ? | 12:42 |
resiak | thingfish: *shrug* Hoary's allegedly an African word, so I doubt it. But I think that someone just has a sense of humour. | 12:42 |
danko123456 | like the south park anmimals:) | 12:42 |
hybrid_goth | man the breezy upgrades are *fast* | 12:42 |
lotusleaf | I like the naming scheme | 12:42 |
thingfish | resiak: I was kind of thinking that. | 12:42 |
=== andreas__ [~andreas@19.net195.skekraft.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
egg|broken | stupid | 12:43 |
hybrid_goth | lotusleaf: i like breezy badger thats awesome | 12:43 |
thingfish | someone with a taste for alliteration. | 12:43 |
danko123456 | whats up, Egg? | 12:43 |
=== grobis [~grobis@p549F6DFD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stevenj | is anyone using totem-xine+mozplugger in here? | 12:43 |
topyli | hybrid_goth: i liked installing woody in the olden times :) | 12:44 |
hDy | I've burned it twice, is there a crc check or something I can do on it? | 12:44 |
hybrid_goth | topyli: why? | 12:44 |
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andreas__ | anybody whit wine here | 12:44 |
danko123456 | yes, check out something called md5 checksum, there is an entry about it in the http://ubuntuguide.org | 12:44 |
hybrid_goth | topyli: this was just an apt -upgrade put it was faster then i have ever seen. guess noone is using breezy ppc repos | 12:44 |
=== ^^Superkidd2005^ [~smith@218-161-53-200.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hybrid_goth | i mean the ppc side is small brezzy is smaller and both is smallest | 12:45 |
danko123456 | hDy: but, that shows how to check it in Ubuntu, so I am not sure what you can do in windows. | 12:45 |
^^Superkidd2005^ | hey guys... | 12:45 |
andreas__ | hi i have som problem whit configuring wine for ubuntu 4.10 | 12:45 |
^^Superkidd2005^ | how can i use the live cd of UBUNTU.... | 12:45 |
hybrid_goth | ^^Superkidd2005^: is your bios set to boot of cdrom | 12:46 |
^^Superkidd2005^ | yest it is.. | 12:46 |
lotusleaf | andreas__, #winehq | 12:46 |
^^Superkidd2005^ | it's already run... | 12:46 |
^^Superkidd2005^ | but when im clicking one of the icon in the desktop... nothing seems to be happen... | 12:46 |
^^Superkidd2005^ | is there wrong with the LIVE CD.... | 12:46 |
hybrid_goth | ^^Superkidd2005^: oh how can you. well dont install anything it may mess up the windows side | 12:46 |
^^Superkidd2005^ | yeah i know... | 12:47 |
^^Superkidd2005^ | but im clicking the icons... nothings happening... | 12:47 |
^^Superkidd2005^ | even the firefox browser... | 12:47 |
danko123456 | its supposed to work, superkid... | 12:47 |
^^Superkidd2005^ | i think theres a problem with the cd... is that right... | 12:48 |
hybrid_goth | or your input | 12:48 |
^^Superkidd2005^ | what input... | 12:48 |
danko123456 | it does work, as far as I know... | 12:48 |
hybrid_goth | mouse? | 12:48 |
danko123456 | nothing at all works? | 12:48 |
=== after-9-coronas [~panda@pool-71-96-23-127.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
^^Superkidd2005^ | how about the keyboard.... | 12:48 |
count0nz | Tell me if your dist-upgrade works :) i wana upgrade to badger but reading on forum's that some of gnome is not working | 12:48 |
^^Superkidd2005^ | is there problem with that... | 12:48 |
after-9-coronas | hello, i have a question about wireless internet | 12:48 |
hybrid_goth | no your mouse may not be working or it could be the cd | 12:49 |
^^Superkidd2005^ | im using a WIRELESS MOUSE AND KEYBOARD.... | 12:49 |
danko123456 | why would you upgrade, do you have a reason? | 12:49 |
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danko123456 | superkid, yeah,. try a normal one.. | 12:49 |
danko123456 | you can move the cursor about the screen? | 12:49 |
^^Superkidd2005^ | is there any problem using a wireless mouse and keyboard... | 12:49 |
^^Superkidd2005^ | yes i can move it... | 12:49 |
hybrid_goth | not afaik | 12:49 |
anto9us | ^^Superkidd2005^: try pairing them with the receiver again | 12:50 |
=== bluemax [~gnurt@ool-4351bf38.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
^^Superkidd2005^ | it's moving all around the desktop... | 12:50 |
danko123456 | #topic: Ubuntu Help | Have a question? Just ask! | 12:50 |
^^Superkidd2005^ | im trying to use the ENTER but nothing also seems to be happening.... | 12:50 |
after-9-coronas | okay, i have wireless internet, and im not sure how to install in on ubuntu, i have a CD with the drivers but its only for windows..... | 12:50 |
=== Matrice64 [~matrice64@c-67-191-191-202.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
danko123456 | can you open a terminal? | 12:50 |
danko123456 | can you dfo anything at all? | 12:50 |
danko123456 | can you work in a terminal through alt+ctrl+f1... | 12:51 |
^^Superkidd2005^ | im using the UBUNTU 5.04 | 12:51 |
saber_ | can anyone here access: http://adblock.mozdev.org/ ? | 12:51 |
saber_ | i'm getting an error | 12:51 |
^^Superkidd2005^ | is there any problem with that LIVE CD... | 12:51 |
=== iDennis [~dennis@4-88.8-67.swfla.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
iDennis | oops | 12:51 |
lotusleaf | saber_, why bother with adblock? just use the mvps hosts file | 12:51 |
anto9us | after-9-coronas: some wifi cards will work on linux natively, some require a bit of magic called ndiswrapper which uses the windows driver | 12:51 |
redtech | is spamassassin the best to use with Evolution ? | 12:51 |
saber_ | lotusleaf: i'm not sure what mvps is... let me go find out about it | 12:52 |
=== jamin [~jamin@ppp-70-246-207-72.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
grobis | nochange to get in http://adblock.mozdev.org/ | 12:52 |
hybrid_goth | redtech: get a gmail account they have nice spam controll | 12:52 |
lotusleaf | saber_, google for it, or find it here: probably under security/misc: http://lotusleaf.nermal.net/linux.html | 12:52 |
danko123456 | after-9-coronas: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards , then http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HowToSetUpNdiswrapper | 12:53 |
=== turkeyonmyface [~hi@duskyscrubfowl1.hornet.uea.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
saber_ | cool i'm looking | 12:53 |
iDennis | i'm loving ubuntuguide.org | 12:53 |
danko123456 | after-9-coronas: whats the card? | 12:53 |
hybrid_goth | lol | 12:53 |
danko123456 | bah, go get a life? | 12:54 |
turkeyonmyface | hi guys,i am new to this makarky.I have just installed ubuntu and selected the wrong x driver, the video driver thing in the base setup program | 12:54 |
=== anoop [~anoop@va-67-76-169-50.sta.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
turkeyonmyface | how can i run this again and select a new one? | 12:54 |
anoop | does anyone have any experience getting an external display working with a thinkpad? | 12:54 |
danko123456 | let me ask you this, how did you come up with that nick? | 12:54 |
saber_ | lotusleaf, you've got a good collection of links. i'm going go bookmark your site | 12:54 |
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lotusleaf | saber_, glad I could help, did you find the mvps hosts file? | 12:55 |
turkeyonmyface | i like turkey | 12:55 |
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saber_ | yeah | 12:55 |
turkeyonmyface | any ideas on the old video driver thing? | 12:55 |
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lotusleaf | saber_, when you paste it into your /etc/hosts file be sure to remove the duplicate localhost entry | 12:55 |
saber_ | i'll be sure to do that, thanks | 12:56 |
after-9-coronas | um | 12:56 |
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lotusleaf | saber_, yw, enjoy ad free surfing :) | 12:56 |
after-9-coronas | well im on windows right now do you know anywhere i can check on here | 12:56 |
danko123456 | for what, after-9-coronas? tell me the brand and model of the card... | 12:57 |
after-9-coronas | okay hold on | 12:57 |
abood | guys, is there any idea why when i play an *.MPG movie with xine or totem there r no sound and when i play *.avi there is( i think its proplem from codecs or something but i have no experince with it) any help ? | 12:57 |
=== hybrid_goth [~root@dpc6744177080.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
after-9-coronas | Linksys Wireless-G model # WMP54G | 12:57 |
count0nz | so you said your tired right ? | 12:58 |
hybrid_goth | back | 12:58 |
count0nz | argg | 12:58 |
danko123456 | screwed, after-9-coronas:-p | 12:58 |
egg|broken | my xine is happy with mpg,avi... | 12:58 |
anto9us | turkeyonmyface: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 12:58 |
after-9-coronas | what | 12:58 |
=== kro [~user@krovich.dsl2.d-mgtn.labyrinth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kro | Can you do fully automated debian installer installations with VMWare? | 12:58 |
danko123456 | abood: make sure you have this worked out: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats . | 12:58 |
danko123456 | after-9-coronas: no support, if I remember right. | 12:58 |
danko123456 | just a sec. | 12:59 |
turkeyonmyface | any one know what x viedo driver i should select when installing ubuntu, i have a geforce mx4000 ? ? ? | 12:59 |
after-9-coronas | k | 12:59 |
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anto9us | turkeyonmyface: I'm not absolutely sure but I think it's nvidea | 12:59 |
=== svenl_ [~luther@AStrasbourg-251-1-51-64.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thingfish | turkeyonmyface: I think you want the nv driver. | 01:00 |
egg|broken | mx4000 = crap | 01:00 |
danko123456 | after-9-coronas: read this page: http://www.larsen-b.com/Article/53.html . | 01:00 |
abood | danko123456, i will, i already downloaded the gstream | 01:00 |
danko123456 | abood, well, thats what you can do for now, later on ask crimsun_ if he can double check if your sound is setup correctly. | 01:00 |
danko123456 | I have a similar issue right now, but, I dont watch movies for sound;) | 01:01 |
redtech | hybrid_g1th: thanks for your repsonse, but I run a business and would much rather use my own email accounts. | 01:01 |
after-9-coronas | danko123456: so what do i do?, lol | 01:01 |
abood | ok thx | 01:02 |
danko123456 | after-9-coronas: read this page: http://www.larsen-b.com/Article/28.html . | 01:02 |
after-9-coronas | im there | 01:03 |
danko123456 | read it, unless you seriously had 9 coronas, and if you did, then bookmark it and read tomorrow.. | 01:03 |
=== MobyTurbo [~chai@as5300-6.216-194-21-190.nyc.ny.metconnect.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== karljp [~karl@194-144-39-202.du.xdsl.is] has joined #ubuntu | ||
after-9-coronas | how do i know if my card is Atheros-based? | 01:04 |
after-9-coronas | lol | 01:04 |
after-9-coronas | <--newbie | 01:05 |
karljp | isn't dpkg -P meant to get rid of all config as well? | 01:05 |
danko123456 | it talks about your exact model. | 01:05 |
danko123456 | karl, wouldnt man give you a more exact answer? | 01:05 |
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=== shinu [~blu@cpc1-walt2-6-0-cust110.popl.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
danko123456 | how you doin', btw? | 01:05 |
after-9-coronas | ohhhhhhh | 01:05 |
after-9-coronas | i need to use the linuxant drivers | 01:06 |
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karljp | danko: it might. | 01:06 |
danko123456 | they are non-free. | 01:06 |
turkeyonmyface | when setting up a dual boot between linux and xp which is best to install first? | 01:06 |
after-9-coronas | their not free? | 01:06 |
after-9-coronas | XP | 01:06 |
=== andrew_ [~andrew@24-247-232-145.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
danko123456 | exactly. | 01:06 |
karljp | more to the point, if I rm /etc/apache2, why doesn't reinstalling apache2 bring me the defaults again? | 01:06 |
after-9-coronas | damnit i need a free driver | 01:06 |
thingfish | turkeyonmyface: windows first, then linux. | 01:06 |
andrew_ | remove the ~/. folder | 01:06 |
danko123456 | sol... | 01:06 |
=== grobis [~grobis@p549F6DFD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
danko123456 | andrew_: for apache:)? | 01:07 |
andrew_ | you can't? | 01:07 |
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andrew_ | they don't have a . folder for settings? | 01:07 |
danko123456 | is there a .apache in your ~? | 01:07 |
=== xenoxaos [~mgbrown@c-24-12-39-106.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
andrew_ | I don't run apache, so I'm not sure; I just assumed so | 01:07 |
bluefoxicy | aoeui | 01:07 |
danko123456 | its a server...not rally. | 01:07 |
nobile | aoeui | 01:07 |
=== andrew_ is now known as thr1ce | ||
danko123456 | yo, thr1ce | 01:08 |
Marble2 | How do I enable administration tasks in the cups web interface? | 01:08 |
thr1ce | hehe :) | 01:08 |
lotusleaf | turkeyonmyface, first install ubuntu, then see you don't need windows, then smile. | 01:08 |
thr1ce | internet is acting up | 01:08 |
thr1ce | hm | 01:08 |
danko123456 | karl, what do you need at defaults? | 01:08 |
danko123456 | the conf file? | 01:08 |
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turkeyonmyface | will do - if i can get it to work, i keep gettin 'unable to start' gui thing as soon as i go to log in | 01:09 |
after-9-coronas | so theres not a free driver for ubuntu? | 01:09 |
danko123456 | turkey, windows, but, I cant get that right neiother for some reason. | 01:09 |
thr1ce | after-9-coronas, for what? | 01:09 |
=== Seq [~chris@CPE0050bf1a898b-CM013349902353.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
danko123456 | is your disk full? | 01:09 |
after-9-coronas | my linksys wmp54g wireless card | 01:09 |
danko123456 | stuffedturkeyface: is your hard disk full? | 01:09 |
danko123456 | lol | 01:09 |
turkeyonmyface | no | 01:10 |
count0nz | ohhhh i cee | 01:10 |
danko123456 | lmao | 01:10 |
danko123456 | karl? | 01:10 |
thr1ce | i'm don't know, google probably does | 01:10 |
=== tjs [~tjs@deepde.lnk.telstra.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
danko123456 | you want apache to be at defaults? | 01:10 |
turkeyonmyface | i have bags of space, i think i am selecting the wrong video driver. but i don't know which one to select | 01:10 |
danko123456 | there is only 1 file for apache config, I dont know about apache2...:/ | 01:10 |
thr1ce | how is breezy running these days? | 01:11 |
after-9-coronas | maybe ill change back to fedora | 01:11 |
danko123456 | and it did , thr1ce | 01:11 |
=== PacoBCN [~PacoBCN@62-15-124-97.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tjs | Is there any work being done on making ubuntu work as a zen guest OS ? | 01:11 |
thr1ce | :) | 01:11 |
PacoBCN | Wow, ages away from this channel | 01:11 |
danko123456 | I gave him a link, there is only a non free...which kinda defeats its purpose... | 01:11 |
karljp | danko: apache2 went and split httpd.conf into about 20 files and symlinks | 01:11 |
tjs | I really need zen support in the ubuntu kernel | 01:11 |
karljp | either way, I'm not getting anything back when I reinstall apache2 | 01:11 |
=== Nigelenki [~bluefox@pcp0012067827pcs.whtmrs01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thr1ce | because you're not resetting your settings | 01:11 |
thr1ce | there is NO .apache or anything? that's strange; sorry, i've never used it :( | 01:12 |
danko123456 | karl, like...what? | 01:12 |
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danko123456 | karl, what? Split into 20 files the conf file? What is your objective? reset and start apache2 again? | 01:12 |
karljp | yes | 01:12 |
danko123456 | wow...and an install dont do it? | 01:12 |
karljp | what I would have expected dpkg -P apache2 ;; sudo apt-get install apache2 would have done | 01:13 |
karljp | and no, it didn't | 01:13 |
karljp | like I said the first time? | 01:13 |
thr1ce | what's with the, PLEASE DON'T USE BREEZY YET -- REALLY | 01:13 |
danko123456 | just erase it... | 01:13 |
=== Jormundgand [~jormundga@cpc1-oxfd4-4-0-cust11.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thr1ce | I thought they just put out the first dev CD | 01:13 |
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danko123456 | or remove through synaptic, apt or whatever, not dpkg?? | 01:13 |
karljp | so basically you have no clue? | 01:13 |
Jormundgand | I'm trying to install and use xfce but it doesn't appear under Sessions. What should I do? | 01:14 |
=== nickrud [~nickrud@ppp-71-128-70-217.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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thr1ce | nickrud, who added the don't use breezy to the topic? | 01:15 |
danko123456 | ? about what? I told you, remove it... | 01:15 |
thr1ce | me? | 01:15 |
danko123456 | Hey, um...:) | 01:15 |
nickrud | thr1ce, I don't know, but it's because of c++, i hear | 01:15 |
thr1ce | i'm curious...is it that bad at the moment? | 01:15 |
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danko123456 | karl, I didnt explain it good? | 01:15 |
Jormundgand | I thought it was Qt. | 01:16 |
thr1ce | nickrud, aah; just curious, as they just put out the first dev CD | 01:16 |
nickrud | thr1ce, I've been through several | 01:16 |
thr1ce | nickrud, several....? | 01:16 |
nickrud | 'transistions', and it's best to wait | 01:16 |
nickrud | debian | 01:16 |
thr1ce | ooh, gotcha | 01:16 |
thr1ce | nickrud, damn, I was thinking of putting it on this computer | 01:16 |
danko123456 | karl, did you try, for example, apt-get remove apache2? | 01:17 |
nickrud | thr1ce, your timing sucks, but it's just for fun ... | 01:17 |
danko123456 | with sudo... | 01:17 |
karljp | so let me see, your instructs for resetting apache2 config to the defaults were...."I've never used apache2" "wow, install didn't do it" "use synaptic, not dpkg" | 01:17 |
=== danko123456 is now known as dabaSlon_smks | ||
karljp | so no, I don't think you explained anything very well. | 01:17 |
thr1ce | nickrud, how long do you think til they sort it out ? | 01:17 |
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dabaSlon_smks | karl, yea, just sudo apt-get remove apache2 , sorry, Im high, I thought it was clear.... | 01:18 |
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karljp | right. | 01:18 |
bluefoxicy | alright. | 01:18 |
karljp | but that doesn't get rid of the config files | 01:18 |
karljp | and if you remove them yourself, and install again, it doesn't create them either | 01:19 |
dabaSlon_smks | So, your Apache does what wrong when you install it back? | 01:19 |
nickrud | thr1ce, I just got back, but last night someone mentioned a couple of days. | 01:19 |
=== abarbaccia [~abarbacci@ool-18b8cf07.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
karljp | if you're bent, go watch the carpet, don't try and give advice | 01:19 |
=== Jet2k5 [~zero@fl-71-3-166-19.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jet2k5 | guys is there a way to help ubunut out? Like besdies giving them donations | 01:19 |
abood | guys how can i restart esd ? | 01:19 |
Jet2k5 | is there anything else that I can do to get involved? | 01:20 |
thr1ce | killall esd | 01:20 |
dabaSlon_smks | k, karl, go that... | 01:20 |
neighborlee | where do I get kernel source ?..uname shows 2.6.10-5-386 yet closest match in synatpic is 2.6.10-34 ...???? | 01:20 |
thr1ce | it'll restart itself when it needs to :) | 01:20 |
karljp | given that #apache and #svn can't work out what's wrong with my apache, I find it extremely unlikely that you, bent, and never having used apache2 would be able to help me with the actual apache problems. | 01:20 |
thr1ce | search for "linux", you should be able to find it easily | 01:20 |
thr1ce | nickrud, eeeeer...I GUESS :) | 01:20 |
karljp | I just want to know how to reinstall apache2 with the defaults from scratch | 01:20 |
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abood | thr1ce, thx | 01:20 |
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abood | thr1ce, r u sure that it will restart it self ? | 01:21 |
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slept | karljp, dpkg -P and install agian | 01:21 |
karljp | yes, I did that | 01:21 |
karljp | that's what I said at the very beginning | 01:22 |
karljp | it kept the original config | 01:22 |
=== heatxsink_ [~jmioph@c-24-7-127-192.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
karljp | and after rm'ing the apache2 directory (which contains nothing but config) it's not recreated on an install | 01:22 |
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slept | karljp, dpkg --get-selections |grep apache , dpkg -P these then you shouldn't have configs left | 01:23 |
thr1ce | abood, yeah, when you go to start an app that needs it, it'll start | 01:24 |
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gusto5 | hello everyone :) | 01:24 |
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karljp | slept: ok, so right now, I went over dpkg's head, and rm'd the configs, | 01:25 |
thingfish | I like ubuntu too, but as soon as I can order me a set of sarge cds, that's what I'm going to run. | 01:25 |
karljp | and I want to know why installing it won't give me a default config again | 01:25 |
nickrud | karljp, are you using install --reinstall ? | 01:25 |
lotusleaf | thingfish, different strokes for different folks ;) | 01:26 |
thingfish | lotusleaf: amen to that. | 01:26 |
=== HrdwrBoB [~matt@bob.is.teh.admin.at.vicnet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slept | karljp, install again then purge | 01:26 |
thr1ce | i don't understand debian at all | 01:26 |
thr1ce | what is the latest (stable/unstable) ? | 01:26 |
lotusleaf | thingfish, that is, until trusted(borg)computing locks down the hardware :) | 01:27 |
japanlover | what is the lib so that i can play MP3s??? | 01:27 |
thr1ce | gstreamer | 01:27 |
thr1ce | sad | 01:27 |
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thingfish | thr1ce: unstable is the latest, then testing, then stable. | 01:27 |
karljp | apt-get install --reinstall apache2 still doesn't create an /etc/apache2 | 01:27 |
japanlover | gstreamer? | 01:27 |
thr1ce | thingfish, sarge unstable, sid ? | 01:27 |
thr1ce | I don't know what the latest is :( | 01:28 |
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=== thr1ce uses slackware, which just increases in numbers | ||
thr1ce | lol | 01:28 |
thingfish | thr1ce: woody=stable, sarge=testing, sid=unstable. | 01:28 |
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karljp | sarge is frozen and due to become a new stable "real soon now" | 01:28 |
thr1ce | thingfish, and they are on sid right now? | 01:28 |
thingfish | I know! | 01:28 |
thr1ce | ooh, it is in sarge right now? | 01:29 |
japanlover | what is the lib so that i can play MP3s??? | 01:29 |
thr1ce | how many CD's is it again? | 01:29 |
thingfish | thr1ce: they are on all 3. | 01:29 |
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thr1ce | japanlover, as I said, gstreamer-sad | 01:29 |
thingfish | thr1ce: I don't know. | 01:29 |
japanlover | thr1ce: kk -sad gotcha thanks | 01:29 |
thingfish | japanlover: gstreamer0.8-mad | 01:29 |
thr1ce | thingfish, I thought I read like 10 somewhere | 01:29 |
thingfish | it's a lot of them. | 01:29 |
japanlover | thingfish thanks | 01:29 |
thr1ce | that's rediculous | 01:30 |
slept | karljp, removing and --reinstall keeeps config , you can see with dpkg --get-selections | grep deinstall for what you have left a config | 01:30 |
thingfish | np, japanlover. | 01:30 |
turkeyonmyface | hi nice people who like helping other folk - I have just installed ubuntu and i have the same error again, unable to start graphic interface, problem with x server. I have tried 3 times so far with glide, vga, and lastly nv. I have a g-force mx 4000 made by nvidia. HELP | 01:30 |
turkeyonmyface | what do i want as my x server | 01:30 |
thingfish | japanlover: you'll have to enable universe in your sources.list. | 01:30 |
turkeyonmyface | ? | 01:30 |
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japanlover | thingfish: yea i did that | 01:31 |
karljp | slept, no by remove, I mean remove. dpkg -P apache2, see that the config is still there, then rm -rf /etc/apache2 | 01:31 |
thingfish | turkeyonmyface: a geforce4 mx400 uses nv. | 01:31 |
japanlover | thingfish, thanks again =) | 01:31 |
thr1ce | updatedb, then locate apache | 01:31 |
thr1ce | get rid of it all | 01:31 |
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=== nalioth [~Ubuntu@cpe-66-25-43-80.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
turkeyonmyface | thingfish, how come it fails to start the graphic interface? | 01:31 |
tarvid | trolling for vhcs support | 01:31 |
slept | karljp, strange | 01:31 |
thingfish | turkeyonmyface: it could be your monitor. | 01:32 |
tarvid | any one have success? | 01:32 |
nalioth | tonights the night, boys! | 01:32 |
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thr1ce | nalioth, for? | 01:32 |
thingfish | turkeyonmyface: ubuntu could be not finding your monitor correctly. | 01:32 |
turkeyonmyface | o ok | 01:32 |
wobbler | mine either | 01:33 |
nalioth | thr1ce: what for? | 01:33 |
turkeyonmyface | i will try another monitor | 01:33 |
thr1ce | nalioth, do tell! | 01:33 |
nalioth | thr1ce: Revenge Of The Sith | 01:33 |
thr1ce | nalioth, I watched it last night | 01:33 |
slept | karljp, did you make sure you purged all apache things | 01:33 |
thr1ce | :) | 01:33 |
turkeyonmyface | i am tryin | 01:33 |
nalioth | thr1ce: that's nice, i woulda watched it last week, but they didnt have any charity screenings near me | 01:33 |
karljp | slept: yeah | 01:33 |
thr1ce | nalioth, I work at a movie theater, so... | 01:33 |
turkeyonmyface | how much space does ubuntu need to run smoothly? | 01:33 |
karljp | nothing in dpkg --get-selections | grep dein for apache | 01:34 |
nalioth | thr1ce: ah, the other loophole | 01:34 |
thr1ce | nalioth, yup | 01:34 |
thr1ce | nalioth, you'll love it | 01:34 |
thingfish | turkeyonmyface: I'd say an average install is around 1.6G. | 01:34 |
slept | karljp, dpkg --get-selections | grep apache ? | 01:34 |
nalioth | im so amped up about it | 01:34 |
thr1ce | nalioth, I think it was my favorite, actually; it's very dark, and connects the stories perfectly | 01:34 |
karljp | yeah, removing apache2-common now | 01:34 |
karljp | this looks like it might do something a bit more useful | 01:35 |
turkeyonmyface | thingfish: Thanks | 01:35 |
thingfish | np turkeyonmyface. | 01:35 |
nalioth | thr1ce: yes thank you. no more now, cuz we don't want to spoil the unspoiled ones | 01:35 |
thingfish | turkeyonmyface: that's not allowing for swap. | 01:35 |
thr1ce | nalioth, of course not (although you know everything that's going to happen anyways) | 01:35 |
turkeyonmyface | 1 more thing - anyone know how to change the x server without reinstalling ubuntu from scratch? | 01:36 |
nalioth | thr1ce: yes "I" know, cuz i chose to be 'spoiled' | 01:36 |
thr1ce | nalioth, well, if you have watched 2 and 4, you should knwo too | 01:36 |
thr1ce | know* | 01:36 |
nalioth | thr1ce: but knowing and seein in person are two very different things | 01:36 |
thr1ce | defintely | 01:36 |
=== japanlover [~japanlove@dt132n48.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
japanlover | what lib do i need to play WMVs? | 01:36 |
slept | turkeyonmyface, xorg --> xfree ? why ? | 01:37 |
thr1ce | japanlover, search google, please...you can easily find all of these answers | 01:37 |
nalioth | japanlover: win32 codecs | 01:37 |
nalioth | japanlover: and some wmvs won't play, even then | 01:37 |
japanlover | nalioth, thanks | 01:37 |
nalioth | japanlover: say thank ya to uncle bill | 01:37 |
japanlover | nalioth, umm sure | 01:37 |
japanlover | thank ya to uncle bill | 01:37 |
thr1ce | nalioth, any idea if breezy's fixed yet? | 01:38 |
rj` | anyway to burn svcd movies in ubuntu? | 01:38 |
turkeyonmyface | slept: how do i run 'xorg'? | 01:38 |
thr1ce | same way you ran xfree, with new names | 01:38 |
thr1ce | and better performance, imo | 01:38 |
thingfish | turkeyonmyface: if you have a gui, you're running xorg. | 01:39 |
turkeyonmyface | the gui won't start | 01:39 |
a_monkey | does "apt-get -b source [package] " install the package after building it? | 01:39 |
turkeyonmyface | it fails | 01:39 |
slept | turkeyonmyface, do you use hoary ? | 01:39 |
thr1ce | are .deb's easy to build from source? | 01:39 |
turkeyonmyface | whats hoary? | 01:39 |
turkeyonmyface | so i am thinking that i don't | 01:39 |
thingfish | thr1ce: with alien they are. | 01:39 |
nalioth | breezy will be usable (imho) when the ending of its version ends in "Release candidate 1" | 01:40 |
nalioth | thr1ce: yes they are | 01:40 |
thr1ce | nalioth, bah, you're no fun | 01:40 |
slept | turkeyonmyface, what version of ubuntu are you running | 01:40 |
nalioth | thr1ce: you don't need alien | 01:40 |
turkeyonmyface | waer | 01:40 |
stuNNed | nalioth: that sounds like a plan...when rc1 is out.. | 01:40 |
turkeyonmyface | warty warthog | 01:40 |
count0nz | nalioth, lol i think he means have the G++ 4 uploading finished :) | 01:40 |
thr1ce | nalioth, never tried...I've ran slack for years, never tried to make a .deb | 01:40 |
nalioth | thr1ce: "apt-get source -b <pkgname>" will build you a nice deb | 01:41 |
egg|broken | haha | 01:41 |
thr1ce | nalioth, are you serious? that's so easy | 01:41 |
=== count0nz wants to update to breezy too :) | ||
nalioth | thr1ce: yes it is | 01:41 |
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thr1ce | nalioth, with slack, it was compile, destdir, strip libs, chown execs, gzip man pages, makepkg | 01:41 |
SQL_Sam | hey are there any picture ripper apps for linux? | 01:41 |
thr1ce | so...apt-get gaim-1.3.0.tar.bz2 -b gaim-1.3.0.deb ? | 01:42 |
nalioth | thr1ce: so you'll have more time for pR0n, with apt-get | 01:42 |
hybrid_goth | SQL_Sam: picture rippers? | 01:42 |
thr1ce | nalioth, was that correct ? | 01:42 |
SQL_Sam | for web sites | 01:42 |
turkeyonmyface | ok, i can run the live version of ubuntu but when i install i get x server errors, whats this and why? | 01:42 |
turkeyonmyface | ok, i can run the live version of ubuntu but when i install i get x server errors, whats this and why? | 01:42 |
anto9us | SQL_Sam: Have you tried the Print Scrn button? | 01:42 |
SQL_Sam | lol | 01:43 |
hybrid_goth | SQL_Sam: wget | 01:43 |
nalioth | thr1ce: was what correct? | 01:43 |
thr1ce | apt-get gaim-1.3.0.tar.bz2 -b gaim-1.3.0.deb | 01:43 |
thr1ce | for example | 01:43 |
SQL_Sam | yes - i've seen them for windows was wondering if there was anything for linux? | 01:43 |
flex_ | turkeyonmyface, try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 01:43 |
goldfish | with sudo | 01:43 |
nalioth | thr1ce: "sudo apt-get source -b gaim" | 01:43 |
hybrid_goth | SQL_Sam: look in the src then use wget | 01:43 |
slept | turkeyonmyface, so you have xfree - you have nvidia did you install linux-restricted-modules an nvidia-glx | 01:43 |
slept | turkeyonmyface, what are your errors | 01:43 |
thr1ce | nalioth, that's assuming, that I have the gaim source in the pwd ? | 01:43 |
nalioth | thr1ce: pwd? | 01:44 |
thr1ce | nalioth, man pwd :) | 01:44 |
thr1ce | present working directory! | 01:44 |
nalioth | thr1ce: if you have your repositorys like they came with ubuntu, apt will d/l the source for whatever | 01:44 |
thr1ce | / print working dir | 01:44 |
dabaSlon_smks | SQL_Sam: likely if it is a useful thing | 01:44 |
=== nalioth is just a user, not a memorizer | ||
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turkeyonmyface | unable to start the graphic enviroment, because my x server is not set up correctly | 01:45 |
thr1ce | nalioth, well, I was thinking if I want a pack that isn't in repositories, but only available in source | 01:45 |
Anubis | no gaim updates for ubuntu? | 01:45 |
=== hybrid_goth is just a genius not a memorizer | ||
dabaSlon | SQL_Sam: what does it do exactly? | 01:45 |
nalioth | thr1ce: if you compile yourself, use "checkinstall" instead of "make install", it will make you a nice deb | 01:45 |
=== dabaSlon is a daba, and a slon... | ||
hybrid_goth | lol | 01:45 |
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gusto5 | hello | 01:46 |
dabaSlon | yo | 01:46 |
hybrid_goth | hi | 01:46 |
thr1ce | man, I thought there would be another way; checkinstall is sorta shifty | 01:46 |
gusto5 | can i ask how to run a tar.bz installer? | 01:46 |
egg|broken | hola | 01:46 |
hybrid_goth | gusto5: un tar it | 01:46 |
dabaSlon | it is a zip. | 01:46 |
thr1ce | not a zip | 01:46 |
thr1ce | it's an archive | 01:46 |
dabaSlon | bah | 01:46 |
dabaSlon | ok, an "archive" | 01:46 |
gusto5 | got it :) | 01:46 |
gusto5 | thanks | 01:46 |
nalioth | thr1ce: i've been scanning this channel for a while, seeking how to get apt or dpkg to take up the building from outside source thing | 01:46 |
dabaSlon | welcome | 01:46 |
dabaSlon | youll have more questions:) | 01:47 |
thr1ce | try to "unzip" a bz2 file | 01:47 |
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dabaSlon | bzip | 01:47 |
nalioth | thr1ce: and i havent seen anything besides the 2 methods mentioned | 01:47 |
dabaSlon | gzip | 01:47 |
dabaSlon | I cant type much | 01:47 |
nalioth | thr1ce: "bunzip2 <filenname.bz2>" | 01:47 |
slept | unp can handle them all | 01:47 |
=== pj [~pj@66-214-114-88.vv-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
abood | does any one tried redwall firewall ?? | 01:47 |
Anubis | oh well I hope the autopackage does not bork anything? | 01:47 |
thr1ce | nalioth, yes; or tar jxvf filename.tar.bz2 | 01:47 |
hybrid_goth | nalioth: yea bunzip? heh | 01:48 |
dabaSlon | abood: its not in synaptic, is it? | 01:48 |
pj | hey hey | 01:48 |
pj | what up | 01:48 |
Anubis | The following package was successfully installed: | 01:48 |
Anubis | * Gaim Internet Messenger | 01:48 |
dabaSlon | yo | 01:48 |
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pj | sup | 01:49 |
pj | where da ladies at?? | 01:49 |
anto9us | my house | 01:49 |
nalioth | pj far from here | 01:49 |
pj | really now | 01:49 |
stuNNed | lol nalioth | 01:49 |
dabaSlon | hah, hotmail wants me to accept some certificate from microsoft lately, anyone else noticed that? | 01:49 |
dabaSlon | I am never!!! gonna accept it... | 01:50 |
_simple | how easy is it to install kde and have a choice at startup between gnome and kde? | 01:50 |
pj | that fucking sucks | 01:50 |
dabaSlon | Just in linux, too:) | 01:50 |
pj | is that all u guys talk about | 01:50 |
pj | computers | 01:50 |
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abood | dabaSlon, nops | 01:50 |
dabaSlon | hey, pj, whacha wanna talk bout? | 01:50 |
nalioth | _simple: its simple | 01:50 |
_simple | easy as an apt-get install command? | 01:50 |
pj | not comps tell you that much | 01:50 |
dabaSlon | sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 01:50 |
turkeyonmyface | sorry people Windows being installed linux install posponed | 01:50 |
nalioth | _simple: couldnt resist...install "kubuntu-desktop" | 01:50 |
pj | later guys | 01:51 |
dabaSlon | pj, so, what then? | 01:51 |
_simple | alright | 01:51 |
eruin | pj: then try a non-os-related channel on a non-computer-relaated-in-general network ;-) | 01:51 |
dabaSlon | wanna talk bout how computers suck? | 01:51 |
=== Jormundgand [~jormundga@cpc1-oxfd4-4-0-cust11.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stuNNed | _simple: pretty easy, better yet you can have gnome on tty7 and kde on tty8 and switch between the two with ctrl+alt+f7,ctrl+alt+f8 justs start a new kde session with gdm once logged into gnome | 01:51 |
_simple | i think i did like kde3 last time | 01:51 |
thingfish | hehe eruin | 01:51 |
_simple | and was saying over and over "can't connect to network kpersonalizer" | 01:51 |
dabaSlon | stuNNed: nice... | 01:51 |
nalioth | stuNNed: howz that tty8 thang work? | 01:51 |
dabaSlon | :) | 01:51 |
dabaSlon | just new login... | 01:51 |
dabaSlon | Aps>System | 01:52 |
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stuNNed | nalioth: not tty is it? | 01:52 |
_simple | what do you guys run gnome or kde? | 01:52 |
_simple | what do you like better :D | 01:52 |
dabaSlon | I run gnome, it is default. | 01:52 |
eruin | one word: gnome | 01:52 |
_simple | yeah | 01:52 |
anto9us | gnome | 01:52 |
dabaSlon | And, I like it more^_^ | 01:52 |
_simple | i was using kde for awhile | 01:52 |
_simple | and like.. | 01:52 |
stuNNed | gnome here, keep it simple st*pid | 01:52 |
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nalioth | stuNNed: ya lost me, i'm just a user | 01:52 |
eruin | gnome will have osX users feel more at home and kde will have windows users feel more at home | 01:52 |
dabaSlon | _simple: there is a #kubuntu, ask there... | 01:52 |
_simple | the past few hours i'm taking a liking to gnome | 01:52 |
robertj | simple: don't end sentences in like | 01:53 |
_simple | i'm not on kubuntu | 01:53 |
dabaSlon | stuNNed: its the apps... | 01:53 |
robertj | eruin: i'm a Mac user and that's not really true | 01:53 |
_simple | it was a transtion | 01:53 |
nalioth | eruin: i don't agree with gnome and osx similaritys | 01:53 |
_simple | tansition* | 01:53 |
_simple | well | 01:53 |
_simple | add the two together | 01:53 |
dabaSlon | eruin: yeah, a lot a ppl disagree, I agree, though, | 01:53 |
robertj | just because Gnome has a menu on the top doesn't make it like mac | 01:53 |
stuNNed | gnome is nothing like osx imho | 01:54 |
dabaSlon | _simple: add:) | 01:54 |
goldfish | how do i find out what chipset my wireless card is? | 01:54 |
dabaSlon | a lot of ppl say that, I find the same as eruin, though. | 01:54 |
anto9us | I like the filesize view of konqueror, would be nice if nautilus had that | 01:54 |
dabaSlon | goldfish: google works. | 01:54 |
stuNNed | anto9us: nice | 01:54 |
goldfish | :) | 01:54 |
dabaSlon | stuffedturkeyface left the building... | 01:55 |
slept | goldfish, lspci | 01:55 |
stuNNed | dabaSlon: lol | 01:55 |
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drb | why exactly should we not use breezy? | 01:56 |
slept | unstable | 01:56 |
dabaSlon | I was totally lmao when I first said it, like, stuffedturkeyface: something... | 01:56 |
nalioth | drb, cuz it may work today, but definitely won't work when you need it to | 01:56 |
nalioth | drb: its still quite disjointed | 01:56 |
stuNNed | drb: because it is very early in development and undergoing significant changes atm that will hose your system? | 01:56 |
PacoBCN | Question, guys. Any of you succeded trying to connect to a Yahoo with Gaim? | 01:56 |
nalioth | PacoBCN: i connect all the time to yahoo | 01:56 |
gusto5 | question again. where is firefox initially installed? | 01:56 |
dabaSlon | drb: cause why would you want to? | 01:57 |
dabaSlon | does your comp work for everything? | 01:57 |
PacoBCN | nalioth, mine doesn't allow me at all :( | 01:57 |
drb | heh. well, I run debian unstable now. would that be comperable? | 01:57 |
dabaSlon | PacoBCN: yeah... | 01:57 |
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thingfish | gusto5: /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox | 01:57 |
PacoBCN | now it just crashed :( | 01:57 |
drb | for example, I want to use inkscape 0.41, which is only in breezy, and not in backports | 01:57 |
dabaSlon | PacoBCN: you sure everything is correct? | 01:57 |
nalioth | PacoBCN: huh... | 01:57 |
gusto5 | thanks, thingfish :) | 01:57 |
thingfish | np gusto5 | 01:58 |
nalioth | drb, nope | 01:58 |
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dabaSlon | drb: just install that program... | 01:58 |
dabaSlon | update, install, revert, update. | 01:58 |
PacoBCN | there is an error message saying: The Authentification method failed. | 01:58 |
nickrud | drb, if you were around for the c102 transition, you'll wait :) | 01:58 |
drb | nalioth: okidoky. :) Can't I set up preferences for hoary, but include the breezy repo? | 01:58 |
=== HrdwrBoB [~matt@bob.is.teh.admin.at.vicnet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
karljp | daba: for anything built against libc, that will fail MISERABLY | 01:58 |
=== Tritis [~jaknel@ool-4355bbb1.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | drb, that will get you breezy | 01:59 |
drb | heh. okay, I'll be patient, I guess. :) | 01:59 |
screamz | updated to hoary, finaly | 01:59 |
dabaSlon | drb: change sources to breezy, update, install program, revert sources, update... | 01:59 |
=== wayne54026 [~wayne@n69-58-145-130.pressenter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_simple | what gnome themes are we all using these days | 02:00 |
gusto5 | thingfish. you know how i can install 1.04 firefox to replace 1.02 | 02:00 |
nalioth | drb: what dabaSlon sez will work, but watch out for breakage | 02:00 |
dabaSlon | of what, if he just installs, but, maybe, Im a newbie | 02:00 |
drb | Okay. I thought there was a way to get around it. I used to pull experimental packages while staying with unstable on Debian | 02:00 |
=== Cyberat [~dlb@myw-stp-196-34-113-111.sentechsa.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | dabaSlon: i don't know whats involved with what he wants, what if some system-critial lib is upgraded and the hoary doesnt like it? | 02:01 |
dabaSlon | well, I told you...Oh, right, dependencies. | 02:01 |
dabaSlon | kk | 02:01 |
drb | nalioth: yeah, I'd watch for deps | 02:01 |
dabaSlon | kkk, in fact:O | 02:01 |
thingfish | gusto5: well, of course one can always download it from mozilla.org and do it manually, but that's not what you want. | 02:02 |
dabaSlon | try to just apt-get install -d and see what is involved. | 02:02 |
dabaSlon | -d download | 02:02 |
drb | yup | 02:02 |
anto9us | drb: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/PinningHowto may help | 02:02 |
drb | anto9us: cool, thanks | 02:02 |
nalioth | drb, its your baby | 02:02 |
drb | nalioth: heh. :) | 02:02 |
dabaSlon | anto9us: nice | 02:03 |
=== Xira [~Valencia@c-24-10-51-201.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaSlon | hah, gusto left, I knew his answer, | 02:04 |
Xira | Wow | 02:04 |
dabaSlon | its on forums, someone said... | 02:04 |
dabaSlon | the | 02:04 |
Xira | I just got a package that has 15 Copies of Ubuntu CDS | 02:04 |
Xira | I didn't know they were free. | 02:04 |
Xira | I thought I had to pay shipping | 02:04 |
dabaSlon | :) | 02:04 |
Xira | O_O | 02:04 |
=== hyphenated [~cgilmour@nzns1.eservglobal.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaSlon | unlike Comcast... | 02:05 |
dabaSlon | :) | 02:05 |
wayne54026 | :) | 02:05 |
=== hayden [~BlackLabe@203-219-130-10-qld.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaSlon | im out. | 02:05 |
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=== tjs [~tjs@deepde.lnk.telstra.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tjs | is there any info/howto type docs about creating custom ubuntu based distros? | 02:06 |
nalioth | microsoft honeymonkeys | 02:07 |
nalioth | what will they come up with next? | 02:07 |
tjs | I want to create a very cut-down ubuntu-based distro with an installer that skips the package selection stage and just installs a pre-defined set of packages | 02:08 |
PacoBCN | Ok, guys, huge favor. Any of you know any free dns server I could use. The ones given by my isp suck! | 02:08 |
goldfish | #ubuntu-dev maybe a better place to ask ? tjs | 02:08 |
=== stephen_ [~stephen@216-154-15-86.dsl.look.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== EtherNet [EtherNet@host235.201-252-81.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
EtherNet | hello guys | 02:09 |
tjs | cheers | 02:09 |
=== stephen_ is now known as gusto5 | ||
gusto5 | hello | 02:09 |
anto9us | goldfish: I was just about to suggest the same thing :) | 02:09 |
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EtherNet | is there a way to switch from a base debian installed.... to ubuntu through apt for e.g. ? | 02:09 |
goldfish | :) | 02:09 |
=== mikep [~mikep@c-24-0-8-144.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
EtherNet | by changing apt sources to ubuntu's ... and doing an apt-get dist-upgrade | 02:09 |
EtherNet | by changing apt sources to ubuntu's ... and doing an apt-get dist-upgrade would work ? | 02:09 |
=== gusto5 [~x234@216-154-15-86.dsl.look.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
goldfish | hmmm... | 02:10 |
goldfish | I think someone did it from plain debian | 02:10 |
gusto5 | can i ask another qusetion? | 02:10 |
goldfish | asj as many as you like | 02:10 |
anto9us | gusto5: you just did, but don't worry, you've not used them up ;) | 02:10 |
goldfish | it's what the channel is for | 02:10 |
gusto5 | ok. i just installed firefox 1.04 | 02:10 |
=== thr1ce [~andrew@24-247-232-145.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gusto5 | lol anto9us | 02:11 |
gusto5 | how do i run it? | 02:11 |
=== computerguy867 [~computerg@tatooine.student.umd.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gusto5 | installed to /var/lib/mozilla-firefox | 02:11 |
thr1ce | if they could keep a semi-stable pre-release, I would run ubuntu | 02:11 |
_simple | man..how do i edit the menu bar? | 02:11 |
_simple | add or remove stuff in it, and change the icons in it :/ | 02:12 |
gusto5 | anyone still here? Lol :P | 02:12 |
Xira | Hey guys | 02:12 |
Xira | look | 02:12 |
Xira | http://synchronizedesigns.us/ubuntu/ | 02:12 |
Xira | I didn't know they paid for shipping too | 02:12 |
Xira | so nice of em.. | 02:12 |
anto9us | gusto5: doesn't it run from your menu? | 02:12 |
_simple | when i downloaded firefox 1.0.4 it didn't work | 02:12 |
_simple | yeah Xiraq | 02:12 |
_simple | Xira: i ordered like 5 cds yesterday ^^ | 02:13 |
=== jarjar9000 [~CoreTex@adsl-69-110-36-51.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
gusto5 | anto9us, it only runs 1.0.2 | 02:13 |
gusto5 | the one that comes with 5.04 | 02:13 |
gusto5 | ubuntu | 02:13 |
_simple | with some hot chicks on the cover and all | 02:13 |
=== nickrud [~nickrud@ppp-71-128-70-217.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["It's] | ||
Xira | I ordered these awhile ago | 02:14 |
_simple | how long ago would you say? | 02:14 |
Xira | completely forgot about them actually | 02:14 |
Xira | thought shipping wasnt free | 02:14 |
_simple | lol | 02:14 |
_simple | yeah i read it was | 02:14 |
anto9us | well, I think, there's a simlink in your bin directory, you need to replace it but it's not an exercise I've carried out | 02:14 |
_simple | everything completely free | 02:14 |
gusto5 | a what? | 02:14 |
_simple | i was expecting a few cd-rs... | 02:14 |
_simple | but those are looking pretty n ice | 02:14 |
anto9us | gusto5: a shortcut | 02:14 |
_simple | case and all | 02:14 |
Xira | the cds have shiny labels on them too | 02:15 |
Xira | Really nice | 02:15 |
anto9us | gusto5: although, it may run from a script, I'm not sure, there may be further help in the release notes, have you read them? | 02:15 |
_simple | professional stuff | 02:15 |
gusto5 | anto9us, they confuse me. thats why im here :) | 02:15 |
=== extreme [~extreme@adsl-68-121-243-244.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
extreme | hi | 02:16 |
anto9us | gusto5: well, if I'd done it I may be able help but I've not bothered upgrading it yet | 02:16 |
_simple | but yeah, i had trouble with that gusto5 so i was recommended in using apt-get | 02:17 |
_simple | which the only thing there is 1.0.3 not updated yet | 02:17 |
Xira | Hey guys, check it out, added 2 more pics of the actual cds: http://synchronizedesigns.us/ubuntu/ | 02:17 |
_simple | so i'm waiting for it to add getting it from there | 02:17 |
=== neighborlee [~neighborl@pppoe1975.lax.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_simple | badass | 02:18 |
nalioth | _simple: as linux users we are less subseptible to the exploits that plague our windoze (l)using brethren | 02:18 |
=== moman [~moman@sauron.aadl.org] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | _simple: when the devs get it in the security updates, it will come | 02:18 |
gusto5 | _simple, do i run apt-get from terminal, or somewhere else? | 02:18 |
goldfish | guys | 02:18 |
_simple | yeah i know | 02:18 |
_simple | so i'm waiting...? | 02:18 |
nalioth | _simple: until then, use "useragentswitcher" for your mozdev d/l goodness | 02:19 |
goldfish | once u dont run windows those firefox exploits cant really harm you | 02:19 |
thr1ce | i wish ubuntu would just upgrade software, and not just patch; ie- add firefox-1.0.4, instead of firefox-1.0.2 | 02:19 |
=== jobenjo [~benjamin@216-15-127-143.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== mikep [~mikep@c-24-0-8-144.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
computerguy867 | what could be a reason that totem knows it has plugins while running under all other users and root except one user | 02:20 |
thr1ce | will new firefox allow you to enter mozilla extensions/themes? it'll only let one if they run 1.0.4; does it detect it on ubuntu? | 02:20 |
moman | How come ubuntu doesn't recognize my DVD ROM? HL-DT-ST GDR8082N DVD ROM | 02:20 |
=== foxiness [~x@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | thr1ce: use "useragentswitcher" or text edit your version # | 02:21 |
_simple | oh so that's what useragentswitcher does? | 02:21 |
_simple | fake the latest version? | 02:21 |
=== BROKEN_LADDER [~pral@h-67-101-103-174.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #UBUNTU | ||
thr1ce | nalioth, why doesn't ubuntu just add 1.0.4?! and gaim 1.3.0 should be updated, but wasn't, if I recall | 02:21 |
thr1ce | as they had a security flaw | 02:21 |
nalioth | thr1ce: i'm not a dev, and have no clue | 02:22 |
resiak | thr1ce: The security fixes will be backported. | 02:22 |
_simple | been out for a few weeks atleast though right? | 02:22 |
computerguy867 | under one user it gives an error saying that the plugin is not installed(for all plugins) | 02:22 |
thr1ce | i wish they would update the software, and not just patch the security holes | 02:22 |
resiak | thr1ce: Then run the unstable branch (currently Breezy). The whole _point_ of having a stable version is that what you dislike happens. | 02:23 |
_simple | does mozilla have a repository to add to install from? | 02:23 |
PacoBCN | no ones feels like sharing his dns server with me? | 02:23 |
=== Madcat_ [~madcat@ip22.cab24.trt.starman.ee] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thr1ce | resiak, breezy seems so unstable though...i'm used to a really stable pre-release | 02:23 |
=== hypa7ia [~leigh@HSE-London-ppp291210.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
resiak | thr1ce: Well then go run Debian Testing :) | 02:23 |
=== BrettMeister [~Brett@adsl-69-154-27-43.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | thr1ce: breezy is not yet to "pre-release" stage | 02:24 |
BrettMeister | Hi, folks. | 02:24 |
thr1ce | resiak, i wish they would stablalize ubuntu pre-releases, as opposed to just tearing them apart | 02:24 |
nalioth | thr1ce: breezy is there for peeps with 2 machines to work with | 02:24 |
thr1ce | will breezy run non-final software? such as...gnome 2.11 ? | 02:24 |
BrettMeister | Will someone tell me how to install a .deb package from this cd that I have? | 02:24 |
resiak | thr1ce: Then go run Debian Testing. | 02:24 |
nalioth | thr1ce: one for stable OS and t'other for testing breezy | 02:24 |
resiak | BrettMeister: dpkg -i ? | 02:24 |
bpuccio | BrettMeister: sudo dpkg -i file.deb | 02:24 |
kiwnix | nalioth, not necessary, if you know a bit of package management (pining packages and so on) | 02:25 |
BrettMeister | bpuccio: Thanks. Where you have "file" actually put the file name there? | 02:25 |
thr1ce | BrettMeister, of course | 02:25 |
BrettMeister | thr1ce: Thanks. | 02:25 |
drb | if I'm on hoary, and I add the backports apt repo, after apt-get update, shouldn't I see firefox 1.04 listed in a apt-get install? | 02:26 |
drb | I must have done something wrong... | 02:26 |
Madcat_ | Are there any known/open issues regarding massive memory leakage in gnome ? | 02:27 |
Madcat_ | For several times already, memory usage seems to be eating into swap heavily ... | 02:27 |
JairunCaloth | I have an app that needs the path to firefox, but i can't friken find firefox | 02:28 |
gusto5 | ok back again with more question | 02:28 |
thr1ce | whereis firefox | 02:28 |
Madcat_ | after 5 days uptime, I was at 500mb swap usage (1gb physical ram) ... now after 2 days uptime, I'm again at ~300mb swap usage :o | 02:28 |
thr1ce | whereis mozilla-firefox | 02:28 |
=== Cine [~luke@251.49.cm.sunflower.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== queuetue_ [~Scott@h69-21-252-54.69-21.unk.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JairunCaloth | ahh thanks | 02:28 |
Cine | I assume I don't want to install the firefox update to my /home directory, right? | 02:28 |
Madcat_ | firefox using 167mb res / 312mb virt memory ... doesn't sound normal ... | 02:29 |
toresbe | thr1ce: uhm, let me just tell you - breezy is completely completely unstable. | 02:29 |
Madcat_ | xorg using 127mb res / 225mb virt :o | 02:29 |
toresbe | resiak! :) | 02:29 |
resiak | toresbe! | 02:29 |
thr1ce | toresbe, that bad? | 02:29 |
toresbe | you're here too :) | 02:29 |
resiak | toresbe: You've not seen me in here before? | 02:29 |
toresbe | thr1ce: No, that's good, very good. | 02:29 |
toresbe | resiak: oddly, no | 02:29 |
anto9us | Madcat_: My guess would be that it's not cleared the swap because it hasn't needed to | 02:29 |
resiak | toresbe: Oh. | 02:29 |
thr1ce | toresbe, no, it's tha tbad? | 02:29 |
toresbe | thr1ce: it's a good thing because it's not supposed to be stable | 02:30 |
resiak | toresbe: I've seen you. | 02:30 |
toresbe | that's why it's called unstable | 02:30 |
=== resiak cries. | ||
toresbe | resiak: I'm touched | 02:30 |
Madcat_ | anto9us: strange ... I never noticed such things back when I was using gentoo/kde ... | 02:30 |
toresbe | thr1ce: not for another few months! | 02:30 |
gusto5 | does anyone know why when i run firefox 1.0.4 install, i get errors with some .xpi files? | 02:30 |
=== SantaOne [foobar@85-124-77-138.work.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SantaOne | hi | 02:30 |
toresbe | thr1ce: "PLEASE DON'T USE BREEZY YET -- REALLY" -the topic | 02:30 |
Madcat_ | anto9us: I often had up to 30-day uptimes, w/o eating that heavily into swap ... | 02:30 |
Xira | I donated 200$ to Ubuntu | 02:30 |
Xira | :D | 02:30 |
thr1ce | toresbe, yes, I know...I expected it to be usable though | 02:30 |
toresbe | thr1ce: don't :) | 02:31 |
thr1ce | i'm giving up on ubuntu | 02:31 |
toresbe | thr1ce: this isn't Debian - things move *quickly* here :) | 02:31 |
resiak | thr1ce: Use Debian! | 02:31 |
toresbe | thr1ce: The stable release of Ubuntu has software that is more up-to-date than Debian Unstable. | 02:31 |
toresbe | that says much about both Ubuntu and Debian. | 02:31 |
Madcat_ | I'd imagine this memory issue might be because gnome/gtk are using C, and C apps tend to use some really wierd memory management techniques ... while KDE/QT being C++, with (nearly) automatic memory management. | 02:32 |
Xira | http://synchronizedesigns.us/ubuntu/ | 02:32 |
Xira | purdyyyyy | 02:32 |
Xira | :o | 02:32 |
Cine | need a little help installing the firefox update... where do I need to install it? it defaults to the location of the installer itself, but thats my desktop and seems like a bad idea... | 02:32 |
nalioth | kiwnix: most folks don't have a clue about pinning | 02:32 |
gusto5 | 621=An Installer module %s (.xpi) failed to install | 02:33 |
gusto5 | how come i get that, anyone? | 02:33 |
thr1ce | hm...can I take bits and pieces from breezy safely? | 02:33 |
thr1ce | like...gaim, firefox, etc. ? | 02:33 |
thingfish | Cine: /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox is where the "old" one is installed. | 02:33 |
SantaOne | Sorry for the offtopic-question: Is there anyone from the USA ? I am going to fly to the USA in the next time, and the cheapest destination is Orlando. So I try to find a VERY cheap way to travel from Orlando to Los Angeles (maybe by Bus or train?) what is the cheapest way? | 02:33 |
=== moyogo [~moyogo@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thr1ce | i mean, if I want to run the latest gaim all the time, what's the best way ? | 02:34 |
nalioth | SantaOne: the bus would be the cheapest | 02:34 |
nalioth | SantaOne: if you can make advanced arrangements, you might get a flight cheaper, but that takes some planning | 02:34 |
thingfish | SantaOne: I bet you can almost get an airplane ticket for what train would cost. | 02:35 |
Cine | ah, thanks thingfish... is that where I need to put the new one? | 02:35 |
thingfish | Cine: sorry, can't advise you on that, it would involve overwriting existing files and I don't want to advise that. | 02:35 |
thingfish | bus would be cheapest, if you can stand the discomfort. | 02:36 |
=== garnertr [~tom@24-113-117-91.wavecable.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== leigh [~leigh@HSE-Montreal-ppp143550.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
karljp | and factor in the costs of a 3 day bus ride in food from orlando to la | 02:36 |
hayden | how can i change the computer name | 02:36 |
Cine | hm... maybe uninstall the old firefox package first? | 02:36 |
karljp | if they even get there in 3 days | 02:36 |
foxiness | Xira, awesome :) | 02:36 |
=== leigh is now known as hypa7ia | ||
foxiness | hayden, i think if u install gtweak or something like that | 02:37 |
hayden | foxiness, im only running xfce | 02:37 |
=== hans_ [~hans@p213.54.160.201.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hans_ | how do i install games with cedega? i installed the prog but cant install games...any help? | 02:38 |
foxiness | hayden, say that on your q :) than | 02:38 |
HrdwrBoB | hans_: #cedega, http://digital-conquest.ath.cx/wiki/index.php | 02:38 |
=== Mr_T [~liam@koko.greenflowers.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thingfish | hans_: maybe the people in #cedega can be of more help. | 02:38 |
hans_ | thx | 02:39 |
gusto5 | great :D | 02:39 |
gusto5 | i lost my firefox too :S | 02:39 |
foxiness | Xira, is all of this for u q: | 02:39 |
=== Gman_ [~Glynn@amfea-proxy-2.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SantaOne | thingfish: where can I get such a cheao ticket? The cheapest I found was about 130 Dollar (Orlando - Los Angeles [one way] ) | 02:40 |
foxiness | gusto5, install it again :) | 02:40 |
=== don [~don@82-36-245-188.cable.ubr04.wolv.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gusto5 | foxiness, i lost it trying to install a new one lol | 02:40 |
gusto5 | how do i get the old 1.0.2 back? | 02:40 |
gusto5 | or even, install 1.0.4? | 02:40 |
_simple | damn the intel915gv chip onboardgraphics suck | 02:40 |
SantaOne | nalioth: how can I find out how much such a bus ticket costs, please? | 02:40 |
_simple | a screensaver runs like crap | 02:40 |
_simple | a damn screensaver | 02:40 |
egg|broken | mmm | 02:40 |
foxiness | gusto5, apt-get install firefox | 02:41 |
=== nate_ [~nate@c66.168.31.134.mad.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gusto5 | E; COuldnt find firefox package :S | 02:41 |
foxiness | gusto5, or if u want try something new install firefox.package - autopackage | 02:41 |
SantaOne | gusto5 mozilla-firefox | 02:42 |
thr1ce | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox | 02:42 |
thr1ce | mozilla-firefox | 02:42 |
foxiness | gusto5, apt-get install mozilla-firefox | 02:42 |
gusto5 | sec. gotta delete all the messed up junk first | 02:42 |
SantaOne | thingfish, nalioth? | 02:42 |
=== BioVorE [~kvirc@h-66-167-232-106.mclnva23.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== pokemon [~don@82-36-245-188.cable.ubr04.wolv.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JairunCaloth | so this other application wants to launch firefox, but for some reason every path to anything firefox I set dosn't work... | 02:44 |
gusto5 | foxiness, it says "mozilla-firefox is already the newest version" | 02:44 |
thr1ce | reinstall it | 02:45 |
gusto5 | thats what it says when im trying to reinstall.... | 02:45 |
foxiness | gusto5, synaptic will help u | 02:45 |
=== rapha [~rapha@p54A09B8B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rapha | Hi all! | 02:46 |
rapha | Is there something like artsdsp for ESound? | 02:46 |
foxiness | ho rapha | 02:46 |
usynic | rapha: esdplay | 02:46 |
rapha | usynic: thx | 02:46 |
=== Jormundgand [~jormundga@cpc1-oxfd4-4-0-cust11.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
usynic | er... | 02:46 |
garnertr | evening all | 02:46 |
usynic | esddsp | 02:46 |
=== tizzz [~tiz@blk-224-142-127.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Jormundgand | Xfce is amazing. I love it. | 02:47 |
foxiness | http://www.wildgardenseed.com/Taj/autopackage/ , did any one try to install last firefox from here "autopackage" | 02:47 |
garnertr | Question, if I have a Pentium 4 laptop and install (just for giggles) i386 distro version, can that cause "issues" hardware? software? | 02:47 |
=== deuce868 [~Deuce868@pcp09781303pcs.flshng01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== hybrid_goth wonders average ubuntu user age | ||
deuce868 | 27 :-) | 02:47 |
garnertr | old enough to remember when MTV first came out | 02:47 |
gusto5 | yea! foxiness you rock :) | 02:47 |
usynic | garnertr: nope. | 02:47 |
rapha | usynic: Hmm I tried that ... still no sound in Quake 3 | 02:47 |
Jormundgand | But when I try to run Synaptic I get the box saying "insert password to use synaptic" and instead of letters typing anything gives boxes with hex in. | 02:48 |
garnertr | nuts | 02:48 |
tizzz | Hey guys, I can't seem to get X to start... And when I apt-get dist-upgrade it tells me x-window-system-core has been kept back... I think that might be my problem... I just updated a ton of packages and now can't get it to get that to work. Anyone able to help me? | 02:48 |
kaniLiveCD | hybrid_goth, old enough to believe I am sexy :o | 02:48 |
usynic | rapha: I'd kill esd and use dmix. esd is the devil. | 02:48 |
BROKEN_LADDER | how can i tell which version of gcc i have? | 02:48 |
foxiness | gusto5, is this true ;q | 02:48 |
hybrid_goth | kaniLiveCD: heh thats old :P | 02:48 |
kaniLiveCD | :P | 02:48 |
tizzz | BROKEN_LADDER: gcc -v in a terminal | 02:48 |
gusto5 | i got 1.0.2 back | 02:48 |
rapha | usynic: What synaptic package is that in? | 02:48 |
=== thr1ce [~andrew@24-247-232-145.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gusto5 | through synaptic | 02:48 |
foxiness | gusto5, great to hear that :) | 02:48 |
garnertr | I also remember when there was no such thing as cable tv and cell phones | 02:48 |
gusto5 | now to figure out how to get 1.0.4 | 02:49 |
usynic | rapha: it's not in any package... it's just a configuration option for alsa | 02:49 |
gusto5 | which everyone seems to not get :S | 02:49 |
tizzz | BROKEN_LADDER: if you have hoary, you should have 4.0 | 02:49 |
rapha | usynic: So I have to recompile ALSA? | 02:49 |
tizzz | uh | 02:49 |
tizzz | sorry | 02:49 |
=== hybrid_goth barely remembers begining of widespread internet | ||
BrettMeister | How do I get my cd to eject? Eject with the drop down menu just gives me an error message. | 02:49 |
tizzz | i have breezy | 02:49 |
BROKEN_LADDER | it says gcc not found. | 02:49 |
tizzz | i don't know | 02:49 |
deuce868 | garnertr: how did we live without cell phones? I can't seem to remember...and the net...what's a phone book? | 02:49 |
tizzz | BROKEN_LADDER then you don't have it installed. | 02:49 |
BROKEN_LADDER | oh jesus | 02:49 |
=== limer [~limer@69-174-31-248.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thr1ce | tizzz, how is breezy working? | 02:49 |
foxiness | gusto5, if u want to try something "maybe with trublesome" and easy way try this http://www.wildgardenseed.com/Taj/autopackage/ | 02:49 |
garnertr | Internet? hell everything was Bulletin Board... remember Ascii Express? | 02:49 |
usynic | rapha: http://ubuntuguide.org/#configuresoundproperly <-- the asound.conf part is dmix | 02:50 |
tizzz | thr1ce: well... good except i can't get into X right now... It was awesome till right now. lol | 02:50 |
rapha | usynic: thx | 02:50 |
BROKEN_LADDER | after installing a different linux kernel, will i have to reconfigure grub? | 02:50 |
deuce868 | tizzz: saw some stuff about font paths messed up in breezy upgrade | 02:50 |
thr1ce | tizzz, why would X have been updated... ? | 02:50 |
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deuce868 | tizzz: in the forums | 02:50 |
foxiness | gusto5, but u must before that uninstall firefox first that try this package | 02:50 |
tizzz | deuce868: ahhh... Since I'm in console, I can't get google to work as well as usual. thanks | 02:51 |
thr1ce | lynx! | 02:51 |
goldfish | lol | 02:51 |
foxiness | that - than | 02:51 |
deuce868 | tizzz: letme see if I can get a link for you | 02:51 |
tizzz | i'm using it | 02:51 |
tizzz | lynx | 02:51 |
hybrid_goth | BROKEN_LADDER: i am listenin to gene for suicide now :D | 02:51 |
tizzz | but its not the best way to google something correctly | 02:51 |
tizzz | thanks deuce868 | 02:51 |
BROKEN_LADDER | cool. i saw that you signed up. | 02:51 |
thr1ce | bbiab | 02:51 |
BROKEN_LADDER | i'm about to go play an open mic. | 02:51 |
foxiness | tizzz, ping www.google.com | 02:51 |
deuce868 | tizzz: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35143 | 02:51 |
tizzz | foxiness why? | 02:52 |
foxiness | tizzz, for fun :) | 02:52 |
tizzz | ok.. 44ms | 02:52 |
hybrid_goth | BROKEN_LADDER: yea i havent got around to postin but ill get there :D where are you playin? | 02:52 |
tizzz | deuce868 thanks | 02:52 |
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BROKEN_LADDER | a place called Canvas Cafe near golden gate park. | 02:53 |
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hybrid_goth | BROKEN_LADDER: well good luck | 02:53 |
garnertr | that blows, still can't get this distro to recognize my dvdrom drive... sigh... :) | 02:53 |
=== pokemon [~don@82-36-245-188.cable.ubr04.wolv.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hybrid_goth | BROKEN_LADDER: now fingerprint | 02:53 |
BROKEN_LADDER | can anyone tell me what i have to do after changing my kernel? | 02:54 |
BROKEN_LADDER | fingerpaint | 02:54 |
BROKEN_LADDER | that's way old. | 02:54 |
hybrid_goth | yea paint:D | 02:54 |
rapha | usynic: Still no sound. It always says something about not being able to open /dev/dsp. All other apps have sound. | 02:54 |
usynic | rapha: did you killall esd ? | 02:54 |
rapha | Sure | 02:54 |
xMaximex | Does anyone know a opensource alternative to microsoft visio ? | 02:54 |
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deuce868 | xMaximex: dia | 02:55 |
usynic | rapha: lsof /dev/dsp | 02:55 |
hybrid_goth | xMaximex: whats visio? | 02:55 |
rapha | usynic: empty prompt returned | 02:55 |
deuce868 | xMaximex: not as nice, but works out ok for most things | 02:55 |
foxiness | hybrid_goth, the same q :) | 02:55 |
xMaximex | deuce868: okay | 02:55 |
usynic | rapha: you have the oss emulation modules loaded? | 02:55 |
BROKEN_LADDER | i once changed a settings file so that grub would boot up at a higher resolution. anyone know what that file is called? | 02:55 |
kaniLiveCD | I have a question... whats kubuntu? :o | 02:55 |
tizzz | deuce868 Very helpful, thanks.. I will be online from x soon i hope | 02:55 |
Jormundgand | But when I try to run Synaptic I get the box saying "insert password to use synaptic" and instead of letters typing anything gives boxes with hex in. What do I need? What am I missing? | 02:55 |
hybrid_goth | kaniLiveCD: ubuntu with kde | 02:55 |
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=== jesse_ [~jesse@66-188-222-221.roc.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
foxiness | kaniLiveCD, kubuntu | 02:56 |
rapha | usynic: snd_pcm_oss, snd_mixer_oss are loaded | 02:56 |
jesse_ | How do I upgrade my current horray release to the development version? | 02:56 |
foxiness | kaniLiveCD, #kubuntu | 02:56 |
rapha | usynic: running QIII as root doesn't help either | 02:56 |
limer | hmmm, w32codecs removed? | 02:56 |
hybrid_goth | kaniLiveCD: and we are tryin to start UbuntuX ubuntu with xfce | 02:56 |
kaniLiveCD | but is it another distribution or is the same ubuntu? | 02:56 |
usynic | rapha: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp | 02:56 |
hybrid_goth | kaniLiveCD: another distro but still from conical | 02:56 |
kvidell | that's not nice :-P | 02:56 |
usynic | rapha: do you get static? | 02:56 |
foxiness | kaniLiveCD, did u like kde or gnome if u like gnome way no diff else yes | 02:57 |
BrettMeister | A cd that is in my cdrom will not eject. Still mounted somehow? | 02:57 |
rapha | usynic: Although now I get a little more verbose output: "Could not mmap dma buffer PROT_WRITE|PROT_READ" then "/dev/dsp: Input/output error" then "Could not mmap /dev/dsp" | 02:57 |
rapha | usynic: Yes, hearing static | 02:57 |
usynic | rapha: hrmm. | 02:57 |
deuce868 | anyone know a good visual svn tool? | 02:58 |
jesse_ | How do I upgrade to the development release, what exactly do i add/change in the /etc/apt/sources.list ?? | 02:58 |
Jormundgand | When I try to run Synaptic I get the box saying "insert password to use synaptic" but instead of letters typing anything gives boxes with hex in. What do I need? What am I missing? | 02:58 |
hybrid_goth | jesse_: if you dont know how to you dont need to | 02:58 |
rapha | usynic: Hey, got it! I just started esd as myself and used esddsp --map then to prefix quake3 and now it works! | 02:58 |
rapha | Thanks man! | 02:58 |
usynic | np | 02:59 |
jesse_ | hybrid_goth, I just don't know what the servers are to change it to. | 02:59 |
jesse_ | hybrid_goth, I am very familar with debian you'd just change the stable to unstable and update apt. | 02:59 |
rapha | usynic: Just so slow now that it is unplayable :-/ | 02:59 |
hybrid_goth | jesse_: it is the same just change hoary to breezy but not sugested | 02:59 |
jesse_ | hybrid_goth, So before you go and tell me what I am not able to do, perhaps you just answer me quesiton. And if yo udon't want to answer my question shut up. And if you continue to feel the need to talk people down, perhaps you should go to a channel that's not meant to support people. | 02:59 |
hybrid_goth | jesse_: but do as you plz | 02:59 |
jesse_ | hybrid_goth, Thank you. | 02:59 |
count0nz | jesse_, just change horey to breezy | 02:59 |
xMaximex | deuce868: dia seems good, but can't create house plan | 02:59 |
crimsun_ | rapha: you'd be better off killing esd prior to playing quake3 | 03:00 |
rapha | crimsun_: Then I get no sound at all | 03:00 |
deuce868 | XMaximex: There is some type of KDE program you might try. Think it's kivio or something...never tried it | 03:00 |
crimsun_ | rapha: cat /proc/asound/modules | 03:00 |
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hybrid_goth | jesse_: well if you cant look at an easy ubuntuguide page maybe you need to shut up and use your out dated dabian | 03:00 |
xMaximex | okay | 03:00 |
rapha | crimsun_: | 03:00 |
rapha | 0 snd_via82xx | 03:00 |
rapha | 1 snd_bt87x | 03:00 |
hybrid_goth | jesse_: your welcome | 03:00 |
jesse_ | hybrid_goth, I just speant the last 15 minutes reading the Ubuntu site and didn't see anything obvious. | 03:00 |
garnertr | get em... :) har hra | 03:01 |
crimsun_ | hybrid_goth: / jesse_: chill, please | 03:01 |
jesse_ | hybrid_goth, Does it make you feel big and powerful to talk people down? | 03:01 |
crimsun_ | no need to be hostile | 03:01 |
hybrid_goth | jesse_: hmm and you came from debian? | 03:01 |
jesse_ | crimsun_, He started the hostility. | 03:01 |
garnertr | ok, wish kanl was here, he was helping me w/ my dvd issue fr last night... sigh... stinking Centrinio... | 03:01 |
crimsun_ | jesse_: then don't "stoop" | 03:01 |
BROKEN_LADDER | kaniLiveCD kubuntu is like ubuntu only sucky | 03:01 |
rapha | jeronim: C'mon is this 1st grade kindergarden school... "he started no he"? | 03:01 |
count0nz | :) | 03:01 |
hybrid_goth | jesse_: does it make you feel smooth to try it be the "good" guy | 03:01 |
count0nz | i love you | 03:02 |
deuce868 | garnertr: centrino here with no probs...what's not working? | 03:02 |
jesse_ | hybrid_goth, No. But if someone says something about what I can and cannot do I am apt to correct them. | 03:02 |
garnertr | hmm; my internel dvd/cdr drive, this current rendition is not 'seeing' the drive | 03:02 |
BROKEN_LADDER | i wish there was a way to add padding to a panel, so that launchers wouldn't stretch to the edge of it. | 03:02 |
crimsun_ | rapha: have you tweaked the module parameters for snd-pcm-oss? | 03:02 |
garnertr | It's in my bios SM-MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ-811 | 03:02 |
rapha | crimsun_: no. To what should I tweak them to, and where? | 03:02 |
deuce868 | garnertr: I'm guess it installed fine from this drive? | 03:02 |
crimsun_ | rapha: modinfo snd-pcm-oss | 03:02 |
rapha | crimsun_: Lotsa stuff returned | 03:03 |
garnertr | well actually no it didn't, it got to the point where it was detecting cd-rom and it died, wouldn't get past that point, so I used my super multi rw dvd by LG and installed (USB External) | 03:03 |
hybrid_goth | jesse_: now look does this make sense. someone comes in asking how to upgrade to something unstable by ubuntu means not debian that is meant for developers and such not ppl that cant even upgrade | 03:03 |
crimsun_ | rapha: look at the nonblock_open and dsp_map options | 03:03 |
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garnertr | dsmeg: http://rafb.net/paste/results/HbXQ0s70.html | 03:04 |
deuce868 | garnertr: only thing I can say is that I had a similiar prob on a desktop, would detect in bios but not boot to it. I had a bad IDE cable in it | 03:04 |
rapha | parm: nonblock_open:Don't block opening busy PCM devices. | 03:04 |
hybrid_goth | rapha: lol its not first grade | 03:04 |
crimsun_ | hybrid_goth: he left, so please let it rest | 03:04 |
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garnertr | ls /dev: http://rafb.net/paste/results/h2DxXz86.html | 03:04 |
rapha | parm: dsp_map:PCM device number assigned to 1st OSS device. | 03:04 |
hybrid_goth | crimsun_: w/e | 03:04 |
rapha | crimsun_: I see them, what do I set them to? | 03:05 |
Marble2 | where are the files for the gnome-panel stored? | 03:05 |
Marble2 | like .desktop files | 03:05 |
garnertr | HMMMMMMM now that is interesting, but then why only multiple distros not see it? RH Fedora sees it w/ no problem, and Windows (2k, xp) no problem, could it be that simple though? | 03:05 |
crimsun_ | rapha: 1 and 0, respectively | 03:05 |
rapha | crimsun_: Okay, "sudo modprobe -r snd-pcm-oss; sudo modprobe snd-pcm-oss nonblock_open=1 dsp_map=0", right? | 03:05 |
crimsun_ | rapha: correct | 03:05 |
deuce868 | garnertr: sorry, not a ton of help...if other distros see it then I would guess prolly not your prob | 03:06 |
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rapha | crimsun_: Okay, tried that, still nothing | 03:06 |
hybrid_goth | garnertr: prolly a driver issue | 03:06 |
crimsun_ | rapha: did you echo the correct values into /proc for q3.x86? | 03:06 |
stevegula | hey guys, pretend i modified my sources.list file and didn't back it up.. what package can I dig it out of? | 03:06 |
crimsun_ | rapha: those values can be found on alsa.opensrc.org | 03:06 |
rapha | crimsun_: I heard this could halt your machine | 03:06 |
garnertr | No, good effort Deuce, I've been banging my head against my desk on this one, but I believe its my own laptop problem; I don't want to run windoze, but its fun trying to get this Alienware, system work... :) | 03:06 |
garnertr | driver issue eh? | 03:07 |
deuce868 | stevegula: get a new sources file from someone running the same stuff | 03:07 |
crimsun_ | rapha: what, those /proc values? That'd be a fairly critical bug in the kernel. | 03:07 |
stevegula | hm. anyone here running hoary A64? | 03:07 |
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rapha | crimsun_: Okay, so you mean the "echo "quake3.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss" and "echo "quake3.x86 0 0 disable" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0c/oss" stuff? | 03:07 |
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crimsun_ | rapha: yep. | 03:08 |
rapha | Okay, I'll give it a shot. | 03:08 |
garnertr | shucky-darn... wish it would work, I'd hate to have to go back to the MAN to get my dvd to work... but then for giggles, I'll change that drive cable, maybe it is random luck that it worked when I thought it worked.. but it can't hurt | 03:09 |
hybrid_goth | brb | 03:09 |
garnertr | since this is a laptop, Alienware, could my drive be scsi? Or would it more likely be ide (hdd primary and dvd/cdrom secondary?)?? | 03:10 |
deuce868 | garnertr: your bios should tell you what it's on.. IDE primary, slave and such | 03:10 |
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g14 | garnertr: Alienware doesn't put scsi drives in laptops | 03:11 |
Marble2 | Why does this .desktop file not work placed in /usr/share/applications http://nomorepasting.com/paste.php?pasteID=40249 I refreshed the gnome-panel... | 03:11 |
garnertr | thanks | 03:12 |
=== rapha [~rapha@p54A09B8B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
garnertr | yeah...thanks, that makes sense...banging head, its tired... | 03:12 |
rapha | crimsun_: Okay, it works in the menu, but as soon as you try to get into a game it very reliable locks the machine cold. | 03:12 |
crimsun_ | rapha: update to the version in alsa-source, then | 03:13 |
rapha | crimsun_: I don't quite understand? | 03:13 |
hybrid_goth | back | 03:13 |
crimsun_ | rapha: sudo aptitude install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential alsa-source | 03:14 |
crimsun_ | (you need universe) | 03:14 |
rapha | Okay | 03:14 |
=== benplaut [~ben@cpe-66-8-184-56.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
garnertr | ahhhhhh | 03:14 |
limer | trying to run glxgears: Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 03:14 |
limer | xorg.conf shows loading dri and glx | 03:14 |
garnertr | very tired today, not thinking clearly, been late working... :) I'm hoping that maybe I had a possible bad burn from the iso, so I'm re-downloading the ISO right now...re-burn it @ a slower rate, maybe that will work | 03:15 |
crimsun_ | limer: what video card? | 03:15 |
Anubis | can dri and glx be used at the same time? | 03:15 |
limer | crimsun_, I think I see my prob | 03:15 |
limer | brb | 03:15 |
crimsun_ | Anubis: on certain drivers, yes | 03:16 |
crimsun_ | Nvidia's one of the exceptions | 03:16 |
Anubis | I wondered about that | 03:16 |
limer | crimsun_, sudo nvidia-glx-config enable | 03:16 |
Anubis | does dri provide faster FPS? | 03:16 |
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crimsun_ | limer: you did that? | 03:16 |
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limer | crimsun_, just now :P | 03:17 |
crimsun_ | limer: good | 03:17 |
limer | crimsun_, Q though | 03:17 |
=== benplaut makes Dave Orton screem for mercy | ||
limer | how do I restart x without the machine? | 03:17 |
limer | ctl+alt+backspace? | 03:17 |
deuce868 | limer: control alt backspace | 03:17 |
limer | woot | 03:17 |
crimsun_ | limer: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart | 03:17 |
limer | I'm hot tonight :P | 03:17 |
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hybrid_goth | limer: he | 03:17 |
=== benplaut is being fair to Dave Orton | ||
crimsun_ | ctrl+alt+backspace doesn't shut it down cleanly | 03:18 |
limer | I see | 03:18 |
=== Mahl [~Mikael@dsl234-211.adsl.no] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
crimsun_ | it's preferable only as a last resort | 03:18 |
=== hybrid_goth wonders who dave orton is | ||
Mahl | Whats the command into making a bunch of files into an ISO file? | 03:18 |
crimsun_ | Mahl: man mkisofs | 03:18 |
kestas | mkisofs | 03:18 |
limer | crimsun_, I will issue your suggested command | 03:18 |
^thehatsrule^ | i always use that 3 button salute :P | 03:18 |
benplaut | president of ATI | 03:18 |
Mahl | I know its mkisofs...but theres thousands of options | 03:18 |
hybrid_goth | ah | 03:18 |
Mahl | I just want to make a SIMPLE iso :P | 03:18 |
hybrid_goth | benplaut: what card do you have | 03:18 |
kestas | Mahl: try gnome-baker | 03:18 |
kestas | Mahl: or read the manual | 03:19 |
kestas | does anyone know how to make the java sdk into a .deb package? | 03:19 |
benplaut | hybrid_goth: mobile radeon 7500 | 03:19 |
kestas | Seveas told me the other day, but I didnt get it down | 03:19 |
deuce868 | kestas: I think libranet has an .deb for it if you can get it | 03:19 |
hybrid_goth | benplaut: ah i have the default card for the ibook g3 and it works | 03:19 |
kestas | okay thanks Ill take a look | 03:19 |
rapha | Oh, does somebody have that problem that always when you try to print from a GNOME application that application then crashes? | 03:20 |
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crimsun_ | Mahl: presuming you have a subdir foo/ containing the files, % mkisofs -o foo.iso -R -J foo/ | 03:20 |
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hybrid_goth | rapha: you got cups workin? | 03:20 |
F0CUS | hey, can someone help me please | 03:20 |
crimsun_ | Mahl: be careful with -R and -J (rock ridge and joliet) | 03:21 |
F0CUS | my sound is messed up, everything sounds really crappy.... | 03:21 |
hybrid_goth | F0CUS: / topic Just ask | 03:21 |
rapha | hybrid_goth: Printing from OpenOffice works flawlessly, as does the CUPS test page | 03:21 |
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hybrid_goth | rapha: hmm but only gnome progs crash | 03:21 |
rapha | hybrid_goth: yes... gedit, abiword, gnumeric... | 03:22 |
rapha | tomboy.. | 03:22 |
hybrid_goth | rapha: ok is cups set up to interact with gnome? | 03:22 |
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hybrid_goth | can you play bzflag if you are in text mode | 03:22 |
chrissturm | now that the cxx transition is done, any more reasons not to use breezy? | 03:23 |
rapha | hybrid_goth: I got no idea. This is a fresh Ubuntu install in regards to printing. Except that I added my printer through System > Administration > Printing of course | 03:23 |
crimsun_ | chrissturm: who said it was done? | 03:23 |
hybrid_goth | rapha: it seems like cups is not talkin to gnome or vis versa other then that i cant help you sorry | 03:24 |
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=== tehats is now known as ^thehatsrule^ | ||
chrissturm | crismun: on my other s(test) ystem i run breezy and a i have a lot of *c2 packages. and it runs fine. | 03:24 |
garnertr | yawn | 03:24 |
rapha | hybrid_goth: nm :) | 03:24 |
F0CUS | Playing MP3's sounds really crappy, does anyone know what it may be? I have tried various programs XMMS and Music player... It's only when I play Music, I have tried a movie and it's fine | 03:24 |
garnertr | how is breezy? | 03:24 |
crimsun_ | chrissturm: it's far from complete | 03:25 |
chrissturm | ok | 03:25 |
garnertr | anything earth-shattering in it? | 03:25 |
rapha | chrissturm: I did as you told me. What now? | 03:25 |
hybrid_goth | rapha: nm? | 03:25 |
deuce868 | garnertr: more worried about system shattering :-) | 03:25 |
rapha | hybrid_goth: short for nevermind | 03:25 |
chrissturm | rapha: what did i tell you? | 03:25 |
hybrid_goth | ah i get you | 03:25 |
rapha | chrissturm: sudo aptitude install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential alsa-source | 03:25 |
Mahl | Thanks crimsun_ ! | 03:25 |
hybrid_goth | brb | 03:26 |
F0CUS | can someone please help me: Playing MP3's sounds really crappy, does anyone know what it may be? I have tried various programs XMMS and Music player and it's not the MP3's cause they are fine in wondows... It's only when I play Music, I have tried a movie and it's fine | 03:26 |
chrissturm | rapha: must have been someone else :) | 03:26 |
rapha | Oh | 03:26 |
deuce868 | FOCUS: is it only mp3? have you tried .wav or .ogg? | 03:26 |
=== limer [~limer@69-174-31-248.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rapha | chrissturm: Oh sorry... crimsun_ just went away | 03:26 |
^thehatsrule^ | F0CUS, maybe its your mp3 codec? | 03:26 |
limer | yep, I can tell the diff already :D | 03:27 |
hybrid_goth | back | 03:27 |
rapha | Erm | 03:27 |
rapha | Maybe he didn't | 03:27 |
rapha | crimsun_: I did as you told me, what now? | 03:27 |
crimsun_ | rapha: I'm only half-here, since I'm still finishing some things at work | 03:27 |
=== Orunitia [~asdf@69-172-23-123.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rapha | crimsun_: Sure no prob... you told me to sudo aptitude install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential alsa-source | 03:27 |
F0CUS | hmm... I dont thI have changed the codec since before but i will try updating... 1 sec | 03:27 |
limer | crimsun_, when you have a moment. could you send me that alt. to CTRL+ALT+Backspace again | 03:27 |
Orunitia | right, when I install ubuntu, gdm goes to start up and then my system just freezes, any ideas what's going wrong? | 03:28 |
foxiness | welcome back hybrid_goth | 03:28 |
hybrid_goth | can you play bzflag if you are in text mode | 03:28 |
crimsun_ | limer: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart | 03:28 |
hybrid_goth | foxiness: ty | 03:28 |
limer | thx, accidental window close last time :D | 03:28 |
foxiness | hybrid_goth, ty? | 03:28 |
hybrid_goth | foxiness: thank you | 03:28 |
hybrid_goth | for welcoming me :D | 03:29 |
foxiness | hybrid_goth, you welcome :) | 03:29 |
crimsun_ | rapha: cd /usr/src && sudo tar xfj alsa-driver.tar.bz2 && cd modules/alsa-driver && sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-source | 03:29 |
crimsun_ | rapha: choose "no" to PnP, "yes" to debug, and the via82xx driver | 03:29 |
rapha | Okay | 03:29 |
foxiness | hybrid_goth, next time it will be wy than dont ask me what is it ;q | 03:29 |
Razor-X | hmmmm | 03:29 |
crimsun_ | rapha: then, sudo debian/rules binary_modules KSRC=/usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r) KVERS=$(uname -r) | 03:29 |
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=== linuxn00b [~xquizit@d66-183-135-155.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
garnertr | deuce, well I'm waiting for it, maybe it will fix my dvd issue! :) har har har... I do like ubuntu, would like to make it my distro for use... :) | 03:30 |
Razor-X | what form of Linux would run on a EBGA processor? | 03:30 |
hybrid_goth | foxiness: heh | 03:30 |
chrissturm | i entered a wrong password in thunderbird. now i get login failed, but it doesnt ask me again for a password... | 03:30 |
limer | anyone know a good site with a tutorial for ubuntu and mythtv? | 03:30 |
garnertr | but then again, if it doesn't there are so many to choose from! :) | 03:30 |
hybrid_goth | Razor-X: what is it | 03:30 |
foxiness | hybrid_goth, did you knwo what is this "/exec -o dpkg -l libc6 | tail -n 1" "dont try it please" | 03:30 |
linuxn00b | hey guys, I got a prob with my DVD transcode says there is no /dev/dvd but my other CD-rom is read just fine as /dev/cdrom what can I do to get my dvd to be seen? | 03:30 |
deuce868 | garnertr: plenty to choose from, just as long as they are debian based :-) | 03:31 |
Razor-X | hybrid_goth: it's an included proc for a mini-ATX board that's 17 cm x 17 cm | 03:31 |
garnertr | ahhhh I see a slight tug towards debian eh? :) | 03:31 |
garnertr | ;) | 03:31 |
=== DETOXv [madd@pool-70-21-193-228.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Orunitia | right, when I install ubuntu, gdm goes to start up and then my system just freezes, any ideas what's going wrong? | 03:31 |
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hybrid_goth | Razor-X: lfs would for sure and maybe uClinux | 03:31 |
=== Dethread [~Dethread@24-205-231-52.slo-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | and so, i'ld like to work a really mini form of Linux on this | 03:31 |
deuce868 | garnertr: tried SuSE 9.3 for a weekend and came running back | 03:31 |
hybrid_goth | foxiness: ni idea | 03:31 |
Razor-X | I was thinking uClinux | 03:31 |
hybrid_goth | me too | 03:31 |
count0nz | myth for ubuntu stuff === http://www.cs.rit.edu/~css8044/?q=mythtv | 03:31 |
hybrid_goth | foxiness: **no | 03:32 |
garnertr | really? I played w/ the live cd and it seemed pretty k-rad k-kewl. What didn't you like? (if its a ton, just the basic stuff...) | 03:32 |
egg|broken | $_$ | 03:32 |
Razor-X | uClinux is compiled on install, right? | 03:32 |
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egg|broken | value $0 | 03:32 |
foxiness | hybrid_goth, thanks | 03:32 |
hybrid_goth | np | 03:32 |
Razor-X | or do I have to compile it for the proc manually? | 03:32 |
rapha | crimsun_: It finished | 03:32 |
hybrid_goth | Razor-X: depends | 03:32 |
deuce868 | garnertr: took me four hours to get wireless settings to stay put, I had to install off the dvd each time and then run an update | 03:32 |
crimsun_ | rapha: sudo dpkg -i ../*.deb | 03:32 |
hybrid_goth | Razor-X: dslinux you had to compile it | 03:32 |
rapha | crimsun_: Should I dpkg -i the resulting .deb now? | 03:32 |
rapha | Okay | 03:32 |
garnertr | yikes | 03:32 |
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limer | count0nz, danke | 03:33 |
tizen | deuce868: got it working, but had to come up with my own solution... So I think for some reason my system is unique | 03:33 |
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=== CerBerO_ [~CerBerO@pc-138-47-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deuce868 | garnertr: felt it was very sluggish and just a pain to get a working web dev for me | 03:33 |
deuce868 | tizen: congrats, what did you have to do? | 03:33 |
garnertr | I haven't eventouched my wireless yet, I figure if I can get the bloody dvd to work, THEN I'll work on that wireless issue... :) | 03:33 |
rapha | crimsun_: My volume control applet just had to be reloaded ... I recon that's good? :) | 03:33 |
hybrid_goth | Razor-X: if some has it compiled for the proc you can use that but other ways i believe you got to compile but idk for sure not much uCLinux work | 03:33 |
deuce868 | garnertr: ha, forget dvd I NEED my wireless...nothing like dev work from the couch :-) | 03:33 |
tizen | for some reason the correct font files for me are in /usr/share/X11 and not /usr/X11R6/lib/X11 | 03:33 |
tizen | i dunno, i'm gonna keep trying to figure it out | 03:33 |
Razor-X | this box will be 533 mhz with 32 MB of RAM | 03:34 |
crimsun_ | rapha: yeah, if it didn't spit out any errors | 03:34 |
deuce868 | tizen: there were some more font related threads in the forums you might look at, that one was just the longest one | 03:34 |
hybrid_goth | Razor-X: gentoo? linuxfromscratch? | 03:34 |
rapha | crimsun_: Damn, I think I should have enabled my TV cards audio driver | 03:34 |
deuce868 | tizen: had hoped it had your info for you | 03:34 |
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tizen | yeah, it was close | 03:34 |
Razor-X | not Gentoo, too bloated | 03:34 |
tizen | I'm gonna have to look this up | 03:34 |
drcode | hi all | 03:34 |
Razor-X | I need a simple kernel and bootup | 03:34 |
garnertr | interesting, the livecd I played w/ (9.3 I think) worked nice, for my laptop, some distros crawl some fly like the wind... fortunately Ubuntu is a flyer! :) ahhh wireless fr the couch what a drveam | 03:34 |
tizen | now that i have a gui | 03:34 |
tizen | lol | 03:34 |
garnertr | dream | 03:34 |
Razor-X | which has to be lightning fast | 03:34 |
garnertr | har har | 03:34 |
Razor-X | to run only one program | 03:34 |
hybrid_goth | Razor-X: lfs if you got the time other then that uCLinux maybe a cli only distro | 03:35 |
Razor-X | and that's it | 03:35 |
drcode | I move to linux and I mast say that ms is primitve vs linux | 03:35 |
deuce868 | garnertr: then again, I'm just not easy to please...even ubuntu and debian distros frustrate me at times | 03:35 |
=== jerome__ [~jerome@modemcable051.163-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hybrid_goth | Razor-X: no multitaskin? | 03:35 |
garnertr | Deuce, since you stated debian based, any others that you fancy? | 03:35 |
crimsun_ | rapha: sure. You can always clean /usr/src/modules/alsa-driver, then dpkg-reconfigure alsa-source, and redo the compilation | 03:35 |
Razor-X | hybrid_goth: nope | 03:35 |
hybrid_goth | drcode: i second that | 03:35 |
F0CUS | Playing MP3's sounds really crappy, does anyone know what it may be? I have tried various programs XMMS and Music player... It's only when I play Music, I have tried a movie and it's fine | 03:35 |
jerome__ | hi is there any way to change the font of the clock applet ?? | 03:35 |
deuce868 | garnertr: I'm using libranet on a laptop now, Ubuntu on a desktop and I used to have mepis on my laptop | 03:35 |
Razor-X | it'll be one application i'll run with, preferably, BASH | 03:35 |
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deuce868 | garnertr: and the servers are required to stay plain headless debian | 03:36 |
garnertr | how do you like libranet? | 03:36 |
Razor-X | i'm hoping I can fit all this on say... an 8 MB flash card | 03:36 |
hybrid_goth | Razor-X: well lfs would be good b/c you can make it to do exactly that program if it is to be embedded | 03:36 |
Razor-X | ahhhh, I see | 03:36 |
hybrid_goth | Razor-X: so it is not embedded? | 03:36 |
=== beyond [~beyond@200-158-185-71.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | well, it will be embedded | 03:36 |
deuce868 | garnertr: it's nice, adminmenu is nice, but it's not as clean as ubuntu...EVERYTHING gets installed to get it all working | 03:36 |
hybrid_goth | Razor-X: then lfs would make it simple and easy | 03:36 |
Razor-X | cool ;) | 03:36 |
deuce868 | garnertr: a bit more behind as it follows debian a bit closer than ubuntu as well | 03:37 |
Razor-X | how much space you think I can fit it in? | 03:37 |
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hybrid_goth | Razor-X: kinda drawn out but it will be *perfect* for _you_ | 03:37 |
garnertr | I see, thanks for the info... always nice to chat w/ other distro's... :) | 03:37 |
hybrid_goth | Razor-X: depends on drivers and such daemons | 03:37 |
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Razor-X | no daemons, remember? | 03:37 |
Razor-X | no video drivers | 03:38 |
jerome__ | is there any way to change the font used for the CLOCK applet in gnome, or is there a better clock applet somewhere ?? | 03:38 |
Razor-X | a sound driver | 03:38 |
deuce868 | garnertr: every year I get closer to happy...got rid of my last windows box this month so getting close | 03:38 |
Razor-X | no USB drivers | 03:38 |
Razor-X | and no PS/2 drivers | 03:38 |
hybrid_goth | Razor-X: the custom kernel is almost very small | 03:38 |
Razor-X | all i'll need are sound drivers | 03:38 |
deuce868 | jerome__: you might see if gdesklets work for you ok if you have the extra cpu/ram | 03:38 |
hybrid_goth | i would say compiled prolly < 7 mb | 03:38 |
Razor-X | nice ;) | 03:38 |
=== t [~msumu@58.169.99-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | how fast you think it can bootup in? | 03:38 |
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deuce868 | jerome__: the font should be defined in your settings though I would think | 03:39 |
garnertr | yeah, I'D like to do that myself, I bet in 5-years Linux will be a real looker, I know some ppl find the gui stuff and the movement away fr command-line some kind of evil sin, but if you want to beat msft, you have to.. but still keep if for the techies... | 03:39 |
hybrid_goth | Razor-X: way way faster then ubuntu | 03:39 |
Razor-X | hehe, I know | 03:39 |
hybrid_goth | Razor-X: think of the lil it has to load | 03:39 |
jerome__ | deuce: right but i want it to be different than the system's | 03:39 |
Razor-X | but, the closer to instantaneous bootup, the better | 03:39 |
rapha | crimsun_: Okay, now I got no volume control anymore on the panel. alsamixer doesn't show "Master" and "PCM" anymore | 03:39 |
Razor-X | I'm hoping it can do it in < 1 sec | 03:39 |
hybrid_goth | Razor-X: lfs depends on you. if you dont have much it will load fast | 03:40 |
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deuce868 | garnertr: yea, but I think "beating MS" is the wrong goal. I like Linux because of the command line (prolly #1 reason I hate sitting behind a MS machine any more) | 03:40 |
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Razor-X | that's cool | 03:40 |
hybrid_goth | Razor-X: jw what will this emmbeded system do | 03:40 |
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Razor-X | a music box | 03:40 |
Razor-X | for all intents and purposes, on the outside, it will be a music box | 03:40 |
hybrid_goth | Razor-X: so like mplayer all the time | 03:40 |
Razor-X | with one MP3 (because I don't want to burden anything with MIDI libraries, and such) | 03:40 |
deuce868 | garnertr: just making stuff work is the way to go and let people determine the product based on requested needs...it'll get there | 03:40 |
Razor-X | I hear there's a Linux MP3 plyr that takes 1 MB of RAM + the amount for the MP3 | 03:41 |
hybrid_goth | Razor-X: so like start up mplayer * | 03:41 |
Razor-X | *player | 03:41 |
beyond | Hi all, I installed ubuntu hoary here in my computer and I'm having a weird problem. my X is working properly but mouse pointer is moving slow, very slow. It seems that my xorg.conf settings is ok because I'm using the same settings I used before in ubuntu version 4. Any help ? | 03:41 |
=== velo|gfx [~Miranda@83-65-240-212.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | that's pretty much it, really | 03:41 |
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velo|gfx | ello | 03:41 |
Razor-X | that's why, I just need kernel + sound drivers | 03:41 |
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Razor-X | and absolutely nothing else | 03:41 |
garnertr | well I feel ya, I'm slowly finding it hard/harder to use a msft box, my fav is arguing w/ my it ppl stating thta I need a virus proggy on my laptop in oder to use it in the work space, but I keep telling them to name me actual viruses that affect my platform and they name only msft viruses.. :) | 03:41 |
hybrid_goth | Razor-X: well it will be small and if it is playin one song over and over it will be fast | 03:41 |
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Razor-X | yeahp, that's what it'll do | 03:41 |
hybrid_goth | Razor-X: linuxfromscratch.org | 03:42 |
Razor-X | ok | 03:42 |
=== Laforge [~chatzilla@ip68-4-204-85.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hybrid_goth | Razor-X: good luck and have fun | 03:42 |
deuce868 | garnertr: even when I had MS on I didn't use AV, caused more probs than they solved...smart & up2date users could keep safe | 03:42 |
mpt | Newbie question: Is it usual on Linux/Unix for /etc/passwd to be world-readable like it is in Ubuntu? (I know the file doesn't contain passwords, but it contains other users' phone numbers, etc) | 03:42 |
=== drb [~docbrown@c-24-20-78-179.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Laforge | is there where i can get help on an IRC for Ubuntu? | 03:42 |
Razor-X | power will be managed by a depressable switch, if the lid closes, the box will get it's power cut, if the box opens, the power flows | 03:42 |
hybrid_goth | Razor-X: should be quite easy concludin no drivers no internet | 03:42 |
Razor-X | that's why I need an almost instantaneous bootup | 03:42 |
deuce868 | garnertr: of course most users aren't that way so my servers run AV all over the place lol | 03:42 |
drb | hehe. this is fun. deb unstable -> hoary+backports | 03:42 |
Razor-X | yeah, no internet, of course | 03:42 |
garnertr | hehehehhee, yeah, its always fun to argue.. :) | 03:42 |
Laforge | ok well i will just ask | 03:43 |
hybrid_goth | Razor-X: yea it should be fast | 03:43 |
Laforge | has anyone gotten the X Server error? | 03:43 |
hybrid_goth | lightweight | 03:43 |
crimsun_ | Laforge: this is the sanctioned channel, yes. | 03:43 |
Laforge | after an install | 03:43 |
garnertr | yup, sometimes you have too, got to cover your butt... ppl are lazy anyway, if they know thta someone else will do the job, they'll expect to be done by someone else | 03:43 |
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deuce868 | Laforge: and the error is?? | 03:44 |
garnertr | laforge, I can honestly say that my issues have never centered around x | 03:44 |
Laforge | one sec | 03:44 |
garnertr | but you might want to provide more detailed information for some of the smarter ppl here to answer ya | 03:44 |
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Razor-X | hmmm, what's the CUPS password in Ubuntu? | 03:44 |
Laforge | lol yea i need to get to it | 03:44 |
=== hybrid_goth cant say X is aq piority let alone a problem | ||
Fitzsimmons | hi all. What usually sets the enviornment variable LC_ALL? | 03:44 |
Fitzsimmons | because it is setting it incorrectly | 03:45 |
=== HrdwrBoB [~matt@bob.is.teh.admin.at.vicnet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | errr, nevermind | 03:45 |
benplaut | what the? i just got 13 updates?!? | 03:45 |
deuce868 | hybrid_goth: come on...how else to run tuxracer :-) | 03:45 |
^thehatsrule^ | fun! | 03:45 |
=== Tron|Borg [~ubuntu@dsl-80-41-93-62.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Laforge | Ok here is my error | 03:45 |
Tron|Borg | hello :D | 03:45 |
garnertr | tron borg? funny | 03:46 |
Tron|Borg | lol | 03:46 |
Tron|Borg | you like it? | 03:46 |
deuce868 | Tron|Borg: interesting 70s/90s combo | 03:46 |
Laforge | I cannot start the X server (your graphical interface). It is likely that it is not set up correctly. Would you like to view the X server output to diagnose the problem? | 03:46 |
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hybrid_goth | deuce868: heh i juss wanna play bzflag thats all i need a gui for | 03:46 |
Tron|Borg | it is? I didnt know that myself | 03:46 |
garnertr | tb, yes I do like it | 03:46 |
deuce868 | laforge: say yes :-) need the output | 03:46 |
=== hybrid_goth loves his cli enviroment | ||
Tron|Borg | thanks deuce | 03:46 |
Laforge | Ok here we go | 03:46 |
Tron|Borg | guess what, I have good news | 03:46 |
garnertr | love the light cycle...vrrrrrrmmmmmmmmm | 03:46 |
deuce868 | hybrid_goth: never heard of bzflag | 03:46 |
chrissturm | anyone know how i can clear the password in thunderbird? | 03:47 |
hybrid_goth | deuce868: nice tank game you can play over the internet | 03:47 |
Tron|Borg | two of my hard drives have failed.... | 03:47 |
garnertr | ok, do tell what is the good news | 03:47 |
garnertr | did you save money on your car insurance? | 03:47 |
Tron|Borg | lol | 03:47 |
Laforge | X window System Version 6.8.2 (Ubuntu 6.8.2-10 20050405154308 root@terranova.warthogs.hbd.com) | 03:47 |
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Tron|Borg | thankfully i dont have a car | 03:47 |
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hybrid_goth | chrissturm: should be in account options passwd or sumthing similair | 03:47 |
deuce868 | Tron|Borg always get diff drives in diff batches | 03:47 |
Laforge | Release Date: 9 Feburar 2005 | 03:47 |
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Tron|Borg | really? | 03:48 |
Tron|Borg | crap | 03:48 |
Tron|Borg | *sob* | 03:48 |
Laforge | X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 6.8.2 | 03:48 |
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`helix | how to upgrade to Breezy Badger | 03:48 |
deuce868 | Tron|Borg: yea, sys admin stuff I read says if you're getting two drives from same batch very likely they die same time | 03:48 |
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Tron|Borg | I'm not sure what has happened, I could be wrong but.... | 03:48 |
`helix | under sources.list | 03:48 |
crimsun_ | Laforge: please use #flood or http://pastebin.com | 03:48 |
crimsun_ | `helix: please see the topic, thanks | 03:48 |
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hybrid_goth | bodhi: dont know what name to use? | 03:48 |
Tron|Borg | i'm glad you know your stuff | 03:48 |
Fitzsimmons | anyone? what sets the locale environment variables? | 03:48 |
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deuce868 | Tron|Borg: so you're not sure they're dead? or you know they are dead? | 03:49 |
BrettMeister | Does anyone know why my dvd would not auto-unmount a while ago? Really irritating. It auto-mounted. | 03:49 |
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crimsun_ | BrettMeister: it was a hotplug issue that has since been corrected | 03:49 |
Tron|Borg | I installed ubuntu but in the startup | 03:49 |
hybrid_goth | whats coldplug | 03:49 |
hybrid_goth | ? | 03:49 |
Tron|Borg | it gave me the error: | 03:49 |
Tron|Borg | Buffer I/O error on device hdb, logical block 1 | 03:50 |
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Tron|Borg | then logical block 2, and so on | 03:50 |
Tron|Borg | also dm-3 | 03:50 |
BrettMeister | crimsun_: Thanks for the info. This happened just a while ago tonight. You mean it just now got fixed? | 03:50 |
crimsun_ | BrettMeister: no, sorry, I'm referring to a different problem. | 03:50 |
crimsun_ | BrettMeister: usb mass storage (scsi) | 03:50 |
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Adyeths | why would fontforge cause my computer to lock up? | 03:51 |
=== Adyeths kix fontforge | ||
BrettMeister | crimsun_: Thanks. | 03:51 |
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_simple | i'm installing kubuntu-desktop, will i be prompted which desktop i can choose from between gnome and kde? | 03:52 |
Tron|Borg | kubuntu is just KDE | 03:52 |
Tron|Borg | yay I helped | 03:52 |
hybrid_goth | lol | 03:52 |
deuce868 | _simple: once you get one running you can install the other | 03:52 |
_simple | say what? | 03:52 |
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nomasteryoda | _simple, it comes with Gnome | 03:52 |
_simple | yes | 03:53 |
nomasteryoda | you have to download kde | 03:53 |
hybrid_goth | _simple: kubuntu has kde but when you install you can apt gnome | 03:53 |
_simple | ubuntu comes with gnome | 03:53 |
_simple | i am doing that now | 03:53 |
hybrid_goth | nomasteryoda: hey whats happening | 03:53 |
nomasteryoda | the choice is at bottom | 03:53 |
_simple | what i mean is after install when i reboot | 03:53 |
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nomasteryoda | of screen | 03:53 |
_simple | will i be able to pick from gnome or kde? | 03:53 |
nomasteryoda | hey hybrid_goth | 03:53 |
nomasteryoda | yea | 03:53 |
deuce868 | _simple: once you get jubuntu installed look for documents to help install gnome | 03:53 |
nomasteryoda | _simple, yes | 03:53 |
deuce868 | _simple: errr...kubuntu | 03:53 |
_simple | or will it boot to a command prompt and i pick like startx or startkde | 03:53 |
_simple | no i have ubuntu installed | 03:53 |
hybrid_goth | deuce868: jubuntu? wow what de is that | 03:53 |
hybrid_goth | :p | 03:53 |
nomasteryoda | _simple, it will be graphical | 03:53 |
_simple | alright thanks (: | 03:53 |
Tron|Borg | any idea what the average life span of a hard drive? | 03:54 |
Tron|Borg | is | 03:54 |
_simple | just curious before finding out for myself :D | 03:54 |
deuce868 | hybrid_goth: if you take Sun's JDS and mix it with Ubuntu :-) | 03:54 |
Tron|Borg | maxtor have let me down :'( | 03:54 |
hybrid_goth | deuce868: oh i thot it was jde jacka- well nvm | 03:54 |
hybrid_goth | (: | 03:54 |
deuce868 | Tron|Borg: go by the warranty, go at least 3 years...after that no promises | 03:55 |
garnertr | I've got hd's that are years old and still working great | 03:55 |
Tron|Borg | i suppose i just got a bad batch | 03:55 |
garnertr | but I've got good backups too.. :) | 03:55 |
Tron|Borg | i dont keep any lol | 03:55 |
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deuce868 | Tron|Borg always the hardest lesson, do you have another machine? | 03:55 |
garnertr | well mine are just avi's from the net, not great loss if they are gone... | 03:55 |
scorpix | how can i view images in the terminal without installing xserver? | 03:55 |
Tron|Borg | no, but i do have another drive | 03:56 |
hybrid_goth | fbi | 03:56 |
Tron|Borg | lol | 03:56 |
hybrid_goth | xv | 03:56 |
=== galactic2 [~mgorbach@pcp07745597pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hybrid_goth | scorpix: ^ | 03:56 |
galactic2 | cab someone help me with an ubuntu install issue? | 03:56 |
Tron|Borg | luckily my important data is on my newer hard drive | 03:56 |
deuce868 | hybrid_goth: what is fbi xv? | 03:56 |
Tron|Borg | slightly prepared | 03:56 |
deuce868 | Tron|Borg, external firewire drive is my best friend | 03:56 |
hybrid_goth | deuce868: fbi lets you veiw jpg in cli and xv is another img veiwer | 03:56 |
Tron|Borg | yea? | 03:56 |
Tron|Borg | i've got 2 firewire ports | 03:57 |
Tron|Borg | sounds like fun. | 03:57 |
deuce868 | hybrid_goth: ah, learn something new every day | 03:57 |
scorpix | hybrid_goth: ? | 03:57 |
hybrid_goth | scorpix: use fbi or xv | 03:57 |
deuce868 | Tron|Borg: yea, keep a copy on it and use Unison to sync the copies...auto backup | 03:57 |
Tron|Borg | firewire is faster than USB2 no? | 03:57 |
hybrid_goth | deuce868: i have learned alot in cli | 03:57 |
hybrid_goth | yes | 03:57 |
deuce868 | Tron|Borg: and then the external firewire makes for quick transfers to other machines when needed | 03:58 |
Tron|Borg | unison, is that a linux app? | 03:58 |
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Tron|Borg | great | 03:58 |
deuce868 | Tron|Borg: it works in many environments | 03:58 |
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Tron|Borg | thanks for the tip | 03:58 |
hybrid_goth | Tron|Borg: it is like an oversized thumbdrive for firewire | 03:58 |
hybrid_goth | :P | 03:58 |
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Tron|Borg | hehe | 03:59 |
F0CUS | HEY! I need help, All my MP3's sounds really crappy! I have tried .WAV files and OGG and they are fine, it is just MP3's | 03:59 |
deuce868 | hybrid_goth: know of any good sites for picking up vi tips then? | 03:59 |
hybrid_goth | deuce868: vi-improved.org/tutorial.html | 03:59 |
Tron|Borg | FOCUS: are they very low bitrate? | 03:59 |
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hybrid_goth | maybe .com | 03:59 |
hybrid_goth | F0CUS: convert to ogg it is OSS anyway | 04:00 |
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Laforge | http://pastebin.com/286376 that is where the error file is | 04:00 |
limer | F0CUS: is this in xmms? | 04:00 |
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deuce868 | hybrid_goth: changed to tutorial.php :-) | 04:00 |
Laforge | for duce868 | 04:00 |
hybrid_goth | deuce868: i thot | 04:00 |
hybrid_goth | wasnt for sure | 04:00 |
hybrid_goth | q: | 04:00 |
F0CUS | limer: all apps | 04:01 |
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Tron|Borg | i'm going to jump on these hard drives | 04:01 |
deuce868 | laforge: do you have a screens section in your xorg.conf? and Is there a default screen set? | 04:01 |
meuserj | I have problem compiling a kernal on an amd64 machine using make-kpkg | 04:01 |
kev2123 | hey folks, does anyone know how i can read of the temoperature of my CPU in ubuntu? | 04:01 |
Tron|Borg | actually, i'll play with the insides first | 04:01 |
F0CUS | Tron|Borg: no, they sounded fine in windows, they are >190Kps | 04:01 |
Laforge | what do you mean? | 04:01 |
meuserj | it keeps giving me "dpkg-architecture: warning: Unknown gcc system type amd64-linux, falling back to default (native compilation)" | 04:02 |
Tron|Borg | oh | 04:02 |
elfog | e ai biscataiada | 04:02 |
meuserj | and then says that it doesn't think it's in the top of a kernel source tree.. which it is of course. | 04:02 |
F0CUS | hybrid_goth: I dont want to convert all my mp3 to ogg.... | 04:02 |
Tron|Borg | FOCUS: ok, I dont know enough about linux to suggest anything useful :) sorry | 04:02 |
meuserj | this is 2.6.11.. using breezy | 04:02 |
F0CUS | lol | 04:02 |
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meuserj | anyone have any clues? | 04:03 |
hybrid_goth | meuserj: why the new kernel? | 04:03 |
ReD | anyone wanna help me out? i need to install video drivers... | 04:03 |
benplaut | ReD: what video card do you have? | 04:03 |
ReD | i'm using onboard | 04:04 |
hybrid_goth | ReD: be more specific plz | 04:04 |
Tron|Borg | cant wait for fedora 4 :D | 04:04 |
Tron|Borg | whos with me | 04:04 |
benplaut | Intel onboard? | 04:04 |
=== hybrid_goth cant wait for grumpy | ||
F0CUS | HEY! I need help, All my MP3's sounds really crappy! I have tried .WAV files and OGG and they are fine, it is just MP3's. I have tried XMMS, Music Player | 04:04 |
ReD | ( hybrid_goth ) i can only select one resolution | 04:04 |
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Amaranth | Tron|Borg: Not me. :) | 04:04 |
hybrid_goth | q: | 04:04 |
Tron|Borg | lol | 04:04 |
ReD | ( benplaut ) yep | 04:04 |
elkid | hello, can somebody tell wich is the package for the famd daemon plz? | 04:04 |
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meuserj | hybrid_goth: because I have a DVD burner that only will burn regular CD's with that kernel. | 04:05 |
hybrid_goth | meuserj: ah | 04:05 |
qko | hello | 04:05 |
ReD | Intel 82845G/82865G | 04:05 |
hybrid_goth | hi | 04:05 |
nickrud | elkid, fam | 04:05 |
qko | i have a question | 04:05 |
deuce868 | meuserj: you have the dvd utils package installed? | 04:05 |
Tron|Borg | hi qko | 04:05 |
qko | hi | 04:06 |
hybrid_goth | heh | 04:06 |
limer | what does xmms use to decode mp3s? mad | 04:06 |
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qko | sorry for my poor english | 04:06 |
Tron|Borg | its good english so far ! | 04:06 |
elkid | nickrud, r u sure, because it shows me like 30 packages to install and i allready have gnome-panel etc.. | 04:06 |
hybrid_goth | qko: np | 04:06 |
qko | jeje | 04:06 |
deuce868 | meuserj: dvd+rw-tools | 04:06 |
F0CUS | PLEASE HELP! All my MP3's sounds really crappy! I have tried .WAV files and OGG and they are fine, it is just MP3's. I have tried XMMS, Music Player | 04:06 |
qko | im from spain | 04:06 |
hybrid_goth | qko: if we can make it out we will help q: | 04:06 |
qko | Asturias | 04:06 |
hybrid_goth | qko: i belive there is a spanish channel #ubuntu-es | 04:07 |
F0CUS | I have already reinstalled libmp3hip0 in synaptic | 04:07 |
ReD | http://downloadfinder.intel.com/scripts-df-external/Filter_Results.aspx?strOSs=39&strTypes=DRV,ARC&ProductID=865&OSFullName=Linux* i've tried both with no joy | 04:07 |
Laforge | deuce868: What is xorg.conf? | 04:07 |
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nickrud | elkid, gamin is what ubuntu-desktop pulls in, fam is the old monitor. On my system, it wants to uninstall a whole lot | 04:07 |
meuserj | deuce868: it has nothing to do with dvd burning... dvd's burn just fine.. but there is a problem burning cd's... I researched it, and for regular cd support, I need kernel 11 | 04:07 |
limer | F0CUS: have you tried running something like mpg321 at the cli? | 04:07 |
xenoxaos | does anyone know of any ncurses binaries for warty? | 04:07 |
deuce868 | meuserj: ah, thought it was the other way around | 04:07 |
qko | In Synaptic it says me that i have 13 paks broken | 04:08 |
qko | but I cant install it | 04:08 |
F0CUS | limer: what is mpg321? | 04:08 |
elkid | nickrud, and whats the init.d file for it? i have installed it but ... | 04:08 |
meuserj | so.. does anyone have experiece with the above error? | 04:08 |
limer | F0CUS: sudo apt-get install mpg321 | 04:08 |
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nickrud | elkid, just what are you after, you don't really need fam anymore | 04:09 |
F0CUS | ah, its the cli command | 04:09 |
F0CUS | I got that | 04:09 |
limer | F0CUS: command line mp3 player | 04:09 |
F0CUS | let me try | 04:09 |
galactic2 | cab someone help me with an ubuntu install issue? | 04:09 |
meuserj | "dpkg-architecture: warning: Unknown gcc system type amd64-linux, falling back to default (native compilation)" when compiling a kernel on amd64 with make-kpkg? | 04:09 |
F0CUS | Ihave it, 1 sec | 04:09 |
galactic2 | im trying to dual boot | 04:09 |
limer | this may do nothing, but I'm curious as xmms seems to use the "other" mpg123 | 04:09 |
Tron|Borg | galactic2: whats up | 04:09 |
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aj_ | Does anyone know where the equivilant of the .bashrc file is in slackware? | 04:09 |
JairunCaloth | r | 04:09 |
hybrid_goth | ~/.bashrc | 04:09 |
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galactic2 | im running xp on an NVRAID array using my motherboard, and im trying to put linux on a seperate third SATA hdd | 04:10 |
aj_ | Not there. | 04:10 |
hybrid_goth | o_0 | 04:10 |
galactic2 | i got through the first install routine | 04:10 |
aj_ | I already checked. | 04:10 |
hybrid_goth | welll do you mean in ubuntu or slack? | 04:10 |
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aj_ | I mean in slack. | 04:10 |
galactic2 | it said to wait till linux boots, and of course linux didnt boot but windows did instead (it booted from the RAID array) | 04:10 |
hybrid_goth | well ask #slackware maybe? | 04:10 |
limer | aj_: updatedb && locate bashrc | 04:10 |
galactic2 | i forced the bios to boot from the linux hdd and it says inset system disk | 04:10 |
hayden | is there a way to change the default xfce login screen without installing gnome or kde | 04:10 |
deuce868 | does slack use bash? | 04:10 |
limer | aj_: sudo first, sry :P | 04:10 |
thr1ce | yes, slack uses bashj | 04:11 |
thr1ce | bash | 04:11 |
elkid | nickrud, ok, but how do i make to it runs and update my nautilus like famd used to? | 04:11 |
Tron|Borg | galactic2: where did you install grub | 04:11 |
aj_ | Ok. thanks. | 04:11 |
aj_ | join #slack | 04:11 |
galactic2 | i dont know it never asked anything for some reason | 04:11 |
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galactic2 | no questions on where the bootloader should go | 04:11 |
Tron|Borg | galactic2: try booting from your first hdd/array. | 04:12 |
Tron|Borg | it could have installed to the MBR | 04:12 |
computerguy867 | does anyone know anything about setting up your own http file server? | 04:12 |
galactic2 | yeah i can boot from the first array, it goes to windows | 04:12 |
galactic2 | without a hitch | 04:12 |
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galactic2 | but no linux | 04:12 |
Tron|Borg | oh right | 04:12 |
computerguy867 | on your desktop | 04:12 |
elkid | ok, how do i make nautilus update like it used to do with famd? | 04:12 |
deuce868 | computerguy867: with webdav or with scp or ftp or what? | 04:12 |
Tron|Borg | or apache :D | 04:12 |
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computerguy867 | i said http | 04:12 |
nickrud | elkid, if ps -A | grep gam-server | 04:13 |
galactic2 | any suggestions? | 04:13 |
Tron|Borg | *says apache lots* | 04:13 |
nickrud | elkid, exists, you will get updates in nautilus | 04:13 |
limer | anything I should know before screwing myself with 'nvtv' guys? | 04:13 |
Tron|Borg | sorry galactic2, i cant say i know | 04:13 |
deuce868 | computerguy867: so I repeat...how are you getting files up there and they get them down? webdav, scp, ftp etc | 04:13 |
ReD | anyone gonna help me? lol | 04:13 |
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galactic2 | should there be a question is setup regarding where to put grub or lilo? | 04:13 |
galactic2 | it seems like it didnt even put the bootloader on | 04:14 |
computerguy867 | hmmm, Im not really sure what Im doing but I want to be able to securely access any files i want from my desktop using any browser | 04:14 |
Tron|Borg | X-Chat is making noises lol | 04:14 |
elkid | nickrud, isnt running | 04:14 |
computerguy867 | (web browser) | 04:14 |
nickrud | elkid, when that happens, I killall nautilus, and it comes back, as a rule | 04:14 |
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drcode | HI all | 04:15 |
deuce868 | computerguy867: and how do the files get onto the server? All you need to download it apache running with ssl with htacess for that | 04:15 |
drcode | is there cms soft for linux that is better then Microsft CMS? | 04:15 |
computerguy867 | deuce866: Ok cool thanks | 04:15 |
computerguy867 | deuce866: So thats secure? | 04:16 |
deuce868 | computerguy867: if it's over https it will be | 04:16 |
drcode | at work we use MS CMS , the linux have also somthing like that? | 04:16 |
computerguy867 | deuce866: Whats https? | 04:16 |
deuce868 | drcode: customer or content management system? | 04:16 |
deuce868 | computerguy867: apache with ssl | 04:16 |
drcode | content MAnagment system | 04:16 |
hayden | is there a way to change the default xfce login screen without installing gnome or kde | 04:16 |
computerguy867 | deuce866: Ok | 04:16 |
deuce868 | drcode: I really like mamboserver.com, can also try xoops | 04:17 |
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drcode | thanx | 04:17 |
deuce868 | drcode: there are a bunch of CMS sites that review various web based packages | 04:17 |
drcode | I Will check it out | 04:17 |
computerguy867 | deuce866: And I could just configure any folders I want to be served on my computer? | 04:17 |
F0CUS | how do I stop the mp3 in mpg321 | 04:17 |
computerguy867 | deuce866: How does that work | 04:17 |
drcode | btw: U know the LIve COmmnucation server of ms | 04:17 |
drcode | or IBM sametime server | 04:17 |
drcode | is there somthing in linux ? | 04:18 |
F0CUS | limer: how do I stop the mp3 in mpg321 | 04:18 |
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computerguy867 | deuce866: Would I see my entire file structure in the browser? | 04:18 |
nickrud | F0CUS, control-c in the terminal | 04:19 |
elkid | nautilus still without updating itselft :( | 04:19 |
nickrud | elkid, still no gam_server? | 04:19 |
elkid | nickrud, /usr/lib/gamin/gam_server but doesnt work | 04:19 |
Laforge | deuce868 : http://pastebin.com/286377 that is the error i get for X server | 04:19 |
deuce868 | computerguy867: it's a bit complicated, you'd have to read up on https and such | 04:20 |
computerguy867 | deuce866: Ok, will do | 04:20 |
=== tekinlache [~msumu@58.169.99-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tekinlache | hi | 04:20 |
hayden | how do i install java 2 sdk ? | 04:20 |
deuce868 | laforge: can you open the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf and look for the word screen? | 04:20 |
computerguy867 | deuce866: I have one more question, do you know of any particular sites or howto's(besides just doing a google search) that have info | 04:21 |
subroot | hi hi, current gentoo user here interested in ubuntu | 04:21 |
deuce868 | computerguy867: I would either visit borders with and grab an orielly apache book or google my heart out | 04:21 |
subroot | anyone know how it is compared to gentoo? | 04:21 |
rapha | crimsun_: Hey, the recompilation didn't help with sound in Quake3 either | 04:21 |
nickrud | elkid, did you restart nautilus? | 04:21 |
Laforge | deuce868 : would i do like a open command | 04:21 |
subroot | like.. how they differ/are similar? | 04:21 |
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Laforge | deuce868 right now all i have is command line | 04:22 |
elkid | nickrud, no | 04:22 |
elkid | nickrud, what for | 04:22 |
deuce868 | laforge: try this pico /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 04:22 |
computerguy867 | deuce866: Ok, Thanks Alot! | 04:22 |
beyond | Hi all, I installed ubuntu hoary here in my computer and I'm having a weird problem. my X is working properly but mouse pointer is moving slow, very slow. It seems that my xorg.conf settings is ok because I'm using the same settings I used before in ubuntu version 4. xset m is not working here. Any help ? | 04:22 |
nickrud | elkid, try that, nautilus wants gam_server running, so when it restarts, it will restart the gam_server | 04:22 |
Laforge | deuce868 ok what am i looking for? | 04:22 |
deuce868 | laforge: the word screen | 04:22 |
computerguy867 | deuce866: I like that the ubuntu channel is frame free | 04:22 |
computerguy867 | deuce866: *flame | 04:23 |
elkid | nickrud, ok do i log out and get in again and done? | 04:23 |
deuce868 | laforge: your error says no screens found so it looks like you might be missing a screen section of your conf | 04:23 |
Laforge | ok | 04:23 |
deuce868 | subroot: I hear emerge and apt are similiar | 04:23 |
nickrud | elkid, in a terminal, killall nautilus. gnome-session will restart nautilus, and nautilus gam_server | 04:23 |
deuce868 | subroot: I think ubuntu is a different phil. for you. You install and start working right off the bat | 04:23 |
Laforge | deuce868 there is at the bottom things like ^W Where is, how do i access that | 04:23 |
deuce868 | laforge: those are control commands...so search is control->w | 04:24 |
thr1ce | ok...the best way to trick firefox into thinking it's 1.0.4? | 04:24 |
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Laforge | deuce868 ok i found section "screen" | 04:24 |
elkid | nickrud, i did and still doesnt update the files :( | 04:24 |
Laforge | deuce868 i have a default screen | 04:25 |
hayden | how can i install java 2 sdk 1.4.2_0x ? | 04:25 |
deuce868 | laforge: in your section called ServerLayout is there a screen setting? | 04:25 |
elkid | what was wrong with famd? it used to work fine why did they change it? | 04:25 |
Laforge | deuce868 there is a screen but no screen setting | 04:26 |
beyond | my mouse is actually working fine too. I tested in another computer | 04:26 |
elkid | to the gam server | 04:26 |
nickrud | elkid, /usr/share/doc/gamin/README | 04:26 |
xenoxaos | How do i get the naked people background that is no longer on the cds? | 04:26 |
_simple | gdm = gnome? | 04:26 |
deuce868 | laforge: ok try this...in that Server section add something like this | 04:26 |
benplaut | xenoxaos: you can probably just google "ubuntu calender" | 04:26 |
limer | _simple: man gdm | 04:27 |
deuce868 | laforge: Screen 0 "something" where something is the "Identifier" from the screen section | 04:27 |
_simple | eh? | 04:27 |
limer | I just did tonight :P | 04:27 |
limer | good ol' crimsun_ teachin me | 04:27 |
Tron|Borg | xenoxaos: hahaha which naked people | 04:27 |
Laforge | deuce868 ok so now do i restart? | 04:27 |
limer | _simple: gnome display manager | 04:28 |
benplaut | Tron|Borg: in warty, the ubuntu calender backgrounds were ...artistic... | 04:28 |
deuce868 | laforge: once that is set just try the command startx and you should either get X or an error | 04:28 |
xenoxaos | i remember there was some controversy over the backgrounds | 04:28 |
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wesw | how do you make the blonde naked? | 04:28 |
wesw | j/k | 04:28 |
deuce868 | yea April 1st was "interesting" to say the least when I did my updates | 04:28 |
benplaut | :rolleays: | 04:28 |
Laforge | deuce868 Ok i try to exit but i wont let me save | 04:28 |
Laforge | permission denied | 04:29 |
benplaut | deuce868: i remember that one... hehehe... | 04:29 |
limer | wesw: alcohol? | 04:29 |
thr1ce | noone knows how to change firefox to think it's 1.0.4 to get themes/extensions ? | 04:29 |
Tron|Borg | zZzZz, goodnight all !! | 04:29 |
_simple | alright sweet | 04:29 |
deuce868 | laforge: shoot, forgot you prolly weren't root | 04:29 |
wesw | perhaps a diamond? | 04:29 |
_simple | i think gdm will be the default sure | 04:29 |
=== Zer0G [~allstar@ool-182cf040.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
benplaut | thr1ce: just a sec... i'll find it | 04:29 |
deuce868 | laforge: you're going to have to exit and then run the command again with su so su pico /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 04:29 |
deuce868 | laforge: and make the change again | 04:29 |
Laforge | ok | 04:29 |
deuce868 | brb | 04:30 |
limer | wesw: no a diamond is when you can't get rid of her ;) | 04:30 |
elkid | nickrud, ok but is it like famd or how do ppl make it run like a daemon every time pc restart? | 04:30 |
Laforge | deuce868 do you mean sudo? | 04:30 |
=== RedNeck_ [~mIRC@adsl-68-74-126-168.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
deuce868 | laforge: yep, sorry | 04:30 |
benplaut | thr1ce:go to about:config | 04:30 |
benplaut | search for general.useragent.vendorSub | 04:30 |
benplaut | change it from 1.0 to 1.0.4 | 04:30 |
benplaut | and it should work | 04:30 |
RedNeck_ | hello | 04:30 |
benplaut | hello | 04:30 |
wesw | hi | 04:30 |
nickrud | elkid, it's always started for me, and when it failed, killing nautilus has brought it back. I've never needed to investigate any deeper ;( | 04:31 |
RedNeck_ | Does anyone know if there is a guide to build RPMs for Ubuntu? | 04:31 |
wesw | why RPM for Ubuntu? you don't like apt better? | 04:32 |
benplaut | RedNeck_: ubuntu is debian based, so it doesn't use RPM... it uses DEB | 04:32 |
hybrid_goth | alien | 04:32 |
nickrud | RedNeck_, http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/ | 04:32 |
RedNeck_ | well I wuold like to configure some of the packages | 04:32 |
thr1ce | benplaut, sweet, thanks man | 04:32 |
=== kev2123 [~kevblah@d36-100-226.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Laforge | deuce868 uh oh when i do sudo pico /etc/X11/xorg.conf it loads a new file | 04:33 |
Zer0G | exit | 04:33 |
deuce868 | laforge: you sure we typed it correct? just the same as the last time | 04:33 |
RedNeck_ | is it posible to install silent applications in Ubuntu? | 04:34 |
Laforge | deuce868 haha woops typed it wrong like 5 times | 04:34 |
deuce868 | laforge: phew, don't scare me into thinking I helped you clear that file lol | 04:34 |
wesw | redneck, u mean defeat the security? | 04:34 |
=== holycow [~a@S0106000fb51e6051.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Laforge | deuce868 lol sorry | 04:34 |
Laforge | deuce868 ok saved it | 04:34 |
Laforge | deuce868 now run startx? | 04:35 |
deuce868 | laforge: yea, let 'er rip | 04:35 |
judson | how owuld I go about upgrading firefox if there is no apt-get update yet? | 04:35 |
RedNeck_ | wesw no I mean by using swintches or modifing the installer | 04:35 |
Laforge | deuce868 uh ok still fatal error no screens found | 04:35 |
benplaut | judson: there is one in backports | 04:36 |
deuce868 | laforge: can you do that paste thing with your xorg.conf file so I can see it better? | 04:36 |
judson | thats an alternate repository? | 04:36 |
benplaut | yes | 04:36 |
=== thr1ce [~andrew@24-247-232-145.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Kel [id4795@adsl-63-204-157-35.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Boohbah [~kraid@Boohbah.user] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Laforge | deuce868 ok i will | 04:36 |
benplaut | go to ubuntuforums.org , and click on 3rd party projects | 04:36 |
wesw | redneck, depends on what binary package u install. | 04:37 |
=== calc sees large amounts of updates for breezy today | ||
judson | awsome. | 04:37 |
RedNeck_ | wesw do you know if there is aguide or something? | 04:37 |
thr1ce | PLEASE DON'T USE BREEZY YET -- REALLY | 04:37 |
calc | thr1ce: if its not still bleeding its too old :) | 04:38 |
thr1ce | calc, well, I heard people's systems quit working | 04:38 |
=== F0CUS [~F0CUS@toronto-HSE-ppp3935866.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
wesw | redneck, not off the top of my head...google for it or find someone here smarter than I.. :) | 04:38 |
jsgotangco | heh just dont use it yet its bound to break especially with gcc4 looming | 04:38 |
calc | thr1ce: yea the xorg stuff was a bit hosed wrt font locations | 04:38 |
RedNeck_ | I wuold like to create my own cd with my own programs and appl just like a windows xp unattended cd.. | 04:38 |
calc | i haven't restarted x in 13 days so i am safe i think ;) | 04:38 |
calc | i'm going to hold off upgrading breezy again until the c++ transition looks stable | 04:39 |
=== cheesedog [crystal_@S01060011d8b962b3.rd.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wesw | redneck, ahh..not just a silent app install, but the entire OS | 04:39 |
calc | oh yea and new gnome 2.11.1 stuff went in today too | 04:39 |
=== Sym|Celebrating is now known as SymGeosis | ||
limer | RedNeck_: I think I found my way to something like starting at the ubunutlinux.org site | 04:39 |
benplaut | the updates are for hoary, too | 04:39 |
RedNeck_ | exactly | 04:39 |
cheesedog | can someone give me a hand? i just installed Ubuntu 5.04 and when i try to login my computer hangs | 04:39 |
limer | couldn't retrace my steps though | 04:40 |
thr1ce | check the xorg logs | 04:40 |
limer | cheesedog: are you thrown back to a prompt? | 04:40 |
limer | if it's incorrect login, you should get a msg telling you so | 04:41 |
=== nomasteryoda is now known as nomasteryoda|w | ||
thr1ce | calc, are you on breezy? | 04:41 |
Kel | mmm breezy | 04:41 |
wesw | cheesedog...if you haven't run memtest86 [boot option] ever, run that for a full cycle to test your hardware | 04:42 |
=== Kel pets his breezy laptop | ||
calc | thr1ce: yes since it was opened | 04:42 |
thr1ce | calc, and your x works? | 04:42 |
calc | sure | 04:42 |
wesw | then proceed to software configuration issues | 04:42 |
cheesedog | wesw: that's at the Grub screen right? | 04:42 |
thr1ce | calc, it runs alright for you? | 04:42 |
cheesedog | i'm new to the linux | 04:42 |
wesw | correct | 04:42 |
calc | haven't restarted x since may 3 | 04:42 |
RedNeck_ | Has anyone created an unattended Ubuntu cd hereor does anyone know how? | 04:42 |
wesw | just better to check first | 04:42 |
limer | switch to TTY2 and try to login | 04:42 |
=== johnnybe1ak [~johnnybez@203-206-238-80.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wesw | hopefully not a problem, but you'll be going in circles if it's hardware related | 04:43 |
=== JDahl [~qwerty@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2m1-135.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== poningru [~Poningru@pool-71-101-67-91.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== calc votes to name the release after breezy salty snail :) | ||
=== kev2123 [~kevblah@d36-100-226.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== IIIEars [~bill@cpe-24-30-188-176.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Laforge | deuce868 pastebin isn't working so vew it here http://laforge0308.net/error.html | 04:43 |
judson | thank you benplaut, that worked well. | 04:43 |
=== astro76 [~james@astro76.user] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deuce868 | laforge: that's the error, I meant the xorg.conf file | 04:44 |
=== count0nz 2nds Salty Snail :) | ||
Laforge | deuce868 uh ok might take a long time | 04:44 |
Laforge | deuce868 anyway to like copy and paste? | 04:44 |
deuce868 | laforge: hmmm, you're command line only? | 04:44 |
Laforge | yea | 04:44 |
deuce868 | laforge: one sec | 04:45 |
Laforge | ok | 04:45 |
hybrid_goth | Laforge: power to the CLI ppl | 04:45 |
Laforge | huh? | 04:45 |
=== _mage_work is now known as _mage_afk | ||
hybrid_goth | Laforge: i am on cli mode | 04:45 |
Laforge | ok? | 04:45 |
hybrid_goth | CLI rules | 04:46 |
IIIEars | Hello! - I want to peek at ntfs files overwritten with an ext3 file system - You can do it but what application does it? | 04:46 |
deuce868 | laforge: check for PM | 04:47 |
limer | IIIEars: I just saw this in synaptic | 04:47 |
=== bpuccio [~brian@ool-18b91a74.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
limer | somewhere | 04:47 |
IIIEars | so many linux toys so little time - lol | 04:47 |
limer | look in fs tools | 04:47 |
IIIEars | Great! - Thank You. :) | 04:47 |
Laforge | deuce868 how i am using chatzilla | 04:47 |
deuce868 | laforge: lol, no idea | 04:47 |
Laforge | deuce868 i got your invite | 04:47 |
Laforge | deuce868 i went but then you disconnected | 04:48 |
=== Dreamer3 [~josh@sdn-ap-002tnnashP0421.dialsprint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dreamer3 | how do i reinstall and resetup postfix on ubuntu? | 04:48 |
=== ] BreliC[ [~vince@CPE0004e24a59cd-CM0011aea58e24.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wesw | sudo apt-get remove postfix | sudo apt-get install postfix | 04:49 |
tekinlache | where are the *iso files for breezy :) ? | 04:49 |
thr1ce | check www.google.com | 04:49 |
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Kel | tekinlache: They don't exist afaik. | 04:49 |
deuce868 | laforge: try again | 04:49 |
Laforge | deuce868 ok i can connect but when i type something i get disconnected | 04:49 |
thr1ce | yes, a dev CD was released | 04:49 |
Kel | You just update your apt/sources.list to say "brezy" instead of "hoary" and upgrade | 04:49 |
Kel | oh yea? well nm then :) | 04:49 |
=== Kel just uses apt anyway | ||
Kel | faster ;) | 04:49 |
Dreamer3 | wesw: ok, that wants to remove a bunch of packages, not what i need | 04:50 |
Laforge | deuce868 Internal error dispatching command dcc-accept. Must be in REQUESTED state and direction GET | 04:50 |
tekinlache | Kel, It was a joke | 04:50 |
tekinlache | :) | 04:50 |
deuce868 | laforge: ok, nvm that I guess | 04:50 |
Laforge | lol | 04:50 |
Kel | o.O right then. | 04:50 |
=== peck [~peck@146.Red-217-126-140.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Kel goes back to his upgrades | ||
=== Kel is now known as kvidell | ||
Laforge | deuce868 should i try to redowload the file? | 04:51 |
wesw | are you sure just postfix is out of whack? | 04:51 |
calc | http://cdimage.ubuntulinux.org/releases/breezy/colony-1/ | 04:51 |
IIIEars | Ooh - ahh-Wow! fps and gfs tools - hm - more toys - wide grin | 04:51 |
calc | tekinlache: see above | 04:51 |
limer | wesw: shouldn't that pipe be && | 04:51 |
wesw | you can uninstall all of those packages, BUT write them down before you do and reinstall them immediately before logging out or rebooting | 04:51 |
tekinlache | thr1ce, hey I asked some help on my slack | 04:51 |
Dreamer3 | wesw: i reset the permissions on /var... so now i want to fix it one package at a time | 04:51 |
peck | guys i'm on command line, what's wrong with breezy? can't really access the site | 04:51 |
thr1ce | tekinlache, I coulda helped you | 04:52 |
wesw | yes, && works | 04:52 |
tekinlache | thr1ce, ok | 04:52 |
=== jens [~jens@153-204.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
limer | :D | 04:52 |
calc | peck: there is numerous breakage in breezy right now, the c++ transition, new xorg, new gnome, etc | 04:52 |
judson | what is Breezy? | 04:52 |
calc | judson: ubuntu 5.10 testing | 04:52 |
IIIEars | calc - Breezy is available? - the welcome banner is out of date? | 04:52 |
judson | ah ic, thanks | 04:52 |
=== tarvid [~tarvid@68-67-192-202.chvlva.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
Dreamer3 | wesw: i know there is an easy way to do this | 04:53 |
calc | IIIEars: colony 1, the first official test release | 04:53 |
wesw | dreamer3, i've never done well resetting permissions on / and usually reinstall. perhaps a better solution exists! i'd hope so | 04:53 |
wesw | after a reinstall, you won't make that mistake again! | 04:53 |
tekinlache | calc, thanks a lot dude | 04:54 |
Dreamer3 | wesw: typo, not a mistake... and it's linux it can be fixed | 04:54 |
tekinlache | calc, didin't think theyd exist yet | 04:54 |
=== scorpix [~scorpix@as17-234.qualitynet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IIIEars | Nice! - been waiting for this.. | 04:54 |
Dreamer3 | wesw: this isn't windows ;-) | 04:54 |
wesw | thank goodness! | 04:54 |
calc | tekinlache: ok | 04:54 |
nickrud | calc, is colony-1 from before the c++ transistion, or, by the date, during :0 | 04:54 |
peck | calc, thx. but wow is that "normal"? | 04:54 |
wesw | also look at Solaris...also quite cool! | 04:54 |
calc | nickrud: no idea | 04:54 |
calc | peck: well breezy is the development version so things break when development occurs ;) | 04:55 |
IIIEars | How did they "harden" it? - can you point me to the link? | 04:55 |
calc | nickrud: i don't recall seeing any c2 packages yesterday so its probably right before | 04:55 |
peck | calc so this was anticipated or is it like an error in the project or some technical bug? | 04:55 |
wesw | IIIEars, google for SELinux by the NSA | 04:55 |
tekinlache | calc, by the way ... do you think breezy has langugage support ? | 04:55 |
ajmitch | wesw: yes, we're working on it :) | 04:56 |
IIIEars | a full implementation? - cool. - LIDS? - No Execute? | 04:56 |
wesw | I know....it'll be well received when your done. thanks for addressing it! | 04:56 |
calc | tekinlache: language support? it supports english at least ;) | 04:57 |
thr1ce | calc, what kernel is breezy up to ? | 04:57 |
thr1ce | calc, and is it using gnome 2.11 ? | 04:57 |
xenoxaos | how do you turn off the automatic processor scaling(my laptop goes from 1.2ghz to 2.0 ghz when i'm doing something like compiling) i dont want it to when i'm running on battery, any thoughts? | 04:57 |
IIIEars | Ubuntu developers are super human great. - Breezy Badger is proof. | 04:57 |
calc | in universe | 04:58 |
ajmitch | IIIEars: selinux + some other things | 04:58 |
calc | 2.6.10 in main | 04:58 |
ajmitch | IIIEars: at least that's what we hope will be ready | 04:58 |
thr1ce | calc, should be at least | 04:58 |
kestas | xenoxaos: isnt that a bios thing? | 04:58 |
JairunCaloth | heh, this window still works, but everything else is frozen | 04:58 |
calc | peck: its an issue of packages being out of sync, once everything is up to date it will likely work | 04:58 |
=== pj [~pj@66-214-114-88.vv-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JairunCaloth | now my mouse is gone... | 04:58 |
wesw | ajmitch, will SELinux be default install? | 04:58 |
billytwowilly | ubuntu is getting the selinux hardening stuff? | 04:59 |
IIIEars | how do you guys manage it in only six months? - wide grin | 04:59 |
calc | thr1ce: perhaps its called 2.6.10-5-* | 04:59 |
calc | thr1ce: i don't see the actual upstream mentioned though | 04:59 |
pj | i need help!! | 04:59 |
ajmitch | wesw: depends on how development & testing goes | 04:59 |
wesw | post a question pj | 04:59 |
thr1ce | calc, when I ran breezy a few weeks ago, it was | 04:59 |
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ajmitch | IIIEars: simple, we don't bother to sleep | 04:59 |
pj | ya good wit comps right | 05:00 |
peck | calc, thx a lot! i'm an enthusiast ;) both the "product" and the open source project handling impress me a lot | 05:00 |
wesw | ajmitch, understandable. but if good enough to default, should help protect the average users well | 05:00 |
xenoxaos | kestas: no, i used to force it by echoing a 1 or 0 to /proc/acpi/processor/CPU0/performance....now it does it automatically | 05:00 |
ajmitch | wesw: I hope so | 05:00 |
=== iceaxe18 [~iceaxe18@c-24-18-105-137.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== radhaz [~radhaz@ip68-8-11-23.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== ajmitch will bbl | ||
xenoxaos | which is nice when i'm plugged in, but when i'm running on battery i want to be in the slow one | 05:00 |
kestas | xenoxaos: weird, on my laptop you disable it in the bios | 05:00 |
radhaz | howdee all | 05:00 |
kvidell | this should be fun | 05:00 |
wesw | all, have you donated to your favorite OS lately? | 05:00 |
kvidell | just got a 200 package apt-get dist-upgrade on my breezy laptop | 05:00 |
JairunCaloth | this is maddening... my mouse has dissapeared | 05:01 |
wesw | your developers need more coffee! | 05:01 |
=== kvidell wonders what's going to break this time :-D | ||
=== nickrud toes the ground | ||
radhaz | lol wesw | 05:01 |
count0nz | 500 odd here :) | 05:01 |
pj | lol | 05:01 |
JairunCaloth | how can I change windows, like alt-tabbing in wondoz | 05:01 |
deuce868 | wesw: we're in here offering help aren't we :-) | 05:01 |
billytwowilly | JairunCaloth: I'm holding it hostage. I shall send you a ransom letting soon. | 05:01 |
=== Sepht [~Sepht@adsl-69-104-81-100.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pj | letting?? | 05:01 |
=== JairunCaloth stabs billy and loots his mouse | ||
kestas | I gave my stem cells | 05:01 |
wesw | that too....donations of all kinds welcomed and encouraged | 05:01 |
kvidell | wesw: I've been toiling in the forum helping people, all I can do for now aside from not use backports to help with the bandwidth there ;) | 05:01 |
=== billytwowilly ups his ransom demands to all the tea in china | ||
IIIEars | name me the "Official supplier of Ubuntu coffee" - Breezy Badger is incredible. | 05:02 |
pj | how do you get rid of viruses | 05:02 |
JairunCaloth | got my mouse back.... still can't change windows | 05:02 |
pj | anyone | 05:02 |
radhaz | so does anyone here use "Revelation 0.4.3 Password Manager"? I keep getting an error after installing it "Revelation could not find its configuration data, please reinstall Revelation." | 05:02 |
pj | anyone | 05:02 |
billytwowilly | pj: this is linux. we don't do viruses;) | 05:02 |
thr1ce | pj, what virus is that? | 05:02 |
wesw | pj, don't use windows | 05:02 |
kestas | pj how do you know wyouve got a virus? | 05:02 |
radhaz | uhm pj, i have no idea how you would get a virus in linux | 05:02 |
pj | yeah i know i've never a virus on this comp | 05:03 |
radhaz | i mean there out there as I understand it but wow | 05:03 |
pj | i got one on my windows one | 05:03 |
pj | i got two comps | 05:03 |
pj | ya see | 05:03 |
billytwowilly | have | 05:03 |
radhaz | oh windows, get yourself norton antivirus | 05:03 |
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billytwowilly | norton = crap | 05:03 |
pj | i do | 05:03 |
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wesw | http://securityresponse.symantec.com <== free online virus scanner | 05:03 |
pj | but i still got a fucking virus | 05:03 |
IIIEars | I pity the hackers - going to lose a lot more sleep than the developers rewriting exploits - NOT! | 05:03 |
radhaz | norton works billy :p | 05:03 |
hybrid_goth | pj: to get rid of the virus open the cdrom drive and put a ubuntu cd in there then install | 05:03 |
hybrid_goth | bye bye virus | 05:03 |
IIIEars | let 'em suffer | 05:03 |
flex_ | anyone know how to turn off when I have the mouse over a mp3 it plays? I must have turned it on somehow | 05:04 |
pj | i see | 05:04 |
=== wingsline [~arpi@olaszild.user.msu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pj | k thanks | 05:04 |
=== safrax [~adam@c-24-2-83-229.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wingsline | hello eveyone | 05:04 |
billytwowilly | radhaz: my mother had norton on her machine and got tons of viruses/trojans. I just finished upgrading her box because of it | 05:04 |
billytwowilly | pj: what you should do is this: go get norton ghost and xosl | 05:04 |
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=== _hp_ [~hp@c-24-91-236-187.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pj | where do i go | 05:04 |
billytwowilly | pj: reinstall windows to what you want and put the documents and settings dir on the d drive | 05:04 |
wesw | any "antivirus" program is only a bandaid. the real fix is not to use windows | 05:04 |
thr1ce | google.com | 05:04 |
radhaz | pj, avg used to be a free antivirus suite but i heard they are payware now | 05:04 |
billytwowilly | then image the c drive with norton ghost and setup xosl to be able to reinstall from the image at will | 05:04 |
pj | ahh | 05:04 |
hybrid_goth | ea | 05:04 |
hybrid_goth | **yea | 05:05 |
billytwowilly | tada, no more viruses | 05:05 |
pj | damn u guys are fucking smart | 05:05 |
=== thundrcleeze [~thundrcle@66-191-127-177.mad.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
peck | lol | 05:05 |
benplaut | so, what's the point of an antivirus for linux? | 05:05 |
pj | i know huh | 05:05 |
radhaz | billy, the pc's I end up handling that have antivirus issues often stem from people ignoring warnigns/disabling av or not getting updates on windows/av software | 05:05 |
wesw | scan files going to windows boxes | 05:05 |
pestilence | benplaut: there will be viruses for linux one day. | 05:05 |
pj | shit one day | 05:06 |
wingsline | i have a question: when i change to a theme in ubuntu hoary, the buttons, scrollbars doesn't change, how can this be fixed? | 05:06 |
pestilence | pj: it's sooner than you think | 05:06 |
hayden | how can i install drivers for dis -> ATI Technologies Inc 3D Rage IIC AGP (rev 7a) | 05:06 |
billytwowilly | radhaz: norton was setup to update every day and it was up to date when she bugged me about it being slow | 05:06 |
pj | enjoy it while it lasts | 05:06 |
=== prower [~prower@wiley-377-1220.roadrunner.nf.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IIIEars | wesw - Windows OS - needs a ton of "Life support" strong firewall, anti-virus, Registry monitoring, Adware removal, - not many CPU cycles to get real work done. | 05:06 |
peck | radhaz that's what I find funny. Ppl hate having to handle all the security procedures, but go tell 'em to install a virus free OS... Some even laugh at you. You can always laugh harder of course ;) | 05:06 |
billytwowilly | radhaz: she is a complete moron when it comes to computers though, she could have turned it off accidently, then on again before I looked at it. | 05:07 |
Boohbah | pestilence: but they won't be able to spread like windows viruses because of the separation of root and user accounts | 05:07 |
wesw | there have already been viruses for linux...the first by bell labs was a test. of course, since fixed | 05:07 |
nickrud | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats, hayden | 05:07 |
wesw | IIIEars, true! | 05:07 |
pestilence | Boohbah: there are plenty of exploits which allow a user to elevate to root | 05:07 |
hayden | nickrud thanks | 05:07 |
nickrud | hayden, oops, that's a really old one isn't it | 05:07 |
=== _4strO [~astro@AStrasbourg-251-1-37-220.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
psoulocybe | i think firefox has shown that it's a numbers game | 05:07 |
Boohbah | pestilence: yes, but making them portable enough to affect any sizable number of machines will be impossible | 05:08 |
radhaz | thats my point billy, norton does work but users have to still be attentive. | 05:08 |
psoulocybe | as more people use any piece of software, more people develop or exploit holes | 05:08 |
pj | that fucking sucks | 05:08 |
wesw | IIIEars, however, windows is not without merit. there is a place for it, just not for me. but it did get many grandmas online. | 05:08 |
IIIEars | Did you guys add "Personality" the OS fingerprint spoofing app? | 05:08 |
billytwowilly | radhaz: I doubt it was that though. I think norton has just gone downhill. They have destroyed norton ghost too. | 05:08 |
psoulocybe | linux hits 10% of desktops one day, and you will see virus issues | 05:08 |
radhaz | Peck, I hear you. But most users are looking for the easiest experience possible hence why so few bother with *nix | 05:08 |
wesw | ubuntu will be getting there very quickly 8) | 05:08 |
pestilence | Boohbah: more difficult, maybe. impossible, no. | 05:08 |
hayden | nickrud, yea | 05:08 |
billytwowilly | radhaz: I should say symantec. I don't really like symantec. They seem to keep buying my favorite proprietary software and ruining it. | 05:09 |
pj | i had kubuntu but i didn't like it | 05:09 |
psoulocybe | *nix is decades behind mac and win for user friendly... don't ever think one group will bring it up to par in that area | 05:09 |
billytwowilly | lol | 05:09 |
peck | radhaz, word. But I think OS X is going to rock the boat, as linux keeps pushing windows away from servers | 05:09 |
psoulocybe | if people catch up to technology, it has a fighting chance at being a popular desktop | 05:09 |
billytwowilly | psoulocybe: that's just because you're using gnome;) | 05:09 |
neighborlee | psoulocybe, hmm I missed something apparantly..what happened..and yeah..more people means bigger target..wouldn't M$ just love to affect useage of firefox <G> | 05:09 |
=== cowbud [laughabl@pool-71-111-112-52.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
radhaz | billytwowilly, I dont use norton on my xp box myself I use AVG but it's easier to tell folks to get norton. Plus, norton has a decent customer service support system that they can call rather than my phone | 05:10 |
psoulocybe | lol... i rarely use gnome | 05:10 |
=== pablo928 [~paul@az-yuma-cuda1x-159.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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kestas | Ive never heard this convo before | 05:10 |
Boohbah | pestilence: there are so many variations between and within distributions to make portable exploits useless | 05:10 |
cowbud | hahah please don't use breezy ain't that the truth I like ctrl not working correctly in gtk | 05:10 |
cowbud | godlike :) | 05:10 |
wesw | psoulocybe, eventually it is possible. how much can OS X improve! do my work for me?? lol | 05:10 |
elkid | nickrud, hey :) | 05:10 |
pestilence | Boohbah: all it takes is one major distro having a bug which requires a patch, and you will have a ton of boxes that are exactly the same with the same vulnerability | 05:10 |
=== slackuin_ [~a758273@01-136.018.popsite.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neighborlee | psoulocybe, well kde is close and im not pleased anymore with gnome and their idiotic UI ideology | 05:10 |
pj | well aight then people take it easy im out | 05:10 |
pj | peace | 05:10 |
psoulocybe | nah... i like fluxbox :) i hate gui for most things | 05:10 |
nickrud | elkid, hi, things working? | 05:10 |
peck | pestilence, exactly. that's Windows, no more no less. | 05:10 |
psoulocybe | flux box is just enough to keep me happy | 05:11 |
pestilence | peck: and linux is no better. | 05:11 |
IIIEars | Linux is useful enough for the desktop now. - (three weeks ago i thought linux was a character from the Peanuts comic strip) | 05:11 |
billytwowilly | guys, linux is better than windows xp right now and KDE is easilly better than default windows, gnome is ok as well. It's a number game. Microsoft is too small to beat linux | 05:11 |
peck | pestilence: 'course not, none is. volume is volume | 05:11 |
wesw | i like fluxbox to. but it's not for grandmas! | 05:11 |
billytwowilly | There are thousands upon thousands of opensource develpers out there vs microsoft. | 05:11 |
radhaz | peck, I've always been impressed with mac OS/software. My beef lies with the proprietary hardware. I dont want to buy into a whole new system when Im already neck deep with pc's :/ | 05:11 |
elkid | nickrud, hm its weird works with the distro`s kernel but with mines doesnt dont know why have u any idea? | 05:11 |
psoulocybe | "Microsoft is too small to beat linux" | 05:11 |
psoulocybe | did someone really just say that? | 05:11 |
neighborlee | IIIEars, it is mostly..of course it depends what you need to do ;-) | 05:11 |
billytwowilly | I did. It's true. | 05:11 |
slackuin_ | nobody beats slackware. :) | 05:11 |
thundrcleeze | Can anyone help me setting up a wireless card? | 05:11 |
neighborlee | IIIEars, and some distros are def. light years ahead of the others as well | 05:11 |
slackuin_ | get off that gui and learn linux. | 05:12 |
cowbud | hahah | 05:12 |
peck | pestilence: but Linux is "per se" different. It's open source. So you can have a max of 100 persons using 1 distro if it comes to it | 05:12 |
radhaz | Revelation 0.4.3 anyone using it with Ubuntu | 05:12 |
peck | radhaz: hear u | 05:12 |
wesw | radhaz, for only $500 you can get a Mac Mini w/ OS X and a whole host of apps...not a big outlay | 05:12 |
kestas | thundrcleeze: sorry all we do here is argue about desktops and oses | 05:12 |
psoulocybe | lol | 05:12 |
radhaz | who's having problems with wireless? and what chipset are you using? | 05:12 |
thundrcleeze | So it seems, kestas. | 05:12 |
psoulocybe | i'm going to bed | 05:12 |
psoulocybe | night gents | 05:12 |
psoulocybe | ladies | 05:12 |
thundrcleeze | radhaz, that's me. | 05:12 |
psoulocybe | ~peace~ | 05:12 |
limer | I <3 ubuntu | 05:12 |
peck | night psoulocybe | 05:13 |
pestilence | peck: that's security through diversity, i guess. | 05:13 |
radhaz | for $80 I can score a mini-itx cpu/mobo and throw a spare HD and install any flavor of nix I want :p | 05:13 |
elkid | nickrud, do u? | 05:13 |
thundrcleeze | radhaz: it's a linksys, if that's what you mean. | 05:13 |
Boohbah | pestilence: which is a fraction of the linux market which is a fraction of the total OS market... not big enough to make a difference or cause any real damage in the wild | 05:13 |
tekinlache | calc, never mind for the language. | 05:13 |
peck | pestilence: nicely put, and yes | 05:13 |
radhaz | thundrcleeze, laptop or desktop? | 05:13 |
thundrcleeze | laptop | 05:13 |
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nickrud | elkid, do a diff between your config and the distributions, kernel config is a complex thing since 2.6 | 05:13 |
IIIEars | hm - i don't see the md5 for Breezy. | 05:13 |
radhaz | thundrcleeze, I just battled the ipw2200 on my laptop and it was a pain | 05:13 |
tekinlache | calc, in fact I d like to test the lastest version of my favorite wm desktop (blacbox). hope it s featured in breezy | 05:13 |
peck | pestilence: but you see, one will always be vulnerable. we all know that. if X wants to hack Y, it's a matter of time/skills | 05:13 |
radhaz | thundrcleeze, but once it was running it was a champ | 05:14 |
pestilence | Boohbah: all i'm saying is, if one distro had the popularity of windows, we'd see the exact same problem. | 05:14 |
calc | tekinlache: it has 0.70.0 | 05:14 |
peck | pestilence: but today you're a victim of rebounds :p | 05:14 |
wesw | radhaz, never expect a Mfg. to be able to be your commodity setup in price and still provide support | 05:14 |
radhaz | thundrcleeze, have you searched the ubuntu forums? | 05:14 |
IIIEars | Doh! - never mind | 05:14 |
thundrcleeze | No, not yet, radhaz. | 05:14 |
tekinlache | calc, that is real good stuff dude thx a lot | 05:14 |
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flex_ | checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! | 05:14 |
flex_ | where do I get the X includes | 05:14 |
nickrud | elkid, I'm not sure just what kernel feature gamin uses, but the diff should find it | 05:15 |
radhaz | wesw, are comparing the support I would recieve from mac to the price I would pay for the mini-itx with no support? | 05:15 |
deuce868 | flex: on breezy? | 05:15 |
flex_ | hoary | 05:15 |
=== Kel [id264@adsl-63-204-157-35.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
radhaz | wesw, if you are then I can't argue that. I don't slag mac's but to quote AP "It's not my bag baby" | 05:15 |
tekinlache | calc, do you think that 'll be blackbox update for hoary ? | 05:15 |
radhaz | thundrcleeze, are you dualbooting? | 05:16 |
thundrcleeze | radhaz, yes. | 05:16 |
radhaz | thundrcleeze, one sec :) | 05:16 |
wesw | radhaz, no problem. but for the average windows user, they should buy a mac mini. then the power users all use GNU/Linux or Solaris | 05:16 |
kestas | flex_: x-window-system-dev | 05:16 |
calc | tekinlache: no idea | 05:16 |
=== IIIEars is now known as IIIEars_away | ||
peck | wesw: that's been my speech to the virus-help-callers for the past month. "Get a mac mini, or understand your pc and call again to know which distro to install..." :p | 05:17 |
=== desplesda [~desplesda@CPE-143-238-232-77.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tekinlache | calc, how about to ask for it :) | 05:17 |
stuNNed | peck: nice heh, taking risks, eh? :) | 05:17 |
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flex_ | kestas, thanks | 05:18 |
calc | tekinlache: i'm not an ubuntu/motu person | 05:18 |
calc | so i can't do anything about it | 05:18 |
peck | stuNNed: just tired of not earning money for virus consulting :P | 05:18 |
wesw | peck, if only they listen! then we all could spend more time on Linux et. al.! Imagine a holiday NOT having to run Spybot for your relatives! | 05:18 |
peck | lol wesw, hear | 05:18 |
radhaz | thundrcleeze, go to this page http://www.belarc.com/free_download.html on your windows OS. Install it and run it to get a definite idea as to what your wireless chipset is. Also what is your laptop make and model? | 05:19 |
tekinlache | calc, 'k. thx | 05:19 |
peck | the best of course being that nobody wants to pay for an antivirus for windows | 05:19 |
stuNNed | wesw: lol, yeah | 05:19 |
radhaz | wesw, then there's the unfortunate lot of us forced to use hpux at work :p | 05:19 |
calc | well you can get free antivirus for windows | 05:19 |
peck | that ppl don't actually pay for their 2nd version of windows | 05:19 |
wesw | an the Mac really is cheaper, if you factor in the life-support software required for windows | 05:19 |
wesw | besides, you can run all the GNU software easily in X11 | 05:20 |
peck | of course it is! | 05:20 |
=== warty [~warty@c-24-130-206-214.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
calc | wesw: you don't need to buy software for antivirus/spyware for windows | 05:20 |
warty | hello? | 05:20 |
calc | wesw: so not sure what huge amount of money for windows software balances the mac cost | 05:20 |
stuNNed | calc: to get the good stuff you do ;0 | 05:20 |
benplaut | pestilence: so why install one now? why not just wait until there are some? | 05:20 |
limer | what are those mac minis going for? | 05:20 |
calc | limer: $500-600 | 05:20 |
wesw | true, but if you want to schedule the scans so you can get some work done, you do need to purchase some | 05:20 |
stuNNed | calc: and what type of face is that i have no idea! :) | 05:20 |
pestilence | benplaut: i don't have one installed :) | 05:20 |
radhaz | Panda will do a FREE antivirus scan at : http://www.pandasoftware.com/products/activescan/com/activescan_principal.htm | 05:20 |
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=== Dreamer3 [~josh@sdn-ap-002tnnashP0421.dialsprint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
warty | stunned no you dont just needa know the right people | 05:20 |
peck | You know what? We rambled about windows being what it is for so long without being able to offer a choice, that know we lost all credibility | 05:20 |
benplaut | ahh... | 05:21 |
limer | huh. I should just find a used xbox and make it a server :P | 05:21 |
peck | now* | 05:21 |
Dreamer3 | ok... i start gnome and it says unable to initialize Hal... any ideas? | 05:21 |
radhaz | Revelation 0.4.3 anyone out there use it? | 05:21 |
pestilence | benplaut: just saying, there is a point for antivirus software for linux. | 05:21 |
peck | but now there *is* a choice | 05:21 |
stuNNed | warty: and be illegal i guess, no thanks. | 05:21 |
pestilence | benplaut: no sense in not having it ready. | 05:21 |
=== kev2123 [~kevblah@d36-100-226.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
warty | no not illegal | 05:21 |
warty | besides its only bad if you get cought | 05:22 |
=== stuNNed doesn't do illegal software. | ||
warty | lol | 05:22 |
=== bpuccio [~brian@ool-18b91a74.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== stuNNed prefers FOSS :D | ||
Dreamer3 | anyone know how hal works and where i should start looking for problems? | 05:22 |
warty | FOSS? | 05:22 |
wesw | free open source software | 05:22 |
limer | calc: looking at apple's site. they seem like a good consumer choice, but not sure I can justify the cost | 05:22 |
warty | O ok | 05:22 |
=== tsume [~tsume@tsume.user] has joined #ubuntu | ||
calc | supposedly there will be a new mac mini sometime later this summer | 05:23 |
tsume | mac mini++ | 05:23 |
calc | adaware and avg antivirus are both free | 05:23 |
=== tsume is not happy, mono people are morons :/ | ||
wesw | part dux? | 05:23 |
peck | the nano-mac is due in 12 years | 05:23 |
peck | :p | 05:23 |
limer | great idea over at apple | 05:23 |
BROKEN_LADDER | what is the configuration file for grub called? | 05:23 |
warty | and spy bot | 05:23 |
kaniLiveCD | Here's a question... how I can see my windows partition from a LiveCD ? | 05:23 |
warty | and avast | 05:23 |
limer | they still have Jobs over there? | 05:23 |
radhaz | I heard AVG isnt free anymore? | 05:23 |
warty | and lots of others are free and good | 05:23 |
radhaz | what about Panda that used to be free? | 05:23 |
BROKEN_LADDER | kaniLiveCD you should be able to mount it. | 05:23 |
calc | http://www.vnunet.com/downloads/1123822 | 05:23 |
pestilence | calc: ok, so they get an F. what about the other letters? :-D | 05:23 |
limer | avg is no longer free | 05:23 |
calc | that was last updated in mid march | 05:23 |
tsume | panda antivirus costs | 05:23 |
warty | What avg is free | 05:24 |
wesw | AVG free version you can't change scan interval time...bogs down your machine without your permission or control | 05:24 |
peck | radhaz: it's worth the money now anyway | 05:24 |
=== cheesedog [crystal_@S01060011d8b962b3.rd.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
warty | look for yourself | 05:24 |
limer | radhaz: try clamwin | 05:24 |
calc | pestilence: eh? | 05:24 |
kestas | kaniLiveCD: sudo mkdir /mnt/Windows; sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/Windows | 05:24 |
limer | much better antivirus | 05:24 |
tsume | clamav++ | 05:24 |
radhaz | limer, whats that? | 05:24 |
kestas | /dev/hda1 is the windows partition | 05:24 |
limer | www.clamwin.com | 05:24 |
calc | pestilence: oh wrt FOSS? | 05:24 |
warty | wesw dont know what your talking about never does anything I dont want it to | 05:24 |
pestilence | calc: yes. | 05:24 |
kaniLiveCD | let me try that kestas | 05:24 |
BROKEN_LADDER | what is the configuration file for grub called? | 05:24 |
calc | pestilence: this was an argument about win vs mac for cost effectiveness ;) | 05:24 |
radhaz | peck, I have avg on my dual-boot desktop. Its just got poor CS compared to norton | 05:24 |
calc | pestilence: i wouldn't run windows on anything i didn't have to, just run linux | 05:25 |
kestas | BROKEN_LADDER: /boot/grub/menu.lst | 05:25 |
=== carmiendo [~cmj@pcp0011347479pcs.prfred01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BROKEN_LADDER | great | 05:25 |
radhaz | Ive recommended it to ppl and have had complaints | 05:25 |
wesw | warty, 8am every day it scans and you can't reschdeule the time in the free version - machine comes to a crawl | 05:25 |
calc | pestilence: but yea someone else pointed out clamav for windows | 05:25 |
pestilence | calc: why do you need to run windows at all? | 05:25 |
peck | radhaz: why did u need CS?? | 05:25 |
radhaz | peck, so I dont steer non pc literate people towards it | 05:25 |
warty | You can change the time | 05:25 |
deuce868 | I'm out, check ya later | 05:25 |
warty | I have mine for once a week | 05:25 |
calc | pestilence: crappy laptop/linux acpi support on linux :\ | 05:25 |
kaniLiveCD | kestas, it works, thank you. | 05:25 |
kestas | np | 05:25 |
radhaz | peck, I dont hence why I use AVG. I just dont recommend it to non-pc savvy users | 05:25 |
wesw | warty, only in the pay version. | 05:25 |
stuNNed | there is The Open CD for Windows...http://www.theopencd.org/ | 05:25 |
pestilence | calc: hmm....my laptop works fine :) | 05:25 |
warty | Na I dont pay | 05:25 |
warty | and I got it from the site | 05:26 |
pestilence | calc: what kind? | 05:26 |
peck | radhaz: from what I've seen, ppl disable norton a lot faster than panda... | 05:26 |
=== rafi [~rafi@d186-123-castillian-2.ucdavis.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wesw | as did I, unless they changed it recently. they even had documented on their site you can't change the time or frequency | 05:26 |
calc | pestilence: amd64 laptop | 05:26 |
warty | I would show you how to do it but I am on the live cd of ubuntu | 05:26 |
calc | pestilence: it can't do acpi s3 | 05:26 |
radhaz | peck, ROFL this is probably true. Many people don't learn until they get burned. | 05:27 |
calc | er under linux | 05:27 |
pestilence | calc: and windows 64 is better? | 05:27 |
rafi | Hey how do I access nautilus? | 05:27 |
wesw | hell, i don't use windows here, but tried AVG on a few relatives...had to uninstall it | 05:27 |
calc | pestilence: i dual boot ubuntu amd64 and win32 on it | 05:27 |
=== flame [~flame@c210-49-69-157.rochd3.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kev2123 | does anyone know how i can see the temperature of my CPU in ubuntu? | 05:27 |
peck | radhaz: and if they do, they just format and ask for more! | 05:27 |
warty | why did you have to uninstall it? | 05:27 |
radhaz | wesw, soo many choices of antivirus programs... soo many opinions no? | 05:27 |
stuNNed | kev2123: install lm-sensors ? | 05:27 |
calc | kev2123: load some lm-sensor drivers on it | 05:27 |
pestilence | calc: kinda defeats the purpose of having a 64 bit machine, doesn't it? | 05:27 |
=== VeEee [madd@pool-70-21-193-228.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wesw | kev2123 gkrellm is a great package | 05:27 |
calc | pestilence: it was cheap and fast even at 32bit for the price when i bought it | 05:27 |
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kev2123 | yea i saw gkrelm on google but i couldnt apt-get it | 05:28 |
pestilence | calc: s3 = suspend to ram? | 05:28 |
calc | pestilence: yea | 05:28 |
pestilence | calc: how about suspend to disk? | 05:28 |
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calc | also known as standby | 05:28 |
radhaz | peck, Ive been down that road. The worse ones seem to be user's teenage children, they tend to wreak havoc on pc's and dont care about the data | 05:28 |
pestilence | calc: actually, my laptop won't suspend to ram either. but it will suspend to disk | 05:28 |
wesw | kev2123, if you add universe to your apt sources, you can get it | 05:28 |
calc | pestilence: suspend to disk works but takes a long time | 05:28 |
wesw | really cool program | 05:28 |
pestilence | calc: yea. but still beats having to use windows :) | 05:28 |
flex_ | checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0.1) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation! | 05:28 |
radhaz | peck, thats when I teach the parents about permission's and user accounts | 05:28 |
kev2123 | wesw:ok thanks so much :) it just seems the fan of my laptop doesnt shut off in ubuntu, im kinda worried | 05:28 |
flex_ | what would qt be called in synaptic or apt-get | 05:28 |
calc | flex_: libqt3-mt-dev | 05:28 |
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radhaz | peck, but theres always ways around everything. Children will be children. I still get my free meals/pocket change out of the house calls. | 05:29 |
peck | radhaz: indeed. napster generation is causing havoc ;) | 05:29 |
wesw | kev2123, np. you still may need to add something like lm-sensors, but gkrellm is a good start for the uninitiated | 05:29 |
kev2123 | wesw: ok thanks :) i will google gkrellm and lm-sensors | 05:29 |
peck | radhaz: it's a business we're missing, out of goodwillness | 05:30 |
=== calc bbl | ||
peck | :) | 05:30 |
radhaz | peck, lol | 05:30 |
=== alindeman is now known as q | ||
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pablo928 | wesw:what's a more sophisticated app than gkrellm? | 05:30 |
pestilence | kev2123: you might be able to see the temperature of your laptop with cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature | 05:30 |
=== q is now known as alindeman | ||
wesw | kev2123, google ubuntu and adding 'universe' to your apt repository, then use synaptic | 05:30 |
pestilence | or cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THR2/temperature | 05:30 |
new2gentoo | heya ^thehatsrule^ | 05:30 |
wesw | pablo928, sophisticated how? | 05:31 |
radhaz | PASSWORD MANAGER anyone use one rofl? Im battling Revelation 0.4.3 and currently losing to an error "Revelation could not find its configuration data, please reinstall Revelation." | 05:31 |
kestas | radhaz: I use one | 05:31 |
pablo928 | wesw, you said that gkrellm is best for the unimiciated, what app is better? | 05:32 |
kaniLiveCD | Basically sudo works only to use Root commands? | 05:32 |
radhaz | kestas, which do you use? Im not digging FPM. I like the interface of the revelation found in the ubuntu rep but its so out of date and a lot has been fixed I would like to use a newer version | 05:32 |
peck | kaniLiveCD: su is superuser... yes | 05:32 |
kestas | radhaz: wow you dont want to use one which is on a pc | 05:32 |
stuNNed | kaniLiveCD: no you can sudo another user too | 05:32 |
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kestas | radhaz: store your passwords encrypted on a pda | 05:32 |
radhaz | kestas, eh? | 05:32 |
wesw | pablo928, not necessarily better or more sophsicated, but lm-sensors, for example, can be command line only | 05:32 |
radhaz | kestas, LOL | 05:32 |
radhaz | kestas, what happens when said pc gets lifted or is lost | 05:33 |
kestas | radhaz: if you put passwords on a pc anyone with a keylogger will get access to all your accounts | 05:33 |
peck | stuNNed: really? what's the play? | 05:33 |
pablo928 | wesw, true | 05:33 |
carmiendo | i'm really really new to linux in general... and i'm having problems getting the wireless on my laptop to work. i'm not sure i understand this ndiswrapper stuff.. what's going on? o.o | 05:33 |
wesw | pablo928, most new users won't prefer that. also phpsysinfo is pretty good | 05:33 |
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stuNNed | peck: sudo -u username ? | 05:33 |
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radhaz | kestas, i dont dispute that; however, I am comfortable enough with my network that at this time to not be too worried about keyloggers | 05:33 |
Anubis | http://www.freeciv.org/index.php/Freeciv | 05:34 |
peck | stuNNed: didn't know | 05:34 |
pablo928 | wesw, i have an issue with my lm sensors, the temps don't agree with the temps in my bios | 05:34 |
kestas | freeciv wooo! | 05:34 |
dabaSlon | ya, me too, I have no protection... | 05:34 |
peck | stuNNed: but I'm a newb :)) | 05:34 |
stuNNed | peck: me too! | 05:34 |
kestas | Anubis: want a game later on tonight? | 05:34 |
peck | stuNNed: :) | 05:34 |
Anubis | sure | 05:34 |
dabaSlon | what do you guys play? | 05:34 |
wesw | pablo928, mine aren't perfect either....have one reporting 170 degree F! then back to 92F | 05:34 |
dabaSlon | why monitor? | 05:35 |
kestas | Anubis: will you be here at aroung eeehmmm 0GMT? | 05:35 |
wesw | pablo928, most are very close | 05:35 |
Anubis | I've been booting into WIndows the play Sid Meiers | 05:35 |
Anubis | Civ III | 05:35 |
carmiendo | anybody feel like helping out? | 05:35 |
Anubis | I'm addicted | 05:35 |
dabaSlon | ha | 05:35 |
kestas | freeciv 2 is just as good as sid meirs imho | 05:35 |
Anubis | and love FReeciv as well | 05:35 |
kestas | civ 3 was too bloated, I always preferred civ 2 | 05:35 |
rafi | Hey how do I have gaim auto start when Ubuntu does? | 05:35 |
dabaSlon | #topic: Ubuntu Help | Have a question? Just ask! | | 05:35 |
pestilence | carmiendo: read the topic | 05:35 |
Anubis | since this new version looks os good I want to try it out | 05:35 |
kaniLiveCD | I read somewhere in ubuntu site that the first user I make is the one that can use sudo commands... is that right? | 05:36 |
elcu | is freeciv multiplayer only? | 05:36 |
peck | rafi: one simple way is to leave it open when you log out and save the session | 05:36 |
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dabaSlon | freeciv2:) sweet. | 05:36 |
kestas | elcu: nope, but its much more fun multiplayer | 05:36 |
wesw | sudo passwd | 05:36 |
dabaSlon | kani, yes. | 05:36 |
pestilence | kaniLiveCD: yes | 05:36 |
elcu | bandwidth intensive? | 05:36 |
=== elcu only on dialup | ||
rafi | hmmm what is the other way? | 05:36 |
kestas | elcu: nope not at all | 05:36 |
pablo928 | wesw; my cpu temp is off by abot 2 degerees C and shows the mb and cpu temp reversed | 05:36 |
dabaSlon | Kani, you can also once you install allow other users sudo, or do whatever you like, set it up... | 05:36 |
Anubis | not bandwidth intesive at all | 05:36 |
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pestilence | kaniLiveCD: you can add more with sudo visudo | 05:37 |
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carmiendo | pestilence: i asked about ndiswrapper.. you saying it's in the faq? sorry.... | 05:37 |
kaniLiveCD | sudo visudo ... sounds fun :P | 05:37 |
sbcl3 | is it possible for me to put the kernel on one small 50mb partition and then put all programs on another? | 05:37 |
pestilence | carmiendo: no, i was saying just ask :) | 05:37 |
BROKEN_LADDER | when i install a new kernel, is there some command i can run so that grub will update it's setting to point to the new one? | 05:37 |
pestilence | maybe i missed your question | 05:37 |
rafi | peck: what is the other way? | 05:37 |
carmiendo | hehe | 05:37 |
carmiendo | maybe. | 05:37 |
Anubis | elcu, you could play the computer to test yourself | 05:37 |
peck | rafi only know the one simple way. never saw that option on gaim. maybe you'll want to specify the command | 05:37 |
kestas | sbcl3: yes | 05:37 |
dabaSlon | carmiendo: no, he means just ask the question. | 05:37 |
wesw | pablo928, now you know how much to adjust your temps! really, who says your BIOS temps are even more accurate? | 05:37 |
sbcl3 | can i set synaptic to put programs to a different place? | 05:37 |
Anubis | start civserver | 05:37 |
carmiendo | i diiid! psh... | 05:37 |
dabaSlon | you guys type fast... | 05:37 |
stuNNed | anyone run winex in ubuntu? | 05:37 |
rafi | peck: ah, I was wondering if I could do it like how I auto start firestarter maybe | 05:37 |
carmiendo | i'm trying to make wireless work. but i'm not understanding this ndiswrapper stuff, cause i'm new. | 05:38 |
carmiendo | . | 05:38 |
radhaz | dabaslon, why do you say that? | 05:38 |
kestas | stuNNed: dont bother | 05:38 |
stuNNed | kestas: lol why? | 05:38 |
sbcl3 | kestas: is the way to do that install the base system (server installation) on a small partition then set synaptic to put programs on another partition? | 05:38 |
kestas | stuNNed: not worth the hassle | 05:38 |
radhaz | dabaslon, its the one handed typers you have to watch out for | 05:38 |
elcu | Anubis: yeah, i've never tried it. i might take a look. | 05:38 |
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peck | rafi, not familiar with firestarter | 05:38 |
dabaSlon | rad, nothing. carmiendo, what part is not clear? | 05:38 |
stuNNed | kestas: you've tried? | 05:38 |
kestas | sbcl3: nope no way to do that really | 05:38 |
pablo928 | wesw, i tweaked the multiplier on my multiplier in gkrellm to match the bios temp. Hope that the bios is righ. | 05:38 |
kestas | stuNNed: yup | 05:38 |
pestilence | carmiendo: have you installed ndiswrapper-utils ? | 05:38 |
rafi | peck: firestarter is a firewall you can get through synaptic | 05:38 |
kaniLiveCD | You know, in this afternoon messing around with this LiveCD I click on Lock Windows and It locked it lol I didn't know what was the password and I have to restart my pc :( | 05:38 |
peck | radhaz: ever *seen* one? | 05:38 |
kestas | stuNNed: spent 3 days trying to get winex 3 working well | 05:38 |
dabaSlon | carmiendo: you are supposed to install some kind of emulator, and then use your windows driver, something along those lines. | 05:38 |
Anubis | elcu, its a lot of fun if you can defend yourself | 05:39 |
carmiendo | dabaSlon, just kindof in general, i know that i am supposed to use it, but i don't know any details about what i'm supposed to do. | 05:39 |
stuNNed | kestas: what was the prob? | 05:39 |
radhaz | peck, seen one what? | 05:39 |
peck | rafi, it has an "auto-start" option embedded? | 05:39 |
carmiendo | pestilence, no.... | 05:39 |
kestas | stuNNed: had very limited sucess, when I got it working it only played very limited about of game very buggy | 05:39 |
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dabaSlon | kani, ha:-p | 05:39 |
pestilence | carmiendo: ok, so there's step 1 | 05:39 |
wesw | pablo928, all the BIOS i've delt with are close, but none are spot on. my temps should never be so hot that a few degrees C is critical | 05:39 |
kestas | stuNNed: so I aquired cedega, and it was only slightly better, but still buggy and crap | 05:39 |
peck | radhaz: single-hand typists | 05:39 |
elcu | Anubis: i've never been good at rts games though (starcraft etc.) | 05:39 |
kestas | stuNNed: forget lpaying windows games on linux, it just doesnt work | 05:39 |
dabaSlon | carmiendo: so, exact commands, you mean? | 05:39 |
stuNNed | kestas: yeah with new hal and all of that | 05:39 |
radhaz | peck, uhm no comment rofl | 05:39 |
peck | lol | 05:39 |
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stuNNed | kestas: i got mohaa to work w/winex/transgaming want to get moh:vietnam working | 05:40 |
dabaSlon | carmiendo: you know your card is supported? | 05:40 |
stuNNed | kestas: mohaa works pretty well though untested on ubuntu | 05:40 |
brandonn | even in vmware gaming doesn't always work that well | 05:40 |
kestas | stuNNed: well youve already dont better than most | 05:40 |
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kestas | stuNNed: I barely managed to get C&C generals working, even thought its one of cedegas best supported games | 05:40 |
carmiendo | dabaSlon, i'm not necessarily asking you guys to do the work for me.. ^_^ ...but i am pretty clueless... | 05:40 |
dabaSlon | peck, lol tsk... | 05:40 |
stuNNed | brandonn: why would it, the vidcard only uses vga drivers right? | 05:40 |
kestas | full of bugs | 05:40 |
rafi | peck: I think it automatically starts maybe from what some people said on the Ubuntu forums, but I found some instructions of have to manually set some stuff to get it to auto start by editing some things and then adding it so it would start automatically | 05:40 |
carmiendo | yeah, i'm pretty sure it's supported. | 05:40 |
pablo928 | wesw, true,but i'm very delicate about my cpu temp. OI've an athlon xp 2500 running about 43 degrees C w/ no oc | 05:40 |
BROKEN_LADDER | once i change grub's settings, do i need to run something, like you have to run lilo when you edit lilo.conf? anyone? | 05:41 |
stuNNed | kestas: not too encouraging | 05:41 |
rafi | peck: well so you can see it in the tray that is | 05:41 |
kestas | BROKEN_LADDER: nope | 05:41 |
BROKEN_LADDER | oh..neat | 05:41 |
BROKEN_LADDER | grub sounds better | 05:41 |
dabaSlon | k, pestilence, you seen that wiki for ndiswrapper? I never read it...if you can guide him... | 05:41 |
stuNNed | kestas: BROKEN_LADDER: have to run update-grub don't ya? | 05:41 |
kestas | BROKEN_LADDER: grub is generally thought of as more flexible but complex | 05:41 |
peck | rafi you've managed to get gaim going on the sys tray right? | 05:41 |
kestas | stuNNed: nope shouldnt have to | 05:41 |
brandonn | stuNNed: honestly I don't know, I just barely started using vmware, but I have some kids games that every time I try to start them, the screen just goes black and vmware pops out of full screen mode | 05:41 |
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kestas | stuNNed: grub loads menu.lst on bootup | 05:41 |
BROKEN_LADDER | kestas yeah no kiddin | 05:42 |
dabaSlon | peck, it goes there, in gnome... | 05:42 |
rafi | peck: well right now, but I want it to automatically start without me clicking on it | 05:42 |
wesw | pablo928, that's HOT! i hope that was load temp. perhaps just buy a better heatsink and forget about it? I barely hist 105F underload here. | 05:42 |
BROKEN_LADDER | me restarts | 05:42 |
=== Zanza [~Zanza@ip70-180-152-23.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaSlon | which, gaim at startup, rafi? | 05:42 |
BROKEN_LADDER | it seems that when i installed the new kernel, it changed menu.1st for me. | 05:42 |
peck | dabaSlon: yes | 05:42 |
BROKEN_LADDER | or .lst or whatever | 05:42 |
stuNNed | kestas: afaik in ubuntu if any changes made need to run update-grub but could be mistaken | 05:42 |
pestilence | carmiendo: install ndiswrapper-utils, download the windows driver for your card, then skip to step 4 of this howto | 05:42 |
pestilence | carmiendo: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31926 | 05:42 |
dabaSlon | System>Prefs>Session>startupprogs | 05:42 |
pestilence | carmiendo: that should do it. | 05:42 |
pablo928 | wesw, no i can go above 120 F underload | 05:43 |
kestas | stuNNed: I dont think so | 05:43 |
peck | rafi: see that? | 05:43 |
kestas | stuNNed: well see I gues | 05:43 |
carmiendo | pestilence, i have windows on another partition. is there an easy way to get the drivers from over there? | 05:43 |
carmiendo | or should i just find them online and redownload them again? | 05:43 |
dabaSlon | just type in gaim in the add dialog | 05:43 |
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rafi | dabaSlon I gaim the instant messenger, I want it to automatically start when Ubuntu does, and I was wondering how to do it. | 05:43 |
pablo928 | wesw, you have a amd proc? | 05:43 |
dabaSlon | hehe | 05:43 |
dabaSlon | anyhow, yeah, carmiendo, whats the make and model? | 05:44 |
pestilence | carmiendo: probably, but you might have to boot into windows to figure out which drivers are for your card...might be easier to just download them again | 05:44 |
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wesw | pablo928, dual xeon http://marine.dnsalias.com/phpsysinfo/index.php also for sale soon http://marine.dnsalias.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=22&Itemid=38 | 05:44 |
dabaSlon | well, if he has the cd, I hear its even better. | 05:44 |
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eater773 | need some help.... how can i mount my floopy drive ??? | 05:44 |
dabaSlon | mount floppy | 05:44 |
peck | rafi dabaSlon said you can go to System>Prefs>Session>startupprogs and just add gaim | 05:44 |
wesw | pablo928 have a dual opteron enroute now | 05:44 |
eater773 | just a newbie in ubuntu... | 05:44 |
pestilence | probably need a sudo in front of that. | 05:45 |
dabaSlon | wesw: uptime:) | 05:45 |
pestilence | sudo mount /media/floppy might work better | 05:45 |
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wesw | dabaSlon, easy with Linux/*nix! | 05:45 |
dabaSlon | I turned mine off the other day, it was 100%processor all the time. | 05:45 |
pestilence | or maybe sudo mount /media/floppy0 | 05:45 |
pablo928 | wesw, these amd cpus seem to run hotter than intel, but i understand they aren't a problem until above 60 C | 05:45 |
carmiendo | dabaSlon, it's a dell inspiron 600m, so the wireless is.. uh, broadcom bcm94306 802.11g | 05:46 |
=== carmiendo starts poking the howto | ||
dabaSlon | sweet, try that. | 05:46 |
eater773 | where will i put that command | 05:46 |
dabaSlon | well you better poke it. | 05:46 |
dabaSlon | in a termina | 05:46 |
wesw | pablo928, the last AMD i had (2100+) i read specs on, like you said, rated to 70C or so cricitcal, good heatsink, then forget about it. | 05:46 |
carmiendo | hahaha | 05:46 |
=== limer getting drunk to zeppelin | ||
peck | dabaSlon: u on coke and answering every question? :p | 05:47 |
=== dabaSlon has to turn on the music... | ||
rafi | dabaSlon when I add gaim should I add: -start--hidden ? | 05:47 |
wesw | pablo928, but be sure it's mounted properly and clean the fan/heatsink 1 or 2 times a year | 05:47 |
=== peck just has to join in. limer, the I ? | ||
pablo928 | wesw, when i was running windows and gaming i used to see temps of almost 60 C | 05:47 |
limer | peck: the "I" bro? | 05:47 |
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limer | Miller High Life :-& | 05:47 |
peck | limer zeppeling, album I | 05:47 |
dabaSlon | should you? | 05:48 |
peck | zeppelin* | 05:48 |
limer | peck: album II | 05:48 |
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wesw | pablo928, could be case airflow as well. but still within specs. | 05:48 |
eater773 | it say specify filesystem type ??? | 05:48 |
peck | limer lol ok go :p | 05:48 |
pablo928 | wesw, oh i keep it clean and have enough fans in my box that it sounds like a vacuum cleaner | 05:48 |
limer | grip takes forever in linux | 05:48 |
limer | I do miss EAC | 05:48 |
dabaSlon | peck, screw that....................... | 05:48 |
peck | dabaSlon: screw what? | 05:49 |
wesw | pablo928, 9 fans in my last AMD....they reason i moved away. times have changed, AMD now operating cooler than Intels | 05:49 |
rafi | I was just wondering if adding gaim -start--hidden would work, so I guess so, cool. | 05:49 |
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dabaSlon | yeah, youre on coke........ | 05:49 |
eater773 | it say specify filesystem type ??? | 05:49 |
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pablo928 | wesw, i've i 80mm intake , 1 80mm ehaust and another 60mm exhaust | 05:49 |
rafi | My cpu fan is running at 7200 rpm | 05:50 |
peck | dabaSlon lol i hope u aren't on coke in front of your pc :p | 05:50 |
thundrcleeze | Anyone know anything about wireless networks in windows? | 05:50 |
peck | lol thundrcleeze | 05:50 |
rafi | I have an Amd and I have intake and exhaust too I think they are 80 mm | 05:50 |
=== BROKEN_LADDER [~pral@h-67-101-145-95.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #UBUNTU | ||
radhaz | PASSWORD MANAGER anyone use one rofl? Im battling Revelation 0.4.3 and currently losing to an error "Revelation could not find its configuration data, please reinstall Revelation." | 05:50 |
thundrcleeze | I know it's a bit off topic, peck. | 05:50 |
dabaSlon | peck, I hope you dont shoot up... | 05:51 |
peck | thundrcleeze: most unexpected, that's all :) any question in particular? | 05:51 |
dabaSlon | X( | 05:51 |
pablo928 | rafi, with that much speed don't mount it backwards or it might fly | 05:51 |
wesw | pablo928, anything under 120mm to me anymore is loud. but you might have enough airflow, but poor conductivity to your heatsink. hell, maybe not much economically you can do to fix it. | 05:51 |
dabaSlon | bah | 05:51 |
dabaSlon | lol | 05:51 |
=== dabaSlon snort | ||
peck | dabaSlon lol | 05:51 |
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dabaSlon | anyhow. | 05:51 |
pablo928 | wesw; i have factory amd cpu heatsink and fan | 05:52 |
eater773 | pestilence still there ??? | 05:52 |
dabaSlon | carmiendo: yup, its got support. | 05:52 |
kestas | wesw whats the asking price? | 05:52 |
drb | say, is the ubuntu kernel still called "kernel-image" ? | 05:52 |
wesw | pablo928, as my last AMD came with, and never was used. aftermarket heatsink and artic silver is good | 05:52 |
carmiendo | dabaSlon, i think i'm installing the right driver, but when i do ndiswrapper -l it says the hardware isn't present.. | 05:52 |
kestas | drb- linux-image I think | 05:52 |
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dabaSlon | it will show up. | 05:52 |
pablo928 | wesw, been running like this since i built the box about 8 months ago | 05:52 |
=== limer passes out beer | ||
tsume | I've a tornado fan 80x80x32. Making noise the fan does at 54Db | 05:52 |
wesw | kestas $950, details here: http://marine.dnsalias.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=22&Itemid=38 | 05:53 |
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rafi | pablo928 lol, its okay, its not that fast either I figure by clocking it that high it could maybe extend the cpu life span, plus the medium speed is 4800 rpm which wasn't recommended for my AMD XP 2.0 + | 05:53 |
tsume | dB | 05:53 |
dabaSlon | carmiendo: hows it goin'? | 05:53 |
eater773 | sudo mount /media/floppy0 -- filesystem type ??? need help | 05:53 |
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tsume | my mac speed is 7200 rpm ;) | 05:53 |
wesw | pablo928, then i wouldn't worry much. you've passed the BURNIN! | 05:53 |
peck | lol limer really is setting the party up | 05:53 |
tsume | *max | 05:53 |
dabaSlon | eater773: he gave you a weird command. | 05:53 |
limer | you're damn right bro | 05:53 |
dabaSlon | just a sec, eater773 | 05:53 |
limer | this place needs a drunk like me | 05:53 |
carmiendo | dabaSlon, i dunno. i'm not sure if i'm getting the right driver | 05:53 |
pablo928 | rafi, my oem fan runs about 4200 rpm | 05:53 |
eater773 | pls... | 05:53 |
tsume | my CPI stays at a constant 89F ;) | 05:54 |
carmiendo | cause when i do ndiswrapper -l it says i don't have the hardware.. ? | 05:54 |
tsume | cold power | 05:54 |
peck | it's 5:53 am here, I was out 'till 4. am already on limer, catch up :)) | 05:54 |
limer | these guys are so linux I'm not sure naked blondes could get them to chill for a minute | 05:54 |
tsume | *CPU | 05:54 |
limer | peck: whoa! | 05:54 |
wesw | wrong limer! | 05:54 |
=== limer guzzles | ||
dabaSlon | eater, is the floppy inside? | 05:54 |
limer | lol | 05:54 |
eater773 | yes | 05:54 |
limer | that got ONE guy's attention | 05:54 |
limer | :P | 05:54 |
peck | lol | 05:54 |
tsume | who's system here is the coldest? ;) | 05:54 |
=== BBurger [~yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wesw | always, but i prefer brunettes | 05:54 |
peck | and the only gay | 05:54 |
thundrcleeze | peck? | 05:54 |
tsume | my system stays at 84F on a hot day | 05:54 |
peck | thundrcleeze ? | 05:54 |
dabaSlon | eater773: how about, places, computer, filesystem, media, floppy0? | 05:55 |
rafi | hair color doesn't matter to me | 05:55 |
pablo928 | wesw, yes and now i'm considering building a amd 64 box | 05:55 |
thundrcleeze | peck, I sent you a /msg, I didn't know if you got it or not. | 05:55 |
rafi | I like all colors of the rainbow as I saw | 05:55 |
rafi | *say | 05:55 |
peck | oh | 05:55 |
eater773 | just a sec... | 05:55 |
tsume | rafi: hair sucks. Bald chicks++ ;) | 05:55 |
rafi | lol | 05:55 |
dabaSlon | rafi, added? | 05:55 |
dabaSlon | log out, back in to see if it starts. | 05:55 |
dabaSlon | :-p | 05:56 |
wesw | pablo928, get a nice case with 120mm exhaust and variable temp fan speeds. i've used Antec Sonata's and they are good for home-built boxes | 05:56 |
tsume | rafi: actually its a developing fashion statement. Bald is a fashion statement for men and women | 05:56 |
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dabaSlon | yeah, and small... | 05:56 |
rafi | Actually I knew a grew who shaved her head down with some cutter not razored, but with trimmers, she didn't look that great, I thought she was more sexy with the hair | 05:56 |
rafi | *girl | 05:56 |
dabaSlon | a grew... | 05:56 |
limer | wesw: you only prefer brunettes cause you like those "thinking" girls | 05:56 |
limer | ;) | 05:56 |
tsume | rafi: you have to be a army-like person for bald to be sexy | 05:56 |
radhaz | Anyone here know how to trick Synaptic to IGNORE what it calls BROKEN (but actually working) packages like gimpshop? | 05:57 |
tsume | rafi: strong chicks are the best. | 05:57 |
wesw | limer, perhaps. and they just look so damn hott | 05:57 |
Burgundavia | rafi, tsume, limer this is completely offtopic, please take it elsewhere | 05:57 |
pablo928 | wesw: 120mm = lots of cfm and quieter! | 05:57 |
limer | :P Laetitia Casta =P~ | 05:57 |
dabaSlon | sudo apt-get install -f | 05:57 |
limer | sexy woman | 05:57 |
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radhaz | tsume, gi jane /drool | 05:57 |
radhaz | dabaslon, was that to me? | 05:57 |
=== tsume senses someone doesn't have a girl for the night :) | ||
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limer | it's offtopic and late | 05:57 |
wesw | pablo928, exactly! lower rpm for same air movement = you can hear yourself think | 05:57 |
dabaSlon | I guess. | 05:57 |
tsume | radhaz: hell yes. | 05:57 |
rafi | I was wondering how this topic came up, so what is nautilus and where do I access it? | 05:57 |
dabaSlon | I just read the text:-p | 05:58 |
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limer | there's always one isn't there | 05:58 |
tsume | radhaz: wrestle in the wild having passionate sex ;) | 05:58 |
radhaz | tsume, LOL | 05:58 |
dabaSlon | hahaha...tsume... | 05:58 |
Razor-X | wow, hah, never thought a Linux chat would deviate this far | 05:58 |
limer | it always seems to do that when I'm around | 05:58 |
dabaSlon | razor, hows the theory? | 05:58 |
Burgundavia | tsume, radhaz, limer I am quite serious about this being offtopic | 05:58 |
tsume | radhaz: GI Jane, linux hero! ;) | 05:58 |
pablo928 | wesw:of course another reason for my temps is that i'm in yuma az, i have to keep the ac running or shut down | 05:58 |
Razor-X | well, i'm having to iron that one hitch | 05:58 |
limer | Burgundavia: are you op? | 05:58 |
carmiendo | dabaSlon, so if it says 'hardware not present' after i try to use ndis on the windows driver, what does that mean? | 05:59 |
Razor-X | the thing is.... I'm a half to do a one-to-one correspondance | 05:59 |
Razor-X | which.... I don't know how | 05:59 |
dabaSlon | did you follow the steps? | 05:59 |
Burgundavia | limer, no, but I can call one in | 05:59 |
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Razor-X | (unless there are some math people here who would care to help) | 05:59 |
wesw | pablo928, i've done some training in yuma! at least it's dry heat [mostly] . | 05:59 |
limer | Burgundavia: whatever bro | 05:59 |
limer | call one in | 05:59 |
tsume | Burgundavia: if it really bothers you, ignore if your friend. | 05:59 |
pablo928 | wesw:marines? | 05:59 |
tsume | Burgundavia: this is a community channel | 05:59 |
dabaSlon | haha | 05:59 |
carmiendo | yeah, i just downloaded the driver, and then went to step4 and tried to load it. | 05:59 |
dabaSlon | Burgundavia: :) | 05:59 |
wesw | pablo928, Semper Fi! | 05:59 |
dabaSlon | Hah | 06:00 |
dabaSlon | dudes:) | 06:00 |
limer | :P | 06:00 |
carmiendo | do you think i need to get the other version of ndiswrapper, like in the first steps? | 06:00 |
limer | ohhh! | 06:00 |
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radhaz | dpkg -i --force-overwrite ./gimp_2.2.4-1_i386.deb is what im using to install it, but Synaptic swears its BROKEN | 06:00 |
rafi | Razor-X what math, beginning calculus I can do like basic derivatives and integrals | 06:00 |
Razor-X | rafi: hah, in fact, at school, i'm technically in Geometry ;) | 06:00 |
bob2 | radhaz: er, why are you using --force-install on anything? | 06:00 |
Razor-X | i'm a Freshman with an idea, that's all | 06:00 |
limer | uh oh! Geometry is offtopid | 06:00 |
pablo928 | wesw:supposed to be about 105 F here all week | 06:00 |
dabaSlon | carmiendo, find out more about the card, and I have the page...so do you... | 06:00 |
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Razor-X | I can do some basic Calculus too | 06:00 |
Razor-X | heh | 06:00 |
radhaz | bob2, it wont install due to conflicts | 06:00 |
BROKEN_LADDER | anyone know of any good instructions on compiling alsa-tools? | 06:00 |
rafi | Oh so Razor-X are you talking to one to one functions then? | 06:01 |
nate____ | anyone know a good interface maker for programming languages? | 06:01 |
jsw1 | Hello. I could use some thoughts .. some have recommended using debian sarge over ubuntu. But I like the feel and philosophy of the ubuntu folks. | 06:01 |
bob2 | radhaz: where on earth did you get it from? | 06:01 |
rafi | *about | 06:01 |
Razor-X | i'm talking about one-to-one set correspondance | 06:01 |
bob2 | radhaz: please tell me you're not using breezy | 06:01 |
=== limer chanting "Bad Boys" theme from COPS | ||
Razor-X | like the thing Cantor did to prove his Continuum Hypothesis | 06:01 |
Razor-X | *try to prove | 06:01 |
tsume | bob2: I use breezy :) | 06:01 |
radhaz | bob2, I got it from one of the gimpshop mirrors. codemill page perhaps. cant remember. No im on hoary | 06:01 |
bob2 | erk | 06:01 |
wesw | pablo928, typically upper 90's here in the summer, but 95-110% humidity! 8) | 06:01 |
Razor-X | but, see, all I know about a one-to-one correspondance, is that, you can do something with arctan | 06:01 |
eater773 | dabaSlon -> location: computer:/// .. volume: root volume | 06:02 |
Razor-X | and, that's where my knowledge ends | 06:02 |
carmiendo | dabaSlon, i doublechecked the drivers on the dell website, so i'm sure i have the right ones. what else could be the problem? i'm not sure how he could tell that ndiswrapper1-1 didn't work... maybe i'm having that problem too? | 06:02 |
radhaz | bob2: Theres no gimpshop in the repositories that I can find otherwise I would happily use that :) | 06:02 |
bob2 | radhaz: what's wrong with gimp in hoary? | 06:02 |
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eater773 | dabaSlon -> location: computer:/// .. volume: root volume | 06:02 |
pablo928 | wesw:ouch! you must be in the midwest | 06:02 |
bob2 | radhaz: I'd really really recommend finding another way to get it | 06:02 |
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bob2 | if you really think you need it | 06:02 |
wesw | Florida 8) | 06:02 |
bob2 | installing random broken .debs will break things badly | 06:02 |
radhaz | bob2: gimpshop != gimp. Gimpshop is for us photoshop users | 06:02 |
dabaSlon | just pastebin everything you do, the whole process. | 06:02 |
eater773 | dabaSlon -> location: computer:/// .. volume: root volume | 06:02 |
wesw | Beach! | 06:02 |
HrdwrBoB | spend five minutes learning how to use gimp. | 06:02 |
limer | damn it, lost my buzz | 06:02 |
radhaz | bob2: it formats gimp to resemble photoshop | 06:02 |
stuNNed | bob2: possible my problems with nothing but grey panels and blank background could be using testing 'human' icons? | 06:02 |
HrdwrBoB | it's not very hard | 06:02 |
bob2 | radhaz: I know what it is, it's gimp with the ui moved around a bit | 06:02 |
rafi | Razor-X I'm not quite sure what you mean by one to one set correspondence, or I do and just don't know it by name. | 06:02 |
dabaSlon | eater, I was drinking water:) | 06:02 |
bob2 | radhaz: why are you installing their gimp then? | 06:03 |
Razor-X | rafi: when you prove the cardinality of one set is equal to one | 06:03 |
radhaz | bob2: yes. Im happy with it. Synaptic is not. | 06:03 |
wesw | Gimp is worth the time to learn...saves you $$$ over photoshop! | 06:03 |
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eater773 | pls .. tell me.. where can i get that info. | 06:03 |
Razor-X | proving that one set has the same number of elements of another | 06:03 |
dabaSlon | eater773: did you go through the places menu on the top of your screen? | 06:03 |
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dabaSlon | as I said, scroll up. | 06:03 |
Razor-X | but, I also have to go more specific than that, and prove whether two sets are equal or not | 06:03 |
radhaz | bob2: Im installing gimpshop because...I like it? | 06:03 |
radhaz | bob2: because its not in the repository? | 06:03 |
bob2 | radhaz: the package you're trying to force in with a blunt screwdriver is called "gimp" | 06:03 |
dabaSlon | places, computer, filesystem, media, floppy0? | 06:04 |
bob2 | please tell me their not so dumb as to package gimpshop in a package called gimp | 06:04 |
Kel | bob2: There's an addon to The Gimp called GimpShop | 06:04 |
bob2 | er, they're | 06:04 |
eater773 | yes... then computer.. floppy drive -- then properties | 06:04 |
radhaz | bob2: yes I know this. but the Package I am trying to force in is gimp rolled withthe "shop" format | 06:04 |
CarlK | can an IR port be used for tcp/ip? | 06:04 |
bob2 | Kel: so, it's an add-on for an existing install of gimp, not a new package? | 06:04 |
bob2 | CarlK: yes... | 06:04 |
eater773 | dabaSlon -> yes... then computer.. floppy drive -- then properties | 06:04 |
Kel | It "styles" the Gimp to look like and act like Photoshop for people who aren't used to The Gimp yet | 06:04 |
Kel | No, I think it's a completely seperate install of The Gimp | 06:05 |
dabaSlon | what properties? just double click the floppy, just like anywhere. | 06:05 |
Kel | I haven't used it yet though, keep meaning to | 06:05 |
HrdwrBoB | if you can use photoshop well enough to need gimpshop | 06:05 |
CarlK | bob2 - any idea how? | 06:05 |
limer | ppl like Burgundavia just piss me off. rrrr. I need more beer | 06:05 |
HrdwrBoB | you should be smart enough to figure out gimp in a few minutes | 06:05 |
dabaSlon | haha, limer. | 06:05 |
radhaz | Gimpshop, is a complete install of gimp as is being stated | 06:05 |
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bob2 | radhaz: I'm just confused why they packaged it so badly then | 06:05 |
Razor-X | what architecure would this mobo+proc be classified as? http://www.bwi.com/proot/13787 | 06:05 |
rafi | Razor-X I'm not sure if I can help I think I would have to look over a math book a little first | 06:05 |
Kel | HrdwrBoB: I'm lame when it comes to re=learning short-cut keys :-\ | 06:05 |
Kel | That's the only reason I don't use it, lol | 06:06 |
HrdwrBoB | Kel: most of them are the same anyway | 06:06 |
Kel | I'm much faster in Photoshop on a Mac cause I'm used to it's hotkeys. | 06:06 |
eater773 | floppy inside.... double click... message "unable to mount" could not determine filesystem type.... | 06:06 |
Razor-X | rafi: can you? my parents forbid overtly obvious higher-level math books | 06:06 |
bob2 | radhaz: if it's actually seperate, it should be a seperate package | 06:06 |
HrdwrBoB | for the basic stuff | 06:06 |
wesw | Razor-X = Mini ITX | 06:06 |
dabaSlon | carmiendo: what did you conclude? | 06:06 |
Kel | there's a few sgtrange ones that are different | 06:06 |
radhaz | bob2: I can't answer that as it is beyond my knowledge. I would love for someone to fix it and place it in the repository but until that happens I am forced to use whats available | 06:06 |
rafi | Razor-X: It's been a while I took geometry about 6-7 years ago | 06:06 |
bob2 | Razor-X: i386 | 06:06 |
Razor-X | wesw: I thought that was just a form factor | 06:06 |
bob2 | radhaz: install it from source or something | 06:06 |
Kel | but for the most part, yes, they're very similar. | 06:06 |
Razor-X | rafi: heh, it's not Geometry, it's higher-level math | 06:06 |
bob2 | radhaz: forcing it in will break things | 06:06 |
dabaSlon | carmiendo: there is a list of drivers here: http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/phpwiki/index.php/List?PHPSESSID=945bcecf080b67c5c1c9bd4d1fbf37cd | 06:06 |
Razor-X | Geometry is a sad excuse for a math level | 06:06 |
carmiendo | dabaSlon, i have the right driver.. | 06:06 |
wesw | Razor-X, sorry. correct. no idea processor class. | 06:07 |
carmiendo | it's still not working though. | 06:07 |
radhaz | bob2: well I got lucky, nothing is/was broken and ive been running it for several weeks after wedging it in there | 06:07 |
garnertr | evening all | 06:07 |
pablo928 | bob2:when i looked on the developer's site the other day the only stable of Gimpshop was a rpm, they haqd a deb package they said use at own risk | 06:07 |
Razor-X | I could have slept through the class and still gotten the same A | 06:07 |
carmiendo | after i load the driver it says 'hardware not present' | 06:07 |
radhaz | bob2: my single complaint is synaptic uninstalls it every chance it gets | 06:07 |
Razor-X | wesw: damn, i'm going to try and create an embedded system on that proc | 06:07 |
wesw | Razor-X, have you considered a Mac Mini? You can run Linux on it! | 06:07 |
bob2 | Razor-X: then put it on hold | 06:07 |
Razor-X | but, not the same exact mobo+proc | 06:07 |
radhaz | bob2: perhaps I will tackle it from source one weekend | 06:07 |
Razor-X | wesw: too expensive, and way too multitasking for my purpose | 06:07 |
dabaSlon | did you set up the router as it said, and, there is no wlan0 in your interfaces in the System>Admin>Networking GUI? | 06:07 |
Boohbah | mac mini is teh sux | 06:08 |
Razor-X | I just need a simple kernel bootup and load up one program | 06:08 |
wesw | ahh.... | 06:08 |
IIIEars_away | mac mini - slow bus speed | 06:08 |
Razor-X | and sound drivers | 06:08 |
Razor-X | that's _it_ | 06:08 |
wesw | it's not meant for powerusers | 06:08 |
wesw | ma a pa kettle is the target audience | 06:08 |
dabaSlon | powahUsah. | 06:09 |
Razor-X | I'm putting 32 MB of RAM on it, and it's a 300 mhz clock speed | 06:09 |
carmiendo | dabaSlon, where does it say to change my router? and uh. i don't know where that is... | 06:09 |
IIIEars_away | 3 grand for a useful computer - sheesh | 06:09 |
Razor-X | which is still pretty generous for what I need it, but the combo is only about $60 (with the RAM) | 06:09 |
wesw | Razor-X, how about a handheld device like a Zarius? | 06:09 |
dabaSlon | carmiendo: on the top of your screen, as I said. | 06:09 |
Razor-X | I could do that | 06:10 |
dabaSlon | System, and so on... | 06:10 |
Razor-X | basically, i'm going to create a digital music box | 06:10 |
carmiendo | dabaSlon: ah, i found it. no, there isn't; only lo and eth0 | 06:10 |
sbcl3 | after i restart x with ctrl + alt + F1, how do i get back go this GUI? | 06:10 |
limer | ok, done talking with Burg | 06:10 |
peck | Razor-X: where/how it'll be used? | 06:10 |
dabaSlon | ok, well, lets read the wiki on that... | 06:10 |
limer | everyone who thinks I'm way too offtopic may say so now | 06:10 |
Razor-X | bootup into CLI, no monitor, then auto-load MP3 player (no need for MIDI stuff), and keep looping it over and over, until power is cut | 06:10 |
tsume | sbcl3: alt f7 | 06:10 |
Razor-X | peck: portable if possible | 06:10 |
peck | limer, grab another beer | 06:10 |
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wesw | Razor-X, for running Air Snort? | 06:10 |
wesw | lol | 06:10 |
limer | thx bro | 06:11 |
Razor-X | nopes ;) | 06:11 |
limer | :P | 06:11 |
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bob2 | wow | 06:11 |
peck | :) | 06:11 |
Razor-X | for a friend (no, she has a boyfriend already ;) ) | 06:11 |
bob2 | CarlK: it's a pp device | 06:11 |
dabaSlon | carmiendo: did you follow this: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SetupNdiswrapperHowto . | 06:11 |
bob2 | er, serial | 06:11 |
bob2 | run ppp over it or whatever | 06:11 |
IIIEars_away | Razor-X - How old is the machine? - How do you get around any limits old machines have in bios on drive size? | 06:11 |
Razor-X | it's totally new | 06:11 |
peck | Razor-X: for her house, will she connect it to her stereo system, will she stream the music, don't get it | 06:11 |
IIIEars_away | cool | 06:11 |
Razor-X | it's about.... 17 cm x 17 cm | 06:11 |
dabaSlon | eater773: got it at all? | 06:11 |
Razor-X | peck: I'll have to buy an ok mono speaker, and place it in, which will auto play it in the box itself | 06:12 |
limer | woot | 06:12 |
estebandido | hey... has anyone been able to install ubuntu on a g5? | 06:12 |
IIIEars_away | fun project. :) | 06:12 |
bob2 | estebandido: it should work using the poer4 kernel | 06:12 |
peck | Razor-X: what's the use? | 06:12 |
limer | you know, Miller High Life isn't so bad once your half drunk :P | 06:12 |
bob2 | er, power4 | 06:12 |
Razor-X | which will mean a hell of a lot of mechanical skill (which i'll have to develop on this ove project) and some pretty special embedded stuff | 06:12 |
Razor-X | peck: music box | 06:12 |
wesw | estebandido, i've heard it's been done, but not done it myself | 06:12 |
peck | Razor-X: still don't get it! | 06:12 |
estebandido | bob2, what's that? | 06:13 |
Razor-X | rather than spend $300 on a custom music box, it's easier to spend about $80 to get it all done | 06:13 |
bob2 | estebandido: hit f1 on the install and read the help, you need to boot the power4 kernel | 06:13 |
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peck | Razor-X: not easier, cheaper | 06:13 |
ubuntu | hi | 06:13 |
peck | ;) | 06:13 |
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IIIEars_away | Razor-X - Certainly more more rewarding and interesting | 06:13 |
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wesw | true that peck! | 06:13 |
wesw | lol | 06:13 |
dabaSlon | hi, ubuntu. | 06:13 |
estebandido | on the install? i can't even get the machine to see the cd | 06:13 |
ubuntu | woot | 06:14 |
dabaSlon | :) | 06:14 |
garnertr | welcome to my world | 06:14 |
peck | Razor-X: she wants to listen to mp3/blahformats files? | 06:14 |
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bob2 | estebandido: do you know how to get macs to boot the cd in general? | 06:14 |
dabaSlon | estebandido: you mean like boot from it? did you try holding down c? | 06:14 |
estebandido | hold down c | 06:14 |
Razor-X | peck: i'll be using a 17 cm x 17 cm mobo + proc, with about 32 MB of RAM, it has 300 mhz clock speed, a small flash disk will contain the OS which auto-bootsup into CLI, loads sound drivers, and then opens up an MP3 player that takes up 1 MB RAM + size of MP3 until you forcefully cut power, which will be a depressable switch triggered by opening and closing the box | 06:14 |
dabaSlon | hah, so you did... | 06:14 |
estebandido | right, got that much | 06:14 |
Razor-X | peck: just one song, she has it in MIDI, but I don't want to have to go to the hassle of doing something with the hardcoding of the MIDI instruments | 06:15 |
bob2 | estebandido: have you done it successfully before? | 06:15 |
bob2 | estebandido: you have to hit it at the exact right time | 06:15 |
=== concept10 [~chatzilla@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wesw | Razor-X, with all that work and only playing MP3? What about OGG VORBIS???? | 06:15 |
estebandido | i just hold it from the chime | 06:15 |
peck | Razor-X: AH! A "Music Box" lol. Got it!! | 06:15 |
bob2 | estebandido: but have you ever managed to boot a cd on a mac? | 06:15 |
Razor-X | hehehehe XD | 06:15 |
estebandido | i was able with warty, but then it wouldn't install | 06:15 |
limer | woot. burg is gonna go fuck himself :P | 06:15 |
peck | But why on earth??!! | 06:15 |
peck | lol! | 06:15 |
limer | that beer did the trick | 06:15 |
Razor-X | wesw: I don't know if OGG requires the same overhead, or not | 06:16 |
estebandido | now i have hoary | 06:16 |
bob2 | estebandido: ok | 06:16 |
estebandido | but i had to ask a friend to burn it for me | 06:16 |
Razor-X | if I _could_, i'ld make it run FLAC, but there's no point wasting the disk-space | 06:16 |
peck | limer, gonna get me some more water, another aspirin, and consider sleeping | 06:16 |
wesw | Razor-X, probably a little more CPU, but not much [relative!] more | 06:16 |
bob2 | estebandido: check the md5sum of the cd | 06:16 |
dabaSlon | he... estebandido, do you know how your hard disk has to eb partitioned to work for a ubuntu install dual boot with X? | 06:16 |
limer | peck: cool bro. don't let oppressors get you down | 06:16 |
Razor-X | wesw: can it work on a 300 mhz proc? | 06:16 |
BROKEN_LADDER | anyone know how to get libasound for ubuntu? | 06:16 |
estebandido | dabaSlon, i'm going all the way | 06:16 |
BROKEN_LADDER | all is see is libasound2 | 06:16 |
peck | limer, they did, that's why I need that aspirin | 06:16 |
wesw | Razor-X, how about u tell us? 8) | 06:16 |
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peck | :p | 06:17 |
dabaSlon | oh, then, should be better. | 06:17 |
Razor-X | wesw: heh | 06:17 |
dabaSlon | why wont it install? | 06:17 |
dabaSlon | :) | 06:17 |
bob2 | BROKEN_LADDER: what are you trying to do? | 06:17 |
estebandido | that's what i'm here to figure out | 06:17 |
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Razor-X | after I go through that much trouble, i'm not gonna get it spoiled for OGG format screwups | 06:17 |
wesw | razor-x, mp3 is more compatable now. | 06:17 |
dabaSlon | go check what bob said, I guess. | 06:17 |
limer | yeah, Ithink this burg guy is cool deep down | 06:17 |
estebandido | ok, let me see about that check5sum | 06:17 |
bob2 | estebandido: you need to check the md5sum of the cd | 06:17 |
estebandido | er, right | 06:17 |
limer | *real* deep down | 06:17 |
Razor-X | it's gonna be a hell of a project, but if all goes well, I can build myself one as well | 06:17 |
peck | limer what colors make him? | 06:18 |
Razor-X | with potential as more than just a 1 song music box | 06:18 |
limer | ? | 06:18 |
peck | Razor-X: I hope so | 06:18 |
Razor-X | hell, I could a portable MP3 player, if I get this right | 06:18 |
peck | Razor-X: if not, u'll start composing | 06:18 |
BROKEN_LADDER | doh..i needed the dev files. | 06:18 |
Razor-X | for about the same price I got it for ;) | 06:18 |
BROKEN_LADDER | bob2 compile envy24control | 06:18 |
wesw | razor-x, your $80 version of the $99 mac shuffle, but yours only shuffles through one song! 8P | 06:18 |
Razor-X | peck: heh | 06:18 |
BROKEN_LADDER | to make my computer into a digital recording studio | 06:18 |
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bob2 | lord | 06:18 |
Razor-X | well, it can shuffle through as many as you wan | 06:18 |
Razor-X | *want | 06:19 |
bob2 | BROKEN_LADDER: it doesn't care about the difference between libasound1 and libasound2 | 06:19 |
wesw | razor-x, i was j/k | 06:19 |
Razor-X | rather, fits in the flash disk ;) | 06:19 |
bob2 | BROKEN_LADDER: install libasound-dev | 06:19 |
peck | Razor-X: yeah, but can only HOLD one... | 06:19 |
Razor-X | hehe, i see | 06:19 |
BROKEN_LADDER | bob2 as i just said, i installed the -dev part and it works now. | 06:19 |
BROKEN_LADDER | thanks | 06:19 |
limer | peck: not sure I caught that bro | 06:19 |
carmiendo | dabaSlon: so i went through the first part of that setup page, and reinstalled ndiswrapper | 06:19 |
IIIEars_away | Could you add a USB or ide interface to the ipod shuffle? | 06:19 |
Razor-X | plus! the iShuffle doesen't have Linux! | 06:19 |
BROKEN_LADDER | bob2 when compiling envy24control, is checkinstall a proper way to do it in ubuntu? | 06:19 |
dabaSlon | aha... | 06:20 |
carmiendo | dabaSlon: but now it says 'invalid driver!' after i load it | 06:20 |
peck | limer is your friend green, yellow, red... | 06:20 |
Razor-X | and, she wants a music box look | 06:20 |
wesw | Razor-X, you mean YET! | 06:20 |
dabaSlon | any errors? | 06:20 |
BROKEN_LADDER | bob2 or should i use apt-get source in some way.. | 06:20 |
Razor-X | wesw: ;) | 06:20 |
dabaSlon | ha | 06:20 |
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bob2 | BROKEN_LADDER: the "proper" way would be to package it so everyone can make use of it...if you don't want to do that, checkinstall is ok, as is just installing it to /usr/local/ | 06:20 |
Razor-X | I'm a gonna need the help of an artist (since I can't do anything aesthetic, at all) and someone with MIDI skill, who can make the MIDI sound like a music box playing thing | 06:20 |
wesw | good night all | 06:20 |
Razor-X | and then, i'm a gonna need the time to build the whole damn thing without my parents finding otu | 06:21 |
Razor-X | *out | 06:21 |
Razor-X | but, I can at least, build up the schematics for someone else | 06:21 |
=== TPZ [~Trickyphi@adsl-68-123-251-99.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
estebandido | bob2, wanna hear a funny story? my friend gave a blank friggin' cd | 06:21 |
peck | Razor-X: I see you'll end up buying your friend a picture of a music box and a 2nd hand ipod shuffle connected to a lousy mono speaker for less than projected budget | 06:21 |
bob2 | haha | 06:21 |
dabaSlon | fyi, razor is a kid in the baltics, is that right? like 16? | 06:21 |
peck | Razor-X: and that's how michael dell began :p | 06:21 |
carmiendo | dabaSlon: so now i'm lost again. i'm confused also by the fact that this walkthrough had me reinstall ndiswrapper 1.1 while the other was implying that i might want to install a later version...? | 06:22 |
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Razor-X | peck: ;) | 06:22 |
Razor-X | yeah, i'm 15 | 06:22 |
estebandido | and i can't burn that shit myself, because ubuntu consistently crashes disk utility | 06:22 |
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Razor-X | but, while I have talent with computers, my true strength lies in math | 06:22 |
Razor-X | and I know that | 06:22 |
dabaSlon | http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/phpwiki/index.php/List?PHPSESSID=945bcecf080b67c5c1c9bd4d1fbf37cd did you try getting the driver off that list? | 06:22 |
bob2 | estebandido: use that free mac cd burning thing I can't remember the name of | 06:22 |
bob2 | surely it's on versiontracker or something | 06:22 |
peck | man it startles me | 06:22 |
Razor-X | plus, I get much more fun manipulating sets than I do dreaming up a linux music box (believe it or not) | 06:23 |
estebandido | i've tried several, and i can't make any of them work | 06:23 |
dabaSlon | estebandido: that is truly a funny story... | 06:23 |
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carmiendo | (brb) | 06:23 |
peck | Razor-X: and can you tell me about manipulating sets like you told me about he music box? :P | 06:24 |
Razor-X | peck: yes, yes I can | 06:24 |
Xira | how would I use the find command to find any file with the term 'unsanity' in the file name? | 06:24 |
Xira | i'm man stupid | 06:24 |
=== Xira- [~Valencia@c-24-10-51-201.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | but, if you aren't interested, get ready for a long, droning lecture ;) | 06:24 |
estebandido | ok, i'm out of here... i'll try again another day | 06:24 |
Razor-X | I can explain the theory i'm going to submit on Usenet, and it's current problems | 06:24 |
dabaSlon | carmiendo: then, after you are done that one wiki...then you need to go through this one: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/WiFiHowto . | 06:24 |
limer | woot | 06:24 |
limer | I feel good | 06:25 |
Xira- | how would I use the find command to find any file with the term 'unsanity' in the file name? i'm man stupid | 06:25 |
peck | Razor-X: a theory? | 06:25 |
pablo928 | i could use some help with dma settings for xine, please | 06:25 |
=== jobenjo [~benjamin@216-15-127-143.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | peck: yeahp | 06:25 |
dabaSlon | yes, Razor-X is gonna tell us the theory! | 06:25 |
Razor-X | on the nature of infinite sets | 06:25 |
limer | burg and I are buddies | 06:25 |
peck | Razor-X: what's the problem u trying to solve, for starters? | 06:25 |
tritium | Razor-X, countable or uncountable? | 06:25 |
limer | woohoo! he should come by for beer | 06:25 |
Razor-X | tritium: both | 06:25 |
=== limer passes out more beer | ||
tritium | okay, let's hear it | 06:25 |
Razor-X | let's go! heh | 06:26 |
=== hybrid_goth grabs | ||
limer | everyone here should drink beer . . . | 06:26 |
dabaSlon | whats the ignore command, pls? just quick..b4 he starts | 06:26 |
=== benplaut slaps hybrid_goth | ||
limer | and talk about ubuntu while drunk | 06:26 |
benplaut | uh oh | 06:26 |
limer | . . . if you can anyway | 06:26 |
Razor-X | 1. Every element of an infinite set cannot be determined, but an infinite set can be apporximated to practical purposes | 06:26 |
hybrid_goth | dabaSlon: /ignore nicl | 06:26 |
hybrid_goth | **nick | 06:26 |
peck | Razor-X: that a hypothesis? | 06:27 |
dabaSlon | not working:( | 06:27 |
carmiendo | i would like everyone to know that this pie i just made is brilliant. and i want to give dabaSlon lots of it for helping out ^_^ | 06:27 |
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Razor-X | 2. For every set U there exists a set V whose relationship is unknown | 06:27 |
dabaSlon | haha, carmiendo:) | 06:27 |
Razor-X | unless specifically defined | 06:27 |
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tritium | Razor-X, that's standard measure theory | 06:27 |
carmiendo | dabaSlon: so what's the deal with the invalid driver business? | 06:27 |
dabaSlon | did you tery getting it off that site? | 06:27 |
dabaSlon | the list I gave you above^? | 06:27 |
Razor-X | 3. If a portion of a set is approximated continuously, then resulting segments around it contain small portions of varying apporximation | 06:28 |
Razor-X | tritium: yeah, the meat is in the 3rd poin | 06:28 |
Razor-X | *point | 06:28 |
IIIEars_away | an ipod might be a better music box with a 300 gig drive. http://www.command-tab.com/index.php/ipod-super | 06:28 |
pablo928 | why does the dma turn off by itself for hdc? | 06:28 |
peck | Razor-X: that seems ok. but how can you MEASURE? | 06:28 |
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=== ReleaseX [~ReleaseX@adsl-70-245-232-70.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | but, what I was thinking about is that, because a set can be approximated in different ways, certain portions of sets approximated in one way are known, and approximated in the other way are unknown | 06:29 |
elkid | nickrud, :) | 06:29 |
ReleaseX | what's a good p2p program | 06:29 |
elkid | nickrud, u there? | 06:29 |
Razor-X | which brings up a dilemna | 06:29 |
dabaSlon | if anyone understands that, he is nuts, thats all I can say: | 06:29 |
dabaSlon | :) | 06:29 |
Razor-X | are the resulting sets different? | 06:29 |
Razor-X | dabaSlon: hah | 06:29 |
nickrud | elkid, why is it that when I sit down here, you pop up ;P | 06:29 |
benplaut | ReleaseX: limewire is awesome | 06:29 |
dabaSlon | serious, I can not even begin to grasp that... | 06:29 |
nickrud | elkid, what's up? | 06:29 |
elkid | nickrud, lol | 06:29 |
hybrid_goth | what doea /beep do? | 06:30 |
dabaSlon | ReleaseX: sudo apt-get install gtk-gnutella | 06:30 |
peck | Razor-X: I know nothing about math but that's the value chain (M. Porter) you're talking about | 06:30 |
Razor-X | dabaSlon: that comes after abotu a half a year of spare thinking after seeing one paper on Continuum Hypothesis | 06:30 |
elkid | nickrud, yo! i made it work! , was something on my kernel the "dnotify and inotifi werent enable at it :) | 06:30 |
Razor-X | peck: eh? value chain? | 06:30 |
hybrid_goth | **does | 06:30 |
benplaut | hybrid_goth: is does nothing | 06:30 |
Razor-X | *about | 06:30 |
carmiendo | Razor-X: dude, occam's razor. pick the approximation that works ^_^ | 06:30 |
peck | Razor-X: google for it. Porter's theory about representing value creation in business | 06:30 |
nickrud | elkid, good | 06:30 |
elkid | nickrud, hehe cool man :) | 06:30 |
Razor-X | peck: but, what does that have to do with sets approximated different ways? | 06:31 |
hybrid_goth | benplaut: ok ty | 06:31 |
Razor-X | carmiendo: that's the thing, these approximations generally differ at minute portions | 06:31 |
Razor-X | but, nonetheless, the sets are different | 06:31 |
peck | Razor-X: u're the genius, u tell me :)) really google it! | 06:31 |
Razor-X | at least, hypothetically | 06:31 |
carmiendo | why would you not say that therefore approximating the set is invalid? | 06:31 |
limer | I think we had better talk about ubuntu | 06:32 |
=== limer grimaces | ||
tritium | Razor-X, take any set dense in the original set, and you can approximate arbitrarily closely. | 06:32 |
Razor-X | carmiendo: I could, but I don't want to | 06:32 |
dabaSlon | limer, I think someone should better tell me the ignore command. | 06:32 |
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Razor-X | tritium: but, i'm talking about minute differences | 06:32 |
limer | dabaSlon: ignore | 06:32 |
tritium | Razor-X, they can be as minute as you choose | 06:32 |
limer | there you go | 06:32 |
Razor-X | I have a little text file that outlines exactly what I mean | 06:32 |
dabaSlon | ignore | 06:32 |
nickrud | lol | 06:33 |
limer | in xchat, try right-clicking | 06:33 |
dabaSlon | there is a context menu ignore:) | 06:33 |
Razor-X | tritium: but, I don't understand? | 06:33 |
tritium | Razor-X, offtopic | 06:33 |
limer | dabaSlon: if you've been here a while, scroll up | 06:33 |
limer | I'm mocking others | 06:34 |
limer | and if you don't like, you can use that newfound command :P | 06:34 |
Razor-X | tritium: ok, I was just taking the cue from the sex chat up there ;) | 06:34 |
Razor-X | back to topic.......... | 06:34 |
dabaSlon | tritium: you asked him to hear it:) | 06:34 |
Razor-X | what architecture would an EBGA be classified as? | 06:34 |
tritium | dabaSlon, yep | 06:34 |
dabaSlon | tritium: umhm | 06:35 |
tritium | dabaSlon, I was hoping for a new result ;) | 06:35 |
pablo928 | how do i add scrip to enable dma to /dev/hdc at boot? | 06:35 |
dabaSlon | :) | 06:35 |
Burgundavia | pablo928, edit hdparm.conf | 06:36 |
pablo928 | tBurgundavia, ok , thanks | 06:36 |
dabaSlon | ha, he had to type it out:) | 06:37 |
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root__ | woot | 06:38 |
carmiendo | dabaSlon: i'm looking at that page with the drivers.. but my specific laptop isn't on it. should i just like, try shit? it seems weird.. | 06:38 |
peck | limer are your geyes drunk yet? | 06:38 |
limer | dude, gettin there | 06:38 |
limer | I ignored our bro | 06:38 |
pablo928 | Burgundavia, i oped hdparm.conf with gedit and there's nothing there. Do i just add hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc? | 06:38 |
limer | better for both of us that way | 06:38 |
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limer | peck: what about you man? | 06:39 |
foxiness | hi | 06:39 |
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limer | hi foxi | 06:39 |
BROKEN_LADDER | bob2 checkinstall _does_ make a package i thought. | 06:39 |
peck | limer, i'm afraid my need to sleep just vanished with this piece of Salsichon Iberico Extra | 06:39 |
peck | limer, just opened a beer | 06:40 |
limer | peck: very good sir | 06:40 |
bob2 | BROKEN_LADDER: not one you can usefully give to other people | 06:40 |
=== limer shares fond memories with peck | ||
=== bubblegum [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-179-153.dynamic.mts.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
=== peck shivers | ||
limer | :P | 06:40 |
dabaSlon | ha, bubblegum, I wanted to see something... | 06:40 |
limer | fond "beer" memories | 06:40 |
limer | sheesh! | 06:40 |
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pablo928 | peck in spanish Salsichon Iberico Extraes more or less extra iberian hotdog | 06:41 |
peck | and this is salchichon, not salsichon. really good, but they say i should wait 1 full hour before eating, after opening the thing... isn't that a sin? | 06:41 |
limer | lol | 06:41 |
limer | hahaha | 06:41 |
peck | pablo928: que dices? | 06:42 |
pablo928 | yep salchichon but i copoied and pasted from you | 06:42 |
peck | lol yeah | 06:42 |
limer | it's all good. just feel good guys | 06:42 |
=== ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0547.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
limer | we wouldn't want to police anyone here | 06:43 |
peck | but didn't get the hotdog | 06:43 |
dabaSlon | carmiendo: what is the make and model, though, that was just the chipset...I guess. | 06:43 |
limer | hmmm, how can we integrate this. hotdogs are unified . . . much like ubuntu | 06:43 |
BROKEN_LADDER | bob2 so how could i make a package? | 06:43 |
bob2 | BROKEN_LADDER: www.debian.org/devel/, new maintainer's guide | 06:44 |
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peck | limer, recipes aren't always open source | 06:44 |
=== limer gasps | ||
=== peck attends | ||
limer | peck: but they should be | 06:44 |
carmiendo | dabaSlon: you mean, of my laptop? or of the card? my laptop's a dell inspiron 600m. the card, i'm not sure (how do i tell?) | 06:44 |
peck | limer, good point. To what extent should sources be open? | 06:44 |
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dabaSlon | dunno, look up the model on the net... | 06:45 |
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dabaSlon | or your manual:) | 06:45 |
=== net is now known as [varangian] | ||
limer | I think recipes should probably be open source | 06:45 |
limer | open license, whatever | 06:45 |
carmiendo | from the dell site for my laptop i have "Dell 1350 internal wireless solution (802.11b/g)" | 06:45 |
peck | carmiendo, if it's a dell it should all be available in the support site | 06:45 |
BROKEN_LADDER | bob2 great. | 06:45 |
carmiendo | but i am like "internal wireless solution wtf" | 06:45 |
limer | but we all know we should pay future royalties to Smuckers if we have a PB&J with the crusts cut off | 06:45 |
peck | limer, what if you do the best pizza in town? | 06:46 |
=== carmiendo tries to see if more description is hiding somewhere | ||
peck | restaurants aren't about world domination | 06:46 |
peck | to what extent is open source good? | 06:46 |
dabaSlon | Card: Dell Truemobile 1300 minipci 54mbps ... Chipset: Broadcom BCM4306 | 06:46 |
limer | peck: you avoid giving the recipe away, but that doesn't mean someone else doesn't have the ability to think of the same great pizza | 06:46 |
dabaSlon | http://ftp.us.dell.com/network/R90501.EXE | 06:46 |
dabaSlon | man... | 06:47 |
jsw1 | open source is good (mostly) .. but free licencing w/ open source is better. :) | 06:47 |
dabaSlon | :( | 06:47 |
IIIEars_away | limer - hire "consultants" to reverse engineer your pizza. | 06:47 |
limer | business is business. that doesn't mean we all have to be assholes about it | 06:47 |
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dabaSlon | ard: Dell Truemobile 1350 minipci 54mbps ...... Chipset: Broadcom Corporation BCM94306 802.11g (rev 03) | 06:47 |
jsw1 | na. hire consultants to make a feasablity study about reverse enginnering the pizza. | 06:47 |
dabaSlon | http://ftp.us.dell.com/network/R81433.EXE | 06:47 |
=== pablo928 [~paul@az-yuma-cuda1x-159.losaca.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
peck | limer, of course not. you're just making sure that your "Best pizza in town" isn't copied by the restaurant who *also* has hot ladies that deliver them to your home.... | 06:47 |
limer | Ben Franklin wrote many a journal on "overcharging" of all things | 06:47 |
IIIEars_away | You are right. I stand corrected | 06:47 |
limer | he was truly concerned | 06:47 |
peck | jsw1: ask accenture if that's a good idea before even thinking it | 06:48 |
limer | peck: I have to admit I take shitty pizza with hot girls over good pizza and zero girls | 06:48 |
jsw1 | haha | 06:48 |
limer | but that's just me | 06:48 |
IIIEars_away | lol | 06:48 |
peck | limer, constitutional right of yours, won't blame you. but if you can have both because of open source | 06:49 |
jsw1 | I guess I am getting old .. I like good pizza. :) | 06:49 |
limer | peck: if YOU had a choice of hot girls and bad pizza vs. good pizza and zero girls | 06:49 |
peck | limer : i'm good lookin' but make lousy pizza. so the babes work with me. you have no babes but best pizza. your recipe is open source. what do you get when i copy? | 06:49 |
limer | I doubt you pick good pizza | 06:49 |
limer | :P | 06:49 |
nickrud | jsw1, I was beginning to doubt myself ... | 06:50 |
limer | how bout we just cut the philosophical bs and get good looking girls who happen to KNOW where good pizza is made | 06:50 |
limer | :P | 06:50 |
=== carmiendo [~cmj@pcp0011347479pcs.prfred01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
limer | I would be happy with that | 06:51 |
carmiendo | why did my entire box just lock up? that was tragic | 06:51 |
peck | limer, i'll have to ask the consultants that consult to my humble person about that *simple* solution... | 06:51 |
[g2] | Does Breezy Badger AMD64 suppor the NX bit ? | 06:51 |
limer | and whoever wants the brunettes (from earlier) can have em. I'll take the dumb blonde ;) | 06:51 |
dabaSlon | Card: Dell Truemobile 1350 minipci 54mbps ...... Chipset: Broadcom Corporation BCM94306 802.11g (rev 03) download driver: http://ftp.us.dell.com/network/R81433.EXE (however that http ftp combination works...) follow the wiki here, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SetupNdiswrapperHowto , and then this one: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/WiFiHowto | 06:51 |
limer | ha | 06:51 |
peck | lol | 06:51 |
foxiness | peck, did try to change your mind or other , after all we not the same thing not the same on look to things on this life donot wast your time | 06:51 |
carmiendo | dabaSlon, you might be my hero. | 06:51 |
dabaSlon | haha | 06:51 |
HrdwrBoB | I'm married, and I like.. good pizza and so does my wife | 06:51 |
dabaSlon | Any Comcast customer is my friend:) | 06:51 |
peck | foxiness: what? | 06:51 |
=== kakalto [~kakalto@wired-210-54-56-45.ps.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
carmiendo | (i must totally suck at life here) | 06:51 |
limer | woot for HrdwrBoB :D | 06:52 |
limer | he has best of both worlds | 06:52 |
dabaSlon | I work tech support chat with Comcast:) you know the live chat thing? | 06:52 |
limer | peck will have to see if consultants agree | 06:52 |
carmiendo | ahh. yeah, i've heard of it. but never used it. | 06:52 |
dabaSlon | haha:) | 06:52 |
peck | limer, if it's marriage it's fusion, consultants say yes. it's always expensive, either it works or not, so they love it | 06:52 |
dabaSlon | sweet, less work 4 me...:) | 06:52 |
limer | :P | 06:52 |
carmiendo | is that a fun job? | 06:53 |
dabaSlon | and hten I get home, and come to #ubuntu:) | 06:53 |
dabaSlon | carmiendo: oh, yeah, fun...:) | 06:53 |
peck | it's the pizza regime i'm waiting to approve... they're making calories and risk calculations | 06:53 |
limer | you know even though Burg is ignored, I still feel dirty | 06:53 |
limer | like he's "watching" | 06:53 |
dabaSlon | like their pizza story. | 06:53 |
IIIEars_away | dabaSlon - Where is the "Any" key on my keyboard? | 06:53 |
dabaSlon | IIIEars_away: $any. | 06:53 |
dabaSlon | dont be away at least:-p | 06:53 |
foxiness | peck, who the first one exist with out the basic knowloge ? | 06:53 |
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prediusv2 | dabaSlon, does Windows98 support Windows? | 06:54 |
=== IIIEars_away is now known as IIIEars | ||
prediusv2 | *Linux | 06:54 |
dabaSlon | haha:) | 06:54 |
prediusv2 | ;) | 06:54 |
dabaSlon | awesome, nice... | 06:54 |
foxiness | peck, dont try to close ur book | 06:54 |
dabaSlon | got it. | 06:54 |
foxiness | ur - your | 06:54 |
peck | foxiness ? | 06:54 |
carmiendo | that driver's invalid too! i'm gonna strangle some puppies or something soon. | 06:54 |
peck | Burg, you ok? | 06:54 |
=== pablo928 [~paul@az-yuma-cuda1x-159.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaSlon | puppies:( | 06:54 |
dabaSlon | aww??? | 06:55 |
limer | let me know if he's gone nuts peck | 06:55 |
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dabaSlon | burg, yeah, you ok?? | 06:55 |
dabaSlon | :) | 06:55 |
dabaSlon | lmao | 06:55 |
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peck | limer, he still won't talk to me | 06:55 |
IIIEars | carmiendo - i'll loan you a pair of inconainent cats... | 06:55 |
limer | he linked me to some ubuntu anti-bs in #ubuntu channel bs | 06:55 |
limer | hahaha | 06:55 |
limer | whatever. | 06:55 |
carmiendo | IIIEars: perfect! apparently i need a living sacrifice to make this work. | 06:56 |
=== carmiendo cries | ||
dabaSlon | puppies;) strangle...=-O | 06:56 |
limer | he told me that ppl were too afraid to speak up | 06:56 |
limer | anyone here who thinks I am way too offtopic come get a beer and I'll ask again in twenty minutes | 06:56 |
dabaSlon | aww..dont cry...at least you may be the new metalsand... | 06:56 |
peck | he'll always say cool things to you. but keeps ignoring me | 06:56 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tritium] by ChanServ | ||
carmiendo | metalsand? | 06:56 |
dabaSlon | jj, he had a hard time installing wireless. | 06:57 |
carmiendo | LIKE ME | 06:57 |
hayden | how can i tell who owns a folder using a terminal | 06:57 |
carmiendo | sigh. | 06:57 |
dabaSlon | somewhat, I guess. But much longer, and it worked out to be a hardware thing. | 06:57 |
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dabaSlon | hayden: you could be in the folder, and do a ls -la | 06:57 |
limer | peck: you know, the last time it was some other guy that brought something about OT up. I bitched once and he shut the fuck up | 06:57 |
dabaSlon | and then see who owns the . entry. | 06:57 |
hayden | thanks dabaSlon | 06:57 |
limer | more of a challenge this time | 06:57 |
dabaSlon | I think, let me see. | 06:58 |
dabaSlon | welcome, yeah. | 06:58 |
=== seth [~seth@pool-141-149-7-105.alb.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaSlon | there is prob a better way, but I know some weird ways of getting stuff done. | 06:58 |
peck | limer, every day we live to higher challenges (the one cool think burg taught me!!) | 06:58 |
dabaSlon | haha, peck, you are awesome. | 06:59 |
limer | peck: I even told him he was a cool dude somewhere deep inside. I don't know who did what to him | 06:59 |
peck | dabaSlon: i do love you too | 06:59 |
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carmiendo | awwwww. | 06:59 |
dabaSlon | Yay. | 06:59 |
seth | Hello everyone. | 06:59 |
eater773 | dabaSlon --> so what my next move.. how can i mount d drive ?? | 06:59 |
dabaSlon | hey, seth. | 06:59 |
seth | How are you tonight dabaSlon? | 06:59 |
dabaSlon | eater, did you try that stuff? Ihave another way, Places>Computer>Floppy 1, double click Floppy 1. | 07:00 |
peck | limer, why do they say tonight? it's 7 am am I'm still speaking nonsense on #ubuntu! | 07:00 |
dabaSlon | seth, not bad, thanks. | 07:00 |
dabaSlon | you? | 07:00 |
limer | I don't know bro, I'm drunk at 1 am here | 07:00 |
limer | I think daba is a cool guy too | 07:00 |
peck | limer globalization woes | 07:00 |
seth | I'm great. | 07:00 |
foxiness | xchat without sound-events ? | 07:00 |
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eater773 | yes... with floppy inside.... can't know what filesystem type ... | 07:00 |
nekton | dabaSlon, i got that touchpad working. thanks for your help the other night. | 07:00 |
carmiendo | limer, whereis? | 07:00 |
limer | va | 07:01 |
limer | us | 07:01 |
BROKEN_LADDER | help | 07:01 |
carmiendo | <- md | 07:01 |
dabaSlon | nekton: when, just upgrade? | 07:01 |
limer | cool cool | 07:01 |
peck | madrid, spain, eu | 07:01 |
BROKEN_LADDER | checking for gtk-config... no / checking for GTK - version >= 1.0.1... no | 07:01 |
BROKEN_LADDER | anyone? | 07:01 |
=== seth is now known as _seth | ||
dabaSlon | BROKEN_LADDER: what is that? you installing that? | 07:01 |
limer | wtf, burg tells me about how involved he is but notice never a fuggin word in ubunu except to police | 07:01 |
nekton | no, had to follow a couple of other things after the upgrade that i found on the wiki dabaSlon | 07:01 |
BROKEN_LADDER | dabaSlon i'm running checkinstall | 07:02 |
dabaSlon | excellent:) | 07:02 |
limer | peck: I had an ex that loved spain | 07:02 |
carmiendo | dabaSlon... what do you recommend i try next? am i just having a stupid hard time finding the right driver? or is it a problem with ndiswrapper? | 07:02 |
limer | I would like to see one day | 07:02 |
nekton | it works sweet | 07:02 |
peck | limer, it's bluff. burg's a lame liar | 07:02 |
dabaSlon | did you install it as that thing says from that source? | 07:02 |
limer | no shit, I've been bsing here for how long? | 07:02 |
foxiness | is there away to get sound work on xchat ? | 07:02 |
sub_pop_ | has ubuntu stopped doing the monthly calendars? | 07:02 |
peck | limer, worth the trip. i'm not spanish myself, and I fell in love with Madrid | 07:02 |
carmiendo | yeah. i installed v1.1 exactly as it said to here: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SetupNdiswrapperHowto | 07:03 |
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peck | limer, still in love though, we're not exes yet | 07:03 |
peck | :p | 07:03 |
limer | how much DC to Madrid via plane? any idea? | 07:03 |
limer | peck: that's cool man | 07:03 |
dabaSlon | carmiendo: um, and both the driver from that link, and the driver from the cd give you the same error? | 07:03 |
peck | limer about 6-8 hours i'd say | 07:03 |
limer | price | 07:04 |
hayden | how do i remove a dir and all files in it? | 07:04 |
_seth | What is a good source editor with syntex highlighting that runs in X? Not vi or emacs. | 07:04 |
limer | did I ask time? | 07:04 |
limer | sry bout that | 07:04 |
dabaSlon | hayden, b careful...rm -r folder | 07:04 |
hayden | thanks again | 07:04 |
foxiness | why the sound on xchat not working on ubuntu ? | 07:04 |
dabaSlon | gedit highlights, seth. | 07:04 |
peck | limer, lol you said how much... my bad. i have NO idea :) | 07:04 |
carmiendo | dabaSlon: yeah. i'll do ndiswrapper -l and it says both are invalid drivers. the other driver i was using came off the dell website. i was pretty certain that was the right one. | 07:04 |
dabaSlon | welcome. | 07:04 |
_seth | dabaSlon, I just typed in some HTML and C++ code, and neither was highlighted/. | 07:04 |
limer | I'm afraid if I go to EU I won't come back :P | 07:05 |
dabaSlon | save as .html | 07:05 |
dabaSlon | and maybe .cpp for c++ highlighting | 07:05 |
carmiendo | dabaSlon: on this walkthrough, he upgraded ndiswrapper...: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31926 | 07:05 |
=== _elliot [~elliot@203-173-147-24.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
peck | limer, yeah we won't kick you out anyways :) can't say the same thing about the us | 07:05 |
peck | :p | 07:06 |
carmiendo | maybe i should try that? err... | 07:06 |
benplaut | is my internet still on? | 07:06 |
benplaut | OK, i guess that's a yes | 07:06 |
=== The_Universe [~swooth@cpe-24-193-254-95.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hayden | dabaSlon: sudo rmdir -r netcalc | 07:06 |
hayden | rmdir: invalid option -- r | 07:06 |
The_Universe | hey, how is ubuntu compared to debian? | 07:06 |
dabaSlon | rm, not rmdir | 07:06 |
The_Universe | i keep hearing good things about ubuntu | 07:06 |
_seth | hayden, rm -rf foo. | 07:06 |
The_Universe | hows it differ from deb | 07:06 |
hayden | ah ok | 07:06 |
dabaSlon | carmiendo: did you follow step one, for Installing the Windows Drivers? | 07:06 |
=== herpes [~mat@222-152-115-225.adsl.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hayden | <- noob | 07:06 |
limer | ? you are welcome in my house peck | 07:06 |
dabaSlon | rm -r should be fine, whats the f? | 07:06 |
_seth | hayden, we all start somewhere. | 07:06 |
_seth | dabaSlon, force. | 07:06 |
dabaSlon | ah | 07:07 |
_seth | rm -r = bad. rm -rf = worse. | 07:07 |
hayden | another question: what does chmod 777 do? | 07:07 |
peck | limer, lol I meant the governments kicking ppl out. Thx :) Same here btw, mi casa es su casa :) | 07:07 |
herpes | _seth, its not bad | 07:07 |
hayden | i know it has something to do about permissions | 07:07 |
foxiness | The_Universe, 6 month not 2.6 years | 07:07 |
limer | _seth: nah, just be v. careful | 07:07 |
=== tritium points to the manpages for chmod, rm | ||
=== nevyn_ [~nevyn@c220-237-153-138.brodm1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaSlon | modifies permission to allow read, write, and execute permission to you, group, and everyone | 07:07 |
The_Universe | foxiness, well i run testing | 07:07 |
limer | peck: ty | 07:08 |
carmiendo | dabaSlon: yep. er, they are .exe files. should the be .inf? | 07:08 |
_seth | hayden, 777 give everyone read wite and execute permissions. | 07:08 |
hayden | _seth: ok thanks, that what i thought it was | 07:08 |
peck | limer, burg can come too | 07:08 |
dabaSlon | you need the .inf from the cd | 07:08 |
limer | peck: I decided to unignore burg | 07:08 |
limer | he just needs a drink or two | 07:08 |
carmiendo | >< from the cd? | 07:08 |
limer | he would be cool ;) | 07:08 |
foxiness | The_Universe, + more work from ubuntu team | 07:08 |
peck | :)) | 07:08 |
dabaSlon | yeah, the one for the card | 07:08 |
peck | maybe dabaSlon is the one needing more beer | 07:08 |
limer | so it's set. you, me, burg and calc all gettin together in Spain | 07:09 |
=== nevyn_ is now known as nevyn | ||
foxiness | The_Universe, http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDownUnder/BreezyGoals | 07:09 |
carmiendo | so the .exes are downloadable. can i get the .inf files from them? | 07:09 |
=== pppoe__dude [~pppoe_dud@CPE00055df621f8-CM000e5cdd83d2.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
peck | calc, you inviting calc? he's a geek, come on! | 07:09 |
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limer | lol | 07:09 |
dabaSlon | not sure, do you have the cd? | 07:09 |
limer | we can get him laid | 07:09 |
The_Universe | but im used to debian now and its little quirks and stuff, i really dont want to learn and go through that all again with a new distro | 07:09 |
peck | lol | 07:09 |
carmiendo | the windows cd? no. | 07:09 |
pppoe__dude | hi... i just installed Ubuntu, and for some reason, apt-get doesn't seem to be trying to get any lists from the internet... | 07:09 |
peck | calc: u ok with this? | 07:09 |
pppoe__dude | what can i do? | 07:09 |
dabaSlon | carmiendo: do you have the wireless card cd... | 07:10 |
nickrud | The_Universe, all your debian skills transfer nicely to ubuntuy | 07:10 |
foxiness | The_Universe, what is the new to learn ? | 07:10 |
tritium | The_Universe, you'll put them to good use in ubuntu | 07:10 |
carmiendo | dabaSlon: i have zero cds | 07:10 |
limer | he's fine, just too drunk from my shots of tequila earlier | 07:10 |
limer | I speak on calc's behalf | 07:10 |
dabaSlon | pppoe__dude: um, did you apt-get update? | 07:10 |
pppoe__dude | just gives me "package not available" right away | 07:10 |
carmiendo | dabaSlon: this is because i suck >< | 07:10 |
pppoe__dude | apt-get update gives me this: | 07:10 |
foxiness | The_Universe, its basd debian im from fc not debian and i can not see diff things to learn | 07:10 |
dabaSlon | carmiendo: go i nto windows, try executing the exe | 07:10 |
dabaSlon | I guess... | 07:10 |
_seth | What IS breezy? | 07:10 |
pppoe__dude | Reading package lists... Done | 07:11 |
peck | limer, perfect then | 07:11 |
pppoe__dude | in less than a second | 07:11 |
carmiendo | dabaSlon, | 07:11 |
=== dieman [~dieman@3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097.org] has joined #ubuntu | ||
foxiness | The_Universe, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/504Released | 07:11 |
peck | _seth: new ubuntu release | 07:11 |
_elliot | why are there no choices for keyboard layout in ubuntu, in both selection places (kde and gnome) there are no choices? | 07:11 |
pppoe__dude | doesnt seem to be contacting any servers or anything | 07:11 |
tritium | _elliot, there are | 07:11 |
carmiendo | dabaSlon: er. okay! brb. | 07:11 |
dabaSlon | pppoe__dude: do a cat /etc/apt/sources.list and paste that into http://pastebin.com , please. | 07:11 |
_elliot | tritium: any idea why I cannot see them? | 07:11 |
nekton | dabaSlon, first i did the first entry in this post ---> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3993 | 07:11 |
pppoe__dude | lol | 07:12 |
pppoe__dude | everything seems to be commented out | 07:12 |
trondd | Good morning! Got a question about gstreamer: Compared to mplayer compiled with mmx1, mmx2 and sse, totem-gstreamer is *very* slow, so I wonder if gstreamer is comiled for i386? | 07:12 |
dabaSlon | ok, well, remove comments:) | 07:12 |
foxiness | The_Universe, how mutch take debian to be ready :from boot to desktop :? | 07:12 |
tritium | _elliot, no, you're looking in System->Preferences->Keyboard->Layouts? | 07:12 |
pppoe__dude | should i uncomment the servers? e.g. # deb http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe | 07:12 |
nickrud | _elliot, system->preferences->keyboard | 07:12 |
peck | Ah, limer, we got a "good morning" guy | 07:12 |
dabaSlon | ca! | 07:12 |
dabaSlon | :) | 07:12 |
pppoe__dude | THANKS!! :) i have more problems, will come back to them later tho | 07:12 |
peck | argh, bet he's @ work | 07:13 |
dabaSlon | k... | 07:13 |
limer | peck: what was that? I was pissin | 07:13 |
nekton | dabaSlon, and then *key* was to add the i8042.nomux to the menu.lst noted 3/4's down the page ---> http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SynapticsTouchpadHowto | 07:13 |
_seth | So, the misses got a cat today. Guess what I found out today. I'm allergic to cats. | 07:13 |
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peck | it's trondd, limer. bet he just got to work. and i'm still awoke | 07:13 |
limer | _seth: that's too bad man, cats r0x | 07:13 |
_elliot | yes, the place where you should be able to see keyboard choices, it says keyboard choices but there are none to choose from | 07:13 |
limer | wow | 07:14 |
Xira- | http://synchronizedesigns.us/ubuntu/IMG_1573.JPG <-- Now that part of my desk is clean | 07:14 |
Xira- | :D | 07:14 |
_seth | liable, it is bad, because this cat is so cool. He is like a stoner cat. Wants to do nothing more then sleep all day and be pet. I love him. He is just like me. | 07:14 |
limer | cats and computers are mortal enemies though | 07:14 |
limer | maybe for the best | 07:14 |
_seth | Xira-, DIE! | 07:14 |
dabaSlon | nekton: yeah, wikis are goof. | 07:14 |
limer | ever notice how the cat jumps on the keyboard during BIOS flash? | 07:14 |
dabaSlon | d | 07:14 |
Xira- | Why? | 07:14 |
Xira- | o.O | 07:14 |
trondd | peck: not even there yet... (Breakfast) | 07:14 |
_seth | You have a mac mini. | 07:14 |
Xira- | So? :o | 07:14 |
_seth | I don't. | 07:15 |
nekton | bits and pieces but you got me on the track dabaSlon , preciate it. | 07:15 |
peck | trondd: Want some Salchichon Iberico Extra? | 07:15 |
nekton | works sweet now. | 07:15 |
Xira- | they're fun | 07:15 |
=== limer wants | ||
pppoe__dude | Ok, | 07:15 |
dabaSlon | k, good. | 07:15 |
_seth | Want to get me one? | 07:15 |
Xira- | lol | 07:15 |
Xira- | took me awhile to save up | 07:15 |
Xira- | im a jobless 16 year old | 07:15 |
limer | that was weird, I just felt like eating play-doh | 07:15 |
limer | :-& | 07:15 |
=== Linforcer_ [~chatzilla@dslam252-73-59-81.dyndsl.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BROKEN_LADDER | how can i install gtk-config? | 07:15 |
_seth | Well, you better start saving up again, huh? | 07:15 |
Xira- | lots of debunkering virus/spyware infected machines | 07:15 |
Xira- | :D | 07:15 |
_seth | My birthday is in July... | 07:16 |
peck | limer, we can get a mcmorning at mcdonald's if you prefer | 07:16 |
_seth | BROKEN_LADDER, did you get apt-get install gtk-config? | 07:16 |
limer | omg, I'm so hungry | 07:16 |
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pppoe__dude | why can;t I run any 'administrative' utilities from within gnome? When i click on, for example, networking, it asks for my password... I put the password and it gives me an error... and thats with everything | 07:16 |
limer | I skipped a sub at wawa's earlier | 07:16 |
peck | limer, order pizzas to the brunettes | 07:16 |
limer | :P | 07:16 |
limer | no doubt | 07:16 |
limer | I happen to be partial to redheads honestly | 07:17 |
klaus^^^ | man | 07:17 |
klaus^^^ | debian acts like ubuntu | 07:17 |
peck | limer, genetic u think? | 07:17 |
klaus^^^ | ? | 07:17 |
pppoe__dude | i have a root account, and not using sudo | 07:17 |
_seth | The misses is Asian. | 07:17 |
dabaSlon | pppoe__dude: full disk is all that comes to my mind. | 07:17 |
dabaSlon | df -l | 07:17 |
pppoe__dude | dabaSlon got about 5 gb's | 07:17 |
_seth | Chinese to be more specific. | 07:17 |
limer | I think good looking redheads make for great Irish boxing later ;) | 07:17 |
peck | limer, investing then. my consultants are happy to hear that | 07:18 |
pppoe__dude | dabaSlon, however, when it asks for my password, apparently it checks for the user password, not the root one... | 07:18 |
pppoe__dude | and then gives me an error code 1. | 07:18 |
BROKEN_LADDER | _seth that doesn't bring any package up | 07:18 |
limer | I don't know a lot about my family tree but I KNOW I'm Irish b/c I like Guinness, redheads and boxing | 07:18 |
herpes | limer, irish boxing? | 07:18 |
pppoe__dude | i'm gonna try kubuntu and see what happens | 07:18 |
dabaSlon | BROKEN_LADDER: it is not there, | 07:18 |
limer | I'm also an asshole so I MUST be French too | 07:18 |
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dabaSlon | yeah, you need to tell it your password. | 07:19 |
Zotnix | Hey... erm. Upgraded tonight on Breezy and X went wrong. Thinking I should go back down a notch. | 07:19 |
peck | limer, drink another beer | 07:19 |
Zotnix | Anyway to do that? | 07:19 |
limer | herpes: I don't know if I should respond or be scared of your name | 07:19 |
BROKEN_LADDER | no kidding | 07:19 |
=== limer drinking | ||
BROKEN_LADDER | dabaSlon where is it then? | 07:19 |
Zotnix | (I know... :p Breezy is unstable. I expected something to go wrong) | 07:19 |
peck | lol | 07:19 |
herpes | limer, be afraid | 07:20 |
Zotnix | oh | 07:20 |
limer | got' damn it. now I'm hungry | 07:20 |
=== Zotnix reads the topic | ||
dabaSlon | BROKEN_LADDER: wild guess: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?s=&forumid=2&threadid=323608 . | 07:20 |
limer | be afwaid . . . be VERY afwaid | 07:20 |
Zotnix | Okay...thinking I should downgrade to hoary | 07:20 |
pppoe__dude | what's the name of the 'kubuntu' package? isn;t it kubuntu-desktop? | 07:20 |
hayden | anyone know of an easy to configure ftp server? | 07:20 |
tritium | Good night, all | 07:20 |
limer | nite | 07:20 |
peck | nite nite | 07:21 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o tritium] by tritium | ||
=== tritium [~tritium@12-202-90-180.client.insightBB.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
Zotnix | To downgrade I switch over my sources.list to hoary and then apt-get dist-upgrade right? | 07:21 |
limer | I like boxing that involves the Irish kicking the shit out of others, yes. herpes | 07:21 |
dabaSlon | maybe... | 07:21 |
prediusv2 | No, Zotnix. | 07:21 |
Zotnix | Heh, uh oh. | 07:21 |
prediusv2 | There should be a guide somwhere. | 07:21 |
=== jaask [shith@addr-82-128-203-63.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zotnix | Kind of in recovery mode :/ | 07:21 |
prediusv2 | Google ubuntu downgrade packages. | 07:21 |
dabaSlon | hayden: configure like what? startup? | 07:21 |
=== foxiness Xira- have to cute girl ubuntu 10 cd x2 and xos awesome | ||
Zotnix | So I can't switch to another terminal. | 07:21 |
Zotnix | Okay | 07:22 |
limer | peck: where you at bro? | 07:22 |
=== Zotnix waves. | ||
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peck | limer, tryin' to go offline but i can't seem to be able to. wonder if i'll ever sleep again of if i'll wake up in a fight club being beaten up by an irish friend of yours | 07:23 |
foxiness | time to go | 07:23 |
limer | I just put on the Doors for ya | 07:23 |
foxiness | c y l8r | 07:23 |
limer | ;) | 07:23 |
limer | nite foxi | 07:23 |
peck | OH, you got the touch for the music selection | 07:23 |
dabaSlon | bye | 07:23 |
peck | nite foxiness, next time you'll tell me about my book | 07:24 |
limer | I know great music bro | 07:24 |
peck | limer, mplayer is playing the end here :) | 07:24 |
limer | this is the end . . . my only friend, the end | 07:24 |
peck | limer, that's why i'm particulary frustrated about being awake still | 07:24 |
=== Echylo [~echylo@16-166.245.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
limer | I know it's early there, make good use of the time | 07:25 |
limer | have a more southern dish | 07:25 |
limer | ask for biscuits and gravy | 07:25 |
limer | see what they say over in there ;) | 07:25 |
dr_willis | Hmm.. Diddly dang it - where did i see the gnome icon configuration tool at.. | 07:26 |
peck | lol if i have to wait another minute before eating I might eat my keyboard. ctrl+alt+del combo is particulary good they say | 07:26 |
dr_willis | testinmg out some new themes/icons i downloaded. | 07:26 |
limer | whatchu talkin' bout Willis!? | 07:26 |
peck | lol | 07:26 |
limer | haha | 07:27 |
dr_willis | You just showed your age at about... 37 or so :P | 07:27 |
limer | and to think burg was complaining not long ago | 07:27 |
=== dabaSlon is now known as dabaSlon_outside | ||
dr_willis | or you watch way too much late night tv. :P | 07:27 |
limer | we are the life of the party peck :P | 07:27 |
peck | startling | 07:27 |
dabaSlon_outside | or half the channel has him on ignore:) | 07:27 |
dabaSlon_outside | I dont even see anything:) | 07:27 |
limer | ;) | 07:27 |
peck | the flame of it's existence I'd dare say | 07:28 |
limer | don't see what dabaSlon_outside ? | 07:28 |
dr_willis | Hmm.. Ok. where the heck is the "change icon theme" tool hidden at. :P | 07:28 |
peck | I think he's still looking for Burg | 07:28 |
=== gnu- [~sfa@CPE-65-30-44-3.kc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
limer | can't you right-click that willis? | 07:28 |
peck | he's not outside dabaSlon | 07:28 |
_seth | dr_willis, system -> preferences - > theme | 07:28 |
=== Zotnix [martin@ool-4357361a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_seth | Go to theme details, and on the top tabs, click icons. | 07:28 |
Zotnix | Okay. Time to downgrade | 07:28 |
limer | peck: what is daba talkin bout? | 07:29 |
limer | I'm too drunk to understand | 07:30 |
peck | limer, I think he doubts the existence of Burg... | 07:30 |
limer | I see | 07:30 |
limer | burg is a very real boogeyman daba | 07:30 |
limer | he wants you to salute when you talk about ubuntu | 07:30 |
dr_willis | _seth, yea thats for the window decor theme isent it.. im looking for the 'icon' themes. :P | 07:30 |
dr_willis | _seth, or am i missing somthing here. lol | 07:30 |
peck | I miss the Inquisition times... daba'd probably be beheaded as he deserves. Non-believers freak me out | 07:30 |
_seth | I said go into the Icons tab under the Theme Details. | 07:31 |
=== saber_ [~Miranda@user-11fa3cd.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
limer | woot! break on through! | 07:31 |
dr_willis | AHA - there they are. :P | 07:31 |
dr_willis | detaills was ghosted for some reason.. selected a different theme. :P | 07:31 |
=== limer crying | ||
=== slava_ [~slava@c-67-169-38-235.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
limer | swallowed wrong tube | 07:32 |
peck | limer try some jimi hendrix | 07:32 |
limer | burg must be usin voodoo | 07:32 |
limer | I don't have any jimi on this box bro. only zeppelin, doors, jethro tull | 07:33 |
limer | maybe some odds and ends | 07:33 |
=== jb1 [~chatzilla@S010600045a612a7e.ca.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
peck | ask burg to sing hey joe for you | 07:33 |
=== nate_______ [~nate@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
limer | woohoohoo! | 07:34 |
nate_______ | anyone know how to run prima visual builder? | 07:34 |
=== carmiendo [~cmj@pcp0011347479pcs.prfred01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
limer | where you at Burgundavia | 07:34 |
limer | those underscores scare me | 07:34 |
limer | nate_______: no | 07:34 |
nate_______ | lol | 07:34 |
limer | nate wants to distance himself from us | 07:34 |
peck | no, only from his text | 07:34 |
peck | he's known to avoid responsibility | 07:35 |
limer | I see I see | 07:35 |
limer | he wrecked Dad's car again huh? | 07:35 |
=== sub_pop_ [~link@c-24-23-231-62.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
peck | only Mom's aware | 07:35 |
limer | ahh | 07:35 |
peck | pretty nice mess he created there | 07:35 |
limer | no doubt | 07:35 |
limer | I'm still waitin on burg's posse | 07:36 |
limer | guess that won't show | 07:36 |
peck | limer, did you hear about that guy they found on an english beach? won't say a word, only play the piano? I hear he's from the same planet as Burg. Hoax? | 07:37 |
=== jriche [~jriche@cpe-24-25-213-225.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
limer | wow, heard about him | 07:37 |
=== CrankyBen [~bhinton@dsl-] has joined #ubuntu | ||
limer | lots o ppl leaving | 07:37 |
CrankyBen | Hi all... getting very frustrated with a problem I am having and was hoping to get some help | 07:37 |
herpes | you guys are so far off topic | 07:37 |
jriche | I am currently using a 64 bit version of Ubuntu | 07:37 |
jriche | and i was wondering how to change the settings to 32bit | 07:38 |
peck | herpes why that name, why? | 07:38 |
limer | herpes: he hates everyone, that's just his nature | 07:38 |
herpes | peck, because im worth it | 07:38 |
peck | herpes does research for l'oreal i reckon | 07:38 |
Zotnix | Downgrading happening now. | 07:38 |
CrankyBen | I am using 5.04... and I cannot play WMV files. I've looked at heaps of instructions on how to configure this, but the w32codec does not seem to be in any of the repositories. Yes, I've edited the sources.list and added all the multiverse/universe | 07:39 |
jriche | I am currently using a 64 bit version of Ubuntu, and i was wondering how to change the settings to 32bit | 07:39 |
limer | CrankyBen: I tried for the w32codecs too. I guess they're gone | 07:39 |
=== sleepless [~sleepless@24-119-121-6.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== sleepless is now known as jdims | ||
limer | CrankyBen: you can get a mplayer site I thinks | 07:39 |
CrankyBen | limer, what are we supposed to do? | 07:39 |
limer | see above | 07:39 |
jriche | I am currently using a 64 bit version of Ubuntu, and i was wondering how to change the settings to 32bit | 07:40 |
CrankyBen | limer, yeah I downloaded mplayer via synaptic, and downloaded the codecs from their site, but now have NFI what to do next. I'm a linux newb | 07:40 |
cyphase | who here has used both Beagle and Google Desktop Search? | 07:40 |
limer | herpes: how can you have that name and not feel dirty | 07:40 |
peck | limer, you went on-topic. have another beer, quickly | 07:40 |
limer | seriously | 07:40 |
limer | ;) | 07:40 |
limer | don't let burg know plz | 07:40 |
=== asynic [~synic@c-67-172-242-227.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
peck | i won't tell, but you know how omnipotent he is... | 07:41 |
CrankyBen | any clues? | 07:41 |
limer | CrankyBen: if memory serves, you extract and link to other path | 07:41 |
herpes | limer, because i dont have any stis | 07:41 |
limer | but I forget. I'm pretty damn drunk | 07:41 |
limer | STDs? | 07:41 |
peck | lol | 07:41 |
_seth | Anyone here good with activites performed on a laptop by many Linux users? | 07:41 |
=== _seth coughs * | ||
count0nz | Hi herpes wb | 07:41 |
=== limer coughs and turns left | ||
peck | lol | 07:42 |
limer | :P | 07:42 |
limer | got' damn elitists | 07:42 |
limer | glad I got tha tout of my system | 07:43 |
herpes | CrankyBen, debian-marillat repo has w32codecs | 07:43 |
peck | like good is what it takes | 07:43 |
=== carmiendo curses at wireless for a while and strangles some kittens | ||
limer | woot! la woman | 07:43 |
CrankyBen | herpes, how do i add that repository? | 07:43 |
Amaranth | yeah, strangle those kittens | 07:43 |
herpes | CrankyBen, its on ubuntuguide.org | 07:43 |
limer | you know, if #ubuntu is so concerned about ontopic, where the fuck are the ops? | 07:43 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Amaranth] by ChanServ | ||
Amaranth | hello | 07:43 |
carmiendo | killing kittens doesn't even make me feel better. rrr | 07:43 |
peck | they're undercover | 07:44 |
limer | hiya | 07:44 |
limer | I guess so | 07:44 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Amaranth] by ChanServ | ||
Amaranth | hehe | 07:44 |
CrankyBen | herpes, thankyou | 07:44 |
limer | ;) | 07:44 |
_seth | So, is anyone good with that kind of stuff? | 07:44 |
peck | oh, someone thanked herpes | 07:44 |
limer | why are we killing kittens again? | 07:44 |
=== limer bashes in kitten's head | ||
peck | because wifi still sucks | 07:44 |
carmiendo | because this ndiswrapper thing still isn't working. yep. | 07:44 |
Amaranth | limer: It's impossible to keep the channel on topic 24/7. Besides, that wouldn't be any fun. | 07:44 |
limer | remember "American Psycho"? | 07:45 |
peck | Oh, note that one | 07:45 |
Amaranth | limer: The important thing is to not go off topic for 15 minutes and confuse any newcomers. | 07:45 |
limer | Amaranth: careful, burg might hear you | 07:45 |
peck | remember? you are it, tell your story | 07:45 |
Amaranth | Burgundavia? | 07:45 |
limer | yeah | 07:45 |
Amaranth | pfft | 07:45 |
limer | I respect ubuntu, I swear it | 07:45 |
limer | but he's just asking for shit | 07:45 |
limer | I don't "ever" interfere with other ppl helping other ppl | 07:46 |
limer | know what I mean? | 07:46 |
peck | yeah but u're drunk, you can easily trip | 07:46 |
limer | if I was flooding or something, I could see it. but really, that guy needs some pussy bro | 07:46 |
Amaranth | Burgundavia is a MOTU and/or dev, I can take him. ;) | 07:46 |
=== aPoX [apox@proton.nirv.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
limer | I like him believe it or not. I have no doubt he's a cool guy | 07:47 |
limer | he just needs to get over himself | 07:47 |
peck | i can't believe i'm reading this | 07:47 |
limer | me and peck are gonna get him drunk in Spain | 07:47 |
Amaranth | Easy now, CoC and all that. | 07:47 |
limer | along with calc | 07:47 |
Amaranth | I have no problem with him, I'm trying to be funny. | 07:47 |
=== mylov [~mylov@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
peck | Amaranth: u want to come? | 07:48 |
limer | I don't either . . . other than he's an easy target for being so anal | 07:48 |
peck | calc's gonna get laid | 07:48 |
limer | woot! | 07:48 |
Amaranth | peck: Being broke and in the US makes that difficult. | 07:48 |
limer | Amaranth: I'm broke too | 07:48 |
peck | Amaranth: come by boat with limer | 07:48 |
kestas | is calc a woman? | 07:48 |
Amaranth | ha | 07:48 |
peck | kestas: you wish | 07:48 |
limer | we can be broke together smuggling ourselves within the turbines | 07:48 |
peck | he's a geek | 07:48 |
limer | :P | 07:49 |
kestas | what do you mean he'll get laid then?! | 07:49 |
limer | he will | 07:49 |
Zotnix | .win prev | 07:49 |
Zotnix | .Erm.. | 07:49 |
=== Amaranth is in the middle of the sticks in Iowa | ||
limer | trust me, everclear works wonders | 07:49 |
peck | most certainly will | 07:49 |
kestas | but hes a guy | 07:49 |
_seth | I AM SO HAPPY! | 07:49 |
Amaranth | oh, and i'm not of legal age to drink | 07:49 |
limer | kestas, stop being so negative and drink with us | 07:49 |
peck | kestas: you wish too | 07:49 |
=== limer passes beer | ||
_seth | I just plugged in my digital camera, and GNOME asked if I want to copy the images from it! | 07:49 |
limer | _seth: woot for seth! | 07:49 |
_seth | WOO HOO! | 07:50 |
=== peck passes salchichon iberico extra (it's open for more than an hour) | ||
Amaranth | Ok, this is probably a little too far off-topic guys. :) | 07:50 |
limer | :-& | 07:50 |
=== Kel pets openbox | ||
=== Dreamer3_ [~josh@sdn-ap-009tnnashP0405.dialsprint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== count0nz drinks beer | ||
carmiendo | oh sigh. i think i'm going to quit for tonight. | 07:50 |
=== topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3pa5.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
limer | :D | 07:50 |
limer | nite | 07:50 |
carmiendo | this means, be prepared for more carmenfrustration tomorrow! | 07:50 |
limer | whoa! | 07:50 |
=== jonesy [~jonesy@suspects.wiretapped.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CrankyBen | herpes, thanks, I am downloading w32codec now | 07:50 |
peck | carmiendo, u could've built a loooooooooong cable since the beggining of all this | 07:50 |
carmiendo | whoa! | 07:50 |
carmiendo | hahahaha | 07:50 |
herpes | count0nz, speights? | 07:51 |
=== count0nz sure :) | ||
limer | I keep thinking "croutons" | 07:51 |
limer | forgive me | 07:51 |
IIIEars | << Gave up Fedora Core and found no further reason to drink... | 07:51 |
carmiendo | and think of all the kittens that would still be alive and meowing toady. | 07:51 |
carmiendo | today. | 07:51 |
=== count0nz waiting for breezy to break :) | ||
jonesy | is there a way to make the icons on the ubuntu desktop smaller? | 07:51 |
herpes | CrankyBen, no problem just disable that repo after you get the codecs as it will probably conflict with the universe/multiverse repos | 07:51 |
=== ogra [~ogra@p5089ED21.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zotnix | count0nz: Too late :p | 07:51 |
limer | jonesy: I think in Prefs | 07:51 |
Zotnix | Broke for me. | 07:51 |
=== susus [~sz@p5089ED21.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
carmiendo | but anyway. thanks for the help! goodnight! | 07:52 |
limer | nite | 07:52 |
peck | cya | 07:52 |
=== ogra_d [~ogra@p5089ED21.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
count0nz | just X broke right :) | 07:52 |
limer | I think I'm seein double | 07:52 |
limer | yah | 07:52 |
Zotnix | Yeah | 07:52 |
Zotnix | Font issue | 07:53 |
peck | limer you can't be thinking by now, so it's probably right | 07:53 |
limer | I think so | 07:53 |
count0nz | np don't use X on that Box | 07:53 |
Zotnix | Enough to make me retreat back to hoary. | 07:53 |
Zotnix | :p | 07:53 |
limer | all Ki Know is that I met a cool op tonight | 07:53 |
limer | and burg will be fhillin withus soon | 07:53 |
Zotnix | I suppose I could go without X | 07:53 |
=== Amaranth looks around | ||
Amaranth | Where? | 07:53 |
limer | an typing is very bad | 07:53 |
Zotnix | But then I can't use my new video card :p | 07:53 |
peck | Amaranth: not you | 07:53 |
peck | :p | 07:53 |
=== Amaranth goes back to his corner | ||
count0nz | just runs squid and snort :) | 07:54 |
peck | Burg's gonna be pissed at Amaranth | 07:54 |
peck | power was questioned | 07:54 |
limer | /me asks for corner to urinate in | 07:54 |
limer | whoa. that was weoird | 07:54 |
limer | I must be drunk here | 07:54 |
Zotnix | Hey Amaranth. | 07:54 |
=== count0nz gives limer more beer | ||
=== jonesy [~jonesy@suspects.wiretapped.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
limer | guys, I have drinken like 900 virtual beers here | 07:54 |
IIIEars | Faxes limer a six pack of flat beer | 07:55 |
limer | and I haveta tell ya it'sa messin me up | 07:55 |
peck | A donation!!! It's your first donation!! Celebrate | 07:55 |
=== count0nz a new world record :) | ||
limer | I used to be able to type qwwery t | 07:55 |
peck | you were 11 at that time | 07:55 |
Amaranth | hey Zotnix | 07:55 |
peck | you couldn't cross the street to the pub | 07:55 |
=== ivoks [~ivoks@backup.grad.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
peck | been a long time since you've typed qwerty right | 07:55 |
limer | wow. I hvent' sbeen thi sdrink in a long tiem | 07:55 |
limer | oyu nknow what I mean | 07:56 |
=== Amaranth considers a +q | ||
limer | peck: yah | 07:56 |
peck | yeah but i'm still wondering how you got to spell "wow" right | 07:56 |
Amaranth | In other channels I look over when someone gets drunk and goes on IRC they get banned... | 07:56 |
limer | Amaranth: does that mean you silence me? | 07:56 |
Amaranth | yeah | 07:56 |
limer | :( | 07:56 |
limer | ok, I'll tyr to be good | 07:57 |
=== limer zips mouth for a bit | ||
peck | drunk and silenced, on irc... you could just jump out of a Windows... | 07:57 |
peck | limer you can type with your mouth zipped! | 07:58 |
=== ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
limer | *mgmmmphhhf! | 07:58 |
peck | :) | 07:58 |
peck | goin' to bed, at last | 07:58 |
hayden | what do i isntall to get db_load to work | 07:58 |
limer | *mmphh! | 07:58 |
peck | love u too limer | 07:58 |
peck | nite nite | 07:58 |
peck | bye all | 07:58 |
=== peck [~peck@146.Red-217-126-140.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
IIIEars | G'nite | 07:59 |
count0nz | ohhh we left i was going to say nite :( | 07:59 |
count0nz | /s/we/he | 07:59 |
limer | ok nite all. good taling with you. niec meattin you Amaranth | 07:59 |
count0nz | Take care Limer :) | 08:00 |
trondd | Is it just my old laptop, or is totem *really* slow? | 08:00 |
_seth | Totem is slow on here. P3 1GHz, 512 RAm. | 08:00 |
Zotnix | Downgrade... commencing! | 08:00 |
Zotnix | Hoary... here I come :p | 08:00 |
count0nz | Totem is sweet on my Duron 1600 OC 1800 (2ghZ) | 08:01 |
trondd | _seth: hehe, exactly the same specs :) | 08:01 |
=== BBurger [~yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
_seth | trondd, you on an Inspiron 8100? | 08:01 |
trondd | _seth: yes | 08:01 |
_seth | ATI or nVidia? | 08:01 |
trondd | _seth: nvidia | 08:01 |
=== Natja [~lionel@8.135-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_seth | HA! | 08:01 |
trondd | geforce2go | 08:01 |
_seth | I got the 7500. | 08:01 |
=== DETOXv [madd@pool-70-21-193-228.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
=== BBurger [~yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_seth | The 7500 Mobility is a 64MB card, where as the GeForece2Go is only a 32MB. Plus, I just love ATI. | 08:02 |
Zotnix | Mm.. I got an NVidia GeForce 5500FX (256MB) | 08:02 |
Zotnix | It's very nice. | 08:02 |
=== BBurger [~yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
_seth | Oh hush. | 08:02 |
Zotnix | Was... 80 bucks | 08:02 |
trondd | It's got the best screen avaliable for a laptop, and it's three years old! | 08:02 |
_seth | Hell yeah. | 08:02 |
herpes | radeon 7000 is the best | 08:02 |
_seth | When did you get yours? | 08:02 |
=== DEATH-METAL [~DEATH-MET@200-85-201-97.bk3-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trondd | three years ago... | 08:03 |
_seth | I meant did you buy it directly from Dell. | 08:03 |
IIIEars | Can you point me to info about support for ProSavageDDR Video i810 support on "Breezy Badger"? - (I can use another machine if it isn't supported yet.) | 08:03 |
DEATH-METAL | hi | 08:03 |
_seth | IIIEars, don't use Breezy yet. | 08:04 |
=== pablo921 [~paul@az-yuma-cuda1x-159.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trondd | _seth: yes, directly | 08:04 |
=== bluefoxicy [~bluefox@pcp0012067827pcs.whtmrs01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zotnix | Yeah | 08:04 |
IIIEars | Okay. - not even for masochist? | 08:04 |
Zotnix | IIIEars: Yeah... it's bad. | 08:04 |
Zotnix | IIIEars: I'm having to downgrade as we speak :p | 08:05 |
ivoks | omg | 08:05 |
count0nz | :) its fun | 08:05 |
ivoks | they didn't connect my scsi tape in dell :) | 08:05 |
count0nz | but VERY Bad | 08:05 |
IIIEars | Good tip - Thank You. | 08:05 |
=== grunde [~grunde@pat-gw.osl.fast.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_seth | Yeah, I got this from a guy who had just won a new laptop. I pay $400 for it about 2 months ago. | 08:05 |
trondd | _seth: I won't mention how much I paid for it when it was new... | 08:06 |
_seth | Around $2100 if I remember. | 08:06 |
Zotnix | I used hoary when it wasn't stable.. nothing ever broke. | 08:06 |
holycow | http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/free_issues/issue_03/market_force/ <-- canonical and other ubuntu related people may be interested in this article | 08:06 |
=== count0nz is geting a Dell Athlon XP Lapyy with Nvidia go chipset :) (from my girl) | ||
=== elmaya [~elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zotnix | On the plus side I can install skype once the downgrade is done | 08:07 |
=== jb1 [~chatzilla@S010600045a612a7e.ca.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Zotnix | When I'm done downgrading can I remove the /etc/apt/preferences? | 08:07 |
herpes | Zotnix, yes | 08:08 |
ivoks | holycow: to much to read :) | 08:09 |
hayden | how can i change computer name via terminal | 08:11 |
ivoks | hayden: you have to change couple of things | 08:13 |
ivoks | hayden: first of all, /etc/hostname file | 08:13 |
ivoks | hayden: and then /etc/hosts file | 08:13 |
ivoks | hayden: and if you use MTA, then you have to reconfigure it as well | 08:14 |
shinu | is there a package for mplayer binary codecs? | 08:14 |
=== ZuMM [~zumm@] has left #ubuntu ["Fui] | ||
=== CerBerO [~CerBerO@pc-138-47-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | ivoks, but well worth it | 08:16 |
=== dabaSlon_outside is now known as dabaSlon | ||
ivoks | :) | 08:18 |
dabaSlon | shinu, is there any on the mplayer site? | 08:18 |
trondd | mplayerhq.hu | 08:18 |
trondd | yes there is! | 08:18 |
=== pitti [~martin@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Do-It-Now [~Do-It-Now@cable-62-205-86-167.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaSlon | are:) | 08:19 |
=== LiberalTugboat [~amanda@c-24-18-75-18.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trondd | of cause! ;) | 08:19 |
LiberalTugboat | hey | 08:19 |
dabaSlon | lol | 08:20 |
ReleaseX | anyone here use wifi with a laptop? | 08:20 |
_seth | http://walterpoorman.net/00001.jpg | 08:20 |
dabaSlon | ReleaseX: ivoks does:) | 08:20 |
=== adnans [~adnans@linuxgoeroe.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaSlon | seth, youre weird:) | 08:20 |
trondd | ReleaseX: I do. | 08:20 |
_seth | I'm serious. What the hell is wrong with it?! | 08:21 |
=== robitaille [~robitaill@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaSlon | go ask on #doctor rather. | 08:21 |
_seth | I had GOT to get rid of this cat. it's f*cking killing me. | 08:21 |
=== Linforcer_ is now known as Linforcer | ||
ReleaseX | trondd: do you use any gui programs to handle your wireless roaming? | 08:21 |
=== chavo [~chavo@136.sub-70-212-56.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== nekton is now known as nekton[AFK] | ||
=== nekton[AFK] is away: swimming with the fishes | ||
_seth | Kismet. | 08:22 |
shinu | dabaSlon: there is but if i just add the codecs i would have to recompile right? | 08:23 |
=== bob2000 [~daj@cpe-65-185-116-67.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaSlon | yes:) | 08:23 |
shinu | dabaSlon: how can i overcome the recompiling bit xD | 08:23 |
dabaSlon | why? | 08:23 |
dabaSlon | :) | 08:23 |
trondd | ReleaseX: gtkwifi and netapplet | 08:23 |
shinu | wel... | 08:23 |
shinu | dabaSlon: i thought doing the stuff via apt-get would be better | 08:23 |
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ReleaseX | trondd: which do you prefer | 08:23 |
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dabaSlon | shinu, it may well be, I compiled it. | 08:24 |
dabaSlon | and added a lot of libs...I have a howto... | 08:24 |
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bob2000 | installing ubuntu for the first time. I'm switching from gentoo...got tired of compiling everything. One thing I don't understand is..the ubuntu installer never asked for a root password. So is my regular user account's password the same as root's password? | 08:24 |
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LiberalTugboat | no | 08:24 |
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LiberalTugboat | root account is disabled by default | 08:25 |
shinu | dabaSlon: so recompiling the software should be no problem if its alreeadt installed or something? :D | 08:25 |
Drako60 | hey does Ubuntu install a firewall? | 08:25 |
herpes | Drako60, no | 08:25 |
LiberalTugboat | Drako60, not by default | 08:25 |
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LiberalTugboat | but you can apt-get firestarter | 08:25 |
Drako60 | hmm | 08:25 |
bob2000 | root account is disabled? um...ok...so what if i need to be root? say...if i need to start a service | 08:25 |
kestas | iptables is a firewall | 08:25 |
LiberalTugboat | its a gui frontend for IPtablea | 08:25 |
LiberalTugboat | tables | 08:25 |
kestas | and its installed by default | 08:25 |
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trondd | ReleaseX: hmmm, don't know (neither of theme work on my laptop...) | 08:26 |
LiberalTugboat | bob2000, you use SUDO | 08:26 |
HrdwrBoB | all the cool kids use sudo | 08:26 |
Drako60 | kestas, where is iptables localed? | 08:26 |
HrdwrBoB | don't you want to be cool? | 08:26 |
Drako60 | err located | 08:26 |
dabaSlon | yeah, you can recompile...want the howto? http://pastebin.com/286410 | 08:26 |
hayden | how can i change computer name via terminal | 08:26 |
kestas | bob2000: root account isnt disabled, it just doesnt have a password set | 08:26 |
kestas | Drako60: iptables | 08:26 |
kestas | Drako60: sudo iptables --help | 08:26 |
kestas | man iptables etc | 08:26 |
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LiberalTugboat | kestas, which means that the root acount cant be logged into | 08:27 |
LiberalTugboat | hence "disabled" | 08:27 |
kestas | LiberalTugboat: sudo sh | 08:27 |
dabaSlon | ha | 08:27 |
bob2000 | ok...i just tried it on the machine. i tried to SU as root...typed something random..got error...so i typed my regular user's password and became root. so i guess i need to 'passwd' while being root to set root's password? | 08:27 |
shinu | dabaSlon: which source code should i get? | 08:27 |
kestas | it just doesnt have a password set | 08:27 |
dabaSlon | its a root shell. | 08:27 |
shinu | dabaSlon: the one i have is an ubuntu package... where should i get the sourcecode for it? | 08:28 |
dabaSlon | shinu, get the newset one @ http://mplayerhq.hu as he said. | 08:28 |
LiberalTugboat | bob2000, yes | 08:28 |
kestas | dabaSlon: okay then sudo sh --login | 08:28 |
dabaSlon | if you can login with your:-p | 08:28 |
dabaSlon | but, shinu, probably mmany would say no need to compile mplayer for ubuntu. | 08:28 |
shinu | dabaSlon: i was really discouraged to compile from source last time i asked in here xD | 08:29 |
shinu | uh... | 08:29 |
dabaSlon | :) | 08:29 |
dabaSlon | It installs some cool libs, so it is a good howto. | 08:29 |
shinu | so how do they do if they want to add new codecs? xD | 08:29 |
kestas | shinu: shouldnt you be developing :P | 08:29 |
LiberalTugboat | mplayer in hoary works well though | 08:29 |
LiberalTugboat | in warty you had no choice | 08:29 |
LiberalTugboat | because it was borked | 08:30 |
shinu | kestas: me? xD | 08:30 |
dabaSlon | ya...XD | 08:30 |
kestas | am I thinking of someone else? | 08:30 |
shinu | possibly xD | 08:30 |
dabaSlon | you think of him, eh? -_- | 08:30 |
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kestas | xD | 08:31 |
dabaSlon | =_= | 08:31 |
engin | i use the ubuntu honary amd64bit and i have some problems can u help me? | 08:31 |
dabaSlon | depending on what it is... | 08:32 |
engin | extarcting rars | 08:32 |
dabaSlon | did you install unrar? | 08:32 |
engin | yes.. sudo apt-get install unrar | 08:32 |
engin | isnt it? | 08:32 |
Drako60 | isn't there an iptables.conf file? | 08:33 |
kestas | engin: rar2 cant be decompressed | 08:33 |
dabaSlon | and? | 08:33 |
engin | Reading package lists... Done | 08:33 |
engin | Building dependency tree... Done | 08:33 |
engin | unrar is already the newest version. | 08:33 |
engin | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 08:33 |
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engin | here | 08:33 |
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dabaSlon | and? | 08:33 |
kestas | dabaSlon: 'and?' and I predict he's trying to unrar a rar3 | 08:34 |
kestas | *rar2 | 08:34 |
benplaut | hey- what's the path to the Grub config file (forgot the name) | 08:34 |
herpes | engin, unrar e file.rar doesnt work? | 08:34 |
dabaSlon | doesnt work, eh:)? | 08:34 |
kestas | xD | 08:34 |
engin | :) | 08:34 |
kestas | xD | 08:34 |
dabaSlon | isnt it rar4 already? | 08:34 |
Do-It-Now | hi all | 08:34 |
kestas | and? | 08:34 |
engin | i dont know anything about rarx | 08:34 |
Drako60 | engin, try unrar-nonfree, i had problems with the free version | 08:34 |
dabaSlon | do it now... | 08:34 |
eater773 | dabasSLon--> i give up... still can mount the floppy drive... look for some help thru website still message " filesystem type".... | 08:34 |
dabaSlon | eater773: you come here every few hours, and dont answer any questions | 08:35 |
engin | non-free?? | 08:35 |
engin | sory i didnt understand | 08:35 |
kestas | engin: dont worry you dont ahve to pay for it | 08:35 |
eater773 | dabasSLon--> sorry coz' my boss is calling me frequently.. | 08:35 |
engin | how can i try it | 08:35 |
kestas | install it from synaptic | 08:36 |
kestas | unrar-nonfree | 08:36 |
engin | ok wait.. | 08:36 |
Drako60 | engin, apt-get install unrar-nonfree | 08:36 |
kestas | you know we still dont know what engin's problem is | 08:36 |
kestas | could be something totally different | 08:36 |
dabaSlon | eater773: cool, its like 1:36 here, and I have a headache... | 08:37 |
eater773 | dabaSlon--> this is my first move to linux... i found it stable... but quite something to be mounted first... | 08:37 |
dabaSlon | its easy, maybe,,, | 08:37 |
dabaSlon | I would have to find a floppy around here... | 08:37 |
herpes | engin, how are you trying to extract the rar? | 08:37 |
eater773 | dabaSlon--> sorry.... but thank you 4 everything... | 08:37 |
kestas | eater773: mount -t fat12 /dev/fd0 /mnt/fd0 | 08:38 |
engin | ok thanks.. | 08:38 |
engin | i did it | 08:38 |
dabaSlon | (01:37:17) kestas: you know we still dont know what engin's problem is ........... hello, Ive been saying and? all the time... | 08:38 |
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kestas | dabaSlon: oh well looks like I was right that it was rar2 | 08:38 |
=== herpes confused | ||
eater773 | kestas --> ok... i try again.. pls. wait 4 the feedback... | 08:38 |
dabaSlon | right. | 08:38 |
kestas | dabaSlon: I mean.. 'and?' | 08:39 |
kestas | xD | 08:39 |
engin | i install non-free and extract it with unrar e tahnks again | 08:39 |
dabaSlon | :) | 08:39 |
dabaSlon | excellent | 08:39 |
dabaSlon | L) | 08:39 |
engin | x) | 08:39 |
dabaSlon | hah | 08:39 |
eater773 | kestas -> it say mount point not exist " /mnt/fd0" | 08:40 |
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dabaSlon | sudo mkdir /mnt/fd0 | 08:40 |
kestas | mkdir /mnt/fd0 | 08:40 |
kestas | as root | 08:40 |
orko | how do u get warty to support 2GB ram ? (only showing 1GB) - need to rebuild kern? | 08:40 |
herpes | or use /media/floppy | 08:40 |
herpes | kestas, /mnt is deperciated | 08:41 |
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kestas | orko: hmm that shouldnt need a kernel rebuild | 08:41 |
kestas | orko: 4gb is the normal kernel limit without extra stuff | 08:41 |
eater773 | dabaSlon--> filesystem type " fat12" unknow ..... | 08:41 |
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herpes | eater773, use vfat | 08:41 |
sobersabre | hi guys | 08:41 |
kestas | eater773: try sudo mount /media/floppy | 08:41 |
sobersabre | i have this entry in my routing table: | 08:41 |
sobersabre | U 0 0 0 eth0 | 08:41 |
dabaSlon | kestas, that last one is fun | 08:41 |
sobersabre | why do i need it ? | 08:41 |
orko | kestas, thats what I thought, but only 1GB is showing ( | 08:42 |
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freewoody | Hi all | 08:42 |
herpes | he freewoody | 08:42 |
kestas | orko: hmm odd, but Ive got no experience with >512mb so cant help | 08:42 |
freewoody | I can't seem to install Exim mail server | 08:42 |
eater773 | thanks .... dabaSlon --- Kestas ..... ur a great help.... more power to both of you.. | 08:42 |
dabaSlon | eater773: works? | 08:42 |
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dabaSlon | more power? | 08:43 |
Drako60 | hmm so what is blocking port 113 | 08:43 |
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herpes | dabaSlon, what level are you at? | 08:43 |
dabaSlon | lol | 08:43 |
dabaSlon | heh | 08:43 |
benplaut | how do a make grub update it's menu.lst to the edited version? | 08:43 |
dabaSlon | i grow in powah each dayO_O | 08:44 |
mngrif | I just install ubuntu (going from gentoo) and I get a lot of messages on boot from start-stop-daemon saying that "Warning: Fake start-stop-daemon called, doing nothing.".. what gives? | 08:44 |
mngrif | installed* | 08:44 |
engin | dabaslon can u say the mounting the flopy again.. i did't understand it | 08:44 |
dabaSlon | orko: are you running warty? | 08:44 |
kestas | benplaut: grub-update | 08:44 |
_seth | What file can handle 7z? | 08:44 |
benplaut | thanks | 08:44 |
eater773 | yes.... | 08:44 |
_seth | Er, what program can handle 7z rather. | 08:44 |
dabaSlon | eater773: excellent. | 08:44 |
kestas | _seth: search synaptic for 7z | 08:44 |
Burgundavia | _seth, file-roller can, but you have to open them by hand | 08:44 |
kestas | _seth: something should turn up | 08:44 |
freewoody | Does anyone know how to send mails using my own Exim SMTP Server | 08:45 |
orko | debaSlon: yep 4.10 dist-up'd | 08:45 |
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orko | I found the same thing with straight debian, needed CONFIG_MEM_4GB enabled. | 08:46 |
dabaSlon | and its still .8 kernel? | 08:46 |
mngrif | it really seems like some packages didn't get configured | 08:46 |
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dabaSlon | ah... | 08:46 |
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_seth | Burgundavia, File Roller is telling me Archive not supported. | 08:46 |
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engin | :) | 08:46 |
_seth | kestas, Synaptic isn't returning anything. | 08:46 |
kestas | _seth: search synaptic for 7z | 08:46 |
kestas | hmm | 08:46 |
Burgundavia | _seth, gah, it can open them, it doesn't think it can | 08:47 |
benplaut | kestas: not working... | 08:47 |
engin | i cant mount flopy drive | 08:47 |
engin | halp?? | 08:48 |
dabaSlon | me neither, ask eater773 | 08:48 |
engin | help? | 08:48 |
kestas | benplaut: so you edited /boot/grub/menu.lst | 08:48 |
benplaut | kestas: yes | 08:48 |
_seth | I have no many eBooks in 7z, this is going to suck if I can't open them. | 08:48 |
kestas | benplaut: what did you edit? | 08:48 |
dabaSlon | grub-update ... bash: grub-update: command not found | 08:48 |
dabaSlon | update-grub? | 08:48 |
kestas | sudo grub-update | 08:48 |
benplaut | kestas: i had added suspend support, but it takes forever to save and restore an image, so i took it out | 08:49 |
freewoody | Does somebody here uses Exim MTA ? | 08:49 |
dabaSlon | sudo update-grub | 08:49 |
benplaut | hibernate, i mean | 08:49 |
lifeless | yes | 08:49 |
engin | aloo how can do it | 08:49 |
benplaut | dabaSlon: thanks, that worked | 08:49 |
dabaSlon | sudo mkdir /mnt/fd0 ... mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/fd0 | 08:50 |
dabaSlon | yeah, kestas. | 08:50 |
Burgundavia | _seth, http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?searchon=names&version=all&exact=1&keywords=p7zip | 08:50 |
dabaSlon | excellent | 08:50 |
Burgundavia | _seth, download and install from there | 08:50 |
_seth | Unstable, right? | 08:51 |
dabaSlon | engin: got that? | 08:51 |
Burgundavia | _seth, yes, it should install on Ubuntu | 08:51 |
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engin | engin@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/fd0 | 08:51 |
engin | mount: /dev/fd0 geerli bir blok aygt deil | 08:51 |
engin | engin@ubuntu:~$ | 08:51 |
engin | it says in turkish.. namely it doesnt work | 08:51 |
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dabaSlon | then go see it, it is mounted maybe | 08:52 |
dabaSlon | or no floppy, what does it say | 08:52 |
engin | i cant translate:) | 08:52 |
engin | :D | 08:52 |
dabaSlon | mount -t fat12 /dev/fd0 /mnt/fd0 try that | 08:53 |
dabaSlon | I guess. | 08:53 |
Zotnix | Bah.. going to have to reinstall. | 08:53 |
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engin | engin@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount -t fat12 /dev/fd0 /mnt/fd | 08:54 |
engin | mount: balama noktas /mnt/fd yok | 08:54 |
engin | engin@ubuntu:~$ | 08:54 |
tga | engin: there is no /mnt/fd dir? | 08:54 |
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_seth | When doing sudo dpkg -i p7zip_4.18-1_i386.deb, I get this. | 08:55 |
_seth | p7zip depends on libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-21); however: | 08:56 |
_seth | Version of libc6 on system is 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13. | 08:56 |
engin | it says fat12 dont known.. it may be vfat | 08:56 |
_seth | I tried to upgrade libc6 but it said it was up to date. | 08:56 |
engin | but i try it with vfat and it retuns the first error again | 08:56 |
tga | _seth: is that a debian package? | 08:56 |
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_seth | Yes. | 08:56 |
tga | _seth: there you have it.. ubuntu is not (quite) debian | 08:57 |
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_seth | There isn't a package for Ubuntu though. | 08:57 |
tga | of what? | 08:57 |
_seth | 7z | 08:57 |
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_seth | Oh, there we go. | 08:57 |
mpq | how do I copy files in the terminal? | 08:58 |
_seth | File Roller now opens it for some reason. | 08:58 |
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membreya | anyone else having problems signing into MSN ? :| | 08:58 |
tga | _seth: go to http://p7zip.sourceforge.net/, get the sources and compile it yourself | 08:58 |
tga | or make an ubuntu package and contribute it :) | 08:58 |
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freewoody | How do I install Qmail in Ubuntu ? | 09:00 |
eater773 | engin --> same problem... 4 the floppy ??? | 09:00 |
Burgundavia | tga, it is about to be synced to breezy. The package hit unstable today | 09:00 |
mpq | what is breezy? | 09:00 |
jsgotangco | its the upcoming new release of Ubuntu in october | 09:01 |
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mpq | how do I copy files? | 09:02 |
eater773 | dabaSLon--> where can i get some wallpaper .. | 09:02 |
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eater773 | dabaSlom--> what site ??? | 09:02 |
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mpq | I need help | 09:02 |
mpq | I don't know how to copy files in the terminal | 09:03 |
mpq | and I can't see it in nautilus | 09:03 |
hhurtta | man cp | 09:03 |
goldfish | nooooooooooooooo | 09:04 |
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goldfish | :/ | 09:04 |
IRCTroll | o.O | 09:05 |
Madpilot | eater773: eyecandy here: http://www.gnome-look.org/ | 09:05 |
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eater773 | Madpilot--> browsing.... thanks... | 09:06 |
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Madpilot | eater773: no sweat. | 09:07 |
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bigfoot | hi all: i need to change the firefox.js file in /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/defaults/pref, but it says in Properties-->Permissions Tab "You are not the owner, so you can't change these permissions." How do I become the owner? Is being the owner the same as sudo? | 09:12 |
niraj | hi | 09:12 |
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Burgundavia | bigfoot, why do you need to change the permissions? | 09:12 |
bigfoot | Burgundavia, I want to modify the file, so that I can customize how Firefox works. Check out http://www.mozilla.org/support/firefox/tips | 09:13 |
Burgundavia | bigfoot, that should be able to be changed within ff | 09:14 |
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Seveas | bigfoot, why do you want to modify te sytem wide file? | 09:14 |
Seveas | you should modify the one in you r homedir | 09:14 |
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Seveas | and i should learn to spell :S | 09:14 |
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bigfoot | Seveas, there's no firefox stuff in my home directory. | 09:15 |
Burgundavia | bigfoot, if you can't do it within the UI, you should edit the one in ~/.mozilla/ | 09:15 |
fortran01 | how do I play mp3 in ubuntu? | 09:15 |
bigfoot | Burgundavia, how do you change it within ff? | 09:15 |
Burgundavia | fortran01, wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 09:15 |
Seveas | fortran01, wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 09:15 |
Burgundavia | bigfoot, no idea | 09:16 |
fortran01 | thanks | 09:16 |
Burgundavia | Seveas, beat yah! | 09:16 |
bigfoot | Burgundavia, are you talking about about:config? | 09:16 |
Seveas | damnit, too slow :) | 09:16 |
Burgundavia | bigfoot, yes | 09:16 |
hhurtta | bigfoot: open commandline | 09:16 |
bigfoot | hhurtta, okay it's open. | 09:16 |
Burgundavia | now go to ~/.mozilla | 09:16 |
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bigfoot | Burgundavia, how do i go to that folder? | 09:17 |
Seveas | cd .mozilla | 09:17 |
Burgundavia | bigfoot, cd ~/.mozilla | 09:17 |
bigfoot | okay i'm in the mozilla folder now. | 09:17 |
Seveas | cd firefox | 09:17 |
Burgundavia | cd firefox | 09:17 |
Burgundavia | ah, beaten again | 09:17 |
Seveas | ha, beat ya this time :p | 09:17 |
bigfoot | ha! | 09:17 |
_seth | HA HA! | 09:18 |
Burgundavia | twice in a row, too | 09:18 |
bigfoot | done. | 09:18 |
Burgundavia | now go into the funny labelled ir | 09:18 |
Seveas | cd default<tab> | 09:18 |
=== undefn is now known as undefined | ||
=== undefined is now known as undefiend | ||
bigfoot | cd default<tab> | 09:18 |
bigfoot | bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline' | 09:18 |
freewoody | how do I remove my IP Address from a transparent Squid proxy | 09:18 |
Seveas | type a <tab> where i say <tab> | 09:19 |
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Madpilot | help-giving as a competitive sport. cool. | 09:19 |
bigfoot | Burgundavia, which funny labelled ir? (Do you mean "dir")? | 09:19 |
Burgundavia | yes | 09:19 |
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Seveas | it's called default.h6d on my machine | 09:19 |
Burgundavia | mine is called iuc7ku06 | 09:19 |
hhurtta | pressing <tab> completes file / directory names on command line | 09:19 |
Burgundavia | iuc7ku06.default | 09:19 |
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Seveas | cd `ls | grep def` works too :) | 09:20 |
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undefiend | anyone know of a guide for newbies that explains overall how linux works? I just installed ubuntu and i know next to nothing about how the OS is structured or works | 09:20 |
bigfoot | i hit CD<tab>. I got this: cd cdparanoia cdrecord.mmap | 09:20 |
bigfoot | cddb-slave2-properties cdrecord cdrecord.shm | 09:20 |
Seveas | undefiend, read linux for dummies then :) | 09:21 |
undefiend | hehe... yeah, i guess i should | 09:21 |
tga | undefiend: you might find something at www.ltsp.org | 09:21 |
Seveas | bigfoot, in that folder type this: ls | 09:21 |
Seveas | tga, don't you mean tldp? | 09:21 |
undefiend | tga, ok, i'll check it out, thx :) | 09:21 |
hhurtta | bigfoot: not cd<tab> but cd <tab> | 09:21 |
hhurtta | there's a space :) | 09:21 |
tga | oops :) | 09:21 |
tga | undefiend: www.tldp.org :) | 09:21 |
undefiend | Seveas, tga, thx :) | 09:22 |
tga | sorry, I'm tired | 09:22 |
bigfoot | Seveas, dtog3j4p.jeff/ pluginreg.dat profiles.ini | 09:22 |
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hhurtta | bigfoot: then it's the dtog3j4p.jeff | 09:22 |
Seveas | bigfoot, type: cd dtog3j4p.jeff | 09:22 |
undefiend | what's the difference between hoary and warty? | 09:22 |
hhurtta | note that slash. it means its directory | 09:22 |
bigfoot | okay, i'm now in that funny directory. | 09:22 |
Seveas | good | 09:23 |
eater773 | dabaSlon--> how to add a theme | 09:23 |
Seveas | now type gedit <end the file you want to edit> | 09:23 |
|QuaD-_ | any american layer here | 09:23 |
Seveas | eater773, art.gnome.org/faq.php | 09:23 |
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fish_wanda | Does anyone know, can ubuntu use animation svg plz? | 09:23 |
fish_wanda | as background | 09:24 |
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upgrdman | anyone here have raid expierence with ubuntu, and willing to try to help me? | 09:24 |
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Burgundavia | fish_wanda, yes | 09:25 |
tga | upgrdman: software or hardware raid? | 09:25 |
Seveas | upgrdman, if you try to install on raid 1, search the wiki for tips. If you have another question: sorry can't help | 09:25 |
upgrdman | sw | 09:25 |
undefiend | cool! tldp had exactly what i was looking for | 09:25 |
bcroq | http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ubuntu.com (should be easy to fix) | 09:26 |
upgrdman | tga, software | 09:26 |
upgrdman | Seveas, no it was not an issue to having / on raid1... thanks tho | 09:26 |
tga | upgrdman: man mdadm :) | 09:26 |
dreco | hu.... running ubuntu 5.04 in vmware... works very well =) | 09:26 |
upgrdman | tga, willing to take a look at my unanswered forum post about my issues? | 09:26 |
tga | upgrdman: link? | 09:27 |
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upgrdman | tga, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33783 | 09:27 |
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Xira- | Hehehe | 09:29 |
Xira- | My ATA is now 4.3TB | 09:29 |
Xira- | And it runs Ubuntu ^_^ | 09:30 |
upgrdman | what do you need 4.3TB? | 09:30 |
upgrdman | 1TB is more than enough for me | 09:30 |
Xira- | I store lots and lots of video | 09:30 |
upgrdman | o | 09:30 |
Xira- | It's nice not to have to worry about running out | 09:30 |
tga | upgrdman: you get to play with mdadm, it shouldn't be too hard to create a new raid | 09:30 |
upgrdman | dvd-rw? :) just kidding | 09:30 |
upgrdman | tga, ok thx | 09:30 |
tga | upgrdman: mdadm -C /dev/md1 /dev/hdc /dev/hdd | 09:31 |
Xira- | Ubuntu makes an awesome server | 09:31 |
Xira- | It's really fast | 09:31 |
ivoks | Xira-: what partition table did you create on that? | 09:31 |
upgrdman_ | tga, would it be like /dev/hdc1, and /dev/hdd1 ? | 09:31 |
undefiend | it's kinda slow on my laptop :/ gotta get a newer one | 09:32 |
ivoks | Xira-: on my 4TB filesystem, i couldn't create msdos... | 09:32 |
tga | upgrdman_: if you're working with full drives just use hdc and hdd, you don't need to partition them | 09:32 |
Xira- | ivoks: 1 partiton for each drive | 09:32 |
ivoks | ah... | 09:32 |
ivoks | that's nothing... | 09:32 |
ivoks | give me one partition with 4TB :) | 09:32 |
Xira- | well is an ATA setup of several hds | 09:33 |
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bigfoot | hhurtta, is there a way to edit/access/write to files (with restricted permissions) all in the GUI? | 09:34 |
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Xira- | http://synchronizedesigns.us/ubuntu/hddrack.jpg <-- Pic of the stand before my case arrived here | 09:34 |
upgrdman_ | tga, well they're already partioned with "fd, linux raid autodetect" ... any reason to delete the partitions...? | 09:34 |
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tga | upgrdman_: not really, but I don't think you need them | 09:35 |
tga | upgrdman_: you wouldn't have to delete them anyway, mdadm would overwrite them | 09:36 |
tga | Xira-: anything legal on that raid? | 09:36 |
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upgrdman_ | upgrdman@ubuntu-server:~$ sudo mdadm -C /dev/hdc1 /dev/hdd1 | 09:36 |
upgrdman_ | mdadm: /dev/hdc1 does not appear to be an md device | 09:36 |
Xira- | most of it is | 09:36 |
hhurtta | bigfoot: yes, but that requires some tricks | 09:36 |
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tga | upgrdman: mdadm -C /dev/md1 /dev/hdc /dev/hdd | 09:36 |
Xira- | there is some documentation i'm not supposed to have | 09:36 |
hhurtta | its much easier to use commandline | 09:37 |
tga | upgrdman: man mdadm, really | 09:37 |
Xira- | and some pron that i didnt buy | 09:37 |
Xira- | but the rest is legit | 09:37 |
Xira- | :P | 09:37 |
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tga | Xira-: like.. what? I'm having trouble imagining 4T of legit stuff | 09:37 |
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tga | lotsa high-quality home videos maybe | 09:38 |
graham | Much props to anyone who works on ubuntu, this has been the easiest and cleanest, most well support distro I have ever used, just wanted to thank someone! Keep up the good work | 09:38 |
upgrdman_ | tga, mdadm: error opening /dev/md1: No such file or directory | 09:38 |
Xira- | I store a lot of video. I shoot a lot of video. I have a very nice HD camcorder, I rip all of my DVD movies, I store all of my music | 09:38 |
Xira- | etc | 09:38 |
upgrdman_ | what resolution is your camcorder | 09:38 |
upgrdman_ | and is it progressing or interlaced? | 09:38 |
bigfoot | hhurtta, all right. the title bar of command line shows home/jeff/.mozilla/firefox/dtog3j4p.jeff. But when I try to find this location using Nautilus, the farthest I can go is "/home/jeff" . WHere is it? | 09:38 |
tga | upgrdman_: look at the man page, in the Examples section | 09:38 |
tga | upgrdman_: mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/hd[ac] 1 | 09:39 |
_seth | bigfoot, Hold Ctrl and press H. | 09:39 |
hhurtta | bigfoot: nautilus doesnt show hidden files or directories by default | 09:39 |
hhurtta | the ones that start with dot | 09:39 |
_seth | You can't view hidden. You need to do what I said in order for them to be viewable, | 09:39 |
Xira- | Most of it is 1280 x 720 | 09:39 |
Xira- | standard HD on most TVs | 09:39 |
tga | upgrdman_: in your case mdadm --create /dev/md1 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/hdc /dev/hdd | 09:39 |
chocoIate | how can i copy files into a floppy in ubuntu and be able to read the floppy on windows ; | 09:39 |
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Xira- | upgrdman: Well, there's a lot of 'clips' and quite a few projects weaved together | 09:40 |
Xira- | I do a lot of editing | 09:40 |
tga | chocoIate: you just do, ubuntu can deal with fat32 just fine | 09:40 |
IRCTroll | floppies can be fat16 or ext2 | 09:40 |
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chocoIate | well, when i throw in a regular floppy disk that formatted fat i'm unable to copy anything in there | 09:40 |
upgrdman_ | upgrdman@ubuntu-server:~$ sudo mdadm --create /dev/md1 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/hdc1 /dev/hdd1 | 09:40 |
upgrdman_ | mdadm: error opening /dev/md1: No such file or directory | 09:40 |
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rahchacha | I need help | 09:41 |
rahchacha | please! | 09:41 |
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Xira- | rahchacha: we can try | 09:41 |
rahchacha | why does my computer reboot when loading xwindows? | 09:41 |
chocoIate | oh, fat16 ; maybe my floppies were formatted fat32 then :S | 09:41 |
chocoIate | lemme check :P | 09:41 |
Burgundavia | rahchacha, are you running breezy? | 09:42 |
rahchacha | after install.... i installed it okay.... and it decompressed all the packages and then when it looks like Gnome is starting, my computer reboots... i have a 64-bit amd and it did it both with the 32-bit and 64-bit version of the os | 09:42 |
rahchacha | is breezy the 64-bit version? | 09:43 |
Burgundavia | no, just checking. Breezy is the next development version. Kind of broken right now | 09:43 |
rahchacha | ah | 09:43 |
chocoIate | well they are fat16 it seems ; i dont get it then. I tried to copy and ubuntu choked | 09:43 |
Xira- | My Mac Mini sets on top of my PowerMac G5 beautifully :) | 09:43 |
rahchacha | so, any ideas guys? | 09:44 |
rahchacha | i really want to run it... it look so pretty..... | 09:44 |
gwilym | Can anyone give me a hand please? I'm trying Ubuntu out, and so far am very happy with it. The only thing I'd like to change is that, at present, when I'm not connected to the web and start up my laptop, it gets as far as a message saying something lke "setting time from ntp.ubuntu....", and then pauses for a long time. Is there a way of changing the timeout? Thanks | 09:44 |
Tomcat_ | gwilym: Change the "timeout" setting in /etc/dhc..../.conf | 09:44 |
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Tomcat_ | gwilym: Don't set it too low or you won't get an IP from your DHCP server. | 09:45 |
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Tomcat_ | gwilym: /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf | 09:45 |
rahchacha | ??? | 09:45 |
graham_ | I assume Nautilis is the default file manager/viewer... is there anyway to make it show the full path when opening up a folder? If I open "FIle Browser" from the System Tools menu it looks perfect but if I open any folder it doesn't have it. | 09:46 |
chocoIate | is mtools a package in ubuntu by default or do i need to download it ; seems to be the tool i must be using :S | 09:46 |
bob2 | chocoIate: you'll need to install it | 09:46 |
gwilym | Thanks Tomcat. I've just looked in there, and everything seems commented out. Is there a different file to use instead? | 09:47 |
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graham_ | and I can't seem to find any config for the File Browser that has these options.. when you open a folder there is no "View" menu | 09:47 |
Tomcat_ | gwilym: No, it's correct... You need to uncomment the timeout line, or create your own. When everything is commented out, it uses the default setting: 60 seconds | 09:48 |
michel_ | is petroleum available? | 09:48 |
chocoIate | a much better option for me would be to be able to write to a drive that is formatted ntfs ; i got dual booth on my system with windows xp ; is it possible to share a drive btw windowsxp and ubuntu, that will make it so much easier for me to share files | 09:48 |
Tomcat_ | gwilym: So, if you've got no DHCP server in reach, it will wait 60 seconds before going on. | 09:48 |
chocoIate | bob2 : i dont find mtools listed as a package by default in ubuntu :o | 09:48 |
bob2 | chocoIate: then you need to let it access repositories across the intarweb | 09:49 |
gwilym | Lovely. Thanks very much :-) | 09:49 |
bob2 | michel_: you can check...http://packages.debian.org/ | 09:49 |
bob2 | chocoIate: mtools can't write to ntfs any more than the kernel can | 09:49 |
rahchacha | so so if fucked? | 09:49 |
rahchacha | im fucked*? | 09:49 |
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Tomcat_ | gwilym: It should be possible to put dhcp in background, like Knoppix does, but I have no idea how they do it. | 09:49 |
chocoIate | all i want to do is copy a file i have in linux to a floppy and read it in windowsxp | 09:50 |
bob2 | rahchacha: did you check if the cd was ok? | 09:50 |
chocoIate | this does not seem possible however :S | 09:50 |
bob2 | chocoIate: you don't need mtools for that | 09:50 |
bob2 | chocoIate: it's trivial | 09:50 |
bob2 | chocoIate: sudo mout -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt | 09:50 |
bob2 | chocoIate: sudo cp /home/blah/bleh.txt /mnt/ | 09:50 |
bob2 | chocoIate: sudo umount /mnt | 09:50 |
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rahchacha | well, it did the same thing for both 32-bit and 64-bit installs.... and the 32-bit cd worked on my friends box | 09:50 |
chocoIate | what do those commands do bob2 :P | 09:51 |
rahchacha | so i dont think its the cds | 09:51 |
graham_ | Is there anyway to make Nautilis automatically do the "Browse" function upon double clicking? | 09:51 |
bob2 | rahchacha: perhaps your hardware is broken. have you checked with another OS? | 09:51 |
Tomcat_ | chocoIate: Mount the floppy disk drive, copy a file to it, then unmount it. | 09:51 |
bob2 | graham_: try asking on the ubuntu user list | 09:51 |
jansen | when i update my ubuntu to breeze,some problem!!! | 09:51 |
bob2 | jansen: don't use breezy | 09:51 |
gwilym | Background sounds good, but a lower timeout will do me fine for now - I'll just give it a go now. Brb | 09:51 |
Tomcat_ | jansen: See the topic? :) | 09:51 |
rahchacha | other os works fine.... | 09:51 |
chocoIate | ok thanks :) | 09:51 |
graham_ | bob2: ok | 09:51 |
rahchacha | windowz and mandrake | 09:51 |
rahchacha | both work | 09:51 |
bob2 | rahchacha: ok | 09:52 |
rahchacha | :( | 09:52 |
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bob2 | rahchacha: try asking for help on the user list | 09:52 |
rahchacha | wheres that? | 09:52 |
bob2 | rahchacha: please don't /msg people | 09:52 |
rahchacha | sorry | 09:52 |
bob2 | rahchacha: http://lists.ubuntu.com/ | 09:52 |
rahchacha | thanks. | 09:52 |
jansen | but i wanna restore it to hoary,but failure! | 09:53 |
fortran01 | Is it possible to create the repository trees in my local disk? Can you suggest a doc to do this? | 09:54 |
bob2 | jansen: you can't, you have to reinstall | 09:54 |
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bob2 | fortran01: to mirror the ubuntu archive? you can do that, one sec, I'll get the url. | 09:54 |
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bob2 | bear in mind it's > 10GB per architecture | 09:54 |
jansen | bob2 omg | 09:55 |
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fortran01 | do you have a doc that discusses how ubuntu structures these packages? | 09:55 |
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fortran01 | bob2: do you have a doc that discusses how ubuntu structures these packages? | 09:55 |
bob2 | jansen: this is why everyone told you to not upgrade | 09:55 |
bob2 | jansen: and why it's in the channel topic | 09:55 |
IIIEars | fortran - adding packages during a fresh install? "reseed" answer file in the iso? | 09:56 |
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Xira- | http://www.newworldvideogames.com/E3%202005/Storm%20Troopers%202.JPG | 09:57 |
Xira- | rofl | 09:57 |
fortran01 | IIIEars: can't get what you are implying | 09:57 |
holycow | jansen, its not a big deal. backup your data and reinstall | 09:57 |
holycow | ubuntu / debian installs are super simple | 09:57 |
bob2 | fortran01: it's the same structure as debian...let me find the document | 09:57 |
jansen | holycow thx | 09:58 |
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jansen | thx all | 09:58 |
IIIEars | there is an "answer file" as part of the initial install that can be modified - for unattended install - a lot of options possible there | 09:58 |
bob2 | fortran01: http://www.interparse.com/debianmirror/ | 09:58 |
HeMan | Hi! Is anyone having problems with ctrl-key i gnome? | 09:58 |
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Burgundavia | HeMan, known bug in Breezy | 09:59 |
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HeMan | Burgundavia: ah! thanks! | 09:59 |
fortran01 | thanks bob2 and IIIEars | 09:59 |
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HeMan | Guess i have to live with that since I live on the "edge"... | 09:59 |
graham_ | Does anyone have a suggestion for what I should use/download for a media player (mp3 / dvd) ? | 09:59 |
graham_ | is Mplayer the best one? | 09:59 |
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HeMan | Burgundavia: You know who works on the problem? | 10:00 |
bob2 | graham_: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 10:00 |
Burgundavia | HeMan, probably daniels, and it is 9am where he is | 10:00 |
saber_ | ssh key authentication is very cool. i'll never type a password again :) | 10:00 |
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Burgundavia | HeMan, so don't bug him | 10:00 |
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HeMan | Burgundavia: *s* I'd like to offer some help... | 10:01 |
jansen | can i interchange the apt source between the ubuntu & debian? | 10:01 |
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Burgundavia | jansen, you shouldn't but you can | 10:02 |
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jansen | thx all,i must be reinstall ubuntu.byebye! | 10:04 |
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chocoIate | ok finally, i'm trying to build a linux driver for the sm56 motorola modem as of instructions from here --->> http://www.sm56.tk the driver is in the download section ; however i end up with the following errors as i try the 'make install' command ; http://pastebot.nd.edu/902 | 10:07 |
chocoIate | can someone help me fix those errors and get a successful build | 10:07 |
chocoIate | unfortunately this is my entry into the linux world and it seems as a noob i'm expected to build a driver for my modem :/ | 10:08 |
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Encrypted | chocoIate, apt-get install gcc | 10:09 |
bob2 | it's easier if you have reasonable hardware | 10:09 |
bob2 | chocoIate: no, install build-essential | 10:09 |
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NicP | whats the rename command in bash? | 10:10 |
kestas | and then it said 'DriverName' it probably meant the name of your driver.. | 10:10 |
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bob2 | NicP: mv | 10:10 |
NicP | thanks | 10:10 |
bob2 | NicP: it's a general unix thing, not bash-specific | 10:10 |
NicP | cool | 10:11 |
NicP | so i guess you can move stuff too then | 10:11 |
NicP | :D | 10:11 |
holycow | http://www.cxotoday.com/cxo/jsp/article.jsp?article_id=3870&cat_id=908 <-- thankfully we are moving away from being in their statistical demographic | 10:11 |
chocoIate | well, i will eventually try and get the proper hardware that is linux friendly however in the meantime i want to try and use what i have ; this is my internal modem by the way which is a 56k modem which i do not even use. My external ISDN modem on usb is detected wrongly by ubuntu as some other brand unfortunately :/ | 10:11 |
bob2 | chocoIate: the brand doesn't matter | 10:11 |
holycow | i love how they manage to ratchet up the numbers of dollars lost due to piracy | 10:11 |
chocoIate | so, i need to run 'install build-essential' | 10:11 |
chocoIate | and then try the 'make install' command :o | 10:12 |
bob2 | there's probably only 3 isdn manufacturers in the world | 10:12 |
bob2 | chocoIate: no, you install the build-essential package | 10:12 |
bob2 | chocoIate: however you normally install packages | 10:12 |
=== johnnybezak [~johnnybez@203-206-85-108.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chocoIate | ah ok, is the 'build-essential' package there by default or do i have to download it first | 10:12 |
bob2 | chocoIate: you have to install it | 10:12 |
bob2 | chocoIate: apt will download it automatically if neccessary | 10:12 |
chocoIate | sorry i cannot verify until i log out of here and booth on ubuntu, i'm on winxp right now my modem not working and all :P | 10:13 |
bob2 | chocoIate: sudo aptitude install build-essential | 10:13 |
chocoIate | ok ; hopefully its already there by default | 10:13 |
chocoIate | thanks, brb | 10:13 |
bob2 | well, it won't be | 10:13 |
bob2 | but it should be on the CD | 10:13 |
chocoIate | and by the way, is there any possibilities to fixing my incorrectly identified usb external isdn modem :o | 10:14 |
Madpilot | holycow: shouldn't admit this, but running Ubuntu is the 1st time in 5yrs I've had a legal OS on my PC... :) | 10:14 |
bob2 | it really doesn't matter what brand it claims it is | 10:14 |
chocoIate | all i find online is some driver and guides as to how to do it for an avm isdn modem which i do not have unfortunately | 10:14 |
kestas | chocoIate: if it was identified its probably fine | 10:14 |
Kimppa | Does anyone know a good tutorial on installing SSL on my LAMP? | 10:14 |
chocoIate | well, its not working :S | 10:14 |
=== Pupeno [~Science@host47.201-252-26.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pupeno | Hello | 10:15 |
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chocoIate | i just know its identified when going in the device manager | 10:15 |
kestas | chocoIate: did you configure it to use your isp? | 10:15 |
Pupeno | I'm considering switching to ubuntu, but before, I have some questions. | 10:15 |
holycow | Madpilot, heh, 5 years only? | 10:15 |
chocoIate | i ran the detect modem command in administrator - networks | 10:15 |
holycow | i've only paid for win98 that came with that machine ... oh and dos | 10:15 |
Pupeno | Is it, unlike other distros, a *real* for of Debian, with its own repository having life of its own ? | 10:15 |
kestas | Ive got xp oem | 10:15 |
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bob2 | Pupeno: of course | 10:16 |
chocoIate | but it came up with nothing, i guess coz its on usb probably, still i do not find any guidelines anywhere as to how to configure an isdn modem | 10:16 |
Pupeno | bob2: good :) | 10:16 |
chocoIate | the one in the wiki is specific to the avm isdn modem | 10:16 |
Madpilot | holycow: well, before that I didn't own my own comp, so just 5yrs, ya... | 10:16 |
chocoIate | i do not own an avm modem | 10:16 |
=== FrankyFourFinger [~frvnieuw@igwesl6.vub.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pupeno | If I make a package (something that is very likely to happen, sooner or latter), what should I do to contribute back ? | 10:16 |
holycow | Pupeno, the distro basically freezes debian unstable every six months, polishes and ads a few things | 10:16 |
holycow | Pupeno, the patches are submitted back to debian | 10:16 |
bob2 | Pupeno: wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | 10:16 |
holycow | win / win | 10:16 |
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=== count0nz is going to contribute packages also :) | ||
jsgotangco | look for dholbach or ogra | 10:18 |
holycow | Madpilot, ehe :) | 10:18 |
holycow | Madpilot, is ubuntu your first linux distro install? | 10:18 |
Madpilot | holycow: yes, 98 & XP before last week. total linux noob here... | 10:19 |
chocoIate | see this is all i found and its specific to avm-fritz, if i'm not wrong -->> http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/IsdnHowtoHoary | 10:19 |
=== nickrud [~nickrud@ppp-69-238-74-190.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | Madpilot, cool, welcome | 10:19 |
holycow | its not a perfect world, but then nothing is | 10:19 |
holycow | hopefully your having fun | 10:20 |
Madpilot | holycow: it's mostly fun. really like the sound/vid apps that U installs w/ | 10:20 |
Madpilot | holycow: but I really, really miss Photoshop... :( | 10:20 |
chocoIate | bob2 : you think i missed something from here or am i right to think that this guide is specific to Avm-fritz ISDN modem -->> http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/IsdnHowtoHoary | 10:21 |
bob2 | I don't know | 10:21 |
bob2 | usb isdn sounds pretty nasty, tho | 10:21 |
=== Amaranth beats GTK drag and drop into a bloody pulp and burns the remains | ||
chocoIate | what modem do you have | 10:21 |
gwilym | Can anyone give a hanp please. When I reboot without a network connection, I get to the stage of "synchronizing clock to ntp.ubuntulinux.orp...", and then there's a pause for a long time. I came on here a minute ago, and have tried changing my /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf to include "timeout 15;", but it still did the same thing on rebooting | 10:22 |
holycow | Madpilot, gimp can do all but a few things ps can | 10:22 |
holycow | and gimp of course can do a lot ps cannot | 10:22 |
bob2 | chocoIate: I have a dsl modem, but all my machines just use ethernet to get on line anyway | 10:22 |
chocoIate | ah ok | 10:22 |
holycow | Madpilot, i had to sit down and work on a commercial project for about 2 day to unlearn ps | 10:22 |
NicP | can you edit in cmyk in gimp? | 10:22 |
Amaranth | smeg 0.6 might not have DnD support for moving entries, it's being a PITA right now and it messes with editable cells | 10:22 |
bob2 | chocoIate: are you sure you don't have a avm modem? | 10:22 |
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bob2 | chocoIate: it's the chipset that matters, not the name on the box | 10:22 |
Madpilot | holycow: need to get used to the GIMP, that's all. was pretty good w/ PS, need to spend a weekend w/ the GIMP.. | 10:22 |
chocoIate | what modem do you recommend i get ; i just cannot find anything in the market that specifically says it works in linux | 10:23 |
liable | gwilym: just hit ctrl+c when it comes up | 10:23 |
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chocoIate | well, i do not know what chipset i have :S | 10:23 |
bob2 | chocoIate: for isdn/ isdn never really took off outside germany, afaict, so it's hard to find people who know much about it | 10:23 |
gwilym | Thanks Liable | 10:23 |
bob2 | er, "for isdn?" | 10:23 |
chocoIate | yep isdn | 10:23 |
bob2 | gwilym: why isn't your network working at boot? | 10:24 |
chocoIate | i could try the steps here ---> http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/IsdnHowtoHoary but i dont think i understand any of the steps like here it says : | 10:24 |
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chocoIate | add capi to /etc/modules | 10:24 |
holycow | Madpilot, just keep in mind that you litterally haveto deprogram from it, you will love what it can do :) | 10:24 |
chocoIate | what is that supposed to mean :S | 10:24 |
gwilym | It normally works fine, but when I take my laptop home we don't have an internet connection there (boo hiss) | 10:24 |
chocoIate | all i understand is step 1 lol | 10:24 |
graham_ | I am having trouble finding "gstreamer0.8-mad" even in Universe... There are tons of gstreamer packages but that one just isn't showing up... does anyone know what is up? | 10:24 |
bob2 | chocoIate: that means open /etc/modules in your normal text editor and add the word "capi" on one line by itself, no quotes | 10:24 |
Madpilot | holycow: deprogramming from PS? the Cult of Adobe lives! :) | 10:24 |
holycow | Madpilot, when you combine gnome, multiple desktops, and the fact that gimp is not constrained by mdi ... | 10:24 |
chocoIate | ok, i think i did that then | 10:25 |
bob2 | graham_: using hoary? | 10:25 |
chocoIate | and it never worked | 10:25 |
graham_ | bob2: yes | 10:25 |
bob2 | chocoIate: well, perhaps you did it wrong | 10:25 |
chocoIate | or should i proceed to the pci steps also | 10:25 |
gwilym | apart from that tiny glitch I've really enjoyed ubuntu so far | 10:25 |
holycow | ... and you combine linux' awesome memory management (you wont be swapping all the time like on windows, especially if you have tons of ram) ... | 10:25 |
bob2 | gwilym: well, it is in universe | 10:25 |
bob2 | chocoIate: you don't have a pci modem, so no. | 10:25 |
holycow | its an amazing platform to do graphic design on | 10:25 |
=== npiv [~npiv@d51532BD3.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Madpilot | holycow: know what u mean tho, i keep trying PS keybrd shortcuts in the GIMP and then swearing... | 10:25 |
bob2 | gwilym: you won't have the delay if you stop ubuntu bringing the interface up on boot | 10:25 |
npiv | how do I change the option to open video files with totem, I want mplayer to take care of that, ? | 10:26 |
graham_ | bob2: does the package still exist? | 10:26 |
gwilym | how would I do that? | 10:26 |
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chocoIate | well, i guess its specific to avm fritz then and wont work with my modem :/ | 10:26 |
holycow | Madpilot, yes that got me too | 10:26 |
Madpilot | does anyone know if a Ubuntu-specific GIMPshop pack is being worked on? | 10:26 |
chocoIate | brb, i'll try to get the package and run the make install as you suggested and hopefully it will build successfully :P | 10:27 |
holycow | Madpilot, i actually made a mistake by trying the ps shortcuts for imp (they are there you just haveto turn them on) | 10:27 |
chocoIate | atleast i'll have a 56k modem working which is better than nothing at this point | 10:27 |
holycow | Madpilot, i found that the problem with ps like gimp is that you only get like 50% of the way there to ps, but its still not ps | 10:27 |
Madpilot | holycow: does stock GIMP have PS shortcuts included somewhere? | 10:27 |
chocoIate | much easier to ask for help when i'm in linux and connected online :P | 10:27 |
saber_ | does DDR needs to be used in pairs? or can it be used in singles? | 10:27 |
holycow | Madpilot, so it ended up feeling like a retarded step child, instead i just decided to learn gimp shortcuts | 10:28 |
holycow | that was a lot easier, the only one i had to change was wand of course, a wand is a wand :) | 10:28 |
holycow | Madpilot, yes, google it | 10:28 |
Madpilot | holycow: yeah, 'going native' is probably the best way to go. | 10:28 |
IIIEars | saber - I have used 3200 DDR in single | 10:28 |
holycow | you just haveto copy a file to your gimp dir and rename it or something | 10:28 |
holycow | Madpilot, whatever works for you, just relaying my experience | 10:28 |
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saber_ | oh ok. | 10:28 |
graham_ | exit | 10:28 |
fortran01 | saber_: ddr? | 10:28 |
saber_ | yes, fortran | 10:29 |
IIIEars | double data rate ram | 10:29 |
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Madpilot | holycow: will google for the PS shortcuts. thnx for the tip. | 10:29 |
liable | gwilym: you can comment out the first line for your eth iface in /etc/network/interfaces (the auto line) | 10:29 |
fortran01 | aahh | 10:29 |
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saber_ | time for bed. later people | 10:30 |
liable | gwilym: then you can bring it up with 'ifup eth0' (or whatever it is) | 10:30 |
Amaranth | arg, this is messed up | 10:30 |
Amaranth | i can't seem anything that could be wrong but my callbacks never get called and the drag is rejected :/ | 10:30 |
fortran01 | Does totem play dvd with libdvdcss2 installed? | 10:31 |
=== Amaranth stops complaining and does something else | ||
_seth | Delphi is a Win32 based language right? | 10:31 |
kestas | yup its directx | 10:31 |
=== johnnybezak [~johnnybez@203-206-85-108.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_seth | You hear about the latest sploit from M$? | 10:31 |
kestas | nope | 10:32 |
_seth | Not FROM microsoft, but that is in Windows. | 10:32 |
gwilym | Liable: Thanks - I'll probably stick with your ctrl-c shortcut for the moment. Thanks for the help | 10:32 |
Madpilot | windows security nightmares - one thing I WON'T miss... :) | 10:32 |
_seth | They have a flaw in the way they implement TCP/IP and it allows a remote reset of a Win2K or XP machine. | 10:32 |
liable | gwilym: yah, much easier :) | 10:32 |
=== ralph [~ralph@cc830440-b.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gwilym | :) cheers. Bye for now | 10:33 |
goldfish | _seth: got a link ? | 10:33 |
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Madpilot | _seth: that's just to make it easier to hit CTRL-ALT-DEL. it's a feature not a bug | 10:33 |
_seth | goldfish, http://www.frsirt.com/exploits/04232004.tcp-exploit.php for C code. | 10:34 |
aj | can anyone confirm whether a DWL-122 USB wireless adaptor works with Ubuntu ppc? | 10:34 |
johnnybezak | hey guys | 10:34 |
fortran01 | Why can't I play dvd in totem? I can see that libdvdcss2 is already installed. Is it possible with totem? | 10:34 |
kestas | meh dos is pretty pointless | 10:34 |
kestas | no-onell use it really | 10:34 |
kestas | *DoS | 10:34 |
goldfish | _seth: thanks | 10:34 |
_seth | goldfish, I'm seeing if it works on my network right now. | 10:35 |
bob2 | fortran01: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats, I don't think it's possible with totem | 10:35 |
johnnybezak | whats the cli name for thunderbird | 10:35 |
johnnybezak | dont worry got it | 10:35 |
_seth | johnnybezak, mozilla-thunderbird to launch it from CL. | 10:35 |
fortran01 | bob2: I've tried it in mandriva. How about mplayer? | 10:36 |
bob2 | fortran01: yes, same file | 10:36 |
johnnybezak | _seth: whys that firefox is just firefox | 10:36 |
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johnnybezak | woot! someone has been assigned my bug :D | 10:37 |
_seth | johnnybezak, *shrug* For me, it is mozilla-thunderbird and mozilla-firefox | 10:37 |
fortran01 | bob2: you mean same libdvdcss2? | 10:37 |
johnnybezak | _seth: ill make an alias | 10:37 |
bob2 | fortran01: same url, I meant | 10:37 |
johnnybezak | where do i put aliases? | 10:37 |
_seth | Er, nevermind, I feel like a retard. | 10:37 |
johnnybezak | dammit i bought a shitty mouse this week, makes me want to get a good one now. | 10:37 |
fortran01 | thanks much bob2 | 10:37 |
bob2 | johnnybezak: ~/.bashrc | 10:38 |
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johnnybezak | bob2: thnx | 10:38 |
johnnybezak | another bash question | 10:38 |
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johnnybezak | i want to have a program start everytime bash does. does that go in the .bashrc too | 10:38 |
johnnybezak | ? | 10:38 |
kestas | yup | 10:39 |
johnnybezak | dammit that .bashrc file looks complicated | 10:39 |
=== fortran01 thinks of shifting to Ubuntu from Mandriva | ||
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johnnybezak | mandriva, that is the dumbest name ever | 10:39 |
bob2 | johnnybezak: what program? | 10:39 |
johnnybezak | birthday | 10:39 |
bob2 | that's more complicated | 10:39 |
bob2 | you don't want it to run from ~/.bashrc | 10:39 |
johnnybezak | where do i want it to run from? | 10:40 |
bob2 | it depends | 10:40 |
IIIEars | Ubuntu is great but linux on the whole is scarey - giving anyone with even a casual interest the ability to compile source code for exploits easily is just plain frightening. | 10:40 |
bob2 | do you *really* want it to run everytime you start a gnome-terminal or whatever? | 10:40 |
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bob2 | IIIEars: er, how does linux change that at all? | 10:40 |
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=== chocoIate [~choco@ppp-62-10-127-179.dialup.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
npiv | IIIEars - theyre called script kiddies | 10:41 |
IIIEars | lol - M$ brain washed? - "source code is bad..." | 10:41 |
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bob2 | IIIEars: you can compile exploits on windows, too | 10:41 |
kestas | people use cygwin to use exploits written for linux on windows | 10:42 |
kestas | but we cant use ones written for windows on linux | 10:42 |
johnnybezak | bob2: yep | 10:42 |
IIIEars | it would take a day to set up the compiler and debugger. | 10:42 |
kestas | so linux is worse for exploits really | 10:42 |
npiv | And they Use VS .net to crash their own system | 10:42 |
npiv | MS is veryversatile | 10:42 |
fortran01 | Are there repositories for proprietary drivers? | 10:42 |
edwin | what r u guyz chatting abt | 10:42 |
bob2 | presumably installing visual studio doesn't actually yake a day | 10:42 |
bob2 | fortran01: ubuntu tends to just include them in the linux-restricted-modules packages | 10:42 |
edwin | I just joined in | 10:42 |
npiv | bob2, wait till you get to the MSDN, its forever | 10:42 |
bob2 | johnnybezak: then put it in ~/.bash_profile, as the last line | 10:43 |
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johnnybezak | bob2: thanks man | 10:43 |
chocoIate | back | 10:43 |
johnnybezak | i'm horrible with birthdays and important dates | 10:43 |
chocoIate | bob2 : new erorrs http://pastebot.nd.edu/903 | 10:43 |
fortran01 | bob2: is that a repository I can add? Or I need to join a club or something? | 10:43 |
chocoIate | :/ | 10:43 |
johnnybezak | so i need birthday :) | 10:43 |
bob2 | fortran01: eh? it's just a package to install...I'm pretty sure it's on the CD. | 10:44 |
johnnybezak | bob2: it didn't do anything | 10:44 |
eater773 | dabaSlop --> still there ??? | 10:44 |
bob2 | johnnybezak: now, go to the gnome-terminal options and configure it to make "login shells by default" or something | 10:44 |
=== rudi1234 [~rudi@p54B9E404.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eater773 | why is it every new floppy.. will i unmount & remount ??? | 10:45 |
rudi1234 | hi@all | 10:45 |
trondd | wow, vpnc is using 40% of my cpu! Is this normal (I need a dualcore just to run vpnc...) | 10:45 |
bob2 | eater773: yes | 10:45 |
johnnybezak | bob2: roger that | 10:45 |
shido6 | I have windows media player playing files in ubuntu, but no audio | 10:46 |
eater773 | bob2 -->why is it every new floppy.. will i unmount & remount ??? is there anyother way... | 10:46 |
shido6 | how do I fix this? | 10:46 |
fortran01 | So does that mean Ubuntu has a lot to offer, because I need not be a club member or pay something to download proprietary packages, unlike Mandr*va? | 10:46 |
Xira- | um | 10:46 |
Xira- | read the front page of ubuntu.com | 10:46 |
chocoIate | http://lists.progeny.com/archive/anaconda-workers/200312/msg00047.html <-- someone here is saying that the person needs kernel-headers-2.4.18.. | 10:46 |
Xira- | thx | 10:46 |
chocoIate | hmm | 10:46 |
bob2 | eater773: not really | 10:46 |
johnnybezak | bob2: hmm set it | 10:46 |
johnnybezak | bob2: still nothing | 10:47 |
eater773 | so... pls. tell me... how to.. | 10:47 |
bob2 | eater773: how often are you using floppies? | 10:47 |
chocoIate | i have installed the proper kernel headers as of instructions from "how to build a driver" | 10:47 |
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liable | chocoIate: to compile a modem? yes you generally do | 10:47 |
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bob2 | chocoIate: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 10:47 |
eater773 | most of the time.... we need it to make copy of some file.... | 10:47 |
liable | chocoIate: and sorce too | 10:47 |
liable | *source | 10:47 |
shido6 | using crossover | 10:47 |
eater773 | bob2-->most of the time.... we need it to make copy of some file.... | 10:48 |
bob2 | eater773: there's no better way, sorry | 10:48 |
chocoIate | i dont believe in isntalled source | 10:48 |
chocoIate | but headers i did surely | 10:48 |
howdyDoody | is there something in ubuntu for converting avi to mpeg2 and putting them on a dvd with menus like nerovision express? | 10:48 |
liable | chocoIate: should say in the readme | 10:48 |
bob2 | chocoIate: you did install build-essential, right? | 10:48 |
eater773 | bob2-> so i will remount & mount every new floppy.... | 10:48 |
=== Jimbob [jcape@c-67-173-147-129.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chocoIate | i found two types of headers and installed both since i didnt know which one to chooose : 1. linux-headers-2.6.10-5-386_2.6.10-34_i386.deb and 2. linux-headers-2.6.10-5_2.6.10-34_i386.deb | 10:49 |
fortran01 | eater773: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/mounting.html | 10:49 |
bob2 | chocoIate: 18:47:36 bob2 | chocoIate: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 10:49 |
chocoIate | install again :o | 10:49 |
eater773 | fortran01 -> browsing.... ok..... | 10:49 |
=== factorx [~factorx@dsl-084-060-006-177.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chocoIate | ok, i'll try | 10:49 |
chocoIate | brb | 10:49 |
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Kimppa | Hi. How can I install windows-fonts? | 10:51 |
bob2 | Kimppa: install the msttcorefonts package | 10:52 |
Kimppa | thanks | 10:52 |
rudi1234 | can i disable the hotplug subsystem? | 10:52 |
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bob2 | rudi1234: why? | 10:52 |
bob2 | and no, not without breaking large numbers of things | 10:52 |
rudi1234 | ok thnx | 10:53 |
bob2 | why do you want to disable it? | 10:53 |
_seth | What does everyone use to rip MP3s or OGG, whatever codec you use. | 10:53 |
rudi1234 | bob2, sry my english :( | 10:54 |
trondd | oggenc | 10:54 |
eater773 | fortran01-> so there is no way to auto mount & umount in ubuntu.. mandrake has a command automount.... | 10:54 |
Madpilot | _seth: Sound Juicer is stock, and seems to work fine. | 10:54 |
bob2 | _seth: abcde works excellently | 10:54 |
_seth | Any rippers have CDDB support? | 10:54 |
bob2 | _seth: all of them do | 10:54 |
Madpilot | already ripped a bunch of my CDs; never got around to that in Windows... | 10:54 |
=== Shufla [~shufla@router.kkzabrze.com.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eater773 | fotran01->i know there is still a way to this.... | 10:54 |
Shufla | hi :D | 10:54 |
_seth | bob2, I mean connecting and getting the information on the CD. | 10:55 |
bob2 | most are configured to use freedb by default, tho | 10:55 |
bob2 | _seth: of course, I've never seen one that doesn't | 10:55 |
_seth | Sound Juicer isn't for me. | 10:55 |
=== ice_1963 [~gary@pcp0010958840pcs.brghtn01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eater773 | bob2-> i have a Asus cd writer ... can nero be used in linux and burn cd without problem ??/ | 10:56 |
bob2 | eater773: if you want to buy nero, sure... | 10:56 |
bob2 | but why bother? nautilus works for data cds, and there's tons of other choices for other weird formats. | 10:56 |
_seth | eater773, why use Nero under Linux? That means setting up Wine or Crossover, | 10:56 |
_seth | Serious eater773, get gnomebaker. It's great. | 10:56 |
IIIEars | Hm - I don't see any binaries in /usr/games/bin the game i would like to build install will use that directory. what will it need there? | 10:57 |
howdyDoody | you can get nero for linux now | 10:57 |
bob2 | _seth: eh? no, they released a native port. | 10:57 |
_seth | bob2, they did?! | 10:57 |
howdyDoody | free if you have bought windows nero | 10:57 |
eater773 | seth -> gnomebaker.... is that free ??? | 10:57 |
_seth | eater773, yes it is. | 10:57 |
trondd | eater773: take a look at k3b! | 10:57 |
eater773 | browsing ... ok.. | 10:57 |
IIIEars | After a succesful install i would like to translate it to a .deb - can you point me to a page on that? | 10:57 |
ice_1963 | k3b is the Best | 10:58 |
johnnybezak | bob2: any ideas why birthday isn't showing up, its set as a login shell, but it still wont show, it just goes to the prompt as per usual? | 10:58 |
=== shinzui [~shinzui@dsl017-119-248.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | IIIEars: you can't, really. just install it to /usr/local/whatever/ | 10:58 |
johnnybezak | IIIEars: what are you building? | 10:58 |
IIIEars | If i install this my wife won't miss windows and i'll be a hero. | 10:58 |
bob2 | johnnybezak: paste your ~/.bash_history somewhere | 10:58 |
shinzui | hi all | 10:58 |
=== chocoIate [~choco@ppp-62-10-127-23.dialup.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shinzui | any AMD64 or 3ware escalade users tonight? | 10:59 |
IIIEars | XScrabble-2.10.tgz | 10:59 |
_seth | My god. My system only rips at 1.3x..... | 10:59 |
IIIEars | there is an earlier text oly version - my wife laughed | 10:59 |
=== Q_Continuum_ [~Q_Continu@c-24-118-74-17.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
johnnybezak | bob2: its in #humma | 11:00 |
bob2 | _seth: lots of cdrom drives suck | 11:00 |
bob2 | and most tools on linux default to using cdparanoia -z | 11:00 |
IIIEars | honestly so did i except it took about 1/2 for a newb like me to install - lol | 11:00 |
chocoIate | bob2 : http://pastebot.nd.edu/904 | 11:00 |
bob2 | johnnybezak: put it online or #flood | 11:00 |
chocoIate | seems like i have the headers already :S | 11:00 |
liable | chocoIate: that howto specifically says, you need kernel source, so of you go again :) | 11:00 |
chocoIate | oops :X | 11:00 |
_seth | bob2, this is an Inspiron 8100. It's a laptop, so I didn't expect it to rip at 40x or anything. | 11:01 |
bob2 | ah | 11:01 |
_seth | WinXP ripped at 14x though. | 11:01 |
eater773 | seth --> downloading gnomebaker... | 11:01 |
_seth | eater773, good for you. | 11:01 |
bob2 | _seth: you can tell cdparanoia to be less careful | 11:01 |
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=== Sionide [~dragon@cpc4-hem12-6-0-cust227.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_seth | http://walterpoorman.net/00001.jpg | 11:01 |
_seth | My eye is fucked up man. | 11:01 |
johnnybezak | bob2: done | 11:01 |
IIIEars | bob2 - Thank You for the tip. | 11:01 |
johnnybezak | _seth: you get punched? | 11:02 |
_seth | johnnybezak, my wife decided to get a cat tonight. | 11:02 |
_seth | I found out the hard way I'm allergic to them. =\ | 11:02 |
johnnybezak | _seth: lol what type of cat | 11:02 |
_seth | He is so god damn cute though. | 11:02 |
johnnybezak | i thought you were gonna say your wife beat you up | 11:02 |
bob2 | johnnybezak: try running "xterm -ls" and see if you get birthday output | 11:02 |
chocoIate | ufff ; the source is like a 35mb download | 11:02 |
_seth | The hell if I know. It's cute, and it purrs a lot. | 11:03 |
IIIEars | _seth - cats are evil - lol - trust me we have two here. | 11:03 |
chocoIate | gonna take forever on 128kbps :P | 11:03 |
_seth | This cat reminds me of all the stoner friends I used to have. | 11:03 |
chocoIate | gonna try it now and hopefully it will build correctly this time :S | 11:03 |
liable | chocoIate: yep, but you have to have it, do it overnight | 11:03 |
johnnybezak | bob2: nope | 11:03 |
_seth | My wife scared them all off, so I like to look back at all the good times we had. | 11:03 |
IIIEars | _seth - what rolled up a bit of catnip first ten minutes inside? | 11:03 |
Encrypted | anyone know if its possible t get debootstrap to output useful information ? | 11:04 |
johnnybezak | _seth: you'll probably get used to it | 11:04 |
Encrypted | keep getting E: Couldn't download grepmap | 11:04 |
_seth | johnnybezak, no I won't, because I'm taking it to the shelter tomorrow. | 11:04 |
bob2 | johnnybezak: interesting | 11:04 |
bob2 | Encrypted: can you download it manually? | 11:04 |
bob2 | Encrypted: also, archive.ubuntu.com is down atm, if that's what youre using | 11:04 |
Encrypted | bob2, that would be the problem then.. thx | 11:05 |
Encrypted | any good mirror ? | 11:05 |
=== choco1ate [~choco@ppp-62-10-127-200.dialup.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IIIEars | _seth - one word for you about pets "gerbil" - play with them when you want to, they eat very little, and localise the mess. - rofl | 11:05 |
bob2 | I'd say wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive, but all our machines seem unavailable | 11:05 |
_seth | bob2, you an ubuntu dev? | 11:06 |
=== Vixus [~vixus@82-41-122-60.cable.ubr01.glen.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eater773 | set2-> how install this one... | 11:06 |
bob2 | no, I just work for canonical | 11:06 |
_seth | Who? | 11:06 |
bob2 | johnnybezak: it works for me | 11:06 |
bob2 | _seth: the company funding ubuntu | 11:06 |
bob2 | ie, I wirk with the ubuntu developers | 11:07 |
_seth | Ah, I see. | 11:07 |
eater773 | seth-> how install this one... | 11:07 |
_seth | eater773, why didn't you use do apt-get install gnomebaker | 11:07 |
=== yure [~yure@dhcp-212-235-229-194.sd.uni-lj.si] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yfir | bob2: how successful has canonical's comercial support thing been? just curious | 11:07 |
choco1ate | liable : http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/Read.scanModem/DriverCompiling.txt <-- here they only ask to install the headers, no mention of source | 11:07 |
bob2 | johnnybezak: make the last line of ~/.bash_profile "ls", and try "ssh localhost" (if you have an ssh server up) | 11:07 |
bob2 | yfir: I still have a job ;) | 11:08 |
IIIEars | (crosses fingers and hope you all get rich) | 11:08 |
choco1ate | this is the guide i'm trying to follow, you think i should by default have the source already installed :o | 11:08 |
choco1ate | is that what they are assuming :S | 11:08 |
johnnybezak | bob2: ok | 11:08 |
bob2 | johnnybezak: then you should see a listing for your home dir when you ssh in | 11:08 |
liable | choco1ate: I have compiled many smartlink modems, and it *does* need kernel source | 11:08 |
liable | one sec | 11:08 |
johnnybezak | bob2: yeah it worked | 11:08 |
johnnybezak | bob2: ill try it with birthdya | 11:08 |
bob2 | ok | 11:09 |
=== athlon [~athlon@174pc.wohnheimg.uni-frankfurt.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
johnnybezak | bob2: wierd didn't work | 11:10 |
johnnybezak | bob2: thanks anyway gotta go to the super | 11:10 |
liable | choco1ate: that does say, it works on debian, so you should be right, so try it I spose, I have always made me own. | 11:10 |
_seth | I need to go have a smoke then get some sleep. Been awake since 4am Tuesday. | 11:10 |
=== ek_ [~ek@port302.ds1-hg.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Madpilot | is there a Ubuntu prog that will capture streaming audio? | 11:11 |
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choco1ate | yes but i have errors now as i try to make a build | 11:12 |
liable | paste it | 11:12 |
bob2 | Madpilot: mplayer | 11:12 |
choco1ate | this is my latest build error -->> http://pastebot.nd.edu/903 | 11:13 |
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liable | choco1ate: shouldnt you be using 'sudo make'? | 11:14 |
choco1ate | well the error is : /usr/include/asm/smp.h:73:26: mach_apicdef.h: No such file or directory | 11:14 |
=== verden01 [~verden@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | well, that file is in my kernel headers | 11:15 |
bob2 | but this is 2.6.10, not | 11:15 |
verden01 | does anyone know if the australian mirror is down? | 11:15 |
Madpilot | bob2: thanks, will look into that tomorrow.... er, today. Is 0218 here, got to be @ work far too soon. | 11:15 |
Madpilot | thanks all, got some good info here tonight. | 11:15 |
liable | choco1ate: thats a header, try 'sudo make' 'sudo make install' | 11:15 |
=== factorx [~factorx@dsl-084-060-006-177.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
choco1ate | you think its a permissions problem :o | 11:16 |
bob2 | verden01: everything in the UK datacentre is down | 11:16 |
bob2 | (au.archive.ubuntu.com points at archive.ubuntu.com) | 11:16 |
choco1ate | because i have to reboot and reboot back into linux, i'm on winxp right now :P | 11:16 |
verden01 | ok | 11:16 |
verden01 | do you know for how long? | 11:17 |
bob2 | no, someone is looking at it now | 11:17 |
bob2 | mirror.isp.net.au has it | 11:17 |
=== Battletux [~me@host217-37-68-197.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | as does internode's mirror | 11:17 |
=== Linforcer_ is now known as Linforcer[mad] | ||
Linforcer[mad] | >.> | 11:19 |
Linforcer[mad] | are sources down or something? | 11:19 |
Linforcer[mad] | fantastic | 11:20 |
Linforcer[mad] | f**** brilliant | 11:20 |
liable | choco1ate: cant answer that for sure, but most things that need kernel headers, you compile with sudo, bob2 comment? | 11:20 |
bob2 | I don't think so | 11:20 |
=== wdh [~KlaasVaag@82-197-205-254.dsl.cambrium.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Battletux | Linforcer: my update seems to fail at the security.ubuntu ones | 11:21 |
bob2 | Linforcer[mad] : er, some of the machines hosting the ubuntu archive are down, yes | 11:21 |
bob2 | there are dozens of mirrors, though | 11:21 |
bob2 | Battletux: that machine is off the network atm | 11:21 |
Battletux | cool | 11:21 |
Amaranth | Linforcer[mad] : If you're using breezy you don't want to upgrade right now anyway. | 11:21 |
Linforcer[mad] | I'm not | 11:21 |
liable | choco1ate: hehe, well then you can try it, if it fails, install the kernel source, copy the config and make your own | 11:21 |
Linforcer[mad] | I just need some stuff >.> | 11:22 |
yfir | patience, these things don't last too long | 11:22 |
Linforcer[mad] | and I run hoary | 11:22 |
choco1ate | thing is everytime i never used sudo it would choke saying i didnt have permissions and i go use sudo | 11:22 |
choco1ate | this time its saying /usr/include/asm/smp.h:73:26: mach_apicdef.h: No such file or directory | 11:22 |
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bob2 | Linforcer[mad] : use a closer mirror | 11:22 |
choco1ate | i googled for this and i saw someone respond back with you need the headers which i already have :S | 11:22 |
Linforcer[mad] | its up | 11:23 |
Linforcer[mad] | mine anyway | 11:23 |
Linforcer[mad] | and there is none closer | 11:23 |
Battletux | are there any euro mirrors? | 11:23 |
=== bigfoot [~jeff@FLH1Aax010.fko.mesh.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
verden01 | bob2, where would i find internodes sources.list? | 11:25 |
=== alexandre [~alexandre@AMarseille-151-1-25-234.w82-122.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
liable | choco1ate: hmmm, I just tried to make my slmodem driver as a user and got a permission error, which is different to yours, but, try the sudo thing | 11:26 |
=== pablo928 [~paul@az-yuma-cuda1x-159.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | deb http://mirror.internode.on.net/pub/ubuntu/ubuntu/ hoary main | 11:28 |
kestas | verden01: you have to be an internode customer to use internode repos | 11:28 |
kestas | I think | 11:28 |
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verden01 | k :( | 11:28 |
=== keffo [~keffo@user150.c82-197-233.citynet.nu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
choco1ate | ok, i will try that too ; it seems from here that there is a significant change btw kernel versions -->> http://lwn.net/Articles/driver-porting/ | 11:29 |
choco1ate | maybe the guy who wrote this driver wrote it for an older version | 11:29 |
choco1ate | boh :^) | 11:30 |
choco1ate | i'm a total noob and i'm confused as hell, helpless too | 11:30 |
=== Shufla [~shufla@aev134.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Linforcer[mad] is now known as Linforcer | ||
Shufla | ugh | 11:30 |
=== androxxl [~kvirc@BSN-77-45-232.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
verden01 | everything is back up now :) | 11:32 |
liable | choco1ate:hehe, I just tried to compile it myself, and got a bucketload of errors, and I *do* have the right headers | 11:32 |
choco1ate | oh :o | 11:32 |
=== test [~shufla@abi226.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
choco1ate | maybe i should just contact the author himself and ask him whats the deal with this driver | 11:32 |
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liable | choco1ate: even the same error as you :) | 11:33 |
choco1ate | azzz | 11:33 |
liable | choco1ate: did you get it from that howto page you showed? | 11:33 |
choco1ate | i got this driver from here : -->> http://www.sm56.tk | 11:33 |
liable | yep the gcc3 one? | 11:34 |
choco1ate | that guy is supply the driver, however i guess i must compile and build it on my distro | 11:34 |
alexandre | re | 11:34 |
choco1ate | yeah, its the same, first i got a gcc error ; and bob2 fixed that, i didnt have the proper packages installed | 11:34 |
choco1ate | now after having added that package i end up with those errors i pasted | 11:34 |
Shufla | i'm switching my stable suse9.2 workstation at work to be hoary... wish me luck! and i'll be able to support and test ubuntu more :D:D | 11:35 |
alexandre | bi g bu of firefex with the page: http://www.football365.fr/infos_clubs/lyon/story_172730.shtml | 11:35 |
choco1ate | well, its been 4 days now i havent been able to get my modem working under hoary, so i wish you a "lot of luck" which i think you need :P | 11:36 |
Shufla | choco1ate: ugh. i've made test instalation for few weeks (after hours), 64bit system - 99,9999% works fine, that little 0,0001% i'd like to polish and commit to ubuntu | 11:37 |
=== fortran01 [~prem@ipdial-169-10.tri-isys.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
choco1ate | well, help me fix my modem then | 11:37 |
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Shufla | choco1ate: do you have so-called winmodem? | 11:37 |
choco1ate | 4 days i have frequented this channel and nobody has a better suggestion other than buy a linmodem :P | 11:38 |
bob2 | Shufla: he/she has a usb isdn modem | 11:38 |
fortran01 | I am using 64-bit Ubuntu 5.04. My firefox hangs after installing libflash-mozplugin. Is this a known bug? | 11:38 |
Shufla | choco1ate: sorry :( that's not linux-community failure... :( | 11:38 |
bob2 | which, surprisingly, a huge amount of pain | 11:38 |
choco1ate | i dont know what a winmodem and linmodem is ; i have not found a linmodem as of yet and i have googled for modems for hours on top online sellers | 11:38 |
Shufla | fortran01: you need to setup 32bit chroot, check on ubuntuforums.org | 11:39 |
liable | choco1ate: that driver has some problems I think, is that the only one you could find? is there no source on the proper site for it? | 11:39 |
bob2 | fortran01: is it in the BTS? | 11:39 |
bob2 | Shufla: er, for the Free flash plugin? | 11:39 |
Shufla | ops | 11:39 |
Shufla | hmmm | 11:39 |
fortran01 | bob2: bts? | 11:39 |
choco1ate | i swear i'd be glad to just buy a linmodem and fix this, i just dont find any modems that say they support linux :S | 11:39 |
athlon | is it normal for firefox to become unresponsive when its fetching pages ? | 11:39 |
bob2 | fortran01: the bug tracking system | 11:39 |
fortran01 | bob2: newbie here, where can I see the bts? | 11:40 |
Shufla | afair libflash-mozplugin is not good flash plugin :( it supports only flash v3, isn't it? | 11:40 |
bob2 | fortran01: bugzilla.ubuntu.com, laucnhpad.ubuntu.com/malone, bugs.debian.org | 11:40 |
bob2 | no flash plugin is good | 11:40 |
choco1ate | well, that is the only site thats producing drivers for my internal 56k modem, which i never use, it came this way with my pc, while i have an external isdn modem to which i have given up trying to fix since there is no guides online that help with this | 11:40 |
bob2 | the binary one makes firefox as unstable as a teapot on my nose, and the Free ones don't support all of flash | 11:40 |
Shufla | my company site is full of flash :( | 11:40 |
fortran01 | so where can I get a working flash plugin for my 64-bit system? | 11:40 |
kestas | choco1ate: isnt that driver for 2.4? | 11:40 |
Shufla | it's "enterprise" :D | 11:41 |
choco1ate | the only one guide i found is specific to avm-fritz | 11:41 |
bob2 | Shufla: remind them they've lost every blind customer they might have ever had | 11:41 |
bob2 | fortran01: there probably isn't one | 11:41 |
=== Slider^^ [~got_beer@ti500710a080-7971.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | fortran01: try asking on the user list | 11:41 |
Shufla | fortran01: imho the best way is to setup 32bit chroot. but if you are not power-user better install 32bit system... | 11:41 |
Shufla | bob2: huh. bilnd people do not need high power cockery :D | 11:41 |
fortran01 | Shufla: do you a doc on doing 32bit chroot? | 11:42 |
Shufla | fortran01: and your problem _is_ solved on ubuntuforums.org | 11:42 |
choco1ate | here this guy on www.sm56.tk says -->> Exclusively for the and above versions of the Linux kernel users !! | 11:42 |
=== Ajobondon [~nobody@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
choco1ate | and then he goes on -->> We have a new problem with the call __wake_up from SM56 Driver that is not fixed yet, and of course I don't have the Source Code of SM56 Modem Driver, simply working with the sm56.lib. | 11:42 |
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choco1ate | dont think i need to be reading any of that | 11:43 |
stu1 | Bah | 11:43 |
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count0nz | 2.4x and above means 2.4.xx only generaly | 11:43 |
choco1ate | maybe i should just contact that author | 11:43 |
liable | choco1ate: wait, have you edited your makefile? | 11:43 |
choco1ate | if he will ever reply | 11:43 |
choco1ate | nope | 11:43 |
Slider^^ | I have tried to install Ubuntu several times, but all the times I have needed to reinstall winXp, and formate my computer.. My plan is to have one drive with Ubuntu on it and one drive with linux, I tried to do this as i said, but it did not work as plannes.. What to do? | 11:43 |
Slider^^ | I have tried to install Ubuntu several times, but all the times I have needed to reinstall winXp, and formate my computer.. My plan is to have one drive with Ubuntu on it and one drive with lwinxp, I tried to do this as i said, but it did not work as plannes.. What to do? | 11:43 |
=== bdmp [~bdmp@hcccbcacc29.bai.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Shufla | Slider^^: do not repeat. and describe your problem. | 11:44 |
choco1ate | well, i have winxp and ubuntu and i am a noob, installed first time | 11:44 |
liable | choco1ate: I just got mine to compile by changing the kernel path :) | 11:44 |
choco1ate | with dual booth and i dont rem having to do anything special | 11:44 |
choco1ate | oh really | 11:44 |
choco1ate | what did you change liable :o | 11:44 |
count0nz | Slider^^, install XP 1st... then install ubutu on 2nd drive | 11:44 |
Slider^^ | I tried | 11:45 |
liable | choco1ate: join #flood | 11:45 |
Slider^^ | but when I boot, nothing is found | 11:45 |
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Battletux | anyone good at wlan? | 11:45 |
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count0nz | did you install grub on your 1st drive ? | 11:45 |
bob2 | Battletux: way better to just ask your question | 11:45 |
Slider^^ | I am not sure | 11:45 |
=== jeff_co [~jeff@FLH1Aax010.fko.mesh.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slider^^ | how do I decide where grub goes? | 11:45 |
choco1ate | liable : can you paste it on www.pastebot.org | 11:45 |
choco1ate | much better | 11:46 |
bdmp | Can someone give me a hand with mounting problem. I have a SD card that suddenly became a "read only file system" and won't let change the permissions. When I do umount it says the device is busy. Any suggestions? | 11:46 |
mauve | Hi my X server doesnt start anymore on a newly upgraded breezy machine, it complains it cant find the 'fixed' fonts, can anybody help | 11:46 |
Shufla | ok | 11:46 |
liable | choco1ate: no, dont worry i'll do it here | 11:46 |
liable | its not much | 11:46 |
kestas | seems to compile fine here choco1ate | 11:46 |
Shufla | vga=0x319 is for 1280x1024x32 for fb? | 11:46 |
count0nz | basicly you need grob to be install on your 1st drive then you setup a menu for booting XP/Linux on grub rrub will boot and ask you what you want to boot | 11:46 |
trondd | mauve: read the topic :) | 11:46 |
Battletux | bob: ok have followed guide here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31926 After install i do sudo ndiswrapper -l and it shows the driver as invalid. but i am using the correct .inf file | 11:46 |
bob2 | mauve: er, don't use breezy if you can't fix things for yourself | 11:46 |
=== wdh [~KlaasVaag@82-197-205-254.dsl.cambrium.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
choco1ate | ok cool :) | 11:47 |
Slider^^ | Ok thx, but how am I sure grub is installed on the right drive? | 11:47 |
mauve | bob2 all my xfonts packages are installed fine... | 11:47 |
keffo | hm, just a question.. I downloaded a new font, where do I put it? | 11:48 |
keffo | im not that sure, a friend of mine helped me last time | 11:48 |
bob2 | mauve: indeed, but X is undergoing a big transition atm | 11:48 |
bob2 | keffo: ~/.fonts/ | 11:48 |
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bob2 | keffo: or fonts:/// in nautilus (the file manager)( | 11:48 |
liable | kestas: without editing the makefile? | 11:48 |
mauve | bob2 sure, I just want to test it I even occasionally file a bugreport :) | 11:48 |
count0nz | it shauld ask you when it installs grub... but i have a odd feeling it will try to default to use hdb not hda | 11:48 |
keffo | do i need to run any command afterwards? | 11:48 |
kestas | liable: I had to change /usr/src/linux-2.4 to /usr/src/linux | 11:48 |
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keffo | to like.. set them up or something | 11:48 |
SL | hola | 11:48 |
bdmp | I got a crazy SD card can someone help? | 11:49 |
SL | espaoles? | 11:49 |
liable | kestas: you have source installed then? | 11:49 |
bob2 | keffo: no | 11:49 |
kestas | liable: yup | 11:49 |
keffo | kk | 11:49 |
bob2 | bdmp: sounds like the card is broken | 11:49 |
kestas | 2.6.10 source | 11:49 |
count0nz | someone dual booting dual drives can help you more i only have 1 drive and only boot 1 os | 11:49 |
bdmp | no | 11:49 |
liable | kestas: damn I thought you might know what to put just for headers | 11:49 |
bdmp | i have been using it all the time | 11:49 |
=== morris [~morris@pcworkshop.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
choco1ate | hmm, i just noticed on www.sm56.tk -->> You Need to have installed the Correct Kernel source and it headers in your Linux System depending upon your distribution (Red Hat ,SuSe ,Mandrake etc) and Kernel Version. | 11:49 |
choco1ate | hmm | 11:49 |
bdmp | i can read the files i cant write | 11:49 |
choco1ate | he says sources too :S | 11:49 |
Slider^^ | OK count0nz I think that was the problem that grub was installed on the wrong drive, I need grub to bee installed on the boot up drive right? | 11:50 |
kestas | liable: imho you might as well just install the source, it comes in handy from time to time, and only takes ~60mb | 11:50 |
=== chrisk [~chrisk@c-67-171-231-107.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bdmp | I can even delete files in my pda but not with ubuntu | 11:50 |
liable | choco1ate: didnt we have this conversation? | 11:50 |
bob2 | bdmp: yes, linux mounts filesystems as read-only if they're damaged | 11:50 |
keffo | hm, bob2 there is a local.conf, should i put it in there aswell? | 11:50 |
bdmp | check it out | 11:50 |
liable | kestas: talking to the converted :) | 11:50 |
count0nz | Slider^^, yes i belive thats your problem | 11:50 |
kestas | liable: k :) | 11:50 |
bdmp | I went to put stuff in it and it said it was full | 11:50 |
bdmp | I was like what? | 11:50 |
bob2 | keffo: no | 11:50 |
Linforcer | hey does anyone know what I should link /usr/src/linux to if the driver install script wants a "kernel source files in /usr/src/linux/"? | 11:51 |
choco1ate | yeah we did liable ; but you also said you werent sure i needed the sources and on drivercompile guides they only said to get the headers ; i am downloading the sources right now though just in case, got a few minutes of download left | 11:51 |
kestas | Linforcer: install linux-source | 11:51 |
Slider^^ | Ok then I aks this question, How to make sure grub gets installed on the C drive, when your linux is going inn on the D drive?? C drive contains windows | 11:51 |
mauve | bob2 okay maybe I'm way over my head here with breezy, but do you know a way to fix this 'fixed' font? | 11:51 |
liable | Linforcer: the kernel source | 11:51 |
kestas | Linforcer: then tar -jpvzf /usr/src/linux-blah.tar.bz2 | 11:51 |
Linforcer | liable duh | 11:51 |
Linforcer | kestas | 11:51 |
kestas | Linforcer: then ln -s /usr/src/linux-2.6.10 /usr/src/linux | 11:51 |
bdmp | and then I realized there was a trash file hidden on the card that had all the stuff I had deleted before. So I tried to get rid of that file and it went crazy after | 11:51 |
kestas | Linforcer: or ln -s /usr/src/linux /usr/src/linux-2.6.10 | 11:51 |
kestas | Linforcer: I forget which | 11:51 |
Linforcer | kestas coo' | 11:52 |
liable | Linforcer: duh, /usr/src/linux is a symbolic likk | 11:52 |
Linforcer | lemme write that down it's for a mate | 11:52 |
choco1ate | liable : so is this all i need to change in the makefile -->>: <kestas> liable: I had to change /usr/src/linux-2.4 to /usr/src/linux | 11:52 |
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liable | choco1ate: no, not for you :( | 11:52 |
kestas | choco1ate: thats right, and you need to do what I just told Linforcer to do | 11:52 |
liable | kestas: no source, just headers | 11:52 |
bob2 | keffo: please don't /msg people | 11:53 |
jansen | i'm coming,hello all! | 11:53 |
bob2 | keffo: just put them in ~/.fonts | 11:53 |
eater773 | seth-> how to install this one... diffrent from window i use.. since i save this to a tmp folder... | 11:53 |
johnnybezak | whats with /msg ing people? | 11:53 |
kestas | liable: I think you need source | 11:53 |
bob2 | mauve: I believe the solution is in a bug report on one of the X packages, but I forget which | 11:53 |
kestas | liable: but if you dont then fine | 11:53 |
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liable | kestas: no me hahah, choco1ate | 11:53 |
bob2 | johnnybezak: I don't know why people do it | 11:53 |
liable | sheesh | 11:53 |
keffo | okok | 11:53 |
keffo | sorry | 11:53 |
keffo | thanks | 11:53 |
mauve | bob2 thanks I go looking for it | 11:53 |
jansen | i cant use the azureus under ubuntu gnome | 11:53 |
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jazzka | hi! | 11:53 |
kestas | ?? | 11:54 |
jansen | jazzka hello | 11:54 |
bob2 | jansen: sure you can | 11:54 |
jansen | bob2 hi | 11:54 |
johnnybezak | bob2: oh ok, but why not use it? | 11:54 |
liable | kestas: trying to help choco1ate build his driver :) | 11:54 |
choco1ate | well, you both have confused me good :P | 11:54 |
liable | hah | 11:54 |
jazzka | I've lost my halt program, so I cant shutdown my computer, wich package should I re-install? | 11:54 |
kestas | liable: yeah I understand that much, but he needs to install source right? | 11:54 |
choco1ate | i dont know what to change :P | 11:54 |
bob2 | johnnybezak: because then it means I'm responsible for helping them, instead of the whole channel | 11:54 |
jansen | bob2 i'm reinstall the ubuntu but i'm upgrade to warty warthog now | 11:54 |
kestas | choco1ate: I could always send you my precompiled version | 11:54 |
Slider^^ | How to make sure grub gets installed on the C drive, when your linux is going inn on the D drive?? C drive contains windows btw | 11:55 |
bob2 | jansen: do you mean hoary? | 11:55 |
liable | kestas: i'm not convinced he does, just needs that line to point to his headers | 11:55 |
kestas | choco1ate: were using the same system right? | 11:55 |
choco1ate | i finished downloading the source | 11:55 |
eater773 | kestas-> how to install this one... diffrent from window i use.. since i save this to a tmp folder... | 11:55 |
jansen | bob2 yep | 11:55 |
kestas | eater773: what one? | 11:55 |
Battletux | anyone know where i can get the 32bit broadcom b/g wifi mini pci driver from? | 11:55 |
eater773 | kestas --> sorry.. i mean.. gnomebaker.. | 11:55 |
johnnybezak | bob2: fair enough :D | 11:55 |
bob2 | jansen: did you install java properly? | 11:55 |
jansen | bob2 yep | 11:55 |
kestas | eater773: well I dont understand what your problem is | 11:55 |
jansen | wait moment | 11:55 |
choco1ate | please do send me your precompiled version : i'm using 2.6.10-5-386 | 11:56 |
liable | choco1ate: cant do | 11:56 |
choco1ate | what did you have to change, tell me this also | 11:56 |
liable | choco1ate: you now have your kernel source installed? | 11:56 |
choco1ate | i just finished downloading the sources ; 35mb download | 11:56 |
kestas | choco1ate: do you want me to tell you what to do or send you the precompiled version? | 11:56 |
kestas | either will work | 11:56 |
choco1ate | well, i have to reboot on linux, installt he sources | 11:56 |
jansen | bob2 wait moment,i'm upgrading now | 11:56 |
choco1ate | and do everything there, tell me everything now, here :P | 11:57 |
choco1ate | both kestas | 11:57 |
choco1ate | :P | 11:57 |
jansen | bob2 do u using the hoary? | 11:57 |
bob2 | jansen: yes. | 11:57 |
kestas | okay Ill message you so it doesnt all get mixed up with the chan stuff | 11:57 |
choco1ate | thanks, eternally grateful for this :P | 11:57 |
jansen | bob2 and i think u dont use the breeze but,some software u must be use from breeze,readlly? | 11:58 |
jazzka | hey! I've lost my halt program, any help? | 11:58 |
eater773 | kestas--> i download gnomebaker for cdwriter software... now it is in a zipfile... when i try to extract and installed the software it won't installed. | 11:59 |
bob2 | jansen: I don't know of anything that requires using breezy | 11:59 |
bob2 | aside from mono | 11:59 |
bdmp | Bob2: the sd card works fine in my pda. if I reformat it dou you think it will work? | 11:59 |
bob2 | jazzka: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ | 11:59 |
bob2 | jazzka: look for the package containging /sbin/halt | 11:59 |
kestas | eater773: wait a sec okay? | 11:59 |
jazzka | bob2, allright | 11:59 |
bob2 | jazzka: also, I'd be very very scared about what's eating your disk like that | 11:59 |
kestas | be right there | 11:59 |
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bob2 | bdmp: how old is it? | 11:59 |
jansen | bob2 i just wanna latest kernel! | 11:59 |
bob2 | jansen: why? | 11:59 |
bdmp | 3 months | 11:59 |
bob2 | bdmp: how much have you used it? | 12:00 |
bdmp | bob2 a good amount | 12:00 |
lifeless | bob2: could be baz ;) | 12:00 |
bob2 | how bazaar. | 12:00 |
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bdmp | bob2: it says the disk is full | 12:02 |
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bob2 | bdmp: "it"? | 12:02 |
bdmp | bob2 I deleted everything | 12:02 |
bob2 | peronsally, I'd be betting the card is screwed | 12:02 |
bdmp | kde | 12:02 |
bdmp | konquerer | 12:02 |
bob2 | files don't actually get deleted if you have them open | 12:02 |
=== mfabbri [~mfabbri@host36-30.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bdmp | why does it work in the pda | 12:03 |
bdmp | ? | 12:03 |
mfabbri | hi | 12:03 |
mauve | bob2, sorry for bothering but could you please check if you could find the bugreport again, I have only console and bugzilla is a little awkward in links. | 12:03 |
bob2 | I don't know | 12:03 |
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bob2 | mauve: no,sorry, I don't know which X package it was | 12:03 |
mauve | hmm | 12:03 |
bob2 | perhaps someone has asked about it on the usr list or on the forums | 12:04 |
mfabbri | I've got an issue with gdm vnc ssh | 12:04 |
mauve | bob2, thanks I'll go checkout the forums | 12:04 |
kestas | eater773: whats a zip file? | 12:04 |
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eater773 | kestas-> zipfile is a compress file... needed to be extracted ... | 12:06 |
kestas | eater773: why is it a zipfile though? why not get gnome-baker from synaptic? | 12:06 |
eater773 | kestas -> website ??? | 12:07 |
kestas | eater773: why not install gnome-baker from synaptic? | 12:07 |
kestas | eater773: 'website ???' is not a very good reason | 12:07 |
eater773 | kestas -> synaptic ??? | 12:08 |
thenuke | eater773: ubuntu has an package manager, apt-get&dpkg, and synaptic is front-end(graphical interface) for it, you can find it from the gnomes menus | 12:09 |
thenuke | eater773: you dont have to download and install any software by yourself | 12:09 |
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thenuke | eater773: just fire up synaptic and choose software you want to install | 12:10 |
eater773 | kestas -> already in synaptic menu | 12:10 |
=== johnnybe1ak [~johnnybez@203-217-35-131.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
johnnybe1ak | hey guys | 12:10 |
kestas | eater773: then its installed | 12:10 |
keffo | ok, i want to edit my "gnome-menu".. i want to move "system" and "places" into "Program" that from now on only should be an icon | 12:10 |
kestas | eater773: if by 'already in synaptic menu' you mean theres a green square next to it in synaptic | 12:11 |
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johnnybe1ak | is there anyway to set keyboard short cuts for stuff thats not in the prefs. pane | 12:11 |
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kestas | keffo and johnnybe1ak you should check the menus, therell probably be something in there to set menus and keyboard short cuts | 12:12 |
=== ubunnewb [~thomas@pD902D145.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eater773 | kestas-> reload button u mean.. | 12:13 |
ubunnewb | Hi i wants to install mencoder-k6 my version is Ubuntu 5.04 Hoary, this needs libc6 >= 2.3.2.ds-21 I only have 2.3.2.ds-20 What to write in sources.list to get this newer version of libc? | 12:15 |
ubunnewb | is there a testing tree like in debian or something like that? | 12:15 |
keffo | kestas, there is not | 12:15 |
=== ricardo [~ricardo@ALamentin-101-1-10-123.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wdh | kestas, there is not standard menu-editor in gnome atm | 12:16 |
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mjr | ubunnewb, not really | 12:16 |
keffo | but how teh hell do I edit the menus | 12:16 |
keffo | :< | 12:16 |
wdh | the wiki does show an alternative menu-editor though | 12:16 |
keffo | must be a way? ;P | 12:16 |
wdh | keffo, search the wiki | 12:16 |
ubunnewb | mjr: but how to get the newer version of libc? | 12:16 |
mauve | bob2, I fixed it by writing the md5sum of xorg.conf to /var/lib/xfree86/xorg.conf.md5sum and then dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 12:17 |
mjr | ubunnewb, perhaps that's the unstable version, I don't know | 12:17 |
mauve | bob2, in case you wanna know :) | 12:18 |
keffo | oi wdh http://dev.realistanew.com/menu-editor/menueditor_0.4.3ubuntu1_all.deb | 12:18 |
keffo | whats that? | 12:18 |
keffo | found it while installing DC++ | 12:18 |
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mauve | bob2, thanks for your pointers anyway :) have a nice day | 12:18 |
mauve | &quit | 12:18 |
j^ | hi, can someone please restart the torrent tracker at torrent.ubuntu.com:6969 | 12:19 |
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=== upro [~upro@213.24-218-195.adsl.internet.lu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
keffo | ah | 12:20 |
upro | hi all! I have tried ubuntu after years of slackware - and I love love love it! GReat work!!! | 12:20 |
keffo | this is exactly what i was looking for | 12:20 |
keffo | awesome application ;p | 12:20 |
ubunnewb | mjr: do you have an example sources.list for unstable? | 12:20 |
ubunnewb | or anyone else of course :) | 12:20 |
Nermal | ubunnewb, switch hoary to breezy | 12:20 |
ubunnewb | Nermal thx | 12:20 |
ubunnewb | that`s i wanted to know | 12:20 |
Nermal | note topic | 12:21 |
upro | I'm a SysAdmin at a school, and I was wondering if there's an automated way to exactly clone one instalation to other computers? | 12:21 |
ubunnewb | k haven`t read the topic *shame* | 12:21 |
liable | ubunnewb: you are a newb? and you want to run unstable? | 12:21 |
Linforcer | damn | 12:21 |
kestas | upro: depends if the systems are fairly similar | 12:21 |
ubunnewb | liable: yes of course | 12:21 |
Linforcer | my dad is such an idiot | 12:21 |
keffo | hm | 12:21 |
keffo | i hate gnome tbh | 12:21 |
keffo | you cant edit the menu | 12:21 |
keffo | .. | 12:21 |
upro | kestas: the systems are absolutely identical | 12:21 |
Linforcer | ranting about how linux being so segmented is such a bbig problem | 12:22 |
trondd | upro: man dd | 12:22 |
keffo | "#(%(#%#"#%%%%!"!" | 12:23 |
Linforcer | says yau "can't find your way throug all the distros" and it "needs unity to beat microsoft" | 12:23 |
Linforcer | the guy's clueless | 12:23 |
Burgundavia | Linforcer, your father has a point | 12:23 |
kestas | Linforcer: not really, but lets not start talking about this | 12:23 |
Linforcer | but well.. he uses Novell Linux Desktop so nuff said | 12:23 |
bob2 | upro: you can use FAI then, ore debconf pre-seeding or just copy the disk image | 12:24 |
bob2 | upro: depends what you want to do | 12:24 |
keffo | to be honest, ANYONE who managed to change the "GNOME-menu", first I want to move Places and System into my "Program" - And i got tasks called "Debian" and "Other" in there.. that I really really dont wnat | 12:24 |
keffo | please help out, imma smash something up soon ,< | 12:24 |
bob2 | upro: or kickstart | 12:24 |
upro | The goal is to install and fine-tune one machinme, and then get exact clones of that install without hassle with an automated tool | 12:25 |
Linforcer | bah.. if things were centralized before and rpm was the standard debian or ubuntu would never have lived | 12:25 |
Nermal | keffo, I didn't need to | 12:25 |
keffo | Nermal, ? | 12:25 |
Linforcer | "uniting linux" is in no way the answer | 12:25 |
Nermal | I had no need to screw with my gnome menus | 12:25 |
Nermal | I simply used them as they were | 12:25 |
upro | what's "kickstart"? | 12:25 |
count0nz | you unite linux and you make another microsoft | 12:26 |
keffo | Nermal, yes and do I care about what you say? you dont answer my question.. my menus are screwed, just want to fix em. | 12:26 |
kestas | keffo: /usr/share/desktop-directories | 12:26 |
Nermal | keffo, I was about to answer it | 12:26 |
Burgundavia | upro, http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/RHL-7.3-Manual/custom-guide/ch-kickstart2.html | 12:26 |
keffo | thank you kestas | 12:26 |
keffo | Nermal, ye right | 12:26 |
Linforcer | count0nz yeah, nobody is pleased with windoze, for Linux, there is at least a distro for everyone | 12:26 |
Nermal | keffo, :) | 12:26 |
Nermal | I wish you luck with a capital F | 12:27 |
kestas | Linforcer: just use what os you want and stfu about it | 12:27 |
kestas | yeesh | 12:27 |
count0nz | Linforcer, agree some like gentoo, ubantu, lfs, ubumtu its choice | 12:27 |
Nermal | Linforcer, trouble with linux is that people have a choice, and very few people are educated enough to make that choice | 12:27 |
Linforcer | kestas... jeez, what's wrong with a lil discussion | 12:27 |
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upro | kickstart looks good, I think I'll try that! Had no clue about its existance... | 12:27 |
liable | shit #ubuntu is getting like #debian :) | 12:27 |
upro | thanks, and bye! | 12:27 |
kestas | Linforcer: its the exact same lil discussion we have here twice a day | 12:27 |
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Nermal | liable, has been for a while | 12:28 |
liable | hah | 12:28 |
Linforcer | xestas and after all those other people havehad it I get declined the rdght | 12:28 |
Linforcer | kestas and after all those other people havehad it I get declined the rdght | 12:28 |
thr1ce | no, people are much nicer hear | 12:28 |
Linforcer | thanksand after all those other people havehad it I get declined the rdght | 12:28 |
Linforcer | oops | 12:28 |
kestas | fine but you sound like a mindless drone | 12:28 |
keffo | ;P | 12:28 |
Linforcer | sorry about that >.> | 12:28 |
liable | hmm, yes generally, debian isnt that bad though :) | 12:29 |
count0nz | :) | 12:29 |
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Linforcer | kestas do you have a non-dronic enlightend point of view you'd like to share then? | 12:29 |
Nermal | Linforcer, hush | 12:29 |
kestas | not about why linux is so great and windows is so crap no | 12:29 |
Linforcer | kestas that's not what it's about | 12:29 |
count0nz | Windows is 616 :) | 12:30 |
Linforcer | kestas you were either misreading or misinterpreting | 12:30 |
Linforcer | hahah | 12:30 |
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-48-117.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kestas | <Linforcer> count0nz yeah, nobody is pleased with windoze, for Linux, there is at least a distro for everyon | 12:30 |
Nermal | Linforcer, hush | 12:30 |
Linforcer | count0nz been reading slashdot well | 12:30 |
kestas | yawwwnnn | 12:30 |
Linforcer | 616 | 12:30 |
thr1ce | what is 616 ? | 12:30 |
Linforcer | the REAL number of the beast | 12:31 |
=== count0nz puts down slashdot (nooooo i wasent reading | ||
thr1ce | #windows? | 12:31 |
Linforcer | turns out they were wrong all along | 12:31 |
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kestas | thr1ce: its simple when you take the ascii integers of windows, add them together, take their square root and round them, multiply them by 3 it comes out as 616!! | 12:31 |
keffo | ooooooooooooooooh | 12:31 |
keffo | sometimes i really really hate apt-get | 12:31 |
keffo | i was trying to remove xmms | 12:31 |
kestas | thr1ce: is that scarey or what? | 12:31 |
keffo | to install beep-media instead | 12:31 |
keffo | now it removes my mplayer | 12:31 |
keffo | mozilla-mplayer | 12:31 |
keffo | mplayer-fonts | 12:31 |
kestas | keffo: this is why you shouldnt play around with the menus | 12:32 |
keffo | this had nothing todo with my menus.. | 12:32 |
kestas | oh okay | 12:32 |
kestas | :) | 12:32 |
Nermal | keffo, mplayer needs xmms | 12:32 |
thr1ce | lol | 12:32 |
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keffo | oh crap | 12:32 |
Nermal | *shocker* | 12:32 |
keffo | then I screw mplayer aswell | 12:32 |
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Nermal | apt generally has a good reason for doing what it does | 12:32 |
Linforcer | it's called a dependancy tree ;) | 12:33 |
Nermal | aye | 12:33 |
keffo | i guess | 12:33 |
keffo | brb | 12:33 |
=== Linforcer sings "compiling on the linuxbawx" to tune of "working on the railroad" | ||
we2by | how do I add usb dma support? | 12:34 |
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thenuke | my friend has a problem, what does it take to play xvids? | 12:35 |
thenuke | should those codecs in ubuntuguide be enough? | 12:35 |
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Linforcer | thenuke I reckon it would. what's he trying to play it in | 12:35 |
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thenuke | Linforcer: well, dunno, some xvid :D | 12:36 |
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keffo | hm, fekk :< | 12:36 |
Linforcer | thenuke I mean in what videoplayer >.> | 12:36 |
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thenuke | Linforcer: I asked him to check if he really had installed all those codecs | 12:36 |
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thenuke | Linforcer: ah ok =) let's see, does it really make difference too? | 12:36 |
keffo | doesnt really work that.. with /usr/share/desktop-directories | 12:36 |
keffo | they are still there | 12:36 |
keffo | even tho i removed them | 12:36 |
Linforcer | thenuke probably not. he could try installing vlc (also in the ubuntuguide, tends to be a sure fire way for things like this | 12:37 |
keffo | ... | 12:37 |
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Linforcer | thenuke and then I mean playing the file(s) in vlc when he has of course ;) | 12:38 |
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keffo | argh | 12:38 |
keffo | this really bugs me off | 12:38 |
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keffo | right now, I hate GNOME more than anything in this world | 12:38 |
Linforcer | keffo trying to edit menus? | 12:38 |
keffo | yes. | 12:38 |
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Linforcer | keffo I know how :D | 12:38 |
keffo | the gnome-menu | 12:38 |
keffo | oh, great.. then you tell me please ;P | 12:39 |
thenuke | Linforcer: :-) thank you for the tip | 12:39 |
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Linforcer | keffo I had the worst time splitting games into Gnome games and other games | 12:39 |
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Linforcer | keffo what's yer goal? | 12:39 |
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thenuke | Linforcer: cant find vlc from the guide | 12:39 |
Linforcer | thenuke maybe I was wrong maybe it's just in the sources >.> | 12:40 |
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bdmp | bob2: qtparted worked on the sd card. I messed the thing up when I tried to delete the hidden trash folder on the sd card. How do I delete files with out them being saved on the card in that folder? | 12:40 |
keffo | I got two goals, in "Applications" I have some directories I want to move.. for example a "Debian" - That i think Fluxbox added.. And a dir called "Other" | 12:40 |
keffo | thats the first | 12:40 |
keffo | then I want to move System and Places into "Applications" | 12:40 |
keffo | And make "Applications" to just "menu" | 12:40 |
keffo | or something | 12:40 |
keffo | i will show | 12:40 |
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keffo | http://www.deviantart.com/view/17173177/ | 12:41 |
Linforcer | thenuke yeah just install package vlc | 12:41 |
keffo | pretty much like that menu | 12:41 |
Linforcer | keffo hmm m let me see | 12:41 |
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tahorg | e3_zelda_tp_480.mov: Apple QuickTime movie (fast start, compressed header) <- what gstreamer plugin do I need to play that ? | 12:41 |
keffo | almost exactly like that, damn its nice | 12:41 |
Linforcer | keffo that's gonna be a bother, yikes | 12:42 |
Linforcer | keffo but it's doable :D | 12:42 |
bob2 | bdmp: I don't use nautilus | 12:44 |
bob2 | presumably it has a c | 12:44 |
bob2 | onfig option for this | 12:44 |
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bkw | http://ubuntuforums.org/gallery/register.php not found? :/ | 12:44 |
thenuke | 13:45 < keffo> pretty much like that menu | 12:44 |
thenuke | 13:45 < keffo> pretty much like that menu | 12:44 |
thenuke | oops :D | 12:44 |
thenuke | My mouse got out of my hands =) | 12:45 |
tahorg | thenuke: kill it | 12:45 |
k4rp0r | :D | 12:45 |
thenuke | it's pretty dead already, having issues with buttons | 12:45 |
=== tahorg gives thenuke a big large trout | ||
keffo | ok ;P | 12:45 |
=== thenuke hands big large trout back to tahorg | ||
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we2by | hi | 12:51 |
we2by | sudo echo Y > /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/old_scheme_first | 12:51 |
we2by | why do I get permission denied???? | 12:51 |
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bigfoot | hi all, in Firefox-->File-->Import, I try to click the "Next" button, but nothing happens. I can only hit "cancel." What must I do? | 12:52 |
kestas | bigfoot: it probably doesnt detect another browser | 12:53 |
we2by | ok, I want the fucking root account | 12:53 |
we2by | :( | 12:53 |
=== schasi [~schasi@p54A27E83.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lifeless | we2by: calm down please | 12:54 |
kestas | we2by: sudo sh | 12:54 |
we2by | I never get help in here :( | 12:54 |
lifeless | we2by: what happening is the shell is interpretting your command | 12:54 |
lifeless | we2by: so if you do this it will work: | 12:54 |
lifeless | sudo bash -c "echo Y > /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/old_scheme_first" | 12:54 |
kestas | lifeless: you're echoing Y with root privs | 12:54 |
kestas | I mean we2by | 12:54 |
kestas | we2by: you're echoing Y with root privs | 12:54 |
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lifeless | kestas: no, hes /not/ echoing with root which is why its not working. | 12:55 |
lifeless | we2by: try my command line | 12:55 |
kestas | we2by: but trying to write to the file with normal privs | 12:55 |
we2by | worked :) | 12:55 |
kestas | lifeless: he is echoing with root privs | 12:55 |
bigfoot | kestas, It's true that there is no other browser installed. But that Function is good for importing bookmarks too! What happens when you try it? | 12:55 |
lifeless | kestas: hes not but he wanted to. reread what was going on K ? | 12:55 |
lifeless | we2by: great. | 12:55 |
kestas | bigfoot: try Bookmarks>Manage bookmarks>File>Import | 12:56 |
kestas | lifeless: he is echoing with root privs | 12:56 |
Nermal | we2by, sudo su to get root :| | 12:56 |
kestas | sudo echo blah | 12:56 |
kestas | echos blah with root privs | 12:56 |
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lifeless | kestas: the redirection happens with user privs | 12:57 |
kestas | lifeless: exactly, but he is echoing with root privs, thats what Im saying | 12:57 |
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peaceyall | hi | 12:57 |
lifeless | kestas: ok, technically correct, but kinda not helpful for his problem. | 12:58 |
kestas | lifeless: just thought I would point out why its not working | 12:58 |
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lifeless | kestas: you didn't point out why its not working, you pointed out the only bit that was working. | 12:59 |
kestas | we2by: you're echoing Y with root privs | 12:59 |
kestas | we2by: but trying to write to the file with normal privs | 12:59 |
kestas | I thought it was clear enough guess I was wrong | 12:59 |
lifeless | kestas: I would start with the bit that doesn't work ;). | 12:59 |
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peaceyall | I clicked software update and then i pressed reload. now i get an error after evrythign downlaods, i get "W: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>" , why? | 01:02 |
kestas | yeah I get that too, it doesnt stop it updating it just stops it from verifying updates | 01:02 |
kestas | its a pita but I havent seen a solution yet | 01:02 |
peaceyall | oh ok | 01:02 |
k4rp0r | looks like its time to smoke a cigaret :D | 01:03 |
=== sammy [~sammy@host167-105.pool8253.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sammy | hi | 01:04 |
sammy | I'm having some problems with my sound card. It's a sound blaster card | 01:04 |
kestas | whats the problem? | 01:05 |
sammy | I only sounds when I use xmms | 01:05 |
sammy | but also very noisy | 01:05 |
sammy | can't hear anything with mplayer vlc realplayer etc... | 01:05 |
kestas | and which output plugin are you using? | 01:05 |
kestas | in xmms | 01:05 |
sammy | alsa with xmms | 01:05 |
sammy | it works only with that one | 01:05 |
kestas | what happens when you use esd or oss? | 01:05 |
sammy | no audio server are running | 01:05 |
kestas | so oss doesnt work? | 01:06 |
sammy | it says to check my card | 01:06 |
kestas | try cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp | 01:06 |
athlon | trying to install mplayer-custom with synaptic but I get this error message : "mplayer-custom: Depends: libavcodec2 but it is not installable" what gives ? | 01:06 |
sammy | neither oss | 01:06 |
kestas | does that make static noise? | 01:06 |
sammy | cat /dev/random > /dev/dsp ?? | 01:06 |
kestas | yeup | 01:07 |
sammy | should I hear some noise? | 01:07 |
kestas | urandom would be better | 01:07 |
kestas | /dev/urandom | 01:07 |
kestas | dont want to waste precious entropy on this | 01:07 |
kestas | you should | 01:07 |
kestas | with urandom | 01:07 |
sammy | nothing | 01:07 |
sammy | can't hear anything | 01:07 |
kestas | athlon: do you have all repos installed, and using universe and all that? | 01:07 |
kestas | sammy: hmm try aplay /dev/urandom | 01:08 |
sammy | ? | 01:08 |
kestas | aplay /dev/urandom | 01:08 |
kestas | type it | 01:08 |
kestas | see if it makes noise | 01:08 |
sammy | nothing | 01:08 |
kestas | what does cat /proc/asound/cards say?' | 01:08 |
athlon | kestas, I am using : deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary universe main restricted multiverse, deb http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/backports hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted and some more | 01:09 |
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sammy | may I paste it? | 01:09 |
kestas | sure | 01:09 |
sammy | sammy@sammy:/usr/src$ cat /proc/asound/cards | 01:09 |
sammy | 0 [I82801DBICH4 ] : ICH4 - Intel 82801DB-ICH4 | 01:09 |
sammy | Intel 82801DB-ICH4 with ALC650D at 0xe2102000, irq 17 | 01:09 |
sammy | 1 [Camera ] : USB-Audio - Camera | 01:09 |
sammy | Camera at usb-0000:02:01.1-1, full speed | 01:09 |
sammy | 2 [Live ] : EMU10K1 - Sound Blaster Live! | 01:09 |
sammy | Sound Blaster Live! (rev.10) at 0x8800, irq 22 | 01:09 |
kestas | athlon: hmm this may be a backports problem | 01:09 |
sammy | sammy@sammy:/usr/src$ | 01:09 |
kestas | ah I see | 01:09 |
=== rudi1234 [~rudi@p54B9EC31.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kestas | youre using card 0 I think you want to use card 2 | 01:10 |
athlon | okay | 01:10 |
kestas | try cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp2 | 01:10 |
sammy | wow | 01:10 |
sammy | that was too loud | 01:10 |
sammy | :D | 01:10 |
kestas | should have warned you eh :P | 01:10 |
kestas | oh well | 01:10 |
count0nz | whats the package name to select the entire system ? | 01:10 |
kestas | okay | 01:10 |
sammy | damn | 01:10 |
sammy | you shoud ! | 01:10 |
sammy | ok | 01:11 |
sammy | what now ? | 01:11 |
Linforcer | if I install grub2 | 01:11 |
sammy | shall I make a link ? | 01:11 |
kestas | nope 1 sec | 01:11 |
kestas | nano /etc/esd.conf | 01:11 |
Linforcer | does that have a nifty splashscreen? | 01:11 |
rudi1234 | how can i add an HDD in the "computer" Browser | 01:11 |
kestas | nano /etc/esound/esd.conf rather | 01:11 |
sammy | I actually wouldn't like to use esd | 01:11 |
kestas | hmm okay | 01:11 |
kestas | hrmmm | 01:11 |
sammy | can we fix it without using the sound server ? | 01:12 |
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kestas | yup using alsa | 01:12 |
kestas | just trying to remember how | 01:12 |
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sammy | what if I make a link to dev/dsp2 | 01:12 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser [~kaiser@ppp226-238.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sammy | ln -s /dev/dsp /dev/dsp2 ? | 01:12 |
kestas | well /dev/dsp is a device node that already exists | 01:12 |
kestas | and thats a messy solution | 01:12 |
sammy | yeah | 01:12 |
kestas | and it wouldnt work for alsa | 01:12 |
sammy | ok | 01:13 |
sammy | hmmm .. how do I force all my applications then , to use that device for the audio ? | 01:13 |
kestas | yeah damn I did it before.. hrmmm | 01:13 |
kestas | some alsa option | 01:13 |
kestas | alsactl or something | 01:14 |
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sammy | :) | 01:15 |
sammy | come on.. try harder :) | 01:15 |
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thermeo | good day | 01:15 |
thermeo | maybe someone here can help me | 01:15 |
thermeo | need some help on mandrake 10 and bind 9 | 01:15 |
sammy | I'll go for the messy solution otherwise :) | 01:15 |
thermeo | named fails to start | 01:15 |
thermeo | found onn the net that i need to run in /scripts fixndc | 01:15 |
thermeo | but i am unable to find a way to install what seems to be caled cpanel | 01:15 |
thermeo | cause i do not have the scripts directory | 01:15 |
thermeo | if i run named -g -p53 | 01:15 |
thermeo | 19-May-2005 12:44:59.731 couldn't add command channel not found | 01:16 |
thermeo | 19-May-2005 12:44:59.732 couldn't add command channel ::1#953: not found | 01:16 |
thermeo | i need to find a way to get the scripts directory installed | 01:16 |
kestas | sammy google "changing the default alsa card" | 01:16 |
kestas | "changing the default card in alsa" | 01:16 |
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kestas | http://wiki.debian.net/?ALSA | 01:17 |
sammy | ok thanks | 01:17 |
kestas | /etc/asound.conf | 01:17 |
kestas | np | 01:17 |
=== XandriX [~slack@dsl-140-39.aei.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
XandriX | ehh i orderd the hoary hedgehog cds in april and they still havent asked me for confirmation | 01:18 |
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mauve | Hi my keyboard settings are weird :) when I press C-A in nautilus the window closes, when I press C-T I get a new window instead of a tag; does anybody have pointer where to look (xorg.conf seems fine my keyboard section only contains "Identifier Generic Keyboard" and "Driver keyboard"); I manage my keyboard settings using gnome... | 01:19 |
mauve | s/tag/tab/; | 01:19 |
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mwh_ | hello, I have just got a sandberg wireless g54 pc card, but Ubuntu hoary does not seem to recognize it | 01:19 |
mwh_ | what might I do? | 01:19 |
Burgundavia | mauve, if you running breezy, a known issue | 01:20 |
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mwh_ | anyone here who uses a sandberg wireless g54 pc card? | 01:20 |
mauve | Burgundavia, do you have a URL to a bugreport or something like that? | 01:20 |
Burgundavia | https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=10942 | 01:20 |
mauve | Burgundavia, thanks | 01:20 |
UnreA|L | loadwinproCD [-r] [<device>] what is mean device who write them ? | 01:21 |
mwh_ | are there a ubuntu page which lists wireless cards which are supported by ubuntu? | 01:21 |
mauve | Burgundavia, damn no solution proposed :/ | 01:21 |
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peaceyall | do i need the program iptables? | 01:22 |
mwh_ | are there some packages I could install in hoary which would help me get my wireless card going? | 01:23 |
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Vixus | hey, is there an eclipse+CDT binary .deb for debian? | 01:23 |
peaceyall | mwh_ , if you have a card that isnt supported in linux , there is ndiswrapper | 01:24 |
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morris | anyone here got any suggestions before i upgrade my kernel to ? (from: 2.6.10-5-386) | 01:24 |
chx | hi | 01:25 |
mwh_ | peaceyall: ahh, thanks | 01:25 |
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peaceyall | np | 01:25 |
freewoody | i all | 01:25 |
mwh_ | peaceyall: also do you know how I can check if the card is supported in linux? | 01:25 |
peaceyall | mvh_ , ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net | 01:25 |
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chx | Cannot assign requested address: make_sock: could not bind to address -- netstat -l -n |grep :80 came back empty handed. What's goin' on? | 01:25 |
=== biochemza [~amanda@pc129.agr178.unp.ac.za] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
peaceyall | go there , they have a section on supported cards with this program | 01:25 |
count0nz | how do i reinstall a dist-upgrade ? | 01:26 |
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peaceyall | isn't dist-uprade a part of apt-get , like apt-get dist-upgrade | 01:26 |
count0nz | not working :( | 01:26 |
peaceyall | oh | 01:26 |
peaceyall | :/ | 01:26 |
freewoody | How do I stop Squid from logging me ? | 01:26 |
count0nz | did a upgrade, downgrade then upgrand now it won't upgrade | 01:26 |
peaceyall | what happens when you type apt-get dist-upgrade | 01:26 |
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freewoody | I want my Squid Transparent Proxy Server to log everybody's actions except my IP Addresses ? | 01:27 |
count0nz | The following packages have been kept back: | 01:27 |
count0nz | arts aspell-bin qt3-dev-tools x-window-system-core | 01:27 |
count0nz | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded. | 01:27 |
peaceyall | and then wat happens | 01:28 |
peaceyall | doe sit upgrade? | 01:28 |
count0nz | nope | 01:28 |
peaceyall | oh | 01:28 |
peaceyall | weird | 01:28 |
count0nz | its still stuck in horary | 01:28 |
peaceyall | :/ | 01:28 |
count0nz | agree | 01:28 |
peaceyall | try | 01:28 |
peaceyall | apt-get update | 01:28 |
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peaceyall | and then see if apt-get dist-upgrade will work | 01:28 |
count0nz | --forceinstall works but i don't know what magic name to use to install everythng | 01:29 |
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peaceyall | :/; | 01:29 |
peaceyall | there is nothign called --forceinstall in apt-get | 01:29 |
count0nz | it thinks there both installed somehow lol | 01:30 |
peaceyall | what are both installed? | 01:30 |
peaceyall | what does it think | 01:30 |
peaceyall | * | 01:30 |
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count0nz | its prob a issue with breezy i have fonts working in breezy tho | 01:31 |
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Burgundavia | count0nz, those things are being held becuase they cannot be installed | 01:32 |
count0nz | ok thanks :) | 01:32 |
Burgundavia | count0nz, arts prob. because of the c++ transition | 01:32 |
count0nz | True :) | 01:32 |
Burgundavia | aspell because they are moving to one spelling library | 01:32 |
XandriX | ehh i orderd the hoary hedgehog cds in april and they still havent asked me for confirmation | 01:32 |
Burgundavia | X becuase they are moving to modular X | 01:32 |
count0nz | Reverting back to Horary :) | 01:32 |
Burgundavia | XandriX, they will come, don't worry | 01:32 |
Burgundavia | and qt3 because of the c++ transition | 01:32 |
peaceyall | gah | 01:32 |
count0nz | :) | 01:32 |
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peaceyall | i get checking for lt_dlopen in -lltdl... no | 01:33 |
peaceyall | configure: error: | 01:33 |
peaceyall | *** Couldn't find ltdl library. If it is installed in a non-standard | 01:33 |
peaceyall | *** location, please supply --with-ltdl=DIR on the configure command line, | 01:33 |
peaceyall | *** where `DIR' is the prefix where ltdl is installed (such as /usr, | 01:33 |
peaceyall | *** /usr/local, or /usr/pkg). If that doesn't work, check config.log. , when im trying to install gift, what package do i need or what do i need to locate? | 01:33 |
Burgundavia | the c++ stuff is a guess, but given that most (all?) of kde is c++, those high-level kde stuff is probably not being upraded because of the transition | 01:33 |
XandriX | Burgundavia, i know that but when lol id like to recieve a confrimation email lol | 01:33 |
liable | count0nz: you upgraded, then you want to downgarade? not easy | 01:33 |
Burgundavia | XandriX, shipit is not amazon | 01:34 |
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Burgundavia | count0nz, just wait, the issues will sort themselves out | 01:34 |
peaceyall | liable , he upgraded then downgraded then wanted to pgrade again :P | 01:34 |
XandriX | Burgundavia, people tol me id recieve an email | 01:34 |
Burgundavia | XandriX, I think you will, when they are ready to ship | 01:34 |
XandriX | k | 01:35 |
count0nz | yes lol i will i wanted to work on some packages for breezy | 01:35 |
pdk001 | hi | 01:35 |
pdk001 | what are you guys doing now? | 01:35 |
peaceyall | nothing | 01:35 |
pdk001 | okie | 01:35 |
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peaceyall | :P | 01:35 |
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liable | count0nz: tried installing the prob packges by themselves? | 01:37 |
Burgundavia | liable, they remove lots of stuff | 01:38 |
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Burgundavia | liable, because most of the deps for the new packages are not there yet | 01:38 |
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count0nz | yes i have it working but going to stay with hoary for a bit and relase packages for hoary | 01:39 |
liable | count0nz: tried apt-pinning? | 01:39 |
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count0nz | not yet.... its not even updateing libc so i will revert it to hoary for now | 01:40 |
liable | count0nz: so, what are you on now? | 01:40 |
count0nz | hoary | 01:40 |
Burgundavia | the other way to do it is not to shut down your machine, like I am doing | 01:41 |
Burgundavia | as I know X will not come up | 01:41 |
count0nz | i fixed the issues with X | 01:41 |
bigfoot | hi all. How do I run/activate/execute a Perl script? | 01:41 |
liable | libc6 is something that *will* completely break your machine | 01:41 |
kestas | perl perl.pl | 01:41 |
count0nz | :) i am going to force it back before i reboot | 01:42 |
count0nz | ) | 01:42 |
bigfoot | kestas, i downloaded a script (http://deluks.de/programs/opera2html-1.0.1) and it's now on my desktop. Do i type "perl perl.pl" in terminal? | 01:43 |
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XandriX | bbl | 01:44 |
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Shufla | re :D | 01:45 |
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UnreA|L | How umount cdrom ? | 01:46 |
UnreA|L | My cdrom doesnt open and i can remove cd from it | 01:46 |
UnreA|L | i try with gnome but doesnt wokr | 01:47 |
UnreA|L | ? | 01:47 |
Shufla | UnreA|L: look in dmesg, try eject from terminal, try sudo umount /cdrom | 01:47 |
UnreA|L | Okey | 01:47 |
pdk001 | sudo umount /media/cdrom0 | 01:47 |
UnreA|L | Ok | 01:47 |
pdk001 | in other directory | 01:47 |
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UnreA|L | me write | 01:48 |
UnreA|L | device is busy | 01:48 |
pdk001 | type "cd /" | 01:48 |
pdk001 | u are in mounted dir | 01:48 |
=== yurtesen [~yurtesen@a193-229-101-137.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
pdk001 | move other directory | 01:49 |
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pdk001 | and type "sudo umount /media/cdrom0" | 01:49 |
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UnreA|L | me write /media/cdrom0 device is busy | 01:50 |
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UnreA|L | ;/ | 01:50 |
pdk001 | hey | 01:50 |
pdk001 | type " cd /" before do type " sudo umount /media/cdrom0" | 01:51 |
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pdk001 | you are now in cdrom directory | 01:51 |
pdk001 | if u are in there, it says" device is busy" | 01:52 |
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kestas | pdk001: he may be using it with another process too | 01:52 |
UnreA|L | i try with it | 01:52 |
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UnreA|L | bot it doesnt work | 01:52 |
kestas | UnreA|L: lsof | grep cdrom | 01:53 |
kestas | what does that output? | 01:53 |
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hybrid_sleep | ' | 01:53 |
=== CyberBl00D [~juan@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CyberBl00D | hi | 01:55 |
gnubie | all | 01:55 |
CyberBl00D | I have a problem with GRUB, somebody can help me? | 01:55 |
pdk001 | hi | 01:56 |
gnubie | boys | 01:56 |
pdk001 | multiple booting? | 01:56 |
CyberBl00D | yep | 01:56 |
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CyberBl00D | i can't boot window$ | 01:57 |
pdk001 | did u install windows later than linux? | 01:57 |
firas | hi all | 01:57 |
CyberBl00D | debian rulez, but i need to use some windows appz and wine its too slow | 01:58 |
CyberBl00D | yes | 01:58 |
CyberBl00D | its installed on /dev/hdb | 01:58 |
pdk001 | hold on | 01:58 |
=== Tron|BoRG [~ubuntu@dsl-80-41-91-54.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
prediusv2 | rty a "sudo update-grub" | 01:58 |
pdk001 | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30574&highlight=multy | 01:58 |
Tron|BoRG | heello!! | 01:59 |
pdk001 | go check here | 01:59 |
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firas | anyone know how to getting system-wide aliases working using sudo ? | 01:59 |
CyberBl00D | ok | 01:59 |
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kestas | anyone want a game of freeciv? | 01:59 |
Tron|BoRG | me!! | 01:59 |
firas | Hi there Tron | 01:59 |
Tron|BoRG | hi firas | 01:59 |
kestas | pubserver.freeciv.org:5562 | 01:59 |
gnubie | no thanks | 01:59 |
kestas | its the place to be | 01:59 |
kestas | only me atm tho | 01:59 |
CyberBl00D | sudo is a Ubuntu command? | 01:59 |
Tron|BoRG | oh no | 02:00 |
Tron|BoRG | i cant find freeciv | 02:00 |
pdk001 | sudo is to be root | 02:00 |
firas | CyberBl00D: no it's a gnu utility or program | 02:00 |
CyberBl00D | hahaha | 02:00 |
CyberBl00D | sorry | 02:00 |
CyberBl00D | n.n | 02:00 |
firas | CyberBl00D: you can find it in any Linux distro | 02:00 |
Tron|BoRG | kestas: where is it :D? | 02:00 |
prediusv2 | I think it's on OSX too. | 02:01 |
kestas | Tron|BoRG: this is freeciv 2 so youll have to compile from source im afraid | 02:01 |
kestas | but its worth it | 02:01 |
Tron|BoRG | yikes | 02:01 |
Tron|BoRG | i've never done that | 02:01 |
firas | CyberBl00D: it's just that in Ubuntu it's used to almost completely replace the usage of the root account | 02:01 |
pdk001 | i have to go to dinner | 02:01 |
pdk001 | later and have a good time all | 02:01 |
CyberBl00D | thank guyz!!!! ^_^ u Rulez :P | 02:01 |
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firas | CyberBl00D: more info here http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo | 02:02 |
CyberBl00D | i didn't know that, i just tried a little Ubuntu, but i think it's great for home pcs | 02:02 |
peaceyall | gah | 02:02 |
peaceyall | im getting ths on installing gift | 02:03 |
peaceyall | checking for lt_dlopen in -lltdl... no | 02:03 |
peaceyall | configure: error: | 02:03 |
peaceyall | *** Couldn't find ltdl library. | 02:03 |
peaceyall | what package do i need to install | 02:03 |
firas | CyberBl00D: i've been bouncing around different distros for the past few years and especially the past 2 months or so, I love Ubuntu the most so far | 02:03 |
CyberBl00D | hahaa | 02:03 |
firas | CyberBl00D: it's got the right combination of everything as far as I've seen | 02:03 |
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CyberBl00D | yep | 02:03 |
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Tron|BoRG | I like it too. But firefox is the only downside i can see | 02:04 |
Tron|BoRG | it takes ages to do things ! | 02:04 |
firas | Tron|BoRG: why's that ? | 02:04 |
Tron|BoRG | firefox has been slow on ubuntu for me | 02:04 |
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firas | Tron|BoRG: then check this out http://ubuntuguide.org/#loadwebsitefasterfirefox | 02:05 |
firas | Tron|BoRG: u should see a noticeable difference | 02:05 |
Tron|BoRG | great | 02:05 |
CyberBl00D | see ya guyz, i'm going to try that f$$"! piece of $"$"! ( i mean windows ) lol | 02:05 |
Tron|BoRG | lol | 02:05 |
CyberBl00D | thank U | 02:05 |
Tron|BoRG | cya ! | 02:05 |
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firas | CyberBl00D: have fun, don't kill ur PC though ! | 02:06 |
undefiend | when I do apt-get update i get the following error: W: GPG error: http://ae.archive.ubuntu.com hoary Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D5B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com> what does it mean? | 02:06 |
=== bigfoot [~jeff@FLH1Aax010.fko.mesh.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
firas | Anyone know why the aliases I've defined in /etc/bash.bashrc work for all users on my system but don't work when using sudo ? | 02:06 |
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kestas | yeah I get that too, it doesnt stop it updating it just stops it from verifying updates | 02:07 |
Tron|BoRG | wow !! | 02:07 |
Tron|BoRG | much faster | 02:07 |
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peaceyall | reallt | 02:07 |
firas | undefiend: haven't figured that one out myself yet, usually doing another apt-get update fixes things, sometimes it doesn't :S | 02:07 |
Tron|BoRG | firas: thanks !!!! | 02:07 |
peaceyall | gah im gonna try it | 02:07 |
rudi123 | how can i disable the brown background? | 02:08 |
bigfoot | Hi all: A general uninstallation question: I'm going to be installing a program called Bookmark Bridge. The install file within the downloaded tar.gz file contains installation instructions ($> ./configure | 02:08 |
bigfoot | $> make | 02:08 |
bigfoot | $> make install). But it doesn't say how to uninstall. I plan on uninstalling it right away. How do I go about doing that? | 02:08 |
firas | Tron|BoRG: anytime :) | 02:08 |
Burgundavia | rudi123, for the desktop, just right click on it | 02:08 |
firas | bigfoot: sometimes u'll find an uninstall script with the package itself | 02:08 |
firas | bigfoot: otherwise u'll have to uninstall manually | 02:08 |
firas | bigfoot: usually the binaries are in /usr/bin so u just have to remove them from there | 02:09 |
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rudi123 | Burgundavia, i have a picture on my desk. but at startup comes the brown desktop | 02:09 |
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undefiend | kestas: but i'm doing it in order to install flashplayer for firefox, and it also gives me an error after apt-get flashplayer-install: W: Couldn't stat source package list http://ae.archive.ubuntu.com hoary/restricted Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ae.archive.ubuntu_ubuntu_dists_hoary_restricted_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 02:09 |
Burgundavia | rudi123, before it loads the desktop | 02:10 |
Burgundavia | ? | 02:10 |
firas | rudi123: go to System -> Administration -> Login Screen Setup | 02:10 |
kestas | apt-get update | 02:10 |
undefiend | kestas: that's what I do but still does it :) dunno.. (i'm new to linux btw) | 02:10 |
Burgundavia | rudi123, if you mean before you login, then see firas' advice | 02:10 |
rudi123 | yes | 02:10 |
kestas | bigfoot: try ./configure --prefix=~/someprogram | 02:11 |
rudi123 | no | 02:11 |
Burgundavia | undefiend, that is a known bug. I may be caused by a time issue | 02:11 |
rudi123 | not before i login | 02:11 |
rudi123 | later | 02:11 |
kestas | that way when youre done you can just delete ~someprogram | 02:11 |
undefiend | Burgundavia: ah, ok | 02:11 |
Burgundavia | rudi123, change the desktop colours | 02:11 |
bigfoot | firas, i checked the contents of the not-yet-installed tar.gz file. I can't seem to find the "uninstall file. "are you saying that when a tar.gz installs stuff, it only places stuff in the /usr/bin directory? According to the install file:"By default, `make install' will install the package's files in | 02:11 |
bigfoot | `/usr/local/bin', `/usr/local/man', etc. You can specify an | 02:11 |
bigfoot | installation prefix other than `/usr/local' by giving `configure' the | 02:11 |
bigfoot | option `--prefix=PATH'." | 02:11 |
Burgundavia | rudi123, on the same page as the desktop background | 02:11 |
Burgundavia | bigfoot, please don't flood here | 02:11 |
rudi123 | thats not what i mean | 02:12 |
bigfoot | Burgundavia, sorry. | 02:12 |
Burgundavia | rudi123, sorry, I am lost then | 02:12 |
queuetue | Is there a way to set up the xmms browser plugin to record? | 02:12 |
firas | bigfoot: that's what kestas suggested (better solution) | 02:12 |
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bigfoot | kestas, how do i do what you say exactly? | 02:12 |
rudi123 | i wont start with the same picture on desktop | 02:12 |
kestas | bigfoot: try ./configure --prefix=~/someprogram | 02:12 |
firas | bigfoot: use the "./configure --prefix /opt/myprogram" that way it'll install everything into that folder | 02:12 |
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firas | bigfoot: then u can just delete that folder when u wanna uninstall | 02:13 |
Burgundavia | rudi123, oh, you set the background picture and it doens't keep it? | 02:13 |
Burgundavia | rudi123, upon restart? | 02:13 |
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kestas | firas's way will work too, but then you have to use root privs, which means it may install anywhere if you dont check the Makefile | 02:13 |
rudi123 | Burgundavia, u speek german? | 02:13 |
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bigfoot | kestas, firas, you mean i just can't extract the tar.gz file into, let's say, my desktop directory, in order to have it working? | 02:13 |
kestas | doing it my way means you know everythingll be installed where you say, and if it tries to install elsewhere therell be an error | 02:13 |
Burgundavia | rudi123, nope | 02:13 |
kestas | bigfoot: not if you have to compile it no | 02:13 |
CybeRBl00D | it didn't work | 02:14 |
CybeRBl00D | O.o | 02:14 |
Burgundavia | rudi123, you might want to try #ubuntu-de | 02:14 |
rudi123 | ok i try this | 02:14 |
rudi123 | Burgundavia, thnx | 02:14 |
firas | bigfoot: no it was just a suggestion if u wanted to have the program available system wide | 02:14 |
firas | bigfoot: you could just do a "./ | 02:14 |
CybeRBl00D | someone can help me?, GRUB is gettin on my nerves | 02:14 |
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firas | bigfoot: " "./configure --prefix /home/username/myprogram" | 02:15 |
Tron|BoRG | firas: what C compiler do I need to create a 'Makefile' | 02:15 |
bigfoot | kestas, firas, availabilty (whether system wide or not) does not matter to me. I just want to know that when it's time to uninstall it, I can undo/remove everything that the installer installed. | 02:15 |
firas | Tron|BoRG: gcc and automake i guess | 02:15 |
kestas | bigfoot: not without a major pain in the ass you wont be able to | 02:16 |
Tron|BoRG | hm ok | 02:16 |
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CybeRBl00D | :S | 02:16 |
kestas | bigfoot: doing it our way its a matter of rm -rf ~/someprogram | 02:16 |
kestas | bigfoot: doing it normally youll have to trawl though the Makefile and clean everything up yourself | 02:16 |
mwh_ | Hello, im looking for a wireless pcmcia nic which works out of the box on Ubuntu Hoary, ie no ndiswrapper or other wird configuration thing | 02:16 |
mwh_ | anyone know such a card? | 02:16 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser [~kaiser@ppp226-238.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
firas | bigfoot: then that last option using the prefix option and installing it in your home directory (as kestas suggested) s your best choice | 02:17 |
Burgundavia | mwh_, I have a dlink g650+ | 02:17 |
CybeRBl00D | someone help me , i can make that Piece of paidOS-s.. run with GRUB :( | 02:17 |
Burgundavia | mwh_, works ootb | 02:17 |
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Tron|BoRG | Does someone know how to disable the minimise animation on GNOME? | 02:17 |
mwh_ | Burgundavia: thanks | 02:17 |
CybeRBl00D | i tried update-grub, but it didn't even touch menu.lst :S | 02:17 |
mwh_ | anybody else got a card which just works | 02:17 |
firas | bigfoot: to run the program u'll have to type in the full path name though /home/username/myprogram/bin/program or ~/myprogram/bin/program | 02:18 |
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firas | bigfoot: or you can add ~/myprogram/bin to your $PATH variable | 02:18 |
Encrypted | mwh_, http://prism54.org/supported_cards.php for a list of good cards | 02:18 |
firas | CybeRBl00D: try "grub-install /dev/hda" or whatever your hard disk is that your booting from | 02:19 |
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dcraven | Tron|BoRG: gconf-editor, /apps/metacity/general/reduced_resources. | 02:19 |
mwh_ | Burgundavia: is it this card: D-Link AirPlus Xtreme G+ DWL-G650+ | 02:19 |
CybeRBl00D | hmmm ok | 02:19 |
dcraven | Tron|BoRG: But it also does some other things as well. | 02:19 |
Tron|BoRG | ooh | 02:19 |
mwh_ | Encrypted: thanks, these cards works for Ubuntu Hoary? | 02:19 |
Tron|BoRG | i'll try it out | 02:19 |
Tron|BoRG | thanks dc | 02:19 |
dcraven | Tron|BoRG: np | 02:20 |
Funraiser | hello all, adesklets is an interactive Imlib2 console for the X Window system, will it work on Ubuntu? | 02:20 |
firas | dcraven: thanks, been wonderin' about that myself | 02:20 |
Encrypted | mwh_, should theyre all based on pretty much the same chipset which is well supported | 02:20 |
Burgundavia | mwh_, yes, think so | 02:20 |
trondd | Funraiser: yes, I've used it in gnome 2.8. | 02:21 |
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Encrypted | mwh_, still good too dbl check them with a google search before buying tho | 02:21 |
Funraiser | trondd, thanks! | 02:21 |
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dcraven | firas: hehe.. No prob. It does other things like wireframe windows on move etc too. | 02:21 |
mwh_ | its just that I asked some Linux guys yesterday and bought a card, but it did not work :( | 02:21 |
Tron|BoRG | dcraven: Do I write that in terminal? | 02:21 |
Encrypted | mwh_, which card did you get ? | 02:21 |
j2dope | is there any html editor, like dreamweaver, or frontpage for ubuntu, other than mozilla composer? | 02:22 |
=== ek [~ek@port302.ds1-hg.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dcraven | Tron|BoRG: Or go Applications -> System Tools -> Configuration Editor in the menu. | 02:22 |
Tron|BoRG | thanks, i've got it :D | 02:22 |
firas | dcraven: yeah read the description. i'll try it out though | 02:22 |
liable | j2dope: try nvu, its easy as hell, and seems good | 02:22 |
mwh_ | Encrypted: a Sandberg Wireless G54 PC Card | 02:23 |
bigfoot | okay, i have the terminal open. I typed "./configure" but it said "bash: ./configure: No such file or directory | 02:23 |
bigfoot | " | 02:23 |
factorx | is there any equalizer function for amarok? | 02:24 |
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liable | then there is no configure script | 02:24 |
Tron|BoRG | Is there hardware acceleration in ubuntu? | 02:24 |
Tron|BoRG | for graphics :P | 02:24 |
liable | bigfoot: what you compiling? | 02:24 |
firas | dcraven: whoa that's weird, i tried enabling that option, now if i double click a windown I get grids all over my screen! i think i'll avoid it for it now :) | 02:24 |
Tron|BoRG | firas: Yeah, i get that too | 02:24 |
Tron|BoRG | hehe | 02:24 |
firas | bigfoot: did you unpack the tar.gz ? | 02:24 |
dcraven | bigfoot: Are you in the source root dir? When you "ls" is there a file called configure? | 02:25 |
j2dope | liable: thanks | 02:25 |
liable | bigfoot: you did this in the source directory? | 02:25 |
liable | j2dope: np :) | 02:25 |
dcraven | firas: Huh? That option is anything but new :) | 02:25 |
j2dope | liable: where can i find 'nvu'.. it doesn't seem to be in my repositories | 02:25 |
firas | bigfoot: tar -zxvf filename.tar.gz -C destination | 02:25 |
bigfoot | liable, oh, am I compiling? Well, i got a program called bookmarkbridge (in tar.gz format). it will convert my opera bookmarks to a format that can be read by FF. My other alternative is to get a perl script and run it. Would that be easier? | 02:25 |
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bigfoot | firas, yes, the tar.gz is unpacked. That's as far as my 1week old Windows-to-Ubuntu newbie brain will take me | 02:26 |
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Tron|BoRG | wow apt-get is great | 02:26 |
firas | dcraven: i'm new to Gnome, I was a devoted KDE user, came into Ubuntu with Kubuntu actually and now I'm trying to see if Gnome's for me | 02:26 |
CyberBl00D | it didn't work >.< | 02:27 |
Tron|BoRG | gnome's for me ;) | 02:27 |
liable | j2dope: try apt-cache search nvu | 02:27 |
dcraven | firas: Well good luck. I'm gonna click reduced_resources to see what you guys are talkin' about. | 02:27 |
firas | bigfoot: then go to the directory that you unpacked "cd operabookmarks" | 02:27 |
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mwh_ | Hello, im looking for a wireless pcmcia nic which works out of the box on Ubuntu Hoary, ie no ndiswrapper or other wird configuration thing | 02:27 |
j2dope | liable: no results =( i got all the universal repositories added and such. im on Hoary | 02:28 |
liable | bigfoot: so there is no readme? | 02:28 |
firas | bigfoot: and try "./configure --prefix=/home/username/operabookmarks" | 02:28 |
CyberBl00D | do you guyz know if LILO works fine with windows? | 02:28 |
bigfoot | firas, dcraven, okay, i'll go to the directory. | 02:28 |
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dcraven | mwh_: Didn't you already get some cards? | 02:28 |
factorx | CyberBl00D: it does | 02:28 |
liable | bigfoot: what about just make? | 02:28 |
firas | bigfoot: where username is your username (just in case :) | 02:28 |
henriquemaia | Hello, just a small question: today, when I rebooted my machine, I went with no sound. Runned alsamixer and found that some parameters were muted (I did not do anything). | 02:28 |
CyberBl00D | better than GRUB ?? :P | 02:28 |
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henriquemaia | Now my mic doesnt have mute. | 02:28 |
liable | chocoIate: how'd you go? | 02:28 |
henriquemaia | Does anyone have an idea how to solve this? | 02:28 |
factorx | CyberBl00D: no, because grub is better in everything :P | 02:29 |
bigfoot | firas, okay, i'm in the directory with the configure file. | 02:29 |
mwh_ | dcraven: one card | 02:29 |
CyberBl00D | hahahahaha | 02:29 |
henriquemaia | This is the second time it happens, totally random. | 02:29 |
=== j2dope cries. i want an easy to use html editor :P | ||
mwh_ | dcraven: and a list which is pretty hard to pinpoint a card to | 02:29 |
CyberBl00D | well henrique | 02:29 |
CyberBl00D | then | 02:29 |
CyberBl00D | help me :P | 02:29 |
CyberBl00D | i can't run windows with grub | 02:29 |
mwh_ | dcraven: I would like som more .. ie someone who has a card working on Ubuntu Hoary | 02:29 |
CyberBl00D | -i know windows suX- | 02:29 |
CyberBl00D | haha | 02:29 |
firas | bigfoot: now run ./configure --prefix=/home/username/operabookmarks | 02:29 |
henriquemaia | I do not have windows for 4 years now. | 02:30 |
firas | bigfoot: or even better ./configure --prefix=~/operabookmarks | 02:30 |
CyberBl00D | hm | 02:30 |
henriquemaia | Can't help. Never used dual boot with windows. | 02:30 |
dcraven | mwh_: Look for any card that has the same chipset as the one you have. Then you'll probably have many. | 02:30 |
CyberBl00D | :( | 02:30 |
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liable | j2dope: google ubuntu and nvu, heaps of hits | 02:30 |
j2dope | yarr i am now thanks | 02:30 |
chocoIate | liable ; kestas : i managed to build the driver for sm56 --> www.sm56.tk in ubuntu successfully, i managed to install and i got the following output --->> : http://pastebot.nd.edu/907 ; however typing insmod sm56 as per the instructions in pastebot well, nothing happens just an error that the file does not exist :S | 02:31 |
firas | bigfoot: any luck yet ? | 02:31 |
j2dope | liable: just for simplicity sake, do u know which repository its in? im so bad at linux | 02:31 |
CyberBl00D | well i'm gonna try using LILO on a disk then | 02:31 |
trondd | CyberBl00D: take a look at /usr/share/doc/grub/examples/menu.lst | 02:31 |
bigfoot | firas, the operabookmark file is not called operabookmarks. It's called bookmark.html | 02:31 |
CyberBl00D | ok i'll check it out | 02:31 |
mwh_ | r supports high-speed wireless netw | 02:32 |
bigfoot | It's an html file, but not in a format that firefox can read. | 02:32 |
trondd | CyberBl00D: there you should find out how to bring windows back to life... Don't waste time on lilo... | 02:32 |
bigfoot | would it be easier if I just run a perl script? | 02:32 |
bigfoot | I got the perl script downloaded, but I can't seem to suceed. | 02:32 |
mwh_ | Burgundavia: are you sure DWL-G650+ do not need ndiswrapper? | 02:32 |
firas | bigfoot: probably | 02:32 |
liable | j2dope: sorry dude, I use debian (yes I prolly shouldnt be here) and its in the sarge repos, so surprised, its not in ubuntu, as its usually more up to date :( | 02:32 |
firas | bigfoot: u have to type perl then the name of the perl script u donwloaded | 02:33 |
CyberBl00D | trondd: windows is already dead lol | 02:33 |
j2dope | liable: thanks for your help. i found a FAQ to help me install it. fingers crossed it works. i HATE switching back to windows for html editing | 02:33 |
mwh_ | Burgundavia: http://www.wearablelinux.org/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=1 this page seems to say it does | 02:33 |
firas | bigfoot: obviously u have to have perl installed before that, just do an apt-get install perl | 02:34 |
CyberBl00D | the problem is | 02:34 |
liable | j2dope: if you get it installed, you will like it :) | 02:34 |
j2dope | yesm. the screenshots look nice | 02:34 |
Tron|BoRG | my first compile, make, install. I feel blessed | 02:34 |
CyberBl00D | i've got windows installed on my slave disk | 02:34 |
liable | chocoIate: modprobe sm56 | 02:34 |
Tron|BoRG | uh oh... errors | 02:34 |
liable | chocoIate: sudo ^^ | 02:35 |
firas | j2dope: http://ubuntuguide.org/#nvu | 02:35 |
Tron|BoRG | yay | 02:35 |
Tron|BoRG | sudo helps | 02:35 |
Burgundavia | mwh_, the best way would be to test it | 02:35 |
firas | Tron|BoRG: hehe, u spoke too soon ! | 02:35 |
Burgundavia | mwh_, find a friend who has a card and test theirs in Ubuntu, then if it works, buy that one | 02:35 |
trondd | CyberBl00D: do you want to boot windows, or just fetch the data? | 02:36 |
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CyberBl00D | i know i have to put hda1 on GRUB, and use "map" but it just crash, and shows Error N 13 | 02:36 |
bigfoot | firas, i think i have perl installed already. I ran "perl opera2html" but it did nothing. In the perl script it says "# Example of usage: | 02:36 |
Tron|BoRG | firas: yea... *sob* | 02:36 |
bigfoot | # cat Bookmarks | opera2html > bookmarks.html" .... | 02:36 |
CyberBl00D | i want to boot it | 02:36 |
Scorpinf | any1 know how to install TC, i cant find an installation guide | 02:36 |
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Seveas | TC? | 02:36 |
j2dope | firas: thankye | 02:36 |
peaceyall | gah can any one help me? here they tell me go to about:config ( http://ubuntuguide.org/#loadwebsitefasterfirefox ) but when i go to about:config in firefox, on taht page all i see is : XML Parsing Error: not well-formed | 02:36 |
peaceyall | Location: jar:resource:///chrome/toolkit.jar!/content/global/config.xul | 02:36 |
peaceyall | Line Number 1, Column 4:out(function() { if (gFindMode != FIND_NORMAL) closeFindBar(); }, gQuickFindTimeoutLength); | 02:36 |
peaceyall | ---^ | 02:36 |
peaceyall | weird :/ | 02:37 |
chocoIate | liable : what is modprobe sm56 :o | 02:37 |
firas | j2dope: ur welcome :) | 02:37 |
chocoIate | liable : what is sudo modprobe sm56 :o | 02:37 |
chocoIate | even :P | 02:37 |
Scorpinf | TC:Elite | 02:37 |
firas | bigfoot: u got a link to this script ? | 02:37 |
trondd | Hmm think error 13 mean that there is something wrong in menu.lst | 02:37 |
dcraven | bigfoot: So did you run it like in that example? | 02:37 |
Seveas | chocoIate, that loads the sm56 module into the kernel | 02:37 |
liable | chocoIate: type 'sudo modprobe sm56' | 02:37 |
CyberBl00D | it says | 02:37 |
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chocoIate | thats it :o | 02:37 |
chocoIate | ok, thanks :P | 02:37 |
bigfoot | firas, the script itself is at http://deluks.de/programs/opera2html-1.0.1 | 02:37 |
peaceyall | can anybody help? | 02:38 |
firas | bigfoot: i'm assuming "Bookmarks" here is ur opera bookmars file, and opera2html is your perl script | 02:38 |
liable | chocoIate: same as insmod, you use a different linux before? | 02:38 |
CyberBl00D | error 13. No valid Executable, or something like that | 02:38 |
k4rp0r | does anyone havew idea how to get wolfenstein enemy territory working on linux | 02:38 |
Linforcer | soooo ... am I the only one who would have preferred to see OponOffice fork | 02:38 |
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liable | peaceyall: no :) | 02:38 |
peaceyall | :/ | 02:38 |
firas | bigfoot: so copy ur opera "Bookmarks" file into ur homedirectory, and copy ur perl script there as well | 02:38 |
chocoIate | nope, first time linux user, i guess the guy who wrote the driver is using a different linux version thus that command which never works under ubuntu | 02:38 |
dcraven | k4rp0r: I play it and etf all the time! | 02:38 |
trondd | k4rp0r: just install it... I've played it in gentoo. | 02:38 |
bigfoot | firas, yes, opera2html is the perl script. Bookmarks is the Opera file. | 02:38 |
chocoIate | thanks a lot. I'll try this and come back if i'm still having problem :P | 02:39 |
firas | bigfoot: then just run the command as they said | 02:39 |
Seveas | grub error 13 means that you spelt the name of the kernel werong | 02:39 |
Seveas | wrong* | 02:39 |
Scorpinf | k4rp0r: im also working on it, i have installed wolf-et but want to install the mod ET:elite but dont now how | 02:39 |
liable | peaceyall: in the browser url bit, clear it, and type 'about:config' | 02:39 |
trondd | CyberBl00D: can you boot ubuntu on the machine? | 02:39 |
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peaceyall | liable , im not an idiot thats what i did :P | 02:39 |
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liable | peaceyall: well fuck you :) | 02:39 |
peaceyall | but i dont see stuff to configure like on windows firefox | 02:40 |
peaceyall | lol | 02:40 |
bigfoot | firas, just to let you know, I exported my Opera bookmarks into 2 types (one is html type. The other is opera file type). | 02:40 |
peaceyall | all i see is XML Parsing Error: not well-formed | 02:40 |
peaceyall | Location: jar:resource:///chrome/toolkit.jar!/content/global/config.xul | 02:40 |
peaceyall | Line Number 1, Column 4:out(function() { if (gFindMode != FIND_NORMAL) closeFindBar(); }, gQuickFindTimeoutLength); | 02:40 |
peaceyall | ---^ | 02:40 |
CyberBl00D | i don't have ubuntu installed nor the live CD, i just give it to a friend that wanted to test it | 02:40 |
firas | bigfoot: that should create a bookmarks.html file fo ru | 02:40 |
k4rp0r | yeah, but when iwe downloaded the linux version of et and double clic it, it wont launc | 02:40 |
bigfoot | I ran the command just as it said, and terminal said, "bash: opera2html: command not found | 02:40 |
bigfoot | " | 02:40 |
Tron|BoRG | this is exciting stuff | 02:40 |
Tron|BoRG | nearly ready for freeciv ! | 02:40 |
Seveas | bigfoot, chmod +x opera2html first | 02:40 |
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CyberBl00D | Seveas: i know what error 13, but window$ doesn't have kernel defined, like Linux | 02:41 |
Seveas | peaceyall, try reinstalling firefox with apt-get install --reinstall firefox | 02:41 |
firas | bigfoot: do u have opera2html in the same directory ur in ? make sure it's executable | 02:41 |
bigfoot | Seveas, i did as you said, and then re-tried, but to no avail... | 02:41 |
liable | peaceyall: you havent fucked with anything in firefox? only asking, cause I have to, to get my thinkpad keys working | 02:41 |
Seveas | CyberBl00D, then you are trying to start windows the wrong way | 02:41 |
peaceyall | ok | 02:41 |
firas | bigfoot: chmod +x opera2html | 02:41 |
peaceyall | liable | 02:41 |
trondd | CyberBl00D: then you have to repeat what your problem is... | 02:41 |
CyberBl00D | O.O | 02:41 |
peaceyall | i have fucked with a lot of stuff | 02:41 |
peaceyall | :/ | 02:41 |
liable | peaceyall: | 02:41 |
CyberBl00D | ok | 02:41 |
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peaceyall | i tried reinstalling it from getting it from the web | 02:42 |
Seveas | CyberBl00D, can you paste your sources.list on ubuntu.pastebin.com please | 02:42 |
liable | peaceyall: in firefox? | 02:42 |
Seveas | ehm | 02:42 |
CyberBl00D | :S sorry, english is not my native language, maybe i just say it wrong :P | 02:42 |
Seveas | i mean your menu.lst | 02:42 |
CyberBl00D | ok | 02:42 |
peaceyall | just a ac ill try reinstalling it form apt-get | 02:42 |
bigfoot | firas, opera2html is in the same directory I'm in. I don't know if it's executable. According to the file properties, it's a "Perl Script" | 02:42 |
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dcraven | k4rp0r: Open a terminal, change to the directory you downloaded the file too (probably the Desktop, so type "cd ~/Desktop"), then type "chmod 755 myfile" where myfile is the name of the ET install file, then type "sudo ./myfile". | 02:43 |
Seveas | bigfoot, cat Bookmarks | perl opera2html > Bookmarks.html should work if the script is not executable | 02:43 |
bigfoot | firas, "chmod +x opera2html" is exactly what i entered., | 02:43 |
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mwh_ | Burgundavia: thanks for the advice | 02:43 |
Burgundavia | mwh_, np | 02:44 |
firas | bigfoot: it should be executable now | 02:44 |
Burgundavia | mwh_, wireless is a beast | 02:44 |
Seveas | indeed | 02:44 |
mwh_ | Burgundavia: it sure is | 02:44 |
firas | bigfoot: can u try typing "perl -v" | 02:44 |
firas | bigfoot: just to make sure perl is installed | 02:44 |
mwh_ | it would be nice if ubuntu could team up with some dealers of hardware, so I could go to ubuntu's website and click wireless cards .. and know that they will work on linux | 02:44 |
Seveas | mwh_, linux-wireless.org (oslt) has that :) | 02:45 |
new2gentoo | mwh_, there are a large number of cards that work | 02:45 |
Burgundavia | mwh_, they are already going to | 02:45 |
liable | mwh_: if it works in linux at all, it'll work in ubuntu | 02:45 |
firas | bigfoot: the link you gave me ... the file is named opera2html-1.0.1 did u rename it to opera2html ? | 02:45 |
trygvebw | breezy has got gnome 2.11 :D | 02:45 |
bigfoot | firas, i did as you said and got a response. It's installed, it looks like. | 02:46 |
trygvebw | now | 02:46 |
bigfoot | firas, yes, i did. | 02:46 |
bigfoot | to keep it simple. | 02:46 |
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liable | mwh_: what card? | 02:46 |
CyberBl00D | Seveas: here it is my menu.lst http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/286507 | 02:47 |
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CyberBl00D | plz if you help me i'm gonna worship you everyday :P | 02:47 |
CyberBl00D | . | 02:49 |
firas | bigfoot: so what do u get when u type | 02:49 |
firas | bigfoot: cat Bookmarks | opera2html > bookmarks.html | 02:49 |
firas | ? | 02:49 |
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Seveas | CyberBl00D, try root(hd1) | 02:49 |
CyberBl00D | ok i'll try | 02:50 |
Seveas | or actually: | 02:50 |
trondd | CyberBl00D: rootnoverify(hd0,0) | 02:50 |
Seveas | root (hd1,4) | 02:50 |
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Seveas | trondd, windows is in hdb5 according to the comment in menu.lst | 02:50 |
bigfoot | firas, i get this: bash: opera2html: command not found | 02:51 |
CyberBl00D | hmm | 02:51 |
trondd | hmmm, your right , nevermind me... | 02:51 |
CyberBl00D | no | 02:51 |
CyberBl00D | that comment is wrong | 02:51 |
Seveas | ah ok | 02:51 |
Seveas | where is it? | 02:51 |
CyberBl00D | hdb1 | 02:51 |
Seveas | ah, then root(hd1,0) | 02:51 |
trondd | then (hd1,0) ? | 02:51 |
CyberBl00D | yep | 02:51 |
CyberBl00D | i'll try | 02:51 |
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Seveas | CyberBl00D, if it doesn't work, paste the output of sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdb on ubuntu.pastebin.com | 02:53 |
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CyberBl00D | ok | 02:53 |
CyberBl00D | :D | 02:53 |
firas | bigfoot: sorry my mistake, type: cat Bookmarks | ./opera2html > bookmarks.html | 02:53 |
Tron|BoRG | is there an apt-get install command for a program called 'glib'?? | 02:54 |
guupsta | how can I set AGP transfer mode to 4X instead of the default 8X? I'm using xorg | 02:54 |
Seveas | Tron|BoRG, glib is a library | 02:54 |
=== rapha [~rapha@p54A09AED.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | it IS installed by default | 02:54 |
Tron|BoRG | oh | 02:54 |
rapha | Hi all! | 02:54 |
Tron|BoRG | 'configure: error: Library requirements (glib-2.0 >= 2.6.0' | 02:54 |
rapha | What is the trick to download the .jigdo or .torrent for Breezy Badger? | 02:55 |
Tron|BoRG | is it just outdated? | 02:55 |
dcraven | rapha: Read the topic in this chan. | 02:55 |
Seveas | if you are trying to compile something and it complains that glib is missing: libglib-SOMETHING-dev | 02:55 |
Seveas | search for that in synaptic | 02:55 |
Seveas | rapha, DO NOT use breezy | 02:55 |
Tron|BoRG | okay :D | 02:55 |
rapha | dcraven: If that's for real, then why are the files offered for downlkoad? | 02:55 |
firas | guupsta: try adding Option "AGPMode" "4" | 02:55 |
bigfoot | firas, did as you said, but the new bookmarks.html file is blank | 02:55 |
Seveas | rapha, because they're developing it | 02:55 |
crimsun_ | rapha: got your message. | 02:55 |
dcraven | rapha: I thought you couldn't get them. | 02:55 |
firas | guupsta: under Section "Device" | 02:55 |
rapha | Seveas: I didn't mean to _use_ it, I wanted to _try_it_out_ | 02:55 |
firas | guupsta: for ur video card | 02:56 |
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guupsta | firas: ok. thanks a lot | 02:56 |
Seveas | rapha, there is only a colony cd for breezy now | 02:56 |
Seveas | no jigdos | 02:56 |
Seveas | jigdos will only be made for final versions | 02:56 |
rapha | crimsun_: Cool :-) ... any further ideas? (It works with artsd btw, but is lagging pretty badly) | 02:56 |
Tron|BoRG | what is the 'SOMETHING'? | 02:56 |
Tron|BoRG | hehe | 02:56 |
rapha | searcher`: jigdo is a download tool. | 02:56 |
Seveas | Tron|BoRG, you need libglib2.0-dev | 02:56 |
Tron|BoRG | ok, thanks :D | 02:56 |
Seveas | what are you trying to compile? | 02:56 |
Tron|BoRG | uhm | 02:57 |
Tron|BoRG | GTK+ | 02:57 |
rapha | So, does the topic say "don't USE Colony-1" or does it say "don't even try to DOWNLOAD Colony-1"? | 02:57 |
Seveas | GTK+ is downloadable via apt.. | 02:57 |
Tron|BoRG | oh | 02:57 |
Tron|BoRG | hehe | 02:57 |
Seveas | and even installed by default... | 02:57 |
Seveas | rapha, colony one is a bit more usable | 02:57 |
Tron|BoRG | sudo apt-get install gtk+? | 02:57 |
Seveas | upgrading to current breeay is not recommended, since it is highly unstable due to major transitions | 02:58 |
Seveas | Tron|BoRG, what do you need that for? | 02:58 |
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Seveas | because it also is a library :) | 02:58 |
Tron|BoRG | trying to install freeciv | 02:58 |
rapha | Seveas: : Then let me rephrase: what is the trick with downloading Colony-One via Jigdo or Torrent? | 02:58 |
dcraven | Tron|BoRG: There is a good chance you already have it if you are in GNOME. | 02:58 |
CybeRBl00D | >.< i hate Wintendo | 02:58 |
firas | bigfoot: check the Bookmarks file that u have, does it have anything in it? Could be that u copied the wrong one | 02:58 |
Seveas | and gtk+ is a weird namem since both gtk2 and gtk1.2 are gtk+ | 02:58 |
Tron|BoRG | oh | 02:58 |
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chocoIate | liable : i get error similar to -->> "FATAL : module sm56 does not exist" | 02:58 |
trondd | Tron|BoRG: sudo apt-get install freeciv ... | 02:58 |
CybeRBl00D | it' didn't work | 02:59 |
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Seveas | CybeRBl00D, why not? | 02:59 |
CybeRBl00D | i get another error, it says that de device doesn't exists | 02:59 |
chocoIate | where am i supposed to run that command, and where is the module supposed to be :o | 02:59 |
CybeRBl00D | and also says, unknown filesystem | 02:59 |
Seveas | when you download freeciv or when you use it? | 02:59 |
bigfoot | firas, checked the source bookmarks file. Yes it's got all the urls (plus descriptions, etc) in it. | 02:59 |
dcraven | Seveas: The term gtk+ refers to gtk, pango, glib, atk, etc etc | 02:59 |
Tron|BoRG | '*** The gtk-config script installed by GTK could not be found | 02:59 |
Tron|BoRG | ' | 02:59 |
Seveas | CybeRBl00D, then do the fdisk -l trick :) | 03:00 |
CybeRBl00D | okey dokey :P | 03:00 |
Seveas | Tron|BoRG, manually installing freeciv will not help either | 03:00 |
Tron|BoRG | oh | 03:00 |
CybeRBl00D | how :P | 03:00 |
rapha | Ah okay | 03:00 |
CybeRBl00D | i forgot XD | 03:00 |
Seveas | CybeRBl00D, sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdb | 03:00 |
rapha | Seveas: apparently, the `jigdo' application does not yet work; you have to use `jigdo-lite' from the `jigdo-file' package | 03:01 |
rapha | crimsun_: You still around? | 03:01 |
Tron|BoRG | Seveas: is there a command to start it if it doesnt show in the games menu? | 03:01 |
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CybeRBl00D | ok | 03:01 |
crimsun_ | rapha: yes, but I'm leaving shortly (work, it's 8:01 AM) | 03:01 |
toran | hey guys, how do I stop update-menu from running after I install packages? | 03:01 |
Seveas | Tron|BoRG, just type freeciv-gtk at the command line i guess | 03:01 |
onekill | is there a way to do irc chat via terminal | 03:02 |
crimsun_ | toran: you'd have to edit the package's postinst script | 03:02 |
Seveas | onekill, yes | 03:02 |
Tron|BoRG | bash: freeciv-gtk: command not found | 03:02 |
dcraven | onekill: irssi | 03:02 |
Seveas | you can use irssi | 03:02 |
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trygvebw | or BitchX | 03:02 |
trygvebw | for irc | 03:02 |
onekill | i have another box that x does not start and need help with it | 03:02 |
toran | there is no way to turn it off for all packages? | 03:02 |
Seabook | Hello. I ned some clarification about uninstalling a kernel version. | 03:02 |
Seveas | Tron|BoRG, run updatedb and do slocate freeciv :) | 03:02 |
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CybeRBl00D | http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/286517 | 03:03 |
crimsun_ | toran: aside from force-removing the menu* packages, ... | 03:03 |
toran | =( | 03:03 |
CybeRBl00D | it's just a primary partition | 03:03 |
rapha | crimsun_: Okay, see you another time then, have a good work day! :) | 03:03 |
CybeRBl00D | but | 03:03 |
toran | i am SICK AND TIRED of having my custom fluxbox menu overwrittenn | 03:03 |
CybeRBl00D | it's not positioned at the beginning of the disk | 03:03 |
crimsun_ | rapha: right, I'll be online again in about 9 hours. | 03:04 |
Tron|BoRG | Seveas: I dont think it liked: sudo updatedb, hehe | 03:04 |
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Seveas | CybeRBl00D, hmm, maybe i am confused about mapping, try root (hd0,0) | 03:04 |
teknoprep | Seveas whats up man | 03:04 |
CybeRBl00D | well | 03:04 |
CybeRBl00D | when | 03:04 |
Seveas | Tron|BoRG, that takes a long time :) | 03:04 |
teknoprep | Seveas you get that to work bro | 03:04 |
Seveas | teknoprep, yes, it works | 03:04 |
Seveas | but no transparency :S | 03:04 |
chocoIate | liable : where is the module supposed to be :o | 03:04 |
CybeRBl00D | i try root(0) i get the Error N 13 :S | 03:05 |
teknoprep | Seveas lol | 03:05 |
firas | bigfoot: if u don't anything private in ur bookmarks file can u send it to me | 03:05 |
Seveas | root(hd0) is incorrect | 03:05 |
Seveas | try (hd0,0) | 03:05 |
teknoprep | Seveas yeah i dun no how to get dat to work | 03:05 |
liable | chocoIate: ok, how did you compile it? | 03:05 |
teknoprep | lol | 03:05 |
CybeRBl00D | hmmm | 03:05 |
chocoIate | liable : am i supposed to provide a path or something to modprobe | 03:05 |
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CybeRBl00D | ok | 03:05 |
teknoprep | Seveas i will try today | 03:05 |
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liable | chocoIate: what did you do to the make file? | 03:05 |
chocoIate | i compiled it and it compiled fine with a success message | 03:05 |
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liable | chocoIate: no, modprobe should find it | 03:05 |
omV0 | can someone recommend a good file browser? i currently use xffm and i really don't like it.. | 03:06 |
chocoIate | well, i ran the make install in the directory | 03:06 |
Seveas | liable, only if it is installed in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ | 03:06 |
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trondd | omV0: mc, nautilus... | 03:06 |
liable | Seveas: well, yes, it should be there | 03:06 |
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chocoIate | Seveas : so should i check in that directory first if its actually available there :O | 03:06 |
omV0 | trondd- is there a way to get nautilus to have a folder tree? | 03:07 |
chocoIate | and if its not there, then what :S | 03:07 |
teknoprep | Seveas, you are popular for helping ppl it seems lol | 03:07 |
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omV0 | i wish there was something like the mac file browser | 03:07 |
bigfoot | firas, kestas, shall we try the "configure --prefix again? | 03:07 |
Seveas | chocoIate, you could try | 03:07 |
liable | chocoIate: what did you do, to get it to compile? | 03:07 |
bigfoot | In terminal, i'm now in the directory that has the configure file. | 03:07 |
firas | bigfoot: this perl script should be straight forward | 03:08 |
onekill | i get an XIO error trying to startx fatal IO error 104 | 03:08 |
teknoprep | Seveas, did you have to get the linux-source | 03:08 |
liable | chocoIate: installed kernel source, and make a link? | 03:08 |
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liable | chocoIate: and changed the makefile? | 03:08 |
dcraven | omV0: Try nautilus --browser. | 03:08 |
Seveas | teknoprep, nope | 03:08 |
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teknoprep | did you just use my xorg.conf | 03:09 |
teknoprep | and it worked | 03:09 |
Seveas | chocoIate, what is the name of the module you are trying to load | 03:09 |
chocoIate | liable ; i just changed the setting like you and kestas patiently explained : i replaced replace /usr/src/linux-2.4 with /usr/src/linux-headers-numberhere directory | 03:09 |
chocoIate | i'm trying to load sm56 | 03:09 |
teknoprep | bleh | 03:09 |
Seveas | teknoprep, no, i only merged your "device" and some other settings with my existing xorg.conf | 03:09 |
teknoprep | ahh | 03:09 |
omV0 | thanks dc raven! much better now =) | 03:09 |
liable | chocoIate: no, I dont know what hestas explained, as you /msg him | 03:10 |
bigfoot | firas, ok. i'll send the opera bookmark file to you. | 03:10 |
Seveas | chocoIate, find /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ -name sm56 | 03:10 |
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Seveas | chocoIate, type that and see whether it finds something | 03:10 |
chocoIate | ok | 03:10 |
liable | Seveas: hes on windows now :( | 03:10 |
Seveas | liable, ah, didn't know that :) | 03:10 |
onekill | i get an XIO error trying to startx fatal IO error 104 | 03:11 |
dcraven | omV0: No problem. There is a checkbox in preferences to always open in browser windows. | 03:11 |
chocoIate | yeah unfortunately i was going to disconnect, load up linux | 03:11 |
chocoIate | try those commands, verify and come back | 03:11 |
liable | chocoIate: do you know exactly what you did? | 03:11 |
chocoIate | which is a bit of a pain, i have been in this condition for 4 days now :P | 03:11 |
Seveas | chocoIate, is sm56 for your network? | 03:11 |
chocoIate | yeah i know exactly what i did :P | 03:11 |
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chocoIate | its for my modem | 03:11 |
liable | chocoIate: tell me | 03:11 |
Seveas | ah | 03:11 |
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chocoIate | i rem it step by step | 03:11 |
liable | go | 03:11 |
chocoIate | hahha ;P | 03:11 |
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chocoIate | well first i installed the source packages | 03:12 |
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chocoIate | however running the make simply errored on me | 03:12 |
CybeRBl00D | hm | 03:12 |
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chocoIate | i went to take a peek in /usr/src/ | 03:12 |
chocoIate | there was no linux folder | 03:12 |
Seveas | so then you installed linux-headers-`uname -r` | 03:13 |
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chocoIate | and the source file was in there the package i installed but it was in .gz format, still compressed | 03:13 |
CybeRBl00D | i get the 13 error, also it says, "filesystem type ext2fs" ??? parttition type 0x83 | 03:13 |
chocoIate | no idea why | 03:13 |
new2gentoo | chocoIate, you create the linux folder | 03:13 |
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malte` | hi | 03:13 |
chocoIate | i must create the linux folder ;-? | 03:13 |
liable | chocoIate: continue | 03:14 |
=== Seveas bbl, i need music | ||
omV0 | uhh if i accidently killed the tasbar in xfce, how would i bring it back? | 03:14 |
firas | bigfoot: weird, no luck with the perl script, blank bookmarks.html file like u said | 03:14 |
omV0 | s/tasbar/taskbar | 03:14 |
chocoIate | well, anyway, so since there was already a linux-headers-numberhere folder in /usr/src/ | 03:14 |
firas | bigfoot: got a link for the tar.gz ? | 03:14 |
CybeRBl00D | :S | 03:14 |
CybeRBl00D | i get the 13 error, also it says, "filesystem type ext2fs" ??? partition type 0x83 | 03:15 |
chocoIate | i just changed this /usr/src/linux-2.4 in the makefile to this /usr/src/linux-headers-numberhere | 03:15 |
chocoIate | and i ran the make, then the make install | 03:15 |
Seveas | aaaaaaaaaah the relaxing sound of faithless :) | 03:15 |
chocoIate | and it compiled with a success | 03:15 |
Seveas | ok where were we? | 03:15 |
chocoIate | so i guess i didnt need the source files after all | 03:15 |
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chocoIate | source package i mean | 03:15 |
chocoIate | anyway, thats all | 03:15 |
CybeRBl00D | seveas | 03:15 |
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chocoIate | to accomplish this it took me all morning ofcourse :P | 03:15 |
bigfoot | firas, http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/bookmarkbridge/bookmarkbridge-0.72.tar.gz?download | 03:16 |
Seveas | CybeRBl00D, that just means i was not confused about the mapping and that root (hd1,0) should work. But you say it is not at the beginning of your drive, did you remove partitions? | 03:16 |
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CybeRBl00D | yes | 03:16 |
liable | chocoIate: ok, so now modprobe says no such file? | 03:16 |
Seveas | ah | 03:16 |
CybeRBl00D | the first 500mb | 03:16 |
CybeRBl00D | of the disk | 03:16 |
CybeRBl00D | are unallocated | 03:16 |
CybeRBl00D | because the disk is damaged | 03:16 |
Seveas | ouch | 03:16 |
Seveas | CybeRBl00D, get a new disk, you just cannot trust this one... | 03:17 |
CybeRBl00D | hahaha | 03:17 |
Seveas | but ok that does not solve the problem :) | 03:17 |
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CybeRBl00D | yeap but i have debian on my 20GB disk ;) | 03:17 |
chocoIate | and by the way, the source package i installed it installed fine atleast from what ubuntu said in the terminal window after running pkgb command, however going in usr/src/ i found the package in there but still compressed in .gz format :S | 03:17 |
omV0 | anybody knows how to recover a taskbar if it was terminated? (using xfce) | 03:17 |
Brik | hallo i have some problem with nvidia-glx on breezy | 03:17 |
chocoIate | yes running modprobe says no such module | 03:18 |
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CybeRBl00D | however | 03:18 |
Andril | hello all | 03:18 |
chocoIate | says FATAL too | 03:18 |
liable | chocoIate: yes, thats how it works | 03:18 |
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Andril | I have a Firefox guestion | 03:18 |
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Seveas | CybeRBl00D, root(hdb,0) and rootnoverify(hdb,0) both did not work? | 03:18 |
CybeRBl00D | yes | 03:18 |
teknomaniac | hi i'm new.i would like to run kde ,i'm in gnome,how can do this ? | 03:19 |
CybeRBl00D | niether root or rootnoverify | 03:19 |
Andril | is it safe to use the Firefox 1.0.4 installed - instead of waiting for it to be added into the repository? | 03:19 |
CybeRBl00D | they didn't work | 03:19 |
Seveas | Andril, FF in the repository is 1.0.4 in disguise | 03:19 |
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CybeRBl00D | as i saw on google, I think this is a very frequent problem | 03:19 |
Seveas | CybeRBl00D, i'm out of options (other than buying a new disk) | 03:19 |
chocoIate | this is the message i got after running make install -->> Installation of SM56 Internal Modem completed.Please use the command "insmod sm56" Before dialingThe Command " depmod -a " may can give some unresolved simbols in sm56 But the insmod will work properlyIf you experience any further problem Please Contact us | 03:19 |
dr_willis | teknomaniac, check out the "kubuntu" homepage - they show ya how to install their kde packages. then theres a option on the gdm login screen to run kde. | 03:19 |
CybeRBl00D | hahaha | 03:19 |
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liable | chocoIate: reboot and try | 03:20 |
teknoprep | kubuntu defaults to kde | 03:20 |
chocoIate | i did reboot more than once | 03:20 |
teknomaniac | oki thx | 03:20 |
liable | chocoIate: or boot into linux again | 03:20 |
chocoIate | i will try again | 03:20 |
liable | wait | 03:20 |
chocoIate | how do i uninstall what i installed | 03:20 |
liable | chocoIate: you cant | 03:20 |
Andril | Seveas, you mean ???? | 03:20 |
teknoprep | apt-get remove | 03:20 |
chocoIate | oh :S | 03:20 |
Seveas | Andril, yes | 03:20 |
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Seveas | it's 1.0.2 with all 1.0.4 security patches applied | 03:21 |
liable | chocoIate: theres no uninstall script for it | 03:21 |
Seveas | CybeRBl00D, they both said: Error 13? | 03:21 |
chocoIate | i ran the make more than once too, maybe 3 times | 03:21 |
Andril | Seveas, strange because I still get Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.6) Gecko/20050512 Firefox/1.0 (Ubuntu package 1.0.2) | 03:21 |
CybeRBl00D | i'm going to create a tiny partition on the unallocated space, so windows will be able to put all his junk there ( i mean command.com ) | 03:21 |
CybeRBl00D | no | 03:21 |
CybeRBl00D | i think | 03:21 |
Seveas | Andril, that is correct | 03:21 |
CybeRBl00D | with root | 03:21 |
Andril | Seveas, and when I go to download themes it prompts me to install 1.0.4 | 03:22 |
teknoprep | chocoIate, are you talking about something you compiled into the system | 03:22 |
CybeRBl00D | it said no devices found | 03:22 |
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Seveas | Andril, just let FF fake it's browser ID string | 03:22 |
Funraiser | hello all, look at that i'm trying to install adesklet (i tried from source, but even with all the missing libraries installed, i didn't work) so i downloaded the .deb, look what it says: adesklets depends on libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-21); however: Version of libc6 on system is 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13. | 03:22 |
teknoprep | chocoIate, you will have to find out every file it installed and delete it | 03:22 |
Seveas | CybeRBl00D, no error number? | 03:22 |
chocoIate | excellent, just what i do not need lol | 03:22 |
CybeRBl00D | hmm don't remember n.nU | 03:22 |
Funraiser | it says also: adesklets depends on libfontconfig1 (>= 2.3.0); however: | 03:22 |
Funraiser | Version of libfontconfig1 on system is 2.2.3-4ubuntu7. | 03:22 |
Seveas | Funraiser, that's the problem using non-ubuntu debs... | 03:22 |
teknoprep | Seveas, whats hit problem | 03:22 |
chocoIate | i guess i'll reboot and see if i can get this to work somehow | 03:22 |
chocoIate | brb | 03:23 |
Seveas | Funraiser, try to find one for debian stable | 03:23 |
liable | chocoIate: no | 03:23 |
CybeRBl00D | i'm gonna try repartitioning my old disk | 03:23 |
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Funraiser | Seveas, it only exists on debian unstable | 03:23 |
bigfoot | general question: How can I narrow the spacing of the stuff in the toolbars? For example, those using Terminal, "File" has 6 dropdown options (Open Terminal; Open Tab; New Profile; Close Tab; Close Window) . Between each option is much space. I'd like to "squish" or have tighter line spacing. How can one do this? | 03:23 |
chocoIate | what do you suggest i do liable :o | 03:23 |
CybeRBl00D | thanks for your help anyway :D | 03:23 |
Andril | Seveas, i guess it'lll work for me eventually - thanks | 03:23 |
Funraiser | Seveas, and from source it doesn't work either... | 03:23 |
teknoprep | c:\ | 03:23 |
dr_willis | bigfoot, much space? hmm - i have vrey little space. perhaps its your font setting set to a large font? or real small one? | 03:24 |
teknoprep | Andril, you talking about firefox | 03:24 |
liable | chocoIate: when you get in there, run 'sudo update-modules' dunno, grasping at straws, search /lib/modules for the module too | 03:24 |
Funraiser | and by the way...gdesklets is very crapy | 03:24 |
Andril | teknoprep, yes sir | 03:24 |
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Funraiser | works half the time only | 03:24 |
teknoprep | Andril, let it update | 03:24 |
teknoprep | Andril, there is an auto update option that works | 03:25 |
Seveas | Funraiser, file bugs then :) | 03:25 |
Andril | teknoprep, can you help? update = from the installer? | 03:25 |
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teknoprep | Andril, no from inside firefox itself | 03:25 |
chocoIate | ok, i will do that | 03:25 |
chocoIate | brb | 03:25 |
chocoIate | thanks all :P | 03:26 |
teknoprep | Andril, check for updates | 03:26 |
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dataw0lf|w | Has anyone managed to get mod_python up and running ? | 03:26 |
teknoprep | Andril, hold i am install firefox now | 03:26 |
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Funraiser | well actually it's not gdesklets it's a particular desklet in gdesklet, the one for the RSS feed | 03:26 |
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bigfoot | dr_willis, you touched on another point: font size. I'd like to decrease both. Both spacing between the choices in the dropdown menus in all programs, and text size. How can this be done? | 03:27 |
Seveas | Funraiser, use sage in firefox ;) | 03:27 |
Andril | teknoprep, I hope it's that easy | 03:27 |
Funraiser | Seveas, it's an add-on? | 03:27 |
dr_willis | bigfoot, try the font preferance tool. I tend to set mine very LARGE. :P | 03:27 |
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teknoprep | Andril, yeah just goto Check for update button in your Extension window.. i think its under tool's | 03:28 |
kzm_ | Anybody know when Ubuntu torrent servers will be up? | 03:28 |
Seveas | Funraiser, it's an extension :) | 03:28 |
Funraiser | ohhhhh | 03:28 |
bigfoot | My keyboard's ALT keys don't work. What's wrong? | 03:29 |
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bigfoot | I'm using a Japanese keyboard, but my layout is in Dvorak. | 03:29 |
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Andril | teknoprep, i get this when I try to get themes: You must upgrade to version 1.0.4 or newer of Firefox before accessing the Mozilla Update web service. In order to keep your computer safe when using the Internet, its important to install new updates of Firefox as soon as they are available. Click on the Upgrade Now link to get the latest version of Firefox. | 03:29 |
Andril | teknoprep, that only does my Extensions & Plu Ins | 03:30 |
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zoolar2 | ahem, i was about to ask a breezy question... ^_^" | 03:31 |
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Seveas | zoolar2, read the topic please :) | 03:31 |
Seveas | but feel free to ask | 03:32 |
zoolar2 | Seveas, i did. :-) | 03:32 |
Seveas | the topic doesn't say "don't ask anything about breezy" ;) | 03:32 |
kzm_ | ...or does anybody have the DVD image available? | 03:32 |
zoolar2 | well, basically the shortcuts in GNOME application started to behave strangely. | 03:33 |
zoolar2 | otherwise breezy worked flawlessly until today | 03:33 |
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Seveas | zoolar2, quite possible | 03:33 |
Seveas | applications do not start or crash? | 03:33 |
zoolar2 | Seveas, any hint on the direction to investigate? | 03:34 |
Seveas | most c++ applications will crash | 03:34 |
zoolar2 | No, things like CTRL+W in galeon open a new tab | 03:34 |
Seveas | lol | 03:34 |
zoolar2 | When it should close it | 03:35 |
Seveas | that's funny :) | 03:35 |
zoolar2 | Almost all CTRL+something open a new tab. In gnome-terminal, CTRL+something closes it! :-) | 03:35 |
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moyogo | this is weird, my pc keyboard is behaving like a sun keyboard since I've reconfigured X | 03:35 |
Seveas | zoolar2, well, that's the consequence of using breezu | 03:35 |
Seveas | breezy* | 03:35 |
Seveas | can be related to the c++ transition or the X.org one | 03:36 |
moyogo | Ctrl+* does a Ctrl+N | 03:36 |
bigfoot | firas, how you doing? | 03:36 |
Seveas | moyogo, breezy? | 03:36 |
moyogo | yeah | 03:36 |
Seveas | DO NOT use breezy. | 03:36 |
moyogo | breezy, is it a common problem | 03:36 |
Seveas | read the topic | 03:36 |
zoolar2 | a brother! :-) | 03:36 |
moyogo | Seabook: hehe ok, sorry | 03:36 |
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Seveas | and yes, zoolar2 just experienced the same :) | 03:36 |
j2dope | -- for the record i got Nvu installed guys. it rocks. thanks for your help | 03:36 |
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firas | bigfoot: workin' on it, to configure this thing u need a gazillion development headers & libraries, i'm downloading them now | 03:36 |
Seveas | i think it's the X.org transition that causes this | 03:37 |
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moyogo | Seveas: another X.org transition? | 03:37 |
zoolar2 | Seveas, at this point I'm curious, because KDE applications work right | 03:37 |
Seveas | zoolar2, hmm... | 03:37 |
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Seveas | moyogo, yes, the "get rid of /usr/X11R6" transition | 03:38 |
moyogo | I should try xfce4 or another environment | 03:38 |
moyogo | Seabook: ah... | 03:38 |
Seveas | xfce rocks | 03:38 |
zoolar2 | LOL, and I can't exit vmware because of the CTRL+ALT shortcut | 03:38 |
Seveas | moyogo, watch your tab completions ;) | 03:38 |
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Seveas | my neighbours are gonna hate me... | 03:39 |
UnreA|L | How turn on or install OSS ( Unable to open /dev/dsp ) ? | 03:39 |
Seveas | i just abused the X-bass feature of my stereo ;) | 03:40 |
UnreA|L | How turn on or install OSS me write when i try tes -> ( Unable to open /dev/dsp ) ? | 03:40 |
Seveas | UnreA|L, disable ESD | 03:40 |
Seveas | or make your program use ESD | 03:40 |
UnreA|L | how disable it ? | 03:40 |
UnreA|L | how make it ? | 03:40 |
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Seveas | system -> preferences -> sound | 03:40 |
moyogo | Seabook: what about tabcompletion? | 03:40 |
Seveas | diable "enable sound server startup" | 03:41 |
Seveas | but you'll loose all gnoe sounds | 03:41 |
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moyogo | Seveas: i mean Seveas sorry Seabook | 03:41 |
Seveas | moyogo, you constantly call me Seabook :)) | 03:41 |
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bigfoot | hi all: i was playing around with the Desktop's toolbar (properties) now that toolbar is in the middle of my screen. How can I get it back to the middle of the screen where it belongs? | 03:41 |
bigfoot | Sorry, not "back to the middle..." but "back to the top" | 03:41 |
bigfoot | dragging does nothing | 03:41 |
Seveas | by setting orientation to top bigfoot ? | 03:42 |
UnreA|L | Thanks Seveas now it works ;) | 03:42 |
=== Echelon-H [Echelon-H@85-250-52-202.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Andril | teknoprep, did you get it installed? | 03:43 |
bigfoot | Seveas, but I'm not in the preferences box anymore. | 03:43 |
bigfoot | and i can't get back there coz there is no place to "right click". | 03:43 |
teknoprep | Andril, no | 03:43 |
Seveas | ah | 03:43 |
teknoprep | Andril, yes i did.. but can't find the autoupdate | 03:43 |
bigfoot | Seveas, I removed the checkbox for "expand" | 03:43 |
Seveas | bigfoot, click on the leftmost or rightmost pixel of the imploded toolbar | 03:44 |
Seveas | that should work | 03:44 |
ircbot_ | so... excited... | 03:44 |
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ircbot_ | about to leave for star wars!!!! | 03:44 |
Andril | teknoprep, yep - that's why I was wondering if the installer would damage my future updates | 03:44 |
Seveas | may the force be with you ;) | 03:44 |
ircbot_ | i will probably need it to fight the lines | 03:44 |
ircbot_ | yay for fandango | 03:44 |
ircbot_ | yay for my boss who bought my ticket on fandango | 03:44 |
Andril | My force is bigger than your's :) | 03:44 |
CybeRBl00D | i give up xD | 03:45 |
CybeRBl00D | haha | 03:45 |
ircbot_ | yes but my schwarts is bigger than yours | 03:45 |
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Seveas | ahh, spaceballs! | 03:45 |
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CybeRBl00D | spaceballs rulez | 03:46 |
Seveas | CybeRBl00D, nothing worked? | 03:46 |
Andril | ircbot_, yep good movie also | 03:46 |
CybeRBl00D | no | 03:46 |
CybeRBl00D | i'm gonna try later | 03:46 |
CybeRBl00D | hehehe | 03:46 |
CybeRBl00D | hey yesterday i download Cube2004 | 03:47 |
bigfoot | Seveas, thanks _so_ much! | 03:47 |
Seveas | yw bigfoot | 03:47 |
CybeRBl00D | but it puts that the SDL libraries aren't installed | 03:48 |
bigfoot | Seveas, may i be so bold to ask another q re: the GUI? | 03:48 |
teknoprep | andril nah.. the install installs it to your ~/ directory | 03:48 |
Seveas | bigfoot, ask all you want :) | 03:48 |
CybeRBl00D | i tried apt-get but it didn't find them :( | 03:48 |
CybeRBl00D | can u help me ?_? | 03:48 |
bigfoot | How do i make font size of the menu and its dropdown menu stuff smaller? | 03:48 |
bigfoot | I'm talking about all programs/menus. | 03:49 |
Seveas | CybeRBl00D, you still need to compile it? | 03:49 |
CybeRBl00D | no | 03:49 |
CybeRBl00D | it has the binaries i think | 03:49 |
Echelon-H | is there anything lighter than xfce? | 03:49 |
Seveas | Echelon-H, fluxbox | 03:49 |
g14 | Echelon-H: Blackbox | 03:49 |
zoolar2 | Echelon-H, ion | 03:49 |
Seveas | bigfoot, no idea, never tried that | 03:49 |
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CarlK | will this preseed work with breezy: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary/main/installer-i386/current/doc/manual/en/apcs01.html (changing hoary to breez) | 03:50 |
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Echelon-H | Hmm what do you recommand, xfce4 or fluxbox? | 03:50 |
Seveas | CybeRBl00D, there are quite a few sdl libraries | 03:50 |
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Seveas | CybeRBl00D, do apt-cache search libsdl and install what you think is neccessary | 03:50 |
Seveas | Echelon-H, what are the specd of your machine? | 03:51 |
Echelon-H | p4 1.3 ghz | 03:51 |
Echelon-H | 128 ram | 03:51 |
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Seveas | more than enough to run even gnome or kde :) | 03:53 |
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CybeRBl00D | :D | 03:53 |
zoolar2 | with 128 megs it's a pain | 03:53 |
Echelon-H | but I had gnome and it was slow. | 03:53 |
Echelon-H | xfce will do the trick? | 03:54 |
Seveas | Echelon-H, try xfce, it's easy to install | 03:54 |
Seveas | apt-get install xfce4 | 03:54 |
Echelon-H | can anyone tell me wtf is apt-get? | 03:54 |
Echelon-H | or for that matter apt thingy? | 03:54 |
Seveas | it's how you install software :) | 03:55 |
Seveas | it's how you install prebuilt and tested ubuntu packages actually | 03:55 |
Seveas | you can do it with synaptic too | 03:55 |
Seveas | or aptitude | 03:55 |
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Andril | teknoprep, thansk anyways - i'll wait for it & beagle too | 03:56 |
CybeRBl00D | ./bin_unix/linux_client: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_image-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 03:56 |
CybeRBl00D | :( | 03:56 |
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Seveas | CybeRBl00D, apt-get install libsdl-image1.2 | 03:57 |
Echelon-H | Uhhh, anyone got a clue where can I get vent 2.1.4 for linux | 03:58 |
CybeRBl00D | it says couldn't find package :S | 03:58 |
Seveas | it;s in universe, do you have that enabled? | 03:59 |
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firas | bigfoot: try this | 03:59 |
teknomaniac | i've installed kde ,how can i run it ? | 04:00 |
Seveas | teknomaniac, did you install it via apt-get/synaptic? | 04:00 |
Riddell | teknomaniac: select kde as the session before you log in | 04:00 |
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teknomaniac | yes | 04:01 |
Zyprexa_ | Can someone help me with booting the Ubuntu cd? | 04:01 |
Seveas | teknomaniac, then follow Riddell's advice :) | 04:01 |
Seveas | Zyprexa_, just put it in the drive and boot..? | 04:01 |
Zyprexa_ | doesn't work. | 04:01 |
Zyprexa_ | it does something for a long time when booting from cd-rom is enabled and then boots from hdd. | 04:02 |
Zyprexa_ | I tried smart boot manager but it tells that filesystem is corrupted or something like that | 04:02 |
Seveas | Zyprexa_, then you have a failed CD | 04:02 |
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Seveas | did you burn it yourself? | 04:02 |
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Zyprexa_ | I also tested the cd with another computer and it worked | 04:02 |
Zyprexa_ | yes i burned it myself as a iso | 04:03 |
teknomaniac | ok,how can i select kde as the session?:Pi'm new and i don't know | 04:03 |
rickardl | Hello! I'm trying to install ubuntu linux on my computer, but I have some problems configuring RAID, can anyone help me out here? | 04:03 |
Zyprexa_ | i think it's either my bios or my cd-drives | 04:03 |
jeroen_ | teknomaniac, just log out | 04:03 |
jeroen_ | teknomaniac, and select session | 04:03 |
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teknomaniac | aaaaa thx:P | 04:04 |
rickardl | What am I supposed to do inte the partition section to configure raid? | 04:04 |
Zyprexa_ | Do cd-roms read pressed cds better than home-burned? | 04:04 |
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zoolar2 | Zyprexa_, surely | 04:04 |
Seveas | rickardl, are you trying to install on raid? | 04:05 |
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Zyprexa_ | I think it might be just two realy lousy cd-drves. | 04:05 |
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Seveas | Zyprexa_, sounds like it | 04:05 |
rickardl | I guess so... | 04:05 |
Seveas | rickardl, search the wiki for tips | 04:05 |
rickardl | my computer has raid if that is what you mean | 04:05 |
Zyprexa_ | so just waiting for the pressed ones to come? | 04:06 |
rickardl | hmm, I've tried, but I can have another look at it | 04:06 |
sebas_ | check with the partitioning tool what partitions your system has | 04:06 |
rickardl | my system have two disks with two empty partitions | 04:07 |
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sebas_ | it also shows you ext2 ext3 reiserf raid | 04:07 |
rickardl | no | 04:08 |
=== Shufla [~shufla@cgl154.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Shufla | hello :D | 04:08 |
sebas_ | ubuntu is not complete yet in graphical interfaces | 04:08 |
Shufla | ?? | 04:08 |
sebas_ | messing with your partitioning may make your system useless | 04:08 |
jared | I'm distubed, I'm having a problem I thought I had left behind when I left M$. | 04:08 |
jared | OOo won't start up. tried deleting the profile, and doing a complete remove and install | 04:08 |
jeroen_ | Shufla, hello | 04:08 |
jared | Where can I find the errors that are surely coming up? | 04:09 |
Shufla | jared: start oowriter from console, what's the output? | 04:09 |
jeroen_ | jared, run it in a terminal | 04:09 |
Shufla | s/console/terminal/ | 04:09 |
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jeroen_ | Shufla, konsole == kde :P | 04:09 |
Shufla | is debian package building documentation suitable to ubuntu | 04:09 |
Shufla | jeroen_: console == text console afair ;) | 04:10 |
=== BrianB04 [~bbomamrit@pcp08392398pcs.newhav01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jared | I'm confused because I can't find OpenOffice's user files. | 04:10 |
BrianB04 | Is there a Ubuntu kernel that has support for SMP built in? | 04:10 |
jared | That's what it say | 04:10 |
jared | I guess I should put the profile back. one sec... | 04:10 |
Shufla | jared: Apps->System->Terminal. then type oowriter. look for errors. | 04:10 |
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sebas_ | a usefull trick is to save your current desktop and save the installation package you are using. With an ubuntu iso online install cd you can put your own system back by using the backed-up package information on ly | 04:11 |
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Seveas | BrianB04, | 04:11 |
Seveas | yes | 04:11 |
Seveas | BrianB04, install either linux-686-smp or linux-k7-smp (p4 resp. amd) | 04:12 |
sebas_ | ubuntu uses debian | 04:12 |
sebas_ | commands are the same | 04:12 |
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BrianB04 | I didn't know if anything in the ubuntu kernel that's installed by default, is tweaked | 04:12 |
jared | ok, so I deleted /home/jared/.openoffice/1.1.3 , Thought it would be rebuilt like in m$ word (dumb!), so how can I get it back? | 04:12 |
jared | it's not in the trash can | 04:13 |
Seveas | jared, it should be rebuilt... | 04:13 |
sebas_ | differences user and group set-up also ubuntu has no superuser standard | 04:13 |
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sebas_ | making a superuser makes repartitioning a running system possible | 04:13 |
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jeroen_ | sebas_, why not with sudo? | 04:14 |
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sebas_ | only a superuser can allow its own space to shrink in or out | 04:14 |
jared | Your ~/.sversionrc file tells they should be under /home/jared/.openoffice/1.1.3 , but they are not. Please fix the situation manually. | 04:14 |
jared | You may want to edit ~/.sversionrc to indicate where is OO installed, or remove it if you did remove your installation directory manually (you bad one). | 04:14 |
sebas_ | the command sudo leaves a lower user, the one you,re logged in with, running | 04:15 |
Shufla | it is very hard to be foss developer on lagged connection :( | 04:15 |
jared | Seveas, should I (temporarily) delete ~/.sversionrc also? | 04:16 |
sebas_ | sudo meanes a second active user temporarely the superuser can't you smell problems with security | 04:17 |
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jeroen_ | sebas_, sudo means superuser do | 04:17 |
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BrianB04 | Well, it rebooted, and came back up, now I gotta wait till I get home to see if everything booted right:) | 04:18 |
sebas_ | other linux variants have tools with GUI that allow repartitioning | 04:18 |
jared | Seveas, got it! deleted the ~/.sversionrc and it worked. Thanks | 04:18 |
space_oddity | hello, anyone with an Ati Mobility Radeon 9200? | 04:18 |
mjr | space_oddity, no, but a non-mobility 9250 and a mobility 9000 yes | 04:19 |
sebas_ | Yast2 Suse is such an system | 04:19 |
mjr | both work out of the box | 04:19 |
mjr | so if you have a spesific problem I mightn't have the answer | 04:19 |
tng_hayden | how do i isntall ati drivers? | 04:19 |
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space_oddity | mjr, does 3d accell. funcion? | 04:19 |
mjr | space_oddity, yes, and it should work pretty much out of the box (radeons <=9250 have 3d accel with the default free drivers, as opposed to the restricted drivers) | 04:20 |
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space_oddity | mmm | 04:20 |
mjr | (the restricted drivers might give you some extra speed, hassle and nonfreenes, but I haven't tried them) | 04:20 |
space_oddity | my 9200 does not have 3d acell... | 04:20 |
space_oddity | just a sec | 04:21 |
=== spades [~lenny@ool-18b93cb9.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mjr | space_oddity, see /var/log/Xorg.0.log (or something like that) and see any mentions for DRM/DRI | 04:21 |
mjr | it'll probably tell you what's wrong if indeed something is | 04:21 |
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space_oddity | mjr, yes | 04:22 |
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space_oddity | cat Xorg.0.log | grep EE | 04:23 |
space_oddity | (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown. | 04:23 |
space_oddity | (II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER | 04:23 |
space_oddity | (EE) RADEON(0): [agp] AGP failed to initialize. Disabling the DRI. | 04:23 |
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space_oddity | cat Xorg.0.log | grep WW | 04:23 |
space_oddity | (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown. | 04:23 |
space_oddity | (WW) The directory "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic" does not exist. | 04:23 |
space_oddity | (WW) The directory "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/CID" does not exist. | 04:23 |
space_oddity | (WW) `fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in "/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/CID". | 04:23 |
space_oddity | (WW) Open APM failed (/dev/apm_bios) (No such file or directory) | 04:23 |
space_oddity | (WW) RADEON(0): Failed to detect secondary monitor, MergedFB/Clone mode disabled(WW) RADEON(0): [agp] AGP not available | 04:23 |
theine | Is eclipse build with gcj in the breezy repos? | 04:23 |
space_oddity | (WW) Open APM failed (/dev/apm_bios) (No such file or directory) | 04:23 |
mjr | space_oddity, please don't paste the entire thing here; use pastebin.com or something | 04:23 |
space_oddity | sorry :-( | 04:24 |
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mjr | space_oddity, anyway, yes, it seems the problem is agp aperture support, which is a motherboard chipset thing and not really an X thing anymore (though it affects X) | 04:24 |
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mjr | that _should_ be automatically configured for most mbs but apparently in your case not :( | 04:25 |
space_oddity | but I have ati-agp loaded | 04:25 |
space_oddity | if I disable Load "extmod" in xorg.conf | 04:25 |
space_oddity | it works great | 04:25 |
mjr | space_oddity, hm? With 3d? | 04:26 |
=== housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-143-000.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
space_oddity | mjr, yes | 04:26 |
Seveas | space_oddity, you just need to disable dga | 04:26 |
Seveas | SubSection "extmod" | 04:26 |
Seveas | Option "omit xfree86-dga" | 04:27 |
Seveas | EndSubSection | 04:27 |
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space_oddity | Seveas, ok | 04:27 |
mjr | well, good riddance to DGA then ;) | 04:27 |
space_oddity | omit xfree86-dga ? xfree86 not xorg-dga? | 04:27 |
qko | hello | 04:27 |
w0wie | with apt is it possible to pin to a specific source? | 04:28 |
qko | which program plays avi formats? | 04:28 |
mjr | xfree86-dga is the extension name, so I'd think it remains the same in X.org | 04:28 |
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=== marios [~chatzilla@cmung1288.cmu.carnet.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
marios | hello everyone | 04:28 |
sebas_ | anyone? i can't set the size of the frames and fonts on the screen proper | 04:28 |
sebas_ | applications like tv work fine but the browserframes are to big | 04:29 |
Seveas | space_oddity, good one | 04:29 |
Seveas | i was wondering about that myself | 04:29 |
Seveas | but this works | 04:29 |
tng_hayden | is it possible to make a .deb from a .rpm, if so how/ | 04:29 |
Seveas | tng_hayden, yes, with alien | 04:29 |
tng_hayden | ok thanks | 04:30 |
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othernoob | does anyone know where i can get ati radeon 9800 pro drivers ? | 04:31 |
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theine | Is anybody running eclispe with gcj/gij on Ubuntu? | 04:31 |
space_oddity | Seveas, but in wich section should the "Subsection "extmod"" reside? | 04:31 |
Seveas | space_oddity, where normally you say Load "extmod" | 04:32 |
Seveas | you don't say Load "extmod" now | 04:32 |
spiderworm | on a 64 bit system, how do i set up 32 bit firefox? | 04:32 |
space_oddity | ok | 04:33 |
space_oddity | I will try | 04:33 |
space_oddity | bye | 04:33 |
theine | spiderworm, just out of curiosity, why do you want 32 bit firefox? | 04:33 |
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spiderworm | theine: flash player | 04:34 |
mjr | spiderworm, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24575 might help | 04:34 |
theine | spiderworm, oh, i see | 04:35 |
ogi_ | any idea why mplayer kinda hangs when I try to open a .wmv | 04:36 |
marios | http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2004-October/007837.html | 04:36 |
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marios | see this | 04:36 |
marios | http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2004-October/007837.html | 04:36 |
marios | firefox32 on amd64 | 04:36 |
=== mjr actually plugged Adobe to release the flash player as free software (hey, new owners, an opportune time to ask for a change in policy :) | ||
Hoxzer | Spider: you can't | 04:36 |
mjr | of course, they probably won't | 04:36 |
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Seveas | ogi_, is it drm protected? | 04:36 |
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ogi_ | Seveas, no idea.. | 04:36 |
Seveas | ogi_, do other .wmv files work? | 04:37 |
ogi_ | no | 04:37 |
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ogi_ | I've installed the w32 codecs but.. | 04:37 |
Seveas | ogi_, then you probably need to fiddle with the mplayer config :) | 04:38 |
Seveas | do the .wmv files work with totem> | 04:38 |
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van_ | hi | 04:38 |
ogi_ | Seveas, not there either | 04:38 |
Seveas | ah | 04:38 |
van_ | maybe anyone knows will Alias Maya work on Ubuntu linux? | 04:38 |
marios | hello vi | 04:38 |
refuze2looze | what packages do i need from apt-get to get nfs working? currently i have nfs-common and nfs-kernel-server. is there anything else? | 04:38 |
refuze2looze | van_: it should | 04:38 |
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van_ | http://www.alias.com/eng/support/maya/qualified_hardware/QUAL/maya_65_linux.html#os-nonRH | 04:38 |
Seveas | ogi_, do you get an error when you start totem from a terminal and try to play the .wmv file? | 04:39 |
Seveas | or does it just hang? | 04:39 |
ogi_ | hmm | 04:39 |
Seveas | van_, maya works on ubuntu | 04:39 |
van_ | yey :) | 04:39 |
van_ | thank you both for the answer | 04:39 |
bluefoxicy | how do I find the temp of my CPU? | 04:40 |
bluefoxicy | there was a program that did it without I2C installed | 04:40 |
ogi_ | Seveas, how do I start if from terminal ? :) | 04:40 |
Seveas | ogi_, open a terminal (applications -> system tools -> terminal) and type: totem | 04:41 |
Seveas | then simply open the file and hit play | 04:41 |
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s_yuan31tee | any on noe how to diff all the *.c file in a directory | 04:42 |
resiak | s_yuan31tee: Diff them all against each other? | 04:43 |
s_yuan31tee | diff /home/dir/*.c /home/xxx/*.c just wont work | 04:43 |
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ogi_ | Seveas, "there were no decoders found to handle the stream in file:....." | 04:43 |
ogi_ | so totem doesn't hang but it just doesn't open the file | 04:44 |
resiak | s_yuan31tee: No, it won't work. You'll need some kind of bash goodness to do something like `for $name in *; do $SOME_MAGICAL_WAY_TO_ASSIGN_THE_OTHER_FILE_TO_$foo; diff $name $foo; done; | 04:44 |
ogi_ | mplayer hangs | 04:44 |
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ogi_ | Seveas, http://pastebin.com/286563 | 04:45 |
s_yuan31tee | resiak: can u pls provide me an example on how to do magic way to assign other file to foo? | 04:45 |
ogi_ | terminal gives me those messages when I tried to open the wmv-file | 04:46 |
Seveas | ogi_, did you install w32codecs? | 04:46 |
ogi_ | Seveas, yes | 04:46 |
Seveas | from marillat testing or unstable? | 04:46 |
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resiak | s_yuan31tee: I _think_ that `for $i in *; do j=`echo $i | perl -pe 's#/home/dir#/home/xxx#'; diff $i $j; done;` works. | 04:46 |
ogi_ | sec | 04:46 |
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s_yuan31tee | resiak: cool, will try tat out | 04:47 |
resiak | s_yuan31tee: But you really should ask in #sh . More to the point, Perl is overkill, but I don't speak sed. | 04:47 |
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Seveas | s_yuan31tee, cd to the first dir | 04:48 |
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Seveas | then do: for X in *; do diff $X /path/to/other/dir/$X; done; | 04:49 |
mcdonaldswes | bash question: I have a variable with filename in it, like "/usr/local/foo"... is there an easy way to drop the foo and get "/usr/local/"? | 04:49 |
Brik | dpkg-divert: `diversion of /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 to /usr/lib/nvidia/libGL.so.1.xlibmesa by nvidia-glx' clashes with `diversion of /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 to /usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1.xlibmesa by xorg-driver-fglrx' | 04:49 |
Brik | what can i do? | 04:49 |
resiak | Seveas: You are far wiser than I :) | 04:50 |
resiak | Doesn't diff do recursion by itself? | 04:50 |
ogi_ | hmm..I found out that atleast I have forgot to edit the mplayer.conf file | 04:50 |
Brik | nvidia-glx_1.0.7174-3_i386.deb | 04:50 |
Brik | have some problem.... | 04:50 |
Seveas | or without a cd: for X in /path/to/dir/1; do diff $X /path/to/dir/2/`basename $X`; done; | 04:50 |
Seveas | resiak, no idea :) | 04:50 |
resiak | You can do diff DIR1 DIR2 | 04:51 |
resiak | ... | 04:51 |
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Seveas | hehehe | 04:51 |
resiak | s_yuan31tee: You can do diff DIR1 DIR2 | 04:51 |
Seveas | lol | 04:51 |
resiak | | | 04:51 |
resiak | / \ | 04:51 |
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shinu | how do i restart my ssh server? | 04:51 |
Seveas | shinu, /etc/init.d/sshd restart | 04:52 |
shinu | ok thanks Seveas | 04:52 |
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ogi_ | Seveas, how do I find out if w32 are from marillat testing or unstable | 04:52 |
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ogi_ | They are form marillat that's for sure but.. | 04:52 |
sebas_ | marc are you there | 04:52 |
Seveas | which version is it? | 04:52 |
Seveas | you can find out with dpkg -l w32codecs | 04:53 |
Seveas | i have 20050216 and that works fine | 04:53 |
bluefoxicy | what do I need to view my CPU temp? | 04:53 |
Brik | nobody else have problems with nvidia-glx_1.0.7174 packet? | 04:53 |
Seveas | bluefoxicy, a mobo with a sensor ;) | 04:53 |
bluefoxicy | someone when i first got my amd64 stopped me from installing lm-sensors because it needed i2c | 04:53 |
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ogi_ | Seveas, 20050412 | 04:53 |
bluefoxicy | and recommended another app that didn't need a kernel module | 04:53 |
shinu | is it ok if i have both ssh and openssh-server installed? | 04:53 |
bluefoxicy | and i got my mobo temp and CPU temp | 04:53 |
Seveas | hmm, that's much newer than mine, so they should work :| | 04:54 |
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bluefoxicy | but I don't remember wtf the app was | 04:54 |
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Seveas | bluefoxicy, there are gdesklets for that... | 04:54 |
bluefoxicy | Seveas: this was a program that drew 1 pixel wide graph lines | 04:55 |
kestas | when I pictured gdesklets I pictured apple's dashboard | 04:55 |
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ogi_ | Seveas, http://pastebin.com/286566 | 04:55 |
ogi_ | this is what it gave me when: dpkg -l w32codecs | 04:56 |
sebas_ | how do i get a chat back | 04:56 |
sebas_ | someone called marc made a button apear but after reboot it is gone | 04:57 |
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xMaximex | Is there an apt command to list and remove all unused dependencies ? | 04:57 |
Seveas | xMaximex, you might want to look into debfoster | 04:57 |
Seveas | be careful with it though | 04:58 |
sebas_ | I still have problems with my frames and lots more | 04:58 |
npiv | where can I change the default option, when you right click a video file it says open with totem, I need it to open with gmplayer -autosync 30 | 04:58 |
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Seveas | ogi_, i have no idea, i can only say that it works for me, sorry... | 04:58 |
ogi_ | ok | 04:58 |
ogi_ | well tell me how to kill mplayer | 04:58 |
npiv | kilall mplayer | 04:58 |
ogi_ | doesn't work | 04:59 |
npiv | killall -9 mplayer | 04:59 |
teknoprep | no funky a | 04:59 |
npiv | try killall gmplayer | 04:59 |
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npiv | or with -9 option | 04:59 |
teknoprep | ps -aux | grep player | 04:59 |
ogi_ | gmplayer worked | 04:59 |
npiv | sweet | 04:59 |
npiv | mplayer is the console player, gmplayer is the gnome frontend | 05:00 |
npiv | anyone here know gnome pretty well, where can I change the right click menu, specifically the default option to open media files with totem | 05:00 |
w0wie | does wine work for anyone when they apt-get it? | 05:01 |
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trondd | npiv: rightclick and select properties, and then the tab "Open with" | 05:01 |
npiv | trondd, :) I dont want to do that every time | 05:02 |
npiv | I want to change the menu | 05:02 |
sebas_ | npiv set default | 05:02 |
trondd | npiv: you don't have to, you can change the default player from htere. | 05:02 |
npiv | oh, my aplogies, Ill check it out | 05:02 |
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sebas_ | how can i change frame sizes | 05:03 |
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sebas_ | how can i change frame sizes the frames are to big for the screen i can't find the buttons | 05:04 |
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Seveas | w0wie, wine works for me | 05:05 |
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Seveas | but it depends on the application | 05:05 |
digip1mp | does anyone know of software that will let me _share_ a gnome desktop session with a remote user? | 05:05 |
Seveas | digip1mp, doesn't the ubuntu-provided vnc solution work? | 05:06 |
digip1mp | Seveas: does it actually share a current local session, or does it start a new one? | 05:06 |
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Seveas | digip1mp, if you go to system->preferences->remote desktop you can set it up to share your local session. VNC does not start new ones | 05:08 |
Seveas | you can select either share the view or share the control | 05:08 |
Orunitia | let's ask this one more time... I installed Hoary, and it freezes when gdm goes to start, any ideas? | 05:08 |
Brik | someone help me | 05:08 |
npiv | trondd, you where right man, thanks ;) | 05:08 |
Brik | i need adjuste my video card | 05:09 |
Brik | glx...don't work | 05:09 |
Orunitia | where is the x.org file located? | 05:09 |
Seveas | Orunitia, do you get any clues from the logs on why it freezes? | 05:09 |
Brik | Oriuntia th x.org it's ok | 05:10 |
trondd | sebas_: | 05:10 |
Brik | the problem is on acceleration | 05:10 |
Orunitia | it's ok? | 05:10 |
Seveas | /var/log/Xorg.*.log | 05:10 |
Orunitia | be right back then | 05:10 |
Brik | i can't install nvida-glx deb because there is a conflict between two libraries | 05:10 |
Brik | i can't install the packet, of course can't goes | 05:11 |
Seveas | BrianB04, where did you get the deb from? | 05:11 |
sebas_ | how can i change frame sizes the frames are to big for the screen i can't find the buttons | 05:11 |
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Seveas | sebas_, frames of what?? | 05:11 |
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Orunitia | Seveas - no such log | 05:11 |
sebas_ | can anyone help out with framerate settings | 05:12 |
Seveas | Orunitia, hmm | 05:12 |
Seveas | there should be Xorg.0.log and Xorg.20.log (they are on my machine at least) | 05:12 |
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sebas_ | frames of applications like browsers and gaim | 05:12 |
Orunitia | nope, nothing even close | 05:12 |
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sebas_ | all tv frames work perfect it is not the on-board card | 05:13 |
Orunitia | Can you tell me where x.org's config file is? Been a while since I've had to mess with one | 05:13 |
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Seveas | Orunitia, /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 05:14 |
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Orunitia | odd thing is I don't think I saw that when I looked | 05:14 |
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Orunitia | odd... no /etc/X11 | 05:15 |
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Seveas | that might explain things... | 05:15 |
Orunitia | heh, yeah | 05:15 |
sebas_ | Seveas frames of all x-server applications | 05:15 |
Seveas | Orunitia, try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 05:15 |
Orunitia | okay, be right back then | 05:16 |
Seveas | sebas_, i don't understand what you want to do... | 05:16 |
sebas_ | Seveas frames of all x-server applications | 05:16 |
sebas_ | Seveas frames of all x-server applications | 05:16 |
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mainer | crunitia: run as root, xorgconfig = command | 05:17 |
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mainer | interactive set-up tool for xorg | 05:17 |
sebas_ | Seveas frames of all x-server applications | 05:17 |
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Seveas | sebas_, can you be a bit more clear please | 05:18 |
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Seveas | if you want to resize an application, click on a border and drag | 05:18 |
Seveas | or hit the maximize/minimize buttons | 05:18 |
sebas_ | Seveas frames of all x-server applications all the frames are way to big | 05:18 |
tng_hayden | is there a way to list all the packages that are installed, in a terminal | 05:18 |
Seveas | tng_hayden, dpkg -l | 05:18 |
tng_hayden | thanks | 05:18 |
xim | hi. it's a bit inconvenient to stay with Firefox 1.0.2 while 1.0.4 exists, since the extensions page want you to upgrade to 1.0.4 before doing anything else... | 05:18 |
Seveas | tng_hayden, dpkg --get-selections gives vomplete names but without version numbers | 05:19 |
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Seveas | s/vomplete/complete/ | 05:19 |
xim | is there any plans to update to 1.0.4 | 05:19 |
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Seveas | xim, FF on ubuntu is 1.0.4 in disguise | 05:19 |
Seveas | it has all 1.0.4 security updates | 05:19 |
tng_hayden | thanks | 05:19 |
Seveas | and you can make FF lie about its version | 05:19 |
cmg_ | I installed Hoary, and i am having trouble with Fonts in a certain editor (SciTE)... it won't use certain Fonts that are available in other applications (like gedit or terminal) | 05:19 |
xim | Seveas, how? | 05:20 |
Seveas | xim, you can set its User-Agent: string | 05:20 |
xim | Seveas, i know that 1.0.2 is patched for security though | 05:20 |
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xim | Seveas, about:config? | 05:20 |
cmg_ | whats a good programmers editor that I can get from Synaptics? | 05:22 |
Seveas | cmg_, vim | 05:22 |
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cmg_ | Seveas, is vim like vi? I wana a gui editor | 05:22 |
Seveas | xim, actually, i did that with a plugin but i thought it was available without one too | 05:22 |
xim | cmg_, use gvim | 05:22 |
Seveas | cmg_, vim-gnome then :) | 05:23 |
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Seveas | cmg_, gedit is not bad too | 05:23 |
ubuntu | dir | 05:23 |
Seveas | and for KDE there is kate | 05:23 |
cmg_ | my fav editor is SciTE, but it gives me so many probs with Hoary | 05:23 |
xim | Seveas, circular dependency: i need an extension to lie about ff version, so i can get extensions ;) | 05:23 |
Seveas | yeah i know, it's bad :) | 05:24 |
Seveas | but i'm still looking in the ff config | 05:24 |
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cmg_ | ok.. got gvim.. now what is rgvim? | 05:28 |
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xim | cmg_, a restricted gvim. no need for you. | 05:29 |
cmg_ | xim, thanks.. can gvim show console output? | 05:29 |
xim | cmg_, i've tried to set fonts in scite, and got no problems. | 05:30 |
xim | cmg_, yes | 05:30 |
xim | you type ":!command" and you'll see the output | 05:30 |
cmg_ | xim, NONE of my monotype fonts work.. all I want is to find a readable monotype font to use in SciTE | 05:30 |
cmg_ | xim, ive literally spent like 10 hours fooling with fonts with it | 05:30 |
xim | Use a bang before the FT name | 05:30 |
xMaximex | does anyone tried to print on a canon i560 via a windows share ??? It doesn't work here | 05:30 |
cmg_ | xim, bang before what? | 05:31 |
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cmg_ | xim, also scite doesn't work with nautilus.. which makes it a huge pain in the ass | 05:31 |
xim | eg, in .SciteUser.properties | 05:31 |
IFRFLYR | I updated Ubuntu's Mozilla Firefox using the automatic update feature, now my extensions no longer work AND Mozilla.org/firefox won't let me access the Extensions page to get new ones because I'm using Ubuntu 1.02. What should I do? | 05:31 |
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xim | font.base=font:!Mono,size:10 | 05:31 |
xim | font.small=font:!Mono,size:9 | 05:31 |
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cmg_ | xim, Hoary has basically been a disaster for me.. Im tempted to go back to Warty | 05:32 |
xim | I'm not familiar at all with scite though | 05:32 |
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cart | Hi, there's a way to apt get all devel tools i need to devel in c/c++ for example??? | 05:32 |
cmg_ | xim, the bang fixed my prob | 05:32 |
cmg_ | :D | 05:33 |
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IFRFLYR | Put different: How can I update Firefox to latest other than manual install of 1.0.4 (ubuntu firefox is 1.0.2)? | 05:33 |
cmg_ | xim, thanks dude! now I can use scite again :) If I could only get to work from Nautilus | 05:33 |
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tsume | IFRFLYR: build manually | 05:34 |
IFRFLYR | I was told on this list that I should avoid that due to some ubuntu drama, tsume. Thanks. Can you advise the path Firefox should be in in Ubuntu? | 05:34 |
digip1mp | IFRFLYR: if you want the latest and greatest, package-based operating systems are not for you... otherwise, you have to wait for a ne wpacakage to be released... It sucks, but that is really the answer | 05:35 |
tsume | 1.0.2 | 05:35 |
digip1mp | IFRFLYR: you might be able to find someone who has compiled an ubuntu package of out there on the web somewhere with some google work | 05:35 |
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IFRFLYR | Folks, I'm happy to compile it (My other computer is a Gentoo Box ;) ) but I was advised against it here. Can anyone tell me where Mozilla firefox wants to live under Ubuntu? | 05:36 |
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sjoko | HI! | 05:36 |
xim | IFRFLYR, /usr/local is the prefix for unpackaged but compiled programs | 05:36 |
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sjoko | anyone here with dvd playback problems? | 05:37 |
sjoko | or anyone could help me? | 05:37 |
firasR | hi sjoko | 05:37 |
xim | IFRFLYR, /opt is sometimes used to unpackaged and binairy packages | 05:37 |
IFRFLYR | Thanks xim! I looked on this box and see /usr/bin/mozilla-firefox and /usr/bin/firefox though - that was my confusion | 05:37 |
nickrud | IFRFLYR, I read on this list last night that if you change general.useragent.vendorSub to 1.0.4, extensions will work again. | 05:37 |
sjoko | i have done the steps from ubuntuguide.org | 05:38 |
firasR | sjoko: what's ur problem ? | 05:38 |
xim | IFRFLYR, s/packages/software or applications/ | 05:38 |
IFRFLYR | Thanks nickrud! | 05:38 |
xim | IFRFLYR, /usr prefix is for packaged software | 05:38 |
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digip1mp | IFRFLYR: hahahha I was going to tell you to use Gentoo, but decided against it in the Ubuntu channel. I got really sick of trying to maintain bleeding edge while working and going to school so I am trying to train myself to be patient... | 05:38 |
IFRFLYR | digip1mp: ;) | 05:38 |
xim | I've been running Gentoo for more than a year, and the only benefit i see is for newbies to learn about the guts of a linux system. The gentoo documention is very good | 05:39 |
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digip1mp | xim: yeah - I used Gentoo to throw myself into using open source... | 05:40 |
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IFRFLYR | Xim, the advantages are greater than that, though I agree. I love knowing exactly what's there, and not having any rubbish in the kernel or yes, the /usr tree! | 05:40 |
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digip1mp | xim: I still think it's easiest to maintain apache servers that need special modules or configs on Gentoo | 05:40 |
IFRFLYR | I also think gentoo is best for running a server for mail and web... | 05:40 |
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HrdwrBoB | IFRFLYR: that is why you're not a server admin. | 05:41 |
chocoIate | back | 05:41 |
nanomad | i need a help...someone should tell me ubuntu defaults fonts 'cause ive messed up with mine | 05:41 |
sig | IFRFLYR: I also think people that say dumb stuff like that are dumb. | 05:41 |
chocoIate | liable : you in there man :o | 05:41 |
sig | listen to you | 05:41 |
sig | go back to #gentoo | 05:41 |
HrdwrBoB | let me tell you what is best for a server... stability. security. | 05:41 |
IFRFLYR | HrdwrBob, and sig, thanks so much | 05:41 |
sig | no one wants to hear you | 05:41 |
firasR | nanomad: just "sans" for everything and "monospace" for terminal fonts | 05:42 |
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xim | digip1mp, the lack of reverse dependencies makes Gentoo risky on servers, IMHO | 05:42 |
IFRFLYR | If anyone took offence, I meant none. It's just a discussion. Take it easy, folks | 05:42 |
HrdwrBoB | look, there's nothing wrong with gentoo | 05:42 |
xim | debian stable is very good for server | 05:42 |
HrdwrBoB | run gentoo all you like | 05:43 |
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IFRFLYR | I run both and like both. | 05:43 |
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HrdwrBoB | but it's not, and inherently never will be a good choice for a server | 05:43 |
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HrdwrBoB | especially when you run 30-40 severs | 05:43 |
HrdwrBoB | and you need them all to just work | 05:43 |
xim | IFRFLYR, familiar with fixpackages and revdep-rebuild? | 05:43 |
IFRFLYR | Nope, please tell me! | 05:43 |
nanomad | firasR, thx | 05:44 |
xim | IFRFLYR, ok, so you don't know gentoo intimately ;) | 05:44 |
IFRFLYR | Never said I did, xim! | 05:44 |
xim | lol | 05:44 |
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xim | j/k | 05:44 |
HrdwrBoB | xim: on an unrelated note - freenx is very, very cool. | 05:44 |
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HrdwrBoB | -xim | 05:44 |
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chocoIate | ok, heres my case, i have successfully built this driver under ubuntu -->> http://www.sm56.tk ; then I have tried to install the driver with the make install command and i get a success message as follows -->> http://pastebot.nd.edu/913 ; i check in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ and /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/char/ and in both areas i find sm56 exists ; now i run "sudo modprobe sm56" at the command prompt and it fails ; the ins | 05:45 |
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xim | HrdwrBoB, what's the benifit over VNC or X11? | 05:45 |
renbolicious``` | somebody willing to defend his case? | 05:45 |
chocoIate | the file that runs as i hit the make install is here --->> http://pastebot.nd.edu/912 | 05:45 |
chocoIate | anybody :o | 05:46 |
HrdwrBoB | xim: it's about (according to my seat-of-the-pants measurement) a hojillion times faster | 05:46 |
HrdwrBoB | I'm using it over an ADSL link | 05:46 |
HrdwrBoB | it feels no slower than using the local machine for web browsing | 05:46 |
firasR | nanomad: ur welcome :) | 05:46 |
xim | chocoIate, what's the error message | 05:47 |
chocoIate | everytime i try to run 'modprobe sm56' i continue to get : FATAL: Module sm56 not found. | 05:47 |
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chocoIate | but its there | 05:47 |
chocoIate | even when pointing to the file directly and it chokes with the same error message | 05:48 |
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xim | chocoIate, run "depmod -a" as root | 05:48 |
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chocoIate | and then :o | 05:48 |
chocoIate | what is that supposed to do by the way depmod -a | 05:48 |
bluefoxicy | lol | 05:48 |
chocoIate | hi bluefoxicy :P | 05:49 |
chocoIate | i'm a noob, didnt mean to make a fool of myself :"> | 05:49 |
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=== PoWeRoFHaCkEr [hihi@modemcable042.250-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xim | chocoIate, man depmod ; ) | 05:49 |
PoWeRoFHaCkEr | Hi i wanna got LiNuX and be a hacker, a site to learn how broke pc when u use LiNuX | 05:50 |
bluefoxicy | I'm going to go onto the openoffice.org bugzilla | 05:50 |
bluefoxicy | and make 600 bug reports | 05:50 |
xim | chocoIate, depmod -a rebuild the list of available modules. modprobe needs an up-to-date list | 05:50 |
bluefoxicy | one for each individual element of a 40 page word document that doesn't display right. | 05:50 |
xim | PoWeRoFHaCkEr, rofl | 05:50 |
space_oddity | PoWeRoFHaCkEr, google :-) | 05:50 |
chocoIate | well, i guess what i wanted to ask originally is ; is depmod -a all i need to do or would i need to modprobe sm56 after depmod -a | 05:50 |
bluefoxicy | Because I submitted a bug about "MS Word import filter problems" | 05:50 |
bluefoxicy | and they closed it | 05:50 |
bluefoxicy | saying "Invalid: One problem per issue" | 05:50 |
xim | chocoIate, you need to modprobe after depmod | 05:51 |
bluefoxicy | I thin kthe problem is pretty clear: THE MS WORD FILTER IS BROKEN | 05:51 |
chocoIate | ok, thanks | 05:51 |
chocoIate | i'll be back | 05:51 |
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chocoIate | this is a bit crazy since i need to reboot again, load ubuntu and try the command, and as always it might not work and then boot out again and come back and cry in here till someone hears me :P | 05:51 |
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digip1mp | PoWeRoFHaCkEr: the best hacking computers are Atari 2600's. Until you own one of these goverment supercomputers, you'll never be a respected hacker... | 05:52 |
chocoIate | brb | 05:52 |
xim | chocoIate, you need to do this work with a second computer near you, it's gonna | 05:52 |
xim | chocoIate, easier... | 05:52 |
chocoIate | oh well, wish i had a second pc :P | 05:53 |
xim | PoWeRoFHaCkEr, try to hack, it should be an easy target to begin with | 05:53 |
chocoIate | brb | 05:53 |
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Rash | Hey guys, I just want to know what is the superuser password on Hoary Live DVD AMD64? | 05:54 |
alexandre | hi | 05:54 |
sig | aspreme | 05:54 |
jansen | Rash are u here? | 05:54 |
Rash | YEs | 05:54 |
alexandre | salut | 05:55 |
Rash | salut | 05:55 |
Rash | OK, be right back. | 05:55 |
jansen | Rash plz use the common user | 05:55 |
Rash | I wanted to install something that needs the su | 05:55 |
alexandre | i'm looking for a good gnome IRC client (not xchat) | 05:55 |
jansen | type su passwd root,then u can set the password for root | 05:55 |
jansen | Rash type su passwd root,then u can set the password for root | 05:56 |
Rash | Thank you very much. :) | 05:56 |
jansen | alexandre are u russian? | 05:56 |
xim | alexandre, freshmeat.net | 05:56 |
sig | alexandre: irssi | 05:56 |
jansen | Rash where are u from? | 05:56 |
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xim | rash is brazilian, alexandre is french | 05:57 |
jansen | xim where are u? | 05:57 |
xim | in front of my computer | 05:57 |
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x_or | When I do a shutdown, it sends a message to all consoles. How do I send a message to every console in the same way? | 05:57 |
ikasama | Noob question: is there a way to change my screen resolution to above 1024 x 768 without manualy editing any files? | 05:57 |
xim | in montreal | 05:57 |
Seveas | Rash, setting a superuser password in a livedvd is useless... | 05:58 |
alexandre | testing gaim... | 05:58 |
jansen | xim alexandre like the russian name | 05:58 |
{Seb} | hey all | 05:58 |
{Seb} | weried question | 05:58 |
jansen | {Seb} hi | 05:58 |
{Seb} | hey jansen | 05:58 |
{Seb} | anyway | 05:58 |
alexandre | jansen, not, in fact my grand-parents were greeks, so alexandre i smore like a greeek name :) | 05:58 |
{Seb} | on my desktop, my usb memory stick is recongised and moutned | 05:58 |
{Seb} | by my cardreader isn't | 05:58 |
alexandre | xim how do u know my nationality? | 05:58 |
{Seb} | any ideas why? | 05:59 |
jansen | alexandre it's so cool | 05:59 |
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xim | /whois alexandre | 05:59 |
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yhonatan | amm hello | 05:59 |
xim | brb, moving... | 05:59 |
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x_or | How do I send a message to all consoles in a way similar to what happens when I run shutdown or reboot? | 05:59 |
PoWeRoFHaCkEr | Who snort cocaine | 05:59 |
yhonatan | some one can give the official ubuntu archive? | 05:59 |
sebas_1 | seb is it in the bootlist? | 06:00 |
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Seveas | archive.ubuntu.com | 06:00 |
hom | hi | 06:00 |
PoWeRoFHaCkEr | Who snort cocaine | 06:00 |
{Seb} | dunno | 06:00 |
jansen | PoWeRoFHaCkEr what happened? | 06:00 |
yhonatan | ok | 06:00 |
yhonatan | 10x:) | 06:00 |
{Seb} | i get this dodgy kernel error | 06:00 |
hom | can i use linuxant drivers | 06:00 |
Seveas | hom, sure | 06:00 |
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hom | without any harddisk installation | 06:00 |
sebas_1 | can you check if yoy missed uninstalling older versions | 06:00 |
jansen | yhonatan from isral | 06:00 |
sebas_1 | installing new versions over older is a known linux problem | 06:01 |
{Seb} | can't find the error | 06:01 |
{Seb} | any ideas why? | 06:01 |
Seveas | hom, hmm, that's more difficult | 06:01 |
{Seb} | could it be the chipset | 06:01 |
hom | how difficult | 06:01 |
PoWeRoFHaCkEr | i heard about LINUS TORVALD SNORT COCAINE ! | 06:01 |
guupsta | omg | 06:02 |
jansen | nothing | 06:02 |
Seveas | PoWeRoFHaCkEr, stop it please... | 06:02 |
housetier | thats not even worth raising an eyebrow | 06:02 |
yhonatan | ann | 06:02 |
jansen | it's his business | 06:02 |
hom | there is no linux livecd that i can compile drivers on | 06:03 |
Seveas | hom, you could try creating a custom livecd :) | 06:03 |
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PoWeRoFHaCkEr | hom: ask linus to stop cocaine for two day, and write a distrib for you | 06:03 |
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housetier | hom I used a live cd built system once, it allowed to create custom live cds. well more like rescue cds but anyway... lets see if I can dig up an url for you | 06:04 |
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Seveas | housetier, the Ubuntu livecd can easily be customized too | 06:05 |
Seveas | there are instructioins in the wiki | 06:05 |
PoWeRoFHaCkEr | seveas ok i stop now | 06:05 |
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housetier | hom the system I used back then was this: http://rescuecd.sourceforge.net/ | 06:08 |
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jamesio | does anyone here use xchat? | 06:09 |
we2by | <-- he is | 06:09 |
sebas_1 | do two | 06:10 |
jamesio | what are the two lines under the userlist box for? | 06:10 |
we2by | lag and ...? | 06:10 |
jamesio | the top bar is about 3% filled in | 06:10 |
housetier | lag meter and throttle meter | 06:11 |
jamesio | ok, thanks | 06:11 |
housetier | how much you lag, how much data you are sending per second or so | 06:11 |
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we2by | I hope you have short lag bar | 06:11 |
we2by | ;) | 06:11 |
housetier | [18:12:01] --- Ping reply from housetier : 641.11 second(s) | 06:11 |
Seveas | oops | 06:11 |
Seveas | :) | 06:11 |
jamesio | the top one is almost empty | 06:11 |
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jamesio | and the bottom bar is empty | 06:12 |
Seveas | jamesio, that's normal | 06:12 |
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jamesio | sev, figured... once I knew what they were used for | 06:12 |
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blackMOORE | i need some help with pppd/pon | 06:13 |
blackMOORE | heres the plog | 06:13 |
jamesio | I don't know if I have the right to be in here.... hehe. I took down my win2k server, replaced it with ubuntu, didn't like it too much for a server, erased that and make it a freebsd server | 06:13 |
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ZbergK | Hello | 06:13 |
Seveas | jamesio, eek :p | 06:13 |
blackMOORE | #plog | 06:13 |
blackMOORE | May 20 03:56:19 localhost chat[8260] : -- got it | 06:13 |
sri_ | I dist-upgraded in breezy! And gdm/X is not starting. It says 'fixed' font missing .. font path changed .. something like that | 06:14 |
blackMOORE | May 20 03:56:19 localhost chat[8260] : send (ATDT0101325^M) | 06:14 |
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sri_ | did anyone else face this problem? | 06:14 |
blackMOORE | May 20 03:56:19 localhost chat[8260] : expect (CONNECT) | 06:14 |
Seveas | sri_, read the topic | 06:14 |
blackMOORE | May 20 03:56:19 localhost chat[8260] : ^M | 06:14 |
Seveas | blackMOORE, NO PASTING in here please | 06:14 |
Seveas | use a pastebin | 06:14 |
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sri_ | Seveas sorry, i am already at breezy .. using it for past week | 06:14 |
Seveas | X is very unstable on breezy now | 06:14 |
Seveas | as well as other things | 06:15 |
sri_ | Seveas is it true that we should wait for a month of 2 before switching to it? | 06:15 |
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Seveas | sri_, absolutely | 06:15 |
sri_ | Seveas it's already a month | 06:15 |
Seveas | sri_, a month or two from now on i mean | 06:15 |
jamesio | Seveas, although... I made my 2 laptops ubuntu and am dual-booting my desktop with xp | 06:15 |
sri_ | Seveas ok ... so now I can change breezy to hoary in my sources.list .. and do apt-get dist-upgrade? | 06:15 |
sri_ | is that enough? | 06:15 |
Seveas | sri_, no | 06:15 |
sri_ | Seveas what should I do now? | 06:16 |
Seveas | downgrading is not easy (impossible even) | 06:16 |
sri_ | oh | 06:16 |
sri_ | ! | 06:16 |
=== blackMOORE [~blackMORE@tc2-13-123.citechco.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | reinstalling hoary would be the best option. The other is to become a linux expert and fix all breezy-related errors | 06:16 |
sri_ | ok .. so now has anyone got a solution for this font error in X? | 06:16 |
jamesio | Seveas, I heard that "(impossible even)" in a cartoon voice | 06:16 |
blackMOORE | how do i stop May 20 03:56:24 localhost chat[8260] : Failed (NO DIALTONE) | 06:16 |
sri_ | btw, i have only one VC .. ctrl+alt+2 .. doesn't show another | 06:17 |
jamesio | can't remember the character's name though... | 06:17 |
Seveas | elmer fudd? | 06:17 |
blackMOORE | how do i stop my modem looking for dialtone ? ? | 06:17 |
jamesio | no0tic, he was a tiger | 06:17 |
jamesio | or puma | 06:17 |
Seveas | blackMOORE, by giving it one? | 06:17 |
sri_ | ! only one console .. brb | 06:17 |
Seveas | tigger from pooh? | 06:17 |
=== xiaogil [~xiaogil@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jamesio | Seveas, I'll google it... | 06:17 |
xiaogil | The cd-rom drive is on /dev/hd_what ? | 06:18 |
blackMOORE | how do i do that Seveas ? | 06:18 |
Seveas | xiaogil, usually /dev/hdc | 06:18 |
Seveas | but that completely depends on your system | 06:18 |
IFRFLYR | HrdwrBob, and sig, I looked back and saw what you reacted to. I was *trying* to say that I didn't like using *MY* gentoo machine as a desktop, but rather it was best for MY server, while Ubuntu was FOR ME best for my notebook as a desktop. Apologies. I certainly didn't mean to disparage Ubuntu's abilities. :) | 06:18 |
Seveas | blackMOORE, by plugging a decent and working telephone cable in the modem... | 06:19 |
xiaogil | Seveas: how to know ? Actually, it's to use a soft with wine that I ask | 06:19 |
blackMOORE | Seveas i have all the things ok .. it works under windows but under linux it says "no dialtone" | 06:19 |
Seveas | xiaogil, /dev/cd is usually symlinked to the correct device so use that | 06:20 |
blackMOORE | im using the same line+modem+isp from windows right now Seveas | 06:20 |
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jamesio | Seveas, Snagglepuss was the character's name | 06:21 |
Seveas | jamesio, any link? | 06:21 |
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stephan_ | hi @all | 06:22 |
Rash | Sorry, I had to leave for a while. I am from Sao Paulo, Brazil. | 06:22 |
jamesio | Seveas, funny thing... I can't find any good links to audio files to let you know the voice | 06:23 |
Rash | Seveas, why setting a password is useless? | 06:23 |
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blackMOORE | dialerw works under windows but under linux it says "no dialtone" im using the same line+modem+isp from windows right now <> so my hardwares are ok | 06:24 |
blackMOORE | what do i do ? how to make pppd stop looking for dialtone ? | 06:25 |
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jamesio | Seveas, http://www.the-earchives.com/scripts/detail.asp?queryby=list&movie_title=Snagglepuss | 06:26 |
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rhymes | any emacs hacker here? i have a problem with t-gnus/emacs with ubuntu breezy. when i load gnus it says "gnus-agent-read-agentview no longer supports version 0. Stop gnus, manually evaluate gnus-agent-convert-to-compressed-agentview, then restart gnus" | 06:26 |
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xim | ow, firefox is crashing a lot today | 06:27 |
we2by | worse than IE? | 06:27 |
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xim | dunno, never used IE for a long time, windowsupdate only, and ie3 on a mac ;) | 06:28 |
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xim | rhymes, read the topic ; ) | 06:28 |
sri_ | ah! I have 2 X11 fonts directories | 06:29 |
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sebas_1 | ayone on frames that are to big | 06:29 |
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xim | sebas_1, i missed your question | 06:30 |
sebas_1 | xim all my frames are oversized | 06:30 |
sebas_1 | xim minimizing soesn't help | 06:30 |
we2by | seb128, get a bigger monitor? | 06:31 |
xim | sebas_1, what are you trying, which commands/operations are you doing? | 06:31 |
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sri_ | oo! anyone else fixed the X start error (font)? | 06:31 |
xim | sebas_1, is it a network problem, or an application window size problem? | 06:31 |
sebas_1 | when running any program like a browser the frames it make don't fit the screen it looks like it is set in a very enhanced mode or so | 06:32 |
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sebas_1 | xim an application size problem | 06:32 |
xim | sebas_1, is it happening with every applications? | 06:32 |
xim | sebas_1, which one did you tried? | 06:32 |
sebas_1 | xim not with tv or kuickview dia | 06:32 |
xim | sebas_1, which ones are problematic? | 06:33 |
sebas_1 | the option full screen works perfect | 06:33 |
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sebas_1 | all applications that work in a frame | 06:33 |
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xim | sebas_1, in a frame? what do you call a frame? | 06:34 |
xim | sebas_1, ones with a window border? | 06:34 |
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sebas_1 | the frame that has the close minimize and max... buttons usually righthand top | 06:35 |
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xim | sebas_1, hit "Alt-F2" and type "xterm" then click OK. Is this window oversized? | 06:35 |
sebas_1 | window is another word for frames but is mixes me up | 06:35 |
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xim | sebas_1, does it was working at some point, then stopped to work correctly? | 06:36 |
sebas_1 | window is a program or O.S. of some sort | 06:36 |
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sebas_1 | xim the suse-9.1 on the second partition does noet have this problem | 06:36 |
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sebas_1 | xim the screen looks like it it set for someone with readingdisabbility | 06:37 |
xim | sebas_1, please answer my other questions (xterm, appearance of the problem) | 06:37 |
spo0nman | has anyone managed to get belkin f5d7010 wireless card working? | 06:38 |
xim | sebas_1, go in "System", Preferences, "Assistive Technology Preferences". Does "Enable assistive technologies" is checked? | 06:38 |
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sebas_1 | xim this starts a regular size X-terminal | 06:39 |
phxguy | anyone familiar with Xnest | 06:39 |
xim | sebas_1, good | 06:39 |
Seveas | phxguy, i am | 06:39 |
phxguy | How do I get it to work Seveas | 06:39 |
Seveas | applications -> system tools -> new login in a nested window | 06:40 |
sebas_1 | xim I said it fits the screen it is still way oversized the lettersize fits a newspaperfront | 06:40 |
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dabaSlon | well, font size can be adjusted... | 06:41 |
dabaSlon | or is it the resolutions that is weird./. | 06:41 |
dabaSlon | go check that in System, Prefs, Screen Res,. | 06:41 |
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sri_ | success!! i overcome the 'fixed' font not found X11 error! | 06:42 |
sri_ | :) | 06:42 |
sebas_1 | using 640*480 | 06:42 |
sri_ | c ya | 06:42 |
phxguy | Seveas: I dont seem to have anything in my applications menu | 06:43 |
Seveas | phxguy, then you need to do "apt-get install xnest" first | 06:43 |
dabaSlon | is that too small a resolution for your objects on the screen to look normal? | 06:43 |
phxguy | Ive already installed it through synaptic | 06:43 |
dabaSlon | Seveas: hi, are you just trying to get him to open a new login? | 06:44 |
dabaSlon | Seveas: or is it soemthing different? | 06:44 |
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Seveas | dabaSlon, no, he wants to use xnest | 06:44 |
dabaSlon | Ill go see what it is. | 06:44 |
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dabaSlon | sebas^ need higher resolution? | 06:44 |
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Echelon-H | is there an official ICQ for linux? | 06:44 |
Seveas | phxguy, does Xnest :1 give you an ugly X screen? | 06:45 |
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phxguy | Seveas: let me try... it it does how do I get back here | 06:45 |
dabaSlon | Echelon-H: um...gaim works if you are already registered. | 06:45 |
=== xim feel under heavy lag suddenly | ||
Seveas | phxguy, try: gdmflexiserver --xnest | 06:45 |
xim | i'm used to epic and i'm now in xchat. What are those two lines below the channel user list? | 06:45 |
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sebas_1 | xim they show datatransfer activity | 06:46 |
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dabaSlon | Echelon-H: there is an ICQ client as well, just for icq, but gaim work for multiple protocols, and isjust one prograqm... | 06:46 |
phxguy | When I type Xnest:1 I get command not found | 06:47 |
dabaSlon | sebas, did you figure that out? | 06:47 |
larsrohdin | hi, im trying to install ubuntu on my 233 mhz machine. how can I install without gnome | 06:47 |
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dabaSlon | bvrb | 06:47 |
Seveas | phxguy, that was Xnest :1 (with a space) but the correct way to start it is: gdmflexiserver --xnest | 06:47 |
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sebas_1 | dabaSlon no just remembered | 06:47 |
phxguy | Server is already active for display 0 | 06:47 |
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Seveas | phxguy, with gdmflexiserver? | 06:48 |
danko123456 | phxguy: you installed xnest, and did you restart your gnome-panel? | 06:48 |
larsrohdin | someone told me just to type "server" at boot, but that command was not found... | 06:48 |
sebas_1 | why can't I remember how to set frame-rates or whatever you call it (please not a Wondow) | 06:48 |
michel_ | what someone know kylix3? | 06:48 |
danko123456 | it is in Apps>Sys Tools. | 06:48 |
phxguy | Seveas: Sorry Im Using Kubuntu with KDE and KDM | 06:49 |
danko123456 | larsrohdin: for an "expert" install? | 06:49 |
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larsrohdin | danko123456, i want to install everything exept gnome | 06:49 |
Seveas | ah ok | 06:49 |
ska-fan | How do I import a key that was used to sign packages? | 06:49 |
Seveas | don't know about that, sorry | 06:50 |
Seveas | ska-fan, apt-key | 06:50 |
danko123456 | larsrohdin: that may well be an expert install, dunno... | 06:50 |
Seveas | ska-fan, was it marillat? | 06:50 |
danko123456 | phxguy: so you need the comman for starting it basically? | 06:50 |
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larsrohdin | danko123456, no other ideas | 06:50 |
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phxguy | danko123456: yup thats pretty much it | 06:50 |
ska-fan | Seveas: no, cipherpunk | 06:51 |
Seveas | ah ok | 06:51 |
Seveas | do you know its key id? | 06:51 |
Seveas | or dou you have it in a file? | 06:51 |
ska-fan | cipherfunk | 06:51 |
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klaas | hi all | 06:51 |
ska-fan | Seveas: No, I'll just import it :) | 06:51 |
klaas | i've got a problem | 06:51 |
klaas | when i installed codecs to play .wmv, everything worked | 06:52 |
klaas | till now | 06:52 |
klaas | when i try to open a .wmv file, i'm receiving strange sounds | 06:52 |
klaas | and if i try to open anoher file, the sound is normal | 06:52 |
Seveas | ska-fan, then do gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv_keys THE_KEY_ID && gpg --export --armor THE_KEY_ID | sudo apt-key add /proc/self/fd/0 | 06:53 |
klaas | but on some files, i hear nothing, suddenly a sharp tone, than nothing again .. | 06:53 |
kestas | kestas@kestaspc:~$ sudo apt-key add Release.gpg | 06:53 |
kestas | gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found. | 06:53 |
kestas | whats up with that? | 06:53 |
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kestas | Release.gpg seems to have GnuGPG in it | 06:53 |
Seveas | kestas, apt-key is for adding keys, not for handling the .gpg files... | 06:53 |
kestas | Seveas: how do you add keys? | 06:53 |
kestas | where do you get them from rather? | 06:53 |
danko123456 | phxguy: yeah, not easy to find...there is a man xnest...read it? | 06:54 |
Seveas | kestas, once you know the id you do: gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv_keys THE_KEY_ID && gpg --export --armor THE_KEY_ID | sudo apt-key add /proc/self/fd/0 | 06:54 |
kestas | good grief | 06:54 |
sebas_1 | what is the window-manager for ubuntu | 06:55 |
kestas | why /proc/self/fd/0? | 06:55 |
kestas | isnt that floppy disk drive stuff? | 06:55 |
Seveas | because apt-key can only handle files | 06:55 |
Seveas | this is a cheat to make it use stdin | 06:55 |
IIIEars | nautilus? | 06:55 |
tsume | sebas_1: the default desktop for ubuntu is crappy Gnome | 06:55 |
kestas | ah I see | 06:55 |
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danko123456 | phxguy: gdmflexiserver --xnest . | 06:55 |
danko123456 | :) | 06:55 |
Seveas | danko123456, he uses kde... | 06:55 |
tsume | sebas_1: you might want to use kubuntu, as its more advanced than gnome | 06:55 |
danko123456 | so? | 06:55 |
IIIEars | konquerer? | 06:55 |
Seveas | we reached that command a few minutes ago already | 06:55 |
lotusleaf | I installed KDE on ubuntu and fluxbox ;) | 06:56 |
Seveas | danko123456, so he does not have gsm installed | 06:56 |
danko123456 | he may as well us that comand. not gonna do any harm. | 06:56 |
Seveas | gdm* | 06:56 |
phxguy | already tried it -> command not found | 06:56 |
IIIEars | okay | 06:56 |
danko123456 | Seveas: you had that command on screen??:) | 06:56 |
sebas_1 | using ubuntu and suse 9-1 | 06:56 |
phxguy | i get this error | 06:56 |
phxguy | Fatal server error: | 06:56 |
phxguy | Server is already active for display 0 | 06:56 |
phxguy | If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock | 06:56 |
phxguy | and start again. | 06:56 |
IIIEars | suse - heh - nothing recobnized at boot up - not even simple things like network cards. | 06:57 |
Seveas | danko123456, i typed it twice in the channel already :) | 06:57 |
sebas_1 | IIIEars thats why ubuntu | 06:57 |
kestas | okay thanks Seveas | 06:57 |
sebas_1 | tv works; printer works only all the windows are oversize | 06:58 |
IIIEars | sebas_1 "Oversize? = 640x480? | 06:59 |
sebas_1 | suse is nice but way over my head in devellopments | 06:59 |
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xim | sebas_1, try this: 1) quit firefox; 2) start firefox; 3) resize the window to a proper size; 4) quit firefox; 5) start firefox; 6) tell us what happened | 06:59 |
sebas_1 | IIIEars setting the onboard card doesnot affect the windowsize | 07:00 |
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danko123456 | seveas:)...anyhow, well, maybe the equivalent of gdmflexiserver in kde. | 07:00 |
Tron|BoRG | Heyy | 07:00 |
IIIEars | Ubuntu doesn't support Intel video i810 very well... If it did my wife would be using Ubuntu | 07:00 |
sebas_1 | IIIEars the windowsize is determined by the framerate (check suse if you want to it works on there desktop) | 07:00 |
=== Larius [yknow@c-24-147-77-46.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Larius | ok, i won't use breezy... | 07:01 |
Tron|BoRG | breezy badger | 07:01 |
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Larius | i was in the middle of the download | 07:01 |
danko123456 | Seveas: isnt gdm the whole login screen? Does Kubuntu not have gdm? | 07:01 |
phxguy | danko123456: Kubuntu uses KDM | 07:01 |
Larius | anyone know why not use breezy? | 07:01 |
xim | Larius, it's in developpement, so packages can be quite buggy or inconsistent | 07:02 |
Larius | thx xim | 07:02 |
IIIEars | Konquerer is the only thing i miss that is KDE | 07:03 |
Iljitj | i want opera bit when i print apt-get install opera in a terminal it says that the package could not be found | 07:03 |
phxguy | Okat Somethings gone screwy now with my system Need to reboot | 07:03 |
xim | sebas_1, so the problem is the font size, not the window size? | 07:04 |
danko123456 | phxguy: :) | 07:04 |
IIIEars | Opera isn't open source is it? | 07:04 |
spo0nman | IIIEars, NO | 07:04 |
xim | IIIEars, no it's not | 07:04 |
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Larius | can i get in iso using bittorrent? | 07:04 |
IIIEars | then i'll pass on it. - lol | 07:04 |
Larius | s/in/an | 07:04 |
xim | FLOSS don't put ads in front of users | 07:04 |
sebas_1 | xim maybe the fontsize | 07:04 |
danko123451 | this xnest is pretty cool./ | 07:04 |
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danko123456 | yes, danko123451, it sure is... | 07:05 |
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xim | sebas_1, did you tried to reduce your font size in System->Preferences->Fonts ? | 07:05 |
Larius | nm i think i found it | 07:05 |
Iljitj | so you cant get opera by printing apt-get..... | 07:05 |
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athlon | I'm following the instructions in : LAMP for Hoary Hedgehog Wiki. I am having problem because php4 doesnt have mysql support compiled in ? which php4 package do I have to install in order to get mysql support ? | 07:05 |
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xim | sebas_1, size should be something like 8,9, 10, 12 or so. | 07:06 |
sammy_ | hi! | 07:06 |
xim | athlon, in synaptic, search for php, then scroll to find the one with mysql | 07:07 |
athlon | okay, thanks | 07:07 |
sammy_ | how change the monitor resolution!? | 07:07 |
sebas_1 | xim trying now | 07:07 |
sebas_1 | sammy monitor resolution determines the number of outgoing lines | 07:08 |
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danko123456 | heh, there is one right thre in synaptic, php4-mysql | 07:08 |
IIIEars | sammy_ - does the control panel offer to few resolution choices? | 07:08 |
danko123456 | sammy_: what is your graphics card, is it an on board one? | 07:08 |
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sebas_1 | sammy if i turn them lower the screen shrinks leaving a black rim where it has no information | 07:08 |
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sammy_ | ati radeoon | 07:08 |
danko123456 | then xconf? | 07:09 |
danko123456 | I dont know, thankfully I have an on board:) | 07:09 |
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teknoprep | eh | 07:09 |
IIIEars | Nvidia - no problems knock on wood (taps forehead) | 07:09 |
teknoprep | you guys having a probelem with radeon drivers | 07:09 |
danko123456 | IIIEars: :) | 07:10 |
teknoprep | <--- fglrx configuration masta lol | 07:10 |
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danko123456 | not really, it is just more involved...to change the resolution, care to explain sammy how to change it? | 07:10 |
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sammy_ | where is xconf ?! | 07:10 |
xim | fglrxconfig is a fine piece of software | 07:10 |
teknoprep | have gotten it to work on alot of distro's with alot of kernels | 07:10 |
=== xim laughing hard | ||
teknoprep | xim its a script | 07:10 |
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sebas_1 | xim the fonts are better but the windows still to big | 07:11 |
danko123456 | teknoprep: go ahead, tell sammy_ how to change the screen resolution. | 07:11 |
IIIEars | xim - how do you invoke the command for fglrxconfig? | 07:11 |
teknoprep | you mean add resolutions to his xorg.conf so he can change resolutions | 07:11 |
xim | sebas_1, it's hard to see the problem you have, can you put a screenshot on a web site? | 07:11 |
danko123456 | xim, sebas_1, your resolution is 640x480, hello...? | 07:11 |
sebas_1 | xim the buttons down below like accept and close don't show | 07:12 |
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pinPoint | whats the best way to add a new user? | 07:12 |
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xim | pinPoint, adduser | 07:12 |
IIIEars | to reconfigure xorg - sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 07:12 |
danko123456 | pinPoint: Systtem menu>Administration>Users and Groups | 07:12 |
pinPoint | terminal online | 07:12 |
xim | IIIEars, don't use fglrxconfig, it's a piece of **** | 07:12 |
pinPoint | only* | 07:12 |
Larius | will 120M ram be enough for hoary? | 07:12 |
sebas_1 | xim 1024*1028 is possible but I already downgraded it using sudo dpkg.......xserver-xorg | 07:13 |
danko123456 | well, then, sudo adduser usah | 07:13 |
teknoprep | LOL | 07:13 |
teknoprep | 1280x1024 | 07:13 |
teknoprep | oh you atlking about size | 07:13 |
danko123456 | mine is set to that too I think. | 07:13 |
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danko123456 | teknoprep: sebas' screen resolution is too low, and he is changing fonts to make them smaller:) | 07:14 |
teknoprep | LOL | 07:14 |
xim | mine is 1400x1050 | 07:14 |
teknoprep | this is fucking great | 07:14 |
teknoprep | same here xim | 07:14 |
teknoprep | you on a laptop | 07:14 |
xim | yep | 07:14 |
danko123456 | weird, thats a wide screen res, prob. | 07:14 |
teknoprep | www.ecsusa.com/g736 | 07:14 |
teknoprep | www.ecsusa.com/g736.htm | 07:14 |
teknoprep | 1280x728 i think | 07:14 |
sebas_1 | teknprep you are right its 1280*1024 but working it down doesnot affect the windowsizes | 07:14 |
xim | nope, 4/3, 16/9 | 07:14 |
danko123456 | http://www.ecsusa.com/g736.html | 07:14 |
IIIEars | I am always curious about different apps. The wisdom and experience of Ubuntu developers has saved me from a lot of pain. - tried installing FreeBSD a few weeks ago - needed an entire bottle of aspirin. - lol | 07:14 |
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danko123456 | sebas, then what does it affect? | 07:15 |
teknoprep | if you use 1280x1024 on an LCD that wants to run at 1400x1050 its going to look like shit | 07:15 |
IIIEars | LCD - "Native" resolution trouble. - CRTs are best for now. | 07:15 |
teknoprep | bleh | 07:15 |
danko123456 | yeah, well, its a totally diff like, group of res's one is a wide, one a normal screen res... | 07:16 |
teknoprep | LCD's own you | 07:16 |
teknoprep | contrast is awesome on them | 07:16 |
sebas_1 | the splash: 1280*1024 uses the entire screen others either oversize or leave a black rim | 07:16 |
teknoprep | thye are so sharp | 07:16 |
Tron|BoRG | teknoprep: snap | 07:16 |
Tron|BoRG | damn nice, i agree :D | 07:16 |
teknoprep | shooting electron's at a screen aimed at your face, i am not a big fan of that | 07:16 |
xim | CRT still have better image | 07:16 |
danko123456 | sebas, told you, everythinjg looks bigger with a small resolution, I think you should just change that. | 07:16 |
teknoprep | xim not true | 07:16 |
Tron|BoRG | 1400x1050 owns all | 07:16 |
IIIEars | Gaming is still a bit better on CRTs - they don't bloom or glow. | 07:16 |
teknoprep | yup | 07:16 |
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teknoprep | Tron|BoRG, did you check out my laptop.. i have this model in black... www.ecsusa.com/g736.html | 07:17 |
=== E0x [~moya@pri-133-b32.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu | ||
E0x | hello | 07:17 |
teknoprep | very nice laptop.. very nice running for linux | 07:17 |
Tron|BoRG | ok, i'll have a look | 07:17 |
danko123456 | well, it has a p4...:-p | 07:18 |
teknoprep | hehe | 07:18 |
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pinPoint | how do i lock a user from gaining terminal access | 07:18 |
pinPoint | just want them to ftp alone | 07:18 |
teknoprep | p4 2.8ghz 800mhz fsb HT 1GB L2 cache ... 2gb ddr400 | 07:18 |
xim | i like LCD for low size, low weight and low heat, but not for low price or for nice picture | 07:18 |
teknoprep | xim | 07:18 |
teknoprep | ? | 07:18 |
teknoprep | i got my 19 inch for 279 | 07:18 |
xim | .. "ECS recommends Microsoft Windows XP Professional" | 07:18 |
xim | lol | 07:18 |
teknoprep | lol xim | 07:18 |
teknoprep | fuck ECS and what they recomend | 07:19 |
xim | hard to find a vendor without a twisted arm | 07:19 |
sebas_1 | xi m i'll try and set the 1280*1024 back since this works for suse | 07:19 |
teknoprep | you have to buy the parts when you get one of those | 07:19 |
teknoprep | sebas_1, wtf | 07:19 |
IIIEars | CRTs aren't very good if you like them on all the time they use a lot of juice. | 07:19 |
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Tron|BoRG | teknoprep: pretty bad ass top | 07:19 |
teknoprep | ty | 07:19 |
=== JoKeR`` [~JoKeR@uni14-1-82-233-222-68.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
E0x | i have a nvidia 6600GT and yerterday i install ubuntu hoary everything is ok ( the install process ) but i have problem with X , i see the nvidia module are present in the system and i load it ( modprobe nvidia ) and lsmod confirm that , i edit the xorg.conf file and put Driver "nvidia" , but when X start say him can't find the module nvidia | 07:19 |
E0x | anyidea ? | 07:19 |
danko123456 | teknoprep: , what does sebas wtf mean? | 07:19 |
Tron|BoRG | what the f*** | 07:20 |
Tron|BoRG | :P | 07:20 |
teknoprep | danko123456, dunno.. nick completion sucks | 07:20 |
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teknoprep | f*** i thought it meant fuck | 07:20 |
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Tron|BoRG | yeah it does | 07:21 |
IIIEars | E0x - I added the binary driver provided on the nvidia site immediately - glxgears screams games play very well | 07:21 |
my__haz | i need to look at retrieve the content of a file.iso how can i do that in command line | 07:21 |
xim | my__haz, mount -o loop,ro /path/to/isofile.iso /mnt/iso | 07:21 |
xim | my__haz, /mnt/iso have to exists | 07:22 |
my__haz | thank you have very much | 07:22 |
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my__haz | i understand thank you | 07:22 |
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E0x | IIIEars i have the source in other thing , but ubuntu dont come with the kernel source for compile a new nvidia driver :( | 07:23 |
sebas_1 | back here | 07:23 |
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danko123456 | teknoprep: http://www.mts.net/~danb/dscn0142.jpg thats mine:-p | 07:23 |
sebas_1 | teknoprep back here | 07:23 |
my__haz | xim, what does the ro do? | 07:23 |
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omV0 | i'm trying to get my scanner to work. it's supported by the snapscan backend in sane. but when i try to scan an image i get | 07:24 |
xim | my__haz, readonly | 07:24 |
omV0 | scanimage: open of device snapscan:libusb:002:006 failed: Error during device I/O | 07:24 |
danko123456 | teknoprep: not very nice running for linux... | 07:24 |
IIIEars | build essentials and kernal files are in synaptic. | 07:24 |
teknoprep | LOL | 07:25 |
E0x | IIIEars no internet at home :( | 07:25 |
teknoprep | he sent me a picture of his laptop | 07:25 |
teknoprep | nice laptop danko123456 | 07:25 |
danko123456 | tenks | 07:25 |
sebas_1 | how do i resize the icons of the desktop? | 07:25 |
teknoprep | you running panther | 07:25 |
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my__haz | xim, then if i want to umount then i just `umount ~/iso/` | 07:25 |
teknoprep | os x 10.4 ? | 07:25 |
danko123456 | yup, i didnt send you a picture, I gave you a link to it. | 07:25 |
danko123456 | not sure, wanst it .3 | 07:25 |
danko123456 | ? | 07:26 |
IIIEars | Ouch - Does anyone know if the build essentials and kernal headers are part of the Ubuntu add-ons iso file? | 07:26 |
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danko123456 | I could not care less what they call it:) | 07:26 |
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danko123456 | IIIEars: jiyuu0 sure must know. | 07:26 |
xml-blog | hi folks, anyone had much success getting mythtv running on hoary? | 07:26 |
sebas_1 | teknoprep how do i resize the icons of the desktop? | 07:26 |
pinPoint | how do you check who's connected on ftp and how fast its going? | 07:26 |
E0x | IIIEars i looking in the cd with apt and dont see anything | 07:26 |
pinPoint | using vsftpd | 07:26 |
E0x | :( | 07:26 |
=== Bazzi [Bastian@p5484DCBF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
teknoprep | armyops here we come | 07:27 |
IIIEars | E0x - the "Add-ons" iso? | 07:27 |
sebas_1 | teknoprep how do i resize the icons of the desktop? they are to big as well | 07:27 |
=== yurtesen [~yurtesen@a193-229-101-137.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
jiyuu0 | IIIEars, build essentials is in the add-on-cd | 07:27 |
E0x | oh | 07:27 |
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E0x | another iso ? IIIEars ? | 07:27 |
danko123456 | oooh...he magically appears:) | 07:27 |
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teknoprep | sebas_1, what | 07:28 |
jiyuu0 | danko123456, cause i heard the beep sound | 07:28 |
teknoprep | sebas_1, figure it out man | 07:28 |
jpfarias | how often is ubuntu packages updated? | 07:28 |
jiyuu0 | IIIEars, packages list http://ubuntuguide.org/add-on-cd/add-on-cd-2005-05-08 | 07:28 |
danko123456 | from me putting your nick in the sentence? | 07:28 |
jiyuu0 | yes | 07:28 |
IIIEars | obviously it isn't going to help E0x right now if he doesn't have the iso - yep amazing isn't it | 07:28 |
teknoprep | sebas_1, on your journey in figuring it out.. you may figure out some other stuff in the process | 07:28 |
danko123456 | jiyuu0: how do you set that up? with gaim? | 07:28 |
jpfarias | I found mozilla-firefox is at 1.0.5 and still 1.0.2 on unbutu... | 07:28 |
jiyuu0 | in xchat u can set beep sound | 07:29 |
jiyuu0 | i configure the sound to be the gaim sound | 07:29 |
teknoprep | no thats just the preconfigured binary | 07:29 |
Lafitte- | anyone know how to open a bach prompt that will show output from running programs ? | 07:29 |
danko123456 | teknoprep: you are weird:) but whatever... | 07:29 |
jiyuu0 | so when u put me in the sentence... i get the beep sound | 07:29 |
teknoprep | you can download the tar.gz and compile it youreslf | 07:29 |
Kpjas | Hi ppl I'm all black and blue after a fresh 5.04 install - nothing works | 07:29 |
teknoprep | danko123456, ty | 07:29 |
IIIEars | Thank You for the link. .) | 07:29 |
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xMaximex | what is vino-server and pickup ?? can i kill and remove those package ? | 07:29 |
Tron|BoRG | Kpjas: whys that? | 07:29 |
danko123456 | kk, Kpjas, like what? | 07:29 |
Tron|BoRG | lol | 07:29 |
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Kpjas | net is working after all | 07:30 |
E0x | anyway thx | 07:30 |
moquist_ | how can I tell which repository a package comes from? | 07:30 |
Kpjas | I have an empty desktop | 07:30 |
danko123456 | Kpjas: doesnt it come empty? | 07:30 |
Kpjas | I expected to have a home icone | 07:30 |
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sebas_1 | how do I change desktopsettings? | 07:30 |
danko123456 | put one there, its easy. You can go into Apps> System TOols> COnf editor. | 07:31 |
IIIEars | still amazed by how much you can do with two ubuntu CDs compared to how little i couuld do with Fedora Core's four CDs - lol | 07:31 |
danko123456 | sebas, you too, that is where you can look. | 07:31 |
moquist_ | Kpjas: you have a menu instead of an icon. | 07:31 |
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Kpjas | scroll mouse doesn't work it hurts | 07:31 |
lotusleaf | IIIEars, I'm doing more with my ubuntu CD and synaptic than I did with SUSE on DVD with YaST | 07:32 |
Kpjas | ubuntu is not good at recognizing gfx cards | 07:32 |
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Tallia1 | hi guuys........ | 07:32 |
Tallia1 | i've a fast problem to solve...... | 07:32 |
Lafitte- | Kpjas, you hate ubuntu dont you | 07:32 |
Tallia1 | java ........ | 07:32 |
Kpjas | Lafitte-: Ilove it | 07:32 |
bravo | edit xorg.conf "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" under mouse stuff | 07:33 |
Tallia1 | i've setted the classpath into the /usr/profile.. | 07:33 |
Lafitte- | Kpjas, hehe me too | 07:33 |
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Tallia1 | now i can run it from the terminal | 07:33 |
Kpjas | Lafitte-: I'm still trying to make it usable | 07:33 |
pinPoint | anyone mind telling me? | 07:33 |
Lafitte- | Kpjas, my scroll worked the icon for home is under places | 07:33 |
pinPoint | where and how you can check ftp connections | 07:33 |
Lafitte- | Kpjas, what mouse you have ? | 07:34 |
Kpjas | sudo is a bit of a pain when you must edit a lot of things manually | 07:34 |
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bravo | edit xorg.conf "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" under mouse stuff | 07:34 |
Kpjas | can I switch sudo perm ? | 07:34 |
danko123456 | Tallia1: any more info>? | 07:34 |
Lafitte- | Kpjas, run root terminall then can forget sudo | 07:34 |
teknoprep | hi all, i love you | 07:34 |
teknoprep | never have i found more amusement durring work hours.. then listening to ppl talk here | 07:35 |
Kpjas | Lafitte-: Logitech Pilot wheel mouse | 07:37 |
Lafitte- | Kpjas, have you went to ubuntuguide.org yet ? | 07:37 |
bravo | edit xorg.conf (add this) "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" under mouse stuff | 07:37 |
lotusleaf | lol | 07:37 |
Cal[] John | I'm getting this error when i try to download updates: "E: /var/cache/apt/archives/gzip_1.3.5-9ubuntu3.2_i386.deb: malloc failed (2014345335 bytes): Cannot allocate memory" anyone know what's up? | 07:37 |
sebas_1 | do i have to reboot to have an affect for settings | 07:37 |
Seveas | teknoprep, get to work you moron ;p | 07:37 |
moquist | sebas_1: which settings? | 07:37 |
abarbaccia | Kpjas, try the command `sudo -s` | 07:37 |
sebas_1 | moquist reset to 1280*1024 lines on the screen | 07:37 |
Lafitte- | Kpjas, many fixes there and can cut and paste | 07:38 |
Lafitte- | Kpjas, should just work from box | 07:38 |
teknoprep | Seveas, lol | 07:38 |
danko123456 | Kpjas: sudo -s may give you a root login... | 07:38 |
Lafitte- | Kpjas, so thats odd | 07:38 |
bravo | can anyone see me?? | 07:38 |
Lafitte- | Kpjas, i use logitech notebook scroll mouse | 07:38 |
danko123456 | yup, we see you. | 07:38 |
Lafitte- | bravo, no | 07:38 |
moquist | sebas_1: no. just log out and log in again. | 07:38 |
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danko123456 | or restart x, with alt+ctrl+backspace | 07:38 |
teknoprep | Seveas, i love sitting here | 07:38 |
Kpjas | Lafitte-: really after install it was a disaster - X didn;t work etc etc | 07:38 |
bravo | i'm unvisisbubble | 07:38 |
teknoprep | my ethernet card is running like shit | 07:38 |
danko123456 | bravo:) | 07:38 |
Ali_Baba | This channel is huge :) | 07:38 |
teknoprep | lol | 07:38 |
Seveas | wooow | 07:38 |
Seveas | netsplit | 07:38 |
teknoprep | was huge | 07:38 |
Ali_Baba | lots of ubuntu people :) | 07:38 |
Lafitte- | Kpjas, wow is all i can say i installed it to three machines so far and they all worked on install | 07:38 |
danko123456 | wow | 07:38 |
E0x | only the choosen one stay | 07:39 |
E0x | :D | 07:39 |
danko123456 | Seveas: wghat was that?? | 07:39 |
teknoprep | netsplit | 07:39 |
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Seveas | danko123456, that happens sometimes, connection between two servers gets broken | 07:39 |
Kpjas | Lafitte-: I'm not giving up :) | 07:39 |
danko123456 | ah. Thanks. | 07:39 |
pinPoint | whats the latest unrar package? | 07:39 |
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Lafitte- | Kpjas, hehe good make sure you have newest one or somthing | 07:40 |
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Seveas | unrar-nonfree is at 3.4.3-1 | 07:40 |
pinPoint | thanks | 07:41 |
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danko123456 | Kpjas: did you figure out how to add the icons to desktop? http://ubuntuguide.org/#showdesktopicons | 07:41 |
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teknoprep | wb all | 07:41 |
danko123456 | :) | 07:41 |
teknoprep | crossoffice owns | 07:42 |
Ali_Baba | Does anyone know how i can get a penguin avatar.There is lots of same looking penguin avatars in ubuntu forums :) | 07:42 |
Kpjas | OK leave you for now, to try out sth. BRB | 07:42 |
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sebas_1 | teknoprep no effect | 07:42 |
Cal[] John | I'm getting this error when i try to download updates: "E: /var/cache/apt/archives/gzip_1.3.5-9ubuntu3.2_i386.deb: malloc failed (2014345335 bytes): Cannot allocate memory" anyone know what's up? | 07:42 |
teknoprep | sebas_1, what | 07:43 |
Ali_Baba | is there some site where you can make your own penguin avatar? | 07:43 |
sebas_1 | teknoprep 1280*1024 gives the same results | 07:43 |
teknoprep | as what | 07:43 |
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teknoprep | what resolution is your monitor supposed to be run at | 07:43 |
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teknoprep | sebas_1, do you know? | 07:43 |
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teknoprep | sebas_1, wtf.. man... is it a 1400x1050 resolution lapotp.. what | 07:43 |
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danko123456 | teknoprep: youre a little inpatient, arent you:-p | 07:44 |
danko123456 | m | 07:44 |
teknoprep | danko123456, lol | 07:44 |
teknoprep | danko123456, now how can you tell that | 07:44 |
danko123456 | give him a sec to rtfm:) | 07:44 |
sebas_1 | the lower rate | 07:44 |
Florob | Cal[] John: maybe corrupt memory, or no more swap/RAM space? | 07:44 |
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teknoprep | danko123456, i hate helping ppl with VERY basic shit.. and they can't come up with a quick answer | 07:44 |
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teknoprep | danko123456, like the resolution of there monitor | 07:44 |
danko123456 | teknoprep: :) | 07:45 |
teknoprep | danko123456, should ppl use linux that do not know these basics | 07:45 |
sebas_1 | teknoprep 1280*1024 works with suse it it the resolution | 07:45 |
danko123456 | Cal[] John: hehe, a malloc error from apt? | 07:45 |
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teknoprep | sebas_1, i am asking you the resolution that your monitor handles | 07:45 |
teknoprep | sebas_1, you tell me this | 07:45 |
danko123456 | ha | 07:45 |
teknoprep | sebas_1, what size is your monitor? | 07:45 |
teknoprep | danko123456, see what i mean | 07:46 |
teknoprep | danko123456, how long does it take to type in 15 17 19 21 | 07:46 |
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danko123456 | you so funny. | 07:46 |
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sebas_1 | teknoprep 1280*1024 | 07:46 |
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sebas_1 | teknoprep 1280*1024 this setting works with suse | 07:46 |
Kpjas | re | 07:46 |
danko123456 | ok, did you restart x at all, sebas? | 07:46 |
Kpjas | scrolling now works thx ppl | 07:46 |
moquist | I can see the phpmp package on machine A, but not on machine B. Machines A and B have the same /etc/apt/sources.list and both have been apt-get updated. What gives? | 07:46 |
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teknoprep | danko123456, HAHAHAH | 07:46 |
Cal[] John | Florob: it could be, but the system monitor shows that everything _looks_ fine, so im more inclinded to think otherwise | 07:46 |
danko123456 | Kpjas: excellent, what else? | 07:46 |
zyga | hello | 07:46 |
teknoprep | seb128, what size is your monitor in inches | 07:46 |
Cal[] John | dank0123456: is that unusual? or sarcasm? or both? ;) | 07:46 |
zyga | how to check where was a bash variable defined? | 07:46 |
sebas_1 | teknoprep going to do so again | 07:46 |
teknoprep | sebas_1, what size is your monitor in inches.. or in your case cock lengths | 07:46 |
zyga | for example I have FOO=bar and I have no idea how it gets there | 07:47 |
danko123456 | I would say both, but not towards you, jsut funny apt would throw a malloc error... | 07:47 |
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danko123456 | teknoprep: haha...whats up? | 07:47 |
Kpjas | danko123456: I expect my gfx can can do better than now what is the tool to tweak settings ? | 07:47 |
danko123456 | zyga: some are assigned by bash at startup, why? | 07:47 |
teknoprep | danko123456, just the answers that sebas_1 gives | 07:47 |
zyga | danko123456: I have http_proxy defined | 07:47 |
zyga | danko123456: it's nowhere in my .bashrc nor .bash_profile | 07:48 |
zyga | danko123456: I've grepped all over the place and now I'm just dumb | 07:48 |
Florob | Cal[] John: well system monitor will not show corrupt ram, you could let memtest86 run and see what it says. | 07:48 |
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danko123456 | well, remove it, | 07:48 |
danko123456 | Florob: you think that is why | 07:48 |
danko123456 | ? | 07:48 |
zyga | danko123456: remove it from where ;-) I don't know where it gets defined | 07:48 |
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eliteforce | hi | 07:48 |
danko123456 | well, remove it where you know you can define it, if yyou mind it. | 07:49 |
Cal[] John | Florob: ok, ill google for that and come back. thankyou, you're much cooler than the debian guys :p | 07:49 |
danko123456 | yeaH, Im much cooler now then when I used to use Debian... | 07:49 |
Cal[] John | ;) | 07:49 |
zyga | danko123456: anyway make has a way to tell where something originated $(orig) or something, I was wondering if bash has something similar | 07:49 |
danko123456 | perhaps | 07:49 |
Florob | danko123456: i think what is why? | 07:49 |
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eliteforce | is it possible to create a list of links to all packages required for kubutu-desktop (my inet @ home is too slow, so i've got to download this stuff somwhere else) | 07:49 |
danko123456 | Florob: the faulty ram being the cause. | 07:50 |
Florob | danko123456: if it is faulty that is probable IMO, isn't it? | 07:50 |
danko123456 | yes, eliteforce, Ill get it for you. | 07:50 |
Cal[] John | i asked that question on their channel and i was seriously shouted down. its just a simple question, and someone was helping me, but this other guy just wouldn't leave off with the caps | 07:50 |
danko123456 | yup | 07:50 |
danko123456 | I just didnt have a clue... | 07:50 |
eliteforce | danko123456: that would be very nice | 07:50 |
sebas_1 | teknoprep screen now much sharper like it should | 07:50 |
sebas_1 | teknoprep still very big windows | 07:51 |
teknoprep | gotta love running internet explorer on linux.. does that make it safe then to not be hacked even when running internet explorer | 07:51 |
Tron|BoRG | really haha | 07:51 |
Tron|BoRG | why not firefox? | 07:51 |
teknoprep | sebas_1, you are not from the US or speak english natively sebas_1 do you | 07:51 |
teknoprep | i have firefox also | 07:51 |
=== chet [~chet@cpe-065-190-056-004.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pinPoint | how do i deny shell access to a user only ftp | 07:51 |
eliteforce | lol | 07:51 |
teknoprep | but some of my stuff at work needs IE only working stuff | 07:51 |
Tron|BoRG | ah right | 07:51 |
danko123456 | eliteforce: http://pastebin.com/286626 | 07:51 |
Seveas | pinPoint, create a virtual user in your ftp server | 07:52 |
teknoprep | like m$hit visio | 07:52 |
sebas_1 | teknoprep yep i'am dutch | 07:52 |
pinPoint | ?? | 07:52 |
chet | hello everyone, could someone assist in 128 bit WEP setup please? | 07:52 |
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Florob | teknoprep: you know what? I once had regedit running on linux, that was geeky | 07:52 |
pinPoint | i used to be able to do it in freebsd | 07:52 |
danko123456 | cal:) | 07:52 |
teknoprep | sebas_1, its very hard to talk t you | 07:52 |
pinPoint | /sbin/nologin | 07:52 |
teknoprep | lol florob | 07:52 |
danko123456 | hah, I hear only bad things of some of the #debian users | 07:52 |
danko123456 | is it here on freenode? | 07:52 |
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globule | Hi :) | 07:53 |
sebas_1 | teknoprep are oversized windows so difficult a problem I just can't find the right menu | 07:53 |
teknoprep | sebas_1, what do you mean oversized windows | 07:53 |
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teknoprep | are the borders oversized | 07:53 |
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teknoprep | are the windows bigger then the screen | 07:53 |
teknoprep | is your head too small and you only think the windows are big | 07:53 |
teknoprep | wtf does oversized windows mean | 07:54 |
danko123456 | haha | 07:54 |
sebas_1 | teknoprep the maximixe button does not work | 07:54 |
teknoprep | why not | 07:54 |
eliteforce | danko123456: and where can i get this packages from without apt-get? i guess a hoary repository :) | 07:54 |
teknoprep | sebas_1, i would suggest reinstalling | 07:54 |
teknoprep | sebas_1, and untill you figure shit out | 07:54 |
rickard | hello... I'm having problems getting my soundblaster card to work with ubuntu.... I have two soundcards and the other one works fine... the soundblaster card apperas in the mixer, but I can't get any sound... any ideas whan might be wrong? | 07:54 |
sebas_1 | teknoprep they are so big the bottompart disappears | 07:54 |
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teknoprep | sebas_1, either skrew with stuff and not care what hapends... or don't skrew with stuff you don't know about | 07:54 |
teknoprep | seb128, go reinstall | 07:54 |
teknoprep | sebas_1, go reinstall | 07:55 |
teknoprep | sebas_1, i am done now... you are frustrating me | 07:55 |
Cal[] John | florob: since apt-get doesn't work, im not really sure how to install this | 07:55 |
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Cal[] John | florob: sorry, im very new to linux, how to i get stuff to install? | 07:55 |
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danko123456 | rickard: what is the sound card? | 07:55 |
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danko123456 | Cal[] John: like what are you installing, the memory check thing? | 07:56 |
sebas_1 | teknoprep take care I sent a lot off teachers home | 07:56 |
rickard | soundblaster audigy 2 zs | 07:56 |
danko123456 | I knew it was an audigy | 07:56 |
gaston_ | how i make a boot disk for a computer without a hd | 07:56 |
rickard | danko123456, problems with them? | 07:56 |
danko123456 | rickard, paste the output of amixer to http://pastebin.com , please. | 07:56 |
gaston_ | and witout a cdroom | 07:56 |
Cal[] John | florob: yeah, that | 07:56 |
danko123456 | rickard, no just a mixer tweak. | 07:56 |
sebas_1 | teknoprep will drop adressing you for a while; there is more to learn | 07:57 |
teknoprep | sebas_1, you are an not able to speak english well enough to describe your problem with any relevance .. that is why i do not want to talk to you | 07:57 |
eliteforce | is it possible to install kubuntu-desktop from a kubuntu cd? | 07:57 |
Florob | Cal[] John: oh right that is a problem of course, well you could download it of the net and try "dpkg -i packetname", but that might not work either, so maybe your best bet is a liveCD with memtest86 (knoppix has it) | 07:57 |
danko123456 | rickard: unfortunately:( I am not the expert, but we may even get it to work, some ppl were able with just a few hints,. | 07:57 |
gaston_ | hhheweeeellllloooooooooooo | 07:57 |
teknoprep | hi | 07:57 |
sebas_1 | teknoprep can i sent screenpictures? | 07:58 |
danko123456 | sebas_1: whats up, so you changed your res to 1280*1024 and still same size on screen? where did you change it? | 07:58 |
rickard | danko123456, ok, I've pposted it | 07:58 |
danko123456 | tell me the URL./ | 07:58 |
Cal[] John | florob: lol packetname is the location? or a particular file? | 07:58 |
teknoprep | sebas_1, no you did not send me any yet.. are you asking if you can send them to me now, sure | 07:58 |
Florob | the .deb file | 07:58 |
rickard | danko123456, http://pastebin.com/286629 | 07:58 |
Cal[] John | florob: i wanna try this before a 700mb+ dl ;) | 07:58 |
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danko123456 | sebas_1: put it on the web. | 07:59 |
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danko123456 | rickard: k, sec. | 07:59 |
sebas_1 | dankol with sudo dpkg etc. and app conf.tools | 07:59 |
haffe | Hello. Is there someway to enable plug&play for monitors under xorg? Ie automatic recognition of max refres etc. | 07:59 |
Florob | Cal[] John: well, you could have had a liveCD around, or maybe a friend or something which has one. | 07:59 |
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Cal[] John | florob: actually, i dont know anyone who has another linux box | 08:00 |
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Cal[] John | florob: i don't know anyone how's even heard of it | 08:00 |
danko123456 | rickard: um...so, where is there no sound? | 08:00 |
sebas_1 | i've got a live install cd for x86 | 08:00 |
danko123456 | like, in general, or you cant get it to use the audigy...? | 08:00 |
Cal[] John | florob: lol bittorrent to the rescue :D | 08:00 |
rickard | danko123456, there is no sound in my speakers | 08:00 |
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rickard | for example when I try to config xmms to use mu sb card | 08:01 |
dr_willis | Ive got a SBlaster AUduigy2 ZS | 08:01 |
dr_willis | :P | 08:01 |
tweakism | ubuntu is cool. | 08:01 |
rickard | dr_willis, did it work fine for you? | 08:01 |
Cal[] John | florob: ill have to do that tonight then, thanks | 08:01 |
Tron|BoRG | I Love Ubuntu !!!! | 08:01 |
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dr_willis | rickard, works fine | 08:01 |
tweakism | Even my boss can use it :P | 08:01 |
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chet | anyone have WEP working? | 08:01 |
dr_willis | rickard, I do recall I had to twiddle with the mixer setting some. to enable the digital output. | 08:01 |
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rickard | dr_willis, do you also have a soundcard on your mother board? | 08:01 |
dr_willis | rickard, nope. :P or if i do - its disabled. | 08:02 |
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rickard | I think that is my problem | 08:02 |
Florob | Cal[] John: well i'd try dpkg first, or did you already? | 08:02 |
tweakism | chet: WEP isn't a problem for me. | 08:02 |
danko123456 | rickard, perhaps he can give us his amixer:) | 08:02 |
Cal[] John | florob: i was asking how | 08:02 |
rickard | dr_willis, will you? | 08:02 |
chet | tweakism- could you give me a hand? | 08:02 |
danko123456 | dr_willis: please paste the output of amixer to http://pastebin.com , and tell us the URL. | 08:02 |
chet | tweakism- did you use gui or /etc/network/interfaces? | 08:02 |
Cal[] John | florob: does "packetname" indictate the location? | 08:02 |
gaston_ | how i make a boot disk for a computer without a hd? | 08:02 |
tweakism | chet: Sure. You probably have to use the hex form, btw. | 08:02 |
danko123456 | Cal[] John: do you have the file? | 08:03 |
Cal[] John | florob: yes | 08:03 |
chet | tweakism- do you mind if I /msg for this, keeping up with scroll is difficult | 08:03 |
Tron|BoRG | are you sybbubg windows gaston | 08:03 |
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Tron|BoRG | running | 08:03 |
Florob | Cal[] John: it is the location and complete name of of the .deb file | 08:03 |
webmind | gaston_, ask in public damnit | 08:03 |
danko123456 | gaston_: how does that even work? | 08:03 |
Cal[] John | florob: ok, ill give that a shot | 08:03 |
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rickard | danko123456, does it matter if I use ALSO or OSS? | 08:04 |
danko123456 | yeah, it likely will, in what program? | 08:04 |
rickard | xmms | 08:04 |
Cal[] John | florob: that won't work if it was a .tar.gz though, would it? | 08:04 |
Florob | Cal[] John: right | 08:04 |
Cal[] John | florob: lucky me lol | 08:04 |
dr_willis | danko123456, ya mean --> http://pastebin.com/286632 | 08:04 |
danko123456 | rickard, yeah, I have to use esound there. | 08:04 |
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danko123456 | dr_willis: thanks. | 08:05 |
Cal[] John | florob: brb, go ind file | 08:05 |
Florob | Call[] John: http://ftp.ankara.edu.tr/ubuntu/pool/main/m/memtest86+/memtest86+_1.55.1-1ubuntu1_i386.deb might do the trick | 08:05 |
danko123456 | dr_willis: did you have to turn on the audigy somewhere, do you remember? | 08:05 |
dr_willis | danko123456, i do recall the mixer controlls for that card are a little 'odd' :P in ways - dependong on if you use the digital out or analog out. | 08:05 |
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XhyldazhK | Hi all | 08:06 |
stuNNed | hi XhyldazhK | 08:06 |
XhyldazhK | In which package is located dos2unix? | 08:06 |
XhyldazhK | hi stuNNed | 08:06 |
stuNNed | XhyldazhK: `apt-cach search dos2unix` | 08:06 |
dr_willis | danko123456, i installed some of the alternatve alsa mixers also. and twiddled a LOT with them. :P | 08:06 |
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XhyldazhK | stuNNed: it returns without any response | 08:07 |
rickard | dr_willis, how to install them? | 08:07 |
dr_willis | rickard, with apt-get whatevermixeryouwant | 08:08 |
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danko123456 | rickard: youa re not using the audigy yet, it seems. | 08:08 |
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stuNNed | XhyldazhK: not really sure then, there's packages.ubuntu.com afaik, can check there | 08:08 |
rickard | danko123456, how can I do that then? | 08:08 |
danko123456 | not sure, as I said, not very handy... | 08:08 |
danko123456 | uranus?? | 08:08 |
danko123456 | :) | 08:08 |
danko123456 | lol | 08:08 |
rickard | hehe | 08:08 |
rickard | don't you like the name of mu computer? | 08:09 |
danko123456 | go crack into that... | 08:09 |
Cal[] John | Florob: thankyou, but it looks like ill need a livecd | 08:09 |
Florob | Call[] John: why | 08:09 |
danko123456 | crimsun_: by any chance are you here? | 08:09 |
XhyldazhK | stunned: iconv can do the job of dos2unix? | 08:09 |
rickard | danko123456, do you think it's a mixer problem and not a driver problem? | 08:10 |
Cal[] John | Florob: dkpg is giving that same memalloc error | 08:10 |
danko123456 | rickard, it looks like you are not using it yet, jsut a sec. | 08:10 |
stuNNed | XhyldazhK: don't use DOS that much, sorry. | 08:10 |
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Florob | Call[] John: the problematic thing is that if it's really the RAM. failling malloc could also happen while downloading and burning ... | 08:11 |
danko123456 | anyone know how to specify which sound card to use? | 08:11 |
dos000 | is it possible to transfer the /etc/ssh/{rsa,dsa} keys between machines ? or the keys contain info that is particular to the machine that generated it. | 08:12 |
Cal[] John | Florob: I have another windows box downstairs | 08:12 |
stuNNed | XhyldazhK: what exactly is dos2unix anyways? :) | 08:12 |
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Cal[] John | Florob: and i was gonna use that | 08:12 |
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timeless_ | how do install a print in this os | 08:13 |
timeless_ | printer | 08:13 |
timeless_ | hp5550 | 08:13 |
Florob | Call[] John: sounds good... let's hope the liveCD turns something up | 08:13 |
XhyldazhK | stuNNed: it changes all 0x13,0x10 carriage returns to unix style ones | 08:13 |
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shinu | i just recompiled my mplayer to get more codecs working. and nothing is working as a normal user. what did i do wrong? | 08:14 |
danko123456 | liek nothing what, more info, please. | 08:15 |
shinu | well. the sound plays but not the image. | 08:15 |
shinu | but as root i can play it think | 08:16 |
shinu | i think* | 08:16 |
Cal[] John | Florob: yeah, ill check back tomorrow with the results | 08:16 |
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Cal[] John | ;) | 08:17 |
danko123456 | shinu: did you compile it as root? | 08:17 |
shinu | danko123456: i only did make install as root | 08:18 |
danko123456 | dunno, weird. | 08:18 |
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shinu | danko123456: and it only plays it in fullscren as root 0.o | 08:19 |
shinu | cant even use f | 08:19 |
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danko123456 | shinu: um, reinstall as you? maybe chmod some of the files? | 08:19 |
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Lafitte- | anyone know what needs to be installed to monitor network traffic in a bash prompt ? | 08:20 |
danko123456 | dr_willis: you still here? do you know how to turn off the on board card, and turn on the audigy one? | 08:20 |
=== OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp02542642pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hannes_ | netstat | 08:20 |
hannes_ | Lafitte-: or what do you mean? | 08:20 |
shinu | danko123456: just a q. how do i uninstall it? make uninstall? | 08:20 |
Lafitte- | hannes_, watch traffic for my network connection | 08:20 |
=== AMCDeathKnight [~luke@222-152-28-171.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rickard | danko123456, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24937&highlight=multiple+sound+car | 08:21 |
rickard | is that how you do? | 08:21 |
Lafitte- | hannes_, yes that wa sit | 08:21 |
Lafitte- | hannes_, ty very much | 08:21 |
hannes_ | np | 08:21 |
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Lafitte- | hannes_, er wait somthing like tha but never stopps | 08:22 |
AMCDeathKnight | Ubuntu should install all the updates during install | 08:22 |
danko123456 | shinu, I never did that. | 08:22 |
othernoob | where can i get drivers for an audigy 2 ? | 08:22 |
danko123456 | AMCDeathKnight: You are so right,.,.. | 08:22 |
=== Dave9191 [~Dave9191@82-35-42-191.cable.ubr02.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shinu | uh... | 08:22 |
hannes_ | netstat -c | 08:23 |
danko123456 | rickard:)...othernoob | 08:23 |
Lafitte- | hannes_, yeah thats it i remember | 08:23 |
AMCDeathKnight | Ima noobie, Do we need to install a firewall for linux? | 08:23 |
=== sebas_1 [~sebas@ip51cecfd8.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hannes_ | AMCDeathKnight: depend | 08:24 |
hannes_ | s | 08:24 |
hannes_ | do you have any daemons running? | 08:24 |
AMCDeathKnight | im only using it for home use | 08:24 |
AMCDeathKnight | daemons.. what are they | 08:24 |
shinu | danko123456: i get something like this: http://pastebin.com/286645 when i try to play a file as normal user | 08:25 |
digip1mp | AMCDeathKnight: a network application.... a Mail Server is really a server running a Mail Daemon.... | 08:25 |
AMCDeathKnight | oh | 08:26 |
AMCDeathKnight | Nope | 08:26 |
=== crushdrea [crushdread@S0106001225649143.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
danko123456 | rickard: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27186 ? | 08:26 |
crushdrea | Anyone here install on a T42? | 08:26 |
crushdrea | IBM that is, laptop | 08:27 |
dr_willis | danko123456, ive always used the bios to disable the onboard sound. Or i guess ya could blacklist its modulkes and not let them get loaded. the Gentoo ALsa Guide - has a lot of good info also I recall. | 08:27 |
=== hard_i [~hard_i@rapla.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
digip1mp | AMCDeathKnight: it is wise to have a firewall on your computer to watch OUTGOING traffic, but for inbound traffic it's easier to buy a broadband router like the ones linksys sells, and protect your systems with it. | 08:27 |
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AMCDeathKnight | ok | 08:27 |
AMCDeathKnight | Thanks | 08:28 |
digip1mp | AMCDeathKnight: a firewall on your computer can do useful things like alert you that a virus or trojan that your system has been infected with is trying to connect to the Internet... | 08:28 |
danko123456 | thanks, dr. | 08:28 |
danko123456 | crushdrea: why? should work fine... | 08:28 |
AMCDeathKnight | ok | 08:28 |
crushdrea | Can not seem to get an IP address from ISP, sees card fine, no go Other system I am on right now can | 08:29 |
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=== crontab [~mico@HSE-Toronto-ppp169823.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anto9us | crushdrea: try setting the mac address to the same as the machine you were successful with | 08:30 |
Echelon-H | If I am downloadign somethign I need debian version? | 08:30 |
crushdrea | have skipped network setup and am continuing. Not sure what is wrong tho, Fedora got ip this morning fine from same laptop | 08:30 |
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AMCDeathKnight | I think so Echelon-H | 08:31 |
anto9us | crushdrea: some isps, like mine, limit to one mac address for the connection, I had to spoof my router's mac address to get it to work | 08:31 |
=== franklin50 [~franklin5@c-24-10-214-120.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AMCDeathKnight | unless there is a ubuntu version | 08:31 |
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danko123456 | crushdrea: dhcp ISP?? or pppoe? | 08:31 |
crushdrea | dhcp, have two ip assigned to me from isp | 08:31 |
danko123456 | weird, well, see what it works out to... | 08:32 |
danko123456 | time will tell:) | 08:32 |
digip1mp | anto9us: AMCDeathKnight: the Linksys routers provide an easy way to do this. | 08:32 |
danko123456 | oh man, there is school todfay, and I just cant get myself out of this chair, I am totally lethargic... | 08:32 |
AMCDeathKnight | yep, I will look at them soon | 08:33 |
=== pinPoint [~pinPoint@pool-71-110-134-158.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
my__haz | is it possible to see the bandwith use al la gkrellm at the command line | 08:34 |
AMCDeathKnight | The automate script in the Ubuntu forums is neat | 08:34 |
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pisuke | I suppose it's been reported. but if you have PCM at 100% there's still sound even if you mute the master channel | 08:35 |
danko123456 | Echelon-H: yeah, usually a debian will fit nice:) | 08:35 |
Echelon-H | k danke | 08:35 |
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pppoe_dude | how can i change my CPU frequency to a static ( i have a scaling cpu) | 08:36 |
danko123456 | pppoe_dude: arent you special:-p | 08:36 |
pppoe_dude | cpufreq-selector seems to only change it temporarily... | 08:37 |
danko123456 | sebas left the room, teknoprep, you were a little harsh on the poor fellow...:) | 08:37 |
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pppoe_dude | all i want is to slow down my CPU so that the loud noisy fan never comes on | 08:37 |
Tron|BoRG | slow it down ! | 08:37 |
=== steffenstrobel [~steffenst@p5496B58D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
danko123456 | chap | 08:37 |
Tron|BoRG | get a new fan | 08:37 |
gangalee | What is the location of the directory of C header files that match Hoary's kernel? | 08:37 |
Tron|BoRG | that is quieter | 08:37 |
pppoe_dude | laptop | 08:37 |
Tron|BoRG | oh | 08:37 |
Tron|BoRG | hehe | 08:38 |
digip1mp | just kick the cpu a few times to show it who's boss... | 08:38 |
Tron|BoRG | ppoe_dude lol | 08:38 |
AMCDeathKnight | lol | 08:38 |
pppoe_dude | lol | 08:38 |
pppoe_dude | ok | 08:38 |
Tron|BoRG | what a stupid name - but cool | 08:38 |
pppoe_dude | well? | 08:38 |
Tron|BoRG | put it in a box | 08:38 |
pppoe_dude | i found a file called scaling_max_freq | 08:38 |
danko123456 | hahaha | 08:38 |
Tron|BoRG | then you'll not hear it | 08:38 |
danko123456 | lol | 08:38 |
pppoe_dude | but i can't change it | 08:38 |
danko123456 | you fool | 08:38 |
dieman | gah. didn't realize that locales wont setup EN_us.UTF8 by default if its called without any defaults. | 08:38 |
dieman | ugh. | 08:38 |
Tron|BoRG | is anyone here doing A levels? | 08:39 |
IIIEars | I need a copy of "bootpart" using ntloader is easier because windows needs to be reinstalled so frequently. boot.ini and a copy of the linux bootsector will make windows do Ubuntu's bidding (The evil deathstar - lol) | 08:39 |
dieman | (most people choose these in the d-i install) | 08:39 |
IIIEars | M$ | 08:39 |
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IIIEars | couldn't find bootpart on their site | 08:39 |
pppoe_dude | so.. anybody?? please.. | 08:40 |
Tron|BoRG | what are you trying to do IIIEars | 08:40 |
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danko123456 | pppoe_dude: no need for a please, I just dont know... | 08:40 |
IIIEars | Use - boot.ini to boot Ubuntu on a second hd | 08:40 |
pppoe_dude | danko123456, ok | 08:40 |
=== zkruw [~zkruw@h87n1fls31o835.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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zkruw | how to burn a .img file :)? | 08:40 |
Tron|BoRG | nero maybe? | 08:41 |
zkruw | in ubuntu? | 08:41 |
Tron|BoRG | or some cd burrning ap | 08:41 |
pppoe_dude | aha | 08:41 |
pppoe_dude | found something | 08:41 |
Tron|BoRG | if you have linux nero:P | 08:41 |
danko123456 | IIIEars: nope, no can do, as far as I am concerned. I go to the bios every time I wanna boot windows, to disable the primary HD. | 08:41 |
IIIEars | dd is okay but one typo and your data is nuked | 08:41 |
Kpjas | I'm wondering what does this line in mtab do ? /dev /.dev unknown rw,bind 0 0 | 08:41 |
AMCDeathKnight | neither pppoe_dude, post it in the Ubuntu Forums | 08:41 |
pppoe_dude | k | 08:41 |
we2by | how do u mount an .iso file? | 08:42 |
danko123456 | mount it! | 08:42 |
pppoe_dude | mount [imagefilename] [destination] | 08:42 |
zkruw | mount a img file and do a copy cd? | 08:42 |
Tron|BoRG | wow | 08:42 |
IIIEars | Thanks danko - that might be the best and easiest way. (making a 512 byte boot.lnx file is a pain) | 08:42 |
Florob | Kpjas: as far as I can tell it "mirrors" /dev on /.dev but why it does that is a good question | 08:42 |
danko123456 | + a few arguments, pppoe_dude:) | 08:42 |
Tron|BoRG | i wouldnt have thought it would be as easy as that | 08:42 |
zkruw | dos nero linux have a gui? | 08:42 |
danko123456 | hehe:) | 08:42 |
Tron|BoRG | probably | 08:42 |
Funraiser | we2by, http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#mountunmountisofileswithoutburning | 08:43 |
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=== sabin [~s@62-99-226-137.static.adsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
danko123456 | please do not use nero on linux:( defeats the purpose... | 08:43 |
=== Nermal [~peter@81-178-77-233.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nermal | hello : | 08:43 |
danko123456 | thanks, Funraiser | 08:43 |
digip1mp | zkruw: dd if=/dev/hda of=/mnt/floppy/linux.dd bs=512 count=1 | 08:43 |
Tron|BoRG | hi nermal | 08:43 |
Nermal | I'm a complete arse who runs breezy | 08:43 |
teknoprep | danko123456, not really.. i was not too harsh | 08:43 |
Tron|BoRG | lol | 08:43 |
Kpjas | Florob: after fresh install. I've an unsued ext3 partition | 08:43 |
IIIEars | nero on linux? - why? - lol | 08:43 |
danko123456 | hey Nermal:) | 08:43 |
=== oferw [~chatzilla@CBL212-235-16-201.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tron|BoRG | i'm sure i've talked to nermal before | 08:43 |
Nermal | are there any other arses here who also run breezy ? : | 08:43 |
Nermal | : | 08:43 |
danko123456 | teknoprep: k, at your discretion:) | 08:44 |
dr_willis | theres a native linux port of nero - but from the reviews ive read - k3b beats it. | 08:44 |
AMCDeathKnight | You shouldnt run breezy | 08:44 |
Tron|BoRG | nermal: have you been on #suse | 08:44 |
Nermal | x appears to have exploded | 08:44 |
AMCDeathKnight | Its in v ery low developtment stage | 08:44 |
Tron|BoRG | exploded - hahaha | 08:44 |
danko123456 | wow, a linux nero? ok, if you say so... | 08:44 |
Nermal | AMCDeathKnight yes.. thankyou for the insight | 08:44 |
teknoprep | danko123456, lol | 08:44 |
Nermal | Tron|BoRG I own #suse | 08:44 |
Tron|BoRG | haha | 08:44 |
teknoprep | danko123456, its easy fix for nooobs.. reinstall | 08:44 |
Tron|BoRG | oh yes | 08:44 |
Nermal | Fatal server error: | 08:44 |
Nermal | could not open default font 'fixed'; | 08:44 |
Nermal | ideas ? | 08:44 |
Funraiser | danko123456, what purpose? everybody's purpose is not to have an all free system...mine is just to kick M$ in the a.. so nerolinux is fine for me | 08:44 |
Tron|BoRG | i do remember the name nermal, hi again | 08:44 |
teknoprep | danko123456, if we had german speaking ppl... it would have been easier | 08:44 |
=== Pischenberg [Pischenber@adsl-ull-246-157.41-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AMCDeathKnight | ok | 08:44 |
Pischenberg | hi | 08:44 |
teknoprep | danko123456, but he answered none o fmy questions | 08:44 |
dr_willis | I own nero for windows.. so i can get the nero-linux for free. :P | 08:45 |
AMCDeathKnight | Hi | 08:45 |
danko123456 | Funraiser: what I mean is like...I just installed my linux, so I can run vlc, and nero...:-p | 08:45 |
Nermal | or.. is there a nice way to downgrade back to hoary :) | 08:45 |
gangalee | What is the location of the directory of C header files that match Hoary's kernel? | 08:45 |
AMCDeathKnight | Guys, is it easy to burn dvd's on Linux | 08:45 |
Pischenberg | i've this mistake after the installation | 08:45 |
danko123456 | teknoprep: yup, mine neither:) | 08:45 |
Tron|BoRG | oh can i have a copy of nerolinux lol | 08:45 |
Pischenberg | Starting Ubuntu.... | 08:45 |
Pischenberg | Buffer I/O error on device hdc, logical block 0 | 08:45 |
Pischenberg | pivot_root: No such file or directory | 08:45 |
Pischenberg | /sbin/init: 428: cannot open dev/console: No such file | 08:45 |
Pischenberg | Kernel panic - not syncing: Attemted to kill init! | 08:45 |
Tron|BoRG | actually | 08:45 |
Funraiser | dr_willis, only if it's a non oem version | 08:45 |
Tron|BoRG | no!! | 08:45 |
teknoprep | danko123456, he deserved that | 08:45 |
danko123456 | ha, panic. | 08:45 |
dr_willis | Funraiser, yep.. I bought nero. :P | 08:45 |
Funraiser | divx was create on linux at first | 08:45 |
Tron|BoRG | i didnt :$ | 08:45 |
zkruw | then tell me a program that is able to burn .img files | 08:45 |
Pischenberg | what can i do? | 08:46 |
=== AMCDeathKnight confused | ||
jjesse | can't k3b burn .img files? | 08:46 |
Funraiser | yes | 08:46 |
danko123456 | sure, whatever, you know y ou dont teach a kid by beating him up for doing something wrong, but, not important, Ill agree with you...k | 08:46 |
zkruw | my k3b dosent start | 08:46 |
AMCDeathKnight | gtg | 08:46 |
digip1mp | IIIEars: dd if=/dev/hda of=/mnt/floppy/linux.dd bs=512 count=1 | 08:46 |
AMCDeathKnight | bye guys | 08:46 |
zkruw | i writes k3b and nothing happends | 08:46 |
AMCDeathKnight | ctrl-c | 08:46 |
jjesse | i had to install some packages before mine would start | 08:46 |
Funraiser | jjesse, i think it can | 08:46 |
digip1mp | IIIEars: read this: http://www.linuxgazette.com/issue36/larriera.html | 08:46 |
Nermal | hmm.. any ideas how to fix X ? | 08:46 |
Florob | teknoprep: we do have german speacking people | 08:46 |
=== Funraiser thinks it's rush hour here in Ubuntu IRC channel | ||
=== mirak [~mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-35-103.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IIIEars | Windows is good for everything you don't need to connect to the 'Net for. - not much much more than games | 08:47 |
Tron|BoRG | Nermal: you could install hoary instead :) | 08:47 |
teknoprep | Florob, someone should have talked to him then | 08:47 |
Pischenberg | someone can help me? | 08:47 |
Funraiser | for? | 08:47 |
Nermal | Tron|BoRG aye.. but no way to revert back ? | 08:47 |
=== jcinacio [~jcinacio@a213-22-97-12.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tron|BoRG | Nermal: I doubt it | 08:47 |
Nermal | Pischenberg boot with pci=noacpi noapic | 08:47 |
Pischenberg | Starting Ubuntu.... | 08:47 |
Pischenberg | Buffer I/O error on device hdc, logical block 0 | 08:47 |
Pischenberg | pivot_root: No such file or directory | 08:47 |
Pischenberg | /sbin/init: 428: cannot open dev/console: No such file | 08:47 |
Pischenberg | Kernel panic - not syncing: Attemted to kill init! | 08:47 |
Tron|BoRG | Pischenberg: I had exactly the same thing !! | 08:48 |
danko123456 | did he just paste again? | 08:48 |
danko123456 | :) | 08:48 |
Pischenberg | yes | 08:48 |
Funraiser | danko123456, yes | 08:48 |
Tron|BoRG | i remember being kicked for pasting | 08:48 |
digip1mp | IIIEars: or this: http://www.pmg.lcs.mit.edu/~chandra/install/install_dualboot.html | 08:48 |
Pischenberg | excuse me | 08:48 |
Funraiser | ok this time lol | 08:48 |
concept10 | Pischenberg: did you try to reinstall? | 08:48 |
Tron|BoRG | i think i pasted something like 50 lines haha | 08:48 |
Pischenberg | no i've only ubuntu | 08:48 |
Pischenberg | yes concept10 | 08:49 |
Pischenberg | 4 times | 08:49 |
Tron|BoRG | lol | 08:49 |
concept10 | have you ever installed another distro | 08:49 |
IIIEars | Nice link - Thank You. | 08:49 |
danko123456 | Pischenberg: no worries, I was just checking:) anyhow, did you check the md5sum of the download? | 08:49 |
k31th | anyone know any decent free news servers ? | 08:49 |
danko123456 | reburn it onto the cd? | 08:49 |
zkruw | i get this error, k3b: error while loading shared libraries: libqtmcop.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 08:50 |
zkruw | anyone know wich packege to reinstall? | 08:50 |
Pischenberg | no danko123456 | 08:50 |
=== neighborlee [~neighborl@pppoe1975.lax.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
danko123456 | is usenet non free? I bnever newsgroup... | 08:50 |
Funraiser | danko123456, yes but to access it... | 08:50 |
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Pischenberg | i've the hdd on secondary ide channel | 08:50 |
danko123456 | Pischenberg: that may well be a reasonable thing to do...dont ask me how, cause I dont know how to check it... | 08:50 |
Funraiser | my isp gives me access to NGs (i mean to all of them hehe) | 08:50 |
neighborlee | what part of my system do I edit to make 'umount' work via the drives eject button ? | 08:50 |
concept10 | zkruw: look for libqtmcop in synaptic - install qt-development packages also | 08:51 |
danko123456 | Funraiser: I meant as I typed, so it is free, but you have to access it somehow? | 08:51 |
pppoe_dude | where do i find the source of the kernel? | 08:51 |
danko123456 | neighborlee: the kernel:-p | 08:51 |
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Florob | neighborlee: if that's possible at all probably ACPI or the kernel | 08:51 |
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concept10 | neighborlee: what are u trying to do, eject your cd rom? | 08:52 |
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danko123456 | pppoe_dude: you want the source of the kernel? which one? what made you think you want it, tell me that and maybe I can tell you,. | 08:52 |
concept10 | neighborlee: with the button? | 08:52 |
=== [Phaedrus] [Phaedrus@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Funraiser | well there are services that give u access to NGs with a huge download, it's like 10 dollars per month | 08:52 |
Funraiser | but u still need an isp | 08:52 |
[Phaedrus] | so i guess Netscape isnt dead afterall... still alive and kicking | 08:52 |
Funraiser | kicking? | 08:52 |
Funraiser | alive yes | 08:53 |
teknoprep | is anyone else having a problem here with kopete and msn messenger | 08:53 |
danko123456 | Funraiser: so, I cant get to the usenet just if I wanted to like right now? | 08:53 |
pppoe_dude | danko123456, lol, i need to check if i can control CPU scaling from USERSPACE | 08:53 |
=== Jeezis [~roger@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lafitte- | teknoprep, what problem ? | 08:53 |
Jeezis | how do you set the superuser password in ubuntu? | 08:53 |
[Phaedrus] | heh.. | 08:53 |
Jeezis | sudo passwd root? | 08:53 |
teknoprep | Lafitte-, not being able to log in | 08:53 |
danko123456 | jeezis, search the wiki for "ootsudo" | 08:54 |
teknoprep | Lafitte-, keeps saying wrong password | 08:54 |
danko123456 | rootsudo | 08:54 |
[Phaedrus] | Funraiser: did you try the new netscape browser? | 08:54 |
Jeezis | danko123456: thanks :) | 08:54 |
pppoe_dude | and one article says i need to do a "grep CPUFREQ /usr/src/linux-2.6.x/.config" | 08:54 |
danko123456 | [Phaedrus] : you saying its nice? | 08:54 |
pppoe_dude | exceot i can;t find that | 08:54 |
danko123456 | welcome | 08:54 |
Funraiser | danko123456, it depends of your ISP, all of them give u access to "normal" NGs, but some ISPs don't give u access to the NGs where u can find binaries | 08:54 |
[Phaedrus] | i am not saying anything... i havent tried it yet | 08:54 |
Lafitte- | teknoprep, no hrmm no problem here | 08:54 |
danko123456 | ah...whats your ISP? | 08:54 |
Funraiser | [Phaedrus] , no, i like it free, is netscape free, seriously i don't know | 08:55 |
danko123456 | ah. ok, well, what do you think you expect from the "new" netscape? | 08:55 |
neighborlee | concept10, yes like suse , mandriva and several other distros do | 08:55 |
Funraiser | danko123456, ISP internet service provider | 08:55 |
danko123456 | gtk integraqtion? | 08:55 |
[Phaedrus] | i am just wondering how they managed to incorporate the rendering engine of Firefox and IE (without MS getting at them) | 08:55 |
danko123456 | Funraiser: ha, who is yours...whats your... | 08:56 |
=== mijndert [~mijndert@e66029.upc-e.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pppoe_dude | i need help!!! where can i find something equivalent to " /usr/src/linux-2.6.x/.config"?? my usr directory doesnt have that | 08:56 |
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Funraiser | danko123456, mine is the best in France called Free, best because it's the only one that allows connections to binary NGs... | 08:56 |
Funraiser | :-) | 08:56 |
danko123456 | :) | 08:56 |
haffe | pppoe_dude, You need kernel sources for taht. | 08:56 |
danko123456 | pppoe_dude: did you search synaptic? | 08:56 |
concept10 | neighborlee: I have eject mapped to a button on my keyboard, the button on the drive doesnt work sometimes | 08:57 |
Funraiser | for 30 euros a month, a 5 mega connection with access to binaries...how cool is that, | 08:57 |
[Phaedrus] | Funraiser: i think its free... it seems people have tried it already | 08:57 |
neighborlee | concept10, how is this accomplished ? | 08:57 |
danko123456 | linux-source-2.6.10, and 2.6.11 are in my synaptic... | 08:57 |
pppoe_dude | well the only thing i need to do is to enable userspace to control cpu scaling... will i have to recompile the kernel for that?? | 08:57 |
gangalee | How do I find C header files? | 08:57 |
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pppoe_dude | argh | 08:58 |
trondd | gangalee: apt-get install *-dev ... :) | 08:58 |
concept10 | neighborlee: in gnome, goto keyboard shortcuts and look for eject. my keyboard has some extra multimedia keys I have volume and etc mapped out | 08:58 |
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neighborlee | speaking of source...there is no source matching 2.6.10-5-386.not linux-tree or kernel-source or anything so where are we suppose to get it ? | 08:59 |
danko123456 | locate *.h | 08:59 |
gangalee | trondd: I've already installed it, I'm trying to answer VMWare questions | 08:59 |
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danko123456 | neighborlee: I would not get it myself, you asked wehre you would map the eject button on your cdrom drive. | 08:59 |
trondd | gangalee: /usr/include | 08:59 |
danko123456 | neighborlee: lemme ask you this... | 08:59 |
danko123456 | is it really easier for you to push the buton on the box, then to right click and eject on the desktop? | 09:00 |
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digip1mp | wow - the default desktop sharing (VNC) in Ubuntu is horrible when compared to Remote Desktop for WindowsXP - I'm not trying to troll here. Is there a faster solution? | 09:00 |
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pppoe_dude | digip1mp, you cant compare them | 09:00 |
pppoe_dude | digip1mp, two different things | 09:00 |
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danko123456 | digip1mp: yeah, go in feront of your computer, and use it. | 09:00 |
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gangalee | /usr/include doesn't seem to contain kernel header files | 09:01 |
danko123456 | digip1mp: please explain the need for a remote desktop access, from another desktop computer. | 09:01 |
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Florob | neighborlee, interesteds: Is hotplug not handling this, i somehow was under the impression if the device is not busy it would unmount and eject it on button press. | 09:01 |
danko123456 | digip1mp: I can see the need for ftp...or that remote file access. | 09:01 |
pppoe_dude | well i'm out for a smoke | 09:01 |
Lafitte- | digip1mp, mine is super fast even faster then xp | 09:01 |
danko123456 | If it is mounted, you need to eject. | 09:01 |
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trondd | digip1mp: tsclient supports other protocols than vnc. X over ssh could be an alt. | 09:02 |
zenrox | yep | 09:02 |
concept10 | neighborlee: did it work for you | 09:03 |
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digip1mp | pppoe_dude: I understand that they are different; let me put it to you this way: I want to control my home system from work - right now it runs WinXP (for gaming), but it dual-boots Ubuntu for not gaming. When I use RDesktop to control my home computer, it's very snappy and makes me happy. When I use VNC on a 10/100 network here at work to control a computer on the other side of my desk... | 09:03 |
digip1mp | ...for testing Ubuntu, it's draggy and makes me sad. Is there a Linux solution that will make me happy? | 09:03 |
laslo | how can i get a firestarter firewall icon on my systemtray | 09:03 |
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neighborlee | concept10, sorry got busy with PM | 09:03 |
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neighborlee | concept10, checking | 09:03 |
trondd | digip1mp: X over ssh | 09:03 |
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concept10 | laslo: check prefrences | 09:04 |
digip1mp | trondd: but that's not desktop sharing, like I want | 09:04 |
laslo | thank you | 09:04 |
bkw-laptop | I would like to try gdesklets with my fresh ubuntu install, are there any page that explain the steps? | 09:04 |
neighborlee | Florob, nope not in ubuntu its not set as that type of default behavior although i'm surprised considering their ease of use philosophy | 09:04 |
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tahorg | digip1mp: tried vino ? | 09:04 |
trondd | digip1mp: okey. | 09:04 |
digip1mp | tahorg: no - is it faster? | 09:05 |
tahorg | don't know | 09:05 |
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neighborlee | danko123456, tons easier and usability wise its smart ( who has 85% market share afterall and how do they do it ?<G>) | 09:05 |
La_PaRCa | hey, anyone out there running warty that wants to send me File_Roller_Component.server? | 09:05 |
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danko123456 | neighborlee: I am not sure what that refers to, can you reiterate? | 09:06 |
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neighborlee | concept10, under sound > eject ???? ( I see no other eject mentioned) | 09:06 |
Funraiser | did u hear that: Balmer said that Google has 5 years left of existence | 09:07 |
concept10 | neighborlee: yes | 09:07 |
neighborlee | danko123456, tons easier and usability wise ( user interface design) its smart ( who has 85% market share afterall and how do they do it ?<G>) | 09:07 |
La_PaRCa | anyone? | 09:07 |
Funraiser | nope | 09:07 |
neighborlee | concept10, alright ..trying then | 09:07 |
lotusleaf | Funraiser, the former iraqi intelligence guy had some funny things to say too | 09:07 |
Funraiser | lol | 09:07 |
danko123456 | digip1mp: your putting it that way makes me sad:) | 09:08 |
Funraiser | man this guy was good | 09:08 |
danko123456 | neighborlee: which, the eject button on the drive?? | 09:08 |
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neighborlee | danko123456, yes | 09:09 |
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digip1mp | danko123456: trust me - I'd love to kick Gates and Balmer square in the nutz... If only they made CS : Source for Linux | 09:09 |
danko123456 | neighborlee: if so, then I am gonna make a digi photo for you, to see why I think right click eject is easier. | 09:09 |
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Funraiser | errr...CS works with cedega | 09:09 |
digip1mp | Funraiser: it's slooooooooooooooow. | 09:09 |
danko123456 | digip1mp: I mean, your issue is lack of knowledge, I hope you find it... | 09:09 |
lotusleaf | I defecated on my windows cd | 09:10 |
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Funraiser | CS and cedega at http://digital-conquest.ath.cx/wiki/index.php/Counter-Strike:_Source | 09:10 |
danko123456 | digip1mp: I never yet logged into my computer through a graphical login remotely...and I do not see a need for soemthing like that. THat is all. | 09:10 |
neighborlee | concept10, ok that worked although its a weird workaround and in 'sound' makes no sense...they need to move that elsewhere to make the option more visible maybe...but anyway I dont see why 'eject' can't be assigned to the 'button' on drive like some of the other distros do as its very user friendly and afterall that is market we are after...unless the devs feel somehow its bad design??? | 09:10 |
danko123456 | now, neighborlee, let me make that photo.... | 09:10 |
Funraiser | digip1mp, maybe it's your system, cose it's known to work without problems... | 09:10 |
anto9us | lotusleaf: you could probably sell that as modern art | 09:11 |
mod^ | how can I find out the size of my harddrive? :p I want to find out how large hd my shell provider has :D | 09:11 |
Shufla | hello :D | 09:11 |
stuNNed | hmm human icons set is a bit buggy it seems | 09:11 |
lotusleaf | anto9us, nope, I gave it to Jesus, and he broke it, gave thanks, and installed Linux | 09:11 |
HappyFool | mod^: try df -H | 09:11 |
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neighborlee | danko123456, dont bother.....its more work and not intuitive at all...suse, mandriva, xandros,linspire all would disagree 100% | 09:11 |
stuNNed | lotusleaf: please refrain from talking about fecal matter in #ubuntu. | 09:11 |
Funraiser | CS and cedega: May crash randomly when using ATI XFree86 4.3 8.825 drivers. Backleveling to previous 3.14.6 drivers appear to correct the issue [tested w/MDK10.1, x.Org 6.7, ATI Radeon 9600XT] . | 09:12 |
lotusleaf | stuNNed, please refrain from talking about fecal matter in #ubuntu | 09:12 |
neighborlee | danko123456, ie: sometimes you might have to press 'show desktop' just to GET to the icon..how is that intuitive or 'faster' than just pushing 'eject';-)) | 09:12 |
stuNNed | lotusleaf: :P | 09:12 |
concept10 | neighborlee: I dont understand it either - its in sound because of CDs - sometimes my button works, sometimes not. I think it has something to do with ow the drive is mounted | 09:12 |
lotusleaf | stuNNed, :P | 09:12 |
danko123456 | right, neighborlee. again it is a thing I do not use much...like remote graphical login. | 09:13 |
mod^ | 404Gb | 09:13 |
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stuNNed | lotusleaf: stop it right now! | 09:13 |
concept10 | neighborlee: drag the icon to the panel | 09:13 |
neighborlee | danko123456, gotcha | 09:13 |
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lotusleaf | stuNNed, stop it right now! | 09:13 |
neighborlee | concept10, how now that is a bit better and I did not realize that could be done.. | 09:13 |
Lafitte- | heheh neighborlee you are funny | 09:13 |
neighborlee | concept10, not working | 09:14 |
neighborlee | Lafitte-, how so please elaborate | 09:14 |
concept10 | what icon is it? | 09:14 |
neighborlee | concept10, the only desktop icon I have atm..which is contents of cdrom | 09:14 |
danko123456 | neighborlee: sometimes the cd is mounted, you dont wanna allow just pressing buttons...anyhow, I took it as a given... | 09:14 |
Lafitte- | neighborlee, umm your need is about the same as wanting to remove your car tires without taking off the lug nuts just funny to me | 09:15 |
danko123456 | let me shuit down, connect my cdrom(thats how much I use it...) and see what I can show you... | 09:15 |
concept10 | which panel are you trying to drag it to? drag it to the one with applications menu | 09:15 |
danko123456 | My coimputer is under my desk, that is the thing...I dont even press any buttons on the bx... | 09:15 |
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danko123456 | thats what I was gfonna take a picture off:) | 09:15 |
neighborlee | Lafitte-, as I said its not funny when several of the 'mainstream' distros do it the same way as well as a OS that has 85% market share..you see now ? ;-)) | 09:15 |
neighborlee | Lafitte-, you are funny | 09:16 |
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danko123456 | neighborlee: the os that has half the world infected with spyware? | 09:16 |
gangalee | anyone installed vmware 5? | 09:16 |
Funraiser | everybody is funny then, that's good | 09:16 |
Lafitte- | neighborlee, no they all require you to unmount the volume to eject | 09:16 |
concept10 | neighborlee: its not just the distro | 09:16 |
neighborlee | danko123456, so your saying this could be a security threat ? | 09:16 |
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neighborlee | danko123456, talk to suse and mandriva and linspire and xandros about it then ;-)....oh ,,and knoppix too ;-) | 09:16 |
danko123456 | neighborlee: I am saying, my dvd rw doesnt ehject in windows without the contect menu:) | 09:17 |
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neighborlee | Lafitte-, bullshit | 09:17 |
neighborlee | Lafitte-, sorry you dont know what your talking about.. | 09:17 |
pppoe_dude | how do i install a .deb package? i'm new to ubuntu | 09:17 |
Funraiser | bullshit is longhorn stuff | 09:17 |
jelkner | Anyone know anything about pythoncard on 5.04? | 09:17 |
lotusleaf | turdhorn is what I prefer to call it | 09:17 |
Lafitte- | neighborlee, howver you feel good about yourself dude | 09:17 |
danko123456 | look at my post, to find evidece of Lafitte-s theory... | 09:17 |
danko123456 | pppoe_dude: dpkg -i package | 09:17 |
neighborlee | Lafitte-, its not how I feel its how several mainstream distros also feel...get a grip ;-) | 09:18 |
IIIEars | is "alien" used to install .deb packages? | 09:18 |
pppoe_dude | danko123456 thanks | 09:18 |
goldfish | IIIEars: no | 09:18 |
danko123456 | welcome | 09:18 |
concept10 | neighborlee: you can make a launcher to eject the drive and put it on your panel. the command is eject | 09:18 |
danko123456 | neighborlee: now seriously... | 09:18 |
jelkner | pythoncard anyone? | 09:18 |
goldfish | IIIEars: it converts from .rpm to .deb | 09:18 |
npiv_ | As much as longhorn will probly suck I always look forward to new windows versions, they just so pretty :) | 09:18 |
Lafitte- | neighborlee, i was laughing because its funny i ddnt tell you to not to pursue your dreams | 09:18 |
goldfish | IIIEars: dpkg -i, installs .deb files | 09:18 |
Lafitte- | neighborlee, another words relax | 09:18 |
Funraiser | npiv, just a pun, bullshit, longhorn... | 09:18 |
danko123456 | neighborlee: I am positive of myu dvdrw not ejecting without the eject selection ftrom the context menu when you right click on it, this is in windows... | 09:18 |
HappyFool | neighborlee: you might find that if the CD *cannot* be unmounted, it will not be ejected on other systems. This would be reasonable behaviour, IMO | 09:18 |
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concept10 | npiv: how do you know it will suck | 09:19 |
IIIEars | goldfish - you couldn't make that any easier. - that is really simple | 09:19 |
neighborlee | danko123456, sorry but you are wrong...try again and report back l8r | 09:19 |
Funraiser | concept10, lol | 09:19 |
goldfish | IIIEars: Yep. | 09:19 |
jelkner | pythoncard is broken on hoary, yes? | 09:19 |
danko123456 | neighborlee: I am telling you for sure, 100%, nmy partuicular dvd, Ive had it b4 linux, I swear:) | 09:19 |
neighborlee | HappyFool, no i'm saying on other distros this is exactcly how it works...just like it does in windows...thas all ;-) | 09:19 |
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concept10 | some people get linux working on thier computer and turn into fanboys | 09:20 |
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npiv_ | concept10, the fact they backed off on the new filesystem was pretty dissapointing, and in a preview I saw it basically means more wizards and friendly animated little characters, But its too soon to tell, Like i said im looking forward to it | 09:20 |
neighborlee | danko123456, then you have a weird drive | 09:20 |
lotusleaf | concept10, or realists | 09:20 |
danko123456 | neighborlee: if what futureshop(best buy if youre american) sells is weird... | 09:20 |
Funraiser | i don't get the point of paying for an OS today... | 09:21 |
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danko123456 | it is just how some are made, when mounted, you can not just eject with the button, its not a biggie, and maybe even there are several qways around it, as some ppl said. | 09:21 |
concept10 | npiv_: just because they have wizards means it sucks? you can turn that off you know. BTW, im not a MS zealot | 09:21 |
danko123456 | a ms zealot, :) | 09:21 |
neighborlee | danko123456, if you can't eject your CD with eject button then yes thats uncommon...i'm just laying the logic before you saying not only does windows do it ( I dont use it much I just KNOW from experience as do others) but SEVERAL other distros have this same functionality..'because' its smart interface design plain and simple end of story ;-) | 09:21 |
concept10 | neighborlee: youre making tooooooooooo much fuss about the eject button my friend | 09:22 |
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Lafitte- | neighborlee, what distro allows you to do that ? | 09:22 |
npiv_ | concept10, No like i said its too soon to tell (I backed off my previous statement) , regarding wizards though, try ctrl-f on win xp. Its ridiculous the amount of options and crap you need to go through before oyu can start searching | 09:22 |
Funraiser | wars are been fought for less than that | 09:22 |
neighborlee | concept10, no i'm just discussing the merits as others are with me..if they ask I have the freedom to respond I believe | 09:22 |
neighborlee | Lafitte-, suse, mandrake ( now mandriva), knoppix, xandros, linspire to name a few <G> | 09:23 |
IIIEars | neighborlee - I know what you mean - the interesting thing about linux is that it is open source and with a little effort you can transfer that function to Ubuntu and share it with others. | 09:23 |
Lafitte- | neighborlee, i would go use one of those and join there channel and find another pointless argumnt for them | 09:23 |
=== dockane [~dockane@p5084EBB5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Funraiser | if u both agree on the fact that u disagree, that's good enough | 09:24 |
concept10 | npiv_: I hate the search in windows too...but you have to realize they make the OS like that so it could be easy for non-techies | 09:24 |
neighborlee | Lafitte-, I choose ubuntu because I find it meets my need and philosophy..all of this is simply over wish to use eject like the other ones do as I find it desireable/easier | 09:24 |
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neighborlee | IIIEars, yes that is why I was asking | 09:24 |
danko123456 | hah:) | 09:24 |
neighborlee | IIIEars, because I had no idea where to start trying to achieve that functionality ;-) | 09:24 |
concept10 | npiv_: i absolutely HATE search in windows, it is toooooo slow | 09:24 |
danko123456 | yeah, its not very good. | 09:25 |
danko123456 | I like how in Linux you have the cli alternative, so it can all be faster. | 09:25 |
neighborlee | Lafitte-, slander will get you nowhere in this channel | 09:25 |
Funraiser | with google desktop is fast even on windows | 09:25 |
IIIEars | what distro includes it? - can i take a look? | 09:25 |
npiv_ | concept10 - of course, And its great, Im a part time VS developer (probly shouldnt say that here :)) . I just think the powertools arent all that, microsoft could implement a more friendly tech enviroment too, kill the dog ;) | 09:25 |
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Lafitte- | neighborlee, slander ??? you need to get an education | 09:25 |
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Lafitte- | or go read what slander means rofl | 09:25 |
npiv_ | concept10 - at least present the option | 09:25 |
Lafitte- | i didnt slander you at all | 09:25 |
neighborlee | Lafitte-, stop being childdish or face being kicked or banned | 09:25 |
concept10 | come on guys | 09:26 |
Lafitte- | stfu | 09:26 |
neighborlee | Lafitte-, I have the right to discuss without being attacked | 09:26 |
danko123456 | ok, lets drop it start over:) | 09:26 |
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IIIEars | lol | 09:26 |
neighborlee | Lafitte-, stfu ? | 09:26 |
danko123456 | what do you mean attacked? | 09:26 |
Lafitte- | very simple | 09:26 |
danko123456 | :) | 09:26 |
npiv_ | Lafitte-, , La fit is throwing a fit muahahha | 09:26 |
danko123456 | its just words? | 09:26 |
gangalee | yeah, let's drop it, and talk about kernel header files | 09:26 |
Lafitte- | hahaha | 09:26 |
gangalee | in Hoary | 09:26 |
danko123456 | one guy told you, gangalee? looked in the usr/something dir? | 09:26 |
npiv_ | gangalee, eww your not invited to my birthday party ;) | 09:26 |
gangalee | like how do I install them... | 09:26 |
anto9us | gangalee: I like your style :) | 09:26 |
Anubis | well BSOD trying ot play Civ3 | 09:26 |
Funraiser | stfu (shut the fuck up) | 09:27 |
=== Dutchy [~Dutchy@ipd50ae694.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gangalee | I don't think it's been fully installed | 09:27 |
Anubis | Guess I will have to learn Freeciv | 09:27 |
Funraiser | just explaining! | 09:27 |
neighborlee | Funraiser, stop it or face ban or kick | 09:27 |
gangalee | npiv_: Gangalee will crash your party | 09:27 |
npiv_ | neighborlee, you gonna kick him ? | 09:27 |
Lafitte- | neighborlee, you cant ban or kick anyone | 09:27 |
HappyFool | gangalee: try linux-headers-386 | 09:27 |
danko123456 | gangalee: for what? are you isntalling anything? | 09:27 |
HappyFool | (assuming you're running a 386 kernel) | 09:27 |
danko123456 | or do as he said. | 09:27 |
gangalee | I'm trying to install VMWare wkstation 5 | 09:27 |
HappyFool | gangalee: that should install enough for the compilation of kernel modules | 09:28 |
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gangalee | so apt-get install linux-headers-386 ? | 09:28 |
Funraiser | neighborlee, err...i was just explaining...calm down | 09:28 |
HappyFool | gangalee: that should work. are you running a 386 kernel? try 'uname -r' to find out | 09:28 |
lotusleaf | "Ubuntu Linux 5.10 Colony 1 Released" http://www.osnews.com/comment.php?news_id=10622&limit=no | 09:28 |
=== Nermal [~peter@81-178-77-233.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nermal | woo fixed | 09:29 |
lotusleaf | Nermal ;) | 09:29 |
Nermal | that was fun | 09:29 |
Lafitte- | Funraiser, grin | 09:29 |
stuNNed | hi Nermal | 09:29 |
Nermal | lo lotusleaf | 09:29 |
Nermal | lo stuNNed @_ | 09:29 |
Nermal | :) | 09:29 |
=== jamesio [~james@c66-135-10-4.cust.broadbandip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gangalee | HappyFool: 2.6.10-5-386 | 09:29 |
npiv_ | neighborlee, your not being very neighborly ;) | 09:30 |
stuNNed | Nermal: hehe :) | 09:30 |
HappyFool | gangalee: then linux-headers-386 is what you want | 09:30 |
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=== darksatanic [~hugo@81-5-136-19.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gangalee | HappyFool: thanks | 09:30 |
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anto9us | gangalee: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 09:31 |
gangalee | so where does it install? the kernel headers? | 09:31 |
=== jared [~jared@exchange2.dglaw.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bkw-laptop | Is it possible to disable the squares that appear everytime I minimize a window in gnome? | 09:31 |
=== CerBerO_ [~CerBerO@pc-138-47-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HappyFool | except that linux-headers-386 will automatically upgrade with your image | 09:31 |
=== Dittohead [Dittohead@dittohead.artist.blender] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lafitte- | bkw-laptop, you can remove the panel i believe is you want | 09:32 |
=== Dave9191 [~Dave9191@82-35-42-191.cable.ubr02.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
danko123456 | what squares?? | 09:32 |
Funraiser | btw slander was appropriate since it means: to defame ,or to to harm the reputation of by libel (merriam webster) | 09:32 |
anto9us | yeah, what squares exactly? | 09:32 |
jared | how do I download a streaming file (exg: mms://foo.wma)? | 09:32 |
bkw-laptop | gnome make squares that follows every window during the minimization | 09:32 |
HappyFool | presumably the taskbar (by default at the bottom) | 09:32 |
=== REBELinBLUE [~Stephen@n083216081208.netvigator.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
REBELinBLUE | hey | 09:32 |
Dittohead | Does 5.04 support nForce (2 400 ultra) SATA? | 09:33 |
REBELinBLUE | anyone mind giving me a hand with hotplug? | 09:33 |
anto9us | Funraiser: actually, no, being in IRC and published/broadcast it would be libel | 09:33 |
tahorg | jared: mmsrip, not in ubuntu | 09:33 |
bkw-laptop | danko123456, anto9us: Was that any clearer? | 09:33 |
HappyFool | bkw-laptop: you mean the bar at the bottom | 09:33 |
tahorg | jared: google for it | 09:33 |
dockane | which identd is recommended ? | 09:33 |
HappyFool | ? | 09:33 |
IIIEars | It looks like the CD eject button will be supported in the next release (tho you might try installing it now..) http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/utils/eject | 09:33 |
=== afroman [~afroman@c-2ae870d5.04-271-73746f34.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
afroman | hi everyone | 09:33 |
jared | tahorg, thanks. | 09:33 |
anto9us | bkw-laptop: you mean the animation? | 09:33 |
afroman | I'm in big trouble | 09:33 |
bkw-laptop | anto9us, yes. | 09:33 |
neighborlee | IIIEars, nice.. | 09:34 |
afroman | can you plz help me resizing my screen? | 09:34 |
anto9us | bkw-laptop: have you tried browsing the options in gnome preferences? | 09:34 |
=== cornholio [~splaza@pc-200-74-118-25.megavia.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
danko123456 | bkw-laptop: like the animation that inmitates a frame of a window being minimized? or the taskbar representation of windows? | 09:34 |
gangalee | finally got it- /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-5-386/include/ | 09:35 |
npiv_ | afroman, system -> preferences -> screen resolution not have the option for you ? | 09:35 |
danko123456 | afroman: just take an axe, and hack it into the right size:) | 09:35 |
=== Fergy [~Fergy@a82-92-232-156.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bkw-laptop | danko123456, the animation of windows being minimized | 09:35 |
Lafitte- | IIIEars, would be the same apt-get install eject ? | 09:35 |
gangalee | that screen resolution tool didn't work for me at all | 09:35 |
danko123456 | bkw-laptop: disable? | 09:35 |
afroman | npiv_ done that but the thing is it won't change from 640x480 | 09:35 |
gangalee | had to change my xorg.conf | 09:35 |
jared | tahorg, mimms is on ubuntu, I'm gonna try it. | 09:36 |
HappyFool | i have eject in hoary. i don't think this is anything new | 09:36 |
npiv_ | afroman, there are no other options ? or it doesnt change when you select another option ? | 09:36 |
danko123456 | I should leave the channel, the ideas ppl have about customizing their computer are getting on my nervs:) | 09:36 |
tahorg | jared: is it ? | 09:36 |
danko123456 | maybe its cause I cant find my smokes. | 09:36 |
tahorg | jared: which repository ? | 09:36 |
tahorg | ahh mimms | 09:36 |
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HappyFool | eject contains /usr/bin/eject and /usr/bin/volname, which have been around for years | 09:36 |
Funraiser | danko123456, the xmms skins are nice... | 09:36 |
anto9us | bkw-laptop: there's an option in Configuration Editor on the Applications | System Tools menu | 09:36 |
afroman | npiv_ it doesn't have any other resolution but 640x480 | 09:36 |
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=== lumin8 [~lumin8@c-67-170-124-82.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FBJ | a little help pls... downloaded a packed file - unpacked as executable. Doubleclick works on Mandriva - but not on Ubuntu | 09:37 |
aseed | hi all. how do i sync things on my palm and evolution? | 09:37 |
danko123456 | anto9us: whats it under? | 09:37 |
aseed | appointments, tasks etc | 09:37 |
jared | tahorg, I think universe under networking. How can I tell in synaptic? | 09:37 |
anto9us | bkw-laptop: it's under /desktop/interface | 09:37 |
danko123456 | fbj, name of file. | 09:37 |
Lafitte- | aseed, you can it being seen mby linux already | 09:37 |
neighborlee | IIIEars, I h ad looked before on website and apparantly missed it, so thanks for verification on this matter | 09:37 |
npiv_ | afroman, you need to configure your /etc/X11/xorg.conf then - Perhaps you can rerun the conf tool though one sec | 09:37 |
tahorg | jared: ok I found it | 09:37 |
FBJ | altme - a messenger type program | 09:37 |
tahorg | jared: I thougt you were talking about mmsrip | 09:37 |
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npiv_ | anyone know how to rerun the resolution sizes menu given during installation | 09:38 |
aseed | Lafitte-, what? | 09:38 |
neighborlee | npiv, by discussing facts and defending myself upon attack ? | 09:38 |
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danko123456 | neighborlee: so works out it really is gonna work? | 09:38 |
=== zxy [~ralph@host-84-9-33-160.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lafitte- | aseed, ack let me retype that can you see the device in linux already | 09:38 |
npiv_ | neighborlee, what did I do ? | 09:38 |
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neighborlee | npiv_ neighborlee, your not being very neighborly ;) | 09:38 |
npiv_ | ah yes | 09:38 |
aseed | Lafitte-, yeah gnome-bluetooth shows the device | 09:38 |
bkw-laptop | anto9us, I unchecked enable animations | 09:38 |
neighborlee | danko123456, yes indeed!!! | 09:38 |
npiv_ | funny joke :) | 09:38 |
HappyFool | neighborlee: have you tried installing the setcd package? (in hoary universe) It mentions controlling CD properties like auto-locking | 09:38 |
bkw-laptop | anto9us, I think gnome need restart also | 09:38 |
anto9us | bkw-laptop: did it work? | 09:38 |
Lafitte- | aseed, check for the conduits now | 09:38 |
Lafitte- | aseed, those are usually set off by default so you need to turn them on | 09:39 |
neighborlee | HappyFool, no for now keyboard mapping will be sufficient but thank you for the reference | 09:39 |
danko123456 | npiv: you can manually edit the file, and put in the refresh rates? in it... | 09:39 |
aseed | Lafitte-, where do I turn them on? | 09:39 |
jared | tahorg, seems to be working... | 09:39 |
Lafitte- | aseed, should be in the palm settings | 09:39 |
bkw-laptop | anto9us, lemme restart gnome. thanks for your help so far. | 09:40 |
Lafitte- | aseed, system prefs palm devices i think | 09:40 |
danko123456 | neighborlee: :) | 09:40 |
Lafitte- | aseed, no her eit is | 09:40 |
npiv_ | afroman, Ill help you with it manually, you there ? | 09:40 |
Lafitte- | aseed, in evolution | 09:40 |
aseed | yeah | 09:40 |
Lafitte- | aseed, tools palm settings then conduits | 09:40 |
Lafitte- | aseed, then sync the palm again | 09:41 |
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aseed | Lafitte-, urgh, cant believe i missed that in evo | 09:41 |
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Lafitte- | aseed, hehe yeah i had issues with mine | 09:42 |
aseed | it's looking for /dev/pilot tho, what will the bluetooth device be? | 09:42 |
Lafitte- | aseed, has to add my model to the palm script by hand | 09:42 |
HappyFool | is it just me, or are the repositories often a bit screwed wrt package files having incorrect MD5 ? | 09:42 |
Lafitte- | aseed, i use usb so im not sure ill google for it for you hold a sec | 09:42 |
=== Patterns [~Patterns@c-24-13-253-235.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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danko123456 | why would something like auto mounting of a digital camera device stop working?(except for me constantly installing, and uninstalliong things on my comp? | 09:43 |
aseed | Lafitte-, you don't have to, i'll have a look if you like :) | 09:43 |
=== KarlosII eyes channel 84 CPAC in Canada, freaking corrupt lying bribing liberals | ||
=== psychonate [~psychonat@pcp02819902pcs.lwrswt01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
danko123456 | KarlosII: what? | 09:43 |
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Lafitte- | aseed, you look also tellme if you find it | 09:43 |
=== KarlosII sighs politics | ||
danko123456 | KarlosII: a tv channel? | 09:43 |
psychonate | what exactly is the mplayer-custom package? | 09:43 |
KarlosII | yes it has all our live parlimentary sessions | 09:43 |
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KarlosII | fed government | 09:44 |
=== vassie [~vassie@cpc4-hem14-5-0-cust76.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
danko123456 | not on my tv it dont... | 09:44 |
KarlosII | maybe not :) | 09:44 |
danko123456 | cpac channel? | 09:44 |
danko123456 | what are they lying bouit now? | 09:44 |
FBJ | Any pointers as to how to run an executable file on Ubuntu... It works fine with doubleclicking on Mandriva (pls) ? | 09:45 |
HappyFool | FBJ: do you know how to start a terminal? | 09:45 |
danko123456 | FBJ: what is the name of the file | 09:45 |
FBJ | yes | 09:45 |
FBJ | the filename i altme | 09:45 |
FBJ | *is | 09:45 |
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danko123456 | so, just altme? | 09:45 |
HappyFool | FBJ: do that, and cd to the directory where the file is | 09:45 |
FBJ | yes | 09:45 |
psychonate | What is the extension? | 09:45 |
Lafitte- | aseed, /dev/ttySN | 09:45 |
Patterns | Very stupid question from a newbie--I believe that I just upgraded Ubuntu from Wrty to Hoary using the Synaptic | 09:45 |
danko123456 | then chmod +x altme | 09:46 |
Lafitte- | aseed, might be the srial number for the device | 09:46 |
danko123456 | then ./altme | 09:46 |
=== fonsken [~fonsken@d54C32D13.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Patterns | Upon reboot how can I tell if it actually updated? It looks the same | 09:46 |
aseed | Lafitte-, i'll try it out - thanks a lot for the help | 09:46 |
FBJ | thanks - I'll try that :-) | 09:46 |
Lafitte- | aseed, wait thats not it he e | 09:46 |
danko123456 | fbj, compile muine and his instructions into one, btw | 09:46 |
danko123456 | not muine:) | 09:46 |
HappyFool | Patterns: try System -> About Ubuntu ? | 09:46 |
=== ted__ [~ted@bilbo.nomad.utk.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ted__ | I have a question, everytime I use sudo command it asks for my password twice | 09:47 |
danko123456 | oooh, mine dont work, HappyFool | 09:47 |
danko123456 | heh, KarlosII put on cbc 1, there is a funny argument. | 09:47 |
Funraiser | ted__, do you stutter? | 09:48 |
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kushboy | can someone help me set up my sound card? | 09:48 |
KarlosII | danko123456, question period is more hilarious then JOEY | 09:48 |
ted__ | funraiser no I don't lol it occured after I tried to insall an ldap server | 09:48 |
HappyFool | ted__: does it say 'Sorry, try again.' or just ask again? | 09:48 |
npiv_ | Crap, man isnt working anymore, I probly removed the link can someone do a quick search, where is the command located and is it a link ? | 09:48 |
JairunCaloth | how can I tell what version video drivers I'm running? | 09:49 |
ted__ | Happyfool no it doesn't | 09:49 |
ted__ | Just asks again | 09:49 |
Funraiser | kushboy, u have no sound, or u just installed a new card? | 09:49 |
HappyFool | ted__: bizarre | 09:50 |
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danko123456 | KarlosII: is that what this show is called? | 09:50 |
ted__ | happyfool I know, it's annoying because I have to run gui admin apps from the command line | 09:50 |
KarlosII | eheheh JOEY is a comedy tv show | 09:50 |
danko123456 | no, I mean, question period, what is that? | 09:51 |
=== sexygirl [blancior@bgp01016860bgs.rosvle01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
-sexygirl:#ubuntu- http://usery.freeownhost.com/me.jpg | 09:51 | |
danko123456 | why am I being spammed, btw...sexygirl, whats up with that? | 09:51 |
=== KarlosII tunes his tv to CPAC for the NON Confidence Vote in hope that we goto the polls on june 27 to elect a new prime minister | ||
sexygirl | what | 09:51 |
danko123456 | (14:51:23) sexygirl: (notice) http://usery.freeownhost.com/me.jpg | 09:51 |
danko123456 | KarlosII: who can we elect, I think it is at the less of two evils right now... | 09:52 |
danko123456 | although martin is a pig,... | 09:52 |
=== bkw-laptop [~bkw@h55l114.delphi.afb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
knoppix | i want some help | 09:52 |
danko123456 | DENIED!!!! | 09:52 |
goldfish | Is it wasy to resize a linux partition w/out losing data? | 09:52 |
knoppix | please | 09:53 |
HappyFool | knoppix: ask your question | 09:53 |
knoppix | i am runing from a live cd | 09:53 |
knoppix | first | 09:53 |
Ali_Baba | Gparted is a good partition program. | 09:53 |
danko123456 | knoppix: off course, jj... | 09:53 |
knoppix | how i make fonts bigerrs because i am running with 4 | 09:53 |
bkw-laptop | Strange, to uncheck 'enable animations' in configuration editor didnt make the squares go away during minimizing | 09:53 |
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danko123456 | system prefs... | 09:54 |
Ali_Baba | shouldnt be too hard to resize with it goldfish :) | 09:54 |
goldfish | Ali_Baba: Does it support ntfs? | 09:54 |
anto9us | goldfish: I've used http://www.sysresccd.org/ to do that task | 09:54 |
=== Dave9191 [~Dave9191@82-35-42-191.cable.ubr02.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TTilus_ | goldfish: afaik at least XFS supports (hot?) resizing of filesystems | 09:54 |
danko123456 | bkw-laptop: where was it again? | 09:54 |
knoppix | ssysteem pref it isnt | 09:55 |
=== sparc_ [~sparc@cp85834-b.venlo1.lb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== bigbill52a [~bill@24-55-219-216.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
danko123456 | system, prefs, font | 09:55 |
Ali_Baba | Gparted doesnt like ntfs. | 09:55 |
Funraiser | sexygirl, the link doesn't work | 09:55 |
bkw-laptop | danko123456, application, systool, configuration editor, desktop gnome interface | 09:55 |
goldfish | Ali_Baba: Damn, my drive is ntfs :/ | 09:55 |
danko123456 | Funraiser: it was some spam thing, the person left. | 09:55 |
Funraiser | shit | 09:55 |
Funraiser | lol | 09:55 |
TTilus_ | goldfish: nobody except ms tools likes ntfs | 09:55 |
goldfish | well yeah | 09:55 |
goldfish | It was a windows laptop :) | 09:56 |
=== markus [~markus@p5088527A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== delta [~delta@ppp-13.pool2.dsl.netultra.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiggggr | Seveas, tigger? what who me? :-) | 09:56 |
TTilus_ | goldfish: how come "it was"? | 09:56 |
sparc_ | question.. can anybody explain why my plexter DVD drives opens the dvd writer dialog in ubuntu while the burner works okay. both drives have no issues in windows.. | 09:56 |
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=== FreezerX [FreezerX@dsl-213-023-171-148.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ali_Baba | can you take a backup goldfish and then change filesystem? | 09:56 |
bkw-laptop | danko123456, any ideas? | 09:57 |
=== Hiberos [~ydayda@host-81-191-19-231.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
goldfish | Ali_Baba: hmmmmmm, dunno.... | 09:57 |
=== bah [048830696@AC963C69.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
goldfish | i could delete my windows partition and resize that i suppose | 09:57 |
TTilus_ | goldfish: what are you trying to accomplish? (i.e. your goal is...) | 09:57 |
goldfish | TTilus_: I am currently dualbooting, i want to triboot now. | 09:57 |
sparc_ | nobody ? | 09:57 |
=== tekkah [~tekk@watchguard.frv.ma.meganet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
goldfish | so i need to resize my windows or ubuntu partition | 09:57 |
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danko123456 | Funraiser: yeah, it would be nice if it was for real:) | 09:58 |
goldfish | Just try to research which partition would be easier to resize. | 09:58 |
Ali_Baba | you can resize ntfs in windows. | 09:58 |
Funraiser | danko123456, he he | 09:58 |
=== Punkt__ [~monkey@adsl-business-212-101-27-125.solnet.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
goldfish | Ali_Baba: ah right | 09:58 |
TTilus_ | goldfish: you have to go with windows tools if you want to tweak ntfs | 09:58 |
knoppix | k | 09:59 |
knoppix | done | 09:59 |
goldfish | Okay then, thanks. | 09:59 |
bkw-laptop | Anyone who know how do 'disable' the square animations during minimization of a window in gnome? I've tried =>application, systool, configuration editor, desktop gnome interface uncheck 'enable animations' with no success. | 09:59 |
knoppix | i move my ide on another system aand is not booting | 09:59 |
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knoppix | it sais that xserver has pbs | 10:00 |
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knoppix | hello | 10:01 |
knoppix | is anybody helping me? | 10:01 |
anto9us | bkw-laptop: try /apps/metacity/general/reduced_resources | 10:01 |
knoppix | wants anybody offer some help | 10:01 |
=== KarlosII wanders of | ||
Nermal | knoppix: say the bloody error | 10:01 |
danko123456 | anto9us: nice. | 10:01 |
HappyFool | knoppix: i don't know what 'xserver has pbs' means | 10:02 |
knoppix | i move ide on another system and i dont want to reinstall | 10:02 |
Nermal | no. thats not an error | 10:02 |
Nermal | can't be arsed to prise it out of you | 10:02 |
=== Nermal [~peter@81-178-77-233.dsl.pipex.com] has left #ubuntu ["Client] | ||
knoppix | i have ubuntu on ide | 10:02 |
HappyFool | what do you mean by ide ? | 10:02 |
danko123456 | a drive:) | 10:02 |
knoppix | harddissk | 10:02 |
CarlK | goldfish - the Ubuntu installer will resize your ntfs partition | 10:02 |
HappyFool | so you've switched your hard-drive from one machine to another? | 10:02 |
danko123456 | bkw-laptop: got it?? | 10:02 |
knoppix | sorry for my english | 10:02 |
bkw-laptop | anto9us, yes! it worked | 10:03 |
danko123456 | you are forgiven | 10:03 |
bkw-laptop | danko123456, roger | 10:03 |
HappyFool | knoppix: try running 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' | 10:03 |
danko123456 | good stuff. | 10:03 |
danko123456 | :) | 10:03 |
goldfish | CarlK: Will I lose data from the partition I resize? | 10:03 |
HappyFool | knoppix: after you've logged in via text mode | 10:03 |
knoppix | k | 10:03 |
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bkw-laptop | anto9us, seem it will save a few animations.. that's cool | 10:03 |
=== carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anto9us | :) | 10:03 |
knoppix | k | 10:04 |
CarlK | goldfish - I didn't | 10:04 |
knoppix | let me see | 10:04 |
macbeth | HI ewerybody | 10:04 |
goldfish | CarlK: Cool, thanks. | 10:04 |
danko123456 | hey, amcbth,. | 10:04 |
CarlK | goldfish - but I also made a backup | 10:04 |
danko123456 | or yeah... | 10:04 |
goldfish | CarlK: :) | 10:04 |
bkw-laptop | anto9us, thx. | 10:04 |
goldfish | I can make a backup of my data, I just don't want to reinstall ubuntu again. | 10:05 |
Ali_Baba | goldfish:you should get rid off windows,its no good :) | 10:05 |
anto9us | bkw-laptop: you're welcome | 10:05 |
macbeth | hmm wery funny bye bye | 10:05 |
goldfish | Ali_Baba: Need it for my games :) | 10:05 |
Ali_Baba | yeah :) | 10:05 |
danko123456 | ha, he thought it wasnt a typo. | 10:05 |
Lafitte- | anyone here know how to setup any of the buttons that use the FN key on a laptop ?? | 10:06 |
Funraiser | well windows is still useful sometimes, i just won't buy any other windows OS, xp will be fine for the next 5 years | 10:06 |
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danko123456 | Funraiser: you bought it??>:o | 10:06 |
Funraiser | lol | 10:06 |
Funraiser | did i say that? | 10:06 |
goldfish | Lafitte-: think there is a howto on the forums. | 10:06 |
goldfish | hehe | 10:06 |
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Lafitte- | oh yeah | 10:07 |
HappyFool | Lafitte-: try 'tail -f /var/log/messages' and then push the keys | 10:07 |
danko123456 | Funraiser: you sure did... | 10:07 |
Funraiser | goldfish, there are many games with cedega check this out, http://digital-conquest.ath.cx/wiki/index.php/Category:Games | 10:07 |
HappyFool | i get a message saying: 'Unknown key released ... use setkeycodes' | 10:07 |
goldfish | Funraiser: YEah, I have cedega, tried it out, doesnt like my laptop resolutions. | 10:07 |
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dos000 | where is syslog in hoary ? | 10:08 |
HappyFool | /var/log/syslog ? | 10:08 |
danko123456 | Funraiser: whats that, a list of games that run with cedega? | 10:08 |
dos000 | HappyFool, i am looking for /etc/init.d/syslog ! | 10:08 |
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Funraiser | danko123456, yep! amazing uh | 10:08 |
dos000 | HappyFool, i see only sysklogd | 10:08 |
HappyFool | i see a /etc/init.d/sysklogd there | 10:08 |
Lafitte- | HappyFool, nothing list even the ones that work | 10:08 |
danko123456 | Funraiser: sure... | 10:08 |
HappyFool | dos000: sorry, no clue in that case | 10:09 |
bkw-laptop | when I do lsmod loads of modules are listed. I cannot find the whole list in /etc/modules so where can I disable ie a unused networking module? | 10:09 |
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dos000 | HappyFool, the name suggest it is only meant for kernel logs ... no ? | 10:09 |
Funraiser | danko123456, i've been testing many myself (games), many work flawlessly, i mean flawlessly | 10:09 |
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Lafitte- | bkw-laptop, double click the momitors next to the time and date ten click configure | 10:10 |
npiv_ | Funraiser, czan you give some examples ? | 10:10 |
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Funraiser | max payne 2, perfect | 10:10 |
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npiv_ | nice | 10:10 |
HappyFool | dos000: according to the package info for sysklogd: "This package implements the system log daemon, which is an enhanced version of the standard Berkeley utility program. " | 10:10 |
BioVorE | what about /var/log/messages? | 10:10 |
Funraiser | that james bond game, can't remember the name, perfect | 10:10 |
shinu | is there a package DirectConnect valknut for ubuntu? | 10:11 |
lotusleaf | Funraiser, No One Lives Forever? :) | 10:11 |
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HappyFool | BioVorE: i think syslog (or sysklogd, or whatever) sends different types of messages to different logs | 10:11 |
BioVorE | yeah.. I think your right.. | 10:12 |
Funraiser | i tried the demo of half life 2 on ubuntu, my system is a bit old, pentium 3, but the game was nice | 10:12 |
Funraiser | a bit slow, but it has more to do with my system | 10:12 |
HappyFool | /etc/syslog.conf has more info, and man syslog.conf | 10:12 |
trondd | Does anyone here own a Dell inpiron 8100? Cpu-scaling makes X lag when changing freq. Is there a solution to this? | 10:12 |
npiv_ | Funraiser, valve has steal for windows ? | 10:13 |
lotusleaf | Funraiser, try the Doom 3 demo ;P | 10:13 |
npiv_ | I mean linux | 10:13 |
digip1mp | I am really liking Ubuntu | 10:13 |
n3C | better far cry | 10:13 |
goldfish | lotusleaf: why not get the doom 3 linux version? :) | 10:13 |
Funraiser | deux ex worked flawlessly too | 10:13 |
lotusleaf | digip1mp, aren't we all :) | 10:13 |
lotusleaf | goldfish, cause I didn't like the demo ;) | 10:13 |
BioVorE | how well dose HL2 Play inder cedega? | 10:13 |
Funraiser | npiv, yeah | 10:13 |
goldfish | lotusleaf: hehe | 10:13 |
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lotusleaf | goldfish, I'm waiting for Duke Nukem Forever ;) | 10:13 |
Funraiser | i have steam right on my desktop | 10:13 |
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npiv_ | afroman, did you get it working ? | 10:14 |
Funraiser | ubuntu desktop | 10:14 |
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afroman | npiv_ nope | 10:14 |
goldfish | BioVorE: install cedega, install steam via cedega, install hl2, bam. | 10:14 |
npiv_ | afroman, join #f20 Ill help you | 10:14 |
BioVorE | cool.. might have to try that.. :-) | 10:14 |
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lotusleaf | goldfish, are you using cedega cvs? | 10:14 |
goldfish | lotusleaf: nope | 10:14 |
dcraven | I've never even *seen* hl2... I wanna though. | 10:14 |
goldfish | you? | 10:14 |
neighborlee | BioVorE, its better for linux if you just play native games but I do understand the need for the currently held popular games especially if you bought them and to play with friends...but anyway try to play native games too cause longterm it will help linux aLOT ;-)) | 10:14 |
lotusleaf | goldfish, no wonder it works for you ;) | 10:14 |
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BioVorE | rgr that neighborlee | 10:15 |
lotusleaf | goldfish, nope, I only used winex, before it was called cedega | 10:15 |
digip1mp | I've tried gentoo, suse, fc1, fc2, fc3, debian-sarge, centos, rhel, and freebsd, and the ease of install and use on Ubuntu has been incredible. Of course, I am trying Ubuntu last, so that may have made things a bit easier, but I'm pretty impressed. | 10:15 |
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neighborlee | BioVorE, ;-)roger dodger ;-) | 10:15 |
BioVorE | I play UT2k4 in a clan using Iccurus' linux port :-) | 10:15 |
Funraiser | nice | 10:15 |
nickrud | c | 10:15 |
nickrud | oops | 10:15 |
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neighborlee | BioVorE, I have that game and NWN..nwn is alot of fun and highly socially addictive LOL | 10:15 |
BioVorE | works the same as windows.. | 10:15 |
digip1mp | I really like the getting started guide and the how-to section in the forums | 10:15 |
HappyFool | digip1mp: i was trying to use yum on CentOS 3.4 today -- it seems to be quite far behind apt-get, imo | 10:15 |
lotusleaf | goldfish, no thanks :/ | 10:15 |
neighborlee | BioVorE, yup..grand isn't it ;-) | 10:15 |
BioVorE | Doom3 has a linux port too :-) | 10:16 |
neighborlee | BioVorE, yup. | 10:16 |
Ali_Baba | shinu:i downloaded the valknut source from internet and compiled it. | 10:16 |
goldfish | lotusleaf: kk , if u ever change ur mind pm ask :) | 10:16 |
goldfish | BioVorE: yes i have it | 10:16 |
lotusleaf | the only thing I play right now is Enemy Territory it's sweet! | 10:16 |
hodgman | does ubuntu use the same installer as deb testing ? | 10:16 |
neighborlee | BioVorE, ..dont have that one but i've seen friend play it and its something else | 10:16 |
digip1mp | HappyFool: yum is actually a pretty solid package manager - you never have to apt-get update, for one... | 10:16 |
=== trondd finds it hard to have anything against mono when some many nice programs are using it.... | ||
HappyFool | digip1mp: it seems so sllooooooow though ;) | 10:16 |
shinu | Ali_Baba: alright... i thought i could just apt-get it... oh well... :P | 10:16 |
digip1mp | HappyFool: but apt works just as easily/well | 10:16 |
BioVorE | I hear that Icculus has started on the next UT for linux :-) | 10:16 |
neighborlee | digip1mp, yeah its a tad slow though....maybe they will improve on that | 10:17 |
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digip1mp | HappyFool: it's slow because it downloads package header before everything... | 10:17 |
goldfish | the ut2k7 screenshot looks absolutely amazing | 10:17 |
neighborlee | BioVorE, I believe that is correct yes..linuxgames.com I think I saw that topic on yes | 10:17 |
digip1mp | the whole "no doing apt-get update" thing slows it down | 10:17 |
BioVorE | yup.. the screenshot look like they will pwn | 10:17 |
neighborlee | goldfish, cross fingers we get unrealED for linux | 10:17 |
HappyFool | digip1mp: hrm. haven't they heard of datestamps? ;) | 10:17 |
HappyFool | timestamps, even | 10:17 |
goldfish | Aye. | 10:17 |
digip1mp | heh | 10:17 |
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lotusleaf | Duke Nukem Forever - "Always bet on duke!" :) | 10:18 |
BioVorE | Thats the only thing the linux version is realy missing is UnrealED | 10:18 |
neighborlee | lotusleaf, heh | 10:18 |
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HappyFool | digip1mp: to be fair, it was an old computer running a *shudder* virus checker | 10:18 |
neighborlee | BioVorE, exactly | 10:18 |
BioVorE | The mp3 player in UT2k4 for linux dosn't work eather.. but know on cares about it.. | 10:18 |
neighborlee | BioVorE, ditto here | 10:18 |
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BioVorE | Anyone here running ubuntu as a server? | 10:18 |
lotusleaf | "damn, that's the second time those alien bastards shot up my ride!" - Duke Nukem, Duke Nukem 3d | 10:18 |
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neighborlee | BioVorE, not I sorry but im sure it rocks ;-)<G> | 10:19 |
anto9us | BioVorE: what kind of server? | 10:19 |
goldfish | BioVorE: I installed no X hoary and i planned to, but havent gotten around to it yet. | 10:19 |
=== polux [~polux@ARennes-251-1-15-228.w83-195.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bkw-laptop | When do I disable modules that are autoloaded during bootup, it can't be only /etc/modules there're only a few listed? | 10:19 |
cfk | BioVorE, techincaly, yes. dhcp, tftp, appache and nfs | 10:19 |
Ali_Baba | shinu:havent tried backports in apt-get maybe its there :) | 10:19 |
BioVorE | I have it setup on a 1U rackmount as a server testbed, I like how easy shit works in it compared to debian.. | 10:19 |
shinu | oh... .xD | 10:19 |
BioVorE | but The system is very easly enumerated :-/ | 10:20 |
shinu | Ali_Baba: you think on #debian they might know something? | 10:20 |
BioVorE | yeah.. they said build it your self.. :-/ | 10:20 |
BioVorE | might have to.. | 10:20 |
Ali_Baba | maybe,dont know.But i think its ok to download the source also. | 10:21 |
nickrud | bkw-laptop, in /etc/blacklist and /etc/blacklist.d/ | 10:21 |
shinu | alright | 10:21 |
BioVorE | problem is you have to have some patched source to change aplications fingerprint | 10:21 |
BioVorE | I don't even know if its worth it.. | 10:21 |
BioVorE | namp -sV hostname and it lights up like a chrismass tree | 10:21 |
nickrud | bkw-laptop, um, put /etc/hotplug/blacklist blacklist.d, I mean :) | 10:22 |
psychonate | Is it good to have DMA enabled for CD/DVD rom drives? | 10:22 |
shinu | is it alright to do ./configure and make as root? | 10:22 |
BioVorE | ussualy just do a make install as root | 10:22 |
HappyFool | psychonate: my DVD video is jerky without it | 10:22 |
BioVorE | DVD needs DMA :-) | 10:22 |
Ali_Baba | shinu:i think so,you can also use sudo if you like. | 10:23 |
lotusleaf | Why does synaptic want to remove yelp everytime I remove mozilla firefox? I was going to use the latest versions of mozilla & mozilla firefox from mozilla's ftp, just untarred into /usr/local but it wants to remove yelp when I remove the synaptic installed firefox and then gives me errors if I run the mozilla 1.7.8 I install manually. Why? | 10:23 |
psychonate | yeah, so is mine | 10:23 |
psychonate | and mplayer won't play my DVDs | 10:23 |
psychonate | even though I have libdvdcss | 10:23 |
Funraiser | psychonate, install VLC | 10:23 |
bkw-laptop | nickrud, shall I create /etc/hotplug/blacklist and add the modulename I don't want autoloaded in that file? | 10:23 |
BioVorE | I suggest building mplayer your self for best results.. | 10:23 |
HappyFool | psychonate: mplayer crashed for me. have you tried xine ? | 10:23 |
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psychonate | Why? I like mplayer, and I know it should be able to play it. | 10:23 |
BioVorE | The precompiled bins I seen suck | 10:23 |
psychonate | (I used mplayer with this particular DVD often on other distros) | 10:24 |
HappyFool | we are merely suggesting alternatives ;) you are free to do as you choose | 10:24 |
paxmaster | hello how would i get a package postfix with ssl | 10:24 |
paxmaster | i install ssl | 10:25 |
psychonate | Well, I'm frustrated because I know mplayer *should* be able to play this | 10:25 |
psychonate | but it keeps telling me my video output is not compatible when I try to play DVDs | 10:25 |
psychonate | and I tried some other vo's | 10:25 |
Funraiser | psychonate, my frustration took me to a point where i installed VLC | 10:25 |
psychonate | I shouldn't have to though | 10:25 |
psychonate | mplayer works just fine | 10:25 |
psychonate | or it should | 10:25 |
HappyFool | bugs happen ;) | 10:25 |
lotusleaf | I like watching tv in ascii | 10:25 |
BioVorE | lol, lotusleaf | 10:26 |
shinu | i compiled mplayer myself and doesnt work ;.; | 10:26 |
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xim | libcaca rocks!! | 10:26 |
lotusleaf | once you watch The Simpsons in ascii video mode, you'll be hooked | 10:26 |
BioVorE | shinu: read the docs and get the correct -dev libs? | 10:26 |
Lafitte- | shinu, what doest work ? | 10:26 |
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shinu | my images... i only get the sound | 10:26 |
digip1mp | do you have to do anything special to get streamtuner to actually work? streamtuner is opening xmms when I select a station, but then xmms doesn't do anything | 10:26 |
IIIEars | how do i tell what disks are mounted correctly? | 10:26 |
digip1mp | any ideas? | 10:26 |
shinu | http://pastebin.com/286645 <== | 10:26 |
trondd | Hi! Any reason why dma isn't turned on by default for my dvd? | 10:27 |
HappyFool | IIIEars: i don't about 'correctly', but just type mount to see what's mounted | 10:27 |
BioVorE | what the stream url? | 10:27 |
Funraiser | digip1mp, i listen to a stream on magnatune.com with xine | 10:27 |
shinu | BioVorE: not really... i just got it today afternoon... | 10:27 |
lotusleaf | trondd, see ubuntuguide dot org for step by step instructions on enabling dma for your cd/dvd drive | 10:27 |
IIIEars | Happy Fool - Great - Thank You (It isn't easy bein' green - lol) | 10:28 |
BioVorE | shinu: you may want to grab divx5linux and xvid source and install them before doing mplayer | 10:28 |
trondd | lotusleaf: I've enabled it, but I wonder if there is a reason why it wasn't on... | 10:28 |
shinu | uh... | 10:28 |
digip1mp | Funraiser: does that mean streamtuner doesn't work? or is that just a way to quickly get me to my end goal? | 10:28 |
lotusleaf | trondd, because it wasn't? I don't know. | 10:28 |
shinu | BioVorE: everything was fine beforef i recompiled it... | 10:28 |
psychonate | Does Ubuntu use devfs? | 10:28 |
BioVorE | in extract the codeces pack from player and copy the files to /usr/lib/win32's | 10:28 |
BioVorE | in extract the codeces pack from player and copy the files to /usr/lib/win32 | 10:28 |
shinu | BioVorE: i was using the apt-get mplayer... | 10:28 |
IIIEars | digi - Streamtuner works | 10:28 |
BioVorE | that thing sucks ass | 10:28 |
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Funraiser | digip1mp, i don't know about your app, just saying u know i case u wanna change | 10:28 |
Funraiser | in* | 10:29 |
BioVorE | the bins don't have software resize and don't have any thing copyrighted | 10:29 |
paxmaster | do i need to compile postfix with ssl or is there a packages already there | 10:29 |
Lafitte- | shinu, what doesnt work program or codecs ? | 10:30 |
digip1mp | Funraiser: that's what I'll end up doing, but I still want to know why steamtuner or xmms isn't working | 10:30 |
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zkruw | i dont get it, i have tried to reinstall all programs and librarys, but still i get this, k3b: error while loading shared libraries: libqtmcop.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 10:30 |
digip1mp | Funraiser: thanks for the tip, though | 10:30 |
Funraiser | digip1mp, for sound problems u can try http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#configuresoundproperly | 10:30 |
IIIEars | digi - tho what plugin makes it record is a mystery (it recorded at one time but i have reinstalled Ubuntu) | 10:30 |
shinu | Lafitte-: i think program cause i can play videos with root | 10:31 |
shinu | Lafitte-: but its weird... | 10:31 |
Lafitte- | shinu, try this ok | 10:31 |
Lafitte- | go here | 10:31 |
Lafitte- | http://www.ubuntuguide.org/ | 10:31 |
shinu | er.. ok... | 10:31 |
Lafitte- | look for the multimedia codes and run all the commands | 10:31 |
Lafitte- | also read the page it fixes many things | 10:32 |
Lafitte- | shinu, is how i got mine working | 10:32 |
Funraiser | and mine | 10:32 |
shinu | Lafitte-: alright. fine thanks :) | 10:32 |
dabaSlon_schl | digip1mp: what does your xmms do? Does it hang? if so, change the output plugin to esound in options prefs. | 10:32 |
Lafitte- | yep :) | 10:32 |
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Lafitte- | shinu, read about how to add all web plugins easy and all that fix sound in ubuntu | 10:32 |
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Lafitte- | yada yada | 10:32 |
shinu | Lafitte-: just one thing. how do i uninstall something i compiled from source? | 10:33 |
dabaSlon_schl | ust delete it for one... | 10:33 |
xenoxaos | i was having the same problems today, with xmms crashing | 10:33 |
james_ | what's faster, a gefore 6600 PCI express or 6600 agp? | 10:33 |
BioVorE | depends on the package shinu | 10:33 |
lotusleaf | shinu, sudo make uninstall | 10:33 |
shinu | alright | 10:33 |
BioVorE | ^ that sometimes works | 10:33 |
lotusleaf | shinu, in the directory where you built it | 10:33 |
npiv_ | shinu, goto to the directory where you compiled it and type make uninstall | 10:33 |
Lafitte- | what did you uninstall ?? | 10:33 |
dabaSlon_schl | mplayer | 10:33 |
shinu | alright thx | 10:33 |
Lafitte- | just install it | 10:33 |
Lafitte- | apt-get install mplayr | 10:33 |
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Lafitte- | should be fine | 10:34 |
dabaSlon_schl | mplayer was installed, he wants to uninstallit i Think. | 10:34 |
npiv_ | shinu, next time use a package called checkinstall it will make a package for your custom install so that you can delete it like a normal system package | 10:34 |
Lafitte- | not a module just app | 10:34 |
lamont | paxmaster: postfix-tls is in hoary, integrated into postfix on breezy | 10:34 |
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xim | xenoxaos, try beep-media-player | 10:34 |
Lafitte- | ok apt-get remove mplayer | 10:34 |
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Ali_Baba | didn't know that make uninstall thanks :) | 10:34 |
shinu | Lafitte-: the one i compiled from source i meant :) | 10:34 |
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Lafitte- | shinu, umm why did you compile ??? | 10:35 |
shinu | /bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file | 10:35 |
shinu | make: *** [uninstall] Error 2 | 10:35 |
lotusleaf | I like to make clean after make install | 10:35 |
shinu | is this a problem? | 10:35 |
npiv_ | Lafitte-, I did too, it makes mplayer run a little more smoothly | 10:35 |
BioVorE | My Mplayer is from source | 10:35 |
Lafitte- | npiv_, hrmm mine runs very smooth so i didnt know about that | 10:35 |
shinu | npiv_: it got worse here... but i think i screwed up something... xD | 10:35 |
BioVorE | well got to have the right enviroment | 10:36 |
shinu | is this error i pasted a problem? | 10:36 |
Lafitte- | is this for movies ?? | 10:36 |
Lafitte- | i havent done the movies yet | 10:36 |
shinu | though it says: Done. just before that... | 10:36 |
npiv_ | shinu, type mplayer, what happens | 10:36 |
shinu | root@Discworld:/usr/src/MPlayer-1.0pre7 # mplayer | 10:36 |
shinu | -su: /usr/local/bin/mplayer: No such file or directory | 10:36 |
BioVorE | so not installed | 10:36 |
BioVorE | ? | 10:36 |
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Lafitte- | shinu, apt-get install player see what it does | 10:37 |
paxmaster | ok | 10:37 |
shinu | but it autocompletes it | 10:37 |
npiv_ | shinu, well it uninstalled some things but not all I think | 10:37 |
Lafitte- | shinu, ./mplayer | 10:37 |
shinu | Lafitte-: it tells me to choose a specific package xD | 10:37 |
=== afroman [~afroman@c-71e870d5.04-271-73746f34.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ali_Baba | with locate mplayer you can check if something is not unistalled. | 10:38 |
Lafitte- | totem doesnt work for dvd | 10:38 |
Lafitte- | ill try diff one | 10:38 |
BioVorE | xine? | 10:38 |
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dabaSlon_schl | did you install libdvdcss something? | 10:39 |
shinu | Ali_Baba: quite a lot of it... | 10:39 |
Lafitte- | let me make sure what is mplayer ?-->music player ? | 10:39 |
trondd | movieplayer! | 10:39 |
dabaSlon_schl | movie | 10:39 |
Lafitte- | i dont have simply mplayer | 10:39 |
dabaSlon_schl | Lafitte-: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 10:39 |
=== BuzW [~BuzW@w034.z064003218.dfw-tx.dsl.cnc.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lafitte- | i have totem let me fnd this mplayer i was off base i think abit with giving advice for mplayer | 10:39 |
james_ | what's faster, a gefore 6600 PCI express or 6600 agp? | 10:39 |
digip1mp | dabaSlon_schl: you win the prize. that was the problem - all better | 10:40 |
Bazzi | james_ wouldnt matter | 10:40 |
trondd | mplayer is the only player thats usable on non-cutting-edge hardware! (Get mplayer today :) ) | 10:40 |
Lafitte- | yeah those ar covered on http://www.ubuntuguide.org/ | 10:40 |
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Ali_Baba | totem is also ok. | 10:40 |
thingfish | PCIe is a faster bus than AGP. | 10:40 |
BioVorE | ^ yes | 10:40 |
Lafitte- | but dvd in totem not working forme hrmm | 10:40 |
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xenoxaos | how do i shutdown the xwindows system, i only want to do it once, then after reboot i want it to come back up | 10:41 |
trondd | xenoxaos: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 10:41 |
BioVorE | (<thingfish> PCIe is a faster bus than AGP. ) Problem is most PCIe graphics cards have a PCIe to AGP bridge in them, so no if thats the case.. | 10:41 |
xenoxaos | thanks | 10:41 |
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trondd | xenoxaos: log out first and run that from console! | 10:42 |
dabaSlon_schl | digip1mp: I grow in power? | 10:42 |
dabaSlon_schl | hah | 10:42 |
IIIEars | Streamtuner AND Streamripper - wide grin http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-28356.html | 10:42 |
xenoxaos | tronnd: thats what i planned | 10:42 |
dabaSlon_schl | yesterday some guy is like, thanks dabaSlon, and someone else, more power to you. | 10:42 |
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Lafitte- | why doesnt ubuntu grab dependencies by itslf ?? | 10:42 |
bkw-laptop | When I try to play a mpg file with totem movie player it say "could not open resource for writing" anyone who know how do solve that? | 10:42 |
trondd | xenoxaos: great, just checking :) | 10:42 |
dabaSlon_schl | I was like, I grow in power, yes!! | 10:42 |
BioVorE | (<Lafitte-> why doesnt ubuntu grab dependencies by itslf ??) apt-get install -f | 10:43 |
trondd | Lafitte-: eh, doesn't apt-get do that? | 10:43 |
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dabaSlon_schl | bkw-laptop: yeah, um, did you uinstall the codecs? | 10:43 |
Lafitte- | apt-get used to do it itself | 10:43 |
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BioVorE | depends are sometimes borked a bit in ubuntu compared to debian.. | 10:43 |
Funraiser | bkw-laptop, yes u could use xine instead | 10:43 |
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bkw-laptop | dabaSlon_schl, yes. I've installed win32codes | 10:43 |
Lafitte- | now it warns me they need to grab these files also and drops to prompt | 10:43 |
dabaSlon_schl | ok, weird cannot open resource for writing... | 10:43 |
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dabaSlon_schl | tried another program? | 10:45 |
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digip1mp | dabaSlon_schl: you just became Super Saiyan 2... | 10:45 |
digip1mp | dabaSlon_schl: hehehe | 10:45 |
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dabaSlon_schl | yeah, and someone asjked me which level am I at now after that last nmihgt, it was fun. | 10:45 |
dabaSlon_schl | sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-* bkw-laptop | 10:46 |
dabaSlon_schl | And, try a different player | 10:46 |
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dabaSlon_schl | I guess they had to leavfe,.,, | 10:46 |
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Lafitte- | sweet totem froze my system | 10:47 |
Lafitte- | nice :) | 10:47 |
Funraiser | i found totem very bugy | 10:48 |
Ali_Baba | Latiffe: try install totem-xine,it worked for me. | 10:48 |
trondd | .... mplayer | 10:48 |
IIIEars | the downside of "Streamripper" - you could end up with Michael Jackson tunes written to disk - Eck! | 10:48 |
Funraiser | yuk | 10:48 |
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hybrid_goth | hello all | 10:48 |
trondd | IIIEars: nothing wrong with Michaels old stuff! | 10:48 |
Ali_Baba | Jackson sucks :) | 10:48 |
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Funraiser | Michael only like young stuff (i know it's an easy one) | 10:49 |
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Dekay | hello | 10:49 |
dabaSlon_schl | yo | 10:49 |
Lafitte- | Ali_Baba, ok trying now | 10:49 |
Funraiser | hey Dekay | 10:49 |
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Lafitte- | Ali_Baba, what will this give me ? | 10:49 |
bkw-laptop | dabaSlon_schl, Funraiser. yes xine works. | 10:49 |
Dekay | is it possible to have gnome and kde with ubuntu? | 10:49 |
=== trondd blames it on the boogie.... | ||
IIIEars | lol | 10:49 |
shinu | if it says: Package w32codecs is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 10:50 |
shinu | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 10:50 |
shinu | is only available from another source | 10:50 |
shinu | do i have to add some repositories? | 10:50 |
dabaSlon_schl | bkw, cool. | 10:50 |
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Funraiser | bkw-laptop, see, it happens all the time | 10:50 |
dabaSlon_schl | Dekay: yeah, which one do you have now? | 10:50 |
IIIEars | shinu i have a copy. - direct transfer? | 10:50 |
Shadowkid | Hello | 10:50 |
dabaSlon_schl | Dekay: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 10:50 |
Funraiser | hello | 10:50 |
Lafitte- | Ali_Baba, there it goes :) | 10:50 |
shinu | IIIEars: if you could :) | 10:50 |
Lafitte- | ty | 10:50 |
dabaSlon_schl | yo, Shadowkid | 10:50 |
Ali_Baba | Latiffe: i got to play xvid,wmv and other videos with totem after that.dont know about dvd. | 10:50 |
Shadowkid | Linux rulez! | 10:50 |
Dekay | i mean ubuntu by defauls has gnome.is it possible after the installation to install kde too and use both of them? | 10:51 |
shinu | xD | 10:51 |
Ali_Baba | Dekay:yes it is. | 10:51 |
Shadowkid | yes | 10:51 |
Lafitte- | Ali_Baba, yes it fixed totem ty | 10:51 |
dabaSlon_schl | yup, above is the command that will install kde kubuntudesktop | 10:51 |
Shadowkid | You can use Gnome and KDE | 10:51 |
Lafitte- | autoplay started totem and the movie came up | 10:51 |
hybrid_goth | Shadowkid: you wont happen to like linux would you? | 10:51 |
Dekay | thanks :) | 10:51 |
hybrid_goth | heh | 10:51 |
osity | anyone know how to setup softwre raid in ubuntu? | 10:51 |
Ali_Baba | Latiffe,glad to help :D | 10:51 |
osity | raid 1 | 10:51 |
dabaSlon_schl | welcome.then at login, s\choose the oen you want through sessions | 10:51 |
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Funraiser | and how do u switch from gnome to kde and switch back? | 10:51 |
dabaSlon_schl | osity: still? | 10:52 |
Shadowkid | Before you login | 10:52 |
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Ali_Baba | you switch from login,choose session. | 10:52 |
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hybrid_goth | Funraiser: in the sign in screen go to sessions | 10:52 |
dabaSlon_schl | Shadowkid: you can also install xnest, and run that in gnome, or even new login, to tty8 | 10:52 |
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Shadowkid | I use both too, Gnome and KDE | 10:52 |
blueyed | ..you can also have logins with kde and gnome simultaneous.. | 10:52 |
shinu | IIIEars: then i just dpkg -i that right? | 10:52 |
Funraiser | hybrid_goth, k i'll try that right now | 10:52 |
Shadowkid | But I prefer GNOME | 10:52 |
blueyed | Xfce is also nice.. ;) | 10:52 |
IIIEars | yep | 10:52 |
hybrid_goth | Funraiser: np | 10:52 |
dabaSlon_schl | bunch are cool | 10:53 |
hybrid_goth | blueyed: yes it is #UbuntuX | 10:53 |
IIIEars | did you want the other one libdvdcss? | 10:53 |
Dekay | does anyone know how much will be the compilation time? | 10:53 |
dabaSlon_schl | Funraiser: you can also try one of the ones I said. | 10:53 |
shinu | uh... | 10:53 |
Dekay | p4 2.8ghz 1gb ram | 10:53 |
dabaSlon_schl | dekay, there is no compilation | 10:53 |
hybrid_goth | Shadowkid: kde usually appeals to windows ppl and gnome mac | 10:53 |
dabaSlon_schl | short:) | 10:53 |
Funraiser | dabaSlon_schl, which ones sorry? | 10:53 |
IIIEars | DVD decoding? | 10:53 |
Lafitte- | Ali_Baba, a bit tacky though | 10:53 |
Dekay | no compilation? | 10:53 |
Lafitte- | Ali_Baba, but im running alot of things | 10:53 |
dabaSlon_schl | Funraiser: it is above:-p not typing again. | 10:53 |
shinu | IIIEars: something didnt work xD | 10:54 |
Funraiser | E: couldn't find package Kubuntu-desktop | 10:54 |
shinu | can you try to send again pls? | 10:54 |
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dabaSlon_schl | IIIEars: are you getting the dependencies? | 10:54 |
dabaSlon_schl | small k, funraiser? | 10:54 |
Lafitte- | yeah totem is a bit ugly but works whats the best movie player for linux ? | 10:54 |
Lafitte- | i need it | 10:54 |
osity | dabaSlon_schl: ya i'll be here till the end of time trying to find someone that knows :( | 10:54 |
dabaSlon_schl | Lafitte-: best... | 10:54 |
Ali_Baba | Latiffe:good | 10:55 |
Funraiser | dabaSlon_schl, :-) | 10:55 |
dabaSlon_schl | osity:) | 10:55 |
Ali_Baba | mplayer and vlc are very good. | 10:55 |
dabaSlon_schl | Lafitte-: I use xine(I have them all installed pretty much:) | 10:55 |
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hybrid_goth | Ali_Baba: vlc is based on mplayer | 10:55 |
dabaSlon_schl | osity, I suppose you googled by now? | 10:55 |
osity | dabaSlon_schl: how friggen hard can it be? I've googled, goggled, babbled bibbled...you name it | 10:56 |
Lafitte- | dabaSlon_schl, xine-ui ? | 10:56 |
Ali_Baba | shinu: you should add marillat repositories. | 10:56 |
occy | anyone know how to ssh with a ssh2 key file? I have tried: ssh -i sshkey.txt user@host no worrkie | 10:56 |
Funraiser | dabaSlon_schl, there are many packages that are not installed when i apt-get install kubuntu-desktop...is it normal? | 10:57 |
osity | it's going n 2 months of reading conflicting articles and not knowing which one to focus on | 10:57 |
dabaSlon_schl | Lafitte-: yes | 10:57 |
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shinu | Ali_Baba: last time they told me not to 0.o | 10:57 |
shinu | Ali_Baba: ok ill do that | 10:57 |
Tron|BoRG | hybrid_goth: not for me, Im a windows user but like gnome much more :D | 10:57 |
dabaSlon_schl | Funraiser: niot sure...do you have all rthe repos enbables? | 10:57 |
dabaSlon_schl | d | 10:57 |
Ali_Baba | shinu:theres some video stuff. | 10:57 |
dabaSlon_schl | osity: where did you get a raid, anyhow? | 10:57 |
hybrid_goth | Tron|BoRG: yea but did you like windows set up? | 10:57 |
Lafitte- | dab oh yeah hahha totem is junk | 10:58 |
Tron|BoRG | set up? | 10:58 |
Lafitte- | dabaSlon_schl, looks great | 10:58 |
Tron|BoRG | oh | 10:58 |
hybrid_goth | Tron|BoRG: the look and feel | 10:58 |
shinu | Ali_Baba: great. im doing that | 10:58 |
Lafitte- | dabaSlon_schl, problem solved NEXT | 10:58 |
Tron|BoRG | not as much as gnome | 10:58 |
osity | dabaSlon_schl: what kind of question is that? that doesnt make sense..... | 10:58 |
dabaSlon_schl | Lafitte-: well, why I like it is the slow down function when playing, you hit down key on the kybrd:-[ | 10:58 |
hybrid_goth | Tron|BoRG: yea most ppl that like windows look and feel so much perfer kde | 10:58 |
Tron|BoRG | :) | 10:59 |
dabaSlon_schl | osity: just wondering where one gets a raid drive:) | 10:59 |
Funraiser | dabaSlon_schl, how to be sure, how do i know in synaptic? i have many listed in repositories but are there more? | 10:59 |
Lafitte- | dabaSlon_schl, aww i like th efact that its clear and soun dis in tim with th video | 10:59 |
osity | dabaSlon_schl: raid is not a drive | 10:59 |
osity | it is a way to setup more than one drive..... | 10:59 |
osity | its a configuration | 10:59 |
dabaSlon_schl | Funraiser: there is a file, called /etc/apt/sources.list that I use usually, there is a way through synaptic too,. | 10:59 |
Shadowki1 | What's better? Debian or Ubuntu? | 10:59 |
hybrid_goth | Shadowki1: stability or usabilty? | 11:00 |
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Funraiser | dabaSlon_schl, should i allow universe and multiverse? | 11:00 |
dabaSlon_schl | Funraiser: do a cat /etc/apt/sources.list , and paste that to http://pastebin.com please. | 11:00 |
Shadowki1 | Both | 11:00 |
dabaSlon_schl | I would allow it yes. | 11:00 |
Ali_Baba | yeah,depends what you want. | 11:00 |
IIIEars | Shadow - use what works - Ubuntu and and debian are almost the same | 11:00 |
Funraiser | dabaSlon_schl, k | 11:00 |
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hybrid_goth | Shadowki1: debian is *very* stable but Ubuntu is semi stable but more useable and newer | 11:00 |
IIIEars | << Ubuntu love! :) | 11:00 |
hybrid_goth | IIIEars: the same? | 11:00 |
Ali_Baba | Ubuntu is great :) | 11:01 |
dabaSlon_schl | osity, ah, so not even a specifically raid device? | 11:01 |
hybrid_goth | IIIEars: Debian = Y2K | 11:01 |
IIIEars | aren't they nearly the same? | 11:01 |
dabaSlon_schl | hybrid_goth: hehe...tell that to #debian | 11:01 |
dabaSlon_schl | IIIEars: well, ubuntu is built on top of debian./ | 11:01 |
Shadowki1 | If god had a computer, he would use Linux, not Windows! | 11:01 |
Shadowki1 | :-D | 11:01 |
hybrid_goth | dabaSlon_schl: heh. | 11:01 |
IIIEars | lol - tried a dozen+ distros only Ubuntu worked first time. - that is enough to make me a disciple. :) | 11:01 |
dabaSlon_schl | haha. | 11:02 |
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Tron|BoRG | Ali_Baba: I think so too ! | 11:02 |
dabaSlon_schl | Im on there now. | 11:02 |
dabaSlon_schl | I helped one guy | 11:02 |
dabaSlon_schl | :) | 11:02 |
Lafitte- | dabaSlon_schl, how i set the autoplay to us that program ? | 11:02 |
Lafitte- | dabaSlon_schl, i uninstalled totem and totem-xine | 11:02 |
hybrid_goth | dabaSlon_schl: one time i was goin to switch from mandrake to debian and was askin questionhs and got flamed like an SO well you know | 11:02 |
osity | dabaSlon_schl:anyone can setup a raid configuration.... | 11:03 |
dabaSlon_schl | auto[play? double click? right click on the file type(by extencsion) and choose properties, then the open with tab... | 11:03 |
dabaSlon_schl | hehe, osity:) | 11:03 |
Shadowki1 | What do you think about commercial distributions like SuSE, Mandrake or Fedora? | 11:03 |
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osity | dabaSlon_schl:welll ....if you know how that is | 11:03 |
dabaSlon_schl | whats an SO? | 11:03 |
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osity | I cant seem to get it to boot of a raid setup | 11:03 |
hybrid_goth | dabaSlon_schl: sob with out the b i was bein nce | 11:03 |
dabaSlon_schl | yeah, I understand, you want to apply the concept of raid to your drives... | 11:03 |
hybrid_goth | *nice | 11:03 |
dabaSlon_schl | ah, never read to the end, hybrid_goth:( | 11:04 |
osity | i need to setup a software raid 1......that's what I need. | 11:04 |
hybrid_goth | dabaSlon_schl: lol | 11:04 |
dabaSlon_schl | im supposed to go to schl too:) | 11:04 |
osity | anyone know how? | 11:04 |
Funraiser | dabaSlon_schl, ok done on pastebin.com name funraiser | 11:04 |
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dabaSlon_schl | funraiser, I would need the URL. | 11:04 |
Funraiser | lol, k i thougt my name was enough http://pastebin.com/286719 | 11:05 |
dabaSlon_schl | Shadowki1: I think personally, that there is no need to go with one of those...I dont know, not a bad thing for ppl that want theuir system to just work, and be half assed. | 11:05 |
hybrid_goth | brb | 11:05 |
dabaSlon_schl | :) | 11:05 |
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dabaSlon_schl | yeah, Funraiser, you have even more than I do...what was your issue again? | 11:06 |
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dabaSlon_schl | I see up there. | 11:06 |
ubuntu | ubuntu rox | 11:06 |
Tron|BoRG | ubuntu: thats correct | 11:07 |
dabaSlon_schl | Ok, well, did you isntall the kubuntu thing, and tried getting it to login? try that, or give me the output of that command that said a lot of packages are not gonna b installed in a pastebin, just paste the whole output of the install there. | 11:07 |
anto9us | ubuntu: we know ;) | 11:07 |
IIIEars | Half a##ed = Slackware, BSD, or Fedora | 11:07 |
Funraiser | dabaSlon_schl, i tried to install kubuntu but it says many packages are not installed | 11:07 |
Tron|BoRG | ubuntu: its my favorite so far | 11:07 |
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Tron|BoRG | lol, yes - we know | 11:07 |
Tron|BoRG | thats why were here :) | 11:07 |
dabaSlon_schl | IIIEars: well, bsd cant fit there, but maybe... | 11:07 |
dabaSlon_schl | bsd has its own kernel? | 11:08 |
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dabaSlon_schl | not even a linux... | 11:08 |
Ali_Baba | thats true Tron|Borg :) | 11:08 |
dabaSlon_schl | was it? | 11:08 |
ubuntu | i just got it in the mail....if i use the live cd can i save stuff and like use it over and over with the same preferences and stuff | 11:08 |
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Tron|BoRG | however, fedora core 4 looks great | 11:08 |
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IIIEars | dabaSlon - check out the learning curve for an install - frightening. | 11:08 |
dabaSlon_schl | ubuntu, I dont think so... | 11:08 |
dabaSlon_schl | IIIEars: it is a step by step install everything yourself type of deal. | 11:08 |
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ubuntu | so i have to install to do that kinda stuff like safe games or what not | 11:08 |
dabaSlon_schl | I think so anyhow. | 11:08 |
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dabaSlon_schl | ubuntu^ | 11:08 |
hans_ | can i alien tgz.tar.gz packages into *. deb | 11:09 |
IIIEars | no kidding - i flashed back to attempts at installing RH 7.2 | 11:09 |
dabaSlon_schl | hans, no. | 11:09 |
marios | NickServ luigi | 11:09 |
Funraiser | dabaSlon_schl, any ideas? | 11:09 |
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dabaSlon_schl | Funraiser: paste the whole message you get to a pastebin, please. | 11:09 |
dabaSlon_schl | alien is a rpm to deb program, but, man alien knows more, hans. | 11:09 |
aquarius | I'm trying to compile a program which says "Could not find kernel includes in /lib/modules or /usr/src/linux"; which package should I install to get these headers? | 11:09 |
anto9us | ubuntu: I think you should be able to mount a drive after booting live cd and save stuff on it although I haven't tried it | 11:09 |
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Lafitte- | dabaSlon_schl, xine looks very good with deinterlacing turned on also | 11:09 |
hans_ | dabaSlon_schl: is there a way to install *.gz packages anyway? | 11:10 |
dabaSlon_schl | it is a ziop file:) | 11:10 |
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dabaSlon_schl | unpack, and tell me what is in it. | 11:10 |
Funraiser | dabaSlon_schl, http://pastebin.com/286721 | 11:10 |
shinu | yay everone! my mplayer is finally working! | 11:10 |
dabaSlon_schl | Lafitte-: I really only use movie players for stuff I could not caer less what the picture looks like...as long as there is some action:) | 11:10 |
shinu | Lafitte-: i did the thing on the site and apt-get install mplayer again. and its fine ^^ | 11:10 |
hans_ | three tgz packages | 11:10 |
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SeamusLT | aquarius: You need to get the kernel headers | 11:11 |
dabaSlon_schl | .tgz inside the .tar.gz? | 11:11 |
hans_ | yes | 11:11 |
Lafitte- | shinu, sweet :) | 11:11 |
Ali_Baba | shinu:thats good :) | 11:11 |
dabaSlon_schl | shinu: sweet. | 11:11 |
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aquarius | SeamusLT, I installed linux-kernel-headers but that didn't help. | 11:11 |
shinu | ^^ | 11:11 |
Lafitte- | shinu, good site huh | 11:11 |
hybrid_goth | Back | 11:11 |
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hans_ | dabaSlon_schl: yes | 11:11 |
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shinu | Lafitte-: yuh xD i knew about it... but as i used ubuntu i forgot... gotta use it more :D | 11:11 |
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funguy | there :) | 11:12 |
m00gle | hello everyone :) | 11:12 |
shnazzle | aloha | 11:12 |
hybrid_goth | hi | 11:12 |
IIIEars | Ubuntu Documentation is the best. | 11:12 |
Lafitte- | shinu, i went through and did everything i needed from there | 11:12 |
SeamusLT | aquarius: try getting the source for your kernel as well | 11:12 |
Funraiser | if the guy who made the ubunguide.org site would get a penny each time he helped someone... | 11:12 |
dabaSlon_schl | Funraiser: I would comemnt out marillat, and then: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -f && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 11:12 |
funguy | hey, if I have 2 sound cards, whats the easiest way to switch between which one is default ? | 11:12 |
Lafitte- | shinu, the third from last item was a god fix | 11:12 |
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hans_ | can i alien tgz packages? | 11:12 |
aquarius | SeamusLT, ah, OK. I didn't think I needed the whole kernel source if it was just asking for some headers. | 11:12 |
hybrid_goth | IIIEars: i agree but debian has nice doc too and dang gentoo has a handbook | 11:12 |
dabaSlon_schl | hans, can you paste the ls command to a pastebin.com? | 11:12 |
shinu | Lafitte-: great :D thanks a lot | 11:12 |
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funguy | one is on the board and the other is just a soundblaster 16...it works...because i've installed flash and gotten sound out of it | 11:13 |
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funguy | if i try and play a movie or something though in vlc I don't get sound....i get no gnome sounds either | 11:13 |
SeamusLT | aquarius: Hmm well hold that thought | 11:13 |
laosiano | someone knows how to share archives with windows boxes? | 11:13 |
=== hybrid_goth decides ubuntu's weakest point right now is sound | ||
hybrid_goth | laosiano: samba | 11:14 |
dabaSlon_schl | hans, tell me the file where you got it, and what is the name of the .tar.gz package, I am gonna install it myself. | 11:14 |
dabaSlon_schl | Funraiser: get the meaning of the last message? | 11:14 |
Funraiser | dabaSlon_schl, yes | 11:14 |
SeamusLT | aquarius: You may be installing the wrong header package. Try searching for linux-headers | 11:14 |
hans_ | dabaSlon_schl: its cedega | 11:14 |
trondd | hybrid_goth: I wote for wlan roaming... | 11:14 |
dabaSlon_schl | Funraiser: good. | 11:14 |
shnazzle | anybody with experience installing Enlightenment Engage on hoary? | 11:14 |
dabaSlon_schl | hans, k, where did you get the tarball from? | 11:14 |
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Funraiser | dabaSlon_schl, the other one would be apt-get install xnest? | 11:14 |
hybrid_goth | trondd: yes that is a downfall but it is not as big as sound | 11:14 |
m00gle | im new here. just installed ubutu a few days ago, so im a n00b so plays go easy on me. i do however have very busic linux skills | 11:15 |
laosiano | but i cannot manage to configure samba to access my linux archives ffrom windows | 11:15 |
dabaSlon_schl | that is something else, you first have to have kde installed. | 11:15 |
neighborlee | I lost url to cd eject coming out in future release..could original poster please re-paste that please ;-) ( i've googled and checked but i'm coming back empty) | 11:15 |
dabaSlon_schl | Funraiser: do that real quick, you can always uncomment. | 11:15 |
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IIIEars | Ubuntu's weak point is back up. - it takes time to tweak everything - one wrong site / IRC Channel visited and everything is lost | 11:15 |
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hybrid_goth | trondd: i wish we had wardriving software exsepcially that would work on ppc. but more people want sound then wlan roamin | 11:15 |
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hans_ | can i alien tgz packages? | 11:15 |
trondd | hybrid_goth: never had problems with sound... But a "silent" computer is no good.... | 11:15 |
Tron|BoRG | trondd: i've got copyright on this name - watch out | 11:16 |
funguy | there's nothing wrong with the sound card | 11:16 |
hybrid_goth | trondd: but *we* always get the sound working for them. _we_ cant do anything for wlan | 11:16 |
funguy | card(s) | 11:16 |
funguy | how do I switch between default devices | 11:16 |
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hybrid_goth | toss up to the channel : Ubuntu's weak point... | 11:17 |
anto9us | eject | 11:17 |
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trondd | Tron|BoRG: mine is patended on all continents :) | 11:17 |
dabaSlon_schl | http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/utils/eject | 11:17 |
Tron|BoRG | trondd: dammit | 11:17 |
dabaSlon_schl | just in case noone got it. | 11:17 |
shnazzle | so that's a negative on the Engage? :-) | 11:18 |
trondd | Tron|BoRG: even in my passport... | 11:18 |
Tron|BoRG | *sob* | 11:18 |
hybrid_goth | 3lol | 11:18 |
hybrid_goth | brb | 11:18 |
IIIEars | SElinux is worhtwhile - but while exploit bullets are flying there isn't an OS out there that isn't going to get hit. | 11:18 |
dabaSlon_schl | hans, well, tell me what exact name the file is. | 11:18 |
=== Neil3 [~neil3@host81-155-175-19.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Neil3 | evening all | 11:18 |
Tron|BoRG | evening neil | 11:18 |
dabaSlon_schl | hey | 11:18 |
shnazzle | hey | 11:18 |
IIIEars | "Back it up" | 11:19 |
dabaSlon_schl | shnazzle: heh:) | 11:19 |
=== chety [~chet@cpe-065-190-056-004.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hans_ | dabaSlon_schl: i installed it..thx anyway | 11:19 |
dabaSlon_schl | sweet, good work | 11:19 |
dabaSlon_schl | I gtg 2 schl anyhow | 11:19 |
Ali_Baba | fungyu: 4. System > preferences > multimedia: Select ALSA above, OSS below. This way you can record with your mic 5. After you've changed /etc/asound.conf, use Synaptic to perform a smart pakage install. Install the libesd-alsa0 and all dependecies. 6. That's it, no need to reboot | 11:19 |
dockane | has anybody tried vuescan ? amazing scanning software ! | 11:19 |
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Ali_Baba | thats an example from ubuntu forums. | 11:20 |
hybrid_goth | dockane: whats that | 11:20 |
hans_ | dabaSlon_schl: can i alien tgz to deb? | 11:20 |
dabaSlon_schl | funguy, switch which card you are using? sound card? | 11:20 |
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goldfish | hans_: no | 11:20 |
funguy | yes soundcard | 11:20 |
dabaSlon_schl | hans, not sure, I dont think so, but, man alien knows better, for sure. | 11:20 |
goldfish | hans_: you can unpack tgz and build it from source | 11:20 |
dabaSlon_schl | funguy: there is a post in the forums on 2 sound cards. | 11:20 |
funguy | i have 2, one is built into the board and the other is a soundblaster | 11:20 |
funguy | link ? | 11:20 |
foxiness | after i install mozilla 1.7 its default account for use now , than im created new one , after i close it and restart it its says 1.7 its now for use creat new one ?! | 11:21 |
lotusleaf | foxiness, you probably already had it open at the same time you tried to open another | 11:21 |
Ali_Baba | fungyu: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30076 | 11:21 |
foxiness | lotusleaf, no am not :) | 11:22 |
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dabaSlon_schl | funguy: there is another one, I have this one for now: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26567. | 11:22 |
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dabaSlon_schl | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26567 | 11:22 |
dabaSlon_schl | that one is for 2 cards. | 11:22 |
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dockane | hybrid_goth, that's a commercial scanner software for linux. xsane is ok unless you do not need more than scanning for email/web/copy puposes, dia postitve scanning is imho impossible | 11:23 |
Funraiser | dabaSlon_schl, what's the file, etc/source.list? | 11:23 |
foxiness | lotusleaf, is ubuntu use mozilla "opensomething on background" use it ? | 11:23 |
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dockane | astonishing what vuescan does | 11:23 |
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lotusleaf | foxiness, what language you speak native? | 11:23 |
Cyberat | ndiswrapper should technically just pick up the wlan after install and reboot correct in theory right? | 11:23 |
foxiness | lotusleaf, russin :) | 11:24 |
lotusleaf | foxiness, I see, I have problems understanding you then. :( | 11:24 |
lotusleaf | foxiness, did you mean is mozilla preloading an instance? | 11:25 |
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foxiness | lotusleaf, k thanks for try to help me | 11:25 |
foxiness | lotusleaf, you get it | 11:25 |
lotusleaf | foxiness, usually when I experience that issue it means there's already an instance loaded, try running top or a gui system monitor, look to see if mozilla is already running. yw. | 11:25 |
readams | anyone else seeing a crazy gtk2 keyboard shortcut problem on breezy from this morning? | 11:25 |
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hans_ | does any1 know how to install a lexmark allinone x74? | 11:26 |
lotusleaf | no but I enjoy breaking lexmarks apart with a hammer | 11:26 |
Fackamato | hans_: huh? | 11:26 |
Fackamato | any1 <- wtf is that, never heard that word before. When did words contain numbers? | 11:26 |
leitao_ | i am using my ubuntu (hoary) box as a gateway (masquerading). i have only one nic. and my intranet internet access are too slow. any tip? | 11:26 |
afroman | hallo there | 11:26 |
afroman | I have a problem | 11:26 |
shnazzle | I am buying a tv card soon (and am an incredible *nix noob). If I install my PVR-350, will ubuntu automatically recognize it? | 11:27 |
readams | I use one keyboard shortcut, but somehow gtk2 apps do something totally wrong | 11:27 |
DeFi | hans_, lexmark has linux drivers on their website | 11:27 |
readams | gnome-terminal closes the window on ctrl-shift-t | 11:27 |
readams | evolution runs the import assistant in response to any keyboard shortcut | 11:27 |
afroman | I need to change resolution of my screen | 11:27 |
hans_ | DeFi: for all printers? | 11:27 |
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Fackamato | hans_: why don't you go there and find out? | 11:28 |
DeFi | most all of them, I just installed a T632 all in one | 11:28 |
hybrid_goth | back | 11:28 |
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afroman | anybody... | 11:28 |
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DeFi | afroman, sax2 | 11:29 |
zkruw | gets this error everytime i try to launch k3b, k3b: error while loading shared libraries: libqtmcop.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. Anyone know how to fix it? | 11:29 |
^thehatsrule^ | afroman, if you cant use preferences in the gnome menu, change it in the xorg conf file | 11:29 |
=== osiris [~osiris@cpc4-basf5-4-0-cust56.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dcraven | I'll tell ya what Lexmark can eat. | 11:30 |
readams | I know its not a keyboard mapping problem since firefox and metacity still work -- metacity doesn't use the gtk2 keyboard events but rather uses xlib directly | 11:30 |
readams | so its some sort of crazy gtk issue | 11:30 |
lotusleaf | I just finished watching The Simpsons in ASCII. I liked the part when @@ when doh! and ## said don't have a cow man and then && fell off the couch | 11:30 |
osiris | Hello people, i have come to ubuntu from Debian sid, i was wondering if there was any other repositries i could add because apt cant find most of the programs i would like. | 11:30 |
readams | add universe and multiverse | 11:30 |
afroman | thehatsrule: I tried everything I can... the thing is that the pref. won't give me a chance to choose to another resolution other than 640 | 11:30 |
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goldfish | ah | 11:31 |
marios | if anybody has any questions please open a private chat | 11:31 |
Lafitte- | afroman, you need to select the resolutions during install | 11:31 |
marios | cause I am out of here for a while | 11:31 |
nikolaus | hi all.... someone can tell me how to add a shortcut to the gnome applications/internet menu? thanks | 11:31 |
Lafitte- | afroman, what video card you have ? | 11:31 |
afroman | lafitte- I know that... I have voodoo3 | 11:32 |
Funraiser | dabaSlon_schl4re, oh my god it works | 11:32 |
Funraiser | dabaSlon_schl4re, (kubuntu) | 11:32 |
Lafitte- | afroman, why dont you tell us what you know then so we dont suggest the wrong thing to you | 11:32 |
IIIEars | Oooh - feel the power of "Mondo" backing up - *EVERYTHING* - Ye-es! | 11:32 |
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nikolaus | !!!hi all.... someone can tell me how to add a shortcut to the gnome applications/internet menu? thanks | 11:33 |
digip1mp | what do I install so that ncurses is there? | 11:33 |
Funraiser | can't wait to see kde on my ubuntu | 11:33 |
^thehatsrule^ | .desktop files or smth? | 11:34 |
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StR | hi there... | 11:34 |
goldfish | hi | 11:34 |
IIIEars | Ubuntu in suspened animation safe on DVD's - Huge Grin | 11:34 |
StR | anyone with breezy? | 11:34 |
Funraiser | gdm means gnome display manager and kdm means kde display manager? | 11:34 |
Lafitte- | can anyone suggest any games to install hope they are in apt | 11:34 |
xim | Lafitte-, bzflag | 11:35 |
Riddell | Funraiser: yes, login programmes | 11:35 |
anto9us | < | 11:35 |
goldfish | StR: not alot afaik, it's very unstable. | 11:35 |
StR | I upgrader to breezy, and now X does not start.. problems with fonts... | 11:35 |
xim | StR, read /topic | 11:35 |
afroman | Lafitte- I have tried the System-- pref. and I can't change from 640 because it doesn't give me any other to choose from. I tried to reconfigure xorg and yet still comes back to the same thing: gnome doesn't give me any more options. I tried then to reconfigure xorg manualy by changing a few line and nothing changed | 11:35 |
Lafitte- | xim, i love tank games thanks | 11:35 |
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Lafitte- | afroman, laptop or desktop ? | 11:36 |
zenlunatic | Any idea why my computer doesn't have sound with DVDs (multiple apps) yet has sound normally? | 11:36 |
afroman | Lafitte- desktop | 11:36 |
goldfish | afroman: tried "sudo dpgk-reconfigure xserver-xorf" ? | 11:36 |
Funraiser | where is dabaSlon_schl4re ? | 11:36 |
goldfish | *xorg | 11:36 |
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afroman | goldfish: tried that | 11:37 |
nikolaus | how can i allow ROOT to login at the gdm? | 11:37 |
Lafitte- | afroman, for a test do youhave any other video card to try ? | 11:37 |
goldfish | nikolaus: gnome? | 11:37 |
Lafitte- | afroman, i mean voodoo is very old right ? | 11:37 |
dcraven | nikolaus: I hope you can't. | 11:37 |
goldfish | you can enable root | 11:37 |
Lafitte- | afroman, maybe can get a ati card in there to test or somthing | 11:37 |
Funraiser | what if i prefer kde ? is it cheating? :-/ | 11:38 |
afroman | Lafitte- I don't think there is anything wrong with the card. it started when I put another screen on | 11:38 |
Lafitte- | the monitor ?? | 11:38 |
afroman | yes | 11:38 |
Lafitte- | ok this tells alot | 11:38 |
afroman | Lafitte- such as??? | 11:38 |
Lafitte- | so what screen is it you put on | 11:38 |
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afroman | 1024x768 and 800 x 600 | 11:39 |
Riddell | Fackamato: I would encourage that | 11:39 |
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Fackamato | Riddell: ? | 11:39 |
Riddell | Fackamato: you can /join #kubuntu for KDE chat | 11:40 |
Fackamato | Riddell: ? | 11:40 |
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afroman | Lafitte- wot can i do?? | 11:40 |
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Lafitte- | 1 sec | 11:41 |
Riddell | Fackamato: ah, I see the problem, my tab completion isn't working. ignore me | 11:41 |
=== chet [~chet@cpe-065-190-056-004.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fackamato | Riddell: :p | 11:41 |
gelios | hi all | 11:41 |
chet | I finally have WEP working | 11:41 |
chet | whew | 11:41 |
chet | THE AP MUST be in open mode, not shared for wep | 11:42 |
chet | someone should update howto's and faq | 11:42 |
Lafitte- | afroman, what if you change the file to only 1024x768 ?? what happens ? | 11:42 |
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Lafitte- | xorg.conf i guess is the file in ubuntu | 11:42 |
shnazzle | what is the big improvement over xfree86 anyway with xorg? | 11:42 |
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goldfish | shnazzle: Real transparency. | 11:43 |
goldfish | chet: Wep isn't much protection. | 11:43 |
goldfish | Very easily cracked | 11:43 |
afroman | Lafitte- never tried, but I guess nothing, as now I have 640x400 and it isn't in the file | 11:43 |
Lafitte- | shnazzle, not sure but this laptop always needed tweaks to run x not it plugged | 11:43 |
chet | goldfish- yeah, but its better than nothing | 11:43 |
shnazzle | goldfish : really? it always looks to me as if it has to redraw the desktop in the back of the frame ontop of it | 11:43 |
Lafitte- | afroman, try to set only resolution possible to 1024x768 fro a test | 11:44 |
chet | id like to look into wpa ? | 11:44 |
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Lafitte- | afroman, you will have to restartx | 11:44 |
goldfish | shnazzle: if u use compositing u can get real transparency. | 11:44 |
goldfish | chet: suppose :) | 11:44 |
afroman | ok | 11:44 |
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shnazzle | goldfish : haha...now yur just going out of my league ... i'll stick to learning how to use linux for now then get into compositing | 11:44 |
=== gelios [~gelios@ppp85-140-1-44.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fackamato | compositing is excellent for crashing X. | 11:45 |
chet | i posted on ubuntu forums about my config, and AP. so i hope others benefit | 11:45 |
Fackamato | it's got no use at this time. | 11:45 |
_bt | hello guys. just installed ubuntu on my lappy. ive not used ubuntu before, i run fc3 on my desktop pc. how can i install nfs-utils on the laptop? apt-get install nfs-utils says no matching packages | 11:45 |
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goldfish | shnazzle: nah man it's simple, i'm a n00b myself. | 11:46 |
goldfish | shnazzle: u just download transset and xcompmgr through apt-get, and add a couple of lines to xorg.conf | 11:46 |
goldfish | shnazzle: there's a good howto on the forums. | 11:46 |
gelios | _bt: try to find out package by apt-cache search nfs command | 11:47 |
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chet | _bt- i dont see nfs-utils | 11:47 |
_bt | thank yo gelios! | 11:47 |
chet | is it the same as nfs-common? | 11:47 |
_bt | im not familiar with the apt commands | 11:47 |
_bt | i tried apt-get search nfs ,, lol | 11:47 |
chet | apt-cache search nfs | 11:47 |
_bt | its the tools i want to use to mount an nfs directory | 11:47 |
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chet | look into nfs-common | 11:48 |
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chet | should be installed by default | 11:48 |
chet | wondering, buy why nfs? | 11:48 |
gelios | _bt: be my guest :)) | 11:48 |
_bt | chet: as opposed to what? | 11:48 |
_bt | im sharing my music from my linux desktop to the lappy | 11:48 |
nikolaus | PLEASE tell me how to add a shortcut to the gnome/applications/internet menu do i have to copy the shortcut in a specific (hidden)folder? | 11:48 |
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gelios | _bt: u even find out what u need by apt-cache search <keyword> , keyword is not exactly package name | 11:49 |
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_bt | thanks ill go try that | 11:49 |
_bt | when i hear what chet has to say heh | 11:49 |
chet | samba? | 11:49 |
chet | ftp | 11:49 |
chet | web | 11:49 |
=== xuzo [~xuzo@81-203-41-93.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_bt | samba? err isnt that windows | 11:49 |
gelios | _bt: yes, chet is right, I think nfs-common is what u need | 11:50 |
chet | yeah, you have all *nix clients? | 11:50 |
_bt | yes | 11:50 |
_bt | windows?!! are u crazy boy!! | 11:50 |
chet | yeah, maybe nfs is right them | 11:50 |
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StR | anyone here with breezy that solved the font 'fixed' problem ? | 11:50 |
marios | WHO SAID WINDOWS? | 11:50 |
=== jbalint [~jbalint@cpe-66-61-132-14.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
marios | LETS GET HIM :D | 11:50 |
=== moyogo [~moyogo@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_bt | i just got a lappy off my mate, didnt even boot win2k, ubuntu went straight on | 11:50 |
_bt | hehe my thoughts exactly marios | 11:50 |
chet | can people download breezy? or only develoers? | 11:51 |
gelios | _bt: try apt-cache show nfs-common :) | 11:51 |
jbalint | Hi guys, just installed this new Ubuntu, very nice, if people here work on it, good job. | 11:51 |
StR | chet: anyone, but it is very buggy | 11:51 |
_bt | thanks ill go do that and report back. not got a wifi pcmcia in my lappy yet. so i have to go in the other room :( | 11:51 |
chet | cool | 11:51 |
marios | ofcourse, Ubuntu's the best :D | 11:51 |
Lafitte- | _bt, yeah i had that issue last week with xp on a laptop i used ubuntu worked fine | 11:51 |
darkaudit | only m$ software that touched this box was a DOS floppy to update the BIOS | 11:51 |
=== damfino [~damfino@adsl-214-242.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
count0nz | Anyone can install breezy but you realy shuld wait a few days :) its kinda Borked | 11:51 |
nikolaus | PLEASE tell me how to add a shortcut to the gnome/applications/internet menu do i have to copy the shortcut in a specific (hidden)folder? | 11:51 |
_bt | should have used pc-dos , loser :P | 11:51 |
jbalint | Only thing I need to know is how to setup ssh server? There is no sshd in /etc/init.d. | 11:52 |
Lafitte- | darkaudit, im very impressed | 11:52 |
=== vanhoofp [~pvanhoof@dD576CB7F.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chet | nikolaus- ddi you google gnome start menu configuration? | 11:52 |
=== abbot45 [~abbot45@12-221-212-103.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
abbot45 | whats the terminal command to take a screenshot? | 11:52 |
=== Kejk_PL [~Kejk_PL@ark10.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Stealth [~Stealth@adsl-11-42-213.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zkruw | anyone having the w32*.deb packages? | 11:53 |
nickrud | abbot45, gnome-screenshot | 11:53 |
=== punkrockguy318 [~lukas@pcp02403054pcs.brdgtn01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nikolaus | chat--yes i did but there is no explanation | 11:53 |
abbot45 | nickrud, thanks mang | 11:53 |
chet | nikolaus- looking now | 11:54 |
Stealth | anyone know how to log on to a WPA network? | 11:54 |
Stealth | i got drivers and supplicant installed... | 11:54 |
nickrud | nikolaus, there's a couple of menu editors, people here are recommending smeg | 11:54 |
nickrud | and, /usr/share/applications | 11:54 |
shnazzle | Goldfish : what exactly is that composite stuff? I can install it...but I have no idea what it does :-) | 11:55 |
=== K_Dallas [manzar@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== andre_r [~andre@p54B8876A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
marios | Stealth, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/WPAHowto | 11:55 |
chet | nikolaus- http://www.gnome.org/start/2.0/menuediting.html | 11:55 |
andre_r | hi | 11:55 |
shnazzle | Goldfish :just transparency? | 11:55 |
Kejk_PL | zkruw, http://debian.udsu.ru/debian-soft/marillat/ | 11:55 |
goldfish | shnazzle: dunno, it gives you nice shadow effects and when used with transset, transparency | 11:55 |
goldfish | shadow effects | 11:55 |
shnazzle | ahhhh. So that why I don't get shadows! | 11:55 |
shnazzle | mysteries are solved on Shnazzle's comp every day | 11:56 |
=== abbot45 [~abbot45@12-221-212-103.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
goldfish | shnazzle: :) | 11:56 |
goldfish | shnazzle: What graphics card u got? | 11:56 |
shnazzle | goldfish : radeon 9600 pro | 11:56 |
goldfish | ah right | 11:56 |
shnazzle | I was waiting for that "ah right" or "oh....." or "really?....." | 11:57 |
=== jbalint [~jbalint@cpe-66-61-132-14.insight.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Bye!] | ||
marios | really? | 11:57 |
marios | :) | 11:57 |
Lafitte- | my system always needed to be setup for opengl it just worked also this time | 11:57 |
=== Funraiser [~Funraiser@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lafitte- | so ubuntu has a good idea | 11:57 |
Stealth | marios, i was looking at that but dont get it... | 11:57 |
Funraiser | kubuntu looks really neat | 11:57 |
Stealth | i set my router to have my laptop on a static ip | 11:57 |
Stealth | so am i suppose to only follow the top part? | 11:57 |
=== mikep [~mikep@c-24-0-8-144.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== saber_ [~Miranda@user-11fa3cd.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chet | anyone have problem network browsing using nautilus? | 11:58 |
Stealth | what kinda problems? | 11:59 |
=== jose [~jose@171.Red-217-125-94.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Amaranth | chet: It seemingly randomly just stops working? | 11:59 |
holycow | occasionally it doesn't accept my l/p for the windows network yes | 11:59 |
chet | i click on server and it says cannot open XXX, file type is desktop config file | 11:59 |
marios | stealth: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-11627.html | 11:59 |
Funraiser | chet, yes reading files on a windows machine it says file doesn't exist | 11:59 |
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Funraiser | chet, did u try to copy/paste the file? | 12:00 |
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