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Mithrandirpolyp icks.12:11
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mdzgood morning12:26
Riddellhello mdz 12:26
Riddellnice holiday mdz?12:26
zulhi mdz12:28
tsengwelcome back, mdz12:28
jammcqhello mdz12:29
mdzRiddell: yes indeed12:29
mdzapart from a boatload of email, I am in good shape12:30
fabbionehey mdz12:45
mjg59fabbione: I have so much acpi crack for you12:49
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robertjooh ooh acpi12:56
robertjhehe, when is the part of the show in which we give you root on our laptops and you test, fix, and commit changes upstream ;)12:56
robertj(or more realistically, LaptopMission could use a step-by step and check-off matrix12:57
=== robertj idles a gbit
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aquariusI had a thought: it would be handy for people to be able to sign up to shipit and say "send me one CD every time there's a new release", so they stay up to date.01:21
robertjaquarius: it would be but it would also cost more01:21
aquariusEspecially given the very nice "This is an Ubuntu CD; do you want to upgrade?" prompt you get when you put an Ubuntu CD in.01:21
aquariusBut I don't know whether shipit is built for that sort of thing or more as the hub of a grassroots distribution network...01:21
aquariusrobertj: ah, yeah, thought so.01:22
=== luis_ is now known as lu|dinner
lifelessrobertj: its meant to promote grassroots stuff - thats why we ship boxes of 10 ;)01:25
lifelessso that you give it to your friends. ..01:25
robertjlifeless: I do order 10 ;)01:25
robertj(still waiting)01:25
=== aquarius nods. OK, that makes sense (and that was what I thought might be the case).
lifelessthere are a lot of orders to fill01:26
robertj(no biggy)01:26
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=== AndyFitz [~Andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
AndyFitzxfonts-utils  broken in hoary for everyone else ?03:35
danielswhat's wrong with -utils?03:35
AndyFitzbreezy sorry03:36
AndyFitzoh man im sleepy lol03:36
AndyFitzdaniels,  its just not cruising along and upgrading like everything else03:37
AndyFitzi'll go check whats holding it back.  something isnt provided yet03:38
jdubha ha03:38
jdubthom: ^03:38
ajmitchAndyFitz: expect fun with breezy03:38
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AndyFitzajmitch,  im a sucker for punishment. breaking and unbreaking is fun :-)03:39
ajmitchAndyFitz: yeah, I've just been playing the unbreak my X game03:40
AndyFitzajmitch,  let me know how it goes for you.  i'll be doing that soon03:40
ajmitchwell the X server still runs :)03:40
KaiLAndyFitz: telling that it to easy ;)03:40
bob2why on earth is the extension API changing a SECURITY UPDATE, anyway?03:41
=== OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp02542642pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
danielsajmitch: so, don't upgrade to xorg-common -1503:42
danielsor wherever it was that /usr/bin/X11 became a directory03:42
AndyFitzajmitch,  you're an  important step ahead of me.   i'll get x to work once i sort out this xutils thing03:42
danielsBad Things Happen03:42
ajmitchdaniels: far too late for that.. /usr/bin/X11 disappeared03:42
danielsAndyFitz: xutils, or xfonts-utils?03:42
danielsajmitch: sweet03:42
Amaranthajmitch: You got it to run? wow03:42
ajmitcha symlink got it back for now until things are shifted03:43
AndyFitzdaniels,  nboth,  xutils is broken because xfonts-utils  isnt there to be upgraded also03:43
Amaranthajmitch: What voodoo made it run? I've done the /usr/bin/X11 symlink03:44
ajmitchAmaranth: and updating the font paths in xorg.conf03:44
ajmitchfairly minor fixes03:44
Amaranthwhere are fonts at now?03:44
Amaranthmaybe gdmflexiserver is just messed up, but i don't want to restart X to find out :)03:45
ajmitchI think it is03:45
ajmitchor Xnest is03:45
ajmitchah, time to run to work :)03:45
Amaranthxnest worked fine for me03:45
AndyFitzso where are the fonts now?03:47
AndyFitzcya ajmitch03:47
danielsAndyFitz: oh, I see03:47
danielselmo: xfonts-utils needs to be in main when it hits the archive03:48
=== Amaranth [~travis@ip68-229-188-97.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Amaranthnothing like a nice hardlock to make you fix X03:53
Amaranththat was...fun03:53
Amaranthgdmflexiserver + Ctrl-F8 == dead03:55
Amaranthnot going to try to reproduce :)03:55
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Amaranthok, i lied. I tried to reproduce but since X works now it didn't do anything.03:56
AndyFitzAmaranth, how did you get x to work.  what simlinks needed to be setup ?03:57
Amaranthln -s /usr/X11R6/bin/ /usr/bin/X11 is all i needed03:58
Amaranthplus i had to manually edit my xorg.conf because it was trying to use "Generic Mouse" and "Configured Mouse" but I only had the latter03:58
Amaranththe fonts thing wasn't an issue, the fonts seem to exist in both places for now03:58
AndyFitzradness.  okay thanks.  i'll have a go   brb03:59
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ghpololast dist-upgrade removed x-window-system ?04:05
danielsso don't do that04:06
ghpolome ?04:06
danielsif a dist-upgrade wants to remove something that looks like it's essential, don't dist-upgrade04:06
ghpoloah ok, it was with me ;p04:07
tsengdaniels b0rk muh x0rgz04:07
=== AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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AndyFitzg'day  again04:20
tsenghi andy04:20
AndyFitztseng, how goes mate ?04:21
tsenggood thanks04:21
=== `anthony [~anthony@ekorp-203-63-137-225.eoff.ekorp.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
AndyFitzln -s /usr/X11R6/bin/ /usr/bin/X11    didnt work.  i had to create /usr/bin/X11  why would this now change anything 04:23
jdub`anthony: really there?04:23
AndyFitzspeaking from damn centericq again :-P,  im guessing it has nothing to do with my previous xfonts-utils /  xutils issue04:24
danielsnope, different issue04:25
ghpoloyes AndyFitz 04:26
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ghpoloit changed several files04:26
ghpolosame here04:26
AndyFitzfunky,  also X is not executable  but when i chmod 777 X it doesnt do anything04:28
ghpolodoing a simple ln worked for me04:28
AndyFitzghpolo,  what ln did you create ?04:29
ghpololn -s /usr/X11R6/bin /usr/bin/X1104:29
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AndyFitzghpolo,  yeah thats been created04:30
AndyFitzbugger,  no idea why X isnt executable  or wanting to be04:30
ghpoloso strange04:30
ghpoloafter I did X worked again normally04:30
AndyFitzthe X is red in console  i have no idea what perm red is04:30
ghpoloit is broken link usually04:30
AndyFitzstrange.  i tried again but the file exists04:33
daniels/etc/X11/X should be pointing to /usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg04:33
daniels(for the time being)04:33
ghpoloit does here04:33
ghpolois that X red ?04:33
ghpoloand Xorg exists ?04:33
AndyFitzln: '/usr/bin/X11//bin':  file exists04:33
ghpolothat is wrong04:34
ghpoloit shouldnt create a file named bin04:34
ghpoloit should link the dir /usr/X11R6/bin as /usr/bin/X1104:35
AndyFitzdaniels:  so 'ln -s /etc/X11/X /usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg' ?04:36
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Amaranthother way around?04:36
ghpoloother way04:36
AndyFitzok thanks04:36
ghpoloanyways, what did you do to break your system so much ? ;p04:36
ghpoloim using the latest dist-upgrade as breezy04:36
AndyFitzfile exists on that one too04:37
ghpolowhat shows when you do ls -l /etc/X11/X ?04:37
AndyFitzghpolo, yeah likewise mate04:37
ghpolomaybe you did something wrong trying to fix startx after last dist-upgrade and broke something04:38
ghpoloim not sure about what you did04:38
AndyFitzetc/X11/X in red  -> usr/bin/X11/Xorg04:39
ghpolothat is a problem04:39
ghpolowhat ls -l /usr/bin/X11/Xorg shows ?04:39
ghpolored color is a broken link04:40
ghpolomeaning Xorg doesnt exist ;/04:40
ghpoloor is somehow pointing to wrong place04:40
AndyFitzi hadnt created any other simlinks asde from  'ln -s /usr/X11R6/bin/ /usr/bin/X11'  and for that it required me to make the dir X11 in /usr/bin   i thought that was kinda odd04:40
ghpoloyes it is strange04:41
ghpolomaybe you had the directory X11 before ?04:41
ghpoloand then it tried to link /usr/bin/X11/bin ?04:41
AndyFitzxorg does exist    and yeah x has always been in /etc/X11/X04:42
ghpoloso you didnt do the last dist-upgrade ?04:43
AndyFitzthis machines install has only existed since test1 of hoary so it wont have any Xf86 artifacts or anything04:43
ghpoloit removed x-window-system and x-window-system-core04:43
AndyFitzghpolo,  i did do the  latest dist-upgrade04:43
ghpoloi did aswell04:43
jdubguys, just be careful with dist-upgrade - use -u and watch what it's doing04:43
jdubthen you won't get into pickles like this04:44
ghpoloi believe you somehow forced a wrong link AndyFitz 04:44
ghpolobut im not totally sure04:44
Amaranthif you created an X11 dir in /usr/bin you're already off04:44
AndyFitzghpolo, the only links created manually by myself have been pasted here04:44
ghpolols /usr/bin/X11 shows what ?04:45
ghpolothe same as /usr/X11R6/bin ?04:45
AmaranthX11 was supposed to be a symlink to the /usr/X11R6/bin dir04:45
ghpolobut last dist-upgrade removed that04:45
AndyFitzjdub,  i'll watch it from now on obviously ;-) thanks04:45
ghpoloso i remade it04:45
Amaranthghpolo: I know, I'm telling AndyFitz :)04:46
ghpolono problem04:46
AndyFitzghpolo  ls /usr/bun/X11 shows  a cyan 'bin'04:47
ghpoloyou did wrong link then ^^04:48
ghpoloyou could remove this link at /usr/bin/X11/04:48
ghpolothen remove /usr/bin/X1104:48
ghpoloand try ln -s /usr/X11R6/bin /usr/bin/X11 again04:48
AndyFitzhow do i remove the wrong link ?04:48
ghpolorm link04:48
AndyFitzso rm link /usr/bin/X11 ?04:49
ghpolothat is a directory i suppose04:49
ghpolodo rm /usr/bin/X11/bin04:49
AndyFitzor just rm the dir04:49
ghpolormdir /usr/bin/X1104:49
ghpolothen ln -s /usr/X11R6/bin /usr/bin/X1104:49
AndyFitzoh bugger,  directory not empty.  if i remove the contents will that damage the other side of the link ?04:50
AndyFitzi think it will04:50
ghpoloit wont04:50
ghpolorm /usr/bin/X11/bin first04:50
ghpolothen rmdir /usr/bin/X1104:50
AndyFitzrmdir /usr/bin/X11  returns an error   : directory not empty04:50
AndyFitzok cool04:51
ograrm -r04:51
ghpolodont do rm -r04:51
ghpolomaybe you did something else04:51
ghpoloand it could damage04:51
ghpoloremove the link inside it and try rmdir if it doesnt work check what else is there04:51
AndyFitzghpolo  i didnt04:52
AndyFitzi am pretty silly but not going to wipe the contents and hurt myself further.   i did the order you just pasted04:52
ghpolook then04:52
ghpolodid you create the correct link ?04:53
AndyFitzwhich link?  no i havent yet04:53
ghpolodid you rmdir /usr/bin/X11 yet ?04:54
ghpoloyet or already ?04:54
ghpolomy english is bad04:54
ghpoloso just do ln -s /usr/X11R6/bin /usr/bin/X1104:54
AndyFitzits gone without any grief, thank you04:54
AndyFitzam i also meant to create another link for xorg ?04:55
ghpoloeverything should be right now04:55
AndyFitzsweet.  okay i'll check it out04:56
AndyFitzthanks ghpolo, cheers amaranth04:57
ghpolono problem ^^04:57
=== Amaranth goes back to loving etiquette :)
AndyFitzi'll watch myself from now on :)04:57
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ghpolosomeone know a mail client or somehow did a plugin or filter to separate messages by threads ?05:38
AndyFitzfont paths :-/  lol05:41
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=== AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
AndyFitzokay font paths need to be changed :-/05:42
ghpolocant find fixed font ?05:42
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AndyFitzUSR/LIB/X11/FONTS/ ?05:43
ghpolowhat is says ?05:43
ghpolocant find fixed fonts ?05:43
danielsAndyFitz: change /usr/lib/X11/fonts references to /usr/share/X11/fonts05:43
AndyFitzdaniels: ta mate.05:45
AndyFitzwootage!!!  05:46
luis_daniels: if I may ask, is there an ETA for packages that aren't busted? :)05:47
AndyFitzthanks heaps.  its crusing along gdm is up.  time to kill the console apps05:47
=== luis_ waits for daniels to beat him
danielsluis_: the current packages are fine05:47
danielsluis_: it's just teaching you a lesson if you've decided to customise your config :P05:47
jdub"no, that's why i made the mistake of getting plastic surgery - I AM NOT A MONSTER!!!"05:47
luis_ah, so if I haven't fucked with anything, I'm find?05:48
danielsluis_: sort of :P05:48
jdubluis_: when you're upgrading, just use 'apt-get upgrade -u'05:48
jdubluis_: and every now and then use dist-upgrade -u05:48
jdubluis_: this lets you track exactly what is going to be added/removed05:48
jduband keeps you safe most of the time05:48
=== luis_ uses synaptic
jdubexcept for when daniel mucks something up *in* a package :)05:49
=== luis_ is mostly convinced apt/dpkg suck
schweebapt rules. IMO05:49
ghpoloi agree with luis_ 05:49
jayapt/dpkg are better than anything else that exists.  so if it sucks it sucks the least :)05:49
luis_no offense, but, like, the command line options, the fact that one can't install local packages, the other can, etc., etc.05:49
luis_I could go on for ever05:49
jdubsynaptic doesn't buy you anything more than apt, it just makes it harder for you to see what's going on in your *devel branch* os :)05:50
jayluis_: somebody posted a script to the devel mailing list for integrating all the commands into one if that's your thing05:50
schweebI was just about to mention that05:50
jdubluis_: those are pretty irrelevant in this instance05:50
luis_jdub: <shrug> it's *gasp* easy to use05:50
jdubtry smart05:50
jdubluis_: easy to use isn't helpful when it doesn't stop you from too-easily breaking your system05:51
jdubyou've probably clicked "smart upgrade, don't ask me again", too.05:51
luis_I have05:51
luis_and why 'stupid' (implicitly) is an option, I'm not sure05:51
jdubbecause the guy who chose the terms didn't learn english first05:51
schweebapt/dpkg uses the cat/grep/head/tail etc... philosophy... small utilities with one duty that can be used in conjunction with each other05:52
luis_AFAICT, one is 'get the dependencies right', and the other is 'don't bother to get the dependencies right'05:52
jdubluis_: nup05:52
jdubluis_: dist-upgrade will add and remove willy-nilly to resolve an upgrade.05:52
jdubluis_: upgrade is more conservative.05:53
jdubi recommend using upgrade in the general case05:53
jdub(which is why the common occurance of "smart upgrade, don't ask me again" is so bad)05:53
luis_I always check what is being done before hitting OK in synaptic05:53
luis_I'm not braindead05:53
luis_else I'd have been screaming in here about my missing tomboy weeks ago :)05:54
jdubits the software's fault, not yours05:54
luis_don't worry05:55
luis_I place all the blame on the software :)05:55
jdub(but largely unrelated to facile problems with apt)05:55
jdubyou're assuming i'm not, thus the point05:55
luis_<shrug> I have no particularly deeply held opinions about apt; I mean the infrastructure may or may not be in place to make a fine tool.05:55
luis_(the red-carpet team had strong opinions about that, but I don't really respect their judgment on the matter :)05:56
luis_but, yeah... apt-get/dpkg as a combo feel like a substantial step backward from the design/flexibility/usability of rug. It's really the only thing I miss right now from rh+ximian or suse+ximian.05:56
justdaveUbuntu Upgrade Manager does a normal upgrade05:57
justdaveer, Update Manager, whatever it's called :)05:57
justdaveand it prompts you to go use Synaptic if it'll break dependencies05:57
justdave(I had that happen to me the other day)05:57
jdubtry smartpm05:58
=== luis_ apt-get installs
luis_smart does, uh, not do what I want it to06:00
jdubsmart needs config out of the box06:03
danielswarty still has security support, right?06:03
jdubdaniels: absolutely06:03
danielsi was just doing my regular dist-upgrade on a fd.o box running warty and thought I should make quadruply sure :)06:04
=== luis_ gives up for tonight
jdubshould gcc-3.3 still be in main?06:06
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mdzjdub: it'll fall out when nothing build-depends on it anymore06:15
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jdubmdz: welcome back, btw :)06:29
jdubmdz: good break?06:29
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jdubcan you put a pci card in a pci-e slot?07:04
ghpolois someone able to compile xen-unstable using latest breezy upgrade ?07:04
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danielsjdub: don't believe so07:05
fabbionedaniels: how broken is X today?07:06
crimsunhttp://www.gen-x-pc.com/pci_basic.htm says "yes", jdub 07:06
fabbionedaniels: meaning.. can i upgrade and still work or will i be doomed to death?07:06
ghpolojust some links to be done fabbione I believe07:06
ghpolothat is what I did07:06
jdubcrimsun: hrm, rad :)07:07
jdubit says driver compatible07:07
jdubnot seeing hardware compat07:07
crimsunabout halfway down the page07:07
crimsun"PCI-Express slots will also accept older PCI cards, which will help them become popular more quickly than they would if everyone's PCI components were suddenly useless."07:08
jdubahr, indeed07:08
jdubwas just looking at this:07:09
jdublooks very tasty07:09
fabbioneoh yeah07:10
fabbionei have seen them in some shops here around07:10
=== hunger [~hunger@p54A63EFE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
danielsfabbione: don't know.  try it and see. ;)07:13
danielsfabbione: might need to change the /etc/X11/X symlink07:13
tepsipakkicompare the pci/pci-e connectors.. no way to put a pci card on a pci-e slot ;)07:14
fabbionedaniels: dselect output is scary.. i guess i will wait a bit and work in chroot :)07:14
danielsheh :)07:19
danielstepsipakki: depends on how many lanes07:20
danielsit can physically fit in an x16, but not in an x107:20
jdub^ that's nice too07:21
danielselmo: any chance I can find out what B-Ds on a) libxp-dev, b) lesstif-dev?07:22
tepsipakkidaniels: but the card would go in reversed (the short part of the connector is on the other end) ;)07:23
tepsipakkihmmh, actually isn't07:24
tepsipakkioh f.., it is07:24
tepsipakkiwrong picture..07:24
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svenlI was wondering what would be the best way to get a universe package rebuild ? 08:18
danielsyou can't get rebuilds, only upload new source versions08:19
danielsand universe stuff -> #ubuntu-motu08:19
danielsthey take care of all the unvierse packages08:19
svenlhardware-monitor, which i maintain for debian, seems broken in breezy.08:19
svenlOh, 08:19
svenlYAC :/08:19
svenli think freenode is refusing me to subscribe to so many channels :/08:19
svenl08:15 [freenode]  -!- Cannot join to channel #ubuntu-motu (You have joined to too many channels)08:20
svenloh well.08:20
Amaranthyou can join it, just not all at once08:20
Amaranthit's to prevent bot floods, i think08:20
svenlAmaranth: yeah.08:21
svenlAmaranth: still doesn't help me, since i don't think one of the channels i have open now i can dispense with.08:21
Amaranthyou should be able to join it now08:22
Amaranthit just doesn't let you join a whole crap load at once, iirc08:22
svenlAmaranth: not.08:23
svenlAmaranth: i only joined this ones, the other where joined since days.08:23
svenlbut i am on the ppc devel channels, some debian ones, 4 ubuntu ones, and the pegasos support channels.08:23
Amaranthi've been in about a dozen channels before08:24
svenli think the barrier is beyond a dozen :)08:24
svenlok, breakfast time.08:25
bob220 is the limit08:26
AndyFitzhrm ,  is anything happening to esd ?08:27
Amaranthi thought it got replaced by polypaudio08:28
schweebwasn't quite ready in time for hoary08:29
schweebpolyp got pulled about a month before release08:29
=== pitti [~martin@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionehey pitti08:43
AndyFitzschweeb,  so whats happening between the two in breezy ?08:47
Lathiatis it just me or is ubuntu using dmix by default now08:48
jdubAndyFitz: potential to use polyp08:48
jdubLathiat: ick, no08:48
AndyFitzI say this because the esd sound quality is atrocious in breezy 08:48
=== Lathiat wonders why the hell his system is then
Lathiat(and its not working very well, although ive had it working fine, but i have no alsa config files)08:49
Amaranthi thought the plan for breezy was to use dmix when we could08:49
schweebAndyFitz: esd sound quality is atrocious everywhere08:49
svenldaniels: the fonts are in /usr/share/X11/fonts, even with -12, is that as you would expect ? 08:49
AndyFitzlol  I agree schweeb   ,  only this time its outdone itself.    rhythmbox won't play without esd,  and its pouring out some really interesting sounds along with playback08:49
schweebI seem to recall hearing recent stirrings of DMIX, but jdub would probably know better than I would08:49
AmaranthAndyFitz: Did you try telling gstreamer to use alsa?08:50
schweebAndyFitz: RhythmBox uses gstreamer08:50
jdubschweeb: it's on the "to try" list for sound infrastructure spec08:50
jdubbut it's spew08:50
schweebAndyFitz: open the gst config tool, and switch from ESD to alsa08:50
Amaranthyou'll have to restart rhythmbox08:50
schweebjdub: I've had mixed results with it08:51
schweebonce when I set it up, all of my stuff played at like 1.25x speed08:51
AndyFitzrhythmbox won't play without esd running,      schweeb  yeah I can change that.  just don't know what mutated esd08:51
luis_oops, wrong chan08:51
=== Amaranth hugs sound cards that don't suck
jdubschweeb: mixed results, eh? that sounds like the optimal outcome. :-)08:52
schweebyou're punny :p08:52
Micksaanyone know of a program suitable for quickly browsing through multi-page tiff files?08:52
jdubMicksa: build the very latest evince08:53
Amaranthdidn't support for tiff files get added to evince?08:53
TreenaksMicksa: evince08:53
Amaranthevince is becoming our Preview :)08:53
jdubMicksa: or wait for sebuild to get to it when he wakes up08:53
schweebeither that or gFaxView or whatever it's called (maybe)08:53
jdubAmaranth: only i've yet to convince jrb to integrate static image viewing too08:53
Amaranthsebuild, lmao08:53
=== Treenaks waits for someone to fix X
Micksais evince what that guy was showing off at the gnome miniconf at LCA?08:54
AmaranthTreenaks: It's only going to break more, but there is a simple way to make it work now. :)08:54
TreenaksAmaranth: there is? :)08:54
TreenaksAmaranth: apt pinning + hoary? :P08:54
AmaranthTreenaks: ln -s /usr/X11R6/bin /usr/bin/X1108:54
jdubMicksa: i don't believe anyone was showing off evince at gca.08:54
TreenaksAmaranth: yes, that was the easy part08:55
AmaranthTreenaks: then dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:55
TreenaksAmaranth: then it started whining about "fixed"08:55
Amaranththe fonts?08:55
TreenaksAmaranth: yes08:55
Amaranthhmm, my fonts are in /usr/share/X11/fonts and /usr/lib/X11/fonts, figure out which one you have and edit xorg to match08:55
Treenaksgood idea :)08:55
Amarantherr, xorg.conf08:55
Amaranthi don't know why i have both, most people don't08:56
=== JaneW [~JaneW@dumbledore.hbd.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
TreenaksAmaranth: I did see a "I didn't update xorg.conf because you fiddled with it" message when I was upgrading the other day08:56
AndyFitzamaranth, how do I instruct gstreamer to switch to alsa ?08:56
TreenaksAndyFitz: gstreamer-properties ?08:56
AndyFitzthere are a few  gst gui tools  but none that appear to manage that 08:56
AmaranthSystem->Preferences->Multimedia Systems Selector08:57
schweebshould be in the control center08:57
Amaranthor gstreamer-properties, they're the same thing08:57
AndyFitznot in breezy,  gstreamer-properties   and  the control-center  shortcut are both missing 08:57
Amaranthi have them?08:58
schweebas do I08:58
AndyFitzall gstreamer apps I have installed are prefixed with gst-08:58
Amaranthreinstall gnome-media08:58
AndyFitz;)  looks like I can't  :      Depends: dbus-1 but it is not going to be installed    Depends: libhal0 but it is not going to be installed  Depends: libnautilus-burn1 but it is not going to be installed08:59
AndyFitzwill always dist-upgrade -you from now on09:00
AndyFitzyou = U  damn gaim autoreplace 09:00
Amaranthum, your system is screwed :)09:01
AndyFitzum  yeah.   all with one dist-upgrade 09:02
Amaranthdid it remove a lot of things? :)09:03
AndyFitzshe'll be right.  xmms  ... until this all blows over  lol 09:03
AndyFitzAmaranth,  enough things to worry about but not enough to  make my system keel over and die..    I'm sitting in the threshold of painful package migration09:04
Treenakshmm... an empty dialog box saying "Xsession:" :)09:04
Amaranthok, new idea :)09:04
Lathiatyeh i get that too09:04
AmaranthAndyFitz: load up gconf-editor, change /system/gstreamer/0.8/default/audiosink to alsasink09:05
schweebfabbione: new xen just released, fyi09:06
AndyFitzAmaranth,  ah sweet  the gconf entry is still there.  all good now :)09:06
AndyFitzwell,  the sound is all good lol09:06
fabbioneschweeb: you want to tell Mithrandir and smurfix :)09:06
Amaranththe sad thing is that i knew that09:06
fabbioneschweeb: i am not on Xen anymore09:06
fabbionethey are09:07
schweebahh :)09:07
fabbioneXen 2.0.6 ?09:07
fabbionebah.. changelog points me to bitkeeper...09:08
fabbionehow cool...09:08
smurfixThey've got a few weeks to switch yet :-/09:08
fabbionehey smurfix 09:09
Amaranthfabbione: you could ust that tool to pull from bk repositories that caused the big flamefest :)09:09
Amarantherr, use09:09
smurfixfabbione: still nothing from the afterburning guys?09:10
fabbioneAmaranth: i don't need to use bk when there are tarballs available09:10
fabbionesmurfix: you and Mith were supposed to get in contact with them09:10
=== mvo [~egon@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionebut i haven't heard anything from ben09:11
smurfixfabbione: neither have I09:11
fabbionedid you try to mail him?09:11
smurfixlast week09:11
fabbionewell let's start working on xen than09:11
fabbioneif they are not interested anymore.. it's not our problem :)09:11
smurfixI found their whitepaper and CVS repo online this weekend though09:13
smurfixso I'll start to look into it in the next few days09:13
fabbionefor L4 or afterburner?09:13
fabbionebecause iirc they had afterburner in arch...09:14
smurfixafterburner and xen, says the download page09:14
fabbioneuh ok09:14
smurfixhaven't had time to actually look through it yet :-/09:14
Mithrandirsmurfix: url?09:18
smurfixMithrandir: http://l4ka.org/projects/virtualization/afterburn/download.php09:18
smurfixthey want to patch binutils :-/09:19
fabbioneoh jeee09:19
smurfixno L4 code that I can see09:19
fabbioneL4 was on a separate url09:19
Mithrandirthe l4 code is pistachio and marzipan09:19
smurfixMithrandir: ah, that makes sense09:20
smurfixAnyway I'll grab time this week to try and set things up here09:21
Mithrandirthe cvs repo seems to be what we want, it's the xen wedge, the l4 wedge, the patches to linux.09:23
Mithrandirlooks like we're just missing userspace support.09:23
Amaranthspeaking of Xen, when CPUs support the Vanderpool extensions, does anyone know if it will be possible to run linux and windows at the same time?09:25
=== fabbione needs some chroots love
fabbioneelmo: you awake?09:26
fabbionethom: ?09:26
=== pitti joins the need for love
fabbionepitti: i hunted down the problem with the kernel build/dpkg crap09:30
fabbionepitti: just be sure to get the latest kernel-package09:31
fabbioneit's another side effect of dpkg09:31
jdubAmaranth: xen requires client os support09:34
Amaranthjdub: It won't with the Vanderpool CPU extensions, from what I've been told.09:34
=== aisipos [~anton@dsl081-081-225.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiHi carlos 09:41
carlospitti, morning09:41
carlospitti, do you think it's possible to recreate the translation tarballs for hoary again (as you did without using buildd)?09:42
ajmitchhi pitti 09:42
pitticarlos: well, it's a PITA, but I think so. Why?09:42
carlospitti, so they get the .pot file regenerated 09:42
pittiajmitch: hey, how are you?09:42
ajmitchpitti: I'm alright :)09:42
pitticarlos: I did not patch Hoary's cdbs09:42
ajmitchgetting back into breezy stuff after a busy week09:42
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ajmitchhi chmj 09:43
chmjhey andrew09:43
carlospitti, we could use a nonofficial version with the patch, couldn't we?09:43
pitticarlos: well, if I get the required dchroot support from thom/elmo, that would work09:44
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
carlospitti, will check with them and will tell you if it's possible, ok?09:45
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=== batma8 [~batma8@24-116-152-116.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
batma8anyone up at this hour10:01
AndyFitzbatma8 yep10:01
batma8right on man10:03
batma8the guys in ubuntu try to help, but im still pretty lost10:03
AndyFitzyeah the big kids stay away until 6pm10:03
batma8i have an averatec 3250, and i cant get the wireless to work10:03
AndyFitzawake :)   GMT+1010:03
batma8its 2 am here10:03
AndyFitzis it on the supported list ?  do you have to use ndiswrapper ?10:03
batma8it is suported and i have ndiswrapper10:04
batma8but when i get it installed it said its an invalid driver10:04
batma8but i think its a location thing, not a driver thing10:04
batma8this is only my 2nd day in linux10:04
batma8so im still hella confused10:04
Treenaksconfused? why?10:04
batma8i follow that exactly10:05
batma8to a tee10:05
batma8and i get errors10:06
batma8not sucess10:06
Treenakswhat's it with the forums.. have you followed the guide on the wiki? (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/)10:06
batma8that is step 210:06
AndyFitzare you sure its the correct inf ?  do you have the DLL as well ?10:07
AndyFitzkeybuk was a ninja and set this up for me.  but I remember not having the right windows binaries.  inf and dll   10:07
batma8i do10:07
batma8then i get this 10:08
batma8sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)10:08
batma8and put it in my terminal10:08
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-26-43.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
batma8and it spits this out10:08
batma8build-essential is already the newest version.10:08
batma8linux-headers-2.6.10-5-386 is already the newest version.10:08
batma80 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 18 not upgraded.10:08
batma8W: Couldn't stat source package list cdrom://Ubuntu 5.04 _Hoary Hedgehog_ - Release i386 (20050407) hoary/multiverse Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/Ubuntu%205.04%20%5fHoary%20Hedgehog%5f%20-%20Release%20i386%20(20050407)_dists_hoary_multiverse_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)10:08
pittiHi seb128 10:08
batma8W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems10:08
batma8root@ubuntu:/home/batma8 #10:08
Treenaksbatma8: you don't need that, ndiswrapper is included10:08
seb128hey pitti 10:08
seb128what's this flood?10:08
Treenaksseb128: #usersupport10:09
seb128not the right chan10:09
batma8i do apologize10:09
batma8but you guys have helped me more in 2 mins than all day in #ubuntu10:09
seb128not a reason to turn this chan to a #ubuntu2 :)10:09
batma8point taken10:11
batma8i think i may have just made some progress10:11
fabbioneMithrandir, smurfix: xen 2.0.6 code seems to be more clean10:12
fabbioneat least it doesn't fail on make ARCH=xen dep (2.4.3010:12
smurfixwell, they want to get into the mainline kernel, they better have to get clean. ;-)10:14
=== fabbione needs to go offline for a bit
=== Thom_Holwerda [~thom@82-217-242-90.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Thom_Holwerdahi, is the topic correct? breezy still broken atm?10:26
Thom_Holwerdaany idea when the transtition is complete? probably difficult to say, aint it10:27
danielsquite, yeah10:29
danielsthere's also some pretty awesome X-related breakage10:29
Thom_Holwerdawell i broke my breezy ubuntu install by updating (missed the nottion about the transition) so i was wondering if it was done yet-- guess ill install hoary and just wait for the transition to be complete :)10:30
Amaranthyeah X-related breakages are nuts10:31
=== thoreauputic [~prospero@wolax9-008.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Treenaksdaniels: yeah, they're annoying :)10:32
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Kamionfabbione: I've uploaded partman-auto-lvm at last - heading towards Debian NEW at the moment10:42
fabbioneKamion: rocking!10:43
fabbioneKamion: i think in a relatively short time we should be able to seed 2.6.12 to main and if you feel ok we can start building d-i on top of it10:47
fabbioneright now  i am blocked because i can't build on amd64/ppc10:48
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dokomorning all11:22
hungerhi doko11:23
pittiMoin doko11:23
elmodaniels: http://people.ubuntu.com/~james/paste/010.txt11:23
elmodaniels: http://people.ubuntu.com/~james/paste/011.txt11:23
elmofabbione: ?11:23
mvohey doko 11:24
fabbionehey elmo11:24
fabbioneelmo: i need an update for breezy and breezy-i386 on concordia and breezy on davis, to get the latest dpkg and kernel-package11:25
fabbione(at least)11:25
fabbionea general update would be fine too :)11:25
=== bandini [~Arturo@nat.xsec.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== Lathiat_ [~lathiat@gasp.bur.st] has joined #ubuntu-devel
danielselmo: thanks dude11:32
danielsthom: ?11:32
=== rjo [~jordens@rjo.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograhmm, who did put the hint to disable esd on RestrictedFormats ? .... and backports are advertised there now too...11:36
mdkemorning ogra11:36
=== daniels [~daniels@amnesiac.heapspace.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
danielsinfinity: so are you what passes fora  mozilla maintainer nowadays, or should I keep harassing thom?11:40
daniels** mozilla has an unsatisfied build-dependency: libxp-dev11:40
daniels** mozilla-firefox has an unsatisfied build-dependency: libxp-dev11:40
daniels** mozilla-thunderbird has an unsatisfied build-dependency: libxp-dev11:40
danielsinfinity: i would like for the above to not be an issue anymore11:40
=== hunger hates developers doing "whoops".
infinitydaniels : Bugging thom is always a good thing, just on principle, but I can look at those.11:41
infinitydaniels : Are we allowed to upload CXX apps yet, though?11:41
fabbioneyou can upload, but they don't get autobuilded11:42
danielsinfinity: probably not11:42
infinityfabbione : Well, yes, that's what I meant.. "Is there any point?"11:42
ograinfinity, check the dependencys in any case (do a pbuilder run or whatever)11:42
danielshunger: 'whoops' -> i hit ctrl-shift-w instead of ctrl-w and didn't start irssi in screen, so it died11:42
fabbioneinfinity: no :)11:42
infinitydaniels : While we're whining about things, why does the default xorg config use such ridiculously conservative timings?  1600x1200 at 60Hz really hurts.11:44
hungerinfinity: I am using that setting... it is fine.11:45
Mithrandirinfinity: get an LCD? :)11:45
infinityMithrandir : A big CRT was a lot cheaper. :)11:45
Mithrandirinfinity: true enough.11:46
danielsinfinity: #14xx or something11:46
elmofabbione: done11:46
danielsinfinity: trawl my bug list for 'vbetool should use x86emu, subsume ddcprobe'; wasn't allowed to fix it for hoary11:46
danielsinfinity: itmt, just nuke the ranges from xorg.conf altogether.  nv, although really stupid, is smart enough to work the ranges out for itself in this case.11:48
Mithrandirdaniels: or just use hwinfo instead?11:48
danielsMithrandir: well, need to properly check out hwinfo11:48
infinitydaniels : Yeah, ISTR that both nv and nvidia could do so just fine, it was just a shock to have my initial config be kinda whacky.11:48
danielsMithrandir: been too busy trying to stop you whining by fixing xorg to check out hwinfo :P11:49
danielsinfinity: the downside of not having vm8611:49
fabbioneelmo: thanks!11:49
Mithrandirdaniels: :P11:49
daniels * Read the info out of the 'SuSE=' entry in /proc/cmdline. It contains11:50
daniels * (among others) info from the EDID record got by our syslinux extension.11:50
danielsWRONG! WRONG! WRONG!11:50
mjg59They get the EDID in SYSLINUX?11:50
mjg59I guess it means they have working real mode...11:51
infinityThat's pretty insane.11:51
pittisjoerd: here?11:52
=== hunger grumles that it can't be sane if it comes behing SuSE=
danielsmjg59: and pass it in through the kernel command line11:52
danielsmjg59: how awesome is that??11:52
danielsMithrandir: thanks for the pointer, dude :P11:52
hungerI really do not understand why suse has such a following... people even stick with it even though it has screwed them several times in a row on upgrades.11:53
mjg59daniels: Well, otherwise they might have to extend the kernel bootloader protocol11:53
Mithrandirdaniels: well, it works without the SuSE= entry too. :P11:53
mjg59daniels: Hang the fuck on11:53
mjg59daniels: Surely they're only using syslinux for the installer?11:54
mdkehunger, someone told me that suse is exceptional11:54
hungermdke: exceptional what? stupid?11:54
Mithrandirmjg59: what do you think of my idea to get syslinux to use different config files based on cpuid?11:54
mdkehunger, just exceptional11:54
mdkehunger, means very good11:54
mdkehaven't tried it myself tho11:55
mjg59Mithrandir: Hmm, hadn't seen that11:55
hungermdke: It is exceptional in doing everything in its own way, ignoring the settings I put into the normal config files.11:55
Mithrandirmjg59: you want it for the tripleplay DVD.11:56
hungermdke: If something breaks you need the exceptional suse training to fix stuff.11:56
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danielsmjg59: god only knows11:57
mjg59Mithrandir: Nnf. Fun.11:57
mdkehunger, hmm11:57
Mithrandirmjg59: got any better ideas, really?11:58
=== infinity is concerned by the complete lack of options and verbosity in this nautilus ISO burning extensions...
mjg59infinity: If you want exciting features, then Nautilus isn't really the right program to be burning ISOs with...12:02
HrdwrBoBI find it very exciting12:05
=== JaneW [~JaneW@dumbledore.hbd.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sjoerdpitti: pong12:07
pittisjoerd: nevermind, sorry for disturbing :-)12:07
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hungerdaniels: Could you please set the path in update-fonts-dirs for mkfontdir? Currently it fails since it does not find that programm in /usr/X11R6/bin.12:09
hungerdaniels: Shall I write a bugreport?12:10
=== susus [~sz@p5089D3A6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
danielshunger: no, because it's already fixed12:11
hungerdaniels: Great, thanks!12:11
danielsupgrade to 6.8.2-12 of xfonts-*, which will pull in xfonts-utils12:12
hungerdaniels: I did... that is when it failed.12:12
hungerdaniels: mkfontsdir is installed, but it is not found by the update-script.12:13
=== Treenaks [~martijn@messy.foodfight.org] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dokodaniels: you left a channel ;) what's the state of the xbase-clients dependency on xlibmesa-glu?12:13
dokothom: ping12:13
danielsdoko: d'oh12:14
danielsdoko: still in the middle of a test build12:14
hungerdaniels: My path still points to /usr/bin/X11, I guess that is why the script fails for me.12:16
danielshunger: your path for what?12:17
hungerdaniels: $PATH of the root user.12:17
dokodaniels: ok, does this build puts the X headers to /usr/include as well?12:17
danielshunger: ok, I see12:18
danielsdoko: no, and it won't12:18
hungerdaniels: Same for the normal user...12:18
danielsdoko: things are only moving to /usr once they've been modularised12:18
danielsdoko: doing that within the monolithic tree a) is so WORLD OF HURT, b) would break nvidia/fglrx12:18
danielsas much as I despise binary-only drivers and wish they would die in the arse, we can't break them right now12:18
danielshunger: fixed now, thanks12:19
hungerdaniels: You are welcome.12:20
hungerdaniels: Thanks for providing me with such a nice distro:-)12:21
dokodaniels: a) only effects you ;-) b) doesn't hurt me, so go for it :)12:21
pittitrulux: your new kernel patch works great! However, I fixed another tyop12:23
pittitypo, even12:23
danielsdoko: no, it effects everyone, since I spend a week doing nothing else12:24
=== Robinho_Peixoto [~Robinho@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jsgotangcobye bye12:33
AndyFitzholy new planetgnome12:35
Lathiat_yeh i like it12:35
AndyFitzoh no I don't!!!!12:41
AndyFitzeww tables12:41
=== stub [~stub@203-217-37-199.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
tsengAndyFitz: CSS SNOB!12:41
ogradoko, dpkg-architecture: warning: Unknown gcc system type amd64-linux, falling back to default (native compilation)12:41
ogradoko, is this wanted ?12:42
ograi see it in all recent amd64 builds12:42
ajmitchhi ogra 12:42
ograhey ajmitch 12:42
AndyFitzhttp://planet.gnome.org/  oh hells no12:43
ajmitchAndyFitz: lovely, innit? :)12:43
AndyFitztseng, you are witnessing semantic molestation12:43
tsengits not xhtml12:43
tsengthey should mark it as html4 then? i dont see anything thats a big deal12:44
tsengbesides ALT12:44
tsengleaving out alt on a site that big is lame12:44
AndyFitzno its not valid html4.01 either12:44
AndyFitzthats what its marked as12:44
tseng4.01 makes you close tags with /> ?12:45
ajmitchogra: I'm finally back to the c++ transition stuff :)12:45
AndyFitz: there is no attribute "BACKGROUND"  anyway this isnt the room to winge12:45
ograajmitch, great12:45
AndyFitzyeah its a whore of a html page12:45
=== ogra goes to do the same now
ajmitchogra: who should I CC in the bug reports?12:45
AndyFitzit wants a piece of all doctypes.  it doesn't care where it gets its next fix12:45
ograajmitch, me or doko12:46
Lathiat_looks like the w3 parser got confused12:46
Lathiat_(42th error for p.g.o)12:46
ajmitchogra: ok, will do12:46
tsengAndyFitz: hah12:46
Lathiat_oh, maybe not12:46
ograajmitch, but as long as you note it on the wikipage, there is no need for a cc12:46
Lathiat_you even need &amp; in HREFs... never knew that.12:46
=== tseng -> work
TreenaksLathiat_: /everywhere/12:46
AndyFitzciao tseng12:47
ogratseng, dont lt the php bugs bite you ;-P12:47
ogralet even12:47
ajmitchogra: great, I'm slowly filling my my spots on the wiki page12:47
ogragreat :)12:47
ajmitchalthough some diffs are far too large12:47
ajmitchsilly build systems12:47
dokoogra: there's already a bug in bugzilla12:48
ajmitchhi doko 12:48
dokoajmitch: hi12:49
ogradoko, ah, ok12:49
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dokoogra: there are currently many CXX libs in the bug reports, which are not yet uploaded. which ones do you take care of?12:51
ogradoko, i'll go through all motu claimed ones now...12:51
dokoogra: thanks12:53
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mvoping seb128 01:06
seb128mvo: pong01:08
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danielsgod the monolithic is a hulking piece of shit01:27
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ograhulking ? 01:32
ogradoes that mean its green ?01:32
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danielshulking == big, heavy, ungraceful01:33
danielsalso, stupid01:33
danielsdid I mention that I hate it?01:33
Mithrandirfix it, then01:33
danielsthe only way to fix it is to destroy it01:34
danielsand people keep distracting me from that by reporting these bug thingies01:34
fabbioneat least the big green thing was working01:34
=== fabbione ducks
danielsthe modular bits work01:34
danielsthey just need a little bit of encouragement01:34
fabbioneare they shy01:35
danielsa little, yeah01:35
danielsbut when I fixed update-fonts-*, the build took under ten seconds01:35
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Mithrandirfor all of the modular bits?  Impressive.01:35
danielsjust for xfonts-core01:36
danielswhich has a debian/rules consisting of a bunch of install commands01:36
Lathiat_daniels: do you have the issue i have with keyboard shortcuts not working ?01:36
=== Lathiat_ is now known as Lathiat
danielsLathiat: no, because I haven't restarted my X server for myriad reasons01:36
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Lathiatdaniels: ah. :)01:36
Lathiatyour smarter than me i guess :)01:36
danielsLathiat: (i test by starting new X servers and checking it all looks alright, and I have way too many things open on both machines to restart gdm on either)01:37
danielsmy guess would be that you'd need to link /usr/lib/X11/xkb -> /etc/X11/xkb, and /usr/bin/X11/setxkbmap -> /usr/X11R6/bin/setxkbmap01:37
Lathiati dont have a /usr/lib/X11/xkb01:37
danielsoh yeah, and /usr/bin/X11/xkbcomp -> /usr/X11R6/bin/xkbcomp01:38
danielsright -- which is the problem01:38
Lathiatright, where do i find that?01:38
danielsyou need to have one, which is a symlink to /etc/X11/xkb01:38
Lathiatoh right01:38
danielssudo ln -s /etc/X11/xkb /usr/lib/X11/xkb01:38
danielssudo ln -s /usr/bin/X11/setxkbmap /usr/X11R6/bin/setxkbmap01:38
danielssudo ln -s /usr/X11R6/bin/setxkbmap /usr/bin/X11/setxkbmap01:38
Lathiatok i'll try that thanks, brb01:39
danielssudo ln -s /usr/X11R6/bin/xkbcomp /usr/bin/X11/xkbcomp01:39
Mithrandirdaniels: I have no /usr/bin/X11 and I want to scream.01:39
danielsMithrandir: so make one as a directory :P01:39
fabbioneelmo: dpkg on concordia and davis is still the old one01:39
pittiseb128: just to confirm that I'm not completely dumb, you didn't upload the new gstreamer yet, did you?01:39
danielsthat directory should just go the f**k away, to be blunt01:39
elmofabbione: dpkg is blacklisted01:39
fabbioneelmo: i tought that we did allow the new one to go in01:39
fabbioneelmo: as doko said01:40
elmono, no one's unblacklisted the apps yet01:40
Kamionelmo: I need a package which isn't in Ubuntu yet, but I need to make modifications to it for Ubuntu. Is it better to wait/ask for it to be synced into Ubuntu and then modify it, or just upload a modified version directly?01:40
fabbioneelmo: i don't get it.. doko said that dpkg could go in, and i can't build with the old one01:40
Lathiatdaniels: no luck01:40
elmofabbione: doko talking doesn't magically unblock dpkg on 12 buildds01:41
Lathiatdaniels: anything i can do to debug it?01:41
fabbioneelmo: ok... i get it :)01:41
danielsLathiat: /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:41
elmofabbione: I thought/had hoped lamont would have updated the block list, but he apparently hasn't been around01:41
seb128pitti: nop, not yet, on my todo list for today01:41
=== fabbione logs out again
fabbioneelmo: he is VAC01:41
jane_can someone here edit/approve the PDASupport spec? http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/PDASupport01:41
pittiseb128: ok, no worries, thanks01:41
elmoKamion: hum, preferably the former, but the latters not disastrous as long as you're sure you use the debian source as your base01:41
elmofabbione: yes, now, I mean thu/fri time01:42
fabbioneelmo: yup....01:42
Mithrandirjane_: add it to colincharlesqueue? :)01:42
Kamionelmo: ok01:42
jane_Mithrandir: will do, but we actually want to push it through for approval asap01:42
Mithrandirjane_: uhm, it totally lacks a DraftSpec/EditedSpec thing?01:42
jane_Mithrandir: it is in Colin's queue01:43
Mithrandirjane_: I think you'll have to get mdz to review it?01:43
Mithrandirjane_: he's back from vacation now, so just putting it in his queue and notifying be email should work, I'd guess.01:44
jane_Mithrandir: ok I made it a draft spec... ITA about mdz, I was hoping to get someone at it sonner though ;)01:44
jane_Mithrandir: also mdz will be pretty swamped today01:44
Mithrandirjane_: Colin did approve specs at UDU, you could ask him if he can do it; Kamion?01:44
Kamionjane_: I'm looking at it now. What's the desperate hurry?01:44
danielsLathiat: what happens when you do setxkbcomp -layout us -model pc104?01:45
jane_Kamion: well jsgotangco is chomping at the bit to get going on it01:45
=== fabbione goes offline
Kamionjane_: he should just get on with it :)01:45
fabbioneelmo: thanks for the updates anyway :) too bad i can't use them :/01:45
jane_Kamion: it's the only one he is lead on, I think he wants the nod from someone that his spec is on target01:45
Lathiatdaniels: i have no setxkbcomp01:45
Kamionnon-Canonical people whose time we don't schedule shouldn't feel blocked on doing useful stuff by bureaucracy01:45
jane_Kamion: I'll tell him to proceed then ;)01:46
Kamion(it looks like a reasonable spec though)01:46
Lathiatdaniels: i have 'xkbcomp' in /etc/X11/xkb/xkbcomp01:46
danielsLathiat: s/setxkbcomp/setxkbmap/g01:47
Lathiatthats all i can see01:47
Lathiatdaniels: ah01:47
Lathiatdaniels: returns fine01:47
Lathiat(no output)01:47
danielsso if you run xev now, does doing ctrl+w, alt+w, whatever, give you proper keysym names?01:48
Lathiatx-windowxutils is being kept back if that affects anythign01:48
Lathiatdaniels: i get funny weird characters being printed01:48
LathiatXLookupString gives 1 bytes: (12) ""01:49
Lathiatfor example01:49
Lathiatkeysym 0x72 (no name)01:49
Kamionjane_: I've done some editing and bounced it back to him with one question; he should feel free to go ahead with the rest of it though01:50
elmojane shouldn't be allowed to IRC without the 'w' suffix, it's too confusing01:51
jane_Kamion: great thanks01:52
\sh /nick Tarzan01:52
\shcouldn't resist ;)01:52
KamionI'm sure she's never heard that one before even once01:53
=== \sh is an old man, so old jokes are fitting
JaneWyes that's was completely original ;)01:54
JaneWstill, better than 'Jane the pain'01:55
zygadoes anybody know what is netconfig.h?01:56
JaneW\sh: just saw your hackergotchi pic :P01:57
\shJaneW: (C) by ogra ,)01:58
ogra\mw makes the christians happy and uploads sword01:58
\shhehe...the world is really small...yesterday I had a phonecall from a old lycos europe colleague and he's working now for web.de/united internet...chief of security is another guy, who is working for serendipity php blog..so the circle is closed..funny relations02:03
Treenaks\sh: "internet land" in the netherlands is small as well :)02:06
Treenaks\sh: I've seen lots of people switch around between ISPs :)02:06
Treenaks\sh: (while working at one)02:06
\shhmm..something got wrong now02:11
pitticrimsun: here?02:11
danielselmo: could I please get the b-ds on lesstif2-dev, if it's not too much of a hassle?02:13
lamontredland-bindings is missing a build-dep on whatever provides swig02:13
danielselmo: or, rather, an answer to 'can we punt lesstif to universe?'02:15
danielselmo: as a side-effect of desperately not wanting to have to support the security and logistical nightmare that is xprint02:15
elmosomeone'd have to fix vim02:16
elmoand we'd have to be okay with dropping xpdf02:16
elmobut other than that, it's not used02:17
AndyFitzxpdf is no fun anyway02:17
danielselmo: \o/02:18
TreenaksAndyFitz: not now we have evince02:18
danielselmo: what the frig does vim do with xprint?  gvim?02:18
elmodaniels: err, I mean lesstif02:19
elmonot xprint02:19
Mithrandirdaniels: it's probably just smoking crack.02:19
mjg59Oh rock lesstiff02:19
AndyFitzall OSS postscript/pdf renderers suck,    evince is the least-bad gui 02:19
elmonothing's using xprint AFAICS02:19
elmowell from the current 'xprint' source package02:19
danielselmo: right02:20
danielsKamion: we can drop vim-lesstif, right?02:20
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Kamiondaniels: don't see why not02:21
Kamiondaniels: it's already in universe02:22
elmoKamion: yes, but source b-d's on lesstif02:22
Kamionyeah, I know02:22
elmoand we've tried to avoid just dropping things we don't want before02:22
elmonot sure, if it's worth bothering for something so old skool as lesstif tho02:23
Kamionsure, but we haven't always managed that02:23
Kamionc.f. kde02:23
Kamionin fact I'm not convinced we've tried very hard ;)02:23
elmowe did it for at least php02:23
elmobut yeah02:23
Kamionspeaking of, can I have libqt-perl in main?02:23
elmoKamion: it pulls in a bunch of crap02:23
Kamionit does?02:23
Kamionlike what?02:23
elmo o kdebindings: libsmokeqt-dev, libsmokeqt102:24
elmo   [Reverse-Depends: libqt-perl] 02:24
elmo   [Reverse-Build-Depends: libqt-perl] 02:24
KamionAFAICS it only depends on C libraries02:24
elmo o libqt-perl: libqt-perl02:24
elmo   [Reverse-Build-Depends: debconf] 02:24
Kamionoh, build-depends02:24
danielsKamion: php4-universe is defined as 'tried very hard', imo ;)02:24
Kamionelmo: kdebindings doesn't seem all that evil a thing to support02:25
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elmoKamion: ok, your call.  I only left it because it didn't fall comfortably into the 'obvious' rule and was pending approval from someone who can actually approve stuff (02:25
danielsKamion: eeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr02:26
Kamiondaniels: ?02:26
danielsKamion: kdebindings is a horror freakshow02:26
Kamiondaniels: how else do we get Qt bindings?02:26
danielsthat's its only redeeming feature, is that it's the only thing02:26
danielsbut the thing is utterly horrible, and almost entirely unused02:27
Kamionok, I'll ask the Kubuntu guys02:27
daniels(which either explains why it's almost permanently broken, or is caused by that)02:27
RiddellKamion: I'm all for as much of KDE in main as possible :)02:27
danielsi mean, if libqt-perl works, and you want to use that, then go ahead02:27
danielsbut I would strongly recommend punting every single other bit of kdebindings to universe02:27
Kamiondaniels: don't have a choice as far as debconf is concerned02:27
Kamionit's either that, or no KDE frontend02:28
elmodaniels: only the stuff mentioned gets pulled in02:28
Kamionnot that the KDE frontend is particularly excellent, but02:28
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Riddellkdebindings doesn't build ruby currently so as not to bring that into main02:28
KamionRiddell: I mean have you had problems with kdebindings per security/supportability?02:28
danielslamont: ping02:28
Kamionwith particular regard to SMOKE02:29
lamontdaniels: si?02:29
danielslamont: unping02:29
=== lamont is bouncing between the computer and cooking breakfast, fwiw
\shKamion: concerning python bindings for qt and kde it's a mess02:29
RiddellKamion: no security issues that I can ever remember, as daniels says it's not very much used02:29
danielsRiddell: (the irony being that ruby seems to be the only language that kde developers are interested in aside from C++)02:29
Riddell\sh: but they're not being built from kdebindings :)02:30
Kamion\sh: ok, python bindings not at issue here though02:30
elmoogra: dude, could you use a real name in Changed-By too?02:30
elmoR. [  48: <hostmaster@grawert.]  Accepted stk 4.2.0-4ubuntu1 (source)02:30
elmouploads from you look like that ATM02:30
Riddelldaniels: yes02:30
\shriddell: but they're inside ;) please delete them ;)02:30
ograelmo, whoops ....02:31
ograelmo, sorry for that02:31
Riddell\sh: I removed them from subdirs so they're not built now02:31
daniels\sh: if they're in universe and they aren't causing an FTBFS, it doesn't matter02:31
danielsright now the package isn't ftbfs and the only thing under discussion is the qt perl bindings02:31
Riddellactually it did fail to build on powerpc due to lack of memory02:32
elmosay what now?02:32
elmoRiddell: I kind of doubt it02:33
elmothe box has 2Gb real, 3Gb swap - I suspect it's a compiler bug02:33
RiddellKamion: smoke is activly developed and supported so it should be fine in main, I havn't used it personally though02:34
danielsRiddell: um, not even close02:34
danielsRiddell: it died in the arse due to numerous gcc4 problems02:34
elmovirtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory02:35
danielswait, I lie, sorry02:35
danielsyeah, that's pretty awesome02:35
Riddellit's about a 9Meg file that's being compiled at -O202:35
cartmanRiddell: how much ram the box have?02:36
danielscartman: 13:33 < elmo> the box has 2Gb real, 3Gb swap - I suspect it's a compiler bug02:36
Riddellcartman: "2Gb real, 3Gb swap" says elmo 02:36
cartmanoh yeah02:36
danielsit might be fixed in his binary driver (ugh) on his website02:37
danielserk, ww02:37
cartmanas this is on ppc, would it worth to try with apple's gcc?02:37
Amaranthapple's gcc would require OS X or darwin02:37
Amaranthseeing how this is a linux distro...02:37
cartmanAmaranth: I thought it just required a ppc cpu02:38
Amaranthplus apple's gcc is a fork from sometime before 4 was released02:38
KamionI hadn't heard that Apple's gcc was all that excellent02:38
cartmani.e ppc only optimizations in code02:38
cartmanKamion: I heard it compiles better for ppc02:38
cartmanat least for C/asm02:38
Kamioncartman: sounds like Apple-worshipping to me :)02:39
cartmanKamion: might be yeah :)02:39
cartmannon-biased opinions on Apple producsts are hard to get02:39
aji hadn't heard anything about apple's gcc being notable either02:40
Amaranthi heard it was the same as a pull from CVS on the day they forked plus Objective-C++ support02:40
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Kamionconsidering that Apple folks seem to be active on gcc lists I'd imagine most applicable stuff gets merged back; gcc is complex enough that people don't want to fork all that far02:41
jdubapple's gcc is notable in that it's not remotely useful in this case :-)02:41
danielselmo: vim fixed02:41
dokothe ObjC++ bits are merged in HEAD now02:42
cartmandoko: for 4.1?02:42
Amaranththat's where HEAD is going, yeah02:42
=== cartman checks gcc wiki
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elmothere's a whole bunch of stuff in their branch, but it's almost all darwin specific, from what I've seen, they do try to merge the non-specific parts02:42
elmoas kamion says, it makes their lifes easier02:43
Amaranthyeah, but they're still using a pre-release compiler on a released OS02:43
elmoAmaranth: meet doko, our gcc maintainer02:43
dokowho does use released compilers anyway? 02:44
danielsKamion: so, is it cool to punt xpdf?02:44
=== Amaranth checks gcc -v
elmoxpdf's already scheduled for punting, FWIW, it just needs Approval02:44
Kamion2005-04-11 19:19:03 GMT Matt Zimmerman <matt.zimmerman@canonical.com>   patch-102:44
Kamion    Summary:02:44
Amaranthwow 20050522 but still called prerelease02:44
Kamion      Drop gnome-gv and xpdf in favour of evince02:44
Kamionthat isn't approval?02:44
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elmoKamion: that works02:45
Amaranthdoko: is that a prerelease of 4.0.1?02:45
elmodoes evince handle pdf.gz yet?02:45
dokoAmaranth: its gcc-4_0-branch CVS02:45
danielselmo: did last I checked02:45
Amaranthdoko: is that a yes then? :)02:46
elmook, it doesn't in hoary02:46
danielselmo: hrm, ignore me; it must be ggv that supports it02:46
Treenakshas the right-click/open-terminal plugin for the new nautilus been packaged yet?02:47
jdubelmo: Unhandled MIME type: 'application/x-gzip'02:47
elmojdub: teh suck02:47
elmoesp. since most pdf's under /usr/share/doc are compressed by default02:48
jdubelmo: fixable02:48
elmojdub: sure, I wasn't saying it was a blocker, just whining02:48
jdubelmo: "weird debian use case" :-)02:48
Mithrandirjdub: doit! :)02:48
elmojdub: s/debian/\&+ubuntu/ :p02:48
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crimsunpitti: for a few minutes, yep. What's up?02:51
elmoBug 11111 has been added to the database02:51
pitticrimsun: alsa-libs 1.0.9 enables dmix for the first soundcard by default, that's fine. However, it doesn't for all other cards, do you know this issue?02:52
pittionly 31 bugs so far? :-)02:52
danielselmo: dude, that's piddling compared to bug #666 on Malone02:53
danielselmo: (which was, of course, Malone crashing)02:53
crimsunpitti: hmm, nope, but it's worth following up on mantis (https://bugtrack.alsa-project.org/alsa-bug/view_all_bug_page.php). This # is relevant: https://bugtrack.alsa-project.org/alsa-bug/view.php?id=106802:56
pitticrimsun: okay, will do02:57
=== pitti registers to the 23423th bug tracker
lamontseb128: cp: cannot stat `./debian/tmp/usr/share/control-center-2.0/icons': No such file or directory02:58
jdub`anthony: really there?02:58
danielspitti: if only there was some sort of bug tracker that brought a bunch of upstream bug trackers together so you could do all your bug work from one central place02:58
pittidaniels: indeed, *that* would be cool02:59
pittitoo bad that nobody is working on such a thing... 02:59
=== Amaranth senses an inside joke
pittiAmaranth: ever heard "Malone"?03:00
danielsAmaranth: https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/malone/03:00
TreenaksThe force is strong in this one03:00
jdubTreenaks: *chuckle*03:00
Amaranthoh, that thing03:00
Amaranthyou guys need web design help :D03:00
seb128lamont: k, thanks03:01
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hungerdaniels: The new xfonts-debs install fine for me now. thanks!03:16
danielsno worries03:16
Lathiatgo the dell diagnostic partition updater03:17
Lathiatit ran, chunked for a while, only to point out i didnt have a diagnostic partition (which I knew) but it ate the start of my hard drive anyway03:17
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AmaranthMOM posts bugs in bugzilla?03:23
elmo(Damn scott.  so many your mum jokes)03:24
Amaranthpretty cool, but spooky03:24
danielsand he didn't even do it right03:24
Amaranthuntil it said it was the merge-o-matic i thought a real person filed the bugreport :)03:24
danielsit should've been merge-uh-matic03:24
Amaranthamerican english vs australian english, round 103:25
JaneWDoes Ubuntu come out in an enterprise/server version at all?03:26
Kamionyou think Scott speaks American English?03:26
MithrandirJaneW: no03:26
danielsAmaranth: (er, mum was UK English long before it was Australian English)03:26
Amaranthi know, but you're in AUS, right?03:26
MithrandirJaneW: there's just Ubuntu, no separate server version.03:26
=== Mithrandir is off for waffles.
sladenmmmm, waffles.03:27
jdubJaneW: stick in the CD, boot with 'server' :-)03:27
KamionJaneW: we may certify a version for longer-term "enterprise" support at some point03:27
Kamionbut it'll be fundamentally the same thing03:27
danielsAmaranth: correct03:27
sladen1.  Stick it in the CD drive.  2.  type 'enterprise'.   3.  Feel Good(tm)03:27
danielssladen: so, uhm, possibly a stupid question, but do you have anything new on usplash?03:27
sladendaniels: nope.  I've been taking a narrowboat on the canal with a bunch of kids this weekend03:28
JaneWthanks for the responses, I'll relay the message03:32
elmodid we really add an 'enterprise' alias?03:32
elmoand I still can't get over you guys not using 'phat base' for the new seed :(03:33
danielsheh.  we're now up to 191075 lines of patches, of which 166684 are either removing files in other modules, or stolen from HEAD03:34
chmjphat base ?03:34
Amaranthdaniels: you're patching 6.8.2? i thought the X stuff was from HEAD03:35
Kamionelmo: no, we didn't03:35
danielsAmaranth: all the new stuff is coming from HEAD; new tarballs are just too painful03:35
danielsand we still have too many patches to be tracking a moving target like HEAD03:36
Amaranthdaniels: doing all of this will make things easier in the long run, right?03:36
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dilingerXu disabled hyperthreading in kernels by default, in a security fix?03:37
pittidilinger: yes03:37
elmodilinger: seems reasonable?03:37
pittidilinger: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/usn/usn-131-103:37
Amaranthhyperthreading is crack anyway03:38
Kamionhaving read the paper, fixing HT sounds kind of non-trivial03:38
dilingerKamion: having read the paper, it didn't seem like the sort of thing the kernel should be attempting to fix.  then again, I haven't read the followup thread on lkml yet03:40
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Kamionuh ... the paper explicitly advised that kernels work around the issue until chip vendors sorted it out03:40
Kamionsince it's not like you can hot-upgrade your CPU03:41
Kamionwhich didn't seem like an unreasonable position to take03:41
KamionI mean, the alternative is that everybody rewrite their crypto libraries to be entirely immune to timing attacks, which is no small endeavour and not always obviously correct anyway03:41
mjg59Kamion: Currently, the only real way of working around it seems to be to disable hyperthreading03:41
Kamionmjg59: exactly03:42
mjg59Which is a kernel command-line argument03:42
mjg59So disabling it by default seems excessive03:42
elmowe don't default-to-off for other security patches?03:42
mjg59Oh. Is "Disable by default" equivilent to "Provide new option to enable"?03:43
Amaranththe people who know there is a kernel command line are the ones who would be thinking about reenabling it, not those disabling it for security reasons03:43
Kamionmjg59: yes03:43
Amaranthyeah, you can use ht=on to enable it03:43
elmoYou can manually03:43
elmoenable HyperThreading again by passing the kernel parameter "ht=on" at03:43
Kamionmjg59: well, it's now default ht=off and you can type ht=on03:43
elmoboot. (CAN-2005-0109) 03:43
pittiKamion: it's not just timing attacks03:43
mjg59Ah, yes03:43
=== mjg59 should read the advisory properly first
pittiKamion: a process can watch another process while they are on the same CPU at the same time03:44
dilingeri just don't like security updates that change behavior like that.  i guess if it's unavoidable..03:44
mjg59dilinger: If the changed behaviour is documented, it's less of an issue03:44
elmoI wish it had been ready before I ran round 30+ machines disabling HT in the BIOS :P03:44
mjg59Especially if it's the only real solution...03:44
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elmoKamion: why does man still look in /usr/local/man ?03:50
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Kamionelmo: why shouldn't it?03:50
elmowouldn't /usr/local/share/man make more sense?03:51
Kamionit looks there too03:51
Kamion/usr/local/man's there for legacy support03:51
elmoshiri 14:51 ~ % manpath03:51
Kamionoh, it's computing that from $PATH03:52
danielsdaniels@catsby:~% manpath03:52
Kamiondaniels: you've set that by hand, I think03:52
danielsKamion: not that I'm aware of03:52
Kamiondaniels: echo $MANPATH # ?03:52
Kamionelmo: I think that's a bug - it doesn't seem to be handling multi-valued MANPATH_MAP entries03:53
seb128jdub: about your g-s-t mail, not sure if that's a good idea. We have turned some of the option because they break stuff like rcn.d entries03:53
danielsKamion: /usr/local/man is in MANDATORY_MANPATH, /usr/local/share/man isn't03:53
danielsKamion: it's blank, and not set in ~/.zshrc or anything03:53
Kamionhah, that wouldn't help03:53
Kamion/usr/local/share/man is kind of crack though03:53
jdubseb128: can we have that package for the ones that aren't broken?03:53
KamionI mean, nobody has /usr/local/share/bin that I'm aware of03:54
seb128jdub: is there any reason to not include these one with the default package?03:54
Kamionthe FHS just went share-happy03:54
seb128jdub: we can ship all of them during the unstable time and decide of which ones to keep on the freeze?03:55
TreenaksKamion: Share and Enjoy!03:55
Kamionelmo: ah. I bet /usr/local/share/man doesn't actually exist on your system03:55
Kamionbut it exists on daniels'03:55
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Kamionpath directory /usr/local/bin is in the config file03:55
Kamionadding /usr/local/man to manpath03:55
Kamionmanpath: warning: /usr/local/share/man: No such file or directory03:55
elmoKamion: ah, you're right, it doesn't03:57
elmoshould base-files and/or man-db create it if it doesn't?03:57
Kamion  * Added /srv, /media and /usr/local/share/man (Closes: #230909).03:58
Kamion  * Added /usr/local/man as a symlink to /usr/local/share/man,03:58
Kamion    since FHS says both directories should be "synonymous".03:58
Kamion(base-files 3.0.13)03:58
Kamionit only does that on initial install though03:58
jdubseb128: ok :)03:58
elmooh, right, and this is some use-to-be-debian ancientness03:58
Kamionmy general opinion is that /usr/local/share/man is an FHS mistake though; I'm not all that concerned about propagating it further than I have to03:59
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`anthonyjdub: yes04:04
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maswanjdub, jbailey: maswan-ping?04:09
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jdubmaswan: pong04:13
seb128elmo: any way to get the gnome-control-center build-deps on concordia?04:13
jdub`anthony: aha, give me a minute - going to be about?04:13
`anthonyyeah, for about another 1/2 hour04:16
`anthonydoing a bunch of shtoom/dbus hacking...04:16
elmoseb128: done04:16
`anthonycurrently writing a new UI layer for shtoom - dbus. the phone itself has no UI at all, other applications can call it to do stuff and get signals back when stuff happens.04:17
jdubelmo: planet update please :)04:17
jdub`anthony: you're inhaling again.04:17
elmo-       <style type="text/css" media="screen"> @import url(file:///home/jdub/src/planet/ubuntu/www/planet-ubuntu.css);</style>04:17
elmo+       <style type="text/css" media="screen"> @import url(planet-ubuntu.css);</style>04:17
danielsjdub: WORSHIP DBUS04:18
pittidaniels: DBUS SUCKS04:18
jdubdaniels: so i had this problem with garbage collection at my apartment. i solved it with D-BUS.04:19
pittidaniels: I have tried for ages now to get a dialog into gnome-volume-manager, but dbus completely messes that up04:19
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jdubalso, it helped me catch fish when i was stuck on a desert island04:19
danielsjdub: word04:19
danielsjdub: preach it!04:19
`anthonyI use it to club small defenseless animals to death.04:19
danielspitti: hm?04:19
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`anthonyAlthough something like omniorb has a more satisfying weight for dealing with anything larger than a fox.04:20
KaiL_hmm, the updated kernel in hoary breaks the restricted modules!04:20
KaiL_fabbione: ping?04:20
danielsKaiL_: er?  which updated kernel?  and how?04:21
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KaiL_the 2.6.10-34.104:21
jdthoodIn Canada we kill baby seals with hakapiks.04:21
`anthonyjdthood: good thing too, otherwise we'd be overrun with the little bastards. I mean, look at the squid. Fuckers are everywhere now.04:22
GheRiverores people04:22
KaiL_daniels: so linux-restrivted-modules-2.6.10 must be recompiled ASAP04:22
KaiL_even better remove the new image from the update archives instandly04:23
danielsKaiL_: why?  what's actually wrong?04:24
danielsdid it change the ABI, or what?04:24
danielsdid it bump all the numbers to -6, or?04:24
Kamion15:23 < KaiL_> even better remove the new image from the update archives instandly04:24
Kamionsecurity updates > restricted modules04:25
danielsand stuff never gets removed from archives04:25
danielsKaiL_: can you describe *how* it breaks the ABI?  what fails to work?04:25
KaiL_daniels: nvidia driver04:25
KaiL_see #nvidia, jd101 there04:26
danielsi'd rather not join yet another channel04:26
KaiL_Kamion: there's nowhere an updated restricted modules?!04:26
`anthonywhich reminds me - should I log bugs against the nv driver against ubuntu, or fd.o ?04:26
daniels`anthony: fd.o, preferably04:27
danielssaves me the effort :)04:27
KamionKaiL_: you're missing the point - security updates are more important than restricted modules, so "remove the new image" would be the wrong answer no matter what04:27
KaiL_Kamion: oh, being unable to have an X-Server is unimportant?04:27
`anthonydaniels: righto04:27
KamionKaiL_: *less* important than a security update04:27
danielsKaiL_: less important than not being rooted04:27
KaiL_daniels: wrong. 04:28
danielsfabbione: apparently -34.1 caused an ABI bump, please investigate04:28
KaiL_you can't be rootet, if you have no working system any more :)04:28
danielsKaiL_: dude, hate to break it to you, but security trumps everything.  doubly so in the kernel.04:28
`anthonyKaiL_: You can always use the nv driver until the nvidia driver is fixed.04:28
KaiL_it's not for me04:28
`anthonyPlus, then you get stuff like sane ACPI04:28
danielsalternately, if you don't care about the security holes in the kernel, just downgrade for the time being04:28
`anthonyKaiL_: Then suggest to whoever is having the problem that they switch to nv until the module is recompiled.04:30
KaiL_you understand, that everybody, who updates his kernel this morning and has any of these modules running (very many will have nvidia, not that much less fglrx) will have a console after reboot, yes?04:30
danielsnot necessarily everybody04:30
danielsgiven that the udpates are tested by people who verify if the ABI stays the same or not04:30
danielsso obviously it only triggers in some cases04:30
`anthonyKaiL_: is it possible the people with the problem are running their own compiled version of nvidia drivers?04:30
KaiL_let's hope, they are tested...04:31
KaiL_`anthony: he didn't even know, how to install the driver from nvidia04:31
KamionKaiL_: we're not saying "it won't be fixed", we're saying "relax"04:31
danielsKaiL_: of course they're tested04:31
`anthonyIf it _is_ broken, I'd expect it'll get fixed pretty quickly04:31
KaiL_which btw *should* not matter technically...04:31
`anthonyKaiL_: Er, except that the nvidia driver code is truly heinous. If someone's grabbed the latest and "greatest" version, who knows what evil crap is in the driver.04:32
KaiL_`anthony: we still have the "latest and greatest version" :)04:32
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`anthonyKaiL_: In any case, suggest for now he just edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and replace 'nvidia' with 'nv'. 04:35
`anthonyYou lose GLX, but *shrug* you get a working X04:35
KaiL_`anthony: that's the easy one. Now for the WLAN please :)04:35
KaiL_and the winmodems :)04:35
KaiL_...I don't know, what else breaks04:36
`anthonyKaiL_: then downgrade ;)04:36
Kamionare there verified reports of those breaking?04:36
`anthonyand wait for the compiling machine that is fabbione to fix ;)04:36
KaiL_Kamion: not yet, and I hope it's really only nvidia04:36
KaiL_which is bad enough, but that people *should* at least know, how to fix it04:37
KamionKaiL_: then please stop "The Sky Is Falling!", thanks :-)04:37
KaiL_Kamion: you remember the laugh about MS, as one of their patches broke LAN in some silly, uncommon situations?04:38
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`anthonyKamion: "The Sky Is No Longer Rendered In Beautiful 3D, But Hey, Night (Suspend) Works Now!"04:38
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daniels`anthony: haha04:38
KamionKaiL_: if true, it's not the first time a patch broke ABI by mistake, and it probably won't be the last. the sky is still not falling.04:39
Kamionwe've fixed these things pretty quickly in the past, when people aren't screaming at us. :)04:39
ogra`anthony, lol04:41
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zulKamion: fix it now fix it now....aiiiiieee04:44
KaiL_Kamion: maybe the restricted modules should be bound to EXACTLY one linux-image04:45
KamionKaiL_: it's appropriate for them to depend on an ABI, the way they do now.04:46
seb128daniels: any idea on http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/config.log ?04:46
mjg59KaiL_: If the kernel has broken it, then the dmesg command will contain errors from the nvidia module04:47
seb128daniels: that's gnome-control-center not beeing happy, seems to be due to the new xorg04:47
jdubmdz: permission to add python-beautifulsoup to desktop seed?04:47
mjg59KaiL_: If those errors can be put somewhere, we can check what's happened04:47
jdubmdz: recommended by `anthony 04:47
seb128daniels: search for Xrandr.h on the log04:47
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seb128daniels: and the packages for these headers are installed04:48
KaiL_jd101: see what mjg59  is asking for.....04:49
jd101KaiL_: I typed dmesg. big list. what exactly am I looking for in the list?04:50
danielsgcc -o conftest -g -O2 -Wall  -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed conftest.c -lXrandr -lXrandr -lXrender  -lSM -lICE  -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX1104:51
mjg59jd101: If you could redirect that to a file and put it somewhere, that would be helpful04:51
danielsseb128: ^^ needs -I/usr/X11R6/include04:51
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seb128daniels: that's new?04:53
danielsseb128: newish, yes04:54
seb128k, because that builds fine on my box04:54
seb128but I've not upgraded to the broken xorg versions :)04:54
danielsthey're not broken04:55
danielsjust ... different04:55
seb128daniels: the -I/usr/X11R6/include should not automagically come from the autotools or other pkg-config?04:55
seb128daniels: keyboard is broken according to pitti, dholbach and bugzilla :)04:55
danielsseb128: it should come from autotools, but doesn't because parts of it are in /usr/include/X11 and parts are in /usr/X11R6/include/X1104:56
jd101I'll be back in a minute04:56
danielsseb128: if you don't need the g-c-c upload within the next few days, you could just wait until it works again when I upload libx11 separately04:56
seb128ok, thanks04:56
seb128I'll do an ugly Makefile.in change for now so :p04:56
seb128configure change rather04:57
danielsor just build with CFLAGS="-I/usr/X11R6/include"04:57
danielsor --with-x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include04:57
seb128thanks daniels :)04:57
daniels(and yeah, keyboard is broken, that one's a little harder to debug)04:57
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mvoAndyFitz: do you have some cool ideas about the tray icon for update-notifier? various people seem to be unhappy with the current one (e.g. #11080)04:58
dredgis linux-image-2.6.10-5-k7 (todays) in hoary boned?04:58
danielsdredg: in terms of linux-restricted-modules?04:59
dredgdaniels: in terms of when i install it i get:04:59
dredgcpio: (0xffffe000): No such file or directory04:59
dredgcpio:   /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0xb7feb000): No such file or directory04:59
dredga reboot deads it with a panic05:00
mjg59That's, uh, special05:00
danielsjbailey: mkinitrd stuffed? ^^05:00
mjg59dredg: Your install is plain Hoary?05:00
AndyFitzmvo,   its symbolically fine but the shape isnt unique enough for it as a tray icon.  05:00
dredgmjg59: pretty much05:00
lamontKamion: how usable is the current breezy debootstrap?05:00
lamontthat is, is the package list current?05:00
mjg59dredg: Nothing from Breezy?05:01
ogradredg, what does retty much mean ?05:01
ograpretty even05:01
AndyFitzid like to work on it .  mvo,  whats the pixmaps directory ?05:01
fabbionehey lamont05:01
lamontmorning fabbione 05:01
dredgi tend to backport anything i want from breezy for this machine05:01
danielsdredg: ok, the answer there is 'don't do that'05:01
danielsjbailey: nevermind05:01
mjg59dredg: Uhm. There's the possibility that something is broken on your system, then.05:01
mjg59Nobody else has reported that failure yet...05:01
mvoAndyFitz: that would rock (please also have a look at the bugnumber I send you, it raises a interessting point). the icon is at /usr/share/pixmaps/update-icon.png05:02
danielsso, speaking of keyboard problems, this just landed in bugzilla:05:02
danielsi have this kind of problem... in fact, my "shift" key doesn't seem to work05:02
daniels(sorry, no uppercase in this post)05:02
AndyFitzmvo,  can you give me a url pointing to the bug report instead of the number ? 05:02
AndyFitzI havent used malone before05:02
AndyFitzassuming thats where it is ?05:03
mjg59daniels: How did they manage quotes?05:03
mvoAndyFitz: sure, https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=11080 (I sometimes forget that not everyone has the bugzilla open all day :P)05:03
dredgmjg59: yeah, i accept that possibility. *shrug*05:03
danielsmjg59: who knows05:04
Kamionlamont: I think it'll break due to aptitude vs. C++ at the moment05:07
lamontKamion: ok.  aptitude is currently dying because libsigc++-1.2 doesn't like g++4.005:08
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jd101mjg59: I saved the contents of dmesg05:10
mvolamont: what apt is used for the build?05:12
mvo(for the build of aptitude that is)05:12
lamontapt is the one outside the chroot --> hoary05:13
mjg59jd101: Is it possible for you to put them on a website somewhere?05:13
bob2fabbione: buildd's are running!05:13
lamontthe aptitude build failure is strhash.h:31: error: an explicit specialization must be preceded by 'template <>'05:13
jd101mjg59: http://rapidshare.de/files/1933868/aaaa.html05:13
lamontand I take back what I said about libsigc++1.205:13
fabbionebob2: and??????05:13
mjg59jd101: Ok, that looks absolutely fine05:15
lamontfabbione: bob2 is clearly developing a case of turrets. :-)05:15
elmotourets too05:15
=== bob2 blames mjg59
jd101mjg59: but that's after i changes "nvidia" to "nv" and restarted05:15
elmotourette too too05:16
mjg59jd101: Did you remove the nvidia module from /etc/modules ?05:16
=== thom knocks some cannon ports into bob2
fabbionelamont: whatever.. people should stop smoking my crack!05:16
mvolamont: I have a patch for that, I can do a new upload. what apt do you build against? 0.6.35ubuntu2?05:16
mjg59jd101: It looks like it never tries to load the nvidia module. That should have nothing to do with a kernel upgrade.05:16
bob2cannons and port, two of my favourite things05:16
jd101mjg59: I # it05:17
mjg59jd101: Ah. Please run sudo modprobe nvidia and then put up the contents of dmesg05:17
lamontSelecting previously deselected package libapt-pkg-dev.05:18
lamontUnpacking libapt-pkg-dev (from .../libapt-pkg-dev_0.6.35ubuntu2_i386.deb) ...05:18
Kamiondaniels: so will imake start automatically installing files in /usr/bin/ soon?05:18
KamionW: groff: packages-installs-file-to-usr-x11r6 usr/X11R6/bin/gxditview05:18
lamontelmo: speeling disease names never was my strong suit.05:18
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mvolamont: thanks. I would like to upload a new version of apt, but I would like to wait for mdz on that. do you think we could wait with the building of aptitude/synaptic until then (I suppose he comes back today)?05:19
danielslamont: oh my god, hideous05:20
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danielsKamion: probably eventually, but not before the server gets modularised.  which might well be a while.05:20
danielsKamion: (i didn't attempt to timeline it, only 'some time before august')05:21
KamionI'm wondering whether I should bother moving it by hand05:22
Kamionor whether there's a way to override ProjectRoot05:22
daniels#undef ProjectRoot05:22
daniels#define ProjectRoot /usr05:22
danielshonestly can't speak as to whether this will break shit badly, though05:22
Kamionmaybe I'll just mv stuff in debian/rules05:23
danielseasiest that way, yeah05:23
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bodelmo: did you get a chance to see how dak copes with W&P format source archives?05:49
elmobod: no, not yet.  gar should have done it on the weekend05:50
mdkemako, ping05:53
bodelmo: no great hurry, just following up05:55
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makomdke: hey dude05:58
mdkeooh awesome05:59
mdkehi mako05:59
mdkemako, just sent you my second attempt at a signed CC05:59
Simiramako: are you updating the CC-agenda for tomorrows meeting?05:59
mdzmvo: new version of apt?05:59
fabbionehey mdz06:00
mvomdz: hey mdz. welcome back :) I send you a mail about the new apt06:00
makoSimira: yeah.. gonna work on that in the next couple hours06:01
mdzmvo: mail...:-o06:02
mvomdz: how many do you have ;) ?06:02
mvomdz: just filter for my name :P06:02
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pittiHey mdz! Welcome back06:15
seb128hi mdz06:16
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pitti$ sudo cfdisk /dev/sda06:19
pittiSegmentation fault06:19
pittithis shouldn't happen...06:19
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seb128pitti: utch06:21
Lathiatpitti: owwww06:22
fabbioneyeah i have seen it a couple of days back06:22
fabbioneforgot to check why06:22
fabbionepitti: fdisk works06:23
pitti... and I just formatted the stick06:23
pittifabbione: yeah, I used fdisk06:23
seb128mvo, pitti: you may want to subscribe to http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/desktop-bugs :)06:23
seb128(probably some other too)06:23
pittinot more mails... *whine*06:24
seb128pitti: better than ubuntu-bugs :p06:25
pittiyeah, right06:25
fabbioneor gtk-bugs06:25
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=== pitti has to reboot, brb
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eruinanyone tested today's install-cd already?06:36
pittimvo: I know the difference between my usb stick and my camera (wrt. g-v-m dialog/dbus wreckage)06:36
mvopitti: tell me!06:36
pittimvo: the camera is just one device, but my usb stick has two partitions06:36
pittimvo: I reformatted my stick to have just one (encrypted) partition, and now it works06:36
pittimvo: so after the partition is detected, there simply are no further dbus messages06:37
pittimvo: however, that explains why it works with the camera, but doesn't solve the dbus bug, of course06:37
Lathiatyeh i noticed with g-v-m06:38
Lathiati have a usb stick which has an emulated floppy06:38
Lathiatand then the usb stick part06:38
Lathiatand only the floppy bit ever mounts06:38
pittiLathiat: no, that should work (it does for me at least)06:39
Lathiati'll try again06:39
Lathiatmight have been fixed06:39
pittiLathiat: I currently try to introduce a dialog which asks for an encryption passphrase06:39
Lathiatpitti: ah, thatd be sweet06:39
pittiLathiat: but while the dialog runs, gtk_main_loop() is called, which triggers dbus functions, which never return and use up 100% CPU06:40
`anthonypitti: You should use the twisted dbus bindings, then you don't have to worry about this crap ;)06:42
pitti`anthony: ENOPYTHON06:42
`anthonypitti: *grin*06:42
ograpitti, get more CPUs then 2 CPUs = 50% 4 CPUs = 25% ;)06:43
pittiogra: 50% of what?06:43
Lathiatogra: haha06:43
pittiah, I see, sorry06:43
pittiI think I rather get 4 daniels to fix dbus06:43
ograpoor pitty, everyone is fooling him today :)06:43
=== ogra comorts pitti
ogracomforts even06:44
pitti*sniff* thanks ogra, I love you too06:44
mdzwhere did helvetica go while I was away: -adobe-helvetica-medium-o-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*06:44
danielsmdz: *cough*06:45
ogramdz, new paths ;)06:45
ogramdz, hi btw :)06:45
=== pitti points at daniels breaking everything recently
danielsmdz: sed -i /etc/X11/xorg -e s#/usr/lib/X11#/usr/share/X11#;06:45
danielspitti: not my fault!06:45
danielsmdz: need to fix a couple of other packages before I can add a symlink06:45
Lathiatdaniels: http://bur.st/~lathiat/ubuntu-dbus-doc-suggests.patch06:46
mdzdaniels: thanks06:46
mdzmizar:[/etc/X11]  grep lib/X11 xorg.conf06:47
mdzzsh: exit 1     grep lib/X11 xorg.conf06:47
mdzall my FontPaths say /usr/share/X1106:47
mdzbut I don't have a /usr/share/X1106:47
mdzshould I do the reverse instead?06:47
danielsmdz: upgrade xfonts-* to 6.8.2-1206:47
danielsLathiat: yeah, I saw that, dbus is sort of on the backburner at the moment06:47
Lathiatdaniels: ok06:47
danielsmdz: (out of curiousity, what app do you have that still uses core fonts?)06:47
mdzdaniels: gnucash (universe)06:48
ograhmm, gtk106:48
mdzdaniels: you know that x-window-system-core is currently uninstallable, right?06:49
Lathiatand xbase-clients06:49
danielsmdz: yes, that's why I'm still awake06:49
mdzdaniels: gotcha, thanks for the quick fix06:52
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danielsmdz: no worries06:53
fabbionemdz: did you have nice holidays?07:01
dokoKeybuk, could we revert the change to *_GNU_TYPE and *_GNU_OS until Debian introduces dpkg-1.3?07:02
Keybukif you're going to do that, you may as well just use 1.1007:02
Kamionmeh, let's not flip-flop please07:02
mdzfabbione: yes, excellent07:03
fabbionemdz: nice :)07:03
mdzdaniels: btw, it's perfectly ok to leave that broken in the name of sleep; these are early days and breakage is a given07:03
Kamiondoko: we're going to have to deal with it eventually anyway, and we're almost certainly going to have to deal with it faster than some Debian maintainers do07:03
danielsmdz: in dh_shlibdeps now, so I'll see if these don't work and go fro mthere07:03
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dokoKamion: I don't care about the packages that fail to build, but the ones that wrongly build07:04
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elmodoko: I still don't see why we can't grep for DEB_* ?07:05
elmohum, I wish zsh had timestamped history07:06
Kamiondoko: yes, and my point stands I think07:06
dokoelmo: we can, please do ;-)07:06
ogra_delmo, patches welcome :-P07:06
elmodoko: dude, I'm not the one whining about breakage07:06
`anthonyelmo: fc -dl07:06
elmoand I'll do your grepping, just as soon as you help deal with some of my sysadmin stuff07:06
dokogive me 5 minutes, finishing C++ first07:07
elmo`anthony: dude.07:08
`anthonyelmo: zsh has _everything_. You just gotta find the right magic option.07:09
Kamionargh. hello, Colin, average of X and Y is (X+Y)/2, not (Y-X)/207:09
danielsKamion: interesting maths07:10
Kamioner, I should say "mean", too07:10
Kamionbut now I have an option "Resize SCSI1 (0,0,0), partition #1 (sda1) and use freed space"07:11
elmokick ass07:12
Kamionand I really wish I got a useful progress bar while resizing ext307:13
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lamontdoko/seb128: dasher needs xorg love07:19
truluxpitti: heya07:20
pittiHi trulux 07:20
lamontseb128: gksu looks like it needs some s/linux/linux-gnu/ love?07:20
truluxpitti: hey, yesterday I was talking to ajmitch and organizing some stuff. how's krsec working? 07:20
pittitrulux: your patch works07:21
pittitrulux: however, fabbione had some reservations with applying it since it is very intrusive07:21
pittitrulux: did you submit this upstream?07:21
thommdz: having hardware issues, or is this a long term annoyance (verbose hotplug in recovery mode)07:21
pittitrulux: I think for upstream inclusion the patch is fine07:21
pittitrulux: but it isn't that nice to introduce distro-specific sysctls, I was told07:22
mdzthom: we regularly see this type of report from users, and it's tricky to debug because we can't tell which module is being loaded07:22
truluxpitti: I hadn't, though I had some feedback with akpm but not related to the patch itself07:22
mdzthom: I was reminded to file the bug due to dealing personally with a user experiencing such a problem07:22
thommdz: nod. ah, right07:22
truluxpitti: that's because I pointed at vsecurity07:22
truluxpitti: you just choose the hard way ;)07:22
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pittitrulux: I showed the patch to fabbione, he has to think about it07:23
truluxpitti: vsec? it's not patch, we can maintain separate deb packages for the module, really07:23
pittitrulux: it *might* be necessary to prepare another (lighter) patch without the sysctls, but otherwise it is fine07:24
truluxpitti: and most important...07:24
truluxpitti: I'm porting cap_over to it, so, we won't need suid binaries anymore07:24
truluxpitti: a very basic binary-policy-based access control with capabilities07:24
truluxpitti: well, using sysfs is a solution, but really, having vsec makes the effort no worth07:25
pittitrulux: no, not sysfs07:25
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truluxpitti: vsec uses sysfs for a few things, though it also uses an internal sysctl for the policy stuff (cap_over)07:26
truluxpitti: sysctl is going to be deprecated07:26
truluxpitti: there are better interfaces07:27
pittitrulux: what about dropping the sysctls for now?07:27
pittitrulux: you can still enable/disable the stuff at boottime, but the patch would get lighter07:27
pittitrulux: (sorry for the mess)07:28
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truluxpitti: I'll prepare a separate patch for that07:28
truluxpitti: no worries07:28
truluxpitti: I just try to get you all thinking in the right way, and that way means modularizing our stuff07:28
truluxwe are not upstream, so, modularizing makes work easier, faster...07:28
pittiyeah, indeed07:29
=== mvo is off to play hockey. bb in ~2h
truluxpitti: I'm working now on finsihing the next 0.3 release, with the guy that managed the OpenPaX project07:30
Kamiondaniels: xorg.dsc still seems to mention libxau* and libxdmcp*07:31
KamionI guess they're still in debian/control?07:33
danielsgood catch, thanks07:33
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fabbionedaniels: stop playing with X and give us back the monolitich tree :P07:38
danielsi just uploaded the monolithic tree twice in like five minutes07:39
danielsbased on that, it's getting mroe attention than anything else ever :P07:39
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fabbionei can see that :)07:41
fabbionedaniels: but it's not an issue.. X is ccached.. it takes only around 2 hours to build :)07:42
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Amaranthseb128: ping?07:51
truluxpitti: finished07:51
truluxpitti: it's pretty small patch now07:51
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seb128Amaranth: ?07:52
seb128why people don't say why they ping?07:52
Amaranthseb128: was wondering if you could look into packaging pyxdg 0.1107:53
Amaranthseb128: sorry, will next time07:53
seb128I'll after dinner07:53
Amaranthno rush07:53
seb128was just going right now07:53
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thesaltydogI have a question concerning runlevels and sysv08:00
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thesaltydogI need to discuss runlevel and sysv policy in ubuntu08:01
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thesaltydogI need to discuss runlevel and sysv policy in ubuntu, to tune my application.08:04
trukulothesaltydog: what's your application?08:05
thesaltydogtrukulo, Ubuntu Bootup Manager08:06
trukulothesaltydog: similar to initng?08:06
trukuloor grub?08:06
thesaltydogno, it is a graphic tool to manage runlevels/priorities/etc... http://www.marzocca.net/linux/ubm.html08:07
trukulothesaltydog: same as rcconf?08:07
trukulowell, similar, not same08:07
thesaltydogrcconf has been the first step for the development.08:08
trukuloumm, not very intuitive08:08
trukuloit seems not very intuitive to users, very cryptic (for novices)08:09
trukulojust my opinion08:09
LathiatI think the idea is great but the interface could be much simpler08:09
thesaltydogmaybe. But novices has also to learn. Anyway, my question is just in this direction..08:09
thesaltydogIs it stated somewhere that ubuntu's Runlevel 3-4-5 are the same as RL2??08:10
truluxpitti: there?08:10
Amaranthseb128: hold off on packaging that for the moment, i just found a nasty bug i'm talking to the upstream dev abou08:10
pittitrulux: yes08:10
Kamionthesaltydog: it's in Debian documentation, yes08:11
luis_hrm, anyone here familiar with the liveCD bits? what fs type is / (and as a result /home/ubuntu/) exactly?08:11
luis_mount reports it as... something very strange08:11
luis_'/dev/mapper/casper-snapshot on / type auto (rw,noatime)'08:11
luis_(I had expected tmpfs)08:11
Lathiatisnt it cloop ?08:11
jdubyes, it's a dm layer08:11
thesaltydogNot true. Debian can diversify runlevels.. One user asked me to provide divesification from RL 3 and the others..08:11
surakwhat is dm?08:12
jdubdevice mapper08:12
Kamionthesaltydog: Debian's default is identical to Ubuntu's.08:12
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jdubluis_: it's a dm overlay on top of cloop08:12
surakjdub: Could you talk a little bit more about this?08:12
Kamionthesaltydog: so I'd like to know exactly what you're disagreeing with when you say "not true"08:12
thesaltydogKamion, with debian I was used to have runlevel 4 as a non-graphic server configuration..08:12
Kamionthesaltydog: that's not the default. You could do the same with Ubuntu if you like.08:12
thesaltydogKamion, no. Because then when you apdate a package, the postint script will run again update-rc.d and put all the RLs the same..08:13
=== luis_ is with surak
=== luis_ has no idea WTF that is :)
luis_though I am googling furiously ;)08:13
Kamionthesaltydog: which is *exactly the same* on Debian.08:13
Kamion17:49 < ewx> Pinkbeast: Fnqyl abg.08:13
thesaltydogKamion, I have read the debian-policy and they say that you can have different behaviours on runlevels.. 08:14
Lathiatluis_: aiui, theres probably more to the story, its a layer for consistent naming of devices, notably used with things like lvm/raid but other stuff too 08:14
jdubluis_: dm is just the kernel foo that lets us provide a writeable overlay on top of the cloop filesystem; it's also used for evms, lvm, etc.08:14
Kamionthesaltydog: it's highly unconventional and I can't think of any Debian packages that do it by default. I also think it's unwise. Leave it to the sysadmin.08:14
thesaltydogKamion, anyway, my question is just simple: should I remove RL3-4-5 from the GUI of ubm?08:15
Kamionthesaltydog: Please don't.08:15
thesaltydogKamion, but trulux was saying that the GUI is not simple. He asked to simplify..08:16
kiko-fudsurak, we use dm to implement a sort of COW on top of cloop.08:16
Lathiatthesaltydog: thats not a simplification08:16
Lathiatthesaltydog: thats just obfuscation08:16
trukulothesaltydog: one interesting thing, for usability, is to show what the default RL is08:16
Lathiatthesaltydog: i would envisage the entire design to be different08:16
dokoelmo: do some of xorg's, libxau's build deps need NEW love?08:16
trukulothesaltydog: i'm not a developer, and this is just my opinion08:16
thesaltydogLathiat, I agree..08:16
elmonah, they need universe -> main love; I'm on it08:17
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thesaltydogLathiat, I don't like to obfuscate, that's why I have added also rcS.d08:17
Lathiatthesaltydog: so far example (this is just an example), you may say list all services, then you open that service and it lists what runlevels it starts and shuts down at, and to change it, etc08:17
surakKamion: still having trouble with inirtrd.08:17
thesaltydogLathiat, but in the way you don't have a first global impression of what your system is...08:18
Lathiatthesaltydog: I dont see what you mean08:18
Lathiatthesaltydog: its also possible to have multiple views08:18
trukulothesaltydog: i think about simplified conf, and advanced conf08:18
LathiatService View08:18
Kamionsurak: ?08:18
LathiatRunlevel view08:18
Lathiatetc etc08:18
surak1 min08:18
Lathiatbecause sometimes you want to see different lists of tings08:19
thesaltydogLathiat, multiple view means "<confusion>". My opinion..08:19
trukulothesaltydog: in simplified, just use default level, and enable- disable service08:19
trukuloas rcconf08:19
thesaltydogtrukulo, so you mean to remove RL 3-4-5 information?08:19
trukulothesaltydog: no, i mean put it on tab advanced i.e.08:20
trukulouse two tabs, simple and advanced08:20
thesaltydogtrukulo, a sort of "expert" mode?08:20
trukuloadvanced as you have08:20
trukulothesaltydog: yes08:20
trukulobut very visible08:20
thesaltydogtrukulo, you see, I have also rcS.d08:20
trukulotabs are perfect for this08:20
thesaltydogtrukulo, and I already havce tabs08:21
trukuloi see, just add another one, simple configuration08:21
trukuloand make it default, for novices08:21
thesaltydogtrukulo, mmh. Nice. It could be..08:22
trukulothesaltydog: and with description of service08:22
trukuloinstead of RL08:22
trukulothat would be very interesting for novices, as they would know what a service does08:22
thesaltydogtrukulo, description of service is always visible in the lower pane, as synaptic.08:22
thesaltydogtrukulo, the full description08:23
trukuloumm, you're right08:23
trukuloperhaps one line desc only08:23
trukulojust for fast visual understanding08:23
thesaltydogtrukulo, no, it will double the info... Of course in novice mode that should not change start/stop priority??08:24
thesaltydogtrukulo, that==they08:24
trukulothesaltydog: just my opinion, if you want descriptions, you have to select services one by one08:24
trukulothis way you can view it faster08:25
thesaltydogtrukulo, it is now this way. Have you tried moving in list with cursors..?08:25
trukuloi know cursors do it, but that's not my point08:25
trukuloi want to see entire list easy08:25
trukuloimagine i'm a novice, and i want to stop printer service08:26
trukulodo i have to select and read all descs for services? that's slow08:26
trukuloit's just a commodity08:26
trukuloand only in simple view08:26
thesaltydogtrukulo, no, you run the program, right-click con cupsys, and deactivate now. That's all..08:26
trukuloboot/service name/description08:26
trukulonovice don't know cupsys are for printers08:27
trukulothey have to look for it08:27
mdketrukulo, that will help them find out08:27
trukulomdke: that's the point08:27
thesaltydogtrukulo, mmh. Neither UBM knows...08:27
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mdketrukulo, imo there is nothing wrong with getting users to read a full description, it is good education08:28
trukulomdke: that's true, but you may help finding things08:28
thesaltydogmdke, like synaptic does..08:28
trukuloi can see cupsys is for printers, and then i select and read full desc08:28
mdketrukulo, i think the interface makes the full description fairly easy to find08:28
thesaltydogtrukulo, between us. I don't want to make a Gates-like application for dummies.08:28
mdketrukulo, if you see that, i feel that you won't read the description ;)08:29
mdkethesaltydog, +08:29
trukulothat's just my opinion, of course you can disagree08:29
thesaltydogtrukulo, hey, we are not arguing here, just brainstorming08:29
mdkeiirc the old gnome-s-t service manager didn't have short descriptions08:29
mdkeactually i'll have a look08:29
trukulobut easier, doesn't means "for stupids only" :)08:29
truluxpitti: http://pearls.tuxedo-es.org/patches/security/kern-security-2.patch08:29
thesaltydogtrukulo, one last question.08:30
trukulothesaltydog: i'm just a sysadmin, not a ubuntu developer, eh?08:30
trukuloso take mi opinions just as that, a sysadmin opinion08:30
thesaltydogtrukulo, is there a "standard & unique" way to detect if a script in init.d has a daemon running, currently?08:31
trukulothesaltydog: as i know, not in debian, if you find one tell me, as yast4debian has problems with the same thing08:31
thesaltydogtrukulo, i.e.: I see that a script is named cupsys, but his daemon's name is cupsd..08:31
mdkethe old gnome system tools one is here: http://mdke.mine.nu/images/g-s-t.png, it has some brief explanations08:32
trukuloin other distros, it's with /etc/init.d/service status08:32
thesaltydogtrukulo, I can parse the init.d script file, but they are not the same, not standard08:32
trukulothesaltydog: you can take a look at yast4debian, they had the same problem08:32
thesaltydogtrukulo, ok. I will look. It could be nice coloring green running services and red stopped ones..08:33
mdkesorry, dud link, http://mdke.mine.nu/images/g-s-t.png08:33
trukulothesaltydog: sure08:33
mdkethesaltydog, good idea08:34
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thesaltydogmdke, but there is no way to get them..08:35
trukulothesaltydog: but , again, i want to return to my point of fast descs :)08:35
mdkethesaltydog, :/08:35
trukulothesaltydog: there's a way, very strange, but there is08:35
trukuloas yast4debian does this08:35
thesaltydogtrukulo, you need to parse the files, but the syntax is not standard. Someone use NAME=daemon, other use DAEMON=daemon08:36
thesaltydogand other, like apache, use completely different syntax08:36
trukulolet me see08:36
trukulothesaltydog: there was another way08:37
trukulolet me look for it08:37
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surakKamion: are u there?08:43
Kamionsurak: yes, for about 15 more minutes08:44
surakThink I'll start working earlier, so I can cope with european time :-)08:44
surakMy problems with ubuntuexpress are:08:44
surak1) as you already know, the cd's initrd won't work.08:45
surak2) I must be doing something really wrong with mkinitrd.08:45
Kamion1) is a feature, not a problem. :-)08:45
thesaltydogtrukulo, ?08:45
Kamionthe initrd on the CDs is an integral part of the installer08:45
Kamion2) can you elaborate?08:46
Kamionsurak: mdz's back now, and he might be on more compatible times to you08:46
surak3) the /dev is not ok. For instance, live has a /dev/shm/network - running udevstart won't create it (so no apt-get)08:46
trukulothesaltydog: still looking for08:47
surakhum. it worked now ( 3 )08:47
thesaltydogtrukulo, ah, okay. I wait..08:47
dokomdz: please could you review mvo's changes to apt? it's the last library in main with the old C++ ABI08:47
Kamionsurak: you need to mount /dev/shm; there's an init script for it. Rebooting into the new system should be enough08:48
trukulothesaltydog: http://www.shallowsky.com/software/scripts/lsconfig08:48
trukulothere you have08:48
mdzdoko: I already did08:49
thesaltydogtrukulo, wait.. I'll have a look08:49
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mdzdoko: he emailed me yesterday08:49
Kamionsurak: 'mount -t tmpfs shmfs /dev/shm' ought to do it08:49
surakkamion: ok08:49
mdzdoko: I responded to him today08:49
thesaltydogtrukulo, this is what ubm does to list the init scripts...08:49
thesaltydogtrukulo, but ubm does it better08:50
trukulothesaltydog: but there was another program08:50
thesaltydogtrukulo, maybe I have wrongly posed my question.08:50
trukuloand look at this08:50
trukulothere's no /etc/init.d/service status in debian08:51
trukuloand nothing similar, as i know08:51
thesaltydogtrukulo, I know. Someone tried to make it standard, but it couldn't..08:51
thesaltydogtrukulo, ok. I will take care of it.08:52
dokomdz: thanks08:52
thesaltydogtrukulo, you have been very kind08:52
trukulothesaltydog: i just try to help you :) you are helping us with your program more than i08:52
thesaltydogtrukulo, so your suggestion is: 3 tabs: 1. Short view 2-Standard Runlevels 3_System runlevel08:52
surakKamion: i need to do initrd in a chroot device, am I correct? Inside the mounted target. 08:53
trukuloyes, and short descs in the list, and extended down, as know08:53
thesaltydogtrukulo,  don't know about this latter..08:53
trukuloit's easier for finding services08:53
ograthesaltydog, you should work with the MOTU to get it included in universe08:54
thesaltydogtrukulo, but I should build a completely new cache for descriptions! Now I am taking those from the apt cache on the user's disk..08:54
ograthesaltydog, i already told that to abelli08:54
trukulothesaltydog: you just can use a crippled desc, from full08:54
thesaltydogogra, what do you mean by "work" with motu??08:54
thesaltydogtrukulo, look at the titles. They are not enough for a sjort description.08:55
ograthesaltydog, only MOTUs have upload rights to universe08:55
trukulocupsys ? doesn't seem printing service :)08:55
trukulofor you and me, of course it is08:55
trukulobut for new people... it isn't08:55
thesaltydogtrukulo, to make cupsys=printing services I have to write down (word by word) a dictionary08:56
trukuloor just take first 80 characters of description you are using now08:56
thesaltydogtrukulo, aks to ubuntu mainteiners to change the descriptions08:56
trukuloat least, it's useful information08:56
thesaltydogtrukulo, that could be08:56
trukuloand people can continue reading full desc when select it08:56
thesaltydogogra, abelli already asked them. What should I do more?08:57
Kamionsurak: yes; you should also look at what base-installer does with mkinitrd.conf08:57
ograthesaltydog, yes, he asked me08:57
thesaltydogtrukulo, but I like to have full descr in the lower pane... please..08:57
ograthesaltydog, you probably should join #ubuntu-motu for a start ;08:57
Kamionbecause you'll need to imitate it, or (possibly better) refactor base-installer's code so that you can use it directly08:57
thesaltydogogra, I will try if I can08:57
thesaltydogogra, but I prefer to use my time for developing, than for making "public-relations"08:58
trukulothesaltydog: of course, full desc is a MUST-HAVE08:58
ograthesaltydog, if you want to see your app in ubuntu thats the way yu have to take08:58
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Kamionoh, also, it might be worth thinking of a name other than "Ubuntu Bootup Manager"09:00
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Kamionbecause we're trying to support derivatives and thus generally trying to move towards not stamping our name all over everything, except in clearly defined areas09:01
trukuloService Boot Manager09:01
thesaltydogtrukulo, have you any babies in your family? Did someone ever asked you to change his/her name?09:02
trukulobecause imagine that Guadalinex use this, they can't have a program named Ubuntu blah09:02
trukulothe only thing kamion says, is that is bad call a program ubuntu-blah09:03
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trukuloas ubuntu can be used to make derivatives distributions, as guadalinex09:03
Kamiongeez, don't equate programs with babies. :-)09:03
thesaltydogubuntu update manager could be used in debian..09:03
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Kamionthesaltydog: yes, and there's a bug open about its name ... it was written before we really started thinking about these issues09:04
Kamionor its .desktop file, at least09:04
trukulocan he call it UBM and change .desktop to say Service Boot Manager ?09:04
thesaltydogSomeone has opened a thread for me in ubuntuforums with that name U..B..M..09:06
TSWoodVNo one seems to care that "yum" is "Yellowdog Update Manager", from the eponymous PowerPC/Mac-oriented distro.09:08
surakI thought it was yellowdog updater modified09:09
=== lamont finally lunches. back in about 30
KamionTSWoodV: abbreviations are fine, but we'd prefer to have some other user-visible name for the .desktop file so that it isn't a branding headache09:09
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spotterwhere did startx go in breezy?09:10
Kamionwe're in the middle of a large X shakeup09:11
spotterany easy way to get my old X back :)09:11
Kamiondon't use breezy? :)09:11
spotterwhat fun would that be?09:11
Kamionat least not while it's in the middle of a fairly well-advertised transition09:11
spotterI was in japan09:12
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Kamionupgrading may help, though, there've been fixes today09:12
spotterwasnt really paying attention09:12
Kamionbreezy will settle down in time, but this is the "early breakage" period09:12
spotteryes, and thats why its fun09:12
spotterhave a lot of packages on hold because of c++ issues09:13
spotterwhat was the last version of X before the breakage?09:13
spotteror shakeup that is09:14
spotterhmm, I can probably get X working for me for now via xvncserver and the svga client. hmm09:15
surakodd: hoary does not detect a second cd reader when running from live.09:15
thesaltydogKamion, were you serious about changing ubm name??09:15
=== Kamion -> karate
Kamionthesaltydog: http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/BrandingForDerivatives; read and ponder09:16
Kamion"ubm" is fine on its own, IMHO ...09:17
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thesaltydogKamion, so, change the name...change the gui... I did it for my enjoying and for the people, not for work!09:18
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trukulothesaltydog: it was me who say to change the gui :)09:19
trukulothesaltydog: next tme, don't ask ;)09:19
thesaltydogtrukulo, right :-)09:20
spotterargh, xbase-clients has xauth.1.gz but not the binary09:21
spotterthere goes vnc idea09:21
spotteroh well, back to 1994 and no X for me09:21
spotter94 was a better time anyways09:21
eruinmuhaha. I like the daily X breakage :)09:21
=== lamont defers lunch
spotteranyone know how one switches channels in bitchx?09:22
eruinalt+1 Id guess09:22
spottermy bitchx skills are rusty09:22
trukulospotter: alt+number09:22
spotterand if you have more than 10?09:22
ograspotter, did you use highly breaking development branches of software in 1994 for your regular work ?09:22
spotterogra: yes :)09:23
spotterotherwise known as slackware09:23
surakit hasn't changed a lot since that :-)09:23
suraksince then, sorry09:23
spotterabout the only thing it could ompile sucsefully was the kernel09:23
ograspotter, so then you are used to it, why do you complain ;)09:23
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spotterdosemu seemed to cause make to go into an infinite loop on it09:23
spotternot complaining09:24
spotterasking if possible anything I can do to fix it09:24
surakBreezy live also does not seems to recognize a second cd drive...09:25
ograspotter, either sending nice cool patches to daniels... or just wait is what you can do...09:25
spotterok. I have the patience of a buddhist monk09:25
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spotterah, I see how this window stuff works09:26
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mdzjbailey: I keep ending up with duplicate entries in /etc/locale.gen09:30
mdzjbailey: is that a langpack issue or a locales issue?09:30
eruintoday's breezy i386 cd didn't seem to know how to install itself :-)09:33
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dilingerinfinity: ping09:43
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dokothom: please could you have a look at the mozilla build failuere on ia64?09:46
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pitti_ogra: yay http://hwdb.ubuntu.com/buildlogs/09:57
dokoelmo: please could you install mozilla build-deps on halley?09:57
ograpitti_, could be faster, but well :)09:58
dokoogra: fix more failures, a shorter list is faster to load ;-P09:58
ogradoko, i'm working on it... 09:59
truluxpitti_: going to sync the packages from ajmitch to pearls, will take a while09:59
truluxpitti_: ;) (today's good day for us!)09:59
ogradoko, not everybody is born to mass-upload ;-P09:59
ogradoko, and i dont have the hardware (yet) to run 50 builds in parallel10:00
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mvoback from hockey10:16
jbaileymdz: I don't see that on my boxes here.  My guess is probably langpack issue - locales shouldn't touch the /etc/locale.gen except if you do a dpkg-reconfigure.  I say that completely without proof, though.10:16
mvomdz: thanks for looking over the apt changes :)10:16
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kikomvo, how did they look?10:18
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elmodoko: done10:25
dokoelmo: thanks. I did upload fixed libxau and libxdmcp packages, please could you process them from NEW?10:26
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dokoelmo: do you see anywhere a x11proto-gl-dev (virtual) package?10:28
elmodoko: they're not in new10:29
dokoahh, ok, maybe the binaries will arrive there10:29
elmox11proto-gl-dev |      1.4-1 |        breezy | all10:29
dokook, then xorg should build at the next run10:31
lamontdaniels: a new xfonts-core?  sigh10:38
=== lamont reads -changes
spotteryay, X works again10:40
mvokiko: so far we merged some gcc-4.0 warnings and the cache-control patch10:41
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kikomvo, you da man10:44
mvokiko: thanks man, but that's too much praise, really10:45
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dokosmurfix: ping10:46
smurfixdoko: 10:46
Mithrandiris that a pong character?10:46
Mithrandirwhich font do I need to see it?10:46
smurfixgood question. One moment10:47
spotterwhere doe one get the nautilis-open-terminal extension?10:47
smurfixMithrandir: gucharmap finds "AR PL KaitiM GB", which probably is in whichever Chinese font I managed to install last time10:49
kikomvo, I think that including the full path is the correct approach to the path truncation issue, for the record.10:49
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mvokiko: for error messages? or for all output?10:50
dokosmurfix: festival doesn't build using 3.4 or 4.0 ...10:50
smurfixdoko: That shouldn't happen. URL of the build log?10:51
kikomvo, for all output. otherwise it's just confusing. and the case where the strings get too long (>72chars) is pretty rare, isn't it?10:51
spotterseb: you here?10:52
spotterguess not. hmm10:52
smurfixdoko: did speech-tools build?10:52
dokodidn't try, because we have build-deps on festival-dev10:53
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mvokiko: for ubuntu it's very rare, but it's common for debian mirrors it seems10:53
lamontxorg ftbfs: x include file errors.  /me giggles10:54
smurfixdoko: festival depends on libestools1.2-dev, built by speech-tools, and which presumably needs a c++ ABI transition ..?10:55
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kikomvo, how common? hummm.10:55
mvokiko: it's easy for tools like synaptic that have scrollbars :P10:56
smurfixdoko: anyway, the (first) errors occur in a speech-tools include file10:57
dokosmurfix: ok, I have a look10:57
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smurfixdoko: Upstream is busy completing their transition to Festival 2.0 which includes an updated speechtools which allegedly works with gcc 4.010:58
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smurfixdoko: ... which I obviously need to debian/ubuntu-ize as soon as I have a couple of spare hours :-/11:00
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smurfixdoko: Looking at these errors, it seems that gcc has again become annoyingly more standards-conformant, otherwise known as "anal".11:03
surakKiko, are u there?11:26
surakor Kamion?11:26
kikoI am!11:28
surakMy trouble was that I was not able to create a initrd.11:29
surakbecause of this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-20925.html11:29
jbaileysurak: Best bet there is to run "sh -x mkinitrd ...." and see why it's not calling the mkcramfs bit then.11:31
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surakdoing it11:33
elmoKamion: around?11:35
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surakjbailey: seems I've found it.11:41
surakwhat happen is that if you don't type the full path, it will leave the initrd file inside the temporary folder, thus removing it right after creating it (if you don't use -k, of course. when you use it, you'll see your file as specified by -o inside the /tmp/mkinitrdXXXX folder)11:43
Kamionelmo: kinda11:44
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Kamionsurak: yeah, somebody just reported that bug in Debian recently11:45
elmoKamion: you killed anastacia, you bastard11:45
Kamionelmo: how11:45
elmokamion: removed the base seed11:45
Kamioner, yeah :)11:46
Kamiondoesn't it use STRUCTURE?11:46
elmoit wasn't even 2005 germinate :P11:46
Kamionyou should probably use 'cut -d: -f1' on seed-directory/STRUCTURE to get your seed list11:46
elmokamion: I'm using ALL - hopefully that's unchanged?11:47
elmoerr, 'all'11:47
elmohmm, yay, that didn't work11:47
Kamionall? wassat?11:48
elmothe output file, 'all'11:48
Kamionelmo: that should still work11:50
KamionI thought you meant you had a seed list hardcoded somewhere11:50
surakhum, seems I've done things right now. 11:52
surakIt booted, altough in the ugliest way :-D11:52
kikosurak, woo!11:52
surakI cannot sudo udevstart ... :-D11:53
surakWell, let's make it inside my beatyful script now. This way, I'll have a completely borked system, right from ubuntu live! (just for today, of course)11:55
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mx|gonejbailey: ping11:58

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