
Riddellbah, qt failed on amd 6412:27
RiddellI'll take a look12:27
amui'll change http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KubuntuKDEStatus12:33
amuotherwise we work again on the same packages ;)12:34
Riddellgood idea12:35
=== Riddell locks qt
amuarts looks good 12:35
amujust works, if jeff that hears, he'll kick us  12:37
Riddellbest not tell him that :)12:38
amuppc isn't tested yet ;)12:39
amuwow that was fast qt3.3.4 is on archive 12:54
Riddellthe build daemons are flexing their muscles again12:55
Riddellbut not ia64 it seems12:57
amudo you want review arts? 12:58
Riddellok, where is it?12:58
amuqvfbview.cpp: In constructor 'QVFbView::QVFbView(int, int, int, int, QWidget*, const char*, uint)':12:58
amuqvfbview.cpp:118: error: cast from 'unsigned char*' to 'int' loses precision12:58
Riddellamu: yeah, fixing that now12:59
KaiL_amu: this morning, you said a fixed knetworkconf found it's way into hoary-updates..?01:18
RiddellKaiL_: 0.6.1-3ubuntu401:21
amuii  knetworkconf   0.6.1-3ubuntu4 Network configurator for KDE01:21
KaiL_packages.ubuntu.com doesn't see it01:21
RiddellKaiL_: packages.ubuntu.com is only rebuilt when the guy gets round to doing it01:21
Riddelland may not have hoary-updates in it01:22
amuRiddell: that reminds me to change konqui's shortcut (deb) 01:26
Riddellamu: never knew konqueror could do that :)01:27
KaiL_amu: apt:/?01:27
amuamazing found dbug:   01:29
KaiL_ah, cool....01:30
KaiL_Riddell: if you work on kubuntu-default-settings again: kontact doesn't show the newsreader...01:31
KaiL_or should I file a bug for that?01:31
RiddellKaiL_: yes, bugzilla report seems appropriate01:32
RiddellI wonder why the kontact developers did that anyway, they must not like knode01:35
amui'm surprised, how many people we have http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KubuntuPeople01:36
Riddellthe difficulty is getting them to do something :)01:37
KaiL_6 of them I know ;)01:37
Riddellcommunity council tomorrow night, hopefully get a new member from that01:37
RiddellI fail to spot KaiL_ on that list01:38
KaiL_should I change that? :)01:39
amush: is also missing 01:39
Riddellso he is01:41
RiddellKaiL_: sure, you help lots of people in #kubuntu don't you?01:41
KaiL_ok, that's an argument :)01:42
Riddellhah, KaiL_ is now one of the KubutuPeople, no escape now!01:49
=== KaiL_ spends an "n" for the start
Riddelltime for sleep02:41
amun8 Riddell 02:56
=== hunger_ [~hunger@p54A6796B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== JRe [~jre@adsl-169-178.36-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
amuJRe: morning09:59
JRehehe new upstream release of kat :)10:24
JReRiddell: is the anyone coding a kde util to mount usb keys and camera automatically ?10:25
=== ChinaCatJones [~chris@pool-71-111-176-217.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== ChinaCatJones [~chris@pool-71-111-176-217.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
JReexclusivity for kubuntu: http://jr.falleri.free.fr/fichiers/kubuntu/kat <- kat-0.5.310:56
RiddellJRe: I thik ivman can be used as an auto-mounter but it needs some work11:27
JReRiddell: i have succesfully developped one using usbmount (from debian)11:29
hunger_The build daemons have not yet started on the cxx transition of kde, have they?11:31
JReRiddell: but i can use ivman also (it's based on a dcop call)11:31
Riddell"Users which would like an icon to appear when an USB device is plugged in should use the pmount and hal packages instead."11:32
hunger_Riddell: That works mostly fine for me.11:32
Riddelldoes usbmount only do usb?11:32
hunger_Riddell: Why a automounter?11:32
Riddellhunger_: because people plug in a camera or whatever and expect something to happen, currently in kubuntu you have to manually find your way to media:/ and mount it11:33
hunger_Riddell: I get a icon on the desktop... window opens when I click on it.11:34
hunger_Riddell: Well, not in breezy currently as media:/ is borked there.11:34
JReRiddell: yeah ubsmount only usb11:34
Riddellhunger_: oh yes we do have that but I have my desktop convered so I never see it :)11:34
hunger_Riddell: So do I;-)11:35
hunger_Riddell: So what should happen? Konqui pops up a window?11:35
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
RiddellI had to use a mac yesterday and it's horrible having to move windows around to try and find the desktop11:35
JReRiddell: in my program kde show a window styled dialog  wich ppropose what to do11:35
Riddellhunger: yes, Konqi should open at the correct media:/ url, or kaffeine should open if it's a DVD, or kscd if it's an audio CD11:36
hungerJRe: Urgs! I hate windows popping up all the tim.11:36
RiddellJRe: that's the other possibility11:36
JRehunger: i hate to but you're not forced to start the service! it's for newbies11:36
RiddellJRe: got a screen shot?11:36
hungerRiddell: Fine... please tell me how to kill that feature once it is in place:-)11:36
JReRiddell: no but if you're interrested i send you one tomorrow11:36
RiddellJRe: I'm interested11:37
=== KabelKasper [~vloechte@i5387DF97.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
hungerDamn newbies.... lead to all kinds of desktop clutter.11:37
=== hunger grins.
hungerIn the good ol' days we only started up X for mosaic.11:38
JRehunger: ;) yeah but it's the price to pay for having my mother using debian and kde11:38
Riddellamu: did you upload arts?  I don't see it in breezy-changes11:38
Riddellpah, mosaic, ruined the web with that silly <img> tag :)11:39
hungerJRe: You can't have her take a couple of years worth of computer science courses? ;-)11:39
hungerRiddell: Right!11:39
amuRiddell: yep, got some trouble and need elmo for it11:40
amuoh  11:41
JRehunger: ;) ;)11:41
hungerJRe: kat 0.5.3 segfaults during indexing11:44
JRehunger: amd64 ?11:44
JRehunger: i386 ?11:44
hungerJRe: ix86.11:44
JRehunger: you use my package or compiled it fro source?11:45
JRe(debian package source)11:45
hungerJRe: your package.11:45
JRehunger: what kind of data were you indexing?11:45
hungerJRe: $HOME11:46
hungerJRe: Dunno what exactly broke it:-(11:46
JRehunger: ;)11:46
JRehunger: can u send me a backtrace?11:46
hungerJRe: 0.5.2 did the same... I can load the temp.kat (in current dir:-()11:46
hungerJRe: Dunno...11:47
JRehunger: okay11:47
hungerJRe: kat does not have debug symbols in it, does it?11:47
JRehunger: no11:48
hungerJRe: So I have to rebuild to get meaningful output:-(11:48
JRehunger: :(11:49
hungerJRe: I'll see whether I get round to do so later.11:49
JRehunger: sure :)11:49
hungerJRe: But I think that will have to wait for kde's cxx transition... don't have gcc < 4 anymore.11:50
JRehunger: you run breezy?11:50
hungerJRe: Sure.11:50
JRehunger: ;)11:51
hungerJRe: hoary is too boring (aka. stable).11:51
JRehunger: i think so too but i can't use breezy at work 11:53
JRe(aka. too unstable)11:54
hungerJRe: Lucky me: my business compi does not need to be stable.11:54
JRehunger: :) :)11:55
hungerJRe: I get one from customers to do "real" work on... mine is just to look up docu and stuff.11:55
JRehunger: hehe you're lucky11:55
hungerJRe: So I am fine as long as I can still use grep;-)11:56
JRehunger: yeah grep rarely breack :)11:56
JReRiddell: ivman has not been packages for debian! is someone doing that?12:01
JRehunger: btw in fact kat has debuint symbols if you lauch it with command line, you may be able to see the reason of the crash12:02
hungerYahoo... my wallets vanished again:-(12:18
JRehunger: you're not lucky with your wallet :(12:22
hungerJRe: Dunno what you keep doing to my system;-)12:23
hungerJRe: ASSERT: "subjobs.isEmpty()" in /home/jre/Documents/Ubuntu/kat/kat-0.5.3/src/katpreviewjob.cpp (223)12:33
hungerJRe: Seems to happen just before kat is done indexing...12:34
JReokay i send this immediatly to the upstream12:35
JRehunger: strange there is my directory :)12:36
hungerJRe: Of course!12:37
hungerJRe: Asserts are macros and such are set up on compile time.12:37
=== JRe [~jre@adsl-169-178.36-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
hungerJRe: Asserts are macros and such are set up on compile time.12:37
JReso what i am doing wrong?12:38
hungerJRe: Nothing I'd say. There is a bug in the app.12:38
JReokay ;)12:38
hungerJRe: Asserts are "assumptions" the developer expects to be true at a given point in a program.12:39
hungerJRe: If they are triggered then either the code or the assumption is wrong.12:39
JRehunger: okay i see12:39
Riddellamu: shall I take kdebase now?12:47
amuyep please, libs builds fine on top of new qt and arts (i386) 12:50
=== hunger still has 244 debs depending on libstdc++5
hungerMost of those are KDE:-)12:59
Riddell"kde 3.4.1 won't compile with gcc 4.0.1", sigh01:07
hungerRiddell: Who says so? the kde people?01:08
JRehow :(01:12
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hungerI read that the bug was fixed that broke kde with gcc 4.001:13
Riddell"they added new compile checks that break some modules"01:13
Riddellso it's not that it compiles code wrongly like gcc 4.0 did, just that it's even more fussy01:14
Riddellwe should be able to work around it01:14
hungerRiddell: Sounds like "We coded closer to the compiler than the c++ standard" to me;-)01:14
JReRiddell: so you gonna try to patch and compile it with gcc 4.0?01:18
RiddellJRe: we're using a CVS snapshot of gcc 4.0 which should have fixed the miscompile issues and maybe it doesn't have the extra checks of gcc 4.1 so it'll just work!01:19
JReRiddell: in france we would have sayed "touch wood" ;)01:19
Riddellin Scotland we would say "contact le bois"01:24
=== doko_ [~doko___@dsl-084-059-053-209.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
JRehave you ever seen this: http://klik.atekon.de/?03:58
JReit's kind of strange!03:58
=== KaiL_ [KaiL@p548F794A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
JReit seems that it had been made by knoppix user to install software through a web browser04:01
JReand it's for kdd04:02
JReand it's for kde04:02
JReand debian04:03
Riddellit's interesting04:07
Riddellwe do need an easier software installer04:07
Riddellbut installing through the web is considered a security risk04:07
RiddellI wonder how they get licence to distribute opera04:08
JReRiddell: yeah it's very strange there is also real player!!!04:08
JReRiddell: i just discover it one hour ago04:08
JReRiddell: although the idea of a web based front end for apt is not bad04:09
Riddellapt:/  :)04:09
Riddelldo we have that packaged?04:10
Riddellwe should04:10
JReRiddell: oh yeah apt:/ will pe perfect04:10
JReRiddell: i take a look, and see what i can do04:10
JReRiddell: the source code is juts on *.c file ;)04:15
JReRiddell: http://klik.atekon.de/architecture/ <- interresting04:27
Riddell /usr/bin/X11 has disappeared from breezy, need to set PATH in debian/rules to include /usr/X11R6/bin04:35
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Riddellkdebase 3.4.1 compiled and konqueror even runs05:24
KaiL_wow :))05:24
Riddellamu: accessiblity, edu, multimedia, kdevelop and kdewebdev are known to have gcc 4 compile issues, fixed in SVN05:25
KaiL_the 3.4.1-Versions have still issues?05:25
Riddellgcc added some extra checks that have tripped up the compiles05:26
JReRiddell: great!05:27
Riddellamu: we need to work out how to handle the new kde-i18n tars, and get the .pot files in there somehow for rosetta05:28
KabelKasperRiddell: I think the klik recipe points directly to the opera/reel servers, so they don't need at licence to distribute them. Have a look at the sample recipe: http://klik.atekon.de/architecture/recipe.php 05:37
=== Riddell wonders who this "Le Roux, Jean-Michel" chap is on linkedin
JReKabelKasper: klik is a bit strange i dont like the appdir concept05:45
KaiL_hmm, is konserve always that crashy, or is this a breezy issue?05:50
JReKaiL_: does konserve allow know to backup multiple directories in the same tar.gz ?05:51
KaiL_no Idea05:51
KaiL_I just installed it to play a bit with it05:52
KaiL_but crashes always05:52
KaiL_maybe you can select 2 folters?05:53
JRewow it's still the 0.10.3 version05:53
JReKaiL_: so the bad thing it's that if you want to backup multiple dir (non subdir) you have to mke multiple tar.gz05:53
JReKaiL_: i am wainting for the KDar package to show up :)05:54
KaiL_last release over a year ago - this looks bad05:54
KaiL_what's kDar?05:54
JReKaiL_: a neat backuping tool05:54
JReKaiL_: based on Dar05:55
RiddellJRe: put it on the wiki page and find someone to make a package of it05:56
JReRiddell: someone has yet done an ITP on debian05:56
JReRiddell: and i have already try to package it but got some issues with the libar05:57
JReRiddell: so i wait for the ITP guy to release his source package ;)05:57
JReRiddell: how bad thing the itp was posted 540 days ago!05:58
JReHo it seems that there is a package on the kalyxo web site 05:59
JReKaiL_: no commit for konserve on the svn :( the idea  was great it was pretty simple and pretty useful06:04
KaiL_except when it crashes06:07
JReKaiL_: if you're under breezy you can test: http://kalyxo-archive.mornfall.net/pool/main/k/kdar/06:08
JReKaiL_: it seems to be a good backuping tool06:09
=== KaiL [KaiL@p548F796A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
JReKail often joins but never quit ;)06:14
KaiLdamn 24h disconnect06:14
RiddellKaiL: what sort of connection does that?06:15
JReadsl no?06:15
KaiLDSL from DTAG (German Telekom)06:15
JReto avoid static ip?06:15
JReit's the same in france06:16
JReRiddell: it's because they actually sell static ip as an option06:16
JRemore expensive of course06:16
KaiLRiddell: here you need to pay 40 EUR for 1MBit DSL Flat06:16
RiddellI pay 25UKP per month for .5Mb06:18
JRe35euro for 8mb06:18
KaiLhmm,  konserve seams to work again06:18
RiddellI think JRe has the best deal :)06:18
KaiLbang, or not...06:18
Riddell8Mb?  thats speedy06:18
KaiLRiddell: ever been in Sweden?06:19
JReRiddell: yeah and moreover i have adsl based tv + free phone in all the france06:19
KaiL100MBit Flat for 20 EUR there06:20
RiddellJRe: is that france telecom a state monopoly?06:20
JReRiddell: hopefully not anymore06:20
RiddellJRe: are they your provider?06:20
JReRiddell: nop06:21
amuwowb 100mbit Flat for 20 Euro 06:21
JReamu: yeah thats a conncection!06:21
amuJRe: where i must sign for such a contract ? 06:21
JReamu: in sweden if i have well understood06:22
JReRiddell: the most funny is that my provider, Free, has build a box which run under linux!06:23
amupresupposed i've a all time down/upload rate from 12,5Mbit 24/7/365  06:23
JReamu: it's king of good ;)06:23
KaiLhmm, kDar creates a bit bigger files than konserve06:24
JReKaiL: so how is kdar ?06:24
amu100mbit for that money, isnt possible :)     06:24
KaiLJRe: looks good, but much more complicate than konserve imho06:25
JReKaiL: it's what i thinked too. But we need a program of thaht kind in kde/ubuntu06:25
JReamu: yeah it's amazing 100 mb for only 25 euro!06:26
JReit must be an optical fiber network06:27
amuprobably you must share those 100bmit with millions other 06:28
amuand maybe between 5:11 and 5:13 you get those 100mbit, while downloading a movie from isp        06:29
JReamu: http://www.bredband.com/se/index.jsp06:29
JReit seems to be true!06:30
JReand it's optical network06:30
JRei can't understand the price tough06:31
=== Riddell moves onto packaging kdeadmin 3.4.1
amuplease check also against existing bugs, tagged kubuntu meta-packages and packages :)07:06
amuuniq: wow that was fast, i got new batteries  07:07
amuups was here 07:08
uniqamu: wow.. i haven't got my powerbook yet.. i'm guessing day after tomorrow or something.07:08
uniqbut then again.. i live very decentralized.07:08
amuuniq: it comes from .nl :)   07:09
uniqok.. then it'll be just 4-5 days. :)07:10
uniqif i were on the https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/UbuntuWorldWide - map i'd be the one closest to the northpole :)07:10
Riddelluniq: the very centre of the northern hemisphere :)07:11
uniqvery close :)07:11
uniqI'm close to Tromso -> http://worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/europe/no.htm 07:16
uniqany kubuntu task to be done, than i can help with? 07:18
uniqmake that (k)ubuntu.07:18
Riddelluniq: try and beat jre to packaging kdar07:20
Riddellhe gave up07:20
=== jeramy [~jeramy@ottawa-hs-206-191-28-29.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jeramyHi there, it looks like I'm doing the Debian/Ubuntu integration for KWifiManager.  If anybody here knows a bunch about /etc/network/interfaces, I'd appreciate your input.07:42
uniqanything specific you've got problems with? 07:49
uniqriddell: this i'll be easy.. again.. kalyxo got packages of kdar, a simple recompile :)07:59
uniq(though, once i said that i asked for problems)07:59
jeramyYeah, from everything that I've read, you can only put one essid and key in /etc/network/interfaces08:01
jeramyI'm thinking to just put the current default there, since they're stored somewhere else.08:01
Riddelljeramy: yes, only one active one (how can you have anything else?), you can comment the others out08:04
jeramyRiddell: When I played around with the GNOME tools, it would wipe out any others (unless I manually went in and commented them out).08:05
jeramyRight now, my setup doesn't even use the interfaces stuff at all.  ;)08:06
Riddelljeramy: have you done this for other distributions?  how do they manage it?08:07
jeramyNo, I haven't.  The main dev for kwifimanager runs SuSE and has integrated that.  I suppose I should ask him for the format of theirs.  :)08:08
jeramyI have an idea how I'm going to do it, I just wanted to make sure there aren't any gotchas.08:09
Riddellwell I'd say just comment out any existing ones when a new value is set and if the value matches any commented out lines, uncomment them08:09
Riddellwireless-essid any   works for me :)08:10
jeramyWell... that works for me.  :)  I just wonder if it's worth it to duplicate the already-stored keys.08:10
jeramyThat only works though if you have no encryption setup.08:11
Riddellok, so I need kwifimanager to handle the wireless-key I guess08:11
Riddellis kwifimanager going to talk to kismet_server ever? :)08:12
=== jeramy starts to look up kismet_server
uniqjeramy: why don't make it uncomment any others.. and make a line like # KWIFIMANAGER CONFIGURATION FOLLOWS.. and wipe everything below that line, when changing.. or something? 08:13
=== uniq is throwing ideas into the air.
jeramyYep, thought of it.08:13
jeramyAbout Kismet, maybe in the future, but first I want to make sure everything works first.  ;)08:16
Riddelljeramy: the scan for networks thing, that needs to be a separate process run with kdesu08:16
Riddelljust incase you were looking for more programming to do on it08:17
jeramyIn SVN, everything seems to work.  Only thing that's missing is integration with all non-SuSE distros and scan as root08:17
jeramyThere is a scan for networks, but it currently doesn't run as root.  I have to talk with Stefan about that.08:17
jeramyRiddell: believe me, that'll be done by the time I'm done with it.  :)08:18
Riddelljeramy: excellent :)08:18
jeramyok that sounded stupid08:18
Riddelljeramy: how does the new KDE logo look on it's artwork?08:19
jeramyDo you mean the tray applet or what?08:19
Riddellno the laptop image08:19
Riddellthat work of artisic genius on kwifimanager had the old KDE logo08:20
Riddellbut it should have the new one now08:20
jeramywhoops.  :)08:20
jeramyLet me check.08:21
jeramyFor some stupid reason, I locked my other session and now I can't get back in.. :(08:22
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jeramyYes, it has the new logo08:24
jeramyNow will it get changed in time for KDE 4?  Hmmm...08:24
Riddelljeramy: changed in which way?08:26
jeramyto the kde 4 logo, of course.  :)08:26
Riddellwell I'm pretty sure the KDE logo won't change for KDE 4 but if it doesn't I'll make sure to update kwifimanager too08:27
jeramyAh.  You do the art for it?08:27
RiddellI do08:28
Riddellwell, it's better than what it had before08:28
jeramyAgreed.  KDE 3 was a huge step forward in terms of looks.08:29
Riddellamu: kdeedu has had gcc 4 fixes today or yesterday, take a look at kde-cvs and pick them out08:35
amuRiddell: thx 4info randomly picked up them08:36
amusomeone without work :) ? 08:37
Riddellamu: done by the SuSE packager actually08:37
Riddella lot more friendly than the red hat packagers who don't send their fixes back08:38
=== froud [~froud@ndn-165-128-37.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu-devel
amusure in this case suse is cool, i'm all time looking for the latest sourceCD's :) 08:39
froudHi, just tried adding a wlan pcmcia to my laptop I got the Atheros chipset working no problem, but the card is recognized as eth1 (should this not be wlan0)08:39
Riddellfroud: depends how the driver is written, my wifi card is eth108:40
froudalso even though I use knetworkconf for config of IP etc, it only has the address and netmask I could not define values such as gateway broadcast etc08:40
froudI had to manuall edit /etc/network/interfaces08:41
froudto get it working08:41
froudfor some reason each time I used knetworkconf the gateway and the nameserver info was not added to the iface in /etc/network/interfaces08:41
Riddellfroud: hmm, I think there's a bugzilla report for that.  knetworkconf need testing08:41
=== lamont-away bets that kdebase_4:3.4.1-0ubuntu0pre1 is another dpkg victim
froudOk, so it is a known problem08:42
amufroud: eth/wlan no prob 08:42
Riddelllamont-away: what's wrong with it?08:42
amulamont-away: dbus-qt at least 08:42
froudRiddell: btw, we have a kubuntu kwick guide in svn that is looking very good and we have a installation guide08:43
lamontdh_install -pkdm08:43
lamontcp: cannot stat `./debian/tmp/etc/kde3/kdm/Xaccess': No such file or directory08:43
lamontdoes it maybe look at DEB_* variables to decide what to do?08:43
froudRiddell: will have it ready soon so you can upload then to the web site :-)08:43
Riddellfroud: excellent, great news08:43
froudOk c ya back to work08:44
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Riddelllamont: should be just a generated file, I'll take a look08:47
=== KaiL [KaiL@p548F54B7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
lamontdear kubuntu-meta guy.  next time you upload, please add hppa to the list of architectures from ports.ubuntu.com.  kthxbye09:11
KaiLia64, sparc, hppa 09:16
KaiLwhat's next? my toaster? :)09:16
=== kdedev [~kdedev@ottawa-hs-206-191-28-29.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellhaggai: could you op on #kubuntu09:57
Riddelltechnical board meeting now in #ubuntu-meeting, community meeting in 2 hours10:18
uniqmaybe i should try for membership.. 10:21
Riddelluniq: do you have a wiki page?10:21
uniqriddell: yes.. 10:21
Riddellof course, I've seen it10:21
Riddelluniq: add yourself to http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/CommunityCouncilAgenda and go for it10:23
uniqok. if you say so :)10:24
Riddellthink up something good in answer to "tell us about yourself and why you'd like to help ubuntu"10:24
Riddelland "because debian new maintainer process is too much work" isn't an answer :)10:25
uniqhaha.. :)10:26
dokoRiddell, the kdebase build failure looks like some xorg reorganisation ...10:29
dokomaybe wait for daniels10:30
jeramyDid it fail today?  I built it a couple of days ago no problem.10:31
Riddelljeramy: new KDE version, new X bits10:32
Riddelland I can't get pbuilder to work due to depends not happy10:33
Riddellwell I just uploaded a new version10:33
amuuniq: i've a special request for you: http://kpod.sourceforge.net/ipodslave/10:36
uniqamu: ok.. nice.. i'd have to by an ipod then.. i guess :)10:37
amuuniq: could you package it please 10:38
doko"just uploading" is bad ...10:38
Riddelldoko: agreed, what's the best way to test?10:38
uniqamu: i'll take a look at it.. currently fighting with kdar.. but i think i'll put it on hold.. some c++ strangeness i can't figure out.. right now.10:39
amuuniq: cool, no prob there's no timelinit, just nice to have, asked maybe you hang boring around and you dont know what to do ;)   10:40
dokoRiddell, the dependencies should be fine again10:40
uniqamu: good :)10:42
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