
Riddelluniq: say your name12:03
uniqriddell: ok.12:03
uniqwell.. gnite guys.01:51
uniqwork in 5 hours.. 01:51
Riddellguid nicht01:51
uniqgod natt01:51
uniqin norwegian.01:51
=== dato is now known as Heimy
=== Heimy is now known as dato
amuboa noite02:36
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=== Topic (#kubuntu-devel): set by Riddell at Fri Apr 8 09:50:53 2005
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=== JRe [~jre@adsl-169-178.36-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
hungerAny news about cxx migration of kde in breezy?10:05
=== hunger heared there were some gcc 4 fixes for KDE from suse.
JRecxx mirgration seems to not be so easy as recompiling :)10:10
hungerJRe: I can imagine. I helped migrate a cxx project to gcc 3:-)10:11
JRehunger: ;)10:12
hungerBut kdelibs, kdebase, arts and qt seem to be there already?10:13
JReyeah that's why i have understood10:14
hungerThose should be the hardest parts, or so I thought.10:14
JRehunger: yeah it should10:17
JReho cool we are on the road to have ivman in debian ;)10:18
JRehunger: kdelibs_4:3.4.1-0ubuntu2_20050525-0443-i386-failed.gz10:20
=== KabelKasper [~vloechte@i5387D99D.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== ChinaCatJones [~chris@pool-71-111-176-217.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
JRehunger: but kdelibs_4:3.4.1-0ubuntu2_20050525-0443-powerpc-successful.gz ;)10:21
hungerJRe: Lets all buy powerpcs now :-)10:29
JRehunger: :) :)10:30
JReit seems the the 4.3.1 is a way more stable than the 3.4.0 (it's what i read on planetdebian)10:31
hungerJRe: 4.3.1?10:31
JRehunger: 3.4.1 ;)10:32
JRedislexic typing10:33
hungerJRe: How does that help with the gcc 4 migration?10:33
JRehunger: it does not help the migration but the user :)10:33
hungerJRe: Yeah, I know this "too many fingers on keyboad" errors.10:33
JRehunger: ;)10:33
hungerX transistion is progressing... so far 500k were moved out of X11R6 since the fonts were splitt out.10:35
=== hunger is happy with breezy.
JRehunger: so many transition these days ;) qt4 gcc3.4 kde3.4.1 x10:35
hungerI hope I will manage to stick with breezy for a while once it becomes stable.10:36
hungerJRe: Yes, the breezygoals are somewhat ambitious.10:36
JRehunger: yeah sure10:37
=== hunger is looking forward to networkmagic.
JRebut for now the only way i have to test breezy is a debootstrap chroot10:38
hungereven though I will need to modify it somewhat as it is just too dangerous for my taste.10:39
JRehunger: what is network magic ?10:40
hungerJRe: network autoconfiguration.10:40
JRehunger: okay it's kind of cool ;)10:40
hungerJRe: unfortunately they think that forwarding wlan into the net is a good idea...10:41
hungerJRe: s/net/ethernet/10:41
hungerJRe: Dunno... the assumption is that someone with both wlan and ethernet wants to provide internet access to others.10:43
hungerSo I guess it well be NATing...10:43
hungerAnyway, my computer may never do that without me explicitly configuring it.10:43
hungerMy customers will kill me if I my box turns into an AP in their intranet...10:45
JRehunger: ;910:57
JRei have both wlan and ethernet i use wlan to connect to internet (11mb/s) and ethernet to local network(100mb/s)10:57
JReRiddell: BTW the way i have put online a screenshot of my little plugged device notification application11:03
JReRiddell: http://jr.falleri.free.fr/fichiers/kubuntu/kay1.jpg11:03
amucooool, <X> do nothing  ;) 11:08
JReamu: what do you mean?11:11
RiddellJRe: interesting11:16
RiddellJRe: does it do that exact thing for all usb storage devices?11:17
JReRiddell: at this time yes11:19
JReRiddell: but it can easily been changed11:20
JReRiddell: and if i use ivman instead of usbmount, i'll be able to present dialog for cds, ...11:20
JReRiddell: i was also thinking about let the user add some customized actions ;)11:21
RiddellJRe: what's it written in?11:22
JReRiddell: yeah like add a  "Launch with myapp" in the list11:23
JReRiddell: in fact i develop it mainly to help new user and specially for kubuntu so i am opened to all suggestions11:24
Riddellwhich programming language?11:24
JReRiddell: C++ / QT (it's a DCOP service)11:25
JReRiddell: you call it this way: dcop kay plug notifyPlugged mountpoint device model11:26
RiddellI'm definatly interested, need to get ivman working first then get it talking to your stuff11:27
Riddellwhich will be after 3.4.1 gets sorted11:28
JReRiddell: okay i have seen a response to the ivman package request so maybe we will have a package soon, i continue improvments and thinks by my side11:28
JReHow does the ubuntu autobuilder work? i change the debian changelog file to replace the version by the ubuntu version?12:47
JRefrom the debian source package?12:48
RiddellJRe: which autobuilder?12:49
Riddellpackages are uploaded to ubuntu same as to debian12:49
Riddellyou just add -2ubuntu1 onto the version instead of adding -212:49
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JReRiddell: it's done manually for all the packages? there is no automatic packaging of the new debian package for example? where can ifound doc to read about that?12:51
RiddellJRe: there's a debian autosyncer wheejum which pulls in packages from debian and makes a report in bugzilla if there's merges need made with the ubuntu version12:53
Riddellit's turned off just now due to c++ transition12:53
JReRiddell: okay i understand better now, thanks ;)12:54
=== doko [~doko___@dsl-084-059-040-255.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
amuhmmm whats the problem with amd64 kdelibs ?02:02
Riddellamu: just build daemons not getting round to it I guess02:03
Riddellkde/kdelibs_4:3.4.1-0ubuntu2: Dep-Wait by buildd+crested [optional:out-of-date] 02:04
Riddell  Dependencies: libqt3-mt-dev (>= 3:3.3.4)02:04
=== amu redefines his question, what the problem with amd64, the buildd for it, are down, busy?
Riddelland qt isn't built02:06
Riddelllibs/qt-x11-free_3:3.3.4-1ubuntu3: Dep-Wait by buildd+crested [optional:out-of-date] 02:07
Riddell  Dependencies: libmysqlclient-dev02:07
JRejackass.ubuntu.com ;) ;) ;)02:22
lamontRiddell: ah ha!02:38
lamonthave I mentioned that I hate build-deps on virtual packages>?02:38
Riddelllamont: I suspect I've heard it in passing02:40
Riddelllamont: I'll upload a new qt shall I with build-dep only on mysql 1202:41
lamontRiddell: well, I cleared it again02:41
lamontso you don't _need_ to do it02:41
lamontbut if the next upload quit using virtual packages, that'd make my life happier...02:41
=== dato_ [~adeodato@84-120-77-228.onocable.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
dokoRiddell, please keep my changes to the build deps ... ;)03:03
Riddelldoko: where havn't I?03:07
dokosorry, then it was amu ... ;)03:09
Riddelldoko: which package?03:11
JRelo uniq03:16
uniqhi jre.03:16
uniqamu: for the ipod slave.. would a good packagename be kio-ipodslave ? 03:17
uniqor just kio-ipod ? 03:17
uniqjre: what do you like best? 03:18
Riddelluniq: kio-ipod seems better03:18
uniqheh.. ok :)03:18
uniqI like kio-ipod my self.03:19
JRedamn i am the only man standing for ipodslave ;)03:19
amukpod ? 03:19
amuthat's the project name ... slave is kind of discrimiating :)03:20
JRe;) ;) ;)03:20
hungeramu: Why are you agitating against a age old profession? ;-)03:21
hungeramu: kpod sounds a lot like "kaputt" (german for broken).03:23
amuhunger: you can discuss with mark about it ;) 03:23
JRehum i have discover a kind-of-cool application that may interests kubuntu users: KToon (to make some animation)03:24
=== motaboy [~motaboy@host230-36.pool80182.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
JReshould we package?03:25
RiddellJRe: sure, looks cool03:33
JReRiddell: okay i'll take care of that03:33
=== jeramy [~jeramy@ottawa-hs-206-191-28-29.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #kubuntu-devel
JReif anyone compile and test kftpgrabber, can he tell me if when transfering, the analyzer does work?04:04
uniqamu: ready to take a look at the kio-ipod package? and test it? 04:04
JReuniq: need to have a ipod to test it ;) ?04:06
uniqipod:/ :)04:06
JReuniq: sorry the only thing i have is an usb stick ;)04:07
uniqyes.. me to.04:07
uniqor.. two usb-disks and one stick.04:07
uniqand a camera.04:07
uniq.. mouse+keyboard.04:07
uniqno ipod yet.04:07
JReuniq: i guess you have a screen04:07
uniqnot usb :)04:07
JReuniq: ;)04:08
amuuniq: sure .. 04:08
JReuniq: and you're packaging kio-ipod for the rich people ;)04:08
JReuniq: where is your repo?04:09
uniqamu: i'll have to one small thing first.04:09
uniqjre: frode.kde.no/ubuntu/04:10
JReuniq: what is gamin?04:11
uniqjre: fam replacement (as in file alternation monitor)04:11
uniqps ax|grep gam04:12
uniqamu: can you use amd64 debs? 04:12
JReuniq: okay i see it, i will take a look in /usr/share/doc04:12
uniqit's not very informative.04:13
uniqMaybe i could commit that gamin package to breezy.. it's a simple upgrade.04:14
amuuniq: amd64 thats a small atm ... i386 prefered04:16
amuuniq: or the source, would be better 04:16
uniqok.. source it is.04:16
JReuniq: thanx for the links i understand well now ;)04:17
uniqyou're welcome :)04:20
uniqi'm diving back into kdar.04:20
uniqoh.. it's dinner time..04:21
uniqbbl guys.04:21
JRegood appetite 104:24
RiddellJRe: you probably know this but the English language equivalent of "bon appetit" isn't "good appetite", it's "bon appetite" :)04:26
JReRiddell: i was not aware!04:26
JReRiddell: thanks :)04:27
JReso bon appetite!04:27
Riddellhe he04:27
JRei speak too many languages so i mix each other and say very bad things :(04:28
=== KabelKasper2 [~vloechte@i5387D99D.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellwe have an impressive 28 people on kubuntu-bugs, I wonder why they're all so interested in our bugzilla reports05:22
uniqhehe :)05:23
KaiLbecause normaly 27 of them can't reproduce the bug? :)05:23
JRe;) ;) ;)05:23
RiddellKaiL: then they would CC themselves on the report on bugzilla05:28
Riddellbut subscribing to all kubuntu reports, that's dedication for you05:28
KaiLbtw, how to subscribe to all? :)05:29
RiddellKaiL: all kubuntu bugzilla reports?  join kubuntu-bugs on lists.ubuntu.com05:29
=== JRe [~jre@adsl-169-178.36-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
JReI gonna suscribe also ;)05:30
Riddellcool :)05:32
KaiL...now you have 2905:33
uniqnow, if i subscribe one second time.. we'll have 30 :)05:44
JReokay suscribed!05:45
uniqwe got 30 :)05:45
JRethe hottest mailing list ever ;)05:46
JRei sucribed to breezy-changes too so i will no longer be out of date  ;) !05:49
=== jeramy [~jeramy@ottawa-hs-206-191-28-29.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #kubuntu-devel
uniqamu: tell me what you think of the new kio-ipod packages.. please http:/frode.kde.no/ubuntu/kio-ipod - thanks :)07:45
amuthe name is already wrong 08:06
uniqsource package name? 08:09
uniqor package name? 08:09
uniqsource tarball should have the ipodslave name? 08:10
amudpkg-source: warning: source directory `./ipodslave-0.6.3' is not <sourcepackage>-<upstreamversion> `kio-ipod-0.6.3' 08:11
=== doko [~doko___@dsl-084-059-038-196.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
amuipodslave-0.6.3.tgz  is the original upstream name : it becomes ipodslave_0.6.3.orig.tar.gz and your deb is named ipodslave_0.6.3-0ubuntu1_arch.deb08:14
amuif you still want name it kio-ipod, you need a virtual package *ducks* 08:16
amu... and you will be lamonts best friend :)08:17
uniqI won't bother.. i'll just name it ipodslave.08:17
uniqhehe.. i've heard he loves those virtual packages :)08:17
amuno prob, i thought before you where joking ;)  08:18
=== hunger_ [~hunger@p54A65357.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
amujust ping me, i can make a final review. 08:18
uniqgreat :)08:18
uniqkdar is a bitch btw.08:19
amuuniq: next part is, a package for debian 08:19
uniqyes :)08:19
amuif you package something usefull, we can upload it also to debian08:20
uniqgreat :)08:20
amus/something/is something/08:21
uniqlibdar in ubuntu doesn't seem to support blowfish..08:22
uniqatleast the cpp headers doesn't.. 08:22
uniqamu: http://frode.kde.no/ubuntu/ipodslave/08:24
uniqdoes it actually work with your ipod? :)08:24
amuno, i'm not sure, what's wrong, the pathname are cutted, and i've no mp3 support for my desktop :)     08:26
uniqheh.. ok.08:26
=== ChinaCatJones [~chris@pool-71-111-176-217.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
uniq.. /usr/include/kde/kswap.h is missing from kdelibs4-dev (3.4.1-0ubuntu2). Is that intentional? 09:51
Riddelluniq: kntlminclude_HEADERS = kntlm.h09:55
Riddellit's not in the Makefile.am to be installed09:55
Riddellis it part of the public API?09:55
uniqi'll chekc.09:56
Riddelluniq: how did you notice?09:58
uniqcompiling ipodslave in breezy chroot.09:58
Riddell"don't install kswap.h, it depends on config.h and really shouldn't be part of KDE API."10:13
Riddelluniq: you'll need to take a copy of kswap.h and change #include <kswap.h  to #include "kswap.h"10:13
Riddelluniq: and notify the author10:14
uniqok then.10:14
Riddellthanks for testing breezy :)10:14
uniqdo you have a url for refference? 10:14
uniq-f in reference :)10:14
uniqnvermind.. found a mailinglist entry.10:15
Riddellsvn log for kdelibs/kio/misc/kntlm/10:15
Riddellsvn log for kdelibs/kio/misc/kntlm/kswap.h10:16
uniqok. thanks.10:16
uniqmail sendt.. and ipodslave compiled :)10:26
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cartel_Riddell: new bug11:37
uniq#11193 ?11:40
cartel_apt-get install eric311:40
cartel_TypeError: argument 1 of QSizePolicy() has an invalid type11:40
cartel_Segmentation fault11:40
uniqbreezy or hoary = 11:41
cartel_hoary universe11:41
cartel_apparently bugged by python2.4-qt311:41
cartel_ill check if latest official is bugged11:42
cartel_latest is 2 majors incremented from the ver in universe11:43
cartel_ok, i checked out the latest sid package and sed'd it for python2.3/python2.4, works fine11:57
cartel_*cooks up bug report*12:00

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