
anto9usforester: I think ubuntu is debian based, not debian dependant12:00
amonkeyi'm using the xorg.conf file that i had with my last install of ubuntu on exactly the same hardware and twinview won't work. the only difference is that i'm using nv instead of nvidia because x won't start with nvidia, and now my second screen just shows fanciful ascii animations.12:00
glickinatori dont get canonical12:00
glickinatorwhy they are doing this12:00
glickinatorits a corporation but they dont sell anythin12:01
foresteranto9us: I think it is dependent.12:01
glickinatordoes anyone know why?12:02
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nickrudglickinator, their web site says they're gonna make money teaching companies how to support ubuntu12:02
pykonhola alguien habla espaol?12:02
foresterglickinator: There are many possibilities. Look at redhat. :p12:03
pykoncomo puedo instalar amsn en mi computadora ?12:03
restrexpykon me12:03
restrexpykon you can install amsn just doing that: sudo apt-get install amsn12:03
pykonbueno la verdad es que me acabo de instalar ubuntu ayer12:03
glickinatorforester, how long have they been around/12:03
urb85restrex, can u use the cam as well?12:03
pykony soy nuevo en esto de linux12:03
restrexurb85 yes, if you want I can get sex by webcam, no prob, fuck you.12:04
anto9usforester: distinct but parallel, is the term used on the ubuntu website http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/relationship/12:04
restrexpykon bueno la cosa es bastante simplecita, es hacer ese comando no ma :P12:04
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foresteranto9us: Sounds like business-friendly speak.12:05
restrexpykon go to #ubuntu-es los grngos se ponen medios wnes :)12:05
glickinatorhow long has ubuntu been around?12:05
foresterThe real question is simply whether or not they have their own army of package maintainers.12:05
foresterglickinator: 2004 I believe.12:05
monteiroi've installed lmsensors but now the motherboard is always beeping, how i take out the beep ? (it's beeping because when i make the command sensors there are values that have ALARM)12:05
foresterglickinator: Lates 2004.12:05
urb85restrex, u arrogant piece of sh1t, I was just asking!!!!!12:05
foresterglickinator: Research.12:05
foresterglickinator: Research.12:05
foresterglickinator: Research.12:05
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restrexurb85 wuahahhahahahaha12:06
glickinatori just dont want to get attached to ubuntu and then they disappear or something12:06
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anto9usforester: maybe, but it sounds like non-dependant to me :)12:06
foresterubuntu.com was registered may 29 200412:06
urb85restrex, I don't need sex on cam, I am not that perv, I have got my family in another country and I need to talk to them via webcam!12:06
restrexurb85 sorry man, here are so much people that attacks, so I go in a deffensive way here, sorry man :)12:06
draskojoin #jack12:06
nickrudglickinator, once you've used ubuntu, you can use debian just fine, and that's probably gonna be around a bit12:06
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dcravendrasko: no12:07
glickinatornickrud, i use debian now :)12:07
urb85restrex, I haven't found any cam software for Linux so I was curious if aMsn was the kind12:07
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nickrudglickinator, then what's the prob? :)12:07
dcravenurb85: Gnomemeeting works so I hear.12:07
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darkauditurb85: gnomemeeting12:07
pykoncomo puedo instalar      amsn en mi ordenador?12:07
nickrudglickinator, the thing that struck me most, was there was no outcry on the debian mail lists.12:07
restrexpykon sudo apt-get install amsn12:08
urb85dcraven, darkaudit, thanks a lot12:08
restrexurb85 yep, gnomemmeting is the way12:08
pykonque es eso de apt-get12:08
darkauditgnomemeeting even works using DV camcoeders12:08
glickinatoryeah i i think ubuntu has surpassed debian in popularity12:08
lotusleafurb85, http://lotusleaf.nermal.net/linux-camerawebcam.html12:08
foresterubuntulinux.org was also registerd may of 200412:08
foresterthe "version 4" release was in October.12:08
nickrudthat was quick12:08
ahuman01nickrud, yea tried all that .. thing is i didnt change a thing .. atleast if I did , I dont know what it was. Spkr works fine thru the beep utility12:09
restrexbut there's people hat have developed the msn enconding, so you will be able to view webcam by gaim or another client that will implement that.12:09
foresterversion 5 in april of this year12:09
anto9uspykon: try synaptit you may find it easier :)12:09
nickrudahuman01, it was a shot, beep has been a mystery to me also12:09
restrexpykon: slo abre un terminal o consola y has el comando que te dije, eso va a funcionar, y si no, lo dices12:09
=== darkaudit wanders off to play Vice City again...
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urb85restrex, thanks, hope u calm down now :)12:10
neulhey yall... i have a couple very basic questions about the ubuntu download...12:10
urb85lotusleaf, thanks12:10
shadeofgreyHi everybody12:10
lotusleafurb85, yw ;)12:10
shido6not that Im upset...12:10
anto9ushi neul12:10
restrexurb85 yea, sorry. for now, you only can use Gnome Meeting :) good luck :)12:10
shido6Prescott - says I have 2 cpu's and one is at 100% the other is at 12%12:10
neulhi anto(us12:10
shadeofgreylisten -- how do you delete a users home directory after you've removed them from the users area of preferences?12:10
neul+9 -)12:11
neulthe dl gives u an ISO image... correct?12:11
babisthank you all for your help with xine audio problem12:11
shadeofgreyi tried deleting the home folder through nautilus and was given an error saying that i dont have permission12:11
shadeofgreyi assume it has to be done with sudo thru commandline?12:11
anto9usshadeofgrey: sudo rm -r /home/<user>12:11
nickrudshadeofgrey, first try sudo deluser <user>12:11
darkauditneul: yes... and most burning software, like k3b or nero, will extract to a usable CD/DVD when it burns12:12
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dcravenor nautilus.12:12
pykonlo intentar12:12
anto9usshadeofgrey: this will get rid of the confirmation prompt - sudo -r -f /home/<user>12:12
neulso-- i am downloading from Win ME-- get nero first, then download?12:13
dcravenWow.. ME?12:13
ukatohello everyone12:13
anto9usneul: you need some software that will write an iso image, nero will do that12:13
darkauditneul: most burning apps will extract a .ISO file...12:13
urb85restrex, ta, np :)12:13
ukatowhat's the command to run samba12:13
pietrowhere evolution save the configuration of mail accounts ?12:13
ukatojust "samba" at a terminal?12:13
Choubakaneul: no matter how much you would hate linux, You will do yourself a favour by not using ME.12:13
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neulchoubaka:  it is still a free country, nevertheless12:14
shadeofgreyneul:  install nero first.  then download the install iso and burn it through nero using File-->Burn Image12:14
restrexurb85 :) and sorry again :)12:14
Choubakaneul: which country?12:14
neulUSA... duhh12:15
anto9usneul: we're trying to free the world ;)12:15
shadeofgreyonce the iso is burned, reboot the machine and boot from CD.  you may need to set bios options to change your boot order before booting from CD will work12:15
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Choubakaneul: Not very free from my perspective.12:15
neulty shadeofgrey, that is crystal clear  :)12:15
dcravenhaha.. I was just gonna say. USA is free?12:15
ChoubakaWell, anyway.12:15
urb85restrex, np i understand12:15
=== Dave9191 [~Dave9191@82-35-42-191.cable.ubr02.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ukatocan i ask a quick question12:15
neulnot as in "inexpensive", but yeah12:16
ChoubakaLet us not bash The US of A even though it's so much fun.12:16
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anto9usukato: you just did, but don't worry, you can ask as many as you like :)12:16
ukatoi'm trying to set up samba12:16
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ukatoand, i used the package manager that came with ubuntu12:17
ukatoto get it and everything it requires12:17
ukatoso, what should i do now?12:17
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anto9usukato: see http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba12:17
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ukatoif i don't have samba installed12:18
ukatoi can't use windows printers?12:18
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anto9usukato: I think you just need smbclient or whatever the package is called to see windows shares and printers, you don't need the full blown samba kit12:19
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JohninMTHi I am using Kubuntu ....I am having a problem connecting with apt and firefox(secure sites. Konqueror works ok. I am going through a dsl router. W 9 with firefox works ok....the last thing i had added last night was dillo. I removed it today, but the same result12:24
C-Murderhow i set my mysql password in ubuntu?? i just dont get it :)12:24
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ukatoi don't think samba is working right. there should be an option in the networking settings to connect to windows computers, right12:27
anto9usukato: you specify a windows(smb) printer as a network printer in the add printer dialog12:29
ukatoyeah, but if i'm trying to share files that are on this linux box12:30
ukatoi need samba, right?12:30
anto9usukato: yes12:30
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ukatoi'll be right back12:31
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icemananyone able to help me update ubuntu12:32
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lotusleafMmm.. burger http://www.spicyparis.com/images/photos/paris-1.jpg12:32
lotusleafthey should hire paris hilton to do a commercial for ubuntu12:33
nickrudiceman, it should be pretty straightforward, I looked at that wiki, it's pretty good.12:33
icemangot a quick link ?12:33
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hajikiubuntu doesnt use fam huh?12:34
nickrudhttp://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryUpgradeNotes iceman (still had it in my browser :)12:34
hajikii need to restart gnome for new applications to show up in the menu?12:34
nickrudhajiki, it uses gam_server, and yes, sometimes12:34
icemangot to update from WartyWarthog to hoary ..12:34
dooglushajiki: you shouldn't12:34
hajikithanks both12:35
nickrudhajiki, dooglus was right, pkill gnome-panel will restart the panel and read anything wrong12:35
Taliesin`(hajiki): if your runningty Hoary, read this. http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#refreshgnomepanel12:35
andersbrHelp?  "Package php4 is not available, but is referred to by another  package."12:35
=== robotgeek [~venkat@c-67-173-212-201.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
hajikii installed dia from universe and coudlnt find it in the panel. i'll try the trick mentioned above...12:35
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dooglusthere seem to be two different kinds of nautilus windows:12:37
icemando you chang all the distro enteries to hoary ?12:37
dooglus1) when you go through applications->sys tools->file browser (this has 2 panes, side by side)12:37
dooglus2) when you go through places->home (this has 1 pane).  can I get the left pane to appear in type 2)?12:38
nickrudiceman, yes, http://pastebin.com/290397 will set you up nicely12:38
icemanhumm ... thanks12:38
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icemanenter those fram a terminal ... i a guessing ...12:39
nickruddooglus, yeah, there's a gconf key you can set for changing that12:39
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dooglusnickrud: ummm, could you speak more slowly please?  I'm new to the gnome12:39
nickrudiceman, copy that to a file, and copy the file to /etc/apt/sources.list, apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade12:39
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nickruddooglus, there's two types of browing in gnome 'spacial', which is the default, and the one you want12:40
nickruda sec, I'll get you the key12:40
dooglusnickrud: I didn't even find the door yet, let alone the lock, so I don't know where I'm going to insert the key...12:41
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shadeofgreywhats the easiest ftp client to use in ubuntu?12:42
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nickruddooglus, start gconf-editor, then navigate to /apps/nautilus/preferences, and check always use browser12:43
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nickruddooglus, that is a very fun program :)12:43
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=== BleSS [~johanson@145.Red-83-35-191.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
BleSSdo you have this file: :: ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/zone.tab :: ?12:43
jasper_iceman, open a texteditor and copy paste the text from the url nickrud gave you in it.12:44
dooglusnickrud: that is exactly what I wanted.  thanks!12:44
dooglusit looks a little like the windows registry editor, dontcha think?12:44
nickruddooglus, yeah, but it's stored as a text file, not binary, and (so read) is better12:45
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nickrud*so I read12:45
jasper_then copy that to /etc/apt/source.list (you probably have to do that from a terminal)12:46
nickruddooglus, it's also user specific, so if you mess up, you can't kill the computer12:46
andersbrHow does one figure out if a distro upgrade was successful?  I tried it a while back,  and it seemed like only a few packages got upgraded.12:46
jasper_after that type 'apt-get update'12:46
jasper_and then 'apt-get dist-upgrade'12:47
andersbrAnd now it's like none of the packages want to install.12:47
jasper_this last step might take a while12:47
icemanshoot how to cut and past ?12:48
nickruda looong while :)12:48
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we2byhow do I play a .m3u stream?12:49
doogluswe2by: for example, what stream?12:49
nickrudiceman, highlight the text in the box, and in your editor, press the middle button on your mouse12:49
we2byI dunno12:49
jasper_select the lines starting with 'deb' in the webpage, then press ctrl-c12:49
we2byit's an url end with .m3u12:49
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anto9uswe2by: try xmms :)12:49
doogluswe2by: do you have an example for me to try?12:49
we2bydooglus, http://www.mas99.com/player/mas99.m3u12:50
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jasper_then open up a text editor (Applications->Accesories->Text Editor) and press ctrl-v12:50
nickrudiceman, I'm listening to jasper_12:51
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icemangot that to work .. its seems to be updateing ..12:52
doogluswe2by: are you sure that stream plays at all?12:52
doogluswe2by: oh yes, so it does.12:53
we2byI was listening at it at a friend a few minutes ago on windows12:53
we2byusing winamp12:53
doogluswe2by: I typed this:    totem http://www.mas99.com/player/mas99.m3u    and it played12:53
dooglusI couldn't get it to play in xmms or mplayer12:53
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we2byI can not start totem12:54
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we2byerror: resource unavailable12:54
icemannow to complete the install what do i do12:55
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doogluswe2by, could it be that something else has grabbed the soundcard?12:55
nickrudiceman, scroll back, jasper_ gave you everything you need12:56
we2bycan't I tell it to use esd?12:56
icemangot a lot ...12:57
doogluswe2by: I don't really understand any of that stuff12:57
icemannow .. what to do to get kde ?12:57
nickrudiceman, what did you do last?12:57
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yoko__hey guys question12:57
nickrudwe2by, have you installed gstreamer0.8-mad?12:57
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dooglusxine http://www.mas99.com/player/mas99.m3u    <--- works for me too, we2by12:57
yoko__I have a laptop with s-video cable output12:57
icemansudo apt-get dist-upgrade last command i did12:58
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nickrudiceman, that was fast, what kind of machine do you have :)12:58
yoko__how do I do get ubuntu to output through the svideo out12:58
icemanp4 2.8 ghz.12:58
yoko__I want to watch a movie12:58
Riddelliceman: kubuntu.org/faq.php12:58
yoko__anyone know how to do it?12:59
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we2byI still got the error12:59
andersbryoko:  wish I could help you.12:59
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nickrudwe2by, if that didn't work, I'm with dooglus01:00
Kazuyasomebody can help me?01:00
jasper_iceman, have you copied your file to /etc/apt/sources.list?01:00
we2bytotem does not wanna start01:00
icemanna ... kubuntu.org/faq.php ... kubuntu video driver sucks on my system01:00
Kazuyai've problems to enable tv-out work with ati radeon 920001:00
icemanneed to update to kde from current install01:01
amonkeyi have twinview working, but windows don't show up in the right panels (all on screen 1) like they used too. is that a setting somewhere?01:01
doogluswe2by: what does "fuser /dev/snd/*" show you?01:01
dooglusthat's a list of the processes which are using your soundcard...01:02
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we2bymaybe /dev/dsp?01:02
jasper_so, you still need to upgrade to hoary, or maybe install kubuntu?01:02
dooglustry playing a song and trying the command again while it plays - see anything then?01:02
icemangot to update links install .. rant the updates ..01:02
doogluswe2by: maybe.  like I say, I don't really understand all these different sound system thingies01:02
we2byI think xmms is using esd01:02
icemanno how to download kde for ubuntu ...01:02
we2byand esd use /dev/dsp01:03
yoko__anyone know how to output video through svideo?01:03
Kazuyasomebody can help me with tv-out?01:03
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Kazuyain console it works01:04
doogluswe2by: I used this to set my sound up - maybe it'll help you...  http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#configuresoundproperly01:04
Kazuyabut under X i see onli flashing lines01:04
iceman apt-get install kubuntu-desktop does not work ?01:05
parabolizeiceman just dl kubuntu http://kubuntu.org/01:05
nickrudiceman, that means, that your sources.list did not get changed.01:05
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joelI just installed hoary and I lost my screen resolutions I had before with warty. I know the monitor can do 1024x768. But I only have one setting to choose which is 640x48001:05
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nickrudiceman, when you did dist-upgrade, a __lot__ should have happend01:06
joelwhich file do I edit to bring back the others01:06
nickrudiceman, a big download, and a lot of disk activity01:06
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icemanit did ..01:07
joelthat's the one I looked at, but where do I edit it?01:07
icemani can paste in flood01:07
nickrudiceman, paste /etc/apt/sources.list01:07
parabolizesudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:07
Kazuyathe section screen i think01:07
icemandeb cdrom:[Ubuntu 4.10 _Warty Warthog_ - Preview i386 Binary-1 (20041020)] / unstable main restricted01:08
icemandeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary main restricted01:08
icemandeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty main restricted01:08
Kazuyasomebody know how enablke tv out in xorg.conf?01:08
iceman## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'universe'01:08
iceman## repository.01:08
iceman## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu01:08
iceman## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to01:08
abarbacciaiceman, PLEASE DO NOT FLOOD!01:08
iceman## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in01:08
iceman## universe WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu security01:08
iceman## team.01:08
iceman# deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty universe01:08
iceman# deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty universe01:08
abarbaccianickrud, please do not encourage flooding - use www.pastebin.com01:08
icemandeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty-security main restricted01:08
icemandeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty-security main restricted01:08
restrexit's too late abarbaccia :)01:08
icemansorry ..01:08
nickrudyeah, I thought he meant #flood :)01:08
dooglusiceman: do you have any ASCII art you could paste as well?01:08
abarbaccialol - i tried - he's too strong01:08
nickrudI do pastebin, normally01:08
abarbacciasurprized he didnt get kicked - MODS WHERE ARE YOU01:09
icemani just refuse to buy windows xp ...01:09
nickrudiceman, that is bad, both what you did and your sources.list01:09
Kazuyasomebody know how to enable tv out in xorg.conf?01:09
restrexit's dangerous leave a channel alone with 471 guys =)01:09
we2byxine can plays it too :)01:09
abarbacciahe has hoary and warty01:09
iceman;( does not sound good ...01:09
parabolize0 ops, 471 total... :)01:09
=== TheDeathArt [~DeathArt@se-int-fw1.intentia.se] has joined #ubuntu
TheDeathArthey, can i change the background and font color of the Root Terminal ?01:10
=== kroc [~kroc@ip68-96-220-251.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudiceman, open that file with sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list01:10
abarbacciaKazuya, that depends on your video card - google it - i know how to do it for SiS graphics cards and thats all01:10
=== reon [~reon@ndn-165-136-181.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
Kazuyaabarbaccia, googled01:10
Kazuyabut no solution01:10
Kazuyafor ati01:10
=== kain [~kain@modemcable094.202-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
abarbacciaKazuya, for ati i know it can be done01:10
abarbacciai gotta run tho - maybe i cna help you out later01:11
Kazuyai can do it only under console01:11
we2byany one knows a app or website where I can trace an ip with it's locations indicated?01:11
reonCan anyone recoomend a good terminal emulation application ??? Need to interface to Cisco router console port.01:11
=== Dave2|Laptop [~dave@Dave2.student.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu
icemanopened with sudo nano01:11
joelIntegrated Graphics Device"01:11
joel        Monitor         "COMPAQ 5500"01:11
joel        DefaultDepth    2401:11
joel        SubSection "Display"01:11
joelis this where to edit01:12
parabolizebelow that you should see res01:12
parabolizelook for 24 and edit01:13
parabolizeput the res you want first01:13
parabolize*going left to right01:13
amonkeywe2by, visualtrace used to be good, no you have to sign up for it (free i think) but still good01:14
andersbrQuick question:  I did the dist-upgrade thing a while back,  and it seemed like only a few packages were upgraded.  For example,  Hoary claims to have firefox1.02, but I'm still back on 0.9.3.  Further,  most software won't install anymore,  claiming that the packages don't exist,  but other packages refer to them.  Do I need to have the 5.04 install CD listed in sources.list?01:14
joelokay I see it. 1024x768 is first then 800x600 then 640x48001:14
=== terje [~joem@vampira.scare.org] has joined #ubuntu
we2byit's a triel version01:15
terjegreetings, does anyone what packages are needed to view windows media files using mplayer, or xine ?01:15
joelbut when I try to change it under the system preferences I don't have any selections but 640x48001:15
UbuntuNooBhi.. i put a symbol in the folder name when i was in windows (in the front) and now the folder isn't showing in the listing, how can i make it appear again ?01:15
parabolizejoel- got me01:15
joelhmm me 201:15
jasper_iceman, put a comment sign (#)in front of every line of the file, then add the lines from the website url.01:16
dcravenjoel: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:16
Amaranthandersbr: Your sources.list probably got corrupted01:16
Amaranthandersbr: dump the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list in http://rafb.net/paste/01:17
nickrudjasper_, I have him a private channel01:17
UbuntuNooBterje: i installed every package that i don't have from http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/graphics/mplayer-386 before installing mplayer01:17
jasper_ah ok good :-)01:17
=== tritium [~tritium@12-202-89-11.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu
joelI'll follow through with what's on the wiki. APPRECIATE the help. Thanks !!! ;-)01:18
=== prower [~prower@wiley-387-1503.roadrunner.nf.net] has left #ubuntu []
YankeeDoes anybody know what to do if I try to enable the 3d support of my ATI Radeon 9800 Pro and the only thing I get after a reboot is a dark display with the message "Out of range"?01:19
terjewell, I'm not actually using mplayer01:19
terjeI'm using vlc01:19
terjebut I figured the win32 codecs are the same.01:19
UbuntuNooBmy question.. i put a symbol in the folder name when i was in windows (in the front) and now the folder isn't showing in the listing, how can i make it appear again ?01:21
=== Spug [~Spug@ti211310a081-8923.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
we2byamonkey, that java applet is working here01:21
we2bydo you have an app that do the job?01:21
jasper_terje: try this: http://ubuntuguide.org/#xine-ui01:22
=== ^thehatsrule^ [tehats@tehats.tetrinet-dal.net] has joined #ubuntu
terjecool, thanks jasper01:22
novaflareone driver glitch down (can see my log in prompt now) now just need to get dual monitor extended desk top working01:22
=== LordGrunt [~z-sikorsk@ztpnet-73-136.ztpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
LordGrunthi there01:23
novaflareany one here running a set up similar to this01:23
LordGrunti have big problem with booting my linux01:23
andersbrAmaranth:  Found the problem.  The main repositories were commented out.  I am t3h dumb.  Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.01:23
LordGruntit stops just after lilo loaded image01:23
LordGruntwith no msgs01:23
novaflareati 9k pro to 9800 etc) with 2 crt monisotrs with dual monitors working with extended desktop?01:23
amonkeywhats the package that lets you edit the app menu?01:23
LordGruntjust clears screen when dots finish to appear01:23
novaflaremonitors even01:24
LordGruntany ideas what can cause it?01:24
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amonkeyi installed the codecs as per ubuntuguide, but still can't watch wmvs in totem. how can i fix it?01:26
we2byhow do I search in my installed packages?01:26
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=== blahrus [erbm@12-223-50-121.client.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
zenroxamonkey, dont use totem use xine-ui01:27
tritiumwe2by, what do you want to search for?  package names?  files in packages?01:27
we2bypackage name01:28
tritiumdpkg -l will list all the installed packages.  You can pipe into grep...01:28
=== ccc [~ccc@c-ac0f70d5.015-28-6c6b7010.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
UbuntuNooBmy question.. i put a symbol in the folder name when i was in windows (in the front) and now the folder isn't showing in the listing, how can i make it appear again ?01:29
=== DaveJohnson [~dj@lug.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
=== joel [~joel@coyote.iowaconnect.com] has joined #ubuntu
joelThat fixed my resolution problem. Thanks ever so much.01:31
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=== kroc [~kroc@ip68-96-220-251.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
krocon ubuntu, can i use xfce?01:34
_kevinwhat's this big buzz about xfce01:34
_kevinis it better then gnome and kde?01:34
romm3rkroc: yea01:34
parabolizefaster in parts01:34
_kevinalso is it less memory usage and system resources01:34
romm3rkroc: if you have X-window-system install just 'sudo apt-get install xfce4'01:35
parabolizeadd to gde menu01:35
=== dbron [~dbron@eycb01-00-cntnga-67-23-248-163.atlaga.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
parabolizeor does it do it for you?01:35
_kevincan i try XFCE also without loosing my XMMS and current sound card settings and also my firefox 1.0.4 and m openoffice 2?01:36
kroci dont have ubuntu yet... im waiting for it to arrive01:36
krocwill it send the latest?01:36
_kevini got that in the mail01:36
romm3ras did i01:36
krocwhere do they mail it from?01:37
romm3rswitzerland i think01:37
=== LordGrunt [~z-sikorsk@ztpnet-73-136.ztpnet.pl] has left #ubuntu []
parabolizemostly. you will want to look for security updates01:37
=== j-rock_ [~joe@c68.115.78.42.dhcp.euc.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
shido6I got xine to play in either usb or my speakers - sweet01:37
_kevinthe good folks at ubuntu are doing a mighty well job, I dont know of another distro that mails their os for free01:37
dooglusI just noticed the laptop was spinning its fan faster and faster.  I checked 'top' and a 'gnome-terminal' was using 100% CPU!  That's naughty of it - why would it do that?  I think it was just running an 'ssh' onto the machine I use for IRCing01:38
shido6now how do I get it to play on my tv with my radeon - I SEE my desktop on the tv, no problem but I see a black box where my video should be01:38
=== ki4cgp [~Sinistrad@c-66-56-86-216.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Rymastah [~ryanomall@pcp0011999445pcs.hamden01.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
RymastahGot a quick question.01:39
=== glaucio [~glaucio@] has joined #ubuntu
RymastahI have Fluxbox01:39
krocdooglus: doesnt gnome just use ALL CPU, all the time?01:39
=== r0d [~root@adsl-69-214-175-94.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Rymastahand I'm trying to install a style to /usr/share/fluxbox/styles01:39
Rymastahyet I need permissions, and it wont let me log in as root on GDM.01:39
Rymastahwhat should I do to put extract the tar.gz01:39
doogluskroc: mostly the box is mostly idling, surprisingly01:40
j-rock_Rymastah: 'sudo -s' as a normal user, and enter your password01:40
dooglusRymastah: "tar xfz file.tar.gz"01:40
j-rock_Rymastah: that gets you a root shell01:40
=== meff [~meff@ppp-69-148-16-192.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
krochm.. in ubuntu to get something like gaim, you just have to write 'apt-get gaim' ?01:41
=== didymo [~ashley@CPE-61-9-197-223.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudRymastah, don't log into gnome as root, it is so incredibly dangerous....01:41
j-rock_kroc: correct01:41
Amaranthkroc: sudo apt-get install gaim01:41
j-rock_kroc: sudo apt-get install gaim01:41
parabolizesudo apt-get install gaim01:41
Amaranthkroc: or just use synaptic01:41
j-rock_that was a hella syntax pounce01:41
amonkeywhat is the difference between totem-xine and totem-gstreamer?01:41
krocum.. why sudo?01:42
=== uggwar [~cs@pc162-155.hiof.no] has joined #ubuntu
j-rock_none, both are crap01:42
Amaranthamonkey: one uses gstreamer to play files, the other uses xine01:42
Razor-Xand just to feel cool "sudo apt-get install gaim" ;)01:42
Amaranthj-rock_: mplayer is crap, use vlc01:42
j-rock_Amaranth: haha01:42
j-rock_Amaranth: i'll go goole it now01:42
Razor-Xyeah, vlc all the way01:42
RymastahI'm trying what y'all said now.01:42
Amaranthj-rock_: sudo apt-get install vlc01:42
Razor-Xyou can't even _compare_ vlc to anything else01:42
Razor-Xit's sacrilege ;)01:42
krocdoes ubuntu get all dependencies for you, or you have to get those as well?01:42
Amaranthyou probably have vlc hackers to thank for most of the video files on your machine working at all ;)01:43
romm3rwhats ubuntu like as a server?01:43
Razor-Xkroc: apt does it all for you01:43
Amaranthkroc: it gets them all for you01:43
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amonkeywhich package should i get for vlc?01:43
Razor-Xromm3r: anything else like a server, I guess ;001:43
Amaranthromm3r: like a debian netinstall, but more up-to-date01:43
Razor-Xkroc: heh01:43
romm3rAmaranth: ok01:43
=== sebdc [~sebastiaa@ip51cecfd8.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Amaranthromm3r: I mean the 'server' boot option in the installer just installs a minimal system and you add things from there01:44
romm3rAmaranth: yea01:44
j-rock_Amaranth: at work right now, irssi through ssh, no multimedia for a few more hours01:44
Amaranthj-rock_: ever heard of DVDJon?01:44
=== kroc is now known as kroc_working
Razor-Xj-rock_: I do that at school, only it's BitchX01:44
Razor-Xhell, i'm doing it now too01:44
Razor-XI never leave my SSH shell01:45
j-rock_ohhh it runs on beos01:45
Razor-Xmore convenient for my parents to ignore01:45
j-rock_Amaranth: nope01:45
kroc_workingthe thing i hate most of RH9 are the dependencies of various programs01:45
j-rock_Razor-X: use screen?01:45
Razor-Xmmmhmm ;), but that's not the easy part01:45
Amaranthj-rock_: DVDJon is the guy behind DeCSS, you have to have at least heard of that. Anyway, he's a vlc hacker.01:45
sebdcwropng opening in kvirc01:45
Razor-Xit's much easier for my dad not to find chat logs, or anything like that, if everything's SSH'd01:45
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j-rock_Amaranth: ohhh, yeah i know who you are talking about, never heard him called DVDjon01:46
=== barisa [~baris@pcp0012119277pcs.olathe01.ks.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
j-rock_Amaranth: damn, if he's in on the project i'll have to check it out01:46
dooglusI never tried vlc before, so just installed it.  How do you skip back and forward through a movie with the keyboard (like left, right, up and down in mplayer)?01:46
Amaranthj-rock_: he's also the one that cracked apple's DRM01:46
Razor-XI'm a gonna set the section of the wikibook to print, and then boot to Linux01:46
j-rock_Amaranth: yup :)01:46
Amaranthj-rock_: and the guy that helped me write pymusique :D01:47
nickrudhah, gotta check out vlc, then :)01:47
RymastahI still dont have the right permissions...01:47
Razor-Xj-rock_:pg-up and pg-down seeks01:47
Amaranthj-rock_: anyway, i'm probably biased, since i know a vlc hacker ;)01:47
Razor-Xi'm not biased ;)01:47
Razor-XI just loved the damned thing01:47
=== geneo93 [~kane@1Cust3409.an3.det15.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
j-rock_Amaranth: it looks nice01:48
=== spektr_ [~spektr@M917P013.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu
j-rock_Amaranth: i'll just have to try it out01:48
Amaranthtoo bad it's gone in breezy right now01:48
Amaranthi've been stuck with mplayer *shudder*01:48
RymastahI got it01:48
Razor-Xit looks horrid on a KDE system, but, I don't really care about looks that much comparitive to functionality01:48
=== scorpix [~scorpix@as4-11.qualitynet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Rymastahno I dont.01:48
Razor-XAmaranth: ewwww >_<01:48
RymastahI stil ldont have the permissions to extract it there.01:48
Razor-Xeven on my Windows box, I use VLC01:48
=== Amaranth goes back to making smeg faster :)
nickrudwe waits01:49
icemantime to reboot ...01:49
=== sebdc [~sebastiaa@ip51cecfd8.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
icemanwish me luck01:49
nickrudiceman, good01:49
Rymastahso what do I do about it?01:49
=== borkdox [~borkdox@dhcp-206-53-67-76.myeastern.com] has joined #ubuntu
Amaranthhehe, i've gotten to the point where after the initial load it only takes about a second to do something01:49
=== amonkey [~amonkey@cpe-67-10-78-251.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Amaranthinstead of taking 10 seconds01:49
=== Razor-X stares at the proof for the Derivative Product Rule wondering again why he chose to take up Calculus much eariler than he should've
doogluswhat command do you use to run 'vlc'?  just 'vlc', or is there a gui version with keyboard seeking?01:49
Razor-Xbut, I guess once I start the limit crunching, it's fun01:49
borkdoxMy xorg is segfaulting when I use the glx extention in the nvidia modules01:49
Amaranthdooglus: it's a gui, but vlc starts it01:49
Razor-Xand that's coming from a 15 year-old ;)01:49
borkdoxin other words it does not loads if I have glx extention enabled01:50
dooglusAmaranth: I don't seem to be able to seek through the movie with the keyboard, and I can't use the gui if it's 'full screen'ed01:50
AmaranthRazor-X: Damn, I wasn't in a pre-calc class until I was a junior, it sucked.01:50
Razor-XAmaranth: I love math, so sue me ;)01:50
Amaranthdooglus: pg-up/pg-down01:50
Razor-Xwhen I get into the number crunching, it gets really fun01:50
dooglusAmaranth: doesn't do anything for me01:50
Razor-Xeven though i've been known to let out my worst curse-words then01:50
Rymastahso how do I get permissions to extract it?01:51
Razor-XRymastah: "sudo chmod -R 771 /path/to/extraction01:51
=== synd [~phillip@h92.35.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
JormundgandRazor-X: So what's the derivative product rule?01:51
AmaranthRazor-X: naughty, use sudo01:51
j-rock_i dont have tyme for sudo01:51
j-rock_sudo -s01:52
=== iceman [~iceman@ip68-103-13-66.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
AmaranthRazor-X: I quit the class because we had to do so many proofs. I _hate_ proofs. :)01:52
icemanok .. now for kde ?01:52
Razor-XAmaranth: I only can't stand Geometric proofs01:52
=== axel [~axel@ip-50.net-82-216-98.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-XJormundgand: am staring at it right now on WikiBooks01:52
Amaranthyeah, lots of those01:52
blahrusis xchat systray in backports yet  . . . saw it in the forum, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34265 but not finding it in apt at all01:52
geneo93sudo passwd root01:52
nickrudiceman, sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop01:52
RymastahStill dont have permissions01:52
Rymastahthats weird01:52
Razor-XI can't stand geometry at all01:52
=== axel [~axel@ip-50.net-82-216-98.rev.numericable.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
syndhow do i kill an app from terminal?01:53
blahruskillall prog*01:53
Amaranthi got through geometry with a D because i didn't do the proofs :)01:53
icemanThe following packages have unmet dependencies:01:53
iceman  kubuntu-desktop: Depends: python-imaging-sane but it is not installable01:53
iceman                   Depends: python-newt but it is not installable01:53
iceman                   Depends: xorg-driver-synaptics but it is not installable01:53
Razor-XI'm getting through with a C because I don't want to do the homework01:53
syndblahrus: so if it were gaim itd be killall gaim ?01:53
Razor-Xlook, who the hell will even _use_ it01:53
Amaranthiceman: Are you on breezy?01:53
Razor-XCalculus is at least fun, Geometry is just.....01:53
icemanno ...01:54
amonkeywhat is the name of the menu editor?01:54
nickrudAmaranth, I just gave him http://pastebin.com/290397 and he was to do apt-get dist-upgrade01:54
j-rock_Razor-X: i loved geometry01:54
j-rock_Razor-X: i hated algebra01:54
Razor-Xj-rock_: ewwww!01:54
Razor-XAlgebra is so fun01:54
j-rock_algebra blew01:54
Razor-XI can do Algebra lightning quick01:54
_kevinis there a new version of ubuntu thent he 5.0401:54
Amaranthalgebra was too simple01:54
Razor-XGeometry is simple too01:55
j-rock_Razor-X: i could too, but i got docked i ton of points because i never needed to show any work01:55
Amaranththe teacher thought i was cheating because i was doing too much in my head though ;)01:55
Razor-Xbut, it's like, idiotic01:55
Razor-XAmaranth: that's what my dad says to me ;001:55
syndalgebra II sucked ballsack01:55
j-rock_no calc3 sucked ballsack01:55
syndtrig, precal and calculus was fun01:55
j-rock_just finished that one up01:55
Amaranthalgebra II was fun01:55
borkdoxWhat is the measure of one angle in a right triangle?01:55
Razor-Xour teacher, you can take your book out from your backpack, and put it underneath the desk, and read it, and he won't care01:55
=== cristian_ [~cristian@BUR-ZZ1-DGX110-7.ivanet.net] has joined #ubuntu
j-rock_borkdox: depends01:55
Razor-Xbokdox: 197!01:55
Amaranthborkdox: i need the length of two sides01:56
_kevinthere a new version of ubuntu higher then the 5.04?01:56
Razor-Xduring the test, I mean01:56
borkdoxits a right triangle01:56
Amaranth_kevin: it's in development, see the topic01:56
Rev_FryIt's breezy01:56
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tritium] by ChanServ
borkdoxthere wil always be 90degrees angle01:56
syndgeometry and trig was cake01:56
icemani need some packages for kde .. ?01:56
Razor-Xborkdox: you said _one_ angle, 90 s a possibility01:56
Rev_FryBut yer not supposed to touch it.  =)01:56
Razor-XTrig is just plain stupid01:56
Razor-Xit's a bunch of idiotic ratios01:56
Amaranthborkdox: bleh, i thought you wanted any angle, not just one01:56
j-rock_Razor-X: there is a LOAD of trig in calculus01:56
_kevinbreazy has a lot of probs right now?01:57
borkdoxprecalc is fun tough01:57
Razor-Xj-rock_: I know, unfortunately01:57
borkdoxcant wait for calculus next tear01:57
=== Rymastah shoots himself
=== EfaistOs [~efaistos@m239.net81-64-31.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Amaranth_kevin: X not working is a major one01:57
=== j-rock_ is done with calculus
Razor-Xborkdox: do what i'm doing, learn it yourself ;)01:57
=== Spewkie [tywon@ool-44c6b373.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
tritium_kevin, please wait a while on using breezy01:57
syndi want to be able to do the math like in a beautiful mind01:57
Amaranth_kevin: random app breakage, things not upgrading properly, not being able to boot01:57
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_kevini heard alot of X what is this X thing01:57
j-rock_calc 3 and linear algebra were my last two math courses i needed to take for me degree01:57
Razor-XGame theory is idiotic too, IMO ;)01:57
Razor-Xj-rock_: in what?01:57
=== pepsi [~pepsi@72-254-18-211.client.stsn.net] has joined #ubuntu
Amaranth_kevin: X is the thing that makes it so you see windows and icons instead of a command line :)01:57
syndgame theory SUCKS ASSHOLE.01:57
j-rock_Razor-X: computer science01:57
geneo93i may just do breezy on a spare drive01:58
Razor-Xthat'll never be it for me ;)01:58
Razor-Xi'm hoping to go into math, meself01:58
Amaranthgame theory? never did that01:58
j-rock_Razor-X: i hate mathematicians generally01:58
Razor-XGame Theories applications are so limited, it's just idiotic01:58
Razor-Xj-rock_: love it01:58
Razor-Xespecially set theory01:58
Razor-Xlike, raw raw math01:58
syndgame theory is so stupid01:58
j-rock_Razor-X: they don't give a shit about the real world, they like their little happy place where math wins01:58
Amaranthyou know what math really sucks? elliptic curve encryption01:58
Rev_FrySo, I was running into hang problems and applications never showing up even though processes showed in top.  I disabled cups (because the system would hang shutting that down)  and that (so far) has fixed the problem.  AMD64 2800+ 768RAM MSI K8N NEO Plat 9600XT... in case anyone else has run into the issue.01:59
goldfishset theory is so boring01:59
j-rock_Razor-X: i'd prefer talking to an engineer to a mathematician any day01:59
goldfishso so so boring01:59
Razor-Xj-rock_: well, the world of your application is so real, it's dead01:59
j-rock_Razor-X: what?01:59
Razor-Xtrue beauty is found in the playing field of all things unimaginable and imaginable!01:59
syndthats deep01:59
j-rock_but i miss out because i can only imagine half of it!01:59
Razor-XApplication never floated my boat anyways ;)01:59
syndall this nonsense is making me want a cigarette02:00
j-rock_application is the only thing that floats my boat02:00
Razor-Xi'm the type of person who can do a huge problem02:00
Razor-Xand mess up on x-3=502:00
j-rock_i like doing, as opposed to talking02:00
Amaranthok, let's talk about ubuntu again ;)02:00
syndwhats that?02:00
j-rock_l33t p0002:00
Razor-XAmaranth: heh ;)02:00
geneo93well have one02:00
=== cliebow_ [~cliebow@70-33-137-30.agstme.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
zenroxyep thats how its pronuced02:00
Razor-XI pronounce it "oo-Boon-too"02:01
Amaranthlike, how smeg is totally leeching off the awesome work of Heinrich Wendel, the developer of pyxdg02:01
pepsioo buhn too02:01
Razor-Xalthough, my African friend says "uh-buhn-tuh"02:01
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Razor-Xso, I 'unno02:01
syndi love telling people what kind of OS im using02:01
Amaranthfigures i'd plug him since all my bugs are actually his ;)02:01
syndtheyre like "that doesnt look like windows"02:01
syndand im like no, its called Ubuntu02:01
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zenroxme too02:01
syndand theyre like what the fuck did you just say?02:01
Amaranthpeople laugh at me when i tell them that02:01
Razor-Xmy friends all know what Linux is, but, they're a bit afraid to touch it02:02
Razor-Xalthough, on the other hand....02:02
Razor-XI have a trackball and use the Dvorak keyboard02:02
syndi was in that same boat Razor-X02:02
=== Strife [~mdepalati@user-0cetdnb.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
borkdoxso anyone knows about nvidia's glx not letting xorg start?02:02
synddvorak keyboards are nice02:02
syndi want to learn02:02
Amaranthso i started telling them i was using hoary hedgehog, they thought it was porn or something02:02
Razor-Xso, they wouldn't be too surprised about anything geekishly new02:02
Razor-Xyou should, it's better up here ;)02:02
syndAmaranth: haha02:02
zenroxborkdox, have you done a sudo modprobe nvidia02:02
Razor-XTrackballs are also nice too02:03
pepsiwhy didnt they change grumpy to breezy? :(02:03
j-rock_i hate trackballs02:03
Razor-Xlove mine ;)02:03
j-rock_i hate a lot of things02:03
pepsier why did they, rather02:03
cliebow_me too02:03
j-rock_i hate most mice too02:03
Razor-Xit's a thumb-trackball02:03
Razor-XMice suck02:03
Razor-Xthey're barbaric devices, totally02:03
syndAmaranth: i wrote "hoary hedgehog" on the cd i use to install with and my friend was like dude you still watch porn?02:03
cliebow_mine is a toe trackball02:03
=== underline [~felipebal@200-208-202-149-mns.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
j-rock_if its not a specific type of logitech mouse i generally dont like it02:03
underlinehey guys.... what's the default root password on ubuntu??02:03
pepsithere is none02:04
syndwhat you set it02:04
syndwhen you install it02:04
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syndi think?02:04
pepsithere is no root password when you install it02:04
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Razor-Xunderline: there is none02:04
Razor-Xuse sudo to do anything root-wise02:04
j-rock_underline: sudo -s, with your own passwd, will get you a root shell02:04
syndoh duh02:04
Razor-Xor, if you must, there is a command02:04
tritiumunderline, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo02:04
Razor-XI'm planning to make a really stupid, under-budget film about me learning BASH02:04
syndi wonder if i should put ubuntu on my ibook02:04
Razor-Xsince, I tried to install X-Windows, and it wouldn't work02:05
=== synd is still an os x loyalist
Razor-XI said "fuck it" and started BASH02:05
borkdoxzenrox, of course02:05
Razor-Xso, the movie will start off with this ninja figthing MS thugs02:05
borkdoxzenrox, I am using xorg with nvidia as the Display Driver, but without the glx extentions02:05
Razor-Xand it zooms back to his past02:05
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Razor-Xand he's like... way younger02:05
geneo93try putting nvidia in modprobe prelosd02:05
j-rock_i dont like os X either02:05
tritiumborkdox, you're using the "nvidia" driver?02:05
zenroxya listen to him02:05
borkdoxzenrox, if I enable the glx extentions the Xserver does not start.  It crashes before starting with a signal 11 error (Segfault...).02:06
Razor-Xand his master makes him go into this land of no light (BASH prompt) and learn his senses again02:06
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borkdoxtritium, yes02:06
Razor-Xand he starts fighting enemies to get their powers02:06
cliebow_i have like 400 ibooks to service..i despise them02:06
borkdoxtritium, amd6402:06
Razor-X(aka BASH commands, such as grep)02:06
Amaranthsynd: your wireless chipset isn't supported02:06
Razor-Xand, the final boss is chmod ;)02:06
eoniaanyone up for answering a clueless question?02:06
syndAmaranth: i know.. its why i havent really bothered with it02:06
j-rock_Razor-X: so what happens when he defeats the vicious kill -902:06
Amaranthsynd: since it's a broadcom and the only way that's supported at all is with ndiswrapper, which is x86 only.02:06
tritiumborkdox, do you have "nvidia" in /etc/modules ?02:06
Razor-Xj-rock_: he gets his powers ;)02:07
syndAmaranth: all my computers in my house are wireless, even the desktop towers02:07
j-rock_Razor-X: what about a dual end boss, chown + chmod02:07
Razor-Xj-rock_: !!! that's harsh!02:07
j-rock_not as harsh as rm -rf02:07
Razor-Xno no, he learns man first02:07
Razor-Xand man becomes his friend02:07
=== kroc_working is now known as kroc_eating_icec
syndAmaranth: do you suppose that the ibook wireless chipset will be supported in the future?02:07
Amaranthsynd: It's sad because if wireless was supported my next laptop would be a powerbook, no doubt. But since it isn't I'll probably be getting a Pentium-M system.02:08
Razor-Xand, so, after he kills an enemy (they're using no secondary options, except chmod, and a few others) he asks man about them02:08
Amaranthsynd: afaik no one has even started trying to reverse engineer the broadcom chipset.02:08
Razor-Xbut, the final boss makes him understand a fault in his friend man02:08
eoniaI'm using the live ubuntu CD, and trying to mount my windows hard drive partition. Unfortunately, /etc/fstab doesn't even exist. I'm not sure what to tell the mount command? Sorry if this is painfully obvious :)02:08
syndAmaranth: you can use the pcmcia slot on the powerbook02:08
Razor-X"Bad Documentation"02:08
borkdoxtritium, is in lsmod, hotplug autmatically loads it so it is not needed in /etc/modules...02:08
eoniaI'm going to assume somewhere there is an hda...02:08
syndAmaranth: the powerbook is leaps and bounds in ahead of a pentium-m02:09
Amaranthsynd: If I'm paying $1500 for a computer I don't want to spend more on a pcmcia card. ;)02:09
tritiumborkdox, okay.  And your /etc/X11/xorg.conf specifies the correct driver (i.e. nvidia, not nv)?02:09
borkdoxtritium, I just checkd and it is in /etc/modules also02:09
Amaranthsynd: I know it is, I love apple hardware.02:09
borkdoxtritium, yep02:09
syndAmaranth: well! its worth the extra 35 for a pcmcia card then :)02:09
tritiumborkdox, what does your /var/log/Xorg.0.log tell you?02:09
Razor-XI can't really stand apple software02:09
Razor-Xbut, the PPC is uber awesomes02:09
j-rock_apple software is weak02:09
_kevinare the actual people that make ubuntu in here?02:09
AmaranthOS X would be awesome if I hadn't found ubuntu02:09
j-rock_but yes, ppc is awesome02:09
borkdoxtritium, Signal 11 after it loads or tries to load the Nvidia Glx module02:10
syndAmaranth: i know exactly what you mean02:10
Amaranth_kevin: some of them yes. They have their own channel for talking about development.02:10
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Razor-XOS X is BSD with a bit more on it02:10
j-rock_bsd userland, mach kernel iirc02:10
syndAmaranth: j-rock_ apple sofrtware is second to none02:10
_kevini just wanted to suggest adding Wine to the next version02:10
Razor-Xeonia: create a /etc/fstab, googling for advice02:10
borkdoxtritium, I commented the Load "glx" line in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and it loads well, so I guess it is a problem especifically with nvidia-glx02:10
j-rock_i grew up with bsd02:10
_kevincasue installin it right now is a headace02:10
syndoops i didnt mean to put Amaranth02:10
AmaranthRazor-X: But I write Smeg and PyMusique so I need a linux machine. ;)02:10
Razor-Xme no like BSD02:10
j-rock_and i really dislike os x02:10
j-rock_i LOVE bsd02:10
tritiumborkdox, specific to amd64, perhaps02:10
Razor-XAmaranth: heh02:10
kroc_eating_iceci grew up with DOS02:10
=== blew [~blew@stjhnf01bb8-142162171081.nl.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xme no like BSD02:11
AmaranthiTunes, iMovie, GarageBand, iPhoto, etc are the best02:11
Razor-XI grew up with Windows 9502:11
tritium_kevin, wine is available02:11
j-rock_Amaranth: to each their own02:11
Razor-X(yes yes, i'm young, so sue me)02:11
romm3ryou'll be lying if you say you don't like the gui though ;)02:11
syndj-rock_: i grew up on WinOS and I love OS X : p02:11
Amaranthi guess f-spot is about as good as iPhoto02:11
Razor-XI don't02:11
j-rock_synd: once again, to each their own02:11
Razor-XI like GUI somewhat, but I sitll like CLI more02:11
eoniaRazor-X, ty, I'll give it a shot02:11
_kevini think it might be a good idea to add a tutioal for it on ubuntuguide02:11
Razor-Xeonia: stay here if you have any trouble with it02:11
j-rock_we bought two mac minis at work, we booted up os X02:11
AmaranthRazor-X: I started with an Apple ] [. :)02:11
kroc_eating_icechm.. since itunes.imusic,ipod are all mac... is ifriends mac too?02:11
Razor-XAmaranth: not that old ;)02:12
_kevinthe one ubuntufourms is kind of messed02:12
AmaranthI'm not that old though, it was just cheap.02:12
syndi have 3 mac minis, 1 iMac g5s and an iBook g402:12
_kevinsince alot of people said it didn't for for them02:12
j-rock_didn't even make it through the registration process and we got irritated with having to register shit02:12
Razor-Xin the last 12 years, we've bought two machines02:12
j-rock_rebooted, and installed gentoo02:12
Razor-Xthe original one I grew up on, a P10002:12
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Razor-Xand a newer P4 1.6 with 256 RAM02:12
Strifeso, Pentium M's... they fall simply under 686, right?02:12
Razor-Xand that's _all_02:12
Razor-Xmy mom is against buying computers02:12
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Razor-Xand thus, we don'02:13
j-rock_Razor-X: get a job?02:13
Razor-Xkroc_eating_icec: no, she just thinks there's no use to put money there02:13
=== Amaranth remembers his Gateway slim computer with a 286, 4MB of SIMM RAM, 640x480x256@60hz monitor, and 20MB Western Digital HD
j-rock_or just score old parts, and build your own Razor-X02:13
Amaranthah, those were the days02:13
Razor-Xj-rock_: parents wouldn't let me buy it, regardless02:13
j-rock_Amaranth: nice02:13
Razor-Xnor would they let me build it02:13
Amaranth4MB was a lot then, I guess. I was only 12 so I just used it.02:13
syndAmaranth: i remember when i first heard the term GB for storage capacity02:14
Razor-Xmy 486 behind me has 8MB02:14
syndi was like WHO NEEDS THAT MUCH?!02:14
Razor-XAmaranth: .................02:14
Amaranthhehe, my first GB HD was 199802:14
penguinpartyhaving alsa troubles here donloaded alsa 1.0.9rc4a and installed it but I think the old kernel modules are still getting loaded02:14
Amaranthi needed it because Win98 was a pig02:14
Razor-XI remember when I was 12, that was just 2 years and a month ago >_<02:14
syndoh yeah02:14
robertjI'm a storage hog02:14
syndi have an old packard bell intel 66Mhz02:14
kroc_eating_iceclol Razor-X02:14
robertjone day this week I realized I had 1.75 TB hooked up to my desktop at work ;)02:14
doogluswhat's the command that tells you how much of each swap device is in use?02:14
syndthat was our first computer, back in 199402:14
Razor-Xrobertj: holy mother....02:15
syndwe used it until 2001, seriously02:15
dooglusI thought it was an option to 'swapon', but can't find it02:15
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Razor-Xthat's it?!02:15
Razor-Xwe used our 486 from 1995 to 200102:15
=== tritium still has his Atari 800
syndthats absurd02:15
Razor-Xand then, there was a registry problem, and my dad _finally_ decided to get a new machine02:15
syndi booted up win 3.1 the other day02:15
syndit was nostalgic02:15
=== humbraro still uses a 48633
Razor-Xlike I said, my parents don't like computers02:16
geneo93i have a C6402:16
penguinpartyI have /lib/modules/ . ./snd-au8820.ko   and /lib/modules/ . . ./snd-au8820.ko02:16
Razor-XC64 games PWN!!!!02:16
robertjI was cloning my hard drive onto my co-workers since we got new matching machines (250 a piece), but it wouldn't reach so I put 200 gig firewire drive in the middle to bridge the gap02:16
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j-rock_dooglus: free -m ?02:16
robertjand then while I was doing that my 1 TB LaCie drive arrived02:16
syndrobertj: what do you store?02:16
dooglusj-rock_: that's not the one I was thinking of, but thanks :)02:16
Razor-Xrobertj: holy.....02:16
Amaranthsynd: I found a copy of Windows 1.0 on the internet and booted this crap IBM PS/2 that I was messing with a couple years ago. It was sad.02:16
=== Bryan29556 is now known as Beastboy
robertjsynd: faculty and staff desktop backops, home directories for 800 lab-users, system images, etc02:17
Razor-XI heard Windows 1.0 was so so crappy...02:17
j-rock_you heard right02:17
Razor-Xmy old machine is now using DSL02:17
syndAmaranth: i can imagine. i dont even remember win 1.0.. i was too young02:17
Razor-X(as in Damn Small Linux)02:17
syndrobertj: i see02:17
robertjbtw, if anyone here happens to have access to MS Bob, send me a /msg ;)02:17
Razor-X1.0 was quite a bit before my birth ;)02:17
Amaranthoh $DEITY, ms bob02:17
Amaranthmelinda gates was behind that monster02:17
nickrudAmaranth, I actually used visio in 1.04, it ran building automations systems :)02:17
Amaranthms bob is who we have to thank for clippy and the dog in WinXP search02:18
Razor-XAmaranth: so if you're aetheist, $DEITY == null?02:18
syndRazor-X: DSL is nice, eh?02:18
Razor-Xsynd: good for an old machine, definitely02:18
AmaranthRazor-X: Sure.02:18
Strifeanyone in here have an ATI x300 and gotten fglrx working?02:18
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penguinpartyhow do you tell linux which ko to use when you have more then one02:18
Razor-Xonly thing is, in a Californian summer, the heat it generates is too too much02:18
kroc_eating_iceci still have my DOS machine...works justfine02:18
humbrarodsl is good, but it has tinyx compiled without xdmcp support :(02:18
Amaranthpenguinparty: ko?02:18
r0dat&t sam is better than ms bob.02:18
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penguinpartykernel object02:19
syndpenguinparty: lo?02:19
Razor-XAmaranth: he means kernel 2.6 module02:19
ZodiacSup dawgs02:19
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=== kroc_eating_icec is now known as kroc
BeastboyGot a problem with hoary, need some help02:19
syndBeastboy: ask and you shall receive02:19
AmaranthRazor-X: ah, i knew that sounded familiar02:19
Razor-Xhumbraro: TinyX is all that works on that old clunker02:19
BeastboyI am trying to install mplayer in synaptic package mgr02:19
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Razor-Xit's video card is quite non-standard02:19
penguinpartyI have two snd-au8820.ko files one from the kernel build and one from the new alsa02:19
penguinpartyin different directories02:19
Razor-Xhere's a quote from the sticker on the box (which I still have)02:19
Beastboyand I get these messages when I click install02:19
Beastboy Depends: libavcodeccvs but it is not going to be installed02:20
Beastboy  Depends: libc6 (>=2.3.2.ds1-21) but 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13 is to be installed02:20
Beastboy  Depends: libfontconfig1 (>=2.3.0) but 2.2.3-4ubuntu7 is to be installed02:20
Beastboy Depends: libpostproc0 but it is not going to be installed02:20
Beastboy  Depends: libvorbis0a (>=1.1.0) but 1.0.1-1 is to be installed02:20
Beastboy Depends: libxvidcore4 but it is not going to be installed02:20
Beastboy  Depends: xmms (>=1.2.10+cvs20050209) but 1.2.10-2ubuntu1 is to be installed02:20
Razor-X"1 MB of Video Memory, upgradeable to 2!!!!"02:20
syndack im so stupid. I broke down an Athlon 1.3Ghz, 512 DDR, 40GB because i deemed it useless.. (this was before i found ubuntu)02:20
AmaranthBeastboy: Do you have marillat repositories enabled?02:20
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nickrudBeastboy, get rid of marillat02:20
syndi wanted the RAM from that to be put in my main PC02:20
humbraroRazor-X: yep, but i got an old pII 266 with a bad hdd - so i use it as an X terminal with knoppix02:20
Beastboydon't know02:20
Razor-Xhumbraro: heh02:20
amonkeyhow do i remove a app menu entry that doesn't show in smeg?02:20
AmaranthBeastboy: Did you use the ubuntu guide?02:20
Beastboyhow do i check02:20
Amaranthamonkey: what entry?02:21
syndBeastboy: ubuntuguide.org02:21
humbrarotook me forever to figure out what was wrong with dsl - turns out it was on purpose02:21
robertjanyone here have an i915 based-card?02:21
krochm... whats ubuntu live cd?02:21
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Beastboyna, had some LU's a school help me02:21
syndkroc: running Ubuntu from a CD02:21
Amaranthkroc: An Ubuntu install that runs off the CD, doesn't touch your HD at all.02:21
syndkroc: you dont have to install it on an HDD02:21
amonkeyAmaranth, ut2004 made a "other" folder for itself, and transgaming decided that they were important enough to warrant their own menu as well02:21
penguinpartyI cant get my sound to work . . . no /dev/dsp02:21
Deterministhey guys , my laptop got turned off cos the battery emptied while i was busy at work and not paying attention to it. now i've started it back up and firefox is giving me "the connection was refused when attempting to connect to localhost" , but as far as i can tell apache2 is up and running. help please?02:21
Razor-Xmy dream is to get LTSP to run KDE on that old machine02:21
AmaranthBeastboy: Go smack them, the broke your system.02:21
Razor-Xand then, i'll take a physical screenshot!02:21
Razor-Xmy 486, running KDE02:21
Amaranthamonkey: "Other" is the menu for entries that don't have a menu02:21
Razor-Xhow f'ing awesome XD02:22
nickrudBeastboy, http://pastebin.com/290397 use that as your /etc/apt/sources.list02:22
syndkde... blah :p02:22
Amaranthamonkey: It's for unsorted things. Hide the entry that's inside it or move the entry somewhere else.02:22
Strifeanyone gotten an ATI Mobility Radeon X300 working with fglrx?02:22
amonkeyAmaranth, how do i move it?02:22
syndhi nalioth02:22
Razor-Xsynd: I like KDE and XFce, but, KDE only because it's waaay too beefy for the machine ;002:22
nickrudBeastboy, apt-get update, apt-get install mplayer-<your architecture>02:22
_kevinanyone know a good way to stream music on ubuntu, something like shoutcast02:22
Amaranthamonkey: drag and drop onto the menu you want it to go into02:22
syndRazor-X: im an xfce nut02:22
Razor-X_kevin: use VLC02:22
naliothsynd how did the prozzing go?02:22
Razor-XI love XFce02:23
_kevini'll google it02:23
Razor-X_kevin: it's a media player with great streaming capabilities02:23
krocRazor-X: same02:23
Amaranth_kevin: You want to stream the music? icecast would probably work02:23
tritium_kevin, I use gnump3d02:23
syndnalioth: went well02:23
Razor-Xgood, i like you ;)02:23
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Razor-Xyou can actually use... google!02:23
krocum.. me?02:23
Razor-Xno, I mean _kevin02:23
amonkeyAmaranth, doesn't work. makes a small yellow box. will copy it self to launcher and to desktop02:23
syndnalioth: i found out a good deal of stuff02:23
kroco lol02:23
_kevinye i wanna play muci and other ppl connect to my comp and listen02:23
Razor-Xit seems about 99.5% of the rest of the channel can't02:23
_kevinkind like on shoutcast02:23
Amaranthamonkey: I meant drag it in smeg.02:23
_kevinalso i prefer if it has fade in and fade out features02:23
naliothsynd: enlighten us02:23
=== geekitus [~geekitus@ARennes-251-1-15-183.w83-195.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Amaranthamonkey: Drag the entry that's in smeg to the menu in smeg that you want it to go into.02:24
geekitushi all02:24
eoniaHey, I can use google :-)02:24
Razor-X_kevin: ohh, then maybe you want to check up on shoutcast for Linux02:24
=== synd kinda wants one of those DSL mini towers theyre selling on their site
eoniaI just don't always do so :)02:24
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Razor-Xeonia: or that ;)02:24
krocdamn... i dont have a soundcard on this pc... sucks.02:24
amonkeyAmaranth, it doesn't come up in smeg at all. there is no other folder02:24
eoniaUsually I'm the one saying "Google is your friend" :-)02:24
Amaranth_kevin: try icecast02:24
krocand my mp3player is out of CDs02:24
Razor-Xanother thing I really want to do is02:24
Amaranthamonkey: smeg 0.6.2?02:24
Razor-Xrun my MP3 player to as many amp-type devices in my house as possible02:24
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amonkey.5, will get 0.6.2 and get back to you02:25
Razor-Xand see how the signal comes out with bass going through a subwoofer02:25
syndah! i love how you can change workspaces with the scroll wheel in xfce !02:25
Cristobalhi, is there a way to run microsoft office 2003 on ubuntu02:25
Razor-Xsynd: mmmhmmm!02:25
syndCristobal: no02:25
syndCristobal: yes and no02:25
Razor-XCristobal: nope02:25
krocwith scroll weel? dang..02:25
Cristobalcrossover wont run version 2003 i think they are working on that02:26
tritiumCristobal, with wine , perhaps.  particularly if you install winetools & wine versions form winehq.com02:26
humbrarothats a slick little frature02:26
Razor-Xbut, without shelling out money, you can run Open Office02:26
=== nalioth covers his eyes at that nasty set of letters.. .. ..
Cristobalopenoffice is crap compared to ms office02:26
kentwhats the prefered way of making the gnome panel to re-read the list of programs (*.desktop files)?02:26
Razor-XI heard you can run Office 2000 with Wine, though02:26
Cristobalyes u can02:26
kroci dont have a scroll wheel...... ,_,02:26
eoniaRazor-X: found it. Just a nitpick, but since it is a live/demonstration Ubuntu CD, you might want to suggest to the devs to make it a little easier to mount the HDD (a menu option or desktop icon perhaps, as opposed to command line style; I can use DOS etc, but I'm not that familiar with *ix command lines yet)02:26
Razor-Xnalioth: MS Office? ;)02:26
syndCristobal: OOo is free02:26
syndCristobal: Office is not.02:26
Cristobali know but it sucks02:26
_kevinwith icecast it's just a server and i play songs on XMMS and it streams it?02:26
Cristobali never paid for my ms office 2003 so its ok02:26
syndCristobal: it gets the job done.02:26
naliothRazor-X: please! this is a civilized channel (or supposed to be)02:26
Razor-Xkroc: my trackball has one ;)02:26
_kevinalso for ice cast i do sudo apt-get install icecast?02:27
Razor-Xnalioth: XD02:27
syndpersonally, i think Pages and Keynote kick the shit out of office02:27
eoniaRazor-X, : I'll second that, I've used Office (Office XP) with WINE, and Powerpoint works fine as well.02:27
krocCristobal: i paid 10$ for WinXP02:27
Razor-Xeonia: mmm, never had much of a problem with it, meself02:27
syndkroc: you PAID for winxp?02:27
eoniaRazor-X, you my friend, are familiar with the command line :-)02:27
Razor-Xthere you go, eonia is our testimonial02:27
syndthey should pay you, to use it02:27
Razor-Xkroc: I did'nt pay a thing ;)02:27
naliothsynd, so what did you discover?02:27
Deterministanyone? please?02:27
ZodiacWhat repostiory do I need to add to get the windows codecs?02:27
Razor-Xeonia: well, I learned it when I was... 11... IIRC02:27
Razor-Xso, it sohuldn't be that hard02:27
Cristobalkrox i never paid for any of my software i have downloaded all windows versions , office stuff, photoshop etc02:27
xvlunZodiac, marillat02:27
Cristobalim a total illegal guy02:27
syndnalioth: about having multiple threads and what not..02:27
krocRazor-X: you got it for free?02:27
ZodiacDo you got a link?02:28
Razor-XI also started out with vi, something which is supposed to be incredible hard to learn for a n00b02:28
tritiumCristobal, we don't want to discuss that here please02:28
Razor-Xkroc: of course ;)02:28
xvlunZodiac, google has02:28
eoniaRazor-X, you're forgetting that windows people have the mind of a 3 year old, not an 11 year old :)02:28
krocRazor-X: well, BEAT MY 25cent COMPUTER!02:28
Razor-Xeonia: ahhh, thanks for reminding me02:28
Zodiacha ha02:28
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Zodiacall right02:28
Razor-Xkroc: exactly ;)02:28
syndnalioth: i went to work, booted up ubuntu, and DL'd mandriva dvd, and used the new DVD publisher we just got in :D02:28
eoniaRazor-X, no problem ;-)02:28
Razor-Xon this Windows box here02:28
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Cristobaleonia dont say that cause most people will say that linux people have a geeky mind02:28
krocRazor-X: how much did your cost?02:28
synd2.6GB in like 1hr02:28
Razor-Xthe most used stuff on this box is all pirated02:29
humbrarothats a pretty fat pipe02:29
amonkeyAmaranth, problem, smeg 0.6.2 depends pyhton-xdg >= .11, hoary reps only have .902:29
naliothsynd: my head is spinning. What did you just say?02:29
eoniaCristobal, just another way of saying the same thing, right? :)02:29
Razor-Xthe OS, the IM client I used to use, the browser, the email client, the office suite02:29
Razor-Xonly thing is the Media Player02:29
Razor-Xthat's VLC02:29
Amaranthamonkey: There is a link to a python-xdg on the forum entry. It says it's for breezy because I figured hoary users would use the installsmeg script.02:29
syndnalioth: i went to work, booted up ubuntu, and DL'd mandriva dvd, and used the new DVD publisher we just got in :D 2.6GB in like 1hr02:29
JormundgandAnd people pirate Windows stuff when they could switch to Linux and just download it legally. Tragic.02:29
Razor-Xbut, I did use BSPlayer Pro, and Zoom Player Pro, before I saw the VLC light02:29
AmaranthRazor-X: You're on Windows right now?02:30
krocVLC.... whats that?02:30
Razor-XJormundgand: more for my dad, than anybody else02:30
flavioalguem fala portugues?02:30
CristobalJormundgand, yes but i cant get stuff done in linux02:30
Razor-XAmaranth: at the moment02:30
Amaranthkroc: the best media player out there02:30
Cristobalbesides from basic stuff02:30
Razor-XCristobal: I can02:30
AmaranthRazor-X: Please don't mention pirated software again.02:30
Razor-Xhow hard is it to learn Open-Office02:30
krocAmaranth: i thought the best one was XMMS02:30
Cristoballike, if i wanted to do something like microsoft project does i couldnt in linux02:30
eoniaCristobal, anyway, my point was, that for windows people (since I assume the live CD is marketed partially towards them as a demonstration) there should be an easier way of mounting. Regardless of how you treat their competence. That's all.02:30
syndRazor-X: its very similar to ms office02:30
krocactually winamp is pretty good02:30
Razor-XAmaranth: I didn't mention it specifically, so, I didn't think it would matter02:30
tritiumpirated software is OFF-TOPIC, okay?02:30
Amaranthkroc: the best music player is muine, the best video player is vlc02:30
Razor-Xno, I meant that as a question to Cristobal02:30
Razor-Xtritium: fine fine02:31
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syndAmaranth: muine?02:31
Razor-XCristobal: Microsoft Project?02:31
nickrudCristobal, there are things, look at mrproject02:31
humbraroCristobal: office 2003 on linux? are you aware of crossover office?02:31
Cristobalyes  it wont run office 200302:31
Cristobalwell my point is02:31
Razor-Xwhat's the difference between an Powerpoint Presentation, and an Impress Presentation?02:31
Razor-Xother than very tiny minute differences?02:31
JormundgandRazor-X: liberties.02:31
syndi still think XMMS is the best :D02:32
Cristobali installed linux and couldnt get most of my stuff done. first of all i couldnt install my wifi card and then it took me about 1 hour to do stuff that would probably do in 5 mins under windows... so02:32
humbraroRazor-X: lots - i have to use ppt for its video capabilities02:32
Razor-XJormundgand: I meant, functionality wise02:32
syndunless they ever made iTunes for linux02:32
JormundgandRazor-X: none.02:32
Cristoballinux tells windows people to make the switch but that switch costs a lot and not money02:32
kroci actually prefer winamp02:32
Zodiacitunes is the worst02:32
Razor-XCristobal: well, do you use the computer just to get your stuff done and leave?02:32
krocZodiac: indeed02:32
syndCristobal: Linux takes a good amt of time to learn.02:32
eoniaRazor-X, the powerpoint presentation has more built in selection, so it looks sleeker without adding your own images/backgrounds etc. Plus ppoint is slightly easier to use imho02:32
Razor-Xbecause, then, I doubt Linux is for you02:32
Zodiaccristobal has a point...02:32
tritiumCristobal, to each his own.  I can't get things done in a default windows install.02:32
syndZodiac: itunes kicks ass02:32
nickrudmuine, I live for album covers02:32
_kevinso does ice cast work like shoutcast, i play music on any player and it streams it?02:32
Cristobalcause my pc is not my life its just a functional thing, i use my pc for work and cant spend half of that time reading or learning how to get things done02:33
Razor-Xthe thing that people don't understand is this, the computer isn't just a tool, it's a medium all on it's own02:33
JormundgandI can use either Windows or Linux, but I'm worried if I use Windows I'll get locked into one proprietary solution.02:33
krocsynd: you have to pay .99 $ per song02:33
_kevini don't like setting a dir for the mp3s and then it access it02:33
Razor-XCristobal: doesen't sound like you do much more than any of us, only you refuse to learn computer things02:33
_kevini wanna do it live02:33
syndkroc: i have not payed a single cent for any of my songs on iTunes02:33
borkdoxOk, so how do I rip my Star Wars colelction into divx under amd64? there is not transcode whic is a dependency of dvd::rip....02:33
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krocwell.. its still 99cent02:33
Cristobali dont refuse to learn anything, but if i am being paid for something to get done in a period of timei cant spend half of that time learning how to do it02:33
syndkroc: i use a gnutella P2P to download and this is automatically loaded into itunes.02:33
nickrudCristobal, all the effort with debian/ubuntu is up front; after that, you'll not have to deal with viruses, trojans, bad registry, etc02:33
Cristobalthats my point, windows is easier to use in all aspects02:34
Razor-Xborkdox: unfortunately, encoding is the only thing i've met up wiht in Linux with very very bad support02:34
eoniaRazor-X, I disagree. I don't have time to learn linux under normal circumstances.02:34
syndkroc: i have over 35K songs loaded into itunes02:34
transgresshey what's the file to edit to change the default window manager for startx?02:34
tritiumCristobal, not in scientific computing02:34
ZodiacThe main things for linux to do if they want to improve market share is to get better driver support02:34
Cristobalnickrud, thats true, but i had a lot more to deal with trying to install my wifi card, witout success02:34
Zodiacthat is critical02:34
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naliothCristobal: the last i looked, linux had a variety of "point and click" interfaces02:34
Razor-XCristobal: then learn it beforehand, so the rest of your work becomes faster02:34
kroc35k?r you serius? when will you ever listen to all of them?!02:34
sylvancan linux mount NTFS disks in Read/Write mode?02:34
syndkroc: im a DJ02:34
nickrudCristobal, blame the manufacturer, they won't release specs, most likely02:34
Razor-Xsylvan: it sure can02:34
kroco lol02:34
syndi use iTunes and the wireless streaming feature02:34
humbrarosylvan: yes02:34
syndwith an Airport Express router02:34
_kevini want to know also02:34
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sylvanDon't know where I got the "ro" from..02:35
Cristobali downloaded the drivers for linux  directly from the manuf. they didintwork02:35
_kevinhow it is possible02:35
ZodiacI so wish I could get my damn wireless card working02:35
Razor-Xnickrud: ahhh, I love standards, now... which to pick....02:35
JormundgandI don't think Linux should focus on increasing market share. I think it should focus on keeping the share it has. Increasing share increases attacks on Linux, which will lead to it being seen as insecure.02:35
Cristoballol zodiac goodluck02:35
Zodiacha ha02:35
syndZodiac: does it work with windows?02:35
Razor-Xsylvan: IIRC, Ubuntu should do that by default02:35
humbrarosylvan: it was read-only for a time, but the drivers have matured02:35
ZodiacOf course02:35
eoniaRazor-X, lol. Too bad standards do not mean single solutions :)02:35
syndZodiac: then it will work with ubuntu02:35
synd; )02:35
krocIIRC? X-CHAT!02:35
Razor-Xeonia: exactly ;)02:35
_kevinhow can i set my ntfs drive so i can wirte on it?02:35
sylvanubuntu didn't mount anything by default, I had to modify my fstab to include my windows partitions02:35
ZodiacWith linux, it is always easier said than done02:35
syndZodiac: what card is it02:36
Razor-Xbut, mount behaves a certain way when you mount02:36
nickrudRazor-X, it's not the standard, it's the implementation :)02:36
Razor-X*moutn a partition02:36
syndZodiac: and what are you using, the latest hoary?02:36
ZodiacIt is a new linksys card02:36
Cristobalthe only reason why i would personally completely switch to linux is due to viruses and spyware whichj are annoying as hell, besides that i wouldnt change the easyness of windows for nothing02:36
Razor-Xerrr, yeah, that's the word I was looking for02:36
Zodiacyea the latest hoary02:36
ccc_kevin: you can't02:36
syndlinksys <model number here>02:36
Zodiacthe problem seems to be with WEP02:36
eoniasylvan: that's exactly what I've been saying. It should be mounted by default imho.02:36
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_kevinsomeone said i can02:36
syndlinksys, d-link, belkin cards are cake02:36
shido6Im playing video out to my TV finally!02:36
shido6with my radeon02:36
Zodiaclinksys wpc54g02:36
Razor-XCristobal: in life, do you do everything with a "Teach me teh easiest route" kinda outlook?02:36
kroc_kevin: shouldnt always believe somone...02:37
ccc_kevin: ok, that's news to me =)02:37
shido6I created a screen completely independent of my monitor screen :0.102:37
tritiumCristobal, are you just here to troll?02:37
syndZodiac: is your router secured?02:37
Razor-Xbecause, I can guarantee you, the more you know about something, the more effecient you are at it02:37
shido6but I get a green line at the bottom of my monitor02:37
Zodiacyes it is02:37
eonia_kevin, you can; but you have to use the windows dll file to do it as I recall02:37
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_kevinwhen sylvan asked the question you guys said it's possible02:37
ZodiacWEP encryption02:37
Razor-Xand most of the things I use, I know quite a bit about02:37
ZodiacIt is weird...02:37
syndZodiac: thats the problem02:37
_kevineonia do you know how to set it up02:37
syndZodiac: you have to turn of encryption02:37
ZodiacHoary detected my card, but I cannot connect02:37
Cristobalrazor-x this is not a personal point02:37
syndZodiac: I know02:37
tritiumZodiac, no, you can use WEP02:37
eonia_kevin, not off-hand... google is your friend? :)02:37
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ZodiacI should hope so!02:38
Razor-XCristobal: no, but, learning about something exactly means that you get a better hold of it02:38
ZodiacI am not turning it off02:38
syndtritium: eh?02:38
Cristobalbecause that question should be asked to every computer user, not just me, rab any window user and put them in front of a linux pc, they will probably go back to windows02:38
tritiumsynd, ?02:38
syndi could have sworn that was why mine didnt work02:38
sylvanI tried to mount my ntfs partition with rw and then when I tried to chmod it so that I could write to it I got "chmod: changing permissions of `winxp_scratch': Read-only file system02:38
syndi had wep enabled02:38
Razor-XCristobal: I know that02:38
syndand someone told me to turn it off02:38
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syndand the card magically worked02:38
ZodiacDude you have to have WEP or WAP or something02:38
humbraro_kevin: packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/otherosfs/ntfsprogs02:38
Razor-Xbecause, as far as I can tell, most human beings with a routine can't learn another one02:38
JormundgandWEP is inferior encryption.02:38
j-rock_why are people putting in the effort to try and convert people?02:38
ZodiacWEP sucks, but it is better than nothing02:38
syndZodiac: you dont have to02:38
goldfishWEP is nothing.02:38
Razor-Xthe few who can acheive much much more than the ones who can't, IMO02:38
j-rock_its only going to result in us supporting their idiocy on a different platform02:39
tritiumCristobal, windows does not have adequate tools for every user, particular the engineering/scientific community.02:39
goldfishvery easily cracked02:39
ZodiacSome linksys equipment only uses WEP02:39
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_kevini foudn this one google it's 65 K program for 69 dollars packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/otherosfs/ntfsprog02:39
Jormundgandtritium: But you can MAKE it adequate.02:39
Zodiacyea it is... but not by your average dude02:39
Razor-XZodiac: after you get WEP working, tunnel the connection through SSH02:39
Jormundgandtritium: That's the beauty of Linux. You're part of a community.02:39
ZodiacAre you serious?02:39
Razor-Xtritium: I was about to say that too02:39
Cristobali agree, but if you ask me about them, ive never used them in my 8 computing years, neither has my family and neither have i heard anyone complaining about those things02:39
ZodiacWhy do I have to tunnel?02:39
amonkeyAmaranth, ran the script, smeg command not found. no links?02:39
kroctritium: isnt windows made for people with the brain of a 10 year old?02:39
Razor-XI know, definitely, my dad wouldn't be able to do half of anything he does in Linux02:39
Amaranthamonkey: *boggle*02:39
Razor-Xcare to find me a program which can simulate fluid stress on micro-devices based on certain parameters?02:40
tritiumZodiac, you'd be better off just using MAC filtering, rather than WEP02:40
Razor-Xfor Linux02:40
amonkeyAmaranth, boggle as in you are suprised or boggle that i missed something02:40
Zodiacyea I guess so02:40
icemanwell got 5.4 installed and xcat up ..02:40
krocRazor-X: ?02:40
JormundgandRazor-X: Learn the mathematics of fluid dynamics and write it yourself, or port the Windows version.02:40
ZodiacYou guys front on windows... but bleeding edge hardware requires it as far as I am concerned02:40
Razor-Xkroc: this is for my dad, and i'm not about to do that for him ;)02:40
krocRazor-X: i see you cant google it either.02:41
Razor-Xbut, if I were to go to engineering, I probably would02:41
syndi just started in the Networking/Information services dept at this big manufacturing company and I was telling my supervisor about how im going to school learning about networking with linux and he was like, "networking with linux is a good way to not find a job"02:41
Amaranthamonkey: Did the script say everything worked?02:41
icemannow doing aptitude install kubuntu-desktop02:41
ZodiacI have no problems with my windows box... you just have to treat it like you would a car02:41
Razor-Xkroc: it's something un-available in Linux02:41
lifelesssynd: hes lying02:41
Razor-Xthe problem with Windows is, it's an idiotic standard02:41
syndZodiac: windows is inferior02:41
Cristobalim gonna install Ubuntu on my mothers pc, she only does web surf and email so we dont have to worry about trojans02:41
syndlifeless: i agree02:41
krocRazor-X: run WINE02:41
ZodiacWindows is inferior... in some ways yes02:41
Zodiacthey have drivers02:41
Razor-Xlike QWERTY02:41
Zodiaclinux doesnt02:41
syndOS X kicks the balls off windows02:41
Zodiacthat is the main thing02:41
Razor-Xkroc: I doubt those programs would run in WINE02:41
eonia_kevin, you shouldn't need to pay for it. I don't know the details, but there's an open source project involving NTFS, and their attempts to reverse engineer it. You can safely write to NTFS if you tell linux to use the windows dll file to do the writing. Otherwise the writing is unstable/unreliable. Knoppix had a pseudo-write option similar as I recall.02:42
syndbecause windows is the standard!02:42
parabolizekernel, driver, whatever02:42
sri_so all you breezy boys, do you have problems with key bindings not working the way they should?02:42
JormundgandWindows has Linux beaten on a few areas relating to ease of use - ESR's CUPS nightmare springs to mind - but we're working on that.02:42
Cristobalsynd OS x is the best in my opinion!02:42
Zodiactrue, but linux needs to press the issue02:42
Razor-Xeonia: you mean Captive, or experimental kernel read-write02:42
amonkeyAmaranth, yeah, it didn't work the first time, forgot to sudo, but nothign erred the second time. installed 4 packages, cleaned up adn went to bed02:42
syndcompanies arent going to waste money on developing drivers for 5% of computer users02:42
Razor-Xthe former requires kernel recompilation02:42
sri_my nautilus for instance, refreshes the screen instead of opening a dialog box when I do ^L02:42
_kevinok thanks eonia02:42
tritiumTo use windows effectively, I still need open-source software anyway, such as gsl, octave, tetex, python, scipy, etc02:42
eoniaRazor-X, captive I think02:42
Amaranthamonkey: run dpkg -S smeg02:42
j-rock_Jormundgand: cups was easy, i had it up and running in <5 minutes, and most of that was reading documentation02:42
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syndCristobal: i think so too!02:42
_kevinalso is ext 3 or ext 2 better?02:42
_kevinext 3 just has journalling?02:42
Razor-X_kevin: depends on your needs02:43
Jormundgandj-rock_: Because all my printers are over SMB share, I had it nigh-on instantly once Samba was set up. ;)02:43
j-rock_Jormundgand: i was dissappointed because i had a couple hours set aside to work on it, and it turned out to be really easy02:43
sri_daniels think it's xkb, but I don't think so, I ran cvs nautilus, and the keybindings work02:43
Razor-Xif the drive is smaller, then ext2 is better02:43
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Razor-Xalso, if you have many many small files, I believe ReiserFS is best for that02:43
Cristobali didnt mean to start a fight here, i was just giving my point of view. i believe linux has its use and windows has its use and they are pointed to different minded people02:43
j-rock_Jormundgand: :)02:43
sylvanubuntu should have an installer which starts in windows, scans all the hardware, tries to find the best drivers for it (to enable 3d hardware etc.) and then reboots.. Use the information about the system that the windows user has already established02:43
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ZodiacI think windows with open source software operates just fine02:43
krocZodiac: you mean linux?02:43
Razor-XCristobal: that's true, definitely, if you're in engineering, all I can say is, learn to code and make your own program... or you're out of luck02:43
_kevini just need it for the basic system i have three paritiontions right now one is ext2 for my ubuntu, one is ntfs and othe ris FAT... the two other partitions are just ther to hold my mp3 collection02:44
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j-rock_Zodiac: cept for the fact that it NEEDS third party apps to work right02:44
humbrarosylvan: good idea, but what would it store that info on?02:44
_kevinmy precious collection02:44
sri_you needed a persistent store for that..02:44
syndj-rock_: exactly02:44
sri_probably a usb key02:44
sri_er drive02:44
icemani want to see someone take linux .. "base" and make a console out of a desktop ... console games on a desktop system .02:44
nickrudRazor-X, yes, the tool for the need02:44
Razor-X_kevin: the MP3 collection would do best on ReiserFS, IMO02:44
_kevini wanna back up my 80 gig fat on my 100 gig ntfs and den format the fat to a linux format02:44
icemanbe like xbox ...02:44
sri_or, maybe you could put it on ntfs if it's XP and read it on boot up02:44
syndyou *have* to use something like adaware.. spybot s&d02:44
kroclinux... my precciousss02:44
syndwith windows02:44
syndor you are royally fuct02:44
krocsymantec is good02:44
syndi refuse to use IE02:44
syndhave to use firefox02:45
j-rock_i refuse to use windows02:45
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Zodiacno I meant windows02:45
syndif i have to use windows02:45
Razor-Xewww... not Firefox02:45
eonia_kevin, if you want to back it up, you could use ghost to image it02:45
j-rock_microsoft free for >3 years02:45
AmaranthRazor-X: What do you use?02:45
Razor-Xwhat a useless useless browser....02:45
amonkeyAmaranth, said it installed smeg, but it didn't. did take care of the dependencies though i installed it from the deb02:45
sylvanhumbraro: some temp file on the windows partition02:45
_4strOmIRC v6.14 Khaled Mardam-Bey02:45
JormundgandI have a friend who insists on using Mozilla. I pointed out the fact that Mozilla is legacy and no longer under development. He didn't care. He wanted to use Mozilla.02:45
Razor-XFirefox, IMO, has lost sight of it's goal02:45
_kevinghost an image of 80 gigs on my ntfs drive?02:45
syndRazor-X: you love that KDE : )02:45
krocopera is kind of weird...02:45
Razor-XI started using it way back in Phoenix days02:45
AmaranthCristobal: Don't do that again.02:45
Razor-Xsynd: of course02:45
Razor-Xin Phoenix, Firefox was nice02:45
_kevinit's like 70 gigs of mp3s...02:45
Razor-Xas it was in Firebird02:46
humbrarosylvan: that would be good - i'll look into that as i remember 'drake or some distro doing something like that a couple of years ago02:46
naliothsynd: are you ill?02:46
eoniaRazor-X, what goal is that?02:46
Amaranthsynd: It's goal was to be an easy-to-use, secure browser.02:46
Amarantherr, Razor-X02:46
_kevintotal my mp3 collection is like 120 gigs02:46
naliothsynd: use windoze? isnt that an oxymoron?02:46
syndnalioth: no02:46
humbrarosylvan: memory is foggy though02:46
Zodiacubuntu is the most usable linux distro I have ever used02:46
Zodiacthis is great02:46
Cristobalam i the only one running x chat on windows here:P02:46
syndnalioth: i *have* to use it at work02:46
Razor-Xeonia: a nice, small browser, with a nice feature-set, and it's secure02:46
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eoniaCristobal, probably ;-)02:46
krocCristobal: i run it on my windows too02:46
AmaranthRazor-X: Well, plus an IE replacement for Windows users. Linux users got crap until about 0.702:46
ZodiacI thing all the talk about debian incompatablilty is a bunch of rot02:46
syndnalioth: im in charge of over 6000 computers.. thru SMS02:46
eoniaCristobal, if I was on windows, I'd be using mIRC02:46
amonkeyAmaranth, how do i delete a menu in smeg? i hit delete didn't do nothing02:46
naliothsynd: i feel for you. please wash your hands b4 chatting with us....LOL02:46
_kevinnot videos or games.. I'm all about music and once in a while i need to stream music and use irc and msn and use openoffice02:46
AmaranthRazor-X: How is it not small, nice, and secure?02:46
_kevinother then that02:46
Cristobalmirc is a goodprogram but got tired of the same interface02:46
Cristobalx-chat is kinda cool02:47
Amaranthamonkey: uncheck the Visible box02:47
syndnalioth: i feel for me too. my supervisor got pissed when i was using Firefox02:47
Razor-XI have to say, progress has _definitely_ slowed to an idiotic halt after 0.802:47
krocx-chat is THE BEST02:47
sylvanhumbraro.. It would be sweet for the casual user if there is a pseudo-guarantee that he can install linux with at least the hardware support he has on windows (without needing to do manual editing of Xorg.conf and such which casual users don't want to do)..02:47
naliothsynd: so use links02:47
Amaranthamonkey: You weren't deleting them in 0.5, you were just hiding them. Now you have a way to unhide them too. :)02:47
eoniaRazor-X, isn't that pretty much what it is now..?02:47
Razor-Xkroc: I like X-Chat, but BitchX more ;)02:47
ki4cgpCristobal, I use x-chat when I'm in windows02:47
Cristobalanyone use BitchX thats probably the ugliest irc client ive seen lol02:47
ZodiacDid you pay for it?02:47
krocRazor-X: ...02:47
syndthats old skool02:47
amonkeyAmaranth, most excellent. much thanks.02:47
syndlove it02:47
humbrarosylvan agreed, it'd take lots of guesswork out of the install02:47
icemanbrb i hope02:47
Razor-Xeonia: well, one thing's for certain, I don't like what Firefox has turned into02:47
Amaranthamonkey: I'm working on a way to actually delete the ones you create, but it's a bit of a pain.02:47
ZodiacI want a free IRC client for windows02:47
Razor-Xthe thing is, it's become a lot like IE02:47
humbrarosylvan: i wonder if you could do a cygwin with hardware detection02:48
amonkeynow if anyone can just help me recover the emails i accidently formated over *couch 3 times cough* i'll be on my way.02:48
AmaranthZodiac: http://silverex.info02:48
syndRazor-X: its not anywhere near as bogged down as IE02:48
Razor-Xwhere once, there was a pool of browsers, for the alterna-man to look at, now there is just Firefox02:48
ki4cgpYou can use some of the older builds of x-chat02:48
humbraroZodiac: i believe irssi runs on windows02:48
j-rock_Zodiac: there are gpl builds of x-chat for windows02:48
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sylvanhumbraro hmm.. not sure I follow02:48
j-rock_Zodiac: i cant remember the name of it though02:48
ZodiacX-chat you say?02:48
amonkeyAmaranth, did you write smeg or how are you involved?02:48
humbrarosylvan: are you familiar with cygwin?02:48
Razor-Xand the minority of the people that overlook the hype of Firefox is a very very small minority02:48
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syndtime to watch White Noise02:48
Cristobalwhy do u guys talk about free and paid for software, to me everythings free or havent u heard of emule or gnutella lol02:48
Zodiacwhat is the command to type to someone specifically?02:48
syndwith the woman : )02:48
eoniaRazor-X, I'd disagree. I like it a lot. It's fairly compact, and the additional features are available through extensions. My personal complaint is that they are TOO SLOW to fix and shine it up the way it should be. I mean, c'mon, can't they fix the over-30-tabs browsing issue already!?02:48
Razor-XOpera is _much_ _much_ smaller02:48
Cristobalmirc for windows is free02:48
j-rock_Zodiac: /msg02:49
sylvannope... I remember I had to use it to compile some library on windows, but now I just switch to my linux partition to play with that stuff02:49
j-rock_mirc licks02:49
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Amaranthamonkey: I wrote smeg and help with bug fixes and direction of the PyXDG module it uses to work with the menu.02:49
Razor-Xsynd: man was meant as a collective noun02:49
tritiumCristobal, because we don't discuss stealing things here02:49
sylvan(some sort of "unix for windows"?)02:49
Zodiacha h02:49
dooglusCristobal: when we talk about "free software" we are talking about freedom, not price.02:49
j-rock_sylvan: cygwin?02:49
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Razor-Xeonia: yeah, that's true02:49
Cristobalwhat i do is not stealing02:49
krocOS X is sweet, but you have to pay for it.. :/02:49
ZodiacI would think both02:49
Cristobali use whats there available to take02:49
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Cristobalthis is the internet02:49
sylvanj-rock_ yeah that was what we were talking about02:49
humbraroits a *nix (linux pretty much) that runs on the windows kernel, it has X and everything02:49
ZodiacFree means free, in both terms02:49
Razor-Xplus, on a 256 MB RAM box, anything more than 5 tabs sucks up power02:49
Razor-Xwith Firefox02:49
naliothCristobal: what version of mirc are you using?02:49
amonkeyAmaranth, wow, i'm impressed. very nice.02:49
AmaranthCristobal: Don't mention it again, please.02:49
krocand OS X works only on MACs02:49
icemanok who can halp me set up video resolution in ubuntu ?02:50
humbraroif you could set up knoppix-style hardware detection on that, it'd rick02:50
AmaranthThis channel has gone nuts today.02:50
Cristobali use x-chat but 6.61 is the latest i believe02:50
tritiumCristobal, that does not justify taking it02:50
syndkroc: and only should work on macs02:50
AmaranthCan we please talk about Ubuntu?02:50
syndAmaranth: i concur02:50
eoniatritium, just out of curiousity, what engineering/scientific programs do you use for linux?02:50
Razor-Xwhereas, Opera fits more features in for less RAM, and less than a UPX'd Firefox filsize02:50
Strifegot 3d acceleration working with my laptop!02:50
syndAmaranth: im getting a headache02:50
krocsynd: i said that..02:50
=== Strife does a little dance
tritiumeonia, quite a few.  I mostly write my own.02:50
Cristobalstrife how did u do that is that a hardware02:50
ZodiacThat is a pretty phat desktop02:50
Razor-Xtirtium: you should release some, really02:50
naliothAmaranth: did every1 recx a kernel update yesterday or just the PPC users?02:50
syndkroc: yes, and i meant that OS X should not be run on anything else02:50
j-rock_Zodiac: http://www.silverex.org/news/02:50
krocand could..02:50
eoniatritium: that doesn't help me a lot :( lol02:50
AmaranthRazor-X: A bug in 1.0 makes it so RAM used for a tab isn't freed when the tab is closed. Will be fixed in 1.1.02:51
icemani need help getting better resolution in ubuntu 5.4 with a nvidia card ... ? please02:51
Razor-Xsynd, Amaranth: craziness in chatrooms is something i've gotten used to, I guess02:51
tritiumeonia, what help do you need?02:51
StrifeCristobal: how did I get 3d acceleration working?02:51
Razor-XAmaranth: it's taking _this_ long?02:51
AmaranthRazor-X: Can you believe they're adding _more_ features and still making it faster? The only other people that do that on a large scale are Apple.02:51
humbraroiceman: try the easy fix first - ctrl-alt-+02:51
Razor-Xand, i've been observing it's slowness compared to Opera since 0.702:51
AmaranthRazor-X: It's a big deal. 1.0 is using a branch of gecko that was 6 months old when it released.02:51
Razor-XAmaranth: Opera isn't doing that?02:51
icemannope ... did nothing02:51
AmaranthRazor-X: A large part of the work is just making it work on the new gecko.02:51
eoniatritium: I was wondering what apps were available in general, as well as graphing-wise (short of using mathmatica/mathcad)02:52
AmaranthRazor-X: Opera isn't free or Free.02:52
tritiumAmaranth is right.  The SNR in here is way too low...02:52
StrifeCristobal: well, I have an ATI card... and the probelm I was having was that the driver seemed to be working, but the screen was blank02:52
ZodiacI have a perfect example to show the insanity of open source...02:52
StrifeCristobal: so I found a suggestion to change an option in xorg.conf, and, voila, it works now02:52
Amaranthtritium: We can fix that. >:-)02:52
Razor-XAmaranth: but, in my opinion, if the functionality of one thing far outweighs its free counterpart, i'll use it02:52
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ZodiacWhy doesnt evolution import csv files????02:52
tritiumAmaranth, ;)02:52
Razor-Xhell, i'll _pay_ for Opera02:52
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eonialol @ Amaranth02:52
Cristobalwell i need to get off02:52
krocRazor-X: are you crazy?02:52
Cristobalgood luck to you all02:52
Razor-Xworth every penny, and then some02:52
Cristobaland bye fornow02:52
_kevinok i just downloaded and installed syneptic, how do i access it02:52
=== Amaranth looks around
_kevini mean02:53
tritiumeonia, I usually use gnuplot.  Octave (a Matlab clone) uses gnuplot as well.02:53
_kevinfrom synaptec02:53
AmaranthRazor-X: You wouldn't happen to be a PearPC user, would you?02:53
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Razor-XAmaranth: quite a bit back, in fact02:53
Razor-Xand yes, I am02:53
AmaranthRazor-X: I wrote that win32 networking guide. :)02:53
StrifeI still can't get the screen to turn back on after suspend, though...02:53
Razor-Xthat's where I know you from02:53
Razor-XAmaranth: I know that ;)02:53
tritiumeonia, what kind of plots do you need to generate?02:53
ASUSanatorAnyone know how to make a boot network floppy for ubuntu ?02:53
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ZodiacI have an apple sticker on my IBM laptop...02:54
Razor-XAmaranth: I really respect the additions you've made to Pear PC02:54
tritiumAmaranth, +q ?02:54
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Amaranthtritium: People have had warnings, if it gets out of hand again some might get it. Don't want to do it without at least one warning though.02:54
Razor-XI guess i'm a have to peruse through some stuff now02:54
eoniatritium: I was thinking along the lines of finding the maximum (accurately) of a third+ order equation. In excel you're forced to "make a set of data" and it's really not that accurate.02:54
Zodiacoh crap02:55
krocfirefox is way better than opera.02:55
tritiumAmaranth, of course, but that's what you're referring to?02:55
ZodiacWhat is the package that gets MS fonts?02:55
Amaranthkroc: Drop it, please.02:55
Razor-Xthe step where you add zeroing terms in the Derivative rule of Products is staring at me02:55
=== kroc drops it
_kevinanyone kno how i can access ice cast i downloaded using synaptec? i don't see any icons for it02:55
Amaranthtritium: Yeah, better than a kick.02:55
AmaranthZodiac: msttcorefonts, iirc02:55
crimsun_kevin: use the initscript02:55
Zodiacaww yes02:55
humbraro_kevin: icecast is a server, check out their homepage02:55
krocits late02:55
tritiumeonia, eww, use octave, or gsl (gnu scientific library), or scipy02:55
Razor-XI only have one real complaint for Konqueror02:55
amonkeywhat should i google for to find out how to use twinview + a second video card for 3 monitors?02:55
=== kroc kroc_going_to_sleep
Razor-Xit has the _worst_ Printing support _imaginable_02:56
icemanok anyone have link to the nvidia istall page ?02:56
Zodiacugh but I wont be able to get them into Firefox will I??02:56
humbraro_kevin: it won't have a pretty gui interface (at least i don't think) :)02:56
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AmaranthRazor-X: The UI isn't all that great either. :)02:56
crimsunamonkey: sh.nu/nvidia, read the example XF86Config02:56
tritiumeonia, they all have nice optimization tools02:56
Razor-XI like the UI, meself, heh02:56
AmaranthZodiac: Yes you will.02:56
spiderwormi have a complaint about arts02:56
Razor-Xbut, I know the faults in what I use02:56
spiderwormit suxx0rs02:56
icemanAnyone have the web link to installing the nvidia driver ?02:56
Amaranthspiderworm: Yeah, last time I used it it ate 99% CPU even when it wasn't doing anything.02:56
Razor-Xlike, IIRC, Firefox renders a few pages better than Opera does02:57
Razor-Xand Konqueror02:57
spiderwormAmaranth: it does that from time to time for me02:57
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Amaranthiceman: http://ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto i think02:57
eoniatritium: thanks. Do you happen to have any resource (eng/scientific) lists for linux as well? Maybe a URL I could drool over?02:57
tritiumiceman, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats02:57
sylvanhmm.. when searching for "linux kernel" in synaptic I see that the currently installed kernel is the 386 one, shouldn't I (with a P4) switch to 686? Or even the 686 SMP ('cause I have HyperThreading)?02:57
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AmaranthRazor-X: Firefox is more likely to load a page than Opera or Konq02:57
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tritiumeonia, I don't have a handy URL for you, sorry.02:57
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crimsunsylvan: ht is disabled in the errata kernel due to security concerns02:57
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crimsunsylvan: but yes, linux-686-smp is fine02:58
sylvanokay.. thanks02:58
tritiumeonia, http://www.nanohub.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=236&Itemid=244 has some nice info on scientific computing with python02:58
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AmaranthRazor-X: Mostly because Opera thought it would be smart to pretend to be IE and try to emulate the IE engine bug-for-bug.02:58
IIIEarsHello!   Hi crimsun02:58
crimsun'lo IIIEars02:58
abisen_i have a problem when i resume from suspend to RAM my Hard Disk starts this frequent spindowns and spin ups02:59
sylvancrimsun: if I mark it and click apply will it then be a simple matter of rebooting, or do I need to "select" the new kernel somehow?02:59
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naliothIIIEars: evenin'02:59
eoniatritium: thanks02:59
tritiumeonia, optimization stuff on pp. 112-115 of Talk 102:59
Amaranthcrimsun: It really sucks telling people hyperthreading is disabled in the kernel. People that only know the marketing will be furious.02:59
crimsunsylvan: after it finishes installing, just reboot02:59
IIIEarsAmaranth - Opera spoofs IE that closely?02:59
AmaranthIIIEars: It tries and fails.02:59
tritiumhi crimsun, IIIEars02:59
crimsun'lo tritium02:59
Zodiacha ha02:59
Zodiacthat did it02:59
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Zodiacgod the base firefox font is awful03:00
AmaranthIIIEars: It might be better in 8.0, I haven't used it since doing web design and testing with 7.0.03:00
AmaranthZodiac: Bitstream fonts are better than the microsoft ones, imho.03:00
IIIEarsGuys I have what to others would be a huge problem...    My new Redmond OS machine sits unused.03:00
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AmaranthIIIEars: Install Ubuntu on it. ;)03:00
IIIEarsSounds Good! :)03:01
naliothIIIEars: so put ubuntu on it03:01
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icemansorry nic was trying to read nvidia install instructions ..03:02
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Januxhi all, I installed Ubuntu with server settings, now I want to install XFce, I installed Xorg and Xfce, and then I tried startx, it gave me xorg.conf error, did I miss any particular package?03:03
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Zodiacha ha03:03
ZodiacNo I have no idea actually03:03
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sylvancrimsun: is there a way to verify that I'm actually running the new kernel after I reboot?03:03
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xf`I've recompiled my kernel a few times and for some strange reason it's not booting.  I've compiled kernels for years and years.  I'm not sure whats going on.  It locks up after it says "OK. Loading kernel.." or something to that sort.03:03
crimsunJanux: you need xfce4 and x-window-system-core03:03
icemanno that link was not the one i needed ...03:03
IIIEarsuname something isn't it?03:03
tritiumsylvan, uname -r03:03
^thehatsrule^Janux, used sudo apt-get install xfce4? try startxfce403:03
crimsunsylvan: uname -a03:04
xf`My IDE drivers are fine, the supported file systems are fine...03:04
Janux^thehatsrule^, starxfce4 is a command? that xfce command or startx command?03:04
crimsunerr, sorry tritium got it :)03:04
tritiumiceman, the one I gave you?03:04
Januxcrimsun, yes I did.03:04
crimsunJanux: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:05
sylvanwhat's the package "linux-image-686-smp" do?03:05
tritiumiceman, my fault.  Please see: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto03:05
crimsunsylvan: it's a metapackage for the latest kernel in main03:05
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Januxcrimsun, I tried and I don't know how much video ram it has cuz it's Intel onboard video.03:05
sylvanso what's the difference between using that and just linux-686-smp?03:05
eoniawow, things have finally slowed down :)03:06
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crimsunsylvan: no difference; they both pull in the newest linux-image-2.6.10-5-686-smp03:06
sylvanokay.. Guess I'll reboot then...03:06
tritiumeonia, SNR++ :)03:06
sylvanbye for now03:06
eoniatritium: rofl03:06
eoniaI've got it.. I can cross my fingers, and say "Bill Gates owns linux!" That should restore the SNR to "normal" :)03:07
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xf`Anyone have any suggestions for me? :)03:07
_kevini'm totally lost for icecast, i need a setup set thing from start (install) to how to set it up for live stream from any sound source. like my sound card music playin on XMMS03:08
humbraroanybody here a good way to connect a remote gnome-session with ssl?  everything i see points to ltsp03:08
crimsun_kevin: it's very simple, really. Install icecast2 and ices2.03:08
crimsun_kevin: the reads the docs for both.03:08
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IIIEarsHow do i prep my home directory for transfer? Can preserve permissions and symlinks?03:08
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humbraro_kevin: www.icecast.org/docs.php03:09
xf`I've recompiled my kernel a few times and for some strange reason it's not booting.  I've compiled kernels for years and years.  I'm not sure whats going on.  It locks up after it says "OK. Loading kernel.." or something to that sort.03:09
xf`I'm lost :(03:09
humbraroxf does it lock up, or does the screen go blank?03:09
eoniaQuestion: is there a way to centralize AIM history for both linux (gaim) and win (trillian etc)?03:09
_kevini found on google http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/sound/icecast-server03:09
xf`IT locks up03:09
humbraroat what point during the bootup?03:10
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xf`jst says "Ok. Loading kernel something something"03:10
xf`I don't get a kernel panic or anythimg03:10
xf`just says loading the kernel03:10
xf`then it stops03:10
Kalidarnhi anyone know how to create a boot floppy for a network installl in linux?03:10
IIIEars/nick IIIEars_away03:10
crimsun_kevin: that's the old version of icecast. You don't want that. You want icecast2.03:10
Kalidarni havn't got a cddrom03:10
amonkeyAmaranth, transgaming reiterated itself (it came back up on the menu) but nothing changed (still moved and hidden) in smeg.03:11
Kalidarnused to using RawWrite for windows..03:11
humbrarohave you tried passing vga=normal?03:11
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xf`i copied /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage to /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10 ... then vi /boot/grub/menu.lst03:11
Amaranthamonkey: It's a legacy menu, not much can be done with it.03:11
Kalidarnthats how i did it for mandrake atleast.03:11
amonkeyAmaranth, poo. ok.03:11
xf`humbararo I haven't03:11
Amaranthamonkey: I try as hard as possible to make it unnoticable, but there are some bugs that I can't fix.03:11
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xf`where can i pass that at?03:12
crimsunxf`: and the modules and initrd? How about depmod being executed?03:12
humbraroxf it boots the stock kernel though?03:12
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xf`crimson, ahh did the modules...what's hte initrd?03:12
Kalidarni am assuming its not possible03:12
Kalidarnto create a network boot floppy for ubuntu...03:12
Kalidarni havn't seen it mentioned in any of the documentation.03:12
crimsunxf`: did you compile everything into your kernel ("Y") required to find your / ?03:12
xf`IDE stuff and ext3 fs support03:13
crimsunthen you can skip the initrd03:13
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xf`trying vga=normal03:14
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eoniaQuestion: how do I force the filebrowser in ubuntu to run as root on the livecd?03:14
nickrudeonia, what are trying to do, that's probably not the right way03:15
icemannick sorry was reading03:15
Kalidarnso no one knows how to create a network boot floppy with ubuntu? seems rather simple isn't it?03:15
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icemantyped the xdpyinfo and go a list03:16
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xf`Okay no luck still..03:16
xf`how do I build an initrd?03:16
eonianickrud, I'm trying to browse hda1 that I just mounted in the root terminal03:16
^thehatsrule^Kalidarn, i think you can download one03:16
^thehatsrule^xf`, vga=791 ?03:16
paolobHi guys! I installed apache2 and  libapache2-mod-php4, apache2 is running, but I apache can't interpret correctly the php files, when I try to open a php file in localhost with the browser (epiphany), a dialog appears telling me that I'm opening a php script, and asking me what do I want to do with it. open with an application or save to disk. What could be the reason? On the contrary, from another computer all is OK.03:17
Kalidarnyeah where from?03:17
Kalidarnthe file that goes into RawWrite?03:17
_kevini try to access /etc/icecast2 through the file browser and there is a red X on the folder and when i click on it says i don't have permission03:17
Kalidarnim assuming thats the way ubuntu does it.03:17
nickrudeonia, from a regular terminal, sudo nautilus <dir>03:17
xf`the old kernel is using vga=normal and is fine03:17
_kevini right click on it and it disappears03:17
^thehatsrule^im pretty sure the img would have instructions heh03:18
^thehatsrule^prolly dd03:18
humbraroxf`: see if there's a /proc/config.gz - that'll have the current config to help track down your problem03:18
icemananyone know the link to nvidia drivers install .. has like 5 lines you can cut and paste03:18
eonianickrud: thanks.03:18
nickrudeonia, at least that worked for me some time ago, when I was experimenting03:18
xf`thanks humb03:18
^thehatsrule^paolob: maybe you have to manually modify the apache conf file to load the php4 module03:18
eonianickrud: it works03:18
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xf`humbararo: thre is no /proc/config.gz03:19
xf`found one though in /boot03:19
paolob^thehatsrule^, apparently it is loaded... how can I see whether is it loaded or no?03:19
cliebow_paolob: sounds like an epiphany prob huh..03:19
humbraroxf`: may i ask why you're compiling a kernel?03:19
dooglusdo I need to run "apt-get update" regularly, or will the ubuntu notice when updates are available even if I don't do that?03:20
^thehatsrule^paolob: im not sure, but check your httpd.conf03:20
paolobcliebow_, I correct, I use firefox03:20
Kalidarnas it is also my floppy drive is USB03:20
Kalidarncan i use the files at http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/i386/ch-rescue-boot#s-boot-from-floppies03:20
Kalidarnie.... For booting from an USB floppy drive, you need a third-party version of boot-floppies, available on http://www-user.rhrk.uni-kl.de/~blochedu/usb-install/.03:20
Kalidarnwill ubuntu work if i do this?03:21
cliebow_hmm..i use php-4.3.11 sql and moodle without a prob in firefox..03:21
paolob^thehatsrule^, I have it in httpd.conf. Something told me that I must add it to a localhost section of a config file... Because from another pc all is ok. Where should I put the command to load it for localhost connection?03:21
^thehatsrule^oh! it only downloads it as a .php on your machine?!03:23
lifelesspaolob: is your last name bonzini ?03:23
paoloblifeless, no03:23
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_kevinicecast2 -c /home/jah/icecast.xml03:24
_kevinI/O warning : failed to load external entity "/home/jah/icecast.xml"03:24
_kevinFATAL: error parsing config file (/home/jah/icecast.xml)03:24
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crimsun_kevin: you have syntax error(s)03:24
^thehatsrule^paolob, try using your external ip perhaps instead of using localhost?03:24
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brapI have to install Hoary in server mode because it hangs on installing the version of Xorg that's on the cd.  What do I need to run from the command line to install all of gnome if that makes sense?03:24
cliebow_might be worth trying the simplest php file..like phpinfo.php03:25
lifelessbrap: 6^03:25
braplifeless: thanks03:25
_kevinis there anyone here that knows how to set up icecast and would like to help me03:25
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_kevini'm reading the website instruction but am not getting any where03:25
spinifexomg gsumi is so glitchy and broken03:26
spinifexit doesn't work at all03:26
paolob^thehatsrule^, with the external ip it works! (isn't it strange?)03:26
icemanback in a few03:26
spinifexwhere's that bug reporting tool...03:26
paolob^thehatsrule^, with it works too! what's the hell with localhost?!?03:27
_kevini don't know how to or where to access the icecast.xml03:27
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^thehatsrule^paolob, perhaps its in /etc/resolv.conf, point localhost to
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^thehatsrule^paolob, if you use localhost, maybe it just access it normally from hdd or something03:28
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benplautBurgundavia, joh: any updates?03:28
crimsun_kevin: did you copy it over?03:28
IIIEars_grub_install --root_directory=/dev/hdb,1/root/grub INSTALL_DEVICE=/dev/hda,1    (is that right?)03:28
_kevini just did apt-get install icecast2 ices203:29
spinifexhey, why is it that they just released an update for mozilla-firefox, but it still marks it as version 1.0.2?03:29
IIIEars_guessing from the long pause it isn't even close03:29
benplautspinifex: a bug that everyone has... but an easy fix03:29
spinifexI know, but it's stupid03:29
paolob^thehatsrule^, I have localhost pointing to in /etc/hosts, but not in /etc/resolv.conf. Should I put it in resolv.conf too?03:30
spinifexthat they haven't fixed it yet, but already released another patch03:30
ChinaCatJonesany one up for a why did my sound quit working after reboot question03:30
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Burgundaviabenplaut, just sorting through my email right now03:30
Kalidarni am assuming no one here knows if its possible for network install booting floppies.03:30
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crimsunChinaCatJones: it's better to just describe it03:30
caffinatedChinaCatJones: check dmesg for errors03:30
paolob^thehatsrule^, I added it to resolv.conf, nothing changes03:30
Kalidarnanyone tried it?03:30
Kalidarnanyone even able to see my text? its like i am ignored here.03:31
hyphenatedpaolob: no, you should make sure nsswitch.conf has the correct setting03:31
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benplautcan't wait to have gnome-panel back... i think the libc6 is breaking a bunch of stuff03:31
hyphenatedpaolob: can't you resolve "localhost" ?03:31
icemanwho can help me tweek the resolution setting on a new install03:31
we2byhow do I play a dvd movie on Ubuntu?03:31
icemani'm stuck at 640x480 resolution ?03:32
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lowluxwhat up03:32
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benplautwe2by: go to www.ubuntuguide.org ... they have instructions03:32
paolobhyphenated, ping localhost is ok! What should I put in nsswitch.conf?03:32
_kevinFATAL: error parsing config file (/etc/icecast2/icecast.xml)03:33
_kevinXML config parsing error03:33
_kevinwhat does that mean03:33
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^thehatsrule^paolob, ah sorry, i meant hosts ^^ resolv's for dns stuff03:33
caffinated_kevin: it means there is something in that XML file that stops it from being understood03:33
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_kevinman this is so frustrating,03:33
hyphenatedpaolob: no, you shouldn't need to change anything in those files03:33
spinifexyo, I've found an incredibly predictable way to crash gsumi.  How do I do a backtrace and such?03:33
lowluxi have the live cd and it boots fine.... into it gets to creating user... im not doing this... the boot is doing this......03:33
lowluxit gets to 63% of creating user... and it never went on...? i let it sit for 10 or 15 minits and it just stood there? what is wrong?03:33
hyphenatedpaolob: the problem is not caused by settings in there03:34
paolobhyphenated, ah, ok03:34
samsanybody know why firefox doesnt have java support already enabled?03:34
samsin ubuntu?03:34
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lowluxit gets to 63% of creating user... and it never went on...? i let it sit for 10 or 15 minits and it just stood there? what is wrong?03:34
_kevinany one here every setup icecast2 with ices2 and got it working under ubuntu03:34
lowluxi have the live cd and it boots fine.... into it gets to creating user... im not doing this... the boot is doing this......03:34
crimsun_kevin: yes03:34
lowluxit gets to 63% of creating user... and it never went on...? i let it sit for 10 or 15 minits and it just stood there? what is wrong?03:34
icemanwhat do i change to get more than 640 x 480 resolution ?03:34
spinifexsams: because.  Go download it03:34
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samsive tried it wont install03:34
mp8223does anybody know how to mount a vfat partition in read write mode?03:34
_kevincan you like pm me all the steps03:34
benplautsams: by the ubuntuguide instructions?03:35
_kevinfrom install to accessing03:35
spinifexsams: read the restricted formats faq: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats03:35
samsmost modern distros already have java enabled in their browser, why does ubuntu not do this03:35
lowluxi have the live cd and it boots fine.... into it gets to creating user... im not doing this... the boot is doing this......03:35
lowluxit gets to 63% of creating user... and it never went on...? i let it sit for 10 or 15 minits and it just stood there? what is wrong?03:35
_kevinif you don't mind03:35
benplautsams: GPL... it kinda sucks for stuff like this03:35
icemanI need help setting better video resolution ? Please ?03:35
crimsun_kevin: there are instructions in /usr/share/doc/icecast2/ and /usr/share/doc/ices2/examples/03:35
samstoo bad, i prefer a distro thats ready to go straight outta the box03:36
spinifexuh...  does any distro support java 'out of the box'?03:36
lowluxi have the live cd and it boots fine.... into it gets to creating user... im not doing this... the boot is doing this......03:36
lowluxit gets to 63% of creating user... and it never went on...? i let it sit for 10 or 15 minits and it just stood there? what is wrong?03:36
Madpilotlowlux: posting EXACTLY the same q. three or four times isn't going to get you help any faster, y'know.03:37
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spinifexanyway, allow me to repeat myself.  Gsumi is crashing like crazy on me.  Would someone instruct me on how to properly report a bug, or make a backtrace?03:37
lowluxi don't think any one here knows what there doing.......03:38
spinifexseems the sad truth at the moment, lowlux03:39
crimsunsome of us are just busy, lowlux. Have a bit of patience.03:39
spinifexI haven't used a livecd03:39
caffinatedlowlux: i don't think you know how to spell.  but then, we all have our little problems, right? :)03:39
lowluxno im just fast03:39
=== Xenguy /ignores any and all lamers...
geneo93you sure its not your cd imaage03:39
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spinifexlowlux: look for scratches, and make sure it's clean03:39
crimsunlowlux: look at the logs on tty/1 and tty/203:40
lowluxevrything runs just fine...... to i get to creating user03:40
lowluxi have it on 2 cds03:40
geneo93check the md5sum03:40
spinifexlowlux: to look at the logs crimsum refers to, hold control-alt and hit F2 or F303:40
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spinifexI mean F1 or F203:41
tritiumF1-F6 should all work03:41
lowluxall right be right back....... dunno how im gonna copy the log03:41
spinifexyeah but he said tty 1 and 2 =p (tritium)03:41
lowluxi don't get it....03:42
crimsun(that'd be F2 and F3. You were right first.)03:42
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spinifexlowlux: look for errory lines.  If gpm (the mouse thingy for terminal) is working, you can hilight and then middleclick to paste.  Uh, you could take a digital camera picture03:42
spinifexdon't paste here though, use a pastebin03:42
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i3dmaste1after upgrade kernel to 2.6.10-5-686 (2.6.10-34.1), I am not able to bootup anymore. it has kernel panic saying cannot syncing: VFS:Unable to mount root fs unknow_block(0,0). wondering what happen?03:44
novaflarehow would one start a new session in ubuntu?03:44
spinifexwhat type of session?03:44
spinifexX session?  like two at a time?03:44
novaflareas in x yeh03:45
spinifextwo at a time, or just a different type of session?03:45
novaflarewhere i could swap out of a full screen app to a new session and back03:45
novaflarelike i play rubies and theres no alt tab in it03:45
novaflarebut i want to be able to pop in to irc03:45
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caffinatednovaflare: xinit -- someProgram :1 iirc.  but you have to do something with the permissions files for X too.03:45
novaflareso irc in one session rubies in another03:45
spinifexhey, that would be cool.  I don't know how to do that though03:45
caffinatedyou can do it03:46
=== wezzer-_ [wezzer@ZMKDCCXLI.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumApplications->System Tools->New Login isn't what you want, novaflare ?03:46
IIIEars_Hm.. new "Patriot Act II" - Worth a read if you live in the U.S.03:46
crimsuni3dmaste1: does your machine use lilo or grub?03:46
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novaflarewill that let me have another session ?03:46
novaflarewhere i can swap between the 2 useing a hot key combo?03:47
caffinatedyeah, need to add a new display in Xauth before you can use xinit to start a second display03:47
crimsuni3dmaste1: does ,,sudo update-grub'' complete successfully?03:47
novaflareill read up on it now that i know whats possible03:47
tritiumnovaflare, yes, it works without any modifications03:47
i3dmaste1crimsun: I did not do that03:47
novaflareand some basics on what to read up on03:47
i3dmaste1crimsun: let me do it now03:47
crimsuni3dmaste1: normally you don't have to03:47
novaflareso new log in new session open apps03:48
icemani'm lost ... nvidia driver is installed ...03:48
novaflarethen how to switch between the 2 trintim?03:48
icemannow how to enable better screen resolutions03:48
i3dmaste1crimsun: yes, it says done03:48
tritiumnovaflare, Ctrl-Alt-F8 will get you to the 2nd one03:48
spinifexoh my, that is TOTALLY SWEET03:48
novaflareand to get to first?03:48
novaflaresame thing?03:48
tritiumCtrl-Alt-F7, novaflare03:48
caffinatedmeh, xinit is better.  you don't get the overhead of another gnome session03:49
spinifexcaffinated: When I do that, it says 'fatal server error: server is already active for display 0'03:49
tritiumnovaflare, if you install xnest, you can even run the new session in a window03:49
icemandang ... how to enable 1024x768 in kde on ubuntu ..03:50
tritiumiceman, did you "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"?03:50
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iceman? did not see that ?03:50
lowluxim about ready to give up on ubuntu03:50
caffinatedspinifex: yeah, you're probably accessing the wrong display.  plus, you have to grant the authority to do it through Xauth03:50
tritiumiceman, it's not strictly necessary, but that's what you'd use to reconfigure X03:51
spinifexcaffinated: explain...03:51
caffinatedspinifex: google for it.  there is no shortage of pages explaining the process.03:51
tritiumspinifex, you're using "New Login"?03:51
icemantritium nv is listed .. not nvidia ?03:51
caffinatedit's a slight pain to set up initially, but it's worth it because you don't have to start a window manager or anything03:51
spinifextritium: New login worked.  I don't know how to use xinit though03:52
caffinatedthis means you can do things like run games in seperate X displays without the overhead of another desktop03:52
tritiumiceman, sounds like you didn't run "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable"?03:52
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spinifexnew login is very sweet though.  Now I can show off all my window managers without having to log out!  yay03:52
tritiumspinifex, :)03:52
caffinatedyeah, new login is nice.  just not the most optimal thing for games ;)03:52
caffinatedthough, what you could do, is use something like matchbox when you start the second X session03:53
icemansudo: nvidia-glx-config: command not found03:53
tritiumcaffinated, yeah, but who has time for games ?  ;)03:53
caffinatedit's extremely minimal, and wouldn't use up much memory03:53
caffinatedit's a window manager.  very lightweight03:53
tritiumiceman, please make sure nvidia-glx is installed03:53
icemanhow do i restart kde if i go to run level 3 ...03:54
icemaninit 303:54
spinifexokay, I'll install it03:54
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caffinatedspinifex: when you start the second session, it should let you pick which wm you use from the ones you've installed03:54
icemanwhat is it to restart kde ?03:54
tritiumiceman, no, ubuntu and debian don't use runlevels in that way03:54
tritiumiceman, should be: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart03:55
geneo93iceman:  exit03:55
icemannvidia driver wont install in x while it's running03:55
caffinatedtritium: at the moment, i do ;)03:55
matt__anyone got a broadcom wifi card working?  I've done ndiswrapper on the divers already but doesn't light up03:55
caffinatedwhich reminds me, i should really be playing twisted metal on my PSP03:55
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spinifextritium: okay I'm curious: what's the best way to make X go away for a moment?03:55
tritiumiceman, I mean the nvidia-glx package03:55
abisen_i am a new debian based user ... could some body tell me how do i find is a particular package is installed or not and if yes then what are the files that are installed in the package like rpm -qa | package rpm -ql  or emerge --search in gentoo03:56
tritiumspinifex, just stop the display manager, I'd say03:56
caffinatedabisen_: use synaptic03:56
tritiumabisen, apt-cache policy <packagename>03:56
spinifextrytium: I mean how03:56
icemanaptitude install nvidia-glx did this ... next ?03:57
spinifexgenerally if you kill X, it attempts to start again03:57
matt__abisen go to system-->admin-->synaptic03:57
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tritiumabisen, and dpkg -L <packaname> to list the files in that package03:57
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icemanaptitude install nvidia-glx i have done ... and lost now ..03:57
tritiumiceman, "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable"03:57
Xenguyabisen_: dpkg -l packag* ... dpkg -L packagename03:58
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icemansudo: nvidia-glx-config: command not found   nope ..03:58
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Xenguyabisen_: dunno if 'sudo' is necessary03:58
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abisen_Xenguy, thanks03:59
Xenguyabisen_: yw03:59
tritiumiceman, you're using sudo?03:59
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spinifexum, wtf, kde just said my battery has 3 minutes left and logged me out.  But the battery monitor displays an hour and 3 minutes left04:00
spinifexand hour and 12 I mean04:01
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iceman sudo nvidia-glx-config enable in sudo and no luck04:01
icemanwithout sudo in root terminal no luck04:02
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tritiumiceman, it's in the nvidia-glx package.  You're sure you installed it?04:02
hroxbyI am a little confused as to why there is no python-sqlobject in hoary?  Its in sarge... any ideas?04:03
poningruguys I am going to reformat my laptop04:04
bob2perhaps it didn't build04:04
poningruI want to compile my own kernel and then build ubuntu is there a guide to this entire process?04:04
hroxbyAny ideas why something would be in sarge but not hoary more generally?04:04
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bob2poningru: you mean "install ubuntu"?04:05
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bob2hroxby: generally only if it failed to build, which is unlikely for a pure python thing04:05
poningrubut not the precompiled install04:05
bob2poningru: you want to compile all of ubuntu from source?04:05
=== i3dmaste1 [~yongjian@c-67-166-58-250.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
naliothbob2 sounds like "way beyond linux from scratch"04:06
bob2it's possible, but pointless and massively time consuming04:07
xf`How can I disable all oss modules loaded and enable all of my alsa modules?04:07
spinifexI think he just wants a custom kernel.  Wouldn't it be easier to install first, and customize the kernel later?04:07
bob2and discouraged, since if you have to ask for help, you're going to have problems04:07
bob2spinifex: if possible, yup04:07
bob2xf`: that should happen by default.  hotplug is loading oss modules ahead of alsa ones?04:07
=== AlohaWolf [~wulfie@cpe-67-49-96-154.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bluefoxicyanyone recommend a video editing suite?04:07
spinifexbtw, I installed matchbox.  How do I write the .desktop file so I can launch it from gdm?04:08
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spinifexwould be nice if those were included in the packages..04:08
tritiumbluefoxicy, kino04:08
benplautbluefoxicy: Kino kinda sucks, but it is the only one (correct me if i'm wrong)04:08
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poningrubob2: yes04:08
bob2poningru: why?04:08
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poningruprocessor opimization04:09
bob2and please don't use the phraase "optimise for my processor" ;p04:09
xf` bo 2: I"m not quite sure.  When I use alsaplayer -o alsa foo.mp304:09
poningruwhy not?04:09
bob2no, it won't help, really04:09
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bob2if you want that, use gentoo04:09
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djgomez33anyone good with setting up network connections?04:09
matt__anyone have any luck getting a pcmcia WIFI card to work?04:09
xf`bob2: I get...Failed to load output plugin "alsa".  Trying defaults.04:09
bob2djgomez33: best to just ask your question04:09
bob2matt__: works for lots of people04:09
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=== glick [~yourmom@cpe-24-193-254-95.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bob2xf`: what sound card do you have?04:09
xf`bob2: What I'm really after is having my apps share sound or mix the sound04:10
xf`Intel AC'9704:10
glickhey how do i activate the root account on ubuntu?04:10
matt__bob2, any luck with the broadcom driver?04:10
naliothspinifex: /usr/share/xsession(s)  and monkey see monkey do04:10
bob2glick: wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo04:10
bob2glick: but really, there's no need to04:10
bob2matt__: using ndiswrapper?04:10
bob2is it too late to get a refund on it?04:10
djgomez33i keep getting a sudo:unable to lookup laptop via gethostbyname()04:10
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xf`bob2: A refund on my sound card?  It's onboard.04:11
djgomez33thats when I am trying to troubleshoot with various online threads04:11
bob2djgomez33: your /etc/hosts is broken04:11
bob2xf`: not you04:11
xf`ahh okay04:11
djgomez33bob2: how can I go about fixing that? reinstall?04:11
matt__bob2, why? broadcom is a no go with ubuntu so far?04:11
^thehatsrule^refund your mobo then ;p04:11
spinifexnalioth, you mean to attempt to mimic the other files?04:11
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bob2xf`: what does "lsmod | grep ac97" print?04:11
naliothspinifex: open one of the other .desktop files and create one for your matchbox04:11
bob2matt__: they don't have linux drivers, so you have to use ndiswrapper, which is a pretty nasty solution04:11
naliothspinifex: using the exising ones for guides04:12
bob2matt__: if at all possible, I'd really recommend getting one that linux supports04:12
spinifexokay, I'll do my best04:12
matt__bob2, yea but if it works ....04:12
i3dmaste1how to get the initrd.img stuff out?04:12
bob2djgomez33: no, show us your /etc/hosts04:12
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spinifexare tehre any guides on this?  I don't know what to google04:12
=== FlyingSquirrel32 [~FlyingSqu@ool-4571f2e3.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
naliothspinifex: unfortunately, i had to do this for my other WMs04:12
xf`bob2: ...04:12
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xf`snd_ac97_codec         74144  1 snd_intel8x004:12
xf`snd_pcm                94696  4 snd_intel8x0,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss04:12
xf`snd                    55012  11 snd_intel8x0,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_timer04:12
bob2i3dmaste1: what are you trying to do?04:12
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bob2xf`: so, you have the alsa modules loaded04:12
djgomez33whats the best way to do that?04:12
spinifexnalioth: I found a guide with what I had to write for the enlightenment one04:12
xf`yeah heh04:12
i3dmaste1bob2: I want to see what is inside the initrd04:12
bob2xf`: if you "pkill esd", that program should work04:12
xf`esd isn't running04:12
xf`I'm trying to have it so that two apps can use sound04:13
bob2i3dmaste1: it's a gziz'd cramfs image, iirc04:13
xf`i've heard dmix?04:13
bob2xf`: http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin04:13
FlyingSquirrel32I'm having trouble installing freedroidRPG. when I run ./configure, It says it can't find SDL04:13
i3dmaste1bob2: I am having problem booting up my system04:13
xf`bob2: thanks04:13
bob2i3dmaste1: using hoary?04:13
bob2djgomez33: just paste it in to #flood04:13
i3dmaste1bob2: you got it04:13
bob2matt__: well, "works" is subjective ;)04:13
glicki just feel more comfortable being able to become root04:13
=== doug_gg [~doug@cpe-24-175-16-204.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bob2i3dmaste1: did you get the broken security update from a few days ago?04:13
i3dmaste1bob2: so gunzip should unzip it then04:13
doug_gghi everybody04:13
bob2glick: so, 'sudo -s', no need to enable the root account04:14
doug_ggI am having a dilemma here04:14
doug_ggplease help04:14
bob2doug_gg: just ask your question04:14
matt__bob2, mepis detects it automatically and xandros works with ndiswrapper...04:14
bob2i3dmaste1: I think so04:14
doug_ggI just re-installed windows XP on my dual boot PC04:14
i3dmaste1bob2: ok sounds like you knew something. I upgraded to 2.6.10-34.1 and it just did not work04:14
djgomez33all it has in it I beleive is localhosts04:14
bob2matt__: and so will ubuntu, probably, but it's still nasty...04:14
matt__but with ubuntu I can't get it to turn on04:14
bob2i3dmaste1: get the latest one04:14
bob2djgomez33: there you go04:14
doug_ggnow windows boot manager over writes the GRUB of Ubuntu04:14
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doug_gghow can i get GRUB back in control , thanks04:14
i3dmaste1bob2: latest? where? I updated today and did not see there is one available04:15
bob2djgomez33: localhost.localdomain localhost laptop04:15
spinifexthere's a windows boot manager?04:15
bob2djgomez33: make the first line say that04:15
naliothspinifex: be nice04:15
bob2i3dmaste1: ok04:15
Triffid_Hunterdoug_gg: boot off linux cd, mount your root and dev and proc and boot, chroot in and reinstall grub04:15
doug_ggit's windows04:15
doug_ggcan i use Ubuntu boot CD?04:15
naliothdoug_gg: get your ubuntu live cd, and follow the above instructions04:15
bob2djgomez33: yes04:16
spinifexnalioth: what?  I've been dual boot for years.  XP has never called a boot manager on me04:16
doug_ggi guess windows just overwrote the MBR ok04:16
i3dmaste1bob2: gunzip: initrd.img-2.6.10-5-386.gz: not in gzip format04:16
naliothspinifex: its not a boot manager like you're thinking, its a guide for the puter to start windoze and only windoze04:16
FlyingSquirrel32spinifex, That happens if you install windows after you install linux04:16
bob2i3dmaste1: what does file say it is?04:16
naliothdoug_gg: yes, XP ate your mbr04:16
doug_ggso after i boot from Ubuntu cd, now what?04:17
spinifexso not something that selects different things to boot..04:17
i3dmaste1bob2: initrd.img-2.6.10-5-386.gz: Linux Compressed ROM File System data04:17
glicki dont know if i like to be able to just sudo from my account as can be dangerous cant it?04:17
bob2i3dmaste1: oh, there you go, not gzip'd04:17
FlyingSquirrel32doug_gg, yes, windows will overwrite it. you can fix it in windows, but it's probably esier to reinstall grub04:17
i3dmaste1bob2: it looks like different then redhat stuff04:17
bob2glick: no more dangerous than being able to login as root04:17
bob2i3dmaste1: yeah04:17
doug_ggyes, please tell me how to reinstall GRUB04:17
i3dmaste1bob2: but that's ok, what tool do you know can get it unzipped?04:18
stuNNedanyone use ldap with evolution?04:18
bob2i3dmaste1: eh? it sounds very much like you can just mount it.04:18
FlyingSquirrel32Triffid_Hunter, can you please elaborate on your solution for doug_gg?04:18
imaekHow can I convert a .mp3 to a .ogg in FFMPEG?04:19
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i3dmaste1bob2: tried, wouldn't work. ask me for the fs type which I have no idea04:19
bob2imaek: don't bother04:19
FlyingSquirrel32Triffid_Hunter, to mount those folders, can he just use sudo mount / for ex?04:19
doug_ggthanks FlyingSquirrel3204:19
tritiumimaek, are you sure you want to lose additional sound quality?04:19
imaekI have to, bob2 .04:19
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i3dmaste1bob2: I usually just do loop mount, but it doesn't work04:19
bob2i3dmaste1: sudo mount -t cramfs -o loop /boot/initrd.img-2.6.10-2-686 /mnt04:19
djgomez33thanks bob2 your the man04:19
bob2imaek: why?04:19
Triffid_HunterFlyingSquirrel32: he'll need /dev and /boot mounted inside the chroot at a minimum, and also /usr if necessary04:20
i3dmaste1bob2: k, trying04:20
imaekbob2: it's a project someone's working on and they need a .ogg file04:20
geneo93imaek:  why do you have to04:20
bob2djgomez33: np04:20
doug_ggsh*t, i can just google it and find my own way04:20
Triffid_Hunterbasically the process is to fool grub into thinking its running from his installed linux rather than the cd, which is what the chroot is for04:20
FlyingSquirrel32Triffid_Hunter, but doesnt ubuntu make it all one partition by default?04:20
Lafitte-does htis command work for anyone using Ubuntu cdrecord -scanbus dev=ATAPI04:20
Triffid_Hunteri dunno.. i don't use ubuntu04:21
i3dmaste1bob2: ok. this is wonderful. you got it!04:21
Triffid_Hunterdoesn't it give you the option during install? last time i installed it, it asked me..04:21
tritiumimaek, use sox to convert (see sox manpage for details)04:21
bob2Lafitte-: sudo cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc foo.iso04:21
bob2i3dmaste1: remember, you can't modify, though04:21
bob2Lafitte-: no need to scan, you know the device name already04:21
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matt__flyingsquirrel32, ubuntu will let you make partitions and resize04:21
Lafitte-bob2,   let me try04:22
i3dmaste1bob2: I know, I will copy them out. but ya, its a problem, if I change anything, how I can make a new one then?04:22
FlyingSquirrel32matt__, but if he's as new as he sounds, he used the defaults like me.04:22
danko123456bah, finally...dont set your gateway on an interface unless that interface interfaces with the internet. Otherwise you will not be able to get online.04:22
matt__yea when installing from CD I resized my NTFS partition04:22
FlyingSquirrel32matt__, I've got / and /proc04:22
bob2i3dmaste1: if all you want to do is modify it, I'm pretty sure editing /etc/mkinitrd.conf and running mkinitrd is plenty04:22
spinifexif I have a windows partition (fat32) that doesn't use all its capacity, can I use ubuntu to grab a chunk out of it and format that?04:22
xf`bob2: I'm getting Can't find a suitable libao driver. (Is device in use?) when iI do `aoss mpg123  foo.mp3`  I've folowed the instructions up to that point.04:22
Triffid_HunterFlyingSquirrel32: /proc is a pseudo filesystem, as is /sys and usually /dev too ;)04:22
FlyingSquirrel32matt__, a simple mount command will do?04:22
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bob2xf`: is the device in use?04:23
krochi again04:23
xf`bob2: Nothing is running that would be using it.04:23
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xf`esd is not running, nothing else is up04:23
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FlyingSquirrel32Triffid_Hunter, so do you mount them seperatly, or will they all be mounted when you do mount /04:23
matt__flyingsquirrel32, I'm not sure if you can do it from any other place than when running the install CD04:23
tritiumLafitte-, you can specify the device details in /etc/default/cdrecord04:23
kroci was wondering.. since i have a website on my comp, but my comp is not always on, is there any way to make it always avaiable?04:23
bob2xf`: fuser -v /dev/{dsp,mixer,audio} /dev/snd/*04:23
danko123456spinifex, likely, use gtparted.04:23
kroclike maybe a free adless webhosting server?04:24
bob2kroc: put it on a machine that is always on04:24
krocbob2: dont have others04:24
FlyingSquirrel32Triffid_Hunter & matt__, Now you've got me confused... what is the command?04:24
i3dmaste1bob2: tried that before, but there is really nothing I need to modity on that. my root is ext3 fs, and the kernel just can pass it.04:24
xf`killed that just incase, get the same error04:24
matt__never used a command, just ran the install CD04:24
krocanyone know a free adless webhosting site?04:24
Lafitte-tritium, ok     how i do that  heh e04:25
i3dmaste1bob2: btw, I can see what the initrd fs has... :)04:25
Triffid_HunterFlyingSquirrel32: you can't mount / when booted from cd.. you have to mount /dev/hdblah /mnt ; mount -t proc proc /mnt/proc ; mount -t bind /dev /mnt/dev ; chroot /mnt /bin/bash , then grub-install /dev/hda or whatever04:25
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tritiumLafitte-, take a look at the file.  It's fairly straightforward.04:25
VarangerI need help04:25
Triffid_Hunterthen reboot and see if it works, if it doesn't tell you you missed a bit04:25
bob2xf`: ignore aoss then, and just use aplay or something04:25
xf`bob2: Okay04:25
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VarangerI am using Ubuntu Hoary and I can't make my i915 card work04:26
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icemanno op[tion to get above 640x480 resolution04:26
matt__varanger... networking? graphics?04:26
FlyingSquirrel32Triffid_Hunter, ohhhhh now I see. I'll have to study up on the pseudo filesystems.04:26
bob2matt__: graphics04:26
bob2Varanger: there's an open bug about that04:26
FlyingSquirrel32doug_gg, did you get all of what Triffid_Hunter just said?04:27
Triffid_Hunterhehe sorry i'm a gentoo user, so doing this all comes naturally to me04:27
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matt__flyingsquirrel32 to advanced for me04:27
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icemanI get no options for display above 640x480 ... but nvidia driver installed ok04:28
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FlyingSquirrel32doug_gg, Don't tell me you've left... :-/04:28
tritiumiceman, drop down to a virtual console and run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"04:28
icemanhow to virtual consol ?04:28
FlyingSquirrel32Triffid_Hunter, well, thanks you've taught me something.04:28
Triffid_Hunternp ;)04:29
tritiumiceman, Ctrl-Alt-F1, for example04:29
tritiumiceman, see this: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:29
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icemanok .. sec04:29
Varangerbob2: where can I look for that bug?04:30
Varangermatt__: graphics intel i915g04:30
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Lafitte-bob2,   i did that  i got a write  but it didnt write the cd04:30
Lafitte-bob2,  do i need any switches ?   like -J -R  or anything04:31
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Strifeis there a way to have dhcp be backgrounded during startup?04:32
=== IcemanV9 likes frozen-bubble music :)
=== Zotnix [martin@ool-4357361a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusthe torrent for the hoary dvd iso is still down - but amazingly enough azureus can still download it, using its new 'trackerless torrent' technology.  how does that work??04:32
Lafitte-Strife,  backgrounded ??04:32
Strifebecause I have both a wireless card and an ethernet card, and it gets to be painful having to wait for one to connect but the other to timeout04:33
novaflarenow thats a total trip04:33
StrifeLafitte-: so it'll load the other stuff while dhcp is running04:33
Lafitte-Strife,  ctrl c04:33
novaflarerubies of eventide has a mem leak04:33
StrifeLafitte-: that quits it04:33
Strifethat doesn't bg it :P04:33
novaflaresimply swapping sessions between zones seems to clear it all out04:33
danko123456bg process number?04:33
danko123456something like that.04:33
Strifedanko123456: not on startup, buddy04:33
Strifethis is as the system is booting04:33
danko123456ok, well, I tried:)04:33
Strifewhen it says "Configuring network interfaces" or whatever04:34
JormundgandI'm planning on switching to Fedora Core 3 soon (hopefully, Deo gratis, tomorrow) and note with irony that in doing so I'll be coming full circle.04:34
Strifeheh, I appreciate the try04:34
=== Strife hates fedora
danko123456strife, did yoyu read the ubuntuguide, it has some related entried.04:34
Lafitte-Strife,  mine can optain dhcp in like 3 seconds04:34
JormundgandI lost my penguinity on RedHat Linux 4.2 (and we still have the CD somewhere :D).04:34
danko123456Jormundgand: how come?04:34
krocjust found a machine in my house that i can leave on for a long time... now i need a domain name... are there any short ones?04:34
StrifeLafitte-: so can mine, but I have *two* network interfaces04:34
danko123456you have been quite frequent here...04:34
Lafitte-Strife,  i woul dchoose not to load i during startup   and pump dhcp as needed04:34
StrifeLafitte-: so one of them holds it up there04:35
Jormundganddanko123456: Because I like fiddling about and trying different distros.04:35
Lafitte-Strife,  so do i04:35
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Strifemeh, I don't like that option04:35
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Strifeif I could just get it to search for the dhcp server in the background it would be great04:35
Lafitte-Strife,   oh well  good luck04:35
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icemanran the config file ... but kde only give me 640x480 ... but config had 1024 x768 in it04:35
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JormundgandI tried Gentoo to conclude that it was more trouble than it's worth.04:36
penguinpartyhow does ubuntu load the modules . . . no /etc/modules.conf04:36
Lafitte-im getting ready to try sarge rc3 here in a few04:36
Lafitte-ubuntu is great    but really has limited me to certain things04:36
glickhey, it seems that by default the ubuntu kernel does not support high memory systems or APM do i have to recompile or can i pass the kernel proper arguments to adjust this?04:37
danko123456dont you ppl have better things to do, than change distros?? Maybe you are looking w\for something, cause the what you have dont work for you? or what, I mean, I am happy to have it work, and do whatever I think of...04:37
tritiumLafitte-, like what?04:37
danko123456Why change a distro, I guess is the question if the one you have works.04:37
djgomez33I can't get my laptop connected to my router, i have the eth1 active04:37
penguinpartyubuntu doesnt work for me04:37
penguinpartymaybe I should switch :)04:37
=== Skif [~emschwar@c-67-176-11-90.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
penguinpartyno sound .. . alsa wont work . . no /dev/dsp04:38
danko123456only if there is another thing  that you know will work.04:38
danko123456penguinparty: stay around, crimsun will know how to fix that.04:38
carthikpenguinparty, ubuntu uses esd ?04:38
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tritiumpenguinparty, have you looked in /proc/asound?04:38
danko123456:-p crimsun...04:38
Lafitte-tritium, alot of things i need to setup have been blocked   for example  touchpad features   or some cdrecord options   some scriptsing things dont work04:38
dooglusdanko123456: in my case I got sick of the community around the one I was using, so I changed to ubuntu because I heard there was good community support for it.  And there is!04:38
crimsunpenguinparty: give me 5 minutes, and I'll resume troubleshooting with you.04:38
=== spinifex plays with xnest. so fun
penguinpartyI know debian does work ;)04:38
carthikdjgomez33, what was that again - ehternet, or wireless?04:38
penguinpartycrimsun is the master!04:38
glickpenguinparty, what doesnt work?04:39
djgomez33its wireless04:39
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tritiumLafitte-, scripting things don't work?  That doesn't sound correct.  And cdrecord can be configured in /etc/default/cdrecord04:39
Lafitte-tritium, dont get me worng     this Ubuntu has done a very awesome job setting up a user desktop for me04:39
danko123456crimsun, I have a school/teaching question, if I write it out in a pastebin, will you read it at some point, and answer?04:39
penguinpartyalsa . . . no /dev/dsp cant get it created drivers wont load properly04:39
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carthikdjgomez33, please use my name, so i know you are talking to me easier04:39
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penguinpartynow im running alsa 1.0.9rc4a on
penguinpartystill dosnt work04:40
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djgomez33carthik: my wireless connection under eth1 is active, and doing an iwconfig, it is recongizeing my  ESSID04:40
Lafitte-tritium, i didnt have the same issues with sarge   and my friends that can help me at times dont use Ubuntu   so they have got abit lost trying to help me with some things04:40
carthikdjgomez33, use System ->Administration ->Networking to check if the name of the network is fine04:40
danko123456penguinparty: wow.":)04:40
glickis there an ubuntu apt kernel available with high memory support?04:40
=== heavywolf [~schism@adsl-065-012-215-210.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
icemanwho can help me get video resolutions above 640x48004:40
Lafitte-tritium, i think im going to duel boot  though    i just rsynced this system to a USB hd      so i will have it04:40
carthikdjgomez33, maybe you need to restart eth1 once? try sudo ifdown eth1 and then sudo ifup eth104:41
slimbheavywolf: hello04:41
carthikdjgomez33, then you can see whats going on04:41
djgomez33carthik: k trying that now04:41
penguinpartyI think that it might be good to stop the modules from loading at boot and load them by hand . . . but I donno where to stop them there is no /etc/modules.conf and deleting the /etc/modutils/alsa-base didnt stop them from loading04:41
heavywolfslackd00d,  how is it going? im new in ubuntu, i was a debian user04:41
heavywolfi was trying out this one, and man, it looks so good04:41
carthikiceman, is that a laptop?04:41
heavywolfis even faster04:41
tritiumpenguinparty, if they're not listed in /etc/modules, they're being hotplugged, so you should blacklist them04:41
icemanno desktop04:41
=== Remor [~sjg@adsl-69-106-220-60.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
icemannvidia drivers installed ..04:42
icemanjust limited to 640x480 ...04:42
carthikiceman, find out what video card you have and search the forums?04:42
xyzxGuys can anyone walk me through install a program from a source file, I am getting errors!04:42
tritiumiceman, did you see that URL I sent you earlier?04:42
icemanwhat to fix04:42
penguinpartytritium: how do I do that? what hotplugs them?04:42
icemanno url .. sorry04:42
=== flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
RemorI just got uh...4 Boxes of ubuntu cd's lol, there must be 800 cd's here. And i only ordered 10 to take my Lug...04:42
tritiumiceman, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:42
danko123456hey, I cant get a program to use my audio device, even after I kill esd now...what else could be wrong?04:42
penguinpartycant unload my alsa once its booted04:42
tritiumpenguinparty, you can add them to /etc/hotplug/blacklist04:42
slimblol @ Remor04:43
Remori think someone made a mistake :P04:43
=== xb [~cirrus@adsl-68-252-22-68.dsl.dytnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
danko123456remor, serious, got more than ordered?04:43
=== xb bows
slimbi'd say so Remor :)04:43
djgomez33carthik: i think it could have something to do with my encryption, I am almost positive I entered everything correctly04:43
tritiummy CDs have not shipped yet04:43
IcemanV9Remor: have a party and pass it out!!04:43
=== slimb waves at xb
Remori ordered 10 ...04:43
penguinpartytritium: is that really necessary to get alsa to work?04:43
RemorYeah, im taking them to my lug04:43
Remorbut there is maybe only 50 people average there.04:44
danko123456did you pput in a reason why you want the 10?04:44
crimsunglick: any non-386 flavor is04:44
tritiumpenguinparty, no04:44
carthikdjgomez33, hmm!04:44
crimsunglick: (686*, k7, etc.)04:44
xbdid anyone else install ubuntu to see that gcc wasnt installed?04:44
tritiumpenguinparty, but you're using 2.6.11?  you must need newer alsa modules?04:44
crimsunpenguinparty: what hardware?04:44
RemorI wanted 8 x86, 1 64, 1 ppc04:44
Strifexb: it's not hard to get installed :P04:44
penguinpartytritium: so what would you suggest? Ive tried so many things04:44
tritiumxb, that's right.  sudo aptitude install build-essential04:44
djgomez33carthik: should i have eht1 active or wifo0 active?04:44
danko123456xyzx: I would make a more specific question, perhaps accompanied by a http://pastebin.com.04:44
penguinpartyoops au882004:44
crimsunpenguinparty: you didn't put anything in /etc/modprobe.conf, did you?04:45
tritiumpenguinparty, I'd defer to crimsun, if you don't mind04:45
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xbgreat.  jus making sure :)04:45
danko123456yo yo04:45
srbakeri have an mpg that i'd like to burn on to a video dvd.  what tools can i use?04:45
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glickcrimsun, thanks04:45
danko123456yeah, like make a dvd that can play in a dvd player, srbaker?04:45
penguinpartycrimsun: there is no modprobe.conf04:45
crimsunpenguinparty: good, there shouldn't be04:45
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crimsunpenguinparty: dpkg -l alsa-base libasound2 alsa-utils|grep ^ii04:46
penguinpartycrimsun: but it all loads at boot04:46
srbakerdanko123456, yes04:46
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xbtritium, thank you !04:46
danko123456srbaker: sweet, tell me once you find out. I need the same thing.04:46
tritiumxb, sure :)04:46
carthikdjgomez33, I hope you were editing /etc/network/interfaces ?04:46
RemorWelp, i guess ill have enough disks to pass out @ quakecon :P04:46
penguinpartycrimsun: ive installed 1.0.9rc4a from source like you said to yesterday04:46
tritiumRemor, send some my way ;)04:46
xbhow easily that was done.  now i need to install a proxy -- ill be back to pay my debt ;)04:46
poningruso why would one compile ubuntu?04:46
crimsundanko123456: sure, if I have a breather04:46
danko123456k, thanks.04:46
poningruinstead of just installing it?04:47
carthikdjgomez33, I am not too sure about how to get encryption working though - dont have encryption going here04:47
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crimsunpenguinparty: so /proc/asound/version contains 1.0.9rc4a?04:47
djgomez33carthik: yes, under wireless settings and connections settings04:47
penguinpartycrimsun: dpkg shows alsa-base      1.0.8-4ubuntu404:47
tritiumponingru, I don't think you'd see much return on your investment in effort and time04:47
crimsunpenguinparty: right04:47
poningrubut see I want to learn as well04:47
djgomez33carthik: I noticed there is an eth1 and wifo0 whats the difference, should i use one or the othe or both?04:47
penguinpartycrimsun: no your right /proc/asound/version shows older stuff04:47
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=== IIIEars_ [~bill@cpe-24-30-188-176.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
matt__djgomez33, do you have wifi working?04:48
penguinpartycrimsun: why would it be loading the old stuff still?04:48
crimsunpenguinparty: find /lib/modules/$(uname -r) -name 'snd.ko'04:48
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djgomez33carthik: I had eth1 active but it wouldn't find any website i visited04:49
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carthikdjgomez33, that is due to improper configuration.04:49
penguinpartyrats I gotta run04:49
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carthikdjgomez33, maybe you can did what my friend did - turn off encryption, try first, and later, try and work with encryption04:50
danko123456he waqsnt joking.04:50
=== thphox [~thphox@24-177-158-124.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
carthikdjgomez33, so you know something works04:50
danko123456I wanna know what is using my sound device.04:50
IIIEars_I am sorry, just crushed 2 ubuntu installs and a 10 disk (2hour) Windows install trying to get grub right. can anyone give me the suntax for linux on the second larger drive?04:50
crimsundanko123456: lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*04:50
poningruso anyone got a guide for compiling ubuntu04:50
Vinooi just did a smart upgrade with synaptic and gnome broke04:50
djgomez33carthik: I can get them both to say active, however i getting "website not found"04:50
danko123456nothuing means nothing, right?04:50
=== Unintentional [~Drasla@CPE-24-209-120-204.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
tritiumVinoo, are you using breezy?04:50
crimsundanko123456: right04:50
spinifexponingru: why do you want ubuntu?04:50
Vinoono hoary04:50
crimsun(presuming you're using ALSA)04:50
tritiumponingru, I doubt such a guide exists04:51
carthikdjgomez33, their saying "active" means nothing with regard to the connection.04:51
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krocand why would you want to compile ubunutu for anyway?04:51
icemanwell .. that still did not work ..04:51
Vinoothere's a guide on the ubuntu page about upgrading04:51
poningrusee want to learn compiling distro but dont want something hard as balls04:51
danko123456I am trying to get the same thing like last night, working, I rebooted, killed esd, and when I start the sdame program that woprked before the reboot(using the aforementioned steps) gives me the error that it can not open sound device.04:51
djgomez33carthik: I have a bad feeling it has something to do with my encryption, maybe I will turn it off and test it04:52
=== Shuddertrix [~andrew@user-0cdv20s.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
Vinooit says wait for the problem to come up on the mailing lists04:52
IIIEars_If Ubuntu is on drive two and XP is drive one wht is the syntax for gub-install and then grub menu.lst?04:52
tritiumponingru, perhaps compile a few packages instead of an entire install?04:52
UnintentionalQuestion: Whenever I attempt to play a DVD in Totem, it freezes up.  I've so far installed gstreamer 0.8,04:52
carthikdjgomez33, yes. that would be a good way to start - get something working and then go from there04:52
danko123456Unintentional: other files work?04:52
IIIEars_Google has conflicting examples04:52
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poningruI guess I should choose another distro like arch or something thanks anyway guys04:52
carthikponinguru, it is more or less the same, all the time. You should try gentoo, perhaps? It is not hard -- with all that documentation!04:52
Unintentionalhaven't tested.  give me a minute to find one.04:53
=== deuce868 [~Deuce868@pcp09781303pcs.flshng01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
icemanxorg.conf has the setting for higher resolution .. what next ?04:53
danko123456IIIEars_: weird question, go more... more info, I wanna know what is installed, whatever, whatever...04:53
danko123456what you are installing...04:53
UnintentionalI get the audio stream to any mpg file, but no video.04:54
crimsunUnintentional: are you using totem or totem-xine?04:54
xyzxdanko123456,  here is the actions that I've taken to install the source file http://pastebin.com/29050504:54
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danko123456IIIEars_: I know for a fact, that, I have never gotten grub to boot into my second hard drive which has windows.04:54
Unintentionaljust totom.04:54
hybrid_gothhello all04:54
djgomez33carthik: is there a way for ubunto to find the wireless connections available automatically?04:54
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IIIEars_windows xp is on drive one 80g and ubuntu is on drive two 120g  xp boots from the second partition of drive one ubutu from drive 2 first partition.04:54
crimsunUnintentional: does System>Preferences>Multimedia Systems Selector>Default Audio Sink>ESD>Test work correctly?04:55
icemanwell checked this link .. no help .. did not fix my resolution problem ...http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:55
=== r0d [~r0d@CPE-65-30-208-109.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
carthikdjgomez33, try sudo iwlist04:55
carthikdjgomez33, the graphical networking management tool should list them in the drop down list, too.04:55
icemanwhat else to get a higher resolution04:55
danko123456well, xyzx, first, I will tell you about tar xzvf filename, that is right away for what you did with the two steps there.04:55
krocdamn computers ruined my life.04:55
tritiumiceman, did you specify new HorizSync and VertRefresh?04:55
krocbut they also made it less painful.04:56
=== kroc shoots himself
icemanit detects my monitor ...04:56
Unintentionalcrimsun, yeah it works fine.04:56
icemanby name04:56
=== LincTeK [~brent@c-67-175-57-225.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
danko123456xyzx: do you mind removing everything up tp the point where you downloaded the file?04:56
amonkeyi have vlc set as the plugin of choice on firefox, how do i make it display controls?04:56
tritiumiceman, please paste your /var/log/Xorg.0.log on pastebin04:56
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IIIEars_creating a boot.lnx file and using the windows loader for linux would be just plain wrong. - lol04:56
icemanlink to pastbin plz04:56
xyzxdanko123456, I do not mind removing!04:57
tritiumiceman, http://pastebin.com/04:57
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tritiumiceman, please use my nick, so I see your messages  to me04:57
danko123456xyzx: then do so, and after that, tar xvzf filename.04:57
xyzxdanko123456, shall I just purge all exept downloaded file?04:57
crimsunUnintentional: see the sound preferences for totem. Perhaps it's attempting a parameter that fails with your hardware.04:57
danko123456right, that sounds right.04:57
hybrid_gothdoes mplayer play ogg theora?04:58
=== appleworkitbaby [~pi@adsl-158-46-138.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunhybrid_goth: yes04:58
Unintentionalcrimsun: no, that seems alright.  the only listed audio option is the output type, which is appropriately set at stereo.04:58
djgomez33carthik how do you get to graphical networking management tool?04:58
icemantritium k ... sec .. huge file04:59
appleworkitbabyRight...so I was just attempting to install Ubuntu on my external HD (on a Mac) and it wouldn't install Yaboot Bootloader...what should I do?04:59
tritiumiceman, okay, thanks04:59
crimsunUnintentional: do sound files play normally?04:59
IIIEars_grub-install root_device= hda some_command= one_more_command=   ?????04:59
Unintentionalcrimsun: yeah.  I'm not having any trouble with audio, really.  just video.04:59
carthikdjgomez33, System ->Administration ->Networking. I think it was the first thing I mentioned when we started :)04:59
hybrid_gothcrimsun: ok tyu04:59
=== inva|id [~invalid@adsl-18-27-190.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
danko123456xyzx: once you have only that file, then tar xzvf it.04:59
appleworkitbabyIIIEars_ on a mac?04:59
danko123456and change to its folder.04:59
inva|idhow would I kill esd (and restart it later)05:00
icemantritium wow ... http://pastebin.com/29050705:00
IIIEars_I wish. the G5 makes me drool.05:00
crimsunUnintentional: sorry, misread your question05:00
tritiumiceman, checking...05:00
danko123456appleworkitbaby: it is a complex process, did you google?05:00
crimsunUnintentional: what types of files are you trying to play?05:00
djgomez33carthik: yes it was, i have that windo up, i just wanted to make sure I was on the same page, thats how I knew they were active, under what tab will it sho the available networks05:00
glickabout how long does an ubuntu install take?05:00
glicki think ima go n do it right now05:00
danko123456glick, 30 minuts.05:00
appleworkitbabyI coudn't find anything..05:00
glickdanko123456, damn that long?05:00
Unintentionalcrimsun: I've tested an mpg.  the audio plays, the video doesn't.  on a DVD, it freezes up altogether.05:00
crimsunglick: there are a number of factors, namely Internet connection speed, computer speed, etc.05:00
IIIEars_glick - about 30 mins05:00
appleworkitbabyI don't mind manually booting...by going through OpenFirmware..05:00
glickdanko123456, what is the expert install method?05:01
appleworkitbabybut...I don't know exactly how to...05:01
appleworkitbabyso, if you could explain that..05:01
crimsunUnintentional: did you follow the directions on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats ?05:01
danko123456can you google again? it is supposed to have a small partition at the front of the hard drive to be able to install the yaboot, it is supposed to be new world fs.05:01
appleworkitbabyit would be fine...05:01
glickdoes that allow me to choose a different desktop?05:01
glickor minimal install or pick and choose what i want on there?05:01
VarangerI am using Ubuntu Hoary and I can't make my i915 card work05:01
Varangerdoes anyone have it ?05:01
danko123456appleworkitbaby: I havent done it in long, I dont know if I could tell you the proper procedure.05:01
IIIEars_2.8g 750mgs ram - watch out for the gub loader gotcha it doesn't work correctly for anything but a single linux OS install.05:01
appleworkitbabyI have a partition for Bootloader..05:02
xyzxdanko123456,  got this message gzip: stdin: not in gzip format,  tar: Child returned status 105:02
appleworkitbabythats why I couldn't figure out why it wasn't installing05:02
danko123456paste, please onto pastebin.05:02
djgomez33carthik: yes it was, i have that windo up, i just wanted to make sure I was on the same page, thats how I knew they were active, under what tab will it sho the available networks05:02
glickdoes the advanced setup give me more flexibility?05:02
icemantritium glad you understand that ...05:02
danko123456xyzx: you need the .tar.gz file in the folder, thats it.05:02
glickcause i dont want/need everything installed05:02
appleworkitbabyit simply won't install..05:02
tritiumiceman, it's failing to read your monitor's specs correctly (see lines 365-367).  You'll need to specify them explicitly.05:02
inva|idhow do i kill esd05:03
danko123456xyzx: there is a no-ip client in apt-get.05:03
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crimsuninva|id: pkill esd05:03
tritiumpkill esd, inva|id05:03
IIIEars_glick - "expert" - scarey you will need a lot of linux knowledge to describe the proper modules to load.05:03
xyzxdanko123456, can I apt-get it you mean?05:03
icemantritum line 366 thats my monitor ...05:03
usaf_spDoes anyone know why totem will not play a dvd under ubuntu?05:03
tritiumiceman, yep - see that the EDID read failed?05:04
danko123456xyzx: let me find it.05:04
icemanyea ... how to fix ?05:04
xyzxdanko123456, appreciate it05:04
icemantritium how to fix ?05:04
tritiumiceman, I sent you a URL...05:04
icemanbookmarked ...05:04
=== imaek [~imaek@adsl-69-235-167-5.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
djgomez33carthik: yes it was, i have that windo up, i just wanted to make sure I was on the same page, thats how I knew they were active, under what tab will it sho the available networks05:04
carthikdjgomez33, select the wireless interface, and then click on the "Properties" button05:04
danko123456xyzx: sudo apt-get install no-ip :)05:04
icemantritium i'll run the config again05:04
tritiumiceman, you'll need to explicitly list your HorizSync and VertRefresh05:04
carthikdjgomez33, then you should see the ESSID dropdown menu05:05
tritiumiceman, hold on05:05
MistaEDdoes anyone know of a good free virus scanner for linux? to detect windows viruses....05:05
VarangerMistaED: clamav05:05
IIIEars_MistaED, clam av or fprot.05:05
djgomez33carthik: I do, and apparently its no recognizing my router then05:05
terjeanyone have any experience watching video in ascii mode with VideoLan?05:05
danko123456xyzx: here is a intro to compiling from source: http://pastebin.com/290509 .05:06
=== bpuccio [~brian@ool-18b91a74.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
i3dmaste1anyone using 2.6.12 kernel image? any suggestion on that? Im wondering if I need to upgrade05:06
crimsunthe 2.6.12 in breezy/universe works fine05:06
i3dmaste1crimsun: ok great! Thanks05:07
crimsun(do not upgrade if you aren't ready for headaches!)05:07
IIIEars_underlined - lol05:07
i3dmaste1crimsun: I've had so much on 2.6.10-505:07
Unintentionalcrimsun: thanks a bunch.05:07
i3dmaste1crimsun: I cannot even bootup05:07
xyzxdanko123456, Got this message now http://pastebin.com/29051205:07
crimsunUnintentional: got it going?05:07
=== iratsu [~iratsu@modemcable157.255-37-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Unintentionala lot closer too, certainly.  I need to configure some stuff, but I think I know what to do from here.05:08
djgomez33carthik: think i am getting somewhere, tried powering off my router, now i see options05:08
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appleworkitbabyit's probably best to install Ubuntu on the Main HD, and Mac OS X on the external..05:08
danko123456xyzx, paste your sources.list.05:08
r0dis their a "windows washer" type program for linux? something that deletes files in DoD standard?05:08
tritiumr0d, perhaps wipe05:09
iratsuhow do different filesystems compare nowadays?05:09
xyzxdanko123456, in which dir was source list?05:09
danko123456xyzx: /etc/apt05:09
r0dtritium,  that just wipes slack space right?05:09
appleworkitbabywhy, when attempting to install Kubuntu, or Ubuntu 5.04, do I get a mutliseat error?05:10
tritiumr0d, I don't think so.  see apt-cache show wipe05:10
djgomez33carthik: how can i get it to find the IP automatically?05:10
danko123456why is my music still not playing:-p05:10
xyzxdanko123456, http://pastebin.com/29051305:10
=== ChinaCatJones [~Chris@pool-71-111-176-217.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
danko123456xyzx: did you get the pastebin for compiling from source?05:10
IIIEars_If i don't get some help with grub i am going to use NTLOADER (Microsoft - ew) to boot Ubuntu. - Please keep good hardware from going bad.05:10
thechitowncubsWhat can I use to create a .html of my Music Library so people can view my collection?05:10
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icemanwell that sucks05:11
tritiumthechitowncubs, have you tried gnump3d?05:11
danko123456xyzx: comment out the debian, uncomment universe.05:11
xyzxdanko123456, OK05:11
thechitowncubsNever heard of it05:11
icemantritium well that did not seem to work05:11
danko123456and, stop using php highlighting:-p05:11
thechitowncubsill give it a search05:11
tritiumiceman, you specified HorizSync and VertRefresh?05:11
danko123456I want music...:)05:11
danko123456not that anything can be done...05:12
icemansec ..05:12
IIIEars_I'll do it i swear i will.. - Don't make me. - grin05:12
djgomez33carthik: how can i get it to find the IP automatically?05:12
dcravenIIIEars_: You wouldn't.05:12
icemantritium where that config file located ...05:12
Amaranthsmeg is really quick now :)05:12
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IIIEars_I am a desperate man. no telling how far i will go to get my Ubuntu fix.05:12
carthikdjgomez33, IP?05:12
carthikdjgomez33, use dhcp05:13
Amaranthjust have to wait for the pyxdg dev to wake up, accept my patch, and release the new version before i can release it :)05:13
tritiumiceman, /etc/X11/xorg.conf (it's listed i the URL I sent you)05:13
carthikdjgomez33, from among the options, that is05:13
danko123456IIIEars_: :) hey, um...what are you doing, tho, I still dont nknow.05:13
danko123456is ubuntu installed?05:13
thechitowncubstritium: that looks neat, I was looking of more of a .html playlist or something where people could just scroll through05:13
icemantritium one i loaded and pasted05:13
tritiumiceman, no, that was /var/log/Xorg.0.log05:13
icemani ran the config file in the url05:13
tritiumthechitowncubs, oh, okay05:13
IIIEars_I would like to use my larger 120g drive 2 hdb for Ubuntu (entire) and drive one hda for windows.05:14
thechitowncubsAny ideas?05:14
danko123456Crimsun, last night you told me to kill esd, will sudo killall esd do the trick, I cant remember if I killed it in another way, my OSS application cant open sound device.05:14
crimsundanko123456: no need for sudo05:14
djgomez33carthik: what is the differenc between eth1 and wif005:14
danko123456crimsun: ok, great, but still, it is killed, and yet, the OSS app cant open s. device, and I did check if anything was using it, and nothing is.05:15
ChinaCatJonesunder multimedia systems selector what setting should I be using?  OSS. ALSA, Artsd ESD?05:15
tritiumiceman, look up your monitor specs, edit the config file accordingly, and restart kdm05:15
IIIEars_grub-install root_device=hda another_command=? some_other_stuff=?05:15
tritiumChinaCatJones, esd05:15
crimsundanko123456: lsmod|grep ^snd_pcm_oss05:15
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icemantritium whats the pastbin link .. i need to bookmark it ...05:16
naliothlater, y'all05:16
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danko123456ah] 05:16
xyzxdanko123456, does my sources.list look ok now before I install anything? http://pastebin.com/29051705:16
IIIEars_Take care nalioth :)05:16
tritiumiceman, pastebin.com05:16
ellstritium: Mike, what is up05:16
tritiumells, hi Steve.  what's new?05:16
ChinaCatJonescool, my sound got all funkied up by the microphone in a webcam05:16
danko123456snd_pcm_oss            47652  0 is what I get:)05:16
ellsnot alot, just doing job searching05:16
danko123456yeah, looks ok for now...05:17
danko123456xyzx: ^05:17
icemanfile looks ok ... i believe the problem is with kde ...05:17
ellstritium: I got an offer to teach at the school hourse05:17
tritiumells, I wish the best for you.  I take it you did not hear good news from T?05:17
icemantritium ... http://pastebin.com/29051805:17
tritiumells, congratulations05:17
tritiumiceman, is there something new there?05:18
danko123456crimsun: snd_pcm_oss            47652  0 is what I get :)05:18
geneo93Iceman in kde control center you can change res05:18
crimsundanko123456: what app are you attempting to use?05:18
MistaEDoh, captive-ntfs is incompatible with amd64 even with chroot? :(05:18
icemantritium yea ... new one05:18
icemangene093 only lets me chose 320 or 640 ... nothing higher05:19
tritiumiceman, what did you change?  It's still not detecting your monitor's rates.  Did you specify them?05:19
danko123456something that worked fine last night, after you told me to kill esd. It is a dj mixing tool, something for playing music...05:19
danko123456I liek a song, that is too fast, so I have to slow it down.05:19
xyzxdanko123456, I changed the sources.list I wonder if it is ok? what do you think? http://pastebin.com/29051705:19
_kevini need ices2 2.0.1 but when i do apt-get install ices2 it installs 2.0.005:19
danko123456yup, it is fine, I told you.05:19
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crimsun_kevin: why do you need 2.0.1?05:19
icemantritium shoot ... what lines you see it not detecting them in05:19
tritiumiceman, 372-37405:20
danko123456crimsun: something that worked fine last night, after you told me to kill esd. It is a dj mixing tool, something for playing music... I liek a song, that is too fast, so I have to slow it down.:)05:20
djgomez33carthik: ok now this is starting to frustrate the heck out of me, i disabled my encryption, broadcasted my ssid, and it still won't find a website, could there be another problem05:20
tritiumiceman, please paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:20
danko123456sorry about the repeats, just not sure if you saw it, cause I forgot the nick.05:20
crimsundanko123456: does it work with the alsa wrapper?05:20
icemantritium humm ill try to run the config again .. i specified everything ..05:20
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_kevini need it casue the guy who made it told me i need it05:20
crimsun(aoss nameofapp&)05:20
_kevinhe's helping me set up05:21
danko123456I dont know:) It worked last night, for some reason, maybe I did something...Ill try that right now.05:21
tritiumiceman, no, you have to edit the file and specify specific HorizSync and VertRefresh05:21
crimsun_kevin: "made it"?05:21
carthikdjgomez33, nothing I can think of really05:21
crimsun_kevin: both of those packages are in universe05:21
carthikdjgomez33, have you selected the right essid?05:21
crimsun_kevin: use the universe versions05:21
_kevinhow do i do that in the termial?05:21
danko123456dbernar1@veliki:~ $ (aoss mixxx&)    \n   bash: aoss: command not found05:21
darGorwhat's aptitude?05:21
crimsun_kevin: aptitude install icecast2 ices205:21
crimsundanko123456: aptitude install alsa-oss05:22
danko123456xyzx: hope you got the message that it looks ok:)05:22
djgomez33carthik: yeah its even automatically doing it for me when I plug my card in, i set all the fields empty and unchecked device configured, it automatically finds my router but still won't let me view a web page05:22
crimsundarGor: apt-cache show aptitude (don't flood)05:22
xyzxdanko123456, :) thanks05:22
_kevinE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)05:22
_kevinE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?05:22
crimsun_kevin: use sudo05:23
danko123456welcome. let me know once it is installed, and that.05:23
_kevini did and it's still 2.0.005:23
=== benplaut 's stomach rumbles
danko123456:) I got same error, but it is descriptive ienough.05:23
darGorcrimsun: thanks. so, aptitude is a graphically apt. right?05:23
tritiumiceman, ?05:23
icemantritium yea05:24
tritiumiceman, did you do as I suggested?05:24
danko123456crimsun: ok, aoss that, gave me same error when I opened program...what could I have messed up in the meantime that it worked before, and now does not?05:24
_kevini need to add that05:24
icemantritium which suggestion ?05:24
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tritiumiceman, you're kidding, right?05:25
crimsundanko123456: paste all the output onto pastebin05:25
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icemantritium running the config file again .. cant read both screens .. sorrt05:25
crimsundarGor: it's just another frontend05:25
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danko123456well, there is not much, but Ill get all there is.05:25
rg58smaI need help05:26
tritiumiceman, no, that's not what I suggested.  Please read the scrollback05:26
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=== benplaut 's stomach causes earthquake
icemantritium what to add to the line to set it correctly ..05:26
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rg58smaplz someone help mne05:26
tritiumiceman, do you know your monitor's specs?05:27
icemannot right off ... but 85 mhz should run fine05:27
tritiumrg58sma, does amule have a channel?05:28
danko123456crimsun: http://pastebin.com/29052005:28
icemantritium what file do i edit ?05:28
tritiumiceman, yikes!  /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:28
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icemantritium xorg.conf ... ok05:29
_kevinso any one can help me05:29
rg58smano isnt amule problem05:29
danko123456benplaut: haha...05:29
rg58smathe problem05:29
runelindwhen I put in my dvd-rom into my laptop while the OS is running, it doesn't pick up the device, is there a way to rescan the removable devices?05:29
_kevin http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/i/ices2/ices2_2.0.1-1_i386.deb05:29
_kevini need ices2 2.0.105:29
djgomez33carthik: ok i reset my laptop, now when it comes up it shows the connection at the top right of the desktop05:29
runelindthis is in kubuntu05:29
tritium_kevin, rather than download the file manually, make sure you have universe in your /etc/apt/sources.list05:29
=== nickrud faints
djgomez33carthik: however it is not letting me view webpages and it isn't showing any packets sent or recieved?05:30
carthikdjgomez33, so is it working now?05:30
=== danko123456 feigns he is fainting
_kevini do gedit /etc/apt/sources.list ?05:30
carthikdjgomez33, that is bad configuration! does sudo iwconfig say anything silly?05:30
icemantritium i'll past the xorg.conf in pastbin .. im lost05:30
tritiumiceman, ok05:30
nickrudluckily, i have a cat05:30
=== danko123456 feigns he has a cat...
danko123456jj, I wish I had a cat.05:31
djgomez33carthik: not that i can see05:31
_kevinit's read only05:31
=== benplaut wakes up danko
runelindso is there a way to rescan the removable devices?05:31
=== danko123456 feeds poor benplaut(I am as hungry):(
rg58smahelpme pleaze05:32
geneo93Section "Monitor" Iceman05:32
danko123456runelind: you can also try #kubuntu if noone here knows.05:32
runelinddanko123456: I'll try that, thanks05:32
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geneo93HorizSync 30-72  VertRefresh 50-16005:32
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danko123456state your iussue, rg58sma otherwise noone will help you.05:32
=== benplaut burps
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danko123456benplaut: abstard, you ate?05:33
icemantritium http://pastebin.com/290521 dont see much ..05:33
tritiumiceman, you didn't specify HorizSync and VertRefresh05:33
icemantritium does not give me a choice to specify anything ...05:34
xyzxdanko123456, I can not find the conf file of no-ip05:34
xyzxdanko123456, Starting dynamic address update: Can't locate configuration file /etc/no-ip.conf. (Try -c). Ending!05:34
danko123456is that after you install it?05:34
icemantritium can it be installed in a text editor ?05:34
xyzxdanko123456, yeap05:34
danko123456:) youre on your own, I dont know what to do, read the docs on no-ip.05:34
tritiumiceman, you edit the file (see the URL I gave you)05:34
xyzxdanko123456, :) ok, you.ve great help thanks05:35
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icemantritium http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto that link05:35
danko123456:) ypuire welcome, did you get the source compilation thing on pastebin?05:35
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danko123456he didnt get my post I think05:36
carthikdjgomez33, I'm sorry, but there isn't much I can do to help you from afar!05:36
danko123456become root on his comp and set it up...05:36
danko123456I had a guy allow me root access just to install java:-/05:37
geneo93thats relly stupid05:37
danko123456he got a rpm, then aliened it...05:37
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danko123456and all ebcause of pool on yahoo games:)05:37
danko123456thats what he wanted java for05:37
danko123456make your mind up...05:38
djgomez33anyone have any idea why my browser won't find any pages even though I am connected and packets are being sent and recieved?05:38
danko123456I am a internet trioubleshooting expert:)05:38
danko123456jj, I work for Comcast tech support.05:38
danko123456so, it comes out to the same thing;) (the ;) is for all the COmcast users here...)05:39
icemantritium think i got it05:39
djgomez33i have been trying to configure my wireless for the last hour, and i have resorted to trying to just get my ethernet working05:39
tritiumiceman, ok05:39
danko123456k, that is a good idea05:39
icemanthere a fast way to load that besides reboot05:39
danko123456djgomez33: was it the i915?05:39
psychonateAnyone familiar with the CTRL+SHIFT+3NUM characters?05:39
psychonateIs there like a chart for those?05:39
danko123456iceman, restart x?05:39
djgomez33danko: not sure of what your refering to?05:39
danko123456ok, thats not yuor wireless then./05:40
tritiumdanko123456, I hope you used make-jpkg to build a .deb for him :)05:40
psychonateI need to use some spanish accents for a paper, and I don't want to have to use the insert symbol everytime in my word processor05:40
danko123456pm for a sec, dj...05:40
geneo93Iceman ctrl alt backspace05:40
danko123456tritium: :) i didnt, I didnt even use java-package:(05:40
danko123456I just did a normal isntall05:40
djgomez33danko: the connection i have is called lo and it is sending and receiving05:40
danko123456like a totally standard, install of java onto unix.05:40
tritiumdanko123456, :(  (btw, make-jpkg is provided in java-package)05:41
danko123456*nix, to be PC05:41
Rob2687lo is the local connection05:41
danko123456tritium, I should learn the java-package way:)05:41
tritiumdanko123456, at least you helped him out :)05:41
djgomez33danko: yes, i am connected through a local connection to my router, however i can not view any web pages05:41
danko123456well, at least I didnt erase his hard dtrive,...:))05:42
danko123456that was the start case, I geuss,.05:42
danko123456Then other follow...05:42
nickruddanko123456, I'm interested, jpkg is pretty useful05:42
danko123456nickrud: what:)05:42
danko123456in waht, i gues..05:42
danko123456sorry for tyos, I cant type.05:43
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nickrudjava, I guess05:43
djgomez33danko123456: so if I am connected to the local connection, what is mozilla not finding any web pages05:43
danko123456so...I dont get your message from this:  I'm interested, jpkg is pretty useful"05:43
nickruddanko123456, nm, I scrolled bery baddly05:43
danko123456pm, dj05:43
danko123456for a sec05:43
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danko123456so I can stop flooding ehre:)05:44
xbah ha.  i am proxy enabled.05:44
crimsundanko123456: lsmod|grep ^snd_seq05:44
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icemantritium awsom .. manualy changed the file ... upped the range it offered from 75 to 85 and it worked ... thanks .. millions05:45
danko123456crimsun: :) I did:) showed you:)05:45
tritiumiceman, you're welcome :)05:45
icemanis superkaramba avaible from aptitude ?05:45
psychonateCan anyone tell me how to easily insert accents when typing?05:45
dub2Hi - I installed privoxy; where do I put the sudo /etc/init.d/privoxy start... ie, what's the equivalent of autoexec.bat?05:45
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danko123456Iceman: excellent, as they say...05:46
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crimsundanko123456: hmm, where?05:46
danko123456k, sorry05:46
tritiumdub2, that will be run on every boot.  You don't need to add it to another init script05:46
danko123456now nothing05:46
danko123456there was something05:46
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crimsunok, I may need more info if this doesn't work: sudo modprobe snd-seq && sudo modprobe snd-seq-oss05:47
dub2ok I'll reboot to verify05:47
icemanlooks like superkaramba is not available ..05:47
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icemannot with apitute05:47
IcemanV9iceman: write it down for next time (if ever to rebuild the box :)05:48
danko123456crimsun: if you really want to fix it, thanks a lot, if not, I could try something simpler if it is complicated to figure out...05:48
icemantrue ..05:48
nickrudiceman, in synaptic, press control f, you can search there05:48
tritiumiceman, it's in universe05:48
IcemanV9iceman: believe me .. i took a lot of notes when i first started learning about unix .. it helped me a lot when i rebuild the box05:49
danko123456crimsun: I wanted to play music, thats all, Ill play it at the speed the guy sings for now, I guess:)05:49
IcemanV9iceman: anyway, enjoy your new resolution!05:49
crimsundanko123456: did you try what I suggested?05:49
icemanlooking for synaptic ... ?05:49
icemanpackage manager ?05:50
tritiumiceman, do you have universe repositories enabled?05:50
danko123456interestingly enough, it did not work:)05:50
IcemanV9iceman: are u using kde? then look for kynaptic05:50
danko123456I figured out after I read it to the end that it would work..and nothing:)05:50
tritiumapt-cache policy superkaramba should indicate that it's in universe, iceman.  If not, you need to enabled universe in /etc/apt/sources.list05:50
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icemanfound synaptic ... lol ..05:52
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benplaut^^  :rollesayes:05:53
crimsundanko123456: did you install the binary via the perl script?05:53
crimsundanko123456: or did you compile it?05:53
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icemanrunning updates now to start ...05:54
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danko123456crimsun: it was working 3 hours ago.05:54
rg58smagtk is Gimp  Tool Kit??05:54
crimsundanko123456: did you compile it?05:54
danko123456rebooted,...I always dfo a million things between treboots, and could not tell you what could have broken it...too many things.05:54
tritiumrg58sma, yes05:55
rg58smaok thanks05:55
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danko123456crimsun: which, sorry, I missed it.05:55
phoenixp3kHi, got a question about "sessions"05:55
crimsundanko123456: mixxx05:55
danko123456I prolly recompiled my kernel and never noticed...prolly a installer file.05:55
danko123456is there a apt-get one?05:55
crimsunnot afaik05:55
crimsunby default only oss is enabled for Linux05:56
danko123456is there any other like that eat one?05:56
PepsWhen I installed kubuntu, not too long ago - when I inserted a cd-rom an icon would popup on the desktop. After a kde update this nice functionality is gone. Anyone knows why?05:56
rg58smachecking for GTK+ - version >= 2.0.0... no05:56
phoenixp3kIs there a way to maintain a user logged in while an other uses his account "Windows XP" style05:56
crimsunyou have to compile in alsa and/or jack support05:56
rg58smahow to solution this problem??05:56
danko123456I guess.05:56
danko123456but it worked 3 hours ago.05:56
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danko123456damn thing.05:56
danko123456Ill se.05:56
crimsundanko123456: try nuking ~/.mixxx ( or whatever its config dir is )05:56
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eonia_kevin, still here?05:57
tritiumphoenixp3k, yes, Applications->System Tools->New Login, and then you can fast-switch with Ctrl-Alt-F7 and F805:57
danko123456crimsun: Ill nuke it:)05:57
phoenixp3ktritium, thanks I'll look at it05:57
tritiumphoenixp3k, cool, and there should be a fast-user-switch applet in breezy to make it even easier05:57
rg58smachecking for GTK+ - version >= 2.0.0... no05:58
rg58sma*** Could not run GTK+ test program, checking why...05:58
dicrapionew to ubuntu, well kubuntu, but wanted to know, all was well for a few days but now i dont have admin privileges with normal user. any thoughts?05:58
rg58sma*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log for the05:58
rg58sma*** exact error that occured. This usually means GTK+ is incorrectly installed.05:58
rg58smaconfigure: error:05:58
rg58smaThe development files for GTK+ were not found. For GTK+ 2, please05:58
phoenixp3ktritium, breezy?05:58
rg58smaensure that pkg-config is in the path and that gtk+-2.0.pc is05:58
rg58smainstalled. For GTK+ 1.2 please check that gtk-config is in the path,05:58
rg58smaand that the version is 1.2.3 or above. Also check that the05:58
rg58smalibraries returned by 'pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --libs' or 'gtk-config05:58
rg58sma--libs' are in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH or equivalent.05:58
danko123456man, you rule:)05:58
tritiumrg58sma, sounds like you didn't install libgtk2.0-dev05:58
rg58smahow to install this??05:58
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tritiumrg58sma, with synaptic, aptitude, or apt-get05:59
phoenixp3kAn other question05:59
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danko123456rg58sma: try putting it onto http://pastebin.com too, its easier to read..05:59
phoenixp3kis there a way to set a user without a password05:59
rg58smaapt-get install libgtk2.0-dev05:59
rg58smaok I'm sorry05:59
eonia_kevin, hopefully you're still alive and will get this later. In regards to your earlier questions about NTFS, you need to use the wrapper over ntfs.sys (windows file) for full support. It's called Captive; check out this URL http://www.jankratochvil.net/project/captive/06:00
danko123456Im sorry too:)06:00
tritiumgood night, crimsun06:00
danko123456mixxx works....:)06:00
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crimsunnight tritium06:00
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icemanwell how to turm on additional respositories  ..06:00
danko123456phoenix_atlantis: come on...06:01
icemandang ...06:01
danko123456good luck with that phoenix...06:01
danko123456set a user without a password...06:01
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IcemanV9iceman: settings > respositories06:01
PepsANyone has an idea?06:02
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jevidlhas anyone gotten RealPlayer 10 working?06:02
danko123456peps, still using kde?06:03
danko123456jevidl: yeah, I did on windows.06:03
icemanwhats the current version of kde on ubuntu ?06:03
jevidldanko123456: on ubuntu perhaps?06:03
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danko123456peps, you can also try #kubuntu...but, in gnome, there is a configuration for the nautilus, teh desktop program...06:03
danko123456jevidl: serious?06:04
jevidldanko123456: yeah.06:04
PepsI just wonder why an upfate would kill it. Also my trash Icon is gone. Maybe other stuff as well06:04
jevidldanko123456: I got it installed with the binary, but for some reason when I try to launch it's not quite getting to a GUI06:04
danko123456jevidl: why this again?06:05
danko123456like, why are you installing that?06:05
jevidldanko123456: there's a better solution for playing realmedia content?06:05
danko123456well, his desktop was not displaying icons./06:05
psychonateDoes anyone know how to use dead keys?06:05
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danko123456jevidl: yeah... http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats06:06
rg58smahow to use Evolution with Hotmail06:06
danko123456jevidl: I use xine-ui06:06
Pepsgot disconnected. might have missed some replies06:06
jevidldanko123456: ok06:06
icemanhow to install rpms in ubuntu ?06:06
jevidldanko123456: I will go check it out06:06
danko123456Iceman, why?06:07
danko123456ok, you do that":)06:07
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danko123456realplayer in ubuntu, that has to go into my distro list...06:08
Burgundaviadanko123456, with w32codecs, totem-xine can play realplayer stuff06:08
danko123456I play it:)06:08
danko123456along with adobe acrobat, internet explorer through wine, um...vlc,06:08
concept10ie through wine?06:09
danko123456what else did I have in my distro?06:09
danko123456or something, nman06:09
danko123456totally like that...06:09
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danko123456I am making a distro.06:09
concept10contribute to another distro instead of making one06:09
xbhm whats this kubuntu i see?06:10
concept10rg58sma: does hotmail support POP3 or IMAP?06:10
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rg58smai dont no06:10
danko123456nah, I am making one with realplayer, vlc, adobe acrobat, open office:-p...06:10
danko123456rg58sma: which file, what are yo installing?06:11
danko123456you can make debs out of rpms, with alien06:11
IcemanV9xb: ubuntu with kde (instead of gnome)06:11
xblol.  how creative ;)06:11
danko123456rg58sma: htere is nothing really to use...06:11
concept10rg58sma: look it up..setting evolution up is similar to setting up outlook...look it up in hotmail help06:11
IIIEars_danko -YE-ES! ain't it cool06:11
danko123456I would like to say it is, but my life sucks:)06:12
dicrapionew to ubuntu, well kubuntu, but wanted to know, all was well for a few days but now i dont have admin privileges with normal user. any thoughts?06:12
IIIEars_danko - just think how awful it might be... - you could be a windows user. - grin06:12
NicPthats a good thing dicrapio06:13
xbdicrapio thats pretty wierd.  almost as weird as not being able to login as root on my box06:14
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NicPwas that a joke xb?06:14
dicrapiothe only thing different i did i can think of was deleting those links in media for floppy and cdrom06:14
xbnic, about not being able to login as root?  no06:15
NicPwhy did u do that06:15
NicPxb: yes06:15
xbit was more a misconception tho06:15
NicPohh ok06:15
NicPso you understand now then?06:15
dicrapiowhat was the point, theres the folder for floppy and cdrom right there06:15
dicrapiono need for links to them :)06:16
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danko123456IIIEars_: :)06:16
xbwell, i dont know if i understand the concept behind it.  but i can operate with su privs if that's what you mean06:16
dicrapioi did, but not anymore for some reason06:16
NicPdicrapio,  right where?06:16
dicrapioin media06:17
xbnicp, is it a problem that i can type "su" then a password on this linux distro?06:17
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eoniacan someone tell me how to make allow a user to change permissions of the mounted drive (it's currently read only, so chmod 555 as root does *not* work). I edited /etc/fstab and added the following line: /dev/hda1 /localdrive ntfs user 0 006:17
eonia    any ideas?06:17
xbcan't i mean06:17
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eoniathe ultimate goal is for the user to view the hda1, right now only root can06:17
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eoniamake == allow06:18
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eoniaand I might add, the addition to fstab didn't help06:18
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bystandereonia:  add for example  uid=1000 gid=100006:19
bystanderand maybe change user to users06:19
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eoniaadd uid=1000 to the end?06:19
bystanderin the part where you have "user'06:20
NicPxb: thats normal, you are supposed to use sudo06:20
MegaManXHi there all! I've a question :) Is anybody good with Samba? (not the Brazilian dance, the server and the client)06:20
xbok.  momment of doubt :D06:20
NicPxb: its because root isnt enabled by default, which i'm sure you have learnt already06:20
bystandereonia: comma separated of course06:20
eoniabystander: ok, will give it a shot. thanks06:21
xbive seen as much :)  i kind of like it.  but i dont know if i see the purpose.  especially typing sudo for some applications require a password, as others do it without.06:21
rg58smahave a linux distro no free??06:21
xbim sure this will lead to a security flaw somewhere.. whenever i check into it06:21
NicPive never seen an application not want a password for sudo06:22
IIIEars_Wow! what is Sun port:32773 doing open on my machine?06:22
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NicPunless you have put it in already of course06:22
xbnot even aptitude?06:22
bystandereonia:  or try for instance /dev/hda1       /windows        ntfs    noauto,ro,users,umask=022 0 006:22
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bystanderassuming you don't want it to mount on boot06:22
NicPive never used aptitude06:23
xbbecause after closing aptitude, it shouldnt remember my password (unless my logic is off)06:23
eoniabystander: forgive my ignorance, but ro / umask=022 refers to...?06:23
xbi need to find where it storing this password.  take care of this lil issue06:23
bystanderread only06:23
NicPif you close the terminal window it should forget06:23
bystanderbystander: umask 022 translates to read only for group and others06:23
goldfishit does?06:24
NicPi believe you only have to put it in once per terminal window06:24
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xbi kinda would like it to forget before then.  because if it remembers, that means it stored somewhere06:24
goldfishyou put it in once, you dont have to put it in for 5 minutes06:24
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goldfishin THAT terminal06:24
NicPin ram?06:24
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glickhi all i just installed  ubuntu06:24
bystanderIIIEars_: probably something to do with rpc (portmapper)06:24
goldfishhu glick06:24
glickand i have a couple of Q's06:24
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NicPgoldfish, thanks, that sounds right06:25
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IIIEars_bystander - i gotta stop reading those eeye security links - ;)06:25
glickhow do i make it so that sudo doesnt last for 15 minutes without needing a password06:25
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xbgoldfish, do you know where it stores the password?  im going to make sure i cant access it from another added account06:25
danko123456hey I fixed a guys internet connection:)06:25
Burgundaviaglick, set the timeout to 006:25
xbgood for you danko :)06:26
IIIEars_bystander, should'a used a bootable CD for 'em.06:26
glickBurgundavia, where do i set that?06:26
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goldfishxb: the sudo password?06:26
goldfishno idea06:26
danko123456xb, hey thanks.06:26
Burgundaviaglick, google how to do it, in /etc/sudoers06:26
NicPwhy does it have to store the password anyway06:26
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goldfishis it on ubuntuguide.org?06:26
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NicPit could just remember that you have entered the password, not the actual password06:27
MegaManXok. Here is the situation. I have two Ubuntu boxes, one WinXP and one Xbox on the same network. Ubuntu1 works as ftp server, file server(Samba) and webserver. Ubuntu2 is the computer I use as desktop, WinXP as a gaming crappy machine and Xbox as my media box. I can access all files from my Xbox located on Ubuntu1 and play videos, music, etc. I can also access all files from my Ubuntu1(server) with my Ubuntu2 (desktop), but unlike my Xbo06:27
MegaManXx, I'm not able to execute them localy. I can't, for example, play an mp3 file from the server with my desktop. Accessing the Windows shares (WinXP) gives the same problem: I can modify any file, copy anything but not play media localy. I can, without a problem, from my Xbox. What should I do?06:27
goldfishglick: www.ubuntuguide.org , think its on that06:27
xbnicp, either way it doesnt seem to add up.  im goin to see if i can find a hole.06:27
NicPlol good luck06:27
goldfishi dont think u will06:27
danko123456MegaManX: you are joking?06:27
PepsThere is a new kernel 2.6.10-34.1. ANyone can tell me what it fixes and is it important to upgrade?06:28
MegaManXtoo long huh?, sorry :D06:28
danko123456MegaManX: nice setup, man!06:28
NicPi doubt it would have been included if it contains a hole, we would still be using su then06:28
danko123456not long, just sweet setup.06:28
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MegaManXdanko123456, thanks mate!. I wish I could get it to work though :)06:28
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xbheh.  go look at any exploit archive.  software released with holes definately isnt intentional.  and not always avoidable.06:28
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NicPdw i know that06:29
NicPbut this definatly dosent scream security flaw to me06:29
MegaManXI know it should be better to use NFS to share files between Linux boxes, but since Samba works fine from my Xbox, I though it should work fine with Linux. It almost does, I can copy and move files from Ubuntu 1 and Ubuntu 2 through samba, just can't play/execute files from Ubuntu1 (server).06:29
goldfishgo read the sudo threads on ubuntuforums06:29
xbhm.. it could be because after typing sudo, the program stays running for that long after words?06:30
danko123456MegaManX: good luck: http://pastebin.com/290540 :)06:30
xberk.  nm i need to jus find out instead of guessing randomly :D06:31
bystanderPeps: security fix AFAIK06:31
NicPi dont understand what you find "not right" about it06:31
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Pepswill the update come as another boot option or replace the existing one?06:31
MegaManXdanko123456, Thanks a lot mate for the help mate!. Bookmarked ;)06:32
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bystanderPeps: I think replace ( it seems to replace it here)06:32
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rg58smawhere found amule06:32
rg58smaafter make install06:33
glickwhere is xfce4? apt-cache search xfce4 doesnt yeild anything :(06:33
bystanderPeps: if you have more than one kernel in grub there will be a security update for the oldones as well06:33
goldfishglick: you need to add the extra repositories06:33
danko123456MegaManX: is it like, that you just cant play media at all on a computer?06:33
dr_willisrg58sma,  watch the make install messages   :) provberly /usr/local/bin06:33
goldfishglick: have a look at the repos section on www.ubuntuguide.org06:33
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bystanderglick: universe repo I think06:33
Pepsnot too good. I would like to have a fallback option. Is that the default for kernel updates?06:33
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PepsI mean can I specify somewhere to keep the 2.6.10-34 until I know the 34-1 works OK?06:35
dr_willisglick,  apt-cache search xfce fines a lot of things for me.06:35
dr_willisI have all the repro's set up :P06:35
bystanderPeps: no, not if it's a major change - normally you would get a new entry06:35
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eob84anyone in here use XFCE06:35
goldfishi do06:35
bystandereob84: sometimes06:35
rg58smawhat is the extension of amule executable06:35
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eoniabystander: having issues... going to try resetting. Brb :-)06:35
dr_willisexeutables in linux dont have extensions.06:35
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eob84bystander, I can't get menuconfig to work06:35
rg58smasomeone have a correct sources.list???? my file is fake???06:35
beginnerdo i need antivirus for ubuntu?06:36
MegaManXdanko123456, yes, I can, but I have to copy a file from Ubuntu1(server) to my Desktop (Ubuntu2) and run locally with mplayer or xmms.06:36
bystanderbeginner: no06:36
goldfishbeginner: not really06:36
beginnernot really?06:36
NicPbeginner: no06:36
bystanderbeginner: viruses for linux are practically non-existent06:36
beginnerand why some times is moving very very slow?06:37
eoniawhich entails that virus scanners are non-existant? (just asking, don't shoot me :)06:37
NicPeonia, you got it06:37
bystanderbeginner: moving? what do you mean?06:37
dr_willisrg58sma,  ubuntuguide.org shows a sample with all the repositories set up.06:37
glickhmm i have 1gig ram06:37
MegaManXdanko123456, what I wanted to do is to have all media files at Ubuntu1(server) and be able to play anywhere from my network, without copying the files, kinda like streaming them. Xbox is the one "computer" that can play the files from the server without copying anything, simply streaming :)06:37
=== psychonate [~psychonat@pcp02819902pcs.lwrswt01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
glickbut the kern doesnt detect it all06:37
glickubuntu have any images for high mem systems?06:37
Burgundaviaeonia, they exist, but they search for windows viruses and the few linux ones that exist (those target old vulns and servers)06:37
psychonateyays, I think I got it :)06:38
beginnerbrowsing ethernet....closing aplications...06:38
eob84how did you get a fake sources.lst?06:38
psychonateI changed my xkblayout from us to us_intl06:38
MegaManXI will grab some coffee, brb ;)06:38
eob84I think AVG is a free virus scanner for linux06:38
psychonatenow, I can type some neato accentos06:38
i3dmaste1glick: as of 1g mem, you don't need high mem support I think06:38
glicki3dmaste1, no if you have 1gig and up you need high mem support06:39
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rg58smalibwx_gtk2_xrc-2.6.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:39
glickcause my system only sees 3/4ths of a gig of ram06:39
bystanderglick: you need a 686 kernel or equivalent06:39
glickLinux voyager 2.6.10-5-386 #1 Tue Apr 5 12:12:40 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux06:39
glickthats my kernel06:40
bystanderglick: 386v kernels only see 896MB06:40
PepsI am running on an AMD Athlon XP. I conservativly installed the 386 kernel. Should I go for the 686 one?06:40
danko123456this guy jjust asked me how he can get an account for IRC to get onto freenode06:40
glickmy kernel is a 686 one06:40
goldfishdanko123456: lol06:40
bystanderglick: apt-cache search linux-image and choose a 686 imge to install06:40
goldfishdanko123456: send him to a *nice* url06:40
danko12345623:40:03) TallrunningMan: I am trying to figure out how to add IRC ... (23:40:12) CVGDanKo: weird ... (23:40:20) CVGDanKo: go ctrl+a then add then IRC ... (23:40:42) TallrunningMan: i have to get an account06:40
i3dmaste1glick: not really, but ya 686 support high mem though06:40
bystanderglick >>> 2.6.10-5-38606:41
Pepsshould work on the athlon? no problem?06:41
rg58smalibwx_gtk2_xrc-2.6.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:41
bystanderyou have a 386 kernel06:41
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Pepsright now yes an 38606:41
danko123456(23:41:46) TallrunningMan: you can change your screename at anytime?06:41
i3dmaste1glick: if you have more than 4G, then definitely you need06:41
rg58smaamule: error while loading shared libraries: libwx_gtk2_xrc-2.6.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:41
goldfish4gigs of ram06:42
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goldfishwouldnt mind that06:42
danko123456he likes aim:)06:42
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Stalagnaalrighty then06:42
i3dmaste1goldfish: I think that's the limit of 32bit system06:42
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bwlangis nagios the best package for network monitoring - or should i consider others ?06:43
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danko123456Cybermagellan: :)06:43
danko123456hey, a guy was asking for exactly that today06:43
rg58smaamule: error while loading shared libraries: libwx_gtk2_xrc-2.6.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:43
danko123456rg, can you just apt-get it?06:44
dr_willisrg58sma,  why did you uild it from source? why not just install the packages?06:44
RamekenI'm new to the whole boot CD thing and I don't know how to boot into the cd I just burned06:44
danko123456rg, pleae?06:44
dr_willisRameken,  well lets hope you burnt it right.06:44
RamekenI hope I did06:44
dr_willisRameken,  how did ya burn it? check it under windows.. see what filkes are on the cd.06:44
danko123456that one guy never told me how to byurn dvds, he said he would...06:44
dr_willisRameken,  if you have some BIG.iso file - you did it wrong :P06:45
Cybermagellandanko123456: asking for? Hosting?06:45
bystanderRameken: and be sure your BIOS is set to boot from CD06:45
danko123456nero, yeah, thats in my distro... yes, Cybermagellan.06:45
dr_willisi fyou used nero'd burn iso image feature - it should be fine.06:45
i3dmaste1glick: have you tried other version of kernel?06:45
glickhumm ima have to change that sudo thing06:45
heavyI deleted the config files for courier-pop and when i reinstall with apt i don't get the config files back, is there a way to retrieve the default config files back?06:45
glicki3dmaste1, i just installed another kern06:45
dr_willisrg58sma,  why did you build it from source. when you could of easially used apt-get to install it.06:45
glickalong with proper heades06:45
danko123456rg58sma: can you sudo apt-get amule , please?06:46
danko123456not that it works...06:46
danko123456I use gtk-gnutella, that works.06:46
Ramekenit just says I have ubuntu-5.04-live-i386.iso06:46
rg58smai download amule from web site06:46
dr_willisRameken,  you have a singel file on the cd thats called ubuntu-5.04-live-i386.iso ?06:47
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dr_willisrg58sma,  there was no need to do that.06:47
Ramekenjust that06:47
dr_willisRameken,  congrats - you did it wrong :P06:47
bystanderRameken: re-burn ;)06:47
danko123456rg58sma: can you do what I said, tho?06:47
Ramekenyeah ok06:47
Cybermagellandanko123456: my friend on Windows as complaining about how difficult it was to setup webhosting on Windows...06:47
bystanderRameken: as image06:47
rg58smaapt-get install amule download and compile??06:47
dr_willisareent you GLAD i asked this now :P befor ya spent 2 hrs trying to get it to boot. lol06:47
danko123456well, he can go cmplain however much he wants.06:47
RamekenI just did the boot cd thing06:47
Ramekendarn nero06:48
dr_willisRameken,  or check out "Burn At Once" its a nice program for just burning Iso images.06:48
k4rp0rcould someone tell me where i can get this weather panel for gnome?06:48
danko123456Cybermagellan: tahts a good bookmark,. the free web hosting.06:48
glickok ima try n reboot06:48
goldfishk4rp0r: is it gkrellm?06:48
bystanderk4rp0r: it's installed by default06:48
dr_willisI like tht WeatherFox extension for FIrefox.06:48
bystanderk4rp0r: just right click the panel and choose it06:48
Cybermagellandanko123456: yeah...I'm running that....on Ubuntu none-the-less...06:49
danko123456hard to bookmark, tho:()06:49
Ramekenso burn disk image rather than bootable disk?06:49
danko123456rg58sma: sudo apt-get install amule06:49
danko123456thats it.06:50
danko123456all there is:)06:50
goldfishRameken: yep06:50
danko123456you just dont kno how to state your issue.06:50
dr_willisamazeing :P06:50
rg58smaim root06:50
dr_willisRameken,  thats right.06:50
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goldfishroot on irc.... hmmmmm06:50
dr_willisRameken,  bootable disk - you are making your own bootable cd. :P  a feature not a lot of people ever use.06:50
danko123456:) goldfish06:51
=== dr_willis wonders how he managed to irc as root with ubuntu
danko123456we saw that combination of letters already:-/06:51
tjsis CDBS compatible with the ubuntu packaging rules? are there ubuntu packaging rules?06:51
goldfishquakenet irc servers dont let you connect as root, cool feature06:51
dr_willisgoldfish,  :P06:51
danko123456werll, needed to run...stupid quake players...06:51
psychonatehmm, does anyone use the us_intl layout06:52
psychonateI cannot figure out how to get an upside down question marc or exclamation point06:54
Ramekenit doesn't want to burn as an image06:54
goldfishwhat't it say?06:54
IIIEars_bystander, should'a used a bootable CD for 'em.goldfish - does that mean their are NO windowsusers there? - j/k06:54
hybrid_gothif i convert an apple dmg to an iso can i mount it and use it? i am on ppc linux06:55
goldfishIIIEars_: lol?06:55
RamekenI tried to select it as the file to burn but it wouldn't show on the file selector thing06:55
danko123456means there are none, yeah...06:55
IIIEars_i can't type - that is a nice feature for IRC quakenet.06:55
danko123456no more...sorry...06:56
danko123456same thing...my comp works...06:56
goldfishRameken: can u click burn?06:56
RamekenI can't burn it if I can't load it up into nero06:57
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danko123456hybrid_goth: no...06:58
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Ramekenwhat I did was tell it to make me a bootable disk, why didn't that work06:58
dr_willisRameken,  go to www.burnatonce.com - get their tool :P then its just a click, and burn :P06:58
goldfishin nero, u need to burn from disk image06:58
bystanderRameken: because what you need is the ISO mirrored onto the CD06:59
danko123456why nero?06:59
Ramekenarg too complicated06:59
bystanderRameken: the ISO contains the bootloader for ubuntu etc06:59
Ramekennero because I have it06:59
=== bystander thinks windows CD burning apps without an ISO burn feature are... broken
IcemanV9hmm. nerolinux is available in deb package.07:00
dr_willisRameken,  complecated? its a 1 min download :P07:00
danko123456rameken, prolly 5 more progs at the tips of ur fingers, 2, especially if you are on ubuntu...07:00
bystanderIcemanV9: why bother?07:00
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IcemanV9i know. ha. just mentioned it.07:01
Ramekenwell, what should happen when I boot into it?07:01
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Ramekenshould it skip DOS completely?07:01
dr_willisRameken,  'make a bootable disk' is a TOTALLY different thing from 'burning an iso image'07:01
bystanderRameken: yes, it will boot into Linux?Ubuntu07:02
bystanderI mean Linux/Ubuntu07:02
Ramekenwell I have much to learn07:02
dr_willisstep by step with pictures :P07:03
danko123456how ugly...07:03
danko123456all greym abd stuff.07:03
goldfishvery ugly :)07:03
dr_willisits also an older version of nero i think :P07:03
danko123456like a classic windows,...ugh...07:04
dr_willisactually nero has like 2 modes ones a 'beginer step by step' mode i recall :P07:04
danko123456well, bnicer than xp...07:04
Ramekenwell see, I did the stuff on that tutorial07:04
Ramekenbut it didn't show up in step two07:04
dr_willisI just alwys use "Burn At Once" for my basic ISO burning needs.07:04
dr_willisunder windows07:04
MegaManXHey guys, check out my Ubuntu desktop: http://www.geocities.com/kooltux/snapshots/ubuntu/screenshot.jpg07:04
IIIEars_surprised nero looks so plain. gnomebaker or k3b may have more features.07:04
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goldfishMegaManX: sweet07:05
dr_willisIIIEars_,  nero has loads of features. :P  but egads ill never use 90% of them07:05
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goldfishMegaManX: what's that menubar thing along the bottom?07:05
=== Amaranth hugs http://dev.realistanew.com/megatokyo.png
Amaranthgoldfish: gdesklet07:05
MegaManXgoldfish, thanks mate :). Took me a while to make that :)07:05
IIIEars_lol - gotta admit neither will i in k3b or gnomebaker.07:05
goldfishnice stuff MegaManX07:06
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=== danko123456 check this out...then...http://www.mts.net/~danb/Screenshot-3.png
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Amaranthsmeg is now loads faster and supports moving things in and out of the debian menu! woo07:06
Amaranthjust have to wait for the pyxdg dev to wake up and take the patch ;)07:06
MadpilotMegaManX: cool. how do you do the transparent-windows thing?07:07
IIIEars_Amaranth, Nice work! (proffers a bottle of icy cold champagne.)07:07
Amaranthdanko123456: you actually like Simple?07:07
MegaManXdanko123456, sweet. I saw a IE icon there though :)07:07
Ramekenthanks for the help07:07
Ramekenburning now, and hopefully correctly07:07
MegaManXMadpilot, if you want to get transparency with Xchat, go into "Settings >> Preferences" and check the tranparency box07:08
=== Fass [~Ask@h121n7c1o994.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
IIIEars_Amaranth - Could you add md5sum to the taskbar? - please.... (begins to sound whiney.)07:08
goldfishthat was mine07:08
AmaranthIIIEars_: I don't know C, can't code applets07:08
MadpilotMegaManX: Ah, OK, I don't use XChat. was hoping it was a Ubuntu/Gnome-wide thing. thnx07:08
AgrajagMegaManX: Uh, I think he's talking about real transparency with compose07:08
Ramekenhey, anybody think there's a way to use directx9, or an emulator of such, on linux?07:09
AgrajagMadpilot: it's handled by X, not gnome07:09
Amaranthgoldfish: screwy xfce user07:09
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drcodehi all07:09
psychonateDoes Cedega not support DX9?07:09
drcodeI download xpdf07:09
goldfishhi drcode07:09
AgrajagMadpilot: read up on the compose extension in xorg07:09
IIIEars_Okay - i started my first lesson in C last week then i'll do it. (Feb. 2006)07:09
drcodeI want to convert pdftops but use other font then the orginal pdf , any idea?07:09
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moquiwhat does ubuntu use for package mgmnt?07:09
Agrajagmoqui: apt07:10
Amaranthjust like debian07:10
goldfishMadpilot: there's a composite howto on ubuntuforums.org07:10
MegaManXnice goldfish. Agrajag, I believe goldfish is better with tranparency then me :)07:10
Fassgoldfish, what monitoring applet is that in your screenshot?07:10
RamekenI was wondering if I could get gentoo to run half life 207:10
goldfishFass: bottom left?07:10
moquiAgrajag: what are some good repos?07:10
Agrajagmoqui: uh, the ubuntu ones?07:10
IIIEars_What is "Gentoo"? ;)07:10
Madpilotgoldfish, Agrajag: thnx, will look it up. Pretty cool effect!07:10
moquiAgrajag: yes07:10
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goldfishFass: torsmo07:11
Agrajagmoqui: yes what07:11
danko123456hey, guys, the IE icon is for my dad, he got mad one day cause he could figure out the browser...07:11
moquiAgrajag: the ubuntu repositories07:11
plonk22Hi, im having problems loading snd_virmidi at boot, what is the correct way to choose what kernel modules to load under ubuntu 5.04 ?07:11
danko123456he was double clicking the world for ff, and it opened properties.07:11
Agrajagmoqui: what about them07:11
|7yrItch|IIIEars_: source-compiled Linux07:11
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Ramekengentoo is that awsome OS I know nothing about beside's the fact that it's highly customisable and a pain to install07:11
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IIIEars_fass - Torsmo is awesomely powerful by just adding scripts to it.07:11
bystanderplonk22: put them in /etc/modules07:11
AgrajagRameken: I used it for almost a year, you pretty much summed it up07:12
psychonateI've asked in like six channels now, and no one seems to know how to get the inverted ! or ? in us_intl07:12
Amaranthhighly customized, a pain to install, worthless07:12
psychonateI'm getting desperate here07:12
moquiAgrajag: where are the best repos for ubuntu07:12
goldfishpsychonate: open an editor and try every key? :)07:12
RamekenI heard it was good from a friend who uses it07:12
IIIEars_"" - Gentoo Ugh07:12
psychonategoldfish, I'm trying as many combos as I can think of it07:12
Amaranthcompiling with your own flags optimized for your arch is at best going to give you a 1% speed increase and at worse actually make performance worse07:12
Agrajagmoqui: the ubuntu repositories are the best repositories for ubuntu07:12
plonk22bystander: i tried that but it seemed messy to load all the dependent modules at once, i was trying to modify /etc/modutils but i cant fint any documentation on how to do it07:12
danko123456Amaranth: are you serious? I love what it looks like...07:12
psychonateI can get stuff like this: , , , etc.07:13
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rg58smasomeone have a correct sources.list????????????07:13
psychonateBut I can't figure these stupid marks out07:13
moquiAgrajag: ok thanks07:13
dr_willisrg58sma,  check ubuntuguide.org07:13
glickhey what happens if i make the sudu timeout 0?07:13
bystandermoqui: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto07:13
Amaranthrg58sma: http://pastebin.com/29039707:13
Amaranththe sources.list on ubuntuguide.org is crack07:13
rg58smai don paste anything07:14
IIIEars_danko - Gentoo just doesn't understand the new linux user experience. - they assume too much.07:14
Amaranthrg58sma: No, I pasted something for you.07:14
dr_willishttp://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories   - to be exact :P07:14
Amaranthdr_willis: Total crack.07:14
glickif i set sudo to timout to 007:14
FassIIIEars: I'm reading its wiki already. ;)07:14
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dr_willisif you say so. I dont think hes been listening much.07:15
Amaranthdr_willis: Known to break your system.07:15
glickis that koscher?07:15
IIIEars_Fas - Best wishes. (really)07:15
danko123456amaranth, same crap, someone came up with this... http://pastebin.com/29054707:15
Amaranthdanko123456: They have everything twice and had marillat...sad.07:16
plonk22is /etc/modutils/alsa-base ment to be user editable?07:16
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Amaranthplonk22: probably not07:16
bystanderplonk22: what's your issue with using /etc/modules? Works perfectly here...07:17
dr_willishttp://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BreakMyUbuntu     :0 Wooo hoo! more fun to try07:17
plonk22bystander: do i just add snd_virmidi there, or do i have to add everything that its dependent on as welll, is /modules processed after all the hotplug stuff?07:18
bystanderplonk22: why not try it and see?07:18
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danko123456Amaranth: how, if it is for src the other??07:18
danko123456its the best one yet.07:18
plonk22i added it previously, and soundcore did not load07:18
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Amaranthdanko123456: Oh, I missed that. pastebin is so hard to read.07:19
IIIEars_Fass - will be back.07:19
plonk22will try again, maybe i made a typo07:19
rg58smai  need the sources in spanish07:19
bystanderplonk22: find out which modules you need, and add them accordingly. Test with modprobe07:19
danko123456Amaranth: lol...07:20
danko123456pastebin is hard to read.07:20
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danko123456not lol, I guess, Im too tired.07:20
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bystanderplonk22: if modprobe works, AFAIK it should work putting that in /etc/modules07:20
Amaranthhttp://rafb.net/paste/ <--much better07:20
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plonk22bystander: thanks, i will try rebooting again, modprobe works fine so i guess i made an error somewhere07:21
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evilerdeerhi all07:21
danko123456yo, evil...07:21
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danko123456oh, for reading...07:22
danko123456you can have a raw pasteibn.07:22
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danko123456or someone else, evil...07:22
MegaManXHave to go work, catch you guys later ;)07:22
goldfishsee ya MegaManX07:23
IIIEars_Take care Mega07:23
rg58smahow to install jre-1_5_0_02-linux-i586.bin07:23
MegaManXyou too :). Thanks for the help. Very friendly chat this one :D07:23
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mindmedicrg58sma, look at the readme on the sun homepage07:23
bystanderrg58sma: read http://ubuntuguide.org07:23
goldfishrg58sma: sh filename.bin07:23
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rg58smaim argentinian07:24
=== ubuntu is now known as Jay
dr_williswiki is perferd over ubuntu guide.  (or so im told) :P but i read them both.07:24
=== Echylo [~echylo@175-177.245.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Amaranththe wiki is far more likely to have info in it that won't break your system07:25
cyphaseTake a look at this keyboard: http://www.daskeyboard.com/07:25
Amaranthand when it does have info that can break your system, it warns you07:25
goldfishcyphase: LOL.07:25
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goldfishit's like when they had smiley faces and stuff on their keyboards in "Hackers"07:26
goldfishon their keys i mean07:26
danko123456a precision tool:)07:26
danko123456yeah, you can put anything...07:26
danko123456just like letters you cant rememebr, and stuff.07:26
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chrisreal geeks use dvorak07:27
danko123456whateva chris...07:27
Amaranthoh, those keyboard are awesome07:27
danko123456show us a picture...07:27
goldfishmight try it out07:27
Echylokewl keyboard07:27
Amaranththe keys have different weights07:27
Amaranthso it's the same ammount of force to hit every key, since some fingers are weaker than others07:28
goldfishdanko123456: dvorak layout as opposed to qwerty07:28
cyphaselol, dvorak sounds russian07:28
Amaranthdvorak is pretty much useless due to the chicken and egg problem07:28
Amaranthno one will use it because no one uses it07:28
xblol i saw the daskeyboard the other day its cool if it wasnt priced.  it should cost less07:28
Amaranthi guess that's more of a catch-2207:28
xbthan one with added letters07:28
chrisand http://www.xprt.net/~chitaree/images/keyboard.jpg07:28
dr_willisheh - DasKeyboard was about $80 right?07:29
chrisI really wanna start using dvorak07:29
Amaranthbecause if you type on dvorak at one place and qwerty at another (home/work, can't change work) you're going to type worse on both07:29
=== MattJ [asdf@oh-clevelandheights-cdnt1-bg2c-224.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
cyphasedr_willis, yea07:29
chrisI know someppl who can type well on  both07:29
dr_williscyphase,  considering getting one. :P but i  got this OLD ibm clicky keyboard i like.07:29
christhat is "da skills"07:30
Amaranththey are called masters, most will never join them07:30
Amaranthdr_willis: ooh, you have one of the old school IBMs with metal springs?07:30
xbwhat a new letter system?07:30
dr_willisthe Happy Hacker Keyboard is nifty also. :P  about the same price07:30
xbfor keyboards07:30
xbi dont get it..07:30
MattJwhats a good file system to use that both windows and linux can read/write to -- also has linux support for ntfs gotten better?07:30
xbim only fluent in qwerty07:30
dr_willisAmaranth,  several of them I think :P  $2 each at a rummage sale07:30
AmaranthMattJ: fat32 and no07:30
chrisext 2/307:30
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dr_willisThing weigs about 8 lbs07:30
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Amaranthyeah, but they never break07:30
xbwindows dont read ext 2/307:30
eoniabystander: Ok, here's my new line I added in fstab (before I mounted the drive no less): /dev/hda1 /localdrive ntfs users,ro,exec,nosuid,nomand,uid=022,gid=022,umask=022 0 007:30
Amaranthunless you try :)07:30
MattJAmaranth: whats the hd size limit with fat32 though07:30
eoniabystander: suffice it to say, it didnt' work07:31
cyphasechris, |_)@ 5|<||_-/_07:31
AmaranthMattJ: 2TB?07:31
dr_willisAmaranth,  they are FLITHY however. i spent a day just cleaning one.07:31
MattJAmaranth: i thought windows wouldent read a fat32 drive that is bigger then like 30 gig or something07:31
goldfishi have a 186gb fat32 drive07:31
bystandereonia: it would be difficult to imagine getting it *more* wrong07:31
eoniabystander: rats :) enlighten me?07:31
AmaranthMattJ: that i don't know about07:31
Amaranththere is always ntfs captive07:32
chris:xb they do http://ubuntuguide.org/#readlinuxpartitionsinwindows07:32
dr_willisfat32 can get over 30gb. i belive MS may of done somthign with it. :P07:32
bystandereonia: for starters, uid and gid refer to actual user and group numbers, like yours (probably 1000)07:32
dr_willisi seem to recall researching this once.07:32
danko123456eonia: whats that uid?07:32
MattJand there is no way to convert a drive from ntfs to fat32 without formatting it right? its just a storage drive no OS on it07:33
bystandereonia: secondly , most of it is redundant anyway07:33
eoniabystander: ah, I thought it referred to something entirely different. Therefore remove the uid/gid clause?07:33
goldfisheonia: you need the -t option before ntfs, no ?07:33
plonk22bystander: thanks for that, all the modules are loaded properly, but now my alsa does not work, dmix dies if I put snd_virmidi in the modules file. It was working fine before though. When I put virmidi in the first time i assumed when my sound stopped working my sound modules were dead.07:33
dr_willisMattJ,  partion magic perhaps can.07:33
eoniagoldfish: I'm not mounting, I'm editing fstab; I don't think -t is needed there07:33
goldfishsorry :/07:33
Amaranthntfs captive is kinda slick, actually. it uses the kernel's ntfs read support to grab the ntfs.sys driver off the windows partition and uses it to read/write/etc ntfs partitions07:33
bystandereonia: I respectfully suggest you browse " man fstab" ;-)07:34
eoniabystander: I respectfully point out that I did, to no avail :-)07:34
bystandereonia: "If at first you don't succeed..." and so on... *grin*07:35
Myrttiffs, Firefox doesn't start up anymore07:35
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eoniabystander: thanks :-)07:35
Amaranthoh dear, my firefox nightly is 10 days old07:35
Amaranthi feel dirty07:35
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danko123456go wash your mouth with soap...07:36
eoniabystander: ok, but I should still use umask=022 yes? (there is nothing in man about that btw)07:36
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danko123456eonia: mounting a hard drive dont work?07:36
bystandereonia: you really shouldn't need anything beyond umask=02207:36
danko123456a partition? a windows one to that?07:36
eoniadanko123456: yes, a win partition; I can read it as root, but not as a different user07:37
bystandereonia: as I told you before, this seems to work:07:37
bystander/dev/hda1       /windows        ntfs    noauto,ro,users,umask=022 0 007:37
danko123456eonia, k, taht is easy...07:38
bystanderof course your mount point will differ07:38
chrissounds good07:38
danko123456sudo fdisk -l07:38
danko123456tell us the ntfs one.07:38
=== psychonate [~psychonat@pcp02819902pcs.lwrswt01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
eoniadanko123456: hda107:39
eoniabystander: ok :) I'll try that :)07:39
eoniabystander: but really.. why make my life easier? ;-)07:39
danko123456try it.07:39
Myrttioh no, it really doesn't start up07:39
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Myrttioh the pain07:40
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goldfishMyrtti: use lynx :)07:40
MyrttiHa              ha.07:40
IIIEars_w3m is preinstalled. links is better07:40
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Amaranthw3m supports far more than links07:41
danko123456bah, my bklackbox has a good context menu now, I never tried it...07:41
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IIIEars_(pokes goldfish fr a browser "war" - lol)07:41
=== Amaranth pokes goldfish the other way
AmaranthIIIEars_: You another roommate?07:41
=== glick [~swamiX@cpe-24-193-254-95.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
glickokay so far daddy likes :)07:41
glicka couple of things i have to fix and tweak and change07:42
IIIEars_lol - (realizes the quiet corner is where he should of stayed.)07:42
glickbut over all its niceness07:42
eoniabystander: no good; here's the error msg I get trying to access it:07:42
eoniaubuntu@ubuntu:/$ cd /localdrive07:42
eoniabash: cd: /localdrive: Permission denied07:42
danko123456my xwindows is being extremely sketchy, you should see this, just for a laugh...07:43
eoniahere's the error trying to chmod it:  root@ubuntu:/ # chmod -v 555 /localdrive07:43
eoniafailed to change mode of `/localdrive' to 0555 (r-xr-xr-x)07:43
eoniachmod: changing permissions of `/localdrive': Read-only file system07:43
=== Jimbob [jcape@c-67-173-147-129.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Myrttinot doing it with sudo?07:43
eoniahere's the line I added to fstab (afterwards umounting and mounting to be sure)07:43
Myrttiyes you are07:43
eonia/dev/hda1 /localdrive ntfs users,ro,noauto,umask=022 0 007:44
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danko123456eonia: are you still on about the ntfs? then add yourself as the user.07:44
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bystandereonia: what does `ls -ld /localdrive` say?07:44
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Cristobalwhen doing a server install of ubuntu whats the commands i should do to get gnome an the basic stuff07:45
eoniaubuntu@ubuntu:/$ ls -ld /localdrive07:45
eoniadr-x------  1 root root 16384 2005-05-26 01:26 /localdrive07:45
romm3rCristobal: sudo apt-get install x-window-system gnome07:45
romm3ri think thats right07:45
bystandereonia: make a new mount point dir07:45
=== JanderClander [~alex@249.red-62-57-26.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu
bystandereonia: it should be 755 (that's the default)07:46
romm3ror sudo apt-get ubuntu-desktop07:46
eoniayou mean chmod it before mounting it?07:46
bystandereonia: then use your new dir in fstab07:46
Myrttihow about chown and chgrp07:46
bystandereonia: you shouldn't need to chmod it07:46
Cristobalthanks and is there a program i can install that will auto detect and install my needed drivers07:46
=== Rev_Fry [~revfry@c-67-170-93-57.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bystandereonia: it should be vreated 755 by default07:46
romm3rCristobal: have u got ubuntu installed already07:47
=== saber_ [~Miranda@user-11fad47.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
Cristobaljust command line tho07:47
Cristobaldid a server install07:47
eoniahang on07:47
romm3rCristobal: which devices aren't working07:47
bystandereonia: the permissions you have on /localdrive are prohibitive07:47
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eoniahere's the new dir:07:48
eoniaroot@ubuntu:/ # ls -ld /newmount07:48
eoniadrwxr-xr-x  2 root root 1024 2005-05-26 22:46 /newmount07:48
eonialooks good so far07:48
romm3rCristobal: i wonder if thats because u installed as a server?07:48
bystandereonia: yep: now substitute that in /etc/fstab07:48
Cristobalprobably yes since i dont think it installed any devices07:48
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
=== JaneW [~JaneW@wbs-146-191-12.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
JanderClanderwhere can I suggest something to Laptop Team07:49
eoniadone. now mount it to /newmount I assume07:49
bystandereonia: try it out, yes07:49
Cristobalwhen is breeze scheduled for release07:49
jsgotangcoOctober 200507:50
SeveasJanderClander, by posting your suggestion to ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com07:50
SeveasCristobal, there is a fixed 6-month release schedule with releases every april & october07:50
Cristobalso october07:50
JanderClanderSeveas: thanks!!07:50
Myrttiok, I installed firefox from Debian testing.07:50
eoniabystander: ok, done. Observe log:07:51
eoniaroot@ubuntu:/ # mkdir /newmount07:51
eoniaroot@ubuntu:/ # ls -ld /newmount07:51
eoniadrwxr-xr-x  2 root root 1024 2005-05-26 22:46 /newmount07:51
eoniaroot@ubuntu:/ # pico /etc/fstab07:51
eoniaroot@ubuntu:/ # pico /etc/fstab07:51
Myrttinow it works again07:51
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eoniaroot@ubuntu:/ # mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /newmount07:51
eoniamount: /dev/hda1 already mounted or /newmount busy07:51
eoniamount: according to mtab, /dev/hda1 is mounted on /localdrive07:51
eoniaroot@ubuntu:/ # umount /localdrive07:51
eoniaroot@ubuntu:/ # /mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /newmount07:51
eoniabash: /mount: No such file or directory07:51
eoniaroot@ubuntu:/ # mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /newmount07:51
eoniaroot@ubuntu:/ # ls -ld /newmount07:51
eoniadr-x------  1 root root 16384 2005-05-26 01:26 /newmount07:51
bystandereonia: DON't PASTE!!07:51
=== carthik [~carthik@user-0cej7av.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu ["Left,]
MattJeonia: get a pastebin somewhere07:51
Seveaseonia, DO NOT paste in here, use ubuntu.pastebin.com07:51
Amarantheonia: You can't write to an ntfs drive07:51
eoniaI don't want to write to it, I simply want to read it07:52
eoniaas a user07:52
Seveaseonia, simply mount it with umask=0000 in the options fiels07:52
=== Seveas needs coffee :)
Amaranthwouldn't putting user in the options field do it too?07:52
MattJSeveas: where do you live thats its morning?07:53
Seveasmount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /newmount -o umask=000007:53
SeveasMattJ, The Netherlands07:53
Seveas7:53 am here07:53
glickhow do i make the kernel reread the udev rules?07:53
MattJ2am in the states07:53
Seveasglick, /etc/init.d/udev restart maybe07:53
glickthanks Seveas :)07:54
SeveasMattJ, then go to sleep ;)07:54
Amaranth1am here07:55
Myrttime hungry07:55
glickhmm my rules arnt working07:55
=== Natedogg [~nwallman@ip68-99-8-171.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Natedogghey, anyone still up?07:56
eoniaseveas: it worked. Thank you :) Sorry about the paste, I put everything in ubuntu.pastebin.com, but it's a little late now anyway :)07:57
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=== Rev_Fry [~revfry@c-67-170-93-57.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
eoniathanks for bearing with me guys, and not using a clue-by-four :) I'm not *ix-ified yet07:57
Natedoggafter I log in to ubuntu to begin a session my screen goes blank, and i get an error message telling me it won't load "K Display Manager" becuase its not the default display manager07:58
Natedogghow can I turn it to the default?07:58
bystandereonia: you shouldn't need umask=0000 - 022 should work too07:58
bystandereonia: but whatever works for you I guess07:58
Seveasbystander, 0222 then07:58
=== lampshade [~a@tconl92168.tconl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasalways use 4-digit values07:58
glickhmm my usb stick has a vfat fs on it07:59
glickbut it cant mount it07:59
bystanderSeveas: interesting. my fstab has 022 and works fine07:59
glickin fstab fs is auto07:59
glickdoesnt ubuntu come with vfat support?07:59
bystanderSeveas: isn't the fourth digit redundant?08:00
Seveasbystander, 3-digit values work too, but on some systems do different things :)08:00
glick/proc/filesysems shows vfat08:00
bystanderSeveas: I see :)08:00
=== AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-96-168.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
eoniabystander: ok, tried that too; it works as well. Just wondering though, why wouldn't it follow fstab's direction for umask=022 if it wasn't specified in the mount command?08:00
Seveasglick, your usb stick shouldn't be in fstab08:00
glickwhen i plug in the usb stuck the kernel responds with this in dmesg08:00
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Natedogghow can I change my defalault to k display manager?08:00
Rev_FryI came back to my hoary system and it was unresponsive... the keyboard Lock keys wouldn't light up but the system was on and the mouse was lit... so I rebooted and set pci=noacpi since it's been hanging trying to stop this on a shutdown.  That made it look up with a sound stutter when I booted.  So.. I've got an AMD64 2800+ MSI K8N NEO 2 Plat 768m Ram and a 9600XT... any known issues?08:00
glickAttached scsi removable disk sdb at scsi5, channel 0, id 0, lun 008:00
glickusb-storage: device scan complete08:00
glickVFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev sdb.08:00
SeveasNatedogg, sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop08:00
glickSeveas, i use udev08:01
Rev_FryOther symptoms where applications not starting but showing up in top08:01
Seveasglick, so do I (ubuntu default) and all my usb sticks automount perfectly08:01
bystandereonia: it should. Try typing sudo mount -a and then try it again, maybe08:01
glickSeveas, where do they automount to?08:01
Natedoggthank you08:01
=== naderman [~naderman@p508B4AFA.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
glickSeveas, im runnin xfce408:02
Seveas /media/$filesystem-label08:02
=== Seveas runs both gnome and xfce
glickSeveas, yeah it doesnt do it for me08:02
Seveasit's udev + pmount-hal08:02
glickSeveas, pmount?08:02
=== KarlosII [~KarlosII@S0106000f3d5ae683.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Seveaspmount lets you mount removable drives as ordinary user08:03
Seveaspmount-hal is the automount bit08:03
eoniabystander: ok, that worked (after I removed noauto from fstab)08:03
NatedoggSeveas, that didn't work, it k display manager is still not the default, so when I start GNOME i just get a blank screen08:04
bystandereonia: noauto just means "don't mount this on boot"08:04
=== Orbo [~Orbo@70-32-153-199.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
glicki dont understand why its not working here08:04
=== Q_Continuum [~Q_Continu@c-24-118-74-17.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasNatedogg, do you mean KDM as login screen?08:04
glicki specified in fstab to use auto for usbstick08:05
Seveasglick, that's not the point in auto08:05
Orboproblem with ipod.  followed the setup tutorial and it works fine in general, it's just that every time I plug it back in it will change the device to a higher letter08:05
Seveasauto means: boot when mount -a is called (at boot)08:05
glickSeveas, what do you mean?08:05
Seveaspmount does not even need it to be in fstab08:05
eoniabystander: ok, but it wouldn't mount with noauto, so I assume it means don't mount as -a (all) either08:05
glickSeveas, no i have auto for fstype08:05
Orboi eject it when it is recognized as sdb08:05
glickautodetect the fs08:06
=== skull [~skull@20stb15.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
Orbothen I plug it back in and its sdc08:06
bystandereonia: right, as seveas just pointed out08:06
Orbothen I plug it in again, and its sdd08:06
NatedoggSeveas, someone had me run an install and it asked me which i wanted to make defalut, KDM or DPM, and now after selecting DPM, right after I login and put in my password i get a blank screen and it stays there08:06
=== yahalom [~yahalom@] has joined #ubuntu
bystandereonia: but "mount /newmount" should work for user now08:07
yahalomanyway i can have the app menu by right clicking on my desktop? like in xfce and also in kde (if configured) ?08:07
glickSeveas, you have any idea why my usb stick isnt automounting?08:07
Natedoggi might just run the installer again and reselect kpm08:07
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Seveasglick, not really08:08
Orboyahalom, if you want the gnome experience in a windows manager, try metacity08:08
bystandereonia: if you have "auto" it will just be permanently mounted08:08
SeveasNatedogg, installer?!?!08:08
Seveasyou do not need installers to install KDE08:08
Natedogglet me get the exact line08:08
Seveasthat might just have screwed it up...08:08
yahalomOrbo, why?08:08
Orbobecause it a window manager08:08
glickthat sucks i need access to my usb :(08:08
Orbothat works like gnome08:08
Natedoggit might not be an installer, new to unix, it had install in the line i think though08:08
yahalomOrbo, what does it use now?08:08
yahalomOrbo, what window manager does gnome use by default?08:09
Orboif you just did a default install youre most likely using gnome08:09
skullhey i created an user for my bro and added him to audio group before i saw the volume control then it disappeared, when i try to add the volumen control it doesn't show up08:09
SeveasOrbo, metacity08:09
bystanderyahalom: metacity08:09
Natedoggseveas, whatever he had me install was so I could run a different type of session08:09
skullhow can i fix it08:09
yahalomOrbo, so i am using metacity08:09
Orboright now?08:09
SeveasNatedogg, you mean update-alternatives --config x-session-manager08:09
yahalomOrbo, if its the default, yes08:09
bystanderyahalom: metacity doesn't give you abn app menu on right click08:10
Orbono, yahalom, gnome is the default08:10
xbhm. does uudecode come with ubuntu?08:10
Orboget metacity through apt or synaptic08:10
yahalomOrbo, u saying gnome, bystander and Seveas are saying metacity :)08:10
Seveasyahalom, Gnome is your desktop environment, it uses metacity as windom manager...08:10
=== xSachs [~srefshaug@CPE-203-45-207-106.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
bystanderOrbo: gnome is the desktop: it uses metacity as wm08:10
yahalombystander, what does?08:10
Orboright right, but if he just wants metacity08:10
xSachscan anyone tell me a program for photo capture from digital camera?08:11
Orbothen hell have to add it to gdm?08:11
Orboam I right?08:11
eoniabystander: thanks for your help, your patience is to be commended :-)08:11
bystanderyahalom: quite a few wm do that08:11
yahalomOrbo, i dont just want metacity, i want right click app menu08:11
Orbojust use fluxbox08:11
bystandereonia: thanks :)08:11
Orbofluxbox r rox08:11
Natedoggseveas, this is what i typed in the terminal "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" at the end it asked me which to make defalault, kpm or dpm, i asked the guy and he said dpm, and now i can't load GNOME08:11
SeveasxSachs, most cameras will mount as external hard drive..08:11
Orbodamn leet08:11
bystandereonia: hope it all works OK now :)08:11
Seveasthere is no dpm...08:11
xSachsoh ok thx, how about webcam recording?08:11
Natedoggi swear thats what it said08:11
Orboyahalom, use fluxbox.  Easy to configure through straightforward text files08:11
eoniabystander: like freshly waxed car :)08:11
=== pitti [~martin@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu
Orbolots of documentation too08:12
Natedoggshould i just run the same line again? and then when it asks selece kmp?08:12
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Orboand itll give you the right click app menu that you long for08:12
xSachsmy webcam also takes pictures but has no memory -- goes straight to comp <-- any program for capturing this?08:12
Natedoggseveas, this is what i typed in the terminal "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" at the end it asked me which to make defalault, kpm or dpm, i asked the guy and he said dpm, and now i can't load GNOME08:12
SeveasNatedogg, try apt-get install --reinstall kdm08:12
Seveasit dhould ask that question again08:13
Natedoggit didn't08:13
=== DJ_Mirage [~djmirage@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Natedoggtoo errors, could not open lock file, and unable to lock the admin directory08:14
SeveasNatedogg, try sudo apt-get install --reinstall kdm08:14
Orboanyways, can anyone help with my above mentioned ipod issue?08:15
Natedoggdosen't look good08:15
yahalombystander, Orbo i have no idea how to change my window manager and still use gnome08:15
bystanderNatedogg: echo "/usr/bin/kdm" > /etc/X11/default-display-manager08:15
bystanderNatedogg: prepend with sudo08:15
Orboif you want gnome themes and everything use gnome-session08:15
Natedoggseveas: this is what i got, Reloading K display Manager configuration... initscript kdm, action "reload" failed08:15
=== henriquemaia [~henriquem@cb-217-129-175-184.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasNatedogg, try what bystander said:08:16
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Seveasecho "/usr/bin/kdm" | sudo tee /etc/X11/default-display-manager08:16
bystanderNatedogg: use sudo08:16
Seveasbut try this form :)08:16
yahalomOrbo, man i wantgnome. i just want to access my app menu by right clicking, like in xfce.08:16
bystanderah yes, good catch :)08:16
=== mariahdz [~mariahsbs@pool-71-106-213-203.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
yahalomSeveas, u know what i mean?08:17
Orboyahalom, google08:17
mariahdzinstall the ndiswrapper from thesynaptic package manger08:17
yahalomOrbo, there thanx :)08:17
mariahdzneed help08:17
Orbodid I really need to tell you that ?08:17
Seveasyahalom, i understand that, but the app-menu-with-right-click is an XFCE feature that is not available on gnome afaik08:17
yahalomOrbo, lol no08:17
PepsI downloaded a .deb file from sourceforge since the (latest) version I have keep crashing. Is there a way to get synaptic to install it? I understand using dpkg directly is not recommended ...08:17
glicki have a question i start cp 'ing a dir from my external firewire hd and it starts then in the middle of it it stops08:17
yahalomSeveas, no way?08:17
glickthen dmesg shows the following08:18
glickAttached scsi disk sda at scsi7, channel 0, id 0, lun 008:18
glickieee1394: sbp2: aborting sbp2 command08:18
glickRead (10) 00 01 91 7f 98 00 00 01 0008:18
SeveasPeps, sudo dpkg -i [thedebfile] 08:18
=== IIIEars [~bill@cpe-24-30-188-176.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Natedoggsudo: treee: command not found?08:18
PepsSeveas, will that remove the exsisting one or I have to do it manually?08:18
Seveasusing dpkg is the only way :)08:18
bystanderNatedogg: tee08:18
SeveasPeps, it *should* remove the existing one if this new one is properly built08:19
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=== iceman [~iceman@ip68-103-13-66.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasNatedogg, echo "/usr/bin/kdm" | sudo tee /etc/X11/default-display-manager08:19
mariahdzi need help i have emachins window ep and i did the doel boot particion  for lenux ubuntu and the inter net will not work on ubuntu what do i do08:19
PepsSeveas, Thanks, I hope my system will not blow up :)08:19
bystanderSeveas: I forgot the carch 22 with sudo :)08:19
bystander*catch 2208:20
mariahdzcan some one help please08:20
Seveasmariahdz, what is the ndiswrapper problem?08:20
glickyeah something is borked big time08:21
glicki did shutdown -r now08:21
mariahdzcat go online from ubuntu it dos not reconaz08:21
glickand my system isnt shutting down08:21
Natedoggstill nothing guys, should i to re-run the original line and then switch it?08:21
Seveasmariahdz, have you installed both ndiswrapper and linux-restricted-modules..?08:21
yahalomis there a limit to how many themese i can add?08:21
Seveasyahalom, no08:21
mariahdzno waht is it08:21
mariahdzwere do i get it08:21
SeveasNatedogg, does it give no output or an error?08:21
glicklol i cant halt the system08:22
Seveasmariahdz, can you please type uname -a in a terminal and paste the output in here08:22
bystanderNatedogg: what does `cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager ` return?08:22
glickwhat is going on?08:22
yahalomSeveas, i added two more themes and it wouldnt add them, evne thought it said it did08:22
mariahdza what08:22
Orbodo it through terminal yahalom08:22
Orbowere they icon themes?08:22
glickanyone know what i could/should do?08:22
Seveasmariahdz, go to applications->system tools->terminal08:22
Seveasmariahdz, that'll open a window, in that window you type: uname -a08:23
Seveasfollowed by an [enter] 08:23
glickmy cpu is being used 100%08:23
glicki think i found a serious kernel bug08:23
Seveasmariahdz, it will say something like 2.6.10-5-SOMETHING08:23
Seveasand i want to know that SOMETHING08:23
Natedoggas i was just rebooting, i noticed the same thing i notice when i turned it off, in "DOS" there was a orange asterik by GNOME Display Manager and K Display Manager, both of them say Not starting Manager; its not the default display manager08:24
glicki guess my only option is a cold hard power re boot08:24
dr_willisa "Boot To the Head Reboot" :P08:24
dr_willis"Cold Cycle the Power System"08:24
bystanderNatedogg: what does `cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager ` return?08:25
bystanderNatedogg: and you reinstalled kdm, right?08:26
=== rattboi [~rattboi@c-24-17-185-187.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Natedoggnot sure08:26
SeveasNatedogg, please copy our commands CAREFULLY08:26
SeveasNatedogg, echo "/usr/bin/kdm" | sudo tee /etc/X11/default-display-manager08:26
bystanderNatedogg: you mean /usr/bin/kdm I hope08:26
bystanderNatedogg: because it looks like you did a typo08:27
Natedoggacctually it does say /user/bin/kdm08:27
mariahdzwhat do i do confused08:27
bystanderNatedogg: then repeat the command Seveas gave you08:27
eoniaGotta run. May y'all have a happy day now y'hear? :)08:27
bystanderNatedogg: it's /usr not /user08:28
Natedoggyes, i am an idiot, been on linux less then 5 hours08:28
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bystanderNatedogg: well in that case you are doing OK :)08:29
Natedoggso after i reinstalled it now, what next08:29
bystanderNatedogg: give us the output of cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager again to check08:29
plonk22bystander: Just wanted to say thanks, I got it all going now, was giving it the wrong module parameter08:29
bystanderplonk22: cool :)08:30
bystanderNatedogg: if that command returns /usr/bin/kdm you should be OK08:30
=== stalagna [~nwallman@ip68-99-8-171.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
stalagnasorry about htat08:31
stalagna  usr/bin/kdm08:32
bystanderstalagna: it should have a leading / ( /usr/bin/kdm )08:32
stalagnait does08:32
bystanderstalagna: OK08:32
stalagnai lose that everytime i type it for some reason08:32
bystanderstalagna: what does ` dpkg -l kdm ` say ?08:33
bystanderit should have ii in the first column if it's installed08:33
bystanderdon't paste the output, please08:33
stalagnayeah it does08:34
stalagnai can't08:34
stalagnaits on my laptop08:34
bystanderOK it should work now08:34
bystanderstalagna: if you reboot you should get kdm08:34
stalagnaill give it a shot08:34
stalagnathanks a bunch08:34
bystanderno worries08:34
Seveasstalagna, reboot is not needed08:35
Seveasjust hit <ctrl><alt><bksp>08:35
bystanderSeveas: true, sorry08:35
=== UniVolstrup [~univol@homer.cs.aau.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasalthough, if kdm did not start earlier, you might need a reboot anyway :)08:36
bystanderor sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart08:36
=== lobo_ [~lobo@adsl-64-123-63-253.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
lobo_Hello, I am having trouble installing ubuntu with software raid08:37
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stalagnabystander: so what is the line to change the default display manager08:39
stalagnai didn't realzie what the difference was, the one i prefer is the original one08:39
=== eonia2 [~ubuntu@adsl-68-127-92-248.dsl.frsn02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
bystanderstalagna: the one I originally gave you will say permission denied or similar08:40
stalagnai am still locking up right after i put in my password08:40
bystanderstalagna: it's a quirk of the sudo method08:40
SeveasNatedogg, echo "/usr/bin/gdm" | sudo tee /etc/X11/default-display-manager08:40
Seveasthat's the Ubuntu default08:40
=== FreezerX [~tbarth@q1gw.q1ag.de] has joined #ubuntu
stalagnaso if you run GNOME you have to be running the GDM right?08:41
stalagnais that why I am locking up?08:41
bystanderstalagna: no08:41
dr_willisNo. :P08:41
bystanderstalagna: kdm works too08:42
dr_willisI use kdm to start up gnome all the time.. and visa-versa08:42
bystanderstalagna: the lock up is some other issue I guess08:42
dr_willisor ya could not even use kdm or gdm. and boot to the console.08:42
stalagnaany other ideas why this won't start up?08:42
bystanderstalagna: you typed your user name first, didn't you ?08:43
dr_williswhen in doubt.. drop back to the console. make a .xinitrc, try startx, and watch the error logs. :P08:43
bystanderdr_willis: .xsession in debian based distros08:44
dr_willisbystander,  Hmm i thoght .xinitrc started for me the other day :P thenagain it may check for one or the other in order.08:44
stalagnafirst a question, there are two ways to run this software, one is GNOME, and the blue is called what?08:44
bystanderdr_willis: .xinitrc will work too :)08:44
dr_willisthen ya got what 'vnc' looks for,08:45
stalagnathe blue background, and it starts with a K08:45
bystanderdr_willis: different functions though08:45
goldfishkde ?08:45
=== matt__ [~matt@oh-clevelandheights-cdnt1-bg2c-224.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
stalagnayeah I think so08:45
=== kinder [~kinder@213-140-6-110.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
dr_willisbystander,  yea - never did find any real info on the differances. :P figured it was some old 'standard' vs some newer old standard. :P now neither are used much.08:45
stalagnabystander: ok, everything was working fine until he had me run the install, and then after it, i ran KDE once with no problems, logged out and tried getting back into GNOME and got the blank screen08:46
bystanderstalagna: which install was that?08:46
stalagnalet me bring it back up08:47
stalagnaI am buying me a book on linux tommarrow08:47
=== IIIEars [~bill@cpe-24-30-188-176.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
stalagnathis is frustrating the hell out of me08:48
Lafitte-how do i blank a cd  in cdrecord ?08:49
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bob2Lafitte-: man cdrecord, the -blank option.08:49
Lafitte-sudo cdrecord -v dev=/dev/hdc blank=all08:49
stalagnaok, he had me run apt-get install kubunto-desktop08:49
stalagnathen i rank the KDE, logged out came back to gnome and had a blank screen08:50
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bystanderstalagna: can you still log into KDE ?08:50
bystanderstalagna: choose it from sessions in the login screen08:51
stalagnai have to go back, I am in failsafe terminal08:51
stalagnaor can i go from here08:51
bystanderhmm - maybe type "exit" in the failsafe screen ( not sure)08:52
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=== glick [~swamiX@cpe-24-193-254-95.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
martiimorning folks08:53
glickok i think i discovered some serious bugs!08:53
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Lafitte-bob2,   heh ei had it mounted   doh!08:54
glickwhy am i getting I/O errors on my firewire drive08:55
glickit worked perfectly in debian08:55
glickas did my usb stick08:55
glicknow they are both acting up08:55
glickwhat gives?08:55
stalagnabystander: it looks like i can get into KDE08:56
=== Orbo [~Orbo@70-32-153-199.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Orbohelp with dual boot08:56
stalagnabut I get a blank screen at GNOME08:56
Orboubuntu recognized it during install08:56
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Orbobut it won't let me access it08:56
OrboI have an SATA hdd if that matters08:56
bystanderstalagna: it *might* be a sound server issue in gnome08:57
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IIIEarshow do you use apt-get to update the signing key?08:57
stalagnai am just going with a reinstall08:57
stalagnai just installed it tonight, dont have anything to lose08:57
stalagnathanks for your help08:58
bystanderstalagna: I doubt that's necessary08:58
stalagna what do you suggest?08:58
=== ubuntu [ubuntu@c-67-171-65-43.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bystanderstalagna: I can't recall the command, but someone else might know how to turn off the sound server for gnome: you *could* try typing"killall esd"08:59
ubuntuhi, i am new to linux and i would like some help please.08:59
IIIEarsglick - give me the USB stick model maybe i can turn something up.08:59
glickIIIEars, it has no model its a generic flash usb stick08:59
glickalso i have a Y200 external firewire drive08:59
IIIEarsOkay - i'm beaten09:00
glickwhat happens is this09:00
ubuntui recently installed ubuntu on my windows pc. i install it without any problems set it for dual boot with xp, xp still works but if i load ubuntu it tells me x-server cannot be loaded and i'm stuck with no GUI09:00
stalagnai will worry about it later, thanks for your help09:00
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IIIEars"Y200" - give me a few minutes09:00
ubuntucan anyone point me in the right direction ?09:00
bystanderstalagna: OK - good luck then09:00
glickwhen i copy large amounts of data from the drive, to the local drive the machine reads as much as it can to memory, then it pauses the read to write the data to disk, then when it wants to resume and read more data, i get I/O failure09:01
glickthere is nothing wrong with this disk09:01
glickworked perfectly only a few hours ago under debian09:01
glickMaxtor 6  Model: Y200P009:02
ubuntumay i request some help please...09:02
OrboI've looked through the forums, and I can't find anything relating to my problem09:02
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OrboSATA partitioned for ubuntu and xp09:02
=== Tomcat_ [Tomcat@p54A1905A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Orboxp won't boot even though it was recognized and added to grub's boot.conf09:03
cyphasehas anyone here heard of aipbot?09:03
ubuntuorbo i have the exact opposite problem09:03
ubuntumy ubuntu won't work properly09:03
Orbodid you install ubuntu first?09:03
ubuntunah xp09:03
ubuntuubuntu tells me that09:04
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ubuntux-server cannot be loaded09:04
ubuntuso i have no gui..09:04
Orbofun, are you on iirc or windows xchat09:04
ubuntui'm on mIRC09:04
ubuntui really need some help09:04
ubuntubut no one is responding09:05
Orboyeah, theyll get around to it, theyve helped me quite a bit in the past when I was just starting out09:05
ubuntuorbo, did you ever have a problem with x-server09:05
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ubuntuim stuck with a plain black screen andwhite command interface09:06
bystanderubuntu: try `sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg`  (if this is ubuntu 5.04 )09:06
ubuntuis that what i type?09:06
Orboa wonderful command bystander09:06
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ubuntuk let me writethat down09:06
bystanderubuntu: yes09:06
ubuntuone minute09:06
Orboitll let you configure your xorg.conf file09:06
IIIEarsglick - (shrug)09:06
bystanderwithout the back ticks of course09:06
DJ-Bugcan some one help a first time user havin trouble booting up please?09:06
ubuntuwhat do i change in the .conf file?09:06
glickthat is my problem09:06
=== hubidubi [~hubidubi@aok-2.aok.pte.hu] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntuim a linux newb09:07
Orboif youre a newb then you shouldnt change anything09:07
bystanderubuntu: that command will ask questions - you answer them09:07
ubuntuwell it isn't working as is09:07
ubuntuoh ok great09:07
Orboreconfigure will do everything for you09:07
hubidubihow can I access non gnome applications from menu?09:07
ubuntusudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:07
ubuntuis that correct?09:07
ubuntuk gonna print it now ill let you know how it goes09:08
Orboare you familiar with dual booting?09:08
bystanderubuntu: it will ask for your password09:08
ubuntui know the password09:08
bystanderubuntu: if this is warty, the command is different09:08
ubuntuit is the uh09:09
glicki gues i have no choice but to compile a kernel from scratch!09:09
hubidubiis there a menu similar than in debian for non gnome apps?09:09
ubuntuhedgehog ?09:09
bystanderubuntu: I assume you have the recent release09:09
glickthe latest vanilla kernel09:09
bystanderhoary hedgehog, yes09:09
ubuntumine is the hedge hog09:09
DJ-Bugi just installed ubuntu and it reset my pc and it dose the dos stuff then just leave a blank empty screen on my pc09:09
ubuntuso this cmd will work09:09
ubuntusudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:09
ubuntuk be right back then09:09
ubuntuthanks much09:09
ubuntuoh btw09:09
bystandergood luck :)09:09
ubuntuhow do i get on irc on linux09:09
ubuntu<no idea>09:09
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bystanderubuntu: use xchat (instlled by default)09:10
ubuntuthank you09:10
glickis there a easy howto for ubuntu?09:10
Orboubuntuguide.org is nice09:10
glickor is it done the same way a debian kernel is compiled?09:10
IIIEarsUbuntu - If all else fails this may work.  ctrl+alt+backspace (kills any xserver before you dpkg another)   in the terminal "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  (just follow the yes and prompts a little experimentation  about options framebufer or no. dri or no glx or no. VOILA! gnome desktop)09:10
bystanderglick: same09:10
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bystanderglick: but why compile a kernel?09:11
IIIEarsUbuntu - still there? - heh09:11
Orboare you familiar with dual booting, bystander?09:11
bystanderOrbo: I have a triple boot here, so yes, sort of :)09:12
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IIIEarsbystander - get a two for one bonus. - same trouble with my rig.09:12
glickbystander, bystander i need 2.6.11-909:12
bystanderI see09:12
Orbobystander, I'm having trouble with an xp and ubuntu dual boot09:13
glickbystander, apparently some of these externel firewire drives have faulty controller cards that the .9 kernel can work around09:13
prasadthe system time i.e in bios is different that what my ubuntu shows?09:13
prasadany help?09:13
glicki think i know why my usb stick isnt working09:13
IIIEarsglick - maybe it's just me but 2.6.11 didn't work very well.09:13
bystanderOrbo: that's kind of vague...09:13
Orbobystander, I've got an sata drive with both OS's installed, ubuntu recognized it, yet XP won't load09:13
glickthe assholes at the school lab where i work, set restrictions on their windows machine so you cant safely remove usb devices09:14
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glickthe asswipe assured me that it was safe to just log out and pull it out09:14
IIIEarsOrbo - what error do you see?09:14
DJ-Bugcan any one help me ?09:14
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OrboIIIEars, hold on09:14
glickapparently it currupted my usbstick so i cant read it on linux machines09:14
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bystanderOrbo: sata can cuse issues, but I know nothing about that, sorry09:14
OrboIIIEars, brb09:14
OrboI'll go check09:14
DJ-Bug> i just installed ubuntu and it reset my pc and it dose the dos stuff then just leave a blank empty screen on my pc09:15
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vince_can anyone tell me how to make gphoto recognize olympus stylus 300 digital camera? it is present as a storage device, but not recognized as a camera... thanks09:15
bystanderlater all, gotta go ...09:15
IIIEarsDJ-bug - yeppers "" the "Grub" bootloader problems.09:15
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IIIEarsbystander No--ooo!09:16
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IIIEars3 people here with basically the same question and you managed to set up a triple boot system.09:16
JohnnyRottendoes anyone know why after installing ubuntu after everything loads the screen just goes blank09:16
OrboIIIEars:  root hd(0,0)09:16
MadpilotIs there a "Ubuntu/Linux architecture for dummies" page out there somewhere?09:17
OrboError 24: attempting to access block outside of partition09:17
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xberm.. how would i use apt-get or aptitude to install gtk?09:18
MadpilotI know it's linux kernel --> a bunch of stuff --> visible desktop :) but I'd like to fill in the large gaps in that little diagram...09:18
=== darGor [~dargor@200-55-72-207.dsl.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
Orboxb, first 'sudo apt-cache search gtk'09:18
xbim thinking there should be one thing i can type to install it easily09:18
darGoranyone can help me? how i can change a .ogg file to a .mp3 ? my mp3 discman can play .ogg files.09:18
Orbothen choose what you want 'sudo apt-get install nameofpackage'09:18
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=== xb sees an array of file names
IIIEarsOrbo - something like "grub-install (plus command to assign mbr) (plus some command to assign directory where menu.lst is stored)09:19
glickit must be a kernel issue right?09:20
glicki mean this disk worked perfectly in -909:20
OrboIIIEars, that doesn't help much, assign mbr?09:20
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Orboassign directory to the menu.lst in /boot/grub?09:20
xbcan i type a lot of packages seperated by spaces?09:21
JohnnyRottenanyone have any idea what might cause the screen to just go black when first loading on a fresh install?09:21
Orboxb, no, iirc09:21
IIIEarsHelp? - bah - i was hoping you knew it. (sigh)09:21
Orbo'mimics vader walk'09:21
xbheh whats iirc have to do with this?09:22
IIIEarsEh, oh well (shrug)09:22
Orboiirc=if i remember correctly xb09:22
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Raskallcan I tell tar to skipp hardlinked files when creating a tar archive?09:24
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ubuntuok, im back09:24
ubuntui did the x-server reconfigure.09:24
ubuntuit told me that09:24
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gromfhello everybody09:24
ubuntuwarning: overwriting possibly customized configuration file /etc/x11/xorg-conf.2005009:25
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ubuntualso, i have onboard video on my motherboard and an ati card ( pci express ) how do i find out the pci-bus of the ati card09:25
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Seveasubuntu, lspci09:27
Seveastype that in a terminal :)09:27
ubuntui don't understand09:27
ubuntui can't get to a terminal09:27
ubuntux-server won't load09:27
glickexcuse me i have a question is it a known issue that many external firewire drives dont work correctly when transfering large amounts of data, crashing or causing the kernel to seemingly freeze waiting for them because of faulty controller chips ?09:27
Seveaswell, then just in the console (that's where you are without X-server)09:27
ubuntuthat does that tell me?09:28
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Seveasthat will tell you the PCI bus contents09:28
ubuntuwould entering an incorrect value give me the error i pasted09:28
Seveasglick, try mounting it sync (or if it is sync, mount it asyncO09:28
Seveasubuntu, no idea09:28
ubuntuk i will go try that09:29
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ubuntuneed some help buddy :-)09:29
ubuntui tried the reconfigure09:29
ubuntui told me:09:29
ubuntuxserver-xorg post inst warning:overwriting possibly customized configuration file /etc/x11/x-org.conf.2005009:30
ubuntuhow do i resolve that09:30
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bystanderit's just a warning as far as I can see09:31
Seveasubuntu, back up your xorg.conf09:31
ubuntubut then it still won't let me on09:31
lobo_how do i get raid0 software to work on the installer?09:31
bystanderdid you go ahead?09:31
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ubuntubut then it still won'tl oad x-org09:31
ubuntuwont load x-org*09:31
bystanderubuntu: did you answer the questions?09:31
ubuntuyea i did09:31
ubuntui have a question.09:31
ubuntui have onboard video chip (intel) and a much better ati ( pci express video card)09:32
ubuntuis that causing this problem?09:32
bystanderit might be confused about which card to use09:32
ubuntuit asks me for the pci-bus09:32
ubuntuand i have no idea what to tell it09:32
bystanderignore that09:32
xbehh.. so there's no way i can install all of gtk in just a couple lines?09:32
bystanderyou don't need to answer that one09:33
ubuntuit does see the ati card and asks me if the model is correct09:33
ubuntuand it is09:33
ubuntuok. then i have no idea how to get x-server to work then :-(09:33
bystandermaybe you can disable the other card in BIOS09:33
ubuntuwhich one09:33
ubuntui'm sure i have the intel already disabled09:34
ubuntubecause i use the ati09:34
bystanderubuntu: whichever you don't want to use09:34
ubuntuwouldn't the intel already be disabled09:34
JohnnyRottendoes anyone know why after installing ubuntu after everything loads the screen just goes blank? its ubuntu 5.0409:34
bystanderubuntu: I don't know, to be honest09:34
ubuntuwell how can i show you the error i get09:34
ubuntufrom x-server09:34
ubuntuwrite down log info or what?09:34
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bystanderubuntu: you might paste the error at pastebin.com and ask people to look at it: I have to go again soon I'm sfraid09:36
bystanderubuntu: I'm no expert on x configuration anyway09:36
ubuntui will go check the bio09:37
bystanderI just know a few commands like the one I gave you09:37
ubuntuwhat button is it again to get into bios09:37
ubuntualso, any other x-server command that might get me out of this rut09:37
bystanderdepends on your machine09:37
ubuntualso when i installed ubuntu i used partition as /root09:37
bystanderthe button I mean09:37
ubuntuis that correct setup ?09:37
bystanderno, should be just /09:37
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ubuntui'm sure that's what i mean09:38
ubuntui think it said /root.09:38
bystanderdefinitely should be /09:38
ubuntushould i reinstall ubuntu ?09:38
ubuntuhow do i know if it is /09:38
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bystandersudo fdisk -l will show you your partitions09:39
glickthis is exactly why you want to learn how to compile your own kernels ladies and gentlemen09:40
lobo_bystander: are you familiar with software raid setups?09:40
bystanderlobo_: no, sorry09:40
lobo_poopy :(09:40
ubuntuso if it is /root09:40
ubuntuthat is wrong?09:40
ubuntuit should just be /09:40
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bystanderubuntu: as I said, /root is root's home dir, not the root partition09:40
bystanderis the root partition09:41
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ubuntuoh this is so very complicated i remember using09:41
bystandersorry / is the root partition09:41
ubuntuknoppix it was easy09:41
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bystanderubuntu: ubuntu is almost exactly the same as knoppix in these respects09:41
bystanderboth are debian-style distros09:42
chrissomebody is trying to get into my ssh server what shall I do?09:42
chrisauth.log gives me their ip09:42
chrisgood idea how?09:42
KerPlunkchris: dial 91109:42
bystanderchris: shut down your server?09:42
ubuntuhow the hell do i get x-server to work09:42
chrisI on remote access too09:42
ubuntuit is driving me nuts09:42
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chrisso a ip with firestater then?09:43
ubuntukerplunk can you help?09:43
KerPlunkubuntu: apt-get -y install xserver-xfree86 xfonts-base09:44
bystanderKerPlunk: he's on Hoary09:44
ubuntui really need a command like thator something09:44
ubuntui want to get this working09:45
KerPlunkI dunno what Hoary is09:45
KerPlunkThis is my first time here.09:45
ubuntuthat cmd is no good for hoary?09:45
KerPlunkI'm a debian person.09:45
bystanderKerPlunk: he has xorg, not xfree09:45
=== cbruggeman [~cbruggema@AAmiens-104-2-1-13.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
KerPlunkIt seems Ubuntu is taking over so I came to see what the fuss was about09:45
ubuntuapt-get -y install xserver-xorg xfonts-base09:45
ubuntuwill that work09:45
bystanderit will probably say "you have the latest version already"09:46
KerPlunkHP is backing Ubuntu making some of their laptop models completly compatible with Ubuntu out of the box.09:46
KerPlunkin Europe/Middle East/Africa09:46
KerPlunkThat is huge.09:46
bystanderKerPlunk: interesting09:47
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bystanderKerPlunk: URL?09:47
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mithrohi! how do i find out what the logout "suspend" and "hibernate" buttons call?09:47
Madpilotbystander: http://www.tomshardware.com/hardnews/20050512_124421.html  - google Ubuntu HP for more09:48
bystanderOK thanks09:48
=== ChinaCatJones [~Chris@pool-71-111-176-217.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== rixth [~rixth@60-234-142-58.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
chrisit was somebody in asia09:49
glickima save the kernel compile for t'morrow09:49
bystanderthis could be the thin edge of the wedge for linux.. good stuff09:49
glicki gotta hit the hay09:49
chrisin Oz I think09:49
rixthHow can one open .wps (MS Works) documents in OpenOffice?09:49
KerPlunkbystander: It certainly can't hurt.09:49
bystanderKerPlunk: indeed09:49
KerPlunkrixth: Go to file and open in openoffice?09:49
KerPlunkThen click on the wps file?09:50
rixthKerPlunk, no, it doesn't have the filter.09:50
KerPlunkChange it to *.*09:50
=== schasi [~schasi@p54A26B42.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
bystandermust fly - good luck, ubuntu09:50
rixthKerPlunk, it doesn't have the filter! I've tried opening it as a Word document (97 through to XP) and it doesn't woprk.09:51
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rixthIt' not that I can't see the file, I just can't open it.09:51
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KerPlunkrixth: Have you tried in #openoffice?09:51
psychonateMicrosoft offers a converter on their website AFAIK09:51
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psychonatealso, I think abiword can open it09:51
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rixthKerPlunk, it's not even a channel.09:52
ChinaCatJonesso what's everyone's favorite ripper?09:52
chrismy hacker is from taiwan09:52
rixthI'll get Abiword then. (There's an image embedded inside I need)09:52
rixthOh okay :)09:52
psychonatewell, I don't see that it can for sure09:53
rixthWhat the hell. I can't change my password to r47wok becasue it's "too simple".09:54
holycowhey guys, i have a sis ac'97 internal modem, lspci -v shows it having i/o ports, but lsmod doesnt show a module loaded and wvdial cannot detect the modem on any ttys ports ...09:54
psychonatehowever, if you have windows or if you can get it working under wine:09:54
rixth^^ Not actually the password, but it's in the format09:54
rixthpsychonate, but I'm using Linux...09:54
holycowi'm googling not muc relavent stuff on this, anyone know how to debug modem realated issues?  im thinking udev has something to do with it09:54
psychonatewell, it's probably abiword or bust then09:55
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ubuntuif i download the non hedgehog version you think it might work?09:56
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rixthOkay. If I can have ll as a password, why the hell can't I have r56wok?09:58
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burnboydoes it give you an error?09:59
Amaranthrixth: Lesson one: Don't tell people your passwords.09:59
=== ubuntu lol
=== ubuntu initiates hack procedures on rixth
Amaranthubuntu: breezy is known to be broken, warty is old as dirt10:00
glickcompilin my kernel10:00
glickonce my kernel is in place this will be a sweet system10:00
ubuntuamaranth i cant get x-server to load10:00
burnboyare you compiling a custom desktop kernel?10:01
ubuntui guess i will try to reinstall hoar10:01
glickburnboy, yes10:01
Amaranthubuntu: it works on the live cd though?10:01
ubuntui never tried the live cd10:01
burnboyjust skimmed down or did you add grsec or something?10:01
Amaranthubuntu: what are you on now?10:01
ubuntuxp pro10:01
AmaranthCan you please change your nick? People on the Live CD who join get assigned that nick.10:02
rixthThat wasn't my password. Just an example10:02
ubuntuthey do?10:02
ubuntuhow do i change nickname10:02
AmaranthYeah, because the user on the Live CD is ubuntu and xchat uses that to set the nick.10:02
Amaranth/nick <SomeNameHere>10:02
=== ubuntu is now known as Ubuntu2
glicklol but he user on the liveCD can chance his nick too10:02
Ubuntu2anyway i need some help10:03
Ubuntu2if i want to install ubuntu10:03
Ubuntu2how the hell do i get x-server to load10:03
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burnboyi can never remember the exact xconfig command..10:03
Amaranthwe'd need to know the error first10:04
Ubuntu2when i'm installing ubuntu in a dual boot set-up with windows10:04
Ubuntu2amaranth i have it one second10:04
burnboywait, was this hoary or not?10:04
Ubuntu2tells me10:04
Ubuntu2no devices10:04
Ubuntu2no screens10:04
Ubuntu2and something about not implemented10:05
Ubuntu2and says "i cannot load x-server (you're graphical interface)10:05
Amaranthyeah, tell it to give you the error log10:05
=== sKaBoy [~luogni@host119-103.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
Ubuntu2i did10:06
Ubuntu2what doi dothen10:06
Ubuntu2do i do then*10:06
Amaranthtell use the error10:07
burnboytry xorgconfig10:07
Ubuntu2i did10:07
burnboy'sudo xorgconfig'10:07
Raskallare there any estimates of when breezy is usable?10:07
Ubuntu2i guess ill go reinstall ubuntu10:08
Ubuntu2be back soon..10:08
Ubuntu2where do i copy the error from?10:08
AmaranthRaskall: 2 months, maybe10:08
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Ubuntu2amaranth. where do i install it to /root ?10:08
Ubuntu2or /home10:09
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RaskallAmaranth: :( too bad. is it severely broken?10:09
glickdam this kenel is takin forever to compile10:09
AmaranthRaskall: In a word, yes.10:09
Amaranthglick: Why are you compiling your own kernel?10:10
lokkYou probably get this question all the time, but has anyone had any luck using RAID 0 with a Via VT8237 chipset?10:10
RaskallAmaranth: ok.. Guess I'll wait then. Hoary is doing a great job for me, so I don't really need to change anything.10:10
glickAmaranth, the stock kernels that come with ubuntu dont contain the fixes for faulty external firewire controller chips10:10
glickapparently 2.6.11-9 does10:10
Ubuntu2i wish i could get ubuntu to work10:10
Ubuntu2god damnit10:10
AmaranthRaskall: in 2 months it'll be 'don't stop working on a daily basis' not 'usable for a desktop that can't afford to go down for an hour of tinkering'10:10
burnboyglick, there's still a lot you could have removed to compile a lot quicker10:11
glickburnboy, my kernel contains only what i need10:11
Ubuntu2where do i install ubuntu to10:11
Amaranthglick: The 2.6.11 in hoary isn't 2.6.1110:11
glickAmaranth, what do you mean?10:11
Amaranthit's a bitkeeper snapshot of sometime after 2.6.1010:11
Amaranthas in, not stable, will die10:11
glickAmaranth, are you serious?10:12
RaskallAmaranth: ok. I really need a working desktop right now since I am looking for a new job, so I guess I'll load breezy in some kind of vm instead.10:12
glickgod damnit why do they do that!?10:12
Amaranththey thought 2.6.11 would release before they froze, it didn't10:12
Amaranththat's why it's in universe10:12
glickanyway when i transfer large amounts of data too or from my external fw drive it borks10:12
matt__is there a repository with e17 on it?10:12
burnboywonder if anyone here knows hot to chown the uploads of all user accounts through vsftpd10:13
Amaranthglick: You'd have to compile a kernel from kernel.org10:13
burnboyi thought that's what he was doing10:13
glickAmaranth, yeah thats what im doing :)10:13
burnboyyou don't compile what you can apt-get10:13
burnboyi always pop in a movie when i know i have to compile a personal kernel10:15
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burnboyis ubuntuguide.org sponsored by Ubuntu at all?10:16
burnboydumb question10:16
burnboyit's General Note #1.10:17
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glicki was starting to get frustrated as to why my shit wasnt working10:17
glicksomethings are just meant to be done the good ole' fashion way10:17
pschulz01Gettings. I'm trying to configure bochs to use networking under hoary..10:17
pschulz01/dev/net/tun is there as well as the kernel module.. but it still isn;t working.10:18
pschulz01ls -al /dev/net/tun gives the device as (c 10,100) but device '10' is listed as 'misc' in /proc/devices.10:19
glickdam this wasnt supposed to take this long10:21
glickinstalling ubuntu10:21
glicki was expecting everything to "Just Work" :(10:21
jsgotangcotell that to microsoft too10:22
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r0dis their an easy way to install anjuta besides dl all the depend libs manually. apt-get doesnt have a package10:24
=== Vampis [~niclas@c-86c271d5.146-1-64736c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
glickdude anjuta sucks10:24
glicklearn to use your favorite text editor10:24
glicktrus me10:24
glickyou hate to do it at first10:24
glickyur used to a pretty ide10:25
jsgotangcoi just use joe or probably nano10:25
r0dits alot easier10:25
jsgotangcosometimes bluefish is handy though10:25
glickbut then when you get used to it you love it and then you start to bitch when at work you have to use an IDE to write code in10:25
r0di dont think using reg text editor is any better. slower10:25
=== MrScotty [1040@ente.hawo.stw.uni-erlangen.de] has joined #ubuntu
glickmaybe try eclipse with C++ module instead of anjuta10:25
glicka text editor will have little bugs10:26
glickyou dont know how buggy those big ass IDEs are10:26
glickr0d, learn vim or emacs10:26
glickim a long time vim user for code10:26
r0di know emacs10:26
jsgotangcoemacs is so good at coding10:26
glicktrying to learn emacs cause i heard it has some nice features for coding10:26
r0di need the question answered if possible10:26
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glicki dont kow ive only used anjuta once on slackware, and i remimber it was a bitch to isntall there too10:27
glickdoes anyone here ever use the virtual desktops of gnome or kde?10:29
glicki have never used them as long as ive used them10:29
=== Madpilot [~yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
jsgotangcohave you tried monodevelop10:29
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glickjsgotangco, lol i think hes set on anjuta10:30
r0d? no i'm not10:30
r0di just dont need to be told how much better a reg text editor is. its not. unless its a small program10:30
glickwow the virtual desktops on xfce are pretty damn cool10:30
burnboyhmm..this looks interesting10:30
glicki may actually use these10:30
r0di'm coming from kde and would like a good ide10:30
e-gurudoes anybody know how to load a new DSDT table at boot time to ubuntu?10:30
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r0djsgotangco, monodevelop, that uses c# right?10:31
glickyay! kernel complete!10:31
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r0dI"m telling the apt database is way too small compared to emerge's. its gonna be hard to get use to10:33
burnboywhat's a good web-based coding GUI editor along the lines of mondevelop?10:33
glicktime to reboot10:34
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Vampismorning ppl10:35
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Vampiswhats up?10:36
r0dfrustration, lol10:36
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Vampisthats not nice ;)10:36
r0dyou a big ubtunu guy vampis?10:37
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Vampisno... just getting started.. like a couple of months ago10:37
Vampisso I'm n00b10:37
r0dahh u too. I"m coming from gentoo. its a change.....10:38
Vampisbut don't worry ppl, I'm not here to ask any questions ;)10:38
VampisI tried gentoo once10:38
Vampisthe installation took 3 days..10:38
r0dgentoo rocks10:38
Vampisand then it refused to boot ;)10:38
r0dlol yea that part isnt the best...10:38
VampisI got mighty pissed10:38
SeveasVampis, sounds like my story10:38
Vampisr0d: of course10:38
Seveasi tried stage1, stage2 and stage3 install10:38
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Seveasnone of them would ever boot10:39
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r0dwell when i was a good ole noob on gentoo, i used stage310:39
r0dmade things alot more fun.10:39
VampisSeveas: I got so pissed.. and I had to get access to my disks in the server so i throwed in xp little quick10:39
Seveasso i kinda don't like gentoo since then :)10:39
Vampisme neither :)10:39
r0di feel ya on that. i cant use my amd64 bit chip on a 32enviroment10:39
r0dwhich is y i'm here:) loving the easy-ness10:40
Seveasr0d, by the way, the apt database is only small if you don't use universe :)10:40
r0dhow'd ya do that? i know that the apt-source file is what apt-get reads for source right?10:41
Vampishow many sources do u hade in the sources.list? I only have the ones in ubuntuguide.org10:41
matt__how do you search for something with apt-get?10:41
Vampisapt-cache search Whatuwannasearchfor10:41
Seveasr0d, make your /etc/apt/sources.list include at least the repositories listed in http://pastebin.kaarsemaker.net/3810:41
=== locomorto [~locomorto@c211-28-255-79.eburwd5.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
r0dapt-cache searh <name of file>10:42
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r0dits been a rough night10:42
locomortoi know, fridays are a killer10:42
VampisSeveas: I have thoose..10:42
Vampisand the extras i found @ ubuntuguide10:42
locomortoanyone found any pieces of interesting software?10:43
Seveasbackports/marillat are evil10:43
locomortosevaes they are not10:43
locomortoi will enjoy my lovely ff 1.0.4 and gstreamer and you can go off and sulk10:43
Seveaslocomorto, ff in standard ubuntu is equivalent to 1.0.4 and better packaged10:44
Seveasgood luck on upgrades...10:44
matt__anyone here install e17 from apt-get? im having some trouble10:44
locomortono its not10:44
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Vampismatt__: I have a thread here.. w810:44
locomortoit only has the security updates pulled down10:44
Sevease17 is not in the standard repositories matt__ afaik10:44
=== IIIEars [~bill@cpe-24-30-188-176.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Vampismatt__: there's all ya need to know10:45
Seveaslocomorto, new features introduce new bugs, so if you want that, by all means use backports10:45
Seveasthey still suck, QA wise10:45
VampisI tried kubuntu last month10:45
matt__Vampis: ya i saw that already but it wont work, wont let me install the package10:45
Vampiskonqeror crashed all the time10:45
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Vampismatt__:  in the apt/precerenses10:47
Vampischange the pin from  version 0.17.0_pre10*10:47
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Vampisto 0.16.999*10:47
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IIIEarsgood morning mimi10:48
Vampisthats the way he named the packages10:48
penticlexnew breezy installing now10:48
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matt__Vampis: thanks i think that did it, was getting really frustrated =\10:48
mimihello can you see what im writting10:48
Vampisi dont see a word ;)10:49
Vampismatt__: np :>10:49
Vampismatt__: u made me feel a little 1337 there ;)10:49
penticlexI was so suprized how fast ubuntu is10:49
mimihow old r u10:49
IIIEarsinvisible e-ink?10:49
Vampispenticlex: its fu**ing fast..10:49
=== thoreauputic [~peter@wolax6-045.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
mimifucking fast eh10:49
VampisIt runs fast as hell on my thinkpad 1.6 p4m with 768DDR10:49
penticlexyes it is installation only 30 min10:49
penticlexon my amd duron 85010:50
mimiyou guys are computer nerds right10:50
IIIEarswich is amazing if you have ever tried fedora.10:50
Seveasmimi, some would say that, we prefer the term linux enthousiasts ;)10:50
penticlexfedora sucks10:50
matt__Vampis: can i pm you?10:50
VampisI have a problem with my duron 80010:50
IIIEars2 points for not saying "geek" - lol10:50
Vampisthe motherboard doesnt support it, so it thinks it is a duron 533, but ubuntu sees it as a duron 80010:51
Vampismatt__: about? :)10:51
penticlexnothing works correctly10:51
Vampisu got that right ;)10:51
penticlex?I have no problems w/ my amd 850 its overclocked to 1.07 ghx10:51
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=== glick [~swamiX@cpe-24-193-254-95.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
glickworks like a charm :)10:52
Vampispenticlex: this depends on the motherboard..10:52
matt__Vampis: well, no i can select enlightenment but now there is a list of deps that says cant be installed, am i missing something else? another repository10:52
VampisI am trying to find a used cpu to buy10:52
penticlexyes true10:52
Vampismatt__: have u added the repositories in the thread on the forum i sent ?10:52
penticlex47% upgraded10:53
matt__Vampis: ya, it was just the one at the top right?10:53
Vampismatt__: yep.. hnm, do u have all the sources listed i ubuntuguide.org ?10:53
IIIEarsVampis - check newegg.com - $179 for a 1.8g machine - if all you are looking for is an upgrade likely that will upgrade more than the processor10:54
VampisI kive i sweden ;)10:54
IIIEarsMy favorite place is outpost.com - hewlett packard machines starting at $399 - great second machines10:55
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r0dSeveas, you know that apt-list you showed me. it get "W: Couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)10:57
IIIEarscheck pricewatch for components to build that gaming rig.10:57
matt__Vampis: ya i do now, still same error10:57
r0dSeveas, wrong link?10:57
dmoynehello ! what is the best place to set local variables for a user ? ; thanks10:57
Vampismatt__: wierd10:57
Seveasr0d, apt-get update10:57
Seveasalways apt-get update after editing sources.list10:57
Seveasdmoyne, that depends10:58
Seveasdmoyne, if they should be system-wide: ~/.gnomerc10:58
r0dSeveas,  i owe you a cookie.10:58
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Seveasif they should be available in a terminal: ~/.bashrc10:58
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dmoyneSeveas, I said just for a user otherwise for system-wide configuration /etc/environments is good is it not ?10:59
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sebastyanHello peeps !10:59
=== Church_of_FoamY [~shane@24-177-160-171.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasdmoyne, sorry, with system wide i meant: also available in gnome (ie: no terminal)11:00
ki4cgpAnyone been able to get fglrx and DRI running with an ATI radeon 9600XT or something close?11:00
thoreauputichmm... yet another firefox update?11:00
IIIEarsCan X-Chat accept system wide "themes"?11:00
sebastyanUbuntu Addon CD is enough ?? i mean i have all development libraries there ?11:01
sebastyanor i need to still download them ?11:01
dmoyneSeveas, my problem is that by setting in ~bashrc it has no more effect !11:01
IIIEarsthprea, - The scripties are aiming at the second most popular browser.   (cringe should i stick with "links" - grin)11:02
Seveasdmoyne, that's odd11:02
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Burgundaviaki4cgp, I have set up 2 of them11:03
Burgundaviaki4cgp, have you read wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto ?11:03
SeveasBurgundavia, do you have transparency going too?11:03
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BurgundaviaSeveas, nope, never tried11:03
Seveasah ok11:03
ki4cgpNo, I just installed ubuntu tonight, and have had problems getting those packages to install/compile11:03
Seveassupertux needs it :|11:04
BurgundaviaSeveas, I suppose I could mess up Madpilot's machine11:04
ki4cgpI'll take a look at that tho11:04
dmoyneSeveas, yes, it maybe related to a bug with Kuser crashing when trying to edit a user properties (this is where you indicate /usr/bash as the user script) !11:04
r0domg monodevelop is so AWESOME!. no need to develop in windows anymore:)11:04
Burgundaviaki4cgp, you don't need to compile anything, just install the drivers and edit your xorg.conf11:04
=== dave_ [~dave@adsl-68-76-145-248.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
MadpilotBurgundavia: Oh, thanks very much. Preform driver tests on your own blasted box! :)11:04
BurgundaviaMadpilot, lol11:05
Seveasdmoyne, bash = /usr/bin/bash11:05
navreetwhat's the best man page browser? (not man... I am looking for color coding, etc)11:05
BurgundaviaMadpilot, but I need mine to work11:05
Seveasor even /bin/bash11:05
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Seveasnavreet, yelp11:05
MadpilotBurgundavia: Bite me.11:05
IIIEarslol - Welcome to the "Ubuntu Community"11:06
Madpilotmeaning that the nicest possible way, of course11:06
e-gurudoes anybody know how to compile DSDT table? iasl tool seems to be missing in ubuntu11:06
navreetSeveas, thanks, but how do I open a man page from yelp?11:06
dmoyneSeveas, nope /bin/bash !11:06
MadpilotIIIEars: we're brothers. he's my beer-powered tech support. I'm obliged to give Burgundavia grief... :)11:07
Seveasnavreet: just start yelp and click on the man pages link :)11:07
IIIEarsheh - wide grin11:07
Seveasbeer-powered tech support11:07
Seveasi like that title :)11:07
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Seveasdmoyne, indeed, but you said /usr/bash earlier11:08
Seveasand that's wrong :)11:08
=== Burgundavia converted Madpilot from XP to Ubuntu
=== Madpilot hath seen the light. Or something like that.
dmoyneSeveas, sorry but I meant the latter ; what is the graphical alternative with GNOME to Kuser ?11:09
Seveasno idea, what's kuser?11:09
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Seveasi think you need users-admin11:10
jsgotangcoMadpilot, you are a fool to trust Burgundavia11:10
IIIEarsSeveas - overheard in another tech chat room. "Windows sux i have 2003 server got" "where did you get that?" "....some .ru server"  "It doesn't work can you help?"11:10
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=== jsgotangco hides
navreetSeveas, thanks... but I wish there was a quicker way... e.g. yelp mplayer11:10
dmoyneSeveas, this is a graphical interface to edit user properties such as group ownership, script, domain path and so on11:10
Church_of_FoamYanyone know how to delete dirs in cedega?11:10
BurgundaviaSeveas, I run Breezy. I don't crazy, bleeding edge things like transparency11:11
Seveasdmoyne, yeah, that;s users-admin11:11
Madpilotjsgotangco: no choice, he's family. besides, beer-powered = fairly cheap tech support... :)11:11
jsgotangcoi guess you're the brother then11:11
ki4cgpBurgundavia, I got all that done.  I'm gonna reboot to see how it does...11:11
Madpilotjsgotangco: afraid so. has my name been taken in vain?11:11
jsgotangcoMadpilot, he's been talking about it for days11:11
dmoyneSeveas, apparently I cannot run in console mode ! ; are sure of the package (application) name ?11:12
Madpilotjsgotangco: oh dear. his first convert has gone to Burgundavia's head...11:12
=== mindspin [~mindspin@p54B2D9F5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasdmoyne, gksudo users-admin (it needs root privileges)11:12
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dmoyneSeveas, nothing happens when running gksudo users-admin : no error message and no display !11:14
Seveasdmoyne, that's odd11:14
Seveasworks fine here11:14
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-14-253.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasit's /usr/bin/users-admin11:15
Seveasbtw: i think it needs to be run inside a gnome session11:15
dmoyneSeveas, yes maybe I have a bug somewherer in the files under /etc like : shadow, group that I had to edit by hand as Kuser was crashing !11:15
bigfootHi everybody. I'd like to make use of an extension in Firefox. My question is in regards to the Fx that comes with Ubuntu. The extension's homepage (http://piro.sakura.ne.jp/xul/webmap/index.html.en) says that "This extension works only with special builds of Mozilla with the SVG option. If you use normal releases of Mozilla/Firefox, this won't work." For Linux, the build he mentioned is "Mozilla 1.7.5 local build with libart_lgpl-2.3.16-2.1 (bui11:16
bigfootld option: --enable-svg --enable-svg-renderer-libart)" please advise.11:16
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Church_of_FoamYdoes anyone know how to delete directorys in cedega?11:16
IIIEarsbigfoot - nice tip!11:17
bigfootIIIEars, oh, you mean the extension?11:17
Seveasbigfoot, you will need to compile mozila yourself, afaik the ubuntu builds do not have svg enabled11:17
dmoyneSeveas, when searching package users-admin it does not exist ! what is the package name that contains it ?11:17
IIIEarsI did have even a start at where to begin with them.11:18
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navreetSeveas, man:topic in konqueror is also great! :)11:18
Burgundaviabigbootay, SVG is not enabled for Ubuntu builds. It is coming by default it FF 1.1. So inorder to get it, you need to compile your own ff11:18
bigfootIIIEars, i'm sorry, i don't understand your last statement.11:18
Seveasdmoyne, gnome-system-tools11:18
Seveasnavreet, eeek konqueror11:18
IIIEarsnever mind - lol - neither do i. (nap time)11:18
bigfootSeveas, okay. What does it mean to "compile"? How does one do so?11:18
IIIEarsGood night! :)11:19
Vampisnavreet: konqeror sux =)11:19
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Vampisit crashes all the time in kubuntu11:19
navreetSeveas, I know... I used to be a kde fan, but I've switch to Gnome after 2.4 or so11:19
navreetSeveas, it seems so bloated..11:19
bigfootnavreet, welcome to gnome.11:19
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thoreauputicbigfoot: if you need to ask that, don't try to compile mozilla or firefox ;)11:19
lhbbigfoot: build it from sourcecode11:19
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Fleischlegodoes this mean X tries to open the mouse as a "serial mouse"? => (EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/input/mice11:19
navreetbigfoot, heh, been using it for a while :)... it's slick, glad they revamped nautilus long ago [used to be super slow] 11:19
bigfootthoreauputic, Hi! You mean getting a SVG mozilla isn't as easy as downloading a package from Synaptic?11:20
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thoreauputicbigfoot: that would be a major understatement :)11:20
navreetbigbootay, yeah...11:20
navreetbigfoot, yeah11:21
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Seveasnavreet,  is bigbootay a fancy word for fatass? :p11:21
ki4cgpBurgundavia, no such luck with the driver on that web-page11:21
Madpilotamazing the nicks ppl choose, isn't it? :p11:22
dmoyneSeveas, thanks now it works to edit users with Gnome ! ; thanks ; last question how do I launch webadmin ?11:22
bigfootok, in that case, no problem. The extension was to give a Visual Map of the history (of webpages viewed) in Fx.11:22
Seveasdmoyne, you mean webmin?11:22
dmoyneSeveas, yes !!!!11:22
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Seveasdmoyne, you need to have your root account enabled for that afaik11:23
Seveasand you just point firefox to http://localhost:10000/11:23
dmoyneSeveas, I am sudo11:23
Burgundaviaki4cgp, do you have an nforce2 board?11:23
Seveasyeah but i heard (never used webmin) that webmin needs the root account to be enabled11:23
thoreauputicdmoyne: webmin expects "root"11:24
ki4cgpBurgundavia,  Not that I know of.  I don't think it had any video installed.  as a matter of fact, its i810 chipset11:24
dmoyneSeveas, ok thanks a lot for your help !11:24
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thoreauputicdmoyne: if you must enable root, you can set a root passwd with ` sudo passwd root `11:25
Wingsello, I downloaded irssi with the synaptic package manager, how  do I run it?11:25
SeveasWings, in a terminal you type: irssi11:25
dmoyneSeveas, you are wright I have to log as root to get in !11:25
thoreauputicWings: type `irssi -c irc.freenode.net` in a terminal11:25
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thoreauputicWings: for example11:26
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Wingsok trying that now11:26
thoreauputicWings:  irssi.org for lots of docs and info11:26
gociliI'm just trying to change my root setup on my newly installed system....but it won't let me11:26
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gociliwhat is the default password on ubuntu11:27
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gocilidefault root pass11:27
thoreauputicyour user password for sudo11:27
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thoreauputicthere isn't one11:27
Wingsalright, it worked, thanks11:27
thoreauputicas such11:27
Seveasstupid alt-f4 :)11:28
Seveasgocili, there is no default root password11:28
Seveasgocili: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo11:28
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Shuflahello :D11:31
gociligot it11:32
gocilithanks guys11:32
KpjasHi What can I do when my mouse dies ?11:32
thoreauputicKpjas: get a hamster?11:32
Kpjasapart from burying it ?11:32
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Kpjasin my previous system there was gpm11:33
thoreauputicsudo apt-get install gpm11:34
Vampisgpm = ? gnome package manager?11:34
KpjasMy mouse dies when I left login screen for too long11:34
thoreauputicVampis: no it's a mouse thing for use in frame buffer etc11:34
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ShuflaVampis: apt-cache show gpm11:35
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Kpjasthoreauputic: how does mouse work in Gnome then ?11:35
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Kpjaswithout gpm ?11:35
thoreauputicKpjas: I have no idea ;)11:35
ShuflaKpjas: xorg has it's own driver.11:35
VampisShufla: that one i didnt now..spanx11:36
Shuflado you want to spank me? no, plaseeeaseee! i prefer women! ;)11:36
KpjasShufla: how can it be restarted ?11:36
VampisShufla: I'm not i woman?...11:36
ShuflaKpjas: huh. sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart11:36
MyrttiI can do the spanking11:37
ShuflaVampis: afair Niclas isn't woman's name.11:37
KpjasShufla: thnx I think it will do the trick11:37
VampisShufla: lol :)11:37
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VampisShufla: where are u from? poland?11:37
ShuflaVampis: yes.11:38
=== Shufla do not want to be spanked in thanks for Ubuntu support...
KpjasShufla: ah a compatriot :)11:38
Vampislol :)11:38
ShuflaKpjas: ano :D11:38
KpjasIs there a place to file a bug ?11:39
ShuflaKpjas: bugzilla.ubuntu.com and launchpad.ubuntu.com for universe11:39
KpjasI think this is a bug11:39
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Kpjasmouse shouldn't freeze in gnome login screen11:39
ShuflaKpjas: beware. afair gpm in is universe which is unsupported11:40
Madpilotg'night, all.11:40
KpjasMadpilot: this is morning11:40
bigfootHi everyone, how can i get the n with the tilde mark ( ~)over it into my text? It's one of those letters used in Spanish, as for example, in the word Senor.11:40
SeveasMadpilot, lives down under :)11:40
Shuflabigfoot: use spanish keymapping11:41
bigfootShufla, how do i do that? By the way, i will only need this letter once in a blue moon.11:41
Madpilotno, in Canada. it's now 0243 here, I've got to be at work @ 0900 local. so it's night for me!11:41
bigfootFator_Dee, you did it.11:41
bigfootFator_Dee, what's gr?11:41
VampisMadpilot: night11:41
Fator_Deeworks wit  and  and11:41
Seveasbigfoot, keep ctrl+shift pressed and type f1 (that's an f and a one)11:41
Fator_Deebigfoot: um, the right alt :-\11:42
Fator_Deebigfoot: I have it labeled as Alt Gr11:42
bigfootSeveas, 11:42
Seveasby the way: gucharmap is cool :)11:43
Fator_Deecopy paste my text to some safe place if you  can't get it to come out :-p11:43
Fator_Deethen you can copy it from there :-D11:43
Seveasok, i'll stop now :)11:43
bigfootSeveas, how comes it sometimes shows up in that wierd symbol, like this: 11:43
bigfootFator_Dee, as you can see above, thanks to your help, I'm able!11:44
Seveasbigfoot, than you don't have a symbol for that in your font11:44
bigfootSeveas, how did you know the code for ?11:44
Seveasbigfoot, gucharmap :)11:44
Fator_Deebigfoot: ok, the other same kind of characters can be made with similar combinations11:44
bigfootSeveas, i see. I have that program open now, but how were you able to find it?11:45
keffoAnyone using X-Chat.. read this! I have a problem with things while ppl highlight me.. check this out11:45
keffo<@keffo> WOHO11:45
keffoFackamato haha oj lite spam dr ja keffo11:45
Seveasbigfoot, select latin from the left list11:45
keffowhile someone highlight me there is no <MODEnick>11:45
keffowhere teh hell do i add this?11:45
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bigfootSeveas, got it. I was looking for a script called "spanish". ha!11:45
Seveaskeffo, settings->advanced->text events11:46
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keffoi know, just wonder wich tab ;P or so11:46
SeveasChannel Msg Hilight11:47
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bigfootSeveas, i found the Capital N with tilde, but not . also, how did you know what the keyboard shortcut key was?11:48
bigfootSeveas, found  now.11:49
Seveasok, select it11:49
Seveasand the statusbar will show you the code11:49
Seveasthat means hold ctrl+shift and type f 111:49
bigfootokay, i see. but if you did'nt tell me, how should i know that "U+00" equals Ctrl+shift?11:50
Seveasit doesn't11:50
bigfootor Seveas, how did you know?11:50
Seveasctrl+shift is the gnome compose-unicode combination11:50
Seveasyou just leave out leading 0's when typing the combination11:50
bigfootthanks, seveas.11:51
Seveasyw :)11:51
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bigfootSeveas, I'll have to remember that " U+ equals Ctrl+shift, because it's not in the 3paged gurcharmap helpfile!11:52
Shuflait's so boring... on day like that in work :(11:53
Seveasbigfoot, it does not equal it11:53
hhurttaShufla: tell me about it11:53
SeveasU+ just means that it's unicode11:53
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Seveasand ctrl+shift is the gnome compose-unicode charcombo11:53
bigfootgotcha. how did you learn about this?11:53
Seveasbigfoot, another helper: add the character palette to your panel11:54
ShuflaVampis: it's 'U+killer-keycode'11:54
Seveasbigfoot, heard it from someone else ;)11:54
bigfootSeveas, can you and  your comp read japanese text?11:54
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bigfootif so, I want to thank you in Japanese: 11:55
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Seveasmy comp can, i cannot :)11:56
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VampisKleggas: wb11:56
Kleggaswhich file do I edit to change the default login manager from kdm to other?11:56
Kleggasspanx Vampis11:56
SeveasKleggas, /etc/X11/default-display-manager11:56
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KleggasSeveas: thank you11:57
keffoxchat - ok, anyone knows why this aint working.. I go the Channel MSG Highlight - add that line that makes both < > and mode (@ + or so) click "Save" then "Ok"11:58
keffoand it doesnt work11:58
keffoit doesnt save it.. why teh HELL is it doing like this11:58
keffoim going nuts home here11:58
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grexkcan someone help me out...pm me please12:02
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liablegrexk: just ask your question, you'll get more help here12:03
grexkhow can i change the tty font of hoary12:03
grexkcause it to big12:03
liablegrexk: use framebuffer12:04
grexki already sudo dpkg-reconfigure x12:04
grexkand enable framebuffer12:04
Shuflagrexk: line with vga= in /boot/grub/menu.lst12:04
jacquesmerdei wanna stick with just the default repos, and stick with all Free software, but i want to cheat a LITTLE and give myself an mp3 decoder (not encoder)...is that possible?12:05
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grexkshufla how12:05
Seveasjacquesmerde, yes12:05
thoreauputicjacquesmerde: lame12:05
liablegrexk: whats your native resolution12:05
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Shuflagrexk: you enabled framebuffer for xorg, which is not so good.12:05
jacquesmerdethoreauputic, oh. i thought lame was an ENcoder. which repo?12:05
thoreauputicjacquesmerde: that's the package name, not an insult, by the way ;)12:05
thoreauputicjacquesmerde: oh I see12:06
liableShufla: why is that?12:06
thoreauputicjacquesmerde: you just want to play mp3s ?12:06
grexkwhy did you say that @shufla12:06
Kleggasin slack, there is some file somewhere where you could add commands that would execute right after the system has booted, before it starts X. is there such in ubuntu?12:06
jacquesmerdethoreauputic, yeah. i'm happy to encode to oggs12:06
Shuflaliable: for what frambuffer driver for x? it is slower, isn't it?12:06
thoreauputicjacquesmerde: install gstreamer0.8-mad12:06
jacquesmerdebtw, i was surprised (and hurt) that gmpc wasnt in the default repos12:06
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jacquesmerdethoreauputic, mad! that's it! i was thinking:hmm...not lame...m....mame?12:07
liableShufla: dunno, actually, dont game so am a bit of a graphics retard :(12:07
Shuflagrexk: no msg.12:07
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grexkok] 12:08
thoreauputicjacquesmerde: withthat package you can play mp3 in rhythmbox12:08
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jacquesmerdethoreauputic, which repo?12:08
jacquesmerdethoreauputic, yeah, rhythmbox is my second favourite music player. but i looooooove gmpc12:08
grexkhello wat will i do to change the font....12:08
thoreauputichmm - universe12:09
thoreauputicaccording to apt-cache policy12:09
Seveasuniverse is free software too12:09
jacquesmerdethoreauputic, once i've enabled universe, and installed mad...do i want to then disable universe?12:09
liablegrexk: try adding vga=773 to your kernel line12:09
grexkdoes it help if i edit the xconf file12:09
Seveasrestricted and multiverse are the non-free parts12:09
thoreauputicjacquesmerde: no, universe is still free software12:09
jacquesmerdeso mad has NO license issues?12:09
grexkit wat line in grub menu.lst12:09
jacquesmerdethe universe distinction is more about official package support?12:10
thoreauputicjacquesmerde: not that I know of, anyway12:10
thoreauputicjacquesmerde: yes12:10
grexkcan u give me an example12:10
thoreauputicjacquesmerde: universe = community supported12:10
jacquesmerdeactually, i'm gonna go mp3 cold turkey for a while...see how long i last. mp3's are a hard habit to kick12:10
liablegrexk: just edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add vga=773 to the end of the kernel line12:11
grexkok ill try that12:11
grexkhow bout the changing the menu12:12
liablegrexk: kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-1 root=/dev/hda3 ro vga=83412:12
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liablegrexk: but 77312:12
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grexkimy menu.lst has /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-1 root=/dev/hda3 ro vga=83412:13
liablegrexk: of course, for *your* kernel and *your* vga12:13
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grexki have this line /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-1 root=/dev/hda3 ro quite.... something12:14
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grexkshould i just add vga=773 or vga=normal12:14
liablegrexk: you could add vga=ask   too12:15
Seveasthat works fine for me (just tested)12:15
grexkok thanks to you all12:15
grexkill try that12:16
Fator_Deejacquesmerde: just encode your cds to .ogg from this moment on :-)12:17
Fator_Deeor flac12:18
jacquesmerdeFator_Dee, oh. for sure. but i still like to be a bit of a p2p bandit12:18
thoreauputicjacquesmerde: google for ffmpeg2ogg for video conversions ;)12:18
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thoreauputicsorry ffmpeg2theora12:18
jacquesmerdethoreauputic, what videos would i convert? i'm not a family guy/porn/futurama - watching geek....well, not ANYmore...12:19
Fator_Deewhat's that theora thing?12:19
Fator_DeeI mean, what's it supposed to be a replacement for?12:19
thoreauputicheh - well, I just did some experiments with that tool so I thought I'd mention it :)12:19
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thoreauputicFator_Dee: it's a Free video format12:20
thoreauputicvideo equivalent of Vorbis for ogg12:20
Fator_DeeI... kind of knew that12:20
thoreauputicFator_Dee: avi is a container: the theora "container" is .ogg12:20
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Fator_Deewouldn't that cause some misunderstanding on the programs?12:21
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Fator_Deehaving videos and audios labeled as ogg both?12:21
thoreauputicFator_Dee: it does12:21
Fator_Deewhy'd they do that :-\12:21
thoreauputicFator_Dee: when the suffix is used for mime type ID at least12:21
ogi_hmph..the mplayer plugin for firefox doesn't seem to work very well. At least not in 1.0.412:21
thoreauputicFator_Dee: I don't know- I agree it seems dumb12:22
Fator_Deeogt would have been good :-p12:22
grexkhow bout managing the menus or even updating it can u teach me12:22
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omV0i am trying to figure out how i can scan for bad sectors on my hdd.. my computer crashes and the log says "kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev hdd, sector 4"12:22
thoreauputicFator_Dee: my work around is to use xfmedia for music and video12:23
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thoreauputictotem would also work I guess12:23
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Fator_Deethoreauputic: is that a good proggy?12:23
omV0if i leave the comp on for a few days, it'll crash.. i kinda doubt it's a physical damage on my hdd cause i used it flawlessly under windows before i installed linux and it's only a year old12:24
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thoreauputicFator_Dee: it's pretty good: very simple front-end for xine12:24
Fator_DeeI have to give it a test run sometime12:24
thoreauputicFator_Dee: only downside for me is it lacks a volume control12:24
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thoreauputicplays all videos if you have the codecs12:25
Fator_Deelike any other program :-p12:25
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omV0and everytime, the log gives me a different sector that caused an error.. even "end_request: I/O error, dev hdd, sector 0"12:25
grexkat omV0 ur HDD would be damage if it did'nt fall or u accidentally kick ur cpu12:25
grexki guess the filesystem is just damage12:26
omV0grexk- damn.. i'm using reiserFS12:26
Fator_DeeomV0: look what the SMART info says about your hd's situation12:26
r0dis hardware quota enabled in the kernel by default?12:26
thoreauputicFator_Dee: yeah :) It is a very bare-bones player, but it works well and looks nice ( and it can be configured to not show a screen when music only is playing)12:26
Fator_DeeomV0: sudo smartctl -a /dev/hdd12:26
omV0thanks Fator_Dee!12:27
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omV0Fator_Dee: i get smartctl: command not found12:27
Fator_DeeomV0: or sudo smartctl -a /dev/hdd > smarthdd, to put the lines to a file called smarthdd12:27
jacquesmerdeis it hypocritical to try and avoid all non-free software, yet have no problems pirating music?12:27
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zakannI need some help12:42
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Fator_Deejoin flood12:42
=== Amaranth rides the split
thoreauputicAmaranth: I suggest we discuss religion and sex, since politics is now off the agenda12:42
Amaranththoreauputic: Religion is worse than politics. :)12:42
Fator_Deeso sex it is12:42
Amaranththoreauputic: And this channel is PG.12:42
jacquesmerdedefinitely....so....abortion, hey! and don't get me started on gay marriage... or rpm's to REALLY fire us up12:42
thoreauputicAmaranth: but not PC ? ;-)12:42
Amaranthso you have to talk about woo-hoos and ah-hahs12:42
=== Seveaz is now known as Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Amaranth] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu [+q jacquesmerde!*@*] by Amaranth
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Amaranth] by ChanServ
AmaranthSorry guys, he wouldn't stop.12:42
Fator_DeeI think he got the message now though12:42
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Amaranthquiet is better than a ban and kick, they can still see the conversation and such12:42
AmaranthI'll remove it in 10 minutes.12:42
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thoreauputicAmaranth: and this from a guy who names his program "smeg" heheh12:42
Fator_Deezakann: what do you need help with?12:42
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Amaranththoreauputic: Nothing wrong with a good swear word. The menu spec makes me use lots of them. :D12:42
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thoreauputicAmaranth: :)12:42
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Burgundaviasmeg is only a swear word is small english pubs that serve good beer12:42
jsgotangcook bye bye to you all12:42
Lightboyn e 1 know how to get quake3 running12:42
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Lightboyon ubuntuamd6412:42
dlhi have a very strange problem12:42
Seveassmeg su*s12:42
=== Seveas hides
Seveashi Amaranth ;)12:42
dlhafter i install the ubuntu base system and reboot12:42
thoreauputicLightboy: that abbreviation only saved you typing one character...12:42
dlhthen the linux OS don't wanna start12:42
Lightboylol i actually missed the space key12:42
dlhit just says "Starting Ubuntu..." and that's it12:42
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dlhany ideas?12:42
thoreauputicor maybe 312:42
AmaranthSeveas: If I could figure out why gnome-menus hates me you'd love what I have planned for the next version.12:42
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SeveasAmaranth, gnome-menus doesn't hate you, you just have to get to know it better12:43
r0dwhats the point of that?? its nothing "/clear" cant fix12:54
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AmaranthSeveas: pyxdg is what smeg uses, of course12:54
SeveasAmaranth, the menu simply uses alphabetical order12:54
Seveasi kinda like that12:54
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AmaranthSeveas: No, it doesn't have to. You can reorder it however you want.12:54
AmaranthSeveas: That's what those arrows on smeg do, you move entries up and down.12:54
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Amaranthit's a kickass feature that doesn't work in gnome-menus :/12:54
Amaranthi should load up kicker, see if works there12:54
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othernoobmmh, what should i download. a static .deb, a woody.deb or a sarge .deb ?12:54
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Seveasothernoob, an ubuntu .deb12:54
Seveasor a sarge .deb if it's from before april 812:54
othernoobSeveas: well..i would, but there isn't one yet12:54
ogi_Where should I put a xmms skin12:54
othernoobSeveas: http://snapshot.opera.com/unix/8.01-Preview-1/intel-linux/en/ ..12:54
Seveasogi_, put the .tgz file in ~/.xmms/Skins12:54
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Seveasogi_, and try beep-media-player, it's a gtk2 port of xmms (ie: prettier)12:54
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Seveasargh, opera12:54
DJ-Bughey can soem one help me  please12:54
SeveasDJ-Bug, if you state your problem, someone could...12:54
DJ-Bugwhen i turn on the pc it comes on and gose to bott but leves me with blank screen12:54
ogi_Seveas..I'll use bmp if you find a announcement script to xchat for it12:55
Seveasogi_, xmms plugins might work12:55
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ogi_gotta try12:55
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dewetso, i screwed up and started using breezy since about a month ago, but things are untenable at the moment. would it be OK to simply reset my sources.list to hoary, and do a dist-upgrade?12:55
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Seveasdewet, no12:56
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othernoobSeveas: which one of those would you say i should get, the sarge.deb is from 10-May-200512:56
Seveasyou would need to reinstall12:56
DJ-Bugi have done that but same again12:56
Seveasothernoob, try the woody .deb then12:56
SeveasDJ-Bug, sorry that one was for dewet12:57
othernoobSeveas: ok, thanks12:57
dewetSeveas: damn. oh well, thanks.12:57
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othernoobSeveas: just because i'm curious, what's different with the sarge debs from before/after april 8 ?12:58
thoreauputicothernoob: release date for Hoary12:58
thoreauputicothernoob: debian has moved, Hoary hasn't12:59
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othernoobthoreauputic: so that means the debs after arent compatible ?01:00
prasadMy ubuntu time and Bios time are different, How to set Biost time syc to ubuntu time ?01:00
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thoreauputicothernoob: they may or may not be depending on changes01:00
Seveasothernoob, hoary released april 8 (froze even earlier) sarge debs from later times may cause dependencie issues01:00
=== Seveas loves wifi
xozprasad: hwclock01:00
Seveasi'm on my balcony, in the sun, learning exams :)01:01
othernoobthanks :)01:01
Fator_Deeirc + learning to exams = not good01:01
prasadxoz : Thanx01:01
JayDoes someone fell that esd output sound some metal feeling compare  to ALSA output?01:01
prasadxoz: but why my bios and ubuntu time are different ?01:02
SeveasFator_Dee, it is :)01:02
dlhso this is why the computer geeks love metal ...01:02
Seveasmy exams are network security and distributed algorithms :)01:02
thoreauputicprasad: it depends how you answered the UTC question on install01:03
xozprasad: maybe it is running ntpupdate?01:03
thoreauputicprasad: you can rerun base-config to change it01:03
prasadthoreauputic:my time zone is asia calcutta01:03
thoreauputicprasad: that isn't the issue01:04
prasadxoz: yes ntpdate is running01:04
thoreauputicprasad: either you use local or UTC time: if you chose the wrong one your time will be out01:04
prasadxoz: how todisable?01:04
xozprasad: which means that the system is sync to a time server. during shutdown, your bios will be updated01:04
xozprasad: disable /etc/init.d/ntpdate01:05
thoreauputicxoz: that almost certainly is not the problem01:05
prasadxoz: will /etc/init.d/ntpdate stop solve ?01:06
thoreauputicit's 90% sure to be that he has UTC set and is dual booting or similar01:06
xozprasad: i think your question is confusing01:06
thoreauputicprasad: do you have a dual boot with windows?01:06
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xozprasad: you meant maybe timezone problem.. not the real time problem01:06
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prasadxoz: time problem01:07
prasadthoreauputic: i have dual boot with fc301:07
thoreauputicprasad: have you actually read what I told you above?01:07
xozprasad: possible also that when you boot to window, it uses utc or not uses utc while linux is using the opposite.01:07
saber_got it: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=5774254901&category=7338701:07
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prasadxoz: no windows on my machine01:08
prasadxoz: i have only hoary and fc301:08
thoreauputicprasad: read my lips: rerun base-config and change the time setting to whatever it isn't currently01:09
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prasadthoreauputic: yes i would run base-config again01:09
xozprasad: make sure that both system agrees in setting utc or disabling it.01:10
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prasadthoreauputic: but what sould i set ? coz i don't know what fc3 is runnig?01:10
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thoreauputicprasad: set the opposite of what you have now on ubuntu01:11
thoreauputicassuming fc3 is correct01:11
r0ddoes ubuntu store the kernel source?01:11
prasadthoreauputic: yes, i would do that , thanx alot01:11
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Seveasor apt-get linux-source-blabla (also your version)01:21
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deusx_i'l try01:21
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r0dSeveas,  right, but i asked if they come w/ sources. but i get ya. thx again01:21
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fulldisclosurewhen I play a xvid is slow in ubuntu, but if I try in a live CD it is normal01:21
fulldisclosurewhat can be the a posible reason01:21
thoreauputicfulldisclosure: you are hiding something, I can tell ;-)01:21
Seveasr0d, ah, then i must have misunderstood you, sorry01:21
Seveasfulldisclosure, do you play xvid from cd/dvd?01:21
fulldisclosureSeveas: HD or CD is the same result01:22
Lightboyso if n e one can help me with hoary amd64 and the nvidia drivers can u please let me know?01:22
fulldisclosurebad performance01:22
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Seveasfulldisclosure, i think it is because dma is not switched on01:22
Seveassudo hdparm -d /dev/$YOURDRIVE will tell you if it is on01:22
r0dSeveas, np hard to know whats up w/ the script kiddies flooding01:22
Seveassudo hdparm -d1 /dev/$YOURDRIVE will enable it01:22
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fulldisclosureis enabled Seveas01:23
fulldisclosure DMA modes:  mdma0 mdma1 mdma201:23
fulldisclosure UDMA modes: udma0 udma1 *udma201:23
fulldisclosure AdvancedPM=yes: mode=0x80 (128) WriteCache=enabled01:23
fulldisclosureand in the DVD/CDrw is *mdma201:23
ogi_How do I change an icon them01:23
ogi_no wait01:23
ogi_I got it01:23
Seveashmm, then ENOCLUE here, sorry01:23
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liableqotd 122 is < amorphix> bunzip2: linuxwacom-0.6.8.tar.bz2 is not a bzip2 file   < cahoot> amorphix: run 'file  linuxwacom-0.6.8.tar.bz2 '   < amorphix> linuxwacom-0.6.8.tar.bz2: HTML document text    < liable> you idget    >> amorphix<< liable: I dont have idget   < amorphix> is the name right?01:24
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fulldisclosureSeveas: dma is on, so .. :?01:25
fulldisclosureany idea01:25
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haydenhow do i specify a wpa key to connect to a wireless network01:28
Seveashayden, you need wpasupplicant for that01:28
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Seveasand either bring up your interface manually or massively hack /etc/network/interfaces01:28
Seveas(i did the latter)01:28
fulldisclosureSeveas: can you help?01:29
Seveasfulldisclosure, as i said ENOCLUE,sorry01:29
fulldisclosureI dont understand "enoclue"01:29
Seveasmeans: i don't know01:29
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deusx_going to Multimedia System Selector and selectind ESD for both input and output its OK for tests, but still XMMS or BMP or MPlayer are freezeing on file play01:33
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haydenSeveas ok thanks01:34
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DJ-Bugany one know any thing about blank screen at start  up ?01:40
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Roberto-Cavallidit me chung may`01:40
Fator_DeeDJ-Bug: misconfigured xorg.conf?01:40
miklDJ-Bug: I think you'll have to be more specific01:41
DJ-Bugi dont know much about linux is there any one who can help me01:41
DJ-Bugwell it loads all my pc spece in the beginin01:41
DJ-Bugyouy know the wite rittin01:41
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DJ-Bugthen it says the linux stuff then just gose blank01:41
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miklDJ-Bug: try pressing Ctrl-Alt-Backspace01:42
miklwhen that happens, that is01:42
Roberto-Cavalli./www.chatvn.com 666701:42
DJ-Bugso when screen gose blank ?01:42
miklDJ-Bug: Yes...01:42
DJ-Bugtrying it now01:42
miklDJ-Bug: then you should be able to log in to a text-console01:42
DJ-Bugis it the ubunu kernel memtest86+ ?01:44
thoreauputicDJ-Bug: no that choice will be to test memory01:44
DJ-Bugoh ok01:44
thoreauputicDJ-Bug: just choose the default ( top entry) on the boot menu01:45
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whoiamHi all, I need some help with Dansguardian01:46
DJ-Bugkk i chose top entry just waitin for blank screen now01:46
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DJ-Bugi prese ctrl + alt + back space and it just went to ritin then back blank01:48
SeveasDJ-Bug, hit <CTRl><ALT><f1>01:49
Seveasdoes that brring you back to a lot of text?01:50
we2byI can't play my dvd movie well01:50
we2bythat damn thing free ever few seconds01:50
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deusx_huray!! made sound work :p01:51
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Seveaswe2by, is dma enabled?01:51
DJ-Bugnow i am i a dos lookin screnn it asked me for my login and that and i loged in and said i got new mail but it is not in a windows and pointer form01:51
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deusx_now mplayer just does not make the movie full screen when in fullscreen mode :/01:51
deusx_it's just in original size with black border filling the rest01:52
ptlodeusx_: try mplayer -vo sdl -fs ....01:52
SeveasDJ-Bug, ok, this means you have a b0rked xorg.conf01:52
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SeveasDJ-Bug, has it worked earlier?01:52
we2bySeveas, how do I know that?01:52
thoreauputicdeusx_: in the config file, specify "zoom" (or install xine: recommended)01:52
Seveaswe2by, sudo hdparm -d /dev/hdc01:52
DJ-Bugno the first time turned it on01:53
Seveaswe2by, sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc enables dma, you might want to do that for hda too01:53
SeveasDJ-Bug, what kind of videocard do you have?01:53
DJ-Bugbuilt in one01:53
prasaddesux: mplayer vcd://1 -fs -zoom will make the film full screen01:53
SeveasDJ-Bug, can you type the following: tail -n100 /var/log/xorg.log | less01:53
DJ-Bugall of that is it ?01:54
deusx_thanks dude01:54
Seveasthe | is a pipe symbol, usually located above the enter01:54
SeveasDJ-Bug, yes01:54
we2by setting using_dma to 1 (on)01:54
we2by HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted01:54
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Seveaswe2by, did you use sudo?01:54
haydenSeveas, do u know how wpasupplicant works?01:54
we2byshould I pull out the cd first?01:55
we2byyes, I did01:55
Seveashayden, i'm using it right now, so tou might say yes :)01:55
DJ-Bugsays canot open no such file or directory01:55
haydenSeveas, can you tell me how?01:55
Seveaswe2by, that means you must load your motherboards drivers instead of ide-generic, ide-generic cannot handle dma01:55
Seveaswe2by, please search the forums for more info01:55
we2bySeveas, what forum?01:56
Seveashayden, first apt-get install wpasupplicant01:56
Seveaswe2by, ubuntuforums.org01:56
haydenyep done that01:56
Seveashang on01:56
Seveasdo you use only wpa wireless networks?01:56
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DJ-Bugseveas it says tail: cannot open ' var log xorg for reading: No such file or directort01:57
SeveasDJ-Bug, can you type the following: tail -n100 /var/log/Xorg.0.log | less01:57
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Seveasand you need to use / instead of spaces, just like i type it01:57
DJ-Bugthe 0 dont show up01:58
SeveasDJ-Bug, no, that's a correction i just made :)01:58
haydenSeveas, the one at home is01:58
Seveashayden, ah you use non-wpa networks too?01:58
haydenumm mostly at home01:58
haydenbut i might use non-wpa as well yea01:58
DJ-Bugok ill test that now01:59
Seveashayden, we can do this 2 ways: make a script to manually enable wpa, or let wpa be enabled on boot which means manual tweaking when you want to use non-wpa networks01:59
Seveaswhat do you prefer?01:59
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haydenmaking the script02:00
topyliahh. finally connected02:00
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we2bySeveas, no luck02:00
Seveashayden, one sec02:01
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topyliWhat is the ubuntu representation at debconf going to be like?02:02
topylimany folks?02:02
Seveashayden, what is the name of your interface and what is the type?02:03
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haydenu mean like wlan002:03
Seveasah, ndiswrapper?02:04
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DJ-Bugseveas when i type the 0 they dont show up the come up as just    < those gaps02:05
SeveasDJ-Bug, hmm...02:05
Seveashayden, have you configured wpasupplicant already?02:06
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SeveasDJ-Bug, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:06
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haydenSeveas, no02:07
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sleptwhere are the files saved that customize xfce4 , there must be other files than the .xfce files ?02:07
Seveashayden, ok, i suppose you run a WPA TKIP network?02:08
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DJ-Bugi just got a screen up now02:08
haydenSeveas, yep02:08
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toxicfumehi all02:08
DJ-Bugi cannot start the x server it is likely it is not set up corectoly whould you like to view the x server output to diagnose the problem?02:09
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SeveasDJ-Bug, yes you want to see that :)02:09
toxicfumeI want to copy the org.conf file to my ubuntu installation...cause ubuntu doesn't display anything on my desktop once it boots into X, now how do i go about doing that in the terminal after logging in?02:09
DJ-Bughow do i config my x server ?02:10
toxicfumeI have sent the xorg.conf file from the knoppix livecd via email to myself..how do i load it back in in ubuntu via term?02:10
sleptI deleted everything with .xfce purged xfce but still it keeps the old messed up configuration , with a new created user it works fine.Are there  any other files then those in.config/xfce02:11
Seveashayden, http://pastebin.kaarsemaker.net/52 <== the script02:11
Seveashayden, http://pastebin.kaarsemaker.net/53 <== the script02:11
DJ-Bugdo i type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:11
Robinho_PeixotoI it tou wanting to make a mirror of i386.  Which is the size of the repository i386?02:11
Seveashayden, http://pastebin.kaarsemaker.net/54 <== the config, you need to change the last few lines02:11
SeveasRobinho_Peixoto, about 40Gb i believe02:11
toxicfumecan someone help?02:11
sleptDJ-Bug, yes02:11
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DJ-Bugwoudl i like to auto detect my xsaerver ?02:12
slepttoxicfum1, you can copy it with cp but why don't you just customize your config - whats the problem ?02:13
hussamHoary has gnumeric 1.4.2   I rebuilt 1.4.3 from debian sources. YAY.  This is the first time I rebuild/backport a package.02:13
hussamUbuntu rocks02:13
haydenok thanks02:13
DJ-Bughow can i tell what video card i got ?02:14
sleptDJ-Bug, lspci02:14
DJ-Bugwats that ?02:14
slepta command try it in terminal02:14
Robinho_PeixotoSeveas : how i make a mirror ?02:14
Robinho_PeixotoSeveas : do you know ?02:15
DJ-Bugi got a windo up now askin what my video card is and i got to chose from a list02:15
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SeveasRobinho_Peixoto, there is a howto on the ubuntu site02:15
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sleptDJ-Bug, what do you know about your card02:16
SeveasRobinho_Peixoto, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/download/mirror/document_view02:16
DJ-Bugnothin i had it off a mate i got the name of my server and that is02:16
Robinho_PeixotoSeveas, Thanks02:17
thoreauputicDJ-Bug: accept the default and move on02:17
ACEawhat is wrong with latest libc6-dev ?  linker komplain that crt1.o has wrong format02:17
ACEacomplain even02:17
sleptDJ-Bug, go to a terminal type lspci02:17
toxicfumecan someone help me?02:17
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thoreauputicslept: he's in a console in the ncurses interface of dpkg-reconfigure02:17
slepthe can swith to an other one02:18
thoreauputicslept: he can, but generally the defaults for dpkg-reconfigure are pretty right02:18
ali_what's up?02:18
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sleptDJ-Bug, look at the result it tells you your hardware  -  Display controller:02:20
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sleptthoreauputic, they are but if you have nvidia or ati cards you might ant to use restricted modules02:21
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Amaranthjacquesmerde: Sorry, was having computer troubles.02:21
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sleptDJ-Bug, did you find out ?02:22
jacquesmerdebtw, i keep having gnome's cd player crash on me. just wondering if this is a common prob?02:22
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jacquesmerdeAmaranth, you are tough but fair02:22
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ACEaanyone else having problems with crt1.o in linking?02:23
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slepttoxicfume, what video card do have ? you might have no x because of  a missing kernel module , then you knoppic config won't work aswell02:26
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Amarantheverything that depends on gtk was just removed from my system02:28
Amaranthand i'm on gnome02:28
ACEaanyone else having problems with ld and libc6-dev 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu1302:28
thoreauputicAmaranth: I guess that would cramp your style a bit...02:29
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Amaranththoreauputic: Don't use breezy! ;)02:29
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Shuflaahhh. breezy breave suicider :D02:29
thoreauputicAmaranth: don't worry - I've only had Hoary for a month ;)02:30
Amaranthgedit, my poor baby02:30
Amaranthand muine, by beloved02:30
Fator_Deethoreauputic: and that's enough, it's *old* already :-p02:30
Amaranthand gnome-panel, the wench02:30
thoreauputicFator_Dee: that's OK - so am I ;-)02:30
Amaranthbrb :D02:31
thoreauputicFator_Dee: fine wines are often old :D02:31
Fator_Deethoreauputic: bah, wines my ...02:31
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=== thoreauputic gives Fator_Dee a fatherly pat on the head
mrpeteHi! Does anyone know if it is possible to use your own fid/vid values in powernowd?02:32
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=== theD3viL [~geek@BSN-77-90-27.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
theD3viLWhy my cdrom wont eject??! It says only /dev/cdrom faild to eject!02:33
thoreauputictheD3viL: try this: sudo cmod +s /usr/bin/eject (then try to eject again)02:34
thoreauputicsorry sudo chmod02:34
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Shuflajust 24 minutes to go :D02:37
theD3viLthoreauputic, no error, nothing happen ! :S02:37
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theD3viLoh....its eject =)=)02:37
theD3viLtnx :)02:37
thoreauputictheD3viL: no eject still ??02:37
Rolleanybody keen on answering a question? ;-) How do I set up ubuntu so that when I make a new user, he/she get more sound etc by default without me having to add it afterwards?02:37
theD3viLtnx :?02:37
ShuflaRolle: more sound?02:37
thoreauputictheD3viL: it's now running suid root (a minor security risk)02:38
thoreauputicRolle: just add the user to the audio group02:38
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ShuflaRolle: or, from your poweruser do: for f in `groups | cut --delimiter=' ' -f 2-` ; do sudo newuser $f ; done02:40
theD3viLthoreauputic, what? minor means what?02:40
Rollethoreauputic, I want all users added to the system being part of the soundgroup02:40
ShuflaRolle: it'll copy all groups you belnging to02:40
thoreauputictheD3viL: it means don't worry about it unless you are paranoid02:41
zaydanacan somebody tell me if there is a way to chmod everything recursively except directories?02:41
zaydanasay... i want to set everything in /var/www to 644 and all the directories to 755 ?02:41
ShuflaRolle: man adduser and man adduser.conf02:41
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RolleShufla, man adduser.. *sigh* no shortcuts? ;-)02:42
RolleShufla, thx.. it is friday I really should stop working02:42
Fator_Deehihihi, links is almost better than firefox :-p02:42
dcraven_zaydana: You could use 'find' like "find . -type f" I think will only return files.02:43
zaydanahmm k02:44
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ShuflaRolle: good idea! :D and that's not so complicated as it seems to be02:44
Shufla16 minutes... I can't stand the waiting...02:44
zaydanadcraven_, so how would i use that with chmod?02:45
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dcraven_zaydana: You could do (test this somewhere first) something like "for i in `find /var/www/ -type f`; do chmod 644 $i; done".02:46
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dcraven_zaydana: The actual command is between the double quotes :)02:48
zaydanaah cool02:48
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HcEdcraven: a cleaner way is: "find /var/www -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 644" IMHO02:49
=== zaydana tries it
dcravenHcE: Whatever works.02:49
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HcEI think find + xargs are quicker than a for-loop02:49
zaydananice, that works HcE02:50
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HcEzaydana: same for directories, just change -type f to -type d, and chmod them to 75502:50
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zaydanayeah i already had chmod -R 755 so didn't need to do that one :)02:50
HcEah :)02:50
dcravenbash is fun!02:51
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Shuddertrixyes, bash is real fun!02:51
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=== HcE prefers /bin/sh for scripts and /bin/zsh for shell
=== Shuddertrix sometimes perfers using zsh
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maxyvitsnoob here looking to install gaim 1.3.0 tar.gz in ubuntu ... please help!02:55
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desplesdamaxyvits: are you running hoary?02:56
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desplesdaokay, so you've got the source code to gaim 1.3.0 and you want to upgrade?02:56
thoreauputicengine99:  /join #cdlug maybe?02:56
hussamisn't gaim 1.3.0 is in backports?02:57
maxyvitsgeez, I don't no ... I suppose so.02:57
tfarhow can i decrease my linux partition without losing data?02:57
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maxyvitsI'm really a noob02:57
desplesdait might be in the backports02:57
dcravenmaxyvits: Yeah it's in backports. I'm running it now unfortunately.02:57
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desplesdayou could also try getting it from the breezy repo02:57
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maxyvitsI extracted the source to my desktop02:58
maxyvitswhat do I do next?02:58
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Fator_Deemaxyvits: read the readme02:58
desplesdamaxyvits: you don't want to install from source02:58
desplesdaif you just want to upgrade your version of gaim, you can download the latest package02:58
desplesdathe one in hoary is 1.1.4 and will stay that way forever, since hoary02:58
desplesdais considered stable02:59
hussammaxyvits: if you want to install from source, cd in terminal to folder, type ./configure then make then sudo make install02:59
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desplesdamaxyvits: do you know how to add extra repositories?02:59
maxyvitsis that in synaptic?02:59
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desplesdanot quite02:59
desplesdaokay, open up a terminal02:59
hussammaxyvits: but you should probably get it from backports03:00
maxyvitsthen I guess the answer is: no03:00
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maxyvitsI uninstalled gaim 1.14 first.03:00
maxyvitsI guess I shouldn't have, eh?03:00
desplesdano no, you're ok03:00
desplesdawhat you need to do is download the latest version from the backports repository03:01
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maxyvitshow do I do that?03:01
desplesdawell it's either that or get it from breezy03:01
sylvanHi all! I need help! I'm trying to mount my homedir at school using SAMBA. I got it to work manually. The thing is, I need to set up a VPN client first, _then_ I can run "mount /etc/dtek_home".. So I need some way to set it up so the vpn client is started before mounting remote disks.. How can I do that?03:01
desplesdamaxyvits: open up a terminal03:01
maxyvitsand what's a backports repository?03:01
Seveasor use the old version03:01
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desplesdasudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list_backup03:01
maxyvitsdes: ok03:02
maxyvitsdid that03:02
desplesdasudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list03:02
dcravenSeveas: Bah that's no fun.03:02
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tfarhow do i resize my linux partition?03:02
dcraventfar: gparted or qparted?03:03
IcemanV9maxyvits: i installed gaim 1.3.0 from package (gaim.sourceforce.net)03:03
Seveastfar, boot from a livecd and use gparted/parted/qtparted03:03
maxyvitsdes: ok03:03
dcravenIcemanV9: Don't they just have RPMs there?03:03
desplesdanow add these lines to the end of that file:03:03
thoreauputicdcraven: they have an "autopackage" as well03:04
IcemanV9dcraven: don't recall if they do ...03:04
desplesdadeb http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/ubp hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted03:04
HolyDevilHello, im intrested in installing linux, but i'm not sure my modem supports it... Does anyone know if the modem 'EA103' (USB) supports and have a driver for linux?03:04
desplesdadeb http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/ubp hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted03:04
IcemanV9dcraven: just autopackage03:04
dcraventhoreauputic: I see.03:04
ivoksanyone here knows perl? :)03:04
Seveasa little03:04
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ivoksSeveas: could you help me with something? it isn't ubuntu related...03:04
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Seveasivoks, sure03:04
Seveasbut #perl might be of more assistance :)03:05
ivoksSeveas: yeah, i know..03:05
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IcemanV9dcraven: yea, they do have rpm03:05
dcravenIcemanV9: I just thought that was *all* they had.03:05
maxyvitsshould I separate both sentences by a hard return ("enter")03:05
sylvanNobody knows how to edit what programs run (in which order) at bootup?03:06
desplesdamaxyvits: yes03:06
dcravenIcemanV9: Aside from source of course.03:06
desplesdanow save and quit gedit03:06
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desplesdaand type sudo apt-get update03:06
IcemanV9dcraven: heh. exe (windoze), rpm, autopackage & source are what they have :)03:06
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dcravensylvan: I think you have some play in /etc/rcS.d/. They are run in alphnumeric order I beleive.03:07
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dcravenIcemanV9: I've never tried this autopackage thing.03:07
maxyvitsdes: the sentences are exactly the same.03:07
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desplesdamaxyvits: i think you'll find they aren't03:08
maxyvitsoh, they're not03:08
sl3yker_Com_Linualgem do brasil?03:08
IcemanV9dcraven: it worked as i installed gaim 1.3.0; autopackage reminded me of wise packaging (windoze side)03:08
desplesdanow run sudo apt-get update03:08
dcravenIcemanV9: I should make one for my project just for kicks.03:08
Choubakalinux distros should standardise upon autopackage.03:08
HolyDevilDoes anyone know if the modem 'EA103' (USB) supports and have a driver for linux?03:08
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malditoI have a quick question.  Is there anyway to manually flush the cached memory, other than cycling the box.  It is to get around a vmware workstation problem.03:09
=== dcraven goes to the autopackage website.
Choubakacooperate to create dependency mapping and integration with native packaging systems.03:09
thoreauputicmaldito: sync ?03:09
Choubakabecause autopackage is smart. :)03:09
desplesdamaldito: if you mean virtual memory then you can try swapoff && swapon -a03:09
maxyvitsdes: error message: Type 'dep' is not known on line 28 in source list /etc/apt/sources list03:09
malditothoraeuputic: sync flushes the disk cache, I want to flush the memory03:10
desplesdamaxyvits: may i /msg you?03:10
malditodesplesda: thanks gonna try it now.03:10
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felipebisbalhello to everybody... I need some  help from you :D03:11
Kalidarnis it possible to do network installs of Ubuntu? its not mentioned in the documentation03:12
malditodesplesda: no luck03:12
Kalidarnwould likes to run a simple floppy install of it.03:12
bhiltonI'm getting an error while setting up ndiswrapper for my wireless card.03:12
bhiltonThe error is...Can't find kernel sources in /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/build;03:12
bhilton  give the path to kernel sources with KSRC=<path> argument to make03:12
thoreauputicmaxyvits: typo for "deb" ?03:12
bhiltonI'm guessing I need to set up a ln of some sort.03:12
dcravenbhilton: Are you following the wiki page?03:13
Kalidarncan anyone hear me?03:13
dcravenKalidarn: Pardon?03:13
bhiltonI wasn't able to find anything there.03:13
Kalidarni asked earlier today, but i never got any acknowlagement i said something03:13
bhiltonMaybe it's my own oversite.03:13
dcravenbhilton: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SetupNdiswrapperHowto03:13
Kalidarni thought that maybe the nickserv wasn't identifying me properly.03:13
bhiltonCool thanks!03:13
thoreauputicKalidarn: that would be because you don't exist ;-)03:13
desplesdaKalidarn: we can hear you, but if nobody's answering then you can probably assume that nobody knows the answer to your problem03:14
Kalidarnso u mean ubuntu can't do floppy network installs03:14
felipebisbali've allready installed kubuntu, and the resolution of the screen is 1024x768, but i rather more resolution (it's possible in windows), but in screen properties i cannot do it, there is no option for it, can I do it on another way?03:14
Kalidarnand it can only use CD.... and on a notebook without a cd drive, and where USB CDrives are still faulty, that means its impossible for me to install ubuntu right on it?03:14
thoreauputicKalidarn: I believe it can be done from a debian floppy/cd but I don't know how, sorry03:14
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IcemanV9Kalidarn: NetbootInstallHowto: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/NetbootInstallHowto03:15
IcemanV9Kalidarn: InstallWithFloppiesHowto: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/InstallWithFloppiesHowto03:16
Kalidarnso how did u find that using the search engine?03:16
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IcemanV9Kalidarn: your best friend - google :)03:16
malditoKalidarn: damn, beat me to it.  Gotta love goole.03:16
sylvandcraven: so where would be the appropriate place to put the startup of a vpn client?03:17
felipebisbalsomebody can help me?03:17
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malditofelispebisbal: yes, you can edit your xorg.conf file to use the resolution you want as long as it is supported.  I am sure that there is a gui for it, but I am used to the conf file.03:18
TsingiI'm getting linking errors on a file crt1.o in /usr/lib  what's the easiest way to resource this file?03:18
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Tsingi(new install)03:18
IcemanV9felipebisbal: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21984&highlight=video+resolution03:18
malditofelipebisal: I found the tool in ubuntu, it's called Screen Resolution under system > preferences, but I am not sure where it is on the kubuntu desktop.03:19
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dcravensylvan: I don't think I'm gonna be much help with that.03:20
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dcravenfelipebisbal: You may have to add larger resolutions to the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.03:21
maxyvitsyes thor: definitely a typo03:21
Tsingican anyone tell me how to verify and/or replace an install file?03:22
thoreauputicmaxyvits: am i massively lagged or are you just slow? ;-)03:22
maxyvitssorry ... I'm in a personal convo with des03:23
dcravenTsingi: An install file as in a .deb?03:23
sylvanokay.. So if I want to start a program which I _know_ will ask me "are you sure", can I then somehow automatically pass it "y" on stdin?03:23
thoreauputicmaxyvits: no worries :)03:23
Tsingino, sorry, gcc is telling me /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/3.3.5/../../../crt1.o: file not recognized: File format not recognized03:23
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sylvanah: echo "y" | myprog, worked03:24
desplesdasylvan: if you want to do less keystrokes then you can also do 'yes | yourprog'03:24
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dcravensylvan: Nice.. hehe.. The program may have a commandline switch as well.03:25
dcravensylvan: The expect program is useful for situations like that too sometimes.03:25
IcemanV9sylvan: have u take a look at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/OpenVPNClientMiniHowto ??03:25
AirWaysMy irssi was stopped but it still running, as I  can see it in ps -x, how I can get it back?03:26
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dcravenAirWays: You could always killall irssi and restart it.03:27
yonilI keep getting Permission Denied  when trying to run an application, even when i run with sudo ! (and everyone got executing permissions)... what can be the problem ?03:27
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dcravenTsingi: That's a weird one. Possible you are using gcc4 and that object file was compiled with gcc3? I dunno if that would be an issue or not.03:28
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=== Pop_pa_FrEaK is currently a suse 9.2 user but have been thinking of going to either kubuntu or ubuntu... what are some reason to switch to ubuntu (kubuntu) ?
Tsingidcraven: gcc (GCC) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-8ubuntu2)03:28
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thoreauputicPop_pa_FrEaK: the *really nice people* on the IRC channel </joke>03:29
Pop_pa_FrEaKlol that is one good reason03:29
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thoreauputicPop_pa_FrEaK: the brilliant package management03:30
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no0tichave anyone had problems in the last kernel update?03:30
Shuddertrixgood community support, there's apt (pretty sure that theres something similar on SUSE, however..)03:30
thoreauputicPop_pa_FrEaK: the 16000 plus available packages...03:30
Shuddertrixit's cleaner, too.03:30
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IcemanV9Pop_pa_FrEaK: it JUST worked "out of the box"03:31
GNAMi've update an hoary i386 to latest kernel 2.6.10 with synaptic03:31
dcravenPop_pa_FrEaK: If you came here to ask, then you wanna switch anyway right ;P03:31
blightanyone know where I might find a tomcat 5.5.9 package?03:31
GNAMmenu.lst of grup - corrupted03:31
Tsingidcraven: if I do `nm /usr/lib/crt1.o I` get `nm: /usr/lib/crt1.o: File format not recognized`03:31
GNAMx - don't start03:31
[HS] arnakincould someone tell me on witch linux version is ubuntu based for webmin install ...03:31
ShuddertrixIt will not eat your food, it will not destroy your flooring, and it will not put claret all over the boot of your motor.03:31
Pop_pa_FrEaKlol dcraven03:31
Pop_pa_FrEaKand ubuntu is #1 on distrowatch03:32
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netmonkwhen i have a new kernel do i nee the older ones and if I don't, how do i remove them? anyone?03:32
dcravenTsingi: That's weird... What does "file /usr/lib/crt1.o" say?03:32
dcravenPop_pa_FrEaK: Rest assured I think you'll like it if you try it.03:33
[HS] arnakinwhat is distrowatch ?03:33
Pop_pa_FrEaKoh what the hay I'll try out ubuntu right now03:33
Tsingidcraven: /usr/lib/crt1.o: ELF 32-bit LSB relocatable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped03:33
ShuddertrixIt's the only distro I find usable on my desktop, too03:33
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Tsingidcraven: it seems corrupt03:33
bigfoothello. I got a package called gmailfs via Synaptic. (http://richard.jones.name/google-hacks/gmail-filesystem/gmail-filesystem.html) GmailFS provides a mountable Linux filesystem which uses your Gmail03:33
bigfootaccount as its storage medium. GmailFS is a Python application and uses the FUSE userland filesystem infrastructure to help provide the filesystem, and libgmail to communicate with Gmail. In order to use gmailfs, the info said that i must use fuse-source to compile appropriate modules for my running kernel. Can anyone tell me how to do this? Sorry for the long post.03:33
ShuddertrixIt must be the gnome config that I haven't seen on other distros.03:33
Pop_pa_FrEaKok brb need to install ubuntu03:34
[HS] arnakinpl someone tell me on witch linux version is ubuntu based ? is that debian ?03:34
yonilI keep getting Permission Denied  when trying to run an application, even when i run with sudo ! (and everyone got executing permissions)... what can be the problem ?03:34
dcravenTsingi: It does. I dunno what else would cause that, but we have likely not exhausted all options. I have no idea though.03:34
alkdevilnetmonk: if you verified that the new kernel _works_, you could delete the old ones, residing in /boot/. Make also sure that the link /vmlinuz and /boot/vmlinuz point to your new kernel03:34
ShaquileDamn.. I have /home on one partition that I intend to save. But when I get into the Installer Menu and are about to partition the harddrive it's not there, it have already made it's own suggested partitions. What should I do?03:34
=== RetardedMonkey [~theretard@udsl-3-033.QLD.dft.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Shuddertrix[HS] arnakin: Ubuntu is debian-based, but don't go telling #debian that.03:34
RetardedMonkeyhuge irc channel03:34
alkdevilnetmonk: but why do you think the old kernel is so bad? just takes a few kilobytes of hd space and they really do not hurt03:35
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Tsingidcraven: this is the first compile I've tried, not sure what crt1 is, I'll try compiling some of my dev projects and see if I get similar errors03:35
netmonkalkdevil, i see03:35
bigfootSeveas, hi!03:35
RetardedMonkeyNow, this is probably an idiot question... but does Ubuntu support NTFS?03:35
ShaquileNevermind.. I got it now...03:35
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felipebisbalin ubuntu es nautilus... wich is the same command in kubuntu???????03:35
ShuddertrixRetardedMonkey: NTFS support comes read-only in the kernel.03:35
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RetardedMonkeyAlright that's awesome.03:36
netmonkat boot time i have this long list of kernels. I change it from menu.lst but after i upgrade to new kernel they all come back ;)03:36
Tsingidcraven: more of the same03:36
Riddellfelipebisbal: konqueror03:36
Shuddertrixfelipebisbal: nautilus is to gnome as konqueror is to kde/kubuntu03:36
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Tsingidcraven: I'd like to try replacing the file somehow03:36
GNAMmee too netmonk03:36
RetardedMonkeyI have a 200GB NTFS drive that I am trying not to format as well... however it seems to successfully write files to it, I might have to.03:36
GNAMmenu.lst corrupted03:36
ACEause lilo, it's simpler ;)03:37
alkdevilnetmonk: in this case i would rather just move the old kernels away from boot, so the bootmanager does not find them, when it runs03:37
dcravenTsingi: I'm trying to remember how to determine what package a file came in... I can't remember.03:37
netmonkalkdevil, i see03:37
netmonkthank you ;)03:37
alkdevilalkdevil: I used to run into situations where i was pretty happy to be able to boot up with the old kernel03:37
dcravenalkdevil: Talking to yourself again? ;P03:38
Tsingidcraven: looking through package manager03:38
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bigfootanybody know how to compile with fuse-source?03:38
RetardedMonkeyWith the read-only support of NTFS, will I be able to install Ubuntu first, then backup everything from the NTFS drive onto DVD then reformat the NTFS drive into something of a more likeable file system?03:38
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alkdevilalkdevil: alkdevil, you rule :o03:39
ACEaRetardedMonkey why not just use a liveCD ?03:40
FlyingSquirrel32anyone heard of connecting a blackberry to linux?03:40
RetardedMonkeylivecd of ubuntu?03:40
dcravenFlyingSquirrel32: It's just bluetooth isn't it?03:40
RetardedMonkeybasically.. i want windows gone.03:40
RetardedMonkeygone gone gone :)03:40
refuze2loozeRetardedMonkey: yes, you just can't write to it (although it is possible to do so if you install some other stuff)03:40
Tsingidcraven: I wonder if I could find it on the live cd?03:40
FlyingSquirrel32dcraven, no no bluetooth, at least not on mine. serial or usb.03:40
RetardedMonkeySo there's a way of writing to an NTFS drive through Ubuntu?03:41
dcravenTsingi: That's possible. I don't have a livecd to check.03:41
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Fator_DeeRetardedMonkey: you could screw your files with writing to ntfs03:41
refuze2loozeRetardedMonkey: there is a way.. but you probably should not depend on it..03:41
alkdevildoes anyone else experience problems running azureus with jre-1.4.2_05? I have extremely slow downloads, which are much faster with btdownloadcurses (same time, same tracker). And yes, I have forwarded the bt-ports ....03:41
felipebisbalI cannot save changes in xorg.conf.... i've opened the file with konqueror... how can I save the changes?03:41
refuze2loozeRetardedMonkey: why don't you burn the stuff to DVD before installing ubuntu?03:41
refuze2loozein windows03:41
alkdevilfelipebisbal: make sure you can write to the directory03:42
dcravenfelipebisbal: You need to be root.03:42
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alkdevilfelipebisbal: try /tmp03:42
Tsingidcraven: nah, any suggestions on who to ask?03:42
alkdevilfelipebisbal: and copy the file over using sudo03:42
refuze2loozefelipebisbal: just do "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" in a terminal and edit it there03:42
RetardedMonkeyrefuze2looze: tis a great idea you speak of :P might do that.. thanks for your help.03:43
dcravenTsingi: I dunno.. I could always give you mine if you like.03:43
felipebisbalI've have done it, but i cannot change resolution still03:43
Tsingidcraven: ok, let's try that03:44
bigfoothello everyone! Is anyone familiar with compiling? I'm a 2 week old newbie into Linux/Ubuntu from Windows. Thank you.03:44
Tsingidcraven: email?03:44
IcemanV9felipebisbal: did u restart X?03:44
refuze2loozebigfoot: do you have a specific question?03:44
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dcravenTsingi: http://arker.homelinux.org/~dcraven/crt1.o03:44
FlyingSquirrel32RetardedMonkey: I love your nickname, wish I had thought of that :-D03:44
felipebisbalrestart X??  what's X??03:44
RetardedMonkeyWhere did you retrieve FlyingSquirrel32 from?03:44
felipebisbalrestart computer?03:45
Fator_DeeFlyingSquirrel32: I think RetardedSquirrel would be better03:45
alkdevilfelipebisbal: X is the graphic part03:45
jmjonesanyone know how to configure a synaptics touchpad on a laptop so it does vertical scrolling?03:45
RetardedMonkeyI also have the alias RetardedPanda03:45
refuze2loozefelipebisbal: X is the windows-like GUI above the linux kernel.. CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE restarts X03:45
alkdevilfelipebisbal: just press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace03:45
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FlyingSquirrel32my boss's wild imagination, go figure...03:45
FlyingSquirrel32I don't have that kind of imagination.03:45
dcravenI like RetardedDcraven03:45
alkdevilfelipebisbal: after you make sure to run command-line irc .....03:46
bigfoothello refuze2looze: it's about compiling with fuse-source. The text of another package says that I need to compile with "fuse-source" in order to make things work. But I have no idea what this is all about. Coming from a point and click Windows life...03:46
RetardedMonkeyI do get kicked out of places though03:46
rekawell, there *are* flying foxes.03:46
RetardedMonkey'Your name is offensive'03:46
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RetardedMonkey'That nickname is not acceptable'03:46
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IcemanV9felipebisbal: you should be able to see new resolution after restart X03:46
rekaRetardedMonkey: maybe you should stay out of #monkeys then. ;-)03:46
RetardedMonkeyThat's what im going to miss without Windows03:47
RetardedMonkeyGaming :P03:47
haydencan u ppl see this?03:47
refuze2loozebigfoot: there's fuse-source package in synaptic. there isn't a binary package for what you're trying to instlall?03:47
RetardedMonkeyBut hey, games will only be good once they support linux.03:47
Tsingidcraven: they're different03:48
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nubbeis there any way to make Nautilus display a simple list and/or (most importantly) choose/mark with the mouse like it's possible in icon-view?03:48
bigfootrefuze2looze, well, I don't think so. What i want to install is gmailfs. but i couldn't find a binary in either synaptic or the creator's homepage.03:48
we2bygames on linux sucks03:48
dcravenTsingi: Different as in it works?03:48
refuze2loozeRetardedMonkey: there's quite a lot of games supported nowadays actually, especially with cedega03:48
ShuddertrixCedega helps a lot.03:48
dcravenTsingi: I'm thinking they should be different heh03:48
RetardedMonkeyGood to hear03:48
Tsingidcraven: no, haven't actually swapped them yet, moveing slow here:)03:48
RetardedMonkeyAnyway, thanks for all your helps.03:49
Fator_Deewe2by: well, everyone has the right to an opinion03:49
dcravenTsingi: :)03:49
dcravenwe2by: ETF rules!03:49
=== Shuddertrix plays KOTOR2, WoW, HL2, and CS:S thanks plenty to Cedega/Point2play
refuze2loozebigfoot: i see a package for gmailfs in synaptic. do you have multiverse and universe enabled?03:49
we2bydcraven, ETF?03:49
we2byI play ET03:49
Tsingidcraven: why should they be different?  mine is bigger than yours by 16 bytes03:49
rekanubbe: i'd be interested in an answer afaik you can't select multiples in list mode without holding shift or ctrl.03:49
we2bybut dunno what ETF is03:49
dcravenTeam fortress using the et engine.03:49
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dcravenwe2by: www.etfgame.com03:50
bigfootrefuze2looze, yes i have both multi and uni enabled. And i've already downloaded gmailfs package. But now I have no idea what to do.03:50
we2bylike hl???03:50
dcravenwe2by: No. Like q3tf.03:50
nubbereka, my experience too  :(03:50
we2bydcraven, like tf with hl online?03:50
dcravenwe2by: Yeah it's like that.03:50
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dcravenTsingi: I thought different might be good since we suspect yours was corrupt.03:50
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dcravenwe2by: Engineers, paramedics, soldiers, HW etc etc.03:51
dcravenchoichoi: Hi.03:51
rekanubbe: maybe try a different fm if you're desperate.  i just resorted to using icon view in 50%03:51
we2byI wabba be the h. guy03:51
choichoiI would like to know if it is possible to use 32 bits program over 64bits system ?03:51
Tsingidcraven: yeah, but I get the same error, must be something else.03:51
we2bywith the machine gun :)03:51
dcravenwe2by: Go for it.03:51
Tsingidcraven what does gcc --version say on your box?03:52
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dcravenTsingi: 3.3.603:52
Tsingihmm, wonder why I have 3.3.5, no matter they're pretty close03:53
bigfootrefuze2looze, actually the creator's homepage has more info on installing the package than Synaptic does. But I'm not technical enough to understand it. 8-(03:53
nubbereka, not desperate yet, just thought it SHOULD be possible to do that...03:53
refuze2loozebigfoot: what happens when you try to mount it now?03:53
dcravendcraven: Actually that should say 4.0.. Thanks for reminding me.. I changed the symlink.03:53
bigfoothow do i mount? Can I mount in Nautilus?03:53
dcravenThere now I'm talking to myself.03:53
Fator_Deedcraven: your body lacks caffeine03:53
Shuddertrixbigfoot: no, use the fstab for gmailfs03:54
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choichoino 64 bits users here ?03:54
spektrI'm missing the man pages for the glibc library functions. Does anybody know to which package they belong?03:54
refuze2loozebigfoot: you have to add an entry in fstab for it and then mount it.. are you familiar with mounting drives?03:54
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Tsingidcraven: is there a list I can post to?  This is pretty serious.  I can't compile.03:54
IcemanV9dcraven is under alkdevil's spell! (for talking to himself)03:54
bigfootShuddertrix, hi. what's fstab? and how do i use it?03:54
dcravenFator_Dee: I'm trying to remedy that.03:54
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bigfootrefuze2looze, the only familiarity i have with mounting drives is when I put in a cd into my cdrom drive... it plays automatically! 8-)03:55
refuze2loozebigfoot: try to skip down to "Using GmailFS" on this page http://richard.jones.name/google-hacks/gmail-filesystem/gmail-filesystem.html03:55
alkdevildcraven: spell, spell *pulls out his lightsaber*03:55
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Shuddertrixgo down and read Using gmailfs.. edit your fstab with 'sudo gedit /etc/fstab'03:55
dcravenTsingi: You could try ubuntu-devel, but I'd search the forum first. And don't tell them I sent you... haha03:55
bigfootrefuze2looze, okay. So you're saying we don't have to worry about the "Installing gmailfs" part?03:55
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Tsingion irc?03:56
refuze2loozebigfoot: when it tells you to create an entry in fstab what you have to do is open up console and type in "sudo gedit /etc/fstab" and copy exactly what they have to the end of it03:56
Shuddertrixbigfoot: If you used the debian package, you already installed it.03:56
dcravenTsingi: Mailing list. Or irc I suppose. Both exist.03:56
we2bydcraven, thanks alot man03:56
refuze2loozebigfoot: and then the mounting part has to be also done as root, put "sudo" in front of the mount command in terminal03:56
Shuddertrixrefuze2looze: Not exactly.03:56
bigfootoh, i see. whew, one step done. yahoo. okay, on to the next step: mounting.03:56
Tsingidcraven: k, thanks03:56
jbaileyspektr: manpages-dev03:56
pfpspektr: manpages-dev03:56
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rekanubbe: i agree.  and if it was implemented, i'd use it.03:56
refuze2loozeShuddertrix: oh yeah, the username and password..03:57
dcravenTsingi: Hard to say how OT that is. It might be relevent. Have you been dabbling in breezy at all?03:57
felipebisbalI did the thing you told me (Ctrl + Alt + backspace) and it fail...03:57
ShuddertrixAnd the location of the perl file03:57
Tsingino, I just installed yesterday, 5.0403:57
ShuddertrixIt's /usr/share/gmailfs/gmailfs.py03:57
felipebisbalthe screen was black, just with letters, no graphics03:57
refuze2loozeand path of mount point03:57
ShuddertrixPython, i mean.03:57
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alkdevilfelipebisbal: yeah, sorry. I should have told you that all the graphical stuff restarts then03:57
dcravenwe2by: No problem. I may just see you in a game later ;)03:57
spektrpfp, jbailey: thank you!03:57
alkdevilfelipebisbal: it obviously killed your chat client as well03:57
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thoreauputicTsingi: have you installed build-essential ?03:57
ShuddertrixYour fstab should have a line like03:57
refuze2loozebigfoot: use /gmail or something like that for the path of mount point, and don't forget to create it "sudo mkdir /gmail" before trying to mount it03:58
felipebisbalI've done to reboot and undo the change i did03:58
Tsingithoreauputic: not sure what that is, although is sounds important:)03:58
alkdevilfelipebisbal: are you sure that you specified a valid resolution when you edited the config file?03:58
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thoreauputicTsingi: install it right away03:58
thoreauputicTsingi: :)03:58
refuze2loozebigfoot: good luck i have to go now03:58
felipebisbalyes... is the resolution that windows use03:58
thoreauputicTsingi: you can't compile without the stuff in that03:58
alkdevilfelipebisbal: can you switch back to the character terminal (ctrl+alt+f1) to check the error messages there03:59
maxyvitsHey des, got gaim working!03:59
alkdevilfelipebisbal: wait03:59
dcraventhoreauputic: Doesn't sound like that kinda problem, but it might do something magical.03:59
maxyvitsthe new version too03:59
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TsingiOh, I installed a lot of stuff.  I'm developing with GTK03:59
Shuddertrix/usr/share/gmailfs/gmailfs.py /mnt/gmailfs gmailfs noauto,username=whatever,password=whatever,fsname=whatever03:59
alkdevilfelipebisbal: you come back to X with Strg+alt+f6 (keep that in mind :)03:59
dcraventhoreauputic: It'd be cool if that was it.03:59
thoreauputicdcraven: yes :)03:59
alkdevilfelipebisbal: you come back to X with ctrl+alt+f6 (keep that in mind :)03:59
bigfootShuddertrix, okay, i've opened up terminal, ran  "sudo gedit /etc/fstab" and got gedit open up with a file called fstab.03:59
lazarusHow to fix this? "You appear to be using the Firefox package provided by Ubuntu Linux. Ubuntu distributed a new version of Firefox which contains the security fixes from Firefox 1.0.4, however, they did not update the version number, so we have no way to tell whether your copy of Firefox contains the security fixes or not."03:59
Shuddertrixadd what I typed up there, using your own username, password, and fs name03:59
maxyvitslazarus: it's in about:config04:00
alkdevilfelipebisbal: hmm, have you tried switching between the resolutions with Ctrl+alt++ and ctrl+alt+- ?04:00
thoreauputiclazarus: vendor string - change to 1.0.404:00
lazarusmaxyvits, Thank you.04:00
Fator_Deelazarus: where did you get that?04:00
Shuddertrixmount it with the command 'sudo mkdir /mnt/gmailfs && sudo mount /mnt/gmailfs'04:00
Tsingithoreauputic: no, I don't have it installed, asking me for a disc for some reason, get back to you04:01
dcravenAll of this etf talk makes me wanna go play.04:01
bigfooti'll add it to the bottom of the fstab file right? and what do i put for fsname?04:01
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Shuddertrixchmod the directory if need be (with 'chmod 755 /mnt/gmailfs') and enjoy your new 2.2gb drive space04:01
maxyvitschange vendor string to 1.0.404:01
Shuddertrixyeah, at the bottom04:01
shanonCan someone give a pointer on how I can install mplayer? I am having dependency problems following the unofficial guide.04:01
hussamhow do I make a .deb package from source.tar.gz ?04:01
Shuddertrixuse a random name for the fsname04:01
thoreauputicTsingi: yes, it's o the install disc04:01
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Tibozhey all04:01
lazarusFator_Dee, from firefox home page for extension.04:02
Shuddertrixthe files get emailed in your gmail, you can set up a gmail filter to filter that fsname to a different gmail folder.04:02
Tibozanyone knows when breezy will be usable ?04:02
dcravenTsingi: You can comment out the CD source near the top of /etc/apt/sources.list if you want to get all of your packages from online.04:02
gromfCan someone help me with the livecd ?04:02
dcravenTiboz: Late summer.04:02
maxyvitsspeaking of gmail, is there a gmail notifier for linux?04:02
Tibozdcraven: ok thanks04:02
dcravenmaxyvits: mail-notification does that.04:02
Tsingithoreauputic: ahh04:02
Shuddertrixmaxyvits: mail-notification or the firefox extension04:02
thoreauputicTsingi: success?04:02
gromfI have a litlle problem with my laptop and the livecd...04:03
bigfootShuddertrix, pardon my ignorance but what's the significance of fsname?04:03
dcravenmaxyvits: Or write a little script using python-libgmail sounds fun too :)04:03
ShuddertrixWhat I just said up there, and to help you not get random files in your gmail's file system04:03
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ShuddertrixAlso, not having it will make gmailfs not mount.04:03
Pop_pa_FrEaKI'm back and have ubuntu installed04:03
rekagromf: just ask the question :-)04:03
Tsingithoreauputic: installed04:03
dcravenPop_pa_FrEaK: You like?04:04
Tibozdcraven: why is it taking so long ?04:04
thoreauputicTsingi: well, see if you can build now04:04
Tibozit was much shorter for hoary04:04
Pop_pa_FrEaKdcraven so far so good04:04
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dcravenTiboz: Major changes.04:04
bigfootShuddertrix, i tried to mount it as you said, but i got this response in terminal: " old style mounting not supported"04:05
Tibozwhat changes ?04:05
Pop_pa_FrEaKbut use to kde look so will have to get use to gnome04:05
=== Tiboz interested
dcravenTiboz: gcc 4 is a biggie.04:05
ShuddertrixOdd, I am getting the same thing..04:05
Tsingithoreauputic: didn't change anything tho04:05
dcravenTiboz: X refactoring.04:05
Tsingithoreauputic: I did that, same error04:05
thoreauputicTsingi: rats :(04:05
Pop_pa_FrEaKdownloading updates right now04:05
bigfootShuddertrix, so you have a gmail account, too? isn't it great?04:05
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Tsingithoreauputic: I think that file is a stub for dependancies, It didn't grab any04:05
thoreauputicTsingi: ah well, worth a try04:06
Tsingithoreauputic: yes04:06
bigfoothi jac104:06
dcravenPop_pa_FrEaK: There is always kubuntu as well. Or install KDE with apt.04:06
rekaPop_pa_FrEaK: well, you could install kde.  and then there's kubuntu04:06
ShuddertrixHad mine since blogger.04:06
Tibozdcraven: thanks for the informations04:06
Tsingithoreauputic: I'll ask on devel04:06
ShuddertrixWas one of the first people to get one.. heh04:06
thoreauputicTsingi: yes it's a metapackage04:06
rekadcraven: i loathe you :-)04:06
Pop_pa_FrEaKdownloading right now at 366 kbps04:07
bigfootso what do we do now that i get that terminal response " old style mounting not supported"?04:07
[HS] arnakinpl someone could help config samba ?? /q me !! thx04:07
[HS] arnakinpl someone could help config samba ?? /q me !! thx04:07
jac1I've got a problem with my X.org... ( i apt-getted the nvidia glx and kernel, nut now, when i try to run a OpenGl app, my server crashes...)04:07
Fator_Deejac1: did you enable it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf?04:08
Fator_Deejac1: look at the xorg.logs04:08
Fator_Deethere should be something04:08
IcemanV9[HS] arnakin: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba04:09
[HS] arnakinpl someone could help config samba ?? /q me !! thx !! got some speed problems, cant copy any files or just really some files always sane error : path too long or something like that pl help04:09
jac1(EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to load GLX04:09
bigfootShuddertrix, have you been able to configure gmailfs on your computer ?04:09
dcravenjac1: does "lsmod | grep nvidia" show anything?04:10
bigfooti meant set up... Shuddertrix04:10
[HS] arnakinty04:10
jac1nvidia               4569532  804:10
toxicfum1hi all04:10
dcravenjac1: Well there goes my idea then :)04:10
jac1for trying04:10
toxicfum1i opened xorg.conf to make some changes ..but now when i press ctrl+o to save..it doesn't let me..it says i have no permissions to open file for writing...how do i save this file now?04:11
Fator_Deetoxicfum1: edit it with sudo04:11
toxicfum1Fator_Dee: how?04:11
Fator_Deetoxicfum1: as in, "sudo gedit filetoedit"04:11
dcraventoxicfum1: You need to edit it as root. For now you can save it in your /home or /tmp or something and then copy it as sudo.04:11
toxicfum1ah okay, thanks04:11
Fator_Deetoxicfum1: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:11
Tibozbetter save it in /tmp than in /home04:12
Tibozno the contrary sorry04:12
Fator_Deetoxicfum1: you can replace gedit with an editor you like04:12
Tibozin /home than in /tmp04:12
ShuddertrixIt used to work, must be a new package.04:12
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dcravenjac1: There may be some useful info in the lines around that error in the log.04:12
rekawouldn't editing the file itself be more efficient?04:12
dcravenjac1: s/around/surrounding04:12
Shuddertrixperhaps fixed in gmailfs 0.4, that I believe apt doesn't have..04:12
gromfOk, when I boot the livecd, it asks me if I want to load a cdrom driver from a floppy...04:12
dcravenreka: Yeah, but if he just spent an hour making changes, he may not want to do it all over again.04:13
bigfootShuddertrix, alright. so i guess that means getting the files from the creator's website, correct?04:13
jac1(II) NVIDIA(0): NVIDIA 3D Acceleration Architecture Initialized04:13
jac1(II) NVIDIA(0): Using the NVIDIA 2D acceleration architecture04:13
jac1(==) NVIDIA(0): Backing store disabled04:13
jac1(==) NVIDIA(0): Silken mouse enabled04:13
jac1(**) Option "dpms"04:13
jac1(**) NVIDIA(0): DPMS enabled04:13
jac1(II) Loading extension NV-CONTROL04:13
jac1(EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to load GLX04:13
=== thoreauputic shoots jacl
toxicfum1Fator_Dee: well i typed sudo nano xorg.conf earlier..and still it didn't let me say04:13
toxicfum1Fator_Dee: well i typed sudo nano xorg.conf earlier..and still it didn't let me save04:13
Shuddertrixjac1: #flood next time.04:13
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dcravenjac1: You shouldn't paste stuff like that in an IRC channel.04:13
Shuddertrixdcraven: unless it's #flood04:14
rekajac1: lucky your nick's jac1 and not jacl :-)04:14
Fator_Deetoxicfum1: well, that's interesting :-\04:14
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toxicfumeFator_Dee: any other way? :S04:14
Fator_Deetoxicfum1: I think you have to enable the root write to the file04:14
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Fator_Deetoxicfume: as in, the permissions won't let you write to it, even if you are root04:15
bigfootShuddertrix, please confirm the next step. Thank you.04:15
gromfIt says me "No common CD-ROM drive was detected"04:15
dcraventoxicfume: That's crazy.04:15
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toxicfumeFator_Dee, dcraven: that's what it says when i press ctrl x to exit and then Y04:15
Fator_Deetoxicfume: do a sudo chmod u+w xorg.conf04:16
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dcraventoxicfume: I'm curious to see what "ls -l /etc/X11/xorg.conf" looks like.04:16
toxicfumeactually it works now :S04:17
gromfWhat can I do to get rid of that ?04:17
dcravenThem some crazy permissions when root can't save.04:17
Fator_Deedcraven: not crazy, just not writeable04:17
bigfootI found  gmailfs-0.4.tar.gz on the gmailfs webpage. Is that the only file i need to download?04:17
thoreauputicdcraven: in case you didn't see/ are interested, Tsingi 's problem was an error in the new binutils package04:17
bigfootor do i need to download fuse and libgmail from the web too?04:18
Fator_Deedcraven: although it is crazy, shouldn't that be writeable by default?04:18
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Shuddertrixbigfoot: working on it04:18
dcraventhoreauputic: An error? Was the file corrupt or something in the package?04:18
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thoreauputicdcraven: not sure - they are fixing it as we speak04:18
dcravenFator_Dee: Yes. It's writable as root by default.04:19
dcraventhoreauputic: in #ubuntu-devel04:19
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ShuddertrixIt's not one for the newbie to tackle. I might have to create a how-to..04:20
rekagromf: might help: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-4447.html04:20
dcraventhoreauputic: THanks. I'm actually quite curious.04:20
rekagromf: search for the post by "bluewool"04:20
gromfreka: thanks a lot, I will see that.04:20
MrErnestquestion: I have 2 hard drives, and I want to use ubuntu 5.04, intelx86 on one of the hard drives, I'm also using the ext2fs file system on it. How do I make a bootable cd? to start the installation?04:21
dcravenMrErnest: The install ISO is bootable.04:22
MrErnestbut, im not able to make a bootable cd04:22
MrErnesti used nero to make one04:22
dcravenMrErnest: You burned the iso to a CD?04:22
MrErnestiso 104:22
MrErnestyes the files after i unzipped them04:22
rekaMrErnest: that's not how you do it.04:22
thoreauputicMrErnest: ? unzipped what?04:23
dcravenMrErnest: I don't know nero, but I'm sure it must burn iso images.04:23
IcemanV9MrErnest: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BurningIsoHowto04:23
dcravenMrErnest: Oh my.04:23
thoreauputicMrErnest: just burn it as an image04:23
rekaMrErnest: you need to select "burn from image" or something similar, and then select the ISO file.04:23
MrErnestill take a look at that one iceman04:23
dcravenIs this nero free?04:23
djtanseyi am running evolution 2.2.1 and am having a serious problem. my computer is downloading new messages from my pop server, but then isn't showing them! i've seen my unread messages count go up by a hundred the past few days but have no way to see them (except web interface, so i know they're there.) i have nothign hidden in the view-> menu. what else could it be? i have 17000 messages. is there a size limit?04:23
MrErnestah, ok, ill get on it :-) thanks04:23
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MrErnestnope nero full version04:23
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thaytananyone else on breezy suffering from totally broken menu shortcut keys?04:24
dcravenDo people buy nero or warez it?04:24
thoreauputicthaytan: most people on breezy are suffering ;)04:24
rekathaytan: have you seen the channel topic?04:24
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rekadcraven: i got mine free with my dvd-drive04:24
toxicfumeubuntu does not display on my laptop..how do i fix that? :s04:24
dcravenreka: Ahh.04:24
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dcravenreka: You a good boy :)04:25
thaytanreka: have now, but that's well after following jdub onto breezy :-P04:25
rekadcraven: i still loathe you. :-)04:25
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charlieHi! I`m looking for a good sources.list with lots of good resp`s.. Where can I find one ?04:25
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rekacharlie: ubuntuguide.org04:26
NicPwhat do you need thats not in universe charlie?04:26
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Burgundaviamorning Seveas04:26
dcravencharlie: I suggest you just use the ubuntu restricted main universe and multiverse ones. Otherwise you'll get some conflicting packages some day.04:26
dcravenreka: :(04:26
Tsingithoreauputic: dcraven: It's a problem with the ubuntu release, getting fixed.  Thanks for your help.04:26
Burgundaviacharlie, almost all of what you need is inthe official repos04:26
thoreauputiccharlie: as a generalisation, 3rd party repos are bad news04:26
LonestarHey, can anyone give me a hand with something? Having some trouble with compiling in ubuntu after apt-get updating this mornign.04:26
dcravenTsingi: Cool. Nice find :)04:26
Burgundaviacharlie, what isn't there is in the backports, but they might cause you issues04:27
charlieok, thanks.. you see I`m trying to get mplayer.. But I have some problems with it..04:27
thoreauputicTsingi: I saw :) Looks like it is under control now?04:27
Burgundaviacharlie, mplayer is in the official repos, in multiverse04:27
TsingiI think so04:27
LonestarAfter apt-get update this morning every ./configure I run tells me that my c++ compiler cannot create executables.04:27
thoreauputicLonestar: they are working on it: a binutils issue04:28
LonestarGotcha, thanks.04:28
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dcravencharlie: If you have the marillat repository in your sources.list, comment it out and use the ubuntu mulit/universe version. There is your first conflickt.04:28
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charlieBurgundavia; Yeah, I find it but can`t download it.. has some deps04:28
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Burgundaviacharlie, such as?04:29
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Pop_pa_FrEaKhmmm need to get my ati card working for 3d04:30
dcravenBurgundavia: I suspect he has marrilat in his sources.list. Happens all the time :)04:30
trygvebwIs there a BASIC compiler in the Ubuntu repositories?04:30
Burgundaviadcraven, right04:30
Burgundaviadcraven, ubuntuguide.org hasn't been updated for hoary extras04:30
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rekaPop_pa_FrEaK: what's the problem?04:30
thoreauputictrygvebw: yes, but it's sick at the moment - wait a few hours and install build-essential04:30
=== Tsingi waves.
thoreauputictrygvebw: oops sorry I missed the caps04:31
rekaah, whoops. :-) what is your card?04:31
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Pop_pa_FrEaKI got a ati 960004:31
dcravenBurgundavia: No. That's the only issue I have with that guide.04:31
trygvebwthoreauputic, i'm talking about Hoary?04:31
rekaPop_pa_FrEaK: perfect. :-) http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto04:31
trygvebwahh :)04:31
Burgundaviadcraven, the doc team has lots of issue with guide. We are working with the author04:31
Pop_pa_FrEaKthanx reka04:31
thoreauputictrygvebw: I don't know about BASIC if that's what you mean04:31
dcravenBurgundavia: hehe.. I bet you do.04:31
trygvebwthoreauputic, yeah04:31
trygvebwok :)04:31
BurgundaviaPop_pa_FrEaK, if you have a Nforce2 board, remember to read the note04:32
ShuddertrixYou can search with synaptic or apt-cache search, trygvebw04:32
trygvebwShuddertrix, will do :)04:32
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thoreauputictrygvebw: I think you want GAMBAS in linux (Gambas is Almost Basic)04:32
trygvebwokay :)04:32
dcravenThree people like my wiki applet. It's very popular. heh04:33
Burgundaviadcraven, wiki applet?04:33
trygvebwdcraven, that note-taking thing?04:33
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dcravenBurgundavia: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3702904:34
dcraventrygvebw: Yeah.04:34
trygvebwok :)04:34
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Burgundaviadcraven, ah, saw that gnome files, tomboy without the mono04:34
dcravenI'm gonna play etf now. I feel like getting my ass kicked.04:34
dcravenBurgundavia: Kinda yeah :)04:35
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Burgundaviadcraven, mono for main in Breezy04:35
[HS] arnakinpl someone could help config samba ?? /q me !! thx !! got some speed problems, can copy files but extremely slowy could someone help ??04:35
dcravenBurgundavia: Huh?04:35
Burgundaviadcraven, mono is going to be in main for Breezy, along with probably Beagle04:36
dcravenBurgundavia: Although the only thing I think it has in common with Tomboy is the note linking part.04:36
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[HS] arnakinpl someone could help config samba ?? /q me !! thx !! got some speed problems, can copy files but extremely slowy could someone help ??04:36
dcravenBurgundavia: That's cool. Ridding my machine of mono was not my intent though. I like mono. I just don't like Tomboy much.04:36
podgeHS : Are the duplex settings on your network cards okay?04:37
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trygvebwtar: newton-0.0.6/scripts/Makefile.in: Kan ikke write: Ikke mer plass p enheten04:37
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thoreauputic[HS] arnakin: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html04:38
dcraventhoreauputic: hehe04:38
JDahlsorry for off-topic: would spreadsheat users here find it more useful to have an optimization plugin (linear programming, quadratic programming, sparse regression, etc.) for gnumeric or openoffice?04:38
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LarstiQJDahl: how does that go with spreadsheets?04:39
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yahalommy pppoe disconnects and whn i type the connect command it doesnt always work unless i restart my comp, any ideaS?04:39
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JDahlLarstiQ, Probably the largest market for LPs is currently Excel (MBA type people)...04:40
LarstiQJDahl: I'd go with octave myself04:40
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LarstiQor glpk04:41
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yahalomEchelon-H, alan04:41
Echelon-Hyahalom, hi :)04:41
Echelon-Hyahalom, I got some problems, as always04:41
yahalomEchelon-H, i didnt get it, what wrong with ur hd?04:41
JDahlLarstiQ, I was asking a question on what people like: gnumeric or openoffice... for optimization I would go for http://www.ee.ucla.edu/~vandenbe/cvxopt :P04:41
Echelon-Hyahalom, first of all, the scorched just seemed to stuck a lot of things in my linux, and I had to reboot.04:42
yahalomnobody here us pppoe?04:42
yahalomEchelon-H, u have an old comp?04:42
dcravenJDahl: I like gnumeric. Light and complete. But I don't use spreadsheets much :)04:42
Echelon-Hyahalom, Now I installed nvidia drivers and I dont know if it has anything to do with it, but the XMMS is stucks anytime im trying to playing a song04:42
dcravenJDahl: But since you asked... heh04:42
yahalomEchelon-H, xmms has an issue with the system sounds04:43
LarstiQJDahl: good one too :) I just don't use spreadsheets at all, so I wouldn't know about that04:43
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yahalomEchelon-H, turn of ur ubuntu system sounds and then it will work04:43
Echelon-Hbut it didn't have until some point... I mean three days ago it worked great04:43
Echelon-Hyahalom, how can i do that?04:43
podgeAnyone here running Sun Rays using Ubuntu?04:44
Echelon-Hyahalom, oh, maybe it's because im in skype now?04:44
yahalomEchelon-H, ubuntu in hebrew or english?04:44
bigfoothi Shuddertrix, how are you doing?04:44
Fator_DeeEchelon-H: install libmikmod204:44
yahalomEchelon-H, nope04:44
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rekaEchelon-H: or alternatively, change the output plugin to esound.  also, beep-media-player is nicer IMHO04:44
gromfreka: it doesn't resolve my problem ;-(04:44
yahalomreka, that worked for u? it didnt for me04:44
karstenAnyone know of issues with 2.6.8 and D-Link wireless (tuplip -- either d32104 or de4x5) drivers?  I'm seeing panics on ifuping the interface.04:45
LarstiQJDahl: is Vandenberghe Belgian?04:45
yahalomEchelon-H, go to preferences and then sound04:45
rekayahalom: well, it was patchy, but i couldn't be bothered working out why sound would stop working randomly.  in the end i just followed ubuntuguide's fix.  everything seems good now.04:46
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trygvebwdcraven, i have a problem with Newton04:46
Echelon-Hyahalom, where? I didn't find it.04:46
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Pop_pa_FrEaKhmmmm only getting just under 900 fps in glxgears04:46
rekagromf: not sure what else it could be i'm afraid. sorry.  did you read all the posts?04:46
dcraventrygvebw: Could you be more specific?04:46
trygvebwdcraven, ./configure tells me that i don't have 'gnome-python-2.0'04:46
trygvebwi have pygtk04:46
Echelon-Hbtw, is there any other player better than xmms?04:46
trygvebwbut there's no python-gnome-extras in Universe :/04:47
Echelon-HBut I want something small and simple like xmms04:47
Fator_DeePop_pa_FrEaK: glxgears is not a reliable way of measurement04:47
trygvebwEchelon-H, there is BMP04:47
yahalomEchelon-H, turn off the sound, or try what reka  said and just right click on xmms options>preferences>Audio I/O>choose a different sound system, try esound or oss04:47
dcraventrygvebw: Follow the instructions here --> http://arker.homelinux.org/~dcraven/newton-deps.html04:47
trygvebwdcraven, thanks :)04:47
Echelon-HHmmm, nvm, the problem was skype, all good now with the player.04:47
dcraventrygvebw: np04:47
Pop_pa_FrEaKI get over 2800 fps when using suse04:47
yahalomreka, where is this fix?04:47
trygvebwEchelon-H, beep-media-player in Universe04:47
rekayahalom: IIRC, oss is the problem.04:47
yahalomreka, cos i want my system sounds04:47
thoreauputic[HS] arnakin: please keep your questions in channel and ask before /msg ing04:47
gromfreka: yes I did. Thanks a lot anyway...04:48
dcraventrygvebw: Let me know when it is working so I can go play etf :)04:48
trygvebwdcraven, ok :)04:48
Fator_DeePop_pa_FrEaK: you installed the binary drivers and xorg.conf has been modified?04:48
yahalomEchelon-H, whats wrong with xmms?04:48
rekadon't blame me if it stuffs up though :-)04:48
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Fator_DeePop_pa_FrEaK: well, try to play a game :-p04:48
Echelon-Hyahalom, nvm, nothing04:48
rekagromf: sure, good luck.04:48
gromfreka: the only solution is to change SATA mode in the BIOS, but I can't do this on my laptop...04:48
zaydanahow would i get ubuntu to automatically mount a samba share?04:48
zaydanaat a certain place04:49
trygvebwdcraven, it's working nicely :D04:49
Echelon-Hhmm, just wondering, can I make a hotkey to activate the terminal? (if there is no one already)04:49
trygvebwgreat program :)04:49
rekagromf: i just googled:  ubuntu "cannot detect cd-rom" (or whatever the message was)04:49
rekagromf: maybe search ubuntuforums.org04:49
rekaEchelon-H: system->prefs->k/b shortcuts04:50
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rekai use the windows key. :-)  take that ms!04:50
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andersbrHow do I figure out which package a program came from?04:51
mschIs the javahl library for subclipse somewhere available in Ubuntu?04:51
dcraventrygvebw: Good. And thanks ;)04:51
trygvebwdcraven, :)04:52
trygvebwdcraven, just wondering: is there a web version of Newton? that can be used as a normal wiki on the internet?04:52
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dcraventrygvebw: Still lots to do though. I also need to clean it up a bit.04:52
trygvebwok :)04:52
Echelon-Hreka, have you told me is valid for xfce?04:53
andersbrSpecifically,  I'm trying to figure out which package the command-line "convert" utility came from,  so I can try to reinstall it.04:53
rekaAnyone upgraded to 2.6.10-34.1?  What was changed?04:53
dcraventrygvebw: Eventually I'm thinking of adding an option to share. It'll start a little web server.04:53
trygvebwdcraven, okay :)04:53
thoreauputicandersbr: imagemagick04:53
rekaEchelon-H: gnome instructions :-)  i'm sure there's some way of doing it in xfce04:53
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dcraventrygvebw: That opens a can o' worms though.04:53
rekaEchelon-H: join #xfce04:53
Pop_pa_FrEaKhow does one convert ubuntu into kubuntu ?04:53
Echelon-H. #04:54
Echelon-Hk thanks04:54
trygvebwPop_pa_FrEaK, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop kubuntu-settings04:54
Echelon-Hyahalom, still here?04:54
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andersbrthoreauputic:  Cool.  I'm still wondering if there's a way to use apt-get to find that out.04:54
trygvebwPop_pa_FrEaK, or install the packages with Synaptic :)04:54
thoreauputicandersbr: dpkg -S convert04:54
Pop_pa_FrEaKor just download the kubuntu iso04:54
andersbrthoreauputic:  Muchos gracias.04:54
charlie_I`m trying to install mplayer with apt-get, but I can`t get it, if I do "apt-get install mplayer" I get a list of files like mplayer-nogui , if i type "apt-get install mplayer-nogui" I get a list of depends that I can`t download or something..04:54
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arnonis there any advantage of using ubuntu instead of debian?04:55
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jasmuzGreetings all04:56
thoreauputicandersbr: dpkg -S convert | grep /usr/bin04:56
Pop_pa_FrEaKtrygvebw, I get this E: Couldn't find package kubuntu-settings04:56
thoreauputicis more accurate04:56
mengcharlie_: check out ubuntuguide.org04:56
yahalomreka, i dont get the point of all that04:56
jasmuzis anyone alive?04:56
housetierwhy not "dpkg -S $(which convert)"04:56
charlie_ok, thanks04:57
Echelon-Hhmmm, how can I see the freespace on my partition?04:57
thoreauputichousetier: even better :)04:57
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lokdf -h .   Echelon-H04:57
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IcemanV9Echelon-H: df -h04:57
yahalomreka, if i just disable the gnome sound system it also works great, i do all the stuff on the guide and then i still cant have system sounds04:57
kanzenHi all. I was complaining about running into problems when putting more than 4GB of memory in a couple of my systems. I've found what the problem is and thought I would share it in case anyone else runs into the issue. The motherboard is a Tyan s2882. After speaking with tyan they gave me the usual, "We're not certified to run on Ubuntu" When I asked for what this MB is certified to run on, they gave me a list of comercial linux dis04:57
yahalomreka, ???04:57
yahalomEchelon-H, succeeded?04:57
Echelon-Hyahalom, sure, thanks,04:58
rekayahalom: lol. neither do i.  they should *really* add explanations.  basically, i think it installs alsa and sets it up.04:58
kanzenTyan did say that they will be releasing a kernel "real soon now(TM)" to address the 2.6 issues.04:58
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rekayahalom: i re-enabled system sounds and it works fine.04:58
trygvebwPop_pa_FrEaK, just remove it04:58
Echelon-Hyahalom, Say I got a network and the other comp is using windows, can they communicate with each other? How do I even see the network members and stuff?04:58
trygvebwPop_pa_FrEaK, only "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"04:58
rekakanzen: was that directed at me?04:59
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IcemanV9Echelon-H: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba04:59
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yahalomreka, and xmms?04:59
rekakanzen: ah whoops.  disregard my last comment. :-)05:00
yahalomEchelon-H, u mean connect a network cable?05:00
yahalomEchelon-H, they should05:00
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yahalomEchelon-H, many companies use a mixture of linux and windows05:00
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yahalomEchelon-H, often linux being the firewall05:00
Pop_pa_FrEaKthink i'll download kubuntu after to save time in case i ever need to re install05:00
rekayahalom: i use bmp.  i'm playing a track now and i get those "drum sounds" when i click on icons.  so everything seems good.  jsut change the output plugin to alsa.05:01
yahalomEchelon-H, read IcemanV9 link05:01
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Echelon-Hyahalom, I got the netowrk up and running, but I want to know if im using linux will the computers know to communicate with each other?05:01
Echelon-Hyahalom, I will...05:01
trygvebwPop_pa_FrEaK, ok :)05:01
yahalomreka, bmp?05:01
jasmuz# /msg nickserv set email <jasmuz@gmail.com>05:01
trygvebwyahalom, "sudo apt-get install beep-media-player"05:02
rekaPop_pa_FrEaK: that's probably a good idea. especially if you know you like KDE.05:02
thoreauputicyahalom: beep-media-player05:02
yahalomreka, yeah thats what i want. it use to interrupt eachother or not work05:02
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rekayahalom: beep-media-player.  well, follow ubuntuguide i say :-)05:02
yahalomtelling from the info u guys provided me so fast it must be the thing, is it cool?05:02
Pop_pa_FrEaKbut thank you all for getting me into this great distro and community05:02
jasmuzI LOVE Ubuntu!05:02
rekayahalom: it's basically just a "cleaner" xmms clone05:02
Echelon-Hany of you guys are using an emule client?05:03
trygvebwPop_pa_FrEaK, :)05:03
trygvebwEchelon-H, i'm using aMule05:03
yahalomreka, so we get rid of xmms?05:03
hybrid_gothhello all05:03
jasmuzPeople i have a question05:03
Fator_Deethen ask the people05:03
trygvebwjasmuz, ok :)05:03
rekayahalom: i would :-) hang on, i'll post a screenshot05:03
jasmuzbut its too large to place in here without getting kicked05:03
jasmuzwell...look here...05:04
thoreauputicjasmuz: use a paste bin05:04
trygvebwjasmuz, post it to pastebin.com!05:04
Fator_Deeor ubuntu.pastebin.com05:04
rekayahalom: especially xmms fugly menu. yuck.05:04
yahalomreka, yeah thats true05:04
hybrid_gothFator_Dee: ubuntu has a pastebin?05:04
jasmuzIf anybody can, check this out05:05
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Fator_Deehybrid_goth: seems like it05:05
trygvebwjasmuz, hm05:05
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yahalomis there a lag or is it me?05:06
Fator_Deedoes anyone know why ubuntu would hang up on boot? in the hotplug subsystem initialization part?05:06
LarstiQFator_Dee: take a while or hang?05:06
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Fator_Deeand it doesn't too that everytime05:06
Echelon-Hback :P05:06
Fator_DeeLarstiQ: don't know yet :-\05:06
rekayahalom: http://www.sosdg.org/~larne/w/Screenshots05:06
yahalomEchelon-H, wb05:06
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Fator_Deebut I think half an hour count's as hang up05:06
LarstiQFator_Dee: your hardware might not be responding05:06
LarstiQFator_Dee: yeah, it does05:06
Fator_DeeLarstiQ: but why would it not do that everytime05:07
yahalomreka, cute man05:07
LarstiQFator_Dee: subtle raceconditions?05:07
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trygvebwit's DNAku-san..05:07
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Fator_DeeLarstiQ: care to elaborate?05:07
yahalomreka, i got it now. very nice05:07
rekayahalom: like i said.  it's just cleaner IMO.  there are probably better media playes out there though.05:07
yahalomreka, any skins yet?05:08
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LarstiQFator_Dee: it might be things only lock when polled in a certain order, difference between cold/warm boot, timing05:08
thoreauputicyahalom: bmp can use xmms skins or winamp skins05:08
trygvebwjasmuz, post the result of "sudo apt-key list"05:08
rekayahalom: http://www.sosdg.org/~larne/w/Skins :-)05:08
kestasdoes anyone know if all the fonts in the ubuntu desktop installation all released under the GPL?05:08
rekayahalom: you can use xmms/winamp skins05:08
Burgundaviakestas, a DFSG licence05:08
Fator_DeeLarstiQ: could there be something that I could do to prevent that?05:09
yahalomthoreauputic, thanx05:09
Burgundaviakestas, possibly not GPL05:09
LarstiQkestas: they're not (all) under the GPL05:09
kestasBurgundavia: DFSG? never heard of it05:09
yahalomreka, do i set it to alsa?05:09
LarstiQFator_Dee: mwah, just investigate what the problem is05:09
jasmuztrygvebw jasmuz, post the result of "sudo apt-key list"--->let me try05:09
rekayahalom: i would.  have you followed the guide's instructions?05:09
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trygvebwDFSG = Debian Social Contract?05:09
kestasLarstiQ: do you know where I can find out which fonts are which, or find completely free or BSD license fonts?05:09
trygvebwjasmuz, ok :)05:09
Burgundaviakestas, Debian Free Software Guidelines. What Debian uses to determine whether or not a license is free05:09
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Burgundaviathe basis for the OSI's OSD05:09
yahalomreka, yes05:10
yahalomreka,i jsut thought it should be set to something else05:10
rixthCan someone reccomend a good tutorial for making login screens for GDM?05:10
jasmuzpub  1024D/437D05B5 2004-09-12 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>05:10
jasmuzsub  2048g/79164387 2004-09-1205:10
kestasis BSD license a DFSG?05:10
LarstiQkestas: lots of digging in sources. Do you have a specific reason to? If you need only one, I can recommend Bitstream Vera05:10
jasmuzthat is the result05:10
LarstiQkestas: yes05:10
trygvebwjasmuz, hm05:10
trygvebwjasmuz, i suggest that you try asking on #ubuntu-devel... it might possibly be a bug.05:10
rekayahalom: so have you tested if you get system sound at the same time?05:11
kestasLarstiQ: I need a font for a software project Im releasing under the BSD license, but its currently (possibly) using a bit of GPL stuff05:11
LarstiQkestas: try the Bitstream font05:11
kestasLarstiQ: not in any of the public releases though, Ill see if bitstream will do anyway05:11
yahalomreka, i need to reboot no?05:11
rekayahalom: i think so.05:11
LarstiQkestas: http://www.gnome.org/fonts/05:11
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Pop_pa_FrEaKhey trygvebw after the downloads finish do I just reboot ?05:12
jasmuzthat sucks05:12
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jasmuzPardon me05:12
Pop_pa_FrEaKto go into kde05:12
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jasmuzThat is the only problem i have on the pc....besides that Xmms crashes sometimes and goes zombie on me05:12
trygvebwPop_pa_FrEaK, logg out, choose "Sessions", choose "KDE" and log in.05:12
yahalomreka, lets see05:12
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rekajasmuz: have you set the output plugin to esound (whispers: beep-media-player is nicer) :-)05:13
podgejasmuz : I am using Muine. Have you tried it?05:13
jasmuzreka yes05:13
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jasmuzit does that on ESD and ALSAS05:14
jasmuzMuine, no05:14
jasmuzis it in th repositories?05:14
podgesudo apt-get install muine05:14
csjhello, could someonw tell me how to register in freenode?05:14
trygvebwcsj, of course :)05:15
podgejasmuz : not as Winampy as XMMS but does the job.. ie.. plays music.. :)05:15
jasmuzthanks podge05:15
trygvebwcsj, /msg NickServ REGISTER password05:15
jasmuzim downloading it as we speak05:15
csjtrygvebw, thank you :D05:15
charlie_does anyone know of a program to connect my PocketPC to my laptop with ubuntu ?05:15
trygvebwcsj, np :)05:15
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Echelon-Hyahalom, hi..05:16
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kestasLarstiQ: thanks vera will do great :)05:16
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LarstiQkestas: sweet05:16
rekayahalom: all good?05:16
podgejazmuz : I read a PC World article on Muine and the guy loved it.. instead of the default rhythmbox that comes with Ubuntu.05:16
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SkyNetwhen i use the sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade i get the following error: The following packages have been kept back: libxvidcore4 mplayer-38605:17
yahalomreka, yeah baby05:17
yahalomEchelon-H, hey man05:17
SkyNetany idea what is it?05:17
yahalomreka, all working the way it should have been in the first place05:17
trygvebwSkyNet, Hoary or Breezy?05:17
rekayahalom: according to podge, we should try muine :-)05:17
thoreauputicSkyNet: that's not an error05:17
SkyNettrygvebw hoary05:18
jasmuzpodge, i dislike rhythmbox05:18
trygvebwSkyNet, good :)05:18
yahalomreka, muine?05:18
thoreauputicSkyNet: if you want a full upgrade use dist-upgrade05:18
AirWaysHow I can run .run file?05:18
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rekait's in the repository.05:18
yahalomthoreauputic, u know anything about pppoe?05:18
rekaanother music player05:18
SkyNetthese 2 are kept back. whats the purpose?05:18
thoreauputicyahalom: no, sorry05:18
Echelon-Hyahalom, I got a simple digital camera (USB). Is there anyway it will work on linux?05:18
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trygvebwSkyNet, because they're conflicting05:19
trygvebwSkyNet, it doesn't really matter :)05:19
podgejasmuz : let us know your initial impressions..05:19
StickyFingersevening all.05:19
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trygvebwEchelon-H, just try to plug it in and see...05:19
yahalomthoreauputic, is cool05:19
jasmuzubuntu-devel didnt gimme any clues05:19
SkyNettrygvebw how can i resolve this conflict?05:19
yahalomreka, getting it now05:19
Echelon-Hdidn't really work I think05:19
jasmuzpodge, i wont install now...it has too many dependencies05:19
yahalomEchelon-H, most likely not05:19
chris__i have a little Problem here.. and i want to know if you have the same maybe...05:19
SkyNetthoreauputic well i did dist-upgrade but same results..05:19
IcemanV9is there a place where i can d/l "eq presets" for bmp?05:19
AirWaysHow I can run .run file?05:19
chris__The "Sticky Note" Applet (i dont know how its named in Englisch) is fucked up! In Warty and the "old" Gnome, the Notes were pinned to the Desktop...  in Hoary and the newest Gnome, the Notes are everytime in front of all Windows05:19
chris__AirWays, sh bla.run or ./bla.run05:20
thoreauputicSkyNet: do you have marillat repos or backports?05:20
yahalomEchelon-H, there are some that do, there is a site i'm not sure what its called, can anyone help me  out plz05:20
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yahalomEchelon-H, some omnivision ones work and some others05:20
rekajasmuz: heh. i just noticed that.05:20
thoreauputicSkyNet: if so, that's probably your trouble05:20
yahalomEchelon-H, i cant get mine to work05:20
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podgejasmuz : I didn't think about that.. sorry.. it's built on mono etc.. my 1.5 adsl didn't notice the download.. *grin*05:20
chris__did anyone have the same Problem with the Sticky Notes Applet???05:20
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yahalomEchelon-H, that is one issue i dont understand why linux lacks this tech05:20
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thoreauputic*sigh* PLEASE ask before /msg ing people05:21
jasmuzpodge,  bad for me im in dialup05:21
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Echelon-Hyahalom, oh... k.05:21
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SkyNetok sorry thoreauputic05:21
rekajasmuz: i'm a caveman too. :-)05:21
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yahalomEchelon-H, if u want it badly enough it will work05:21
jasmuzreka, hahaha...05:21
podgejasmuz : understood and ouch!!..05:22
yahalomreka, u tried it?05:22
jasmuzreka,  im based in the Dominican Republic05:22
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rekayahalom: not yet, a 16mb download takes a while05:22
SkyNetthoreauputic i only have the nerim repositories..05:22
rekajasmuz: so broadband isn't widely available?05:23
chris__The "Sticky Note" Applet (i dont know how its named in Englisch) is fucked up! In Warty and the "old" Gnome, the Notes were pinned to the Desktop...  in Hoary and the newest Gnome, the Notes are everytime in front of all Windows05:23
tswhow do I install warty with debootstrap ?05:23
chris__Anyone have the same condition?05:23
yahalomreka, yah05:23
rekayahalom: have you?05:23
trygvebwchris__, isn't it a feature, not a bug?05:23
trygvebwi guess it's an easy fix05:23
jasmuzreka, yes but too pricey05:23
trygvebwchris__, you're right :/05:24
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yahalomreka, 38%05:24
chris__i love this applet since my Warty...05:24
thoreauputicSkyNet: that's your problem then05:24
chris__and in Warty it was ok :\05:24
yonilDO you know of any side-scroll shooter game that's in ubuntus packages ? =P05:24
rekajasmuz: i'm out of work atm.  and i don't want my parents to pay for it.05:24
yahalomEchelon-H, it doesnt bother me anymore, i prefer not seeing the people i chat with :)05:24
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thoreauputicSkyNet: they conflict with multiverse versions of mplayer05:25
yahalomEchelon-H, it sucks when u want to sell stuff on ebay though05:25
SkyNetthoreauputic ah ok05:25
jasmuzreka, ouch05:25
SkyNetso they dont know which one to choose05:25
thoreauputicSkyNet: comment nerim out05:25
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SkyNetyes will do05:25
SkyNetthanks thoreauputic05:25
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yahalomreka, where u live?05:25
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rekai'm in aus05:26
Echelon-Hyahalom, heheh05:26
yahalomreka, as in aussie?05:26
podgereka: whereabouts?05:26
rekayahalom: yep. yourself?05:26
bassplayerhow do I configure a network printer on ubuntu ?05:26
rekapodge: VIC.  fellow aussie?05:26
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yahalomreka, order a bunch of ubuntu cds and go to schools and old people's homes, charge them for ur time and isntall them free ubuntu:) u'll have ajob05:26
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podgereka: yeah.. VIC/Geelong05:27
bassplayerhow do I configure a network printer on ubuntu ?05:27
yonilIs ubuntu a good dist for laptops ? (I'm using it on my pc, have no experience with laptops)05:27
yahalomreka, old people and schools dont care about the details05:27
yahalomreka, israel05:27
rekapodge: the whole schapelle thing is pretty bad. i'm feeling depressed today.05:27
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LarstiQyonil: imho, yeah it is05:28
podgereka: Imagine if a foreigner was caught with drugs in their bag at an Aussie airport..05:28
jasmuzyonil,  depends on your laptop configuration...but its good anywhere05:28
sigwhats wrong with schapelle?05:28
rekayahalom: i don't think i could handle troubleshooting that many people. :-)  plus, i know nothing about networking etc.05:28
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cainehello everybody05:28
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cainei need help please05:28
Echelon-Hhmmm what is the command for terminal (I want to make a shortcut)05:28
yahalomreka, well most people will only want their cable or dsl setup05:29
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yoniljasmuz, I'm gonna have an ibm laptop... probably thinkpad or w/e its name is ... can it run gnome properly ?05:29
ozujesalgun espaol?05:29
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LarstiQyonil: on side-scrollers, chromium isn't one, but it's still nice ;)05:29
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yahalomreka, dont know how to setup that up?05:29
bassplayerhow do I configure a network printer on ubuntu ?05:29
rekapodge: i know.  and i know she is getting special treatment and whatnot  i.e. there are ~150 others out there in the same situation.  but i still feel sorry for her.05:29
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cainehello im new to linux and im having trouble installing Wine and these flash plugins05:29
yahalomreka, most ppl use adsl05:29
dcravenEchelon-H: gnome-terminal?05:29
rekayahalom: no idea. like i said, i've always been on dialup05:29
tswhow can I install warty with debootstrap.. running ubuntu and want to install warty on a second partition also so that it can be booted with xen05:29
yahalomreka, so read the ubuntuguide05:29
Echelon-Hdcraven, xfce?05:30
tswdebootstrap only says "no such script: warty"05:30
yahalomreka, how does that work?05:30
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dcravenEchelon-H: Depends on the terminal you use.05:30
yahalomEchelon-H, u tried xfce?05:30
rekareka: how does what work?05:30
Echelon-Hyahalom, I am using it.05:30
yahalomEchelon-H, ok :)05:30
cainecan anybody help me on installing WIne and Flash plugins05:30
yahalomok i gotta go05:31
dcravenEchelon-H: Open a term, if it has a help menu, click "About" to see what it is.05:31
yahalomreka, take care man05:31
Echelon-Hyahalom, I want to me a k/b shortcut to the terminal. I've found out I think how to do shorcut but i dont know hwo to run the terminal05:31
jasmuzyonil,  most probably yes...but check the www.ubuntuforums.org for any question there05:31
yahalomEchelon-H,  05:31
rekayahalom: bye05:31
Echelon-Hyahalom, 05:31
podgereka: human nature to feel sorry.. people are in these situations every day and we don't even hear about it though..05:31
yonil ..05:32
Echelon-Hyonil, 05:32
yonilEchelon-H, we oughta stop before we get banned ;)05:32
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IcemanV9so cool!! to see another language being so clear instead of garble :)05:33
Echelon-Hyonil, Yup.05:33
Echelon-Hiceman, hehe05:33
ubuntuhi i just booted my livecd hoary... how come it doesnt have any grub?05:33
caineCould someone please help me? I am trying to install Wine and also Flash but I can not figure out how...05:33
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=== erikk is now known as erikk_newb
podgeIs anyone here running Samba? I tried to help [HS] arnakin but haven't gotten anywhere...05:33
IcemanV9really! Echelon-H :)05:33
jasmuzUbuntu you dont need GRUB if you are just booting a CD05:33
thoreauputiccaine: ubuntuguide.org for flash05:33
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msieradzkigrub is useful05:34
msieradzkirescue cd and this stuff...05:34
erikk_newbjasmuz.. im trying to fix the bootloader bec i installed winxp and grub was gone05:34
yonilIcemanV9, the wonders of unicode ...05:34
caineThey both came with installation instructions but neither of them worked.05:34
podgethoreauputic: flash on ubuntu crashes my firefox.. :(05:34
IcemanV9yea! it is, yonil05:34
Echelon-Hbah, im such aa noob,05:34
Echelon-Hwhat is the command to transfer one file from X to y?05:35
jasmuzerikk_newb, why the heck did you reinstall xp for?05:35
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IcemanV9yonil: i saw chinese language other night; it's so cool! :)05:35
caineEchelon-H, I'm more of a noob than you are...I can't even install anything lol05:35
thoreauputicpodge: known issue with the Free version unfortunately05:35
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erikk_newbjasmuz.. because i need winxp05:35
Echelon-HIcemanV9, how come you see this stuff?05:35
jeroen_Is there going to be a ubuntu-calendar-may?05:35
yonilEchelon-H, mv05:35
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jasmuzStop all you noobing!...im more of a new than you guys are05:35
podgethor: I am sure it crashed with the macromedia version as well..05:36
Echelon-Hyonil, thanks05:36
IcemanV9Echelon-H: like yonil just said .. unicode is a wonderful thing05:36
yonilEchelon-H, notice you must have writing permissions to both places05:36
erikk_newbso does anyone know if livecd has grub?05:36
caineI just started using Linux tuesday05:36
jasmuzcaine, Linux or Ubuntu?05:36
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rekaerikk_newb: uh, if you're using the livecd.  don't you just boot off it?05:37
jasmuzerikk_newb, why dont you go to distrowatch.org and check the packages  it has05:37
latisfailed to get screen information: make sure $DISPLAY is set05:37
cainewhich is a type of Linux but yeah...im using Ubuntu05:37
jasmuzcaine,  then you arent a newbie05:37
danko123456hey, guys, how about mounting? I have a camera, that automounts in gnome, but I am right now using, I dont even know, I think 9wm, very interesting, a differnt approach, I was wondering...how can I mount the camera manually, how would I find out what device it is to mount it, perhpas when it is mounted I can somehow find out how it is mounted, and then use that, how would  I find out?05:37
Echelon-Hyonil, It seems i can't see all the folders under dir, even when I use sudo05:37
caineyeah actually i am05:37
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jeroen_danko123456, by pressing mount when it's mounted05:38
jeroen_and reading05:38
=== xota saluda!
danko123456jeroen_: thank you.05:38
cainemy uncle told me that ubuntu was one of his favorite versions and that it would probably be the best one for me05:38
jeroen_danko123456, when you want to manually mount it:05:38
jasmuzxota, saludos05:38
cainei just installed it tuesday night05:38
danko123456mounte dev location, right?05:38
jeroen_danko123456, sudo mount /dev/devicename /media/camera05:38
jasmuzcaine, true...05:38
xotajaja buenas jasmuz05:38
jasmuzxota,  que tal?05:38
erikk_newbreka, i have exisiting linux installation on hd, installed xp and bootloader got reset to windows. thats my case.05:38
jasmuzxota,  de donde sois?05:39
latisfailed to get screen information: make sure $DISPLAY is set, what can I do about it?05:39
danko123456k, yeah, thanks...um, do you use xnest, can anyone find out the command for a new login?05:39
xotapor aqu pasando calor en salamanca ;) aunque soy gallego05:39
LarstiQlatis: set DISPLAY :)05:39
xotaen este canal no se habla en ingls?05:39
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danko123456just throught he menu editor, grab the command.05:39
latisLarstiQ, how and what? :)05:39
LarstiQlatis: it would help if you gave some context as to where this is appearing05:39
jasmuzxota, ahh....este canal es en ingls pero soy de la Rep. Dominicana05:39
thoreauputicdanko123456: gdmflexiserver --xnest05:39
hybrid_gothhello all05:39
nayifis there a gui for partimage ?05:39
caineso believe me...i am a noobie to the linux ubuntu world05:39
latisLarstiQ, when I try to start win4lin05:39
jasmuzpardon me from saying hi in spanish05:39
[HS] arnakinsamba very slow transfers both directions (network bridge wi-fi / ethernet on winXP stat), no errors on starting, no erros on file tranfer, eth configs are good, network working correctly, FTP wroking correctly ... I'm lost pl help !05:40
LarstiQlatis: from where?05:40
=== IcemanV9 dances like Snoopy .. learned a thing or two about bmp today
cainei'm so use to windows xp that i dont know what the hell im looking for anymore05:40
latisLarstiQ, terminal as a normal user05:40
hybrid_gothubuntu on a server. any ideas anyone?05:40
LarstiQlatis: from within X?05:40
caineim trying to find my plugins folder and its not where the faq said it would be05:40
jasmuzWith Ubuntu, you learn a lot everyday05:40
latisLarstiQ, yep05:40
jeroen_Is there going to be a ubuntu-calendar-may?05:40
rekaerikk_newb: http://ubuntuguide.org/#restoregrubmenuafterwindowsinstallation that uses the nstallation CD though.  it might work with the livecd.05:40
danko123456thank you, thoreauputic.05:40
jasmuzhybrid_goth,  what do you need?05:40
LarstiQlatis: and you're not trying to start as a different user than logged in in X?05:40
latisLarstiQ, nopes05:41
LarstiQlatis: what does echo $DISPLAY give in the terminal?05:41
hybrid_gothjasmuz: good idea bad idea tips etc.05:41
[HS] arnakinsamba very slow transfers both directions (network bridge wi-fi / ethernet on winXP stat), no errors on starting, no erros on file tranfer, eth configs are good, network working correctly, FTP wroking correctly ... I'm lost pl help !05:41
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caineoops caps05:41
LarstiQ[HS] arnakin: how slow is slow?05:41
rekajeroen_: was there one for april?05:41
Shuddertrixcaine: apt-get install wine05:41
jeroen_reka, yes, and march, and...05:41
cainewhat is apt05:41
nayifcaine, synaptic05:41
thoreauputic[HS] arnakin: repeating every 2 minutes won't help you. Do please stop it05:41
jasmuzhybrid_goth, that depends on the hard you have on the system...and what you are willing to install05:41
rekajeroen_: then, yeah probably. :-)05:41
Shuddertrixor, search wine in synaptic.05:42
latislatis@latis:~/Desktop/Win4LinPro.6.0.9$ echo $DISPLAY05:42
hybrid_gothcaine: go to winehq.com find the repo and add it in synaptic05:42
caineok synaptic i understand05:42
[HS] arnakinvery very slow05:42
jeroen_reka, but it's freaking 27 May!!!05:42
danko123456did you guys ever try 9wm(I think that is waht it is...very different. You are lost for at least 15 minutes once you open it...05:42
rekajeroen_: lol.  geez i'm lost aren't i?05:42
danko123456there is no window borders.05:42
cainehybrid-goth, iv been through all of that and still dont understand shit05:42
hybrid_gothjasmuz: i have a 2gb hdd but i am going to upgrade later05:42
jasmuzcaine apt is the powertool that drives synaptic05:42
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latisLarstiQ, latis@latis:~/Desktop/Win4LinPro.6.0.9$ echo $DISPLAY05:42
LarstiQlatis: looks good, then win4lin is doing more to break it, and I don't know what it is doing05:42
cainei dont know if i actually installed wine or what05:43
latisLarstiQ, ok :/05:43
jasmuzhybrid_goth,  for what services do you plan to use the server for?05:43
nayifcaine, than type on search box wine than rigth click on it than select install than press apply button that is all05:43
Shuddertrixinstall winetools also, it will help you get wine set up05:43
caineok iv done all that before05:43
cainewine tools05:43
danko123456Ill take that as a no to having used the 9wm.05:43
cainethat i havnt doen05:43
Shuddertrixlike, installing the correct fonts and programs like DCOM and IE.05:43
hybrid_gothjasmuz: skype page osting and maybe irc05:43
Shuddertrixand configuring your .wine/config, too05:43
hybrid_gothjasmuz: irc will come after the upgrade05:44
cainei tried to d/l it and all kindsa shit but im so lost its like im in a black hole05:44
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cainei wanna rip my hair out lol05:44
jasmuzhybrid_goth, that is fairly easy...you have no need for special configs05:44
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Shuddertrixdownload what?05:44
cainewine tools05:44
hybrid_gothjasmuz: ok so it would be a good idea to use ubuntu05:44
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jasmuzhybrid_goth, Why not!05:45
cainei dont know how to install anything w/o d/l an exe style application lol05:45
hybrid_gothjasmuz: YAY!05:45
rekadanko123451: worth using?05:45
caineim too use to windows05:45
Echylocan I can I can I ?05:45
jasmuzhybrid_goth, try it...you will only gain knowledge05:45
hybrid_gothjasmuz: lol ok :D05:45
IcemanV9danko123451: gnome-volume-manager doesn't work in 9wm?05:45
Shuddertrixsynaptic, search wine, click on winetools (install), click apply, run winetools. What's the problem there?05:45
hybrid_gothcaine: apt is sooooo easy05:45
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hybrid_gothcaine: forget goin to confusing sites and having no idea what *else* comes with the prog05:46
danko123451jeroen_: ok, got it:) what is the best way to mount this: /dev/sda1 on /media/usbdisk type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,sync,noatime,quiet,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077)05:46
caineshuddertrix, it only pulls up wine...there is no winetools05:46
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wezzerhow can I install new fonts into ubuntu?05:46
danko123451IcemanV9: I dont think so.05:46
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danko123451esd doesnt.05:46
nayifcaine, try to install something else than wine :) like thunderbird and c05:46
jeroen_danko123451, in a terminal: "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/usbdisk"05:46
hybrid_gothwezzer: d/l the font and move it to ~/.fonts05:46
cainei havnt the slightest clue what those are05:46
danko123451reka, if you are ready for major frustration, because of a different UI.05:46
wezzerhybrid_goth: that easy?05:47
hybrid_gothwezzer: yup :D05:47
IcemanV9danko123451: then, we wait for you when you figure it out ;)05:47
Shuddertrixok caine, you need to add universe/multiverse to your sources.list.. search the forums, i'm not going indepth with it.05:47
thoreauputicwezzer: search for "fonts" in the synaptic package manager05:47
danko123451jeroen, k thanks, I just wanted to check if I should specify any of those params.05:47
cainewhat i need is something to run windows applications and wine seems like its the one that most people use05:47
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nayifcaine, than try crossover05:47
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hybrid_gothcaine: non free option is cadwga05:47
Shuddertrixyou might want to buy crossover or cedega if this is giving you trouble, although it shouldn't.05:47
caineyou have to pay for crossover05:47
rekadanko123451: i think i'm too used to gnome.  anything else drops my productivity rate.05:47
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nayifcaine, its wine GUI05:47
danko123451IcemanV9: yeah, well, I mean, it is just fun to try out, I guess, I doubt Ill like it more than gnome over all, although you have control over how you want to display the windows completely.05:48
nayifcaine, what u want than :)05:48
thoreauputiccaine: first see if there are native linux apps that do what you need05:48
Shuddertrixhybrid_goth: cedega is for gaming, crossover is for regular apps.05:48
cainethere arent05:48
wezzerhybrid_goth: does openoffice found new fonts then?05:48
ShuddertrixWhat windows program do you really need, caine?05:48
wezzerwhoops, there is no .fonts directory05:48
wezzershould I create one?05:48
cainei already know for a fact that the 2 programs i need to run are not made natively for Linux and i cannot use a replacement because of school05:48
jasmuzif i could get cedega for free, i would forget using windows ever (im a Unreal Tournament, Max Payne Fan)05:48
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thoreauputicwezzer: yes, in your $HOME dir05:48
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caineFinale 2003....Guitar-Pro05:49
hybrid_gothShuddertrix: ah05:49
hybrid_gothwezzer: it should05:49
thoreauputicwezzer: note the dot :)05:49
jeroen_. hides it. Press ctrl+H05:49
Echelon-Hguitar-pro is cool05:49
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urb85hello all05:49
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cainewell i use both of them for school purposes'05:49
wezzerthank you very much guys, it worked05:50
caineand i cannot use anything else because then i cannot bring my files to work on at school05:50
urb85Guys, is there any Default Python interpeter into Ubuntu?05:50
nayifcaine, haha u must to pay if you need something easy to use and safe your time if not , this your choice05:50
Shuddertrixcaine, i have a good feeling they won't work.05:50
danko123456ok, thanks everyone.05:50
Frantickurb85: yes05:50
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caineim not paying for shit...thats why im on ubuntu lol05:50
Shuddertrixyou're best to dual-boot, or find a replacement.05:50
urb85Frantik, where is it exactly, I can't find it?05:50
cainei was using a bootleg of Win XP05:50
Frantickcaine: ubuntu is free like speech and usually free like beer05:51
nayifcaine, k than read more and get your hand dirty :)05:51
thoreauputiccaine: you can't really expect to have windows interoperability without paying, except on a simple level05:51
cainei dont mind getting my hands dirty05:51
Frantickurb85: python in the terminal pulls it  up i believe05:51
caineshit ill jump in the damn mudd pitt05:51
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jasmuzwho sent me a private...please repost...i had  problem05:51
nayifcaine, that very nice :)05:51
cainebut i dont know shit about installing progs on here yet05:52
IcemanV9is winex ready for gaming??05:52
urb85Frantik, thanks I will try now05:52
Frantickcaine: you can always look at sf.net for a foss alternative for any windows prog05:52
latisIcemanV9, my cedega works pretty good05:52
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novaflarewhere does apache keep its web pages in ubuntu?05:52
Frantickurb85: np05:52
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jasmuzlatis,  you have cedega'05:52
nayifIcemanV9, mmm you can see is needforspeed run on winex05:52
thoreauputicnovaflare: where you tell it to :)05:52
CarlK_novaflare /var/www05:52
podgecaine: You said.. "I'm not paying for shit.. that's why I am on Ubuntu".. does that mean UB is shit.. coz you didn't pay for it? :)05:53
SkyNetpodge only that its free:-)05:53
caineno it means its THE SHIT because i didnt pay for it lol05:53
IcemanV9latis: so i've heard. i'd like to use it for free as much as possible05:53
podgecaine: haha..05:53
SkyNetvery cool that they send the CDs for free..05:53
hybrid_gothcaine: heh05:53
thoreauputiccaine: if that's why you are using Ubuntu, you maybe need to read a bit about Free Software and philosophy05:53
danko123456hey, force.05:53
hybrid_gothSkyNet: when you are a multimillionare you can do cool things05:53
rekaSkyNet: takes a while though05:54
cainei know about the reasons why its free05:54
jasmuzguys read this05:54
cainei cant explain them but i know them05:54
nayifcaine, http://newbiedoc.sourceforge.net/05:54
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spiderwormhey all i keep trying to set my primary DNS to in network-admin but everytime I hit OK and then try to go to certain sites but the DNS doesnt resolve correctly, I open up network-admin again I see that it has substituted what I put in there for DNS with something else, any ideas what could be going on here?05:54
=== concept10 [~chatzilla@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
caineits basicallythe same reasons kazaa, napster, morpheous, Gnutella etc etc...were created...except this is about open source not music05:55
jasmuzhybrid_goth, check it...it will make you laugh05:55
podgejasmuz : Hey.. they forgot Amiga airlines.. :)05:55
jasmuzpodge, true05:55
jasmuzGood old amiga05:55
IcemanV9why is my wheel lagging so bad when i want to scroll in firefox??05:56
podgejasmuz : Trying to get an old A500 off ebay at the moment..05:56
=== nayif start to read about airline
urb85Frantik, you right :)05:56
=== hybrid_goth starts to read
Frantickurb85: :D05:56
jasmuzpodge, awww...that's nostalgic05:56
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nayifcaine, i'm agree with your idea i feel am understand what you mean05:57
sigso what is ubuntu doing to get online with firefox?05:57
sigone can't install new themes withouth the 1.4 version they require05:57
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sigeven though this is a backported version I believe05:57
jasmuzsig, update firefox05:57
podgejasmuz : yeah. I have an A1200 at the moment.. wanted an a500 to run the old scene demos... WinUAE doesn't cope most of the time..05:57
sigjasmuz: it is05:57
sigthe newest ubuntu offers05:57
caineand open source is why i wanted to use linux/unix style OS in the first place05:58
sigthere is a bug05:58
=== Shuddertrix likes the tutorial on the desktop terminal, works very well..
sigUbuntu Bug 1068105:58
thoreauputicsig: in about:config , change the vendor string to 1.0.405:58
LarstiQpodge: I have an a500 somewhere here iirc05:58
jasmuzsig,  modify the user agent at the about:config05:58
cainebecause once i learn enough i can go in and tweak the program so it will work with anything i need it too05:58
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podgelarstiq : buried in the garage hey?05:58
hybrid_gothwindows air05:58
LarstiQpodge: no, in my room05:58
thoreauputiccaine: yup, that's right :)05:58
jasmuzpodge, you are a lucky guy being able to get amiga's05:58
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cainei may be a noob05:59
podgelarstiq : cool.. what are you doing with it?05:59
cainebut im not that stupid05:59
toxicfumecan someone help me with Ubuntu not being able to display on my laptop's LCD screen?05:59
Fator_DeeLarstiQ: I have a 500+ :-p05:59
LarstiQpodge: the idea was demos, not doing much atm05:59
caineim just new to the OS05:59
cainenot to computers05:59
thoreauputiccaine: no-one suggested you were stupid :)05:59
jasmuzI have been in this long lost quest for an old laptop...and because i dont have money ever, i dont get none....im a Medical Student05:59
cainei know05:59
podgejasmuz : lucky? well.. maybe.. or just stupid? ;)05:59
jasmuzpodge, if you can spend it...enjoy it man..06:00
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hybrid_gothcaine: everyone in this channel has been or are where you are now06:00
podgelarstiq : nice.. I have quite of bit of admiration for the early amiga demo scene coders..06:00
hybrid_gothexcept me of course i have always been great06:00
podgejasmuz : What do you spend your ca$h on?06:00
LarstiQpodge: not for the current ones? :)06:00
cainegood so that means everybody knows how damn frustrating it is to learn this shit from scratch06:01
jasmuzpodge, i barely get cash...hence i dont work at the moment...just study like hell06:01
thoreauputiccaine: absolutely ;)06:01
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Frantickcaine: YES OH YES06:01
rekajasmuz: should you be studying now?  i should. :-)06:01
Echylocan someone tell me how I refer to folders outside /var/www in apache?06:01
=== nayif jasmuz great topic
jasmuzcaine, watch your typing06:01
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thoreauputiccaine: if it's any consolation, it gets easier06:02
drcodedd2hi all06:02
drcodedd2any one up06:02
podgelarstiq : I watch the Amiga movie captured demos from the recent parties.. but the PC scene is so huge it is hard to ignore. However, the technical style of the old days is gone in favour of artsy style.06:02
jeroen_yeah, drcodedd206:02
jasmuznayif is it bad a bit of chit chat06:02
hybrid_gothcaine: yes i agree with thoreauputic much easier06:02
drcodedd2some one know abour xpdf?06:02
drcodedd2I need littel help06:02
jasmuzreka, no i dont have to study06:02
LarstiQpodge: mostly anyway06:02
hybrid_gothcaine: pretty soon you will wanna run linux on an old comp as a server among other things06:02
LarstiQpodge: not that I particulary mind ;)06:03
hybrid_gothdrcodedd2: whats up with xpdf?/06:03
podgejasmuz : understood.. medicine is difficult... and leaves you poor for some time..06:03
jasmuzpodge, got that right06:03
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podgelarstiq : Well.. you still drool when you see some of the demos.. especially the Farbrauch productions.. 64K WOW!06:03
ogi_Somebody name a good image viewing program similar to irfan view for ubuntu06:04
rekaogi_: gqview06:04
Fator_Deeogi_: gqview, gthumb06:04
hypa7iaogi_, eog06:04
Echylocan someone tell me how I refer to folders outside /var/www in apache? ?06:04
LarstiQpodge: I'm not that impressed by their most recent productions though06:04
podgejasmuz : I finished my degree in Computer Science about 8 years ago..06:04
rekaogi_: pornview06:04
hybrid_gothhypa7ia: hey!06:04
hybrid_gothreka: pornview pwns :D06:04
=== bassplayer [~bassplaye@adslnat-rai-cartago-132.ice.co.cr] has joined #ubuntu
jasmuzpodge, congrats06:04
hypa7iahey hybrid_goth, did ya get it working?06:04
hybrid_gothogi_: showimg06:04
andersbrreka: Never heard of that one.06:04
rekapodge: nice.  i'm in final year.06:04
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lophi all06:05
bassplayerhow do i configure a network printer ?06:05
hybrid_gothhypa7ia: nah but i did get _my_ wifi back so i can work on it finally06:05
nayifcaine, i think book like yellow dummies great idea06:05
jasmuzim just 22, and im in the middle of the career...so imagine how much time it takes06:05
rekaandersbr: it's nice.  i prefer gqview though.  you can scroll through with the mousewheel06:05
bassplayerhow do i configure a network printer ?06:05
hybrid_gothbassplayer: samba06:05
podgelarstiq : They set too high a standard early on and couldn't keep it up.. The Product and The Popular Demo are amazing..06:05
rekaandersbr: it's a good name isn't it?06:05
hypa7iahybrid_goth, cool, i'm sure you'll figure it out eventually :-)06:05
bassplayerwhat ?06:05
andersbrreka:  Yep.06:05
=== LarstiQ nods at podge
lopcan any1 help me ? gcc `gtk-config --cflags` `gtk-config --libs` predkor2.c a.c -o main06:06
lop/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/3.3.5/../../../crt1.o: file not recognized: File format not recognized06:06
lopcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status06:06
podgereka : Cool.. What uni?06:06
lopwith that ?06:06
caineif i had enough memory and a fast computer i would run both windows and linux06:06
LarstiQpodge: but fr025 isn't _that_ early on :)06:06
=== [Spooky] [~spookan_7@h189n2fls308o968.telia.com] has joined #Ubuntu
rekapodge: monash06:06
cainethat would make my life so much easier06:06
bassplayerhow do i configure a network printer ?06:06
hybrid_gothhypa7ia: thanks for the encouragement i hope so. i am leavin to my dad's and all he has is lan :P06:06
JDahljasmuz, 22 and in the middle of your career? what business are in in? what are you - a newspaper delivery boy?06:06
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thoreauputiccaine: you learn less dual booting though06:06
hybrid_gothhypa7ia: it is easier now though b/c it is online and i can work06:06
podgereka : what are you hoping to get out of it? coder? it manager?06:06
LarstiQJDahl: well, in a 44 year career that's ok?06:06
andersbrWhat I'd like to see is an organizer for pics/movies/mp3s that will let you categorize,  classify,  add metadata,  and rate the files.06:06
hybrid_gothcaine: dual booting gets messy06:07
hypa7iahybrid_goth, read up on ifconfig and play around with ping06:07
rekapodge: game dev :-)  *fingers crossed*06:07
cainei bet it does06:07
podgelarstiq : agreed.. I guess they made the biggest impression on me..06:07
jasmuzhttp://www.hackaday.com guys check this06:07
nayifcaine, and you can take linux"ubuntu" with you if you like to use minimac06:07
hybrid_gothor atleast it did with xp and mandrake 1006:07
LarstiQpodge: understandable :)06:07
rekapodge: has your degree amounted to anything? :-)06:07
JDahlLarstiQ, just sounded odd to be in the middle of his/her career at 22...06:07
jasmuzJDahl, Doctor in Medicine06:07
podgereka: so can I assume you are into the demoscene as well..?06:07
hybrid_gothhypa7ia: ok06:07
bassplayerhow do i configure a network printer ?06:07
bassplayerhow do i configure a network printer ?06:07
LarstiQJDahl: I understand :)06:07
bassplayerhow do i configure a network printer ?06:07
hybrid_gothjasmuz: i <3 hackaday06:07
hybrid_gothbassplayer: SAMBA06:07
hybrid_gothbassplayer: SAMBA06:07
thoreauputicbassplayer: repeating won't help06:07
rekapodge: uh, not really.  i'm a newbie with opengl.06:07
hybrid_gothbassplayer: SAMBA06:07
bassplayerwhats sanba ?06:07
Fator_Deebassplayer: could you repeat a few more times, some of us might not have seen that :-|06:07
cainenayif: minimac?06:08
nayifsorry mac OSX06:08
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hybrid_gothbassplayer: i have answered you every time are you blind?06:08
LarstiQpodge: I like MFX and Kewlers too06:08
lopdoes anybody know a server where i can find some programmers??06:08
podgelarstiq : My fave demo on the Amiga is Friday At Eight by Polka Brothers.. but group wise it would be Phenomena..06:08
caineoh well im not running a mac computer right now06:08
hybrid_gothpodge: what kinda proggys06:08
cainei wish i was06:08
bassplayerbut i dont know whatis samba !06:08
rekaandersbr: start coding. :-D06:08
hybrid_gothcaine: mac is over rate06:08
cainewhen i get a laptop its gonna be mac06:08
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andersbrreka:  It may come to that.06:08
thoreauputicbassplayer: google is your friend06:08
hybrid_gothbassplayer: justfuckinggoogleit.com06:08
rekaandersbr: i'll be one of the first to download it.06:09
Sh4dwhat is gnome-vsf-deamon ?06:09
=== thoreauputic sighs
caineactually im not running a mac and i messed on my uncles mac and i liked it better06:09
podgelarstiq : agreed... and agreed.. both quality PC demo groups..06:09
jasmuzmac rules as laptops...expecially when you dual boot with Ubuntu06:09
podgereka: I am a Solaris administrator by chance..06:09
cainewell im not gonna dual boot on a laptop06:09
hybrid_gothjasmuz: heh i am on an ibook06:09
LarstiQcaine: why not?06:09
nayifcaine, why ?06:09
Sh4dwhat is gnome-vsf-deamon ?06:10
podgereka : Get your arse coding if you want to do game dev.. :).. and read the Michael Abrash Black book while you are at it..06:10
LarstiQcaine: I've been doing it for 3 years on a powerbook06:10
jasmuzhybrid_goth, i pheer you!06:10
LarstiQpodge: you don't visit parties perchance?06:10
rekapodge: *sighs* i know.  i'm a lazy bastard though. :-)06:10
podgelarstiq : I live in Australia.. so not at this stage..06:10
podgelarstiq : you?06:10
cainebecause that laptop is gonna need to stay as virus free as possible...so that means im only gonna run like finale and guitarpro and needed applications for doing work and school stuff...no music d/l through internet onto the laptop, no dual booting, keep as much memory as possible06:11
podgereka : The whole Linux PS2 thing was interesting.. actually allowing you to code for the VPUs and the EE chip..06:11
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podgereka : You interested in console stuff or PC stuff?06:11
jasmuzhttp://files.nixp.ru/books/unix/linux/  this is some documentation for all you guys06:12
LarstiQpodge: a couple of times per year, next one will be sceneevent06:12
hybrid_gothjasmuz: heh06:12
jasmuzand for noobs as myself06:12
caineok but back to my Wine problem lol06:12
=== Pop_pa_FrEaK [~patrick@CPE000ae6c702bb-CM000e5ce665ba.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
podgelarstiq : so I assume you live in Europe. :)06:12
caineim whining over Wine06:12
LarstiQcaine: eh, virus on osx/linux?06:12
podgecaine : want some cheese with that?06:12
LarstiQpodge: yup, .nl06:12
caineyes please06:12
hybrid_gothLarstiQ: spyware on tiger06:12
nayiftime to go06:12
rekapodge: honestly, i think my skill levels are such that i can't really choose.  i'm still getting to grips with this stuff.06:13
LarstiQhybrid_goth: never encountered it06:13
caine:grabs the cheddar06:13
jasmuzdo you guys know you can run viruses with Wine...its a blast to laugh at them06:13
hybrid_gothLarstiQ: dashboard has a whole that installs widgets without any prompt06:13
podgelarstiq : I am sure you understand that AUstralia doesn't really have a demo scene as such.. heheh..06:13
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Pop_pa_FrEaKhow does one install cdrdao ?06:13
podgereka : So you have a few more years before you match Carmack? :)06:14
podgereka : Did you attend the AGDC in Melbourne?06:14
caineok my Wine problem06:14
thoreauputicPop_pa_FrEaK: sudo apt-get install cdrdao06:14
LarstiQhybrid_goth: ah, I'm still on 10.206:14
Fator_DeePop_pa_FrEaK: sudo apt-get install cdrdao06:14
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hybrid_gothLarstiQ: ah it is in Tiger06:14
LarstiQpodge: that's a shame06:14
=== podge checks out scene.org
cainein synaptic i searched Wine and marked everything for installation06:14
caineand it installed everytying06:14
rekapodge: hopefully. :)  AGDC?  no.  did you?06:14
cainebut there is no wine tools06:14
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Pop_pa_FrEaKPackage cdrdao is not available, but is referred to by another package.06:15
Pop_pa_FrEaKThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or06:15
Pop_pa_FrEaKis only available from another source06:15
=== Adyeths [~adyeths@pcp0010809436pcs.carlsl01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fator_Deeenable universe/multiverse?06:15
caineladies and gentlemen what is better06:15
caineor crossover06:15
podgelarstiq : I am glad we started talking about the demo scene.. I see that I have some more demos to download from scene.org06:15
thoreauputicPop_pa_FrEaK: enable the universe repository in synaptic >> settings06:16
parabolizecaine for what?06:16
LarstiQpodge: heh :)06:16
=== LarstiQ heads for dinner
podgereka : I attended the first year it was held.. not bad.. especially the tech presentations on the PS2 internals..06:16
cainewell i need to run finale and guitarpro somehow06:16
podgelarstiq : enjoy your food..06:16
thoreauputicPop_pa_FrEaK: enable multiverse while you are at it, and make sure you update/reload afterwards06:16
caineand i need to run a file sharing app like kazaa or somthing06:16
jasmuzcaine,  crossover06:16
caineis there a file sharing app made for linux like kazaa is for windows06:17
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jasmuzcaine, Kazaa: Apollon is a Kazaa substitute06:17
caineyeah i found that one06:17
g14http://os.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=05/01/25/1430222&tid=2&tid=78&tid=138 Running windows virii under wine :)06:17
Adyethshmmm... I seem to be having some issues compiling things now.06:17
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cainebut i did the synap search thing and all that for it06:17
podgereka : If you are serious about game dev.. then you have to write software demos of your abilities..06:17
caineand installed the stuff06:17
caineyet i hav no clue if its intalled to use or not06:17
Adyeths /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/3.3.5/../../../crt1.o: file not recognized: File format not recognized06:18
Adyethswhats up with that?06:18
jasmuzcaine,  just run it06:18
=== wulfy814 [~lorentz@dsl093-061-214.pit1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
cainebut where is it06:18
lopgot the same problem Adyeths06:18
podgereka : age isn't really a barrier.. i asked a few of the guys and they are around 30->35 and working for local game studios like Ratbag etc..06:18
cainei dont know where the app went so i can run it06:18
jasmuzcaine, open a console and type locate apollon06:18
thoreauputiccaine: you can type the command in a terminal06:18
cainein windows you went to programs and just clicked the app you wanted06:18
Fator_Deecaine: you don't have to know where it is06:18
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jasmuzcaine, it dosent matter if you go to run application it will06:19
AdyethsI wonder if it has anything to do with the updates that were just installed today. (binutils was one I know that. I forget what the other was)06:19
IcemanV9Adyeths & lop: ubunut-dev is working on it to fix the problem06:19
thoreauputicAdyeths: known issues with binutils, yes06:19
Fator_Deecaine: for an example, you can press alt+f2 and write the applications name there, or if it's a console program, open a console and write the applications name there06:19
lopomg iceman i have no time for that06:19
Adyethsah. thanks!06:19
thoreauputicAdyeths: they are fixing it06:19
wulfy814anyone running vmWare 5.0 ? It' seems to be  a dog06:19
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IcemanV9lop: sorry06:20
caineproblem now06:20
Adyethskewl. Its no biggie. i don't absolutely HAVE to compile something right now. I can wait a while until they get it fixed. ;)06:20
lopIceman w;[06:20
reka"A demo is a program that displays a sound, music, and light show, usually in 3D. Demos are very fun to watch, because they seemingly do things that aren't possible on the machine they were programmed on." [scene.org] 06:20
rekareminded me of my lecturer telling us about how someone created an image that implemented ray tracing by feeding postscript code iirc directly to a printer.06:20
cainenothing is happening06:20
jasmuzPeople...take care06:20
wulfy814I have a P4 - 4, 3 gig of RAM06:21
cainerun application>apollon06:21
rekapodge: no age barrier? that's good.  i think i still have a while to go before i could even call myself average. :-)06:21
caineand nothing happens06:21
wulfy814it kills the host os when I try to run XP or 2003 Server06:21
podgereka : The postscript sounds cool..06:21
podgereka : Reminds me of the obfuscated C contest..06:21
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g14reka: You want to code games? Take a look at openscenegraph http://www.openscenegraph.org, linux needs more games using that06:22
Fator_Deecaine: did you install it?06:22
cainehell if i know lol06:22
cainei did the synaptic thing06:22
Pop_pa_FrEaKthoreauputic, thanx that did it06:22
cainemarked and installed that stuff06:22
podgereka : write the most unitelligible C program that produces something useful like a fractal, a puzzle or write a poem..06:22
thoreauputicPop_pa_FrEaK: no worries :)06:22
rekag14: honestly i just started with opengl.  :-)  i'll make notes of all this stuff though.06:22
Fator_Deecaine: open a console and write "apollon" there06:22
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caineusing terminal right?06:23
podgegl4 : Linux needs more companies to write in OpenGL rather then DirectX..06:23
Fator_Deecaine: console/terminal06:23
rekapodge: hehe, sounds fun.06:23
g14podge: Linux needs more companies like ID Software06:23
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cainesee im learing stuff lol06:23
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caineok i type in apollon and nothing happen06:24
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podgegl4 : I always wonder why ID are the only real Open GL guys left..06:24
podgegl4 : I guess they can afford to stick is to MS and stay away from DX..06:24
thoreauputiccaine: what does ` dpkg -l apollon` return?06:24
thoreauputicif anything...06:24
caineholy shit!06:24
cainesry about the language06:25
g14podge: ID has a commitment to multiplatform gaming. Thats why06:25
cainei forgot06:25
thoreauputicif it is installed the first column should say ii06:25
podgegl4 : The only reason I boot back to Windows is for games.. nothing else.. Call Of Duty and C&C Generals.. everything else is PS2..06:25
=== iceman [~iceman@ip68-103-13-66.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
cainecaine@Caine:~$ dpkg -l apollon06:25
caine| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed06:25
caine|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)06:25
caine||/ Name           Version        Description06:25
caineii  apollon        1.0.1-1        KDE-based interface to the giFT file-sharing06:25
Frantickcaine: pastebin.com06:25
thoreauputiccaine: it's installed06:25
cainethats what it game me06:25
=== Echylo [~echylo@76-164.246.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
podgegl4 : Excited about the PS3 and Xbox360?06:25
thoreauputiccaine: don't paste06:25
=== lakin [~lakin@dsl-hllst-66-18-197-136-cgy.nucleus.com] has joined #ubuntu
icemananyone have the link to configuring the package's06:25
g14podge: I'm a coder, not a gamer06:25
caineok well if its instaleld then how can i get it to work06:26
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g14podge: The only time I ever game is strategy games like C&C Generals or Age of Empires06:26
lakinSo how do I now when my order of ubuntu CD's has been shipped or sent to the factory?06:26
thoreauputiccaine  ii  apollon      << this means it's installed06:26
rekaon another note, besides getting better with opengl, i've set another goal to learn lisp.06:26
podgegl4 : So you code games or code stuff like apps?06:26
Pop_pa_FrEaKbrb going to burn off kubuntu06:26
g14lisp? *shudders*06:26
thoreauputiccaine: what does `which apollon` say?06:26
caineactually guys i dont think its installed06:26
thoreauputiccaine: yes it is06:27
g14podge: I am a network admin. I code crazy scripts and some C for automating cluster stuff06:27
thoreauputiccaine: that output proved it06:27
rekag14: ?  this one guy in particular keeps telling me about it's virtues06:27
sylvanwhen mounting my home folder at school using samba, all the files come up as being owned by "root" (but if I ssh I can see that I am still the owner of them). Is that a problem on my end or on their end?06:27
Fator_Deecaine: that doesn't mean it's situation06:27
caineok well then if its installed06:27
thoreauputiccaine: thoreauputic> caine  ii  apollon      << this means it's installed06:27
sylvandoes the user "root" even exist in ubuntu?06:27
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podgegl4 : Yeah.. I am a Unix Sys Admin... pretty much all Solaris.. What do you work with?06:27
rekag14: why do you dislike it?06:27
Seveassylvan, yes06:27
caineok well then i gues its installed06:28
g14reka: Lisp is written specficly for artificial intelligence. In the computer world, lisp programmers are known for being off in their own little world06:28
thoreauputiccaine: try dpkg -L |grep bin06:28
podgecaine : you play guiter?06:28
podgecaine: guitar..06:28
Seveassylvan, samba knows nothing about users & permissions06:28
caineguitar and percussion06:28
thoreauputicdpkg -L apollon | grep bin06:28
Seveassylvan, you will need to specify them in your mount command or fstab06:28
podgecaine : what music do you play?06:28
sylvanSeveas: so how do I, say, delete files on a remote disk mounted using samba?06:28
cainemostly perscussion06:28
g14reka: I don't dislike it, it's just a very odd language. Richard Stallman is a LISP programmer, look at how odd he is06:28
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[Spooky] im stuk here what whas the command to see what hdds you have and so one isn it like amsg something ?06:28
sylvanI specified username=sylvan password=xxxxx06:28
cainecaine@Caine:~$ try dpkg -L |grep bin06:29
cainebash: try: command not found06:29
Seveassylvan, by mounting correctly or simply using nautilus for samba: smb://user@server/share06:29
rekag14: to each his own i guess.  he sold me by telling me crash bandicoot was written in lisp. :-)06:29
Fator_Deecaine: do not include try06:29
thoreauputiccaine: heh06:29
CarlK_[Spooky]  - dmesg06:29
Seveassylvan, you will need to say uid=1000,gid=1000 too06:29
[Spooky] CarlK_: ah thanks06:29
wezzerdpkh -L | grep bin06:29
thoreauputiccaine: dpkg -L apollon | grep bin06:29
sylvanok, I'll try that06:29
podgegl4 : what about perl? ;)06:29
icemananyone know link to collage package install ?06:29
g14reka: If your doing games, lisp probably would be good. But the lisp community stays in thier own corner of the geek community thats all06:29
thoreauputiccaine: the search for a bin file will tell you where the binary executable is06:30
podgegl4 : lisp and games programming?06:30
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cainecaine@Caine:~$ dpkg -L apollon | grep bin06:30
caineso i just go there and look for apollon?06:30
thoreauputiccaine: try running /usr/bin/apollon06:30
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thoreauputiccaine: it is in your $PATH, so it should run06:31
cainecaine@Caine:~$ /usr/bin/apollon06:31
cainethats what happend06:31
thoreauputiccaine: well, that is odd06:31
justinaptitude install apollon- giftoxic06:31
caineyeah i know06:31
thoreauputiccaine: it should run06:31
cainei know06:31
=== xota_ re
podgecaine : What style of music do you play? metal?06:32
caineall kinds06:32
caineand i mean anything06:32
podgecaine : You like fruity loops?06:32
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cainei havnt used it in a while06:32
cainebut yes06:32
cainei was gonna maybe try and get it again on here06:32
caineif possible06:32
cainei wrote some techno songs on it06:33
=== JohnnyFav [JohnnyFav@toronto-HSE-ppp4078574.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
podgecaine : i downloaded V5 to have a look.. not bad.. i mainly play guitar so percussion is not my deal but it is fun to do simple drums etc on it..06:33
JohnnyFavI'm trying to set up my dsl and when I run the application...it says eth0 still in broadcast mode.........06:33
JohnnyFavwhat do I do?06:33
cainei didnt like using fruity loops that much06:33
podgecaine : I tried using orDrumbox on Linux.. but it was flaky..need to revisit..06:34
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caineits so much easier for me to just write out the sheet music than to figure out all the weird little box timings06:34
podgecaine : yeah.. but you can't play drums and play guitar at the same time.. haha06:34
cainei dont have to lol06:35
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[Spooky] isnt it like "/dev/hda   /mnt/winhd   umask=222   r" in fstab ?06:35
cainei can record either the drum or guitar licks and write the other parts as i go06:35
icemanOK .. help ... i need help setting up ubuntu to install superkaramba06:35
podgecaine : Got any music for download?06:35
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hybrid_gothcaine: let us know when you do06:36
cainewell my techno stuff wasnt really that great06:36
Fator_Deeno wonder, it'06:36
Fator_Dee*it's techno06:36
podgefator_dee : hehe06:37
cainei had planned on going back and updating the songs since now i am more knowledgable with music06:37
hybrid_gothcaine: what all do you you do?06:37
podgecaine : it's all in the ear..06:37
cainearrange, compose06:37
rekai rather like electronic music.  especially the chillout stuff.06:38
cainei arrange for my schools marching band/ concert band06:38
yaaarbrb, restarting X06:38
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cainei compose for it06:38
caineand myself06:38
podgecaine : Central Energy Volume 10 is great..06:38
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caineim arranging a version of The Phantom of the Opera for the concert band06:38
rekai know f-all about the sub-genres though.06:38
cainebut i need Finale to finish it06:38
eliteforcewow thats wierd06:38
podgereka : that last caine comment of mine should have gone to you.. :)06:39
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eliteforcepowernowd always said 700mhz- .... cpu06:39
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eliteforcenow it says 800mhz-...06:39
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caineok back to my apollon problem06:39
podgecaine : impressive stuff on the composition front..06:39
icemanho do you turn off power management ? i hate my screen going blank ..06:39
thoreauputic caine are you aware of apps on linux like rosegarden, audacity etc ?06:39
[Spooky] man i hate beeing stuk :/06:39
rekapodge: central energy? is that trance?06:39
cainelike i said before06:40
caineim really new to linux06:40
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rekaiceman: system->prefs->screensaver: advanced tab06:40
rekaassuming your using gnome06:40
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podgereka : seriously.. I don't know if it fits entirely into the trance category.. my sister was playing it once and it sounded good and I got hooked..06:40
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Pop_pa_FrEaKkeep getting unknown error 255 when trying to burn an iso with k3b.. anyone know what is wrong ?06:40
toshiba_trying to edit xorg.conf w/ gedit.. appears to only be read-only.. any ideas on how to change that?06:41
podgethoreauputic : I compiled Ardour on Slackware and had no end of trouble.. I should try on ubuntu..06:41
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caineok need alot of help because i dont think apollon actually installed completely06:41
rekapodge: ah, OK.  yeah, i get bored of the really "hardcore" stuff.  i think i'm more into bjork ... the slower stuff06:42
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podgetoshiba : sudo -s06:42
Fator_Deecaine: the dependencies should've come when you installed it from synaptic06:42
caineok im reinstalling ig06:42
jeroen_toshiba_, you need to be superuser06:43
Fator_Deecaine: make sure you install giftd06:43
rekapodge: do you get PBS and RRR out where you are?06:43
podgereka : I enjoy metal.. so the harder techno is more to my liking.. although I can appreciate the slower stuff..06:43
jeroen_toshiba_, press alt and f2 (at the same time), then type "gksudo gedit" (without quotes)06:43
thoreauputiccaine: re ardour >> http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/779606:43
cainethats not in the file06:43
thoreauputiccaine: also look at rosegarden and audacity06:43
Fator_Deecaine: what file?06:43
podgereka : I remember Big Time Sensuality by Bjork .. it was background music on an amiga demo..06:43
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JohnnyFavhow do you get rid of broadcast mode on the networking adapter?06:44
toshiba_jeroen_, thank you.06:44
Pop_pa_FrEaKnm figured out what I needed to do06:44
podgereka: yep.. A girl I work with does the metal show on PBS on Sat night..06:44
Echelon-Hhow can I see the network members \ navigate in their HDD?06:44
rekapodge: :-) my CG lecturer showed us some some bjork videos: ocenia and all is love06:44
jeroen_Echelon-H, how about Places -> Network Servers?06:44
cainei just noticed something06:44
cainewhen it installs06:44
rekapodge: ah, cool.06:45
caineit only installs one file at a time06:45
podgereka : If you want a kick arse CG video.. then go and see Star Wars Ep 3.. :)06:45
Fator_Deecaine: that's normal06:45
cainethere a giftd file06:45
cainethen 2 others06:45
podgereka : And matrix or course.. haha..06:45
rekapodge: yeah, haven't seen it yet. *cowers*06:45
rekaep3 that is. :-)06:45
podgereka : I hated Ep1 and Ep2.. but Ep3 is great..06:46
Echelon-Hjeroen_, I am using xfce, I guess you told me something about gnome.06:46
JohnnyFavis there a way to mount a ntfs drive in ubuntu?06:46
Echelon-HEp3 pwnz :D06:46
Fator_Deecaine: do you have apollon and giftd and all the dependencies they needed installed now?06:46
jeroen_Echelon-H, yes06:46
caineumm no i dont think06:46
cainei isntalled apollon06:46
caineand the giftd file06:46
Echelon-Hjeroen_, got any clue about xfce?06:46
cainebut now i cant see the other 2 files06:46
rekapodge: someone on slashdot was asking for opinions from people like that: people who hated 1 and 2 but liked 3.06:47
cainethey didnt install06:47
jeroen_JohnnyFav, read the wiki06:47
cainebut i cant get to them06:47
jeroen_Echelon-H, no06:47
Fator_Deecaine: you pressed apply and let it do it's thing?06:47
caineyeah but it asks you to pick one lol06:47
rekaanyway, i'm going to bed06:47
Pop_pa_FrEaKnite reka06:47
podgereka : Check out http://www.debevec.org/Campanile/ for some very cool CG stuff that inspired the matrix films..06:47
Fator_Deecaine: you should explain more about your situation, it's hard to think what you mean06:48
podgelater reka06:48
rekapodge: will do. :-)06:48
cainelol i dont even know what im talking about man lol06:48
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podgereka : nearly 3 where we live..06:48
cainemouth is moving and words are coming out lol06:48
podgenight everyone..06:48
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Fator_Deecaine: anyways, try to run apollon now06:48
caineand yet again06:49
cainerub applications>apollon06:49
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caineok i located some stuff06:49
cainecaine@Caine:~$ locate apollon06:49
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thoreauputiccaine: those are screensavers :)06:50
caineyeah i kinda figured that lol06:50
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cainei think the word screensaver kinda gave it away06:50
cainebut then again im not too sure lol06:50
thoreauputiccaine: yeah06:50
ogi_How do I install gtk and gdm themes06:51
caineGRRRR!!! AHHHH!!!06:51
cainethis is so frustrating06:51
caineif i click mark for removal will that uninstall apollon06:51
sylvanOkay. I need some more help. I want to set up a VPN tunnel before I mount my remote drive. This is done using a script in /etc/init.d/, and it's supposed to happen automatically, but it doesn't. So I need that to happen before mounting my remote drives how does that work?06:51
Fator_Deecaine: yes, after you press apply06:52
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Echelon-Hwhat is the command for xfce menu?06:52
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thoreauputicEchelon-H: there's  xfce4-menueditor  if that's what you mean06:53
thoreauputicEchelon-H: try xfce4 <tab> <tab>06:53
thoreauputicor xfce <tab> tab>06:53
justincaine: aptitude install apollon- giftoxic06:54
oscarhhave anyone exprienced that the fan never slows down on your laptop even though its not hot at all?06:54
cainewait aptitude?06:54
oscarhit runs slow when the laptop starts up06:54
cainewhere do i type that stuff06:54
cainein console?06:54
justincaine: where do you think?06:54
thoreauputiccaine: yes06:54
oscarhand icreases the speed when it gets hot06:54
cainejust checking lol06:54
oscarhbut never slows down again06:54
thoreauputiccaine: in general when we say to type something that's what we mean :)06:55
justinyou could type it into your web browser, but I don't think it would do you much good06:55
oscarhnever speeds up if it doesn't get hot either06:55
cainewow thats alot of stuff06:55
caineInitializing package states... Done06:55
caineE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)06:55
caineE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?06:55
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Fator_Deecaine: exit synaptic06:55
thoreauputiccaine: close synaptic06:55
thoreauputicFator_Dee: heh06:55
=== justin sighs
justinFator_Dee: thoreauputic , way to not even bother to read the error message06:56
oscarhbad timing, have to go06:56
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cainetry again?06:56
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justinyou could try again, but it is not going to work until you read the error message06:57
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Fator_Deejustin: fingers faster than brains, common syndrome :-|06:57
thoreauputicjustin: hmm - you failed to include the magic word "sudo" in your incantation06:58
justinthoreauputic: I give people too much credit06:58
caineok i closed synap and tried again06:58
Shuddertrixjustin: gotta remember, caine seems like an _actual_ newbie06:58
cainenothing happend06:58
Fator_Deejustin: but you are dealing with a new user, so they don't know the tricks06:58
cainei am an actual newbie lol06:59
caineill admit it i dont care06:59
Fator_Deecaine: add "sudo" to the start06:59
caineas long as people help me learn this stuff so i can do this on my own later on06:59
jari_caine: 'sudo -s' or 'sudo apt-get <something>'06:59
justinbeing new is no excuse for not reading the error message06:59
justinit is in plain english06:59
LarstiQjustin: I can't read English!06:59
Shuddertrixjustin: true06:59
Fator_Deejustin: but it doesn't tell you how to get past it06:59
cainethe error msg doesnt say shit thank you very much07:00
justinwell then it is in plain $LANG07:00
nubbeIs there an easy way to install new mouse pointers? how?07:00
thoreauputicjustin: that is the attitude of one who is accustomed to linux07:00
LarstiQjustin: ick, I dislike $LANG07:00
justinthoreauputic: it is clear that he didn't even bother to attempt to read it07:00
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caineok confused what do i add to the front..sudo...sudo -s....sudo apt-get07:00
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thoreauputicjustin: it is clear that you lack a certain empathy for the new and confused07:01
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Fator_Deecaine: sudo07:01
justinthoreauputic: new and confused are no excuse for not reading what is on the screen07:01
caineok its asking for my password but it wont let me type it ion07:01
thoreauputicjustin: take that attitude to #debian. please07:01
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Fator_Deethoreauputic: auch ;-)07:02
justinthoreauputic: hand holding gets you and the person you are helping no where, fast07:02
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jari_caine: just type your password and press enter07:02
cainebut its not typing anything07:02
caineis it supposed to?07:02
Fator_Deecaine: normal07:02
jari_caine: yep.07:02
thoreauputiccaine: that way no one can read your password07:03
cainewhos gonna read it on my comp lol07:03
thoreauputiccaine: *nix takes security seriously :)07:03
iratsumy xmms freezes when i try to play something07:03
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Fator_Deeso now you don't know your password :-p07:03
caineim glad they do lol07:03
thoreauputiccaine: but what if you had someone looking over your shoulder?07:04
cainei usually tell them to turn around lol07:04
nubbecaine, ur home isn't the only place they got computers?07:04
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=== thoreauputic puts his tinfoil hat on
caineok that finishedn07:04
cainenow what07:04
=== Fator_Dee put's his robe and wizard hat on
slashzulhow does one reset the Xserver for better graphics than 600x80007:04
slashzullooks like windows 9507:04
jari_iratsu: alsa/oss ?07:04
thoreauputiciratsu: try using the esd output plugin07:05
iratsujari_: oss07:05
iratsuok that worked, thanks07:05
slashzultried system->preferencees->screen resolution * only has one option07:05
cainenubbe: anybody who wants to steal shit off my comp is a dumbass07:05
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slashzulhow does one reset the Xserver for better graphics than 600x80007:05
Fator_Deecaine: I'd guess now you should try to execute that program you just installed07:06
JDahlcaine, linux is used in lots of places where it matters07:06
nubbecaine, hehe, u got 1 way of looking at it don't u??? :)07:06
cainelol no07:06
slashzulcaine - except for buntu, they use debian for real servers07:06
cainebut the way you worded it nubbe it sounded like thats the way you were trying to make it seem07:06
cainesry if i misunderstood07:07
thoreauputicslashzul: the whole ubuntu website runs on ubuntu07:07
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caineCannot display location 'file://apollon'07:07
caineDetails: There is no default action associated with this location.07:07
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slashzulsure it does .... it runs like a debian server not as a ubuntu server07:07
slashzulno desktop , strictly a server with massive updates07:07
itamarI'm getting "/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux/4.0.0/../../../../lib/crt1.o: file not recognized: File format not recognized" when trying to link a program07:07
slashzulfrom apt-get update ;)07:07
itamarand similar issues with gcc 3.3 and 3.407:07
itamarany ideas why?07:08
Seveasslashzul, it runs ubuntu stable07:08
Seveasso no updates escept security07:08
thoreauputicslashzul: you are misinformed07:08
slashzulok , so how do you reset the freaking desktop07:08
slashzulhow does one reset the Xserver for better graphics than 600x80007:08
iratsuhow do i get sound working in vlc?07:09
JDahlslashzul, maybe you need to do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"07:09
Seveasslashzul, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg / manually edit xorg.conf / buy better hardware07:09
Seveasiratsu, make vlc use esound/esd07:09
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iratsuSeveas: well that isn't one of the options =\07:09
cainethere was a window under everything07:09
thoreauputicitamar: binutils problem07:09
thoreauputicbeing fixed07:09
Seveasenlightenment then07:09
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Seveasthoreauputic, IS fixed :)07:09
itamarI'm running latest hoary07:10
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thoreauputicSeveas: OK - good :)07:10
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iratsuSeveas: Default, Dummy audio output function, File audio output, Linux OSS audio output07:10
Seveasitamar, there has been an upgrade one or two hours ago07:10
cainehey guys thanks for helping me with that07:10
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poningruanyon know how I can choose the different packages?07:10
cainenow i just gotta do crossover or wine07:10
caineand flash lol07:10
thoreauputicitamar: sounds like you should run apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade07:10
poningruat install07:10
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Seveasponingru, aptitude/synaptic..07:10
Seveascaine, flash is easy07:10
caineu say that07:10
Seveasunless you're on amd6407:10
poningruno other way?07:11
cainebut have you been here the whole time lol07:11
poningrulets say at install07:11
LarstiQSeveas: or ppc..07:11
Seveasponingru, boot with server option07:11
caineyou havent been here reading what we've been going through with my comp lol07:11
Seveascaine, i386?07:11
poningruyeah not what I meant but thanks anyway07:11
itamarindeed, that fixed it. thanks!07:11
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caineUbuntu i386 yes07:11
Seveascaine, install flashplater-mozilla07:12
Seveas(may be from marillat, that one's still ok)07:12
caineok whats the actually command for that lol07:12
poningrualso another question when the screen is locked and you press alt+F4 and it goes into the blinking cursor how can you start up x11 again07:12
justincaine: don't you already know 2 different ways of installing things now?07:13
cainei know 1 still lol07:13
justincaine: do you really need to be told specifically how to install something?07:13
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caineyall confused me really good with the terminal stuff07:13
caineand i couldnt find any flash stuff in synap07:13
justinthen use that way that you know, to install the package that has flash in the name and calls itself a plugin07:13
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cainehey there is some flash stuff now07:14
cainebut theres so many things here07:15
cainedo i need all of them07:15
justinhow many is "so many"?07:15
justinhow many of them claim to be a plugin?07:15
caineliflash-mozlugin and newsflash and all kindsa stuff07:15
cainei dont know07:15
usualHas anyone gotten power managment to work correctly on a thinkpad t22?07:15
justinwhy don't you know?07:15
thoreauputiccaine: flashplayer-mozilla07:15
thoreauputicjustin: stop it07:15
iratsucan anyone help me get audio working under vlc?07:15
justinthoreauputic: why don't you stop it07:16
justincaine: is there something preventing you from clicking on 'newsflash' and READING the description for it?07:16
cainejustin must you be such a jackass lol07:16
thoreauputicjustin: because I've been helping people here for months and I have seen you only in #debian AFAIK, usually with the same belligerent attitude07:17
justinwho is being belligerent ?07:17
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usualmsg me if you use ubuntu on a thinkpad t22 and have power managment working correctly please07:17
caineim a NOOB and i dont know SHIT07:17
justinwho is spoonfeeding someone who clearly isn't making any effort to solve their own problems?07:17
JDahljustin, Ubuntu is geared more towards casual users than Debian, and with a company behind they need to offer some sort of support for *all* users... this channel is that forum07:17
cainei admit it proudly07:17
justincaine: what the fuck does being a "NOOB" have to do with you not bothering to read the description for 'newsreader'?07:17
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=== thoreauputic applies /ignore
hybrid_gothwow xmms is nice07:18
cainethe descriptions dont tell me shit man07:18
carthikcaine, that is a good beginning, but you also need to connect the dots, and make an effort :)07:18
justincaine: maybe you should read them and lose your attitude07:18
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cainejustin if i remember correctly your the reason i have the attitude07:18
caineso how about you make an effort to shut the fuck uo07:19
justinbeing a "NOOB" does not mean you are too special to read what is on your screen07:19
caineif your not gonna help than keep your mouth shut07:19
=== hybrid_goth ignores
Lifehouseanyone here using breezy07:20
=== hybrid_goth raises his hand
Burgundaviacaine, please watch the language and remember to Ubuntu code of conduct07:20
Lifehousehybrid_goth, lol hi07:20
hybrid_gothLifehouse: hi07:20
JDahlLifehouse, I was, but it was so much trouble I reinstalled Hoary07:20
Lifehousedo I have to uncomment my repository ?07:20
Burgundaviajustin, please follow the same advice07:20
cainejust cause youve been using this OS longer than i have does not give you the damn right to talk down to me as if you are god or some kind of power hungry superior07:20
justinBurgundavia: site specific examples where I have been anything other than nice07:20
hybrid_gothLifehouse: delete the # in the sources.list07:20
BurgundaviaLifehouse, yes I am, but highly not recommended07:20
justincaine: site specific examples where I have talked down to you07:21
toshiba_What apps do you guys use to install fonts?07:21
hybrid_gothBurgundavia: how long have you had it?07:21
Burgundaviajustin, caine the attitude and environment is getting rather nasty and you are the two on eitehr side of it07:21
Lifehousehybrid_goth, to security too ?07:21
Burgundaviahybrid_goth, since about May 12th07:21
hybrid_gothtoshiba_: you should be able to d/l the font then move it to ~/.fonts07:21
toshiba_hybrid_goth, ttf fonts will do?07:21
Burgundaviatoshiba_, you can also move it fonts:/// in nautilus07:21
hybrid_gothBurgundavia: ah b/c i remember you telling ppl not to ude it07:21
hybrid_gothLifehouse: ?07:22
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Burgundaviahybrid_goth, I still tell people that07:22
hybrid_gothBurgundavia: heh07:22
Burgundaviaif you do not know what you are doing, then don't upgrade07:22
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caineoh wow theres an ignore button07:22
=== justin sighs
Lifehousehybrid_goth, the universe and the last security urls are coment, just uncomment universe or uncomment all that are comment?07:22
hybrid_gothBurgundavia: I like helping out in the process :D makes me feeling like i am actually being a productive user07:22
Burgundaviahybrid_goth, yes07:22
hybrid_gothLifehouse: yes but idk if breezy has security07:23
toshiba_Burgundavia, TTF fonts will do?, or has to be a special type of font? (linux newbie here)07:23
Lifehousehybrid_goth, no prob thanks07:23
hybrid_gothBurgundavia: any major bugs where you are?07:23
Burgundaviatoshiba_, any kind07:23
caineok thats one jack ignored lol07:23
Burgundaviahybrid_goth, just major package transitions07:23
Lifehousehybrid_goth, so why breezy has kernel 2.6.10 ?07:23
toshiba_Burgundavia, will try that, ty.07:23
Burgundaviacaine, you are being very rude, I suggest you quit it07:23
Burgundaviatoshiba_, np07:23
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cainenow where was i07:23
hybrid_gothLifehouse: they usually open security after the release07:23
caineah yes trying to figure out which flash plugin to install07:23
Lifehousehybrid_goth, yea07:23
cainetheres so many07:23
hybrid_gothBurgundavia:  i have to sudo to startx07:23
cainei would guess the one that says mozilla07:24
hybrid_gothLifehouse: so the repos wont help much the security one atleast07:24
Burgundaviaconsolidating which spelling library, mono to main, toolchain stuff07:24
Church_of_FoamYhow do you install a .deb file?07:24
sylvanOkay. So I'm trying to start up a VPN tunnel at bootup (before mounting remote file systems). I got VPN up and running by using the init script that was supplied. But I also need to say something like "vpnclient connect myconn".. How do I do that? It seems like its working but vpnclient cant be run with an ampersand (for some reason) and I need to run it in "background" mode or something so that the boot can continue...07:24
cainebut theres others too that are like development files07:24
cainestand along player07:24
hybrid_gothChurch_of_FoamY: sudo dpkg -i <file>07:24
Church_of_FoamYthats what  thought07:24
Church_of_FoamYthanx you07:24
BurgundaviaChurch_of_FoamY, or you can install gdeb07:24
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sylvanSo I need a script which basically runs the command and then after a certain amount of time returns (even though the command is still running)07:25
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hybrid_gothBurgundavia: heh install some thing to install something sounds like redhat07:25
JDahlChurch_of_FoamY, why do you need to install a deb? Is the package not in one of the Ubuntu repositories?07:25
justinsylvan: vpnc is much easier to get working than the crap from cisco07:25
hybrid_gothJDahl: maybe non free07:26
sylvanwell I got it to work manually, so I just need it to work automatically =)07:26
Burgundaviahybrid_goth, I would palce money on Opera or skype07:26
hybrid_gothme too07:26
=== hybrid_goth is setting up a server with skype
hybrid_gothi hate that they dont have ppc linux skype07:26
justinusing a & should work, you probably want to write an initscript and install it as S19 or so07:26
usualsomeone here has to be using ubuntu on a thinkpad07:27
hybrid_gothskype needs to be foss07:27
sylvanvpnclient_init gets executed at bootup now, but I need to start the VPN client but after it is started I need to release control of the terminal.. But ampersands won't work since vpnclient detects that and fails (since it needs you to answer "yes" at one point, which I do by piping an echo "yes" to it)07:27
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hybrid_gothusual: the thinkpad is illrevelant07:27
usualhybrid_goth, how so?07:27
sylvanisn't there a command like "exec" or something?07:27
justinsylvan: why does it ask yes again?07:27
JDahlusual, I have...07:27
usualJDahl, t22?07:27
JDahlusual, t40p07:27
sylvansomething like "Everything is logged, do you want to continue?"07:27
hybrid_gothusual: b/c it maybe a i prob with a peice of hardware on it therefore can be on anything else07:28
usualJDahl, did power managment just work?07:28
JDahlusual, I dont remember... and if I had a choice, I would've disabled it... that always caused such a grief under Debian07:28
hybrid_gothdo i *have* to have internet on install of ubuntu? can i install it then get the lan card and use it?07:29
usualJDahl, ok, everything seems fine other than shutdown, I havn't tried to suspend yet though07:29
sylvanSo basically: I need to start a command but without that command taking control of the terminal, but without using ampersands.07:29
justinsylvan: it doesn't work if you make a wrapper that just does echo yes | ./vpn... and running the wrapper with & ?07:29
sylvanhmm.. maybe.. I'll try that...07:29
justinor just (echo yes | vpn... ) & would work too, but a wrapper is useful to have anyway07:30
justinthat way when you switch to vpnc you only have to change one thing :-)07:30
sylvanThis seemed to work: # echo "yes" | vpnclient connect CHALMERS\ IPSEC\ group &07:30
sylvanI only tried the ampersand before without the echo yes part07:31
nubbehybrid_goth, no, u can install from cd or dvd and be fine07:31
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srbakeri'm trying to play some MPGs and AVIs07:31
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srbakeri get audio just fine, but no video07:31
srbakeris there other codecs i need?07:31
thoreauputicsrbaker: probably w32codecs07:31
hybrid_gothnubbe: ok ty07:31
srbakeroh, suck07:32
srbakerhey, totem-xine plays them just fine07:32
nubbehybrid_goth, if it doesn't detect any nic or modem, it doesn't enable any internet repositories07:32
toshiba_Is there a way, with ubuntu, to search for files in a window like you do it with Windows by pressing F3?07:32
thoreauputicsrbaker: what were you using when it didn't work?07:32
hybrid_gothnubbe: what if i put the lan card in later? will it detec itr07:33
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HappyFooltoshiba_: tried 'Places -> Search for Files... ' ?07:33
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nubbehybrid_goth, no idea if it's auto  :(07:34
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icemananyone know where you can get good icon themes ?07:34
hybrid_gothanyone know if ubuntu detects newly added lan cards?07:34
icemankde themes07:35
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toshiba_HappyFool, 'Search for Files' only under the 'Places' on the top panel, which you then have to specify your path.. But what if I wana search for files in the window that I have opened in front of me..?07:35
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jamelHi. Anyone know the ip address of the neufbox? (france, neuf telecom) I need to set the default gateway07:36
thoreauputictoshiba_: that's application specific: some apps have a search function (mail etc)07:36
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justinjamel: why are you setting that up manually?07:36
sylvanokay. Another question. Is it possible to change the language back to English? Without changing the keymap..07:36
Riddelliceman: kde-look.org  or apt-get install kdeartwork07:36
jamelbecause dhcp doesnt work07:36
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justinjamel: why doesn't dhcp work?07:36
sylvan(I set it to swedish during the install)07:36
HappyFooltoshiba_: it looks like you can't easily do that. I'm not actually a heavy nautilus user, so I can't say for sure07:36
xMaximex_is there a way to install mozilla themes and extension in ubuntu ?? it says that i do not have latest version07:36
Pop_pa_FrEaKstupid cd!!!!!07:36
icemanriddell thanks07:37
HappyFooltoshiba_: what are you trying to achieve?07:37
jamelit sticks at boot time trying to set up the network07:37
toshiba_thoreauputic, no, not an app.. i'm browsing a directory and want to search for files where im browsing.. seems i can't do it.07:37
justinxMaximex_: doesn't it say something else under where it says you don't have the latest version?07:37
justinjamel: is dhcp supposed to work?07:37
Pop_pa_FrEaKwaited till after I had repartitioned my drive to let me know that the cd was bad07:37
xMaximex_i'll check it out07:37
toshiba_HappyFool, hm.. what do you use instead of 'nautilus' ? Simply trying to search for files in the window I have opened.07:37
jameljustin: Apparently not :)07:37
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justinjamel: well it is an important detail07:38
HappyFooltoshiba_: i use the command-line ;) which may not be much help, sorry07:38
HappyFoolthere's a 'find' command, and also 'locate'07:38
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danko123456I like gthumb, its so fast to make a web album, combined with Ubuntu/linux and a digital camera, you can get it all done in a sec, to have someone on the other side of the globe see your pics...07:38
toshiba_HappyFool, thanks!..07:38
xMaximex_Firefox on Ubuntu07:38
xMaximex_You appear to be using the Firefox package provided by Ubuntu Linux. Ubuntu distributed a new version of Firefox which contains the security fixes from Firefox 1.0.4, however, they did not update the version number, so we have no way to tell whether your copy of Firefox contains the security fixes or not. A request to Ubuntu to update the version number has been filed at Ubuntu Bug 10681. A workaround you can use to get access to addons.mozilla.org is gi07:38
jameljustin: do you know the ip address of the neufbox so I can at least see if dhcp is set or not?07:38
Pop_pa_FrEaKnow going to have to re download kubuntu and burn it again07:38
nubbejamel, U can choose english at login worked ok for me, shouldn't affect keymap07:39
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justinjamel: no.. are you sure you aren't supposed to be using PPPOE?07:39
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jamelnubbe: wrong person ;)07:39
danko123456xMaximex_: what? continue? there is a fix...07:39
tarvidi have an ethernet and wireless interface - eth0 and ath007:39
danko123456Pop_pa_FrEaK: use a torrent.07:39
nubbejamel, yupp, sorry  :)07:39
tarvidi can choose between them by deactivating one or the other07:39
justindanko123456: yes, if you READ the whole thing, and follow the link it gives you, then READ that page, it tells you hwo to fix it07:39
jameljustin: I am using pppoe, but i want to set a static address so dhcp doesn't hang there at boot time07:39
xMaximex_danko123456: where ?07:40
icemanwell, been in kde look ... but how to install the icons ?07:40
tarvidwhen both are active i get both routes07:40
Pop_pa_FrEaKdanko123456, ok will try that07:40
poningrudanko123456: why would you say use a torrent?07:40
danko123456yup, xMaximex_its easy, really07:40
HappyFoolPop_pa_FrEaK: you can probably check the md5sum of the downloaded ISO file07:40
Lifehousehybrid_goth, breezy is debian testing or debian unstable07:40
poningruxmaximex: go to about:config07:40
danko123456open ff, tyope in about:config in the address.07:40
tarvidis there an easy way to choose to keep the ethernet route but keep the wireless card active?07:40
justinjamel: if you can't get it working now, using a static address likely isn't going to work either07:40
xMaximex_poningru: ok07:40
Pop_pa_FrEaKk3b said the iso was fine after md5sum07:40
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danko123456then find *.vendorsub and double click on the 1.0 change it to 1.0.4 and that is it07:41
poningruyeah what he said07:41
danko123456poningru: cause its easiest...and guaranteed.07:41
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poningrubut doesnt it take longer?07:41
sijmengoodmorning ubuntu. let's all live together in peace.07:41
jameljustin: lol. ill just leqve it then and tell the guy who's pc it is that it is neuf's fault it takes so long to boot up :D07:41
poningruI am downloading hoary right now07:41
danko123456ha, no...07:41
hybrid_gothLifehouse: modified sid07:41
sijmenbut to do that, i need to know how to add/remove init startup entries, for ssh and such07:41
poningruI am getting around 80KB/sec07:42
sijmenany ideas? the wiki couldn't help me07:42
danko123456torrent is best for speed, I think, anyhow, not speaking from knowledge, more from other pl knowledtge...altho, mine did download pretty fast.07:42
HappyFoolPop_pa_FrEaK: hrm. if the md5sum of the iso you have is correct, downloading it again is unlikely to help you much07:42
danko123456not use http...that is not guaranteed as service.07:42
danko123456it has checksum errors, ftop and torrent dont.07:42
icemanriddell i downloaded the marble icons .. is there  way to group install them07:42
jamelok. another question. Is there a French Ubuntu channel here for my friend. he can't speak english07:42
justinhttp is fine, bittorrent does not work very well on already fast links07:42
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thoreauputicsijmen: use update-rc.d ( the man page is pretty easy to follow)07:42
danko123456justin: well, I still thinmk what I said:)07:42
othernoobjamel: ubuntu-fr07:43
Pop_pa_FrEaKmight of been burned to fast though07:43
hybrid_gothjamel: yes but i dont know the name07:43
sijmendanko123456, danke!07:43
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icemankde want to import a package ...07:43
danko123456Just cause I just had a telecomm course+ I work for an ISP, so I have someknowledge that goes against what you said.07:43
hybrid_gothjamel: ubuntu-fe i_think_07:43
danko123456sijmen: for what?07:43
jamelothernoob: thanks or should i say, merci :)07:43
Pop_pa_FrEaKwhat's the difference between the dvd and cd install ?07:43
hybrid_gothPop_pa_FrEaK: dvd prolly has more07:43
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justindanko123456: I sort of work for an ISP too, and what you said about http is completely false07:43
othernoobjamel: thanks or danke ;)07:43
danko123456ok, cool.07:44
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justingranted bittorrent does on the fly checksumming, but if your http file transers are getting corrupted, you have bigger problems07:44
sijmendanko123456, sorry, tabbed to early. was for thoreauputic07:44
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xMaximex_cool, that works07:44
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danko123456justin, anyhow, are you familiar with the concept of a protocol guaranteeing service?07:45
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drcodehi all07:45
drcodeany one up07:45
danko123456hey, drcode.07:45
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drcodeany one know about xpdf07:45
justindanko123456: how so?07:45
danko123456yes, I use it:)07:45
=== hybrid_goth needs to buy a lan cable to get his server up he doesnt think it would be real great server offline
|QuaD-_without coding my own client, i want to just request a webpage, and spoof the referrer, is that easy to do with ff?07:45
danko123456justin, did you ever hear that concept?07:45
justindanko123456: not specifically in those words07:45
drcodeI have pdf file with font problem07:45
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drcodeI want to convert it into ps and change his font07:46
danko123456justin, well, some protocols have guaranteed service, some dont...07:46
drcodeis it possible07:46
justindanko123456: I think you are referring to the difference between tcp and udp07:46
Church_of_FoamYhow do i delete folders in cedega?07:46
drcodei read about pdf to ps07:46
justindanko123456: but you have it backwards07:46
danko123456anyhow, I am not positive on this neither, so we'll both rtfm and see what happens:)07:46
danko123456wellm, it is one of those, yes.07:46
danko123456or tftp vs ftp.07:46
HappyFooli'm guessing pdf2ps doesn't work if you have font problems ?07:46
danko123456or http vs ftp vs torrent07:47
justinthe only reason bittorrent would be better for people is that it checksums the file on the fly, but for someone that uses http/ftp/rsync + md5sum, bittorrent has little advantage07:47
Church_of_FoamYhow do i delete folders in cedega?07:47
danko123456drcode: what is ps??07:47
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Pop_pa_FrEaKahh dvd has a live and install version on it07:47
danko123456dunno, never use it...07:47
drcodeI Want to chane the font into arial and so07:47
HappyFooldrcode: does pdf2ps not work ?07:48
drcodeit put the same font from the orginal pdf07:48
Church_of_FoamYhow to delete folders as root?07:48
sijmeni'm getting this error:  update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/start: file does not exist07:48
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HappyFoolsudo rm -rf <foldername>      --- but be careful with that!07:48
danko123456torrent can use multiple sources, but so can you with that one http downlaoder prozxilla or something.07:48
thoreauputicChurch_of_FoamY: rm -r <folder>07:48
danko123456but, http ois not guaranteed, so if your connection drops, screwed=07:49
justinsijmen: do you expect to have an /etc/init.d/start? because there is no such normal file07:49
justindanko123456: that has nothing to do with http07:49
danko123456ok, if you are sure, I ll take it.07:49
yccheokhi, may i noe which file i should look into to see how does my scim start background?07:49
nubbeanyone know anything about stickynotes2? I have to go thru config to write anything...07:49
yccheokcoz sometimes, i saw there is two same scim process started. one is started by root, one is started by me07:50
drcodeany one know channel of postscript or pdf in linux?07:50
danko123456I know that at work, if ppl download big files, and have an intermittent connection, dropping every half hour, they can browse/surf, but cant get the file to download07:50
sijmenjustin, that error came when i tried to do   update-rc.d -n start ssh07:50
thoreauputicsijmen: you apply it to the particular service etc (eg alsa, ssh)07:50
sijmeni just want to try to add ssh to the startup entries07:50
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charlie_Can I install java using apt ?07:50
HappyFooldrcode: you could maybe try a newsgroup. you seem to have a lot of difficult pdf/ps problems ;).07:51
danko123456it does strart with yuor comop, sijmen07:51
thoreauputicsijmen: it should already be there07:51
danko123456charlie_: yes.07:51
sijmenoh, okay07:51
danko123456I typed that out07:51
thoreauputicsijmen: have you installed openssh-server?07:51
danko123456charlie, the link is for you.07:51
sijmeni have not the slightest idea07:51
sijmeni guess not07:51
danko123456sudo apt-get install it07:52
sijmeni did only a server install, and no additional installations yet07:52
Seveassijmen, sudo aptitude install openssh-server07:52
Seveassijmen, and join #ubuntu-nl too :o)07:52
drcodebtw: if I Have using openvpn with redirect07:52
drcodecan I tell openvpn some port to send by vpn gw?07:52
danko123456same thing07:52
drcodeI now redirect all port07:52
danko123456synaptic/apt-get/sptitude, they are guis.07:52
drcodebut is it possible some port ?07:52
danko123456except apt-get"_07:52
justinaptitude is not the same thing as apt-get, it has many advantages07:52
toshiba_Does anyone here use custom (optimized) firefox builds?07:53
danko123456jusitn, doesnt it use apt-get, just a graph front-end?07:53
justindanko123456: not at all07:53
danko123456toshiba_: I use epiphany-browser:-p07:53
Pop_pa_FrEaKahhh forget it I'll just use ubuntu and add kde that way i can have best of both worlds07:53
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danko123456hah, I thought that was a fact:)07:53
danko123456good stuff, Ill stick around, Ill learn more:)07:53
danko123456or remove gnome:)07:54
HappyFoolwhat are the virtues of aptitude over apt-get?07:54
toshiba_danko123456, faster than FF?07:54
danko123456I dont mind the speed thing, I am patient, dunno.07:54
justinHappyFool: /var/log/aptitude, propper orphaned package handling07:54
danko123456bah, what song I have in the player:) the wyclef jean remix of queen.07:54
toshiba_danko123456, any reasons in particular why you chose epiphany over FF?07:55
sijmeni didn't get any output from   sudo aptitude install ssh-server   is that good or bad?07:55
HappyFooljustin: ok, thanks07:55
danko123456yes, it looks natural-gtk07:55
danko123456in gnome...altho right now, I am in 9wm07:55
sijmenoh wait, openssh it is07:55
danko123456well, dunno, particualr reason, I am in linux, I may as well use something that is not available in win.07:55
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danko123456I am making a distro, tho...nero, adobe acrobat, firefox:-p, and such programs...07:57
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Church_of_FoamYi orderd 100 copys of ubuntu to pass out to stores and the local colledge07:57
danko123456sweet, hopefully theyll use it.07:57
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sijmensudo apt-get install openssh-server   doesn't give any output, neither does aptitude. what is going wrong?07:57
danko123456you gonna set it up for them?07:57
Church_of_FoamYi know i'm hoping07:57
Echelon-hCan xmms play internet location? (Radio station)07:57
danko123456it has to give some output.07:57
Church_of_FoamYi gave a few to the local lan arcade07:57
danko123456does it say newest version already installed?07:57
thoreauputicEchelon-h: yes07:57
Church_of_FoamYthere running it on a test computer07:57
danko123456you gonna help them set it up?07:58
Church_of_FoamYof course07:58
danko123456there is a bit of overhead involved...07:58
sijmenWOW default ubuntu looks gooed07:58
sijmenand the sound!07:58
danko123456the intro? i like it...07:58
Church_of_FoamYi know the ubuntu start sound rocks ^_^07:58
Echelon-hthoreauputic, hi.07:58
danko123456the one when the splash screen starts, pretty nice.07:58
Pop_pa_FrEaKsijmen, welcome to the great community of ubuntu users07:58
HappyFoolsijmen: try maybe 'dpkg -l openssh-server' ?07:58
Church_of_FoamYi noticed that they also play it backwards on shutdown lol07:58
Echelon-hthoreauputic, was it you trying to help me with the menu thing earlier?07:58
danko123456ha, yaeh:)07:59
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danko123456Echelon-h: what was it?07:59
thoreauputicEchelon-h: I don't actually recall, sorry07:59
CrustyPunkHey.. I'm having trouble booting to Windows07:59
sijmenHappyFool, no packages found07:59
danko123456sijmen: hey, did yuo know you can use http://pastebin.com to paste everything?07:59
Echelon-hk.. Well anyways, I am trying to make my win-key (which usually activatees "Start") to do the same on xfce.07:59
danko123456CrustyPunk: same hard disk?07:59
thoreauputicdanko123456: there's also ubuntu.pastebin.com08:00
CrustyPunkYeah, same disk, one an XP partition, the other Ubuntu08:00
sijmendanko123456, like, commands?08:00
danko123456hm...is there a start button in xfce?08:00
Echelon-hI know how to create keyboard shortcuts but I wanna know how to do it if it's even possible.08:00
HappyFoolsijmen: hrm08:00
sijmenyes, but i'm running from vmware08:00
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CrustyPunkI'm getting Error 12: invalid device requested08:00
danko123456sijmen, yes, anything, and as thoreauputic said, there is many variations on the theme of a pastebin.08:00
Echelon-hdanko123456, no, there's the menu button08:00
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hybrid_gothanyone know if ubuntu will auto detec a newly added lan card?08:00
danko123456so you want it to open when yuo hit that...hm...if I used xfce, Id know more, sorry.08:00
sijmenyes, but what's the pastebin deal? i know what pastebins are and how they work08:00
HappyFoolsijmen: have you set up /etc/apt/sources.list ?08:00
danko123456hybrid_goth: chances are...08:01
danko123456yeah, he needs that, but...openssh-server should be there.08:01
danko123456all ready in main, I think.08:01
Church_of_FoamYpaste bin is a place to paste your output errors08:01
hybrid_gothdanko123456: chance are yes?08:01
danko123456sijmen, just so we can see the exact output.08:01
danko123456yes, they are yes, a wired card?08:01
CrustyPunkI'm getting "Error 12: invalid device requested" when I try to boot my XP partition... anyone know what's going on? =o08:01
Church_of_FoamYthan you copy the llink in your address bar and paste it here08:01
sijmenthere is no output. literally08:01
danko123456CrustyPunk: same hard disk08:01
Church_of_FoamYthat allows others to see your errors08:01
hybrid_gothdanko123456: yes just hook it up to my linsys08:02
CrustyPunkdanko123456, yeah08:02
danko123456hybrid_goth: yup.08:02
HappyFoolsijmen: have you enabled network repositories?08:02
sijmenyeah, but when i run the    sude apt-get install openssh-server    i get no output08:02
danko123456CrustyPunk: what partition?08:02
hybrid_gothdanko123456: so i can install ubuntu then put in the lan card SWEET08:02
danko123456whats your menu.lst setup?08:02
sijmenno idea, probably not. how to?08:02
thoreauputicCrustyPunk: sounds like your bootloader is misconfigured08:02
HappyFoolsijmen: take a look at the file /etc/apt/sources.list08:02
danko123456give us pastebins of menu.lst, and sudo fdisk -l08:02
danko123456CrustyPunk: ^08:03
CrustyPunkdanko123456, I *think* it's on hda108:03
HappyFoolsijmen: there'll be a line that looks like this: # deb http://za.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted08:03
danko123456hybrid_goth: not 100% , but a very large fraction.08:03
sijmenah, it's commented out08:03
HappyFoolsijmen: the leading '#' is a comment character. remove it and save the file.08:03
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danko123456where is menu.lst?08:03
HappyFoolyou know ;)08:03
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hybrid_gothdanko123456: ok ty08:03
sijmenthere are several http repositories already08:03
thoreauputicdanko123456: /boot/grub/menu.lst08:03
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danko123456 CrustyPunk: /boot/grub/menu.lst08:04
sijmenthe restricted ones are not commented out08:04
danko123456give us a pstebin with that file, and sudo fdisk -l08:04
danko123456thanks, thore.08:04
HappyFoolwell, you need main to not be commented out08:04
CrustyPunkdanko123456, I've been looking through there, no idea what to do08:04
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sijmenit is08:04
danko123456yup, and uncomment the rest, while you are at it, sijmen.08:04
sijmeninternet connection is working, too08:04
HappyFoolif you like08:04
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danko123456CrustyPunk: that is why you will make a pastebin, and show us, so we can tell you.08:04
HappyFoolit has lots and lots of other software08:04
HappyFoolyou'll probably enable it eventually ;)08:05
danko123456do it now:08:05
sijmenoh wait08:05
sijmenthat explains it08:05
danko123456then save, close, sudo apt-get update08:05
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Church_of_FoamYanyone know if giving ubuntu cd away on ebay (less s&h) is illegal?08:05
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CrustyPunkdanko123456, http://pastebin.com/29082108:05
Church_of_FoamY<----has an ebay store08:05
HappyFoolChurch_of_FoamY: i doubt it08:05
danko123456Church_of_FoamY: nothing is illegal...except not providing a way to get to the sources.08:05
Church_of_FoamYoh ok08:06
SkyNeti get an error with sudo apt-get upgrade.. its in samba08:06
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sijmenwhen i vimmed the file, all worked fine, but as non-root i couldn't save. so i sudo vimmed, and after password i pressed enter, but nothing happened (return to console). that's the same deal as with the apt-get thing. why is there no output when using sudo?08:06
danko123456skynet, does sudo apt-get update?08:06
HappyFoolsijmen: hrm08:06
theD3viLHow to set DMA on?08:06
HappyFoolthat sounds bad08:06
SkyNetdanko123456 yes update and then upgrade08:06
Church_of_FoamY<--still used to microcraps EULA :(08:06
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SkyNeti used the backports reposits and something fucked up08:06
HappyFoolsijmen: try sudo -s -H ? you should get a root prompt08:06
Echelon-hhmm how can I run an internet location in XMMS? It can't play my adress I just put there.08:06
danko123456and then error, hey...k, just makuing sure you updated...08:06
Echelon-h(can it play asx?)08:07
sijmendanko123456. i type   sudo vim filename  , then a password is asked. i press enter, and after a sec focus returns to commandline08:07
danko123456Echelon-h: usually use some other program, like rhytmbox, I think.08:07
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thoreauputicsijmen: if you did it from within vim, it obviously won't work08:07
CrustyPunkdanko123456, http://pastebin.com/29082108:07
sijmenno, outside of vim08:07
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sijmensame deal again.08:07
HappyFoolsudo -s -H gives you nothing ?08:07
danko123456CrustyPunk: is trying to boot into windows, and that pastebin^ is his menu.lst and fdisk -l .08:07
thoreauputicsijmen: try sudo nano and see if that works08:08
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danko123456CrustyPunk: where is the sudo fdisk -l?08:08
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sijmenDaehlie_, http://pastebin.com/29082508:08
danko123456try sudo ls08:08
danko123456I thinks.08:08
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sijmendanko123456 , http://pastebin.com/29082508:08
sijmensame thing with nano and everything else08:09
othernoobdanko123456: shouldn't that be hd(0,4) instead of hd(0,0)  in CrustyPunks menu.lst ?08:09
danko123456CrustyPunk: hda1?08:09
CrustyPunkdanko123456, http://pastebin.com/29082608:09
CrustyPunkThat's the fdisk08:09
danko123456othernoob: we dont kno yet.:)08:09
nobilewin a meet and greet with R4x @ #??? !!! :D08:09
othernoobdanko123456: it says it's on hda5..08:09
SkyNethmm i get the following error: http://pastebin.com/29082708:09
SkyNeti used the backports reposits..08:10
HappyFoolsijmen: you said you installed a 'server' install ?08:10
danko123456hehe, othernoob, yes, good job:)08:10
CrustyPunkdanko123456, I thought it was hda1, could it be hda5?08:10
danko123456change it, CrustyPunk.08:10
danko123456how did you know it was hda5?08:10
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othernoobCrustyPunk: at the end of the menu.lst file...change the hd(0,0) to hd(0,4), save it, and then try08:10
HappyFoolsijmen: i'm not familiar with that setup. did you choose an 'expert' mode or anything similar ?08:11
Echelon-Hhow can I update my xfce from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2?08:11
othernoobdanko123456: the comment in the menu.lst file states that it was detected on hda5 ;)08:11
danko123456SkyNet: what is your objective? to upgrade? remove the backports whern upgrading!08:11
CrustyPunkothernoob, it was originally hd(0,4) and (0.0) was me trying to fix it =P08:11
HoboHey I am having some trouble burning an ISO of ubuntu, in that I can burn the ISO to cd but it is just that on the cd, an ISO08:11
Hobonot a boot csd08:11
danko123456othernoob: ah... I never read it...:)08:11
danko123456CrustyPunk: change it back.08:11
othernoobCrustyPunk: did you have the same error with hd(0,4) ? did you change something else as well ?08:12
SkyNeti get the following error: http://pastebin.com/290827 while updating the reposits i used the backport ones.. any idea?08:12
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Echelon-Hhow can I update my xfce from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2?08:12
hybrid_gothEchelon-H: backports08:12
sijmenHappyFool, 'server'08:12
HoboSo nobody knows how to burn an ISO to cd?08:13
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danko123456http://pastebin.com/290829 try that CrustyPunk08:13
othernoobHobo: what's your prob with the iso ?08:13
Echelon-Hhybrid_goth, huh?08:13
hybrid_gothHobo: burn an image disc with the burner software08:13
Hobowell I can burn the actual image, but it doesnt create the cd08:13
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Hoboit just shows blah.iso on it08:13
othernoobHobo: which program are you using? k3b ?08:13
danko123456hobo, yeah, not much more you can do...just burn it using a program that supports that.08:13
hybrid_gothEchelon-H: 4.2.2 is avaible thru backports or breezy08:13
alkdevilhobo: right click the iso in file manager and select "write to disc"08:14
Echelon-Hhybrid_goth, what is backports?08:14
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Echelon-Hhybrid_goth, and I presume breezy is the next update of ubuntu?08:14
hybrid_gothEchelon-H: UbuntuX is serving drinks to all Ubuntu XFCE fliers08:14
SkyNetEchelon-H: repositories..08:14
sijmenby the way, how does ubuntu perform on an Apple PowerBook?08:14
Hobook I will try it alldevil08:14
danko123456SkyNet: if you are just trying to upgrade, remove the backports from the sources, and update upgrade.08:14
hybrid_gothEchelon-H: backports are added updates after release and breezy is testin release08:14
danko123456sijmen: somewhat badly.08:14
hybrid_gothsijmen: what powerbook08:14
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thoreauputicsijmen: I have it on an iBook G4 and it does very well08:15
danko123456sijmen: out the box, the sleep function does not work, really...and wireless does not work at all.08:15
hybrid_gothi have in on an ibook g3 and love it08:15
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danko123456thoreauputic: how is it very good,08:15
SkyNetdanko123456: no there was something like a wizard which wanted to add WINDS server to samba08:15
hybrid_gothdanko123456: airport works ootb08:15
danko123456what have you so far changed, fine tune?08:15
thoreauputicyes, wireless is an issue with the broadcom cards08:15
Echelon-Hso is it possible to install 4.2.2?08:15
SkyNetdanko123456: i answered NO WINS and it all came to this..08:15
hybrid_gothEchelon-H: yes08:15
danko123456hybrid_goth: airport extreme??????????08:15
sijmenhybrid_goth, really?!08:16
thoreauputicdanko123456: I'm happy with it - it runs fast and does mac on linux well08:16
hybrid_gothdanko123456: airport!08:16
danko123456skynet, then, try removing backports, and going through the whole porocess..08:16
hybrid_gothsijmen: ibook g3 is the newest that will work with wifi08:16
danko123456thoreauputic: I am not happy...:)08:16
toshiba_Does anyone here use custom (optimized) firefox builds?08:16
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SkyNetok danko will do08:16
danko123456thore, even my yaboot is gone now, for some mystical reason, I cant even boot into it anymore, I am seriously considering reinstalling08:16
sijmenhybrid_goth, man, you almost got me nuts08:16
thoreauputicdanko123456: depends on your needs08:17
Echelon-Hhybrid_goth, can you help me doing it?08:17
danko123456X on the whole thing.08:17
danko123456thore, yes, very much.08:17
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danko123456Echelon-H: sure he can:) anyhow, add bac[ports to your repos.08:17
hybrid_gothEchelon-H: search ubuntuguide for extra repos08:17
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hybrid_gothsijmen: why?08:17
hybrid_gothdanko123456: ty i didnt remember the link08:18
danko123456me neither:)08:18
sijmenhybrid_goth, would be awesome if airport worked with g408:18
SkyNetdanko123456: removed the backport.. same error when upgrading08:18
maxyvitswhat's "breezy"?08:18
thoreauputicdanko123456: I take it you are aware of the existence of tab completion on nicks?08:18
danko123456yes, very much so, sijmen.08:18
thenukemaxyvits: upcoming version of ubuntu08:18
danko123456thore, sometimes I am lazy.08:18
othernoobmaxyvits: the name of the next ubuntu version08:18
danko123456some I do.08:18
SkyNetdanko123456: its seems like this update has been kapt somewhere in cache?08:18
danko123456yours is one of those...08:18
hybrid_gothsijmen: airport extreme is supposed being hacked upon to work w/linux08:18
thoreauputicdanko123456: which means I don't see your posts sometimes08:18
danko123456right, sorry thoreauputic.08:19
sijmenhybrid_goth, yes, i read about it earlyer today08:19
maxyvitsgot it, thanks08:19
danko123456maxyvits: warty, hoary, breezy....??08:19
sijmenbut is ubuntu supposed to be working at native resolution and such on powerbook?08:19
maxyvitsIs there an expected time of release?08:19
hybrid_gothsijmen: where did you see that i have only heard it ? link...08:19
danko123456sijmen: what is native resolution?08:19
danko123456it works, just perfect, exceopt for sleep, and wireless.08:19
hybrid_gothmaxyvits: october08:19
dcravenmaxyvits: Oct.08:19
sijmenlemme get a link, hybrid_goth08:19
maxyvitsOk, thanks08:19
danko123456maxyvits: every six months new ubuntu08:20
danko123456.4.10, 5.04, 5.10.08:20
Seveasmaxyvits, ubuntu has  a 6 month release scehdules. So every october and april there's a new version08:20
sijmeni'll just need to get up my history08:20
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hybrid_gothmaxyvits: 5.04 = 2005 apr 5.10 = 2005 october08:20
maxyvitsthanks for the info guys08:20
hybrid_gothsijmen: ok ty08:20
danko123456sijmen: yes it works fine the resolution.08:20
sijmenthat's nice. oh, it's nvidia of course08:20
SkyNetdanko123456: removed the backport.. same error when upgrading08:20
SkyNetdanko123456: its seems like this update has been kapt somewhere in cache?08:20
sijmenthat means i should be able to play some linux games aswell08:20
maxyvitsany idea how I can change my refresh rate from 85 to 100Hz?08:20
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danko123456I cant even get a smaller one in iBook...altho...I am sure just changing the refresh thing in xorg.conf would do it...08:21
sijmenhttp://linux-bcom4301.sourceforge.net/, hybrid_goth08:21
Echelon-HI need the Universe and Multiverse? or it has nothign to do with it?08:21
danko123456SkyNet: not sure, sorry:) do you have any other weird repos?08:21
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danko123456like, non ubuntu, marillat or whatever.08:21
HappyFoolgrr. i get this error from both apt and aptitude. Any ideas? :  Bad header line [IP: 80]   (command is apt-get install tuxtype)08:21
=== IcemanV9 in no hurry to get 5.10 :)
danko123456put those in too, Echelon-H, but backports is what we are after.08:21
SkyNetdanko123456: nope..08:21
SkyNetis there a way to flush this cache?08:22
danko123456HappyFool: did you try pinging it?08:22
maxyvitsmy "ics" still isn't wokring in ubuntu.08:22
maxyvitsIt's driving me nuts.08:22
Echelon-Hwierd, I am marking them but it wont "lock"08:22
HappyFooldanko123456: i have tried using nc, and it gets the HTTP headers fine08:22
danko123456there should be one, I just erased /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb yesterday08:22
Echelon-Hit just shows me they are not marked after I close / open08:22
maxyvitsmy windows boxes can see each other but they can't connect to the internet08:22
HappyFooli don't know if apt-get is looking for some other sort of header, or expecting some custom HTTP header (seems unlikely)08:23
danko123456do you ahve that line hardcoded somewhere, HappyFool, looks like it is missing a : between the port number, and the IP./08:23
danko123456just maybe, tho...depends on the parses.08:23
HappyFooldanko123456: no, i do not have any IP addresses hardcoded anywhere08:23
danko123456maxyvits: windows cant connect to the internet?08:23
hybrid_gothsijmen: ty08:23
maxyvitsI have a home network with ubuntu as host and two other boxes running XP08:24
danko123456echelon, not sure what you are talking about?08:24
danko123456you adding those through synaptic?08:24
HoboTHANKS ALLDEVIL :):):)08:24
Hoboit worked just fine08:24
maxyvitsthe XP boxes can see each other, which suggests my LAN NIC is configured correctly. But they can't get onto the Internet for some reason.08:24
maxyvitsI'm using Firestarter08:25
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danko123456SkyNet: there should be one, I just erased /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb yesterday08:25
danko123456maxyvits: you are forwarding the internet to them through firestarter?08:25
maxyvitsI think so.08:26
danko123456do the windows machines have 1 NIC each?08:26
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maxyvitsI have the option: enable internet sharing checked08:26
Church_of_FoamYhow to kill zombie processes?08:26
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danko123456maxy_noob: ^08:27
Church_of_FoamYi have 11 that are zombie how to kill?08:27
danko123456Church_of_FoamY: you can killall process name, if you know it..08:27
danko123456zombie just means that their parents are dead, or something...08:27
danko123456along those lines.08:27
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danko123456orphaned is what I said.08:27
maxy_noobyes danko?08:27
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danko123456do the windows machines have 1 NIC each?08:28
Church_of_FoamYi have the process id if that helps08:28
danko123456what are they connected to?08:28
maxy_nooba hub08:28
danko123456ok, well, you ahve it as far as I do with that concept of internet sharing.08:28
maxy_noobmy Ubuntu box has 2 nic's08:28
Church_of_FoamYgnome system monitor08:28
danko123456you need to set the gateway on the computers to be the IP of the ubuntu.08:28
danko123456kill -9 number, try that.08:29
Echelon-HBah I dont get how to upgrade to 4.2.208:29
Church_of_FoamYi killed some processes and they are now zombies08:29
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danko123456Echelon-H: backports added?08:29
maxy_noobok, I'll try that08:29
danko123456maxy_noob: yeah, well, you can only try...08:29
danko123456It dont work here.08:29
maxy_noobYou can't share you Internet either?08:29
danko123456if you figure it out, make sure to post to the forums, or somewhere so I can read uit and set uit p.08:30
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danko123456he killed his irc...08:30
maxy_noobthat sucks ... isn't that called: the blind leading the blind then? :-)08:30
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danko123456why is he even killikng processes...ugh, low level..08:30
k-dog2How do I query USB devices on my bus?08:30
danko123456it is called that08:30
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danko123456or collaborative trouble shooting08:30
maxy_noobYes, I like yours better08:31
danko123456\II am trained in CS-the other CS...08:31
alastair_Why doesn't rhythmbox include mp3 support by default?08:31
SkyNetdanko123456: i deled the .deb files08:31
SkyNetdanko123456: still same error:p08:32
HappyFoolmp3 is patented, i believe08:32
Pop_pa_FrEaKalot of distros are dopping mp3 support for licensing reasons08:32
danko123456yup, you erased the ones that were cached.08:32
maxy_noobquite frankly this network problem is the only thing keeping me from switching to Linux.08:32
maxy_noobI use Windows as my main os.08:32
maxy_noobdummy proof.08:32
Pop_pa_FrEaKalastair_, Ogg and musepack are better lossy formats anyways08:32
danko123456alastair_: read the ubuntu declaration/[promise, it will be clearer.08:32
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danko123456well, for a hub, yes, you need to figure it out.08:33
danko123456mine dont work, wanna work on it, maxy_noob?08:33
maxy_nooball I have to do with Windows is run the wizard and it works perfectly08:33
Echelon-Hdanko123456, now, I didnt understand what is it, didn't find any info on wiki, and didn't get what I need it for.08:33
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yonilhow can i download something from cvs ? :S08:33
SkyNetdanko123456: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.08:33
SkyNet1 not fully installed or removed.08:33
alastair_Pop_pa_FrEaK, sure they might be better, but so was betamax and I have a load of VHS tapes if you catch my drift...08:33
danko123456jsut a sec, I need a drink.08:33
danko123456pm, anyhow08:34
maxy_noobdo you think a router solves this workaround?08:34
lotusleafmaxy_noob, dummy magnet you mean ;)08:34
maxy_noobthat too08:34
danko123456maxy_noob: yes, a router would.08:34
sscottdoes anybody here help me...the moron with a ndiswrapper install?08:34
danko123456it creates IPs.08:34
maxy_noobI think I'm just gonna buy one.08:34
HappyFoolyonil: you'll probably need to install cvs first08:34
danko123456sscott: yes, theyll help you:)08:34
danko123456maxy_noob: not a bad idea:) if you like port forwarding...that is.08:35
sscottbeen working on it all morning and getting a little peeved.....:-(08:35
HappyFoolmaxy_noob: do some googling. I'm sure what you are trying to achieve is not too difficult08:35
maxy_noobstill, I'd like to get it up and running with a hub08:35
danko123456alastair_: times chaneg:-p08:35
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danko123456sscott: sure you are:) that is why you are here, create a pastebin with your make, model, steps taken, and other relevant info... http://pastebin.com08:36
Echelon-Hdanko123456, now, I didnt understand what is it, didn't find any info on wiki, and didn't get what I need it for.08:36
alastair_danko123456, but my collection doesn't, unless of course I wanted to spend 3 years cpu time converting to ogg08:36
maxy_noobI tried with a guy yesterday and we got confused even more.08:36
danko123456Echelon-H: did you add backports? or you didnt get it?08:36
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maxy_noobwe were obviously network challenged08:36
Echelon-Hdanko123456, didn't get anything :-\08:36
sscottwill do just give a few moments08:37
k-dog2OK, how do I query devices on the USB bus?08:37
danko123456Echelon-H: time for http://ubuntuguide.org/#backportsrepositories08:37
Pop_pa_FrEaKalastair_, mp3 is on its way out step by step and the next step is the fact its getting DRM added to its coding08:37
alastair_any idea why gstreamer dvd playback sucks compared to xine?08:37
Echelon-Hk, now were talking08:37
HappyFoolk-dog2: at a guess, try lsusb at the command line08:37
danko123456Pop_pa_FrEaK: I dunno, its like jpg vs png...08:37
danko123456or xml/OOo vs. MS word...08:38
Echelon-Hdanko123456, but can you tell me what are these backports?08:38
alastair_ubuntu is crap08:38
Lollyi installed Windows after installing Ubuntu, and need to redo the MBR (i think) so i can boot Ubuntu. I got this tutorial: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows , but when i get to the load filesystem part, i type what the tutorial say, but i get this message: /dev/sda3 looks like swapspace - not mounted <br>mount: you must specify the filesystem type08:38
danko123456its so much better, but no OEMs support...08:38
Pop_pa_FrEaKogg is getting alot of support08:38
Lafitte-maxy_noob,  firestarter i believe would share internet08:38
danko123456alastair_: no its not...08:38
danko123456I can tell you how to add the mp3 support.08:38
k-dog2HappyFool: Nope.  Package?08:38
maxy_noobLafitte: yes, it has that option but I still can't get my XP boxes on the net08:38
HappyFoolk-dog2: usbutils08:39
danko123456Lolly: is that the part where you load the right partition? and you dont know if sda3 is  it?08:39
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HappyFoolk-dog2: that will only list devices -- i realized after my last msg that you might want something else08:39
danko123456alastair_: do you want me to?08:39
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Lafitte-maxy_noob,  you would need to set eh ip manually   and set the gateway to the ip of the box with firestarter08:39
danko123456k-dog2: give us more info specifics...what is the device, and why does it not automount?08:39
Pop_pa_FrEaKhmmm need to get Flac support08:40
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danko123456Lafitte-: I have that set up.08:40
maxy_noobso the gateway on the xp machines would be the ip of ubunut?08:40
danko123456dont work, tho.08:40
alastair_danko123456, it assumes the world has broadband, but prophecises computing for the world, how the hell is someone in africa going to have full functionality if they have to wait six years downloading updates, some of which are borked, like gstreamer dvd playback which sucks...08:40
danko123456yes, maxy_noob.08:40
k-dog2danko123456: It's a wireless USB NIC, no-name device, mystery meat.08:40
Lafitte-i had it working with debian install08:40
k-dog2danko123456: 2.6.10 kernel.08:40
danko123456but the internal IP, not the internet one.08:40
Echelon-Hdanko123456, can the backports or anything ruin anything? I dont want breezy or whatever..08:40
Lafitte-gave up years ago   when i got my first router08:40
Lollydenkol: i need to load partitions yes, and when i look at the fstab the tutorial talks about, /dev/sda3  is the only thing that looks like what they mean.  the two other entries are: /dev/mapper/casper-snapshot and tmpfs08:40
danko123456alastair_: did you check out the ubuntuguide.org add-on CD for ppl that dont have the ionternet?08:41
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k-dog2HappyFool: Installing.08:41
Lafitte-  usually  preset08:41
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we2byany one here have problem with etf?08:41
danko123456 /dev/sdX is gonna be it, but try some other numbers.08:41
danko123456if you want...08:41
Echelon-Hdanko123456, can you help me or you want me to come back to you later?08:41
alastair_I want a system which just works08:41
dcravenwe2by: You'll need to be a little more specific dude.08:41
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dcravenalastair_: In time.08:42
danko123456Echelon-H: did you add them? hehe, they can ruin, dont upgrade with them, tho.08:42
we2bydcraven, when I start it, I only see a black screen08:42
k-dog2danko123456: From lsusb:  Bus 001 Device 003: ID 03eb:7603 Atmel Corp. AT76c503a D-Link DWL-120 802.11b Adapter08:42
alastair_slackware just works...08:42
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Echelon-Hbah, so I better leave this and stay with my 4.2.108:42
HappyFoolalastair_: then use slackware08:42
alastair_I can't build anything from source from base install here...08:42
dcravenalastair_: So then what's the problem?08:42
k-dog2danko123456: I'm finding Google info that there's no in-kernel mainstream support, trying to avoid BMOC.08:42
Lafitte-Ubuntu for me08:42
danko123456alastair_: it just works...it just doesnt play out the box with proprietary formats.08:42
Lafitte-Ubuntu is the best tool for my laptop08:43
maxy_noobyou'd think with DHCP enabled that it would obtain an ip address automatically, no?08:43
dcravenwe2by: Try System | Preferences | Sound | Disable sound server.08:43
HappyFooldo you have a dhcp server running?08:43
danko123456k-dog2: thats hard...too hard for me, a USB adapter for a modem, or wireless, right?08:43
Lafitte-maxy_noob,  if you enable a dhcp server  it would08:43
maxy_noobby the way is Bcast the gateway or the limit of one?08:43
maxy_noobi have no idea what that means but whatever08:44
Lafitte-maxy_noob,  did you set any dns servers on the machines ?08:44
danko123456Echelon-H: no, just iupgrade the one package, not eh whole system.08:44
dcravenalastair_: I hope they never support proprietary formats.08:44
maxy_noobhell no, I don't even know what that is08:44
k-dog2danko123456: As I said:  wireless USB nic.08:44
Lafitte-maxy_noob,  it owul dbe the means of a mchien to get webpages and htings from the web08:44
k-dog2danko123456: BMOK == build my own ker.08:45
danko123456ah, I need a dhcp server running, Lafitte-?08:45
Echelon-Hdanko123456, you sure? it won't do any problems?08:45
alastair_How does anyone expect wide-scale desktop adoption if the majority of existing data is not compatible?  Why not include support for all these formats, as litigation against millions of users is unlikely, record companies and others will have to find new ways of financing their huge empires and excessive salaries, bittorrent and other p2p networks will make sure of that...08:45
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danko123456k-dog2: yup, too advanced 4 me:)08:45
we2bydcraven, it works now08:45
danko123456Echelon-H: yes, if you uopgrade only one package, yes, only that one can get borked.08:45
Echelon-Hand how can I update only the xfce anyways?08:45
panickedthumbalastair_-- litigation against the company isn't unlikely though08:45
Echelon-Hbah I better not mess with it.08:45
hybrid_gothEchelon-H: apt-get install xfce08:45
danko123456alastair_: cause it can be easily added -on.08:45
Lafitte-danko123456,  no    can manually setup the ip   just need to make sure  the gateway is the nic with internet     and make sure you have dns servers08:46
hybrid_gothalastair_: who still uses mp3?08:46
dcravenalastair_: It's not litigation against the users that Canonical is concerned with probably. And I'm not sure how badly I want widespread adoption.08:46
alastair_hybrid_goth, come on...08:46
dr_willislitigation tends to be used against the companies with the money. :P08:46
hybrid_gothalastair_: aac and ogg out weigh mp308:46
=== hybrid_goth loves ogg
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alastair_let's face it, for many this is a battle against microsoft.08:46
alastair_including myself.08:46
caineok guys im back08:46
dcravenI'm seeing more and more portable players that can do ogg.. I was suprised.08:46
danko123456Lafitte-: so, set up the gateway to the NIC interfacing with the internet, or the NIC interfaceing hte network...cause can the other machine even see the IP?08:46
maxy_noobfor tcp/ip setting in windows I set the following08:47
hybrid_gothalastair_: i am on the same boat08:47
_hp_what's wrong with microsoft?08:47
Lafitte-you need to setup dhcpd and ip forwarding08:47
dcravenalastair_: I dunno about that.08:47
hybrid_goth_hp_: everything08:47
Lafitte-danko123456,  dhcpd and ip forwarding08:47
dr_willisdcraven,  oh? ive not notiuced them yet :P i aint looked at them in about 4 mo however.08:47
danko123456alastair_: casue you are ignotrant...that is all.08:47
alastair__hp_ their monopoly and disgraceful business tactics.08:47
hybrid_gothalastair_: i also like unix i love how it works and it is so tweakable08:47
cainehybrid_goth: is there any reason why apollon isnt working now08:47
danko123456the mp3 support is there, in universe, where it shoud bne.08:47
_hp_hybrid_goth: bill gates gave like $25 billion to charity or something like that08:47
danko123456alastair_: it is a system you dont understand fully.08:47
alastair_danko123456, No I am arrogant, not ignorant.08:47
dcravendr_willis: I just looked at a BestBuy flyer and ALL of the Samsung devices supported ogg. It was even mentioned in the flyer which blew me away.08:48
alastair_danko123456, you're refering to ubuntu or microsoft?08:48
danko123456aha, Lafitte-, so, set up dhcpd, firestarter, and set the gateway on the other computer to be the IP of the computer on the internet, the internet IP?08:48
dr_willisdcraven,  cool. :P Im betting that in 2 years the cell phones will all have   the features of mp3 players. :P08:48
hybrid_goth_hp_: yea fo a tax right off08:48
danko123456ubuntu, off course.08:48
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we2bydcraven, I can't connect to any server  cause they are running an old version :(08:49
dcravendr_willis: Some do now no?08:49
dr_willisdcraven,  now if they did ogg from the get go.. that would be cool.08:49
alastair_Of course I don't fully understand it, I'm just dissapointed with the hype.08:49
lotusleafJesus Christ, I can't go a single day without hearing or reading the word "MICROSOFT" somewhere. It's like a fucking plague.08:49
dr_willisdcraven,  some of the VERY VERY high end ones do..08:49
dcravenwe2by: They are or you are?08:49
we2bythey are08:49
psychonatevorbis is actually the name of the audio codec08:49
we2byI have 1.308:49
psychonateogg is just the container08:49
danko123456alastair_: where is all the hype?08:49
danko123456I never heard any hype.08:49
Lafitte-danko123456,   i believe so    been very long time for me   just know fo rsure need dhcpd and ip forwarding setup      and im exampleing the ics functions of a windows box  which is the same concept08:49
dcravenwe2by: But it runs now?08:49
alastair_web,forums, radio08:49
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Lafitte-danko123456,  i own plenty of routers now08:50
danko123456kk, how about hte IP use the one that is on the internet?08:50
dcravenwe2by: Cool.08:50
hybrid_gothwell you all i go to run i need to install ubuntu on my soon to be server08:50
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danko123456Im away too.08:50
dcravenwe2by: I typically play on the Railbait pubs. I get good pings there.08:50
danko123456thanks, Lafitte-.08:50
Lafitte-danko123456,  the nic that has the internet connection to it     no thats wrong08:50
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we2bydcraven, what version?08:50
danko123456so, then the local network IP as the gatewya?08:50
dcravenwe2by: I think it's railbait (I).08:50
Lafitte-danko123456,    not sure if its the nic with inet  or to hub08:50
we2byI tried that also08:50
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danko123456Ill try both:)08:51
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we2byit says protocol does not match08:51
dcravenwe2by: I dunno what version it is. I think it's the latest.08:51
toshiba_VLC will play my .avi without the sound. Totem will play the .avi, but without the video. Any ideas?08:51
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Lafitte-danko123456,  but it would be the default gateway08:51
dcravenwe2by: You also have the latest ET?08:51
sscott I am trying to install wireless, please help me, this is my pastebin: http://pastebin.com/29085108:51
dr_willistry mplayer yet toshiba_ ?08:51
psychonateyeah, if you run mplayer from the CL, it will give you some output08:52
toshiba_dr_willis, yes.. that one won't even play my MP3s..08:52
IcemanV9toshiba_: xine?08:52
dr_willistoshiba_,  Hmm.. ive gotten mplayer to play about EVERYTHING :P totem and xine have issues with a few things08:53
Lafitte-danko123456,  tell me this  are you play8ing around are serious  hehe08:53
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dcravenwe2by: The newest ET is 1.0/2.60. THere are links to everything on the front page of etfgame.com.08:53
toshiba_dr_willis, mplayer takes a couple of seconds to start (the application itself), i HATE it's skin, and freeze when i try to play anything. I don't know what 'xine' is, i assume a player, haven't tried yet.08:54
psychonatemplayer CL > * ;)08:54
psychonatealthough I have problems with the mplayer packaged with ubuntu08:54
toshiba_psychonate, mplayer CL?08:55
lokmplayer works fine here08:55
psychonatetoshiba_, CL=Command Line08:55
psychonatetoshiba_, ran from terminal; no GUI08:55
toshiba_we're talking about the blue-skinned mplayer w/ the unremovable 'Mplayer - Video' window, right?08:55
alastair_I am having problems with gstreamer-xine and slow assed video playback compared to xine.08:56
Echelon-HHow can I move files? mv seems to handle only directories08:56
psychonatetoshiba_, no08:56
danko123456Lafitte-: like what:) the ics? I am in the background trying to owrk it out so I can drop the extra IP from my ISP...not a rush, I was waiting for someone else to work on it.08:56
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alastair_gstreamer-totem even08:56
danko123456mv moves files, as well,.08:56
dcravenEchelon-H: It does files too.08:56
Echelon-Hbut when I type a filename it won't work.08:56
dcravenEchelon-H: Sure it does.08:56
wingslinewhy vmware cannot compile the vmmon module on ubuntu hoary? I installed all the necessary kernel headers, but it gives me an error08:56
danko123456mv fileInCurrentDirectory/absolutePathOfFile newPlaceEvenNewName.08:56
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we2bydcraven, nope08:57
Echelon-Hdcraven, the filename has spaces... so the command gets broken or something08:57
Lafitte-danko123456,    hehe   i thought you know th eanswer   and just toying me   grin     install  dhcpd and ip forwarding    then rn the utils08:57
we2bythe newest is 1.308:57
Echelon-Hdcraven, how can I fix it?08:57
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dcravenEchelon-H: Quotes or escape the space with a \.08:57
psychonatetcprobe is a neato tool08:58
toshiba_So um.. any ideas why VLC shows video w/o sound?08:58
psychonatetoshiba_, what is the audio?08:58
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dcravenEchelon-H: mv "file with spaces" file_no_spaces08:58
IcemanV9Echelon-H: mv My\ Downloads/<whatever> <newDir>/<whatever>08:58
toshiba_psychonate, you mean, what codec was used w/ the audio? no idea....08:58
Echelon-Hk thanks08:58
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dcravenEchelon-H: Or mv file\ with\ spaces file_no_spaces08:58
we2bydcraven, I can't join any08:59
dcravenwe2by: The newest ETF is 1.3, but you also need the newest ET.08:59
IcemanV9Echelon-H: two ways to do it " " or \ for those files with spaces08:59
Echelon-Hwhat is the command to create dir?08:59
danko123456I will, Lafitte-, let you know, eventually, I am eating right now.08:59
dcravenEchelon-H: mkdir08:59
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danko123456Echelon-H: mv from an nfts partiotion by some chane?09:00
Lafitte-danko123456,   hehe   me also09:00
Echelon-Hdanko123456, no.09:00
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danko123456Lafitte-: sweet.09:00
Echelon-HHmmm, is there anyway I can transfer all the files in a folder, but not the folder itself?09:00
k-dog2danko123456: Found this, looks solid:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=516409:00
danko123456Echelon-H: then it will work.09:00
PacoBCNHi guys. Anyone of you managed to receive files through IRDA?09:01
danko123456k-dog2: definitely worth a shot.09:01
dcravenEchelon-H: mv myfolder/* wherever09:01
Echelon-Hk thx09:01
danko123456yes, Echelon-H, use -r too,. I think.09:01
psychonatetoshiba_, I would try to install all the gstreamer packages. Those might help some players.09:01
dr_willisBash 101 :P09:01
danko123456man mv will tell you moer:)09:01
we2byI see09:01
psychonatetoshiba_, at least this one: gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg09:01
Echelon-Hbah, I entered a man but the terminal is now stuck on the manual, how can I quit the man?09:02
dr_willistime to hit the bash tutorials :P that Useing bash guide by Oriealy is great also.09:02
dr_willisman man :P09:02
dr_willisq - should quit09:02
Echelon-Hnot that it's so important, just wanan know09:02
=== caine [~caine@adsl-155-99-116.btr.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
danko123456sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-*09:02
cainehey guys i cant seem to get apollon to work correctly09:02
caineits not finding any songs or videos or anything09:02
psychonatetoshiba_, from the everyday usage guide: "Not all mpgs are created equal. If you are getting sound but no video with some mpgs, you probably need the ffmpeg libraries."09:02
k-dog2danko123456: Shooting at it ;-)09:02
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danko123456k, Im away now 4 real, watching movie.09:03
psychonatewe believe you09:03
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Echelon-Hif I want only the txt files from one folder to another, how can I do that? tried *.txt and it ain't working09:04
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dcravenwe2by: Let me know when you are gonna hop on Railbait... THere was nobody there earlier :)09:04
toshiba_psychonate, thanks alot.09:04
brumhello... can anybody help w/ a evolution question/problem?09:05
sscottlooking for help with wireless connection....is there anybody that can help me09:05
HappyFoolEchelon-H: are you trying to move files from subfolders ?09:05
toshiba_Anyone knows how to be 'the owner' (ie: so you can change certain folders/files properties)09:05
carthik_worktoshiba_, chown09:05
Echelon-Hbut I want all the files of certain file type.09:05
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carthik_worktoshiba_, man chown for details09:05
Echelon-Hanyways, I did type the full path.09:05
HappyFooltoshiba_: run 'sudo chown' from the command line. however, you probably shouldn't change ownership of files outside your home directory09:05
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psychonatetoshiba_, tell me if it works alright09:06
psychonatepersonally, I like mplayer with the additional codecs from their site09:06
HappyFoolEchelon-H: mv foo/*.txt bar/ will only move .txt in the foo/ directory, not in foo/blah/09:06
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Echelon-Him trying from /home/echelon/desktop/*.txt to /home/echelon/tempdocs09:08
Echelon-Hi've created tempdocs folder.09:08
toshiba_Here's the thing.. I want to install a custom build of Firefox. The only way I can think of, is to extract the archive (after closing the program) over the existing ones. However, it appears I am not allowed to do that (modify the files in there). Any ideas?09:08
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HappyFoolok. but do you need to move files like '/home/echelon/desktop/sudir/foo.txt' ?09:09
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Echelon-HNo. Instead of moving every file, can't I just move every .txt file?09:10
HappyFoolEchelon-H: the mv command should work09:10
HappyFoolif there are no directories below 'desktop' involved09:10
psychonatetoshiba_, why don't you just uninstall your existing version, and then install the new one safely?09:10
Echelon-Hit says no such file / dir09:10
HappyFooltry 'ls /home/echelon/desktop/*.txt'09:11
HappyFoolremember, linux is case sensitive09:11
Echelon-HI know.09:11
HappyFooldid you mean ~/Desktop ?09:11
Echelon-Hwhat's ls?09:11
toshiba_psychonate, can I pm you?09:11
HappyFoollist files09:11
we2bydcraven, I have to update et before I install etf?09:11
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HappyFoolthere are a series of cryptic two-letter unix commands: mv (move files), ls (list files), cp (copy files) ps (list processes) ...09:12
Echelon-Hk nvm it worked now09:12
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Seveasls /usr/bin | grep -v ...09:13
dcravenwe2by: Uhm.. I don't remember. I doubt it though.09:13
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Echelon-Hwhy when I run xmms through the terminal, it keeps the terminal out of use until I close xmms?09:14
brumxmms &09:14
burnboyuse beep-media-player, it's prettier09:15
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HappyFoolconsider starting it from the menu ;)09:15
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brumthat works too ;)09:16
dcravenEchelon-H: You really should have a breeze through a small bash tutorial. It may be more useful than you give credit.09:16
Echelon-Hbrum thanks09:16
=== Jostein [~jostein@sfrn-spcb204.stud-bolig.hiMolde.no] has joined #ubuntu
burnboyi've spent about 3 hours tweaking Ubuntu09:16
burnboyi can't stop.09:16
HappyFooli think there might be something on ibiblio09:16
HappyFoolon bash, that is09:16
burnboyfor the love of god i can't stop.09:16
Echelon-Hdcraven, Yeah, just after 15 years of windows, I need to get used to terminal.09:17
we2byit's very hot here09:17
Echelon-Hbut Im learning :D09:17
we2by32 degrees09:17
Echelon-Hburnboy, lol09:17
HappyFoolburnboy: Step. Away. From. The. Computer.09:17
k-dog2Trying build modules for my kernel.  Error:  You don't have the compiler that your kernel was built with installed09:17
burnboyi should. but i have a beer. and i'm godamn comfortable.09:17
Echelon-Hwe2by, where are you :P?09:17
stalagnaubuntu network tools will not find my wireless device, but an ifconfig does show something, when i try to do a ifdown on eth1 it says couldn't read interfaces file "/etc/network/interfaces"09:17
lotusleafEchelon-H, if you didn't use the command line in 15 years of using windows, something's wrong ;)09:17
k-dog2Linux ubuntu 2.6.10-5-386 #1 Fri May 20 13:52:48 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux09:17
k-dog2Um... No.09:17
Echelon-Hlotusleaf, I did, just not that much09:17
k-dog2Linux version 2.6.10-5-386 (buildd@rothera) (gcc version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-8ubuntu2)) #1 Fri May 20 13:52:48 UTC 200509:17
we2byEchelon-H, in my room09:17
dcravenEchelon-H: It's understandable, I'm just saying you maybe shouldn't brush off something as useful as becoming comfortable with bash as 'unimportant'.09:17
k-dog2...so it apparently wants gcc 3.3.5.  Which isn't available?09:17
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stalagnaubuntu network tools will not find my wireless device, but an ifconfig does show something, when i try to do a ifdown on eth1 it says couldn't read interfaces file "/etc/network/interfaces"            ANYONE?09:18
norm_i'm experiencing the following error when trying to make my wifi-drivers - how do i fix it?09:18
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burnboynorm_, is that dir /lib/modules/blahblah even there?09:20
k-dog2norm_: Install kernel headers09:20
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k-dog2norm_: ...and WTF is it lookin for /lib/modules/*/build for?09:20
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k-dog2norm_: Sounds like you don't have the appropriate kernel installed.09:20
TeXmanis there any tool under ubuntu for configuring the soundcard09:20
TeXmandomething like alsa confd09:21
TeXmanor sndconf09:21
TeXmanor sndconfig09:21
norm_k-dog2, i've done absolutely nothing to get the wrong kernel - other than upgrade what the "wizard"-thingie told me to upgrade :)09:21
burnboyprobably ndiswrapper09:21
dcravenahh.. I remember sndconfig09:21
KartagisI'm having trouble telnetting, can you help me with it?09:21
norm_k-dog2, and i have kernel-headers installed09:21
k-dog2TeXman: /join #debian and /query dpkg sound.  Do *not* ask on the #debian channel.09:21
k-dog2norm_: Hrm.09:21
norm_burnboy, nope, it's not09:21
Echelon-Hwhen I close the console the xmms closes too09:21
yonilI'm trying to download packages and it doesnt find em, seems like backports.ubuntuforums.org is down ... any mirrors ?09:22
dcravenEchelon-H: heh09:22
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vendetta/join #linux-ge09:22
dcravenEchelon-H: It's supposed to.09:22
vendetta/join #linux-ge09:22
vendetta/join #linux-ge09:22
vendetta/join #linux-ge09:22
vendetta/join #linux-ge09:22
vendetta/join #linux-ge09:22
dcravenOh jeez.09:22
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dcravenWHat a dipshit thing to do.09:22
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yonilyou guys ? mirror for backports please :|09:22
norm_well, anybody else have any ideas for this interesting problem? :)09:23
Fator_Deehit & run09:23
dcravenyonil: http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/url.php09:24
HappyFoolnorm_: you probably need to install linux-headers-38609:24
dcravenTsuki: What would you like to chat about?09:24
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KartagisI'm having trouble telnetting, can you help me with it?09:24
norm_HappyFool, i'll give it a try09:24
IcemanV9Kartagis: use ssh instead09:24
HappyFoolnorm_: that package should install headers corresponding to your current kernel, and create the 'build' entry that is missing09:25
KartagisIcemanV9: but I can't ssh my eggdrop09:25
KartagisI need to telnet09:25
burnboyyou should be slapped for even running an eggdrop09:25
norm_HappyFool, looks about right - i got the build-symlink09:25
stalagnai can't get ubuntu to fetch anything to update09:25
HappyFoolnorm_: try the build again.09:26
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norm_HappyFool, already on it, it's building away :)09:26
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Kartagisburnboy: and why is that?09:26
ubuntui dont like ubuntu :/09:26
norm_HappyFool, perfect, thanks a million :)09:26
IcemanV9eggdrop is not in my domain; sorry cannot help ya there. maybe someone else will.09:27
ubuntucya, im off to my regular debian with KDE09:27
dcravenubuntu: bye09:27
norm_just hope i can get wpa up'n'running so i can spend the weekend in the garden with my laptop )09:27
KartagisIcemanV9: forget about eggdrop, help me with telnet09:27
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wezzeris there any good 2D cad software for ubuntu?09:28
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dcravenwezzer: Is PythonCad good?09:28
stalagnawhy is my network connected but I can't ping anything?09:28
wezzerI don't know, is it easy to use?09:29
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dcravenwezzer: It's description says so :). Try it out. If not, you can remove it.09:29
dcravenwezzer: I don't draft, I just have heard about that program.09:29
wezzerokay, I'll try09:29
wezzerthanks for the tip09:29
dcravenwezzer: sure09:30
KartagisConnected to
KartagisEscape character is '^] '. <--- this is all it says and nothing else09:30
dcravenwezzer: www.pythoncad.org09:30
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Josteincan someone recommend a simple GUI program to burn a data-cd?09:31
holycowgnome baker09:31
dcravenJostein: nautilus?09:31
LinuxJonesJostein, or graveman09:31
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TeXmanis there any SiMpLe way to install soundcard09:32
HappyFoolJostein: if you have an ISO already, you can just right-click it in nautilus and choose 'Write to CD'09:32
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Josteindownloaded graveman, but i just get "operation failed" and no explanation as what the error is09:32
Josteinill try nautilus then, thanks09:33
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moquiJostein, k3b09:33
LinuxJonesJostein, in console type sudo apt-get update && apt-get install graveman09:33
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kennshow can I sing in to gaim (msn) invisible?09:34
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we2bydcraven, I lag alot on those servers09:34
we2byping: 100+09:34
dcravenwe2by: Doh! I guess you got it to work though eh?09:34
stalagnawhat can i do to get ubunto to start recongnizing my devices?09:35
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nihaoI use Ubuntu, but I'd like to try KDE. I installed KDE desktop using synaptic. Now, how to select KDE as the effective desktop manager?09:35
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JosteinLinuxJones: : after i did that, it worked.  But, what did i do?  lol.  shouldnt it be up to date since i just downloaded it with the Synaptic package manager?09:35
dcravenwezzer: If you just want to draw things, then somehting like Inkscape might be to your liking. It's quite nice.09:35
stalagnaanyone available to help?09:35
wezzerhmm, sounds nice09:36
mcquaidnihao, you can select it in gdm when you login you can choose kde instead of gnome and it'll ask you if u want to make it your default09:36
hajikistalagna, what type of devices09:36
dcravennihao: You can probably select it from the GDM login screen.09:36
wezzerI just need to make quick sketch about backline in our stage09:36
stalagnawell i have a wireless, but i can't even get it to recongize it through a lan09:36
mcquaidyou choose sessions in gdm to select which to use09:36
dcravenwezzer: I use inkscape to draw crap. I really like it.09:36
k-dog2Anyone know why Ubuntu doesn't supply gcc-3.3.5 when that's what its stock kernels are built with?09:37
hajikistalagna, ahhh wireless09:37
nihaomcquaid: so the KDE option will be automatically added in GDM menu?09:37
stalagnawell both09:37
dcravenwezzer: It's actually an svg drawing program, which is also cool.09:37
hajikistalagna, is it a linux support card? or one that needs ndiswrapper?09:37
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nihaoOK, thanks!09:37
stalagnanot sure09:37
dcravenwezzer: inkscape.org09:37
hajikiwell what type of card do you have09:37
mcquaidyou also might want to check if kdm got installed, i think it does when you install kde, you only need kdm or gdm not both09:37
wezzersudo apt-get install inkscape worked too :)09:38
stalagnabut i think its another problem, because if try to connect without the card, via an ethernet cord it won't work either09:38
HappyFoolk-dog2: you need to install the build-essential package09:38
mcquaidnot sure if one goes to kde is it more efficient to use kdm to not load unnecessary libraries09:38
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kennswhat does make ubuntu so good? :-)09:38
stalagnai think i need to update my etc/network/interfaces09:38
mcquaidi'm getting lockups when i leave totem-xine paused for a couple of minutes anyone else get that?09:39
stalagnais that possible?09:39
dcravenwezzer: Of course :)09:39
wezzerdcraven: wow, inkscape seems to be just perfect09:39
wezzerthanks a lot09:39
hajikistalagna, you could use the gnome network tool under system>administration>networking09:39
dcravenwezzer: Cool. Enjoy.09:39
k-dog2HappyFool: Yeah, it just installed w/ kernel sources.. Sec.09:39
hajikistalagna, but that assumed that card is detected and working thru some sort of driver first09:39
HappyFoolkenns: relatively easy to use, new release every six months, and security patches for each release for 18 months post-release09:40
stalagnai have tried that, i can configure it correctly with that, however, it still does not work, networking finds my card, but network tools does not09:40
HappyFoolk-dog2: don't forget linux-headers-386 (or -686, or whatever) if you want to build kernel modules for the standard ubuntu kernel09:40
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stalagnanetwork devices shows up as none, yet with networking i can configure my card to connec09:41
hajikiwhat happens if you type 'ifconfig' does eth0 show up?09:41
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hajikiis your network dhcp?09:42
k-dog2HappyFool: Got the headers, got the module built.  gcc-3.3-base apparently supplied the right compiler.09:42
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stalagnai think it is my /usr/network/interfaces, i read somewhere that i should use sudo ifdown eth0, however when i try that it gives me this error "couldn't read interfaces file09:43
cyberixHow should the version number notation in Ubuntu Breezy irssi-text be read?09:43
binarydigit_from left to right09:43
hybrid_gothwhats the difference in irssi and irssi-texr09:44
hajikiokay i understand just answer my question09:44
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hajikiif it works well fix your interfaces file09:44
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stalagnai am not sure if it is dhcp, don't know what that means, i am connected to my ISP through a router and a cable modem09:45
stalagnaand I don't know how to fix my network/interfaces, new to unix as of last night09:45
hajikiwhen you are on windows (assuming thats what you  normally use) how do you connect to ISP?09:45
dcravenstalagna: Probably dhcp. It just means that when your computer starts it asks the router for in IP.09:45
hajikidoes it use some sort of program to connect or does it just work09:45
angrypunkmost cable modems are dhcp09:45
Pop_pa_FrEaKstalagna, I use the same setup so you want dhcp09:46
stalagnayeah, automatically09:46
stalagnai don't have to configure anything, just plug it in and go09:46
hajikiokay making sure you dont need a ppoe client09:46
hajikiokay so yes you want dhcp09:46
we2bydcraven, I lag too much09:46
stalagnai have that selected, still no go09:46
dcravenwe2by: I wanna play.. Are there people on railbait?09:46
mcquaidnot directly dealing with ubuntu, but i was compiling the kernel and i turned off experimental and then couldn't find pppoe09:46
we2bydcraven, I don't see railbait09:47
we2byI g2g09:47
dcravenwe2by: :(09:47
we2byI will be back tomorow09:47
dcravenwe2by: later09:47
hajikiwhat happens if you type 'sudo dhclient eth0' make sure the cable is connected09:47
mcquaidturns out it's flagged as experimental.  i find it kinda surprising pppoe support is still flagged as experimental09:47
=== CrustyPunk [~CrustyPun@cntcnhbas01dhcp1-a126.cntcnh.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
CrustyPunkArr. Me again. =x09:47
dcravenmcquaid: Everything in Linux is beta/experimental ;P09:47
mcquaidalso in my ignorance, i thought pppoe had nothing to do with the kernel. i thought as long as your nic was working you could use pppoe software to connect09:47
stalagnait executed something, not sure what09:48
mcquaiddcraven, heh how true ;)09:48
stalagnasit0: unknown hardware address09:48
hajikithat program tries to get an ip automatically for you09:48
dcravenmcquaid: That's what makes it so exciting!09:48
hajikido you see any errors?09:48
cyberix0.8.9+0.8.10rc5-0ubuntu2 Does this mean backport or something?09:49
CrustyPunkProblem: attempting to boot into Windows XP results in an "error 12: invalid device requested"09:49
stalagnanope, it sends the request, and it gets the correct router ip address back09:49
mcquaidooohhh experimental ntfs support!! lets try it on all my ntfs partitions! see what happens!!!09:49
dcravenmcquaid: haha09:49
hajikidid it get an ip assinged to your network card?09:49
dcravenmcquaid: Who has ntfs partitions anymore? :)09:49
hajikiping -c3 www.google.com09:50
stalagnai think so09:50
hajikidoes that work?09:50
mcquaidnot me anymore ;)09:50
stalagnait worked that time09:50
stalagnawasn't earlier09:50
dcravenI wonder how many pings google gets in a day... I think everyone uses it as a test.09:50
hajikiok good, so you have access now09:50
CrustyPunkI'm having a problem: trying to boot into Windows XP results in an "error 12: invalid device requested"09:50
yonilI've connected my digital camera which is also supposed to work as a webcam, how can i test it ?09:50
hajikiso now i know it works, we can fix your interfaces file09:50
stalagnastill have the stop sign over the networking icon09:51
hajikiwhich icon?09:51
HappyFoolCrustyPunk: doh. didn't the tweaks to your grub file earlier fix it ?09:51
stalagnatop right, the 2 little computers09:51
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mcquaidyonil, most digital cameras get mounted as an removable harddrive09:51
hajikidon't worry about that for now09:51
stalagnamore like a do not enter sign, and it still says devices not found09:51
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stalagnago on, sorry09:51
mcquaidhaven't experimented with webcams in linux much, but have you install gnomemeeting?09:51
sijmeni've just shut down vmware which was running two copies of ubuntu, a server and a client. works flawlessly, i just need to learn how to use the system though09:51
mcquaidi'd try it in that first09:51
Pop_pa_FrEaKman if this gentoo install don't work on my secondary pc I'm going to put ubuntu in it09:51
yonilmcquaid, yeah that works. now i connected it in "webcam" mode, so its supposed to function as a webcam - how can i use a webcam ?09:51
CrustyPunkHappyFool, the tweaks everyone was telling me to make, I'd already tried09:51
hajikistalagna, i think it's just looking at the wrong device09:51
hajikiif you right click it and configure it09:52
mcquaidtry gnomemeeting09:52
hajikiyou can set it to eth009:52
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stalagnaok, i did, and it took care of that problem09:52
hajikiok cool09:52
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HappyFoolCrustyPunk: just tell me what you've done so far (not the tweaks). Had a windows install, installed ubuntu, and then windows stopped booting ? Is that about it ?09:52
stalagnado i still need to fix my network/interface file?09:52
hajikiso you want that to work when you boot your computer right?09:52
hajikiyeah interfaces file09:53
hajikiok open the gnome networking tool09:53
hajikiif it was already open close it, and re-open it09:53
=== james__ [~james@astound-69-42-5-52.ca.astound.net] has joined #ubuntu
Echelon-Hyonil, my digital camera seems to be not supported.09:54
=== meff_ [~meff@adsl-67-67-217-250.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
hajikionce it's open, the first tab, the connections tab09:54
hajikihow many things do you see in the list?09:54
stalagna2, modem and ethernet, both grey09:54
yonilEchelon-H, mine is, I'm speaking of the webcam function now which I'm testing ... anyway you can always look for drivers in sourceforge :P09:54
CrustyPunkHappyFool, Had XP, installed Ubuntu on a new partition, fucked up, reinstalled Ubuntu, reinstalled again after it broke, rebooted to Windows a day or two later, secondary hard drive was destroyed, reformatted it as ext2, windows would no longer boot, reinstalled windows which killed GRUB, reinstalled Ubuntu tog et grub back and now Windows won't boot09:54
hajikiok good09:54
hajikiselect the ethernet one09:54
hybrid_gothanyone here running ubuntu on an ibook g309:54
hajikiand then click properties on the right09:55
HappyFoolCrustyPunk: ouch09:55
CrustyPunkBasically I've raped my computer in every possible orifice over the past couple of days09:55
hajikicheck the little box that says this device is configured09:55
hajikiand next to configuration09:55
hajikichange it to dhcp09:55
hajikithe click ok09:55
stalagnathats it?09:55
Fator_DeeCrustyPunk: no wonder it will not work anymore09:55
mcquaidi don't trust parted for partitioning when there are existing fat32 partitions on a drive09:55
hajikiclick ok again09:55
CrustyPunkAnd very seriously thought about getting a new computer09:55
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drcodehi all09:55
hajikiand you should be set09:56
lauri_How I can install Kubuntu ?09:56
lauri_I have now Gnome ;F09:56
hajikiif you want reboot, and let me know if it worked09:56
HappyFoolok, so you had a working windows, installed ubuntu and windows no longer boots, but there's a windows entry in the grub menu09:56
Fator_Deelauri_: apt-get isntall kubuntu-desktop09:56
stalagnagreat, new error09:56
hybrid_gothlauri_: apt-get install kde09:56
hajikiif not we can try to fix it09:56
CrustyPunkHappyFool,  Yep09:56
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hajikidon't activate it, as we activated it manually09:56
mcquaidway back when, i installed mandrake, let parted do it's thing, and everything seemed fine, but partition tools in windows gave me errors on my partitions when attempting to resize stuff09:56
hajikiwe did it manually when we did the dhclient eth009:56
stalagnafailed to run network-admin09:56
HappyFoolCrustyPunk: i'm just going to install the grub-docs to see if there's an explanation of that error code. google didn't reveal anything obvious09:56
stalagnaill restart09:56
mcquaidsame thing happened later with another red hat based distro09:56
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CrustyPunkHappyFool, that was my problem. I googled for every possible pertaining thing I could think of09:57
mcquaidin my ignorance i blamed mandrake at the time, not realizing pretty much all distro's are using parted09:57
mcquaidcurious if parted is considered safe now with existing win partitions09:57
hajikistalagna, wireless might be a little more tricky, but if you have patience we could probably figure it out09:57
CrustyPunkHappyFool, there were a lot of people having the same problem as me with Linux, but none with Windows09:57
stalagnawhen it was restarting, i sall it failed at deconfiguring network devices?09:58
HappyFoolCrustyPunk: just to check, ubuntu is currently booting ?09:58
CrustyPunkYeah. I'm in Ubuntu now09:58
hajikithats fine, look for errors when it boots up09:58
stalagnaand as far as the wireless, ill have to catch you another time, already 45 min late from being back from lunch09:58
james__does LVM come with a performance hit?09:58
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hajikiok no problem09:59
HappyFoolCrustyPunk: hrm. this is from the docs: "12 : Invalid device requested: This error is returned if a device string is recognizable but does not fall under the other device errors."09:59
CrustyPunkThat's what I found through google, but it makes no sense to me. =\09:59
HappyFooli think it means 'something went wrong, i don't know what'10:00
hajikistalagna, after it boots just make sure you can browse the web and stuff. if you can then it works10:00
stalagnawell before i go, i wanted to update my version10:00
hajikito do that manually you run10:00
CrustyPunkHappyFool, which to me means "...and you don't have a chance in hell of figuring it out." =P10:00
hajiki'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get upgrade'10:00
stalagnai have the updates downloaded, and when i run the installer it says failed to fetch such and such10:00
hajikiit will tell you how many new packages (programs are available) and ask you to confirm the upgrade by hitting Y for yes10:01
stalagnai will try it manually10:01
hajikiits probably trying to read them off the cd10:01
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JayLv99hello :)10:01
CrustyPunkHappyFool, any ideas?10:01
CrustyPunkOr are you as lost as me?10:02
JayLv99can someone help me with my installation of ubuntu?10:02
HappyFoolCrustyPunk: are you relatively convinced your grub menu.lst file is correct?10:02
hajikican you run this 'cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep cd'10:02
JayLv99I just installed the ISO file10:02
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JayLv99and then burned it to CD10:02
Fator_DeeCrustyPunk: is your windows and ubuntu on different harddrives?10:02
CrustyPunkHappyFool, relatively, yes.10:02
stalagnaits working, so far so good, thanks a bunch hajiki10:02
JayLv99but when I choose "run from CD" in setup, it says "Operating System Not Found"10:02
hajikino problem10:02
CrustyPunkFator_Dee, Same drive with two partitions10:03
hajikihope you enjoy your new install ;] 10:03
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stalagnaso far so good10:03
stalagnathanks again10:03
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HappyFoolCrustyPunk: what I *can* tell you is I have windows on /dev/hda1 (ie. partition 1) and ubuntu on .. well, on other /dev/hda partitions, and everything has worked perfectly10:03
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CrustyPunkEverything's been fine for me too, until that huge mess I cited earlier10:03
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othernoobCrustyPunk what was that rootnoverify earlier in your menu.lst ?10:05
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Fator_DeeCrustyPunk: could you put your menu.lst on pastebin so would could look if it's relatively correct10:05
floriansorry, I just want to now if this nasty bug of the mplayer (crash playing dvds) was fixed10:05
JayLv99I downloaded Ubuntu to my computer (running Win98 on a Hewlett Packard) and burned it to CD using Nero (made by "Ahead"). Then when I reset and went into setup, told it to run from CD only, it said "Operating System not found"... any ideas?10:05
CrustyPunkothernoob, one of the sites I found said to make "root" into "rootnoverify"10:05
CrustyPunkFator_Dee, will do10:05
othernoobCrustyPunk: and that was before or after you changed hd(0,4) to hd(0,0) ?10:06
CrustyPunkFator_Dee, http://pastebin.com/29089810:06
othernoobJayLv99 you sure you burned it properly ?10:06
CrustyPunkothernoob, After10:06
JayLv99it shows up on the CD when I go to mycomputer10:07
othernoobCrustyPunk.. what's hd(5,0) ?10:07
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othernoobCrustyPunk, it should be hd(0,4)10:07
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cainehey guys i need help with apollon10:07
caineit keeps telling me that it doesnt have the giFT file10:08
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caineand i cant figure out why10:08
CrustyPunkothernoob, hd(5,0) is what someone else told me to change it to10:08
HappyFooldon't you mean (hd0,4) ?10:08
othernoobCrustyPunk. there's also no "a" there.. so change hda(5,0) to hd(0,4)10:08
Fator_DeeCrustyPunk: that doesn't seem to work, so change it! :-)10:08
othernoobCrustyPunk: hd(x,y)  x= which harddisk, y= which partition10:08
CrustyPunkI *think* hd(0,4) was what it was beifore I tried changing stuff10:09
CrustyPunkothernoob, that makes sense. =o10:09
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CrustyPunkothernoob, Thanks, I didn't know that10:09
HappyFooldon't the brackets go outside the hd? as in, (hd0,4), not hd(0,4)10:09
othernoobCrustyPunk: you're welcome10:09
othernoobHappyFool. whoops, you're right10:09
CrustyPunkThat might be the problem =o10:10
cainecan anybody tell me why Apollon is not recieving the giFT file10:10
othernoobCrustyPunk it's (hd0,4) ;)10:10
HappyFoolwouldn't partition 5 (== 4 in grub-counting) have to be an extended partition ?10:10
CrustyPunkShall I reboot and give it a shot?10:10
HappyFoolhang on ;)10:10
othernoobCrustyPunk, did you change the brackets ?10:10
CrustyPunkothernoob, yessir10:10
CrustyPunkIs that right?10:11
othernoobseems right10:11
HappyFooldo you know where your windows is ? i.e., which partition ?10:11
mcquaidisn't there some type of task manager for gnome, if something crashes? for ex. totem locked up on me the other day while it was fullscreen10:11
othernoobHappyFool: his xp is on hda510:11
dabaSlon_mvCrustyPunk: did you try the one I gave you?10:11
mcquaidi can't really explain to the gf, first press ctrl alt f2, then type killall totem, then ctrl alt f7 to get back to the gui10:12
othernoobHappyFool: the comment in the menu.lst shows that10:12
Fator_Deemcquaid: do you mean system -> system monitor10:12
HappyFoolothernoob: ok, and you reckon (hd0,4) maps to that ?10:12
dabaSlon_mvalt+tab would move over to aother window, like in win32.10:12
mcquaidyou'd think there would be something tied to a hot key combination like ctrl alt del10:12
dabaSlon_mvthen, you can forcequit, make an aplet on the panel for her, to force quit.10:12
mcquaidFator_Dee, kinda useless when a fullscreen app has locked10:12
HappyFoolothernoob: the docs say '(hd0,4) specifies the first extended partition'10:12
Fator_Deemcquaid: oh, :-o10:12
dabaSlon_mvmcquaid:EVEN WHEN FULLSCREEN,10:12
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cyphasecool, i didn't know HP was supporting Ubuntu10:13
dabaSlon_mvsorry tcaps.10:13
othernoobHappyFool: mmh, i guess we should have a look at his fdisk -l shouldnt we ?10:13
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HappyFoolCrustyPunk: you still here, i hope, not rebooting ? ;)10:13
HappyFoolah, there he is10:13
mcquaiddabaSlon_mv, what exactly do you mean?10:13
CrustyMy connection dropped10:13
Fator_Deemcquaid: or change to a another virtual desktop10:13
Crusty/dev/hda5   *           2        1562    12538701    7  HPFS/NTFS10:13
HappyFooldo you know what partition your windows is on ?10:13
CrustyWould that be partition 5?10:14
dabaSlon_mvCrustyPunk: I had give you a working grub entry./..10:14
dabaSlon_mvdid you try uit?10:14
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othernoobCrusty: could you paste your fdisk -l ?10:14
dabaSlon_mvmcquaid: familiar with alt+tab?10:14
mcquaidheh ya that might work never thought of that10:14
Crusty/dev/hda1               2        1562    12538732+   f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)10:14
Crusty/dev/hda2   *        1563        2434     7004308+  83  Linux10:14
Crusty/dev/hda5   *           2        1562    12538701    7  HPFS/NTFS10:14
mcquaidstill gonna try tying gnome sys mon to a hot key combo10:14
dabaSlon_mvk, well, tehn, make a firce quit applet on the panel for her.10:14
CrustyThat's the fdisk for the drive windows/Ubuntu is on10:14
DarKnesS_WolFwhat is the package that have esdplay bin file ? i coudn`t find it10:14
mcquaidand i still think it should be default10:14
dabaSlon_mvCrusty: did you try using the one I gave you?10:15
othernoobHappyFool: mmh, think it should be 0,2 then if there are only 3 parts ?10:15
HappyFoolCrusty: so you've installed windows on the first extended partition ?10:15
CrustydabaSlon_mv, I didn't get one10:15
dabaSlon_mvothernoob: nope.10:15
dabaSlon_mvcrusty, an hour ago...10:15
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CrustyHappyFool, to be honest, I don't know where that extended partition10:15
dabaSlon_mvill paste it to pastebin again, give you a linki.10:15
CrustydabaSlon_mv, sorry, I didn't see it =x10:15
dabaSlon_mvk? look thuis time...10:15
othernoobdabaSlon_mv: why did it name xp then hda5 ?10:15
Crustycame from*10:15
dabaSlon_mvthere, that wqill work, replace yours with that.10:17
othernoobdabaSlon_mv i said that already ;)10:17
dabaSlon_mvandthyen follow the resst, and you are set 1-00%10:17
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dabaSlon_mvI dont know what you are refering, g2g watvhing movie still10:18
HappyFoolit looks like (hd0,4) is correct10:18
HappyFoolsee here, e.g., on how /dev/hda* is named: http://www.linux.com/howtos/Partition/partition-2.shtml10:18
familywhat exactly do I need in order to play .wmv files on Ubuntu?10:18
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othernoobHappyFool: i'd think so too.. should give it a try shouldn't he ?10:18
HappyFool/dev/hda5 refers to the first 'logical' partition10:18
HappyFoolbut i thought CrustyPunk *had* (hd0,4) and it didn't work10:18
HappyFoolCrusty: i guess you'd better give that a try, anyway.10:19
Fator_Deehe had (hda5,0)10:19
CrustyI just updated GRUM10:19
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CrustyI'll be back, either in Winblows or Ubuntu =o10:20
othernoobFator_Dee: he had lots of things today ;)10:20
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fabshello all10:20
Fator_Deeothernoob: and I am not doubting that :-)10:20
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othernoobwould anyone happen to know a good math prog for polynomdivision ?10:21
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othernoobwhich doesn't just give me the answer but also shows me the way..10:21
HappyFoolyou could give ginac a whirl. not sure how good it is. you need symbolic division, i presume ?10:21
HappyFoolah, i don't think ginac does that10:21
othernoobyea HappyFool i'd need that10:22
othernoobi'm too tired for newton right now ..and my paper should be done today ..10:22
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familywhat exactly do I need in order to play .wmv files on Ubuntu?10:24
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Fator_Deefamily: w32codecs10:24
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HappyFoolfamily: i don't know *exactly* but if you look here you might find some help: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats10:25
xMaximex_title Other operating systems:10:25
xMaximex_#:2 <-- type: 0 => linux, 1 => windows, 2 => other10:25
xMaximex_title Windows XP10:25
xMaximex_#:1 <-- type: 0 => linux, 1 => windows, 2 => other10:25
xMaximex_        rootnoverify (hd1,0)10:25
xMaximex_        makeactive10:25
xMaximex_        chainloader +110:25
xMaximex_what's wrong with that ?10:25
HappyFoolplease don't paste more than 2 or 3 lines10:26
mcquaidi'll try alt-tab next time totem freezes, which unfortunately has been somewhat frequent10:26
Fator_Deemcquaid: maybe you should try to change to something more stable? if possible that is10:26
Fator_Deemcquaid: or was that your gf who had the problem :-o10:26
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HappyFoolxMaximex_: i don't think a 'root' without a corresponding (hd*,*) is useful in grub's menu.lst10:27
xMaximex_HappyFool: what ?10:27
othernoobxMaximex : where is your xp located ?10:27
xMaximex_othernoob: on my second hd10:28
othernoobfirst partition ?10:28
Fator_DeexMaximex_: compare that line to others in your grub and you should see what's the problem10:28
Fator_Dee*those lines10:28
HappyFoolyou have a line 'root             ' with no following (hd...)10:28
xMaximex_othernoob: yes, first partition10:28
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xMaximex_HappyFool: that's only for the Other os line..10:29
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yonilCan anyone help with setting up my webcam ? Seems like all applications are looking for /dev/video0, I dont have that yet I have /dev/video1394 ... what does that mean ?10:30
HappyFooli have that too10:30
MarioOsposition where your cam is pluged in10:30
xMaximex_othernoob: why ?10:31
yonilMarioOs, well do you know how can I test my cam ? all applications dealing with webcams dont quite work10:31
othernoobxMaximex: just making sure (hd1,0) is correct..10:31
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MarioOshave you installed drivers for the cam, or have you modified the config of those apps you are trying to run to work with that cam10:31
xMaximex_when i select windows XP it only display :10:31
xMaximex_ rootnoverify (hd1,0)10:32
xMaximex_        makeactive10:32
xMaximex_        chainloader +110:32
xMaximex_and do nothin10:32
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othernoobxMaximex: why did you add "noverify" ?10:32
xMaximex_othernoob: i added nothing ..10:33
othernoobxMaximex: delete that noverify... and under root (hd1,0) add safedefault, then try it.10:33
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othernoobwithout the * of course..10:34
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Fator_DeeCrusty is taking a while10:35
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othernoobFator_Dee: indeed..lost in the realms of xp i guess...10:35
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CrustyPunkSitll broken10:35
Fator_Deespeaking of the devil10:35
othernoobor not..10:35
nighthawkhi all - I have a sound question-10:35
HappyFoolsame error?10:36
CrustyPunkTalking about me behind my back are ye? =p10:36
CrustyPunkYeah, same error.10:36
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othernoobCrustyPunk: under root (hd..) add savedefault10:36
nighthawkESS sound card on a Compaq Desktop- souncard not recognized- any ideas10:36
icemanwhats the repositorty folder ?10:36
Pop_pa_FrEaKanyone here use xfce4 ?10:36
Fator_DeePop_pa_FrEaK: \o10:36
Pop_pa_FrEaKis it good ?10:36
othernoobif you don't already have it now..10:37
Pop_pa_FrEaKwill have to try it out10:37
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thenukenighthawk: built-in?10:37
HappyFoolothernoob: i don't think that will change anything. according to the docs it doesn't do anything too exciting10:37
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nighthawkthenuke- negative ISA card10:37
Fator_DeeCrustyPunk: can you access your windows partition from ubuntu?10:37
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thenukenighthawk: I just installed some sb128 to compaq deskpro and atleast ubuntu loaded some modules for it but did not get any sound out from it yet ;)10:38
othernoobHappyFool: just read on some site that it might be needed :/10:38
tgahehe, nice gnome startup sound.. I forgot I had my volume way up10:38
HappyFoolothernoob: ah?10:38
darksatanicIn Hoary, AMD64 vs libxine-based programs (xine-ui, totem-xine, gxine). They all segfault. Is this a known problem, or have I screwed things up somewhere?10:38
CrustyPunkFator_Dee, haven't tried. Let me mount it and give it a shot.10:38
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thenukenighthawk: well, if it is not plug and play, it does not work out of the box10:38
icemanshoot ... how to install superkaramba10:38
HappyFoolothernoob: so much for the docs10:38
xMaximexothernoob: it says : Filesystem unknown10:38
Boricua_KidHi everyone... I am having a little problem with Ubuntu..my mouse seems to hang up for a bit then it stops.. any help?10:38
othernoobHappyFool: since there are only 3 partitions on crustys hd, do you think 0,4 is correct ?10:39
HappyFoolntfs was on /dev/hda510:39
nighthawkthenuke- I wa looking or the alsaconf - but it does not seem to work :-(10:39
thenukeiceman: oh, I think I was a bit wrong.. If it happens to be isa PNP, you can configure it with some tools10:39
thenukeand if it is not PNP you have to manually edit the configs10:39
HappyFool(hd0,4) and /dev/hda5 both refer to the first 'logical' partition, afaict10:39
thenukeapt-get install isapnptools package10:39
othernoobHappyFool: yea, but could it be that grub only counts the exisiting partitions ?10:40
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HappyFoolothernoob: well, not according to the docs. of course, the docs don't say anything about a 'root' without an (hd) spec and they don't specify savedefault as being necessary ;)10:40
_Am0N_please, i need help... i download and install iweather but i need the "location code" from Venice, Tessera... can we help me?10:40
CrustyPunkI think I'm doing something wrong10:40
HappyFoollet me just compare my fdisk -l and menu.lst -- i have extended partitions10:40
Pop_pa_FrEaKFator_Dee, how easy was it to install ?10:40
Pop_pa_FrEaKxfce4 ?10:41
Fator_DeePop_pa_FrEaK: apt-get isntall xfce410:41
yonilI've downloaded some driver, (spcaBLABLA.o) where am i supposed to put it in order to be able to modprobe it later ?10:41
Fator_DeePop_pa_FrEaK: without the typos of course :-|10:41
Pop_pa_FrEaKlol ok that is easy10:41
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Fator_DeePop_pa_FrEaK: then just logout and change the session10:41
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Dave2|LaptopIs there a way to use libvorbis 1.1 in Ubuntu?10:42
HappyFoolone of my grub entries is (hd0,5), which corresponds to /dev/hda6, so that looks ok10:42
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Fator_DeeCrustyPunk: what do you think you are doing wrong?10:42
CrustyPunkThe fstab to mount my windows partition10:42
CrustyPunkI still haven't gotten the hang of editing fstab10:43
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HappyFooldoes a manual mount work ?10:43
CrustyPunkHow would I do a manual mount?10:43
Fator_DeeCrustyPunk: look for www.ubuntuguide.org for a guide10:43
HappyFoolsudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda5 /media/windows10:43
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HappyFoolyou'll need to tweak some options to let a normal user read it, but that will let you test if you can mount it10:44
HappyFool /media/windows must be an existing directory10:44
othernoobCrustyPunk: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#automountntfs10:44
hybrid_gothhow can i change users in X10:44
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CrustyPunkIt's mounted, yes.10:45
Boricua_KidAny assistance with the mouse issue in Ubuntu?10:45
kayWell, I use Breezy.... :p10:45
Fator_Deehybrid_goth: care to elaborate10:45
hybrid_gothFator_Dee: ty anyway10:45
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Fator_Deeglad I could be of help10:45
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CrustyPunkBe right back10:46
hybrid_gothFator_Dee: lol10:46
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plovswho knows where I can find some docs about changing/modifying the install cd?10:46
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Boricua_KidOk.. since the mouse question was too hard to answer.. can I get xterm in Ubuntu?10:47
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Fator_DeeBoricua_Kid: alt+f2 and then "xterm"10:48
Boricua_Kidwow... thanks10:48
Boricua_Kidnow how can I add that to a panel?10:49
pfpright-click on the panel..10:49
Fator_Deeum, right click on panel, add launcher or something :-p10:49
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Boricua_Kidyeah.. hit the custom launcher... but what command line10:50
=== Determinist yawns
nali0thdoin another ubuntu install for another client...10:50
Fator_Deeor was that add new item, sorry, it's been a while since I used gnome10:50
Boricua_Kidlet me see if I can answer this myself.. trying it now10:50
Fator_Deewhat did you write after alt+f2 :-p10:50
=== CrustyPunk [~CrustyPun@cntcnhbas01dhcp1-a126.cntcnh.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
CrustyPunkOkay.. I'm back. And guess what I found? =o10:51
CrustyPunkA new error, on top of error 12.10:52
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CrustyPunk"File system type unknown. Partition type 0x7"10:52
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Fator_DeeI'd vote for b0rged windows, but that's a common reason :-|10:53
Boricua_Kidthanks Fator and everyone else10:53
Boricua_Kidit wroks10:53
Fator_DeeBoricua_Kid: np10:53
Boricua_Kidnow if I can get this mouse from lagging10:53
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CrustyPunkI can't see how it could be borked windows when I reinstalled WIndows last night10:53
Fator_Deewindowses are b0rged since birth10:53
Fator_Deethat's why it's common :-/10:54
Boricua_KidHas anyone had this problem with the mouse.. when you move it, sometimes it stops and moves again.. or lagg some.10:54
CrustyPunkThis wouldn't be such a problem if I could play my games in Ubuntu10:55
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CrustyPunkHell, if I  could do that I'd uninstall Windows10:55
pfpBoricua_Kid: have you tried another mouse, or usb instead ps2 / viceversa10:55
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Boricua_Kidyes pfp.. its USB10:55
Fator_DeeBoricua_Kid: I have that only if my comp swaps a lot10:56
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Pop_pa_FrEaKFator_Dee, you're right its sweet10:56
Boricua_Kidhmmmm... I am running a Lap and Ubuntu10:56
CrustyPunkA quick google search found this:10:56
Boricua_Kidand its lagg alot10:56
Fator_DeePop_pa_FrEaK: ^_^10:56
CrustyPunk Partition num: 4,  Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x710:56
Boricua_Kidkinda annoy10:56
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CrustyPunkExact same as me10:57
pfpmmyes, swapping and heavy disk i/o can cause lags...10:57
Boricua_Kidcan you prevent alot of swapping?10:57
Fator_Deemore memory10:57
CrustyPunkDoes GRUB have problems recognizing NTFS?10:57
Gwildorsmaller DE10:57
pfpBoricua_Kid: how much RAM do you have?10:58
Boricua_Kidonly 25610:58
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angrypunkanyone using a prosavage ddr?10:58
othernoob|mathpaCrustyPunk afaik no10:58
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pfpi'm using ubuntu, gnome on a laptop w/ 256 ram10:58
=== CrustyPunk doesn't know what afaik stands for =x
othernoobmath sucks..10:58
angrypunkas fas as i know10:58
Boricua_KidIts a dell10:58
othernoobafaik = as far as i know10:58
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Fator_Deeas far as i know10:58
Fator_Dee(just to be sure)10:59
CrustyPunkBecause the one it can't recognize is NTFS10:59
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CrustyPunkAnd the google search turned up someone else who's NTFS drive can't be recognized10:59
pfpBoricua_Kid: maybe its a usb problem, have you tried ps/2 mouses?10:59
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othernoobCrustyPunk: if that was a common problem it'd been fixed by now i believe ;)11:00
Boricua_Kidhmmm no, let me try it now.. I have a ps2 mouse here11:00
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thechitowncubsI am interested in getting the rhythmbox CVS version... does anyone in here do this?11:00
crimsunrb devel uses arch last I checked, not cvs, but there are more instructions in #rhythmbox on ircd.gnome.org11:01
[G] CanibalI've just installed Ubuntu , how do I config my internet ( ADSL , Alcatel speed touch .. ) ? Thx :o11:01
crimsunor just read the instructions on rb's home page11:01
CrustyPunkIs there a halfway decent graphical partition manager for linuz?11:02
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DarKnesS_WolFCrustyPunk, qtparted11:02
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nickrudthechitowncubs, use the jhbuild system on the gnome cvs site, I've done a few things with that, but not rhythmbox11:03
CrustyPunkI may have found a fix to the file system unknown error11:03
othernoobCrustyPunk: what are you trying to do ?11:03
othernoobCrustyPunk heh. what is it ?11:03
CrustyPunk"go into the Bios and change the harddisk access from auto to LBA. That helped and I was able to boot into my Windows XP."11:03
nickrudeh, I assumed rhythmbox was in gnome cvs11:03
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othernoobheh. go try it ;)11:04
othernooband report :D11:04
Pop_pa_FrEaKI like amarok better then rythmbox11:04
CrustyPunkI don't know how to get into the BIOS =P11:04
Pop_pa_FrEaKbut its kde based11:04
Fator_DeeCrustyPunk: it tells at boot11:04
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nickrudI've gotten partial to muine, I like seeing covers11:04
CrustyPunkMy PC doesn't say anything at boot =o11:04
Fator_DeeCrustyPunk: usually its "del" or some F"number" button11:04
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CrustyPunkOooh. That stuff's the bios? =o11:05
pfpCrustyPunk: often f2/f10/f1211:05
Fator_DeeCrustyPunk: I suppose so11:05
CrustyPunkIt's either f8 or f12 for me11:05
amittpHey Hi, I am new to ubuntu liked, it, but I have one small question, why is there different project called kubuntu? can we not just apt-get kde and use it?11:05
Fator_Deebut I don't know what you mean :-D11:05
CrustyPunkTime to go smash all the F keys at startup! =D11:05
[G] CanibalCan anyone here help me config my internet ? :(11:05
amittpis there something that will restrict me from deviating from gnome wm to something other?11:05
othernoobCrustyPunk: dont play too muchwith the bios if you dont know what youre doing ;)11:05
Fator_Deeamittp: nothing is restricting11:05
CrustyPunkothernoob, good call. ;)11:06
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amittpso, kubuntu? why kubuntu?11:06
Fator_Deeamittp: it's just that people want that kind of distro that only includes kde, so they made it11:06
nickrudamittp, aptitude install kubuntu-desktop11:06
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amittphmm, i understand what you mean ... :)11:06
amittpnickrud, ty :)11:06
nickrudamittp, np11:07
pfp[G] Canibal: what's the problem w/ your connection11:07
sylvanhow do you tell Xorg how much video memory your device has (ATI Radeon 9800 pro using the fglrx drivers)?11:08
[G] CanibalI have the Alcatel Home Touch , what do I need to do in order to get my internet working ? :P11:08
pfp[G] Canibal: hmm, do you have it working on some other machine11:09
nickrudsylvan, there's VideoRam option under the card definition, see man radeon11:10
[G] CanibalWhat do you mean by other machine ?11:10
[G] CanibalI'm not in any kind of network ...11:10
sylvanI have Driver "fglrx" right now, is there a reason I should use radeon instead?11:10
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nickrudsylvan, no, I don't have an ati, man fglrx will have the info as well, I assume11:11
pfpor do you have it working eg. in windows, so that you know that the connection itself is OK11:11
sylvanhmm it doesn't...11:11
sylvanit says "radeon" only supports 2D for my card...11:11
nickrudsylvan, that was only an example11:12
[G] CanibalI'm currently speaking from the same computer , only using windows ..11:12
amittp[G] Canibal, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-10987.html  --> not sure if it is same, but have look at it11:12
sylvanman gflrx doesn't exist...11:12
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nickrudsylvan, lol, I guess it's not ubuntan, is it :)11:12
nickrudsylvan, VideoRam is a standard option for all cards11:12
sylvanok... I'll try that..11:13
nickrudsylvan, look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log, it will tell you what X thinks your card has11:13
nickrudVideoRam is in kilobytes11:13
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thenukewhat is most simple bittorrent client?11:16
agtAnyone know where I can get help with openbox?11:16
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DefHandzI am trying to update wxPython from 2.4 to 2.6, but It wont update.11:16
DefHandzDo I have to manually do this?11:16
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SirGirIs there any chance that we might see mono for AMD64 soon?11:17
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nickrudthenuke, the only time I ever did a torrent was hoary; I dragged the link, to my desktop, and clicked. That's it.11:18
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nickrudit that wasn't simple11:18
thenukenickrud: well, for whom I need torrent does not use gnome11:18
DefHandzAnyone know if I have to update to wxPython manually?11:19
nickrudah, well apostates are ok, I guess :)11:19
Fator_Deethenuke: btdownloadcurses from commandline11:19
thenukeFator_Dee: oh ok. curses, sounds like non-gui :)11:19
Fator_Deeright on11:19
Fator_Deebut it's simple11:19
thenukeookey hmm11:19
Fator_Deejust btdownloadcurse torrentfile.torrent11:19
Fator_Deethere are of curse (:-p) extra arguments available11:20
amittpanyone installed emusic downloader on ubuntu?11:22
SirGiranyone running Mono on AMD64?11:22
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iratsui get this error when i try to download soemthing in firefox: "XML Parsing Error: Not well-fomred"11:22
iratsu"Location :chrome://mozapps/content/downloads"11:23
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hajikihas anyone set up a mail server on ubuntu? if so what did you use?11:24
thenukehajiki: well.. postfix is in there by default11:25
tgahajiki, postfix is a pretty good bet11:25
hajikiid like to be able to allow external users to relay if they authenticate11:25
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thenukeexim is another one if one does not like postfix11:25
tgaqmail if you're masochistic enough11:25
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hajikidoes the postifx in ubuntu come with the sasl patch to allow authentication?11:25
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Curlydavei just reformatted11:26
Curlydavedoes anyone know why i can't apt?11:26
Curlydavei'm trying to get imwheel11:26
Curlydavebut it doesn't recognize apt11:26
restrexCurlydave but it doesn't recognize apt < ?11:27
restrexexplain it better11:27
Curlydaverestrex nvm i was reading a shitty tutorial that told me wrong11:27
Curlydaveit needs a dash not a space11:27
Curlydavebut it still can't find the package11:27
Curlydavecause i did something with xorg11:28
Curlydaveand now it thinks my scrollwheel goes bakc and foward11:28
LinuxJonesCurlydave, that's in the universe repository11:28
SirGirso.. there are nobody running Mono on AMD64?11:28
Curlydaveand my back and foward scroll11:28
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CurlydaveLinuxJones,  what does that mean?11:28
Curlydavehow do i retrieve it from said repository?11:28
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LinuxJonesCurlydave, if you want to install that package you need to specify the universe repository (universe is another place to download over 10,000 more programs/packages)11:29
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CurlydaveLinuxJones, how would i do that?11:29
LinuxJonesCurlydave, search the ubuntulinux.org webpage there are a few howto's11:30
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thechitowncubschecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables11:30
thechitowncubsWhat is wrong with GCC?11:30
thechitowncubsI am trying to compile gDesklets11:30
thechitowncubsbut I can't get past configure11:30
nalioththechitowncubs: use apt-get source -b gdesklets11:31
nickrudCurlydave, unless someone here tells you otherwise, replace your sources.list with http://pastebin.com/290397 , and you'll be good to go11:31
LinuxJonesthechitowncubs, can't you use the version that's available for download using apt ?11:31
thechitowncubsA new version just came out11:31
Curlydavenick, gotcha!!11:31
nalioththechitowncubs: then the cutting edge is cutting you11:31
LinuxJonesthechitowncubs, what error does it spit out ?11:31
thechitowncubsscroll up11:31
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thechitowncubsseems to be a problem w/ my GCC compiler11:32
boricua540Can aterm be installed in Ubuntu?11:32
nickrudboricua540, yes11:32
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Curlydavenickrud, ,er append that to the file nto replace?11:32
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nickrudCurlydave, replace yours completely, just use those six lines11:32
ys76boricua540, Try aptitude install aterm or synaptic11:33
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boricua540thanks.. I need to use the get apt command to install aterm11:33
iratsuis there a problem in hoary with downloading things in firefox?11:33
HackeR_54iratsu, no?11:33
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ys76iratsu, I did not notice anything...11:34
Curlydavenickrud, k!11:34
nickrudCurlydave, np, a good sources.list helps11:34
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Curlydavenickrud, i love you i'ts dling now11:34
hans_when is start mplayer an error message says: new_face failed. maybe the font path is wrong.      any suggestions?11:34
Curlydavei just wish it would include this by default11:34
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nickrudCurlydave, about the mouse, look under configured mouse in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and see if it has11:35
nickrudOption          "ZAxisMapping"          "4 5"11:35
philipacamaniacWhat does adding system_username to the sudoers file really do? Any security implications?11:35
nate__i'm trying to run "gnome-terminal -x firewalk -h" and the gnome-terminal pops up for a second and then disappears, is there any way to get it to stop disappearing?11:35
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iratsuhmm well i get this error in firefox: http://deadbeefbabe.org/paste/705/011:37
sylvansomething's gone wrong... When I log in I get tons of error message ("must be run as root", "command not found") as little message boxes. And I can't log out using System->Logout (nothing happens when I click it)...11:37
norm_sylvan, you didn't accidently remove sudo, did you? :P11:39
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sylvanI went into synaptic just now, and the logout screen came up.. so I went ahead and clicked logout. Now nothing responds but this window (X-Chat)11:39
ys76nate__, what's the -f switch in Firewalk for?11:39
sylvanI can still see the desktop, but I can't click on anything11:39
nate__ys76, help11:40
Fator_Deesylvan: what have you done recently?11:40
nate__ys76, i just want the gnome terminal to remain open once the command firewalk -h is run11:40
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sylvanThat was strange.. I got logged out like 5 minutes after I first clicked log out, and 2 minutes after the logout box came up11:41
sylvanand now, no error messages..11:41
ys76nate__, I've got to look at the manpage for gnome-terminal, because this behaviour is exactly as most people expect...11:41
Fator_Deesylvan: may you left synaptic or other proggies to the last session when you last logged out11:42
Fator_Deesylvan: now that they couldn't start, they weren't added to the saved session11:42
ys76Nakkel, maybe you want something like gnome-terminal -x 'firewalk -h | more' (untested!)11:43
iratsuanyone have any idea about this?: http://deadbeefbabe.org/paste/705/011:43
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sylvanyes.. maybe.. Doom3 hung and the only thing I could do was Ctrl-Alt-backspace11:43
sylvanwhich logged me out somehow11:44
sylvanis there an equivalent to Ctrl+Alt+Del in linux, btw?11:44
nate__ys76, doesn't work11:44
som1ctrl+alt+backspace logs out11:44
som1u can make ctrl+alt+del work too11:44
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nickrudshuts down the X server, no logout11:45
som1well, same for me11:45
som1i wanna install a sis7012 driver (its audio) and it wants linux source directory11:45
ys76nate__, I can't test it at the moment because there isn't any Ubuntu-Box around, but I'll try on monday...11:45
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sylvanthe problem with ctrl-alt-backspace seems to be that stuff gets messed up if  you ahve synaptic running when you do11:45
nate__ys76, it doesn't work11:46
nickrudsylvan, yeah, no logout, just terminate everything :)11:46
vince_does anyone know how to have evolution notify me of new mail on the panel, like outlook does in the system tray on windows?11:46
ys76nate__, Sorry, I can't give you more hints at the moment...11:46
nate__ys76, np, i'm asking on #bash now11:47
nate__ys76, its probably more appropriate there11:47
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ys76nate__, I don't think it is related to #bash, because it is an issue of terminal-emulation11:48
ys76But you may give it a try11:48
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nickrudnate__, I needed something like that once, I don't have it anymore, but (proggy ) && (a while loop waiting for a keystroke) was the essence of it11:49
boricua_kidthe gnome terminal is driving me crazy.. is there away to drop the borders?11:49
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dabaSlon_mvnate__: what, you run a command?11:49
dabaSlon_mvwhy dont you open a terminal, and run the other command, and it will stay open...11:50
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boricua_kidits messing my theme up.. need completely transparent borderless terminal11:50
nate__nickrud, i want a command prompt right after it11:50
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DoktorTomoeCan someone please tell me what kernel module is responsible for CMedia CT8738 Sound chips?11:50
nate__dabaSlon_mv, I want an icon in the menu that will do this, its for a class11:50
nickrudah, I just wanted to read it, sorry.11:50
dabaSlon_mvnate__: explain more. I dont get it.11:50
dabaSlon_mvwhere is this started from?11:51
dabaSlon_mvwhat nmenu.11:51
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we2bycan I turn that damn fan in my comp case off from Ubuntu?11:51
dabaSlon_mvand so on.11:51
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dabaSlon_mvit is there for a reason, isnt it, we2by?11:51
we2bydabaSlon_mv, but it's making alot noices all the time11:52
we2byI only have x with gnome and xmms running11:52
we2byeven so, it makes alot noices11:52
nate__dabaSlon_mv, In the 'start' menu, the lil foot in the corner, i will place an icon, which when clicked will open a gnome-terminal, run help for firewalk, then keep the terminal open for inputting the command11:52
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EnkiduI got an error while compiling my kernel...after doing a menuconfig and then a make it said: "drivers/built-in.o(.text+0xa58fe): In function 'isd200_get_inquiry_data': undefined reference to 'ide_fix_driveid' make: *** [.temp_vmlinux1]  Error 111:53
=== david__ [~david@pool-68-238-164-93.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
david__does anyone know how to get restricted modules?11:53
dabaSlon_mvnate, do you know how to add something to that menu yet?11:53
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david__E: linux can't find them!11:54
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nate__dabaSlon_mv, YES11:54
dabaSlon_mvnate__: does the command exit right away?11:54
dabaSlon_mvlike, it ends...11:54
dabaSlon_mvit does not hang the terminal?11:54
naliothdavid have you edited your repositories?11:54
nickrudnate__, I now remember what I replaced that with11:54
nate__dabaSlon_mv, yes, it ends11:54
linuxamoeba21AAAAAUGH help please i ran the update thing and now hoary is whacked. lots of things fail, X won't load properly... is there a way to undo an update?11:54
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nickrudnate__, create a new profile for gnome terminal11:55
dabaSlon_mvwhats the exact command, and can I run it on my comp?11:55
nickrudname it firewalk11:55
david__i'm trying to install ati drivers from the forum tutorial11:55
nate__gnome-terminal -x ls --help11:55
david__but it can't find restricted modules11:55
nate__that does basically the same thing11:55
nickrudin the tab title and command, set the command there, and select hold the terminal open11:55
vince_does anyone here use evolution to check email?11:55
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dabaSlon_mvis this for your assignment?11:56
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nickrudthen, in your launcher,11:56
ys76linuxamoeba21, running breezy?11:56
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linuxamoeba21ys76: hoary11:56
linuxamoeba21ys76: i used the synaptic smart update, and now failures everywhere.11:56
dabaSlon_mvnate__: for a school assignment?11:56
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nickrudgnome-terminal --window-with-profile=firewalk11:56
nate__dabaSlon_mv, no, developing a curriculum, i need it for a custom distro11:57
ys76linuxamoeba21, Hm haven't heard of any breakages in Hoary duringthe last few weeks11:57
dabaSlon_mvI dont get that statement.11:57
dabaSlon_mvCan not parse:)11:57
linuxamoeba21ys76: i'm thinking its maybe because i had some general debian repositories listed as well... any way to undo maybe?11:58
nate__nickrud, that was another way to do it that i thought of earlier, but there HAS to be something more elegant11:58
dabaSlon_mvnickrud: works?11:58
nate__nickrud, no way i'm the only guy with this problem11:58
dabaSlon_mvnate, iI dont se it as a problem...11:58
nate__dabaSlon_mv, you have to create the profile first11:58
nickrudnate__, dabaSlon_mv that's how I ran aptitude from a panel launcher under debian, I just hadn't got around to doing it here11:58
nate__dabaSlon_mv, the terminal appears for a millisecond, you you can't view the output11:59
dabaSlon_mvI see it as a feature, if you tell a trerminal to run with a purpose...once the purrpose is done, it quits.11:59
nate__dabaSlon_mv, how do you not see that as a problem!?11:59
nate__dabaSlon_mv, but i don't want that now11:59
dabaSlon_mvah, well, I would run it in a terminal that is open.11:59
nate__dabaSlon_mv, there has to be a way to turn that off11:59
ys76linuxamoeba21, Mixing repostories without knowing what you're doing? Really bad thing! Maybe you could google for apt-pinning11:59
dabaSlon_mvI dont think that I would find a use for it...but, good luck:)11:59
nate__dabaSlon_mv, are you brain-damaged?11:59

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