
=== KabelKasper [~vloechte@i5387E790.versanet.de] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Kopete]
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JReShould be very interrresting: http://www.KDE-Apps.org/content/show.php?content=2461612:51
=== KabelKasper [~vloechte@i5387D6C8.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
opiyesterday I noticed a new feature of Konqueror01:40
opimy server went down, and so did my proxy01:40
opiFirefox would complain about not being able to connect to the Squid server01:40
opiand Konqueror just went for direct connection01:40
opibut it was slow (I guess it's because it tried to use proxy)01:41
opimaybe some sort of pop-up window or notice should be helpful"01:41
opiit's nice that I can still use Internet but I've been cursing the speed for a half day ;)01:42
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=== froud [~froud@ndn-165-138-57.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu-devel
froudhi, is there a release schedule for Kubuntu up somewhere?05:15
Riddellfroud: nope, not even a release schedule for ubuntu yet as far as I know05:18
Riddellah hah :)05:18
Riddellwell it'll be the same as ubuntu unless KDE 3.5 happens to make an appearance at some point shortly before or after05:19
Riddellin which case we'd have to consider what the best thing to do is05:19
froudOK, so I will gauge around ubuntu and stay tuned on KDE 3.505:20
Riddellfroud: how's the documentation?05:22
Riddellanything I should be reading to comment on?05:22
froudWe have a good kwick guide in works and an installation guide05:22
froudwe would like to bring http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kf1.html#pkglistn into svn05:23
froudRiddell: but this is a large doc05:24
froudI need authors permission and about one week05:24
Riddellgive me a poke when you want me to read/comment/help05:25
froudsure, you are also welcome to checkout our svn and do you thang :-)05:25
=== froud off to feast
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dokoRiddell: any estimate for kde-i18n?05:33
Riddelldoko: working on it now05:35
Riddelldoko: is it significant at all?05:35
dokoRiddell, maybe not for native speakers ;-P05:36
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=== KaiL [KaiL@p548F6059.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddelldoko: the kde-i18n structure has changed from upstream so it's all separate sources tars, presumably that means it'll get stuck in NEW05:56
dokoRiddell, that's a good change05:58
Riddellcertainly is06:02
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KaiL.o0(we should close bugs about dependencies in breezy unread with INVALID.....)07:47
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RiddellKaiL: I would keep them open until they really are fixed, othewise people think we don't care about their problems08:11
KaiLor that08:13
=== allee [~ach@allee.exgal.mpe.mpg.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== hunger [~hunger@p54A6568A.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["...]
=== Linuxhooligan [tobias@83-169-159-185-dynip.superkabel.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Linuxhooligan [tobias@83-169-159-185-dynip.superkabel.de] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
KaiLdato: reporting bugs here might be faster ;)10:30
datodato: hmm?10:30
KaiLI guess, chances are good, that somebody in here can fix it ;)10:32
datoKaiL: I think you're addressing the wrong person10:33
KaiLdamn autocomplete - should be doko ;)10:33
RiddellKaiL: doko and dato very different10:33
Riddellbut both very cool people10:33
KaiLRiddell: d<tab> ;)10:34
dokoKaiL, somebody has to reupload the sources, but maybe the kubuntu people should file a bug report in Debian10:41
dokoamu, Riddell: ^^^10:41
dokoRiddell, amu: somebody of could fix amarok, which FTBFS10:42
dokos/of/of you/10:42
Riddelldoko: no it'll be my fault, it was my first ever debian package and I must have assumed that since there is no upstream it shouldn't have a .orig10:42
KaiLyou are trying to get kynaptic into debian?10:43
dokoRiddell, just upload the next version correctly10:43
RiddellKaiL: amu sent it to them and the ftpmaster complained about a few things which I should sort10:43
Riddelldoko: sure10:43
KaiLcould you add a "quit" menu item before? :)10:44
dokoRiddell, amu: k3b FTBFS as well10:44
RiddellKaiL: silly acronym for fail to build from source10:46
RiddellI've almost given in to using the acronym10:46
alleeRiddell: do you expect kynaptics to be further developed to be really useful.   I thought plan was to replace it with kapture?11:06
KaiLwithout s ;)11:13
alleeKaiL: ye11:13
Riddellallee: Kapture is the hope yes11:13
alleeRiddell: someone working on kapture (again)?11:14
Riddellallee: I havn't looked at it, I plan to soon11:29
alleeRiddell: Great.  Btw. no response from konference upstream yet.   Maybe MIA (KaiL: missing in action ;)  or in long holidays11:33

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