[12:04] uniq: Sorry stupid question? Why all this moving and copying? Why no change /etc/pbuilderrc- accordingly? [12:06] well.. the moving of the pbuilderrc files are just needed the first time. when you're making the base.tgz files. [12:06] it's just that i'm to lazy to remove the lines from the script. [12:07] and every now and then i make new base.tgz. [12:07] uniq: hmm, you can name the base.tgz file base- in the pbuilderrc- [12:07] base-.tgz that is [12:07] oh.. didn't know. :) [12:07] made my own solution for a existing feature.. great :) [12:08] thanks for the tip. [12:08] then i'll have to use pbuilder --distribution and so on right? [12:09] uniq: no just alias pb-=pbuilder --configfile /etc/pbuilderrc- [12:09] nice.. thanks. [12:09] uniq: rest can be done in the rc file [12:11] uniq: don't forget to locally install apt-cacher or apt-proxy. Saves some bandwidth ;) [12:11] my pbuilder caches it's downloads automatically.. [12:12] /var/cache/pbuilder/aptcache [12:13] and when you update dist and or dbootstrap env they are downloaded again [12:13] sure. [12:14] i have a transparent proxy in my network.. helps alot. [12:14] ;) === LeeJunFan [junfan@s64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [12:31] gnite. === filippo [~filippo@host30-87.pool8254.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel === KabelKasper [~vloechte@i5387EC2F.versanet.de] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Kopete] === doko [~doko___@dsl-082-082-189-098.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === crimsun_ [~crimsun@crimsun.silver.supporter.pdpc] has joined #kubuntu-devel === m-fox [~m-fox@port-212-202-9-80.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel === m-fox [~m-fox@port-212-202-9-80.dynamic.qsc.de] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Kopete] === doko [~doko___@dsl-082-082-198-172.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === hunger [~hunger@p54A65416.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [09:25] Wow somebody was busy tonight! All new kde debs! [09:28] And kopete really crashes way more rarely than with kde 3.4, too. === JRe [~jre@adsl-169-178.36-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel === opi [~emil@nat0.mnc.pl] has joined #kubuntu-devel === JRee [~jre@adsl-169-178.36-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel === JRee is now known as JRe === KabelKasper [~vloechte@i5387D567.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel [12:48] who's packaging krusader? [12:49] krusader (1.60.0) [12:49] FrodeDoeving [12:49] here [12:49] DanielHolbach [12:49] already have it [12:49] http://www.ubuntu.com/wiki/MOTUNewPackages [12:49] I think it appeared in breezy [12:50] Riddell: okay thanks ;) BTW i have finished the first version of the device plugged notifier [12:51] JRe: code available somewhere? [12:51] Riddell: i upload code + kubuntu package on my homepage and give you the link [12:54] Riddell: http://jr.falleri.free.fr/fichiers/kubuntu/kay [12:54] Riddell: you call it with: [12:54] dcop kded kayd notifyPlugged mountpoint device devicename [12:55] I have still to kill some bugs but the hardest is done [12:56] Riddell: how BTW don't forget to start the service with kcontrol: it's call kayd [12:59] okay bbl i gonna eat [01:42] amu et al: what's the status of amarok and k3b packages? I've lost track of who has been working on them [02:21] dunnow [02:25] Does printing still work in KDE for you? [02:29] ah, printing, one of those import areas that's difficult to test because geeks don't print === Riddell does the Kubuntu dance [02:32] looky what I just had arrived http://jriddell.org/photos/2005-06-01-kubuntu-cds.jpg [02:36] Riddell: Right;-) [02:37] WOW, what are they for? Where to get them? [02:41] there is kubuntu cd ;) ? [02:41] kool kover ;) [03:15] only 2000 of them compated to > 1.5 million ubuntu CDs, but plenty enough for me [03:45] :) [03:58] Riddell: any idea who's responsible for the kubuntu 3.4.1 packages? [03:59] je4d: uh oh, what's wrong with them? [04:00] Riddell: conflicting file in kdm/kdebase-bin, kdesdk wants to remove kdevelop, and kopete depends on xmms [04:00] yeah kopete depends on xmms [04:01] didn't in the original hoary packages.. [04:01] no apparently was a bad joke from the maintainer on breezy packages [04:01] JRe: er.. did you mean the 3.4.1 packages do, or that kopete itself does? [04:02] ok, I'll look into those [04:02] Riddell: cheers === allee likes JRe kayd screenshot [04:03] allee: thanks :) [04:04] Riddell: i just noticed http://jriddell.org/photos/2005-06-01-kubuntu-cds.jpg.. extreme coolness ;) [04:04] JRe: I'll try. more tonight ;) [04:05] allee: the only thing that doesnot work is that the config saved by the kcmodule is not load by the kded module because i forgot to fix it but it will soon work :) [04:05] je4d: yeah cd kover looks really cool [04:05] JRe: do you happen to know if there are also events available for network if up/down? would be extremly cool to use in knemo [04:06] JRe: agreed (: [04:07] allee: what do you mean? [04:08] Where/how executes the "dcop kded kayd notifyPlugged mountpoint device devicename"? If at the same place are events for if up/down I could implemtent similar dcop interf in knemo [04:09] JRe: waiting for events instead of executing ifconfig/iwconfig every second is much nicer [04:10] allee: nop there is not for network i use currently usbmount but will swtich to ivman (to have also cd!) [04:11] allee: yeah it's better to wait event! [04:11] allee: You could use ifplugd to bring up networks automatically [04:11] hunger: there is a hook in ifplugd ? [04:12] allee: That will call ifup/ifdown... which in turn will run everything defined in /etc/network/ [04:12] JRe: he he ifplugd is the very first thing I add to kubuntu (no idea why they miss it) [04:12] JRe: No... but you can have ifup/ifdown run arbitrary scripts before/after bringing a interface up/down. [04:13] yeah putting some scripts in if-up.d [04:14] JRe: That is the best thing to do: It will work when manually changing if state or if hotplug overrides ifplugd, etc. [04:14] hunger: ah, right. So /etc/network/if*.d scripts are the right thing to do. this works even without ifplugd [04:14] allee: yeah add a script which call dcop --all-servers [04:14] allee: Exactly. [04:15] allee: because if-up.d are executed ad root i guess [04:16] allee: i could also add a networkPlugged event in kayd to propose lauching browser or mail client ;) [04:19] allee: in fact it's dcop --all-users [04:21] JRe: one additional peace is missing. What's the currently active desktop (user looks at :0 or :1 or ..) Mhmm I'd a quick script that scan xserver logs to find out. Is there a simpler way, kde or X11 method? [04:22] E.g. promping for a pin on :0 while one works on :1 or both is pretty useless ;) [04:22] prompting on all is at least not elegant either [04:24] allee: right [04:24] allee: if you find something tell me i'm very interrested ;) [04:27] allee: but you're the one who code KNemo ? [04:28] JRe: No. But there no reason why a good patch should be rejected :) [04:29] allee: sure, moreover a so usefull patch :) [04:30] JRe: Percy, suspended knemo programming. knetworkconf upstream and me still some interest in further development. [04:30] I guess that we (or Percy) soon ask for svn extragear inclusion [04:31] allee: i am interrested too, this program rocks. [04:32] allee: if you need some help i am here [04:34] JRe: great! I've have to contact Percy before (a sponsor) uploads knemo to debian. I'll ask him if his plans have changed. [04:34] .. or we can go straight ahead [04:38] ow no knemo project page === KaiL [KaiL@p548F5DA7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === KaiL [KaiL@p548F4A77.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === KaiL [KaiL@p548F4A77.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [06:36] dato: ? [06:41] cool, didn't check debian/control for kdelibs before building.. and got kdelibs4c2 on hoary.. :| [06:42] really fun. [06:43] uniq: I've updates the sources on kubuntu.org to not have the breezy source package, sorry about that [06:43] ahh.. ok.. then maybe i'll just download the new ones :) [06:44] riddell: had any time to look at my konveration package? [06:45] uniq: nope, where is it? [06:45] http://frode.kde.no/ubuntu/breezy/konversation/ [06:45] maybe amu looked at them yesterday.. not sure. [06:46] uniq: is it based on the latest debian one? [06:46] yes. [06:46] cool [06:46] minor changes from debian. [06:47] it'll only work on breezy though.. [06:47] uniq: what are you compiling kdelibs for? [06:47] ppc [06:47] excellent [06:47] coordinated with amu yesterday. [06:49] anyone doing amd64? [06:49] i think amu is. [06:49] i don't have amd64 anymore. [06:49] only i386 and ppc. [06:51] wow, tons of new packages [06:52] but still no amarok :( [06:54] maybe I should bump the version number every day, seems to please people :) [06:54] sure does :) [07:01] uniq: what's the changed from debian with konversation? [07:02] nothing but the changelog i think. [07:03] no. it's the debian version with ubuntu1 added.. and breezy. [07:04] did you merge the old changelog? [07:04] not from ubuntu.. those changes are not in the package anyway? [07:05] should I add both the changelog from debian and ubuntu? [07:06] uniq: they need to be merged in some sensible order to include the ubuntu changes and the debian ones, I'll do that [07:06] ok.. didn't know. [07:08] couldn't we just provide the debian changelog inside the package or something? is that evil? [07:09] i can imagine merging of changelogs can get messy in the long run. [07:09] well they'll all part of the same changelog === _jr [~jr@] has joined #kubuntu-devel [07:12] <_jr> d00ds, uniq rocks [07:16] heh.. it works too? :) [07:17] not bad. [07:19] uniq: happy for me to upload? [07:19] i'll tripplecheck my diff just in case :) [07:19] a moment please. [07:19] ok [07:25] i'm happy for now.. i'll do some cleanups later. [07:25] the diff is a bit big. [07:26] riddell: hoary needs automake-1.7 for arts to compile.. on my system. [07:40] elmo: yes? [07:42] bbl.. work things. [08:15] uniq, KaiL, hunger: if you guys want a CD or two please e-mail me your postal address [08:16] kubuntu cd? [08:17] Riddell: any chance of me getting my hands on some? (: [08:17] yes [08:17] cool :) [08:17] Riddell: No need, but thanks for the offer. [08:17] je4d: I can send you one, would you have a purpose in mind for the others? [08:17] Riddell: The CD will be outdated by the time it gets here anyway. [08:18] hunger: no more so than the ubuntu CDs that are yet to arrive for most people :) [08:18] Riddell: procuring new users would be the purpouse.. [08:18] Riddell: Yeap... never got one of those either:-) [08:18] je4d: sounds good, how would you go about it? [08:18] Riddell: are they hoary CDs? [08:18] je4d: Kubuntu Hoary [08:20] Riddell: how would i go about it? no specific plan, but appropriate opportunities are not rare [08:21] Riddell: will they be available ala shipit.ubuntulinux.org sometime in the future? [08:21] je4d: they won't [08:21] riddell: who's paying the cds? [08:22] je4d: I need some rough idea of what these opportunities are, these CDs are valuable you know [08:22] uniq: canonical paid for the CDs, I seem to be paying for postage [08:22] Riddell: ah, if they're limited & valuable then nevermind.. [08:23] je4d: there's an ubuntu-uk list just incase you're looking for more mailing lists to be on [08:23] ok. we should put up a paypal site.. donations for cds or something.. could work :) [08:23] Riddell: like i'm not on enough already.. (: [08:23] je4d: if you give me something specific like "handing out around the computer lab in cambridge" or a LUG you're going to I'm happy to send a bunch [08:24] Riddell: if there won't be any shipit scheme, why the CDs at all? [08:24] je4d: for giving out to people we like and at events (lugradio, akademy, linuxtag...) [08:25] fair enuf.. I'll let you know if i'll be at any such events [08:25] http://tinyurl.com/cumh7 comes to mind [08:26] je4d: you going to that? [08:26] maybe, dunno yet [08:26] too far away [08:26] (timewise) [08:27] well I'll definatly send you a box or two if you are [08:27] cool.. in the meantime, could i just get one, because they're cool? :p === hunger [~hunger@p54A65416.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["...] [08:28] Will breezy include the new Kexi 0.9? http://www.kexi-project.org [08:29] KabelKasper: should do yes [08:29] je4d: e-mail me your postal address [08:29] anyone else on the channel who wants one can do the same [08:29] Riddell: will a pm suffice? [08:30] je4d: spose so [08:30] Riddell: Are there any packages for hoary already somewhere? [08:30] KabelKasper: I'm afraid not [08:32] kabelkasper: would be great if you added it to http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KubuntuSuggestedPackages [08:33] uniq: I'll do it [08:33] great :) [08:34] KabelKasper: add kexi mdb driver while you're at it [08:37] bbl. socializing. === KabelKasper [~vloechte@i5387D567.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel === ttf [~tom@ipx20310.ipxserver.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel === elmo [~james@83-216-141-215.jamest298.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu-devel === m-fox [~m-fox@port-212-202-9-80.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel === KabelKasper [~vloechte@i5387D567.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel === KabelKasper [~vloechte@i5387D567.versanet.de] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Kopete] === m-fox [~m-fox@port-212-202-9-80.dynamic.qsc.de] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Kopete]