[12:15] good night everyone... now really === mez_ [~mez@82-36-228-130.cable.ubr01.perr.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu-motu ["Leaving"] === diamond_ [~diamond@] has joined #ubuntu-motu [01:22] good morning all === HostingGeek [~HG@] has joined #ubuntu-motu [01:28] hi Unfrgiven === diamond__ [~diamond@] has joined #ubuntu-motu [01:36] nite folks. [01:45] ajmitch: hey dude :) [01:45] ajmitch: how goes it [01:45] it goes ok, what's up? [01:48] ajmitch: i did my first c++ transition package yesterday. i am trying to get someone to review it :) you free for a few min? [01:48] nope, I'm about to go out for an hour [01:48] i figure an early review will identify anything im doing wrong and then i can proceed with other packages [01:48] I'll be back home after that for a bit though [01:48] ajmitch: ok no probs :) [01:49] hi === Arrogance [~aks@CPE0050ba556e4b-CM001225423850.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu [01:49] hi Arrogance [01:49] ajmitch: in case you get time, the package is called libextractor. patch is on bugzilla [01:49] Unfrgiven: sure, will do === ajmitch will bbl [01:49] ajmitch: :) thanks === doko [~doko___@dsl-082-082-189-098.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [01:53] evening === svenl_ [~luther@AStrasbourg-251-1-63-82.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu === blueyed [~daniel@iD4CC0360.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu === bradb [~bradb@modemcable141.58-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu === pluggie [plugwash@p10link.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === mgalvin [~mgalvin@cpe-69-205-46-35.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu [02:57] back.. [02:58] re === Firetech [~Firetech@h53n1fls301o1100.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu === AndyFitz [~andy@wlanconf-nat-pool-brisbane.redhat.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu [03:22] Unfrgiven: for libextractor, I think debian/changelog should have the changes, like the renaming :) [03:29] Unfrgiven: you also need to rename the files in debian/ that are libextractor1.*, and change the shlibs === AndyFitz [~andy@wlanconf-nat-pool-brisbane.redhat.com] has left #ubuntu-motu [] [03:45] ajmitch: ok thanks. ill do that now. what do i need to do with the shlibs? [03:46] change it to use libextractor1c2 :) [03:47] it's important so that anything built with libextractor-dev gets the right lib dependency [03:48] bbiab [04:06] im having a problem with another package which FTBFS. one of the problems ive seen is that the Makefile.am for one of the subdirs does not include $(X_CFLAGS) for the variable swfplayer_CFLAGS. but when I add it to Makefile.am and re-configure, the X_CFLAGS doesn't show up in Makefile.in nor Makefile. what gives? === ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0657.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu [06:46] averybody: ping :) === aisipos [~anton@dsl081-081-225.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === Burgundavia [~corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [06:50] hi [06:50] heya Unfrgiven [06:50] anyone has up-to-date breezy? [06:53] omg.... [06:53] ls: /usr/lib/X11: No such file or directory [06:54] ivoks: and you'e surprised? :) [06:54] ajmitch: yeah :) [06:55] ajmitch: could you check you /usr/include/X11 [06:55] is it a link to /usr/X11R6/include? [06:57] still a dir here [06:57] not sure if I'm right up-to-date though for X [06:57] i am [06:57] so... when that happend? :) === ajmitch shrugs :) [06:58] check the package changelog :) [06:58] :) === crimsun_ [~crimsun@crimsun.silver.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu-motu [07:02] The 'what could possibly go wrong?' release. [07:02] :) [07:04] doh... [07:05] Donations of sales of the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet in the Developer Device Program will go to the GNOME Foundation. - nice [07:07] of 500 of them.. not all [07:07] yeah, i know [07:08] ajmitch: still [07:08] i'll buy 770 [07:13] <|QuaD-_> ivoks: do you know the price yet? [07:14] i heard something arrounf 300$ [07:14] strange, it doesn't support ogg [07:14] <|QuaD-_> thats actually not bad [07:15] <|QuaD-_> i wish i needed one [07:15] 300$ is ok price [07:15] but it must have ogg support :) [07:16] <|QuaD-_> its small which is nice [07:16] <|QuaD-_> hopefully can install windows programs [07:16] <|QuaD-_> *linux programs [07:16] <|QuaD-_> blah [07:16] <|QuaD-_> not window [07:16] <|QuaD-_> s [07:16] :) [07:16] well, it has file manager [07:16] but... who knows... [07:18] <|QuaD-_> i want things like ssh and vnc [07:18] <|QuaD-_> not just a webbrowser [07:18] <|QuaD-_> i have my sidekick2 for that [07:18] ssh? without keyboard? :) [07:19] <|QuaD-_> ivoks: they can put one in! [07:19] <|QuaD-_> clipon or whatnot [07:19] but that would be nice [07:19] you'll be able to chroot on it and develop :) [07:19] it works trough usb-storage :) [07:19] <|QuaD-_> i would actually zaurus [07:20] <|QuaD-_> *rather a [07:21] hm... [07:21] Reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without the prior written permission of Nokia is prohibited. [07:21] <|QuaD-_> lol [07:21] <|QuaD-_> now time for bed [08:06] <\sh> morning === DanielN [~KodiaK@] has joined #ubuntu-motu [08:12] morning :) === pitti [~pitti@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu === robitaille [~robitaill@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === doko [~doko___@dsl-082-082-198-172.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === Seveas [~seveas@dhg-tradeict.ne.qinip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === GheRivero [~ghe@hiscpdprx01.upsa.es] has joined #ubuntu-motu === jan__ [~jm__@] has joined #ubuntu-motu === janm [~jm__@] has joined #ubuntu-motu [09:47] <\sh> grmpf [09:47] \sh: hey dude === \sh has a problem [09:49] hi \sh [09:49] <\sh> what about c libs which have to be recompiled? [09:49] <\sh> morning guys === siretart has to held a talk in 15 minutes.. :/ [09:49] hold, even [09:50] \sh: hm? Why would C libs have to be recompiled? [09:50] <\sh> Mithrandir: i have one c++ lib...gnome-chemistry-utils/ [09:50] \sh: the C-ABI should be stable [09:50] <\sh> it needs gtkglext-1.0.6 [09:51] <\sh> but gtkglext is not being installed in my breezy pbuilder cause of deps [09:52] <\sh> libgtkglext1-dev is not being installed at least === koke [~koke@] has joined #ubuntu-motu [09:55] \sh: i was doing this package libflash for the cxx transition. it was marked FTBFS for gcc4. in looking at the package it became clear to me that the problem was actually the autotools files. so i looked at the home page and found new a upstream release. so instead, i packaged it. it builds on gcc4 and has the new naming conventions in place. i need a review :) [09:56] hey, how it's going the transition? [09:56] <\sh> 1/3 of universe libs done [09:56] sorry, but I'm too busy now with work+exams [09:56] great :) [09:57] <\sh> Unfrgiven: again...libflash-0.4.11-4 is broken [09:57] <\sh> Unfrgiven: and what version u have now? [09:57] \sh: 0.4.13 :) [09:58] <\sh> u packaged it completly new or u took over the debian and worked with uupdate? [09:58] i downloaded the package from upstream... and massaged the debian/ files to fit with the new version. [10:00] <\sh> Unfrgiven: bugno? [10:01] \sh: i havent created a bug yet... do we normally do new upstream releases as bugs? [10:01] <\sh> Unfrgiven: it belongs to the cxx transistion :) [10:02] \sh: ok :) ill create a bug now... [10:03] ogra: I've just seen serpentine [10:03] do you know MixMaker?? http://mixmaker.forge.trilug.org/screenshots.php [10:03] I haven't tried yet but it looks nice [10:07] <\sh> the deps are fcked === chmj [~d3vic3@dumbledore.hbd.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu === Gervystar [~gervystar@] has joined #ubuntu-motu === spacey [~spacey@] has joined #ubuntu-motu [10:36] patched aqsis-libs :) [10:42] need 2 more MOTU's to review :) [11:04] yep [11:04] i see .. reviewing isn't a graceful task ;) === Nafallo [~nafallo@nafallo.user] has joined #ubuntu-motu === Seveas [~seveas@] has joined #ubuntu-motu [11:34] micropolygon.cpp:41: error: declaration of 'Aqsis::CqMemoryPool Aqsis::CqPoolable::m_thePool' outside of class is not definition [11:34] micropolygon.cpp:42: error: declaration of 'Aqsis::CqMemoryPool Aqsis::CqPoolable::m_thePool' outside of class is not definition [11:34] could someone help out with that? === UbuWu [~UbuWu@h82151173197.dsl.speedlinq.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu [11:57] hmm, apt-cacher should switch places on apache and apache2 in it's deps. === spacey [~spacey@] has joined #ubuntu-motu === ralph [~ralph@dsl-] has joined #ubuntu-motu === ogra [~ogra@p5089E0BA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === susus [~sz@p5089E0BA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === Amaranth [~travis@ip68-229-188-97.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu === UbuWu [~UbuWu@h82151173197.dsl.speedlinq.nl] has left #ubuntu-motu ["Ik] === terrex [~terrex@84-122-69-8.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu [01:13] terrex, hi :) [01:14] the biggest differenc to debian packaging here is, taht we do most of the stuff in teams/as a team instead of having personalized packages.... [01:15] there re some technical differences as well, i.e. the versioning scheme must allow us to update from the debian version.... [01:15] but the debian NM guide is a good start for ow :) [01:16] now [01:16] then, developping in ubuntu is more hierarchized? [01:16] nope [01:16] more teamwork [01:17] i understand. [01:17] we review the packages of each other for example.... [01:17] we have certain teams for certain tasks, you can see them on wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUTeams [01:18] we try to share the knowledge.... [01:19] hehe, it seams that you've worked in debian before. [01:20] nope, but i used debian for more then 8 years and follwed the development [01:20] ok [01:21] one of the worst things there are the personalized packages.... if you do an NMU there you might get flamed badly afterwards... [01:21] but if the dev just dissapears his package might hold up everything.... [01:21] this cant happen in ubuntu and is essential with such a thing like time based releases :) [01:22] ogra: I think it would be a good thing for Debian too [01:23] ogra: it would make mass migrations a lot easier [01:23] yep... they are thinking about a teambased model afaik [01:23] ogra: (like the toolchain thing, etc) [01:23] yep [01:25] and, why debian releases so slow ? [01:26] could someone help me out with aqsis (cxx-trans) ? [01:27] i've got an error while compiling [01:27] terrex, politics ? [01:27] ogra: eternal discussion about nothing [01:27] ogra: i.e. flamewars. i.e. politics [01:27] yeps [01:27] there is a lot of debian based distributions, but ubuntu was the first to include xorg instead xfree3, per example. [01:28] yeah, we are quick ;) [01:28] for breezy we are the first that base nearly everything on gcc4 [01:28] and include mono by default [01:28] yeah, even aqsis :) === thesaltydog [~yoshi@host194-61.pool8023.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu === dahane [~dahane@c159233.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu [01:33] moin dahane :) [01:33] moin DanielN :) [01:33] ogra: ping :) [01:35] host unreachable ;) [01:36] DanielN, pong [01:36] which host ? [01:37] just a joke [01:38] ogra: my error, posted above .. is this code related or what? [01:38] might be, i'm not a C++ guy :) but it looks like.... doko ? [01:39] <\sh> i'll have a look [01:39] <\sh> tired like hell i am ;) [01:39] ok, then i provide this package to someone other..as a gift.. (no c++ guy at all) [01:39] the "declaration" thingie smells like it [01:39] yep [01:39] <\sh> what is it? [01:39] aqsis [01:40] <\sh> 1.0.0-1? [01:40] yep [01:43] <\sh> asquis-libsc2? [01:44] yep === HiddenWolf [~hidden@136.65.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [01:44] <\sh> The following packages have unmet dependencies: [01:44] <\sh> libfltk1.1-dev: Depends: libfltk1.1 (= 1.1.6-2ubuntu4) but it is not going to be installed [01:44] <\sh> DanielN: [01:45] \sh: [01:46] <\sh> libfltk1.1: Depends: xlibmesa-glu but it is not going to be installed or [01:46] <\sh> libglu1 [01:46] <\sh> i can't build it === herzi [~herzi@p548DC126.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [01:47] \sh: you can't build what? === herzi [~herzi@p548DC126.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [01:47] <\sh> DanielN: aquis [01:47] aqsis [01:48] backports meething in 6 hours? [01:48] yep :( [01:48] is jdahl even going to be there? [01:48] \sh: yep me too, but i didn't et any deps errors [01:48] <\sh> DanielN: i get the dep errors [01:48] <\sh> DanielN: u made an update? [01:48] all the backports people will be there if i understood right [01:48] jdahl is the only backports guy [01:49] nope, there are at least three [01:49] we talked to thm [01:49] them [01:49] i mean, he runs the project and does most of the backports, but he accepts packages from other people [01:49] oh [01:49] one got a member last CC meeting.... [01:52] ogra: learn it ;-p [01:52] :P [01:52] \sh: but i didn't change anything with deps [01:52] <\sh> DanielN: me neither [01:52] mhm [01:52] seems i have to.... i have to port pdf utils to poppler.... [01:52] i've taken it from hoary archive [01:53] \sh: and it compiled well .. even this c++ related error was there [01:53] argh [01:53] breezy i mean [01:53] <\sh> doko: there r some issues with deps [01:53] <\sh> The following packages have unmet dependencies: [01:53] <\sh> libfltk1.1: Depends: xlibmesa-glu but it is not going to be installed or [01:53] <\sh> libglu1 [01:53] <\sh> doko: just updated my breezy chroot and pbuilder again [01:54] <\sh> it's now the second package i found with the same error message [01:54] <\sh> libgtkglext1 is another one [01:54] \sh, ping daniels about it .... thats X related [01:55] <\sh> ogra: no :) it's dep related..I think rechecking deps and recompile would help [01:56] <\sh> ogra: but these r c libs...and i don't want to put my hands on it [01:56] ogra, \sh: no, it's not X related [01:56] doko, sure, the package names changed... [01:57] <\sh> ogra: so it's only build related...shoud I touch the build-deps for those packages? [01:57] ogra: no [01:59] libglu1-xorg === ivoks [~ivoks@195-29-120-68.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu === bradb [~bradb@MTL-ppp-146985.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu [01:59] hi all! :) [01:59] hey ivoks [01:59] i still can't belive what happend last night :) [01:59] heh [01:59] ogra: look at the build deps ... [02:00] \sh, gtkglext is in universe, and is not yet rebuilt. [02:01] <\sh> libglu-dev-xorg is it now, right? [02:01] <\sh> doko: hmm can we force it? [02:02] ok, new x libs [02:02] does this one fix links? [02:02] doko, ther is an "or" so if the second name is right it should build [02:02] <\sh> ivoks: no [02:02] and the second name should be libglu1-xorg instead of libglu1 [02:02] :( [02:03] \sh, trying with a rebuild [02:04] <\sh> doko: without changing the rev? [02:04] no [02:05] <\sh> ok...touching the package then...and uplaod === \sh should go home [02:06] <\sh> doko: so the policy for plain rebuilding is: adjustin rev -> checking build-deps -> debuild -S and upload? [02:07] gr... === thoreauputic [~prospero@wolax7-001.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu [02:07] \sh, yes, except that C++ apps in universe are currently frozen, so don't even try it ;-) [02:07] ok, should I patch openscenegraph to include files from /usr/X11R6/include or wait fixing /usr/include/X11? [02:07] <\sh> doko: i'm talking about libs :) [02:08] <\sh> doko: e.g. gnome-chemistry-utils build-deps on gtkglext [02:09] <\sh> and who the hell changed "StephanHermann" to "sh" in the cxx lib list? [02:09] <\sh> ,-) [02:09] :) [02:09] <\sh> he forgot the \ ,-) [02:09] \sh, it's shorter and you can read the comments in the last column [02:11] and we use IRC nicks mostly anyway === jamessan|work [~jamessan@c-24-218-220-129.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [02:17] <\sh> just joking [02:17] <\sh> adjusting build deps [02:17] goddamn shit here at work [02:17] sucks ... === pitti [~pitti@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu [02:20] <\sh> DanielN: i will rebuild libfltk as well [02:20] \sh: ok, thanks [02:23] <\sh> doko: u were faster ;) [02:24] \sh: I know ;) [02:24] <\sh> but i uploaded gtkglext ;) [02:25] <\sh> btw... [02:26] <\sh> after the packages are successfully build how long it takes to the apt-repositories and to the mirrors? [02:26] 6 hours, iirc [02:26] well, they mirror every 6 hours [02:27] <\sh> Amaranth: and the main apt-repos? how long it takes from buildd to them? [02:27] <\sh> directly? [02:27] *shrug* [02:28] \sh, i think to the main archive its about 45 min [02:28] (worst case) [02:29] arghl [02:29] i'm near to the gummizelle [02:30] lol [02:30] :) [02:30] DanielN: the what? [02:30] Treenaks: don't know how to say that in english [02:30] mabye the gum-prison? :P [02:31] rubber-cell ? [02:31] LOL :D [02:31] DanielN: the only part I didn't know was "zelle", but thanks :) [02:31] padded cell? [02:31] maybe [02:31] don't know.. but it's used for psychos here :) [02:31] DanielN: yeah, the cell with the soft walls so you can't hurt yourself :) [02:32] right .. this one i mean [02:32] and i'm near to her :> [02:32] \sh, as I said ... won't help, the archive is still frozen for C++ apps [02:32] must smoke one now... [02:32] or i'll go crazy with this fucking win packaging tools [02:33] <\sh> doko: what c++ app? [02:33] it's a lib [02:33] <\sh> i don't get it :) [02:33] gtkglext? [02:33] <\sh> is a lib? [02:34] Package: gtkglext [02:34] Binary: libgtkglext1-dev, libgtkglext1, libgtkglext1-doc [02:34] <\sh> and a plain C one ;) [02:39] <\sh> hmm [02:39] <\sh> I'm getting mad...take gtkmm libs [02:44] ok, libpqxx is mess :) [02:44] but it builded on i386 [02:45] so, how can i test it on other platforms now? [02:45] <\sh> ivoks: u have a signed gpg key now? [02:46] yes [02:46] <\sh> so ask Mithrandir for amd64 [02:46] i did... [02:46] he told me to send email, and i did that.. [02:46] no response yet :) === spacey [~spacey@flits101-191.flits.rug.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu [03:00] \sh: http://pks.aaiedu.hr:11371/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x6C1277A9D3BDA225 [03:04] ivoks: MOTU now? [03:06] DanielN: yes :) [03:06] DanielN: your name was called on the meeting, but you weren't there [03:08] ivoks: congrats then!!! :) [03:08] ivoks: damn .. didn't know it [03:08] DanielN: but, you aren't member yet, so... [03:09] yeah [03:09] but i'm on the NewMember list now [03:09] so first step is done :) [03:09] no [03:09] you have to become Member first [03:09] ok [03:09] yeah [03:09] i said im on the newmembers list ;) [03:11] how long does this take .. ivoks ? [03:12] it depends [03:12] on your work === tritium [~tritium@ee213-dhcp-1.ecn.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu-motu [03:14] tritium: hi [03:14] hi ivoks [03:15] ivoks: lol .. so i can wait until hurd is there or something :) [03:19] ivoks: next meeting i'll be there .. it's a techboard meeting, right? [03:19] <\sh> ivoks: i reassign #11083 back to u :) === thoreauputic_ [~prospero@wolax9-004.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu [03:21] DanielN: no [03:21] \sh: thank you :) [03:22] \sh: but, i can't do anything yet :( === mgalvin [~mgalvin@host-66-202-95-170.spr.choiceone.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [03:23] \sh: that patch should work [03:23] good morning all (well for those of you where its morning time ;) [03:24] it's 3PM :) [03:24] 9am here ;) [03:24] 8:24 am here :) === as [Client5@client5.kaori.or.id] has joined #ubuntu-motu [03:26] <\sh> ivoks: ok...will take care about it this evening === Nafallo [~nafallo@nafallo.user] has joined #ubuntu-motu [03:49] ivoks: whatelse then? [03:51] hlo [03:54] hey as [03:55] ogra: what kind of meeting happened yesterday? [03:55] TB [03:55] techboard? [03:55] yep [03:55] ok, then i'll be there next time :) [03:56] only two weeks from now :) [03:56] ok [03:56] hopefully i'm member soon === tseng|work [~ccc27a01@sls-eb20p9.dca2.superb.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [03:57] hey tseng|work [03:57] hi. [03:57] someone asked today if you could update your IRC whois info with a real name.... [03:58] who? [03:58] i guess i can [03:59] tseng|work, infinity.. [04:02] hi ogra, tseng|work [04:02] hey tritium === Nafallo [~nafallo@nafallo.user] has joined #ubuntu-motu [04:08] hi tritium [04:08] hi Nafallo, how is your blam [04:08] tseng: I'm going to install it again now. with breezy fully up2date :-). [04:08] tseng: and hi! :-) [04:12] i cant get breezy fully up to date === Amaranth can [04:12] tseng: message. sorry for the spam ;-) [04:12] xorg is permaf***ed [04:12] well, except for the recent X complaining about xkbcomp symlinks [04:12] ll [04:12] tseng|work: that's got to hurt [04:12] permafucked .. what a word [04:13] its like permafrost [04:13] with more inuendo. [04:13] eheh :) [04:25] ogra: you have troubles with blam on amd64? :-) [04:25] Nafallo, dunno.... i'm just installing 200 packages, blam was held back by the broken firefox.... [04:26] ogra: hehe, oki. [04:26] ogra: blam crashes when I refresh stuff. blam --sync works :-P. === ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0657.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu [04:40] hi [04:40] hi ivoks :-) [04:40] how are things? :) [04:41] working xorg :-) [04:41] almost working blam [04:41] rather good :-) [04:42] and you? [04:42] camed to tell you i'll be away for a week [04:43] i have to catch up some stuff on uni, so i'll concentrate on that for a week === Mithrandir [~tfheen@vawad.err.no] has joined #ubuntu-motu [04:46] Mithrandir: hi [04:46] Mithrandir: did you get my email yesterday? [04:46] hi ivoks [04:46] ivoks: do what you have to do :-) [04:46] ivoks: yes, sorry I haven't acted on it yet. [04:46] Mithrandir: ok [04:51] \sh: untill lib/X11 is fixed, there will be no opensceengraph upload [04:52] \sh: i'll fix strutilsxx as soon as I get upload account [04:52] or at least, account for testing on amd64 [04:52] :( === ivoks_ [~ivoks@lns01-1478.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu === pitti [~pitti@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu [05:10] quick question... [05:11] where do the pkg-config (.pc) files for libs usually go, in the lib.deb itself or lib-dev.deb [05:12] ? [05:12] in the -dev package. [05:12] Mithrandir, thnx === ogra [~ogra@p5089E0BA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [05:22] ogra: wb [05:22] yay [05:22] new xserer :) [05:22] :-) [05:22] hmm... the v is missing if i type to fast.... [05:22] ...is that a bug ? [05:22] *g* [05:23] ogra: sure. bug daniels ;-) [05:23] hehe [05:23] :) === pitti [~pitti@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu [05:24] ogra: run it from a terminal ;-) [05:24] what ? blam ? [05:25] ogra: yepp. most likely will crash when you try to refresh ;-) === pitti [~pitti@box79162.elkhouse.de] has left #ubuntu-motu [] [05:26] yep, it does [05:26] ogra: however it works with blam --sync :-P [05:26] but not refresh === Nafallo -> phone, brb [05:28] hmm, refresh via themenu works..... [05:28] weird, now refresh works completely === Nafallo -> back [05:36] ogra: blam --sync works, blam doesn't :-P === Nafallo -> back [05:47] off i go... [05:47] bye all [05:48] see you in a week === DanielN [~kodiak@80-218-243-68.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu-motu [05:49] ivoks: don't forget to ban yourself ;-) [05:49] ban? :) [05:49] no, i'll come every day, but not for long... [05:50] <\sh> ivoks: what u wanna do? holiday? [05:50] i have too much on uni this days, so i have to concentrate on that... === blueyed [~daniel@i528C36EE.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu [05:50] \sh: no, end of academic year [05:50] <\sh> this is fscking i need windows to finish my tax work [05:51] and I need windows to update my dvd+-rw firmware :-P [05:52] <\sh> well...how can i enable a tunnel device on ubuntu? [05:53] \sh: elster? [05:53] <\sh> DanielN: jepp [05:54] \sh: it's a webinterface, isn't it? and it's not running with GNU/Linux ? [05:54] <\sh> DanielN: its windows visual basic or something like this.. [05:54] <\sh> i tried with wine...didn't work [05:54] <\sh> now i'm trying to install windows xp with qemu ;) [05:54] *urgh* [05:55] doesn't work! [05:55] tried it long time [05:55] without success [05:55] \sh, so you'll miss the "get rid of the kernel" meeting :) [05:56] meeting today? [05:57] only the kernel team :) [05:57] so its nothing important [05:57] <\sh> ogra: what was it? [05:57] *g* [05:57] but it's open for interested if i'm right? [05:57] <\sh> ogra: when? [05:57] DanielN: always :-) [05:57] sure as all ubuntu meetngs [05:57] \sh, 4min [05:57] :) [05:57] \sh: 3min ;-) [05:57] <\sh> left or eta? [05:58] ^^ [05:58] Nafallo, adjust your clock [05:58] \sh: eta :-) [05:58] <\sh> ok..so guys give me a hint.. [05:58] <\sh> modprobe tun [05:58] <\sh> ifconfig tun0 bla doesn't work [05:58] <\sh> ah sit [05:59] \sh: /dev/net/tun: not found ?? [05:59] <\sh> is there [05:59] ogra: didn't change anything ;-) [05:59] <\sh> ut i also have a sit0 now...ipv6 to ipv4 [05:59] <\sh> this i don't want === MagnusR [~magru@as1-1-7.t.lk.bonet.se] has joined #ubuntu-motu [06:06] there is no agenda for backports [06:06] only a tiny bit i added === Nafallo [~nafallo@nafallo.user] has joined #ubuntu-motu [06:10] <\sh> tseng|work: most of it will come when we're discussing the matter [06:11] well id rather have it on the page [06:11] so i dont have to yell and scream it in foul words [06:12] <\sh> hmm... [06:17] <\sh> add my 2cents :) === herzi [~herzi@c182088.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu [06:24] thanks === JanC [~janc@JanC.member.lugwv] has joined #ubuntu-motu [06:34] added " No changes to language interpreters (python, mono). These could affect existing packages in unexpected ways." === plugwash [plugwash@p10link.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [06:39] <\sh> and then there are such apps like eric3...python apps depending on python + pythonlibs like pythonqt...in hoary eric3+pythonqt3 are b0rked...eric3, because of bugs in eric3 itself, and otherwise because of some bugs in python-qt3 === thesaltydog [~pippo@] has joined #ubuntu-motu === pluggie [plugwash@p10link.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [06:57] 150 minutes to the meeting? [06:57] this is going to be..interesting [06:57] i thought it was like, nowish [07:00] tseng|work, added my bullet points to the agenda... would you have a look if they are to harsh ? [07:03] <\sh> ogra: they're fine [07:03] ok [07:03] <\sh> i should add: no backports for packages in main [07:04] all: please add what comes to your mind [07:04] <\sh> ogra: With whom of the distro team do backports maintainers communicate regulary about the changes their packages introduce ? [07:05] yep... anything wrong with that ? [07:05] <\sh> what do u think, as ubermotu and godfather of motu ;) [07:05] <\sh> is it good to have those backports as a universe division? so those people have to talk with us at least? [07:05] they should talk to *somebody* no matter who... [07:06] i'm just missing the communication....and i want it to be adressed [07:08] <\sh> then we should address it like this: universe group will have to ack or nack packages [07:09] <\sh> btw...what about RT? :) [07:10] nothing yet [07:13] <\sh> i'm getting tired of this wiki list...it's slow [07:14] yep, its annoying [07:25] http://media2.big-boys.com/bbfiles/images/bbpics/pic1118.jpg [07:25] lol :) === HiddenWolf [~hidden@136.65.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [07:25] i think i'm sure no, how to alive this damn network exame [07:25] tomorrow === plugwash [plugwash@p10link.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [07:38] <\sh> ogra: wtf is cairo? [07:39] \sh, new rendering engine.... [07:41] short question: if i've got something like aplus-sfs .. it must be renamed to aplus-fsfc2 too? === Nafallo_ [~nafallo@nafallo.user] has joined #ubuntu-motu === herve [~hcauwelie@ip-3.net-81-220-179.nice.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu [07:46] yoohoo! keyboard shortcuts are back! [07:46] herve: :-) [07:52] <\sh> herve baby :) [07:52] ?? [07:53] ok, then i ask again: everythink on CxxLibraryList becomes version to versionc2 ? [07:53] no exceptions [07:54] er... [07:54] some libs require a smarter name change [07:54] the page detailling the plan of action gave examples [07:54] if you know what a soname is, you'll be interested [07:55] <\sh> DanielN: not at all [07:55] no i don't .. but i think herve will tell me :) [07:55] <\sh> DanielN: if you have something like this: libblac102 then it becomes libbla [07:55] ha yes, that too [07:55] <\sh> but libfoo will become libfooc2 [07:55] aha [07:55] and if i haf something like aplus-sfs ? [07:56] lol.. have [07:56] but libfoo-qt become libfooc2-qt no? [07:56] <\sh> is it a lib? [07:56] well.. it's on the library list, so i guess... [07:56] <\sh> DanielN: there r also apps [07:56] yep [07:56] but they're signed as apps [07:56] DanielN, which packages do use aplus-sfs? [07:57] how do you mean, doko? [07:58] apt-cache showpkg aplus-sfs [07:58] <\sh> its a programming language [07:58] yep [07:58] look for the reverse dependencies [07:58] <\sh> [07:58] <\sh> With whom of the distro team do backports maintainers communicate regulary about the changes their packages introduce [07:58] ok [07:58] <\sh> argl [07:58] <\sh> wrong c&p cache [07:58] <\sh> A+ programming language run-time environment [07:59] mhm .. [07:59] lib or no lib? :) [08:00] <\sh> no lib [08:00] grmpf [08:00] <\sh> run-time enviroment [08:00] and apps are frozen [08:00] DanielN: what is the "Section:" of the package? [08:00] ha ok [08:00] <\sh> and apt-cache rdepends aplus-fsf == aplus-fsf-dev === spacey [~spacey@flits101-191.flits.rug.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu [08:00] herve: interpreters === Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu === Nafallo [~nafallo@nafallo.user] has joined #ubuntu-motu [08:04] ok .. then i'll use the force to search for another lib :) === pluggie [plugwash@p10link.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [08:08] hi folks [08:08] haydiho siretart [08:08] hi siretart [08:09] h siretart [08:10] did you have an error upgrading xbase-clients? [08:11] just a heads up, I just finished packaging libcwd - a c++ debugging lib and I put it on the MOTUNewPackages wiki page [08:11] herve: yeah, same here [08:11] herve: yes [08:11] herve: it talked something about a symlink and /usr/bin/xkbmap or something [08:12] okay, I'm not debugging it for nothing :-) [08:12] anybody already working on hplip? [08:14] and there it is. the sudden silence :) === plugwash [plugwash@p10link.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [08:16] well, you deserved it [08:16] what a sily question ;-) [08:16] hehe [08:16] just wanted to avoid duplicate work. I'm on it [08:17] siretart: you should ask the backports-people :-) [08:17] ha, it's a library [08:17] I thought of some machine [08:21] <\sh> i'm stucked [08:22] <\sh> one lib depends on one of ivoks libs (not finished) [08:22] <\sh> the other on a strange libqt3-mt-dev dep...which i can't resolv. [08:22] ok, I see what's wrong [08:22] that was distracting after such a horrible day [08:22] s/day/week === thoreauputic_ [~prospero@wolax9-048.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu [08:34] <\sh> doing ivoks work now....this is holding us up [08:35] <\sh> NO! [08:35] hmm, I posted how to fix xbase-clients upgrade [08:35] someone interested here? === terrex [~terrex@84-122-69-8.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu [08:35] <\sh> i have to fix all ocaml stuff [08:39] <\sh> anyone wants to help? [08:40] in what way? [08:41] <\sh> i think its okay...i don't know howmany packages i have to b-d fix === tseng|work [~ccc27a01@sls-eb20p9.dca2.superb.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [08:43] \sh: if you can make a list of dependencies to fix, I will take that as priority [08:44] <\sh> siretart: lets wait..i need to fix ivoks package [08:44] ok [08:44] <\sh> ocaml-findlib is now on the buildds [08:44] <\sh> siretart: but we should take care about it... === siretart knows nothing about ocaml. but mldonkey should definitly be workable in breezy soon ;) [08:53] okay, I have a confession [08:53] I felt in love with mini-dinstall :-) === bradb [~bradb@MTL-ppp-146985.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu === tseng|work [~ccc27a01@sls-eb20p9.dca2.superb.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [09:00] herve: :) [09:01] <\sh> my repos is working with mini-install...and a small nice php include file for showing the repos to the world === terrex [~trix@84-122-69-8.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu [09:08] <\sh> ogra: ping...sorry to bother, but do u have a fast maschine for test compile stuff? where i could access a breezy dchroot? (i386) [09:08] \sh, 900mhz 128MB ? [09:08] <\sh> hehe [09:08] <\sh> ok [09:09] <\sh> i think i have to take one dl380 from our DC [09:09] \sh, and not before the meeting ended, i have to figure out how to enable port forwarding on my cheapo router [09:09] i'll buy a opteron box soon.... === dholbach [~daniel@td9091ce3.pool.terralink.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu [09:15] hellas [09:16] hi === jbailey [~jbailey@CPE000ded9d787c-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu [09:17] ****************** backports meeting in 15 min please join #ubuntu-meeting if you havent already ********************** [09:18] backports meeting kinda started 15 minutes ago ;) [09:18] heh [09:19] oops :( === trulux [~lorenzo@trulux.user] has joined #ubuntu-motu === Lathiat [~lathiat@gasp.bur.st] has joined #ubuntu-motu === torkel [torkel@shaka.acc.umu.se] has joined #ubuntu-motu === chillywilly [~danielb@CPE-65-26-216-107.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu === elmo [~james@83-216-141-215.jamest298.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu === tepsipakki [~tjaalton@replicant.hut.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu === Nafallo_ [~nafallo@nafallo.user] has joined #ubuntu-motu === \sh [~shermann@xdsl-84-44-198-129.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu [09:56] <\sh> this will be difficult [10:01] \sh: indeed === ajmitch hopes this meeting goes quick so he can go back to sleep ;) [10:10] ajmitch: it won't ;-) [10:10] *sigh* [10:11] I could just put the laptop aside, noone would know.. [10:11] ajmitch, to work you mean? :-) [10:11] herve: it's 8am here, not working until 1pm ;) [10:12] just remembered you go at work around that time [10:12] argh, the day you could have made an few extras in bed :-) === Seveaz [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu === ajmitch is still in bed :) [10:13] hehe [10:14] herve, #ubuntu-meeting === sealion [~foobar@bgp01043227bgs.southg01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [10:14] no thank you [10:15] please [10:15] I don't feel involved in that at all [10:15] and besides, this is by far no the time to ask me more [10:17] herve, it might break your work once.... [10:19] don't tell me backports will mix with ubuntu packages... [10:19] it could be, thats why we need everyone there [10:21] i don't think so [10:21] everything will be fine :) === jaldhar [~jaldhar@pcp09354467pcs.jersyc01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [10:22] ogra, don't think you won because you threatened me :-) === tseng|work threatens herve === sealion [~foobar@bgp01043227bgs.southg01.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu-motu [""We're] [10:28] I feel like they're describing Debian testing dist [10:29] herve, worse [10:29] <\sh> the problem is different [10:29] <\sh> the problem is not the backport itself... [10:30] <\sh> (forgetting about self abi transition ;)) [10:30] <\sh> the problem is the user who wants all this nifty new software [10:30] <\sh> thats one point for the gentoo user base [10:31] but gentoo users are generally better skilled than ubuntu ones, no? [10:31] I mean, the targeted audience [10:32] <\sh> herve: devs yes, users no [10:35] \sh: err [10:35] gentoo devs are better skilled than ubuntu ones? [10:36] elmo, you have to when fixing your system all the time ;-) [10:37] ogra, I'm losing confidence my attending is necessary [10:37] herve: eh [10:37] herve: pass the pipe! [10:37] <\sh> elmo: no :) [10:38] <\sh> elmo: this i never said :) [10:38] <\sh> gentoo devs are better skilled then gentoo users [10:38] <\sh> sorry for the missunderstanding :) [10:39] there are good and bad gentoo devs [10:39] same in debian i imagine, even though their testing is *alot* harder [10:42] <\sh> tseng|work: i'm not talking about the devs...the users i'm talking about..and we know, that there r really some noobs playing sometimes cflags jockey, cause they heard from a friend of a friend..that this flags makes gentoo 150% faster [10:43] dude -j007 [10:43] yes. [10:43] \sh: sure, it just crashes that much faster too [10:43] I recompile my hoary with -pipe [10:43] <\sh> so users eating everything...even sh*t if u tell them, it makes u like hulk [10:43] what about you guys? [10:44] elmo: *chuckle* [10:44] -099 [10:44] elmo: AMAZING DIFFERENCE. [10:44] elmo: EVEN THE COMPILES GO FASTER [10:44] -pipe makes my harddrive seek less [10:44] elmo: dude, where do you learn all those nice tricks!?!?!? [10:44] RML says thats what i need to do! === Mithrandir goes back to hacking on his Xau replacement === tseng|work goes home [10:46] bye [10:46] <\sh> no coffee anymore [10:46] bye tseng|work [10:46] <\sh> cu tseng|work [10:48] I can' take more [10:48] night guys [10:48] (and girls) [10:48] <\sh> cu herve === DanielN [~KodiaK@] has joined #ubuntu-motu === lamont__ [~lamont@] has joined #ubuntu-motu === lamont__ screams at launchpad... comes here instead. [11:26] libgetargs-long-perl is ftbfs, loops until disk-full if it can't reach a web site... [11:26] ogra/dholbach/whoever: fix that. kthxbye [11:27] <\sh> hehe [11:27] lamont__, i'll look at it [11:28] I don't care if it's ftbfs, I care that it trashes the buildd [11:28] (infinite loop bad...) === CircuitRider [~chatzilla@adsl-65-43-144-144.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu [11:29] ouch, that is an evil build issue :) [11:31] lamont: we should add a check to the buildd that kills the build after log is > 500Mb [11:32] oh - I like that. === lamont__ makes a note [11:36] ogra, lamont__: fixed it [11:36] oh, thanks, that shortens my day [11:36] :) === \sh [~shermann@xdsl-84-44-198-129.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu [11:43] can everybody have a look at UniverseNewPackages and add whatever NEW package he can think of, we got in? [11:47] yes sir :) [11:48] puh. THAT was a meeting.. [11:48] fairly short [11:48] :) [11:48] lol [11:49] <\sh> so they're under motu control or what now? [11:49] <\sh> the main thing i didn't catch up... [11:50] I checked the package kodos, it got automerged from MOM and I'm happy with the result. What do I need to do to get it uploaded? [11:51] \sh: I assume that concrete policies for what and when to backport will be discussed at a later meeting [11:52] siretart: upload as you normally do.. with dput on the changes file once you sign it [11:53] ajmitch: when I do a `debuild -S -sa` I get asked for the gnupg key from scott, so I assume I have either to change the changelog, or pass some magic to debuild, right? [11:54] <\sh> debuild -S -sa -k [11:55] and I assume thats the same procedure when I would sponsor a package for someone else, right? === \sh is smiling to dholbach for this debuild magic ;) [11:55] debuild magic? [11:56] <\sh> -k ;) it will leave the changed by field of the original man but signes the changes file with your key [11:57] <\sh> and I wanted to go to bed early [11:57] \sh: too late ;) [11:59] <\sh> seems so...ok....one more nicotine injection and then off to bed [11:59] ok, so backports should be taken off the bad words list for this channel now :) [12:00] <\sh> ajmitch: believe me or not...if this backports project becomes ubuntu-backports, there will be a new attempt...lets say: breakmyubuntu [12:00] GRUMPYGROUNDHOG [12:00] we will break it all ourselves [12:01] ROCK! :) [12:01] <\sh> well [12:01] oh yes, when users start installing from grumpy, then it'll be fun! [12:01] <\sh> i made a backport and a newport for hoary [12:01] <\sh> and I'm thinking about genubuntu [12:01] i need a stupid hoary user to test gnome-menus for me :) [12:02] <\sh> Amaranth: join the ubuntuusers.org forum ;) [12:02] wireless in my room is almost as bad as UDU :) [12:02] ajmitch: wow :)