
uniqtake a look at ubuntuguide.org12:03
uniqthere are good step by step guides for java and azureus.12:03
uniqjust use kwrite instead of gedit whenever it might be used :)12:04
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seek205Where is the package sun-j2re1.5?? I can't find it12:11
seek205I have multiverse and universe enabled12:11
Funzois KDE slower than gnome?12:12
Funzoi seem to notice a huge speed diffrence from kubuntu and ubuntu12:13
Funzobut i disabled all the KDE monitorring and set it to use less ram.... now it seems to move ok... but i shouldnt need to do that12:13
Curaltongnome2 and kde3 are about equal in "speed"12:13
Curaltonkde 3.4 for sure12:13
Funzois the newest kde in the iso?12:14
Funzoi downloaded/installed it yesterday12:14
Curaltoni dont think the .1 is on the official CDs12:14
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Funzoah k12:15
Curaltonubuntu releaes in half year cycles12:15
Funzonp hehe i was impressed enoguh that it was already compiled and avail thru apt-get12:15
Funzoman you guys are more active than microsoft12:15
dabugasi'm having a hassle with kopete...12:15
dabugasis this an appropriate place to ask? (since it's not really kubuntu specific)12:16
Curalton#kopete ?12:16
dabugasooh, wow.12:16
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=== dabugas is irc stupid, generally
Curaltonnp :)12:17
=== alex9988 [~alex@DSL217-132-183-5.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #kubuntu
alex9988i installed kubuntu on a cheapo amd64, yesterday 12:21
alex9988and my only issue is that MP3s don't play12:21
uniqin which player? 12:21
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alex9988kaffeine and amarok go down with error 11 (sigsegv sp?)12:21
alex9988methinks its the xine down below12:22
alex9988or however the engine is called12:22
alex9988wavs and CDs are fine12:22
dabugasdid you install akode-mpeg?12:23
uniqwhat about amarok? 12:23
alex9988i did only the default install...12:23
alex9988it worked when i ran the 32 bit version off the live cd12:23
dabugasalex9988: put the hoary sources in your apt and install akode-mpeg12:23
dabugasah. then maybe it's something else12:23
alex9988the sound card works fine with knoppix-based installs......12:24
alex9988and in win200012:24
dabugasalex9988: if you can play wavs but not mp3s chances are is you don't have the right encoder; which is why i suggested akode-mpeg (it's required for amarok to play mp3s). other than that, i'm not aware of the error.12:25
alex9988(amarok and kaffeine, from the default install, both go down. kaffeine shows the error screen, amarok only sometimes, but it never plays the music12:25
alex9988dabugas, is it consistent with the error #??12:26
dabugasi don't know. i 'm switching to kubuntu more or less right now12:26
dabugasand installed them simultaenously12:26
dabugasbtw, amarok has crashed after 15 minutes of usage. grrrrr.12:26
alex9988i have the gnome version running for a few hours now. but i like kde better so i guess i'll go back. errors are quite the same in ubuintu12:27
alex9988but the display of errors is far better in K12:27
dabugas(without wanting to incite flames, &c) i prefer gnome. but i find it less mature. plus, it's going in a direction i'm not particularly enjoying12:28
alex9988ok. let's not talk religion  here :-)12:28
alex9988i use win xp 11 hrs per day in the office. who's laughing now :-(12:29
dabugasi'm talking strictly about the interface in more or less the default state. i'm not really a techie person. the days of fiddling with sawfish and lisp are behind me :)12:29
alex9988i was such in the early 80s12:29
alex9988now it's work for survival!12:29
dabugasjust want something that doesn't piss me off (and gnome began to do so... consistently)12:29
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dabugasi use win 2000 where i work12:30
alex9988at least when i log on to the DB servers they're solaris12:30
alex9988ok. have a nice day. i go sleep a little, then see a little spurs-suns12:30
dabugasat least, i mostly do word and excel at work. otherwise i just jump.12:30
dabugasi jsut wish i could convince the adminstration of using firefox instead of explorer12:30
Funzodabugas have you ever tried kde?12:31
dabugasthat's what i'm using right now12:31
dabugasjust switched yesterday12:31
FunzoI find it more like windows12:31
Funzobut thats just me... i think its more like other OSs... I find it easier to use12:32
dabugasthat is what i don't like12:32
dabugasi used to use sawfish with various lisp mods12:33
Funzoioh heh12:33
Funzoii think its pretty nice for anyone just switching from windows12:33
dabugasand ran everything out of a terminal12:33
dabugasunfortunately i'm a sucker for eye candy12:33
dabugasso the desktops enticed me recently (i got a slightly newer computer too... a whooping 500mhz athlon ;p)12:33
dabugaswell, i've been with linux since 98 or so. i switched because i _hate_ the windows interface. 12:34
dabugasthe only thing i've noticed with kde that is really odd is that the same font, with the same size, appears larger or smaller in different places12:35
dabugasdoes anyone else have this?12:36
Funzoi think thats just part of kde12:36
dabugasno, i think i've probably done something silly somewhere along the line12:36
Funzoi think i have that too12:37
=== Firetech goes to bed, it's nicer than sleeping in the chair in front of the computer
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dabugasfor example in amarok: i use free sans 12 in the playlsit and free sans 10 in the context and they look identical (!)12:37
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Firetechdabugas: it can be different between computers too12:41
seek205Wow this amaroK player is really nice!12:41
FiretechI asked a guy on kde-look what font he used in his title bar12:41
Firetechhe said bit stream vera sans bold 1212:42
FiretechI entered size 12, that was WAY to big...12:42
seek205Does anyone know any firewall manager programs like firestarter but for KDE?12:42
Firetech10pt on my comp is 12pt on his comp. Same font, same context12:43
dabugasi know. it's just that i find it strange that the same font in the same application is different sizes12:43
dabugasmaybe this is a design decision. i have no idea.12:43
Firetechit ain't idiot friendly...12:43
Firetechgood night.12:44
dabugasseek205: if you know and like firestar why don't you use that? a quick search points to guarddog12:44
nmorseguarddog is pretty nice12:45
nmorseEasy to set up and even has normal port info for stuff like games12:45
seek205Cause I dont think it will sit in the system tray.. I dunno12:46
dabugasseek205: gaim which is a gnome program sits just fine on my kde taskbar12:47
seek205really? 12:47
seek205Sorry I never used to use KDE till now really12:47
dabugasi'm switching now, too. i haven't used it since it was proprietery :)12:47
seek205heh 12:47
dabugasok, i just tried firestarter. it works just fine with the system tray12:49
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seek205ok thx12:52
seek205but it has to have root privliges how can I get it to run on startup?12:52
dabugasnot sure how kde's session management works12:53
dabugasbut you would to run it with sudo12:53
dabugasin gnome i had made it start with "gksudo firestarter"12:54
dabugasnot sure if there's "ksudo" :) and how you can add it at start-up, tho12:54
seek205heh yeah12:54
seek205maybe there is12:54
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dabugasis there any way to make gtk+ programs to look something except shit in kde?01:05
dabugas(esp. gtk1 programs like amule)01:05
firasRhi all01:05
firasRdabugas:  if u find one please let me know, tried gtk2-engines-gtk-qt package but it doesn't help much, actually makes 'em look worse sometimes01:06
firasRdabugas:  however if i use it with the "Mist" gtk theme some apps look half decent, but nowhere near Qt apps though01:07
dabugasby biggest prob is not with amule (which looked crap on gnome 2 anyway) but firefox. i really, really like firefox. and it's just looks really bad01:07
dabugasi'm using lipstik on kde and the difference is so painfully obvious :(01:08
firasRdabugas:  u gotta try the "Plastik Crystal SVG" theme01:08
firasRdabugas:  makes it look like a KDE app01:09
firasRdabugas:  almost like konqueror01:09
firasRdabugas: really nice I must admit01:09
firasRdabugas:  sorry that's "PlastikFox Crystal SVG"01:10
dabugasit just changes the buttons &c, no?01:10
dabugasit doesn't change the actual widgets... or am i wrong, here?01:10
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firasRdabugas:  hey, beggers can't be choosers :) but I use it with the KDE "Lipstik" widgets and "Crystal" window decos and it looks pretty decent01:12
dabugasi'll give it a shot01:12
dabugaskonqueror is great, but i prefer have a distinct browser01:13
dabugas(i have simple, silly mind... ;)01:13
firasRdabugas:  same here :) hehe01:13
dabugasalthough i just saw kontact and i'm thinking of ditching thunderbird01:13
dabugasi'm just being cautious still coz of thunderbird's awesome spam filtering01:14
firasRdabugas:  been using kontact for some time and I love it01:14
brandonnI use kontact fairly extensively, I like it, but it's still not up to the level of Evolution01:14
dabugasi found evolution too clunky01:14
firasRbrandonn:  how so ?01:14
dabugasbut then i always prefered of using one program to do one job rather than four01:14
brandonnwell, mostly in the area of third party support, like phpgroupware01:15
firasRbrandonn:  haven't tried too many (or any of those)01:15
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brandonnthe one thing that I was was that it supported SQL as a database type for calendar and addressbook01:16
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brandonnright now I'm writing a perl script to update SQL based on the Vcards01:16
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dabugasand then let's simplify... there's mutt. 01:16
firasRdabugas:  u gotta be kiddin' right ?01:17
brandonnI have a friend that is a third level engineer at Sun, and still uses pine for email01:17
dabugasi used pine for years01:18
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dabugas(well, two)01:18
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dabugas& of course pico is an adorable editor01:19
brandonnyeah, I still prefer vim, but I think it's more habit now than anything, I can't count how many times I type :wq in OpenOffice01:19
firasRI did some time ago as well, waaaaaay back, it was painful !01:19
dabugasfirasR: the beauty of linux is that you can mix-&-match the really basic with the really complex01:20
firasRbrandonn:  now that's one thing that's actually grown on me, VIM :)01:20
dabugasbrandonn: heh. never one for either vim or emacs; but it took some adjusting to go to abiword from nedit (now i'm trying to use OOo with some success)01:20
firasRbrandonn:  i keep reading all those posts that say "type gedit/kedit this file or that" and I'm thinkin' why would u want to do that ? so much faster to type "vi" :)01:21
firasRdabugas:  yeah ur absolutely right, choice is a blessing !01:21
dabugasgenerally i have an "e" link to a console text editor (mcedit or somethign equally simple) and an "xe" for something like gedit (or leafpad which is even liter)01:22
firasRdabugas:  nice idea01:22
dabugasthis way i can switch editors, without switching commands :)01:22
dabugas(unless i'm using arguments which generally differ)01:23
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apollo2011Is there anything I need to do to a new Western Digital hd before I install it and run the Kubuntu install and format it?01:30
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_tarball_Why does kubuntu ask for the install CD/DVD when I 'apt-get' some packages?01:38
KaiLbecause you have the cdrom listet in /etc/apt/sources.list01:39
KaiLand so it tries to install them from there, as far as possible01:39
Mezcan anyone help me with using the wiki - /query please01:40
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seek205does KDE have a startup folder or options for program to startup on KDE start?01:42
seek205ah thanks01:44
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seek205is there a deb for firefox 1.04 anywhere?02:08
apollo2011seek205: the latest package available in kynaptic is 1.0402:14
apollo2011It appears as 1.02 though.02:14
apollo2011if you get blocked from the Firefox Extensions site, you can edit a key in about:config so it will let you in02:15
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seek205oh ok I see I just changed the version # so I could get to moz update02:20
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wartykubuntu just died02:22
wartyx wont start02:22
wartyon startup, it did a fsck, fsck died a couple times, when I got it to finish it'd found lots of errors, fixed them supposedly, now x wont start02:25
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wartyanyone home?02:29
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seek205what other good kde irc clients are there besides konversation? this one gets on my nerves04:31
N1G0Wlol try xchat04:33
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Funzobut gaim sucks for irc heh04:34
liz4rdmozilla chat :P04:34
Funzoohh yeah mozilla makes a good one04:34
liz4rdJUST LEAVES04:34
Funzobut imho xchat is the best04:34
Funzoi thot u was tlakin to me at first04:34
Funzoi think he prolly got d/ced04:34
liz4rdi'm not banned anymore04:34
Funzolook at quit msg04:34
=== seek205 [~seek205@67-42-59-107.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu
Funzodid u see what we said bfore u left?04:35
Funzoor what liz4rd said :P04:35
liz4rdall i need to do on ubuntu is video drivers... sound drivers... and something els04:35
liz4rdhe mighte not take to kindly to insults04:36
Funzoyour coding it?04:36
Funzono not that04:36
liz4rdwtf then?04:36
Funzoim not that mean lol04:36
liz4rdok good :P04:37
Funzoso r u coding drivers?04:37
Funzoor u installing?04:37
Funzoah heh04:37
Funzodoesnt it auto setup evrything04:37
Funzofor ya04:37
liz4rdbut not sure about the nvidia drivers04:37
liz4rdcuz i dont know how to get out of X on ubuntu04:37
=== liz4rd was on slackware yesterday
Funzomine just stopped loading when i booted04:37
Funzoi dont know why04:37
Funzoi was trying forever to kill it04:38
liz4rdi think i might grow to like ubuntu04:38
Funzothen kde had an error and the gui didnt come up when i rebooted... but it still works wen i start it04:38
liz4rdsudo apt-get install xfce4 :D04:38
Funzodo u prefer kde or gnome?04:38
liz4rdmmmm hard to say...when i first started out on linux kde was my homie then gnome got pretty cool so i stayed in the middle with fluxbox and xfce04:39
liz4rdxfce is m fav recently04:39
Funzoits more suitable for n00bs04:39
liz4rd:P probly04:39
Funzosimilar to other OSs04:40
liz4rdi consider my sefl still one tho :P04:40
Funzonice feel and look04:40
Funzothats why i prefer it04:40
liz4rdwhat are all the distro's youv been on?04:40
Funzolinspire, debian, a few xbox-linux distros like Xebian, gentooX and knoppix04:41
Funzoan rh04:41
Funzoand mandrake a long time ago04:41
Funzobut how many did i get to work is the real question04:41
Funzoohh and obviously ubuntu + kubuntu04:41
liz4rdme (from the begining) knoppix, fedora, SuSE, slackware and now ubuntu04:41
Funzohehe nice04:42
Funzoi always wanted to try suse04:42
liz4rdmy dream is to sucessfully install gentoo04:42
Funzobut i heard it was no good for noobs04:42
liz4rdno its prefect man04:42
liz4rdits the easyest of all :P04:42
Funzoi failed lol on a ppc04:42
Funzobut on xbox with gentooX it is real easy04:42
Funzowell i mean they know what it is going to be run on04:43
Funzoso forget all that hardware detecting shit04:43
Funzothey can make it completely automated04:43
liz4rdbrb phone04:44
ShuddertrixKubuntu's livecd makes a great disc to install gentoo from..04:44
Shuddertrixmy friend already got his copy, and he is loving kubuntu. now, to get him to install it..04:44
Funzoi never thought of that04:44
Shuddertrixwant a screenshot? it couldn't be easier..04:45
Funzowith the gui it must be real easy04:45
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ShuddertrixIt's not like you install gentoo with a gui, you're still following the guid04:46
ShuddertrixIt's just, you're able to do other thngs..04:46
liz4rdwell url to screenshot?04:46
Shuddertrixme, personally, i'm using Kontact and Konq to do other things. Oh, and Konversation for IRC04:46
Shuddertrixhold on04:46
Funzoi like xchat better04:47
ShuddertrixI perfer irssi with a good terminal app (like aterm or eterm)04:47
ShuddertrixI'm on 76 of 87 already. It's flying, and Kubuntu still rocks.04:48
=== Shuddertrix is having a triple-boot, kubuntu gentoo windows.
ShuddertrixI'll use kubuntu to show off to friends on how easy it is to use linux, gentoo for regular usage (won't forget kubuntu for some things, however ;) ) and windows for.. well, nothing really..04:50
ShuddertrixI mean, what can I do in windows that I couldn't in linux?04:50
ShuddertrixOne game will not run in cedega. That's it.04:51
Shuddertrix(of the ones I play)04:51
ShuddertrixBy the way, the only thing I changed from the defaults in that screenshot is the fonts, i'm using FreeSans everywhere04:52
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seek205Everytime I start Enemy terroritry it wont run unless I kill artsd is there any way to fix that so I dont have to kill it everytime?05:26
Shuddertrixseek205: Same here, but with other games..05:31
ShuddertrixNot sure what's up with that.05:31
ShuddertrixI just disable sound system support until i'm done playing a game05:31
=== Shuddertrix waits for his kernel to compile while planning some stuff in kontact. compiling a kernel has never been so phun
ShuddertrixHopefully, i'm not the only one that uses kontact.05:32
SpookyET Windows and Ubuntu both run at 1600x1200, 75.  However, when I boot into Ubuntu, the image is shifted right by a half a cm.  I'm tired to alwasy have to adjust the image each time I boot into Windows and Linux.  Does anyone have any idea on how to fix this?  x11 problem?05:33
ShuddertrixSpookyET: Shift the screen with Windows a half-cm over. Problem solved.05:34
ShuddertrixTo be honest, I have no idea how to fix that with X.05:35
SpookyETShuddertrix, wrong05:35
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SpookyETthe screen looks wrong in linux05:35
SpookyETnot windows05:35
ShuddertrixSpookyET: Wrong? Then what's right?05:35
SpookyETif i shift it in windows, i won't see a part of the start menu05:36
ShuddertrixReally, I don't know why.05:36
ShuddertrixGoogle helped yet?05:36
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SpookyETxconfig file problem?05:36
ShuddertrixYou'd think that there is probably a setting you can change.05:37
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SpookyETsuse 9.3 recognizes the ipod05:49
liz4rddoes it?05:49
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SpookyETi know05:49
SpookyETi've been thinking of getting it05:50
liz4rdwell it would be cooler if i owned one05:50
SpookyETi just don't know how many cds i need05:50
SpookyETthere are 505:50
liz4rdshits aint free is it05:52
SpookyETevery linux can be downloaded05:52
liz4rdi know that ;)05:52
SpookyETit's dvd only, but some dudes made 5 cds out of the dvd and put it on bittorrent05:53
seek205what package would Python Qt bindings be in?05:54
SpookyETall i want is kde05:54
SpookyETi hate gnome05:54
SpookyETi don't want all 505:55
Shuddertrixyou could do an ftp install05:55
ShuddertrixI did that when I used to run SuSE05:55
ShuddertrixYes, back when it was SuSE.. ;)05:55
SpookyETfinding the right ftp is hard05:55
ShuddertrixIt found my ipod, too05:55
ShuddertrixYeah, it took my about 7 tries, but i soon found one that maxed my connection05:56
Shuddertrix.. back when my cable was 3mbps and not 5mbps.. heh05:56
SpookyETubuntu is pissing me off due to the old mono stuff05:56
=== kakalto [~kakalto@wired-210-54-56-104.ps.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu
SpookyETis gnumerics as good as the gnome dudes make it seem?05:57
ShuddertrixIf your into that thing, yeah, it's pretty good05:58
ShuddertrixNow, this is an oddity..05:59
ShuddertrixCheck this out: http://img122.echo.cx/my.php?image=snapshot23qw.png06:02
ShuddertrixNothing horrible, but strange..06:03
SpookyETdon't know06:05
kakaltois it supposed the be alifgned that way?06:05
SpookyEThaven't got a joystick06:05
SpookyETDoes anyone know how to change file/dir permissions in gnome recursivly?06:05
kakaltotry #ubuntu .... this place is more likely to tell you about kde06:06
SpookyETin kde, it does it by default06:06
SpookyETgnome is just weird06:06
kakaltotrue that06:07
kakaltognome just crashes for me06:07
kakaltoon login06:07
mrmanicI don't think I've ever changed permissions in gui06:07
kakaltowhich is one reason I use kde instead of gnome06:07
ShuddertrixIt the fact that the display and joystick panels are in the SAME panel06:07
ShuddertrixIt is06:07
ShuddertrixGeez. I can't even make correct sentences anymore.06:08
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Shuddertrix_tron: test failed06:08
_trontron: test succesfully06:09
Shuddertrix_tron: kernel panic: master queue check testing has FAILED, cannot continue.06:09
Shuddertrix091239801923080192380909180821291380123809213 (random spam)06:09
kakalto404 NOT FOUND06:10
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SpookyETthe best thing about suse is yast06:12
kakaltoI might try SuSe at some stage06:12
SpookyETseeds are kind of scarce06:12
_tronthe best thing about kubuntu chat is tron06:12
ShuddertrixThe best thing about #kubuntu is most definatly.. the /topic06:12
kakalto_tron, you're getting mixed up with 'worst'06:12
ShuddertrixI mean, you find answers to a ton of questions with the /topic. It's a ton better then even me... a hard task, for sure.. but it's been done, by #kubuntu 's /topic06:13
SpookyETthe only thing that brought me to kde believe it or not is amaroK06:14
ShuddertrixSpookyET: Came for the amaroK, stayed for everything else?06:14
seek205grr what package has python KDE bindings in it?06:14
Shuddertrixseek205: Me is not sure..06:14
SpookyETi hate itunes on windows, but i like that format.  There are 2 clones that suck (wxMusik, which also works on linux)06:14
seek205I need it for a AmaroK script I found the python qt bindings but now its wants the KDE ones to06:15
SpookyETtried ubuntu first, but Rhythmbox's indexing is very slow06:15
kakaltoSpookyET, true that06:16
Shuddertrixyeah, it is06:16
kakaltoI liked Juk06:16
kakaltobut when I found amarok.... 06:16
kakaltoI switched to kde06:16
SpookyETi also tried the hyped beagle06:18
SpookyETcompletly unusable06:18
SpookyETi'm surprised you don't know06:20
Shuddertrixyou mean the searching mono thingy, or something else?06:20
SpookyETit's been plastered all over the place06:20
Shuddertrixit's a pile of shat06:20
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Shuddertrixit sucks at searching..06:21
SpookyETit's not that06:21
Shuddertrix(never got it to work, heh)06:21
SpookyETit just eats resources like crazy06:21
SpookyETi surprised that the mono devs are all gtk when suse is mainly kde06:23
SpookyETQt# was abandoned06:23
Shuddertrixoh crap06:24
Shuddertrixmy scheduled "do nothing" is in 6 minutes.06:24
Shuddertrixjust move that up an hour.. there we go06:24
SpookyETi don't really mind. gtk-qt does a pretty good job except for the horrible gnome icons06:24
Shuddertrixgtk-qt is awesome!06:24
SpookyETi wish it could change the icons too06:24
SpookyETare you having konqueror problems?06:29
SpookyETit crashes06:29
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toranhey guys, how do I get my gtk theme to apply on startup of a window manager like fluxbgox?06:29
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seek205ugh is there any way to make firefox the default url handler for KDE? instead of konqurer??07:00
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ToutPT|ppc|frfirefox , to handle files ?07:09
ToutPT|ppc|frsee the configuration section of konqueror -> files association07:11
ToutPT|ppc|frit s similar to windows07:11
ToutPT|ppc|frin the text section text you have html ...07:12
ToutPT|ppc|frso you have just to change the order07:12
Tezkahbut... Konqueror07:13
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ilmanseeis the above repos different then the official ones of the ubuntu hoaray or just a mirror for the packages specific to kde07:49
ilmanseebasically do i have to add them07:49
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jaroHi @ll08:45
Goshawkjaro: re08:45
jaronice to meet someone here08:45
Goshawkme too08:45
jarohow long have you been using kubuntu ?08:46
Goshawkis there a way to save a video stream with kde applications (like kaffeine)?08:46
Goshawkfrom one week08:46
Goshawkjaro: i used ubuntu for one year08:46
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Goshawkjaro: than i saw the nice work of the kubuntu staff and switched08:46
Goshawkto it08:46
jarooh cool08:46
Goshawkjaro: you?08:46
jaroi didnt use ubuntu, because of gnome.. so i was very pleased when i heard about kubuntu08:47
jaroi have installed it two weeks ago08:47
jaroi had some problems though...08:48
jarobut it works 08:48
Goshawkjaro: i was happy with gnome but using it i noted that working with medias (cd-dvd) is not so easy and beutiful as it's on kde08:48
jarooh, i don't use gnome just because it doesn't look nice08:48
jaroand of course, because nautilus was so bad08:49
Goshawkyes.. nautilus with is space navigation08:49
jaroand its few possibilities to handle files08:50
jaroi still have problems getting administator-mode in kcontrol08:52
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Goshawkjaro: i dont' know...08:55
jarowhat problems do you actually have with kubuntu ?08:55
Goshawkjaro: me?08:56
=== CruNcher [~lulu_lol@dsl-084-058-130-224.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
Goshawki've a stream file, whne i click to it kaffeine opens and paly but i wanna save the stream into my hd. how to do that?08:58
jarowhere is that file ?08:58
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Goshawkis a wmn08:59
jaroits on the internet i guess08:59
Goshawkof 174 bytes08:59
Goshawkyes it's08:59
jarocan u give the url ?08:59
Goshawkwhen i play it download the stream in real time and i see it08:59
Goshawki've the file here08:59
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Goshawkjaro: http://media.fastweb.it/WM9/raiclick/FMVRAI04000001051168.wmv09:01
=== seek205 [~seek205@67-42-59-107.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu
jaroi guess the easiest way would be to open it in Browser.. then save it to your hd09:03
CruNcheror use wget from the console :)09:03
jaroi havent got the codecs installed it seemed09:03
GoshawkCruNcher: using wget i'll download the stream source file, isn't it?09:04
=== Goshawk try using wget
GoshawkCruNcher: no it does not work it downloaded the sorce stream file09:05
CruNcherisn't that what you want ?09:05
Goshawkjaro: when i open in browser a windows come up and say how pc should open that file (and i choose kaffeine)09:05
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SlicerDicer-how can I locate lame? I dont see it in my repositorys09:05
GoshawkCruNcher: no i wanna the video itself09:05
Goshawknot the source stream file09:06
CruNchersorry i see09:06
CruNcherits a link file09:06
CruNchernormaly you dont name those .WMV09:06
GoshawkLength: 174 [video/x-ms-wvx] 09:06
Ghetekhow do i add deb http://download.kde.org/stable/3.4.1/kubuntu/ hoary-updates main to my sources list?09:06
jarovi /etc/apt/sources.list09:07
GoshawkGhetek: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list09:07
GhetekFailed to fetch http://download.kde.org/stable/3.4.1/kubuntu/dists/hoary-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  302 Found09:07
CruNcherit goes to a Windows Media Server09:07
jarothen insert:    deb  http://download.kde.org/stable/3.4.1/kubuntu/ hoary-updates main09:07
GoshawkCruNcher: yes i know09:07
CruNcheryou have to rip the stream search on google for :P09:08
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jarokynaptic seemed to crash last time, so i shot it down.. Now it says it can't get lock... some other process would be using it, what process would that be ?09:08
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Ghetekjaro: http://pastebin.com/293726 i did09:08
Goshawkjaro: try to locate the pid with sudo  ps -x 09:09
jarowhat is pastebin about ?09:10
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Ghetekits the log of things09:10
jarops -x ?09:10
Ghetektry it09:10
jarocommand not found09:10
jarooh it works09:11
Goshawkjaro: try to locate synaptic or knaptic or aptitude09:12
jaroyes i did09:12
jaroit works again :)09:13
jaroi killed the process with top, but is there another way ?09:13
Goshawki don't know another way09:13
sirukinwould installing Kubuntu on the Nokia 770 be possible?09:14
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jaroi dunno09:14
jarowhat package is for the windows-codecs ??09:14
sirukinor apt-cache search codecs and go through that09:15
jarohavent got that w32 package in my reposes09:17
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Ghetekso any ideas as to why i cant get that in my source?09:17
jarocant get what ?09:18
Goshawkjaro: you should add marillat sources09:18
Gheteksorry, thought that was to me09:19
jarowhere are those marillat sources ?09:20
Ghetekdeb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat unstable main deb http://cyberspace.ucla.edu/marillat unstable main09:22
Goshawkjaro: use google09:22
Ghetekgo here for those sources http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/swmgmt.html#h2add09:22
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amuztonzy: you got your blender? 09:26
jarohey there we go09:26
jarothe codecs ^09:26
Goshawkkaffeine is able to send broadcast stream09:28
Goshawkso i sent the stream from the 12345 port of my pc09:28
Goshawkthen i use netcat to connect to 1234509:28
Goshawkand strore all in a file :D09:28
CruNchershould be also working with VLC very easily :P09:29
xxenonwho is testing breezy these days ?09:29
CruNcherwithout streaming and captureing it ;)09:29
amuxxenon: why?09:29
GoshawkCruNcher: vlc?09:29
CruNcherapt-get install vlc09:30
xxenonamu - just to know if it's normal that KDM cant start KDE since yesterday09:30
GoshawkCruNcher: i'm looking at09:30
amuxxenon: today with new xorg my kde starts again :D09:31
xxenonamu - I need to upgrade tonight then.09:31
CruNcherread the help and use the commandline theoreticly you could also transcode it while you stream it into another video:audio+container format :P09:31
amuxxenon: be sure you ger xorg-2109:31
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amuger/get 09:31
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xxenonaum - I have that.09:32
xxenonKDM starts.09:32
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Goshawkok folks, time to go see you09:38
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jaroanyone left ?09:54
Firetechwhy does everyone think you have to rebbot to apply everything in linux?09:57
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Firetechlike one guy on the forum: "also reboot so it sets the time to the hardware clock"09:58
amuthat's probably from earlier lives, people comming from windows09:59
Firetechyes, rebooting is a WindowsCrazy Thing(r)10:00
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FiretechIn Windows: reboot for any change. In Linux: reboot only for kernel problems/changes.10:02
jaroacutally i am updating to kde 3.4.1 :-)10:02
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ubuntuFiretech, true :)10:02
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FiretechProblems with Windows, reboot. Problems with Linux, be root.10:03
BikkeBakeStill, we all know this :)10:03
jarothats good10:03
Firetechsirk: good one.10:04
BikkeBakeTo mess up a linux box you just have to work at it. To mess up a windows box, you just have to work on it.10:04
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FiretechBikkeBake: to mess up a windows box, it is only needed to boot it.10:04
BikkeBake!tell Firetech about Holy wa10:05
BikkeBake!tell Firetech about Holy war10:05
FiretechBut it is10:05
Firetechok, and install some programs, but it gets bloated too soon10:05
BikkeBakeWindows isn't that great, but  i'm pretty sure everyone here knows that10:05
Firetechhafta go anyway.10:06
BikkeBakeRedmond has Security Checks, so good luck ;)10:06
oniryxhello Kubuntu'ers10:08
BikkeBakeHello Oniryx'ers10:08
oniryxBikkeBake:  :))10:09
BikkeBakeGot to love Konversation10:09
jarowhy ?10:10
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nctIs there a plan to release a new kubuntu with kde 3.4.1 packages directly on the cd ?10:13
amunct: yes, that's the plan for breezy, it could be also kde 3.5 10:15
amunct: meanwhile you can try the iso from the topic10:17
=== BikkeBake wants KDE5
FiretechBikkeBake: get SVN then...10:18
BikkeBakeKDE4 is.. out? O_O10:19
Firetechbut you can get the latest via SVN10:19
BikkeBakeAw :/10:19
Firetechwhich almost is KDE410:19
BikkeBakeNot Ree-ally10:20
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nctamu, the iso from the topic, is it an updated one or normal kubuntu 5.04 ?10:23
Firetechnct: kubuntu 5.04 Live CD + KDE 3.4.110:23
nctok, is there an unofficial kubuntu 5.04 install CD + KDE 3.4.1 in plan ?10:24
nctI suppsoe that's nt so important because the debs are here10:24
Firetechnct: they are updating now and then, too.10:25
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Firetechthe debs, that is. so it may not be good to make a 3.4.1 CD right now...10:29
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amunct: it's a updated one10:42
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amuhoary + kde 3.4.110:42
esherExtension System Warning: Failed to set up default extensions files probably because you do not have write privileges to this location. While you can run Firefox like this, it is recommended that you run it at least once with privileges that allow it to generate these initial files to improve start performance. Running from a disk image on MacOS X is not recommended.10:43
esher(Gecko:31073): libgnomevfs-WARNING **: Cannot create pipe for GnomeVFSProcess initialization: Too many open files10:43
eshermy firefox wont start :(10:43
amuesher: libgnomevfs-WARNING, wrong channel :) you should ask at #ubuntu10:45
esherhmm, but i have kubuntu installed :D10:45
amunice try 10:46
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teleyinexsome one its experiencing problems with kcal when you add an ical remote calendar10:48
teleyinexi get the error that the app cant modify the name of the calendar?10:48
teleyinexthe permissions are all of them ok10:48
teleyinexanother thing10:49
teleyinexhow i disable the animations10:49
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amuteleyinex: tested rename a local ical file, that works10:54
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amuteleyinex: you probably can't change the name of the _remove_ calender, since the name is static, other people are subscribed, if you can change it, everyone other will loose this calendar 10:56
teleyinexshow, its a problem of kcal10:57
jaro<-- still updating kde 3.410:57
teleyinexcause tries to modified something that it cant10:57
amu<parse error>10:57
teleyinexanother thing, kubuntu its now 3.4.1?10:57
teleyinexor stills being 3.4.010:57
jaroi dunno10:58
amudepends what you mean with kubuntu, we have a warty,hoary and breezy branch 10:58
Firetechamu: there is a warty branch of kubuntu?10:58
jarobtw. who came upon the idea to use the same letter twice for every other name ?10:58
amuFiretech: sure :) 10:59
Firetechdidn't know that... have to go now.10:59
amuFiretech: this time, kde was in universe10:59
jarodoes anyone know if there is a repos for Styles ??11:00
amujaro: themes? 11:01
amukde-look.org 11:02
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jarono i mean repositories to add11:02
jaroso i can install them from kynaptic itself11:03
amuthat's probably kdeaddons you mean11:03
jarothat probably supports to install such things11:04
amuerr kdeartwork11:04
jaroi've got that11:04
jaroand it made it possible to compile themes11:05
jarobut if possible id like to install them via apt-get11:05
teleyinexim in hoary11:05
amujaro: than you get the defaults, if you want customized or you want compile them for yourself goto kde-look.org / themes.kde.org11:05
jarohmm 11:06
jaroso theres no other way than selfcompile11:06
amulipstick is one of millions which is apt'able11:06
amu...from ubuntu's repo's 11:07
jaroi got that ^11:07
jarodo you have a favorite ?11:07
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amudefault is fine with me :) 11:08
amufeel free to package them you like 11:08
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miklhmm, synaptic whines about not beeing able to authenticate the packages from your kde 3.4.1-mirror?11:20
miklso, should I just disregard it or what?11:21
Tm_Tyeah, just install them11:21
ilba7rTm i downloaded kde from the ubuntu repos is the kubuntu one updated or just a mirror11:23
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miklilba7r: It's updated - the ubuntu-mirrors only have kde 3.4.0 yet :)11:27
ilba7rthanx mikl11:27
ilba7ri will add them to the source list11:27
amuthe kubuntu archive is a try to centralize the things, it isnt such good, if we have once packages at A next at B later at Z .... we also do a kind of quality check, for the packages, do not try to install packages from somewhere, you will be hurd and punished with a reinstallation ;)    11:31
ilba7ri used to install kde just from offical ubuntu repos.11:32
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ilba7rhave bit tried kde 3.4.1 and will wait to see how stable pepole find it11:34
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amuilba7r: the office kubuntu hoary release will not be updated with kde 3.4.1 .... that's why we setuped deb http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde341 & updates11:36
ilba7rok amu now i understand they have frozen the packages and just have security update now i remember their policy11:37
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ilba7rso amu did you find kde341 stable?11:38
amuilba7r: works fine for me, with a normal desktop installation 11:38
amucompared to 3.4, 3.4.1 is a cool bugfix release  11:39
ilba7rwill see if i will update or not. I had some problems with updating another package the end result was painfull format of my pc11:39
ilba7ramu so adminstrative mode works now in the control center11:40
ilba7rand does kbear work at latst11:40
amuilba7r: ;) depends, from where you installed the packages :) if you use just "our" sources everything works fine *eg* 11:40
ilba7rwill give it a try for sure. Frankly i switched to other distro because programs ran soo slow and of some bugs11:41
ilba7rthe majour one was after i used adminstrative mode to add printers once on kde control center i could not use administrative mode any more when i log into the kde control center11:42
amuworks fine now 11:44
ilba7ri am there now looking at the kde341 release perhaps i will find bug fixes and release notes11:45
ilba7rthanx amu11:45
ilba7ri am there now thanx11:46
amubut no release notes :( still looking for help  11:46
ilba7rcool i am looking at the release announcements11:47
ilba7rby the way i am planning to offer whatever little help i have in the future not now though but defenitly i have to give back11:48
amuwould be cool if someone could summarize the changelogs :) 11:48
ilba7ryou guys did really good job to rid us of the window nightmare11:48
`TUX``amu hi 11:49
`TUX``nothing new about xclient problem?11:49
`TUX``xbase-clients postinst warning: /etc/X11/xkb/xkbcomp symbolic link points to wrong location /usr/bin/xkbcomp11:49
ilba7rfrankly i am in a mid of contracts now that consume most of my time. I know i will not be free at least for few months but i do promise i will do whatever little help i can11:49
amu`TUX``: nope, maybe in -22 11:49
amu... but you still can start kdm :) 11:49
amuaehm means kde starts also ..... just ignore this error 11:50
`TUX``for me?11:51
amuilba7r: no prob, would be nice to have, cause you also looked for them  11:51
`TUX``the problem is that it stop any kde upgrade11:51
ilba7rya i know amu11:52
ilba7rby the way before i download should i back up my ./kde directory11:52
amu`TUX``: works for me, i dist-upgraded it at morning, got the same message, than i installed all package with ex. apt-get install kdepim11:52
ilba7ri have lots of configuration i even changed the menu so do i have to back them up11:53
amuilba7r: it's all time a good choose backing up you .kde Mail ~/  11:53
jaroi wonder how long it takes for kde to update to 3.4.1 ?11:54
ilba7rok will update them before installation them11:54
amui'll do it by cron, since this time i've no trouble reinstalling, testing things without loosing any datas   11:54
amu... i don't want one more, resetup my mail, adressbooks with a thousend of contacts :)   11:56
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ilba7roh they fixed the kmenu thats great11:57
RiCo0what's wrong with the kmenu  ?!:>11:58
ilba7rmm i will unmount my /home partition do the reinstallation and if good remount it again11:58
ilba7rthe old one needed a little bit of touch11:58
RiCo0hmm ok11:58
ztonzyamu, hi! yes I have...I always builf from CVS :)  but I think it would be nice to have 2.37 in the repositry !11:59
ztonzyamu, did you update it?11:59
amuztonzy: did you tested my package ? i'm bit woundert cause it builed at once :) 11:59
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quarhow can i add a printer12:00
ztonzyamu, uh? how do you mean ?12:00
quari tried using the kde app but it doesnt have the driver?12:00
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ilba7rcheck it on linuxprinting.org quar12:01
amuquar: how you added your printer? 12:01
ztonzyamu, downloaded it...but I dont know what you ment by: "i'm bit woundert cause it builed at onc"12:02
amukcontrol, Peripherals, admin mode, add, add a printer 12:02
amuand of course print-system should be cups 12:03
ilba7ramu i think he did that but could not find a driver for his printer12:03
miklprelink me up, scotty12:03
amuztonzy: such a huge, complex package build out of the box, so i'm bit woundert, if it works also :) 12:03
ztonzyamu, I get depency problem :-\12:04
quarI dunno where to find the driver for my printer12:04
amuztonzy: y use breezy? 12:04
ztonzyamu, no, hoary12:04
amuilba7r: yeah looks like 12:04
amuztonzy: ah, builed it for breezy 12:04
ztonzylibc6 (>= 2.3.4-1) (but I got 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13)12:04
ztonzyamu, isn't breezy unstable ?12:05
ilba7rquar check this website http://linuxprinting.org/12:05
ilba7ryou might find the driver there12:05
amuztonzy: sure, but i'll support only backports if they are important 12:05
ztonzyamu, I mean, such big release that Blender 2.37 is...it should be in Hoary12:06
ztonzyit has enough new features for 3 releases =O12:06
amuif you test them both, i'll do it :)    12:06
ztonzyI couldn't install the .deb you gave me12:08
ztonzytest what ? breezy ?12:09
ztonzyhmm I do have a 2nd computer (t-bird) that I dont use12:09
amuyep, or should i just up it, and forward the bugreports?  12:09
amuupload 12:10
ztonzyyou mean 2.37 for hoary ?12:11
amubreezy 12:11
ztonzymy own build...is not installed like from system...it is just a symlink to my dev/blender dir.12:11
amuwell i've no idea about blender, i can technically package it, but funktions never tried 12:11
ztonzyamu, you mean features and ins and outs ?12:12
ztonzyI have used Blender ever since march 2001 :)12:12
amugot it12:12
amuwell you are the blender guru, i'm not :) but i can help with packaging the new version12:13
ztonzyamu, http://www.elysiun.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=43975  enough evidence ;) ?12:13
amuztonzy: sure i know :) 12:13
ztonzyamu, hehe12:14
ztonzyamu, it is not only for me packing and putting it up in repositry...but for everyone else !  you see that they made a md5 right ?12:15
ilba7rthank you guys for your help thanx amu take care my friend12:15
amuyep, well done 12:15
`TUX``i am sorry when i try to install some packet the xbase-client occour and stop  all , is there a way to by pass this error 12:16
`TUX``to many errors occour and stop installation 12:16
ztonzyamu, I update my system to kde 3.4.1  last evening, I hope konqueror crashes will be less now12:16
amu`TUX``: afraid, no12:16
`TUX``i ll wait :)12:16
amuztonzy: it didnt crashed for me, since today :) 12:17
ztonzyamu, sweet12:17
Tm_Tztonzy: at least less in my installation12:17
ztonzyamu, I hope my is more stable now too12:17
ztonzyTm_T, ok12:17
amuyou should invite daniels for a beer, in order to get those X bugs fixed :)  12:18
Tm_Tamu: where's this fellow, I'll invite ;p12:18
amuTm_T: that's secret :P12:18
Tm_TI'll drink beers myself then12:20
Tm_Tno I won't12:21
ztonzyamu, shall I test it ? first....before repositry?12:38
amuztonzy: would be good 12:38
ztonzyamu, wee...installed fine and started fine12:41
ztonzyamu, I do prefer the startup command for blender:12:41
ztonzy'blender -w'  12:41
ztonzyin that way blender doesnt start up as fullscreen, but with window resizable borders...but maximized12:42
amustarting from the menu, right ? 12:42
amuok, i'll change this also, thx12:43
ztonzya good idea to let a terminal running in background for it too...it shows all commands and what happens when you work12:43
ztonzyit is the best way to work with Blender having that terminal12:43
amualso no problem, you're sure you want this? 12:44
ztonzyhmm, "cat: /home/sten/.blender/VERSION: Filen eller katalogen finns inte"12:44
ztonzywonder what that is12:44
ztonzyamu, most Blender users have that...in Windows they always get a DOS window in background....you cant avoid it in Windows12:45
ztonzyif they shut down the DOS window , Blender closes too...but in Linux you can choose to have it like that or not12:45
amuok sounds logic12:45
ztonzyamu, ask any other Blender user....they will answer the same12:45
ztonzyamu, all commands you do, is shown there12:46
amuztonzy: no prob ... already changed :) some more idea's ?   12:46
ztonzywhat was that: "cat: /home/sten/.blender/VERSION: file or dir. does not exist"12:47
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ztonzyis VERSION a .deb thing ?12:47
ztonzyamu, dont know if there's more needed...12:47
ztonzyamu, how do I re-install a .deb ?12:48
ztonzyamu, want to see what the packages does with .blender  in ~/12:49
amuapt-get install bla --reinstall12:50
hussamwhat if it's a local .deb? will dpkg -i aaa.deb  reinstall or complain that aaa.deb is alrady installed?12:53
amuhussam: it will be just reinstalled if you run it with dpkg 12:55
ztonzyamu, and remove ?   -r ?12:55
amuapt-get remove bla --purge 12:56
amu--purge purges you config, a clean removable of the package 12:56
hussamamu: ok thanks for the tip12:56
amudpkg -remove ... 12:59
ztonzyamu, hmm...40412:59
amudpkg and apt are great tools, you can defines options like you never can get them with other tools01:00
ztonzymust eat now01:00
hussamamu: much better than rpm.01:00
amuztonzy: ups, now it there 01:00
jaroKontact crashes whenever I add items to the toolbar01:03
jarowhats wrong ??01:03
jaroand i cant specify mails as spam... 01:04
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amujaro: works for me on breezy01:07
amu.. both, adding items and defining mails as spam 01:07
jaroit worked before01:08
jarobut then there was a list.. and it had twice the same items01:08
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jaroso i deleted it and moved the single items there01:08
jaronow they dont work01:08
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amujaro: yep, got also some trouble now, after modifing the defaults, if you will not touch them they just run ...could you please file a bug 01:13
jaroi dont know how01:14
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ztonzyamu, I removed the menu in Graphic, after I uninstalled it, now re-installed it, no new menuentry is there except in Debian menu...01:18
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Tm_Tztonzy: use kappfinder01:22
ztonzyTm_T, what what reason ?01:22
jaroquestion: Can I upgrade to KDE 3.4.1 while running system ??01:23
jaroor should I close all other apps01:23
jarobecause i am afraid he is going to crash when finished download01:23
Tm_Tztonzy: oh, try it, you'll see01:23
ztonzyjaro, I think best is, is to logout and then in again01:23
ztonzyTm_T, ok01:24
jaroTm_T ?01:24
ztonzyTm_T, ah...tested it before , I see now01:24
Tm_Tjaro: yes?01:24
hussamjaro: you can just make sure to reboot because even kdm needs to be reloaded.01:24
Tm_Thussam: why not just reboot X =)01:24
hussamhussam: I meant reboot after the upgrade01:24
jaroah Tm_t is a nick lol01:24
hussamTm_T: or just restart x. correct.01:25
jarosince kynaptic doesnt show progressbar i dont know if he crashed or just isnt finished01:25
hussamjaro: probably not finished since it will take a while to setup all the packages.01:26
Tm_Twhy not just use apt-get ;p01:27
jarohmm because it is non graphical01:27
jaromay have been better in this case01:27
jarobut now its too late, isnt it ?01:27
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jarohe is already downloading01:28
jaro80% now01:28
hussamjust do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:28
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hussamjaro: then continue with kynaptic01:28
hussamhussam: it will look like it foze when settting up, but that's just because it's busy01:29
jarobut last time it never stopped01:29
jaroso i shut it down01:29
=== hussam is such a noob, lol
hussamjaro: nah, don't it just takes a while01:30
=== mikl belongs to the group that regards Java applets on webpages with fear and loathing
jarook, but how long might it take ?01:30
jaro1 hour ?01:30
jaro3 hours ?01:30
jaroi remember compiling kde301:30
ztonzyTm_T, doesnt find Blender however01:30
jaroit took a whole day01:30
ztonzyamu, still here ?01:30
hussamno after it downlaods, it may take like 10+ minutes to setup ( depends on machine )01:31
Tm_Tztonzy: hmm, strange01:33
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ztonzyTm_T, maybe yes01:39
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amuztonzy: yep01:48
ztonzyamu, it was added to Debian menu...but not "Graphic"01:49
amuztonzy: ok, i can fix that also ... 01:49
ztonzyand it showed up  "windowed"      and "fullscreen"  but not terminal-on setting01:50
amuztonzy: could you please setup like you like it and sent me your blender.desktop file 01:51
ztonzyamu, I dont have/use such file01:52
ztonzybut I could make it01:52
amuopen kmenuedit 01:52
amumove it from debian-dir to the right place and chance the start option -w and other like you want 01:53
amuthan run a cd ~/.kde 01:54
amufind . name blender.desktop 01:54
amucat blender.desktop |mail -smydesktopfile amu@kubuntu.de 01:54
ztonzywhy mail ?01:55
ztonzyI use webmail01:55
amu;) no prob use webmail  01:56
jaro100% --> grey screen01:57
jarolets find out01:57
ztonzyamu, sure01:57
amuztonzy: thanks you rock01:58
ztonzyamu, hehe01:58
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jarowow he is ready02:04
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jarogoing to reboot02:05
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ztonzyamu, cant find blender.desktop  heh02:21
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jarowith Kde 3.4.1 :)02:22
miklI wonder what02:25
mikls changed in 3.4.1 - I haven't noticed anything yet02:25
jarowell i only noticed a smaller font at the login screen02:25
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jarowhich i will fix again ^02:25
jarobut where was that kdm again ?02:26
mikllocate kdmrc02:26
hussamjaro: did the upgrade to 3.4.1 work?02:26
jaroYes :)02:26
jarovery smooth02:26
jarothough nothing much changed 02:26
hussamkdemrc : /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc02:27
jarowasnt there a graphic frontend to it ?02:28
hussamjaro: some stuff seem better. kmail no longer crashes02:28
jarogreat :))02:28
jarohave to test it 02:28
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jaroi heard with 3.4 it would be possible to use themes with kdm ?02:31
hussamjaro: yeah02:31
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Peps amI am  trying to get my laptop connect to the internet via my desktop. They both run kubuntu but I had no success. Can someone help me?02:31
jarowhere can i do that ?02:31
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jarohussam: is there a graphical frontend to kdm ?02:32
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mikljaro: you'll have to change it in the kdmrc config file02:32
hussamyes, by default kdm comes themed on kubuntu, but you can change that02:33
jarohm to be honest i like it the way it is ^02:33
jarobut i want to change the font size02:33
jaroand there was a graphical interface02:33
hussamjaro: i have the deb that lets you manage kdm themes (kdmtheme_0.9-0_i386.deb), if you want it02:34
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hussamjaro: i have the deb that lets you manage kdm themes (kdmtheme_0.9-0_i386.deb), if you want it02:34
jarooh yes02:34
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FiretechI like putty+irssi+psybnc02:35
FiretechThat combination makes me able to chat from school :D02:36
hussamjaro: one minute. I have it here. I just need to upload it somewhere02:36
jarohussam:  ok02:36
jarohussam:  you can send it too02:36
jarosend file02:36
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hussamjaro: I can't send file though IRC, I'm behind a proxy server. but here it is: 02:37
jaroah ok02:37
hussamjaro: http://rapidshare.de/files/2128652/kdmtheme_0.9-0_i386.deb.html02:37
jarowhere do i download ??02:38
jarojavascript needed02:39
jaronow there might be a problem with firefox02:39
Tm_TI used Firefox and I downloaded it02:40
jarohey it works02:40
jarothough last time when i activated java-script. java didnt work anymore lol02:40
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hussamjaro: click "free" at bottom of page02:41
jaroyes it worked now :)02:41
jaroive got it02:41
jarothanks alot02:41
hussamjaro: there should be kdm themes on kde-look.org02:42
jaroi know02:42
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Pepsanyone here using guarddog?02:43
jarook, where do i run kdmtheme ??02:43
PepsI am trying to open the gnutella port - no success02:44
Tm_Tyuh, ugly city:  http://gallery.kapsi.fi/albums/saatomatka_20050530/dscn5692.jpg02:44
hussamjaro: sudo kcontrol02:45
jaroLol. Whenever I activate JavaScript.. it tells me that Java is not installed02:45
jaroas soon as i deactivate it, java works again02:45
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Tm_TPeps: hoh, there's been hell of a scanning in my gnutella port02:46
hussamjaro: sudo kcontrol, then check under "system administration", you'll find "kdm theme manager"02:46
jaroyes it works02:46
Tm_TI'm glad it's not open02:46
damyanis there valknut on  bla.ubuntu.archive.com ?02:46
damyanor i have to compile it myself02:47
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PepsTm_T: what do you mean?02:49
Tm_TPeps: well, I mean there's over 100 hits in last 2h02:50
Tm_Tdunno why02:51
Tm_Tbtw why you need that port open?02:51
PepsThe problem is I can't open the port. When I go to shields up it says the port is closed02:51
PepsI ticked it in gurddog, and even tried a user defined protocol02:52
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jarowhere is the standard kdm theme ??02:57
jaroin which path ?02:57
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PepsIs it normal for a firewall to keep all ports above 1024 as "closed" and not as "stealth"?03:03
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ilba7ri just love the new kde you really did some work on it yet the adminstrative mode in kde is still broken :(03:06
Tm_TPeps: try firestarter ;)03:08
Tm_Tilba7r: hmm, I have no trouble with it03:08
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joaquin13alguen m puede ayudar soy nuevo en esto03:10
ilba7rthats strange for it does not work at all for adding printers03:10
ilba7rok take care room got to go03:11
joaquin13como se instala los paketes en kubuntu?03:12
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torkianojoaquin13 con kynaptic03:24
torkianoo apt-get como una debian mas03:24
Tm_Toh please use english =)03:25
torkianook, sorry03:25
Tm_Tvittu kaukenmaailman molopt tll mongertaa jotain saatanan siansaksaa03:25
Tm_Tsorry, that was... mean ] ;=03:26
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teknoprephow is staroffice03:36
ubuntuI'm on kubuntu LiveCD and can't find how to change the screen resolution. Anyone have help?03:38
mrmanicubuntu: do you have the resize and rotate dealy?03:41
ubuntuwhat is that03:41
mrmanicubuntu: try going into settings03:43
mrmanicyou should be able to set your resolution there.03:43
mrmanicin konquerer, the url is settings:/Peripherals/03:44
ubuntugot it, but there is only one choice 640-48003:44
mrmanicooh, that's painful.03:44
mrmanicI'm not on the live-cd, so I don't really know how to help you.03:44
mrmanicIt sounds as though your video card isn't getting picked up, though.03:44
ubuntuI have an IBM ThinkCentre S50 03:45
ubuntuvideo is built in to the motherboard03:45
ubuntuthanks, I'll prowl around03:46
mrmanicsorry I couldn't help more.  it seems as though there's not much you can do on a liveCD short of extracting it, modifying the files and reburning it.03:47
mrmanicwith regards to system settings, I mean.03:47
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hussamubuntu: if it weren't a live cd, you could easily modify /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the max resolution, restart X and you're set03:48
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Tm_Thussam: arh, kill that awayscript04:03
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_aliahow I connect to dalnet04:05
hussamTm_T: ok04:06
hussamTm_T: sorry04:06
hussamTm_T: why?04:06
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Tm_Thussam: spam04:08
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Tm_TI'm old fart, I don't like to know how long you're been away ;)04:08
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kimowhy does intalling OOo2 require gcc-4base !! I dont want gcc4 coz it's too unstable (probably)04:13
hussamcan somebody look at this? I have the same problem as this person http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38677 but I can't seem to solve it. Since I switched to Lubuntu , I can't get sound off tvtime.04:13
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teknoprepppl are so anal about stupid stuff04:24
teknoprepohhh no.. someone told us how long he was away for 04:24
teknoprepuh oh get the irc police on him04:24
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hussamI didn't anything. xchat does that by default.04:28
hussambut I turned it off04:28
kimodo we get kde3.4.1 without adding special repos ?04:32
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hussamI added saa7134 cardnumber=2 to /etc/modules   but I get only picture and no sound. is there anything else I have to load to get get sound?04:33
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kimohussam, in fedora, try lsmod as root, to see which modules are loaded. May be this will give u some ideas04:34
Tm_Tkimo: no, because it's not secure update04:35
kimoahh, so I'll have 2 wait for next kubuntu, right04:35
Tm_Tkimo: why not add that KDE 3.4.1 repo then?04:35
=== kimo thought 3.4.1 was fixes for 3.4 :)
Tm_Twell yes and no04:36
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kimoI have universe opened, is it enough04:36
Tm_Tkimo: no, check topic04:36
kimoahh sorry, one more thing. I just installed kubuntu yesterday. Do I need to add any repos to receive important updates from kubuntu ?04:37
Tm_Thmm, there was one (?)04:37
Tm_Tdeb http://kubuntu.org/ hoary-updates main04:38
kimothnx, I will make sure I have that04:38
kimoshould be there by default though!04:38
Tm_Tkimo: no, they're less official ;)04:39
kimoduh, r they totally fixes ?04:39
Tm_Tand install iso is done long time ago(?)04:40
Tm_Tbut just add them, there's several fixes and updates04:40
kimook thnx04:41
kimohave u added several repos to your machine 04:41
kimoif so, can I have ur sources.list04:41
kimoto save some time ;)04:41
Tm_Tkimo: sure, wait a second (I clean it first ;p )04:42
kimowhy clean it man, does it have porno repos ? :)04:43
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ubermonziehi all 04:44
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=== ubermonzie wishes everyone a very good evening
kimoTm_T, I am waiting ..04:47
sproingiemain restricted universe multiverse pr0n04:47
sproingiei thought everyone knew about that04:47
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sproingieit complains about unauthenticated packages04:49
sproingieis there a gpg key for the kubuntu repo?04:49
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Tm_Tkimo: sorry, in a minute =)04:50
hussamman this sux, I can't seem to get anything to work.04:51
sproingiehussam: what's up?  or not, in your case?04:52
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Tm_Tkimo: http://www.kapsi.fi/~tm_travolta/temp/sources.list-temp04:55
hussamsproingie: just my tv card. I'm loading the right kernel module. I get a picture but no sound. I need this because I conenct the video camera to tv card. It still works when I reboot to windows. Actually this is the only reason I still use windows.04:55
sproingieno sound just for the tv out?04:55
kimoTm_T, thnx man :) 04:56
Tm_Tkimo: np04:56
sproingiei have no tv card, so I couldn't say ... check alsamixer and make sure the channel isn't muted?04:56
sproingiebeyond that i couldn't say04:56
hussamsproingie: Line in is not muted.04:57
kimohussam, specific hardware problems are worst! I hope you really tried google04:57
sproingieand the sound is coming out over line out?04:57
sproingietry unmuting every single channel?04:57
sproingiesometimes they get mixed up04:58
hussamkimo: I did. I found stuff in gentoo wiki. but I 've already tried them. The sound cable is conencted from tv card ( output ) to sound card's linein.04:58
kimohussam, well if it's working in fedora, it's not a hardware problem!04:59
kimohussam, I really recommend lsmod in fedora and ubuntu & see which modules are missing04:59
hussamkimo: could it be a ubuntu kernel bug?04:59
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kimonot probably05:00
hussamkimo: I've already did lsmod in fedora. nothing is missing.05:00
kimoduh, this is strange! All fedora modules are exactly loaded in ubuntu !!! 05:01
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hussamkimo: no everything. just the needed one.05:01
kimo:) lol how do u know05:01
hussambecause on fedora, I used to manually build a lot of the kernel modules05:02
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hussamsproingie: I have a feeling this could be a bug.05:12
sproingieif it works on fedora but not ubuntu, it sounds like a configuration problem05:13
sproingiequite possibly with ubuntu's defaults05:13
sproingiewould have no idea what package to file the bug on tho05:13
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hussamThe only two reasons why I still need windows is for the video capture tvcard and AutoCAD.05:18
hussamI wish AutoCAD would be ported to Linux05:18
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MichaelDiederichshort question: Is it possible or "not stupid" to use the packages from dotdeb.org?05:35
MichaelDiederichi want to play with php5 and don't compile it on my own05:36
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sugoruyohi all05:36
sugoruyocan anyone help with some prob in kubuntu network config?05:37
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DaSkreechHow does Kubuntu work?05:43
DaSkreechI know it's Essentially ubuntu with KDE05:43
DaSkreechBut do you wait till Ubuntu does something before you add it?05:44
Tm_TDaSkreech: hmm, no, we do KDE things as fast as possible05:44
DaSkreechOr does the Kubuntu team strike out on their own and try to get Ubuntu to add it on later05:44
Tm_Thmm, "we"05:44
Tm_TDaSkreech: you should ask it from Riddell 05:45
Tm_TDaSkreech: but I think Kubuntu team do KDE stuff and Ubuntu just uses em05:45
DaSkreechthats a nice relationship :)05:46
RiddellDaSkreech: it's all the same package archives 05:46
DaSkreechThough there seems to be a pretty large disparity between the quality of the Live Cds05:46
=== DaSkreech understands
=== jkeel [~jkeel@kmc-ras1-p34.intrstar.net] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreech" The Kubuntu CDs are made up of Ubuntu's base plus KDE. You can get exactly the same effect by installing Ubuntu and adding the KDE packages from the Ubuntu archives."05:47
jkeelis Kubuntu generally a stable distro?05:47
DaSkreechDirect quote ;)05:47
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jkeelI'm thinking about switching from Gentoo05:47
DaSkreechAs stable as Ubuntu I would suppose05:47
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jkeelanybody wanna make a comparison with another distro?05:48
jkeelDebian? Slack?05:48
MichaelDiederichjkeel: i switched one and a half year ago from gentoo to kubuntu05:48
jkeelMichaelDiederich: do you like kubuntu better than gentoo? why?05:49
MichaelDiederichjkeel: i have a P3 with 450MHz and a notebook with 1.3GHz - guess how long an emerge world and an emerge kde takes.05:49
MichaelDiederichi came from mandrake to gentoo05:50
jkeelMichaelDiederich: I know what you're talking about. my PPC laptop is ~1.2GHz. My desktop is 2GHz. long times...05:50
jkeelMichaelDiederich: I've tried many, many distros. I finally settled with Gentoo for about 2 years now05:50
MichaelDiederichjkeel: in additon, all my trys for a new kernel in 2.6 were failed, so i now use the kernel-image and it works, just works.05:51
jkeelis kernel-image a kubuntu thing?05:51
jkeelI'm kinda new to the distro :)05:51
MichaelDiederichin the first install you will get an image of a kernel - later you can make your own kernel if needed05:51
MichaelDiederichit is the system of debain05:52
DaSkreechKubuntu == Debian Based05:52
DaSkreechDebian is kind of a Meta-Distro now05:52
jkeelI've never been a Debian fan because of the stability...it's too stable for me :) 05:53
DaSkreechjkeel: Have you tried Sid?05:53
MichaelDiederichsid is stable, but not really up to date05:53
MichaelDiederichthey still use kde 3.3 or so05:54
jkeelyeah, Gentoo kept me up to date. I'm hoping for the same in Kubuntu05:54
jkeelI'm using KDE 3.4.1 in Gentoo...just came out a couple of days ago05:54
DaSkreechjkeel: Run Breezy :)05:54
jkeel:) is that the ultra-latest?05:55
DaSkreechYeah and should be just unstable enough to keep you happy :)05:55
jkeellol :) I am a KDE contributor, so I really need the latest stuff 05:55
jkeelI'm just tiring of long compiles..05:56
MichaelDiederichoh yes05:57
MichaelDiederichhow stable is breezy?05:57
MichaelDiederichi need php505:57
KaiLMichaelDiederich: if something is REALLY unstable, then it is breezy05:58
=== jkeel runs off to get the latest Kubuntu ISO for x86
jkeelthanks for your help, DaSkreech, MichaelDiederich06:00
sugoruyocan anyone help with net. config.??? plz...06:01
MichaelDiederichsugoruyo: you could just ask your question06:01
Tm_Task and die! ] ;=06:03
Tm_Toh please, just ask ;)06:03
sugoruyoi'm having problems setting up my internet connection.06:04
Tm_Tok, go on06:05
sugoruyoi use adsl, and the settings in kde control center can't seem to save06:05
sugoruyoon none of my 2 pc's using kubuntu dvd or cd06:05
Tm_Thmm, I never done any settings in Kcontrol06:05
sugoruyoi make the settings then i go to control center again and they're gone06:05
Tm_Tsugoruyo: internal adsl modem?06:05
sugoruyono, ethermet06:06
Tm_Thmm, so why you need any settings?06:06
sugoruyoubuntu (with gnome) works fine06:06
Tm_Tand what settings you are doing06:06
MichaelDiederichyou get an address by dhcp?06:06
sugoruyoi get my address manually cos i'm on an internal network with others06:07
sugoruyoso i want my ip to be specific06:07
sugoruyoi also set the dns servers06:07
MichaelDiederichi would edit the /etc/networking/interfaces and the /etc/resolv.conf06:07
sugoruyoand i think i also need to choose my modem's ip as gateway06:07
sugoruyoso what manual way can i use to set it up?06:08
MichaelDiederichgoogle for the two files above06:09
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DaSkreechAny plans on automounting Hard drives for the next Live CD?06:18
Tm_Tits not safe06:18
ronny--lo is it possible to draw a website on desktop in kde 3.4.1 ?06:19
Tm_TI think so06:19
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Tm_Tronny--: rightclick on desk -> conf -> background -> advanced options ->06:20
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Tm_Tso yes06:20
Tm_Tit's been there for ages06:20
ronny--ye but it dont work =/06:20
Tm_Thmm, I'll try it06:20
Tm_Tronny--: remember to switch background pic off06:21
Tm_Tronny--: it works fine06:22
ronny--i have no background picture and it dont work =/ i just see my background color06:22
ronny--kwebdesktop %x %y %f http://www.kde.org/  << this will show the kde.org website ?06:23
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ronny--after 3min i get a white background :)06:24
ronny--seems it will catch something but not the kde website :)06:24
ronny--btw, kwebdesktop will just make a screenshot of the page and show it in background. But i need to navigate in the site :)06:25
DaSkreechTm_T: Why would mounting Hard drives readonly be a problem?06:25
=== DarkraD- [darkrad2@host12-71.pool8252.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu
DarkraD-anybody know how to change kubuntu language?06:26
ronny--install your language pack and then change the language in control center06:27
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Tm_TDaSkreech: well, some newbies might break their windows ;)06:27
DarkraD-control center06:28
DarkraD-where is it ? =\06:28
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DaSkreechTm_TI: how if they can't actually change anything?06:28
Tm_TDaSkreech: eh, can't?06:28
Tm_Tro mount? well, it's one solution06:29
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DaSkreechAt least make it a cheatcode06:29
DaSkreechSo you'd have to optin06:29
ronny--DarkraD-: Left bottom on your screen. Open the KDE menu and then "control center"06:29
Tm_Tronny--: you got it working?06:29
DarkraD-k thx06:29
ronny--Tm_T: no :-/06:30
ronny--i need a konqueror window integrated to my desktop ;)06:30
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Tm_Thmm, not a good idea06:31
Tm_Tronny--: try other web page06:32
ronny--dont work either06:32
DarkraD-ronny--: in control center, when i click add language, i can only choose us_english06:34
DarkraD-but i have downloaded already the packages from the repository06:35
DarkraD-for my language06:35
ronny--you need the kde language package06:35
=== Alex[RM-UK] [~alex@host86-128-217-181.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu
DarkraD-i find in repository?06:35
ronny--sudo apt-get install kde-i18n-it for italien06:35
Alex[RM-UK] Hello06:35
DarkraD-k thx06:36
Alex[RM-UK] I am thinking of switching to Kubuntu and I have a few questions if someone would like to anwser06:36
error403What you switching from?06:36
Alex[RM-UK] Arch06:37
DaSkreechWell if we get the questions we can answer06:37
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Alex[RM-UK] I know :P im donig them now06:37
Alex[RM-UK] with apt-get is there a list on the internet for the applications which I can downlaod and install with it ?06:37
Alex[RM-UK] is it on kubuntu's site?06:38
DaSkreechYou will get the list anytime you want to update it then it will be kept on your computer06:38
DaSkreechOh :-) That kind of list :-)06:39
Alex[RM-UK] I know that, but I mean with Arch I could go on there site and search for what I wanted, it will then show all results with correct package name06:39
Tm_TAlex[RM-UK] : you can use "apt-cache search" to find what you're looking for06:39
DaSkreechI suppose Kynaptic would do that for you 06:39
DaSkreechThough right now it's not that great06:39
Alex[RM-UK] Thanks Tm_T - Forgot about Kynaptic06:39
Alex[RM-UK] lol, I forgot the other questions hang on let me think06:40
Tm_TAlex[RM-UK] : like "apt-cache search firefox language" to find language packages06:40
Alex[RM-UK] ahh right, thats good then.06:40
Alex[RM-UK] do I need to update the list first? I assume so06:41
DaSkreechYou can if you like06:41
Alex[RM-UK] but i don't have to?06:41
DaSkreechIt will keep the list from the last time you updated but you may want to keep that list up to date :-)06:41
Alex[RM-UK] ahh,06:42
Tm_Twell, I update&upgrade over 10 times a day =)06:42
Alex[RM-UK] :|06:42
Alex[RM-UK] Well, I've completly forgoten the other questions. But i'll be back in abotu 10 mins so I will hopefully remember by then hehe06:42
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Alex[RM-UK] cya06:43
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=== DaSkreech waves
DarkraD-ronny--: thx works06:43
DaSkreechTm_T: Breezy?06:44
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ronny--DarkraD-: np06:44
carambolhow i get rid of gnome?06:47
Alex[RM-UK] Im back06:48
DaSkreechcarambol: rm -rf /*06:48
carambolhow i uninstall gnome06:48
error403DaSkreech, 06:49
error403thats not very nice...06:49
error403i did that deliberately once....06:49
DaSkreechcarambol: Are you running Kubuntu06:49
Tm_TDaSkreech: no way06:49
DaSkreecherror403: It does work though06:49
error403DaSkreech, yes, it gets rid of GNOME06:49
error403and everything else06:49
Tm_TDaSkreech: I won't use breezy until release candidates06:49
error403i did it06:49
error403but i had my windows partition mounted06:49
carambolbunt with the ubuntu install-cd06:50
Alex[RM-UK] I remember one of my questions haha. When a new version of Kubuntu is released, do I have to download it and burn to CD. Or can I just do updates to update it to latest version?06:50
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DaSkreechAlex[RM-UK] : Apt-get dist upgrade06:51
DaSkreechShould do it06:51
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DaSkreechcarambol: You can just use Synaptic or Kynaptic to uninstall gnome I think06:52
Tm_TAlex[RM-UK] : ofcourse you don't have to reinstall06:52
Tm_Tor apt-get06:52
Tm_Tit's easiest imho06:52
carambolDaSkreech, is a little tricky...06:52
DaSkreechcarambol: Ok06:53
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Alex[RM-UK] 24% done of kubuntu ....not long now lol06:55
=== DaSkreech sighs as it takes him like 40 hours to download a CD
Alex[RM-UK] bugger,06:56
Alex[RM-UK] I got 1 hour left06:56
Alex[RM-UK] lol06:56
Alex[RM-UK] Kubuntu install seems very straight forward06:58
Alex[RM-UK] Everyone gone to the toilet or something?07:00
DaSkreechAh that's Much better ;)07:00
DaSkreechAnyone needed anything while I was out at the toilet?07:01
Tm_Tyes, I need a woman07:01
Alex[RM-UK] ^^07:01
Alex[RM-UK] lol07:01
DaSkreechTm_T: I tried to code an open source one but no one understands the specifications :-(07:01
Alex[RM-UK] haha07:02
DaSkreechPlus it takes a lot more resources than you though it would 07:02
Tm_TI know, and there's no man page for woman07:02
DaSkreechYeah it segfaults :-(07:02
Tm_Thmm, "apt-cache search woman"07:02
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Tm_Tnothing :/07:03
Alex[RM-UK] shame :(07:03
DaSkreechI did get this for my efforts though07:05
Alex[RM-UK] lol07:07
Tm_Tyup, one of the old ones07:08
DaSkreechah.. I'd work at a place if everyone could get a free thinkgeek shirt at the end of the year.07:09
DaSkreechJust submit which one you want and it's on your desk when you come back in the new year07:09
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Alex[RM-UK] cya guys07:18
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ZooMooHow's it going? :)07:23
MichaelDiederichtime for pizza07:26
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SpookyETanyone got a YaST clone for kubuntu?07:55
MichaelDiederichfor pain in the ass? :)07:56
DaSkreechSpookyET: WHy?07:56
SpookyETi miss yast07:57
MichaelDiederichplay with java if you still need the pain..07:58
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[A] ndy80hello, I'm trying to install samba but I get this error: The following packages have unmet dependencies:08:03
[A] ndy80  samba: Depends: samba-common (= 3.0.10-1ubuntu3) but 3.0.14a-1~5.04ubp1 is to be installed08:03
[A] ndy80E: Broken packages, how can I fix this?08:03
DaSkreech[A] ndy80: try upgrading Samba08:06
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danboidWhy can I only sometimes write to my USB pendrive under kubuntu hoary?08:18
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reagleBRKLNi can't install juk08:19
reagleBRKLNFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libt/libtunepimp/libtunepimp-bin_0.3.0-2ubuntu5_i386.deb  Size mismatch08:19
reagleBRKLNwhy would it fail?08:21
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hans__is there a way to connect to the internet via usb08:22
reagleBRKLNthere are wireless usb devs08:22
DaSkreechUSB modems?08:22
hans__no i mean with an usb cable connected to the router and the pc08:22
reagleBRKLNhans__: don't know about that08:23
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danboidAnybody use a USB drive under kubuntu?08:24
reagleBRKLNdanboid: yes08:24
danboidreagle: why oh why can i write to it sometimes and not others? THeres no write protect on the drive that I know of?08:25
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reagleBRKLNdanboid: don't know...08:26
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amadeusCan not load module snd_cs4236. Someone Crystal 4237B running?08:29
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=== philipacamaniac pokes Riddell to see if he is on
reagleBRKLNwhat is the  key id for kubuntu.org hoary-updates ?08:32
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philipacamaniacThe kubuntu.org packages are unfortunately not signed08:35
philipacamaniacThey worked for me...  :)08:35
reagleBRKLNyea, they work, just though i might as well get the key08:36
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SpookyETThere is something weird going on.  I installed GTK-QT to make GTK apps use QT in KDE, but it also makes them look like KDE in gnome too.08:42
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SpookyETisn't it supposed to detect gnome and not do that?08:45
philipacamaniacThat's how GTK-QT works08:45
philipacamaniacit draws GTK with QT widgets, whether in GNOME or KDE08:45
philipacamaniacYou can choose the GTK theme within GTK-QT, and it will draw with that theme08:46
=== philipacamaniac pokes Riddell one more time (are you on?)
SpookyETkde runs with clearlooks colours08:48
=== DaSkreech watches Riddell deflate
SpookyETfor a sec i didn't know why gnome was so pretty08:48
SpookyETit looks like clear looks but with kde widgets08:48
SpookyET/mnt/ipod or /media/ipod?08:49
danbOK, so when I delete the entrys in mtab/fstab for my flash drive, reboot, plug in drive, a new entry appears in mtab and the drive is being mounted ro when I want rw. Whaddya do??08:49
danbI want to write to my flash drive without switching to root or anything08:50
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amudanb: mount -t hfsplus -o rw /dev/sda1 /media/ipod 08:55
SpookyETgtk-qt is pretty cool08:55
amu... if you didnt format you ipod and you have an ide-system08:55
SpookyETyou can get around the qt licence08:56
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danbamu: do you know much about mtab/fstab?09:09
danbamu: or maybe HAL..?09:09
danbwell a bit anyway09:09
hans__does anyone know the fritz!box fon wlan 7050?09:11
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philipacamaniacamu: when building a very simple package, http://philipandjenny.com/wp-content/kubuntu-pkgmenu_1.3-0ubuntu1.deb, do I need to create a separate source package?09:19
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amuphilipacamaniac: yep, a orig.tar.gz and a diff 09:24
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philipacamaniacwhat does the diff contain? I didn't make any changes (or is it diff between each subsequent version)? This package really just contains a shell script, so no source code or make involved.09:26
amuthe diff is difference between the original and what you did 09:26
philipacamaniacSo there is no diff, how do I say that09:27
amuif _you_ upstream of it .. of course the iff no diff 09:27
philipacamaniacI see09:27
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amus/the no/there's no/09:27
uniqyou can however make the debian/ dir the diff.09:28
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philipacamaniacshould i?09:28
amuphilipacamaniac: in this case it's called a nativ package 09:28
amuno, no need for it. than the tar.gz is interessting, we are working only with source packages compared to debian09:29
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philipacamaniacI see... and now for the big question... who do I bother to include this in breezy? There is a bug report for the GNOME side of things https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2497, but this package only addresses KDE.09:31
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amuphilipacamaniac: could you please explain, what it will do? 09:34
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philipacamaniacIt puts items on the Action Menu for deb files09:34
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philipacamaniacInstall Package, Uninstall Package, Show Package Info09:35
philipacamaniacKynaptic integration would be better, but this does the job quite well.09:36
amucool, as i remember mvo,seb is working on such a thing for gnome 09:36
philipacamaniacYeah, mvo is the bug assignee09:36
amuisnt it possible to add your patch/script to kdebase? 09:37
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philipacamaniacYou mean upstream at KDE, or just here?09:38
philipacamaniacIf you mean just for Kubuntu's kdebase package, hrm, err, yes... just drop the 2 files (kubuntuservicemenu.sh and kubuntuservicemenu.desktop) into /usr/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus09:39
sorinthis makes kde easy on the eyes http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=2434509:41
amui think it's only debian spec, guess the easiest way is, patching kdebase, otherwise you have extra packages, which mmust move into main, makes no sense, adding them to kdebase is easier    09:41
philipacamaniacso then I bug you?09:42
amuyep, fine for me, package is kdebase, keyword kubuntu  09:42
amucool idea!09:43
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amuthat's great, well done09:45
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ztonzyamu, hi10:01
amuztonzy: hi10:03
ztonzyamu, I didnt get you before10:05
ztonzyand now I am very tired :O10:05
dabaztonzy: (N)10:05
ztonzydaba, ?10:05
dabanice, all over IRC?(&)10:06
dabanah, Im just trying out kde...kubuntu...10:08
dabasorry I did it in the channel, i didnt remember opening a new one right away.10:08
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nmorseMan, why do I always manage to find another problem with my new favorite linux distro?10:20
nmorseFor some reason, my laptop cd drive doesn't work10:20
nmorseIt's the first time I've had reason to use it in linux and bam! doesn't work10:21
mrmanicthat's not good10:21
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mrmanicdoes it show up in lspci?10:21
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Curaltonmrmanic: err, a cdrom is no pci device10:22
roothm.... my breezy does not let me log in anymore10:22
Curaltonnmorse: check what is found on bootup via dmesg10:22
rootonly as root10:22
mrmanicI'm not thinking10:22
Curaltonnmorse: find the section "Probing IDE interface ide0 etc."10:23
buzyikes my fonts are broken10:23
buzpdfs look like shite10:23
philipacamaniacenable antialiasing?10:23
mrmanicnmorse: if you can slot the cdrom drive out and slot it back in, that might give you some worthwhile dmesg output too.  I know I can do that on my laptop.10:23
Curaltonroot: breezy is not for "common" people10:23
buzi dont think thats the problem10:24
buzmost fonts look good10:24
rootwell.... i still use it10:24
buzbut some pdfs that used to look just fine have characters much too close10:24
buzyeah kpdf10:24
Curaltonroot: unless you were on debian/sid before and know how to fix things breezy should be a no no! 10:24
rooteh, i was for long on unstable10:25
Curaltongood, then fix it yourself ;)10:25
rootbut i never had to repair so much before myself :p10:25
Tm_Troot: 10:26
nmorseI've got the dmesg output, should I just go ahead and paste it in here or in #flood?10:26
philipacamaniacBreezy aint exactly a breeze (sorry couldn't help myself)10:26
sorinIs there an option to tell kde not to display application name?10:26
rootIt's a storm breeze10:26
Curaltonnmorse: err, use a nopast site10:26
sorinPackage Manager (Synaptic Package Manager)10:26
rootAnyway, I preper it over eternal stagnation to live through some breakage10:26
Tm_Troot: try to create new user10:26
sorinAll I want to see is "Package Manager"10:26
Curaltonnmorse: http://nopaste.php-q.net/ comes to mind10:26
Curaltonroot: check /var/log/auth.log info while you login, do "passwd username" and set a new password10:27
philipacamaniacsorin: right click on the Kicker, and click configure panel10:27
rootTm_T: I did that... no help... seems something about Xorg and new kdebase is depending on things that are no longer10:27
rootSorry for not being clear, I cannot login from kdm10:27
nmorse http://nopaste.php-q.net/13818510:27
philipacamaniacsorin: Click "Menus" and choose your display format10:28
Curaltonroot: not even console login works?10:28
rootAnd I cannot get to see a console10:28
Tm_Troot: ctrl+alt+F210:28
rootThat no console thing might be due to using/not using framebuffer10:28
rootTm_T: That gets me an empty screen only10:28
nmorseI wonder if it's a dma issue10:28
Tm_Troot: totally empty?10:28
philipacamaniacsorin: conversely, you can also simply right click Synaptic menu entry, and click "Edit item"10:28
mrmanicnmorse: is that all?10:28
rootTm_T: Totally black10:28
Curaltonnmorse: hmm, to little, try to poste more. arround that lines10:29
nmorseThe drive works just fine in Windows (when Windows works)10:29
sorinit doesnt' have "description" only10:29
nmorseThat's all I get on ide other than probing ide2-510:29
sorin"name only"10:29
rootTm_T: And then it doesn't work at all anymore, I suspect a problem with the gfx card, 10:29
rootTm_T: That might be gone if I choose framebuffer ...10:29
Curaltonnmorse: i have "Probing IDE interface ide1..."   and then "hdc: TOSHIBA DVD-ROM SD-M1612, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive"10:29
philipacamaniacsorin: then just edit the actual menu entry to your liking10:29
spiralhmmm, whereis k3bsetup in kubuntu ?10:30
philipacamaniacspiral: I didn't need k3bsetup to get k3b to burn10:30
nmorsedmesg | grep cdrom10:30
nmorsecdrom: open failed.10:30
nmorsethat's everything with cdrom and I gave you everything with IDE in it10:31
spiralphilipacamaniac: I don't have the rights & it tells me to use k3bsetup10:31
sorinwas anyone able to install mono from debian's repository?10:31
sorin1.1.6 + monodevelop 0.7?10:31
nmorsehdc: Slimtype COMBO LSC-24082K, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive10:31
nmorsehdc: ATAPI 24X DVD-ROM CD-R/RW drive, 2048kB Cache10:31
Curaltonnmorse: strange indeed. is it some fancy drive? builtin or removeable?10:31
nmorseCame with the eMachines laptop10:31
Curaltonnmorse: ah, there it shows10:31
Curaltonnmorse: insert a cd or dvd, then as root type "file -s /dev/hdc"10:32
philipacamaniacspiral: type groups in a konsole10:32
nmorse /dev/hdc: ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data 'UT2004_CD110:33
spiralphilipacamaniac: spiral adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin10:33
Curaltonnmorse: ok, so basically it does work :)10:33
philipacamaniacspiral: i'll be damned10:33
Curaltonnmorse: it somehow just doesnt show up on the desktop10:33
spiralphilipacamaniac: hmmm ?10:33
nmorseNo, if I try to run something off of it or cp something from it I get errors10:33
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philipacamaniacspiral: that's what it should be, let me just check one other thing10:33
nmorseI can't open it in Konqueror10:33
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_alexHi there,10:33
=== SteveO is now known as rrichie
spiralphilipacamaniac: allright10:33
Curaltonnmorse: does dmesg | tail show some hdc infos? have you tried with other cds, maybe this one is scratched10:34
nmorseISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 310:34
nmorseISOFS: changing to secondary root10:34
nmorseAudio CDs don't play, etc.10:35
_alexI am wanting to create a a icon on the desktop which will open up konqueror to the Services page - what link is this?10:35
nmorseIronically, DVD's work when CD's don't10:35
_alexLike what url do I use to link to it?10:35
Curaltonnmorse: paste the dmesg | tail -30 output to the nopaste site maybe10:35
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nmorse  http://nopaste.php-q.net/13819010:36
_alexDoes anyone know the defauly ROOT password? I never got to set it up in install and I cant do any commands as root as I dont know password10:37
nmorse_alex: use sudo10:38
nmorseand your user password10:38
spiralphilipacamaniac: any idea ?10:38
nmorseor do 'passwd root' to create a root account10:38
_alexsudo? is that the password10:39
philipacamaniacspiral: what are the permissions set on /usr/bin/cdrecord10:39
spiralphilipacamaniac: -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 133 Mar 24 10:42 /usr/bin/cdrecord10:39
nmorseno, sudo is like su10:39
spiralphilipacamaniac: should I add +s ?10:39
nmorsebut with groups that can do it, etc.10:39
_alexI dont understand the help10:40
nmorseyour /etc/sudoers file has all the info along with man sudo10:40
_alexwhat exectly do I need to do?10:40
_alexahh cool10:40
nmorseWhatever command you want to do as root, just put sudo in front of it10:40
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_alexyeh I see now10:40
_alexbut I would like to know my root password ;-)10:40
nmorseThen use your user password for the sudo password10:40
nmorseThere is no root password10:40
Curaltonnmorse: ah, "UDF-fs: No VRS found", strange. what does "grep hdc /etc/fstab" show?10:40
nmorseThere is no root account technically10:40
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nmorse /dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0       010:41
philipacamaniacspiral: permissions are correct on cdrecord. try running k3b with kdesu to see if it works there.10:41
_alexso I type sudo passwd root10:41
spiralphilipacamaniac: all right10:41
Curaltonnmorse: udf is the dvd format per default, some CDs only use it10:41
nmorseThen you can make a root password and account10:41
_alexHum, I just tried that and it said Sorry, Try again10:42
_alexalex@alex:~$ sudo passwd root10:42
_alexSorry, try again.10:42
spiralphilipacamaniac: this works...10:42
nmorseUse your user password there10:42
Curalton_alex: did you type it your user pass?10:42
_alexno, the one I wanted as root...I've got it now 10:42
nmorseWell, the DVDs work10:42
philipacamaniacspiral: hmm10:42
nmorseIt's the cd's that don't10:42
Curaltonnmorse: make a backup of the /etc/fstab file and change it to iso9660,udf10:42
_alexyes, it works10:42
Curaltonnmorse: then see if the cd and the dvd work10:42
_alex:) thanks you guys10:42
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spiral'm going to bed10:43
Curaltonnmorse: then unmount everything and try again10:43
Curaltonnmorse: if needed manually via "umount"10:43
_alexone more thing, what is the URL to the Servies bit? I want to create a icon on my desktop called System which will show everything to do with my system, like when you click Servies on the left hand side in Konqueror10:43
nmorsedadgummit, tried a 'cp linux-installer.sh' off the UT2004 cd 1, and now the cd drive is spinning constantly10:46
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_alexDoes anyone know how ?10:46
nmorseNow I've got to reboot to get the thing to quit10:46
nmorseBe back in a minute10:46
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_nmorseHmm, I found a CD that works10:51
_nmorseThat's odd10:51
_nmorseOh well, I guess I'll see what I can do to make the others work10:52
_alexhow do you remove folders via console?10:53
Goshawk_alex: rm -fr folder10:53
_alexahh thanks10:53
Goshawk_alex: be carefull using this command10:53
_alexhow come?10:53
Goshawk_alex: rm -fr /* will delete all (is like format)10:54
CuraltonGoshawk: actually it will not delete /.hidden_file10:55
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GoshawkCuralton: sure? * is for any character (also .)10:55
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_alexHum, im trying to access my Windows hard drive, and I went to Storage MEdia, and clicked on it but it sais Could not enter fodler /Windows 10:55
Goshawk(any character for any ripetition)10:55
Goshawk_alex: what's the error?10:56
_alexCould not enter folder /Windows10:56
_alexI created a folder in root called Windows ...thats where my Windows mount will be if you know what I mean10:56
Goshawk_alex: did you created a /Windows directory?10:57
Goshawkok.. yu need to mount it10:57
_alexI have done10:57
CuraltonGoshawk: nope, doesnt dotglob10:57
_alexwith mount -a10:57
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Goshawksudo mount -o defaults /dev/xxx /Windows10:58
CuraltonGoshawk: cd ~; ls * -d  wont show you hidden files10:58
GoshawkCuralton: i'm doing a test10:58
GoshawkCuralton: yes right10:59
_alexIt says it's alreayd Mounted or busy10:59
_alexmount: /dev/hdb1 already mounted or /Windows busy10:59
_alexmount: according to mtab, /dev/hdb1 is already mounted on /Windows10:59
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Goshawkok.. so it's mounted as root and a normal user can't access11:00
_alexso I need to set permissions11:00
_alexchmod 775 Windows ?11:00
Goshawksudo chmod 777 /Windows should be enought11:00
_alexno, 11:01
_alexstill not working11:01
Goshawkok cd /11:01
Goshawkls -al Windows11:01
_alexPermission deined,11:01
Goshawksudo ls -al Windows11:01
_alexjust done that, everythings there11:02
CuraltonGoshawk: :)11:02
Goshawkgive me the output11:02
Curaltonno, you cannot change permissions to a mountpoint11:02
Curaltonyou have to mount it with certain permissions11:02
_alexall off the output??11:03
Curalton_alex: leave it, you have to add "uid=<your user id>" to the mountoptions11:03
GoshawkCuralton: do you know exactly the -o option to mount?11:03
Curalton-o uid=....11:03
Curalton_alex: type "id" to see your user id, most likely 100011:03
_alexso I type mount -o udi=100011:04
Curaltonyes, defaults,uid=1000 11:04
_alexit came up with help11:04
Curaltonunmount it first, then same command as above but with a comma separated uid11:05
Goshawk_alex: man mount will be useful next time11:05
_alexso hang on ...I type umount to unmount everything?11:05
Curaltonnot everything11:05
Curaltonjust the /windows partition11:05
philipacamaniacamu: you here?11:06
Goshawksee you.. good night11:06
_alexok, no I type mount -o defaults , = 1000 11:07
Curaltonno space11:07
Curalton -o defaults,uid=100011:07
_alexit came up with help again11:07
philipacamaniacamu: The new kopete 3.4.1 package depends on xmms, but that issue was fixed a while ago in the debian package.11:07
Curalton_alex: ah, you have to tell him what to mount as well11:08
Curaltonadd /Windows to the end11:08
philipacamaniacamu: the debian bug http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=238368 was fixed, but this issue has apparently reopened11:08
DaSkreechDoes the numbers in the files in /etc/rcx.d/ mean anything?11:08
philipacamaniacactually, it looks like Riddell maintains the package, sorry11:08
_alexHum, Windows already mounted, or busy11:09
Curaltonyes, unmount it as i said11:09
Curaltonumount /Windows11:09
Curaltonthen mount again11:09
=== philipacamaniac pokes Riddell to see if he is available
Curaltonand no programm must access /Windows11:09
_alexmount: can't find /Windows in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab11:09
_alexoh hang on11:09
Curaltonoh, not even in fstab :S11:10
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_alexOk, I've added it to fstab11:10
Curaltoni hope you got the syntax right :)11:10
_alexI have,11:11
_alexit works11:11
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_alexOH bugger, why does Konqueror open different folders in tabs and not in the active window?11:11
Curalton_alex: you can change that setting11:13
_alexim lookign for it now11:13
_alexthey've hid it well :P11:14
=== DaSkreech bows
DaSkreechWe win!!11:14
DaSkreecholly olly oxen free11:14
_alexwhat is the URL for the Services tab on KOnqueor? I would like a icon on the desktop that opens to it11:15
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Firetechyay, new nVidia drivers out!11:37
apollo2011I see in Kynaptic a Ubuntu package, I assume that is ubuntu but gnome, I would like to try it out but I want to make sure that the kde portion won't be messed up and that KDE will still (for now) stay as the default session type.11:41
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Curaltonapollo2011: installing a package wont change your  default session11:43
Curaltonapollo2011: and even if you can still choose in the kdm loginmanager 11:44
apollo2011ok didn't think it would just wanted to make sure11:44
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Alex[RM-UK] Hi,11:45
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DaSkreechAlex[RM-UK] : Yo11:46
Alex[RM-UK] Do you know the URL to the Services tab in Konquoeor?11:46
Alex[RM-UK] I would like to make an Icon on the desktop to it, 11:46
Alex[RM-UK] no?11:51
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=== Firetech now running nvidia drivers 1.0-7664
FiretechThey give me a little better framerate11:57
Alex[RM-UK] goodo11:57
Alex[RM-UK] I need to still install my ATI drives,11:57
Alex[RM-UK] Will prob do them tomorrow11:58
Firetechjust hoping that they won't segfault like the 7167 drivers (with official patches, which made it very much like the 7174 version) did11:58
Alex[RM-UK] not sure11:59
Alex[RM-UK] give them a bit of TLC and they wont lol11:59
Alex[RM-UK] Tender Love and Care12:00
Firetechthe 7174 version was perfect though...12:00
FiretechThis one hasn't pulled my hair yet ;)12:01

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