[12:00] thoreauputic, because things rarelyu work easy in XP :D [12:00] Just want to get into a command console. [12:00] anyone a guess? === nern [~nern@cable6-92.murray-ky.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] glill32: yes, the point being made I think is that it's usually because the hardware manufacturers don't support linux with drivers etc [12:01] glill32: but we feel your pain - we've most of us been there === anto9us [~antoninus@cpc2-ptal1-5-1-cust109.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] been there, done that, and now I'm going to sleep -.> === tanek [~tanek@h22n1fls34o1104.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] gnight [12:02] time is it ther Fator_Dee ? [12:02] i was once crazy about gnome... but just feel in love with kde and xfce [12:02] there* [12:02] night Fator_Dee [12:02] okay, so, I'm going to install xinerama and then try to manually rewrite my xorg.conf [12:02] synd: 0100 [12:02] ablyss, i *love* xfce === \- [~s2@host165-109.pool8254.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] Fator_Dee: THANKS! === novaflare [~sarnes@cpe-24-93-172-93.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] but something funky about the kde-core files i have on ubuntu === yoor [~geoffroy@m105.net81-67-147.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] hello dudes [12:02] well theres something i realy wish i had not done [12:02] glill32: hang on there - it gets easier ! [12:02] so xfce it is.. but i'm about to try out kubuntu [12:02] now i got to find the back up config and make it the default one [12:02] anybody know how to correctly install plugins for bmp ? [12:02] heh [12:03] ablyss, im not a KDE fan. [12:03] Anyone know how to edit grub options to load just a term or something? [12:03] synd, i've probably not gonna like leaving xfce either [12:03] but I'm wondering, should I even install xinerama before I have both screens working right? === Vjaz [peksi@ranssi.paivola.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:03] Hello. === \- [~s2@host165-109.pool8254.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:04] I'm looking for a solution for automatically handling switching between my wireless lan and ethernet. [12:04] glill32: have you googled for , say "xinerama howto linux" ? Might be worth a try === jaysunn [~jaysunn@ool-182deb46.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu === hikaru79 [~hikaru79@d57-4-59.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:04] glill32: amazing amount of info on linux out there [12:04] Also, it would be nice if I could extend it so that my computer won't wait for a minute at startup if it cant get a connection. [12:04] Need to get machine back on the run. Need to code... === novaflare hates loosing his gui .. [12:05] Does anybody know how to correctly install plugins for bmp ? === Grizz [~lars@dsl-084-057-129-092.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:05] beep media player? [12:05] yeah [12:05] no === jamin [~jamin@ppp-70-249-210-201.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:05] :< === novaflare [~nova@cpe-24-93-172-93.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:06] I downloaded some plugins from sf.net but I can't install them properly [12:06] What was that command? dpkg-reconfigure xorg-server or something? [12:06] well the auto config xorg stuff didnt work so well for me lol [12:06] yoor: are these plugins not available in apt/synaptic? [12:06] though some looked like it would probably work better [12:06] no [12:06] n8 === Hackmo [~sean13@82-41-83-57.cable.ubr01.dund.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === sandstorm [~dxz@] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] somethign kept it from coming back up properly === X7C [~xtc@pc-67-84-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] it's just some tar.gz archive [12:07] glill32: yes, with sudo prepended of course === joshi [~joshi@dialin-145-254-092-050.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] i cant unload a module due to error: Module xxx is used by [permanent] . how can i unload and reload it? [12:07] Can someone give me a hand? Don't want to have to go back to XP [12:07] glill32: oops no [12:07] it says xorg-server isn't installed === dantheman [~dan@pcp0010703397pcs.manass01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] Textboxes are ugly as hell in firefox on linux. [12:07] glill32: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [12:07] bkinman: they indeed are. [12:07] is there a way i can get synaptic to install ndiswrapper from the internet instead of the hoary cd? [12:08] glill32: wrong order [12:08] yay. [12:08] Dantheman, change your sources [12:08] dantheman, take the hoary out of the sources.list [12:08] hey! its synd [12:08] hi there === thingfish [~mark@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [12:09] alrighty [12:09] where is the sources.list file? [12:09] 1x1 is not the correct resolution. [12:09] /etc/apt/ [12:09] (sorry, it's been a while in windows) === mello6 [~mellowyll@c-67-162-226-133.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:09] dantheman, sudo gedit sources.list [12:09] dantheman, its not sources.list though [12:09] hmm [12:10] ? [12:10] nern, hey :D [12:10] hey anyone who can help me with compiling kernel in ubuntu ? === bobbyd [~bobby@i-195-137-31-171.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:10] If I want to load Ubuntu but not X how do I do it? [12:10] hi [12:10] dantheman: /etc/apt/sources.list is the full path [12:10] got this wierd message [12:10] zoddan: that is not a distrobution specific question. its kind of a long task to explain. === osiris [~osiris@cpc4-basf5-4-0-cust56.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:10] drivers/media/video/saa7134/sa7134-dvb.c: In function `dvb_init: [12:10] gotcha [12:10] it's done [12:10] video_dvb_register [12:10] zoddan: you searched for an explantation on the linux documentation project? [12:11] make *** [drivers] Error 2 [12:11] dantheman, ooops i forgot the /etc/apt :D [12:11] Is there a good description of the main features of ubuntu over other distros? or as compared to debian? [12:11] i got that error [12:11] bkinman: well, compiling a kernel on ubuntu is kind of specific (debian style) [12:11] dunno how to fixa that [12:11] any tip ? === Vjaz [peksi@ranssi.paivola.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:11] no wonder it didnt work when i tried it [12:11] no worries...i've got ndiswrapper already installed [12:11] hi has anyone had any problems with sound i have a nforce 3 platform i get a startup sound but nothing else can someone please help [12:11] <\-> bob2, it just works :) === Danko3 [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-186-160.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu === glill32 [~sam@rbn2-216-180-114-226.adsl.hiwaay.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:11] <\-> bobbyd, it just works :) [12:11] Okay, now I'm back to square 2. [12:11] i guess noone has done this [12:11] osiris: this is not a problem with the nforce 3 chipset or your sound card. [12:11] ubuntu strives to be a little more bleeding edge than debian (xorg for example) and it have much better out of the box functionality === sandstorm [~dxz@] has left #ubuntu [] [12:12] hey, guys, I was wondering how do you specify which program to play dvds with? I would like to specify xine-ui. [12:12] bkinman, what is it then? [12:12] Danko3, [12:12] nern, i did a bit of desktop redesigning.. with your gnome-look.org suggestion : D === seek205 [~seek205@67-42-59-107.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:12] nern: Out of the box hasn't worked on my laptop unfortunatly. [12:12] right click on the file u wanna open, select your prefered application [12:12] Where is the package sun-j2re1.5?? I can't find it [12:12] osiris: good question. =) Just trying to point you in the right direction. is your gnome-mixer giving you an error when you go into gnome? (if you go into gnome) [12:12] anyone install zaptel stuff for asterisk? [12:12] yoor: you sure? its a dvd... [12:12] Malsideus, hoary? === iceman [~iceman@ip68-103-13-66.ks.ok.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:13] Indeed. [12:13] when I modprobe zaptel I'm getting a fatal error [12:13] oh well === whiteknight [~whiteknig@jac208.caths.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] I misunderstood, sorry [12:13] bkinman, not that i have seen no === ablyss [~ablyss@] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] yoor: thanks. [12:13] synd: oh did you? i wanna see~! [12:13] bkinman, it plays a sound as gnome starts up?? but nothing else with any other app [12:13] nern, ive been meaning to ask you a question too [12:13] hey anyone ??? [12:14] nern, http://photobucket.com/albums/v43/pmartin245/?action=view¤t=6c004d9c.jpg [12:14] !restricted [12:14] from memory, restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats === alex9988 [~alex@DSL217-132-183-5.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [12:14] seek205: see the bot's URL [12:14] whats the question, synd [12:14] osiris, did you do the "fix sound" at ubuntuguide.org? [12:14] I know what it is, hje wants the gnome foot gone, right? [12:14] there any way to use this command to generate a txt file so that i could essentialy mix and match config information from itand my current xorg.conf sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg === mello6_ [~mellowyll@c-67-162-226-133.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:15] synd: I can't get to a console, I think X is failing to load or something. [12:15] synd, no? [12:15] thoreauputic: you dont happen to know how to make ubuntu use xine-ui for opening dvds instead of totem? [12:15] osiris, goto www.ubuntuguide.org === snowseal [~snowseal@adsl-dc-2dd1a.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:15] ubuntu [12:15] lo [12:15] synd: ooh thats pretty sexy.... i wish i had a monitor that could support 1600x1200 [12:15] Danko3: no, sorry - I don't even have a DVD player here [12:15] thoreauputic: thanks. [12:15] my apt is screwed === alex9988 has ubuntu hoary on amd64 and has trouble hearing music, sigsegv and such. oh my. help? [12:16] osiris, http://ubuntuguide.org/#configuresoundproperly [12:16] snowseal yer apt can be easily fixed [12:16] Malsideus, i see. [12:16] snowseal whats the prob === Goshawk [~vincenzo@host145-121.pool8259.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] i installed the base system over a ubuntu install === zOap [~zOap@195.80-202-81.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] how do i search for new network hardware from terminal? [12:17] and now i got 1000s of errors [12:17] in apt [12:17] nern, thanks ! it took a few hours to get it that way (i tried a bunch of different ways), but the question i have is how do i get the Gnome Main Menu icon (the foot in the bottom left of my screenshot) to another icon? [12:17] can anyone help me with ndiswrapper? [12:17] zOap: try lspci | less === kvidell [id1758@adsl-63-204-157-35.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:18] dantheman, theres a howto online [12:18] i have copies of three different howtos in my hands [12:18] I uninstalled totem, let me see it play dvds with totem now:) [12:18] does somebody know something about the ubuntu as a sponsor for google summer code? [12:19] What's the key in mplayer (no gui) to increase/decrease the brightness of the video? [12:19] http://code.google.com/summerofcode.html Goshawk [12:19] thoreauputic, ok, but what if I want to get back to the installation menu for the network hardware? where I can search for new hardware or manually select one? [12:19] hikaru79, man mplayer [12:19] nern, any tips on fixing the dpkg / apt problem? [12:19] dantheman, so whats the prob? === mello6_ [~mellowyll@c-67-162-226-133.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === fungusking [~matt@exten-halls-247.soton.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:19] when i do # modprobe ndiswrapper, i get "FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper..." [12:19] dantheman, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SetupNdiswrapperHowto [12:20] can anyone help with this [12:20] dantheman, hmm [12:20] E: The package openofficeorg-core04 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. [12:20] Danko3: yes i know... but i wanna say if i need the agree of someone of the ubuntu staff before register a new project with ubuntu as sponsor [12:20] synd: lemme look, all you have to use is the configuration editor under system tools, lemme find out what its under [12:20] zOap: rerun base-config I think (not sure though) === coconut [~alex@232.Red-81-32-33.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:20] dantheman, do sudo ndiswrapper -l [12:21] thoreauputic, thnx Ill try that:) [12:21] dantheman, tell me what comes back [12:21] whats base-config do? === uc50_ic4more [~robert@d36-69-80.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:21] Installed ndis drivers: [12:21] wusb54gv2 invalid driver! [12:21] Danko3, [12:21] it did that for the version 1 driver, as well [12:21] did you try to go in expert configuration mode in xine-ui ? [12:21] maybe you can configure it for opening dvds [12:21] dantheman, is that the driver that windows used? [12:22] you have to chose in gui, master of the known universe [12:22] jaysunn: it's the base configuration that the installer uses to ask you questions about ... erm, the base system [12:22] yes, it's the .inf file [12:22] dantheman, hmm [12:22] synd, its telling me to install libesd-alsa0 but apt cant find it, it says its referred to by another package === Bazzi- [Bastian@p5484C3BD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:22] thanks [12:22] mysteriously, my sources.list was defaulted. no sources defined. === ablyss likes kubuntu [12:22] ablyss, no! [12:22] ablyss, :p [12:22] for a little bit :P [12:22] :P === Alinux [~LinuxOS@d83-176-76-195.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:23] looks like ablyss' new home is #kubuntu [12:23] :X [12:23] hehe === fungusking [~matt@exten-halls-247.soton.ac.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [12:23] snowseal: try running ` sudo apt-setup` [12:23] osiris, you dont have the repos === uc50_ic4more [~robert@d36-69-80.home1.cgocable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:23] thoreauputic, thanx, will try [12:23] Cool. Recovery mode just gave me a console (didn't before : ) [12:23] synd, where do i get those from then? === HiddenWolf [~hidden@136.200.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu === mattlacey [~matt@exten-halls-247.soton.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:24] yoor: Im trying something else now, let you know... [12:24] osiris, http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories [12:25] synd: did you ever hear or read the wiki? [12:25] Danko3, hm? === Goonie [~goonie@dsl-197-57.hive.is] has joined #ubuntu === Fanskapet [~din@h64n1fls32o293.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:25] i'm trying to redownload the drivers and see if i missed something [12:25] ahah [12:26] synd: ok got it [12:26] osiris, step #2 of http://ubuntuguide.org/#configuresoundproperly tells you to do the #extrarepositories first. === zoddan [~zoddan@h67n2fls34o985.telia.com] has left #ubuntu [] [12:26] synd: I mean, you always send ppl to the ubuntuguide, and the wiki is better, taht is why I ask. [12:27] synd: open up the configuration editor under system tools. then go to apps/panel/objects [12:27] nern, spill! ive been dying to know [12:27] someone who uses Breezy? [12:27] yer main menu is object_0 since its on the far left [12:27] Danko3, perhaps, i just send people where i know [12:27] Danko3, i dont so much use the wiki, although i admit i shout [12:27] root@angelpro:/home/jason # sudo apt-get upgrade [12:27] Reading package lists... Done [12:27] Building dependency tree... Done [12:27] E: The package openofficeorg-core04 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. [12:27] how does this get resolved [12:28] should* [12:28] jaysunn, dont flood [12:28] whats flood [12:28] jaysunn, use pastebin or #flood [12:28] someone who uses Breezy? [12:28] jaysunn, what you just did [12:28] sorry [12:28] whats the proper way [12:29] #flood or pastebin, jaysunn === maddler [~maddler@62-101-126-230.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:29] synd, just try it out. [12:29] pastebin [12:29] synd, ive added all of those === astro76 [~james@astro76.user] has joined #ubuntu [12:30] synd: then under object_0(which should be yer main menu) enable use custom icon, and then put the path to yer icon in the custom_icon key [12:30] synd: that should do it [12:30] synd, still cant find libesd-alsa0 [12:30] osiris, did you apt-get update? [12:30] osiris ? [12:30] your sources.list is wrong so === thoreauputic looks up the word "yer" with dict [12:30] you missed something [12:30] synd, yes === lotusleaf [~lotusleaf@lotusleaf.user] has joined #ubuntu [12:31] yoor, ive entered all of the repos on that page [12:31] osiris, hmm.. i just did this sound fix yesterday on my other machine [12:31] and it worked out [12:31] oh well, ill go watch the dvd in dows:) === Danko3 [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-186-160.dynamic.mts.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:31] ? :/ === mcki [~mcki@] has joined #ubuntu [12:31] nern, yay! [12:31] synd : :) [12:32] hello, how get gnome working faster? [12:32] Alinux, add RAM :P [12:32] :) [12:32] I am new to KUBUNTU and LINUX and IRC, how do I ask the question without flooding. How do you use pastebin? [12:33] 512 [12:33] hmmm. === Tritis [~Tritis@ool-4355b2bb.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] jaysunn, www.pastebin.com [12:33] thanks [12:33] <|maddox|> Alinux: getting rid of it and installing xfce or fluxbox hehe [12:33] synd, I have 512 [12:33] Alinux, oh. === Fergy [~Fergy@a82-92-232-156.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] jaysunn: go to for example, pastebin.com and paste there [12:33] Alinux, that should suffice === Blaq_Lion [~Blaq_Lion@68-65-172-45.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] |maddox|, I like usability og gnome.. [12:33] jaysunn: then report the URL for your paste to the channel === TribooN [~tribun@i3ED69D3E.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:34] but my gnome isn't fast.. [12:34] <|maddox|> Alinux: i have 512 megs also, and gnome is running pretty fast.... [12:34] I don't know why. [12:34] Hi eveyone..in Ubuntu.. can I download aterm terminal instead of using the Gnome terminal? [12:34] cool [12:34] I have installed lighter theme.. [12:34] but it's stil heavy [12:34] Blaq_Lion: of course [12:35] http://pastebin.com/293549 [12:35] and what abut prelink? [12:35] Blaq_Lion: no I forbid you [12:35] Alinux: read this http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/8308 [12:35] Blaq_Lion: type this: "sudo apt-get install aterm" === blablablabla [~maniac@p54A3C705.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:35] Blaq_Lion: (and then your password) [12:35] thanks a billion :) === Fanskapet [~din@h64n1fls32o293.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:36] When I go try and use Mozilla Update, it says I should upgrade Firefox before proceeding... should I do so with the download on mozilla.org, or will that break ubuntu's package management? [12:36] thoreauputic, thanks. [12:36] sorry for asking again but i still have the same problem with my resolution and frequency it's only 1024x768 @ 60 [12:36] glill32: see the bug report [12:36] Reading package lists... Done [12:36] Building dependency tree... Done [12:36] E: Couldn't find package aterm [12:36] thats my output [12:36] Alinux: there are two others (later) in the series as well [12:36] thoreauputic, now what? [12:36] oh, nevermind. [12:37] jaysunn: wait for someone to look :) [12:37] cool this is ggreat [12:37] i tried to configure xserver but couldn't change ist to 1280x1024 [12:37] glill32: you don't need to upgrade firefox. The ubuntu version is patched, juste read the bug report for a solution to access the mozilla update site :) [12:37] noob question of the year: How do I search for a file recursivly through all directories as root? === Owl^ [~jani@a81-197-107-13.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [12:37] Malsideus, locate [12:37] Malsideus: if the file has been there for a day or so, just do "locate pr0n" to find it quickly [12:38] find / | grep fileName [12:38] (where pr0n is part of the filename) [12:38] Blaq_Lion: "apt-cache search keyword" is useful too. And you can try synaptic if you like click-and-play :) [12:38] if it's a new file, then you may need to "find / -name '*pr0n*'", but that will be much slower [12:38] hmm I am going to try it === Fergy [~Fergy@a82-92-232-156.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:38] sudo updatedb && locate filename === terrex [~terrex@84-122-69-8.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] jaysunn: as far as I can see , the package doesn't exist - so the error is odd to say the least [12:39] nothing in synap.. nothing with get-apt [12:39] jaysunn: are you using hoary? [12:39] does it matter which directory i'm in? [12:40] malsideus: no [12:40] Blaq_Lion: you may lack some sources... [12:40] pool/universe/a/aterm/aterm_0.4.2-10_i386.deb [12:40] ty. [12:40] Hoary is rated as stable now? [12:40] that is, you should have "universe" in your sources Blaq_Lion :) [12:40] ok :) [12:40] gangalee: since it has been release... I guess yes :) [12:41] yes === swe3tdave [~swe3tdave@Toronto-HSE-ppp3760972.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === ian [~ian@] has joined #ubuntu [12:41] jaysunn: it's a good idea to address the nick you are trying to talk to: the channel is busy and it's easy to miss a message [12:41] Hello I'm Java developer and i'm thinking about switching to ubuntu but I'm not sure about Java situation. Is there Eclipse or netbeans packaeges available for Ubuntu or it is also as problematic as in Debian ?? [12:42] i tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but couldn't change the resolution or frequency, any helpsites for me with this ? [12:42] jaysunn: are you using the standard open office or the newer one? [12:42] ok === uc50_ic4mor1 [~robert@d36-69-80.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:42] I am using the one that comes preinstalled with UBUNTU === dylaw [~walyd@i-83-67-16-40.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:42] hello ppl..im new in linux ...i have a other hardisk and its a windows ntfs format how do i see the files there under linux? === batma8 [~batma8@68-67-23-58.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:43] TribooN, xorg docs perhaps? [12:43] what is good proggie to play dvd vid? [12:43] ian: google -> ubuntu ntfs :) === jamie_ [~jamie@82-33-64-88.cable.ubr01.trow.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:43] mcki: I know netbeans runs fine under Ubuntu. [12:43] jaysunn: the package name in your error message doesn't appear in any repository - so it's very strange that your command produced such an error [12:43] ian, be aware that your access to the ntfs volume will be read only [12:43] where can i find these ? [12:44] I tried installing the beta version from the tar file [12:44] TribooN, on xorg's site? [12:44] jaysunn: have you changed your /etc/apt/sources.list file? [12:44] jaysunn: ah [12:44] jaysunn: don't === gangalee [~ira@alita.wirespring.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === telemaco [~telemaco@] has left #ubuntu [] [12:44] uc50_ic4mor1: ok.. is it automatically detected by linux? i have plug it.. but i dont know to do next. [12:44] whoops [12:44] jaysunn: you've confused the package manager something terrible ;) [12:45] great [12:45] the ntfs volume will *not* be auto detected or mounted.. you will need to type into a terminal to get this done :) [12:45] jaysunn: uninstall it if you can, and stick to the synaptic / apt sources [12:45] not as much as I am confused, thank you for your help [12:45] ok [12:45] ian - you will need to specify which volume to access *and* where in your linux filesystem you want to mount the volume *to*... here is an example: [12:46] jaysunn: when you install 3rd party apps , this can happen [12:46] OK === kart_ [~kartik@ss2.magnet-i.com] has left #ubuntu [] [12:46] how can I look up VertRefresh and HorizSync values for my hardware if I'm manually writing my x configuration file? [12:46] jaysunn: almost everything is avilable in the repositories [12:46] *available [12:46] mount -t ntfs /dev/hda /mnt/myntfsorwhatever [12:46] you will need to have created the, uh, "myntfsorwhatever" directory first === trigger [~paul@] has joined #ubuntu [12:47] *available whats that [12:47] ian: why not just read http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions as I adviced you? :) [12:47] how do I uninstall this === terrex [~terrex@84-122-69-8.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu === Bachee [Bachee@lon-ppp-] has joined #ubuntu [12:47] ok thanks [12:47] the /dev/hda part refers to the drive/ partition in question, which MAY NOT BE "hda" - it may be "hdb" or "hdc" depending on on your BIOS and whether the ntfs volume of IDE0 master/ slave or IDE1 master/ slave [12:47] alerim: thanks! === zshzn [~zshzn@Kingston-HSE-ppp3561261.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] uc50_ic4mor1: ok.. :) [12:48] hda is IDE0 master, hdb is IDE0slave, etc... u follow so far? [12:48] jaysunn: umm - if it's the binary you use the installer to uninstall it I think ( but I haven't used it in a *long* time, because apt is so relianle and easy [12:48] *reliable === discord [~discord@c66-235-34-18.sea2.cablespeed.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] can i get some help getting a dailup modem running and able to dial in, in ubuntu? === terrex [~terrex@84-122-69-8.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] anyone know if i can install hoary witha warty install disk? === jp [~jp@200-85-201-76.bk3-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] and the mount point to mount the thing *to* can be anywhere u want - i just put /mnt/myntfs... to illustrate its' arbitrary nature :) [12:49] Bachee: run sudo pppconfig in a terminal and answer the questions [12:49] i have that [12:49] like have it download the hoary packages and install from that but boot from a warty install disk? [12:49] i don't know any dail-up things, though [12:49] Bachee: wvdial works pretty good. [12:49] I got this message today incalid elf header and my other hoary box is messed up dunno what has happened [12:49] Bachee: unles you have a software/winmodem. in which case visit linmodems.org [12:49] okey-doke === nate__ [~nate@c66.168.31.134.mad.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:50] how can you use apt-get to update all the packages you have installed? [12:50] Bachee: you will need soem info from your ISP [12:50] what do you guys use to play dvd movies [12:50] in suc a case, is it possible to mount another hard drive, so i can copy the driver to linux? [12:50] nate__: yes [12:50] batma8: mplayer or ogle [12:50] thoreauputic, how? [12:50] batma8: I think xine and ogle do the menus [12:50] nate__: oops sorry [12:51] thoreauputic, hehehe [12:51] sweet [12:51] ill give it a shot [12:51] or do you think the driver will fit on a floppy [12:51] thoreauputic, update only updates the package lists === mz2 [~mz2@81-1-66-209.homechoice.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:51] nate__: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [12:51] thoreauputic, ahhh, thanks === thoreauputic is tired and going ... going... gone [12:52] bye all [12:52] cya [12:52] adios [12:52] bye thoreauputic === amonkey [~amonkey@cpe-67-10-78-251.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === bobbyd [~bobby@i-195-137-31-171.freedom2surf.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === terrex [~terrex@84-122-69-8.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:52] Does anyone use beep media player ? [12:53] never heard of it === SlackFart2 [~el_fart0@soundscape.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] Isnt it crazy to consider the magnitude of the debian distrobution.... SOOOOO much code, SOOO much time. === drmaravo [~drmaravo@84-122-85-88.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] how to reinstall apt-get? === djs [~dsymons@DC-245-78.bpb.bigpond.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] coz its broken [12:54] Has anyone here had any luck compiling the Cedega 4.3.2 CVS? on Ubuntu? [12:54] hello thanks! all i have mounted my windows hd flawlesly! [12:54] And to think that there are distributions that compile it all when you install. [12:54] ian - awesome! [12:54] yoor: I started using it today. [12:55] yoor: why? [12:55] where did you get the cedega source trigger? === blizah [~mack@12-205-173-233.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:55] how can i change my home directory? [12:56] is it posible? === zul [~chuck@CPE0006258ec6c2-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:56] ian: why do this? === djs [~dsymons@DC-245-78.bpb.bigpond.com] has left #ubuntu [] [12:56] cvs.transgaming.org [12:56] ian: "export HOME=/tmp" in your ~/.bashrc [12:56] ian: your home directory is /home/yourlogin. You can change it but I don't think you really want :) [12:57] dooglus: doesn't /tmp get cleared every time you halt the system? === ernstp [~ernstp@k13d217-2.kam.afb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu [12:57] has anyone else here installed the AMD64 and realized - too late - the conspicuous absence of a Flash plugin and Wine? Is there an easy "downgrade" to 32bit? === djs [~dsymons@DC-245-78.bpb.bigpond.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:57] alerim : :) i want to point it to my win hd..so that every time i make a boot in my win and linux...i have the same home directory.. [12:57] ian - did u mean that u'd like to simply change the *location* of your HOME directory? [12:57] ian: don't do this [12:57] uc50_ic4mor1: yes.. [12:58] alerim: why? [12:58] trigger: I'm not sure, but that's beside the point... If he wants his home directory set to be /tmp, that's up to him... [12:58] ian: you cannot write (and it is not safe) on your ntfs partition [12:58] but is not locating your HOME directory on, say, a separate HDD kinda a nifty/ smart idea? perhaps not a separate HDD that Windows(tm) is gonna have its' way with, however.... [12:58] ntfs captive is out.... [12:58] alerim: i have made it a fat32.. === tvelocity [~tony@ipa142.6.tellas.gr] has joined #ubuntu [12:59] ian: this is not a good idea IMHO. You can make a symlink in your home directory if you want [12:59] goldfish: what's that? captive? eh? [12:59] dooglus: its on sourceforge afaik [01:00] something to do with ntfs writing, think it uses wine... [01:00] uc50_ic4mor1, alrim: for now i need to do this..because.. i have other application that i have not yet been migrated.. [01:00] so i need to make dual boot.. :( === zenwhen [~zenwhen@localghost.us] has joined #ubuntu [01:01] ian: keep your home directory, and make something like : "ln -s /mnt/win /home/ian/share" [01:01] ian - if u r NOT running the AMD64 bit version, u can use Wine perhaps? [01:01] goldfish: "Mounting of NTFS devices usually works, but is no longer supported by the author of Captive." sounds risky to me still! [01:01] ( http://www.jankratochvil.net/project/captive/ , by the way) === mcki [~mcki@] has joined #ubuntu [01:01] alerim - but i think ian'd like access to stuff created and saved on linux when booted into Windows? [01:01] dooglus: :) [01:02] make a shared partition [01:02] why not repartition a bit of that ntfs to fat32 and be done with it? jesus [01:02] fat32 for windows and linux [01:02] alrim,uc50_ic4mor1: yes i want to.. access it both in linux and win.. [01:02] uc50_ic4mor1: he just have to save these stuff in ~/share :) === CPayan [~chatzilla@user-1120t9g.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] alerim, listen to lotusleaf, its the best idea. [01:03] ian - have u considered using Wine and never booting into Windows again? [01:03] bkinman: listen to ian : "ian alerim: i have made it a fat32.." [01:03] uc50_ic4mor1: I've tried wine several times, most recently yesterday. It just isn't ready, as far as I can see. === gdarel [~gdarel@c-24-18-204-112.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === CPayan [~chatzilla@user-1120t9g.dsl.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu [] [01:03] bkinman - ian already reformatted the ntfs partition to FAt32 - he wants his home directory *and* his Windows home folder to be the same thing === CircuitRider [~chatzilla@adsl-65-43-144-144.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === milot [~Invisible@] has joined #ubuntu === djs [~dsymons@DC-245-78.bpb.bigpond.com] has left #ubuntu [] === firasR [~firas@adsl7-14.qualitynet.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:04] what's the best way to change your home directory path then? The edit of .bashrc that I suggested probably wouldn't work well with gdm. [01:04] anyone know if there is a good (or any) graphical programs that will rip DVD's? === milot is now known as Invisible [01:04] uc50_ic4mor1: don't need to have the home directory be the windows home folder, just create a symlink as I said above [01:04] I'd be tempted just to edit /edit/passwd and be done with it. Is there a more 'proper' way? === seb_ [~seb@AOrleans-252-1-53-156.w83-115.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [01:05] /etc/passwd, of course. [01:05] alerim: ahh, sneaky. and odd. =) [01:05] alerim - but how would said syslink enable ian to see the linux files when booted into windows? [01:05] dooglus, [01:05] sorry i wasn't here [01:05] did you install mp4 plugin ? [01:06] yoor: I don't know. Why? [01:06] I succeed in installing wma plugin, but I can't install mp3 plugin === JDay [~chatzilla@c-24-21-161-9.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:06] ok. I'm clueless. Need help... badly. [01:06] Malsideus, ? [01:06] uc50_ic4mor1: because when he saves a file into ~/the_symlink, it will write on the fat32 disk === glill32 [~sam@rbn2-216-180-114-226.adsl.hiwaay.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:06] yoor: it seems to play songs OK, although it hung on one song === Fanskapet [~din@h64n1fls32o293.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:06] anyone know if there is a good (or any) graphical programs that will rip DVD's into mpeg or anyother viewable file? [01:06] try on a m4a file if you have [01:06] I don't have... [01:07] I think I've almost got things figured out, but I'm in need of a serious Xinerama expert to help me get this all figured out. [01:07] dvdrip drip ? [01:07] alerim - SORRY - i just read over your post a second time... it makes a lot more sense now :) [01:07] Malsideus: you're going to have to give more details... === Tyche [~Tyche@mhfw1.crbard.com] has joined #ubuntu === newbbie [~Soledad@10000942044.0000000553.acesso.oni.pt] has joined #ubuntu [01:08] uc50_ic4mor1: no :) [01:08] hi all [01:08] problem :) [01:08] OK, Ubuntu doesn't load up it's GUI. [01:08] alerim: if he uses a symlink, he's going to have to remember to cd into the symlink all the time. It would be much more convenient to really just change his home directory to be /mnt/fat/documents and settings/ian/my documents or whatever he wants === djs [~djs@DC-245-78.bpb.bigpond.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:08] Malsideus: you just see a black screen? [01:08] man ubuntu is kinda unreliable === Sero [ender@] has joined #Ubuntu [01:09] hoary? [01:09] dooglus - how is that done? changing his home directory, i mean [01:09] yeah [01:09] dooglus: I can get a shell now by using the recovery mode$ [01:09] i think warty was more reliable === zshzn [~zshzn@Kingston-HSE-ppp3561261.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:09] i turn my box on today [01:09] dooglus, couldn't he bind a command to keys though for simplification? [01:09] Malsideus: OK... === yonil [~naeron6@bzq-152-177.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:09] I just tried to install Ubuntu and I'm getting a deboostrap error... and something about not finding bsdutils [01:09] and i cant login anymore [01:09] dooglus: convenient but not clean since it will write all the config files (which has nothing to do with his work) on the fat32 disk [01:09] Anyone knows how to extract .7z ? [01:09] alot of the programs that i used in warty dont work in hoary [01:09] (called 7 zip) [01:09] 7zip.org [01:09] more crashes etc === uc50ic4more [~robert@d36-69-80.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:09] dooglus: How do I load up the windows manager manually? [01:09] yeah === _mage_afk is now known as _mage_work [01:10] dooglus: hows do i do that? i will try it also.. :) [01:10] alerim: not clean, no, but he doesn't want clean, he wants Windows and Linux mixed together onto a single partition... [01:10] dooglus, why? [01:10] Malsideus: what if you run "startx"? [01:10] Is there a tool i can use to get information about my current video system configuration? [01:10] i got some kinda weird bug now where i keep seeing something about invalid ELF header on shared libraries [01:10] lotusleaf: why what? [01:10] now i cannot login [01:10] dooglus: that's not what he wants, that's just a way to do what he wants :) [01:10] it sucks [01:10] Just so I know what X thinks is going on? [01:10] Can anyone help me? [01:10] alrim: every time i boot my linux i have to do ln? [01:10] dooglus: hows do i do that? i will try it also.. :) [01:11] glill32, thanks, why wont they add it to packages ? (i see its open source) [01:11] dooglus: funnily enough thats the last thing I did. "Command not found" [01:11] ian: no you don't [01:11] ian: edit /etc/passwd, find your home directory in there and change it to what you want it to be. log out, log in again. [01:11] yonil: come again? === amonkey [~amonkey@cpe-67-10-78-251.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:11] on my laptop too things were working like the suspend / hybernation and then in just quit working [01:11] glill32, why isnt there an ubuntu package with that ? [01:11] dooglus, why do birds suddenly appear, whenever ubuntu is near? :) [01:11] I don't know if there is or isn't. === pepsi [~pepsi@72-254-27-42.client.stsn.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:12] lotusleaf: just like me, they want to be, near 'buntu [01:12] :D [01:12] anyone have an idea how i can rescue my hoary box i cannot even login to it right now unfortunatly i dont have a hoary cd or hoary live cd and the warty live doesnt boot [01:12] ::cries:: === maddler [~maddler@62-101-126-230.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:12] Malsideus: /usr/bin/X11/startx ? === dockane [1294de1c92@p5084C474.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === rixth [~rixth@60-234-142-58.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [01:13] thanks guys! [01:13] ian - did u change your HOME directory? [01:13] Something that can dump out some status information about my running x system, so I can figure out what X has done with my other monitor? === uggwar [~cs@pc47-76.hiof.no] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:13] dooglus: Ok now I get lots of command not founds. [01:14] I need to install a program called "gtk" in order to install a driver... but I can't find the correspondent package in "packages.ubuntu.com"... the gtk.org website says that there is probably a binary (pre-compiled) package for my distribution, so that I don't have to go trough the work of compiling the source code... anyone here knows anything about this? :\ [01:14] Is there anyway to synchronize two directories (make them with the extact same contents) kinda like rsync [01:14] Malsideus: you don't have your PATH set right by the sound of it. [01:14] dooglus: /usr/bin/X11/startx: line 131: xauth: command not found. [01:14] Malsideus: do this: export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games [01:14] then try again [01:15] newbbie, sudo apt-get install libgtk [01:15] uc50ic4more: next question from ian : "why do I have those .xxx directories and files in my windows home folder?" :D === rg1 [~fhole@user-0c99ov6.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:15] xauth is /usr/bin/X11/xauth - do you have it? [01:15] my apt is corrupt. how to clean? [01:15] snowseal: I pay someone to clean my appt [01:15] alerim - yeah - that is kinda y i thunk this mightn't be the wisest course of action - i'd hate to see ian delete some of these obscure files! [01:15] snowseal, wtf? explain === omni_lonnie [~lonnie@12-217-12-234.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:16] snowseal: she won't deal with corruption though - mostly just dusting. [01:16] hehe [01:16] right [01:16] kori[idiot] , i reinstalled the base, after i installed a non working kernel. [01:17] Kori[idiot] : the driver is for a USB modem so that I can have Internet on my Ubuntu-installed computer... :) so I can't use the "apt-get" tool... (I'm using a different computer now...) any other way that I can install "gtk"? === LinuxJones [~willy@blk-222-221-81.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:17] mm [01:17] and then my apt became buggy, and now wont work at all. complaining about dependency's and returning error codes blah [01:17] newbbie, libgtk should be included in the installation cd [01:17] alerim - i recall one day, several years ago, deleting this terribly bloated pagefile.swp in an early NT3.5 machine.... one sheepish phone call to our sys admin set me straight :) [01:17] try apt-get :) [01:17] and if it asks for you install cd, you're on:) [01:17] Can anyone in here help me? === Tufek [Tufek@Montreal-ppp3531912.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:18] Sero - i may have jumped in too late to see your question - what's up? [01:18] snowseal, sounds like urge for a fresh install [01:18] noooh [01:18] thats the windows solution [01:19] err, wrong. [01:19] but i really screwed up i guess [01:19] thats the only solution:) [01:19] uc50ic4more, I'm trying to install Ubuntu for the first time and it gave me a debootstrap error and saying something about missing bsdutils. It said something about burning the CD at a slower speed and I did that but it just did it again. === Deep6 [~DEEP6@] has joined #ubuntu === herzi [~herzi@c182088.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:19] Kori[idiot] : is the "libgtk" package all I need to install "gtk" then... (I though I had to look for a package with just the name "gtk"...) if that is so, I can manage then... I think I saw that on "ubuntu-packages.com"... === joh_ [~joh@grn-dhcp049.studby.uio.no] has joined #ubuntu === snowseal looks disappointed at kori[idiot] === Tufek [Tufek@Montreal-ppp3531912.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:20] thats bad news === rg1 [~fhole@user-0c99ov6.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:20] Sero, are you trying to install the Official cd or a daily build ? [01:20] Sero - did u check the .md5 checksums when u downloaded the .iso? if something buggered up the .iso, the burn speed cannot save you [01:20] newbbie, should be. and probably a lot of dependancies too, but they should be in the cd too [01:20] snowseal, you messed up [01:21] you bloated your installation [01:21] more> Sero - i may have jumped in too late to see your question - what's up? [01:21] [01:18] snowseal, sounds like urge for a fresh install [01:21] [01:18] noooh [01:21] [01:18] thats the windows solution [01:21] [01:18] *** mz2 quit ("Leaving" ) [01:21] [01:18] err, wrong. [01:21] it happens:) [01:21] [01:18] but i really screwed up i guess [01:21] [01:18] thats the only solution:) [01:21] [01:19] uc50ic4more, I'm trying to install Ubuntu for the first time and it gave me a debootstrap error and saying something about missing bsdutils. It said something about burning the CD at a slower speed and I did that but it just did it again. [01:21] snowseal: how long have you had that installation? [01:21] [01:19] *** Deep6 (~DEEP6@ joined [01:21] Kori[idiot] : ok, then... thank you very much then, Kori[idiot] !... :) === idaho45 [~john@] has joined #ubuntu [01:21] copy/past is evil [01:21] Malsideus, ? [01:21] bya all [01:21] adios [01:21] bye, newbbie [01:21] trigger, a week ;) [01:21] dooglus: Ok, exported then tried startx, got the black screen this time. [01:21] Malsideus, try #dorkswhocopypaste === ubuwookie [~ubuwookie@ool-44c66efc.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] LinuxJones, I'm pretty sure it's official. [01:22] so, snowseal, its quite casual to reinstall, even linux [01:22] My humblest apologies [01:22] uc50ic4more, does it even have an md5sum I don't see one. [01:22] Sero: pretty? :p [01:22] at least in the beginning [01:22] Sero, as uc50ic4more poined out is is probably a bad .iso file === blenderhead [~blenderhe@adsl-157-195-149.jax.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] Has anyone been able to get a 1400x1050 resolution on an IBM T30? [01:22] thanx [01:22] i guess in a while you will learn to fix things without the need of reinstallation, tho problems like yours seem quite unsolvable without it [01:22] and in even more while === terrex [~terrex@84-122-69-8.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:23] ;) [01:23] Never copy and paste while holding the scroll bar in hydra. [01:23] you will manage to be so good at all this that you wont even mess up :D [01:23] anyone have an IBM T30? [01:23] so dont worry [01:23] its not a *shame* to reinstall, even if its not windows. [01:23] snowseal: I've been tinkering around with windows lately and in the past week I've installed it three or four times. I hate XP, 2000 works pretty well [01:24] trigger, win3.11 is the best === Tyche [~Tyche@mhfw1.crbard.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:24] trigger its not my favorite time spender. [01:24] i actually remember that my last win setup before my complete switch to linux was quite stable for over a year [01:24] no bloatings, no crashin, no nothing [01:24] it just took me more energy to make it so:) [01:24] kori: I get tired of an installation after a while so then I redo everyhting. === blew [~blew@stjh1-0007.nl.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:25] my wife keeps bringing home her friends computers for me to "fix" - they are almost exclusively WinME [01:25] WinME is the devil. [01:25] uc50ic4more, oh I see ok, yeah the iso file was 420mb instead of 600. Now that I think of it... the download did complete pretty unexpectedly. [01:25] and i often tell her friends that i am aghast their WinME boxes have lasted that long [01:25] Malsideus: black screen? or tiny black-and-white dotted screen? [01:25] I'm out folks === trigger [~paul@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:25] Sero - i try to make a habit of really quickly checking those .md5 hashes before i churn out a few coaters :) [01:26] dooglus:Black as night. Not a single pixle off. === psoulocybe [~psoulocyb@adsl-065-007-128-249.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === djs [~djs@DC-245-78.bpb.bigpond.com] has left #ubuntu [] === joltz [~rhoney@rrcs-70-60-111-134.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:26] dooglus: Plus the fan picks up when it happens, indication of my laptop trying hard but failing miserably. [01:27] i can not get on the net [01:27] Malsideus: can you hit Control-Alt-F2 when you're seeing the black screen to get to a login prompt? If so, log in and run 'top' to see what it's up to. [01:27] fir [01:28] joltz, what kind of network card do you have ? [01:28] anyone have an ibm t30 laptop? === meu [~paulo@cm64242.red.mundo-r.com] has joined #ubuntu === ubuntu [~ubuntu@cpe-065-188-250-006.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:28] ol [01:29] dooglus: I know it doesn't respoond when run off the normal mode in grub, about to try after running startx from recovery. [01:29] ubuwookie - no T30 here... that seems like a sorta funky screen res u r going for tho - is the T30's aspect ratio equally funky? [01:30] Is there anything I need to do to a new Western Digital hd before I install it and run the Kubuntu install and format it? [01:30] dooglus: no response. [01:30] ubuwookie - SORRY - as it so happens, 1400 x 1050 is still 4:3 - i have never heard of that before :) [01:30] apollo2011, kiss the ubuntu cd. I did. [01:30] Malsideus: sounds like /etc/xorg.conf needs setting up. === fhole_ [~fhole@user-0c99ov6.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:30] apollo2011, if there is anything on the disk you need to back it up :) === omni_lonnie [~lonnie@12-217-12-234.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:31] This is my first time using anything other than Windows! I'm currently running Ubuntu off a Live CD. [01:31] dooglus: Could be a graphics card issue from My googling. [01:31] ubuntu: cool. === levander [cponder@user-1121r27.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:31] Malsideus: the install process set mine up automatically on my laptop. It didn't get the fact that there's an external screen too that I wanted to show different stuff, but I set that up afterwards. [01:31] I want to partition my drive into a Windows XP part and a Ubuntu part, but I heard there was something funky about the XP file system [01:31] ubuntu: how are you making out so far? [01:31] Malsideus: ok. what's the card? === superted_ [~superted@] has joined #ubuntu [01:31] is it hard to do? [01:31] ubuntu: nope. [01:31] ubuntu: at least the ubuntu live cd works better than the suse live cd huh :) [01:31] well I have an old pc that I put a brand new 120GB hd in as master and the old 8GB in as slave and I can't get it to be bootable for anything. It just comes up with a grub shell prompt that says: "grub#>" [01:32] ubuntu: do u want to dual boot, yeah? [01:32] yeah [01:32] im installing mplayer but getting a dep error on fontconfig, anyone else had this? pretty sure i got the sources right [01:32] ubuntu - u might have to do the partitioning in Windows - the XP file system is ntfs, which can be described as "funky" [01:32] do I just download the stuff and click install? [01:32] dooglus: 340m there are reported problems but not the ones I'm having. [01:32] mm [01:32] Ok [01:32] dudes [01:32] ubuntu: hehe, not *that* easy :) [01:32] dooglus: Maybe installing a driver? [01:32] I wish [01:32] anyone with gaim-vv experience? === CircuitRider [~chatzilla@adsl-65-43-144-144.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === jind [~jind@216-220-56.7002.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu [01:32] ubuntu: you'll need to 'shrink' the NTFS (Windows) partition to make space for the ubuntu partition. [01:32] gaim-vv? [01:32] Can I do that in windows? [01:33] ubuntu: just make sure that you back everything up first! [01:33] Starting gnome-system-monitor on my system is really slow some reason. And, when it starts I get a bunch of error messages like "Unable to load icon Failed to open file '/usr/share/pixmaps/other/Proxy-Config.png'". Somebody who has that file on his filesystem can run "dpkg -S " to tell me what package it is in? [01:33] and no, you can't [01:33] Mattlacey: One step ahead of you [01:33] ubuntu: I found that when I was wanting to do that a couple of years ago, most tools took hours and hours shuffling disk sectors backwards and forwards, the laptop overheated and crashed part way through, etc, etc. [01:33] ubuntu: you'll need something like partitionmagic [01:33] dooglus, http://www.sysresccd.org/ [01:33] Is that free? [01:33] no :) [01:33] no - partition majic is not free [01:33] This nice linux-on-cd distro can resize ntfs [01:34] nevermind, sorry, packages.ubuntu.com told me [01:34] eventually, I found a tool that could shrink the windows partition very quickly (by comparison, anyway). It's "bootit ng". It's not free, but you can get a free trial. [01:34] i wouldnt really count on any linux distro to touch ntfs right now [01:34] there ARE some free partition tools out there for windows for free... ranish comes to mind, but they are all command line... not GUI friendly :( [01:34] not if i want my hdd alive after it, anyways [01:34] ubuntu: depending on where you get it from it you might get a cheaper deal ;) [01:34] Well, I wouldn't need to do it more than once [01:34] ubuntu: http://www.terabyteunlimited.com/bootitng.html === mcki [~mcki@] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] [01:34] uc50ic4more: apparently 1400x1050 is supported, http://www.nuclearelephant.com/papers/t30.html [01:34] !seen nern [01:34] nern <~nern@cable6-92.murray-ky.net> was last seen on IRC in channel #ubuntu, 1h 3m 5s ago, saying: 'synd : :)'. [01:35] but i'm still stuck at 1024x768 [01:35] crap [01:35] Alright, I'm gonna go mess with stuff [01:35] thank you guys [01:35] ubuntu: of course, this is a potentially dangerous operation, and could possibly result in your whole disk being corrupted. You really ought to do a full backup of anything on the windows partition you don't want to lose. === takatumi [nach@takatumi.user] has joined #ubuntu [01:35] ubuntu: IF you backed up the kit & kaboodle and were willing to start from scratch, you COULD partition only what u need when installing windows, leaving the rest untouched, and install ubuntu on the untouched part later [01:35] I have my personal files backed up [01:35] ubuntu: of course, I didn't bother, and I got away with it, but I've seen disks lost to the (expensive!) partition magic NTFS resizer before. [01:35] and i'd do it in THAT order - windows will pee all over your boot sector and make multi botting a pain in the arse [01:36] ubuntu: I say get bootit NG and let it resize your NTFS partition then... [01:36] ubuntu: what uc50ic4more said is what i did when i first installed linux [01:36] http://www.physorg.com/news4330.html "NEC Succeeds in World's Fastest Continuous Quantum Cryptography Key Generation over Fortnight Period" [01:36] anyone can help me with using the wiki - please /query [01:36] ubuntu: mainly because partitionmagic failed me :( [01:37] Bah, this is all discouraging [01:37] ubuntu: try 'bootit'. I've only used it once, and it worked. That's not much of a recommendation, I know, but it was quick. Quicker than reinstalling Windows, anyway. [01:37] ubuntu: it *is* a bit of a tall order to resize partitions after the fact :( [01:37] ubuntu: partition magic = possible data-death. [01:37] ubuntu: nah, don't sweat it... you set it up once and you're set for life, until you want to change it again [01:37] I have my drive defragged, if that helps [01:38] ubuntu - i'd go buy a second HDD and install ubuntu on that... [01:38] hmm, that is an idea [01:38] Any known reson why gnome-system-monitor could be loading slow as hell when I start it? [01:38] ubuntu: it might, and it might not. a lot of defraggers put the data at both ends of the partition. that's not what you want. you want it all at the same end... [01:38] ubuntu: what uc50ic4more said is what i did eventually [01:38] is there anyone in here who is an all-star at xinerama and could give me a hand for just a few minutes? [01:38] since HDDs these days are cheap! [01:38] anyone know of a package that will view .cbr files? [01:38] everything else is responsive like usual [01:38] Hey, the only thing that is holding me back from switching is iTunes [01:39] that's a good idea if you've got a spare place to put a new disk. I'm strugging with only 5Gb for ubuntu. [01:39] i am getting a loopback but i am not getting out to the net [01:39] I have a lot of music and I don't know if iTunes works with Linux [01:39] hmmmm... i just saw a HOWTO about getting mplayer or something to that effect to talk to iTunes... [01:39] I heard that codeweavers is close to getting it to work. [01:39] ubuntu: i did have windows dual booted with fedora core, one on each drive, now i have fedora dual booted with ubuntu [01:39] ubuntu: there's amaroK, which looks somewhat like iTunes (has iPod support too) [01:40] Dumb question , what is the package name for mysql? [01:40] dantheman, is that a cd library file or something ? [01:40] will it play their funky proprietary music files? [01:40] uc50ic4more: can you have mplayer on Linux "talk" to iTunes on the Mac? [01:40] you could also try useing wine or cedega to run itunes [01:40] glill32: i think codeweavers did get it to work? [01:40] dont know if it wold work or not though [01:40] can anyone help me with using the wiki - /query please [01:40] LinuxJones: it's a comic book file [01:40] bkinman: mysql-server === fred42 [~fred42@c-24-9-22-142.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:40] bkinman: actually, that's for 4.0 [01:40] ubuntu: it plays mp3s... i think with some fiddling it will play aac === Mestapheles [~Captain@d142-179-138-139.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:41] bkinman: 4.1 is mysql-server-4.1 [01:41] bkinman - which version r u after? [01:41] ubuntu: you just need faad [01:41] alright, I'm off to try some suggestions, thank you guys [01:41] by the way, crossover office supports iTunes [01:41] bkinman: "apt-cache search mysql" to find stuff like that for yourself [01:41] bkinman - either mysql-server or mysql-server-4.1 [01:41] I'll be back if I get in trouble [01:41] ubuntu: good luck! [01:41] ubuntu: see you later then :) (j/k) [01:42] levander: wasnt sure if it was considered a server or not, thats all [01:42] dantheman, dunno dude sorry :( [01:42] no worries [01:42] bkinman: that apt-cache command above will list all packages with mysql in title or description, server or not [01:42] how do i change the trash can icons? [01:42] with Config Editor? [01:43] any ideas? [01:44] synd: there are icon themes for gnome [01:44] levander, thanks. [01:44] you could replace the image in the path to the icons [01:44] levander, i know, but id rather keep the setup i have [01:44] synd: icon themes don't install as easily as most themes though [01:44] and just change the trash can icons [01:44] synd - hmmmmm... i assume u r happy with all of the OTHER icons in your selected them, and simply changing the theme is not viable? [01:44] uc50ic4more, yup [01:44] synd: do what mattlacey said [01:44] then [01:44] synd: /usr/share/icons [01:45] Hi all...I am using Ubuntu /w KDE 3.4 and Showimg 0.9.4. Is there a way to make the thumbnails in Showimg larger than when using the "large" thumbs button the app provides? [01:45] synd - do u already have the icon you want, or did u wanna browse around a themed collection === superted_ [~superted@] has left #ubuntu [] === liz4rd [~liz4rd@static24-72-76-248.regina.accesscomm.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] i have the icons already [01:45] uc50ic4more, [01:45] then i'd say mattlacey's advice might be best === dataw0lf [~dataw0lf@dataw0lf.org] has joined #ubuntu === ante [~ante@c-f03672d5.08-14-736b7610.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu === hobbz [~hobbz@adsl-11-38-66.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === Jael2 [~Jael2@111.Red-217-127-43.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === uc50ic4more [~robert@d36-69-80.home1.cgocable.net] has left #ubuntu [] === uc50ic4more [~robert@d36-69-80.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:49] ubuntu's unrar is broken.. is there any other way to extract my rar package? === r0b [~r0b@122.7.99-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:49] +s [01:50] it's not broken; it's that the stupid author won't license it sanely, so ubuntu can't distribute his onw === cabot_ [~cabot@62-43-39-75.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] the standard unrar, iirc, does NOT handle version 3.0 rar files === davide [~davide@host96-3.pool80183.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] <^thehatsrule^> ante, get winrar's? [01:50] tried it... [01:50] ante: there's a unix cli binary available on the author's site [01:50] i think, sadly, u may need unrar-notfree or something to that effect === resiak waves to Guerin. [01:51] resiak: fancy seein' you here [01:51] uc50ic4more: that explains a lot. what does the free unrar say when it encounters a 3.0 rar file? [01:51] dooglus - i do not know - i have only had a few occassions where i needed to unrar something [01:52] in each case, i crossed my fingers and sacrificed a virgin to the Dark Master and everything worked out :) === arbscht_ [~arbscht@60-234-141-107.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [01:52] few? .. every subtitle I download are in rar format [01:52] dooglus - i also have a WinXP laptop handy for challenges like that ;) [01:52] uc50ic4more: a lot of the files I've downloaded from bittorrent recently have been ".exe" files. I used to be able to "unrar" the .exe file to get the contents out, but since moving to ubuntu, unrar has been telling me "that's not a rar file". I'm guessing now, it's because they're version 3.0 files... [01:53] <^thehatsrule^> ante: i dunno, but they work for me [01:53] uc50ic4more: I wouldn't want to run the .exe files - it's almost certainly a piece of windows malware wrapped up with the content. [01:53] <^thehatsrule^> ante: if not, try p7zip its great! basically 7zip for linux [01:53] i speculate, but has not the self extracting capability only been in version 3? [01:53] Ive been trying p7zip but the system complains on the fact that my libraries are ubuntu === arbscht_ is now known as arbscht [01:54] even if they're up to date [01:54] can't use the dpkg tool [01:54] for p7zip.deb [01:55] <^thehatsrule^> really? [01:55] mm [01:55] <^thehatsrule^> i guess your installation seems a bit borked :/ [01:55] ante: is it free software? [01:55] <^thehatsrule^> yes its all free o/ [01:56] then you can probably build the source pretty easily [01:56] <^thehatsrule^> try a dpkg -X [01:56] I'll try that [01:56] uc50ic4more: that was it. the '-nonfree' recognises the .exe file and unrars it. [01:56] wtf, i have configured mysql and restarted it after i set the root password, but it just wont let me in. anyone know what is going on [01:56] what processor family does a celeron come from ? [01:56] hello [01:56] [01:56] nm === Sero [ender@] has joined #Ubuntu === davide [~davide@host96-3.pool80183.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu ["Sto] [01:57] dooglus - awesome.. now.. i wonder what precisely "nonfree" means? === zenrox [~zenrox@] has joined #ubuntu [01:58] uc50ic4more: I guess it means there's something disagreeable in the license. [01:58] nonfree means 'not free software' as per ubuntu policy [01:58] Anyone have any tips on how to edit my menu in Ubuntu? I have tried smeg 7 but get errors. [01:58] right - but i just wonder what portion of the licensing ubuntu finds objectionable [01:58] closely related to the debian free software guidelines and FSF definition of same [01:59] launching nautilus and using applications:/// is too tedious [01:59] Plus when switching window managers it get corrupted anyway [01:59] hobbz - what errors to u get when trying to get smeg running? [01:59] what package do i need to install GTK+ [01:59] let me see if I can pull them up.(I have since uninstalled) [02:00] How can I find out what applications are accessing a partition? So I can unmount it [02:00] dantheman: search Debian or Synaptic/Kynaptic [02:00] uc50ic4more: I would guess that this condition is what makes it "nonfree": the code may === joltz [~rhoney@rrcs-70-60-111-134.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [02:00] not be used to develop a RAR (WinRAR) compatible archiver [02:00] there's a condition on the re-use of the source code. [02:00] dooglus: heh, I just was about to paste same === BAfH [waja@gremlin.cyconet.org] has joined #ubuntu [02:00] uc50i - Here ya go! what's this mean? Traceback (most recent call last): [02:00] File "/usr/bin/smeg", line 30, in ? [02:00] from MenuHandler import MenuHandler [02:00] File "/usr/lib/smeg/MenuHandler.py", line 29, in ? [02:00] import xdg.Menu, xdg.Config, xdg.IniFile, xdg.MenuEditor, xdg.BaseDirectory [02:00] ImportError: No module named Config === mashcode [~mashcode@nat-ph3-wh.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:01] razor-x: it just comes up with some dev stuff [02:01] bye for now, y'all [02:01] wow - that seems a little draconian on ubuntu's part to pseudo-exclude a piece of software that comes in *very* handy now & again... but i guess free means FREE, gall dang it [02:01] see u mattlacey === moman [~moman@pcp05290820pcs.wanarb01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === BigAdam [xxbigxx@cja170.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu === manitoba98xp [~jeremy@CPE0010dc46ceb7-CM014330022960.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:02] hello [02:02] can somebady help me with ubuntu OS === pablo928 [~paul@az-yuma-cuda1x-159.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === pablo928 [~paul@az-yuma-cuda1x-159.losaca.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:02] uc50ic4more: I think it's good to make the distinction. [02:03] BigAdam - what's shakin? [02:03] dooglus - true true [02:03] Hello all, is it possible to restrict a user so that they cannot execute any applications except for a specific set? This is so a user can't simply waltz in with an ext2 floppy with a file owned by root and is suid to do something malicious. === mattlacey [~matt@exten-halls-247.soton.ac.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [02:03] BigAdam: I'd be happy to help any way I can. [02:03] when ubuntu logs and enters the main window, my monitor turns gren, and i cant see any thing [02:04] manitoba98xp: the floppy should mount with the "nosuid" flag, so that the suid bit isn't honoured. === dantheman [~dan@pcp0010703397pcs.manass01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:04] resiak: Erm? [02:04] manitoba98xp - could you put the user in question into a group, allowing that group only access to the execs in question? that could be excessively tedious, of course....... [02:04] manitoba98xp: either the floppy drive will be userr-mountable, which will mean it's noexec; or he'd need root to mount it. [02:04] i have to restart comp [02:04] manitoba98xp: in any case; any fool with physical access to your machine can own you in under a minute. [02:04] we can't help u with that one, BigAdam :) [02:05] but, is it prob with my grapf carg [02:05] card [02:05] im using gf 4400 [02:05] to uc50ic4more: denying execute permission on EVERY SINGLE executable, even when I install or update packages, would be very tedious. Is there a better way? [02:05] what is the prob? [02:05] and my pal sad thats always problem with nvidia [02:05] manitoba98xp: yeah. Don't bother. [02:06] manitoba98xp - not that i can think of, i was just unaware of the scope of exclusion u were going for.... [02:06] BigAdam - what precisely is going wrong? === Darkhoof [~ubuntu@cpe-065-188-250-006.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === calc notices xorg still can't upgrade cleanly in hoary === rbr [~rbr@cm-85-152-64-11.telecable.es] has joined #ubuntu [02:07] like i sad, everything is ok, until main window shows, when it should be ubuntu a can se nothing (gren screen) === BROKEN_LADDER [~pral@h-67-101-103-122.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #UBUNTU [02:07] compiuter is working, i can hear sounds === allio [foobar@] has joined #ubuntu [02:08] I'm running Ubuntu off a live CD, can I access my windows mp3 files? I can't seem to find a "c:\" file system anywhere on this thing [02:08] but screen is green === Petro [petur@doggy.style.is] has joined #ubuntu [02:08] Darkhoof: it won't be located at c:\ [02:08] 11389, 11396 seem to be the culprits now :\ === resiak is now known as Blissex [02:08] <^thehatsrule^> Darkhoof, try /mnt/hda1 [02:08] How do I find my files? [02:08] Darkhoof: It'll probably be /mnt/hda1 or something like that; I've never used Ubuntu Live. [02:08] Q: how can i run a .package file ? [02:09] alright, I'll try that === dataw0lf [~dataw0lf@dataw0lf.org] has joined #ubuntu === Blissex is now known as takatuni === takatumi is now known as kaiser === takatuni is now known as imutakat === kaiser is now known as takatumi === imutakat is now known as resiak [02:10] Hey everone. Im having trouble with the installation. When the installer is loading I get a error complaining that it failed loading installer components from the CD. The actual messages is: "Failing step is: Load installer components from CD" [02:10] Searching google gives nothing === Fackamato [fackamato@81-229-119-116-no24.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:10] Petro: run the cd's self-check === doko_ [~doko___@dsl-082-082-199-023.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:10] The disk is not corrupt [02:10] I md5sumed it [02:10] And the self-check does not work [02:11] It's like the CD-ROM stops working or something [02:11] <^thehatsrule^> maybe bad burnage? [02:11] Petro: I've had this exact behavior from some cdrom drives. === Spug [~Spug@ti211310a081-2277.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu === jsgotangco [~jsg@] has joined #ubuntu [02:11] Petro: my solution was to rip the HDD out and put it in another machine. Have you ever installed another distro on this box? [02:12] No [02:12] Im helping a friend [02:12] got another cd drive you can sub in? [02:12] So I should try and swap cdroms? [02:12] yeah, give that a go. === andrewski [~andrew@pool-70-110-194-26.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:13] Darkhoof: did you find your windows files? [02:13] That's for the help [02:13] can anyone paste a normal /etc/sudoers file? i can't seem to get it to work without *not* needing a password.... === tron_ [~tron@] has joined #ubuntu [02:14] I will come back and report the outcome [02:14] s/That's/Thanks === rixth [~rixth@60-234-142-58.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu === mgalvin [~mgalvin@cpe-69-205-46-35.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:15] andrewski: man sudoers [02:15] is there an easy way to enable infrered on my laptop? [02:15] andrewski: there's a specific example pertaining to your question in there; and sudoers is NOT something you should mess with unless you understand what you're doing [02:16] Guerin: the freakin' expert install doesn't enable it. :P === uc50ic4more [~robert@d36-69-80.home1.cgocable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:16] cmon, i realy dont know what to do, im newbie [02:16] andrewski: enable nopasswd? Of course not. [02:16] Guerin: huh? === tron_ [~tron@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [02:17] snowseal, infrared what [02:17] port [02:17] andrewski: what's confusing about that? nopasswd in sudoers is a MASSIVE security risk which should only be taken by people who Know What They're Doing... not, ever, by a default OS setting. [02:18] check out lirc - that's linux infrared stuff - i use it to have remote controls working with my box [02:18] Darkhoof: if you're still there, this is what you probably want to do to get your NTFS partition available: === resiak throws Linspire at Guerin. [02:18] Darkhoof: sudo mkdir -p /mnt/c; sudo mount -t ntfs -o umask=0 /dev/hda1 /mnt/c [02:18] resiak: i should say SANE os... [02:18] Darkhoof: (then the files should appear in /mnt/c) [02:18] Guerin: well, i didn't enable it.... [02:18] ubuntu: I have a laptop that I put ubuntu on and I used the SuSE Live CD to resize the NTFS partition to make room for ubuntu [02:18] When I setup Ubuntu, it asked me if I wanted to join a domain. I didn't then, but now I do, How can I rerun that script? [02:18] Guerin: i don't doubt that i didn't add my user correctly though. [02:19] andrewski: oo, triple negative. What precisely do you want to do? === gubrats [~gubrats@cpc3-nthc5-3-0-cust214.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] Guerin: have my sudoers work for my user like it used to on a normal install. [02:22] andrewski: what's that, then? [02:22] w00t!! === Blissex [~Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has left #Ubuntu ["Konversation] === viork [~viork@] has joined #ubuntu [02:23] When I setup Ubuntu, it asked me if I wanted to join a domain. I didn't then, but now I do, How can I rerun that script? [02:23] Ah, sorry, I didn't see I posted that not so long ago. === TongMaster [~TongMaste@157.besecure.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === bgray [~bgray@c24.183.54.10.mad.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === AMDXP [~vegeta@cpe-24-160-75-238.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === elvis [~elvis@c-67-182-156-98.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Fackamato [~ubuntu@81-229-119-116-no24.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:24] dooglus: Got it : ) [02:24] hi all [02:24] I'm on the ubuntu livecd [02:24] is there a way to get gparted running on the livecd? [02:24] or any other program that can resize a reiserfs partition? [02:24] Guerin: when i run 'gksudo foomother', it doesn't ask me for my password; it just runs. i want it to ask me for my password. [02:24] Fack: not sure [02:25] andrewski: oh. you want to be prompted for a password for ALL actions? what does your line in /etc/sudoers say? === elvis [~elvis@c-67-182-156-98.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:25] anyone using gdesklets? [02:26] AMDXP, No, but what do you need to know? [02:26] Guerin: root ALL=(ALL) ALL [02:26] andrew ALL=(ALL) ALL === lok [~lok@pouet.dnsalias.org] has joined #ubuntu [02:26] bloody hell. [02:27] Is there no way to resize a partition from the ubuntu livecd? [02:27] rixth I have it install and i downloaded some sensors but i cant configure them right to show my hard drive space and memory usage === luckless [~elvis@c-67-182-156-98.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] Place the desklet on your desktop, right click on it and press "Configure" === mcmahonm [~mcmahonm@CPE000d88983755-CM000f9fa625ca.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] andrewski: that WILL prompt for a password the first time, and keep the password for 15 minutes, by default. After 15 minutes without sudo, it'll prompt again. If you want to change the timeout, that's possible too. Not sure whether gksudo has some extra stupid password-keeper in addition. [02:28] Guerin: well, i'm never asked. [02:28] andrewski: if you use plain sudo at a shell, do you get asked? [02:28] rixth for memory usage what would i put in the command line [02:28] Guerin: no. === JeteyeMa [~craig@pool-70-22-142-44.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:29] dooglus: It was all down to Option "NoAccell" in Section "Device", thanks for the help. === slicslak [~slicslak@S0106000f66e13f97.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === warty [~warty@218-101-66-103.dialup.clear.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [02:29] any idea what just happened to my computer? on startup, it did a fsck, fsck died a couple times, when I got it to finish it'd found lots of errors, fixed them supposedly, now x wont start properly [02:29] AMD, not sure for that one sorry. [02:29] Something in /proc most likley. [02:29] It seems I've broken my install -used synaptic to add usb functionality and now have boot errors (no name) and upon boot get "failed to initiate HAL". No mouse or nic, but keyboard ok. How to fix? [02:29] warty, check the logs [02:30] andrewski: then this version of sudo is broken and you should probably purge and reinstall it. But I don't believe you; I suggest you wait for it to timeout and then try again; I bet you get prompted. [02:30] rixth: that is what i am trying to figure out [02:30] Guerin: ok, i'll try that. thanks. [02:30] Malsideus: glad you got it working. Are you saying that having "NoAccell" turned on was the problem? That sounds backwards to me... [02:31] Q: How can i get appletviewer (for java applets) ? === JeteyeMa [~craig@pool-70-22-142-44.bos.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:31] what up noobs [02:31] rixth: thanks for the help [02:31] I am loving this Ubuntu i got it installed on a old Micron laptop 233MHz [02:31] dooglus: No just added it. Just shocked that I didn't find someone with the same problems in my searches. [02:32] i couldnt get the sound to work though === big_O [Ogami@] has joined #ubuntu [02:32] i joined the forums and tried that also === Owl^ [~jani@a81-197-107-13.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [02:33] dooglus: Funnilly enough, got board of searching, startted fiddling, and hey presto: Ubuntu. === Bettzer [~dfdf@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:33] whats the latest release? [02:33] Why are so many GNOME games suid? [02:33] im using FC3 and it sucks im coming back to Ubuntu [02:34] Does anyone know why so many GNOME games are suid? [02:34] manitoba98xp: you just asked that. [02:35] dooglus: Anyways I'm off, 3am, work tomorrow. Thanks again for the help. [02:35] Is Hoary 5.04 the latest? [02:35] Bettzer: yes. [02:35] manitoba98xp: highscore charts, most likely. [02:36] night Malsideus [02:36] you live in a freaky timezone if it's 3am [02:36] Shouldn't high scores just be stored in a file which is either world-writable or group-writable (games or something)? [02:36] that's 24 minutes east of Prague? [02:36] for a computer-wide, shared highscore chart to be any use, it has to be writable only by root so reglar users can't haxx0r their scores [02:37] manitoba98xp: yeah, that'd be great for me. I'd be the top of all the highscore tables. [02:37] even though I never play any of those games. === manitoba98xp [~jeremy@CPE0010dc46ceb7-CM014330022960.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu [] [02:37] question: any suggestions to restore a partially crashed install to salvage work already done? [02:37] Guerin: my mother is addicted to "same gnome". She boots her Windows XP laptop from the ubuntu live CD just so she can play it. :) [02:37] dooglus: haha [02:38] Guerin: it may be the one thing that convinces her to have the laptop set up to dual boot - 'cos then she can save the high scores! :) [02:38] can some1 give me the address for ubuntu's extra/restricted repository ? [02:38] theres nothing new being developed? [02:38] yonil: you should be able to add them using synaptic [02:38] Bettzer: nope, linux is dead. [02:38] dooglus: the devil really is in the details :) [02:39] uh [02:39] can I install anything? [02:39] no new ubuntu being developed? [02:39] while on the livecd? [02:39] gparted for example? [02:39] Bettzer: the next ubuntu is 'breezy', but it's not stable yet [02:40] so i was using Hoary wau before it was "stable" [02:40] Bettzer: I've not tried it, but count the "PLEASE"s in the topic of this channel [02:41] LOL === drcode [~admin@] has joined #ubuntu [02:41] i guess there not far in development yet === imaek [~imaek@adsl-69-235-162-44.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:41] I can wait ill just get the Hoary for 64bit [02:41] Anything just as long as im not using FC3 anymore [02:41] man it's horrible === dooglus [~dooglus@rincevent.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:42] is there a channel with technical discussion/support? === mcmahonm [~mcmahonm@CPE000d88983755-CM000f9fa625ca.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu [] [02:42] luckless: this is it; you're in luck. === Guimauve2 [~Guimauve2@modemcable212.81-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu === dori [~dori@Dori.wikipedia] has joined #ubuntu [02:43] I have a question, could someone answer it please? [02:43] Guimauve2: ask. [02:43] well, I've half crashed my install and was hoping for input to salvage it -backup files perhaps [02:43] could someone help me ? I've found a thread on ubuntu forum saying they added sun's java to extra/restricted repository, but when i search for it i cant find it .... [02:43] Guimauve2: could someone ask it first please? [02:44] dooglus: i already said that. :P === lleberg [lleberg@camslynor.org] has joined #ubuntu [02:44] andrewski: put that thing away! ;) [02:44] It is very simple. Does the 0/usr/sbin/bin directory exist. I made a rm -fr /usr/sbin/bin by mistake and since it doesn't show any output, I do not know if the directory existed or not. [02:44] (the directory is /usb/sbin/bin, there is no 0 before it) [02:45] Is this a official support channel or is some social "chatting" allowed? :P === Petro [petur@doggy.style.is] has joined #ubuntu [02:45] I want to set up a dual boot slackware/ubuntu, I have ubuntu installed on an LVM partition though and I've never set one up under lilo, can someone give some suggestions on how to do this? [02:45] Guimauve2, nope there is no bin/ in /usr/sbin/ [02:45] Guimauve2, but now you wrote /usb/sbin/bin so i wonder .. [02:46] Thanks a lot! Oh, by the way, Ubuntu rocks! I've got it installed about a week ago, and i'm totally addicted. Before, I was using LFS! [02:46] I should mention I have slackware booting so I'd rather use its lilo conf [02:46] Guerin: Hi again. Did the computer that you tried the first time have SATA? [02:47] you guys, i really need sun's jdk - no one knows how to get it from packages ? [02:47] Petro: nope. just plain old ide. [02:47] no, the directory was indeed /usr/sbin/bin (the one that contains all binary files) [02:47] Guerin: I swapped the cdroms but now the installer has trouble mounting the CDROM [02:48] I have a shortcut/starter for the ssh to my shell where my irc-client is om my desktop, can i modify that starter to change the letter-coding from UTF-8 to iso-8859 on startup automaticly? [02:48] The cdrom is a IDE drive but the HDD is SATA [02:48] Petro: ok. When I had the problem I narrowed it down to something between the ide controller and the cdrom drive. [02:48] and actually, there is not such thing as a /usb directory [02:49] Petro: what MIGHT work is not probing any ide drivers... boot into expery, and deselect all ide device driver modules, leaving only generic linux ide support modules selected === spanglesontoast [~spangles@eddland.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:49] Petro: that got me a bit further through the install, at least. [02:50] Guerin: I will try that === Methynutnut [~Tommy_K@203-217-88-224.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === lalo [~lalo@lalo.plone] has joined #ubuntu === t [~msumu@128.169.99-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:51] ok, I searched google and the wiki to no avail... any idea why my evolution stopped reading news after I upgraded to hoary? :-( [02:51] what do people know about creative? [02:51] (I'm asking in the sense of, whether someone else encountered this and there is a known solution) [02:52] like webcams etc === numa_ [~numa@CPE-65-28-17-4.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:53] spanglesontoast: they pretty much set the standard for multimedia in PCs, back in the late 80s [02:53] Can Mplayer be installed on Ubuntu? === zenwhen [~zenwhen@localghost.us] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:53] Sero: yes. [02:53] I mean't drivers === blahrus [rhkxuq@12-223-50-121.client.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu === logick [~logick@] has joined #ubuntu [02:55] whats up ? [02:55] sky === t is now known as ttekin [02:56] Guerin: Sweet! We tried to move the cdrom to slave and use another CD and it worked [02:56] penises [02:56] Petro: awesome. [02:56] Guerin: Although, we had tried that CD before === logick [~logick@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [02:56] Guerin: Isn't it :D [02:56] Petro: strange magic is sometimes required. [02:57] guerin: Obvisouly :) [02:57] does anyone know about 'rsync'? in particular, does 'rsync' have to be installed on both the client and the server, or is it possible to get by with it only installed on the client? === reamtS [~zero@adsl-66-122-212-92.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:58] dooglus: needs to be on both. You don't need to run a rsyncd, though - it can use ssh etc as a transport. [02:58] bah === cafuego thwaps Guerin [02:58] Guerin: I read that, which is what made me think that maybe a local rsync would be able to work its magic remotely using ssh === imaek [~imaek@adsl-69-235-162-44.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === spiderworm [~spiderwor@ip68-3-31-10.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:59] Does anyone here got a "Creative Labs Sound Blaster Live! 24 bits" soundcard? [02:59] cafuego: am I wrong? [02:59] Guerin: In many ways. What was the question? [02:59] anybody know of a package that's like cdisplay for windows? [02:59] Guimauve2: no, but I have an Audigy LS which is very similar. What about it? === lalo [~lalo@lalo.plone] has left #ubuntu [] [02:59] cafuego: pgup === daba [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-157-87.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:59] Guerin: it looks like you're right - the error message I got back would suggest so... [02:59] bash: rsync: command not found [02:59] rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [receiver] [02:59] Guerin: How far up? I have 18 hours of missed content... [02:59] certainly is MY experience with rsync [02:59] if my webcam on light is on does that mean it works? === makaveli [~makaveli@pcp01155257pcs.newhav01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:00] no one is using root on lvm? [03:00] Does the inputs work (Mic in, etc.)? [03:00] In the pcworld hoary-review he mentions that upgrading to ubuntu 6 will be only apt-getdist-upgrade.. how was it from 4 to 5? [03:00] cafuego: does rsync need to be installed on both client and server, or only on client [03:00] Guimauve2: probably not, I never tried lol [03:00] ? [03:00] dori, you can have / but not /boot [03:00] Where do I go to search for Ubuntu packages? [03:00] Guerin: On both, adn you need to set up 1) a config file and 2) a users file on the server. [03:00] ftp.ubuntu.org ? [03:00] cafuego: thanks, that's what I said. === oferw [~oferw@85-250-217-223.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu === Guerin returns the thwap. [03:01] ok i have a problem: i had gaim running and it would go to my panel when i closed it and than i clicked remove from panel on accident and now it won't go to the panel when closed anymore and i can't find the option for it in the preferences does any one know how to set it back to go to the panel? [03:01] Guerin: so given that rsync isn't on the server, but that I have ssh access to the server (only not as root, and not to install stuff), what's a good way of syncing a remote directory to my laptop? [03:01] what is video4lin? [03:01] makaveli: try turning off and on the system tray plugin in gaim [03:01] will do [03:01] I mean't v2l2 [03:02] dooglus: you can install rsync in your ~ and use that [03:02] makaveli: from the 'Buddy List': Tools>Preferences>Plugins>System Tray Icon === Robinho_Peixoto [~robinho@201009109226.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [03:02] What is the package name for mplayer? [03:03] dooglus: just tried that didn't work [03:03] mplayer [03:03] still does the same thing [03:03] Why don't you just compile it from source? [03:03] I know a very nice tutorial on it, but it is in french. === blueskiesokie [~noname@] has joined #ubuntu [03:04] (One of the best GNU/Linux french Website, although not very known : http://www.trustonme.net/) === trask [500@x1-6-00-05-1c-04-51-a4.k206.webspeed.dk] has joined #ubuntu === rover_dan [~daniel@] has joined #ubuntu [03:05] what is the deal here with ubuntu? i know that is supports my hardware and all but all it is getting is 640x480 resolution ? === beagle [~beagle@pool-70-110-99-235.pghk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:05] I just installed Ubuntu and when I boot into X there's a black "X" (x-windows mouse pointer) in the middle of screen. Any idea how to get rid of it? === mcmahonm [~mcmahonm@CPE000d88983755-CM000f9fa625ca.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:05] i tried setting the xorg.conf to use only 800X600 and 1024x768 .. still only doing 640x480 resolution? [03:05] erm in my fglx control panel it says driver version 8.08.25 on atis web site it says newest is 8.12.10. How do i get the latest fglx drivers or are mine the latest? [03:06] spanglesontoast, couldn't find packages to match "mplayer" [03:06] you need to check out www.ubuntuguide.com === stub [~stub@203-217-37-199.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:06] this is very frustrating . I like the OS and all but i hate 640x480 resolution ? === trask [500@x1-6-00-05-1c-04-51-a4.k206.webspeed.dk] has left #ubuntu [] [03:07] blueskiesokie: you may have chosen a refresh too high for those resolutions. Drop back to 60hz and if it works, raise it incrementally. === dooglus [~dooglus@rincevent.net] has joined #ubuntu === gubrats [~gubrats@cpc3-nthc5-3-0-cust214.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === imaek [~imaek@adsl-69-235-162-44.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === dooglus [~dooglus@rincevent.net] has left #ubuntu [] === ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-1478.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu === nern [~nern@] has joined #ubuntu [03:10] blueskiesokie: try running /usr/X11R6/bin/xorgconfig (or /usr/X11R6/bin/xorgcfg) -> it must be the one in text mode [03:10] in screen resolution it only has one choice .. 60hz and 640x480 ? [03:10] After that [03:10] ok [03:10] hey [03:10] i need a hand with something [03:10] there is a step where you must select to modes for the color depths. [03:10] anyone have a fat32 part that they mount where all users can read AND write to it? [03:11] example : selecting to modes for the 16 bit color depth. You can then select to resolutions you want === dooglus [~dooglus@rincevent.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:11] It worked fine for me [03:11] I can't eject my CD... It says "eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument" === nathan [~nathan@] has joined #ubuntu [03:11] LMAO UNABLE TO EJECT [03:12] yes :(((( [03:12] HAHAHA [03:12] that's a personal problem [03:12] how do i make nautilus open certain applications at a certain spot on the screen? [03:12] erect [03:12] haha [03:12] dantheman, you dont [03:12] got it [03:12] so what's wrong [03:12] Spug: umount /media/cd* (whichever it is) [03:12] Hi guys. I have an HP scanner but it isn't working at linux, Do someone knows where can I get a driver for it? [03:12] just use the button on the drive Spug jeez [03:13] raDeon: so it'll just open wherever it wants, forever? [03:13] Davey: None of them are in mtab === cpdiety [~cpdiety@jpi-min-160-122.dmisinetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:13] raDeon: Duh, it doesn't work [03:13] dantheman, yes [03:13] Spug, get a new drive [03:13] nathan, www.linuxprinting.org [03:13] damn, that's infuriating [03:13] anyone mount a fat32? [03:13] anyone? [03:14] nern, yes === Shuddertrix [~ubuntu@user-0cdv20s.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:14] <^thehatsrule^> nern, mount /mnt/hdX# [03:14] I just installed Ubuntu and when I boot into X there's a black "X" (x-windows mouse pointer) in the middle of screen. Any idea how to get rid of it? === Lafitte- [~nunya@ppp-71-130-27-33.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:14] raDeon: do you mount it with full read and write priveledges? [03:14] Finally within 30 mins ill be back on Ubuntu [03:14] raDeon: Thanks! [03:14] Does the kernel support NTFS read/write? === Liberal [~tuggy@c-24-18-75-18.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === pd2` [~user@dsl-084-057-125-163.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:15] Bettzer: Just read. Writing is still very dangerous. [03:15] linux does not support writing to NTFS [03:15] Bettzer, read only [03:15] raDeon: i know how to get it setup and all im just not sure on the mount options in my fstab [03:15] Damn i guess the FC3 kernel was good at something, it had NTFS read/write [03:15] oh well im still switching [03:15] Agrajag, Actually it does now [03:15] bah, that's a great way to ruin all your data [03:15] /dev/hdax /mnt/fat vfat === abarbaccia2 [~christine@ool-18b8cf07.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:16] Bettzer: nope [03:16] Bettzer: I think fedora used a patch or something, or perhaps captive.. [03:16] Agrajag, Latest Fedora kernel supports it [03:16] Bettzer: The write is risky [03:16] not if you want to create or delete files, or change their size [03:16] Bettzer: its experimental write === zenrox [~zenrox@] has joined #ubuntu [03:16] I used it for like 2 months it works fine [03:16] Bettzer: If you cacn get ccaptive ntfs to work I hear it will write quite happily, but I've never been able to get it running === Liberal [~tuggy@c-24-18-75-18.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:16] captive-ntfs is slow, but it works.. really slow, from what i hear === LiberalTugboat [~tuggy@c-24-18-75-18.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:16] Agrajag, read the release notes for FC3 its not experimental, its fully supported now [03:16] liberal, didnt have to leave3 rigfht away... [03:17] Bettzer: that's not linux [03:17] that's captive-ntfs [03:17] not part of linux [03:17] No [03:17] Its the Kernel [03:17] Bettzer: What version of the kernel do they use? [03:17] just edited by RH people [03:17] waht patches? [03:17] ok. [03:17] Then it's still not supported by linux [03:17] and my point stands [03:17] /ctcp Agrajag version [03:17] Fedora Core 3 is a distro [03:17] daba: x-chat, windows. So what? [03:18] hey all - if i wanted to move every file that ends in .m4a to a new dir, what would the script look like? === dori [~dori@Dori.wikipedia] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:18] raDeon: you there ? [03:18] mv *.m4a folder/ [03:19] alright, but can i specify recursive or something becasue they are not in one dir [03:19] thye are spread out among many === uc50ic4mor1 [~robert@d36-69-80.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu === uc50ic4mor1 [~robert@d36-69-80.home1.cgocable.net] has left #ubuntu [] === uc50ic4mor1 [~robert@d36-69-80.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:19] hmm, try mv `find ./ -iname "*.m4a"` folder/ [03:20] fuck === boss_ [~boss@213-156-52-112.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:20] probably better to start with find and use xargs [03:20] ok [03:20] if mv can take a file list from stdin === dimeo [~matt@182-47.SPEEDe.golden.net] has joined #ubuntu === prasys [~prasys@prasys.user] has joined #ubuntu [03:21] ^thehatsrule^: do you know what fstab options i need to have for the fat32 to be writable by ALL users. [03:21] hey das any of you used their computer with ubuntu for long, and then went to windows on that computer for a while? it is painfully slow in windows, it seems. [03:21] cpdiety, i think im going to use locate [03:22] <^thehatsrule^> all users? try to check if theres users in the line [03:22] me [03:22] evening all [03:22] i run ubuntu powerpc and osx [03:22] erm , not problem === skibobdi [~skibobdi@cpc1-asht1-3-0-cust164.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:22] evening , dimeo [03:22] I am gonna try it out on Virtual PC ! [03:22] abarbaccia2: whatever works [03:22] does ubuntu plan on increasing the size of its main repository to include packages which are now in universe and multiverse or to provide support for universe/multiverse at some point in the future? [03:23] cpdiety, well, that didnt [03:23] i have all the filenames in a textfile [03:24] anyone? [03:24] i just need the fstab options that will mount my fat32 partition with full read and write privledges for all users. [03:24] jasoncohen: um...did you read the components section of ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu , http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/components/document_view ? [03:24] My sound is bugging a bit [03:24] any way i can write a script to take them one at a time and move them [03:24] I've a USB 160GB I've bought for backing up my laptop HD. When I try to use parted to display the partition table for it at /dev/sda1 it I get the message Error: Can't have a partition outside the disk! === Brian16 [~ubuntu@S0106004005c36f0c.ls.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:24] any suggestions? [03:24] Hey All === Brian16 is now known as Redwraith [03:24] abarbaccia2, i tried that once and used locate but ended doing something like echo `locate foobar` >> /tmp/blah ; mv "$(cat /tmp/blah)" "/foobar/new\ directory/" [03:25] nern hang on === goli [~sunil@] has joined #ubuntu [03:25] first, it works perfectly fine, playing games, watching video, playing music.. [03:25] daba, yes, i was just wondering if any changes were planned to increase the size of main === uc50ic4mor1 [~robert@d36-69-80.home1.cgocable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:25] but then, xmms freezes when you start to play something, and i don't have any sound availible in games [03:26] how do i mount [03:26] ntfs partition [03:26] jasoncohen: if you were really wondering that, I dunno, I know what the page says about moving from universe to main, and I understand the philosophy they promote, but not sure if they decided to step in a diff. direction... [03:26] it seems that i can't mount at all [03:26] Nern I'm using : /dev/fd0 /media/floppy vfat rw,user,noauto 0 0 === zaydana [~zaydana@] has joined #ubuntu === dragolia [~dragolia@CPE-65-30-220-222.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:27] daba, i was just wondering because there's a lot of opensource apps like mysql-4.1, openvpn, webmin etc. that are in universe [03:27] and thus get no support === daba is now known as dabaslon === nutorian [~nutorian@user-0c90hn4.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:27] Nern, wait that's for my floppy! === ech0 [~ech0@ool-182d574a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:27] ablyss, its saying the filename is too long === Bettzer [~dfdf@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:27] makes sense [03:27] I see Ubuntu is supporting Google's summer of code === craks [~craks@] has joined #ubuntu [03:28] anyway to shorten that? [03:28] Nern, I'm using /dev/hda2 /media/hda2 auto rw,user,noauto 0 0 [03:28] can only move up to 1500 lines i think [03:28] mv "foobar" "foobar2" | head -n 1500 [03:28] That's my fat32 partition for transfering between Windowz and linux [03:28] jasoncohen: if so, then read the last few sentences of the entry about universe on that page. === aguila [~aguila@dup-148-221-96-250.prodigy.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu [03:28] jasoncohen: I mean, the last paragraph. [03:28] yeah [03:28] I just installed Ubuntu and when I boot into X there's a black "X" (x-windows mouse pointer) in the middle of screen. Any idea how to get rid of it? [03:28] ubuntu is supporting it [03:28] ok [03:28] beagle > thats normal === skibobdi [~skibobdi@cpc1-asht1-3-0-cust164.manc.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:29] Um how do I install mplayer and stuff for Ubuntu. When I try to install anything it says the package wasn't found, but when I installed K3b is asked for the CD and installed it which I thought was odd considering I assumed it would have got it online. [03:29] beagle > X is loading [03:29] prasys: :)? === Methy [~Tommy_K@203-217-88-224.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:29] prasys: it stays there forever [03:29] abarbaccia2: allright>> find ./ -iname "*.m4a" | xargs mv --target-directory=folder/ [03:29] in OSX , X pointer still will show [03:29] dabaslon, interesting- i noticed that there is a security upgrade to mysql-server-4.1 from the security team even though it's in universe [03:29] beagle > try to put vga=1772 (was it) [03:29] maybe X does not support your Graphics card === g0nz0 [~chatzilla@p508DE754.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:29] are you instaliing it on a laptop === ttkin [~msumu@128.169.99-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:29] I'm looking at firefox right now [03:29] hmm [03:29] could always zip -m the files and then move the single zip file to new directory too [03:30] yes, installing on laptop, didn't have this problem with Knoppix [03:30] is there a way of editing the gnome menu that comes with ubuntu? [03:30] nutorian, do you have a good sources file? [03:30] apt sources === g0nz0 [~chatzilla@p508DE754.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu [] === Dull4o4 [~johan@c213-89-220-150.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu [03:30] beagle > disable acpi probing and change the vga [03:30] my laptop used to have that kind of problem [03:30] you have to change the boot parmaters for it === chiwawa_42 [~jerome@] has joined #ubuntu [03:30] anyways time to install 64bit version wish me luck [03:30] hi all [03:31] betterzer > may the force be with you === Twigman [~daniel@dsl-] has joined #ubuntu [03:31] How can i restore the default ubuntu desktop? ... is there a package for it? [03:31] i have a BIG problem on my laptop : the madwifi driver won't load anymore [03:31] Can someone help me to find a HP scanner driver? I already tryed linuxprinting.org but I just found printer drivers there. [03:31] dabaslon, thanks for the help [03:31] Darth_Prasys: change vga where? [03:31] jasoncohen: it is, or is not in universe? [03:31] i've just done a clean install, updated it, rebooted, and that's it, it doesnt load, saying ath_pci module not found [03:31] beagle > in the boot [03:31] jasoncohen: the security update? [03:32] when GRUB loads (or LILO) [03:32] type [03:32] boot [03:32] Bettzer, it says command not found. [03:32] jasoncohen: Im not trying to help you, I am trying to discuss this:-p === evader [~kym@static-] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] i really need help fixing this or i'll be stuck on windows :( [03:32] dabaslon, all the packages i want except gaim-otr are in universe [03:33] does anyone use a madwifi (atheros) wifi card? [03:33] Hi. I just installed ubuntu from the old Warty install discs. I did a networkless install. Now I have network connection- how do i upgrade to the newest version (hoary?) and get newest packages for apt... Please. [03:33] some i would like newer versions of like gnupg which can be safely taken from sid in debian but not so safely taken from breezy i hear === synd [~phillip@h92.35.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:33] dimeo: with that fstab... can anyuser read or write to the drive? [03:33] chiwawa_42: www.linuxondesktop.com ... or something like that [03:33] Darth_Prasys: I'm sorry I don't know see a VGA line in my grub files [03:33] ewww windows :( [03:33] windows makes me laugh [03:33] evader: apt-get update and then apt-get upgrade I believe [03:33] nern, i had a question for you earlier, but i forgot it :/ [03:33] Dull4o4, no, it's really an ubuntu related problem [03:33] chiwawa_42: i mean, www.linuxonlaptop.com ... i think [03:33] synd: yeah you never asked i dont think [03:33] jasoncohen: yeah, breezy is not so safe:), but I mean, if you are already getting one package, you are pretty sure to know which one to fix if anything gets broken, unlike what some do...;) [03:34] chiwawa_42: hmm.. okay [03:34] Dull4o4, it worked, did an update, reboot, doesn't work anymore [03:34] nern, hmmm [03:34] Nobody knows where do I find scanner drivers? [03:34] Bettzer: http://linux-ntfs.sourceforge.net/rpm/rel26.html [03:34] dabaslon, any idea why mysql-4.1 is in universe? it's popular AND well-supported as the newest mysql stable release. I need it because my mythtv db was created on 4.1.11 in mdk and mysql will not allow me to import the db into 4.0.23 [03:34] Hahh, Nice timing :) [03:34] nathan: have you checked out the sane project? [03:35] jasoncohen: some stuff gets backported too, but, I mean, personally, I have no need for newer and newer packages, I am more unhapppy about all the illegalities, and no hardware support, and what not... === xenos [~xenos@evrtwa1-ar5-4-35-161-111.evrtwa1.elnk.dsl.genuity.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:35] can someone help me use this file http://www.zophar.net/unix/Files/epsxe160lin.zip [03:35] Darth_Prasys: I don't know what you're asking me to do with VGA === ubuwookie [~ubuwookie@ool-44c66efc.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:35] dabaslon, btw, did ubuntu ever fix the mozilla-firefox problem where users couldn't download extensions after getting the new security patches from 1.0.4? [03:36] beagle: No. Where can I get this? [03:36] jasoncohen: well, tried getting that package from the backports?? I dont know why it would be there not in main...(yes that is fixed) why not just get them from universe if you need them?? === ech0 is now known as pollo_loco [03:36] Davey: yeah but i need to change my sources.list dont i? it all says Warty.. [03:36] can someone help [03:36] nathan: google for it [03:36] jasoncohen: does not work? [03:36] How do i switch from Warty to Newest ubuntu please... [03:36] chiwawa_42: seems like, you've gotten a newer kernel.... [03:36] whois aguila [03:36] evader: jas [03:36] does anyone know how to fix the error message in driconf, "libGL is too old" [03:36] Dull4o4, no, i didn't update the kernel [03:37] Davey: ? [03:37] there is an umbutu update? [03:37] jasoncohen: you are saying it is in universe, right? [03:37] dabaslon, because openvpn is one of the only apps i have open to the internet so i would clearly like security patches for it [03:37] yes [03:37] beagle: Thanks [03:37] just like i would want a security patch for openssh [03:37] well, so? why not get it from there? I really dont get that part, tho. [03:38] evader: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryUpgradeNotes - its all there :) [03:38] cheers [03:38] anyone know if there is an easy way to mount a hard drive in Ubuntu LIVE... i know i can do the fstab work, but i dont want to do that EVERYTIME i log on [03:38] either that or can i save my ubuntu settings? === ShadowRage [~ShadowRag@host-66-81-105-123.rev.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu === jaap [~jaap@DHCP-167-115.caltech.edu] has joined #ubuntu [03:38] evader: Google is your friend === vax_salad [~vax@cpe-70-95-89-222.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:38] Redwraith: currently you can't save those settings intuitively [03:38] can someone point out [03:39] to beagle [03:39] i forgot [03:39] brb [03:39] hmm, not like knoppix eh? [03:39] Redwraith: nope [03:39] redwrait get/write a script? [03:39] yeah.. i installed ubuntu before crimsun_ and my sister fudged it up by formatting (i left the install disk in) so now im relegated to using the live cd.. AND MY 50 ubuntu cd sets have arrived [03:39] jasoncohen: further questions you can maybe direct to crimsun_, he is a universe maintaner-motu. [03:39] I am going out, cheers, crimsun_. [03:40] cya [03:40] (though others are here, too :) [03:40] dabaslon, why not get it from universe you mean? Because universe doesn't get new bug fixes/security updates unless provided by the developer directly i suppose [03:40] crimsun_: it is terrible [03:40] yep [03:40] knoppix is based on debian , so does ubuntu [03:40] i hate , when debian does not support rpm [03:40] yeah [03:40] crimsun_: I said cheers not like I am leaving, I said cause I unloaaded someone onto you again... [03:40] i have to convert to deb using alien [03:40] any GUI diskmanager software for Ubuntu? instead of using parted and fdisk at the commandline? [03:40] yeah i dont bother [03:40] apt-get for me :) [03:40] you can convert the rpms to pkg right? [03:40] apt-get is sooo easy [03:41] crimsun_: jasoncohen has a question for you, I think. [03:41] abylss > yes [03:41] suing alien [03:41] dabaslon: no, that's for me :) [03:41] you can convert it === ethics [~Administr@] has joined #ubuntu [03:41] how do I stop pppd from clearing my resolv.conf? [03:41] but most of the time it fails [03:41] synaptic is pretty nice too [03:41] anyone? [03:41] ShadowRage, 1 sec.. checking on something [03:42] uh? :) [03:42] crimsun_, any reason mysql-4.1 and openvpn are in universe rather than main? mysql-4.1 should be popular and well supported and from what i've seen of openvpn development it is also well supported [03:42] i like kynapatic [03:42] i use KDE [03:42] jasoncohen: because the older version of mysql is in main [03:42] any one avail to help me with a question (or 10) about the fglrx drivers? [03:42] Blah, All I want is to close the laptop lid and get hibernate instead of suspend to ram [03:42] yeah sure novaflare [03:42] jasoncohen: you could always volunteer to help maintain openvpn [03:43] ok [03:43] pm me if you want aboot it === rj` [~rj@rj-000015.user] has joined #ubuntu [03:43] i find all this hard to follow haha [03:43] dabaslon, i must have missed what you said earlier. openvpn appears to be in ubuntu backports [03:43] crimsun_, why support the older version- more stable? [03:43] crimsun_: how would you maintain something? [03:43] ShadowRage, the only thing i could find was "pppd-dns" and I dont know if that is even what you need [03:43] dabaslon: wiki/MOTU [03:43] so whats your question [03:43] jasoncohen: among other reasons, yes [03:44] on atis site it says latest version is 8.12.10 in my control panel it says mine are 8.0.25 [03:44] pppd-dns-- Restores /etc/resolv.conf if the system crashed before the ppp link was shut down. === Yoshimitsu [~acidwolf@] has joined #ubuntu [03:44] yeah, but, how do you do it, ther is an explanation how someone does such a thing? I guess in the gettingstarted wiki, hey? [03:44] are their newer drivers than what im useing and if so how to install them? [03:44] anyone know of a way to get a laptop to hibernate when lid is closed instead of suspend to ram..... [03:44] ablyss: no [03:44] crimsun_: ^^ [03:44] dabaslon: you work with Debian maintainers and upstream to make sure the package is in good shape, etc. [03:44] how do I edit the gnome menu that comes with ubuntu [03:44] hmm, im not sure: you can open the restricted section of the ubuntu repositorise and auto install them there [03:44] im on a ati 9k pro 128 meg agp if that make any diffrence [03:44] ShadowRage, i do know if you use a static ip your resolv.conf wont change [03:44] ShadowRage, why not just make the file readonly by pppd? [03:45] ablyss: Is there any way to prevent pppd from erasing all the data from resolv.conf and replacing it with the automatic dns servers when I dial up, and then leaving the file blank after it disconnects [03:45] i didn't realize there were so many backports [03:45] are they considered safe? [03:45] ethics: then I won't be able to get online [03:45] kinda [03:45] ~ === aguila [~aguila@dup-148-221-96-250.prodigy.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu [03:45] ethics: because of dynamic dns [03:45] jasoncohen: caveat downloader === monchy [~monchy@S010600e04c400007.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:45] crimsun_: dunno, maybe it is just a activity like any other, sounds like something you would have to know a lot to do, though. K, I am really going out. see ya channel;) [03:46] ShadowRage, other than using a static IP.. or otherwise using a bash script to manually edit the resolv.conf at boot... i dont know [03:46] crimsun_: nice... [03:46] crimsun_: glad I didnt leave before I read that... [03:46] crimsun_, heh,, well that's always the case. Do you have any experience with backports? [03:47] jasoncohen: I backported stuff from Sid->Potato and Woody for years, and I've done Sid->Warty, but no, I don't use Ubuntu backports (ubp). [03:47] ShadowRage, sorry that doesnt make sense to me......dynamicdns....what do you mean by that? === flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:47] i use xmms normally but since i did my hoary install it just seems to not play and then crash when i do hit the play button. so i tried to build it from source and heres the error i got. checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... /lib/cpp [03:47] configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check [03:47] See `config.log' for more details. [03:47] acidwolf@ubuntuG4:~/xmms-1.2.10$ [03:48] sorry [03:48] spanges use smeg [03:48] ethics: the ISP dns servers are automatically put in via pppd [03:48] Yoshimitsu: apt-get build-dep xmms && apt-get -b source xmms [03:48] dynamic dns is the opposite of static dns.. ( the latter stays the same whereas the former changes ) [03:48] applications-all-users:/// [03:48] ty ty crimsun_ [03:48] doesn't work [03:48] so Redwraith any ideas heh [03:49] ShadowRage, so what...if you put a realworld dns server...(can be ANY nameserver) in resolv.conf then its setup...pppd doesnt need to use its own dns just a working dns. === stetyR [~stetuR@12stb68.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu [03:49] hello [03:49] yeah one sec [03:50] did you get what i said novaflare [03:50] crimsun_ i got an error from that aswell. Build-dependencies for xmms could not be satisfied. [03:50] ethics: ....that doesn't have anything to do with what I'm asking [03:50] how are you [03:50] nope [03:50] what going on? [03:50] Yoshimitsu: make sure you have the necessary repos enabled === someone [~daekharel@pool-70-106-109-248.pskn.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === someone [~daekharel@pool-70-106-109-248.pskn.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:50] stetyR: there is a cold going around... [03:50] ShadowRage, yes it does your not understanding what i mean i think [03:50] ethics: pppd places the ISP's dns servers in resolv.conf every time I dial up, so I can see websites and shit, obviously, however, it doesn't honor the settings I put in there beforehand. [03:51] so it wipes them clean [03:51] crimsun_ i do have all of them [03:51] ShadowRage, just add this /etc/init.d [03:51] #!/bin/sh [03:51] # FIX's dyanmic DNS entries [03:51] case "$1" in [03:51] 'start') [03:51] cat "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf [03:51] cat "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf [03:51] ethics: also, it's cleared on every bootup as well [03:51] cat "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf [03:51] ;; [03:51] 'stop') [03:51] ;; [03:51] *) [03:51] wait you mean with the restricted repository Redwraith ? [03:51] Shadow so in your resolv.conf put in the isp's dns/a working dns server and your local settings make the file unchangeable by pppd and it should work unless pppd borks when it gets refused by permission [03:52] echo "Usage: $0 { start | stop }" [03:52] ;; [03:52] esac [03:52] exit 0 [03:52] erm [03:52] but chang the nameserver [03:52] i dont understand you dasbalo [03:52] ablyss: please don't flood in here === Matrice64 [~matrice64@c-24-98-229-224.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:52] ethics: problem with that is, the dns servers occasionally change, and change with whatever number I use if I use a different access number if one is messing up [03:52] ethics: so that's a non solution === evader [~kym@static-] has left #ubuntu [] [03:53] ethics: I'm thinking I need to md5sum the file like you have to do with xorg.conf for the OS to honor the changes [03:53] but where would the md5sum file go? [03:53] Yoshimitsu: that's not possible, else you'd not get the /lib/cpp sanity error === CerBerO_ [~CerBerO@pc-138-47-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:53] that way, it doesn't keep wiping out === StR34k [~streak@i216-58-91-42.avalonworks.net] has joined #ubuntu === geppy-away [~geppy@c-67-162-233-164.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === geppy-away is now known as geppy [03:54] Shadowrage....every DNS server at an ISP is mirrored on others........any working DNS server should work...regardless of what you call....ie i can use ANY dns server on the internet that i can ping with no detriment to funtionality.....only exception to this may be hosting sites via dyndns which is a differentkettle of fish === Dull4o4 [~johan@c213-89-220-150.cm-upc.chello.se] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [03:54] novaflare, there is a repository that you can set that is not usually set, you can find the fglrx and nvidia drivers there and you dont even need to install them just apt them [03:54] Shadowrage ie if i have 2 ways to get to the internet i only need 1 dns server and both will owrk regardless [03:55] not all dns servers are equal [03:55] my isp dns server suck [03:55] ok how to add that repository [03:55] ablyss, what do you mean? === Sweep [~Sweep@ti541210a080-0026.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [03:56] ethics, basically if i use my ISP DNS.. websites take 6x to 10x longer to load [03:56] ablyss: but they work...speed is a server issue but functionality does work/ [03:56] well i dont use them === beagle [~beagle@pool-70-110-99-235.pghk.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:57] i can work faster by using another DNS === ShadowRage [~ShadowRag@host-66-81-105-123.rev.o1.com] has left #ubuntu ["Save] [03:57] ablyss: exactly my point for Shadowrage...whateve dns you have that works is fine you dont need to allow pppd to change it [03:57] hey === abisen [~abisen@pcp05063658pcs.northw01.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === JasonF [jay@jasonf.no-sources] has joined #ubuntu [03:57] howdy stetyR [03:57] hi [03:57] Why is there not an ubuntu package for LSongs? [03:57] StR34k* === Gentoon [~Gentoon@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu === ShadowRage [~ShadowRag@host-66-81-105-123.rev.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:58] tab complete error [03:58] Aww so good to be back [03:58] ethics: btw, it isnt just pppd [03:58] sorry 'bout the flood crimsun_ [03:58] ethics: on bootup, it gets wiped [03:58] hehe [03:58] what will happen to backported packages when breezy is released? [03:58] fine [03:58] ethics: meaning, the system isnt honoring the changes [03:58] why does ubuntu hoary which is released relatively recently uses such an old version of ipw2200 wi-fi driver [03:58] one sec [03:58] so hows it going here? [03:58] How can I get the good sources list? can I get someone's [03:58] i have to look [03:58] ethics: like it does with zorg [03:58] er [03:58] xorg [03:58] abisen: Because it's stable. [03:58] someone on AMD64 [03:58] Gentoon: yes. [03:58] hi to you to stetyR :P [03:59] cool [03:59] ShadowRage, pppd runs on boot? or any idea whats doing it at boot? [03:59] can ya pastebin it for me? [03:59] Does Ubuntu support KDE? I mean, can you choose not to run Gnome? [03:59] Gentoon: No, it's a 8GB install, that will never fit in my paste buffer. [03:59] Sweep: that's called Kubuntu [03:59] Sweep: yes. === heds [~heds@] has joined #ubuntu [03:59] Sweep, yeah [04:00] What apt source list would be 8GB? [04:00] ShadowRage, on boot i cant help you then...havent delved into xorg yet... [04:00] Sweep: on a linux distribution you choose what you'll run [04:00] Gentoon: You didn't ask for an apt source list. [04:00] Nice! Then i'll have a closer look on that "Ubuntu" [04:00] Gentoon: Not that it matters, you aren't able to use mine. it's my ISPs mirror, which is restricted. [04:00] Sweep: There is a "Kubuntu" package set for Ubuntu. [04:01] Sweep: You can either download it as its own ISO image, or install it on Ubuntu via apt/synaptic. [04:01] ablyss how are you [04:02] ethics: I had to do a md5sum of xorg.conf so the system wouldnt delete my settings [04:02] I'm out of CD-R so i have to install it via apt/synaptic. Whatever that is... [04:02] ethics: so there's a file monitor on or something [04:02] Sweep: You would have to be running Ubuntu to be able to do that. === seek205 [~seek205@67-42-59-107.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:02] Just like installing from an FTP server? [04:03] Erm, kind of like that, yeah. [04:03] I think. [04:03] Does anyone know if there are updated nvidia drivers I can get for ubuntu cause the current ones give me slow framerates? [04:03] I really don't know what you're talking about. [04:03] seek205: Hoary has 7174 [04:03] I got an installation issue... says it's got an issue with the timezone stuff, somehow not setting the proper local it appears in the log? [04:03] Why is there not an ubuntu package for LSongs? [04:03] ShadowRage, not that im aware of....there probably is but i dont know off the top of my head 8( [04:03] Sweet! [04:03] jasonf: Because Ubuntu has Rhythmbox. [04:03] !seen nern [04:03] nern <~nern@> was last seen on IRC in channel #ubuntu, 30m 18s ago, saying: 'windows makes me laugh'. === Matrice64 [~matrice64@c-24-98-229-224.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:04] lol [04:04] crimsun_: yeah thats what I am using I dont know whats wrong then.... enemy territory only gives me like 20 fps [04:04] klk [04:04] seek205: Do you get comparable speeds under Windows? Perhaps your hardware just isn't "up to snuff"? [04:05] eh well I just bought is 6600 GT [04:05] and no it plays fine in windows [04:06] crimsun_ could this be the reason for my xmms issue [04:06] Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate loadable module in module_path: "libpixmap.so", [04:07] hehehehe helps to execute from terminal :p [04:07] is there an outstanding issue with timezone selection in ubuntu install? [04:08] Yoshimitsu: did you install ubuntu regularly? [04:08] well first i did it through synaptic and that didnt work [04:08] so then i tried earlier from source [04:08] and that didnt go well either [04:08] you installed ubuntu through synaptic? === adoyretsamon [~nomastery@] has joined #ubuntu === thundrcleeze [~thundrcle@c24.183.106.5.mad.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:09] Do i need to use different repositories for AMD64 bit version of Ubuntu? [04:09] no sorry === robitaille [~robitaill@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:09] i meant xmms through synaptic [04:09] ubuntu i install from warty then blew everything away and installed hoary [04:09] Gentoon: the standard ubuntu ones are correct === Madpilot [~yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:09] it used to work fine before [04:10] in warty i mean [04:10] Yoshimitsu: so why are you compiling xmms? [04:10] because since i installed hoary its never worked [04:11] and this happened before and after it was released. i tried hoary before the release date and after and both times xmms failed to work [04:11] Anyone here running 64bit version of Ubuntu? [04:11] Gentoon, some programs are amd64 optimized, choose those if you see them, but there aren't many. [04:11] i am looking for a bento box [04:11] thundrcleeze: what about mplayer and realplayer? [04:12] Yoshimitsu: "failed to work"? [04:12] yes meaning i can run it and load a song but when i hit play it freezes and then i have to kill it from the terminal using kill pid! [04:12] !seen nern [04:12] how would i check my xorg fglrx version number ? [04:12] nern <~nern@> was last seen on IRC in channel #ubuntu, 39m 15s ago, saying: 'windows makes me laugh'. === e4twa [~ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu === beagle [~beagle@pool-70-110-99-235.pghk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:13] Yoshimitsu: no, there was nothing wrong [04:13] Where is the application menu stored in Ubuntu. I'm trying to get Window Maker to find them to generate the drop down menus. [04:13] Yoshimitsu: you were supposed to switch the output plugin to esound if you were using the default ubuntu settings [04:14] i did [04:14] Yoshimitsu, what output for video and sound? xv & alsa? [04:14] ;) [04:14] alsa [04:14] im running Ubutnu PPC [04:14] Gentoon, I don't see any amd-64 specific packages for those; use the amd packages if you see them [04:14] Does the sources list on the starter guide work for amd64? [04:14] Yoshimitsu, on what? [04:14] Gentoon, yes. === Madpilot [~yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:14] Apple G4 Powerbook 15 alum [04:14] cause synaptic comes up with alotta errors [04:14] Yoshimitsu: did it work with the oss output if you pkilled esd? [04:15] Yoshimitsu, 1.33Ghz [04:15] ? [04:15] yes synd [04:15] nice [04:15] Gentoon, the standard packages should work; generally the amd64-specific ones I assume would only be optimizations. === synd loves apple === mass [~mass@c-67-166-24-208.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:15] well i can remember something before where some other service was grabbing the sound before ESD did [04:15] will there ever be more ubuntu calendar packages? :) [04:16] Yoshimitsu: alsa ppc support is lacking up through 1.0.8 [04:16] 1.0.9 is much improved [04:16] Is there any way of getting the flashplayer working on the 64bit ubuntu? :) [04:16] oh ok [04:16] bbl === Darth_Prasys [~prasys@prasys.user] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:16] and, is there a way without reinstalling to revert out breezy, or am I better off waiting it out at this point? :D [04:17] mass: man apt_preferences [04:17] mass: pin hoary to >1000 [04:17] ok i fixed it [04:17] :) [04:17] how would one upgrade to breezy from horay or can you ? [04:17] and all it took was a check of what was using the sound daemon [04:17] silly me [04:17] thanks for the help guys === geetergod [~geetergod@cpe-66-24-86-121.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:18] !ein Yoshimitsu [04:18] I haven't a clue, ethics [04:18] hehehe === biff_ [~biff@ip68-9-150-238.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === dataw0lf [~dataw0lf@dataw0lf.org] has joined #ubuntu === Shadow_Rage [~ShadowRag@host-66-81-245-226.rev.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:20] jej [04:22] i keep getting an error when trying to compile transcode. is there any place where i can get a binary ubuntu package for it? [04:22] debian packages of transcode are incompatible with ubuntu [04:22] there are probably packages in ubp [04:23] negative [04:23] then pull down the source and build-deps and compile it locally === aguila [~aguila@dup-148-221-96-250.prodigy.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu [04:23] that's what i'm doing now, but it fails. it complains abotu libavcodec and something about vorbis === Daehlie [~daehlie@bc116121.bendcable.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:24] /usr/lib/libavcodec.a(oggvorbis.o)(.text+0x46): In function `oggvorbis_encode_init': [04:24] : undefined reference to `vorbis_encode_init' [04:24] whats he best music player for windows, something like winamp [04:24] I mean for linux [04:24] lol === maink_guns [~Ehm_ehm_h@] has joined #ubuntu [04:25] i've tried building libavcodec from source...doesn't help === jakyra [nullspce@c-66-41-10-106.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === mass [~mass@c-67-166-24-208.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:25] Gentoon: I like amaroK [04:25] Gentoon: personally, i use xmms, but there are others too === i3dmaster [~yongjian@c-24-9-29-155.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:26] set === stetyR [~stetuR@12stb68.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu [04:26] arcticblue: libavcodec needs to be fixed; check upstream [04:27] speaking of mp3 players...is there anything like music match? i know there's rhythmbox, but it doesn't sync up to my mp3 player. i have to add everything in there and when i do that, it still shows up when i remove my mp3 player. [04:27] crimsun_: upstream? === ian [~ian@] has joined #ubuntu [04:27] hello ppl.. [04:27] upstream being the developers' site [04:27] hi [04:27] lol [04:27] how do i install java runtime for my firefox? [04:28] ian: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats [04:28] crimsun_: url please [04:28] i have problen which IRC [04:28] stetyR: What about it? [04:29] arcticblue: just google for it === N1G0W [~n17r0@amf-zlh-90d6.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu === fazer [~fazer@CPE0050f276c615-CM0012c90fe42a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:30] fine Irc NO CONEC [04:31] Hello, how do I access my primary partition which has another OS on it? [04:31] i cant find java runtime..in my repo..what would be the name..pls? [04:31] how do i apt get java runtime? [04:31] ian: did you follow the link for jre on that url? [04:31] hmmm can't seem to close a webbrowser page [04:32] crimsum: i followed the prebuilt for ubuntu.. [04:32] but its warty.. [04:32] im really new in linux.. === kisu [~sadan@] has joined #ubuntu [04:32] im using hoary [04:32] crimsun: ill try again.. === stetyR [~stetuR@12stb68.codetel.net.do] has left #ubuntu [] [04:33] ian: use the make-jpkg instructions [04:33] ian, try going here http://ubuntuguide.org/ [04:33] man my apt is broken allready [04:33] can someone help me? [04:34] if i try to install somerthing it says i have all these unmet dependencies and it wont install them? [04:34] Gentoon: what are you trying to install? === jbalint [~jbalint@cpe-66-61-132-14.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:34] it doesnt matter any thing i install it says it [04:34] Hi, if I try to mount something on a loopback device, it fails, but shows 1 reference to the loop module (2.6), why is there still 1 reference if it fails? [04:35] i tried mplayer [04:35] crimsun_: do you know how to mount my other parition? I get permission denied errors when I cd into the access point. [04:35] Gentoon: then just apt-get -f install === jeff25 [jeff@c-67-190-87-74.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:35] fazer: what type of partition? === inva|id [~invalid@adsl-18-29-212.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:36] fazer: and as what user? [04:36] crimsun_: I believe its NTFS. I just want to access it. [04:36] Davey: I use sudo === i3dmaster [~yongjian@c-24-9-29-155.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:36] fazer: You need to a) be root b) mount with uid option [04:36] fazer: you need to pass umask options to mount === seek205 [~seek205@67-42-59-107.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:36] fazer: hmm [04:36] What is the hotkey sequence to close an XFCE session? === Dull4o4 [~johan@c213-89-220-150.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu [04:36] try sudo su, then cd, I have had too many issues with sudo and cd ;) [04:36] how can i get a nice boot splash? [04:36] crimsun_: Is the umask override in the NTFS driver? I can't remember the exact behaviour.... === FlyingSquirrel32 [~FlyingSqu@ool-4571f2e3.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:37] wtf sudo su? :S [04:37] jbalint: umask=022 [04:37] I got this error when trying to run an SDL based game called freedroidRPG [04:37] Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". [04:37] try 'sudo passwd' [04:37] crimsun_: umask? [04:37] oh [04:38] crimsun_: Ill show ya what apt is saying when i try to install something [04:38] crimsun_: Ok, just checked the code, it sets default then parses the mount options. :-) [04:38] ill pm ya ok? [04:38] I am having a hard time to remove some pkgs. "Error: 510mod_dynvhost.info does not have a valid LoadModule entry.dpkg: error processing libapache-mod-dav (--purge): subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 20" I cannot even remove them. What should I do? [04:38] What kind of file manager apps are there that are alternatives to Nautilus (I'm looking for a konq-like, but GTK2) [04:38] i3dmaster: what is the name of the package? [04:39] Gentoon: no, use #flood [04:39] JasonF, gnome users are leet, they don't need a file manager [04:39] crimsun_: how do I make it so that my windows partition is mounted upon boot up? [04:39] chiwawa_42: heard of nautilus? [04:39] Dull4o4: several of those, all related to apache. libapache-mod-dav, libapache-mod-chroot, libapache-mod-layout, libapache-mod-musicindex, libapache-mod-auth-plain [04:39] chiwawa_42: I'm asking for a friend, meh [04:39] if you're a normal guy, use KDE [04:39] Hi, we newly installed Ubuntu as a dual boot on a dell optiplex and we are having trouble with our wireless. We've got a Trendnet card that Ubuntu detects and we get full signal but we can't use the internet. Pings timeout. We tried to go in and change the settings on the network card, but it's all greyed out and we don't know what the "administrator mode" password is. I've looked on the website and I remember seeing something about it b [04:39] fazer: put the correct entry in /etc/fstab [04:40] Okay, lets ust run a and see if I can get an answer to my question: file manager apps are there that are alternatives to Nautilus (GTK2, like konq) [04:40] Dull4o4, nautilus works like my old 84's mac, i rather like an evolved file manager === uc50ic4more [~robert@d36-69-80.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:40] crimsun_: ah okay [04:40] chiwawa_42: i use konqueror :P [04:40] konqui does the job [04:41] crimsun_: here http://pastebin.com/293631 [04:41] JasonF: rox-filer === Lafitte- [~nunya@ppp-71-130-27-33.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:41] i3dmaster: apt-get remove --purge gives you that error? [04:41] brb everyone [04:41] ill get my source list as well [04:41] rox filer sux.. :) [04:42] Dull4o4: exactly [04:42] JasonF, not sure what xfm runs on...its xfce4's fm [04:42] crimsun_: here is my source list, btw im on AMD64 [04:42] ethics: xfce4 is gtk2 based [04:42] i3dmaster: is it running? === craks [~craks@] has joined #ubuntu === CircuitRider [~chatzilla@adsl-65-43-144-144.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:42] Dull4o4: what is running? [04:43] Oh.. [04:43] Gentoon: what do you want me to look at? [04:43] crimsun_: ya there? [04:43] i3dmaster: httpd or whatever it is called.... are you root when you try to remove them btw? [04:43] How do i get a codec for .mod and .nsf for xmms? [04:43] why is my apt broken? [04:43] JasonF, heh i learnt something today 8) [04:43] Dull4o4: no, but I don't think that's related. Yes, I am doing it as root [04:44] i3dmaster: try installing it again, and then remove... i dont know what else :s === uc50ic4more [~robert@d36-69-80.home1.cgocable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:44] crimsun_: Thats what it says everytime i try to use apt to install anything, is it cause im on a 64? === FLeiXiuS [~Nick@pcp0011094024pcs.essex01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:44] how can i add synaptic im my menu? === Zoohouse [~Zoohouse@adsl-2-189-44.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:44] Dull4o4: the bad is without getting them sqaured away, I am not able to install any new pkgs [04:44] it is in yout menu [04:44] Gentoon: where? [04:44] system, administration, synaptic [04:45] see it? [04:45] Dull4o4: tried many times already. anyway thanks [04:45] gentoon: yes..thanks! [04:45] np [04:45] Gentoon: you have to use the amd64 mirror of debian-marillat's testing [04:45] hello everyone. How do I find out what package includes libdl.so.2??? I need libdl.so.2 for somethign I would like to compile. [04:45] now can someone help me with my apt? [04:45] i3dmaster: there is an "overwrite" option for apt.... === Hylas [~Hylas@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [04:45] i3dmaster: re-install.. i mean [04:45] How do I get the password for the "administrator mode" [04:45] crimsun_: i think i am using the mallirant one [04:45] ok, i can't find upstream anywhere. i can only find references to it and a slashdot article on Grumpy Groundhog [04:45] Zoohouse: you already have that [04:45] Dull4o4: they had problem on installation actually, that's why I am getting rid of them but the removal is also having issue [04:45] where can i find them? [04:46] Gentoon: debian.video.free.fr [04:46] crimsun_: sh: error while loading shared libraries: libdl.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [04:46] jakyra: its called root === hyphenated [~cgilmour@] has joined #ubuntu [04:46] Dull4o4: no, they seems having problems and apt cannot configure them === Cyborg_ninja20 [~chase@adsl-35-167-80.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:47] I am running Ubunutu 5.04 64bit [04:47] anyone use ibook here [04:47] Does anyone else have problems playing ET on a nvidia card??? I get horrid framerates! [04:47] i3dmaster: im out of ideas... or you could try dpkg directly, or aptitude... === SithToast [~SithToast@cable5-113.murray-ky.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:47] jakyra: what is your question? [04:47] Dull4o4: tried too. I am out of mind either [04:48] Dull4o4: I am hoping someone here better than me can give some tips... [04:49] crimsun_: i have that one it the last one in my sources? do i need to use the debian 64bit mirror's as well? [04:49] crimsun_: what can my problem be? [04:49] i3dmaster: rm :) [04:49] Zoohouse: Me too, man did ya get apt working? [04:49] Zoohouse: We're trying to edit the network settings and it's all greyed out. When we click on the "administrator mode" button it asks for a password. We enter the password we entered when we installed but it doesn't do anything [04:49] Zoohouse: are you using any external repos? === jasmuz [~jasmuz@192sdl30m45.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu [04:49] Gentoon: yes [04:49] crimsun_: yes the universe === discord_ [~discord@c66-235-34-18.sea2.cablespeed.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:50] Zoohouse: non-ubuntu ones, I mean [04:50] Gentoon: apt works fine === i3dmaster [~yongjian@c-24-9-29-155.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:50] crimsun_: i am using the ones that are in the config file. [04:50] anyone know the key sequence to change resolution in gnome [04:50] crimsun_: I just uncommented them [04:50] crimsun_: do i need to delete any of the one in my sources list or just add the debian ones? [04:50] i used the one from the faq [04:50] jakyra: you are using kubuntu? [04:51] Gentoon: I don't know what's in your /etc/apt/sources.list [04:51] Yes. === Dull4o4 [~johan@c213-89-220-150.cm-upc.chello.se] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [04:51] jakyra: tell me what you are trying to edit so I may try it on my side [04:52] crimsun_: I pastebined it, i used the example from the faq === DMTR [~DMTR@fs.office.data.bg] has joined #ubuntu === Pop_pa_FrEaK [~patrick@CPE000ae6c702bb-CM000e5ce665ba.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:52] crimsun_: http://pastebin.com/293632 [04:52] can somebdy tell how to let my thunderbird mail when ever i close it. it just go to the upper right corner..icon like gaim.. [04:53] Gentoon: Go here: http://paste.lisp.org/new and post there your /etc/apt/sources.list then give us the link [04:53] Zoohouse: KDE Control Center> Wireless Network - It's all greyed out. [04:53] Gentoon: unstable->testing [04:53] Gentoon: there's more info on the wiki. I have to go. === Marble2 [~Marble@CPE-24-163-214-72.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:54] jakyra: Works just fine on my side [04:54] i got a problem with my video i have the nvidia driver installed and it looks like i have all sorts of modes including the one I want to use but gnome will only let me select 640x480 in its System menu. Does anybody know why it isnt working? === hardcampa- [~hardcampa@c-dd1272d5.01-134-73746f22.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #Ubuntu [04:56] jakyra: open the terminal and type sudo kcontrol === BockBilbo [~Bock@] has joined #ubuntu === exxylan [exxylan@p54A2FCAF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:56] ok, i can't find upstream anywhere. i can only find references to it and a slashdot article on Grumpy Groundhog [04:56] discord: when you restart your PC do you see the nvidia splash screen? [04:56] yeah [04:57] not sure... [04:57] thanks for asking [04:57] How do I find out what package includes libdl.so.2??? I need libdl.so.2 for somethign I would like to compile. [04:57] discord: sorry couldn't help more [04:58] discord: did you edit your xorg config file? [04:58] Zoohouse: does the gnome system resolution thing pull from xorg.conf? [04:58] Gentoon: are you done yet? [04:58] Zoohouse: guess, we were thinking the same thing === dori [~dori@Dori.wikipedia] has joined #ubuntu [04:58] Zoo: apt-cache has an option for it === lowlux [~lowlux@fl-71-3-45-103.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:59] what's this ubuntu-desktop and why does it depend on every package I want to remove? [04:59] what folder is gaim installed i mean its binary file? === _mage_work is now known as _mage_afk === lowlux [~lowlux@fl-71-3-45-103.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:59] Zoohouse, it looks good to me === lowlux [~lowlux@fl-71-3-45-103.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #Ubuntu [04:59] Not sure, but doesn't hurt to try, although if the splashscreen pops up it should be configured correctly.. [04:59] Can someone in here that has setup good repos with AMD64 Ubuntu help me plz? [04:59] what up === roland [~roland@ip-213-49-123-43.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu [04:59] Gentoon: Go here: http://paste.lisp.org/new and post there your /etc/apt/sources.list then give us the link [04:59] what is it with all the good video sites are now using windows media player for streaming [05:00] i never see that [05:00] Gentoon: once you do that we can see the sources.list and make sure it is correct [05:00] man this is a nightmare im stuck in 640x480 [05:00] i use the mac player faster [05:00] By the way, I need to back up a DVD. What apps do I use for this? [05:01] Zoohouse: dvdbackup [05:01] a movie dvd ? [05:01] DVD movie tho === BockBilbo1 [~Bock@] has joined #ubuntu [05:01] yea [05:01] Zoohouse, i put my xorg.conf file here maybe you can see something I don't [05:01] http://pastebin.com/293637 [05:01] zoohouse dvdbackup.. [05:01] Zoohouse, its a creative name i know [05:01] dvdbackup does movie dvds also? === BockBilbo1 is now known as BockBilbo2 [05:01] Zoohouse: like i said, dvdbackup. i'm trying to get dvdrip to work, but transcode is being a pain because libavcodec (ffmpeg) is being retarded. [05:01] man look at all the noobs [05:01] Zoohouse: yes [05:02] in nautilius, when I browse to smb:/// === brendan_ [~brendan@203-173-1-101.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === nalioth [~Apple@cpe-66-25-43-80.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:02] is that a samba share, or what does the smb stand for? [05:02] zoo: sure does.... === novaflare [~nova@cpe-24-93-172-93.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:02] arcticblue: i realy hope it works.. :D [05:02] zoo: points at 500gb of dvd vob files hes going to transcode one day [05:02] what's the best way to get control of all the buttons on a razer diamondback? there seems to be a lot of disagreement. [05:02] Anyone in here running Amd64 version of Ubuntu? [05:02] ok imtrying to set up a server and i need to change the routers dmz settings... the router is asking me for my computers network ip... how do i find this out?? [05:03] Zoohouse: yes, dvdbackup works pretty good. you can use vlc to play the movie back. it doesn't compress them. it pulls the vob files right off the dvd. dvdrip will rip and compress it, but ubuntu won't install it. [05:03] Marble2, smb:// = sambashares [05:03] ethics: are you sure? does windows use samba? [05:03] arcticblue: i have slept, were we discussing something of import? [05:03] every one im sure you can find it on google!!!!!!!!!!!! === BockBilbo1 [~Bock@] has joined #ubuntu [05:03] GOOGLE!!!!! [05:03] zoohouse....acidrip can make then 700 Mb divx/xvid stuff i think [05:03] arcticblue: ah ok. I just need to put it on another DVD and thats all === Ali` [~a@vt-williston-cuda1f1-34.sbtnvt.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === BockBilbo2 is now known as BockBilbo [05:04] ok imtrying to set up a server and i need to change the routers dmz settings... the router is asking me for my computers network ip... how do i find this out?? === mngrif_ [~mngrif@h227.36.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:04] brendan_: ifconfig [05:04] nalioth: i think the last thing we were talking about is how badly the military handles their computers...and taxis [05:05] arcticblue: yes, the taxi version of win2k will never grace my hack [05:05] i got sent four ubuntu CDs and all of them fail on installing python2.4, says it can't be validated and indeed, the md5sums don't match. what gives? any workarounds? [05:05] mngrif_: the landfill doesnt care about md5 [05:05] nalioth: ty [05:06] I have a samba share setup that I can view on this computer, but what would the link to it be in windows? [05:06] nalioth: well, i think it's odd that i have sitting infront of me four defective printed copies === leviathon [~leviathon@12-202-127-170.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:06] Marble2 sure does.....in the control paney you can set domains and usernames etc you use as default [05:07] Marble on windows open up explorer and in the addressbar do \\IPADRESS/NAME\ [05:07] mngrif_: it happens [05:07] huh [05:07] \\GREG gets permission denied [05:07] nalioth: know of a potential workaround? [05:07] but smb:///GREG works fine [05:07] from this machine === DMTR [~DMTR@fs.office.data.bg] has left #ubuntu [] [05:07] arcticblue: -o directory where directory is your backup target <---- is that the TEMP dir? [05:08] mngrif_: rip your cd, and then d/l the torrent. it will "fix" it [05:08] I get permission errors... [05:08] Marble its not an open share youll have to pass username and password. [05:08] mngrif_: do u catch the drift that i'm babbling about? [05:08] how do I give the username and password in the line [05:08] nalioth: yeah, but doesn't help me one bit. no way to burn [05:09] mngrif_: well. that is a problem. nobody u know has a usb/fw burner? [05:09] Zoohouse: -o === goldfish [~nldlsjdlk@carbon.redbrick.dcu.ie] has joined #ubuntu [05:09] although i do have a spare drive i can have the iso sitting on if the ubuntu installer supports that like the debian one does (or loopback devices).. and you assume too much that i even have a usb port on this box :P [05:10] mngrif_: sorry, i assume >3 years old [05:10] arcticblue: so i run dvdbackup -i -o and its going to rip the movie to that dir and then after it is rip it will burn it onto another DVD or will I need anther apps? [05:10] app* [05:10] actually this thing does have USB, but i've never had the pleasure of finding a riser card to tie into it... and the newest computer i have is.. 8 years old :) === trigger [~paul@] has joined #ubuntu [05:11] mngrif_: you are THE man! [05:11] i'm a sucker for old hardware [05:11] isa rox :P [05:11] anyone know why my samba share is getting permission errors when I try to access it from my windows machine? === carthik [~carthik@] has joined #ubuntu [05:11] anyone know where i set the frequency for my lcd, I thought it was in the xorg.conf file but dont seem to see it there === shiftless [~rune@adsl-220-231-50.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:11] zoohouse: that'll do it...but your movie will be huge (several gigs). if you want to compress it, you'll need another program. that's what i'm trying to find now [05:12] it will be fine since i just need to do this one backup [05:12] argg, I'm trying to install some packages through synaptic and it keeps asking for the cdrom install which I've put it [05:12] something seems wrong tho... [05:12] is there an eclipse 3.0 package available somewhere in deb format? === ph [~ph@p54BEE7B1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:12] Zoohouse: if you want to re-burn it, i'm pretty sure k3b will do that [05:12] argg, why is this such a piece of crap [05:13] Zoohouse: we did that (terminal: sudo kcontrol), entered the password we used when we set up the user account, it opened the control pannel but it's still all greyed out. [05:13] arcticblue: oh realy? you dont need a special app so the dvd can be viewed on a DVD player? === craks [~craks@] has joined #ubuntu === Yoshimitsu waits patiently for mac os x tiger to get delivered :) dual boot here we come === Shadow_Rage [~ShadowRag@host-66-81-245-94.rev.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] jakyra: i dont think you guys are using the correct password... [05:13] Zoohouse: i'm not sure, but i think that k3b can burn dvd videos. someone correct me if i'm wrong. === srbaker [~srbaker@blk-137-77-155.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [05:14] yo === imaek [~imaek@adsl-69-235-162-44.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:14] i have a dir of movies that's 4.4G. nautilus says it's too big to fit on a DVD [05:14] Zoohouse: We only have the password that we used to set up our user account. Is there another password? [05:14] i thought DVDs held 3.2 GB [05:14] 4.7 === maxy_noob [~maxyvits@modemcable032.224-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [05:14] heh, ignore it and go on [05:14] anyone know what i put in Xresources to turn on the visual bell in xterm ? [05:14] Hi guys! [05:15] i thought dvds help up to like 9 GB [05:15] srbaker, it's really closer to 4.5 [05:15] arcticblue: I run the following command: $ dvdbackup -i /media/cdrom -o /storage/Movie/ and just get the options on the screen... I dont think Im leaving out anything... [05:15] you can get those [05:15] arcticblue: average DVDs... [05:15] dual layer dvd's hold 9 [05:15] Can someone help me get a kick ass font happening in Firefox ... please?! [05:15] jasoncohen, okay... so why will 4.4 not fit? [05:15] jakyra: the first user's password is the one you need [05:15] srbaker, no clue :) [05:15] Share your ideas at least for a kick ass interface. [05:15] jakyra: try the following command sudo su [05:16] jakyra: and tell me what happens [05:16] a kickass font interface === srbaker [~srbaker@blk-137-77-155.eastlink.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === shiftless [~rune@adsl-220-231-50.bhm.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:16] srbaker, i think the capacity is between 4.4 and 4.5 [05:16] Zoohouse: here is the command i typed to back up shark tale last night: dvdbackup -i /dev/cdrom -o /home/mark/movies -F === Yoshimitsu looks @ maxy_noob [05:16] My ubuntu is just not up to snuff to the regular windows setup [05:16] Can anyone help me out with samba? [05:16] Zoohouse: root@ben:/home/ben # === Yoshimitsu offers maxy_noob a look @ his eye candy [05:17] Zoohouse: ben is the only user we created and that is the password we're trying to use [05:17] I know it sounds stupid Yoshimitsu, but I've fiddled with for some time without success [05:17] jakyra: ok you are now root [05:17] well this is what i did in the last 3 hours [05:17] jakyra: just type in kcontrol === SpookyET [~sorin@24-196-233-44.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:17] hi [05:17] lol, well i just checked k3b and it shows the max capacity of a DVD as 4.4GB. too bad srbaker already left., [05:18] where Yoshimitsu ? [05:18] i'm having a weird probem [05:18] maxy_noob: what kind of kick-ass interface are you talking about? [05:18] shiftless eclipse is easy to install in linux [05:18] mostly fonts trigger [05:18] ill show you maxy_noob [05:18] something equivalent to Windows or better [05:18] Zoohouse: cannot connect xserver, tried three times, "no protocol specified" [05:18] DVDbackup fails :( [05:18] thanks Yoshimitsu [05:19] !seen nern [05:19] nern <~nern@> was last seen on IRC in channel #ubuntu, 1h 45m 30s ago, saying: 'windows makes me laugh'. [05:19] Zoohouse: do you have dvdcss installed? [05:19] maxy_noob: You can get the MS core fonts from somewhere, I don't remember at the moment [05:19] jakyra: thats not good... [05:19] Zoohouse: communication problem with kcontrol, it probably crashed [05:19] arcticblue: good question [05:19] :) [05:19] Zoohouse: thanks. I guessed that :) [05:19] I got them, but I can't reproduce anywhere near the clarity and look of the windows fonts [05:19] hm... [05:19] Zoohouse: "communication problem with KDED" [05:19] Windows and Ubuntu both run at 1600x1200, 75. However, when I boot into Ubuntu, the image is shifted right by a half a cm. I'm tired to alwasy have to adjust the image each time I boot into Windows and Linux. Does anyone have any idea on how to fix this? x11 problem? [05:20] Do you have anti-aliasing on with the fonts? === zafle [~zafle@pool-71-112-120-89.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:20] maxy_noob: have you tried windows? i hear that's equivalent to Windows === Traveler_ [~sgalletto@mail.aktiv-assekuranz.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:20] maxy_noob: is font antialiasing enabled? turning it off can make some fonts look really really bad === Lafitte- [~nunya@ppp-71-130-27-33.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:20] hey [05:21] Can anyone help me out with samba? [05:21] whats the prob [05:21] windows can't connect to my samba share [05:21] <^thehatsrule^> lineighborhood! [05:21] SpookyET: google for stuff concerning X11 modelines and windows [05:21] i think I have everything setup right in smb.conf for it to be able to === nutorian [~nutorian@pool-71-101-179-210.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:22] did you try a samba guide? [05:22] not really === benplaut [~ben@cpe-66-8-184-56.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:22] hello everyone! :) [05:22] hello [05:23] ya, they're enabled mngrif_ === mngrif_ is now known as mngriff [05:23] useruser, very funny [05:23] should try a guide [05:23] http://www.samba.netfirms.com/ [05:23] haven't read that but its a guide [05:24] maxy_noob: make sure the 100dpi fonts are installed, not the 75dpi fonts [05:24] arcticblue: I cant find dvdcss when I search Synaptic but I think VideoLAN has dvdcss so im installing that [05:25] In the 'device database collection', what does it use for the audio test? Gstreamer is working fine for me, but the audio test is not. [05:25] Zoohouse: vlc as a whole is a great player === Davey [~davey@212-0.8-67.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === hard_i [~hard_i@rapla.net] has joined #ubuntu === whaq [~whaq@] has joined #ubuntu [05:26] Hrmph, it outputs to ESD. _lame_ [05:26] Zoohouse: check your sources.conf and make sure you have all the binary repositories enables. then do an apt-get update and try again. it's in there. [05:26] Everytime I start Enemy terroritry it wont run unless I kill artsd is there any way to fix that so I dont have to kill it everytime? [05:27] seek205: one of the fine bits of fun in dealing with everyone's obsession over sound servers... [05:27] arcticblue: will do [05:27] Zoohouse: We remember during install seeing an error in a long scroll of stuff saying there was a problem with xserver, but we never got a final error report. How do we get the xserver talking? [05:27] seek205: really no way to get around it, but if i were you i'd write a quick wrapper script to do it for you [05:28] Yeah that sounds like a good idea.. if I knew how lol [05:28] bollocks to that [05:28] just kill artsd altogether [05:28] disable it in kcontrol [05:28] jakyra: look at the xserver log files [05:29] will sound still play? like mp3s and stuff? [05:29] Guerin: easier said than done half the time.. lots of programs require it to be running.. noatun... [05:29] lol artsd is just a sound daemon. Only reason one would want to use a sound daemon is if your soundcard is old and don't support hardware mixing. [05:29] mngriff: the only answer to that is: don't use programs which won't work with standard sound controls. [05:29] anyone here ever use openvpn - http://openvpn.net? [05:29] btw, has anyone ported ubuntu's gui update tool to debian? [05:29] Ohhh I didnt know that [05:30] Guerin: every programmer has a different version of "standard" :P [05:30] and alsa's dmix does software mixing transparently without need for a sound daemon === imaek [~imaek@adsl-69-235-162-44.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:30] hmm let me try to get rid of it [05:30] mngriff: i'm talking about OSS. [05:30] anyone have a good reference on making an ubuntu deb package? i'd like to make a deb of the current cvs of ffmpeg. [05:31] Guerin: i know, sound issues on my workstation are driving me crazy though [05:31] mngriff, how do I do that? [05:31] mngriff: seek205: another option is to use the 'arstdsp' wrapper which comes with arts. === lkerscher__ [~lkerscher@p549FD80F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:31] arcticblue: yea all my repos seem fine... http://pastebin.com/293652 === cyroputnik [~cyroputni@c-24-20-46-190.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:31] maxy_noob: no clue, i can't install ubuntu, i'm here trying to get some insight into the issue [05:32] jakyra: you know where the log files are at? === r4ndy [[U2FsdGVkX@5b43d6b70b810741.session.tor] has joined #ubuntu [05:32] hmmm it seems amaroK won't play music unless artsd is running [05:32] that's because it's one of those useless apps which promotes desktop-environment lock-in [05:33] seek205: might i suggest beep-media-player? [05:33] seek205, you can use amarok with the xine or gstreamer engine === runenes [~runenes@ti500710a080-3604.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [05:33] ahhh ok [05:33] Guerin: some package is corrupt on my printed copies of ubuntu, know of a way to get around the issue? [05:33] mngriff, what kind of problems? [05:33] I like that player :P it finds all my album art lol [05:34] How would I set it up to use xine? [05:34] mngriff: i don't know what you mean. === djs [~djs@DC-246-130.bpb.bigpond.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:34] maxy_noob: corrupt package on the install CDs i got delivered, it's corrupt on all four of them [05:34] Guerin: above ^ === bur[n] er_ is now known as bur[n] er [05:34] dooh nevermind I see how [05:35] easiest way to convert from mp4 to mp3/ogg/wav - (I have audiofiles in mp4 format, perhaps they're really aac, no drm). [05:35] mngriff: don't use them; download a new installer. [05:35] ... mind you this is AFTER i got around the memory issues [05:35] I'm trying to apt-get install everything and nothing is working....... but when I did k3b it made me put the cd in and installed, I think my sources are not set right. [05:35] Guerin: no way to burn [05:35] why not burn your own iso, that's what I did. [05:35] Zoohouse: http://pastebin.com/293653 [05:35] oh [05:36] mngriff: sucks to be you. [05:36] Guerin: know if the install kernel has loopback device support? [05:36] man what a bunch of assholes in here you think one of you basts would let me know that i was missing the monitor freq in my xorg.conf espically after i asked pigs [05:36] mngriff: no idea. [05:36] discord: you asked pigs? why would pigs know? === OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp02542642pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === elmaya [~elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu === spiderworm [~spiderwor@ip68-3-31-10.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:39] Cool now mp player works and the game thanks guys@ === krentonic [~krentonic@tx-69-68-117-214.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:39] ! [05:39] seek205: Are you smoking crack? [05:39] yes! === mngriff knew it! [05:39] lol [05:39] !what are you [05:39] I am a blootbot. For more info see [05:39] dear me [05:40] i thought you lot didn't want a bot in here [05:40] Guerin: there's a lot about this project that astounds me every time i mess with it [05:40] Zoohouse: (in reverse order) client 18 rejected from local host (multiple listing); could not init font path element unix/:7100 removing from list are the most recent it's full of stuff does this help? === braam [~braam@70-59-43-143.dnvr.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu === Pizon [~Ich@68-255-201-51.ded.ameritech.net] has joined #Ubuntu [05:42] Zoohouse: any luck? [05:42] Zoohouse: serching on the word "fail": mach64 initialization failure [05:42] arcticblue: :/ [05:42] Zoohouse: did you find dvdcss? [05:42] no [05:43] it wont find it [05:43] # apt-get install dvdcss [05:43] Reading package lists... Done [05:43] Building dependency tree... Done [05:43] E: Couldn't find package dvdcss [05:43] have u added repos? [05:43] Zoohouse, read www.ubuntuguide.org for libdvdcss [05:43] yea === kestas [~asdf2@ppp170-122.lns1.per1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:43] Zoohouse: the full name of it is libdvdcss2 [05:43] Zoohouse: try that [05:44] Zoohouse: did you apt-get update? [05:44] Package libdvdcss2 is not available, but is referred to by another package. [05:44] This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or [05:44] is only available from another source [05:44] E: Package libdvdcss2 has no installation candidate [05:44] yea [05:44] mngriff: yea, i did the update === david__ [~david@pool-162-83-106-59.culp.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:45] Zoohouse: use synaptic and search for it. it's on the backports repository. i just checked. [05:45] one sec, i think i am missing something in my repo === benplaut is going to eat dinner === mario [~mario@] has joined #ubuntu === Pizon [~Ich@68-255-201-51.ded.ameritech.net] has left #Ubuntu [] [05:46] everything seems in check [05:47] Zoohouse: i don't know what to say. i see it in synaptic and it says it part of the backports repo. [05:47] arcticblue: comes up blank.... [05:48] Zoohouse: i guess just check www.ubuntuguide.org like zenrox said [05:48] see look [05:48] ya and read the whole page [05:48] http://pastebin.com/293658 === craks [~craks@] has joined #ubuntu === levander [cponder@user-1121r27.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:51] how do you use apt-cache to figure out what repository a package is in? [05:51] Zoohouse: if we try to start xserver it says "server is already running". Then we typed xorg. it said if the service wasn't running to delete /tmp/x0-lock. So we did. Then we typed xorg again. Now we have a blank screen. [05:51] backports lead to the dark side === djs [~djs@DC-246-130.bpb.bigpond.com] has left #ubuntu [] [05:51] jakyra: type init 5 as root === wdh [~KlaasVaag@82-197-207-197.dsl.cambrium.nl] has joined #ubuntu [05:52] we can't get the terminal [05:52] the screen is totally blank === monchy [~monchy@S010600e04c400007.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:52] jakyra: [05:52] ctrl-alt-backspace [05:53] nalioth: Thanks! (I was wondering what that was) [05:53] hey nalioth i made a sweet deal today having to do with ubuntu [05:53] what package would Python Qt bindings be in? [05:54] deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat testing main can be added to ubuntu?? === makaveli [~makaveli@pcp01155257pcs.newhav01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:54] jakyra: those (f2 - f6) are your login terminals [05:54] jakyra: see if "ps | grep x" comes up with anything X related [05:54] jakyra: f7 belongs to your X [05:54] Zoohouse: i tried and it didn't work too well for me === henriquemaia [~henriquem@cb-217-129-175-184.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu [05:54] Zoohouse: dependency problems [05:54] levander: apt-cache policy packagename [05:54] thanx === geetergod [~geetergod@cpe-66-24-86-121.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:55] ok i am having a problem i am using wine to try and run trillian V3.0 and everytime it will run but trillian just goes up and down really fast in my bottom left hand corner [05:55] i don't know what is going on [05:55] is there a yahoo messanger you can download for Ubuntu? [05:55] geetergod: gaim does it, i think [05:55] geetergod: gaim, which is installed by default, can speak yahoo [05:55] makaveli: gaim.. [05:55] geetergod: just use gaim [05:55] i have gaim... [05:55] didnt know it could do yahoo, kool [05:55] mngriff: i was using gaim but it is being dumb now [05:55] use it. love it. [05:55] i just wish gaim could do video and voice [05:56] makaveli: good luck with trillian then, it appears to use a lot of custom widgets [05:56] arcticblue: there's a gnomemeeting plugin, methinks [05:56] geetergod: gaim [05:56] mngriff: everytime i go to close it gaim is supposed to minimize to the tray and then it doesn't it just exits out of the program [05:56] I never got excited about their IRC interface [05:56] geetergod: gaim does it all (even irc, tho badly) [05:56] makaveli: look around in the prefs [05:56] whats a good P2P program for linux?? [05:56] mngriff: i have and i can't find it anywhere [05:56] cpdiety, you should see nAIM :p [05:56] david__: what do u want to p2p? [05:56] mngriff: but my gf uses msn...there's no way i could get her to install gnomemeeting [05:56] david__: gift [05:56] i've tried everything === phantom11 [~phantom@] has joined #ubuntu [05:57] david__: limewire [05:57] david__, gtk gnutella [05:57] MP3 download mosly === kakalto [~kakalto@wired-210-54-56-104.ps.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [05:57] arcticblue: gnomemeeting is compatible with whatever it is that windows uses for video conferencing [05:57] limewire kicks the shit out of your resources [05:57] yeah true === Davey [~davey@davey.user] has joined #ubuntu [05:57] mngriff: hmm, i didn't know that [05:57] blah java [05:57] well right now i use bittorrent [05:57] synd: gift speaks gnutella and openft and god knows what else [05:57] i dont much care for it [05:57] synd: worse? [05:58] after typing "init 5" it got stuck starting "anac(h)ronistic cron:anacron" It said ok. there's a cursor. it's blinking, but we can't type [05:58] arcticblue: the name's escaping me at the moment [05:58] and limewire you have to install java [05:58] jakyra: you know 5 = 2 in ubuntu, right? === Tyche [~Tyche@c-67-171-112-132.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:58] david__, gtk gnutella runs on the same servers as limewire === phantom11 [~phantom@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:58] david__, cept it does not use near as many resources [05:58] is there anything else i might have to install?? [05:59] thats good [05:59] david__, no [05:59] synd: gtk gnutella has been around for a great deal longer than limewire too [05:59] david__: nicotine is a soulseek client [05:59] mngriff, ive never tried gift === K_Dallas [~Korbain@] has joined #ubuntu === ubermonzie [~Uber_Monz@] has joined #ubuntu [06:00] cpdiety, its like a terminal style aim [06:00] cpdiety, naim is [06:00] bob2: what? [06:00] why doesn't the permission tab allow you to set the permission recursevely when you right click on a folder [06:00] synd: oh it's godly... combines the best of emule and gnutella, but leaves out all the community oritented stuffs... IMO, at least. [06:00] I followed the steps in the ubuntuguid and still nothing [06:00] cpdiety, google it, its rather intuitive === ubermonzie wishes everyone a very good morning [06:00] i want all folders and files to take effect [06:00] jakyra: run level 5 is identical to run level 2. [06:00] synd: and there's tons of UIs for it too.. apollon is what i use, but it's KDE-centric === xWin2 [~juanperez@] has joined #ubuntu [06:00] mngriff, ah, i see. i know that Xfactor on OS X runs on the gift service. i liked that a great deal [06:01] bob2: I have no idea what a run level is. We just installed this last night. [06:01] hello ! [06:01] synd: gift is a daemon... it speaks two protocols by default, and you can add more [06:01] jakyra: why did you run "init 5" then? [06:01] synd: hmmm.. [06:01] mngriff, i meant daemon. === shad0w1e [~stjrox@ool-182ede79.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:01] and BTW i just switched to ubuntu not too long ago [06:01] is anyone willing to walk me through setting up a sendmail server? === OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp02542642pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:02] because Zoohouse told me to. We're trying to be able to edit the Network settings and it's all greyed out. It looks like we're having xserver errors. We (I think) restarted xserver [06:02] (bob2) [06:02] no, Zoohouse has been using redhat too long then [06:02] mngriff, Xfactor on OS X used gIFT to search KaZaA, gnutella, and emule's networks at the same time. i think it had a few more too [06:02] bob2: :) why what happend? [06:02] jakyra: the "network settings" thing being greyed out is not an X problem. [06:03] synd: emule & kazaa = openFT [06:03] Zoohouse: 'init 5' does not do anything useful on a default ubuntu system [06:03] bob2: I thought his xserver stoped?.. [06:03] yay, 45 minutes till the ISO is done [06:03] arcticblue: very strange... [06:04] Zoohouse: this isn't redhat, the X server starts in runlevels 2 3 4 and 5. [06:04] mngriff: man you got a slow CD-burner, j/k [06:04] bob2: realy? [06:04] didn't know that... [06:04] I feel silly now [06:04] :D [06:04] shad0w1e: i don't HAVE a cd burner :P this is just for the download === [ [~makaveli@] has joined #ubuntu [06:04] i KNOW [06:04] i was kiddin [06:04] har :) [06:04] they have nero for linux now [06:05] david: I hear, but where do I find it? [06:05] <[> d === xWin2 [~juanperez@] has left #ubuntu [] [06:05] they have had that for a while [06:05] although i'm suprized i'm not getting hounded with "why download when you can't burn it" type stuffs [06:05] shad0w1e: it's on their site.. free d/l [06:05] mngriff: this is a free country (at least where i'm sittin) === [Makaveli] [~makaveli@] has joined #ubuntu [06:05] jakyra: so, is your only problem the greyed out thing? [06:05] I thought I took a look on their site... [06:06] well, it was :) [06:06] mngriff: and ya never know, ya might have a friend with a lappy + cdburner that can come connect to yer network === shido [~shido@d57-87-253.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:06] mngriff: you can mount it as an image, but you def. cant install it like that unless youre doing a crazy ass custom install [06:06] http://ww2.nero.com/enu/NeroLINUX.html [06:06] in f1 we have a cursor will that do? [06:06] nalioth: you know if the install kernel has loopback support? === geetergod [~geetergod@cpe-66-24-86-121.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:06] any webcam applications to download? [06:06] shad0w1e: i'm rather good at doing those... [06:06] mngriff: sorry, no [06:06] mngriff: sorry, no i don't know [06:06] crazy ass installs? [06:06] lol [06:07] geetergod: gnomemeeting? [06:07] nalioth: it's fine, i can and will compile the module if i have to :) [06:07] <[Makaveli] > can i get the last driver for my Ati Radeon 9000 Pro from apt-get ? [06:07] mngriff: you go! [06:07] (shrugs) [06:07] I tried out gentoo , it was a failure but I really learned how linux worked from it and now I can probably do my own crazy ass install [06:07] bob2: The root problem is that our network services are not configured correctly but when we go to edit them they're all greyed out. We go admin mode to change them, enter the password, and go back to the begining [06:07] Well Ima continue this tomorrow [06:07] night everyone [06:07] bob2: our f2 is currently locked up [06:08] shad0w1e: oh i'm talking about stuff like installing freebsd to a 486 laptop that only support single density floppies with 4MB of ram... that kind of crazyness [06:08] shad0w1e: if you change the install lang to chinese or sanskrit, it all becomes a crazy ass install [06:08] bob2: we have a cursor in f1 (whatever that is) [06:08] mngriff: whatever. I once installed win95 off of 1.44 mb disks, (the CDROM edition) ... PKUNZIPPING was not fun === nobile [~nuni@] has joined #ubuntu [06:09] mngriff: not crazy like installing linux into your bmq (to get rid of embedded windoze)? [06:09] shad0w1e: been there too at an old job [06:09] nalioth: bmq? === Rotundo [~charles@] has joined #ubuntu [06:09] shit i can't type === JairunCaloth [~trumpetpl@] has joined #ubuntu === spanglesontoast [~spangles@eddland.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:09] nalioth: alcohol does that [06:09] heh then once windows was installed , it picked up the SCSI CDROM [06:09] what a pain in the ass... [06:09] mngriff: linux instead of embedded windoze on your new 4 wheeled BMW [06:09] what commerical apps are there? [06:09] mngriff: if only i was drunk [06:09] nalioth: ditto. [06:10] hey what's the import command to take a screenshot? isn't it like import -root screenshot.jpg ? [06:10] transgress: man import [06:10] import -window root ... === Pixel83 [~pixel@p54AAE4CF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:10] <[Makaveli] > can i get the last driver for my Radeon 9000 Pro from apt-get ? === cyroputnik [~cyroputni@c-24-20-46-190.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:11] yea very dodgy thou [06:11] can someone help me with sound in Hoary, I fresh installed today and I cannot seem to get any sound, I've got a VIA 8235 AC97 onboard sound, all the modules appear to be loaded and no channels are muted, any pointers on where to look would be greatly appreciated. [06:11] doesn't allow you to set your res [06:11] you mean rotundo you cannot hear your sub center and surround [06:11] Rotundo: have you been to ubuntulinux.org/wiki/ or ubuntuguide.org? [06:11] Rotundo: paste the output from ,,amixer'' onto http://pastebin.com [06:12] Rotundo: turn your sound volume REALLY far down and try "cat /bin/cat > /dev/dsp" and see if you hear static.. keep the volume REALLY low though, trust me [06:12] spanglesontoast: I hear nothing [06:12] ah. [06:12] it's a simple mixer unmute, I just need to see the amixer output [06:12] rotundo : make sure theres no oss modules laoded before alsa goes after it...they clash [06:12] mngriffP: nothing [06:13] ethics: I dont think I have any oss modules loaded [06:13] Why is rhythmbox so bloody slow at indexing compared to amaroK? [06:13] Rotundo: lsmod can tell you [06:13] Rotundo: just paste amixer output to pastebin [06:13] SpookyET: doesn't it do BPM checking too? [06:14] crimsun: done [06:14] Rotundo: they dont have snd- infront of them.....sometime oss loadsup and then alsa cant find it.....similar name to the alsa names just no snd- prefix [06:14] ethics: I dont see any non "snd-" modules with lsbin [06:14] Rotund, other than that i cant remember anything spectacularly diffult about them... [06:14] Rotundo: unmute PCM and mute IEC958 Capture Monitor [06:15] SpookyET, amarok uses sqllite/mysql in the backend...not sure on rythmbox. [06:16] crimsun: I cannot mute IEC958... but unmuting PCM did nothing. === raghu [~raghu@] has joined #ubuntu [06:16] Rotundo: you need to follow my directions [06:16] y'all be good [06:16] Rotundo: speakers turned on? === nalioth [~Apple@cpe-66-25-43-80.houston.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [06:16] Rotundo: both of those settings must be toggled [06:16] mngriff: very funny === Jad [~Jad@] has joined #Ubuntu [06:16] Rotund: make sure that digital output is turned off [06:16] Rotundo: use amixer [06:16] If you have it [06:16] Rotundo: happened to me === geetergod [~geetergod@cpe-66-24-86-121.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Varanger [~salmenara@] has joined #ubuntu === Methy is now known as Methynutnut [06:16] crimsun: I cannot toggle the iec setting with alsamixer [06:16] Rotundo: not alsamixer, amixer [06:17] amixer sset PCM on ; amixer sset 'IEC958 Capture Monitor' off [06:17] Rotundo: yes you can, you press M I think [06:17] <[Makaveli] > anyone here has an Ati video card ? === khwarizmi [~krischan@p54B8636F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:18] well, I guess we'll try to sort this out tomorrow. [06:18] Thanks [06:18] mines the via 8237 [06:18] :D [06:18] crimsun: thanks [06:18] crimsun: didnt know about amixer :) [06:19] crimsun: it sounds distorted [06:19] don't stand on your head :P [06:19] hi crimsum [06:20] Methynutnut: pressing M in alsamixer did nothing for the IEC958 control [06:20] crimsum: I have a Intel Hd Audio.... I have been battling to make it work with my Hoary === ubuntu [~ubuntu@adsl-68-122-75-21.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:20] Rotundo: oh. I must be mistaken [06:20] Rotundo: make sure the pcm level isn't up too high [06:20] crimsum: I have made it work but I get a strange "awful" audio.... === evilmegaman [~evilmegam@c-67-181-32-142.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === stoffe [~stoffe@c213-200-187-49.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu [06:20] over 80% distorts on all of my soundblasters [06:21] what commerical programs are there for communication better than gaim? [06:21] I have that problem sometimes too [06:21] i've always wondered what that is [06:21] spanglesontoast, yahoo messenger has voice chat now === FiKa [~me@] has joined #ubuntu [06:21] spanglesontoast: kopete is another multiprotocol IM thingymabop === FiKa [~me@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:22] gaim is pretty much the best one with plugins etc [06:22] for me anyways [06:22] WhiteRabbit: gotta love the encryption === liz4rd [~liz4rd@static24-72-76-248.regina.accesscomm.ca] has joined #ubuntu === madmonkey [~madmonkey@adsl-68-93-135-219.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:23] does gaim handle the new version 7 changes to msn protocol? [06:23] hmm [06:23] ethics: yes [06:24] Varanger: please describ [06:24] e [06:24] any of you lot know how to compile webcam drivers? [06:24] Alright, i just came to ubuntu today from slackware and i got everytign all good...exept the sound...i'm on a SB 16 and it doesnt work. in slackware i had to uncomment SB 16 under OSS something in a file called alsa-modules or somethign how can i fix this is ubuntu? [06:24] ethics: gaim works fine with msn for me [06:24] how do you meet other people that have gnomemeeting? [06:24] spanglesontoast: what cam? [06:24] kopete stopped working ....new version fixes but i will swap to gaim i thinks hehe === herpes [~mat@222-152-115-248.adsl.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [06:24] crimsun: the sound is distorted regardless of the levels I set [06:24] creative pd1001 [06:25] Rotundo: with esd or alsa direct? [06:25] liz4rd: lsmod|grep ^snd_sb [06:25] crimsun: it was esd [06:25] spanglesontoast: if it was a logitech quickcam USB i could help ya, sorry.. generaly it's a matter of ./configure && make === allio [foobar@202-169-215-101.megapass.worldnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [06:25] kk [06:25] Rotundo: try using alsa directly instead of using esd [06:26] crimsun: sans esd everything sounds great [06:26] crimsun: what did that do? [06:26] thank you === _mage_afk is now known as _mage_work [06:26] how do you meet other people with gnomemeeting/ === vicha__ [~vicha@] has joined #ubuntu [06:26] Rotundo: check the sample rate settings within ESD [06:26] liz4rd: I need the output from that command pasted into #flood [06:26] mngriff: where do I look for that? === vicha__ [~vicha@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:26] crimsun: it said nothing [06:26] geetergod: elect to put yourself into the directory and then look at the directory === craks [~craks@] has joined #ubuntu [06:26] Rotundo: if i could get ubuntu to install i'd know. sorry :\ [06:26] liz4rd: are you positive you used snd_sb16 on Slackware? [06:27] crimsun: whast the snd part? [06:27] hey guys, how do I get my gtk theme to apply on startup of a window manager like fluxbgox? [06:27] i have a soundblaster 16 thast all i knowq [06:27] liz4rd: the alsa portion === liz4rd is a n00b [06:27] oh [06:27] liz4rd: great soundcard :) [06:27] :P [06:27] it works [06:27] why is my pci soundcard detected first and is primary for everything? [06:27] really, it is, i still have one that works [06:28] better than onboard... and mngriff this isn't an insult channel. it's a help channel ... be helpful or STFU please. [06:28] spanglesontoast: because that's the way the hardware is initialised [06:28] transgress: that wasn't an insult.. i run one myself === girl_meyra_girl [~me@] has joined #ubuntu [06:28] mngriff: ah i see... i apologize then... sorry... took it wrong [06:28] transgress: it happens :) [06:28] liz4rd: did you ,,sudo modprobe snd_sb16''? === girl_meyra_girl [~me@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:29] there a way of making it second? [06:29] crimsum: I have an Intel Hd Audio [06:29] crimsun: no [06:29] spanglesontoast: permanently? [06:29] spangle just load them in the right order in /etc/modules [06:29] crimsum: First I run apt-get alsa-source [06:29] ya === dark [deviled_eg@die.in.a.fire.kthx.ws] has joined #ubuntu [06:29] spanglesontoast: you can probably change some defaults with your sound server or do some symlink wizardry (which is what works best in debian and as a whole, i don't know about ubuntu just yet) [06:30] ethics: don't mess with /etc/modules unless absolutely necessary. Hoary provides a much better solution. [06:30] crimsum: after, dpkg-reconfigure alsa-source (azx) [06:30] Varanger: modprobe snd-azx [06:30] crimsum: then, I made the deb file and installed with dpkg -i [06:30] crimsum / ethics: the problem is that I get an awful audio [06:30] crimsun: you god! thankx man [06:30] someone said it was to do with aliases [06:30] Varanger: (you're completely not triggering my nick highlight because you're misspelling my nick) [06:30] hey guys, how do I get my gtk theme to apply on startup of a window manager like fluxbgox? [06:31] spanglesontoast: yep, aliases, symlinks, all the same === kadambi [~kadambi@] has joined #ubuntu [06:31] Varanger awful as in static pulses etc [06:31] spanglesontoast: cat /proc/asound/modules [06:31] crimsun: thanks a lot for all the help. [06:31] goodnight === SirGrok [~jeff@rrcs-24-92-131-191.central.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:31] spanglesontoast: most programs by default want /dev/dsp for audio out... standard says that /dev/dsp should be a link to the correct device (/dev/dsp2 in the case of one of my boxes) [06:31] only got one [06:32] as I blackplugged or something the other sound module [06:32] spanglesontoast: if you only have one, why are you concerned about the ordering? === Quequeg [nbdy@ool-4352ea29.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:32] well I will be restarting [06:32] soon [06:32] I am trying to configure my sound card and the comment under Ubuntu Hardware support says that I need to disable "Audigy Analog" (for my SB Audigy card).... Does anyone know where I need to go to do that? [06:32] and re enabling the other card [06:32] crimsun / ethics: Yes, I get a static pulse (like a radio when it is not well tuned) [06:33] SirGrok: you need to unmute the Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack === iceman [~iceman@ip68-103-13-66.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:33] SirGrok: paste the output from amixer onto http://pastebin.com [06:33] crimsun, I do that in the volume control area? [06:33] so how would I set it to be number one? [06:34] Varanger: cat /proc/asound/version [06:34] hi all, anyone know how to get past ubuntu install disk killing init cause it runs out of memory? [06:34] crimsun, I don't know where to get the output from amixer.... Kinda linux sounds n00bish. [06:34] spanglesontoast: set what? [06:34] SirGrok: open a Terminal and type amixer [06:34] I'm trying to install on an old system with only 24MB ram [06:34] Varanger: alsa 1.0.9 fixes mroe of that but i havent gone up to it yet...im on ICH6 like you but i did throw some options at the card which decreased the noise but its still there..1.0.9 should use the intel8x0 driver instead i think but again i havent gone up...scratchy sounds are fine atm for the box 8) [06:34] spanglesontoast: you haven't told me which two alsa drivers would be used [06:35] I have a problem. My sound card is constantly being used, which prevents me from using MPlayer or anything that requires sound. Is there anything that allows me to check what is using my sound card? [06:35] question for a admin ... one here ? [06:35] ethics: no, 1.0.9 uses hda_intel === Rotundo [~charles@] has left #ubuntu [] [06:35] erm where is the blacklisting module thing [06:35] crimsun: is it any better? [06:35] spanglesontoast: /etc/hotplug/blacklist? [06:35] ethics: considerably [06:35] crimsun, here is my URL http://pastebin.com/293671 === nutorian [~nutorian@pool-71-101-179-210.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:36] screen -r [06:36] crimsun: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.8. [06:36] Compiled on May 31 2005 for kernel 2.6.10-5-686-smp (SMP). [06:36] ty === nutorian [~nutorian@pool-71-101-179-210.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:36] crimsun: that is the contents of /proc/asound/version [06:36] SirGrok: amixer sset 'Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack' on [06:37] snd_cmipci snd_via82xx [06:37] Varanger: so you need newer ALSA drivers [06:37] spanglesontoast: and which one do you want to use primarily? === drummer87 [~owen@c211-30-10-48.artrmn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [06:38] snd_via82xx === elmaya [~elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu [06:38] crimsun: that the version in alsasource atm? [06:38] snd_cmipci takes over [06:38] hey, can someone please help me?? i have no desktop! [06:38] anyone have admin rights here ... [06:38] spanglesontoast: echo "options snd-cmipci index=-2" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base [06:38] crimsun: I've read here how to update them http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HdaIntelSoundHowto but I am afraid that would break dpkg dependencies === k4rp0r [~k4rp0r@dsl-hkigw10j61.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [06:38] crimsun: Am I right? [06:38] my cpu is working at 100% and the desktop bg isn't loading [06:39] ethics: 1.0.8 is in hoary/universe's 'alsa-source'; 1.0.9 is available upstream as a tarball [06:39] crimsun, after calling that, my shell i sjust haning at a '>' right under that line of code. [06:39] SirGrok: that's because you mistyped [06:39] that's it? [06:39] some really needs to tell me these things [06:39] distros are different [06:39] lol [06:40] that's because Debian and Ubuntu do things the sane way with regards to sound [06:40] admin ... got a question on a server rule [06:40] is lame an mp3 encoder? [06:40] actually.. i think it's nautilus that's haveing trouble loading? anyone have any ideas?? i kind of REALLY need it [06:40] kakalto: and a decoder [06:40] for mp3 only? [06:40] not just mp3 [06:40] or just general encoder/decoder? [06:41] not general [06:41] what about FLAC? === dr_willis [~willis@12-202-192-44.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:41] it is debian thou [06:41] crimsun, you sent it to me mistyped... but no matter... it works. THANKS! You saved me a lot of time trying to figure this out on my own. [06:41] crimsun: will I break alsa dependancies? [06:41] SirGrok: no, my syntax was correct [06:41] ?? [06:41] :( [06:42] is there an easy way to make the sshd service start upon startup? [06:42] Varanger: if you're careful, no [06:42] chkconfig sshd on [06:42] crimsun, thanks a lot. I wouldn't have figured that out for a while. [06:42] liz4rd: it does automatically if you install openssh-server === pencixxx [~dejava10@] has joined #ubuntu [06:42] going to reboot. [06:43] am I correct? [06:43] crimsun: careful about? If I follow http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HdaIntelSoundHowto directions, will I break dependancies? [06:43] spanglesontoast: neither Debian nor Ubuntu uses chkconfig [06:43] i'll try a reboot.. [06:43] h === ian [~ian@] has joined #ubuntu [06:44] oh....... === sig [~sig@sig.user] has joined #ubuntu [06:44] what does it use? [06:44] hello ppl.. i want to install realplayer put when i apt-get it... it has an error... realplayer: [06:44] Depends: libc6 (>=2.3.2.ds1-21) but 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13 is to be installed [06:44] . how to install realplayer? [06:44] Varanger: no, you won't break dependencies if you follow the bottom method. On the other hand, you won't accomplish anything, because that's the same version you're currently using. [06:45] crimsun: when its done installin that will it auto matcly start now? [06:45] ian: you need to use _only_ the testing repo of debian-marillat [06:45] ian: do not use unstable [06:45] liz4rd: yes === Killer6691234569 [~a@] has joined #ubuntu [06:45] crimsun: how? please im new in linux.. :( [06:45] crimsun: I am trying to build version 1.0.9, Hoary's got 1.0.8 [06:46] yay it works [06:46] Any channel admins in here ... === pencixxx [~dejava10@] has joined #ubuntu [06:46] iceman: ? [06:46] i'm loving ubuntu each minute :D [06:46] crimsun: are Hoary's 1.0.8 "real" 1.0.9 ?? === flammy [~flammy@c-24-13-253-235.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:46] ubuntu is a linux [06:46] it can ........ [06:46] indeed [06:46] crimsun: how? is it possilbe to install realplayer? === drummer87 [~owen@c211-30-10-48.artrmn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [06:47] u [06:47] know me [06:47] You can install realplayer [06:47] bob2 you admin ... want to ask about a person being given admin right and abusing them in a channel ... [06:47] Add the packaget [06:47] iceman: who? [06:47] hmm.. rebooting fixed it. *note to self - don't get worried so easily* :) === Th4tBa5t4rd [~chatzilla@adsl-68-75-107-155.dsl.toldoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:48] flammy: i have tried it but an error ocured... realplayer: [06:48] Depends: libc6 (>=2.3.2.ds1-21) but 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13 is to be installed [06:48] . how to it? [06:48] ian: fix your /etc/apt/sources.list. use the testing marillat reposditory, not the unstable one. [06:48] Varanger: no, 1.0.8 == 1.0.8 [06:48] Killer6691234569: please just leave [06:49] crimsun: then, I'll build alsa 1.0.9 ( 1.08 != 1.0.9) === mode/#ubuntu [+o bob2] by ChanServ === mode/#ubuntu [+q *!*@] by bob2 [06:49] bob2 not in this channel ... was in slackware .. asking about installing a zipslack install on wifes pc ... to slowly migrate her to linux ... originaly started asking about amigo liux .. but they would not advise on that .. so i legitmatly changed the toppic .. and was banned ... for legit questions ... i was told to ask about slackware or zipslack .. so i did .. [06:49] bob2: ill remove all with unstable word? [06:50] ian: no [06:50] ian: you find the one marillat line, then change "unstable" to "testing" [06:50] bob2: how pls..im new with ubuntu.. :( === DekaPink [~DekaPink@brndmb02dc1-220-27.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu === imaek [~imaek@adsl-69-235-162-44.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:50] Hey, all... I'm trying to install something from source and it's asking me, "What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running [06:50] kernel?" What should I tell it? === spanglesontoast [~spangles@eddland.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:50] ian: take it up with them [06:50] DekaPink: what are you installing? [06:51] ian: do you know how to edit text files? [06:51] bob2: this is my source.list with marillat.. [06:51] iceman: take it up with them [06:51] bob2: VMware. [06:51] deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat stable main [06:51] deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat unstable main [06:51] deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat testing main [06:51] deb-src ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main [06:51] ian: lord [06:51] ian: get rid of all of them aside from the testing one [06:51] bob2 sent you a post on admin from the freenod site ... where to report abuse .. === henriquemaia [~henriquem@cb-217-129-175-184.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu === Delgul [~gerard@delgul.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu === elmaya [~elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu [06:51] iceman: you don't report abuse, except to the other ops of that channel [06:52] hey by any chance do you know a way so I don't have to keep typing duplicate into every player I go into [06:52] freenode is not going to interfere in the an internal channel dispute [06:52] DekaPink: sudo aptitude install linux-headers-$(uname -r) === pablo928 [~paul@az-yuma-cuda1x-159.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:52] DekaPink: then point it at /usr/src/linux-headers-... === flammy [~flammy@c-24-13-253-235.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [06:52] Thanks, bob2. :) [06:52] bob2: ok....ill try again.. [06:52] bob2 cant get in channel .. to dispute the matter .. [06:52] spanglesontoast: "duplicate into every player I go into"? [06:53] iceman: then /msg an op or something [06:53] Its default wants to go to /usr/src/linux/include which doesn't work... So... Yeah... Thanks. :D [06:53] yea [06:53] pcm.duplicate [06:53] spanglesontoast: you need to explain what that means [06:53] bob2: after that i do the apt-get update? and try to apt-get install realplayer? is that right? === pablo928 [~paul@az-yuma-cuda1x-159.losaca.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu [] [06:54] ian: yes [06:54] bob2: same error i get.. :( [06:54] what shall i do? :( [06:54] HI ALL === craks [~craks@] has joined #ubuntu === ToutPT|ppc|fr [~toutpt@ANantes-151-1-45-60.w83-195.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [06:55] bob: The following packages have unmet dependencies: [06:55] realplayer: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-21) but 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13 is to be installed [06:55] E: Broken packages [06:55] ian: deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat : this line may cause your apt-get to break! [06:55] not recommended! [06:55] ian: paste your whole /etc/apt/sources.list to #flood [06:55] pcm.duplicate { [06:55] type plug [06:55] slave.pcm "surround51" [06:55] slave.channels 6 [06:55] route_policy duplicate [06:55] } [06:56] soz for the small paste === cornholio [~splaza@pc-200-74-118-111.megavia.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:56] ian" do an "apt-get install -f" first [06:56] then try it [06:56] <[Makaveli] > can someone help me installing the last drivers for my Ati Radeon 9000 Pro ... [06:56] spanglesontoast: that configures alsa to duplicate sound to all 6 channels? [06:57] yea [06:57] [Makaveli] : er, ubuntu supports that out of the box [06:57] got 5.1 [06:57] bob2: i have pasted.. [06:57] [Makaveli] : I don't think firegl even works on that card === madmonkey [~madmonkey@adsl-68-93-135-219.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:57] "The path "/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-5" is an existing directory, but it doesnot contain at least one of these directories "linux", "asm", "net" as expected." [06:57] but as you see === r3two [~elvis@c-67-182-156-98.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:57] I have to use duplicate all the time [06:57] ubermonzie: same error.. [06:57] DekaPink: does it contain them? [06:57] My swedish letters , and is replaced by ? in my playlist when i plays them in beep mediaplayer. Does anyone know if i can get it to work in beep. It works fine in xmms but I want beep :) === jack056 [~jack@] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] <[Makaveli] > so you say that i have the last drivers when i install ubuntu 5.04 ? [06:58] bob2: heres my source,list http://pastebin.com/293682 [06:59] bob2: Whoops, my bad... I didn't go far enough into the directory. ^^ === george_ [~george@ppp-68-89-185-131.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === tron_ [~tron@] has joined #ubuntu [06:59] [Makaveli] : I'm saying there are no useful newer drivers for you [06:59] any help for a half-crashed system? HAL failure after synaptic addition of usb support. No ethernet, no mouse. Keyboard only. thanks [06:59] please stop /msg'ing me, people. [06:59] <[Makaveli] > oh ok [06:59] r3two: "synaptic addition of usb support"? [07:00] any ideas on how I can make that act as default setting for most players [07:00] try running xf68cfg r3two [07:00] spanglesontoast: you can try nesting the definitions inside pcm.!default [07:00] bob2: :) did you get my source.list.. :) [07:01] how would one do that? === petitohaime| [MTP@dyn-83-152-30-248.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu [07:01] thanks, I'll give it a try. If that fails rebuild from scratch? [07:01] spanglesontoast: take your duplicate definition as an example and look at slave.* [07:01] spanglesontoast: there's more info on the alsa wiki [07:02] think someone said at #alsa [07:02] that you cannot make plug a slave [07:02] how do I get my gtk theme to apply on startup of a window manager like fluxbox? I'm on kubuntu === jack056 [~jack@] has left #ubuntu [] [07:02] spanglesontoast: that was me. You can't make an unnested plug a slave. [07:03] oh yea [07:03] spanglesontoast: if you want to do what you're attempting, you must drill down to the hw:X [07:03] lol === joke45 [~jack@] has joined #ubuntu [07:03] drill down? [07:03] bob2: Thanks again. :D [07:03] you mean start at something like hw:0 then create lots over the top === discord_ [~discord@c66-235-34-18.sea2.cablespeed.com] has joined #ubuntu === Elyseum [~Elyseum@d5153EF05.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [07:04] spanglesontoast: well, that would be the bottom-up approach, but you'd define it from the top down [07:05] spanglesontoast: look at the softvol pcm plugin in the alsa-lib documentation for an example of drilling down [07:06] just wish there were some tools for doing this === Morten^Toft [~Morten^To@ghruaim.net] has joined #ubuntu === Tezkah [~Tezkah@d137-186-160-50.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu === andr3 [~gue@a81-84-138-95.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu [07:08] how do i install realplayer please help...error : Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-21) but 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13 is to be installed === pencixxx [~dejava10@] has joined #ubuntu [07:09] ian: paste in #flood the output of apt-cache policy realplayer [07:09] so crimsun where it says pcm.name === rg58sma2 [~rg58sma@] has joined #Ubuntu [07:09] i put default? [07:10] spanglesontoast: for the top-level? No, you'd want pcm.!default === tron_ [~tron@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [07:10] crimsun: i have..pasted in flood.. [07:10] it looks quite confusing to set up [07:11] bob2 can you contact a admin in there for me .. === Methy [~Tommy_K@203-217-88-224.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [07:11] ian: err, sorry, could you paste to http://pastebin.com please? (I wasn't in #flood, and I don't want you to reflood) === Varanger [~salmenara@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:12] crimsun: http://pastebin.com/293693 [07:12] crimsun: what do you think that cauz the error..? :( [07:12] iceman: no,sorry, I don't want to get invovled [07:12] ian: any reason you must have 10.x? [07:12] ian: yeah, looks ok [07:13] ian: you can install 8.x just fine from multiverse by passing the version explicitly to apt-get/aptitude [07:13] crimsun: what do you mean? [07:13] Anyone here no how to get a good repo for Ubuntu 64? [07:13] ian: sudo aptitude install realplayer=8.0.11 [07:13] hot to create a terminal for all directory????' [07:13] Gentoon: er, the default one works fine [07:14] rg58sma2: you need to explain what you're trying to do === mode/#ubuntu [-o bob2] by bob2 [07:14] crimsun any chance you could this through with me on how to set up this plugin? [07:14] hot to create a xterm all directory????' === pencixxx [~dejava10@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:14] xterm in nautilus [07:14] bob2 how to contact a freenode staff member ... [07:14] iceman: you don't [07:14] rg58sma2, huh? [07:14] iceman: you contact the #slackware ops [07:14] or not in nautilus [07:14] in a folder [07:14] rg58sma2: what do yo uwant to see? [07:14] terminal in folders [07:15] spanglesontoast: I'm headed to sleep shortly, actually, but I'm in #alsa [07:15] not only in Desktop [07:15] capishe?? === AlfaWolph [yri@cpe-24-165-197-17.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:15] rg58sma2: maybe try #ubuntu-es? === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu [07:16] crimsun: its asking question.. but no luck.. === Methy [~Tommy_K@203-217-88-224.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [07:16] ian: in #flood, what question? === dabaslon [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-157-87.dynamic.mts.net] has left #ubuntu [] [07:17] crimsun: in have exit it ... but when i try again.. ill paste it to flood === dtorg29 [~dtorg29@S01060004e2d4dc55.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === imaek [~imaek@adsl-69-235-162-44.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:18] crimsun: i have pasted it.. [07:18] How can I tell what is using ALSA? [07:19] imaek: fuser -v /dev/snd/* [07:19] I got nothing. [07:19] Does anyone knows where can I get some kind of documentation about Ubuntu Xorg multiseat support? [07:19] and GAIM can play sounds [07:19] crimsun, bob2: what shall i do..? [07:19] btu not Rythem Box [07:20] (I recently instaled multiseat package, but it doesn't have any kind on documentation) === Firetech [~Firetech@h53n1fls301o1100.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:20] nothing in the wiki? === carvE [~carve@adsl-217-143-13.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:21] Bai-bai, all! === ghost_ [~ghost@cpe-066-056-160-211.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:22] Arg.... How to I copy something from the xchat window? :( [07:22] select, middle click normally [07:22] crimsun, bob2: i have installed it..thanks! anyway:) [07:22] When I try to mplayer a file, it tries to use alsa, but according to everything else (and mplayer) alsa is always being used === trinidad [~trinidad@cpe-66-27-200-252.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:23] ian: cool! [07:23] crimsun, bob2: wiki! :) [07:23] whats a decent media player out there? === craks [~craks@] has joined #ubuntu [07:23] imaek: if you haven't configured dmix, only one program can use alsa at a time [07:23] xmms [07:23] ghost_: mplayer i nice for videos [07:23] ty [07:23] bob2: the thing is, no program is using alsa === _4strO_ [~astro@AStrasbourg-251-1-33-126.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [07:23] HELP PLEASE: I've installed a PCB design software title called "Eagle", however, I can't get it to start. Does anyone have any experience with this? [07:24] trinidad: it has no instructions at all? [07:24] bob2: I can find the shell script and the executable but it won't run [07:24] Thank you... Now I must go to my windows partition for a couple minutes. --; [07:24] I've tried from command line read up on it but to no avail === AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-96-168.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:26] i can't even get my wireless card to access my AP, I've got it working, everything responds, and it looks like its going well and then after i modprobe ndiswrapper - the green indicator on my pci wireless card doesnt work, nor does r/c'ing or d/c'ing back and forth work, any suggestions? [07:26] I can't even ping my router :> [07:26] what chipset is it? [07:26] its motorola [07:29] any idea bob? === topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3pa5.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === hondje [~hondje@c-67-174-186-96.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:30] HELP PLEASE: I've installed a PCB design software title called "Eagle", however, I can't get it to start. Does anyone have any experience with this? [07:30] please somebody take a shot at it === bluefoxicy [~bluefox@pcp0012069840pcs.whtmrs01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:30] no need to use caps [07:30] or ask again [07:31] what happened to you bob2 [07:31] try asking on the user list, perhaps someone there has heard of it === |^iceman^| [~chatzilla@h-68-165-233-32.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:31] okay [07:31] thanks for advice === SlackFart2 [~el_fart0@soundscape.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:31] ttyl === rBarrels [~barrels@c-24-18-159-202.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === spo0nman [~pankaj@spo0nman.user] has joined #ubuntu === rBarrels [~barrels@c-24-18-159-202.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:34] i forgot about gkrellm [07:35] any other arty program other than gimp [07:35] ? [07:35] inkscape? [07:35] spanglesontoast: for photos? === viork [~viork@] has joined #ubuntu [07:35] not just artwork [07:35] *no [07:35] oh ok [07:35] bob2: I've got my 2 windows based ntfs drives mounted to whatever it auto mounts to, and if i try to mount to with mount -t ntfs /dev/hda /mnt/hdd0 - I try to cd or goto the file in gnome, [x] over the folder :\ [07:36] carvE: edit /etc/fstab, replace "defaults" with "umask=002" [07:36] (on the ntfs drive lines only) [07:36] my camera used to auto mount it wont now since i added xfce4 === i3dmaster [~yongjian@c-24-9-29-155.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:36] AMDXP: yes, you need to use gnome for that [07:36] bob2: so just on the ntfs harddrives? === ronaldo [ronaldo@coyote.noc.realroot.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:36] bob2: i am using gnome now [07:36] AMDXP: running gnome-volume-manager may make it start working [07:38] cannot connect to sound daemon please run 'esd' at a command prompt === JohnnyRotten [~John@AC94C06B.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:39] ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:868:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave === nagesh [~nagesh@] has joined #ubuntu === Madpilot [~yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === hondje [~hondje@c-67-174-186-96.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:42] how to let vi remember the last edited place. my vi is always starting from the first char.. :( [07:42] Hmm... [07:42] I think thers some info file that vi writes.. or actually it may be a feature of some vi's [07:43] I doubt vi/nvi can [07:43] or it may be some alias :P Ive seen it done that way also. [07:43] vim probably can, since it can do everything else [07:43] dr_willis: it does have the .viminfo file, but not sure if its using it. [07:43] my vi goes to the first line [07:43] bob2: tried vim though, the same behavior === IcemanV9 [~nobody@adsl-68-252-97-157.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:43] I recall that the SUSE one went to the last edted line [07:43] it'd be a config option [07:44] it'd be very annoying if it was the default === monchy [~monchy@S010600e04c400007.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === concept10 [~chatzilla@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:45] bob2: Umask only applies to newly created files, anyway [07:45] useing VIM - Vi IMproved 6.3 [07:45] vi in RHEL4 is able to place back the position where I left. But somehow, the vi in ubuntu doesn't and I cannot figure out which param is controlling it [07:45] carvE: no, sorry [07:45] I was thinking the 'vi' id seen befor had an alias. [07:45] carvE: it applies to the whole filesystem [07:45] carvE: (when set in fstab) [07:45] oh okay [07:45] but i dont see no options. that make it go the lsast edited line. [07:46] dr_willis: well if you do vi + filename, it will go to the last line [07:46] ahh [07:46] lets test that === ztonzy [~ztonzy@ztonzy.artist.blender] has joined #ubuntu [07:47] Yep it does. :P [07:47] thats... odd syntax :P === ilmansee [~ilmansee@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:47] dr_willis: but I am hoping just vi filename and it will take me to where I left. that will be very helpful [07:48] i3dmaster, make an alias. === KarlosII [~KarlosII@S0106000f3d5ae683.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #Ubuntu [07:48] the man pages for vi dosent even seem to mention this :P === _Nail [~george@d5152B28B.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [07:48] is nexuiz gonna be backported? [07:48] Nexuiz [07:48] rulz [07:49] dr_willis: alias for what? [07:49] http://www.nexuiz.com/index.php [07:49] alias myvi='vi +' === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu [07:49] are there any programs like dreamweaver mx for linux? === IcemanV9 [~nobody@adsl-68-252-97-157.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:50] bluebird [07:50] err blue... === DmD [~sean@c-24-118-135-176.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === drummer87 [~owen@c211-30-10-48.artrmn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [07:50] dr_willis: no, you don't want to do that cause that will just give you the last line instead of the first line. pretty much the same thing [07:51] vi + filename === Choubaka_ [choubaka@ihme.org] has joined #ubuntu [07:51] any one have and idea of how to configure evolution with gmail [07:51] moved the cursor to the last edited line just now. === toran [~me@pppoe-64-91-111-84-rb.vcr.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:52] ilmansee, rea the google help faq [07:52] read [07:52] oh wait - it dident ;P [07:52] dr_willis:no, its the very last line, not the last edited line. [07:52] i did the prob is with the default port [07:52] can not do it on evolution [07:52] ive seen it do just that however.. [07:52] :O [07:53] KarlosII, was bluebird the name of a program like dreamweaver or was that for someone else === [Makaveli] [~makaveli@] has joined #ubuntu [07:53] dr_willis: well... its a little bit ugly I know. [07:53] <[Makaveli] > can someone tell me how can i disable arts ? === Yvonne [~fsck@cn-sdm-cr02-0077.dial.kabelfoon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:53] anyway, thanks. [07:53] JohnnyRotten, sec looking for the correct name [07:53] did not know how to configure the port nember on evolution i even trid putting the server as pop.gmail.com:465 [07:53] <[Makaveli] > from gnome [07:54] i3dmaster, yea - i think the suse guys had some little bash shell that read that file.. or perhaps they were not useing the same vi. [07:54] u don't === hondje [~hondje@c-67-174-186-96.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:54] I htink [07:54] huh === Delgul [~gerard@delgul.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:54] dr_willis: might be. [07:55] i know of bluefish but thats not even close to dreamweaver :( === ikypakis [t8@] has joined #Ubuntu [07:55] Am I stuck using mesa to get libGL, or is there a nvidia one hidden away somewhere? === nekton is now known as nekton[AFK] === nekton[AFK] is away: swimming with the fishes [07:55] JohnnyRotten, oh that's waht i was thinking of [07:55] <[Makaveli] > anyone knows how to disable arts ? === main_ [~Morten^To@316e646d8d903da2.session.tor] has joined #ubuntu [07:55] ilmansee, uhh I don'thave any ports set [07:56] and it works [07:56] karlos : so it is working on your pc === mlambie [~mlambie@dsl-202-72-151-181.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [07:57] yes [07:57] been for 6 mos [07:57] karlosII i did the setting more then once did not work with evolution had to downlaod kmail which was configured without prob === saber_ [~Miranda@user-11fa0dh.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:57] anyone got a line of bash that will delete all the files in the current dir with a filesize of 0? === hondje [~hondje@c-67-174-186-96.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === Bazzi_ [Bastian@p5484C3BD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:58] I have no isues [07:58] I have no issues [07:58] Does anyone else have problems with the nvidia drivers in apt-get??? my 6600GT won't hardly play ET! [07:59] ok i will let it go then an enigma thanx for your help karlosII [07:59] np === shad0w1e [~shad0w1e@ool-182ede79.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:00] hey guys I just installed MEPIS and it is running WAY faster than ubuntu.... I mean openoffice opened up in like 2 seconds. anyone know why? [08:01] shadow1e i noticed that too and it consumes less cpu and memory too [08:01] with these two compared, specifically? [08:02] looks like KDE 3.4 was a fluke === blueskiesokei [~noname@] has joined #ubuntu === DekaPink [~DekaPink@brndmb02dc1-220-84.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:04] Hey all~ [08:04] I'm ba-ack. [08:04] hello .. somehow my apt messed up ? i have all the repositories in there and it is still suppossed to use the CDROM too. but now it is not able to find a bunch of packages? [08:05] is there anyway to clear out apt and make it start all new again ? [08:05] hmm... edit /etc/apt/sources.list [08:05] then run apt-get update [08:06] So here's what's burning on my mind... Would it be possible to move all the important stuff from my Windows partition to my Ubuntu partition, and resize the Ubuntu partition to take up the space Windows no longer needs? [08:06] i did that ... it is like everything on the CDROM was lost ? [08:06] saber_: i got the list from the faq but im on the 64bit version, what should i do? [08:06] i wanted to apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ... not there ? [08:06] hmm... i'm not sure of what the 64-bit architecture entails in regards to ubuntu [08:07] blue: mount your cdrom, use cd, then dpkg -i [package] === Abydos313 [Abydos313@ppp-71-129-92-108.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:07] i use fluxbox, so i can't tell you the package name for kde: try http://packages.ubuntu.com === grunde [~grunde@pat-gw.osl.fast.no] has joined #ubuntu === hardcampa- [~hardcampa@c-dd1272d5.01-134-73746f22.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has left #ubuntu ["IdleIRC] [08:09] blueskiesokei: you said earlier that you have ALL repos and kubuntu-desktop is not there? something ain't right. === Tomcat_ [Tomcat@p54A18947.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === Telep_ [telep@bot.kapsi.fi] has joined #ubuntu [08:09] blueskiesokei: try to comment out CD in /etc/apt/sources.list === Choubaka [choubaka@ihme.org] has joined #ubuntu [08:10] And is there anything I can use from windows to resize the partitions, since I apparently can't use gparted... :3 [08:11] why cant ya use gparted? === ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-1478.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu [08:11] DekaPink, may want to get a live cd that has qt_parted or gparted, or similer. === jayparadise [~jayparads@cpe-024-211-050-039.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:12] Well, it locks everything down, and I can't unmount the linux partition to resize since I'm on it, so... :3 === george_ [~george@ppp-68-89-185-131.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:13] DekaPink, thats why i said to use a live cd. :P [08:13] dr_willis: Would the Ubuntu live CD have it? ^^ [08:13] got to look at ip masking ... === Methynutnut [~Tommy_K@203-217-88-224.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [08:14] DekaPink, should.. or use Knoppix, or Morphix, or (my fave) that Linux Rescue Cd [08:14] dr_willis: Ginchy... Thanks. :D === Valentin- [~jhiemer@] has joined #ubuntu [08:19] boy slackware is a lousy support channel ... [08:20] in 6 months i have tried at least 6 versions of linux ... and of all the distro's i am pleased mose with ubuntu ... === TechOzone [~Jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [08:21] hello [08:21] You're more adventurous than me... I've only tried two recently, including Ubuntu. [08:21] smoothest install ... best install ... and best support [08:21] hi mako [08:21] is mako here? === Zirland [~zirland@hzspa.cps.cz] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] Hi [08:23] DekaPink tried slackware ... mandrake .. suse ... darwin ... redhat ... freebsd ... knoppix .... clusternix .... knoppixcluster .... boy a list ... [08:23] I need kill logged user [08:23] how do you keep a log of channel's [08:23] he's stuck in the system and I don't know, how to kill him === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu [08:24] iceman: I tried Mandrake years ago when I first got interested in trying Linux, but it was never my cup of tea... Then more recently Fedora, and now Ubuntu. === mruiz [~mruiz@pc-124-65-104-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:24] Ubuntu rocks [08:24] Right Click > Settings > Preferences > Logging > Enable Logging of conversations > OK [08:25] DekaPink i started years ago with red hat 5.2 ... and lots of attempts to get a likable system... now with ubuntu i might have it === craks [~craks@] has joined #ubuntu [08:26] iceman: Yeah, I totally hear that. I'm really liking Ubuntu so far, and people here have been really helpful, too. :) (Thanks, everyone!) [08:27] ubuntu rocks === lalo [~lalo@lalo.plone] has joined #ubuntu === mruiz [~mruiz@pc-124-65-104-200.cm.vtr.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] === shido [~shido@d57-87-253.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:27] is there a task or package that pulls a complete GNOME development environment? (as in, lib*-dev) [08:27] Robert Levin just sent hm a email [08:28] Robert Levin the guy behind freenode .. === cumii- [~y@] has joined #ubuntu [08:29] hello all [08:29] help me plz === _mage_work is now known as _mage_afk [08:29] I need kill logged user... he's stuck in the system and I don't know, how to get rid of him [08:29] anyone... [08:30] man this 64bit version is messed up im going back to the 386 one [08:30] cumii- ? [08:30] omghi [08:30] i change file browser to show file [08:31] i cant see folder list on left side [08:31] how to change to default ? [08:31] :( [08:31] plz [08:33] hellooooooooooooooo [08:33] how to change for view folder list on file browser ????? === JohnnyRotten [~John@AC95D0DB.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu === cifrovojdrakosha [dragon@ppp-68-121.teol.net] has joined #ubuntu === mebegreedy [~mebegreed@ip68-111-240-206.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === cifrovojdrakosha hi [08:34] how do you start enlightenment? === Invisible [~Invisible@] has joined #ubuntu [08:34] cumii-: change it to "tree" on the left side [08:34] like option folder list in windows [08:34] lots of people on this server [08:35] but i dont know to change on ubuntu === Goshawk [~vincenzo@host162-107.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [08:35] cumi: poke your eyes and squint :) [08:35] ;( [08:36] hehe, just kidding === lalo [~lalo@lalo.plone] has left #ubuntu [] [08:36] cumii-: open the file browser .. change "information" to "tree" [08:36] i'm not sure, look around the toolbar menu [08:36] ok ok [08:36] iwill find [08:36] cumii-: oops, on the left side [08:36] hey im new to linux what should i learn about it and whats good to know how to do === DekaPink- [~DekaPink@brndmb02dc1-218-1.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:37] Well, that was weird. === Tezkah [~Tezkah@d137-186-160-50.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:37] you should think about it in terms of: what you want to do [08:37] I went to put VMware in full screen mode and everything went a little nuts. [08:37] well idk what i want to do [08:37] :P === Tezkah [~Tezkah@d137-186-160-50.abhsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu [] === seek205 [~seek205@67-42-59-107.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:38] mebegreedy: you want to help development of free software, of course :) [08:38] i just watched the movie Boys N The Hood... i feel like a thug [08:38] heh [08:38] how would i learn to do thatr [08:39] and why did ubuntu take like 10 min to load up === Bazzi- [Bastian@p5484C3BD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:39] please advise me... I need kill logged user... he's stuck in the system and I don't know, how to get rid of him [08:40] mebegreedy: you find stuff you don't like and then you fix them :) [08:40] zirland: ps waux | grep ^username [08:40] zirland: then: kill -s 9 [pid] [08:40] saber_: i'll try. thanks [08:40] why is there so many people in here [08:40] mebegreedy: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BasicCommands :P [08:41] thanx IcemanV9 and topyli [08:41] :) === Garathor [~Unknown@213-145-178-167.dd.nextgentel.com] has joined #Ubuntu [08:41] how do i utilize 5.1 surround in ubuntu (soundmax) === aisipos [~anton@dsl081-081-225.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:42] IcemanV9: thanks for that link, I've been looking for "BASH on one page"! [08:43] Madpilot: ur welcome :) === Tezkah [~ryan@d137-186-160-50.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] so its kinda like dos commands just changed a little === congrio [~congrio@] has joined #ubuntu [08:45] kind of like DOS except much more powerful [08:45] yeah [08:45] how do you change the resolution :P [08:45] you'll find things that you'd need to do in GUI in Windows easier to do in console in Linux [08:45] thx alll [08:46] hmm, on GNOME? [08:46] its work [08:46] :p [08:46] you should be able to use the GNOME settings... [08:46] mwi mwi [08:46] mebegreedy: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto [08:47] IcemanV9 : how to play movie on ubuntu ? what program to use ???? [08:47] cumii-: http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/RestrictedFormats === pablo921 [~paul@az-yuma-cuda1x-159.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:48] cumii-: mplayer, totem, vlc, xine [08:48] uhm... url plzzz [08:48] cumii-: or you can throw in DVD and totem will automacigally play [08:48] :D [08:48] owh [08:48] ok [08:49] cumii-: you don't need a URL - use the synaptic package manager, or 'apt-get' [08:49] thx all [08:49] restart ... [08:49] Totem plays movies? I thought it just crashed [08:49] wait for a second [08:49] :)) [08:49] :* [08:49] :) [08:49] Tezkah: it does on my box *shrug* [08:50] I wonder if its just a kubuntu bug === dtorg29 [~dtorg29@S01060004e2d4dc55.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:50] what irc do you use on ubuntu === DJ_Mirage [~djmirage@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [08:51] plenty of choices, including X-Chat [08:51] mebegreedy: irssi [08:51] Tezkah: check the bug database to see if there is workaround or just report it if none :) [08:52] xchat and irssi === cifrovojdrakosha [dragon@ppp-68-121.teol.net] has left #ubuntu [] === djs [~djs@DC-246-130.bpb.bigpond.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:54] i get a xml parsing error: not well formed [08:55] on firefox === Zirland [~zirland@hzspa.cps.cz] has left #ubuntu ["Ooh,] === iceman [~iceman@ip68-103-13-66.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === pointwood [~pointwood@] has joined #ubuntu === mebegreedy_ [~mebegreed@ip68-111-240-206.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === mebegreedy_ is now known as Sparda === cumii [~y@] has joined #ubuntu === ChinaCatJones [~chris@pool-71-111-176-217.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === pablo921 [~paul@az-yuma-cuda1x-159.losaca.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu [] === AlfaWolph [yri@cpe-24-165-197-17.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === djs [~djs@DC-246-130.bpb.bigpond.com] has left #ubuntu [] === ubotu [~blootbot@ubuntu.cc.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:04] are there any dyndns clients that have a gui === kutucape [~zayn@] has joined #ubuntu === w_o_r_k is now known as w_ill === w_ill is now known as copilot === dougsk [~doug@65.61.112-64.ptr.llix.net] has joined #ubuntu === Agho [~Aghoo@AFontenayssB-105-2-2-9.w80-13.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [09:07] hi all [09:08] hi kutucape [09:08] are they sleepy? === abarbaccia [~abarbacci@ool-18b8cf07.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:09] there's noone here === Ubobtu [~Ubobtu@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu [09:10] Can someone please send me a good apt sources file? [09:10] I deleted mine === Zuleyhaa [~DOKTOR_M@dsl81-215-32820.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu [09:11] Ubobtu, try running apt-config === pitti [~pitti@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:11] that doesnt give me a new sources list === Hyphen [~hyphen@c-24-21-156-155.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Hyphen is now known as Hyphenater === monchy [~monchy@S010600e04c400007.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:13] apt-setup [09:13] Ubobtu, sorry my mistake apt-setup is what you need [09:13] doesnt someone have a good source list i could copy? [09:14] Ubobtu: You can have mine, it only works if you're with my ISP though. === Dethread [~Dethread@24-205-231-52.slo-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:14] Ubobtu, ubuntuguide it's in your firefox bookmark === ChinaCatJones [~chris@pool-71-111-176-217.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:14] im using the one i got from ubuntu guide [09:14] HELLO all i already open http://www.mplayerhq.hu/homepage/design7/dload.html but i dont know where is program compatible with ubuntu os... anyone help me plz === Methynutnut [~Methz0r@203-217-88-224.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === pvanhoof [~pvanhoof@cvs.maia-scientific.com] has joined #ubuntu === syiron [~dkay@] has joined #ubuntu [09:16] hello... [09:16] can anyone help me get a program called linpal installed/working? === whiteknight [~whiteknig@jac208.caths.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [09:17] http://www.ruinedsoft.com/linpal/ is what i want to install [09:18] JohnnyRotten: Fetch the source and dependencies, then install into /usr/local === fo [~fo@] has joined #ubuntu [09:19] hello; how do i login terminal with root admin? [09:19] applications > system tools > root terminal [09:19] was it really that difficult? ;) === fo [~fo@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:19] i want to login root admin in deskto [09:20] syiron: Why? [09:20] no you don't [09:20] there is no root account enable by default [09:20] i cannot login for set printter [09:20] wait. [09:20] syiron: You can do that as normal user, it will ask for root if it needs it. [09:20] you should be able to do everything using sudo or gksudo [09:20] Failed to run users-admin: [09:20] Wrong password. [09:21] did u enter your user password [09:21] syiron: Well, type the right password then! [09:21] and what are you opening/typing to get that [09:21] i have the source not sure what to do from there i think i have all the dependencies [09:21] JohnnyRotten: Unpack it, run ./configure --prefix=/usr/local [09:21] system>administration > users and group [09:22] syiron: it wants *your* password. [09:22] yes. [09:22] yeah type in the correct password [09:22] i put the root passwd. error [09:22] works fine for me [09:22] there is no root password [09:22] syiron: There is *no* root password [09:22] what password? === ChinaCatJones [~chris@pool-71-111-176-217.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:22] use your user password [09:23] just do this type "sudo passwd" [09:23] then you can select a new root password [09:23] Ubobtu: What is the point of that? [09:23] syiron: btw, the information about that is in the FAQ [09:23] so you can use root to login [09:23] Ubobtu: What would be the point to logging in as root? [09:23] in a terminal === StR34k [~streak@i216-58-91-42.avalonworks.net] has left #ubuntu [] [09:24] not logging in [09:24] just a terminal === newbbie [~Soledad@10000942044.0000000553.acesso.oni.pt] has joined #ubuntu [09:24] ubobto: one of the benifits of using sudo is no root account/pwd === nuKo [~krasio@cable-76-118.vladislavovo.com] has joined #ubuntu === nuKo [~krasio@cable-76-118.vladislavovo.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:24] Ubobtu: 'sudo bash' does that. [09:24] hi all [09:25] hm.. [09:25] i so stuck now using ubuntu [09:25] it says no such file for configure === J03l [~JOel@] has joined #ubuntu [09:25] what the command line to open menu box? [09:25] JohnnyRotten, make sure you are in the directory you unpacked the file too [09:25] syiron, menu box? === J03l is now known as Joel === Joel is now known as J0el [09:26] Nic; yes.. like on freebsd type /stand/sysinstall how about ubuntu? [09:26] i am === IcemanV9_ [~nobody@adsl-68-79-48-95.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === cewekbeneran [~jakal2@] has joined #ubuntu [09:27] ive never used freebsd [09:27] so i have no idea what that does === cewekbenerannih [~jakal2@] has joined #ubuntu [09:27] it does we can select what we want to configure === Burgundavia [~corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === cewekbeneran is now known as foreplay [09:28] ive only ever used gtk configure applications so i dunno [09:28] JohnnyRotten, it appears they offer a binary version plus source download, I'm on hoary and I was able to run the precompiled binary. [09:28] hey, somebody told me to get a program named "gtk", so I've checked with synaptic and saw that I had three "libgtk2.0-X" packages installed... (among those, one called "-bin", that said it had the program files used by the library)... does that mean that I already have the program installed? [09:29] so i can just download the binary? [09:29] #lesbi === ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-1478.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu === UsefulIdiot [~jeremy@61-69-1-140.netspeed.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:29] JohnnyRotten, ya and once you untar it just do ./linpal it appears to depend on curl so apt-get install curl [09:30] how can I order the process listing in "top" by amount of memory used.. or is there another way to find the program using the most memory under the command line? === Fikrann [~fikrann@zmt.zinc.eu.org] has joined #ubuntu [09:30] Hello folks. [09:31] k im going have to wait a bit to get curl downloading updates right now [09:31] Zuleyhaa: cut the crap [09:31] yeah [09:31] just did it to me, too [09:32] Is bob2 around? [09:32] bob2: ping [09:32] Amaranth: ping [09:32] Dethread, I got spammed as well. [09:32] are there any programs like open office except smaller? 80+ meg updates suck on dialup [09:33] my modem connects from ubuntu but it disconnects [09:33] cud i get some help === tyo [~tyo_pur@] has joined #ubuntu [09:33] or is there any other dialer i cud use [09:33] if you just want word processing JohnnyRotten there is abiword [09:33] JohnnyRotten: vi? :-) [09:33] JohnnyRotten, you might try kwrite or abiword [09:34] ed! [09:34] Well I'd just like to announce that alsa works far better on unbuntu compared with FC3 ;) [09:34] syiron: you mean "synaptic" maybe? === ptlo [~senko@darguner.rdlab.carnet.hr] has joined #ubuntu [09:34] JohnnyRotten: "gnumeric" is a good spreadsheet, "abiword" does word processing. === Highbie [~HIGHBIE@c-67-169-141-126.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:35] J0el, try wvdial, its the best dialer around. === psychicdragon [~david@d209-121-230-70.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:35] hey, does anybody know how to change it so link extentions will show and i can change them? === dwa_ [~dwa@garrut.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu === Daylighthater [~fredoflob@dD5763ECC.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:35] this is windows not ubuntu >.< [09:35] Fikran , i tried wvdial , it dosent even initialise my modem [09:36] im connecting using the Networking thing. [09:36] this file of mine i downloaded somehow turned into a link, and i can't change it back and i can't access the file === david1 [~david1@135.red-82-159-85.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:36] is there any other dialer? [09:36] ptlo: pozdrav [09:36] Highbie: yes, go to an explorer window, then one of the menus lets you get into 'folder options' (I think). It's in there, called "hide extensions for known types" [09:36] ivoks, hello there! :) === newbbie has a doubt with "gtk"... [09:36] hey, somebody told me to get a program named "gtk", so I've checked with synaptic and saw that I had three "libgtk2.0-X" packages installed... (among those, one called "-bin", that said it had the program files used by the library)... does that mean that I already have the program installed? [09:36] it shows exnteions, just not for .links though [09:36] extentions* [09:36] dougsk, is curl a big download? [09:37] newbbie: gtk is not a program, it's a library. [09:37] all the links still have no file extention [09:37] curl: Size: 165290 [09:37] Highbie: by link do you mean shortcut? === mindspin [~mindspin@p54B2D7E1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === digitus [~timo@dsl-084-056-230-163.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:37] Tomcat: ah... ok, then... but does that mean that it is already installed, then? [09:37] yes, the file extention for a shortcut [09:37] JohnnyRotten, installed sig nm dooglas got it [09:37] i have a file that somehow turned into a shortcut [09:38] i want to view the .link extention so i can get rid of it [09:38] J0el, if any other dialer gets you conneted but wvdial can't, it means you didn't configure wvdial correctly. [09:38] newbbie: It's installed when you install Ubuntu... and you probably can't deinstall it if you use Gnome. [09:38] should i show u ,my wvdial.conf? [09:38] Highbie: hit windows-r then type "cmd" and hit return. you'll be in a 'shell' window (such as it is) where you can 'cd' to the directory and "rename" the file [09:38] Setting up xmms (1.2.10-2ubuntu1) ... [09:38] Errors were encountered while processing: [09:38] gnome-applets-data [09:38] gnomemeeting [09:38] ubuntu-desktop [09:38] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [09:38] root@Dkay:~ # [09:38] ok, thanks [09:38] garr. I have to memory, yet the program taking the most memory according to top is using 2%, and not many at all above 1% [09:39] Tomcat: ah... ok. thanks, Tomcat... :) [09:39] *no memory [09:39] Highbie: I don't see how that could happen, try right-clicking > properties > shortcut > target [09:39] See where the shortcut is pointing [09:39] for some reason it saved into a saitek programmable keyboard.link [09:39] same kinda keyboard i use [09:39] J0el, it could be line noise, incompatibilities in modem protocols, timed logouts etc. If your logging in successfully now with something then I expect results prolly won't change by using a different front end. === ndb_ [user@jc.theghet.to] has joined #ubuntu === morty [~tmj@] has joined #ubuntu [09:40] newbbie, gtk is a set of libraries on which your current desktop enviroinment is based. (assuming you're running Gnome, not kde) So yes, you have it installed. [09:40] since it's an invalid shortcut, all the options can't be used [09:40] has anyone here got linspires aol dialer to work in ubuntu it looks nicer than the penggy deb im using === DekaPink [~DekaPink@brndmb02dc1-218-1.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:40] I'm back... Again~ [09:41] This time... My question is: How do I uninstall something I installed from source? Should there be some kind of uninstall script somewhere or something? [09:41] J0el, dougsk is right. [09:41] how do i rename a file in cmd? [09:41] DekaPink, in the directory where the source configure script is type make uninstall for a start === topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3pa5.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [09:41] Fikrann: got it, Fikrann. thanks... :) [09:41] DekaPink, make uninstall in your source directory usually does the trick. [09:41] Highbie: copy [09:42] Fikrann can i pm u? [09:42] J0el, yes. [09:42] Okay, thanks. :D [09:42] no, i meant how can you use the command rename in the fake dos cmd [09:43] woah... My computer has been on for about a week, left on gdm as I hadn't logged in anyway except ssh yet, and there was no memory left. When I logged into gdm, suddenly I have 3/4 memory free ? [09:43] is there a way to run apt-get when downloading something with synaptic? [09:43] Highbie, are you sure you're asking this question in right channel? [09:43] JohnnyRotten, no [09:43] yeah, the operating system put in more ram === Kumar [~Kumar@nexs.auriga.ru] has joined #ubuntu [09:44] i'm def in the wrong channel, but i doubt there is a windows help channel and you guys probably know === thekoreuk [~sean@dsl-80-46-206-32.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu === matthias [~matthias@p54AC4113.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:44] Highbie, the command I think your looking for is move aka mv orig.name new.name === snader [~sander@cc207153-b.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:45] hello people! [09:45] hello matthias === cowbud [viewfind@pool-71-111-112-52.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === thekoreuk [~sean@dsl-80-46-206-32.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:46] can only people in this chat where have linux on the pc? [09:46] anyone run mlgui and get an error about the font -*-*-*-*-* etc not supporting all required characters? [09:46] yay, my anime is fixed, bleach 34 will rule! [09:47] In the immortal words of Judith... "Whenever you feel, and the other person feels... It's good to have sex and go for it." [09:47] what if they feel and it's not as good for them as it is for you [09:47] the seesaw doesn't go up both sides! [09:48] matthias, no I've not run mlgui, but the form looks like old bitmap fonts for x11 maybe xfontsel will help? [09:48] Then you ditch them and make sweet sweet love to your best friend Jimmy. [09:48] i prefer jimmy's mom [09:48] HiBall, I thought it was stacy's mom? [09:49] nah, but she has it going on [09:49] oops s/HiBall/Highbie [09:49] She's not available because she's a total skank. She's having sex with all of Jimmy's other friends. [09:49] Jimmy's willing to dress up in her clothes, though. [09:49] er [09:49] lmao [09:49] a) off-topic, b) http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct === kutucape [~zayn@] has joined #ubuntu [09:49] speaking of which, they have the hottest fake chicks in the longest yard === mode/#ubuntu [+o bob2] by ChanServ === seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-13-73.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [09:50] Highbie: what does it say if you just run "rename" without arguments? Or "rename/?"? [09:50] i have no clue, incorrect syntaxx? === mindspin thinks that this channel should be calld #dr.ruth === dooglus thinks it should be called "anything goes, but don't mention ubuntu" === _seth [~seth@pool-68-236-143-110.alb.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:51] The Elimidate is affecting my mind. [09:51] wow, i can't believe those date shows haven't been canceled yet === Kumar [~Kumar@nexs.auriga.ru] has left #ubuntu [""] [09:51] too bad blind date probably gets horrible ratings now === _pavel_ [~1033211A2@] has joined #ubuntu === funkmeister [~pd@eth779.vic.adsl.internode.on.net] has left #ubuntu [] [09:52] Highbie, where are you? [09:52] oakland === vIkSiT [~Viksit@] has joined #ubuntu [09:52] IC [09:52] They aren't canceled... Just on at 2 AM. xD === _pavel_ [~1033211A2@] has left #ubuntu [] [09:52] an actual Ubuntu question: how the heck do I get Nautilus to open as a max/full screen window? it keeps opening too small [09:52] same bad tv stuff all over the world === thekoreuk [~sean@dsl-80-46-206-32.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu === hyphenated [~cgilmour@] has joined #ubuntu [09:53] so is the really cool network config tool part of sabayon or something ubuntu built? [09:53] i want to go to japan, they have polluted beaches so they built a giant indoor beach with loads of hot japanese chicks in bikinis [09:53] dougsk: gnome-system-tools [09:53] how can i paste from clipboard into xterm? [09:53] I also want to go to Japan... because... Uh... Okay, I don't have a reason. [09:53] Highbie, what about a cold shower? [09:53] ctrl+shift+v doesn't work [09:54] helps sometimes [09:54] how can i set konquer as my default file browser? [09:54] bob2, ah right on thanks [09:54] digitus, ctrl+shift+v [09:54] hm [09:54] digitus, click both left and right buttons at the same time in the terminal === telemaco [~telemaco@130.Red-81-36-81.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:54] digitus: middle couck? === JohnFights [~John@AC9A8AA1.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:54] er, click. [09:54] i tried, but it's hard to pleasure myself in cold water [09:54] Ubobtu: #kubuntu [09:54] aaaah thx! [09:54] Ubobtou install kubuntu [09:54] digitus, try third mouse button. [09:54] Highbie: come on dude [09:54] I want to become a hot Japanese girl in a bikini so I can walk around on a fake beach and attract good-looking foreigners. [09:54] mouse1 + mouse2 works === factorx [~factorx@dsl-084-060-025-198.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:54] mouse3 too.. :> [09:55] ./linpal: error while loading shared libraries: libcurl.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [09:55] :) there are a number of ways which usually vary for distro... but one of those stated will always work === iceman [~iceman@ip68-103-13-66.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:55] i did apt-get for curl but its not working [09:55] bob2, i dun wanna change to kde i just wanna use konquer for my file browser in Gnome === armeida [dummy@p54AC20CF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === [1] omgwtf [~omgwtf@CPE0050f27c12ed-CM000f9f57a5f6.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:55] any one know a old linux distro that will run on a 486 dx 100 system [09:55] JohnFights: where did you get that binary from? [09:55] Ubuntu is like crack... I can't tear myself away. [09:55] iceman: ubuntu [09:55] JohnFights: where did you get 'linpal' from? [09:55] Ubobtu: that's pushing the definition of "in gnome" [09:55] ruinedsoft web page [09:56] Ubobtu, look at update-alternatives [09:56] <[1] omgwtf> Can anyone tell me what they recommend for system specs to run ubuntu? [09:56] http://www.ruinedsoft.com/linpal [09:56] can you play wow on linux operating systems? [09:56] bob2 will it run x [09:56] ubotu: find libcurl.so.2 === daniele [~daniele@host175-73.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [09:56] Ubobtu, apt-get konqueror, and voila. [09:56] iceman: if course... [09:56] er, "of" [09:56] Ubuntu Search of 'libcurl.so.2' (1 shown): (/usr/lib/{libcurl.so.2|libcurl.so.2.0.2}) in universe/libs/libcurl2. [09:56] bob2 ... gnome ? or kde ... [09:56] [1] omgwtf: for gnome, you'd want a p2-400 with 256mb of ram to be comfortable === george_ [~george@ppp-68-89-185-131.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === bigfoot [~hideseek@FLH1Aaz006.fko.mesh.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu [09:56] why the heck does the mac only have 1 mouse click? [09:56] ouch [09:56] iceman: I'm pretty sure we've had this conversation five thousands times now [09:57] bob2: Have you had any break at all for the last couple of hours? :P [09:57] watch them make a mouse with one main button, and a bunch of secondary buttons on the sides [09:57] iceman: if you want to run X on a 486, use something like fluxbox [09:57] it'll still be considered a 1 button mac mouse though, them bastards === alex_ [~alex@] has joined #ubuntu [09:57] Highbie: this seems kinda off-topic and trolly [09:57] <[1] omgwtf> bob: Could a celeron 500 /w 256 pc100 feel ok? [09:57] <[1] omgwtf> *533mhz even [09:57] [1] omgwtf: should be fine [09:58] <[1] omgwtf> alright, thank [09:58] [1] omgwtf, yes [09:58] <[1] omgwtf> *thanks [09:58] [1] omgwtf: OO will be about the only thing that will really tax it [09:58] who in here is on Kde? [09:58] me [09:58] Ubobtu: #kubuntu is full of kde users... [09:58] <_seth> Ubobtu, you might want to go to #kubuntu [09:58] bob2 dont think it has a nic card in it ... old desktop [09:58] dougsk, do you know why it still wont work? [09:58] no i just wanna see if KDE works better than gnome [09:58] hi fellow Ubuntists, I'm looking for an internet service that can monitor webpages to see if they have changed. And if the webpage changes, it will then send you an email to let you know. Does anybody here have a way to track websites, without having to visit each one manually? I used to use netmind.com, but that service is gone. Thank. [09:58] I'm curious... How does one pronounce Ubuntu? Currently, I think it's You-Bun-Too. [09:59] primary its a matter of taste i think [09:59] Ubobtu: that is of course subjective, try both and see which one YOU like [09:59] how crap, something like that used to exist? [09:59] holy* [09:59] lol [09:59] DekaPink: oo-boon-too [09:59] wonder why netminds went outta business [09:59] bob2: Thank you. :D === Hoxzer [Hoxzer@b62-248-241-114.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [09:59] bigfoot: that's like 4 lines of shell scripting [09:59] bob2 ... was hopping to get a old linux version... that might play nice on a old old old machine ... [10:00] iceman: why would an older one work better than a newer one? === JohnFights is now known as JohnnyRotten [10:00] He's used to windows [10:00] bob2 ... kde .. used it way back in redhat 5.2 ... seemed ok ... [10:00] iceman: that's kde, not distributions [10:00] do tell, bob2. 8-). But I don't want to be bothered with small changes in webpages (such as if an ad on the page has changed, or when the "current date" has changed). ONly want it to notify me when there's actual content that has been changed. === nern [~nern@] has joined #ubuntu [10:01] bob2 just dont see a archive for it [10:01] iceman: for kde 1? [10:01] bob2 so much bloat in newer installs ... [10:01] bigfoot: ok! [10:01] iceman: bloat is subjective === Xyrouz [~Xyrouz@0x3e42bd6c.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [10:01] bigfoot: how are you supposed to tell the difference, from a computer's perspective, between an ad or a text change? [10:01] Looks like it depends on libcurl2. I've libcurl2 and libculr3 installed according to dpkg --get-selections [10:02] bob2 ... true .. just best way to desctibe it ... this will only have a 2 gig hdd .... === alex_ [~alex@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === J0el [~JOel@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:02] iceman: try looking for a distro intended for a usb drive [10:02] bigfoot: of course, it's easy if the text you want to examine for change is all within one frame [10:02] Methynutnut, I don't know. But just to make things clear, the thing i said about text change is that I want there to be some sort of threshold first that has to be reached before i am notified of the change. [10:03] iceman: disk space is not going to be your problem [10:03] yeah it does i just found libcurl2 with synaptic [10:03] bigfoot: define how to calculate the level of "change" [10:03] apt-get installed libcurl3 [10:03] bob2 ... small processor ... limited ram ... all issues === GNAM [~GNAM@host61-241.pool80183.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [10:03] bob2, like maybe, the equivalent of 2 paragraphs of text being added or removed. [10:03] iceman: yes, I know. why do you think ubuntu will have problems with that? [10:04] hey hey hey [10:04] bigfoot: ya fair enough, but it's hard to implement sort of "soft" triggers like that === jamin [~jamin@ppp-70-249-221-40.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:04] hmm more errors bunch of new ones this time :( [10:05] paste them to #flood [10:05] bob2 ... preformance ... based on the bloat ... works great and i'm please with ubuntu on the p4 ... but on a 486 100 ... at least some preformance might be nice [10:05] yes, the bittorrent tracker is down started weeks ago [10:05] bob2, or maybe, viewing the Current Page and then telling the Notifier Program that if a phrase is changed (i.e. "Number of Posts: 4" becomes something other than that) , to notify me. [10:05] iceman, no kde will work well on 486 [10:06] iceman: ok, please, stop spouting things without thinking [10:06] using kubuntu [10:06] iceman: what particular programs do you think are going to be "bloat" on a 486? [10:06] Fikrann, your being facetious right? === mode/#ubuntu [-o bob2] by bob2 [10:06] kde3 on a 486 will be like washing your eyes out with glass shards [10:06] bob2 whats hard drive needed for full install [10:06] bob2, nice analogy -- oof ouch [10:07] iceman: 1.8GB [10:07] bigfoot: cool, offer money and someone will do it [10:07] bob2, i pasted them in there [10:07] bob2 wow .. pushing that 2 gig to the limit ... [10:07] iceman: dude [10:07] iceman: think for a moment [10:07] iceman: if you're using fluxbox, you can remove gnome [10:08] dougsk, I meant that it'd work horribly; I simply phrased that wrong. [10:08] iceman: and 600MB of that 1.8GB is for package cache, so that's 600MB saved as soon as the install is done [10:08] JohnnyRotten: either the tarball is incomplete, or you installed it wrong [10:08] Okay, I've got a craving for Xena now... :3 [10:08] iceman, you should be able to pick up ten gig for about 10-15 bucks from goodwill or the local whitebox shop [10:08] Fikrann, ah okay thanks [10:08] bob2 no way to download flux ... no nic to download ... but might try it ... [10:09] iceman: so burn it to a cd [10:09] iceman: or spend $3 on a nic [10:09] iceman: or use a floppy === JustOneIt [~simone@] has joined #ubuntu [10:09] dougsk no where close has a 10 gig or even good hardware ... maybe a 3 or 4 hour drive .. [10:09] fluxbox should fit on a floppy, yes. [10:10] wow ... flux on a floppy ... ;) [10:10] bob2,actually, there's some sort of a "replacement" to what netmind offered a few years ago. changedetect.com. But I'm not sure how to get it configured to the right sensitivity. [10:10] it's only a few hundred K [10:10] Hi! :) is it possible to make the system use my .xinitrc file when i connect through another user? [10:11] JustOneIt: why don't you "connect" as your user? [10:11] thanks yes it was incomplete the one i downloaded just had the binary and the other files where missing === Hylas [~Hylas@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu === natalie [~blly@] has joined #ubuntu === esra_17f [~student-2@dsl81-215-29292.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu === ASLI_ [~amadeuses@] has joined #ubuntu [10:12] iceman, ebay plus shipping is your friend. OT rant -- I think disk space should be a relativley non-issue especially for ubuntu and what appears to be ubuntu's goals. Possibly look into netbsd or damnsmall [10:12] JustOneIt, copy it to the other user's home dir. === serap_gul [~student-2@] has joined #ubuntu === CERKEZ_KIZI [~ceto_@dsl81-215-59992.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu === cleopatra [~hakan@dsl81-214-20381.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu [10:12] dougsk, I do agree. === cisem_ [~ASTSUBAY_@] has joined #ubuntu [10:12] bob2: i mean when i start with my user i want to use icewm instad of gnome... i did it, but it doesn't read my .xinitrc... :( [10:13] i know some questions might seem " DUM" but i learn from asking .. === AYLA_ [~kral@] has joined #ubuntu [10:13] JustOneIt: right, unless you choose the "debian session" or whatever it is in gdm === Agho [~Aghoo@AFontenayssB-105-2-2-9.w80-13.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === erika [~havra72@modemcable241.20-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu === thekoreuk [~sean@dsl-80-46-206-32.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:13] thank for your help dougsk [10:13] iceman: sure, but don't be too fast to disregard documentation [10:13] true ... === WhiteDove [~jimmys@ACBC4586.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:14] JohnnyRotten, I didn't do it, you did, but I'll take credit anyways [10:14] bob2: ok... is it possible to disble gdm? [10:14] lol [10:14] JustOneIt, check if you selected right option while logging in with your [g|k|w|x] dm [10:14] Hi again people [10:14] JustOneIt: sure, just uninstall it [10:14] bob2 know how to mask ip ... === seb128_ [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-25-24.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:15] Fikrann: where i can change option? [10:15] iceman: "mask ip"? [10:15] ip masqurade [10:16] iceman: install ipmasq on the ubuntu router machine [10:16] anyone know of any dyndsn clients for gnome/kde? [10:16] iceman: that's something completely different [10:16] Could someone give me a hand please, Im REALLY stuck [10:16] go ahead === hno73 [~hno73@henrik.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [10:16] JustOneIt, it depends on which dm are you using, but you usually have some sort of 'choose session' button laying around. [10:17] ill work on that on ubuntu tomarrow ... night all [10:17] bob2 thanks again [10:17] well, you see, Im stuck at setting up my wireless network card [10:17] JohnnyRotten: why would you use a gui client for that? [10:18] sorry dunno nothing about wireless (hate it) [10:18] JohnnyRotten: I've just used the commandline no-ip.org client [10:18] anyone know anything about wireless? [10:18] the ipcheck one didnt work for me [10:18] yeah it is a bitch mindspin [10:19] no I hate wireless at all ;-) for several reasons [10:19] WhiteDove: you have to give specific questions if you want help === Tallia1 [~Tallia1@adsl-197-177.38-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [10:20] oh okay, well see, its simple I can't set it up, lol. I've tried two tutorials already but they didn't work [10:20] will the microsoft usb wireless adapter work in linux :) [10:20] It also helps to say what exactly what you're trying to achieve, rather than what you've done and asking why it doesn't work === AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === Tallia1 [~Tallia1@adsl-197-177.38-151.net24.it] has left #ubuntu ["Che] === Tallia1 [~Tallia1@adsl-197-177.38-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu === vanhelsing [~a@] has joined #ubuntu [10:21] I have a: Belkin G 54MB/s wirless card, lspci identifies it as this, however: 0000:02:00.0 Network controller: RaLink Ralink RT2500 802.11 Cardbus Reference Card (rev 01) [10:21] JohnnyRotten, you have about 40% chance to get it working. [10:21] and Im trying to get it set up and recognised in the network admin tool [10:22] how would i a go about trying to get it working === pizzathief [~Ilikepizz@adsl-130-26.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [10:22] WhiteDove, http://www.bb-zone.com/misc/rt2500/ [10:23] i was thinking it was 0% chance [10:24] ySOMEONE COULD BAN: ASLI_ erika and esra_17f ........ they're sending spam everywhere...... [10:24] Tallia1: please chill out === bob2 [~rob@crumbs.ertius.org] has left #ubuntu [] === bob2 [~rob@crumbs.ertius.org] has joined #ubuntu [10:24] WhiteDove, I'd look here http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page It appears as if it's been recently gpl'ed === mode/#ubuntu [+o bob2] by ChanServ [10:24] JohnnyRotten, ndiswrapper seems to work with the windoze driver, but the only card I tried it on died the same day I got ndiswrapper to work. === mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by bob2 === ASLI_ [~amadeuses@] has left #ubuntu [requested] === mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@dsl81-215-29292.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] by bob2 === esra_17f [~student-2@dsl81-215-29292.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has left #ubuntu [requested] === Hoxzer^^ [Hoxzer@b62-248-241-114.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [10:25] wd === kamstrup [~kamstrup@0x3e42da90.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === dougsk it's a dirty job thanks === goldfish [~nldlsjdlk@carbon.redbrick.dcu.ie] has joined #ubuntu [10:26] bob2: tnx === DelWork [~peter@port22.ds1-abc.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [10:27] thank you :) === dougsk [~doug@65.61.112-64.ptr.llix.net] has joined #ubuntu === oseb [~oseb@] has joined #ubuntu === dougsk hit the wrong x-button === Nakkel [~nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #ubuntu === oseb [~oseb@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:32] when i start up gnomebaker it fails, and tells me "device out of bounds" - anyone know what to with this? === sKaBoy [~luogni@host119-103.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [10:32] so um guys, I've untarred it, what do I do now, sorry Im a bit of a newb at compiling === fabs [~fabio@host217-43-3-165.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:32] hello all [10:33] Guys, is it really important to use an Antivirus on Linux sys [10:33] never mind, I found a faq, lol [10:33] WhiteDove: look for files called README or INSTALL, or a doc or docs directory [10:33] no [10:33] WhiteDove, ./configure [10:33] fabs: there isn't really any nead for it [10:34] bob2, oh I see thx, cos I just found a guide about ClamAV [10:34] fabs: Just make sure you know what rm -rf does and you should be fine === ToutPT|ppc|fr [~toutpt@ANantes-151-1-27-48.w83-195.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:34] Methynutnut, sure np, ta [10:34] fabs: yeah, it exists, but it's mostly for scanning things for windows machines === wulfy814 [~lorentz@dsl093-061-214.pit1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:34] fabs, the point to clamav akaict is for running on a linux mail server to prtect winboxen [10:35] argh no, not this page again, this is what happened last time, and it didn't work grrr [10:35] oh is there any way to keep the sys in good shape, I mean keeping it up speed? [10:35] dougsk, thx clearer now :) [10:35] fabs: yo udon't really need to do anything === Tallia1[UbuntU] [~Tallia1[U@adsl-197-177.38-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [10:35] see, I followed this page to the letter and it didn't work: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Rt2500WirelessCardsHowTo/ === Tallia1[UbuntU] 2 [~Tallia1[U@adsl-197-177.38-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu === Tallia1[UbuntU] [~Tallia1[U@adsl-197-177.38-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [10:36] WhiteDove: You need to be specific, what went wronG? === zayn_ [~zayn@] has joined #ubuntu [10:36] bob2, oh that's great, cos I was thinking something like diskdefrag === Tallia1[UbuntU] [~Tallia1[U@adsl-197-177.38-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu === thisfred [~thisfred@a80-127-80-154.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:37] fabs: linux filesystems don't tend to get fragmented [10:37] bob2, oh paradise :) [10:37] I couldn't find it in administration-> networking after I did a make [10:37] like it said I would === mode/#ubuntu [-o bob2] by bob2 [10:38] oops, lol [10:38] do you have the module running? [10:39] bob2, so its just no worries to keeping it tidy and clean then [10:39] Im not sure, I'll go through the process again === Luje [~luke@rs224142.resnet.wright.edu] has joined #ubuntu [10:39] fabs: there's not much to do, they tend to just run... [10:39] erm, you could just try: modprobe rt2500.ko [10:39] Hello, everyone. === vIkSiT [~Viksit@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:40] WhiteDove, it appears as if the makefile doesn't work in ubuntu--looking for /lib/modules/uname -r/build/, it might require the kernel headers and some such, not sure [10:40] to build kernel modules, you need to "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)" [10:41] already got them, it was part of the steps === OConnor [~BaronConn@dyn-83-154-132-251.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu === ToutPT|ppc|fr [~toutpt@ANantes-151-1-27-48.w83-195.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:42] guys, is: sudo insmod rt2500.ko supposed to show me something? === DekaPink [~DekaPink@brndmb02dc1-218-74.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:42] no [10:42] don't use insmod [10:43] oh, okay [10:43] is it bad if I already have? [10:43] no [10:43] okay [10:43] but things may not work if you do === Quarupted [~quar@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu [10:43] :s === OConnor [~BaronConn@dyn-83-154-132-251.ppp.tiscali.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:43] WhiteDove, use sudo modprobe rt2500 .. it shouldn't show anything if it succeeds. [10:43] How can I copy a dir and all its subfolders? === donar73 [~donar73@p54B840A2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === diblo [~lp@218-160-75-69.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:44] Quarupted: cp -a [10:44] cp /old/dir /new/dir -a ? [10:44] ah, it says that its not found [10:44] damn it [10:44] Quarupted: yes [10:44] Quarupted: tho it's customary to put the -a before the paths [10:45] WhiteDove, did you run make install and depmod -a [10:45] ? === bilge [~drss@] has joined #ubuntu === pelin [~PresenT@] has joined #ubuntu [10:45] no, it just told me is do a make === selina [~theresa@] has joined #ubuntu === Swynndla [~Swynndla@210-54-11-182.ipsm.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu === hatice [~deborah@] has joined #ubuntu === esher [esher@online.with.eth0.ws] has joined #ubuntu === BebeK [~seigneur@] has joined #ubuntu [10:45] Extension System Warning: Failed to set up default extensions files probably because you do not have write privileges to this location. While you can run Firefox like this, it is recommended that you run it at least once with privileges that allow it to generate these initial files to improve start performance. Running from a disk image on MacOS X is not recommended. [10:45] (Gecko:31073): libgnomevfs-WARNING **: Cannot create pipe for GnomeVFSProcess initialization: Too many open files === nurseli_25 [~elif-su@216-160-120-231.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:45] how can i give a folder full perms for everyone? [10:45] my firefox wont start [10:46] any idea ? === shawarma [~sh@] has joined #ubuntu [10:46] Quarupted: chmod ugo=rwx ./dir/ === _seth [~seth@pool-68-236-143-110.alb.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:46] Quarupted: chmod -R 0777 [10:46] Quarupted: be very careful, though... === Codestorm [~Codestorm@203-217-88-74.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === |Ivanch0| [~blas@] has joined #ubuntu === rudolf [~rudi@] has joined #ubuntu [10:46] Methynutnut: making files executable could be problematic [10:46] yeah true [10:46] disregard -R [10:46] esher: what odd thing have you done? === AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] === Swynndla [~Swynndla@210-54-11-182.ipsm.net.nz] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:47] Hello all. [10:47] argh, brain hurting, lol === zeedo [~zeedo@www.reboot-robot.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:47] <_seth> Hey guys. Any idea why when I try to download a file using Firefox, I get errors about XML parsing syntax error? [10:47] it said: grep: /etc/modprobe.conf: No such file or directory [10:47] WhiteDove, I followed bob2's advice about installing kernel headers and the make file compiled succsessfully [10:47] _seth: Have you upgraded Mozilla and not restarted it? === peanut [~peanut@] has joined #ubuntu [10:48] Hi. How can I get procmail to only include a file if it exists? [10:48] WhiteDove, not having the card I can't go much further [10:48] yeah === rangga [~ws010@] has joined #ubuntu [10:48] <_seth> shawarma, well, what do you know..... [10:48] _seth: If you upgrade it you need to close firefox totally. Also the download manager.. Do that, start it again and voila! [10:48] _seth: :-D [10:49] <_seth> shawarma, totally forgot I had updated... === aeolist [~aeolist@ppp-229-038.dialup.ntua.gr] has joined #ubuntu === rudolf [~rudi@] has left #ubuntu [] === rudolf [~rudi@] has joined #ubuntu === jack056 [~a@] has joined #ubuntu === rudolf [~rudi@] has left #ubuntu [] [10:50] Please can bilge and hatice be banned? They're sending joiners a link to a website with a virus === bob2 [~rob@crumbs.ertius.org] has left #ubuntu [] === bob2 [~rob@crumbs.ertius.org] has joined #ubuntu [10:50] a windows virus? [10:50] Nic: Yup === johnnybezak [~johnnybez@203-217-35-82.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [10:50] pfft === rudolf [~adamkovic@] has joined #ubuntu [10:50] shit happens ;) [10:50] hey hey === mode/#ubuntu [+o bob2] by ChanServ [10:50] Nic: I'm presuming its a virus. the message is Photo hXXp://busecik.aLLhyper.com/photo.jpg [10:51] <_seth> Yeah, I got those also. [10:51] i change the http to hXXp === mode/#ubuntu [+b hatice!*@*] by bob2 === bigfoot [~hideseek@FLH1Aaz006.fko.mesh.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu [10:51] A JPEG virus? === mode/#ubuntu [+b bilge!*@*] by bob2 [10:51] when i go there, i get a download prompt [10:51] thanks === hatice was kicked off #ubuntu by bob2 (bob2) [10:51] peanut: Yup, and it tries to open some .exe-file === bilge was kicked off #ubuntu by bob2 (bob2) [10:51] those are sneaky [10:51] danke :) === zayn__ [~zayn@] has joined #ubuntu [10:51] Methynutnut: No, not jpeg but script auto-run win executable. [10:52] Now my procmail question! Can procmail be told only to include a file if it exists? [10:52] ah ok === kevin [~kevin@dsl-80-42-185-243.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:52] thanks, rudolf [10:52] peanut: better off asking on the procmail list, or the ubuntu-user list === mode/#ubuntu [-o bob2] by bob2 [10:52] bob2: ok thanks [10:53] hey guys how do I change xterm colours === Red13 [~Matt@host81-130-179-110.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:53] johnnybezak: with X resources [10:53] Is it true that 'xcompmgr' only works in KDE? [10:53] reamtS: no [10:53] bob2: where's that at? [10:53] johnnybezak: you set them in ~/.Xdefaults === rudolf [~adamkovic@] has left #ubuntu [] [10:53] it's not all that simple to explain [10:53] hey all === Ocid [~pete@a81-197-116-20.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [10:54] bob2: ok ill check it out [10:54] can anyone help me with printer networking? === |maddox| [~ubuntu@a212-113-184-80.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu [10:54] Red13: Just ask your question. It's easier that way. [10:54] bob2: sweet jesus, it works =) [10:54] lol, sorry [10:55] Hi [10:55] ive just started using ubuntu on my machine in the office, and we have a netowrked photocopier for priniting, but i cant seem to get connected [10:56] how long should a 40GB cp of an ntfs to a fat32 partition take? [10:56] long time [10:56] Quarupted: Same disk? === Adamkovic [~rudi@] has joined #ubuntu [10:56] Yes [10:56] same disk [10:57] very long time then [10:57] ;) [10:57] maybe hours if the disk is old [10:57] like how long? === pablo928 [~paul@az-yuma-cuda1x-159.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:57] the disk is altra ATA 10,000 rpm [10:57] Quarupted: Hour and a half, I guess. [10:57] ultra [10:58] Red13, it should be using standard lpr queue, like most of them do. Try nmapping it and check if it has port 515 open. [10:58] Quarupted: How long as it taken so far? [10:58] UDMA 10000RPM + 1TB [10:58] like 10 mins [10:58] good [10:58] thanx, ill give it a go :) [10:58] mine is 4 TB [10:58] Server drive [10:58] SATA sucks [10:59] SATA II sucks [10:59] ya [10:59] Quarupted: Oh.. Go read a book or something. You've got a long wait ahead of you. === batma8 [~batma8@68-67-23-58.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:59] SCSI lol [10:59] go FibreChannel [10:59] Ya know, PATA gets the job done [10:59] im using beep media player to play divx, mp3 and xvid,and ogle to play my dvds === Harnak [~chatzilla@219-88-196-11.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu === nowlin [~nowlin@D40A91EF.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu [11:00] but when i try to open video, or dvds..the programs just shutdown [11:00] any ideas? [11:00] Question to any person who plays media files on his computer: i get pink streaks running on Totem while I'm playing a movie file. How can I stop it? The panel shows that only 5% of the processor is being used. Can I somehow stop all other programs and just run the movie player? Or will getting out of the GUI help? [11:00] batma8: good idea [11:00] What do the values when you see the load average mean? For example when you see 1.56 what does the 1.56 represent? [11:00] batma8, run them from console, so you'll see the exact error. [11:00] bigfoot: what video chipset? [11:00] bob2, how can i tell+ [11:00] ? [11:01] bigfoot, switch to xine. You won't be disappointed. [11:01] Harnak: Average number of running processes. [11:01] Harnak: that, in theory, on avaerage, 1.56 processes wanted to run in the past minute [11:01] batma8: $xmms [11:01] Fikrann: how would that help? [11:01] xmms? [11:01] bigfoot: you don't know what hardware you computer has? [11:01] shawarma: thanks! [11:01] batma8: $ggplayer [11:01] um, Im getting an error when I do: sudo cp ~/rt2500-cvs-2005601/Module/rt2500.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ [11:01] Harnak: No problem. [11:01] Harnak: it doesn't mean much, except that higher = more stuff wanted to run [11:01] bob2, not exactly. But I think my copmuter doesn't have a high-tech dedicated video card. But I'm not sure. === Codestorm [~Codestorm@203-217-88-74.dyn.iinet.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === lovely_beeroe [~abcd@] has joined #ubuntu [11:02] WhiteDove: When you're sudoing ~ points to /root and not /home/whitedove or whatever === incubii [incubii@] has joined #ubuntu [11:02] bigfoot: paste the output of "lspci | grep VGA" in here [11:02] Man its taking forever [11:02] dvdreadblocks failed === prego [~prego@28.Red-213-97-37.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:02] bob2, 0000:00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corp. 82815 CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller] (rev 04) [11:03] Quarupted: you don't actually have to sit there the whole time... [11:03] bob2: *G* === Noobix [NoobixCube@d220-236-15-123.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === patrikm [~pat@224.98.98-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu === TongMaster [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:03] hi all [11:03] hi [11:03] hi......... [11:03] bigfoot: close totem. run "gstreamer-properties" -> video -> default output, aqnd select "X windows (no Xv)". [11:03] Fikrann: dvdreadblocks failed === Madpilot [~yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [11:04] Quarupted: Seriously, go find something else to do besides looking at that transfer. It's no fun at all. [11:04] bob2, what else am i gunna do the old lady is passed out [11:04] QUESTION : ipw2100 : firmware no loaded after kernel recompile. any idea ? [11:04] patrikm: don't recompile your kernel then [11:04] patrikm: what doesn't the default support? [11:04] I cannot auth backports packages. I've followed ubuntuguide instructions about that, but still unable to authentificate... what's wrong? [11:05] prego: ask on the forums, after reading the backport webpage [11:05] bob2, default is ok [11:05] Quarupted: Dunno... Nosepicking does the trick for me most of the time. [11:05] lol [11:05] bob2, but with /boot/config-default : no chance === rahime [~Bohemia@dsl81-214-20711.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu === asiye^ [~hones@] has joined #ubuntu [11:05] patrikm: I don't know what you're talking about. why are you compiling your own kernel, though? === cindy [~linda___@] has joined #ubuntu === lale_ [~kimberly@] has joined #ubuntu === sevda__ [~gonca@] has joined #ubuntu [11:05] Quarupted: You're bound to find something interesting if you're digging for an hour and a half. [11:06] batma8, I've no idea what can that mean. [11:06] Last time i got bored i decided to rm -rf / and see if i could stop it before it broke === gulpembe [~ReTuRN@] has joined #ubuntu [11:06] yah..me neither [11:06] bob2, do i have to remember this last piece of instructions? I mean, will there be a time when i should not be using "Xwindows (No Xv)"? [11:06] bigfoot: did it work? [11:06] bob2, to change the CPU id [11:07] bob2, yes, playing movies in totem is a lot smoother! [11:07] bob2, amongst other stuff : no big change from default oldconfig though [11:07] patrikm: why do you want to do that? [11:07] patrikm: it's so much easier to just not do this === Xyrouz [~Xyrouz@0x3e42bd6c.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === ke-vin [~meme@203-59-18-103.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:07] i have to install windows for my wire, if i do it will screw up my bootloader huh? [11:07] bob2, i want to be able to do what iwill on my sys [11:08] patrikm: you can do whatever you want [11:08] bob2, includinf recomiling anutime === ilba7r [~ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] bob2, anytime [11:08] patrikm, change you cpu is by far is the easiest way. [11:08] patrikm: but be aware that if you do things you don't understand, you will break your systemm [11:08] what do you guys use to watch dvd discs [11:08] bob2, ok bobby [11:08] batma8, xine [11:08] xine [11:08] patrikm: the fix is to copy the firmware in /lib/hotplug/firmware/ [11:08] batma8: mplayer or xine, depending on whether I want the menus or not [11:08] xine huh [11:08] patrikm: and please don't try to patronise people advising you [11:08] sometimes totem [11:08] I managed to bork my firefox [11:08] bob2, ok bobby [11:08] damnit [11:09] I like mplayer's keyboard controls better than xine [11:09] anyone know if there's any ms access driver for java in linux? [11:09] moron [11:09] bob2, ty bobby a loot === athlon [~athlon@174pc.wohnheimg.uni-frankfurt.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:09] bigfoot: the problem is a bug in either your X driver or your video hardware (I don't know which, but I have the same problem), so you can try switching it back whe nyou switch to breezy (possibly new X will work around/fix it) [11:10] so from synaptic id dload xine-ui [11:10] right? === RichiH [richih@richih.staff.freenode] has joined #ubuntu [11:11] umm... I'm a Linux noob (actually I'm using win XP at the moment *shudder*), I was just wondering if my USB modem will still work when i switch, i've had a few people tell me otherwise [11:11] bob2, thanks for your reply. IF the problem lies in the Xdriver, does this mean that the software/code was not written well? And if the problem is with my videohardware, what is the problem with it? [11:11] bob2, why do you want to play the smart guy bobby ? [11:11] Noobix: depends on the modem [11:11] patrikm: please just stop it [11:11] batma8, yes [11:11] if anyone gets spammed with onjoin stuff, please /msg me [11:11] bob2, and why would you not want to fine tune yur ubuntu benetton system ? [11:12] bob2, and why... and why [11:12] bigfoot: well, it depends; most video cards aren't documented very well, so the X programmers have to guess various things, and they may have guessed wrong [11:12] bob2: do you know anything about a D-Link DSL-302G [11:12] bob2, whyyyyyyyy === Xyrouz_ [~Xyrouz@0x3e42bd6c.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [11:12] patrikm: no more warnings === SlackFart2 [~el_fart0@soundscape.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:12] Noobix: ah, yes, I'm talking to you via one right now [11:12] bob2, cop is bobby === mode/#ubuntu [+o bob2] by ChanServ [11:12] bob2, bobby is cop === patrikm [~pat@224.98.98-84.rev.gaoland.net] has left #ubuntu [requested] === upgrdman [~upgrdman@upgrdman.artist.blender] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] bob2: ah cool, so I won't need to change it at all? not even plug it into ethernet instead? [11:13] bigfoot: I don't know what it being a hardware bug would entail, I don't know very much about that sort of thing [11:13] Noobix: I only ever used it via ethernet [11:13] where is the kernel log? (not dmesg) [11:13] upgrdman: /var/log/kern.log? [11:13] bob2: I don't think I can, its in a usb port atm :( [11:13] RichiH: same deal as #debian (people tend to tell me to kick them)? [11:14] Noobix: you don't have an ethernet carD? [11:14] dont think so [11:14] will having the setting at "X windows (NoVx)" mean that the playback quality is in someway inferior to what it was before we made the change? [11:14] bigfoot: no [11:14] bigfoot: it will just use slightly mroe cpu === Ocid [~pete@a81-197-116-20.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has left #ubuntu ["no] [11:14] My firefox claims that the profile is in use when in fact it isn't. I've used links to search with google for help, and I've done what the knowledge base suggests, search for the lockfile. I can't however locate it. I've uninstalled firefox and reinstalled it and no help. What am I doing wrong? [11:14] Xvideo is an extension to X to make the video card do some more of the work if displaying video. [11:15] Myrtti: rm ~/.mozilla/firefox/blah/lock [11:15] Myrtti: (make sure you have all instance of it closed first) [11:15] brb [11:15] Myrtti: reinstalling it won't help [11:15] bob2: of course. any spambot or some such you or anybody else notices should be /msg'ed to staff or reported in #freenode === Malsid [~Mal@pppoe0-99-luxdsl-176.pt.lu] has joined #ubuntu [11:15] Noobix: I don't know if it works in usb mode or not, what does google say? [11:15] Hello [11:15] bob2: did ps -axu |grep firefox, no running instances, cannot find the lockfile [11:15] bob2: we had a smallish join wave across various channels. what bots were left i klined [11:16] Myrtti: ~/.mozilla/firefox/*default*/lock [11:16] Myrtti: rm $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/*/lock [11:16] bob2: but i don't know when the next wave is acoming [11:16] oh [11:16] RichiH: ah, thanks [11:16] whaddaya know [11:16] <_seth> What package contains wlanctl-ng? [11:16] bob2, your help, as always, is much appreciated. Thank you. [11:16] I must have wooden eyes [11:16] My mouse doesn't work. Any clues anybody? [11:16] _seth: linux-wlan-ng-tools or so [11:16] bigfoot: you're welcome. [11:16] back [11:16] Malsid: change the batteries ;-) [11:16] <_seth> THanks bob2. [11:17] bob2: Ill have a look now - or possibly there may be something on their site === Suriko [~suriko@135.136-142-203.dart.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] Mytrtti: Don't use batteries : ) === Methynutnut [~Methz0r@203-217-88-224.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === OConnor [~coco@dyn-83-154-132-251.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] <_seth> bob2, it was just linux-wlan-ng. Just for future reference, incase someone else asks. === martink [~martin@p54B38FA2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:18] Malsid: check your xorg.conf [11:18] _seth: ah, thanks [11:18] bob2, i'm just playing around with the output choices. How does Ascii Art (both options) work? All I get is gobbledygook in the terminal window. [11:18] for some reason, during bootup my raid1 mdX devices are not made early on enough, and i get fsck errors about no mdX nodes... but after booting up, i can mount my mdX nodes... how do i change the order of the init scripts? [11:18] _seth: I used to use it, seems my memory is failing me === mode/#ubuntu [-o bob2] by bob2 === Suriko [~suriko@135.136-142-203.dart.iprimus.net.au] has left #ubuntu [] === n3m3s1s [~nem@evolution.xandrearts.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:18] Hello [11:18] bigfoot: the goobldygook should be a text version of the movie [11:18] i have a problem :( [11:18] Noobix: best to just ask... [11:18] Hyphenator: Checked it... changed something brb. [11:18] how can you get a text version of a series of moving images, bob2? === OConnor [~coco@dyn-83-154-132-251.ppp.tiscali.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:19] Do you need to get a text movie first? [11:19] bigfoot: by drawing pixels as txt characters [11:19] no [11:19] when i write : apt-get update [11:19] i have this error : http://rafb.net/paste/results/SBaKyv66.html === mikl [~mikkel@mikl.active.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu === ilba7r [~ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu === Selin35 [~elisabeth@] has joined #ubuntu [11:20] for some reason, during bootup my raid1 mdX devices are not made early on enough, and i get fsck errors about no mdX nodes... but after booting up, i can mount my mdX nodes... how do i change the order of the init scripts? === resadiye [~iwo@] has joined #ubuntu [11:20] you don't need to repeat [11:20] bigfoot: Aalib can render images with regular characters. [11:20] I'm not sure it's safe to move the boot order, tho [11:21] you can just change the numbers at the start of the files in /etc/rc2.d [11:21] sory [11:21] shawarma, i'd like to see it to understand how texts can show a movie... sounds interesting. [11:21] well its just that i asked in the ubuntu forums and only one person responded, and told me to play with the boot orders === neredesin_f [~yasli_f_v@] has joined #ubuntu [11:21] <_seth> bigfoot, you've never seen the Matrix ASCII clip? [11:21] this is the error xine give me, "libdvdread: Encrypted DVD support Unavailable." [11:21] bigfoot: Find any movie you can play regularly with mplayer. Then set -ao aalib. Magic. === Malsid [~Mal@pppoe0-99-luxdsl-176.pt.lu] has joined #ubuntu [11:22] <_seth> batma8, did you install libdvdcss2? [11:22] i better look huh [11:22] ehheeh === SELCAN [~pobuler@modemcable169.154-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [11:22] <_seth> batma8, usually a good idea. =) [11:22] Hello again : ) [11:22] <_seth> Howdy! === spacey [~spacey@] has joined #ubuntu [11:23] oh i dont see libdvdcss2 in my repository === olaff [~olaff@] has joined #ubuntu [11:23] My problem: I'm a noob, just did fresh install of Ubuntu on my laptop but the mouse doesn't work. [11:23] <_seth> Go ahead and apt-get install libdvdcss2 then. [11:23] bigfoot: it's not in ubuntu for obvious reasons [11:23] shawarma, bob2, please take a look at the output when i ran the test on the "Default Sink:Output". Please check out http://img245.echo.cx/img245/2281/screenshot3hk.png. Do i need to change the text code? Where's the color? [11:23] <_seth> Should work for ya after that. [11:23] how do i install a .bin file? [11:23] hey guys how do I copy paste in an xterm/.? [11:24] select then middleclick [11:24] olaff: it had no instructions at all? [11:24] bigfoot: no, that's what it does === sengul_ [~Mirages@] has joined #ubuntu === allio_ [~omfg@202-169-215-101.megapass.worldnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [11:25] gotta go === Noobix [NoobixCube@d220-236-15-123.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] [11:25] oh. so i wonder what's the use of this Ascii movie player. IT's rather useless, isn't it? [11:25] bigfoot, install sl, open up a terminal, maximize it, type sl and press Enter. This should give you fairly good idea how text mode animations work. [11:25] _seth: Package libdvdcss2 is not available, but is referred to by another package. [11:25] This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or [11:25] is only available from another source [11:25] E: Package libdvdcss2 has no installation candidate === Celinee [~dilek____@dsl81-214-37000.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu === linukso [trondd@inch.ed.ntnu.no] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] <_seth> batma8, did you setup extra reps? [11:26] batma8, go check for RestrictedFormats on ubuntu wiki === Gul [~CndaBtch@p54A26676.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] Really easy way to earn karma here: Mouse not working upon install. Apologies for the flooding. [11:26] _seth: how do i set up the extra reps [11:26] ill go look fikrann [11:26] <_seth> http://ubuntuguide.org === elif^ [~ege---@pc18.sanidotudor.iasi.rdsnet.ro] has joined #ubuntu [11:27] Malsid: if someone wanted to try to help you, they would have to extract a lot of information from you first [11:27] Malsid: it's easier if you just offer it to begin with [11:27] Malsid, give more details or you'll be asking your question forever. [11:27] Malsid: e.g. url to your X log and your X config, description of what "doesn't work" means (no cursor at all? fixed cursor? jumpy cursor?) [11:28] I see the cursor. But it doesnt move click etc. [11:28] Malsid, touchpad or external mouse? [11:28] Either when I use my touchpad a usb mouse or a ps/2 === nurseli_25 [AbSoLaTioN@vlan-183-pppoe-202.comnet.bg] has joined #ubuntu === derJunior [~derJunior@p549FD284.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:29] _seth isnt there a way to do it from synaptic without terminal === carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === OConnor [~BaronConn@dyn-83-154-132-251.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu [11:29] <_seth> batma8, wouldn't know to be honest. I love CLI. [11:29] :) [11:29] ok [11:29] Ok that was wierd. Just plugged in the ps/2 mouse again and the cursor gave me control for like 3 seconds then stopped. === OConnor [~BaronConn@dyn-83-154-132-251.ppp.tiscali.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:30] Fikrann, i saw SL in action. Now I understand. Does this mean that regular movie files (avi, mov, etc) are not to be played as an Ascii movie? [11:30] Malsid, check if you have: Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice" in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf [11:30] bigfoot: it's not intended for serious use === shock [~shockwave@dsl-213-023-239-196.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:30] it's just a neat hack [11:31] Fikrann, by the way, what exactly is the purpose of SL? The description says it's supposed to correct you if you type SL by mistake. I don't get it. [11:31] is that the libcaca? [11:31] or aalib [11:31] bigfoot: it's just a joke [11:31] <_seth> Dear god, what happened to all the nice GTK theme makers? [11:31] ah excellent awesone [11:32] bigfoot, it's silly joke program. === athlon [~athlon@174pc.wohnheimg.uni-frankfurt.de] has joined #ubuntu === sandis [~sandis@] has joined #ubuntu [11:32] bigfoot: still, i tend to install it on all my systems :) [11:32] Fikrann: I do. [11:32] _seth, nothing, IMHO, since they never existed. [11:32] okay, now that I've "heard the joke," i've already uninstalled it. [11:33] <_seth> Fikrann, come on now. TIgertCrack was nice and simple. === no0tic [~no0tic@host126-85.pool8255.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [11:33] topyli, why did you install it on all your systems? ISn't seeing the choo-choo train once enough for you? Perhaps I'm not understanding the joke very well... [11:33] <_seth> Small, didn't get in the way. I miss those themes. [11:33] _seth, I never heard of this one. Where did you get it from? === sandis [~sandis@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:34] <_seth> http://art.gnome.org/themes/metacity/34 [11:34] bigfoot: well, really i appreciate useless software :) [11:34] Ahh.. got a job today. It feels good to be on my way to the working life again after 18 months of doing nothing but change diapers. === johnnybezak [~johnnybez@203-217-35-82.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:35] <_seth> Raskall, I've got my first due in a month. [11:35] topyli, 8) [11:35] _seth, no wonder I didn't hear about it. I abhor metacity. [11:35] <_seth> What do you use? === alerim [~alerim@voltaire-103-1-85.net1.nerim.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:35] _seth: :) I am a bit over qualified for this job, but its a job. its a first line support job. I have 4 years of college and 12 years of working experience. [11:36] _seth, openbox [11:36] wtc? I didn't realise there were still webmasters incompetent enough to list a system requirements on the front of their website: http://www.anytimeworld.com/landing.htm gaah! [11:36] anyone here have expierence with software raid in ubuntu, and willing to help me fix some issues [11:36] <_seth> Raskall, I'm a student right now, paying my way through as a waiter, with no expirence what so ever... === |Ivanch0| [~blas@] has joined #ubuntu === aLeSD [~alex@213-140-22-72.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:37] <_seth> Raskall, I did get a job offer in the IT department at MVP, a large insurance agency in my area. [11:37] If I owned I shop I wouldn't want a sales assistent that said "fuck off" to one in every ten people that walks in the door.. [11:37] _seth: :) you should have my job, then. It's, as mentioned, a helpdesk job for a dsl provider. [11:37] _seth: sounds exciting. [11:37] Fikrann: So you think the problem probably lies in the Xorg.conf? [11:37] <_seth> Raskall, wouldn't happen to be Verizon, would it? [11:37] UsefulIdiot, different strokes ... but anywaus I agree [11:37] UsefulIdiot: that must be the most clueless site i've seen in a while :) [11:38] topyli: indeed :) === bigfoot [~hideseek@FLH1Aaz006.fko.mesh.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu [11:38] Malsid, probably [11:38] <_seth> Raskall, if so, I have to say, you will most likely be getting a call from me a lot bitching about my line being down. === Jimbob [jcape@c-67-173-147-129.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:39] _seth: nope.. this is in norway. Tele2. [11:39] <_seth> Ah, gotcha. [11:39] Is there a way to re-effectuate the xorg.conf without rebooting the machine? [11:39] Malsid: restart X, logout and log back in again === lhb [lhb@kapsi.fi] has joined #ubuntu [11:39] can I find out what manufacturor and model my motherboard is through linux? [11:39] <_seth> Raskall, I need to be in my third semester to actually take the job at MVP, but I know the guy that runs the IT department. I might see if he can pull some strings. [11:40] bob2: So I have to restart X? [11:40] Malsid: to have changes to your X config take effect, yes... [11:40] brb :) [11:40] Malsid, yes. The fastest way is to press ctrl+alt+backspace. [11:40] <|Ivanch0|> hi, someone uses xchat? [11:41] Malsid, ctrl-alt-f1 login, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart [11:41] To all who take digital pictures: I'm looking for a great _free_ internet service to store my pictures online. I've tried flickr.com but 1: there's a monthly upload limit. 2: They don't keep the image size the same, if the file is a large file. I've heard also of the new ourmedia.org. It will retain the file's size and quality but it's made available for the whole world to see. So I'd like to ask for your recommendations.... I've been think [11:41] ing about imageshack.us... what do you think? anything better? [11:41] _seth: nice to know you have a job waiting when you are through school, isnt it? [11:41] |Ivanch0|, most of us, I'd say. === sTb [~sTb@dsl-084-056-106-093.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:41] <|Ivanch0|> and u know how to edit aliases ? [11:41] <_seth> Raskall, it's very nice, especially since the kid is almost here. Sure, I still have a while left in school, but by the time he is 2, I'll be setup with a NICE paying job/ [11:41] _seth: I worked in the army's it department a year right after school. was quite cool (and 11 years ago. Dammit, I'm old) [11:42] _seth: :) nice. [11:42] bigfoot, get your own websever and run a gallery? [11:42] <_seth> Raskall, Norwegian army? [11:42] does somebody of you have good "repository" for ubuntu? [11:42] Fikrann, the keyword is "free" 8) [11:42] sTb: er, the 10 000 packages on archive.ubuntu.com? [11:43] _seth: yes. at the department for the national guard. [11:43] <|Ivanch0|> Fikrann, you know? how to edit aliases? [11:43] Raskall, me to at least to the second part. I've had to do much work for clients at figuring out that stupid san francisco-washington dc fort bragg vpn thingamajing [11:43] bigfoot, you can always use your own connection for that. [11:43] <_seth> Raskall, cool. I was in the military also. [11:43] bob2, its not listing win32 codec and mplayer [11:43] _seth: in norway all males must go to the army for at least 1 year. === n3m3s1s [~nem@evolution.xandrearts.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:44] sTb: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats [11:44] Fikrann, but i may be selling this computer to someone.... that's why i'd like to store them online somewhere else. === athlon [~athlon@174pc.wohnheimg.uni-frankfurt.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:44] Raskall, oh oops sorry wrong army :) [11:44] _seth: the only way to get out of it is to be a pacifist or have very bad health. but if you're a pacifist you have to do community work for 18 months. [11:44] dougsk: :) [11:44] <_seth> Aaahhhhh. [11:45] <_seth> Alright, got to go feed the habit. Be back in a few. === Corvus [Corvus@] has joined #ubuntu [11:45] I love guns, so I joined happily. It's quite a rush when you load the machine-rife (AG-3) with a full magazine and press and hold the trigger. [11:45] that's power. it's not possible to keep the rifle stable for more thatn 3-4 shots at the time. [11:46] bigfoot, what kind of linux enthusiast are you? Just one computer? };> [11:46] Fikrann, yes. i'm a newbie to linux/ubuntu.8) [11:46] unfortunately we were only allowed to shoot sharp once. === Malsid [~Mal@pppoe0-99-luxdsl-176.pt.lu] has joined #ubuntu [11:46] on automatic that is. [11:46] anyway [11:47] and to keep the record straight: I'm not a potential columbine-candidate. :) === |Ivanch0| [~blas@] has joined #ubuntu === Snower [~snower@dD5779BB3.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [11:48] <|Ivanch0|> ok ;) i discover it :D === WhiteDove [~jimmys@ACBC4586.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu === quar [~quar@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:49] Hi again people === MidnightDevil [~kiko@bl4-91-45.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu [11:49] how can i setup printing? [11:49] hi, how do i change my distro charset? [11:50] Thanks bob2. does somebody of you have more good "repository" for ubuntu? [11:51] <|Ivanch0|> some one knows how i have 401 Authorization required mensage when i try to apt from backports.ubuntuforums? [11:52] quar, by using that nifty little thing in the 'system' menu above the window you're looking at right now. [11:52] but im in KDE [11:52] i dun have that icon [11:52] whats the bin called? === rafal3 [~user@ambient.po.opole.pl] has joined #ubuntu [11:53] |Ivanch0|: read their website === niran [~niran@lucianus.Stanford.EDU] has joined #ubuntu === Morten^Toft [~Morten^To@334c7774d55a951f.session.tor] has joined #ubuntu [11:54] <|Ivanch0|> bob2, username and password to enter in their website? :D === hyphenated [~cgilmour@] has joined #ubuntu [11:54] then just don't use it [11:54] hi, how do i change my distro charset? === jansen [~jansen@] has joined #ubuntu [11:55] <|Ivanch0|> great solution :D [11:55] <|Ivanch0|> ;) === andrew [~andrew@r39h55.res.gatech.edu] has joined #ubuntu [11:57] |Ivanch0| Use one of their mirrors. === ronalde [~ronalde@xblade.lacocina.nl] has joined #ubuntu === WhiteDove [~jimmys@ACBC4586.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:57] <|Ivanch0|> and how can i know that mirrors? === mlh_ [~mlh@c211-30-62-11.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:57] Hey guys [11:57] someone please??' [11:58] Could someone help me please, I can't seem to get sound in some programs/games i.e vlc and Unreal Tournement 2004 [11:59] |Ivanch0|, grep Ubuntu wiki [11:59] WhiteDove, killall esd === Echelon-H [Echelon-H@TLV62-0-110-63.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [12:00] <|Ivanch0|> ok thnks Fikrann ;) [12:00] hi, how do i change my distro charset? === fabio_85 [~fabio@host217-43-3-165.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] hello [12:02] guys, anyway to know which hdd partition I am using, e.g. hda, hdb or so? I mean any Terminal cmd? [12:02] does somebody of you have more good "repository" for ubuntu? === Peps [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu [12:03] fabio_85: mount ? === Isa_ [~isa@] has joined #ubuntu [12:03] fabio_85, mount will show it all. [12:04] is it possible to change my userid (the name I use to log onto my Ubuntu system), while keeping all the files and stuff the same? [12:05] bigfoot, that takes three steps: [12:05] I bet that it can be done, but I dont know if there are any easy and simple way to do it [12:05] 1. Edit /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow and /etc/group [12:06] what I would try to do that is.. edit /etc/passwd and change the username, then I would chown every file I used to own with that previous name [12:06] 2. rename your home dir to your new id [12:06] 3. re-login [12:06] Fikrann: so one does not have to chown anything? [12:06] Fikrann, uh, can;t the users and groups config program do all that for you? === bassMonkey [~fgrano@dsl-hkigw3o4f.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] thenuke, no, you can simply change the string attached to numeric uid. [12:07] niran, no idea. [12:07] niran, i tried, but it won't let you edit the userid. === egli [~egli@] has joined #ubuntu [12:08] bigfoot, if you're the only user, don't forget to touch up your /etc/sudoers [12:08] oh oops [12:08] i might have deleted and replaced a user instead === aLeSD [~alex@213-140-22-72.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:09] Fikrann, yes, i'm the only user. how do i touch up /etc/sudoers?Just curious: what if there are more users? is touching /etc/sudoers still necessary? [12:09] Has anyone tried a Canon EOS350D with ubuntu? My parents are getting one for my brother and since I've just converted my family to ubuntu, it simply needs to work... =) [12:10] btw, when upgrading from warty to hoary, is it necessary to shutdown X _before_ even starting the upgrading? === TiffOn [user@218.Red-217-126-197.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === telemaco [~telemaco@57.Red-83-35-178.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] you can do a whole distro upgrade :S === Spug_ [~Spug@ti211310a081-6981.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] thats so cool [12:13] lol === AppleSeed2010 [~pouette@] has joined #ubuntu [12:14] Fikrann, i can't open shadow via gedit. "Access is Denied" [12:15] have you tried sudo ? [12:15] hi, how do i change my distro charset? [12:16] where can i get the player "xine" as .deb or ubuntu package? [12:17] sudo apt-get xine [12:17] hi [12:17] sudo ap-get install xine* [12:17] apt* [12:17] how could I chose what demons start in the default runlevel? [12:17] bigfoot, are you sure you're trying to open it as root? === james__ [~james@spc1-ward1-5-0-cust196.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] my apache keeps printing the wrong characters, how do i fix this? [12:17] Fikrann, i'm working through the gui. so gedit doesn't ask for root. === prasys [~prasys@prasys.user] has joined #ubuntu [12:19] someone? === alex_extreme [~alex_extr@host81-157-43-136.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:20] MidnightDevil: while restarting? [12:20] who here agrees with me that Windows is rubbish [12:20] MidnightDevil, your question is far too vague to answer. [12:21] alex_extreme, i second the motion [12:21] MidnightDevil: try to reinstall ....:) if u have time...:) [12:21] well [12:22] i got some names on a file which uses characters [12:22] can i give u an example? [12:22] yes === vpalle [~vpalle@park222.koll.au.dk] has joined #ubuntu [12:23] make[2] : *** [install-foomatic] Error 2 [12:23] make[2] : Leaving directory `/home/quar/hpijs-1.7.1' [12:23] make[1] : *** [install-data-am] Error 2 [12:23] make[1] : Leaving directory `/home/quar/hpijs-1.7.1' [12:23] make: *** [install-am] Error 2 [12:23] root@Gentoon:/home/quar/hpijs-1.7.1 # [12:23] anyone know why thats happening? [12:23] error 2 [12:23] quar [12:23] what you are compiling [12:23] go to pastebin.ca , and post the whole make error [12:23] starting from a [12:23] the http://hpinkjet.sourceforge.net/install.php [12:24] i was following that [12:24] i did everything it said [12:24] http://devilish.ath.cx:8080/forum/fs/kiko.html [12:24] but it didnt work [12:24] its those weird squares! [12:24] seriously [12:24] give me the whole output === bet0x [~barrahome@bet0x.starhome.biz] has joined #Ubuntu [12:24] post it at pastebin.ca [12:24] i can take a look === nern [~nern@cable6-7.murray-ky.net] has joined #ubuntu === alex_extreme [~alex_extr@host81-157-43-136.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu === Fackamato [fackamato@81-229-119-116-no24.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:25] http://poopooca.ca/ === zayn__ [~zayn@] has joined #ubuntu [12:25] hey hey hey [12:25] it exists! === pepsi is amazed === SnakeBite [~SnakeBite@] has joined #ubuntu [12:25] prasys, http://pastebin.com/293790 === selinium [~quirc@] has joined #ubuntu [12:26] im trying to set up printing === cadetmar [~cadetmar@80-218-68-148.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [12:26] hi@all [12:26] quar [12:26] let me take a look [12:26] someone know something about inotify? [12:26] ouch , my mouse battery is low again [12:27] Dammit. I'm on a roll here. Called about a linux-job a friend tipped me about. He almost hired me over the phone. [12:27] any know any about mono-project? [12:27] a good thing I only have two weeks notice on the job I accepted today. [12:27] i need some help with mod_mono [12:27] hmm [12:27] what version of gcc are you using ? [12:28] i dunno [12:28] gcc version 3.3.2 [12:28] anyone runs beagle? === dmoyne [~dmoyne@dyn-83-155-162-18.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu [12:28] root@Gentoon:/home/quar/hpijs-1.7.1 # gcc --version [12:28] gcc (GCC) 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-8ubuntu2) [12:28] gcc version 3.3.2 20031022 (Red Hat Linux 3.3.2-1) [12:28] =p === Church_of_Foamy_ [~shane@24-177-160-171.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:28] k [12:28] Hello ! ; has any one used skypes with KDE / Ubuntu ? [12:29] let me take a look [12:29] dmoyne > I tried it with kubuntu [12:29] yeah i have skype with kde [12:29] quar > do you have libs installed for it ? [12:29] works fine [12:29] for me [12:29] no problem ! [12:29] and with KDE ? [12:29] i installed like 3 packages it told me to on the page [12:29] ill show ya [12:29] yep === joh_ [~joh@grn-dhcp049.studby.uio.no] has joined #ubuntu [12:29] k [12:29] quar > show me , thanks [12:29] what is the prob [12:29] can someone help me?? [12:30] come on! [12:30] http://hpinkjet.sourceforge.net/install.php [12:30] prasys, look at the debian section === ogra [~ogra@p5089E041.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:30] i followed those directions === susus [~sz@p5089E041.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:30] ok then we can talk ; yesterday I connected to a friend site in Swizerland and I could listen to him but no way to speak ! [12:30] sure [12:30] make error 2 = some errors in library or something wrong with the compiler [12:31] I have bought a new mike connected to my Soundlaster Live! sound card ; anything special to be done ? [12:31] can ya see if you can compile it? [12:31] my apache keeps printing wrong some characters, why ? === Fergy [~Fergy@a82-92-232-156.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu === }x{|CeRbErUs [~Flodder13@d51A5C9C7.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [12:31] did you use syanatic ? [12:31] what you call it [12:31] soundblaster live! 24bit? [12:31] its a really crappy card :) [12:31] prasys, use synaptic? [12:32] quar [12:32] yeah [12:32] its better [12:32] sometimes using apt-get [12:32] hops this is an old one 5 years old Creative 1024 [12:32] it does not install correctly [12:32] prasys, i dont think that package is in any ubuntu repos [12:32] i didnt use apt-get either [12:32] is capturing enabled [12:32] i followed the instuctions on that page [12:32] does kmix show the mic input [12:32] ? [12:32] <}x{|CeRbErUs> http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/topic-44909.html -> could someone tell me why this is [12:33] I downloaded it and built it [12:33] anyone know of a good fileserving program for networks [12:33] I uesed Kmix but the icons are quite confusing as you do not know between dark and light what is on ! [12:33] hmm [12:33] make error 2 [12:33] thats weird [12:33] totaly === wal [~wal@] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] it compiled fine for me [12:33] i usually install everything related to devel [12:33] so , it does not miss anything [12:34] lan networks i mean === Gman_ [~Glynn@amfea-proxy-2.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu === flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:34] on Entry I have a Mic input with an icon on top and another one at the bottome what is to be done === wezzer [~antti@a84-230-119-107.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu === flipy [~flipy@stargate.upf.edu] has joined #ubuntu [12:36] cadetmar, on Entry I have a Mic input with an icon on top and another one at the bottome what is to be done [12:37] anyone know if there is a package for moodle 1.5? [12:38] }x{|CeRbErUs, that's far too little information to suggest anything. [12:38] <}x{|CeRbErUs> what extra info do u need Fikrann === gubrats [~gubrats@cpc3-nthc5-3-0-cust214.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === jind [~jind@216-220-56.7002.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] }x{|CeRbErUs, chipset type, graphics chip type .. and that's only beginning [12:39] }x{|CeRbErUs: have you tried debian? [12:39] <}x{|CeRbErUs> i have [12:39] Fikrann, thanks for the 3-step instructions! I'll take note of it. [12:39] }x{|CeRbErUs: i've had trouble with ubuntu on my toshiba because of my pcmcia card... it was reading intervals that would crash the pc on the installation === rahime^ [~carrie@] has joined #ubuntu === martinhj [~martinhj@host-81-191-103-214.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] <}x{|CeRbErUs> did you solve it underdog? [12:40] }x{|CeRbErUs, have you tried running expert mode ? [12:40] anybody here using Flickr.com? How do you upload photos? One by one? Is there a faster way? [12:40] <}x{|CeRbErUs> i did === CerBerO_ [~CerBerO@pc-138-47-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:40] <}x{|CeRbErUs> i tried all the boot options [12:40] Intriguing. [12:40] bye and thanks ! [12:40] }x{|CeRbErUs: i used debian === aLeSD [~alex@213-140-22-72.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:41] Fikrann: if it's the PCMCIA card, expert won't cut it, it will install pcmcia-cs and crash the installer [12:41] <}x{|CeRbErUs> Distro's i tried: Mandrake, Ubuntu Warthy, SuSe 9.1 (works), Knoppix === zxy [~ralph@host-84-9-35-70.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu === dmoyne [~dmoyne@dyn-83-155-162-18.ppp.tiscali.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] === zxy_ [~ralph@host-84-9-35-70.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:41] <}x{|CeRbErUs> Gentoo [12:41] }x{|CeRbErUs: really... try debian [12:41] underdog, it crashes even earlier [12:41] <}x{|CeRbErUs> ok i will underdog [12:41] Fikrann: how so? [12:42] underdog, }x{|CeRbErUs http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/topic-44909.html -> could someone tell me why this is [12:42] <}x{|CeRbErUs> erm yes [12:43] <}x{|CeRbErUs> wait i'll tell you what i see i'll put gentoo in it [12:43] Damn it. Have anybody ever heard about a _working_ dual screen setup with a laptop screen and a crt screen with intel extreme graphics (i855GME)? === ice_1963 [~gary@pcp02170939pcs.brghtn01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:43] It's driving me nuts [12:43] who called me [12:43] <}x{|CeRbErUs> Loading Gentoo [12:43] <}x{|CeRbErUs> Loading igz..... [12:44] <}x{|CeRbErUs> Ready [12:44] Fikrann: what's the log virtual console on ubuntu? [12:44] <}x{|CeRbErUs> Screen goes blank [12:44] crash. [12:44] jind, I tried it, it fried my crt. [12:44] }x{|CeRbErUs: try "kickstart" === Niltsiar [~mame@CPE-144-132-94-178.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:44] underdog, no idea, most probably none. [12:44] <}x{|CeRbErUs> ok trying... === OConnor [~BaronConn@dyn-83-154-132-251.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu [12:45] no Fikrann, there IS one... I just can't remember wich one is [12:45] Anyone managed to get mingetty to work in Hoary? === olo [~olo@] has joined #ubuntu [12:45] }x{|CeRbErUs: "kick" and "start" [12:45] Fikrann, seriously? [12:45] does somebody of you have more good "repository" for ubuntu? [12:45] underdog, I just checked 1 - 12 .. none show anything === OConnor [~BaronConn@dyn-83-154-132-251.ppp.tiscali.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:46] jind, yes, quite spectacularly. [12:46] Fikrann: oh, you're quite right, they only appear when the installation starts [12:47] Fikrann, you must be the most unlucky person I've heard about today [12:47] Too bad [12:47] jind, I'm quite happy without desktop comp [12:47] @"@ === _seth [~seth@rrcs-24-213-243-218.nys.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] gentoo -RTFM [12:48] <_seth> Hey guys. How do I make an iso of a CD? mkisofs right? [12:48] umm [12:48] I have the dual screen setup working in windows, so it should be working in linux too.. hopefully [12:48] <_seth> mkisofs just spits everything out at me. [12:49] _seth: you might to install a package... windone xp [12:49] _seth: a m$ emulator [12:50] Idea: Reboot and find out which bios and see it exists a bios update [12:50] how can i reinstall cups? [12:50] _seth, you want to read about -o in man mkisofs. Or use a frontend. === apache16 [~apache12@] has joined #ubuntu === elif-su [~maria-b@] has joined #ubuntu === selicik [~UNAL36@] has joined #ubuntu === acidwolf [~acidwolf@] has joined #ubuntu [12:51] <_seth> Fikrann, know of a frontend off the top of your head? [12:51] <_seth> apt-cache is my friend. [12:51] does somebody of you have more good "repository" for ubuntu? === prasys [~prasys@prasys.user] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:52] _seth, k3b [12:52] sTb, your question does not make sense. [12:52] <_seth> Fikrann, it needs 111MBs? Is there a way to get it without needing KDE? === flipy is now known as flip0ff [12:53] <_seth> Fikrann, I see it needs kdebase-bin and all that good stuff I don't want... [12:53] _seth, no. [12:53] could it make any problem to mix ubuntu and debian repositories? [12:53] _seth, look at graveman or gnomebaker if you don't want kde [12:53] <_seth> Ack, oh well. [12:53] <_seth> Juhaz, I have gnomebaker.... [12:54] i want more "repository" for my ubuntu system. what are you not understanding? [12:54] sTb: http://ubuntuguide.org [12:54] <_seth> Nevermind, I'm a dumbass. [12:55] <_seth> I got it. [12:55] _seth: you are [12:55] sTb, I do understand what you say, and it clearly shows that you don't understand what you want. [12:55] sTb: To be more specific, http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories [12:55] thanks thekoreuk Fikrann [12:55] <_seth> diblo, easy now. It's 7am, I've been up since this time yesterday, and I'm obviously a little short on sleep. Living on caffiene and nicotine can be fun, but you aren't the most aware individual... [12:56] sTb: and regarding to where to get xine, http://ubuntuguide.org/#xine-ui [12:56] sTb: bookmark that guide. === diblo is now known as diablo === diablo [~lp@218-160-75-69.dynamic.hinet.net] has left #ubuntu ["use] [12:58] i got a couple files that i have full permissions to write read and execute but when i try to move them it wont let me. what am i doing wrong [12:58] sTb, the question you wanted to ask was: "I want to watch dvds on my ubuntu. Where I can find neccesary software?" This'd give you immediate response and much more enjoyable experience. === RichiH [richih@richih.staff.freenode] has left #ubuntu [] === Tsuki [~Tsuki@138.Red-81-44-244.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === flip0ff is now known as flipy [12:59] acidwolf, check permissions on parent folder. [01:00] Fikrann i did [01:00] and apprently i can do whatever i want with it but when i try to move it it doesnt work [01:00] i need to make it so that everyone and anyone can view it [01:00] i did this [01:00] acidwolf, how about the target folder? [01:00] chmod 777 foo [01:01] yes the target folder is on a USB flash drive === terrex [~terrex@84-122-69-8.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:02] Fikrann, ill try to improve my questions. [01:02] sTb, I'm glad to hear that! [01:03] how can i get sounds working on totem media player? === lms [~lms@0x50a26928.slnxx1.adsl.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] k4 [01:03] k4rp0r install totem-xine [01:03] ok [01:04] and then also install the gstreamer plugins [01:04] and if sound still doesnt work then make sure that you have the correct sound daemon running [01:04] and that it isnt being used by something else === desplesda [~desplesda@CPE-143-238-232-250.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === refuze2looze [~amit@DSL199-203-67-30.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu === trig_ [~trig@host196-183.pool8259.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:06] whenever i start up my computer, my desktop is blank. i have to killall nautilus and then it reloads nautilus and my desktop is showing. how can i fix this? === herpes [~mat@222-152-115-248.adsl.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [01:08] hey i have an rpm audio driver for my sound card how can i install it on ubuntu === MrMinit [~MrMinit@171.80-203-115.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:09] refuze2looze, try running 'failsafe gnome' next time you log in. === }x{|CeRbErUs is now known as stijn [01:09] trig_: you can convert it to a debian package using alien [01:09] Fikrann: i'll try === stijn is now known as stijndg [01:09] it probably won't work, though, different kernel and all that === verden01 [~verden@] has joined #ubuntu [01:10] trig_, what soundcard is that? And no, converting rpms with drivers won't work. [01:10] oh an audio driver === verden01 [~verden@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:11] there's a chance it may work, isn't there? [01:11] i tried but it gives me an error [01:11] refuze2looze, very slim [01:11] sure. somewhere around 0.001% [01:11] hehe === scorpix_ [~scorpix@ask1-224.qualitynet.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:12] its an asus intergated sound card: Asus A8n SLI DEL 64 bit [01:12] trig_: try to find the debian package for it, or .tar.gz, or source [01:12] i have the source gz [01:13] then you can compile it from source === WhiteDove [~jimmys@ACBC4586.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:13] as long as there isn't a million dependency errors, and there probably won't be since it's an audio driver, it shouldn't be too hard [01:13] you just need to have GCC and all that stuff isntalled === ilba7r [~ilbahr@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu === Co35_Pelumat_Bib [~mbalelo@] has joined #ubuntu [01:14] ok i'll try i was just hoping i wouldn't have to compile it :( === Methynutnut [~Tommy_K@203-217-88-224.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:15] hiya people, just a quick one, whats the name of the kde sound daemon? [01:16] artsd [01:16] thank you === |Ivanch0| [~blas@] has joined #ubuntu === chantry [~chantry@AFontenayssB-151-1-45-131.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === chantry is now known as shining === __Ace__ [~love@h55l211.delphi.afb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu === maxy_noob [~maxyvits@modemcable032.224-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:20] hi guys [01:20] im trying to compile this driver and it gives me: [01:20] Audio/alsa-driver-1.0.4 # ./configure [01:20] checking for gcc... no [01:20] checking for cc... no [01:20] checking for cc... no [01:20] checking for cl... no [01:20] configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH [01:20] is there a list of commands I can find somewhere? [01:20] See `config.log' for more details. [01:21] trig_, install gcc-3.3 [01:21] ok thx [01:21] Ill try install ubuntu 5.04 then error in "nic-firmware-2.6.xxxxxx" why ? [01:21] sudo commands [01:22] Co35_Pelumat_Bib, please rephrase? [01:22] anyone? === tfar [~tfar@ACB2893B.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] hi [01:23] when request nic-firmware ..... then computer hang [01:23] maxy_noob, you're asking wrong question [01:23] sorry [01:23] is there anywhere a howto for changing the desktop from gnome to kde? [01:23] what's the right question? === Valentin- [~jhiemer@] has joined #ubuntu [01:24] maxy_noob, try asking "I need to get foo to work. What should I do?" [01:24] "foo"? [01:24] or bar [01:24] tfar: try looking for kubuntu [01:24] maxy_noob: "foo" and "bar" and "foobar" are standard random words people use to mean "insert something here" === Robinho_Peixoto [~Robinho@] has joined #ubuntu [01:24] replace 'foo' with your problem description. [01:25] oh [01:25] thanks [01:25] I think they first cropped up in some ANSI standard [01:25] I need to get a list of standard sudo commands. Where can I find such a document? [01:25] is that better? [01:26] (I'm not sure what this changes, but whatever. [01:26] alerim, i know kubuntu, baut i've ubuntu installed at the moment and i thought there is a way to change the desktop from gnome to kde [01:26] maxy_noob, a bit. The list of things you can run via sudo is quite infinite. [01:27] trig_: You really want built-essential, not just gcc [01:27] what about standard commands. [01:27] there must be a list somewhere. [01:27] maxy_noob: any command [01:27] If anyone's interested, the RFC standard on foo, bar, baz, etc.: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3092.html [01:27] maxy_noob: you can use sudo with any command you want [01:27] when install ubuntu "computer hang when request nic-firmware.2.6.10" ? [01:27] what about "delete" [01:27] sudo delete file? [01:27] maxy_noob: rm [01:28] rm? [01:28] I need to delete a couple of files [01:29] maxy_noob: are you a former windows user? [01:29] refuze2looze, how can you tell. [01:29] ;) [01:29] maxy_noob: i came accross this website before, maybe it'll help you http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/unix_for_dos_users.html === bigfoot [~hideseek@FLH1Aaz006.fko.mesh.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu [01:30] thanks refuze2looze [01:30] hi, someone can tell me about yahoo messenger installer in ubuntu ? [01:30] np [01:31] zayn__: gaim supports yahoo messenger protocol === ian [~ian@] has joined #ubuntu [01:31] Zayn__: use GAIM-VV [01:31] no gaim, i want install yahoo messenger. [01:32] i use gaim, that really good [01:32] uhh.. is there yahoo messenger for linux? [01:32] hello ppl.. i have a problem...with my cd writer...it can read the content of the cd..but when i tried to cd write picture..it just freeze.. [01:32] but i want try yahoo messenger [01:33] why do you want that? [01:33] oh there is, it's on the yahoo website === Larasss [~Larasss@229.Red-80-33-44.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:33] how about you go to yahoo.com and read the instructions.. === \- [~s2@host190-43.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:33] yup. there are yahoo messenger for debian, but i can't install in ubuntu [01:33] why not? [01:33] used RH9.debian in yahoo messenger site [01:33] what's the error? [01:33] on * === Mayday [henrik@Anka.ORG] has joined #ubuntu [01:34] c035 : are u indonesian ? [01:34] I'd like to get Java working in Firefox. how do i go about doing that? Is ubuntuguide.org the way to do it, or is there a better way? === adnans [~adnans@linuxgoeroe.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:34] zayn__ what error do you get when trying to install the debian package? [01:34] uhm ... [01:34] i'm forget .... === m-o-t [~tom@222-153-21-169.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [01:35] next time i'll note :d [01:35] why don't you try it and then tell us what's the problem. i doubt anybody here has tried installing it but if you're having a problem with it and you show us the error perhaps we can help you [01:35] hello can somebody help me with my cd writer.. [01:35] hello ppl.. i have a problem...with my cd writer...it can read the content of the cd..but when i tried to cd write picture..it just freeze.. [01:35] refuze : can you intall that ? (yahoo messenger?) [01:35] bigfoot: i installled it how the wiki suggested to do it. seems like a simple and solid way [01:36] zayn__: i haven't tried, i dont use yahoo messenger [01:36] refuze2looze, ok. just doublechecking. [01:36] :D [01:36] thanks [01:36] thanks. [01:36] this is my friend nick .. [01:36] refuze2looze, is "sun-j2re1.5" the latest version? [01:36] not mine :D === Danten [~danten@h220n3c1o1049.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu === aLeSD [~alex@213-140-22-72.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:36] ian: have you tried using a different burning application? [01:37] refuze2looze: yes i have..gnomebaker and the default one.. [01:37] bigfoot: that's the one i have installed [01:37] dunno if it's the very latest though [01:37] refuze2looze: it there any logs for this.. [01:37] but is it the latest? Isn't getting the latest almost always the best thing to do? [01:38] ian: it freezes in the middle of burning? [01:38] by the way, it's giving me a warning: "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! === m-o-t [~tom@222-153-21-169.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [01:38] sun-j2re1.5" is this okay?Do we need the authentication? === miscz [~miscz@amj56.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [01:38] bigfoot: actually no. getting the tested and known-to-work-well version is usually the best ;) === ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0523.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu [01:38] it's fine [01:38] so this version is the tested one? [01:39] refuze2looze: yes.. but my cd writer was not blinking with green.. === zkruw [~zkruw@h87n1fls31o835.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:39] it's the one the wiki recommends to install [01:39] how can i se wich pci port my gfx card uses ? when i shall fill in the xorg.conf [01:39] refuze2looze: yes.. but my cd writer was not blinking with green.. no activity === leonel [~leonel@] has joined #ubuntu [01:39] ian: i dunno.. i would suggest trying a different burning program. try running the program from the terminal and seeing if any error messages appear in the terminal === bpmbpb [~gubrats@cpc3-nthc5-3-0-cust214.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:40] i know, the wiki is just a wiki. in other words, i am not sure whether it's reliable. [01:40] how can we tell whether that wiki is a reliable guide? [01:40] i tried installing gcc and it still gives me that error [01:40] I mean, it looks reliable... but how can we tell? [01:40] trig_: did you install GCC using apt-get / synaptic? [01:40] yeah === George^Deka [~george@020.a.009.mel.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:40] gcc .3.3 [01:40] bigfoot: well, most everybody has installed it the way described in method 1 and it seems to work well for everyone, so give it a try i guess. [01:41] trig_: and it tells you that it doesn't find GCC compiler? === paulo-brasil [~ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu === lok [~lala@pouet.dnsalias.org] has joined #ubuntu [01:42] <_4strO_> mIRC v6.14 Khaled Mardam-Bey [01:42] th> trig_: You really want built-essential [01:42] trig_: install build_essential [01:42] hey why dont i have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf after a new install of warty? [01:42] yeah [01:42] that [01:42] root@ubuntu:/home/trig/Desktop/LinuxDrivers/Audio/alsa-driver-1.0.4 # ./configure [01:42] checking for gcc... no [01:42] checking for cc... no [01:42] checking for cc... no [01:42] checking for cl... no [01:42] configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH [01:42] See `config.log' for more details. [01:43] trig_: you installed build-essential? check if gcc is installed [01:43] does ubuntu keep it somewhere else? [01:43] you need gcc and probably g++ [01:43] sun-j2re1.5 is a 88 MB download! Wow, that's huge! Aren't plugins for browsers a lot smaller than that? Like only 1-5 MB? Why is sun-j2re1.5 so big a file? [01:43] refuze2looze: i found something in google.. "CD burning not tested. If freeze pb you sould use acpi=off." where will i set this? [01:43] i cant find it in synaptic [01:43] bigfoot: it's a bit different when you're talking about a programming language interpreter ;) === darkaudi1 [~bpack@pool-141-153-72-124.clrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:43] build-essential [01:43] hi all [01:44] ok. i thought i may be downloading stuff that i don't really need. I really need the plug-in. I don't need any stuff for programmers.... [01:44] hi George^Deka . [01:44] trig_: it's there... [01:44] weird i found it now [01:45] must have mispelt it [01:45] :) [01:45] correction: Not "I really need the plugin", but "I want the plugin only." [01:45] bigfoot: the j2sdk is the one for programmers (to compile) [01:46] refuze2looze, so that means that the sun-j2re1.5 is the slimmest package one can get, if one only wants to make their browser have Java capabilities, right? [01:46] i guess.. [01:47] ok that worked but now its asking for the kernel: [01:47] checking for kernel version... The file /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h d oes not exist. [01:47] Please, install the package with full kernel sources for your distribution [01:47] or use --with-kernel=dir option to specify another directory with kernel [01:47] sources (default is /usr/src/linux). === DarkraD- [darkrad2@host12-71.pool8252.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu === seby [~seby@p54A26DE7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] trig_: you have to install the kernel source code from synaptci [01:48] bigfoot: The JRE is needed to run Java programs, like azeurus or whatever. === ke-vin [~meme@203-59-18-103.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] ok [01:49] how do i know where C header files that match your running [01:49] kernel? [01:49] dcraven, hmmmm. i downloaded a Java program before. it was what was needed for me to play a .jar game on my computer. I wonder if this current sun-j2re1.5 download is redundant... [01:49] refuze2looze: i found something in google.. "CD burning not tested. If freeze pb you sould use acpi=off." where will i set this? [01:49] got a question about ubuntu breeze [01:49] bigfoot: Type "which java" [01:49] like is it possible to upgrade horar to breeze ? [01:49] dcraven, /usr/bin/java [01:50] i should use the latest right? [01:50] trig_: it's under linux-source [01:50] bigfoot: You already have a JRE then. [01:50] no, the one with the ubuntu logo next to it [01:50] dcraven, then how come Firefox doesn't load the java file? [01:51] does any1 know why im missing xorg.conf? === quar [~quar@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:51] ok found it [01:51] I have JRE, but do i need anything else to get the browser to work with Java files? dcraven ? [01:51] how can i reconfigure grub? [01:51] bigfoot: The plugin (if the jre you have comes with one) is in the wrong place. Let me see if I can find where mine is. [01:51] your looking in the righ directory m-o-t (/etc/X11) [01:51] Cause ii added windows to the list like it said but it can't boot it still [01:52] ian: i'm not sure.. but i'm also not sure it's a good idea to turn it off [01:52] in windows OS, F2 key is the shortcut to "rename" a file. What is it in ubuntu? [01:52] (renaming in gui) === apommd [~gubrats@cpc3-nthc5-3-0-cust214.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:52] it would be kool if asus would compile drivers for all the diferent distros [01:52] does ubuntu keep it somewhere else? [01:53] bigfoot: Erm, exactly the same? [01:53] bigfoot, F2 :-) === bet0x [~barrahome@bet0x.starhome.biz] has left #Ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:53] dcraven, is the plugin called appletviewer? [01:53] after all the money i spent :P [01:53] coz if it is, then i have it. (i did apropos java to find out. === A-z-i-z [~aziz@] has joined #ubuntu [01:54] trig_: yeah, i hate it when the have an rpm pacakge but no deb package [01:54] "top" says that nautilus is running, but i don't see it on my desktop any where. What's going on? [01:54] bigfoot: I think it might be called libjavaplugin_oji.so.. But I'm not sure yet. [01:55] bigfoot: nautilus is your desktop [01:55] bigfoot: nautillus runs to show your desktop. much like "explorer.exe" in windows [01:55] refuze2looze: no, we have gnome-panel separate :) [01:56] Amaranth: well, the desktop =p [01:56] not the panel [01:56] hmm [01:56] oh, i thought nautilus was the file browser. anyway, i killed it in "top" and a "file browser" popped up. I guess i asked about Nautilus, because Top was showing it to be taking about a big percentage of my CPU. Now that i killed it, my computer is doing better.... [01:56] bigfoot: same thing that happens if you kill explorer.exe in windows [01:56] bigfoot: explorer.exe is also the file browser === desplesda [~desplesda@CPE-143-238-232-250.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === johntramp [~john@222-153-21-169.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu === factorx [~factorx@dsl-084-060-025-198.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:57] hi is there somewhere else where ubuntu get's it's xorg.conf file from apart for /etc/X11 [01:57] is there an app or gui to configure grub? [01:57] bigfoot: It is a file browser. Your desktop is just a nautilus window without a window border. [01:57] refuze2looze, but now that i killed nautilus, my comp's processer usage dropped down from 100 to 15. i don't get it. [01:57] johntramp: No. === poningru [~poningru@pool-71-101-67-91.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:58] hello ppl.. i have a problem...with my cd writer...it can read the content of the cd..but when i tried to cd write picture..it just freeze.. is there any logs for this? [01:58] bigfoot: i dunno why it was hogging the resources... [01:58] never happened to me [01:58] dcraven, any idea why I dont have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file then? [01:58] Amaranth, but if i only have the desktop open (and no other Nautilus windows) it doesn't show up in top. [01:58] dcraven, xorg works fine [01:58] johntramp: shouldn't, but try 'locate xorg.conf' === wulfy814 [~lorentz@dsl093-061-214.pit1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu === lamp_ [~la@dsl-084-056-158-076.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:58] bigfoot: There are more things running then top shows. Try ps -e [01:59] ian: i told you, try running the cd burning program from the terminal and see if any error messages show up in the terminal [01:59] johntramp: Maybe XF86Config? Check /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see what config file it's using. === jamesh [~james@203-59-242-229.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:59] bigfoot: or ps -ex is you want to be overwheled with data ;) === tombs [~tombs@h141156.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [02:00] checking for kernel version... The file /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h does not exist. === bigbootay [~bigbootay@] has joined #ubuntu [02:00] Amaranth, but isn't it the same for you too?... that if you don't have any other Nautilus windows open, aside from desktop, it shouldn't show up in top or ps -e /ps -ex. [02:01] looked in that path and the closest thing is vermagic.h === aLeSD [~alex@213-140-22-72.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu === novaflare wonders if its wise to do whats hes about to do ... [02:01] bigfoot: no, it's showing as running for me. run 'ps -e | grep nautilus' to see [02:02] trig_: try installing linux-kernel-headers (btw compiling stuff into your kernel is not recommended for beginners;) === tre^ [~tre@b075.fem.tu-ilmenau.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:02] Amaranth, i see. [02:02] refuze2looze: ok...ill try that.. [02:03] hi ppl === littleworm [~littlewor@bzq-80-30-244.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:03] linux kernel headers is already installed === jesterhead [~factorx@dsl-084-060-037-198.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:03] can i install ubuuntu on a pocketpc? [02:03] err === torkiano [~torkiano@] has joined #ubuntu [02:04] there isn't an ARM version, so no [02:04] bb after upgradeing to breezy (i hope) [02:05] why you'd want a gnome-based distro on a pockletpc is beyond me === zombics [~zombics@] has joined #ubuntu [02:05] lol, it is using xfree not xorg [02:05] littleworm: debian has an arm port; give that a go. [02:05] thanks [02:05] i have just install ubuntu. my sound works fine in the desktop enviorment but i cant play sound on xmms or kaffeine. === Tannin [~leviathan@dialin-212-144-075-145.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:06] zombics, try going into the xmms preferences and selecting esd as your output [02:06] zombics: try "killall esd" and then use ALSA === rj-away is now known as rj-l [02:07] well, try what thekoreuk said first [02:07] bigfoot left? [02:07] dcraven, yes [02:07] Hmm.. I guess I'll stop with his problem then. [02:07] lol === van_ [~traxas@ctv-213-164-105-85.vinita.lt] has joined #ubuntu === rj-l is now known as rj-away [02:08] refuze2looze, thx that did it :) === braam [~braam@70-59-43-143.dnvr.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:09] zombics: well you should try what thekoreuk said first, using esound === SiRrUs [~SiRrUs@Toronto-HSE-ppp3699973.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:09] good morning everyone [02:10] zombics: but if you permenantly want to disable esd go to system > preferences > sounds and disable sound server startup [02:10] well this is plesently easy so far [02:10] SiRrUs hello [02:10] hi, how to let non-root users use /mnt/win folder? [02:10] upgradeing distro to breezy (2 reason why not and 2 newer glrx drivers === thoreauputic [~prospero@wolax7-098.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:11] novaflare: You're nuts. [02:11] you're upgrading to breezy [02:11] have you read the topic [02:11] heh [02:11] good luck [02:11] novaflare: You will get _zero_ help here. === aragorn_ [~aragorn@86.Red-83-34-237.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === quar [~quar@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:11] well ive got isues with my install any how [02:12] so i hose it i hose it and reinstall [02:12] was planing on doing that any how === littleworm [~littlewor@bzq-80-30-244.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:12] novaflare, be aware that apt will most probably remove your X server due to unsatisfied dependencies. [02:12] why don't I get my ubuntu cd's? several people I know, that ordered their cd's after me, have gotten their. === aLeSD [~alex@213-140-22-72.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:12] novaflare: Just letting you know. This is our way of trying to keep people off breezy. === quar is now known as Gentoon [02:13] hello === AirWays [~airways@a81-197-23-187.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu === Rod [~Rod@cp233117-a.venlo1.lb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [02:13] novaflare: you're gonna break your installation [02:13] well done hit enter so little late lol [02:13] People who are willing to install breezy and know they aren't getting any help from #ubuntu are the ones we want using breezy. [02:13] is there an ie based browser to ubuntu? [02:13] Since they're the ones that know how to file bugs and fix things on their own. [02:14] everytime i start ubuntu i need to do "sudo ifconfig wlan0 x.x.x.x" and "route add default gw x.x.x.x" before using internet.. is there a way to automize that? [02:14] at every boot? [02:14] hey im not afraid of breaking a os i he process of learning it [02:14] littleworm: No, IE is windows only. [02:14] in ubuntu i cant resize my ntfs partition with help of gparted nor qtparted... Now I want to resize it in Windows, but I just can't find a free tool to do so? Most demo programs dont allow you to apply :( How to resize the ntfs partition in windows now? [02:14] littleworm: And junk. === androxxl [~andro@BSN-77-250-208.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:14] Amaranth, even those that don't need help from this chan usually get bored by fighting with breezy === jonas-r [~jonas@0x5358a23d.banxx2.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [02:14] Fikrann: Not me. ;) [02:14] Okay im trying to add my windows xp (on fat32 part) i added the line in the /boot/grub/menu.lst but when i select it in grub it won't boot it?? [02:15] i gotta access to a website which allows only ie :( === Bazzi_ [Bastian@p5484C3BD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:15] besides that i need to find out if the 8.12 ati drivers fix a isue i have [02:15] DarkraD-, yes. Fill in your /etc/network/interfaces [02:15] littleworm: you can run IE using wine or codeweavers if you want [02:15] is it cause of the filesystem? [02:15] good point [02:15] so even if every thing else does break and i dont have a gui but cedega launches my game i can find that out [02:15] littleworm: those websites are programmed by idiots [02:15] i know that :) [02:15] littleworm: write a letter to the webmaster explaining that this is the 21st century... [02:16] Rod: maybe you should ask in === johane__ [~johan@h65n15c1o255.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:16] Rod: maybe you should ask in #windows or something, we don't give support for windows here, only ubuntu =) [02:16] ohhh right refuze2looze lol [02:16] thanks ;) [02:16] Amaranth, didn't you found annoying how dangling reference to libglu1 made apt willing to remove 90% of your system? [02:16] littleworm: You can make firefox pretend to be IE with an extension. [02:17] what? [02:17] Fikrann: Never had that problem. No one is dumb enough to dist-upgrade on a development version. ;) [02:17] resizeing of ntfs is damn risky rod no matter what tool you use [02:17] my advice dont do it [02:17] not unless you absolutly have to [02:17] novaflare: That's not true. I've done it many times with partition magic. [02:17] i dont care i just need a bigger reiserfs partition in favor of ntfs [02:17] novaflare: be prepeared to back up your stuff when you have to reisntall ubuntu ;) [02:17] You just have to defrag the partition first. === housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-138-010.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:18] novaflare: same, no probs with part magic [02:18] Amaranth, well, I upgraded to breezy .. then got annoyed and backtracked. [02:18] I did that today. Admittedly I converted it to FAT32 first. No backups either. In restrospect, I'm asking for it aren't I. [02:18] so have i but ive also had part magic fry them just as many [02:18] Methynutnut: yes, yes you are [02:18] ah well, it does me some good to clear out all my crud from time to time [02:18] no biggy refuze2looze i dont got any thing that needs backed up === whiteknight [~whiteknig@jac208.caths.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [02:18] Amaranth: what extension? === gazza [~gazza@] has joined #ubuntu [02:18] i royaly screwed up my windows install [02:18] lifeless: user agent switcher [02:19] novaflare: Heh I did that when I tried to install freebsd [02:19] got a few screw ups in ubuntu etc [02:19] so basically im at a nothing to loose alot to gain deal with breezy [02:19] well my screw ups in windows are all from tweaking windows [02:20] i had my self down to 20 running procs counting mirc moz and ie lol === mupe [~joonas@roi-13d0.cable.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [02:20] I use windows 2k, which I think is the most reliable, but it just sucks soo much ram it isn't funny [02:20] heh i know what im gonna do [02:20] so um heh i supper tweaked but had a tweak to many [02:20] Amaranth: ? [02:20] Amaranth: what's the name of this extension? [02:20] i going to re-install windows and during install i select a smaller partition size and then i recover grub :( [02:20] littleworm: user agent switcher [02:21] lifeless: sorry, meant to tell littleworm [02:21] thanks [02:22] you should isntall windows before linux [02:22] rod [02:22] refuze2looze: ** Message: MessageDialog message [The mount point (e.g. /mnt/cdrom) for the writing device could not be obtained. Please check that the writing device has an entry in /etc/fstab and then go to preferences and rescan for devices.] [02:22] does this means the system did not detect my cdwriter? [02:22] yup on any dual boot system windows first then your secound os [02:22] ian: didn't you say it could read it though? [02:22] well i cant reinstall linux because i cant format the reiserfs partitions === |Ivanch0| [~blas@] has joined #ubuntu === chaitanya [~chaitanya@] has joined #ubuntu [02:23] refuze2looze: yes it can read the files..my cd..that is not blank. [02:23] my digital camera used to automount before i installed xfce4 now it wont anyone have that problem [02:24] 1 got 1 80gb ntfs disc, and a 120gb disc with 1 20gb partition mounted as /home and one 100gb partition on that disc mounted as /media [02:24] refuze2looze: when i went to the preferences i see my cdwriter has bin detected.. whats wrong? [02:24] now that /media partition needs to get bigger [02:24] but both /home and /media are full === gazza [~gazza@] has joined #ubuntu [02:24] while ntfs partition is near empty [02:24] ian: i'll ask it this way: when you insert a cdrom into the drive does it mount? [02:24] just one question on breezy i know yo mentioned somethign about lib dependincies if this breaks is there a way to flat out install breezzy from cd? [02:25] cause if possible i do want to try it [02:25] refuze2looze: yes it is mounted.. [02:25] rod: what about / [02:25] hell ill split my hd again and install horay and breezy on tripple boot lol [02:25] hi all [02:25] please help [02:25] refuze2looze, / = /home, my mistake [02:25] my soundcard is not getting detected [02:25] chaitanya: that is a common problem [02:25] can someone please suggest how to get it detected? [02:26] ian: then you're not choosing the right device to burn with. what program are you using? [02:26] chaitanya: have you been to the ubuntu forums? [02:26] what is the command with which i make it detect my soundcard AMDXP [02:26] please help? [02:26] but it is mounted in /cdrom not /mnt/cdrom [02:27] refuze2looze: but it is mounted in /cdrom not /mnt/cdrom [02:27] chaitanya: there isnt one simple command [02:27] refuze2looze: im using gnomebaker.. [02:28] ian: it doesn't really make a difference where it is mounted to. you can change it to /mnt/cdrom in fstab if you want [02:28] refuze2looze: yes.. [02:28] I am trying to get my laptop connect to the internet via my desktop. They both run kubuntu but I had no success. Can someone help me? [02:28] refuze2looze: what do you think? [02:29] My desktop is connected via a modem [02:29] ian: give it a try i guess.. just edit /etc/fstab [02:29] chaitanya: are you sure it isn't detected? What does the output of ` lspci | grep audio ` say? [02:29] ian: and sudo mkdir /mnt/cdrom === SiRrUs [~SiRrUs@Toronto-HSE-ppp3699973.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:29] ian: or you can try creating a link: sudo ln -s /cdrom /mnt/cdrom === bobp [~bobp@pcp09944565pcs.hyatsv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:30] refuze2looze: is there any option for mounting cdrom? :) [02:30] http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup [02:31] ian: man mount === echobucket [~echo@ghruaim.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:31] thoreauputic: when i do that it doesnt show anything [02:31] Peps: install firestarter and tick the box for NAT ( internet sharing) [02:31] Hm. === _blackdog [~blackdog@182-49-89.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu === Malsid [~Mal@pppoe0-99-luxdsl-176.pt.lu] has joined #ubuntu === chase [~chase@fifelug.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu === |maddox| [~ubuntu@a212-113-184-33.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu === _blackdog [~blackdog@182-49-89.adsl.terra.cl] has left #ubuntu [] [02:32] I tried firestarter, did not work for me. I am using guarddog [02:32] Trying to compile a CVS program on ubuntu, I get that the program requires libavcodec and libavformat. However... === bolivar [~bolivar@host-232-75-220-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:32] There are only -dev files for those packages available. [02:32] AMDXP: um... it should show your audio card - did you type the whole command including the | grep audio ? [02:32] how's gaurddog work for you? [02:32] Why is this? === mupe [~joonas@roi-13d0.cable.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [02:32] better but not perfect as well [02:32] Choubaka: Those are what you need more than likely. [02:33] 0000:00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corp. 82801CA/CAM AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02) === avinoam21 [apache@] has joined #ubuntu [02:33] but should IP masquarading work with the firewall down? [02:33] How do I get Ubuntu to detect an external drive (enclosure). [02:33] Peps: the companion program for guarddog is "guidedog" which does the nat for you [02:33] ? [02:33] that is ouput of the command you said [02:33] dcraven: but after I install them, It still fails to configure. [02:33] where do I get guidedog? === craks [~craks@] has joined #ubuntu [02:33] Choubaka: Then you need more stuff too. [02:33] How's it going people? [02:34] how do you temperorily turn off cpu powernow temporarily? [02:34] thoreauputic: yes i cut and pasted what you typed [02:34] dcraven: No, it complains about libavcodec and libavformat. [02:34] Choubaka: OK so the system sees it - have you tried running alasamixer in a terminal and checking for muted channels ? [02:34] In XP it's litterally plug and play, does Ubuntu have something similar? [02:34] malsid: you have to mount it [02:34] I installed ubuntu, i'm loving it [02:34] downloading guidedog ... [02:34] oopss -sorry that was for chaitanya [02:34] chaitanya: same exact sound card as mine [02:34] hay, i want to put another path in the global PATH variable, what file do i have to edit? [02:34] chaitanya: see above [02:34] Malsid, comparing to linux, XP is more plug-and-pray. [02:35] /dev/hda1 /mnt/win ntfs user, noauto 0 0 - Why fstab says that it is bad? :/ [02:35] poningru: Sorry, I'm a noob, how do you go about it? [02:35] refuse, what is the problem? [02:35] van, you need to set it to read only [02:35] thoreauputic, the output of the command lspci| grep is 0000:00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corp. 82801CA/CAM AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02) [02:35] thnx [02:35] malsid: look through the wiki to find something on 'mounting external drive' [02:35] van_, no spaces between options are allowed [02:35] Fikrann: I'm peripheral mad, and I've never had a peripheral I couldn't connect so I wouldn't critisize myself. [02:35] chaitanya: yes, thanks - have you checked alsamixer and unmuted all channels ? [02:36] this is fstab, not english grammar ;) [02:36] avinoam21: are you talking to me? i have no problem [02:36] :) [02:36] hold on malsid I will help with the search [02:36] chase: I do it in my ~/.bashrc. [02:36] hm...ok now it mounts, but only root can access it :/ [02:36] chaitanya: press "M" to mute and unmute === Nakkel [~nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #ubuntu === kent [~kent@c-bdc871d5.432-1-64736c13.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [02:36] kde [02:36] chaitanya: and use the arrow keys to navigate [02:36] van_: you need the user option [02:36] wait I forgot to ask what kind of drive is it? [02:37] malsid? [02:37] there is good documentation about setting up sound [02:37] it's there, ro,user,noauto [02:37] Malsid, I was reffering to the fact that usb device plugged to port A is completely different, driver wise, from the same device plugged to port B in XP. [02:37] thoreauputic: Thanks for the tip === _bcroq [~bertrand@bruz.freeskop.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:37] dcraven, cool thanks [02:37] alsamixer gives the output alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device [02:37] poningru: Thanks. [02:37] van lemme give you a url [02:37] dude what kind of drive is it? [02:37] van_, you need to remove space between options. [02:37] removed [02:37] malsid? [02:37] any clues thoreauputic? [02:38] www.ubuntuguide.org [02:38] the ouput of alsamixer is alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device [02:38] van_, ah, I didn't notce your reply [02:38] Yeah? [02:38] chaitanya: have you run alsamixer as I told you above? [02:38] just copy and paste what it says, should work [02:38] thnx [02:38] ya i type alsamixer at the prompt [02:38] thoreauputic, === barbas [~barbas@ppp176.dialup.ntua.gr] has joined #ubuntu [02:38] chaitanya: ah, I see - please use my nick if you want me to see your responses [02:38] hey ho [02:38] hi everybody [02:39] chaitanya: what happens when you try to play a sound? [02:39] ok thoreauputic [02:39] what's the openssh server package called in ubuntu [02:39] dcraven, whats the format again? export PATH=PATH:/new/dir [02:39] openssh-server? [02:39] hmm [02:39] Guerin, yes [02:39] just a quick question. [02:39] Fikrann: I'm not wishing to go into the finer points of It and I'm not defending XP as an OS but the plug and play capabilities I've seen for peripherals is pretty damn cool. [02:39] xmms says : your sound card is not configured properly === damyan_ [~damyan@nat-ph3-wh.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:40] refuse2 [02:40] chaitanya: evidently [02:40] after installing ubuntu and restarting it.. it gives a screwed up screen after starting X [02:40] and the keyboard no longer works === novaflare realy hopes power doesnt go out during this soon to be a mistake update to breezy *snickers [02:40] chase: export PATH=$PATH:/whatever/path:whatever/other/path... Note the $. Very important. [02:40] so what do i do thoreauputic [02:40] it's a amd64 system with a radeon card [02:40] Malsid: it isn't XP, it is the amounts of drivers.... [02:40] mouse seems to respond [02:40] i have a dell Latitude c640 [02:40] novaflare: if the power goes out it is the only way to save you now =P [02:40] lol [02:41] hehe [02:41] chaitanya: I'm afraid I can't help much: my knowledge is limited - usually the problem is muted channels in alsamixer, but you can't even open it so... [02:41] so i could abort by just powering off? [02:41] anyone is using guarddog and gnutella? I was not able to convince it to open the gnutella port. I went to shilds up and it says port 6346 is closed? [02:41] chaitanya: if you get yours working i may get mine working check the forums [02:41] dcraven, agh grate thanks [02:41] thoreau, how do you know that he is using alsa? [02:41] novaflare: has it already begun upgrading? [02:41] And gnutella says am firewalled [02:41] think so yeh === jay_ [~jay@] has joined #ubuntu [02:41] setting up etc [02:41] oh if it's setting up then it's too late [02:42] avinoam21: erm - because 2.6 kernels use alsa by default [02:42] heh [02:42] but hey, you said you got nothin to loose right [02:42] yep [02:42] i got like 800 megs of stuff [02:42] lol [02:42] fits on 1 cd [02:42] avinoam21: and ubuntu uses alsa (with esd and oss emulation) [02:42] thoreauputic i set mine up to use esd [02:42] it isnt working AMDXP [02:42] that takes like a hour to replace if it goes realy bad and hoses my winxp install [02:42] avinoam21: umm - esd still talks to alsa [02:42] webmind: Have you tried adding "NoAccel" to your Options in xorg.conf? [02:42] i am trying to use the forums to see if anything useful can be found there === komA [~sascha@217-20-127-79.internetserviceteam.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:43] avinoam21: esd is a sound daemon [02:43] if the xp install stays bootable its just a matter of tfering that little bit over to other comp and back latter [02:43] i see [02:43] chaitaya what is the problem? [02:43] avinoam21: you can use arts, or jackd, etc ( you still are using the alsa architecture) [02:43] Malsid, not yet [02:44] thoreauputic i could have sworn that i was still conecting to esd using oss [02:44] if i do go up in smoke i prob will have a couple questions like how to install the fglrx drivers during reinstall of ubuntu [02:44] but maybe i was wrong [02:44] webmind: It willl tell you if the problem is due to your accelleration, try it. [02:44] the RADEON 9250 should have acceliration though [02:44] My winmodem died a few minutes. Think I am not booting to windows again. Thanks ubuntu. :) [02:44] Malsid, will try [02:44] as soon as I figure out how to boot without gui [02:44] avinoam21: there is oss emulation, and esd and alsa - it's rather convoluted [02:44] webmind: apt-get remove gdm [02:45] useruser, you need a console for that [02:45] other than that ill just come in here and hang out while horay reinstalls heh [02:45] by the way, if i wanted to use kde i'd have to get kubuntu? [02:45] webmind: indeed [02:45] but i dont know [02:45] webmind: control-alt-f2 [02:45] webmind: Have you tried recovery mode? [02:45] avinoam21: for instance, esd is disabled by choice on my machine ( I use jackd or arts or just oss emulation) [02:46] with my streak of beginers luck i half expect this to go flawlessly and work the same way lol [02:46] Really does anyone know the codename for ubuntu 5.10? I am really curious... [02:46] useruser, keyboard crashes [02:46] Malsid, doing so now [02:46] barbas: Breezy Badger [02:46] wow [02:46] :) [02:46] webmind: eh? [02:46] how hard is warty->hoary upgrade for someone completely clueless [02:46] ? [02:47] Guerin: for someone completely clueless, finding the way out of bed each morning is a mission [02:47] useruser: granted. [02:47] lol [02:47] Malsid, works with NoAccel [02:47] : ) [02:47] useruser: but that said; is it a simple dist-upgrade, no hassles [02:47] rofl rich [02:48] setting up freenet6 tunnel done [02:48] Guerin: not hard, really - you basically change "warty" to "hoary" in /etc/apt/sources.list, then issue sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [02:48] webmind: It's a driver problem there are 3 drivers out there. [02:48] Guerin: bah. you're asking someone to open an xterm of Doom? === novaflare starts to realy think this is gona go flawlessly [02:48] damyan is there valknut on bla-bla.ubuntu.archive.com ? [02:48] Malsid, any that will work fully ? [02:48] Guerin: and then type crap? === |maddox| [~ubuntu@a212-113-184-33.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu [02:48] thoreauputic: i know HOW; i want to know if it'll break... [02:48] or i have to compile it myself ? [02:48] Guerin: heheh - OK sorry :) [02:49] Guerin: give them a shiny button that says "update to latest version" or something [02:49] webmind: Depends on your graphics card, don't know any more than that I'm afraid. [02:49] Guerin: it shouldn't break [02:49] Malsid, ok [02:49] Malsid, you know which drivers there are ? [02:49] webmind, drivers for? [02:49] Guerin: unless you have weird stuff like backports or marillat repositories === _kevin [~Kevin@CPE0006255ab096-CM400049887786.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:50] Fikrann, ati radeon 9250 [02:50] <_kevin> everytime i try to use mp3splt i get an error message saying "Error: input does not appear to be a valid mp3 stream" [02:50] <_kevin> what does that mean === BoD_SWAT [~swat@fia159-68-100.dsl.hccnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [02:50] ahh your in ca webmind? [02:51] if i recall correctly thats the ca number for the ati radeon 9200 [02:51] webmind, you can try 'radeon' xorg driver, it should provide acceleration. === keffo [~keffo@user150.82-197-233.netatonce.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:51] Hello all, i am problem with Evolution. If i create subfolder in drafts and if i write any draft in this subfolder and if i make changes in mail draft in this subfolder and save it, then draft is saved in drafts, not in my subfolder. Is here any solution for this problem? PS: My english is so ughly, sorry please. [02:52] webmind: Indeed, you've probably got the 'ati' driver right now. [02:52] can anyone tell me the lines to put in my sources.list to install libmikmod? [02:53] webmind: Try the radeon and keep me posted, if you could : ) [02:53] hmm [02:53] chaitanya, mikmod is in main [02:53] well the upgrade or killing of horay seems to have finished [02:53] i guess i need to reboot um heh [02:54] with loads and loads of luck brb === tfar [~tfar@ACB2893B.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:54] chaitanya: it's libmikmod2 by the way [02:55] If i download kubuntu with apt-get can i use both gnome and kde? === aLeSD [~alex@213-140-22-72.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu === morty [~tmj@] has joined #ubuntu [02:55] i've downloaded the kubuntu-desktop package but it still starts with gnome. how can i change this? [02:55] avinoam21, yes [02:55] avinoam21: yes - but install it as ` sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop` [02:56] but then i have two copies of office don't i? === eskaypey [~hah@] has joined #ubuntu [02:56] tfar: choose KDE as your session on login? [02:56] avinoam21: no [02:56] ey [02:56] thoreauputic: what was that command again to check sound [02:56] So .. we got rid of novaflare for at least few hours.. [02:56] I'll try the radeon in a bit [02:56] how do i find out wheather i have wep of wpa [02:56] ati didn't work [02:56] So I don't need any redundant software? [02:56] or* [02:57] AMDXP: you mean alsamixer, or the lspci command? === Snake-Oil [~lp@218-162-221-82.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:57] alsamixer i tried lspci and didnt show anything === m0td [~ben@pppoe-64-91-111-84-rb.vcr.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu === yahalom [~avigail@bzq-84-109-151-105.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:57] avinoam21: apt will take care of you ;) [02:57] avinoam21, no, apt won't install the same package twice. But it will install >similar< packages used by both enviroinments. [02:57] i'm concerned about disk space [02:57] AMDXP: alsamixer is just a mixer app (volume control etc) === podge [~podge@adsl-143-75.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:58] alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory [02:58] avinoam21: hopw much space do you have? [02:58] can someone tell me what i need to change in interface in order to prevent getting d/c everytime my ip is renewed? [02:58] Hi === kutucape [~zayn@] has joined #ubuntu [02:58] I have to check how much [02:58] i'm at work now [02:58] i am trying to switch to oss [02:58] i guess alsa will not work, thoreauputic [02:58] avinoam21, shalom === TribooN [~tribun@i3ED699D7.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:58] hi all === lesshaste [~lesshaste@st179.dcs.kcl.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [02:59] yahalom mah nishma achi [02:59] hi === poningru [~poningru@pool-71-101-67-91.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:59] yahalom: d/c? === poningru [~poningru@pool-71-101-67-91.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:59] hey guys, I need some help troubleshooting using a wireless card with ndiswrapper. Anyone up for helping me, please? [02:59] avinoam21, sababa ma itcha? [02:59] disconnect? [02:59] is it true that there is no official upgrade process from one version of ubuntu to another? [02:59] podge, disconnect [02:59] yahalom, if you get your ip changed, there's nothing that can help prevent you from getting disconnected. [02:59] chaitanya: as I already said, you *have* to use alsa - it's built in - the oss layer is mere emulation, not the old oss of 2.4 kernels, as far as I know === gioubu [~gioubu@ppp-93-135.25-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu [02:59] Fikrann, i can make sure it stops checking for my ip [02:59] It is a shame that kde and gnome don't use the same packages [03:00] Fikrann, i forgot the settings [03:00] AFAIK [03:00] Fikrann, works like a charm [03:00] then thoreauputic, please tell me how [03:00] thoreauputic: it doesnt even see my laptop sound card === colin_ [~colin@] has joined #ubuntu [03:00] <_kevin> I'm using a program called mp3splt and i try to break up a large mp3 into tracks via cue file, but everytime i try to do so with mp3splt i get an error message that reads "Error: input does not appear to be a valid mp3 stream" Whats does this mean and how can i get this to work? [03:00] I have the card's driver loaded with ndiswrapper. I have it all configured as is correct for my network. However, I can't get on the network with it. When I do an ifconfig on the interface, I see that it has received quite a few packets, but transmitted none. [03:00] AMDXP see www.linuxforlaptops.org [03:00] or to put it another way, how to upgrade from one ubuntu version to the next?? === ahmetsar [~ahmetsar@] has joined #ubuntu === lamp_ [~la@dsl-084-056-162-070.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === smoser [~smoser@pixpat.austin.ibm.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:00] lesshaste: ubuntuguide.org has it [03:01] lesshaste: search the ubuntu forums [03:01] chaitanya: I'm not a sound expert, sorry - I just made a few obvious suggestions you could try: maybe someone with more knowledge can help [03:01] yahalom, you can kill dhclient3, but don't be surprised if you get weird problems like someone else getting your current ip assigned. [03:01] and ubuntuguide [03:01] ubuntu is a live sytem [03:01] It,s time to head home, it's 4:00PM here [03:01] tke bilen === Liverman [H106b@masq.oek.dk] has joined #ubuntu [03:01] trke bile [03:01] I have the card's driver loaded with ndiswrapper. I have it all configured as is correct for my network. However, I can't get on the network with it. When I do an ifconfig on the interface, I see that it has received quite a few packets, but transmitted none. [03:01] ? [03:01] ahmetsar: english please [03:01] ahmetsar: ??? [03:01] does anyone have some ideas? [03:01] Fikrann, not that. something in /usr/lib/ppr/interfaces [03:02] i got a problem installing the java jdk. I tried 'sudo apt-get install java-package fakeroot' but i got the answer 'coult not find java package' [03:02] but i downloaded the jdk.bin === mxpxpod [~BryanForb@mxpxpod.user] has joined #ubuntu [03:02] m0td: what ideas? === novaflare [~sarnes@cpe-24-93-172-93.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Quarupted [~quar@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:02] .. [03:03] it went boom :) === eskaypey [~hah@] has left #ubuntu [] === mxpxpod is now known as mx|gone [03:03] Is it normal for a firewall to keep all ports above 1024 as "closed" and not as "stealth"? [03:03] Fikrann, /etc/network/interfaces [03:03] what is the preferred way to get the patches provided by linux-patch-2.6.X ... to /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.10 ? [03:03] novaflare, we told you [03:03] my mistake [03:03] quick question during install possible to install fglrx drivers? [03:03] Fikrann, # The primary network interface [03:03] iface eth0 inet dhcp this needs to be changed [03:03] Snake-Oil: I have the card's driver loaded with ndiswrapper. I have it all configured as is correct for my [03:03] I'd like to get my /usr/src/linux into the state that drivers can expect to build from it. [03:03] network. However, I can't get on the network with it. When I do an ifconfig on the interface, I see [03:03] TribooN: I think you need the multiverse repository [03:03] that it has received quite a few packets, but transmitted none. [03:03] Peps: I dont know if that matters at all if they are closed or stealth [03:03] (external drivers) [03:03] ! restricted [03:03] I guess restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats [03:03] hm? .. i'll google that first i guess :) [03:04] thoreauputic, u know what i need to change this to: # The primary network interface === GNAM [~GNAM@host61-241.pool80183.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [03:04] iface eth0 inet dhcp [03:04] stealth is better [03:04] TribooN: read the bot's URL [03:04] m0td: oh... hehe [03:04] Malsid, still crashes [03:04] yahalom: my network doesn't use dhcp [03:04] well i try to find pages in german [03:04] cause if possible to install those drivers i would like to do soduring the install instead of after [03:04] m0td: keyword is ... [03:04] m0td, what settings u have? [03:04] anyone in here using fglrx driver? [03:04] yahalom: I use static addresses [03:04] should I pastebin my /etc/network/interfaces file? [03:04] webmind: But you got in before with noaccel right? === hardcampa- [~hardcampa@c-dd1272d5.01-134-73746f22.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu === davidfraser [~davidfras@wbs-146-172-125.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [03:04] yahalom, if your network is using dhcp, not using it is asking for administrator rage. [03:05] thoreauputic, thats what i need: so what does ur entry look ike? [03:05] Malsid, this is without noaccel === ilba7r [~ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:05] Fikrann, well i'm paying them for a service. [03:05] Malsid, with it probably lives yes [03:05] http://pastebin.ca/13176 [03:05] Fikrann, i get disconnected every 30 minutes when i use dhcp [03:05] eth2 is the card I'm trying to get to work === aghat [~Ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu === udee [~udee@] has joined #ubuntu [03:06] webmind: But you're using the radeon driver yes? [03:06] thenuke, Warning! This is still in it's development stage. Only use it for experimental purposes [03:06] yahalom, and you'll probably get into problems for disrupting their service. [03:06] thenuke, I was going Warthog to Hoary [03:06] yahalom: I can paste mine in #flood if you wish [03:06] thoreauputic, yes plz [03:06] Malsid, yes [03:06] m0td, from Warthog to Hoary ? [03:06] Fikrann, then i'll change isp for bad service :) [03:06] thoreauputic, i'm there [03:06] hai [03:06] Malsid, (radeon | ati) + NoAccel=>false == hangup/crash [03:06] lesshaste: What did gave you that error [03:07] thenuke, no error. I am reading ubuntuguide like you said [03:07] lesshaste: I believe so [03:07] webmind: I suppose the only thing left is to try the fglrx drivers, sorry. [03:07] #Bandung [03:07] thenuke, http://ubuntuguide.org/#upgradehoarytobreezy [03:07] webmind, use fglrx, then, from Ati website [03:07] umm, if you had choose === bobp [~bobp@pcp09944565pcs.hyatsv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:07] ok [03:07] lesshaste: ufff.. Hoary to breeze is not warty to hoary [03:08] thenuke, yes... I want warty to hoary [03:08] thenuke, there are no docs for that [03:08] lesshaste: you need to use ubuntuguide for warty === podge [~podge@adsl-143-75.swiftdsl.com.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:08] check the first page of the guide [03:08] there is link [03:08] thoreauputic, does this make sense: iface eth0 inet static address [03:08] lesshaste, this Will Not Work (yet) === thekoreuk [~sean@dsl-80-43-169-219.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu === novaflare loves the ease of ubuntu installs cause he thinks this will be a weekly thing for a while heh [03:08] thenuke, ah! found that [03:09] yahalom: I don't think so :) [03:09] thoreauputic, what part, the [03:09] yahalom: is like, anywhere [03:09] yahalom, of course it doesn't [03:09] thoreauputic, ignore the thats how it works [03:09] ? [03:09] fglrx == firegl drivers ? [03:09] thoreauputic, if i put i never get disconnected [03:10] I'm with you on the 'ease of ubuntu installs cause I do them so often' [03:10] thenuke, thx.. strange that when you put in the hoary cd it doesn't offer to upgrade === lok [~lok@pouet.dnsalias.org] has joined #ubuntu [03:10] thoreauputic, iface eth0 inet static <---fine? i'm missing something with an "a" i think [03:10] this is my secound time [03:10] webmind, yes [03:10] Fikrann, ignore the [03:10] i avoided ubuntu at first === jbalint [~jbalint@cpe-66-61-132-14.insight.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [03:10] my 10th or so [03:10] <_kevin> how do i install files in tar.gz [03:10] thoreauputic, what option starts with an "a" [03:10] cause it said text only for the install [03:10] thoreauputic, ? [03:10] <_kevin> i downloaded [03:10] #bandung [03:10] so why doesn't it offer to upgrade when you boot off hoary? [03:11] and can that feature be added ? :) [03:11] yahalom: you've lost me... [03:11] but geeze its like 12 keystrokes to setand forget === g0nz0 [~chatzilla@p508DEEC4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:11] be sure to read the unofficial guide (REALLY good stuff for newbies like me) [03:11] yahalom, it's better to use or something similar as IP stub, since is reserved address. [03:11] yahalom: I just pasted what works for me === stub [~stub@203-217-37-199.dyn.iinet.net.au] has left #ubuntu [] === chaitanya [~chaitanya@] has joined #ubuntu [03:11] lesshaste: I guess that it's not so smart that it would know to offer you upgrading when you insert some cd in, and it most often needs net to upgrade [03:11] if rubies ends up working right after this [03:11] _kevin -- can you see this? [03:11] what is the command to get system stats? [03:11] ill be doing one more install of ubuntu [03:11] Fikrann, man. all i know is that this is the only way i stay connected :( [03:12] cause ill give it my entire 60 gigs space [03:12] and not have windows on my hd at all [03:12] <_kevin> yes === aghat [~Ubuntu@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:12] <_kevin> bobp i see it === root [~root@ADijon-151-1-82-160.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === mAIJK [~m@h58n1c1o1039.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:12] is it possible to use ubuntu as a server with thin clients? without using ltsp? [03:12] yop [03:12] I need help [03:13] Fikrann, i'll leave it on dhcp and see if it disconnect sme [03:13] thanx guys [03:13] _kevin -- thanks -- I got the 'yes' in black & white, and 'bobp...' in color -- how am I supposed to (politely) work this thing? [03:13] davidfraser, yes. [03:13] davidfraser: yes, any linux system can do remote X or ssh -X [03:13] why my wlan0 doesn t work on my kernel 2.6.10 [03:13] why my wlan0 doesn t work on my kernel 2.6.10-5 [03:13] iis there a good mp3 player for linux, like winamp, better than xmms? [03:13] thenuke, I mean it complains that there is an existing install without offering to upgrade it [03:13] great, will it support local USB devices like cameras etc on the thin client? [03:13] Quarupted: several [03:13] thenuke, it's not like it can't recognise warty! === Gerling [~user1@c211-30-202-197.rivrw2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:13] Quarupted: Beep media player. [03:13] Quarupted: try beep-media-player [03:14] hmm [03:14] well bmp isn't better than xmms [03:14] nobody for me? [03:14] thoreauputic: just wondering about how easy it would be to set up the thin clients ... booting over the network etc === freeflying [~rockie@] has joined #ubuntu [03:14] tempted to take atis drivers from their site and alient them to .deb and see what happens [03:14] does anyone know about the /etc/filesystems file that is common to Debian but is missing in ubuntu? [03:14] lok: But GTK2. === chaitanya [~chaitanya@] has joined #ubuntu [03:14] why my wlan0 doesn t work on my kernel 2.6.10-5???????????????? [03:14] yes [03:14] root, why do you expect us to go through the pain of extricating details from you? [03:14] hi [03:14] I am trying to mount a msdos floppy disk by using rox-filer [03:15] lesshaste: ahhh.. you mean that when you start the install from the cd.. [03:15] my computer does not have a /dev/dsp [03:15] thenuke, exactly [03:15] root: The best we can tell you from the information you've given us is that you've configured it incorrectly [03:15] Fikrann what details!? [03:15] but with theme the gtk2 isn't very usefull [03:15] can someone please tell me how to create a proper /dev/dsp? [03:15] davidfraser: booting over the network I haven't tried, but ssh -X is basically a thin client thing (with encryption) [03:15] lesshaste: well, don't know about it. but wild guess would be that there is a reason for that [03:15] Methynutnut: but it orks on my old kernel [03:15] thenuke, :) laziness on the part of the unpaid developer ? [03:15] chaitanya: you haven't to create one [03:15] root: OK, that's a handy bit of information. Check your kernel modules? [03:15] root, some important details you forgot to mention to us. [03:16] thoreauputic: yes I know about using ssh -X, but I want to set up a lab where they all boot off the server ... doesn't seem to be any info on the wiki other than ltsp... [03:16] look in /dev/audio or /dev/mixer [03:16] lesshaste: might be true aswell, dont really know :) [03:16] :) [03:16] Methynutnut: how? [03:16] how i switchj in console fenetre [03:16] ok I'm with Fikrann [03:16] I can't be stuffed pulling out all the information [03:16] how i switchj in console windows [03:16] ? [03:16] can you help me with a problem lok? [03:16] hrm, whatever I try I can't raise anything other than "no device found' on warty on this guy's machine [03:16] lesshaste: but I guess that they believe that about every user has net [03:16] it's pretty stock stuff, and works with the livecd [03:17] my audio's not working and xmms gives the error "cannot open /dev/dsp" [03:17] please help lok [03:17] chaitanya: what sound system are you using? [03:17] blast i did forget one thing before rebooting i wanted to drop my xorg.conf and cedega config file to my apache driver so i could make a copy of them and replace once reinstall was done [03:17] ahh well [03:17] chaitanya: sound group? [03:17] Methynutnut: you are here? [03:17] root: yes I am [03:18] then? [03:18] root: why are you IRC ing as root (not just your nick: you show as root) ? It's *very* insecure [03:18] why does #ubuntu even allow it? [03:18] i am using alsa Snake-Oil , Methynutnut [03:18] thoreauputic: really? === mgalvin [~mgalvin@host-66-202-95-170.spr.choiceone.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:18] root: There is no "then" I am just here [03:18] yikes thats a realy bad idea [03:18] chaitanya: so? [03:18] Snake-Oil: of course === Wargn [~Wargn2@a84-231-95-72.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [03:18] never run as root learned that when i was on ed hat [03:18] thoreauputic, yes, he is ircing from root account. [03:19] chaitanya: Well you need to make sure you've installed your drivers, and I think it has a snddevices script to create them if they're missing === Wargn [~Wargn2@a84-231-95-72.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:19] Fikrann: I know [03:19] but i have not choice i am in the recuperating console === novaflare remembers seeing kernal panic after what he thought was a minor config change === komA is now known as koma [03:19] with any faillure * [03:19] chaitanya: alsa-oss installed ? [03:19] root: adduser badger; su badger [03:19] can you tell me how to use it Methynutnut? [03:19] yes it is Snake-Oil [03:19] chaitanya: well are you installing alsa from source? [03:20] Guerin: how changed windows?? [03:20] ctrl+alt+fn? === teknoprep [~tek@sentry.readingeagle.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:20] chaitanya: does root can play sound ? [03:20] but it doesn t work [03:20] root: alt+F[123456] [03:20] oh [03:20] no idea then [03:20] erf [03:20] Guerin, he's in emergency console. [03:20] sounds like single user mode to me, my bad === occy [~october@ip24-252-197-99.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:21] yes Fikrann === davidfraser [~davidfras@wbs-146-172-125.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu [] [03:21] Does anyone konw how nautilius mounts dos floppys I am trying to get it to mount dos disks with rox without success [03:21] well i reboot then === tekkah [~tekk@] has joined #ubuntu [03:21] i ll see late [03:21] does ubuntu have some kind of visual task manager [03:22] root, try modprobbing driver for your wlan card === peaceyall` [~peaceyall@] has joined #ubuntu [03:22] hi [03:22] Quarupted: top [03:22] Fikrann: [03:22] Quarupted, not really. [03:22] ps aux [03:22] Quarupted: well top is reasonably visual, is it not? [03:22] Fikrann: i tryed without succes [03:22] my battery life on linux is very short , only 1 hour and 45 mins but on windows it is 3 hours and 35 mins ? why? === colin_ [~colin@] has joined #ubuntu [03:23] hmm [03:23] sudo reboot === colin_ is now known as colin_a [03:23] arf chit [03:23] Then hotplug is required, you need to try booting to single user mode. === mupe [~joonas@roi-13d0.cable.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [03:23] top doesnt display everything === chaitanya [~chaitanya@] has joined #ubuntu [03:23] sorry, got disconnected [03:23] i need to kill limewire but i dunno its pid [03:23] Fikrann: hmm i don t understand [03:23] im guessing your cpu supports some form of speed scaling peaceyall you might need to enable that manualy [03:23] Quarupted: killall limewire [03:23] tried that [03:23] Fikrann: its real i have a proble xith hotblog in booting [03:23] can i please know abotu the scripit that you all were talking abt? [03:23] well what's the executable called? [03:24] in windows it would prob be turned on by your laptops manufacture [03:24] "module wlan doesn t found" [03:24] Dear Methynutnut, plase tell me the name of script again.. === mcloud [~mcloud@] has joined #ubuntu [03:24] chaitanya: snddevices [03:24] missed it.. got disconnected, sorry [03:24] and where can i find it? Methynutnut? === Gerling [~user1@c211-30-202-197.rivrw2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] [03:24] chaitanya: though as far as I am aware, it shouldn't need to be used. If you just go through and do the configure make make install for your driver, devices will show up === nosilver4u [~sbishop@ftth124.ftth.eldl.drtel.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:25] IIRC, the snddevices script is in the folder that alsa-driver extracts to [03:26] It's a 3 step process... compile & install your driver, load the drivers into the kernel, configure your applications to use alsa === T5 [~Jan@dsl-084-059-001-066.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:26] i am using Intel Corporation 82801CA/CAM AC'97 Audio Controller (sound) [03:26] can you help me? [03:26] well maybe [03:26] Methynutnut? [03:26] chaitanya: bad chipset [03:26] do you have alsa? [03:26] yes ido [03:27] By the way, does anyone know if stock ubuntu kernel supports cpu frequency scaling? [03:27] and alsa-oss too [03:27] what should i do Snake-Oil? [03:27] right well I think the three modules I installed were snd-mixer, snd-oss and snd-ca0106 (this last one being for my audigy ls) [03:27] bob2 are u awake? === peaceyall` [~peaceyall@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:28] chaitanya: You had better to recompie a new kernel [03:28] and .. [03:28] Snake-Oil: Why's that? I didn't [03:28] chaitanya, check if you have snd-intel8x0 loaded === Will0r [~wilgeroth@p5482597D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:28] how do i do that Fikrann? === cmg_ [~cmg@151-204.tfn.com] has joined #ubuntu === mgalvin [~mgalvin@host-66-202-95-170.spr.choiceone.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:28] chaitanya, lsmod [03:28] yeow, new nvidia drivers.. with opengl 2.0 support! [03:28] chaitanya: lsmod === terrex [~terrex@84-122-69-8.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:29] chaitanya: $lsmod [03:29] chaitanya: have you compiled the alsa driver yet? [03:29] chaitanya: hot-plug installed? [03:29] yes its there.. the line is there.... === Kyaneos [~Kyaneos@91.Red-83-33-154.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:29] ah ok [03:29] yeh yeh rubit in adnans us poor ati users get so few driver updates .... === Akselii [~Akselii@] has joined #ubuntu [03:30] hey [03:30] hot-plug was giving some error messages while booting [03:30] whats the ISDN support of ubuntu? [03:30] is it good? [03:30] novaflare, sorry :) [03:30] heheh [03:30] chaitanya: udev + hot-plug installed? [03:30] yes [03:30] i have ubuntu CDs here, and i would like to install ubuntu if it has good ISDN support [03:30] ok so we have the correct module installed, yet you're missing the device? :/ [03:30] does it have? [03:30] Snake-Oil, yes [03:30] thats ok give ati time and they will eat nvidia for lunch on linux buhahahah (kidding of course) [03:30] what is the best cdwriting app for ubunto that does not use cdrecord? [03:30] Akselii, yes. [03:30] chaitanya: (ghost was in kernel) [03:30] Fikrann: is it how good? [03:31] hot-plug was giving some error messages while bootup [03:31] Fikrann: like easy to use? [03:31] chaitanya: so... [03:31] Akselii, no idea [03:31] eh [03:31] umm k [03:31] well it's getting late, I'm off to bed, good luck chaitanya [03:31] ian, there probably aren't any [03:31] ill try [03:31] chaitanya: try modprobe? === Thazza [~Sleepy@] has joined #ubuntu [03:31] ian, why do you not want cdrecord. === jjesse [~jjesse@mail.ftpb.com] has joined #ubuntu === ralf is away ( http://www.autistici.org.nyud.net:8090/shockraver/ph0t0.htm) === tekkah [~tekk@] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] smoser: i have tried gnomebaker.. and tried to used terminal for cd writing ...no luck..it freezes.. === IFRFLYR [~nick@cpe-69-204-132-232.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:33] modprobe gives blank output Snake-Oil for snd_ac97_codec [03:33] what to do next Snake-Oil? [03:33] chaitanya: you need the other modules... [03:33] ian, what drive you have? [03:33] so what should i do next Snake-Oil? === mfabbri [~mfabbri@host112-154.pool80116.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [03:34] ANyone know of a good chat for LAN which has a Windows and Linux client? [03:34] IFRFLYR: email [03:34] lol === chris_h [~chris@cpc3-oxfd3-3-0-cust172.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === adnans [~adnans@linuxgoeroe.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [03:34] Guerin, yes, I see. That's a good one. Anyone else? [03:34] IFRFLYR, irc [03:34] IFRFLYR: you can also install a jabberd or an ircd locally. [03:35] IFRFLYR: jabber [03:35] chaitanya: aye... a long long story [03:35] Fikrann: cyberdrive.. it can read data..but cannot write.. here is the error.. http://pastebin.com/ === noddaba [~asldkjfl@adsl-68-79-236-30.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:35] nosilver4u, thanks! [03:35] Fikrann: here the error http://pastebin.com/293887 [03:35] Guerin, thanks too! ;) [03:35] atleast can point me to some resource Snake-Oil? === sneex [~iudicium@adsl-068-214-087-042.sip.jax.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:36] ian, no wonder you can't write. [03:36] Fikrann, I was thinking that I could keep it local, though, rather than sending our messages across the world to get across the building! But you're right, of course, it would work just fine! [03:36] chaitanya: in /lib/modules//sound/oss/ [03:36] Fikrann: why? [03:36] IFRFLYR, then why don't you install your own irc server? [03:37] ian, do you see any files named 'hdb' in your root directory? [03:37] chaitanya: try those modules one by one [03:37] just use jabber [03:37] there is no such directory, Snake-Oil [03:37] ASDFASDADASFASDF. Grah. [03:37] That was actually what I was asking about, but jabber seems to be the way to go. Thanks everyone! === IFRFLYR [~nick@cpe-69-204-132-232.nycap.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] === Zoohouse [~Zoohouse@adsl-2-189-44.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:38] I haven't managed to get it compile :( [03:38] chaitanya: ogg .... a new *fine* kernel <- all of you need [03:38] chaitanya, I do agree === mfabbri [~mfabbri@host112-154.pool80116.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu ["Sto] === novaflare yawns secound part of ubuntu install takes so long [03:39] chaitanya: or... you just need a google keyword [03:39] do i have to compile the sources from scratch? [03:39] or should i download from ubuntu? [03:39] I installed Hoary onto a raid5 array. the installation went fine, but now, whenever I try to run lilo, i get this error: "Warning: '/proc/partitions' does not match '/dev' directory structure. Name change: '/dev/dm-0' -> '/dev/evms/hde2' Fatal: is_primary: Not a valid device 0xFD03". The only way I can update lilo is by rebooting with the install CD, mounting the raid array, chroot'ing to it, and running lilo from there [03:39] . Can anyone help? === mike__ [~mike@s53-95-181.nap.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu === Gerrit89 [~gerrit@p5487829B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:40] Where are the "incoming" servers for Ubuntu? [03:40] chaitanya: file a bug? [03:40] noddaba: um - why lilo? Ubuntu uses grub? [03:40] noddaba, install grub ... === andred [~andre@c-c97173d5.012-245-6c756c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [03:40] Can somebody help me? [03:40] i installed linux first time [03:40] no === melter [~Melter@dyn224.iacc-tm4.ndsu.NoDak.edu] has joined #ubuntu [03:40] and it just doesnt save the data [03:41] what filesystem needs linux partition? [03:41] Gerrit89: me too ^-^ [03:41] and i cant see other NTFS Partitions and so i cant write on them [03:41] i guess i should. i installed lilo because i was used to it. is it difficult to switch over to grub on an existing system? [03:41] Gerrit89, the less vague questions you ask the more easily you will get them answered [03:41] ext, reiserfs, xfs, ....... [03:41] My junk mail filtering in Evolution in Hoary doesn't seem to work [03:41] i am not englisch [03:41] english [03:41] Google tells me that I need to install spamassasin [03:41] Gerrit89: writing to ntfs is not supported by default [03:41] so i cant speak english soooooo well [03:41] Gerrit89, writing to NTFS is NOT SUPPORTED [03:41] Gerrit89: me too ^-^ [03:42] Fikrann: sorry..wrong paste.. :) here is the right one.. http://pastebin.com/293889 [03:42] and the linux partition? === gentoon [~gentoon@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:42] but I thought there were plans to make bogofilter work in Hoary [03:42] shall i convert to fat32? [03:42] anyone know where the sudoers file is? [03:42] have these plans materialized or do I still need spamassasin? [03:42] gentoon: /etc/sudoers [03:42] Gerrit89: german? >>>>#ubuntu-de [03:42] egli: do you have any genital diseases? [03:42] ian, you don't have hdd mounted somewhere, do you? [03:42] Gerrit89, If you're installing Linux, you should probably use a Linux-type filesystem such as ext2/3 or reiserfs instead of NTFS or FAT [03:42] woot at ubuntu boot up again [03:43] time to install my kernel for k7 [03:43] anyone have a tool for editing videos [03:43] Gerrit89: so you just to buy a computer which was linux ready === dunai [~dunai@] has joined #ubuntu [03:43] kinda like a GIMP for videos [03:43] linux partition is EXT2 [03:43] but i saved some settings and they weren loaded [03:43] Gerrit89, for your linux partition choose xfs or reiserfs [03:43] Fikrann: /dev/hdd is my cdrom device.. im new in linux.. :( [03:44] ohm i got partition magic [03:44] reiserfs >* [03:44] i guess it cant convert to those types [03:44] ian, do you have cdrom opened somewhere? [03:44] qtparted === johnnybezak [~johnnybez@202-59-106-120.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:44] and ... [03:44] Gerrit89: windoze tools sucks [03:44] gerrit89: can you burn cds? [03:44] with Linux? === jk24 [~jk24@] has joined #ubuntu [03:44] Fikrann: yes i can open and read the files [03:44] i dont know how [03:44] resize your win-partitions and make space for linux === dunai [~dunai@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:44] Does Ubuntu have a server comparable to "incoming" a la Debian? If so, where is it? [03:44] Gerrit89: never think about it [03:45] Gerrit89: just leave free space for linux: the installer can format file systems for you (default is ext3) === van_ [~traxas@ctv-213-164-105-85.vinita.lt] has joined #ubuntu [03:45] http://www.sysresccd.org/ [03:45] Fikrann: heres a part of my fstab /dev/hdd /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 ro,user,noauto 0 [03:45] gerrit89: http://www.sysresccd.org/ [03:45] use that if you can [03:45] so just tell me please [03:45] best thing ever [03:45] ian, close _ALL_ file manager windows, then try writing again [03:45] What type for : Linux, Windows, Others Partitions with games and music === BeTa [~beta@beta.loc.e-glop.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:45] Gerrit89, Sprechen sie Deutsch? Join #ubuntu-de [03:46] hi, have 2 questions: 1) how to look at the ram ussage 2) are there any good internet browsers besides firefox? [03:46] ja aber ich hab keine lust denen auch nochmal alles zu erklren [03:46] Gerrit89: how about .... a new hard drive? [03:46] van_: top, and yes - galeon, epiphany-browser , mozilla, konqueror [03:46] anyone here uses powernow with their amd cpu? [03:46] linuxboy: swap + ext2/3 or reiser or xfs or..... [03:46] Gerrit89, Ich sprechen keine Deutsch, but you should be able to get help in German over on the #ubuntu-de channel. === dewes [~dewes@fwserver.cpd.ufsm.br] has joined #ubuntu [03:47] Fikrann: same problem ... do i need to reboot? [03:47] van_, free -m. And Opera, though it's not free [03:47] okok thank you [03:47] :o [03:47] van_: whats wrong with ff? [03:47] thnx [03:47] ian, paste the output of: lsof /dev/hdd [03:47] ich libe dich... [03:47] van_: also you can use the system monitor to look at it [03:48] nothing, just wanna now what else i could use :) i'm still gona use firefox :) === dewes [~dewes@fwserver.cpd.ufsm.br] has left #ubuntu ["Fui] [03:48] thanx for the answers [03:48] man i keep getting this Xauthority error and i have to create a new user or i cant access any installed WM? [03:48] whats up with that? === adnans [~adnans@linuxgoeroe.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [03:48] Fikrann: no output [03:48] hm...is this normal that 366 mb of 376 are used running gnome, firefox ar xchat? [03:49] Fikrann: ian@ubuntu:~$ sudo lsof /dev/hdd [03:49] ian@ubuntu:~$ [03:49] gentoon, keep asking vague questions and we'll keep giving you vague answers. [03:49] Fikrann: i have put a blank cd.. [03:49] ian, no output is okay [03:49] van_: most of that is buffers and cache [03:49] Fikrann: what do you think went wrong? [03:50] ian, though it's somewhat contradictory to what cdrecord is saying. [03:50] ian, paste result of cdrecord --scanbus [03:50] <_kevin> beep media playter only support winamp 2.xx themes meaning the Classic winamp themes === shining [~chantry@AFontenayssB-151-1-45-131.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === dos000 [~dos000@] has joined #ubuntu [03:51] Does Ubuntu have an "incoming" server? === miscz_ [~miscz@amz85.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [03:51] ian: don't paste more than 3 lines in this channel!! paste it in ubuntu.pastebin.com [03:51] mike__, what do you call 'incoming server' [03:51] ? === littleworm [~littlewor@bzq-80-30-244.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:51] Fikrann, Similar to "incoming.debian.org" [03:52] Fikrann, For packages in PENDINGUPLOAD status === blixa [~blixa@] has joined #ubuntu [03:52] Fikrann: cdrecord --scanbus is useless on 2.6.* kernels (unless scsi emulation is enabled) [03:52] Fikrann: heres the output http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/293895 === Nasok [Nasok@85-65-186-238.barak-online.net] has joined #ubuntu === Invisible [~Invisible@] has joined #ubuntu === blixa is now known as bloggs3056 [03:53] mike__, it seems that it's an inofficial repository. You might want to grep ubuntu wiki for 'backports' [03:53] whats the driver name for fglrx in xorg.conf fglrx or fglx? [03:53] hi, anyone installed hoary on dell machines ? i tried on 2 machines (one dell 750 one asus k8v se deluxe) both with sata drives and it is a nightmare. Debian installer went ok tho ! [03:53] thoreauputic, I don't agree. [03:53] Fikrann: pffft [03:53] nvm will look at how to [03:54] Fikrann, Thanks; will check there. === arcticblue is away: at the job [03:54] Fikrann: what do you think? [03:54] ian, sorry, but that's not exactly I meant. cdrecord -scanbus [03:54] i should say i m trying to do soft raid as well [03:54] ian, I must've made a typo [03:54] Just installed 5.04, but my web pages load so slow - any ideas? === sneex [~iudicium@adsl-068-214-087-042.sip.jax.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:55] bloggs3056, and my desktop is blue. [03:55] bloggs: what browser do you use? [03:55] give us more info === egli [~egli@] has left #ubuntu [] [03:55] Fikrann: that command will just output an error - see if I care that you don't listen === chris_h [~chris@cpc3-oxfd3-3-0-cust172.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:56] Fikrann: there has been a lot of documentation about this [03:56] can someone point me to where i can find on how to configure grub to boot from a raid5 array? === bobp [~bobp@pcp09944565pcs.hyatsv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:56] noddaba: search the wiki [03:56] how can i connect my internet in ubuntu if my dial up is PPP [03:56] dos000, try withnout soft raid. [03:56] i've found how to do raid1 [03:56] its in their somewhere [03:56] Fikrann: http://pastebin.com/293900. i think it has the same error.. [03:57] poningru, ok, thanks === xvlun [~Jan@dsl-084-059-001-066.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:57] Fikrann, i did and it works fine. === jacquesmerde [~michael@220-253-0-16.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:57] of course it does... === gentoon [~gentoon@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:57] firefox 1.02 === naderman [~naderman@p508B70E4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:57] how can I resolve /lib/cpp fails sanity test? The real cpp is in /usr/bin [03:57] does nautilus-burner in ubuntu have known bugs? or am i just incredibly unlucky? [03:57] noddaba: sorry I wasnt much use but I remember its in there somewhere [03:57] noddaba, pray share ! [03:57] jacq: recommend just using k3b [03:57] jacquesmerde, even [03:58] I tried the about:config trick disabling ipv6 - but no change [03:58] noddaba, from the installer ? [03:58] he says after i just toasted my last cdr with nautilus-burner... [03:58] ian, it seems that I haven't touched cdrecord directly my knowledge got outdated. [03:58] bobp: sudo apt-get install build-essential [03:59] noddaba, no. i already have the system installed, initially with lilo. having problems with lilo though, so i'm giving grub a try [03:59] Fikrann: :( [03:59] thanks thereauputic! === fabs [~fabio@host217-43-1-16.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:59] hello all [03:59] oops. that was to you dos000 [03:59] ian, pm me, please. === mcloud [~mcloud@] has left #ubuntu [] [03:59] how can i connect my internet in ubuntu if my dial up is PPP === spanglesontoast [~spangles@eddland.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:59] Guys, I have just bought a 512MB DDR Memory, how can i see the tot amount of mem I have got? [04:00] Nasok: run ` sudo pppconfig`, and connect with the "pon" command [04:00] fabs, in bios, for example [04:00] Nasok: disconnect with "poff" [04:00] anyone know where the audio config file is for americas army? [04:00] Fikrann: i have pm ...you.. :) [04:00] noddaba, it looks like there are major issues with hoary installer with raid ! [04:00] Fikrann, thanks but a way to do it in Ubuntu? [04:01] fabs, yes. free -m [04:01] Fikrann, oh great thanks it works : 758mb tot it says :) [04:02] dos000, yeah, there were. i had to do follow this: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/InstallingToRAID1, but instead of using the raid1 module, i used raid5. unfortunately, now that's the only way i can update my boot record :( === krischan [~krischan@p54B8636F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:03] Oh another thing, why this command woun't work: sudo proc/meminfo ?? === neuneu [~human2760@] has joined #ubuntu [04:03] I am having trouble with the repos. I have my repos setup correctly. (You can see it here: http://paste.lisp.org/display/8765). I am trying to download the file 'libdvdcss2' but apt-get tells me that file is no where in the repos. I am using Ubunutu 5.04 64 bit [04:03] Can it be that theres no libdvdcss2 package for 64bit? [04:04] fabbione: cat /proc/meminfo [04:04] Zoohouse, i had so many probs with the 64bit Ubunti i eneded up switching to the 386 one [04:04] oops [04:04] fabs cat /proc/meminfo [04:05] Zoohouse: naah, you dont have the correct repos [04:05] fabbione: you don't need the sudo, btw [04:05] http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories [04:05] arghhh [04:05] gentoon: I too have had alot of troubles with 64... if crashed into about 3 packages that are broken [04:05] Zoohouse: always check ubuntuguide first [04:05] fabs: you don't need the sudo, btw [04:05] sorry fabbione === jeremywhiting [~jeremy@70-56-99-134.slkc.qwest.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:05] no he did it right [04:05] thenuke: I took the repos stright off ubuntuguid.org [04:05] same thing happened to me [04:06] thenuke: I even copy and pasted their example [04:06] thoreauputic, eheh thanks a lot it works great :) I see u having trouble typing there :) [04:06] its cause he is using 64bit [04:06] noddaba, this is for warty tho .. you woul think hoary would have it. [04:06] hmm. mplayer is broken. :/ [04:06] fabs: the trouble is your nick with tab complete - completing to the other nick :) === zoltriks [~plankton@] has joined #ubuntu [04:06] thoreauputic, ya know why i keep having to make new users cause sometimes when i goto login it gives me some error about Xauthority?? [04:07] thoreauputic, ahah yes I see, probably we both are Italian too :P [04:07] dos000, it worked for me in Hoary too. but i agree, should be smoother than that [04:07] Can I compile libdvdcss2 form somwhere atleast? [04:07] gentoon: a guess would be that you ran something as root, and you .xauthority file changed [04:07] hah [04:07] so i can chmod the file back? [04:08] gentoon: deleting ~/.xauthority fixes it [04:08] hoardy worked perfectly where warty just wouldn't do X [04:08] gentoon: and you shouldn't run X apps as root anyway [04:08] just delete it? [04:08] that's a bonus, I suppose [04:08] <_kevin> beep-media player is awsome... i was using xmms for the longest time i don't know why you people failed to mention this player when i asked about a good mp3 player winamp alternative when i first installed ubuntu [04:08] i got a weird isue here [04:08] back on horay btw === CarlFK [~CarlK@c-67-163-11-11.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:08] but i cant change screen res now [04:08] thoreauputic, so when i wanna edit files as root, i have to use CMI editors like vim or nano? [04:08] gentoon: yes, it will regenerate [04:08] _kevin, then you might not want to try amaroK [04:09] use gnomebaker [04:09] gentoon: use for eaxample, "gksudo gdit" [04:09] it tells me the xserver doesnt support xrandr [04:09] yet i know this isnt the case as ive done it before === terrex [~terrex@84-122-69-8.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:09] *gksudo gedit [04:09] thoreauputic, if i do sudo gedit it says cant open display === ian [~ian@] has joined #ubuntu === ralf is away ( http://www.autistici.org.nyud.net:8090/shockraver/ph0t0.htm) === Luisita [~morita03@200-109-240-202.genericrev.cantv.net] has joined #ubuntu === Yully [~morita@200-109-240-202.genericrev.cantv.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:10] gentoon: ls -l ~/.xauthority ssays what? [04:10] well im logged in as diff user now [04:10] <_kevin> amarok is even better?> === slackd00d [~bacardi@slackd00d.user] has left #ubuntu [] [04:10] want me to ls -l /home/brokenuser/.xauthority ? [04:11] gentoon: actually it's .Xauthority, sorry === kart_ [~kartik@ss2.magnet-i.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:11] gentoon: yes, what does ls -l .Xauthority return ? (uppecase X) [04:11] so if i use gksudo and run things as root that way, it won't break my .Xauthority? [04:11] hell with it ill hard wire it to chossen res [04:12] gentoon: correct [04:12] ok [04:12] cool [04:12] can i make a script on my desktop that will run konquerer as root using gksudo? === keffo [~keffo@user150.82-197-233.netatonce.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:13] gentoon: you can return your .Xauthority to sanity with ` sudo chown .Xauthority` or just delete it with `sudo rm .Xauthority` [04:13] novaflare: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto [04:13] and login again, of course [04:13] yea i got that === occy [~october@ip24-252-197-99.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:13] u can delete it [04:14] anyone know where the audio config file is for americas army? [04:14] i remove mine when i get issues thoreauputic , X recreates it === morita04_ [~morita04@200-109-240-202.genericrev.cantv.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:14] REds: yes, i suggested that as well [04:14] 'but im trying to make an easy way to start a file manager using gksudo instead of typing it everytim [04:14] gentoon: make a launcher then [04:14] yah === hussam [~hussam@] has joined #ubuntu === shawarma [~sh@] has left #ubuntu [] === gubrats [~gubrats@cpc3-nthc5-3-0-cust214.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:16] thoreauputic, I can make a launcher for running things as root? [04:16] how? [04:16] gentoon: just make the command e.g. ` gksudo koqueror ` [04:16] *konqueror === kimo [~ahmedy@] has joined #ubuntu === shawarma [~sh@] has joined #ubuntu [04:16] oh === spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === Nasok [Nasok@85-64-247-233.barak-online.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:17] why does intalling OOo2 require gcc-4base !! I dont want gcc4 coz it's too unstable (probably) === cmg_ [~cmg@151-204.tfn.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:17] gentoon: or kdesu in KDE from memory === kart_ [~kartik@ss2.magnet-i.com] has left #ubuntu [] [04:17] I have this problem. I can't get sound from tvtime. can somebody help? [04:17] :( === cmg_ [~cmg@151-204.tfn.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:17] box keeps locking up on me. [04:17] how can i connect in ubuntu with a connection of ppp [04:17] this is beyond frustrating. === herpes [~mat@222-152-115-248.adsl.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [04:17] WindowsXP never locked up on this hardware. [04:17] which was amazing in and of itself. [04:18] <_kevin> amarok is kde === sproingie [~chuck@64-121-15-14.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu === Snake-Oil [~lp@218-162-221-82.dynamic.hinet.net] has left #ubuntu ["free] [04:18] gentoon: you know how to make a launcher, right? [04:18] KDE in ubuntu is waaaay faster than suse. KUDOS to all ubuntu devs :) [04:18] hussam, do u have sound elsewhere [04:19] Nasok: I already told you how... [04:19] thoreauputic, That worked [04:19] cool [04:19] didnt work [04:19] Man im actually getting this install configured for my liking [04:19] kimo: yes it works elsewhere. === i3dmaster [~yongjian@c-24-9-29-155.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:20] hussam, does tvtime has a option to configure which sound driver to use ? arts, alsa ... [04:20] i guess ubuntu survives my fickle distribution vicissitudes [04:20] Nasok: then either 1) you made an error or 2) your modem wasn't found or is unsupported [04:20] say that 10 times fast [04:20] why does intalling OOo2 require gcc-4base !! I dont want gcc4 coz it's too unstable (probably) [04:20] Nasok: so which is it? === teleyinex [~teleyinex@81-172-44-141.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #ubuntu === sproingie considered switching to fedora, but even at this late stage, their ONLY supported kernel STILL doesn't have ATI drivers built for it [04:21] i could do it myself, but that's what i use packages for [04:21] tell me again il try.... and my resolution in ubuntu is not like in the XP [04:21] thoreauputic, thanks man [04:22] Nasok: run `sudo pppconfig`, answer the questions and connect with the `pon` command [04:22] gentoon: you're welcome :) [04:22] ok ill try [04:22] kimo: i don't know but even if I connect tv card directly to speakers, I get no sound. It used to work on fedora before I switched distros. === adaran [~adaran@ip165.41.1411A-CUD12K-02.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu [04:22] Nasok: is your modem an external hardware modem? [04:22] Thanks [04:22] i have a problem with evolution that is distro unrelated: version 2.0 and above do not work with my companies exchange server [04:23] hussam, does it work currently in other OS ? [04:23] now here's my real problem: i want to install evolution 1.4 - however, i can't find it in my repositories [04:23] thoreauputic, one more thing is there an app, so i can have some things start up with gnome? [04:23] (using apt-cache search evolution) - is it still in the official repositories (evolution-1.4 is what i'm looking for) [04:23] why does everyone expect linux to function and work exactly the same as windows? [04:23] I dont [04:24] I know it works better, with a lil configuration [04:24] gentoon: yes, but usually if you save your session whatever was running will start up automatically next time you log in === pedlar [~pedlar@static-68-162-250-64.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:24] hussam, try opening a mixer program (alsamixer, kamix, ...) and changing some volumes [04:24] gentoon, there's bound to be a multitude of ways for that, try session management or .gnomerc or something [04:24] kimo: yes, I'm multi booting between, fedora, windows, and kubutnu. It worls on fedora and windows. [04:25] can anyone help me obtain evolution-1.4 packages? === krischan [~krischan@p54B8636F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === mah[] swam [~mahesh_sw@] has joined #ubuntu === Snake-Oil [~lp@218-162-221-82.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:25] kimo: Line in is on in kmix [04:25] can you make xchat auto-identify? [04:25] adaran: evo 2 is pretty tightly integrated with gnome 2.10, I'd say [04:25] hussam, make sure it is not MUTED. Also, play with other volumes. Sometimes they affect each other ... [04:25] i used to triple boot, freebsd, debian, windows. had hardware that would fail to work in bsd if i booted debian first, but not windows [04:26] adaran: you may be out of luck [04:26] let's hear it for sticky initialization [04:26] thoreauputic, well yes, but it's broken, that's why i need 1.4 === mah[] swam [~mahesh_sw@] has left #ubuntu [] [04:26] Guys, what's this prob with Synaptic: Details: Failed to fork (Cannot allocate memory) ????? [04:26] adaran: I understand [04:26] thoreauputic, ah, damnit, it looks like evolution and gnome are going down the drain =/ === lampshade [~a@tconl92168.tconl.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:26] fabs: means something ate all your RAM. check top and see === keffo [~keffo@user150.82-197-233.netatonce.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:26] thenostradamus, thanks though. gnome 2.10 is default for breezy though isn't it? [04:26] adaran: I tend to agree, sadly - I use fluxbox or xfce4 mostly [04:27] thoreauputic, well i usually get flamed when i say i use kde =) === Riddell hugs adaran for using KDE [04:27] adaran: you won't on #kubuntu [04:27] adaran: I expect breezy will use the next version [04:27] thoreauputic: thanks; warty->hoary did indeed work flawlessly [04:27] sproinge, oh damn what can be?? [04:27] Guerin: :) === sunshine [~Mark@] has joined #ubuntu [04:27] kimo: i already did that. I also have added saa7134 cardnumber=2 to etc/modules so I do get picture but no sound. [04:27] kubuntu? [04:28] Snake-Oil: ubuntu using kde instead of gnome [04:28] sproingie, oh what can be Damn, I cannot open anything [04:28] gbuntu? [04:28] thoreauputic, what xorg driver ya use? [04:28] thoreauputic, well, what's the current version? i have to admit, i haven't been a 100% - i don't use ubuntu, but debian rather, but i'm helping a colleague out - he's having the same problems i have, they are ubuntu related, and i just need ubuntu/apt to install 1.4 [04:28] xfbuntu? === Mr_T [~liam@koko.greenflowers.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu [04:28] ok, what could've happend to my system? i cant paly anything, system is slow etc.. wtf, virus? ;p [04:28] my firefox screws up [04:28] fabs: oh yeah, that does happen. welcome to out of memory conditions. normally the kernel starts killing stuff off, but it looks like it's not [04:28] gentoon: I have no idea - it works - I have an sis crap onboard card [04:28] keffo: ??? [04:28] thoreauputic, though, i might add, i'm a candidate for ubuntu if debian doesn't drop some archs and hurry up with sarge =) [04:29] gdesklets doesnt start anymore either.. [04:29] sproingie, oh it worries me, I just put a 512MB stick inside but it never happened with the 256 b4!! [04:29] i dont have any evo contacts support in gaim and vice versa [04:29] everythings been working 110% in months === bobp [~bobp@pcp09944565pcs.hyatsv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] fabs: unless you know some existing pid's to use the kill builtin, you're probably out of luck, and will have to reboot === refuze2looze [~amit@DSL199-203-67-30.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] how can i print a webpage as a PDF file? [04:29] ANyone got Ubuntu working with an all in wonder for TV? [04:29] refuze2looze, print to file (will give you a ps file). then use ps2pdf === TiffOn [user@218.Red-217-126-197.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] adaran: I don't know enough to help with evo 1.4.*, sorry === gubrats [~gubrats@cpc3-nthc5-3-0-cust214.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:30] adaran: maybe someone else will know - tried the mailing list? [04:30] keffo: that's too bad... sigh [04:30] well i guess it's only a package repository issue. is there no repository carrying 1.4 packages? or rather: will it hurt to use debian ones? [04:31] fabs: you can try quitting some apps that are open, but if it's a background process doing it, you might have to wait for the kernel OOM killer to get to it ... if it does === FATMA_ [~america@] has joined #ubuntu [04:31] adaran: using debian repos is deprecated .... [04:31] sproingie, oh hell, well will reboot the Linuxbox then, thanks 4 ur help :) [04:31] thoreauputic, so it's compiling from source for 1.4? :P === xvlun [~Jan@dsl-084-059-063-242.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:31] fabs: why? [04:31] adaran: thanks [04:31] thoreauputic, i wouldn't mind having both installed [04:31] adaran: I guess you could try it as a test and see if it breaks? === spiderworm [~spiderwor@] has joined #ubuntu [04:32] Snake-Oil, why what? [04:32] fabs: reboot? === Th0masB [~samoht_20@062016185164.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #ubuntu [04:32] Hello [04:32] thoreauputic, ah well it's not that important i guess [04:32] Snake-Oil, cos I cannot run any process it keeps saying Failed to Fork [04:32] adaran: jeez, it converted it all screwed up [04:32] I need some help [04:32] fabs: "reboot" is a patent of M$ [04:33] Just installes Ubuntu now [04:33] refuze2looze, check with ghostview if the ps file is allright [04:33] Snake-Oil, :) I know but what to do then?? I cannot open anything === Nasok [Nasok@85-65-187-193.barak-online.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:33] but how can i find my hardisk' [04:33] adaran: yeah the ps is fine [04:33] refuze2looze, then try ps2pdf1X [04:33] fabs: in X? === whiteknight [~whiteknig@jac208.caths.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [04:33] refuze2looze, those are for different pdf versions. [04:33] refuze2looze, maybe it converted to pdf15 and your pdf viewer can't handle that [04:33] Snake-Oil, well I am using Gnome in Ubuntu, well X I think === torkiano [~torkiano@] has joined #ubuntu [04:34] fabs: ctrl-alt-[backspace] === braam [~braam@70-59-43-143.dnvr.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu === torkiano [~torkiano@] has joined #ubuntu [04:34] fabs: kill X [04:34] refuze2looze, or try ps2pdf14 rather [04:34] and then what to do? re-login? [04:34] mmm [04:34] anyone that help me? [04:34] how can I make pdf to eps [04:34] Snake-Oil, oh and then what? Re-login? [04:34] yes [04:34] adaran: those all point to the file ps2pdfwr [04:35] if you want === SithToast [~SithToast@cable5-113.murray-ky.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:35] Snake-Oil, :) oh ok see u in bit then [04:35] i tried to do what you told me it didnt work [04:35] refuze2looze, the program decides which level to use depending on with which name it was calle === ian [~ian@] has joined #ubuntu === williams [~morita05@200-109-240-202.genericrev.cantv.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:35] adaran: well, they all yield the same results =/ [04:35] fabs: relogin != reboot @@ === whiteknight [~whiteknig@jac208.caths.cam.ac.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === krischan [~krischan@p54B8636F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:36] ctrl-alt-backspace :-p [04:36] refuze2looze, hmm not sure then, rarely had problems with that [04:36] ? === jcoxon [~jcoxon@jac208.caths.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [04:37] try putting it through ps2ps first [04:37] some know how to connect PPP internet in Ubuntu [04:37] refuze2looze, and make sure you're not using GPL ghostscript [04:37] refuze2looze, but i can't help you there [04:37] Nasok, wvdial [04:37] epale desde venezuela [04:37] What? === redboar [~Miranda@us-bncpo2.usbnc.org] has joined #ubuntu [04:37] How do i get the internet to work with Ubuntu? [04:37] what language it is [04:38] Nasok, sudo wvdial /etc/wvdial.conf , then edit the file, then sudo wvdial to actually connect [04:38] do u have cable or DSL th0mas? [04:38] i just dont know how to connect PPP dial up in Ubuntu === Elyseum [~Elyseum@d5153EF05.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu === jcoxon [~jcoxon@jac208.caths.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu === jeroen_ [~jeroen@cp413115-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu === Snake-Oil [~lp@218-162-221-82.dynamic.hinet.net] has left #ubuntu ["free] === WhiteDove [~jimmys@ACD409B1.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] I'd like to know how to do dialup since I plan on installing Ubuntu on other PCs [04:39] hi guys === aLeSD [~alex@213-140-22-72.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] redboar, sudo wvdial /etc/wvdial.conf , then edit the file, then sudo wvdial to actually connect === adaran [~adaran@ip165.41.1411A-CUD12K-02.ish.de] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:39] how can i connect internet in ubuntu [04:40] my dial up is PPP [04:40] cool === dtygel [~dtygel@] has joined #ubuntu === torkiano__ [~torkiano@] has joined #ubuntu [04:40] Hi all! [04:40] I wish Juno would allow Linux access [04:40] Some pointed me to a page earlier about wireles network cards, it also had a link about how to do it in SuSe (my sister is on this) could someone help me find it again please [04:40] Nasok the package pppoeconfig should help you setting it all up [04:40] #ubuntu, I just would like you to know, you are all dorks. [04:40] video resolution: sometimes I turn on the computer and it comes in 640x800px... [04:40] Nasok: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DialupModemHowto I don't have dialup, but does that help? [04:40] how can I fix it? [04:40] awww === vy [~vyka_nan_@] has joined #ubuntu [04:41] WhiteDove, haven't you logged it? === pedlar [~pedlar@static-68-162-250-64.bos.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] === fabs [~fabio@host217-43-1-16.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:41] logged :s [04:41] it started after I upgraded to hoary === peaceyall` [~peaceyall@] has joined #ubuntu [04:41] hi [04:41] lampshade: www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct [04:41] Hello [04:41] Lampshade it's better toi be a dork than nerdy [04:41] i get "On-line, no system battery" when i type apm in terminal , whats wrong? [04:41] WhiteDove, or, if you browsed the website with your browser, it is in your history [04:41] sorry bob2 [04:41] oh yeah, Im an idito thanks jeroen [04:42] peaceyall`: does your machine support apm? === ubermonzie [~Uber_Monz@] has joined #ubuntu [04:42] WhiteDove, if you use firefox, press control and H together [04:42] peaceyall`, try acpi [04:42] bob2 ya === gubrats [~gubrats@cpc3-nthc5-3-0-cust214.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === ubermonzie wishes everyone a very good evening [04:42] oops, I cleared the history [04:42] Guys, ho to create a swap part in ubuntu? Does it do automacally? [04:42] peaceyall`: you're sure? you've loaded the apm module and everything? [04:42] fabs: it's done during the install... [04:42] kimo on acpi the battery life is only 1 hour and 35 mins , so i want to change to apm [04:42] bob2 yes i did [04:43] WhiteDove, well, ask if someone logged it then, or find the person who gave you the link === hyphenated [~cgilmour@] has joined #ubuntu [04:43] and i even put apm=on and acpi=off in boot parameters [04:43] I think it was on my laptop actually, I'll check [04:43] thanks [04:43] bob2, oh thank but why on my systme monitor it says Used Swap 0bytes of 0bytes nan% [04:44] fabs: if you did a manual partition during install, you were expected to make swap if you wanted it === vIkSiT [~Viksit@] has joined #ubuntu [04:44] how can I stop postfix from starting with every boot === beyond [~beyond@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [04:44] kimo: sudo rm /etc/rc2.d/S*postfix [04:44] hey all: some hint about screen resolution issue? [04:44] fabs, do you have a swap partition? === Nasok [Nasok@85-65-187-193.barak-online.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:44] bob2, ohh sugar, is there a way to do it now? [04:45] fabs: do you have unpartitioned space on your disk? [04:45] dtygel: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto [04:45] bob2, I noticed it defaults to runlevel 2, but I couldnt beleive it :) [04:45] kimo: this isn't redhat [04:45] jeroen_, hmmm I don't think so [04:45] Props to ubuntu I wouldn't be running Linux if it wasn't for this distro [04:45] bob2, I think I need to make a partition out of the main one === Gerrit89 [~gerrit@p5487829B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === lamont__ [~lamont@] has joined #ubuntu [04:45] fabs: what does "free -m" tell you? [04:46] fabs: well, you can just as easily make a swap file [04:46] jeroen_, it says 0bytes of 0bytes nan% on my System Monitor [04:46] Is a 4GB swap file big enough? [04:46] aq pucingggggggggggg [04:46] fabs, you could use something like gparted to shrink your partition and a swap one [04:46] gentoon: way too big [04:46] gentoon: 4GB is ridiculous [04:46] gentoon: overkill :) [04:46] fabs: you don't need to make a partition for it === martinhj [~martinhj@host-81-191-103-214.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu [04:46] tsw: it shows the RAM amount [04:47] bob2, yes so I just make a swap straight away then? [04:47] bob2: why not? [04:47] fabs: you can make a file on disk that is used for swap, yes [04:47] jeroen_, yes, I was think of qparted actually thx === Jeezis [~roger@jeezis.user] has joined #ubuntu [04:47] it should display swap also even though it doesnt exist [04:47] redboar: why not what? [04:47] bob2, oh how? [04:47] not make a swap partition [04:48] redboar: you can use a swap file [04:48] no kidding [04:48] how [04:48] yes how? [04:48] fabs: dd if=/dev/zero of=/swap count=1024M [04:48] fabs: er, with sudo [04:48] assuming I got the dd arguments right [04:48] count= is size i take it [04:49] ehhe I see, so 1Gig of Swap should be enough I expect? [04:49] fabs, rule of thumb: your RAM*2 = swap [04:49] Iceman, thanks! I'll check it! [04:49] bob2, well 1gig, I will try to do it now then [04:49] fabs, may be swap = ram these days (not *2) [04:49] jeroen_, oh cool :) [04:49] kimo, eheh I see [04:49] well === abbe80 [~abbe80@krs-dhcp432.studby.uio.no] has joined #ubuntu [04:50] it's better to just estimate how much "ram" ytou'll ever need [04:50] and create swap unti lyou have that amount [04:50] the x2 rule is very out of date [04:50] bob2, count is not recognized it says [04:50] i cannot write with my cd writer. using cdrecord.. Error trying to open /dev/hdd exclusively (Device or resource busy)... retrying in 1 second. [04:50] I have 512MB RAM and same swap part. size and I rarely use even a third of swap [04:50] what wrong withthis? [04:51] ian: lsof | grep hdd [04:51] bob2, oh no silly me I forgot the = [04:51] ian: also, you can't use it while it's mounted [04:51] Anyone in here have TV-in working for an all in wonder? [04:51] bob2: when i lsof there is no output.. [04:52] bob2: what will i do? :( [04:52] whats the command to start nautilus in "explore" mode? [04:52] "explore mode"? === mauro [~mauro@dsl-200-67-236-216.prod-empresarial.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu [04:52] ian: are you running cdrecord as root? [04:52] bob2: using sudo [04:52] where it doesnt open anew window everytime ya click something and it shows a tree on the right [04:52] gentoon: does that exist? [04:53] yea [04:53] bob2: this is my command.. sudo cdrecord dev=/dev/hdd speed=12 -v -eject -multi /home/ian/Desktop/gnomebaker.iso [04:53] it does [04:53] thoreauputic, ya there? [04:53] thoreauputic, ya know what im talkin about? [04:53] bob2, yes it exists, I use it === gubrats [~gubrats@cpc3-nthc5-3-0-cust214.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:53] And it kicks ass :) [04:53] gentoon: choose "browser mode" in edit/ prefs [04:53] gentoon: nautilus --browser [04:54] thx rob_lt that worked [04:54] when writing a script what must the first line allways be? [04:54] #!/bin/sh, for shell scripts === anirz_ [~anirz@] has joined #ubuntu [04:54] cool thx [04:54] gentoon: depends what type of script === dos000 [~dos000@] has joined #ubuntu [04:54] bob2: what do you think is the problem? :( [04:54] like a script to launch a browser [04:54] hello peple [04:55] ian: fuser -v /dev/hdd prints what? [04:55] anirz_, just ask :) === yure [~yure@dhcp-212-235-229-194.sd.uni-lj.si] has joined #ubuntu [04:55] gentoon: you can make browser mode permanent in the edit/prefs/behaviour tab of nautilus [04:55] jeroen_, i cant access the hard disk drives which are in FAT and NTFS === davide [~davide@adsl-ull-6-182.42-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [04:56] anirz_, there you go: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions [04:56] bob2: nothing prints..is this abnormal? === coconut [~alex@63.Red-83-33-31.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === leo_mx [~leo@] has joined #ubuntu [04:56] anirz: NTFS will be read only though [04:56] bob2: ian@ubuntu:~$ sudo fuser -v /dev/hdd [04:56] anirz_, read the whole thing [04:56] ian@ubuntu:~$ [04:57] jeroen_, thanks a lot indeed [04:57] ian -- thanks for the cdrom burner command [04:57] bob2: what do you mean? === TSWoodV [~woodt@bigdeb.atdd.noaa.gov] has joined #ubuntu [04:57] thoreauputic, i dont see "browser mode" in any of the tabs [04:58] gentoon: in nautilus, edit >> preferences >> beahaviour "always open as browser" or somthing like that [04:58] i have a problem with the workspace switcher...it used to work fine...but sometime i tried to ass 2 of them and it displayed me some error...so i deleted the extra workspace switcher...but now..everytime i try to edit the properties of the workspace switcher i get this problem...now i only have 1 desktop in the workspace switcher [04:58] An error occurred while loading or saving configuration information for wnck-applet. Some of your configuration settings may not work properly. === SloMoSnail [~slomo@p5487F4CF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === spacey [~spacey@flits101-191.flits.rug.nl] has joined #ubuntu [04:59] bob2: still there? === imaek [~imaek@adsl-69-235-162-44.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === jamin [~jamin@sys-] has joined #ubuntu === FireEgl [~FireEgl@2001:5c0:84dc:0:0:0:0:0] has joined #Ubuntu [05:00] will Ubuntu install OK on a SATA drive? [05:00] ian: no idea what the problem is, try asking on the user list [05:00] Oh man I hate making complicated dialogs... === mz2 [~mz2@81-1-66-209.homechoice.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [05:00] redboar: yes, unless it's an exceedinly new and/or flakey chipset [05:00] dcraven, don't. Make them easy [05:00] bob2: user list? where is that? :( [05:00] im new.. [05:00] It's a Via KT600 [05:00] jeroen_: haha.. Good one. I can't design a dialog for crap. [05:01] dcraven, what's it for? [05:01] I know with XP I need a manufacturer driver to begin the install :( [05:01] ian: http://lists.ubuntu.com/ [05:01] redboar, I don't think it's the case with Ubuntu [05:01] jeroen_: Inserting an image into a wiki. Location, position, size. === hotgrits [~hotgrits@] has joined #ubuntu [05:02] cool [05:02] redboar: one day XP will be ready for the desktop ;) [05:02] gotta run, ttyl === sproingie has only SATA drives. runs real zippy [05:02] LOL well ubuntu is bringing Linux muxh closer [05:02] ttyl === gubrats [~gubrats@cpc3-nthc5-3-0-cust214.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:02] amd64, sata, xfs. zoom zoom === regeya [~shane@adsl-sp3-cdale176.micgi.com] has joined #ubuntu === van_ [~traxas@ctv-213-164-105-85.vinita.lt] has joined #ubuntu [05:03] hm...what could be the reason of firefox running so slow? === concept10 [~chatzilla@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === _kevin [~Kevin@CPE0006255ab096-CM400049887786.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === Adamkovic [~rudi@] has left #ubuntu [] [05:04] jeroen_: This is what I have now --> http://arker.homelinux.org/~dcraven/insert-image-dialog.png [05:04] jeroen_: Needs some HIG lovin'. :) [05:04] dcraven, I like it. [05:05] jeroen_: Thanks. It'll do until someone gets some ideas :) [05:05] thoreauputic, I can't make a launcher open konqurer to a specific location? [05:05] dcraven, will it actually resize the image or just put widht="" and height="" ? [05:05] dcraven, it may be exactly hig, but it looks good [05:05] jeroen_: Option #2. [05:05] dcraven, which wiki? [05:06] Burgundavia: Thanks. [05:06] Burgundavia: It's for Newton. [05:06] dcraven, ah [05:06] dcraven, why does newton not have wysiwyg image stuff? [05:06] dcraven, might need to tell people that, and image location can also be edited at the wiki [05:06] gentoon: sure you can - " konqueror /home/gentoon " or whatever [05:06] Burgundavia: I don't know what you mean. It's like any other wiki. === }x{|CeRbErUs [~Flodder13@d51A5C9C7.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [05:07] dcraven, newton if for fast note taking on the desktop no? === thotypous [~thotypous@200-161-86-221.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [05:07] jeroen_: True. === pablo928 [~paul@az-yuma-cuda1x-159.losaca.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu [] === lotusleaf [~lotusleaf@lotusleaf.user] has joined #ubuntu [05:07] thoreauputic, i tried that and it said couldnt find dir /home/user /dir/i/specified [05:07] Burgundavia: Well yeah. [05:07] dcraven, you might like to get rid of these, and just add a "All settings can manually be edited later" at the top [05:07] gentoon: "works for me " (tm) [05:08] dcraven, then it might be easier to just to have drag and drag image stuff [05:08] gentoon: try something like " konqueror /usr/ " [05:08] why tell people in a wizard that all settings can be edited later? it's superfluous information [05:08] sproingie: reassurance [05:09] reassurance comes from an app that works well, not promises [05:09] sproingie: file a bug! [05:09] the wizard should do what the wizard does, that's all [05:09] sproingie: for new users. reassurance is a good thing :) [05:09] Burgundavia: But it's an embedded gecko widget. I don't think you can drag an image onto it. It would be like dragging an image to Firefox. I could, however, pop up this dialog when an image is dragged to the window, with the location part already filled in. [05:10] thoreauputic: you could put it in a help setting or if you really want to go wizard-style, a splash pane. but it doesnt belong in a dialog [05:10] sproingie: whatever - file a bug, as bob2 says... [05:10] jeroen_: I'm gonna change those "This can be changed.." bits to something more specific, or get rid of them altogether like you suggest. [05:10] sproingie: seriously, if you think it can be better, file a bug! === sproingie doesnt need to file a bug, just offering a little philosophy [05:10] clutter == bad [05:11] em...what do you guys use for IRC? i'd like to change xchat to something else, as i don't like it very much.. [05:11] van_: irssi [05:11] sproingie: er, if you want it fixed, you need to file a bug [05:11] van: i use chatzilla === dbrodie [~daniel@bzq-244-4.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu === sugoruyo [~george@ppp38-adsl-121.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [05:11] dcraven, might be cool to have more information on the manual editing *somewhere* preferably with a link in the wizard [05:11] somebody know why i get this error when trying to edit the workspace switcher preferences?::: Failed: Failed: Schema `/schemas/apps/workspace_switcher_applet/prefs/display_all_workspaces' specified for `/apps/panel/applets/applet_16/prefs/display_all_workspaces' stores a non-schema value === sugoruyo hiall [05:12] tsw, is there a way to see what channels are you in, in irssi...besides those Act: 1,2 etc? [05:12] van_: there's konversation for KDE as well (I hate it, but you might not...) === aLeSD [~alex@213-140-22-72.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:12] konversation is krashy === Eiggen [~Miranda@dsl-76-45.utaonline.at] has joined #ubuntu === dtygel [~dtygel@] has left #ubuntu [] [05:12] van_: I bet there is, dont know it though :) === plastiq [~osendorf@p508EEAE6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:12] van_: /set window [05:12] there's kopete if you like really unorthodox interfaces [05:12] tho it can be made to look like xchat [05:12] van_: you can split the window [05:13] can someone help me with some problem with the hoary dvd? [05:13] it won't boot [05:13] bye [05:13] jeroen_: Possibly. Although from the context in which this dialog is opened, I think it might be somewhat obvious. Maybe a 'Help' button or a tooltip in the dialog. === selinium [~selinium_@82-34-235-15.cable.ubr02.sout.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [05:14] sproingie: I'll take your suggestion into consideration, thanks. === omni_lonnie [~lonnie@] has joined #ubuntu [05:14] hi thoreauputic. How is it going? [05:14] Anyway, this is rather off topic... I do appreciate the input though. Thanks guys. [05:14] selinium: hi :) Not bad === goldfish [~nldlsjdlk@carbon.redbrick.dcu.ie] has joined #ubuntu [05:15] can someone tell me how to check my dvd? [05:15] sugoruyo, you can check the ISO file of the DVD with md5sums [05:16] a.how do i do that? [05:16] b.can it be done on m$ windoze? === |Ivanch0| [~blas@] has joined #ubuntu [05:16] thoreauputic, is there a way to add inbedded objects into my desktop? like apps? === Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [05:16] cos' i got no linux installed... and ubuntu won't start [05:16] thoreauputic: Had a bit of a sh**ter today! PC died, thought I had lost all my work. Bought a new 160Gb drive and it still didn't fix it. Bought a 3.50 battery for the bios and everything works! Still I've got a new drive now! [05:16] sugoruyo, yes it can be done with Windows, but you'll need to install some app [05:16] gentoon: haha - I haven't a clue, sorry [05:17] that's no problem [05:17] can u tell me what app or do i have to search for it? [05:17] gentoon: I use fluxbox mostly, and type commands in terminals a lot [05:17] Can anybody point me to a crash course in building deb's from source? I have a couple of debs that are unstable compatible and I want to rebuild them for my ubuntu, how would I do that? [05:18] selinium: nice big new drive , too :) [05:18] dbrodie, use checkinstall [05:18] sugoruyo, This might explain it to you: http://h3knix.open-element.net/docs/md5.php you'll also need the md5sum of the .iso image (probably found at the same place you downloaded the dvd image) === mindspin [~mindspin@p54B2D7E1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:19] well the image is only available through BT but i guess the sum should be where i got the torrent file === Xero84 [~Xero@cpe-65-24-30-40.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === engie [~stephen@exten-halls-243.soton.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [05:19] thoreauputic: Indeed, now all I have to do is put it in the machine! If I install Ubuntu onto the new drive, will I be able to slave the 30Gb Ubuntu drive to copy the info over? [05:19] lotusleaf: why? I have the deb 'sources' and I don't want to lose the dependencies etc... I know it is something with the dpkg-buildpackage but I havn't been able to find good documentation on goolge [05:20] Hi. I've installed apache2 on ubuntu hoary, with the libapache2-mod-php4 package, but when I access a .php file through the server apache lets me download it instead of executing it. How do I tell it to execute the file? The file is chmod 755. === TheWeed [~spadge4@adsl209.dyn240.pacific.net.sg] has joined #ubuntu [05:20] dbrodie, linux documentation project page? [05:20] selinium: I don't know much about hardware, sorry [05:20] thoreauputic: np :) [05:20] selinium: I don't see why not, though [05:21] dbrodie, I'm just guessing, please take my suggestions with a grain of salt. [05:22] engie: there is a walk through on www.ubuntuguide.org that shows how to set up the apache,php,mysql servers === aliumalik [aliumalik@nusnet-216-63.dynip.nus.edu.sg] has joined #ubuntu [05:22] engie: If you want to serve up to the net, install firestarter and open port 80 as well! [05:23] TheWeed: hey [05:23] selinium: I followed it, but still no joy [05:23] I'm pretty sure I have everything installed [05:23] dbrodie, checkinstall isn't an option for you? http://www.falkotimme.com/howtos/checkinstall/index.php [05:23] hey back :P [05:23] Am not interested in sharing with the net for now :D [05:23] This is just a staging server [05:24] engie: the files are in the www directory? [05:24] can I get instructions on how to compile gaim? a tutorial maybe? [05:24] aliumalik: what's wrong with the version in ubuntu? [05:24] bob2: its old [05:24] bob2, it's not the latest [05:24] engie: have you install php4? if not the patch cant connect anything? [05:25] aliumalik: so? [05:25] selinium: The files are in /var/www with 755 permissions. php4 is installed [05:25] bob2: I need 1.3 is there any place with a package. Will the debian ones work? === redtech [~reddog@redtech.user] has joined #ubuntu === dwa_ [~dwa@dwa.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [05:25] aliumalik: "need", why? [05:26] lotusleaf: thanks, but I prefer doing it the 'official' way, since I want it to support proper dependencies (checkinstall dosn't) and other such package meta info that checkinstall dosn't have. [05:26] bob2: need to install for a friend he needs the latest version [05:26] engie: have yuo restarted apache since applying the MOds? [05:26] aliumalik: *why*? [05:26] selinium: Many times :p === Traveler_ [~sgalletto@mail.aktiv-assekuranz.com] has left #ubuntu [] [05:26] engie: ????? === Red13 [~Matt@host81-130-179-110.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:26] dbrodie, yw, sorry I couldn't help more. Thanks for the detail, have you tried posting this question to the ubuntuforums? [05:26] bob2: I am afraid I cant answer that :P...I use kopete :P [05:27] lotusleaf: nope, not yet, though it will be my next step. I was hopping to get a quick answer (laziness :P ) === orospakr [~orospakr@ip-] has joined #ubuntu === nutorian [~nutorian@pool-71-101-114-239.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:28] dbrodie, =) [05:28] engie: I can't see why then! are you sure you have installed php4 as well as apache2-mod-php4? === sugoruyo [~george@ppp38-adsl-121.ath.forthnet.gr] has left #ubuntu [] [05:28] selinium: Ahh, joy - I removed libapache2-mod-php4, did a dpkg -P to purge it then installed it again. The configs must have got screwed up somehow [05:29] Thanks :D [05:29] What service would be causing my hd light to flicker once every other second even when the system is idle? [05:29] engie: np [05:30] I eliminated this hd flicker in SUSE by disabling hardware detection when I wasn't using any hotswap usb devices so it may be a similar issue in ubuntu? [05:31] What is a website I can download Wine from? [05:31] nutorian, check winehq.com and click on download then ubuntu [05:32] Alright thank you [05:32] oh god [05:32] you can't add extensions to hoary firefox! [05:32] wine is already packaged for ubuntu [05:32] bluefoxicy, yes you can [05:32] nutorian, yw [05:32] Cyborg_ninja20: wanna bet? [05:32] err [05:32] cyphase: wanna bet? [05:32] yes [05:32] lol [05:32] cyphase: tools -> extensions -> get more extensions === Steve_p [~steve@pool-71-98-2-18.mdsnwi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:33] oh, i c [05:33] lol [05:33] cyphase: also try addons.mozilla.org [05:33] cyphase, but he asked for a website ;p [05:33] fake the user-agent [05:33] i thought you meant there was something wrong with haory firefox itself [05:33] uh? === bluefoxicy about:config [05:33] no [05:34] get the user-agent extension [05:34] from a third-party site [05:34] uh [05:34] not helping? [05:34] WHAT site? === EkSoN [~EkSoN@175.Red-213-96-18.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === EkSoN [~EkSoN@175.Red-213-96-18.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Me'n] [05:35] do a search [05:35] search for "firefox user agent" === hotgrits [~hotgrits@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === ivanhoe [~ivanhoe@ip-195-188.travedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu === Steve_p [~steve@pool-71-98-2-18.mdsnwi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] === topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3pa5.dial.inet.fi] has left #ubuntu [] === FireEgl [~FireEgl@2001:5c0:84dc:0:0:0:0:0] has joined #Ubuntu === tortoise_ [~tortoise@81-86-196-118.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu === raptoid [~darkStar@] has joined #ubuntu === geetergod [~geetergod@cpe-66-24-86-121.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:38] Can someone help me to get my xine working again? === mike512 [~mikel@194.Red-80-32-247.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === sascha__ [~sascha@p54B6ABA4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === nova [~nova@cpe-24-93-172-93.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === MichaelDiederich [~da_didi@MichaelDiederich.wikipedia] has joined #ubuntu [05:38] short question: Is it possible or "not stupid" to use the packages from dotdeb.org? === philipacamaniac [~phliipaca@208-47-135-198.dia.cust.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:39] i want to play with php5 and don't compile it on my own [05:39] anyone help me get my xine working again? === nova [~nova@cpe-24-93-172-93.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === pg__ [~pg@host8-45.pool8259.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === bigfoot [~hideseek@FLH1Aaz006.fko.mesh.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu === johane__ is now known as johane [05:40] now if i can remember how to install a .deb and fcxe ill be happy lol [05:40] cause i realy dont like gnome all that well heh === gentoon [~gentoon@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === mwh_ [~mwh@port10.ds1-arve.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [05:40] When i go to use a dvd it says 'The source cant be read'.. 'Maybe you dont have enough rights for this, or source doesnt contain data (e.g. not disc in drive). (/dev/cdrom)' [05:41] Hello, I followed the instructions on ubuntuguide of how to get Java working in Firefox, but I still can't get it to work. In firefox, i get a message saying "Click here to install missing plugin." What is wrong? [05:41] Hi, im running hoary and I have a problem with inkscape .. I cant seem to be able to save to other formats than svg === raptoid [~darkStar@] has left #ubuntu [] [05:41] anyone hit this before? === aliumalik [aliumalik@nusnet-216-63.dynip.nus.edu.sg] has left #ubuntu [] [05:41] and another xine error message says 'There is no input plugin available to handle 'dvd:/' Maybe MRL syntax is wrong or file/stream source doesnt exist' [05:41] bigfoot: i done all the instructions and it works here [05:42] anyone help me? === hpnadig [~hpn@HPNadig.kn.wikipedia] has joined #ubuntu [05:42] can anybody please help me get the Java Plugin worknig with Firefox, please? === blew [~blew@stjh1-0007.nl.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:43] bigfoot: i had to do that last week, what a pain in the ass i had. [05:43] bigfoot: look in ~/.mozilla/plugins and see if you have the plugins linked there [05:43] but im new so it was hard === gentoon [~gentoon@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:44] now i cant get my xine working [05:44] what command to install a .deb? [05:44] i freaking lost my notes [05:44] and how to get fxce installed [05:44] nova: dpkg -i name.deb [05:44] nova: sudo dpkg -i [05:44] ty === ccc [~ccc@c-ac0f70d5.015-28-6c6b7010.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [05:45] nova: xfce4 is in the universe repo : sudo apt-get install xfce4 [05:45] can someone help me to get my dvd player working again? [05:45] i dont think its just xine not working [05:45] thoreauputic, i checked that folder and all that's there are: flashplayer.xpt and libflashplayer.so. === mofs [~geschnetz@dhcp-153-96-69-235.ims.fhg.de] has joined #ubuntu === pestilence [~pestilenc@12-210-84-86.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:46] bigfoot: I think you need libjavaplugin_oji.so there as a symlink to the plugin === gentoon [~gentoon@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === ccc [~ccc@c-ac0f70d5.015-28-6c6b7010.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu === mofs [~geschnetz@dhcp-153-96-69-235.ims.fhg.de] has left #ubuntu ["..."] [05:47] thoreauputic, how exactly can i accomplish that? === Eiggen [~Miranda@dsl-76-45.utaonline.at] has joined #ubuntu [05:47] bigfoot: here it's linked with /usr/java/jre1.5.0_01/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so === lpb-Anonymous [~anonymous@p54B6E151.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:47] thoreauputic: can you help with my dvd player when you're done with bigfoot? [05:48] thoreauputic, how do i do the symlink? === alper [~alper@] has joined #ubuntu [05:48] bigfoot: sudo ln -sf /usr/java/jre1.5.0_01/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so /home/bigfoot/.mozilla/plugins === emacse1 [hidden-use@gw.coderyte.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:48] hi all [05:48] i am new to ubuntu === swe3tdave [~swe3tdave@Toronto-HSE-ppp3760972.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [05:48] and and need a bit of help [05:48] I used make-jpkg to make Sun Java, but I can't seem to find the Mozilla plugins [05:48] bigfoot: assuming your paths are the same - and of course your user name === pvanhoof [~pvanhoof@dD576CB7F.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [05:49] anyone avaible for helping a new bebie [05:49] alper: just ask your question [05:49] bigfoot: actually that syntax may not be quite right... [05:49] thoreauputic, i ran that sudo command, changing my userid... and i didn't get any error message. does this mean it worked? [05:50] i use compaq presario x1000 laptop... everything seems to work fine... however the cursor(arrow showing right) doesnt works... how would i fix that [05:50] not sure if a trailing slash is needed or whatever [05:50] bigfoot: probably - try it out === emacse1 is now known as emacsen [05:50] thoreauputic, right. will do so. [05:50] bigfoot: I just did that more or less off the top of my head so it may be wrong === matteo [~matteo@host119-58.pool8252.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [05:51] brb [05:52] thoreauputic, the webpage still has a box with the green puzzle piece and a message to "Click here to download plugin." i guess that command didn't work... === nova [~nova@cpe-24-93-172-93.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:53] bigfoot: check if anything new has appeared in .mozilla/plugins - if not then I got it wrong, sorry === dpod [~dan@d209-107-97-72.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:53] bigfoot: you can do symlinking graphically in nautilus I think - but I don't know the procedure === inci [~huseyn2@] has joined #ubuntu === koma is now known as komA === bcroq [~bertrand@bruz.freeskop.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:54] can anyone help me with my xine/dvd player? [05:55] thoreauputic, i see libjavplugin_oji.so in the folder, but strangely when i right-click or left-click it, it disappears. [05:55] thoreauputic, i need to refresh the folder to have it appear again. [05:55] geetergod, #xine === swe3tdave [~swe3tdave@Toronto-HSE-ppp3760972.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:56] im there but nobodies there [05:56] check in properties where it points - or do "ls -l ~/.mozilla/plugins/libjavplugin_oji.so to see where it points === qpid [~dfgdfgdfg@a81-14-177-48.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:56] thoreauputic, i can't check in properties, because the file and the context menu disappears! === mz__ [~mz@81-1-66-209.homechoice.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [05:57] how do i get lmsensors and xsensors to see my sensor type? [05:57] thoreauputic, and now nautilus quit on me... maybe that's somehow connected to the tricky disappearing trick. i'll try aigan. === [koji] [~koji@adsl-66-142-135-93.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:59] is there a decent nautilus replacement with 2 panes (like krusader) for gnome? === OConnor [~BaronConn@dyn-83-154-132-251.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu [06:00] nautilus is playing tricks with me, thoreauputic .... === Ali_Baba [~Ali_Baba@kpkr-109-32.kotopas.fi] has joined #ubuntu [06:00] bigfoot: hmm [06:00] can't even get to find out the properties via File-->Properties [06:00] bigfoot: you might want to delete the symlink then [06:01] in a terminal [06:01] thoreauputic, I have it in "List View" and under the "Type" heading, it says "Link (Broken)" [06:01] just cd to the ~/.mozilla/plugins dir, then rm libjava* [06:01] maybe that's why it's acting strange [06:01] still seems lika a bug [06:02] bigfoot: yes, you java may be in a different spot from mine [06:02] thoreauputic, i was able to delete it via Edit--> Remove to tRash. [06:02] actually, rm libjav* [06:02] OK [06:02] thoreauputic, how can i find out where java is located? [06:02] whereis java? [06:03] and if it's in a strange place, maybe I should put it in the default place right? [06:03] bigfoot: run ` locate java ` I guess [06:03] or `locate java | less ` [06:03] sudo updatedb && locate java === gentoon [~gentoon@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:03] probably a fair bit of output... [06:03] lotusleaf: right, good point [06:04] thoreauputic, whereis java! [06:04] I did "whereis java" (thanks moron) and I got this: /usr/bin/java /usr/share/man/man1/java.1.gz [06:04] thoreauputic, I'm a guacamole goblin [06:04] bigbootay: run what lotusleaf said ( your database needs to be up to date) [06:04] bigfoot: you need more than /usr/bin/java to link the plugins [06:05] thoreauputic, i did your "less" command too, which entry should I look at? [06:05] thoreauputic, shall i put it in flood? [06:05] bigfoot: you are looking for a path like /usr/java/jre1.5.0_01/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so [06:06] note the last bit === pedro_ [~pedro@] has joined #ubuntu [06:06] yours may be in /usr/bin/java (depends how you set java up) === pedro_ [~pedro@] has joined #ubuntu [06:07] hello, everytime i start ubuntu i need to do "sudo ifconfig wlan0 x.x.x.x" and "route add default gw x.x.x.x" before using internet.. is there a way to automize that? [06:07] at every boot? [06:07] setting up java should be easier than this .. :/ [06:07] DarkraD-: put the infomation in /etc/network/interfaces [06:07] i read man interfaces [06:08] but haven't understand much =\ === geetergod [~geetergod@cpe-66-24-86-121.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:08] i can't figure out how should i set that file [06:08] DarkraD-: /etc/networking/interfaces and /etc/resolv.conf [06:08] damn it my fglrx drivers are not installed properly === gentoon [~gentoon@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:08] DarkraD-: google [06:08] ive still got the mesa in fglrxinfo [06:08] resolv.conf i already set [06:08] thoreauputic, i think why i got this problem was because, a few weeks ago, before running the commands of ubuntuguide.org, i wanted to play a game i downloaded called Spice Jar. So i got some java program that can run .jar files. [06:08] i need only to add those 2 command [06:09] DarkraD-: no, those files have their own syntax [06:09] bigfoot: possibly - i don't know [06:09] ya [06:09] i mean [06:09] resolv.conf is already set === Tritis [~Tritis@ool-4355b2bb.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:09] i set dns servers there [06:09] nameserver x.x.x.x [06:09] anyway, gotta go: good luck all [06:09] someone here know where to download cybercafe billing? === MichaelDiederich [~da_didi@MichaelDiederich.wikipedia] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] === gentoon [~gentoon@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:10] our cybercafe has moved from windows xp to ubuntu [06:10] i need to set wireless static ip with ifconfig wlan0 x.x.x.x and set gateway with route add default gw x.x.x.x === {JuNk}Phreak [~{JuNk}Phr@] has joined #ubuntu === thakat [~thakat@71-34-251-35.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu === JavieR- [~javier@] has joined #ubuntu === JavieR- [~javier@] has left #ubuntu ["Part"] === gentoon [~gentoon@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === gentoon [~gentoon@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:11] hi guys, i found out that i have two "libjavaplugin_oji.so"'s on my system. They are at: /usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun/jre/plugin/i386/ns7-gcc29/libjavaplugin_oji.so [06:12] /usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so [06:12] DarkraD-: you need something like this "auto wlan0" "iface wlan0 inet static" "address x.x.x.x" "netmask x.x.x.x" "gateway x.x.x.x" === daba [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-57-2.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:12] every " " are own lines [06:12] nice thx [06:12] Hello. Anyone know why after loading the kde gui my cdrom automounter and my login screen is gone? (login is there upon boot but not when I end session) [06:12] ill try [06:13] How can i let firefox know that this is where the plugin is (for java)? thoreaputic was saying about making a symlink into my mozilla/plugins folder... So i guess if i make a symlink, i can get java enabled on Firefox, right? If so, please teach me how to make the symlink. Thank you!@ [06:13] DarkraD-: and remember to check that "auto lo" "iface lo inet loopback" is there also [06:13] ya it's there =) === engie [~stephen@exten-halls-243.soton.ac.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [06:13] brb === blueyed [~daniel@iD4CC143F.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu === ronny-- [~Ronny@p54AA0C39.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === svaksha [~svaksha@] has joined #ubuntu === DanielC [~ale@CPE00095b0dbf45-CM024400000941.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:17] Hello. Does Ubuntu use /usr/local for anything? === ska-fan [~ska-fan@dsl-082-082-190-026.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === seby [~seby@p54A26A8C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === aLeSD [~alex@213-140-22-72.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:18] DanielC: ls it. [06:18] It looks like all the subdirectories are empty. === ska-fan [~ska-fan@dsl-082-082-190-026.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu [] [06:18] daba: I did. It has directories, but those seem empty. [06:18] well, on your system it may not then...:) did you -a? [06:18] Hi, I'm a newbie to Linux. the "Make Link..." option is greyed out when I cilck on a file... How then can i make a symlink? === yccheok_ [~yccheok@] has joined #ubuntu [06:19] DanielC: I personally know for one i have Javas there. [06:19] bigfoot: ln -s [06:19] <[koji] > bigfoot: man ln === Xero84 [~Xero@cpe-65-24-30-40.columbus.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === TheWeed [~spadge4@adsl209.dyn240.pacific.net.sg] has left #ubuntu [] [06:19] any have asm.lang language syntax plugin for gedit? === kart_ [~kartik@ss2.magnet-i.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:19] daba: Ok. Ultimately, I was trying to find a good place to put software that is not from the Ubuntu repository. === nova [~nova@cpe-24-93-172-93.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:19] daba: I guess it'll go in /opt then. === carambol [~karambol_@h90238.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [06:20] whats the command to show kernel version? [06:20] ...bah, well, if its something root should run, that is not a bad place, and make him own it... [06:20] uname -a [06:20] <[koji] > DanielC: There is a good docs explaining dir structure on LDP [06:20] bur if its software like limewire, just run it yourself. [06:20] [koji] : LDP? [06:20] nova, uname -a [06:21] <[koji] > oh Linux Documentation Proj [06:21] ok === DelPede [Exnay@port91.ds1-abc.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [06:21] tldp.com === spanglesontoast [~spangles@eddland.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:21] ok [06:21] thanks [06:21] but, I mean, I told you for progs. [06:21] daba: Where do you put softwarelike limewire? === jasoncohen [~jason@pcp0011382713pcs.ebrnsw01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === geetergod [~geetergod@cpe-66-24-86-121.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:22] in...your folder.. or run it as a completely separate user, with no privileges, just a home folder... [06:22] isnt there something you can do to speedup your dvd drive so your xine isnt choppy? [06:22] yccheok: hi [06:22] yo. [06:22] yccheok_: testing [06:22] testis. [06:22] anyone know how to do that? [06:22] anyone use sftp:// with nautilus?? === nova [~nova@cpe-24-93-172-93.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:23] yccheok_, it worked. Thank you very much. Just wondering, how come it can't be done in GUI/Natilus? === spektr [~spektr@M779P005.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu [06:23] there we go [06:23] forgot needed to apt get fglrx with kernel version === spanglesontoast [~spangles@eddland.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu === gaZoo [~norely@d209-89-81-142.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:23] anyone know what im talking about? [06:23] if I have no printer can I stop gnome cups icon from running? [06:23] daba: Well, if the point is to run limewire as a regular user I could chown /opt [06:23] i swear i downloaded sometghing before that speeded up my dvd drive so xine wasnt choppy [06:24] sure... [06:24] geetergod: sorry, I don't know [06:24] or something. [06:24] k [06:24] dooglus: thanks for the sympathy... [06:24] daba: any time. [06:24] but I won't kiss you. [06:24] he he he [06:24] dooglus: ok, thanks! [06:25] !moron dooglus [06:25] daba: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about [06:25] :) === nihao [~nihao@] has joined #ubuntu [06:25] can I stop the gnome cups icon from running? [06:25] I just looked in /usr/local for files and found one: [06:26] tsw: thanks, works [06:26] chris@chrislap:~$ find /usr/local -type f [06:26] /usr/local/share/fonts/fonts.cache-1 [06:26] how did that get there? in fact, how did all those empty directories get there too? [06:26] dooglus: My thoughts exactly. :) [06:27] apt-file search /usr/local/ finds nothing - no package puts anything there? [06:27] does amarok support MPC audio format? [06:27] DanielC: do that "find /usr/local -type f" - how many does it find? [06:27] geetergod: now that Ive let you wait a while cause you are impatient:) use windows, have those? I mean you could try this or that... there is an entry on the RestrictedFormats wiki , and mplayer may help, dunno... [06:27] (-type f is "just show files, not symlinks or directories") [06:27] dooglus: one [06:27] DanielC: the same one as me? [06:27] yup [06:28] DanielC: I'm running a program called 'cruft' which checks your filesystem against the packages you've installed, and tells you which files you're missing, and which ones it can't account for. === i3dmaster [~yongjian@c-24-9-29-155.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:29] dooglus: ok [06:29] DanielC: doh. it took ages to run, and output to standard output, scrolled off the top of the screen... [06:29] running it again to a file. [06:30] dooglus: Thanks for the help. === shock [~shockwave@dsl-213-023-239-196.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:30] daba, i figured it out :) === babaliciouse [~babalicio@hssx-nbfr-239-243.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu [06:30] just trying to find out where to activate dma [06:30] now, or before? [06:31] im trying to figure out how to now [06:31] well, edit the file, sudo gedit. [06:31] if thats what u meant [06:31] anyone know why the fonts for nerolinux look so crappy in Ubuntu?? [06:31] what does it mean when I run a java program on a website (to upload my pictures onto the website) and Firefox just closes itself...? === FireEgl [~FireEgl@2001:5c0:84dc:0:0:0:0:0] has joined #Ubuntu === Avinoam [Avinoam@DSL62-0-142-207.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [06:32] gooday all, i was wondering if anyone could suggest a good gui web page editor [06:32] I have a problem- after i login to ubuntu, the computer freezes [06:32] bigfoot: wrong java plugin? [06:32] babaliciouse: How much experience do you have? [06:32] I do CTRL, alt, backspace, and try loging in again, with no result [06:32] babaliciouse, nvu, mozilla composer, bluefish [06:32] babaliciouse: nvu. [06:33] babaliciouse: For a newbie I'd recommend nvu. More seasoned users seem to like Quanta. I prefer bluefish. [06:33] i come from dreamweaver background - but would like to develop on my linux box [06:33] geetergod: uncomment the { } llines, and the line about dma, first ls the two dirs you get for /dev/hdc, and /hdd if you have two drives, to find out which one is your dvd, but, you can also know this by which drive is the master, that one is hdc, usually, but check. and uncomment therefore those lines, in the file the document references, the wiki. [06:33] ah === m3jsh [~m3jsh@pool-70-104-136-46.ny325.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:33] linukso, well, the embedded java program runs at the start. I could select "Choose files" but when i then click on the files (in the java program), that's when firefox closes itslef. [06:33] anyone have any ideas? [06:33] daba: which file are you talking about? [06:33] geetergod: um...you find out by sudo mount [06:34] dooglus: go read the restrictedformats wiki, #8. [06:34] babaliciouse: I don't know what dreamweaver is like, so I can't say which would be most similar. Sorry. So I guess just try nvu, bluefish and Quanta and see if you like any of them. [06:34] thanx for all the suggestions -i'll check them out - do any of he above incorporate php quick adds === DanielC doesn't know [06:35] i'll go give them a look thanks guys [06:35] hope you find something that works well for you. [06:35] yo, no problah [06:35] i got it daba [06:35] all figured out, thanks [06:35] bigfoot: which jre are you using? [06:35] ok, so...I did too, and ended up in windows watching a dvd,... [06:35] babaliciouse, you can also search sourceforge.net & freshmeat.net [06:36] Anyone? [06:36] !anyone [06:36] linukso, how do i find out? === ogra [~ogra@p5089E041.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:36] ***anyone: No such nick/channel - and yes, there probably is someone, somewhere, who knows or runs it; that doesn't mean *I* do. [06:36] ty lotusleaf, i'll check it out === ralf [~matteo@openjlab.org] has joined #ubuntu [06:36] bigfoot: search for java in synaptic [06:36] babaliciouse, yw [06:37] did you guys hear my question? === thakat [~thakat@71-34-251-35.eugn.qwest.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === kori[idiot] [~kori@] has joined #ubuntu === Blaamann [~Blaam@213-145-178-123.dd.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:38] youre making your own question scroll out the screen... === mayco [~mayco@109.94-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [06:38] huh === beyond is now known as beyond-lunch [06:38] does anyone know where to get a flash plugin for firefox in ubuntu? the GPL plugn crashes firefox... === bur[n] er is now known as bur[n] Away [06:39] Avinoam: I thought you made a statement, not a question :-) Sorry, I don't know why Ctrl+Alt+Backspace doesn't kill X11. [06:39] My computer freezes after i enter my user name and password [06:39] Avinoam: what happends if you select gnome-failsafe as session [06:39] linukso, did the search for "java." nothing installed under that name. [06:39] still freezes [06:39] bigfoot: search for jre [06:39] or sun [06:39] control alt backspace does kill it [06:39] oh, ok [06:39] but that doesn't help me get in === dgoodwin [~dgoodwin@c-24-10-209-78.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:40] i can't figure out why it won't work [06:40] :( [06:40] linukso, sun-j2re1.5 and sun-j2sdk1.5 [06:40] what could the problem be? [06:40] Avinoam: linukso's suggestion may help... [06:41] it still freezes [06:41] dont type so much, all of you, if you dont know, dont make the quewstion scroll off the screen... [06:41] even on failsafe [06:41] well, does console work? [06:41] no it won't let me input [06:41] what can you do? [06:42] see the console === glill32 [~sam@rbn2-216-180-114-171.adsl.hiwaay.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:42] just mount it somewhere, and get the files off, its locked up... [06:42] i have a knoppix live cd i just need to know what files to fix [06:43] Anyone know how to get efax or gfax to work on other users besides root? [06:43] daba? [06:43] Hello, I'm a 62-year-old police dispatcher from Alabama, and my son has set me up with Ubuntu since most of the programs he has taught me to use run on both Windows XP and also Ubuntu, so I'm trying to get ubuntu setup... it looks nice but there's one problem I can't seem to fix. === ubermonzie [~manish@] has joined #ubuntu [06:43] hi all === keffo [~keffo@user150.82-197-233.netatonce.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:43] glill32: Ask and see if someone can help. === yccheok__ [~yccheok@] has joined #ubuntu === ubermonzie wishes everyone a very good evening [06:44] no, he didah... [06:44] anyone know what is freezing the comp? === Eliteforce [~eliteforc@M1850P005.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu [06:44] I am trying to get both my screens running. Instead, either they are both showing the same thing, or one is working right and the other one is all distorted (wrong resolution, or something). [06:44] hi [06:45] Last night somebody told me to set up Xinerama, and that didn't work so well either. === tiggggr [tggr@ihku.org] has left #ubuntu [] [06:45] need help [06:45] blah === IIIEars [~bill@cpe-24-30-191-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === IIIEars_ [~bill@cpe-24-30-191-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:45] i've got a little question about the apt repositories ... i've downloaded some deb files from a rep. manually and would like to make apt-get find them [06:46] elite see the wiki [06:46] k'ey :9 [06:46] glill32: what video card do you have? [06:46] glill32: Perhaps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31686 would help? [06:46] one way would be to copy them to apt [06:46] one way would be to copy them to apt's archive on your HD [06:46] anyone know what could cause ubuntu to freeze after login? [06:46] Eliteforce: are they on a disc? or just in a folder? cause if your just trying to install them, that should not be too hard. [06:47] and how to correct it? === keffo [~keffo@user150.82-197-233.netatonce.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:47] located in /var/cache/apt/archives [06:47] no avinoam, you say what caused it...:) [06:47] got it Eliteforce [06:47] ah thx [06:47] what? === inc595 [~inc@] has joined #ubuntu [06:47] Avinoam: Are you using the 2.6.11 kernel? [06:47] i'm using the newest kernel [06:48] upgraded yesterday === newcoder [~josh@u931520.SHYR.ab.nthu.edu.tw] has joined #ubuntu [06:48] via synaptic [06:48] dooglus: I have a Radeon 9000 with two connectors on it. One connector is hooked up to a standard 17" monitor I like to run in 1280x1024, the other is hooked up to a 36" monitor that runs at 800x600 === IIIEars_ [~bill@cpe-24-30-191-199.socal.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Microsoft] [06:48] did you log in after that? [06:48] anyone know where to edit vnc start option in ubtunu? [06:48] yes [06:48] Avinoam: The 2.6.11 kernel doesn't work. On startup when it says to hit escape and choose the 2.6.10 one. [06:48] Anyone know how to get efax or gfax to work on other users besides root? [06:48] Amaranth: there was that entry abiout dual monitors on the binarydrvirehowto... [06:48] glill32: ok. I don't know about that then. I have an SiS video card and found a very nice driver for it. [06:48] huh? [06:48] when does it ask to hit escape? [06:49] it worked today [06:49] Avinoam: Right after BIOS but before ubuntu boots [06:49] after downloading [06:49] Avinoam: also, do you use backports or any other non-official repositories? [06:49] yes [06:49] *groan* [06:49] but i used today!! === NetGeek [~dbasinge@xlaptop166.lib.utah.edu] has joined #ubuntu [06:49] i logged on today!! [06:49] and suddenly, no go === haich [~haich@215.Red-83-44-220.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:50] then you installed the 2.6.11 kernel and now it doesn't work? === mirak [~mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-36-170.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [06:50] i installed yesterday and it still worked [06:50] nothing changed from then until now? === marky [~marky@] has joined #ubuntu [06:50] network settings a litte.... [06:50] but that shouldn't cause a crash! [06:51] Hrm, I have no idea. [06:51] did you reboot after the kernel change yesterday ? === dbasetrinity [~dbasetrin@adsl-223-156-189.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:51] yes dgood === agent [~agent@atlnga1-ar2-4-33-041-255.atlnga1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:51] I know there was something with security updates for the kernel and glibc from backports that was causing problems. [06:51] well, can i reinstall kernel? === YazzY [~yazzy@yazzy.user] has joined #ubuntu [06:51] hi guys [06:51] has anyone been successful in installing IE in wine? tried both wine in ubuntu repo and the "official" wine repo for ubuntu... both hang during install using all the known methods [06:52] what does ubuntu use to make all the new app appear in the gnome menu immidiately after one installed them ? [06:52] agent why would you do that? [06:52] can someone tell me if theres a program that can change web pages into pdf's === SpookyET [~not4_u@24-196-233-44.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:52] YazzY: The app installs a .desktop file. [06:52] dbasetrinity: openoffice can [06:52] YazzY: You want to edit your menu? [06:52] Avinoam, because there is a program that is only available on windows with no linux equivalent that requires IE [06:52] thank you [06:52] agent - lol - i couldn't even get solitaire to work. [06:52] Amaranth: i want to use the same thing on my FreeBSD laptop with Gnome [06:53] YazzY: Oh. [06:53] YazzY: GNOME 2.10 on FreeBSD? [06:53] yes [06:53] I am trying to install Enlightenment (E16) using synaptic. I find it using the 'Search', but when trying to install it Synaptic tells me it can't find an avaiable version of the the package. [06:53] so what should i do now is the question? === Valentin- [~jhiemer@p54A98952.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:53] ah i love the whole packaging system :D === ante [~ante@c-f03672d5.08-14-736b7610.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [06:53] I know this is going to sound a little unlikely but... [06:54] got a YaST clone for ubuntu? [06:54] kcontrol :P [06:54] IIIEars, thats unfortunate because I know that about a year ago i was able to install IE in wine no problem... it's rather annoying that it wont install now :( [06:54] I just found a simple "grep" command which, when I run it as my own user, not root, it causes my laptop to turn itself off! [06:54] Amaranth: GNOME 2.10.0_1 [06:54] agent do you remember the wine vers.? [06:54] YazzY: Complain to FreeBSD then. It's a distro thing. [06:55] anyone got an idea what i should do? [06:55] Avinoam: Sorry, no. [06:55] IIIEars, heh... no... it was probably some random cvs version that i compiled [06:55] do i need to reinstall ubuntu? [06:55] Avinoam: Ask on the users list? [06:55] Amaranth: i am on ubuntu on my dekstop box at home and i dont see any .desktop file in my ~/ [06:55] anyone know how you 'disable composite' in xorg ? === miscz_ [~miscz@anb190.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [06:55] YazzY: /usr/share/applications/ [06:55] webmind: It's not enabled unless you did it manually. === albacker [~eni@] has joined #ubuntu [06:55] Amaranth, ah [06:56] Amaranth, then my flash problem is something else [06:56] Amaranth: thanks [06:56] uAh, Okay. - I don't need the power of cedega. (DOS Scrabble) [06:56] IIIEars: freedos? [06:56] the gpl flash player keeps crashing my firefox when I try to use flash... [06:56] anyone familiar with this problem ? [06:56] Amaranth - in linux? [06:56] webmind: use macromedia's flash player, the gpl'd one sucks [06:56] IIIEars: yeah [06:56] webmind: gpl flash is more than unstable [06:57] good [06:57] IIIEars: sudo apt-get install freedos [06:57] where do I get it ? [06:57] Thank You - I'll check it out. [06:57] webmind: should be a package for it [06:57] Amaranth: this is the standard gnome thing then,there is no difference between ubuntu and any other gnome installation as far as i can see [06:57] Eliteforce, not even close === sobersabre [~bilbo@l192-115-16-116.broadband.actcom.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [06:57] webmind, you should read www.ubuntuguide.org <--- will answer all your questions! [06:57] Amaranth, couldn't find it.. what should it be called ? [06:57] Amaranth, I'll look [06:57] hi. [06:57] Can someone lend me a hand? I have problems compiling the cherry keyman software: "/usr/bin/ld: .init.o: relocation R_X86_64_32S can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC" seems to be the error. [06:57] webmind: flashplayer-mozilla [06:58] webmind, you should read www.ubuntuguide.org <--- will answer all your questions! [06:58] Do _not_ use ubuntuguide.org [06:58] Amaranth, not ? [06:58] why not? [06:58] More on that site is wrong than right. [06:58] not [06:58] it worked for me === Muiske [~muiske01@haar029.athome222.wau.nl] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] np [06:58] And the wrong stuff breaks your computer. [06:58] agent: As a sortof ubuntu dev, trust me, I know. [06:59] no package called flashplayer-mozilla === JavieR- [~javier@] has joined #ubuntu [06:59] hrm [06:59] using hoary for amd64 btw [06:59] webmind: you have universe and multiverse enabled? === JavieR- [~javier@] has left #ubuntu ["Part"] [06:59] yes [06:59] oh, amd64 [06:59] Amaranth, not when it comes to flash... it says to do what you said: sudo apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla [06:59] :D [06:59] no flash for you then :/ [06:59] IIIEars : I think Amaranth meant "dosbox" instead of "freedos" [06:59] Can someone help me get my modem to work with other users besides root? [07:00] Amaranth: so how the heck are the menus updated when the /usr/(local/)share/applications part is the same for any gnome installation? [07:00] Amaranth, not at all ? [07:00] blueyed, what are you compiling ? [07:00] is there a daemon doing this ? [07:00] Amaranth, can't use a 32bit flash player ? [07:00] webmind: not without a 32-bit firefox [07:00] Oops - okay. (done the same thing NP Amaranth) [07:00] Amaranth, good enough [07:00] webmind, just type this in console: sudo apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla [07:00] webmind: No idea how to get that. [07:00] webmind, all on one line [07:00] sobersabre: keym@n software for a cherry keyboard.. (cymolin-0.6.0-2) [07:00] agent: He is on amd64. [07:00] agent, doesn't exist ..... [07:00] Amaranth, ooooooooh... ooops... sorry [07:01] blueyed, why ? [07:01] sobersabre: because there's no amd64 package on the CD.. it's for the extra keys of the keyboard. [07:01] why not "hotkeys" ? [07:01] macromedia's flashplayer is flakey too, but it's maybe more stable than the GPL'ed one ;-) === K_Dallas [~Korbain@] has joined #ubuntu [07:02] flash works flawlessly here no firefox crashs what so ever [07:02] is there anyway of installing 32bit packages ? === jaysunn [~jaysunn@] has joined #ubuntu [07:02] WhiteRabbit, on amd64 ? [07:02] blueyed, have you heard of hotkeys package ? [07:02] webmind: no way lol [07:02] has anyone been successful in installing IE in wine? tried both wine in ubuntu repo and the "official" wine repo for ubuntu... both hang during install using all the known methods [07:02] sig [07:02] sobersabre: just apt-getting it, thanks :) [07:03] agent, I know someone who has IE in crossoveroffice I think ? [07:03] WhiteRabbit: no, eh? hm... === bystander [~peter@wolax8-213.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === YazzY [~yazzy@yazzy.user] has left #ubuntu [] [07:03] blueyed, i am not so sure it'll help. [07:03] webmind, but crossover office is not free :D [07:03] what is the model of the kbd ? [07:03] I wouldn't personly run a amd64 yet === WhiteRabbit is not a beta tester === Max [~anirz@] has joined #ubuntu === nova [~nova@cpe-24-93-172-93.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === david_ [~david@81-179-84-104.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:04] blueyed, which model ? [07:04] agent, true [07:04] hey all [07:04] help me plz [07:04] blueyed, before you download, i can tell if it is supported! why do you d/l it before checking ? :) [07:04] webmind, it's rather annoying because it worked about a year ago :( === cevans [~costi@ip68-107-38-206.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:04] sobersabre: G86-21070 [07:04] Max, ask. [07:05] agent, ok [07:05] agent, might still [07:05] sobersabre, i have downloaded a file "gnome-themes.2.4.1.tar.bz2" how do i install it?? [07:05] Hello all I am new to ubuntu, I am using Kubuntu Hoary release. Can anyone help with this. http://pastebin.com/293993 [07:05] blueyed, i don't see it among supported models [07:05] webmind, it does not... at least i cant get it to work using different methods of installing :( === yccheok__ [~yccheok@] has joined #ubuntu [07:05] Max, why have you downloaded it ? [07:06] sobersabre: man says "And more..." :/ [07:06] In a pinned setup, is there any way to list all installed breezy packages, or to replace all breezy packages to hoary packages? [07:06] just wanted a new theme [07:06] sobersabre, just wanted a new theme === underdog [~amedeiros@] has left #ubuntu [] [07:06] you open preferences->themes and drag the file there... [07:06] into the list. [07:06] s/to/with === dockane [0d6295dc07@p5084FB4A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === nobile [~nuni@] has joined #ubuntu === sijp [~sijp@85-250-91-254.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [07:07] but says its not installed.. do i have to configure or something i am new to linux sobersabre [07:08] sobersabre, it says i need to compile [07:08] Max, [07:08] how do i compile sobersabre === mario_ [~mario@] has joined #ubuntu [07:08] Max, in preferences->themes notice the big button called "Install Theme".... try using that === DanielC [~ale@CPE00095b0dbf45-CM024400000941.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:08] do you want to get into troubles ? [07:08] yes it says i need to compile sobersabre [07:08] agent, it is source for themes 2.4.1 === ralf [~matteo@openjlab.org] has joined #ubuntu [07:09] Max which ubuntu version do you have ? [07:09] sobersabre, ah :) [07:09] i have 5.04 [07:09] 64 bit ver [07:09] then you most probably already have it. [07:09] Max: save youself the trouble and install gnome-themes-extras [07:09] sobersabre: "hotkeys -t itouch" at least gets the volume.. :/ So, I'd still like to compile the "native" keyman software.. @all: please PM me if you think you can help. === Fator_Dee [~fatordee@adsl-85-217-17-110.kotinet.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:09] *yourself [07:09] hello channel \o [07:09] bystander, from synaptics? [07:09] Max: can you run dpkg -l gnome-themes [07:09] Max, yes [07:09] Max: yes. or use apt [07:10] sobersabre, let me try [07:10] Max from terminal, run: dpkg -l gnome-themes [07:10] where can i get the qt3-dev package from? i need it for compiling raconfig [07:10] you will see gnome-themes v. 2.10 something... [07:10] yes sobersabre it gives some output [07:10] right ? [07:10] Eliteforce: tried searching in synaptic? [07:10] ii is on the left ? === telemaco [~telemaco@57.Red-83-35-178.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu [] [07:10] ah i think i found it [07:11] bystander: gnome-themes-extras is in the universe repository [07:11] libqt3-dev [07:11] sobersabre, it gives Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold === newbbie [~Soledad@10000942044.0000000553.acesso.oni.pt] has joined #ubuntu [07:11] hi all [07:11] How do I change the language in GNOME ? Some applications defaults to danish instead of my chosen language that is norwegian. It is possible to choose another language than danish whenever norwegian is unavailable ? [07:11] sobersabre, Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed === brkforcoffee [~brkforcof@ool-4353bb80.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu === Lord-Phoenix [~epahl@60-234-142-206.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [07:12] Max this is the top line. [07:12] what is the bottom line ? [07:12] a simple question: how does one save automatically the output resulting from the execution of a command to a text file? [07:12] hey by default, i'm gonna assume ubuntu uses gdm, but where does it start it? [07:13] yes and the second line is Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed [07:13] sobersabre [07:13] is there anyway to do some 32bit emulation or something on amd64 ? [07:13] Blaamann, just so you know, there is a help article on how to configure languages on ubuntu.org (probably the wiki) === Pop_pa_FrEaK [~patrick@CPE000ae6c702bb-CM000e5ce665ba.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:13] the bottom line is "sobersabre"? [07:13] sobersabre, ii gnome-themes 2.10.0-0ubuntu1 official themes for the GNOME 2 desktop [07:13] agent: Ok, I will search for it [07:13] i didn't release any packages of myself yet. [07:13] newbbie: command > file === NemesisBLK [~Menes@24-205-166-140.wc-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:13] lol sorry sobersabre [07:14] newbbie, instead of typing command type in command > file [07:14] newbbie: >> file.text [07:14] Max as you can see you already have the newer package. [07:14] okay.. [07:14] MAx if u want more, go to gnome-look.org [07:14] someone? where does Ubuntu start gdm? [07:14] there are plenty of them there... [07:14] Lord-Phoenix, depends. [07:14] if you choose kubuntu cd, it starts kdm [07:14] sobersabre, i can download but again i dont know how to compile [07:15] anyone knows of how the shipping of cd's is done? a lot of my friends that ordered same time as me has gotten theirs, but I havent seen even a floppy disk in my mailbox. [07:15] sobersabre: assume you choose ubuntu cd, and go with the defaults [07:15] Lord-Phoenix: /etc/init.d/gdm ? [07:15] ah... :) thank you agent and Blaamann :) [07:15] so sobersabre will u plz tell me how to compile?? [07:15] hmm [07:15] Max, themes are collection of pictures and conf. files. they don't need to be really compiled, [07:15] will de 32bit flashplayer work on a 32bit mozille on amd64 ? [07:15] ok sob let me try [07:15] you dl them, and then drag them into the themes dialog. === beyond-lunch is now known as beyond [07:15] anyone know how to install a computer as gateway using ubuntu ? [07:15] thank you sobersabre [07:15] newbbie: >> appends to the file [07:16] got fluxbox and vnc running ... pretty fast [07:16] just there are many types of themes: win controls, win decors, icon sets === zeuclas [~zeuclas@h25n4fls31o1103.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === zooko [~user@blk-215-95-202.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu === hans_ [~hans@ti231110a080-1017.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [07:17] sobersabre, but how do i compile the .tar files?? === d0ril [~antbiotic@200-170-183-009.xf-static.ctbcnetsuper.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === nobile [~nuni@] has joined #ubuntu [07:18] i am not getting sound from XMMS... [07:18] Max: extract the tar and read the README file [07:18] i cant hear any sound.. [07:18] okay sobersabre [07:19] do i have to install any plugin to watch movie on totem?? its not working in my sys [07:19] fluxbox ? [07:19] how can i do this by console: Under System -> Administration you will find networking. Your Ralink card will be listed there. Activate it. [07:19] never heard of it? === Spug [~Spug@ti211310a081-6981.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [07:20] marky, it's a windows manger like gnome [07:20] mmm... [07:20] but stripped of all the bloat [07:20] the new fluxbox is great [07:20] i've only heard icewm [07:20] :) === Corvus [Corvus@] has joined #ubuntu [07:20] marky: www.fluxbox.org, check out the screenshots, and you will want to use it :0 [07:20] IT's so cool looking. [07:20] hehe fluxbox is pretty [07:21] can i use KDE in ubuntu?? [07:21] will it work on p2 400mhz with 64 ram ? [07:21] Max: Yes. [07:21] kubuntu === webmind curses [07:21] marky: Of course. [07:21] Max: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop [07:21] hoary is suposed to be a stable release ? [07:21] marky: It's alot faster than gnome. [07:21] webmind: It is. === pgavin [~pgavin@] has joined #ubuntu [07:21] lok what is the size?? [07:21] goldfish, so these anoying bugs shouldn't be [07:21] mm.. i want to install a gateway [07:21] Marky i'm running it on a amd-k6 [07:22] Xorg just crashed on trying to play a vob file [07:22] if you icewm then u can run fluxbox [07:22] webmind: oh right... hmmm. [07:22] a whole lan connect to internet through that [07:22] also on a mov file [07:22] should i use fluxbox or.. just command line ? === flummox [~flummox@L1017P16.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu [07:22] dude command line all the way [07:22] lok, do u have any idea what is the size of that?? because my download is limited.. [07:22] who needs a gui [07:23] hehehehe, [07:23] Max: around 100MB [07:23] i don't quite know about command line in linux [07:23] thankx bystander [07:23] well just load aterm and you got commad line lol [07:23] lol, not that [07:23] i mean that awk , gawk, [07:24] or setting shorewall (firewall) [07:24] i am just using linux.. and its amazing.. sound quality and some features are better than windows. [07:24] very confusinngggg :(( === pestilence didn't realize ubuntu had ntfs resizing capability in the installler...cool!! === newbbie [~Soledad@10000942044.0000000553.acesso.oni.pt] has joined #ubuntu [07:25] I just wonder why my fast speed internet is so slow in every linux distro I try === bwlang [~bwlang@bb-66-55-211-238.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:25] in windows it takes 1sec to load a page [07:25] ante what kind of connectiuon do you have ? [07:25] 10mbit [07:25] connection* === zxy__ [~ralph@host-84-9-35-70.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu === lotusleaf [~lotusleaf@lotusleaf.user] has joined #ubuntu === zxy___ [~ralph@host-84-9-35-70.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:25] you behind a router ? [07:25] yepp [07:25] ante: it seems me too have the same problem [07:25] brb [07:25] hmm [07:25] di-804 [07:25] nm [07:26] are you using dhcp ? [07:26] the download limited to about 9 kbps maybe [07:26] marky ok good.. thought I was alone =) [07:26] yepp dhcp it is [07:26] in windows, .. it's about 22 kbps >_<" === DNAku-san [~DNA-otaku@dD5E07088.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [07:26] should ubuntu voor the i386 work on amd64 ? [07:26] I use the same and I have no trouble [07:26] i have the di-604 === r0d [~r0d@CPE-65-30-208-109.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:27] I dont have trouble but it is not so fast as when I surf the web in windows [07:27] what can I use to burn dvd's === inc595 [~mike@] has joined #ubuntu [07:27] r0d: graveman, nautilus, gnomebaker, growisfs [07:27] yes.. i can still browsing & download [07:27] while a page takes 1sec in windows it takes 1min in linux [07:27] *growisofs [07:27] r0d, what desktop are you using ? [07:27] but it seems the speed are different === zeedo [~zeedo@www.reboot-robot.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:27] anyone?? [07:28] Pop_pa_FrEaK, gnome. i just need to backup my movies and dont want to use windows === gentoon [~gentoon@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:28] I have gnomebaker Fator_Dee and theirs no option. i searched for plugins === exxylan [exxylan@p54A2FCAF.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu [] [07:28] try dvd:rip r0d [07:28] r0d: option for what? it can burn dvd's [07:29] thx Pop_pa_FrEaK === thetortu [~zeke@ALagny-151-1-19-223.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [07:29] can i watch TV in === morita04_ [~morita04@200-109-240-202.genericrev.cantv.net] has joined #ubuntu === yccheok__ [~yccheok@] has joined #ubuntu [07:29] not sure max [07:29] Fator_Dee, I dont know, i cant see any dvd options. [07:29] can i watch tv in ubuntu .. i have a mercury tv card [07:30] Pop_pa_FrEaK, why not? does not support the hardware? [07:30] Max: try xawtv [07:30] Max: try to use the card and you'll see [07:30] Max: or tvtime [07:30] no no tvtime [07:30] xaw is nasty === thetortu [~zeke@ALagny-151-1-19-223.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:30] whatever works for you === apsuva [~justice@] has joined #ubuntu === GeMiNniS [~root@] has joined #ubuntu === bystander [~peter@wolax8-213.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [07:31] er irc-hispano.org [07:31] er dune.irc-hispano.org [07:32] i tried in the older version on ubuntu .. didnt work there.. will it work here in 5.04? === rachwal [~rachwal@] has joined #ubuntu [07:33] ok.. Xorg crashes if I want to use Xv [07:33] Max, the question is not whether Ubuntu supports the card or not its whether or not the card supports linux :D [07:33] man i just got everything setup like i like it but now i lost sound === synd [~poseidon@] has joined #ubuntu [07:33] oh.. so its the other way :D agent [07:33] does anyone know if there is gaim skins to download in cyberspace? [07:33] !seen nern [07:33] nern <~nern@cable6-7.murray-ky.net> was last seen on IRC in channel #ubuntu, 7h 8m 31s ago, saying: 'hey hey hey'. [07:34] how can i reconfigure my sound? [07:34] anyways agent what plugin do i need to install to watch movie in totem? [07:34] gentoon, whats wrong with it? [07:34] anyone know about ubuntu black screening after logout with the ATI fglrx drivers? [07:34] Max just download xine and everything will work! [07:34] ranyone know if ubuntu for i386 will work on amd64 ? [07:35] webmind: yes, it will [07:35] webmind, yes [07:35] totem xine?? i have downloaded.. it says need to install required plugin ante [07:35] ok [07:35] then might as well downgrade [07:35] xine is best! [07:35] if half of the amd64 stuff doesn';t work yet.. [07:35] :( === _kevin [~Kevin@CPE0006255ab096-CM400049887786.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:35] synd, was working fine before but no i just dun have it, cant even open the volume control? === Zirland [~zirland@ip-85-160-189-60.eurotel.cz] has joined #ubuntu [07:36] gentoon, odd. try logging out and logging back in? [07:36] gentoon: try alsamixer in a terminal [07:36] of x yea [07:36] it says there is no plugin to handle this movie [07:36] Max get the unsupported plugins from your repositories [07:36] Max, you have to get the restrictedformats [07:36] ! restricted [07:36] ante i dont know which plugin i need [07:36] restricted is probably http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats [07:36] max read that [07:37] !thanks [07:37] bitte, IIIEars === sppt [~lol@ip51cdd8d6.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:37] hi [07:37] !seen zevin [07:37] i haven't seen 'zevin', synd === henriquemaia [~henriquem@cb-217-129-175-184.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu === kassetra [~kassetra@c-67-171-201-213.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:38] The restrictedformats page does not help so much === burns [~burns@c-24-22-50-182.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:38] Max, I like using ubuntuguide.com [07:38] how can i dump the grub loader, and use the original windows one?? cuz i dont use linux anymore [07:38] okay === burns [~burns@c-24-22-50-182.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [07:38] Max, .org i mean === Tyche [~Tyche@mhfw1.crbard.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:39] Hi. I have small problem with keyboard layout. I use QWERTY layout in the system, but on the Login screen it types QWERTZ, which is standard [07:39] sppt: fdisk /MBR === smoser [~smoser@pixpat.austin.ibm.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:39] and then? [07:39] http://ubuntuguide.org/ [07:39] no adn then. === beady [~beady@so-19561-x0.essex.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [07:39] i wonder .com is not working [07:39] ? [07:39] ok.. [07:39] adn??? === angelo [~angelo@] has joined #ubuntu [07:40] hello all [07:40] sofar.. -every- media player crashed Xorg on amd64/hoary [07:40] NO AND THEN :-D [07:40] using radeon driver [07:40] max, what IIIEars said, I flubbed up [07:40] who wanna help me ? [07:40] i still dont get it:P [07:40] you probably have to boot off a boot disk to do that, you need a windows fdisk === gentoon_ [~gentoon@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:40] NP - yes and i am perfect too.. - lol [07:40] angelo : we don't know what you want ? :) [07:40] :) === gentoon_ [~gentoon@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:40] yes synd thankx.. its working [07:40] sppt: fdisk /MBR restores the mbr. it will remove grub. [07:41] k [07:41] i want compile the kadu [kady.net] , but i have some bugs... [07:41] Max, so you got xine working? [07:41] [kadu.net] [07:41] sppt: but you want windows fdisk, not linux. [07:41] and then, i can use partition magic or something to get my space to my drive back? [07:41] sure, why not. [07:41] :) [07:41] man something is really wrong, i completey restarted and i didnt even get a volume icon in the systray, i have no sound at all [07:41] sppt: you'll probably get a warmer welcome in a windows channel, though. [07:42] noo synd === cyphase hides gentoon_'s sound behind his back === devinjd [~devinjd@cpe-68-113-161-185.plt.ny.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:42] Man i really start to like this os, then something breaks [07:42] sppt - (Psst. qtparted comes on the othe live CD distro "Kn" something. - works pretty well.) [07:42] it was working [07:42] bad thing is that all my disk are nuked [07:42] i have this bug: checking for C++ compiler default output file name... configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables [07:42] but its not working now synd [07:42] what's up everyone [07:42] gentoon_, http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#configuresoundproperly [07:42] sppt, that's not a bug that's a feature [07:42] i just spent like 3 hrs making all these launches and customizing and now i lost sound [07:42] anyone can help me ? === inva|id [~invalid@adsl-18-29-212.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:42] have a quick question... [07:42] sppt: angelo sudo apt-get install build-essential [07:43] how do you start a new session from within gnome? === apsuva [~justice@] has left #ubuntu [] [07:43] i try.. [07:43] :S [07:43] sorry sppt - for angelo [07:43] k [07:43] anybody help me with keyb layout setup? [07:43] anyone know manual how to configure shorewall ? === r4ndy [~r4ndy@e6140ad9dd24bf9b.session.tor] has joined #ubuntu [07:43] marky: /etc/shorewall [07:43] -sppt- My current status is: online. My nick has been said 76 times. <-- that's dumb [07:43] i'm from poland so my english is not good.. [07:43] :) [07:44] lotusleaf: how did you get that? [07:44] thats nnscript or something, dunno exactly [07:44] yeah.. i mean the complete manual [07:44] Amaranth: say sppt's name [07:44] how to set etc2 [07:44] sppt: [07:44] :p [07:44] Amaranth, it's showing up whenever I type sppt [07:44] Yeah, turn that off. [07:44] angelo: you need the build-essential package === stuNNed [~implosion@stunned.user] has joined #ubuntu [07:44] cant:( === synd is lost [07:44] sppt - if you are comfortable with linux tmsrtbt disk is very good - not easy. [07:44] Then get a new IRC client. [07:44] any way I can fix my mixer so that the master volume works? [07:44] sppt, it's fscking annoying [07:45] i know [07:45] jsut dont say my name [07:45] basically im trying to control my volume using the volume keys on my laptop but it only control the master volume [07:45] which does not do anything [07:45] i have to use PCM [07:45] sppt: That's how we talk to people on IRC. We say their name before the message. Like this. [07:45] i think i have build-essential package, i write sudo apt-get install build-essential, and it's complete...but what now ? [07:45] sppt: um - no YOU turn it off, please [07:45] sppt, that, coupled with your I don't use linux remark or whatever earlier is enough to warrant an addition to my ignore list [07:45] any idieas? === Homer|away [~Homer@ip216-239-88-50.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] anyone know ?:) [07:46] sppt: Get rid of your 1337 h@x0r illegal mIRC install and it won't be a problem. [07:46] its legal === funky [~repulse@funky.user] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] hi [07:46] cant we all just get along : ) [07:46] devinjd, which desktop are you on ? gnome or kde ? [07:46] sppt: You paid for it? [07:46] w8, it could be a script [07:46] angelo:) [07:46] I cant install apt-file in breezy :( [07:46] marky: have you looked at the files in /etc/shorewall [07:46] every1 knows that mirc is free [07:46] sppt, no [07:46] sppt: It it a script, disable it. [07:47] E: Package libapt-pkg-libc6.3-5-3.9 has no installation candidate [07:47] sppt: It's not free, it's nagware. [07:47] sppt - when you said your disks are nuked. - Did you just need a good app to burn an iso in windows? "ISOBurner Powertoy" by Alex Feinman (linux cdrecord or gnomebaker is better) [07:47] i have === Zotnix [martin@ool-4357361a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:47] sppt, its shareware. [07:47] sppt: Disabling the nag without paying is illegal. [07:47] marky: and how about the documentation on the shorewall website or in /usr/share/doc/shorewall? [07:47] daba: you know ? :> [07:47] well, after the days are expired, u can still click continue [07:47] -sppt- VERSION ( NoNameScript 3.81 :: www.nnscript.de :: www.XLhost.de ) [07:47] pestilence: well.. i don't understand itu [07:48] sppt, just unload the scripts bud [07:48] marky, I mae a couple screen shot of my fluxbox desktop [07:48] pestilence: it is just too... complicated [07:48] angelo, not sure, was that the whole question, you installed build essential, and now what? === inva|id [~invalid@adsl-18-29-212.mco.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === gentoon_ [~gentoon@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:48] i gotta friggin fiind it [07:48] sppt: this is a different world: we don't *have* to use lame nagware [07:48] marky: what are you trying to do === dwa_ [~dwa@dwa.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu === ubuntu [~ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [07:48] Still no sound!! wtf? === drspin [~cole@ip68-2-123-172.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:48] sppt, no. unload them all. scripts are a kiddy thing from the mid 90s [07:48] http://ubuntu.minimzx.com/screenshot.jpg [07:48] pestilence: i'm trying to build a gateway === ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0523.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu [07:48] angelo : you have a C++ compiler installed ? [07:48] :) [07:48] that i think :) [07:48] i cant friggin find it [07:49] anyone used OpenOffice 2? [07:49] but where i can try this ? [07:49] pestilence: and i want to install firewall of course [07:49] sppt - find what? [07:49] synd: well, there are also good scripts :-\ [07:49] drspin_ yes [07:49] the friggin script === Lafitte- [~nunya@ip68-101-121-35.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:49] i download a gcc 4.0..and i install it.... === someone [~Soledad@10000942044.0000000553.acesso.oni.pt] has joined #ubuntu [07:49] i dunno what to try now [07:49] pestilence: the gateway itself well.. is an old computer, so maybe i'll use command line instead of any GUI [07:49] guess i was taking sound for granted [07:49] marky: shorewall is a bit complicated for a beginner. that's about all i can say :) [07:49] angelo: um - gcc 4 on hoary?? [07:50] angelo : try "g++ --version" [07:50] inc595: wawww.... great ! === nova [~nova@cpe-24-93-172-93.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:50] daba - i write in bahs this line...and something it's done...what now ? [07:50] sppt, bud, go into mIRC script editor (the green a/ icon) select all, delete, and save [07:50] i have g++ installed [07:50] Fator_Dee, :p [07:50] pestilence: mm... can you recommend any other firewall ? [07:50] marky, making a second one [07:50] synd: like I use keepnick.pl and dns.pl :-p [07:50] marky: for just a firewall, you could look at rc.firewall. very simple. [07:50] firestarter linux firewall - a GUI Wee! [07:50] im searching the script, but i think its just the friggin nnscript [07:50] what could have screwed up my sound so bad? [07:51] whatever sppt [07:51] pestilence: rc.firewall ? [07:51] marky: http://projectfiles.com/firewall/ === Lord-Phoenix [~epahl@60-234-142-206.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:51] i dun even think its starting a sound server [07:51] pestilence: i'll try [07:51] gentoon, what does alsamixer return in terminal [07:51] it opens a cmi mixer [07:51] Firestarter will let you peak at it's internals and get you ready for shorewall [07:52] marky: test [07:52] fuck my floppy's >:( [07:52] I have small problem with keyboard layout. I use QWERTY layout in the system, but on the Login screen it types QWERTZ, which is standard [07:52] my system monitor says everything is sleeping? [07:52] marky, http://ubuntu.minimzx.com/screenshot2.jpg [07:52] i write again :) - i write in bash "sudo apt-get install build-essential", and something it's done....what i should do now ? after this command ? [07:52] gentoon_: check for muted channels [07:52] are there non-rpm packages for the propriatary ati drivers? [07:52] pestilence: is it textmode ? [07:52] angelo: angelo, you cant be asking me what to do after you install build essential, did you have a reason you installed it? [07:52] its all right [07:52] just the sound server isnt running [07:52] marky: yes. [07:53] marky, shows the menuon that one [07:53] thst why i get no volume icon in system tray at startup [07:53] marky: but pretty much all you hav to do is run the script. === ogra [~ogra@p5089E041.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:53] yes, i want compile a kadu communicator www.kadu.net, but some bugs are in my pc....in compiler... [07:53] can i also put the bootdisk on one of my hdd's, and then let it boot to there? [07:53] gentoon_: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa restart === Echylo [~echylo@46-177.245.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [07:53] angelo - Upgrading your kernel for a videao driver? - build-essential is ready to go. add your new kernel source. [07:54] inc595: very2 niceeeee :) [07:54] ok, i try === jcoxon [~jcoxon@jac208.caths.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [07:54] angelo: my mom always says, get some bug spray... dude, you need to tell exactly what you are doing, and what the rror you are getting is. === Morten^Toft [~Morten^To@ghruaim.net] has joined #ubuntu === OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp02542642pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:54] :) [07:54] ok, from beginning: [07:54] inc595: but can it (fluxbox) work on an old computer ? [07:54] heh [07:54] in one line, please. === gentoon_ is now known as Gentoon [07:55] marky: it's particularly good on old computers [07:55] i download the tar.bz2 archive from kadu.net [this is a communicator] , now i want to compile it, but i have some bugs... you understand me ? [07:55] marky: very light on resources === aLeSD [~alex@213-140-22-72.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:55] this box i'm on now is a celron 366MHx overclocked to 411MHz with 362MB of ram === mattlacey [~matt@exten-halls-247.soton.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [07:55] can I stop the gnome cups icon from running? [07:55] maybe some program in the bg is using my sound? === graabein [~graabein@18.84-48-49.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu === J03l [~JOel@] has joined #ubuntu === nobile [~nuni@] has joined #ubuntu [07:56] angelo, just state you rproblem, and if someone understands and knows how to fix it they will tell you. [07:56] it runs way faster then when i load gnome === J03l is now known as J0el [07:56] bystander: well.. maybe i'll use just 64 MB RAM [07:56] hi! how do i find out which /dev/ node my ipod uses? in the etc/mtab-file [07:56] aaah... i'm very confuseeeee T_T; [07:56] anyone knows how compile kadu communicator on newest ubuntu linux ? :) [07:57] ANy other idea's on my sound? [07:57] Gentoon: lsof /dev/dsp [07:57] wat do i use to get a screenshot in ubuntu? === Naveg [~Naveg@CPE000625bc4f80-CM023489900620.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:57] Gentoon: might tell you what is using it [07:57] bystander, okay done.. === ccc [~ccc@c-ac0f70d5.015-28-6c6b7010.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [07:57] J0el, printscreen button on your keyboard [07:57] does anyone know how to get ndiswrapper working with the live cd? [07:57] bystander, didn't return anything [07:57] :( [07:57] graabien ,dosent work. [07:57] man it was working fine [07:57] ive tried that [07:57] Gentoon: is sed running ? [07:58] oops [07:58] Gentoon: I mean esd === etz [~etz@a81-197-244-246.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [07:58] dun think so [07:58] atleast nothing gets copied to the clipboard so i can paste it in gimp or something === devinjd [~devinjd@cpe-68-113-161-185.plt.ny.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:58] J0el: "system...Take Screenshot" === garrut [~gerrit@garrut.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:58] J0el, how about system > take a screen shot from the gnome menu [07:58] killall esd returns not running [07:58] i do something...now i need zlib-devel library :D, where i can find it ? [07:58] does anyone know how to get ndiswrapper working with the live cd? [07:59] i have the 4.10 version [07:59] Gentoon: so run it === mof [~mof@I1112.i.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [07:59] it dosent have any option such as that [07:59] anyone got ipod? it doesn't read when i plug it [07:59] angelo: apt-cache search zlib-dev [07:59] It made a sound!!! [07:59] any package i cud download? [07:59] angelo: probably libzlib-dev [07:59] ok, wait :) [07:59] I have sound [07:59] Gentoon: that's what it should do... [07:59] J0el: how about gnome-screenshot [07:59] why doesnt it startup by itself? === leo__ [~leo@h082218012023.host.wavenet.at] has joined #ubuntu === pablo928 [~paul@az-yuma-cuda1x-159.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:00] in shell ? [08:00] J0el: yes [08:00] don't work :/ [08:00] does anyone know how to get ndiswrapper working with the live cd? [08:00] hi all [08:00] mm k ill try that [08:00] brb [08:00] on wind0ws atm :\ [08:00] Gentoon: do you have it set to start when you log in to gnome? === pablo928 [~paul@az-yuma-cuda1x-159.losaca.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu [] [08:00] it used to do it by itself [08:00] i never had to set it [08:00] i write this command in bash...and it's don't work... === pablo928 [~paul@az-yuma-cuda1x-159.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:01] Gentoon: check the sound server settings === pablo928 [~paul@az-yuma-cuda1x-159.losaca.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu [] [08:01] why would i have to manually tell gnome to start esd [08:01] i downloading a new kernel... [08:01] how bystander === pablo928 [~paul@az-yuma-cuda1x-159.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:01] Gentoon: normally you wouldn't === pablo928 [~paul@az-yuma-cuda1x-159.losaca.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu [] [08:02] Gentoon: gnome-sound-properties === JairunCaloth [~trumpetpl@] has joined #ubuntu [08:02] does anyone know how to get ndiswrapper working with the live cd? === danko123456 [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-176-16.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu === danko123456 is now known as daba === nick8325 [~nick@kerry.linc.ox.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:02] Gentoon: "enble sound server..." check the box === devinjd [~devinjd@cpe-68-113-161-185.plt.ny.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:02] *enable [08:02] hello? [08:02] it was checked [08:03] hm [08:03] *shruG* it's a mystery [08:03] hi everyone === angelo [~angelo@] has joined #ubuntu [08:03] does anyone know how to get ndiswrapper working with the live cd? [08:03] i'm back [08:03] why do i get all the "mysteries"? [08:03] angelo: hehe... === martink [~martin@p54B3937A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:04] huh ? [08:04] Gentoon: is sound working now? after you ran esd? [08:04] yea === Filka [Filka@] has joined #ubuntu [08:04] can I stop the gnome cups icon from running? [08:04] but i dun wanna have to manually start it everytime i log in [08:04] === webmind thinks they should put a big warning on the ubuntu site for amd64 support [08:04] still dun have the lil volume control in the sys tray [08:05] Gentoon: well at least if it happens again you know where to look [08:05] yea [08:05] zlib-devel library... i need it :) but from where i can download it ? [08:05] thx [08:05] does anyone know how to make the master volume work...PCM seems to be the only thing that works [08:05] and headphones [08:05] lol [08:05] Gentoon: it may come back if you do `killall gnome-panel` [08:05] angelo: sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev === mpq [~mpq@c-24-22-133-235.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:06] does anyone know how to get ndiswrapper working with the live cd? [08:06] angelo: how come you are building from sourcewhen there are debs right on the site? [08:06] angelo: you can search for packages with "apt-cache search " === Zirland [~zirland@ip-85-160-189-60.eurotel.cz] has left #ubuntu [] [08:06] debs are working on ubuntu ? [08:06] Gentoon: else right click the panel and see if you can add it [08:06] for example, apt-cache search zlib produces the library you want === nac1515 [~nac@c152143.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:06] i tried to add it, nothing happens [08:07] Naveg: Have you downloaded it? === JOEL [~joel@] has joined #ubuntu === Filka [Filka@] has left #ubuntu [] [08:07] Gentoon: did you try killall gnome-panel? It will regenerate the panel [08:07] restarting it doesnt bring it back either [08:07] i tried [08:07] OK [08:07] man wtf [08:07] angelo: they are not actually on the site, you would have to get the packages from somewhere, there is a list of which are needed, maybe in the backports, let me see. [08:08] angelo: &, yeah, they work:-/ [08:08] goldfish: i have no internet access, and need to get ndiswrapper up to use my wireless card [08:08] o man.... [08:08] i'm best :D [08:08] pestilence, Gnome-screenshot ,dosent work [08:08] sorry, but i'm newbie [08:08] Naveg: Oh right. [08:08] i didn't know... [08:08] man sound [08:08] Gentoon: No manual entry for wtf [08:09] lol [08:09] goldfish: any ideas? i have the ndiswrapper source on a floppy, so i can compile it if i somehow get the linux headers etc.... === rg58sma [~rg58sma@] has joined #Ubuntu [08:09] goldfish: the required packages arent on the livecd though === zooko [~user@blk-215-95-202.eastlink.ca] has left #ubuntu ["ERC] [08:09] Naveg: ah :/ [08:09] hmmm. [08:09] hii [08:09] can i move my /home to another partition???? [08:09] Naveg: can u not plug the laptop onto the ethernet and apt-get it? [08:10] rg58sma: you just have to change it in your /etc/fstab, i think [08:10] JOEL: don't know. you could install ksnapshot. [08:10] pestilence: i've download that rc.firewall [08:10] this is a weird prob === kart_ [~kartik@ss2.magnet-i.com] has left #ubuntu [] [08:10] all i want is sound to work [08:10] JOEL: but that might involve installing a large part of kde [08:10] lets try this [08:10] ksnapshot is for kde i belive... [08:10] pestilence: is it just 71.3 KB ? [08:10] ok [08:10] thanks [08:10] yea [08:11] goldfish: i would if i could === JOEL is now known as J0el [08:11] Naveg: ah i see, sorry. [08:11] hmm. [08:11] goldfish, i'm on a desktop a few floors about my router [08:11] neways how do i update the packages i have? [08:11] Naveg: Right. [08:11] apt-get -- ? [08:11] J0el: apt-get upgrade ? === david_ [~david@pool-162-83-106-59.culp.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:11] oh ok === gentoon [~gentoon@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:11] angelo, how do you get a nick for gadu? === bkinman [~bkinman@office-ip-brdn.pacific.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:12] you must register, then you be have a number... [08:12] after givin that command , iget this [08:12] Reading Package Lists... Done [08:12] Building Dependency Tree... Done [08:12] 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. === bkinman [~bkinman@office-ip-brdn.pacific.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:12] it supposed to retrive the lists right? === factorx [~factorx@dsl-084-060-037-198.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:12] i suggest you, download original gadu-gadu client, then register and then configure kadu... [08:12] J0el: so you are up to date on what you have installed === emrysk [~emrysk@c-67-182-114-212.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:13] but mines a pretty old version [08:13] its the warty hedgehog one === funky [~repulse@funky.user] has joined #ubuntu [08:13] how to kill an aplication [08:13] ?? [08:13] kill [08:13] man kill, man killall [08:13] click close :P [08:13] J0el: you have to change your /etc/apt/sourcs.list to upgrade to hoary [08:13] killall nameofapp or kill -9 PID [08:13] Naveg: Suppose you'll have to build from source, but i'm just a newb really, dunno about what kernel headers.. etc.. you'll ned. [08:13] J0el: if you want a full update, try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [08:13] *need === gentoon [~gentoon@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:14] hrm === devinjd [~devinjd@cpe-68-113-161-185.plt.ny.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:14] im on dial-up how long wud hat take me? [08:14] that* [08:14] anyone know anything about getting the master volume to work? [08:14] sound is there when i reset but no volume icon [08:14] J0el: too long [08:14] a long long time :) [08:14] lol i guessed :\ === shawarma [~sh@3E6B503C.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu === Big_O [Ogami@159-134-54-98.as1.cty.limerick.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu === topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3pa5.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [08:14] J0el: stick with warty until you get a hoary disc === jode [~jode@S0106000d8802739b.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:14] well my music player wont work either ,it says mp3 plugin not installed [08:15] man there has to a better mp3 player out there [08:15] one that can scan dir's [08:15] bystander i need some music! :| [08:15] mp3blaster is the best one. [08:15] can someone help me? [08:15] ITS COMMAND LINE! [08:15] J0el: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad [08:15] gentoon, How about rhythmbox? [08:15] hrm k ill try that [08:15] it looks so bad [08:15] how to kill an aplication?? === synd [~pjmartin@] has joined #ubuntu [08:15] devinjd: tried alsamixer? [08:15] J0el: that will allow playing mp3 with music player [08:15] jode, just ask your question. [08:15] J0el - Hoary is a large step forward. [08:15] rg58sma: open a terminal, 'killall nameOfapp' [08:15] oh ok [08:16] uhuh k k [08:16] my ubuntu didn't see a ntfs partitions :( why ? [08:16] ive ordered the cds ,just hopin to get them [08:16] :\ [08:16] goldfish: yeah, everything looks okay...all sound works, i just want to be able to control my volume w/o having to use PCM [08:16] J0el, i ordered CDs over a month ago.. ive yet to get them === mephi [lamer@H34df.h.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:16] does anyone know a mp3player, that supports library like winamp does? [08:17] I am trying to install JRE, and when I put in the commands it saysno such file or directory can be found". I have the file on my desktop [08:17] nac1515, XMMS [08:17] nac1515: xmms ? [08:17] doesnt have library [08:17] Bystander on doing aptget ...... [08:17] or beep-media-player ? [08:17] i get [08:17] Reading Package Lists... Done [08:17] Building Dependency Tree... Done [08:17] E: Couldn't find package gstreamer0.8-mad [08:17] rg58sma: run winamp via Wine :) [08:17] angelo, did you edit your fstab ? [08:17] J0el: Have you added the extra repositories? [08:17] ok, thx [08:17] hi, where can i find germanspeaking ubuntu channel? [08:17] J0el: you need the universe repo === SlackFart2 [~el_fart0@soundscape.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [08:17] ! restricted [08:17] nac1515, Winamp Classic and XMMS is quite alike. unless you are talking about winamp 5 [08:17] I heard restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats [08:17] mof, no [08:17] J0el: read the bot's URL [08:18] ubotu [08:18] goldfish , bystander pls xplain i dont undertand :| [08:18] rg58sma: run Winamp via Wine [08:18] angelo, you have to [08:18] i dont know abour winamp3 but i know 3 suppports a library function, that i cant find on xmms [08:18] any experiences with linux ? [08:18] how ? [very newbie...] [08:18] what??? [08:18] shawarma, rhytm box after i tell it the dir my music is in, it adds like 10 files and just hangs saying it is loading music [08:18] fir what?? === synd wishes for iTunes for linux : ( === sunshine [~Mark@] has joined #ubuntu [08:18] gentoon, I use amarok myself [08:19] rg58sma: wrong person, sorry >_<" [08:19] i hope , the nxt ubuntu is a lil less trouble :\ [08:19] J0el: www.ubuntuguide.org [08:19] i use Crossover office to run iTunes [08:19] hmm [08:19] works well [08:19] amarok is currently the most sophisticated player [08:19] J0el: Go to addinig repositories section. [08:19] J0el, hoary is no touble for most [08:19] ok, open the /etc/fstab with an editor (gedit) as root or sudo gedit from terminal [08:19] devinjd, ?? [08:19] is there only this channel on freenode irc ?? [08:19] do it [08:19] uhuh , here i cant even configure wine [08:19] J0el, ubuntu is the easiest distro I've found so far and I've used alot fo them [08:19] #ubuntu-devel exists, too [08:19] i have either this missing or that === dabear [~dabear@217-115-69.7002.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu [08:19] mephi: hah - there are hundreds [08:19] my list command doesent work [08:20] im looking for german ubuntu channel :) [08:20] is there a guide how to build an ubuntu based server ? [08:20] synd, it's kind of slow and it's not free but it gets the job done nonetheless === hans__ [~hans@p3EE1CF8C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:20] #ubuntu-de [08:20] thx [08:20] hmm i always have to start synaptic 2 times! the first time it "works" and disappears then, on the second start it works well! [08:20] the forum say i'll find it in how to's ? [08:20] i can run Office applications w/ it too === reagleBRKLN [~reagleBRK@cpe-69-203-149-103.si.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === danboid [~d@] has joined #ubuntu [08:20] mof - ok, what now ? [08:20] is there a way to connect to the internet via usb? [08:20] devinjd, what do you have it running on (specs) [08:20] did open it as root ? [08:20] i can't install juk. Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libt/libtunepimp/libtunepimp-bin_0.3.0-2ubuntu5_i386.deb Size mismatch [08:20] marky: check ubuntulinux.org maybe... might find something in the wiki section.... [08:21] why would it fail? [08:21] yep [08:21] Why is it that I can only sometimes write to my USB pendrive under kubuntu Hoary? === Tene7 [Pascal@] has joined #ubuntu [08:21] ok === Tene7 [Pascal@] has left #ubuntu [] [08:21] cant i move mi /home directoru to another partition?? [08:21] goldfish: i've search through it.. [08:21] how to?? [08:21] marky: hmmm ... [08:21] which partition is your ntfs os [08:21] goldfish: just find, how to install server on low end machine, but .. [08:22] synd, im running an AthlonXP-M 1.8Ghz, 512MB RAM === sunshine is now known as Sshine [08:22] goldfish: no firewall or DNS etc [08:22] goldfish: i've mailed the writer but no replies :( [08:22] what are the correct fstab/mtab settings for a USB pendrive, or is there a script to vanquish all my hoary drive woes in one? [08:22] marky: i see, well, you could set up itables, to firewall.. [08:22] now if only i could find out a way to get my master volume to work... [08:23] goldfish: iptables? [08:23] devinjd, is crossover in the apt? (sorry, id check but im at work and not on my ubuntu machine) === Quest-Master [~qmaster@c-24-99-26-36.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] hey, has anyone managed to get a ati M7 (mobility radeon 7500) to have working tv out? [08:23] i can't install juk. Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libt/libtunepimp/libtunepimp-bin_0.3.0-2ubuntu5_i386.deb Size mismatch. why would it fail in this way? [08:23] marky: yeah.... === amadeus [~amadeus@80-218-117-103.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] goldfish: someone tell me to use the rc.firewall (http://projectfiles.com/firewall/) [08:24] mof - i have hda - ext3, discette and cd-rom, there are no ntfs... [08:24] is there a way to connect to the internet with an usb cable instead of a network cable?? [08:24] angelo, in terminal --> sudo fdisk -l [08:24] goldfish: well, i've just install it and i don't know how to configure itu >_<" === humanprototype [~ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [08:24] synd, no it's a third-party app by codeweavers [08:24] erm === mephi [lamer@H34df.h.pppool.de] has left #ubuntu [] [08:24] i cant actually login [08:24] goldfish: it's just a script maybe (>70 KB file) [08:25] devinjd, ah i see. [08:25] marky: yeah, u edit the script, put in your rules... [08:25] marky: I've not used it myself, might be a howto on the forums... [08:25] i write - nothing is doo... [08:25] can somebody help? my computer cant read my /home/harry/.ICEauthentication file (i think thats its name) === Eliteforce^ [~eliteforc@M1265P012.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu [08:26] and therefore i cant login - im currently running on live cd [08:26] devinjd, do you use the standard version of crossover office? [08:26] goldfish: my... you're right, i forget to edit it [08:26] humanprototype: remove the file and login again - and don't run apps as root in X [08:26] with sudo ? [08:26] synd, yes [08:26] goldfish: i thinked that's an executable file, so can't be edited ^^; [08:26] Sometimes when I install packages Synaptic asks for the ubuntu cd... why? [08:26] marky: hmmm. [08:26] bystander: is that what does it? running apps as root? === Sshine [~Mark@] has joined #ubuntu [08:26] marky: have a google ono how to set it up maybe... [08:26] *on [08:26] ante: comment the Cd out in /etc/apt/sources.list [08:26] <[koji] > ante: is it in your repo? [08:26] angelo, sudo fdisk -l [08:26] ante: the ubuntu cd has packages on it so it counts as a source === emacsen [hidden-use@gw.coderyte.net] has left #ubuntu [] [08:27] goldfish: no no, i mean, it can be edited [08:27] i have === zike [~zikem@82-71-10-136.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:27] devinjd, the main thing i want to know is.. does the crossover office itunes support LAN sharing of music? [08:27] ok i have some list of partition tables [08:27] goldfish: i just forget :)) [08:27] what now ? === Zoohouse [~Zoohouse@adsl-8-47-159.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:27] humanprototype: changes the owbership of the file [08:27] marky: ah right.. [08:27] goldfish: thanx anyway [08:27] *ownership [08:27] where is your ntfs [08:27] Humanpro. ok thanks.. just wondered.. [08:27] How do I tell apt to also download 32bit packages? [08:27] bystander: ok, thanks, where can i find the file im m on live cd or will i have to login using the terminal? [08:27] Can not load module snd_cd4236. Someone Crystal 4237B running? [08:27] ante: there is a file that tells apt-get/synaptic where to download files from, the file is at /etc/apt/sources.list the first line in it is the CD likely, and if you put a # in front of it then it will not look there any more. [08:27] angelo, /dev/hda? [08:27] devinjd, i have all my music on another Mac within my network and would love to be able to stream music from it to my linux machine [08:27] synd, yes it does, it's just like in windows...im not sure about iPod support but I do know for a fact that I can see my friends library from it === gentoon [~gentoon@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:28] hmm i always have to start synaptic 2 times! the first time it "works" and disappears then, on the second start it works well! [08:28] humanprototype: in a terminal, do sudo rm ~/.ICEauthority [08:28] devinjd, oh, nice! [08:28] can I just "sudo chown harry /home/harry/.ICEauthntication" [08:28] yep, i have dev/hda from 1 to 9 === niktaris_ppc [~niktaris@ppp31-adsl-93.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [08:28] daba.. Synaptic doesnt ask for my cd all the time.. just sometimes [08:28] humanprototype: yes, that should do it too [08:28] its not a problem for me.. I just wondered why [08:28] bystander: ok, then will it auto create a new one when I login? [08:28] and which of them is ntfs [08:28] humanprototype: chown harry:harry [08:28] devinjd, cnet predicts that apple might write an itunes for linux, although i highly doubt they would do that. [08:28] humanprototype: yup [08:29] I have a question, what's Breezy? [08:29] bystander: ok, brilliant - ill try chowning it if not it can go in the bin, thanks [08:29] mof - hda1, hda 5,6,7,8 [08:29] ante: anyhow, this is my sources.list, it has all the ubuntu places where to look for files: www.mts.net/~danb/sources.list and, it does it sometimes cause other times it has teh files on the net...some are only on the cd cause you probably do not have all the repositories enabled. [08:29] runedude: the next version of ubuntu [08:29] oh, is it out? [08:29] humanprototype: just blow it away - it's easier :) [08:29] runedude: not yet, but in less than 6 months... [08:29] bystander: ok, cool, thanks [08:30] oh, then how come it says "dont use it" [08:30] synd, yeah that seems highly doubtful...a linux native iTunes would be great though [08:30] daba I have all enabled except the security repositories [08:30] right, im off then, thanks bystander, ill be back if it all goes wrong... [08:30] maybe some from there are on the cd then... [08:30] synd, Rhythmbox just doesnt cut it === Spug_ [~Spug@ti211310a081-6981.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [08:30] runedude: because it is broken in weird and wonderful ways [08:30] angelo, under 'ID' are some figures [08:30] ivoks. [08:30] synd, although it is a baby step in the right direction [08:30] ok [08:31] somethink like 7 or 83 ? [08:31] but if you cant download breezy, then.. how come err.. they say not to use it? [08:31] just as great as the windows "native" version, which royally sucks? [08:31] and f === Sshine [~Mark@] has joined #ubuntu [08:31] runedude: I told you [08:31] How do I tell apt to also download 32bit packages? [08:31] how do you download it? [08:31] Yo, goldfish im on the last step [08:31] runedude: it's early in the release cycle still [08:31] oh [08:31] you cant try it out on a spare box? [08:31] well i get an error [08:31] root@DaBOX:/ # gpg --armour --export 1F41B907 | apt-key add - [08:31] bash: apt-key: command not found [08:31] gpg: [stdout] : write error: Broken pipe [08:31] gpg: [stdout] : write error: Broken pipe [08:31] gpg: iobuf_flush failed on close: file write error [08:31] angelo, yes [08:32] runedude: DON't use breezy unless you enjoy pain [08:32] I must say I love everythiong about beep-player! [08:32] maybe 87 or 86 [08:32] i do enjoy pain :) === trig_ [~trig@host196-183.pool8259.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [08:32] someone knows a good server to create my webpage free?? [08:32] devinjd, for sure. I dont do downloading music with my linux machines (i have all my music on one Mac, and use that to download). All i really* care about is being able to stream that music from that Mac to my Linux boxes. I know rendezvous is supported because I have an apple airport express wireless router and all my linux boxes detect and print wirelessly. [08:32] much much better looking than xmms =) [08:32] what am i doing wrong? [08:32] hello [08:32] rg58sma: Apache [08:32] 83, f, 7, what now ? [08:32] J0el: for a start, please don't paste in the channel [08:32] Juhaz, iTunes does not suck. [08:32] synd, yes it does [08:32] has anyone here used cinelerra on ubuntu [08:32] angelo, what is under 'System' ? [08:33] ok [08:33] Juhaz, explain === dabear [~dabear@217-115-69.7002.adsl.tele2.no] has left #ubuntu [] [08:33] bystander ,sorry abt that [08:33] i wont again. [08:33] but where is the direction' [08:33] hpfs/ntfs or ext3 [08:33] synd, yeah you should definitely check out this program then... [08:33] How do I install a deb file I just downloaded? [08:33] apt-get install ? [08:33] show the line with ntfs [08:33] Zoohouse, or dpkg -i [08:33] bystander: where can I get breezy? [08:33] Zoohouse: sudo dpkg -i [08:33] Zoohouse, and remember to use sudo :D [08:33] synd, it's slow as hell and doesn't work like it should on the platform, not to mention ugly [08:34] thanx [08:34] runedude: don't [08:34] bystander: let me, pleasee:) [08:34] I just want to try it. [08:34] Juhaz, what is it that iTunes is lacking? [08:34] Juhaz, itunes ran quite well when i used windows back on my Celeron 1.7 512DDR [08:34] I can always remove it, and im gonna put it on a shitty box [08:34] mof - /dev/hda5 511 816 2457913+ 7 HPFS/NTFS [08:34] runedude: then take your quest to the Great Google === mattlacey [~matt@exten-halls-247.soton.ac.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [08:34] bystander: ok [08:34] Juhaz, and how should it "work like it should on the platform" [08:35] ? [08:35] runedude, u on Ubuntu too? === r1der [~n1ght@p5487AEB6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:35] angelo, is xp the first os you installed on your machine ? [08:35] we2by: windows atm, but im using a ubuntu server === Spug__ [~Spug@ti211310a081-6981.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [08:35] yep, second ubuntu === aLeSD [~alex@213-140-22-72.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu === humanprototype [~harry@] has joined #ubuntu === linuxboy [~anon@yoda.frogfoot.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:36] bystander: i can just apt-get update to new packages for breezy, or do I have to redownload? [08:36] I get this error: "package architecture (i386) does not match system (amd64)" So I cant install 32bit apps on my 64bit box? [08:36] what is the line after /dev/hda1 [08:36] im sure there is a way === bystander puts his fingers in his ears and goes "la la la la" .... === torkiano_ [~torkiano@] has joined #ubuntu [08:36] anyone know how to reset the mysql password if you dosent know it :)? [08:36] synd, are you trying to, with a poker face, claim to me that iTunes (and qt, with which it shares the alienity) does not feel out of the place on win32? [08:36] bystander: it worked! Thanks. How do I avoid doing it? Is it just not running any programs as root? [08:36] lalalalalala [08:36] mof - /dev/hda2 511 4854 34893180 f W95 Ext'd (LBA) [08:37] zkruw: Someone might know at #Mysql [08:37] hda1 angelo [08:37] devinjd, one day i was in here and this guy was bashing itunes and i was like whats bad about it? and he replied "you can only play music you buy from the iTunes music store on iTiune" [08:37] humanprototype: pretty much : or changing users in general [08:37] iTunes( [08:37] devinjd, i just said "i rest my case" after that [08:37] synd, hahaha [08:37] bystander: does that mean I cant "sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf" or edit stuff like that? [08:37] /dev/hda1 * 1 510 4096543+ 7 HPFS/NTFS [08:37] [sorry :)] === DekaPink [~DekaPink@brndmb02dc1-213-52.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:37] synd, so he wasnt too bright i take it [08:37] this is your xp [08:37] How can I install a 32bit package in my 64bit box? [08:38] devinjd, apparently not, haha. [08:38] humanprototype: you can, but it's better to do "gksudo gedit" [08:38] wtf i come home from school [08:38] bystander: whats the gksudo do? [08:38] and my xchat tab for this channel is always blue [08:38] Zoohouse... I think you can do it without any problems [08:38] mof yep [08:38] angelo, now in terminal 'sudo mkdir /mnt/windows [08:38] you fuckers are always talking about me behind my back! [08:38] ok [08:38] humanprototype: graphical pasword dialog === klaym [~isom@a81-197-226-233.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [08:38] *password [08:38] raDeon: ZOMG1 :-o hows that possible! [08:38] bystander: so its safe to use gksudo where needed but not just sudo? [08:38] humanprototype: ffs - try it and see ! [08:38] don't mess with me factor, i'll bus you up [08:39] humanprototype: heh [08:39] ok, i done it [08:39] what now ? [08:39] ante: I get this error when running 'dpkg -i': package architecture (i386) does not match system (amd64) [08:39] raDeon: hah [08:39] bystander: ok, cool, thanks for the help [08:39] sudo gedit & and open /etc/fstab [08:39] oot@Gentoon:/home/gentoon # esd [08:39] ALSA lib pcm_direct.c:203:(make_local_socket) connect failed: /tmp/alsa-dmix-11346-1117736493-156058: Connection refused [08:39] ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:898:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to connect client [08:39] anyone have gepolabo installed on ubuntu? [08:39] humanprototype: ;-) [08:39] Juhaz, of course it feels "out of place". if you remember back when the iPod was first released, it was a Mac only gadget. but the success of the iPod had windows users screaming for windows compatible iPod, so therefore they ported iTunes over to windows. [08:39] u have to get the 65-bit package [08:39] man my sound is screwed [08:39] 64** === root [~root@adsl-18-29-212.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === root [~root@adsl-18-29-212.mco.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:40] so like, does anyone know how to get the master volume control to work? only PCM works for me === DNAku-san [~DNA-otaku@dD5E07088.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [08:40] Juhaz, iTunes was not written for the primitive win32, it was written for OS X. [08:40] ok, what now ? [08:40] anyoe good with sound stuff? [08:40] Zoohouse.. aha.. thought you could install 32bit software on 64 systems.. [08:40] copy line with os xp ? [08:40] :( [08:40] Zoohouse.. dont think I can help u though [08:40] synd, iPod is it's own gadget, it doesn't need to be compatible with any other interface because it doesn't run in the middle of them === anotherdumbname [~anotherdu@68-113-62-210.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:40] does anyone know a vectorbased drawing app ? === torkiano [~torkiano@] has joined #ubuntu [08:41] dockane: inkscape [08:41] Juhaz, you're missing my point. [08:41] ante: All I want to do is install libdvdcss === gentoon [~gentoon@c-67-183-254-189.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:41] synd, no, I'm not, just I disagree [08:41] Juhaz, iTunes was not designed for win32. nuff said [08:41] Zoohouse.. ok.. and Synaptic doesnt work? [08:41] bystander, will have a look. thnx. [08:41] indeed it was not. which is why it sucks on win32. nuff said. === anotherdumbname [~anotherdu@68-113-62-210.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:41] Juhaz, lol [08:41] angelo, no -- this < /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows ntfs auto,defaults 0 0 > === eliteforce [~user@M1265P012.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu [08:42] hi [08:42] and it would not be designed for linux either, and would suck there as well [08:42] ante: nope. I have all the repos that ubuntuguide.org says [08:42] hmm ok.. sry I cant help u [08:42] :>:>:> [08:42] ante: i do a search and dont find the file [08:42] Zoohouse: try libdvdcss2 === bkinman [~bkinman@office-ip-brdn.pacific.net] has joined #ubuntu === spanglesontoast [~spangles@eddland.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:42] angelo, done ? [08:43] Juhaz, just the fact that an App was not first designed for a certain OS, does not mean it sucks simply because of that. [08:43] bystander: tried that also [08:43] anyone here familiar with configuring mysql in ubuntu? i cant for the life of me connec tas user bkinman [08:43] maybe if I had a 64bits system I would know better .. sorry [08:43] ok, i've done [08:43] what now ? === thotypous [~thotypous@200-161-86-221.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] bloody sound === Arnald [~Arnald@81-86-116-102.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] can someone help me get my sound back [08:43] bystander, ante: I see the file here: http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/dists/hoary-extras/restricted/binary-i386/ but not in the 64bit section [08:43] i cant kill esd and i cant start it === djp [~david@dynamic-62-56-34-139.park-s46b.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] yep === danb [~d@] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] synd, that in itself would not, but the fact that it wasn't adapted in the slightest to fit in usually does [08:43] synd, if I'd want to run OS X, I'd run OS X, I DON'T want other people to decide whether or not my desktop is "primitive" and "help" the situation by populating it with something that looks and behaves totally different that everything else [08:44] strange my eyes start hurting after a few hours sitting in front of my ubuntu ^^ if i look at the monitor from 10cm distance i can see it "flicker" a bit [08:44] Zoohouse: ah 64 bit - I don't know if there is a libdvdcss for that [08:44] synd, have any ideas bout mah sound? === IIIEars__ [~bill@cpe-24-30-191-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Detten [~Detten@d51A4556A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [08:44] bystander: i dont think so, but why wouldn't I be able to install the 32bit one? [08:44] mof - anything alse ? [08:44] angelo, save it and then sudo mount /mnt/windows [08:44] ok [08:44] gentoon: shunae thadabin 'soond' laddae? :) [08:44] Zoohouse: you would need a chroot (this isn't windows XP) [08:45] ok, ive done === newz2000 [~chatzilla@12-226-91-204.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:45] Juhaz, i can name a billion apps that are avail for win32 that "looks and behaves" totally different than everything else. [08:45] bystander: what do you mean? [08:45] danb, what? [08:45] I'm looking for a sum1 moderately experienced avec fstab unt mtab pleez! [08:45] eliteforce : same here [08:45] angelo, do you see your xp [08:45] Zoohouse: google "linux amd64 chroot debian ubuntu" [08:45] marky: it makes me sick! :) [08:45] Juhaz, youre too hung up on the design interface of iTunes, thats all. === gentoon wants sound [08:46] danb, What's the problem? [08:46] synd, I never claimed those apps don't suck just as much [08:46] eliteforce: lol [08:46] gentoon: sounded like you were going for faux scottish so I was suggesting improvements [08:46] danb, And speek pr0p3rly pleez. [08:46] I wish there were some nice skins for Gaim out there.. =( [08:46] mof - theoritecally....but i can enter into the folder... [08:46] eliteforce: my monitor actually can go up to 72 Hz but i can't make it here on ubuntu [08:46] I just want a sound server [08:46] one that works [08:46] Juhaz, how exactly does iTunes suck so bad? besides your opinion that its "ugly" [08:46] eliteforce: in windows, no prog [08:46] eliteforce: in windows, no problem [08:47] marky: hehe i have a tft with 60 hz [08:47] write "can acces the folder" or something... [08:47] can somebody tell how to set a script to run at boot time? [08:47] marky: and on windows this 60hz look good [08:47] really good [08:47] eliteforce: my... tft [08:47] I could never stand such bad resolution frequency! [08:47] eliteforce: it is your eyes maybe lol :)) [08:48] the script i want to setup is mentioned here http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34740&page=1&pp=10&highlight=bluetooth [08:48] angelo, append in fstab after 'defaults' umask=0000 like this === {JuNk}Phreak [~{JuNk}Phr@] has joined #ubuntu [08:48] marky: haha ;) [08:48] lcd's and crt's don't work the same way. [08:48] synd, Juhaz, iTunes is different, that's what makes it a great media library...i mean, look at the other things out there: WMP, Winamp 5, Realplayer, MMJB...they all have design and implementation quirks that iTunes does not have [08:48] OK, so when I delete the entrys in mtab/fstab for my flash drive, reboot, plug in drive, a new entry appears in mtab and the drive is being mounted ro when I want rw. Whaddya do?? [08:48] mof ok [08:48] eliteforce: do you know where to edit the conf files so i can set it 72 Hz [08:49] eliteforce: i'm getting sick see this 60 Hz thing >_<" [08:49] Juhaz, smart playlists, party shuffle, wireless streaming to a home stereo, integrated internet radio, library sharing within LAN, ability to burn CD/MP3 CD/Data CDs [08:49] it doesnt matter if crt's or tft's dont work the same way, but the monitor should work on win / ubuntu the same way === Zoohouse [~Zoohouse@adsl-8-47-159.mia.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:49] a crt at 60 Hz will hurt your eyes. a LCD at 60 Hz should work fine. [08:49] marky: xorg.conf [08:49] Juhaz, theres tons of shit iTunes does that winamp cannot touch [08:49] i enter into the folder with console... [08:49] ok lcd, whatsoever [08:49] but i can't enter with graphics interface.... [08:49] synd, as already stated, it looks and feels totally different, if you can't believe that might be sufficient reason for someone, well, that's up to you [08:49] <{JuNk}Phreak> anyone running ubuntu amd64 and installed enemy territory ? [08:49] and it _was_ slow, perhaps it's better now [08:49] eliteforce: what is wrong with in ubuntu? [08:50] i mean the rectangle where u can see the mouse and the other stuff on my notebook :D [08:50] angelo, now in terminal [08:50] pestilence: the 60 Hz monitor hehehehehe [08:50] the first released version took better part of a second to switch a track on 2200+ [08:50] ok [08:50] Juhaz, yeah, and linux looks and feels totally different from windows. but i think we all here agree that linux kicks windows ass. === hans__ [~hans@p3EE1CF8C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:50] pestilence: the screen "flickers" === agent [~agent@atlnga1-ar2-4-33-041-255.atlnga1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === orospakr [~orospakr@ip-] has joined #ubuntu [08:51] but you hardly can see that [08:51] eliteforce: where's the location [08:51] eliteforce: iv [08:51] ok, what now ? i can enter with console...but with gui no.... [08:51] marky: man xorg.conf :P === humanprototype [~harry@] has joined #ubuntu [08:51] eliteforce: yeah.. but i forget where the file is >_<" [08:51] synd, on it's own, yes, but I'm not all that fond of most win32 ports of Linux apps either, they feel alien too, though usually somewhat less so than itunes [08:51] can anyone help me out with a volume control issue? [08:52] marky: rtfm [08:52] I'm frankly stunned that no-one here knows how to get a flash drive working properly :( === neiras [~gbauman@] has joined #ubuntu === shido [~shido@d57-87-253.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:52] danb: i just plugged mine in and it worked [08:52] angelo, in doubt reboot [08:52] eliteforce: i'm reading now... [08:52] Juhaz, saying a program sucks just because the way it looks rather than its functionality or usability is quite ignorant. === neiras [~gbauman@] has left #ubuntu [] [08:52] marky: excellent [08:53] human: mine did too, SOMETIMES. Now I can't write jack [08:53] ok, i try [08:53] i also install the kadu...but i don't know where it is :) [08:53] synd: I still like all my programs to fit in together so I try to avoid kde apps etc [08:53] synd, the feel is significant part of usability, going against every normal rule doesn't exactly make stuff easy to use [08:53] danb: when you say you can't write, do you mean you copy stuff to the drive, take it to another machine, and it's not there? [08:53] human: could you look to see what it says about sda in yr mtab/fstab please? [08:53] humanprototype, as do i [08:54] does anybody know if there's a utility (no not vim, nano etc. :) ) for configuring the whole! xorg config file? [08:54] danb: sure, if you tell me how, im a noob [08:54] Juhaz, synd - #OS-wars please [08:54] How do you all run ssh-add? From the started programs thing in the session management thing? [08:54] bystander, this aint no OS war [08:54] angelo, try sudo locate [08:54] #usability-wars or somewhere else then [08:54] marky: did u finally find it? :) [08:54] pestilence: I've had it working a few times, copying/deleting files off it under KDE, but most of the time I can mount/read OK but not delete/write [08:54] or whereis prog.. [08:55] can anybody help me with sharing a printer over a network to windowx xp machines? [08:55] im already sharing files with samba [08:55] danb: is it mounted read-only? [08:55] danb: what kind of filesystem does it carry? [08:55] pest: vfat [08:55] humanprototype, do you know the IP address of the printer [08:55] synd: its a usb printer [08:56] eliteforce: i've find it [08:56] synd: epson stylus cx 6600 using 6400 drivers under linux [08:56] eliteforce: but don't understand which one to edit [08:56] danb - are the files writeaable? [08:56] pest: I deleted the mtab/fstan entrys for it, but then mtab adds one when I plug it in but as ro [08:56] marky: there's only one xorg.conf in /etc/X11 i think :) [08:57] it's working [08:57] :) yupi === joe|code [~joe@cpe-24-92-243-77.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === blew [~blew@stjh1-0007.nl.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:57] eliteforce: well, it's X11R6 here [08:57] humanprototype, im not sure how to do that. i know that i have a usb printer connected to my airport wireless router and in Ubuntu's printer settings i have to it detect LAN printers [08:57] danb: so remount it as rw... === nova [~nova@cpe-24-93-172-93.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:57] humanprototype: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FrequentlyAskedQuestions and scroll down to sharing printers [08:57] humanprototype, and that works for me [08:57] IIIears: As I say, I've had it working under Linux but I want it setup so I can plug it in a guarantee it'll be rw, not ro and rw sometimes === blindsurf3r [~blindsurf@coit-rlarsen-pc.uncc.edu] has joined #ubuntu [08:58] eliteforce: nah, it's right [08:58] eliteforce: /etc/X11 [08:58] pest: How can I make sda ALWAYS be mounted rw? [08:58] angelo, remember this and learn it [08:58] .. whatever I need to do here.. [08:59] danb: well, you can mount it yourself. that would guarantee it. [08:59] marky: yes, but this path stands in the manual entry for xorg.conf [08:59] so what did u read? [08:59] danb: as far as having hal mount it automatically rw, i'm not sure. you probably have to edit the hal configuration files [08:59] bystander: thanks again, i think i made at least some of those changes already [08:59] pest: thats crap though,, I want to click on it and have it mounted rw. I've seen this work ya know! :) [08:59] eliteforce: i've search in this file, and find VertRefresh [09:00] pest: aha! Hal config files! That might be the one [09:00] eliteforce: the value is 43-72 --> is this it ? [09:00] marky: i think so [09:00] ok, thanks anyone ! and very thanks to mof [09:00] i must reboot === BuzW [~BuzW@w034.z064003218.dfw-tx.dsl.cnc.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:00] bye [09:00] yep [09:01] danb: you can explore the devices that hal knows about by using hal-device-manager [09:01] that may help you in your quest to find the right settings === Spug__ is now known as Spug [09:01] dystander: the gksudo gedit thing didnt work but sudo gedit does...? === nin [~nuni@] has joined #ubuntu === mupe [~joonas@roi-13d0.cable.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [09:02] pestilence - is there a tool or do you edit a flat file for HAL? === _tester_ [~yz@] has joined #ubuntu [09:02] IIIEars: i don't know of a tool, there could very well be one. i just edited /etc/hal/ files. === livew1re [~mick@devtst01.cso.uiuc.edu] has joined #ubuntu === livew1re [~mick@devtst01.cso.uiuc.edu] has left #ubuntu [] [09:03] n8 all === beyond is now known as beyond-out === mof [~mof@I1112.i.pppool.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] === livew1re [~mick@devtst01.cso.uiuc.edu] has joined #ubuntu === livew1re [~mick@devtst01.cso.uiuc.edu] has left #ubuntu [] === JavieR- [~javier@] has joined #ubuntu [09:04] humanprototype: hey, my philosophy is "whatever works for you" === JavieR- [~javier@] has left #ubuntu ["Part"] === redboar [~Miranda@us-bncpo2.usbnc.org] has joined #ubuntu [09:04] pestilence - never going to miss the windows registry - wide grin === blew_ [~blew@stjh1-0617.nl.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:06] missing that is like missing winter in Chicago [09:06] haha === dos000 [~dos000@] has joined #ubuntu [09:06] for me Windows is a necessary evil at this point === {JuNk}Phreak [~{JuNk}Phr@] has joined #ubuntu [09:07] redboar: i had a dream last night that winter never ended. boy am i glad i woke up :) [09:07] why do i get "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!" ? [09:07] yes that is a nightmare then [09:07] dos000: you need the gpg keys for nerim, mayb [09:07] or u added backports === scorpix [~scorpix@as29-18.qualitynet.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:08] <{JuNk}Phreak> anyone running ubuntu amd64 and installed enemy territory ? [09:08] pestilence, if i repeat apt-get then it gets ok after several time [09:08] dos000: try apt-get clean === xinud [~xinud@195-144-090-002.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:10] pestilence, i am still getting it ! note i upgraded from debian testing to hoary could that be an issue ? [09:10] dos000: do you have debian sources in your apt/sources.list? === ankur [~ankur@] has joined #ubuntu [09:11] does anyone know the fritz!box fon wlan 7050? === athlon [~athlon@174pc.wohnheimg.uni-frankfurt.de] has joined #ubuntu === jer^ [desired@host81-158-43-157.range81-158.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === drasko [~drasko@kds12-077.ptt.yu] has joined #ubuntu [09:11] :o [09:11] pestilence: winter is not that bad [09:11] pestilence, no totally .. ijust cut 'n paste from my laptop [09:11] any one has composite working with an ati radeon card with gnome? [09:12] i started some setup.py. It complains: unable to open /usr/lib/python2.4/config/Makefile (No such file or directory). Is there some package tha i am missing? [09:12] Fator_Dee: it's not *that bad*. it's just not *that good* either :) === Chand [~chand@ABordeaux-151-1-13-208.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [09:12] (that good that i would want it year round) [09:12] WHO THE FUCK CALLED ME [09:12] WHO [09:12] WHO [09:12] bystander: the wiki didnt help - i had already made the changes and it still doesnt work [09:12] pestilence: summer has it's problems too [09:12] in chicago winter is terrible [09:12] pestilence, anyway what are the steps to get gpg keys for nerim if you dont mind ? [09:13] it doesn't snow most of the time, it doesn't stay very cold, it just makes u miserable [09:13] dos000: see http://www.ubuntuguide.org [09:13] I used to live in Phoenix, didn't mind summer [09:13] dos000: but if you only have official ubuntu repositories in your /etc/apt/sources.list, that is not your problem [09:14] any one has composite working with an ati radeon card with gnome? [09:14] WHO CALLED ME [09:14] WHO === cmarqu [colin@buug.mind.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:14] can anyone recommend a Yahoo messenger client *with webcam support*? [09:15] gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-key ; gpg --export | sudo apt-key add - [09:15] I already have gyach-e [09:15] i started some setup.py. It complains: unable to open /usr/lib/python2.4/config/Makefile (No such file or directory). Is there some package tha i am missing? === monchy [~monchy@S010600e04c400007.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:15] pestilence, i have not even universe [09:15] Can anyone help me out with changing my sources? [09:15] nilbus.com/pub/linux-office.tgz === drspin [~cole@ip68-2-123-172.ph.ph.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] [09:16] mt [09:16] anbody help with sharing a printer with windows machines? === brendan_ [~brendan@c-24-11-16-119.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === jerem [~jerem@200.78.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:16] drasko: maybe reading the file could help. the setup.py one, other than that, did you try getting the program you are installing through aptitude? [09:16] dos000: how about apt-get install ubuntu-keyring? [09:16] Hi all. With the xorg-*-ubuntu21 packages from Breezy, only the KP-keys work - the others (all normal keys!) are not even seen in xev. Does anybody know what's up? === kman___ [~kman@p5.pub.ro] has joined #ubuntu [09:16] pestilence, i also get this annoying thing on my laptop. however it goes away after a couple tries. but now on the server its still borking. this is kind of worrying ! [09:16] hello [09:17] anybody knows why hoary backports don't work ? [09:17] LAN Printing XP -- http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/NetworkPrintingFromWinXP [09:17] pestilence, it cant authenticate keyring as well ! [09:17] kman___, cause they are mirroring them, i believe [09:17] kman___: because they're on crack? [09:17] tried it thank - no help unfortunatly [09:17] right, but install it anyway. === spunout [~nat@] has joined #ubuntu [09:17] dos000: i'm pretty sure that without ubuntu-keyring, it won't authenticate anything :) [09:18] humanprototype, i think thats a winxp issue, no? [09:18] !ubotu - print server [09:18] IIIEars: Are you smoking crack? [09:18] ubotu, why, yes he is [09:18] synd: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? [09:18] ubotu, hope not [09:18] synd: Are you smoking crack? [09:18] synd it may be i havent a clue === eks [~eks@pereire-6-82-224-242-177.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:18] pestilence, i did apt-get update ; apt-get clean .. and now it seems to work ! [09:19] dos000: good. [09:19] bots are cheap forms of entertainmetn [09:19] !ubotu printing [09:19] hmm... printing is see printer [09:19] !network === peterretief [~peterreti@] has joined #ubuntu [09:19] pestilence, thanks [09:19] anyone know how to get my 1394 working? I seem to have the modules loaded, raw1394 ohci1394 and ieee 1394 === emacsen [hidden-use@gw.coderyte.net] has joined #ubuntu === thekoreuk [~sean@dsl-80-43-190-3.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:20] ! printer [09:20] can ne1 recommend a Yahoo messenger client other than gyach with webcam support? [09:20] the ieee1394 says ieee1394 100408 3 raw1394,ohci1394,sbp2, Live 0xf88e7000 [09:20] redboar, will gaim work for you? [09:21] does anyone have a source for flashplugin-nonfree? [09:21] not for webcams === Madeye [~Jad@] has joined #Ubuntu [09:21] !ubotu learn:"LAN Printing XP -- http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/NetworkPrintingFromWinXP" [09:21] You are moron #1, IIIEars [09:21] emacsen: it's in multiverse === filnev [~chatzilla@ntinstall.fiu.edu] has joined #ubuntu [09:21] bystander: not in mine... [09:22] deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary multiverse [09:22] is anyone doing ssh tunnels ? the bummer is stopping me when i try to map multiple remote ssh servers to my localhost port because it saves localhost in the known hosts files ! [09:22] apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree [09:22] W: Unable to locate package flashplugin-nonfree === xyzx [~MyUsernam@ppp-69-236-158-215.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:23] Installed: (none) [09:23] Candidate: 7.0.25-5 [09:23] exit [09:23] whats breezy [09:23] peterretief: something you shouldn't use :) === we2by [~we2by@dc5146d009.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:23] peterretief: /topic [09:24] ubotu: LAN Printing XP is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/NetworkPrintingFromWinXP [09:24] okay, Amaranth [09:24] whats the opic [09:24] bystander: what's your multiverse line in sources? [09:24] ubotu: what are you trying to acheive? [09:24] I think you lost me on that one, humanprototype [09:24] ubotu: whats your printer problem? [09:24] parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, humanprototype [09:24] emacsen: i have several [09:24] who wanted something on ssh tunnels? [09:24] Thanks Amaranth - The bot has worked really well. - nice. :) [09:25] it's not mine === Echylo [~echylo@46-177.245.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:25] mine worked in the same way for learning and repeating stuff, but no one used it so i got rid of it [09:25] bystander: well the one flashplugin-nonfree comes from ;) [09:25] emacsen: basically each universe lins has multiverse appended [09:25] ubotu: wat are you doing? [09:25] *line [09:25] humanprototype: okay === mob_ [~chatzilla@pclaba13.santiago.utfsm.cl] has joined #ubuntu [09:26] humanprototype: ubotu is the channel bot :) [09:26] humanprototype: It's a bot. === tbrenner [~tbrenner@adsl-154-68-177.aby.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:26] ubotu: wat [09:26] wat are you doing? === ralf [~matteo@openjlab.org] has left #ubuntu ["rAvE] [09:26] damnit [09:26] bystander: i worked that out after the second answer, no human can type that quick... [09:26] Lol [09:26] ubotu: forget wat [09:26] Amaranth: i forgot wat === nevyn [~nevyn@c220-237-153-138.brodm1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:27] amaranth: did i teach the bot a new word? [09:27] humanprototype: I can type 50-70wpm and most of what it said could be done with tab completion so it is possible. [09:27] Amaranth - Erm - I am a bit worried.. - Is ubotu protected by a password? - please, please, please, say yes. [09:27] humanprototype: Yes, but I made it forget. === Goshawk [~vincenzo@host162-107.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [09:27] IIIEars: Yes. [09:28] IIIEars: But everyone can make it learn things, relearn things, and forget things. [09:28] amaranth: tab completetion? [09:28] If it gets abused it goes. [09:28] humanprototype: Type Amar and hit tab. [09:28] Ah. I see the problem. there's no 64 bit flash?! [09:28] Amaranth, sweet [09:28] emacsen: Nope. Complain to Macromedia. [09:28] Ban listing again please please say yes. [09:28] IIIEars: ? === Q_Continuum [~Q_Continu@c-24-118-74-17.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:29] what are specs for ubuntu? [09:29] filnev: specs? [09:29] spectacls [09:29] meaning what are the minimum requirements? [09:30] filnev: you can see it in the cd :P === Ali_Baba [~Ali_Baba@kpkr-109-32.kotopas.fi] has joined #ubuntu [09:30] filnev: the main thing is RAM [09:30] filnev: at least 128MB, 256MB would be much much better [09:30] 32? 64? 128? [09:30] oh [09:30] i got 1024 ram :) [09:31] thanks [09:31] slackware it is then :) [09:31] why so much RAM required? === zenlunatic [~zen@pcp0011110799pcs.elkrdg01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:31] any one has any luck getting composite working with ATI radeon cards? === rem__ [~rem@adsl-41-124-bs4.tiscali.ch] has joined #ubuntu [09:31] gnome loves memory [09:31] Ive got a dell inspiron 3000 :) [09:31] 32 ram [09:31] i am sure if you used fluxbox you could get by on 32 [09:31] whats composite i have ati radeon 7200 [09:31] filnev: X is pretty much unusable with less than 128MB === scoultas [~scoultas@cpc2-basf3-3-1-cust204.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === sijmen|jme-59 [~sijmen_mu@e232028.upc-e.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:32] looks like it's pain in the ass to get composite working with ati cards [09:32] :( [09:32] filnev: You can get away with 64 though, maybe 32 in a pinch if you like to swap. [09:32] Amaranth: X is usable with far less, it's gnome that needs the ram [09:32] filnev, setup ubuntu without gnome (server) then apt-get install fluxbox or some other lighter window manager [09:32] what is composite === hno_away [~hno73@henrik.gotadsl.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [09:32] peterretief, it is window shaow and transparency [09:32] i've read this guide on how to setup ldap, and i've installed all packages, setup all config files.. but how to test whether it works? [09:32] shadow* [09:32] I dont need X on this laptop [09:32] Amaranth: umm - I have a debian box here with fluxbox that hums along on 64MB [09:32] how to test if its working [09:32] bystander: Open Firefox [09:33] ok, so it's not X, it's X applications [09:33] Amaranth: heh - i use dillo ;-) [09:33] but still, X is pretty useless without X applications [09:33] peterretief, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-20769.html [09:33] you can just deliberatly use lighter applications [09:33] filnev: i'm not sure if the installer for ubuntu will give you a no-X option, but if it will, just go with it. [09:33] it will [09:33] type server at the start then press enter [09:33] bystander dillo? - you must be an old timer. [09:33] it does tell you === ankur [~ankur@] has joined #ubuntu [09:34] then there you have it. [09:34] IIIEars: dillo is quite an OK browser for searching and docs etc [09:34] filnev: if you have an old pc, you can just install ubuntu server option === liquidk [~peper@] has joined #ubuntu [09:34] IIIEars: very fast too [09:34] we2by: thanks that link rocks [09:35] I just know many will find this useful http://linuxweblog.com/node/282 [09:35] bystander - true, nice to have a browser when things go wrong. [09:35] redboar, yea, but it doesn't work with ATI cards [09:35] IIIEars: w3m! === calc_ [~ccheney@ip70-185-4-246.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:35] w3m? - nah elinks :P [09:35] NP I have NVidia :D === amd664 [~rit@24-176-217-218.lb-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:36] I have proble... ImportError: No module named ogl [09:36] Will it install on a machine with just 32 mb ram? [09:36] IIIEars: links2 run as links -g is worth a look for old boxen too (the -g gives you a graphical browser) === bksea [~brian@ip24-254-239-115.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === komA is now known as koma [09:36] FC3 will not [09:36] can u turn off anti aliasing in gnome? [09:36] hm. - nice [09:36] I need help seeing my Windows Disk [09:36] it gets annoying with a Treinitron monitor [09:36] redboar: System->Preferences->Font [09:37] TY [09:37] the installer should autodetect low mem and revert to a cli [09:37] Hi, everyone. How can i update firefox to 1.04 in ubuntu 5.04? [09:37] the installer doesn't use X [09:38] fuck ATI [09:38] :( [09:38] << - attempts masquerading links2 user agent string as IE 7.0 - lol [09:38] Hello, can anyone help my to see my windows disk? I have followed faq instructions, but still cant see my files [09:38] IIIEars: hahah === fonsken [~fonsken@d54C32D13.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:38] cool thanx I will try it out! [09:38] bksea, were does it live [09:39] dev/hda1 [09:39] bksea: in what partition? [09:39] bksea: sudo mount /dev/hda1 /your/mount/point [09:39] bksea: ntfs or fat32? [09:39] ntfs [09:40] later all [09:40] mkdir windows then mount /dev/had1 windows [09:40] bksea: put a -o ro in there too. [09:40] bksea: dev/hda1 /windows ntfs noauto,ro,users,umask=022 0 0 [09:40] in fstab === muppet [~mpt@aok237.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [09:41] hi [09:41] idiot [09:41] shut up [09:41] bystander: know how i can get a mounted ntfs windonws partition icon on the desktop? i know i used to be able to do it in ole redhat 7.3 [09:41] hi muppet [09:42] mount -t ntfs [09:42] idiot. [09:42] yo [09:42] muppet, shut up [09:42] idiot [09:42] what's wrong with raDeon ? [09:42] stuNNed: I use fluxbox and have my mountpoints linked to buttons on gkrellm [09:42] raDeon: Please don't do that. [09:42] what's wrong with mob? [09:43] Amaranth: known troll [09:43] oooops i obeyed proper english technics [09:43] excuse me, let me rewrite my sentence [09:43] what's wrong with mob ? [09:43] bystander: ah ok thanks [09:43] hey.. tell me how can i run localhost.. ifconfig shows only: eth0 eth1 ppp0 === Apina [~petri@dsl-aur-wf6.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [09:43] raDeon: say what? [09:43] muppet, what the hell are you talking about [09:44] stuNNed, "what" [09:44] i know thats stupid [09:44] muppet: what do you mean? [09:44] muppet, run localhost [09:44] it newer happend to me before;) [09:44] i cant connect http://hocalhost [09:44] muppet: try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart in terminal [09:44] people, ignore the trolls [09:44] muppet: ah that [09:45] cat /etc/hosts [09:45] muppet, perhaps apache is not running [09:45] !seen me [09:45] i haven't seen 'me', peterretief [09:45] it does run [09:45] !help [09:45] peterretief's last comment was on Thursday, June 2 2005 3:45PM saying "!seen me" [09:45] how do i add /usr/lib/java/bin to my system's PATH? [09:46] moyogo, rather use ruby [09:46] just a little fun [09:46] peterretief ;P [09:46] !uptime === petsei [~petsei@pD9ED07D6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:46] ruby's too cool [09:46] RoR === katherine^ [EVRECI@] has joined #ubuntu [09:47] moyogo: through your .bashrc or .bash_profile i forget which [09:47] hi === aLeSD [~alex@213-140-22-72.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:47] i'm a comp noob to a fairly decent extent :D, i was wondering, will the installation/general use require me to actually know any sortof "advanced" crap?;/ or can i just click away etc, keeping to default requirements :< [09:48] moyogo, tHink its "export /path/ [09:48] also, when i next boot, post-install, what happens? :| [09:48] jer^: just click away [09:48] jer^: you have to know something [09:48] jer^: assuming you don't care about what's ont he hard drive, just click away [09:48] pestilence: I was hoing to mention that :-p [09:48] *going [09:48] jer^ usually fairly simple assuming you have duplicate devices the OS will need to know which one is the prefered one [09:49] stuNNed, peterretief: thanks === seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-25-24.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [09:49] ubotu: gpg key is "gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-key ; gpg --export | sudo apt-key add -" [09:49] okay, IIIEars [09:49] QUACK! [09:49] Is "flip" the best tool to convert line endings? couldn' [09:49] pestilence i do care bout music/movies etc :o but ive been told [09:49] where do I search for those nvidia cards that are supported? [09:49] (19:48:00) then your windows will be untouched [09:49] (19:48:10) and all your files are at /home/jerome [09:49] et [09:49] t find dos2unix.. [09:49] etc* [09:50] so i can switch back and resume noob-usage anytime right?:/ === nekton[AFK] is now known as nekton [09:50] partitioning is easy too just create a root partition "/" and format it... advanced user may want to create multiple partitions for different reasons === nekton is back (gone 13:54:44) [09:50] jer^: you will have to be a little more careful in that case. but i have to run, i'm sure others will help [09:50] any one has a Nvidia card that works on linux with openGL 3d acceleration and composite and tv out? [09:50] ablyss, talking to me there about partitioning or? [09:50] ty pestilence === dencic [~dencic@wifi.info-net.co.yu] has joined #ubuntu === petsei [~petsei@pD9ED07D6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [09:50] yes jer [09:51] hm [09:51] jer^: do you have unpartitioned speca on your harddrives? [09:51] hi [09:51] *space [09:51] i don't have any duplicate devices [09:51] Fator_Dee, yes [09:51] jer^: how much? === hor [~hor@AC93EC2D.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:51] i have duplicate devices.. such as more than one ethernet card [09:51] 140 gig :p [09:52] ok, that should be enough :-p [09:52] hm [09:52] ubuntu's installation sees that unpartitioned space and you can say to it to use that [09:52] how much is "minimum"? [09:52] any one has a Nvidia card that works on linux with openGL 3d acceleration and composite and tv out? [09:52] k [09:52] anything under 6gigs I would not recommend [09:52] jer^: minimum for full install would be around 2Gig [09:53] minimum ubuntu install would be about... 2-3gigs, bare minimum server install maybe 300megs :-p [09:53] Ubuntu doesn't work. === bassplayer [~bassplaye@adslnat-rai-cartago-132.ice.co.cr] has joined #ubuntu [09:53] don't know if my guess on the server install is right though [09:53] glill32: it works on my comp :-p so don't generalize [09:54] ubuntu maynot see your windows partitions. Don't ask me why but I had edit the grub menu myself to get into my windows 98 [09:54] it's easy though, editing grub === marky [~marky@] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [09:54] ive not got any partitions atm anyway [09:54] where is Gftp in the menu ? [09:54] heh [09:54] ablyss - Ubuntu snobbery - lol [09:54] r1der: internet? === igre [~igre@BSN-77-142-36.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu === dapus [~dapus@ua-83-227-136-82.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [09:54] isnt there [09:54] maybe because i have 3 hard drives and 8+ partitions with 30 Gigs divided equally [09:54] networking? or something similar [09:55] or you'r menu has to refresh [09:55] how? [09:55] ablyss - yep - darn handy not to keep all of your eggs in one basket. - grin. [09:55] what I have to do to add a PATH on linux (i just installed java, and when i run limewire, it says there is no java on the path) [09:55] for the person looking for dos2unix - try the sysutils package which contains "tofromdos" (I think dos2unix is part of that) [09:55] r1der: kill the panel and it should [09:55] lol Ears [09:56] is it there after reboot? [09:56] r1der: it'll start again if you kill it === deviant [~deviant@] has joined #ubuntu [09:57] r1der: and if it doesn't for some reason, just run the executable and it'll come up [09:57] bassplayer: add the path to the java-binary to ~.bash_profile [09:57] *~/.bash_profile [09:58] Fator_Dee - how do i make it ? [09:58] bassplayer: do you know where your java-binary is? [09:58] yeap [09:58] open up the .bash_profile === aLeSD [~alex@213-140-22-72.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:59] with nano ? === Goshawk [~vincenzo@host162-107.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [09:59] with any editor you want [09:59] ok === St0n3-C0l [~stone@St0n3-c0l.user] has joined #ubuntu [09:59] that doesn't matter === thotypous [~thotypous@200-161-86-221.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [09:59] i have a question [09:59] yes...a question [09:59] then, there is a line that starts with "PATH=" [10:00] my screen rez is horribly large (640 x 480), i'd like to fix this...but i can't seem to get anymore options [10:00] ok, let me see [10:00] bassplayer: add to the end of it ":/path/to/the/directory/where/the/java/binary/is/" [10:00] no graphic drivers probably...but are there any options to fixing this? [10:01] tbrenner: run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and specify your monitors specs to it === seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-25-24.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === bksea [~brian@ip24-254-239-115.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:01] thx [10:01] Fator_Dee - hmmm, there's a line that says PATH=~/bin:"${PATH}" [10:02] is that ? [10:02] bassplayer: yup, that's it [10:02] in which part do i add it ? [10:02] after path ? [10:02] so it would be like PATH=~/bin:"${PATH}":/directory/to/here/ [10:02] Please help. I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. I have followed instructions, and mounted my windows drive, yet the made folder appears empty [10:02] bassplayer: you might have better luck with "sudo gedit /etc/bash.bashrc " [10:02] bassplayer: you start the new path with : [10:03] ok, thanks a lot [10:03] bassplayer: that's the system wide file [10:03] do you have any suggestions for a music library/mp3 player - something like iTunes for the mac? [10:03] why bystander ? === blew [~blew@stjhnf01bb8-142162163245.nl.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu === Alessio [~Alessio@host30-3.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [10:04] bassplayer: becuse the path in that file applies for all users === john__ [~john@cpe-024-163-061-198.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:04] ok, i'll try it [10:05] Yeah!! : ifup lo :) [10:05] thnx guys === amonkey [~amonkey@cpe-67-10-78-251.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:06] When I try to mount it manually I get, already mounted or busy === Tibal [~Tibal@ALille-257-1-78-254.w83-204.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === kabal_ [~kabal@62-101-126-222.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu === cusco [~Tiago@cpc1-swin4-4-0-cust242.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:07] hi [10:07] what happend to backport? === StR34k [~streak@i216-58-91-42.avalonworks.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:07] authorization required [10:07] Can anyone help me with my mounting probleam? [10:08] hey === thoreauputic [~peter@wolax8-213.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === r1der [~n1ght@p5487AEB6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:08] bksea, depends on the prob. === adnans [~adnans@linuxgoeroe.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu === virogenesis [~virogenes@ACC913AE.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:09] hi [10:09] Has anyone requested the Ubuntu disk from the website before? [10:09] slt y a des francais ? [10:09] ya === user_ [~user@p5087BC17.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:09] Tibal: #ubuntu-fr [10:09] merci ! :) [10:10] what would you say is the best dvd player for linux? === carambol [~karambol_@h90238.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu === SlackFart2 [~el_fart0@soundscape.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu === AlanH [horkana@boole.maths.tcd.ie] has joined #ubuntu === daba [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-176-16.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu === daba [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-176-16.dynamic.mts.net] has left #ubuntu ["latahz"] [10:12] virogenesis: I have an LG-GSA-4120B and it works perfectly [10:12] that's quite an old model though [10:13] gah [10:13] or did you ask a program :-| === ChinaCatJones [~chris@pool-71-111-176-217.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === SithToast [~SithToast@midsouth-24-151-208-228.westtn.chartertn.net] has joined #ubuntu === Fator_Dee goes to hide in a corner... [10:13] Fator_Dee: ;-) [10:13] Can anyone tell me why firefox closes itself when I try to right click and save a file === kain [~kain@modemcable094.202-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu === AlanH [horkana@boole.maths.tcd.ie] has left #ubuntu [] [10:14] Hackmo: are you using breezy ? [10:14] Hackmo: probably it crashes :/ [10:14] it could be tired. [10:14] thoreauputic: no i'm using hoary [10:14] when i mean player i mean something like mplayer, totem..... [10:14] OK [10:15] virogenesis: I like xine persoanally [10:15] virogenesis: i've been happy with totem [10:15] virogenesis I use wxvlc === yahalom [~amichai@bzq-120-50.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu === neofeed [~moritz@p548DB742.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:17] yeah i just tried xine & the actual interface for the gui system reminds me of fluxbox ( i think it was i tried), totem i can't seem to get to work & same goes for mplayer === Funzo [~X@CPE0011953795c0-CM001225009118.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === deviant [~deviant@] has joined #ubuntu [10:17] i use kplayer,its good also. === carthik [~carthik@user-0cej7av.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:18] guys, how can i make a bootable cd using K3b ? [10:18] i try to stick to gnome [10:18] totem might need the (deprecated by some) stuff from backports / marillat [10:18] StR34k, is wxvlc based on gtk, qt+ or what? [10:19] totem has an almost-sane UI, from a gnome users point of view at least [10:19] any one here have the geforce 6200 card on Ubuntu and working??? [10:19] what happend to the backport repo? [10:19] please [10:19] someone? [10:19] authorization required [10:20] cusco: you have to use one the mirrors [10:20] what do you mean? [10:20] virogenesis: if you like the totem look, use totem-xine (the back end is xine, but hte gui is gtk2) === pizzathief [~Ilikepizz@adsl-130-26.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === pfp has geforce4 ti 4400 [10:20] on kde for ubuntu any reason not to use it? [10:20] and can i swap back to gnome or xfce if i decide i dont like it? === user_ [~user@p5087BC17.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:21] with out uninstallign kde [10:21] nova: yes to all [10:21] philipacamaniac: could you pass me the mirrors please? [10:21] cusco: see this page http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/ === mob_ [~chatzilla@pclaba13.santiago.utfsm.cl] has left #ubuntu [] [10:21] nova: but install kubuntu-desktop, not kde [10:21] Click on "mirrors" [10:21] yeh i know [10:21] virogenesis, gtk [10:21] can i swap between kde and gnome or xfce in sessions menu? === Kikyo1 [~Kikyou@1-1-3-22a.gam.gbg.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu [10:22] nova: yes you can [10:22] k [10:22] thats all i wanted to know thanks [10:22] Good day everyone [10:23] cool [10:23] thanks StR34k [10:23] I am planning on purchasing an external HDD, but I was told that firewire is mean when using a GNU/Linux OS.. anyone know if this is true? [10:23] np [10:24] damn work is boring [10:24] :( [10:24] anyone tried out beagle yet? [10:24] how can i make a bootable cd using K3b ? [10:24] it will do encoding as well, but I think you have to recompile it to get mp3 support === bah [048830696@AC958723.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:24] work is rarely enjoyable. [10:25] wow lots of files for kubuntu desktop [10:25] if it was it would be called fun. [10:25] this guy is babbling on about ftp [10:25] 162 lol [10:25] i cant log in [10:25] i dont care [10:25] hehe [10:25] Anyone know of how well firewire would work on Ubuntu? === paulproteus [~paulprote@h-67-102-97-191.mclnva23.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:25] hehe lots of files for kde :P [10:26] Kikyo1, very well :) [10:26] anyone ? === LilleArne [~Adam@0x3ef38e0e.virnxx3.adsl.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [10:26] devian I don't know... sorry. [10:26] deviant, what goes in the cd? are you rtying to burn it from an image? [10:26] carthik: Oh, thanks. :) So that means it would be worth buying an external HDD then? [10:26] deviant* === LilleArne [~Adam@0x3ef38e0e.virnxx3.adsl.tele.dk] has left #ubuntu [] [10:26] Kikyo1, i have an external hdd connected to my laptop [10:27] some times i like a eye candy from hell desk top [10:27] carthik: yes. from a .iso . and it contains partition magic 8 [10:27] other times things like gnome or xfce are more than enoguh [10:27] carthik: I see, thanks alot! Now I can finally persuade my father. *giggle* [10:28] last time i used kde was as root on a red hat box [10:28] i killed red hat full on kernal panic lol [10:28] deviant, best way - right click on the iso and say create cd -- IIRC [10:28] if I recall correctly, sorry === lixoo [~lixoo@81-178-202-60.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu === elmaya [~elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu [10:28] carthik: if iu burn the iso to cd, it won`t boot from it ;( [10:28] Anyone here using Qmail? === lpb-Anonymous [~anonymous@p54B6E151.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] === DJSelbeck [~hendrik@p508B512A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:29] deviant, the trick is to understand that what you need to do is not to but the iso file on the cd, but to create the cd using the iso (which is an image, which you can use to write the cd) === mpatton [~mpatton@69-171-113-160.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:30] deviant, searching for "burning from iso using k3b" at google might be helpful [10:30] http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/backports seems to be down :( [10:30] deviant - i meant to say "not to put the iso file on the cd"... sorry [10:30] carthik: i`ve tried with Burn Image. [10:31] deviant - If you are uncomfortable using cdrecord from the commandline god knows you aren't alone - "" lol - gnomebaker is in synaptic and does a fine job. === herbal [~herbal@68-168-2-145.miamfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:31] virogenesis, try a mirror of the same : http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/url.php [10:31] deviant, you mean burn FROM image, dont you? [10:31] IIIEars: aha , ok. i`ll try it . now i was using K3b [10:32] burn image might burn the image on the disc... which is not ideal [10:32] im installing ubuntu right now, Suse was fkkin with me bad [10:32] deviant, forget k3b, if you use gnome, burn using nautlis [10:32] nautilus - it works for me [10:32] carthik: yeah. Tools >> Cd >> Burn CD Image === nova likes kde brb to kde === sorin [~sorin@24-196-233-44.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:32] switchign to kde session brb [10:32] deviant, sorry dude. I am out of ideas :) === ubuntu [~ubuntu@adsl-dc-346a1.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:33] at first suse was great but then it started getting bad, at least my data is backed up on my external [10:33] carthik: that makes 2 of us :( [10:33] was anyone able to install mono 1.1.6 + monodevelop 0.7 from the debian's repository? [10:33] deviant - are you using the redmond OS now? - it's okay be honest - grin - try a free tool "ISO Burner Powertoy" by Alex Fienman - you could leave a couple of bucks for him via paypal if you wanted too. === elmaya [~elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu [10:33] deviant, lol - check the place you downloaded the cd from, or check for a readme in whatever you downloaded :) === Kikyo1 [~Kikyou@1-1-3-22a.gam.gbg.bostream.se] has left #ubuntu [] [10:34] hi all - any advice on uninstalling Gnome (like should I do it?). I've got XFCE up and running and can't see me using Gnome again (although keeping some of the gnome apps would be nice) [10:34] carthik: dc++ dude :P [10:34] IIIEars: i`m on ubuntu === nova [~nova@cpe-24-93-172-93.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:34] and the fact that ubuntu will ship disks and PAY shipping is unheard of [10:34] lixoo, in that case, I have heard its best to have installed ubuntu in the server mode and then add XFCE... [10:34] lixoo, let it stay though, you might want the gnome apps still, right? [10:35] lixoo: xfce4 seems to use a lot of gnome stuff (like you can use the themes etc) -If you have space why not leave gnome there? [10:35] herbal, you heard it here! [10:35] deviant - gnomebaker is a walk in the park on a spring day. - really straightforward and easy to use. === lanius [~lanius@p50884D19.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === carthik thinks of setting up a re-shipping chain to lower the wait times :) === mz2 [~mz2@81-1-66-209.homechoice.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [10:35] i'm a bit tight on space. Surely if I leave GTK installed the Gnome apps wills till be able to run? [10:35] xfce is cool, but i wanna try enlightenment DR17 it looks amazing [10:35] hmmm why have ubuntu decided to use gnomebaker it doesn't seem to look like a mature app i'm sure there must be better cd writting software for gnome [10:36] lixoo: yes, if you have the libraries it's ok [10:36] IIIEars: i`m apt-get -it right now :P [10:36] cheers carthik === lotusleaf [~lotusleaf@lotusleaf.user] has joined #ubuntu [10:36] anyone use enlightenment DR17 === sidd-tx [~michael@c-67-166-179-238.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:36] lixoo: the same thing with kde & gnome, you can use kde apps in gnome when you have the kde libraries [10:36] cheers guys. Say I was to try uninstalling gnome, would synaptic be the way to go about it? === user1 [~user1@] has joined #ubuntu [10:37] hi i have a problem [10:37] i had e17 running a while back wasn't bad [10:37] is the new nvidia driver (released yesterday) available in backports? === tanek [~tanek@h22n1fls34o1104.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:37] eyecandy from what i seen of it [10:37] installed ubutu +-hour ago, no probs - wireless card prism54 v2 detectd but not working - hmm [10:38] im lazy so installing from CVS doesent appeal to me [10:38] lol === SithToast [~SithToast@midsouth-24-151-208-228.westtn.chartertn.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:38] I need now where put the mount carpets of network [10:38] IIIEars: error. damn :( [10:38] virogenesis - k3b is a lot more powerful. - erm but i burned a bunch of coasters before mastering it. [10:38] peterretief: you configured the wireless card with iwconfig? I had some problems with this on the ubuntu live cd. Couldn't figure out how to configure for 128bit WEP === ramsezaz [~ramsezaz@put92-3-82-228-134-166.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:39] yeah i tried k3b it was nice but when using gnome it just doesn't look right [10:39] does anyone know how i can get back my volume manager applet? [10:39] deviant - Synaptic install? - 'prolly no difference but maybe.... [10:40] IIIEars: allready install it using apt === inva|id [~invalid@adsl-18-29-212.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:40] Is there a unix command that will determine the hostname from an IP address? [10:40] peterretief and lixoo: I had same problem with WEP. Anytime I tried making any changes with iwconfig, I got OPERATION NOT PERMITTED. I had to use a different card (Cisco). [10:40] mco.bellsouth.net ? [10:41] Would someone walk me through setting my smb.conf so that my windows machine can view my samba share? Right now I'm getting permission errors [10:41] sidd-tx: hmm, i didn't get any error messages. Just no connectivity [10:41] herbal: I am not looking for mine [10:41] inva|id, k\ [10:41] nmap? [10:42] perhaps, let me try that [10:42] sidd-tx, that would be my next q, what car to use - want to set up hostap [10:43] virogenesis: kconfig lets you tweak kde apps' look-n-feel outside gnome too === apollo2011 [~ksut@] has joined #ubuntu [10:43] lixoo: yeah, I googled and looked through mailing lists. Basically, some functions of the card were not supported. Dunno why. Got it to work with Suse though. But just about everything works with Suse for me.... === mdz [~mdz@ca-studio-bsr1o-251.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:43] outside kde that is === tcwd [~Edward@MTL-HSE-ppp170736.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [10:43] i had suse running but eventually it REALLY started fkkin with me [10:44] sidd-tx: it was my work laptop so i just gave up and stuck a length of cat5 in the back :-) === yahalom is now known as nazir === nazir is now known as HaNazir [10:44] peterretief: I got this card to work definitely: Cisco Aironet AIR-PCM352 === mdz [~mdz@ca-studio-bsr1o-251.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:45] sidd-tx, cool thanks for the tip!!! === _linuxAS_ [~linuxAS@cm-213-141-60-146.telecable.es] has joined #ubuntu [10:45] lixoo: Yeah, I eventually gave up too. Especially since I could by another card known to work for $20 [10:45] thanks pfp i always seem to learn more & more when coming here [10:45] is there anyway i can stop my isp from updatin my dns nameserver? [10:46] (swears off the white box taiwan "super king" card. - lol) [10:46] HaNazir, no, but you can use a dynamic dns service, to use a domain name that gets auto updated [10:46] Would someone walk me through setting my smb.conf so that my windows machine can view my samba share? Right now I'm getting permission errors === ikypakis [t6@] has joined #Ubuntu [10:46] HaNazir, zoneedit.com and dyndns.info are good starting points === _linuxAS_ [~linuxAS@cm-213-141-60-146.telecable.es] has joined #ubuntu === nufan [~nuffy@cpc2-hem14-4-0-cust73.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === carthik runs at the mention of the samba word === Mrk [~Mrk@the67-1-82-227-77-204.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === }x{|CeRbErUs [~Flodder13@d51A5C9C7.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu === ubuntu [~ubuntu@118.Red-83-45-142.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === }x{|CeRbErUs is now known as stijndg [10:47] HaNazir, not quite sure hat you mean [10:48] anyone here who could help me set up my Wireless PCMIA card (Dlink DWL-G650+) :( [10:48] ubuntu keeps crashing when I run "grep" :( [10:48] it somehow turns the power off [10:48] :O [10:49] peterretief, my isp updates my /etc/resolv.conf every now and then. i dont wan that to happen. cos the dns servers i entered are faster. [10:49] Whoa...! === bharath [~bharath@YAKUZA.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu [10:49] it's happened 3 times now. === zxy [~ralph@host-84-9-33-86.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu === pfp suspects ram trouble [10:49] I'm grepping through a 17Mb file - is there a limit? === zxy_ [~ralph@host-84-9-33-86.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:49] pfp: I don't think so - I've tested the RAM thoroughly [10:50] HaNazir, no no how? [10:50] dooglus: I had that same kind of trouble too, and it was the ram === lotusleaf [~lotusleaf@lotusleaf.user] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:50] HaNazir: so why not just echo the ones you want to the file? Maybe even a cron job... [10:50] dooglus: maybe motherboard then, ide bridges [10:50] the grep takes 3 or 4 minutes, during which time the CPU is flat out, and the disk is idle. [10:51] I'm surprised at that - I would expect the bottleneck during a grep to be the disk access, reading the file from disk. [10:51] thoreauputic, wouldnt know how to do that. can u help me man? === gorthaug [~gorthaug@81.Red-81-39-174.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:51] dooglus: deffo sounds like RAM - BIOS update? [10:51] hi [10:51] it takes less than 1 second to read 17MB [10:51] disk is definately the b'nevk === sidd-tx [~michael@c-67-166-179-238.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [10:51] anybody know what happend whiet backports' repositories? === john__ [~john@cpe-024-163-061-198.nc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:52] *whit [10:52] now, it's possible the 17Mb file is already cached in RAM [10:52] sometimes you get a bum install, remove and reinstall [10:52] but how long would it take to 'grep' though a 17Mb file that's in RAM? [10:52] seconds? minutes? [10:52] (2.2MHz P4) [10:52] HaNazir: easiest to just open the file in an editor and change the entries, probably: /etc/resolv.conf [10:52] GHz! [10:52] can I install debian packages? [10:53] would hoary 5.04 be like Debian/sarge? === confrey [~dario@] has joined #ubuntu [10:53] dooglus, try reinstall grep [10:53] hi everybody [10:53] thoreauputic, i do that. i have to do that every so often though. like every 30 min. no way it can be done auto? [10:53] peterretief: md5sum /bin/grep ? [10:53] When Sarge is released and Etch becomes the new unstable, will Ubuntu use Etch? === nekton is now known as nekton[AFK] === pitti [~pitti@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:53] nufan: ubuntu uses ubuntu [10:53] Snapshot of, I mean [10:54] tahorg: Ubuntu snapshots debian sid === ojitos19 [~esti@] has joined #ubuntu [10:54] nufan: for 'some' packages [10:54] HaNazir: /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf [10:54] I need help about wine; I can't start some win applications; it seems some .dll are missing, but they are ; can anybody help me? [10:54] any hoary users, what is the correct md5sum of /bin/grep? [10:54] I thought it snapshotted most of the system [10:54] yay ive installed ubuntu and so far no problems...i jus got to figure out how to get it to play my mp3's and avi's [10:54] smeg 0.7.4 is out! woo [10:54] dooglus, its my first line of defense..... :) === SlackFart [~el_fart0@soundscape.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:55] peterretief: what is? [10:55] HaNazir: just write a little script that does something like " sleep 15m && echo xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx > /etc/resolv.conf" [10:55] no [10:55] herbai: Download most of the gstreamer libs === Jeezis [~roger@jeezis.user] has joined #ubuntu [10:55] hmmm [10:55] That did it for me, I think === humbraro [~jtwronski@www.richardmrogerspc.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:55] dooglus: 73e4543685960e7c8ae822e9090b462a <- mine === kay [~kay@p54A3A89B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:55] I cant remember exactly which ones === thundrcleeze [~thundrcle@c24.183.106.5.mad.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === _REds [redskin@fluro.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:56] thoreauputic: ISC dhcp client can be customized, pump too but i've had experience that pump doesn't obey it's configuration [10:56] nufan, u know if u start typing a name, and hit tab it filles it for you [10:56] how do I change the workgroup I'm in? [10:56] thoreauputic, i dont know scripts :( [10:56] pfp, what do i do there? [10:57] I need help about wine; I can't start some win applications; it seems some .dll are missing, but they are ; can anybody help me? === david_ [~david@pool-162-83-106-59.culp.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:57] wow it seems ubuntu comes with a hacked version of firefox [10:57] confrey: I think you're confused about the channel you're in [10:57] it's not "hacked" per se [10:58] Fator_Dee: thanks. I have the same. [10:58] it just has the updates from 1.0.4 implemented [10:58] HaNazir: if i recall correctly, put some "supersede xxx yyy" lines in there, use 'man dhclient.conf' for more [10:58] Quick question, what's the command to change the workgroup I'm in? [10:58] i mean alterered, its alot faster === cmarqu [colin@buug.mind.de] has left #ubuntu [] [10:58] indeed it is. [10:58] thundrcleeze: WTF is a workgroup? [10:58] anybody knows what happened with backports' repositories? [10:58] mine says its 1.0.2 [10:58] gorthaug: Nothing :) [10:58] emacsen, like windows workgroup - for networking [10:58] emacsen: it's a windows networking concept [10:58] They just have special mirrors now [10:58] emacsen, I'm using ubuntu; and I've installed wine from ubuntu repository; so, why can't I ask for help about it? [10:58] dooglus: sounds preverted [10:59] confrey: why not ask on #wine? [10:59] i've error when i try to update the apt sources... [10:59] pfp, thanx [10:59] emacsen: possibly it is. [10:59] #winehq actually [10:59] gorthaug, check the ubuntu backports forums [10:59] emacsen, ok, I'll try there [10:59] Harld Schmitt kommt :D [10:59] emacsen: are you in the plural? [10:59] oks thanks [10:59] thoreauputic, any links? [10:59] dooglus: debsums can be used to check files' md5 sums against your dpkg database [10:59] confrey - we'll help where we can. - This is Ubuntu - Humanity. [10:59] gorthaug: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37525 Information on BackPorts [10:59] thanks kvidell. [11:00] pfp: oh, thanks. I didn't know about that. === CarlFK_ [~CarlK@c-67-163-11-11.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Raquen [~raq@host242-144.pool80181.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [11:00] mmhmm. I'm on the forum too much :-\ I actually... have... that number and several other useful ones memorised :-\ [11:00] IIIEars, I know, infact I ask here first [11:00] dooglus, is it called hostname in linux? === kvidell hangs his head in shame [11:00] IIIEars, thanks [11:00] dooglus: it's handy if your server gets hax0red... which never happens ofc :/ [11:01] thundrcleeze: no. hostnames in windows correspond to hostnames in linux [11:01] hi, i've deleted the recycle bin.. Can I do? [11:01] using sums from backup media of course :) === blew [~blew@stjhnf01bb8-142162163245.nl.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:01] dooglus, so I need to change the hostname to connect to a windows network? [11:01] Raquen: could you rephrase? that didn't make any sense [11:01] thundrcleeze: linux hosts don't have specific workgroups as such, i don't think. although if you're sharing a drive using samba you'll have to tell samba what workgroup to share it in [11:02] I'm not sharing, just trying to connect to it. [11:02] IIIEars, I'm really confused about the network administration tool, I try to create a new configuration, but everytime I must enter the parameters to configure the network [11:02] dooglus, --^ === SysFail [~chains@user-0c6t1v4.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:02] thundrcleeze: I didn't set anything about the workgroup when I installed ubuntu. But if I click on 'places' then 'network servers' and then 'windows network', the next screen shows me the available workgroups === agunja [~agunja@ACA85D48.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu === tanek [~tanek@h22n1fls34o1104.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:03] hey there [11:03] thundrcleeze: so you don't need to do any configuration then I don't think [11:03] how do i disable 4K stacks? [11:03] yeah, but it looks like samba defaults to the workgroup MSHOME. That's not the workgroup I have all the other computers configured at. [11:03] agunja: I think that takes a kernel recompile. [11:03] confrey - no luck here with wine (sigh) had to get a subscription to cedega instead. - wine was a huge PITA [11:03] again, dooglus --^ [11:03] why does the install go crazy with dhcp, why not run nmap -sP 192.etc find an unused ip then set it up?? [11:04] peterretief, what's wrong with dhcp? [11:04] thundrcleeze: how are you trying to connect to the shared drives? [11:04] dooglus, yes. [11:04] its fine if you use it [11:04] dooglus, oh, misread [11:04] heh :) [11:04] dooglus, places --> network servers [11:05] sdr.. 0.8x iaf === agunja is now known as DesiGuy [11:05] thundrcleeze: did you enable a firewall? windows networking doesn't work for me if the firewall is enabled. [11:05] !ubotu samba [11:05] ubotu: samba [11:05] nice, flood prevention works === Q_Continuum_ [~Q_Continu@c-24-118-74-17.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:05] ubotu: samba [11:06] too bad it goes to PM [11:06] cafuego: The limit on lines before sending to PM needs to be longer. === HaNazir is now known as NaZiR === NaZiR is now known as HaNazir [11:06] !seen thundercleese [11:06] i haven't seen 'thundercleese', peterretief [11:06] i've always read about re-compiling the kernel, but how do i go about doing that? === ^thehatsrule^ [tehats@tehats.0ffice.info] has joined #ubuntu [11:07] peterretief: Doesn't do that, afaik. [11:07] Oh, maybe it does. [11:07] I thought he had that turned off. [11:07] !seen thundrcleese [11:07] peterretief: i haven't seen 'thundrcleese' [11:07] peterretief: PM the bot please. [11:07] Amaranth: can the bot do replies? like just echo back what you teach it rather than "from memory foo is... " ? [11:07] can u watch NTSC and PAL dvd on ur pc? [11:07] !seen bob2 "the bot hater - lol" [11:07] i haven't seen 'bob2 "the bot hater - lol"', IIIEars [11:07] thoreauputic: sort of [11:08] huh === koma is now known as komA [11:08] ubotu: Amaranth is stabs things [11:08] Amaranth: okay [11:08] peterretief, it's thundrcleeze [11:08] ubotu: Amaranth [11:08] Amaranth: how can I find the syntax for that? === ubotu stabs things [11:08] that's about as close as you can get [11:08] don't abuse it [11:08] ah sorry [11:08] !seen thundrcleeze [11:08] thundrcleeze is currently on #ubuntu (12m 22s) [11:08] there you go [11:08] finger trouble [11:09] thoreauputic: Just word your answer to fit in the way it replies. [11:09] dooglus, yes, I know. I disabled it and it still gave me troubles. I ran smbtree thinking it would tell me what I needed, but it listed everything coming from MSHOME, not what I need. === viork [~viork@] has joined #ubuntu === gorthaug [~gorthaug@81.Red-81-39-174.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [11:10] thundrcleeze, I only suggest an install option (humbly) [11:10] can someone see this? === HaNazir is now known as yahalom [11:10] yahalom: No. [11:10] peterretief, what, re-install ubuntu? [11:10] Amaranth, thanx:) thoughti was d/c [11:10] would someone please run this and tell me what it says? time yes | head -10000 | grep '.' > /dev/null === MagiRed [WinNT@brndmb02dc1-200-82.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:11] Hey guys and dolls~ [11:11] something very odd is going on, I think. it is taking far too long to grep 10000 lines. [11:11] thundrcleeze, haha set up a static ip network [11:11] peterretief, done. === bkinman [~bkinman@office-ip-brdn.pacific.net] has joined #ubuntu === abisen [~abisen@] has joined #ubuntu [11:12] anyone here know how i can isntall ati from the repos? or can give me a link to a howto? [11:12] I cannot get amaya to work =(. It shouldnt be that hard, is the package just broken or something? [11:12] how do i install kernel-sources in ubuntu i need to have the sources for building some packages [11:12] thundrcleeze, not you the installer :) [11:12] dooglus: You want to know how long that takes? [11:12] Amaranth: please [11:12] real 0m19.824s user 0m16.111s sys 0m0.171s [11:12] peterretief, that's not a quick-fix. [11:12] hm. === MagiRed downloads ubuntu live CD for the sake of resizing partitions. [11:12] 19 seconds? that's got to be a bug in grep. [11:12] can u watch NTSC and PAL dvd on ur pc? [11:13] Don't the ubuntu backports people define dependencies at all? [11:13] Amaranth: you would expect it to be linear, wouldn't you? [11:13] we2by: you can [11:13] we2by: I think so [11:13] thundrcleeze, nmap -sP etc [11:13] I installed beagle, and it fails with "mono: command not found" [11:13] but try 1000 instead of 10000 - it will be instant [11:13] why are people so concerned what type the dvd is? === topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3pa5.dial.inet.fi] has left #ubuntu [] === nick8325 [~nick@kerry.linc.ox.ac.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [11:13] peterretief, command not found. [11:13] dooglus: No, that's showing how much time it spent in different parts of the system. real is wall time [11:13] we2by: I think it's the region that counts [11:14] Asssuming I'll be able to resize partitions from the live cd... Which I was told I'd be able to... Will I? :3 [11:14] dooglus: I have a 1.2Ghz, those times could be real. [11:14] ah [11:14] so I can watch any region on my pc? [11:14] we2by: eg, region 1 disc wont play on a dvd-player of region 2 [11:14] Amaranth: that's right. but 20 seconds to grep 10000 lines is just stupid. try it for 1000 lines instead - how long does that take? [11:14] how do I know what region my dvd drive is? [11:14] dooglus: real 0m0.216s user 0m0.185s sys 0m0.007s === flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:14] or it just works on linux? [11:14] we2by: I'm not qualified to answer that though :-| [11:14] region 1 if you live in north america, region 2 if you're from europe [11:14] that was to we2by === Pixel83 [~pixel@p54AADA6F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:15] yea [11:15] a fifty of a second for 1000 lines. 20 seconds for 10000 lines? do you see my point? === odie5533 [~odie5533@c-67-164-243-14.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:15] a fifth... [11:15] but what about PAL and NTSC? [11:15] Whats a good FTP client for Ubuntu? [11:15] yafc [11:15] anyone live in the bay area need 2-19 flats for 600 [11:15] we2by: that doesn't matter [11:15] dooglus: *shrug* [11:15] I live in europe and I can play both ntsc and pal dvds [11:15] dooglus: Must not be a linear algorithm. ;) [11:15] can't linux use any tool to by pass that region thing? [11:16] Hey guys is there an pop/IMAP that comes with ubuntu installation? [11:16] peterretief, that command was not found. [11:16] thundrcleeze, nmap -sP 192.168.1.* with a +-200 line perl script [11:16] we2by: it might be already :-p [11:16] Amaranth: I think there's a bug in ubuntu's grep. I'm going to boot into Mandriva and see what happens there - although I'm sure if it happened there I would have noticed already. [11:16] cool [11:16] so I can watch any region PAL or NTSC [11:16] on linux? === cam [~suk@] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] hi [11:16] we2by: just wait till someony that know answers === X7C [~xtc@pc-67-84-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] dooglus, what grep commmand are you using [11:16] how can I put commands shoudl be run as root priviledges to startup? [11:16] how do I print to a printer connected on a windows machine in the subnet? [11:16] we2by, no. [11:16] like mounting samba shares? [11:17] I still remember the day I got my pc with windows and I only had 4 chances to set what region my dvd drive should be [11:17] we2by, regions are not the same as PAL/NTSC [11:17] xyzx - yes - don't bother with "evolution' apt-get mozilla firebird. [11:17] anyone here know a good ftp client for linux? [11:17] odie5533: gftp [11:17] odie5533 gftp [11:17] thanks [11:17] ode5533: lftp is a nice console client [11:17] odie5533 kbear [11:17] im a gui guy here [11:17] Would someone walk me through setting my smb.conf so that my windows machine can view my samba share? Right now I'm getting permission errors [11:17] ode5533: there's also igloftp [11:18] use gftp odie5533 [11:18] odie5533 konqueror ;-) [11:18] IIIEars, I need an imap server to work with postfix === dabi [92dd0c2d3e@231.Red-83-35-203.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:18] cant find package... gotta add repositories [11:18] odie5533: nautilus also does the trick ftp://username:password@ip.or.server.name [11:18] cusco : use the print administation tool of gnome; you must choose a smb printer; you need to know the hostname of computer and the share name of printer === Zaphod_ [~Agrajag@66-215-172-61.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:18] okay nvm - evolution is so bad i just needed to vent. - lol [11:18] is there any command i can see list of my hd's and their size or fs? === philipacamaniac [~phliipaca@208-47-135-198.dia.cust.qwest.net] has left #ubuntu [] === rancorus [~rancorus@MTL-HSE-ppp184519.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [11:19] dabi: df -h [11:19] for size [11:19] sudo fdisk -l [11:19] Marble2, I'm trying to see the wondows network through linux. [11:19] for generla info === adnans [~adnans@linuxgoeroe.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:19] thundrcleeze: well... viewing my windows network through windows works fine for me [11:19] but vice versa is broken [11:20] have you tried going to smb:/// [11:20] ! tell thoreauputic about google [11:20] thoreauputic: I don't know [11:20] bah === nobile [~nuni@] has joined #ubuntu [11:21] ! google [11:21] aha [11:21] My computer doesn`t want to detect the DHCP server that i have on eth0, how do i fix this? [11:21] peterretief: I'm running this: time yes | head -10000 | grep '.' > /dev/null [11:21] peterretief: it should take a second or less, but it takes 15 to 20 seconds. === Dethread [~Dethread@24-205-231-52.slo-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu === newz2000 [~chatzilla@12-226-91-204.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu === viork [~viork@] has joined #ubuntu [11:22] gn8 [11:23] Here is a question, how can I find out if anyone has done any discussion on a breezy bounty? === raeth [~raeth@host86-132-72-249.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:23] on Mandriva, 10 million lines take 3 seconds to grep. On ubunta 10 thousand lines take 15 seconds. This must be a bug. [11:23] Hello [11:23] ok.. how can i see list of hd devices what are unmounted? [11:23] alguien q hable espaol [11:23] alguien q hable espaol [11:23] alguien q hable espaol [11:23] dooglus: utf8? [11:23] viork: #ubuntu.es [11:23] dabi: mount [11:23] lanius: how can I tell? [11:23] jaja [11:23] quick question: I'm trying to install apache 1.3 from uinverse but it keeps trying to get apache2. How do I get 1.3? [11:23] dooglus: look at the LANG and LANGUAGE in export [11:23] Marble2, I just need to view it through linux, not vice versa. [11:23] dooglus, takes about .5 secs here? [11:23] using apt-get [11:24] and see what's in the fstab, and not in the mounted list. [11:24] thundrcleeze: right, browse to smb:/// and see if you can see it there === HiddenWolf [~hidden@136.200.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:24] Marble2, smb:/// gives me a black page saying index of smb:/// then nothing else [11:24] Does anyone have any experience with Cedega? [11:24] is there a problem with via-rhine? [11:24] huh [11:25] peterretief: could you try 2 more cases for me please? instead of 10,000 try 100 thousand and 200 thousand. what times do you get for those 2? [11:25] dooglus, im on ubuntu [11:25] try smb://windowshostname [11:25] lanius: on mandrake I have: [11:25] LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 [11:25] LANGUAGE=en_GB.UTF-8:en_GB:en [11:26] Is there a cegeda/WINE channel here? [11:26] dooglus: the upstream versino of grep has performance problems with uf8, maybe the one in ubuntu is not patched [11:27] lanius: the performance problem I'm seeing is making grep's performance worst than O(n) - does the utf8 bug do that? [11:27] dooglus: i thikn so [11:27] dooglus, 10000 hangs - ahh === raeth [~raeth@host86-132-72-249.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:27] Anyone know how to install apache 1.3 from uinverse using apt-get? [11:27] peterretief: it doesn't hang - it just takes a long time - 20 seconds or so? [11:28] may the source be with you === vince_ [~vince@CPE-65-25-223-196.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:28] dooglus: which config are those lines from? [11:28] remember screwing that one up and forgetting the name of it ;) [11:28] Marble2, no luck, just gave me a text file to donwload [11:28] tanek: the LANG lines? that's from my Mandriva 10.2 partition [11:28] hello. when I use qt-specific applications (like skype), the fonts in the application are too big. does anyone know how to make them look like the rest of the system's fonts? [11:28] it ended. [11:29] huh [11:29] lanius: You're here now too? [11:29] tanek: if you mean which file sets them, I have no idea. I did "env | grep LANG" [11:29] dooglus: yeah, but they're in a config file i /etc somewhere i think? [11:29] Amaranth: not really ;) === niclas [~niclas@c-86c271d5.146-1-64736c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu === mode/#ubuntu [+o Amaranth] by ChanServ [11:29] lanius: Not anymore. ;) [11:29] ok, crap :P === mode/#ubuntu [-o Amaranth] by ChanServ [11:29] just kidding [11:29] Hello :) === niclas is now known as Vampis [11:29] there [11:30] thx anyway dooglus [11:30] tanek: I'm running Mandriva right now anyway - was using it to verify that grep *can* run fast on Mandriva... :) I'll reboot back into ubuntu now. brb. [11:30] whazup ppl? === pedlar [~pedlar@dvb73.resnet.neu.edu] has joined #ubuntu [11:30] how do you get heard in this chanel? [11:30] I haven't used Mandriva... I wonder if it's good. :3 [11:31] you speak [11:31] newz2000: ask [11:31] in fstab the type of FAT32 is just "fat" ? [11:31] i moved from mandriver [11:31] can you tell me how to install apache 1.3 from universe using apt-get? [11:31] can somebody direct me to something that will help me install my audigy2 [11:31] i'm a bit of a newb [11:31] newz2000: is that version available in the repositories? [11:32] Fator_Dee, universe but apt-get install apache tries to get apache2 [11:32] why do you want 1.3 then :-o [11:32] !ubotu sound card [11:32] Cause I've tested my software with 1.3 and it works, not with 2 though. === oferw [~oferw@CBL217-132-105-241.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [11:33] newz2000: I'm not sure if apache1.3 is even in the repos [11:33] !ubotu sound card [11:34] It was with warty, I installed it through synaptic on another host. [11:34] but this is hoary [11:34] packages get upgraded === Em`Zee [~jirc@cpe-69-207-106-141.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:34] what driver is supposed to be used with a VIA PCI 10/100MB Fast Ethernet? [11:35] Hey guys, I'm wondering if anyone has tried ubuntu on an HP Pavillion 554y and gotten internet to work. =/ === flipy [~flipy@62-15-242-107.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #ubuntu [11:35] is this the right place to look: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/a/apache/ [11:35] lanius was exactly right by the way... if you set LANG to be non-utf8 then the command runs in almost zero time: time yes | head -10000 | LANG= grep . > /dev/null [11:35] is there any way to auto-munt an usb mass storage device on a ubuntu server without X? === emacsen [hidden-use@gw.coderyte.net] has left #ubuntu [] [11:36] but I'm off to sleep -> === Pop_pa_FrEaK [~patrick@CPE000ae6c702bb-CM000e5ce665ba.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === diktatorn [~diktatorn@c-6d8471d5.04-2012-73746f6.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [11:37] nn svensk? === SithToast_ [~SithToast@midsouth-24-151-208-228.westtn.chartertn.net] has joined #ubuntu === erUSUL [~erusul@im-68.arrakis.es] has joined #ubuntu [11:38] Alright I'll take the silence as a no... then the follow-up question... my onboard network card is detected as a RTL-8139 but even though the module is loaded and running, I can't seem to get an IP from DHCP. === polie [~polie@rrba-ip-nas-1-p205.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [11:38] The router works fine, as this computer is properly running on it. Also, the light on the router that indicates a connection between the Ubuntu 5.04 computer and the router itself is on [11:39] and when I tell eth0 to activate, the light flashes, indicating activity. Yet it still refuses to get an IP. === _kevin [~Kevin@CPE0006255ab096-CM400049887786.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === herbal is now known as herbal_brb_smoke === SysFail [~chains@user-0c6t1v4.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu === Zodiac [~nicholas@69-161-72-233.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:40] sup dawgs [11:40] whats a dawg? [11:40] american slang [11:40] for? [11:40] err [11:40] friend [11:40] is there any way to auto-munt an usb mass storage device on a ubuntu server without X? === Cidolfas [~null@adsl-64-175-241-150.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:41] I see in Kynaptic a Ubuntu package, I assume that is ubuntu but gnome, I would like to try it out but I want to make sure that the kde portion won't be messed up and that KDE will still (for now) stay as the default session type. [11:41] flipy: probably /etc/fstab ? [11:41] runedude: everytime it is connecte will be mapped? [11:41] flipy: erm.... it should [11:41] im not so sure with usb storage devices [11:41] it is detected, but not mapped [11:42] well whats the mapping to it? [11:42] like /dev/ ?? === xuzo [~xuzo@81-203-41-93.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:42] Amaranth - Minimized apps Vanish this keeps my task bar tidy - But you ought-a see my list of running processes. - Zowie! - rofl [11:42] just a question out of nowhere: when i update my kernel, i dont have to reboot or anything or do i? [11:42] shinu: you do [11:42] IIIEars: ? [11:42] shinu; To load the new kernel, you need to make sure its image is in your Bootloader (LILO/GRUB) and reboot [11:42] ugly.... [11:42] shinu: well, er.. i believe you do.. sometimes some features with the new kernel may not work === WldRbit [~wildrabbi@adsl7-69.simnet.is] has joined #ubuntu === StR34k [~streak@i216-58-91-42.avalonworks.net] has left #ubuntu [] [11:42] runedude, yes, so it is mapped to /dev/sdX [11:42] Can anyone help me with that problem regarding my NIC? =/ [11:43] ok then thanks a lot^^ [11:43] but I want to be automatically mounted to /media/XXXX [11:43] I see in Kynaptic a Ubuntu package, I assume that is ubuntu but gnome, I would like to try it out but I want to make sure that the kde portion won't be messed up and that KDE will still (for now) stay as the default session type. [11:43] Amaranth - Dunno - i minimize an app and it goes on vacation disappearing from sight. [11:43] is there more than one kernel on the ubuntu cd [11:43] flipy: id put that into /etc/fstab, and i believe it should work [11:43] runedude thanks palo [11:43] um... so does it mean people with 1 year uptime have a very old kernel? 0o [11:43] pal [11:43] rancorus: i think so... 2.4 and 2.6 [11:43] :) === astro76 [~james@astro76.user] has joined #ubuntu [11:43] i'll give it a try now [11:43] flipy: k , gluck [11:43] runedude: how do i install ubuntu with 2.4 [11:43] IIIEars: why did you direct that to me? [11:43] shinu; Probably ;) [11:43] does anyone know why flash audio might only work some of the time? [11:43] IIIEars: Does it show up in alt-tab? === sijp [~sijp@85-250-91-254.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu === AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-96-168.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:44] thnx [11:44] rancorus: oh wait.... hoary is 2.6, and err... warty is 2.4 [11:44] Can anyone help me in here? [11:44] Sero: w/? [11:44] rancorus: if you want a older kernel, i believe you can apt-get it [11:44] Amaranth - hm. -= yes it does. is that good? - lol === Jaquel [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu [11:44] runedude, I think my sources are messed up because it's saying it can't find like any of the packages I try to aptitude install. [11:44] IIIEars: hoary? [11:44] hi all [11:45] Sero: err, need a sample sources.list ? [11:45] runedude: well i need an older kernel because my ethernet card doesn`t seem to work with this one [11:45] runedude, it only worked for um K3B and then told me to put in the CD it didn't download it. [11:45] Em`Zee: xD alright then thx :) [11:45] Yes the Odiferous Hedgehog. [11:45] runedude, I guess. [11:45] rancorus: that sucks.. erm.. well burn warty then upgrade what you need [11:45] Sero: k, hold a sec [11:45] any one using bluetooth [11:45] Hey, guys, can anyone help me out with getting my RTL ethernet card to work with Hoary? It's not wanting to get an IP. [11:45] why wont your network card use 2.6 kernel? [11:46] amaranth you can wimp out. just point me to a file DYI mungeable file. [11:46] runedude: well I don`t know what`s wrong with it === jcoxon [~jcoxon@jac208.caths.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:46] runedude: it does not work [11:46] flipy: :( hm.. i dont know then :( so sorry [11:46] IIIEars: try restarting gnome-panel [11:46] runedude thnks anyway dude [11:46] IIIEars: did you remove the window list from your panel? [11:46] did that killall gnome-panel [11:47] rancorus: hmm.. what brand? [11:47] any one using bluetooth [11:47] runedude: no one seems to be able to help me. I see that it gets loaded in dmesg... but it won`t detect the dhcp server at the other end [11:47] runedude: via [11:47] Hmm - "window list" - er no.. [11:47] rancorus: never heard of it :( thats why :( === diktatorn [~diktatorn@c-6d8471d5.04-2012-73746f6.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu === diktatorn [~diktatorn@c-6d8471d5.04-2012-73746f6.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:47] runedude: damn =/ [11:48] Sero: hang on, i havent forgotten you, im uploading a sources.list === Em`Zee pokes around his interface confs, since no one can help him right now. === SysFail [~chains@user-0c6t1v4.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:48] Sero: try this.. [11:48] you know, put it in /etc/apt/sources.list [11:48] then perform a apt-get update [11:49] you should be good to go after that === lanzer [Nixu@81-231-107-243-no17.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === Chambers` [~Thom@pcp02906040pcs.roylok01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Away|Canibal [SUP@bzq-218-121-128.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu === LinuxJones [~willy@blk-222-221-81.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [11:50] hi guys, if i installed the ati driver, will upgrading to the newest kernel break 3d? [11:50] crap.. seems my server is full hard drive space [11:50] lol [11:50] Chambers`: Did you install it from apt or off ati.com? [11:50] Amaranth: apt [11:51] Amaranth - If you can fix it i promise to learn something about the gnome-panel. === CarlFK [~CarlK@c-67-163-11-11.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:51] Chambers`, not if you stick with the Ubuntu kernel/driver [11:51] Chambers`: should work fine them, as long as the kernel is from ubuntu too [11:51] Chambers`: yep [11:51] IIIEars: try adding a window list applet to your panel === mello6 [~mellowyll@c-67-162-226-133.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:51] ok cool, thanks guys. I used to use Suse and when i upgraded to their latest kernel update it killed my 3d [11:52] Okay. - How? === liquidk [~peper@] has left #ubuntu [] [11:52] IIIEars: right click, add to panel === apollo2011 [~ksut@] has joined #ubuntu [11:52] <<- being new means never being too embarassed to ask a really dumb question. [11:53] How can I setup samba to share my printers? I finally got shares themselves working, but how do I share my printer? === Arrogance [~aks@CPE0050ba556e4b-CM001225423850.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:53] Done. Voila! fixed. You are a champ! :) [11:53] Thank You. [11:53] any one using bluetooth [11:53] any one using bluetooth on phones [11:54] That was too easy. was prepping some mighty new curses. - grin === rtuck [~rtuck@user-0c90pd7.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:55] so I'm trying to compile grep from CVS, but don't know how to make the "configure" script. can someone help me please? === inva|id [~invalid@adsl-18-29-212.mco.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:56] on hdparm, what is write_cache? and it is better to have it activated o deactivated? [11:56] Hi guys... I just did the Breezy Badger upgrade today from an old Hoary and X seems to have gone and broken itself. Any similar experiences today, hopefully with solutions? ~_^ [11:56] hm. new toy - grin - "color picking tool" - Ach! my panel just turned iridescent orange. - rofl [11:57] any one got bluetooth working on warty?? === usynic [~synic@] has joined #ubuntu === oDysseas [~ody@athe730f-0798.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [11:59] hm - apply a pic to the toolbar - nice - ocean pic, nah. mountain snow. nah. Anna Kournikova ah now thats better. - lol === Thorrn4 [~Thorrn4@pool-68-160-113-226.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === Fuzz [~chatzilla@c-24-63-9-241.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:59] hello [11:59] Hello!! [11:59] erm maybe not my wife will be back in a few hours. === xenos [~xenos@evrtwa1-ar5-4-35-161-111.evrtwa1.elnk.dsl.genuity.net] has joined #ubuntu