
lamontstage2/xgcc -Bstage2/ -B/usr/hppa-linux/bin/ -c   -O2 -DIN_GCC   -W -Wall01:29
lamont+-Wwrite-strings -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes        -DHAVE_CONFIG_H01:29
lamont+-I. -Iada -I../../src/gcc -I../../src/gcc/ada -I../../src/gcc/../include01:29
lamont+-I../../src/gcc/../libcpp/include  ../../src/gcc/ada/decl.c -o ada/decl.o01:29
lamontmake[4] : *** [ada/decl.o]  Segmentation fault01:29
lamontmake[4] : *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....01:29
=== lamont grumbles at doko. (hppa)(
dokowe don't support hppa ;-?01:30
dokolamont: I did hear rumors you would work for a company producing hppa stuff ...01:31
lamont-7ubuntu7 built just fine though...01:31
dokomaybe fabbione did change the kernel ...01:32
lamontdoko: not on the machine where it's building... same kernel01:34
=== lamont throws gcc-4.0 back in the ringer again, just for giggles
dokoohh, looks like hppa is catching up01:35
dokostarting a 4.0 build as well01:35
lamontyeah - I dragged home a nearly-current source archive friday.. it's been building since saturday01:36
lamontor friday night..01:36
lamontTotal 870 package(s) in state Installed.01:36
lamontTotal 4295 package(s) in state Needs-Build.01:36
lamontstill have a goodly distance to go01:36
lamontnote also that ~lamont/buildLogs/Lists/breezy.all.hppa isn't really accurate, other than wrt needs-build and installed01:37
lamonter... needs-build could be any non-installed state, that is.. :-(01:37
lamontsame is true for breezy.all.sparc: non-data-center architectures don't have w-b access, so installed is the only state that w-b accurately reflects01:38
dokohmm, packages.u.c doesn' list sparc ...01:38
dokofabbione: ^^^01:38
lamontdoes it list hppa?01:38
dokobut ia6401:38
lamontia64 is probably way wrong01:38
lamontsince it's split off to the same home as hppa/sparc...01:39
lamontguess it depends on the code running there..01:39
lamont ~lamont/buildLogs/Lists/breezy.all.$ARCH is gospel for data-center architectures, and install-state-accurate for non-DC architectures01:39
dokoE: Package gawk has no installation candidate01:50
dokoE: Package libmpfr-dev has no installation candidate01:52
dokoE: Package libart-2.0-dev has no installation candidate01:54
dokolamont: how do you build that?01:58
dokoanyway, going to bed now02:04
=== doko [~doko___@dsl-082-082-200-209.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
lamontdoko: clearly I have missed uploading some stuff...03:59
lamontadding people.u.c/~lamont/ubuntu-hppa hoary main to sources.list may help04:00
lamontdoko: if you're still short packages after adding the hoary repository, let me know - I'll see about making them exist04:36
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fabbionedoko: gcc-3.4 on ppc is SERIOUSLY broken10:23
fabbioneit keeps segfaulting at very high ratio10:23
=== jbailey [~jbailey@CPE000ded9d787c-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
dokofabbione: which version did you use before?11:37
fabbionethe one before the ppc64 changes11:38
jbaileyHeya Matthias.11:40
dokohi, already, or still awake? :)11:42
jbaileySort of both.  It's humidity season in Toronto, so I will sleep like crap for the next 2 weeks before getting used to it.11:49
jbaileyI watched the clock crawl from 4am to 5am and decided that I may as well work and nap mid-day11:49
dokofabbione: do you see the segfaults only when compiling kernels?12:17
fabbionedoko: difficult to say.. i didn't build anything different12:23
dokoand I only did build compilers ;)12:24
fabbionedoko: gcc doesn't take 10 hours to build :)12:25
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-toolchain: GNU Compiler Collection, Glibc, Binutils, Linux-kernel-headers | GLIBC Todo: hppa, sparc NPTL, i386 biarch, C++ ABI change: 33/55 library packages in the archives
=== Topic (#ubuntu-toolchain): set by doko at Thu May 19 00:40:28 2005
=== #ubuntu-toolchain [freenode-info] please register your nickname...don't forget to auto-identify! http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
fabbionedoko: gcc-4 is still FTBFS here with that timeout thingy03:54
fabbionei will try to build it manually03:54
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=== doko [~doko___@dsl-082-082-200-209.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
MithrandirI wonder if multiarch would make sense for doing ABI transitions like we're doing for gcc4.04:10
jbaileyMithrandir: taggart suggested that when I was chatting with him about it before.04:10
Mithrandirthe only issue is we end up with a bloody long search path for ld at some point.04:11
jbaileyfabbione: l?04:16
fabbionejbailey: i need to go out.. i will be back later04:41
=== fabbione &
jbaileydoko: There?05:26
jbaileydoko: Are the multiarch patches applied to gcc-4?  I'm pulling it down, but it'll be a couple minutes more05:27
jbaileyISTR there being stuff about multiarch in rules.defs05:28
dokomultiarch-include.dpatch is included, but not applied05:30
dokono, no build support yet05:30
Mithrandirdoko: would you care to pull in the changes from tfheen@idi.ntnu.no--2005/gcc-debian--multiarch--3.4 ?05:33
jbaileyMithrandir: It looks like the patch that's already included gets rid of lib64 support at the same time.05:34
Mithrandirwell, lib64 is just a symlink on amd64, so.05:35
jbaileyOh, I see.  i386/t-linux6405:35
dokoMithrandir: ok05:37
Mithrandirdoko: for both ubuntu and Debian or just Ubuntu?05:37
jbaileyMithrandir: I suspect that it shouldn't remove existing /lib32 /lib64 support, but just add the multilib directories.  05:38
dokoMithrandir: it's the same archive05:38
Mithrandirjbailey: possibly, yes.05:38
fabbionejbailey: re05:51
fabbionei have only 10 minutes but i would love to spend them here for you :)05:51
dokofabbione: i386 kernel build did fail ...05:54
fabbionedoko: read #u-k :)05:54
fabbioneyou are too slow05:54
dokoso ppc64 does work now?05:55
fabbionedoko: not in 1.205:55
fabbionedoko: ocalm is FTBFS :)05:55
dokoxorg "reorganization" ...05:56
fabbionedoko: i know :)05:56
fabbionejbailey: where are you?05:56
fabbionedoko: you will be able to use ppc64 tomorrow05:57
fabbionedoko: or....05:57
jbaileyfabbione: Sorry, was in another window.05:57
fabbionedoko: grab the latest 1.3 image from http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/ 05:57
infinityfabbione : Were you happy with that buildd result of linux-source on ppc, or did you still want me to build it on my machine?05:57
fabbioneinfinity: i didn't check them yet. i will have to05:57
fabbioneinfinity: i386 has a really weird FTBFS05:58
fabbioneit wasn't there yesterday05:58
fabbionebut it was building with the old gcc05:58
fabbioneso i will need to investigate that too05:58
fabbionejbailey: what can i do for you?05:58
jbaileyMithrandir, doko: Would you consider a hack for now that added the multiarch includes now, but didn't touch /libFOO?05:59
jbaileyfabbione: Erm.  What was it about...  bugger.05:59
Mithrandirjbailey: yes, sure.05:59
Mithrandirjbailey: also, we need to fix binutils.05:59
fabbionejbailey: dunno.. you pinged me before05:59
jbaileyfabbione: Right, and trying to remember what the !@#$ it's for?06:00
jbaileyMithrandir: Even for just the include hack?06:00
Mithrandirjbailey: that's a start, yes.06:00
infinityfabbione : Alright, well I'll build it anyway, just for kicks.06:00
fabbioneinfinity: i am happy with the build. i think davis is the box having problems06:00
infinityOh.  Then I won't build it. :)06:01
jbaileyMithrandir: Sorry, EPARSE, I think.  What needs hacking in binutils for adding the include hack?06:01
elmofabbione: did you say you wanted me to not NEW ppc kernel?06:01
fabbioneelmo: just wrote it in #u-d :)06:01
jbaileyfabbione: Right!06:01
jbaileyfabbione: I remember.  make-kpkg lovel for initramfs.06:01
Mithrandirjbailey: no, but you need to fix binutils for looking for the libs in the right place.06:01
=== infinity -> bed.
fabbioneelmo: i386 is FTBFS so don't wait for it. i will fix it tomorrow06:01
jbaileyfabbione: When can I book time with you on that?  My perl is teh suck.06:01
fabbioneelmo: given that it did build for me06:01
fabbionejbailey: tomorrow?06:02
fabbionejbailey: if you wake up early like today we will have plenty of time to work together06:02
jbaileyMithrandir: Right, except that I don't care about the libs right now.  libs are already sufficiently handled with /lib{32,64,}06:02
fabbionejbailey: otherwise i can schedule a late evening session with you06:02
jbaileyMithrandir: But right now, it assumes a common set of headers for those, which is not true in a number of cases.06:02
Mithrandirjbailey: hm, ok, sure.06:02
Mithrandirjbailey: ack, go ahead.06:03
jbaileyfabbione: 'kay.  Probably near the end of your day then tomorrow?06:03
fabbioneelmo: btw the source for 1.2 and 1.3 will be the same. only a few config tweaks to make ppc64 booting.06:03
jbaileyfabbione: Your start-of-day is usually my hint that I should be asleep. =)06:03
fabbionejbailey: well today you woke up early and that was kind of ideal06:03
jbaileyfabbione: I'm hoping not to repeat that.  5am doesn't agree with me.06:04
fabbionejbailey: ok. let's do this way06:04
fabbioneif i don't see you around 9 UTC (that should be your 5 am)06:04
jbaileyfabbione: My usual show-up time is 11GMT.  Will you still be around?06:04
fabbionei will shift the working hours for the evening06:05
fabbione11UTC is 1pm here so yes06:05
jbaileyCool.  Wasn't sure, since you appear to start at 4UTC. =)06:05
fabbionei do start at 4UTC06:05
fabbionebut i don't stop before 14 or so06:05
fabbionewell it's 6am here06:05
fabbionei need to wake up to kick my wife out of the bed06:05
fabbionejbailey: so i guess from 1pm it's fine than06:07
fabbionelet's just start on it as soon as you wake up06:07
fabbioneso we don't need to end the day in 36 hours :)06:07
jbaileydoko: Do you keep your source in something I can look at?  From what's in gcc-4/debian/patches/multiarch-include.dpatch, it looks like all we need is the gcc/Makefile.in patch, and the gcc/cppdefault.c patch.06:07
jbaileyfabbione: Cool, thanks.06:07
fabbioneok cya tomorrow than06:07
fabbionebye bye guys06:07
jbaileyg'd evening Fabio!06:07
dokojbailey: svn.debian.org06:14
jbaileydoko: Cool, I think I have access there.  Is there an ubuntu branch?06:14
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jbaileydoko: Have you imported Tollef's new change?06:19
jbaileydoko: Or should I start from his patch?  I think even editting what's in there now is probably fine.06:19
dokojbailey: no, not yet. better to start from his patch06:24
jbaileydoko: Cool, thanks.06:24
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dokolamont, lamont_r, infinity: please could you update dep-waits on the buildds from chinstrap:~doko/frozenapps.txt?07:14
\shdoko: streber ;)07:17
fabbioneelmo: can you please dist-upgrade breezy and breezy-i386 on concordia?07:21
fabbioneelmo: with the old gcc i can't reproduce the i386 FTBFS07:21
elmoeh, old?07:22
elmoI dist-upgraded both, this morning?07:22
fabbionedpkg -p kernel-package07:23
fabbioneVersion: 8.135ubuntu207:23
fabbioneFilename: pool/main/k/kernel-package/kernel-package_8.132ubuntu2_all.deb07:23
fabbioneeither the version of the filename are bongs :)07:23
fabbionehmm gcc -v says it's ok...07:24
fabbioneelmo: nevermind... 07:24
fabbionethey are ok07:24
=== rasmuson [~rasmuson@0x50c61bbe.kd4nxx10.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has left #ubuntu-toolchain ["Client]
\shguys...fast question fast answer ;)08:18
\sha new debian source package for libX with new name libX-123 (not the version) 08:19
\shubuntu package is libX-111 (not the version)08:19
\shdo we need to put the "c2" in the packagename, or do we only sync with debian?08:19
Kamionshould add c2 since Debian is using the old ABI; otherwise we become binary-incompatible with Debian in a painful way08:25
dokoKamion: why do you care at this point? this is a temporary thing.08:28
Kamionbinary-incompatibility is bad, temporary or not08:29
Kamionit's not hard to add c2, and it doesn't cause problems08:29
dokowell, ok, we would need to add a conflict with the old ubuntu c2 package as well, so, yes, one more modifictation08:31
\shKamion: so u want to have the c2 08:34
\shok :) small change08:34
\shand C/R also to debian package?#08:35
\shnot only to old ubuntu package, but also to new debian package?08:35
doko\sh, you did say, there was no old ubuntu package? or old-ubuntu == old-debian?08:36
\shok again :)08:37
\shOld ubuntu package: libcommoncpp2-1.0-1.0,13-5ubuntu108:37
\shOld ubuntu package: libcommoncpp2-1.0c102-1.0.13-5ubuntu108:38
\shNew Debian package: libcommoncpp2-1.3-1.3.10-308:38
\shso C/R adjustments to libcommoncpp2-1.0c102 (= 1.0.13-5ubuntu1) 08:39
dokoso new ubuntu will be libcommoncpp2-1.3c2 C/R against libcommoncpp2-1.0c102 and libcommoncpp2-1.308:39
\shdoko: ok...now we have it :)08:39
\shdoko: for "libcommoncpp2-1.0-0, libcommoncpp2-1.0-0c102 (=1.3.10-1), libcommoncpp2-1.0-0c102 (= 1.0.13-5ubuntu1), libcommoncpp2-1.3"08:40
\shcan i say also "libcommoncpp2-1.0-0, libcommoncpp2-1.0-0c102 (>=1.3.10-1), libcommoncpp2-1.3" ?08:40
\shforget it08:42
\shdifferent version08:42
dokojust drop the version thing ...08:42
\shok...sorted out actually..thx guys :)08:42
\shdoko: if you have time, please have a look http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=11542 so i can upload this lib08:50
elmodoko: what's this 32 gcj for?09:52
dokoOOo2 runtime on amd64, we won't need it, when we have multiarch09:54
elmohmm, are you splitting all libs out of ia32-libs?09:54
dokowell, probably jbailes is splitting out glibc, not sure, what remains in there ... maybe ncurses?09:55
elmoX? :P09:55
dokowasn't that in ia32-libs-openoffice.org, or was this gtk?09:56
jbaileyShould be ncurses and zlib, I think.09:56
dokono, I don't go any further at the moment09:56
jbaileyMight be one other.  I think they're largely there for LSB requirements.09:56
elmowell, yeah, okay, I mean, are you planning to split out all of ia32-libs-oo.o and ia32-libs09:56
elmoI'm just curious as to why we're doing even these?09:56
Mithrandirthere's a bunch of gtk stuff in ia32-libs-gtk09:57
dokomy original goal was to get rid of OOo.amd64 and build it natively on amd64 using gcc -m3209:57
Mithrandirjbailey: the set of libraries in ia32-libs is based on "somebody wishlisted this", more or less.09:59
jbaileyRight.  I'm less worried about ia32-libs.  amd64-libs is easy enough to get rid of completely.10:00
Mithrandirok, good.10:02
Mithrandiramd64-libs felt like a gross hack to me.10:03
Mithrandireven grosser than ia32-libs10:03
elmoMithrandir: now you know how we feel about multiarch10:03
Mithrandirelmo: "not happy, but less bad than the alternatives" :-)10:03
Mithrandirelmo: apart from the "ew multiarch", do you have any thoughts on the binutils patch? http://arch.err.no/index.cgi/tfheen@idi.ntnu.no--2005/binutils--multiarch--0--patch-1?cmd=cs_new&file=debian/patches/124_multiarch.dpatch10:04
Mithrandir(hooaray for long urls)10:05
elmowhat's it do?10:11
elmothe description of the patch could use some love10:11
Mithrandirmakes ld look in lib/i386-linux in addition to lib10:11
Mithrandirhm, agreed.10:11
jbaileyMithrandir: I trust that it does it to whatever GNU triple it was configured with, right?10:13
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Mithrandirjbailey: not triplet, but yes.  Adding i386-linux every time would be quite silly. :-)10:14
dokoMithrandir: do you want i386-linux, not i486-linux-gnu (as the new dpkg will print it)?10:28
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\shcan someone check the buildd where /home/shermann/pbuilder/result/breezy/libbonobomm1.3-9c2_1.3.8-2.2ubuntu1_i386.deb is?11:06
\shwithout the homedir stuff ;)11:07

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