
DanielNCommunityCouncil meeting?12:03
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DanielNok thx12:07
DanielNbut in the agenda was today, right?12:07
DanielNonly cause i'm not sure about myself12:07
Kamionit was, it was a mistake12:08
tsengit said Tuesday the 6th12:08
tsengso you were half right.12:08
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DanielNtseng: and i put the 6th in when (calendar) .. so it was right changed to monday ;)12:15
DanielNbut welll .. god night all12:15
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makoi'm gonna be offline for the next couple hours but will be back a bit before the meeting08:51
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opihello :-)09:48
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opig'day elmo10:44
elmohi opi10:44
opianother late night CoC session :-)10:44
Mezyeah - should be interesting... lol... whya re they so late anwyays?10:47
mdkenot late if your in australia or america i guess10:48
mdkethe next one will be earlier10:48
kassetraIt's late afternoon in the US.10:48
mdkehi kassetra10:48
kassetrahiya :)10:49
mdkehow are you getting on with those mammoth minutes?10:49
kassetrathey're mammoth.10:49
kassetraand of course, that's not including my day job.10:50
opimaybe I should put some kaffeine ;)10:51
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mgalvinl8r, hopefully i can make it home in time for the meeting10:58
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naliothpardon my mathematical uncertainty, but when (in Texas time) is the meeting?11:00
opiit's in 1h11:00
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opiso, now if you know the time in TX, do the math :P11:00
naliothopi: thx11:01
naliothopi: its the danged daylight savins (or giving back) time11:01
opiIt's too late for me to understand english :-)11:02
naliothi was thinking -6, but DST did it to me11:02
Seveasnalioth, check the topic11:05
Seveasuse date --utc :)11:05
naliothSeveas: ok11:05
nalioththank you professor Seveas 11:06
=== Seveas is not nearly a professor
Seveashave to get my MSc and phd first :)11:07
naliothSeveas: sure ya are, yer just ignorant of your main pupillary body11:07
makoMez: they are not always this late.. they move around11:10
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mdkehey mako 11:10
opiit's 2 AM or 6 AM, pick up your posion :D11:10
kassetrahi mako  :)11:10
ogramako, didnt we have a extra meeting about op's in #ubuntu ? (a pretty lengthy late one iirc)11:11
Mezlol - fair enough mako11:12
ograsome weeks ago, i dont recall which week anymore.... 11:12
opiogra: and it end up at what?11:12
ograwith a lst of people that can op in #ubuntu now11:13
makoogra: i don't think we had a seperate meeting11:14
mdkeit was in a CC i think11:14
makoogra: we talked at UDU and then it was in the context of a CC meeting11:14
mdkethere was a proposal that CC members would op up if necessary in the channe11:14
opiogra: but the item is about Members (all?) being able to sudo rights at #ubuntu (and #kubuntu?)11:15
Seveasmdke, i like that option11:15
ogramako, it was after a CC meeting, yes11:15
opiogra: after the last one?11:16
ograopi, nope, it was about implementing the UDU spec11:16
opiogra: because I renember this item rised at the last one, just before the end11:16
ograand it was not the last one iirc11:16
makoopi: we talked about local teams right before the end of the last one..11:16
makoi just finished writing the summary :)11:16
mdkei think it was before udu, but not sure11:16
ograi'll ask dholbach, he'll remember11:16
makomdke: every irc op meeting was post-udu11:17
mdkeoh ok11:17
dholbachogra: what do i remember?11:17
opimako: um... I need to take my drugs for renember things, then11:17
ogradholbach, when did we have the #ubuntu op's meeting11:17
dholbachogra: about irc ops? no i dont... there was some meeting post-udu11:17
ogradholbach, after one of the last CC meetings....11:18
dholbachsorry, that i don't know11:18
ogramay be two or thre ago11:18
ogradholbach, you were there.....11:18
dholbachman i was in 42697649264 of meetings11:18
ograsinc youre also a op in #ubuntu now if i'm not wrong11:18
dholbachi'm not11:18
ograyou ere on the list11:19
dholbachi declined to do it, when i was asked11:19
ograme too, but i'm an op ow11:19
ogranow even11:19
dholbachlet me crawl through some MBs of logs11:19
makodude, i wrote up summaries :)11:19
=== Seveas likes to become an op since I hang out there a lot :)
makosave yourself some pain11:19
Riddellwhy would you decline the power of the op?11:20
ogramako, url ?*g*11:20
naliothSeveas: helps when the mentally challenged show their true light11:20
dholbachRiddell: because i'm not in #ubuntu that often11:20
makofro some reason, we called ogra ograting11:20
SeveasRiddell, because everybody can see you're an op and not everybody wants to be bothered by random people in case of trouble11:20
Seveasor be bothered by random people who think they can ask the ops everything in private11:21
mdkeyou would just op up if necessary11:21
mdkemost of the time you would be normal11:21
opiyup, like mdke says11:21
Seveasmdke /msg chanserv access #ubuntu list11:21
Seveasmost ubuntu newbies know that11:21
dholbachmay 10th, exactly :)11:21
mdkeSeveas, do they?11:22
ogradholbach, look at the list ;)11:22
mdkethose are some geeky n00bs11:22
Seveasmdke, well, most people who know there way to #ubuntu know IRC a bit...11:22
ivokshi all11:22
Seveasand than they can still be UBuntu-noobs :)11:22
opihi ivoks 11:22
mdkeSeveas, well xchat goes to #ubuntu automatically, but i take your point11:22
Seveashi ivoks 11:22
dholbachi'm quite glad i'm not o nthere :)11:23
ivokson ubuntu, everything is automatically :)11:23
ogradholbach, err ??11:23
ograThere were a number of suggestions in that document. After asking the people in attendance, the board approved the first round of additions to the IRC operators list that included these people (identified by IRC nick):11:23
ogra    * crimsun11:23
ogra    * tritium11:23
ogra    * ajmitch11:23
ogra    * carlk11:23
ogra    * Amaranth11:23
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ogra    * dholbach11:23
ogra    * ogra11:23
dholbachogra: i was talking about: /msg chanserv access #ubuntu list11:23
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ivoksprevod1: zdravo ;)11:24
p0mIt's good to see my timezone hasn't screwed me over :)11:24
prevod1ivoks: zdravo ;-)11:25
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ivoksprevod1: it's prijevod :)))11:25
=== p0m prods Treenaks
prevod1ivoks: Yes, off course...11:27
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mgalvin10 min to spare :)11:49
opianother beer?11:49
ivokssure :)11:50
ivoksit's midnight... night is young :)11:50
Seveasbeer is good11:50
Seveasgrolsch is better :)11:50
opithat's a common marketing-lie ;)11:50
mgalvineases the stress11:50
opigo, Goldman! :)11:51
ivoksthere's nothing like kilkenny11:51
opiit costs only 0.5 euro11:51
Seveasivoks, aie!11:51
Seveasyou've got taste!11:51
ivoksSeveas: who doesn't like kilkenny? :)11:51
opiI never had it :P11:51
opiso I can not judge11:51
opifeel free to ship it :D11:52
ivoksopi: oh, you missed so much in your life11:52
pschulz01it it too early for a beer? (7:30am Australia/Adelaide)11:52
opipschulz01: that's oxymoron11:52
opito early and beer in one sentence11:52
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ivokshoegarrden is nice too11:53
makoalright.. something like 10 minutes.. i'm gonna make tea and do a last pass on the agneda11:53
ivoksand leffe...11:53
naliothpschulz01: its always 5pm somewhere11:53
pschulz01(I don't hear anyone else opening beers)11:54
JanCivoks : I prefer non-commercial belgian white beers  :)11:54
opipschulz01: mine goes: pszzzzzzz11:54
JanCand real abbey beers  :)11:54
SeveasGrolch beugel goes *plop* instead of *psscchhh*11:54
SeveasJanC, La Chouffe!11:54
ivoksJanC: :)11:55
ivoksJanC: i don't have access to non-commercial beers from belgium :)11:55
JanCI can get some from the night-shop now, but I think coax is too thin to transport them   ;-)11:57
makoivoks: leffe blonde is alright11:57
mdkenon-commercial beers?11:57
JanCthe only leffe that's alright (IMHO) is "Leffe La Radieuze"11:57
makowestmalle tripel is one my favorites11:57
mdkeFOSS beers?11:57
ivoksmako: leffe is great11:58
makothe sarge release party for nyc is being held in a belgian beer bar11:58
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ivoks:)) nice11:58
mdkehi pitti 11:58
SeveasBelgium has much better things to offer than leffe11:58
ivokspitti: hi11:58
Seveasnot that leffe is bad :)11:58
Kamionum, so ...11:58
makogive me a second to finish w/ agenda11:59
KamionI completely forgot about this meeting, but it's really quite awkward for me, 'cos I'm in the middle of moving a batch of stuff to the new house11:59
Kamionand preparing for tomorrow's inspection of the old house11:59
makoKamion: i think sabdfl is around11:59
opiKamion: good luck :-)11:59
Kamionand need to get to some shop before they close, to buy stuff for tomorrow morning11:59
opiKamion: don't miss any computer part :)12:00
Kamiondoes anyone mind if I excuse myself from this meeting, with apologies?12:00
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mdkegood luck with the move Kamion 12:00
makoKamion: go on :)12:00
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ivoksKamion: enyoj ;)12:00
makoi hate moving12:00
Kamionthanks, sorry about that - it does look like you'll be quorate anyway12:00
Kamionyeah, me too12:00
KamionI've managed to avoid doing it for four years12:00
makoi am having spasms of fear for my move in august12:00
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makothe fact that i live on the 5th floor of a building with no elevator does not help things12:01
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Nafallohi everyone! :-)12:01
opimako: put everything in a big box, and off you go12:01
mdkemako, get debian NYC round to help12:01
ogramako, down is easier :)12:01

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