
=== hunger [~hunger@p54A652A0.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["...]
Riddellmeeting's started12:08
alleemotaboy: ping?  I'v not seen your /me is ... on -meeting12:11
motaboyallee: thanks done :D12:12
alleemotaboy: great ;)12:12
=== haggai [~halls@i-83-67-59-194.freedom2surf.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
alleemotaboy: me too ;)12:13
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Riddellmotaboy: we need the .orig file for metabar12:49
motaboyRiddell: I'll redo them as I cannot discover the orig anymore (I think it's the source distributed upstream)12:51
motaboyNight All!01:21
SquishyWafflewow, #ubuntu-motu is always quiet01:26
RiddellSquishyWaffle: guess they're all in the meeting or sleeping01:28
SquishyWaffleoh, didn't realize that's still going01:28
uniqriddell: lets postpone the opstuff alteast until tomorrow. I really need to sleep now.01:30
uniqgnite :)01:30
Riddelluniq: it's been discussed, I need to talk to daniels about getting me able to assign ops01:31
uniqyes, i read it.01:32
uniqwell, gnite again.01:36
=== SquishyWaffle [~GTaylor@130-127-67-44.lehotsky.clemson.edu] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Kopete]
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Riddellhttp://distrocenter.linux.com/article.pl?sid=05/04/19/200233 nice review11:37
=== KaiL_ [KaiL@p548F7CAC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== KabelKasper [~vloechte@i5387EA66.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== Wolvy [~chatzilla@host38-38.pool80183.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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Riddell\sh: "debian/rules: Removed DEB_DH_INSTALL_ARGS := --list-missing"  why was that removed?03:44
\shahh...because of...I forgot...04:12
\shbut with this line there was an error04:13
\shah right, some files were not in the resulting package04:13
Riddellthey don't go away if you just remove the --list-missing :)04:14
\shsure...they were inside after this :) try it :)04:16
alleeRiddell, \sh:  I used --list-missing in libkexif to check the .install are correct.  With or without --list-missing changes nothing except that the buildlog is smaller without ;)06:31
allee\sh are you sure that --list-missing generated an error?   It never did on debian.06:32
=== allee is curious to see how/if the kubuntu diff reaches the libkexif debian maintainer ;)
Riddellallee: the diff is renaming for gcc 406:36
alleeRiddell: and remove list-missing I assume.   I can do it for debian too.   AFAIU having *ubuntu* in version prevents autosync06:38
uniqit's best if you get it into debian first.. and let autosync do the ubuntu-stuff (if that'll work for the package).06:40
alleeuniq: is autosync running at these times?  (because ubuntu doing gcc4 trans, debian not yet)06:41
uniqnot running right now, but everything with *ubuntu* in the versio nstring must be updated manualy.06:42
uniqif you get it into debian you can save yourself (and others) for some extra work.C[C[C06:43
uniqthat's the -motu idea.. anyway.06:46
Riddell-ubuntu packages do get a friendly bugzilla entry saying "you need to sync this"06:58
=== hunger [~hunger@p54A64AA0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
\shRiddell: we need a nicer cursor theme for kubuntu08:12
Riddell\sh: it uses the same one as ubuntu08:13
Riddell\sh: but for some reason kdm, kwin and konqueror's busy cursor doesn't use it08:13
\shRiddell: well, but we should find something matching to plastik, lipstik...or is anyone working on the default ubuntu thene for kubuntu?08:14
uniqi like the ubuntu mousecursor clean an simple. no-bs.08:15
Riddell\sh: there's a crystal cursor theme, it's horrible08:16
\shwhere are the default cursors normally in the / tree?08:16
Riddellcursor themes are pretty hard to do anything exiting with that you would want to actually use08:17
\shmy cursors are not the same as in ubuntu :(08:17
Riddell\sh: no, I had to take a copy of them, see kubuntu-default-settings08:17
Riddell /usr/share/icons/kubuntu/08:18
Riddell\sh: what cursor theme are you using?08:18
\shafter the default install of kubuntu, the link for default.kde is on crystalsvg.08:18
\shkubuntu install cd :)08:19
Riddellthere's no icons in /usr/share/icons/kubuntu/, it's just for the cursor theme08:19
\shlrwxrwxrwx   1 root root    10 2005-06-04 15:44 default.kde -> crystalsvg08:20
\shbut i installed also the kde3.4.1 update packages08:20
Riddellcrystalsvg is the icon set08:20
Riddellmouse cursor set elsewhere08:21
\sh /etc/X11/cursors?08:22
\shyeah...but u have to set the default cursor theme08:23
\shin /etc/X11/cursors are {core,handhelds,redglass,whiteglass}.theme08:24
\shand xorg is searching for index.theme in ~/.icons/ and where else? somewhere u have to set default.theme=kubuntu.theme or something like this08:24
uniq$HOME/.icons, /usr/share/icons, /usr/share/pixmaps, /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/icons08:25
\shand the default is index.theme, with [Icon Theme]  Inherits=kubuntu.theme08:26
\shand the default is index.theme, with [Icon Theme]  Inherits=kubuntu (even)08:26
uniqif that is found.. yes.08:27
\shand if it's not found?08:28
uniqit'll default to the default theme.08:29
\shand the default default is core?08:29
uniqas in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/icons/default or something.08:29
\shahhh...there it is08:29
\shbut it looks strange to me...anyways08:30
Riddell\sh: kdebluetooth reviewed on MOTUNewPackages08:31
\shnot now...i just fixed warped...it took my brain out08:31
uniqriddell: got something i can help with? since celestia can be synced with debian directly.08:33
\sha very important lib to ogra ;) and really crappy c++ code08:33
Riddelluniq: you could take a look at build failures of ggz-kde-games and ggz-kde-client08:34
=== motaboy [~motaboy@host217-36.pool80182.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
motaboyHi to all!08:46
uniqhi motaboy.08:47
Riddellour newest member08:48
uniqcongrats on membership :)08:49
\shhey motaboy 08:51
alleecongratulations too.08:52
alleemotaboy: ping?08:59
Riddellhe's all shy08:59
alleeno smoking ;)08:59
\shgentoo dev and shy? never :)09:00
KabelKasperWhat about this mouse theme for kubuntu? http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=6240 (the blue one)09:00
RiddellKabelKasper: 19:16 < Riddell> \sh: there's a crystal cursor theme, it's horrible09:06
Riddellit needs to be a lot more subtle to be usable09:06
KaiL_Riddell: what kind of laptop do you have?09:12
KaiL_1600x1200 @ 12"?09:12
alleeKaiL_: I'm sure he has not!   Think about konsoles default font in such a beast:  1 mm height ;)   but he kept the default, so he has 'low' res.  q.e.d.09:14
=== allee duck ;)
KaiL_allee: you know the default fonts in kubuntu?09:14
=== philipacamaniac [~pcain@208-47-135-198.dia.cust.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
alleekonsole has a different one.  Look at the source ;)09:15
alleeKaiL_: standard fonts: locate kdeglobals09:17
RiddellKaiL_: 1024x76809:48
KaiL_same as the Asus M2400N here...09:49
KaiL_why do you have 12pt fonts as default then? ;)09:49
RiddellKaiL_: what would you suggest?09:50
=== philipacamaniac [~pcain@208-47-135-198.dia.cust.qwest.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
=== Riddell tries it
Riddellug, far too small09:57
Riddellmy eyes arn't like they used to be you know, young whippersnappers09:57
Riddellof course it depends on dots per inch what the final size is09:58
KaiL_imho 12pt looks awefull on everything <100dpi10:00
KaiL_it's ok for some 1400x1050 @ 15" :)10:00
RiddellI'm on 75x75 dpi10:01
motaboyallee: thanks!10:29
Riddell10 point fonts too painful, going back to 12 point10:30
alleeRiddell: I'm happy with 10pt too.   Are your 75 dpi real dpi?   10:32
Riddellallee: dunno, ow wouldn't they be?10:32
alleedivide 1024 (768) by the with a ruler measured width (height) in inch   = ???10:34
alleeRiddell: or check im xorg driver gets and use display dimensions from TFT10:35
=== allee busy importing knemo into KDE extragear
Riddellallee: you make knemo?10:36
alleeno percy (author) is to busy (lazy?) to do the 'formal' stuff.  I just triggered it again and as a price have to do it myself ;)10:36
Riddellknemo has potential, but needs work before it can be used by default10:37
alleeI only pkg knemo for debian (ask sponsor for final debian upload some days ago)10:37
alleeafter g++4 storm is over I plan to pester you about  automount/hotplug plans for brezy and then pester percy to add necessary fixes to knemos TODO ;)10:38
alleepersonally I would like that a ifplug hotplug event triggers knemo so knemo is only active when monitoring10:39
RiddellI plan to look at ivmon10:39
Riddellnope, google doesn't know that10:40
Riddellwhat was it called10:40
=== allee returns when knemo svn checkout compiles
Riddellgood luck10:41
Riddellivman seems to be it10:41
alleeRiddell: for auto* stuff I really need it  (my first not-only-a-one-line change)10:41
uniqriddell: ggz-kde-games fixed. i'll upload to my server tomorrow.11:57
Riddelluniq: cool, what was the problem?11:57
uniqhad to add casting for some !='s11:58
uniqsomething about that :)11:58

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