
SeveasMez, motu do not have to be coders12:05
Seveasthey have to be packagers12:06
Amaranthbeing a coder helps though12:12
Amaranthbut it's not required if you know how to make a package12:12
=== lesliev [~lesliev@ndn-165-154-156.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-motu
leslievWow, this channel is busy for this time of night...12:23
\shok..going to bed now :)12:24
\shcu gentlemen :)12:24
leslievI am a packaging newbie. I am reading the Debian Maintainers guide.12:29
leslievThe atmosphere was thick in the channel12:29
leslievWe hung around with baited breaths12:30
leslievEach member eyeing the others, too nervous to speak12:30
Unfrgiven\sh: ping?12:33
Unfrgivenhey all12:34
Unfrgivenhow do i apply a debdiff?12:34
leslievSorry, I don't know. I'm coming back at a more reasonable time.12:41
leslievSeeya later y'all!12:41
Unfrgiven\sh: i've updated libflash. its ready to upload12:57
Mezglad i dont need to be a coder12:57
=== amx [~amx@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Mezyou know when you run dh_make01:25
Mezwhere does it get the details from01:25
Mezis anyone here bored and fancy walking me through my first new package01:28
UnfrgivenMez: i can help you01:43
UnfrgivenMez: what would you like to do?01:43
MezI was just wondeirng if someone would walk me through the process of making a package01:53
Amaranthdebian new maintainer's guide01:55
Amaranthit walks you through the process01:55
=== Nafallo [~nafallo@nafallo.user] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Mezyeah I know it does :D01:58
Mezbut ...01:58
MezI want someone to "babysit me"01:58
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RiddellMez, \sh: I havn't looked at konversation 0.18, if someone wants to do that it would be great02:12
MezRiddell, I've built a package for 0.1802:17
Mezwell for hoary02:17
Mezit shouldnt be too bad for breezy (I just need a chrooot for it02:18
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Nafallotseng: mono is no good for me03:53
Nafallotseng: I installed f-spot and started importing my ~. guess what 99.9% of the pictures are?03:54
Nafallotseng: PORN!!! *sigh* ;-)03:54
Nafallo15700 pics for the record :-P03:54
|QuaD-thats a lot04:00
Nafallohmm, my swap get's used. first time since I installed04:00
Nafallo*sigh* were ARE all those pictures? I didn't know I had them...04:03
tsengNafallo: hm04:09
tsengNafallo: we should have a weekly ubuntu porn day04:09
Nafallotseng: I win ;-)04:09
tsengoh man04:09
tsengthat drive was the WORST04:09
Nafallotseng: btw, 2GB memory is used :-P04:10
tsengim so sore04:10
tsengNafallo: so stop indexing so much pr0n04:10
Nafallonot my fault.04:10
tsengthats what they all say04:11
NafalloI want it to finish so that I can see where it found it :-P04:11
NafalloI haven't seen those before ;-)04:11
Mezanyone here wanna test my package? (t need ssponsoring too)04:12
|QuaD-he ran out of memory :)04:18
=== Nafallo [~nafallo@nafallo.user] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Nafallomy laptop frooze ;-)04:22
|QuaD-Nafallo: i figured04:23
Mezout of memore?04:23
Nafalloindeed ;-)04:23
Nafallo1GB + 1GB isn't enough it seems ;-)04:23
|QuaD-is that 1gb ram, 1gb swap?04:23
Nafalloyes :-)04:23
Mez1gb + 2gb :P04:23
Mezdouble size of RAM04:24
ajmitchNafallo: I had the same, except I watched & killed beagle before it killed my box04:24
Nafalloajmitch: f-spot indexing pictures ;-)04:24
ajmitchI haven't tried that yet04:24
Amaranthso f-spot is a leaky bitch?04:24
Nafalloajmitch: I had 15700 ;-)04:24
NafalloAmaranth: naah. I got to much porn :-P04:25
=== mez [~mez@82-36-228-130.cable.ubr01.perr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Amaranththe people showing off f-spot always have like 40000 pictures04:25
Nafalloooh. diffrent kind of porn now :-)04:25
Nafallopictures from ubuntu conferences :-)04:25
Amaranthyou went to udu?04:26
Nafallonope, just curled pictures from others :-)04:26
Nafallotseng: is it supposed to die when it's done indexing? ;-)04:28
tsengits supposed to sit like a good beagle and wait04:29
Nafallotseng: it just did. and I haven't got anything left to index :-P04:29
Nafalloso I can't reproduce :-P04:29
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mezoh for feck sake04:52
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jayCurrently in breezy beep-media-player uses the default theme that comes with it.  There exists a theme (http://www2.potsdam.edu/sprang31/HumanSkin.tar.gz) that goes along with Human that looks really nice and would blend in with the desktop well.  How do I go about getting this in?07:36
=== thoreauputic_ [~prospero@wolax6-214.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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mitsuhikocan someone explain me why ubuntu uses esd as sound server?10:14
=== ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0583.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
mitsuhikohi ivoks10:24
mitsuhikocan you explain me why ubuntu uses esd as sound server?10:25
ivoksmitsuhiko: gnome uses esd, not ubuntu10:25
mitsuhikohm. i see10:26
ivoksyou can disable esd and choose ALSA in gstreamer properties10:26
mitsuhikoivoks, or jack10:26
ivoksor jack...10:26
mitsuhikoesd is buggy and dead10:27
mitsuhikoand since december alsa was stoppped10:28
mitsuhikosorry. arts10:28
mitsuhikothx for the information10:29
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Mezhmm anyone awake?10:57
Mezanyone who's actually a MOTU?10:58
Mez(sorry if you are)10:58
=== mitsuhiko is no motu
=== thom_ [~thom@shutt.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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thom_hi, getting some nvidia dependancy problems, is it legit to discuss those ehre?11:34
Mezthom_ shouldnt be a problewm - but i dont think anyones awake enough to answer you :P11:35
=== ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0583.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
thom_The following packages have unmet dependencies:11:38
thom_  nvidia-glx: Depends: xlibmesa-glu but it is not going to be installed or11:38
thom_                       libglu but it is not installable or11:38
thom_                       libglu111:38
thom_if no-ones awake enough I'll drop by later11:39
siretartMez: the topic says to not complain about X for the next 2 weeks, so your probably out of luck ;)11:40
Mezwhy you telling me that11:40
Meztell thom_11:40
thom_yeeah, sorry about that, wasn't sure how strictly not complaing about X was defined11:41
Mezanyone willing to check my breezy pacakge? /sponsor it11:42
thom_well, see you all in two weeks then!11:42
siretartMez: oh, sorry. I'm not really awake yet :/11:42
siretartah, now I realize, thom_ is not thom :)11:43
ivokskick him! :)11:43
thom_indeed, not the first time thats happened11:43
Mezyeah I was like "why's thom asking"11:43
Mezthen realised it was thom_11:43
Mithrandirthom_: you might want to change your nick to something else to avoid confusion. :-)11:43
thom_good plan batman11:43
siretartah, hi Mithrandir11:44
=== thom_ [~thom@shutt.demon.co.uk] has left #ubuntu-motu ["Leaving"]
Mithrandirhi siretart11:44
siretartMithrandir: say, I read on the debian nx mailing list there is a meeting about packaging nx. did you discuss privately appoint a time for it?11:45
siretarterr, s/discuss//11:45
=== NotThomMay [~thom@shutt.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
NotThomMay:) done and done11:46
MithrandirNotThomMay :-)11:46
Mithrandirexcellent nick. :P11:46
Mithrandirsiretart: Roberto C Sanchez proposed Monday or Tuesday at 2000 UTC11:46
NotThomMaywhy thankyou11:47
Mithrandirsiretart: I haven't replied yet, but going to today.11:47
siretartok. great11:47
siretartdoes anybody know If nautilus in hoary is supposed to support webdavs?11:50
siretarton sarge, it works, on hoary, I have problems11:50
mitsuhikosiretart: In Nautilus?11:50
mitsuhikoworks fine for me11:50
siretartyes, in nautilus11:50
siretart<url> could not be found, check spelling and try again11:51
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siretartI'm asked a password, but then I get that error message. strange11:53
mitsuhikosiretart. will try. pls wait a moment11:53
mitsuhikosiretart: your'e right11:56
mitsuhikosame problem11:56
mitsuhikoshould be fixed11:56
mitsuhikoin the meanwhile you can try davfs11:56
siretartin hoary? hmhm11:57
mitsuhikoyes. should work11:57
siretartyou mean instead nautilus, right?11:57
mitsuhikoyou can mount dav servers11:58
siretartmitsuhiko: well, thats not packaged in hoary, and needs a kernel module.. hmhm..11:58
=== DanielN [~kodiak@80-218-243-68.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu-motu
mitsuhikohm. I've used it on warty and had only to unpack it12:04
mitsuhikoDanielN, hi12:04
ivoksdav doesn't need kernel moduls12:12
ivokssiretart: webdav works in nautilus12:12
siretartivoks: davfs does, according to the website.12:13
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siretartivoks: hm. could be a problem of gmx.net then..12:13
ivokswhat do you need that for?12:14
siretartivoks: mitsuhiko suggested using it instead of nautilus12:14
ivokswell, coda is allready in kernel12:15
mitsuhikoivoks: I'm getting problems when I try to connect to a secured dav server via nautlius12:16
ivoksand neon is in ubuntu12:16
ivoksso, there should be no problem compiling this for ubuntu12:16
siretartmitsuhiko: did you try gmx?12:16
mitsuhikosiretart: yes12:17
mitsuhikohm. I try to connect to my win2003 sharepoint12:17
mitsuhikohm. won't work12:18
mitsuhikotherefore I must connect from a win2k box12:18
ivoksare you sure your server is ok?12:19
ivokscause, i never had problems with webdav and nautilus12:19
mitsuhikois a gmx server12:19
siretartivoks: yesterday, exact that server worked with nautilus on sarge12:19
=== mort [~moritz@80-219-6-182.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ivokssiretart: and sarge has what version of nautilus?12:20
siretartivoks: 2.8.2-212:21
ivoksthen ubuntu has newer, i doubt that something is wrong with nautilus12:21
ivoksi have dav server and works fine with hoary nautilus12:23
ivoksyou are both trying on same server?12:24
=== siretart only has gmx to test
ivoks"If GMX does12:25
ivoksnot support DAV properly it is their business."12:25
ivoksgmx != webdav12:26
siretartivoks: in principle, yes, but can you prove that this is their fault? remember nautlius on sarge and in breezy are fine12:26
ivokssiretart: well, lots of people are complaining on same error12:26
ivoksso, i would say, yes, it's their fault12:26
siretartthats no proof ;)12:27
ivoksthey don't comply to RFC...12:27
ivoksthat's a prrof12:27
siretartwell, being rfc or not, the are providing 1 gig space for free ;)12:27
ivokssiretart: that's irrelevant what they do, they aren't real webdav service12:28
ivoksand none distribution should change to support some non-standard services12:28
ivoksif you are their user, maybe you could conntact them to provide some standard services12:29
siretartivoks: that was a request from the user mailing list.12:29
siretartivoks: see, web.de for example also does not provide a real imap server, for performance reasons. but mostly all imap clients in ubuntu happen to work with web.de12:30
ivoksand your point is...?12:31
ivoksthey made changes that don't crash imap protocol12:32
=== DanielN is now known as DanielN`Cxx
siretartand for this dav thingy, well. nautilus SEEMS to no longer work with gmx. I consider that a regression12:32
ivoksgmx made changes that crash HTTP protocol12:32
siretartivoks: oh, thats not excactly right. conforming imap clients DO crash12:32
ivokssiretart: and that's a good thing12:32
ivoksyou can't change app because of one service that uses non-standard protocol12:33
ivoksyou just can't!12:33
ivoksshould we change openldap just because MS ActiveDirectory doesn't work with standard LDAP protocol?12:34
siretartivoks: please, lets calm down. in the first place, I want to find out if thats really a regression at all, or just some bogon emitter in my dsl12:34
ivokssiretart: i'm calm :)12:34
ivokssiretart: that can't be regression12:35
ivoksregression is by definition reverting to less perfect state12:36
siretartif something doesn't work as excpected anymore, thats a regression :P12:36
ivoksdid you heard anything i said?12:36
ivoksgmx doesn't use standard protocol12:36
siretartyes, very well12:37
ivoksyou can't support something that isn't documented12:37
siretartyou don't know that12:37
ivoksi don't know what?12:37
ivoksthat gmx doesn't use standard protocol?12:37
ivoksi know that :)12:37
ivokstelnet to it12:37
ivoksyou will see headers are wrong12:38
siretartI don't know how to speek webdav12:38
ivokswebdav is plain html12:39
siretartI don't think so. ;)12:39
Treenaksivoks: no, webdav is plain HTTP :)12:39
ivoksnothing fancy12:39
ivoksTreenaks: lol, right :)12:39
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ivokssiretart: webdav is plain HTTP12:41
ivokssiretart: you should know that langugage :)12:41
Treenaksivoks: well, getting stuff is easy, uploading is a bit harder12:42
ivoksTreenaks: sure, but we are talking about wrong AUTH here12:42
ivokseasy to track12:42
Treenaksivoks: yes, authentication is plain http authentication.. Basic or Digest or something else12:42
=== siretart doesn't speek http either
DanielN`Cxxchecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables12:43
DanielN`Cxxwhat means that=12:43
ivokssiretart: then listen to people that do, gmx speeks HTTP just as badly as you do :)12:43
ivoksDanielN`Cxx: you don't have gcc instalated or libc-dev12:43
siretartDanielN`Cxx: install 'build-essential'12:44
DanielN`Cxxhave that installed :/12:44
DanielN`Cxxthat's crazy here...12:46
DanielN`Cxxi update debian/control... then i debuild the package, and debian/control is gonna set back to the original state :/12:46
ivoksi hate that .in too :)12:47
ivoksi'll be back12:51
ivoksTreenaks: what is good way to build packages from CVS?12:53
=== terrex [~terrex@84-122-69-8.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ivoksTreenaks: run autoconf and then tar/gzip dir and do package from that .tar.gz?12:53
Treenaksivoks: I don't know12:53
ivoksok :)12:53
Treenaksoh wait12:54
Treenaksfrom cvs12:54
Treenakscvs export12:54
Treenaksthen autogen or autoconf or whatever12:55
Treenaks(doesn't it have a "make dist" target?)12:55
ivoksheh, didn't check12:55
ivoksyes, it has12:55
ivokssiretart: just to check...12:57
ivokssiretart: you are trying to connect to https://dfs.gmx.net?12:58
ivokssiretart: not to dfs.gmx.net/somedir/?12:58
ivoksThe URL "https://dfs.gmx.net/" is not DAV enabled12:58
ivoksneither is http://dfs.gmx.net12:59
ivoksthey are using some kind of proxy... lots of things can be missconfigured... apache, proxy, webdav modul...01:00
ivoksbottom line: bad, bad webdav service :)01:01
=== zyga [~zyga@87-mia-9.acn.waw.pl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
zygahello ;-)01:08
zygascummvm package has a desktop file but it is not copied to /usr/share/applications01:14
siretartzyga: thanks for noticing. could you prepare a fixed package? ;)01:15
zygasiretart: I'll try to make a patch01:17
zygasiretart: will you commit it ;]  ?01:17
siretartzyga: I will happily apply it, or sonsor your package :)01:18
zygasiretart: I'm not good at making packages yet and have no time to learn today, a patch will do :)01:18
siretartzyga: ah, no problem, was a bit joking :)01:19
siretartzyga: will look into it when I find time. a patch making it easier for me would help ;)01:19
zygasiretart: scummv has no i18n at all so the patch will be crude (I also added polish translation)01:20
siretartzyga: great! :)01:21
zygasiretart: hmm, strange - How do I make sure that given file is removed? I patched debian/rules and debian/scummvm.dirs01:25
=== ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0583.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
siretarthi ivoks01:29
ivokshow do i download sources from sid?01:30
ivoksif i have sid's deb-src in my sources.list?01:30
siretartzyga: have to download build dependencies01:30
siretartivoks: try apt-get source -tunstable foo01:30
siretartjust a guess01:30
ivoksi tried -t unstable01:30
zygasiretart: ? I have build depentencies but how does that help?01:30
siretartzyga: will look into it when my download finished01:31
zygasiretart: I have a patch ready01:31
zygasiretart: I'll test it - maybe it just works01:31
ivokssiretart: nope, that's not it :)01:32
siretartzyga: send it to me :)01:33
zygasiretart: mail?01:33
siretartzyga: siretart@tauware.de01:34
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zygasiretart: away01:36
=== dopey [matth@dopey.user] has joined #ubuntu-motu
siretartzyga: excellent job! you rock!01:39
siretartdid you test that patch? it looks sane, though01:39
zygasiretart: I tried01:39
zygasiretart: I built the source but I was unable to build the .deb01:40
zygathey use some strange makefile/configure combination01:40
dopeyis there any way for a debian maintainer to know/find out/be told about it when somebody from ubuntu-motu pulls their package into universe ?01:40
zygasiretart: BTW, about ubuntu policy, does this patch ever make into hoary?01:42
siretartzyga: no. I will upload it to breezy. only really serious bugs are fixed in hoary01:42
zygasiretart: for example, today I've sent full i18n patch for contact-lookup-applet01:42
zygasiretart: and, since it's a translation *for* hoary, hoary users would only benefit from it01:43
zygasiretart: I doubt that it's up to date for breezy or head for that matter01:43
siretartzyga: well, that you would have to discuss in #ubuntu-devel, but I don't think that translation updates are allowed for hoary either01:44
zygasiretart: strange01:44
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zygasiretart: that package had no polish translation at all01:44
zygasiretart: what's bad about uploading that?01:44
siretartzyga: uploads to hoary are restriced for stability reasons.01:45
zygasiretart: how does a translation break stability?01:45
zygasiretart: I understand the general stuff but this is not program modification01:45
siretartzyga: as said, you would have to discuss it in #ubuntu with the release managers for hoary. I would also see no problems with translation updates in hoary-updates, but I havn't seen any yet01:46
zygasiretart: I see01:46
zygasiretart: I'll try - it does not hurt01:47
siretartzyga: I see scummvm is c++ too. we are in the cxx transistion, so I cannot upload your patch right now :(01:47
zygasiretart: :/01:48
siretartother than that, scummvm does not build with g++-4.0 either. But I will look into it when the library transition is done01:48
zygasiretart: I guess each package should have -docs -i18n -data and -binary01:48
siretartzyga: yes, but that are binary packages. we dont patch binary packages but source packages. and scummvm is excactly 1 source package, which FTBFS01:49
siretartfails to build from source01:50
zygasiretart: I see01:51
siretartsorry, that acronym is quite common here ;)01:51
zygasiretart: I'll check why it fails to build with gcc 4 :-)01:51
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siretartthat would be great01:53
=== herve [~herve@bar.oursours.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
hervehello from herveland!01:56
zygasiretart: strange, they explicitly list all 'correct' compiler versions01:59
siretarthuhu herve02:00
zygasiretart: 0.6.1b builds with gcc-4.0, with lots of warning, but it builds02:10
siretartzyga: and 0.7.1 not anymore? that's an awfull regression then :(02:12
zygasiretart: I'm checking02:12
zygasiretart: I did have to patch the configure file to allow it though02:12
siretarthi \sh02:13
Mezmnorning \sh02:17
\shmoins mez02:19
=== Mez yawns and stuff and goes and pokes gaim a bit
MezI bult it for breezy02:21
Mezbut i bet it never gets used02:21
\shajmitch: ping02:23
MezI built gaim for breezy02:27
Mezbut i doub thte package will ever actually get used in breezy (well it's an update to t1.3.1 from 1.3.0 but meh02:27
hervebye all, have a nice weekend02:27
\shu too herve02:28
\shMez: it's main02:28
Mezah yes02:29
MezI know02:29
Mezit needs to be sponsired by a dev not a MOTU02:29
Mezthats why i dont think it'll make it :D02:29
Mezisnt konv main aswell02:29
=== Mez can never remember how to check
\shapt-cache showpkg02:29
tseng$ apt-cache showpkg konversation | grep main > /dev/null && echo main || echo universe02:31
Seveasapt-cache show konversation | grep Filename | cut -f 2 -d /02:38
Seveasworks on multiverse/restricted too ;)02:38
=== thom_ [~thom@shutt.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Mezhow do i go about suggesting a package for universe?02:56
tsengyou make it and put a link to the sources on MOTUNewPackages02:57
MezIt's already been made by the developers02:57
MezI'm on about adding skype to it02:57
\shMez: skype will never make it into universe02:58
Mezy wont it ?02:58
\shcause of it's license02:59
siretartthe licence does not allow redistribution02:59
Mezit does02:59
siretartMez: Article 2. License and Restrictions03:00
MezI dont see where it stops you distributing it03:00
siretart2.2 No Granting of Rights to Third Parties. You will not sell, assign, rent, lease, distribute, export, import, act as an intermediary or provider, or otherwise grant rights to third parties with regard to the Skype Software or any part thereof.03:00
tsengMez: we will be distributing a client called Schtoom03:00
tsengnot some silly proprietary lockin-ware03:01
Mezhow is it granting rights?03:01
tsengit says "you will not distribute"03:01
tsengyou dont have rights to someone elses copyrighted IP if they dont give it to you03:01
tsengmuch less if its explicitly stated otherwise03:02
tsengyou are wrong, sorry03:02
Mezso why does it give you terms to redistribute the damn thing03:02
siretartMez: 1.2 You acknowledge and agree that You are not permitted to distribute the Skype Software for any commercial gain, including but not limited to any selling of related services or attempt to charge for the Skype Software.03:03
siretartMez: ubuntu may be sold comercially, so we are NOT non-commercial03:03
Mezsiretart, er.03:03
Mezyou're not using that as the selling point though03:03
Mezyou're selling ubuntu03:03
Meznot selling ubuntu with skype03:04
\shMez: well, I think the lawyers at canonical made their job, and the decision not to include skype has it's reasons...when one company can't agree with the license of another company, u don't distribute it03:04
Mezah fair enough03:04
siretartMez: none of us has the motivation to explain that to a lawyer03:04
\shMez: there is no ubuntu selling03:04
tsengsiretart: actually, its a little more than that03:04
MezI didnt know that there had been discussion already03:04
tsengthis program is closed source03:04
siretarttseng: I know, I just needed a quick example ;)03:04
tsengand almost certainly not DSFG free03:04
\shit's the same right now between OpenSSL and Squid03:04
\shsquid is compiled without ssl support cause the apache license and gpl are incompatible03:05
Mezah shame03:05
\shit's legal business and we aren't studied lawyers03:06
thom_The following packages have unmet dependencies:03:14
thom_  sun-j2re1.5: Depends: sun-j2re1.5debian but it is not installable03:14
Mezthat sounds fun03:14
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thom_ignore that03:15
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Nafallotseng: will the beagle ff-plugin be able to quit when firefox quit in the future? :-)03:21
Nafallotseng: or rather when you leave that page it's indexing :-)03:22
siretartthom_: where did you find that ancient version of java-package? it's really too old03:24
thom_i know03:27
thom_i didnt mean to paste that in03:28
thom_I was just looking at an old repository03:28
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=== \sh is gone...need to do some shopping
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zyga /www/c04:32
zygawrong window04:32
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ivoksmmmm... nice06:49
DanielNmort: don't forget my key :)06:50
DanielNivoks: you said something about the *.in files which changes the files in /debian, could you say anything more about that? :)06:51
=== Amaranth [~travis@ip68-229-188-97.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ivokssometimes rules script runs autoconf06:52
ivoksat that point, if you have any .in files in debian, they will overwrite you non-.in files06:53
ivoksbefore overwriting, it will substitute some variables in those .in files with rela figuer06:53
ivoksfor example... you can have in changelog.in something like $program ($VERSION-1)06:54
ivoksand it would become foo (bar-1)06:54
ivoksin changelog06:54
ivoksdoh :(06:54
ivokstime to reboot in windows :((06:54
ivoksbye all!06:55
DanielNthanks ivoks06:55
DanielNyou rescued me :)06:55
ivoksDanielN: man autoconf06:55
DanielNand good bye :)06:55
ivoksi just wish elmo and mako will not forget about me :)06:56
mortDanielN: nah, I didn't forget you... --refresh-keys07:37
DanielNmort: thanks very well07:41
DanielNand another 4 libs fixed in cxx trans :)07:42
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Burgundaviasomething that is an open licence but is DFSG-non-free, that can go into multiverse, no?08:38
crimsunas long as it builds in sbuild, more than likely yes08:42
Burgundaviathis is a pure data thing08:49
=== JanC [~janc@dD5764B8B.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
crimsunis a data package associated with source?08:50
crimsunis it^08:50
tseng         plugins="AudioscrobblerPlugin.dll muine-tray-playing.png TrayIcon.dll.config \08:51
tseng                 muine-tray-paused.png TrayIcon.dll TrayIcon.xml"08:51
tsengwhats wrong with the above?08:51
tseng         for i in ${plugins}; do cp plugins/${i} debian/muine/usr/lib/muine/plugins/; done08:51
Burgundaviawhat I am looking to get packaged is the ldraw stuff, which is under the OpenContent license08:51
tsengoh its not Make09:05
tsengbetter wrap it in bash -c ""09:05
tsengmight work better09:05
tsenggah what in the fuck is this thing doing09:10
tsengmake drops $* ?09:10
=== ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0583.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ivoksMez: ping09:24
Mezhey ivoks09:25
ivoksMez: you are doing backports?09:25
MezI make backports yes09:25
Mezwhats up09:25
ivoksacroread: Depends: libgcc1 (>= 1:4.0.0-7) but 1:4.0-0pre6ubuntu7 is to be installed09:25
ivokslooks like those guys need help09:26
ivoksthey just copied files :)09:26
Mezyou trying to sintall acroread from backports? it's in staging :D09:26
Amaranththey aren't very bright09:26
Mezthey're still working on it09:26
ivokswhat's there to work? :)09:27
Amaranththey're pulling in all the things the ubuntuguide's add-on CD had09:27
Amaranthand pulling in marillat09:27
Mezis it in sid?09:27
Amaranthboth of which will get them supersued09:27
ivoksMez: are those guys enywhere here on irc?09:27
Amaranthjdong is sometimes09:27
Amaranthhe didn't register his nick though, so i dunno when he was last on09:28
MezI dont even know where they've puled it from to be fair09:28
ivoksfrom marillat09:28
ivoksdidn't even repackage it :)09:28
ivoksjust, cp :)09:28
Mezlink to the files in the pool?09:29
ivokshm, i should really help them09:29
=== Mez istying to find some soret of thing he can rbackport from
ivokshelp them fix a mess09:31
Mezwell i want it too09:31
=== Mez starts backporting
Mezthis is gonna be massive!09:32
Mezand only builds for i38609:33
ivoksMez: join backports team09:34
=== Mez waits for breezy version to download
ivoksand work with them09:34
Mezivoks, I would but they wont let me09:34
=== Mez preferes backporting to repackaging new stuff
MezIt's easier09:34
Mezand you deont get findutils breaking stuff09:34
Mezman thats asy to backport09:37
ivoks if it wasnt for backports, I wouldnt have stayed with ubuntu09:38
ivoksMez: you said that?09:38
ivokswell... time to play with blender...09:39
Mezyeah i woulda gone to gentoo :D09:39
Mezbut - they kept me in09:39
Meznow i know how to make my own backports, i dont relally bother with the other one09:39
Lathiatthe backports generally suck and break shit :)09:39
Lathiatlike mono,for example09:40
Lathiati just run straight hoary09:40
Lathiatit works09:40
=== Lathiat shrugs
Mezmono = shite09:40
Mezbut to be fair...09:40
Lathiatmono is THE SHIT09:40
Mezall my abckports have wporked09:40
MezI take breezy stuff,09:40
=== Lathiat love mono
Mezand recompile09:40
LathiatMez: the problem is09:40
Lathiatits ok for somepackages09:40
Lathiatbut you take something like mono09:40
Lathiator some cxxshit09:40
Lathiatthat has hadmajor structural changes09:41
Lathiatyou cant just expect thatto work without any love09:41
Lathiatwhich is what some of theofficialstuff has one09:41
ivokshm, we really need hunderts of people with unbootable ubuntu cause of CXX package09:41
MezI finshed backporting acroread09:42
Lathiatbleh acroread09:42
Lathiatevince > *09:42
Mezwanna try it ivoks?09:42
ivoksMez: did you change dep libs?09:42
Mezno it worked09:42
Mezjust needed a recompile and it works09:42
ivoksthen it will not work on hoary09:42
Mezwell it built on hoary09:43
ivoksyou allready have lots of backported packages09:43
Mezmez@apathy:~/backports$ sudo dpkg -i acroread_7.0-0.9~5.04ubp1_i386.deb09:44
MezSelecting previously deselected package acroread.09:44
Mez(Reading database ... 92048 files and directories currently installed.)09:44
MezUnpacking acroread (from acroread_7.0-0.9~5.04ubp1_i386.deb) ...09:44
MezSetting up acroread (7.0-0.9~5.04ubp1) ...09:44
ivoksMez: apt-cache show libgcc1 | grep Version09:44
Mezit was built in a pdebuild09:44
ivoksyou really don't understand, don't you?09:44
MezVersion: 1:4.0.0-7ubuntu6~5.04ubp109:44
MezVersion: 1:4.0-0pre6ubuntu709:44
ivokslol you see09:44
ivoksyou have 1:4.0.0-709:44
ivoksthat's not in hoary09:45
ivoksso, your acroread will not work in hoary09:45
Mezllemme try something09:46
ivoksMez: backporting isn't take a packge, input your name, and package it09:46
ivoksbackporting means you have to make that app depend on libs that are in distro you are backporting for09:46
ivoksyou can make acroread depending on libcc1 1:4.0.0-709:47
ivokswhen there is no such package in hoary09:47
ivoksyou have it, cause you backported it too09:47
ivoksand that is The Bad Thing09:47
ivoksyou should never backport libs, only apps09:47
Mezwho says it depends on it09:48
ivoksI say09:48
Mezit shoudnt depend on it cause it was built in a chroot09:48
ivoksand your debian/control says so09:48
ivoksin chroot where you allready installed backported lib09:48
Mezthe chroot = no backports09:49
ivoksMez: run  apt-cache show libgcc1 | grep Version in your chroot09:49
Mezroot@apathy:/# apt-cache show libgcc1 | grep Version09:49
MezVersion: 1:4.0-0pre6ubuntu709:50
ivoksthen you changed dep versions in debian/control?09:50
Mezit auto build sthe deps remember09:50
ivoksthen ok09:50
=== Mez coughs a little
=== Mez waits for an apology
ivoksjust don't backport libs09:51
ivoksas you allready did09:51
MezI didnt backport a lib09:51
ivoks< Mez> Version: 1:4.0.0-7ubuntu6~5.04ubp109:51
Mezit's in ubuntu backports09:51
ivoksok then09:52
Mezhehe it's just there :09:52
ivoksthen you should do their work09:52
Mezmy backport works in hoary09:52
ivoksoff i go...09:53
=== Mez [~Mez@82-36-228-130.cable.ubr01.perr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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tsengAmaranth: do you use autotools?11:09
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Amaranthtseng: no11:35
tsengi think i found what i needed11:36
tsengmake distcheck11:36

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