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Burgundavia | salut mpt | 01:32 |
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jalyst | has anyone here worked out how to get FreeNX server running on hoary? | 05:06 |
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carlos | hi | 04:05 |
carlos | which license is used for the official Ubuntu documentation? | 04:05 |
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Burgundavia | carlos, GFDL and CC-by-sa 2.0 | 06:23 |
carlos | Burgundavia, thanks, froud gave me the link already: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DocteamLicense | 06:25 |
mdke | hi all | 06:56 |
Burgundavia | salut | 06:56 |
mdke | hi Burgundavia | 07:00 |
mdke | hows it going? | 07:00 |
Burgundavia | not bad | 07:00 |
Burgundavia | sorting through 210 emails | 07:00 |
Burgundavia | and gmail is being slow | 07:00 |
mdke | *grins* | 07:01 |
mdke | nothing wrong with pop | 07:01 |
jjesse | hello mdke | 07:01 |
mdke | hi jjesse | 07:01 |
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jjesse | hiya squisshy | 07:30 |
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Burgundavia | ah crap | 08:38 |
Burgundavia | I am double booked tues night | 08:38 |
Burgundavia | and I need to go to both of them | 08:38 |
mdke | two dates huh | 08:38 |
Burgundavia | nope | 08:39 |
Burgundavia | local LUG meeting and gaming | 08:39 |
mdke | hmm | 08:39 |
mdke | better go to a bit of each ;) | 08:39 |
Burgundavia | not possible | 08:39 |
Burgundavia | as they both start at 7 and run til midnight | 08:39 |
Burgundavia | I haven't been to either in months | 08:40 |
Burgundavia | bah | 08:40 |
mdke | clone yourself? | 08:40 |
Burgundavia | I wish | 08:40 |
mdke | i'm trying here | 08:40 |
Burgundavia | I need my key signed as well | 08:40 |
Burgundavia | I was planning to do that | 08:40 |
mdke | yeah i remember | 08:40 |
mdke | i need mine signed too | 08:40 |
mdke | only henrik has signed it, but his isn't signed either :/ | 08:40 |
mdke | bleh | 08:42 |
Burgundavia | well that really sucks | 08:43 |
Burgundavia | normally they don't clash | 08:43 |
mdke | lug 7-9.30, gaming 9.30-12 | 08:48 |
Burgundavia | right | 08:49 |
Burgundavia | that might not work | 08:49 |
jjesse | its funny, this group can go hours w/o a single converstation or anything mentioend and then there is a lot that comes up within a short amount of time | 08:52 |
Burgundavia | and that usually has nothing to do with docs | 08:53 |
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=== froud [~sean@ndn-165-146-74.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
froud | so how's everyone? | 09:41 |
mdke | hi sean | 09:42 |
froud | u a lawyer yet? :-) | 09:42 |
mdke | not quite yet ;) | 09:42 |
mdke | how are you? | 09:42 |
froud | good | 09:42 |
froud | you? | 09:43 |
mdke | muchos bien | 09:43 |
mdke | will you make it to the meeting thurs? | 09:43 |
froud | no, I think you guys need to hack it out without me. It is best I am not there, I think it will be more representative of what everyone wants to do. I also did say I am taking a break from it. | 09:45 |
mdke | ok fair enough | 09:45 |
mdke | how is the break working out? | 09:45 |
mdke | you know you're welcome here just for chatting purposes, honest, you don't have to do any work :D | 09:46 |
froud | yeah I am here for the people, not the problems :-) and the break is good | 09:46 |
mdke | cool | 09:46 |
jjesse | hiya froud | 09:46 |
froud | I have no itch with the people | 09:46 |
jjesse | didn't see you login :) | 09:47 |
froud | jjesse: howzit | 09:47 |
jjesse | foud things are good | 09:47 |
froud | Hmmm I am on freenode all the time | 09:47 |
froud | people wonder if I am monitoring. The answer is yes | 09:48 |
mdke | froud, no you're not! | 09:48 |
mdke | i've looked for you | 09:48 |
froud | I am just not on the list | 09:48 |
mdke | /whois froud no such nick | 09:48 |
froud | mdke: :-) how do you know | 09:48 |
mdke | i've looked for ya | 09:48 |
mdke | <3 | 09:49 |
froud | Hmm you should use Konversation | 09:49 |
froud | Watched nicks function, very useful | 09:49 |
mdke | whats your new nick? | 09:49 |
froud | one of the many features only from kde | 09:49 |
froud | froud | 09:49 |
froud | or venda | 09:50 |
froud | same old | 09:50 |
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froud | saw you went away this weekend | 09:50 |
froud | how was it? | 09:50 |
mdke | me? | 09:51 |
mdke | i visited my parents | 09:51 |
=== froud tips mdke. watch #kubuntu and #kubuntu-devel | ||
mdke | never! | 09:51 |
froud | nice moms cooking | 09:51 |
mdke | dads in this case | 09:52 |
froud | well that is why you cant find me | 09:52 |
froud | not looking in the right places | 09:52 |
mdke | froud, /whois works on the whole network | 09:52 |
froud | Hmm yeah I am on and off | 09:52 |
froud | here in morning and evening now | 09:52 |
jjesse | i can find froud in a /whois | 09:53 |
froud | the benefit of taking a break | 09:53 |
mdke | you can now jjesse | 09:53 |
mdke | froud, getting more work done huh? | 09:53 |
froud | sure | 09:53 |
froud | jjesse: hows the call center dude | 09:54 |
mdke | cool | 09:54 |
froud | jjesse: have you tried Asterisk | 09:55 |
froud | where is jerome | 09:57 |
jjesse | the call center is great | 09:57 |
jjesse | haven't tried asterisk yet | 09:57 |
jjesse | trying to get my hands around one project at a time :) | 09:57 |
froud | Hmm I want to install an Asterisk this weekend, for myself | 09:57 |
froud | well if the FXO cards arrive | 09:58 |
mdke | kassetra, have you got a status update for the backports review? | 09:58 |
froud | mdke: hows this for amazing. Last night on #Kubuntu I helped 73-year old man upgrade from warty to hoary and install Kubuntu-desktop | 10:00 |
froud | wow, what an education | 10:00 |
froud | talk about step by step, now there is a user profile I never imagined | 10:01 |
mdke | that is cool | 10:01 |
mdke | next step, install ubuntu-desktop | 10:02 |
froud | he did not even know that he can do an upgrade online | 10:02 |
froud | I wonder how many users out there dont know | 10:02 |
mdke | not many i hope! | 10:03 |
froud | and are still on warty | 10:03 |
mdke | anyway that is very cool | 10:03 |
froud | got me thinking | 10:03 |
froud | interesting to see what such a person does and does not know | 10:03 |
mdke | Be RiGhT bAcK | 10:04 |
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froud | if you can explain ubuntu for such a person, then I reckon you have covered everyone | 10:04 |
jjesse | wow that's impressive | 10:04 |
froud | shalom sivang | 10:04 |
froud | jjesse: what | 10:05 |
jjesse | helping a 72 year old upgrad | 10:05 |
jjesse | i used to work to internet tech support and always had to help older people were given internet access as gifts | 10:05 |
froud | yeah I did not know that ppl that age would use Linux | 10:05 |
froud | I expect such people to be using Windows | 10:06 |
froud | I asked him why he switched to Linux. He answered he was bored with Windows. | 10:06 |
froud | intersting reason to move | 10:07 |
froud | here we are trying to find all the business and technical reasons why a user should move when we could just say, "Are you bored with Windows? Try Linux, try Ubuntu." | 10:08 |
froud | jjesse: have you tried to install Ubuntu as X-Server using XDMCP on the clients? | 10:13 |
froud | jjesse: I am looking for some guidelines on what resources to allocate per X-Terminal Session | 10:14 |
jjesse | froud no i have not | 10:17 |
froud | have you seen any docs on this subject? | 10:17 |
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