
Mithrandirfabbione: do you have any xen packaging done or should I start from scratch on it?12:16
=== zul [~chuck@CPE0006258ec6c2-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
jbaileyzul: Angie just came from Ottawa, said it was brutal.02:12
zulit is brutal..04:55
zul26 degrees 79% relative humitidy 79%04:56
zultomorrow its going to feel like 3904:57
zulhey fabbione 05:05
fabbionehey zul05:05
zulhow goes it?05:05
fabbionejust woke up05:05
fabbionezul: is there anything i need to merge from your tree?05:06
zuli dont think so..05:06
zulnothing that cant wait05:07
fabbionenah it's an easy merge05:09
zulright im off to bed..05:10
zuli might be back later if i cant sleep in this freaking heat..05:11
fabbionenight zul05:13
fabbioneMithrandir: xen packages are in experimental already05:14
fabbioneMithrandir: the userland and the boot loader at least05:14
fabbioneMithrandir: you will still need the kernels tho05:15
fabbionelamont: ping?05:15
lamontfabbione: yes?05:18
fabbionehey dude05:18
fabbioneyou almost totally disappeared from earth :)05:18
=== lamont tries to remember what he was doing saturday... sunday's I'm almost never on
zulits way too hot to sleep05:33
jbaileyfabbione: Hey, bored? =)06:04
fabbionejbailey: gimme some crack :)06:04
jbaileyfabbione: I uploaded 0.7 of initramfs-tools, wondering if you could try it on your sparc boxes.06:06
fabbioneand no.. 2.6.12 is no go yet on sparc06:06
fabbionesorry :(06:06
jbaileyNo worries.  It does work with older kernels still.06:07
jbaileyJust need to specify which modules to load into the initramfs06:07
fabbionehmm ok..06:07
fabbionei will try that soon06:07
fabbionenot today probably06:07
jbaileyNo worries. =)06:07
jbaileyWhen you do try it, let me know and I can tell you what configurations I need most tested. =)06:08
fabbionejbailey: let's try to schedule it together06:09
fabbionesince we can share a screen session on the console06:09
jbaileySerial console?06:09
fabbioneit doesn't have anything else this sparc :)06:10
jbaileyI should also get off my ass and buy a switch.06:10
fabbioneit's a U106:10
fabbionebrb i need to wake up my wife06:10
=== chmj [~d3vic3@dumbledore.hbd.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
fabbionehey chmj 09:21
fabbionechmj: it would be a good idea if you can complete the uscan-extmod thingy asap09:21
fabbionespecially the file with the data info09:22
Mithrandirfabbione: I was thinking about the kernel packaging09:22
fabbioneMithrandir: and didn't you get a nightmare?09:23
Mithrandirfabbione: no, should I?09:23
chmjfabbione, its complete, just the url file need to be reformated 09:23
fabbionechmj: ok can you please finish it?09:24
fabbionechmj: you also told me that the url file is not completed, but only a "sample" of the external-drivers09:25
fabbioneMithrandir: and what are you toughts?09:25
Mithrandirfabbione: on the xen build process?  It's utterly crackful ATM.09:25
fabbioneMithrandir: why?09:26
Mithrandirit downloads random stuff off the intarweb09:26
fabbioneoh yeah, but that's easy to patch/fix09:26
MithrandirI found nightly snapshots so broken sourcepuller isn't that big of a problem09:28
chmjfabbione, will do 09:29
fabbionechmj: thanks09:29
fabbionebah this udeb stuff is a real mess09:31
fabbionetoo many files in too many different places09:31
fabbionethis doesn't work09:31
=== Seveas [~seveas@ksl403-uva-148.wireless.uva.nl] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
=== doko_ [~doko___@dsl-084-059-038-218.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
fabbionethis is an interesting failure01:07
fabbioneppc kernel does build properly on the buildd01:08
fabbioneit fails on davis01:08
fabbioneanybody can do a manual build at home?01:08
fabbioneboth dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us -b -B01:08
fabbioneand fakeroot make -f debian/rules binary-arch01:08
chmjppc ?01:29
chmjI don have 01:29
jbaileyfabbione: Still need a ppc build?02:11
fabbionejbailey: pretty much yes02:11
jbaileyWhat package to pull down?02:12
fabbioneactually ...02:13
fabbioneyes please do so02:13
jbaileyGreat.  Hopefully it'll be quick.02:15
jbaileyIs the SMP aware?02:15
jbaileyHeya Chuck02:59
zulhey jeff03:10
zulhow the hell do you import a directory into baz?04:02
chmjimport or add ? 04:03
zuloops...never mind figured it out04:07
jbaileyzul: bzr add directory04:28
jbaileyzul: =)04:28
zulfabbione: you can get my first version of linux-non-supported-modules in my baz archive under linux-non-supported-modules--pre1,1--2.6.23 and the external drivers that i used is http://zulinux.homelinux.net/arch/lnsm/04:36
zulits very very beta though04:36
chmjjbailey, I just commited, can you please check that nothing is broken ?04:42
jbaileychmj: Committed what to where, sorry?04:42
chmjkernel-team 04:42
chmjcommitted kernel-team@ubuntu.com--2005/kernel-debian--pre1,3--
zuluh... should it be?04:43
chmjarg ! 04:43
chmji knew i missed something 04:44
zulwell at least you didnt break it yet :)04:44
chmjwhat are those numbers btw -> kernel-team@ubuntu.com--2005/kernel-debian--pre(.*)--04:48
zuljbailey: im still getting thoese i486-linux-gnu-gcc: command not found04:49
jbaileychmj: I don't do kernel-team stuff really.  Chuck or Fabio is a better bet.04:50
jbaileyThat and I don't know how to work baz. =)04:50
zullovely...something is still fucked..04:50
jbaileyzul: For local testing, make a symlink.  It should get overwritten when the new gcc is in.04:51
zulokie dokie04:51
jbaileydoko: This is true, yes?04:51
chmjI desperately need bandwidth 04:52
zulchmj: where do you live?04:52
jbaileychmj: Can't work remotely on one of the Canonical boxes?04:52
chmjzul, South Africa 04:53
dokojbailey: yes04:53
chmjjbailey, too slow 04:53
zulchmj: cool i lived in east africa for a couple of years04:53
chmjzul, no, not cool, not cool at all04:54
chmjnot if you are in IT and need bandwith 04:54
=== lamont__ [~lamont@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
zulwheee....kernel-package cant determine subarch now04:56
zuljbailey: new kernel-package fixes the i486 stuff05:05
svenlfabbione: do you include a patch that fixes the sleep issues on powerbook in the latest linux-images ?05:50
svenlor not yet.05:50
fabbionezul: no it's a gcc issue05:58
fabbionesvenl: mostlikely not. i am tracking upstream atm and what benh push me05:59
fabbionezul: in a second06:00
svenlfabbione: so, question is, did benh push you something or push something upstream for this powerbook don recover from sleep problem yet ? :)06:00
fabbionezul: i will look at the package06:00
svenlfabbione: but as i guess the reply is no, i rather not use that kernel just yet on my powerboook :)06:01
zulfabbione:   http://incoming.debian.org/kernel-package_9.001_i386.changes06:05
=== lamont__ prepares to commit a new hppa patch to the tree
fabbionezul: that's weird, because there are other packages failing for that reason06:07
lamont__while mumbling something about new drivers magically showing up in the config files...06:07
fabbioneanyway it's tomorrow work06:08
lamont__r2[45] 00, hostap, etc06:08
lamont__etc== squashfs, iirc06:08
fabbionelamont__: i did probably add most of them automatically06:09
fabbionezul: but but... did you make an entire new package for l-n-s-m ????06:09
zulno i didnt..the tar.gz has the drivers that i used minus the debian directory the debian directory is in baz06:10
fabbionezul: hmm ok.. i will look at it tomorrow06:12
zulbuilds for me on 386 at least..06:12
fabbionezul: ok thanks06:14
fabbionelamont__: anyway i plan very soon to do the magic config allignment06:15
fabbionebecause it's too much of a mess right now06:16
fabbionezul: so you did create another package :)06:17
fabbioneok.. we need to find a way to integrate that into the kernel build system06:17
zulkind of yeah..06:17
zulits based off linux-restricted..06:17
fabbionezul: right, i understand and the idea is good06:18
lamont__fabbione: I'll commit my changes shortly- waiting for at least one of the 4 kernels to build06:20
lamont__should be another 10-20 minutes06:20
fabbionelamont__: sure.. i am done for today06:20
fabbione9 hours of d-i sync is a pain06:20
fabbioneand i am not even half way06:20
fabbionecya tomorrow guys06:30
mjg59Hmm. Need to play with the dynamic-HZ stuff at some stage.07:35
=== Micksa [~mslade@203-217-18-166.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
zulyay another interview09:13
jbaileyfabbione: The kernel build has died with it prompting me for:09:21
jbaileyThermal Management Support (TAU) [N/y/?]  (NEW)09:22
fabbionejbailey: hmmmmm09:22
fabbionesame as davis09:22
fabbioneso now the question is... why the fuck does it build on the buildd???09:22
jbaileyNo tty, probably09:22
fabbionei don't think that's the problem09:22
fabbioneif you just hit enter it will fail later09:22
jbaileyDo you want me to do so?09:23
fabbioneif you want to try09:23
=== jbailey shrugs
jbaileyNo skin off my teeth. =)09:23
fabbionei wonder if that can be a consequence of running a 64bit kernel09:23
fabbionei never saw that using a 32bit one09:23
fabbionejbailey: if you could try to reboot your ppc later in 32 bit mode09:23
fabbioneand rebuild, that would be nice09:23
jbaileyUgh.  glibc testsuite managed to do something nasty to the ppc64 kernel.09:31
fabbionejbailey: nasty to what level?09:31
Mithrandirbuggy kernels.  Gotta love 'em09:31
lamont__fabbione: kernle 4 of 4 building now... I think I'm going to commit09:31
fabbionelamont__: great09:32
jbaileyfabbione: Can't run sudo, during reboot init couldn't should down the MTA, had to hit the power button.09:32
fabbioneanything in the logs?09:32
lamont___GAH_ - lossy link to the house today.  interactive performance sucks09:32
jbaileyfabbione: It's just coming back up.09:32
fabbionejbailey: i am really not 100% sure how stable is 12rc6 on ppc6409:32
=== lamont__ hands jbailey a 50# bag of salt for his kernel
jbaileyWell, tst-ifaddrs randomly hangs at the best of times.  I've just never seen it take out the box before.09:33
dilingerlamont__: salting the holy penguin pee is the trick for keeping 'em stable?09:34
jbaileydilinger: It's like beer nuts.  It makes it drink more.09:34
jbaileyWith alcohol, code flows.09:34
=== prevod1 [prevod@P1-225-20009.dialup.ns.ac.yu] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
jbaileyNothing in syslog09:36
zuljbailey: yeah /* XXX - drunk fix later */09:36
jbailey/* XXX - here be pr0n */ char *firmware_blob {  ...09:36
zulbrb...need to reboot09:37
dilingerjbailey: feh, more like /* we're not allowed to redistribute this, but we can fix it later... */ char *firmware_blob = ...09:37
=== zul [~chuck@CPE0006258ec6c2-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
lamont__dilinger: nah, you just have to take them with a grain of salt sometimes...09:40
=== lamont__ adds themissing file
zulthis is interesting http://kernel.org/git/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=commit;h=8d5f7b4353dae4c7ee342c61303372fd996ca16109:43
dilingerwon't that keep artifacts, then?  shouldn't it check if fb console has been initialized, and memset only if that's the case?09:48
lamont__* committed kernel-team@ubuntu.com--2005/kernel-debian--pre1,2--
=== lamont__ reads some mail, giggles... the high packet-loss is in the T1, not in the wireless.... go figure
zulfabbione: ping09:54
dilingerzul: fyi, looks like neofb does the same thing09:57
dilingerat least in 2.6.1109:57
fabbionezul: pong09:59
zulfabbione: some of the external drivers have a ./Configure or ./configure and sometimes just a make how do you suppose we deal with them?10:01
fabbionezul: we will see it tomorrow really .. i am tired :)10:01
zulok i was just doing some work on it though10:01
jbaileyUncompressed initramfs = 7megs right now10:14
jbaileygzip'd: 3.2 megs10:15
jbaileylzma'd: 1.57 megs10:15
jbaileyOh great kernel gods, please provide. kthxbye10:16
Mithrandirwho cares about the size of the initramfs?10:18
jbaileyMithrandir: Some ppc arch's can't cope with a  >4mb initramfs, and anyone downloading it off of a tftp server.10:18
Mithrandirit's the difference between 0.2 and 0.3 seconds or so of boot time.10:18
Mithrandirah, ok.10:18
Mithrandirppc is dead, though. ;-)10:19
jbaileyIn fact the boottime would be longer locally.  It took it a good little while to compress it.10:19
MithrandirI guess I'm spoiled with amd64.10:19
jbailey"It's not dead yet!"10:19
jbaileyMithrandir: This is a dual ppc64 machine. =)10:19
MithrandirI'm looking forward to playing with a dual 275 AMD64 machine.10:20
Mithrandirthat means four cores.10:20
=== TMM [~hp@c51471f2c.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
Mithrandirhm, we probably want Ubuntu to support that well, so I should be able to play with that on work time.10:20
TMMhi all!10:20
TMMI'm having a little problem, I build my own kernel with kernel-package from the sources apt-getted (which claim to have ubuntu patches) I copy the config from /boot, build the kernel with make-kpkg --initrd buildpackage (no changes) and my vesafb won't work with that kernel... shouldn't it be identical to the ones provided with ubuntu?10:20
=== despeeh [~despe@a80-186-106-76.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
TMMI was trying to add bootsplash support, and devise some initrd magic to load and set up the correct framebuffer driver (perhaps for inculsion in breezy, haven't checked with anyone or anything, just my fancy) but I'm getting stuck at even building a functioning kernel :)10:21
jbaileyThat reminds me that I should poke sladen about bootsplash stuff.10:22
TMMI'm currently not an ubuntu dev, just aspiring to be one with this little thing :)10:22
jbaileyTMM: I doin't know how far the bootsplash stuff has gotten.10:22
TMMbut, for now I can't even figure out how to build a 'standard' ubuntu kernel from source apparently10:23
jbaileyTMM: But there's a group of people who are quite passionate about it that are probably worth checking in with.10:23
jbaileyHmm, dunno.  I don't build kernels. =)  10:23
TMMin my experience, even the friendly bootup procedure of ubuntu (not too verbose) scares people 10:23
TMMand I've got ubuntu (previously debian sid) running on quite a few luser desktops :)10:24
TMMsomehow people consider it to look old fashoned10:27
TMMso, noone that can shed some light on my situation then? :)10:29
TMMam I missing some initrd stuff from ubuntu itself? I can't check because for some reason, my harddisk freezes as soon as I try to loopmount an initrd10:30
TMMyeah, weird, I know10:30
jbaileyIs this on the stock kernel or a custom one?10:30
jbaileyI don't think you should need to make a custom kernel at all for bootsplash stuff.10:30
TMMI'm pretty sure the bootsplash stuff isn't included in the stock ubuntu kernels10:31
TMMand, even then, why can't I build a working kernel image from the ubuntu sources? :)10:31
jbaileyIIRC, the planned bootsplash stuff is entirely in userspace.10:36
TMMwell, then this won't be much help10:36
TMMeven then... I'm stuck with this problem :)10:36
=== TMM just doesn't get it
jbaileykernels are possibly not the best place to start hacking. =)10:41
jbaileyAre you willing to consider doing other hacking?10:41
jbaileyHave you heard of the MOTUs?10:42
TMMbut, this problem kind of has me a bit baffled10:42
TMMno, what is a MOTU? sounds like a swearword10:42
jbaileyThey're the folks who help keep the "universe" section in good shape.  10:42
jbailey"Masters Of The Universe"10:42
TMMis there bootsplash stuff in there?10:43
jbaileyThere's alot of tasks to do there, and the heads of the MOTU are really cool people who can help you find something fun that's the right amount of challenge.10:43
jbaileysladen is the one who's generally doing the bootsplash stuff, and yes, he's in there.10:43
jbailey#ubuntu-motu is the name of the channel.10:44
dilingerjbailey: sorry for taking so long to respond, i totally forgot about the email10:50
dilingerjbailey: anyways, check your inbox10:50
jbaileydilinger: It's okay.  I havne't been the speediest either. =)10:53
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=== dilinger heads home
=== lamont__ [~lamont@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel

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