exjinn | other wise my first day with ubuntu has gonna damn well | 12:00 |
Matthew_W | exjinn: makes sense. Gnome has no support built in for that, so I'm not entirely sure. | 12:00 |
anatole | re | 12:00 |
Matthew_W | exjinn: I'm sure there's a proggy for it. Ask google. | 12:00 |
Matthew_W | lol | 12:00 |
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anatole | umm a lame question: where do i set programs to load automatically at startup? | 12:00 |
a-l-e | nalioth: the installing failed doing it... and somewhere on the net i've read that it's normal... now i'm reading that i should do some linuxrc magic... but i can't figure out how to do it :-( | 12:00 |
exjinn | heh good idea. anyone seen a problem with md5sum mismatch while doing apt-get upgrade? | 12:01 |
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giangi82 | see u | 12:01 |
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Matthew_W | exjinn: Yeah, there's a big thing about that, someone else knows how to fix it here... I think it's something to do with your sources.list file including us.****.**** in the address, and you just have to remove the us. | 12:02 |
lakin | anatole, when you mean startup, do you mean the linux boot sequence, or when you log into your desktop? | 12:02 |
anatole | lakin: my desktop | 12:02 |
exjinn | let me give that a go | 12:02 |
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lakin | System -> Preferences -> Sessions | 12:02 |
exjinn | thanks for your help btw Matthew | 12:02 |
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Matthew_W | anatole: system - preferences - sessions | 12:02 |
matt__ | I'm having a problem i just installed ubuntu for the first time and I can't change the resolution above 1024x768 can anyone help? | 12:02 |
nalioth | a-l-e: you can add a line to your yaboot.conf taht allows you to hit a certain key during boot to point to the fw drive | 12:03 |
anatole | oh thank | 12:03 |
Matthew_W | exjinn: no problem | 12:03 |
anatole | s | 12:03 |
Matthew_W | matt__: oh, there is a step for this... I had to do it.. but it's been so long ago I forget what it is... | 12:03 |
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Matthew_W | matt__: Something about rerunning the configuration for the xorg... | 12:03 |
matt__ | ok let me search there website | 12:04 |
a-l-e | nalioth: googling for that line... | 12:04 |
quam | any good wysiwyg html editors for linux? | 12:04 |
nalioth | a-l-e: you should be able to open the .conf and monkey-see monkey-do it | 12:05 |
Matthew_W | matt__: maybe $ sudo xinit ? | 12:05 |
Matthew_W | matt__: sorry, it's been ages. | 12:05 |
nalioth | quam: mozilla-composer, nvu, quanta | 12:05 |
exjinn | quam: screem or quanta are my picks | 12:05 |
quam | haha, di dyou just say mozilla-composer? :p | 12:05 |
exjinn | haven't used screem in a min though | 12:05 |
lakin | matt__, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 12:05 |
exjinn | if you are looking for something like dreamweaver..eh..nothing I know of | 12:05 |
Matthew_W | matt__: there, lakin's got it. | 12:06 |
quam | yeah, something somewhere close to dreamweaver would be nice, but i don't expect t find it :p | 12:06 |
exjinn | quanta has web preview in your browser but its not really the same | 12:06 |
exjinn | works good enough for me though? | 12:06 |
exjinn | :) | 12:06 |
a-l-e | nalioth: ok... i think that it's ok just to add a line in yaboot.conf to let him boot on the firewire... the problem with xinitrc is that the kernel should be able to load enough soon the fire wire drivers. | 12:06 |
exjinn | ibm was working on a dreamweaver like app for linux but I think its vaporware nowadays | 12:07 |
matt__ | ok | 12:08 |
nalioth | a-l-e: i'm not sure about kernel stuff, but a mounted drive is a mounted drive | 12:08 |
kvidell | vaporware? | 12:08 |
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kvidell | hehe | 12:08 |
kaz | omg. still having debootstrap @ coreutils problem. | 12:08 |
scott_ | still having moniter troubles sigh | 12:09 |
PhantomFreak | OK, So I can dial out to my ISP, but once connected it won't do anythin! It just sits there saying it cannot connect! Not even some of the reload libraries command works in Synaptic Manager. Nothing will connect! | 12:09 |
Matthew_W | quam: actually, there are things very very close to dreamweaver/frontpage | 12:09 |
exjinn | hell point me to them | 12:09 |
Matthew_W | quam: visit good old uncle google at www.google.com/linux | 12:09 |
Matthew_W | quam: Linspire comes default with some, I'm told. | 12:09 |
a-l-e | nalioth: ok, thank you! i think that i change the yaboot entry and then try to reboot... if i'm not back in the next five days, it means that it didn't work :-) | 12:09 |
nalioth | Matthew_W: yes, nvu was mentioned to him | 12:10 |
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shido | what does kde use for sound , its not esd | 12:10 |
nalioth | a-l-e: you'll still have the other options | 12:10 |
Matthew_W | nailoth: oh, sorry, I cleared the screen x-x | 12:10 |
a-l-e | (but first i finis reading some notices about initrc..) | 12:10 |
nalioth | a-l-e: you know how to update the bootloader, right? | 12:10 |
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quam | exjinn: thanks, quanta look like it should work well enough | 12:10 |
yaaar_work | shido: arts | 12:10 |
a-l-e | nalioth: i've written somewhere ... i will find it, yes :-) | 12:11 |
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shido | arts... | 12:11 |
shido | hrmm | 12:11 |
nalioth | a-l-e: cuz just writing to yaboot.conf won't do it | 12:11 |
shido | how do I change it to use esd? | 12:11 |
PhantomFreak | anyone? | 12:11 |
exjinn | Matthew removing the us. infront of the apt sources entries worked like charm | 12:11 |
Matthew_W | exjinn: Glad to hear it. That's been happening for days. | 12:12 |
yaaar_work | shido: i don't really know....i've never used esd by choice; ubuntu comes using it by default, but i think that's the only time i've had it | 12:12 |
Matthew_W | PhantomFreak: one sec.. | 12:12 |
exjinn | now I gotta figure out my stuttering audio | 12:12 |
quam | actually i take that back exjinn :P i dont want to edit code i want to edit it like im looking at the thing :p | 12:12 |
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Matthew_W | PhantomFreak: hrm... no experience with dialing out.. sorry X_X | 12:12 |
nalioth | quam: mozilla-composer | 12:12 |
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quam | nahoth: i hope it's better than netscape composer :P | 12:13 |
Matthew_W | exjinn: in what programs does your audio stutter? | 12:13 |
PinguPowa | #gentoofr | 12:13 |
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kaz | I've burnt as low is 4x now. This is pathetic. | 12:13 |
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kaz | Is there somewhere to report this as a bug? This is a bug. | 12:13 |
exjinn | the only one I've tired to play mp3's in is beep media player, it occasionally stutters I'm wondering if its because esd and alsa are running | 12:14 |
a-l-e | nalioth: yes yes i know! it's something like ybin... i already use linux ppc on this machine :-) now i'd like to try if it also works the easy way ... but not too easy :-) | 12:14 |
Matthew_W | kaz: bugzilla.ubuntu.com I think | 12:14 |
exjinn | I'm going to install xmms as soon as my upgrade finishes | 12:14 |
nalioth | a-l-e: well then, you got it goin on | 12:14 |
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kaz | is there *anything* else I can do here? | 12:14 |
Matthew_W | exjinn: beep and xmms are essentially the same, with the exception that beep uses GTK+2.0 etc... If the audio stutters in one, it will most likely stutter in the other. | 12:15 |
Matthew_W | exjinn: Try changing your audio output in beep to esound, if it's not already | 12:15 |
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konrad | Matthew_W: I've just connect - can't he just set up Alsa Dmix? | 12:16 |
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kaz | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22086 no replies to that... like 3 months ago. | 12:16 |
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PhantomFreak | The dial-up is on my laptop as a backup (thought I'd get it working just incase I need it) and it's not working... I got through the problem with the software modem, managed to dial out but now nothing is working! Is there some kind of odd thing like you have to mount the modem or something... How does the computer normally know to look on the network? | 12:16 |
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=== Efwis gotta go all later | ||
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_heart | can i install devian packages on kubuntu? | 12:17 |
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kaz | I've been trying to install unbutu for like 3 days now. I love it on my notebook.. but this is just silly. | 12:18 |
Matthew_W | konrad: probably -- I'm new at the giving advice thing | 12:18 |
Matthew_W | lol | 12:18 |
LinuxJones | PhantomFreak, sudo network-admin sook @ default fateway device | 12:18 |
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Matthew_W | konrad: I had a similar problem until I switched to esound, though, now it sounds amazing | 12:18 |
LinuxJones | *look | 12:18 |
LinuxJones | argh default gateway PhantomFreak sorry horrid typing | 12:18 |
PhantomFreak | It only has eth0 which is the ethernet! | 12:19 |
kaz | I've tried 3 different cd-roms, burnt the CD to 4 different types of media @ as low as 4x, used different cd-recorders, used different cd-rom drives... still get debootstrap errror @ Coreutils.... same spot every time. Any suggestions?? | 12:19 |
LinuxJones | PhantomFreak, is your modem listed under the devices section ? | 12:19 |
PhantomFreak | yep | 12:19 |
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PhantomFreak | It dials OK, but nothing will use it! | 12:20 |
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ccc | is anybody using ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net in synaptic? i was thinking about updating firestarter, gaim, gedit, gimp, firefox, xchat etc from there... | 12:20 |
penguinboy | evening guys! | 12:20 |
Matthew_W | g'day | 12:20 |
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penguinboy | g'day mate | 12:20 |
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_Magog_ | im having trouble getting things off synaptic, i get md5 mismatches from http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/ | 12:21 |
kaz | in the process I deleted the existing os... so now I am stuck here until I can replace the os :( | 12:21 |
LinuxJones | PhantomFreak, I would assume that's where you would tell it which device to use but I guess not :( | 12:21 |
ccc | _Magog_: i think it's temporarily broken | 12:21 |
justin | _Magog_: ccc: read the topic | 12:21 |
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_Magog_ | kk | 12:22 |
mcking | hey all | 12:22 |
penguinboy | Magog...the repositories are down | 12:22 |
PhantomFreak | Holy Sh*t, I got it to work! | 12:22 |
LinuxJones | mcking, hi' | 12:22 |
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Matthew_W | _Magog_: I have a solution for you | 12:22 |
LinuxJones | PhantomFreak, what was it ? | 12:22 |
Matthew_W | _Magog_: remove the "us." in that link in your sources.list file | 12:23 |
Matthew_W | _Magog_: http://archive.ubuntu.com.... will make it work correctly. | 12:23 |
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_Magog_ | tyvm | 12:23 |
PhantomFreak | In the modem settings there was a box to make it default internet access thingy! | 12:23 |
mcking | ok, where do I go to get involved in gnome and ubuntu? | 12:23 |
Matthew_W | _Magog_: no problem. | 12:23 |
LinuxJones | PhantomFreak, ahh | 12:23 |
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PhantomFreak | Now only problem is might not work with my eth now! | 12:23 |
mcking | I have some time on my hands for the summer | 12:23 |
_scott_ | Who was I just talking to | 12:24 |
kaz | ugh. This is lame. | 12:24 |
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_scott_ | Who was I just talking to with my video card stuff | 12:25 |
Grumbly | I've got a 20.5 gig drive. I expect only 2 or 3 users, But It's been a while since i've set up a disk for linux. Any help for minimum sizes for /var /proc /usr/opt (and anything else) would be appriciated. | 12:25 |
Gandalfar | Grumbly: don't bother | 12:25 |
Grumbly | why? | 12:25 |
Gandalfar | Grumbly: take around 6gb for / | 12:25 |
Gandalfar | Grumbly: other for /home | 12:25 |
Grumbly | is the kernel that good now? | 12:25 |
Grumbly | Gandalfar: don't worry about setting /var? | 12:25 |
Matthew_W | What's a reliable p2p for linux? | 12:25 |
Gandalfar | Grumbly: yea, you're not building a server | 12:25 |
mcking | Grumbly: I concur w/ Gandalfar | 12:26 |
Grumbly | ok | 12:26 |
PhantomFreak | Cool, they both work now! It looks for the modem when not connected to eth! | 12:26 |
Grumbly | thanks | 12:26 |
justin | um, 6G + 6G is 12G, not 20.5G | 12:26 |
PhantomFreak | LinuxJones Thanks | 12:26 |
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mcking | 6GB for /, a swap partition and the rest for home | 12:26 |
LinuxJones | PhantomFreak, sweet, I don't have a modem but it's good to know :) | 12:26 |
nalioth | Grumbly: howd you come out yesterday? | 12:26 |
_scott_ | I'm having problems with my sound blaster audigy 2 zs. can somebody please help me | 12:27 |
Grumbly | any help getting X11 to work on a g4 cube with a 17 ADC monitor would be nice too. | 12:27 |
Grumbly | (ppc) | 12:27 |
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Grumbly | OH yeah, what's the smallest swap I should set? | 12:27 |
nalioth | Grumbly: whats up with it? | 12:27 |
chatmeister | linux makes the Baby Jesus happy | 12:27 |
nalioth | Grumbly: how much ram ya got? | 12:28 |
Grumbly | nalioth: all the info in the wiki didn't work | 12:28 |
Grumbly | nalioth: 384 | 12:28 |
_scott_ | nalioth: hello? | 12:28 |
nalioth | Grumbly: set yer swap double | 12:28 |
nalioth | _scott_: yes? | 12:28 |
mcking | Grumbly: rule of thumb is 2 x memory, up to about 1G | 12:28 |
Grumbly | for X, i went nuts lookin for info, changed the xorg.conf sooo many times | 12:28 |
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mcking | Grumbly: smallest should be 1 x memory | 12:29 |
Grumbly | mcking: thanks- I thought so, but mostly use a PC so I thought ppc may be different | 12:29 |
PhantomFreak | For future reference... The tick box in question is under Modem Preferences, Options. | 12:29 |
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ChinaCatJones | how would one change the default behavior of installing fonts from a per user basis to a per machine basis under theme manager? | 12:29 |
PhantomFreak | I think the ethernet also has to be off! | 12:29 |
mcking | Grumbly: you can also set up a swap file later if you start running out of memory | 12:29 |
_scott_ | I'm having problems with my sound blaster audigy 2 zs. can somebody please help me | 12:29 |
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ilba7r | any one know why in open office the dictionary does not work and the font is set to invisible in drawings??????????????? | 12:29 |
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[angelofdeath0] | hello | 12:30 |
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thechitowncubs | I got my Ubuntu CD's today :) | 12:31 |
thechitowncubs | I was surprised, they are really nice | 12:31 |
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Grumbly | nalioth: the error I was getting on gdm had to do with v_bios | 12:31 |
nalioth | thechitowncubs: great! how many windoze users ya got lined up for installation parties? | 12:31 |
thechitowncubs | haha, we'll see as time goes by | 12:31 |
Shachaf | Which driver should I use, eepro100 or e100? | 12:31 |
[angelofdeath0] | is there a easy way to create a backup of a master boot record? | 12:31 |
Grumbly | but I couldnt find enough info on the Studio display to set the right stuff | 12:31 |
Beuno | hey there! I got an ubuntu server over here (no GUI), and I just put a DVDRW on it, so I can backup stuff. With what can I burn them? Cant seem to find anything to burn it from command line. Any ideas? | 12:31 |
Grumbly | and I can | 12:32 |
Shachaf | According to /etc/hotplug/blacklist, eepro100 should no longer be used. | 12:32 |
chatmeister | what do you need cd's for | 12:32 |
nalioth | Grumbly: i'm not sure how much help i'll be on yer cube/adb issue, but i'll see | 12:32 |
Grumbly | nalioth: it's not adb. it's the vid connector, ADC | 12:32 |
Shachaf | I can't get either one of them working, though. | 12:32 |
mcking | Beuno: cdrecord, or do you mean an "all in one" like k3b | 12:32 |
Grumbly | like dvi but some other stuff in it | 12:32 |
nalioth | Beuno: cdrecord | 12:32 |
thechitowncubs | One thing I think that is needed, is a step by step installation guide (for the total noobs). Sort of like a quick guide, is there any documentation like this out there, or should I start making one myself? | 12:32 |
Grumbly | nalioth: do you think looking at some gentoo info would help me? | 12:32 |
nalioth | mcking: Beuno has no xserver | 12:32 |
_scott_ | I'm having problems with my sound blaster audigy 2 zs. can somebody please help me | 12:33 |
nalioth | Grumbly: linux is linux and hardware is hardware, what works for the goose, usually works for the gander | 12:33 |
thechitowncubs | Hoary is better than FC4, just in case anyone was wondering :) | 12:33 |
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mcking | nalioth: i know, i am asking if he is looking for a tool similar to k3b but for the command line / curses | 12:33 |
Grumbly | nalioth: good point | 12:33 |
Beuno | ok, didnt think I could burn DVDs with cdrecord. Now to the second part. It doesnt seem to be knowing I have a DVD recorder, so I cant burn. Any ideas? | 12:33 |
Grumbly | so anyone here familiar with V_bios issues on a CUBE? | 12:34 |
nalioth | Beuno: are you using the latest cdrecord? | 12:34 |
foodcoman | cdrdao mkisofs?? | 12:34 |
[angelofdeath0] | hmm | 12:34 |
Beuno | just did apt-get a few min ago | 12:34 |
Grumbly | nalioth: oh yeah, just incase I should come across the apple display info, would you like me to provide a link for you? | 12:34 |
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nalioth | Beuno: that doesnt guarantee that you are using the LATEST one, just the latest one available from ubuntu | 12:34 |
_scott_ | I'm having problems with my sound blaster audigy 2 zs. can somebody please help me | 12:35 |
Grumbly | and might you be able to provide me with custom modeline info? | 12:35 |
mcking | Beuno: cdrecord -scanbus | 12:35 |
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nalioth | Grumbly: i thank ya, but the oldest mac i have is all usb/firewire (no adb, thankfully) | 12:35 |
mcking | paste the output here | 12:35 |
thechitowncubs | One thing I think that is needed, is a step by step installation guide (for the total noobs). Sort of like a quick guide, is there any documentation like this out there, or should I start making one myself? | 12:35 |
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[angelofdeath0] | i want to do a dual boot and it says to make a back up of the MBC. | 12:35 |
exjinn | the wiki is a pretty good place to start for newbies | 12:35 |
Grumbly | nalioth: this one has no adb... ADC is the video connection from the cube to the monitor | 12:35 |
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nalioth | thechitowncubs: that sounds great! if ya need help just ask me | 12:35 |
nalioth | Grumbly: i aint got one of them either | 12:36 |
exjinn | I'm not really a linux newbie but definately new to ubuntu | 12:36 |
thechitowncubs | I just wanted to make sure no one else is doing it already? | 12:36 |
r0bby | use the wiki | 12:36 |
r0bby | and google :) | 12:36 |
Beuno | Cdrecord-Clone 2.01a38 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) | 12:36 |
Grumbly | the display is the apple studio display 17 (adc) and I just found the info~ | 12:36 |
Grumbly | whoot! | 12:36 |
r0bby | and i felt the install was pretty self explainatory | 12:36 |
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nalioth | thechitowncubs: have a good look at the wiki, see what's there, sign up and edit/create anew/whatever | 12:36 |
gm78 | hey all. i am currently running the kaffeine available through apt on ubuntu. it crashes often and then the cpu usage spikes to 100% until i kill all the kaffeine processes | 12:36 |
chatmeister | michael jackson was found not guilty | 12:36 |
gm78 | anyone else noticed this | 12:36 |
thechitowncubs | I'm capable of installing, I just want to make it easy for other people that aren't as capable | 12:36 |
[angelofdeath0] | heh goggle dont help with this | 12:36 |
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glDaher | totem comes with no codecs? | 12:37 |
glDaher | it refuses to play anything | 12:37 |
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nalioth | glDaher: ubuntu doent use proprietary/non-open-source licensed things by default | 12:38 |
thechitowncubs | glDaher: it comes with codecs that are open source | 12:38 |
mjr | only unencumbered codecs come by default | 12:38 |
Beuno | mcking: cdrecord -scanbus isnt returning anything usefull, just a bunch of warnings | 12:38 |
_scott_ | For some reason my sound card isn't working with linux. I just hear the beeps | 12:38 |
mcking | glDaher: from universe, install gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg | 12:38 |
=== miscz [~miscz@ams185.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Beuno | cdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open '/dev/pg*'. Cannot open SCSI driver. | 12:38 |
mcking | glDaher: see if that helps | 12:38 |
xophEr | glDaher, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=108587&postcount=1 there's a nice thing too | 12:39 |
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[angelofdeath0] | bleh | 12:39 |
nalioth | glDaher: install all the gstreamer plugins | 12:39 |
Grumbly | Oh, one more thing. When I did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, I kept getting an error near the end of the process about | 12:39 |
[angelofdeath0] | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/WindowsDualBootHowTo | 12:39 |
Grumbly | "possible custom configureation" | 12:40 |
glDaher | thats what am doin... thx ppl | 12:40 |
Grumbly | how the heck do I disable thaT? | 12:40 |
_scott_ | For some reason my sound card isn't working with linux. I just hear the beeps. I have an Audigy 2 zs | 12:40 |
nalioth | Grumbly: the error didnt allow you to continue? | 12:40 |
Grumbly | nalioth: nope. it quit the reconfigure | 12:40 |
justin | glDaher: or totem-xine | 12:40 |
Grumbly | it had the filename xorg.conf.1276543987156 after it, always different than the one before, so rm xorg.conf.* dint fix | 12:41 |
=== mae [~mae@dpc674653178.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mcking | Beuno: cdrecord -scanbus dev:/dev/hdc | 12:41 |
kvidell | what's a good stand-alone address book app that has vCard support? | 12:41 |
mcking | Beuno: or whatever your dvdr is on | 12:41 |
=== im`Alv|aw [~Alv_n@210.80-203-119.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Grumbly | I ended up going in as root and trying it that way but even that didnt work | 12:41 |
kvidell | I'm installing groupwise addressbook right now | 12:41 |
im`Alv|aw | !seen padlefot | 12:41 |
ubotu | im`Alv|aw: i haven't seen 'padlefot' | 12:41 |
im`Alv|aw | !seen padlefot_ | 12:41 |
ubotu | im`Alv|aw: i haven't seen 'padlefot_' | 12:41 |
kvidell | groupWARE, sorry | 12:42 |
justin | Grumbly: uh, the custom configuration refers to xorg.conf itself | 12:42 |
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justin | Grumbly: read the top of xorg.conf. | 12:42 |
Grumbly | justin: it was refering to the automatically generated backups of xorg.conf | 12:42 |
mcking | Beuno: if that give you a good response, you use the same dev: option to burn with. 'man cdrecord' for more | 12:42 |
Grumbly | not the conf file itself | 12:42 |
mcking | Beuno: WARNING! dense man page ahead!! :) | 12:42 |
justin | Grumbly: no, it wasn't. | 12:43 |
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[angelofdeath0] | 3. Once done, _absolutely_ make a backup of your MBR (Master Boot Record). See Google.. :)<-- google only shows you how to repair it after it is corrupted | 12:43 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser [~kaiser@ppp242-195.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Grumbly | trust me. ls xorg.conf.* in /etc/X11/ and you will see | 12:43 |
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justin | Grumbly: who is the one with the problem, you, or me? | 12:43 |
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=== Grumbly wonders if he wants the sarcastic answer | ||
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exjinn | suggestions for a burning software besides k3b? | 12:44 |
Beuno | mcking: what would be a good response? | 12:45 |
=== dieman [~dieman@3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097.org] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jeff25 | dieman: haha nice host | 12:45 |
[angelofdeath0] | ...lol | 12:45 |
=== Hal900X [Hal9000@vpn166.rz.uni-mannheim.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hal900X | hello | 12:45 |
Matthew_W | Oy. | 12:45 |
Hal900X | does there exist a php5 backport for ubuntu 5.04? | 12:45 |
mcking | Beuno: one of the lines should have something like this: 1,0,0 100) 'SAMSUNG ' 'CDRW/DVD SM-348B' 'T504' Removable CD-ROM | 12:45 |
[angelofdeath0] | .. does anyone know? | 12:46 |
=== VVeIrD [~vveird@port-212-202-190-235.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mcking | Beuno: yours will be specific to your drive | 12:46 |
Shachaf | Has anybody had trouble with the eepro100 card under Ubuntu? | 12:46 |
Matthew_W | no idea. | 12:46 |
Matthew_W | lol | 12:46 |
Shachaf | I can't get it to work. | 12:46 |
nalioth | Beuno: i read somwehere about a bash frontend to cdrecord. google "bash cdrecord" (mighta been at sourceforge) | 12:46 |
Beuno | mcking: :( | 12:46 |
dieman | jeff25: thanks | 12:46 |
dieman | we just had a 1.5 hour downtime on the t1 | 12:46 |
dieman | that sucked | 12:46 |
dieman | i think this t1 gets more downtime than my dsl line | 12:47 |
PhantomFreak | I've got it woking quite reasonably now... When the eth is off it will attempt to dial out... | 12:47 |
dieman | too bad im moving, so i lose the dsl | 12:47 |
dieman | cable only at the new place | 12:47 |
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Beuno | mcking: I got webmin on it also, so Im using that as a front end once I get to to recognize my device | 12:47 |
[angelofdeath0] | ~~_ | 12:48 |
zakann | Oh, sorry, is there any french connected here? | 12:48 |
Shachaf | nalioth: Would that be TCDR? tcdr.sf.net | 12:48 |
zakann | I've got a little problem with unicode support in Xirc | 12:48 |
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zakann | oh, Xchat | 12:48 |
Matthew_W | zakann: on parle anglais ici, alors, il y a un autre canal pour ubuntu en francais, mais, j'ai oublie le nom... | 12:48 |
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Matthew_W | Anyone know the french ubuntu channel? | 12:49 |
thechitowncubs | Is anyone an official Ubuntu member here? | 12:49 |
thechitowncubs | I'd like to become one and don't know how to do this: A cryptographic (GPG) signature on the text of the code itself sent to Benjamin Mako Hill | 12:49 |
Shachaf | Matthew_W: #ubuntu-fr? | 12:49 |
zakann | Matthew_W, you're french? | 12:49 |
Matthew_W | zakann: Canadian | 12:49 |
zakann | Matthew_W, il y avait un channel franais, mais l, y a plus on dirait, comprends pas | 12:49 |
zakann | mais c rcent, j'y tais encore la semaine dernire | 12:50 |
Matthew_W | ah, ok. | 12:50 |
zakann | comprends po | 12:50 |
Matthew_W | moment | 12:50 |
zakann | moment? | 12:50 |
chillywilly | anyone ever rip an audio CD to wav files with soud juicer? | 12:50 |
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jeff25 | chillywilly: you might be the first one | 12:51 |
a-l-e | mmmh... back again without having rebooted... | 12:51 |
Grumbly | justin: if the error is refering to xorg.conf then why would A) it work when modifying by nano and b) not remove the old files? | 12:51 |
a-l-e | ... can somebody help me with mkinitrd? | 12:51 |
thechitowncubs | lol jeff | 12:51 |
jeff25 | sorry I couldn't resist | 12:52 |
paxmaster_ | my freind hed gave me his mac powerbook G3 laptop and i am planning to install linux on it | 12:52 |
Grumbly | but most importanly, how do I fix it? | 12:52 |
chillywilly | shutup | 12:52 |
chillywilly | ;P | 12:52 |
jeff25 | :P | 12:52 |
jeff25 | heh | 12:52 |
justin | Grumbly: 18:42 < justin> Grumbly: read the top of xorg.conf. | 12:52 |
a-l-e | ... i'm trying to make an initial ram disk for a future ubuntu install... but i don't have the same kernel installed on this system... is there a way to go? | 12:52 |
paxmaster_ | i have a ubuntu live cd and the problem is that i never use use mac before | 12:52 |
Grumbly | kinda cant right now | 12:52 |
chillywilly | well the progress bat never moves at all when I select WAV filers | 12:52 |
chillywilly | files* | 12:52 |
paxmaster_ | and how could i boot from the cd | 12:52 |
paxmaster_ | in mack | 12:53 |
jeff25 | Grumbly: how come? | 12:53 |
thechitowncubs | Ya, chillywilly, when i tried it took forever and I just gave up. | 12:53 |
Shachaf | paxmaster_: I think you hold down the "C" key while you boot. | 12:53 |
Shachaf | paxmaster_: I remember reading that somewhere. | 12:53 |
jeff25 | chillywilly: I use grip instead | 12:53 |
[angelofdeath0] | hello | 12:53 |
chillywilly | hmmm, but I don't see where I can set it to ouput wavs | 12:53 |
Grumbly | don't have a terminal available | 12:53 |
chillywilly | on grip | 12:53 |
misfit-toy | hmm, I have a weird mouse lag, about every 10 seconds, don't see anything in 'top' that leads me to something, and gkrellm is showing excellent resources available, any ideas? | 12:53 |
paxmaster_ | ok thank is ubuntu is ok to install in mac G3 | 12:54 |
Grumbly | anyone got a conf to msg or dcc me? | 12:54 |
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jeff25 | chillywilly: I think it's a cdparanoia option | 12:54 |
Grumbly | just the headder | 12:54 |
zakann | Is there any french here? | 12:54 |
Shachaf | paxmaster_: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/InstallOnOldWorldMacs | 12:55 |
jeff25 | chillywilly: if you use cdparanoia as the backend ripper... | 12:55 |
jeff25 | chillywilly: -w --output-wav : output as WAV file (default) | 12:55 |
LinuxJones | a-l-e, you needed to compile a kernel for some support not in the regular Ubuntu kernel ? | 12:55 |
fissy | hello, a friend has a 4 year old laptop with a cd drive that is just creaking along - she can't reinstall windows to it because the drive doesn't make it through a whole disc without getting totally stuck on something. I think she'd be willing to try ubuntu. Is there a small net install disc? | 12:55 |
Shachaf | paxmaster_: (First result for "Ubuntu G3" on Google.) | 12:55 |
=== Hehed [~hehed@h24n1fls32o895.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
paxmaster_ | thx a lot | 12:55 |
Grumbly | justin: can you send me your conf? | 12:55 |
Grumbly | please | 12:55 |
chillywilly | jeff25: what about just selecting Rip Only ;) | 12:55 |
[angelofdeath0] | .. | 12:56 |
misfit-toy | fissy, I believe you can boot to the first cd then type 'linux askmethod' and use ftp to install. | 12:56 |
jeff25 | chillywilly: try it... I'm not able to test it atm | 12:56 |
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fissy | okie, i'll give that a try misfit-toy | 12:56 |
fissy | thanks | 12:56 |
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misfit-toy | np | 12:56 |
chillywilly | jeff25: I've used it in the past | 12:56 |
jeff25 | chillywilly: there should be a optoins page that lets you set the backend params for cdparanoia etc | 12:56 |
chillywilly | there's configuration stuff galore in grip | 12:57 |
Grumbly | bah... i'd probably get more help on efnet #hotdates | 12:57 |
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jeff25 | chillywilly: yeah | 12:57 |
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chillywilly | jeff25: one thing I have observed is that you must turn paranoia and extra paranoia off or you will never get the CD ripped ;) | 12:57 |
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chillywilly | bah, isn't numbering the wav files | 12:59 |
jeff25 | chillywilly: I honestly couldn't say... I haven't messed with grip options in like a year | 12:59 |
jeff25 | chillywilly: I know it will do what you want though | 12:59 |
chillywilly | sure | 12:59 |
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Grumbly | justin: You are an idiot | 01:00 |
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Grumbly | I frikin did that crap at the top before running dpkg | 01:00 |
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[angelofdeath0] | lol | 01:00 |
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Grumbly | you need to read my earlier questions/text | 01:00 |
=== metzen [~metzen@pool-151-202-50-21.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Grumbly | frikiin dillweed | 01:00 |
Grumbly | now, can someone help me out with x? | 01:00 |
jeff25 | I guess we know why you call yourself 'grumbly' | 01:00 |
Grumbly | jeff25: cause I've got a plesant distribution | 01:01 |
Grumbly | i mean demeanor | 01:01 |
jbroome | i am brimming with desire to help you out | 01:01 |
jeff25 | ha! | 01:01 |
=== Gandalfar [~gandalf@BSN-77-186-194.dsl.siol.net] has left #ubuntu ["."] | ||
jeff25 | jbroome: ahah | 01:01 |
kvidell | disposition? | 01:01 |
kvidell | :) | 01:01 |
Grumbly | kvidell: yeah! | 01:01 |
Grumbly | hehe | 01:01 |
[angelofdeath0] | hmm... | 01:01 |
=== Dilkes [Dilkes@159-134-181-247.as1.qkr.cork.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Grumbly | jbroome: i dont like people being lazy and telling me that I dont know what I am talking about | 01:02 |
kvidell | ah :-\ blsat, a xorg proble, I'm terrible with xorg problems else-wise I'd help. Sorry | 01:02 |
Grumbly | then I get all second guessy and go and re read the same info again | 01:02 |
Grumbly | kvidell: thanks for the honesty | 01:02 |
Grumbly | justin seems to be lacking that quality | 01:02 |
jeff25 | lol | 01:03 |
Grumbly | jeff25: you have any experience with X? | 01:03 |
jeff25 | yup, but I'm too scared to help | 01:03 |
=== mon [~mon@co149259-a.almel1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Grumbly | how about with xorg.conf | 01:03 |
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Grumbly | I'm positive that's where I have the problem | 01:04 |
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jeff25 | I do'nt even know what the problem is | 01:04 |
=== mcking [~mcking@cpe-24-174-151-222.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yaaar | hey Grumbly, were you gonna ask a question about xorg.conf, or just taking a poll as to how people would react if you did? | 01:04 |
_heart | i have a dualhead graphic card... i've made changes in my xorg.conf as in a tutorial... do i have to do install xinerama or is it already there!? | 01:04 |
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optik | it is already there | 01:04 |
Grumbly | crap... I can't remember the exact error. something about v_bios not found or no v_bios found | 01:05 |
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=== zukalk [~zukalk@a213-22-64-26.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
[angelofdeath0] | is the backup of the MBR required for a dual os boot? | 01:05 |
zukalk | hey all | 01:05 |
kvidell | but just to make sure I have facts straight so I can go digging and see if I find anything.. you're trying to get X to work properly on an Apple G4 cube running Hoary with what we'll call a Generic 17" CRT display? | 01:05 |
_heart | ok, then bet i come back in a few minutes after restarting x :) | 01:05 |
Grumbly | yaaar: anger was directed at a single dumby | 01:05 |
=== [BAF64] [ferrisr@69-169-198-47.sbtnvt.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xirtam | hmm, i changed to xorg and it seems very unstable ... what could be a reason for that (every 10 min. the hole server freezes ... / using fluxbox ... ) any ideas? | 01:05 |
[BAF64] | i have ubuntu installed, installed kernel headers, but cant find them anyplace | 01:05 |
[BAF64] | any ideas? | 01:05 |
Grumbly | kvidell: no. it's an apple ADC studio 17 | 01:05 |
=== bpuccio [~brian@ool-18b91a74.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
optik | xirtam: are you using hoary/ | 01:05 |
Grumbly | there's some weird modeline inf | 01:05 |
xirtam | optik: yes | 01:06 |
[BAF64] | where do the headers go | 01:06 |
[BAF64] | cause, i need them | 01:06 |
jeff25 | xirtam: are you the op in efnet #c | 01:06 |
[BAF64] | stupid thing doenst go to /usr/src | 01:06 |
yaaar | Grumbly, yeah, sure, that's cool....i don't care abuot that.....just can't figure out what you want to know about xorg. | 01:06 |
optik | you say "changed" | 01:06 |
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optik | what do you mean by that? | 01:06 |
xirtam | jeff25: no sorry | 01:06 |
mako | thechitowncubs: you can also just fax a signed letter | 01:06 |
mako | or scan and email | 01:06 |
=== concept10 [~concept10@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | mako howzit goin? | 01:07 |
jeff25 | xirtam: oh btw | 01:07 |
Razor-X | I just realized how un-stringent our school's word processing standrds are | 01:08 |
Grumbly | yaaar: why when i run the dpkg-reconfigure (after the md5sum > /var.. and so on) it fails and gives an error akin to possible cusom configuration: /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2093513 | 01:08 |
jeff25 | xirtam: fluxbox in main is broken I found... (unless they fixed it) | 01:08 |
Razor-X | it'll take almost no effort to do my documents in LaTeX henceforth | 01:08 |
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Grumbly | yaaar: and how do I fix that? | 01:08 |
nalioth | Grumbly: have you been to penguinppc.org? | 01:08 |
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Grumbly | nalioth: yeah, but I may have missed something. any specific sections? | 01:08 |
nalioth | Grumbly: havent been there myself, but i know it aims at mac support of the older type mac | 01:09 |
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yaaar | Grumbly, have you tried simply movng the offending config file to some other directory prior to the dpkg-reconfigure and then either moving it back, using the new one, or just reconfiguring it? | 01:09 |
Grumbly | yaaar: yep | 01:10 |
=== nemik [nemik@c-24-15-239-169.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yaaar | and it still fails, or it won't work after the configure | 01:10 |
yaaar | ? | 01:10 |
dennis_ | Can anyone help me install my ati drivers? | 01:10 |
concept10 | Okay, I have got to get this figured out so I may complete my Ubuntu transition. Firefox reports the wrong version to the Mozilla extensions site. How do I fix this? I changed the version in about:config already | 01:10 |
Grumbly | brb | 01:10 |
=== ecarroll [~ecarroll@tx-67-77-73-152.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jeff25 | concept10: did you exit the browser? | 01:11 |
nalioth | concept10: then you should be ok | 01:11 |
jeff25 | concept10: i.e. restart it | 01:11 |
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paxmaster_ | i can't get to boot the cd | 01:11 |
ecarroll | Is there anyway i can tell what version of gcc a kernel is built with as it sits on a repository. | 01:11 |
thechitowncubs | mako: I'd rather just send it the GPG way, want to give me some instruction? | 01:11 |
paxmaster_ | in mac | 01:11 |
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paxmaster_ | i am holding the c down | 01:11 |
nalioth | paxmaster_: what kind of mac? | 01:11 |
dennis_ | Can anyone help me install my ati drivers? I can not seem to find which one to download or how to install it... | 01:11 |
=== darmou [~darmou@CPE-144-131-13-89.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Grumbly | yaaar: still fails | 01:12 |
paxmaster_ | mac powerbook G3 | 01:12 |
jeff25 | xirtam: my advice is to compile fluxbox yourself and check install it. your configure flags should at minimum include --disable-xmb | 01:12 |
Grumbly | nalioth: it's not all that comprehensive. | 01:12 |
Grumbly | ppcnerds.org is a bit better | 01:12 |
nalioth | paxmaster_: have you tried the <option> key instead of <c> ? | 01:12 |
ecarroll | Is there anyway i can tell what version of gcc a kernel is built with as it sits on a repository; I am installing VMWare, and it requires i have the same version of gcc to make a module for it, unforntuatly the gcc on the repos with v3.3.5 is a symlink to a newer gcc and that just doesn't float with VMWare i need to know if the new 2.6.12, is built with the newer gcc or if i should just download sources and build my own | 01:12 |
concept10 | jeff25, nalioth: Is there anyway to save about:ocnfig or do I just close the window | 01:12 |
paxmaster_ | no | 01:12 |
nalioth | Grumbly: thx for the heads up, guess the nerds are short of info on this also, eh? | 01:12 |
jeff25 | concept10: it autosaves | 01:13 |
paxmaster_ | i nerver used mac in my life | 01:13 |
jeff25 | paxmaster_: be proud | 01:13 |
nalioth | concept10: once you change the value, like was said, restart it | 01:13 |
paxmaster_ | it my friend | 01:13 |
Grumbly | a bit | 01:13 |
Grumbly | I'd love to get it working | 01:13 |
Grumbly | then post the fix/info | 01:13 |
=== we2by [~we2by@dc5146d009.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | Grumbly: dja see the 'upgrade' in the mac swindle sites today? | 01:14 |
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concept10 | Okay, I must have to change the app.extensions versions | 01:14 |
nalioth | Grumbly: a G4 cube 'upgrade' via a Pentium-M | 01:14 |
nalioth | concept10: just the vendorsub line | 01:14 |
computerguy867 | i have a question about ssh...My university subscribes to Safari Bookshelf(Oriellys ebook service) and when Im on the campus netowrk and I access this site, the site recognizes that Im on the network. I am now home for the summer but would like to access this service. The university has some linux machines that I can ssh into. If possible, how can I use port fowarding to access the site as If i was on the network? | 01:14 |
=== bert [~bert@asgard.adsl.utwente.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | computerguy867: port forwarding would need to be set up at the uni | 01:15 |
paxmaster_ | ah the option is the alt key | 01:15 |
nalioth | computerguy867: i believe | 01:15 |
nalioth | computerguy867: don't you have a user/pass? | 01:15 |
computerguy867 | yes | 01:15 |
computerguy867 | how would I use ssh to do this | 01:15 |
nalioth | computerguy867: and even with user/pass, it still wants you on the property? | 01:16 |
justin | ecarroll: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/VMware | 01:16 |
concept10 | nalioth, okay, that might do the trick. I was changing something entirely different. I basically ytyped version in the filter box and just changed the version. | 01:16 |
computerguy867 | Im not sure how to do portforwarding and ssh | 01:16 |
dennis_ | Anyone here have an ATI GPU? | 01:16 |
=== drakcap [~just@ip70-178-170-156.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | concept10: no need for anything but the vendorsub line | 01:16 |
bert | dennis_: i do | 01:16 |
dennis_ | bert, what model? | 01:16 |
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computerguy867 | naloith: Im not sure how to use ssh in this way and what parameters to use | 01:16 |
nalioth | computerguy867: do they require you to ssh in from the campus itself? | 01:16 |
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bert | dennis, radeon 7000/VE 32MB | 01:17 |
bert | old thing | 01:17 |
dennis_ | That doesn't help :/ | 01:17 |
dennis_ | I'm trying to install my drivers for my 9600xt :x | 01:17 |
concept10 | ssh -l 192.122.129.x ubuntu | 01:17 |
misfit-toy | hmm, I have a weird mouse lag, about every 10 seconds, don't see anything in 'top' that leads me to something, and gkrellm is showing excellent resources available, any ideas? | 01:17 |
concept10 | or is it the other way around? | 01:17 |
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justin | concept10: is 192.122.129.x your username? | 01:17 |
nalioth | concept10: for what? | 01:17 |
drakcap | misfit-toy check dma ide etc.. | 01:17 |
bert | I am considering to buy a nvidia just to fix my tv-out | 01:17 |
computerguy867 | naloith: No its an http site, that I normally access from on campus. i would like to ssh into the linux computers on campus to access this site | 01:17 |
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PhantomFreak | Now, does anyone know how to get IrDA to work? I.e. What is the port of the Infa-red port? | 01:18 |
thechitowncubs | is something wrong with us.archive.ubuntu.com | 01:18 |
justin | concept10: ssh lets you just use @ to separate the username and host | 01:18 |
nalioth | computerguy867: then try to ssh in, and use your user/pass. unless they have specifically locked out all outside IP addys, you should be able to access | 01:18 |
concept10 | ... | 01:18 |
misfit-toy | drakcap, good idea thanks | 01:18 |
concept10 | Thanks nalioth for the firefox trick | 01:19 |
ecarroll | Anyone using 2.6.11 or 2.6.12 (breezy only i believe) and can read to me /cat/proc/version i need to know the gcc version number | 01:19 |
nalioth | concept10: yup, about:config messin can make ya or break ya | 01:19 |
=== slava [~slava@CPE0080ad77a020-CM000e5cdfda14.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slava | what gcc version does the latest ubuntu ship? | 01:19 |
nalioth | concept10: so now you can raze windoze from your puter forever? | 01:19 |
dennis_ | Does anyone here have an Ati Gpu that is 8500 or + | 01:19 |
justin | slava: packages.ubuntu.com | 01:19 |
tritium | thechitowncubs, yes, see the topic | 01:19 |
computerguy867 | i can successfully ssh in but I want to sure portforwarding so that when i open up my web browser(locally installed) it tricks the site | 01:20 |
computerguy867 | if that makes sence | 01:20 |
bert | @slava 4:3.3.5 | 01:20 |
slava | justin, thanks | 01:20 |
nalioth | anyone: can you tunnel ssh and view webpages and such? | 01:20 |
bert | anyone using breezy already? | 01:20 |
tritium | bert, please don't | 01:21 |
ecarroll | bert: I am | 01:21 |
dennis_ | Does anyone here have an Ati Gpu that is 8500 or +? I need help installing drivers for OpenGL support... :( | 01:21 |
ecarroll | works excelent for me | 01:21 |
nalioth | computerguy867: i only vnc via ssh, and i'm sure the uni aint got no vnc servers runnin (might be wrong) | 01:21 |
tritium | dennis_, please don't repeat so often... | 01:21 |
justin | concept10: the ssh man page covers port fowarding and proxying | 01:21 |
chillywilly | nalioth: why would you need to do that? are they restricting connections by IP address? | 01:21 |
bert | @tritium: ?!? | 01:21 |
tritium | bert, see the topic | 01:21 |
dennis_ | I didn't think anyone saw it... | 01:21 |
mcking | computerguy867: ok, here's an idea. | 01:21 |
nalioth | chillywilly: computerguy867 wants to ssh into his uni and view the uni website thru the ssh connection | 01:21 |
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computerguy867 | naloith: Close but its not a uni http site, its public | 01:22 |
justin | er | 01:22 |
computerguy867 | safari.blackboard.com | 01:22 |
nalioth | computerguy867: well if its public, why cant you point your browser at it? | 01:22 |
justin | computerguy867: the ssh man page covers port fowarding and proxying | 01:22 |
=== nalioth is confused | ||
chillywilly | computerguy867: why do you need to do it that way? they restrict client IP address? | 01:22 |
ecarroll | is there anyway to have gcc answer with a different version number | 01:22 |
mcking | computerguy867: set up a screen session with squid running on it at a known port (like 4321 or something)... | 01:22 |
computerguy867 | im confused now | 01:23 |
nalioth | mcking: ya frazzled his circuits with that one | 01:23 |
mcking | haha | 01:23 |
chillywilly | if it's a public website then just load it up and login | 01:23 |
justin | computerguy867: read the ssh man page. it covers port forwarding and proxying | 01:23 |
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GNULinuxer | Is there any way to add a bootsplash to Ubuntu like the live CD? | 01:23 |
zakann | Hello everybody* | 01:23 |
=== AlfaWolph [yri@cpe-24-165-197-17.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
computerguy867 | i think what im trying to do is forward my port 80 through my universities linux computers | 01:24 |
computerguy867 | i cant just log onto safari | 01:24 |
chillywilly | if you are trying to fake that you are on the uni network because they are restricting the connection by IP address then you would want to forward | 01:24 |
computerguy867 | i need to be on the netowrk | 01:24 |
nalioth | computerguy867: but if its public, why not just browse to it? | 01:24 |
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zakann | who could explain me how to add unicode ttf-8 support in xchat? | 01:24 |
justin | nalioth: you're not helping | 01:24 |
computerguy867 | to access the services I have to be on campus | 01:24 |
nalioth | computerguy867: so its NOT public | 01:24 |
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computerguy867 | the site is | 01:24 |
nalioth | justin: i'm trying to get solid info from him | 01:24 |
computerguy867 | but access to the services is not | 01:24 |
nalioth | computerguy867: ok then | 01:25 |
computerguy867 | it detects if your on the netowrk | 01:25 |
justin | nalioth: I already know what he is talking about, you're just confusing him | 01:25 |
chillywilly | public sites has no IP access restrictions, hence the name 'public' | 01:25 |
chillywilly | have* | 01:25 |
=== monchy [~monchy@S010600e04c400007.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
computerguy867 | right, its public | 01:25 |
nalioth | justin: sorry, i have never been to uni | 01:25 |
=== IorGie [~bert@asgard.adsl.utwente.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
justin | computerguy867: read the ssh man page. read the stuff about SOCKS | 01:25 |
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samuel | sup all | 01:25 |
computerguy867 | but when you view it on the netowk, its says welcome University of Maryland Student | 01:25 |
nalioth | computerguy867: if you are required to be on campus, then the part you are after is private | 01:25 |
computerguy867 | i guess | 01:26 |
samuel | can someone tell me the name of the CD burning software included w ubuntu? | 01:26 |
IorGie | gnomebaker | 01:26 |
kvidell | gnome-baker I think | 01:26 |
kvidell | okay, sans hyphen :) | 01:26 |
nalioth | samuel: you can install many burning pkgs | 01:26 |
kvidell | hehe | 01:26 |
mcking | yeah. safari.oreilly.com is public, but what he is saying he needs to route through his uni so that he can access the books using his uni site license | 01:26 |
computerguy867 | i read the man page but its greek to me | 01:26 |
=== GazaM [~gareth@83-70-65-56.b-ras1.srl.dublin.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | samuel, you'll have to install them, though. They're not included by default. | 01:26 |
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nalioth | samuel: graveman, k3b | 01:26 |
computerguy867 | mcking: Yes!, i thkn | 01:26 |
mcking | computerguy867: do you have an admin at the uni who could help you? | 01:26 |
justin | computerguy867: read it again. read the stuff about SOCKS. | 01:26 |
nalioth | mcking: well i think we all have figgered it out | 01:26 |
samuel | nalioth, there is one that comes with ubuntu for gnome? very good one... you can burn things easily to ISO images, etc... | 01:27 |
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nalioth | the screen + squid sounds pretty good to me | 01:27 |
tritium | samuel, gnomebaker or graveman | 01:27 |
justin | screen + squid is a dumb idea. | 01:27 |
nalioth | samuel: the nautilus file browser has a built-in burning capability (similar to winXP) | 01:27 |
samuel | tritium, thanks | 01:27 |
computerguy867 | justin: Ok | 01:27 |
dennis_ | I will someone a cookie if they help me install the ATI drivers... | 01:27 |
dennis_ | This is a cookie up for grabs... | 01:27 |
mcking | computerguy867: just make sure that your admins don't frown on something like that | 01:27 |
bionic | Where can I get the linux kernel source that comes with Ubuntu 5.04? Its not in /usr/src | 01:27 |
tritium | samuel, sure. They're both in universe | 01:28 |
samuel | nalioth, i know, but afaik it wont convert to audio-cd, just files right? | 01:28 |
computerguy867 | mcking: good point | 01:28 |
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IorGie | bionic: use apt-get | 01:28 |
ewhitten | bionic: linux-headers is the package you want. | 01:28 |
lickety | bionic, apt-cache search kernel-source | 01:28 |
bionic | sudo apt-get linux-headers? | 01:28 |
LinuxJones | bionic, you have to download it | 01:28 |
nalioth | samuel: yes, its a very simple burner | 01:28 |
tritium | bionic, yes, install linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 01:28 |
maage | test | 01:28 |
ewhitten | what tritium said. | 01:28 |
GazaM | dennis_ I'll help you | 01:28 |
dennis_ | Do you have a gpu greater than 8500? | 01:28 |
mcking | linux headers contains the header files for building software. the kernel source is in apt-get src | 01:29 |
dennis_ | I need to get OpenGL support running | 01:29 |
justin | dennis_: install the fglrx packages. | 01:29 |
GazaM | I have a PCI-E X700Pro, if that is newer than the 8500, lol | 01:29 |
tritium | the kernel source is in linux-source package | 01:29 |
bionic | Appreciate it, thanks. | 01:29 |
tritium | bionic, e.g., linux-source-2.6.10 | 01:29 |
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=== mcking just signed up for a trial of safari | ||
tritium | bionic, what is it you're trying to do? | 01:30 |
ewhitten | mcking: watch out for the ollyphonts! | 01:30 |
mcking | haha | 01:30 |
ecarroll | let me take this opertunity to say what a stupid crock of shit it is that breezy has 2.6.12 the newest kernel built with gcc v3.3.5 and what a royal pain in the ass that makes things | 01:31 |
ecarroll | kthx | 01:31 |
tritium | ecarroll, read the topic. You're asked not to run breezy yet | 01:31 |
ecarroll | ... so I'm still going to bitch about it | 01:31 |
LinuxJones | lol | 01:31 |
bionic | tritium, Well, trying to install the ati drivers from the howto on ubuntuforums. But I get an error, and my system is plain fresh ubuntu install | 01:31 |
Grumbly | nalioth: I just caught an installer error in the xserver-xorg pkg | 01:31 |
tritium | ecarroll, relax | 01:31 |
bionic | Its three lines, may I msg you them? | 01:31 |
Grumbly | hah! | 01:31 |
ecarroll | I like breezy, I dont like their decision to stick with v3.3.5 | 01:31 |
dennis_ | Wtf is Breezy? | 01:31 |
nalioth | Grumbly: were you able to overcome it? | 01:31 |
tritium | dennis_, the development version of ubuntu, to be released in October | 01:32 |
mcking | dennis_: the next version of ubuntu | 01:32 |
dennis_ | oh | 01:32 |
dennis_ | lol | 01:32 |
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Grumbly | dont know, installation continued on, but it refered to private/pool or somethng | 01:32 |
chillywilly | bah, my audio cd won't eject | 01:32 |
tritium | bionic, you should follow this: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto | 01:32 |
tritium | No need for kernel headers or source | 01:32 |
ecarroll | need to restart with new kernel | 01:33 |
Grumbly | what's the latest stable kernel? | 01:33 |
IorGie | Grumbly look at kernel.org | 01:33 |
tritium | Grumbly, 2.6.10 is the latest that's _supported_ in hoary | 01:33 |
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Grumbly | not just supported- what | 01:33 |
Grumbly | is the latest stable linux kernel? | 01:33 |
chillywilly | oh boy I got my Ubuntu CDs | 01:34 |
tritium | | 01:34 |
chillywilly | weeeeee | 01:34 |
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IorGie | chillywilly: how long did you wait for it? | 01:34 |
_scott_ | how do I install the gcc package? | 01:34 |
ewhitten | chillywilly: nice! I ordered some, but I just moved. no idea if they'll get forwarded to my new address. :( | 01:34 |
concept10 | Anyone think that Ubuntu will be here for a long time? | 01:34 |
LinuxJones | concept10, yeah :) | 01:35 |
IorGie | what is a long time? | 01:35 |
_scott_ | how do I install gcc or build essential? | 01:35 |
concept10 | more than two years | 01:35 |
ChinaCatJones | how would one change the default behavior of installing themes from a per user basis to a per machine basis under theme manager? | 01:35 |
=== gmoody [~gmoody@pool-64-223-235-36.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tweakism_ | chillywilly: wow. are you the chillywilly I know? | 01:35 |
gmoody | hello | 01:35 |
LinuxJones | _scott_, apt-get install build-essential | 01:35 |
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gmoody | exit | 01:35 |
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tritium | concept10, I would bet on it | 01:36 |
tritium | bionic, did you see my last messages before quitting? | 01:36 |
IorGie | easaly :) | 01:36 |
chillywilly | tweakism_: yes, havoc's buddy | 01:36 |
tweakism_ | Ubuntu is excellent. If it had risen up through a community coming together, I'd say it'd be carried on technical merits alone. The financier bought his way into space, though, so he could give up and move on at some point. However, since he's stinking rich, Ubuntu can't cost that much, and he's definitely planned for sufficiency. | 01:37 |
tweakism_ | chillywilly: cool. | 01:37 |
concept10 | Im going to install it on my sisters machine tonight | 01:37 |
chillywilly | IorGie: quite some time...I had forgotten about it | 01:37 |
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tritium | tweakism_, it did rise up from the debian community, and has formed a rather strong community itself | 01:37 |
ewhitten | oh man. I just spent 20 mins. trying to figure out why my pointer was going crazy... answer: sitting on the (tiny) wireless notebook mouse. | 01:37 |
concept10 | maybe it will help her gain some computer literacy | 01:37 |
IorGie | It would be nice to have some "official" ubuntu cd's but if it takes ages... | 01:37 |
ewhitten | *sigh* | 01:37 |
melostalgic | i'm having an issue with xmms working properly. can anyone help? also, im a new linux user. | 01:38 |
IorGie | I'll problably will run breezy way before they arive ;) | 01:38 |
=== `psycho [~psycho@83-131-78-49.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
concept10 | If I was Mark, I would make a million CD's and start a AOL compaign, send them in the mail, computer and electronic stores | 01:38 |
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chillywilly | ok, this is really annoying | 01:39 |
tritium | concept10, they do mail free CDs if you request them | 01:39 |
parabolize | melostalgic: whats the problem | 01:39 |
melostalgic | i can't get it to play mp3s or wavs | 01:39 |
concept10 | tritium, i know that but I would get them out to the entire public | 01:39 |
xirtam | how do i set transparency using xorg? | 01:40 |
=== _Magog_ [~magog@68-168-15-129.miamfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | tritium: concept10 is talking bout AOL-level (in every roll of toilet paper, etc) | 01:40 |
tritium | nalioth, right, I understand. | 01:40 |
parabolize | melostalgic: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#codecs | 01:40 |
nalioth | melostalgic: ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 01:40 |
IorGie | melostalgic: see ubuntuguide.org to install multimedia support | 01:40 |
=== zedman [~psssst@pool-68-239-65-179.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
concept10 | someone has to market linux to the masses | 01:40 |
melostalgic | i've already installed all of them parabolize | 01:40 |
parabolize | lol | 01:40 |
chillywilly | the nautilus eject wouldn't worked so I kill -9'd it and then I was able to eject my audio CD | 01:40 |
=== drobbins [~drobbins@tide518.microsoft.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ccc | i may be wrong, but isn't xmms development dead since long? the last i saw of it, it was still using gtk1. :D | 01:40 |
_Magog_ | ive got my repo's workin to get e17, all my dependancies are resolved except libe, i cant install it without libe and cant install libe without it | 01:40 |
chillywilly | Jun 13 18:38:38 localhost kernel: program eject is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please convert it to SG_IO | 01:41 |
concept10 | could you imagine how many people would be in this channel if they started a AOL campaign nalioth? | 01:41 |
IorGie | concept10: thats were we here aren't we? | 01:41 |
nalioth | chillywilly: thats what 'kill' is for | 01:41 |
parabolize | melostalgic do they run in any other media player | 01:41 |
tritium | welcome drobbins :) | 01:41 |
drobbins | hiya | 01:41 |
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nalioth | concept10: it would be kwazy | 01:41 |
chillywilly | nalioth: um, no it should eject properly...and I did use kill, did you even read what I typed? :) | 01:41 |
_Magog_ | anyone know how i can install libe? | 01:42 |
thechitowncubs | Can anyone help me setup a certificate in Evolution? | 01:42 |
concept10 | drobbins, you work at MS? | 01:42 |
nalioth | chillywilly: it 'should' eject properly, but obviously nautilus wasnt finished with it | 01:42 |
drobbins | yep, as of May 23rd | 01:42 |
jtorgers | a review of ubuntu at http://osnews.com/comment.php?news_id=10836 | 01:42 |
=== odie5533 [~odie5533@c-67-175-208-140.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
melostalgic | parabolize, no. i've tried helix player, realplayer, and amaroK | 01:42 |
skora | haha | 01:42 |
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macarthy | hi all | 01:43 |
thechitowncubs | I have got it imported but it asked me for a PKCS12 passowrd, but i have no idea what that means | 01:43 |
nalioth | macarthy: did you get sorted out? | 01:43 |
melostalgic | whenever i drag and drop a file into xmms and click play it freezes xmms | 01:43 |
LinuxJones | Daniel Robbins ? | 01:43 |
macarthy | nalioth: no This is from syslog - vino-server[14877] : segfault at 000000000152f678 rip 000000000040af65 rsp 0000007fbffff6d0 error 6 - | 01:43 |
odie5533 | How do I use a webcam on linux? | 01:43 |
skora | im a linux using teenager who has bill gates shaking in his boots | 01:43 |
skora | :D | 01:43 |
=== kevogod [~kevogod@c68.115.7.181.stp.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | macarthy: i recommend another sshd | 01:43 |
skora | *sarcasm* | 01:43 |
nalioth | macarthy: oops, another vncd | 01:43 |
chillywilly | nalioth: it wasn't doing anything with it | 01:43 |
odie5533 | Anyone here ever use a webcam with linux? | 01:43 |
parabolize | melostalgic: you know if your sound works at all? | 01:44 |
=== moman [~moman@pcp05290820pcs.wanarb01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | chillywilly: i've never been fond of gnome | 01:44 |
melostalgic | parabolize, yes, it does. | 01:44 |
calc | odie5533: get something that works with v4l | 01:44 |
IorGie | odie5533: I tried but gave up | 01:44 |
nalioth | chillywilly: cuz of unexplained stuff like that | 01:44 |
thechitowncubs | Anyone :/ | 01:44 |
tritium | odie5533, you have to do some research and find one that is supported with a driver | 01:44 |
kevogod | Is Ubuntu going to use ClearLooks as a default theme ever or continue using Human? | 01:44 |
macarthy | nalioth: yes, that will be my workaround - however I'd like to use this as an opertunity to report my first bug report | 01:44 |
calc | odie5533: gnomemeeting probably does | 01:44 |
parabolize | melostalgic no idea then. soory | 01:44 |
concept10 | nalioth, you sounded like jar jar with kwazy. Anyway is us.archive.ubuntu.com down? | 01:44 |
=== calc wrote a driver for one webcam for linux but never used it much afterwards | ||
nalioth | macarthy: bugzilla.ubuntu.org | 01:44 |
tritium | concept10, yes, see the topic | 01:44 |
nalioth | concept10: read the /topic | 01:44 |
odie5533 | how do I know if my webcam works? | 01:44 |
_Magog_ | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 01:45 |
_Magog_ | libe: Depends: enlightenment (= 0.16.999.010-0cvs20050611) but 1:0.16.6-3ubuntu1 is to be installed | 01:45 |
_Magog_ | E: Broken packages | 01:45 |
odie5533 | I mainly want it to just take pictures | 01:45 |
_Magog_ | anyone know? | 01:45 |
macarthy | is there a howto to writing a meaning full bug report? | 01:45 |
macarthy | meaningful | 01:45 |
nalioth | _Magog_: how are you building/installing all these things? | 01:45 |
=== mebaran151 [~mebaran15@c-24-126-1-10.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== chillywilly bakes a CD | ||
_Magog_ | nalioth, apt-get | 01:45 |
bionic | tritium, yes I did, but I get a bunch of errors when trying to follow it | 01:45 |
tritium | drobbins, how's gentoo dev? | 01:45 |
drobbins | tritium: gentoo development? | 01:46 |
nalioth | _Magog_: you might end up having to build by hand the last two items | 01:46 |
tritium | drobbins, yes | 01:46 |
=== JohnMurdoch [~JohnMurdo@5555164852db0cdf.session.tor] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chillywilly | as the damn thing just hangs there... | 01:46 |
nalioth | _Magog_: use checkinstall (it makes debs, for convienient pkg managment <and thats about all>) | 01:46 |
=== chillywilly slaps it around some | ||
tritium | bionic, that's not usual... | 01:46 |
_Magog_ | kk | 01:46 |
_Magog_ | ty | 01:46 |
chillywilly | there we go | 01:46 |
drobbins | tritium: good question. Good, I suppose. | 01:46 |
chillywilly | or not.. | 01:47 |
bionic | tritium, Shouldnt be, my install of Ubuntu is plain fresh :( | 01:47 |
melostalgic | no one has any ideas on how to help me? | 01:47 |
=== ewhitten [~seraph@pool-141-154-114-244.bos.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
bionic | tritium, May I msg you the output? | 01:47 |
_Magog_ | na | 01:47 |
tritium | bionic, okay | 01:47 |
_Magog_ | not quite | 01:47 |
drobbins | tritium: this is my first day hanging on freenode after starting work at Microsoft | 01:47 |
kevogod | Is Ubuntu compatible with Reiser4? | 01:47 |
chillywilly | gah, burning disk failed | 01:47 |
skora | hey cubies | 01:47 |
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nalioth | _Magog_: use 'checkinstall' (may have to install it) instead of "make install" | 01:47 |
_Magog_ | cool | 01:48 |
tritium | drobbins, it's nice having you here. I guess this means you've left Albuquerque? | 01:48 |
drobbins | tritium: yes | 01:48 |
skora | im not sure, but I think evolution doesn't work with that type of certificate :/ | 01:48 |
nalioth | _Magog_: it makes a deb, so you can remove the thing you compiled easily (and you have a deb for later) | 01:48 |
drobbins | tritium: I'm in Redmond, WA now | 01:48 |
tritium | drobbins, ah, that's my home town. I'll be moving back in August. Too bad you're gone. | 01:48 |
drobbins | where will you be moving from? | 01:48 |
thechitowncubs | I have got it imported but it asked me for a PKCS12 passowrd, but i have no idea what that means | 01:48 |
thechitowncubs | Can anyone help me setup a certificate in Evolution? | 01:48 |
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tritium | drobbins, West Lafayette, IN | 01:49 |
=== dmb [~chatzilla@ool-4573a3b0.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== neuneu [~human2760@ADSL-TPLUS-18-77.intnet.mu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
drobbins | ah | 01:49 |
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=== [DarkSun] [~digital@pcp0010489260pcs.essex01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dmb | hi | 01:49 |
skora | thechitowncubs, http://howto.mainstreamlinux.com/SSL-Certificates-HOWTO/x282.html | 01:49 |
skora | that might be it. | 01:49 |
tritium | drobbins, Some years back, I lived in Mukilteo, WA. Not too far from Redmond. | 01:49 |
dmb | im really stupid when it comes to apt-get, im so used to portage/gentoo | 01:49 |
dmb | so... | 01:49 |
=== kurt [~kurt@pool-151-200-236-203.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | dmb: so use synaptic | 01:49 |
dmb | how do I install an identd server? | 01:49 |
drobbins | tritium: moving to WA made me realize how harsh NM can be, environmentally speaking | 01:49 |
chillywilly | try again... | 01:49 |
dmb | nalioth: yes, but i don't see any identd server on synaptic | 01:50 |
IorGie | dmb it is already installes at default | 01:50 |
drobbins | tritium: the family is enjoying it here | 01:50 |
IorGie | see /etc/inetd.conf | 01:50 |
nalioth | dmb: have you enabled universe and multiverse? | 01:50 |
=== Weiss [~weiss@students.dow.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | drobbins, yes, but I grew up there, so I'm used to it. I like the dry heat, and you can't beat the chile ;) | 01:50 |
dmb | nalioth: nope | 01:50 |
drobbins | chile is good | 01:50 |
dmb | also, would that let be get anjuta also? | 01:50 |
[DarkSun] | can someone tell me if the live CD supports NTFS RW? | 01:50 |
dmb | (i almost said emerge) | 01:50 |
nalioth | dmb: www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 01:50 |
drobbins | tritium: want to buy my house? :) | 01:51 |
nalioth | [DarkSun] : nope | 01:51 |
IorGie | [DarkSun] it doesn't support write on NTFS | 01:51 |
nalioth | dmb: packages.ubuntu.com has a list | 01:51 |
thechitowncubs | If anyone has any info about PGP signing and certificates and how to use them in emails and just a simple description how it works, could you please PM me :(, thanks :) | 01:51 |
tritium | drobbins, sorry, I own one already. I'm just renting it out while I'm here. Thanks, though :) | 01:51 |
drobbins | np ;) | 01:51 |
[DarkSun] | does anyone know a live cd that does? im in a little bit of a bind and need NTFS RW | 01:51 |
nalioth | [DarkSun] : writing to NTFS is unstable from linux | 01:51 |
=== bionic [~bionic@140.80-202-73.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
drakcap | darksun, use the windows cd's recovery console | 01:52 |
[DarkSun] | drakcap, would if i had one | 01:52 |
IorGie | [DarkSun] Its still experimental an might cause data lost. Dont try it | 01:52 |
drakcap | :( | 01:52 |
drakcap | darksun, use ro access to copy all the data then write it back as fat32? | 01:52 |
concept10 | [DarkSun] , you should use FAT32 (vfat) if you want RW support | 01:52 |
chillywilly | bake...cd...bake | 01:52 |
Grumbly | postdrop: unable to look up public/pickup | 01:52 |
Grumbly | wth | 01:52 |
drobbins | tritium: so how is ubuntu going? | 01:52 |
drobbins | tritium: you guys seem to be very well received... | 01:53 |
doneill | anybody up for some enemy territory? | 01:53 |
mebaran151 | doneill que? | 01:53 |
[DarkSun] | *sigh* not my pc, trying to save a server from needing to be reformated, kinda a time crises atm | 01:53 |
tritium | drobbins, pretty well, it seems. Have you tried it at all? | 01:53 |
[DarkSun] | thanx anyway | 01:53 |
doneill | eum, it's a game | 01:53 |
doneill | quasi-RTCW sequel | 01:53 |
doneill | first person shooter | 01:53 |
=== [DarkSun] [~digital@pcp0010489260pcs.essex01.md.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
doneill | by ID Software | 01:53 |
doneill | (it's free though) | 01:53 |
drobbins | tritium: I haven't... we have a bunch of ubuntu cd's here though, but not the current release afaik | 01:54 |
dmb | i know this might seem kind of stupid, but, does ubuntu set a password for root or somethign? | 01:54 |
HrdwrBoB | dmb: nope | 01:54 |
dmb | because i don't remember setting one in the isntall process | 01:54 |
tritium | drobbins, there at MS? wow... | 01:54 |
dmb | ahh | 01:54 |
HrdwrBoB | dmb: ubuntu uses 'sudo' | 01:54 |
nalioth | dmb: ubuntu doesnt use root | 01:54 |
dmb | im so used to using su | 01:54 |
HrdwrBoB | dmb: just use sudo where you would use su :) | 01:54 |
doneill | me too | 01:54 |
HrdwrBoB | sudo -s for a shell | 01:54 |
tritium | dmb, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo | 01:54 |
=== doneill is from debian | ||
nalioth | dmb: sudo keeps n00bs from shooting off their foot | 01:54 |
=== doneill sudo passwd root'd first thing | ||
drobbins | tritium: yes, I believe that your boss sent them to my boss :) | 01:54 |
=== dmb is from gentoo | ||
drobbins | or, maybe someone just ordered a bunch and sent them over | 01:55 |
tweakism_ | drobbins: are you daniel robbins, the gentoo guy? | 01:55 |
drobbins | yes | 01:55 |
doneill | i think an obfuscated root access method is a good idea for that reason | 01:55 |
tweakism_ | wow, it's nice to meet you. | 01:55 |
drobbins | nice to meet you too :) | 01:55 |
abarbaccia | bob2, you active? | 01:55 |
tritium | drobbins, :) heh, I'm not a canonical employee... | 01:55 |
=== tweakism_ is using gentoo right now. | ||
doneill | tweakism_: recognize my name too by any chance? :) | 01:55 |
=== doneill poses | ||
doneill | ....didn't think so. | 01:56 |
=== tritium gives a warm welcome to the architect of Gentoo, drobbins | ||
doneill | nice to meet you, anyway. | 01:56 |
tweakism_ | UW psych? | 01:56 |
tweakism_ | so says google. | 01:56 |
doneill | heheh | 01:56 |
tweakism_ | :P | 01:56 |
=== mcking thinks drobbins is cool | ||
doneill | curses to google. | 01:56 |
doneill | no, i'm not that one | 01:56 |
drobbins | :) | 01:56 |
drobbins | thanks | 01:56 |
ukato | what's the ftp server progam | 01:56 |
doneill | funny, there's one on the ipv6 mailing lists with the same name, exactly. | 01:57 |
doneill | Daniel Francis O'Neill | 01:57 |
dmb | hmm, are you sure an identd server is installed by default? | 01:57 |
doneill | what are the chances of that? a linux user too. | 01:57 |
dmb | because i don't see anything in /etc/ident.conf | 01:57 |
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=== wm_eddie_ [~eddie@69-167-232-17.miamfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
concept10 | Is there any need to run clam av on regular desktop? | 01:57 |
IorGie | concept10: not realy but it's alway nice to send out clean emails | 01:58 |
=== mcking wonders why he didn't use safari earlier | ||
=== kev0r_ [~kev0r@adsl-69-208-253-213.dsl.lgtpmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dmb | why use safari when theres mozilla/firefox? | 01:58 |
LinuxJones | drobbins, mind if I ask what your new job is ? | 01:59 |
othernoob | dmb. choice perhaps ? | 01:59 |
concept10 | Im curious to know how clam intergrates with Evolution? | 01:59 |
drobbins | hey, the news just hit slashdot | 01:59 |
nalioth | concept10: clamav for me (a regular use) would be to scan stuff you'd send to your windoze brethren | 01:59 |
dmb | W: Couldn't stat source package list http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hoary/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 01:59 |
tweakism_ | drobbins: are you going to work at Microsoft? | 01:59 |
LinuxJones | lol | 01:59 |
drobbins | LinuxJones: my job is to help Microsoft understand open source and community projects | 01:59 |
Consty | isn't konqueror better because it passed those ACID2 tests for web standards that only safari has passed until recently. | 01:59 |
nalioth | concept10: clamav has been used in spam detecting mail server scripts, also | 01:59 |
tritium | dmb, please see the topic | 01:59 |
JohnMurdoch | suddenly, I feel sick | 01:59 |
LinuxJones | drobbins, cool | 01:59 |
dmb | tritium: thats not a md5sum error though | 02:00 |
dmb | drobbins: seriosly? | 02:00 |
=== xterminus [~cmauch@c-24-19-125-197.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
drobbins | dmb: yep | 02:00 |
=== jaysinn [~jason@ool-182deb46.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IorGie | drobbins: quite a job ;) | 02:00 |
concept10 | drobbins, please dont help them put Windows on top of our beloved kernel. :) | 02:00 |
mcking | so what does that mean? | 02:00 |
xterminus | i applied for one of those jobs at microsoft last week actually | 02:00 |
JohnMurdoch | I can't believe it, homemade air conditioning on the cheap. | 02:00 |
dmb | drobbins: are you really drobbins ? | 02:00 |
drobbins | yes | 02:01 |
xterminus | they're looking for ppl who can dig into linux, compare it with windows, and make windows more competitive against linux | 02:01 |
ukato | what is a good ftp server | 02:01 |
ukato | ftpd? | 02:01 |
=== usynic [~synic@c-67-172-247-186.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Consty | mcking: Something about how Safari/Konqueror are completely compliant with web standards where as others have deviations. | 02:01 |
concept10 | drobbins, thanks for the good docs in ibm developer works | 02:01 |
drobbins | thanks for reading them :) | 02:01 |
mcking | Consty: no i meant the drobbins bomshe;; | 02:01 |
=== mdke [~mdke@mdke.user] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mcking | s/;;/ll/ | 02:01 |
Consty | mcking: Ah, sorry :) | 02:01 |
mcking | stupid new keyboard | 02:01 |
IorGie | ukato: fure-ftpd runs fine over here | 02:01 |
ukato | iorgie, k thanks | 02:02 |
dmb | this could be hard not saying anyhting about micrsoft | 02:02 |
concept10 | drobbins, gosh that was /dotted quick, who did you tell? | 02:02 |
JohnMurdoch | did anyone read that homemade air conditioner story on /.? Wouldn't that cause too much humidity to creep into room? | 02:03 |
drobbins | well, an announcement got on gentoo.org this morning | 02:03 |
drobbins | JohnMurdoch: I looked at it quickly but I think it's a closed system, sorta | 02:03 |
drobbins | JohnMurdoch: I don't think it was a swamp cooler, which are used in Albuquerque (and work well, generally...) | 02:04 |
tritium | JohnMurdoch, we use evaporative coolers in the desert southwest. Not really a new idea... | 02:04 |
=== stuNNed [~implosion@stunned.user] has joined #ubuntu | ||
concept10 | I hope they are paying over $100k for your position | 02:06 |
drobbins | me too | 02:07 |
dmb | lol | 02:07 |
stuNNed | drobbins: hiyas how's it going? | 02:07 |
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drobbins | seriously though, I didn't take this position for the money | 02:07 |
tritium | drobbins, let me know when you need a few pounds of Hatch green chile sent up to Redmond | 02:07 |
=== Flik [~flik@d207-6-196-246.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
drobbins | tritium: ok | 02:07 |
=== synd [~synd@h84.32.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
drobbins | tritium: we will probably arrange to have the movers ship up a few boxes with all our belongings | 02:07 |
dmb | gentoo + ubuntu = best distros | 02:07 |
synd | blah gentoo | 02:07 |
tritium | :) | 02:07 |
dmb | gentoo is better for me | 02:08 |
tritium | synd, please don't | 02:08 |
dmb | as i like to compile my whole os | 02:08 |
dmb | synd: don't when drobbins is in here | 02:08 |
synd | tritium: dont what? | 02:08 |
=== _heart [~heart@p549C3ABB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wm_eddie_ | They are opposite sides of a spectrum of what different people need. | 02:08 |
dmb | yeh | 02:08 |
tritium | synd, no need to bash the merits of other distros, at any time | 02:08 |
IorGie | with ^^ | 02:09 |
synd | ain't bashing anything. | 02:09 |
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=== october [~october@ip24-252-197-99.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dmb | like, i'm going to use ubuntu to distribute to my freinds who are newbies to linux | 02:09 |
concept10 | I have to admit there are some good quips on slashdot about the story. That crowd cracks me up with the siliness | 02:09 |
dmb | gentoo is the distro for me | 02:09 |
_heart | where can i find the $QTDIR from kubuntu? | 02:09 |
_heart | find /usr /opt -name qtconfig -type f -perm +111 <-- gives me nothing | 02:09 |
dmb | i have to say, there is way to much crap in comments in every slashdot story | 02:10 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o tritium] by tritium | ||
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=== bosshoff [~bosshoff@24-48-184-146.sbtnvt.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wm_eddie_ | dmb, Nobody reads them anymore. | 02:10 |
bosshoff | hi all | 02:10 |
nullvoid | hi all | 02:10 |
LinuxJones | dmb, that's what slashdot is for :) | 02:10 |
tritium | hi guys | 02:10 |
dmb | i of coarse have to read the mozilla comments stuffs | 02:10 |
=== bpuccio [~brian@ool-18b91a74.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nullvoid | I am looking for openclipart | 02:10 |
dmb | becuase i'm a bit involved in the moz project | 02:10 |
dmb | i just like to see how stupid people can be | 02:10 |
nullvoid | when I apt search it, it's not there | 02:10 |
Razor-X | dmb: 's why I never read the comments | 02:10 |
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nullvoid | but available at http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/graphics/openclipart | 02:11 |
concept10 | dmb, yeah.. thats the truth | 02:11 |
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=== Galett [~bart@11.32.97-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
odie5533 | how do i enable/use a webcam? | 02:11 |
=== Treyb [~trey@216-15-65-221.c3-0.tlg-ubr1.atw-tlg.pa.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wm_eddie_ | Quick what's everyone's favorite program? | 02:11 |
tritium | odie5533, is there a driver for your cam? Is it loaded? | 02:11 |
Treyb | hey does ubuntu not come with cc or gcc? | 02:11 |
odie5533 | How do I tell? | 02:12 |
wm_eddie_ | Treyb, build-essential | 02:12 |
tritium | Treyb, "sudo aptitude install build-essential" | 02:12 |
dmb | so drobbins, are you still going be be the top person @ gentoo? | 02:12 |
Razor-X | Treyb: it's on teh cd, just not installed | 02:12 |
Treyb | ahh | 02:12 |
drobbins | dmb: nope, I'm totally separated from gentoo at this point | 02:12 |
Treyb | ok was like WOW what kinda os doesnt have gcc lol | 02:12 |
tritium | Treyb, we'd be in trouble if it didn't have a compiler ;) | 02:12 |
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Razor-X | *the | 02:12 |
dmb | becaise i was/am starting development there | 02:12 |
Treyb | yes sir lol | 02:12 |
odie5533 | tritium: how do I know if there is a driver or if its loaded? | 02:13 |
Razor-X | tritium: hmmm, you shouldn't promote aptitude, you can "fork" n00bs ;) | 02:13 |
bosshoff | I was just wondering if anyone can get windows to drag from one desktop to the other in dual-monitor setups w/o xinerama | 02:13 |
concept10 | I loaded my wireless drivers with ndiswrapper yesterday but I cant not get it to find my wireless lan, any suggestions? | 02:13 |
tritium | Razor-X, it has some advantages over apt-get | 02:13 |
mdke | concept10, did you check the channel? | 02:13 |
bosshoff | probably something wrong with your /etc/conf.d/net | 02:13 |
mdke | is this #ubuntu? | 02:13 |
=== mdke double checks | ||
fishie | whoa i really am getting to love linux more and more everyday | 02:13 |
=== blablablabla [~maniac@p54A3E854.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fishie | :) | 02:13 |
dmb | hehe | 02:13 |
=== bienve [~bienve@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | odie5533, which cam is it? | 02:14 |
Razor-X | tritium: understood, but, most of the people here offer advice with apt-get, and so, some people may get confused | 02:14 |
mdke | concept10, you set your net stuff in /etc/network/interfaces | 02:14 |
concept10 | mdke, yes. I set the correct channel ESID.. | 02:14 |
LinuxJones | fishie, before you know it you'll be on #ubuntu 24/7 :) | 02:14 |
=== bigbootay [~bigbootay@CPE0004e28a9289-CM000a73a14ed4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mdke | concept10, channel =/ essid | 02:15 |
tritium | Razor-X, I typically do offer up both alternatives... | 02:15 |
Razor-X | hehe, fine fine | 02:15 |
=== lakin [~lakin@dsl-hill-66-18-228-60-cgy.nucleus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
odie5533 | tritium: ov511+ | 02:15 |
mdke | concept10, have a look at iwconfig, and see which channel it is on, to make sure it conforms to your AP | 02:15 |
tritium | odie5533, yes, there is a driver for that | 02:15 |
Treyb | wow I'm almost surprised I like this OS coming from FreeBSD lol | 02:15 |
Razor-X | Treyb: you may, but i'm never going to the FreeBSD world ;) | 02:16 |
odie5533 | tritium: How do I use it? and how do I capture from the device? | 02:16 |
Treyb | guess I just wanted something a bit easier so i dont have to work as hard for resaults lol | 02:16 |
=== KrimZon [~krimzon@81-178-251-87.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== ScislaC [~scislac@ip68-2-249-199.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | odie5533, "lsmod | grep ov511". If it's listed, the module is loaded | 02:16 |
IorGie | Razor-X: never say never, a year ago i wouldnt ever concider linux | 02:16 |
concept10 | wlan0 IEEE 802.11b ESSID:"MSHOME" | 02:16 |
concept10 | Mode:Managed Frequency:2.457 GHz I dont see channel?! | 02:16 |
=== Arthemys [~Arthemys@dsl39.barrvtel.sover.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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odie5533 | tritium: It's listed, but how do I use the device? | 02:17 |
mdke | concept10, is that all you have? | 02:17 |
tritium | odie5533, you can try gnomemeeting for videoconferencing | 02:17 |
=== popeydotcom [~popey@dsl-80-46-101-238.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | IorGie: i'll say never because I tried FreeBSD | 02:17 |
nullvoid | concept10: kismet will show chan | 02:17 |
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concept10 | mdke, no didnt want to flood | 02:17 |
odie5533 | tritium: I just want to capture from it | 02:17 |
bosshoff | I was just wondering if anyone can get windows to drag from one desktop to the other in dual-monitor setups w/o xinerama? I heard there was some migration software | 02:17 |
mdke | concept10, fair enough, but its strange you don't have channel | 02:17 |
mdke | concept10, anyhow frequency will do | 02:17 |
misfit-toy | concept10, now you realize you should be upgrading FC right now doncha? ;p | 02:18 |
Treyb | anyone here know about mesa? | 02:18 |
Razor-X | the naming conventions themselfves seem so counter-intuitive from the onset, and there's so much more.... | 02:18 |
Razor-X | *themselves | 02:18 |
tritium | odie5533, try "apt-cache search webcam". That should return a number of packages you can look into using. | 02:18 |
Razor-X | hmmm... time to test my LaTeX skillage out on some of my WYSIWYG documents | 02:18 |
KrimZon | "E: The package jre needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it." <- what do i do when apt-get says this? | 02:18 |
concept10 | misfit-toy, lol :) dont tell no one! | 02:18 |
IorGie | Razor-X: i dont but i gave linux a very small change after RH and debian. Till i finaly found ubuntu | 02:18 |
misfit-toy | concept10, heheh | 02:18 |
Razor-X | IorGie: well, yeah, maybe I should sample _all_ the BSD distros out there, aka OpenBSD and FreeBSD and ... nothing! ;) | 02:19 |
concept10 | misfit-toy, I am commiting distro adultery right now | 02:19 |
KrimZon | i dont need the jre right now, i just want apt-get to actually work | 02:19 |
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misfit-toy | concept10, just as Apple is cheating on IBM | 02:19 |
Razor-X | concept10: i'm committing distro incest | 02:19 |
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misfit-toy | Razor-X, wow, describe in great detail | 02:20 |
eraser` | where can I report bugs in apt universe? | 02:20 |
concept10 | misfit-toy, my new setup is ubuntu laptop, FC on the desktop | 02:20 |
Razor-X | misfit-toy: combining two deviants distros of Linux ;) | 02:20 |
Treyb | Razor-X: distro molestation is alot more fun | 02:20 |
Razor-X | Treyb: mmmhmmm | 02:20 |
Treyb | grr i cant get freakin mesa to make!!! | 02:20 |
misfit-toy | concept10, yeah, sounds good, I have an ubuntu laptop and an FC one, the FC one is now upgrading, albeit slowly for some reason. | 02:20 |
mdke | Treyb, what error? | 02:20 |
misfit-toy | Razor-X, you go boy~! | 02:20 |
Razor-X | eraser`: you mean, the package manager itself, or problems with the Universe repo? | 02:20 |
mdke | Treyb, also, why are you compiling it? | 02:21 |
eraser` | universe repo | 02:21 |
GhettoFish | hmm how do i play *.mov files with mplayer? anyone know? | 02:21 |
concept10 | misfit-toy, I decided to try ubuntu after the delay last week and its great on my laptop | 02:21 |
SeamusLP | KrimZon: Perhaps some app you are installing requires the jre, but you don't have it? | 02:21 |
Treyb | theres a binary build of it mdke? | 02:21 |
Razor-X | eraser`: read the topic and see if that's the problem | 02:21 |
misfit-toy | concept10, I have to admit on this laptop Ubuntu *blazes* | 02:21 |
mdke | Treyb, i'm not an expert, but afaik mesa comes with xorg | 02:21 |
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eraser` | it's a bad md5 sum for hoary | 02:21 |
bosshoff | um, should I just be in a different chan? | 02:21 |
Treyb | not from what i've been reading | 02:21 |
concept10 | misfit-toy, faster boot too for me | 02:22 |
misfit-toy | concept10, although my wife gets nervous when I talk about my 'ubuntu laptop' | 02:22 |
Razor-X | eraser`: read the topic | 02:22 |
synd | are there better fonts avail in the apt? | 02:22 |
misfit-toy | concept10, loads in half the time | 02:22 |
concept10 | misfit-toy, :) | 02:22 |
eraser` | ah | 02:22 |
IorGie | synd just read ubuntuguid.org | 02:22 |
KrimZon | i tried installing the jre, but it didnt work | 02:22 |
zedman | Can anyone help me figure out why my friend can't play mp3s in any media players? | 02:22 |
eraser` | I thought you were telling me about breezy :x | 02:22 |
mdke | bosshoff, that depends | 02:22 |
eraser` | thanks | 02:22 |
LinuxJones | synd, there are some nice ttf fonts for download yeah | 02:22 |
misfit-toy | ok, off to cook some dinner, or at least make sure it's not burning, biab. | 02:22 |
concept10 | misfit-toy, thats true. plus ubuntu has a good communtity around it | 02:22 |
mdke | zedman, has he read the RestrictedFormats document on the wiki? | 02:22 |
zedman | no, link please | 02:23 |
misfit-toy | aha, synd, the man who exorcised my wireless NIC! ;p | 02:23 |
KrimZon | the file must've been corrupt because it broke the redhat to debian converter | 02:23 |
misfit-toy | biab | 02:23 |
synd | LinuxJones: recommend any? | 02:23 |
mdke | zedman, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 02:23 |
bosshoff | mdke, I'm interested in people's dual monitor setups | 02:23 |
tritium | KrimZon, due to Sun's licensing restrictions, there is no jre package. There are many ways to get one. The one I recommend is to use the "make-jpkg" command from java-package to build your own from a downloaded jre installer | 02:23 |
synd | misfit-toy: i got it working with a dell lappy, but am having a hell of a time on this toshiba... | 02:23 |
mdke | bosshoff, any luck here? | 02:23 |
mdke | synd, report all problems! | 02:24 |
zedman | yeah, thanks. | 02:24 |
Treyb | mdke: i dunno if its built in xorg cant figure out how to make use of it | 02:24 |
synd | mdke: its not so much a problem. | 02:24 |
IorGie | anyone running samba in a worgroup (not a domain) with XP's? | 02:24 |
mdke | synd, if it isn't working when you install, its a problem | 02:24 |
bosshoff | mdke: I guess not, but I'm not even getting a response, so I figured I was in the wrong chan | 02:24 |
Razor-X | tritium: I thought they added a jre package to the repos? | 02:24 |
mdke | bosshoff, maybe you can try a number of different channels | 02:25 |
synd | mdke: if i deemed it a problem, i would have been asking here : ) | 02:25 |
concept10 | what is kismet? | 02:25 |
Treyb | since my 3d accelerator isnt working properly and can't figure out what else is wrong | 02:25 |
mdke | synd, oh sorry I thought you were | 02:25 |
mdke | Treyb, what card? | 02:25 |
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bosshoff | well, I'm in the gnome chan as well, and like nobody is talking at all | 02:25 |
Treyb | ati radeon 9700 | 02:25 |
KrimZon | i was following the instructions on ubuntuguide.org when i last tried | 02:25 |
LinuxJones | synd, there were some nice larabie fonts are very nice in multiverse | 02:25 |
mdke | Treyb, ok you need the special drivers for that sort of card | 02:25 |
Burgundavia | Treyb, do you have an nforce2 mobo? | 02:25 |
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Treyb | im only getting like 135 fps for glxgears also which is a bit low | 02:25 |
Razor-X | bosshoff: you mean, the GNOME window manager, or, Ubuntu? | 02:25 |
synd | mdke: nah, just telling misfit-toy about it. it was his card before mine. he could not get it working either.. | 02:26 |
tritium | Razor-X, no, they can't do that, due to Sun's licensing restrictions | 02:26 |
Razor-X | Treyb: speak for yourself! | 02:26 |
mdke | Treyb, you shouldn't need to recompile the Mesa module in xorg | 02:26 |
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Razor-X | tritium: so, is it a java reverse-engineer? | 02:26 |
mdke | Treyb, did you try installing anything yet? | 02:26 |
synd | LinuxJones: alright, sounds good. ill take a gander | 02:26 |
KrimZon | does rar require java though? | 02:26 |
tritium | Razor-X, what? | 02:26 |
Treyb | well in winex i cant get past the 3d accelerator test | 02:26 |
Treyb | and when i run half life it just blank screens | 02:26 |
Razor-X | KrimZon: nope | 02:26 |
mdke | Treyb, you haven't installed any drivers for your card yet? | 02:26 |
Razor-X | tritium: like BlackDown(IIRC)'s Java | 02:26 |
KrimZon | cause it gives the same message when i try to install that | 02:26 |
othernoob | is there another prog for .ace files besides unace ? | 02:27 |
synd | can one put icons on xfce's desktop? | 02:27 |
Treyb | mdke oh ya i did | 02:27 |
tritium | Razor-X, those are not in ubuntu repositories | 02:27 |
Burgundavia | Treyb, what does this: glxinfo | grep OpenGL | 02:27 |
bosshoff | mdke, well, i'm running ubuntu, and I haven't changed anything besides xorg.conf, but yes, it is gnome | 02:27 |
Burgundavia | Treyb, spit out? | 02:27 |
KrimZon | so im guessing apt-get needs some kind of command to fix whatever of jre is left over from the failed install | 02:27 |
Treyb | the opengl info | 02:27 |
Burgundavia | Treyb, do you see Mesa or ATI? | 02:27 |
Razor-X | tritium: nevermind | 02:28 |
Treyb | mesa | 02:28 |
Burgundavia | Treyb, then you don't have your drivers activated | 02:28 |
mdke | guide is here http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:28 |
Burgundavia | Treyb, see the stuff under notes on wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:28 |
mdke | *grins* | 02:28 |
Treyb | lkk thnx guys :) | 02:28 |
bosshoff | so, is there a specific gnome server that gets more traffic? | 02:29 |
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mdke | bosshoff, irc.gimp.net but you could maybe see if there is an xorg network somewhere | 02:29 |
patt0n | hola | 02:29 |
bosshoff | oh, good call | 02:29 |
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patt0n | spanisch????? | 02:30 |
kvidell | patt0n: #ubuntu-es | 02:30 |
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patt0n | I not speke inghlish | 02:30 |
mdke | patt0n, try /join | 02:30 |
mdke | #ubuntu-es | 02:30 |
mdke | damn sorry | 02:30 |
mdke | /join #ubuntu-es | 02:31 |
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bienve | patt0n, jajaja | 02:31 |
=== caonex [~caonex@ip70-177-55-187.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dmb | hey drobbins , what does ===#gentoo-dev The channel demigods have stolen your voice mean? | 02:31 |
patt0n | no entiendo sorry | 02:31 |
caonex | patt0n, no hablas ingles? | 02:31 |
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drobbins | dmb: you're not voiced in the channel | 02:31 |
patt0n | no y tu hablas espaol?? | 02:31 |
Razor-X | dmb: they unvoiced you? | 02:31 |
dmb | no recuedo espanol | 02:32 |
drobbins | by default, only devs are voiced in #gentoo-dev | 02:32 |
caonex | patt0n, s | 02:32 |
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dmb | ahh | 02:32 |
jbroome | how is he going to reply with no voice? :) | 02:32 |
patt0n | caonex | 02:32 |
Razor-X | patt0n: aqui, no hablamos espanol, /join #ubuntu-es | 02:32 |
caonex | patt0n, es mi primera lengua | 02:32 |
drobbins | well, devs are opped, people who interact with devs are voiced.... | 02:32 |
marcin_ant | hi all | 02:32 |
caonex | patt0n, ? | 02:32 |
Razor-X | ok, if that came out wrong | 02:32 |
Razor-X | don't blame me | 02:32 |
jbroome | ooh, ok | 02:32 |
mdke | caonex, help him to join the spanish channel pls | 02:32 |
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patt0n | sorry nesecito que me ayuden | 02:32 |
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Razor-X | I almost said 'ici, nous ne parlons pas espagnol' | 02:32 |
marcin_ant | I need to customize font for emacs compiled from cvs with support for gtk | 02:32 |
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caonex | mdke, i was about to | 02:32 |
dmb | patt0n: /join #ubunto-es | 02:32 |
kvidell | Razor-X lol | 02:32 |
patt0n | y me den un cana espaol | 02:32 |
kvidell | I do that :-\ | 02:33 |
dmb | patt0n: type in "/join #ubunto-es" | 02:33 |
caonex | patton, entra al canal #ubuntu-es | 02:33 |
kvidell | usted hablamos espanol en #ubuntu-es | 02:33 |
dmb | or click it if using chatzilla | 02:33 |
kvidell | va ayer | 02:33 |
Ben_Babcock | My Toshiba Celeron laptop overheats when running Ubuntu :/ Does anyone know how I could fix this? When booting up, it says it cannot enage cpu-frequency scaling. | 02:33 |
bienve | patt0n, deja de molestar aqui te patearan jjajaja | 02:33 |
kvidell | god I haven't used spanish in like 5 years :-\ | 02:33 |
bienve | :P | 02:33 |
dmb | kvidell: me either | 02:33 |
marcin_ant | what and where can I customize - I know that .Xresources but I don't know if I need to modify file in ~/ dir or something in /etc/X11 ? | 02:33 |
caonex | patt0n, escribe lo siguiente sin las comillas "/join #ubuntu-es | 02:33 |
dmb | i actually don't like spanish much | 02:34 |
mdke | Ben_Babcock, what sort of celeron is it | 02:34 |
dmb | brings back old memories | 02:34 |
dmb | theres always google translate | 02:34 |
caonex | patt0n, escrbelo aqu. | 02:34 |
kvidell | dmb: I messed up and tried to learn Spanish and Italian at the same time | 02:34 |
Razor-X | patt0n: tipo /join #ubuntu-es | 02:34 |
kvidell | I can now speak neither | 02:34 |
dmb | kvidell: LOL | 02:34 |
Razor-X | (yes, that's a translatoor speaking) | 02:34 |
Ben_Babcock | mdke: Toshiba Satellite A70 Intel Celeron 2.1 GHz, I believe. | 02:34 |
bienve | caonex, el conoce el canal jeje | 02:34 |
caonex | Razor-X, you say "escribe" no tipo, it means type. | 02:34 |
bienve | lo eh visto por hay creo que ayer. | 02:34 |
Razor-X | hey, I dunno! | 02:34 |
patt0n | ok.. caonex.. | 02:34 |
Razor-X | ;) | 02:35 |
mdke | Ben_Babcock, it is quite likely that your chip does not support cpu-frequency scaling, my celeron does not | 02:35 |
patt0n | solo tengo una duda.. como se escrive el gato | 02:35 |
Ben_Babcock | -_-' mdke: Is there anything similar that I can do so that the CPU won't overheat? | 02:35 |
mdke | Ben_Babcock, in any case, the fan should be working properly so that it doesn't overheat. there is clearly a problem! | 02:35 |
Razor-X | el gato? | 02:35 |
Razor-X | doesen't that mean cat? | 02:36 |
abarbaccia | si signor | 02:36 |
transgress | it means the cat | 02:36 |
Razor-X | (I took Spanish a long long time ago (elementary) it was scary) | 02:36 |
mdke | Ben_Babcock, i'm afraid I'm not an expert with acpi, which controls your fan | 02:36 |
transgress | what an awful spelling of senor (except the n should have that squiggly over it) | 02:36 |
patt0n | que teclas devo de apretar | 02:36 |
patt0n | para marcar gato | 02:36 |
mdke | Ben_Babcock, i hope someone else will be able to help you, otherwise its important to file a bug so Ubuntu can fix the problem | 02:36 |
transgress | what is marcar? | 02:36 |
Razor-X | mark, I think | 02:37 |
kvidell | something about a cat | 02:37 |
Razor-X | i'm feeding this in a translator | 02:37 |
Razor-X | 'In order to mark cat' ;) | 02:37 |
kvidell | lol | 02:37 |
patt0n | marcar es presionar | 02:37 |
dmb | sry, i just cannot live without gentoo | 02:37 |
dmb | ill brb, rebooting into gentoo | 02:37 |
mdke | he doesn't know what to click | 02:37 |
dmb | ill still hangout here though | 02:37 |
Razor-X | to mark is to press................ | 02:37 |
mdke | someone who speaks spanish pls help him out! | 02:37 |
dmb | somone do a google translate | 02:38 |
mdke | digitar /j #ubuntu-es | 02:38 |
caonex | patt0n, estas? | 02:38 |
patt0n | yes.. | 02:38 |
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patt0n | si aca estoy | 02:38 |
LinuxJones | night all | 02:38 |
patt0n | pero no se como marcar el signo gato en el pc | 02:39 |
concept10 | Anyone have Broadcom 4306 based wireless? | 02:39 |
caonex | patt0n, por que no entras al canal? | 02:39 |
patt0n | no entiendo como entrar frnd.. | 02:39 |
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Razor-X | ok, these tranlators _really_ need to get smarter (computer, I mean) | 02:39 |
dmb | i can understrand what they are saying, i just can't right in spanish | 02:39 |
caonex | patt0n, solo selecciona lo que te voy a escribir, como copiar y pegar: /join #ubuntu-es | 02:39 |
caonex | patt0n, me comprendes? | 02:39 |
mdke | we'll get there | 02:39 |
lakin | Seveas, You around, and mind if I pm you with some more modifications to the WPAHowto? | 02:39 |
mdke | if its a wiki... | 02:39 |
mdke | plunge right in! | 02:40 |
dmb | we need a irc admin to move him | 02:40 |
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nate | Hey anybody have a sec to check out my problem? | 02:40 |
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Razor-X | I think i'll start on the 'CLI Guide for n00bs' | 02:40 |
nate | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41533 | 02:40 |
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JonnyRo | I may be hallucinating, but rhythmbox occasionally greys out all the songs on import, and wont let me import them | 02:41 |
nate | I posted it on the forums already | 02:41 |
JonnyRo | is there something i'm missing about the operation of rhythmbox? | 02:41 |
JonnyRo | in the import selection box | 02:41 |
tritium | yay, patt0n you did it! | 02:41 |
JonnyRo | the songs are all greyed out | 02:41 |
mdke | awesome | 02:41 |
JonnyRo | this is in ubuntu HH | 02:41 |
tritium | drobbins, so what brings you to #ubuntu? | 02:42 |
dennis_ | Anyone here a master at configuring the ati drivers? | 02:42 |
JonnyRo | no shit | 02:42 |
JonnyRo | just noticed that | 02:42 |
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dennis_ | I just installed them but I don't want to continue yet due to the advice given from a friend.. | 02:43 |
dennis_ | I have to run the config.... | 02:43 |
dennis_ | ;x | 02:43 |
patt0n | senkio | 02:43 |
tritium | dennis_, did you follow the BinaryDriverHowto? | 02:43 |
patt0n | grasias | 02:43 |
dennis_ | I had a friend help me | 02:43 |
dennis_ | I am at the config part... | 02:43 |
synd | any VNC gui apps? | 02:43 |
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dennis_ | He said not to continue due to the fact that it might fuck up and make me reinstall ubuntu | 02:43 |
kvidell | synd: xvnc4viewer is my favourite | 02:43 |
mdke | dennis_, you're using the new drivers? | 02:43 |
tritium | dennis_, ? | 02:44 |
dennis_ | NOt yet....about to run the config to install the drivers... | 02:44 |
tritium | synd, Applications->Internet->Terminal Server Client | 02:44 |
synd | kvidell: is there an xvnc4server ? | 02:44 |
mdke | dennis_, where did you get the drivers? | 02:44 |
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dennis_ | ati.com | 02:44 |
kvidell | Iiii... donno, lemme check | 02:44 |
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mdke | dennis_, ok the new ones. | 02:44 |
turnpike420 | I'm having trouble recalling how to get wifi ipw2200 to do a scan in Ubuntu 5.04 ... | 02:45 |
tritium | dennis_, you're not going to use the ubuntu packages? | 02:45 |
kvidell | nope, xvnc4 is viewer only | 02:45 |
synd | tritium: thanks | 02:45 |
mdke | dennis_, i haven't heard much about them, but some people have reported that they work, others that they have had some difficulties | 02:45 |
kvidell | although | 02:45 |
tritium | dennis_, the only supported option is found on http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:45 |
kvidell | there is tightvncserver and vnc4server | 02:45 |
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kvidell | vnc4server - Virtual network computing server software | 02:45 |
mdke | tritium, have you heard anything about the new drivers, whether they work and so on? | 02:46 |
tritium | mdke, no, I haven't... | 02:46 |
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caonex | can anybody tell me if i can install ubuntu using an image from a hard drive? | 02:47 |
nate | Can't anybody take a look at my problem?? I posted it http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41533 | 02:47 |
nate | I'm seriously out of ideas | 02:47 |
Burgundavia | dennis_, the frames win is not worth the hassle | 02:47 |
bluefoxicy | so when I plug in my n52 Speedpad | 02:47 |
dennis_ | okay.. | 02:47 |
caonex | i do not have a burner and i do have the image, and do not have the cd. I do have the cd of knoppix and i know how to install it from knoppix. | 02:47 |
bluefoxicy | will the Add New Hardware Wizard prompt me to submit my device info for my new unrecognized device to Ubuntu for reverse engineering? | 02:47 |
mdke | nate, when does that problem occur? | 02:47 |
dennis_ | So just use the hoary fglrx method in that binarydriverhowto? | 02:47 |
caonex | so if there is no known way of installing it with the image i will have to go that way. | 02:47 |
nate | mdke: Anytime I try and play anything from Cedega | 02:48 |
dmb | ok, byby, be back on gentoo | 02:48 |
nate | mdke: but it never happened till I installed Wine | 02:48 |
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nate | mdke: even if I remove the packages for wine it still does it | 02:49 |
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mdke | nate, did you try the command it suggests ("LANG=etc") | 02:49 |
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nate | mdke: Is that in the /etc/enviroment file?? Is that what its refering to? | 02:50 |
mdke | nate, on my system I just use that command | 02:50 |
nate | hmm ok hang on | 02:50 |
mdke | nate, but I'm not on Ubuntu right now, its worth a try! | 02:50 |
lakin | nate, it depends on the shell you are using. In bash you use: export LANG=etc | 02:51 |
synd | kvidell: thanks! | 02:51 |
turnpike420 | how would I restart all networking in Ubuntu ? | 02:51 |
bluefoxicy | rofl! | 02:51 |
nate | mdke: ok so...what do I need to do to try this? | 02:51 |
=== cookiemonstergri [~Empty@c4-pta-181.absamail.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bluefoxicy | The speed pad works | 02:51 |
bluefoxicy | as the left half of a keyboard | 02:51 |
bluefoxicy | and the scroll wheel of a mouse XD | 02:51 |
lakin | turnpike420, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 02:51 |
turnpike420 | lakin: thank you | 02:51 |
mdke | nate, open a terminal, and type LANG=whatever | 02:51 |
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nate | mdke: I just put LANG=en_US | 02:52 |
dennis_ | Alright | 02:52 |
dennis_ | My FPS scores don't seem to have increased.... | 02:52 |
nate | mdke: It didn't return with anything... | 02:52 |
dennis_ | And I just installed the new drivers... | 02:52 |
dennis_ | :/ | 02:52 |
lakin | nate, when you run winex how are you doing it? double clicking on an icon, or from the terminal? | 02:52 |
mdke | nate, see if its worked with "env|grep LANG" | 02:52 |
dennis_ | Any suggestionis? | 02:52 |
nate | mdke: yes that command checks out | 02:52 |
mdke | nate, has it helped? | 02:53 |
nate | mdke | 02:53 |
drobbins | oops, missed tritium | 02:53 |
synd | a computer doesnt have to have to be connected to the net for internal network VNCing, right? | 02:53 |
dennis_ | Anyone? | 02:53 |
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turnpike420 | lakin: I'm on a T42 with ipw2200... any idea what I need to do if the wifi hardware LED didn't come back on? | 02:53 |
nate | mdke: nah same thing | 02:53 |
lonewolff | synd: no, you need no internet connection, just a local network | 02:53 |
mdke | dennis_, did you read the notes on that page? sometimes they can be helpful | 02:53 |
nate | mdke: | 02:53 |
dennis_ | Hmm | 02:53 |
dennis_ | Can I get the link again? | 02:53 |
mdke | nate, have you tried running winex from the terminal | 02:54 |
nate | mdke: I run Point2Play from the terminal to see the error | 02:54 |
mdke | dennis_, on the wiki/BinaryDriverHowTo | 02:54 |
synd | lonewolff: indeed what i said : p | 02:54 |
lakin | turnpike420, make sure the correct modules are loaded in the kernel? | 02:54 |
=== TreyB [~trey@216-15-65-221.c3-0.tlg-ubr1.atw-tlg.pa.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TreyB | man still cant get 3d acceleration to work o.O | 02:54 |
mdke | nate, ok i'm spent | 02:54 |
synd | lonewolff: thanks for the reassurance : ) | 02:54 |
mdke | sorry! | 02:54 |
nate | mdke: If I don't run it from the terminal you don't see anything and nothing happens | 02:54 |
lonewolff | synd: sorry i thot you were asking a question, i need sleep sorry | 02:54 |
turnpike420 | lakin: well, they should be... last thursday I was able to connect to an open access point... and in my condo, I see 13 right now!! lol | 02:54 |
nate | mdke: lol.... It doesn't make any sense...everything on my system checks out | 02:54 |
turnpike420 | at least, that's what iwlist shows | 02:54 |
lakin | if iwlist is working, then the card is working, Dunno what's up with the LED's. | 02:55 |
cookiemonstergri | hi | 02:55 |
mdke | sometimes the leds are turned off to save power | 02:56 |
vinux | TreyB, what's going on? Are you using Nvidia? | 02:56 |
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mdke | ati | 02:56 |
TreyB | vinux: ati :-/ | 02:56 |
turnpike420 | lakin: ya, I'm a bit baffled... still very new to Ubuntu (or any deb based distro) I'm too familiar with rh based | 02:56 |
mdke | TreyB, did you read the Notes section on that page? | 02:56 |
dennis_ | mdke can you please link me....I can't find it in my history thingy | 02:56 |
vinux | TreyB, sorry I can't help you there. I'm using Geforce FX series | 02:56 |
TreyB | mdke read everything | 02:56 |
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dmb | ok back | 02:56 |
mdke | dennis_, i will give you the link, but the wiki is easy to search. http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:57 |
mdke | TreyB, hmm | 02:57 |
TreyB | ya im quite baffled | 02:57 |
cookiemonstergri | can anyone help me with alsa installation? ubuntu detects my sb live! 24bit, but there is no sound | 02:57 |
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mdke | i got to sleep | 02:58 |
mdke | night all | 02:58 |
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TreyB | g'night mdke | 02:58 |
dmb | nighty night | 02:58 |
TreyB | grr this is confusing the hell outta me | 02:58 |
nate | Anyone else want to take a stab at my problem?? I'm out of ideas http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41533 | 02:58 |
patt0n | hello | 02:59 |
bosshoff | hey cookie, it might be that it is also detecting an integrated sound card | 02:59 |
dennis_ | dennis@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r | 02:59 |
dennis_ | > | 02:59 |
patt0n | hello | 02:59 |
dennis_ | :( | 02:59 |
=== Gskillet [~sam@ip68-225-100-43.br.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rob^ | is there anything I need to know before installing the nvidia drivers? | 02:59 |
cookiemonstergri | integrated soundcard is disabled... | 02:59 |
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crimsun | rob^: yeah, don't. | 03:00 |
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lakin | cookiemonstergri, are you sure it's not muted? | 03:00 |
nate | rob^: What nvidia card you got? | 03:00 |
crimsun | rob^: read wiki/BinaryDriverHowto | 03:00 |
rob^ | fx something or other | 03:00 |
c_rodge | hey i need some help in the gnome of ubuntu | 03:00 |
TreyB | wtf now my opengl test failed too | 03:00 |
TreyB | o.O | 03:00 |
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nate | rob^: All the new nvidia drivers are crap for my 6800 GT ...I have tons of problems with the new ones above 6629 | 03:00 |
bosshoff | cookie, check out the mixer | 03:01 |
c_rodge | why cant totem movie player play avi files, it says i dont have the right decoders | 03:01 |
transgress | c_rodge: because you don't have the right codecs perhaps? | 03:01 |
c_rodge | how do i get them | 03:01 |
bosshoff | yes, read the introductory file m8 | 03:01 |
TreyB | man id prolly be better off poppin in my nvidia geforce 4200 ti card in | 03:02 |
transgress | check out the wiki page on restricted formats | 03:02 |
bosshoff | or the like 1000 forum posts | 03:02 |
nate | rob^: Your fine man.... you know how to install them right? | 03:02 |
rob^ | nate: just checking out the wiki.. it seems there are binary drivers already available via apt-get | 03:02 |
bosshoff | word | 03:02 |
bosshoff | apt-get install xorg-fglrx? | 03:03 |
REds | apt-cache search fglrx | 03:03 |
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c_rodge | so does anyone know how i can get the right codecs for the totem movie player so i can play avi | 03:03 |
crimsun | c_rodge: gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg | 03:04 |
rob^ | c_rodge, it depends, there are many different types of .avi | 03:04 |
rob^ | .avi is just a container format | 03:04 |
c_rodge | what is gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg | 03:04 |
c_rodge | well really i cant play anything in totem | 03:04 |
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cookiemonstergri | how do i become the root user? i didn't specify a root password, but when i say su it asks for a password | 03:05 |
cookiemonstergri | i've tried my user password... doesn't work | 03:05 |
crimsun | cookiemonstergri: use sudo instead. See the topic. | 03:05 |
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cookiemonstergri | ok, but most of the gui stuff (like know i want to extract a tgz from gnome) it says "don't have the right permission" | 03:06 |
cookiemonstergri | know = now | 03:06 |
caonex | is there a way to install ubuntu from an image | 03:06 |
caonex | ? | 03:06 |
Razor-X | cookiemonstergri: are you versed in CLI? | 03:07 |
Razor-X | caonex: huh? | 03:07 |
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dennis_ | Hello | 03:07 |
cookiemonstergri | i'm versed in no form of language other than windows | 03:07 |
dennis_ | Alright... | 03:07 |
rob^ | haha | 03:07 |
dennis_ | I followed the wiki and did everything... | 03:07 |
Razor-X | cookiemonstergri: Windows is a language? ;) | 03:07 |
dennis_ | I am still getting 339 FPS on average :( | 03:07 |
caonex | Razor-X, yeah, like a cd-image or something. | 03:07 |
Razor-X | i'm assuming you downloaded this off the internet, and saved it in your home director, cookiemonstergri? | 03:08 |
caonex | Razor-X, the thing is that i am trying to install ubuntu and do not have cd-burner, but i have the cd-image already | 03:08 |
Razor-X | caonex: from an existing GNU/Linux operating system? | 03:08 |
rob^ | bbs | 03:08 |
bionic | Did tritium or what his name was leave? | 03:08 |
dennis_ | can anyone help? | 03:08 |
Razor-X | caonex: do a netinstall | 03:08 |
Razor-X | dennis_: 339 FPS is bad? | 03:08 |
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dennis_ | While running glxgears? | 03:09 |
cookiemonstergri | yep... | 03:09 |
dennis_ | I thought that was low... | 03:09 |
caonex | Razor-X, dont i need to burn that in a cd? | 03:09 |
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juan | hello | 03:09 |
ablyss | 30 fps is decent imho | 03:09 |
caonex | juan, hello | 03:09 |
_scott_ | what is that apget command to get something from ubuntu? | 03:09 |
Razor-X | the FPS I get on a FPS is about.... 50 | 03:09 |
dennis_ | Run glxgears in a console | 03:10 |
dennis_ | I'm getting 600 FPS now | 03:10 |
ablyss | anything lower than 15 fps is pushing it | 03:10 |
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juan | caonex, where you are? | 03:10 |
dennis_ | Run glxgears before you say anything... | 03:10 |
dennis_ | And say what you get... | 03:10 |
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caonex | juan, pa? | 03:10 |
kvidell | 1424 frames in 5.0 seconds = 284.800 FPS | 03:10 |
Razor-X | dennis_: 198 | 03:10 |
kvidell | Not bad for a laptop | 03:10 |
_scott_ | how do I install gcc or build essential? | 03:10 |
dennis_ | Hmm | 03:10 |
dennis_ | Okay | 03:11 |
dennis_ | I'm getting 600 now | 03:11 |
Razor-X | I don't expect much from this, actually, it's an old-ass card | 03:11 |
=== raz [~toshiba@toronto-HSE-ppp4330054.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dennis_ | I'm trying to run WOW on CEdega with OpenGL support... | 03:11 |
cookiemonstergri | i cannot even copy... cp: cannot create regular file `./alsa-driver-1.0.9rc4a.tar.bz2': Permission denied | 03:11 |
c_rodge | how do i install codecs?? | 03:11 |
caonex | juan, what do you mean, where am i? | 03:11 |
dennis_ | I'll tell you all if it works ;) | 03:11 |
juan | whats is pa? | 03:11 |
raz | hmm.. does linux need to get 'defragmented'?.. | 03:11 |
ChrisCF | This is odd. Because of problems with my KVM switch, I've got "psmouse.proto=bare" in my boot options, and the stock kernels are rejecting it as an unknown option. What option should I use instead to achieve bare PS/2 emulation? | 03:11 |
Razor-X | hmmm, what's the LaTeX way of putting a title text smack dab in the middle of the page? you just draw the title then add a page break, or something? | 03:11 |
_scott_ | how do I install gcc or build essential? | 03:11 |
rob^ | raz, no | 03:11 |
ChrisCF | Razor-X: \title ? | 03:11 |
c_rodge | how do i install codecs | 03:12 |
_scott_ | can somebody please answer my question/ | 03:12 |
Razor-X | rob^: then what? | 03:12 |
juan | sorry i want to know where do you come from | 03:12 |
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rob^ | Razor-X, depends on which file system you use, ext3/raiserfs are smart enough not to become fragmented | 03:13 |
juan | my english is dead | 03:13 |
Razor-X | sorry, i'm just learning LaTeX, I can do my school essays all fine, but not like a book title page | 03:13 |
Razor-X | y | 03:13 |
caonex | juan, nothing, a typo | 03:13 |
dennis_ | This is starting to piss me off :/ | 03:13 |
_scott_ | c_rodge: don't bother everyone here is too lazy to answer simple questions | 03:13 |
Razor-X | sorry for the 'y', it's my SSH crapping | 03:13 |
Heart_ | .../media/cdrom1 is my dvd burner.... when i mkdir a folder "dvd" in /media how must the ln-command have to look so that there is a symb. link from "dvd" to "cdrom1"? | 03:13 |
caonex | juan, join #ubuntu-es | 03:13 |
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raz | anybody uses 'defrag' under linux?! | 03:13 |
dennis_ | Ugh | 03:13 |
Razor-X | rob^: and, that has to do with LaTeX, what? | 03:13 |
ChrisCF | \title{The Art of Foo} - default styles have the title centered horizontally - a couple (perhaps \documentclass{book}) might also centre the cover page vertically too | 03:13 |
dennis_ | UGh x200000 | 03:13 |
Madpilot | _scott_: build essentials is in Synaptic, I'm pretty sure | 03:13 |
eruin | mplayer is so horribly uninstallable | 03:13 |
kvidell | _scott_: How about you grow some patience :) | 03:13 |
rob^ | Razor-X, sorry, I was talking to raz | 03:13 |
Razor-X | ChrisCF: will try | 03:13 |
Razor-X | ohh, there's a 'raz' | 03:14 |
Razor-X | odd | 03:14 |
kvidell | have you tried checking for them in synaptic, or aptitude, or even apt-cache ? | 03:14 |
juan | ok, but i would prefer to practice some english | 03:14 |
Razor-X | my mistake, sorry | 03:14 |
rob^ | yeah | 03:14 |
rob^ | np | 03:14 |
raz | rob^, ty!.. | 03:14 |
eruin | has anyone successfully installed mplayer here? | 03:14 |
Razor-X | well, yeah, ReiserFS and ext3 don't fragment | 03:14 |
Razor-X | eruin: if it's attemptable, it's been done | 03:14 |
=== randabis [~randabis@cpe-67-10-186-21.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_scott_ | kvidell:I asked the same question and waited 2 hours for an answer and didn't get one. So don't talk to me about patience | 03:14 |
Razor-X | well, they do fragment, very very slightly | 03:14 |
Razor-X | all fixed by fsck | 03:14 |
Razor-X | ;) | 03:14 |
rob^ | :) yes | 03:14 |
ChrisCF | Razor-X: Try The not-so-short introduction (lshort.pdf), a decent book, or use LyX | 03:14 |
Razor-X | ChrisCF: I'm using the former, right now | 03:15 |
=== ChrisCF &heart; LyX | ||
_scott_ | madpilot:where is synaptic? | 03:15 |
kvidell | _scott_: Calm down either way. Your attitude is unnecessary and not appreciated. People here who help help for free out of their own kindness. Thanklessness is something we come to expect but blunt rudeness is just not cool. | 03:15 |
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Razor-X | but it omits a lot of things, like centering text, increasing filesize, bolding, etc. | 03:15 |
rob^ | grr.. does ubuntu have the normal icons for Thunderbird and Firefox? | 03:15 |
Burgundavia | _scott_, System-->admin-->synaptic | 03:15 |
eruin | no | 03:15 |
kvidell | _scott_: open a terminal, or hit Alt+F2 and type synaptic in that. | 03:15 |
ChrisCF | Anyone know why my kernel is rejecting "psmouse.proto=bare" on bootup? | 03:15 |
Burgundavia | rob^, no, due to trademark reasons | 03:15 |
dennis_ | Can anyone tell me how I could enable direct rendering for an ATI GPU? | 03:15 |
_scott_ | kvidell: every single person who has helped me to I have thanked. | 03:15 |
eruin | rob^, youll get used to the non-mozilla icons eventually | 03:15 |
rob^ | ah | 03:16 |
Razor-X | rob^: or, download 'em yourself | 03:16 |
_magog_ | i got DR17 working...YAY | 03:16 |
rob^ | np thanks | 03:16 |
kvidell | That's good. And since you know people here DO help, even less reason for you to call us lazy :-P | 03:16 |
Razor-X | _magog_: time to work on Eubuntu? ;) | 03:16 |
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_magog_ | huh? | 03:16 |
randabis | hi | 03:16 |
_scott_ | kvidell: how come I still get that no c complier found error then? | 03:16 |
vinux | _magog_, what is DR17? | 03:16 |
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dennis_ | Can anyone tell me how I could enable direct rendering for an ATI GPU? | 03:16 |
Razor-X | _magog_: an Ubuntu distribution with DR17 as its default WM | 03:16 |
_magog_ | vinux, enllightenment dr17 | 03:17 |
Burgundavia | _scott_, you need to install build-essential | 03:17 |
_magog_ | Razor-X, yea | 03:17 |
Razor-X | vinux: Enlightenment DR17 | 03:17 |
vinux | _magog_, cool | 03:17 |
_magog_ | Razor-X, dr17 is amazing | 03:17 |
_scott_ | Burgundavia: how do I go about doing that? | 03:17 |
Razor-X | _magog_: i'ld think so | 03:17 |
Burgundavia | _scott_, run synaptic, search for it, and install it | 03:17 |
randabis | rob^: I believe there is a way to bring the default mozilla icons back. Check on the ubuntu forums | 03:17 |
kvidell | actually | 03:17 |
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msg43 | hi | 03:17 |
kvidell | _scott_: Follow these steps: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=108587&postcount=1 | 03:17 |
vinux | My favorite desktop is Xfce4, well for right now hehe | 03:17 |
kvidell | That'll get your ubuntu setup going very nicely. | 03:17 |
caonex | http://archive.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/pool/main/d/debootstrap/, the images there are for hoary? or warty? last time i did it like a couple of weeks ago it was warty i think | 03:17 |
eruin | huh? is DR17 done? I thought that was gonna be another duke nukem forever-type project | 03:18 |
msg43 | why should I recommend ubuntu instead of lets say fedora I would like to know so I can better help noobs pick a distro | 03:18 |
ChrisCF | How do I get my mouse into bog standard bare PS/2 emulation instead of IMPS? The kernel is rejecting "psmouse.proto=bare" as an unknown option | 03:18 |
kvidell | should be able to build software just fine and a few other things. | 03:18 |
=== E22 [Eddie@modem-1340.javan.dialup.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
E22 | Some guy keeps using my nick guys | 03:18 |
=== AlohaWolf [~alohawolf@cpe-67-49-96-168.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
E22 | is there some kind of ENFORCE option | 03:18 |
E22 | that will make them change if they dont identify | 03:18 |
kvidell | you've registered the nick already? | 03:18 |
E22 | long ago | 03:18 |
_scott_ | kvidell, bargundavia: thanks I got it | 03:18 |
ChrisCF | E22: /msg nickserv help ghost (I think) | 03:18 |
xMaximex | how to get firefox to use "windows font" | 03:18 |
eruin | msg43, would you really base your recommendation on second-hand opinion? | 03:18 |
kvidell | mm | 03:18 |
E22 | yeah, I usually ghost anyone using it | 03:19 |
kvidell | /msg nickserv help recover actually works better | 03:19 |
Burgundavia | _scott_, what are you trying to compile? | 03:19 |
eruin | try both and decide for yourself ;-) | 03:19 |
msg43 | eruin, yes considering I use a leet distro | 03:19 |
E22 | ive found ghost to be much faster | 03:19 |
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ChrisCF | kvidell: that'll be the one, then :) | 03:19 |
kvidell | oh, okay | 03:19 |
msg43 | I've use both I just want to see what other ppl have to say | 03:19 |
_scott_ | burgundavia: alsa ./config | 03:19 |
kvidell | then.... /msg nickserv help kill | 03:19 |
kvidell | er | 03:19 |
E22 | just wondering if theres any way to stop someone chatting under it in the first place | 03:19 |
kvidell | /msg nickserv help set kill | 03:19 |
kvidell | that should let you set some restrictions | 03:19 |
ChrisCF | Anyone know anything about kernel options relating to mice? | 03:20 |
=== djs [~djs@DC-245-101.bpb.bigpond.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
E22 | what the hell | 03:20 |
kvidell | (I'm not sure what services they use here, I'm going off of my knowledge Anope) | 03:20 |
E22 | the guy using the nick claims he regged it himself 4 years ago | 03:20 |
kvidell | what nick? | 03:20 |
dennis_ | Can anyone here help me get direct rendering enabled...? | 03:20 |
=== E22 is now known as Eddie | ||
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Burgundavia | Eddie, this discussion is mostly offtopic for #ubuntu, please take it elsewhere | 03:21 |
kvidell | pm, eddie | 03:21 |
_scott_ | burgundavia: you wouldn't happen to know anything about sound cards and alsa would you? | 03:21 |
Burgundavia | _scott_, it should just work, no compiling neccessary | 03:21 |
wm_eddie_ | >< too many eddies in this room | 03:21 |
dennis_ | Anyone? | 03:22 |
dennis_ | :( | 03:22 |
ChrisCF | Any takers on mouse options? | 03:22 |
Madpilot | _scott_: have you looked in Synaptic's ALSA packages? | 03:22 |
dennis_ | Any takers on Direct Rendering? | 03:22 |
_scott_ | burgundavia: no, I definately needed the compiler because now it compiles it just says that my sound card is unsupported | 03:22 |
ChrisCF | Please don't make me get even less specific again ... | 03:22 |
Burgundavia | dennis_, you followed wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto ? | 03:22 |
dennis_ | yes.... | 03:22 |
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crimsun | _scott_: which card? | 03:22 |
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Burgundavia | dennis_, what was the outcome? | 03:23 |
dennis_ | IThe outcome? | 03:23 |
dennis_ | What do you mean? | 03:23 |
_scott_ | burgandavia,madpilot,crimsun: I have an audigy 2 zs | 03:23 |
crimsun | _scott_: did you upgrade to alsa-driver 1.0.8 from universe's 'alsa-source' package? | 03:23 |
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crimsun | (brb) | 03:23 |
dennis_ | Burgundavia, what do you mean? | 03:24 |
Burgundavia | dennis_, what kind of card do you have? | 03:24 |
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dennis_ | Radeon 9600xt | 03:24 |
evandroalb | hi!! | 03:24 |
_scott_ | burgandavia,madpilot,crimsun: I downloaded it, extracted it and then ran the ./configure command | 03:24 |
Burgundavia | dennis_, I have the same card, and have set up another | 03:24 |
dennis_ | Yay | 03:25 |
ChrisCF | How do I get my mouse into "stupid" mode so it works with my KVM switch? The kernel is ignoring "psmouse.proto=bare" claiming it's an unknown option | 03:25 |
dennis_ | Wanna help me? | 03:25 |
Burgundavia | dennis_, follow the BinaryDriverHowto and it works fine | 03:25 |
dennis_ | I did everything on there... | 03:25 |
_scott_ | burgandavia,madpilot,crimsun: then it tells me that my card is unsupported | 03:25 |
dennis_ | Burgundavia, what is your average fps when you run glxgears? | 03:25 |
Burgundavia | dennis_, what does 'glxinfo | grep OpenGL' give you? | 03:25 |
dennis_ | OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org | 03:26 |
dennis_ | OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect | 03:26 |
dennis_ | OpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.2.1) | 03:26 |
dennis_ | OpenGL extensions: | 03:26 |
Burgundavia | dennis_, ok, did you follow the note if you run an nforce2 board? | 03:26 |
dennis_ | Hmm | 03:26 |
crimsun | _scott_: you didn't follow directions | 03:26 |
_scott_ | crimsun: in synaptic it tells me that alsa-base 1.0.8 is installed | 03:26 |
crimsun | _scott_: alsa-base != alsa-source | 03:26 |
dennis_ | Noo... | 03:26 |
_scott_ | crimsun: oh | 03:26 |
dennis_ | Is there a note? | 03:26 |
crimsun | _scott_: join me in #alsa | 03:26 |
dennis_ | I don't see it? | 03:26 |
=== dennis_ smacks Burgundavia | ||
dennis_ | ;) | 03:28 |
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evandroalb | Hi!! some days ago, i did a request for 10 cds of the distro in the official site... anyone has already did it and received the cds?? sorry for my english... | 03:28 |
Burgundavia | dennis_, this note Option "UseInternalAGPGART" "no" | 03:28 |
Burgundavia | evandroalb, they are shipping now, have patience | 03:28 |
ChrisCF | What is the correct option for setting the protocol for a PS/2 mouse to the kernel at bootup? | 03:29 |
evandroalb | Burgundavia, hehe, ok, thanks | 03:29 |
dmb | i don't see how ubuntu gets the money to pay for these cds | 03:29 |
dmb | i find it amazing | 03:29 |
crimsun | dmb: its backer is a multimillionaire | 03:29 |
Razor-X | dmb: donations, i'm guessing | 03:29 |
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Burgundavia | dmb, they have a wealthy backer (www.markshuttleworth.com) | 03:29 |
evandroalb | dmb, i thinks it too | 03:29 |
Razor-X | crimsun: really? | 03:29 |
crimsun | Razor-X: yes. see the url Burgundavia typed. | 03:29 |
wm_eddie_ | dmb, Mark gets his money's worth of Kudos. | 03:29 |
dmb | thats awsom | 03:29 |
=== dmb hopes the cds will always be free | ||
wm_eddie_ | s/of/in/ | 03:30 |
misfit-toy | concept10, myGOD this FC upgrade takes forever! | 03:30 |
crimsun | dmb: they will be. | 03:30 |
Razor-X | wow, that's awesome | 03:30 |
dennis_ | Burgundavia, there is nothing about that on the page except at the bottom... | 03:30 |
dmb | that mark is a really generuous person | 03:30 |
Razor-X | misfit-toy: that's why you don't use FC ;) | 03:30 |
dennis_ | nvm | 03:30 |
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bionic | Hello, I followed the wiki ati drivers howto, everything went fine, the fglrx module is loaded but it doesnt seem to be used. fglrxinfo shows Mesa stuff. I checked the xorg log and it puts [agp] unable to acquire AGP, error "xf86_ENOMEM" and after that 3d acceleration not available. Anyone please? | 03:31 |
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evandroalb | i'm ansious to use this distro... now i'm using kurumin, a brasilian distro based on knoppix | 03:31 |
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misfit-toy | Razor-X, I know, just been on it a long time, since FC1, but I'm telling ya, this laptop I'm on is blazing with UB | 03:32 |
ChrisCF | When I boot up, I get (amongst other things) "Unknown boot option 'psmouse.proto=bare' ignoring..." and as a result my mouse is going crazy whenever I switch over my KVM. | 03:32 |
dmb | does mark ever come around here? | 03:32 |
ChrisCF | What option *should* I be giving it? | 03:33 |
Burgundavia | dmb, the comes into #ubuntu-devel | 03:33 |
dennis_ | Burgundavia, after editing that ....Do I just reboot? | 03:33 |
Burgundavia | dmb, he is a very hands-onj boss | 03:33 |
Burgundavia | dennis_, yes | 03:33 |
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dennis_ | k brb | 03:33 |
Razor-X | hmmm... I think I have all 8..... | 03:33 |
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KodeK | Hi everyone! | 03:34 |
evandroalb | KodeK, hi | 03:35 |
KodeK | Does anyone have experience with multiple sound cards? I'm trying to disable my first one, but I do not want to do it from the BIOS. | 03:35 |
ChrisCF | Sorry, I thought this was the Ubuntu help channel ... | 03:35 |
ChrisCF | My mistake ;) | 03:35 |
Burgundavia | ChrisCF, this is, but sometimes people can't answer you | 03:36 |
ChrisCF | Shame, really. | 03:36 |
Burgundavia | ChrisCF, why do you need to pass anything? | 03:36 |
eruin | ugh, I wish gaim was more themable | 03:36 |
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dennis_ | OMG YAY | 03:36 |
dennis_ | 12186 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2437.200 FPS | 03:36 |
ChrisCF | Because my mouse goes crazy every time I change the position of the KVM switch | 03:36 |
dennis_ | :D | 03:36 |
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Burgundavia | kvm switch, fun | 03:37 |
Burgundavia | file some bugs, because it should just work | 03:37 |
ChrisCF | On my Fedora box, I set "psmouse.proto=bare" in the kernel boot options, and it's fine | 03:37 |
dennis_ | Burgundavia, it worked :D | 03:37 |
=== misfit-toy chuckles | ||
ChrisCF | Albeit in "stupid mode", without the use of a scroll wheel, but usable. | 03:37 |
dennis_ | 22550 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4510.000 FPS | 03:37 |
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ChrisCF | Burgundavia: File some bugs? Never dealt with KVM switch issues before, have you ... | 03:38 |
KodeK | So, can anyone help me? Some distros have symlinks to the current sound device, but I can't seem to find them in ubuntu. | 03:38 |
ChrisCF | Standard answer is "We can't and won't fix it. There's a usable workaround though." | 03:38 |
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KodeK | dennis_, 22640 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4528.000 FPS :) | 03:39 |
ChrisCF | The workaround is to tell the kernel to ignore whatever the mouse tells it and treat it as pure standard PS/2 with that boot option, only the Ubuntu kernel is rejecting it. | 03:39 |
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KodeK | be right back, peeps. | 03:40 |
ChrisCF | Should I try in -devel instead? | 03:40 |
bionic | Hello, I followed the wiki ati drivers howto, everything went fine, the fglrx module is loaded but it doesnt seem to be used. fglrxinfo shows Mesa stuff. I checked the xorg log and it puts [agp] unable to acquire AGP, error "xf86_ENOMEM", cannot init AGP, and after that 3d acceleration not available. Anyone please? | 03:40 |
misfit-toy | ChrisCF, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28643&highlight=kvm | 03:40 |
randabis | dennis_: you do realize that glxgears is NOT a benchmarking tool? The numbers mean next to nothing | 03:40 |
misfit-toy | bionic, make sure your card is supported first | 03:41 |
bionic | misfit-toy, it sure is | 03:41 |
dennis_ | Hmm | 03:41 |
=== misfit-toy heads out for a cigar | ||
dennis_ | Has anyone here used cedega? | 03:41 |
dennis_ | Noone is active in their channel | 03:41 |
kvidell | randabis: but it's so pretty. | 03:41 |
ChrisCF | misfit-toy: A-ha, so it's just teh way you pass boot options in ubuntu which is broken :o) | 03:41 |
dmb | dennis_: i have | 03:42 |
dmb | the free one at least | 03:42 |
dennis_ | dmb, is there a reason why when I try and adjust the video optionis of a game...it stops the game to change it and then doesn't start it up again? | 03:42 |
kvidell | ChrisCF: Why exactly d oyou need a mouse while booting, anyway? | 03:42 |
dmb | sorry, don't know | 03:42 |
dennis_ | I tried to change the video options in wow...and it just stopped running after adjusting the prefrences? | 03:42 |
dennis_ | :( | 03:42 |
kvidell | and has anyone yet recomended to you GPM? | 03:43 |
dmb | i just got it all compiled and everything, never actualyl tried to use it | 03:43 |
dennis_ | Oh | 03:43 |
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cookiemonstergri | anyone willing to help a noob | 03:44 |
cookiemonstergri | ? | 03:44 |
ChrisCF | kvidell: That depends on whether or not you've read what I've been asking. ;-) | 03:44 |
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dennis_ | Alright...I need a little help | 03:46 |
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dennis_ | I set wow to run in windowed mode...... | 03:46 |
dennis_ | But it lags too mucht o change it now...hoow would If ix it..? | 03:46 |
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cb122 | hello all | 03:51 |
caonex | http://archive.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/pool/main/d/debootstrap/ does this contain hoary ones? | 03:52 |
pedlar | hey everybody | 03:54 |
=== penguin [~penguin@71.159-pool-avail-mi.sccoast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_scott_ | whoever wanted to install codecs before: http://ubuntuguide.org/#codecs | 03:54 |
evandroalb | Hi again!! How to disable/remove the bootsplash?? | 03:54 |
penguin | hello all...my computer is hard freezing when I try to resize a window (ati radeon 7000, ubuntu 5.04)...can anyone shed some light? | 03:55 |
evandroalb | penguin, may be the driver... | 03:55 |
evandroalb | video driver.. | 03:55 |
penguin | it's weird...it worked fine with 4.10 | 03:56 |
evandroalb | penguin, hmm... so... i don't know... | 03:56 |
pedlar | what are the repositories called that start with an m? | 03:56 |
penguin | I mean, not saying that can't be it | 03:56 |
Madpilot | penguin: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto <-- read this? | 03:56 |
penguin | but I would be suprised if there has been a driver update | 03:57 |
evandroalb | Madpilot, do you know how to disable/remove the bootsplash?? | 03:57 |
penguin | ok...a point in the right direction perhaps...thanks Madpilot | 03:57 |
Madpilot | penguin: oh, nvr mind, those don't apply to ATI 7000s, I don't think? | 03:57 |
dennis_ | Anyone know why I get this when I try and change the resolution in cedega? http://pastebin.ca/14431 | 03:57 |
Madpilot | evandroalb: what's a bootsplash? | 03:57 |
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evandroalb | Madpilot, the image that appear during the boot, subistitutes the boot in text mode | 03:58 |
Madpilot | evandroalb: do you mean the BIOS splash that appears right after you power up? | 03:59 |
Madpilot | because AFAIK Hoary lets most of the Linux text stuff just scroll past? | 04:00 |
evandroalb | Madpilot, no no no... the splash that appears during the boot, substituting the text mode, the messages of initing... | 04:00 |
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Madpilot | evandroalb: OK, sorry. my misunderstanding. sorry, I don't know how to disable that last short splashscreen in Hoary. | 04:02 |
evandroalb | Madpilot, hehe, ok, thanks :) | 04:02 |
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matt__ | Hi, I asked a question in here earlier but my power went out in my house so I never got the answer so I will ask again. How do you make the resolution higher than 1024x768 in the system menu thats the highest it will go | 04:04 |
Madpilot | need to reboot my machine; hope to be right back... | 04:04 |
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dennis_ | "The X Server does not support XRandR extention. Runtime resolution changes to the display size are not available" | 04:06 |
dennis_ | ( | 04:06 |
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cookiemonstergri | how do i change the refresh rate | 04:09 |
cookiemonstergri | only option available is 60hz | 04:09 |
Madpilot | cool, I have 3d accell again. excellent. can now blow things up in Scorched3d! | 04:09 |
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dmb | yes, i just got 3d acc working also | 04:10 |
dmb | i am actually able to run doom3 | 04:10 |
dmb | a little... | 04:10 |
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Madpilot | dmb: try Scorched - it's in Syn. good fairly-mindless fun | 04:11 |
Madpilot | :) | 04:11 |
matt__ | cookiemonstergri: I am sort of having the same prob | 04:11 |
dmb | any of you try americas army? | 04:12 |
dmb | it works on linux | 04:12 |
IcemanV9 | woot! after a workaround (of my own), the wireless card works! sheesh! | 04:12 |
matt__ | dmb: nope sorry | 04:12 |
cookiemonstergri | matt__, check http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 04:12 |
cookiemonstergri | but my x11.conf says vert ref rate 40-72 hz | 04:13 |
Madpilot | dmb: I'm a Canadian, not sure they'd let me d/l it... ;) | 04:13 |
cookiemonstergri | still only have 60hz option | 04:13 |
scott_ | where can I get an mp3 decoder for ubuntu? | 04:13 |
matt__ | cookiemonstergri: thanks a ton | 04:13 |
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pedlar | gstreamer0.8-mad | 04:13 |
pedlar | should be in synaptic | 04:13 |
pedlar | scott_, that is an mp3 decoder | 04:14 |
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pedlar | !marillat | 04:14 |
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mebaran151 | Madpilot, just dont use mplayer in front of the canadian police | 04:16 |
scott_ | pedlar: how do I get my soundcard to work? | 04:16 |
Madpilot | mebaran151: huh? what's wrong w/ mplayer? | 04:16 |
ukato | is there an easy way to switch from 24 bit color to 16 bit color from a terminal | 04:16 |
pedlar | scott_, what kind is it? | 04:17 |
mebaran151 | it is technically illegal | 04:17 |
mebaran151 | as you can burn DVD's withit | 04:17 |
mebaran151 | and break copy right protection | 04:17 |
IcemanV9 | ukato: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf :) | 04:17 |
HrdwrBoB | mebaran151: that's not it | 04:17 |
Madpilot | mebaran151: ah, right. blah.... | 04:18 |
HrdwrBoB | mebaran151: it infringes on patents | 04:18 |
ukato | icemanv9, is that seriously the only way | 04:18 |
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IcemanV9 | ukato: well, if x server is not running, then 'startx --bpp 16' | 04:18 |
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mebaran151 | oh | 04:19 |
mebaran151 | that too | 04:19 |
mebaran151 | libdvdcss says that it is illegal because the MPAA doesnt like it | 04:20 |
toran | hey guys, I'm having a problem installing mencoder with apt-get | 04:20 |
mebaran151 | I can take screen shots | 04:20 |
mebaran151 | and sell them ... for CASH! | 04:20 |
toran | please css http://pastebin.ca/14434 | 04:20 |
toran | *see | 04:20 |
toran | not css | 04:20 |
ukato | icemanv9, thanks | 04:20 |
Madpilot | I pay an extra 25 cents per CD-R, supporting the d*mned recording associations | 04:20 |
toran | please look at that link (http://pastebin.ca/14434) (it shows the errors I get) and help me.. thanks :) | 04:20 |
Eddie | I weep at the thought of software patents | 04:21 |
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toran | me too | 04:21 |
Madpilot | for CDs I'm only going to use for legal data... <mutter> | 04:21 |
cthulfuego | Madpilot: use them! | 04:21 |
toran | I should fly to europe and protest them | 04:21 |
cthulfuego | Madpilot: .sue them even! | 04:21 |
Eddie | toran: lol, if you did, you could stay in our student house for the duration of your visit | 04:22 |
Madpilot | cthulfuego: heh. why not, when in the US & Canada the record ppl are suing like crazy anyway? :) | 04:22 |
toran | haha Eddie | 04:22 |
Eddie | though northern ireland probably isnt the most likely to respond in kind | 04:22 |
toran | Eddie: what country? | 04:22 |
toran | heh | 04:22 |
toran | I see | 04:22 |
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Eddie | given that ireland is more or less MS Sponsored (tm) | 04:22 |
Madpilot | the Canadian levy on blank audio CDs is 77 freakin' cents... | 04:22 |
toran | could someone please look at http://pastebin.ca/14434 (it shows the errors I get with apt-get) and help me? thanks :) | 04:23 |
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Eddie | Madpilot: ?? thats mad, is that to discourage illegal CD copying or something? | 04:23 |
Madpilot | Eddie: so the whole country suffers from BSOD? | 04:23 |
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Eddie | Madpilot: more like the whole country works for the BSOD | 04:23 |
Madpilot | Eddie: got it in one. | 04:23 |
Eddie | Madpilot: what about imports? although for such a trivial item that might sound laughable | 04:24 |
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Madpilot | toran: use Synaptic? | 04:24 |
toran | Madpilot: I'll try | 04:24 |
dmb | i'm more worried about software parents | 04:24 |
Madpilot | Eddie: not sure, but it might be paid at the border. | 04:24 |
pedlar | anybody know which repository the gstream0.8-faad source would be in? | 04:24 |
Eddie | well considering an irishman is in control of our fates | 04:24 |
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Madpilot | supposedly the deaf can apply to get their data-CD levy returned to them - isn't that nice of the record ppl? | 04:25 |
Eddie | and that its understandably in his interests to go ahead with the patents | 04:25 |
Eddie | id say we're all screwed | 04:25 |
misfit-toy | isn't Ireland also Dell country? | 04:25 |
Eddie | its more or less a tech tax haven | 04:25 |
=== phoenixp3k2 [~opera@modemcable223.233-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eddie | intel and MS are the big players | 04:25 |
phoenixp3k2 | Hello | 04:25 |
dmb | bastards | 04:25 |
Eddie | even in my short lifetime of just under a decade ive seen the changes | 04:25 |
Eddie | erm | 04:25 |
Eddie | just under two decades | 04:25 |
dmb | isn't there already software patents in america? | 04:26 |
phoenixp3k2 | can someone suggest me a firewall besides firestarter | 04:26 |
Eddie | lol big typo there | 04:26 |
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phoenixp3k2 | it seems to bloc google | 04:26 |
Eddie | dmb: thats what puzzled me, how america manages to cope with them | 04:26 |
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dmb | yeh, im from america so... | 04:26 |
dmb | i never paid any attention to them | 04:26 |
=== dulouz [~dulouz@dsl254-127-151.nyc1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
phoenixp3k2 | and the irc as well | 04:26 |
phoenixp3k2 | some info on the firestarted problem? | 04:27 |
=== ablyss [~ablyss@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== pibarnas [~pibarnas@pm3-02-104.interconect.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eddie | im visiting america for the first time this saturday | 04:27 |
phoenixp3k2 | found it sorry | 04:27 |
Madpilot | phoenixp3k2: I'm running Firestarter right now, getting IRC & everything just fine. sorry, can't help you further, tho... | 04:27 |
dmb | where in america? | 04:27 |
Eddie | Orlando Florida | 04:27 |
dmb | awsom, thats a nice place | 04:28 |
BROKEN_LADDER | San Francisco here. | 04:28 |
Eddie | flying economy class though, which is going to be hell | 04:28 |
BROKEN_LADDER | A nicer place. | 04:28 |
=== misfit-toy is in Austin, TX | ||
=== dmb is from new jersey | ||
=== pedlar is in boston, but from dallas, tx | ||
dmb | its hot as HELL here | 04:28 |
dmb | 90s and 100s | 04:28 |
=== [MUPPETS|bnc2] G [spaminator@deepthroat.deswahnsinns.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eddie | misfit-toy: pedlar: im a bit of a fan of texans, in a kinda naive misinformed way | 04:28 |
=== nagesh [~nagesh@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
misfit-toy | Eddie, hehe, everyone is misinformed about Texans. | 04:29 |
Eddie | only ever met two texans in my life | 04:29 |
Eddie | one was on holiday here and we had a short romance (or as close to romance as youd get at that age) | 04:29 |
thechitowncubs | Texans are selfish | 04:29 |
dmb | not neccesarilly | 04:29 |
pibarnas | Hi people! I've just installed Ubuntu, and I have no sound in the system, despite everything seems to be found in hardware... my SB Live is configured, but I have no sound in gnome... does anyone experience this situation? | 04:30 |
Eddie | one I met in a bar in a tourist port town a few miles away | 04:30 |
misfit-toy | thechitowncubs, no we are actually shellfish | 04:30 |
pedlar | Eddie, haha, we aren't all cowboys | 04:30 |
phoenixp3k2 | Madpilot: Sorry, an option was disable on firestater wich seemed to be the bug sorry | 04:30 |
=== leonel is now known as compas | ||
misfit-toy | thechitowncubs, shellfish on horses of course | 04:30 |
=== compas is now known as leonel | ||
=== Manuloco [nufdisfnsa@host122.200-117-163.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pedlar | pibarnas, try typing alsa-mixer into the terminal and then unmuting the analogue out | 04:30 |
Eddie | pedlar: Connor Trinneer, one cool mofo | 04:30 |
=== Madpilot is from British Columbia, Canada - the Far Left Coast... :) | ||
pedlar | pibarnas, i've got an audigy2 and it had a similar issue | 04:31 |
Madpilot | phoenixp3k2: np | 04:31 |
=== misfit-toy goes for more wine and less abuse, biab. | ||
=== phoenixp3k2 [~opera@modemcable223.233-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
spek | exit | 04:31 |
Eddie | Madpilot: Met two canadians a few weeks back too, they were cool, let me try some canadian bourbon, something royal | 04:31 |
Madpilot | Eddie: Crown Royal? :) | 04:31 |
Eddie | Madpilot: thats the stuff | 04:31 |
=== Manuloco [nufdisfnsa@host122.200-117-163.telecom.net.ar] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Eddie | big fancy looking bottle | 04:32 |
Eddie | glass looks like you could knock out an elephant with it before itd break | 04:32 |
kvidell | oh.. until I read up I thought you were talking about the platen glass in a CRT :-\ | 04:33 |
=== kvidell geeks too much | ||
Eddie | lol | 04:33 |
=== felixruina [~felixruin@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eddie | never tried to break that | 04:33 |
kvidell | it's tough stuff. | 04:33 |
Eddie | punched it once and almost broke myself | 04:33 |
pibarnas | alsamixer displays only cmedia card, that is onbord, not SB live... :( | 04:33 |
Eddie | couldnt type for a while | 04:33 |
kvidell | hehe | 04:33 |
=== phoenixp3k2 [~opera@modemcable223.233-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Madpilot | my monitor needs percussive maintance sometimes, when it starts to whine | 04:33 |
Eddie | ive heard tales of sledgehammers bouncing off them | 04:33 |
jmain | Does ubuntu come with all the compiler tools installed? | 04:34 |
Madpilot | a swift slap cures that problem... | 04:34 |
=== bhartman [~bhartman@pcp09147442pcs.union01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
phoenixp3k2 | Ok, it's really not working help! | 04:34 |
Eddie | Madpilot: you watch enterprise? | 04:34 |
phoenixp3k2 | Can't use Google or IRC when Firestarter is activated | 04:34 |
pedlar | pibarnas, disable the onboard in bios | 04:34 |
Madpilot | Eddie: nope, sorry. i still miss Next Gen & DS9. can't stand Enterprise... | 04:34 |
=== bionic [~bionic@140.80-202-73.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pedlar | pibarnas, you shouldn't have two sound cards active on a system anyway, no point | 04:35 |
=== Doomgaze [~Doomgaze@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eddie | Madpilot: I only like it because the engineer reminds me so much of my brother | 04:35 |
=== IcemanV9 loves Trek: SNG | ||
Eddie | Madpilot: once you ignore that hes texan, his sense of humour etc, and he looks like him lol | 04:35 |
Eddie | Madpilot: if my brother had a texan accent, hed BE trip tucker | 04:35 |
IcemanV9 | jmain: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 04:35 |
jmain | cool thanks | 04:36 |
phoenixp3k2 | hello? | 04:36 |
bhartman | Hi, everyone. I'm new to Ubuntu. I'm hoping someone can answer my question. I'm trying to load my TrueType fonts from Windows, but I can't mount my Windows partition, because I don't know which one it is. Is there somewhere I can go within Ubuntu to see what kind of filesystem is on each device? | 04:36 |
=== HillTop [~chatzilla@cpe-66-91-252-59.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eddie | Madpilot: teampicard.net is worth a subtle chuckle of admiration | 04:37 |
=== magnusbot [~magnusbot@ny-lancastr-cadent1-grp4a-a-60.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hondje | bhartman: sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda for primary, hdb for secondary drive | 04:37 |
JonnyRo | bhartman, from the command line, you can do a cfdisk of the hard drive to see the labels | 04:37 |
JonnyRo | or do what hondje said, for a one liner | 04:37 |
bhartman | thanks, JonnyRo, hondje. :) | 04:38 |
phoenixp3k2 | Any experts on Firestarter? | 04:38 |
Madpilot | Eddie: looks like a SETI team - cool! | 04:38 |
=== didymo [~ashley@CPE-61-9-197-223.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== robitaille [~robitaill@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eddie | Madpilot: I thought it was hilarious, picard, the coolest guy out (except maybe sisko, its a close call) and distributed computing | 04:40 |
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=== Lafitte- [~nuna@ip68-101-121-35.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Madpilot | Eddie: is cool. I should get SETI running on this box - anyone ever run SETI in Hoary? | 04:41 |
rob^ | is anyone else having problems with the ubuntu-backports-mirrormax.net mirror? | 04:41 |
pedlar | rob^, what kind of problems | 04:41 |
Eddie | Madpilot: BOINC runs perfectly | 04:41 |
pedlar | rob^, like, it doesn't have what you want, or it's b0rked? | 04:41 |
Eddie | Madpilot: I use the client for predictor@home, it runs without a problem | 04:41 |
rob^ | everytime I go to update the package lists in synaptic it fails to download the list from there | 04:42 |
phoenixp3k2 | This problem is serious, people who get it can't log on IRC for help. So please advise | 04:42 |
Eddie | Madpilot: http://boinc.berkeley.edu | 04:42 |
rob^ | the others work ok | 04:42 |
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Madpilot | didn't many of the backport URLs change a week or so ago? | 04:42 |
Madpilot | Eddie: interesting URL - bookmarked. thnx | 04:42 |
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rob^ | I'm using one of the guide at: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 04:42 |
=== zyiro [~zyiro@dt130nbc.tampabay.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
disasm | phoenixp3k2: you may want to try the firestarter mailing list, I'm not familiar with the product myself... You mentioned no google, is that no google, or no web what-so-ever? | 04:42 |
=== zyiro [~zyiro@dt130nbc.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cookiemonstergri | configure: error: this packages requires a curses library... what should i install ??? | 04:43 |
Lafitte- | during install Ubuntu discovered my wireless and asked me for a WEP key ....i gave it my home key and now it fefaults to that key everytime ...../etc/network/interfaces seems to rebuild the key if i delete it | 04:43 |
phoenixp3k2 | disasm: all google websites are blocked | 04:43 |
Lafitte- | i need to disable the key by default | 04:43 |
darius___ | Lafitte-: I have the same problem | 04:43 |
phoenixp3k2 | disasm: IRC is blocked also, had to disable it in order for those to work | 04:43 |
Lafitte- | darius___, i know if you dont give key during install its all good | 04:44 |
disasm | phoenixp3k2: but you could get to, say ubuntulinux.org? | 04:44 |
Eddie | Returning Astronauts to the moon by 2020? | 04:44 |
Lafitte- | anyone know where i can change the info that rebuild the interfaces scripts ? | 04:44 |
Eddie | aaach | 04:44 |
Eddie | how lame is that goal :( | 04:44 |
=== Doomgaze` [~Doomgaze@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== scott_ is now known as scott_away | ||
Eddie | I bet in the 70s people thought by 2020 we'd be landing on Mars | 04:45 |
disasm | Lafitte-: /etc/network/interfaces is the config file that determines everything else to my knowledge, nothing rebuilds it | 04:45 |
darius___ | Lafitte-: can't you just remove it from /etc/network/interfaces? | 04:45 |
rob^ | I fixed the problem, it was dns related | 04:46 |
xMaximex | with wich repository can i install charconv module for irssi with apt-get ? | 04:46 |
disasm | Lafitte-: waproamd may be of use, but I haven't had any success with it as of yet | 04:46 |
=== StoneTable [~stone@c-67-184-135-68.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== turkuaz [~Adim@dsl-80-42-16-6.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Pauly [Pauly@cable-24-179-57-129.sli.la.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
disasm | phoenixp3k2: how does firestarter store it's information? is it gui administrated or config files somewhere? | 04:47 |
=== Pauly hums | ||
Lafitte- | disasm, ive put a # infront of the key and it rebuilt the line in the leaving the # line also | 04:48 |
phoenixp3k2 | disasm: I've checked on ubuntu forums and sevral others report the same bug | 04:48 |
Lafitte- | disasm, i had wapraomd break my cnnectin actually till i removed it | 04:49 |
=== mebaran151 [~mebaran15@c-24-126-1-10.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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misfit-toy | Eddie, in the '50s they thought we'd be landing in the '70s | 04:49 |
=== muttDC [~mute@133-42-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Bazzi- [Bastian@p5484DC22.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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phoenixp3k2 | disasm: firestarter is all gui | 04:50 |
=== spartas [~tim@adsl-065-082-233-182.sip.btr.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
misfit-toy | rob^, I have DNS issues here with Ubuntu, what did you fix? | 04:51 |
Lafitte- | im going to try and select the any feature | 04:51 |
=== Arakn0 [~O_o@189.Red-81-39-123.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== adapt [~adam@c-24-2-2-249.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Madpilot | off to the gym; can't desk-potato all the time. see you all later. | 04:52 |
rob^ | misfit-toy, I just removed my gateway from the dns settings, and added the two provided by my isp | 04:52 |
rob^ | my gateways ip that is | 04:52 |
=== turkuaz [~Adim@dsl-80-42-16-6.access.as9105.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
misfit-toy | so rob^ you took your router out of the gateway? | 04:53 |
=== Pauly [Pauly@cable-24-158-221-22.sli.la.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lafitte- | disasm, i think some hotplug script is doing this | 04:53 |
rob^ | novaflare, I just had the ip address of my router under the dns -> dns servers area | 04:53 |
phoenixp3k2 | http://bugzilla.gnome.org/simple-bug-guide.cgi?product=firestarter Can someone tell me if this website is working? | 04:53 |
Pauly | hum | 04:53 |
=== Pauly thinking of migrating to Ubuntu, anyone here think that they could help answer a few questions?:) | ||
rob^ | I removed that ip address, and added the dns servers ip addresses provided by my isp | 04:54 |
=== _mage_work is now known as _mage_afk | ||
kvidell | I'm sure any of us can Pauly, just ask :) | 04:54 |
rob^ | misfit-toy, ^^ | 04:54 |
misfit-toy | rob^, interesting, let me see... | 04:54 |
Eddie | misfit-toy: just a pity things havent advanced more | 04:54 |
Pauly | Alrighty well, first thing, is there any bugs that would possibly wipe out my windows (or the windows MBR like with the fedora bug)? | 04:55 |
=== kestas [~asdf2@ppp170-71.lns1.per1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
misfit-toy | Eddie, you should have seen Linux 10 years ago | 04:55 |
thechitowncubs | It sucked, lol | 04:56 |
=== magnusbot [~magnusbot@ny-lancastr-cadent1-grp4a-a-60.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pedlar | yargh | 04:56 |
cthulfuego | Liars. | 04:56 |
kvidell | It'll try to write the mbr over with GRUB, which generally speaking shouldn't be a problem, you'll just use grub to chose which os to boot in to | 04:56 |
mcking | Pauly: as long as you follow the installer's instructions you should be ok, but as with any software, make sure you back up any important data if you are worried | 04:56 |
=== bhartman [~bhartman@pcp09147442pcs.union01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pauly | I used the live CD and it seemed to not recognize my second NIC, how difficult would it be to get it to recognize that, I also have a windows network set up currently and I use this computer as the router essentially, will Ubuntu allow windows computer to access it, and will I be able to share net etc etc | 04:56 |
=== Dilkes [Dilkes@159-134-180-130.as1.qkr.cork.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mcking | Pauly: what kind of NIC is it | 04:57 |
thechitowncubs | I've got a question/problem, I want to play the Battlefield 2 demo but it doesn't work in Cedega so now i have to get windows back on here somehow and reinstall grub, what is the easiest way to resize my partition and then after I get windows installed to put grub back on? Is the ubuntu installer capable of doing that w/out reinstalling the whole OS? | 04:57 |
Pauly | Also, is there any better IRC clients then xchat, I use many different channels on a few diff servers like constantly and that whole scrolling thing REALLY gets old | 04:57 |
bhartman | Hi, everyone. I've got another question: I've got my WindowsXP partition mounted, and I'm trying to copy the fonts over in Nautilus, but Nautilus won't copy them. It's not giving me an error. It just doesn't do anything when I try to copy and paste the files. Can anyone give me some advice? | 04:57 |
mcking | Pauly: you should be able to set it up to share files via samba, as well as share internet access | 04:58 |
thechitowncubs | Pauly: I don't understand your problem | 04:58 |
Pauly | mcking - It is either ummmmm | 04:58 |
=== misfit-toy runs from the XP questions, that's why I'm *here* in the first place, no xp for me. | ||
cthulfuego | bhartman: try 'cp ' on the command line. | 04:58 |
Pauly | linksys | 04:58 |
misfit-toy | bbl | 04:58 |
Pauly | Or an onboard, EPoX 8K9A | 04:58 |
rob^ | is there a problem with the lame/liblame0 package? apt's telling me its broken | 04:58 |
=== Davey [~davey@212-0.8-67.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bhartman | cthulfuego: Thanks. What directory does "fonts://" in Nautilus correspond to? | 04:58 |
cthulfuego | Pauly: run 'lspci' | 04:59 |
mcking | bhartman: try copying in the cli | 04:59 |
ottoaim_ | the easy option is to quit playing video games | 04:59 |
cthulfuego | bhartman: Just copy them to ~/.fonts | 04:59 |
=== Pauly not currently in ubuntu | ||
bhartman | cthulfuego: Thanks. :)) | 04:59 |
Pauly | Switched back to windoze cause I hate xchat:P | 04:59 |
=== DrToast [~andrew@CPE0010a7264366-CM000a7362b6a3.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cthulfuego | Pauly: apt-get install irssi-text | 04:59 |
ottoaim_ | use try irssi? | 04:59 |
=== oggb4mp3_ [~konversat@ny-lancastr-cadent1-grp4a-a-60.bflony.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
pedlar | mirc isn't any better... | 04:59 |
Pauly | *writes down the command* | 04:59 |
thechitowncubs | I know, but i really want to try out this new BF2 demo... I have been only using ubuntu for a long time now | 04:59 |
Pauly | It is for me:P | 04:59 |
thechitowncubs | Pauly: what is wrong w/ xchat? | 04:59 |
kvidell | Pauly: Xchat is nice though >.> I use xchat on ALL os's | 04:59 |
ottoaim_ | opps try* | 04:59 |
mcking | Pauly: look in device manager | 04:59 |
kvidell | well.. i'm using BitchX via ssh+screen form a BSD server in a friend's bedroom right now | 05:00 |
adapt | lostirc oi! | 05:00 |
Pauly | I use multiple different servers and channels, the scroll bar for the channel list sucks bad | 05:00 |
=== Q_Continuum [~Q_Continu@c-24-118-74-17.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Lafitte- [~nuna@ip68-4-155-149.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pauly | And to have channel names so small is bad as well | 05:00 |
kestas | I like xchat | 05:00 |
kestas | nice and clean' | 05:00 |
Octane | has anyone here gotten ubuntu to work with a Marvell Yukon Gigabit eithernet card? (sk98lin is the module) | 05:00 |
thechitowncubs | xchat is perfect for me | 05:00 |
Pauly | I do like the ability to set up custom KB shortcuts:P | 05:00 |
=== raz [~toshiba@toronto-HSE-ppp4330054.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cthulfuego | Pauly: Don't use shit software then, nobody is _forcing_ you ;-) | 05:00 |
=== kalias [~kalias@S010600095b290aaa.vn.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thechitowncubs | pauly, did you try changing the location of the tabs? | 05:00 |
raz | How do you list the installed apps in a terminal? | 05:01 |
mcking | Pauly: irssi or bitchx in different windows | 05:01 |
ottoaim_ | Pauly: too small of text? it is configurable... | 05:01 |
thechitowncubs | did you try making your window biger :P | 05:01 |
cthulfuego | Octane: yep, works out of the box for me. | 05:01 |
bhartman | Thanks everyone. Gonna restart X and see how it goes. :) brb. | 05:01 |
Pauly | I am aware cthulfuego, reason why one of my questions was about other IRC clients | 05:01 |
Octane | cthulfuego, what kind of board? | 05:01 |
thechitowncubs | ya, and font is configureable | 05:01 |
Octane | cthulfuego, you didnt have to compile the kernel module yourself? | 05:01 |
cthulfuego | Octane: Gigabyte K8NS pro | 05:01 |
cthulfuego | Octane: I've never run an ubuntu kernel. | 05:02 |
KodeK | cthulfuego, what's up, man, remember me? | 05:02 |
Octane | cthulfuego, what do you run then? | 05:02 |
pedlar | anybody know which repository the source for gstreamer would be in? | 05:02 |
=== Quest-Master [~qmaster@c-24-99-26-36.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KodeK | cthulfuego, i was the one who had a bad k8ns ultra 939 | 05:02 |
kalias | Hi! Is there someone here who knows about modprobe? I need to add some things. | 05:02 |
cthulfuego | Octane: I run a self-compiled 2.6.12-rcX kernel normally | 05:02 |
mcking | kalias: sup | 05:02 |
kestas | pedlar: main I think | 05:02 |
Octane | i wish i fucking pwned in linux | 05:02 |
Octane | like i understood shit | 05:03 |
Octane | im too scared to compile my own kernel | 05:03 |
=== Pauly nods | ||
raz | How do you list the installed apps in a terminal?.. | 05:03 |
Pauly | Am same:P | 05:03 |
pedlar | kestas, whoops, i forgot the rest of it, i'm looking for the restricted gstreamer0.8-faad | 05:03 |
Octane | i know ill f it up | 05:03 |
cthulfuego | Octane: This box is a cross-upgrade from a debian amd64 pre-release installed, all a bit nonstandard ;-) | 05:03 |
adapt | raz they saw it the first time | 05:03 |
kalias | mcking: Hi ! I have an isa sound card and according to the wiki I have to add a couple of things to modprobe. How do I do that? | 05:03 |
cthulfuego | raz: dpkg -l | 05:03 |
Octane | cthulfuego, that sounds very elite | 05:03 |
thechitowncubs | raz: aptitude | 05:03 |
cthulfuego | Octane: I just can't be arsed wiping and reinstalling. | 05:03 |
=== Pauly wanting to get a new box some day and then use one as a just test box | ||
raz | cthulfuego, cool, thanks | 05:03 |
pedlar | kestas, i'd just get it, but i'm on an amd64 | 05:03 |
=== Arakn0 [~O_o@189.Red-81-39-123.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
KodeK | cthulfuego, you were the one who gave me the bios files. I tried flashing it, and everything now works fine. I guess the bios that came by default was faulty :P | 05:03 |
cthulfuego | KodeK: Cool! | 05:04 |
thechitowncubs | Pauly: I'm still curious as to what your problem is with xchat, i don't quite understand | 05:04 |
mcking | kalias do you mean you can load them using modprobe and you need to know how to make it permanent or do you need to know how to use modprobe | 05:04 |
KodeK | cthulfuego, I owe you one | 05:04 |
justin | Octane: do you have an actual problem or just don't think it will work? | 05:04 |
cthulfuego | KodeK: Just help some other poor bugger here at some stage ;-) | 05:04 |
KodeK | cthulfuego, I'll try. | 05:04 |
kestas | pedlar: hmm I see.. well I dont know where to get faad from | 05:04 |
=== Dilkes is now known as Stew2 | ||
kestas | pedlar: its not in universe or anything | 05:05 |
KodeK | I'm in the process of ditching windows. I love ubuntu so far. | 05:05 |
Octane | ubuntu-users needs to be split up into specific groups | 05:05 |
Pauly | When your in multiple channels instead of keeping it to where all of the channel labels are made smaller it will put the scroll bar (I never saw an option to change that when I was using it, but that was a while back) | 05:05 |
pedlar | kestas, it's in the hoary extras | 05:05 |
Octane | justin, i cant get it work | 05:05 |
Pauly | Which I can't stand, requires mouse | 05:05 |
kalias | mcking: well all of the above. I am currently getting no sound out of my card. I would like to tryout what they say in the wike before I make it permanent. | 05:05 |
justin | Octane: well, why not? | 05:05 |
Octane | justin, i get the sk98lin driver, and run the installer, and im not really sure what i need to do | 05:05 |
pedlar | kestas, i've heard tell it's in marillat, but i'm not really sure which one of those it's in | 05:05 |
Octane | justin, it says install complete, i modprobe sk98lin, and then nothing happens, eh1 doesnt appear | 05:05 |
Pauly | Was also a real pain in the ass to make scripts for, kinda, also doesn't really support going back to previously viewed window too easily | 05:05 |
justin | Octane: why did you "get" the driver? you already had it | 05:05 |
KodeK | Anyway, does anyone know how to disable a sound card from linux? I want to disable it completely. EIther that, or make my audigy 2 my default for everything. | 05:05 |
Lafitte- | could anyone help me ith a script to simply set my wireless keys ? maybe website or readme ? | 05:06 |
cthulfuego | Octane: What you do mean 'get the sk98lin driver'? | 05:06 |
justin | /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-686/kernel/drivers/net/sk98lin/sk98lin.ko | 05:06 |
KodeK | Lafitte-, what do you need? | 05:06 |
Octane | for my Marvell Yukon, its not yet supported | 05:06 |
cthulfuego | KodeK: Add the audi | 05:06 |
kalias | mcking: I have found the modprobe.d directory | 05:06 |
kestas | pedlar: well Im not sure if marillat has deb-src repos | 05:06 |
adapt | KodeK, if its onboard, just disable in the bios | 05:06 |
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Octane | oops sorry i lied, i dont have a marvell yukon | 05:06 |
Octane | i have a Marvell 88E8053 | 05:06 |
KodeK | adapt, I dont want to do that, because I use it a lot in windows | 05:06 |
Octane | that isnt supported yet | 05:06 |
kestas | pedlar: either way I would consider just grabbing the source off the gstreamer site | 05:06 |
=== lymz [~lymz@ip68-109-142-201.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cthulfuego | KodeK: Add the driver for the via82cxxx to the /etc/hotplug.d/blacklist file. | 05:06 |
Octane | thats why i had to get the new sk98lin | 05:06 |
Lafitte- | KodeK, i need some small script to set my essid and key | 05:06 |
mcking | kalias, go to the dcc chat | 05:06 |
KodeK | Lafitte-, you could write your own. 2 simple lines | 05:07 |
KodeK | Lafitte-, I'll PM it to you. | 05:07 |
cthulfuego | Lafitte-: install wireless-tools and add the lines to /etc/network/interfaces | 05:07 |
Lafitte- | KodeK, yeah thanks would be super help :) | 05:07 |
=== bionic [~bionic@140.80-202-73.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lafitte- | cthulfuego, i have it set in interfaces just want to setup my home for fast connection \ | 05:07 |
justin | Octane: according to google, that is a yukon | 05:08 |
misfit-toy | god I hate it when a distro installs man pages in all languages, what a waste. | 05:08 |
Octane | justin, i googled the crap out of myself the past few days and that is not a yukon | 05:08 |
misfit-toy | and I'm talking about FC, not UB | 05:08 |
Octane | well it is maybe, but its one that is not supported | 05:08 |
justin | Octane: google for Marvell 88E8053 | 05:08 |
justin | Octane: first result: Marvell: Yukon 88E8050 from marvell.com | 05:09 |
Octane | justin, yes i see | 05:09 |
Octane | justin, but in kubuntu 5.04 install, it doesnt recognize it | 05:09 |
Octane | so i had to use an old ass nic | 05:09 |
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Octane | 10mbi | 05:09 |
Octane | t | 05:09 |
Octane | http://www.marvell.com/products/pcconn/yukon/index.jsp | 05:10 |
=== phoenixp3k2 [~opera@modemcable223.233-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
diana | s | 05:10 |
Octane | its not even listed there | 05:10 |
=== misfit-toy watches Korean bitmap installs fly across his FC install, dammit, I hate that. | ||
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srid | any idea where can I download the Universal extra packages CD? | 05:11 |
KodeK | So how do I blacklist an onboard sound card? | 05:12 |
misfit-toy | KodeK, why don't you just disable it in BIOS | 05:12 |
crimsun | KodeK: you append the name of the driver to /etc/hotplug/blacklist | 05:12 |
=== makaveli [~makaveli@pcp01155257pcs.newhav01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KodeK | misfit-toy, because I use it in windows. | 05:12 |
pedlar | nalioth_wrkn, you around? | 05:12 |
=== adapt [~adam@c-24-2-2-249.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
KodeK | crimsun, how can i find out the name of the driver? | 05:13 |
crimsun | KodeK: cat /proc/asound/cards | 05:13 |
cthulfuego | KodeK: 'lsmod' wil list it. | 05:13 |
makaveli | can someone please help i just installed ubuntu and everytime i go to synaptics i type in my password and i get an error message saying "failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic child terminated with 1 status" | 05:13 |
mtoledo | I was expecting ubuntu to play my dvd without problems, no deal, installing xine right now. | 05:13 |
KodeK | crimsun, thank you | 05:13 |
KodeK | cthulfuego, you too :) | 05:13 |
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KodeK | mtoledo, I got mine to play the dvds, but it's using the wrong sound card :P | 05:13 |
kclowers | I am having trouble with libisccfg0 (for bind9) - apt-get says: MD5Sum mismatch | 05:13 |
KodeK | mtoledo, add all the codecs (www.ubuntuguide.org) | 05:13 |
=== david [~david@h-68-164-5-227.chcgilgm.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | then you don't want to blacklist it, KodeK. | 05:13 |
Octane | justin, ? | 05:14 |
KodeK | kclowers, read the topic :P | 05:14 |
crimsun | KodeK: you simply want to prevent it from becoming the primary card | 05:14 |
KodeK | crimsun, how so? | 05:14 |
david | hey, how can i boot to terminal? | 05:14 |
mtoledo | KodeK, what do you mean, you have more then one card | 05:14 |
makaveli | does anyone know what is going on with synaptic? | 05:14 |
crimsun | KodeK: which driver do you not want to use as primary? | 05:14 |
kclowers | sorry, and thanks for the help | 05:14 |
mtoledo | KodeK, thanks for the tip | 05:14 |
KodeK | mtoledo, i have an onboard, which i use for my 5.1 speakers, and an audigy, for my 5.1 headphones | 05:14 |
KodeK | crimsun, i want to disable the onboard | 05:15 |
crimsun | KodeK: cat /proc/asound/modules | 05:15 |
david | crimsun, how to i boot to the shell w/o loading X | 05:15 |
cthulfuego | Lobster magnet? | 05:15 |
justin | Octane: dunno much about those cards.. can't seem to make any sense of the names or numbers.. intel cards are much simpler :-) | 05:15 |
crimsun | david: search the wiki for the correct procedure for disabling a graphical display manager | 05:15 |
mtoledo | KodeK, oh, got it. I have only one. hey thanks, I gotta go now, bbl, bye bye. | 05:15 |
KodeK | crimsun, 0 snd_intel8x0 <--thats the evil guy | 05:15 |
KodeK | cthulfuego, that's 2 people ive helped :P | 05:16 |
crimsun | KodeK: so: echo "options snd-intel8x0 index=-2" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base | 05:16 |
cookiemonstergri | how can i change x's refresh rate in terminal? | 05:16 |
Octane | justin, totally thanks anyway man | 05:16 |
david | is there a way i can boot into terminal | 05:16 |
KodeK | crimsun, should i undo al lthe changes i did to alsa, etc? i did all the stuff i found in the howtos out there. | 05:17 |
crimsun | KodeK: eh, some of that stuff is plain wrong | 05:17 |
crimsun | KodeK: what I told you will suffice. | 05:17 |
KodeK | crimsun, I'm thinking of starting my own blog, and keep commands like those :P | 05:17 |
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david | can someone help me with LILO?? | 05:18 |
=== omniscient [~omni@d211-29-173-225.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | abarbaccia: ? | 05:19 |
bob2 | david: use grub | 05:19 |
KodeK | crimsun, what does that command do, exactly? | 05:19 |
david | bob2, ill change to gurb later but.., how can i boot to shell | 05:19 |
bob2 | david: grub is the default in ubunt... | 05:19 |
=== Severim [~asda@66-168-210-147.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
david | bob2, i installed with lilo | 05:20 |
Severim | I got a nic that is only getting a ip6 address but no ip4 address from the dhcp, any idea why? | 05:20 |
bob2 | that's kinda silly | 05:20 |
bob2 | Severim: it got the ipv6 address before dhcp ran | 05:20 |
bob2 | Severim: is the dhcp server working ofr other machines? did this work at all? | 05:21 |
Severim | bob2: well it won't get an address from the router | 05:21 |
Severim | bob2: all hardware and connections are good | 05:21 |
bob2 | Severim: is this over wireless? | 05:21 |
Severim | bob2: nope | 05:21 |
Severim | wired | 05:21 |
crimsun | KodeK: it prevents that driver from becoming the primary one, as I stated above | 05:21 |
Severim | different os boots on the system are online | 05:21 |
KodeK | crimsun, how, though? | 05:21 |
bob2 | Severim: can you assign the ip and such statically and have it work? | 05:21 |
david | wow, is there anything i can press at boot to boot into shell and not X | 05:22 |
Severim | bob2: does not work | 05:22 |
crimsun | KodeK: it uses a bitmask to deprioritise negative indices. | 05:22 |
=== AnObfuscator [~tesseract@64-238-183-154.hdlk.apt.gru.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | Severim: sure you'e doing it right? | 05:22 |
KodeK | crimsun, should i reboot the machine? | 05:22 |
Severim | bob2: loopback has both but the nic does not, could it be a nic driver compatibility issue? | 05:22 |
crimsun | KodeK: you may if you wish. | 05:22 |
AnObfuscator | Is there a major difference between installing from a live cd and installing from an install cd...? | 05:22 |
KodeK | be right back, peeps :) | 05:22 |
bob2 | Severim: I'd be surprised. what sort of nic is it? | 05:23 |
Severim | bob2: positive unless if there was more to the ubuntu install than any other linux os? | 05:23 |
Severim | bob2: cnet some generic ne2k compatible nic I believe | 05:23 |
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bob2 | ah | 05:23 |
bob2 | plz: come on dude, retain your dignity | 05:23 |
plz | i need help :( | 05:24 |
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bob2 | you can't really asked a question anyone can answer yet | 05:24 |
bob2 | er, "haven't" | 05:24 |
bob2 | Severim: is the interface up? | 05:25 |
=== KodeK [~hernan@adsl-69-231-207-26.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Severim | david: at the lilo slection screen highlight the os you want to boot and press a and set it to 1 | 05:25 |
Severim | them boot | 05:25 |
DrToast | hi, where do I got to report a firestarter bug? the lauchpad? | 05:25 |
KodeK | crimsun, now even sound events are coming out of the wrong sound card :/ | 05:25 |
david | severim, im not given a menu, it just boots into linux | 05:25 |
Severim | david no bootloader? | 05:25 |
bob2 | DrToast: yes | 05:25 |
david | it says LILO but no menu | 05:26 |
DrToast | ok thx | 05:26 |
crimsun | KodeK: didn't you say you wanted the onboard to _not_ be the one used? | 05:26 |
KodeK | crimsun, exactly. | 05:26 |
Severim | david: hit the up and down arrow keys keys | 05:26 |
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david | k let me try that brb | 05:26 |
Severim | so bob2: any idea about the nic issue? | 05:26 |
crimsun | KodeK: paste the output from ,,tail -5 /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base'' onto pastebin | 05:26 |
bob2 | Severim: is the interface up? | 05:26 |
crimsun | KodeK: it sounds like one of the how-tos you followed screwed something | 05:27 |
Severim | bob2: according to the network settings it is active | 05:27 |
KodeK | crimsun, yup, i guess so. but xine is using the right card now :) | 05:27 |
KodeK | hmm, 5.1 headphones goodness :P | 05:27 |
bob2 | hm, I don't know enough about that gui thing | 05:28 |
Severim | bob2: if set to static it takes the ip address but does not go anywhere, no ping out | 05:28 |
crimsun | KodeK: did you paste it to pastebin? | 05:28 |
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KodeK | crimsun, paste what? | 05:28 |
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KodeK | crimsun, now, if i wanted to undo the changes, i could either delete that one line from alsa-base, or could i do =2? | 05:31 |
=== Lafitte-- [~nuna@ip68-101-121-35.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KodeK | crimsun, to undo the =-2 | 05:31 |
Lafitte-- | KodeK, used dhclient eth0 and worked great | 05:32 |
mtoledo | KodeK, error reading nav packet, looks like it's an encrypted dvd. | 05:32 |
KodeK | Lafitte-, yeah, ifup restores settings. | 05:32 |
Lafitte-- | KodeK, you was right when it cycles interfaces the other way | 05:32 |
KodeK | mtoledo, say what? | 05:32 |
=== bionic [~bionic@140.80-202-73.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | KodeK: I gave you a command that outputs the last 5 lines from /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base | 05:32 |
crimsun | KodeK: did you paste that content onto pastebin.com? | 05:32 |
KodeK | crimsun, i thought the command you gave me added a line to alsa-base | 05:33 |
KodeK | crimsun, ohh, i see it now, one second | 05:33 |
=== Fedora2 [~Fedora@adsl-065-007-160-244.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fedora2 | Is anyone familiar with this simple task? I am attempting to display text BEFORE the user login prompt. On other NIX systems this is done using the /etc/issue file. In Fedora this does not appear to be the case. | 05:33 |
mtoledo | KodeK, installed what the section dvd playback capability, but totem gave me the same error, gxine shows the first screen asking for the language, when I choose one, comes the error. | 05:33 |
BROKEN_LADDER | will gmail ever have a calendar and all that jazz? | 05:34 |
KodeK | mtoledo, try using xine :D thats what im using right now. apt-get install xine-ui | 05:34 |
=== AgeLesS [~ryan@c-69-180-47-203.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Severim | Fedora2: go to the login screen and modify there | 05:34 |
mtoledo | KodeK, ok, installing | 05:34 |
KodeK | crimsun, pastebin died with a sql error :P | 05:34 |
pedlar | sql=nasty | 05:35 |
Severim | the one under preferences | 05:35 |
pedlar | but useful | 05:35 |
mtoledo | KodeK, also reading a suse mailing list thread, someone says that this problem is the missing of libdvdcss 1.2.1 > | 05:35 |
KodeK | mtoledo, i thought you said you added that | 05:35 |
crimsun | KodeK: so paste it elsewhere | 05:35 |
Fedora2 | Fedora2: go to the login screen and modify there | 05:35 |
Fedora2 | What file? | 05:35 |
mtoledo | KodeK, but I did | 05:35 |
KodeK | crimsun, any other sites like that? | 05:35 |
Severim | fedora2: no file in gnome | 05:36 |
crimsun | KodeK: tons. Try pastebin.ca or ubuntupastebin.com | 05:36 |
KodeK | ok | 05:36 |
Severim | fedora2: if you are really curious it will be somewhere in /etc | 05:36 |
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mtoledo | KodeK, "libdvdcss2 is already the newest version." | 05:36 |
djs | Fedora2: Is /etc/motd what you're looking for? | 05:36 |
Severim | ooh | 05:36 |
=== norris [~norris@user-1120s4e.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KodeK | crimsun, http://pastebin.ca/14446 | 05:37 |
=== psoulocybe [~psoulocyb@adsl-065-007-128-249.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | KodeK: did you muck with an ~/.asoundrc ? | 05:37 |
mtoledo | KodeK, same error with xine, error reading nav packet! :( | 05:38 |
KodeK | crimsun, no | 05:38 |
crimsun | "wrong speakers" sounds a lot like you plugged your speakers into the wrong jacks, or you messed with some settings per-application | 05:38 |
=== bhartman [~bhartman@pcp09147442pcs.union01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KodeK | mtoledo, is your dvd dirty? i had the same error, and when i cleaned it, it worked :P | 05:38 |
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KodeK | mtoledo, and that was about an hour ago | 05:38 |
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=== metzen [~metzen@pool-151-202-50-21.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bhartman | Hi, everyone. I'm trying to install Firefox 1.0.4, but my Ubuntu install doesn't seem to want to run it. I installed it, but it keeps launching 1.0.2 instead of 1.0.4. How do I kill the old version to let the new version run? | 05:39 |
=== youch [~youch@adsl-216-103-209-252.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mtoledo | KodeK, that's not the problem, it's the cdrom/dvd stupid cache. | 05:40 |
Severim | bhartman: probably do an apt-get update | 05:40 |
mtoledo | KodeK, you gota open and input the cd again. now it worked. thanks! | 05:40 |
metzen | i keep getting alot of md5sum errors when trying to apt-get upgrade, is it a problem on my end or is there a known problem with a repo right now? | 05:40 |
bhartman | thanks, Severim. I'll give that a shot. | 05:40 |
rob^ | bhartman, horay has 1.0.4, but its just been patched from 1.0.2 | 05:41 |
KodeK | crimsun, I know how to fix it. I set it to use the 1th sound device, which is now my onboard drive. :D | 05:41 |
Severim | bhartman: np | 05:41 |
KodeK | mtoledo, i guess thats it :) | 05:41 |
KodeK | mtoledo, hahah | 05:41 |
rob^ | bhartman, so it still says 1.0.2 but it isnt | 05:41 |
crimsun | KodeK: heh, so user error? :p | 05:41 |
mtoledo | KodeK, cool, im gonna watch it, bye bye and thanks. | 05:41 |
KodeK | crimsun, pebkac | 05:41 |
=== Mirzabah_ [user@dsl-202-173-182-50.vic.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Severim | wish there were more linux extensions for firefox | 05:41 |
bhartman | rob^: Okay, so it's 1.0.4, even though it says 1.0.2? | 05:41 |
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rob^ | bhartman, yes | 05:42 |
KodeK | crimsun, now i can move to my bigger project. get counter-strike source to work in linux | 05:42 |
bhartman | Thanks, rob^. :) That's a relief. | 05:42 |
rob^ | np | 05:42 |
Severim | go into firefox and about ant that tells you the version | 05:42 |
=== meredith [~meredith@adsl-68-249-240-83.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
metzen | Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libc/libcairo/libcairo1_0.3.0-1_i386.deb MD5Sum mismatch, im getting this error repeatedly | 05:42 |
bhartman | Severim: That's what I did, but it reports 1.0.2. That's why I was confused. | 05:43 |
KodeK | metzen, read the topic :D | 05:43 |
metzen | ooooo | 05:43 |
meredith | trying to get java working in hoary. i added java to the source.list like the wiki howto said but it can't find it | 05:43 |
metzen | thanks KodeK | 05:43 |
KodeK | i love helping people by saying that :) | 05:43 |
Severim | bhartman: oh well you can check for updates, wont hurt | 05:43 |
meredith | can anybody help me get java applets working in firefox? | 05:43 |
rob^ | Severim, no, in horay its wrong | 05:43 |
=== raz [~toshiba@toronto-HSE-ppp4330054.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Severim | rob: oh thats pretty retarded | 05:43 |
Severim | misversioned | 05:44 |
raz | Anyone having disconnection probs. with GAYm? | 05:44 |
rob^ | Severim, see the addons.mozilla.org | 05:44 |
bhartman | Thanks, Severim . Thanks, everyone. Looks like I got Ubuntu running in one night (a record for a Linux distro, actually). :) | 05:44 |
Amaranth | raz: Please don't talk like that. | 05:44 |
Severim | bhartman: np | 05:45 |
raz | Amaranth, typo. | 05:45 |
bhartman | 'Night, all. | 05:45 |
Severim | night | 05:45 |
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=== ecliptik [~micheal@cpe-66-91-252-102.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ecliptik | anyone ever get an ati mobility m3 to work with tvout? | 05:46 |
Severim | rob: oh man, hehe I need to update firefox | 05:46 |
HillTop | Severim, what is the problem with Firefox?? | 05:47 |
rob^ | Severim, maybe not, see the bug report on that page I gave you | 05:48 |
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vladuz976 | hey, can anyone help, my ubuntu is not shutting down anymore | 05:49 |
bob2 | what's changed since it worked? | 05:49 |
youch | there's no spamassassin package? | 05:49 |
=== levander [cponder@user-1121kb8.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vladuz976 | nothing really? | 05:50 |
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levander | Any graphics cards with better Linux support than nvidia or ati that specialize in video graphics? And, don't barely care about 3d? | 05:50 |
vladuz976 | i had windows only then put ubuntu on there | 05:50 |
bob2 | youch: sure there is | 05:50 |
bob2 | vladuz976: so, it used to work, you changed nothing, and now it doesn't? | 05:50 |
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bob2 | levander: the intel chipsests seem to work well | 05:51 |
bob2 | levander: as do older matrox ones, but no 3d without binary drivers (iirc) | 05:51 |
levander | bob2: you know if they do anything special for video? like the ati and new nvidia one's do? | 05:51 |
vladuz976 | bob2, like i said i installed ubuntu that is the only change that has occured | 05:51 |
levander | bob2: video like in htpc, using it for television | 05:51 |
bob2 | levander: how do you mean? | 05:51 |
bob2 | levander: oh, like tv out? | 05:51 |
vladuz976 | actually i had tried mandriva too and that had the same problem | 05:52 |
bob2 | vladuz976: er, so ubuntu never managed to power off? | 05:52 |
levander | bob2: nvidia has special features in the GeForce 6, called PureVideo, to make the video look better | 05:52 |
vladuz976 | yes, it hangs | 05:52 |
vladuz976 | last thing is says is something like kill signals sent | 05:52 |
vladuz976 | i think | 05:52 |
bob2 | vladuz976: how old is it? | 05:52 |
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HillTop | Severim, I had themes and extensions (1.0.2 wanting 1.0.4) and got this advise: Try changing general.useragent.vendorSub to 1.0.4 in about:config. Then restart Firefox. | 05:53 |
levander | bob2: yeah, kinda like tv out, but more than just a port on the back of the card, actual video processing in the card itself, hardware decoding plus advanced algorithms to process video | 05:53 |
bob2 | levander: this sounds like marketing fluff, to be honest :) | 05:53 |
vladuz976 | bob2: the distro? | 05:53 |
Amaranth | HillTop: So do that. | 05:53 |
bob2 | levander: I don't know of anyone else doing it, tho | 05:53 |
bob2 | vladuz976: the computer | 05:53 |
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bob2 | vladuz976: what year is it from? | 05:53 |
vladuz976 | bob2, motherboard maybe 3months and processor a year | 05:53 |
HillTop | The advise worked! | 05:54 |
KodeK | How can I set up gaim to show the buddy list when I hit ctrl+shift+s? | 05:54 |
levander | bob2: no, there really are algorithms to process video to make it look better, and you can really decode mpeg in hardware | 05:54 |
levander | bob2: hardware decoding offloads it off the processor | 05:54 |
bob2 | levander: yeah, I know, but decoding mpeg isn't that cpu intensive these days | 05:54 |
levander | bob2: with hdtv it is | 05:54 |
bob2 | levander: even mpeg-4 | 05:54 |
bob2 | hm, ok, you sound like you've done more research than me | 05:55 |
bob2 | my p4 2.8 doesn't even sweat when deciding hires xvid or theora, tho | 05:55 |
Amaranth | bob2: h.264 at HD resolutions is horrible | 05:55 |
levander | bob2: okay, i'll looking into it more, some articles i've read have said to make sure to get hardware decoding, but you know, i've never seen a dvd player peg the cpu... mayber your right | 05:55 |
Amaranth | bob2: a top of the line PowerMac G5 can just barely get 30fps playing 1080p | 05:55 |
bob2 | Amaranth: isn't HDTV just mpeg-2? | 05:55 |
vladuz976 | bob2, no idea as to what might be going on? | 05:56 |
Amaranth | bob2: HDTV is just a resolution :) | 05:56 |
bob2 | vladuz976: "sudo modprobe ac", then try powering it off | 05:56 |
Amaranth | bob2: But the format everyone seems to love now is h.264 | 05:56 |
bob2 | Amaranth: hm, I thought the hdtv standard used mpeg-2 | 05:56 |
bob2 | Amaranth: ah | 05:56 |
bob2 | levander: ok, it seems I'm way out of data and wrong, don't mine me | 05:56 |
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vladuz976 | bob2, what exactly does that do, please? | 05:56 |
levander | Amaranth: you've heard of any good graphics cards for video that have Linux support? | 05:57 |
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nalioth_zZzZzZzZ | bob2, gotta keep up with the Jobses, h264 is the current hotness | 05:57 |
bob2 | vladuz976: it loads the ac module, which is the acpi module to powerdown the system on halt | 05:57 |
vladuz976 | bob2, but will that fix my problem? | 05:57 |
bob2 | vladuz976: I'd think so | 05:58 |
matjan_ | hi, i have a problem getting my video card working correctly, can someone help me please? | 05:58 |
Amaranth | matjan_: What kind of card? | 05:58 |
matjan_ | ati radeon 9200 se | 05:59 |
KodeK | heh, how did i know it was an ati? | 05:59 |
bob2 | what isn't working? | 05:59 |
Amaranth | matjan_: Should have worked out of the box. | 05:59 |
bob2 | it should work out of the box | 05:59 |
KodeK | first things first, did you download all the updates? | 05:59 |
matjan_ | nope... it didn't | 05:59 |
vladuz976 | bob2, so that is not just some command that forces it to shut down that time? | 05:59 |
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bob2 | vladuz976: no | 05:59 |
matjan_ | left and right edges are curved and can't set the refresh rate higher | 05:59 |
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bob2 | are yo usure the monitor is ok? | 06:00 |
matjan_ | it's at 60hz in ubuntu... but at 75hz in win2k | 06:00 |
disasm | matjan_: left and right edges curved, thats the monitor | 06:00 |
matjan_ | really... all works fine in windows.... | 06:00 |
vladuz976 | bob2, thanks for your help I will try that | 06:00 |
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disasm | matjan_: play with your monitor settings, if it has an autodetect button click it | 06:01 |
matjan_ | what do i need to change for the monitor to work properly then? | 06:01 |
levander | you guys think xvidtune would help matjan_, only kind of remember what it does myself | 06:01 |
matjan_ | disasm: where do i do that? (sorry, newbie...) | 06:02 |
bob2 | I'd guess matjan_'s monitor gave misleading DDC output | 06:02 |
matjan_ | levander: xvidtune? | 06:02 |
disasm | matjan_: you should have buttons on your monitor to modify the settings, should be menu, or if its an old one a bunch of buttons that adjust the shape and size of picture | 06:02 |
matjan_ | right | 06:02 |
matjan_ | it's that??? | 06:02 |
=== tenshiKur0 [~tenshiKur@S0106000d93cb5211.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
capi | I'm trying to apt-get apache2, but i'm getting a `MD5Sum mismatch' error from the universe repo? Anyone know how to fix it? | 06:02 |
levander | matjan_: xvidtune lets you interactively play with your X settings | 06:02 |
matjan_ | disasm: then why is all working fine in win2k? | 06:03 |
bob2 | capi: /ytopic | 06:03 |
levander | matjan_: takes some fumbling with it to figure it out, say about 30 minutes to get good at it | 06:03 |
bob2 | er, /topic | 06:03 |
disasm | matjan_: different resolution maybe? | 06:03 |
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levander | matjan_: not sure it'll help you though | 06:03 |
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kvidell | weeeee | 06:03 |
kvidell | my room's gunna get WARM | 06:03 |
matjan_ | no, also at 1024x768 | 06:03 |
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kvidell | I'm compiling my kernel the old fashion way with make... but I'm running it make -j4 | 06:03 |
matjan_ | levander:ok | 06:03 |
capi | sorry bob2, didn't see that. | 06:03 |
kvidell | this's gunna be fun ;) | 06:04 |
Amaranth | matjan_: How old is your monitor? Was it turned on when you turned the computer on? | 06:04 |
DrToast | matjan_ have you tried System->Preferences->Screen Resolution? | 06:04 |
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matjan_ | monitor is 4.5 years old | 06:04 |
matjan_ | it was turned on | 06:04 |
matjan_ | drtoast: yes | 06:04 |
levander | i bet matrox has pretty good video support in their cards, they were always well respected and never gave a flip about 3d performance because most people don't use it | 06:05 |
matjan_ | anyways... i tried to manually configure the card.... http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&highlight=RV280 | 06:06 |
levander | and as I remember it, they've never had proprietary drivers in linux | 06:06 |
bob2 | they do indeed have proprietary drivers | 06:06 |
matjan_ | i already get stuck at step 1 :-s | 06:06 |
caonex | initrd does not work until you install the base system, right? I am asking because i am installing from knoppix and i restarted before installing the base system and got the error unable to locate initrd and unable to mount scsi devices. | 06:06 |
bob2 | especially for the 550 | 06:06 |
=== pibarnas [~pibarnas@pm3-02-073.interconect.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
caonex | so my guess is that for os other than ext3 and reiserfs you need the base-configm, right? | 06:06 |
levander | bob2: you sure, it's been awhile, but I remember redhat's rpm configure my matrox g400 without me installing anything but XFree stuff at all. I can't be positive though | 06:07 |
DrToast | matjan_, I'm guessing the problem is the monitor wsan't detected properly, but who knows, it could be the driver | 06:07 |
bob2 | yes, but the g550 at least had proprietary drivers | 06:07 |
pibarnas | Hi people! I've done a "modprobe emu10k1" but nothing happened. I still have no sound in gnome. | 06:07 |
Bicchi | Why does ubuntu have their own version of firefox. I am trying to upgrade to version 1.0.4 but it does not let me. I am using 1.0.2 which i have upgrade using apt-get upgrade. | 06:08 |
matjan_ | drtoast: i checked the xorg.conf file... it said generic if i remember correctly | 06:08 |
bob2 | Bicchi: oh man | 06:08 |
rob^ | doh! | 06:08 |
pibarnas | It seems some software is blocking the card sound... | 06:08 |
disasm | caonex: what does knoppix have to do with ubuntu? | 06:09 |
bob2 | disasm: caonex is using it to fix his/her ubuntu system | 06:09 |
bob2 | pibarnas: er, have you checked that? | 06:09 |
disasm | bob2: ah, ok | 06:09 |
bob2 | pibarnas: and you shouldn't need to load emu10k1 | 06:09 |
cthulfuego | The G400 and G450 also prefer the proprietary drivers (mga_hal) | 06:09 |
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Stereo | Hello | 06:09 |
disasm | caonex: sorry for jumping to conclusions | 06:09 |
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DrToast | yeah it says it on mine too | 06:09 |
caonex | disasm, nothing, hehe ah ok | 06:09 |
Stereo | ubuntu rocks and you're all fantastic people. That is all. | 06:09 |
Stereo | and, uh, thank you :) | 06:10 |
caonex | disasm, i would not be crazy to come in here and talk about something else, if it was not related ;) | 06:10 |
DrToast | you wouldn't happen to know the horizontal sync of that monitor would you? | 06:10 |
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rob^ | Bicchi bhartman rob^: Okay, so it's 1.0.4, even though it says 1.0.2? | 06:10 |
rob^ | rob^ bhartman, yes | 06:10 |
caonex | bob2, any idea about my question? | 06:10 |
matjan_ | drtoast: ok, what video card do you have? | 06:10 |
mcking | Bicchi: that's been a discussion for a while now | 06:10 |
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caonex | bob2, it is probably how i think it is. | 06:10 |
DrToast | radeon 9000 | 06:11 |
disasm | pibarnas: try alsamixer does it bring up mixer controls for sound? | 06:11 |
caonex | bob2, you need libc6 for initrd, right? | 06:11 |
yonil | is there a better cd/dvd burning application for gnome than gnome-baker ? it really doesnt seem to work too well .. k3b worked great on kde .. | 06:11 |
bob2 | caonex: I think you're highly screwed and would save a lot of time by reinstalling | 06:11 |
Bicchi | mcking rob^: so why it still shows 1.0.2 in the about page. | 06:11 |
bob2 | caonex: that question doesn't make sense | 06:11 |
caonex | bob2, i cannot that is the thing. | 06:11 |
matjan_ | dr toast: and it's working properly for you? | 06:11 |
rob^ | Bicchi, it just does | 06:11 |
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caonex | bob2, i am doing it all using ssh. My dad is far away and no cd-burner | 06:11 |
rob^ | Bicchi, its been patched to 1.0.4 though | 06:11 |
DrToast | yup 1024x768 75Hz and this is a crappy monitor | 06:11 |
caonex | bob2, only cd he have been having for a long time, longer than ubuntu is a knoppix live cd | 06:12 |
mcking | Bicchi: it has the security patch from 1.0.4 | 06:12 |
cthulfuego | caonex: You need libc6 for _everything_ except the kenrel itself. | 06:12 |
caonex | bob2, that is why i chose this way, otherwise i would have done it like you suggested. | 06:12 |
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matjan_ | damn, why is it not working for me?? | 06:12 |
caonex | cthulfuego, so probably i am right about the question i asked earlier. | 06:12 |
matjan_ | i guess it must be the driver then... | 06:12 |
Bicchi | mcking rob^: i did the ubuntu bug fix where i changed the about:config to show version 1.0.4 so that i can get new extentions. | 06:12 |
DrToast | not necessarily | 06:12 |
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cthulfuego | caonex: if the question was "Did I fuck up and do i need to reinstall" | 06:13 |
caonex | cthulfuego, bob2, i going to have to edit one of the how tos in ubuntu forums then | 06:13 |
mcking | Bicchi: but it still show itself as 1.0.2 so mozilla.org barfs on extensions :( | 06:13 |
yonil | you guys ? | 06:13 |
DrToast | when it sets up your monitor it tries to detect what the max refresh rate is | 06:13 |
caonex | cthulfuego, nope, that was far from it. | 06:13 |
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matjan_ | ok... | 06:13 |
caonex | cthulfuego, is not messed up. | 06:13 |
DrToast | so it could be that your monitor wasn't in the database or something | 06:13 |
matjan_ | could i set that manually to 75hx then? | 06:13 |
yonil | is there another dvd burning app for gnome besides baker ?? | 06:13 |
caonex | cthulfuego, it is perfectly fine, i just restarted before installing the base system | 06:13 |
mcking | the about:config thing works | 06:13 |
matjan_ | \right | 06:13 |
caonex | cthulfuego, i just had grub and the kernel image installed | 06:13 |
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Amaranth | DrToast: Not a database, it asks the monitor what it supports. | 06:14 |
matjan_ | because right now, i only get 60hz as an option... | 06:14 |
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DrToast | in the xorg.conf file in the monitor section is there a "option DPMS" line? | 06:14 |
Bicchi | mcking rob^: so who gets to change the version number, ubuntu or mozilla. i mean who changes the code to fix the problem. | 06:14 |
caonex | cthulfuego, as suggested in one of the tutorials in ubuntu.com, however, that is with ext3 and a pata, i have a sata and a couple of scsi, which probably require initrd which requires baseconfig | 06:14 |
Octane | anyone get adobe acrobat reader 7 working with amd64? | 06:14 |
=== odie5533 [~odie5533@c-67-175-208-140.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vinux | 60hz! ouch | 06:14 |
matjan_ | can't tell you right now... i'm in win2k... modem doesn't work.... | 06:14 |
odie5533 | What widget does Firefox use? | 06:14 |
caonex | cthulfuego, i am finishing installing the base system now, and i will reinstall the kernel just to make sure it is fine and then voila, all fine! | 06:15 |
DrToast | Amaranth, isn't that only if the monitor is plug and play? | 06:15 |
mcking | odie5533: it uses gtk and its own xul rendering | 06:15 |
vladuz976 | anybody know why there is no root in ubuntu? | 06:15 |
odie5533 | is GTK good to use? What does it use on windows? | 06:15 |
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caonex | cthulfuego, he is suggesting to reboot and then install base-config new....which may not apply to everybody, so i think i will add that comment to the howto | 06:15 |
flodine | can someone tell me why i only get 60hz from ubuntu | 06:16 |
kvidell | 60hz? | 06:16 |
mcking | vladuz976: supposed to make it more secure or something | 06:16 |
kvidell | did you tell the installer you were running it on a graphing calculator? | 06:16 |
disasm | caonex: i'm curious can you give me that link for what your doing? | 06:16 |
odie5533 | mcking: is GTK good to use? What does it use on windows? | 06:16 |
DrToast | ok, well its hard to say | 06:16 |
caonex | disasm, yes, i can. | 06:17 |
mcking | odie5533: built in windows MFC | 06:17 |
pibarnas_ | Well, I have 2 sound cards (1 onboard and 1 off - SB Live!), and alsamixer manage both, and their volumes are high, but there's no sound! | 06:17 |
cthulfuego | Amaranth: Incidentally, i added a cron jon to kill and restart the bot every night. | 06:17 |
sandip | anyone here knows how to stop btdownload.p from seeding after a while? | 06:17 |
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flodine | kvidell yeah resolution refresh rate 60 hz | 06:17 |
caonex | disasm, https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/InstallFromKnoppixHowto | 06:17 |
cthulfuego | Amaranth: it seems to somehow lose its connection to mysql. | 06:17 |
kvidell | OH | 06:17 |
kvidell | hah >.> sorry | 06:17 |
DrToast | but your card is better than mine, so it should work | 06:17 |
DrToast | oh man flodine | 06:18 |
matjan_ | right... | 06:18 |
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flodine | what | 06:18 |
flodine | what | 06:18 |
DrToast | seems like its a common problem | 06:18 |
matjan_ | flodine seems to have the same problem i have | 06:18 |
=== randabis [~randabis@cpe-67-10-186-21.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mcking | kalias: you're back! did it work? | 06:18 |
caonex | disasm, if you need to use that, be careful because not all that may apply to you, like in my case. | 06:18 |
flodine | yeah ive never seen higher then 65hz | 06:19 |
DrToast | what resolution are you running flodine ? | 06:19 |
pibarnas_ | when I click on a sound file, I get an error message saying there's a software blocking the sound card... | 06:19 |
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flodine | 1900x1200 | 06:19 |
kalias | mcking: sort of. I got bongos on startup but xmms and cd player both hang. | 06:19 |
mcking | hm | 06:19 |
matjan_ | wow | 06:19 |
kvidell | esd is stealing control of your sound card | 06:19 |
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bob2 | flodine: youre still here? no one replied to your post to the mailing list? | 06:19 |
pibarnas_ | hummm. | 06:19 |
DrToast | if you lower the resolution can you get a better refresh? | 06:19 |
flodine | bob2 i got it fixed | 06:19 |
pibarnas_ | And do you know how can I fix it? | 06:20 |
mcking | kalias: go to xms prefs and make sure it is using esd output plugin | 06:20 |
mcking | xmms | 06:20 |
flodine | just my refresh rate at 60hz is that good | 06:20 |
levander | DrToast: sometimes | 06:21 |
mcking | or use muine instead :) | 06:21 |
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DrToast | matjan_, you said you can't get online when your booted into linux? | 06:21 |
_magog_ | im pleased with myself, i finally got DR17 goin, im in it now and man do i love it | 06:21 |
levander | flodine: no, you prolly see some flick at 60Hz | 06:21 |
disasm | caonex: how far are you into the page? | 06:21 |
kalias | mcking: xmms is quite hung, I can do anything with it. | 06:21 |
flodine | levander yes very little | 06:21 |
matjan_ | yup... my dsl modem card is kind of obsolete | 06:21 |
mcking | in a terminal type "killall xmms" | 06:22 |
pibarnas_ | But I can't get sound on gnome? | 06:22 |
mcking | kalias: if that doesn'e cut it, then "killall -9 xmms" | 06:22 |
kalias | mcking: done | 06:22 |
disasm | pibarnas_: is esd running? | 06:22 |
DrToast | ahhh... that's too bad | 06:22 |
matjan_ | so people suggested me to try ndiswrapper | 06:22 |
kalias | mcking: it is dead | 06:22 |
mcking | kalias: cool | 06:22 |
randabis | I don't think you need the -9 mcking | 06:23 |
kalias | mcking: I will start it up again. | 06:23 |
=== Davey [~davey@212-0.8-67.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pibarnas_ | esd can be selected in gnome multimedia selector | 06:23 |
levander | flodine: if you've only got like 800x600 resolution, you want at least 75Hz. For higher than that resolution, you want 85Hz. | 06:23 |
flodine | guys can i edit my xorg for better refresh rate | 06:23 |
DrToast | yeah ndiswrapper would work, but its a lot of effort to get going | 06:23 |
mcking | start it up without a song and go to the prefs | 06:23 |
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levander | flodine: you can, but luckily, i've never had to, it's kind of a bitch to do | 06:23 |
pibarnas_ | alsa gets an error on gnome multimedia selector. | 06:23 |
flodine | ok | 06:23 |
mcking | randabis: if it doesn't die nicely, then use -9 to kill it "not nicely" | 06:23 |
=== zachary [~zachary@cpe-70-116-83-137.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
matjan_ | drtoast: right, but that's what i'm stuck with i'm afraid | 06:24 |
DrToast | flodine, how big is your monitor? | 06:24 |
flodine | 24 inchs | 06:24 |
zachary | hey can i get some help | 06:24 |
matjan_ | but first this monitor thing | 06:24 |
disasm | pibarnas_: is it running though? hint: ps aux|grep esd | 06:24 |
thechitowncubs | I'm upgrading to breezy :) | 06:24 |
DrToast | wow | 06:24 |
mcking | DrToast: ndiswrapper is easy to get started | 06:24 |
cthulfuego | thechitowncubs: don't | 06:24 |
matjan_ | mcking: you use it? | 06:24 |
thechitowncubs | cthulfuego: is there a specific reason? | 06:25 |
=== rob^ [~rob@dsl-202-52-55-156.qld.veridas.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cthulfuego | thechitowncubs: it's broken. See /topic | 06:25 |
kalias | mcking: how do I get it off the task bar. I hit a wrong button. | 06:25 |
DrToast | matjan_, well for the monitor thing it would be nice to see what's in the xorg.conf file | 06:25 |
=== honky [~chris@69-162-41-181.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thechitowncubs | i know, i see the topic, but is there something that doesn't work specifically? | 06:25 |
mcking | kalias: is it still running? | 06:25 |
mcking | kalias: xmms i meas | 06:25 |
mcking | kalias: xmms i measn | 06:25 |
flodine | Drtoast i dont know what to do looks good just the refresh rate is 60hz | 06:25 |
mcking | kalias: xmms i mean | 06:25 |
thechitowncubs | And i just did it but i didn't reboot yet, is there anyway i can "downgrade" | 06:25 |
matjan_ | drtoast: ok, i'll go into linux and copy it to a text file and come back, alright? | 06:26 |
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pibarnas_ | I don't have xmms. | 06:26 |
kalias | mcking: yes, it is back. I am just looking for the plugin you described. | 06:26 |
levander | mmm, the only thing officially supported by X.org it looks like is the intel chips | 06:26 |
DrToast | ok sounds good | 06:26 |
matjan_ | cool | 06:26 |
matjan_ | be back in a minute | 06:26 |
levander | oh wait, nm, i read that wrong | 06:26 |
=== dreaddydave [~dreaddyda@user-0ccsrp9.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zachary | the problem: i'm trying to burn a cd with an external cd burner using GnomeBaker, the error: the mount point(e.g. /mnt/cdrom) for the writing device could not be obtained. Please check that the writing device has an entry in /etc/fstab and then go to prefrences and rescan for devices | 06:26 |
kalias | mcking: where is preferences on this thing? | 06:26 |
zachary | never mind | 06:26 |
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DrToast | flodine, if you lower the resolution to like 1280x1024 does it let you set a higher refresh | 06:27 |
zachary | i guess it says its "baking" | 06:27 |
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flodine | DrToast no | 06:27 |
mcking | kalias: right click anywhere not on a button is the menu for xmms | 06:27 |
mcking | kalias: it's weird | 06:27 |
DrToast | that's weird | 06:27 |
flodine | DrToast better videocard | 06:27 |
sandip | anyone here knows how to stop btdownload.py from seeding after a while? | 06:28 |
mcking | kalias: i don't even have xmms installed. going form memory | 06:28 |
levander | does X.org have any technology for video like it has DRI for graphics? | 06:28 |
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kalias | mcking: okay got it. select the esound plugin? | 06:28 |
mcking | levander: the Xv extension (Xvideo) | 06:28 |
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mcking | kalias: ya | 06:28 |
cthulfuego | thechitowncubs: Specifically, X. | 06:28 |
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cthulfuego | levander: v4l | 06:28 |
thechitowncubs | If you're using breezy don't apt-get upgrade for a couple weeks, the C++ transition is starting. MAJOR BREAKAGE! | 06:28 |
disasm | zachary: try ls -lh /dev/cdrom | 06:28 |
thechitowncubs | What consists of a C++ transition? | 06:29 |
DrToast | if it supports 1900x1200 60Hz it should support 1280x1024 75Hz at least | 06:29 |
mcking | kalias: esound lets more than one program play sound at a time | 06:29 |
cthulfuego | thechitowncubs: New compiler and libs undoubtedly. | 06:29 |
kalias | mcking: no luck xmms still locks up. | 06:29 |
mcking | thechitowncubs: going from gcc3.x to gcc4.0 with a totally incompatible c++ lib | 06:29 |
zachary | disas: i think its working | 06:29 |
levander | what's better v41 or xv? | 06:29 |
thechitowncubs | oh, breezy is going to use GCC 4 packages? | 06:29 |
mcking | kalias: hrm | 06:29 |
cthulfuego | thechitowncubs: Thing is, if you don't at least check the wiki and/or here BEFORE starting with breezy, you shouldn't be using it. | 06:29 |
thechitowncubs | haha, i know, i just wanted to try it, its on a secondary machine so no worries | 06:30 |
kvidell | I lovers breezy | 06:30 |
flodine | DrToast i just looked at dells book im only going to get 60hz from 1900x1200 | 06:30 |
kalias | mcking: no fun eh? | 06:30 |
thechitowncubs | cthulfuego: if i change my repositories back to hoary and perform a dist-upgrade, will it work? | 06:30 |
mcking | kalias: :) | 06:31 |
odie5533 | mcking: What is builtin MFC? | 06:31 |
kalias | mcking: :) | 06:31 |
flodine | DrToast i guess it helps to read | 06:31 |
kvidell | thechitowncubs: No. | 06:31 |
DrToast | yeah it takes a lot of time to put that many pixels on the screen | 06:31 |
thechitowncubs | damn, why not? | 06:31 |
kvidell | because, the packages in breezy are newer | 06:31 |
flodine | lol | 06:31 |
kvidell | you can't "upgrade" to an older version | 06:31 |
=== odie5533 doesnt know much about windows GUI making... Visual Studio is always there for me | ||
DrToast | so if you lower the res you should be able to raise the refresh | 06:31 |
kvidell | pinning doesn't even really work | 06:31 |
rob^ | kvidell, yes you can, using pegging | 06:31 |
mcking | odie5533: think of it as gtk for windows (it is built in to windows and 99% of windwos apps useit) | 06:31 |
rob^ | or pinning rather | 06:32 |
zachary | upgrading to older versions is my speciality | 06:32 |
kvidell | rob^: it's dirty and I don't recomend it :-P | 06:32 |
zachary | haha | 06:32 |
mcking | odie5533: if you use visual studio then you are using mfc | 06:32 |
rob^ | kvidell, also true | 06:32 |
thechitowncubs | i'm gonna try it | 06:32 |
odie5533 | mcking: Is it crosscompatible with gtk? Or do I need to code for Windows and for GTK on linux? | 06:32 |
mcking | odie5533: two different worlds, my friend | 06:32 |
mcking | odie5533: different window models and totally different ways of hooling up the code to the widgets | 06:33 |
gpd | Qt has Windows + Linux + OSX | 06:33 |
signius | The terminal that ubuntu use is it possibel to change the File menu short cut of f10 ? | 06:33 |
mcking | odie5533: you can use another tookit, though | 06:33 |
mcking | odie5533: or use gtk for windows | 06:33 |
odie5533 | Why does firefox not use another? | 06:33 |
DrToast | yeah and there is a port of gtk for windows | 06:33 |
DrToast | tho it kinda sucks | 06:33 |
signius | f10 clashes with almost every app that run in a terminal | 06:33 |
mcking | odie5533: or use wxwidgets (nice) | 06:33 |
odie5533 | GAIM uses the port... its ok, but it seems bulky | 06:34 |
odie5533 | wxwidgets works on linux and windows? | 06:34 |
disasm | odie5533: so does gimp ;-) | 06:34 |
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odie5533 | and so does qt? | 06:34 |
mcking | odie5533: wxwidgets looks exactly like the host (gtk on linux and mfc on windows) | 06:34 |
gpd | nobody likes Qt as they want _money_ / licences | 06:34 |
strider | can someone please point me in the right direction? each time ubuntu automatically mounts my cd-rw/dvd rom in Compaq Presario 2100, it opens consecutively 6 windows and places six cdrom drive icons on the desktop. I keep googling but I did no find yet any useful info. | 06:34 |
DrToast | yeah but you gotta pay to use qy on windows | 06:34 |
DrToast | err qt | 06:34 |
odie5533 | Why does anyone use anything but wxWidgets then... | 06:34 |
mcking | qt would be great on windows, except for the $1000 per seat | 06:34 |
mcking | odie5533: different strokes | 06:35 |
thechitowncubs | qt sucks :_ | 06:35 |
thechitowncubs | :) | 06:35 |
signius | f10 doesnt appear to be listed in the shortcut keys | 06:35 |
DrToast | harder to use? I don't know | 06:35 |
odie5533 | Do you code in any of them mcking? | 06:35 |
gpd | that is commercial they have gpd version which is free | 06:35 |
signius | ok found it | 06:35 |
signius | was being dumb | 06:35 |
mcking | odie5533: besides, wx is built on top of gtk (in linux) | 06:35 |
kvidell | I only have QT installed because I like using xconfig when I'm setting up kernel configs to compile | 06:35 |
signius | sorry about that | 06:35 |
signius | it was driving me frigging nuts though | 06:35 |
DrToast | there's a gconfig too kvidell | 06:35 |
kvidell | oh ya? | 06:36 |
mcking | odie5533: i've done some in house work in both wx and (py)gtk | 06:36 |
DrToast | yeah | 06:36 |
DrToast | i never use it though | 06:36 |
kvidell | i use menuconfig if I have to | 06:36 |
DrToast | menuconfig all the way | 06:36 |
odie5533 | Which do you prefer mcking? | 06:36 |
kvidell | Menuconfig's not bad, just somedays I feel lazy and want to click on things :) | 06:36 |
kvidell | like when it's the sixth recompile of a broken ass debian system *grumbles* | 06:36 |
mcking | odie5533: they both have their strengths, but i think that wx keeps each platform's "feel" much better | 06:36 |
DrToast | i'm just too used to menuconfig to change | 06:37 |
kvidell | :) | 06:37 |
odie5533 | mcking: where can I get wxwidgets and learn to use it? | 06:37 |
mcking | odie5533: apt-get install wxgtk :) | 06:37 |
signius | how do you remove programs that you have installed using apt-get ? | 06:37 |
odie5533 | will that include dev headers? | 06:37 |
disasm | DrToast: menuconfig's main advantage is you don't need x to compile (ssh session/server situation) | 06:38 |
disasm | signius: apt-get remove | 06:38 |
signius | thanks | 06:38 |
kalias | mcking: So, where do we go from here? | 06:38 |
vinux | Hey guys I have a question about the sending me free CDs for free. They said the default was 10 cds??? Is that all the programs for it too? ---> http://shipit.ubuntulinux.org/ | 06:38 |
mcking | kalias: sorry, i haven't forgotten about you, got sidetracked | 06:39 |
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mcking | odie5533: wxwidgets.org for the docs and look in synaptic for the actual packages to install | 06:40 |
mcking | odie5533: there is also wxpython if you like the snakey snake | 06:40 |
odie5533 | Which I don't =P | 06:40 |
Razor-X | mcking: stop promoting synaptic -_- | 06:40 |
odie5533 | Acutally never tried python, so can't say that | 06:40 |
mcking | kalias: can you play the files in rythmbox or another player? is it just xmms that hangs? | 06:41 |
vinux | Razor-X, synaptic seems pretty cool | 06:41 |
mcking | Razor-X: its better than dselect | 06:41 |
=== mcking shudders remembering dselect | ||
odie5533 | Can I compile programs for Mac OSX on linux | 06:41 |
Razor-X | people should promote CLI though | 06:41 |
IcemanV9 | hmm. kde do have wifi manager and gnome do not. :( | 06:41 |
Razor-X | mcking: and I remember dselect meself | 06:41 |
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Razor-X | although, I was probably much younger than most of you when you remember it | 06:42 |
rob^ | vinux, thats 10 copies | 06:42 |
mcking | Razor-X: aptitude is nicer | 06:42 |
levander | i don't believe this, the 6 year old graphics card i've already got in my computer is highly recommended to be used with mythtv | 06:42 |
kalias | mcking: no worries :) I tried the cd player and it just hangs also. | 06:42 |
Razor-X | mcking: or so I hear, I have to try it | 06:42 |
odie5533 | mcking: is there a visual editor for wxwidgets? | 06:42 |
vinux | rob^, oh crap hmmm maybe I should edit that lol | 06:42 |
disasm | mcking: dselect, i used that for about a day, and then found apt | 06:42 |
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kalias | mcking: I have to force quit on them. | 06:42 |
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matjan_ | drtoast: i'm here again | 06:43 |
mcking | odie5533: there is a resource file editor for it for a few $$ (reasonable $$, not qt $$) and a free one that isn't as good | 06:43 |
DrToast | ok cool | 06:43 |
matjan_ | tell me what to look at in xorg.conf | 06:43 |
ukato | you can turn down the refresh rate of a monitor by editing xorg.conf, right? | 06:43 |
odie5533 | Any link for the resonable one and the free one? | 06:43 |
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kalias | mcking: if I try "sudo rmmod snd_sb16" it tells me ERROR: Module snd_sb16 is in use | 06:43 |
DrToast | ok under section "Device" what's on the driver line? | 06:44 |
vinux | rob^, wait a second why would the default be 10 copies? I guess they want me to hand them out? | 06:44 |
matjan_ | "ati" | 06:44 |
mcking | odie5533: i haven't used them in a while, you can get the link from wxwidgets.org (one of them come with it AFAIR) | 06:44 |
rob^ | vinux, yeah | 06:44 |
mcking | kalias: yeah, esound is using the card, so the kernel won't release the driver | 06:45 |
DrToast | anbd the Identifier is like Radeon 9200SE or whatever? | 06:45 |
vinux | rob^, well I guess I could hand them out | 06:45 |
odie5533 | mcking: when people talk about knowing MFC, that means knowing how to code right from a text editor using windows.h, or just using the visual studio drag and drop editor right? | 06:45 |
vinux | rob^, I know some people | 06:45 |
kalias | mcking: oh, I see. | 06:45 |
Razor-X | today's the first day i'm using LaTeX, and I love it already | 06:45 |
matjan_ | yes, "ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon 9200 SE (RV280)" | 06:45 |
mcking | odie5533: drag n drop usually | 06:45 |
rob^ | vinux, order as many as you want | 06:45 |
DrToast | yup so the video driver seems ok | 06:45 |
vinux | rob^, ok :) | 06:46 |
matjan_ | then why do i only get 60hz as refresh rate option? | 06:46 |
odie5533 | mcking: I see job req's that need knowledge in MFC. They want people that can use the Visual Studio editor fully? | 06:46 |
DrToast | ok under section "monitor" does it have option DPMS? | 06:46 |
matjan_ | yes | 06:46 |
DrToast | what is horizsync at? | 06:47 |
matjan_ | Section "Monitor" | 06:47 |
matjan_ | Identifier "Generic Monitor" | 06:47 |
matjan_ | Option "DPMS" | 06:47 |
matjan_ | HorizSync 28-49 | 06:47 |
matjan_ | VertRefresh 43-72 | 06:47 |
matjan_ | EndSection | 06:47 |
DrToast | ok 2 problems right there | 06:47 |
matjan_ | ok.... tell me | 06:47 |
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mcking | odie5533: yeah, when using visual studio to write more than generic apps, a good knowledge of mfc is useful to know how to hook up all the backend bits to the widgets and make them do cool stuff is important | 06:47 |
DrToast | vert refresh is saying 72 hz is your max refresh | 06:47 |
DrToast | and horizsync is way too low | 06:48 |
matjan_ | that's not true i guess, i run in windows at 75hz | 06:48 |
matjan_ | ok | 06:48 |
mcking | odie5533: how long have you been programming? | 06:48 |
DrToast | yeah so it detected it wrong | 06:48 |
matjan_ | can i check somewhere in windows what those values should be? | 06:48 |
kalias | mcking: if you check that wiki again, maybe we need something in /etc/modprobe.d/ | 06:49 |
DrToast | nope they hide them | 06:49 |
matjan_ | bastards | 06:49 |
mcking | kalias: can you play a movie in totem? | 06:49 |
disasm | kalias: if alsamixer works your modprobe.d should be fine | 06:49 |
DrToast | sometimes its on the back of the monitor or in the manual, but not always | 06:49 |
mcking | kalias: no, if it didn't wokr you wouldn't have heard the drums at the ubuntu startup | 06:49 |
matjan_ | so... to what do you suggest i would set these rates? | 06:49 |
fuad | hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii | 06:49 |
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rob^ | fuad off | 06:50 |
kalias | mcking: okay, so hearing the drums is a good thing. Question is: why do xmms and the cd player now hang? | 06:50 |
disasm | kalias: there is always the ancient trick to test your audio, killall esd and then cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp - should generate static on speakers | 06:50 |
mcking | odie5533: http://www.roebling.de/ has the $$ version of the wx designer | 06:50 |
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bob2 | kalias: presumably because they're not configured to use esd | 06:50 |
matjan_ | and can i just change these settings in xorg.conf? | 06:50 |
bLuT0 | i just set up ubuntu for a friend... how do i go about changing the password to what he wants it to be? | 06:51 |
kalias | xmms is configured to use esound. How do I configure for esd? | 06:51 |
bob2 | bLuT0: type "passwd" in a terminal, as that user | 06:51 |
bob2 | kalias: that's the same thing | 06:51 |
DrToast | well the thing with that is | 06:51 |
kalias | oh, sorry. | 06:51 |
DrToast | if we set it too high it won't work | 06:52 |
matjan_ | right | 06:52 |
mcking | kalias: you can try turning off esound and setting xmms back to alsa output | 06:52 |
DrToast | I'd say you should try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 06:52 |
kalias | mcking: I will give it a try. | 06:52 |
DrToast | that should make it redetect the monitor | 06:52 |
DrToast | hopefully it will get it right | 06:52 |
mcking | kalias: go to System->Prefs->Sound on the main menu and turn off the soudn server at startup | 06:52 |
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levander | is it the cpu that makes loading applications so slow on my system? | 06:53 |
bLuT0 | bob2: thanks | 06:53 |
mcking | kalias: then killall esd in a terminal | 06:53 |
levander | the cpu doesn't get pegged, but it does go up to up 50% for a couple of seconds | 06:53 |
mcking | then change xmms to use alsa | 06:53 |
DrToast | horizontal sync should be around 30-65 for 1024x768 | 06:53 |
mcking | and try it | 06:53 |
matjan_ | ok | 06:53 |
kalias | mcking: okay all done. | 06:54 |
mcking | kalias: try xmms now | 06:54 |
DrToast | and the vertical should be 50-75 obviously or it won't even try 75 hz | 06:54 |
kvidell | ugh.. everything shows up as localhost.localdomain | 06:54 |
matjan_ | yeah | 06:54 |
kvidell | can't I make that show up as my hostname? (wonky) | 06:54 |
kalias | mcking: works!!! | 06:54 |
mcking | cool | 06:54 |
DrToast | so first try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 06:54 |
kvidell | /etc/hosts is fine | 06:54 |
matjan_ | alright | 06:55 |
kvidell | (as far as I know) | 06:55 |
kalias | mcking: so was it just the sound default? | 06:55 |
mcking | well, goodnight all | 06:55 |
DrToast | if it doesn't detect then try the values i just gave | 06:55 |
matjan_ | ok | 06:55 |
disasm | kvidell: try echo wonky > /etc/hostname | 06:55 |
matjan_ | i'll be back | 06:55 |
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kalias | mcking: I will reboot and try it again. | 06:55 |
DrToast | but be ready to change them back with the command line if it doesn't work | 06:55 |
disasm | kvidell: then /etc/init.d/hostname.sh restart | 06:55 |
presencia | hola,,, viva chile | 06:55 |
mcking | kalias: yeah, something was locking the sound card from everything else. as long as the sound and video programs you use can use alsa output yuo should be good to go | 06:56 |
presencia | Hola | 06:56 |
bob2 | presencia: this is an English-speaking channel, sorry | 06:56 |
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mcking | see ya'll tomorrow | 06:56 |
matjan_ | ok... you mean boot in safe mode and then edit? | 06:56 |
mcking | hasta manana | 06:56 |
DrToast | no first run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 06:56 |
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DrToast | then restart xwindows | 06:57 |
matjan_ | yeah... but if manual change wouldn't work | 06:57 |
DrToast | or reboot to be really sure | 06:57 |
Amaranth | bob2: I'm guessing your the one that setup the join limit in overflow. I didn't remember how to do that so just temporarily set +R. | 06:57 |
matjan_ | xwindows? | 06:57 |
disasm | matjan_: if it doesn't come up ctrl alt f1 will get you to a terminal login | 06:57 |
matjan_ | sorry..... | 06:57 |
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DrToast | yeah its the thing that runs the GUI and sets the video modes and stuff | 06:58 |
disasm | matjan_: after you make changes to xorg.conf ctrl alt bksp will restart x (assuming your using gdm) | 06:58 |
matjan_ | ok | 06:58 |
DrToast | if you mess up the xorg.conf file the GUI won't start | 06:58 |
levander | anybody ever log out only to see a gdm screen where the videos all messed up? | 06:58 |
matjan_ | no clue if i do... | 06:58 |
matjan_ | ok | 06:58 |
DrToast | but you'll still get a test only login prompty | 06:58 |
matjan_ | gdm = gnome desktop something? | 06:58 |
metzen | i keep getting an error dialog that says "Totem could not startup, resource busy or not available" does totem have a log file somewhere i could read? | 06:58 |
Octane | manager | 06:59 |
matjan_ | ok | 06:59 |
DrToast | you can just login on the console and do the "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and it should bring it back | 06:59 |
matjan_ | i guess i do | 06:59 |
yonil | what's the command to run in order to check which process is using a device ? | 06:59 |
disasm | matjan_: gnome desktop manager (gui login) | 06:59 |
Octane | whenever i run gpg, nothing happens until i ctrl-c it | 06:59 |
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Octane | any ideas? | 06:59 |
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DrToast | gdm is the gnome desktop manager | 06:59 |
matjan_ | alright | 06:59 |
DrToast | its the graphical login prompt | 06:59 |
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matjan_ | ok, lemme go try this | 07:00 |
matjan_ | thanks for now | 07:00 |
disasm | Octane: gpg needs parameters to generate keys iirc | 07:00 |
DrToast | just a sec | 07:00 |
metzen | anyone know whats wrong with my totem? | 07:00 |
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DrToast | go "cd /etx/X11" | 07:00 |
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matjan_ | ok | 07:00 |
DrToast | then "sudo cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.old" before you do anything | 07:01 |
matjan_ | already did that :) | 07:01 |
DrToast | that way if it gets messed up you still have the old config that works (even though its only 60Hz) | 07:01 |
DrToast | ok cool | 07:02 |
DrToast | well good luck | 07:02 |
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bLuT0 | the install is on a dual boot machine... how can i adjust the amount of time before default boot happens? | 07:03 |
gpd | bLuT0: /boot/grub/menu.list | 07:03 |
gpd | My poor laptop keeps hanging with a recent hoary install | 07:04 |
gpd | worked fine with hoary a few months ago.. then upgraded to breezy... then went back to hoary and now it keeps hanging | 07:04 |
gpd | in a 'ctrl-alt-prtscn-sub' kinda way | 07:04 |
Amaranth | whee | 07:05 |
gpd | tried several kernels, no clues in the log, even does it in rescue mode | 07:05 |
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Severim | man | 07:05 |
Amaranth | a rotation server died, yay | 07:05 |
Severim | what a split | 07:05 |
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kvidell | yeehaw | 07:05 |
sri__ | greetings.. | 07:05 |
sri__ | does anybody have debs for the new evolution release for hoary? | 07:06 |
disasm | i say, 336 people... | 07:06 |
gpd | just when i was in the middle of my little rant | 07:06 |
kalias | mcking: Hey man! I am in business, works great!! | 07:06 |
disasm | gpd: your rant? i missed it i guess... | 07:06 |
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rob^ | mmm... netsplit | 07:07 |
gpd | my laptop now requires ctrl-alt-prtscrn-sub after boot | 07:07 |
gpd | = not pleased | 07:07 |
disasm | sri__: did you try apt-get install evolution? | 07:07 |
sri__ | disasm: it has an old version of evolution that has a bug that makes it not work with my imap server | 07:07 |
gpd | must be apic | 07:07 |
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sri__ | disasm: the latest stuff should fix it but hoary is frozen until breezy comes out | 07:08 |
ukato | is vertical frequency the same as vertical refresh rate? | 07:08 |
psychonate | yes | 07:08 |
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ukato | ok thanks | 07:08 |
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disasm | sri__: sorry, can't help ya there, i've been using thunderbird myself, may want to try backports, but just to warn you they can really break things | 07:08 |
=== gpd decides to sleep on the problem | ||
ukato | then | 07:09 |
=== xterminus [~cmauch@c-24-19-125-197.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ukato | horizontal sync is the same as horizontal frequency | 07:09 |
Seq | does anybody know how to change qt font size (for qt apps running within gnome)? | 07:09 |
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ukato | ? | 07:10 |
odie5533 | Anyone here familiar with GNU GPL (really familiar)? | 07:10 |
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DrToast | ukato, yes | 07:10 |
sri__ | disasm: how doI do the backports? | 07:10 |
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DrToast | but remember horizontal is in KiloHertz | 07:11 |
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xterminus | odie5533, what's your question? | 07:12 |
ukato | drtoast, so if my monitor's manual says the horizontal frequency is 30-110 | 07:12 |
bLuT0 | <-- n00b what do i need to edit the menu.lst file? | 07:12 |
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ukato | can i put that into the xorg.conf, or do i have to convert it | 07:13 |
disasm | sri__: i dunno, might want to try google or ask someone else, i'm using the pure amd64 version of hoary currently, so I don't have any backports in my sources.list | 07:13 |
gpd | bLuT0: pico is probably easiest - maybe gedit! ;-) | 07:14 |
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gpd | bLuT0: you should probably stay away from vi if you are asking that question :P | 07:14 |
DrToast | damn | 07:14 |
david | PEACE OUT, I GOT SCHOOL TMO | 07:14 |
bLuT0 | heh | 07:14 |
odie5533 | xterminus: I released a library under my own liscense (before I knew about the GNU GPL) and the liscense does not allow redistribution of the library (IE you have to get it from my site). I no longer host the specific version, and I now host a GNU GPL version. The problem is people are selling things not under the GNU GPL that use my library, but since the library is backwards compatible, they could say they are using the old libr | 07:15 |
odie5533 | ary | 07:15 |
DrToast | clicked one too many close buttons there | 07:15 |
bLuT0 | pretty touchy in there? | 07:15 |
Razor-X | LaTeX doesen't indent the first paragraph? | 07:15 |
odie5533 | Since I don't distribute the old version, techinically they can't really say that, but can they? | 07:15 |
xterminus | odie5533, so ppl are selling a product based on the 'original' code that you released under a non-gpl license? | 07:15 |
DrToast | well i need to get some sleep | 07:16 |
odie5533 | Yes, but I don't release that anymore, so techinically you shouldn't be able to obtain a copy | 07:16 |
DrToast | good night all | 07:16 |
xterminus | odie5533, that's not a gpl question then - it's a copyright issue | 07:16 |
odie5533 | Its both kinda | 07:16 |
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xterminus | odie5533, well - once you release that code as gpl, you give up certain rights in exchange for certain freedoms - but it's not retroactive | 07:17 |
levander | anybody has tried to get firefox to start faster on their machine? | 07:17 |
odie5533 | If people release one, can they say its released using the old library, because with this specific library, you don't need to include it with the program | 07:17 |
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sri__ | bah, the backporst don't have evolution | 07:18 |
sri__ | sucks | 07:18 |
kvidell | er | 07:18 |
xterminus | odie5533, no - the gpl isn't a cancer that wanders in and "spreads" gpling old code, the author has to license the code himself | 07:19 |
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kvidell | evolution - The groupware suite | 07:19 |
kvidell | I see it | 07:19 |
bartek | hello! | 07:19 |
xterminus | you can certainly release that old code under the GPL, but until you do, it's simply distributable under the license you used to use | 07:19 |
bartek | I am from Poland. | 07:20 |
bartek | Who else?? | 07:20 |
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xterminus | and isn't it kind of a non-issue since you released that library eventually as GPL? | 07:20 |
bob2 | er | 07:20 |
bob2 | you give up no rights at all by releasing something under the gpl | 07:21 |
bob2 | you can release it under any other license you like, too | 07:21 |
KodeK | does anyone know if it's possible to route sound from the mic-in jack from the onboard sound card to a pci card (an audigy) | 07:21 |
bartek | Jest ktos z polski lub zna jezyk ? | 07:21 |
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KodeK | anyone? :D | 07:23 |
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bob2 | I wouldn't bother | 07:23 |
bob2 | but you could use a pipe between the two devices, probably | 07:23 |
KodeK | true :D | 07:23 |
tkiesel | Hi all. Anyone having a problem getting some libs from main tonight? libgii and libggi in particular? | 07:24 |
KodeK | nah, i'll just hook up my guitar to the audigy | 07:24 |
bob2 | tkiesel: /topic | 07:24 |
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xterminus | odie5533, once you gpl it - it stays gpl (unless of course, you never had the right yourself to release the code) | 07:24 |
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Ghetek | when i trry to run creatures3 i get "dirname: too few arguments" | 07:25 |
bob2 | sure, but just to make it clear to everyone, the author is free to release it under other, additional licenses, too | 07:25 |
Ghetek | when i try to run creatures 3 i get "dirname: too few arguments" | 07:25 |
bob2 | we say you say that 21 seconds ago... | 07:25 |
xterminus | bob2, yeah - sure, as long as it doesn't infringed on the gpl itself | 07:25 |
bob2 | xterminus: no | 07:26 |
bob2 | xterminus: I can release it under the MS Word licnese, if I want | 07:26 |
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xterminus | bob2, as long as that license isn't tied to the gpl - that's fine (ie: it's provided as an alternative to the gpl where the downloader gets to choose) | 07:27 |
odie5533 | Anyone here know how to use wxWidgets? | 07:27 |
Ghetek | has anybody here gotten creatures3 to work in ubuntu? | 07:27 |
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levander | anybody here running a piii-550 processor or there abouts? how long does it take to start FF on it? | 07:28 |
bob2 | yes | 07:28 |
bob2 | ~15s | 07:28 |
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bob2 | which is why I start it when I login and don't close it | 07:28 |
levander | bob2: you talking to me? | 07:28 |
bob2 | like I do with all my programs | 07:28 |
Ghetek | bob2: you talking to me? | 07:28 |
levander | bob2: sounds like maybe your problem is memory? | 07:29 |
bob2 | xterminus: I can' license the same bit of code under the GPL and the 'GPL + you must not wear pants while using this software license' | 07:29 |
bob2 | levander: no | 07:29 |
capi | SMTP is a mail process correct? Netstat says it's listening to port 4307, anyone know the importance? | 07:29 |
ukato | so if i were to install a driver for a monitor, should i look for a linux driver, or could i use ndiswrapper | 07:29 |
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bob2 | for a monitor? | 07:29 |
bob2 | you don't use drivers for monitors | 07:29 |
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bob2 | and you especially don't use windows network (ndis) drivers for them | 07:29 |
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ukato | ahh, ok | 07:30 |
bob2 | Ghetek: the only think I said to you was about you asking the same question 21 seconds apart | 07:30 |
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levander | bob2: only takes me 5 seconds to start FF on a PIII-550 with 512 MB RAM | 07:30 |
bob2 | Ghetek: I'd try asking on the "creatures 3" forum or mailing list | 07:30 |
Ghetek | oh ok | 07:30 |
ruiner54 | any1 here using ubuntu on ppc? | 07:30 |
ukato | ok, thanks | 07:30 |
bob2 | ruiner54: lots of people are | 07:30 |
bob2 | ruiner54: best to just ask your question | 07:30 |
kassetra | what's wrong with creatures3? | 07:30 |
Ghetek | bob2... oh come on now.. as if i wouldnt have checked their forums and mailing list already! | 07:30 |
levander | somebody tell me what kind of processor your running and how many seconds FF takes to load please? | 07:31 |
bob2 | hah, good on you then | 07:31 |
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Ghetek | kassetra doesnt want to install or run correctly | 07:31 |
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ruiner54 | i am having trouble with my g4 400 cd/dvd drive....dvds will not mount or play | 07:31 |
kassetra | odd. on Hoary? | 07:31 |
Ghetek | yup | 07:31 |
CoffeeMan | how does ubuntu give cds away for free? | 07:31 |
kassetra | let me rerun my install... | 07:31 |
Ghetek | no do not! | 07:31 |
bob2 | CoffeeMan: by printing them out and putting them in big boxes ;) | 07:32 |
Ghetek | kassetra you might get the error i get | 07:32 |
kassetra | what's your error? | 07:32 |
bob2 | CoffeeMan: (www.canonical is funding ubuntu, including sending out free cds) | 07:32 |
ukato | coffeeman, did you order and get any? just wondering | 07:32 |
rob^ | CoffeeMan, it makes them, then it sends them out.. | 07:32 |
Hydroxide | hi ... I'm using the ppc hoary livecd on an ibook g3. what is the "ubuntu way" for monitoring my laptop's temperature? | 07:32 |
rob^ | how else? | 07:32 |
levander | ruiner54: a g4 powermac? | 07:32 |
Ghetek | "dirname: too few arguments"" | 07:32 |
levander | oh come on, i don't need bob2 to tell me how long it takes them to start FF, somebody step up for crying out loud | 07:32 |
ruiner54 | levander: yes, I just got it so I'm not real familiar with the hardware, but the drive would be stock apple (i think maxtor) | 07:33 |
Hydroxide | CoffeeMan: ubuntu is supported financially by Mark Shuttleworth, who became wealthy selling Thawte (yes, the SSL company) to VeriSign | 07:33 |
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ukato | for anyone who's ordered CDs, how long did it take for them to arrive | 07:33 |
bLuT0 | gpd i'm trying to edit menu.lst... (if i mess it up, i'll reinstall) | 07:33 |
HrdwrBoB | they haven't yet | 07:34 |
bLuT0 | its read only... do i need to be in as root? | 07:34 |
ruiner54 | ukato: about 6 weeks | 07:34 |
levander | ruiner54: i didn't even know ubuntu ran on powermacs | 07:34 |
kassetra | Ghetek - not a single error. | 07:34 |
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kvidell | levander: IBM ThinkPad T42p (Intel Pentium M 2.10 ghz, 2 gigs of ram); Firefox loads in roughly 2 seconds and has 3 home pages that load in seperate tabs pretty much instantly. | 07:34 |
Razor-X | LaTeX doesen't indent the first paragraph? | 07:34 |
Razor-X | by default, rather | 07:34 |
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ruiner54 | levander: yeah, I ordered it straight from them....just mae the switch from Yellow Dog | 07:34 |
ukato | ruiner54, okay, good, thanks | 07:35 |
Ghetek | kassetra, i installed the c3 portion but it doesnt let me run the game or instll the d3 portion | 07:35 |
Hydroxide | levander: ubuntu runs on many powerpc machines, as well as AMD64/EM64T, Itanium (I think), and of course x86 | 07:35 |
ruiner54 | ukato: i believe they come from norway...some nordic country at least | 07:35 |
Razor-X | kvidell: do you feel macho with 3 startup tabs? ;) | 07:35 |
ukato | crazy | 07:35 |
kvidell | yes. :) | 07:35 |
Razor-X | my average amount of startup tabs is 15 | 07:35 |
Razor-X | but, not in Firefox | 07:35 |
Razor-X | Firefox works worse than Opera under high-tab conditions | 07:36 |
kvidell | google.com/ig | my-live-journal | ubuntuforums.org | 07:36 |
kvidell | ah. | 07:36 |
ukato | when i drag windows | 07:36 |
ukato | white lines flash across my screen | 07:36 |
kvidell | I usually accumulate lots and lots of tabs | 07:36 |
kvidell | but I don't start with a lot | 07:36 |
levander | why would you buy a powermac to run Linux on it? I thought the great thing about Macs was the Mac OS and software that runs on top. | 07:36 |
ukato | would that be a video driver | 07:36 |
Hydroxide | kvidell: /ig is what country? | 07:36 |
kassetra | ds installs just fine, and both are runnign. | 07:36 |
Hydroxide | levander: they're good hardware too. | 07:36 |
Hydroxide | levander: although mine is showing major signs of age ... it is over 3 years old and I've been using it with no major problems until about a week ago | 07:37 |
kvidell | levander: Yes, but the hardware is ungodly nice. | 07:37 |
kvidell | Hydroxide: it's not a country :) | 07:37 |
Razor-X | I love Opera ;) | 07:37 |
Razor-X | so, nobody uses LaTeX here? | 07:37 |
kvidell | it's google's ewuivelant to Yahoo's "My Yahoo" | 07:37 |
ruiner54 | levander: didnt buy it to run linux on initially ...just made the switch, but with the way apple is going if you dont have a new machine, it struggles to run the newest mac os X | 07:37 |
Razor-X | leveander: the hardware is far superior to the software | 07:37 |
Hydroxide | kvidell: that's why I wasn't thinking of an ISO country code :) | 07:37 |
kvidell | lol | 07:38 |
srbaker | how do i make an image of a video dvd? | 07:38 |
Hydroxide | ruiner54: I don't know that that's true ... Tiger runs fine on my iBook G3 600 | 07:38 |
levander | At risk to start ridiculous flame war, I was under impressions Jobs just switched from IBM to Intel for a reason. | 07:38 |
=== Pauly [~paul@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ruiner54 | hydroxide: how much RAM? | 07:38 |
Pauly | howdy | 07:38 |
=== quam [~chris@user-11201mg.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hydroxide | ruiner54: 384, I will admit | 07:38 |
ruiner54 | wow! | 07:38 |
kvidell | Razor-X: Agreed. I actually run X11 on macs so I can use XTerms and forward graphical x displays off of my fedora shell server :-D I just like having the Mac OS around to do photoshop and illustrator stuff with | 07:38 |
=== ccc [~ccc@c-ac0f70d5.015-28-6c6b7010.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hydroxide | ruiner54: it runs fine as well on my mother's iBook g3 700 with 256 | 07:38 |
Razor-X | kvidell: heh | 07:39 |
ruiner54 | hydroxide: i was running on an imac g3 500 with 384 mb and it was okay but struggled sometimes | 07:39 |
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Hydroxide | ruiner54: as well, my ibook g3 is a rage 128 graphics card ... not even basic quartz extreme, and yet it runs fine | 07:39 |
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ukato | whenever something happens in a window, or when i drag windows, broken white lines flash across my screen. would that be video driver problems? | 07:39 |
ruiner54 | hydroxide: still using os 10 as well, but love linux | 07:40 |
Hydroxide | ruiner54: however, when I'm using it as a full computer, I run debian, myself. (I'm in this channel because I'm using the ubuntu livecd right now ... my hard drive is mostly dead and a new one on the way) | 07:40 |
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ruiner54 | hydroxide: you run debian on ppc? how is it? | 07:40 |
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=== FR500 [~andres@143.228.uio.satnet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hydroxide | levander: Jobs is switching to Intel because he's not convinced that IBM can keep up going forward, not because their products suck now (they don't) | 07:41 |
FR500 | hello | 07:41 |
levander | Hydroxide: well said, am glad I got thoughtful response. I was playing with fire saying that. | 07:41 |
Pauly | Is there by chance any place where all of the HDs are ummmm, shortcutted to in ubuntu?:) | 07:41 |
bob2 | nope | 07:41 |
anacron | i don't think so | 07:41 |
Pauly | *never really got to know linux too well, always irritated him* | 07:42 |
anacron | kubuntu has | 07:42 |
=== Whistler [tu11@82-135-244-53.ip.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
levander | Hydroxide: but would you expect Jobs to come out and say that the current machines suck? I'm not sure he's the best source of information for why he made the switch. | 07:42 |
=== family [~family@pool-71-106-200-74.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kvidell | Hydroxide: Not completely. IBM was also concenred with the financial feasibility with producing for Apple and Apple was concerned about IBMs willingness to release advancements as fast as they wanted to. | 07:42 |
FR500 | Pauly, Places->Computer? | 07:42 |
kvidell | Lots of conflicts of interest were behind that as well as financial and marketing things. | 07:42 |
levander | kvidell: i think long term, apple moving to intel is great | 07:42 |
Pauly | hum | 07:42 |
Hydroxide | ruiner54: I like it just fine. I guess my comparison between the two would be, Ubuntu has more things "Just Work(tm)" right out of the box, but Debian has improved a lot in that regard, AND has more support for a broader array of software (ubuntu shoves a lot of things into universe and doesn't support them properly) | 07:42 |
kvidell | levander: I think it's a really bad decision | 07:42 |
ruiner54 | kvidell: how about apple's new wonderful corporate success and image? | 07:43 |
Pauly | Well, that doesn't have my windows HD on it:P | 07:43 |
kvidell | ruiner54: shot to hell by switching to intel? :-P | 07:43 |
levander | kvidell: that's where microsoft won the old PC war, was in the price of the hardware | 07:43 |
kvidell | For the longest time they've had the power to say "We have our OWN archetecture" | 07:43 |
kvidell | that's gone. | 07:43 |
FR500 | Pauly, u have to mount it | 07:43 |
Hydroxide | kvidell: yeah. when I said that they were concerned IBM "couldn't" keep up, I more meant that IBM doesn't care to | 07:43 |
FR500 | Pauly, it's it an ntfs disk? | 07:43 |
Pauly | yessir | 07:43 |
levander | kvidell: you put cheap PC hardware under the great Apple software, have best of both worlds. | 07:43 |
ruiner54 | kvidell: haha, i have given up on apple anyway...used to respect them | 07:43 |
FR500 | u need to install ntfstools | 07:43 |
anacron | FR500: you think mounting is shortcut to hd's? :D | 07:43 |
family | I'd like to wipe my HD along with Mandrake....and install Ubuntu instead...but I have a folder on it with about 12 gigs of stuff that I don't want to loose...is there a way for me to install Ubuntu without actually deleting that particular folder? | 07:44 |
Pauly | alright, installing | 07:44 |
FR500 | nope, but after you add it to fstab it appears there | 07:44 |
Hydroxide | levander: of course, I would expect Jobs to spin things as positively for Apple as possible. But I know from personal experience that their products do not suck. | 07:44 |
anacron | what's that ntfs tool? | 07:44 |
FR500 | i think that is the name | 07:44 |
=== imaek [~imaek@adsl-69-235-133-120.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hydroxide | levander: (with some exceptions, of course) | 07:44 |
ruiner54 | hydroxide: i made the switch from yellow dog, which was fun because it was hard to get going....a challenge, but i had it so customized after 6 months and all of a sudden everything started crapping out | 07:44 |
FR500 | or is it ntfsprogs? | 07:44 |
kvidell | http://projects.csail.mit.edu/gsb/archives/old/gsb-archive/gsb2001-06-29.html | 07:44 |
kvidell | An interesting read on companies switching to Intel | 07:44 |
Pauly | ntfstools worked in apt-get | 07:44 |
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kvidell | worth your time :) | 07:44 |
=== SithToast [~SithToast@cable5-113.murray-ky.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hydroxide | ruiner54: Debian is definitely easier to get going than yellow dog, especially nowadays | 07:44 |
FR500 | Pauly, ntfs disks are read only | 07:45 |
Hydroxide | ruiner54: yellow dog was my first ppc distro, but I didn't stick with it for long | 07:45 |
levander | Hydroxide: I don't think they "suck", I do think they don't benchmark quite as well are regular PC hardware, that have similar specs. But, the Apple hardware does perform nicely, just not as well in the benchmarks I've seen. | 07:45 |
FR500 | is there a gdm theme editor? or is that spot "open" | 07:45 |
Hydroxide | levander: yeah, but performance isn't the only important thing. their hardware (not only talking CPU here) is much more solidly built than most PC hardware, in terms of quality. obviously this is a generalization, but it's still true to a meaningful degree | 07:46 |
ruiner54 | hydroxide: i will have to give it a try...it is similar to ubuntu i aassume | 07:46 |
levander | Hydroxide: and, regular PC hardware is definitely cheaper, and so have a better price / performance ratio. | 07:46 |
=== appinatu [~eric@dyn-83-157-61-135.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kvidell | no one's going to read my url 'cause you're all too busy arguing :-P | 07:46 |
kvidell | hehe | 07:46 |
levander | Hydroxide: okay, quality is definitely possible better from Apple, i've never looked into that | 07:46 |
FR500 | Pauly, g2g, to make it quick, you mount it like this mount -t ntfs /dev/hdaxxx /mnt/directory | 07:47 |
anacron | oh man, how can i forgot what's the command for loading themes in irssi | 07:47 |
Hydroxide | levander: not only reliability, but also aesthetics (at least in a lot of cases), weight/battery life (in the case of laptops) ... definitely Apple does well | 07:47 |
FR500 | Pauly, if you want it to appear there you gotta add it to fstab | 07:47 |
=== mumbler [~chatzilla@ppp-69-237-48-26.dsl.frs2ca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FR500 | man fsta for more info | 07:47 |
FR500 | man fstab | 07:47 |
levander | Hydroxide: definitely aesthetics is on Apple's side. | 07:48 |
Hydroxide | ruiner54: yes, given that ubuntu is based on Debian every 6 months. one difference is that less is done for you | 07:48 |
Pauly | alright FR500 \ | 07:48 |
Hydroxide | levander: which is an important factor, along of course with many others | 07:48 |
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Hydroxide | ruiner54: but, also, less software is relegated to second-class citizenship like that in universe | 07:48 |
ruiner54 | kvidell: yikes!! | 07:48 |
levander | could somebody who has a pentium 4 please tell me how long it takes them to start FF? | 07:49 |
anacron | Pauly: ubuntuguide.org will help you with those mounting things (and many others as well) | 07:49 |
=== Echylo [~echylo@192-173.245.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hydroxide | ruiner54: still, a lot of your ubuntu knowledge will apply in Debian, to a much greater knowledge than, say, yellow dog knowledge, since ubuntu is basically a slightly customized Debian (I'm simplifying here of course) | 07:49 |
Hydroxide | err, "...to a much greater degree..." | 07:50 |
Pauly | well, I am somewhat familiar with mounting, not too familiar with fstab since generally tried to avoid such things | 07:50 |
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Madpilot | hi all... I've got an odd problem: neither of my optical drives will mount or read. not audio CDs, not data CDs, not DVD. nada. WTH? | 07:50 |
Madpilot | and yes, the plugs on both are fine. and they worked last night... | 07:50 |
ruiner54 | hydroxide: yeah i have already noticed a lot of my YDL knowledge is no use in ubuntu...kind of annoyed by the lack of conistency...like little things in the term, but i will adjust | 07:50 |
levander | Is there a reason nobody will tell me how long it takes to start FF? This is simple question and newbie could answer. | 07:51 |
Morten^Toft | FF? | 07:51 |
levander | Firefox | 07:51 |
Morten^Toft | ok, let me just try | 07:52 |
robertngo | my pc take 4-6 second to open | 07:52 |
Hydroxide | levander: for me, running from a live cd distribution but with firefox recently used in memory, on my iBook G3, 15 seconds | 07:52 |
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levander | robertngo: what processor and how much memory? | 07:52 |
Hydroxide | levander: the fact that I'm running from a live cd is the main factor there | 07:52 |
Hydroxide | levander: (384 MB RAM as well) | 07:52 |
Morten^Toft | ca. 5 seconds | 07:52 |
robertngo | p4 2.8 | 07:52 |
robertngo | 256mb ddr2 | 07:52 |
=== stjepan [~stjepan@83-131-2-207.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
levander | Hydroxide: yeah buddy, you'll speed up a lot if can install on hard disk | 07:52 |
Pauly | levander, it varies?:P | 07:52 |
Hydroxide | levander: oh, I know quite well. this is a temporary solution until my replacement HD arrives :) | 07:53 |
Morten^Toft | 5 sec on a 3 GHz pentium 4 512 mb ram | 07:53 |
Hydroxide | levander: which should be on Thursday | 07:53 |
levander | yall gotta tell me what processor / RAM and how long FF takes to load at same time, I can't keep up now. | 07:53 |
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robertngo | how much different in speed when you start it again? | 07:53 |
upgrdman | can anyone help me with a raid problem | 07:53 |
levander | Pauly: first time you start FF, it's gotta load everything, 2nd time you start it, some stuff's already cached, so it'll be faster. I'm really interested in the 2nd time. | 07:53 |
Hydroxide | ruiner54: in a lot of ways, Debian/ubuntu are more consistent than yellowdog, both with each other and with the standards. | 07:54 |
Hydroxide | levander: well, you should really be asking more questions. for example, if I have the ForecastFox extensions installed, it takes a bit longer to start up while it queries weather sites | 07:54 |
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levander | robertngo: if you upgrade from 256 mb RAM to 512 for ~$40, your system's gonna be a lot faster, but thanks for info | 07:54 |
Seq | firefox takes about 1 second (though its cached in memory) on my notebook (clocked down to 600MHz, 512MB ram) | 07:54 |
=== kassetra [~kassetra@c-67-171-201-213.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
upgrdman | please, can someone help me with the issue: http://www.cgartwork.com/misc/ubuntu-raid-problems.jpg | 07:55 |
ruiner54 | hydroxide: oh really? so they are more consistent when compared with other distros as well? | 07:55 |
protocolX | Hello guys. | 07:55 |
Madpilot | anyone? why don't I have access/ownership of my two CD drives? | 07:55 |
levander | Morten^Toft: thanks for info, that was specs I needed. So, the problem isn't my processor. FF just loads butt slow. | 07:55 |
pschulz01 | Where do I find developer man pages? | 07:55 |
Hydroxide | ruiner54: well, I shouldn't be so quick to dismiss yellow dog ... it's been way too many years since I last used it | 07:55 |
Hydroxide | ruiner54: but, I find that Debian (and ubuntu) just makes more sense | 07:55 |
levander | Hydroxide: it's not extensions, i removed em all already, that's what they told me in #firefox, might have made a small difference. | 07:56 |
Hydroxide | levander: ah, you're debugging a specific problem. I gotcha | 07:56 |
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protocolX | Is it possible to install debian package in ubuntu? | 07:56 |
kvidell | that's like saking if you can breathe without a tic-tac | 07:56 |
kvidell | yes, but I wouldn't recomend it ^.^; | 07:57 |
levander | Hydroxide: no, I'm just trying to decide if I should upgrade my machine. | 07:57 |
kvidell | (tm) | 07:57 |
quam | haha | 07:57 |
Hydroxide | protocolX: in general, from a technical point of view, yes. will it cause problems? not usually, no. could it cause problems? it certainly could | 07:57 |
levander | Hydroxide: that's biggest annoyance is how slow FF loads. Doesn't sound like throwing twice the hardware I got now will make FF load any faster. | 07:57 |
Hydroxide | levander: ah, I see | 07:57 |
levander | bob2 said it took him 15 seconds to load FF, no idea what he's smoking | 07:57 |
kvidell | levander: maybe he's not and just has slow ff issues? | 07:58 |
kvidell | not to mention you're using the live cd | 07:58 |
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=== Hydroxide usually leaves Firefox open for long periods of time, anyway, so load time is less of an issue | ||
protocolX | Hydroxide: thanks, but what is the package manager in ubuntu system? | 07:58 |
Hydroxide | kvidell: it was me who was using the live cd | 07:58 |
kvidell | it has to seek out FFX on the LiveCD and load it in to ram first | 07:58 |
kvidell | it takes time | 07:58 |
ruiner54 | hydroxide: you mean they make more sense just in that there is less manual configuration? | 07:58 |
kvidell | Hydroxide: Oh.. you're the one who said "I'm using the livecd 'cause my drive is dead and a new one is on the way" ? | 07:58 |
=== kvidell isn't all here tonight, obviously | ||
robertngo | anyone here have problem with FF freeze when open many tab at once? | 07:58 |
Hydroxide | protocolX: same as in Debian ... at a low level, dpkg and apt, at a higher level, you can use synaptic, kynaptic (in kubuntu), aptitude, apt-get, etc. | 07:58 |
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Hydroxide | kvidell: yes | 07:59 |
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levander | Hydroxide: but thunderbird and gnome-system-monitor are slow to load also, FF is just where I started | 07:59 |
kvidell | oh.. well.. nevermind :D | 07:59 |
levander | Hydroxide: it was too much effort to get FF start up times out of this group, I'm giving up. | 07:59 |
kvidell | ... | 07:59 |
kvidell | I gave you mine | 07:59 |
kvidell | sorry if you ignored it. | 07:59 |
levander | kvidell: no, bob2 is definitely smoking something | 07:59 |
protocolX | Hydroxide: They have got their own mirror for installing updating the ubuntu system? | 07:59 |
kvidell | no, he just doesn't like to deal with people being rude :) | 07:59 |
stjepan | hi | 07:59 |
stjepan | I have a problem | 07:59 |
Hydroxide | ruiner54: no, that's not what I meant (although Debian and Ubuntu both have a huge amount of automatic config when compared to, say, Slackware. | 08:00 |
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stjepan | I use XFFM | 08:00 |
levander | kvidell: i was joking btw... | 08:00 |
kvidell | I worked for a much less stressful network than this one and I know people like you upset me way more than he's showing if you are or aren't :-P | 08:00 |
stjepan | and I have mounted windows partition | 08:00 |
stjepan | I want to copy some files into it | 08:00 |
Hydroxide | ruiner54: I'm not sure how it compares to yellow dog nowadays, but I'd bet yellow dog isn't as good in that regard, just because Debian is especially good.) | 08:00 |
stjepan | but there is an error: cp: preserving times for `/mnt/windowse/c#/flpr.kdevprj': Operation not permitted | 08:00 |
kvidell | So either way :-P Did my ffx startup time go unnoticed? (IE: Would it be useful for me to post it again for you?) | 08:00 |
Hydroxide | levander: if thunderbird and gnome-system-monitor are slow as well, it probably hsa nothing to do with firefox | 08:00 |
protocolX | Hydroxide: I think ubuntu is some kind of wrapper of debian though I have not tried it yet. I am a debian user, I would like to give it a try. | 08:00 |
ruiner54 | hydroxide: yeah, i imagine...what did u mean exactly? I hear YDL has come a long way but has many problems with different hardware | 08:01 |
bob2 | levander: right, sorry, I was high when I timed it | 08:01 |
stjepan | File is showed in windows partition, but is it really in it? | 08:01 |
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Hydroxide | protocolX: ubuntu recompiles all the debian packages they include and provide their own mirrors and their own versions. ubuntu is a debian derivative, although they are quite close to debian in many regards and many of the same people work on both | 08:01 |
Pauly | thanks guys:) | 08:01 |
Pauly | Got it working:) | 08:01 |
=== spektr [~spektr@M981P013.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
protocolX | Hydroxide: What is the main distinction of ubuntu which made more popular? | 08:02 |
Madpilot | maybe the 3rd time is the charm: can someone tell me, please, why Ubuntu will no longer let me access either of my CD drives? | 08:02 |
=== misfit-toy [~guy@cpe-70-112-252-226.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hydroxide | ruiner54: I mean that, for example, if you look at the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard to figure out what all the different directories mean, Debian follows that quite closely. Debian also has certain idioms for doing things that are used over and over again | 08:02 |
Hydroxide | ruiner54: the tools are much easier to use than, say, RPM, especially once you learn them but even one you just know the basics | 08:03 |
stjepan | please help me | 08:03 |
bob2 | protocolX: I'd be surprisde if ubuntu was actually more popular | 08:03 |
Hydroxide | ruiner54: the community gives really good support | 08:03 |
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Hydroxide | ruiner54: a lot of what I said applies to Ubuntu too | 08:03 |
bob2 | there's a lot of Debian machines out there | 08:03 |
ruiner54 | hydroxide: ahhh, i get ya....well good....YDL forums actually provided amazing support...too bad it sbuggy | 08:04 |
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Hydroxide | ruiner54: although it's certainly different. I don't really know for sure, but I think ubuntu's user community is more oriented around new users, whereas Debian's runs the gamut from new to guru | 08:04 |
Hydroxide | (that's just a feeling I get, don't feel offended if I'm wrong) | 08:04 |
glDaher | good morning, anybody made cvsd to work? | 08:04 |
deco | is there something even lighter graphical system than xfce?, this machine is really crappy and i don't like to watch this laggyness | 08:04 |
Hydroxide | bob2: hi there | 08:04 |
=== factorx [~factorx@dsl-084-060-015-247.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | Hydroxide: heya | 08:05 |
ruiner54 | hydroxide: any idea what i can use to watch avi's on ppc linux? | 08:05 |
glDaher | I get a connection reset by peer error when trying to #cvs -d :pserver:daher@localhost:/var/cvs login | 08:05 |
Hydroxide | ruiner54: mplayer or vlc or xine or totem ... etc | 08:05 |
robertngo | deco, u can try fvwm | 08:05 |
Hydroxide | ruiner54: what codec are they in? avi is just a container format | 08:05 |
deco | robertngo: ok, thanks for tip | 08:06 |
glDaher | I've found on a list somewhere a guy who say: i fix it changing "only_from = localhost" line to "only_from = | 08:06 |
glDaher |" in /etc/xinetd.conf. | 08:06 |
glDaher | and I don't have that config file | 08:06 |
protocolX | bob2: I have not tried ubunto yet. But I guess debian's stable version is woody which would probably a bad thing. But debian unstable version sarge is quite good too except I get problems with mounting different device. | 08:07 |
ruiner54 | hydroxide: uhh , dunno much about that shit....properties, just say Microsoft AVI video...totem didnt have the correct codec to play it | 08:07 |
protocolX | I guess ubuntu has solved some of the debian's pitfalls. | 08:07 |
protocolX | As it is a derivative stuff. | 08:07 |
Hydroxide | ruiner54: open up a terminal and run 'file /path/to/the/video.avi' | 08:07 |
KarlosII | protocolX, debian stable is NOW SARGE | 08:07 |
deco | :D | 08:08 |
Hydroxide | protocolX: it fixes some things, but has some other downsides of its own. for some people it's better, for others it's worse | 08:08 |
KarlosII | debian testing is ETCH | 08:08 |
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KarlosII | debian unstable is SID and will always be SID | 08:08 |
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FR500 | WOWOWOW what an earthquake | 08:09 |
backtoheaven | earthquake; | 08:09 |
backtoheaven | really? | 08:09 |
deco | linux ain't stable if you have earthquakes | 08:09 |
Morten^Toft | ... | 08:09 |
Hydroxide | hehehehe | 08:09 |
KarlosII | :. | 08:09 |
backtoheaven | ...-_- | 08:09 |
glDaher | yeah use winblows | 08:10 |
ruiner54 | hydroxide: RIFF (little-endian) data, AVI, 640 x 480, 25.00 fps, video: DivX 3 Low-Motion, audio: MPEG-1 Layer 3 (stereo, 44100 Hz) | 08:10 |
Morten^Toft | :) | 08:10 |
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=== goye2cz [~goye2cz@par-84-242-95-99.nat.karneval.cz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
protocolX | KarlosII: It's great that Sarge is released as stable now. Sorry I have not been visiting their site recently. | 08:10 |
Morten^Toft | ruiner54, have you tried vlc ? | 08:10 |
KarlosII | ah | 08:10 |
Hydroxide | ruiner54: there you go. the video is divx, and the audio is mp3 | 08:10 |
Hydroxide | ruiner54: can you play MP3s? | 08:10 |
FR500 | backtoheaven, yes | 08:10 |
deco | hey what's that divx LOW-MOTION attribute, can someone explane where it comes? | 08:10 |
FR500 | i was on the shower | 08:11 |
upgrdman | is there a proper way to remove a software raid array? so i can make it again from scratch | 08:11 |
ruiner54 | hydroxide: uhhh one sec...havent tried...just got ubuntu onto this computer | 08:11 |
backtoheaven | hehe | 08:11 |
KarlosII | totem gstreamer for me is a stuttering monster on all video, I use xine | 08:11 |
KarlosII | totem gstreamer is the default multimedia app for ubuntu | 08:11 |
KarlosII | though | 08:11 |
FR500 | KarlosII, you can get totem-xine | 08:11 |
stjepan | which one do I need to play mp3? | 08:12 |
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KarlosII | FR500, I know | 08:12 |
bob2 | stjepan: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 08:12 |
FR500 | stjepan, beep-media-player, xmms, amarok, many others | 08:12 |
KarlosII | FR500, but ubuntu needs work inthe multimedia area | 08:12 |
ruiner54 | hydroxide: a cd will play (which is odd since i cant mount dvds) | 08:13 |
FR500 | KarlosII, it's like "intentional" | 08:13 |
FR500 | KarlosII, it's because of the restricted formats | 08:13 |
Hydroxide | ruiner54: mp3s are different from cd audio | 08:13 |
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ruiner54 | hydrocide: i know, but i dont have any mp3s on here yet | 08:14 |
ruiner54 | hydroxde: i know, but i dont have any mp3s on here yet | 08:14 |
ruiner54 | dammit | 08:14 |
dr_willis | o_o | 08:14 |
KarlosII | FR500, uhh there should be a recommended codec package that just works ncely with ubuntu and it's multimedia, I'm looking forward to the firefox plugin though in breezy | 08:14 |
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=== KodeK [~hernan@adsl-69-231-207-26.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hydroxide | FR500: interestingly enough, Debian includes MP3 decoding support in the distro, including the default GNOME and KDE installs, but no aac decoding support available at all ... ubuntu doesn't include mp3 decoding support in the default install (except for xmms for some reason), but does make aac decoding support available as an official package (in multiverse) | 08:15 |
FR500 | KarlosII, it all works(multimedia) if you follow ubuntuguide | 08:15 |
KarlosII | :/ | 08:15 |
Hydroxide | FR500: ubuntuguide suggests some things of questionable legality, of course... | 08:15 |
KarlosII | very funny | 08:15 |
KodeK | uhhh, whenever i try using teamspeak, or skype, my friend and I get feedback. and we're both using headsets. | 08:15 |
ruiner54 | hydroxide: i will try and get one on here, test er out and let you know | 08:15 |
Hydroxide | ruiner54: I am not going to be paying attention to IRC very much longer | 08:16 |
FR500 | Hydroxide, you mean w32codecs= | 08:16 |
FR500 | ? | 08:16 |
KodeK | anyone know what it could be? | 08:16 |
Hydroxide | ruiner54: it's 2:15 AM here | 08:16 |
Hydroxide | FR500: that is one of the bigger examples, yeah | 08:16 |
Hydroxide | FR500: many people do it, of course, but it should at least have a big fat warning | 08:16 |
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FR500 | yeah | 08:17 |
Hydroxide | FR500: it's a pretty clear copyright infringement of the DLLs it's derived from | 08:17 |
=== jaysin [~jaysin@ip24-253-230-233.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jaysin | Hey all! | 08:17 |
ruiner54 | hydroxide: yeah, no trouble...i'll figure it out...should get to bed..its 3:15 here | 08:17 |
FR500 | what is a good idea for python? | 08:17 |
jaysin | Can anyone think of a Webcam enabled messenger that works with yahoo and Ubuntu? | 08:18 |
cinta | fsf | 08:18 |
cinta | hai | 08:19 |
Hydroxide | FR500: other examples besides w32codecs are libdvdcss2 (which might violate DMCA-like laws) and the pre-built Java 1.5 packages (which I don't believe are allowed to be distributed) | 08:19 |
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FR500 | Hydroxide, well, anyway it says in big writing unofficial guide | 08:20 |
Hydroxide | (the Java might be legal if it's from Blackdown, but I didn't think they used that naming convention or had gotten up to 1.5 | 08:20 |
Hydroxide | ) | 08:20 |
Hydroxide | FR500: yeah, I'm not blaming Canonical, but the user community shouldn't be advocating it as recommended advice for all new users, at least not without some big big warnings | 08:20 |
=== bionic [~bionic@140.80-202-73.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hydroxide | Skype is probably also not allowed to be downloaded other than from skype.com | 08:21 |
Hydroxide | the list goes on | 08:21 |
FR500 | ok, never again | 08:21 |
Hydroxide | didn't mean to sound like I was singling out you ... the guide could be improved a lot if it just had more discussion instead of just barebones warnings | 08:22 |
Hydroxide | err, barebones instructions | 08:22 |
protocolX | Hydroxide: What is the best thing in ubuntu? | 08:22 |
Hydroxide | it feels like it's just telling you, "run these commands blindly without knowing any background on what it does" | 08:23 |
Hydroxide | protocolX: hard for me to say, having only used the livecd and a couple of quick test installs on a HD :) I'd have to say, though, that it makes certain desktop/consumer-oriented things "just work" a bit easier than debian | 08:23 |
=== ztonzy [~ztonzy@ztonzy.artist.blender] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hydroxide | protocolX: but, you can also get Debian to have the same level of "Just Work"ingness, but it takes a bit of setup | 08:24 |
anacron | what was blackbox like windows management | 08:24 |
FR500 | protocolX, for me it is sooooo userfriendly at the beggining | 08:24 |
FR500 | protocolX, it's an inciting linux | 08:24 |
=== weedar [~weedar@230.80-202-220.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hydroxide | protocolX: however, ubuntu's focus on things Just Working for certain environments means that they make certain choices for you in advance, and if you want to deviate from them then the Just Working nature is greatly reduced | 08:24 |
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Hydroxide | protocolX: also, the Just Working nature encompasses less software than the Consistent Level of Workingness that pervades a greater portion of Debian | 08:25 |
Hydroxide | protocolX: Debian also provides security updates for more software than ubuntu, but releases less frequently | 08:25 |
=== snader [~sander@cc207153-b.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stjepan | do you know any program for burning? | 08:26 |
Pauly | cdrecord | 08:26 |
deco | stjepan: gnomefiles.org | 08:26 |
Hydroxide | stjepan: I think it's built into GNOME ... from the KDE world I like k3b. and yes, on the command line I use cdrecord | 08:27 |
kamstrup | graveman if you want a graphical one | 08:27 |
backtoheaven | nerolinux | 08:27 |
stjepan | but for burning DVDs | 08:27 |
Hydroxide | stjepan: most of these programs can do that too | 08:27 |
Hydroxide | stjepan: I'm pretty sure that at least k3b can | 08:28 |
deco | stjepan: i already said, check out that gnomefiles.org before asking more | 08:28 |
kamstrup | stjepan: Click Go->CD Creator in your file manager | 08:28 |
Hydroxide | stjepan: (although it would pull in a lot of kde dependencies if you're not running kubuntu) | 08:28 |
kamstrup | Drag what you wanna burn there and click the "Burn" icon :-) SImple | 08:28 |
Hydroxide | yeah, kamstrup's solution should work | 08:28 |
deco | sounds too simple | 08:29 |
tkiesel | stjepan: I use Gnomebaker. It has worked pretty well for me so far. | 08:29 |
=== gallonegro [~gallonegr@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tkiesel | stjepan: And can burn DVDs | 08:29 |
Hydroxide | deco: why too simple? | 08:29 |
Hydroxide | tkiesel: most of these nice graphical programs are frontends for one or two command-line tools, which can already burn DVDs. meaning, that most of the graphical tools can burn DVDs | 08:29 |
tkiesel | Hydroxide: Precisely. | 08:30 |
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=== Echylo [~echylo@192-173.245.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Micksa | I have a question | 08:31 |
Micksa | but I've forgotten what it is | 08:31 |
Micksa | man I'm tired | 08:31 |
tkiesel | Micksa: Heehee. | 08:31 |
tkiesel | Micksa: Been there. You might have some sleep to catch up on. | 08:31 |
Micksa | a little | 08:31 |
=== koke [~koke@dsl-roigw1l33.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deco | Hydroxide: it's so simple that somethings gotta go wrong when you don't even check out the basic adjustments | 08:32 |
Micksa | but if I don't stay awake now I will end up nocturnal. | 08:32 |
keepon | hi all | 08:32 |
=== signius [~signius@82-69-103-17.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hydroxide | deco: it probably has reasonable defaults. even with k3b I don't usually have to change any of them, even though I can | 08:32 |
Hydroxide | but, I must sleep now | 08:32 |
Hydroxide | good night all | 08:32 |
tkiesel | Good night, Hydroxide. | 08:33 |
deco | heh, it's 8:28 in here | 08:33 |
deco | am | 08:33 |
Hydroxide | /part/part | 08:34 |
Hydroxide | errm | 08:34 |
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Micksa | thanks :) | 08:34 |
Micksa | ah, I think I remember now | 08:35 |
Micksa | I'm running breezy, and I've set my machine's display DPI to its real setting, 145 | 08:35 |
Micksa | it's made gnumeric misbehave. all the text in spreadsheets is too big | 08:35 |
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Micksa | it seems that fonts are rendered in "real" measurements while cells are measured in pixel measurements | 08:36 |
Micksa | is this problem known? | 08:36 |
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Micksa | or shoudl I pester someone about it? :) | 08:37 |
Lefraru | Hola | 08:37 |
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Lefraru | Alguin de Chile | 08:37 |
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Lefraru | HElp con AMSN | 08:37 |
=== goye2cz [~goye2cz@par-84-242-95-99.nat.karneval.cz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hondje | Lefraru: #ubuntu-es | 08:38 |
goye2cz | how do I install a package I downloaded to my desktop that has the extension tar.bz2? | 08:38 |
hondje | goye2cz: nothing :) | 08:39 |
goye2cz | hondje: nice | 08:39 |
goye2cz | hondje: too broad eh? | 08:39 |
hondje | tar.bz2 means that it's archived with tar and compressed with bzip2 | 08:39 |
Lefraru | gracias | 08:39 |
hondje | goye2cz: exactly, what's inside the tarball matters, tar.bz2 is like .rar | 08:40 |
=== bionic [~bionic@140.80-202-73.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tomcat_ | Unpack with "tar xvjf <file>" | 08:40 |
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Micksa | hang on, hang on | 08:40 |
Micksa | goye2cz: what'd you download? | 08:40 |
Whistler | whats the diference between apt-get update and apt-get upgrade | 08:40 |
goye2cz | hondje: It's supposed to be ALSA firmware. I can see that everythign is there, I just don't know how to make it work. | 08:40 |
Micksa | okay. | 08:40 |
Whistler | ? | 08:40 |
Tomcat_ | Whistler: The first updates your package list, the second updates your packages | 08:40 |
Micksa | goye2cz: um, I have no idea :) | 08:41 |
Micksa | hang on | 08:41 |
Micksa | firmware? | 08:41 |
Micksa | what's the name of the file? | 08:41 |
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goye2cz | Micksa: alsa-firmware-1.0.9rc4.tar.bz2 | 08:41 |
hondje | alsa firmware? | 08:41 |
=== hondje would be checking for a kosher label on that tarball | ||
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goye2cz | why does everybody always freak out when I talk about firmware? :-) | 08:42 |
hondje | because alsa and firmware don't belong in the same sentance, usually | 08:42 |
Whistler | oh thx | 08:42 |
goye2cz | hondje: I have read that what I'm trying to do is a little more involved than the norm. | 08:42 |
hondje | YMMV, offer void in Utah and to children under twelve. | 08:42 |
Whistler | i have another problem | 08:42 |
Micksa | goye2cz: where did you get that file from/ | 08:43 |
Micksa | ? | 08:43 |
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Whistler | in windows my display refresh rate is 85 | 08:43 |
Whistler | in ubuntu i can select only 75 | 08:43 |
Whistler | what can i do? | 08:43 |
goye2cz | Micksa: ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/firmware/ | 08:43 |
hondje | Whistler: In your xorg.conf file, you need to set horiz/vert rates to match your monitor | 08:43 |
goye2cz | Micksa: I'm following instructions found on the ubuntu forums, but got stuck when there was a broken link. | 08:44 |
=== Pauly hums | ||
Micksa | got a url? | 08:44 |
Micksa | I'll see if I can help you out with the broken link | 08:44 |
Pauly | Anyone here know how to run a preinstalled version of XP in QEMU? | 08:44 |
Whistler | where is this file? | 08:44 |
deco | Whistler: check out the xorg.conf, and are you sure that your windows doesn't lie to you, due to some graphical overclock tools such as powerstrip | 08:44 |
Micksa | at least | 08:44 |
goye2cz | Micksa: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-30891.html | 08:44 |
deco | Whistler: /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 08:45 |
Micksa | Tascam US-122? | 08:45 |
Micksa | what's that, some nigerian brand? :) | 08:45 |
goye2cz | Micksa the link to download the RPM doesn't work, so I'm following the instructions in the alsa-tools readme | 08:45 |
Micksa | rpm eh | 08:45 |
goye2cz | Micksa: right | 08:45 |
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=== Micksa prods rpm.phone.net | ||
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hondje | Whistler: using the command 'sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange', you'll get two ranges. The first one goes in your monitor section under HorizSync, the second goes in VertRefresh | 08:47 |
Whistler | there is no xorg.conf in x11 | 08:47 |
hondje | Whistler: after you change those values to match, restart your X server by using ctrl-alt-backspace. | 08:47 |
deco | Whistler: are you sure? | 08:47 |
hondje | /etc/X11/xorg.conf ...the X is capital, *nix is case sensative | 08:47 |
deco | yeah that must be it | 08:48 |
deco | Whistler: copypaste this | 08:48 |
deco | sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 08:48 |
Micksa | goye2cz: try getting ftp://ftp.pbone.net/mirror/packman.iu-bremen.de/suse/9.0/noarch/alsa-firmware-1.0.9-0.pm.0.noarch.rpm | 08:49 |
Micksa | follow the instructions as normal using that | 08:49 |
Micksa | and cross your fingers :) | 08:49 |
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deco | and ask your friend cross them too | 08:49 |
Whistler | it opens file | 08:49 |
Whistler | but its empty | 08:49 |
goye2cz | Micksa: heh heh, will do. Thanks. | 08:49 |
gm78 | hondje : hey, remember me? i got transcode working....finally. I found a deb for it that worked on ubuntu | 08:50 |
Whistler | ? | 08:50 |
hondje | gm78: good deal :) | 08:50 |
hondje | Whistler: cat /etc/issue | 08:50 |
Whistler | anybody can help me? | 08:50 |
Micksa | how we all do love licensing | 08:50 |
Micksa | best idea EVER | 08:50 |
deco | Whistler: try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 08:51 |
Micksa | or even | 08:51 |
Micksa | dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 08:52 |
gm78 | Hey. I have a question. I am thinking about getting an AMD 64 (possibly Opteron...not sure yet.). I have heard that apt cannot handle multiple libs (32 bit and 64 bit). Is this true and how does Ubuntu work around this? | 08:52 |
Whistler | admin@Linux:~ $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 08:52 |
Whistler | Package `xserver-xorg' is not installed and no info is available. | 08:52 |
Whistler | Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files, | 08:52 |
Whistler | and dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents. | 08:52 |
Whistler | /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: xserver-xorg is not installed | 08:52 |
hondje | Whistler: cat /etc/issue | 08:52 |
=== Pauly hums | ||
=== chiddy [~chiddy@pool-141-151-139-36.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Whistler | cat /etc/issue type this in terminal? | 08:53 |
hondje | yes | 08:53 |
Whistler | admin@Linux:~ $ cat /etc/issue | 08:54 |
Whistler | Ubuntu 4.10 "Warty Warthog" \n \l | 08:54 |
hondje | voila | 08:54 |
=== hondje is h0t | ||
deco | warty does not party | 08:54 |
hondje | okay, instead of xorg.conf look in /etc/X11 for something like XF86Config4 | 08:54 |
hondje | Then do the same thing, change those two lines I told you about | 08:55 |
gallonegro | hmm i wonder i get some help, firefox dosnet want to start anymore | 08:55 |
Whistler | ok | 08:55 |
Whistler | ill try | 08:55 |
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Whistler | should i do backup firs? | 08:57 |
Whistler | ot its safe? | 08:57 |
hondje | yeah, backup your config file | 08:57 |
goye2cz | Micksa: SWEET. I'm in business. | 08:58 |
Micksa | rock. | 08:58 |
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Micksa | feel free to create a deb that downloads and installes the firmware automatically 8) | 08:59 |
hondje | hrm, count$ only works in gawk, not awk | 08:59 |
Micksa | that's legal | 08:59 |
hussam | hi, I compiled and installed planetpenguin-racer but I can't seem to be able to run it | 08:59 |
hussam | gives error: open /dev/sequencer: No such file or directory | 08:59 |
hussam | tuxracer never gave this error | 08:59 |
hussam | any ideas? | 09:00 |
duken | hi | 09:00 |
duken | how to remastering ubuntu step by step ? | 09:00 |
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gallonegro | any help on getting firefox running again? | 09:01 |
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tkiesel | gallonegro: Did you do anything to it that might have caused it to mess up? Upgrade? Installed a new theme or extension? | 09:01 |
=== doktoreas [~doktoreas@host38-134.pool80181.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gallonegro | i think i might have | 09:02 |
gallonegro | however i uninstalled firefox | 09:02 |
gallonegro | and tried to reinstall through package manager | 09:02 |
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tkiesel | If you want to try and totally remove it before reinstalling: sudo dpkg --purge mozilla-firefox | 09:04 |
gallonegro | i got this | 09:04 |
gallonegro | ependency problems prevent removal of mozilla-firefox: | 09:04 |
gallonegro | firefox depends on mozilla-firefox. | 09:04 |
gallonegro | dpkg: error processing mozilla-firefox (--purge): | 09:04 |
gallonegro | dependency problems - not removing | 09:04 |
=== Pauly hums, anyone here familiar with qemu? | ||
tkiesel | firefox? Odd. I thought it was called mozilla-firefox. | 09:06 |
=== SithToast [~SithToast@cable5-113.murray-ky.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tkiesel | Maybe a backports thing? | 09:06 |
KarlosII | ... | 09:06 |
tkiesel | Pauly: I've been setting it up these past few days for my wife. | 09:06 |
=== Pauly trying to get it to work | ||
KarlosII | I've had no upgrade issues | 09:06 |
Pauly | Just says "booting from hard disk" | 09:06 |
doktoreas | hi guys | 09:06 |
tkiesel | Pauly: There are good Howtos on the Forum, and on the wiki. | 09:07 |
=== keikoz [~keikoz@vol75-6-82-227-148-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
goye2cz | any help to get qjackctl to work? | 09:07 |
doktoreas | i am chosing a distro for my laptop | 09:07 |
doktoreas | anyone uses ubuntu on laptop? | 09:07 |
goye2cz | doktoreas: I do, but I'm a complete newbie | 09:07 |
=== keikoz s'lu tlm | ||
tkiesel | I used the Howto at the forum, and only needed the wiki to get the Samba sharing work. | 09:07 |
=== djs [~djs@DC-245-123.bpb.bigpond.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
tkiesel | goye2cz: What's your issue with qjackctl? | 09:08 |
goye2cz | tkiesel: it tells me "could not connect to jack server as client" | 09:09 |
=== vurdak [~vurdak@adsl-ull-249-19.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== vurdak good morning | ||
tkiesel | goye2cz: On startup, or when you hit the "start" button? | 09:10 |
goye2cz | tkiesel: when I hit the start button. Actually when I start it, the terminal gives this message: Warning: no locale found: /usr/share/locale/qjackctl_en_US.UTF-8.qm | 09:11 |
tkiesel | goye2cz: If you haven't set up your kernel to load the realtime module, you'll need to hit "Setup" in qjackstl and uncheck the "Realtime" module. | 09:11 |
tkiesel | err. "Realtime" checkbox. lol | 09:12 |
=== aramiil [~aramiil@i01v-49-47.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aramiil | hello everybody | 09:12 |
tkiesel | Hi vurdak. Hi aramiil. | 09:12 |
deco | hello aramiil's body | 09:12 |
goye2cz | tkiesel: just unchecked it. still no go. | 09:12 |
=== aramiil don't understand very well english, so excuse him if he do somme error when he speaks... | ||
tkiesel | goye2cz: Hrrrrm. Try "killall esd" in a terminal, and see if qjackctl works then. | 09:13 |
doktoreas | goye2cz: any problem installing on laptop? | 09:13 |
gallonegro | i uninstalled firefox through packagae manger, how i can i reinstall through terminal | 09:13 |
aramiil | I've got a really noob question... How can I see if my ubuntu version is the last one, and how can I update it if necessary? | 09:14 |
goye2cz | doktoreas: basic install was no problem. I had to get help here to install my usb ethernet card, but now I'm running ubuntu with all normal functions fine. | 09:14 |
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hondje | aramiil: cat /etc/issue, and if it says 5.04 you're set | 09:14 |
doktoreas | power menagement is ok? | 09:14 |
goye2cz | tkiesel: did it, no change. | 09:15 |
aramiil | ok, so where I can update? lol | 09:15 |
goye2cz | doktoreas: now that you mentioned it, I did have a problem with that... | 09:15 |
deco | gallonegro: use apt-get --reinstall install mozilla-firefox, if i remember right | 09:16 |
tkiesel | goye2cz: Dang. :( I don't know. | 09:16 |
goye2cz | doktoreas: when I am running from the charger and the battery is in the computer, when it gets fully charged, the computer shuts off immeniately like someone pulled the power cord. | 09:16 |
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goye2cz | tkiesel: thanks anyway. | 09:16 |
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goye2cz | doktoreas: right now I'm running on only the charger and the battery is not in the computer. I can run all day like this without it shutting down on me. | 09:16 |
doktoreas | right now i use gentoo... | 09:17 |
tkiesel | goye2cz: Sorry I couldn't help more. It worked pretty well for me after I figured out the realtime thing (though I later installed the realtime module anyway.) | 09:17 |
doktoreas | but for my laptop i wanna try other distro | 09:17 |
doktoreas | so i don't know if isntall ubuntu or debian | 09:17 |
ratl3 | hey, how do i alt-tab out of quake 3 into a gaim window like i do in windows? | 09:17 |
deco | doktoreas: ubuntu might be easier to test | 09:17 |
goye2cz | doktoreas: I don't really travel much with my laptop. It's more a of a samll desktop for me. | 09:17 |
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hondje | hehe | 09:18 |
=== hondje likes when google cache gets past passwds | ||
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=== Danten [~danten@h74n7c1o1049.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
goye2cz | doktoreas: why not try the live cd? | 09:18 |
ratl3 | does anyone know, i've tried a google search... nothing | 09:18 |
goye2cz | tkiesel: I'm not getting a response on the ardour channel but they were able to help get it up running once. Don't know what happened after that. | 09:18 |
aramiil | how could I update to the latest version of ubuntu? | 09:19 |
Seveas | aramiil, with apt-get dist-upgrade | 09:19 |
tkiesel | goye2cz: Strange. I'm hoping to start using Ardour soon to do some recording with my bass. Right now though, my wife and I have been busy fixing up the house. Some family is visiting next week. :) | 09:19 |
=== pmjdebruijn [~chatzilla@35-4.pwo.ou.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | aramiil, are you still running warty? | 09:20 |
aramiil | yes | 09:20 |
goye2cz | tkiesel: small world. same stuff going on over here. | 09:20 |
Seveas | aramiil: One-line upgrade: sudo sed -e 's/warty/hoary/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade | 09:20 |
=== Madpilot [~yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ratl3 | i found it... | 09:20 |
ratl3 | bah! | 09:20 |
tkiesel | goye2cz: Heehee. What are you going to use Ardour to record? | 09:20 |
=== Pauly hums | ||
=== Pauly thinking I had the wrong impression of qemu:/ | ||
=== Dustin` [dustin@baana-81-175-202-38.dsl.phnet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pepperpot | what's a good live cd that's capable of viewing multimedia? The hoary live cd has totem but it seems completely lacking in any codecs | 09:21 |
tkiesel | Pauly: How so? | 09:21 |
aramiil | ok, let's go! thanks a lot Seveas ;) | 09:21 |
Pauly | Is it possible for qemu to ummmmm, take an already installed version of windows and boot it? | 09:21 |
goye2cz | tkiesel: anything. I jsut finished a small project of reading words for a dictionary program my friend is writing. I used n-track on windows. I've heard such great things about linux, thought I'd give ardour a try. | 09:21 |
Pauly | Without messing it up or copying it? | 09:21 |
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Seveas | pepperpot, mepis perhaps if they have a LiveCD | 09:22 |
goye2cz | tkiesel: I record guitar though. | 09:22 |
gallonegro | i'm still having problems with getting firefox working | 09:22 |
tkiesel | Pauly: I believe that's possible. Some people were discussing it on the forum. http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39513 | 09:22 |
Seveas | gallonegro, what are these problems? | 09:22 |
gallonegro | firefox dosnet start | 09:22 |
Seveas | gallonegro, hmm, ouch | 09:23 |
Seveas | which version do you have? | 09:23 |
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gallonegro | i think its 1.0.4 | 09:23 |
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Seveas | oh no | 09:23 |
Seveas | backports? | 09:23 |
=== geppy [~geppy@c-67-162-233-164.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gallonegro | i;m new to this, so which backports should i have | 09:23 |
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Seveas | gallonegro, no i meant, are you using backports? | 09:23 |
tkiesel | goye2cz: Cool. Yeah, I was a fan of CoolEdit in Windows, and after switching to Linux, was wowed by some Ardour screenshots. I'm looking forward to playign with it. | 09:23 |
geppy | Is there a way for me to make a boot floppy for an Ubuntu install? My laptop's BIOS doesn't support booting from CD. | 09:24 |
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Seveas | geppy, not yet | 09:24 |
geppy | Seveas: Not even possible that I could build one? :/ | 09:24 |
gallonegro | were do i check if i'm using backports | 09:24 |
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geppy | Seveas: I've got a VMware workshop to attend in the morning, and I'd like to get my embarrassing Windows 2k install off of it. ;) | 09:24 |
Lefraru | #ubuntu-es | 09:24 |
Seveas | geppy, you could try making a grub boot floppy that boots the CD, but i don't know whether that is possible at all | 09:25 |
doktoreas | guys is there any problem for ubuntu to resize ntfs win partition? | 09:25 |
geppy | heh | 09:25 |
doktoreas | i should create partition first? | 09:25 |
geppy | hmmm | 09:25 |
=== geppy thinks | ||
Seveas | doktoreas, ntfsresize on Ubuntu is working just fine | 09:25 |
geppy | Oooooh | 09:25 |
geppy | There is a grub installer for windows | 09:25 |
geppy | I'll google for that | 09:25 |
doktoreas | thx Seveas | 09:25 |
Lefraru | VIVA CHILE | 09:26 |
goye2cz | tkiesel: and you can't beat the price tag with a stick. | 09:26 |
hondje | Yeah, green chile on tamales owns.... | 09:26 |
SteveA | i'm installing hoary to a new system that has two 120GB disks. I've set up the partitioning as I want it, and selected "configure software raid" and RAID1 from the partitioning menu. It tells me i have no unused partitions of the type "Linux RAID Autodetect". What do i need to do? | 09:26 |
geppy | How can I use GRUB to boot to a CD-ROM drive? | 09:26 |
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geppy | wtf | 09:27 |
geppy | I don't have a floppy in my desktop | 09:27 |
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=== geppy thinks long and hard | ||
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tkiesel | goye2cz: That's for sure. ;) I'm going to be exchanging tracks with a guitarist/drummer friend of mine. We'll be makign songs without even being in the same part of the country. It' sjust a neat feeling. | 09:28 |
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jacquesmerde | has the mounting and unmounting of cdroms bug been fixed yet in ubuntu? i want to come back to ubuntu again... | 09:28 |
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tkiesel | jacquesmerde: Which version were you using that didn't mount your cdroms? | 09:29 |
=== SteveA finds partition type "physical volume for raid" | ||
=== pibarnas [~pibarnas@pm3-01-040.interconect.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
goye2cz | tkiesel: sounds nice. | 09:29 |
pibarnas | Hey, does anyone get SB Live to work on Ubuntu Hoary? | 09:30 |
Razor-X | anyone here at the moment use LaTeX? | 09:30 |
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=== MorphDK [~MorphDK@port237.ds1-od.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jacquesmerde | tkiesel: i was using hoary. most of the times i tried to play an audio cd, the cd player would crash, and i had to do a sudo eject to get the cd out (though occassionally it worked fine) | 09:30 |
Razor-X | pibarnas: if it's attemptable, it's been done | 09:30 |
Razor-X | ;) | 09:30 |
xydinesh | I tried to use LaTeX | 09:30 |
Razor-X | xydinesh: why'ld you stop? | 09:31 |
xydinesh | It's really nice | 09:31 |
Razor-X | yeah, I like it | 09:31 |
=== hondje uses latex | ||
Razor-X | ahhh, hondje | 09:31 |
MorphDK | I'm trying to upgrade to openoffice.org2, but if I want to remove openoffice.org, it removes my ubuntu-desktop package too.. isn't ubuntu-desktop important? | 09:31 |
xydinesh | U new to LaTeX or expert ;) | 09:31 |
Razor-X | you're like the "I know everything you're about to learn"-buddy of mine | 09:31 |
hondje | don't write papers without it | 09:31 |
pibarnas | It seems to be configured, but there's no sound here. | 09:31 |
Razor-X | xydinesh: new | 09:31 |
hondje | hehe | 09:31 |
xydinesh | me too buddy :D | 09:31 |
hondje | Razor-X: what need ye? | 09:31 |
Razor-X | hondje: by default, LaTeX doesen't indent the first paragraph in a section? | 09:32 |
MorphDK | help please? :( | 09:32 |
xydinesh | If you interested I can give some good tutorials | 09:32 |
tkiesel | jacquesmerde: Hmmm. I don't know if there have been any bugfixes related to that. *searches* | 09:32 |
goye2cz | tkiesel: I guess I just remembered how I got it working before. I have ardour running now! | 09:32 |
Razor-X | xydinesh: i'm using the Learn LaTeX in <I forget> minuts | 09:32 |
tkiesel | goye2cz: Awesome! | 09:32 |
synd | MorphDK: no, its fine | 09:32 |
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hondje | Razor-X: It does for me, what document class are you using? | 09:33 |
MorphDK | synd, but isn't the ubuntu-desktop package important :S | 09:33 |
Razor-X | hondje: article | 09:33 |
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xydinesh | Razor-X: Dats y u v have to use it frequently | 09:33 |
Razor-X | xydinesh: hehe, true | 09:33 |
synd | MorphDK: i removed OOo a while back because i felt it to be bloated, and i only needed a word proc (abiword) | 09:33 |
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synd | MorphDK: dont worry | 09:33 |
Razor-X | hondje: it's \documentclass[letterpaper,12pt] {article} | 09:33 |
Razor-X | if you wanted to have it all ;) | 09:33 |
MorphDK | synd, okay, thanks | 09:34 |
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=== MorphDK [~MorphDK@port237.ds1-od.adsl.cybercity.dk] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
xydinesh | Razor-X: if you don't mind send me a email I can forward I downloaded | 09:34 |
synd | how sweet is gmail! | 09:34 |
Razor-X | xydinesh: hmmm? | 09:34 |
xydinesh | Raz-X: tutorials | 09:34 |
Razor-X | synd: kickass | 09:34 |
Razor-X | xydinesh: ok, what's your address? | 09:34 |
Razor-X | (email, that is) | 09:34 |
Razor-X | ;) | 09:34 |
xydinesh | Raz-X:xydinesh@gmail.com | 09:34 |
=== Sake [~Sake@c-24-4-10-58.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | haha | 09:34 |
Razor-X | i'm Deaths.Hell@gmail.com | 09:34 |
xydinesh | Ok, will send then | 09:35 |
Razor-X | (yes, I was one of the first on, else that name wouldn't stay ;) | 09:35 |
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=== hondje has it indent magically, Razor-X | ||
Sake | should hoary be giving md5 errors? specifically on dpkg-dev, libexpat and libpango | 09:36 |
=== bionic [~bionic@140.80-202-73.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sake | fresh 5.04 server install | 09:36 |
jacquesmerde | tkiesel: my searching brought up bupkis, hope your searching is better than mine | 09:36 |
Sake | oh woop nvm | 09:37 |
mindspin | hi, I have an OT question, does anybody know a irc channel for automatisation, sps programming et al ? | 09:37 |
tkiesel | jacquesmerde: I had no luck finding a bugzilla.ubuntu.com description that matches what you said. I've never had a persistant problem with CDs not automounting. *frown* | 09:37 |
hondje | Razor-X: oh wait, none are indented | 09:37 |
Sake | wget helps | 09:37 |
Sake | =) | 09:37 |
hondje | Razor-X: I don't know why, I always use report doctype though | 09:37 |
Razor-X | hondje: how+ | 09:38 |
Razor-X | oh, heh | 09:38 |
Razor-X | *? | 09:38 |
Razor-X | hondje: what's the difference | 09:39 |
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Razor-X | ohhh, I see | 09:39 |
Razor-X | report is meant for long reports though... | 09:39 |
hondje | yeah | 09:39 |
hondje | article is more in line with what journals want, as I understand it | 09:39 |
hondje | report is more for what hondje slaves away at | 09:40 |
Razor-X | well, this is long, but book is inconvenient since I have to make a seperate toc | 09:40 |
Seveas | Razor-X, \tableofcontents | 09:40 |
Razor-X | Seveas: does that work in book also? | 09:40 |
Seveas | you bever write a toc yourself in TeX | 09:40 |
Seveas | Razor-X, yes | 09:40 |
Razor-X | why not just let it make a ToC for me? | 09:41 |
Seveas | but book should only be used for books :) | 09:41 |
Sake | ugh | 09:41 |
hondje | Seveas is right, unless you're going to write a very large article | 09:41 |
Razor-X | like, 50 pages plus+ | 09:42 |
Razor-X | *? | 09:42 |
Seveas | 50pages+ is still not a book | 09:42 |
Razor-X | ok then, i'm wrong ;) | 09:42 |
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Seveas | just a long article/report | 09:42 |
Razor-X | under what conditions should I use 'report' or 'article' then? | 09:42 |
hondje | 50 pages is a report :) | 09:42 |
Razor-X | hondje: wow ;) | 09:42 |
hondje | you can force an indent with \indent | 09:42 |
Razor-X | the most i've had to do in school is 30 (IIRC) | 09:43 |
=== Lothy [~Christina@cpe-65-185-121-104.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hondje | but I'm really not familiar at all with article | 09:43 |
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Razor-X | but, this isn't a school doc, so, yeah | 09:43 |
hondje | I try to avoid long ones, but I picked dumb majors | 09:43 |
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Razor-X | hondje: LaTeX will be of use to me, hoping to go into Pure Mathematics (unless my parents stop me, which they're trying all their might at) | 09:44 |
hondje | I even made my own package, so I can \usepackage{hondje} | 09:44 |
Razor-X | *much use | 09:44 |
hondje | ah, pure math is good stuff | 09:44 |
Razor-X | fun stuff ;) | 09:44 |
hondje | no way faster to write math papers, really | 09:45 |
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hondje | I know some classmates use some office thingy to do it, poor bastards | 09:45 |
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christos | i m having trouble with realplayer can anyone help? | 09:46 |
hondje | Razor-X: try putting a blank line between \begin{document} and your first line, that's all I can think of | 09:46 |
hondje | and now I go to bed, praising allah that I work not this night :) | 09:46 |
Razor-X | hondje: well, it's a section title ;) | 09:46 |
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ja | hi,i'm newbie,could you tell me which photo viewer is the best ? | 09:46 |
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Razor-X | subsection, rather | 09:47 |
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Razor-X | \subsection{blah} | 09:47 |
Razor-X | <blank line> | 09:47 |
Razor-X | Start of Text | 09:47 |
Razor-X | <blank line> | 09:48 |
Razor-X | Second Paragraph | 09:48 |
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Razor-X | \section{blah} | 09:48 |
Razor-X | and, that's it | 09:48 |
Razor-X | Second Paragraph is indented, but first is not | 09:48 |
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=== pepsi [~pepsi@72-254-51-238.client.stsn.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | i'm thinking if I should surround it in \paragraph{}.... | 09:49 |
ubuntu | one question: How can I mount my NTFS Disc? | 09:49 |
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Razor-X | ubuntu: mount /dev/path/to/disk /mnt/existing/mount/point -t ntfs | 09:50 |
Razor-X | errr, add a 'sudo' in the beginning | 09:50 |
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Razor-X | make sure the mount point exists beforehand | 09:50 |
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christos | i installed realplayer10gold to /usr/loca/RealPlayer and now when i run realplay it doesn't do anything | 09:51 |
JohnnyRotten | is there a way to make ubuntu have a boot screen like winxp and some linux distros? with a graphic progress bar instead of all the text of what is loading | 09:51 |
ubuntu | what means existing/mount/point ?? | 09:52 |
Razor-X | ubuntu: I'm guessing you're totally new to Linux? | 09:52 |
ubuntu | yes | 09:52 |
jacquesmerde | tkiesel: it wasnt so much mounting as UNmounting... | 09:52 |
Razor-X | well, here's a short primer to the Linux filesystem | 09:52 |
ubuntu | in the mnt is nothing | 09:52 |
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Razor-X | you came from Windows, ubuntu? | 09:53 |
ubuntu | yes | 09:53 |
Razor-X | ok then | 09:53 |
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Razor-X | well, in Windows paths are determined like this: C:\Windows | 09:54 |
Razor-X | where C: is the drive name, and Windows is the subfolder | 09:54 |
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ubuntu | ok, I know that my hdd is /dev/hda, but my mnt folder is ejmtpy | 09:55 |
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Razor-X | then make a directory ;) | 09:55 |
Razor-X | mkdir /mnt/windows in my case | 09:55 |
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Razor-X | then, you just mount there | 09:55 |
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=== Pauly loving ubuntu kinda:P | ||
ubuntu | can t make a directory in mnt | 09:56 |
deco | hey guys, i downloaded noip2 program for linux, and it's works fine, it checks and updates my host every minute, but i'll have to add it to some place so when this computer get booted it will start again, what file this is? where should i put that script which comes with the readme file | 09:56 |
deco | there isn't such a file as the readme says | 09:57 |
Razor-X | ubuntu: sudo mkdir /mnt/windows/ | 09:57 |
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ubuntu | ok, i must be root, how can i become root? it s only the ubuntu Live CD for testing.... | 09:58 |
Bazzi | sudo | 09:58 |
tkiesel | jacquesmerde: And right click --> Unmount Volume Didn't work? | 09:59 |
anacron | ubuntu: sudo -s | 09:59 |
ubuntu | thx | 09:59 |
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=== ice_1963 [~gary@pcp0010958853pcs.brghtn01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jacquesmerde | tkiesel: didnt try it. i didnt mind doing the sudo ejects, what bugged me was that when i had to do that, i was also unable to access the cd, had to sudo eject, then reload | 10:01 |
=== tkiesel nods. | ||
tkiesel | I'm not sure of the solution to that, jacquesmerde. | 10:02 |
anacron | is there a command to close cd-drive? | 10:03 |
ubuntu | mmh, can t show the directory after mounting | 10:03 |
Pauly | anacron - yes, I forget it though:P | 10:03 |
anacron | well that won't help me much | 10:03 |
jacquesmerde | it could be a hardware problem, but a few people on this channel seemed to be having the same prob...in some form or another... | 10:03 |
JohnnyRotten | is there a way to make ubuntu have a boot screen like winxp and some linux distros? with a graphic progress bar instead of all the text of what is loading | 10:04 |
anacron | jacquesmerde: do you know the command for closing the cd-drive? | 10:04 |
ubuntu | how can i unmount? | 10:04 |
anacron | ubuntu: umount | 10:04 |
Razor-X | deco: add a cron task, there should be a way to access that using the Gnome panel | 10:04 |
Razor-X | errr! | 10:04 |
Razor-X | I must've hit enter so late! | 10:04 |
Razor-X | thanks to my shell crapping | 10:04 |
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deco | Razor-X: i don't mind :) | 10:05 |
tkiesel | *nods* | 10:05 |
capi | I'm getting a `timeout connecting to <IP>:445' and port :139 when trying to moung a samba partion to linux. It also says `(Operation already in progress)'. Anyone have any clues? | 10:06 |
jacquesmerde | anacron: nup! | 10:06 |
=== chantry [~chantry@AFontenayssB-151-1-51-230.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anacron | damn | 10:07 |
=== DagaZ [~rolle@h34n1fls35o858.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Firetech | what does the /sys folder contain? If I'm gonna make a full scale backup (to make a decent partition table instead of just / and swap), do I have to include it? | 10:07 |
Razor-X | hmmm, where do you get indentfi.sty from? | 10:07 |
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gallonegro | thanks to however helped me earler | 10:09 |
gallonegro | i have another question, what package do i download to fix this problem | 10:09 |
gallonegro | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 10:09 |
gallonegro | acroread: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-21) but 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13 is to be installed | 10:09 |
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=== Do-It-Now [~Now@cable-62-205-120-65.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cyphase | hey everyone | 10:11 |
=== stjepan [~stjepan@83-131-72-3.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
stjepan | hi | 10:11 |
stjepan | I am so sad | 10:11 |
stjepan | I have ADSL | 10:11 |
stjepan | Opera, Speed: 4 B/s | 10:12 |
stjepan | 4 bytes per second!! | 10:12 |
stjepan | :( | 10:12 |
stjepan | :'( | 10:12 |
optik | jesus tht is slow | 10:12 |
optik | how come ur on ADSL and you are only gettin 4b/sec? | 10:12 |
Razor-X | stjepan: ouch | 10:13 |
stjepan | yes | 10:13 |
stjepan | :( | 10:13 |
Razor-X | Opera kicks ass, though ;) | 10:13 |
stjepan | Opera is the fastest browser on Earth | 10:13 |
stjepan | :D | 10:13 |
stjepan | haha | 10:13 |
Razor-X | gallonegro: remove backports from your /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:13 |
Razor-X | stjepan: ;) | 10:13 |
=== carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stjepan | what? | 10:14 |
JohnnyRotten | whats a good program to view/make old ANSI type graphics like bbses used to use? | 10:14 |
stjepan | does anyone use ADSL? | 10:14 |
mindspin | yep | 10:14 |
mindspin | me | 10:14 |
chantry | nobody I guess | 10:14 |
deco | :D | 10:15 |
stjepan | mindspin, type in terminal ping www.programiranje.net -c 1 | 10:15 |
stjepan | pls | 10:15 |
deco | yeah, i'll have satelite connecton, don't you guys? | 10:15 |
chantry | :) | 10:15 |
=== mameluke [bo@84-72-11-234.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stjepan | and say what is the time | 10:15 |
stjepan | 1 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 0ms | 10:15 |
stjepan | wow | 10:15 |
stjepan | 0ms | 10:15 |
stjepan | :D | 10:15 |
=== diktatorn [~diktatorn@c-6e8471d5.04-2012-73746f6.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deco | superb! | 10:15 |
JohnnyRotten | anyone know? | 10:15 |
deco | what should we know? | 10:16 |
chantry | stjepan, its down or we can't ping it | 10:16 |
stjepan | root@stjepan:/home/stjepan # ping www.google.com -c 1 | 10:16 |
stjepan | 1 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 0ms | 10:16 |
mindspin | 100% packet loss | 10:16 |
mindspin | server is down i guess | 10:16 |
chantry | stjepan, so I don't get why ur doing that | 10:16 |
deco | stjepan: do you have some sort of router which blocks pinging | 10:17 |
stjepan | no | 10:17 |
optik | JohnnyRotten: try using figlet | 10:17 |
=== koke [~koke@dsl-roigw1l33.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stjepan | today pinging was ok | 10:17 |
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stjepan | oh | 10:18 |
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defsrs | c - p | 10:19 |
Razor-X | yay! it worked! | 10:20 |
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tsume | now I'm a good developer. I've my own 800 number ;) | 10:21 |
tsume | :) | 10:21 |
stjepan | I am back | 10:21 |
holycow | heh tsume | 10:21 |
tsume | holycow: unlimited vm boxes too | 10:21 |
stjepan | please, do that: ping www.codeproject.com -c 5 | 10:21 |
stjepan | average: 220 | 10:21 |
stjepan | ms | 10:21 |
stjepan | what about you? | 10:21 |
=== AgentM [~agentm@p548E1E7F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tsume | and no double legging charges for forwarding calls | 10:21 |
tsume | this rocks | 10:21 |
mindspin | time 218 | 10:22 |
tsume | I get my own automated attendant too :) | 10:22 |
=== tsume wonders what hot chick recorded her voice on here | ||
stjepan | hm | 10:23 |
=== tiglionabbit [~nick@c-67-171-159-205.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stjepan | opera says that speed is 3KB/s | 10:23 |
mindspin | get firefox | 10:24 |
mindspin | ;-) | 10:24 |
Razor-X | mindspin: not a chance ;) | 10:24 |
stjepan | I have FF 1.0.x | 10:24 |
Razor-X | Opera is way faster than Firefox, and less RAM too | 10:24 |
pfp | stjepan: is codeproject.com your site? http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/73 | 10:24 |
Razor-X | tsume: ;) | 10:25 |
=== tsume dances | ||
tsume | hmm | 10:25 |
Razor-X | Linux needs a built in command-line spell-checker | 10:25 |
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Razor-X | like spellc xxx | 10:25 |
stjepan | no | 10:25 |
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Razor-X | stjepan: yeah, it'ld be very useful | 10:26 |
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stjepan | 12==>7KB/s | 10:27 |
tsume | I'm the best programmer in my state. I've my own private 800 number :P | 10:27 |
stjepan | that wget says | 10:27 |
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xydinesh | Razor-X:I send those LaTeX things 2 u | 10:27 |
=== stefan_dk [~stefan@0x535d66ea.boanxx16.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stjepan | is eth slower than wlan? | 10:28 |
HrdwrBoB | no | 10:28 |
Razor-X | xydinesh: thanks | 10:28 |
HrdwrBoB | wlan is slower | 10:28 |
adrian__ | hey tsume if u say that, what kind of programming do u know? | 10:28 |
=== quam [~chris@user-11201mg.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | xydinesh: got the indent thing working too | 10:29 |
stjepan | HrdwrBoB, really? | 10:29 |
HrdwrBoB | adrian__: better to ask where he lives :) | 10:29 |
mindspin | ;-) | 10:29 |
HrdwrBoB | stjepan: ethernet is usually 100mbit/s | 10:29 |
HrdwrBoB | wireless is 54mbit best case scenario | 10:29 |
=== stimpie [~stimpie@dslam240-147-172-82.dyndsl.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stjepan | oh oj | 10:30 |
stjepan | oh | 10:30 |
stjepan | :( | 10:30 |
stjepan | I am so sad | 10:30 |
adrian__ | yeah, its interesting , where do u live and wich are the lprogramming anguages that u are talking. | 10:30 |
mindspin | and what's a 800 number? | 10:30 |
stjepan | do you know any very heavy site? | 10:30 |
HrdwrBoB | stjepan: it isn't a big deal for most stuff | 10:30 |
HrdwrBoB | unless you're transferring a lot of data | 10:31 |
HrdwrBoB | it's plenty | 10:31 |
Razor-X | mindspin: toll-free | 10:31 |
stimpie | I have a problem installing ubuntu, "the installer cannot figure out how to install ubuntu, no installable cd-rom was found and no valid mirror was configured" | 10:32 |
adrian__ | i have a doubt and im so confused, im just 17 years but i wanna know something that only someone master on computers or business can give the answer to me | 10:32 |
stjepan | what does exactly ping mean? | 10:33 |
=== Hajuu [~Hajuu@dip-220-235-53-98.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Firetech | adrian__: what? | 10:33 |
Hajuu | hey | 10:33 |
stimpie | could someone tell me what could be the cause of that error? My network connection is up and running, and the cd seems to be working fine | 10:33 |
Hajuu | Anyone here installed Hitman: contracts using cedega? | 10:33 |
Hajuu | having some trouble changing cds | 10:34 |
=== kvidell_ [id6356@adsl-63-204-157-35.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
adrian__ | is there somebody here? my passion is computers, but i wanna get my owm company in the future and its studying about business, but i prefer computers, bur business give more money than it, but depends on the situation... i think im good on computers im programmer,im on linux,etc.. im in highschool, everything i have been learning alone, but if i really want to get my own company, what do u think | 10:35 |
mindspin | stjepan man ping | 10:35 |
mindspin | apropos ping | 10:35 |
stimpie | stjepan, man ping | 10:35 |
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stimpie | adrian__, If you wanna start your own company you need to be good at something | 10:36 |
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=== KarlosII is starting his own company | ||
mindspin | If you are 17 you should e concerned on other things as business ;-) | 10:37 |
stimpie | unless you're in the posistion to start with several millions you will need to do the dirty work at least in the start and you will need to deliver excellent work | 10:37 |
adrian__ | yes i know, hey stimpie there's no problem if i talk to you just 5 minutes about it, please, cause my question is little hard and nobody in my city Acapulco.Mexico can give the answer to me | 10:37 |
Hajuu | adrian__: why not start a computer business? heh | 10:37 |
adrian__ | yes, im thinking about mit | 10:37 |
stjepan | hmm | 10:37 |
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stjepan | who want's to help me? | 10:37 |
stimpie | go ahead adrian | 10:37 |
KarlosII | tored fo working for some corporation | 10:37 |
stjepan | open private chat with me? | 10:37 |
stjepan | somebody? | 10:37 |
mindspin | nope | 10:37 |
KarlosII | tired of | 10:37 |
adrian__ | im in canada studying, i love too much computers, but i can see in my country all the people working hard and they earn too few pesos or money | 10:38 |
=== ubuntu [~ubuntu@dlf247.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stimpie | thats the case in alot country's adrian | 10:38 |
thenuke | stjepan: nope. no one is able to help you because you do not tell us your problem.. | 10:38 |
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Razor-X | adrian__: that's a twofold thing going on there | 10:39 |
stjepan | oh | 10:39 |
cthulfuego | ooher | 10:39 |
Razor-X | 's good you have the brains to escape the 'black hole, in Mexico | 10:39 |
=== stimpie has a broken installation cd and delete the image :-( | ||
ubuntu | hi | 10:39 |
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-24-50.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu | i just run linux 4 five cd | 10:39 |
Razor-X | stimpie: remember to MD5SUM the image | 10:40 |
Razor-X | adrian__: actually, my own parents came on Student Visa to the USA from India, to escape its lawlessness | 10:40 |
stimpie | Razor-X, yeah I will do now | 10:40 |
Razor-X | they're getting better, I hear | 10:40 |
ubuntu | so... | 10:41 |
ubuntu | where are u from guys ? | 10:41 |
Pauly | Nawlins | 10:41 |
ubuntu | ?? | 10:41 |
Pauly | :P | 10:41 |
Pauly | New orleans | 10:42 |
mindspin | frankfort/germany, not frankfurt/kentucky ;-) | 10:42 |
ubuntu | i'm from poland ;) just run live cd in school | 10:42 |
cthulfuego | Did you expect an answer from all 600 users? | 10:42 |
Pauly | lol mindspin | 10:42 |
ubuntu | yes | 10:42 |
ubuntu | :P | 10:42 |
HrdwrBoB | melbourne/au | 10:42 |
Pauly | 600? | 10:42 |
Pauly | 484! | 10:42 |
=== cthulfuego slaps HrdwrBoB | ||
Pauly | Get it right .... | 10:42 |
cthulfuego | Pauly: Client isn't updaing the numbers, broken script. | 10:43 |
ubuntu | neverminde ... so what are u talking hear about ? | 10:43 |
Pauly | lol | 10:43 |
Razor-X | ubuntu: California, USA | 10:43 |
ubuntu | ok thx | 10:43 |
tsume | Pauly: you're as bad as the bostians ;) | 10:43 |
HrdwrBoB | cthulfuego: eh? | 10:43 |
=== Do-It-Now [~Now@cable-62-205-120-65.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Pauly | bostians? | 10:43 |
tsume | Pauly: People from Boston | 10:43 |
ubuntu | so are we going to hack sth ? | 10:44 |
Pauly | How dare you | 10:44 |
tsume | Pauly: :D | 10:44 |
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Pauly | 'I come from the tough streets of new hampshire!' | 10:44 |
Pauly | lol | 10:44 |
ubuntu | hobbiton u mean ? | 10:44 |
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=== tsume runs before the fight breaks out | ||
cthulfuego | HrdwrBoB: Would you happen to know a Jaques at Vicnet? | 10:45 |
Hajuu | So.. anyone know anything bout how I can unlock my cdrom drive when it registers as busy? I tried "umount -f /dev/hdd" but that just said it was busy too.. even though it wasnt.. and im using cedega to install a game and I need to change cds half way through.. | 10:45 |
Pauly | I's bes a raised in the ghetto, when Is bes comin up I wasn't 'lowed to ride in da bentley. | 10:45 |
HrdwrBoB | cthulfuego: I work less than 5m from him :) | 10:45 |
Pauly | hajuu - Busy means in use:P | 10:45 |
dooglus | Hajuu: "sudo fuser /dev/hdd" will show you which process is using the CD | 10:45 |
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cthulfuego | HrdwrBoB: <hehe> he still in the office? | 10:45 |
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HrdwrBoB | haha no it's 1/4 to 7 | 10:46 |
cthulfuego | Typical. | 10:46 |
HrdwrBoB | I'm at home, and I daresay he is too :) | 10:46 |
Razor-X | is TCSH the default shell for FreeBSD and OperBSD? | 10:46 |
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HrdwrBoB | slack I know :) | 10:46 |
tsume | tcsh > bash | 10:46 |
cthulfuego | HrdwrBoB: Ah ok (/me is @home too, in melb) | 10:46 |
tsume | * > bash | 10:46 |
Razor-X | tsume: don't like it, meself | 10:46 |
tsume | zsh is the ultimate power shell however :) | 10:46 |
HrdwrBoB | cthulfuego: how do you know jacques? | 10:46 |
tsume | Razor-X: you get used to tcsh after a while.. | 10:46 |
Razor-X | I like ZSH ;) | 10:46 |
HrdwrBoB | zsh is cool | 10:46 |
tsume | zsh ralley! | 10:47 |
tsume | *rally | 10:47 |
cthulfuego | HrdwrBoB: We've got mutual friends and he tends to rock up at their parties dressed as 'the internet' ;-) | 10:47 |
Razor-X | tsume: tcsh is too different from just about every other shell | 10:47 |
=== aramiil [~aramiil@i01v-49-47.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tsume | Razor-X: thats the fun of it ;) | 10:47 |
Razor-X | so, tcsh is the default shell of FreeBSD, and OpenBSD? | 10:47 |
tsume | okay, meesa get to bed | 10:47 |
tsume | yes | 10:47 |
HrdwrBoB | heh well, next time you see him, tell him I said to say hi, that'll confuse him | 10:47 |
aramiil | hello all | 10:47 |
=== bionic [~bionic@140.80-202-73.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aramiil | is there a way to extend the size of a partition without formating it? | 10:48 |
ubuntu | soso lets hack : www.allegro.pl << who | 10:48 |
ubuntu | who first change the page | 10:48 |
cthulfuego | HrdwrBoB: I shall 9though it'll be a while, these frienbds bulldozed their hosue and now live in a tiny chicken coop, so no more parties until the housewarming one) | 10:48 |
HrdwrBoB | oh haha :) | 10:48 |
HrdwrBoB | ok I will bbl | 10:48 |
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ubuntu | hey ok | 10:53 |
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aramiil | does is it possible to have more size in a partition without format it? | 10:54 |
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ubuntu | i have horyble slow pc in school | 10:54 |
ubuntu | i don't think so man | 10:54 |
=== Funraiser [~Funraiser@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu | at linux or wind ? | 10:54 |
aramiil | linux | 10:55 |
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ubuntu | u can do it with partition magic on windows | 10:55 |
aramiil | and where can I found it? | 10:55 |
aramiil | on windows, i mean | 10:55 |
ubuntu | p2p | 10:55 |
Pauly | aramiil, what are you trying to accomplish? | 10:55 |
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Funraiser | is it possible to connect into a remote Ubuntu desktop that is on the net using vncviewver? | 10:55 |
aramiil | i've got windows installed in the same computer than linux | 10:55 |
ubuntu | have more mb with out formating | 10:56 |
mindspin | what about using qtparted on alive-cd ? | 10:56 |
aramiil | what is qtparted? (sorry, I just begin with linux) | 10:56 |
=== factorx [~factorx@dsl-084-060-009-084.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mindspin | its a program similiar to partition magic | 10:56 |
mindspin | its on knoppix for example | 10:57 |
mindspin | but be careful with playing with your hd | 10:57 |
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Razor-X | tsumeback | 10:57 |
aramiil | sure i will... well i will try, thanks for all | 10:58 |
Razor-X | *back | 10:58 |
mindspin | sometimes its easyer and cheaper to add another HD | 10:58 |
Razor-X | shell is crapping! -_- | 10:58 |
ubuntu | no no problemo | 10:58 |
Razor-X | BSDers just have to be weird... that's why they use tcsh. Or is it that tcsh is made in Berkeley? | 10:58 |
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ubuntu | i don't think so.. i;m trying to do a broadcast server on linux to be on air - amature radio do u know some good programs ? | 10:59 |
=== _linuxAS_ [~linuxAS@cmbe-212-89-16-88.telecable.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | Razor-X: I never used FreeBSD, but I can't believe they would use a non-bourne shell as the default. tcsh is pretty crappy | 10:59 |
_linuxAS_ | morning | 11:00 |
Razor-X | dooglus: heh, I know ;) | 11:00 |
=== bionic [~bionic@140.80-202-73.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tola | It looks like the phpmyadmin and php4-mysql are not supported by ubuntu, which suprises me. I was trying to avoid using non-supported packages. Where do the security updates come from for the universe packages and can I rely on them? | 11:00 |
Funraiser | nobody knows if it's possible to connect into a remote Ubuntu desktop that is on the net using vncviewver? | 11:00 |
dooglus | Funraiser: it's possible! | 11:00 |
mindspin | tola why not using sarge, if its a server? | 11:01 |
dooglus | Funraiser: you'll need to run a vnc server on the remote machine, and open up the router and firewall on it | 11:01 |
Funraiser | dooglus, u just type vncviewer -fullscreen IP number:0 ? | 11:01 |
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pfp | Funraiser: system - preferences - remote desktop | 11:01 |
ubuntu | maby | 11:01 |
Funraiser | pfp, yes i did that on the LAN but i was wondering if it was possible to do it on the net too? | 11:02 |
tola | mindspin: yes, I'm currently undecided between ubuntu and sarge. I was considering moving to Ubuntu but it seems too oriented towards the desktop. That and I can't get the 64-bit sarge images to boot... | 11:02 |
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pfp | hmm what port does vnc use | 11:03 |
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ivoks | khm... | 11:03 |
Funraiser | pfp, errr no idea | 11:03 |
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dooglus | Funraiser: 5900 isn't it? | 11:04 |
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Funraiser | google says 5500 here but i don't know | 11:04 |
mindspin | I would try to get sarge64 running #debian may help | 11:04 |
philuk86 | join #glade | 11:04 |
dooglus | it's 5900 | 11:04 |
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Funraiser | let's say it's port 5500 , i would have to type vncviewer -fullscreen IP number:5900 ? | 11:05 |
=== Jstyle [~Jstyle@dyn-dsl-66-231-126-45.utma.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pfp | bah, /etc/services didn't ahve it | 11:05 |
dooglus | netstat -ap 2>&1 | grep -i 'listen .*vino' | 11:05 |
Funraiser | i mean let's say it's port 5900 | 11:05 |
ce-maniz | hi | 11:05 |
dooglus | run that with vino running | 11:05 |
ivoks | Funraiser: ip::port | 11:05 |
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ivoks | Funraiser: ip:terminal | 11:05 |
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pfp | Funraiser: no, i think if it's port 5900, then i.p.num.ber:0, 5901 -> i.p.num.ber:1 etc IIRC | 11:06 |
pfp | (if that made any sense :) | 11:06 |
Funraiser | not reallly lol | 11:06 |
Funraiser | the arrow is for? | 11:06 |
ivoks | omg | 11:07 |
Funraiser | :-S | 11:07 |
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pfp | well, its not important really, and i'm not even sure im right about that | 11:07 |
ivoks | it's vncviewer IPADDRESS::PORT | 11:07 |
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ivoks | two : | 11:07 |
tola | mindspin: do the debian security updates not get applied to universe? | 11:08 |
ivoks | ? | 11:08 |
Funraiser | k | 11:08 |
ivoks | debian security updates don't get applied at all on ubuntu | 11:08 |
pfp | anyway, vino-server seems to listen on, which means you should be able to connect with 'vncviewer IP:0' | 11:08 |
pfp | unless there's a firewall in between | 11:08 |
tola | so it's not safe to use ubuntu universe for a production server then. | 11:09 |
ivoks | why? | 11:09 |
ivoks | there is security.ubuntu.com :) | 11:09 |
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tola | ivoks: would you run ubuntu universe packages on a production server, relying on universe security updates? | 11:10 |
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tola | ivoks: I'm talking about very common packages like php4-mysql, phpmyadmin and possibly drupal | 11:10 |
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ivoks | tola: yes | 11:11 |
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ivoks | tola: i allready have 5 production servers on ubuntu | 11:11 |
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tola | ivoks: with universe packages? | 11:12 |
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ivoks | tola: with lot's of universe packages | 11:12 |
ivoks | lots | 11:12 |
ivoks | not lot's | 11:12 |
ivoks | damn... | 11:12 |
runedude | hi guys... do you know how to change the max screen res? | 11:12 |
tola | ivoks: ok cool :) | 11:12 |
runedude | its at 800x600 | 11:12 |
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ivoks | tola: main repository is maintained/supported by Canonical | 11:12 |
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ivoks | tola: universe is supported by community | 11:13 |
ivoks | lol... jackson found not guilty :) | 11:13 |
tola | ivoks: ok so the hoary universe is more stable than say Debian Testing? | 11:13 |
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ivoks | tola: yes | 11:14 |
tola | ivoks: on ALL charges | 11:14 |
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ivoks | tola: you know that sarge isn't testing anymore, but stable | 11:14 |
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gudi | hi | 11:14 |
cyphase | why is it that when you leave a script running for a long time, and don't touch the computer, it freezes? | 11:14 |
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ivoks | :) | 11:15 |
runedude | maybe i worded that wrong | 11:16 |
gudi | i have the following problem. When i use my mozilla sometimes my xorg seems to freeze. I can move the mouse but no window can be used anymore. The only thing i can do is ssh to the laptop and restart gdm. Anyone has an idea? | 11:16 |
spektr | cyphase: maybe your memory is bad? | 11:16 |
runedude | how can I make it so I can use bigger screen resolutions when the default is 800x600, and it wont let me go higher than that? | 11:16 |
cyphase | spektr, maybe.. | 11:16 |
ivoks | gudi: that's not the only thing :) | 11:16 |
deco | runedude: edit manually /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 11:16 |
pfp | gudi: thats a known problem w/ nvidia cards, possibly some ati's too. i have it also :'( | 11:16 |
runedude | k | 11:16 |
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ivoks | gudi: you can kill X (ctrl+alt+backspace) or (ctrl+alt+f1) go to console and kill zombie proces | 11:17 |
gudi | pfp, i have an nvidia .. so no solotion for that at the moment ? | 11:17 |
deco | runedude: and after that remember to use ctrl+alt+backspace | 11:17 |
ivoks | gudi pfp: that never happend to me, using nvidia and ati | 11:17 |
pfp | ctrl-alt-backspace usually doesn't help for the "mouse pointer moves, x frozen" incident | 11:18 |
pfp | ivoks: consider youself lucky :) | 11:18 |
gudi | ivoks, you use the nvidia kernel module ? | 11:18 |
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ivoks | gudi: yes | 11:18 |
runedude | deco: isnt there a easier way.. I remember doing something different... | 11:18 |
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deco | runedude: you can do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 11:19 |
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gudi | hmm that drive me crazy.. sometimes it haben only once per day sometimes it happen 10 times.. .. this sux | 11:19 |
deco | gudi: does it happen with other softwares than firefox? | 11:19 |
pfp | gudi: some ppl have had luck w/ older nvidia drivers, i havent bothered to try yet.. usually happens about once/week | 11:19 |
gudi | deco, i had it with all browsers | 11:20 |
deco | ok | 11:20 |
mjt | btw, which card family is "better" supported under linux -- nvidia or ati? | 11:20 |
tola | ivoks: thanks for the advice, I feel a lot happier about using universe now I actually understand how it works. I should have read the web site properly. | 11:20 |
runedude | k brb | 11:21 |
pfp | i hear that some ati cards have opensource acelerationm (in development at least) | 11:21 |
pfp | acceleration | 11:21 |
ivoks | tola: universe developers/maintainers are at #ubuntu-motu and #debian :) | 11:21 |
ivoks | pfp gudi use package nvidia-source | 11:22 |
ivoks | pfp gudi not nvidia drivers from nvidia.com | 11:22 |
gudi | ivoks, i use the package | 11:22 |
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gudi | ivoks, do you have RenderAccel enabled ? | 11:23 |
pfp | yea, i installed it from some package too, altough i think it wasn't called nvidia-source | 11:23 |
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pfp | isn't RenderAccel implicitly on? | 11:24 |
runedude | worked, thanks a billion | 11:24 |
gudi | pfp i read to disable it can help: http://lists.freedesktop.org/pipermail/xorg/2005-March/007055.html | 11:24 |
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stevegriff | when installing ubuntu - if I have a nvidia gfx card... does it install the xorg nvidia drivers, or the cool nvidia.com drivers | 11:25 |
stevegriff | ? | 11:25 |
ivoks | gudi: no | 11:25 |
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runedude | anyone know of a graphical FTP client for ubuntu? | 11:25 |
gudi | pfp, do you have it enable ? | 11:26 |
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pfp | gudi: thanks for the link | 11:26 |
pfp | hmm | 11:26 |
optik | runedude: gFTP | 11:27 |
pfp | gudi: i don't have it in xorg.conf so if it's on by default, then yes | 11:27 |
runedude | ty | 11:27 |
gudi | ivoks, you have set it to false ? or no in the xorg ? | 11:27 |
optik | stevegriff: no | 11:27 |
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runedude | Crap | 11:28 |
runedude | E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing? | 11:28 |
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ivoks | gudi: no in xorg at all | 11:29 |
gudi | ivoks, what for an agp speed you use ? | 11:29 |
blu | what's the difference between Ubuntu and Debian ? If I can install Debian on my own, what does Ubuntu buy me? | 11:30 |
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ivoks | gudi: default | 11:30 |
runedude | blu: i find it alot easier | 11:30 |
runedude | and more friendly. | 11:30 |
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blu | runedude: during install or later? can you be more specific where it's friendlier? | 11:31 |
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runedude | everywhere :P i mean, it comes with alot of packages already installed, so you dont have to install X, gaim, xchat, etc.. | 11:31 |
ivoks | gudi: i have Option "NVAGP" "0" | 11:31 |
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gudi | pfp, what for an agb speed you use ? | 11:31 |
ivoks | gudi: that's the only option for nvidia i have | 11:31 |
pfp | blu: things tend to work "out of the box" more, like connecting printers, cameras etc | 11:32 |
runedude | takes alot of pain out of hte install, blu . | 11:32 |
pfp | also newer versions of s/w | 11:32 |
pfp | gudi: agp 4X i think | 11:32 |
ivoks | blu: ubuntu has release cycle | 11:34 |
ivoks | blu: debian does not | 11:34 |
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chantry | ivoks, ubuntu sux | 11:34 |
chantry | ivoks, debian does not | 11:34 |
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gudi | pfp, i read to set it in lower mode can fix the problem | 11:35 |
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ivoks | chantry: :) depends on your point of view... i use them both, debian for almost 10 years | 11:35 |
chantry | ivoks, nice. I was just kidding anyway :) | 11:35 |
stevegriff | optik - which one does it install? NV or Nvidia? :) | 11:36 |
runedude | blu: listen, debian is nice, it has alot of features, but ubuntu is better to just put in a CD and have everything you need, also, if you are running a ubuntu server, you can type "server" at the cd boot prompt and it will complete your install like that, debian and ubuntu are almost the same installation wise, but ubuntu just gives you that home feeling, and installs everything you need for you. | 11:36 |
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optik | stevegriff: it doesnt | 11:36 |
ivoks | bottom line: ubuntu is great for desktop, you don't have to change 1001 thing to make it just work | 11:36 |
optik | as default you have to install the proprietary drivers | 11:36 |
chantry | runedude, so it means ubuntu is easier, not better | 11:36 |
optik | there is a help on www.ubuntuguide.org | 11:37 |
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runedude | well it is better anyways | 11:37 |
ivoks | for servers... it depends what you need.. i need new technologies on my server (php, postgre, mysql) and i like newer packages | 11:37 |
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chantry | runedude, thats more subjective | 11:37 |
ivoks | for me, ubuntu is better on server too | 11:37 |
chantry | runedude, it could be true though | 11:37 |
ivoks | someone like to have one stable server with updates for 3-4 years... that one will choose debian | 11:37 |
runedude | hehe | 11:37 |
runedude | bbl | 11:37 |
runedude | :) | 11:37 |
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xydinesh | Hi Guys, how long it takes to deliver after making order to cds | 11:39 |
pfp | ivoks: yeah, running current software on production servers under debian is quite.. "nice" | 11:39 |
xydinesh | I'm Sri Lanka | 11:39 |
pfp | keeps you busy at least :P | 11:39 |
optik | xydinesh: usually 2-3 weeks | 11:39 |
optik | then more :P | 11:39 |
ptlo | heya ivoks! | 11:39 |
ultragum | ubuntu include what irc ? | 11:39 |
optik | what speed connection do you have? | 11:40 |
xydinesh | Opppss.. Then I didn't get those cd's yet | 11:40 |
optik | ultragum: xchat | 11:40 |
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ultragum | thank you | 11:40 |
J2Dope | hi there. i have a winXP laptop.. and ubuntu on my desktop | 11:40 |
chantry | I don't really like debian, but I don't like hearing that about it neither. with debian, you have the choice between a very stable and secure branch, but indeed outdated, but you also have more uptodate branch | 11:40 |
chantry | its up to you | 11:40 |
xydinesh | I've made an order before one month or longer i guess | 11:40 |
optik | xydinesh: I think the hoary cd's are really delayed | 11:40 |
optik | mine havent come yet | 11:41 |
J2Dope | can i log in via SSH and make my ubuntu desktop speakers play my music? | 11:41 |
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xydinesh | optik:hmmm | 11:41 |
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optik | J2Dope: yes | 11:41 |
optik | J2Dope: with a cli music player | 11:41 |
ivoks | ptlo: hoy! | 11:41 |
J2Dope | could u please reccomend one optik? | 11:41 |
optik | um.... never really used them..... | 11:41 |
J2Dope | (keeping in mind i need my ubuntu speakers to play the sound... not my winxp laptop | 11:42 |
optik | another option is vnc | 11:42 |
optik | yeah | 11:42 |
optik | um | 11:42 |
optik | 2 secs | 11:42 |
ivoks | J2Dope: you can't do that... | 11:42 |
optik | you can | 11:42 |
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J2Dope | can't do it!@ ahhhhhh lol | 11:42 |
ivoks | J2Dope: you can't have speakers connected to laptop | 11:42 |
optik | im sure you can | 11:42 |
ivoks | J2Dope: and play music from some other machine | 11:42 |
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ivoks | J2Dope: you can do something else | 11:42 |
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ivoks | J2Dope: set-up streaming server | 11:42 |
optik | he doesnt want to do that | 11:43 |
chantry | mpd | 11:43 |
ivoks | J2Dope: there are nice apache modules for that... | 11:43 |
optik | he wants to play the music on his ubuntu machine | 11:43 |
optik | through the speakers on his ubuntu machine | 11:43 |
J2Dope | im on my laptop now... the ubuntu desktop machine has surround sound speakers and such. | 11:43 |
mebaran151 | exit | 11:43 |
chantry | so thats like we first said | 11:43 |
chantry | use a cli | 11:43 |
chantry | like mp3blaster or mplayer or somthing | 11:44 |
ivoks | J2Dope: oh, i see, then there is no problem | 11:44 |
J2Dope | thanks for the suggestions ya'll. ill let ya know how it goes =) | 11:44 |
ivoks | J2Dope: mp3blaster | 11:44 |
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geko | i guys | 11:45 |
geko | i have installed ubuntu on my laptop | 11:45 |
ivoks | great :) | 11:45 |
geko | and i see it's wonderfull | 11:45 |
ivoks | yes, it is | 11:45 |
geko | just a question | 11:45 |
ivoks | shoot | 11:45 |
geko | i use gentoo since 1 year | 11:45 |
ivoks | bad boy :) | 11:45 |
geko | but on ubuntu set up | 11:45 |
geko | it doesn0't ask me for root password | 11:45 |
ivoks | gentoo founder works for microsoft :) | 11:46 |
geko | :O | 11:46 |
chantry | geko, use sudo | 11:46 |
ivoks | geko: ubuntu doesn't have password for root | 11:46 |
optik | geko: ubuntu doesnt use a root account | 11:46 |
xydinesh | ivoks:really | 11:46 |
optik | it uses sudo instead | 11:46 |
geko | :O | 11:46 |
ivoks | xydinesh: yes | 11:46 |
xydinesh | ivoks:do u have related links | 11:46 |
chantry | ivoks, where did u see that? | 11:46 |
geko | and in few words wath it mean? | 11:46 |
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ivoks | xydinesh: gentoo.org :) | 11:46 |
ivoks | Gentoo founder and former Gentoo Chief Architect Daniel Robbins began a new position at Microsoft on 23 May 2005 | 11:47 |
chantry | geko, it means u'll never log as root. when u need root privilege, use sudo | 11:47 |
ivoks | chantry: gentoo.org | 11:47 |
chantry | I saw | 11:47 |
geko | for example i need to run nano with resolv.conf | 11:47 |
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ivoks | geko: sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf | 11:47 |
pfp | !rootsudo | 11:47 |
ubotu | rootsudo is, like, at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo | 11:47 |
incubii | for anyone that wants to join in George Mobbs from Lenovo is answering questions in #atomicmpc on austnet | 11:47 |
ivoks | geko: but use vim :) | 11:47 |
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geko | k | 11:47 |
geko | now the package question | 11:47 |
tiglionabbit | !restrictedformats | 11:48 |
ubotu | tiglionabbit: Wish i knew | 11:48 |
geko | i know is apt-get | 11:48 |
xydinesh | Gqview new version released http://freshmeat.net/projects/gqview/?branch_id=21817&release_id=198829 | 11:48 |
tiglionabbit | does it have a restricted formats entry? | 11:48 |
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tiglionabbit | !restricted | 11:48 |
ubotu | restricted is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 11:48 |
tiglionabbit | yay | 11:48 |
ivoks | !ubuntu | 11:48 |
ubotu | I heard ubuntu is Open the gates To East and West Bring in all That's good and best. - Lenrie Peter | 11:48 |
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ivoks | :) | 11:48 |
ivoks | !root | 11:48 |
ubotu | hmm... root is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo | 11:48 |
ivoks | not that... doh | 11:48 |
ivoks | who's bot is this? :) | 11:48 |
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tiglionabbit | !batman | 11:49 |
ubotu | I don't know, tiglionabbit | 11:49 |
tiglionabbit | darn | 11:49 |
geko | ivoks, how can i ceck if a package is in repository? | 11:49 |
J2Dope | mp3blaster did the trick. thanks for your help on the question everyone | 11:49 |
ivoks | geko: apt-cache search <packagename> | 11:49 |
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tiglionabbit | geko/ivoks: or search synaptic, or use the debian package search | 11:50 |
ivoks | synaptic is for newbies :) | 11:50 |
tiglionabbit | ivoks: ubuntu is for newbies | 11:50 |
ivoks | lol | 11:50 |
Alfred1881 | ivoks what is better for you | 11:50 |
ivoks | Alfred1881: ? | 11:50 |
xydinesh | ivoks: aptitudes is also nice , isn't it? | 11:50 |
Alfred1881 | ivoks better than synaptic ? | 11:51 |
ivoks | xydinesh: of course, better than apt-cache/apt-get | 11:51 |
geko | on ubuntu site, i see that grass 6.0 is on ubuntu | 11:51 |
tiglionabbit | you can use whatever, it doesn't really matter | 11:51 |
geko | but i can found no resoult with ceck program | 11:51 |
ivoks | Alfred1881: uxterm and apt-*/aptitude | 11:51 |
Alfred1881 | ok thanks for answering | 11:51 |
Alfred1881 | hey all, why does kde on kubuntu have a small amount of appz | 11:51 |
ivoks | geko: apt-cache search grass | 11:51 |
tiglionabbit | because less is more? | 11:51 |
Riddell | Alfred1881: it has the apps which will fit on the CD | 11:52 |
geko | ivoks | 11:52 |
geko | no resoult | 11:52 |
tiglionabbit | alfred: why don't you install more? | 11:52 |
geko | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/UbuntuGIS | 11:52 |
geko | if you ceck this | 11:52 |
ivoks | geko: grass is in universe | 11:52 |
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Alfred1881 | riddell can i install the rest of kde bij slecting in synaptic ? | 11:52 |
ivoks | geko: did you enable univers, multiverse and restricted? | 11:52 |
geko | :O | 11:52 |
tiglionabbit | geko: s/ceck/check/? | 11:52 |
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Riddell | Alfred1881: certainly can | 11:52 |
geko | nope | 11:53 |
geko | how can i enable it? | 11:53 |
Alfred1881 | riddell and is it easy to handle for noobs :) | 11:53 |
ivoks | geko: sudo $EDITOR /etc/apt/sources.list | 11:53 |
Riddell | Alfred1881: easy peasy | 11:53 |
ivoks | geko: you will see something like ...archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main | 11:53 |
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ivoks | geko: after main, add universe restricted multiverse | 11:53 |
Alfred1881 | what is more stable kubuntu or pclinuxos | 11:54 |
deco | more stable than what? | 11:54 |
Riddell | Alfred1881: kubuntu has dragons so it's cooler | 11:54 |
ivoks | geko: same thing with ...archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-updates main | 11:54 |
deco | :D | 11:54 |
tiglionabbit | kubuntu has dragons? where? | 11:54 |
geko | uncomment the 2 line or also the universe line? | 11:54 |
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Riddell | tiglionabbit: on the website, on the CDs | 11:54 |
deco | tiglionabbit: logout pop-up | 11:55 |
ivoks | geko: just append | 11:55 |
tiglionabbit | I installed kubuntu-desktop and I don't see any dragons | 11:55 |
ivoks | geko: i don't know how post-install sources.list looks like :) | 11:55 |
tiglionabbit | oh, that's right, yeah there's a dragon there | 11:55 |
Riddell | tiglionabbit: Help -> About KDE | 11:55 |
vampire123 | hi | 11:55 |
Riddell | tiglionabbit: the dragons are nude so we can't make them too obvious | 11:55 |
ivoks | geko: then run sudo apt-get update | 11:56 |
ivoks | geko: and then check with apt-cache search | 11:56 |
tiglionabbit | ivoks: most all of the repositories he needs will be in the list, just waiting to be uncommented | 11:56 |
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ivoks | well, great | 11:56 |
ivoks | time to go... | 11:56 |
geko | http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/hDW3cl90.html | 11:56 |
ivoks | bye all | 11:56 |
geko | i have uncommented 20 and 21 lines | 11:56 |
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tiglionabbit | geko: nothing wrong with uncommenting em all | 11:57 |
ivoks | geko: uncomment all of them | 11:57 |
geko | k | 11:57 |
tiglionabbit | all of the single hash ones that is | 11:57 |
tiglionabbit | not the real comments =P | 11:57 |
ivoks | there is no multiverse, tough... | 11:57 |
geko | now update? | 11:58 |
=== bionic [~bionic@140.80-202-73.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
runedude | hmm | 11:58 |
runedude | im getting ALOT of missing MD5 files | 11:58 |
Alfred1881 | can i easily update any progrma just by clicking a button in kubuntu | 11:58 |
ivoks | runedude: check /topic | 11:58 |
ivoks | geko: yes | 11:58 |
runedude | ah ok | 11:58 |
geko | thx for support :) | 11:58 |
Riddell | Alfred1881: not yet, I'm going to write that soon | 11:58 |
Alfred1881 | can i easily update any progrma just by clicking a button in synaptic | 11:58 |
ivoks | geko: comment out CD :) | 11:58 |
Riddell | Alfred1881: yes you can in synaptic | 11:58 |
=== Niki [~niki@p5481E4B0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ivoks | geko: (first line) | 11:59 |
=== vurdak [~vurdak@adsl-ull-249-19.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Alfred1881 | hmmm , thats making me curious | 11:59 |
tiglionabbit | there is an update manager, which will appear in the notification area in gnome | 11:59 |
xydinesh | Alfred1881: but aptitude much faster i guess | 11:59 |
Riddell | Alfred1881: you can use gnome's update-manager fine in KDE too | 11:59 |
geko | ok ivoks | 11:59 |
Alfred1881 | than i better stop the downloading of pclinuxos and grab my kubuntu cd | 12:00 |
geko | k i found the package | 12:00 |
=== derJunior [~derJunior@p549FB5E1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vampire123 | ha | 12:00 |
tiglionabbit | alfred1881: There's a #kubuntu channel too btw. Good luck with this awesome distro! | 12:00 |
Alfred1881 | tiglionabbit yes there is a room , but users do not respons | 12:01 |
runedude | oh btw | 12:01 |
geko | tiglionabbit, if i type apt-get install grass | 12:02 |
runedude | do you guys know how to make VNC view MY desktop my gnome desktop, not a blank one? | 12:02 |
geko | i got error on dependecies | 12:02 |
geko | does apt-get resolve it for me? | 12:02 |
runedude | geko: it should. | 12:02 |
tiglionabbit | geko: if there is a dependency problem, it will not let you download it, I believe.. | 12:02 |
runedude | hmm | 12:02 |
tiglionabbit | you may need to add a repository with the dependencies it needs | 12:02 |
runedude | yeah add a repository :) | 12:03 |
runedude | hmm | 12:03 |
runedude | there was a good list I lost the link | 12:03 |
runedude | http://www.apt-get.org/ | 12:03 |
runedude | There. | 12:03 |
=== Whistler [~admin@82-135-244-53.ip.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== uman [~uman@VDSL-130-13-75-128.PHNX.QWEST.NET] has joined #ubuntu | ||
uman | Hi there everyone | 12:03 |
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uman | I'm a new installee of ubuntu | 12:04 |
tiglionabbit | it finds all of the dependencies on my system. I have the ubuntu universe and multiverse repositories | 12:04 |
uman | or whatever | 12:04 |
uman | new installer of Ubuntu | 12:04 |
tiglionabbit | hello uman, what's up? | 12:04 |
uman | tiglionabbit: not much | 12:04 |
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tiglionabbit | you liking ubuntu so far? | 12:04 |
uman | I sincerely hope I won't have to mess around with Ubuntu too much. | 12:04 |
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uman | tiglionabbit: yes | 12:04 |
tiglionabbit | gewd | 12:04 |
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uman | I installed it because I want to learn GTK+ programming | 12:04 |
Whistler | anybody can help me with refresh rates? | 12:05 |
geko | runedude, deb http://pkg-grass.alioth.debian.org/debian-gis <--- this is a repository? | 12:05 |
runedude | yes | 12:05 |
runedude | add that to your /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:05 |
runedude | and apt-get update | 12:05 |
uman | er...where is the NVidia driver documentation stored? | 12:05 |
Alfred1881 | hey i had an english test, is squat a very loud noise ? | 12:05 |
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dooglus | n 1: exercising by repeatedly assuming a squatting position; | 12:06 |
dooglus | strengthens the leg muscles [syn: squatting] | 12:06 |
dooglus | 2: the act of assuming or maintaining a squatting position | 12:06 |
=== housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-130-191.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Alfred1881 | can i easily install java flash and nvideadrivers to kubuntu or is it already installed | 12:06 |
runedude | i gotta go | 12:06 |
runedude | ttyl guys | 12:06 |
dooglus | http://dict.die.net/squat/ | 12:06 |
uman | Alfred1881: Nvidia drivers aren't I know that. | 12:07 |
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uman | Alfred1881: no squat is not a loud noise | 12:07 |
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geko | runedude, it tell me that the line is not correct when update | 12:07 |
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Alfred1881 | and are the nvideadrives easy to install with synaptic | 12:08 |
Seveas | mako, around? | 12:08 |
optik | Alfred1881: yes, yes they are as long as you have basic knowledge | 12:09 |
tiglionabbit | actually, in my experience it's easiest to use the nvidia drivers on their website. I haven't installed them using synaptic before. | 12:09 |
tiglionabbit | but I haven't needed to recently, so.. | 12:09 |
uman | apt-get install nvidia-glx | 12:10 |
tiglionabbit | okay | 12:10 |
uman | then change your xorg.conf, in a very trivial way. | 12:10 |
uman | s/nv/nvidia/g pretty much does it. | 12:10 |
runedude | geko: hmm.. i wouldnt know, i didnt use this sitemuch, i think you have to add a deb-src line for it aswell | 12:10 |
runedude | ttyl guys | 12:10 |
runedude | < out | 12:10 |
uman | runedude: bye | 12:10 |
uman | Alfred1881: what language do you speak natively? | 12:11 |
deco | i thought that ati's drives were hard to install, but actually it was just as easy as nvidia | 12:11 |
geko | runedude, i solved but got error connecting | 12:11 |
uman | Alfred1881: if you don't mind me asking | 12:11 |
dooglus | uman: American English, I'd guess | 12:11 |
=== stjepan [~stjepan@83-131-25-215.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stjepan | hello | 12:13 |
stjepan | is there a linux version of netscape? | 12:13 |
=== Ycros [~Ycros@c211-30-252-204.thorn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
uman | dooglus: :-P | 12:14 |
uman | stjepan: probably | 12:14 |
uman | stjepan: try Firefox instead | 12:14 |
stjepan | but where? | 12:14 |
stjepan | oh | 12:14 |
stjepan | I wnat netscape | 12:14 |
Alfred1881 | uman dutch | 12:14 |
uman | stjepan: www.getfirefox.com it's the best web browser | 12:14 |
uman | Alfred1881: oh, cool. | 12:14 |
=== AgentM [~agentm@p548E0F86.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stjepan | but where is netscape? | 12:15 |
uman | stjepan: Netscape is actually based on Firefox's code. | 12:15 |
stjepan | zes | 12:15 |
uman | stjepan: I don't know, have you tried netscape.com? | 12:15 |
Alfred1881 | uman you ? | 12:15 |
=== clatta [~clatta@217-162-130-96.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
uman | Alfred1881: English | 12:15 |
Alfred1881 | are you from britain ? | 12:15 |
uman | Alfred1881: no, the United States | 12:15 |
uman | wow Ubuntu is awesome | 12:15 |
Alfred1881 | i prefer kubuntu | 12:16 |
Alfred1881 | -->kde | 12:16 |
uman | I think my opinion of Linux, along with my brain, was largely destroyed by running Gentoo | 12:16 |
xydinesh | I don't like kde | 12:16 |
uman | Alfred1881: I see. | 12:16 |
Alfred1881 | are there more apps for kde than gnome ? | 12:16 |
gentl | uman:why you don't like gentoo? | 12:16 |
Alfred1881 | or are they for both | 12:17 |
uman | gentl: You're going to have to stay in this chat room for quite a while if you want me to be able to answer that one fully. | 12:17 |
uman | Alfred1881: you can run KDE apps on Gnome and Gnome apps on KDE | 12:17 |
xydinesh | sure there are more apps for kde | 12:17 |
uman | Alfred1881: so it doesn't matter all that much | 12:17 |
xydinesh | but Gnome is easy to use | 12:17 |
Alfred1881 | uman oooooooohhh realy !!!!coool!!! | 12:17 |
uman | Alfred1881: yep | 12:17 |
stjepan | exit | 12:17 |
gentl | kde better | 12:17 |
uman | gentl: mostly it has to do with wasting time compiling apps | 12:17 |
Alfred1881 | (k)ubuntu better | 12:17 |
=== Hehed [~Hehed@h24n1fls32o895.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xydinesh | alfred1881:but not 100% right | 12:18 |
Alfred1881 | so both ;) | 12:18 |
=== Whistler [tu11@82-135-244-53.ip.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xydinesh | some kde apps very slow under Gnome | 12:18 |
xydinesh | as I feel | 12:18 |
=== DunkMaster [~dunkmaste@dhcp-84-52-3-13.cable.infonet.ee] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== bionic [~bionic@140.80-202-73.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gentl | for example | 12:19 |
uman | wow this is the first Linux distro I've ever seen in which Firefox's "set picture as wallpaper" works without me having to do anything! w00t | 12:19 |
protocolX | Hydroxide: What is the best thing in ubuntu? | 12:19 |
uman | Ubuntu is my new favorite distro | 12:19 |
gentl | i also | 12:19 |
DunkMaster | hi there | 12:19 |
Whistler | best thing in ubuntu is synaptic | 12:19 |
Whistler | =] | 12:20 |
DunkMaster | yea | 12:20 |
DunkMaster | i like it | 12:20 |
geko | k i have installed it | 12:20 |
geko | now just one more question | 12:20 |
chantry | Whistler, its specific to ubuntu? | 12:20 |
geko | how cna i update my system? | 12:20 |
DunkMaster | damn, i cant find where i can share files on xmule | 12:20 |
chantry | Whistler, I didnt know that | 12:20 |
uman | ok now I'm going to be a n00b. | 12:20 |
uman | What does this mean? | 12:20 |
uman | mozilla-firefox mozilla-firefox-gnome-support | 12:20 |
uman | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded. | 12:20 |
xydinesh | when I tried to run k3b under gnome its damn slow | 12:21 |
uman | I'm trying to upgrade Firefox, and I've never used apt-get before | 12:21 |
uman | I did "apt-get upgrade mozilla-firefox" | 12:21 |
chantry | uman, geko it means rtfm | 12:21 |
DunkMaster | what are the p2p clients avaliable on apt-get? | 12:21 |
geko | k ) | 12:21 |
Whistler | http://pastebin.com/299275 | 12:21 |
Whistler | look | 12:21 |
uman | chantry: uh, thanks, you're not helpful. | 12:21 |
pfp | uman s/upgrade/install/ | 12:21 |
chantry | irc isn't a manual | 12:21 |
Whistler | what i am doing wrong | 12:21 |
uman | pfp: thanks. | 12:21 |
uman | why is it installing gcc 4 and libstdc++ when I do "apt-get install mozilla-firefox" | 12:22 |
uman | I cannot imagine Firefox needing GCC 4 | 12:22 |
protocolX | I had just downloaded one CD for ubuntu installation. The CD boots ok, I setup language,keyboard etc. But when It loads packages from CD, it fails to load CD. Anybody knows why? | 12:22 |
uman | protocolX: maybe you have a bad CD | 12:23 |
protocolX | How does it boot then? | 12:23 |
uman | protocolX: try burning another copy, or, have them send you one for free at shipit.ubuntulinux.com | 12:23 |
uman | protocolX: maybe only part of the CD is damaged | 12:23 |
xydinesh | do free shipping reliable | 12:23 |
xydinesh | I didn't get my copy yet | 12:24 |
DunkMaster | what are the p2p clients avaliable on apt-get exept xmule? | 12:24 |
Whistler | azureus | 12:24 |
holycow | as cool as beep media player is, i really like muine | 12:24 |
protocolX | I think I have to mount the CD during installation manually. | 12:25 |
Whistler | so will anybody help me with this http://pastebin.com/299275 ? | 12:25 |
DunkMaster | okay | 12:25 |
DunkMaster | thanx | 12:25 |
Whistler | np | 12:25 |
Whistler | =] | 12:25 |
gentl | protocolX:u use laptop? | 12:25 |
protocolX | I guess there is no problem ubuntu cd compilation. | 12:25 |
DunkMaster | one more question, i need media player that is easier on recources than XMMS | 12:25 |
DunkMaster | :P | 12:25 |
protocolX | No it's an old pc. | 12:25 |
DunkMaster | thats quite slow machine | 12:25 |
Whistler | anybody can help me? | 12:26 |
gentl | upgrade it | 12:26 |
protocolX | Pentium(I) 200 MHZ dual processor. | 12:26 |
vampire123 | asd | 12:26 |
DunkMaster | oh no | 12:26 |
DunkMaster | i have 200MMX | 12:26 |
DunkMaster | thats the thing im on atm | 12:26 |
Whistler | i have 150 | 12:27 |
DunkMaster | lol | 12:27 |
Whistler | not mmx | 12:27 |
Whistler | =] | 12:27 |
xydinesh | Whistler what is u'r prob | 12:27 |
DunkMaster | those machines are still useful | 12:27 |
Whistler | i use it for server | 12:27 |
Whistler | http://pastebin.com/299275 | 12:27 |
Whistler | here | 12:27 |
Whistler | my prob | 12:27 |
DunkMaster | oh, yea, i tried to install fluxbox | 12:27 |
xydinesh | u trying install gftp right | 12:27 |
Whistler | 150 64ram 4mb video it rocks | 12:27 |
holycow | not sure if there is anything less resource intensive than xmms | 12:27 |
DunkMaster | i need to configure it also? | 12:27 |
holycow | try beep media player or muine | 12:27 |
DunkMaster | okay | 12:28 |
xydinesh | whistler: u tring to install gftp right | 12:28 |
Whistler | yes | 12:28 |
Whistler | =] | 12:28 |
DunkMaster | little fulxbox problem | 12:28 |
DunkMaster | lol | 12:28 |
Triffid_Hunter | mpd? mp3blaster? | 12:28 |
DunkMaster | *fluxbox | 12:28 |
=== saunderez [~saunderez@203-206-22-130.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Triffid_Hunter | mm fluxbox is nice | 12:28 |
xydinesh | whistler:y don't u try to install gftp from source | 12:29 |
DunkMaster | i need to configure it right? | 12:29 |
DunkMaster | the config file | 12:29 |
uman | Whistler: I know the solution | 12:29 |
Whistler | ? | 12:29 |
=== Faith- [~faith@83-134-137-207.Leuven.GoPlus.FastDSL.tiscali.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DunkMaster | because when i try to boot with it , it just gives me my background and thats all | 12:29 |
=== Elyseum [~Elyseum@d5153EF05.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
uman | Whistler: change all instances of "us.archive.ubuntu.com" to just "archive.ubuntu.com" in your /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:29 |
xydinesh | Whistler: u could get done it by using sources either i guess | 12:30 |
uman | Whistler: apparently the us.archive.ubuntu.com servers are messed up | 12:30 |
uman | Whistler: I had this same problem with Firefox | 12:30 |
Whistler | ok | 12:30 |
Faith- | Hi, could anyone tell me where to chance what my laptop should do when closing it? (ie. standby, shutdown, etc). Or basically where I can tell it not to do anything at all? Will probably have something to do with APM or ACPI I guess.. | 12:30 |
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=== Hehed is now known as Hehe[gone] | ||
=== Kaibutsu [~chatzilla@p83.129.170.79.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
uman | I want to give whoever invented screen a gigantic hug | 12:32 |
uman | screen rules. | 12:32 |
xydinesh | uman: When I got those problem , building frm source help to get rid of them usually | 12:32 |
Whistler | http://pastebin.com/299280 is my sources file ok? | 12:32 |
=== Alinux [~LinuxOS@d83-176-93-233.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Whistler | ? | 12:33 |
Whistler | =] | 12:33 |
DunkMaster | will someone help me to solve the fluxbox problem? | 12:33 |
uman | Whistler: you missed two lines | 12:33 |
Whistler | what lines | 12:33 |
uman | Whistler: line 5 and line 6 in that listing | 12:33 |
uman | Whistler: change http://us.archive.ubuntu.com to http://archive.ubuntu.com | 12:34 |
uman | xydinesh: I suppose, but this is easier. | 12:34 |
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xydinesh | uman:hmmm, but after get familer with building with source dat is more enjoyable ;) | 12:34 |
Whistler | http://pastebin.com/299281 ok now? | 12:34 |
=== Trackilizer [~sdbsdbs@p54AE2339.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
uman | Whistler: yes, it should be. | 12:35 |
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uman | Whistler: now run "sudo apt-get update" | 12:35 |
uman | Whistler: then try again | 12:35 |
Whistler | ok | 12:35 |
uman | xydinesh: :-/ | 12:35 |
uman | xydinesh: I disagree | 12:35 |
uman | xydinesh: why build from source unless you need to? (because you want to modify it or configure it differently) | 12:36 |
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uman | when there are binaries available? | 12:36 |
sinialia | khh | 12:36 |
Kaibutsu | Hi | 12:36 |
xydinesh | uman: :) | 12:36 |
sinialia | who speak french here | 12:36 |
xydinesh | uman:It depends | 12:36 |
optik | I just installed gftp with no problems | 12:36 |
optik | from the uk archive though | 12:36 |
Whistler | optik good for u | 12:37 |
Whistler | =] [ | 12:37 |
optik | :P | 12:37 |
Kaibutsu | i've got a problem with my xServer, anybody here to help me? | 12:37 |
optik | in theory if you use my sources.list then it would work | 12:37 |
uman | sinialia: Je parle un peu du francais | 12:37 |
=== n3C [~n3C@klik27.klik.bydgoszcz.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sinialia | nobody speak french | 12:37 |
Whistler | :D | 12:37 |
Echylo | non | 12:37 |
Whistler | ziu ni komprent pa | 12:37 |
uman | sinialia: moi... mais seulement un peu | 12:37 |
DunkMaster | :( | 12:37 |
sinialia | ok uman | 12:37 |
Whistler | or smt | 12:38 |
Echylo | je peux parler le franais | 12:38 |
Whistler | =] | 12:38 |
Echylo | mais ce n'est pas trs bien | 12:38 |
DunkMaster | i wanna run fluxbox on this machine | 12:38 |
uman | Mon francais est mauvais :-/ | 12:38 |
=== Darkness [~bjoern@dsl-213-023-198-236.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sinialia | c part hasard ke je sui tomb sur ce chat ki peu m expliqueer | 12:38 |
=== Daylighthater [~fredoflob@dD5763E92.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Echylo | sinialia, ? :P | 12:38 |
Echylo | that was no french | 12:38 |
Echylo | :P | 12:38 |
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uman | sinialia: uh... tu peux ecris un peux plus lisablement? | 12:39 |
Darkness | hi | 12:39 |
=== doko_ [~doko___@dsl-084-059-033-037.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
uman | sinialia: avec du bon francais | 12:39 |
sinialia | c est par hasard ke je suis tomb sur ce tchat | 12:39 |
Echylo | jeezes, english persons don't only speak french funny | 12:39 |
=== ripok [~ripok@dsl-62-44-193-104.phnet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Echylo | and vica versa | 12:39 |
DunkMaster | oh yea, no azureus on apt-get | 12:39 |
Echylo | DunkMaster, you have to install it man? | 12:39 |
sinialia | qui peu m expliquer | 12:39 |
ripok | Hello | 12:39 |
Echylo | manually? | 12:39 |
optik | DunkMaster: there is azureus on apt-get | 12:39 |
Echylo | there is? | 12:39 |
optik | i used it | 12:40 |
Echylo | I don't even remember how I installed | 12:40 |
optik | do you have the backports repos ? | 12:40 |
DunkMaster | Echylo: i downloaded it, and installed, its on the session list | 12:40 |
optik | as i think it is in there | 12:40 |
DunkMaster | but when i boot with it, it gives me only my background colour | 12:40 |
DunkMaster | and then stops | 12:40 |
uman | sinialia: ce chat est pour un distribution de Linux qui s'appelle "Ubuntu" | 12:40 |
sinialia | uman tu pe m expliquer | 12:41 |
uman | expliquer quoi? | 12:41 |
Darkness | Does anyone one if it is possible to replace the gnome window manager with enligthtenment window manager while still running gnome? | 12:41 |
sinialia | c quoi ce x-chat c est la premiere fois que je me connecte | 12:41 |
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ripok | Is here Python gurus...? | 12:42 |
erbel | hi, i'm unable to get my volume control to work although i do have sound. is there a doc that can point me to the right way? sound card is ICH6 (azalea), alsa 1.0.8-4ubuntu4, linux, ubuntu 5.04 | 12:42 |
ripok | I tried to run python script and it answered like this: | 12:42 |
ripok | import: command not found | 12:42 |
uman | sinialia: je sais pas | 12:43 |
ripok | and syntax error near unexpected token `(' `class StatusError(Exception): pass' | 12:43 |
=== no0tic [~no0tic@host233-27.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sinialia | ok i understand now uman. so everybody in this is informaticien | 12:43 |
uman | sinialia: desole :-( | 12:43 |
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sinialia | i must go just now see you | 12:44 |
uman | sinialia: bye | 12:44 |
DunkMaster | E: Couldn't find package azureus | 12:45 |
tiglionabbit | that's true, I don't see azureus in the default repositories | 12:45 |
=== Howitzer [~adrian@119.55-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
protocolX | Anybody knows how to mount the installation CD during installation. Because installer fails to mount cd automatically. | 12:46 |
Howitzer | guys | 12:46 |
Howitzer | i need quick help | 12:46 |
Juhaz | ripok, that doesn't say anything without the "script", or at least part of the source that causes the error | 12:46 |
tiglionabbit | yeah howitzer, what? | 12:46 |
Howitzer | i took some photos with a digital camera and i need to put it on this computer by a USB | 12:46 |
tiglionabbit | should work | 12:46 |
Whistler | uman thx gftp works fine now | 12:46 |
Howitzer | how can i transfer the photo's on the px | 12:46 |
uman | Howitzer: ok...what's the problem? | 12:46 |
Whistler | =] | 12:46 |
uman | Whistler: no problem | 12:46 |
Howitzer | ehh | 12:46 |
uman | Howitzer: first of all | 12:46 |
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hornsby | Howitzer, should work out of the box | 12:47 |
ripok | Juhaz: script is http://www.sover.net/~ljohnstn/mailchck.py | 12:47 |
uman | actually nevermind | 12:47 |
Howitzer | eh? | 12:47 |
Howitzer | how do you mean? | 12:47 |
DunkMaster | Whistler: there is no azureus on apt-get | 12:47 |
uman | I'm not going to try to help because I don't know Ubuntu well enough | 12:47 |
hornsby | Howitzer, from konqueror, media | 12:47 |
tiglionabbit | dunkmaster: there may be a repository for it | 12:47 |
Howitzer | yes | 12:47 |
Howitzer | i only get my HD's, floppy and cd-roms there | 12:48 |
erbel | Howitzer, try using usb mass storage mode on camera. or ptp and hope gphoto supports your camera | 12:48 |
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Howitzer | no usb ports | 12:48 |
Howitzer | ehh | 12:48 |
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Howitzer | i have no idea | 12:48 |
ocool | hey zusammen | 12:48 |
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hornsby | Howitzer, or if you want something nice, digiKam is great tool | 12:48 |
DunkMaster | tiglionabbit: i dont quite get it, my english is not that good | 12:48 |
erbel | Howitzer, what camera? | 12:48 |
ocool | and cu | 12:48 |
Howitzer | isn't there a simple way to access my cam like you would do with a cd? :/ | 12:48 |
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=== Hector_Plasmic [~Hector_Pl@ANancy-154-1-18-99.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stevegriff | how long do you think a typical installation of ubuntu on a 64bit machine (amd) will takre? | 12:48 |
Howitzer | Fujifilm FinePix A340 | 12:48 |
hornsby | Howitzer, if you use PTP, more chances that it will work | 12:48 |
DunkMaster | Stevegriff: quite fast | 12:49 |
DunkMaster | it took 3 hours to install it on 200MMX machine | 12:49 |
Juhaz | ripok, wait, actually, that's not a python error, that's a bash error. how did you run it? | 12:49 |
erbel | i think fujifilm uses mass storage, it should appear as a removable usb drive | 12:49 |
Howitzer | in the /media/ folder? :/ | 12:49 |
hornsby | Howitzer, allow PTP transfer in your cam, connect it to the pc, go to konqueror-> media | 12:50 |
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Howitzer | i have 5 usb ports, none show up | 12:50 |
protocolX | how it is UBUNTU as server? | 12:50 |
tiglionabbit | howitzer: lsusb and see if it lists it | 12:50 |
ripok | Juhaz: first I tried it via Torsmo | 12:50 |
Howitzer | and PTP is camera-specific | 12:50 |
hornsby | Howitzer, is the camera in transfer mode ? | 12:50 |
stevegriff | DunkMaster - thx | 12:50 |
DunkMaster | np | 12:50 |
deco | hmm, i installed fluxbox, this is maybe the best workspace for this computer, but when i opened nautilius my fluxbox toolbar disapeared, how can i get it back? | 12:50 |
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protocolX | There was one option for choosing the installation type as Server. | 12:50 |
Howitzer | i have no idea, it's my dad's | 12:50 |
ripok | Juhaz: first I tried it via Torsmo ${execi 180 ~/.mailchck.py} and then in commandline ./.mailchk.py. same results | 12:51 |
DunkMaster | Deco, how you installed the fluxbox? you configured anything? | 12:51 |
junkpit | anybody has experience running Ubuntu on VMWare? | 12:51 |
hornsby | maybe should read your manual first | 12:51 |
erbel | Howitzer: try to tail -f /var/log/messages then plug in the cam | 12:51 |
deco | DunkMaster: with apt-get, i don't think i have configured anything | 12:51 |
DunkMaster | damn | 12:51 |
DunkMaster | me too | 12:51 |
protocolX | 12:51 | |
DunkMaster | but it shows only my background | 12:51 |
deco | DunkMaster: oh | 12:51 |
DunkMaster | and nothing | 12:51 |
Juhaz | ripok, hmm, it does have a correct "shebang" line so that should work if you didn't remove the first line. try running "python mailchck.py" on command line and see if that works | 12:52 |
DunkMaster | im quite tired of GNOME on slow machine | 12:52 |
deco | DunkMaster: well, i can get menu back if i do ctrl+alt+backspace and login again | 12:52 |
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DunkMaster | Deco: when i login, there is disc activity, but in some time it stops and nothing else happens | 12:53 |
tiglionabbit | I'm going to sleep. goodnight | 12:53 |
ripok | Juhaz: that works...At least partially. That way it doesn't throw error messages... | 12:54 |
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Euan | How do I get XEmacs to use colors in a terminal emulator? | 12:55 |
ripok | Juhaz: why it doesn't work when running script directly? | 12:55 |
Howitzer | hey wait | 12:56 |
Howitzer | i got it partially working | 12:56 |
Howitzer | Bus 004 Device 002: ID 04cb:014b Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd | 12:56 |
uman | ah, this is much better. | 12:56 |
Juhaz | ripok, there is something weird in that file, the #!/usr/bin/python isn't actually on the first line, although it looks like that way in web browser. | 12:56 |
=== bert_ [~bert@kotnet-160.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Howitzer | how the hell do i access it, PTP won't do it either | 12:57 |
uman | holy shit it's almost 4 o'clock AM!!! | 12:57 |
Howitzer | hey bert :D | 12:57 |
uman | I need to get to bed | 12:57 |
Howitzer | ehh | 12:57 |
Juhaz | ripok, open it in text editor and remove the first empty line so that #!... is first line | 12:57 |
uman | oops sorry are we allowed to swear in here? | 12:57 |
Howitzer | its 12:57PM :/ | 12:57 |
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DunkMaster | sorry for interrupting, but what about my fluxbox? | 12:57 |
DunkMaster | :) | 12:58 |
ripok | Juhaz: Yes, that worked. Thanks! | 12:58 |
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Howitzer | duken, | 12:58 |
Howitzer | oops | 12:58 |
Howitzer | DunkMaster, what is the problem | 12:58 |
DunkMaster | its not loading | 12:58 |
DunkMaster | when i login, there is disc activity, but in some time it stops and nothing else happens | 12:58 |
Howitzer | Oo | 12:59 |
DunkMaster | all i can see is my mouse cursor and my background color | 12:59 |
Howitzer | lol | 12:59 |
Howitzer | rightclick | 12:59 |
Howitzer | or try to | 12:59 |
DunkMaster | nothing | 12:59 |
Howitzer | hmm | 12:59 |
DunkMaster | tried already | 12:59 |
Howitzer | ctrl-alt-backspace | 12:59 |
DunkMaster | and what after that? | 12:59 |
uman | ok if I don't go to bed now | 12:59 |
uman | I won't be able to produce any code tomorrow. | 01:00 |
Howitzer | try to login again | 01:00 |
uman | Goodnight all. | 01:00 |
Howitzer | uman, is a pussy :D | 01:00 |
uman | lol | 01:00 |
uman | it's 4 AM | 01:00 |
DunkMaster | will try | 01:00 |
Howitzer | :D | 01:00 |
uman | I wish I were a pussy, I could finger myself! | 01:00 |
Howitzer | 4AM is for wusses | 01:00 |
uman | That would rule. | 01:00 |
uman | Bye all | 01:00 |
DunkMaster | lol | 01:00 |
DunkMaster | c ya | 01:00 |
Howitzer | bb | 01:00 |
DunkMaster | damn | 01:01 |
DunkMaster | but what if it will not work? | 01:01 |
DunkMaster | :D | 01:01 |
Howitzer | ehh | 01:01 |
Howitzer | do you have a login screen? | 01:01 |
DunkMaster | yep | 01:01 |
DunkMaster | i can choose session there | 01:01 |
Howitzer | well | 01:01 |
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Howitzer | what other desktops do you have? | 01:02 |
DunkMaster | gnome | 01:02 |
Howitzer | Gnome i suppose? | 01:02 |
DunkMaster | thats all | 01:02 |
Howitzer | well | 01:02 |
Howitzer | work with Gnome then | 01:02 |
DunkMaster | i wanted to use fluxbox as main | 01:02 |
Howitzer | or try Blackbox | 01:02 |
DunkMaster | but gnome is quite slow on this machine | 01:02 |
Howitzer | specs? Oo | 01:02 |
DunkMaster | whats the diff between blackbox and fluxbox | 01:02 |
Howitzer | don't know exactly | 01:02 |
DunkMaster | 200MMX, 48mb ram, 2 mb vga | 01:02 |
DunkMaster | etc | 01:03 |
Howitzer | i thought Fluxbox was based on blackbox | 01:03 |
Howitzer | omg | 01:03 |
Howitzer | i had the same one | 01:03 |
DunkMaster | lol | 01:03 |
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Howitzer | only i had 64mb :D | 01:03 |
airox | Hi | 01:03 |
DunkMaster | will try to apt-get blackbox first | 01:03 |
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Howitzer | nawh | 01:03 |
Howitzer | try fluxbox once more :D | 01:03 |
DunkMaster | will try | 01:03 |
airox | Is there any way to make Konquerer get faster ? When I enter an URL it takes a while before it loads the page. | 01:04 |
Choubaka | Heh. .P | 01:04 |
Choubaka | 1) Get a faster connection, or 2) Get a faster computer | 01:04 |
airox | Well Firefox does load pages very fast. | 01:04 |
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stevegriff | have gnome apps in ubuntu been compiled with --as-needed or not? | 01:05 |
chantry | airox, then use it | 01:05 |
airox | Browsing files is very fast. | 01:05 |
Choubaka | of course. | 01:05 |
Choubaka | the files are local :P | 01:05 |
ChinaCatJones | i have a question, how do I change the user highlight color on the gdm login screen, it currently uses something from the human theme | 01:05 |
DunkMaster | damn | 01:06 |
DunkMaster | just wanted to thank Howitzer | 01:06 |
DunkMaster | lol | 01:06 |
DunkMaster | hopefully brb | 01:07 |
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derder | hey all i just installed kubuntu next to mandrake, but can i reach the files in the mandrake folders | 01:10 |
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gfxmonk | 'evening... | 01:11 |
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gfxmonk | i'm trying to install ubuntu alongside windows: is the install CD able to resise my existing partitions, or do i need something like partition magic to do that first? | 01:12 |
optik | gfxmonk: I would recommend partition magic for resizing NTFS partitions | 01:13 |
gfxmonk | alrighty, will do | 01:13 |
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gfxmonk | also, while i was trying to find the option to resize partitions (in the install process), i came across this dialog, which wouldn't go away weather i selected "go back" or "continue" - I had to reboot :/ | 01:15 |
gfxmonk | http://gfxmonk.sysprosoft.com/partition.jpg | 01:15 |
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gfxmonk | it came up when i was in the manual partition setup. i selected an existing partition, then selected "size"... and got that | 01:16 |
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DunkMaster | woohaaaa | 01:16 |
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DunkMaster | blackbox worked | 01:17 |
shovel | anyone here using ifp-gnome or ifp-manager??? | 01:18 |
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shovel | I can only access the device with either program by running as root (sudo) is there a way around this? | 01:19 |
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_Darkness_ | I think you can change the access rights of that device...but I am no expert.. | 01:25 |
_Darkness_ | man chmod | 01:25 |
shovel | I knoe how to change rights with chmod, but I am not sure what that device is? | 01:26 |
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_Darkness_ | ..I just joined...what was the prog again..? | 01:26 |
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shovel | ifp-line | 01:27 |
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shovel | its for iriver mp3 player | 01:28 |
_Darkness_ | do you connect via usb? | 01:28 |
shovel | yep, but it is not a standard removable media device | 01:29 |
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_Darkness_ | does usbview see that device? | 01:32 |
m | hi there | 01:32 |
m | i'd like to know how can i set up my own local repos?? | 01:32 |
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hac | Ubuntu is more optimized than Debian? | 01:33 |
m | i mean i have gateway to the internet and i want this box to download packages and to redistribute them in lan over ethernet from repo localised on this gateway | 01:33 |
_Darkness_ | ..anyway, it should be possible to change the access status for the usb device... | 01:34 |
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_Darkness_ | never did it, but there is an entry in /dev/usb/... I would just try to change it.. | 01:34 |
shovel | just loading usbview now | 01:34 |
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shovel | there is no /dev/usb, sorry I am new to ubuntu, I did look for /dev/usb before I asked on here as I expected it to be there but it isn't | 01:36 |
=== Alfred11 [~derder@cust-214-0.dsl.versateladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_Darkness_ | mhmm...I am using ubuntu, too and I got that device.. | 01:36 |
Alfred11 | hey all i'm a noob, i just downloaded opera , but how can i install it | 01:37 |
shovel | it does show up in usbview BTW | 01:37 |
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_Darkness_ | dpkg -i opera* | 01:38 |
_Darkness_ | do you have entries like /dev/sd* | 01:38 |
protocolX | Anybody knows how to mount the installation CD during installation. Because installer fails to mount cd automatically. | 01:38 |
protocolX | I am trying to install ubuntu in Pentium MMX 200 Dual processor. | 01:39 |
chrissturm | Alfred11, sudo dpkg -i opera*.deb | 01:39 |
_Darkness_ | @Alfred11 only with the *deb package of course | 01:39 |
shovel | LOL found usb it is in /.dev/usb not /dev/usb STRANGE | 01:39 |
Alfred11 | thx | 01:39 |
Alfred11 | can't i do it with rightclick, extract here ? | 01:40 |
_Darkness_ | no | 01:40 |
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nak_bali | sira puniki | 01:40 |
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waxhead | nite all | 01:42 |
airox | nite | 01:42 |
shovel | _darkness_ not in /dev they are all in /.dev | 01:42 |
_Darkness_ | I got both folders... | 01:43 |
Alfred11 | how can i get access to my other mandriva partitions ? | 01:43 |
shovel | I have both folders, but onle tty* in /dev | 01:43 |
_Darkness_ | ..wait a second... | 01:43 |
Alfred11 | how can i get access to my other mandriva and windows partitions ? | 01:44 |
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Seveas | Alfred11, by mounting them | 01:45 |
Alfred11 | can you help me please | 01:46 |
shovel | /etc/fstab | 01:46 |
Seveas | Alfred11, in a terminal type sudo fdisk -l and paste the output of that on paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 01:46 |
Alfred11 | a nederlander | 01:46 |
Seveas | Alfred11, zeker :) | 01:46 |
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Seveas | Alfred11, #ubuntu-nl zit er vol mee :) | 01:47 |
Alfred11 | aha | 01:47 |
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Alfred11 | http://pastebin.com/299296 | 01:48 |
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Alfred11 | seveas http://pastebin.com/299296 | 01:49 |
Seveas | Alfred11, ok, now type mount (without argument) and paste that too. | 01:49 |
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Alfred11 | seveas http://pastebin.com/299298 | 01:51 |
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aramiil | hello all | 01:54 |
aramiil | my third problem of the day :P perhaps the endiest (I hope ^^) | 01:55 |
LokeDK | Is it possible to install ubuntu without net? because I have wireless net.. And I saw while i was installing it under vmware that it was downloading some packages | 01:55 |
Seveas | LokeDK, yes it is | 01:56 |
Seveas | everything you need to install Ubuntu is on the CD | 01:56 |
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LokeDK | Oh okay.. why was it downloading some stuff then? | 01:56 |
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_Darkness_ | @shovel I think I am not the right to help you as I do not really understand this usb stuff in linux...but I think it could be recognised as sd* of hd* with kernel 2.6....I suggest to google on keywords usb, hotplug, lsmod, dmesg..this should reveal sollutions to simmilar problems...sorry.. | 01:57 |
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aramiil | I would like to install Apache. I download it, I read "INSTALL" file. Ok, then I launch ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/Apache2 , and it told me: chek for gcc: no , and it stop. Well, ok, I google for gcc, I found some websites, download Gcc and... and i'm lost: what should I do now? :'( | 02:00 |
Alfred11 | seveas can you help me | 02:00 |
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_Darkness_ | I think people with digital cameras or other "not really standard" hardware face simmilar problems and might have a sollution.. | 02:00 |
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olimar | Hi all | 02:01 |
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olimar | I'm trying to install 3D accel for my ATI X300 | 02:01 |
olimar | downloaded and installed the official fglrx module | 02:02 |
bionic | olimar, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:02 |
olimar | but when trying fglrxinfo | 02:02 |
olimar | I get: | 02:02 |
olimar | fglrxinfo | 02:02 |
olimar | Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0". | 02:02 |
olimar | display: :0.0 screen: 0 | 02:02 |
olimar | OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org | 02:02 |
olimar | OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect | 02:02 |
olimar | OpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.2.1) | 02:02 |
bionic | Hmm, you have Option "UseInternalAGPGART" "no" | 02:02 |
bionic | in your xorg.conf? | 02:02 |
shovel | yep thanks _darkness_ googling ATM, seems most ubuntu users have resorted to usinng sudo :-/ | 02:02 |
olimar | bionic I followed exactly that page! | 02:03 |
olimar | 1 mn pls | 02:03 |
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bionic | olimar, i did that too, and got the same problem you did, i put that option in the ocnfig file, rebooted, and it works like a charm | 02:03 |
olimar | which option bionic? | 02:03 |
bionic | Option "UseInternalAGPGART" "no" | 02:04 |
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bionic | i actually had to reboot, restarting x didnt work, dunno why | 02:04 |
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Eudoxus | Hi, is someone awake? | 02:04 |
protocolX | except you :) | 02:05 |
olimar | Ah ok! | 02:05 |
olimar | ok I see | 02:05 |
Eudoxus | I have a Logitech Wheel Mouse. How can I get the wheel to work? | 02:05 |
Eudoxus | So I can scroll pages. | 02:05 |
olimar | Where should I put the option in the xorg file? (which pos.?) | 02:05 |
aramiil | How can I install gcc? I'm lost... :'( | 02:05 |
bionic | ZaxisMapping 4 5 in the config file | 02:05 |
bionic | Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" | 02:05 |
Eudoxus | aramiil: Enter Synaptic Package Manger from System, Administration. | 02:06 |
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aramiil | ok | 02:06 |
Eudoxus | Then go to Settings -> Repositories | 02:06 |
Alinux | hello I would like to test my webcam with gnomemeeting...someone can join me? | 02:07 |
aramiil | ok | 02:07 |
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Eudoxus | And set it to also see Community maintained packages. that way you can install a way more packages | 02:08 |
Eudoxus | then you go back, search for gcc and install it | 02:08 |
Eudoxus | easy | 02:08 |
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Eudoxus | bionic, talking to me? | 02:08 |
aramiil | ok I try ;) thanks a lot | 02:08 |
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Alfred11 | Seveas swapon: /dev/hdb5: Device or resource busy | 02:11 |
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aramiil | ok it works fine! thanks a lot :D another little question: is there a way to use msn's webcam? | 02:16 |
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jind | Alfred11, lsof /dev/hda5 to see what's occupies it | 02:16 |
jind | *what | 02:17 |
User68 | u.s.a | 02:17 |
Alfred11 | lsof: status error on /dev/hda5: No such file or directory | 02:18 |
Alfred11 | lsof 4.74 | 02:18 |
Alfred11 | latest revision: ftp://lsof.itap.purdue.edu/pub/tools/unix/lsof/ | 02:18 |
Alfred11 | latest FAQ: ftp://lsof.itap.purdue.edu/pub/tools/unix/lsof/FAQ | 02:18 |
Alfred11 | latest man page: ftp://lsof.itap.purdue.edu/pub/tools/unix/lsof/lsof_man | 02:18 |
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Alfred11 | usage: [-?abhlnNoOPRstUvV] [+|-c c] [+|-d s] [+D D] [+|-f] | 02:18 |
Alfred11 | [-F [f] ] [-g [s] ] [-i [i] ] [+|-L [l] ] [+m [m] ] [+|-M] [-o [o] ] | 02:18 |
Alfred11 | [-p s] [+|-r [t] ] [-S [t] ] [-T [t] ] [-u s] [+|-w] [-x [fl] ] [--] [names] | 02:18 |
Alfred11 | Use the ``-h'' option to get more help information. | 02:18 |
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DunkMaster | hi again | 02:18 |
DunkMaster | how the heck im supposed to run XFce? | 02:18 |
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olimar | Hi again! X was not broken BUT | 02:19 |
olimar | fglrx drivers don't seem to work! after reboot my screen was black! | 02:19 |
olimar | on a side note I totally forgot that I have a PCI express bus not an AGP one, as I'm on a laptop | 02:19 |
olimar | so I had to change to ati drivers again! | 02:20 |
Goshawk | what about anjuta 2.0? | 02:20 |
Alinux | someone wants to test gnomemeeting with me? | 02:20 |
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Kingmilo | hi guys | 02:21 |
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Kingmilo | i need to install xmame 0.96 but i need a repositrie with that latest build. The current one i have only has xmame 0.89 . anyone know of another rep that i can add to get the latest xmame? :) | 02:22 |
Alfred11 | how can i get access to my other mandriva and windows partitions ? | 02:23 |
Goshawk | Alinux, if you want we can test | 02:23 |
Goshawk | Alinux, pvt? | 02:23 |
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paul0 | i can use debian apt sources in ubuntu? | 02:23 |
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DunkMaster | how im supposed to run XFce? | 02:24 |
DunkMaster | i installed it | 02:24 |
eni_ | paul0, you can for most of the packages. but some might have problems. | 02:24 |
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eni_ | DunkMaster, when you logout you have to choose xfce in the login manager | 02:26 |
paul0 | thanks eni_ | 02:26 |
Kingmilo | guys, can someone give me a apt source for the latest even unstable sources please? | 02:26 |
DunkMaster | Eni_: it wasnt there | 02:26 |
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paul0 | debian testing is compatible with ubuntu 5.04? | 02:26 |
eni_ | DunkMaster, do you use gdm ? | 02:27 |
DunkMaster | gdm? | 02:27 |
Shish | Kingmilo: I use --> deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ breezy main restricted universe multiverse | 02:27 |
eni_ | yeah : DunkMaster | 02:27 |
eni_ | the gnome thing | 02:27 |
DunkMaster | oh, GNOME | 02:28 |
DunkMaster | yea | 02:28 |
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Kingmilo | thanks Shish :) | 02:29 |
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hac | How I Can Burn a Iso with Graveman?? | 02:31 |
chantry | lol | 02:32 |
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dunkmaster_ | sorry | 02:34 |
dunkmaster_ | was cut off | 02:34 |
`egg | ? | 02:35 |
dunkmaster_ | Eni_: what was the command? | 02:35 |
eni_ | which one | 02:35 |
eni_ | you have to create a .xsession file | 02:35 |
eni_ | cd /home/dunkmaster | 02:35 |
dunkmaster_ | the last one you gave me | 02:35 |
eni_ | gedit .xsession | 02:35 |
eni_ | and you have to type there the name of the xfce session | 02:36 |
eni_ | im not sure what it is . . . it might be xfce | 02:36 |
dunkmaster_ | when i typed xfce, it turned it on | 02:36 |
eni_ | ok | 02:36 |
eni_ | type in the document xfce | 02:37 |
eni_ | and save that. | 02:37 |
dunkmaster_ | but im on FVWM atm | 02:37 |
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dunkmaster_ | saved it | 02:37 |
dunkmaster_ | now what? | 02:37 |
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`egg | zZzZ | 02:37 |
eni_ | youll have a terminal that asks for | 02:38 |
eni_ | username | 02:38 |
eni_ | password | 02:38 |
eni_ | and than you have to type startx. | 02:38 |
dunkmaster_ | okay | 02:38 |
eni_ | there wont be a login manager | 02:38 |
dunkmaster_ | and it will start in xfce? | 02:38 |
eni_ | now you have to edit the /etc/inittab | 02:38 |
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Alinux | can I test my gnomemeeting with someone? | 02:39 |
dunkmaster_ | what do i edit there? | 02:39 |
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eni_ | become root, gedit /etc/inittab. and find this line id:5:initdefault: and make it id:3:initdefault: [the 5 to 3] | 02:39 |
geko | guys wich mp3 player do you use? | 02:40 |
geko | in kde i used amarok | 02:40 |
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eni_ | geko : xmms, and beep-media-player | 02:40 |
airox | xmms over here | 02:40 |
dunkmaster_ | Eni_: id:2:initdefault: thats what there is | 02:41 |
dunkmaster_ | id:5:initdefault: is not there | 02:41 |
eni_ | change that to 3. | 02:41 |
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peter2 | dooglus, you are here everyday ? | 02:44 |
peter2 | what editor does one recommend when I have to work from terminal ? | 02:44 |
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airox | peter2: vim ? | 02:44 |
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eni_ | peter2, nano | 02:45 |
peter2 | yeah VIM, but it seems quite difficult | 02:45 |
n3C | so? | 02:45 |
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n3C | what should i download to install xfce? | 02:45 |
peter2 | is nano standard ? | 02:45 |
n3C | any1 can tell me? | 02:45 |
ywwg | Hello to the gigantic ubuntu irc channel | 02:45 |
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`egg | ? | 02:47 |
ywwg | I just restored a system from backup, is there a way to make sure the packages as listed in the database match the files that are actually installed? | 02:47 |
eni_ | n3C, as root. apt-get install xfce. | 02:47 |
n3C | anything else? | 02:47 |
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n3C | any librarys, panels? | 02:48 |
n3C | or something? | 02:48 |
ferry | alloooooooooooo | 02:48 |
paul0 | W: GPG error: http://ftp.br.debian.org testing Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY F1D53D8C4F368D5D | 02:49 |
paul0 | W: GPG error: http://ftp.br.debian.org testing/non-US Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY B629A24C38C6029A | 02:49 |
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ferry | aaalo | 02:49 |
Nige | ello | 02:49 |
petrf | #betas-xdcc | 02:49 |
paul0 | i can't use debian testing sources =/ | 02:49 |
n3C | apt-get install xfce4 | 02:50 |
n3C | or | 02:51 |
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n3C | apt-get install xfce | 02:51 |
n3C | ? | 02:51 |
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eni_ | apt-cache search xfce | 02:51 |
eni_ | and find out. than | 02:51 |
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mmport80 | hi guys, i have a sound problem after installing hoary (fresh install) | 02:53 |
mmport80 | my chipset (SiS SI7012 C-Media CMI9761) is listed as working in the ubuntu documentation | 02:54 |
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`egg | (alsa,oss...) | 02:54 |
=== DunkMaster [~dunkmaste@dhcp-84-52-3-13.cable.infonet.ee] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DunkMaster | damn | 02:54 |
=== GazaM [~gareth@83-70-65-56.b-ras1.srl.dublin.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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mmport80 | master pcm cd etc. aren't muted | 02:55 |
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mmport80 | - as seen thru alsamixer | 02:55 |
`egg | VIA LOL | 02:55 |
GazaM | Can anybody here open up audacity or another oss app while playing music? | 02:55 |
Alinux | howto add to firestarter a new UDP port...I see there is only TCP port adding possibility :( | 02:55 |
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mmport80 | Via? - sis | 02:57 |
erbel | GazaM: i have to use a sound server | 02:57 |
GazaM | How do you set it up erbel? | 02:57 |
erbel | GazaM: i use esd | 02:57 |
GazaM | I have followed guides on ubuntuforums, but still I can't use oss at the same time as alsa | 02:57 |
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bionic | No c compiler in ubuntu 5.04? | 03:01 |
bionic | configure:2293: checking for gcc | 03:01 |
bionic | configure:2322: result: no | 03:01 |
bionic | configure:2373: checking for cc | 03:01 |
bionic | configure:2402: result: no | 03:01 |
bionic | configure:2415: checking for cc | 03:01 |
bionic | configure:2461: result: no | 03:01 |
bionic | configure:2514: checking for cl | 03:01 |
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bionic | configure:2543: result: no | 03:01 |
bionic | configure:2557: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH | 03:01 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
bionic | sorry for the spam. | 03:01 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+q bionic!*@*] by Seveas | ||
mmport80 | install build-essentials | 03:01 |
tritium | bionic, please don't paste. Install build-essential | 03:01 |
tritium | (no "s" at the end) | 03:01 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-q bionic!*@*] by Seveas | ||
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erbel | GazaM: try looking for esddsp | 03:02 |
bionic | Sorry, thanks. | 03:02 |
Seveas | bionic, use paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 03:02 |
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Seveas | but DO NOT paste in here | 03:02 |
=== Fitzsimmons [~justin@fitzsimmons.user] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_Darkness_ | @mmport80 do you have onboard sound ? disable it if you use a soundcard and try again | 03:02 |
EgilOfBorg | hello, I need to install the php4-gd package, but cant find a place to get it from. Can somebody help out (it should be a ftp server) | 03:02 |
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Fitzsimmons | I have two sound cards. How do I choose which one to use? | 03:02 |
Seveas | EgilOfBorg, it is in the ubuntu repositories | 03:03 |
DunkMaster | anyone using login manager? | 03:03 |
inc595 | anyone know the string to use to have xine auto run instead totem for dvd.. i know i need to edit the removable drives and media preferences | 03:03 |
Seveas | in the universe section iirc | 03:03 |
GazaM | erbel, it doesn't show up in synaptic | 03:03 |
DunkMaster | id like to add XFCE there | 03:03 |
m0rphx | ah, xcursor1 broke my firefox under breezy | 03:03 |
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EgilOfBorg | Seveas, which? | 03:03 |
EgilOfBorg | its a server installation | 03:03 |
Seveas | php4-gd | 03:03 |
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mmport80 | _Darkeness_ yeh i'm using onboard sound, but may try getting a sounds card if the worse comes to the worst | 03:03 |
EgilOfBorg | yep, but witch repositoriy? | 03:04 |
Seveas | standard ubuntu repository | 03:04 |
=== DaBlade [~dablade@ti231210a080-0767.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DaBlade | Hello | 03:04 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tritium] by ChanServ | ||
EgilOfBorg | how do I make it available? apt whines about it not being avail able, | 03:04 |
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Fitzsimmons | how do I choose which sound card to use? | 03:04 |
m0rphx | inc595: gnome-volume-properties | 03:04 |
Seveas | EgilOfBorg, enable universe | 03:04 |
DaBlade | How do I disable specific services from running on startup? | 03:04 |
Seveas | EgilOfBorg: Adding Repositories: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 03:04 |
tritium | DaBlade, with update-rc.d | 03:04 |
EgilOfBorg | ahh thanks | 03:04 |
DaBlade | ok thanks | 03:04 |
Seveas | DaBlade, update-rc.d -f SERVICE_NAME remove | 03:04 |
DaBlade | I wanna see a list of services too, because there are many things I wanna disable | 03:05 |
inc595 | m0rphx, I had it running before and someone gave me the string and the day after my install got hosed so i lost it | 03:05 |
DaBlade | Tor...icecast server...clam.. | 03:05 |
Seveas | DaBlade, ls /rc2.d/S* | 03:05 |
DaBlade | everything as sudo? | 03:05 |
tritium | yes | 03:05 |
inc595 | i know it's something like xine --autorun -- something | 03:05 |
DaBlade | ok thanks | 03:05 |
Seveas | the ls can be done as normal user | 03:05 |
DaBlade | dablade@LinuxP2P:~$ ls /rc2.d/S* | 03:06 |
DaBlade | ls: /rc2.d/S*: No such file or directory | 03:06 |
DunkMaster | well? please | 03:06 |
Seveas | DaBlade, ls /etc/rc2.d/S* | 03:06 |
DaBlade | ah | 03:06 |
DaBlade | thanks | 03:06 |
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=== sinnlos [~sinnlos@217-68-167-72.cable.primacom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DaBlade | ok, so do I just remove the name or the S20 before it? | 03:07 |
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Seveas | DaBlade, no | 03:07 |
DaBlade | no what? | 03:07 |
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Seveas | for each service you want to disable, you type sudo update-rc.d -f SERVICE_NAME remove | 03:08 |
Seveas | like update-rc.d -f gdm remove | 03:08 |
DaBlade | the ones I wanna remove are /etc/rc2.d/S20clamav-freshclam, /etc/rc2.d/S20zope, /etc/rc2.d/S20tor | 03:08 |
DaBlade | ah ok | 03:08 |
geko | guys package files are removed after installation? | 03:09 |
Seveas | geko, no | 03:09 |
Seveas | apt-get clean removes them | 03:09 |
Seveas | and apt-get clean is run by cron | 03:09 |
DaBlade | just a question | 03:09 |
Seveas | so they will be removed at certain times | 03:09 |
geko | it's better to remove | 03:09 |
DaBlade | I'm on ADSL | 03:09 |
DaBlade | does ppp need to be running? | 03:09 |
geko | or let it do by cron? | 03:10 |
DunkMaster | Seveas: how can i boot into XFCE? | 03:10 |
Seveas | geko, if your free harddrive space is low, remove them yourself :) | 03:10 |
Seveas | DunkMaster, aptitude install xfce4 and choose xfce from the session list in GDM | 03:10 |
bionic | Are there any ubuntu java packages? | 03:10 |
DunkMaster | not there Seveas | 03:11 |
Seveas | bionic, not officially | 03:11 |
DunkMaster | it is installed | 03:11 |
DunkMaster | i can run it under other WM | 03:11 |
Seveas | DunkMaster, have you installed the xfce4 metapackage? | 03:11 |
inc595 | ok got it working | 03:11 |
DunkMaster | using terminal | 03:11 |
DunkMaster | metapackage? | 03:11 |
tritium | bionic, use java-package to build your own jre .deb from Sun's installer | 03:11 |
DunkMaster | i installed that apt-get did | 03:11 |
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Seveas | DunkMaster, then you should see 'xfce session' when you hit the session button in GDM | 03:12 |
DunkMaster | but | 03:12 |
DunkMaster | what is the package name? | 03:12 |
Seveas | as i said | 03:13 |
Seveas | xfce4 | 03:13 |
DunkMaster | okay | 03:13 |
DunkMaster | will try | 03:13 |
DunkMaster | omg | 03:13 |
DunkMaster | its big | 03:13 |
Seveas | duh... | 03:13 |
DunkMaster | lol | 03:13 |
DunkMaster | i just downloaded and installed XFCE | 03:14 |
DunkMaster | in apt-get | 03:14 |
DunkMaster | i hope it will work this time | 03:14 |
DunkMaster | brb, foog | 03:15 |
DunkMaster | *food | 03:15 |
=== yure [~yure@dhcp-212-235-229-194.sd.uni-lj.si] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kingmilo | anyone use xmame here? | 03:17 |
Deep6 | Kingmilo, I do but not on ubuntu | 03:18 |
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DunkMaster | what us xmame? | 03:19 |
randabis | 03:19 | |
Kingmilo | Deep, yea i cant get the latest version, gentoo i do, but ubuntu i cant find sources that will supply the latest version of xmame | 03:20 |
Kingmilo | xmame is for playing old skool atari etc games on ur linux distro, it's like an emulator | 03:20 |
Kingmilo | gxmame is hte gui for xmame | 03:20 |
=== Watcher [~watcher@19-49.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kingmilo | works brilliantly, but unfortunately i cant get the latest ver. installed on ubuntu | 03:20 |
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DaBlade | Hello? | 03:21 |
=== tritium waves | ||
DaBlade | I asked if I needed a process called "ppp" to autostart when I'm on a LAN connected to ADSL | 03:21 |
DunkMaster | okay | 03:22 |
DaBlade | I don't know for sure, but I don't think it's neccessary to have it run | 03:22 |
Kingmilo | it's amazing how many ppl actually read what u type but dont answer. Imagine everyone answered at once, what mayhem, but at least someone might be able to help me lol :) | 03:22 |
Kingmilo | DaBlade, no you dont. ppp is mainly for dial-up ... id u use ur LAN then no | 03:23 |
tritium | Kingmilo, you can't assume that everyone that reads what you type has an answer for you | 03:23 |
DaBlade | Ok, I'll remove it from startup then | 03:23 |
Kingmilo | tritium, of course not, but i could ask a very generic question that could apply to most and then that would be chaos, i was just being silly. Example: whats everyones real name, or where does everyone live. :P | 03:24 |
tritium | DaBlade, that script doesn't run anyway, unless you've configured a ppp connection to start at boot | 03:25 |
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DaBlade | ah | 03:26 |
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Kingmilo | tritium, could you help me with installing the latest version of xmame. I need to find sources that have it, so far everything i have tried only has the older version? :) | 03:27 |
tritium | Kingmilo, what's the latest version? | 03:28 |
DunkMaster | Seveas | 03:28 |
Kingmilo | tritium, 0.96 | 03:28 |
Seveas | c'est moi | 03:28 |
DaBlade | thanks for the help people. Adios | 03:29 |
DunkMaster | Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/x/xfce4-panel/xfce4-panel_4.2.1.1-1ubuntu1_i386.deb MD5Sum mismatch | 03:29 |
DunkMaster | E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing? | 03:29 |
Kingmilo | cheers DaBlade | 03:29 |
tritium | Kingmilo, I'm only aware of the version 0.86-1 packages in multiverse | 03:29 |
DunkMaster | :( | 03:29 |
Seveas | DunkMaster, look at the topic | 03:29 |
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DunkMaster | sorry | 03:29 |
Seveas | DunkMaster: To switch to a working mirror type the following: sudo sed -e 's/us.archive/archive/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update | 03:29 |
DunkMaster | then retry to download it again? | 03:29 |
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Kingmilo | tritium, yes, but i have the latest version installed on my gentoo machine. :/ | 03:31 |
Kingmilo | tritium, http://x.mame.net/ | 03:31 |
Kingmilo | tritium, there must be some place that provides it, what about the deb sources? :) | 03:31 |
tritium | Kingmilo, if you absolutely need the latest version, why not build it from source? | 03:31 |
Seveas | DunkMaster, yes | 03:32 |
Kingmilo | tritium, i did try building from source, it was my first option, not succesfull lol. So now im opting for searching for the binary from a precompiled source :) | 03:32 |
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DunkMaster | ok | 03:33 |
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tritium | Kingmilo, looks like you'll have to figure out what's preventing you from building from source if you want 0.97 | 03:35 |
DunkMaster | yay, installing | 03:36 |
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digip1mp | what file do I need to edit so that my package lists are downloaded successfully. I had previously switched to an alternative archive when the us.archive.ubuntu server was down | 03:40 |
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tritium | digip1mp, /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:41 |
digip1mp | ah | 03:41 |
digip1mp | thanks | 03:41 |
kris | what | 03:41 |
kris | ???? | 03:41 |
DunkMaster | brb | 03:41 |
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ryanomalley_ | hey | 03:43 |
ryanomalley_ | I by accidently deleted where minimized applications are in GNOME | 03:44 |
ryanomalley_ | whats it called? | 03:44 |
ryanomalley_ | If I want to add it to the panel again | 03:44 |
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tritium | Guess he didn't want to wait around for an answer... | 03:44 |
JohnMurdoch | heh | 03:45 |
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Seveas | :) | 03:45 |
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_kaz | anyone know of any cross-platform (windows & ubuntu) encryption software ? | 03:48 |
JohnMurdoch | _kaz, gnupg? | 03:48 |
Kamping_Kaiser | gpg? | 03:48 |
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_kaz | does it support secure containers and stuff? | 03:48 |
m0rphx | bestcrypt perhaps | 03:49 |
Seveas | gnupg is a simple encryption/signing system | 03:49 |
_kaz | bestcrypt is commercial/closed source no? | 03:49 |
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m0rphx | it's free, but not open source, at least under windows, imho | 03:50 |
_kaz | I have a smartcard I want to encrypt & be able to read on both OS's | 03:50 |
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Hoxzer | How ubuntu should wor as a shell? | 03:53 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | hm.? | 03:54 |
Hoxzer | *work | 03:54 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i don't understand, sorry.... | 03:54 |
tritium | Hoxzer, it provides many shells, including bash | 03:54 |
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Hoxzer | well I like to use irssi via putty | 03:55 |
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XMage | hi all. any hints on disabling the VESA frame buffer on boot ? | 03:57 |
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mvirkkil | How can I find what package to install to get a certani .h file? | 03:59 |
tritium | XMage, did you try "nofb" ? | 03:59 |
XMage | mvirkkil, what .h file do you need? I'm guessing you're recompiling your kernel or something ? | 04:00 |
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XMage | tritium, is that in grub's menu.lst ... ? let me look ... | 04:01 |
tritium | XMage, no, it's a kernel boot parameter | 04:01 |
mvirkkil | XMage: No, it's a development header file. Called gphoto2-port.h | 04:01 |
umarmung | mvirkkil: you can install/use apt-file | 04:01 |
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mvirkkil | umarmung: apt-file was just what I was looking for. | 04:02 |
mvirkkil | umarmung: I just couldn't remember what it was called :) | 04:02 |
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Matthew_I | is there a problem with ubuntu's wpasupplicant package? | 04:03 |
Kingmilo | tritium, forgive me for being persistent, but i cant really come to grasps with the apt package managment tool, i find gentoo's emerge far better. There should be a section or a reposotorie (sp), that you add that will update your packages with the latest versions be it stable or not. Maybe i just have lots to learn about debians apt get :) | 04:03 |
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Matthew_I | apt is telling me there is an md5sum mismatch | 04:04 |
Kingmilo | in simple SA terms, apt get is not "lekker" :P | 04:04 |
tritium | Kingmilo, you add repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list. The problem in your case with xmame, is that nobody has packaged the latest version. | 04:04 |
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tritium | lekker? | 04:05 |
chrissturm | kingmilo: life is too short to run gentoo | 04:05 |
mvirkkil | Anyone care to confirm a bug: apt-file needs curl to run 'apt-file update' but doesn't recommend or suggest curl. | 04:05 |
Kingmilo | chrissturm, we cant have distro wars here lol, linux is the real winner. But i must say that ur comment sounds like it is coming from someone who has never got it working, no offence :P | 04:07 |
Kingmilo | tritium, how can you be sure that not one person has the latest version packed? There must be some place, surely debian have the latest? | 04:07 |
tritium | Kingmilo, this has nothing to do with emerge vs. apt-get | 04:07 |
chrissturm | kingmilo, i dont like distro wars either, but i found that one really funny, especially for people who used gentoo for some time | 04:07 |
Kingmilo | tritium, maybe backports | 04:07 |
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Revelation | *bbl* installering av linux kernel :O | 04:08 |
tritium | Kingmilo, maybe, but that's not an official repo | 04:08 |
Kingmilo | chrissturm, yes it is funny i must admit lol :) | 04:08 |
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tritium | Kingmilo, I never said I was sure about that. What I am sure about is that the xmame website doesn't list any .deb repositories, I don't play games, and I'm only familiar with those packages that are in official ubuntu repositories. | 04:08 |
chrissturm | kingmilo: most of my uptime i had emerge running :) | 04:09 |
Kingmilo | tritium, i think ive surpassed "official", at this stage :) All i want to know is if it is possible, and if it is i would like a little assistance as i am fairly new. I grasp the nano .sources file, thats not a prob :) | 04:09 |
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Kingmilo | lol chrissturm :P | 04:09 |
tritium | Kingmilo, if you're aware of a repository that has a newer package, add it to your sources.list, then. | 04:10 |
Kingmilo | tritium, ok, thanks for helping anyways, ill give it a try and let you know if anyone likes :) | 04:10 |
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chrissturm | kingmilo: i would just compile xmame from source | 04:10 |
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tritium | that's what I told him... | 04:10 |
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_kevin | is there a keyboard shortcut to taking a screenshot while doing something | 04:10 |
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Kingmilo | chrissturm, that was my first option guys, it didnt work out. My knowledge and time is limited in that regard 'ironically so' :P | 04:11 |
tritium | _kevin, PrintScreen | 04:11 |
_kevin | ohh yea | 04:11 |
_kevin | forgot aboutt hat one | 04:11 |
_linuxAS_ | hi | 04:11 |
chrissturm | what error did you get? | 04:11 |
tritium | _kevin, and Alt-PrintScrn to take a shot of a window | 04:11 |
chrissturm | kingmilo: compiling from source is really easy once you grasp some basics. i can help you getting started | 04:11 |
tritium | Kingmilo, I thought gentoo folks compiled stuff all the time ;) | 04:12 |
chrissturm | tritium: they do without knowing how to | 04:12 |
Kingmilo | tritium, lol, no need to get silly :) emerge does the compiling :P | 04:12 |
Seveas | chrissturm, and that exactly is the bad thing about newbies using gentoo :) | 04:13 |
tritium | Kingmilo, you likely had a missilng library | 04:13 |
chrissturm | gentoo is for people wanting a job at microsoft | 04:13 |
chrissturm | ok, sorry | 04:13 |
Kingmilo | chrissturm, i know the basics | configure | make | make install | also i setup my CFLAGS and so forth, but make is failing on building sounds.c :/ | 04:13 |
tritium | ooh, careful, drobbins was in here last night ;) | 04:13 |
Seveas | chrissturm is looking for a kick :p | 04:13 |
chrissturm | i thought that one was pretty funny too :) | 04:14 |
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tritium | Kingmilo, make sure you find out what libraries it needs to compile, and then make sure you've got them installed | 04:14 |
chrissturm | kingmilo: probably you have some -dev package missing | 04:14 |
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chrissturm | Kingmilo, did you get an error from ./configure ? | 04:15 |
caonex | i was trying to install ubuntu from knoppix becase of no possible other way and when i rebooted i the boot process stopped configuring a scsi cd. I try it with it and without any scsis at all, booting ubuntu, but still tried to configure it with no hardware whatsoever, any ideas on how to get around this? | 04:15 |
tritium | caonex, no possible other way? | 04:15 |
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prego | On hoary, with gnome, the first time I use the gnome-menu it takes ages to pop up. Is there any way to have it loading in background while gnome starting up? | 04:15 |
chrissturm | canonex: how did you do it? debootstrap? | 04:15 |
caonex | tritium, well no burner and only a knoppix live cd, ? | 04:16 |
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caonex | chrissturm, yes that is what i did, why? | 04:16 |
AlwaysModest | anyone using ubuntu ppc? | 04:16 |
tritium | AlwaysModest, yep | 04:16 |
AlwaysModest | tritium: with bootx? | 04:16 |
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tritium | AlwaysModest, no, yaboot | 04:17 |
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chrissturm | caonex: i just read about it some time ago and always wanted to try it. | 04:17 |
zhukov | hello everyone | 04:17 |
caonex | chrissturm, i have tried it twice, the first one did work with only sata, now this time, i guess i will have to restart the installation again | 04:17 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hi | 04:17 |
AlwaysModest | tritium: i'm trying to get ubuntu on my beige g3 and i got the first part of configuring bootx down and installing the system, but now i can't boot into the system i just installed | 04:17 |
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caonex | chrissturm, for some reason it is stopping the boot process at the scsi detection | 04:17 |
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justin | AlwaysModest: why not | 04:18 |
chrissturm | caonex: maybe you have some knoppix parts left | 04:18 |
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AlwaysModest | justin: i know i have to get the kernel from the new system onto bootx... but i can't find it | 04:18 |
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justin | AlwaysModest: /boot/ | 04:18 |
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AlwaysModest | justin: can i do that from os9? | 04:19 |
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tritium | AlwaysModest, sorry, I'm not familiar with bootx | 04:19 |
justin | AlwaysModest: doubt it, unless it is on the cd somewhere too | 04:19 |
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geko | hi to all | 04:19 |
`egg | hi geco | 04:19 |
justin | AlwaysModest: should be able to boot the installer again and use that to copy the image to os9 | 04:19 |
geko | guys how can i remove cups and samba ? | 04:20 |
goye2cz | hello again, just connected my digital camera to my computer running ubuntu. I've downloaded my jpgs and pgs, but am unable to view the mpgs. Any help? | 04:20 |
geko | is it ok from synaptic? | 04:20 |
tritium | geko, "sudo apt-get remove <packagename>" (can also use the --purge option) | 04:20 |
AlwaysModest | justin: go back to the installer? | 04:20 |
goye2cz | also, any good program to manage many pictures? | 04:20 |
caonex | chrissturm, i doubt it because i installed from live cd and when i reboot all that is gone. Basically, it is in the ram. | 04:20 |
tritium | geko, yes, you can use synaptic if you prefer | 04:20 |
chrissturm | caonex: right | 04:21 |
caonex | chrissturm, i installed in a chrooted environment, as well. | 04:21 |
goye2cz | sorry, that should be jpgs and mpgs | 04:21 |
chrissturm | my bad | 04:21 |
caonex | chrissturm, no bad. It is ok, dude. | 04:21 |
Morten^Toft | goye2cz, have you tried vlc for the mpgs ? | 04:21 |
chrissturm | :) | 04:22 |
_magog_ | vlc is great | 04:22 |
caonex | chrissturm, is not like you left me in the floor and said: "my bad" | 04:22 |
caonex | ;) | 04:22 |
chrissturm | hehe | 04:22 |
geko | tritium, it will also remove it from services? | 04:22 |
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_magog_ | you dont even need to get all those avi codecs when u use vlc | 04:22 |
justin | AlwaysModest: http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/powerpc/install | 04:22 |
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goye2cz | Morten^Toft: no I haven't, how do I come up with that? | 04:22 |
justin | AlwaysModest: read section 7.1.1 | 04:22 |
Dyllan | nice :/ | 04:22 |
AlwaysModest | cool ok | 04:22 |
`egg | yea linux 2.6.12 is out | 04:22 |
Morten^Toft | goye2cz, sudo apt-get install vlc | 04:22 |
geko | i wanna just see the services ubuntu start | 04:23 |
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justin | AlwaysModest: If you use BootX to boot into the installed system.... | 04:23 |
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Kingmilo | ahh :) | 04:23 |
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tritium | geko, yes, the initscripts are contained in the packages, and will be removed. Hence, the services will be stopped. | 04:23 |
geko | tritium, and just for stop them? | 04:23 |
geko | is there a tool to see wich services are running? | 04:23 |
tritium | geko, do you want to uninstall, or just stop them? Permanently, or temporarily? | 04:24 |
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AlwaysModest | justin: thanks :) | 04:24 |
goye2cz | Morten^Toft: any idea how I find out how much disk space I have remaining? | 04:24 |
geko | for now just stop them | 04:24 |
geko | but i don't know wich services are runnign | 04:25 |
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DunkMaster | yay | 04:25 |
Morten^Toft | goye2cz, you can check in the file manager | 04:25 |
DunkMaster | XFCe worked | 04:25 |
Morten^Toft | goye2cz, i don't know of any commandline way to do it (but i'm sure one exists) | 04:25 |
DunkMaster | thank you very much Seveas | 04:26 |
chrissturm | how can i use gnome volume manager when running xfce? or has xfce its own automounter? | 04:26 |
DunkMaster | now another problem | 04:26 |
tritium | goye2cz, df -h | 04:26 |
DunkMaster | where can i change the keyboard layout? | 04:26 |
caonex | can one use smart boot manager to install from an iso image? | 04:26 |
tritium | goye2cz, du -h is also nice (disk usage, rather than disk free, in this case) | 04:26 |
Kamping_Kaiser | caonex, probably | 04:26 |
chrissturm | caonex: you could install from the iso with vmware | 04:26 |
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DunkMaster | please | 04:27 |
DunkMaster | where can i change the keyboard layout? | 04:27 |
goye2cz | all three ways did the job. thanks. | 04:27 |
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Morten^Toft | goye2cz, np | 04:27 |
tritium | goye2cz, :) | 04:27 |
chrissturm | DunkMaster, system/preferences/keyboard | 04:27 |
DunkMaster | oh | 04:27 |
DunkMaster | there | 04:27 |
DunkMaster | damn im dumb | 04:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | chrissturm beat me there :P | 04:28 |
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AlwaysModest | justin: still nothing | 04:28 |
justin | AlwaysModest: what does that mean | 04:28 |
caonex | chrissturm, but that would be within the emulated environment, i do not want that, and besides i do not have any os working at the moment. | 04:28 |
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AlwaysModest | justin: well i set the root device to /dev/hdc8 which is what it should be but at a point it just tells me the "root=" is wrong.... which it shouldnt be | 04:29 |
caonex | Kamping_Kaiser, you know where the manpage for it is? | 04:29 |
goye2cz | I'm very used to using XP. Is there any way I can browse my pictures very easily in ubuntu? | 04:29 |
chrissturm | caonex: but with linux you could install in an emultated env, and then boot in a native env | 04:29 |
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chrissturm | caonex, but if you have no OS running, it wont work :) | 04:30 |
Kamping_Kaiser | caonex, not off the top of my head | 04:30 |
chrissturm | caonex: the easiest way would be to go somewhere and burn that cd :) | 04:30 |
DunkMaster | chrissturm: there is no preferences in System, either keyboard | 04:30 |
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justin | AlwaysModest: do you see a 'Partition check' and then some stuff? | 04:31 |
chrissturm | DunkMaster, in the menu at the top, there's system | 04:31 |
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caonex | chrissturm, yeah i know but my dad has to do it, since he is far away from me | 04:31 |
chrissturm | DunkMaster, and in system theres preferences | 04:31 |
DunkMaster | i remember i changed it from somewhere in GNOME, but i cant seem to find it now on XFCE | 04:31 |
AlwaysModest | justin: not from bootx | 04:31 |
justin | AlwaysModest: no, before it stops booting. | 04:31 |
AlwaysModest | justin: there is something at the way end of the installation that i should've written down, about the boot loader.... might just see if i can find that again | 04:32 |
chrissturm | DunkMaster, ah, xfce. | 04:32 |
AlwaysModest | justin: not that i saw | 04:32 |
chrissturm | DunkMaster, then i dont know | 04:32 |
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DunkMaster | :( | 04:32 |
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DunkMaster | i need my estonian layout back | 04:32 |
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Kingmilo | can you guys explain to me what "pool" in ubuntu is? like /ubuntu/pool | 04:32 |
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justin | Kingmilo: pool. n. 3: an organization of people or resources that can be shared; | 04:35 |
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Kingmilo | thanks justin , very insighful, you must be from SA urself. | 04:36 |
chrissturm | someone should do a gnome browser based on webkit | 04:37 |
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HolyBastard | hey what advantage has ubuntu over lets say debian? | 04:39 |
chrissturm | HolyBastard, shorter release cycles | 04:39 |
=== AlwaysModest seconds what chrissturm says | ||
HolyBastard | ok apart of that its pretty similar? | 04:40 |
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Kingmilo | HolyBastard, and you get local South African support, SA guys are great at supporting, i just love their willingness to help and share knowledge, and there's absolutely no competition to be smarter or better than they next person, unlike offshore people *pppft* NOT :) | 04:41 |
chrissturm | HolyBastard, its better suited for desktop use. ==> that doenst mean its not suited for server use | 04:41 |
AlwaysModest | holybastard: well i'm pretty sure debian comes with both kde and gnome | 04:41 |
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chrissturm | ha, i cant start any apps because breezy xcursor is broken. a shame that i have no webbrowser open right now :( | 04:43 |
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dockane | i am going to re-set up my whole system and add a raid0 to the promise fasttrak 133 onboard. do i have to take care of anything before installing ubuntu ? | 04:43 |
justin | chrissturm: why do you need the cursor to start an app? | 04:43 |
AlwaysModest | my i386 system won't install/boot from cd :-/ | 04:43 |
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jeff25 | AlwaysModest: does your system have a network card? | 04:44 |
jeff25 | AlwaysModest: sometimes you can pxeboot install | 04:44 |
AlwaysModest | jeff25: yes | 04:44 |
chrissturm | jsutin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libXcursor.so.1: undefined symbol: XCursorCursorsDestroy | 04:45 |
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AlwaysModest | jeff25: do you think thats why its hanging? | 04:45 |
jeff25 | AlwaysModest: search google for pxeboot install ubuntu and you should get a link to a guide | 04:45 |
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jeff25 | AlwaysModest: I don't know | 04:45 |
justin | chrissturm: do you mean that X is broken completely? | 04:45 |
chrissturm | in breezy right now, yes | 04:45 |
chrissturm | justin: it works perfectly, but it cant start apps | 04:46 |
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chrissturm | justin, there's also already a fixed package | 04:46 |
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chrissturm | justin, works again :) | 04:47 |
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Kingmilo | what are /ubuntu/indices ?? | 04:47 |
Kingmilo | i can see the latest version of xmame in the /ubuntu/pool how would i tell apt get to use the latest version? There has to be a way | 04:48 |
apache123 | why does my xserver die after i upgrade the kernel?....i have the nvidia binary drivers installed | 04:49 |
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apache123 | no screens found error | 04:50 |
Kamping_Kaiser | did you install binaries from nVIDIA? | 04:50 |
apache123 | no using apt | 04:50 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hm. not sure, the ones from nVIDIA are kernel specific, | 04:50 |
justin | Kingmilo: what version would that be? | 04:50 |
Kamping_Kaiser | not sure about apt-d in ones | 04:50 |
apache123 | i think the kernel driver is missing in the new kernel..... | 04:50 |
apache123 | how do i re-insert it | 04:51 |
Kingmilo | justin, xmame 0.96 | 04:51 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | kernel driver is missing? | 04:51 |
justin | apache123: 1. no screens found is not the actual error, it is just the last message you looked at. 2. you need to install the linux-restricted-modules package corresponding to the new kernel you installed | 04:52 |
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justin | Kingmilo: where are you seeing 0.96? | 04:53 |
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justin | oh, i see | 04:53 |
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chrissturm | who said that linux-2.6.12 was out? | 04:53 |
digip1mp | ok, after installing ubuntu, I did that new user script found in the forums. now, because of the script, there are packages on my system that the update manager ignores. I am told to use the synaptic package manager to do a smart update | 04:53 |
tomd84 | hey? | 04:53 |
tomd84 | can i ask a question? | 04:53 |
digip1mp | is there anything bad about the samrt update? | 04:54 |
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justin | tomd84: 'can i ask a question?' is a question | 04:54 |
Kamping_Kaiser | digip1mp, no, why? | 04:54 |
tomd84 | lol | 04:54 |
tomd84 | okay | 04:54 |
Kamping_Kaiser | and not a helpfull one ;D | 04:54 |
tomd84 | Im trying out linux for the first time and i want to learn how to use it, ive installed it on a dual boot, but the computer its installed on is connected to the network by wireless | 04:54 |
tomd84 | How can i get the wireless card to work | 04:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | digip1mp, so the answer is "smart update is fine" | 04:55 |
Seveas | tomd84, that depends on the card and the encryption you use | 04:55 |
digip1mp | Kamping_Kaiser: I was wondering if it would break links between applications installed by the script manually... | 04:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | digip1mp, its supposed to not do that, | 04:55 |
tomd84 | Seveas, its a D-Link with 64bit encyrption | 04:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | because its smart :D . lets hope | 04:55 |
Matthew_W | Guys, if any of you know anything about battery issues, could you add references, or help me with http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=11798 ... :D | 04:55 |
Seveas | tomd84, do you happen to know the chipset? | 04:55 |
Kingmilo | justin, i have 0.86 installed, but the latest version of xmame available is version 0.96 i can see that version in: http://ftp.ankara.edu.tr/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/x/xmame/ | 04:56 |
tomd84 | novaflare, is there anyway i can find out? | 04:56 |
digip1mp | also, when i try to update package lists, I get a bunch of 'failed' from that ftp2.caliu.info server... | 04:56 |
Seveas | Kingmilo, that version is only available in Breezy | 04:56 |
tomd84 | No is there anyway i can find out? | 04:56 |
Seveas | tomd84, well, since it's a D-Link i guess you need ndiswrapper anyway | 04:56 |
Seveas | tomd84, see wiki.ubuntu.com/NdisWrapperHowTO | 04:56 |
digip1mp | some of the lists from that server download sucessfully, but others fail | 04:57 |
Matthew_W | Additionally, I only get about 1.3 hours battery life! Is there ANY way to extend that at all? | 04:57 |
chrissturm | kingmilo: if you want to install all stuff neccesary to build from source, do "sudo apt-get build-dep xmame" | 04:57 |
tomd84 | okay tha nks :) | 04:57 |
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tomd84 | what one do i want "FrNdiswrapperhowto" or "setupndiswrapperhowto" | 04:58 |
devil | hello everyone ,i am new here | 04:58 |
Seveas | tomd84, the latter | 04:58 |
Seveas | devil, welcome! | 04:58 |
tomd84 | heh | 04:58 |
tomd84 | what one is that? | 04:58 |
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devil | thx | 04:58 |
Seveas | tomd84, the setupndis.... | 04:58 |
Seveas | the other one is a french translation :) | 04:59 |
tomd84 | ahh okay | 04:59 |
tomd84 | lol | 04:59 |
devil | i have a simple question | 04:59 |
Seveas | devil, just ask it then.. | 04:59 |
devil | when i install mplayerplug-in | 04:59 |
devil | sorry i must go now see you | 05:00 |
Seveas | lol :) | 05:00 |
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chrissturm | hehe | 05:00 |
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yonil | Q: a bit unrelated... is there a way using ubuntu to check what motherboard have i got ? (sdram or rdram) :S | 05:01 |
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macarthy | hi all, is there a dev channel? | 05:01 |
Seveas | macarthy, yes | 05:02 |
Seveas | #ubuntu-devel | 05:02 |
macarthy | thanks | 05:02 |
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yonil | anyone knows ? | 05:02 |
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Seveas | yonil, sudo lshw | less | 05:04 |
digip1mp | when i try to update package lists, I get a bunch of 'failed' from that ftp2.caliu.info server... some of the lists from that server download sucessfully, but others fail. also, when I do a synaptic smart update, I am getting md5sum errors from us.archive.ubuntu for two packages... will I have to continue to constantly manipulate my apt.sources file to update my system over time? this is annoying. | 05:04 |
Seveas | and look for the memory | 05:04 |
Seveas | digip1mp, dunno about the caliu, but look at the topic for the us.archive | 05:04 |
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Seveas | and for backports, you'f better use the mirrormax mirror | 05:04 |
Kingmilo | Seveas, so if i add this to my sources.list could i get the latest version? : http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy multiverse | 05:05 |
Kingmilo | ? | 05:05 |
Seveas | Kingmilo, DO NOT do that | 05:05 |
Kingmilo | lol | 05:05 |
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Seveas | breezy is very unstable and mixing breezy and hoary is NOT possible | 05:05 |
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digip1mp | Seveas: I saw it - I am just wondering if these problems will continue | 05:05 |
Seveas | digip1mp, ENOIDEA | 05:05 |
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isengard | hi | 05:06 |
Seveas | hi | 05:06 |
isengard | a dont speak english very well | 05:06 |
isengard | but a had e problem with firefox | 05:06 |
isengard | the error is this | 05:06 |
isengard | isengard@darkstar:~ $ mozilla-firefox | 05:06 |
isengard | The program 'Gecko' received an X Window System error. | 05:06 |
isengard | This probably reflects a bug in the program. | 05:06 |
isengard | The error was 'BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)'. | 05:06 |
isengard | (Details: serial 104 error_code 8 request_code 149 minor_code 3) | 05:06 |
isengard | (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously; | 05:06 |
isengard | that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it. | 05:06 |
isengard | To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line | 05:06 |
isengard | option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful | 05:06 |
isengard | backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.) | 05:06 |
Seveas | isengard, do not paste in here please | 05:07 |
isengard | yea a now | 05:07 |
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Trixsey | I need major help | 05:07 |
Seveas | isengard, does that happen every time you run firefox? | 05:07 |
Trixsey | 1) Experiencing major system instabolity in ubuntu | 05:07 |
isengard | but some one can help me | 05:07 |
Seveas | isengard, and do you run the ubuntu version of firefox? | 05:08 |
isengard | no im upgrade my kernel 2.6.10-5 i386 to 2.6.10-5 K7 | 05:08 |
Trixsey | 2) Rebooted the computer after a bug, now the resolution is 640*480 and I cant change back | 05:08 |
isengard | and firefox can creazy | 05:08 |
Seveas | Trixsey, describe 'major instability' | 05:08 |
jacquesmerde | question: if there is a bug in hoary which is giving me the poos, what are the odds that dist-upgrading to breezy will exorcise that demon? | 05:08 |
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Matthew_W | Where is a CD burner usually mounted? | 05:09 |
Seveas | breezy is unstable... | 05:09 |
Matthew_W | Because I don't know what dev to pick | 05:09 |
chrissturm | jacquesmerde, you will end up with many othre demons | 05:09 |
Seveas | Matthew_W, /dev/hdc (secondary master) or /dev/hdd (secondary slave) | 05:09 |
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chrissturm | jacquesmerde, best thing would be to post about the bug on the users list, and submit a bugzilla issue | 05:09 |
Matthew_W | Seveas: not /media/cdrom0 ? | 05:09 |
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Seveas | Trixsey: To find out ho you can change your dispplay's resolution, go to http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 05:09 |
Seveas | Matthew_W, those are the mointpoints, not the devices | 05:10 |
Seveas | /media/cdrom0 and /media/cdrom1 | 05:10 |
Matthew_W | Seveas: are you familiar with cdrotoaster? | 05:10 |
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Matthew_W | cdrtoaster*? | 05:10 |
Seveas | Matthew_W, no | 05:10 |
digip1mp | anyone got a better server than "deb ftp://ftp2.caliu.info/backports/ hoary-backports" for backports? | 05:10 |
liwen[CHN] | hello | 05:10 |
Seveas | digip1mp, use the mirrormax server | 05:10 |
liwen[CHN] | i got a big trouble | 05:10 |
Matthew_W | Seveas: Good reccomendation on a program to burn a .iso under ubuntu? | 05:10 |
isengard | Seveas any idea about firefox? | 05:10 |
Seveas | see backports.ubuntuforums.org/url.php | 05:10 |
Matthew_W | Seveas: or .bin .cue | 05:10 |
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Seveas | isengard, maybe, if you answer my questions... | 05:11 |
chrissturm | Matthew_W, right click the iso, select "burn" | 05:11 |
Trixsey | Seveas, you know why its so damn buggy for me? | 05:11 |
liwen[CHN] | someone help me | 05:11 |
Seveas | liwen[CHN] , we cannot help you if you don't tell us the problem... | 05:11 |
spiderworm | anybody recommend an ftp GUI client that handles sftp? | 05:11 |
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isengard | Seveas: im answer yor questions | 05:11 |
Seveas | Matthew_W, gnomebaker, graveman, k3b... | 05:11 |
jacquesmerde | chrissturm: are there really THAT meany breezy demons? i'm not really a power user, so i presume most demons would go unnoticed | 05:11 |
liwen[CHN] | ok thx,the trouble is | 05:11 |
Seveas | isengard you did not answer my questions... | 05:12 |
isengard | Seveas: no im upgrade my kernel 2.6.10-5 i386 to 2.6.10-5 K7 and firefox can creazy | 05:12 |
chrissturm | jacquesmerde, breezy is only for power users right now. basic stuff breaks | 05:12 |
reka | spiderworm: gftp maybe? | 05:12 |
Seveas | isengard, i cannot understand that.... | 05:12 |
Matthew_W | Thanks. | 05:12 |
spiderworm | eh, i'll try it, thanx | 05:12 |
Seveas | isengard, maybe you should go to a localized channel... | 05:12 |
liwen[CHN] | when i use synaptic install any thing . give me a erro message | 05:12 |
liwen[CHN] | like this | 05:12 |
jacquesmerde | chrissturm: damn. how long til breezy is ready for mass consumption? i dont want to hiatus back to archlinux for TOO long... | 05:12 |
Seveas | spiderworm, places -> connect to server :) | 05:12 |
liwen[CHN] | E: /var/cache/apt/archives/3dchess_0.8.1-11_i386.deb: files list file for package `liba52-0.7.4' is missing final newline | 05:12 |
chrissturm | jacquesmerde, tell us about your bug | 05:13 |
Seveas | liwen[CHN] , can you paste your sources.list on paste.ubuntulinux.nl please | 05:13 |
spiderworm | Seveas: huh? | 05:13 |
isengard | Seveas: in the channel ubuntu-es dont have any idea what is wrong | 05:13 |
Kingmilo | Seveas, so i wanted to get the latest version of xmame, without having to build from source, how could i do it in ubuntu? :) | 05:13 |
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spiderworm | Seveas: oic, acctually running kde here, not gnome | 05:13 |
Seveas | spiderworm, nautilus (which you lauch with that) can handle sftp | 05:13 |
Seveas | ah ok | 05:13 |
chrissturm | jacquesmerde, breezy will be ready 10.05, and almost ready one month earlier | 05:13 |
Seveas | sftp:// in konqueror then | 05:13 |
spiderworm | oh really? dayam | 05:14 |
chrissturm | kingmilo, you cant, compile it from source | 05:14 |
jbroome | 6 month release cycle. | 05:14 |
Seveas | Kingmilo, add a deb-src for breezy in your sources.list and do apt-get -b source xmame | 05:14 |
Seveas | and hope it works ;) | 05:14 |
jacquesmerde | chrissturm: often when i try to play an audio cd with cd player stuff crashes and i have to sudo eject to get my cd out | 05:14 |
liwen[CHN] | http://archive.ubuntu.org.cn/ubuntu hoary | 05:14 |
liwen[CHN] | like this | 05:14 |
chrissturm | jacquesmerde, be sure to post the bug in the bugzilla | 05:15 |
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chrissturm | jacqesmerde: then you get an email once it is fixed :) | 05:15 |
Matthew_W | jacquesmerde: what program are you using to play cds; does the cd work on other machines; what are your audio codecs? | 05:15 |
spiderworm | question all, would you say that in general kde or gnome is less resource hungry? | 05:15 |
Seveas | gnome | 05:15 |
Seveas | kde is the biggest resource hog ever | 05:15 |
digip1mp | would anyone know the path to the backports on the mirrormax server? | 05:16 |
chrissturm | spiderworm, xfce is nice when you have little resources | 05:16 |
Matthew_W | Seveas: Anything you know of that would increase my battery life (comp settings I mean, ACPI is all buggy, so throttling... well I don't know how to do throttling.) | 05:16 |
Seveas | digip1mp, see backports.ubuntuforums.org/url.php | 05:16 |
spiderworm | i have a lot of resources but the thing seems to chug a bit sometims | 05:16 |
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Seveas | Matthew_W, ENOIDEA | 05:16 |
Seveas | spiderworm, do you have a swap partition? | 05:16 |
jacquesmerde | Matthew_W: the cds play fine everywhere else. the codecs and apps are all the ubuntu defaults | 05:16 |
liwen[CHN] | Seveas can you help? | 05:16 |
Seveas | liwen[CHN] , can you paste your sources.list on paste.ubuntulinux.nl please | 05:17 |
Seveas | if you do that, i might be able to... | 05:17 |
liwen[CHN] | ok | 05:17 |
jacquesmerde | chrissturm: i wouldnt know how to find out whats REALLY screwing up so i know what to exactly buh report about | 05:17 |
Matthew_W | jacquesmerde: try using xmms - change the audio output to esound, tell me if it works. | 05:17 |
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tomd84 | hey | 05:17 |
spiderworm | Seveas: swap partition would be at root level, /swap, right? dont think i have one | 05:17 |
Seveas | spiderworm, no, swap partition is not in the filesystem | 05:18 |
Seveas | and it serves as virtual memory | 05:18 |
Seveas | you really need it | 05:18 |
Seveas | how much main memory do you have? | 05:18 |
liwen[CHN] | deb http://archive.ubuntu.org.cn/ubuntu hoary main restricted universe multiverse | 05:18 |
liwen[CHN] | deb http://archive.ubuntu.org.cn/ubuntu hoary-security main restricted universe multiverse | 05:18 |
liwen[CHN] | deb http://archive.ubuntu.org.cn/ubuntu hoary-updates main restricted universe multiverse | 05:18 |
liwen[CHN] | deb http://archive.ubuntu.org.cn/ubuntu-cn ubuntu.org.cn main universe multiverse restricted | 05:18 |
liwen[CHN] | deb http://archive.ubuntu.org.cn/backports hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted | 05:18 |
liwen[CHN] | deb http://archive.ubuntu.org.cn/backports hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted | 05:18 |
jacquesmerde | Matthew_W: i've wiped ubuntu since...what i liked about ubuntu was it had apps for most things out of the box... | 05:18 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+q liwen[CHN] !*@*] by Seveas | ||
Matthew_W | jacquesmerde: xmms or beep media player | 05:18 |
Matthew_W | jacquesmerde: .. oh, what do you have now? | 05:18 |
Seveas | liwen[CHN] , i sain on paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 05:18 |
Seveas | not in here | 05:18 |
Seveas | you will now be ignored... | 05:18 |
tomd84 | http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/phpwiki/index.php/List?PHPSESSID=945bcecf080b67c5c1c9bd4d1fbf37cd <- this website says it has linux drivers | 05:18 |
tomd84 | do i still need to download the thing? | 05:18 |
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aisowner | how do i know if i need to update my ati drivers ? i just installed ubuntu directly from cd yesterday | 05:19 |
tomd84 | anyone? | 05:19 |
bob2 | you don't *need* swap if you have a ton of ram | 05:19 |
Seveas | tomd84, hold on, i'm looking at it | 05:19 |
bob2 | aisowner: you don't | 05:20 |
tomd84 | okay thanks | 05:20 |
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spiderworm | Seveas: i dont know if i have a swap partition, how would i find out? | 05:20 |
jacquesmerde | Matthew_W: am using archlinux with xfce4 now. i hate xmms, btw. also, i dont think its just the audio stuff. i think ubuntu was struggling with (u)mounting... | 05:20 |
Seveas | spiderworm, look at /etc/fstab :) | 05:20 |
Seveas | spiderworm, if you have less than 1 GB of memory, you need a swap partition | 05:20 |
aisowner | tomd84, is there a way i can see how good the default driver is performing ? i tried glxdrives , it seems to continue running .. not too sure when it'll end | 05:20 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-q liwen[CHN] !*@*] by Seveas | ||
Matthew_W | jacquesmerde: I don't know about that. I had similar problems with video, until I changed the codecs. Ubuntu shouldn't have any problem handling audio CD's. | 05:21 |
aisowner | is glxdrives supposed to continue running forever until a user interrupts it ? | 05:21 |
tomd84 | aisowner, im not sure | 05:21 |
Seveas | tomd84, can you tell me again which D-link model you have | 05:21 |
digip1mp | Seveas: if I weren't so lazy, I'd put that link under Backports in the ubuntu wiki, but I am, so it's gonna be lost forever unless someone in here isn't as lazy as me... | 05:21 |
tomd84 | aisowner, dwl-610 | 05:21 |
spiderworm | Seveas: /dev/hda5 none swap sw 0 0 | 05:21 |
Seveas | spiderworm, ok :) | 05:21 |
spiderworm | Seveas: that would be it? | 05:21 |
Seveas | yes | 05:22 |
aisowner | tomd84, whats that ? | 05:22 |
jacquesmerde | Matthew_W: so where do you think the problem is? | 05:22 |
tomd84 | dl ink | 05:22 |
aisowner | tomd84, ?? | 05:22 |
jacquesmerde | curing the problem by installing xmms is like curing a cold with a bullet to the head | 05:22 |
Seveas | tomd84, you need to aptitude install ndiswrapper-utils and linux-686 | 05:22 |
Matthew_W | jacquesmerde: lmfao | 05:22 |
Seveas | (or linux-k7 if you are on AMD) | 05:23 |
tomd84 | okay | 05:23 |
tomd84 | im trying to insall netsweeper | 05:23 |
tomd84 | its hard :S | 05:23 |
Matthew_W | jacquesmerde: try fiddling with your codecs on output | 05:23 |
Matthew_W | Audio, obviously | 05:23 |
aisowner | i noticed that if i'm forced to restart by pressing the restart button coz my ubuntu hanged .. , it doesn't fsck even tho my partition wasn't cleanly unmounted | 05:23 |
jacquesmerde | if it was just an audio problem, why would my whole computer have problems accessing the drive once i'd killed all cd/audio related processess? | 05:24 |
macarthy | I need to install package gtk+-x11-2.0, can I do that in Synaptic? | 05:24 |
Matthew_W | jacquesmerde: OH! I thought it was hanging on playing the CD's in an audio related sense, ok | 05:24 |
Seveas | macarthy, yes | 05:24 |
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Seveas | macarthy, but it is installed already... | 05:24 |
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jacquesmerde | Matthew_W: well, it was trying to play the cds that seemed to cause the screw-up, but the screw-up was a much broader hang | 05:25 |
aisowner | hmm .. i actually meant glxgears instead of glxdrives ... | 05:25 |
jacquesmerde | Matthew_W: hence sudo eject was the only way to get the cd out... | 05:25 |
Seveas | macarthy, what are you trying to install..? | 05:25 |
Matthew_W | jacquesmerde: did you run a program in verbose to see the exact problem? Any errors in dmesg? | 05:25 |
macarthy | compliling a new version of vino from gnome | 05:26 |
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Dissimulate | hi | 05:26 |
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mhz | hello there | 05:26 |
_oDy_ | hi, how do I start samba in ubuntu? | 05:26 |
Seveas | macarthy, sudo apt-get build-dep vino | 05:26 |
Seveas | that'll install all you need to build it | 05:27 |
Seveas | _oDy_, by installing samba... | 05:27 |
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macarthy | Seveas, that install the lastest version? | 05:27 |
jacquesmerde | Matthew_W: didnt check dmesg. went to the console to investiage, but i forget the jargon it spouted. it looked like it was on the mount level. didnt seem to be able to access the device | 05:27 |
Dissimulate | Can i use "kubuntu-5.04-live-i386.iso 619M" also to install ubuntu? | 05:27 |
mhz | Anyone ever installed a mail server under Ubuntu ? | 05:27 |
_oDy_ | I thought it was installed by default =/ | 05:27 |
Seveas | macarthy, no, that will install everything you need to build it... | 05:27 |
Matthew_W | _oDy_: open synaptic, install samba | 05:27 |
_oDy_ | I'll check the ubuntuguide thanx | 05:27 |
mhz | Dissimulate: yes | 05:27 |
Dissimulate | Thank you | 05:28 |
Seveas | Dissimulate, yes, you can install ubuntu-desktop afterwards or install with the server-option to skip installing kde and then install ubuntu-desktop | 05:28 |
mhz | Dissimulate: in Debian, you can specify where a ISO is in the HD | 05:28 |
digip1mp | I appear to be having serious problems with updating my package lists. would someone please take a look at http://pastebin.com/299397 ? | 05:28 |
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Matthew_W | jacquesmerde: hrm, not entirely sure, could you mount the device? (did the error start before or after you inserted a CD .. IE if you tried to access the drive without a cd in it, did it show up, etc.) | 05:28 |
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mhz | Seveas: but keep in mind he's asking for "live" cd | 05:28 |
Seveas | digip1mp, do an apt-get update... | 05:29 |
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jacquesmerde | oh, 10% of the time i could load cds, play them, and eject them flawlessly. | 05:29 |
Seveas | damn, missed that part mhz.... | 05:29 |
mhz | hehe | 05:29 |
Seveas | Dissimulate, it is possible, but difficult | 05:29 |
mhz | Seveas: but he could still do it by using the ISO in the HD ? | 05:29 |
Seveas | you need intimate knowledge of debootstrap, chroot etc... | 05:29 |
Seveas | mhz, well, not really... | 05:29 |
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protocolX | What kinds of things are in the ubuntu installation cd? | 05:30 |
Matthew_W | jacquesmerde: then that makes no sense to me whatsover, sorry. lol | 05:30 |
Seveas | and that way of installing is not supported :) | 05:30 |
protocolX | Does it have only minimal packages? | 05:30 |
Seveas | protocolX, a complete desktop system | 05:30 |
jacquesmerde | Matthew_W: think if i wait til breezy and retry ubuntu, i'll still have probs? | 05:30 |
Dissimulate | hmm... ok i use th install iso | 05:30 |
Seveas | including gnome, openoffice, evolution, firefox and a few games | 05:30 |
mhz | Seveas: why? if he boots from the CD, chooses expert and tell it to use the ISO in the HD? | 05:30 |
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protocolX | Seveas: Ithanks. | 05:30 |
Matthew_W | jacquesmerde: I think you need to report a bug. Leave them your tech specifications, and they'll make a patch, more than likely | 05:30 |
Seveas | mhz, not possible :) | 05:30 |
mhz | hmmm | 05:30 |
mhz | ok | 05:30 |
jacquesmerde | Matthew_W: what info do i need and how do i get it? | 05:32 |
Matthew_W | jacquesmerde: www.bugzilla.ubuntu.com I think. | 05:32 |
mhz | Seveas: I trust you. It's just that yesterday I was asked to do an installation using expert and spanish (always do it in normal and english). And I read "specify ISO". That's why I thought it was just like any debian | 05:32 |
Matthew_W | jacquesmerde: Not much, just the CD, your computer's specs, system, when the error happened, etc. | 05:32 |
protocolX | Seveas: I have made a latest ubuntu cd from the ubuntu site. I could boot from the CD, then it asks me to choose language, keyboard, location etc. After that it tries to load driver from cd and fails. | 05:33 |
mhz | .oO(probably a mistake from translators, then) | 05:33 |
protocolX | It gives me error that unable to load the cd. | 05:33 |
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=== mhz BRB | ||
protocolX | I guess I have to manually mount the cd at that point. | 05:33 |
Matthew_W | protocolX: check the md5? | 05:34 |
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jacquesmerde | Matthew_W: so you've never heard of someone having this problem before? i remember someone on this channel telling me they have to sudo eject every so often... | 05:34 |
protocolX | I had the similar problem when I was trying to install debian, it could not load the cd in the beginning. I had to mount it manually. | 05:34 |
LokeDK | Okay I'm gonna install ubuntu soon, but i tested in vmware first and found out that either ndiswrapper or dhcpcd is with ubuntu. I only have wireless network, and since gcc isn't with ubuntu either I can't compile ndiswrapper and dhcpcd.. what can i do? is there some packages that i can burn on a cd? | 05:34 |
Matthew_W | jacquesmerde: I'm kinda new here. lol | 05:35 |
Seveas | LokeDK, the install cd contains both ndiswrapper and dhclient | 05:35 |
Seveas | and gcc as well.. | 05:35 |
Matthew_W | LokeDK: When you install Ubuntu you can install all of those things from synaptic | 05:35 |
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LokeDK | Oh.. cool a package manager.. thanks a lot guys :) | 05:36 |
tomd84 | hey | 05:36 |
tomd84 | im trying to install netsweeper | 05:36 |
tomd84 | but im getting permission denied | 05:36 |
Matthew_W | np | 05:36 |
protocolX | It was not the usual mount point of the CD while I was installing debian. I actually forgot the path. | 05:37 |
Matthew_W | tomd84: How are you installing it? apt-get? | 05:37 |
macarthy | tomd84: using sudo? | 05:37 |
tomd84 | no | 05:37 |
tomd84 | :-S | 05:37 |
tomd84 | how do i run that | 05:37 |
Matthew_W | tomd84: then how are you installing it? | 05:37 |
tomd84 | i was using xterm | 05:37 |
Matthew_W | tomd84: Are you building it from source, then? | 05:37 |
Seveas | tomd84, what is netsweeper? | 05:38 |
tomd84 | no | 05:38 |
Matthew_W | tomd84: like.. ./configure, make, make install? | 05:38 |
protocolX | Anybody knows what is the mount point of the CD while installation of linux. | 05:38 |
justin | protocolX: what does mount say | 05:38 |
digip1mp | Seveas: just wondering: why would apt-get update work, but the synaptic package man not work? | 05:38 |
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tomd84 | im following this | 05:38 |
protocolX | I guess I can open a virtual terminal while installation and mount the cd manually. | 05:38 |
Matthew_W | tomd84: well then what are you typing in to trigger the install? | 05:38 |
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Seveas | digip1mp, hit reload in synaptic... | 05:38 |
Seveas | that's the same as apt-get update | 05:39 |
macarthy | what is the solution to this apt-get error? Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libb/libbonoboui/libbonoboui2-dev_2.8.1-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb MD5Sum mismatch | 05:39 |
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justin | macarthy: read the topic | 05:39 |
Seveas | macarthy, look at the topic.... | 05:39 |
Matthew_W | macarthy: remove the us. | 05:39 |
tomd84 | step 5 | 05:39 |
macarthy | doh. | 05:39 |
Matthew_W | tomd84: ... what's what you're typing in? | 05:39 |
Matthew_W | tomd84: that's* | 05:39 |
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protocolX | justin: I don't mount the CD, it automatically loads during installation. | 05:40 |
protocolX | My problem is that it can't load the CD. So I have to mount it manually. | 05:40 |
tomd84 | sed -e "s/misc/kernel\/drivers\/net\/dissweeper | 05:40 |
mhz | How can I effectively check Postfix and Courier are working with no problems. I mean, I have a mail server in my ubuntu box. Peolpe sent mails to my @domain but I do not see them. I sent emails from @gmail to my @domain, and I see them. | 05:41 |
Matthew_W | tomd84: add sudo to the beggining of that | 05:41 |
truz24 | how do i get a list of installed packages with apt ? | 05:41 |
Seveas | truz24, dpkg -l | 05:41 |
Seveas | truz24, dpkg --get-selections is another format | 05:41 |
justin | mhz: /var/log/mail.* | 05:41 |
truz24 | thanks | 05:42 |
digip1mp | ok - another question - DNS resolution on my ubuntu system is VERY slow. windows boxes on the same network using the same dns servers are drastically faster. anything I can do to improve? | 05:42 |
mhz | justin: I see it but I see no "error" messages. Should I be looking to something in particular? | 05:42 |
Seveas | digip1mp, i bet it's only in firefox that dns is slow | 05:42 |
Seveas | digip1mp: Open firefox and go to about:config. Now search for network.dns.disableIPV6 and set that value to true. Restart Firefox to see the effect. | 05:42 |
digip1mp | you're probably right | 05:42 |
digip1mp | lemme try | 05:42 |
justin | mhz: tail -F mail.log mail.info mail.err mail.warn | 05:43 |
justin | mhz: then test again | 05:43 |
mhz | justin: ok | 05:43 |
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Matthew_W | tomd84: any luck? | 05:43 |
tomd84 | hang on :-P | 05:43 |
Trixsey | Hey! I'm having a problem with X-Chat! I've made a perl script and I want it to run on program execution! ;o) I read the manual and understood that I should put it in ~/.xchat2 | 05:44 |
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Seveas | Trixsey, indeed | 05:44 |
Trixsey | Thats what I did... It wont run | 05:44 |
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Trixsey | I have to manually load i | 05:44 |
Trixsey | it | 05:44 |
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tomd84 | its just repeating what i type now | 05:45 |
digip1mp | seveas: nope - I had already done that... | 05:45 |
digip1mp | still slow | 05:45 |
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Seveas | digip1mp, hmm, look at /etc/resolv.conf, does it list the correct dns servers there? | 05:45 |
tomd84 | ahh wait | 05:45 |
tomd84 | still pemission denied | 05:46 |
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mz2 | why do i get this when starting up practically all python apps: 'import site' failed; use -v for traceback | 05:46 |
justin | tomd84: where are these "instructions" that you are following? | 05:46 |
tomd84 | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SetupNdiswrapperHowto | 05:46 |
Seveas | mz2, have you installed python packages yourself? | 05:47 |
Seveas | tomd84, ouch, ehm, that page is outdated | 05:47 |
digip1mp | seveas: yeah, and same as win boxen... | 05:47 |
Seveas | the correct one got removed :S | 05:47 |
mz2 | Seveas, how do you mean, like non-ubuntu debs? | 05:47 |
tomd84 | :'(!!! | 05:47 |
mz2 | i might have done, yes :) | 05:47 |
justin | tomd84: you also completely skipped step 2 | 05:47 |
Seveas | tomd84, sudo aptitude install linux-686 ndiswrapper-utils | 05:47 |
Seveas | that's all you need, plus the windows drivers for your card | 05:47 |
Trixsey | Hey! I'm having a problem with X-Chat! I've made a perl script and I want it to run on program execution! ;o) I read the manual and understood that I should put it in ~/.xchat2, so thats what I did... yet the program wont auto-load the perl script.. it works when I load it manually | 05:48 |
tomd84 | justin what is step 2? | 05:48 |
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mhz | justin: I am tailing all of them. Should I see a "number" or a "word" that specifies "error" or "success" ? | 05:48 |
Trixsey | Seveas help me :o( | 05:49 |
justin | mhz: just read them. it is obvious when it is working or not | 05:49 |
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tomd84 | Seveas, i done that and it worked | 05:50 |
tomd84 | now what? | 05:50 |
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mhz | justin: ok, but I sent an email from @gmail, some minutes ago. Still see nothing in the @domain mail logs. So if I see nothing regarding the incoming mails for the next hour?? (because I see no "evident" errors in the outgoing) | 05:51 |
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Seveas | tomd84, you have downloaded the windows drivers too? | 05:51 |
tomd84 | yep | 05:51 |
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Seveas | Trixsey, can't help you, never used the perl scripting interface... | 05:51 |
justin | mhz: if you see NOTHING then you have dns or firewall problems | 05:52 |
mhz | justin: oooh, then it should be fixable | 05:52 |
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tomd84 | Seveas, what do i do now? (can you pm me got to for 2 secs) | 05:53 |
paul_ | has anyone worked with firewire and mindv camcorders in ubuntu. my computer locks up when i plug mine in? | 05:53 |
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__salimf__ | Can anybody suggest the best brand of laptop for running ubuntu? Is there a list of tested laptops online anywhere? | 05:54 |
Seveas | __salimf__, look at the ubuntu wiki | 05:54 |
__salimf__ | thanks | 05:55 |
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Seveas | wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops | 05:55 |
Hoxzer | Hey, how do I setup shell server so I can use irssi from work? | 05:55 |
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Kyynara | if I want to downgrade a library, how would I do it? | 05:55 |
Seveas | 05:56 | |
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Seveas | Kyynara, aptitude install that_library=the_version_you_want | 05:56 |
jwsh | Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/i/imlib+png2/gdk-imlib1_1.9.14-16.2ubuntu2_amd64.deb MD5Sum mismatch | 05:56 |
jwsh | E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing? | 05:56 |
Seveas | jwsh, look at the topic.. | 05:56 |
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jwsh | hah | 05:56 |
jwsh | thanks | 05:56 |
jwsh | Seveas: why is that happening? | 05:57 |
jwsh | (just out of curiosity) | 05:57 |
Seveas | jwsh, ENOIDEA | 05:57 |
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macarthy | changesources.list and remove us.archive to just archive , run apt-get update | 05:57 |
paul_ | has anyone worked with firewire and mindv camcorders in ubuntu. i cant get mine recognized by ubuntu | 05:57 |
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InitMass | which is prefered. ext3 or reiserfs? | 05:59 |
Trixsey | Anyone here familiar with X-Chat? | 05:59 |
InitMass | Trixsey, yes | 05:59 |
chrissturm | InitMass, ext3 | 06:00 |
GNULinuxer | Trixsey, yeah | 06:00 |
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Kyynara | Seveas: it says that it is unable to locate the version of the library that I need | 06:01 |
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InitMass | chrissturm, is linux exteneded the same as ext3 in cfdisk? | 06:02 |
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Seveas | Kyynara, which library&version fo you need? | 06:02 |
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Seveas | and why specifically THAT version? | 06:02 |
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Kyynara | libpng 1.2.1 | 06:02 |
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zakann | Oh | 06:03 |
zakann | Sorry | 06:03 |
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Kyynara | cause that is the version I need to be able to make action quake 2 :) | 06:03 |
zakann | Do you know how to change my text color? | 06:03 |
zakann | Do you know how to change my text color? | 06:03 |
zakann | Is there anyone who could help me? | 06:04 |
chrissturm | InitMass, dunno. i think linux extended is ext2 or ext3 | 06:04 |
Seveas | Kyynara, 1.2.8 won't do? | 06:04 |
Kyynara | nope | 06:04 |
Kyynara | I did find a zip file with libpng 1.2.1 | 06:04 |
Kyynara | but it doesn't have a makefile or config... | 06:04 |
Seveas | :| | 06:05 |
Seveas | well, it's not in the repositories either | 06:05 |
zakann | No? | 06:05 |
Kyynara | it only has the folders and files... | 06:05 |
zakann | no one? | 06:05 |
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Seveas | zakann, please stop being so annoying... | 06:06 |
Seveas | zakann, text color of what?? | 06:06 |
krod | hello, how would one detect and use their wireless card? | 06:06 |
Seveas | krod, depends on the card and encryption | 06:06 |
zakann | sorry Seveas, i'm new user | 06:06 |
krod | no encrytion | 06:06 |
krod | its a linksys wireless b | 06:07 |
krod | let me get the model number... | 06:07 |
zakann | I want to configure the color of my text sent in IRC | 06:07 |
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Seveas | zakann, in this channel that is not possible, in other channels use <ctrl>k and a number | 06:07 |
Seveas | or look in the settings of your client | 06:07 |
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krod | linksys wireless b notebook adapter model: WPC11 version: 4 | 06:07 |
chrissturm | zakann: using color in irc is no good | 06:08 |
Seveas | krod, that's an ndiswrapper one | 06:08 |
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Seveas | krod, are you using an intel or amd processor? | 06:08 |
liwen[CHN] | hi i am bace | 06:08 |
bionic | Any way to get write support for my ntfs partitions without recompiling the kernel? I have plain ubuntu 5.04 install | 06:08 |
liwen[CHN] | files list file for package `liba52-0.7.4' is missing final newline | 06:08 |
zakann | Ok for Ubuntu Servers "No Color", and | 06:08 |
krod | amd althon-xp mobile | 06:08 |
bob2 | us.archive.ubuntu.com is "fixed" | 06:08 |
liwen[CHN] | what to do?thx | 06:08 |
Seveas | bionic, not easy, you might be able to do it with captive ntfs | 06:08 |
Seveas | bob2, since when? | 06:08 |
bob2 | in the sense that it points at archive.ubuntu.com | 06:09 |
Seveas | ah :) | 06:09 |
bob2 | Seveas: since now | 06:09 |
bionic | Seveas, ok, ubuntu packages for that? | 06:09 |
zakann | Seveas, do you know how to save configuration for text color in IRC (in others servers) | 06:09 |
Seveas | well then we'll keep it in the topic for another 24 hours | 06:09 |
Seveas | dns expiry... | 06:09 |
ccc | bionic: you mean writeable ntfs? | 06:09 |
Seveas | bionic, no | 06:09 |
liwen[CHN] | Seveas my firefox no work | 06:09 |
macarthy | anyone else getting Segmentation fault using vino (gnome remote desktop-vnc) | 06:09 |
clee | ogra: heya, there you are | 06:09 |
clee | ogra: you around? | 06:09 |
krod | Seveas: what must i do? | 06:09 |
bionic | ccc, yup | 06:09 |
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Seveas | krod, aptitude install linux-k7 ndiswrapper-utils | 06:09 |
Seveas | krod, and get the *windows* drivers for your card | 06:10 |
ogra | clee, yes | 06:10 |
Seveas | krod, pm me when you have that :) | 06:10 |
krod | what do you mean by *windows* | 06:10 |
krod | ok | 06:10 |
clee | ogra: someone in here told me that you're the guy to talk to about the hwdb | 06:10 |
Seveas | krod, that you need the windows drivers and not look for linux drivers (there are none) | 06:10 |
zakann | krod, he means microsoft drivers | 06:10 |
ogra | clee, yeps | 06:11 |
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bonhelsing | any ubuntu-ppc users here? | 06:11 |
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bionic | ccc, can you help? | 06:11 |
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gahan | how do i install gnome with window manager, taskbar, panel, file manager? | 06:12 |
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Seveas | gahan, install ubuntu-desktop... | 06:13 |
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gahan | Seveas: it installs A LOT of packages | 06:13 |
gahan | i dont need them all | 06:13 |
Seveas | gahan, well, start with gnome-desktop-environment then :) | 06:13 |
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gahan | Seveas: better than apt-get install gnome :) thanks~! | 06:16 |
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Morten^Toft | what to do if i have forgotten my password for nessusd running on my own machine ? | 06:20 |
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Seveas | Morten^Toft, reinstall nessus? | 06:21 |
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Morten^Toft | is that the only option, cant i change the password somehow ? | 06:21 |
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Seveas | ENOIDEA, but if it encrypts the passwords (and i guess it does) you're screwed... | 06:22 |
bionic_ | ccc, sorry my inet went down, did you say something? | 06:22 |
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Morten^Toft | hmm ok | 06:22 |
klaym | Hello! I have a Ubuntu Hoary hedgehog install cd, and I'd like to know if I can format my harddrive before installing it, using the cd on boot? so if there's a tool there on the cd | 06:22 |
chiefofthejojo1 | yes there is | 06:22 |
klaym | great. what is it? | 06:23 |
Morten^Toft | Seveas, well, thanks for your help, i'm gonna reinstall then | 06:23 |
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chiefofthejojo1 | I don't know, but it's there | 06:23 |
klaym | :p | 06:23 |
chiefofthejojo1 | :) | 06:23 |
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reka | klaym: there's a partition manager that's part of the installer. | 06:23 |
caonex | DEBOOTSTRAP_DIR=`pwd` ./debootstrap --arch i386 warty /mnt/ubuntu http://archive.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu warty, if i change warty to hoary, it should work, right? | 06:23 |
reka | klaym: just delete the partitions, and allocate the newly freed space | 06:24 |
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Seveas | caonex, yes | 06:24 |
klaym | ok so I just hit enter and it will lead me to a question about what to do with the partitions I now have | 06:24 |
klaym | I have Warty installed now and I decided to have a fresh install | 06:25 |
caonex | Seveas, great, thanks. | 06:25 |
klaym | (internet update didn't work out ;) | 06:25 |
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klaym | I'll try that, thanks! | 06:25 |
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eob84 | anyone know how to configure samba comand line? | 06:26 |
ccc | bionic_: sorry, i didn't even see your question till now... but no, sorry, i can't. i've got a few ntfs disks myself, using them as read only, but i'll convert them to ext3/reiserfs as soon as possible. better file systems. | 06:27 |
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eob84 | all the tutorials are either for gnome or kde | 06:28 |
Madeye | guys, from terminal how can I push a use to logout ? as root | 06:28 |
eob84 | exit | 06:29 |
bionic_ | ccc, yeah but then you will have to format them :( | 06:29 |
Seveas | Madeye, you mean: kill a user from the system? | 06:29 |
billytwowilly | where does ubuntu keep config information for the network interfaces? | 06:29 |
Madeye | Seveas, yes | 06:29 |
chrissturm | billytwowilly, /etc/network/interfaces | 06:30 |
billytwowilly | thank you | 06:30 |
ccc | bionic_: yep. cleaning out other disks to make space as we speak. :) but i've got 600 gb ntfs, so it'll take a while | 06:30 |
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eob84 | has anyone in here set up samba through the command line? | 06:33 |
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macarthy | eob84; yes | 06:33 |
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eob84 | macarthy, I did a server install, then I installed samba-common samba and samba-client | 06:34 |
eob84 | macarthy, so I need anything else? | 06:34 |
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Madeye | Seveas, yes I mean kill user from the system | 06:34 |
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Seveas | Madeye, kill the users controlling terminal | 06:35 |
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tomd84 | Seveas, can you please look at http://home.dichello.co.uk/Screenshot.png | 06:36 |
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macarthy | eob84: think thats it, unless you are install the web frontend | 06:36 |
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Seveas | Madeye, or as root: ps -U THE_USER_NAME | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | xargs kill -9 | 06:36 |
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Madeye | Seveas, thanks | 06:37 |
Trixsey | GNULinuxer there? | 06:38 |
Trixsey | InitMass there? | 06:38 |
tomd84 | cab someone asked Seveas if hes ignored me? | 06:38 |
Seveas | Madeye, the user will not be happy though, you vigorously killed al his processes :) | 06:38 |
eob84 | macarthy, I did that changed the config file a bit... and nothing | 06:38 |
GNULinuxer | Trixsey, ys | 06:38 |
Razor-X | Trixsey: don't be afraid to ask others ;) | 06:38 |
Trixsey | GNULinuxer, I've got a question for you :) | 06:38 |
eob84 | macarthy, can't see the computer on my network | 06:38 |
GNULinuxer | Trixsey, tell me | 06:38 |
Trixsey | I got X-Chat | 06:39 |
Trixsey | I've mad a Perl plugin | 06:39 |
Trixsey | I want it to load on program execution | 06:39 |
tomd84 | anyone? | 06:39 |
Razor-X | Trixsey: probably in the man for xchat | 06:39 |
Trixsey | No! | 06:39 |
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Trixsey | Its not there, trust me | 06:39 |
Razor-X | tomd84: what's your question? | 06:39 |
Trixsey | I been trying for an hour | 06:39 |
InitMass | Trixsey, yes | 06:39 |
Razor-X | Trixsey: hold on then ;) | 06:39 |
Trixsey | Razor-X: dont just get me a page that says "put it in the .xchat2 folder and it will autorun, because that dont work.. I put it in root/.xchat2 and it didnt work.. then I tried home/trixsey/.xchat2.. still didnt work | 06:40 |
tommy | does anyone know why im getting this: http://home.dichello.co.uk/Screenshot.png | 06:40 |
Trixsey | script works fine when I load it manually | 06:40 |
Seveas | Trixsey, does the filename end in .pl? | 06:40 |
Trixsey | yes | 06:40 |
Razor-X | Trixsey: plugin, or script? | 06:41 |
Trixsey | script | 06:41 |
tommy | anyone? | 06:41 |
Razor-X | oh ;) | 06:41 |
macarthy | eob84: you mean can't see it in windows? | 06:41 |
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stjepan | hi | 06:41 |
tommy | can anyone at all help me?:( | 06:41 |
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Razor-X | Trixsey: is the extension '.pl'? | 06:42 |
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Trixsey | Seveas Trixsey, does the filename end in .pl? | 06:42 |
Trixsey | Trixsey yes | 06:42 |
InitMass | Trixsey, what did you want? | 06:42 |
Trixsey | Hey! I'm having a problem with X-Chat! I've made a perl script and I want it to run on program execution! ;o) I read the manual and understood that I should put it in ~/.xchat2, so thats what I did... yet the program wont auto-load the perl script.. it works when I load it manually | 06:42 |
InitMass | does ubuntu include any partitioning tool? other than cfdisk | 06:43 |
tommy | hey im trying to run the command "Echo ndiswrapper | Sudo tee -a /ect/modules, but im getting the error "tee: /ect/modules: no such file or directory ndiswrapper | 06:43 |
tommy | anyone know why? | 06:43 |
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desdiny | its etc not ect | 06:43 |
InitMass | Trixsey, have you tried posting to the x-chat channel? | 06:43 |
Razor-X | Trixsey: did you try ~/.xchat | 06:44 |
Trixsey | Razor-X no, havent tried.. I duno if I have such a folder even | 06:44 |
tommy | desdiny, thats what i mean | 06:44 |
tommy | http://home.dichello.co.uk/Screenshot.png <--- see | 06:44 |
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Razor-X | Trixsey: make the folder then ;) | 06:44 |
Razor-X | tommy: /etc/modules | 06:44 |
tommy | okay | 06:44 |
tommy | ill try that | 06:44 |
desdiny | thats what I said tommy | 06:45 |
kevcool | eob84: You're trying to see your Linux Samba from a Windows machine correct? | 06:45 |
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Trixsey | Razor-X lol no.. X-Chat suggests .xchat2 | 06:45 |
tommy | okay | 06:46 |
tommy | now what :S | 06:46 |
bionic_ | Anyone know how to use ident server in gftp? | 06:46 |
macarthy | anyone else getting Segmentation fault using vino (gnome remote desktop-vnc) | 06:46 |
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krod | krod@krodtop:~$ sudo ndiswrapper -i LSRTDNS.INF | 06:46 |
krod | lsrtdns is already installed. Use -e to remove it | 06:46 |
krod | krod@krodtop:~$ sudo ndiswrapper -e LSRTDNS.INF | 06:46 |
krod | Driver LSRTDNS.INF is not installed. Use -l to list installed drivers | 06:46 |
krod | krod@krodtop:~$ | 06:46 |
Razor-X | Trxisey: you sure you're running xchat as ~ user? | 06:46 |
krod | .... | 06:46 |
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Trixsey | Razor-X I'm not | 06:47 |
Razor-X | Trixsey: well, there you are ;) | 06:47 |
scott_away | Is anyone familiar with the process used to be able to play blizzard games on linux? | 06:47 |
DeathWing | Hello! Who among you guys are using wine | 06:47 |
Trixsey | thats why I put my file in /home/trixsey/.xchat2 | 06:47 |
Razor-X | Trixsey: but, that doesen't matter, if you aren't trixsey, it won't load from your home directory | 06:47 |
DeathWing | scott_away: try using wine | 06:48 |
Trixsey | Razor-X so I just load it once as root to load the script? | 06:48 |
DeathWing | ive used wine and i have run some windows programs | 06:48 |
Trixsey | doesnt seem like.. logic :p | 06:48 |
Trixsey | are you guessing now? | 06:48 |
Trixsey | lol | 06:48 |
scott_away | name _scott_ | 06:48 |
DeathWing | but most of them had errors | 06:48 |
Razor-X | errr, wait, are you doing this through sudo? | 06:48 |
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Razor-X | like... sudo xchat + | 06:49 |
Razor-X | *? | 06:49 |
ninwa | DeathWing, Unless there's a native build for the game it's not generally going to run well. Try Cedegra(? I think, used to be WineX), it has some DX support. | 06:49 |
Trixsey | Razor-X I'm doing this through GNOME | 06:49 |
Trixsey | and I dont want to have to input the ~ pw to run X-chat | 06:49 |
DeathWing | thanks ninwa ill try it now | 06:49 |
ninwa | cedega* | 06:50 |
ninwa | www.transgaming.com I think | 06:50 |
Razor-X | Trixsey: hmmm... then there shouldn't be anything wrong..... | 06:50 |
Razor-X | try #xchat | 06:50 |
Trixsey | I did | 06:50 |
Trixsey | they duno | 06:50 |
DeathWing | ninwa, are u sure cedegra? it did not appear on my search in synaptic | 06:51 |
Razor-X | well then, file a bug ;) | 06:51 |
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tomd84 | hey | 06:51 |
tomd84 | has anyone here installed a wireless card before | 06:51 |
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ninwa | tomd84, I did just the other day. | 06:52 |
tomd84 | nin can you help me please? | 06:52 |
ninwa | That depends, I can try but I'm by far no expert. | 06:53 |
tomd84 | i dont know where to start | 06:53 |
ninwa | First thing would be checking for native drivers for your card, what distrobution are you on? | 06:53 |
tomd84 | i got that bit | 06:53 |
tomd84 | :) | 06:53 |
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ninwa | are there linux drivers for it? | 06:53 |
tomd84 | yep | 06:54 |
ninwa | And when you downloaded it they didn't have installation notes or a readme? That'd be the first thing to check. | 06:54 |
Razor-X | ninwa: what happened to the Ubuntu wiki page with the install instructions? | 06:55 |
ninwa | Razor-X, watchya mean? | 06:55 |
foxiness | hi , i found on synaptic two firefox package 1-firefox 2-gnome-fire-fox what shuld i do now ? | 06:55 |
tomd84 | erm hang on | 06:55 |
foxiness | if i select to upgrade gnome-fire-fox it will install fire-fox to ? | 06:56 |
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linda | hola | 06:56 |
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digip1mp | I just downloaded a .deb file... what's the correct way to install it? | 06:56 |
digip1mp | it's not in the package manager | 06:56 |
digip1mp | to my knowledge | 06:57 |
ninwa | dpkg install package_name | 06:57 |
ninwa | I think | 06:57 |
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chrissturm | sudo dpkg -i <packagefile> | 06:57 |
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ninwa | oh yeah, gotta be root :] | 06:57 |
Matthew_W | is there a way to eject a cd drive even when it's "busy" | 06:57 |
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Matthew_W | I'm trying to switch disks on an install and I cant unless I force it open somehow. | 06:57 |
tomd84 | downloading linux drivers now | 06:57 |
ninwa | good question, I'd like to know myself... I usually kill -9 any processes that are using it if I have that problem | 06:57 |
ninwa | that wouldn't work for an install though huh | 06:58 |
foxiness | Matthew_W, read ubuntu-guide | 06:58 |
Matthew_W | ninwa: lol no | 06:58 |
Matthew_W | foxiness: where do I find that? | 06:58 |
ninwa | probably ubuntulinux.com :) | 06:58 |
Matthew_W | Well, I'm looking for the short answer x-x lol | 06:58 |
foxiness | Matthew_W, http://ubuntuguide.org/ | 06:59 |
ninwa | :P | 06:59 |
Matthew_W | That's my only problem with linux -- great, more powerful, more customizable, wonderful -- if you have 42 hours to spare to install some basic stuff :P lol | 06:59 |
tomd84 | ninwa, downloading... | 06:59 |
tomd84 | lol | 06:59 |
tomd84 | allways takes ages when you waiting | 06:59 |
ninwa | Matthew_W, I think a lot of people who use linux enjoy that aspect of it. | 06:59 |
foxiness | Matthew_W, but than it will safe your time :) | 06:59 |
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Razor-X | hmmm......... I can't get \fbox to work -_- | 07:00 |
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foxiness | Matthew_W, like all think come fast go fast :) | 07:00 |
ninwa | thats a good way of putting it | 07:01 |
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Razor-X | Matthew_W: not at all | 07:01 |
Razor-X | I got the basic box running in.... 1 hour, from NTFS formatting, to installing, to making my bootloader not appear for my dad | 07:02 |
Razor-X | and, over time, I installed what I needed | 07:02 |
Kyynara | how can I check the version of a certain library? | 07:02 |
foxiness | when i want to update my ubuntu i see to firefox ? what i shuld i do now ?? | 07:02 |
Seveas | Kyynara, dpkg -l libpng | 07:02 |
Kyynara | thanks :) | 07:02 |
Razor-X | sure, I had a _few_ hitches, like ogg123 not playing to the correct output device, quickly corrected | 07:02 |
foxiness | Kyynara, or synaptic | 07:02 |
Seveas | Kyynara, dpkg -l libpng* | 07:02 |
Razor-X | foxiness: sudo apt-get upgrade firefox | 07:03 |
tomd84 | ninwa, its got a read me | 07:03 |
tomd84 | but its not much use | 07:03 |
Matthew_W | foxiness: ok.. now when I put in the next cd it won't detect it, why? | 07:03 |
tomd84 | its got a make file tho | 07:03 |
Matthew_W | foxiness: i used sudo umount -l | 07:03 |
foxiness | Razor-X, this will install two package ?! | 07:03 |
ninwa | tomd, compile it and seeing if you can modprobe it, usually the INSTALL file will give you insight on how to install it :) | 07:04 |
Razor-X | foxness: so? | 07:04 |
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Razor-X | Matthew_W: maybe you want to remount? | 07:04 |
Matthew_W | heh | 07:04 |
Matthew_W | Yep, that was it. | 07:04 |
tomd84 | i dont get it :-s | 07:05 |
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fishie | work is boring :sigh: | 07:05 |
Kyynara | Seveas: do you know if i can manually "update" the lib | 07:05 |
Razor-X | ninwa: you're suggesting 'compilation' to a totally new user? | 07:05 |
Kyynara | if I find the package... | 07:06 |
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Matthew_W | Any way to tell if an app is actually doing something? IE - loading a large file, or just hanging? | 07:06 |
tomd84 | anyone els that can help | 07:06 |
Razor-X | Kyynara: apt-get upgrade | 07:06 |
Kyynara | I'm going to downgrade :) | 07:06 |
Seveas | Kyynara, sure, if you find a deb file, you can dpkg -i --force-downgrade | 07:06 |
ninwa | its mozilla-firefox I think | 07:06 |
Kyynara | I need an older version of libpng | 07:06 |
ninwa | speaking of firefox | 07:07 |
ninwa | I get a freaking XML error when I try adding a bookmark | 07:07 |
Kyynara | but it's not in the repositories... so I was wondering if I found a package with the old bin, what would i need to do to get it to work? | 07:07 |
Seveas | Kyynara, dpkg -i --force-downgrade filename.deb | 07:07 |
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Razor-X | tomd84: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/WiFiHowto | 07:08 |
Razor-X | ninwa: 's why you don't use Firefox ;) | 07:08 |
yura_ | hi! help me to play DVD in totem | 07:08 |
Razor-X | yura_: I use VLC, meself | 07:08 |
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yura_ | what's that? | 07:09 |
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Razor-X | Seveas: can \verb be centered? | 07:09 |
ninwa | Razor-X, What do you prefer? I just fixed the problem at any rate... | 07:09 |
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Razor-X | yura_: a Media Player that can play almost any format | 07:09 |
Razor-X | ninwa: Opera | 07:09 |
Grumbly | where is the dpkg sources file? | 07:09 |
forsaker8k6 | good evening all | 07:09 |
Razor-X | Opera or Konqueror | 07:09 |
yura_ | is it in Ubuntu? | 07:09 |
Razor-X | yura_: sudo apt-get install vlc | 07:10 |
tomd84 | im giving up | 07:10 |
tomd84 | thanks for your help | 07:10 |
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Razor-X | tomd84: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/WiFiHowto | 07:10 |
tomd84 | i tried that | 07:10 |
tomd84 | its not working | 07:10 |
Razor-X | what went wrong? | 07:10 |
Grumbly | list of sources for dpkg anyone? | 07:10 |
Seveas | Razor-X, ehm \center{\verb{ | 07:10 |
Seveas | iirc | 07:10 |
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tomd84 | i have to install something call dnswrapper or soething like that | 07:11 |
tomd84 | and the commands are working | 07:11 |
Razor-X | Seveas: why does lshort tell me \begin{center} | 07:11 |
Seveas | eh yeah | 07:11 |
Grumbly | help please | 07:11 |
Seveas | because you should do that :) | 07:11 |
Razor-X | ok then ;) | 07:11 |
forsaker8k6 | got a question: how can i compile an application @ 32 bit, on an amd64 System? | 07:11 |
Seveas | forsaker8k6, in a 32bit chroot | 07:11 |
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Razor-X | well, I used \begin{center}\verb{xxx+}\end{center} | 07:11 |
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Grumbly | the default apt-get/dpkg/dselect source tree? | 07:11 |
Seveas | Grumbly, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 | 07:12 |
Razor-X | tomd84: then install ndiswrapper | 07:12 |
Grumbly | Seveas: thank you! | 07:12 |
tomd84 | Razor-X, i tired all that | 07:12 |
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tomd84 | and all it does it say error with driver | 07:12 |
bionic_ | Trying to install vmware here, it searches for the directory of the C header files matching my current kernel. Where is this on plain ubuntu 5.04 install? | 07:12 |
Grumbly | Seveas: I want to add some more sources | 07:12 |
Grumbly | to my file. where is it? | 07:12 |
Razor-X | tomd84: is your card supported by ndis? | 07:12 |
forsaker8k6 | tnx Seveas but how do i chroot in a 32bit space? | 07:12 |
Seveas | forsaker8k6, ENOCLUE | 07:13 |
Seveas | Grumbly, the file itself is at /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:13 |
tomd84 | Razor-X, it says so | 07:13 |
Grumbly | ah | 07:13 |
Grumbly | thanks | 07:13 |
Seveas | Grumbly, and these are all official ubuntu repositories | 07:13 |
Razor-X | tomd84: then try downloading new drivers online | 07:14 |
Grumbly | I know. I wanted to add the debian site as well | 07:14 |
tomd84 | i ave | 07:14 |
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forsaker8k6 | sorry Seveas, but i'm quite noob... so i don't understand | 07:16 |
Burgundavia | Grumbly, adding debian sources is a very bad idea | 07:16 |
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Razor-X | mmmm, I like LaTeX ;) | 07:18 |
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Trixsey | pervert :( | 07:19 |
ivoks | Razor-X: everyone does | 07:19 |
Razor-X | Trixsey: look at the case of the word "LaTeX" | 07:19 |
Razor-X | ivoks: yeah, there's no going back to WYSIWYG | 07:19 |
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Trixsey | Razor-X, yeah I know | 07:20 |
Trixsey | I'm just teasing j0 :) | 07:20 |
Razor-X | Trixsey: heh, ok ;) | 07:20 |
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ninwa | I don't know about you... | 07:21 |
yura__ | hi! my "Totem" won't play DVD, how can I manage it? | 07:21 |
ninwa | but I like Latex, too. | 07:21 |
ninwa | yura_, Did you mantle the sun god right? | 07:21 |
ninwa | Sometimes if it's crooked on the top it wont work. | 07:21 |
cyphase | how do you limit the amount of processing power a certain process can use? | 07:21 |
yura__ | I don't know what it is | 07:22 |
yura__ | ] it says it needs some decoders | 07:22 |
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Razor-X | yura__: instead of going through that, get VLC | 07:22 |
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Razor-X | yura__: in a Terminal type "sudo apt-get install vlc" | 07:22 |
yura__ | I have just tried | 07:22 |
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phillip_ | what the cmd that kills the vnc server | 07:22 |
Razor-X | then start vlc with "vlc" in a Terminal | 07:22 |
Razor-X | then just Open Disc a DVD, et voila, C'est le success | 07:23 |
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Razor-X | hmmm... should I add a footnote, or is that annoying? | 07:24 |
ninwa | Anyone know how I can change what application nautilus launches for an extension without having to right click on a file of that type and use properties? | 07:26 |
Trixsey | im doing major updates now ;D | 07:26 |
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Razor-X | ninwa: should be in Nautilus properties, i'm guessing | 07:26 |
Razor-X | but, I don't use Gnome, so :\ | 07:26 |
ninwa | if there is such a thing ;p | 07:27 |
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ninwa | alright then | 07:27 |
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djp | can somebody tell me how i can list all restrcited software? | 07:28 |
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Kyynara | I'm trying to rename a folder but it says "Bareword "zlib" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 1) line 1." | 07:29 |
yura | I tried to instal vlc, but | 07:29 |
yura | yura@ubuntu1:~$ sudo apt-get install vlc | 07:29 |
yura | Password: | 07:29 |
yura | ... | 07:29 |
yura | ... | 07:29 |
yura | E: vlc | 07:29 |
yura | yura@ubuntu1:~$ | 07:29 |
Razor-X | yura: what's the problem? | 07:29 |
djp | is there a way to filter in synaptic in order to show only restricted software that is installed? | 07:29 |
Razor-X | ummm..... I can't really read that -_- | 07:29 |
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yura | of course | 07:29 |
yura | that's russian | 07:29 |
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Razor-X | oh, I think I know your problem though | 07:29 |
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Razor-X | add the extra repositories | 07:29 |
yura | it says it can't find package vlc | 07:30 |
luminerd | I am told my linuxwacom.sf.net to compile mousedev as a module...in my kernel, it is built in. when I attempted to recompile the kernel with mousedev built as a module, module is not an option; only built in. When I menuconfig and press M, it reverts to the asterisk. | 07:30 |
Razor-X | yura: http://ru.ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories | 07:31 |
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chaitat | hello | 07:31 |
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Juhaz | luminerd, are you sure you actually need to do that? I got wacom tablet working with nothing but putting the inputdevice sections in xorg.conf | 07:31 |
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chaitat | if i use 'hybernate' regulary, there will be any problem? | 07:32 |
Juhaz | luminerd, though granted, I don't know if pressure sensitivity and all work, since it was for tablet pc and not drawing tablet | 07:32 |
luminerd | Juhaz, yea, I'm on slackware though :/ | 07:32 |
luminerd | no one there or anywhere else could help | 07:32 |
Juhaz | oh. | 07:32 |
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Razor-X | luminerd: this is #ubuntu ;) go to #slackware | 07:33 |
djp | does anybody know why the linux-386, linux-k7 etc kernels are restricted? | 07:33 |
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Razor-X | djp: i'm guessing because they're basic kernels? | 07:33 |
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HappyFool | djp: the linux-restricted-modules package is something else | 07:34 |
ardob11 | I'm trying to use Rhythbox, but it say can't find mp3 codec, how do I install it? | 07:34 |
luminerd | Razor-X, they couldn't help me, was hoping someone here could | 07:34 |
HappyFool | djp: it's for modules with restrictive licenses | 07:34 |
Razor-X | luminerd: oh, ah, sorry ;) | 07:34 |
Juhaz | luminerd, dunno about that then, never have had to compile it. | 07:34 |
Kyynara | I'm trying to rename a folder but it says "Bareword "zlib" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 1) line 1." Could you tell me what I'm doing wrong? | 07:34 |
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luminerd | heh, ok well thanks anyway | 07:35 |
Razor-X | hmmm, what's the difference between linux-686 and linux-686-smp | 07:35 |
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HappyFool | Razor-X: smp = symmetric multiprocessor (or multiprocessing ?) | 07:35 |
HappyFool | ie., more than one CPU | 07:35 |
Razor-X | ok, that's why I was remembering the word | 07:35 |
`psycho | guys a question | 07:36 |
Razor-X | i'll finish up some LaTeX modifications, and then install | 07:36 |
`psycho | wat happens if i don't define a target in mak-kpkg? | 07:36 |
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`psycho | *make-kpkg | 07:36 |
Razor-X | does apt-get(aptitude) change the GRUB entry to boot a new kernel? | 07:36 |
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`psycho | anyone knows? | 07:37 |
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ardob11 | How do I install MP3 codec and make Rhythmbox use it? | 07:37 |
`psycho | :( | 07:37 |
HappyFool | !uboto restricted | 07:37 |
ubotu | I don't know, HappyFool | 07:37 |
HappyFool | hrm | 07:37 |
HappyFool | ardob11: you can find out how at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 07:38 |
ardob11 | thnx | 07:38 |
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`psycho | hey a little help please? | 07:38 |
Razor-X | does it? | 07:38 |
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HappyFool | `psycho: i don't have a clue. try reading the docs carefully? | 07:39 |
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`psycho | :S | 07:39 |
Grumbly | hey, I'm looking for a backend app for a web site that can resize/reformat images from whatever to jpg. anyone know of anything like that? | 07:40 |
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HappyFool | Grumbly: there's a package called imagemagick which can do that | 07:41 |
djp | HappyFool: are any linux-restricted-modules installed by default with a hoary install? | 07:41 |
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HappyFool | djp: linux-restricted-modules is a single package. afaik it only contains the nvidia drivers at the moment, though i could be wrong | 07:42 |
djp | Grumbly: gallery with imagemagick | 07:42 |
HappyFool | djp: i don't think it's installed by default | 07:42 |
Grumbly | IMAGEMAGICK! thanks! | 07:42 |
Grumbly | djp... | 07:42 |
Grumbly | why I know that nick | 07:42 |
Grumbly | *do* | 07:42 |
spynet | join/ #ubuntu-es | 07:42 |
Grumbly | ? | 07:42 |
dpo1 | Mayday mayday! my filesystem keeps filling up /home has 10.2 gig preventing me from running anything or rebooting. It comes from some promiscuous downloading I did yesterday from the fonts section of synaptic, but I don't know what to do now. | 07:42 |
Razor-X | how does \label and \ref work? | 07:42 |
HappyFool | djp: oh, sorry, it's much more that just nvidia | 07:43 |
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HappyFool | djp: also wireless networking, lucent modem, isdn, .. blah blah | 07:43 |
Razor-X | dpo1: run in recovery mode | 07:43 |
arj | hello | 07:43 |
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spynet | joined #ubuntu-es | 07:44 |
arj | just got some ubuntu cd's today and I wanted to try out the latest release using the livecd. It appears I have trouble starting it. It can't read some files and when I do a integrity check of the cd I get a wrong md5 sum for the package anna | 07:44 |
arj | known problem? | 07:44 |
arj | one of my friends had the same problem and this is with the official cd's? | 07:44 |
HappyFool | arj: i can check my install cd... stand by | 07:45 |
arj | HappyFool: it was the livecd | 07:45 |
HappyFool | arj: hrm, ok | 07:45 |
dpo1 | Razor-X when I rebooted last time, even that didn't work. I only managed to get back in through terminal, erasing /tmp and wiping out everything in /var/cache/apt/archives. Then this morning, when I tried to see if synaptics was working, it asked me to dkpg --configure -a to restart the process which I did causing the problem again. Unfortunately this time there's nothing in ..../apt/archives to delete | 07:45 |
arj | but my friend had problems with the livecd | 07:45 |
arj | ehm | 07:45 |
arj | install cd | 07:45 |
djp | HappyFool: is there anywhere that lists what is restricted? | 07:45 |
HappyFool | arj: i downloaded the hoary install CD, i've had no problems | 07:46 |
Razor-X | dpo1: get a Linux boot floppy, or CD and delete it from there | 07:46 |
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orhs | how do i install other splash screens? | 07:47 |
HappyFool | arj: an md5 error should indicate an error with the file, i.e., bad data | 07:47 |
HappyFool | djp: just a sec | 07:47 |
dpo1 | Razor-X delete what? I'm in Gnome right now (can't turn off any applications, though, cause they don't start up again). If I could find files to rm, I could: I just don't know where the filesystem is filling up. Any ideas on how to find where the problem is? | 07:47 |
GNULinuxer | orhs, gconf-editor | 07:47 |
HappyFool | djp: is this what you want? http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/misc/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.10-5-386 | 07:48 |
dpo1 | Razor-X: I have both the live and installation CDs, so I can reboot if nec. but it was such a screwup last time, I'm reluctant to do so without trying to fix it first | 07:48 |
orhs | GNULinuxer, tnx :) | 07:48 |
ardob11 | "Note : you must choose the eSound output plugin in the options of XMMS (XMMS freezes if you use ALSA)." how do I get to options it it freezes right from the start :)? command line? | 07:48 |
GNULinuxer | orhs, you need to edit an key to point to the splash image you want | 07:48 |
HappyFool | arj: are these CD's received in the mail from canonical? | 07:48 |
arj | it fails on loading casper-udeb | 07:49 |
Razor-X | dpo1: i would be easiest to do it from the Live CD | 07:49 |
Razor-X | ok, brb, time to try out my new kernel ;) | 07:49 |
arj | HappyFool: yes | 07:49 |
HappyFool | arj: this is on the install cd ? one sec... | 07:49 |
HappyFool | arj: erk | 07:49 |
AlwaysModest | anyone know how i can copy the kernel over so i can use it for bootx? | 07:49 |
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GNULinuxer | orhs, apps > gnome-session > options | 07:49 |
dpo1 | Razor-X, O.K., can you walk me through what you'd do to id and solve the problem using the live CD? | 07:49 |
arj | right now I'm just trying the livecd and I get that error | 07:49 |
HappyFool | arj: what os are you running now (for irc) ? | 07:51 |
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arj | linux | 07:51 |
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arj | Gentoo | 07:51 |
solaris | solaris | 07:51 |
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we2by | * *** Forward DNS reply received. | 07:51 |
we2by | * *** Ident request failed. | 07:51 |
we2by | how can I solve this problem? | 07:51 |
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HappyFool | arj: i don't know what the problem is. My md5sum for 'casper-udeb_0.62_all.udeb' is 'bb48d68688c78bb110fe70ffbaeee9fc' | 07:52 |
ravuya | I installed the nvidia-glx driver and enabled it, but now I need to recompile with an --enable-tls=classic option to make it work with WineX again. What would be the best way to do this? Should I just download the source for the package and do it that way? | 07:52 |
HappyFool | arj: maybe you can compare that to yours ? | 07:52 |
arj | good idea | 07:52 |
arj | I'm trying the install cd right now | 07:52 |
Razor-X | nice, everything's quite a bit faster ;) | 07:52 |
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HappyFool | arj: you can test in your gentoo system with 'md5sum -c md5sum.txt' in the top-level directory of the cd | 07:52 |
Razor-X | ravuya: i'm assuming you got WineX from CVS? | 07:52 |
ravuya | Yeah, I used the WineCVS script | 07:53 |
Razor-X | ravuya: can you guess how old that is? | 07:53 |
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ravuya | Razor-X, I don't know. I asked in cedega, the latest CVS there gives the same error | 07:54 |
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djp | HappyFool: thanks | 07:54 |
uman | hi there all | 07:54 |
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Razor-X | ravyua: i'm pretty sure it's really really _really_ old | 07:54 |
kman___ | d | 07:54 |
arj | HappyFool: seems to work ok on this computer | 07:54 |
Razor-X | so, you may not be able to play the games you want to | 07:54 |
arj | maybe cd drive related | 07:54 |
kman___ | ups, sorry, about that | 07:54 |
HappyFool | arj: ie., md5sum ok ? | 07:54 |
arj | yes | 07:55 |
ravuya | Razor-X, okay. Well, I'll probably go pick up the latest binary release then. Thanks | 07:55 |
arj | installation cd seems ok | 07:55 |
arj | hmm | 07:55 |
ravuya | anyway, ubuntu fucking rocks | 07:55 |
ravuya | i moved from fedora to it last night | 07:55 |
Razor-X | ravuya: wait, is Cedega free? | 07:55 |
HappyFool | arj: i guess best suspect is cd-drive, but i don't really know | 07:55 |
ravuya | Razor-X, the CVS is | 07:55 |
Shachaf | Has anyboody had any problems getting their eepro100 card working under Ubuntu? | 07:55 |
delire | ravuya: sure does ;) | 07:55 |
ravuya | Fedora used a newer version of ext3 though, the fsck in the base install died when trying to fsck my hard drive because I wanted to keep my /home directory | 07:56 |
ravuya | I should probably find the bugzilla and report that actually | 07:56 |
Razor-X | ravuya: i'm pretty sure the CVS is pretty old, but, I may be wrong | 07:56 |
Razor-X | although, ask in #cedega, they could've updated it | 07:56 |
ravuya | I did ask, that's where I got the tip on how to fix it ;) | 07:56 |
delire | Shachaf: what's up? | 07:57 |
Razor-X | ok then ;) | 07:57 |
orhs | GNULinuxer, this is kinda hard... :S | 07:57 |
Razor-X | wow, the 686 kernel is blazing | 07:57 |
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HappyFool | i thought the point of CVS was to be the opposite of old ;) | 07:57 |
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ravuya | I just need to know how to recompile the nvidia-glx module without having to download their stupid script | 07:57 |
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random | #ET | 07:57 |
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quickbrownfox | folks. does anyone know of a free sha1 hash checker for windows? | 07:57 |
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delire | Shachaf: you have the module loaded? | 07:57 |
Razor-X | quickbrownfox: i'ld reccomend a plugin for Total Commander, but not many people use Total Commander so.... ;) | 07:58 |
Razor-X | HappyFool: but the CVS is free, that's why | 07:58 |
random | does anyone know how to fix this error "------- sound initialization ------- | 07:58 |
random | GETOSPACE: Invalid argument | 07:58 |
random | Um, can't do GETOSPACE? | 07:58 |
random | " | 07:58 |
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Shachaf | delire: Yes. | 07:58 |
Shachaf | delire: I tried it both with eepro100 and e100. | 07:58 |
Razor-X | random: where'ld you get this error? | 07:58 |
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Razor-X | from what? | 07:58 |
=== xota pira! | ||
orhs | how do i replace the standart splash image with one of my own choice? | 07:58 |
orhs | standard | 07:58 |
random | Razor-X: from Enemy Territory | 07:58 |
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HappyFool | quickbrownfox: does gpg do sha1 ? | 07:58 |
delire | Shachaf: 'lsmod | grep e100' confirms it's loaded | 07:59 |
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Shachaf | delire: Yes, confirmed. | 07:59 |
quickbrownfox | Razor-X, I have total commander. thanks | 07:59 |
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delire | Shachaf: what kind of network are you on? | 07:59 |
Shachaf | delire: I tried both DHCP and static IPs, neither worked. | 07:59 |
arj | HappyFool: running md5sum on the file from a shell also fails | 07:59 |
arj | :/ | 07:59 |
Shachaf | delire: What do you mean, what kind of network? | 07:59 |
quickbrownfox | HappyFool, dno what GPG is | 08:00 |
delire | Shachaf: is it eth0 or eth1 | 08:00 |
Shachaf | delire: This is eth0. | 08:00 |
HappyFool | quickbrownfox: http://www.gnupg.org/(en)/download/index.html | 08:00 |
HappyFool | arj: doh | 08:00 |
arj | dmesg tells me: media error (bad sector) | 08:00 |
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HappyFool | arj: this is on your gentoo system ? | 08:00 |
delire | Shachaf: ifdown eth0; ifup eth0 | 08:00 |
arj | no from a shell on the livecd | 08:00 |
delire | Shachaf: when requesting an IP via DHCP request | 08:01 |
Shachaf | delire: I tried that enough times. | 08:01 |
arj | tried two different medias | 08:01 |
arj | same problem | 08:01 |
arj | :/ | 08:01 |
HappyFool | you mean two different drives, or two different cd's ? | 08:01 |
Shachaf | delire: I can't get this working with static IPs either. | 08:01 |
delire | Shachaf: well i'll need some output to assist. ifconfig confirms an IP? that card is widely used. i use it myself. | 08:01 |
arj | two different cd's | 08:01 |
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random | does anyone know how do fix this error, "------- sound initialization ------- | 08:01 |
random | GETOSPACE: Invalid argument | 08:01 |
random | Um, can't do GETOSPACE? | 08:01 |
random | " when i try and run enemy territory | 08:01 |
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HappyFool | arj: i'm guessing it's your drive | 08:01 |
delire | Shachaf: can you ping the router/gateway? | 08:01 |
Shachaf | delire: No. | 08:02 |
HappyFool | arj: can you maybe swap out your gentoo cd-drive just for the install ? | 08:02 |
Shachaf | delire: This works in other distributions, by the way. | 08:02 |
HappyFool | arj: ag, your gentoo machine's drive, you know what i mean | 08:02 |
arj | HappyFool: laptop :) | 08:02 |
HappyFool | arj: heh. i guess that's a no ;) | 08:02 |
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dabear | any idea on how to get gaim to remember which channels I've joined? | 08:03 |
arj | ohh well | 08:03 |
delire | Shachaf: in /etc/network/interfaces make sure you have a line like this (for DHCP) 'iface eth0 inet dhcp' | 08:03 |
marin | It's very important to have a swap partition? | 08:03 |
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dabear | no, depends on your ram | 08:03 |
mag | marin: depend how much RAM you have | 08:03 |
Shachaf | delire: Wouldn't it be simpler to try this with static IPs for now? | 08:03 |
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HappyFool | arj: maybe you could hack some sort of netinstall: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/NetbootInstallHowto | 08:03 |
delire | Shachaf: then ifdown eth0; ifup eth0. also check 'route -n' to ensure you have the correct gw listed. | 08:03 |
HappyFool | arj: i have never done this myself, nor even looked at it | 08:04 |
delire | Shachaf: sure if you like. then replace 'dhcp' with static | 08:04 |
marin | ok, then my pc will use more RAM | 08:04 |
arj | HappyFool: just wanted to try the livecd so that I can tell people that I at least tried it before giving out the cd's :-) | 08:04 |
marin | no? | 08:04 |
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arj | thanks for the help though | 08:04 |
Razor-X | HappyFool: you willing to read something? | 08:05 |
dabear | any idea on how to get gaim to remember which channels I've joined? | 08:05 |
delire | Shachaf: what IP is your gateway? | 08:05 |
Shachaf | delire: | 08:05 |
djp | is the nvidia-kernel-common file important? i gather it is only for use if you wish to install the nvidia-glx driver. correct? | 08:05 |
HappyFool | Razor-X: sure, if it's not too long | 08:06 |
delire | Shachaf: try this 'route add default gw' and then try a ping | 08:06 |
HappyFool | Razor-X: i'm also in the middle of making supper, so patience may be required | 08:06 |
HappyFool | ;) | 08:06 |
Mez | hola razor-xz | 08:06 |
justin | delire: you don't need a gateway to ping an address that is on the same subnet as you | 08:06 |
delire | justin: i know | 08:06 |
delire | justin: that's not his problem | 08:06 |
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djp | also, if i install the linux-k7 kernel, can i then remove the 386 kernel or is this done automatically? | 08:07 |
justin | delire: then why did you have him add the gateway? you didn't even have him check to see if you could ping the gateway itself first | 08:07 |
HappyFool | arj: fair enough. i guess you have at least checked the md5sum | 08:07 |
Mez | you can removed, but it's wise to keep it as a "just in case" dj | 08:07 |
delire | justin: read your scrollback. i asked him this | 08:07 |
Mez | djp* | 08:07 |
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marin | and.. If I want to add this partition what should I do? | 08:08 |
anatole | does someone knows why xchat-xmms announce scripts does not work? | 08:08 |
djp | Mez: which one Mez, the nvidia one or the 386 one ;) | 08:08 |
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anatole | the errror is: [20:06] Error loading '/home/attila/.xchat2/xmms-share.pl': | 08:08 |
anatole | [20:06] Can't locate Xmms/Remote.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.4 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at (eval 3) line 66. | 08:08 |
anatole | [20:06] BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 3) line 66. | 08:08 |
justin | delire: well then if he can't ping the gateway, adding it as the default route isn't going to help with anything | 08:08 |
delire | justin: thanks | 08:08 |
justin | anatole: apt-cache search xmms perl | 08:08 |
djp | Mez: or both? | 08:09 |
Mez | djp: k7 != nvidia, it's the AMD kernel.... for athlon xps..... keep the i386 kernel for a just in case | 08:09 |
albacker | guys ive done 2 months ago the request for ubuntu free cds. they havent arrived yet. does anyone know anything why they havent arrived ? | 08:09 |
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Burgundavia | albacker, they will come when they do | 08:09 |
anatole | justin: libxmms-perl <- right? | 08:09 |
Burgundavia | they are shipping a lot of cds | 08:09 |
justin | anatole: yep | 08:09 |
albacker | Burgundavia, but 2 months have passed. | 08:09 |
albacker | should i wait more :S | 08:09 |
Razor-X | Mez: hey | 08:09 |
Burgundavia | albacker, shipit is not amazon | 08:09 |
anatole | thanks | 08:09 |
albacker | should i repeat the request. | 08:09 |
albacker | Burgundavia, ok. | 08:10 |
Mez | hey (again Razor-X | 08:10 |
delire | Shachaf: now if you 'ifconfig eth0' (assuming their is no other machine with that IP) can you ping an external URL? | 08:10 |
anatole | brb then :) | 08:10 |
djp | Mez: is it worth using the k7 kernel if i have an athlon? or will it make no real difference? | 08:10 |
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Razor-X | I have a rough draft of aguide on the Command Line introduction done | 08:10 |
gallonegro | is it hard to setup printer server type thing,, where xplaptop can print on my machine which as the printer connected too | 08:10 |
Razor-X | well, not a complete rough | 08:10 |
Razor-X | just one section ;) | 08:10 |
anatole | oh it works | 08:10 |
anatole | :) | 08:10 |
Shachaf | delire: What output should route -n give? | 08:10 |
justin | delire: why are you having him type random commands that are not going to help with anything? | 08:11 |
delire | Shachaf: sorry, 'ifconfig eth0' | 08:11 |
Mez | Razor-X, talk about that in #ubuntu-newbie so I can actually see whats going on and your talking doesnt get lost in the rest of the chatter | 08:11 |
Razor-X | Mez: ok ;) | 08:11 |
=== VRH [~volrath@185.Red-80-24-213.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
delire | Shachaf: it should give no output, but if you 'route -n' you should see this set as your default gateway | 08:11 |
delire | Shachaf: if you 'ifconfig' can you see eth0 set with the IP you gave it? | 08:12 |
Shachaf | delire: Yes. | 08:12 |
delire | Shachaf: and you still cannot ping an external URL? | 08:12 |
Shachaf | delire: That's right. | 08:12 |
Shachaf | delire: Not even | 08:12 |
Shachaf | delire: I wish I could SSH downstairs for this... :-) | 08:13 |
delire | Shachaf: are you sure that eth0 is your eepro100? any other network devices on that box? | 08:13 |
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Shachaf | delire: No others. | 08:13 |
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justin | Shachaf: what does mii-tool and mii-diag output? | 08:14 |
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Shachaf | delire: I'm using e100, by the way. | 08:14 |
delire | Shachaf: are you sure the network cable is properly plugged in? have you tested this with another machine or same machine different OS? | 08:15 |
Shachaf | delire: Yes, this works on other distributions. | 08:16 |
Shachaf | delire: And on Windows. | 08:16 |
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delire | Shachaf: try 'modprobe -r e100 && modprobe e100' and then setting eth0 with an IP again and pinging. | 08:17 |
delire | Shachaf: though i suppose you've already done this a few times ;) | 08:17 |
Shachaf | delire: I have. | 08:17 |
justin | Shachaf: what does mii-tool and mii-diag output? | 08:17 |
ThElInK_mt | Hey guys.. small quesion: I'm currently using Gentoo on AMD64. I'm preparing to switch to Ubuntu Hoary. On my amd64 gentoo system, I can run 32bit games like doom3 (without any chroot or other nonsense). Will I be able to do so on hoary amd64? | 08:18 |
delire | Shachaf: well it's a bit beyond me i'm afraid then! <thinks> | 08:18 |
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Shachaf | delire: Thank you, anyway. | 08:19 |
synd | whats the cmd to add hdparm to the boot sequence | 08:19 |
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Trixsey | Hey, anyone here? | 08:20 |
Trixsey | InitMass | 08:20 |
Trixsey | there? :o | 08:20 |
synd | Trixsey: yeah, we're here | 08:20 |
Trixsey | oh ok :) | 08:20 |
Trixsey | I updated X-Chat | 08:20 |
Trixsey | I still cant load perl plugins | 08:20 |
Trixsey | maybe something is wrong with my perl plugin? | 08:20 |
Trixsey | it consists of a bunch of IRC::command "/server ...."; and IRC::command "/join #..." | 08:21 |
ThElInK_mt | anybody know if I can run doom3 and other 32bit stuff on an amd64 hoary? | 08:21 |
Trixsey | synd,you know? | 08:21 |
InitMass | Trixsey, yes, what is it this time? | 08:21 |
lsuactiafner | ThElInK_mt : yeh you cam | 08:21 |
Trixsey | InitMass, still aint working for me | 08:22 |
lsuactiafner | ThElInK_mt : i run doom @ max graphics ect no problems | 08:22 |
synd | Trixsey: sure dont | 08:22 |
Shachaf | delire: Tell me if you get an idea. | 08:22 |
delire | Shachaf: hmm well i have the same card. all i can assume is that the link is down or that a competing eepro100 module is getting in the way. | 08:22 |
lsuactiafner | ThElInK_mt : you can run any 32bit binary.. | 08:22 |
InitMass | Trixsey, i never tried to make scripts for x-chat | 08:22 |
Shachaf | delire: Neither one seems to be true. | 08:22 |
ThElInK_mt | lsuactiafner: Thanks. Does that include cedega? | 08:22 |
Trixsey | InitMass, I updated a whole lot of shit | 08:22 |
Trixsey | still doesnt work :( | 08:22 |
delire | Shachaf: will do.. does seem odd! | 08:22 |
lsuactiafner | i dont use cedega, run the native doom binary | 08:22 |
InitMass | Trixsey, i'm only using x-chat. not modifying it | 08:22 |
delire | Shachaf: when using DHCP, were you actually granted an IP by the DHCP server? | 08:23 |
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Trixsey | I want to be able to auto-run commands on load | 08:23 |
ThElInK_mt | lsuactiafner, me too. But I have other games like HL2 and GTA | 08:23 |
Shachaf | delire: No. | 08:23 |
lsuactiafner | ThElInK_mt : try and come tell us lol | 08:23 |
Trixsey | thats all | 08:23 |
Shachaf | delire: You know, a while ago I tried to install Ubuntu (Warty) on this machine, which has a 3Com card, and the network also didn't work. | 08:23 |
Trixsey | im not gonna manually type like 30 commands each time I load X-Chat | 08:23 |
Trixsey | seems like a waste of time | 08:23 |
Trixsey | when I can make a script that does that shit for me | 08:23 |
ThElInK_mt | lsuactiafner, lol - I would if it was any other program.. but I paid for cedega - and I'm a poor, poor student lol | 08:24 |
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jwsh | man, what's up with the servers today? | 08:24 |
jwsh | Err http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary/universe libxalan2-java 2.6.0-1ubuntu1 | 08:24 |
lsuactiafner | Shachaf : my 3com works nicely, just the kernel prolly loaded the wrong module. | 08:24 |
jwsh | 404 Not Found [IP: 80] | 08:24 |
jwsh | Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/libx/libxalan2-java/libxalan2-java_2.6.0-1ubuntu1_all.deb 404 Not Found [IP: 80] | 08:24 |
justin | Trixsey: uh, try LOOKING in the xchat preferences, it can connect to servers and join channels for you without any stupid plugins | 08:24 |
delire | Shachaf: odd. another common card. i don't mean to undermine what you've told me, but what does 'lspci | grep Network' say? | 08:24 |
lsuactiafner | ThElInK_mt : cedega is free? | 08:24 |
Trixsey | where? | 08:24 |
ThElInK_mt | lsuactiafner, nope... | 08:24 |
lsuactiafner | lspci | grep -i eth | 08:24 |
Shachaf | delire: On which machine? | 08:24 |
ThElInK_mt | lsuactiafner, I bought it from Transgaming | 08:24 |
mag | jwsh: apt-get update | 08:24 |
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delire | Shachaf: the 'eepro100' machine | 08:24 |
jwsh | I did | 08:24 |
lsuactiafner | ThElInK_mt : heh ok then i suppose i got a hacked copy hmmmmm | 08:24 |
lsuactiafner | interesting | 08:25 |
=== Thorrn4 [~robert@pool-68-162-3-219.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Trixsey | justin: I need to join like 20 channels.. and then I need a ton of ident commands and stuff | 08:25 |
justin | Trixsey: http://www.xchat.org/files/screenshots/xchat_screen_2.png | 08:25 |
delire | Trixsey: what's wrong with Xchat or BitchX? | 08:25 |
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lsuactiafner | BitchX > all | 08:25 |
ThElInK_mt | lsuactiafner, I would try it, but if it doesn't work I'd have to switch back to gentoo... and re-installing gentoo takes like forever. So I'd rather make sure it works before hand hehe... | 08:25 |
jwsh | mag: I've tried http://archive.... http://us.archive... and http://gr.archive... that directory /libxalan2-java isn't there | 08:25 |
Trixsey | justin, ok? I see a server list? | 08:25 |
justin | Trixsey: edit? | 08:26 |
ThElInK_mt | lsuactiafner, I'll probably go ahead and try anyway | 08:26 |
Thorrn4 | hello! I have a BIG problem...I cannot log in my main account; i get a major error every time I try to log in (this session has lasted for less that 10 sec...) WHAT DO I DO? | 08:26 |
Trixsey | I want to be able to perform 40 automated tasks on execution of the program, where can I do that in your little server list? | 08:26 |
lsuactiafner | ThElInK_mt : if it works in gentoo 64bit it should work in ubuntu | 08:26 |
Trixsey | jeez | 08:26 |
Trixsey | lol | 08:26 |
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stjepan | hi | 08:26 |
ThElInK_mt | lsuactiafner, true :) | 08:26 |
moparfan90 | hello | 08:26 |
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Jet2k5 | guys, for some reason my w32codecs keep on going away | 08:26 |
Jet2k5 | they disappear | 08:26 |
Jet2k5 | wtf is causing this? | 08:27 |
ThElInK_mt | lsuactiafner, I'll give it a try and then let the others know :) | 08:27 |
Thorrn4 | hello! I have a BIG problem...I cannot log in my main account; i get a major error every time I try to log in (this session has lasted for less that 10 sec...) WHAT DO I DO? Also, every time I try to go into the root terminal and this user cannot use it! | 08:27 |
Trixsey | justin where do I run ident and invite commands for instance? | 08:27 |
Shachaf | delire: "lspci | grep -i network" gives nothing. | 08:27 |
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Shachaf | delire: But, "lspci | grep -i eth" gives "Intel Corp. 82557/8/9 [Ethernet Pro 100] (rev 02)" | 08:27 |
stjepan | do you have slow ADSL? | 08:27 |
justin | Trixsey: that's a different story. irssi makes that easy, dunno about xchat | 08:27 |
stjepan | do you have that problem? | 08:27 |
ThElInK_mt | Thanks for the help guys :) cya... | 08:28 |
justin | Thorrn4: change your session type? | 08:28 |
Trixsey | justin, it'd be easy if they wrote a proper API, not just a few commands | 08:28 |
moparfan90 | i am thinking of switching to ubuntu. whats some of the programs and cool stuff that comes with it????????? | 08:28 |
delire | Shachaf: odd grepping on Network works fine here. anyway that is the same card i use. | 08:28 |
Trixsey | moparfan90: you born 1990? better stay with windows | 08:28 |
moparfan90 | why | 08:29 |
HappyFool | moparfan90: openoffice (office suite), evolution (mail + calendar) | 08:29 |
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Trixsey | moparfan90: swaping to Ubuntu.. from? | 08:29 |
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HappyFool | moparfan90: what sort of software are you interested in ? | 08:29 |
moparfan90 | yea. im using SUSE linux | 08:29 |
lsuactiafner | lspci | grep -i eth | 08:29 |
Trixsey | moparfan90: IMHO it isnt the extra features that determines wether an OS is good or not :p | 08:30 |
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HappyFool | moparfan90: try out the live cd, see if it tickles your fancy | 08:30 |
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Matthew_W | Can you guys possibly help me set up direct3d or openGL -- I'm having a problem with it, my games won't run, they crash, and can't create direct3d objects, and the sounds don't work, etc. etc. | 08:30 |
Matthew_W | Help. | 08:30 |
=== Muiske [~muiske01@haar029.athome222.wau.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Trixsey | moparfan90: if you made up your mind about getting ubuntu then wait for a stable release of the breezy badger?? | 08:30 |
HappyFool | Trixsey: eh, why wait? | 08:31 |
moparfan90 | whens that going to be | 08:31 |
delire | Matthew_W: of course they can't create DX objects, same on a Mac | 08:31 |
Matthew_W | delire: explain. | 08:31 |
HappyFool | breezy will be released in october, but the current release (5.04, the hoary hedgehog) is perfectly usable | 08:31 |
Matthew_W | delire: it works on Linux, says so on transgaming.com -- this game, that is. | 08:31 |
Thorrn4 | justin, what do u mean? I tried opening all the sessions (KDE, GNOME, XFce) and none of them will open | 08:31 |
delire | Matthew_W: are you trying to run DirectX games on your Linux machine? | 08:31 |
delire | Matthew_W: ahah so you're using Cedega? | 08:31 |
Thorrn4 | HappyFool, can u help me out? | 08:32 |
moparfan90 | does ubuntu come with Wine or WineX? | 08:32 |
justin | Thorrn4: what does that mean? | 08:32 |
klaym | how do you upgrade to breezy? | 08:32 |
moparfan90 | does ubuntu come with Wine or WineX | 08:32 |
HappyFool | Thorrn4: i can try | 08:32 |
HappyFool | Thorrn4: have you tried switching to the non-gui console (Ctl-Alt-F1) and logging in there? | 08:33 |
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Matthew_W | delire: yes, using cedega. | 08:33 |
Matthew_W | delire: so I need to figure this out. | 08:33 |
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Matthew_W | delire: it's star wars battlefront | 08:33 |
moparfan90 | yea i want to play games to does ubuntu come with Wine or WINEX or cedega | 08:34 |
delire | Matthew_W: i can't help then. perhaps seek #cedega or send them an email. you do have direct rendering though? what does 'glxinfo | grep direct' give you? | 08:34 |
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bartekp | hi | 08:34 |
moparfan90 | hiu' | 08:34 |
moparfan90 | hi | 08:35 |
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moparfan90 | does ubuntu come with Wine or WineX | 08:35 |
dr_willis | winex is comercial and been renamed to Cedega | 08:35 |
dr_willis | so you can install WINE :P | 08:35 |
dr_willis | or go buy the cedega license and install cedega | 08:35 |
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dr_willis | (which used to be winex) | 08:35 |
moparfan90 | how much is it | 08:35 |
Trixsey | or download it illegaly!!!! | 08:35 |
Trixsey | omgz0r | 08:35 |
dr_willis | $5 a mo. | 08:36 |
moparfan90 | for how long | 08:36 |
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Trixsey | monthly fee? | 08:36 |
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dr_willis | go check out the Cedega Homepage. :) | 08:36 |
delire | moparfan90: if you live forever, $5/month can be prohibitively expensive | 08:36 |
dr_willis | then theres a few other wine spinoffs also. | 08:36 |
Matthew_W | delire: gives me direct rendering: No | 08:36 |
Matthew_W | OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect | 08:36 |
dr_willis | depends on waht you want to run. | 08:36 |
bartekp | moparfan90: wine is in universe in ubuntu | 08:36 |
delire | Matthew_W: ahah ;) what graphics card? | 08:37 |
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moparfan90 | so you have to pay $5 a month for ever | 08:37 |
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moparfan90 | or just until you download??/ | 08:37 |
HappyFool | moparfan90: until the heat death of the universe | 08:37 |
Shachaf | delire: So do you think the problem is with the network? | 08:37 |
HappyFool | moparfan90: which, as delire points out, makes it rather pricey | 08:37 |
moparfan90 | very funny | 08:37 |
moparfan90 | no real | 08:37 |
moparfan90 | realy | 08:38 |
bartekp | moparfan90: you can download CVS version cedega | 08:38 |
moparfan90 | i tryed that | 08:38 |
moparfan90 | i cant install it | 08:38 |
HappyFool | moparfan90: read cedega's web-page, as someone suggested | 08:38 |
dr_willis | :P | 08:38 |
moparfan90 | :-P | 08:38 |
delire | moparfan90: for i in range(forever); print "give me a fiver" | 08:38 |
Matthew_W | delire: SiS (Silicon integrated systems) laptop integrated. | 08:38 |
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debian_linux | nick dbeian_ | 08:38 |
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delire | Matthew_W: i don't think it's even possible to setup hardware accelleration for that device. | 08:39 |
moparfan90 | ok. | 08:39 |
moparfan90 | bye | 08:39 |
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bartekp | Matthew_W: lspci | 08:39 |
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Matthew_W | lspci floods me | 08:40 |
Matthew_W | bartekp: what should I be looking for? | 08:40 |
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delire | Matthew_W: lspci | grep VGA | 08:41 |
bartekp | Matthew_W: lspci -v|grep VGA | 08:41 |
Matthew_W | 0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661FX/M661FX/M661MX/741/M741/760/M760 PCI/AGP (prog-if 00 [VGA] ) | 08:41 |
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bartekp | Matthew_W: some SIS chips works with DRI | 08:41 |
Matthew_W | bartekp: explain? | 08:41 |
delire | ahah do they? cool | 08:41 |
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mz2 | in OOo 2 Impress how the hell can you get rid of that side panel permanently | 08:42 |
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marco__ | hello | 08:43 |
HappyFool | ello | 08:45 |
Seveas | howdy | 08:45 |
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Matthew_W | bartekp: so what do I have to do? | 08:45 |
bartekp | Matthew_W: it should work with dri | 08:45 |
bartekp | mz2: http://xfree86.activeventure.org/rs/sis.4.html | 08:46 |
bartekp | hm | 08:46 |
mz2 | bartekp, huh?? :) | 08:46 |
bartekp | mz2: sorry, mistake | 08:46 |
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spaltung | Hola | 08:47 |
delire | Shachaf: i think so | 08:48 |
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aramiil | hello again | 08:49 |
Shachaf | delire: This even worked with LFS, when I installed it on that machine a while ago. | 08:49 |
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tuku | Hi. I just installed ubuntu and it installed grub on /dev/hda but I need it on /dev/hdb. How can I install it on it? | 08:49 |
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ninwa | Oooh, Jones Soda 12 Pack! Woot | 08:51 |
Seveas | tuku, grub-install (hd1) | 08:51 |
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ivoks | mako: ping | 08:52 |
tuku | thanks, i try it | 08:52 |
raptoid | whats downloader for x appz ? | 08:53 |
tuku | does ubuntu use these hd0 and hd1 enstead of /dev/hda? | 08:54 |
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HappyFool | raptoid: what's that mean ? something other than synaptic ? | 08:54 |
HappyFool | tuku: no, just grub | 08:54 |
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Hoxzer^^ | Now somebody tell how to setup shell server | 08:54 |
tuku | ok...thanks...got to go test how grub install worked | 08:54 |
Hoxzer^^ | quickly | 08:54 |
mjr | Hoxzer^^, basically install ssh-server | 08:55 |
Hoxzer^^ | I need help | 08:55 |
Hoxzer^^ | thx | 08:55 |
mjr | and that's about it | 08:55 |
lsuactiafner | tuku no. | 08:55 |
lsuactiafner | bleh | 08:55 |
Seveas | openssh-server even | 08:55 |
=== Consumer [~java@host217-42-54-185.range217-42.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Consumer | hey guys | 08:55 |
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Consumer | is there any way to see how fast my PPP interface is running ? | 08:55 |
Hoxzer^^ | Mjr: can I login as root with it? | 08:56 |
anacron | amm how do i change that when i double click my media files, it tries to open them with mplayer, and i don't even have it anymore | 08:56 |
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Seveas | Hoxzer^^, not by default | 08:57 |
Hoxzer^^ | :O | 08:57 |
Hoxzer^^ | how do I setup it | 08:57 |
Seveas | Hoxzer^^, but you can enable it by creating a root account and editing the config | 08:57 |
Seveas | it's VERY unsafe though and should not be done | 08:57 |
Consumer | I just need to see how fast my adsl is running | 08:57 |
Seveas | log in as an ordinary user and use sudo | 08:57 |
anacron | amm my account works with root and i didn't make any changes to any configs | 08:58 |
Hoxzer^^ | Seveas: ok | 08:58 |
Seveas | there's no sane person that does a remote login as root.... | 08:58 |
Hoxzer^^ | well then I gues I install irssi before I go to work | 08:58 |
justin | Seveas: VERY unsafe huh? since when? | 08:59 |
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Seveas | justin, since ever | 09:00 |
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delire | Shachaf: try a LiveCD like Knoppix or even better, Mepis. | 09:02 |
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Shachaf | delire: This works under Knoppix. | 09:04 |
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Shachaf | delire: Not the Ubuntu live CD, though. | 09:04 |
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anacron | Seveas: i assume that you have answer for my question again!, how do i change preffered application to videofiles? | 09:04 |
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mahl | Quick : whats the command for starting the setting screen resolution app | 09:04 |
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Seveas | anacron, rightclick on such a file and browse through the options on the appearing menu | 09:05 |
geko | guys i am running xmms from fresh install | 09:05 |
GNULinuxer | how can I go into init 3 on Ubuntu ? | 09:05 |
Seveas | it's somewhere over there | 09:05 |
geko | but it freezes when i open an mp3 | 09:05 |
Seveas | GNULinuxer, why would you? | 09:05 |
GNULinuxer | no matter what runlevel I am in, GDM will always start | 09:05 |
Seveas | runlevel 2,3,4 and 5 are the same... | 09:05 |
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GNULinuxer | Seveas, i want to do startx to start my GUI session | 09:05 |
Seveas | GNULinuxer, remove gdm from runlevel2 then (hint: man update-rc.d) | 09:06 |
justin | mahl: gnome-display-properties ? | 09:06 |
mahl | im really really stressed | 09:06 |
mahl | thanks! | 09:06 |
GNULinuxer | Seveas, ohh | 09:06 |
justin | GNULinuxer: remove gdm? | 09:06 |
Thorrn4 | HappyFool, sorry I took so long..I had to help my mom w/ something....can we go back to "problem solving"? | 09:06 |
Consumer | nobody ? | 09:06 |
HappyFool | Thorrn4: sure. as i said earlier, have you tried switching to the non-gui console (Ctl-Alt-F1) and logging in there? | 09:06 |
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Thorrn4 | and that will do what HappyFool? | 09:07 |
GNULinuxer | Seveas, I compiled gnome from CVS, now I created a .desktop entry to log into my new gnome ... but still i log into the default gnome | 09:07 |
HappyFool | Thorrn4: test that you can login at all | 09:07 |
Thorrn4 | ok | 09:07 |
HappyFool | Thorrn4: and maybe let use look at some error logs | 09:07 |
Thorrn4 | brb | 09:07 |
delire | Shachaf: i have no idea. you could reboot into knoppix now and you're sure it will work? | 09:08 |
HappyFool | Consumer: i don't think there's anything like in windows indicating connection speed (i assume that's your question still) | 09:08 |
Consumer | yes mate | 09:08 |
Consumer | I just need to know if BT are capping me heh | 09:08 |
lsuactiafner | iftop -B | 09:08 |
Consumer | should be running at 2mbps but I dunno | 09:08 |
lsuactiafner | netwatch | 09:08 |
HappyFool | Consumer: oh, in that case, find a big file to download and see how long it takes | 09:08 |
Shachaf | delire: I don't think I have a Knoppix CD handy, but I can tell you that SUSE (which was what I tried to install before Ubuntu) connected successfully. | 09:08 |
lsuactiafner | yeh download a 700mb iso. | 09:09 |
HappyFool | Consumer: e.g., a cd image (ubuntu live cd, or maybe something you don't have) | 09:09 |
lsuactiafner | Consumer : iftop and netwatch damnit | 09:09 |
concept10 | Anyone have SBC DSL? | 09:09 |
delire | Shachaf: well i would consider telling that to one of the ubuntu-dev's it's such a common card and i'm sure several other people in this channel also use it. | 09:10 |
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sobersabre | hello .. | 09:10 |
Hoxzer^^ | Looks like My shell is working fine :) | 09:10 |
sobersabre | greeting & salutations | 09:10 |
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Burgundavia | Shachaf, file a bug about it | 09:11 |
sobersabre | Hoxzer^^, which shell is this ? | 09:11 |
Shachaf | Burgundavia: But I don't know what the problem IS. | 09:11 |
Shachaf | Burgundavia: This person seems to have a similiar problem, though: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11855 | 09:11 |
sobersabre | Shachaf, what the problem looks like ? | 09:11 |
sobersabre | :) | 09:11 |
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=== Dalk [~dalkus@81-86-159-34.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Consumer | hmm netwatch is for ethernet interfaces only eh | 09:12 |
Shachaf | sobersabre: I can't connect to the local network. | 09:12 |
CruNcher | how can i see the current opened TCP connections ? | 09:12 |
Consumer | I've got iftop | 09:12 |
HappyFool | CruNcher: netstat -t | 09:12 |
Burgundavia | Shachaf, the card doesn't work, that is a bug, even if you don't know what the issue is | 09:12 |
Shachaf | sobersabre: I'm using an eepro100, but neither e100 nor eepro100 work with this. | 09:12 |
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Seveas | CruNcher, netstat -a | 09:12 |
Shachaf | sobersabre: I tried DHCP and static IPs. | 09:13 |
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CruNcher | HappyFool i mean not so detailed just the amount in realtime | 09:13 |
Seveas | CruNcher, netstat -t -l will list listening TCP servers | 09:13 |
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CruNcher | as a number | 09:13 |
GNULinuxer | Seveas, how can I stop gdm at ini 3 ? it's NN is 13 | 09:13 |
Seveas | CruNcher, netstat -t -a | wc -l | 09:13 |
HappyFool | CruNcher: err, dunno. i use netstat ;) | 09:13 |
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CruNcher | hehe nice thx Seveas | 09:14 |
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CruNcher | but -2 | 09:15 |
CruNcher | the 2 lines are no connections hehe | 09:15 |
=== Ober looks for a mirror for the ppc live cd | ||
Ober | torrent has been running > 24 hours on a fast broadban | 09:16 |
Ober | d | 09:16 |
slept | I got some basic questions about a c-programm (which I have to write because I don't have mapple) I need to know how to check if a number is odd or even and how I could do something like a^(-1/3) or a | 09:16 |
=== wc_nix [~wC@cpe-68-201-86-117.stx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wc_nix | i have a major problem | 09:17 |
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HappyFool | CruNcher: netstat -t|wc -l | 09:17 |
wc_nix | if i shutdown my nix box and boot it up again, X11 wont open. I reinstall NVIDIA drivers and it says that the previous driver installation has been altered somehow. | 09:17 |
wc_nix | after installation is complete again I restart and X11 starts | 09:17 |
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wc_nix | but when I try to login it says Xauth failed | 09:17 |
HappyFool | slept: c and maple are quite different ;) | 09:18 |
wc_nix | reason for all of this: unknown | 09:18 |
HappyFool | slept: if you need to do numerics, i recommend something like octave | 09:18 |
justin | wc_nix: are you using the .run file from nvidia? | 09:18 |
wc_nix | yesa | 09:18 |
wc_nix | yes* | 09:18 |
HappyFool | slept: if you need a real computer algebra system, you will either need to purchase one, or use something like ginac (which is more of a framework) | 09:18 |
wc_nix | if i telinit 6 (restart) no problems | 09:18 |
wc_nix | if i telinit 0 (shutdown) | 09:18 |
=== factorx [~factorx@dsl-084-060-002-158.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wc_nix | then start up comp later, X11 is jacked | 09:19 |
justin | wc_nix: why would you do that instead of just installing the already packaged nvidia drivers? | 09:19 |
thechitowncubs | Is it possible to resize partitions in a Knoppix live CD? | 09:19 |
wc_nix | because they're newer | 09:19 |
wc_nix | and official | 09:19 |
=== Hoxzer [Hoxzer@dsl-hkigw2ab1.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
justin | wc_nix: how are the newer and official drivers working for you? | 09:19 |
Hoxzer | can I setup Ubuntu to run some commands at start? | 09:19 |
wc_nix | it says this though... | 09:19 |
thechitowncubs | What is the easiest way to resize an ext3 parition? | 09:19 |
justin | Hoxzer: like what? | 09:19 |
Hoxzer | Justin: like dnsflush | 09:20 |
HappyFool | slept: to check if a number is odd/even, find the remainder wrt 2: a%2; for a^(-1/3), try pow(a,-1./3), and for a^2 just a*a or pow(a,2) | 09:20 |
Hoxzer | I have always do it when it starts so it works | 09:20 |
wc_nix | WARNING: Your driver installation has been altered since it was initially installed; this may happen, for example, if you have since installed the NVIDIA driver through a mechanism other than the nvidia-installer (Such as rpm or with the NVIDIA tarballs). The nvidia-Installer will attempt to uninstall as best it can. | 09:20 |
we2by | how do I install identd? | 09:20 |
slept | HappyFool, I know about the difference , but it's verry simple to calculate it's just lot of work to do from Z=28 ... 38 | 09:20 |
Hoxzer | kj | 09:20 |
=== Thorrn4 [~thorrn4@pool-68-162-3-219.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Thorrn4 | HappyFool, I can log in | 09:20 |
slept | HappyFool, thanks I'll try | 09:20 |
Seveas | we2by, aptitude purge identd | 09:21 |
justin | Hoxzer: what is dnsflush? | 09:21 |
=== Will0r [~wilgeroth@dialin12090.server4you-dsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HappyFool | slept: this is not really appropriate for #ubuntu anyway ;) try #c or maybe #maths or something | 09:21 |
pepperpot | how do i stop samba clients from creating arbitrary symbolic links? | 09:21 |
HappyFool | Thorrn4: ok. there are two log files which may help you | 09:21 |
wc_nix | i'm so screwed | 09:21 |
HappyFool | Thorrn4: one is /var/log/Xorg.0.log, but, since your login screen comes up ok, that may not have much of interest | 09:22 |
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HappyFool | Thorrn4: another one is ~/.xsession-errors, which may have something useful | 09:22 |
Thorrn4 | so I be root? | 09:22 |
HappyFool | Thorrn4: oh, there's also /var/log/gdm/<stuff> | 09:22 |
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HappyFool | Thorrn4: no, you don't need to be root | 09:23 |
Seveas | slept, int iseven(int a) { return ! a & 0x1; } | 09:23 |
Seveas | slept, very simple, works on big numbers... | 09:23 |
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Seveas | slept, int iseven(int a) { return ! (a & 0x1); } | 09:23 |
wc_nix | and why cant i login with GDM? It says an error message | 09:23 |
Seveas | that's even better | 09:23 |
HappyFool | Thorrn4: sorry, i'm assuming you know how to read text files etc -- please tell me if you don't | 09:23 |
slept | HappyFool, I thouth that would happen with try #c , but because the questions were that simple I just asked. And most time I spent in here I don't flood the channel. | 09:23 |
wc_nix | i'll type the error message out | 09:23 |
HappyFool | slept: no big deal ;) | 09:23 |
wc_nix | xauth: timeout in locking authority file /home/.Xauthority | 09:23 |
slept | Seveas, thanks | 09:23 |
wc_nix | any idea how to fix? | 09:24 |
Thorrn4 | nope...I dont kno how 2 read it HappyFool | 09:24 |
=== ky0nce [~ky0nce@myw-stp-196-37-192-138.sentechsa.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
justin | wc_nix: why is your home directory set to /home ? | 09:24 |
=== Trixsey [~trixsey@c-399072d5.012-2011-73746f31.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wc_nix | it's not | 09:24 |
wc_nix | i just dont want to type my username | 09:24 |
HappyFool | Thorrn4: just to check -- is ubuntu on a different computer from the one you're chatting from ? | 09:24 |
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wc_nix | xauth: timeout in locking authority file /home/username/.Xauthority | 09:25 |
wc_nix | where username is my username | 09:25 |
HappyFool | Thorrn4: you don't have to reboot or something every time ? | 09:25 |
Seveas | wc_nix, remove ~/.Xauthrity then | 09:25 |
thechitowncubs | What is the easiest way to resize an ext3 parition? | 09:25 |
justin | wc_nix: did you fill up your /home partition? did you do something to cause that file or your home directory to be owned by root? | 09:25 |
wc_nix | Fatal server error: Server is already active for display 0 If this server is no longer running remove /tmp/.x0-lock and start again. | 09:25 |
wc_nix | i dont think so | 09:25 |
Seveas | wc_nix, remove that too... | 09:25 |
=== Trixsey [~trixsey@c-399072d5.012-2011-73746f31.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wc_nix | should i remove that tmp file? | 09:25 |
wc_nix | k lemme try that | 09:25 |
Thorrn4 | ...Im on Ubuntu...but using a 2nd account | 09:26 |
HappyFool | Thorrn4: oh | 09:26 |
HappyFool | Thorrn4: so this account works ? | 09:26 |
Thorrn4 | this one.....but not the 1 I want 2 use | 09:26 |
HappyFool | Thorrn4: puzzling | 09:26 |
HappyFool | Thorrn4: when did your system break? | 09:26 |
HappyFool | Thorrn4: and what were you doing at the time, or just previously? | 09:27 |
justin | s/system/user account/ | 09:27 |
HappyFool | justin: oops, yes, sorry | 09:27 |
gallonegro | are the ubuntu forums down | 09:27 |
seth_k | yep | 09:27 |
Thorrn4 | It's trying to open a .iceSOMETHING file...I think thats what it said when I try to log into that account HappyFool | 09:27 |
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HappyFool | Thorrn4: hm | 09:27 |
Seveas | Thorrn4, remove .ICEauthority from the other users homedir | 09:27 |
Thorrn4 | yesterday it was working fine...besides a DCOP error...and how I cannot get it | 09:28 |
Seveas | Thorrn4, and you can login again | 09:28 |
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HappyFool | Thorrn4: do as Seveas suggests. It may be easiest to do so from the console (Ctl-Alt-F1) (to get back to GUI, Alt-F7) | 09:29 |
HappyFool | unless your new user has sudo rights | 09:29 |
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Thorrn4 | yea Seveas that is the file it wants | 09:29 |
schlomo | Hi | 09:29 |
kvidell | ctrl+alt+f7 I thought.. there's only 6 ttys | 09:29 |
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wc_nix | 7 is GUI | 09:29 |
schlomo | ubuntuforums.org is down ? | 09:29 |
Seveas | Thorrn4, then simply remove it | 09:29 |
concept10 | Anyone use DSL? | 09:30 |
schlomo | I can ping it but can't access via http | 09:30 |
kvidell | schlomo: temporarily, I'm told. | 09:30 |
thechitowncubs | What is the easiest way to resize an ext3 parition? | 09:30 |
Thorrn4 | I do concept10 | 09:30 |
lsuactiafner | thechitowncubs : parted | 09:30 |
schlomo | arf :( | 09:30 |
lsuactiafner | i think.. | 09:30 |
thechitowncubs | is there a way i can do it while its active? | 09:30 |
kvidell | schlomo: anything I/we can help you with or were you just browsing out of boredom and it went explodey on ya? | 09:30 |
Seveas | thechitowncubs, no | 09:30 |
thechitowncubs | like chroot into a livecd? | 09:30 |
concept10 | Thorrn4, who do you use and how did you set that up? | 09:31 |
schlomo | kvidell : I just found some great thread about wifi problem | 09:31 |
kvidell | ah, okay | 09:31 |
schlomo | kvidell :same as mine | 09:31 |
gallonegro | i didnt know nero releasaed a version for linux, does anyone know if neerolinux runs in ubuntu | 09:31 |
schlomo | concept10 : yes | 09:32 |
wc_nix | i still get that timeout | 09:32 |
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=== user2 [~user2@ppp-69-236-31-126.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wc_nix | xauth: timeout in locking authority file /home/username/.Xauthority | 09:32 |
wc_nix | i deleted the file | 09:32 |
wc_nix | so why am i still getting the error | 09:32 |
wc_nix | :-| | 09:32 |
user2 | hi. | 09:32 |
justin | wc_nix: did you fill up your /home partition? did you do something to cause that file or your home directory to be owned by root? | 09:32 |
wc_nix | dont think so | 09:32 |
wc_nix | :-\ | 09:32 |
justin | wc_nix: don't guess. look. | 09:32 |
seth_k | gallonegro, it does, but k3b is better | 09:32 |
wc_nix | Little Shit -l my home directory then? | 09:33 |
wc_nix | Oh My God! | 09:33 |
user2 | hey guys, | 09:33 |
schlomo | concept10 : which modem did u use ? | 09:33 |
wc_nix | stupid script | 09:33 |
user2 | what do you prefer, emacs or standalone reader | 09:33 |
user2 | :) | 09:33 |
Seveas | wc_nix, language... | 09:33 |
justin | wc_nix: ls -l /home/ ; df -h | 09:33 |
concept10 | schlomo, 2Wire 1800HG | 09:33 |
wc_nix | sorry it was my stupid acronym script | 09:33 |
Thorrn4 | I use Verizon DSL concept10 | 09:33 |
HappyFool | user2: emacs is always the correct answer | 09:33 |
wc_nix | i didnt know ls was on it | 09:33 |
wc_nix | terribly sorry | 09:33 |
user2 | why? | 09:33 |
user2 | :O | 09:33 |
user2 | bear with me, i'm 9. | 09:33 |
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user2 | it won't be a waste either, :) | 09:34 |
Thorrn4 | and concept10, when I installed ubuntu, I had an ethernet connected and Ubuntu connect to the internet | 09:34 |
=== chrissturm [~chris@83-65-245-115.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Thorrn4 | Seveas, it worked | 09:34 |
Thorrn4 | thank you | 09:34 |
justin | user2: you can't be 9, you actually spell things correctly | 09:34 |
Seveas | yw :) | 09:34 |
HappyFool | user2: what do you mean by a 'standalone reader' ? | 09:34 |
wc_nix | uh oh | 09:34 |
wc_nix | (justin) you're right | 09:34 |
Thorrn4 | HappyFool, Seveas' Idea worked | 09:34 |
wc_nix | some reason root owns my username folder | 09:34 |
user2 | i've read several documents from with inn emacs, and I currently see no difference | 09:34 |
HappyFool | Thorrn4: good stuff | 09:34 |
wc_nix | chown it to the username? | 09:34 |
Seveas | emacs is evil | 09:34 |
user2 | Stand alone reader to invoke info | 09:34 |
Seveas | pure evil | 09:34 |
HappyFool | user2: oh, i see | 09:35 |
user2 | :) | 09:35 |
HappyFool | user2: it doesn't really matter | 09:35 |
Seveas | user2, simply use the command: info | 09:35 |
Thorrn4 | some people like it Seveas | 09:35 |
justin | wc_nix: at least.. probably have other things in there.. try... | 09:35 |
Seveas | Thorrn4, some people are satanists too :) | 09:35 |
wc_nix | recursive? | 09:35 |
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wc_nix | chown -R username target_directory | 09:35 |
wc_nix | ? | 09:35 |
user2 | But, also I keep in mind that i've read that I cannot edit info with Stand Alone.. | 09:35 |
HappyFool | user2: i'm used to the emacs keys -- i think the info commands are very slightly different | 09:35 |
wc_nix | or -r | 09:35 |
user2 | :( | 09:35 |
=== djm62 [~djm62@82-40-60-28.cable.ubr08.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Thorrn4 | it just so happens that those 2 groups of people might be related Seveas | 09:35 |
wc_nix | capital R | 09:35 |
=== xiaogil [~xiaogil@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | Thorrn4, 'might'? | 09:36 |
Seveas | :) | 09:36 |
TokenBad | anyone here know how to python script? | 09:36 |
wc_nix | woohoo | 09:36 |
Seveas | TokenBad, #python | 09:36 |
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justin | wc_nix: find /home/yourusername -user root | 09:36 |
wc_nix | worked | 09:36 |
wc_nix | thanks a bunch | 09:36 |
user2 | :) Hey, | 09:36 |
justin | wc_nix: see how bad it is | 09:36 |
user2 | thanks alot. | 09:36 |
wc_nix | (justin) no need | 09:36 |
user2 | :) | 09:36 |
TokenBad | I have a script need edited so it will work on nix.. | 09:36 |
wc_nix | i just chowned it all | 09:36 |
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Thorrn4 | but I dont think that we REALLY need proof Seveas | 09:36 |
TokenBad | it was originally done for windows | 09:36 |
djm62 | TokenBad: to what extent? do you just need the right #! ? | 09:36 |
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wc_nix | i did chown -R my_username /home/ | 09:36 |
Seveas | Thorrn4, me neither | 09:36 |
wc_nix | thanks :-D | 09:36 |
wc_nix | now for the NVIDIA problem, any idea why it's giving me the problem? | 09:37 |
justin | wc_nix: um, but now you messed up the permissions of /home itself | 09:37 |
Seveas | TokenBad, then learn to program python or ask someone to fix it up for you | 09:37 |
TokenBad | djm62, not sure... | 09:37 |
wc_nix | why's that? | 09:37 |
justin | wc_nix: because /home/ should be owned by root | 09:37 |
TokenBad | Seveas, that is why asked if anyone knew pythong scripting | 09:37 |
Seveas | wc_nix, are you really that stupid or are you just playing with us? | 09:37 |
wc_nix | Laughing Out Loud | 09:37 |
HappyFool | #python is usually quite friendly. if you ask a specific question, you should get a useful answer | 09:37 |
user2 | well, I have to head out. See ya all around. | 09:37 |
user2 | :) | 09:37 |
user2 | Goodluckz | 09:38 |
=== tuku [~tero@83-102-99-237.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TokenBad | not to sure they will help with this though | 09:38 |
Seveas | there's not that many people either in here or there that help fixing up a complete script... | 09:38 |
djm62 | TokenBad: the first line should be "#!/usr/bin/python" | 09:38 |
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wc_nix | ./home is O W N E D by root still | 09:38 |
TokenBad | I just need to know if it can be converted to work on linux... | 09:38 |
=== haich [~haich@50.Red-83-49-71.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wc_nix | Oh My God! i'm turning this damn script off | 09:38 |
HappyFool | wc_nix: heh | 09:39 |
Seveas | wc_nix, you shouldn't be running scripts at all in an irc client... | 09:39 |
Seveas | escpecially not such obnoxious ones... | 09:39 |
wc_nix | it's on a windows box, thought i disabled it | 09:39 |
djm62 | TokenBad: it depends on the script...one can write non-portable python | 09:39 |
TokenBad | damn and I can't tell the difference | 09:39 |
djm62 | TokenBad: what script is it? is it online somewhere? | 09:40 |
TokenBad | djm62, can I msg you | 09:40 |
wc_nix | k disabled it | 09:40 |
djm62 | TokenBad: ok | 09:40 |
wc_nix | lol | 09:40 |
wc_nix | sorry about that people | 09:40 |
wc_nix | ok now back to the problem, /home is still owned by root but everything in my user account's home directory is owned by my user account | 09:41 |
wc_nix | is that bad? | 09:41 |
djm62 | TokenBad: this is assuming it's a few lines, and not an OS | 09:41 |
Seveas | TokenBad, how big is the script? | 09:42 |
HappyFool | wc_nix: everything in /home/wc_nix/ should be owned by wc_nix | 09:42 |
wc_nix | k then i'm fine | 09:42 |
=== lakin [~lakin@dsl-hill-66-18-228-60-cgy.nucleus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wc_nix | (Seveas) called me a moron for setting everything in that folder to my user account | 09:42 |
HappyFool | wc_nix: the command you posted appeared to change ownership of /home | 09:43 |
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wc_nix | i didnt use that command | 09:43 |
wc_nix | it cutoff the username, i did chown -R /home/wc_nix | 09:43 |
wc_nix | chown -r (wc_nix) /home/wc_nix | 09:43 |
wc_nix | my mistake | 09:43 |
Seveas | -R | 09:43 |
Seveas | i hope | 09:43 |
HappyFool | unfortunately our telepathy module is not functioning today, so we couldn't guess that ;) | 09:43 |
JohnMurdoch | IMO everything in /home/useraccount should have permissions of 750 | 09:43 |
wc_nix | yeah | 09:43 |
rapha | Hi all | 09:43 |
wc_nix | sry for the typos | 09:43 |
Seveas | JohnMurdoch, not true | 09:44 |
pfp | hey, i'm writing a small script to copy pictures from my camera, and i'd like it to show a simple progress bar (X, maybe even GTK) when it's copying. any suggestions on how to create the 'bar? | 09:44 |
rapha | What is that DTP program for GNOME called again? | 09:44 |
JohnMurdoch | Seveas, why? | 09:44 |
TokenBad | about 151 lines | 09:44 |
wc_nix | but any idea why NVIDIA dies after an full shutdown? but not a restart? | 09:44 |
Seveas | .plan / .gpgkey and stuff should not on large multiuser systems | 09:44 |
justin | wc_nix: reinstall xlibmesa-gl, then install nvidia-glx and linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) | 09:44 |
Seveas | and easy-to-share stuff | 09:44 |
Seveas | like ~/public_html/ | 09:44 |
wc_nix | what's wrong with the official drivers though? | 09:44 |
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JohnMurdoch | Seveas, for a single user system? (apologies for not indicating this) | 09:44 |
Seveas | TokenBad, paste it at paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 09:44 |
Seveas | i'll have a look | 09:45 |
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justin | pfp: zenity | 09:45 |
justin | wc_nix: you tell me what is wrong with them? | 09:45 |
Seveas | JohnMurdoch, for a singleuser system it doesn't matter whether it's 777 or 700... | 09:45 |
wc_nix | something else is affecting them | 09:45 |
JohnMurdoch | Seveas, security wise it doesn't? | 09:45 |
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djm62 | rapha: scribus? | 09:46 |
wc_nix | i think i fixed it | 09:46 |
pfp | justin: that looks like what i need, thanks :) | 09:46 |
wc_nix | by the way i have 1 last question, how come if i have network cable plugged in it boots up rapidly but if i dont it hangs on the network setup feature | 09:46 |
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wc_nix | shouldnt it quickly realize there's no network connection and continue bootup? | 09:47 |
justin | wc_nix: should, doesn't.. | 09:47 |
wc_nix | ok, so the hang is normal then? | 09:47 |
kvidell | just hit Ctrl+C when it gets to that and it'll zip on by it | 09:47 |
justin | wc_nix: if you install ifplugd and set it up it will | 09:47 |
wc_nix | ok | 09:47 |
kvidell | or that | 09:47 |
kvidell | hehe | 09:47 |
wc_nix | now i have to figure out how to setup wifi drivers | 09:47 |
Seveas | wc_nix, for breezy that will be solved... | 09:47 |
mako | Seveas: i'm around | 09:48 |
wc_nix | what? | 09:48 |
Seveas | mako, whow, that's been hours :) | 09:48 |
wc_nix | for breezy? | 09:48 |
Seveas | i sent you a mail already after i saw that you were idle for 9 hours : | 09:48 |
Seveas | :) | 09:48 |
=== sijp [~sijp@85-250-218-179.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | wc_nix, the if-i-dont-have-a-cable-in-my-pc-it-boots-up-slow problem | 09:49 |
=== bobdevine [~bobdevine@pcp02854704pcs.roylok01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kvidell | breezy is the next release of Ubuntu's name | 09:49 |
wc_nix | ok i didnt know that | 09:49 |
wc_nix | i assumed that but didnt know for sure | 09:49 |
kvidell | :) | 09:49 |
=== afonit [~afonit@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wc_nix | Seveas, what about WiFi drivers? | 09:49 |
wc_nix | are they easy to obtain? | 09:49 |
justin | wc_nix: you already have them all | 09:50 |
wc_nix | hmm | 09:50 |
Seveas | wc_nix, depends on the card.. | 09:50 |
wc_nix | it's a Broadcom 802.11b/g | 09:50 |
=== scorpix_ [~scorpix@as36-c136.qualitynet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Majlo [~mario@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wc_nix | came with my compaq laptop built-in | 09:50 |
wc_nix | HP laptop** | 09:50 |
justin | wc_nix: eh, that sucks :-) | 09:50 |
wc_nix | i know | 09:50 |
wc_nix | i think my rabbit ears pickup better signal | 09:50 |
=== ivoks [~ivoks@lns01-0429.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | wc_nix, it doesn't suck usually | 09:51 |
gahan | whats IN PTR for?:) | 09:51 |
=== Seveas has an hp/compag laptop | ||
Seveas | works out of the box | 09:51 |
wc_nix | well my friend's dell picks up better too | 09:51 |
wc_nix | yeah the card works but the light wont light up | 09:51 |
Seveas | gahan, ipaddress to hostname resolving | 09:51 |
wc_nix | to show card is enabled | 09:51 |
wc_nix | and would it be eth1 since eth0 is the LAN controller? | 09:52 |
=== chuck_ [~chuck@CPE-65-27-85-42.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | wc_nix, could be | 09:52 |
Seveas | or ath0 if it's an atheros | 09:52 |
djm62 | does ifplugd stop the search for ntp as well? | 09:52 |
wc_nix | also what's the deal with cool'n'quiet and linux? | 09:52 |
Seveas | wc_nix, try ifconfig -a | 09:52 |
=== vinux [~vince@pcp08896310pcs.hcksrd01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wc_nix | is it enabled? | 09:52 |
Seveas | that'll show you the interfaces you have | 09:52 |
pfp | gahan: PTR records map ip addresses to hostname in reverse dns | 09:52 |
justin | iwconfig is a better command to run | 09:52 |
=== uiltje [~ubuntu@d138217.upc-d.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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wc_nix | alright, thanks | 09:52 |
=== deffy [~deffy@68-118-228-12.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deffy | Hi people | 09:53 |
wc_nix | but cool'n'quiet is forced enabled on my laptop. it stays at 800MHz and supposed to rise to 1.8GHz whenever more power is needed | 09:53 |
=== abelino [~quiensea@228.Red-80-36-22.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deffy | about ready to smash stuff here | 09:53 |
wc_nix | does Linux work with cool'n'quiet? | 09:53 |
wc_nix | or do i need to get 3rd party drivers to support it? | 09:53 |
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justin | what moron came up with this "cool'n'quiet" crap? | 09:53 |
wc_nix | i dunno but i hate them for it | 09:53 |
=== quickbrow [~p@host81-129-248-253.range81-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | wc_nix, it;s called frequency scaling | 09:53 |
wc_nix | HP wont let me disable it in BIOS | 09:53 |
=== Galett is now known as Brips | ||
deffy | combination of trying to get my USB dongle to work and the fact that it's super hot outside | 09:53 |
Seveas | nad it's used by default and rocks | 09:53 |
=== thermyte [thermyte@zen.xmission.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== kyth [~kyth@S01060013102db441.nb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | and* | 09:54 |
wc_nix | but Linux supports it? | 09:54 |
=== henriquemaia [~henriquem@cb-217-129-170-55.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wc_nix | so i am getting my full 1.8GHz when it's needed in linux? | 09:54 |
justin | wc_nix: install cpufreqd | 09:54 |
Seveas | wc_nix, rightclick on the panel, select add to panel and choose cpu frequency scaling monitor | 09:54 |
Seveas | do NOT install cpufreqd | 09:54 |
mjr | justin, isn't powernowd installed by default? | 09:54 |
wc_nix | ok, thanks | 09:54 |
=== Dalkus is now known as Dalk-ZZzz | ||
deffy | so here is my problem, I've installed the drivers and went over the rt2500 page on the wiki, but my system still does not seem to realize that the dongle is there | 09:54 |
wc_nix | justin | 09:54 |
justin | oh i dunno, it "just works" on my laptop | 09:54 |
=== kyth is now known as oxel | ||
wc_nix | i fixed my nVidia problem :-) | 09:54 |
wc_nix | found out i accidently left a default nvidia module installed | 09:55 |
wc_nix | so it conflicted with my custom drivers | 09:55 |
=== duncanmak [~duncan@home.a-chinaman.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
duncanmak | hello | 09:55 |
wc_nix | hi | 09:55 |
kvidell | Howdy | 09:55 |
oxel | Can anyone help me with a USB device issue? I see my Zen Nomad in my Device Manager list, but Gnomad won't see it... | 09:55 |
justin | though it sucks that it can only do 800mhz or 1.6ghz, I'd run it at 100mhz all the time if I could | 09:55 |
duncanmak | i restarted my hoary machine, and now GDM is not starting | 09:55 |
duncanmak | it says Could not init font path element unix:/7100 | 09:55 |
duncanmak | how do i force xfs to start? | 09:56 |
justin | duncanmak: that is a warning, not an error | 09:56 |
duncanmak | hmm | 09:56 |
wc_nix | hey Justin and Seveas, thanks for all the help | 09:56 |
wc_nix | very much appreciated | 09:56 |
duncanmak | and then it says X: client 2 rejected from local host | 09:56 |
=== Goshawk [~Goshawk@host244-106.pool8253.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
justin | duncanmak: does startx work? | 09:56 |
duncanmak | ah | 09:56 |
=== paal-- [qwd@ti300720a080-1622.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
duncanmak | libXu.so.6 is missing? | 09:57 |
duncanmak | libXau.so.6 is missing | 09:57 |
justin | duncanmak: are you using breezy or something? | 09:57 |
duncanmak | which package contains that? | 09:57 |
duncanmak | i'm using hoary | 09:57 |
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=== amonkey [~amonkey@cpe-67-10-78-251.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
duncanmak | but i'm using some other apt sources, so maybe that caused a problem | 09:58 |
justin | duncanmak: libxau6 believe ir or not :-P | 09:58 |
tritium | duncanmak, which other apt sources are you using? | 09:58 |
wc_nix | whoa | 09:58 |
duncanmak | which package contains libXau? | 09:58 |
wc_nix | i found an exact guide on how to setup my WIFI card with linux | 09:58 |
duncanmak | i just want to get it up and working first | 09:58 |
wc_nix | and it does involve iwconfig | 09:58 |
amonkey | is there a way to find out what proccess triggered an error? i get errors when i log in about command not found and having to be root (2 exactly) and what to know wha't causing them | 09:58 |
Seveas | duncanmak, don't you ever read what people say? | 09:58 |
synd | nalioth_zZzZzZzZ: wake up you fag | 09:59 |
wc_nix | i gotta go, thanks for the help once again justin and Seveas | 09:59 |
duncanmak | hmm, it's already installed | 09:59 |
wc_nix | bbl peace | 09:59 |
Seveas | synd, language please... | 09:59 |
tritium | synd, dude... | 09:59 |
justin | amonkey: bash -x -l ? | 09:59 |
_kevin | who needs help, I'm a linux noob ready to help anyone to the best of my abilities | 09:59 |
duncanmak | justin: what's the equivalent of rpm --rebuilddb? | 09:59 |
synd | dude | 09:59 |
duncanmak | i think my packages db is broken | 09:59 |
tritium | duncanmak, did you see my question? | 10:00 |
Seveas | duncanmak, apt-get update | 10:00 |
justin | duncanmak: why would you think that? | 10:00 |
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duncanmak | justin: it crashed during an update from synaptic | 10:00 |
Seveas | duncanmak, then just do an apt-get update again | 10:01 |
tritium | It's always a pleasure when you try to help someone, and they ignore you... | 10:01 |
=== Spug_ [~Spug@ti211310a081-15934.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | and if you really think it's messed up: sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* | 10:01 |
=== Damyan [~Damyan@nat-ph3-wh.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
duncanmak | i use: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary main restricted | 10:01 |
duncanmak | deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary universe | 10:01 |
duncanmak | deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main | 10:01 |
duncanmak | deb http://sh.nu/~crimsun/ ./ | 10:01 |
duncanmak | deb http://ubuntu.tower-net.de/ubuntu/ warty java | 10:01 |
duncanmak | deb http://ubuntu.secs.oakland.edu hoary main restricted universe multiverse | 10:01 |
duncanmak | deb http://ubuntu.secs.oakland.edu hoary-security main restricted | 10:01 |
duncanmak | deb-src http://ubuntu.secs.oakland.edu hoary main restricted universe multiverse | 10:01 |
duncanmak | deb ftp://neacm.fe.up.pt/pub/ubuntu-java/ binary/ | 10:01 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tritium] by ChanServ | ||
HappyFool | aargh | 10:01 |
duncanmak | deb-src ftp://neacm.fe.up.pt/pub/ubuntu-java/ source/ | 10:01 |
duncanmak | all of those | 10:01 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+q duncanmak!*@*] by Seveas | ||
sitle | hi ^^ | 10:01 |
Seveas | you should not paste in here | 10:01 |
Seveas | you will now be ignored | 10:02 |
synd | duncanmak: pastebin.ca | 10:02 |
djm62 | duncanmak: people use much the same things, there is no need for multiple similar lines... | 10:02 |
thermyte | so I am reconfiguring my debian server and I am thinking I may want to install ubuntu instead of debian. What are the most noticable differences? | 10:02 |
Seveas | duncanmak, and OH MY GOD fix up that sources.list | 10:02 |
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=== darkling [~hugo@81-5-136-19.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Quest-Master | Gnome really needs a new file manager | 10:02 |
djm62 | thermyte: ubuntu will be more up-to-date, so you may not wish to change a running server that often | 10:03 |
Quest-Master | Nautilus is terrible. ;( | 10:03 |
deffy | So anyone know how I can make ubuntu see the USB dongle which is not showing up in the Network Settings? | 10:03 |
deffy | This is the 3rd time I've gone through the wiki to install this thing | 10:03 |
deffy | and I'm really getting frustrated | 10:03 |
=== pfp likes nautilus | ||
djm62 | Quest-Master: YOU can always use a different file manager :-/ | 10:03 |
=== ChinaCatJones [~chris@pool-71-111-176-217.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thermyte | I severly hate gnome | 10:03 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Official Ubuntu Help channel | Have a question? Just ask! | Please don't paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | PLEASE DON'T USE BREEZY YET -- REALLY | Support information: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/ | Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com | Kubuntu discussion: #kubuntu | Ubuntu 5.04 (The Hoary Hedgehog release) released! http://www.ubuntulinux.org/504Released | ||
thermyte | its all about blackbox | 10:04 |
djm62 | I'm slightly ambivalent...I find the spatial browsing makes it hard to search for stuff | 10:04 |
Quest-Master | djm62: None of them have the daily functionality they should. | 10:04 |
Quest-Master | I mean. | 10:04 |
hlwende | what f manager doyou recomend | 10:04 |
Quest-Master | Nautilus's features rock. | 10:04 |
=== WeirdAl [~al@spc1-bagu3-6-0-cust244.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thermyte | heh, who needs a file manager | 10:04 |
tritium | djm62, you don't have to use spatial mode | 10:04 |
djm62 | I haven't tried them all, Quest-Maste, so I defer to you | 10:04 |
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WeirdAl | anyone know where I can get help for ftpd | 10:04 |
Quest-Master | But it is so damn unstable here, not one day has passed where Nautilus has not crashed at least 10 times. | 10:04 |
Quest-Master | No joke. | 10:04 |
deffy | anyone? | 10:04 |
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thermyte | WeirdAl: I have always used vsftpd | 10:05 |
tuku | When you install new software at synaptic do you have to logout before them appears to menu? | 10:05 |
=== Spug_ is now known as Spug | ||
Quest-Master | That's pretty bad too, since Windows Explorer doesn't crash that much in one day. >< | 10:05 |
djm62 | tritium: I generally like spatial mode, it just gets annoying poking in and out every so often | 10:05 |
tritium | tuku, not all packages will appear in your menu | 10:05 |
tritium | not all have a proper .desktop file | 10:05 |
djm62 | Quest-Master: how reproducible is it? is it a version which is supposed to be stable? | 10:05 |
WeirdAl | thermyte, does that go by UNIX users or does it have its own set? | 10:06 |
Quest-Master | djm62: Sure is. Usually happens whenever I right-click a file. | 10:06 |
thermyte | unix users | 10:06 |
WeirdAl | handy. Does it have a gui? | 10:06 |
djm62 | Quest-Master: whenever you right-click ANY file? | 10:06 |
tuku | I installed tuxracer. But anyway does it reguire logout before menu updata or not? | 10:06 |
thermyte | stands for "very secure ftp" | 10:06 |
tuku | updata = update | 10:06 |
thermyte | no gui that I know of | 10:06 |
mjr | tuku, shouldn't | 10:06 |
Quest-Master | djm62: Yeah. It happens most on media files though. | 10:07 |
mjr | tuku, if it does, your fam (or rather, gamin) isn't working properly | 10:07 |
thermyte | I am a term monkey, I think everything should be term based that can be | 10:07 |
Quest-Master | It's an on and off thing, not reproducible. | 10:07 |
WeirdAl | thermyte, does it have a GUI? | 10:07 |
djm62 | Quest-Master: it sounds like you have a problem there... | 10:07 |
Quest-Master | Happens now and then. | 10:07 |
thermyte | WeirdAl: not that I know of | 10:07 |
WeirdAl | hm | 10:07 |
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Quest-Master | And it pisses me off to no end whatsoever as you can imagine since I'm a huge anime and music guy, | 10:07 |
Quest-Master | *. | 10:07 |
tritium | thermyte, then you should be "termyte" ;) | 10:07 |
=== wezzer- [wezzer@ZMKDCCXLI.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thermyte | hehe | 10:07 |
djm62 | Quest-Master: I can make it crash in directories with bignum files all needing previewed... | 10:07 |
Quest-Master | Even Konqueror is more stable, but I don't like KDE. | 10:07 |
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WeirdAl | See, the problem I'm having is that when a user uploads, the default perms are 600 | 10:08 |
=== _alessandro [~alessandr@213-156-52-121.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | Quest-Master, more stable in your case, that is | 10:08 |
chombee | Does anyone know if the Ubuntu install CD can be started from a DOS prompt? What do I run? | 10:08 |
=== thevillain [~yoda@0x50c72269.adsl-fixed.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Quest-Master | djm62: I don't have previewing on for any files. | 10:08 |
WeirdAl | So no one can access their HTML through a browser. | 10:08 |
termyte | ? | 10:08 |
thevillain | Hi! I just received the ubuntu live- and installcds in the mail today | 10:08 |
HappyFool | chombee: i think that is relatively unlikely | 10:08 |
thevillain | however, I wasn't able to su to root | 10:08 |
HappyFool | chombee: can't you boot from the cd? | 10:09 |
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djm62 | thevillain: you can't...use sudo instead | 10:09 |
WeirdAl | thevillain: no root in ubuntu | 10:09 |
=== spoosh [~spoosh@adsl-6-87-159.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_alessandro | Hi friends! Someone can tell me how can I use my new TRUST camera in KUbuntu? | 10:09 |
termyte | I believe ftp perms are determined by the default umask for ftp | 10:09 |
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thevillain | WeirdAl, djm62 ok sure | 10:09 |
WeirdAl | thevillain, use sudo <root command> | 10:09 |
thevillain | I thought so, thx alot | 10:09 |
termyte | you could just set g+s on the directory they upload to | 10:09 |
mjt | someone add this "where's my root" to /topic. Pleease ;) | 10:09 |
WeirdAl | k | 10:09 |
=== Niki [~niki@p5481B882.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | mjr, huh? | 10:09 |
=== jfk303 [~james@82-33-9-94.cable.ubr14.newt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chombee | HappyFool - is there a way to make an Ubuntu boot disk? My friend has a laptop with an external USB cdrom, he can't boot from the cdrom but can boot from a floppy then lauch a Windows install from the cdrom | 10:09 |
HappyFool | !uboto root | 10:09 |
ubotu | parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, HappyFool | 10:09 |
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=== neofeed [~moritz@p548DBFCD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thevillain | WeirdAl: I was just sitting here at my gentoo desktop, and it was a bit easier to press /j ubuntu :) | 10:09 |
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nern | HI | 10:09 |
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thevillain | thx alot, bi | 10:09 |
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HappyFool | chombee: um | 10:10 |
WeirdAl | termyte, that doesn't help. It's already like that. | 10:10 |
_alessandro | Hi friends! Someone can tell me how can I use my new TRUST camera in KUbuntu? | 10:10 |
WeirdAl | It's the individual files that don't help. | 10:10 |
chombee | Or, I just need a way to install Ubuntu without booting from cdrom | 10:10 |
tritium | mjr, that's an FAQ, and it's also in the wiki | 10:10 |
=== hardcampa- [~hardcampa@c-dd1272d5.01-134-73746f22.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
termyte | WeirdAl: hmm, let me poke around a bit | 10:10 |
HappyFool | chombee: you can try here, but it might be a bit of work: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/NetbootInstallHowto | 10:10 |
HappyFool | chombee: sorry, don't know much more | 10:11 |
spoosh | I'm a beginning programmer and I want to know what's the best way to get started developing for ubuntu | 10:11 |
chombee | HappyFool - okay, thanks | 10:11 |
tritium | spoosh, python is a nice language to learn when starting out | 10:11 |
=== kev0r [kev0r@ik.weet.al.jouw.persoonlijke.info] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gahan | can i make my 2 panels in gnome become one? so i'll have menus, tray, taskbar in one panel | 10:11 |
djm62 | spoosh: any way you like...there are some exciting things happening in c# and gnome at the moment | 10:11 |
=== robitaille [~robitaill@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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spoosh | i can learn any language | 10:11 |
hardcampa- | yeah I wondered about that. Is it the same python as there are for Unix Windows | 10:11 |
Seveas | gahan, of course... | 10:12 |
Shachaf | I can't get networking working in Ubuntu. | 10:12 |
hardcampa- | or is it a DICE invention | 10:12 |
HappyFool | useful link for learning python: http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/thinkCSpy/ | 10:12 |
tritium | spoosh, you should already have "Dive Into Python" installed. Check the Help system, under Applications->Programming | 10:12 |
djm62 | spoosh: but python would be better for learning to program, and has gtk bindings for graphical stuff | 10:12 |
=== madmonkey [~madmonkey@adsl-69-149-117-233.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | HappyFool, or apt-get install diveintopython | 10:12 |
=== xinud [~xinud@195-144-090-003.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HappyFool | thinkcspy is better for beginner programmers | 10:12 |
justin | Shachaf: what does mii-tool and mii-diag output? | 10:12 |
gahan | Seveas: how do i? | 10:12 |
spoosh | i can do basic programming | 10:12 |
HappyFool | diveintopython is slightly more advanced | 10:12 |
hardcampa- | argh wrong channel lol ...forget about my question | 10:12 |
Seveas | gahan, rightclick on the panels and browse throug the menu that appears,, | 10:12 |
=== djm62 fears that double entendre | ||
spoosh | i've been looking into mono and c# i wasn't sure about ubuntu development though | 10:12 |
jon273 | why do directories and files i create on a global nfs share always end up being owned by nobody:nogroup with 741 perms? | 10:13 |
tritium | ubuntu-desktop depends on diveintopython, so he should already have it | 10:13 |
Shachaf | justin: How am I supposed to get the data to you? | 10:13 |
Shachaf | justin: One computer is upstairs, and the other is downstairs. | 10:13 |
spoosh | i could always install it | 10:13 |
tuku | %%% tuxracer warning: Warning: Couldn't set 22050 Hz 16-bit audio | 10:13 |
tuku | Reason: No available audio device | 10:13 |
tuku | . Sound works othervise well.What can be problem? | 10:13 |
Shachaf | justin: I'm using an eepro100, and I tried both eepro100 and e100. | 10:13 |
hardcampa- | About python: This is pretty neat. As long as it's the same Python: QuestionBot> [DICE] Sanosuke answers: We have a scripting language in BF2, Python. | 10:13 |
justin | Shachaf: you don't. read it yourself and see what it is telling you | 10:13 |
=== aramiil [~aramiil@i01v-49-47.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | tuku, teach tuxracer to use esd | 10:13 |
djm62 | spoosh: ubuntu has lots of python stuff ready to install and it's lovely to program in | 10:13 |
spoosh | i have diveintopython installed | 10:13 |
Shachaf | justin: I read it. | 10:13 |
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justin | Shachaf: and what did it say? | 10:14 |
tuku | Seveas: How? | 10:14 |
Seveas | And ubuntu pushes python very hard | 10:14 |
Shachaf | justin: According to it, everything is fine. | 10:14 |
Seveas | tuku, search through the options | 10:14 |
justin | Shachaf: 100mbit full duplex? | 10:14 |
spoosh | would it be better for me to start programming by fixing bugs in bugzilla or ? | 10:14 |
chrissturm | spoosh: /join #ubuntu-love | 10:14 |
spoosh | alright | 10:15 |
aramiil | hello again! (for those who where here 14 hours before ^^) | 10:15 |
HappyFool | spoosh: maybe took a look for a python project on sf.net that catches your interest | 10:15 |
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Shachaf | justin: Yes. | 10:15 |
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aaaaa | someone -i don't know WHY- has installed the obsolote and insecure Storm Linux 2000 on a box to be used as a server. Discuss | 10:15 |
spoosh | i'm going to check out sf.net now | 10:15 |
justin | Shachaf: is the other end another linux box or a little hardware router? | 10:15 |
=== IcemanV9 [~nobody@adsl-68-79-15-175.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Shachaf | justin: Little hardware router. | 10:16 |
Shachaf | justin: This same card works in other distributions. | 10:16 |
justin | Shachaf: dmesg say anything? | 10:16 |
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aramiil | I've fot a little problem: I try to install PHP 5.0.4 and when I do ./configure --with-apxs2 --with-mysql it answer me: configure: error: cannot find output from lex; giving up (and the line before: line 2422: lex: command not found) | 10:17 |
Shachaf | justin: According to dmesg everything is fine. | 10:17 |
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Seveas | aramiil, sudo aptitude install build-essential bison flex | 10:17 |
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justin | Shachaf: ifconfig -a only shows one eth interface right? | 10:17 |
justin | Shachaf: does it show any RX packets ? | 10:18 |
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Shachaf | justin: Only one. | 10:18 |
Shachaf | justin: And RX says 0. | 10:18 |
aramiil | Seveas> Heu... sorry, but I just begin with linux, and i'm french, so my english isn't really good... i didn't understood a word of what you sad... :'( | 10:18 |
spoosh | i'm still confused at what's probably the best way to get some better programming practice. i figured ubuntu development would be interesting | 10:18 |
aramiil | :s | 10:18 |
sobersabre | guys. where is the documentation of ubuntu kernel compilation ? | 10:18 |
Seveas | aramiil, type in that command exactly... | 10:19 |
lsuactiafner | sobersabre : you dont need ubuntu kernel compile | 10:19 |
justin | Shachaf: it have a real mac address (not 00:00:00... or such) ? | 10:19 |
lsuactiafner | its the same on all distros | 10:19 |
djm62 | spoosh: best to get a book on python, and get used to it, then try reading and modifying other people's code | 10:19 |
sobersabre | lsuactiafner, I do need. | 10:19 |
lsuactiafner | just find something somewhere on google | 10:19 |
tritium | actually, there is a debian/ubuntu way, lsuactiafner | 10:19 |
HappyFool | spoosh: i'd recommend finding a small python project and getting involved there | 10:20 |
Seveas | aramiil, et aussil, va #ubuntu-fr pour aide en franais | 10:20 |
spoosh | is python what most people are developing in now | 10:20 |
=== novaflare [~nova@cpe-24-93-172-93.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | The package named "kernel-package" provides the command "make-kpkg" for building a kernel .deb | 10:20 |
HappyFool | spoosh: #python is a good place to hang out for python discussion | 10:20 |
lsuactiafner | tritium : cant imagine how it can be differant | 10:20 |
sobersabre | lsuactiafner, is there a software suspend able kernel in ubuntu ? | 10:20 |
aramiil | ok ;) | 10:20 |
spoosh | i'll check it out. | 10:20 |
HappyFool | spoosh: there are many languages. c# and java may be more marketable | 10:20 |
Shachaf | justin: Yes. | 10:20 |
lsuactiafner | sobersabre : btw, making your own kernel is a very good idea and dont make ppl convince you otherwise. | 10:20 |
tritium | lsuactiafner, install kernel-package and read the docs. Also, it's mentioned in the Debian Reference, and other places. | 10:20 |
spoosh | i've done basic programming in both | 10:20 |
Seveas | lsuactiafner, it is not | 10:20 |
lsuactiafner | sobersabre : no idea. i make my own | 10:20 |
sobersabre | Triffid_Hunter, i want to use module-assistant facility., | 10:21 |
djm62 | lsuactiafner: shurely that depends on how specialist your needs are, and how much you know about compilation generally, and that of kernels in particular? | 10:21 |
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chrissturm | compiling your own kernel is mostly not neccesary | 10:21 |
tritium | lsuactiafner, there is little need for building your own ubuntu kernel. Many of the developers use stock kernels, even. | 10:21 |
sobersabre | hmm. i meant tritium | 10:21 |
justin | Shachaf: would be easier to diagnose if the other end of the connection wasn't a dumb router... strange problem | 10:21 |
lsuactiafner | Seveas : i make my own otherwise my system wont boot.. ie, the more ppl able to make their systems bootable for the odd setup the better | 10:21 |
HappyFool | spoosh: what sort of programming do you find interesting? networking? databases? numerics? ... (etc.) | 10:22 |
Shachaf | justin: This works under other distributions (even LFS) and Windows. | 10:22 |
justin | Shachaf: can you upgrade the kernel to something newer? | 10:22 |
tritium | sobersabre, what's your question? | 10:22 |
spoosh | Happyfool: I like databases, most of the stuff that I have done with them has been web based. php, asp, etc | 10:22 |
Shachaf | justin: I can't use apt-get because I don't have a connection. | 10:22 |
Shachaf | justin: What would be the package to download? | 10:23 |
spoosh | happyfool: i'd like to start some linux development stuff though | 10:23 |
sobersabre | when i have used module-assistant i've tried to install sl-modem driver. | 10:23 |
justin | Shachaf: linux-image-2.6.x...... | 10:23 |
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spoosh | full blown applications and now webpages, etc | 10:23 |
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tritium | Shachaf, waht do you want to install? | 10:23 |
sobersabre | and it looks for "linux-image" package. i prepared "kernel-image" with make-kpkf | 10:23 |
christos | i just installed openoffice 2 through synaptic how do i get rid of 1.1?? | 10:23 |
sobersabre | i mean make-kpkg | 10:23 |
spoosh | not webpages | 10:23 |
sobersabre | christos, no. | 10:24 |
sobersabre | Shachaf, what is your problem ? | 10:24 |
jon273 | Every time i try and get something useful, apt tells me it's unavailable :/ | 10:24 |
Seveas | christos, you should apt-get remove openoffice.org | 10:24 |
Shachaf | sobersabre: I can't get the network to work. | 10:24 |
HappyFool | spoosh: fair enough. for starters i'd work through thinkcspy, or diveintopython (or both) | 10:24 |
Seveas | and then use debfoster to clean up the bits & oieces it leaves behind | 10:24 |
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HappyFool | spoosh: hang out on #python | 10:24 |
sobersabre | Shachaf, what NIC ? | 10:24 |
christos | that won't remove openoffice.org2 right? | 10:24 |
deffy | Well thanks a whole lot, I guess I'm gonna try a different distro | 10:24 |
Shachaf | sobersabre: I have an eepro100, and I tried both the eepro100 driver and the e100 driver. | 10:24 |
tritium | Shachaf, you should get linux-686, or whichever architecture you have, so it pulls in linux-restricted-modules too | 10:25 |
spoosh | happyfool: thanks for the advice | 10:25 |
HappyFool | spoosh: and read comp.lang.python, e.g., here: http://groups-beta.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/threads?gvc=2 | 10:25 |
sobersabre | Shachaf, and what do you get in logs ? | 10:25 |
Shachaf | sobersabre: Both DHCP and static IP. | 10:25 |
Shachaf | sobersabre: Everything behaves like it's working, but I can't ping the gateway. | 10:25 |
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sobersabre | Shachaf, what do you get in the logs ? | 10:25 |
HappyFool | spoosh: this is usefullish too: http://www.pythonware.com/daily/ | 10:25 |
HappyFool | spoosh: and of course http://www.python.org | 10:25 |
spoosh | i'm about to bookmark those now | 10:25 |
christos | that won't remove openoffice.org2 right? | 10:25 |
tritium | spoosh, the Python tutorial is a good intro too. | 10:26 |
Seveas | christos, no | 10:26 |
sobersabre | Shachaf, can you ping your own eth0 ? | 10:26 |
Shachaf | sobersabre: Yes. | 10:26 |
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tritium | Hello mako | 10:26 |
sobersabre | Shachaf, can you ping your localhost ? | 10:26 |
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Shachaf | sobersabre: Yes. | 10:26 |
sobersabre | ok. | 10:26 |
ilba7r | i am trying to install the new ltmodem.deb but it requires "kernel-image-2.6.10-5-386" any one know where can i find it | 10:27 |
Shachaf | sobersabre: though it doesn't appear in the output of "route -n". | 10:27 |
spoosh | i have diveintopython installed but i'm not sure where to access it | 10:27 |
Seveas | ilba7r, you are installing a debian deb, try to find an ubuntu one | 10:27 |
sobersabre | Shachaf, you've fscked up your network settings somehow. don't worry. | 10:27 |
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ilba7r | sevas it is a ubuntu one | 10:27 |
Shachaf | sobersabre: No, it never worked. | 10:27 |
tritium | ilba7r, ubuntu kernel images begin with "linux-image-" | 10:27 |
ilba7r | let me fetch the proper name for it | 10:27 |
Seveas | ilba7r, ubuntu has no kernel-image packages so it cannot be an ubuntu one | 10:27 |
Shachaf | sobersabre: I installed Ubuntu yesterday. | 10:27 |
sobersabre | can you tell me what is the output line of ethernet card in lspci ? | 10:27 |
HappyFool | spoosh: not too sure if there's a menu link; it's in /usr/share/doc/diveintopython/ | 10:28 |
ilba7r | ubuntu-ltmodem-2.6.10-5-386_8.31a13_i386.deb | 10:28 |
spoosh | ok. I can find that | 10:28 |
tritium | spoosh, you can get to it from Yelp, gnome's help system | 10:28 |
Shachaf | delire: "Intel Corp. 82557/8/9 [Ethernet Pro 100] (rev 02)" | 10:28 |
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Shachaf | Oops. | 10:28 |
Shachaf | sobersabre: "Intel Corp. 82557/8/9 [Ethernet Pro 100] (rev 02)" | 10:28 |
sobersabre | Shachaf, i see. | 10:28 |
tritium | spoosh, click on the little life-preserver icon, and to go Applications->Programming | 10:28 |
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Seveas | ilba7r, if it requires a kernel-package image it's not an Ubuntu deb. Ubuntu has no kernel-package... | 10:28 |
sobersabre | do you use vanilla ubuntu kernel ? | 10:28 |
Seveas | and ubuntu debs don't start with ubuntu, but have ubuntu in the version number | 10:29 |
spoosh | tritium: thanks i've got it | 10:29 |
Shachaf | sobersabre: I use a vanilla kernel, yes. | 10:29 |
ilba7r | ok thanx sevas | 10:29 |
tritium | ilba7r, ltmodem drivers are in linux-restricted-modules | 10:29 |
ilba7r | strange though they put it under ubuntu | 10:29 |
sobersabre | now.. can you paste several things into some paste bin ? | 10:29 |
Seveas | ilba7r, just install a linux-restricted-modules package from the ubuntu repositories | 10:29 |
sobersabre | Shachaf, | 10:30 |
Seveas | don't use third party drivers... | 10:30 |
sobersabre | i meant you | 10:30 |
tritium | ilba7r, "apt-cache search ltmodem" should return a bunch of linux-restricted-modules packages. YOu want the one that matches your kernel. | 10:30 |
Shachaf | sobersabre: Not from the computer with the problem. | 10:30 |
Shachaf | sobersabre: It's downstairs. | 10:30 |
=== phinaliumz [~knoppix@dsl-tregw1k51.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
spoosh | tritium and Happyfool: I'd just like to thank you both for your help. i'm about to do some serious reading. maybe we'll run into each other again sometime | 10:30 |
lsuactiafner | ltmodem is nice.. | 10:30 |
Seveas | ilba7r, if you run on an intel processor: install linux-686 if you have an amd processor: install linux-k7 | 10:30 |
tritium | spoosh, sure :) Have a good one! | 10:30 |
sobersabre | Shachaf, we need to know the exact output of: | 10:30 |
HappyFool | spoosh: all the best. happy hacking :-) | 10:30 |
sobersabre | ifconfig eth0 | 10:30 |
spoosh | Looks like i'm going to learn some python | 10:30 |
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sobersabre | and route -n | 10:30 |
spoosh | Later | 10:30 |
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sobersabre | Shachaf, | 10:31 |
sobersabre | did you get this ? | 10:31 |
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ilba7r | sok thanx sevas and tritium | 10:31 |
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Shachaf | sobersabre: Well, I'll see if I can transfer this on something. | 10:31 |
ilba7r | sevas is it the smae for amd 32 and 64 | 10:31 |
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Seveas | ilba7r, no | 10:31 |
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Seveas | amd64 users should install linux-k8 iirc | 10:31 |
sobersabre | Shachaf, can u also bring: | 10:31 |
sobersabre | cat /proc/interrupts | 10:32 |
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sobersabre | ? | 10:32 |
sobersabre | ok ? | 10:32 |
ilba7r | great was just making sure thanx a lot guys | 10:32 |
ilba7r | you were quite helpfull | 10:32 |
Seveas | you're welcome | 10:32 |
tritium | :) | 10:32 |
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dabi | any idea where to start? ubuntu wont detect my battery status on my acer laptop | 10:32 |
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ilba7r | take care all bye for now | 10:33 |
tritium | I'm thinking if my hoary CDs have not shipped yet, they're not going to... | 10:33 |
invisiblekid | can someone please help me? i can't seem to get my samba server working | 10:33 |
sobersabre | i got my hoaries!! :) | 10:33 |
tuku | How to add into "start menu" new program so that is appears everybody who uses this computer? | 10:33 |
HappyFool | Seveas: think it might be linux-amd64, not -k8: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=linux-amd64&searchon=names&subword=1&version=hoary&release=all | 10:34 |
Seveas | tuku, either use smeg (www.realistanew.com) or learn about the freedesktop.org internals... | 10:34 |
HappyFool | invisiblekid: what's not working? | 10:34 |
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invisiblekid | well, my laptop works fine as a client, but when i try sharing folders, nobody else can see me | 10:34 |
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HappyFool | Seveas: oh, there are amd64-k8 packages too. nevermind. | 10:35 |
invisiblekid | but my desktop works fine and i copied the smb.conf almost exactly | 10:35 |
tritium | wb, spoosh | 10:35 |
gahan | why is hotplug so important when i use gnome? i needed to stop it, then start gdm, and after i login i needed to start hotplug for my mouse to work. otherwise it hanged after showing me desktop | 10:35 |
spoosh | I came to look for the #python room | 10:35 |
=== henriquemaia [~henriquem@cb-217-129-170-55.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
invisiblekid | ive tried reinstalling all samba packs but its the same thing | 10:35 |
gahan | it worked fine with kde or xfce, without rticks | 10:35 |
gahan | s/rticks/tricks | 10:35 |
spoosh | just to see what was going on | 10:35 |
tritium | spoosh, /join #python | 10:35 |
Seveas | gahan, why on earth eould you want to ditch hotplug..? | 10:35 |
cfaun | the live cds don't have ubuntu-calandar on, do they? | 10:36 |
HappyFool | invisiblekid: paste your smb.conf up at a pastebin, e..g, http://rafb.net/paste/ | 10:36 |
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tritium | there you go, spoosh :) | 10:36 |
invisiblekid | k | 10:36 |
phinaliumz | Hi. I'm thinking to switch from Mandriva to Ubuntu. I have two hard disk, hdb is mounted as /, hda is mounted as home, there I got all my personal files. Is it possible to use hda as a home mount point in Ubuntu too without formatting it? | 10:36 |
Shachaf | sobersabre: I can't believe this. | 10:36 |
spoosh | there we go thank you. i'm still pretty new to irc. i read the docs a long time ago but have forgot most of it because i haven't used it in a while | 10:36 |
Seveas | HappyFool, there's a nice ubuntu-themed pastebin mentioned in the topic :) | 10:36 |
Shachaf | sobersabre: I'm going to have to use a floppy. | 10:36 |
tritium | phinaliumz, yep :) | 10:36 |
gahan | Seveas: i havent used it before i installed gnome, and now i got problems with it | 10:37 |
Seveas | phinaliumz, yes | 10:37 |
HappyFool | Seveas: i'm lazy. that ones in my firefox toolbar thingy ;) | 10:37 |
phinaliumz | thank you :) | 10:37 |
djm62 | phinaliumz: yes | 10:37 |
=== HappyFool links ubuntu pastebin | ||
Seveas | HappyFool, lol :) | 10:37 |
justin | invisiblekid: the default samba config has everything you need for sharing files, minus the actual share.. if you changed anything you probably broke it | 10:37 |
gahan | Seveas: i dont really know how to fix that thing, and why do i need to stop it;start gdm;start it again | 10:37 |
gahan | ``hangs'' here means: no response from keyboard and mouse | 10:37 |
HappyFool | invisiblekid: please post the url of the final page when you're done ;) | 10:38 |
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dabi | any idea where to start? ubuntu wont detect my battery status on my acer laptop | 10:39 |
justin | dabi: what does "wont detect" mean? | 10:39 |
invisiblekid | http://rafb.net/paste/results/3zmHbi55.html | 10:39 |
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invisiblekid | HappyFool, maybe 'security = share' instead of 'user'? | 10:41 |
justin | invisiblekid: what does "nobody else can see me" mean? | 10:41 |
madsen | Are there any Ubuntu repos for e17? | 10:41 |
Seveas | madsen, e17 isn't even final... | 10:42 |
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invisiblekid | justin, when the go to network servers, my laptop doesnt show up next to the other servers, but it is in the same workgroup | 10:42 |
madsen | Seveas: I know, that's why I'm asking if there are any separate repos for it and not if it's in the standard repos. | 10:43 |
justin | invisiblekid: then that has nothing to do with the security setting | 10:43 |
xiaogil | How to use to convert an html file from BIG5 to UTF-8? (i don't understand how to do it with recode, the --help and man are not clear to me) | 10:43 |
invisiblekid | k | 10:43 |
Seveas | maddler, look at apt-get.org | 10:43 |
justin | invisiblekid: is your samba server actually running? | 10:43 |
=== kyth [~kyth@S01060013102db441.nb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | hmmm, anyone have a .wine/config they can cat to pastebin? | 10:43 |
invisiblekid | yeap, ive restarted it many times =] | 10:43 |
madsen | I can't install from http://soulmachine.net/debian, 'cause it bitches about libc6 being 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13 and not 2.3.2.ds1-21. :-( | 10:43 |
HappyFool | invisiblekid: security = user requires a smbpasswd file. but since you're allowing anonymous access it shouldn't matter | 10:44 |
Razor-X | madsen: try reemoving backports from your /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:44 |
HappyFool | invisiblekid: i always thought 'guest ok = yes' went in share definitions, not in [global] | 10:44 |
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tritium | backports, ew... | 10:44 |
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Rickie | How do i give myself Root access to a folder? | 10:44 |
chrissturm | madsen: that deb isnt for ubuntu it seems | 10:44 |
Razor-X | Rickie: sudo -s | 10:45 |
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madsen | Razor-X: I don't have any backports in my sources.list. | 10:45 |
Razor-X | errr! | 10:45 |
justin | invisiblekid: does smbclient -L localhost list your Downloaded share? | 10:45 |
HappyFool | invisiblekid: have you tried 'smbclient -L localhost' on the machine with the problem? | 10:45 |
HappyFool | hrm :P | 10:45 |
=== mameluke [bo@84-72-13-86.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
madsen | chrissturm: I know, but see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20216 | 10:45 |
Razor-X | nevermind | 10:45 |
madsen | Razor-X: ? | 10:45 |
Razor-X | madsen: hmmm... not sure then | 10:45 |
Razor-X | so, no-one here uses WINE? | 10:45 |
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madsen | Razor-X: Ok, but thanks. :) | 10:45 |
djm62 | nope | 10:46 |
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Tm_T | hullo | 10:46 |
pfp | Razor-X: i do, but there's no ~/.wine/config | 10:46 |
tritium | Razor-X, only at dinner | 10:46 |
pfp | :) | 10:46 |
^thehatsrule^ | lol | 10:46 |
=== p0m [wodann@203-217-83-34.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | pfp: ok then ;) | 10:46 |
Rydekull | hmm, anyone able to appraise how much I can sell a SGI Onyx for? http://ateliermusee.web.infoseek.co.jp/html/05-computer/photo/sgi/onyx-01.jpg | 10:46 |
=== optik [david@81-178-46-38.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
^thehatsrule^ | whats the prob Razor-X? | 10:46 |
Rickie | "Error while moving items to "/usr/local/firefox".", "You do not have permissions to write to this folder.", i get that when i try to copy and paste some plugins to my Firefox Plugins Dir, even with Sudo -s :s | 10:46 |
Shachaf | sobersabre: How am I supposed to get the output? | 10:47 |
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errr | Rickie: why do you add the -s? sudo cp foo /bar should work | 10:48 |
tuku | i have downloaded a .deb file. How in install it? apt-get install ./xxxx.deb do not do it | 10:48 |
tritium | errr, to get a shell | 10:48 |
tritium | tuku, dpkg -i <filename> | 10:48 |
HappyFool | invisiblekid: are both your machines running ubuntu? do they have different hostnames? (i.e., they're not both 'ubuntu' ?) | 10:48 |
tritium | tuku, don't forget to use sudo ;) | 10:48 |
errr | tritium: I am just used to typing sudo from a shell | 10:49 |
^thehatsrule^ | Razor-X: just use the default one its easier | 10:49 |
tritium | errr, yeah, but if you get tired of prepending each command with "sudo", you can use sudo -s, or sudo -i | 10:49 |
Rickie | errr: "sudo cp /usr/local/firefox/plugins /bar" right?, doesn't work :/ | 10:49 |
^thehatsrule^ | or sudo su | 10:49 |
tuku | thank's alot for all of you. You been realy helpfull | 10:50 |
errr | Rickie: /bar is not a real place.... | 10:50 |
HappyFool | cp is <src> <dst> | 10:50 |
^thehatsrule^ | Rickie, if thats a folder, you need cp -r | 10:50 |
HappyFool | you possibly want 'cp somefile /usr/local/firefox/plugins' | 10:50 |
mako | kassetra: hey | 10:51 |
mako | kassetra: ? | 10:51 |
=== tony__ [~tony@bgp01114180bgs.westln01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HappyFool | isn't there somewhere in .mozilla you can put plugins ? | 10:51 |
Rickie | Oo, thanks :) | 10:51 |
tritium | HappyFool, yeah, ~/.mozilla/plugins | 10:51 |
tony__ | Hello, how can I change the GDM login screen? | 10:52 |
madsen | Hmm, how do I force an apt-get install to not care about dependencies? | 10:52 |
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kvidell | tony__: Alt+F2 -> gdmconfig | 10:52 |
kvidell | er.. gksudo gdmconfig | 10:52 |
madsen | tony__: System -> Administration -> Login Screen Setup | 10:52 |
kvidell | sorry | 10:52 |
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kvidell | Oh! I didn't know it hid there, sorry :) | 10:52 |
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=== kvidell uses openbox so doesn't have the gnome menu | ||
madsen | kvidell: hehe | 10:53 |
tony__ | Thanx... | 10:53 |
madsen | Ok, back to me... Forcing install in spite of "missing" deps. | 10:53 |
madsen | How? --^ | 10:54 |
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kvidell | --force-yes | 10:54 |
kvidell | Force yes; This is a dangerous option that will cause apt to continue without prompting if it is doing something potentially harmful. It should not be used except in very special situations. Using force-yes can potentially destroy your system! Configuration Item: APT::Get::force-yes. | 10:54 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
justin | kvidell: close, but not quite | 10:54 |
HappyFool | madsen: 'man apt-get' reveals '--ignore-missing', though i imagine that is likely to cause tears in the long run | 10:55 |
kvidell | no? | 10:55 |
kvidell | I'm not doing good today :-P | 10:55 |
=== kvidell goes back to not answering questions | ||
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bobbyd | hi | 10:56 |
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madsen | HappyFool: Nah, it's just bitching about libc6 being labeled 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13 and not 2.3.2.ds1-21... I don't think it'll be that bad. | 10:56 |
bobbyd | how do I give options to a module that's automatically loaded at startup? | 10:56 |
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chrissturm | and its only libc | 10:56 |
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Seveas | 'only' libc.... | 10:56 |
madsen | chrissturm: hehe | 10:56 |
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chrissturm | hehe | 10:56 |
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madsen | HappyFool: Hmm, --ignore-missing doesn't cut it. apt-get still bitches. | 10:57 |
Razor-X | and now, I need Windows for nothing!!! MUAHAHAHAHA | 10:57 |
chrissturm | but since you arent upgrading anything, and just installing e17, the worst that can happen is e17 not working | 10:57 |
madsen | Razor-X: Nice! :) | 10:57 |
madsen | chrissturm: Exactly. :) | 10:57 |
=== ideafix [~luser@a83-132-101-92.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HappyFool | madsen: read 'man apt-get' --- it mentions combining that with what kvidell mentioned. | 10:58 |
madsen | chrissturm: and since it doesn't work already, things can only get better. :) | 10:58 |
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Mez | is it me or is the wiki incredibly slow today ? | 10:58 |
chrissturm | madsen: you could get the source deb, change the dependeny and build it | 10:58 |
Seveas | it's slow | 10:58 |
=== Mez yawns | ||
madsen | chrissturm: Yeah, that would be the "right" way. But this is more fun. :) | 10:58 |
Mez | WAAAAAAAY too slow :d | 10:58 |
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kvidell | lol | 10:59 |
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chrissturm | madsen: the other way you could even learn something useful | 10:59 |
madsen | HappyFool: Nope, no luck still... | 10:59 |
pepsi | when did world war 2 end? | 10:59 |
chrissturm | madsen: you could maybe even build up to date e17 packs | 10:59 |
madsen | chrissturm: Eww! Learn!?! :-p | 10:59 |
HappyFool | madsen: the stars are not in your favour | 10:59 |
chrissturm | those you are using are 3 months old | 10:59 |
madsen | chrissturm: That would be nice... :) | 10:59 |
madsen | chrissturm: But then again, I have no clue as to how to build a package and much less the proper tools installed. :-/ | 11:00 |
madsen | HappyFool: :( | 11:00 |
=== clumsy [~antje@p5497263B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HappyFool | madsen: i guess you're not ignoring 'missing' packages -- libc isn't missing, it's got the wrong version | 11:00 |
=== estragon [~jircii@ANice-252-1-71-111.w83-201.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
madsen | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 11:00 |
madsen | eutils: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-21) but 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13 is to be installed | 11:00 |
madsen | HappyFool: --^ | 11:01 |
HappyFool | i wonder if rpm's --ignore-deps is more permissive? | 11:01 |
chrissturm | madsen: it could be that you just need to rebuild eutils | 11:01 |
madsen | HappyFool: It is... It actually ignores... | 11:01 |
madsen | chrissturm: Yeah, it appears so... :) | 11:02 |
chrissturm | you can do that in no time | 11:02 |
madsen | chrissturm: ... when I've installed gcc and stuff... | 11:02 |
chrissturm | apt-get install build-essentials | 11:02 |
madsen | chrissturm: and to install, I need to dl it on a 256k connection. :-/ | 11:03 |
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thechitowncubs | build-essential | 11:03 |
chrissturm | right, i always get that one wrong | 11:03 |
HappyFool | madsen: i've never used the 'equivs' package, but it's description is 'Circumvent Debian package dependencies' | 11:03 |
HappyFool | build-essential is on the CD | 11:03 |
clumsy | Hi Leute, jemand da, der mir in Sachen RHYTHMBOX + gstream-Problem helfen kann? | 11:03 |
Pop_pa_FrEaK | anyone tried the new ati drivers with the gui installer ? | 11:03 |
Seveas | clumsy, hier spricht mann englisch | 11:04 |
chrissturm | clumsy: /join #ubuntu-de | 11:04 |
Pop_pa_FrEaK | supports the 2.6.11 kernel | 11:04 |
clumsy | ups | 11:04 |
clumsy | sry | 11:04 |
Seveas | fuer deutschsprachige hilfe: #ubuntu-de | 11:04 |
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madsen | chrissturm: But there's no source-.deb for eutils afaik. :-/ | 11:04 |
chombee | Okay - here is a tough problem. My friend is trying to install Ubuntu but has only a non-bootable USB cdrom. Does anyone know of anything that will let us run the cdrom install, some sort of boot disk or something? | 11:04 |
madsen | HappyFool: lol! | 11:04 |
chombee | Perhaps we need a boot disk for a linux distro that will let us then mount the usb device and then boot it | 11:04 |
Pop_pa_FrEaK | and doesn't need source if you have the kernel headers installed | 11:04 |
madsen | HappyFool: I installed from a Warty CD and upgraded... (Loooong wait there.) | 11:04 |
madsen | chombee: You mean like a BIOS? | 11:05 |
HappyFool | madsen: hey, i'm on 56kb :P took me 40 hours (or more?) to download hoary | 11:05 |
djm62 | chombee: I don't think you can do that, exactly | 11:05 |
madsen | HappyFool: :-/ | 11:05 |
chombee | madsen - I just mean some sort of boot disk or distro on disk that will allow me to run the Ubuntu install from the USB cdrom | 11:05 |
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madsen | chrissturm: Ok, build-essential installed... | 11:05 |
aquarius | How do I know which linux-image package to install on my machine? | 11:05 |
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chombee | djm62 - do you think I can install Debian using floppy disk and then upgrade it to Ubuntu? | 11:06 |
djm62 | would this be a job for debian install floppies, then edit sources.list, and dist-upgrade? | 11:06 |
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Seveas | aquarius, which processor do you have? | 11:06 |
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aquarius | seveas: not sure; I think it's a Pentium M. How do I find out? | 11:06 |
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chombee | djm62 - do you know how difficult it is to install Debian from floppies? | 11:06 |
kvidell | lol | 11:07 |
A[D] minS | what is package= mplayer-gui ? | 11:07 |
Seveas | aquarius, you need to install linux-686 (that'll drag in a correct image and restricted modules package) | 11:07 |
djm62 | chombee: I did it a long time ago...you only install debian once per machine | 11:07 |
zth_ | hey.. i wanna connect my guitar to my computer and record it, i wanna use the line-in. so i've got a transformator or what to call 'em, and i've plugged it into line-in from the output of my VAMP (effect box) but i get nothing trying to record or just play, checked the volume on the AMP and on the gnome mixer but still nothing | 11:07 |
aquarius | Seveas, ah, /proc/cpuinfo says Pentium M. linux-686 doesn't mention the Pentium M; is that OK? | 11:07 |
ideafix | dont you think linux is spyware at its higer level ? | 11:07 |
madzzoni | Help Wanted: How do i change the settings for rhythmbox, so it will use Xine instead of Gstreamer for playing music? (Gstreamer won't play .wav-files) | 11:07 |
A[D] minS | what is package= mplayer-gui ? | 11:07 |
Seveas | aquarius, yes | 11:07 |
nate | Anybody know much about "For language 'en' several language ids were found" ????? | 11:07 |
djm62 | chombee: you need to follow the instructions, and I'd recommend making a minimal install before upgrading everything | 11:08 |
aquarius | Seveas, cheers. | 11:08 |
ideafix | dont you think linux is spyware at its top level ? | 11:08 |
madsen | A[D] minS: apt-cache show mplayer-gui | 11:08 |
djm62 | ideafix: basically, no | 11:08 |
=== Lafitte- [~nuna@adsl-71-129-32-28.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ideafix | what do you mean basicaly ? | 11:08 |
madsen | ideafix: stop trolling | 11:08 |
chombee | djm62 - do you know how hard it is to do the Debian-Hoary upgrade? Is it a simple case of editing the sources.list and upgrading all? | 11:08 |
ideafix | trolling ? | 11:08 |
djm62 | ideafix: oh, sorry, I thought you'd been trolled, rather than were trolling :) | 11:09 |
nate | Can anybody help me with this?? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41533 | 11:09 |
madsen | ideafix: yup... t-r-o-l-l-i-n-g... trolling. | 11:09 |
=== regeya [~shane@adsl-sp3-cdale176.micgi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ideafix | you mean like rolling ? | 11:09 |
djm62 | chombee: sorry, I have no experience of doing it...try the wiki | 11:09 |
ideafix | like in rolling stones ? | 11:09 |
nate | Its about to drive me nuts because none of the programs that have to do with Wine will work | 11:09 |
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trollingstone | dfhads | 11:11 |
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trollingstone | lksslk | 11:11 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+q trollingstone!*@*] by Seveas | ||
djm62 | nate: how does it do if you go from the prompt: "nate@ubuntu $ LANG=en_US wine path/to/your/program | 11:11 |
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djm62 | nate: prefix the wine command with LANG=en_US in other words | 11:12 |
madzzoni | Help Wanted: How do i change the settings for rhythmbox, so it will use Xine instead of Gstreamer for playing music? (Gstreamer won't play .wav-files) | 11:12 |
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=== Luakagon [~Luakagon@69-170-149-110.ironoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Luakagon | How do I burn a CD and make it writable in the future? I'm just using the default thin. | 11:12 |
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Hablandocontigo | If esd is killall-ed will Ubuntu not restart esd untill reboot? | 11:12 |
chombee | djm62 - it looks plausible. I guess installing Debian will be the hard thing. And finding enough floppies... | 11:13 |
HappyFool | madzzoni: i imagine gstreamer can play wav files, but rhythmbox thinks they aren't worth playing. try double-clicking on the file in nautilus (i.e., the file browser) | 11:13 |
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djm62 | madzzoni: have you tried to install the appropriate gst module? | 11:13 |
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=== A[D] minS is away: I'm busy | ||
Seveas | A[D] minS, please turn that off | 11:14 |
madzzoni | djm62: Which is? | 11:14 |
lilliput | hello was wondering is there anyway to install kde3.4.1 on ubuntu ? | 11:14 |
Seveas | lilliput, aptitude install kubuntu-desktop | 11:14 |
=== Hehed is now known as Hehed^fix | ||
clumsy | can anyone help me with my RHYTHMBOX-Problem? if i want to play some mp3, he says: ""Internet GStreamer-Error, Paddingproblem" | 11:14 |
=== Fanskapet [Fanskapet@d213-101-21-83.swipnet.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
A[D] minS | ok Seveas | 11:14 |
A[D] minS | later | 11:14 |
djm62 | madzzoni: if you do a search for gstreamer in the package lists, you'll find lots of different things it can play | 11:14 |
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synd | where is the gaim plugin folder? | 11:14 |
madzzoni | djm62: OK i'll try that! | 11:15 |
misfit-toy | lilliput is that short for lilliputian? | 11:15 |
lilliput | Seveas, in the /etc/apt/sources.list is there something needed ( new with ubuntu but really good with debian ) | 11:15 |
anatole | anyone knows a way to have xchat show nicks with <> at the beginning and the end of them? | 11:15 |
chrissturm | lilliput: add this: deb http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde341 hoary-updates main | 11:15 |
djm62 | misfit-toy: lilliputian is a native of the country lilliput | 11:15 |
anatole | i really miss that from recent builds | 11:15 |
lilliput | misfit-toy, no from lilliputiEn :) .. lilliput is actuallu the town and country | 11:15 |
Seveas | lilliput, paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 | 11:15 |
misfit-toy | djm62, aha | 11:16 |
Seveas | use these sources | 11:16 |
Hablandocontigo | misfit-toy: not only English literature, but lilliput is Polish for midget/dwarf | 11:16 |
misfit-toy | lilliput, cool | 11:16 |
djm62 | misfit-toy: and lilliputians are short for no reason at all ;) | 11:16 |
misfit-toy | Hablandocontigo, I am learning something new every day! | 11:16 |
clumsy | can anyone help me with my RHYTHMBOX-Problem? if i want to play some mp3, he says: ""Internet GStreamer-Error, Paddingproblem", PLEASE! :) | 11:16 |
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djs | chombee: There is this - http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SmartBootManagerHowto | 11:17 |
djm62 | clumsy: have you tried googling your problem? | 11:17 |
djs | ... not sure if it will work for a USB CD-ROM though | 11:17 |
Luakagon | this is lame, I dont want to burn another disc with 1 megabyte of data on it and it be unwritable to again | 11:17 |
hardcampa- | Luakagon use a RW disc =) | 11:18 |
=== misfit-toy just finished upgrading to FC4 yesterday, and I have to say it's nice, but I'm starting to like Ubuntu's speed. | ||
Luakagon | no | 11:18 |
lilliput | Seveas, thanks very much | 11:18 |
djm62 | Luakagon: maybe try k3b and have more options to play with? | 11:18 |
Luakagon | in xcdroast I could burn it and it could be used in other sessions | 11:18 |
Luakagon | ok | 11:18 |
misfit-toy | Luakagon, use K3B | 11:18 |
digip1mp | misfit-toy: what is faster? | 11:18 |
concept10 | misfit-toy, how is the install of fc4, any improvements? | 11:18 |
misfit-toy | digip1mp, Ubuntu is faster | 11:19 |
digip1mp | wow | 11:19 |
chombee | djs - yeah, that Smart Boot Manager doesn't detect the USB CDROM, it's not in the list of boot devices, and there appears to be nothing to do if the device doesn't appear in the menu. Do you know anything about it? | 11:19 |
concept10 | misfit-toy, I know about the new packages but do you notice any differences in speed between fc4 and ubuntu | 11:19 |
digip1mp | misfit-toy: what about ubuntu is faster? what programs are faster, etc. | 11:19 |
djm62 | I almost want to reboot to try out ifplugd | 11:19 |
synd | digip1mp: ubuntu in general is faster/ | 11:19 |
misfit-toy | concept10, just newer gnome and I think they fixed the haywire thing when you browse a folder and your cpu goes bonkers | 11:19 |
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synd | digip1mp: ubuntu paired with xfce/fluxbox smokes | 11:19 |
concept10 | digip1mp, right off I can tell you that ubuntu boots faster | 11:19 |
misfit-toy | digip1mp, booting is twice as fast, and opening any program is twice as fast...it's amazing. | 11:20 |
djm62 | shurely not a newer gnome, since ubuntu releases match gnome ones? | 11:20 |
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hardcampa- | ubuntu uses the same programs as any other debian based distro so... | 11:20 |
synd | digip1mp: ubuntu with gnome/KDE + a decent amt of ram and a P3 or better does very well as well | 11:20 |
misfit-toy | djm62, newer gnome in FC4 | 11:20 |
lilliput | was wondering I mean there is a lot of *new* things in dev for ubuntu so may be you already tried it .. is it easy to boot on a firewire device (hdd) ? | 11:20 |
concept10 | fc4 and ubuntu uses gnome 2.10.1? | 11:20 |
misfit-toy | concept10, yes | 11:21 |
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djs | chombee: sorry no - just found it now using google | 11:21 |
synd | anyone know where the gaim folder is?! | 11:21 |
misfit-toy | concept10, I meant the FC4 gets a newer gnome than FC3 | 11:21 |
digip1mp | i get fast boot times in fedora when I disable chkconfig --level 0123456 sendmail off - sendmail always takes forever | 11:21 |
djm62 | synd: search in ~/.gaim ? | 11:21 |
concept10 | synd, locate gaim | 11:21 |
chombee | Anyone know anything abut Smart Boot Manager? Is it possible to mount a USB cdrom and then boot from it? | 11:21 |
chombee | Anyone know of a way I can mount a USB cdrom and then boot from it? | 11:21 |
digip1mp | does ubuntu have more staticly-linked programs? | 11:21 |
concept10 | Oh yeah, gnome 2.10 takes some getting used to | 11:22 |
synd | concept10: ah yea i forgot about that cmd | 11:22 |
synd | thanks djm62, concept10 | 11:22 |
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madzzoni | djm62: I got the "AudioFile plugin for GStreamer" installed but this dosn't help! I use Totem-xine for streaming and it plays anything fine. It should be possible to use Xine for Rhythmbox. | 11:22 |
=== ThinkingInBinary [~ubuntu@pool-129-44-183-195.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== TORbear [banan@ti122110a080-14181.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ThinkingInBinary | ubuntu rocks | 11:23 |
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djm62 | madzzoni: I've never heard of that... | 11:23 |
ThinkingInBinary | my normal system is gentoo but the hard drive crashed, so i'm using the livecd i got at linux world... it's really usable, and the best desktop linux distro i've seen | 11:24 |
concept10 | misfit-toy, I think my mind is made up, I will stick with ubuntu for desktop use, fc4 for experiments - I prefer APT to yum | 11:24 |
Seveas | ThinkingInBinary, welcome to the club :) | 11:24 |
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misfit-toy | concept10, I would agree with that. | 11:24 |
concept10 | ThinkingInBinary, hard drive was tired of that compiling :) | 11:24 |
=== Jester_ [~Jester@modemcable195.167-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ThinkingInBinary | concept10: yeah musta been ;-) | 11:24 |
ThinkingInBinary | concept10: i mean there are perks, but gentoo can be tiring sometimes | 11:25 |
concept10 | Anyone have beagle succesfully running? | 11:25 |
djm62 | I'll give gentoo a go if I ever get some less funky hardware | 11:25 |
Seveas | concept10, there are beagle howtos on the wiki | 11:25 |
concept10 | Seveas, thanks | 11:25 |
concept10 | Seveas, have you tried the mono live cd based on ubuntu? | 11:25 |
Seveas | concept10, no | 11:25 |
Jester_ | gentoo is only a toy to learn, its not for day to day use or serving | 11:26 |
Seveas | i nevere even touched mono so far | 11:26 |
concept10 | That LiveCD sold me on mono and ubuntu | 11:26 |
ThinkingInBinary | Jester_: meh, i like it for servers... but for a desktop it's too complicated | 11:26 |
concept10 | its nice | 11:26 |
djm62 | concept10: I have it, bur not particularly functional | 11:26 |
misfit-toy | concept10, if I didn't have my other laptop all tweaked for FC I swear I would install Ubuntu, but this laptop is my 'roam around the house' laptop anyway, so I'll keep it this way. | 11:26 |
=== bartekp [bartekp@bjs170.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
concept10 | djm62, beagle? | 11:26 |
Seveas | FC 1 ?? | 11:26 |
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djm62 | concept10: yeah | 11:26 |
Seveas | man, that one is crappy... | 11:26 |
concept10 | djm62, did you index your files? | 11:27 |
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ThinkingInBinary | half the reason it takes longer for packages to be stable on gentoo is that they must be tested on seven million configurations, and they have to be stable for a month... with binary distros it's "does it work on a few systems? good, release it!" | 11:27 |
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martin | Hi | 11:27 |
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concept10 | misfit-toy, do you have your wireless working? | 11:27 |
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djm62 | concept10: not on this install...I decided to wait for breezy after a couple of failures | 11:27 |
ThinkingInBinary | martin: Hi | 11:27 |
martin | need some help with apache2, php4 and mysql | 11:27 |
madzzoni | djm62: Please se http://www.gnome.org/projects/rhythmbox/faq.html . But i can't run that command in ubuntu! | 11:27 |
Jester_ | ThinkingInBinary, bah I used it for 2 years as a desktop, it's really not complicated, only when you have to fix bugs (and there are a lot), but I got tired of compiling, its not worth it at all | 11:27 |
shinu | anyone know some program to do complicated mathematical calculations? something like mathematica... | 11:27 |
concept10 | djm62, a couple of failures of beagle? | 11:27 |
shinu | but free. | 11:28 |
Seveas | martin, just state the problem... | 11:28 |
ThinkingInBinary | Jester_: yeah... there's a point where i want a gentoo system to tinker with and then another (ubuntu?) system to use as my day-to-day desktop that just always works | 11:28 |
djm62 | concept10: chasing libraries that aren't apt-gettable, a while ago, so I ended up compiling a feature-free version :-/ | 11:28 |
martin | apache and php are running fine....but mysql throught php is not....phpinfo() gives me this info '--without-mysql'...so how to enable mysql? | 11:28 |
Seveas | martin, install php4-mysql and mysql-server | 11:29 |
TORbear | Just installed ubuntu for the first time, mouse does not seem to work, and as it is my first time around with linux, I have a hard time trying to configure it myself, the pointer is there, but it won't move. Tried that program that walked through different problems, and on the "does the mouse function correctly" it wanted me to press no, but how on earth am I to do that when the mouse don't work?:P | 11:29 |
=== random [~random@adsl-209-30-173-71.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jester_ | ThinkingInBinary, yeah gentoo is cool to play with for sure | 11:29 |
=== ThinkingInBinary refrains from saying: USE="mysql" emerge mod_php | ||
djm62 | concept10: I had it on warty, strangely enough, and it /is/ magic | 11:29 |
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Seveas | TORbear, do you have a serial mouse? | 11:29 |
=== lxuser [~lxuser@a83-132-101-92.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ThinkingInBinary | Jester_: someone needs to do for gentoo what ubuntu did for debian | 11:29 |
lxuser | hello world | 11:29 |
ThinkingInBinary | lxuser: hello lxuser | 11:29 |
TORbear | serial as in that little round hole? Yes | 11:29 |
concept10 | djm62, I emailed the guys who maintain the mono live cd and they told me they will get it working soon. | 11:29 |
Seveas | TORbear, that little round hole (same size as the keyboard) is ps/2 not serial :) | 11:30 |
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random | Does anyone know how to reroute the path sound initializes? I don't have a /dev/dsp file | 11:30 |
Razor-X | TORbear: that's PS/2 ;) | 11:30 |
djm62 | concept10: working for ubuntu? that'll come in breezy...Suse 9.3 has it already | 11:30 |
martin | Seveas: done it....same problem | 11:30 |
WeirdAl | Does anyone know where the config for ftpd is? | 11:30 |
=== bhilton [~bhilton@nlsngabas01-pool3-a202.nlsnga.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | martin, restart apache, and make sure mysql is enabled in php.ini | 11:30 |
TORbear | then its ps/2;) | 11:30 |
concept10 | I installed Ubuntu on my sisters computer last night and have to go over there and fix her networking, bbl | 11:30 |
Jester_ | ThinkingInBinary, the release process in gentoo is very quick I can assure you (compared to debian's), just give them some time to work out the bugs and get a bigger user base, and when we all use quantum computers and compiling takes a microsecond, everybody will use a source based distro such as gentoo | 11:30 |
lxuser | next MS os is goan be named getooMs | 11:30 |
ThinkingInBinary | Jester_: lol | 11:31 |
Seveas | TORbear, and you are 100% sure the mouse is working? | 11:31 |
Razor-X | lxuser: no, it already has a name! | 11:31 |
Razor-X | it's called Longtime | 11:31 |
martin | seveas: who enable mysql in php.ini? | 11:31 |
djm62 | concept10: I could get it working now...but I use linux for convenience ;) | 11:31 |
TORbear | pretty sure, Im in windows now | 11:31 |
Razor-X | TORbear: who makes the mouse? | 11:32 |
Razor-X | djm62: I use it for speed, really | 11:32 |
TORbear | Logitech | 11:32 |
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Seveas | martin, open php.ini in a texteditor and look for extension=mysql.so. Make sure the line that contains it does not start with a ; | 11:32 |
Seveas | TORbear, that's odd.. | 11:33 |
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synd | im kinda lost trying to get the AutoProfile plugin into gaim | 11:33 |
synd | http://hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu/~casey/autoprofile/download.php | 11:33 |
TORbear | quite so, but had the same problem in windows after last format, never had that problem before that though, had to update the drivers | 11:33 |
Razor-X | TORbear: you remember the model number? | 11:34 |
synd | im trying to follow the instructions but : / | 11:34 |
martin | Seveas: there it is....and no ; in front of it | 11:34 |
djm62 | Razor-X: now that I have a computer faster than 266MHz, everything seems too fast to me anyhow... | 11:34 |
Seveas | TORbear, when you go back to linux, switch to a virtual terminal by pressing <ctrl><alt><f1>. Log in there and type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (it asks for your password again) - scroll through all questions while accepting the default and make sure the mouse is set to /dev/input/mice | 11:34 |
Seveas | martin, have you restarted apache? | 11:34 |
ThinkingInBinary | does ubuntu have nptl? | 11:34 |
Razor-X | djm62: ahhh, I remember that, but mine wasa jump from 100 mhz to 1.6 ghz | 11:34 |
=== aquarius [~aquarius@82-37-93-92.cable.ubr04.dudl.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | *was a | 11:34 |
Seveas | ThinkingInBinary, not by default iirc | 11:35 |
TORbear | thanks Seveas | 11:35 |
ThinkingInBinary | Seveas: is it easy to add | 11:35 |
aquarius | which packages do I need to install to get the SDL development libraries? | 11:35 |
Seveas | ThinkingInBinary, ENOCLUE, never tried it | 11:35 |
ThinkingInBinary | Seveas: isn't it -ENOCLUE? (why are errors negative anyway?) | 11:35 |
Razor-X | aquarius: libsdl-devel | 11:35 |
Razor-X | IIRC | 11:35 |
madzzoni | " Q: I would like to use the Xine player instead of the GStreamer one. How can I enable it? A: All you have to do is make sure the developmental libraries for Xine are installed on your system. Now you can run: | 11:35 |
madzzoni | ./configure --with-player=xine. " - but how do i run this command in ubuntu? | 11:35 |
Seveas | aquarius, libsdl1.2-dev | 11:36 |
aquarius | Seveas, cheers. | 11:36 |
Seveas | madzzoni, you run that when compiling rhythmbox | 11:36 |
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madzzoni | Seveas: Isn't it possibly to change that after install? | 11:37 |
djm62 | madzzoni: you would need to do apt-get build-dep rhythmbox and apt-get source rhythmbox, and then change the options | 11:37 |
ThinkingInBinary | how much of ubuntu can be built from source? ;-) | 11:37 |
matjan_ | hi, what plug do i need to be able to play mp3's? | 11:38 |
madzzoni | OK thanks...! | 11:38 |
matjan_ | plug-in, sorry? | 11:38 |
martin | Seveas: any idea? | 11:38 |
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Seveas | madzzoni, no | 11:38 |
Seveas | martin, hmm, you're sure you have php4-mysql installed? | 11:38 |
Razor-X | matjan_: use VLC | 11:38 |
djm62 | ThinkingInBinary: none of it is written by hand in assembler these days... | 11:38 |
ThinkingInBinary | djm62: lol | 11:39 |
martin | Seveas: yes | 11:39 |
matjan_ | razor-x: vlc is an app? | 11:39 |
Seveas | martin, and you are also sure you restarted apache? | 11:39 |
bartekp | matjan_: xmms or beep-media-player or mplayer (; | 11:39 |
djm62 | ThinkingInBinary: apt-build does a fine job on that sort of thing, if you're too lazy to apt-get source&&debian/rules binary | 11:39 |
Seveas | matjan_, gstreamer0.8-mad | 11:39 |
flodine | anyone ever get there ubuntu cds | 11:39 |
Seveas | flodine, yes | 11:39 |
Seveas | I have mine | 11:39 |
synd | anyone help me get http://hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu/~casey/autoprofile/download.php | 11:39 |
flodine | yeally | 11:40 |
synd | working..? | 11:40 |
matjan_ | ok, thanks | 11:40 |
flodine | they never sent me sh....t | 11:40 |
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Razor-X | matjan_: of course | 11:40 |
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martin | Seveas: yes | 11:40 |
matjan_ | ok, didn't know it | 11:41 |
Razor-X | wow | 11:41 |
=== irvken [~sean@82-32-102-164.cable.ubr01.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Razor-X | there's at least 10 nicks per starting letter | 11:41 |
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djm62 | more than 10... | 11:42 |
irvken | i just dloaded the ubuntu 5.04 live cd is there a checksum anyawy to check i got the right thing and it's ok | 11:42 |
irvken | anywhere | 11:42 |
irvken | biab | 11:42 |
misfit-toy | flodine, I ordered mine about 4 weeks ago, nothing here either. | 11:42 |
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Seveas | martin, then I wouldn't know | 11:42 |
Razor-X | djm62; these channels are too big -_- | 11:42 |
Seveas | irvken, on releases.ubuntu.com there are md5sums too | 11:43 |
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Seveas | misfit-toy/flodine it takes a while before they arrive unfortunately | 11:43 |
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flodine | they should just send us the new breezy cds | 11:43 |
flodine | ya know | 11:44 |
Razor-X | Seveas: did you read the guide? | 11:44 |
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Seveas | Razor-X, haven't had time to do it yet | 11:44 |
lilliput | re .. | 11:44 |
Razor-X | Seveas: ok | 11:44 |
Razor-X | if you think of any more commands, give me a ring | 11:44 |
djm62 | Razor-X: probably worth keeping it together | 11:44 |
lilliput | Seveas, my gilfriend told me that ubuntu get a meaning in her langage . ; she is malay .; and I was surprised when she told me that | 11:45 |
djm62 | Razor-X: OTOH, only 300-odd people in a self-selected group of "people worldwide with problems with ubuntu" | 11:45 |
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lilliput | ubuntu means stupid in malay | 11:45 |
ThinkingInBinary | lol | 11:45 |
lilliput | kind of surprising .;;;;;;; | 11:46 |
Razor-X | lilliput: XD | 11:46 |
^thehatsrule^ | really? | 11:46 |
^thehatsrule^ | haha | 11:46 |
lilliput | yeah | 11:46 |
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djm62 | brilliant | 11:46 |
glDaher | I don't have kde installed, and kdevelop shows very large fonts for menu titles and everything else... hwo to change this? | 11:46 |
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Seveas | lilliput, rofl, that's brilliant :) | 11:46 |
Razor-X | ubuntulog: humanity towards others and stupid at the same time | 11:46 |
ThinkingInBinary | now we'll have to rename it to ubriva | 11:46 |
djm62 | humanity towards the stupid... | 11:46 |
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Razor-X | *ubuntu | 11:47 |
bartekp | glDaher: install qt3-qtconfig | 11:47 |
Razor-X | why did I write 'ubuntulog' | 11:47 |
ThinkingInBinary | Razor-X: i dunno | 11:47 |
djm62 | nick complete...10 to a letter ;) | 11:47 |
lilliput | I was going to install her ubuntu and said I don't want that stuff .. it's for stupid people kids and so one .. I didn't understand why first .. loool | 11:47 |
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Razor-X | ahhh, my client said tab-complete for me | 11:48 |
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confrey | hi everybody | 11:49 |
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irvken | ty Seveas | 11:50 |
djm62 | 0.0 dr nick? | 11:50 |
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madsen | djm62: hehe | 11:51 |
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LokeDK | I've just installed Ubuntu, but there's no sound.. I have Creative SoundBlaster Audigy 2, alsamixer says alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device | 11:52 |
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matjan_ | lokedk: did you right click on the volume control in the upper right corner? | 11:55 |
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LokeDK | yes | 11:55 |
LokeDK | it's empty | 11:55 |
matjan_ | ouch | 11:55 |
LokeDK | there's just a menu.. File, Edit, Help | 11:55 |
matjan_ | then i don't know | 11:55 |
LokeDK | :/ | 11:55 |
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synd | whats the cmd to delete a dir | 11:58 |
synd | ie. the opposite of mkdir | 11:58 |
djm62 | synd: rmdir, if empty | 11:58 |
synd | djm62: if not empty? | 11:58 |
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djm62 | synd: rm -rf if you just want to blow it away | 11:58 |
synd | djm62: thx | 11:58 |
djm62 | synd: that command you never use as root, ever | 11:58 |
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synd | ? | 11:59 |
Eddie | does anyone know the command to list the people joined in a particular channel, without joining it? | 11:59 |
djm62 | synd: too easy to blow a chunk away on a slipped finger | 11:59 |
Eddie | yeah like a space after the leading / | 11:59 |
synd | do i cd to the dir then rm -rf ? | 11:59 |
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