_ctw | Hello again ... got disconnected if anybody answerd my question regarding KDE 3.4.1, could you please post again. Thanks! Here is my original query again: <ctw> Hi! I saw that the kubuntu live cd has KDE 3.4.1, but my installed system has version 3.4.0. How do I update to 3.4.1? (I already have uni-/muliverse as well as backport sources enabled.) | 12:01 |
=== ctw_ [~ctw@12-210-113-5.client.insightBB.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ctw_ | I think I found the answer to my question ... : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38405&highlight=3.4.1 | 12:13 |
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bigkeith | hi ! can i apt-get kdevelop and or qt-designer | 12:40 |
liz4rd | sudo apt-get install first man | 12:41 |
bigkeith | i meant are those pakeges available threw apt get | 12:43 |
liz4rd | try them | 12:47 |
bigkeith | looking threw apt-cache pkgname now | 12:48 |
liz4rd | sudo apt-cache search pkgname | 12:51 |
bigkeith | found qt assistant but got an error | 12:52 |
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transgress | liz4rd: why did you get off of jabber? | 01:04 |
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liz4rd | sorry | 01:05 |
transgress | hehe it's okay | 01:05 |
liz4rd | it was messing around with centericq | 01:05 |
transgress | i see | 01:05 |
airox | O_o | 01:05 |
liz4rd | stfu airox you snitch | 01:08 |
liz4rd | ^_^ | 01:09 |
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microhaxo | guys i dunno if anyone can help me but i get this error when trying to compile CEDEGA source: http://pastebin.com/301580 | 01:16 |
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Blissex | microhaxo: compiling on Athlon 64/Opteron? | 01:22 |
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transgress | microhaxo: i told you... Cedega has excellent support for their customers. so just give them the information you used to sign up and i'm sure they'll help you. | 01:29 |
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Razor-X | hello? | 01:46 |
liz4rd | hey | 01:46 |
Razor-X | cool | 01:47 |
Razor-X | I asked earlier, how do you make Konsole intercept Right-Alt as M- | 01:47 |
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frantic | can anyone please help me with ndiswrapper? the drivers were created correctly and theres no errors when modprobing, but my adapter lights wont turn on | 02:21 |
frantic | /say /etc/ndiswrapper has a folder with the right drivers | 02:21 |
frantic | how can i setup dhclient to start an interface on startup? | 02:43 |
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penguinboy | hey frantic! | 03:07 |
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penguinboy | wlcoem kakalto | 03:07 |
kakalto | heyo | 03:07 |
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Octane | anyone know of a good ksim theme | 04:16 |
penguinboy | nope... | 04:16 |
Octane | :( | 04:20 |
kakalto | >.< | 04:22 |
penguinboy | o_O | 04:25 |
=== SlicerDicer- [~Slicer@c-67-160-114-35.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kakalto | @_@ | 04:26 |
penguinboy | O_o | 04:27 |
=== Mez slaps kakalto and penguinboy a bit | ||
=== kakalto slaps Mez around a bit with a large trout | ||
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Mez | :O the cheek of it | 04:28 |
=== kakalto slaps Mez around a bit with a large penguinboy | ||
penguinboy | lol | 04:28 |
penguinboy | lol | 04:28 |
=== penguinboy slaps Mez around with a big fat Rush Limbaugh look-alike | ||
=== nmorse [~nmorse@adsl-64-217-110-209.dsl.tulsok.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
penguinboy | O_o | 04:29 |
penguinboy | lol | 04:29 |
nmorse | Doom doom doom! | 04:29 |
penguinboy | lol | 04:29 |
penguinboy | lol | 04:29 |
penguinboy | AND THE WOMEN WHO LOVE THEM | 04:30 |
nmorse | *crickets chirping* | 04:30 |
Octane | does anyone have a good sources.list | 04:30 |
penguinboy | me | 04:31 |
penguinboy | me | 04:31 |
penguinboy | me | 04:31 |
penguinboy | mem | 04:31 |
penguinboy | me | 04:31 |
penguinboy | me | 04:31 |
Octane | lol | 04:31 |
Octane | mine has a million errors | 04:31 |
Octane | and im using the one from the FAQ | 04:31 |
kakalto | d;^;^;b | 04:31 |
nmorse | Mine's commented | 04:31 |
penguinboy | i will let you have mine for a quarter | 04:31 |
nmorse | 20 cents | 04:31 |
penguinboy | 23 | 04:31 |
nmorse | Go for the lowest bidder, it's good enough for our military | 04:31 |
penguinboy | lol | 04:31 |
Mez | penguinboy - had enough of spamming ? | 04:32 |
penguinboy | spamming? | 04:32 |
penguinboy | i have been spammed | 04:32 |
Mez | 6 lines in like... 3 secs? | 04:32 |
penguinboy | when? | 04:32 |
penguinboy | where? | 04:32 |
penguinboy | by whom? | 04:32 |
nmorse | look up | 04:32 |
penguinboy | for what reason? | 04:32 |
kakalto | lol | 04:32 |
Mez | you ... me me me me me men me etc etc :P | 04:32 |
=== Mez yawns | ||
nmorse | Why did Mez type men instead of mem? | 04:32 |
nmorse | He got all of the other me's right | 04:32 |
penguinboy | good question | 04:33 |
penguinboy | people want to know | 04:33 |
Mez | I havent got my contacts in so couldnt see what he'd typed properl | 04:33 |
penguinboy | shure | 04:33 |
penguinboy | shure | 04:33 |
penguinboy | let me find that sources.list | 04:33 |
kakalto | Moving on to more pressing issues... | 04:33 |
nmorse | anyone, Octane, you can probably get my sources.list | 04:33 |
kakalto | How's the price of fish? | 04:33 |
penguinboy | now where did I put it? | 04:33 |
Octane | nmorse, mind sending? | 04:33 |
kakalto | I've been wheeling & dealing a little around here | 04:33 |
nmorse | It's ok, except for Rainbow Trout fillets | 04:33 |
penguinboy | its not in that drawer | 04:33 |
kakalto | aww | 04:33 |
penguinboy | mmm | 04:33 |
kakalto | poor rainbow | 04:33 |
penguinboy | maybe its behind the fish tank | 04:34 |
penguinboy | nope not there either | 04:34 |
kakalto | *is selling smelling fishies* | 04:34 |
kakalto | (virtually, of course) | 04:34 |
kakalto | want some? | 04:34 |
kakalto | only a quarter | 04:34 |
penguinboy | what directory would my sources.list be located in??? | 04:35 |
nmorse | Hang on | 04:35 |
nmorse | http://www.betterthanducttape.com/sources.list | 04:35 |
=== penguinboy hangs on | ||
nmorse | There it is | 04:35 |
kakalto | /fish/grub/rainbowtrout/sources.list | 04:35 |
nmorse | You can let go now | 04:35 |
penguinboy | LOL | 04:35 |
penguinboy | ho ho ho | 04:36 |
kakalto | hoe hoe hoe? | 04:36 |
Octane | thanks nmorse | 04:36 |
kakalto | where where where? | 04:36 |
penguinboy | www.itsnotbehindthefishtank.sources.list | 04:36 |
nmorse | That's a high-level domain name | 04:36 |
penguinboy | yes...it cost me extra | 04:37 |
Octane | nmorse, you sure thats the correct URL | 04:37 |
nmorse | You're gonna have to set it up as index.html for that (or set apache to use sources.list as index) | 04:37 |
nmorse | Yeah, Octane | 04:37 |
kakalto | Octane, he missed out the http:// if that's what you mean | 04:37 |
nmorse | My FTP server may be acting up though | 04:37 |
nmorse | Oh, try ftp:// | 04:37 |
penguinboy | where is my sources.list | 04:37 |
Octane | kakalto, no he didnt :) | 04:37 |
kakalto | :) | 04:37 |
nmorse | ftp://betterthanducttape.com/sources.list is the correct URL | 04:37 |
penguinboy | lol | 04:37 |
nmorse | Dadgum protocol problems | 04:37 |
penguinboy | lol | 04:37 |
Octane | got it | 04:38 |
nmorse | and chroot jails | 04:38 |
nmorse | The price of security I guess | 04:38 |
nmorse | Meanwhile, who wants to stress test my ejabberd server? | 04:38 |
kakalto | lol, Octane, I thought you were talking about penguinboy's www.itsnotbehindthefishtank.sources.list | 04:38 |
kakalto | :P | 04:38 |
nmorse | Anyone know what port DCC uses? | 04:39 |
nmorse | I'm going to set it up for port triggering | 04:39 |
penguinboy | i can't even find my sources.list....do you really expect me to know what port DCC uses??? | 04:39 |
nmorse | it's in /etc/apt | 04:39 |
penguinboy | of course it is | 04:40 |
nmorse | And I can dream | 04:40 |
nmorse | Time to use google I guess | 04:40 |
penguinboy | here is a good sources.list | 04:41 |
penguinboy | ready? | 04:41 |
nmorse | Dadgum, ports 1024-5000 for DCC? | 04:41 |
penguinboy | deb cdrom:[Kubuntu 5.04 _Hoary Hedgehog_ - Release i386 (20050407)] / hoary main restricted | 04:41 |
nmorse | Think they could pick one or two and run with it | 04:41 |
penguinboy | deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary main restricted | 04:41 |
penguinboy | deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary main restricted | 04:41 |
penguinboy | ## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the | 04:41 |
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penguinboy | ## distribution. | 04:41 |
=== monchy [~monchy@S010600e04c400007.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nmorse | Use #flood for that | 04:41 |
Octane | still cant access it nmorse dunno why | 04:41 |
penguinboy | deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary-updates main restricted | 04:41 |
penguinboy | deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary-updates main restricted | 04:41 |
nmorse | Might be my ftp server acting up | 04:41 |
Octane | can you email it or something? dan@theidiots.org | 04:41 |
penguinboy | ## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'universe' | 04:42 |
nmorse | Yeah, sure | 04:42 |
penguinboy | ## repository. | 04:42 |
Octane | i gotta run my friend is ognna kill me | 04:42 |
penguinboy | ## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu | 04:42 |
Octane | thanks nmorse | 04:42 |
penguinboy | ## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to | 04:42 |
penguinboy | ## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in | 04:42 |
kakalto | penguinboy, stop? | 04:42 |
penguinboy | ## universe WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu security | 04:42 |
penguinboy | ## team. | 04:42 |
kakalto | penguinboy, #flood | 04:42 |
penguinboy | deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary universe | 04:42 |
nmorse | Someone boot him for his own good | 04:42 |
penguinboy | deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary universe | 04:42 |
penguinboy | deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary-security main restricted | 04:42 |
penguinboy | deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary-security main restricted | 04:42 |
penguinboy | deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary-security universe | 04:42 |
penguinboy | deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary-security universe | 04:42 |
penguinboy | NO | 04:42 |
penguinboy | pl1erase | 04:42 |
penguinboy | i have learned my leson | 04:42 |
penguinboy | really i have | 04:42 |
kakalto | >_> | 04:42 |
penguinboy | O-O | 04:42 |
nmorse | Use #flood next time | 04:42 |
nmorse | or pastebin.com | 04:42 |
kakalto | o.o; | 04:43 |
penguinboy | SNIFF SNIFF | 04:43 |
=== penguinboy goes and sits in the corner | ||
kakalto | "8^D {Good morning, Dave.} | 04:43 |
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=== kdedev is now known as jeramy | ||
nmorse | There you go, Octane | 04:44 |
nmorse | Email sent from Gmail | 04:45 |
monchy | hay penguin | 04:45 |
penguinboy | hey monchy | 04:45 |
penguinboy | i am in trouble again...i have been flooding the room | 04:45 |
=== kakalto slaps monchy around a bit with a large penguinboy | ||
monchy | oh no, did airox call the police yet | 04:45 |
=== kakalto slaps penguinboy around a bit with a large monchy | ||
penguinboy | that is why i am siting in this corner | 04:46 |
kakalto | :D | 04:46 |
=== monchy slaps kakalto with a giant jalapeno pepper | ||
=== kakalto goes back to selling smelling fishies | ||
penguinboy | do those come with chips? | 04:46 |
=== kakalto sells smelly fishies on the side of teh virtual street | ||
monchy | we better stop before we get in trouble ;p | 04:47 |
kakalto | yeah, they come with chips | 04:47 |
kakalto | and cucumber pie | 04:47 |
penguinboy | and vinegar? | 04:47 |
kakalto | yeah | 04:47 |
kakalto | *cough* | 04:47 |
penguinboy | i;ll take an order then | 04:47 |
nmorse | What kind of fish? | 04:47 |
penguinboy | lots of vinegar | 04:47 |
kakalto | rainbow trout | 04:47 |
kakalto | and sprats | 04:48 |
nmorse | Rainbow Trout is tasty | 04:48 |
nmorse | BBIAM | 04:48 |
kakalto | and flying fish | 04:48 |
monchy | flying fish? | 04:48 |
=== nmorse is now known as nmorse_away | ||
kakalto | yeah | 04:48 |
kakalto | they're quite a delicasy around here | 04:48 |
monchy | wtf is that | 04:48 |
kakalto | I'm pretty sure they exist... | 04:48 |
kakalto | I've heard of them before | 04:49 |
monchy | must be nice to have fresh fish | 04:49 |
kakalto | fresh? | 04:49 |
kakalto | I don't sell fresh fish, get outta' here! | 04:49 |
kakalto | :P | 04:49 |
monchy | lol | 04:49 |
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penguinboy | lmao | 04:50 |
penguinboy | rlmao | 04:50 |
kakalto | btw, penguinboy, the fish is still alive, you still want extra vinegar? | 04:50 |
penguinboy | hits its head on something first | 04:50 |
sbcl3 | can i download the linux documentation with content actually sorted (like it is on linux.com)? | 04:50 |
penguinboy | sbc13...I barely know how to use E-mail...I am afraid that question is beyond me. | 04:51 |
kakalto | penguinboy, hit its head on a vingar bottle? | 04:51 |
penguinboy | that would be good kakalto | 04:51 |
kakalto | sbcl3, which linux documentation? | 04:51 |
kakalto | penguinboy, I'm on it | 04:52 |
sbcl3 | LDP | 04:52 |
sbcl3 | http://howtos.linux.com/howtos/HOWTO-INDEX/categories.shtml | 04:52 |
penguinboy | domo arigato, kakalto-san | 04:52 |
sbcl3 | the LDP doesn't usually come with a content page like taht | 04:52 |
kakalto | penguinboy, airmail or shipmail? | 04:53 |
sbcl3 | i may have found it | 04:55 |
kakalto | congratulaions, sbcl3 | 04:55 |
monchy | fiestaaa | 04:55 |
penguinboy | kakalto can you stick it through a broadband connection | 04:58 |
kakalto | penguinboy, sure | 04:58 |
kakalto | it's a bit of a tight fit | 04:58 |
penguinboy | domo arigato | 04:58 |
monchy | lol | 04:58 |
kakalto | and data-loss could be a bit of an issue | 04:58 |
penguinboy | don;t forget the vinegar | 04:58 |
kakalto | so long as I use the right protocol, aye? | 04:58 |
jeramy | anybody here have an HP PSC printer? | 04:58 |
penguinboy | no | 04:58 |
kakalto | jeramy, yes, actually, I am | 04:58 |
kakalto | jeramy, why? | 04:59 |
kakalto | penguinboy, the fish... it's... well... | 05:00 |
penguinboy | stuck??? | 05:00 |
kakalto | :(( | 05:00 |
penguinboy | jab at it with the vinegar bottle | 05:00 |
kakalto | it's eye is all over the router... | 05:00 |
kakalto | good thinking, my man | 05:00 |
kakalto | err | 05:01 |
kakalto | - my | 05:01 |
penguinboy | i think it is sticking our of my floppy drive | 05:01 |
penguinboy | out | 05:01 |
kakalto | well, the activity indicator on the router signifies it's sending :) | 05:02 |
=== nmorse_away is now known as nmorse | ||
kakalto | do ya want me to send a complementary bottle of vinegar, aswell? | 05:02 |
penguinboy | si...and don;t forget the chips | 05:03 |
jeramy | kakalto: Both my parents and I have one. Mine's a 1210, theirs is a 2175. | 05:03 |
kakalto | oh | 05:03 |
kakalto | almost forgot | 05:03 |
kakalto | jeramy, mine's 2410 | 05:03 |
jeramy | I can't get theirs to both scan and print | 05:03 |
jeramy | My 1210 does it fine... | 05:03 |
kakalto | do you have hpoj driver? | 05:03 |
jeramy | Yeah. | 05:03 |
kakalto | hrm | 05:04 |
jeramy | Have you tried the hplip driver? | 05:04 |
kakalto | nope | 05:04 |
jeramy | I tried on my laptop, and got a craptastical failure (a few months ago). Maybe it's better now... | 05:04 |
nmorse | Doesn't seem I missed much intelligent conversation while gone, besides the LDP and the current HP issue | 05:04 |
kakalto | penguinboy, finished sending vinegar | 05:04 |
kakalto | just sending the chips now | 05:05 |
kakalto | send them one-by-one, or in a big package? | 05:05 |
nmorse | The latency's better one-by-one | 05:05 |
nmorse | Can eat them as they arrive | 05:05 |
penguinboy | little packets | 05:05 |
kakalto | true true | 05:05 |
jeramy | What's the order that you installed your 2410? | 05:05 |
kakalto | jeramy, order? | 05:05 |
jeramy | (scanner, then printer?) | 05:05 |
kakalto | printer, then scanner | 05:06 |
kakalto | penguinboy, I've sent about 1/4 :) | 05:06 |
jeramy | Oh, really? | 05:06 |
kakalto | yeah | 05:06 |
nmorse | I hate multi-functions | 05:06 |
nmorse | They never work properly | 05:06 |
kakalto | I don't, mine works fine :) | 05:06 |
nmorse | On any OS | 05:06 |
kakalto | so long as I avoid XFCE | 05:06 |
kakalto | and avoid windows | 05:07 |
nmorse | and Mac OS X | 05:07 |
kakalto | yeah | 05:07 |
kakalto | and avoid the software that came on the cd with it | 05:07 |
nmorse | Though CUPS runs on OS X | 05:07 |
kakalto | ohk | 05:07 |
jeramy | So you set up the printer as a USB Printer #1, and then installed hpoj? | 05:07 |
nmorse | I've used it to do lots of things, like set up network printers | 05:07 |
kakalto | jeramy, I can't really remember | 05:07 |
kakalto | it's been a few months | 05:07 |
kakalto | sorry | 05:07 |
nmorse | I've got a Magicolor color laser printer I just plug into the network and then set up, makes life easier (no futzing with USB, no hotplug debacles, etc.) | 05:08 |
nmorse | And color laser printers rock! | 05:08 |
jeramy | no problem, it's a case of try a few things at random and hope it works. | 05:08 |
nmorse | Yeah, jeramy, you'll do a lot of that with new hardware | 05:08 |
nmorse | Try a digital camera or a normal scanner sometime | 05:08 |
kakalto | jeramy, all I really remember, I installed the driver, then went into kcontrol center, peripherals, and add printer from there | 05:09 |
jeramy | Unfortunately it's my parents's computer, and my mom keeps asking me if I can install Windows on it. :P | 05:09 |
kakalto | :P | 05:09 |
penguinboy | the horror | 05:10 |
nmorse | I always find a convenient excuse to get around that, like I don't have a copy of Windows to use | 05:10 |
kakalto | I'm disappointed | 05:10 |
=== rajiv [~rajiv@cpe-66-24-26-126.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
rajiv | hey | 05:10 |
rajiv | i need some help | 05:10 |
kakalto | we wasted a couple of hundred $$$'s on windows | 05:10 |
kakalto | and I don't even use it! | 05:10 |
nmorse | Never mind the stack of Win CD's in the corner | 05:10 |
kakalto | :) | 05:10 |
penguinboy | my dog ate my copy of Windoze | 05:10 |
rajiv | does the ubuntu guide also work with kubuntu? | 05:11 |
jeramy | I'm going to buy a copy of Win4Lin and install one of our old copies of Win98 on it. | 05:11 |
nmorse | I've got XP on the laptop and one desktop, and 2000 on the other desktop | 05:11 |
kakalto | rajiv, mostly | 05:11 |
kakalto | but | 05:11 |
rajiv | ? | 05:11 |
rajiv | but? | 05:11 |
nmorse | look at topic | 05:11 |
nmorse | FAQ there is much like ubuntu guide | 05:11 |
penguinboy | what is the topic? | 05:11 |
kakalto | rajiv, go to http://kudos.berlios.de/ | 05:11 |
nmorse | But specifically for Kubuntu | 05:11 |
sproingie | hey, i'm looking for a decent digital camera app for kde | 05:11 |
nmorse | type /topic | 05:11 |
rajiv | okay | 05:11 |
rajiv | thanks | 05:11 |
penguinboy | kewl | 05:12 |
sproingie | or a plain ol image browser like picasa | 05:12 |
sproingie | any suggestions? | 05:12 |
nmorse | There's digikam | 05:12 |
sproingie | i looooooove picasa, so the more like it the better | 05:12 |
nmorse | and kde-apps.org is handy | 05:12 |
kakalto | yeah | 05:12 |
=== kakalto loves kde-apps.org | ||
nmorse | amen | 05:12 |
nmorse | and kde-look.org | 05:12 |
kakalto | amen | 05:13 |
nmorse | and all of Konqey's followers said "Keramik!" | 05:13 |
monchy | penguin liz4rd wants to know why your neglecting him lol | 05:14 |
nmorse | God, not that again | 05:14 |
penguinboy | where is he | 05:14 |
penguinboy | i do not see him | 05:14 |
liz4rd | :( | 05:14 |
liz4rd | we're fighting | 05:15 |
penguinboy | LIZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 | 05:15 |
liz4rd | :P | 05:15 |
penguinboy | there is my little buddy | 05:16 |
liz4rd | hey | 05:16 |
kakalto | how's the price of fish where' you're @, liz4rd | 05:16 |
penguinboy | i was pt in the corner ealrier for flooding...so be careful | 05:16 |
liz4rd | lol | 05:17 |
liz4rd | ok | 05:17 |
liz4rd | did that fuck hole airox snitch agian? | 05:17 |
sproingie | well, digikam flunks most greviously | 05:17 |
sproingie | fails to autodetect my camera, fails to connect to it when it's plugged in | 05:17 |
sproingie | and it's even in the supported list | 05:17 |
nmorse | Hmm | 05:17 |
nmorse | I just use a USB Mass Storage camera | 05:17 |
sproingie | it does show up as a removable usb drive | 05:18 |
nmorse | treat it like a hard drive | 05:18 |
kakalto | is there another scanner program other than kooka on kde? | 05:18 |
sproingie | ah, there's a generic option? | 05:18 |
nmorse | Shell scripts are your friends | 05:18 |
kakalto | 'cause kooka is teh krap >_> | 05:18 |
penguinboy | liz how's it hangin? | 05:18 |
nmorse | I wrote one to mount my camera and copy all the photos to a directory, then convert them from JPEG to TIFF | 05:18 |
nmorse | with renaming built right in | 05:19 |
sproingie | jesus | 05:19 |
sproingie | digikam doesn't even understand kde's own ioslaves | 05:19 |
sproingie | it fails to use media:/sdf1 | 05:19 |
nmorse | yeah, a lot of work, but worth it for dealing with batches of hundreds of newspaper photos | 05:19 |
liz4rd | penguinboy: pretty good...bored | 05:19 |
liz4rd | hows slack? | 05:19 |
penguinboy | slack is no more | 05:20 |
liz4rd | kubuntu? | 05:20 |
sproingie | where am i likely i find the camera in the filesystem? | 05:20 |
penguinboy | Kubuntu will soon be no more if I can;t get my wireless workign | 05:20 |
nmorse | Hmm, no idea | 05:20 |
nmorse | Wonder if it's mounted | 05:20 |
=== sproingie is not up on the arcanaties of usb drives on linux | ||
nmorse | Check in /media | 05:20 |
liz4rd | penguinboy: lol will you still chill in here? | 05:20 |
nmorse | USB drives on linux are treated as SCSI devices for the record | 05:20 |
penguinboy | of course snickerdoodle | 05:21 |
liz4rd | lol | 05:21 |
penguinboy | all i want for Christmas is for my wirless to work | 05:21 |
liz4rd | lol | 05:21 |
nmorse | Anyone know why DCC needs almost 4000 ports to work? | 05:21 |
sproingie | not surprisingly, /media/sdf1 | 05:21 |
kakalto | btw penguinboy, have all the chips arrived? | 05:21 |
nmorse | Excellent, hotplug is working then | 05:21 |
liz4rd | nmorse: CUZ OF THE DEVIL! | 05:21 |
nmorse | I knew it | 05:22 |
liz4rd | lol! | 05:22 |
penguinboy | yes kakalto-san....domo arigato....very delicioso | 05:22 |
nmorse | I'll catch him that, that funny BSD guy! | 05:22 |
liz4rd | LOL!!!! | 05:22 |
kakalto | penguinboy wa poteeto chippu ga suki desu ka | 05:22 |
kakalto | ... | 05:22 |
liz4rd | WTF | 05:23 |
nmorse | Creole? | 05:23 |
liz4rd | ENGLISH pPLEASE | 05:23 |
penguinboy | hi | 05:23 |
kakalto | sumi masen | 05:23 |
nmorse | My mistake | 05:23 |
liz4rd | dont make me get out............GOOGLE TRANSLATOR | 05:23 |
kakalto | heeh | 05:23 |
kakalto | I don't think it works | 05:23 |
kakalto | 'cause it's in roomaji | 05:23 |
liz4rd | whast that? | 05:23 |
kakalto | not kana | 05:23 |
liz4rd | romanian? | 05:23 |
penguinboy | wakarimasu ka | 05:23 |
kakalto | english writing | 05:23 |
liz4rd | MY DADS ROMAINIAM | 05:23 |
=== torz [~torum@p52-max1.qtn.ihug.co.nz] has joined #kubuntu | ||
penguinboy | Romanian | 05:24 |
kakalto | ONE OF MY HDD'S WAS MADE IN ROMANIA | 05:24 |
liz4rd | OMFG!!!! | 05:24 |
nmorse | roomaji? | 05:24 |
kakalto | well, assembled there, atleast | 05:24 |
penguinboy | I have seen Romania on a ,ap before! | 05:24 |
liz4rd | your an observant one ;) | 05:24 |
penguinboy | map | 05:24 |
torz | mmm just finished downloading the Kununtu iso :~), bye bye FC4 | 05:24 |
liz4rd | torz: that a boy | 05:24 |
kakalto | congrats, torz | 05:24 |
torz | now I can say good fucking bye to RedHat :~) not a test subject anymore. | 05:25 |
penguinboy | torz is a boy...we seldom get any female company here | 05:25 |
torz | hahaha | 05:25 |
kakalto | arctic? liz4rd? with all the polar bears? | 05:25 |
torz | panickedthumb: true that | 05:25 |
kakalto | XD | 05:25 |
liz4rd | kakalto> yup | 05:25 |
liz4rd | :P | 05:25 |
kakalto | whoo, I'm near the opposite pole :D | 05:25 |
liz4rd | w00t!!! | 05:26 |
liz4rd | kakalto GETS A GOLD STAR | 05:26 |
kakalto | with all the penguins :D | 05:26 |
nmorse | Antartic? God that's gotta be cold | 05:26 |
penguinboy | Long Live New Zealand! | 05:26 |
kakalto | w00t! | 05:26 |
kakalto | GOLD STAR!!! | 05:26 |
liz4rd | :D | 05:26 |
kakalto | Long live Middle Earth! | 05:26 |
liz4rd | i seldom give those out | 05:26 |
panickedthumb | torz-- I didn't say anything *L* | 05:26 |
penguinboy | amen | 05:26 |
torz | Long live the bronx! | 05:26 |
panickedthumb | I haven't even opened the window in a day or so | 05:26 |
nmorse | You have great little penguins in NZ | 05:26 |
penguinboy | Long Live Middle Earth! | 05:26 |
kakalto | nmorse, yeah :) | 05:26 |
kakalto | the blue ones | 05:26 |
nmorse | I want some | 05:26 |
kakalto | me too | 05:26 |
kakalto | but I'm too far north >_> | 05:27 |
nmorse | I'm going to ranch them here and sell them as pets | 05:27 |
torz | you have a great penguin already, in your computer :p | 05:27 |
liz4rd | EVERYONE!!!!!!!!! | 05:27 |
sproingie | well digikam is all right, but it's no picasa | 05:27 |
liz4rd | . | 05:27 |
liz4rd | .. | 05:27 |
liz4rd | ... | 05:27 |
liz4rd | .. | 05:27 |
kakalto | torz, good call | 05:27 |
liz4rd | . | 05:27 |
nmorse | dots? | 05:27 |
panickedthumb | torz-- did you mean penguinboy? cause I know I didn't say anythign *L* | 05:27 |
penguinboy | O_o | 05:27 |
liz4rd | I LIVE IN CANADA!!!! | 05:27 |
kakalto | liz4rd, leave! | 05:27 |
kakalto | :P | 05:27 |
liz4rd | :O | 05:27 |
nmorse | Canada!!! | 05:27 |
liz4rd | *slaps* | 05:27 |
nmorse | Oh Canada! | 05:27 |
kakalto | nah, canada's kewl | 05:27 |
torz | panickedthumb: yea I think so, sorry. | 05:27 |
kakalto | but not your neighbor... | 05:27 |
panickedthumb | ;) s'okay | 05:27 |
penguinboy | liz is a Canadian..... | 05:27 |
penguinboy | ??? | 05:27 |
nmorse | Dadgum Alaska, eh? | 05:27 |
jeramy | terre de nos aieux | 05:27 |
torz | oh caaanada, oh caaaaanada... can't remember the rest | 05:27 |
liz4rd | penguinboy: yeah man | 05:28 |
torz | Alaska is cool | 05:28 |
kakalto | torz, :)) | 05:28 |
liz4rd | holy fuck i cant ether and i live here | 05:28 |
kakalto | I also remember the same | 05:28 |
jeramy | ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux | 05:28 |
nmorse | French? | 05:28 |
nmorse | What, are we in Quebec, now? | 05:28 |
penguinboy | I thought you lived in Californai | 05:28 |
kakalto | I know a couple of canadian people around here.. | 05:28 |
jeramy | That's O Canada in French, yeah. | 05:28 |
nmorse | Where's O Quebec? | 05:28 |
kakalto | it's like my college is being invaded by north-hemisphereians | 05:29 |
penguinboy | in Canada | 05:29 |
nmorse | you know, the finest French speaking country in the world? | 05:29 |
kakalto | we have all these canadian and english teachers... | 05:29 |
nmorse | Quebec isn't really a part of Canda, it's more like they're leeching off of it | 05:29 |
nmorse | :) | 05:30 |
penguinboy | Liz...look down | 05:30 |
liz4rd | penguinboy: why would you think that? | 05:30 |
penguinboy | think what? | 05:30 |
penguinboy | why would I think what? | 05:31 |
nmorse | That Quebec's in Canda, maybe? | 05:31 |
penguinboy | I am an educator...and I am positive that Quebec is in Canada | 05:31 |
liz4rd | penguinboy: ... you douche | 05:32 |
liz4rd | ^_^\ | 05:32 |
torz | dutch??? | 05:32 |
liz4rd | WTF | 05:32 |
penguinboy | i am not Dutch | 05:32 |
torz | hehe | 05:32 |
penguinboy | i am of irish descent | 05:32 |
torz | just felt like saying that for some reason | 05:32 |
torz | you must be a big drinker | 05:32 |
penguinboy | lol | 05:33 |
nmorse | This would explain so much | 05:33 |
liz4rd | i asked my mom what i was...aparently i'm german | 05:33 |
liz4rd | i was liek CAN I BE IRISH | 05:33 |
liz4rd | and she was like...*pats my head* if you wanna be yes | 05:34 |
kakalto | part of my old broken hard drive was made in ireland... | 05:34 |
kakalto | the poor thing | 05:34 |
torz | Germans arnt bad, I have several German friends. | 05:34 |
kakalto | and its delusional friend... | 05:34 |
torz | but from experience, german ppl are fairly cocky | 05:34 |
kakalto | hey, so are americans :P | 05:34 |
=== kakalto ducks | ||
torz | patriotic more rather | 05:34 |
torz | kakalto: yeah exactly, just like americans :~) | 05:34 |
liz4rd | fucking americans | 05:34 |
liz4rd | no offence | 05:34 |
liz4rd | but the goverment can suck a dong | 05:34 |
nmorse | Exactly, liz4rd | 05:34 |
penguinboy | hey i happen to be one of those | 05:34 |
torz | I cant generalise, America is too big. | 05:35 |
kakalto | ah, there's no americans here? so they won't throw orange pie-balls and peanut-butter-chocolate at me? | 05:35 |
nmorse | I'm American | 05:35 |
nmorse | But I'd rather be Canadian | 05:35 |
monchy | move to canada to be free | 05:35 |
torz | can't really say "fucking americans" | 05:35 |
kakalto | hehe | 05:35 |
kakalto | true that, torz | 05:35 |
kakalto | we're just messing with them | 05:35 |
nmorse | I could walk across the Canadian border | 05:35 |
kakalto | monchy, you sound like an OSS representative | 05:35 |
penguinboy | does Canada have a military? | 05:35 |
torz | would you get shot? | 05:35 |
nmorse | From my grandparents' house in New York | 05:35 |
monchy | yes we do penguin lol | 05:35 |
nmorse | Canada has a military | 05:36 |
nmorse | And they fought at Normandy | 05:36 |
liz4rd | fuck you can walk across the boreder | 05:36 |
liz4rd | just give them cheese or someshit | 05:36 |
liz4rd | YOUR IN | 05:36 |
monchy | government is supposed to be dumping around 1 billion into it | 05:36 |
jeramy | easy on the language, y'all | 05:36 |
torz | there are countries without military?? | 05:36 |
torz | that like living in the ghetto with no protection! | 05:36 |
torz | *that -> thats | 05:36 |
nmorse | Look at tropical islands | 05:36 |
nmorse | I will take one over someday | 05:36 |
jeramy | our military has been hamstrung by the current Liberal government | 05:36 |
torz | I'll dominate the world sooner or later | 05:37 |
torz | I'll sort out the North Koreans to begin with | 05:37 |
liz4rd | i'll be with ya | 05:37 |
torz | those brain washed ppl are dangerous. | 05:37 |
liz4rd | lol | 05:37 |
torz | they believe their leader invented the Hamburger. | 05:37 |
=== liz4rd passes joint to torz | ||
jeramy | send in Team America: World Police! | 05:38 |
torz | heh | 05:38 |
penguinboy | thats us | 05:38 |
penguinboy | POLICE TO THE WORLD | 05:38 |
torz | Team America, hunt for oil! | 05:38 |
liz4rd | come on penguinboy get your gear on | 05:38 |
penguinboy | We carry a bog stick | 05:38 |
jeramy | I thought the prices of oil were going to be down after the war in Iraq... :( | 05:38 |
nmorse | and speak in a hick accent | 05:39 |
penguinboy | i do not speak hickish | 05:39 |
nmorse | I do, I live in Oklahoma | 05:39 |
nmorse | Geet yet? (Did you eat yet?) | 05:39 |
nmorse | Or "Tu es faim?" :P | 05:40 |
liz4rd | OMG | 05:40 |
liz4rd | CHEESE!!! | 05:40 |
penguinboy | i thought cheese was formage? | 05:41 |
torz | mmmm cheese | 05:41 |
torz | its amazing how we can like off things so much | 05:41 |
liz4rd | lol yes!! | 05:41 |
penguinboy | do you need a green card in Canada | 05:41 |
nmorse | Cheese is fromage | 05:42 |
nmorse | No, just walk across the border | 05:42 |
nmorse | Use your US SSN and run with it | 05:42 |
penguinboy | can you stay there indefintely | 05:42 |
nmorse | They don't need ID to immigrate there | 05:42 |
nmorse | I went through immigrations once | 05:42 |
penguinboy | do you have to pay taxes | 05:42 |
nmorse | Hope no one's in Europe right now | 05:42 |
nmorse | Yeah, probably, penguinboy | 05:42 |
sproingie | awwww yeah picasa works in wine | 05:42 |
jeramy | you can't ever get out of taxes. :P | 05:42 |
penguinboy | lol | 05:43 |
sproingie | first time i've ever used wine actually. was pretty painless | 05:43 |
penguinboy | how much is Canadian gasoline a gallon? | 05:43 |
sproingie | first time in many years actually that i've used it and it worked | 05:43 |
liz4rd | penguinboy: liek i said offer somethign to the guys and they'll let you pass | 05:43 |
jeramy | penguinboy: More than in the US | 05:43 |
nmorse | Try dx9wine for games | 05:43 |
nmorse | Guys, what guys? | 05:43 |
nmorse | There's no border patrol in Canada | 05:43 |
penguinboy | does Caada have socialized medicine? | 05:43 |
nmorse | They ask if you brought food or guns with you, and if you say no they don't even check the car | 05:44 |
torz | or just give them a bottle of nice wine... | 05:44 |
nmorse | Yeah, penguinboy, they do | 05:44 |
liz4rd | heath care is free | 05:44 |
penguinboy | is higher educaitonf ree | 05:44 |
liz4rd | nope | 05:44 |
torz | do they smoke weed there? | 05:44 |
nmorse | In Quebec they do | 05:44 |
penguinboy | yeah...do they smoke weed | 05:44 |
nmorse | Legally | 05:44 |
torz | hehe | 05:44 |
penguinboy | how much is weed there | 05:44 |
_pax | Free health care? Nice! | 05:44 |
nmorse | And Vancouver I think | 05:45 |
liz4rd | 10 for a gram | 05:45 |
liz4rd | 15 for 2 | 05:45 |
jeramy | you have to pay for dentist and prescriptions | 05:45 |
liz4rd | well from my dealer | 05:45 |
_pax | No big deal. | 05:45 |
nmorse | liz4rd: how do you know that? | 05:45 |
liz4rd | i smoke alot of weed ..... | 05:45 |
penguinboy | quite a lot | 05:45 |
nmorse | What part of Canada are you in? | 05:45 |
jeramy | well, we know now who's in europe. ;) | 05:45 |
liz4rd | center | 05:45 |
penguinboy | liz is a Canadian weed expert | 05:45 |
liz4rd | saskatchewan | 05:45 |
jeramy | Ottawa | 05:45 |
liz4rd | i am | 05:45 |
nmorse | Saskatchewan doesn't have legal weed, does it? | 05:46 |
liz4rd | yes it does | 05:46 |
liz4rd | madicinal | 05:46 |
liz4rd | or how ever you spell it | 05:46 |
jeramy | Nothing else to do in Saskatchewan except smoke weed? :P | 05:46 |
=== SlicerDicer- [~Slicer@c-67-160-114-35.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
liz4rd | pretty much | 05:46 |
nmorse | Ah, in Quebec it's just "Here's some weed, climb the fort wall and fall off" | 05:46 |
penguinboy | liz is a Saskatchewanian??? | 05:46 |
liz4rd | well theres hashish and shrooms and shit like that but i like weed | 05:46 |
liz4rd | penguinboy: yup | 05:46 |
penguinboy | what is Canada's relationship to the British Queen? | 05:47 |
nmorse | None | 05:47 |
nmorse | They're a free commonwealth, I think | 05:48 |
liz4rd | penguinboy: she does nothign for us | 05:48 |
penguinboy | why does she go there so often...why is she on their money | 05:48 |
nmorse | Like Australia | 05:48 |
liz4rd | cuz she's a dumb whore who has alot of money | 05:48 |
nmorse | A lot of money | 05:48 |
penguinboy | richest woman in the world | 05:48 |
liz4rd | eh? | 05:48 |
liz4rd | really? | 05:48 |
penguinboy | yes...and then comes Oprah | 05:48 |
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sproingie | ah nuts. picasa's email doesnt want to work | 05:49 |
sproingie | might be because i didn't copy over IE | 05:49 |
torz | did I just hear IE??? | 05:49 |
nmorse | Europe's back | 05:49 |
penguinboy | and then 1,545,456,643 people past Oprah is my wife | 05:49 |
liz4rd | sproingie: how dare you | 05:49 |
nmorse | There aren't a trillion people on the planet | 05:49 |
sproingie | that's only a billion | 05:49 |
penguinboy | oops | 05:50 |
penguinboy | math was never my strong suit | 05:50 |
torz | billion eh? isnt that the population of India? | 05:50 |
torz | and most likely China? | 05:50 |
sproingie | chances are if you have a computer to IRC, you're up in the top 20% | 05:50 |
sproingie | or even 10% | 05:50 |
penguinboy | i have three....so I must be pretty good | 05:50 |
nmorse | I have a lappy and a desktop | 05:51 |
nmorse | But I'm broke | 05:51 |
penguinboy | make that....I have two...and my wife has one | 05:51 |
nmorse | I have a higher standard of living, is all | 05:51 |
torz | no computer and internet == stone age | 05:51 |
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nmorse | How cheap is Canadian broadband? | 05:51 |
torz | the queen is rich? I thought that family was going down hill | 05:51 |
torz | but then I guess she could sell of her jewels and become rich any day | 05:52 |
penguinboy | the sand man calleth...as does my wife...I am going to bed guys! Night! | 05:52 |
nmorse | night | 05:52 |
torz | of -> off | 05:52 |
penguinboy | The Amazing Adventures of PenguinBoy...www.penguinboy.us | 05:54 |
torz | that your site? | 05:54 |
liz4rd | lol no | 05:54 |
liz4rd | fuck you guys are tools | 05:55 |
liz4rd | :P jk | 05:55 |
liz4rd | its liz4rdandpenguinboy.us | 05:55 |
torz | heh tools, havent heard that in ages | 05:55 |
nmorse | Dadgum canadians | 05:55 |
liz4rd | :P | 05:55 |
liz4rd | omg penguiinboy is it your site? lol i always thought you were kidding | 05:56 |
liz4rd | are you a mexi fri? | 05:56 |
=== _mae is now known as mae | ||
penguinboy | of course it is my site silly little snickerdoodle | 05:57 |
penguinboy | now i am off to bed | 05:57 |
penguinboy | arrivederci | 05:57 |
liz4rd | nite nite rice muffin | 05:57 |
nmorse | Batman Begins was good, eh? | 05:57 |
liz4rd | proggie | 05:57 |
kakalto | >_> | 05:58 |
nmorse | I'm still waiting for a google IM service | 05:59 |
nmorse | Then I'll have no need for any other "web portal" providers | 05:59 |
liz4rd | it be fast | 05:59 |
nmorse | and searchable logs of all my chats would be nice | 05:59 |
liz4rd | i saw google webhosts | 05:59 |
liz4rd | i say* | 06:00 |
nmorse | I want it based on Jabber too | 06:00 |
liz4rd | YEAH | 06:00 |
nmorse | That way anyone can connect with any client without too much trouble | 06:00 |
liz4rd | nmorse you use jabber? | 06:00 |
nmorse | Heck yeah | 06:00 |
liz4rd | WHAST YOUR ID!!!!! | 06:00 |
nmorse | nmorse@jabber.org, nmorse@coitusmentis.info, and nmorse@betterthanducttape.com | 06:00 |
nmorse | I'm in Jabber on jabber.org right now | 06:01 |
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nmorse | Hey, it's root! | 06:01 |
monchy | lol | 06:01 |
root | yeah...uh...whoops. | 06:02 |
liz4rd | root: its all you fault | 06:02 |
root | and yet i have ultimate power. | 06:02 |
nmorse | my jabber Buddy List grows | 06:02 |
liz4rd | :( dam you | 06:02 |
root | heh | 06:02 |
nmorse | Fear for your boxen! | 06:02 |
liz4rd | i have nmores transgress and penguinboy on jabber | 06:03 |
liz4rd | :P | 06:03 |
nmorse | The end is extremely f'ing nigh! | 06:03 |
nmorse | Penguinboy's on Jabber too? | 06:03 |
liz4rd | yeah | 06:03 |
liz4rd | we got him to sign up | 06:03 |
liz4rd | :P | 06:03 |
nmorse | I've had transgress since long before I started coming here | 06:03 |
liz4rd | sweet | 06:03 |
liz4rd | i wouldnt be here if it wasnt for that guy | 06:03 |
liz4rd | he's getting dread put in right now :P | 06:03 |
nmorse | Ouch | 06:03 |
liz4rd | lol | 06:04 |
transgress | hey what's up nmorse | 06:04 |
transgress | haven't seen you since i changed nicks on jabber | 06:04 |
transgress | or were you on msn? | 06:04 |
nmorse | Not much, you? | 06:04 |
transgress | i can't remember | 06:04 |
liz4rd | SPEEK OF THE SHE MAN | 06:04 |
nmorse | Jabber | 06:04 |
nmorse | You' | 06:04 |
liz4rd | lol | 06:04 |
transgress | she man? | 06:04 |
nmorse | re still online all the time | 06:04 |
liz4rd | transgress: :D what ya gonna do? | 06:05 |
nmorse | Clearly not the devil, or you would have been the one messing with DCC | 06:05 |
transgress | i'm pretty much online | 06:05 |
transgress | until i go hitchhiking | 06:05 |
liz4rd | lol nmorse | 06:05 |
nmorse | Not right now, you're not | 06:06 |
liz4rd | yes he is | 06:06 |
liz4rd | he's coming here :D | 06:06 |
liz4rd | sometime | 06:06 |
nmorse | I meant on Jabber :P | 06:06 |
liz4rd | oh | 06:06 |
liz4rd | ... | 06:06 |
liz4rd | well | 06:06 |
liz4rd | poop | 06:06 |
nmorse | I'm going to see if I can convince google of my idea | 06:07 |
liz4rd | what is it? | 06:07 |
liz4rd | explain it to us | 06:07 |
nmorse | Google IM | 06:08 |
nmorse | GIM (pronounced Jim) | 06:08 |
liz4rd | oh cool | 06:08 |
liz4rd | do they even have a suggestion email? | 06:08 |
nmorse | I'm trying a rep over IRC | 06:08 |
liz4rd | eh? | 06:09 |
liz4rd | nmorse: can you program? | 06:09 |
nmorse | Yeah, fairly well | 06:09 |
nmorse | Going to college for it in the fall | 06:09 |
liz4rd | LETS MAKE OUR OWN FUCK GOOGLE | 06:09 |
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nmorse | I already have my own | 06:10 |
liz4rd | ... | 06:10 |
liz4rd | penis | 06:10 |
nmorse | betterthanducttape.com is a jabber server | 06:10 |
liz4rd | oops i mean.. HEH | 06:10 |
liz4rd | cool | 06:10 |
nmorse | Now, I want google to do it | 06:11 |
nmorse | Invite only, preferably | 06:11 |
liz4rd | cool | 06:11 |
nmorse | Make it exclusive, and then watch everyone try to get one | 06:12 |
TrueChaos|Lap | all hail liz4rd | 06:12 |
nmorse | $300 on eBay | 06:12 |
liz4rd | YAY ME | 06:12 |
TrueChaos|Lap | now for bed. | 06:12 |
=== TrueChaos|Lap sleeps. | ||
liz4rd | fuck | 06:13 |
liz4rd | ... | 06:13 |
TrueChaos|Lap | liz4rd, you may join me in bed if youd like. | 06:13 |
liz4rd | *jumps in* | 06:13 |
liz4rd | XD | 06:13 |
=== TrueChaos|Lap manseckss liz4rd | ||
nmorse | God forbid | 06:13 |
nmorse | Where's airox when you need him? | 06:13 |
liz4rd | OMG OW NOT THERE | 06:14 |
liz4rd | airox is a fucking tool | 06:14 |
liz4rd | i wanna talk with that fucker | 06:14 |
liz4rd | or no he's sick an op on me | 06:14 |
liz4rd | agian | 06:14 |
TrueChaos|Lap | liz4rd, lol, what did he do to you? | 06:14 |
liz4rd | he was all like....TALK ABOUT LINUX type shit | 06:14 |
nmorse | The conversation you just had is a good indication of why he was yelled at | 06:15 |
liz4rd | i was all like...MO FO BREAK YO SELF FO MA GAK | 06:15 |
liz4rd | and he was all liek *cries* then an op came in | 06:15 |
liz4rd | and we all were liek...OH FUCK | 06:15 |
liz4rd | so he's a bitch | 06:15 |
TrueChaos|Lap | who cares, if someone asks a question, it generally gets answered, or so ive found | 06:15 |
liz4rd | yeah | 06:16 |
liz4rd | anyway i'ma get my jamies on and meet you there TrueChaos|Lap | 06:16 |
nmorse | Not if I left penguinboy and liz4rd here by themselves, they wouldn't | 06:17 |
liz4rd | yes i would | 06:17 |
TrueChaos|Lap | nmorse, they both answered questions of mine yesterday | 06:17 |
TrueChaos|Lap | quite helpful | 06:17 |
nmorse | Really? | 06:17 |
liz4rd | WHAT NOW!!!! | 06:17 |
TrueChaos|Lap | yeah | 06:17 |
nmorse | Penguinboy usually says something like "How would I know?" | 06:17 |
TrueChaos|Lap | he said that | 06:17 |
TrueChaos|Lap | then proceeded to explain waht needed to be done | 06:17 |
nmorse | Very helpful | 06:17 |
TrueChaos|Lap | and i did it, and it worked | 06:18 |
liz4rd | i witnessed | 06:18 |
liz4rd | were stupid cuz no one talks and we get conversations going | 06:18 |
liz4rd | but when someone needs help we answer | 06:18 |
nmorse | BBIAM | 06:18 |
liz4rd | ok | 06:18 |
liz4rd | (he's cring cuz we proved him wrong) | 06:18 |
liz4rd | :P jk man | 06:19 |
TrueChaos|Lap | :O | 06:19 |
nmorse | No, picking a friend up from work | 06:19 |
liz4rd | ok cool | 06:19 |
liz4rd | see ya in a bit | 06:19 |
=== TrueChaos|Lap gets jammies on and actually sleeps, no more mansecks for liz4rd tonite | ||
liz4rd | lol ok later dude | 06:19 |
TrueChaos|Lap | heh. | 06:20 |
TrueChaos|Lap | i shal idle here for the rest of the summer, and whenever else i ahve irc going... im not going to be turning my laptop off this summer :D | 06:20 |
liz4rd | lol ok | 06:21 |
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liz4rd | MONCHY | 06:22 |
liz4rd | *tackles* | 06:22 |
monchy | ahh get off me | 06:22 |
liz4rd | *lets go* | 06:22 |
liz4rd | hey | 06:22 |
monchy | go to penguin | 06:22 |
transgress | who the hell are you tackling? I'll kill him! you're mine! | 06:22 |
liz4rd | :( monchy | 06:23 |
liz4rd | DONT HUR HIM | 06:23 |
monchy | transgress i have some bad news | 06:23 |
transgress | what's that? | 06:23 |
monchy | liz4rd proposed to penguinboy earlier | 06:23 |
liz4rd | OMG NO YOU DIDNT | 06:23 |
nmorse | back | 06:24 |
liz4rd | that was fuckign quick | 06:24 |
transgress | oh penguinboy is gonna pay. no more joey. | 06:24 |
liz4rd | NNOOOOOOO | 06:24 |
liz4rd | DAM YOU MONCHY | 06:24 |
nmorse | His work is about 1/2 mile from here | 06:24 |
liz4rd | trangress he's fragile!!! handle with care | 06:25 |
monchy | lol | 06:25 |
liz4rd | anyone wanna see what i look like? | 06:27 |
nmorse | Not really | 06:28 |
liz4rd | http://www.biol.sc.edu/~vieyra/Bearded%20Dragon/lounge%20lizard.JPG | 06:28 |
nmorse | Excellent photo | 06:28 |
liz4rd | thank you | 06:28 |
nmorse | How do you type with those hands, by the way? | 06:28 |
monchy | nice pose ;p | 06:28 |
nmorse | A headmouse? | 06:28 |
nmorse | :P\ | 06:28 |
liz4rd | thx thats my "i want food pose" | 06:28 |
monchy | lol | 06:29 |
liz4rd | hey anyone wanna help with getting my fourm up and running? | 06:36 |
liz4rd | http://datapirate.ath.cx | 06:36 |
liz4rd | it needs action and members :P | 06:36 |
sbcl3 | what's it about? | 06:36 |
nmorse | Right, so I'm supposed to click on a .cx link | 06:36 |
nmorse | I haven't trusted them since I heard about goatse | 06:37 |
liz4rd | computers mostly we can be reaatards there | 06:37 |
liz4rd | i want it to be more programmign and linux based | 06:37 |
nmorse | Why not make #liz4rd? | 06:37 |
liz4rd | STOP CRUSHING ME | 06:37 |
liz4rd | :P | 06:37 |
nmorse | and be a retard there? | 06:37 |
jeramy | lol, isn't that nasty? | 06:37 |
sbcl3 | "Data Pirate"? | 06:37 |
liz4rd | i need some people in here to be moderators for forums aswell | 06:38 |
sbcl3 | hmm | 06:38 |
sbcl3 | i could... | 06:38 |
jeramy | FYI, there's no nasty picture on the datapirate site. ;) | 06:38 |
liz4rd | yeah some..."other stuff" will go on there too | 06:38 |
sbcl3 | but i don't have experience | 06:38 |
liz4rd | sbcl3: sallright... | 06:38 |
liz4rd | got msn ort any im thinger? | 06:38 |
sbcl3 | i have AIM | 06:38 |
nmorse | I'd be probably be an ok moderator, it's not like your site would need to be heavily censored | 06:38 |
liz4rd | yeah | 06:39 |
liz4rd | no homo shit will go on there dont worry | 06:39 |
liz4rd | penguinboys not invited | 06:39 |
liz4rd | :P | 06:39 |
sbcl3 | no unclean material, right? | 06:39 |
liz4rd | right | 06:39 |
sbcl3 | i'll help then...i guess | 06:39 |
liz4rd | sept on on the invite only forum alot of hacking exploiting and shitt will go on | 06:39 |
liz4rd | sbcl3: msg me with your AIM | 06:40 |
nmorse | Interesting that you would say that in a public IRC room | 06:40 |
liz4rd | what are they gonna do | 06:40 |
sbcl3 | liz4rd: i'm not sure...i'm quite busy | 06:40 |
sbcl3 | i'll stand around, though | 06:40 |
liz4rd | its basicly a security team :) | 06:40 |
liz4rd | sbcl3: alright sing up then atleast | 06:40 |
nmorse | any posts on those forums at all? | 06:40 |
sbcl3 | yeah | 06:41 |
liz4rd | yeah | 06:41 |
liz4rd | but liek i said i need more users | 06:41 |
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nmorse | need more bandwidth | 06:42 |
liz4rd | that server is bunk | 06:42 |
liz4rd | anyone wanna hook a loonix g33k up? | 06:42 |
nmorse | My server's taken at the moment | 06:42 |
liz4rd | i got a new host but the fucker wants me to put a band on my site | 06:42 |
nmorse | Though I could mirror your forum for emergencies | 06:42 |
liz4rd | that be cool | 06:42 |
liz4rd | banner* | 06:43 |
monchy | do it | 06:43 |
nmorse | A dadgum banner ad? | 06:43 |
nmorse | Don't give in! | 06:43 |
liz4rd | lol | 06:43 |
monchy | 90% of us won't see it anyway bc of ad-block ;p | 06:43 |
liz4rd | its for a computer selling site | 06:43 |
nmorse | Host your own | 06:43 |
liz4rd | i want to but i dont have the box | 06:43 |
nmorse | Buy an old P3 on evilBay | 06:43 |
liz4rd | blah i want a real host | 06:43 |
liz4rd | this new host is fucking wicked on connection and space | 06:44 |
liz4rd | but the host i'm on now =poor connection but 40 gigs of space | 06:44 |
liz4rd | :P | 06:44 |
nmorse | Who needs space? | 06:45 |
liz4rd | meh | 06:45 |
nmorse | Nothing takes much as far as smaller websites go | 06:45 |
nmorse | I'm running my whole server on 6 GB's | 06:45 |
liz4rd | yeah i know | 06:45 |
liz4rd | my connection is phat but computer isnt | 06:45 |
nmorse | What kind of computer is it? | 06:46 |
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liz4rd | amd k6 2 500 mhz 256 ram 20 gig hd | 06:47 |
nmorse | I'll sell you a dual PPro 200 with 128 MB RAM and hardware RAID dirt cheap | 06:47 |
nmorse | Drives included | 06:47 |
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monchy | how much | 06:48 |
liz4rd | me = no money nor credit card nor paypal shit | 06:48 |
nmorse | It'll cost about $30 to ship (it weighs 100 pounds) | 06:48 |
nmorse | Pay shipping and maybe $5 more and I'll send it | 06:49 |
monchy | good deal | 06:49 |
nmorse | It's loud as a jet though | 06:49 |
nmorse | and a great A/C | 06:49 |
sbcl3 | liz4rd: just posted :) | 06:50 |
nmorse | hmm, lovely ebooks link, liz4rd | 06:50 |
liz4rd | thx | 06:50 |
nmorse | Is that even legal? | 06:50 |
liz4rd | i'm linking to other servers | 06:50 |
liz4rd | perfectly | 06:50 |
liz4rd | thx sbcl3!! | 06:51 |
nmorse | Ok, so that not posting illegal stuff rule is bendable? | 06:51 |
liz4rd | i needed more | 06:51 |
liz4rd | yes | 06:51 |
liz4rd | you post porn | 06:51 |
liz4rd | :P | 06:51 |
liz4rd | liek the images | 06:51 |
nmorse | Heh, I have Unix in a Nutshell | 06:51 |
nmorse | Then you're happy? | 06:51 |
liz4rd | what?9$ | 06:51 |
sbcl3 | liz4rd: i posted one listing of ebooks mirrors..so thats probably hundreds of free ebooks :) | 06:51 |
liz4rd | sweet thx alot man | 06:52 |
liz4rd | plus like link to the ebook thread on other servers or somethign | 06:52 |
liz4rd | it will get more traffic | 06:52 |
sbcl3 | liz4rd: yours are good. thanks for those 2. | 06:52 |
sbcl3 | *2 links | 06:52 |
liz4rd | welcome | 06:52 |
liz4rd | i thought you guys would like the hellnet one | 06:53 |
liz4rd | it gots sweet shit | 06:53 |
nmorse | Only transgress would post "your mom's bedroom" as his location | 06:53 |
liz4rd | lol! | 06:54 |
liz4rd | yeah | 06:54 |
liz4rd | i want alot of linux conversation to go on there to | 06:54 |
nmorse | Is that PhpBB by the way? | 06:54 |
liz4rd | yes | 06:55 |
sbcl3 | liz4rd: i think most of the ones at that first site are illegal ^_^ | 06:55 |
liz4rd | ^_^ oh well | 06:55 |
sbcl3 | right | 06:55 |
sbcl3 | "i'm saving a tree" | 06:55 |
sbcl3 | ^_^ | 06:55 |
liz4rd | i have a seperate server to host the "programs" :D | 06:55 |
sbcl3 | that's your server? | 06:55 |
liz4rd | the one right now? no | 06:56 |
liz4rd | its a friends | 06:56 |
liz4rd | sc0rp.ath.cx | 06:56 |
liz4rd | big game freek | 06:56 |
liz4rd | good guy tho | 06:56 |
liz4rd | the ath.cx is just a dns | 06:57 |
nmorse | Hmm, now, is the default theme or subSilver better? | 06:57 |
liz4rd | NO | 06:58 |
liz4rd | :P | 06:58 |
sbcl3 | http://www.maththinking.com/boat/booksIndex.html | 06:59 |
sbcl3 | theres a lot of good ones there too | 07:00 |
liz4rd | ok | 07:00 |
sbcl3 | located in vietnam ^_^ | 07:00 |
sbcl3 | explains a lot | 07:00 |
nmorse | Posted a reply to your kde-look.org post | 07:01 |
liz4rd | ok | 07:01 |
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sbcl3 | my kde-look.org post? | 07:02 |
sbcl3 | i don't think i have any | 07:02 |
liz4rd | mine | 07:02 |
liz4rd | :P | 07:02 |
sbcl3 | oh | 07:02 |
=== sbcl3 is now known as sbcl3||-_-zZz | ||
nmorse | Why do all the -look.org sites look alike? | 07:03 |
liz4rd | there all made by the same people, | 07:03 |
nmorse | Is there some standard template software for that | 07:03 |
nmorse | Cause I'm going to make some -look.org site then | 07:04 |
liz4rd | LOL | 07:04 |
nmorse | Maybe kissmyshinymetalbutt-look.org | 07:04 |
transgress | liz4rd: stop ignoring jabber or ima nutcheck you | 07:04 |
nmorse | hey transgress | 07:04 |
nmorse | What is your new nick on Jabber anyway? | 07:05 |
liz4rd | fagboy@jabber.org | 07:05 |
liz4rd | :P jk thats penguins | 07:05 |
monchy | i thought it was mrandmrsliz4rdpenguin@jabber.org | 07:06 |
nmorse | penguinboy added me to his friends list on Jabber | 07:06 |
liz4rd | lol | 07:06 |
transgress | my hair looks so fucked up right now due to the wax and sea salt all in it | 07:06 |
liz4rd | *points and laughs* | 07:10 |
nmorse | God I need something to do besides lurk on IRC | 07:12 |
liz4rd | lol | 07:12 |
nmorse | hey liz4rd, ever see any of my work on kde-look.org | 07:12 |
liz4rd | no | 07:12 |
nmorse | I go by TuxROCKS on there | 07:12 |
liz4rd | HEY | 07:13 |
liz4rd | it rings a bell | 07:13 |
nmorse | It's all crap, except maybe the FF splash screens | 07:13 |
monchy | play mah jongg if your looking for something to do nmorse ;p | 07:14 |
nmorse | I prefer Go | 07:14 |
nmorse | Play on KGS? | 07:14 |
liz4rd | yay my new domain is liz4rd.ath.cx | 07:14 |
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monchy | i play on addictinggames, only a flash version of mah jongg | 07:14 |
nmorse | Get cgoban2 and play some Go on kiseido | 07:15 |
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nmorse | not cgoban which is in apt | 07:15 |
monchy | not on ubuntu so not sure if i can | 07:15 |
nmorse | Works in Java | 07:15 |
nmorse | Works through web plugin too | 07:16 |
nmorse | Try kiseido.com | 07:16 |
monchy | bookmarked, need to install java first ;) | 07:16 |
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nmorse | deb http://ubuntu.tower-net.de/ubuntu hoary java | 07:17 |
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nmorse | that'll get you Java 1.5 | 07:17 |
monchy | will that work on sarge? | 07:17 |
nmorse | Who knows | 07:18 |
monchy | lol | 07:18 |
transgress | #debian might know | 07:19 |
crimsun | it will work on sarge. | 07:20 |
monchy | .bin worked, i'm set i think | 07:20 |
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nmorse | crud, some process went runaway and I had to reboot | 07:22 |
nmorse | See you guys tomorrow | 07:26 |
liz4rd | fuckers gotta talk more | 07:32 |
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orangey | hey all! | 07:52 |
orangey | how do I set up network connections in kubuntu? | 07:52 |
sbcl3||-_-zZz | control center | 07:54 |
=== sbcl3||-_-zZz is now known as sbcl3 | ||
liz4rd | fucker was here all along | 07:54 |
liz4rd | :P | 07:54 |
sbcl3 | i forgot...i wasn't tired, so i decided to say a while longer | 07:54 |
liz4rd | :P | 07:54 |
liz4rd | you..forgot :P | 07:55 |
sbcl3 | meanie | 07:55 |
liz4rd | ^_^ | 07:55 |
sbcl3 | i didn't think it would matter anyways | 07:55 |
sbcl3 | why am i a "fucker"? | 07:57 |
liz4rd | i dont know...i just said that | 07:57 |
liz4rd | for the shits and giggles | 07:58 |
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sbcl3 | someone poops when they see that word? ^_^ | 08:01 |
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liz4rd | lol | 08:01 |
pinny | hi all | 08:01 |
liz4rd | hey | 08:02 |
monchy | herro | 08:02 |
pinny | um does anyone know if it's possible to stream windows media files in konqueror? | 08:02 |
sbcl3 | doubt it | 08:02 |
sbcl3 | without any kind of installations/hacks, anyway | 08:02 |
pinny | those are fine | 08:02 |
pinny | i installed w32codes and mplayer and mplayer plugin and mozilla flash plugin | 08:03 |
pinny | and still it tells me I'm not set up for Active X and I should install Windows Media Player 9 | 08:03 |
sbcl3 | on a smaller note, can wma be played with xmms? | 08:04 |
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sbcl3 | or converted to some other format? | 08:04 |
liz4rd | cWo_BaSkeTeRzZ: its all your falt | 08:04 |
liz4rd | LOL | 08:04 |
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Razor-X | how do you output the contents of a Konsole schema? | 08:29 |
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Razor-X | nevermind, found the answer | 08:35 |
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liz4rd | Chameleon22: hey man | 08:59 |
transgress | http://irclikelife.com/oldsite/cam.html | 09:01 |
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verden01 | how do i mount my mp3/flash drive? | 09:04 |
sbcl3||-_-zZz | mount /dev/sdb1 /whatever/you/want | 09:05 |
sbcl3||-_-zZz | assuming its a special device | 09:05 |
liz4rd | your still awake :P | 09:05 |
verden01 | this is what i get when i issue the command mount: can't find /dev/sdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 09:06 |
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sirukin | hmm | 09:07 |
liz4rd | hey man | 09:07 |
liz4rd | there hasnt been much respons on rl6 forums sirukin | 09:08 |
sirukin | yeah | 09:08 |
sirukin | it's quiet | 09:08 |
transgress | yeah sorry | 09:10 |
transgress | i'm doing bad things | 09:10 |
liz4rd | :P | 09:10 |
transgress | webcam is now off | 09:17 |
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spiral | hi | 09:25 |
liz4rd | hi | 09:33 |
liz4rd | THATS IT | 09:34 |
liz4rd | HI!! | 09:34 |
liz4rd | WTF MAN | 09:35 |
liz4rd | TALK | 09:35 |
sirukin | haha | 09:35 |
liz4rd | well jeeze its so boring here | 09:35 |
monchy | blame airox it's the new trend ;) | 09:38 |
liz4rd | YAY | 09:38 |
liz4rd | monchy likes men | 09:38 |
monchy | women yes :) | 09:38 |
liz4rd | omg | 09:38 |
liz4rd | Google's new Instant Messaging Program | 09:38 |
monchy | your the one marrying a man anyway lol | 09:38 |
liz4rd | wasnt someone talking about this today? | 09:39 |
monchy | where do you see google IM? | 09:39 |
liz4rd | http://digg.com/ | 09:39 |
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mae | hmm | 10:03 |
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sirukin | bah | 10:16 |
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RickA | hi | 10:54 |
RickA | I'm having problems with mounting my windows partitions in kubuntu. Could someone give me some help? | 10:55 |
RickA | I can mount the partitions, but they are always mounted as root | 10:55 |
mae | RickA: you can change that | 10:57 |
mae | you want it mounted as a user? | 10:57 |
RickA | yes | 10:57 |
mae | is your windows partition ntfs or fat32.. realizing that if its ntfs you can only read not write | 10:57 |
RickA | I have: /dev/hda5 /home/ricka/dev vfat users,umask=000,auto 0 0 | 10:57 |
RickA | yes, it's fat | 10:57 |
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mae | get rid of the users thing | 10:58 |
CountZ | ok | 10:58 |
mae | and auto | 10:58 |
=== CountZ gets rid of the users thing | ||
mae | auto don't belong there | 10:58 |
mae | umask is ok, its the opposite of what you want the permissions to be.. so 000 will mean full access for all users.. if thats whaty ou want | 10:59 |
RickA | even if I I want it automatically mounted at startup? | 10:59 |
RickA | yes, that's right | 10:59 |
mae | the options you need to add are uid and gid | 10:59 |
mae | if its in fstab its already automatically mounted | 10:59 |
mae | unless you explicitly say noauto | 11:00 |
RickA | ah ok | 11:00 |
mae | so if your user and group is fred and flintstones you would do uid=fred,gid=flintstones | 11:00 |
RickA | ok, so I need to find out what user I am right? | 11:00 |
RickA | ah ok | 11:00 |
RickA | that's easy | 11:00 |
mae | yup | 11:00 |
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RickA | if I then do sudo mount -o remount /dev/hda5 there is no change | 11:02 |
RickA | do I need to reboot? | 11:02 |
mae | when you use those options it will change _everything_ recursively in that fat filesystem to that userid.. because fat doesn't store any security information | 11:02 |
RickA | yes, that sounds fine | 11:02 |
mae | so there is basically no persistent permissions anyhow.. just what you enforce with that uid/gid thing | 11:02 |
mae | nah no reboot needed | 11:02 |
mae | you wanna mount your windows partition at /home/ricka/dev? | 11:02 |
RickA | correct | 11:03 |
mae | did you make the folder | 11:03 |
mae | dev | 11:03 |
mae | in your home dir | 11:03 |
RickA | yes it's already mounted there | 11:03 |
mae | ok | 11:03 |
RickA | just with root:root | 11:03 |
mae | well log in as root now | 11:03 |
RickA | how do I do that? | 11:03 |
mae | and just do umount /home/ricka/dev | 11:03 |
RickA | I always use sudo | 11:03 |
mae | then mount /home/ricka/dev | 11:03 |
mae | ok then sudo don't matter | 11:03 |
RickA | it says device is busy | 11:04 |
mae | and on the remount after changing fstab you should be good | 11:04 |
RickA | but I don't have anything viewing the contents of that partition | 11:04 |
mae | make sure your not browsing /home/ricka/dev in any konqueror windows or terminals | 11:04 |
mae | whats your cwd | 11:04 |
RickA | I'm not | 11:04 |
mae | current working dir | 11:04 |
mae | hm | 11:04 |
RickA | home/ricka | 11:04 |
mae | well something is using it | 11:04 |
mae | try just rebooting the window manager (ctrl-alt-backspace) then whatever is using it won't be anymore :) | 11:05 |
RickA | ok | 11:05 |
mae | and i'll see you when you get back :P | 11:05 |
RickA | brb | 11:05 |
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RickA | that didn't change anything | 11:07 |
RickA | according to ls-l it's still root:root | 11:08 |
mae | you remounted ?? | 11:08 |
RickA | ah no | 11:08 |
RickA | it still says it's busy | 11:08 |
RickA | brb | 11:08 |
mae | the reason for restarting X was to kill whatever child process was using that dir | 11:08 |
mae | hmm | 11:08 |
mae | ok | 11:08 |
mae | just reboot :P | 11:08 |
RickA | whenever X comes back on, one of the console windows is in that folder | 11:08 |
RickA | brb | 11:08 |
verden01 | how do i mount an mp3/usb flash drive? | 11:09 |
mae | in kubuntu? | 11:09 |
verden01 | yeah in kubuntu | 11:09 |
mae | right click on desktop > configure desktop > behavior > device icons tab > enable "show device icons" .. this will detect when you insert a thumb drive.. then you just right click it when it pops up on desktop and click "mount" | 11:10 |
verden01 | cool thanx | 11:10 |
mae | or the button next to the k menu | 11:10 |
mae | "storage media" | 11:10 |
mae | that should show the connected device too i think | 11:11 |
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RickA | it works | 11:13 |
mae | cool. | 11:13 |
mae | :) | 11:13 |
RickA | thank you for the help | 11:13 |
mae | no prob, don't give up :) theres a few tricks that you gotta know to get linux going sometimes to work how you want, but once you know it it pretty much applies to any flavor of linux you use | 11:13 |
RickA | yes | 11:17 |
RickA | it just takes time to learn this stuff | 11:17 |
RickA | and I have a bad memory which doesn't help | 11:17 |
verden01 | that doesn't do it | 11:18 |
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Almindor | is invidia driver for 64bit athlon in packages, or do I have to install manualy? | 11:22 |
RickA | now I need some help installing/compiling GLUT | 11:23 |
mae | GLUT? | 11:24 |
RickA | opengl toolkit | 11:25 |
RickA | if I do what the readme says, it breaks down | 11:25 |
RickA | it appears I'm still missing some X11 header files | 11:26 |
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mae | hmm. | 11:27 |
mae | Well good luck i know nothing about that :) | 11:27 |
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mae | but um ubuntuforums/ubuntuwiki are good sources for ubuntu | 11:28 |
RickA | I'll check there then | 11:28 |
_ale | ciao a tutti | 11:28 |
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mae | if you ignore the distro-specific stuff forums.gentoo.org has a ton of information about configuring various linux software | 11:28 |
RickA | do you know which package contains the X header files? | 11:28 |
mae | not sure.. :) not for what your doing at least | 11:28 |
_ale | Can somebody help me with mysql installation? | 11:28 |
RickA | ok, thanks anyway | 11:29 |
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_ale | Please can somebody help me with mysql installation? | 11:29 |
RickA | one last question for now, would anyone here be willing to hold my hand while I try to install my ATI videocard? | 11:29 |
mae | haha | 11:29 |
mae | good luck with that one :) | 11:29 |
mae | i have nvidia. | 11:29 |
mae | i've heard ati is a nightmare.. although their drivers supposedly are much better now. | 11:30 |
mae | but um you should already have the kernel module installed for the catalyst drivers i believe in the linux-restricted-modules package which comes with kubuntu | 11:30 |
RickA | apparently, but I haven't been able to get the to install yet | 11:31 |
mae | check the wiki | 11:31 |
mae | for ati | 11:31 |
mae | search that is | 11:31 |
mae | theres information on there for sure | 11:31 |
RickA | will do | 11:31 |
RickA | but I think I tried that, and it didn't work | 11:31 |
RickA | maybe it's update | 11:31 |
RickA | d | 11:31 |
mae | hm | 11:31 |
mae | well, good luck gotta goto bed, sorry i can't help ya right now, but got lots of stuff coming up this week | 11:31 |
RickA | thanks | 11:38 |
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RickA | what does 'No kernel module build environment' mean? | 11:58 |
RickA | (with the new ATI drivers) | 11:58 |
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MyGhetek | windows ctrl+alt+delete system monitor for kde? | 12:13 |
Chameleon22 | howdy all | 12:15 |
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shogouki | MyGhetek: ksysguard | 12:16 |
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_widodo | hi | 12:48 |
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Linuxpeter | moin | 01:27 |
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Livingstone___ | mozilla-firefox 1.0.2-0ubuntu5.3 hangs a lot on my machine :( | 01:31 |
Chameleon22 | Livingstone___, go to mozilla site and get new firefox and install it | 01:36 |
Livingstone___ | so, theres no deb package? | 01:36 |
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Livingstone___ | what about a apt pinning to get it from sid? have anybody tryed that? | 01:39 |
Livingstone___ | gonna try, I'll keep you update ... : http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=firefox&searchon=names&subword=1&version=unstable&release=all | 01:40 |
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bambi | hi | 01:59 |
bambi | does anybody know how to change the desktop icons for mountet partitions? it doesn't work for me | 02:00 |
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_bambi | hallo? | 02:02 |
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hussam | how do I schedule a cron job for a task to run as root every 60 minutes? I also don't want it to not log anything. | 02:54 |
Bobobo | you don't want it to NOT log? | 02:54 |
Bobobo | crontab -e | 02:55 |
Bobobo | and add this line: | 02:55 |
gdh | K -> System -> KCron | 02:55 |
Bobobo | 0 0 * * * /your/path/to/your/script.sh 2>&1 > /dev/null | 02:55 |
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Bobobo | ok maybe do it with the GUI like gdh says | 02:56 |
hussam | Bobobo: will I need to add anything to this line to get it to run as root? | 02:56 |
gdh | 'sudo kcron' I guess :) | 02:56 |
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Bobobo | hussam: login as root, and then run this crontab -e | 02:56 |
Bobobo | then it will automatically be in root's cron file | 02:57 |
hussam | Bobobo: afterwards, it will still run it I login as myself? | 02:57 |
Bobobo | but yes, gdh is right, you could use the GUI like he suggests | 02:57 |
Bobobo | hussam: Yes that's how cron works | 02:57 |
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hussam | what it is as application and not a script, will I have to make a script for that app? | 03:01 |
girl_in_red | hi | 03:02 |
gdh | hussam: Whatever command you type to 'do your stuff' on the command line, put in the crontab / KCron 'Program' area | 03:03 |
gdh | cron will just execute the command as if you'd typed itin manually | 03:03 |
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gdh | If you don't want to get the output of the job e-mailed to you, just click the 'Silent' button instead of including '2>&1 > /dev/null' at the end of the line | 03:05 |
hussam | if I save a text fine in /etc/cron.d and I add in it: 0 0 * * * root /path/app 2>&1 > /dev/null | 03:09 |
hussam | will it run it as root every hour? | 03:09 |
gdh | should do, yep | 03:10 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hey blokes, how do you change the keyboard map in Kubuntu? | 03:11 |
hussam | gdh: what are 0 0 * * * for? are they for time or something like that? Like where in this line does it say hourly? | 03:12 |
gdh | hussam: man crontab | 03:13 |
gdh | man 5 crontab | 03:13 |
hussam | so I should be 0 * * * * and not 0 0 * * * for hourly | 03:14 |
hussam | it* should | 03:14 |
gdh | yep, 0 0 * * * will be once daily at midnight. | 03:14 |
hussam | ok I changed it to 0 * * * * | 03:15 |
Bobobo | so you guys like kubunto? | 03:20 |
Bobobo | kubuntu, sorry | 03:20 |
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Chameleon22 | i am trying to get nagios working with sms ... going to be soooooooooo cool, almost done. Just fine tuning the message text | 03:42 |
Chameleon22 | :) | 03:42 |
Chameleon22 | and while at it made me a reminder alarm, sms me on due dates etc | 03:43 |
Chameleon22 | Geek w00t! | 03:43 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 03:44 |
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shogouki | Chameleon22: the send of sms is free ? | 03:44 |
gdh | just be careful with nagios that it doesn't get into a flap and cost you a fortune | 03:44 |
gdh | using some 'free sms gateway' is asking for trouble. the one time that you /do/ have a real server failure will be 10 minutes after your free gateway changes its HTML code... | 03:45 |
Chameleon22 | sms - old mobile hoked up to my server and using a pre paid card | 03:45 |
gdh | Ah, sweet :) ++ | 03:46 |
Chameleon22 | so limited to like $20 damage | 03:46 |
Chameleon22 | in the worst case | 03:46 |
Chameleon22 | AU$20 hehehe | 03:46 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol 50C US ;) | 03:46 |
Chameleon22 | Kamping_Kaiser, 76 about | 03:46 |
Kamping_Kaiser | yeh, true | 03:46 |
shogouki | ~50 eurocents so :) | 03:47 |
Chameleon22 | yeah | 03:47 |
Chameleon22 | but rather live in au the eu ;) | 03:47 |
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Chameleon22 | gdh, actually i wrote my own sms gateway... clients connect via a web service, so nagios is just another client :) | 03:47 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | how do you untar a tar.bz and tar.gz? "tar -xvf" or somthing similar? | 03:48 |
shogouki | eu is cool, we've got sea but without your sharks :p | 03:48 |
Chameleon22 | Kamping_Kaiser, tar.gz - 'tar -zxf file' bz - 'tar -jxf file' | 03:48 |
Chameleon22 | shogouki, ye and no crocodiles either lol | 03:49 |
Kamping_Kaiser | thanks chameleon22 | 03:49 |
gdh | the '-' is unnecessary now =) | 03:49 |
gdh | xvzf xvjf =) | 03:49 |
Kamping_Kaiser | chogouki, 1 arm gives you character ;) | 03:49 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i thought without was old school :O | 03:49 |
shogouki | 1 arm gives no style at counter strike :) | 03:50 |
Chameleon22 | shogouki, Melbourne - voted most livable city thank you very much, and i happen to live here and there is no sharks in melbourne so there *pkes hes tounge out at you | 03:50 |
Kamping_Kaiser | *shudders @ melbourner * | 03:50 |
Kamping_Kaiser | melbournes *way* to big | 03:50 |
Chameleon22 | Kamping_Kaiser, oh yes, that it is but great public transport | 03:51 |
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Chameleon22 | and most people own a car as well | 03:51 |
Chameleon22 | Kamping_Kaiser, where are you from ? | 03:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Tasmania, but I'm in the Adelaide hills atm | 03:51 |
Chameleon22 | hehehehe | 03:51 |
Chameleon22 | Tasmanian vergin = when a sister runs faster then her brother | 03:52 |
Kamping_Kaiser | o_0 | 03:52 |
Chameleon22 | :p | 03:52 |
Kamping_Kaiser | bloody mainlander ;) | 03:52 |
Chameleon22 | hehehe | 03:52 |
Chameleon22 | sorry man, i couldnt resist | 03:52 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol, na its all cool | 03:53 |
Chameleon22 | seriousely though , would love to go to tasmania | 03:53 |
Chameleon22 | will do when i get like a week of work | 03:53 |
Kamping_Kaiser | you havent? | 03:53 |
Chameleon22 | nah | 03:53 |
Kamping_Kaiser | jees | 03:53 |
Kamping_Kaiser | you live 2 hours flight away! | 03:53 |
Chameleon22 | will take the car thoguh, so we can drive around every where and all | 03:53 |
Chameleon22 | Kamping_Kaiser, yeah pathetic i know | 03:54 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol. i know people who lived in melbourne for 20+ years before they went. | 03:54 |
Kamping_Kaiser | some about 40 years | 03:54 |
Kamping_Kaiser | thats why your all bloody mainlanders ;) | 03:54 |
Chameleon22 | nah its on my list of places o visit this year :) | 03:54 |
Chameleon22 | amstardam is next year ;) | 03:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :D I'll meet you there ;) | 03:55 |
Chameleon22 | amstardam or hobart ? | 03:55 |
Chameleon22 | lo | 03:55 |
Chameleon22 | l | 03:55 |
Chameleon22 | choof is plentiful in both places :p | 03:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | amsterdam... I'm planing to go there next year as well | 03:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | as much of eu as possible actualyu | 03:56 |
Kamping_Kaiser | when your in Hobart you can share my sister ;P | 03:56 |
Chameleon22 | ye same, gf and i going to go to holland and then start backpacking from there | 03:56 |
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Chameleon22 | Kamping_Kaiser, @sister, see i like you already | 03:56 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 03:56 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i don't have the GF problem :D I'm free to travel light | 03:57 |
Chameleon22 | and you get to have my gf, but you not allowed to give her back | 03:57 |
Chameleon22 | ROFL | 03:57 |
Kamping_Kaiser | LOL | 03:57 |
Chameleon22 | eh any way ... back to nagios tuning | 03:57 |
=== Chameleon22 *waves | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | later | 03:58 |
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yahalom | anyone here using netgear stuff? | 04:08 |
dwmurphy | hmm.. still no kde 3.4.1 for amd64 ? (besides debian?) | 04:10 |
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sniker | hi, anyones have experience with the package "timeout 1.1" for amd64? | 04:28 |
transgress | what package? | 04:29 |
transgress | or better... what server? | 04:30 |
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sniker | i'm unable to find the .deb package "timeout" for amd64 | 04:31 |
transgress | oh | 04:32 |
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jucamo | hola | 04:42 |
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jones_ | installed kubuntu, no password asked and I cannot install any packages...any help? | 05:12 |
jones_ | installed kubuntu, no password asked and I cannot install any packages...any help? | 05:12 |
gdh | sure | 05:13 |
gdh | www.ubuntuguide.org | 05:13 |
gdh | help yourself =) | 05:13 |
jones_ | thanx | 05:13 |
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Wimpie | hi all, it seems that apt-get install kubuntu-desktop does not replace gnome apps with kde apps. | 05:28 |
Wimpie | Did I do something wrong ? | 05:28 |
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_user | hey.... | 05:39 |
_user | all of you here use kubuntu? | 05:39 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | nope :D | 05:50 |
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Zunino | Hi, all! | 05:56 |
Zunino | I hope someone can help a newbie with a problem. | 05:57 |
gdh | we can try... | 05:57 |
Zunino | After trying to install the newest ATI driver and re-running fglrxconf (something like it), the language options under Country and Language settings of the Control Center have disappeared. | 05:58 |
gdh | arg I knew it would be about bloody gfx drivers... | 05:58 |
Zunino | Also gone are the keyboard layout options. | 05:58 |
gdh | no idea sorry | 05:58 |
Zunino | I have no problem with the display though. It is working, even with 3D accel. | 05:58 |
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Zunino | The problem is that I can no longer type latin characters on my US-layout keyb. | 05:59 |
gdh | I can't imagine why it would've affected your keyboard :/ | 05:59 |
Zunino | Well, you know how the conf files get rewritten everytime you run fglrx... | 05:59 |
Zunino | I will give it a shot at #ubuntu, then. | 06:00 |
Zunino | Thanks anyway for trying | 06:00 |
Zunino | See ya... | 06:00 |
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gdh | I don't have an AGP card :) | 06:00 |
hussam | gdh: The cron job I added, won't work. The application is giving an error that it's not ruuning as root. How do I get it to run as root? | 06:00 |
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hussam | gdh: 0 * * * * root /path/to/app | 06:01 |
gdh | hussam: what crontab file did you put it in? | 06:01 |
gdh | yes, what file is that in? | 06:01 |
hussam | I created a new text file and saved it in /etc/cron.d/ | 06:01 |
hussam | /etc/cron.d/job1 | 06:02 |
gdh | hm, that looks right to me- can't imagine what the problem would be :/ | 06:02 |
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hussam | the only text in the file is: 0 * * * * root /path/to/app | 06:07 |
gdh | how does the app tell you it's not running as root? by email? | 06:08 |
gdh | any hints in /var/log/syslog ? | 06:08 |
hussam | gdh: yes by email. | 06:09 |
gdh | and when you run 'sudo /path/to/app' it runs as expected? | 06:10 |
hussam | gdh: yup | 06:10 |
gdh | haven't a clue, sorry :/ | 06:11 |
hussam | it's ok. I'll ask around. | 06:11 |
hussam | oh wait, I found something | 06:12 |
hussam | in the email. it says: | 06:12 |
hussam | X-Cron-Env: <HOME=/home/hussam> | 06:12 |
hussam | instead or root | 06:12 |
hussam | instead of* root | 06:12 |
hussam | and also X-Cron-Env: <LOGNAME=hussam> | 06:12 |
gdh | you sure you haven't got a crontab entry for both you and root? | 06:13 |
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gdh | but the root one is running as expected, so not emailing you | 06:13 |
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hussam | I donno, I only manually made the file and saved it. | 06:13 |
hussam | but I understand what you are saying | 06:13 |
gdh | did you at any point use the 'KCron' program? | 06:14 |
_user | hello ... i just installed kubuntu and can't do su - (going to be root), i know exactly the root password..... anyone? | 06:14 |
=== _user is now known as Expelliarmus | ||
opi | d'oh | 06:15 |
opi | it's sudo -s | 06:15 |
opi | and type your own password | 06:15 |
opi | Kubuntu's Ubuntu based | 06:15 |
Expelliarmus | hmm... | 06:15 |
opi | Ubuntu don't use su | 06:15 |
opi | only sudo | 06:15 |
opi | if you miss your root account | 06:15 |
opi | do | 06:15 |
hussam | gdh: oh yeah. The entry in Kcron is still there from when I tried Kcon. That's probably it :) | 06:15 |
opi | sudo password root | 06:15 |
Expelliarmus | hmm | 06:15 |
gdh | hussam: =)) | 06:15 |
Expelliarmus | ok ... :) | 06:15 |
Expelliarmus | thanks guys :) | 06:15 |
hussam | gdh: I'll remove the entry from Kcron | 06:15 |
opi | but sudo gives you same level of rights | 06:16 |
Expelliarmus | i usually use gentoo .... and now given task to install "easier to use" linux ... :p | 06:16 |
Expelliarmus | i've tried the solution... and (of course) works... thanks :) | 06:17 |
opi | well, sudo is a bit better for a desktop usage | 06:17 |
opi | no problem | 06:17 |
hussam | ok thanks for the help. I have to go now. | 06:17 |
opi | have fun with Kubuntu | 06:17 |
Expelliarmus | yeah :) | 06:17 |
Expelliarmus | and one other thing... | 06:17 |
opi | yes? | 06:18 |
Expelliarmus | i tried to remove "Account disabled" for root in Kuser, and it just crash ... (sigsegv) | 06:18 |
opi | hmm | 06:18 |
opi | first, root should not use X | 06:18 |
opi | second: never did that | 06:18 |
opi | try again, and again | 06:18 |
opi | and then fill bugzilla ;) | 06:18 |
Expelliarmus | by the way... i've tried both ubuntu and kubuntu... and i like kubuntu better :)) | 06:19 |
Expelliarmus | hmm... i'm running as user... and tried to run Kuser :) | 06:19 |
opi | I never used KUser ;) | 06:19 |
Expelliarmus | hmm... how to remove that "account disabled" thing manually? | 06:20 |
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gdh | www.ubuntuguide.org tells you :) | 06:20 |
opi | why do you want to remove that? | 06:20 |
Expelliarmus | actually, this system i'm working on is destined to be client :) | 06:20 |
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Expelliarmus | hmm... now i don't think i need to do that... afterall.. there's sudo :) | 06:21 |
Expelliarmus | well... just forget about that :) | 06:21 |
Expelliarmus | lol :)) | 06:21 |
Expelliarmus | thanks a lot man.... :) | 06:22 |
opi | you're welcome | 06:23 |
Expelliarmus | :) .... btw, how long have you used kubuntu? | 06:23 |
opi | since the start | 06:24 |
opi | since JRiddler and amu started it | 06:24 |
Expelliarmus | wow... | 06:24 |
Expelliarmus | cool :) | 06:24 |
Expelliarmus | and never switched since then? | 06:24 |
opi | nope | 06:27 |
Expelliarmus | cool .... :)) | 06:27 |
opi | I've been running Linux since some time now | 06:27 |
opi | but now I use Kubuntu on both workstation at work and home laptop | 06:27 |
opi | well, my server's Debian based | 06:28 |
opi | but that's because PegasosPPC Ubuntu is not ready yet ;> | 06:28 |
Expelliarmus | yeah .... i switched to linux around 3 years ago... :) switching from rh7.2-8-9-gentoo1.4-2004.1-2004.3-2005.0 :) | 06:28 |
opi | we're using Gentoo as our servers/routers at work | 06:29 |
opi | but that's job of our sysadmin, I'm a programmer ;) | 06:29 |
Expelliarmus | hmm ... i got *quite* a problem with ubuntu (it uses gnome!!) when i'm used to kde :)) | 06:29 |
opi | OK, I have to feed my girlfriend now ;) | 06:29 |
Expelliarmus | so, i guess kubuntu is better for me... | 06:30 |
opi | bbl | 06:30 |
Expelliarmus | ok :) | 06:30 |
Expelliarmus | *feed*?? :p | 06:30 |
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=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:amu] : http://www.kubuntu.org/~amu/kubuntu-5.04.3-i386-live.iso | KDE 3.4.1: deb http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde341 hoary-updates main | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de/ | Wiki Transition Tuesday | Use archive.ubuntu.com if us.archive.ubuntu.com gives md5sum errors | sudo sed -e 's/us.archive/archive/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list | ||
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Expelliarmus | anyone know how i can get gkrellm ?? | 06:37 |
gdh | Is that the daft thing that reminds you how much RAM you have, and what the weather is like? | 06:40 |
gdh | Personally, I look out the window for the latter. | 06:40 |
Expelliarmus | hahahhaa | 06:40 |
Expelliarmus | yeah... | 06:40 |
Expelliarmus | i use it to monitor my network connection rate :) | 06:41 |
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Expelliarmus | err... what's java runtime that ubuntu use? is it sablevm ? | 06:42 |
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Expelliarmus | anyone.... what's java vm that ubuntu use? | 06:48 |
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opi | by default: none | 06:59 |
opi | consult FAQ in title or ubuntuguide | 06:59 |
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Expelliarmus | hmm... | 07:01 |
Expelliarmus | ok :) | 07:01 |
Expelliarmus | now downloading sun java vm :) | 07:01 |
Expelliarmus | another question.. how do i manually install a .deb file? | 07:01 |
Expelliarmus | i need ntlmaps to bypass the firewall... (an m$ ISA server) | 07:02 |
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flodine | can i uninstall kubuntu | 07:05 |
flodine | hello help | 07:06 |
Expelliarmus | flodine | 07:06 |
Expelliarmus | flodine : sure :) | 07:06 |
flodine | yes | 07:07 |
flodine | help | 07:07 |
flodine | command | 07:07 |
Expelliarmus | hmm... i think you just need to remove the partition... :) | 07:08 |
Expelliarmus | you're using windows now? on the same computer? | 07:08 |
airox | flodine: Why do you want to uninstall kubuntu ? (the reason gives people something to work on :) | 07:09 |
flodine | i just want ubuntu | 07:09 |
airox | ahhh | 07:09 |
airox | Why ? :) | 07:09 |
flodine | going to put kubuntu on diffent computer | 07:10 |
airox | Ok then. | 07:10 |
flodine | i dont want both on the samre | 07:10 |
flodine | same | 07:10 |
flodine | you know back and forth' | 07:10 |
opi | have you installed packages with aptitude? | 07:11 |
flodine | yes sir | 07:11 |
opi | aptitude can automagiclly remove all unused stuff | 07:11 |
opi | just remove core of KDE and it should pick it up | 07:11 |
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opi | you can also dpkg-reconfigure gdm and bring gdm back | 07:11 |
flodine | is there a command | 07:11 |
opi | afer you'll remove KDM | 07:12 |
opi | flodine: command to? | 07:12 |
flodine | its so easy to typ apt to get kde but what about uninstalling it | 07:14 |
gdh | flodine: install ubuntu-desktop ... then when it's all done, remove kdelibs4 | 07:14 |
gdh | that will pull the rug out from under every KDE app | 07:14 |
flodine | i already got ubuntu installed | 07:14 |
opi | flodine: aptitide can uninstall stuff but only when you had installed stuff with it | 07:14 |
opi | flodine: maybe Synaptic can remove unused depends? | 07:15 |
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opi | you can also write a simple script | 07:16 |
opi | or, you can leave ;)) | 07:16 |
Expelliarmus | i think he just need to do remove the kubuntu partition " | 07:18 |
Expelliarmus | :) | 07:18 |
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opi | naa | 07:20 |
opi | if he has Ubuntu and Kubuntu | 07:21 |
opi | that means he has a kubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop installed | 07:21 |
opi | they sit on same partition | 07:21 |
opi | you can write a hackish script that would remove everything that depend on QT | 07:22 |
opi | or, be smart, and aptitiude install kubuntu-desktop before | 07:22 |
airox | :) | 07:22 |
Expelliarmus | hmm ... ic :) | 07:25 |
Expelliarmus | it | 07:25 |
Expelliarmus | 's not installed on 2 partitions?? :) | 07:25 |
opi | nope | 07:26 |
opi | you can have both | 07:26 |
opi | just fetch metapackages | 07:26 |
opi | ubuntu-desktop when running Kubuntu | 07:26 |
opi | or kubuntu-desktop while running Ubunut | 07:26 |
=== rob_ [~rob@pool-141-151-223-8.cap.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
rob_ | hi | 07:27 |
opi | then you will have another session in KDM/GDM | 07:27 |
rob_ | anyone there? | 07:27 |
opi | yes, few brave souls | 07:28 |
opi | one drunk | 07:28 |
rob_ | too early | 07:28 |
rob_ | for me | 07:28 |
airox | opi: two | 07:28 |
opi | well, it's 19:23 CET ;) | 07:28 |
airox | yeah indeed | 07:28 |
rob_ | ok | 07:28 |
opi | I'm going to relax soon | 07:30 |
rob_ | i have installed unbuntu and am haveing problem with updating gnucash so ia ma thinking that kubuntu would do better. | 07:30 |
opi | I'm going %bto wash my dishes | 07:30 |
opi | bah | 07:30 |
opi | bold ;) | 07:30 |
opi | rob_: what kind of problem | 07:30 |
opi | rob_: name branch you're using | 07:30 |
opi | rob_: and what kind of error dpkg throws | 07:30 |
rob_ | ubuntu comes with 1.8.9 and cant upgrade to 1.8.11 | 07:31 |
opi | since Kubuntu uses same main & universe, I don't think Kubuntu will do much better | 07:31 |
rob_ | does not recognise directory | 07:31 |
opi | rob_: where did you get package with that? | 07:31 |
rob_ | from cd | 07:32 |
opi | OK, that's the orginal one | 07:32 |
opi | I'll check what's in Ubuntu repos | 07:32 |
rob_ | 1.8.11 d/l from gnucash | 07:32 |
opi | it's a package or a source-code? | 07:32 |
rob_ | not sure | 07:33 |
rob_ | im pretty new | 07:33 |
opi | wait, I'll check | 07:33 |
opi | OK | 07:33 |
Expelliarmus | guys...what can i do to bypass an ISA server? | 07:33 |
opi | just wait a minute | 07:33 |
gdh | Expelliarmus: Get a promotion? | 07:34 |
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opi | rob_: I don't think there's a package for 1.8.11 now | 07:35 |
rob_ | ?? | 07:35 |
opi | package is a binary file that has a program prepared for deployment | 07:36 |
opi | over your system | 07:36 |
opi | while 1.8.11 is released as source code, not yet packaged | 07:36 |
opi | you would have to compile it by yourself | 07:36 |
rob_ | when does that usually happen?? | 07:36 |
Expelliarmus | hmm... | 07:36 |
gdh | hoary won't contain any new versions - it's a 'stable release' | 07:37 |
Expelliarmus | i usually use ntlmaps :) | 07:37 |
=== _pax [~pax@ool-43513cf5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
gdh | breezy in october will contain new versions of software. until then you'll need to compile the software yourself. | 07:37 |
opi | rob_: well, you know -- when distribution is defined stable | 07:37 |
opi | rob_: no new software will be made for that | 07:37 |
opi | rob_: there's new, developers only, branch with new stuff | 07:38 |
opi | rob_: when it will get polished, new stuff will be in | 07:38 |
Expelliarmus | kubuntu breezy's due on october? | 07:38 |
opi | seems so | 07:39 |
gdh | Yes, the same as Ubuntu's :) | 07:39 |
opi | but KDE has no release-cycles as Gnome has | 07:39 |
rob_ | problem is that 1.8.9 can not handle msmoney2004 files for import | 07:39 |
gdh | one release every six months... 4.10 = 2004 October .. 5.04= 2005 April... | 07:39 |
opi | rob_: I did look around and I'll tell you what | 07:39 |
gdh | breezy will be 5.10 etc. | 07:39 |
Expelliarmus | hmm.. i can get breezy ubuntu tough.... | 07:39 |
Expelliarmus | from the daily build :)) | 07:39 |
gdh | if you are not familiar with debian systems , don't go near breezy :) | 07:40 |
opi | rob_: you can try to install it form the source | 07:40 |
opi | rob_: but if you're a beginner, it can get messy | 07:40 |
opi | rob_: I could try to build a package for you, but it will take some time | 07:40 |
opi | rob_: as I'm very lame at package creating | 07:41 |
rob_ | im free and willing to learn unless it is not advised | 07:41 |
Expelliarmus | :)) | 07:41 |
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opi | rob_: it's not adivced to install source-compiled stuff over your system | 07:41 |
rob_ | ok | 07:41 |
opi | hmmm | 07:41 |
rob_ | thanks for the advise | 07:42 |
opi | rob_: OK, I can try to package it later today | 07:42 |
rob_ | that would be very kind of you | 07:42 |
opi | rob_: if you're intrested, drop me a mail to emil@bronikowski.com | 07:43 |
opi | with a reminder | 07:43 |
opi | I would love to help you with getting your first compilation done | 07:43 |
gdh | for a 0.0.2 point release it should be fairly straightforward. :) | 07:43 |
rob_ | is there anything i can or should do?? | 07:43 |
opi | but my girlfriend is sick, and I have tone things to do | 07:43 |
opi | like ferrets feedeing | 07:43 |
opi | washing dishes | 07:43 |
opi | and so on | 07:43 |
opi | rob_: you can order me a beer when we will meet ;) | 07:43 |
opi | make that two ;) | 07:43 |
rob_ | np | 07:44 |
opi | so drop me an e-mail now, and I'll hack it at night | 07:44 |
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_judith | where do I get a working java repository? | 07:51 |
theD3viL | _judith, try #ubuntu | 07:52 |
theD3viL | _judith, try www.google.com | 07:52 |
opi | _judith: try ubuntuguide.org :-) | 07:53 |
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mats | was i universal or univers or else what was it I needed to get in the apt-source list? | 07:53 |
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_pablo | hello | 08:01 |
_pablo | hola | 08:01 |
gdh | hai :) | 08:01 |
_pablo | ai alguien espaol? | 08:01 |
maski | si, yo | 08:02 |
_pablo | tienes msn messenger? | 08:02 |
maski | no | 08:02 |
_pablo | oo | 08:02 |
_pablo | cuantos aos tienes? | 08:02 |
airox | What ? | 08:02 |
airox | :) | 08:02 |
gdh | Sausage, egg and chips, please. | 08:03 |
_pablo | maski,cuantos aos tienes? | 08:03 |
airox | lol gdh | 08:03 |
gdh | =) | 08:03 |
_pablo | 'not there isn't | 08:04 |
=== airox trows eggs in gdh's face | ||
airox | throws* | 08:04 |
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gdh | hehe :)) | 08:04 |
opi | Kiebaska, jajko i czipsy? Zaraz bd ;D | 08:05 |
_pablo | airox,you are so silly! | 08:06 |
airox | O_o | 08:06 |
_pablo | airox is silly | 08:07 |
airox | Thanks. | 08:07 |
_pablo | but.... | 08:07 |
_pablo | not molest? | 08:08 |
=== Octane [~octane@dsl092-100-149.nyc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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_pablo | I need a one Volunteer but... that is idiot , Whoever that says 365 | 08:15 |
_pablo | ok? | 08:15 |
=== _pablo [~pablo@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_pablo | hola? | 08:18 |
airox | howdy! | 08:18 |
_pablo | ai alguien espaol | 08:18 |
_pablo | ? | 08:18 |
gdh | I have the strangest feeling of deja vu.. | 08:18 |
_pablo | ai alguien espaol? | 08:18 |
airox | I have the feeling I don't understand him .. | 08:18 |
_pablo | please conecct at: /join #<linux> | 08:19 |
gdh | ingles, por favor =) | 08:19 |
_pablo | please , conecct at:/join #<linux> | 08:21 |
_pablo | Thanks | 08:21 |
_pablo | Whoever that says 365 | 08:21 |
airox | !? | 08:21 |
airox | Maybe a little understandable english would be nice to :D | 08:22 |
_pablo | please conecct at : /join #<linux> , thanks please conecct at : /join #<linux> , thanks | 08:22 |
_pablo | please conecct at : /join #<linux> , thanks | 08:23 |
_pablo | please conecct at : /join #<linux> , thanks | 08:23 |
_pablo | please conecct at : /join #<linux> , thanks | 08:23 |
_pablo | please conecct at : /join #<linux> , thanks | 08:23 |
_pablo | please conecct at : /join #<linux> , thanks | 08:23 |
_pablo | please conecct at : /join #<linux> , thanks | 08:23 |
_pablo | please conecct at : /join #<linux> , thanks | 08:23 |
airox | stop it. | 08:23 |
_pablo | please conecct at : /join #<linux> , thanks | 08:23 |
_pablo | please conecct at : /join #<linux> , thanks | 08:23 |
_pablo | please conecct at : /join #<linux> , thanks | 08:23 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o uniq] by ChanServ | ||
_pablo | please conecct at : /join #<linux> , thanks | 08:23 |
_pablo | please conecct at : /join #<linux> , thanks | 08:23 |
_pablo | please conecct at : /join #<linux> , thanks | 08:23 |
airox | Stop it! | 08:23 |
_pablo | please conecct at : /join #<linux> , thanks | 08:23 |
_pablo | please conecct at : /join #<linux> , thanks | 08:23 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+b *!*pablo@85.55.3.*] by uniq | ||
=== _pablo was kicked off #kubuntu by uniq (*void*) | ||
nmorse | Go, uniq, stop him! | 08:23 |
airox | Yay! | 08:23 |
gdh | and the circle of life continues | 08:23 |
airox | Can I marry you uniq ? | 08:24 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o uniq] by uniq | ||
airox | merry ? | 08:24 |
uniq | heh.. well :) | 08:24 |
gdh | can someone please shoot elton john on the way out? | 08:24 |
nmorse | sure | 08:24 |
airox | lol | 08:24 |
nmorse | Hmm, maybe I'll get an XGI card instead of an nVidia | 08:31 |
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nmorse | Just to support some competition, but probably only if they really do release their driver source to X.org | 08:31 |
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_rajiv | hey | 08:36 |
_rajiv | can someone help me | 08:36 |
_rajiv | install extra repositories | 08:37 |
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=== lap [~lap@82-35-71-158.cable.ubr01.dals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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flodine | a guys is there a firewall for kubuntu | 09:05 |
crimsun | sure, you can install any number of packages, like firestarter | 09:08 |
flodine | i installed it but dont see it in kubuntu | 09:08 |
flodine | it in ubuntu | 09:08 |
flodine | side | 09:09 |
crimsun | are you looking for a graphical editor of rules? I've always done it by hand. | 09:09 |
flodine | crimsun is the repository the same as ubuntu | 09:12 |
crimsun | yes | 09:12 |
flodine | or do i have to configure this one to | 09:12 |
flodine | you know in etc | 09:12 |
crimsun | no, the repos are identical | 09:13 |
flodine | so dont do the kudos | 09:13 |
flodine | just the one i did in ubntu | 09:13 |
crimsun | what are you talking about? | 09:14 |
crimsun | ("kudos") | 09:14 |
flodine | when you up date software | 09:14 |
flodine | the etc/apt/source | 09:14 |
flodine | there not diffrent | 09:15 |
crimsun | you don't need to add anything to /etc/apt/sources.list | 09:15 |
flodine | ok | 09:15 |
flodine | does kubuntu have something like gdesklets | 09:17 |
crimsun | wait around for an actual kde user. | 09:18 |
flodine | crimsun you on kde or gnome | 09:19 |
crimsun | I'm at work, therefore I'm using Windows XP | 09:19 |
flodine | ooo | 09:20 |
liz4rd | crimsun: ewie | 09:25 |
flodine | how do i open firestarter | 09:27 |
flodine | it keeps asking for a root | 09:27 |
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uniq | flodine: super karamba is much like gdesklets. http://kdelook.org | 09:29 |
flodine | does it have a desklet bar | 09:29 |
uniq | don't know.. i don't use it. | 09:29 |
uniq | http://netdragon.sourceforge.net/ssuperkaramba.html | 09:30 |
flodine | how do i open firestart please help | 09:30 |
flodine | not in menu | 09:30 |
uniq | what is the problem? | 09:30 |
flodine | firestarter how do i open it without using a terminal | 09:31 |
uniq | choose it from the menu? | 09:31 |
flodine | its not there | 09:31 |
flodine | i installed on the gnome side | 09:32 |
uniq | make a shortcut then.. in either menu editor (right click on the k-menu-button - choose menu editor) | 09:32 |
uniq | or just make a shortcut on the desktop or whereever. | 09:33 |
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cspan | hi | 10:27 |
cspan | everytime i reboot i have to open the gnome network configuration and enable my network interface | 10:27 |
cspan | kde network cconf doesnt work | 10:27 |
cspan | and it doesnt do it automatically | 10:27 |
cspan | why? | 10:27 |
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_judith | What do I do with this error? "C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check" | 10:31 |
crimsun | _judith: do you have build-essential installed? | 10:32 |
_judith | crimsun: I do not know! Can I grab it by apt-get? | 10:32 |
liz4rd | yes | 10:32 |
_judith | grabbing it thanx | 10:33 |
_judith | what about X includes? I have tried X11-devel but it does not work! | 10:34 |
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_judith | I know I need X.org development packages but what is the name of the particular package? | 10:38 |
crimsun | _judith: x-dev should suffice | 10:38 |
_judith | Thanx I'll try that | 10:39 |
_judith | crimsun: How did you know? Is there a way to list apt-get packages? I am new to Debian/ubuntu | 10:40 |
crimsun | _judith: generally speaking, you can sudo apt-get build-dep someapp | 10:40 |
crimsun | that will install all the build dependencies for that application | 10:41 |
crimsun | it doesn't work for all cases - only for ones in the Ubuntu repository | 10:41 |
TrueChaos|Lap | wow, this is amazing... i dont have to restart my laptop... with windows i would have to restart it every now and then, with kubuntu... never so far. | 10:42 |
crimsun | generally speaking, you only have to reboot for a new kernel | 10:43 |
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TrueChaos|Lap | :D | 10:44 |
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liz4rd | how do install the java plugin for firefox or plain mozilla | 11:39 |
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