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jbailey | crimsun: Around? | 02:59 |
jamessan | jbailey: the last upload didn't take since there wasn't an orig.tar.gz | 03:14 |
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jamessan | jbailey: the last fish upload didn't take since there wasn't an orig.tar.gz | 03:33 |
jbailey | Eh? Weird. | 03:33 |
jbailey | I'll grab it a touch later, I'm hacking on something else atm. | 03:34 |
jamessan | ok | 03:34 |
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lamont | bad network-manager (non-PIC in shared lib) | 05:57 |
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HostingGeek | Oh crap | 12:00 |
HostingGeek | I just upgraded x.org | 12:00 |
HostingGeek | Is the topic referring to X as x.org | 12:00 |
siretart | HostingGeek: yes, it is | 12:12 |
siretart | moin | 12:13 |
littlepaul | siretart, moin | 12:13 |
siretart | huhu littlepaul | 12:15 |
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HWolf | Guys, I have a weird problem with vlc | 01:53 |
lsuactiafner | if it itches go see a doctor.. | 01:53 |
HWolf | It installs and works just fine, but I can't set it as the default for opening files in nautilus, if I select it in "add application" I get an error "could not add ..." | 01:54 |
HostingGeek | siretart: what its broken? | 01:56 |
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siretart | HostingGeek: I don't use breezy's X.org yet. | 02:22 |
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\sh | morning | 04:27 |
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siretart | hi \sh | 04:31 |
\sh | hey siretart | 04:34 |
\sh | oh man...it's too hot for me | 04:36 |
siretart | way too hot | 04:44 |
siretart | \sh: if you have a minute, could you please have a look at https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=11940 and tell me your opinion? | 04:45 |
\sh | yeah | 04:46 |
\sh | put long instead of int for this cast | 04:46 |
siretart | \sh: well, this would be quite intrusive, because they are using that callback as template, and it seems to be instantiated at several places.. hmm | 04:47 |
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\sh | well on i386 int and long have the same size | 04:47 |
\sh | problem is on 64bit | 04:47 |
\sh | int == int and long larger then int | 04:47 |
\sh | and pointers need long on 64bit | 04:47 |
\sh | and if you fix this, and running into other build errors on amd64 patch it ;) | 04:48 |
siretart | siretart@hades:~/src/ubuntu/sfs/sfs-0.8-0+pre20041016.1 | 04:48 |
siretart | >> grep -r 'callback<void, int>' * G int | wc -l | 04:48 |
siretart | 72 | 04:48 |
siretart | and I'm not sure if that catches all error | 04:48 |
tseng | fun | 04:48 |
Lathiat | whats sfs? | 04:48 |
\sh | siretart: but this is easy to solve | 04:49 |
siretart | Lathiat: self certifing filesystem, a package affected by CxxTransition | 04:49 |
Lathiat | ah ok | 04:49 |
siretart | \sh: you mean, with perl regex magic? | 04:49 |
\sh | siretart: i think emacs or vi is much better :) to proofe it :) | 04:50 |
\sh | http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/h/hdf5/1.6.4-2ubuntu1/ this is more interessting | 04:50 |
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\sh | and I'll have a shower now | 04:53 |
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koke | hi al!! | 05:42 |
tseng | hi | 05:42 |
koke | wow, June 27th is the day of my last exam :) | 05:42 |
tseng | rock on | 05:42 |
tseng | is there a package for that little evolution new mail applet? | 05:44 |
ogra | tseng, is there already a release ? | 05:49 |
tseng | shrug | 05:49 |
ogra | i know its in cvs | 05:49 |
tseng | i havent heard anything about it forever | 05:49 |
ogra | i'm still pondering if i should port evonotify to dbus or rather package the new applet.... but the status seems rather unclear to me | 05:50 |
ogra | but i'd definately like to have something like that in breezy | 05:51 |
tseng | i wonder if it knows if i have new mails since last time | 05:51 |
tseng | or just unread mails | 05:51 |
tseng | the second is useless, i always have unread mail | 05:51 |
tseng | maybe unread in my inbox only would be ok | 05:52 |
ogra | it sends a dbus message if new mail arrives.... evo needs to run for that | 05:53 |
tseng | ah thats perfect | 05:53 |
ogra | so it notifs only on new mail... as evonotify does... | 05:53 |
tseng | im wanting to run evo all the time but not have to look at it every couple minutes | 05:53 |
ogra | yeps | 05:53 |
tseng | great :) | 05:54 |
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koke | tseng: what artwork do you want for mono live?? | 06:08 |
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tseng | koke: oh | 06:29 |
tseng | koke: hang on jhill posted more specifically | 06:29 |
tseng | koke: http://www.beyondfocus.com/WeblogX/PermaLink.aspx/6f5e75c0-24f8-433d-86df-cea4b6405435 | 06:30 |
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siretart | \sh: sfs now builds on amd64 with g++-4.0 in breezy chroot. | 06:45 |
siretart | \sh: you where right, fix was trivial | 06:46 |
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siretart | \sh: btw hdf5 got built on ppc a few hours ago | 06:56 |
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ogra | tseng, thoughts about galago ? | 07:12 |
tseng | ogra: about packaging? | 07:13 |
ogra | yes, for breezy | 07:13 |
ogra | dunno how stable it is yet though | 07:13 |
tseng | i think the ideas are really cool, im not sure the implementation at this point | 07:13 |
tseng | i guess its just a framework and no one is using it yet.. | 07:14 |
ogra | ok, lets leave it for breezy+1 | 07:14 |
tseng | there isnt that much cool user exposed stuff yet | 07:14 |
tseng | yes, lets | 07:14 |
ogra | haha.... shock and awe to the user.... http://sourceforge.net/project/screenshots.php?group_id=140598&ssid=13855 | 07:15 |
tseng | or throw it in universe | 07:15 |
tseng | quietly | 07:15 |
tseng | oh man | 07:15 |
ogra | now _thats_ UI beauty, isnt it ? (how do i make my gnome apps look like KDE) | 07:15 |
tseng | that looks like something straight out of KDE | 07:15 |
tseng | hahahahahah | 07:15 |
ogra | lol | 07:15 |
tseng | great minds think alike. | 07:15 |
ogra | yay | 07:15 |
tseng | buttons-as-tabs | 07:16 |
tseng | thats great, we should use it all the time. | 07:16 |
ogra | heh | 07:16 |
tseng | i am not a fan of xcompmgr at this point | 07:17 |
tseng | the effects are too heavy | 07:17 |
ogra | me neither.... | 07:17 |
tseng | and are probably pretty bad for usability | 07:18 |
ogra | but it works quite well if i want it, my amd64 an the nivida card only get about 60% performance drawbacks....so 40% are still left | 07:18 |
tseng | it works crappily on ati | 07:19 |
ogra | which is still faster then my other pII 400 laptop with 128MB | 07:19 |
ogra | err pIII | 07:19 |
ogra | if you can make real use of the features they will be cool, but that will requite lots of usability studies i guess | 07:20 |
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siretart | ogra: do you want to have a look at this patch (sfs, transition was... nasty), or may I proceed with uploading? https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=11940 | 07:49 |
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ogra | siretart, looks ok.... go ahaead | 07:53 |
siretart | juck :) | 07:53 |
ivoks | xcomposite is quite ok on nvidia | 07:58 |
siretart | what do I need to enable composite? | 08:02 |
siretart | (I know, this is not a user help channel ;) | 08:03 |
ivoks | xcompmgr | 08:03 |
siretart | no, in the xorg.conf | 08:03 |
ivoks | Section "Extensions" \\ Option "Composite" "Enable" \\ EndSection | 08:03 |
siretart | ok. thanks | 08:03 |
siretart | err. huh? I just try it out on an nvidia 6600gt, and I don't think its running acceptable :/ | 08:08 |
ivoks | hehe disable glx | 08:08 |
ivoks | no 3D with xcomposition :) | 08:08 |
siretart | what? I may not use 3d? | 08:09 |
ivoks | for now... if you use nvidia drivers | 08:09 |
ivoks | nvidia said they will fix that | 08:09 |
ivoks | said | 08:09 |
siretart | ic | 08:09 |
ivoks | hm... what's up with F1?! | 08:11 |
siretart | strange, huh? | 08:11 |
ivoks | only 6 cars | 08:11 |
siretart | no cars with michelin tyres | 08:12 |
ivoks | yeah | 08:12 |
Seveas | michelin has problems | 08:12 |
ivoks | you know what happend? | 08:12 |
ivoks | they have bad tiers, i know that... but why didn'y they start? | 08:12 |
Seveas | it is dangerous to start on michelin tyres | 08:12 |
ivoks | :) | 08:13 |
ivoks | leason 1. | 08:13 |
ivoks | how to spend money and don't do anything :) | 08:13 |
Seveas | hahaha | 08:13 |
HiddenWolf | My god, what happened? | 08:13 |
ivoks | imagine costs of bringing those cars there with all that equipment, and then miss the race :) | 08:14 |
ivoks | and what about all those people? | 08:14 |
HiddenWolf | What happened? | 08:14 |
ivoks | hoooooh... that's USA... you can't imagine all the trials after this :) | 08:14 |
ivoks | HiddenWolf: i don't know, i did't watch it from the begining... | 08:15 |
HiddenWolf | Did only 6 cars start?... | 08:15 |
ivoks | yes | 08:15 |
HiddenWolf | What a debacle for the sport. | 08:15 |
Seveas | quite... | 08:17 |
ivoks | but... jerks throwing botles on road? | 08:18 |
HiddenWolf | Yeah, they paid $250 the man to be there | 08:19 |
HiddenWolf | and they don't get a race. | 08:20 |
ivoks | that doesn't give them right to kill anyone | 08:20 |
ivoks | do you know what a simple beer can can do on 300km/h? | 08:20 |
HiddenWolf | i know | 08:20 |
ivoks | well, those drivers driving aren't guilty ones | 08:21 |
ivoks | michelin is guilty | 08:21 |
HiddenWolf | True. | 08:22 |
ivoks | they prepared tiers that are bad for this track | 08:22 |
HiddenWolf | This might well kill F1 in the US | 08:23 |
ivoks | yeah :( | 08:23 |
ivoks | heh... when you think... those teams not running... so stoopid | 08:24 |
ivoks | they didn't want to race | 08:24 |
HiddenWolf | Think about all the PR managers grabbing for prozac. | 08:25 |
ivoks | heh | 08:25 |
ivoks | we will see lot's of sueing now... | 08:25 |
ivoks | from sponsors of williams, mclaren, toyota, renault... | 08:25 |
HiddenWolf | from the indianapolis motor speedway and the drivers themselves. | 08:26 |
HiddenWolf | From the FIA and the F1 Holding Company | 08:26 |
ivoks | yeah | 08:26 |
ivoks | and people that were there | 08:27 |
ivoks | http://www.fia.com/mediacentre/Press_Releases/FIA_Sport/2005/June/190605-02.html | 08:31 |
ivoks | you have told your teams the left rear is safe for a maximum of ten laps at full speed | 08:34 |
ivoks | lol, fools :) | 08:34 |
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Ti_Uhl | hello | 08:51 |
Ti_Uhl | i've made a little tool to change the user password and geckos information but i haven't got a clue about how to package it and send it in for submission | 08:52 |
ivoks | hehe | 08:54 |
ivoks | http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/ | 08:54 |
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